Wilmot Union High School 1962 Yearbook
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Wilmot Union High School 1962 Yearbook
1962 Yearbook
School Yearbooks
123979941 bytes
Kenosha (Wis.)
Wilmot Union High School
Linda Valentine Snippets
Linda Valentine Snippets
615A- 1962 Panther
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the WKCHS collection
and was donated by Bettie Brandes.
0-110 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
615A- 1962 Panther
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the WKCHS collection
and was donated by Bettie Brandes.
0-110 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
Dedication .
One of the basic aims of a good teacher
is the attainment of the respect and friendship
of his students. Mr. Frank B. Bucci has ac·
complished this and more during his years at
In the classroom he has displayed his de·
sire to aid in the academic advancement of his
pupils. Throu,gh his active participation in
the sports, pro~ram of our high school, he has
professed his interest in the physical develop·
ment of our athl,et~"s,
, Aft,e; ~~ y/hs as head foQtball coach, Mr.
But!l.ii, ~as ,decided t? lea¥~ tlt'is p!Jsition. and
devote )lis tjme;~Qtirely to:~the classroom a"-d
other attivities. · ,.,.
T.h,e·refqre, we, ihe;~e~io,r Class. of 1962,
dedicale;.this .~nnuah~' 1yQu, Mr. Frank,Bucci,
in appreciation of your inaJ.ly hours spent on
the gridiron' with tiJe p'~nther Fo,otball Sqtlads<
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Principal and his message, . . .
The advances of science have awed the world and
have changed to reality some of man's wildest dreams.
However, science with all its brilliance, lights only
a middle chapter in life. The unchanging virtues of
humility, truth, devotion to duty, and patriotism will
still play the most important part in saving the civilization which has been developed. Wherever you go and
whatever you do, let these virtues be a part of your life,
for without them all education will prove barren.
Today's casual way of thinking and living, and the
increasing desire .for the material things of life may
well lead to the decay of the civilization of which we are
so proud. The challenge for your generation is to prevent what is called progress from destroying the civilization which it has created.
Marlin M. Schnurr
Board of Education ...
The BOARD OF EDUCATION are the chosen representatives of our
high school district. We would like to thank them for the fine facilities and
opportunities which they have provided for us. From left to right: Mr.
Olson, Mr. Horton, Mr. Lake, Mr. Swenson, Mr. Stoxen, Mr. Bierdz, Mr. Badger, Mr. R. Richter, Mr. Schnurr, and Mr. M. Richter.
This year, Wilmot Union High School was admitted to membership in
the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
Our class is very proud to be the first class to graduate after having the
honor bestowed.
We are also very proud of our Board of Education, faculty, and school
administration for having prepared our school to qualify for this recognition.
Prologue .
The Senior Class Officers are (1. to r.) Pat Lynn, Student Council Rep·
resentative; Don Yuknis, Vice-President; Ray Cates, President; Bev Arnold,
Se,cretary-Treasurer. Mr. Heigl is the Senior Class Advisor.
We, the Senior Class of 1962, have many incidents, both large and small, to
Looking back, we all recall our freshmen year. The annual homecoming
bonfire was one of the first activities of our high school lives. Patti Carlson
and Bill Horbach were selected as attendants for the homecoming court. Later
that year, we sponsored a sock-hop in honor of the sophomores.
In our sophomore year, Tom Oberhofer and Rosann Nielsen represented
our class on the homecoming court. We gave a skit entitled "Yea, Man!" as
our contribution to the homecoming festivities. A welcoming sock-hop for the
freshmen was our main activity.
Then suddenly, with the arrival of our junior year, we became upper·
classmeu. Getting our class rings made it official. Nancy Sorenson and Dennis Hanke were our homecoming attendants, and we presented a home,coming
skit, "Man on the Street." The class play, "Grandma's Best Years," proved to
be one of the most humorous Wilmot has ever seen. Ending our third year,
we presented the annual Junior Prom, the theme being "Oriental Fantasy."
Don Yuknis reigned as king, with Sandy Shepanek as his queen. None of us
will ever forget the hard work and enjoyment that came from this event.
Eventually came our fourth and last year. Homecoming was again the
highpoint of the, year. Reigning as king and queen over the annual celebration
were Jim Dunford and Laurie Griebel. The seniors won first place honors with
their homecoming skit, "A Victory Hunt." The attendants from the Senior
Class were Tom Alby and Sandy Shepanek. For the enjoyment of the student body, the seniors gave a "Roaring 20's Dance," complete with flapper
dresses and raccoon coats. We also presented the annual Senior Class play,
"All Shook Up," as part of the activities: during our last year. Finally, the Sen·
ior Banquet climaxed our high school careers.
On May 31, 1962, 66 seniors will walk through the doors of Wilmot High,
never again to enter as students. Instead of leaving with the usual "good-by,"
in the' Oriental tradition of our class, we say "Sayonara."
Mrs. Ruth Miller, B. S.
Mr. Frank Bucci, B. S., M. S.
Stout State College, Menomonie
Wis. State College, Whitewater
University of Colorado
Library Club Advisor
University of Wisconsin
Physical Education, Boys
Health and Safety, Boys
Athletic Director
"A" Squad Football Coach
Track Coach
BAA Advisor
Mr. Richard Heigl, B. A.
Mr. Lawrence Stein,
B. Ed., M.A.
Western State College, Colorado
University of Wisconsin
American History
Social Problems
Senior Class Advisor
Annual Advisor
Photography Club Advisor
Audio Visual
Wis. State College, Whitewater
University of Iowa
University of Illinois
Office Machines
Machine Shorthand
Advanced Typing
Advanced Shorthand
Shorthand I
Commercial Club Advisor
,Mr. Gene Olson, B. S.
Mr. Eugene Bilotti, B. A., M. A.
Wisconsin State College, LaCrosse
University of Wisconsin
Assistant Principal
Science Club Advisor
Nat'l Honor Society Advisor
Student Council Advisor
Wisconsin State College, LaCrosse
St. Norbert College
Marquette University
University of Wisconsin
English IV
Spanish I, II, III, IV
Forensics Director
Spanish Club Advisor
Mr. George Amoth, B. S.
Mrs. Darlene Carr, B. S.
Wis. State College, Platteville
Northwestern University
Pep Band
Boys' Chorus
Mixed Chorus
Solo and Ensemble
University of Wisconsin
Girls' Glee Club
Freshmen Girls' Chorus
Solo and Ensemble
Mr. Donald Helberg, B. S.
Wis. State College, River Falls
University of Wisconsin
General Science
Junior Class Advisor
Assistant FootbaU Coach
"B" Squad BasebaU Coach
)nJVe!Ys"""1ta'ucati.0'11,, Boys
Squad flasketbaU Coach
. U C ach
~ ~1~'1
Mr. Patrick Shelton, B. A.
Mrs. Emily R. MacDonald, B. S.
Marquette University
University of Wisconsin
English I, III
Sophomo1·e CLass Advisor
"B" Squad Basketball Coach
"B" Squad BasebaU Coach
Ithaca College, New York
University of Wisconsin
English II, III
Newspaper Advisor
Senior Class PLay Director
Junior Class Play Director
~n JV~
.~ \\j
'Y .j\i'l,N.f ~lhf"
~~ ~·
Mr. loren Miller, B. Ed.
Mary louise Wagner,
B. S.
Wis. State College, Whitewater
Junior Advanced Math
Senior Advanced Math
General Math
"A" Squad Baseball Coach
University of Wisconsin
Wis. State College, Whitewater
Home Economics I, II, III, IV
Lunch Room Supervisor
WHT Advisor
Mr. Charles Powers,
B. A., M. Ed.
Mrs. Leora Anderson, B. S.
Wis. State College, LaCrosse
Wis. State College, Whitewater
Physical Education, Girls
Drivers' Education, Girls
Health and Safety, Girls
GAA Advisor
Cheerleader Advisor
Shurtleff College, Illinois
University of Wisconsin
University of Illinois
University of Missouri
Southern Illinois University
Guidance Counselor
World History
Mrs. Ruth Jedele, B. A.
\ '(1
Lawrence College, Appleton
University of Wisconsin
Northwestern University
Latin I, II
Mr. Gerald Anderson, B. S.
'fjs. State College, Platteville
\rl /Industrial Arts I, III
f /' 1 G;eography I
~r ~.
Mr. Gerald Holte, B.
s.Mo:tr Ji,!
Wi,s. State. College, LaCrosse~ . . . \ ..·.
World H~story
, \
. ·
General Science
) , \1. '\ "
11 \ ~ ' •
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Miss Diane Vaitkus, B. F. A.
State University of South Dakota
Art I, II, III, IV
Mr. Richard Hart, B. Ed.
Mr. George Schollian,
B. A., M. A. T.
Wis. State College, Whitewater
Typing I
Business Science
Golf Coach
Assistant Football Coach
Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
University of Wisconsin
English I
World History
Newspaper Advisor
Senior Class Play Director
Junior Class Play Director
Mrs. Shirley Schultz
Miss Louise Matthies
Secretary to Assistant Principal
and Guidance Counselor
Secretary to Principal and
Board of Education
Lunchroom Stall and Janitors .
Mrs. Rasch and Mrs. Tilton prepare our meals during the school year. They
are assisted by Melvin Rasch, Penny Fritch, Tom Alby, Pat Welch, Don Yuknis,
and Austin Rasch, who work in the lunchroom during the noon hour. The
lunchroom is under the supervision of Mrs. Wagner.
The janitors, Mr. Frank, Mr. Tilton, and Mr. Neuman, are responsible for
keeping the .classrooms and halls of our school clean. We would like to thank
them for their assistance during the past year.
\Py ~~· {))'» y /
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John zdd ms 11Short Stuff11
Golf pm . . oar """mble~(· .. shy.
"F:U'~ wr7
Crazy legs · · · f nendly
around athlete.
· · ·
~r'¢?~~ ·~~;;:r
Beverly , Arnold 11Bev11
student . . . lone female physt ... eyebrow raiser.
Deane Bauman 11Morpheus11
Extremely quiet . . . freckles . .
easy going.
"Oh, O.K."
Marsha Briggs Beulah
Worry wart ... menace to motorists
... volumes of notes.
"I'm so smart!"
Patricia Carlson Patti
Speech hater . . . sweaters
"Oh, well!"
~IJP K.' '~ik
~r- Ra ymond Cates uR
orning grouch
· · · ba,.bnll e>ptoin
Certainly nat!"
Edward Dorociak "Ed"
Artist . . . dry humor . . . bouncy
"I can't dance!"
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James Dunford 11Big Daddy"
- v-.0-"'.
Homecoming king ... fullback ...
l.{~~-~- 1~u rJY)
"How about that!"
Darlene Ehlert 11 Dar11
Straight skirts ... eager beaver
... good-natured.
il .
J'~ JYtr
"That wasn't even nice!"
. . . boisterous . . . lots of
"You're cool!"
Cheryl Faber 11Cheryl"
Pokey ... comments for everything
... shower hater.
"Yea, sure, you're right!"
Danny Flucke 11 Fiuck11
Very audible . . . question box . . .
king of sarcasm.
"Did I give you permisison to talk?"
Penelope Fritch 11Penny"
Even disposition ... seamstress
.. debater.
"Good thinking!"
Mitchell Grasseschi 11Mitch11
Taxidermist . . . intellectual
happiness in person.
"Oh, I don't know!"
Homecoming queen ... rasnwnau1e>
... slender.
"Sssmarty !"
___,. _
Dennis Hanke 11 Hank11
Football captain ... flirtatious
... speedy.
"Give me the ball!"
Eldon Hans 11Skip"
Tall ... trackman ... big blue eyes.
Sue Hoffman 11Sue11
Shorthand ace . . . soft spoken . . .
"Oh, I hope not!"
George Holst 11Pee Wee11
Regular guy . . . inquisitive . . .
short stuff.
"Don't have'"
Judith Kaskin ''Judy"
1fr>{If ~
English enthusiast?
1" e ~
Carol Kempken "Carol"
Spanish wizzard . . . liked by all
... sincere.
Frederick Koehnke "Fred"
Mostly malarky . . . office machines
pest ... side jabber.
"Look out, kid!"
Shirley Konrad 11Shir11
Queen of sarcasm ... another shower hater ... giggly.
"That's cooU"
Kendall Kube 11 Kub11
Polite ... go-getter ... reasonable.
"Yes 'um."
Joseph Laflamme 11 Li'l Joe 11
Blond streak ... crooked smile ...
concession worker.
"Here's to you!"
Arthur Laskey 11Art"
Quiet at first ... dimples ... nonchalant manner.
"Who me?"
Thespian ... expressive speaker ...
spelling specialist?
"Que Lastima"
Patricia Lehmann 11Pat11
Gum cracker . . . short skirts
... boy conscious.
"Forget it!"
Virgene Lois 11Jeanie11
Sweetness personified . . . nimble
with a thimble ... jovial.
"Why do you always look at me
that way?"
Janet Lovely 11Jan 11
Crafty cook . . . roller skater
Boston accent.
"Too cool!"
Patrick Lynn 11 Pat11
One of the boys . . . relaxes in Social Problems ... cute comments.
"C'mon guys!"
Janet Morgan 11Morgan11
Strawberry blonde ... neat nut
... rosy cheeks.
do you think you're doing?"
Ji'l :J;.,J ~"W!Jiifm Nasello "Piuon"
· 0. •
~ ~T
knee . . . weight lifter
0:.\ .
\ ~
r~ ,~
alian idiot.
~' "~at'' foul maul!''
'(~; ~ ~)J
Margaret Noonan 11Maggie11
Laugh all her own . . . one in
a million . . . speed demon!!!
"Hi, you old sack!"
\ f\_\Y
Big fella' ... allY+~Hl1!>
. . . big hearted,}
"I clare!"
Vests . . . critical ... meticulous.
"Did you do your English?"
,f\< :;r--/.
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--z'~ ~ /£2--c?~c--/
Arlene Paoli 11Are11
Deep in thought ... willing worker
.. introvert.
"Have none!"
Michael Pawlik 11Mike11
Smooth dresser . . . unknown
artist ... well-built.
"Why not?"
Richard Perkins 11 Perky11
Independent . . . wise cracks
drums enthusiast.
.1." " ' v
when ready!"
~ ~ ~ ~ &J. H· ).
G7~~~ l ~ (.___
What a rock! ... subdued manner
... shorthand speedster.
"Oh man!"
Theresa Powers 11Theres"
Talkative ... outspoken ... nutty
over Nippersink.
"Boy, is that sharp!"
Austin Rasch Butch"
Big smile . . crew cut ... some
kind of nut.
"How about a bowl of soup?"
Melvin Rasch 11Mel 11
Ice cream cone maker . . . genuine
... job fiend.
"Is that real glass?"
Roberta Robinson
Mr. Stein's friend . . . party lover
. . . self-conscious.
"Which way did he go?"
Eric Sattersten 11 Swede11
Skier at heart ... westward, ho ...
slide rule enthusiast.
"What didja say, girlie?"
Christine Schaetten 11Tine
Full skirts . . . wobbly walk
... deadeye.
"You're kidding!"
(I~J .rr'
~t 'J1J.W
David Schick 11 Davy-Baby11
Reserved manner ... mumbler .. ;
"Well . . "
James Schmalfeldt Schmaltz
Twister ... likable ... corner wild.
"Hi, guy."
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Janice Shannon Jan
Striking eyes ... good enunciation
... pleasant.
"If you don't know, I'm not
going to tell you."
Donald Shaw Bullwinkle"
Blushing boy . . . camera shy
. smart quips.
.LJ /
f~ fr . .vii:
v ~,r
. Sheen Gar
van Winkle ... thin
hook shot.
"H.r' I ""'
Shepanek Shep"
Prom queen ... pretty potential Picasso ... CODE.
"Cut it out, wiU you?!!"
Camera bug ... capitalization whiz?
. . . loud voice.
"You caU it."
Nancy Sorenson 11 Sorens11
Silent type (Are you kidding?)
... smart remarks ... CODE.
"I'm not one to talk, but . . "
Hey! (straw's cheaper) .... exceptional handwriting? ... curious.
"What's new?"
Geraldine Straukas 11Gerrie11
Fast runner . . . amusing anecdotes
... locker troubles.
"Yuk! Yuk!"
~, ;rA~f,
Lynn Thornton "Twink"
Card shark ... wandering eyes ...
sleek sweaters.
"Good afternoon, friends.
Hal Hal HU:. ljaJ lfla! 11
r"-z~~ f?aA.-a or ~~".'
~'~· ~-cJ.J...#'Y"L
Loves to chatter . . . lunchroom maid ... to know her is
to like her.
"Oh, do!"
r',~\ "~
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::.l\, \~II
)),J'.NZ~~ )j'i'\.
Sandra Weyrauch "Peanuts"
Petite . . . bubble gum chewer
... vocalist.
u )\'\. r,\
"Nothing! Nothing at all!"
Donald Yuknis "Yuk"
Homely (hal hal!) ... prom king
... basketball captain.
/,_: \ '\J)Y t)Jpi' .
~ ~F ,'I~ /')-!.//~V
', u~ ;<_~JrJ "hi?
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, . Q)
, vf
I ,
Country girl ... horse happy
. scientifically inclined.
"Don't worry about it."
Raymond Zirzow 11Skip"
Dangerous tackle . . . tic tac toe,
anyone? ... alert listener.
Ronald Anderson
Sandy Ankiewicz
Ellen Bierdz
Mary Bjerning
Joe Brothers
Butch Cappelli
Carol Casey
Dan Cerkoney
Carol Clark
Ed Dalton
Claudia DeBell
Judie Dicklin
Rul'h Dunford
Don Fellie
Ron Fiebelkorn
Charles Griebel
George Hackney
Jim Holtdorf
Donna Johnson
l!everly Kasken
Dave Kempken
John Kerkman
Carol Komes
Henry Komes
David Lovely
Jerry Lubeno
Betty Memler
Susie Merten
Linda Mitlevic
Rosemary Nagel
Nancy Nicpon
Linda Nielsen
One of the first activities
of the Junior Class was the
presentation of its homecoming skit, "Rules of Good
Sportsmanship." Linda Mitlevic and Tom Schmalfeldt
represented their class as attendants during the homecoming festivities. On November 10, the class play,
"The Great Big Doorstep"
was presented. With the arrival of class rings, the Juniors officially became upperclassmen. During the early
Tom Noonan
Jacqueline Ohop
Jim Olson
June Olson
Solly Owen
Gory Pacey
Janet Perkins
Don Pflueger
Susan Phipps
Patti Plunkett
Connie Saltz
Shirlee Schenning
Janet Schmalfeldt
Tom Schmalfeldt
Ralph Schneider
Barbaro Sha·.v
Wayne Singleton
Don Smith
spring, plans were made for
the highlight of the year the Junior Prom. The committee selected the theme,
"April in Paris," and ar·
ranged a delightful evening
for April 27.
Junior Class Officers (1. to
r.): Ellen Bierdz, SecretaryTreasurer; Mr. Helberg, Advisor; J a n e t Schmalfeldt,
President; Linda Mitlevic,
Student Council Representative; Tom Schmalfeldt, VicePresident.
Ken Sonnichsen
Tom Stafford
Jim Stein
Michele Stowell
Joy Thorsen
Nancy Tomten
Carol Venovic
Carolyn Wille
Joan Winter
Jock Wirth
Dione Wolf
Ken Zornstorff
Bob Alby
Jackie Baillies
Donna Barty
Virginia Bausch
Elaine Benser
Sylvia Berson
Don Besch
Liz Bierdz
Bettie Brandes
Gary Callow
John Cherven
Janice Daniels
Bill Davis
Sally Davis
Burton DeBell
Keith DelRosso
Bernadette Elverman
Dennis Faber
Henry Fleck
Dan Fleming
Barbara Fradono
Shirley Franz
Sue Gaynor
Bill Greenwald
Darlene Ha!!en
Art Hackeloer
Mary Hachmeister
Sharon Hans
Kathleen Hardt
Lynn Hilbert
The Sophomore Class opened its year of activities by
presenting their homecoming
skit, "Tennessee Joy Juice,"
which merited fourth place
in the competition.
Sophomores also took first
place in the traditional competition yell. Selected as
homecoming attendants were
Duane Cates and Annette
The Sophomores
Richard Janus
Diane Jaske
,/ }
Sharon Kaskin
Scott Kressmann
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Tom Krumpen
r iJ .
W1lham Kun
Marischen Lackeyz
Lee LaFlam me
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Theresa Matti:o
Mary Miller
Bill Minnis
Danny Mizzen
Rhoanna Mooney
Frank Moser
David Morton
Lynn Muller
gave a welcome sock-hop in
honor of the Freshmen on
November 18.
Sophomore Class Officers
Maggie Dodge,
President; Mr. Shelton, Advisor; Linda Rasch, Student
Council Representative; Terry Elfers, Secretary-Treasurer; Annette Yuknis, VicePresident
Mary McCallum
Barbara Nelson
(1. to r.):
Judy Nielsen
Ronnie Oldenburg
Mike O'Dea
Sharon Pabst
Mark Pelz
Sharon Petritis
Kay Porreca
Pat Porreca
Rosemary Puig
Linda Rasch
Carol R"usch
Ken Richards
Karen Rittmer
Roy Rohde
Bill Rozell
Fred Rudy
Ron Sarna
Wayne Schenning
Terry Senesman
Michele Simmons
Marie Sobotka
Diane Sorenson
Craig Southgate
Paul Thorn
Erick Vorpahl
Jean Walker
Ernest Whiterock
Earnestine Wilbur
David Williams
Annette Yuknis
Jane Zaccard
Randy Zirzow
Michael Beyer
Phyllis Figura
Mary Ellen King
Joe Michajlak
Marilyn Abbinanti
Harry Allender
Bruce Amborn
David Anderson
Susan Anderlick
John Arnold
Marlene Arnold
Dennis Avery
Roberta Baden
Robert Baumann
Janet Best
Beverly Bougneit
James Cason
Joe Ceremuga
John Clause
Ve!"n Cornel'
Frank Cullen
Sherrie Czyryk
Robert Damron
Frances Davis
Lauren DeRome
Donna Diedrick
Kenny Dodge
Susan Drake
Kathy Eckert
Judy Een
Henry Faber
Louis Faber
Bruce Feldkamp
Diana Ferguson
Dale Fiebelkorn
The Freshmen Class pre
sented the homecoming skit,
"John Cameron Swayback
Reports," as its first activity
of high school life. Russell
Tilton and Judy Krumpen
were selected as homecoming
attendants. After the Sophomore shock-hop, the Freshmen gave a return sock-hop
for the Sophomores on February 3. The enthusiasm of
Dave Fernandez
Shirley Flynn
James Fosdick
June Fradono
Louis Gandt
Karen Garski
Arlie Graham
Marilyn Grasseschi
Juanita Graumann
Michael Haley
Erik Hansen
Gail Hansen
Gary Hardt
Mary Hardt
Delbert Harris
Donna Harris
Tim Hering
Steve Hoffman
Robert Holst
Henry Hovorka
Barbara Hughes
the Freshmen has been
shown by their active participation in school activities.
Freshmen Class Officers
(1. to r.): Janice Staudenmaier, Vice-President; Kathy
Eckert, President; Mr. Schroeder, Advisor; Jim Rasch,
Student Council Representative; Larry Jerde, SecretaryTreasurer.
Sonya Hutcheson
Marty lndika
Larry Jerde
James Johnston
Patsy Johnston
Marion Jones
Sharron Jones
John Kach
Laurel Kaskin
Barbara Kisner
Judy Krumpen
Monica Kucharzyk
Connie LaFayette
Diana Larson
James Lasko
Susan Lehmann
Dan Lois
Ellen Meinke
Sharon Maruca
Francis Matthews
Joan Mattis
Ruby Merriman
Patrick Mizzen
Jean Moe
Dianna Mooney
Edward Mueller
Joanne Muller
Phil Muller
Margaret Nasello
Leon Nelson
Terry Nickels
Don Nordmeyer
Richard Nuyttens
Linda Oetting
Kathy O'Neil
Fred Pagel
Beverly Pallmig
Gloria Paoli
Bob Pawlowski
LeRoy Peterson
Jim Pflueger
Harry Platts
Donna Plowman
Bill Porter
Richard Prange
Sandy Puzerewski
Jim Rasch
Michael Rausch
Eliza Renwick
Douglas Reynolds
Paul Richter
Marsha Rittmer
Sandy Robers
Mardell Rozell
Kathleen Rudy
Charles Russell
Frank Russell
Charlene Rupp
Eileen Ryan
Linnea Sattersten
Kenneth Schenning
Florence Schipper
Barbara Schmalfeldt
Raymond Schuerman
Moura Sexton
Bill Shepanek
Robert Sherlin
Cathy Sherman
Barrie Smeeth
Karen Smith
Leon Smith
Ricky Snyder
Jackie Sokolski
Cynthia Stanislawski
Janice Staudenmaier
Diane Stopa
Walter Stopa
Sandra Stoxen
Ellen Strasburg
Rolland Strasburg
Frank Straukas
Kenneth Swenson
Bill Thorsen
Russell Tilton
Calvin Trussell
Bob VanEvery
Dwight Vorpahl
Steve Voltz
Bob Wayne
George Weaver
Charles Yanke
Raymond Zaccard
Jack Zarnstorff
Cheryl Zinke
Bill Ziolek
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Student Council .
Row I: L. M:itlevic, L. Rasch, S. Ankiewicz, J. Rasch. Row II: L. Siffring, P. Lehmann, L. Griebel,
M. Noonan. Row III: P. Lynn, C. Stohr, D. Yuknis, J. Brothers.
The Student Council, which meets on
Tuesdays, consists of one representative
from every class and organization in
school. Through these represent<;~tives,
the student body is able to express its
wishes. In addition to patrolling tbe
halls every day at noon and after
school, the Student Council plans the
Christmas Party and School Picnic.
Many of the achievements during the
past year are due to the work of the
Student Council.
Student Council Officers (1. to r.): Mr. Olson, Advisor;
Pat Lynn, Vice·President; Linda Mitlevic, Secretary; Don
Yuknis, President.
Panther Flash
Row I: M. McCallum, L. Muller, B. Kasken, E. Bierdz, S. Ankiewicz, C. Sherman. Row II: R. Robinson,
D. Ehlert, M. Dodge, N. Sorenson, D. Johnson, C. Casey Row III: P. Lehmann, M. Bjerning, M. Noonan,
L. Nielsen, C. Elverman, J. Brothers.
The Panther Flash took on a new look
this year both in name and content. Un·
der the direction of their advisors, the
staff members issued a publication five
times during the school year, giving the
student body and faculty an account of
the year's activities as they occurred.
Panther Flash Editors and Advisors (1. tor.): Mr. Schollian,
Darlene Ehlert, Assistant Editor; Mrs. MacDonald; Maggie
Noonan, Editor-in-Chief.
Panther 1962 .
Ro'N I: S. Weyrauch, R. Robinson, D. Ehlert, E. Bierdz, J. Morgan. Row II: C. Kempken, L. Siffring,
B. Arnold, S. Shepanek, R. Cates, N. Sorenson. Row HI: C. Casey, L. Griebel, M. Briggs, M. Noonan,
C. Elverman, S. Zamal.
The pages of this yearbook have been
planned and constructed by a group of Seniors
who have worked long and hard to produce a
publication of fine quality. ·Through the use
of pictures and summaries we have captured
the numerous events of the school year, and
now we submit to you the PANTHER of 1962.
Annual Editors and Advisor (1. to r.): Marsha
Briggs, Assistant Editor; Mr. Heigl; Nancy Sorenson,
Annual Editors . . .
Ray Cates
Sports Editor
Maggie Noonan and
Sandra Weyrauch
Business Managers
Sandy Shepanek
Art Editor
Darlene Ehlert
Senior Picture Editor
Laurie Griebel
Activities Editor
Carol Kempken
Underclassmen Picture Editor
Janet Morgan
Music Editor
Beverly Arnold
Chief Typist
LeRoy Siffring
Gitls' Athletic Association
Row I: R. Baden, L. Mitlevic, L. Muller, F. Davis, D. Jaske, M. Nasello, E. Strasburg, J. Krumpen, E. Ryan, S. Berson, J. Zaccard, K.
Eckert, K. Porreca, D. Stopa, J. Moe.
Row II: M. McCallum, S. Robers, L. Kaskin, M. Rittmer, P. Plunkett, R. Robinson, E. Bierdz, B. Schmalfeldt, S. Maruca, C. Schaetten,
M. Pfaff, D. Ehlert, B. Brandes, K. Rittmer.
Row Ill: G. Hansen, D. Larson, M. Hachmeister, S. Gaynor, L. Hilbert, L. Bierdz, A. Yuknis, M. Dodge, L. Rasch, G. Kruzan, S. Kaskin,
K. O'Neil, N. Nicpon, F. Schipper, L. Sattersten, D. Diedrick.
Row IV: C. Lafayette, S. Stoxen, B. Kisner, S. Konrad, P. Welch, J. Baillies, L. Nielsen, C. Wille, B. Arnold, N. Sorenson, P. Fritch, D.
Johnson, D. Wolf, J. Shannon, M. Simmons, M. Sobotka.
Row V: P. Lehmann, L. Griebel, S. Hans, M. Noonan, V. Lubeno, P. Porreca, S. Gehring, J. Nielsen, M. Briggs, J. Staudenmaier, S.
Zamal, J. Lovely, C. Elverman, B. Shaw, C. Venovic, M. Sexton,
This year, the program of the G.A.A.
was conducted on a basic plan. The advisor and a committee organized a point
system which encouraged the girls to
take part in athletic activities both in
and out of school. After earning a
specific number of points, the girls were
eligible for a letter, bar, or medal. Tournament games for girls were run
through the G.A.A. also.
G.A.A. Officers (1. to r .) : Darlene Ehlert, Vice-President;
Mrs. Anderson, Advisor; Maggie Noonan, Student Council Representative; Mary Pfaff, Secretary-Treasurer; Charlene Elverman, President; Roberta Robinson, Point Secretary.
Boys Athl·etic Association
Row 1: D. Crichton, J. Sokolski, B. Amborn, B. Baumann, L. Jerde, L. LaFlamme, T. Senesman, K. Kube, L. Siffring< H. Hovorka, J.
Cason, E. Mueller, J. LaFlamme, R. Cates, J. Rasch.
Row II: M. Beyer, K. Schenning, D. Lois, T. Hering, M. Haley, J. Schmalfeldt, L.
Koehnke, P. Lynn, D. Hanke, R. Zirzow.
Faber, T. Schmalfeldt, D.
Prange, M.
Row Ill: M. Pawlik, J. Dunford, D. Shaw, U. Cappelli, R. Schneider, M. lndrika, K. Zarnstorff, T. Elfers, T. Alby, D. Yuknis, B. Minnis,
D. Bauman.
Row IV: T. Noonan, J. Kerkman, M. O'Dea, H. Fleck, D. Cates, J. May, R. Sarna, H. Mate, L. Thornton, A. Rasch, F. Lasko, R. Tilton,
D. Kempken, B. VanPatten.
Row V: B. Alby, S. O'Neil, D. Flucke, C. Stohr, J. Brothers, J. Olson, T. Oberhofer, G. Sheen, E. Hans, E. Sattersten, D. Faber, E.
Dalton, W. Schenning.
Membership in the B.A.A. is open to
all boys interested in sports. The club
meets on the first Tuesday of every
month. Besides raising funds for sports
equipment, the B.A.A. selects the homecoming king every fall. Through the
B.A.A. letters are awarded to boys for
achievement in sports. An active intramural program was initiated this year.
B.A.A. Officers (1. to r.): Tom Schmalfeldt, VicePresident; Tom Alby, Secretary-Treasurer; Mr. Bucci, Ad·
visor; Don Yuknis, Student Council Representative; Ray
Cates, President.
Wilmot Homemakers of Tomorrow .
Row I: S. Weyrauch, A. Paoli, F. Davis, D. Jaske, K. Eck~rt, M. Kucharzyk, C. Rausen, R. Dunford, M. McCallum.
Row II: S. Petritis, B. Schmalfeldt, J. Morgan, B. Brandes, K. Rittmer, C. Elwood, L. Hilbert, L. Rasch, M. Bach·
meister. Row III: A. Yuknis, J. Baillies, M. Dodge, G. Kruzan, S. Kaskin, K. O'Neill, P. Fritch, C. Schaetten, M.
Pfaff, D. Ehlert. Row IV: J. Kaskin, D. Wolf, M. Hardt, P. Welch, D. Johnson, J. Shannon, S. Jones, V. Lois, C.
Kempken, J. Best. Row V: M. Stoweii, G. Paoli, M. Mueller, S. Stoxen, S. Franz, B. Nelson, L. Griebel, J. Lovely,
S. Gehring, M. Sexton.
The W.H.T. is a club comprised of
girls who are enrolled in Home Economics. These girls learn about the home
and how to get along with people. The
main activity of the organization this
year was a field trip to Chicago. The
girls attended a style show at Marshall
Fields, and toured the Avon Company
and Patricia Stevens.
W.H.T. Officers (I. to r.): Laurie Griebel, Student Council
Representative; Maggie Dodge, Vice-President; Christine
Schaetten, Secretary-Treasur.er; Sandy Weyrauch, President;
Mrs. Wagner, Advisor.
Library Club ...
Row 1: C. Brown, A. Paoli, K. Smith, D. Harris, F. Davis, P. Mizzen, J. Perkins. Row II: D. Stopa, S. Voltz, E.
Benser, K. Hardt, J. Davis, M. Hachmeister, D. Johnson. Row III: C. Kempken, J. Shannon, M. Simmons, P. Lehmann, V. Lubeno, J. Lovely, T. Helmick.
The Library Club members are scheduled to take care of charging out books,
shelving, and assisting with daily records. Besides these daily activities, the
members process new books and organize bulletin boards with the aid of the
advisor. The purpose of meetings, which
are held on the fourth Thursday of the
month, is to learn and discuss library
procedures and problems. Senior members who have served at least two years
are awarded pins.
Library Club Qfficers (I. to r.): Mary Hachmeister, VicePresident; Janet Lovely, Secretary-Treasurer; Pat Lehmann,
Student Council Representative; Mrs. Miller, Advisor; Theresa Powers (not shown), President.
Science Club .
Row 1: K. Smith, F. Davis, P. Plunkett, B. Schmalfeldt, C. Sherman, C. Yanke. Row II: D. Avery, P.
Muller, P. Fritch, B. Arnold, E. Hansen, J. Arnold, J. Stein. Row III: C. Griebel, J. Lovely, B.
Elverman, F. Lasko, S. O'Neil, C. Stohr, D. Pflueger.
The Science Club is an organization
which helps students become aware of
the various advances made in the field
of science. Members may conduct experiments for their personal observation
of scientific theories if they desire.
Science Club Officers (l. to r.): Barbara Schmalfeldt,
Patti Plunkett, Mr. Olson, Advisor; Jim Stein, John Arnold,
Beverly Arnold.
Panther Photo Club .
Row I. A. Paoli, J. Daniels, P. Plunkett, R. Schuerman, D. Lovely. Row II: S. Petritis, C. Sherman,
V. Bausch, B. Smeeth, J. Stein, L. Siffring. Row III: C. Kempken, C. Casey, M. Bjerning, B.
Elverman, F. Lasko, C. Stohr.
The Panther Photo Club meets
the third Thursday of every month.
In addition to regular meetings,
members have extra time to work
in the dark room. Through their
meetings, the members learn to become better in taking, developing,
and printing pictures.
Panther Photo Club Officers (1. to r.): LeRoy Siffring, Student Council Representative; Carol Casey, Vice-President; Mary
Bjerning, Secretary-Treasurer; Mr. Heigl, Advisor; Charles
Stohr (not shown), President.
Los Matadores del ldioma .
Row 1: C. Southgate, S. Pabst, E. Bierdz, P. Plunkett, J. Schmalfeldt, S. Ankiewicz, L. Hilbert. Row II: L.
Bierdz, M. Hachmeister, V. Bausch, S. Shepanek, C. Kempken, J. Stein, L. Nielsen. Row III: M. Briggs, F.
Lasko, J. Cherven, H. Mate, D. Kempken, S. O'Neil, J. Nielsen.
The Spanish Club was newly organized this year. Membership in
the organization is open to those
students taking Spanish II, III, or
IV. As part of the homecoming
celebration, the Spanish Club gave
a skit which merited third place.
The organization also presented a
skit, "Don Juan and the Mistletoe,"
at the Christmas Party.
Spanish Club Officers (Front): Sandy Ankiewicz, Student
Council Representative; Ellen Bierdz, Treasurer. (Middle):
Janet Schmalfeldt, Secretary; David Kempken, Sergeant-at·
Arms; Carol Kempken, President. (Back): Mr. Bilotti, Advisor;
Shane' O'Neil, Vice-President.
Commercial Club .
Row 1: R. Nagel, L. Mitlevic, D. Ehlert, C. Clark, S. Schenning, B. Memler, C. Schaetten. Row II: N. Sorenson,
M. Pfaff, J. Thorsen, P. Welch, S. Konrad, D. Johnson, N. Nicpon. Row III: C. Wille, L. Nielsen, B. Shaw,
J. Brothers, C. Venovic, S. Gehring, S. Owen.
The Commercial Club consists of those
students desiring to become better acquainted with office procedures. Sending letters and questionnaires to various
business firms in the area was the main
project of the organization this year.
Commercial Club Officers (I. to r.): Nancy Nicpon,
President; Mr. Stein, Advisor; Barbara Shaw, Student
Council Representative; Carol Komes, Secretary-Treasurer.
National Honor Society .
Row 1: Carol Kempken, Sandra Shepanek, Nancy Sorenson, Beverly Arnold.
Row II: Donald Yuknis, Shane O'Neil, Mitchell Grasse,schi.
A faculty committee selects
members of the N.H.S. on the basis
of their character, scholarship,
leadership, service, and other
traits. The purpose of the society
is to encourage students to develop
good scholarly habits, to take part
in worthy service, and to lead all
things that advance our school.
The main activity of the N.H.S.
this year was inducting new members into the organization at an
initiation ceremony on March 23.
National Honor Society Officers (1. to r.): Mr. Olson, Advisor; Shane O'Neil, Treasurer; Mitchell Grasseschi, President;
Don Yuknis, Vice-President; Sandy Shepanek, Secretary.
6158- 1962 Panther
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the WKCHS collection
and was donated by Bettie Brandes.
0-110 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
6158- 1962 Panther
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the WKCHS collection
and was donated by Bettie Brandes.
0-110 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
Football ...
"A" Squad' Football Team. Row I: D. Yuknis, T. Alby, R. Cates, J. Kerkman, D. Hanke,
Captain; J. Dunford, F. Koehnke, Mr. Helberg, Assistant Coach. Row II: Mr. Bucci,
Head Coach; D. Flucke, D. Faber, E. Sattersten, B. Van Patten, D. Cates, P. Lynn.
Row III: A. Rasch, L. Thornton, M. Rasch, T. Elfers, T. Oberhofer, T. Schmalfeldt, T.
Noonan. Row IV: M. Pawlik, R. Zirzow. W. Schenning, D. Kempken, E. Dalton, J.
Olson, M. Grasseschi, Mr. Hart, Assistant Coach.
The 1961-62 Panthers roared off to a brilliant start, winning six of their first seven
games. This year's team, which was a scrappy, fighting unit, was led by a pair of hard-running
backs, Captain Dennis Hanke and Jim Dunford. This being Coach Frank Bucci's last year as
head football coach, the boys were filled with an extra incentive for victory.
Again this season, the Panthers played nine games instead of the usual eight. They added St. John's Military Academy in a non-conference tilt and defeated them, 19-6.
In the Southern Lakes Conference the team wound up with a 5-3 record, giving Wilmot
a tie for third place.
End Don Yuknis and Center Pat Lynn, both Seniors, merited first team all-conference
honors. Dennis Hanke was named to the all-conference second team, and Jim Dunford, Ray
Cates, and Tom Schmalfeldt received honorable mention.
Wilmot 7-East Troy 0
Wilmot 26-Badger 0
Wilmot 19-St. John's 6*
Wilmot 13-Mukwonago 7
Wilmot 13-Delavan 41
Wilmot 14-Elkhorn 20
Wilmot 26-Big Foot 6
Wilmot 6-Burlington 0
Wilmot 6-Whitewater 7
The "A" Squad Cheerleaders took on a new look this year both in outfits and cheering routines.
After attending a cheerleading clinic in Janesville, the girls taught the student body new cheers to add to
the support of our teams. The cheerleaders are (l. tor.): Sandy Shepanek, Maggie Dodge, Annette Yuknis,
Carol Komes, and Linda Mitlevic. The cheerleaders' ajvisor is Mrs. Anderson.
Sandy Shepanek, who has
been a cheerleader for four
years, is the only senior on the
squad. The student body and
faculty congratulate Sandy on
a job well done.
Basketball . . .
"A" Squad Basketball Team: Row 1: K. Sonnichsen, L. Thornton, T. Alby, D. Yuknis, Captain; T. Schmalfeldt,
R. Cates, M. Rasch, W. Greskiw. Row II: Mr. Schroeder, Coach; D. Pflueger, J. Wirth, G. Sheen, E. Satter·
sten,\T. Noonan, D. Kempken, A. Rasch, Manager.
Coach Dale Schroeder predicted a 50-50 season for
this year's team and his prediction ran true. The team's
over-all record was 9-9 for regular season play. The Panthers always played a hard-fighting game, even though
the opposing team usually had a height advantage. Coach
Schroeder is to be credited with doing a fine job with
this year's team.
The student body, led by the cheerleaders, showed
spirit and enthusiasm which is so important to the team.
Senior forward, Don Yuknis, was named to the first
string all-conference team and placed high in the individual scoring race.
Wilmot 39--Union Grove 37
Wilmot 41-Whitewater 32
Wilmot 40-East Troy 45
Wilmot 45-Mukwonago 48
Wilmot 49-Burlington 48
Wilmot 48-Elkhorn 67
Wilmot 64-Delavan 50
Wilmot 53-Salem Central 84
Wilmot 42-Big Foot 40
Wilmot 56-Badger 55
Wilmot 47-Whitewater 43
Wilmot 50-East Troy 58
Wilmot 48-Mukwonago 54
Wilmot 49-Burlington 51
Wilmot 43-Elkhorn 59
Wilmot 53-Delavan 50
Wilmot 50-Big Foot 58
Wilmot 65-Badger 57
Coach Dale Schroeder
and Captain Don Yuknis
Wilmot 55-Mukwonago 42
Wilmot 59-Salem Central 77
Wilmot 35-Burlington 49
"B" Squads .
"B" Squad Football Team: Row I: J. Sokolski, R. Prange, M. O'Dea, J. May, R. Sarna, T. Hering, D. Healy,
R. Strausberg, D. Anderson. Row II: D. Creighton, M. Beyer, D. Mueller, J. Rasch, B. Amborn, L. Faber, L.
Jerde, H. Fleck. Row III: J. Zarnsdorff, R. Tilton, M. Rausch, R. Alby, M. Andrika, Coach D. Schroeder, H.
Mate, D. Lois, L. LaFlame, T. Krumpen, R. Baumann.
"B" Squad Basketball Team: Row I: R. Baumann, L. Jerde, T. Hering, H. Fleck, T. Krumpen, D. Cates, G.
Callow, J. Rasch. Row II: Mr. Shelton, Coach; F. Rudy, M. Indrika, R. Alby, M. O'Dea, W. Schenning, R.
Tilton, M. Pelz, W. Minnis, Manager.
8 Squad Cheerleaders ...
First Team (clockwise): Kathy Eckert, Connie LaFayette, Judy Nielsen, Kathy O'Neil, and Sharon Kaskin.
Second Team (1. to r.): Sandy Ankiewicz, Sandy Rasch, Linda Rasch,
1\Iarsha Rittmer, and Linda Oetting.
Baseball ...
"A" Squad Baseball Team: Row I. D. Hanke, T. Alby, R. Cates, Captain; W. Nasello, T. Krumpen, G. Callow. Row H: L. Siffring, Manager; F. Koehnke, T. Schmalfeldt, G. Pacey, D. Faber, J. Kerkman, D. Kempken, M. O'Dea, R. Schneider, Mr. Miller, Coach.
The 1961 Baseball Team had a fine season. It was the first year of coaching for Mr.
Loren Miller. The team had a record of seven wins and five losses, giving the Panthers a
third place berth in the Southern Lakes Conference.
1961 Record:
Wilmot 2-Union Grove 4
Wilmot 7-Mukwonago 2
Wilmot 9~St. Joseph's 1
Wilmot 4-East Troy 3
Wilmot 4-Burlington 3
Wilmot 1-Salem Central 15
Wilmot 3-Badger 1
Wilmot 4-Burlington 8
Wilmot 3-Whitewater 1
Wilmot 1-Elkhorn 5
Wilmot 2-Delavan 0
Wilmot 2-Big Foot 3
Track ...
Track Team: Row I. D. Shaw, G. Hockney, A. Laske,y, T. Noonan, J. Dunford, D. Yuknis, D. Hanke, R.
Zirzow, D. Baumann, T. Alby, .J. Schmalfeldt., E. Dalton, J. Wirth. Row II: P. Muller, E. Hansen, J. Sokolski,
K. Swenson, T. Hering, C. Russell, T. Senesman, K. Dodge, L. Jerde, L. LaFlamme, F. Rudy, Mr. Bucci, Coach.
Row III: E. Mueller, T. Elfers, D. Anderson, K. Sonnichsen, H. Mate, D. Lois, J. Rasch, M. Haley, L. Faber,
K. Schenning.
The 1961 Wilmot Panthers Track Team caught fire in the latter part of the season and finished second in the conference meet. Senior Greg Bush, high hurdler, was the only individual
from Wilmot who participated in the state meet.
19tH Record:
Wilmot 58 1/3
Wilmot 45 1/5
Wilmot 77
Wilmot 70 1/2
Wilmot 89
Wilmot 54
Delavan 59 2/3
Mukwonago 99 1/2
Union Grove Hi
East Troy 511/2
Burlington 28
Badger 67
Burlington 43
Wilmot 29
Badger 25
Burlington 10
Delavan 29
Elkhorn 23
East Troy 6
Burlington 41
Conference Meet:
Mukwonago 73 1/2
Whitewater 26
Big Foot 18 l/2
Golf Team ...
Golf Team. Row 1: P. Richter, J. Ceremuga, D. Re'Ynolds, B. Greenwald, H. Allender, R. Baumann, R. Nuyt·
tens, W. Singleton. Row II: W. Shepanek, H. Fleck, M. Beyer, L. Thornton, D. Schick, J. Addams, D. Fellie,
W. Greskiw, J. Stein, M. Pelz, Mr. Hart, Coach.
This year's Golf Team, coached by Mr. Hart, launched its
season with a victory over East
Troy and should do well in the
Starters: (1. to r.) H. Fleck, M. Beyer, L. Thornton. D.
Schick, J. Addams.
"Oriental Fantasy" was the theme of the Junior Prom
on April 28, 1961. Members of the Junior Class transformed
our school gym into an exotic, Oriental wonderland, complete
with colorful murals, a gold buddha, Geisha Girls, and a large,
walk-over bridge. The Juniors efforts were rewarding in that
the 1961 Prom was one of the most successful Wilmot has
ever seen.
King-Donald Yuknis
Queen-Sandra Shepanek
Pat Lynn and Rosann Nielsen
Lynn Thornton and Pat Lehmann
Gary Sheen and Laurie Griebel
Eldon Hans and Maggie Noonan
Homecoming ...
October 6, 1961
Wilmot 6 - Whitewater 7
King-Jim Dunford
Queen-Laurie Griebel
Tom Alby and Sandy Shepanek
Tom Schmalfeldt and Linda Mitlevic
Duane Cates and Annette Yuknis
Russell Tilton and Judy Krumpen
Skit Competition
1st Place-Senior Class
2nd Place-Speech Class, 1st Hour
3rd Place-Spanish Club
4th Place-Sophomore Class
Senio,r Class Play . . .
Row I: Mrs. MacDonald, L. Siffring, R. Cates, D. Ehlert, R. Robinson, Mr. Schollian.
Row II: N. Sorenson, C. Elverman, M. Noonan, M. Briggs. Row III: E. Sattersten,
D. Yuknis, D. Flucke, S. O'Neil, F. Lasko.
Little Annie Schultz, fresh from a turkey farm, enters college. Eager to be different,
Annie promptly changes her name to Anastasia. Then she decides to share an off-campus pad
(a room) with Peggy, who is a beatnik freshman (for the third time). Anastasia is caught up
in a dizzy whirl of poetry readings, work on the college newspaper, and the lead in the dramatic society play "Epitaph for Everything," by the campus's leading beatnik. The dramatic
society play seems to be successful until Dean Worthy proclaims it to be "shocking." Then
the real fun starts. Anyone associated with Anastasia stands the chance of being expelled
from college. She loses all her friends and decides to leave school. Fortunately an investigation is held, proving Anastasia to be innocent, and she and her friends are permitted to
stay at Bull U.
Myrtle Hoffstrom .................................... Roberta Robinson
Miss Strong arm ...................................... Maggie Noonan
Anastasia Schultz .................................... Nancy Sorenson
Peggy Kern ......................................... Darlene Ehlert
Dean Worthy ........................................ Don Yuknis
Alister Katzenmeier .................................. Shane O'Neil
Professor McToshmore ............................... Marsha Briggs
Mr. Snoop ........................................... LeRoy Siffring
Benjie .............................................. Danny Flucke
Gardner Shackett .................................... Frank Lasko
Pierre Sebourin ..................................... Eric Sattersten
Professor Grudge .................................... Ray Cates
Student Director-Charlene Elverman
Junior Cfa,ss Play . . .
Row 1: Mr. Schollian, J. Schmalfeldt, E. Bierdz, S. Ankiewicz, Mrs. MacDonald.
Row II: C. Wille, N. Nicpon, D. Lovely, C. Casey, J. Olson. Row III: J. Brothers, T.
Stafford, C. Griebel, T. Noonan.
When 01' Man River floats the aristocratic big doorstep to their tumbledown shack,
Mrs. Crochet feels that her dreams of a home may really come true. At least they have
the doorstep to a home! Now she wants the home more than ever, for Mrs. Crochet fears
her family may break up. Then they hear of a place about to be sold for $60.00 back
taxes. Mr. Tobin, with an eye on Topal, offers to lend them the money next payday. But
as he brings the money, Mr. Tobin is attacked by Topal's former suitor and badly injured.
Now the Crochet's sole hope is in Mr. Crochet's brother, a prosperous river captain, and he
really does show up. He gives them the check but it bounces! Eventually, as if in answer
to Mrs. Crochet's moving prayers, they miraculously get a house to fit the doorstep.
Mrs. Crochet ......................................... Carol Casey
Mr. Crochet ......................................... Joe Brothers
Mrs. DuPre .......................................... Carolyn Wille
Evvie ............................................... Ellen Bierdz
Topal. .............................................. Linda Nielsen
Fleece .............................................. June Olson
Elna ................................................ Sandy Ankiewicz
Mrs. Beaumont Crochet ............................... Janet Schmalfeldt
Arthur .............................................. David Lovely
Mr. Tobin ........................................... Charles Griebel
Tayo ................................................ Tom Stafford
Uncle Dewie ......................................... Tom Noonan
Student Director-Nancy Nicpon
Christmas Party ...
The annual all-school Christmas Party was held on
December 21, 1961. As part of the entertainment, the
Spanish Club and First Hour Speech class presented
skits. The main attraction of the evening was the debut
of the faculty quartet, consisting of Messrs. Amoth, Anderson, Heigl, and Holte. Dancing followed the distribution of gifts by the Student Council Representatives.
School Picnic . . .
The 1961 school picnic was held on May 22.
After eating, the students participated in field
games competition between classes. Following the
contests, the championship baseball games were
played. The Junior girls and Sophomore boys were
Band ...
The Wilmot High School Band, under the direction of Mr. George Amoth, consists of
those students with an interest in instrumental music. The officers this year are: Don
Pflueger, President; Richard Perkins, Vice-President; Janet Schmalfeldt, Secretary; Mary
Bjerning, Treasurer; Joseph Brothers, Student Council Representative; Carolyn Wille,
The band played at pep meetings, football games, and basketball games. It also
marched at the Homecoming game. Beside3 these activities, the band played at a midwinter concert and at a spring concert.
During the spring months, the solo and ensemble groups participated in the district
music contest at Whitewater. Those receiving a first place rating in Class A went to the
state contest at Madison. Also, the entire band took part in a concert and marching competition at Madison later in the spring.
Janet Schmalfeldt, student director, received the Lynn Davis Award at the end of
the year.
Pep Band .
Row I: J. Sokolski, S. Merten, J. Mattis, B. Kisner, C. Wille, M. Bjerning, F. Schipper, J. Schmalfeldt, K. Hardt,
D. Lovely. Row II: T. Mattis, R. Hansen, C. Venovic, L. Nelson, N. Richter, D. Pflueger, R. Tilton, J.
Pflueger, A. Hackeloer. Row III: Mr. Amoth, H. Hovorka, J. Brothers, R. Perkins, D. Avery.
Band Officers: (Front) Mary Bjerning, Treasurer; Janet Schmalfeldt,
Secretary; Carolyn Wille, Librarian; (Back) Mr. Amoth, Advisor; Dick
Perkins, Vice-President; Don Pflueger, President; Joe Brothers, Stud.ent
Council Representative.
Girls Glee Club ...
Row I: D. Plowman, J. Ohap, S. Weyrauch, B. Kasken, D. Hagen, D. Ferguson, J. Zaccard, P. Plunkett, K.
Porreca, R. Nagel, C. Rausch, D. Jaske, G. Straukas. Row II: E. Bierdz, J. Baillies, C. Schaetten, K. Rudy, L.
Rasch, S. Gaynor, C. Komes, S. Merten, L. Renwick, M. Sobotka, R. Mooney, A. Yuknis, J. Thorsen. Row III:
S. Drake, B. Nelson, D. Sorenson, M. Lackey, M. King, P. Porreca, B. Hughes, S. Owen, J. Winter, J. Stauden·
maier, M. Bjerning, V. Lois, M. Simmons.
Boys Chorus ...
Row I: C. Brown, ~<'· Cullen, F. Matthews, C. Griebel. Row II: L. Nelson, D. Hanke, K. Zarnstorff, R.
Schneider, J. Dunford. Row III: J. Brothers, P. Lynn, G. Weaver, D. Flucke, D. Faber.
Mixed Chorus .
Row I: B. Bougneit, F. Schipper, C. Venovic, J. Matts, K. Hardt, K. Eckert. Row II: C. Wille, F. Rudy,
F. Cullen, E. Hansen, S. Voltz, D. Lovely, M. Hardt. Row III: F. Matthews, N. Richter, D. Pflueger, J.
Brothers, T. Helmick, L. Nelson, R. Perkins.
Freshme,n Girls' Chorus . . .
Row I: F. Davis, S. Czyryk, D. Mooney, S. Hutcheson, M. Nasello, S. Robers, J. Moe. Row II: M. Kucharzyk, J. Muller, V. Cornell, B. Bougneit, S. Lehmann, B. Schmalfeidt, D. Stopa. Row III: S. Stoxen, C.
LaFayette, L. Oetting, E. Strasburg, G. Paoli, E. Meinke, K. O'Neil.
Triple Trios .. .,
4th Hour Triple Trio: (Clockwise) Carol Rausch, Kathy Rudy, Rhoanna Mooney, Madschen Lackey, Sue Gaynor,
Marie Sobotka, Annette Yuknis, Donna Barty, Linda Rasch.
Freshmen Triple Trio. Row
1: Sandy Robers, Dianna Mooney, liza Renwick. Row II: Beverly Bougneit, Diane Stopa,
Judy Een. Row Ill: Barb Schmalfeldt, Sue Lehmann. Row
IV: Connie LaFayette, Kathy
O'Neil, Vern Cornell.
Whitewat,er Music Festival . . .
Janet Schmalfeldt, Carol Venovic, Russell Tilton, leon Nelson, Norman Richter, and Don Pflueger were first place win·
ners at the Whitewater Contest on March 24, 1962.
Results of the Whitewater Contest
Class A
Janet Schmalfeldt
Janet Schmalfeldt
Donald Pflueger
Carol Venovic
Ellen Bierdz
Leon Nelson
Mary Bjerning
Baritone Horn
Baritone Horn
Class B
Triple Trio (4th Hour)
Jim Pflueger
Marie Sobotka
Darrell Perkins
Kathy O'Neil
Leon Nelson
Florence Schipper
Theresa Mattis
Barbara Kisner
Carolyn Wille
Kathy Hardt
Kathy Eckert
Susan Merten
Russell Tilton
Norman Richter
Liza Renwick
Double Trio (6th Hour)
Girls' Quartet
Joe Brothers
Class C
Saxophone Quartet
Triple Trio (Freshmen)
Beverly Bougneit
Joan Mattis
Marischen Lackey
Lirida Oetting
Boys' Quartet
Elaine Benser
Mezzo Soprano
Mezzo Soprano
Baritone Horn
Class and Annual Advisor . . .
The Senior Class o£ 1962 would like to express its appreciation to Mr.
Richard Heigl for his help and guidance during the past two years as our
class advisor. Through him, we have learned that no matter what we
attempt to do, cooperation is a most important factor for success.
The Annual Staff would also like to thank Mr. Heigl for the many hours
that he has put into the production of this yearbook. Without his assistance, it would not have been possible'to produce this PANTHER of 1962.
Don Yuknis and Maggie
Noonan were given the Spade
and Spoon award last spring.
These awards are given to the
best all-around students, the
girl receiving the spade and
the boy the spoon.
Janet Schmalfeldt and Dave
Kempken are the representatives at Badger Girls' and Badger Boys' State. Badger Boys'
State and Badger Girls' State
are for those students interested in learning more about
their government.
Forensics ...
These are the students who participated in the local Forensics contest.
under the direction of Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Shelton, and Mr. Bilotti.
They were
These are the students who participated in the League Forensics contest
at Delavan. Mr. Bilotti is the Forensics coach:
Marsha Briggs, Frank Lasko, and Theresa Powers represented
Wilmot at the District Forensics contest at Whitewater. Marsha and
Theresa also competed in the State Forensic contest
Theresa Powers was the only student from Wilmot to
receive an "A" rating at the State Forensics contest. We would
like to congratulate Theresa for a job well done.
These are the students who were initiated into the National
Honor Society on March 23, 1962: (front) Carol Casey, Sandra Weyrauch, Ellen Bierdz, Sally Owen; (middle) Marsha Briggs, Janet Schmalfeldt, Nancy Nicpon; (back) Dave Kempken, Gary Pacey.
Carol Casey, Maggie Noonan, Nancy Sorenson, and Marsha
Briggs represented Wilmot at the Journalisti,c Editors' Conference
last fall in Madison. The girls, who were accompanied by Mr. Schollian, learned many new techniques to use in school publications.
Lettermen ...
Row I: B. NaseUo, L. Siffring, M. Beyers, F. Koehnke, J. Schmalfeldt, T. Elfers. Row II: R. Cates, D.
Schick, T. Schmalfeldt, R. Schneider, M. Rasch, J. Kerkman, D. Bauman. Row III: H. Fleck, U. Cappelli, A. Rasch, D. Kempken, D. Yuknis, S. O'Neil, L. Thornton. Row IV: T. Noonan, T. Alby, J.
Dunford, D. Hanke, R. Zirzow, M. Pawlik, D. Fincke. Row V: P. Lynn, J. Olson, W. Schenning, T. Oberhofer, G. Sheen, E. Sattersten, D. Faber, E. Hans.
Don Yuknis and Pat Lynn
were named to the all-conference football team. Don was
also named to the all-conference basketball team. We
would like to congratulate both
of them for receiving this
Each year a Senior girl is selected
for the D.A.R. Award. She is chosen
for her good citizenship, service, dependability and leadership. This year's
JANET LOVELY was the winner of
the Betty Crocker's "HOMEMAKER OF
TOMORROW" award. To qualify for
this award, Senior girls taking Home
Economics take a written examination.
The girl with the highest score receives
this award.
Each year the LYNN DAVIS AWARD
is presented to the student ·who has contributed the most to the band in the
past year. This year the award went to
Practicing Kennedy's physical program?
Mommy-he stole my football.
Which one has the Toni?
What a wicked smile!
At least I have you.
Mrs. Wagner and friend.
Smile, Pat. We're having our picture taken.
Take pictures much?
My bubble gum is stuck on the ceiling.
Our happy principal.
When did you have your
teeth capped?
Innocence . . .
On the count of three, sing!
The wild animals are moving in.
This was our pTom queen?????
Oh, such language!
We play basketball the hard way.
Say Ah·h-h~h-h·h·h.
Oh, Tommy! You crushed the little black ant.
Walk much?
Sh-h-h-h! I'm supposed to be on a diet.
Who do these shapely specimens belong to?
Charleston, anyone?
They cut my pay check again.
Dig those cra.zy Ipana smUes.
Deep in thought . . . .
Is this line straight or is
my sight faUing me?
Class Will ...
We, the Senior Class of 1962, being of sound mind and endowed with certain traits, possessions, and talents which we generously bequeath to our fellow students at Wilmot High
School, do declare this to be out last will and t9stament.
John Addams wills his golfing ability to
Bill Shepanek.
Thomas Alby wills his excellent behavior
in Social Problems class to David Lovely.
Beverly Arnold wills all her hair pins,
bobby pins, and hair spray to Connie LaFayette.
Deane Bauman wills his smooth track
running to Don Pflueger.
Marsha Briggs wills her song, "I'm So
Smart," to the future Seniors.
Patti Carlson wills her ability to ski to
Billy Kunz.
George Holst leaves his artistic ability
to the Freshmen Class.
Judy Kaskin wills her quiet ways to John
Carol Kempken wills the pleasure of
writing skits to next year's Spanish Club
Fred Koehnke wills a Ford to anyone who
feels it is a good car.
Shirley Konrad leaves a toothless comb
to Jane Zaccard in hopes that she can use it to
"rat" her hair.
Kendall Kube doesn't will anything-all
he wants is his two front teeth.
Ray Cates wills his mathematical ability
to any student who doesn't know a logarithm
from a cosine.
Joe LaFlamme wills his weak will power
to Ed Dalton.
Art Laskey wills his blonde hair to Liz
Ed Dorociak leaves many uneaten sandwiches to anyone who is hard up for a lunch.
Jim Dunford wills his physique to Bob
Darlene Ehlert leaves her athletic abilities to Florence Schipper.
Charlene Elverman wills her mischievous
ways to Linda Rasch.
Cheryl Faber wills her green hair to Joan
Dan Flucke wills his way with women to
Charlie Brown.
Frank Lasko wills his skill on the volleyball court to Leon Nelson.
Pat Lehmann wills her clothes to her sister, Sue, because she wears them anyway.
Virgene Lois wills her shyness to Diana
Janet Lovely wills a locker big enough
for two to Marlene Arnold.
Pat Lynn wills his cure-all cough medicine to Annette Yuknis.
Penny Fritch wills her soggy dish rag to
Ronnie Anderson.
Sandra Gehring wills her gym clothes to
Sonja Hutcheson.
Mitchell Grasseschi wills his Hudson to
Mr. Bilotti so that he will know how it feels
to drive a good car.
Laurie Griebel wills her Social Problems
tests to anyone who is brave enough to decipher them.
Dennis Hanke wills his fancy foot-work
on the football field to Dennis Faber.
Eldon Hans wills his walk to Art Hackeloer.
Sue Hoffman wills her ability to talk in
second hour assembly to any freshman who
thinks he can get away with it.
Janet Morgan wills her hair bows to Linda
Mae Mueller wills her many bottles of
Lady Clairol to Virginia Lubeno.
Bill Nasello wills his curly hair to Mr.
Rosann Nielsen wills her red hair to Barb
Maggie Noonan wills her ability to contact
the spirits to June Fradono.
Tom Oberhofer wills his position in the
Panther line to Calvin Trussell.
Shane O'Neil is not leaving anything to
anyone. Instead, he is putting his money into
traveler's checks and taking it with him.
Arlene Paoli wills her library experience
to anyone who feels they could take her place.
Mike Pawlik, the unknown artist, wills
his sport posters to next year's cheerleaders.
Richard Perkins wills his ability to stun
girls to Bill Greskiw.
Mary Pfaff leaves three dollars to Jim
Olson in hopes that it will cover the cost of
his useless phone calls to Union Grove.
Theresa Powers wills her ability to break
a foot to any future Senior who wants to add
eight days to his Christmas vacation.
Austin Rasch wills his willingness to help
to any Junior who tires easily.
Melvin Rasch wills his ice cream conemaking ability to Marilyn Grasseschi.
Roberta Robinson wills her ability not to
talk in Mr. Stein's classes to Carol Clark.
Eric Sattersten leaves his skis to John
Christine Schaetten leaves her absentee
slips, especially the unexcused one, to Mr.
David Schick wills all his broken golf
clubs to Danny Lois.
Jim Schmalfeldt wills his used Air Force
book covers to Eileen Ryan.
Janice Shannon wills her red Pontiac to
Wilmot High School.
Don Shaw wills his driver's permit to any
Sophomore girl who is flunking Drivers' Education.
Gary Sheen wills his good behavior habits and all his social visits with Mr. Schnurr
to Tom Schmalfeldt.
Sandy Shepanek wills a reserved seat on
the bus to Doug Reynolds.
LeRoy Siffring wills his ability to see in
the dark to Jim Stein.
Nancy Sorenson wills the dried-up rubber
cement left from this year's annual to Ellen
Charles Stohr wills his ability to sell magazines to Ken Sonnichsen.
Gerrie Straukas wills her phony excuses
to her brother, Frank.
Lynn Thornton wills his ambition to be
a mortician to Mike O'Dea.
Pat Welch wills her hair nets to any girl
who is going to work in the lunchroom next
Sandy Weyrauch wills all fifty-nine inches
of her height to Maura Sexton.
Don Yuknis wills his "good" training habits to Tom Noonan.
Sandy Zamal wills Ricky Janus her horse
so that he may get to school without any
Skip Zirzow wills his love for school and
homework to Dave Fernadez.
To Mr. Amoth we leave a tuning fork for
the Barber Shop Quartet.
To Mrs. Anderson we leave a padlock for
the cage in the girls' locker room.
To Mr. Anderson we leave a padlock for
his Volkswagen.
To Mr. Bilotti we will a free pizza at Marino's.
To Mr. Bucci we leave our thanks for the
fine football teams he's given us during our
four years in high school.
To Mrs. Carr we leave a pair of roller
skates so that she can skate from the music
room to the math room.
To Mr. Hart we leave a lipstick brush to
clean his typewriters.
To Mr. Heigl we leave the will power to
stay on the right subject in his Social Problems classes.
To Mr. Helberg we leave any money left
in our treasury to pay off his car.
To Mr. Holte we leave a can of moth spray
for his raccoon coat.
To Mrs. Jedele we leave the hope of having another "Morpheus" in next year's Latin
To Mrs. MacDonald we leave an automatic dishwasher to use at her future parties.
To Mrs. Miller we leave a scooter so that
she can collect her fines quicker.
To Mr. Miller we leave all the math books
we can find in hopes that he will appreciate
some good reading.
To Mr. Olson we leave a bigger office so
that he can have room for all his absentee
To Mr. Powers, our faithful guidance
counselor, we leave the many pamphlets and
notices that he so kindly gave us.
To Mr. Schollian we will a whip for next
year's Senior Class Play cast.
To Mr. Schroeder we will a megaphone
so that he can yell louder at the referees.
To Mr. Shelton we will a pair of track
shoes in hopes that he can catch a girl on the
U. of W. campus.
To Mr. Stein we will a bottle of No-Doz for
the Advanced Shorthand Class next year.
To Miss Vaitkus we leave a "Board of
Education" to use on her forward students.
To Mrs. Wagner we leave hoping that her
family begins with a boy.
To Mr. Schnurr we leave a special thank
you for "letting us off the hook" after our Junior Slop Day.
To Miss Matthies we leave an automatic
stamp-licker for all the letters she mails.
'l'o the Lunchroom Staff we leave a new
set of hats for the boys in hopes that they will
wear them next year.
To the Juniors we leave the thrill of being "Big Seniors" and the thought of leaving
afcer four wonderful years.
To the Sophomores we leave the privilege of being upperclassmen and receiving
your class rings.
To the Freshmen we leave knowing that
you have three ye?.rs ahead and hoping that
you make the most of them, because they go
by all too fast.
After four years of study, sports, and activities, we leave Wilmot High School with the
sad realization that never again will we enter
your halls as students. Neither the knowledge we have acquired nor the friendships
we have made will be easily erased from our
minds. vVe will miss you, Wilmot High, but
we will never forget you ...
To Mrs. Schultz we leave an extra large
mail bag so that she can carry all the letters
and packages easier.
To the Janitors we leave an automatic
sweeper for the new building.
Class Prophecy . . .
Dear Beulah:
Just thought I would drop you a line and tell you about my world trip.
Wait until you hear about all the people I met that we went to school with.
It hardly seems like ten years since we graduated. Everyone asked how
Mitch's medical practice was working out. I've heard that he has become a
very successful specialist. Have you heard from him lately?
I started my trip by touring Europe. My first stop was England. While
in London, I met Frank Lasko. He loves talking so much that he is now
the head filibuster in Parliment. Frank was attempting to defeat a bm.
proposed by Mae Mueller and George Holst for the elimination of fog. The
bill was eventually passed despite Frank's protests.
From England I went to Sweden where I met who else but Eric Sattersten. He is now operating his own ski lodge, "Swede's Ski Slopes." Roberta
Robinson and Austin Rasch help Swede by making artificial snow. Evidentally his hours working at the Wilmot Ski Hills (plug) really paid off.
After leaving Sweden, I went to Rome, Italy. Bill Nasello has opened
up his own pizzeria. Mrs. Wagner's Home Economics Class must have encouraged Bill to enter the culinary arts.
I flew from Italy to Madrid, Spain, and signed up for a planned tour.
Carol Kempken was the hostess on my bus. She said that she enjoyed her
four years in Mr. Bilotti's Spanish class so much that she became a translator for American ambassadors. She was interpreting for Deane Bauman
and Pat Lynn. They entered politics so that they could investigate some of
the world problems that we discussed in Mr. Heigl's Social Problems class.
Sandy Shepanek is also in Spain. She is a commercial artist for a large
business firm in New York-Schaetten, Schick, and Schmalfeldt, Inc., manufacturers of the Better Bitter Butter Pill. Chris, Dave, and Jim started this
corporation after discovering the need for weight-gaining pills for those people who took too many courses at Vic Tanny's.
I traveled on to Bonn, Germany, and registered in a small hotel. The
clerk was none other than Lynn Thornton. He greeted me saying, "Good
afternoon, friend. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! And you are my friend. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Ha! Ha!" His opening line from that speech class skit must have really
stuck with him. He rang for a bellboy to carry the luggage to my room.
Kendall Kube appeared in shorts just like those he wore for the Senior Class
homecoming skit. He still uses his favorite saying, also-"Yes, 'urn."
After organizing my things, I went to a little restaurant down the street
from Lynn's hotel. The waiter seemed so familiar, but I couldn't place him.
Then I realized it was Skip Hans with a moustache. He served German root
beer while singing folk songs. I finished my meal and returned to the hotel.
After a good night's rest, I boarded a plane for Japan. It didn't seem possible that I was almost halfway around the world.
Arriving in Tokyo, I decided to go directly to an authentic Japanese
restaurant. Sandy Gehring, Judy Kaskin, and Arlene Paoli were all Geisha
Girls who waited on tables. After our prom, the girls took this job seriously
as their life's work.
Down the street from the restaurant I had my hair styled by Pat Welch.
She has opened up her own Japanese beauty shop.
The next morning I attended classes at a Japanese college. Janet Lovely was teaching a course in "Red Cross Procedures." Ed Dorociak and Cheryl
Faber were the star pupils in Janet's class.
I left the college and took a bus to the Japanese baseball park. While
watching the game, I noticed Ray Cates coaching the Japanese players. After
attending IBM school (IBM stands for Itty-Bitty Monsters), Ray was transferred to the newly formed U. S. Athletic Corps.
Since the Olympic Games were being held in Melbourne, Australia, I
boarded a luxury liner for that city the next day. During my voyage, I came in
contact with the social director, Theresa Powers. Mrs. Anderson's gym class
brought great enjoyment to Theresa; therefore, she is now trying to help
others receive the same pleasure that she did from athletics.
In the evening I went to a dance in the ship's ballroom. You'll never
guess who was the drummer in the band-Dick Perkins. Dick started his
own band and hired Shane O'Neil as the director. The group calls itself
"Perkins' Perky Players." If nothing else, they're loud.
We reached Melbourne early the next day, so I took in a few of the sights
before going to the Olympic Games. I approached an ice cream parlor and
purchased a cone. Mel Rasch and Penny Fritch were the proprietors of the
fountain. Penny wiped tables while Melvin made cones-just like the Wilmot lunchroom ten years ago.
The Olympic Games were about to begin so I hurried to the stadium.
Danny Flucke was selling programs outside the gate; I could hear his voice
above the noise of the entire crowd. After purchasing tickets, I entered
the stadium and secured a seat with the aid of the head usher, Art Laskey.
The first event was track competition. Darlene Ehlert represented the
United States in the high hurdles. She broke four world records in this event
alone. The next contest was weight-lifting. Jim Dunford also broke a world
record by pressing the 500-lb. bar-bell 155 times. He is so well-developed
that he has replaced Charles Atlas on the covers of magazines.
That evening I spent a quiet hour or two in front of my television set.
One of the main guest groups on a variety show was a trio consisting of
Sandy Weyrauch, Virgene Lois, and Gerrie Straukas. Singing in the Wilmot chorus encouraged these girls to go on in music. They have just released a new record that promises to be a hit-"I Can't Give You Anything
But Money, Honey." Between guests, Shirley Konrad did a commercial for
the Better Bitter Butter Pill, manufactured by Schaetten, Schick and Schmalfeldt, Inc. That product really gets around, doesn't it???
Horse races were first on my agenda for the following day. After looking over the entries for the first race, I placed a bet with the teller, Joe
LaFlamme. Ironically enough, the horse that I bet on was owned and trained
by Sandy Zamal, and the jockey was Gary Sheen. Unfortunately, none of the
horses which I played yielded any gain for me. Maybe I'm just not lucky
like some other people ...
Because my vacation time was running out, I left the next morning for
the West Coast of the United States on a jet plane. Laurie Griebel and Pat
Lehmann were the stewardesses on the flight. Upon landing in Los Angeles,
California, I rented a car from Don Shaw's Friendly Rental Service and began
driving back to Wisconsin.
As long as I was in California, I decided to visit Rosann Nielsen in
Disneyland. She is now the owner and operator of the flying-saucer ride.
I continued my journey home, and on the way, I made a stop in Hollywood. I was permitted to see two of motion pictures' greatest actors, Maggie
Noonan and LeRoy Siffring, rehearse a love scene together. Seeing them
on the stage reminded me of practice for the Senior Class Play. Tom Oberhofer, the stage manager, viewed the entire rehearsal from the wings-I
wonder why ...
I left the studio and again started on my journey eastward. ·A short
distance outside of Hollywood, I came to a golf course. John Addams and
Arnold Palmer were battling it out for first place in the Men's Invitational
Golf Tournament. John was leading by six strokes when the game was called
because of darkness.
After a good night's rest, I again started on my way. By this time I
was so tired of eating in restaurants that I purchased some groceries in a
super-market so that I could prepare my own evening meal. Patti Carlson was
the check-out girl. Her being in this store reminded me of the Sentry (another plug) in Twin Lakes.
While preparing for dinner, the door bell rang. When I answered it,
I almost fell over. Charles Stohr was selling magazines door-to-door. He
told me that he is now the number one magazine salesman in the country.
After finishing my meal, I tuned in a local station on the television set.
A baseball game was in progress; Charlene Elverman was pitching for the
Los Angeles Dodgers . She had struck out Tom Alby, Fred Koehnke, and
Dennis Hanke of the New York Yankees. Since I am not a very avid fan of
baseball, I turned on the radio instead.
The disc jockey, Mike Pawlik, was about to play the hit song in the
nation, "The Elephant Stomp," recorded by Don Yuknis. Don has been
very popular with the teenagers since Janice Shannon became his business
By the next morning I had driven as far as Des Moines, Iowa. The
city appealed to me so much that I thought maybe I would look for a job.
I entered a prosperous business firm and requested to see the personnel
manager. The receptionist in the office was Mary Pfaff. She informed
me that Skip Zirzow was president of the company. He is now such an
efficient businessman that he needs two private secretaries (one for each
knee). His stenographers, Bev Arnold and Sue Hoffman, really enjoy their
Luckily, Skip's corporation was in need of a company nurse. I took the
position and returned to Wisconsin to pack my belongings. On the highway I passed Janet Morgan. She still has her little red Rambler American but
now it has a few more accessories - 10 children!
Well, Beulah dear, I could go on and on like this, but time is running
short. I am leaving tomorrow for my nursing position in Des Moines. It is
going to seem funny to be working with some of the kids from Wilmot. Don't
forget to write soon and tell me about your experiences as a third grade
P. S. Remember the problem Mr. Heigl had with his back after water skiing?
He's found a solution--chair skis.
Senior Index . . .
John Addams (Page 18)
Transferred from Rockford East High School, Rockford, Illinois as Junior.
Golf 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Class Play 4; Intramurals 3, 4.
Thomas Alby (Page 18)
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4;
Forensics 4; "W" Club 4; Annual Staff 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer
4); Homecoming Attendant 4; Class Play 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Beverly Arnold (Page 18)
Class Secretary-Treasurer 4; Cheerleader 1, 2; Forensics 1; Science Club 4
(President 4); Commercial Club 1, 2; Paper Staff 1, 2; Annual Staff 4 (Chief
Typist); Pep Club 2; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; Typing Award 2; Class Play
3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Deane Bauman (Page 18)
Track 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Science Club 3; BAA 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3, 4.
Marsha Briggs (Page 19)
Forensics 1, 4; Spanish Club 4; Commercial Club 1; Annual Staff 4 (Assistant
Editor); Pep Club 1; GAA 1, 4; NHS 4; Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 4; Badger State 3; Mixed Chorus 1; Jour. Ed. Con£. 4.
Patricia Carlson (Page 19)
Class Vice-President 2; Cheerleader 1; Commercial Club 1; Pep Club 2; GAA
1, 2, 3; Homecoming Attendant 1; Mixed Chorus 1.
Raymond Cates (Page 19)
Class President 4; Class Student Council Representative 2; Class Vice-President 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 4);
"W" Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Annual Staff 4 (Sports Editor); BAA 1, 2, 3, 4 (VicePresident 3, President 4); Football Honorable Mention Award 4; Class Play
4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Edward Dorociak (Page 19)
James Dunford (Page 20)
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Football Honorable Mention Award 2, 3, 4; Homecoming King 4; Class Play 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Boys' Quartet 4.
Darlene Ehlert (Page 20)
Forensics 2; Photo Club 2, 3; Commercial Club 1, 2, 4; Paper Staff 4; Annual
Staff 4 (Senior Picture Editor); Pep Club 2; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4 (Secretary 4); WHT
4; Class Play 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Charlene Elverman (Page 20)
Photo Club 1, 2 (Vice-President 2); Commercial Club 1, 2; Paper Staff 4; An-
nual Staff 4; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4 (President 4); Class Play 4 (Student Director);
Intram.?rals 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1.
Cheryl Faber (Page 20)
Commercial Club 1, 2; Pep Club 2; GAA 1, 2, 3; WHT 2; Girls' Chorus 1.
Dan Flucke (Page 21)
Football 1, 4; Baseball 1, 2 (Manager); Forensics 4; "W" Club 1, 2, 3, 4;
Photo Club 2; Science Club 2, 3; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 4; Intramurals 1,
2, 3, 4; Boys' Chorus 4; Boys' Quartet 4; District Music Contest 4.
Penelope Fritch (Page 21)
Forensics 4; Science Club 4; Commercial Club 1; Pep Club 2; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4;
WHT 4; Dramatics Club 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1.
Sandra Gehring (Page 21)
Commercial Club 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; WHT 3, 4; Class Play 4; Triple
Trio 1; Girls' Chorus 1; District Music Contest 1.
Mitchell Grasseschi (Page 21)
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Forensics 1; "W" Club 4; BAA 2, 3; NHS 3,
4 (President); Mixed Chorus 1, 2; District Music Contest 1, 2.
Laurie Griebel (Page 22)
Forensics 3, 4; Commercial Club 1, 2, 3; Paper Staff 1, 2; Annual Staff 4 (Activities Editor); Pep Club 2; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President 3); WHT 1, 2, 4
(Student Council Representative 4); Prom Attendant 3; Homecoming Queen
4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1.
Dennis Hanke (Page 22)
Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 4); Basketball 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3,
4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Second String All-Conference Football 4;
Homecoming Attendant 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Boys' Chorus 4; Mixed Chorus 1.
Eldon Hans (Page 22)
Basketball 2; Track 1, 2, 3; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; BAA 1, 2; Prom Attendant 3.
Sue Hoffman (Page 22)
Forensics 1; Commercial Club 1, 2; GAA 1, 2; Library Club 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Triple Trio 1, 2, 3; Girls' Chorus 1, 2, 3; Mixed Chorus 1, 2;
District Music Contest 1, 2, 3; Paper Staff 3.
George Holst (Page 23)
Transferred from Ela-Vernon High School, Lake Zurich, Illinois, as Sophomore.
Judith Kaskin (Page 23)
Commercial Club 2, 3; GAA 1, 2, 3; WHT 4; Girls' Chorus 1.
Carol Kempken (Page 23)
Forensics 4; Spanish Club 4 (President 4); Photo Club 3, 4; Annual Staff 4
(Underclassman Picture Editor); WHT 1, 4; NHS 3, 4; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4;
Class Play 3, 4; D.A.R. Award 4.
Fred Koehnke (Page 23)
Football 1, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 3, 4; Track 3; Forensics 4;
"W" Club 3, 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Shirley Konrad (Page 24)
Photo Club 1, 2; Commercial Club 4; Pep Club 2; GAA 1, 2, 3; Shorthand
Award 3; Class Play 4; Mixed Chorus 1.
Kendall Kube (Page 24)
BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Boys' Chorus 1.
Arthur LaFlamme (Page 24)
Class President 1; Football1, 2, 3; Track 1; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4.
Arthur Laskey (Page 24)
Track 4; Forensics 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4;
Band 2.
Frank Lasko (Page 25)
Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 4; Photo Club 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President 3);
Science Club 2, 3, 4; Commercial Club 1, 2; Paper Staff 2; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4;
Dramatics Club 2; Class Play 3, 4.
Patricia Lehmann (Page 25)
Commercial Club 3; Paper Staff 3; GAA 1, 2, 3,. 4 (Secretary-Treasurer 3);
Library Club 2, 3, 4 (Student Council Representative 2, 4. Secretary-Treasurer 3); Prom Attendant 3; Class Play 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus
1; District Music Contest 1.
Virgene Lois (Page 25)
Forensics 4; WHT 1, 2, 4; Class Play 4; Triple Trio 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1 ,3, 4;
District Music Contest 1, 3, 4.
Janet Lovely (Page 25)
Forensics 1, 2; Spanish Club 3; Photo Club 4; Pep Club 2; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; WHT
2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 1, 2; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Student Council Representative 3); Band 1, 2; Betty Crocker Award 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep
Band 1, 2.
Patrick Lynn (Page 26)
Class Secretary-Treasurer 2; Class Vice-President 3; Class Student Council
Representative 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Track 2; Student Council 4 (Vice-President 4); "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Paper Staff 2; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; AllConference Football 4; Prom Attendant 3; Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4;
Boys' Chorus 4.
Janet Morgan (Page 26)
Annual Staff 4 (Music Editor); WHT 3, 4.
Mae Mueller (Page 26)
Commercial Club 1; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; WHT 3, 4.
William Nasello (Page 26)
Football 1; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; BAA 1, 2, 4; Class Play 4;
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 1; District Music Contest 1.
Rosann Nielsen (Page 27)
Student Council 3; Commercial Club 1, 2, 3; Paper Staff 1, 2; Annual Staff
4; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; WHT 4; Homecoming Attendant 2; Prom Attendant 3;
Class Play 3; Intramurals 3; Girls' Chorus 1, 4.
Margaret Noonan (Page 27)
Forensics 4; Student Council 3 (Secretary 3); Commercial Club 1, 2; Paper
Staff 2, 3, 4 (Editor 4); Annual Staff 4 (Business Manager); Pep Club 2; GAA
1, 2, 3, 4 (Student Council Representative 4); WHT 2, 3 (Student Council
Representative 3); Library Club 3; Spade Award 3; Prom Attendant 3; Class
Play 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Jour. Ed. Con£. 4; Girls' Chorus 1.
Tom Oberhofer (Page 27)
Football 1, 2, 4; Track 1; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; BAA 1, 2, 4; Homecoming Attendant 2.
Shane O'Neil (Page 27)
Football 1, 3, 4 (Manager 3, 4); Basketball 1 (Manager); Baseball 1, 2; Forensics 1, 4; Spanish Club 4 (Vice-President); "W" Club 3, 4; Science Club 3,
4; BAA 2, 3, 4; NHS 3, 4 (Treasurer); Class Play 4; Badger State 3; Boys'
Chorus 1; District Music Contest 1.
Arlene Paoli (Page 28)
Photo Club 4; WHT 4; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 2, 3; Mixed Chorus
1; District Music Contest 1, 2, 3.
Michael Pawlik (Page 28)
Football 1, 4; Track 1, 4; Forensics 4; "W" Club 4; Photo Club 3; Pep Club
3; BAA 4; Dramatics Club 2; Class Play 4; Boys' Chorus 3; Mixed Chorus 3.
Richard Perkins (Page 28)
Track 2; Forensics 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Award 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4;
Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President 4); Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 4; District Music Contest 1, 2, 3, 4.
Mary Pfaff (Page 28)
Transferred from Mindoro High School, Mindoro, Wisconsin, as Sophomore.
Commercial Club 2, 3, 4; Paper Staff 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 2; GAA 2, 3, 4 (VicePresident 4); WHT 2, 4.
Theresa Powers (Page 29)
Forensics 1, 3, 4 (State Winner 4); Paper Staff 4; Pep Club 2; Dramatics Club
1; Library Club 4 (President 4); Intramurals 1; Triple Trio 1, 2, 3; Girls'
Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 1, 2; Mass Chorus 2; District and State Music
Contests 1, 2, 3, 4.
Austin Rasch (Page 29)
Football 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3 (Manager 4); Track 1, 2, 3; "W" Club 4; Photo
Club 1, 2; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3.
Melvin Rasch (Page 29)
Football 1, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3; Forensics 4; "W" Club 4;
Photo Club 1, 2; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Roberta Robinson (Page 29)
Cheerleader 1, 2, 3; Paper Staff 4; Annual Staff 4; Pep Club 2; GAA 1, 2, 3,
4 (Point Secretary 4); Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Eric Sattersten (Page 30)
Class President 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; "W"
Club 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Band Award 1, 2, 3; Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals 1,
2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3; Boys' Quartet 4.
Christine Schaetten (Page 30)
Science Club 4; Paper Staff 4; GAA 4; WHT 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer 4);
Class Play 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Triple Trio 3; Girls' Chorus 3, 4.
David Schick (Page 30)
Football 1; Basketball!; Track 1; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 4; "W" Club 2, 3,
4; Photo Club 2; Science Club 3; BAA 1, 2; Band Award 3; Intramurals 4; Band
James Schmalfeldt (Page 30)
Football 1, 2 (Manager); Basketball 1; Baseball 1; Track 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4;
Science Club 3; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Janice Shannon (Page 31)
Forensics 1, 4; GAA 4; WHT 4; Dramatics Club 2; Library Club 4; Girls'
Chorus 2, 3; District Music Contest 2.
Don Shaw (Page 31)
Football1, 2, 3; Track 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 4.
Gary Sheen (Page 31)
Basketball 1, 3, 4; "W" Club 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Prom Attendant 3.
Sandra Shepanek (Page 31)
Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 4; Spanish Club 4; Commercial Club 1;
Annual Staff 4 (Art Editor); GAA 1, 2, 3; NHS 3, 4 (Secretary); Homecoming
Attendant 4; Prom Queen 3; Class Play 4; Intramurals 1.
LeRoy Siffring (Page 32)
Basketball 2 (Manager); Baseball 3, 4 (Manager); Forensics 4; "W" Club 3, 4;
Science Club 2, 3; Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President 3, Student Council
Representative 4); Annual Staff 4 (Photographer); Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4.
Nancy Sorenson (Page 32)
Transferred from Marshall High School, Chicago, Illinois, as Junior. Forensics 4; Commercial Club 3, 4; Paper Staff 3, 4; Annual Staff 4 (Editor);
GAA 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; Homecoming Attendant 3; Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals
3, 4; Jour. Ed. Conf. 4.
Charles Stohr (Page 32)
Football 1, 2, 3; Forensics 1, 2; Photo Club 2, 3, 4 (Student Council Representative 3, President 4); Science Club 4 (Student Council Representative);
Pep Club 2; BAA 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; Class Play 3; Top Magazine Salesman 1, 4.
Geraldine Straukas (Page 32)
Forensics 2; Commercial Club 1; Pep Club 2; GAA 2; Dramatics Club 2; Shorthand Award 3; Girls' Chorus 2, 3, 4.
Lynn Thornton (Page 33)
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Track 1, 2; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4;
Forensics 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Prom Attendant 3; Intramurals
1, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 2.
Patricia Welch (Page 33)
Commercial Club 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; WHT 3, 4; Class Play 3, 4; Triple
Trio 1; Girls' Chorus 1; District Music Contest 1.
Sandra Weyrauch (Page 33)
Annual Staff 4 (Assistant Business Manager); WHT 3, 4 (President 4); NHS
4; Class Play 3; Intramurals 1; Triple Trio 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 3, 4;
Mixed Chorus 2; Mass Chorus 2; District and State Music Contests 1, 2, 3, 4.
Don Yuknis (Page 33)
Class President 2; Class Student Council Representative 3; Class Vice- President 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 4); Baseball 1; Track
2, 3, 4; Forensics 4; Student Council 3, 4 (Vice-President 3, President
4); "W" Club 3, 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4 (Student Council Representative 4); NHS
3, 4(Vice-President); Spoon Award 3; All-Conference Football 4; All-Conference Basketball 4; Prom King 3; Class Play 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Sandra Zamal (Page 34)
Forensics 4; Photo Club 3; Pep Club 2; GAA 2, 4; Library Club 1, 2.
Raymond Zirzow (Page 34)
Class Student Council Representative 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1,
2; Baseball 1; Track 4; "W" Club 3, 4; BAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Compliments of
Member F.D.I.C.
Kenosha's Oldest and Largest Bank
Established 1852
Burlington's New and Most Convenient Bank
Complete Banking and Trust Services
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Auto Banking -
4% Interest on Savings Certificates
For the Finest In
Italian Foods Try Our Spaghetti and Ravioli
New Munster, Wis.
Highway 50
Wheatland Line- Tel. KEllogg 7-4722
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Telephone TR 7-2221
OLympic 4-9121
5204 60th St.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Salem, Wisconsin
Rambler - Studebaker
Buick - Oldsmobile
Chevrolet - Pontiac
Mercury - Lincoln
Dodge - Plymouth
Your Friendly FORD Dealer
Compliments of
Compliments of
First National
Fairview Dining Room
Antioch, Ill.
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Drinks the Finest - Food the Best
Rollie & Jo s Resort
Delicious Varieties of Economical
Turkey Treats
Cottages - Boats - Bait
Visit the Tame Deer Free
Or To Roast
East Side Lower Twin Lakes
Lake Elizabeth
Folly Turkey Form
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Congratulations to the
Dairy Queen
Class of 1962
Burlington, Wisconsin
Harvey & Dorothy Timmer
Compliments of
Compliments of
Faber Brothers
Kaelber Plumbing
and Heating Co.
Carpenter Contractors
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
5718 - 7th Avenue
Phone TU 9-5771
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Licensed in Illinois and Wisconsin
Telephone 312 - 395 - 4000
Camp Lake, Wis.
Groceries and Lunch Counters
Strang Funeral Home
Gifts- Toys
Ed. R. Strang
Sporting Goods - Dry Goods
1055 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois
TU 9-4783
Compliments of
Camp Lake, Wis.
Antioch Savings and
loan Association
Compliments of
Riverside Inn
950 Main Street
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Antioch, Illinois
Freddie Orgelstrand, Prop.
"Where Saving is Rewarding"
Carey Electric and
Plumbing Shop
Restaurant - Lounge
Wiring - Plumbing
Rooms for Private Parties
Heating - Contractors
Antioch, Illinois
Antioch, Illinois
Hwy. 41- 173
Compliments of the
State Bonk of Antioch
Phone 395-4211
Congratulations to
the Class of 1962
Good Luck!
lake Mary Resort
Shore Gardens Resort
Motel - Dining Room
Frank Gaik - Walter Mlynarczyk
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Phone TR 7-9180
Phone: TR 7-9191
Coffee Cup
Jim s
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Standard Service
Spaghetti - Sandwiches - Chicken
Greasing- Washing- Repairing
Open All Year
Twin Lakes, Wis.
From 6:00 A. M. to 2:00 A. M.
Phone TR 7-2022
Wilmot, Wis.
Phone UN 2-3221
Call us any day of the year or for that extra special occasion.
You'll like our choice flowers.
Bedding Plants, Cut and Designed Flowers, Flowering Plants
"Shoes by George"
Compliments of
Erickson's Sewing Center
382 Lake Street
The Lake Region's Newest, Most Modern
Family Shoe Store
Antioch, Ill.
Phone: Antioch 395-1112
Rts. 59 and 173
Trevor Standard Station
Don Pittman Motors, Inc.
845 Main St.
Antioch, Ill.
Greasing- Washing- Repairing
Antioch, Ill.
Phone Antioch 395-4400
Trevor, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Segols & Elliotts
Kenosha Notional Bonk
"Fashion Apparel"
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wisconsin
) -~~~~~~~vv~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-"-
lsermonn Bros.
"Wisconsin's Outstanding Store
for Women"
Men's Clothing and
Lepp and Company
Freeman Shoes
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Hansen Funeral Home
Alvin T. Hansen
1880- 1962
Compliments of
Phone OL 4-2136
Gander Mountoin Inc.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Wilmot, Wisconsin
24 Hour Ambulance Service
Large Parking Lot in Rear
Bruch Funeral Home
Compliments of
24 Hour Ambulance Service
T.V. Engineers
3503 Roosevelt Road, Kenosha, Wis.
3416 Roosevelt Road
Phone Kenosha 2-8298
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Good Luck from
Benson Oi I Company
Bob Mink
Hwy. 45 and 50, Bristol
Jewels by
6621 - 39th Ave., Kenosha
King of Diamonds
Phillips Petroleum Dist.
6221- 22nd Ave., Kenosha, Wis.
The Brown National Bank
of Kenosha
Packers Outlet
A Complete Banking Service
Our Phone Number is OLympic 4-3575
Use Our Free Park Area with
Complete Line of
Meats, Frozen Fruits and Vegetables
for Hotels, Restaurants and Institutions
Convenient Entrance To Bank Lobby
Week Days 7:30 a.m. to 12 Noon- 1 to 4 p.m.
Saturday 7 a.m. to 12 Noon
McDougall Hardware
Farm Implements
2111- 63rd Place
Jacobsen Lawn Mowers
Kenosha, Wis.
Wilmot, Wis.
UN 2-2532
Building Supplies Company
Live Bait and Sporting Goods
Cement and Lightweight Blocks
and Concrete Products
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Phone UN 2-2341
Wilmot, Wis.
Wi Imot Stage Stop
Wilmot Drug Store
Charcoaled Steaks
Cocktail Lounge
Phone UN 2-5241
Frank Krisko
County Electric Sales
and Service
Elmer Kaphengst, Sr. and Jr.
Electric Heat
Wiring- Carpenter Work
Refrigeration - Gifts - Cards and
Appliances and Paints
Home Made Sausage - Smoked
Meats - Corned Beef
UN 2-3551
Wilmot, Wis.
Salem, Wis.
Phone VI 3-2501 or KE 7-2259
Twin lakes Pharmacy
To the 1962 Graduates
Prescriptions - Drugs - Sodas
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Frank and Madelyn Wheeler
Phone TR 7-2003
Towne Variety
Compliments of
The Store of Friendly Service
Bush s Certified Foods
919 Main Street
Trevor, Wisconsin
Antioch, Ill.
King S
Compliments of
Main Street
Bloss Mink Ranch
Antioch, Illinois
Salem, Wisconsin
Since 1924
5810 Seventh Avenue, Kenosha, Wis.
School - Office - Institutional - Church - Hotel- Motel
Furniture and Equipment
(we take trade-ins)
Greeting Cards - Stationery - Gifts
Phone - Kenosha OLympic 4-2193
Barden S
Hillside Inn
Dinners - Sandwiches
Kenosha, Wis.
TU 9-4430
Since 1889
Kenosha's Home of Well-Known
Nationally Advertised Merchandise of
Better Quality
Camp Lake, Wisconsin
Lots of fun if you're over 21
Hildebrandt's Dept. Store
Compliments of
Bamboo Hut
Everything for Everyone
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Phone TR 7-2456 for Carry-Out
Twin Lakes Barber Shop
Al's Boat Shop
Open Tues. Thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closed Mon. except on holidays
Century Inboard and Mercury Outboard Motors
Alum. - Wood - Fiberglass Boats
Sporting Goods, Hunting and Marine Supplies
Inside Storage and Repair Service
John Indrika, Prop.
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Phone TR 7-2462
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Twin takes Beaute Studio
Virginia Thorn, Prop.
Open Tuesday Through Saturday
Evenings: Tuesday and Thursday
Compliments of
Phone TR 7-2434
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Phone TR 7-2484
Dr. Fred C. Mayer
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Phone TR 7-2727
Larson & Hofner
Aldens Catalog
Sales Store
"The Stag Shop"
Open 9 to 9
241 E. Chestnut St.
"Fashion Firsts"
For Men and Boys
Burlington, Wis
Phone 763-2495
Burlington, Wis.
Aluminum Products
Telephone TRiangle 7-2550
Twin Lakes Construction Co.
General Contractors
Estimates Furnished
Wm. Krumpen
Bassett, Wis.
Compliments of
Ray Bacon's
Klondike Corners
Rt. 2, Box 15A
Salem, Wis.
Phone Vlnewood 3-3921
Phone OL 8-8558
Compliments of
Julius Urban
Custom Tailoring - Men and Women
2204 Roosevelt Road
Cleaning - Pressing - Remodeling
Kenosha, Wisconsin
2230 Roosevelt Road, Kenosha, Wis.
Co rl' s Store
Fountain- Film- Baby Needs- Toys
Home Remedies- Veterinary Products
Papers - Magazines - Cosmetics
Authorized Dealer
"The Friendly Store"
TUcker 9-9891
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Ed and Carrie Braund, Owners
Bauman Hardware Co.
Schultz Skelgas Service
General Hardware
Silver Lake, Wis.
Plumbing Supplies- Water Systems
Plumbing, Heating and Appliances
Electrical Supplies
Arthur Schultz, Prop.
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
TU 9-5552
Wheatland KE 7-4887
Phone TU 9-4353
Best Wishes from
Dairy Queen
Chicago Tavern
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wis.
Phone TU 9-9861
H. E. Williams
Groceries and Meats
General Merchandise
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Phone TU 9-9861
Phone TU 9-4182
Ace Hardware
Connolly's Jewel Tea
Holleb's Fashion Center
Maurer's Flowers
Norge Village
Serto Furniture
Tots & Teens
Town 'N Country Liquor Store
Warner's Cleaners
Wilson's Variety Store
4600- 75th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
The Angei S
Solem Electric
Dining Room - Cocktail Lounge
Formerly Our Country Club
Hwy. 83- Salem, Wis.
Hours: 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.
Sales and Service
Phone VI 3-2111
Milt Raditz, Jr.
Cater to Parties
Wiring and Motor Repair- Appliances
Hwy. 83 and Wilmot Road
Admiral - Zenith - General Electric
Phone UN 2-9191
John Bobula & Sons
Installations - Cleaning - Repairing
Power Machine Digging - Elec. Rodding
Service Station and Garage
Sewerage and Septic Systems
Phone VI 3-5551
Hwy. 83
Phone KEllogg 7-4848
Salem, Wisconsin
Burlington, Wis.
Consumers Cooperative
Towne & Country lanes
Air Conditioned
Phone 763-7333
Burlington, Wis.
264 Pine St., Burlington, Wis.
BR 9-3311
Genoa City, Wis.
Compliments of
Bonk of Burlington
Serving the Community Since 1872
Burlington, Wis.
Member of F.D.I.C.
Phone 763-3575
Compliment$ of the
B & K Shoe Store
lakes Area Advertisers~ Inc.
Good Shoes for the Entire Family
for Over 37 Years
Phone Antioch 404-1404
524 Milwaukee Avenue
Burlington, Wis.
Seors Roebuck & Co.
lyons-Ryan Ford
Burlington, Wisconsin
Antioch, Ill.
Shop at Sears and Save
Kenosha, Wis.
Fritzi S Sausage Shop
Silver lake Grill
Everything Home Made
Fine Food - Quick Service
Hwy. 50- 1 Mile East of Fox River
Low Prices
Route 2- Box 74- Salem, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Wagner & Juranek
Insurance for Your Every Need
Auto - Fire - Life - Hospital
All Casualty Coverages
Clothing and Furnishings for
Men and Boys
Gerold M. Siebert
Formal Wear Headquarters
Real Estate and Insurance
Siebert's Hotel
Burlington, Wisconsin
Phone VI 3-4411
Salem, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Antioch Lumber & Coal
Company, Inc.
Nick's Shell Service
Everything to Build Anything
See Our New Display Rooms
Phone UN 2-3911
Trevor Road and Highway SA
Dial 395-0015 - 395-0016
Antioch, lllinois
Trevor, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes Garage
Lawrence H. Kempken, Prop.
Handbags - Luggage - Gifts
Repairs on All Makes of Cars
Start Your Travels Thru Life with Luggage
Greasing- Washing- Towing Service
Twin Lakes
Kenosha, Wis.
TR 7-2777
Waukegan, Til.
One Hour 11 Martinizing 11
The Most in Drycleaning
Carl C. Seemann
Decker's Tavern
388 Lake Street
Camp Lake, Wis.
Phone Antioch 395-0311
The Klass Men's Store
Barnstable Dept. Store
Stanley Toton
Clothing for the Family
921 Main Street
Antioch, lllinois
Antioch, lllinois
Mrs. Young's Snack Shack
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Young's Gift Shop
and Penny Arcade
Hamburgers, French Fried Shrimp,
Steak Sandwiches, Baked Ham,
Phone TRiangle 7-2313
Fountain Service
Opposite Public Beach
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Young
Phone TR 7-2644
Compliments of
Congratulations and Best Wishes from
Meinhardt Bank
Twin Lakes
Recreation, Inc.
Burlington, Wis.
Bowling Instructors Leagues and Open Bowling
Twin Lakes Ballroom
Phone TR 7-2616 or TR 7-2065
Home of Teen-Age Dancing
Fair Lady
Available for Weddings, Parties and
Social Affairs
Phone TRiangle 7-2722
Tinting and Hair Cutting
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Chas. and Em's
Candy - Ice Cream - School Supplies
Variety Store
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Mayer Drug
Class of 1962
Kenosha, Wis.
"Your Prescription Store"
Camp Lake Nursing Home
5537 Sixth Avenue
TUcker 9-4321
Bell Dressed Men Are Well Dressed Men
Brass Ball
Bell Clothing House, Inc.
6th Avenue - Corner 56th
Facilities for Banquets and Private Parties
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Salem, Wisconsin
Phone OL 4-3527
VI 3-3711
Compliments of
Wilmot Auto Service
Harm Garwood, Mgr.
Ideal Bakery
Phone UN 2-9181
Center Lake Woods, Wisconsin
Best Wishes To the Class of 1962
"Our Prayer"
For the past, present and future
May our efforts be for the good of
All people. Our weaknesses and failures
Be forgiven. Our successes accomplished
With humility. And may we HELP
The paths of righteous living
Throughout their lives.
Compliments of
Ed Dicklin Enterprises
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Rollin' Wheels Roller Rink
Cement Work - Builders
Box 296
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Phone TR 7-2450
"Is Your Treasury Fund Low?"
Plan a special party for your church, school
or group organization. For information call
TR 7-2272 or TR 7-9175
We welcome parents and guardians at all times.
No charge when accompanying children or
party groups.
Hansen's Paint Store
Boats - Cottages
For Walls of Distinction
Holoubek's Resort
Located on Lake Elizabeth - (Lower Lake)
Phone TRiangle 7-2266
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Phone Numbers TR 7-9173- TR 7-2510
Since 1921
Mariondale Farms
. C & l's Place
Distributor of
Golden Guernsey Dairy Products
King Sun Orange Juice
Jones Dairy Farm Products
Twin Lakes, Wis.
TRiangle 7-9192
(Next to Sentry)
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Best Wishes Graduates ...
Clarke's Drive In
"Gifts That Are Treasured"
Sandwiches, Ice Cream, Live Bait,
Tackle, and Fishing Licenses
C. S. Hubbard
Studio Girl Cosmetics- Films
Jeweler and Engraver
705 - 58th St.
Trevor, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wis.
Van's Boot House
Boats and Motors For Rent
Fishing Baits of All Kinds
Robert F. Horton
Silver Lake, Wis.
General Contractor
Phone UNderhill 2-3252
"Your Satisfaction Is Our Guarantee"
Compliments of
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Al's Zesto Drive Inn
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Robel -Swatek
Shell Gasoline with TCP and
Chiappetta Clothing
Furnace Oil with 50A - 5X
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wis.
KE 7-4832
TU 9-4111
Congratulations Class of '62
Hartnell Chevrolet Co.
Polze Shell Service
Salem, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Phone VI 3-3311
Phone TU 9-8401
KE 7-2261
Where you can buy with confidence
Schmidt Implement Co.
John Deere Farm Equipment
Since 1935
Salem, Wisconsin
Burlington, Wisconsin
Silver Lake Barber Shop
and Sports Shop
Bassett Hardware
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Stanley Stoxen, Prop.
Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat.
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
General Hardware, Plumbing and Heating
Phone TR 7-2055
Three Barbers
Francis O'Neil- Dennis O'Neil- Henry Andre
Bassett, Wis.
"Look Your Best- For the Woman Who Cares"
Insure In Sure Insurance
with the
Ruth Ann's Beauty Service
Schenning Insurance Agency
Loth Building - Silver Lake, Wis.
Silver Lake, Wis.
Open Tuesday and Thursday Afternoon
Closed Wednesday Afternoon
Notary Public
Shop Phone TU 9-4654
Phone TUcker 9-5143
Hours 9 A.M.- 5 P.M.
S & J Grill
Hicks Gas
Breakfasts - Lunches - Dinners
Home Cooking
Take Out Orders
Bottle and Bulk Gas
Heating and Appliances
Henry J. Mack
··Box 627
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Phone TR 7-2433
Phone TR 7-2444
Compliments of
C Stop
Ernie S Boats and Baits
Silver Lake, Wis.
Silver Lake, Wis.
Village Cleaners
Chuck s Service Station
Louis Mowen
Formal Rental
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wis.
TR 7-2707
Wisconsin Southern Gas
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Natural and L. P. Gas
Village Variety Shop
Twin Lakes, Wis.
John and Mary Bobis, Prop.
..... ('D
..... nQ
Meet Your Friends at
Steve and Bea's
Kenosha, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Compliments of
Scherrer Construction Co., Inc.
New Munster and Burlington, Wis.
Silver Lake State Bank
Silver Lake, Wis.
Small Enough To Serve You Better- Large Enough
To Serve You Best
"The Bank That Satisfied Customers Built"
Member F.D.I.C.
Paddock Lake Lumber Co.
Salem, Wisconsin
Electric Appliance Sales and Wiring
Building Materials - Distributors for
Crown Aluminum Sidings - Remodeling
G-E Appliances - Speed Queen
Phone TU 9-4311
Call Us for Estimates
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Gehring Well Drillers
Bakke Electric Company
Wells and Water Systems
Electric Wiring Sales and Service
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Hotpoint and RCA Appliances
TRiangle 7-2694
Waterford, Wisconsin
Meals - Swimming - Boats - Cottages
Kitchenette Apt.
Pete's Benedict Lake Resort
Oakland Resort
Picnic Grounds - Tavern
Powers Lake, Wis.
Tavern - Dining - Picnic Tables
Agnes Mazurk and Sons, Prop.
Genoa City, Wis.
Phone BR 9-6336
Phone BR 9-8998
Nippersink Manor Resort
Genoa City, Wis.
Wishes the Class of 1962
Best of Luck in the Future
Kenosha's Largest Jewelers
58th St.
Kenosha, Wis.
Best Wishes
Elmer J.Knudtzon
A & A Refrigeration
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Phone TR 7-2382
Phone TR 7-2011
Ackerman's Resort
Chas. Harbaugh
Lumber Co.
Caters to Parties - Outings - Banquets
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Lounge - Dining Room - Hotel - Motel
Twin Lakes, Wis.
"Quality Products"
"Courteous Service"
Phone TR 7-2601
Phones: TRiangle 7-2131 and 7-2132
Wayne Cavanaugh, Prop.
Compliments of
Twin Lakes, Wis.
We Met Inn
Wash 20 Lbs.- 35c
Extract 3 Loads- 10c
Dry- 10c
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Open 7 Days A Week Including Holidays
The Weather Vane
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Village Realty
Luncheon - Dinner
Hazel Olson
Sunday Breakfast
Real Estate - Insurance
Serving Daily from 11 a.m.
Sunday from 8 a.m.
For Reservations Call TR 7-2823
Phone TR 7-2686
Closed Mondays .#
Patrons List
vY hPV.
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The Leader Store, Inc.
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v ~ Y' . f3 ,plf
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Drew and Houston
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Kenosha Prescription
Kenosha Optical
;:;lv' e I , f;
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p rP1f
Block Brothers
Kay's Hardware
Laun-Dry-Clean Center
Twin Lakes Bakery & Restaurant
Poor John's Tavern
De Marco's
Dairy Queen
Camp Lake Meat Market
Camp Lake Bakery
.~c!-"' . yY
Bill & Marie's Tavern
Scheuerman's Grocery
y X cY
HWY. 50
~~uk /
Reyer's Sales Service
J-/ ~
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