Wilmot Union High School 1960 Yearbook
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Wilmot Union High School 1960 Yearbook
1960 Yearbook
School Yearbooks
75861943 bytes
Wilmot Union High School
Linda Valentine Snippets
Linda Valentine Snippets
Kenosha (Wis.)
613 - 1960 Panther
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, no signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the WKCHS collection
and was donated by Ruth Miller, a teacher.
This book has two color printing.
0-135 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
613- 1960 Pahther
Wilmot Union Hig~ School
Yearbook, no sighatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signat4re in the collective.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the WKCHS collection
and was donated by Ruth Miller, a teacher.
This book has two color printing.
0-135 pag~s
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who w;ished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at :the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
--1·_··.·.· .
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EDITOR ............................... Mary Ann Walton
. ASS'T EDITOR ............................... Joy Kaskin
BUSINESS MANAGER ......................... Tom Dicklin
ASS'T BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Olson
Page 2
And when those Wilmot High boys fall in line,
We're going to sing for them another time;
It's for the school that we all love so well,
We're going to yell, and yell, and yell, and yell, ·
and yell, and yell;'
And then we'll fight, fight, fight, for everyone,
Until all of our games are won;
And then we'll sing, sing, sing, sing, sing again,
sing again
Wilmot High, U! Rah! Rah!
, I
Page 3
Westam Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
. I
In the four years since we entered high school, man has made great
strides in the field of rockets and space travel. Because of this, we, the
class of 1960, have chosen "Rocket to the Future" as the theme of this
year's Panther. Just as the rocket has opened a new world to man, so
have our high school days and the teachers we have had opened a new
world for us- the world of opportunity.
These are the students who have helped to put this year's annual
together. They are: Pat Weinberg, Junior Editor; Carla Dankert,
Music Editor; Rosemary Nagel, Freshman Editor; Mary Ann Walton,
Editor; Joy Kaskin, Assistant Editor; Mrs. Olson, Art Advisor; Pat
Lynn, Sophomore Editor; Judy Lois, Senior Editor, Judy Cates, Photographer; Frank Jacobs, Sports Editor; Mr. Heigl, Advisor; Tom Dicklin, Business Manager; and Ken Olson, Assistant Business Manager.
Page 4
W ~ would like to give special
thanKs to Mr. Schnurr and Mr.
Knight for the time and guidance,
which they have given us these
pa.st four years. They have help~
ed usi to obtafn education and to
accepit responsibility, which will
help -b.s reach future goals.
Mr. Schnurr
Mr. Knight
Page 5
We, fhe Class of 1960, would like to dedicate this
book to Mr. Heigl. We cannot express how grateful we
are to him for all his wonderful help during the past two
years. THrough him we have learned that cooperation
!~:~most important factor if one is to succeed. Our class
has profit~d greatly by his counsel and guidance.
The BOARD OF EDUCATION are the chosen representatives of our high school
district. We would like to thank them for the fine facilities and opportunities which they
have provided for us. From left to right: Mr. Swenson, Mr. Knight, Mr. Lake, Mr. Richter, Mr. Bierdz (President), Mr. Rausch (Clerk), Mr. Stoxen (Treasurer), Mr. Badger,
Mr~ Schnurr, Mr. Fischer.
Through the STUDENT COUNCIL, the students have a voice
in expressing the wishes of the student body. This group of students meets the fourth hour. Every class and organization .in school
is represented. The officers are: Paul Dicklin, President; Emil
Mravec, Vice-President; arid Judy Cates, Secretary. Mr. Schnurr
and Mr. Knight are the Advisors.
Page 8
Eugene Bilotti, B.A.
Wisconsin State College, LaCrosse, St. Norbert College, Marquette University, University of
Wisconsin State College, P~atteville, Northwestern University.
Pep Band
& Ensemb~e Advisor
Frank Bucci, B.A., M.A.
University of Wisconsin.
George Brieske, B.A.
Wisconsin State College,
General Mathematics
Sophomore Commercial
C~ub Advisor
Freshman Class Advisor
"B" Squad Basketball Coach
Physica~ Education
Football Coach
Track Coach
B.A.A. Advisor
Page 10
Darlene Carr, B.S.
State Teachers' College,
Vocal Music
Albin Dongarra, RS.
Milton College, University
Dramatics Director
Forensics Assistant
Sophomore Class Advisor
Mary Engstad, B.S.
University of Wisconsin.
Dramatics Club Advisor
Forensics Assistant
Richard Heigl, B.A,
Western State College, Colorado,
University of Wisconsin.
World History
American History
Social Problems
Driver Education
Senior Class Advisor
Photography Club Advisor
Annual Advisor
Marilyn Olson, B.S.
Wisconsin State College,
Physical Education
G.A.A. Advisor
Cheerleader Advisor
Annual Art Advisor
Pep Club Advisor
Gene Olson, B.S.
Wisconsin State College, LaCrosse, University of Wisconsin.
Golf Advisor
Science Club Advisor
Donald Helberg, B.S.
Wisconsin State College, Rive·r
General Science
Physical Education
Assistant Football Coach
Page 12
Chester Knight, B.A.
University o.f Wisconsin, Stout
State College, Menomonie.
Business Science
Guidance Counselor
Junior Class Advisor
Dale Schroeder, B.S.
Wisconsin State CoUege,
Industrial. Arts
Physical Education
Assistant Football Coach
"A" Squad Basketball Coach
Baseball Coach
Lawrence Stein, B.Ed., M.A.
Wisconsin State College, Whitewater, University o.f Illinois, University o.f Iowa.
Of.fice Machines
O.f.fice Practice
Commercial Club Advisor
School Paper Advisor
Donald Wahl, B.S.
Wisconsin State College,
General Mathematics
Advanced Mathematics
Page 13
Ruth Miller, B.S,
Stout State College, Menomonie,
Wisconsin State· College, Whitewater, University of.Colorado.
Home Economics
W.H.T. Advisor
Library Club Advisor
Lunch Room Supervisor
Louise Matthies
Secretary to Principal
Page 14
The janitors, Mr. Frank, Mr. Neuman, and Mr. Tilton, are the persons re·
sponsible for keeping our school spic and span. They are always willing to help
the students, when they are in need of assistance.
Mrs. Rasch and Mrs. Tilton prepare our meals during the scl10ol year. They
are assisted by a few students, who work in the lunchroom during the noon hour.
Page 15
Frank Jacobs
John Scalzo
Mary l\Jln Walton
Emil Mravec
Page 16
"Her ways are ways of
And aU her paths are peace."
"Happy-go-lucky, fair and free
Nothing there is that bothers
"A little glee and
Are needed by the best of men_''
"She uses her laughter to the
best of taste
And never does she let it go to
Page 18
"Her .gentle speech and modest
Led others to accord her praise."
"Many times from school he'd
Just to take a fishing trip."
"She has been with us only a
short time,
She came to us in '59."
"Many friends he has around,
His foes there are none."
Page 19
"I'm well liked by all you see,
If you don't believe me, ask me."
"She's a gay and bonnie lass
The merry-maker of her class."
"No sinner or saint perhaps
But he is the very best of chaps."
"Little are her cares
When there is music in the air."
Page 20
"There's a twinkle in her eye
And a sparkle on her finger."
"To the. golf course he does go
With his clubs he is a pro????"
"Industrious is she,
To the door of success she 1io7:ds
the key."
"The class philosopher is this
His' friendly wit make him far
. fi"om shy."
Page 21
"He's little, but he's wise,
He's a terror for his size."
"Whenever you'd see her in the
She was usually having a ball."
"Quiet and sincere,
Full of fun and lots of cheer."
,, ~'A sparkle. comes to her eye
When she sees a Marine walk by.''
Page 22
"To business he did take
And lots of money he will make."
"She possesses a happy heart
And excels in art."
"Lots of initiative and pep;
That's this girl, clever, You bet!"
"A guy with lots of ability
And full of agility."
Page 23
"Norm has a lot to do,
With basebalL, school, and you
know who."
······-··--- ·······----·····
"She is a friend to everyone,
Liked by all, disUked by none."
"Size does not mean much,
For success he soon. .will
"Life was made to be enjoyed,
She by nothing is annoyed;''
Page_ 24
.:>o~ .JtiH :v1:, "''~'.1<'~~~ o10i~-.w
"Here's a guy who likes to tease,
And his classmates he does
"A transfer in her Senior year
We're aU glad that she is here."
"A charming girl with a lovely
Dresses neat and right in style."
"It seems as if he does fly
When on his scooter he does
Page 25
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Jess a
"The quiet .guy of our class,
But as a friend he'll always· pass."
"With her quiet Southern drawl
She is well liked by almost all."
"Here's a lad who's really :cool,
Never once did break a rule???"
"A loyal companion, an excellent
A good earnest worker and true
to the end."
Page 26
"Never did she complain,
And we hope in this respect she
wiU remain."
"Appearance of a saint,
"But we aU know he ain't."
"It's nice to be natural
When you're naturally nice."
"Bud was his nickname,
Mischief his game."
Page 27
"A hard-working guy
Who's rather shy."
"Always laughing and full oj
If she frowns, watch your step."
"Full of fun and mischief, too,
Doing things she shouldn't do."
"He does his tasks from day to
And meets whatever comes his
Page 28
"He likes to tease, he likes to
He wanted to please and always
"She would never pass you by
Without a smile or a 'hi'."
"She was pretty to walk with,
Witty to talk with,
And pleasant to think on."
"I'm always open to conviction,
But I'd like to see the girl who
could convince me."
Page 29
Not Available
"It's a short, short life we live
So I'rn living while I can."
"Her future we all do know
By the diamond she does show."
"With his little hot rod he buzzes
around the town;
I wouldn't get in his way,
-·cause he'd probably knock you
"Joy is her narne
And her nature's the sarne."
Page 30
~~i ~U~f! ~'¥'~ 'Ji{:~~~;·-;(~~~ rrt;}j~"':~~
"Here is a girl who's always gay
Every moment of the day."
"A friendly smile has he,
And a true friend will always be."
"She did her homework as she
And always . helped ·.whenevef
she co'(lld."
"A guy with red hair was he
Who cwanted to be footloose and
fancy free."
Page 31
Western Kenosha 0\t. Hilt.. Soc.
"He was a member of the band
And would always lend a
helping hand."
"Quiet boy and liked by all,
Always courteous in the hall."
"Never too busy to join in the
Always on hand when there's
work to be done."
"She was always light and gay,
Success will surely come her
Page 32
"Her big green Buick is her
When you see it coming step
"The fun she has is made known
By a special laugh all her own."
Mary Ann
"A friendly girl with friendly
A helping hand that always.
Page 33
As September rolled around once more, it meant the beginning of
our final year at Wilmot High.
Our first class meeting was called to order by last year's President,
Emil Mravec. The class officers were then elected. They were as follows: President, Paul Dicklin; Vice-President, Mary Ann Walton; Student Council, Judy Cates; and Secretary-Treasurer, Judy Lois.
The first big event of the year was Homecoming. In the skits,
which replaced the bonfire, the Senior class placed first. The Homecoming King was Jim Ratchek, who chose Betty Rosentreter as his
Queen. Frank Platts and Judy Schwartz represented us in the Court
of Honor.
On February 13, the Seniors had a Valentine-Turn-a-Bout dance.
All the couples who attended had a very enjoyable time.
On April 8, the Seniors presented their last class play at Wilmot
High. We all wish to thank Mr. Dongarra for making "Take Your
Medicine" the success that it was.
Two Senior girls, Darlene Mikolas and Judy Lois represented us in
cheerleading this year. This was the third year on the "A" team for
both girls.
As the year draws to a close, we are looking forward to having a
grand time at our Senior Banquet, and we are also looking forward to
seeing our class movies.
In closing, we want to thank all the faculty, especially Mr. Heigl,
our advisor, for the fine guidance we have received here at Wilmot.
We hope to show our appreciation for this guidance by developing into
fine citizens to strengthen the future of our country.
J.L ..
Page 36
Row 1: Madeleine Rygielski, Donna Sarbacker, Donna Roessler, Betty Rasch, Darlene Mikolas, Judy Sch·
wartz. Row 2: Lynn Pacey, Marlene Swoboda, Sandy Redman, Carole Prange, Mary Ann Walton, Jeanette Michael·
is, Pat Zaccard. Row 3: Mr. Heigl, Frank Platts, Jeneen Williams, Barb Sutcliffe, Carol Schenning, Sue Wirth, Emil
Mravec, Norm Robers.. Row 4: Jim Ratchek, John Scalzo, Ken Olson, Allan Zerfas, Mike McLay, Bud Meehan,
Ronnie Wayne, Jim Schilz.
Row 1: Joy Kaskin, Marilyn Bucci, Glenn Kerkman, Bob Greskoviak,. Sue Bartels, Judy Lois, Doris John·
Row 2: Joann Graham, Bev Baden, Bev Hartnell, Kathy Anderlick, Barb Caddock, Louise Griebel, Glenna
Eckert. Row 3: Judy Cates, Carla Dankert, Frank Hegner Leo Laskey, Dorothy Broniecki, Bev Larson. Row
4: Paul Dicklin, Frank Jacobs, Tom Dicklin, Doug Braund, Joe Dalton, Andy Kisner, Bill Breen, Jerry Kerkman,
Jessie Larson.
Page 37
' >
At the first mieeting of the Junior Class we elected our officers.
They were: Terry [ A very, President; Dennis Jeffers, Vice-President;
Glenn Rasch, Stud~nt Council; and Pat Weinberg, Secretary-Treasurer.
On November \4, our class presented a play called "The Boarding
House Reach," whi4h was a huge success.
In December ~veryone was thrilled with the arrival of our class
Our representltives for Homecoming were Jim Kenny and Billie
Lee Bergmark. W!e were proud to have Betty Rosentreter chosen to
be the Queen.
Judy Rasch, ~etty Rosentreter, and Rae Cornell were "A" team
cheerleaders this y~ar.
The theme fori our prom was "Holiday in the Clouds." Our King
and Queen were D~n Petritis and Delores Johnston.
We are lookin~ forward to next year when we will come back as
the Senior class of 1!961.
P.W .
Page 40
.~ .mH .'f1::t ll•;;so•ijj.;' r= ..
Row 1: Janet Ziegler, Pat Vincent, Pat Weinberg, Fay Richter, Carol Mullner, Thelma Ziolf}k, Agnus
Yanko, Dorothy Rebicek, Joe Rygielski. Row 2: Judy Mazilausky, Sandy Meloun, Carol Oetting, Frances Mattis,
Diane Plunkett, Darlene Schaetten, Betty Rosentreter, Judy Rasch, Rita Spiegelhoff. Row 3: Mr. Knight, Diane
Schaetten, Susan Ramsdell, Dolores Roche, Betty Marcussen, Lorelei Stefan, Carol Inatthies, Jim Schultz, John
Partenheimer. Row 4: Jim Morse, Ronnie May, Sue Staudenmaier, Sue Olson, Ben Yuknis, Don Petritis, Steve
Owen, Jim Powers, Allan Pelz, Glenn Rasch.
Row 1: Carol Kaddatz, Marlene Jerde, Jean Elwood, Delores Johnston, Alfred Eggert, Darlene Laney, Susan
Eckert, Dorothea Hoffman, Russell Larson, Bernadine Jacobsen. Row 2: Bonnie Horton, Sharon Becker, Rae Cor·
nell, Billie Lee Bergmark, Joanne Krubaeck, Elaine Casey, Gladys Haebig, Janet Faber, Jean Bloss. Row 3: Greg
Bush, Linda Bruenning, Lois Jaegerman, Terry Avery, Jean Konrad, Louis Grassesschi, Jim Lubeno, Jim Busse,
Eddie Holmstrom. Row 4: Neal Kiley, Ken Jandula, Dennis Bruenning, Mike Gallagher, Ken Een, Tom Kerkman,
Dennis Jeffers, Bill Lois, David Fiegel, Larry Dombrow, Jim Kenny.
Page 41
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Ninety excited students returned to begin their Sophomore year at
Wilmot High Schoql on September 8, 1959.
This year, we're happy to have Mr. Dongarra as our class advisor.
At our first meeting, the following officers were elected: Don Yuknis,
President; Patty Carlson, Vice-President; Pat Lynn, Secretary-Treasurer; and Ray Cates, Student Council Representative.
During the faill, the Sophomores gave a party for the Freshmen
to help the studen~s become better acquainted. During the spring, the
Freshmen returne4 the party. All the students enjoyed these parties
very much.
Our Sophomote attendants at the Homecoming activities this. year
were Tom Oberhofer and Rosann Nielsen.
We were very proud of the Sophomore boys who participated in
sports this year. lf their enthusiasm keeps up, I am sure that we can
look forward to so:rPe outstanding varsity teams in the future.
The Sophomores had a very enjoyable year and are looking forward to their Junior year, and all the activities which go along with
being upperclassmen.
. ,,
Page 44
- " j __
Row 1: Sandra Weyrauch, Geraldine Straukas, Roberta Robinson,
Rosano Nielsen, Mary Pfaff, Bill Nasello, James Schmalfeldt. Row 2:
Shepanek, Christine Schaetten, Pat Welch, Theresa Powers, Claudia
Row 3: Mr. Dongarra, Wayne Tarka, Richard Perkins, Sandra Zamal,
Schick, Jerry Nelson, Melvin Rasch, Donald Zick. Row 4: Shane O'Neil, ~
lik, Skip Zirzow, Don Yuknis, Gary Sheen, Charles Stohr, Tom Oberhofer, Charles
Row 1: Bill Lehman, George Holst, Ronald Jahns, Ray Cates, Kend~ll Kube, Carolyn Hoffman, Juliet
Gould, Penny Fritch, Gerri Burger, Judy Kaskin. Row 2. Sue Dodge, Joe J1aFlamme, Don Bunch, Art Laskey,
Virgene Lois, Carol Kempken, Pat Jandula, Darlene Ehlert, Pat Lehman, Beverly Arnold. Row 3: Shirley Konrad,
Cheryl Faber, Sandra Gehring, Janet Lo"'ely, Laurie Griebel, Marsha Briggs, !Edward Dorociak, Tom Alby, Fred
Koehnke, Deane Bauman. Frank Lasko. Row 4: Nancy Cook, Pat Carlson, Cltarlene Elverman, James Dunford,
Skip Hans, Mitchell Grassesschi, Pat Lynn, Dennis Hanke, Sam Kirton, Dannt Flucke, Bill Horbach.
Page 45
On September 8, 1959, eighty-eight excited Freshmen waited in
line to be enrolled at Wilmot High School.
At our first clas.s meeting we were told that Mr. Brieske would be
our class advisor. We then elected the following officers: Gary Pacey,
President; Gilmer Badger, Vice-President; Rosemary Nagel, SecretaryTreasurer; and Ronny Anderson, Student Council Representative.
In the fall, the Sophomores gave a "sock hop" for us. In April, we
gave them a dance in return.
Our representatives for Homecoming were Butch Cappelli and Rosemary Nagel.
We were very proud of our five Freshman cheerleaders. They were
Linda Metlevic, Linda Nielsen, Carol Komes, Valerie Ryan, and Sandy
We are all looking forward to our Sophomore year.
Page 48
Row 1: Wayne Singleton, Jim Stein, Lou Velma Rozell, Janet Perkins, Shirley Schenning, Rosemary Nagel,
June Olson, Gerri l\ering, Larry Williams, Gary Pacey. Row 2: Tom Schmal~eldt, Gary Richter, Ken Zarnstorff,
Janet Schmalfeldt, Patti Plunkett, Sandy Rasch, Joy Thorsen, Carolyn Wille, Barbara Sutton. Row 3:. Mr. Brieske,
Valerie Ryan, Michele Stowell, Diane Wolf, Nancy Nicpon, Kathy Tindall, Toin Noonan, Linda Nielsen, Tom Staf·
ford, Ralph Schneider. Row 4: Bob Van Patten, Chuck Van Every, Mary Owen) Carol Venovic, Joan Winter, Eldeen
Ramsdell, Jim Olson, Jack Wirth, Ken Sonnicksen, Don Pflueger.
Row 1: David Lovely, Beverly Kasken, Linda Metlevic, Clara Mattio, n.u:s~:ma1·y
Dunford, Arlene Dankert, Betty Memler, Sandra Fisel,. Henry Komes. Row 2: ban Cerkoney
mer Badger, Harold Johnston, Dorma. Evans, Paul Bilski, Ronny Anderson, Melvin Howell, Don Fellie. Row 3:
Bill Greskiw, Tunkie Bloss, Suzann Merten, Judy Dicklin, Carol Komes, Ellen Bierdz, Carol Casey, Lie Lani
Clause, Darlene Meinen, Mary Bjerning, Claudia DeBell. Row 4: Jack Kerkman, Jerry Lubeno, Jim Holtdorf, Jim
Kirton, Dennis Faber, Joe Brothers, Ed Dalton, David Kempken, Tom Ellis, ~utch Cappelli, George Hockney.
Page 49
The GIRLS' ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION is open to all girls who
are interested in sports. Once a month, during the Activity Period, the
girls take part in intramural games, playing such sports as basketball
and baseball. This year the girls enjoyed a trip to the Ice Follies. Mrs.
Olson is the advisor. The officers are: President, Carole Prange; VicePresident, Judy Lois; Secretary-Treasurer, Sue Staudenmier; and Student Council, Judy Schwartz.
Page 52
The BOYS~ ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION is for all boys who are
interested in sports. Only the boy.s who are not on the varsity teams
may participate in the intramural program. Mr. Bucci is the club advisor.
The officers are: President, Jim Ratchek; Vice-President, Greg Bush;
Secretary-Treasurer, Mike Gallagher and Student Council, Emil Mravec.
Page 53
acquaints girls with the various aspects of office work. This
year the members took a trip tq a business college in Milwaukee. Mr. Brieske and Mr. Stein are
the advisors. Marilyn Bucci is t;he President, Darlene Mikolas the Secretary, and Judy Rasch the
Student Council Representative. ;
ts known as the PAPER STAFF put out a school paper
ca1led "The Panther News." T~ey write articles and are responsible for the typing and all other
phases of the~ publication. Carpi Schenning is the Editor, Bev Baden the Ass't. Editor, Sue Staudenmaier-the Jtmior Editor,,and Judy Lois the Business Manager. Mr. Stein advises the group.
Page 54
The WILMOT HOMEMAKERS OF TOMORROW is form~d of girls who are taking Home
Economics. These girls learn how to make the home a more comfortable place to live, and also
how to get along with other people. Mrs. Miller is the club advisor, Joy Kaskin the President,
Lynn Pacey the Vice-President, Jeanette Michaelis the Secretary,, and Donna Sarbac-ker the Stud.ent Council Representative.
The LIBRARY CLUB is open to girls interested in library work.
During their free periods the girls check-out books ftnd collect fines.
Mrs. Miller is the advisor. The officers are: President, Doris Johnston; Vice-President, Dolores Johnston; Secretary, Carla Dankert; and
Student Council, Pat Lehman.
Page 55
The SCIENCE CLUB is an organization which helps students become aware of the various
advances made in the field of science. Mr. Olson is the advisor. The officers are: President,
Delores Johnston; Vice-President, Bonnie . Horton; and Secretary, Billie Lee Bergmar k.
Miss Engstad is the advisor of the DRAMATICS CLUB. These students put on a play
at the Christmas party, which was enjoyed by the whole student body. Paul Dicklin is the President, Greg Bush the Vice-President, Carole Prange the Student Council Representative, and Marlene Swoboda the Secretary.
Page 56
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The PEP CLUB was just formed this year. It was the most colorful and audible group at the games. Mrs. Olson is the club advisor.
Marlene Swoboda is the President, Carol Schenning the Vice-President,
Sue Bartels the Secretary, and Lynn Pacey the Student Council Representative.
Page 57
western' Kenosha- Cty;. HilL Sot..
The PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB is under the direction of Mr. Heigl. This year Judy Cates
and Diane Plunkett took many of the pictures which appear in this annual. Mike McLay also did
much of the developing and the printing. The club officers are: President, Judy Cates; VicePresident, Charlene Elverman; Secretary, Sandy Redman; and Student Council, Paul Dicklin.
The "W" CLUB is made up of all the boys who have earned letters in the various sports
here at Wilmot. The student body are very proud of these boys, for it is no easy task to earn a
Page 58
King: Jim Ratchek
Queen : Betty Ro.sentreter
!?rank Platts and Judy Schwartz
Jim Kennyand Billie Bergmark
Tom Oberhofer and Rosann Neilsen
Butch Cappelli and Rosemary Nagel
oarding House Reach
All his life, thirteen-yea:r-old Wilbur Maxwell had wanted a bicycle, although he finds
it difficult to persuade his mo:rrl. and pop. So when pop is called a way for a week-long business trip, mom is persuaded td go along as a sort of second honeymoon, and the house is left
in charge of his sisters, Connie iand Betty Lou. So, Wilbur gets a brainstorm, he'll earn his own
money and get his own bicycle! by running a boarding house at home. He knew this would go
over good because of the shoftage of boarding houses in town.
He puts an ad in the paper and that night the Maxwell house is crawling with people.
Every room is full. Wilbur i~ doing a bang-up business and then it happens! Mom and Pop
Maxwell come home.
From then on, one messl after another turns up. It is discovered that someone in the
house is a bank robber, and pqor pop is mistakenly carted off to the clink. Before long though,
everything is straightened out and Wilbur has his new bicycle.
Wilbur Ma~well
Hercules N~lson
Betty Lou Maxwell. Connie Ma:li:well :..
Bernadine Smith John Maxwlell
Janet Maxwell Aunt Mary ILimpy McGuire Nora McGuire Herman J o:tb.es "Roughhou~e" Ruby Mr. Potter ILucy Burnsi Mrs. Mott
Conolly -
- Terry A very
Larry Dombrow
- Dolores Johnston
- Gladys Haebig
- Diane Plunkett
Allan Pelz
- Judy Rasch
- Janet Faber
- Greg Bush
- Carol Oetting
Jim Kenny
- Pat Vincent
Mike Gallagher
Lorelei Stefan
Sandy Meloun
- Jim Lubeno
Page 64
Take •Your Medicine
Jonathan Puckett
Dick Kunz
Henry K. Dodson - Paul Dicklin
Angela Warren - Louise Griebel
Dr. William Jackson Jim Harmon
- Barbara Sutcliffe
Miss Holt Patricia Pryor - Glenna Eckert
Dorothy Carleton - Sandra Redman
CharlotteNelson - Judy Lois
Jack Benson - Glenn Kerkman
Miss Cordelia Puckett - Marlene Swoboda
Miss Dovie Finkledink
Carole Prange
Dodie Blake - Marilyn Bucci
Jim Ratchek
Jeanette Michaelis
Dorothy Bronecki
Frank Platts
Jesse Larson
Beverly Larson
Lynn Pacey
Joy Raskin
The WILMOT HIGH SCHOOL BAND under the direction of Mr. George Amoth, is·m=ade
up of tho.~e students with a sincere interest in instrumental music. The officers this year are:
Barbara Caddock, Captain; Paul Dicklin, Vice-President; Bonnie Horton, Secretary-Treasurer;
Mary Ann Walton, Student Council Representative. The staff members are: Linda Bruenning,
Librarian; Ken Jandula, Property Manager; and Carla Dankert, Librarian and Drum Major.
During the year Barbara Caddock and Carla Dankert served as Student Directors.
The band played at Southern Colony Training School, Randall School Dedication, pep
meetings; football games, basketball games, and assembly programs. It also marched at the
Homeco:rp.ing and Dads' Night games. On February 26, it played a mid-winter concert and on
May 4, it played a springconcert.
On March 26, the musicians participating in solos and ensembles went to the district
contest at Whitewater. Those receiving firsts in Class A went to the state contest at Madison
O:Q_May 7. The entire band took part inconcert and marching competition at Whitewater on
May 14.
Throughout the year, solos and ensembles provided entertainment at such events as the
Junior and Senior Class Plays and PTA meetings.
Eight students represented Wilmot at the Massed Band Concert, which was held at Central this year.
Barbara Caddock was also· selected to play in the All-State Band.
C. D.
~ .tail{ .yr.:;• ~':)/~~ m~~w
Page 68
The BAND OFFICERS this year were : M
Student Council Representative; Ken J andula, 'l-'l"rm<>1"1"u
ager; Barbara Caddock, Captain; Bonnie H
Treasurer; Carla Dankert, Librarian; Linda
ian; and Paul Dicklin, Vice-President.
Page 69
W~n Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
These students represented Wilmot at the annual MASSED BAND Concert. Row 1: Janet
Schmalfeldt, Carla Dankert, Bonnie Horton, Glenna Eckert. Row 2: Ken Jandula, Jim Kenny, Don
Pflueger. Barb Caddock was missing when the picture was taken.
These are the students who participated in the annual MASSED CHORUS Concert. Row 1: Sandy Weyrauch, Marilyn Bucci, Pat Weinberg, Susan Eckert, Janet Schmalfeldt. Row 2: Carol Oetting, Ken Een, Butch
Cappelli, Theresa Powers. Row 3: Greg Bush, Jim Powers, Allan Pelz, Ken Jandula, Mike Gallagher.
Page 70
The GIRLS' CHORUS is under the direction of Mrs. Carr. It is
split into two groups. One meets .sixth hour and the other seventh. They
sing at the Christmas Concert, the Spring Concert, and at Whitewater.
Page 71
Mr. Amoth directs the MIXED CHORUS, which meets fourth hour. These students
sing at the Christmas Concert, the Spring Concert, ·whitewater, and Graduation.
The BOYS' QUARTET is made up of Ken Een, Jim Powers, Allan Pelz, and Ken Jandula. These boys have done a fine job this year, no matter where they have sung. Everyone
who has heard them sing has really enjoyed it.
Page 72
The Class A TRIPLE TRIO is under the direction of Mr. Amoth. These girls have sung
at various school events and at various events in the community.
Mrs. Carr directs the Class B TRIPLE TRIO. These girls have done a fine job, too. This
was the first time some of them have sung in a group.
Page 73
Glenna Eckert and Ken J andula
Barbara Caddock and Mary Ann Walton
Triple Trio
Barbara Caddock
Bonnie Horton
Janet Schmalfeldt
Ellen Bierdz and Rosann Neilsen
Janet Schmalfeldt
Carol V enovic
Ellen Bierdz
Marlene Jerde
Diane Plunkett
Theresa Powers
Boys' Quartet
Marlene Jerde and Carol Raddatz
Mary Bjerning
Ken Jandula
Carol Oetting
Paul Dicklin and Linda Bruenning
Triple Trio
Judy Rasch
Triple Trio
Vocal Duet
Sax Duet
Saxophone Solo
Piano Solo
Piano Solo
Piano Duet
Cornet Solo
Saxophone Solo
Piano Solo
Vocal Solo
Cornet Solo
Vocal Solo
Vocal Duet
Cornet Solo
Vocal Solo
Vocal Solo
Ho;rn Duet
Piano Solo
Page 74
In the 1960 football season the Wilmot Panthers won one game, tied one
game, and lost six. Statistics alone, however, don't tell the whole story. Spirit,
determination, drive, and playing hard but clean are important factors. There
also must be a will to win. The more coordination, teamwork, balance, and experience a team has the better it will perform.
Early in August of last year, a group of boys took time out from their
summer vacation and relaxation to wo:rk, sometimes twice a day. They worked
hard practicing football with two main objectives. One was to make the student body proud of their team and the other was to bring greater glory to
Wilmot and respect from the other schools in the conference. The easiest way
to do this was, of course, to have a winning season. Even though Wilmot didn't
have one, we feel that the boys accomplished their objectives, by playing
' through each minute of each game with spirit and that important determination to win. The team may have lacked in victories, but they possessed one of
the most important ingredients to any team or individual - heart.
John Partenheimer made the second All-Conference team. Jim Ratchek,
Gary Held, Greg Bush, and Jim Dunford received honorable mention.
The 1960 record:
Wilmot 6-Burlington 2
Wilmot 7-Mukwonago 14
Wilmot 6-Whitewater 26
Wilmot 0-Elkhorn 0
Wilmot 7-Delavan 40
Wilmot 0-L. G. Badger 26
Wilmot. 0-East Troy 20
Wilmot 13-Antioch 20
Page 76
This was a very rewarding year at Wilmot, for the players and the fans. The team
had their best record in three years. They won six and lost eight games in the conference,
had a two won, two lost record in non-conference competition, and lost their only tournament game by 15 points.
Much credit should be given to the fine new coach at Wilmot, Mr. Schroeder. He
was the guiding light the boys needed to find their way out of the doldrums of losing and
into the pleasant atmosphere of a creditable season, . winning some games and losing
The boys were "up" for every game. There was no complacency, no dejection, just
the important attributes of wanting to win, working hard, and possessing skill. The team
worked well as a unit, stressing teamwork. In this way, every one of the players was a
The .student body showed as much enthusiasm as they did when we had a championship ball club five years ago. Many believe that this year's club played in championship form. The spirit of the school ran so high that a "Pep Club" was started.
As we look back on the completed season we can feel proud. We can say that we
all did our part to the best of our ability. No one can do more.
The 1959-'60 record.
Wilmot 58-Burlington 43
Wilmot 43-Union Grove 37
Wilmot 47-Alumni 44
Wilmot 4 7-Badger 71
Wilmot 37-Central 63
Wilmot 77-Delavan-Darien 75
Wilmot 60-Mukwonago 50
Wilmot 66-Mukwonago 64
Wilmot 55-East Troy 69
Wilmot 41-East Troy 62
Wilmot L16-Whitewater 59
Wilmot 70-Whitewater 82
Wilmot 47-Elkhorn 59
Wilmot 68-Delavan-Darien 50
Wilmot 33-Big Foot 56
Wilmot 51-Elkhorn 70
Wilmot 58-Burlington 50
Wilmot 57-Badger 67
Wilmot 4 7-Burlington 62
Page 78
''B'' TEAM
Mr. Brieske took over ,the coaching chores of the "B" Squad this year. The "graduation" of some of last year's "B" Squad members to the "A" Squad left something to be
desired of the new team.
Height was lacking on the all Sophomore and Freshman team. Two of the better
players, Don Yuknis and Ray Cates, were used alternately on the varsity and frosh teams
so they could not place their talents at the disposal of Coach Brieske throughout the season.
With the odds against them, the players still came through under pressure. These
boys provided the student body and other spectators with an exciting season.
Page 80
Last year's baseball team improved on their 1958 record by two games. The
steadily improving squad was composed largely of Sophomores and Juniors. Since few
Seniors will be lost because of graduation, next year's team ought to give a good account of themselves in conference play. The 1959 record found Wilmot with five
wins and seven losses.
Records are often misleading. For instance, last year's five won and seven
lost record could not show with what determination the boys played. They lost four
games by only one run. With just one hit or a .strikeout at the right time, their record could easily have been nine won and three lost. This year, with valuable experience, the team will try to make their own "breaks" to gain a winning season.
The 1959 record:
Wilmot 0-St. Joseph 1
Wilmot 6-Salem Central 16
Wilmot 5-Union Grove 2
Wilmot 3-St. Joseph 9
Wilmot 8-Burlington 1
Wilmot 3-Lake Geneva 2
Wilmot 8-Delavan 9
Wilmot 3-M ukwonago 1
Wilmot 3-East Troy 5
Wilmot 5-Whitewater 6
Wilmot 7-Elkhorn 6
Wilmot 3-Union Grove 4
Page 81
The graduating class took a heavy toll on the track team in 1958. Many top
flight players graduated that year, leaving for Coach Frank Bucci the task of molding his new squad into an efficient unit.· The track team last year won two meets, lost
four, and placed sixth in the conferfence meet.
That record is sure to be improved upon by this year's team. Last year's
valuable experience in tough competition will make better players out of the 1960
Wally Partenheimer was the silver lining of the 1959 squad. An all-round
athlete and student, Wally placed second in the high hurdles in the .state track meet.
'l'he 1959 record:
Wilmot 47, Mukwonago 71
Wilmot 30, Central 43, Mukwonago 74
Wilmot 72.5, East Troy 40.5, Badger 35
Wilmot '15, Badger 73
Wilmot 40, Central 78
Wilmot 57, St. Mary's 56
Conference Meet:
Mukwonago 74, Elkhorn 63, Delavan 35
Badger 22, Whitewater 21, Wilmot 17
East Troy 8
State Meet:
2rid-High Hurdles-. Wally Partenheimer
Page 82
This year for the first time Wilmot has a Freshman golf
team. The Freshman team is in the first row, the first team in
the back row. Mr. Olson is the coach.
Page 83
The "A" SQUAD CHEERLEADERS did a fine job this year.
When it became evident that the student body was not backing the
te~mthe way they should, the cheerleaders formed a Pep Club. This
organization was very successful. The cheerleaders are: Rae Cornell, -Betty Rosentreter, Judy Rasch, Judy Lois, and Darlene Mikolas.
Mrs. Olson is their Advisor.
Darlene Mikolas and Judy Lois were the only
Senior cheerleaders this year. Darlene has been a
cheerleader all four years and Judy has been one for
three years. We all wish to congratulate them on the
fine job they have done.
~a .~iH .~ il<~·c;n,_t~ matf#t:W
Page ~4
These girls have led the cheering section at the "B'' Squad basketball games. Congratulations on a job well done.
Row 1: Valerie Ryan, Beverly Arnold. Row 2:
Row 1 : Linda Meth~viC, Roberta Robinson.
Lee Bergmark.
Sandy Shepanek, Sue Olson, Linda
Row 2 : Sandy Rasch, Carol Komes, Bille
Page 85
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
These are the students who participated in the STATE MUSIC CONTEST at Madison on May 7. The Triple Trio which is under the direction of Mr. Amoth received a
second. Glenna Eckert and Ken Jandula received a third on their vocal duet. Barbara
Caddock and Mary Ann Walton received a first on their Saxophone duet. Barbara Caddock also received a first on her Saxophone solo.
Page 88
On the left is Barbara Caddock who was !chosen to play
in the ALL-STATE BAND, and on the right ~s Glenna Eckert who was chosen to sing in the ALL-STAT~ CHORUS.
Each year the LYNN D A v!rs
AWARD is presented to the s~u
dent who has contributed the
most to the band in the past yeir.
This year Mary Ann Walton ~eceived the a ward.
Page 89
These are the students who participated in the LEAGUE
Carla Dankert, Terry Avery, Louise Griebel, and Allan
Pelz represented Wilmot at the DISTRICT FORENSICS CONTEST at Fort Atkinson.
Page 90
Louise Griebel and Allan Pelz represented Wilmot High
School at the STATE FORENSICS CONTEST in Madison. We
would like to congratulate them on a job well done.
Louise Griebel was the only
student from Wilmot who received an "A" rating at the
Page 91
The S>PADE AND SPOON award was given to Judy Lois
and Emil Mravec last spring. These awards are given to the
best all-around students, the girl receiving the spade and the
boy the spoon.
This year's representatives at BADGER BOYS' and BADGER GIRLS' State are Terry Avery and Diane Plunkett. Badger Boys' State and Badger Girls' State are for those students
interested in learning more about their government.
-~~~ .kjri .\:~~~ '~--~-
Page 92
Lynn Pacey was the winner of
Betty Crocker's "HOMEMAKER
OF TOMORROW" award. To
qualify for this. award, Senior
girls. taking Home Economics take
a written examination. The girl
with the highest score receives
this award.
Each year a Senior girl is selected for the D.A.R. award. She
is chosen for her good citizenship
and leadership qualities. This
Carole Prange.
Page !)3
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
We, the Senior Class of 1960, being of
unsound mind and endowed with certain
traits, characteristics, and talents which
we generously bequeath to our fellow stu ...
Lorelei Doud wills all the fun she had at
Wilmot to any serious-minded person.
Glenna Eckert wills her thrill of being
hostess to three sailors at a time to any
girls who is that lucky.
dents at Wilmot High School, do declare
this to be our last will and testament.
Kathy Anderlick wills her pleasing personality to Arlene Dankert.
Beverly Baden wills her phony excuses
to any girl who must skip school to go
Sue Bartels wills the thrill of being chosen homecoming queen to any girl who is
lucky enough to be asked.
Doug Braund wills his ability to get an
"A" on his Social Problems· notebook to
anyone lucky enough to have a girl friend
who'll do it for them.
Bill Breen leaves, and glad of it.
Marilyn Bucci wills her ability to bump
into cars while parking to anyone who
wants to fail their driver's test.
Barb Caddock wills pictures from her
European vacation to anyone who wants to
take a vacation the economical way.
Judy Cates wills her ability to catch a
sailor in a short time to Rita Spiegelhoff.
Joann Graham wills her ability for fast
acquaintanceship to any future transfer
Bob Greskoviak leaves with Bev Hartnell.
Louise Griebel wills her hour spent working in her father's store to her sister, Laurie.
Jim Harmon leaves knowing he has done
his best as football captain.
Beverly Hartnell wills her artistic ability to Betty Marcussen.
Frank Hegner wills his ability to blush
to Jim Kenny.
Gary Held wills his golf clubs to any future Sam Snead that appears on the scene.
Frank Jacobs wills his knowledge of
"tiddle winks" to any skit chairman, who
must get a skit together for the Homecoming Pep Assembly.
Doris Johnston wills her southern accent
to Delores Johnston.
Dorothy Broniecki wills her' many talents
to Pat Weinberg????
Joy Kaskin leaves hoping that next
year's assistant editor will have an editor
as nice to work with as she did.
Joe Dalton wills his long legs to Dorothy
Rebicek to use when she plays baseball.
Glenn Kerkman wills his height to Eric
Carla Dankert will her majorette ability
to Janet Lovely.
Jerry Kerkman wills his mischievous
ways to Bill Lois.
Paul Dicklin wills his ability to play the
French Horn to Linda Bruenning? ? ? ?
Andy Kisner wills his soggy clarinet
reeds to Dennis Jeffers.
Tom Dicklin leaves Miss Engstead's
Speech class, isn't that enough????
Dick Kunz wills his scooter to Jim Powers.
Page 94
Beverly Larson wills her quiet ways to
Sue Staudenmaier.
Norm Robers wills all this year's broken
J:>ats to next year's baseball captain.·
Jesse Larson wills his friendly smile and
quiet ways to Ronnie May.
Donna Roessler left making marriage her
Judy Lois wills her ability to get Norm's
ring caught in the typewriter to any future
Office Practice student who is going steady.
Joy Rosentreter wills her humorous ways·
to Janet Morgan.
Harry Lovely leaves knowing that he'll •
never have to struggle through another
practice set in Bookkeeping.
Leo Laskey wills all the teasing he got in
Mr. Bilotti's English class to a future Senior.
Madeline Rygielski wills her friendly
smile to Janet Ziegler.
Donna Sarbacker wills her ability to do
homework and flirt with boys in the show
to Diane Schaetten.
Mike McLay leaves happy that he won't
have the annual editor asking him to develop some pictures.
John Scalzo ·wills· his ability to play. the
Devil to anyone who wants to join him
down below.
Bud Meehan wills his knowledge of girls
to Allan Pelz.
Carol Schenning wills her typing ability
to Virgene Lois.
Jeanette Michaelis wills
ways to Ruth Ann Dunford.
Jim Schilz wills his five year plan to anyone who wants to make school his occupation.
her friendly
Darlene Miklos wills her cheerleading
ability to Frank Lasco.
Emil Mravec wills his hardworking ways
to Tom Oberhofer.
Ken Olson wills his slimness to Louie
Judy Schwartz wills her sports ability
to Lois J aegerman.
Barbara Sutcliffe wills her roller skating
ability to Gladys Haebig.
Lynn Pacey wills her blue eye shadow
to Carol Oetting.
Marlene Swoboda wills her big Buick to
anyone who wants to drive a life of adven-ture.
Frank Platts wills his baseball ability to
David Lovely.
Dave Van Every wills his ability to attract girls to John Partenheimer.
Carole Prange wills her laughing ability
to Arlene Paoli.
Bill Van Patten leaves without his class
ring and Marlene Jerde.
Betty Rasch wills her nights out to her
sister, Carol.
Mary Ann '\Valton wills a bottle of as,.
pirin to next year's annual editor, because
she will have plenty of headaches before
the annual is done.
Jim Ratchek wills his ability to charge
the opponents line to Bucky Lehman.
Sandy Redman wills her motorcycle
jacket to Jim Power's nex~ girl friend.
Ronnie W ayhe wills all the days he has
skipped in the past four years to anyone
who feels they need a vacation.
Page 95
J eneen Williams will receive a train ticket to Michigan from the class so she can
go to see Leonard.
Susan Wirth leaves her ready smile to
anyone who may be inclined to be ill-tempered.
Pat Zaccard wills her fun-loving ways to
Sue Eckert.
Allan Zerfas wills his red
freckles to Rose Ann Neilsen.
hair and
To Mr. Amoth we leave the hope that
some day he may have a much larger band.
To Mr. Bilotti we will the key to a
"1960" Nash Rambler.
To Mr. Brieske we leave some cheese
for the three mice.
To Mr. Bucci we leave with his greeting
"Howja do" ringing in our ears.
To Mrs. Carr we leave hoping that she
will have a Class A girls' chorus in the future.
To Mr. Dongarra we leave our thanks for
all the help he gave us in making our class
plays a success.
To Miss Engstead we leave with the Senior Speech class, which we think she is
glad to get rid of???
To Mr. Heigl we leave all our thanks for
all the time and energy which he has given
us the past two years.
To Mr. Helberg we leave an over-sized
wastebasket to put all the punishment papers his science classes had to write.
To Mr. Knight we leave all the college
bulletins we borrowed and never returned.
To Mrs. Miller we leave a safe where
she can keep all the money she collects
from book fines.
To Mrs. Olson we leave this equation:
Marilyn plus Gene Olson minus J eudes
equals Mr. and Mrs. Olson.
To Mr. Olson we leave some airwick so
that his room will not smell so bad after
Chemistry experiments.
To Mr. Schroeder we leave knowing that
his first year at Wilmot was a very successful one.
To Mr. Stein we leave all the carbon copies of the letters we transcribed this year
to do with as he wants.
To Mr. Wahl we leave hoping that next
year the Senior study halls will be quieter
than this year.
To Mr. Schnurr we leave thanking him
for the guidance he has given us and for
four wonderful years spent at Wilmot.
To Miss Matthies we le~ve hoping that
she forgives us for the many times we had
to interrupt her when pictures were being
taken for this annual.
To the Juniors we leave the thrill of being next year's leaders and also the sadness of having to leave after 'four years
filled with fun.
To the Sophomores we leave the thrill
of at last becoming upperclassmen and receiving your class rings.
To the Freshmen we leave knowing you
have three wonderful years ahead and hoping that you make the most of them, because they go by all too fast.
From Wilmot High School we leave with
sad hearts. Never again will we walk down
your halls as students. All of us complained about you at one time or another, but we
will miss you ...
Page 96
Dear Joy:
I have a few minutes before my rocket
lands, so I thought I would write a few
words. I was happy to hear that you are
now a kindergarten teacher. I know that
was your ambition when we were working
on the 1960 annual together at Wilmot.
Lynn Pacey came up just a little while
ago to talk to me. She is a nurse in the
"Waves." She just came back from a trip
home. Lynn told me that quite a few of
our classmates stayed right in Wisconsin.
She said that Joy Rosentreter has got her
college degree and is now devoting all her
time to redecorating her home. She is
making use of the skills she acquired in
Home Economics class.
Lorelei Doud, Judy Cates, and Donna
Roessler have all gotten married and have
children of their own, in fact Judy has
Bill Van Patten owns his own garage in
Silver Lake and Joe Dalton is the head mechaniC. Joe doesn't have to worry about
nouns and pronouns anymore, just nuts
and bolts.
Dorothy Broniecki found she liked it so
much in Wisconsin that she opened a resort at Twin Lakes. Betty Rasch, Madeleine Rygielski and Sue Wirth are waitresses there.
Carla Dankert is the only lady engineer
working on the construction of the Fox
River Power Plant.
This morning I took a cab from my office
to the rocketport. Guess who was driving
it, none other than Dave Van Every! When
I arrived at the rocketport I went to the information desk to see if my rocket would be
leaving on schedule. Sandy Redman, the
information clerk, told me it would be
leaving in a few minutes from Gate 13.
As I was getting on the rocket, the stewardess, Miss Larson, introduced me to the
pilot, Mike McLay, and co-pilot, Jerry
When I got settled on the rocket, I was
surprised to find myself sitting next to
Marilyn Bucci, who was on her way back
to school and her husband, Jerry, in California. Upon looking around us we saw
many of our former classmates among the
passengers. . In the back of the rocket we
spied Andy Kisner and Dick Kunz. Marilyn told me that Andy is a famous wrestler
on the West Coast and Dick is his manager.
Marilyn asked me if I had heard from
Carol Ann lately and I told her I hadn't.
She then told me that Carol Ann was still
having trouble deciding which boy she
liked better.
Doug Braund was also on the rocket. He
was flying out to the moon for a vacation.
He is the manager for Barbara Caddock
and her all-girl band, the "Cadets," who
just finished a long engagement in a Broadway play. The play was under the direction of Frank Hegner.
Glenn Kerkman is flying to Mars, where
the Ringling Brother( Circus is now appearing. He is the only midget lion-tamer
in the world. Doris Johnston - O'Hara, that
is, is on this flight with her husband. He
is a millionaire and owns a plantation in
Mississippi. He is going to the moon on
Bob Greskoviak now owns the biggest
restaurant in this area, and Bev is content
just to be Mrs. Greskoviak.
Frank Jacobs is a professor at the University of Wisconsin. Right now he and
Ken Olson are doing research at the top
of Mt. Everest.
Sue Bartels is teaching Algebra at Wilmot High School.
Bud. Meehan, Jim Schlitz and Ronnie
Wayne are still flitting from "honey tp
honey" trying to make up their minds. ·
Jim Ratchek plays
Green Bay Packers.
with th!'l
Donna Sarbacker owns her own beautr
shop and Kathy Anderlick is a hair stylist
Jeanette Michaelis is a private secretary
Page 97
to Frank Platts, who has followed in his
father's footsteps and is now a leading insurance salesman.
ed by Harry Lovely and Jesse Larson has
gone up 25 points.
The rocket is going to land in about 20
minutes, so I gue.ss I'd better close: Before
I do though, I want to thank you for the
letter you wrote me. I was glad to hear
some of the news from back home. I was
surprised to hear that Judy and Norm Robers are living next to Bev Byers. So Allan
Zerfas has finally taken over Richter's and
specializes in "Zerfas' Zuper Zervice."
Emil Mravec owns the biggest all-electric
farm in the United States. He teaches Agriculture at Wilmot in his spare time, because with all this new equipment, he has
plenty of spare time.
Darlene Mikola.s
works in the office of a cigar company owned by Bill Breen. Jim Harmon is a bookkeeper there, and Gary Held is his assistant. Judy Schwartz has organized a girls'
baseball team on the moon.
Carole Prange and Marlene Swoboda are
in charge of a Pep Club organized to back
the Milwaukee Braves.
We talked for a few more minutes then
Lynn went back to herseat..
I decided to look at the paper for awhile.
There was an article on the front page
about John Scalzo. He is a famous lawyer in New York. He just finished a case
in which Leo Laskey was the judge. There
was an article about Paul Dicklin and his
trip to the meeting of the United Planets,
where he represented
the earth.
When L gqt to the Women's Page I noticed that one of the models pictured there
was Barb . ~utcliffe. Joann Graham now
writes c6Iumn about fashions. I glanced
over the book section and I noticed that
Tom Dicklin had a book on the best-seller
lisf. It was entitled, "The Life of a Bachelor."
By the. way Pat Zaccard, J eneen Williams and Glenna Eckert work in the same.
office that I do.
In the entertainment section there was an
article about Louise Griebel, who was Miss
Earth of 1965. She is now appearing in a
leading Hollywood movie.
On the last page was a review of the
stock market. It said that the stock in the
"Lovely and Larson Yo-yo Company," own-
P. S. I saw Mr. Heigl, our former class advisor, when we stopped at Colorado and he
now has five girls and five boys!
Mary Ann
;;.( ·~·
.. . .
":"1}V;.; ::'
··n >.:f
'~-·~:';· (
1". ~-·'
"Kathy" Anderlick (Page 18)
mura]s 1, 2, 3; J?istrict Music Contest 2, 3, 4; State
Music Contest ~. 4; Band Secretary 2; Vice-President 3; Band Pr~sident 4.
Commercial Club.
"Bev" Baden (Page 18)
Judy Cates (Pa~e 21)
W.H.T. 1, 4; G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Commercial Club 1,
2, 3, 4; Ass't. Editor Paper 4; Student Council 3;
Girls' Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Library Club 1; Pep Club
4; Triple Trio 3; Girls' Chorus 1, 2, 3; Mixed Chorus 1, 2; Prom Attendant 3.
"Sue" Bartels (Page 19)
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3,14; Girls' Chorus 1, 4; Mixed Chorus 1, 2; "B Squad." Cheerleader 1, 2, 3; Photography
Club 2, 3, 4 (~resident 4); Student Council 2, 4
(Secretary 4); ~panish Club 3; Class Play 3; Dramatics Club 4; Annual Photographer 4.
"Joe" Dalton (P*ge 19)
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice-President 2; Commercial Club 2, 3; Class Secretary-Treasurer 3; Homecoming Queen 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club
4 (Secretary 4); Mixed Chorus 4; Photography Club
4; Student Director 4.
"Doug" Braund (Page 18)
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 2; Forensics 4.
Bill Breen (Page 18)
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3. 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2,
3, 4; Photography Club 2, 3; Forensics 4; Golf 3.
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, i 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Football 2, 3, ~;
Baseball 3; Tracf 2, 3, 4.
Carla Dankert (Page 21)
Band 1, 2, 3, ~ (Librarian 1, 2, 3, 4); Pep Band
1, 2; 3, 4; Major~tte 1; Drum Majorette 2, 3, 4; District Music Contest 1, 2, 3; Massed Band 4; Girls'
Chorus 1, 4; Li~rary Club 2, 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer 4); Dramatics Club 1, 2; 4; Creative Writing
Club 2; Contest! Play 1; Annual Music Editor 4;
Science Club 4. i
Paul Dicklin (P~ge 19)
Dorothy Broniecki (Page 19)
Transferred from ~t. Ann High School, Chicago,
as Senior. G.A.A. 4; Photography Club 4; Dramatics Club 4; W.H.T. 4; Intramurals 4; Pep Club 4.
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3; 4; Band 3, 4 (Vice-President 4);
Photography Cl~b 3, 4; Class. Play 3, 4; Dramatics
Club 4 (PresideB-t 4); Student Council 2, 3, 4(Pres~
dent 4); Class President 4; Badger Boys' State 3;
District Music C~mtest 3, 4.
Marilyn Bucci (Page 20)
"Tom" Dicklin (Page 20)
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; W.H.T.
1, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer 1); Class Vice-President
1; Homecoming Attendant 1; Massed Chorus 2;
Girls' Chorus 1, 3; Mixed Chorus 2, 4; Triple Trio
3, 4; Commercial Club 2, ·3, 4 (President 4); Paper
Staff 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Cheerleader 1, 2; Pep
Club 4; Class Play 4.
Football 1, 2, ~; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2,
3, 4; B.A.A. 1, 2,13, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Class President 1; Business! Manager 4; Class Play 3, 4; Homecoming Attendmj.t 2.
"Barb" Caddock (Page 20)
Commercial Cluq 4.
Lorelei Doud (Page 22)
f~om Rochester, as Sophomore.
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Band -, 2, 3, 4; Massed Band 4;
All-State Band 4; W.S.M.A. Scholarship 3; Lynn
Davis Award 3; Triple Trio 3, 4; W.H.T. 1, 4; Commercial Club 4; Paper Staff 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2, 3;
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3; Massed Chorus 1, ,2, 3; Intra-
Glenna Eckert (Page 22)
Band 1, 2, 3, ~; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Mixed Chorus
1, 2, 3, 4; Masse4 Chorus 1, 2, 3; Massed Band 3, 4;
Page 99
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 1; Dramatics Club
Joy Kaskin (Page 26)
1; All-State Chorus 4; Photography Club 1, 2; Pep
Club 4; Student Director 3; Contest Play 1; District
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W.H.T. 1, 3, 4 (President 4); Library Club 3; Student Council 3;
Cheerleader 3;
Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ass't. Edi-
Music Contest 4; State Music Contest 4.
tor Annual 4; Pep Club 4; Class Play 4.
Joann Graham (Page 25)
Glenn Kerkman (Page 22)
Transferred from Mary D. Bradford, Kenosha, as
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2.
Senior. Pep Club 4; Intramurals 4_
"Jerry" Kerkman (Page 22)
"Bob" Greskoviak (Page 23)
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2;
Basketball 1, 2; Spanish Club 1.
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3; Golf 1, 2; Junior Prom King 3.
"Andy" Kisner (Page 25)
Louise Griebel (Page 25)
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; F.F.A. 1; Pep Band 1, 2, 4;
Spanish Club 1; Paper Staff 2, 3, 4; Commercial
Club 2, 4; Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3, 4; In-
Football 1, 2, 4; "W" Club 4; Track 4; Photography
Club 4; Band 1, 2, 4.
tramurals 1, 2, 3; Homecoming Attendant 2; W.H.T.
"Dick" Kunz (Page 25)
"Jim" Harmon (Page 23)
3, 4; Dramatics Club 4.
B.A.A. 1, 4; F.F.A. 1; Intramurals 1; Class Play
Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 4); Basketball 1, 2, 3,
"Bev" Larson (Page 27)
4; B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Class Play 3, 4;
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W.H.T. 1, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2;
Homecoming Attendant 3; Prom Attendant 3.
Cheerleader 1; Library Club 1.
"Bev" Hartnell (Page 23)
Jessie Larson (Page 26)
Transferred from Senn High School as Sophomore.
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4_
W.H.T. 4; Junior Prom Queen 3.
Leo Laskey (Page 32)
Transferred from Vocational High School, Chi-
Frank Hegner (Page 20)
cago, as Junior. Intramurals 3.
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Judy Lois (Page 24)
Gary Held (Page 21)
Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Commercial Club 3, 4; Intra-
Transferred from Lincoln High School, San Jose,
California, as a Sophomore.
murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1; Student Council 1;
Dramatics Club 4; Mixed Chorus 1; Paper Staff 4;
Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4 (Co-captain 4);
Golf 2, 3; B.A.A. 2, 3, 4.
Annual Staff 4; Spade Award 3; Class Play 4.
Harry Lovely (Page 26)
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Frank Jacobs (Page 21)
B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 1; Basketball 1;
"Mike" McLay (Page 27)
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Track 2, 3; Dra-
Basebalf 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice-President Class 3.
matics Club 4; Ass't Annual Photographer 2.
Doris Johnston (Page 26)
"Bud" Meehan (Page 27)
Library Club 2, 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer 3); Girls'
Chorus 3; Dramatics Club 4.
•:.~·J.Z .:tc;ti~--t .~-~_;:~ ".;.;;~---~~!~;~"'{ r8"<-&'fzt',W
Photography Club 4; B.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3,
4; Intramurals 3, 4; Boys' Chorus 4.
Page 100
Je.anette Michaelis (Page 27)
"Sandy" Redman (Page 29)
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3; 4; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (President 4); W.H.T. 1, 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer 4);
Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Clu.b
Mixed Chorus 1, 4; Girls' Chorus 1; Photography
Club 2, 3, 4 (Secretary-Treasurer 4); G.A.A. 1, 2;
W.H.T. 1; Dramatics Club 4; Pep Club 4; Class
Play 4.
"Norm" Robers (Page 24)
"Dar" Mikolas (Page 23)
Cheerleader 1. 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3; Commercial
Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Paper Staff 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Girls' Chorus 3;
Mixed Chorus 2; W.H.T. 1, 4; Prom Attendant 3;
Secretary Commercial Club 4.
Emil Mravec (Page 28)
F.F.A. 1, 2 (Secretary 2); B.A.A. 1, 2, 4; Class
President 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council
4; Football 2, 4; Spoon A ward 3.
"Kenny" Olson (Page 28)
Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 4); Basketball 1, 2,
3,4; Football 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Class President
2; B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
Donna Roessler (Page 30)
Transferred from
Joy Rosentreter ~Page 30)
Transferred from Holmen High School as Sophomore. Girls' Chorus 2; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Commercial
Club 3, 4; Paper Staff 3, 4.
Madeleine Rygielski (Page 31)
Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Ass't. Business Manager 4;
Spanish Club 1, 2; Baseball 1; Football 2; B.A.A.
1, 2, 3, 4; Hobby Shop 1.
Lynn Pacey (Page 28)
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish
Club 1, 2; Cheerleader 2; Mixed Chorus 2; Girls'
Chorus 2, 3, 4; Commercial Club 3; W.H.T. 4 (VicePresident 4); Pep Club 4; Student Council 4; Class
Play 4; Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow 4.
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3; Commercial Club 1, 2.
Donna Sarbacker (Page 31)
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W.H.T. 1, 3, 4; Student Council
4; Girls' Chorus 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep
Club 4.
John Scalzo (Page 29)
Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Basketball 3; Track 3, 4;
Hobby Shop 1; B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Trees for Tomorrow
3; Class Play 3; Band 1.
"Frankie" Platts (Page 24)
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Dramatics Club
4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 3, 4; Homecoming Attendant' 4; Photography Club 3.
Carole Prange (Page 28)
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 (President 4); Spanish Club 1,
2; W.H.T. 1, 4; Dramatics Club 4; Student Council
4; Photography Club 4; Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals
1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 4; Science Club 4; D.A.R. Award
Carol Schenning (Page 32)
W.H.T. 4; G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Commercial Club 1,
2, 3, 4; Editor Paper 4; Band 1; Girls' Chorus 3;
Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Pep Club 4; Prom Attendant
3; Student Council 3 (Secretary 3); Class Secretary
2; Paper Staff 3.
"Jim" Schilz (Page 30)
Transferred from Central High School as Senior.
"Judy" Schwartz (Page 24)
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W.H.T. 4; Photography Club 2,
33; Pep Club 4.
G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 4; Student
Council 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming
Attendant 4; Class Play 3; Pep Club 4.
"Jim'' Ratchek (Page 29)
"Barb" Sutcliffe (Page 32)
B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President 3, President 4);
Homecoming Attendant 1; Homecoming King 4;
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co-captain
4); Track 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Intramurals
1, 2; Mixed Chorus 2; Class Play 3, 4.
Transferred from Lincoln Jr. High School, Kenosha, as Sophomore. G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2,
3, 4; Commercial Club 2, 3, 4; Paper Staff 2, 3, 4;
Spanish Club 2; Pep Club 4; Class Play 4.
Betty Rasch (Page 29)
"Mar" Swoboda (Page 33)
Page 101
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Spanish Club 1; Photography Club 2, 3, 4; Science
Club 4; Dramatics Club 4; G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep
Club 4 (President 4); Class Play 4.
3; Badger Girls' State 3; Class Vice-President 4;
Annual Editor 4; Lynn Davis Award 4.
"Ronnie Wayne (Page 31)
"Dave" Van Every (Page 30)
Jeneen Williams (Page 33)
Baseball 1, 2, 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Prom Attendant
3; F.F.A. 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; B.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4.
1, 2.
Girls' Chorus 1; Commercial Club 4; Intramurals
"Sue" Wirth (Page 34)
"Bill" Van Patten (Page 32)
Band 1, 4; Photography Club 2, 3, 4; Football 1,
2, 3; Baseball 1, 2; B.A.A. 1, 4.
Commercial Club 1, 2; G.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class
Play 3.
Pat Zaccard (Page 34)
Mary Ann Walton (Page 33)
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; District Music
Contest 3, 4; State Music Contest 3, 4; Student
Council 4; Girls' Chorus 2; Mixed Chorus 2; Commercial Club 3, 4; Paper Staff 3, 4; W.H.T. 1, 4;
Forensics 1; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Junior Prom Chairman
Transferred from Antioch High School as Sophomore. G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4.
Allan Zerfas (Page 31)
Golf 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Dramatics Club 4;
B.A.A. 2, 4.
Page 102
Life is like a book in chapters three,
The past, the present, and the yet to be;
The first is written and lain away,
The second we are writing day by day,
And the last of the.se chapters three
Is hidden from our sight,
And only God has the key.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank
the people who bought ads and everyone who
has helped make this annual possible.
Mary Ann Walton (Editor)
Joy Kaskin (Ass't Editor)
Page 103
OLympic 4-6695
5215 Sheridan Road
Authorized Dealer for the Goliath Motor Car
"The Finest in Used Cars"
Ke:nosha, Wisconsin
Willis G. Freeman
Vernon F.. Schenning
'ii' .,. , , Cl , h.
~ Fro""""""b ,;;t:x:)
4 Zylinder 4.-Takt Boxer-Motor
1100 ccm · 40 PS · 7,8 Ltr./100 km
Selected for:
We specialize in Hard Tops and Convertibles. Our Business is owned and operated
by Vernon F. Schenning and Willis A. Freeman, both ALUMNI of WILMOT HIGH
SCHOOL. We personally guarantee our cars for 30 days. We select the finest cars in
this section of the country to stock our conveniently located lot in Kenosha.
We have three salesmen on duty daily, except Sunday, from 9:00 to 9:00 to help
you in selecting the car of your choice.
For the finest in used cars drop in and see us Financing is easily arranged on the premises.
Best of luck to all the graduates of 1960.
Page 106
we have the best buys possible.
_L .I
Under New Management
Camp Lake, Wis.
Groceries and
Lunch· Counters
George R. Bruel - Vivian and
Emory E. Trussell- Ruth
493 Chestnut Street
Burlington, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Phone TRiangle 7-2313
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young
Page 107
Builders of the Rambler
~·;.:<:~ ·.t~H .\·t:"l !.~ri;.;·.~;a~ ·r.J.it':::':tf.._•
Page 108
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Telephone TR 7-2221
Quality Meats- Fancy Fruits and Vegetables
Groceries and Frozen F'oods
Insure In Sure Insurance
with the
Schenning Insurance Agency
Silver Lake, Wis.
Notary Public
Phone: TUcker 9-5143
Compliments of
Tuttle's Mink Ranch
Compliments of
Salem, Wisconsin
Anna Tiechner
Silver Lake, Wis.
Phone TU 9-4731
Westem Kenosha C1y. Hi<tt. Soc.
Page 109
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Small Enough To Serve You Better- Large Enough To Serve You Best
"The Bank That Satisfied Customers Built"
Member F.D.I.C.
Congratulations and Be.st Wishes from
Bowling Instructors
Leagues and Open Bowling
Home of Teen-Age Dancing
Available for Weddings, Parties, and Social Affairs
Phone TRiangle 7-2722
Page 110
Compliments of
Compliments of
Page 111
Salem, Wisconsin
Compliments of
"The Bank That Makes You Feel At Home"
Burlington, Wisconsin
Member of the F. D. I. C.
Rambler- Studebake:r
Buick- Oldsmobile
Chevrolet- Pontiac
Mercury - Lincoln
Dodge - Plymouth
Your Friendly FORD Dealer
Page 112
Compliments of the
Licensed in Illinois and Wisconsin
Telephone 12
Carey Electric &
Plumbing Shop
(bottled cooking gas)
Strang Funeral Home
Meyers Automatic Water Systems
Westingholl:se Appliances
Steam - Hot W-ater Heating
Antioch, Illinois
Ed. R. Strang
1055 Main Street, Antioch, Illinois
Page 113
Phone 75
Wilmot, Wis.
Phone UN 2-3221
Call us any day of the year for that extra special occasion.
You'll like our choice flowers.
Bedding Plants, Cut and Designed Flowers, Flowering Plants
Compliments of
Compliments of
First National
Fairview Dining Room
Antioch, Ill.
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Drinks the Finest - Food the Best
Pagl;) 114
Compliments of
Delicious Varieties of Economical
Turkey Treats
Kerkman Brothers
General Contractors
Or To Roast
New Homes and Remodeling
TR 7:2772.
Folly Turkey Farm
KE 7-2353
Page 115
Mrs. Young's Snack Shack
First National Bank
Twin Lakes, Wis.
of Kenosha
Hamburgers, French Fried Shrimp;
Our 108th Year of Service
Steak Sandwiches, Baked Ham,
Kenosha's Oldest and Largest Bank
Fountain Service
Established 1852
Opposite Public Beach
Member of F. D. I. C.
Phone TR 7-2644
to the Class of '60
Compliments of
May All Gentlemen
Be Prosperous
Village Variety
And All Women
·wear Mink
Twin Lakes, Wis.
A. J. Smith
Mink Rancher
Page 116
! ____I
Compliments of
Rollie & Jo/s Resort
Ed Dicklin Construction Co.
Cottages - Boats - Bait
Visit the Tame Deer Den
Twin Lakes, Wis.
East Side Lower Twin Lakes
Cement Work - Builders
Lake Elizabeth
Box 296
Phone TR 7-2450
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Best Wishes to the Class of 1960
"Skate for Fun"
Rollin/ Wheels Roller Rink
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Hansen Funeral Home
Alvin T. Hansen
"Is Your Treasury Fund Low?"
Plan a special party for your church,
school, or group organization. For information call Twin Lakes TR 7-2272 or
during skating session call Twin Lakes
TR 7-9175. Open every night beginning
Friday, June 29th, from 7:30p.m. to 11:30
p.m. Sunday matinees from 2 to 5 p.m.
Ballroom dancing every ·Wednesday night
10 to midnight. Fall and winter schedule:
Open every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and Sunday evening 7 :30 to 11 :30 p.m.
We welcome .parents and guardians at
all times. No charge when accompanying
children or party groups. Supervised recreation.
1880- 1960
Phone OL 4-2136
Kenosha, Wisconsin
24 Hour Ambulance Service
Large Parking Lot in Rear
Van S Boat House
Congratulations and the Best of
Boats and Motors For Rent
Everything in the Years That Lie Ahead
Fishing Baits of All Kinds
Trevor Social Center Assn.
Silver Lake, Wis.
Al s Boat Shop
Compliments of
Century Inboards- Yellow Jacket Boats
Sentry Food
Mercury Motors - Marine Supplies
Sentry Guards Your Savings
Phone TR 7-2462
Burlington, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Wisconsin Southern Gas
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Natural and L. P. Gas
Decker s Tavern
Camp Lake, Wis.
Twin Lakes Garage
The Record Nook
Lawrence H. Kemkin, Prop.
Everything in Recording
Repairs on All Makes of Cars
Picture Framing
Greasing- Washing- Towing Service
Antioch, Ill ..
Twin Lakes
TR 7-2777
Page 118
Robel -Swatek
Comp:liments of
Shell Gasoline with TCP and
Ray Wertz
Furnace Oil with 50A- 5X
Washed Sand and Gravel
Silver Lake, Wis.
Bassett, Wis.
KE 7-4832
TU 9-4111
Chain O'Lakes Cleaners
Antioch, Illinois
Paddock Lake Lumber Co.
. Louis Mowen & Son
Salem, Wisconsin
Telephone Antioch 636
Compliments of
Gibb's Variety
Phone TUcker 9-4511
Antioch, Illinois
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Compliments of
RoHie's Fuel Service
Route 2, Salem, Wisconsin
A. J. Roesing Furniture Store
Office and Bulk Plant
Burlington, Wisconsin
Gas - Oil - Tires - Accessories
Home and Farm Deliveries
"Quality for Less"
Transport Service
Largest Selections in the Entire Area
Vlnewood 3-2511
Page 119
Compliments of
Lake Mary Resort
Paul Sc,hatz
Phone TR 7-9180
Ted and Julius
Paul Brown
(formerly Peterson's)
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Silver Lake Barber Shop
and Sports Shop
Building Supplies Company
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Cement and Light Weight Blocks
Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat.,
and Concrete Products
8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Fri. 8 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Phone UN 2-2341
Wilmot, Wis.
Francis O'Neil
Henry Andre
-Village Realty
Compliments o'f
Hazel Olson
Trevor Store
Real Estate- Insurance
Phone TR 7-2686
Bassett Hardware
Compliments of
Stanley Stoxen, Prop.
Van's- Silver Lake Service
General Hardware, Plumbing and
Your Mobile Gas Dealer
Silver Lake, Wis;
TU 9-4494
Phone TR 7-2055
~~~ .~t;-.:~1~~· .~i.. :-r;•. ~~~. :c~~.,.1~W;
Page 120
Bassett, Wis.
'Ceranii s
"Wisconsin's Outstanding Store
for Women"
Brown's Lake
Lepp and Company
For Information on Sales Meetings,
Conventions, Banquets, Outings or
Reservations Call Collect Burlington
RO 3-2477
Gus Mali, Manager
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Evans Lumber Co.
John-Evans & Son
Sears1 Roebuck & Co.
Building Materials
Burlington, Wisconsin
Salem, Wisconsin
Shop at Sears and Save
VInewood 3-4311
KEllogg 7-2275
Gamble S
Congratulations to the Class of '60
Authorized Dealer
Walter and Jeanne Stopa
"The Friendly Store"
Wilmot Ski Hills
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Wilmot, Wis.
Ed and Carrie Braund; Owners
Colonial Furniture
and Upholstering
Custom Made Furniture
Sears1 Roebuck & Co.
Slip Covers, Draperies
Refinishing, d~binet Work
Kenosha, Wis.
Slades Corners; Wisc'onsin
Phone Wheatland KE 7-4.972
C. J. Ryba
Page 121
West..•!'! rJ.i.'!osha-Ct\1::.~: ~-
Congratulations Class of '60
Bauman Hardware Co.
El Rancho Pasadena
General Hardware
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Patla, Jr.
Plumbing Supplies - Water Systems
Electrical Supplies
Cater to weddings, parties, banquets
Cocktails and Dancing
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Coffee Shop and Grill
Phone TU 9-4353
Located on Highway 83 at Cross Lake
Antioch, Ill.
Ripp's Hobby Center
Craft Supplies
Barnstable- Brogan
6122- 22nd Ave.
Ph. OL 2-6183
Antioch, Illinois
Uptown- Kenosha, Wis.
Free Parking in Rear
Schultz Skelgas Service
Compliments of
Silver Lake, Wis.
Plumbing, Heating and Appliances
Bank of Burlington
Arthur Schultz, Prop.
Serving the Community Since 1872
TU 9-5552
Member of F.D.I.C.
Wheatland KE 7-4.887
Compliments of the
Phone OL 8-8558
B & K Shoe Store
Julius Urban
Good Shoes for the Entire Family
Custom Tailoring - Men and Women
for over 36 years
Cleaning - Pressing - Remodeling
706 Geneva St., Burlington, Wis.
2230 Roosevelt Rd., Kenosha, Wisconsin
Page 122
Compliments of
Dr. Fred C. Mayer
A. H. Lois Feed Co.
Bassett, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Twin LakerS TR 7-2053
Phone TR 7-2727
Wheatland KE 7-2319
Peltier Furniture Co.
Compliments of
Complete Home Furnishers
Bloss Mink Ranch
6209 22nd Ave., Kenosha, Wis.
Salem, Wisconsin
Phone OLympic 7-5133
County Electric Sales
and Service
Elmer Kaphengst, Sr. and Jr.
The Advertiser
Electric Heat
Wiring - Carpenter Work
Refrigeration - Gifts- Cards and
AppliancerS and Paints
Phone Antioch 404 - 1404
Salem, Wis.
Phone VI 3-2501
Mischler's Funeral Home
Kenosha Travel Service
Ambulance Service
"World Wide Service"
708 - 57th Street
2315 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, Wis.
Phone OLympic 7-3811
Page 123
Greetings from
Compliments of
Lake Side Resort
Camp Lake
Prescription and Drug Services
Larson & Hofner
"The Stag Shop"
leo Walkowski & Son
Open 9 to 9
Lawn and Garden Center
"Fashion Firsts"
2930- 75th St.
Kenosha, Wis.
For Men and Boys
Burlington, Wis.
Twin Lakes
Consumers Cooperative
ROckwell 3-3521
664 Dodge St.
Burlington, Wis.
Sixth A venue
Ray Bacon's
Rt. 2, Box 15A
Kenosha, Wis.
Salem, Wis.
Phone Vlnewood 3-3921
Page 124
Good Luck from
Lots of, fun if you're over 21
Bob Mink
"King of. Diamonds"
Bamboo Hut
;Diamonds - Jewelers
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Kenosha's Diamond Center
Uptown Kenosha
Phone TR 7-2456 for Carry-Out
Lakeway Packing Co.
Hildebrandt's Dept. Store
Hwy. 50-4 miles from Kenosha
Everything for Everyone
Home Made Sausage
Smoked and Fresh Meats
Hotel and Restaurant Supply
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
OL 4-8665
Ace Hardware
(Roosevelt Road Hardware)
Town and County Center
Standard Service
Kenosha's Most Complete Store
75th and 45th
"Ace Sets the Pace"
Leon C. Nickels
Greasing- Washing- Repairing
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Twin Lakes Barber Shop
John Indrinka, Prop
Dairy Queen
Women's and Children's Haircuts
Burlington, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
:Page 125
Brass· Ball Cheese Mart
Twin Lakes Beaute Studio
Selected Wisconsin Cheese and
Virginia Kohlmann, Prop.
Gift Boxes
Hickory Smoked Sausages and Meats
Open Tuesday Through Saturday
Evenings: Tuesday and Thursday
Hwy. 50- 1 Block West of 83
George Lichter, Prop.
Salem, Wis.
Phone TR 7-2434
Twin Lakes, Wis.
.VI 3-3083
. Congratulations Class of '60
ComJ?liments of
Hartnell Chevrolet Co.
Al's Zesto Drive Inn
Salem, Wisconsin
KE 7~2261
Phone VI 3-3311
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Where you can buy with con;fidence
A. J. Eggert
lsermann Bros.
Dri-Gas Roper and Preway Stoves
Gould Water Pump Systems
Plumbing - Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned
and Repaired
Gas and Oil Burners Installed :..
Torrid-Hi!et, Empire and Coleman Furnaces
Men's Clothing and
Freeman Shoes
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Tel. Silver Lake TU 9-5691
Camp Lake, Wis.
Silver Lake Grill
Compliments of
Fine Food - Quick Service
Clough's Shoe Store
5834 - 6th A venue
Low Prices
Kenosha, Wis.
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Page 126
Class of '60
Insurance for Your Every Need
Auto- Fire- Life- Hospital
All Casualty Coverages
Gerald M. Siebert
Bassett Garage
Real Estate and Insurance
Compliments to
Siebert's Hotel
Phone KEllogg 7-4712
Phone VI 3-4411
Salem, Wisconsin
Since 1924
5810 Seventh Avenue, Kenosha, Wis.
School - Office - Institutional - Church - Hotel - Motel
Furniture and Equipment
(we take trade-ins)
Greeting Card -Stationery- Gifts
Phone- Kenosha OLympic 4-2193
Mischler1 S Funeral Home
Kenosha Travel Service
Ambulance Service
"World Wide Service"
708 - 57th St.
2315 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, Wis.
OLympic 7-3817
Compliments of
The Advertiser
Bloss Mink Ranch
Salem, Wisconsin
Phone Antioch 1404
Page 127
Lyons-Ryan Ford
Antioch and Kenosha
939 Main St., Antioch, Ill.
60th St., Kenosha
Congratulations - Class of '60
Ph. 770
Ph. OLympic 8-1631
Shorewood Foods and
Through the Arch on Hwy. 50
Compliments of
Harvey and Dorothy Timmer
Pretzman Grocery
Powers Lake, Wisconsin
Mayer Drug
Compliments of
Kenosha, Wis.
Meinhardt Bank
"Your Prescription Store"
Burlington, Wis.
5537 Sixth Ave.
Antioch Lumber & Coal
Real Estate and Insurance
Company, Inc.
Everything to Build Anything
Antioch, Illinois
See Our New Display Rooms
Rhone 23
.:xie .teiH .·.;r"" 'i-!':t.~.v.,~." :r~ ';.:~'*·.:-:."
Phones 15 and 16
Page 128
Antioch, Ill.
"Look Your Best · For the Woman Who Cares"
Ruth Ann S Beauty Servke
Loth Building- Silver Lake, Wis.
18 Automatic Lanes
Children's Playroom
Open Tuesday and Thursday Afternoon
Cocktail Lounge
Closed Wednesday Afternoon
Shop Phone TU 9-4654 · Res. TU 9-4445
Towne & Country Lanes
Friday Evening
Hours 9 A.M.- 5 P.M.
434 Wilmot Ave., Burlington, Wis.
Air Conditioned
Carl s Store
Phone ROckwell 3-7333
Fountain - FHm-- ·Baby Needs- Toys
Home Remedies- Veterinary Products
Leonard Kist, Manager
Papers - Magazine:s - Cosmetics
TUcker 9-9891
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Barden S
Live Bait and Sporting Goods
Kenosha, Wis.
Since 1889
Kenosha's Home of Well-Known
Nationally Advertised Merchandise
Wilmot, Wisconsin
of Better Quality
Schmidt Implement Co.
Chas. and Em's
John Deere Farm Equipment
Candy - Ice Cream - School Supplies
Since 1935
Variety- Store
Salem, Wisconsin
WiJrnot, Wisconsin
Page 129
Westem Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Frank Krisko
Wilmot Auto Service
I:Iarm Garwood, Mgr.
Home Made Sausage - Smok~d
Phone UN 2-9181
Meats - Corned Beef
UN 2-3551
Wilmot, Wis.
The Angel's
Louie's Tavern
Fish Fry Friday al)d Saturday
Dining Room - Cocktail Lounge
Formerly Our Country Club
Chicken Saturday
Hours: 11 a. m. to 1 a. m.
Cater to Parties
Slades Corners, Wisconsin
Hwy. 83 and Wilmot Road
Phone KEllogg 7-4.971
Phone UN 2-9191
Cocktail Lounge - Overlooking the Lake
Dining Room
Phone TRiangle 7-5081
Rollie's Store
The Pink House
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
We Cater to Parties and Banquets
Sundries, Kodaks, Luick Ice Cream
Heated Rooms - Open Year 'Round
Ed and Jean
Phone: TR 7-2616 or TR 7-20S5
Best Wishes Graduates ...
"Gifts That Are Treasured"
. Fair Lady
C. S. Hubbard
Jeweler and Engraver
Tinting and Hair Cutting
705- 58th St.
Kenosha, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Page 130
John Babula & Sons
Barr Furniture Mart, Inc.
Installations- Cleaning- Repairing
Power Machine Digging- Elec. Rodding
Sewerage and Septic Systems
Kenosha's Leading Furniture Store
5319 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, Wis.
Phone OLympic 4-2189
Phone KEllogg 7-4848
Burlington, Wis.
Salem Electric
Hwy. 83- Salem, Wis.
Sales and Service
Compliments of
Phone VI 3-2111
Eckhoff Gas Co.
Milt Raditz, Jr.
Heating and Plumbing
Wiring and Motor Repair- Appliances
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Kelvinator- Admiral - Motorola
Phone TRiangle 7-2444
G.E.- Zenith
Handbags - Luggage - Gifts
Start Your Travels Thru Life with Luggage
from GARB'S
Kenosha, Wis.
Waukegan, Ill.
3713 Roosevelt Rd.
5724 Sixth Ave.
Kenosha, Wis.
Phone Antioch 873
One Hour "Martinizing"
The Most in Drycleaning
The Klass Men's Store
Carl C. Seemann
"Complete Line of Men's Furnishings"
388 Lake Street
Phone Antioch 383
Stanley Toton
921 Main Street
Antioch, Illinois
Page 131
Compliments of
Keulman's Jewelry
913 Main Street
Williams V & S Hardware
Antioch, Ill.
910 Main Street
Antioch, Ill.
Phone 26
Phone 2
Camp Lake Nursing Home
Kenosha, "Tisconsin
TUcker 9-4321
Antioch Packing House
The Leader Store
J o-Pat Brand
H. Chemerow
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Antioch, Illinois
Twin Lakes Pharmacy
Bruch Funeral Home
Prescriptions- Drugs- Sodas
24 Hour Ambulance Service
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
3503 Roosevelt Road, Kenosha, Wis.
Phone TR 7-2003
Phone Kenosha 2-8298
Page 132
For the Finest In
Italian Foods Try Our Spaghetti and Ravioli
New Munster, Wis.
Highway 50
Wheatland Line - Tel. KEllogg 7-4 722
Ackerman Resort
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Dining Room Open to the Public
Robert F. Horton
Are You Planning a
General Contractor
Sales Meeting?
Phone UNderhill 2-3252
Let us help you to select the proper
"Your Satisfaction Is Our Guarantee"
accommodations for you
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Call TR 7-2601 ... or
Write for Reservations
Esther and John Johnson
Page 133
Patrons List
Block Brothers
Kenosha Prescription Laboratories
Herbert N. Block
Ernst's Book Store
Singer Sewing Machine
Raleigh.L. Hewitt
Wittengel Typewriter
Twin Lakes
Chuck's Service Station
Larsen's Boomerang Bar
Silver Lake
Paul Swartz Nursery
McDougal Hardware
Montgomery Ward
. ~.\
Frank Z. P·latts
General Insurance
Jlannister Insurance Agency
e .lair.: ~-~~ *~·::~~.-. i~~t:/:lJ
Page 134