146 Abstracts Strassheim Silver Lake Center Lake Woods Fritch Kirwan
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146 Abstracts Strassheim Silver Lake Center Lake Woods Fritch Kirwan
Page 1 - 48 Abstract of title for the North East Quarter of Section 18 T1 R20E Silver Lake commonly known as the property of Agnes Strassheim. Referring also to the following names: Kraemer, Bullen, Griswold, Zykes, Schmalfeldt, Mygatt, Peters, Sykes, Wood, Schenning, Shenning, Chicago, Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad Company, Schening, Heinz, Wisconsin Telephone Company, Button, Hale, Manney, Ayer, Head, Hessler, (Village of Silver Lake incorporation information page 26), Zarnsorff, Jahnke, Ballack,Bushing, Proost, Dean, From the Strassheim Family Collection. Page 49- 50 Warranty Deed of Section 21 T1 R20E Salem commonly known as part of Center Lake Woods noting names Tatooles, Johnson and Specht. Page 51 -54 Abstract of title for the North West Quarter of Section 21 T1 R20E Salem commonly known as part of Center Lake Manor. Referring also to the following names: Tuttle, Farrar, Lamb, Carey, Voak. Page 55 - 123 abstract of title for the South West Quarter of Section 21 Salem commonly known as the Fritch Residence in Yaws Subdivision. Referring also to the following names: Yaw, Squires, Nicholes, Phillips, Merrill, Moore, Bannister, Webster, Blanchard, VanAlstine, Dibble, Dalton, Stevens, Preston, McVey, Ehlert, Kurzrck, Windheim, Frantz, Evans, Kraemer, Fritch, Hula, Dogot, Schenning, More, McDowell, Keenan, Bannister, Lutheran Brotherhood, Meyer, Lewis, Kutis. Page 124- 211 Abstract of title for the North West Quarter of Section 21 Salem commonly known as the Kirwan Residence in First Addition of Center Lake Manor. Referring also the following names: Roberts, Kirwan, Tuttle, Farrar, Thorp, School District No 1 (aka Camp Lake School), Benedict, Hollenbeck, Achen, Kingman, McVey, Ludewing, Hubbard, Winters, Bliss, Lewis, Kruckman, Bailey, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad Company, Morris, Zuttermeister Ice Company, Wisconsin Central Railroad, Card, Knickerbacker Ice Company, (Wilmot and Salem Road pg 157) (Upper Camp Lake, page 157), Consumers Company, City Fuel Company, Whitmore, Franck, Woodland Lakes Realty Trust, Meyer, Evans, Siebert, Lois, Riggs, Kaphengst, Prima Company, Ruetz, Schlax, Howard, Besterfeldt, Lamb, Roberts, Hansen, Eckert Street (pg 208) .
146 Abstracts Strassheim Silver Lake Center Lake Woods Fritch Kirwan.pdf
Linda Valentine Snippets
Real property
Deeds of trust
Map collections
Kenosha County, Wisconsin
Salem, Wisconsin
Salem Lakes, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Wilmot, Wisconsin