Western Kenosha County Plats, Maps, and Deeds
Item set
- Title
- Type
Western Kenosha County Plats, Maps, and Deeds
Western Kenosha County
485 Shorewood Improvement Association Plats Maps
Various plats of properties in the Shoreview neighborhood and maps of the local area. -
175 Maps throughout Western Kenosha County
Pages: 0-16 Town Of Salem early thru the 1940s, including 1899 17 -Silver Lake 18-19 Sunset Oaks 1928 20-23 Camp Lake Gardens 1928 24 Wilmot and Fox River 1969 25 Post Office locations in western Kenosha County 26-27 Wheatland, not 1899 or 1917 but after 1850 28-38 Wheatland and Randall various maps 39-46 Brighton maps 47-49 Brighton and Salem maps (an interesting Building location map pre BONG, likely apx 1910 and shows school locations) 50 Brighton, Bristol and Salem Map undated 51 Silver Lake not 1899 or 1917 52-60 1969 apx lap maps, incomplete from Kenosha County via Solid Brass Fine Antiques of Richmond IL 62-75 Pre 1926 Plat Book of Kenosha County by W W Hixson and Co of Rockford I L 76-108 1969 apx Lake Maps Fisherman's Guide by Edward J Wavro Kenosha County Clerk showing lake depths 1 09-163 1986 Land Atlas and Plat Book for Kenosha and Racine Counties with land owners, road and street index from RSI. -
837 Kenosha, Walworth, Racine Plats 1979-1980
These Plats were published with the compliments of Col. Bill White Realty, Inc which was located on Hwy F in Salem during this time. The booklets include an index of the owners. -
145 Abstracts Hartnell, McCormick, Tamarack Abstracts and Legal Documents
Page 1 - 156 Abstract of title for the North East Quarter of Section 1 0 T1 R20E Salem commonly known as the properties belonging to Miner Hartnell at Hwy F and Hwy 50 and STH 83. Referring also to the following names: Dodge, Nichols, Noble, Jackson, Flynn, Lovet, Sherwood, Spencer, Craig, Ripley, VanAlstine, Gad, Gadd, Gregory, Cull, Bain, Stanbridge, Tarbell, Stonebraker, Bacon, Baker, Frost, Magnuson, Lange, Swartz, Jones, Laub, Udall, Burgess, Hartnell, Lamb, Rollow, Darling, Hellier, Cornwell, Beck, Christgow, Bluim, Minnis, McNulty, Brook, Hansen, Schatz, Deuel. From the Richard Hartnell Family Collection. Page 157- 161 Certified Survey for the North East Quarter of Section 14 T1 R20E Salem commonly known as part of Tamarack Trails between AH and 83rd Street. Page 162 - 234 Abstract of title for the North West Quarter of Section 14 T1 R20E Salem commonly known as the McCormick property on STH 83. Referring also to the following names: Smith, Lease, Train, Willard, Newell, Cutler, Reeve, Stow, Havens, King, Barber, Cloggin, Cogin, Canedy, Ripley, Turnock, Waukesha Hygeia Mineral Springs Company (aka Waukesha Pipe pg 176), Brook, Leach, Timme, Vogt, School District Number 5 (aka Salem Grade School), Fisher, Drury, Smith, Mitchell, Train, Willard, Tyneson, Hartnell, Robbins, Voltz, Newell, Cutler, Kenosha and Beloit Railroad Company, Kenosha Rockford and Rock Island Rail Road Company, Simmons, Dodge, Stow, Havens, Brown, Barber, Stanbridge, Benedict, Watson, Mclaren, Turnock, Brook Barlow Investment Company of Burlington, Snieding, Sanders, Quinn, Meinhardt, King, Day, Manchester, Vogt, Dunn, Weaver, McDonald, Edgar, Maynard, Slaughter, Miller, Bailey, Taylor, Tymeson, Grant, Cook, Grant, Brandes, Fuhrer, Bairstow, Griffin, Schmidt, Swenson. From the McCormack Family Collection. -
645S Kenosha Walworth Racine Soil Plats in Color WKCHS
This is an excerpt booklet of the 645 booklet that includes more than just the COLOR SOIL sheets and legends. Mildred V Stockwell of Salem WI who lived on the South Side of Hwy 50 apx across from the old Westosha Veterinary Hospital retained these soil maps. See also SOS 645 booklet with additional material. -Undated COLOR Soil Maps of Walworth, Kenosha and Racine County towns with legends. -
645 Kenosha Walworth Racine Plats
-Several Handwritten notes, presumably by Mildred V Stockwell of Salem WI who lived on the South Side of Hwy 5O apx across from the old Westosha Veterinary Hospital and No side at vet. sec 4 & 9. Honorable discharge from the United States Navy for Aloysius Waszkowski Seaman First Class USNR 11-12-1945. Unknown if this is a relative or just in the collection. pg 16; -Post 1926 Stacy's Farm Plat Book of Kenosha County - Newberry Abstract Co. Stacy Map Publishers, Rockford IL which also incluseds a few advertising panels. pg 26; - 1937 unmarked Kenosha County Abstract Company Plats by Stacy Publishers, Rockford IL pg 35; - 1937 marked Kenosha County Abstract Company Plats by Stacy Publishers, Rockford IL and includes some handwritten notes on the reverse sides of several plats.pg 47; - 1937 WELL marked Kenosha County Abstract Company Plats by Stacy Publishers, Rockford IL and includes some handwritten notes on the reverse sides of several plats~ pg 57; -Undated Walworth County overall map of 16 townships pg 71; -Undated Walworth County town plats pg 73; -Undated Racine County Town plats pg 91; -Undated Soil Maps of Walworth, Kenosha and Racine County townswith legends pg 103. -
713 Kenosha County area Misc Maps Plats and Burlington WKCHS
1 1853 Kenosha County Map (potential rail line routes) original Wheatland RARE; 2 1853 Kenosha County Map (potential rail line routes) original Wheatland RARE; 3 1853 Kenoshai County Map (potential rail line routes) original Wheatland RARE; 4 1861 partial Salem and Brighton; 5 1861 partial Salem Brighton Bristol Paris; 6 1861 partial Salem Brighton Bristol Paris; 7 1861 partial Sa1em Bristol Liberty detail; 8 1861 partial Sa1em Brighton Bristol Paris; 9 1861 partial Brighton Paris; 1 0 1873 partial Brighton Salem Wheatland Burlington; I 11 1873 partial Burlington Brighton Salem Wheatland; 12 1903 partial Brighton Wheatland Burlington; 13 1903 partial Brighton Wheatland Burlington; 14 1903 Partial Randall Wheatland Salem Bristol Paris; 15 1903 Partial Randall Wheatland Salem Bristol Paris; I 16 191 0 Partial Salem Brighton Bristol Paris; 17 191 0 Partial Salem Brighton Bristol Paris; 18 1958 Kenosha County School District Map; 19 Undated mimeography Salem Brighton Roads; 20 Undated mirt1eography Salem Brighton Roads; 21 1887 East side Brighton; 22 1887 West side Brighton; 23 1908 Brighton; 24 1908 Brighton 25 1920 Brighton; 26 1931 East Brighton; 27 1931 West Brighton; 28 1931 East Brighton; 29 1931 West Brighton pre Bong; 30 1963 Brighton pre Bong; 31 197 4 Brighton Bong; 32 1986 Brighton; 33 Undated but early Salem School Boundary details; 34 1861 Partial Salem with Liberty detail, Marshall Lake, Voltz Detail; 35 1873 partial Salem full map is at WKCHS and at Stage Stop; 36 1887West Salem Cogswell Detail, early icehouse detail and spur lines; 37 1887 East Salem early ice houses, spur lines, Voltz details 38 1899 Partial Salem (known to be pre 1906, using sec 21 as guide with Ira brown and Castle; 40 1908 partial Salem notes Rock Lake; 41 1908 Salem; 42 1920 West Salem; 43 1920 East Salem; 44 1920 Salem; 45 1931 West Salem with index; 46 1931 East Salem with index; 47 1931 West Salem with index; 48 1931 East Salem with index; 49 1963 Salem; 50 1974 Salem; 51 1981 known to be pre 1981 Salem; 52 1986 Salem; 53 1997 Salem; 54 1997 after 1997 Salem; 55 1997 after 1997 Salem; 56 2005 Salem; 57 19XX Trevor; 58 19xx Trevor; 59 19xx Silver Lake nice building detail; 60 199X County Section 21/22 Salem; 61 199x County Section 27 Salem; 62 after 1853 Wheatland revised construct; 63 19xx New Munster building detail; 64 after 1853 Wheatland revised construct; 65 1917 Randall; 66 19XX East Paris; 67 19XX West Paris; 68 1969 details to Kettle Moraine Area Antique Dealers Burlington to West Bend 69 1969 Map Antique Dealers Burlington to West Bend. -
149 Abstract Brown Bushing Brighton Telephone 1964 1914
1-15 1964 Telephone Book including Wilmot; 16-36 1914apx Personal telephone book of Helen Brown. From the Brown Family Collection.; 37-58 Abstract of title for the East Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 21 in Town Two North of Range 20 East and part of the Southeast Quarter and which pertains to the property where the Twin Oaks School District #4 and formerly known as the (John) Hartnell School (On North side of JB East of B)was before it was moved to the grounds of the Miller Park of Trevor. Names referenced not typed. Info herein describes the changes in Brighton School Districts. From the WKCHS Western Kenosha County Historical Society archives.; 59- 80 Pages skipped as duplicates after numbering and are now absent from the booklet.; 81-125 Abstract of title for the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Town 1, Range 19 East in Randall and pertains to the Elverman Richter Farm and the Elverman Cemetery on FR South of W. Names referenced not typed. From the Richter Family Collection. -
711 Abstract Portzen, Fox Hollow See also SOS 114
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1839 - 1955 for part of the East Half of SWQ of Sec 10 and NEQ of NWQ of Sec 15 and NEQ of NWQ of Sec 15 in T1 R20 commonly known as the Portzen property and Fox Hollow Subdivision. Some names included herein are: George Smith, Horatio C Train, Horatio Church Train, Simon C Johnson, Arabelle L Johnson, William F Johnson, Kenosha and Beloit Railroad Company, Julia A Johnson, Justin C Johnson, Effie Johnson, Ada Stewart, Howard Johnson, Edwin M Cornwell, Adelbert R Cornwell, C&NWRR, CHicago and Northwestern Railroad, Anthony Van Wyck, Alex Mitchell, Alexander Mitchell, Thomas Wright, Thos Wright, Goodwin Burritt, G Gillett, Aritta Johnson, Dewitt Campbell, Charles L Davenport, Alonzo Campbell, Dwight Robinson, John Cogswell, E G Timme, William Rhodes, A S Cole, T N Horton, Dora Acker, Dora Struck, Ada C Stewart, P C Torrey, Charles A Tarbell, Parker Abstract Company, Effie M Johnson, William Schulz, Eldert I Tymesen, Frederick W Dexter, Ernest Haase, Caroline Paddock, Arthur Bloss, Caroline Paddock, Frank H Oler, Ernest W Haase, Fred Besch, Henry N Mutter, Herman Scheloske, M E Church, Frances Paddock, School District 5, Simon C Johnson, E B Belden, E H Turkelson, Kenosha County Abstract Company, Wiliam Schulz, Harry Bairstow, Martha H Bairstow, Paul A Paulson, Ann W Paulson, Paul F Hartwich, Anna W Paulson, Peter Hubberts, Joseph J Hubberts, Charles M Thomson, Chicago and North Western Railway Company, Zalmon G Simmons, Kenosha and Rockford Railroad Company, Kenosha Rockford and Rock Island Railroad Company, Kenosha and State Line Railroad Company, Dixon Rockford and State Line Railroad Company, Dixon Rockford and Kenosha Railway Company, William J Hoyer, Charles P Megan, Roy H Johnson, Eleanor B Davis, Mae A Hubberts, Arpod Sabados, Peter Mihaljevich, Ana Mihaljevich, Anna Mihaljevich, Richard A Erback, John F Jacobs, John T Van lderstine, Leonard F Krezz, Newberry Abstract Company, J T Petersik MD, Winnebago State Hospital, Kenosha County Abstract Company, J P McEvoy, Neil Conway, W W Davis, Arpad Sabados, Anna Snekhaus, Jonas Sabados, Sophie Bakos, Clarence Ketterhagen, H H Brown, William Griffin, Cletus Daniels, William N Sippel, Stanley A Newberry Jr, Leo C Brink, Genevieve Brink, Lutheran Brotherhood, Frank P Fosgate, Minen, Portzen, Jim Walters, Harvest Home. From the Portzen Family Collection. -
148 Abstracts Trevor Stonefence Phillips
Page 1 - 1107 Abstract of title for the North West Quarter of Section 35 T1 R20E Salem commonly known as the Phillips property aka Stonefence Farm on JF West of STH 83. Referring also to the following names: Munson, LaDow, Wilber, VanDuzer, Bliss, Brainard, Ballentine, Morrison, Sperman, Sherman, Smith, Arnold, Kenosha and Beloit Railroad Company, Burritt, Kenosha Rockford and R I Railroad Com, Marshall, Kapple, Morse, Taring, Yaw, Bloss, Tarbell, Benedict, Parker, Young, Thorp, Beck, Turkelson, Bank of Burlington, Pofahl, Sweeney, McCanna, Uebele, New, Turkelson, Perkinson, Schmitz, Guest, Lyon, Kletecka, Bratzke, Baker, Gaines, Strang, Pierce, Nelson, Patrick, Hisert, Herman, First National Bank of Antioch, Belden, Boyle, McCarthy, Staplekamp, Ruetz, Singer, Newberry, Chicago and Burlington Road, Standard Oil Company, Schmutz, Lutheran Brotherhood, Strangberg, Sandholm, Fox, Schwartz Realty, Sturn, Krawczyk, Daily, Dally, Angel, Nienhaus, Silver Lake State Bank, Faber, Saint Francis Building and Loan Association, St Francis Building and Loan Association, Krawczyk, Antioch Savings and Loan, Ken-Ron Awning and Window Corporation, Sturm, Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul, Quadracsia, Mclafferty, Russell. From the Phillips Family Collection. -
841B Abstracts Salem Brighton Brown Bushing Cull McWhinney FWB
Contains abstracts for T1 R20 and T2R20 lands: - 1843-1967 Cull for Brighton Sec 33 and Salem Section 3 -4 - 1840-1869 Small lot 1 in Section 10 in Downtown Salem - 1839-1972 Sections 22, 23 27 103rd Street Farms on both sides of SA -Section 22 61 acres on the North Side of SA. Names included in these pages are: Brighton; Bristol; County K; Cull; Cull Lake; Doris Brown Farm; Isaac Brown; Ken Brown; Kull Lake; McWhinney; Salem; Salem Center; Wilmot. -
690 Kenosha Racine Atlas Plat 1971
A plat book with ownership names and advertising for Racine and Kenosha County townships. -
838 Lake Maps Kenosha Walworth Racine Waukesha 1970 FWB
The original docum,ents have been scanned to create this PDF. There is no photocopied booklet to backup this PDF series. This material is from the Linda Valentine Collection and resides at Western Kenosha County Historical Society. -
147 Abstracts Patrick Brighton Richter Farm Wheatland Hubcap Wilmot
Page 1 - 72 Abstract of title for the South West Quarter of Section 27 T1 R20E Trevor Silver Lake commonly known as the property of Patrick Family. Referring also to the following names: Brown, Underwood, Booth, Langman, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railway, Taylor, Thayer Refrigerator Milk Company (pg 8), Yaw, Terpening, Kendall, Curtiss, Parks, Emsley, Fisher, Mickle, Letzter, Brook, Parker, Oetting, Larwin, Trevor Social Center Association a corporation (pg35 1923, pg 53 $900.00 1946, articles of incorporation pg 59), Allen, Schreck, Colwell, Schnegas, Vaydreuil, Baker, Hoyer, Jambrek, Parker, Meyer, Brister, Drury, Hartnell, Western Kenosha County Historical Society pg 69), Saucerman, Motta, Jaeger, Jensen, Young, Schalinske, Sime. Page 73 - 94 Abstract of Title South West Quarter of Section 21 T2R20 Brighton commonly known as part of the Hartnell farm and original location of the Twin Oaks School District 4 on the north side of JB east of B noting names Suddick, Midgley, Lane, Fletcher, Hackney, Smith, Hogeboom, Rhodes, Hartnell (pg 77, 78, 1878, 82, 83, 84) Vanliere, Land, Wright, Twin Oaks School District No 4 pg 79 1930, Dixon, Eppers, Daniels, Moliter, Robers, DeBell, Ketterhagen, Heinen, Mau, Feuerer, Callahan, Slosson, Whitley, lane, Burgess (86), Bank of Burlington, Sheldon, Hughs, Crowther, Hedditch, Smithson, Daley, Cook, Drury, Dkowronski, Moser, Dally, Dalley, Strangberg, School District No 1 -Brighton. Page 95-139 Abstract of title for the North East Quarter of Section 13 T1R19E Randall commonly known as part of Elverman-Richter farm. Referring also to the following names: Smith, Jennison, Bullen, Udall, Reeves, Reeve, Pagle, Micheal, Mitchell, Udell, Brunde, Hall, Jilsunn, Hale, Stevens, Templeton, Prter, Benjamin, Cornwall, Hackney, Harms, Pagel, Harm, Fernald, Stonebreaker, Hackney, Jordan, Frantz, Verhalen, Turkelson, Elverman, Schroeder, Bayou Channel(117), Fox River, Railroad Right of Way (KD LINE), Robers, Drilling, Lauer, Smith, Schneider, Richter, Lilly Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District dredging (pg 132), Grady, Lois. Page 140-141 Mortgage Satisfaction Perrine Lot 189 Villa Capri Alta, South West Quarter of Section 18 T2NR23E in City of Kenosha. Referring also the following names: Dosemagen, Bassinger, Alpizar, Davenport Page 142- 173 Abstract of title for the South West Quarter of Section 30 in T1 NR20E Lots 8 and 9 in Block 6 commonly referred to as the Hub Cap House in Wilmot. Referring also the following names: Walker, Hatch, Benham, Harvey, McDonald, Horton, McKenney, Pierce, Spieglehoff, Spiegelhoff, Harvey, Yaw, Runkel, Titze, Avery, Wheeler, Wilson, Cole, Sykres, Felt,Burroughs, Schlax, Pacey, Albrecht, Hegeman, Moran, Cull, Frost. -
119 Abstract Paddock Lake Highlands Kolloch
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1849 to 1985 of Abstract of title for Lots 233 and 234 Paddock Lake Highlands a subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3 in T1 N R20 East. Some names included herein are: Leonard Van Alstine Talitha B Van Alstine, Joseph Preston, Daniel C Burgess, Sylvia A Burgess, William Baggs, Charles Loescher, Theodore Loescher, Myron A Baker, Eugene H Burgess, George S Huntoon, Rachel F Baker, Eugene H Burgess, Nathan M Burgess, Volney French, Kenosha Union a newspaper published in Kenosha, School District 9, George Roger Huntoon, Ada C Huntoon,Mrs Mary Acker, Richard P Cavanagh, John M Gehring, Vera Pickering, North Bristol Cemetery Association, North Bristol Cemetery, Ada S Huntoon, Daniel, Chapin Burgess, Elmsley Sunderlin, Samuel WHite, William K Otis, John S Dixon, Thomas Turner, Connecticut, Windham County, Charles Schuckman, Jacob Waldeck, Chas Schuckman, Lewis Bain, Daniel Head, D B Benedict, Michigan, Charlevoix, E B Belden, Brass Ball Farm, Annetta M Huntoon, Old Settlers Club, John C Hartnell, Clara A Hartnell, Mrs Mary Belle Castle, Marybelle Castle, Andrew Booth, Mathias Loescher, John L Wattles, E H Turkelson, Paddock Lake Highlands, Leone Huntoon, Ora B King, A R Clason, Robert M Sweitzer, Howard Chestnut, Leo M Brickley, Clifford E Randall, A G Hartnell, Byron Briggs, Herman Lois, John Evans, Kenneth Campbell, Lillian Campbell, Nick S Hoyer, G A Mittelstaed, J P McEvoy, W W Davis, Warren J Kolloch, Alice M Kolloch, James E Jester, June Jester, Daniel G Ackerman, Kathleen A Ackerman, Roger H Terry, Mary Lou Terry, Thomas J Trimberger, Bank of Burlington, 24808 68th Street. From the Kolloch Family Collection. -
118 Abstract Drazewski Capone Voltz
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1839 thru 1959 for the property Northwest Quarter of Section 36 and part of Southwest Quarter of Section 25 in T1 R20 and specifically the lot commonly known as the Drazewski property. Some names included herein are: M G Donnell, J L Voltz, Gustavus A Voltz, J J Louis Voltz, Philip W Voltz, Joseph B Racine, Jon BJilsun, I W Webster, Pauline R Wills, A G Cole, atherine Voltz, C W Voltz, P H Wood, Philip Lentz, Volney French, Mary M Koch, George W Taylor, Herman Schomaker, Minnie Schomaker, Frederick W Koch, August Orth, John Haman, Arthur H French, Mathias Stahl, Harry Bairstow, M G Donnell, Anthony Van Wyck, Clarence J Fisher, Roy S Stephenson, Daniel B Chase, Peter VanAlstine Van Alstine, (many given names on this last name) Daniel C Burgess, Talitha P Stanley, Charles B Wright, Joseph Hunter, Harrison Robbins, L P Barnes, Luahah Palmatier, Alex Bailey, Peter Fisher, Sarah A Wilson, Martha J Westlake, Mary Sibley, Charles C Wilton, Russell H Slosson, Louis J Castelli, Elizabeth Cardose, Louis Antonucci, Mrs Ada Stewart, P C Torrey, E H Turkelson, John Jacob Louis Voltz, Doris Finnerman, Robert M Sweitzer, A G Lauterbach, Barney Clamage, Alma Umenhofer, Calvin Stewart, Leo C Schend, Goldie Epstein, Michael J Flynn, Lester Clamage, Harry E Petersen, John Tamburrino, Mildred Castelli, Clifford Thorn, Harold M Bode, Drazewski, Castlewood Subdivision, Helen Vujovic. From the Drazewski Family Collection -
117 Abstract Liberty near Spring Valley Turnick WKCHS
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1840 thru 1945 for the property to the east and north of Hwy C and Route 83. Some names included herein are: Benham, Benedict, Robbins, Munson, Pinkerton, Thompson, Van Alstine, Bundy, Graves, Yaw, Wormer, Curtiss, Buff, Pingree, Head, Pomeroy, Barnum, Brandee, Quarles, Bolton, Fish, Buff, Shotliff, Jacobson, Turnock, Clausen, Saul, Mueller, Christenson, Garland. -
116 Abstract Community Park Salem Curtiss
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1839 to 1966 of Abstract of title for part of the Sections 21 and 22 in T1 R20 and part of the property commonly known as the former Curtiss Property and now part of Community Park of Salem. Some names included herein are Laura Ann Maltby, William Bullen, Charles Curtiss, Curtis, Seth Cooley, Abram Wolaver, Woolaver, Woolever, Jon B Jilson, Erastus Smith, Curtis, Hiram S Munson, William Munson Emily Munson, Mary C Munson, Harrison Robbins, Nelson Larue, John Wolf, Daniel C Burgess, George Chase, Isaac Brown, Elira Brown, I W Webster, Volney French, Mary Turnock formerly Mary Curtis, W N Curtiss, Walker M Curtiss, S Thorp, Edwin Munson, J M Brown, J S Thorp, J M Brown, Edwin Munson, Grace S Smith, Ann L Sheen, George W Taylor, Charles H Curtiss, Oline M Curtiss, Mark W Curtiss, Lyle W Curtiss, William S Foulke, Arch N Murdock, Soo Line Railroad, Frank A Pierce Company Aka Trevor Stock Yards, Wisconsin Central Railroad, Charles B Yeaw, Mrs P A Udell, Pardon Yaw, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad, Christine Kaiser, Fred R Schreck, Hattie Curtis, Katherine B Curtiss, Henry A Lubeno, Jos Funck, Mary K Sorensen, Eljal T Francis, Nathan Hawley, Samuel Francis Jr, Samuel Hale, Alonzo Campbell, G Gillett, Hiram S Munson, Benjamin Robbins, E C Robbins, E D Robbins, Hiram S unson, Goodwin Burret, S Y Brands, John Wolf, Nelson LaRue, Spencer Goodwin, Ira Peirce, James Cooley, Martha A Selleck, H H Tarbell, Julia Francis, Kenosha and Beloit Railroad, Oliver DeForest Grant, William Barton, Salmon Curtiss, James Turnock, H H Tarbell, A S Cole, Wooliver, Augustus Vanalstine, Van Alstine, Charles Frantz, Margaret A Watson, Orson H Watson, Pardon Yaw, L B Nichols, Harrison Robbins, Constantia Brown, Harrison Robins, Daniel B Benedict, Grace S Smith, Frank F Smith, Elvira Smith, Rachel Smith, Charles A Tarbell, Mary K Sorensen, Georgena C Curtiss, Asahel W Benham, Peter Fisher, E B Belden, Benj M DeDiemar, Joseph Funck, Clara B Curtiss, Rachel I Button, Center Lake Woods, Robert V Baker, Jeanette E Richmond Curtiss, Dorothy Schlenker, Gottfred J Nelson. From the Curtiss Family Collection. -
146 Abstracts Strassheim Silver Lake Center Lake Woods Fritch Kirwan
Page 1 - 48 Abstract of title for the North East Quarter of Section 18 T1 R20E Silver Lake commonly known as the property of Agnes Strassheim. Referring also to the following names: Kraemer, Bullen, Griswold, Zykes, Schmalfeldt, Mygatt, Peters, Sykes, Wood, Schenning, Shenning, Chicago, Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad Company, Schening, Heinz, Wisconsin Telephone Company, Button, Hale, Manney, Ayer, Head, Hessler, (Village of Silver Lake incorporation information page 26), Zarnsorff, Jahnke, Ballack,Bushing, Proost, Dean, From the Strassheim Family Collection. Page 49- 50 Warranty Deed of Section 21 T1 R20E Salem commonly known as part of Center Lake Woods noting names Tatooles, Johnson and Specht. Page 51 -54 Abstract of title for the North West Quarter of Section 21 T1 R20E Salem commonly known as part of Center Lake Manor. Referring also to the following names: Tuttle, Farrar, Lamb, Carey, Voak. Page 55 - 123 abstract of title for the South West Quarter of Section 21 Salem commonly known as the Fritch Residence in Yaws Subdivision. Referring also to the following names: Yaw, Squires, Nicholes, Phillips, Merrill, Moore, Bannister, Webster, Blanchard, VanAlstine, Dibble, Dalton, Stevens, Preston, McVey, Ehlert, Kurzrck, Windheim, Frantz, Evans, Kraemer, Fritch, Hula, Dogot, Schenning, More, McDowell, Keenan, Bannister, Lutheran Brotherhood, Meyer, Lewis, Kutis. Page 124- 211 Abstract of title for the North West Quarter of Section 21 Salem commonly known as the Kirwan Residence in First Addition of Center Lake Manor. Referring also the following names: Roberts, Kirwan, Tuttle, Farrar, Thorp, School District No 1 (aka Camp Lake School), Benedict, Hollenbeck, Achen, Kingman, McVey, Ludewing, Hubbard, Winters, Bliss, Lewis, Kruckman, Bailey, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad Company, Morris, Zuttermeister Ice Company, Wisconsin Central Railroad, Card, Knickerbacker Ice Company, (Wilmot and Salem Road pg 157) (Upper Camp Lake, page 157), Consumers Company, City Fuel Company, Whitmore, Franck, Woodland Lakes Realty Trust, Meyer, Evans, Siebert, Lois, Riggs, Kaphengst, Prima Company, Ruetz, Schlax, Howard, Besterfeldt, Lamb, Roberts, Hansen, Eckert Street (pg 208) . -
831 Wheatland General Store Abstract
Abstract of title 1840-1946 for Part of the NEQ of Section 35 T2R19East owned by Doloris Hudson and formerly known as the Wheatland General Store containing an acre. From the Doloris Hudson Family Collection. -
124 Abstract Haythorn Walkington Twin Lakes WKCHS
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1843 thru 1923 for S 1/2 of the SEQ of Section 32 T1R19 and W1/2 of SEQ of Section 33 T1R19 commonly referred to as Haythorn/Walkington Property in Twin Lakes. Some names included herein are: Randall Township, Lake Elizabeth, Haythorn Subdivision, William McKesson, Willliam A McKesson, John W Haythorn, Kleber Ridge Park, Twin Lakes Road, State Line Road, William C McKesson, Charles A Tarbell, Samuel R McClellan, William Anderson, David Anderson, Robert Anderson, Thomas Anderson, John O'Neil, Alexander McK Stewart, Alexander McKey Stewart, A McKey Stewart, William H McKnight, Ann Eliza McKnight, Nancy Anderson, Harriet Anderson, Dighton B Chapman, Sophia Anderson, Emaline Chapman, Daniel Denison, Julia Deneson, Denison, Daniel Deneson, Emerline Chapman, Harmon Seahoff, William Kilburn, Town of Wheatland, Racine County, Oliver Gibbs, John T Vanarnum, Town of Randall, Patty Kilburn, Washington M Crist, John T Van Arnum, John S Van Arnum, William L Van Arnum, Miriam E Van Arnum, Mariam E Van Arnum, William Haythorn, Charles Schultz, Christian Rasch, Charles Schulte, Mary H Schulte, Mary E Schultz, Washington Morton Crist, William Haythorn, Martha F Haythorn, John B Walkington, George Erny, Emil Peterson, G C Smith, Charles Kruse, William Freeman, T H Speaker, Barber Lumber Company, Viola Hopper, Elzo Walkington, Benjamin Walkington, Ella Walkington, Loretta Walkington, Roy B Hendreckson, Fran B McConnell, Alfred L Drury, George W Taylor, W T Marlatt, R A Kingsley, Telegraph Courier, Joseph R Clarkson, Frank B McConnell, R C Shotliff, Paul R Voss, Arthur Pacey, Charles A Tarbell, J B Walkington, R S Kingsley, J W Haythorn, Michael M Schlax, Church Street and Market Streets, F H Sansing, 219 Park Street, Willam Schnuckel, 162 Wisconsin Street, Public Notice locations, Steve Robinson, 0 A Ross, Goerge A Conrey, Bank of Richmond, Edward F Higgins, Buckmaster and Hammond, Charles F Speed, A E Lawrence, Arthur J Albrecht, James Miller, Twin Lakes Post Office, Bassetts Station Post Office, Schwartz Hotel, Henry F Greeley, Clyde P Hammond, Circuit Court House, City of Kenosha, County of McHenry County, William Avery, George Purdy, John C Smith, W Haythorn, Robert G McClellan, Lysander Whelden, Thomas Wright, Fox River Valley Railroad Company, Phil Belden, P Forbes, G Purdy, William Forrest, John Purdy, William Kilburn, Wm Kilburn, Peter H Vaniderstine, Peter H Van lderstine, John T VanArnum, Carrie A VanArnum, Carried R Van Arnum, Royal L Gibbs, Eleanor A Gibbs, Maria A VanArum, Carrie D VanArnum, Caroline A VanARnum, Meriam W Van Arnum, Merriam E Van Arnum, Jesse Marvin, Ida M Walkington, John O'Niell, Drury and Albrecht, 172 Market Street Kenosha, Martha F Haythorn, J N Burton, Howard F Haythorn, Ella M Potter, Mary K Potter, John W Haythorn Jr, G N Still, Charles P Barnes, Charles F Speed, Evanston, Martha M Tarbell, Elizabeth Speed, Frank Howden, Frank Zergas, Ben Kerkhoff, Thomas Biethan, Gilbert G Kerkhoff, Frank H McCulloch, Merchants Loan and Trust. From the WKCHS Western Kenosha County Historical Society Collection. -
122 Abstract Henry Vincent Twin Lakes WKCHS
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1843 thru 1945 for the subject property. Some names included herein are: Citizens Abstract Company of Kenosha, Marrian J Brister, Benedict and Tarbell, Daniel Quaile, Abram Dayton Jr, Abram Dayton, Margaret Quaile, Lorenzo Quaile, Margaret Young, Anna Sheldon, Frank Young, Jemima Young, Minnie Leggett, Grace Leggett, Susan Loggett, William A McKesson, William M Perine, Isaac C Barlow, A Campbell, Hanna Campbell, Richard Campbell, D Campbell, William Watkins, Sally Ann Chamberlin, S A Chamberlin, R L Bassett, Lorenzo A Quayle, Charles A Tarbell, Jennie I Quaile, Kaspar G Schmidt, Martin B Herbert, Hertha Herbert, Robert Emmett Barry, Martin B Herbert, Bertha Herbert, Andrew F Stahl, Dow J Vincent, Talitha H Kellner, Walter A Kellner, Elsa Kellnor, Otto R Kellnor, Mildred B Kellner, George W Kellner, Emma H Finkl, Fred Finkl, Joanette H Scholler, Julius E Schoeller, Agatha Herbert, Martin B Herbert, Bertha Herbert, George L Herbert, Laura Herbert, Kaspar Schmidt, George Schmidt, Edna Schmidt, Ernst Schmidt, Ernst Wahl, George Wahl, Barbara Elizabetha Kellner, Katharine Herbert, George C Schmidt, Edna Paulina Wahl, George C Schmidt, Charles J Schmidt, Joseph Sarbacker, Lizzie Sarbacker, Henry Koehnen, Mamie Koehnen, Clara Kellner, Jeanette H Schoeller, Fisher and Fisher, Kaspar G Schmidt, K G Schmidt, G K Schmidt, G C Schmidt, Sarah Ann Hayek, Volney French, D 8 Benedict, Nellie F Brooks, Daniel Head, Lizzie G French, Arthur H French, Leonard Lee, Alice French, Luman B French, Daniel B Benedict, Nellie Brooks, Ada M Briggs, Anthony VanWyck, Masonic Block, Kenosha, Nellie French, D Head, Emory L Grant, Frank H Lyman, Reuben L Bassett, Lorenzo D Quayle, James Pennefeather, Martin B Herbert, Edward A Mechling, K G Schmidt, Kate Vincent, Moinhardt Bank, Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, Henry E Vincent, Kate A Vincent, Meinhardt Bank, Burlington, Ira White, Hazel White, Matthew J Coane, William J Coane, Joseph P Coane, John Benjamin Richter, E H Turkelson, Edward A Mechling, Martin B Herbert, Federal Land Bank of St Paul, James Vanek, Charles J Schmidt, James H Frawley, Andrew F Stahl, Edward A Mechling, E B Belden, Catherine Bosselman, Eda Meinhardt, Hans Bosselman, Walter H Bosselman, H A Weinman, R D Spiegelhoff, Frieda Bosselman, Frieda Newbury, George H Hildebrandt, Emma Hildebrandt, E H Turkelson, Kenosha County Abstract Company, John Richter, Lawrence N Joerndt, Madeline M Joerndt, Wisconsin Power and Light Company, HE Vincent, W L Day, E G Booth, AS Goss, W I Myers, Scott W Hovey, Herbert Emmerich, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, S L Dudley, Ray D Spiegelhoff, Village of Twin Lakes, Edna Paulina Schmidt, George W Kellner, Charles J Schmidt, George C Schmidt, Barbara Schmidt, Ellen Schmidt, Louise Allmenroth, Elise Schmidt, Philip Schmidt, K G Schmidt Brewing Company, Joseph Schmidt, Wrightwood Avenue, Ashland Avenue, Kaspar George Schmidt, Harvey Storch, John J Healy, Milton R Hart, Christian C Hohlsaat, James Reddick, Mack Short, Laura Herbert, George L Herbert, Signey T Smythe, Henry A Justice, Ernest R Schmidt, Edna S Schmidt, Ernest K Wahl. George L Wahl, E B Belden, Fred Finkl, Emma H Finkl, Julius E Schoeller, Agatha Herbert, Andrew F Stahl, Bejamin M DeDiemar, Cavanagh Barnes and Cavanagh, James Cavanagh, Albert E Buckmaster, Frank 0 Campe, Robert Verne Baker, O'Donnell, Raymond Y Ellis, Head-Simmons Publishing Company, Wyman Jurgens and Carpenter, William E O'Brien, E H Colwell, John McFadyen, John Zimmerman jr, Regina Zimmermann, Fred H Sasser and Sigfred C Sasser, William J Hoyer, Ross S Welch, John Richeter, St John Chapel Leslie Skinner, Joseph C Oberhofer, August Rasch, Herbert G Koenig, Robert C Bayer, Holy Name of Jesus Congregation Wilmot, Richters Subdivision, Wymans Twin Lakes Terrace Subdivision,Mary Welch, Ross H Welch, Sallie G Welch. From the WKCHS Western Kenosha County Historical Society Collection. -
121 Abstract Rebicek Center Lake Manor Camp Lake
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1853 to 1970 for Abstract of title for Lot 13 Block 2 in First Addition of Center Lake Manor in Southwest Corner of Northwest Quarter of Section 21 T1 R20 commonly referred to as the Rebicek Property. Some names included herein are: John Tuttle, Lucy Farrar, School District 1, Hannah Kingman, Josiah T Farrar, H S Thorp, John H Benedict, Maria L Benedict, John Hollenbeck, Charles Shuart, Harmon D Hollenbeck, Adela C Achen, Moses Achen, Addie Hollenbeck, Henrietta Hollenbeck, Derrick Hollenbeck, William K Hollenbeck, Adelia C Holenbeck, John E Tuttle, Josiah Tuttle, James H McVey, Howard Morris, Wisconsin Central Railroad, Tuttle Farm, Lawrence E Lamb, Henry Ludewing and Christian Besterfeldt, Upper Camp Lake, Addie A Hubbard, Henrietta K Winters, E R Bliss, Addie A Hubbard, Urban J Lewis, Wilmot, highway, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad Company, C H Kruckman, A Bailey, Alex Bailey, Howard Morris, Zuttermeister Ice Company, Wilmot and Salem Road, Camp Lake, Knickerbocker Ice Company, Charles A Tarbell, Wilfred H Card, Kate Osborn Card, John S Field, William A Walter, William C Niblack, William E Pinney, Charled R Dalrymple, James B Forgan, David V Webster, Emile K Boisot, Charles G Dawes, Thomas H Mclnnerney, Fritz H Pearson, W T Abbott, Malcolm McDowell, Augustus S Peabody, Center Lake, Milwaukee Sault Ste Marie Railway Company, F H Pearson, City Fuel Company, Frederick Nelson, J S Donald, L B Nagler, Joseph F Connery, Consumers Company, 0 S Hansen, Fred W Upham, F H Pearson, L B Nagler, Parker Abstract Company, J V B Thayer, Charles G Dawes, Aksel C Bodholdt, G R Holffried, Augustus S Peabody, Steyvesant Peabody, G H Webber, William P Kort, Charles E Whitmore, Ethel L Whitmore, Fred J Meyer, George C Hagen, Walter C Franck, Robert M Sweitzer, Chicago and Wisconsin Union Railroad, George W Lewis, Fred J Meyer, Clara Meyer, Clara T Meyer, Clifford L Janke, Lillian Ruetz, Mamie Rankin, Edward J Ruetz, Center Lake Manor, Math G Siebert, Herman Lois, Byron E Riggs Briggs, John Evans, Otto Kaphengst, Louisa Kaphengst, Prima Company, First Addition to Center Lake Manor, Kenosha Abstrat Company, George W Lewis, Matt G Siebert, John H Schlax, L M Smith, John Evans, Clifford E Randall, H F Ernst, A J Renn, S Boyer Nelson, John Howard, Theresa A Howard, E B Belden, Clarence F Ericksen, Kenosha Evening News, C E Head, M Eugene Baker, Agnes Sandholm, H A Strangberg, Martha M Tarbell, Lawrence S Ruetz, Silver Lake Bank, Erik Hansen,John Evans, Frank G Rebicek, Helen Rebicek, Bank of Burlington, Jacob I Grossman, William P Kopf, C Roy McCanna, Fred W New, Newberry Abstract Company, Stanley A Newberry Jr, Joseph G Dlouhy Jr, Mae L Dlouhy. From the Rebicek Family Collection. -
120 Abstract Center Lake Manor Camp Lake Rebicek WKCHS
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1844 -1962 for part of the NWQ of NWQ of Section 21 commonly known as part of Center Lake Manor. Some names included herein are: John Ebenezer Tuttle, George Farrar, John Tuttle, Lucy Farrar, School District 1, Hannah Kingman, Josiah T Farrar, H S Thorp, John H Benedict, Herman S Thorp, Maria L Benedict, John Hollenbeck, William K Hollenbeck, Harmon Hollenbeck, Charles Shuart, Harmon D Hollenbeck, Adela C Achen, Moses Achen, Addie Hollenbeck, Henrietta Hollenbeck, Derrick Hollenbeck, Edward Martin, Addella C Achen, Wisconsin Central Line, James H McVey, Howard Morris, Lawrence E Lamb, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad Company, Henry Ludewing, Christian Besterfeldt, Upper Camp Lake, Wisconsin Central Railroad, Henrietta K Winters, Henrietta K Hollenbeck, E R Bliss, Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad, Depot, Urban J Lewis, A H Kruckan, A Bailey, Alex Bailey, Zuttermeister Ice Company, Wilmot and Salem Road, Knickerbocker Ice Company, Charles A Tarbell, Wilofred H Card, Kate Osborn Card, JohnS Field, William A Walter, William C Niblack, H B Riley, William E Pinney, Charles R Dalrymple, James B Forgan, David V Webster, Emile K Boisot, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad Company, B J Mitchell, M Ferguson, Charles G Dawes, Thomas H Mclnnerney, Frtiz H Pearson, W T Abbott, Malcolm McDowell, Augustus S Peabody, Martha M Tarbell, F H Pearson, City Fuel Company, L B Nagler, J S Donald, Joseph F Connery, 0 S Hansen, Consumers Company, Fred W Upham, F H Perason, Parker Abstreact Company, J V B Thayer, Aksel C Bodholdt, G R Helffried, Augustus S Peabody, E H Turkelsen, Charles E Whitmore, Ethel L WHitmore, Fred J Meyer, George C Hagen, George C Baker, Walter C Franck, Woodland Lakes Realty Trust, Robert M Sweitzer, W E Jagen, Ninian H Welch, Minneapolis St Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway, George W Lewis, Clara Meyer, Clifford L Janke, Lillian Ruetz, Center Lake Manor, Math G Siebert, Herman Lois, Byron E Riggs, John Evans, Otto Kaphengst, Louisa Kaphengst, Prima Company, Security Abstract Company, John Howard, Theresa A Howard, Lucy Farrar, Clarence F Ericksen, M Eugene Baker, Agnes Sandholm, G A Strangberg, Doris Desing, Lydia Marshall, A J Renn, H P Ernst, William Karpen, Josephine Karpen, Nellie Kalb, Herman Sorensen, Victoria Sorensen, Stella Jambrek, Willis R Hammond, C A Tennessen, T W Schneider. From the WKCHS Western Kenosha County Historical Society Collection - originals have been returned to contributor -
044 Shorewood Improvement Association Abstract Lots 28 29 1-6 9-21
Abstract 1839- 1961 of Lot 28 and 29 in Section 28 T1 R20E ; surveys of lots 1-6, 9-21; Plat of the subdivision; topo of the subdivision and adjacent areas. From the Shoreview Improvement Association Collection