Wilmot Union High School 1944 Yearbook
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Wilmot Union High School 1944 Yearbook
1944 Yearbook
School Yearbooks
38867432 bytes
Kenosha (Wis.)
Wilmot Union High School
Linda Valentine Snippets
Linda Valentine Snippets
445 - 1944 ECHO, the
precursor to the Panther,
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, no signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
This book was scanned in black and white even if some pages were
in color.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the FWB collection.
This book belonged to Arthur Bushing
0-56 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
445 - 1944 ECHO, the
precursor to the Panther,
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, no signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
This book was scanned in black and white even if some pages were
in color.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the FWB collection.
This book belonged to Arthur Bushing
0-56 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
Our pr·in cip~l, Mr. ~cpn: urr, hils been responsible, in great part,
fort he developnrei)t of ours<;hool into one otthe finest .of. it~ size
inthestat~ ofWisconsin. I_?or~hepastfi.ftee~. years he hasbeen at
the pead ofthe scpool, and pas b~eorne nqtonly well kno.wn and
.ad11lir;dby,studen~$,hutinfluel1tialin.various parts of the state in
the fie.lds of equcatio.n and;.agricQltuni:
Mr .• • SclmQrris·.the •i~QrtMrrtanrnois..alwa:ysready t9 give of
histinw mad effortfor oth~rs, .andduring()~!':years.~ithhimas·hefl-4
ofourschool,w~. have eome.torespecta11d~drnirehim. Tous,he
· is o11e of the reasons that we will el)joy our. memories ·of days at
Wilmot }ligh $chool. ·
Colleen J. Andrews
"Qolly" . ..· < •...... ·...•
Echo S~:lff
Girls' Chorusl, 2, 3;
A Capp~lla :1,, 2, 3.; Band l, 2, 3;
Da.nc~ng 1, 2, .3; Dra.watic:;; .1, •. ·2, 3;
DrumMajqi;ette 3;. Class PlayA:
T~~nsfem~d from Mci\inley Junior
High Schoolin 194L.··· Footbal12,3,
•4; Bask~tball 2;. B .. A . A; 2, 3,4;. F.
F./A~ 2; A Ga:ppella 2., 3, 4; Class
Pl:otY 3; VV Clup 3, 4.
Echo :Staff 3; Gir:ls' Qhorus ·1, 2, 3;
A. (japp.eJia 1, 2, 3; Ba.nd 1,, 2, 3;
1)anctng.l,2,'3; Dramatics 2,3;
Clf-!ss Vice Pres. 2; Gids' Chorus l,
2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3;ACa.ppellal, 2,
3;Dal)cing 1, 2, 3; Drall).atics 1, 3.
QoJ11mercial 4; Plip~r Staff 3; Editor of •School.Paper .· 4; Echo .Staff
1; 3; Ed. of Echo 4; Gi~ls'• Chorus
l,. 2, 3, 4; Band ),, 2, 3, 4; PanCiJJ.g
.l, 2,3, 4; Library 4; Business.Mgr.
oLClass Play 3,.4.
Virginia Schutzen
Lorraine Broqk
Loretta Hun'tooiJ.
Royce Roanhou\>e
Gen.e Robers
Virginia Peterson
on S,eP~.~~her 3rd ,• .•. 19.40,·.·. as. ·a··.g~oUp····.of ''green··· freshie.s,''.·• we.
. ent~r~d j¥ilmot High, . •. . MTe ?rg~nized und~rthe djr¢ftio~ . ,·. ()f JVIr•
Barth an~. elected asqur,qific(3rs:peorge Roepke, presi~ent; )\felvill·Btirn:l~ist~r,vicepresid~nt;.Euge~e•R()her§.,·Se.creta,ry,-tr~a~~rer;
and . .l\fick~YR() h~r~ to r~present . us .• inStude~,tGol1ncil: .•. ·····9~~··•various .·
Septe~b~r, .I9Lt1., fotl~d· us•'·a•.·fuote'~Xp~tienced~J'()~J) .••.• Again
wehad,l\h.,Bart~to a,dvise··us ~ntiJ . he left;• th~nMissBerger 1llade
a .•. capabl~ substitute .•.. ·u~d~r. the . lea<:J.ershipof'·Elea_nor EPPing,·. our·
pr~side11t; .. Norn:lan.J_J~que,ouryice •.,presici,~nt;I).?nald,'Richard~a,s
secreta~r~trea,surer~••··and Ror~e •. R?anhpuse.,in,StHden~ .Gotlnctl, .•.we
to~k chargeofinitia,tingthe class of '45. Our main,activityin 1941·•'·•
vva.s our sophonjore production.
A.~ upper classmertwe e.nroTled,in Septem.h~r, 1942 .. In·•Pl'~P- . .(.,.:) . i'">i
arationfot a busy junior year we ~lected Mie;key Roher~, pr~side,~t: : ;,,,;j.;t . .
Pat McCarthy, vice president; MarvinRi.chter,secretary"tp~asprer; ·
and Arlene Sheen, Stud~nt Council member, ·. Miss Kolar was our
Thefirst•of .our··.·dramatic·•. attempts.as·.juniors wasa••·.Gay·Nineties Revie"r•.given ::tf the :arnivaLLater in the year our class play,/
"EverSince.Eve," was produced under the directionof Miss Win~
ans. With the Promto complete .the year we considered ourselves
ready to take over the roles of seniors. ·
1943 foundrt~ enrollngfor the last··. time . at··· \Vilniot ... Mrs.·
Schnurr took· over the directorship . and we· elected Gene. Rqhers,
president; Arlene Sheen, vice president; Marvin Rich~er, secretary~
treasure~; apd . Royee .•~oanhouse,Student· ?quncilmember; ·. . .
Being S(')niors brought us into the limelight, as w~ had to prove
ourmel'it.· F~rst,IJiekSchmidtand Mary.Meinkewere elected King
and 9ueen ofthe carnivaL ·Next weeapturtldthe title of ~hampion
magazine salesmen for the fourth year. dut boys proved their
ability. as athletes·in 'Yinningthe.inter-clas.s .basketballtournament.
Now we are looking forward to giving .our class play, "The Merry
We have enjoyed out four years here
leaving· our friends anu tea ch~rs.
istRow:<M.;\.nd~rson, S. Jerde, J .. .Joerndt, D,·Sokolski, J. Wertz, .D. Sch~nning,
J. Luhe~o, E. Burmeister, L. 'Stohr, K. Schlax.
2nd Ro"': Miss•*osselman, J. Sietz, S. Krahn, G. Ehlert, V. Schennif!g,
Sp~~rs, ,G.·· Stephens, J .. Berry, K
n: Elsey,
3rq Row: .L Schultz, R. Stevens, V. Quoss, P. Richards, T. Dean; Doris Krahn,
Don ]{rahn, E; Lancop:r,.P. Shafer.
Darlene .Schenning
Grace Stephens
John. Swartz
Frank Kriska
William Hubbard
Frank Haase
Darlene Sc)1enning
Jack. Berry
Jeanette J oerndt
Ted ·Dean
Ph0rllis .·Richards
Robert. Baysinger
Jack Berry
Dorothy .Elsey
Donald Krahn
Darlene Schenning
Jeanette .Joerndt
Phyllis Richards
Au· ofourthirty~one members. welcomed the heginni11g of the
schoolter~ of '43 and '44.
As juniol's we felt com.pletely capable
of t~king o.n.·. all responsibilities oft his class .•
1,Veeleeted .Bob Baysinger as presiden.t, Lois Stohr as•vice pres~
ident, Evelyn ;Burmeister.~s .secretary-treasurer and Te<l Dean for
Student . Council.·\· Our·classadvisor was·Miss.Bosselman.•
In. November we chose our candidates {or the a11nu~Iearnival,
Kay Schlaxand Bill Hub bard, who. ranked second ill the finals. We
put on a circus side show as part of our Sh$lre in making the Car-'
nival a success.
March tenth was a bignight forus... We presented ''Professor,
How Could You!''· The.cast included JeanetteJo~rndt,}3obBay
singer, TedDean; Jack Schult2!,Lois Stohr, Doroth;y Elsey, Phyllis
Richards, Jack Berry, John Swartz, and Joyce Wertz. It was a
Selection of class rings, which were cho.sen in October andreceivedin December, was abig thrill of the year.
We areproud ofourgirls who came outontop in classtour.nament games this year. Their first game with the seniors was a
thriller with a score of 12 to 7. We defeated the sophomores by a
score of 22 to 6. The _boys were defeated by the seniors scoring 28,
juniors 15, but victory was ours with the freshmen, with a score of
48 to 29.
This. year, as is the custom, our class is giving. the Prom on
May 26.
WeareJookingforwardtonextfall when we )Viii enter our last
· year at Wilmot. We hope it will be as happy ayear as the past
three have been,
. [21]
Billy<Sc4fi~t¥ ,
Ronald Shotliff
Bud Richt~I'
. . ·.September 8, ]_943 I _ _ ._.C)~···this ~isto~icidate trhirty~severl\s:)pho~
rnoresenrolled. _ at \Vilm~tHigh, Ourea,~nest ainx'«asto obtainth~
greatest amount o:f intelligence and kno,wledge out of w ha,tever the
teachers would attemptto put into us;
Afol.lr ·_first. cla~s-me_eting \Ve ·eJected Don···SehiT1idt_ tO-_.the,PFes~
idertcy, Bernice Robers assecon(i.· in corpmand,, ~s!her}D1ppin.g as
business andfipancial. clerk,._ ~ndBill ~chnurr_torepresent.us ()nthe
. _n.·_._.t_._...·
_ l_.•.·.•.· ..... -_w
.. _e_·. _we
_ r_ e__· u_ n._ der
who e. served
as_ _ ciour
. · ..the
· . ' leadership
.· ·...·. · ... · ·.of
.. · . Miss
. ·. . Vivian.
. .c._._
. ,.
Wepromptly made· our preparations to··offkial_ly receive the
freshmen. as rn.~rpbers._ o~ Wilmot High S~hooL They will_ always
r~rn~mber_it as''Initiati0 n···Day.'' . ~owever,·. ·we._·pa~tjally at()ned
for it by giving a,_dance in their honor that evening, which_ theyre~
paid Iaterinthe year.
. . ·.· . .
.. ,··. • ·.·.· ·.· ·.·, . . . . •·· _
Then came.earnival time. We elected. Robert Ja,hn.s and Vir~
giline _Fait as our candid~tes to the thror1e ..... Although we faileqtogetthemthe--honor, we all made_ a goodimpressionbythenuwber
of votes we collected. As our show we presented '~Truth orConse-.
quences," which was thoroughly enjoyed by ~veryone present,
.' .
Sophomores were. valuable _members of.the band a_nd of t~e
athletic squads, thereby helping our·.school.to gainhonorsil}<th.xse · .·-...•
After the close of the_- basketball season class tournarrtehts
were held... - Thesophorpore class sho-wed up well in these ~ames.
Both the. girls and the boys came in second with impressive show'ings;
We.are aU promi_ of_ourrecord in buying·WarStamps. Sopho.rnore World History class andSophornore Ag. class have been
iighting it out for the highestpurchases.on a per capita basis all
During the .course o£ the year we lost two classmates but also
gained two others.
Aswe look backtm our enjoyable days asSophomores, we also
look forward to coming back next year to enjoy ourselves even more
The first important event in the freshman class history was)nitiation. It was held on September twe11ty-fourth.
For this occasion the boys dressed in knee-length trousers, a
styled shoe on each foot, a ribbon and. a curler in their
hair, lipstick, powder, rouge, and. all the rest. They also wore
The girls wore overalls inside out, men's 'shirts, men's. work
shoes without laces; they could wear no makeup and they,to9 had
curlers intheirhair.
Such things as pushing pennies and boiled eggs 'Yith one's nose,
washin·g steps vvith a toothbrush, and washing carswere aU part of'
the program. The freshmen also had to carry the sophom6res'
The initiation danee was given the same evening.·
were played forthe dance.
The annual . high school• earnival was another ne.wexperience
for the freshmen. Wit}1.. the help of Miss Hammond and Miss J ndd,
a show called. ''Fr,eshman Frivolities" was presented. Jack Pfeiffer
was our candidate for king, with Lois Berry for queen.
At the beginning of the school y~ar, the. freshman class'~h~cl
thirty-five member,s... Then Edward B~rndt and John Foxenteretl
Wilmot Highasfreshmen, Edvvard Berndt soon left, leaying us 'Yi.th .
·thirty-six members. Pp.uline Lunkenheimer. started high. school
: J'(:s hereat Wilmot,th~nleft us and went to McHenry~ Jac~ .• Allan.from
· ··. Green Bay joined .the fre~hman class, but soon left. Our lastaddi~
Honsto the class. were Cleo Weaver, formerly of Union. Grove, and
Donald Hennesy: We now have a class of thirty-eight members.
March fifteenth and seventeenth were set aside for the girls'
b11.sketballtournament.. On March fifteenth the freshman girls'
te.am, with Lois Berry as captain, ·lost to the sophoiT1ores with a
of 29 to 11. On March seventeenth, .the freshman played
seniors and lost. The score was 15 to 13.
The freshman .boys' team, with Jack Pfeiffer as captain,
played th,e sophomores on March. twenty-fourth and lost. The
. sco1·e was34to 11. March twenty"fifth, in the evening, the freshman boys' team played the juniors andlost by a score of48 to29.
Krjska, J. Swartz, T. Dean,V. Stockwell, J,Bernhoft, R.Roanhouse,
R. Schmjdt, F. Haase,· W. BaHey, R.. Baysjnger, N. Berry, W.
Waterford 12
East Troy 18.
Wilmot 6
Wilmot 0
Wilmot 12
Racine Aggies 26
l\1 ukworiago 6
Wilmot's Jootbaii team consisted ofrnore inexpeii~need m~.n
than' u~ual. .. They gave a good account of themselves. '!'he boys
worked hard to earn their "W's'' under theleadership ofRoundy
Rqanhouse, who was appointed eaptaii1 by Marv Richter. Mar~
was unable. to takepartin.the gridiron contests.. The boys went
through four weeks ·of good praetice . before. they engaged. in their
first.gll.me .. Dutch Haase, . . who.has enlisted. in the. army air corps,
held the spot· by his ability to pass and carry the .pigskin. The real ·
thrill came in the ~ochester game when he carried the kick~off to
a touchdown .. Roundy Roanhouse held the spotlight in catching
passes. The whole team worked well together, although tney.dicl.
lose three gamesand win ony one. T.he. OPP<:>nents had strong team.s
compared to that of."\\Tilmot. The team met Waterfordin their first
game tmderthe lights atWilmot.. The boys fought to the end, but
lost by one touchdown. At East Troy th~ boys were d~feated by a
much stronger team. · They battled the strong Rochester teail)., but
lost that by two touchdowns. To wind up the season theymet Mukwonago at Wilmot and looked like a championship team, defeating
them 26 to 6.
The team loses the following. seniors:.. Roan house, Linkus,
Schmidt, Bailey, Pringle, and Stockwell. Lettermen consist of Roanhouse, llaase, Berry, Richter, Schnurr, Bailey, Schwartz, Baysinger,
Kriska, Schmidt, Linkus, Jahns, Heizler, and Bernhoft.
Jack Berry clever quarterback, has been elected next year's
prised the.firstteam. They all contributed a great deal toward th~
r:uccess of.the team ..
Mr. Schnurr coaches the team, While Mr: Frank takes over the
d.utie. . .s...··. o.f. . . .·t. he·...' . s. . e. . c··.·.·o.·..·.n. d. '··· t.·.·,e·.·.·.a·.·.· .m·.·.·.·,. ".·.·. T
. . h. •. e...· t·e. am·. ·.· . .i..s. . ·.·.m··. ··.·a·.·.de.·. up··.·.····. ·.·.o,·. r. . · .f,··.o. .· .u•.. r. . . . . s. . e. n. io. .· . r. s. :.
threejuniors.and .. two .sophomores, Thet~amwill he hit }lard by·
the graduation qfthef?ur senior~,· but the under~classmen.are cap~
able oftaking over the job.
Lettermen consist of Don· Richards'.. ,.Marv Richter! .Roundy
Roanhouse,,.·.BillHupbard, .Bill· $chnurr, Bud ~h?tliff:,,. Frank KrisKa,
Dutch.Eiaase, Jack Berry. >(}raduat,es a,re:Richards, Richter, ~Q:111~
house,andSchii1idt. The captain-eJeet •. is frank Kri~ka, . . whq ~ill·
hike overthejob of leading the team throughne~tyear's season.·
To take partin . the.tournamentwas t~ehoys',greatest aimbi.tion. T}1eyheldthe.spotlightwit}lthree wins and'tY?defeats. R?~~T
dyl{.oanhqu~eheldthe honors in·the.fir~t byfiippingrabucketiiJthe
last fe"'. seconds to defeat Willia.ms ]3ay ·. 29 ··to. 28. T;~e. remairring
games were ~asily taken. At the Ra,cine tournament the boys lost to
Thomas Jones 29 to 10.
Wilmot 22 (non-eonfere,nce)
Wilm\)t 28 (non-conference)
Wilniot 32 (non-conference)
Wilmot 54
Wilmot 31
Wilniot 14
Wilmot 34
Wilmot 14
Wilmot 31
Wilmot 26 ·
Wilmot 27
Wilmot 32
Wilmot 34
Wilmot 54
Union Grove
"East Troy
R. Aggies
Norris Farni
Union Grove
East Troy
R Aggies
lVI ukwonago
Wilmot 30
Wilmot 37
Wilmot 35
Williams Bay 29
East Troy
Wilmot 10
Thomas Jones 29
1st Row.:· B. SGhnurr; T. Johnson, D. Voss, K.liackbarth, R. Schmidt, D. Richards,
. ·... ···. . . . . .· .. . . . . ·...
2nd Row:. Mr. Schnu~r, A; DeBell, G. Fait, W; Hl,lbbard, R. Roanhou~:;~, L. Fischer,
M. Schenning, F; .Kriska,. J. Seitz, J. Bernhoft.
N. Berry, R. Jah!ls •. R Shotliff,
Wilmothas the right to be proud 6fits baseball team. The
team has held the championship the last 12 years, sharing R cbchampionship on.ce. Mr. Schnurr manages the team and has done
. ..
Don Richards, ace pitcher, has given a good· account of· himself .• lie pitched winning games all through the season. Dick
Schmidt holds satcher's S·Pbt. Theinfield consists of DeBell, Richter,. Haase, Fischer, Fait, Schnurr.. Outfielders. are Schenning,
Hackbarth, Roanhouse, Berry, Kriska. The team .loses the following seniors: Fischer, DeBell, Schenning, ·. Hackbarth, and. Fait,
Dutch Haase, sophomore, has joined the air corps. The folldwing
are includedin the letter winners:. Fischer, DeBell, and Sehenning.
The team is lookingforwardto another successful season.
Wilmot 2
Wilmot 6
Wilmot 3
Wilmot 7
Wilmot 4
Wilmot 13
McHenry 0
Antioch 1
Elkhorn 2
G. A.A.
lst Row: N. Gandt, . E.
Burmeister, D. Sokolski, .L.
Conrad, D. RJlppert, B.
R?bers, A. Vollet:, L. Berry, .D.Gilmore, F. Mesme1·:
2nd Row: L, Stohr, V.
Quass, V. Schenning; · M.
Pringle, D. Krahn, ..f.
Joerndt, A: Joerrtdt, E ..
Epping, J, Lubeno; Mis.s
3rd Row: .J. Richter, V.
Schutz en, P. • ·. Elverman,
A. Sheen, L .. Kq~aJik, L.
R:rooks, P. McCar,thy.
1st Row: Mr. Schnurr,
R. Jahns, H. Richter, R.
Brooks, R Baysi11ger, }.
Swartz, . ·. R. Steven~; •• .R.
Bet:nhoft, E. And~rson, .J.
Berry; K
Robers; Mr .
.Frank .······• ·.· . . . ,. ·.. · .· ...•....
2nd Row: F'. Kriska, T.
Johnson, V. StockweU, R.
·Roanhous~, ..·J. ;!3ernhoft,
W. Hubbard; M. R,i~hter,
B. Corsi, T. Dean, R.
Linkus, R. .Sc.hntidt, W.
Q~ld,' . .foltlt./t¢~c·· 11&-d-o.ciaiio~
The Girls'.Athletic associationiseoniprised of girls Who are
interested· in .sports and wish tp get together to. play basketball,
baseball, and other games. .Weekly Il1eetings are held i11 tbe g;ym ·
during the winter, and in the spring, baseball. takes. precedence
over other sports. Miss Hinners is the JacultyadVisot.
In.March, the G. A .• A. ente~tained the basketball team and
the faculty at a dinner given in honor of the team. W.e look upon
the G ... A. A. •as an essential part of physical education.
Bo.f#' -Atltleiic ,(/~d.o.ciaiio.lf;
The B. A. A. is open to all the boys in school, an dis composed
of boys who know that good sports noforily keep one in good health
but also improve his eo-ordination and sport~manship .. Ever since
this prganization was begun it has done a fine job in urgingfeUows
totake partinfootball, }Jasketball, orb~seball, and in helping them
to.earnthe coveted W of Wilmot High.
1st Row: J,.Sietz, R. Baysinger, R. Jahns,
W, Schl).urr,T .. JohnsOJ;l,
2nd Row: Mr. Schnurr, F,Kriska, R. Schmidt, R. Lin:kus, W; Bailey, J. Swartz,
· V. Stockwell, Mr. Frank, > .. · .. • •. ·. . .• . .
. . •... ·
. ·
3r.d Row: E. Robers, D. Richards, R. Roanhouse, M. Richter, J. Berry.
P ... Richards, P. McCarthy, V. Peterson, J. Joerridt
Each.one oftheboyswho does·hissh1ne .in playing b~s~ball,
reward, which . . he. isiproud. to
·wear. ''W's.''··are presented to them if they pass certain require 7 i
ments, which are left t() the Athletic Association. This letter.'#"·
awarded to boys only. New boys enter the "W'' Club eachyear ais1d
are seen wearing them around school.
b~sketball, ~nd football receives a
()ur cheerleaders deserve recognition in view of the seryice
they have done us. ·. Headed by the two seniors qf the group;. Rat
1\icCarthyand Virgini~. Peterson, they.· have faithfully. attended
each ~thletic event .and .• he~ped.to··. bolster .the morale ·of .both team
and···auciience .. Th~irjobis to teach.thecheerstothe s~udent body,
and to .lead thestuden,ts in cheers at the games, a duty which has
be~n cr~ditably fulfilled.
lst. Row:. L~.Hunt()on, A.llarher, J.··N"elson,·T. La'sco, M. Anderson, A Paddock,
V. Schutzen; K. Sclilax, l\1; Meinke. . ...•..· · . . .
..· . · .:· . . .. . .
2nd Raw: B. Robers, V. Fait, G-. .Stephens, N. Gandt, M. AXtell, M. ·Axtell, M.
J'ripgle,A. Goak,P. Panknin; .· ... · .. ·.· .· ·•.···•.··
. . •·.· .·.
·...•.... ·. · .· .•.
. . . .· .. 3rd Ro.'Y: .··. F, Mesn1er, E. B11rmeister, E. Lancour,
Conrad, J. Bernhoft,
Pringle,P, Shafer, ;E. Robers. ·..· ... · · . ··.. ..·· .. · ,•. · .•... ·· . .•. ·. ·•. ·.. . ··•··. ·. . ·
. Standing.: Miss l;[ammond, N. l:Iegeman,.P. McCarthy, V. Peterson, C.. Ahdrew,s.
.. . .
. .
l.st Row: .. A. Baiber, G.AI1drews,,IL Schlax,V. Schutzen, M. Sietz, R.Cook, V.
Peterson, M, Meinke; B, McCarthy, L.Berry, C. Schmidt, .. ·· · .·· .·. ·. .· ... ·. . · .• ·•· ,·.•. ·.· ·•.. ··.. · ·
....... 2nd Row:. D. Ruppert, A Frank, A. Sheel)., D. Gal1ger, P. Panknin, E. Epping,
E. Burmeister, P. Elverm:m, )3. Robers, V. Fait, .L. Stohr, D .. Elsey, D. 'Schenning,
P .. Ri<:hards. .
. >• . ,· · . .
.............. ·.·.·.· .· •......· . · . .·•· · .•.. ·· ·•· · ; ·.·.·
3rd Row: ~'Pringle, E.. Anders~m, T. ·Dean, W. Bailey,. R. Corsi, R. Roanhouse;
Berr:y 1 R. Stevens, J:. Corsi, N. Hegeman, J. Manning, Miss Hammond.
This year the band is directed by Miss Hap1mond and she has
done a goodjob .. The band practices everyTuesday.and Thursday,
and 'Yas in perfect tiii1ii1g when it played at the tournament, wh.ich
was held J.\IIay 6 .. The band entered as a II1archi11g band at. the
.tournament.·. Theywereably Jed by Virginia Peterson, dl'ummaj"
orette. The band came through the tournament with flying colors. ·
.Thisyearthe A .Cappella choir has .a I~rge :rnunbyr ofstrtdents
singing in it. It is open to·anY()}1eWho :feels that they w9uld like to
sing 'Yiththe group. We hope to make . this. year'.&rec.:9rd ·a~ successful a~ those inthe pa,st. Everyone is working h~rd in order to return
fr()mthe tournament this year with another first place to our credit.
. Row.l: . A .. Bruen; D, Schl:nidt, R. Shotliff, G. Richter, J, .1\fanning, ']_'. Dean; .IL
SteV'eris, E. Anderson,
... . .
•. ·. . . . . ·.. .· .
. •··.. ·
~ow.!:l: Miss Hammond, .N. Berry, J. Corsi,.W. Bailey, R. Corsi, J. Berry,
Roanhouse, J; Swartz.
. Jst :Row: D .. Ruppert, R. Cook, J •. Grulich, M: .• Sietz, G, Sch111idt,.
Schutzen, L. HJ.mtoon, V ..Pete~:son, M. Meinke,P.McCarthy,L; Berry; ·.·. . i
!:lnd Row:.··.. Miss• Hammond, D. Gilmore, M. Anderso11, F, Mesmer, D. Krahn, J,
Lubeno,A. Frank, •E. ·• Burmeister, •)3. Robers, V. rait, L. .Stohr, A ..Voller•. A Scott.
3rd .Row: .. J ... ~ elson, •C. Andrews, p. Elsey, A. B.arber, P. P~nknin! . E. Epping,
P ..Elverman, D•. PaceY. D, Gauger, A .. Sheen, N. Hegeman, D. Schenning, P. ~ichards.
···acupt'•··. ···q~
The boys' chorus is open to all boys .wh() ·wish. to take part in
vocal. music activities. It has shown considerable growth during
the past§ear .
.. · > . The P9Y~' clwrus meets eachWednesday and, although the
grs.upisnot ~nterihg into tournament competition this spring, ev~ ·
eryone enjoys belonging to the organization, just for the fun of
singing with a group. Miss Hammond directs the group.
qbd~' eli(J.IJ,/U
This group eo.nsists of girls. who are interested in. singing,. not
for. specialized·mpsic trai11ing, .but for th.e ··pleasure they. ··derive
from it. The chorus is directed by Miss .Hammond and accompaIlied by DarleneSche11nirig.
. • . •. . • •
.· ...... ·
The girls' chorus. is planning to enter into tournament cbmpetion once more this spring, and everyone is working hard in order
to make as good a record as they have made in .past years. of com-·
1$t Row: . l).]!'is~her, T. rLasco, )\1". Schnu.rr, A.· Paddo~k, E. Lancour, IJ. Krahn,
Shotliff; E. Lancour,R. ?ebhart, J. Schn,urr~ ·. ·.·............ ·•· ·.....•...•.. ••.·.
·.·,.· •.
. ·.• ·
•· .. · '2n~ :Row: < D: l(rah~, L. Stohr, A. Cook, P. Panknin, M .. Holtdorf,.
Krahn, G;
Schmidt,. J. ~els.()n, P. ElverJ11an, C.. Andrews,.N. ffegeman, D. Pacey,V, Schutzen.
Brd Row: 1'· Merten, y. Stockwell, R.. Baysinger, H, Richter, J. S:wart~,
R. Jahns, R. Schmi<it, R .. 'Roanhou~e, J, Bernhoft, L. Halladay, T. Dean, J. Berry,. D.
Voss, E .. AIJ.derson, D. Dix,R.)3rooks,R. Bernhoft.
J. Ruc(plph, J .. ffeizler •. R. Stev(olns, K Robers, J. Pfeiffer, C. !Stoxen, D: Schmidt,
The studentsiri \Yilmot High have become mot·e· enthusiastic
a:hoqtdaneingthanatany.othertime .. IfY.{)u.weretovisitsehooio!l
Tllesday, you ·would.findthat a good percentage ofthes~udents'
free hours are. spent· in dancing. class under Miss Barnes' .l}l:Jle in"
struction. 'I'heylearn everything from the latest jitterbug step
to the old ·fashioned
square .dance.
' ',~
At noon they allgather in the gym and dance fotfuri..
musi~ .is provided by/Miss J?arnes' pia:noaccordion and the ;record
m~;ch,ine. The latest records are played, which wakes.it more fun
for the. students.
Thedancing classes meet aU d~Y. Tuesday. ancl that day is
looked forward to by l:tll the students~ . •. The .studeni;s have found
out how importantand how muc;h fun it isto know how: to dance.
Sitting: P, Pa,nknin, J,. Nelson, D: Krahn, P. McCarthy, V, Schutzen, M. Richt!!r,
L:''Hlintoo11, ~' Richter.
Sta:tlding: M: Meinke, K. Schlax, A. Sheen, A. Bruen, J. Manning, Mr. Frank.
Sitting: M.Holtdorf, P. Panknin; D. Krahn, L. Huntoon, :1\1. Richter, K. Schlax,.
L. Stohr, D. Schenning,
Stdndirtg: J. Nelson, J. Manning, Mr. Frank.
The Commercial Clubhasbeen ?ne.of the activities of Wilmot
High for fifteen years.. This club's purpose isto giye aid to those
studeP;ts >Whohope to. enterinto the con1mercial world some day,
and also to choose the school paper staff from the student body,
.. The Club is led by Mr, Frank, who has done a fi;ne job during
the.·time inwhich.he.has been the club advisor.
Everymonth the sale of the school paperis. anxiously awaited.·
All the stu\fents d~light in reading the articles abou.t school activities. .· The paper has one page devoted to cartoons, which are en::
joyed by aU the studentbody, Enjoyed also, is the monthly gossip
···We havean able staff which i~ headed. by Loretta
and is .guided by Mr. Frank, our.commercialte,acher;
Left (}ro~p: . L. Huntoon, L. Stohr,,A. COok, Miss Vivian.
Center< (}ro11P.: P. Richards, M. Spears, M~ Connell, J. Ltibe.!lo;
~ight Group: .. P. Panknin, J. Nelson,. D. Elsey.
. ·•·• ·. · l~t,Row: A. Bruen, J. Wertz, J. Joerndt, A. Joerndt, L. Berry,
Sietz, J .. Manni:ng.
2nd ~ow: Miss Vivian, R Stevens, V. Schennil)g, E. Burmeister, N: Gandt, P.
Elverman, V. Fait, J. Lubeno, A. Frank,.A. Barber. .•.....
3rd Row: L. Stohr, R. Jahns, V, Schutzen, C. Andrews, R. Roanhouse, D. Rich,
ards, P, PqpJi:!lin, N. Hegeman, E. Robers, .K .. Schlax.
l{neeling: T. Dean, J. Berry;
Standing at Front: D. Schmidt.
·~~· (dlu;/,.
The. g-irls of the·· ~ibrarJiClub and their advi,;;or, lV[is~ Vivian, •.
hayethejobof keepingthe schoollibrary.in ord~r.·Th~yhelpthe . ·.,
sttrdent in ev~ry wayineheeking o1,1ta book or looking .for infor, . •~:;
mationthat >Vill help }liJ1linhi~ studi~s, . They alsot::tB:~ e<J,re ?f the ~t·
magazines and newspapers in the assembly, .. · .
. •. .
.....· < . ·· ··
·.The librarians get .good libraty···experience·. vvhic.l;I may· h~lp
them later on.
~tui~ ·e~u~J.
The .•Dran1atre·· Club h<ls~tf~Uldteci·. ·interestin.the fields•• of ~td~
ing rind pantorriime .andin theartpf.ma,.l<:e~up.for the. st;:J.g~.·•·• ...l\1is$ .
Vivian, wh.o .• is the director. Jo.r·• both the.junior and. senior class
plays, is.the facqltyadyisor. ·•· · ...·..... ; . . .·.· .. •> ·. . ·. · .·.·• ......·.
The organi:?;ation.off~r§ •.. to. tho.se.··who d~si:r~it,<a.ch;:J,nce.
gain a good ide.a of just,wha,t the. field of dr<J,1Jlaticsholds in store
for the individual.
·· ·
The Student Council is· composed of . representatives· of..the
vatious.classes al).d organizations of the school,_ and .is advised by
Mr. Schnurr. ,
Th,eduties ofthegroupinclude.setting datesfor dances, plays,
and other school ~vents, and sele~ting assembly prograrrts which
are given during the school year for the entertainment of Jhe:stud~ptlrody ..•.•.·Problems which arise during the year. are settled by
the Student Council and Mr. Schnurr:
S~ated: >Mrs. R Buftol1, Mrs. P. Ganzlin,Mr$. G, Higgins, Mis$ A. Kroncke, Mrs,
W. lj'rank, Mrs' H. McDcmgall, Miss M.. Adams, Mrs, W, H:igemann; Mrs. J. Barnett,
1\'Irs. F; Forster. · . .
. . ..... · .· ·•
. .
. . · ..• . . ·• . ·. . . . ·.
Additional.Members: M~s. F; Ehlert; .Mrs.. R .. Stoxen, Mrs. w. Wertz;•Miss S.
Go~b~l, Mrs, . S.)3t()oXen, M1·s. y; . .Lewis, .Mrs .. M. E.. .Hoffman, Mn>. R .. Swar:tz, Mrs. L.
Hdpse,Mrs•F. .f-laase, Mrs. L.·stoxen, Mrs.·.F. Kruckman,Miss.M,Rhodes. Miss J .• Cardell, Mrs. I-l. Lubeno, Mrs. H. Mickle, ¥r:s. G, Dean, Mrs. H. Pacey, Mrs. E, .Rasch, M:rs.
H. Sarbaeke:r,Mrs. K Stenzel, Mrs. G. Neumann,. Mrs. R. Sehenning, Mrs. M. Seitz, ancl
Mrs. n, KimbalL
The flne Red Cross·group·.whieh hasbeen . oxganized·· . in this
eowmunity refle~ts th~spirit of patriotism shared.by the peopl.e.of ·
~ilmot.. Althoughthe Red Crossis not. essentially a high school·
''organizp,tio.n, it ha,s.beeome.anintegral part .of our community life,
The.group meets in th~ high SGhoolbullding to· carry out the
Red Cross ac~ivities. It is comprised of the wpll}en of the· sur~
·rounding.country,who .. are·.giving.th.ei~timeimd energr·tod'p.t}leit
bit for the war;! effort.. !t isgroupssuch.as..tp.is.that ·are. supplying ..
our; se~vieemen '-"ithmediealsupplies that.ar~a.-yery neeess~I'y.pa~t
.of\Vi:nningthe'war. We ~re· proud topresent this, ourRed.Gross
HONORROLL (Continued)
Haase, Frank
Hansen, Arriold
Hefner, .J.oh:imy
Hegeman, L. K.
'Hill;. James
H1rschmiller, Robert
Hollister, Glendale
Holtdorf, Wesley
Hubbard, Stanley
Jackson, E . A.
Jaeger, Frank
Jahns, Merlin
Jensen, Chester*
Johnson, Donald
Johnson, Henry
Kanis, Warren
Kolar,G . .
Kohrios; Herbert
Kowalik, Henry
Krahn, Melvin
Longman; Russell
Maleski, Gaylord
Mailman, (jerald
Meinke, W]'n;
Mooney, lWbert
Newberry, Ray
Oetting, Louis
Paque, Norman
Peterson, Donald
Platts, Gail
Pohlman, Warren
Raditz, Milton
Rausch, ·Joe
Rett~inger, David
Retzinger, Edward·
Retzinger,. Leo
Reyer, Jack
Richards, George
Richter, Earl
Richter . Lyle
Richter, Robert
~Robers, Richard
Rudolph, Bernard
Ruriyard, C. B.
Runyard, Claren,ce
Runyard, Stanley
Sarbayker', Fred
'Sarbacker, RoBert
Schenk, Lenard
Scherining, Eldon
Schenning ,Kenneth
Schenning, Vernon
Schippers; John
Schmalfeldt, Emerson
Schmalfeldt, Hardy
Schmidt, Bo,b
Schmidt, Robert
Schultz, Arthur
Schultz, James
Schwar~z, Norman
Scott, Charles
Scott, Robert
Sheahan, Richard
Shotliff, Harley
Sokolski, John
Stoxen, Jlarry
Swenson; Harry
Swenson; Madeline
Terry,.L. E.
Tilton, Clem
Tyle:l', Donald
Tyler; Grand
Vanclerzee., Donald
y anLiere,,ponald
:VanOrder, Ray
v anSloehteren, .J ohri
Vincent, John
Vogel, Ray
~alker, Robert
Wellman, Art
Wertz, Melvin .
Wertz; Raynwnd
~ilson, Irving
We, the Senior Class ·of the Union Free High School, Wilmot,
Wisconsin, 1944, A. D., knowing ourselves. to he of sound mind and
in full possession of our faculties, do hereby setforth our last will
and testament.
Individually, we leave ollr characteristics and possessions as
Colleen Andrews leaves her "reversible bangsu to Bill Bartl1el.
Wlllarcl Bailey wills hisred hair to Nanette Gandt.
Audrey ~arher leaves herlaugh to .JimmySietz.
To the Juniors, Lorraine Brooks leaves her ability to sell mag· Alyce Cook leaves her "diamond'' in the trophy case.
Delores Gauger leaves her> record as class tournament hig·h~
scorer in. basketball to Lois 'Berry.
Nadia Hegeman. bequeaths her seat by the ass.embly door to
Darwin so he won't have to cut throughthe desks,
Loretta Huntoon leaves her place as solo clarinet in the band
tothenext in line.
Dick Linkus wills his school spirit to the student body.
f!atMcC:uthywills her athletic ability to Don Dixi
1\i[aryiVIeirike leaves her place as Carnival Queen to anyone
lucky enough to succee.d her.
Jean Nelson leaves her good grades to all recipients of ":E's"for usei:ri. emergenCies only.
Jeanette Neumann.leaves··her place.in the cafeteriawhen/she
Phyllis. P~mkninleaves her ready smile to anyone who may be
inclined to ill temper:
Virginia Peterson wills·her place .as· cheerlea.der t0 J?hyHis
Roy Pring-le wills his ability t~ pla,Y the R flat. bass
Don l~ichardslea,vesl1is.cornyJokesfor Miss Vivian'.s c()llec;·
ti<m of pun;>. ·
·Miekey<Roh~rs :Jeaves his trig. assignrrte'llts tp ~nyone,who'U
tlike them~
· ·
Gern~ Rob~rs. Ieav'.es his war-sta~inp eriv~lopes Jh· the :!!are'of
·itifuer tmtil'next:fa1l.
· ''
wills her. ..quietness
to. . the ..Under:.cla:ss:tneri;
,, ,
. . , - . '>,'\Jack 'Smith left-·-:for the marines.:
Vern~n StockWell wills hfs shyne§sto
. . . . }f'ioy~LAppel;
' . .
. .· .
· . •. To the Juniors we,wilt'ourJofty'J)9siti~htas ''mJghty ~en1orsir:/
. .t9 the Sophpmores .we 1¥ilf opr aim ua:l:~magllzine ~ale.tii~m pp', an~
·'to the· Freshmen we will a book <Jri ''How'fo. Become Seniors i~/3 "•J
compa,nied by Loretta Huntoon, ·who is a . suc.cessful·rrtu.sic· teacher.
This concluded the program.
"Lunch. was serv~d by Mal'y Mienke, the· owner of. Mrs. McGilli~uddy's Little·piner, a,ndVirginiaPeterson,the girl who m;;tkes
the frosting for the cake that you can't eat and h;;tve, too.
''~ev~ral,.menib~rs• oft~eelass Were present. \Vho·did··nofpar:c
ticipateinthe progra111. ·.. Mar~ ~khterisa prosperousfarmer,.He
o\Vns ·11. large farm on the Foxriver, andis experi~enting with a
ne)yhreed ofe,o\Vwhich gives.chocolate n1ilk onwee}{days and ice
cream with hot chocolate on Sundays. The only trouble, 1\'I;;trv
~ays, is. thatyou havetofeed them too Jnuch ehocglate. Alyce
.Cook, is now .a pai~le:;;s .dentistwith angtficein Chicago, an~ Jem1
Nelson· is the .• spanish tea~ her .at North \Vester~· m1iversit~· . · . Jeanette
~ellma,nnis a repgrte~fortbe Chicago,Tribune,and, took notes on·
t}1e,reunionfor her ,paper: DifkLinkusis<~unning fprtheotfice.of
g.··.o. v.e.rn·o···r .of·. N.·. e..·.'·.v.·.· .·. Y.·. o.......r k..·. . st.·.a.t. . ·.e.; . s.h.·a·d·.·o. · w . R. ic. . . h.· a. . r.d.... s i.s ·.a.·.·.·.·.w
.• ell..•..k. .n·.o.. w
... n.
lawyer i.Jl.Lo~Angeles, and ha:s he~omethe f~vorite la\Vyerofth,e
Hollywood actresses. ·. Roy Pringle is an inventor, •. His latest in-'
~:~tion is an 'anti~snorer,' which wakes up sleepers as. s()on as they
beginJo snore.
"After lunch, goodbyes were said, and the Class of 1944. ad-'
journedfor another year.''
A:cad!!~Y"CieaJ1e~s- Eurlingtdn, v\Tis,
AJ;kE)~lhan.IIo~el_:_Twi~ ~akes, Wis.·
•• ••. •••.• •. •.
Al'\.d;r:~}i~s LliiilherC(}.; ,Jiig}iway,50 Jllld ·48th Av.e:: KeJ10~ha;
' { ~rrdy>s·'Ta':'ern-SilveiJ:".. Lake;;Wis,· ·••·•.
·.·. :ApHoch LuJl!ber~ Co.alCo;':'-Anti<;>cli, IlL
Antioch N.ews-Antiodi; J:IL
-~------- :·__ -.__
_-, _;·:-·-.-_
- :
-- ·:
''_': . --~- ·.-->' _.·_,_ '· -., .>
.·. ,_ •. _;·-·.. ·•
B~dger Paint :Store'-BudingtoJ1; W~s. > \.
.. ..•.. •. . ·.·•·
·.~a.i~r~'~ .F.:· •~;, ·: Auth?tj;,efi DeKa.!b 'Ji:y!jrid ..Seed~ Co.rn
·:B ~P:¢KShoE) Store-Burlington;. Wis.···
J:3ank·~f~~~l~n~on~J,3~dip&"t9lh .Wis.
B~x:den~s~•~!:;to~e~Ke;nosha; ·.}Vis. ·. .
BaJ;;i .Fu.)'niture Mart~enosb,a, }Vis.
J3el(1Glothing Hous'e,-Kenosha, Wis: .
... ··.· . . •
1 .~enson~sServ(~:e;>lY,I!!ats.,and Groceries-B!!nso;q's · Cor;ners~Bristol,_.Wis.
·:B.ictiriger Music House_,...oKE)lWsha, }ViS;.
· ·•
~;. 'B·i~ Shoe Store-Kenosha, Wis: · •.·
.· . 1-c
'>'sra\md, Ed. ···Pa,ddock L~ke Grocery.·S1me~Salem, Wis.
· . B:ristpl.Food Stor~,_,.Brist?l; Wis. , ... ••·
Bristol ~ro~!!n'F'ood. . r.lockers~Bristol, V'fi,s~
·Br<)~;Jlc Priilting f1rid Ofl:'ic~ Stipply Co.,-Kenosha, Wis.
BroW;n.'s 13e:i~h ~e~tati,rant~Twin; Lak~s, W~s.:
BJC"uno's ·T:ayern~M:rs.: St~lia E. Pola,nin; Prop.. -;-::Salem, Wis~;
'Bu;fton, 'R. T.:-::@:aidW'are' Store~SilverL!lke, Wk
Burlington National ·Bank;~~~¥rlilngtpn, Wt~. · ··
CornW(lll'sSKenosha;. Wis.
C1.umingha!TI .Bui~k Co.--Burlington,
Cunning-ham.· Hat· §hop-B~rlingt()n,
Curtis, Chas. H., .. General Insurance-'-. Kenosha, Wis.
Darn~hy's·.Sh()e .st?r~.··.·· Alltioch, Ill~
Dean, 0;. T.,Hardw~tr(l &P1u1Uhing---Bassett, \Vis.
De Wit,t, P.r. C. A. 7 Silver La~e; Wis.
Dickey f>.lioto. Seryice~Antioch, Ill.
Edwar~s OiJGompanr:.:C....Sjlver Lake, Wis.
E!si e's .S pe(lialty .•. Sh<>p-B~rlington, · Wis.
Erni~!~c-"TwinLakes, . Wis.
Ernst's. Bo~k. Store:..,.-Kenoshrt., .Wis.
Evaris 1 Johh, &Sori-1Salem 1 Wis.
I!· K--L~rri!Jer & Coal C()--'-Bristol, Wis •.
Gamble's·Store~Ant!och, IIL
Garb1s .. Travel.Shop--'-Kenosha, . "Wis.•
(jasul's Re~dy . toWear+Kenosha, Wis.
Granzeau, H: W., M, D.---Burlington, Wis;
Hanke's Oak Bar B-Q--Salem,Wis.
Harba11gh Lumber Co.-'fwi1l Lakes, Wis.
Hartnell Chevrolet Sales---Salem,. Wis.
HaskeH's Ready toWear~~urlingtop_, Wis.
Hintz,. Dr. Max C.-Burlington, Wis.. ..
!Iolbrook, L. H., Jeweler Sii1ce1905_c_l{enosha, Wis.
Hubbard; G. S., Jeweler & Engraver-"--Kenosha, Wis.
Isermanr1 Brothers, Men's Clothiers"-'-Kenosha,.Wis.
Itzin, Wm. A.-Burlington, Wis.
Kellogg Ice.Cream Co.~.Burlington,Wis.
Kerwsh~ College of Commerce-Keno~ha,
Kenosh:J:. Evening News-Kenosha,· V\7is.
Ke~lman, Will, ·J eweler_c_AI1tioch, l~L
King's· Grocery. Store--Salem, Wis... .•·
.Klass, Otto ·s,, .qothihgSto~e--Antioch,. Ill.
Krahn Bros., Service Station..._SaleJ:ll, Wis.
Kriska,Frahk, Gr9eery and . Meat Market~Wilmot,\Vis.
· Kruckman & Glaser Hm·dware·Go.--,-Burlington, Wis.
· Leader Store-Kenosha, Wisi
Lee's Skelga:s Service--Wilmot, Wis.
Lepp & Co.-Kenosha, Wis.
Lots, A. H., F'eed Co.-.Bassett, Wis.
Lubeno, Hal"ry Rc--Sand :J:nd Gravelc--Wilmot 542~Wilmot, Wis.