Wilmot Union High School 1959 Yearbook
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Wilmot Union High School 1959 Yearbook
1959 Yearbook
School Yearbooks
57762370 bytes
Kenosha (Wis.)
Wilmot Union High School
Linda Valentine Snippets
Linda Valentine Snippets
612 - 1959 Panther
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, no signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the WKCHS collection
and was donated by Ruth Miller, a teacher.
0-112 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
612 - 1959 Panther
Wilmot Union High School
Yearbook, no signatures
The yearbook used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned
direct from the original printing.
A photo of the cover exists in the digital files.
In some cases, the owner is noted.
In some cases, there are signatures but these signatures are not
Researchers should look for a relative's signature in the collective.
In some of these instances, images were made of the individual color
The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving.
The document used to create this PDF is from the WKCHS collection
and was donated by Ruth Miller, a teacher.
0-112 pages
The materials herein were contributed by those of the area who wished that the history they have
experienced be saved for the future generations. These may represent private documents as well
as previously published articles and obituaries and images from their saved collections ..
Researchers should also refer to the Valentine Digital archives at the SALEM COMMUNITY
LIBRARY (and perhaps other websites) for more images in this collection or digital images of
items photocopied in this booklet or related to the topic ..
Compiled 5/2014 by L S Valentine Copyright©Valentine2014
And when those Wilmot High boys
fall in line,
We're going to sing for them
another time;
It's for the school that we all love
so well,
We're going to yell, and yell, and
yell, and yell, and yell, and yell;
And then we'll fight, fight, fight, for
Until all of our games are won;
And then we'll sing, sing, sing, sing,
sing again, sing again
Wilmot High, U! Rah! Rah!
the Symbol of
Drawn by
Wally Partenheimer
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Page One
In school we hear a lot about character building, personality development, physical growth, and other forms of just plain "Growing Up." For this reason, we have chosen "growing up" as the theme of this yearbook in the hope that its pages may reflect
our sincere appreciation for the splendid environment that has been ours during these
four very formative years in our lives.
Page Three
We were indeed fortunate in obtaining Mrs. Firchow as our class
advisor at the beginning of our Junior year. Her radiant personality
and wise council have shown us that she not only excels in the Fine Arts,
which she teaches, but also understands a great deal about the equally
fine art of "growing up." We are also indebted to her for many good
times together and are proud to offer this special recognition in repayment for the many fine things that she has done for us.
Page Four
As our school grows and develops, administrative duties become
more and more extended. For this reason the Board of Education elected Mr. Knight as Assistant Principal to Mr. Schnurr in the planning
and operation of the school plant and curriculum. The Class of '59 is
appreciative to both for the help which we have received from them in
the selection of our courses of study and for the guide posts which have
been given to us in the choice of a vocation for the years that lie ahead.
We have learned that "going to the office" is invariably a very profitable experience.
Page Five
Mr. Schnurr, Principal; Mr. Knight, Assistant Principal; and Mrs. Kaskin,
Secretary to the Principal, spend a great deal of time around this desk in Mr.
Schnurr's office handling correspondence and matters of administration.
The Panther staff pictured here, consisting of, from left to right: Barbara
Rasch, Ass't. Editor; Don Amborn, Business Mgr.; Ida Mae Fiegel, Editor;
Wally Partenheimer, Artist; Mr. Frank, Advisor; and Tom Gaynor, Ass't.
Business Mgr., are proud to present the 1959 edition of the Wilmot yearbook.
l'age Six
---- --
Transfer 3.
G. A. A 3, 4; Camera Club 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Girls Chorus 4;
Creative Writing 3; Spanish Club
3; Forensics 4.
B. A. A. 2; Band 3. Intramurals 4.
Spanish Club 3; Commercial Club
3; Annual Staff 2, 3; Class Play 3,
4; B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 3; Pep
Band 3; Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4;
Boys Chorus 3; Prom Att. 3.
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Commercial
Club 2 3; W. H. T. 4; Mixed Chorus 2, 3; Spanish Club 3.
Page Eight
Intramurals 1, 2; B. A. A. 1, 2, 3,
4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Capt. 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Prom Attendant
3; Annual Business Manager.
Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4; G. A. A. 1,
2, 3, 4, Pres. 4; Commercial Club
2, 3, 4, Sec. 3, Busc. Manager 4;
Spanish Club 3, Treasurer 3; W.
H. T. 1, 4, Sec. 4; Intramurals
1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice Pres. 2; Girls
Chorus 1.
Student Council 1, 4, Pres. 4; Editor of Paper 4; Paper Staff 1, 2,
3, 4; Commercial Club 1, 2, 3, 4,
Pres. 3; G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec.Treas. 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4;
Forensics 3, 4; Girls Chorus 1;
Mixed Chorus 1; W. H. T. 4; Class
Play 3.
Football 1, 2, 3, 4, All Conf. 3, 4;
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Capt. 4; Track
1, 2, 3, 4; B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Pres.
4 Vice Pres. 3; Boys Chorus 1, 2,
3, 4; Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Mass
Chorus 2, 3, 4, Class Pres. 3; Forensics 2, 3; Annual Art Editor 4;
Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Class Play 3,
4; Spoon Award 3.
Page Nine
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W. H. T. 1.
3, 4; Intramurals 1; Girls Chorus
2, 3; Mixed Chorus 3; Library
Club 3.
B. A. A. 3, 4. Lindbloom High
School Transfer.
B. A. A. 1, 2, 3; Class Play 3; W.
H. T. 1, 4.
::"1!) .• ,:
F. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; B. A. A. 1, 2,
3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Track 2,
3, 4; Basketball 2.
Page Ten
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W. H. T. 1;
Mixed Chorus 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader
3; Class Play 3, 4; Intramurals 1,
2, 3; Spanish Club 3; Forensics
1, 2, 3.
Transfer Fenton High 2.
Camera Club 4; B. A. A. 2, 3, 4;
Intramurals 3, 4; Boys Chorus 4.
B. A. A. 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3,
4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Assistant
Business Manager 4.
Student Council 1; Homecoming
Queen 2; Sec.-Treas. of Class 3, 4;
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Commercial
Club 2, 3, 4; Jr. Class Play Director; Paper Staff 2, 3, 4; Assistant
Editor of School Paper 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 1, 2;
Mixed Chorus 1, 2; Girls Chorus 1.
Page E~even
We!ltern Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Basketball 2, 3; Baseball 2, 3, 4;
Intramurals 2, 3, 4; B. A. A. 1, 2,
3, 4; Camera Club 3.
Transfer from Holy Family Junior
High in Miami, Florida. G. A. A.
2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 3, Vice Pres. 3; Mixed
Chorus 2, 3, 4; Student Council
Sec. 3; Commercial Club 2, 3; Attendant for Junior Prom.
Band 1, 2; Majorette 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Commercial Club
2, 3, 4; G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Band 1; Boys Chorus 1, 2, 3; MiX··
ed Chorus 2, 3; B. A. A. 2, 3, 4;
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play
3, 4; Forensics 2; Prom Att.
Page Twelve
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W. H. T. 4, Vice
President; Commercial Club 3, 4,
Pres. 4; Girls Chorus 2, 3; Mixed
Chorus 3; Paper Staff 4.
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice Pres. 4;
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls Chorus 1, 2;
Spanish Club 2; Class Play 3, 4;
Senior Class Vice Pres.
B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; F. F. A. 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1: Basketball 1, 2, 3; Class Play 3; Prom
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2,
3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track
3, 4.
Page Thirteen
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3; G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls
Chorus 1; Mixed Chorus 2, 3, 4; ,
Forensics 1, 2; Camera Club 3;
W. H, T. 2; Spanish Club 3; Class
Play 4.
Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3;
Track 3; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; B.
A. A. 2, 3; Homecoming Att. 4.
B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Boys Chorus
1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4;
Mixed Chorus 2, 3; Hobby Shop
2, 3.
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; G. A. A. 1,
2, 3, 4; Girls Chorus 1; Mixed
Chorus 3, 4; Commercial Club 1,
2, Sec.-Treas. 2; Cheerleader 1, 2,
3; Class Pres. 2, 3, 4; Homecoming
Att. 3.
Page Fourteen
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; B. A. A. 1, 2,
3, 4; Class Play 3; Track 1, 2, 3;
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,
2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 4; Spanish
Club 3; W. H. T. 1; Commercial
Club 4; Prom Att.
Transfer student from St. Mary's
in Junior Year. G. A. A. 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; W. H. T. 4; Class
Play 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 3; Commercial Club 3; Homecoming Att.
F. F. A. 2, 3, Treas. 3; B. A. A.
4; Boys Chorus 4; Intramurals 4.
Page Fifteen
W. H. T. 1; Girls Chorus 2, 3, 4.
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls Chorus 1,
2, 3, 4.
B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec.-Treas.
1, Pres. 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track
1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Boys Chorus 1,
2, 3; Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Homecoming
Att. 3.
Page Sixteen
Girls Chorus 1; W. H. T. 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; G. A. A. 1; Commercial Club 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus
1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 3.
Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Capt. 4; Homecoming King 4; Baseball 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2; W Club 2, 3, 4; B. A.
A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus 1.
B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,
2, 3.
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Band 1, 2, 3,
4; Massed Band 4; Band Officer 2,
3, 4, Band President 4; Mixed
Chorus 1, 2, 3; Girls Chorus 1, 2,
3, 4; Massed Chorus 1, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 1, 2; Creative Writing 2, 3; Student Council 2; W. H.
T. 4; Homemaker of Tomorrow;
Spanish Club 1.
Page Seventeen
Basketball 1, 2; Football 3; Golf
2, 3; Homecoming Attendant 2;
Prom Attendant 3; B. A. A. 1, 2,
3, 4.
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W. H. T. 1, 3,
4, Vice Pres. 3; Jr. Prom Attendant
3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Group
Singing 4; Class Play 4.
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Commercial
Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls Chorus 1, 2;
Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2;
Baseball 1, 2, 3; F. F. A. 1, 3; B.
A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2,
3, 4; Badger Boys State '3; Class
Vice Pres. 3; Class Play 3, 4.
Page Eighteen
Genoa City
Football 3; Basketball!, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2, 3; Vice Pres. 2; Class
Pres. 3.
Wilmot-Basketball 4; Baseball 4;
B. A. A. 4.
Football 2, 3; Basketball 1, 3;
Track 2; Baseball 2; Class Play 3,
4; Forensics 3, 4; B. A. A. 1, 2, 3,
4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1;
Mixed Chorus 1.
Commercial Club 2, 3, 4; Paper
Staff 2.
Pep Band 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3; Girls
Chorus 2, 3; Mixed Chorus 3; Archery 3; Whitewater Contest 2, 3;
W. H. T. 1; G. A. A. 1; Creative
Writing 3; Spanish Club 1, 3.
Page Nineteen
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W. H. T. 1;
Girls Chorus 1; Mixed Chorus 3;
Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Spanish Club
3, Sec. 3; Camera Club 3, 4, Pres.
4; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3; Spade
Award Winner 3.
Transferred from Tuley 2. B. A. A.
3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Hobby
Shop 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Basketball 3; Track 3, 4.
B. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1,
2, 3, 4; Class Sec.-Treas. 2; Boys
Chorus 1, 2; Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3.
W. H. T. 1, 4; Girls Chorus 1, 2,
3, 4; Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3; Group
Singing 4.
Page Twenty
Camera Club 3, 4; Boys Chorus 4;
B. A. A. 2, 3, 4.
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; W. H. T. 1, 4,
Pres. 4; Girls Chorus 1, 2, 3; Mixed Chorus 2, 3; Photo Club 4; Student Council 4; Annual Staff 1,
Assistant Editor 4, Assistant Photographer 4; Class Play 3, 4.
G. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls Chorus
1, 2; Mixed Chorus 1, 2; Commercial Club 3; Photo Club 4; Annual
Editor 4; Badger Girls State 3;
Annual Photographer 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4.
Oconomowoc, Wis., Football 1.
F. F. A. 1; Baseball 1; McHenry,
Ill., F. F. A. 2, 3, Pres. 3; F. B.
L. A. 2, 3, 4. Transfer to Wilmot
Page Twenty-One
Transfer 4. B. A. A. 4; Mixed Chorus 4; Boys Chorus 4.
Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec. 4; Librarian
1; Whitewater Contest 1, 2, 3, 4;
Spanish Club 1; W. H. T. 4; Girls
Chorus 3; Massed Band 3, 4; Pep
Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Creative Writing
.-; : ~
Page Twenty-Two
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Page Twenty-Three
Wisconsin State College, Superior
Wisconsin State College, Platteville
University of Wisconsin
Stout Institute
Industrial Arts
Assistant Principal
University of Wisconsin
Veteran Trainer
Page Twenty-Four
Stout Institute
Home Economics
Wisconsin State College, LaCrosse
St. Norbert College, DePere
Marquette University, Milwaukee
Milton College
Wisconsin State College, LaCrosse
Coach· Golf
Page Twenty-Five
Union Free High School, Wilmot
Secretary to Principal
Drake University
University of Wisconsin
Coach - Basketball, Baseball
Physical Education
Coach -Football, Track
Physical Education
Wisconsin State College,
Asst. Coach - Basketball
Adv. Mathematics
Page Twenty-Six
State Teachers College,
Kearney, Nebraska
Wisconsin State Teachers College,
Civics and Geography
Whitewater State Teachers College
University of Illinois
University of Iowa
Business Arithmetic
O.ffice Practice
Office Machines
Wisconsin State Teachers College,
Civics and Geography
Page Twenty-Seven
University of Wisconsin
Western State College of Colorado
University of Wisconsin Extension
Social Problerns
Page Twenty-Eight
Union Free High at Wilmot, like other schools, is continually expanding
its facilities for better education as well as expanding the plant to accommodate the ever-increasing school population. A new addition to the building,
increased faculty, and better equipment is a part of the program under study
at this time and is a matter of direct concern for the Board of Education, pictured here. From left to right: Mr. Richter, Attorney; Mr. Rasch, Mr. Lake,
Mr. Stoxen, Treasurer; Mr. Bierdz, President; Mr. Rausch, Secretary; Mr.
Badger, Mr. Schnurr, Principal; and Mr. Fischer.
Here we find the representatives of all classes and organizations studying
matters of importance in the government and conduct of students in our
school. Mr. Schnurr is the Advisor, Peg Timmer is President, and Carol Schenning is the Secretary-Treasurer.
Page Twenty-Nine
Mrs. Ehlert and Mrs. Zarnstorff, pictured above, are in charge of the serving
of the noon day lunch each day. They are aided by pupils who are hired to work
in the kitchen and the program is directed by Mrs. Miller, home economics instructor.
Mr. Frank, Mr. Tilton, and Mr. Neumann are in charge
of the building and grounds' maintenance. Mr. Tilton is
new on the staff.
..:-e.a ~1aiH ..,_.-::"'
Page Thirty
\?!~~t.;~ t-ttf!:t,~"Jij·~.
On September 2, 1958, eighty-eight frightened freshmen entered
Wilmot High School in high anticipation of spending nine months of
each of the next four years here.
At our organization meeting we learned that Mr. Dongarra had
been appointed as our class advisor and we elected the following officers: Joe LaFlamn, President; Ray Cates, Vice-President; Pete Gwizdala, Secretary-Treasurer; and Raymond Zirzow as our Student Council Representative.
During the fall we were entertained at a "get acquainted" party
by the Sophomores and we returned the party by giving one for them
during March.
We think that our class has made a fine record at Wilmot: Beverly
Arnold, Sandy Shepanek and Don Yuknis having made the honor roll;
Skip Zirzow, Pete Gwizdala, Lynn Thornton, James Dunford, Ray Cates
and Don Yuknis look like future athletes; and Charles Stohr sold more
magazines in the contest than any other student in school.
We are all hoping for promotion and are looking forward to a
big year as Sophomores.
J. G.
Page Thirty-Two
Row 1: Sue Hoffman, Roberta Robinson, Ada Marie Fox, Arlene Paoli, Darlene Hartwell, Patricia Jandula, Christine Schaetten, Julie Gould, Beverly Arnold. Row 2: Marsha Briggs, Penny Fritch, Linda Meyers,
Sue Dodge, Lauri Griebel, Janice Shannon, Virgine Lois, Janet Lovely, Claudia McNeilage, Pat Carlson. Row
3: Mr. Dongarra, Pete Gwizdola, Donald Zick, Dennis Hanke, Jim Grossmann, Tom Oberhofer, Eric Sattersten,
James De Pratt, Mitchell Grasseschi. Row 4: Bill Horbach, William Lehman, Ray Cates, Kendall Kube, Edward Dorociak, Thomas Alby, Shane O'Neil, James Logue, James Dunford, Raymond Zirzow.
Row 1: Patricia Lehman, Janet Morgan, Rosann Nielson, John Posch, James Schmalfeldt, Sandra Weyrauch, Carol Rasch, Geraldine Straukas, Melody Siffring, Darlene Ehlert. Row 2: Judy Kaskin, Cheryl Faber,
Carol Kempken, Sandy Shepanek, Theresa Powers, May Mueller, Margaret Noonan, Sherry Nelson, Sandra
Zama. Row 3: Frank Lasko, Fred Koehnke, Donald Yuknis, Gary Sheen, Charles Stohr, Jim Nicewarner,
Charles Womack, Lynn Thornton, Patrick Lynn, Austin Rasch, Jack Boyd. Row 4: Linda Sutcliffe, Danny
Flucke, LeRoy Siffring, Jerome Nelson, Arthur LaFlanne, David Schick, Deane Bauman, Richard Perkins,
Bill Nasello, Melvin Rasch, Sandra Gehring.
Page Thirty-Three
..c E~
On September 8, 1958, eighty-six enthusiastic students returned
to begin their Sophomore year at Wilmot High.
Mr. Knight opened our first class meeting of the year and was in
charge until the following officers were elected: Glenn Rasch, President; Bill Lois, Vice-President; Jean Bloss, Secretary-Treasurer; and
Ron May, Student Council Representative.
Our Sophomore Attendant at the Homecoming activities this year
was Tim Gwizdala who chose Judy Rasch as his date in the Homecoming
Our class was very proud to have Rae Cornell and Betty Ann Rosentreter chosen as "A" team cheerleaders this year and wish them a
lot of luck in the future.
We were also proud to have several Sophomore boys active on the
Varsity team in .sports this year. If they keep up their good work, I am
sure we can look forward to having some outstanding players in the
On November 1, the Sophomores gave a welcoming party for the
Freshmen to help the students to get better acquainted. On March 20,
a return party was given by the Freshmen and enjoyed by our classmen.
I am sure all the Sophomores enjoyed this year very much and are
looking forward to a more enjoyable year as upper classmen and to
taking part in the different activities of the Junior year.
B. L.
Page Thirty-Six
Row 1: Darlene Lancey, Billie Lee Bergmark, Sharon Mickine, Judy Mozilausky, Diane Plunkett, Sue
Eckert, Dolores Johnston, Pauline Parrish, Janet Ziegler. Row 2: Mr. Knight, Bonnie Horton, Diane Schaetten, Jean Bloss, Carol Mathies, Lorelei Steffan, Nathlie Allen, Linda Brenning, Sharon Becker, Jean Hayden. Row
3: Jim Lubeno, Tom Gwizdala, Gregg Bush, Dennis JefferJ, Allen Pelz, Larry Dombrow, Dennis Brenning, Ken Jandula, David Fiegel. Row 4: Joanne Krubeck, Kenny Een, Roger Pickens, John Nordemeyer, Joe Regilski,
Richard Wolf, Jim Powers, Ronnie May, Billie Smoak, Bill Lois, Betty Marcussen.
Row 1: Fay Ann Richter, Carol Ann Mullner, Dorthea Hoffman, Rita Saramuga, Susan Ramsdale, Albert
Eggert, Pat Weinberg, Frances Mattis, Bernadine Jacobsen, Pat Vincent. Row 2: Marlene Jerde, Carol Oetting, Judy Rasch, Dorothy Rebicek, Rae Cornell, Betty Rosentreter, Rita Spiegelhoff, Dolores Roche, Sandra
Meloun, Darlene Schaetten, Gladys Haebig, Jean Elwood. Row 3: Janet Sands, Tom Kerkman, Glenn Rasch,
Jim Kenny, Neal Kiley, Mike Gallagher, Eddie Holmstrom, Joe Ceroni, Benny Yuknis, Steve Owen. Row 4:
Sue Olsen, Sue Staudenmaier, Jim Morse, Louis Grasseschi, Jim Schultz, Douglas Braun, Jim Schultz, Douglas
Braun, Jim Busse, John Partenheimer, Terry Avery, Joyce Hayden, Louis Jaegerman.
Page Thirty.seven
Seniors .......... 2
Juniors ......... 0
Sophomores . . . . . 1
Freshmen ....... 0
Seniors .......... 2
Juniors ......... 1
Sophomores ...... 0
Freshmen ....... 0
September 2, 1958 found sixty-eight "upperclassmen" enrolling
at Wilmot High, all of them ready and eager to take part in another
new and exciting school year.
At our first class meeting, we were delighted upon hearing that
Mr. Heigl was to be our advisor. Emil Mravec was chosen President,
Frank Jacobs became Vice-President, Paul Dicklin was selected Student Council Representative for the second year in a row, and Joy Nelson was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Joy left during the year with Sue
Bartels taking her place.
Our Junior Class play, "Rest Assured," was a huge success thanks
to the hard work put in by our cast and stagE: crew and the competent
direction of Mr. Don Garra.
The Juniors were well represented at the homecoming with Sue
Bartels as the queen and Jim Harmon and Tam Gwizdala as our contribution to the royalty. Everyone had a good time and was justly
proud of our representatives.
We received our class rings around Christmas time. I'm sure all
the Juniors will agree that their rings are among their most cherished
In the inter-class basketball tourney our boys beat the Freshmen
for third place, and our girls lost to the Seniors to gain second place.
Two of our girls, Judy Lois and Darlene Mikolas, were elected "A"
team cheerleaders for the second straight year.
Our prom was the big highlight for us in our third year at Wilmot.
Bob Greskoviak was selected king and, in turn, chose Bev Hartnell to
be his queen. The theme of the prom was "The South Seas." Everyone
in attendance had a thoroughly enjoyable time.
With not much time left at Wilmot, the Juniors are looking forward to their Senior year when they can continue to "forge the chains
that link them to adulthood."
F. J.
Page Forty
Row 1: Donna Roessler, Doris Johnston, Donna Sarbarker, Jeanette Michaelis, Beverly Baden, Louise
Griebel, Judy Schwartz, Tam Gwizdala. Row 2; Mary Ann Walton, Sue Bartels, Sue Chesko, Beverly Hartnell,
Beverly Larson, Barbara Sutcliffe, Jeneen Williams, Glenna Eckert. Row 3: Mr. Heigl, Harry Lovely. John
Scalzo, Andrew Kisner, Ron Wayne, Gary Held, Joe Dalton. Row 4: LeRoy Gyger, Bob Greskoviak, Ken
Lampe, Leo Laskey, Paul Dicklin, Jessie Larson, Frank Hegner, Jim Ratchek.
Row 1: Joyce Hayden, Marylin Bucci, Darlene Mikolas, Judy Lois, Glen Kerkman, Betty Rasch,
Sandra Redman, Joy Kaskin. Row 2: Pat Zaccard, Carole Prang, Barbara Caddock, Carla Dankert, Carol
Ann Schenning, Kathy Anderlick, Marlene Swoboda, Margaret Hoffman. Row 3: Lynn Pacey, Judy Cates,
Frank Jacobs, Bill Van Patten, Ken Olson, Jim Harmon, Joy Nelson, Sue Wirth. Row 4: Mike McLay,
Joe Krupinski, Dave Van Every, Norm Robers, Gary Schaetten, Bill Breen, Tom Dicklin, Jerry Kerkman.
Page Forty-One
Having been warned by our physician that the disease
with which our class is afflicted as a result of this sudden rush of knowledge to the head, is always fatal, and
that no class in the past has been known to survive its
cancerous effects, the class of 1959 is disposed to declare
and publish this last will and testament before we, too,
pass into history. It is our hope that some of those who
receive our favors may profit from them and that many
of our finer traits and characteristics may remain after
we are gone to remind the people of Wilmot High School
that we did spend four profitable and enjoyable years
Dick Sheen wills his shy, quiet ways to Bill Lehman.
Joyce Heagle wills her musical achievements to Carla
Dennis Steffen leaves his "dashing Diamond" personality for anyone who needs it in a future class play.
Dana Davis leaves her black coloring to any future
class play maid who needs it.
Dick Tilton wills his knack for getting out of trouble
fast to Greg Bush.
Mary Komes leaves her friendly personality to Jim
Herman Harmon wills his persistent ways to any
slow Adv. Math student.
Sandi Miller wills her bickering ways to Glenna
Wally Partenheimer wills his broken hurdles to anyone who is lighter of foot.
Betty Arnold wills her fast typing ability to Judy
Tom Gaynor leaves because he wants to, isn't that
reason enough?
Ida Mae Fiegel leaves the annual and dark room to
anyone who wants between five to six hours of sleep
each night.
Mike McKee leaves still picking up pieces of his old
Barb Rasch leaves her little used Speech and Adv.
Math books to next year's bonfire.
Lee Jeffers wills his ability to ignore girls all his
life to Tom Dicklin.
Jodine Glasby leaves the thrills of horseback riding
to Dorothy Rebicek.
Mike Mahoney wills his friendly attitude towards
Mary Ann Walton to Mike McLay to usz towards Darlene
Rose Boyd leaves her absentee excuses to John Nordmeyer.
Tom Anderson leaves his "car painting ability" to
Doug Braun.
Judy Kerkhoff wills her hot rod to Louise Griebel.
Tom Brandes and Gary Kunz will their hair ·~oloring
ability to Betty Rosentreter.
Sandy Jacobsen leaves her job at noon to anyone who
feels they can handle it.
Violet Larson wills her quiet ways to Tam Gwizdala.
Harold Marcussen leaves his knack for missing
speeches at Junior Class meeting to the future Badger
Esther Larson wills her neat ways to Jean Elwood.
Ken Nicpon leaves his ability to fail three road tests
to any of Mr. Heigl's future students.
Sandy McNeely wills her mischieviousness to Marlene
Bob Switzer leaves his musical ability to Barb Caddock, who feels she needs it??????
Eva Smith leaves her willingness to work during vaccinating time to anyone who feels brave enough.
Jim ELwood wills the honor of being Homecoming
King· to anyone else who deserves the chance and who
isn't bashful.
Pat LaFayette leaves her soft voice and quiet ways
to Charlene Elverman.
Ron Toepper leaves his ability to sing rock and roll
songs at pep meetings to anyone brave enough to face the
Peg Timmer leaves her knowledge of English to Pat
Weinberg who has not learned to speak it yet.
Rich Bentley wills his mechanical ways to Sue Bartels.
Carol Mae Nelson wills her phony excuses for being
absent to Judy Swartz.
Steve Anderson and Fred Cornell leave their "red
pants" to anyone who wants to get out of school in a
Carol Phipps wills her ambitious habits to Carol
Diane Bush leaves her ability to insult people and
get away with it to Bill Breen.
Bud Meehan wills his receding hair line to Bob Kirton.
Shirley Rasch leaves with the memory of "hobbling"
around on a broken leg during first semester exams.
Bob Gehring wills his farming skills to Paul Dicklin.
Elaine Dziedzic wills her ability to get straight A's,
especially from Mr. Bilotti, to any unfortunate Spanish
Bob Lois wills his mathematical brain to Frank Hegner.
Diane Ehlert wills her ability to have riotous "P.
J. Parties" to Marilyn Bucci.
Al Prondzinski wills his ability to stay awake in Social Problems to Lynn Pacey.
Karen Richards leaves her skill as Sec.-Treas. to Alan
Jim Coleman leaves his ability to get on the teacher's
nerve to Marlene Swoboda.
Sharon Karrow wills her changeable attitude to Joanne Krubeck.
Bob Horton leaves his ability to forget Student Council meetings to anyone who over indulges in Social
Robin Young wills her fighting basketball spirit to
Carol Prange.
Donnie Amborn leaves his knack for getting into
"spats" with opposing basketball players to Joe Rygielski.
Carole Thebault leaves her "monkey business" ways
to .Toy Kaskin.
Doris Kerkman wills her softball ability to Melody
Linda Michaelis leaves with still another Michaelis
in school.
To Mr. Schnurr we leave a clean slate and the hope
that the future will be the same.
To Mrs. Firchow we leave the hope that we can fill
some of her expectations.
To Mr. Heigl we leave a Social Problems class of
equal number of boys and girls.
To Mrs. Van Slochteran we leave the memories of a
wonderful speech class.
To Mr. Van Slochteran we leave the hope that his
son may be an "A" student at Wilmot.
To Mrs. Miller we leave a serious and attentive
Home Economics class.
To Mr. Knight we leave the prospect of college in
our minds thanks to his help and advice.
To Mr. Frank we leave pulling "Gruppie" who was
always in the toupee left him by previous classes.
To Mr. Olson we leave a well worn path from the
dark room to the hall.
To Mr. Handke we leave hoping he'll have an all "A"
science class.
To Mr. Stein we leave a commercial club with more
than one boy.
To Mr. Amoth we leave the memories of a very
successful music contest.
To Mr. Brieske we leave a supply of ink erasures for
next year's typing class.
To Mr. Dongarra we leave cha, cha, cha dances and
surprise parties from the class play.
To Mr. Bucci we leave a lot of paid up debts for all
his promised malts.
To Mr. Bilotti we leave ten courses in penmanship
To Miss Engsted we leave a book on discipling Seniors.
To Mrs. Kaskin we leave a supply of envelopes,
stamps and questions that helped put the annual together.
To the Juniors we leave wishing them luck in their
last busy year at Wilmot.
To the Sophomores we leave giving them the many
activities and. responsibilities of becoming upper classmen.
To the Freshmen we leave the feeling of being older
than someone else -in high school.
To Wilmot High School we leave knowing that we
have had some of our best days of growing up in its surroundings.
The Senior Class of 1959 has finally finished forging through four
wonderful happy years here at Wilmot. When we entered as Freshmen,
we were considered greenhorns but now we're no longer in that category.
This year has been .filled to the brim for us. At our first class
meeting we elected Bob Horton as president, Sharon Karow as vicepresident, Karen Richards as secretary-treasurer, and Bob Lois to the
student council.
When homecoming rolled around, Jim Elwood became king. He
selected Sue Bartels, a junior, as his queen.
On January 17, we held our mid-term dance, "Winter Nocturne."
Everyone enjoyed dancing to the music of the "Collegiates" from
On April 10, we put on our class play, "Minick," under the direction
of Mr. Dongarra. It was a huge success and all who viewed it enjoyed
the antics of our Senior cast.
We will soon be leaving Wilmot to go out into the world and continue "growing up" but before doing so we hope to have a wonderful
time at our banquet in May and at our graduation exercises.
We would like to thank all who have aided us during our years
here, especially Mrs. Firchow, who became our class advisor when
Mr. Mammenga left us in our Sophomore year. Also, the very best of
luck to all the future Seniors and may they have as much fun as we
have had at Wilmot High.
I. F.
Page Foriy-Four
Row 1: Karen Richards, Sharon Karrow, Steve Anderson, Bud Meehan, Peg Timmer, Doris Kerkman,
Bob Gehring, Bill Carlson. Row 2: Richard Bently, Bob Lois, AI Prondzinski, Dick Sheen, Dick Tilton,
Herman Harmon, Don Amborn. Row 3: Bob Horton, Wally Partenheimer, Tom Gaynor, Mike McKee, Lee
Jeffers, Dennis Steffan, Mike Mahoney. Row 4: Carol Phipps, Joyce Heagle, Rose Boyd, Judy Kerkhoff,
Esther Larson, Violette Larson, Linda Michealis, Betty Arnold.
Row 1: Jodine Glasby, Robin Young, Sandra Miller, Mary Kames, Carol Nelson, Diane Ehlert. Row
2: Dana Davis, Elaine Dziedzic, Pat LaFayette, Diane Bush, Sandra Jacobsen, Ida Mae Fiegel, Mrs. Firchow. Row 3: Shirley Rasch, Sandy McNeely, Ron Toepper, Ken Nicpon, Eva Smith, Barbara Rasch.
Row 4: Bob Snarski, Jim Elwood, Bob Switzer, Fred Cornell, Jim Coleman, Tom Brandes.
Page Forty-Five
Dear Barbara:
Well, here I am, sitting in my penthouse on the moon.
I've been up here with my husband, a scientist, for the
past three years. I am now going to tell you just what I've
found out about our classmates of '59.
Diane Ehlert is here and she skiis on the green cheese
and also runs a resort for any and all who like to ski on
green cheese.
Donnie Amborn coaches the basketball team that will
soon compete against the moon team. Other players on
his team are Tom Gaynor, Herman Harmon, and Fred
Cornell. They really work together and usually win.
Carol Thebault is directing and producing Broadway
plays. Her leading lady is Robin Young, who has found
her career in acting. Both gained a lot of valuable experience from the Senior Class Play.
Peggy Timmer is the editor of the "Under the Moon
for Parkers" news and keeps us up to date on all the facts.
Violette Larson is operating a beauty studio with the
help of Carol Mae Nelson as chief maker-upper. Tom
Brandes assists with dying jobs. Their last victim was
Dana Davis, who finally succeeded in bleaching her hair.
Bob Horton is the one from whom I receive most of
the news for he broadcasts from Alaska to the moon every
day at about five thirty to six. From him I learned that
you are the head of the Clinic that is on the other side of
the moon, guess I just don't get around as much as I used
Betty Arnold gave up marriage to take charge of the
Arnold Typing Corporation. She has Sandi Miller and Pat
LaFayette as head secretaries. Some times they really
get engrossed in their jobs??????
Jodine Glasby is also up here and she is raising miniature horses for the moon men to ride.
I hear that Eva Smith is aiding you at the clinic and
is in love with the king of the moon men, who is tall,
dark and green.
Ken Nicpon, Ron Toepper and Bob Switzer formed a
dance band which is almost as good as Lawrence Welk.
They have Sharon Karrow as their star vocalist. I hear
she draws a large crowd. Dennis Steffan is their manager. They have made many appearances at Diane
Bush's night club.
Wally Partenheimer is in charge of Moonheimer's,
Incorporated. This firm sends out circulars to the earth
advertising the moon as the place to go on your honey·
moon. Lee Jeffers, who was once the confirmed bachelor,
is now married and has six little ones.
Gary Kunz and Dick Tilton run the High Moon Tavern where all the kids - 18 and over, go to have a high
time drinking straight moonshine and moonshine on the
rocks and also eating green cheese and crackers.
It will also interest you to know that Jim Coleman
is the one they are all talking about; the one who has been
in orbit in a sputnik for the past three months. He went
to Russia on a vacation and they put him into orbit.
Elaine Dziedzic teaches Moonican to the earth people at Wilmot and Shirley Rasch teaches them how to
typewrite that language.
Rich Bentley is on the earth designing cars while Tom
Anderson is customizing them. It so happens that Bud
Meehan has set up a business to compete with Rich, the
only thing is that Bud is here on the moon and Rich is
still on the earth.
Joyce Heagle tours the country as a soloist on the
Dick Sheen and Bob Gehring have joined resources
and established one of Wisconsin's most model farms.
AI Prondzinski has worked up the line at Nash and
is now in charge of the assembly line. Harold Marcussen has moved into that business too, and is one of
their test drivers.
Jim Elwood and Mike Mahoney are all stars on one
of the big ten football teams.
Mike McKee has a ranch in Idaho where he raises
horses for Steve Anderson to sell.
Bob Lois is now a very highly qualified math professor at Madison and one of the teachers he works with
is Sandy Jacobsen, who teaches chemistry.
Mary Komes and Esther Larson are earning high
wages working as stenographers for the navy base in
Sandra McNeely is happily married and has two children, a boy, Roger, and a girl, Mary. Living next door
to her is Karen Richards, who is married and who has a
set of twins.
Judy Kerkhoff and Rose Boyd are now the proud
owners of the high fashion ladies' shop in Kenosha. They
were together all through school and it seems they are
I hope that I have covered everyone from the class
of 1959. They certainly have grown up from what they
were in high school. Some have done exactly as they said
they would while others have turned out better or worse.
But in the process of growing up no one knows what can
happen. I hope all is well with you and yours.
Carol Phipps is making a mint repairing teeth that
are ruined by the green cheese.
Page Forty-Six
G. A. A.
The Girls Athletic Association is a very active club and is open for membership to
all girls who wish to participate in sports. Two periods a month are set aside by G. A. A.
for intra-class competition and regular monthly meetings are held to discuss business. The
sponsor is Mrs. Firchow. The officers are: President, Mary Komes; Vice-President, Sharon
Karow; Secretary-Treasurer, Student Council, Beverly Baden.
Page Forty-Eight
The Boys Athletic Association is open to all boys who are interested in sports. They
may all belong to the club but only those who are not members of the varsity teams may
participate in the intramural program. Mr. Bucci is the sponsor for the club. The officers
are: President, Wally Partenheimer; Vice-President, Jim Ratchek; Secretary-Treasurer,
Gregg Bush; Student Council, Bob Horton.
Page Forty·Nine
The Commercial Club is under the direction of Mr. Stein and is open to all commercial students. They put out the school paper. The officers are: President, Esther Larson;
Vice-President, Judy Rasch; Secretary-Treasurer, Judy Lois; Student Council, Carol Schenning.
Page Fifty
Any girl taking Home Economics has the privilege of joining W. H. T. This club
helps the girls in understanding and bettering social relationships in the home, among friends,
and in the community as a whole. The sponsor is Mrs. Miller and the officers are as follows:
President, Barbara Rasch; Vice-President, Esther Larson; Secretary-Treasurer, Mary Komes;
Student Council, Peg Timmer.
The Library Club is under the direction of Mrs. Miller and
is open to all girls interested in library work. The members have
charge of the library during designated periods of the day in
which they are responsible for the check-outs and for the collection of fines. The officers are: President, Jeanette Michaelis;
Vice-President, Margaret Hoffman; Student Council, Joy Kaskin; Secretary-Treasurer, Dolores Johnston.
Page Fifty-One
The paper staff works long, hard hours in getting out the
school paper each month. Mr. Stein is the sponsor and supervises the typing and art work.
These students are the students selected to make this book
"grow up." They are, from left to right, 1st row: Tom Brandes,
Sports Editor; Frank Jacobs, Junior Editor; Bill Lois, Sophomore Editor; Julie Gould, Freshman Editor. 2nd row: Tom
Gaynor, Assistant Business Manager; Barbara Rasch, Assistant E'ditor; Ida Mae Fiegel, Editor; Don Amborn, Business
ManagE;)r; Wally Partenheimer, Art Editor.
,;..••:?. .~:~::· .: _\ 7 ,~) '"l.:;!.:. .. 1-.·ii r~·...:rs.':f:'!"\:,
Page Fifty-Two
The Photo Club is under the direction of Mr. Heigl and is an organization open to all
students who have a special interest in photography. Only the Photo Club members are able
to use the school cameras. This year Ida Mae Fiegel is the photo editor for the annual and
many of the pictures in this book are the result of her work. The club officers are: President,
Shirley Rasch; Vice-President, Neal Kiley; Secretary-Treasurer, Sandy Redman; Student
Council, Barbara Rasch.
W~t!.>•n K!.>nosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Page Fifty-Three
KING and QUEEN -Jim Elwood and Sue Bartels
FRESHMEN -Bill Horbach and Pat Carlson
SOPHOMORE- Tim Gwizdala and Judy Rasch
JUNIOR- Jim Harman and Tam Gwizdala
SENIOR- Herman Harman and Diane Bush
no· n Th e R"IVIera
KING-···Dick Tilton
QUEEN- Carol Jo Ness
Rest Assured
Junior Class Play Cast
Mr. Morlock
Mrs. Morlock
Joe Lanconi
Luigi Lanconi
Miss Askers
George Plew
Mrs. Schmaltz
Doctor Brown
Mr. Black
Mrs. Frinch
Assistant Director
- Paul Dicklin
Louise Griebel
- Sue Chesko
- Judy Schwartz
Joy Nelson
Tom Dicklin
Dick Kunz
Darlene Mikolas
Judy Cates
Glen Kerkman
Susan ·wirth
Ken Lampe
Jim Ratchek
- Carole Prang
John Scalzo
Mr. Dongarra
Glenna Eckert
Senior Class Play Cast
Nettie Minick
Lil Corey
Fred Minick
Old Man Minick
Jim Corey
Mr. Price
Mr. Dietenhofer
Mrs. Smallridge
Miss Crackenwald
Mrs. Lippincott
Miss Stack
Al Diamond
Marge Diamond
Asst. Director
- Robin Young
Sharon Karow
Diane Bush
Bob Lois
Wally Partenheimer
Harold Marcussen
Gary Kunz
- Tom Brandes
Dana Davis
Barbara Rasch
- Elaine Dziedzic
- Shirley Rasch
Sandra Jacobsen
Dennis Steffen
Sandra Miller
Mr. Dongarra
Carole Thebault
The Wilmot High School Band welcomes their new director, Mr.
George Amoth, who has done a very fine job in building up the Band.
The Band this year started out with 15 members, but during the year it
has grown and now has 26 members.
During the year the Band played for football games, pep meetings,
basketball games and also a few assembly programs.
On February 2, five members of the Band, Violet Larson, Joyce
Heagle, Glenna Eckert, Bonnie Horton, and Neal Kiley, participated in
the Massed Band held at Walworth High School Auditorium.
On May 13th, the Band took its annual trip. This year to Chicago
to tour through a few Music buildings and to see a Broadway Musical,
"The lVI usic Man."
On April 18th, the members took part in the music contest at Whitewater. Those that received a first in the "A" or "B" class were eligible
to go on to State held at Madison. As a result of the State contest
Barbara Caddock, Sax Solo; the Triple Trio; and Mary Ann Walton and
Barbara Caddock, Sax Duet, received firsts.
Page Sixty-Four
All officers of the band must have had at least one year of
band before they are eligible to become officers. It is their job
to see that the band is kept in perfect order at all times. This
year's officers are: Captain, Joyce Heagle; Violette Larson,
Secretary; Bonnie Horton, Student Council; Barbara Caddock,
Vice-President; Glenna Eckert and Carla Dankert, Librarians.
All members that go to massed band are selected by a committee within the band. Those that represented our school this
year are: Glenna Eckert, Violet Larson, Niel Kiley, Bonnie Horton, and Joyce Heagle.
Page Sixty-Five
Girls that have the 7th period free may participate in Girls Chorus.
the contest at Whitewater in the spring and sing at the Spring Concert.
They enter
Any student who has the 6th period free may try out for Mixed Chorus.
group goes to the Festival at Whitewater and sings at the Spring Concert.
Page Sixty-Six
Z~Gi.! ._ii,.:M ..~:> -"· .~ . : -:-:..~ "' ~~. r:"#;-i'l
This year our school is proud to have a Triple Trio. They
have done excellent work locally and in the state contest. We
are all proud to have them representing our school.
Massed Chorus members from our school were: Tom Kerkman, Allen Pelz, Wally Partenheimer, Niel Kiley, Mike Mahoney, Ken Jandula, Sharon Karow, Barbara Caddock, Pat
Weinberg, Glenna Eckert, Joyce Heagle, Rita Ceremuga. They
were chosen by Mr. Amoth and represented our school in the
Massed Chorus at Waterford.
Page Sixty-Seven
Western Kenosha Cly. Hist. Soc.
The above are students who participated in th~ Whitewater contest April 18, 1959. The results were
as follows:
Barbara Caddock
Carla Dankert
Rita Ceremuga and
Allen Pelz
Barbara Rasch
Bonnie Horton
1st Triple Trio
Barb Caddock and
Mary Ann Walton
Glenna Eckert
Carla Dankert and
Violet Larson
Carla Dankert
Glenna Eckert and
Niel Kiley
Saxophone Solo
Flute Solo
Vocal Duet
Piano Solo
Piano Solo
Sax Duet
Vocal Solo
Vocal Duet
Rita Ceremuga and
Joyce Heagle
Joyce Heagle
Sharon Becker
Marlene Jerde
Linda Brenning
2nd Triple Trio
Carla Dankert
Rita Ceremuga
Paul Dicklin
Sue Eckert and
Ken Jandula
Joyce Heagle and
Janet Schmalfeldt
Janet Schmalfeldt
J "nst Schmalfeldt
Vocal Dust
Cornet Solo
Bass Horn Solo
Flute Solo
French Horn Solo
Basoon Solo
French Horn Solo
Vocal Duet
Cornet Duet
Cornet Solo
Piano Solo
The people pictured above are those who participated at Whitewater
by either playing a piano solo or by being an accompanist.
P.age Sixty-Eight
Although the Panther football team of 1959, under the coaching of Frank Bucci, did not
have as good a record as that of previous years they made a very good showing, all things considered. The scores began to look better as the boys gained experience, and we closed the season with
three straight wins.
The Panthers started the season off well by tieing Antioch in their first game. Then they
stepped into the rugged Southern Lakes conference competition. They lost the first four games to
the schools who placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in the conference. As the boys gained experience
we started to win. The Panthers ended up the season with three .straight wins, downing Badger,
East Troy, and Burlington.
The Panthers placed 5th in conference play. The Senior boys, who deserve a lot of credit,
are Jim Elwood who was this year's captain, Wally Partenheimer, Bob Horton and AI Prondzinski.
Three Juniors who will play a lot of football next year are: Gary Held, Jim Ratchek, and Jim
Harman. These three boys along with Tim Gwizdala and Greg Bush will carry the big load next
year on the football team.
Wally Partenheimer was voted most valuable player of the year in the Southern Lakes conference. He also placed on the All-Conference football team. AI Prondzinski, another senior,
was placed on the second All-Conference team. Those who received honorable mentions were Jim
Elwood, Jim Ratchek, Gary Held, Greg Bush, and Tim Gwizdala.
The student body joins us in proudly presenting the 1959 record:
Wilmot 14-lVIukwonago
Wilmot 0-Whitewater
Wilmot 19-Elkhorn
Wilmot 12-Delavan
Wilmot 19-L. G. Badger
Wilmot 19-East Troy
Wilmot 20-Burlington
Wilmot 26-Antioch
Page Seventy
As the 1959 Panthers left the floor having played their last game of the season,
they left with the proud distinction of having won the "runner-up" spot in the sub-district
tournament played at "Wilmot. The season's record had not been too impressive but each
player was proud to have been a member of the team and the fans never lost their enthusiasm for the games. Many of the lost games had been close and the season had been full
of excitement and thrills for all.
The Panthers .started the season off right by defeating Union Grove, 46 to 44, in
a real thriller. After the alumni game, in which they beat us, Coach Handke's team began the conference schedule by playing Delavan-Darien. We lost this one, 51 to 62, and
then took on Mukwonago, where we lost a real thriller, 51 to 54. The next game was a
non-conference tilt with Walworth Big Foot and we won this one 48 to 31. This was to
be our last win until the tournament as therecord below shows.
The teams taking part in the tournament were: Clinton, Walworth, 'Williams Bay,
Wisconsin School for the Deaf, and Wilmot. We successfully moved into the finals by
eliminating Wisconsin School for the Deaf, 65 to 58, but lost in an overtime period to a
good team from Williams Bay in the finals.
Wally Partenheimer's consistently good play won him an honorable mention on the
All-Conference team and Mike McKee .should receive mention for having transferred
from Genoa City as his 6 foot 2 inches in height helped a great deal under the boards. Tom
Gaynor also did a lot of rebounding for Wilmot.
Right Forward-Tom Gaynor, Wally Partenheimer, Tom Dicklin
Left Forward-Lee Jeffers, Herman Harman
The Players :
Center-Wally Partenheimer, Mike McKee, John Scalzo
Right Guard-Don Amborn, Gregg Bush, Jim Harman
Left Guard-Gary Held, Norm Robers, Fred Cornell
The Record
Wilmot 46-Union Grove
Wilmot 39-Alumni
Wilmot 51-Delavan·Darien
Wilmot 51-Mukwonago
Wilmot 41-East Troy
Wilmot 32-Lake Geneva Badger 84
Wilmot 58-Whitewater
Wilmot 48-Walworth Big Foot 31
Wilmot 42-Elkhorn
Wilmot 47-Burlington
Wilmot 50-Salem Central
Wilmot 33-Lake Geneva Badger 61
Wilmot 43-Delavan-Darien
Wilmot 55-Mukwonago
Wilmot 51-Salem Central
Page Seventy-Two
Wilmot 46-East Troy
Wilmot 44-Whitewater
Wilmot 56-Elkhorn
Wilmot 58-Burlington
Tournament Record
Wilmot 65-School for Deaf
Wilmot 58-Williams Bay
This year's "B" team under their new coach, Mr. Stowell, didn't have too much to brag
about from the standpoint of games won, but the boys won .something which is just as important and which can never be taken away from them and that is, experience.
Glenn Rasch played for the "A" squad before basketball season was over, but he
wasn't the only Sophomore to show improvement as Allen Pelz, Bob Lois, Ron May, Dennis
Jeffers, and Joe Rygelski will all benefit from what they have learned, when they become
Juniors and step up to play on the "A" squad. Probably the Freshman who contributed
most to his team was Pete Gwizdala. Pete played in every game but one. Other Freshmen
who will carry a big load next year are Don Yuknis, Lynn Thornton, Tom Alby, Ray
Cates, Bill Horbach, .Raymond Zirzow.
The Senior memb~rs of the
basketball squad this year
Tom GaynorForward
Lee JeffersForward
Wally PartenheimerCapt., Center
Don AmbornGuard
Mike McKeeCenter
Page Seventy-Three
Last year's baseball team didn't do as well as some of our teams in the past, but the
Panthers, led by Gil Amborn, their captain, put up a good battle in every game.
Coach Handke started the season off right by leading the team to a 4 to 3 victory over
St. Mary's of Burlington, but when we played our county rivals our luck left us and we
wound up with an 8-0 defeat. The Panthers had only two more wins, one against Lake Geneva and the other against Whitewater City High.
Recognition should be given to Gil Amborn who was the only Senior on the team.
Much credit must also be given to last year's Juniors because they carried the biggest load.
They were: Jim Schlitz, Fred Cornell and Don Amborn.
The Sophomores of "58" should be proud of their four representatives on the team.
They were: Norm Robers, Dave Van Every, Frank Platts, and Frank Jacobs. The Freshmen
were represented by two players who were Glenn Rasch and Greg Bush. Glenn did a very
fine job.
Wilmot 4-St. Mary 3
Wilmot 0-Central 8
Wilmot 0- Burlington 3
Wilmot 6-Lake Geneva 5
Wilmot 2-Delavan 7
Wilmot 5-Mukwonago 12
Wilmot 4-East Troy 5
Wilmot 5-Whitewater 4
Wilmot 1-Elkhorn 7
Wilmot 2-Antioch 16
Wilmot 1-St. Mary's 5
Wilmot 3~Salem 6
Page Seventy-Five
Wn~f:.?r'f' r~!'t("C'.h~ f':':ty. •··H~t. Soc.
The 1958 Panther trackmen for the third consecutive year kept the school tradition by placing very high in the state and sectional meets. The Panthers were fourth in Southern Lake conference. Throughout the year they lost only one meet which was a match between three schools, Rochester, Mukwonago, and Wilmot.
Five members of the team placed in the sectional meet along with the 880 relay team.. Three
members of the team then represented us in the State meet. They were: Wally Partenheimer who
placed 4th in the 440; Bob Horton who placed 3rd in the 880; and Jim Bauman who placed 5th in
the low hurdles and 4th in high hurdles. We are proud of the record of these fine athletes.
East Troy
Conference Meet
East Troy
Sectional (Whitewater)
1st-440 - 53.2 Wally Partenheimer
1st-1-880- 2.05.9 -Bob Horton
2nd-Low Hurdles- 16.1- Jim Bauman
3rd-Relay 880- 1:36.5- Wally Partenheimer, Bob Horton, Jim
5th-Shotput - AI Prondzinski
State Meet
440-Wally Partenheimer- 4th
880-Bob Horton- 3rd
Low Hurdles-Jim Bauman- 5th
High Hurdles-Jim Bauman- 4th
Track Record
Union Grove
Page Seventy-Six
Pictured above are the members of last year's golf team. They
lost four meets and won one. They are Mr. Olson, sponsor, Gil
Amborn, Gary Held, Marvin Vincent, and Bob Greskoviak.
The boys in this picture are this year "W" letter winners. They have won these
letters through long hours of hard work and all deserve this distinction.
Page Seventy-Seven
This year's "A" team cheerleaders were: Rae Cornell, Judy
Lois, Darlene Mikolas, Betty Rosentreter, and Mary Komes. They
attended all games faithfully and helped us maintain our school
spirit at all times.
This year's two "B" team cheerleader squads consisted of, standing: Beverly Arnold, Judy Cates, Sue Olson, Sandy Shepanic, and
Judy Rasch. Sitting: Patty Carlson, Rose ann Nielson, Joy Kaskin,
Roberta Robinson, and Billy Lee Bergmark.
Page Seventy-Eight
This year's homemaker of
tomorrow is Joyce Heagle.
She won this award by writing a test. Congratulations,
Wally Partenheimer and Shirley Rasch won the
spade and spoon award last spring. This is a great
honor for them and we are very proud to have them
in the class of '59.
This year's "Daughter of
the American Revolution" is
Ida Mae Fiegel. She was selected by the faculty and student body for this award.
.!'<''.: .te·?. .1 .'!t:; %.~:~~~;!;
Pictured above are three outstanding Juniors.
Left: Paul Dicklin, who will represent Wilmot at Badger Boys' State this summer. Center: Mary Ann Walton, who will represent Wilmot at Badger Girls' State
this summer. Right: John Salzo, who will represent
Wilmot at Trees for Tomorrow at Eagle River.
Page Eighty
AT LEFT is Terry Avery who received
an "A" up at state for his original oration, "The Hypocracy of Communism."
Terry A very, Louise Griebel and Diane Plunket represented
Wilmot at the district contest at Fort Atkinson. Terry received
an "A" here and thus went on to state.
These are all students who participated in forensics this year.
They were coached by Mr. Bilotti
and from this group we received
a winner up at state. We are very
proud of all these people and hope
that next year we will have as good
a turnout as we had this year.
\NA~~~"n Y~no~~~ C~y. Ht~t. ~-OC.
Page Eighty-One
This year there was only one Senior cheerleader and
she was Mary Komes. She did a fine job and deserves a
lot of credit for her hours spent cheering.
The three Senior captains this year were Wally
Partenheimer for Basketball, Donnie Amborn for
Baseball, and Jim Elwood for Football. These boys
led their teams through the year and each did a fine
Page Eighty-Two
Page Eighty-Three
All those who participated in the Whitewater contest and who
were in class A orB and received a first were able to go to the state
contest in May. At that contest three firsts were given and two
seconds. The students who entered these contests are given our
sincere congratulations for their wonderful work.
Page Eighty-Four
5215 Sheridan Road and 13th Avenue and 60th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Phone OLympic 4-6695
Selected for:
We specialize in Hard Tops and Convertibles. Our Business is owned and operated
by Vernon F. Schenning and Willis A. Freeman, both ALUMNI OF WILMOT HIGH
SCHOOL. We personally guarantee our cars for 30 days. We select the finest cars in
this section of the country to stock our two conveniently located lots in Kenosha.
We have three salesmen on duty daily from 9:00 to 9:00 to help you in selecting the
car of your choice.
For the finest in used cars drop in and see us Financing is easily arranged on the premises.
Best of luck to all the graduates of 1959.
Page Eighty-Six
we have the best buys possible.
Since 1924
5810 Seventh Avenue, Kenosha, Wis.
School- Office -Institutional - Church - Hotel - Motel
Furniture and Equipment
(we take trade-ins)
Greeting Card - Stationery- Gifts
Phone- Kenosha OLympic 4-2193
On the Advent to Adulthood
"Memories Fade, Symbols Remember"
Fast, Fine
Color and Black
and White
Fine Cameras
and Photographic
West Side - 3713 Roosevelt Road
Downtown- 5729 Sixth A venue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Page Eighty-Seven
Wilmot, Wis.
Phone UN 2-3221
Call us any day of the year or for that extra special occasion.
You'll like our choice flowers.
Bedding Plants, Cut and Designed Flowers, Flowering Plants
Compliments of
Compliments of
First National
Fairview Dining Room
Drinks the Finest - Food the Best
Antioch, IlL
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Page Eighty-Eight
Mrs. Young's Snack Shack
First National Bank
Twin Lakes, Wis.
of Kenosha
Hamburgers, French Fried Shrimp,
Our 1 07th Year of Service
Steak Sandwiches, Baked Ham,
Kenosha's Oldest and Largest Bank
Established 1852
Fountain Service
Member of F. D. I. C.
TR 7-3742
to the Class of '59
Compliments of
May All Gentlemen
Be Prosperous
And All Women
Wear Mink
Village Variety
A. J. Smith
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Mink Rancher
Page Eighty-Nine
Frank Krisko
Home Made Sausage- Smoked
Meats - Corned Beef
UN 2-3551
Wilmot, Wis.
The Angel's
Dining Room - Cocktail Lounge
Compliments of
Formerly Our Country Club
Hours: 11 a. m. to 1 a.m.
Strang Funeral Home
Cater to Parties
Licensed in Wisconsin and Illinois
Hwy. 83 and Wilmot Road
Phone UN 2-9191
Cocktail Lounge - Overlooking the Lake
Phone TRiangle 7-5081
Carey Electric &
Plumbing Shop
The Pink House
Heated Rooms- Open Year 'Round
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Ed and Jean
(bottled cooking gas)
Meyers Automatic Water Systems
Westinghouse Appliances
Phone: TR 7-5932 or TR 7-3061
Steam- Hot Water Heating
Fair Lady
Antioch, Illinois
Phone 75
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Page Ninety
Wilbur Lumber Company
"Where Your Home Begins"
Building Material
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Paint, Builder's Hardware, Coal,
George Richter, Prop.
Glass, Brick, Cement
Quality Foods at
Everyday Low Prices
Complete Service from Plans
to Financing
Phone TR 7-2911
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Phone TU 9-4461
Wheatland 96-W
Compliments of the State Bank of Antioch
Page Ninety-One
Kenosha Travel Service
Compliments of
"World Wide Service"
Bloss Mink Ranch
2315 Roosevelt Road
Salem, Wisconsin
Michler's Funeral Home
The Advertiser
Ambulance Service
Kenosha, w·is.
Phone Antioch 404
Compliments of
~·;tJ; .
. ' ··- ):_
Page Nionety-Two
Salem, Wisconsin
"Look Your Best- For the Woman Who Cares"
Ruth Ann's Beauty Service
18 Automatic Lanes
Children's Playroom
Loth Building - Silver Lake, Wis.
Cocktail Lounge
Open Tuesday and Thursday Afternoon
Closed Wednesday Afternoon
Towne & Country Lanes
Shop Phone TU 9-4654 - Res. TU 9-4445
434 Wilmot Ave., Burlington, Wis.
Hours 9 A.M.- 5 P.M.
Friday Evening
Air Conditioned
Carl's Store
Phone ROckwell 3-7333
Leonard Kist, Manager
Fountain- Film- Baby Needs- Toys
Home Remedie:S - Veterinary Products
Papers- Magazines - Cosmetics
TUcker 9-9891
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Anna Tiechner
Insure In Sure Insurance·
with the
Schenning Insurance Agency
Silver L,ake, Wis.
N otacry Public
Silver Lake, Wis.
Phone: TUcker 9-5143
Phone TU 9-4731
Compliments of
Compliments of
J. Lyle Kerkhoff
Electrical Contractor
Twilla Cottage
Phone: TUcker 9-4225
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Silver Lake, Wis.
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Page Ninety-Three
Mayer Drug
Kenosha, Wis.
Congratulations- Class of '59
"Your Prescription Store"
Shorewood Foods and
5537 Sixth Ave.
Through the Arch on Hwy. 50
Antioch lumber & Coal
Company, Inc.
Harvey and Dorothy Timmer
Everything to Build Anything
See Our New Displays
Phones 15 and 16
Antioch, Ill.
Bill's Hardware
The Friendly Little Store with the
Big Bargains
Dairy Queen
Burlington, Wis.
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Telephone TR 7-2662
Williams Dept. Store
Standard Service
Since 1871
Greasing - Washing - Repairing
Phone 2 - Antioch, Ill.
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Page Ninety-Four
Twin Lakes Barber Shop
Compliments of
John Indrika, Prop.
Al's Zesto Drive Inn
Women's and Children's Haircuts
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Twin Lakes, vVisconsin
Congratulations Class of '59
Lakeway Packing Co.
El Rancho
Hwy. 50- 4 miles from Kenosha
Pasadena Gardens
Home Made Sausage
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Patla, Jr.
Smoked and Fresh Meats
Hotel and Restaurant Supply
Cater to weddings, partie:S, banquets
Cocktails and Dancing
OL 4-8665
Coffee Shop and Grill
Hildebrandt's Dept. Store
Antioch, Illinois
Everything for Everyone
Apparel - Gifts - Antiques
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Ace Hardware
Compliments of
(Roosevelt Road Hardware)
Bank of Burlington
Town and County Center
Serving the Community Since 1872
Member of F. D. I. C.
Kenosha's Most Complete Store
75th and 45th
"Ace Sets the Pace"
Leon C. Nickels
Page Ninety-Five
Tom Gaynor
Don Amborn
Wally Partenheimer
Lee Jeffers
Mike McKee
Compliments of
"The Bank That Makes You Feel At Home"
Burlington, Wisconsin
Member of the F. D. I. C.
Page Ninety-Six
Holtdorf Electric
Compliments of
Silver Lake, Wis.
Ed Dicklin Construction Co.
Electric Appliances - Wiring
Twin Lakes, Wis.
A. E. I-Ioltdorf
Cement Work - Builders
TU 9-4311
Box 296
Phone TR 7-3243
Residence Phone TU 9-4313
Evans Lumber Co.
John Evans & Son
Building Materials
Salem, Wisconsin
VInewood 3-4311
Whtld. 10-M
Compliments of
Ray Wertz
Washed Sand and Gravel
Compliments of
Bassett, Wis.
Tuttle's Mink Ranch
Salem, Wisconsin
Page Ninety-Seven
Lyons-Ryan Ford
Compliments of
939 Main Street
Trevor Feed Co.
..;\ntioch, Illinois
Phone Antioch 770
Kruse Hardware Co.
Hardware and Stoves
Compliments of
Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring, Sheet
Metal, Ben Hur Freezers, and General Electric
Refrigerators and Television
Pretzman Grocery
SheHane Gas -
Powers Lake, Wisconsin
Interest Charged After 30 Days
Richmond 4411
If you want the Best in Anything for
Your Table in Groceries or Meats
Hansen Funeral Home
AI vin T. Hansen
Shop at
1880- 1959
Phone OL 4-2136
Howard E. Williams, Prop.
Cardinal Foods
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
24 Hour Ambulance Service
Phone TU 9-4182
Page Ninety-Eight
Standard Oil Company
Fred Schmalfeldt, Agent
Ph. TU 9-4292
Wheatland 59-M
Gasoline - Kerosene - Fuel Oils
Greases and Insecticides
Prompt and Efficient
Compliments of
Von Service
Your Mobile Gas Dealer
See, It Doesn't
Silver Lake, W"is.
Rollie 1 S Fuel Service
Bassett Hardware
Highway 50 at Silver Lake Corners
Stanley Stoxen, Prop.
Office and Bulk Plant
General Hardware, Plumbing and
Gas - Oil - Tires - Accessories
Home and F'arm Deliveries
Transport Service
Phone TR 7-2055
Bassett, Wis.
VInewood 3-2511
Colonial Furniture
and Upholstering
Compliments of
Custom Made Furniture
Ben Franklin Store
Slip Covers, Draperies
Refinishing, Cabinet Work
Antioch, Illinois
Slades Corners, \Visconsin
Telephone Antioch 30
Phone Wheatland 3-L
C. J. Ryba
Page Ninety-Nine
Congratulations and Best Wishes from
Bowling Instructors
Leagues and Open Bowling
Home of the Famous Wonder Bar Ballroom
Available for Weddings, Parties, and Social Affairs
Charles Harbaugh Lumber
The Leader Store
Quality Products- Courteous Service
H. Chemerow
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Phone TR 7-2311 or TR 7-2321
Twin Lakes Pharmacy
Bruch Funeral Home
Prescriptions - Drugs -Sodas
24 Hour Ambulance Service
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
3503 Roosevelt Road, Kenosha, Wis.
Phone Kenosha 2-8298
Phone TR 7-4321
...::-.-:.~ .1~~ ·':=:.lj, ~::;.,y; .~·~· ! ..:~-~~,·
Page One Hundred
Insurance for Your Every Need
Compliments to
Auto- Fire- Life- Hospital
Class of '59
All Casualty Coverages
Gerald M. Siebert
Real Estate and Insurance
Bassett Garage
Siebert's Hotel
Phone VI 3-4411
Salem, WiRconsin
Phone TR 7-9151
Village Realty
Lake Mary Resort
Hazel Olson
Ted and Julius
Real Estate- Insurance
(formerly Peterson's)
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Phone TR 7-5301
Authorized Dealer
"The Friendly Store"
Compliments of
Silver Lake, W-isconsin
Eland Carrie Braund, Owners
Powers Lake
Development Co.
(Jefferson Oil)
Compliments of
Imported and Domestic Oils
Miller's Corners
A. Fisher
Ray Miller, Owner
Richmond, Illinois
Page One Hundred-One
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. Soc.
Rambler- Studebaker
Buick - OlcLsmobile
Chevrolet - Pontiac
Mercury- Lincoln
Dodge - Plymouth
Your Friendly FORD Dealer
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Peltier Furniture Co.
Complete Home Furnishers
Burlington, Wisconsin
6209 22nd Ave., Kenosha, Wis.
Shop at Sears and Save
Phone OLympic 7-5133
Compliments of
Dr. Fred C. Mayer
A. H. Lois Feed Co.
Bassett, Wisconsin
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Phone TR 7-4981
TR 7-2053
Page One Hundred-Two
Wheatland 62
Pedersen Bros. lmpl.
Ripp's Hobby Center
Complete Line of Farm Equipment
Craft Supplies
and G. M. C. Trucks
6122- 22nd Ave.
Antioch, Illinois
Phone Antioch 5£19 or Antioch 593-M-1
Ph. OL 2-6183
Uptown- Kenosha, Wis.
Free Parking in Rear
Alfred and Bob Pedersen
Chain O'Lakes Cleaners
Compliments of
Antioch, Illinois
Gibb's Variety
Louis Mowen & Son
Antioch, Illinois
Telephone Antioch 636
Building Supplies Company
Compliments of
Cement and Light Weight Blocks
Montgomery Ward
a.nd Concrete Products
Kenosha, Wis.
Phone UN 2-2341
Wilmot, Wis.
Page One Hundred-Three
Art's Paint Store
Seno's Feed Store
Paint, Wallpaper, Draperies and
Feed Grinding and Molasses Mixed
With Your Feeds
Phone Antioch 320
Seno's Concentrates for Poultry,
Hog,s and Cattle
406 Lake St. -In Post Office Bldg.
Antioch, Illinois
Slades Corners, Wis.
Phone Wheatland 30-F
Louie's Tavern
Real Estate and Insurance
Fish Fry Friday and Saturday
Chicken Saturda:Y
Antioch, Illinois
Phone 23
Slades Corners, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Rollie's Store
Wilmot, Wisconsin
King's Drugs
Sundrie.s, Kodaks, Luick Ice Cream
Antioch, Illinois
Best Wishes Graduates ...
"Gifts That Are Treasured"
Wilmot Auto Service
Harm Garwood, Mgr.
C. S. Hubbard
Jeweler and Engraver
Phone UN 2-9221
705- 58th St.
Pa)Jf" One Hundred-Four
Kenosha, Wis.
Wilsonls Laundromat
Barden S
Dry Cleaning
Kenosha, Wis.
Phone Antioch 808
Route 173 and 59 - Antioch, Ill.
Since 1889
Kenosha's Home of Well-Known
Nationally Advertised Merchandise
Self-Service and Drop-Offs
of Better Quality
Schmidt Implement Co.
Chas. and Em's
John Deere Farm Equipment
Candy- Ice Cream - School Supplies
Since 1935
Variety Store
Salem, Wisconsin
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Page One Hundred-Five
Best Wishes to the Class of 1959
"Skate for Fun"
Consumers Cooperative
• •
Rollin' Wheels Roller Rink
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
A Sign of Service
A Pledge of Quality
"Is Your Trea.sury Fund Low?"
Plan a special party for your church,
school, or group organization. For information call Twin Lakes TR 7-2821 or
during skating session call Twin Lakes
TR 7-9571. Open every night beginning
Friday, June 26th, from 7:30p.m. to 11:30
p.m. Sunday matinees from 2 to 5 p.m.
Ballroom dancing every Wednesday night
10 to midnight. Fall and winter schedule:
Open every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and Sunday evening 7 :30 to 11 :30 p.m.
We welcome parents and guardians at
all times. No charge when accompanying
children or party groups.
"Everyone Shares in Co-op Benefits"
Farm Machinery- Hardware
Petroleum Products- Mill and
Coal Yard- L. P. Gas
Phone ROckwell 3-3521
664 Dodge Street, Burlington, Wis.
Robel - Swatek
Shell Gasoline with TCP and
Paddock Lake Lumber Co.
Furnace Oil with 50A - 5X
Salem, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wis.
Wheatland 96-M
TU 9-4111
Compliments of
Murphy Products Company
Phone TUcker 9-4511
Burlington, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Page One H?J,ndred-Six
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Small Enough To Serve You Better- Large Enough to Serve You Best
"The Bank That Satisfied Customers Built"
Member F. D. I. C.
Compliments of
Compl'iments of
Gaston Printing Company
Paul Schatz
Paul Brown
Phones 43 and 44
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Antioch, Illinois
Specialists in "Ivy" Apparel
Silver Lake Barber Shop
and Sports Shop
Larson & Hofner
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
"The Stag Shop"- Burlington, Wis.
Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat.,
Our College Shop Opens August 1st
8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Fri. 8 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Open Every Nite Till 9:00 P. M.
Francis O'Neil
Page One Hundred-Seven
Henry Andre
Lots o.f fun if you're over 21
lsermann Bros.
Men's Clothing and
Bamboo Hut
Freeman Shoes
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Phone TR 7-4021 for Carry-Out
Brass Ball Cheese Mart
Selected Wisconsin Cheese and
Gift Boxe.s
Hickory Smoked Sausages and Meats
Twin Lakes Beaute Studio
Virginia Kohlmann, Prop.
Open Tuesday Through Saturday
Evenings: Tuesday and Thursday
Hwy. 50- 1 Block West of 83
Phone TR 7-4364
Twin Lakes, Wis.
George Lichter, Prop.
Salem, Wis.
VI 3-3083
Barnstable - Brogan
Vesel's Super Food Mart
Antioch, Illinois
Top U.S. Choice Meats
Frozen Foods
Vegetables - Groceries - Dairy
Aged Beef
Twin Lakes, Wis.
Phone TR 7-2511
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
8- 9 Days
Kenosha, Wis.
Page One Hundred-Eight
8- 5 Sunday
Gibbs and Jenssen
For the Finest Homemade
Sporting Goods
Ice Cream It's
Antioch, Ill. - Phone 922
Jack Andrea
Sportswear for Men and Women
Everything in Athletic and Fishing
Supplies, Pet Supplies, Johnson Outboard Motors - Scarlet and White
Leather Jackets.
Rambler Drive and 24th Ave.
"Since 1911 Your Family's Good
Schultz Skelgas Service
Compliments of the
Silver Lake, Wis.
B & K Shoe Store
Plumbing, Heating and Appliances
Good Shoes for the Entire Family
Arthur Schultz, Prop,.
for over 35 years
TU 9-5552
Wheatland 59-W
706 Geneva St., Burlington, Wis.
County Electric Sales
and Service
Phone 8558
Julius Urban
Elmer Kaphengst, Sr. and Jr.
Custom Tailoring- Men and Women
Cleaning - Pressing - Remodeling
2230 Roosevelt Rd., Kenosha, Wisconsin
Wiring- Carpenter Work
Refrigeration- Gifts- Cards and
Appliances and Paints
Salem, Wis.
Phone VI 3-2501
Bauman Hardware Co.
Compliments of
General Hardware
Plumbing Supplies- Water Systems
The Old Town Pump
Electrical Supplies
Burlington, Wisconsin
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Phone TU 9-4353
Page One HundTed-Nine
Office: TRiangle 7-4411
Residence: TRiangle 7-4031
Frank Z. Platts
General Insurance
Bannister Insurance Agency
Congratulations to the Class of '59
Walter and Jeanne Stopa
Wilmot Ski Hills
Wilmot, Wis.
A. J. Eggert
Eckhoff Gas Company
Dri-Gas, Roper and Preway Stoves,
Gould Water Pump Systems
Plumbing - Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned
and Repaired
Gas and Oil Burners Installed
Torrid-Heet, Empire and Coleman Furnaces
Gas Heating and Appliances
Bottle and Bulk Gas
Twin Lakes, Wis.
TRiangle 7-5711
Tel. Silver Lake TU 9-4 785
Cam'p Lake, Wis.
"Wisconsin's Outstanding Store
· for Women"
Brown's Lake
Ct~~ Mtlfi,q4K}
Burlington, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wisconsin
,~~J.i:4 ,-;!t;:!r; .~f)~ j.:~IY'(};; fr~<lilh•,rfl.-.j
Page One Hundred-Ten
Compliments of
Good Luck from
Bob Mink
Hannaford's Organ Studios
Pianos - Organs
"King of Diamonds"
6128 22nd Ave.- Uptown Kenosha
Diamonds - Jewelers
OL 8-1220
Kenosha's Diamond Center
Uptown Kenosha
Free Parking in Rear
Silver Lake Grill
Compliments of
Fine Food - Quick Service
Trevor Store
Low Prices
Silver Lake, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Rollie & Jo's Resort
Clough's Shoe Store
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Cottages - Boats- Bait
Visit the Tame Deer
Congratulations Class of '59
Lake Elizabeth
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
Hartnell Chevrolet Co.
Salem, Wisconsin
Phone VI 3-3311
Where you can buy with confidence
Page One Hund1·ed-Eleven
Western Kenosha Cty. Hist. SOQ.
Antioch Packing House
Compliments of
So-Pat Brand
Meinhardt Bank
Burlington, Wis.
Antioch, Illinois
Keulman's Jewelry
Live Bait and Sporting Goods
Watches, Diamonds
R. C. A. Television and Radios
Wilmot, Wisconsin
Antioch, Ill.
Maurer's Flowerland
Kenosha Prescription Laboratories
Block Brothers
Chiappetta's Men's Wear
Herbert N. Block
Ernst's Book Store
Singer Sewing Machine
Green bergs'
Badger Paint Co.
Tysons Sport Store
Compliments of
A. J. Roesing Furniture Store
Burlington, ·wisconsin
"Quality for Less"
Twin Lakes
Chain '0 Lakes Cleaners
Southern Gas Co.
Gaynor Construction
Chuck's Service Station
American House for Sports
Larsens Boomerang Bar
Jewel Box
Klass Men's Store
Western Tire and Auto Store
Dr. Charles D. Ness
Town & Country Clothing
SUver Lake
Paul Swartz Nursery
Ready to Eat or Roast
Folly Turkey Farm
McDougal Hardware
Genoa City
Genoa City Pharmacy
Paf{e One Hundred-Twelve