Walter Reuther Central High School Yearbook 1999
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Walter Reuther Central High School Yearbook 1999
The Walter Reuther Central High School yearbook, for the 1998 to 1999 school year.
21773443 bytes
Walter Reuther Central High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
R E U T H E R C E N T RA L H I G H SC H 0 0 L
v y
Latasha Br w
~ eatrer Burke
Ca cag'lo
frank Care
f::r k Carri o
carter Teresa
Nl)rturing ttle Seeds of
Car so C'lr s or
Clouser Kurt
Coo~ er Arr y
C o u c
Corrigan Sarah
Kather ne
E m a '1 u e I
Crump Arey
Cru7 Cory Cvengros Vesco Decko Victor a Do aroso Sa""Tian ha Deva e T ot y D k y
Ke1+h Docka T'lomas Doh men Bryar Eas+er Je'lr fer Flaga Lou so Floro Mana no fox
Bradley Kris.i.a ~ned ch Norma Gare a <oxanne Garcia or y Garre"'t Manso
Gifford Beth Gimenez Nina Gittens Tina Godlewsi<1 Amanda Gross Danny Hardy Nicholas
HuJ1k Frie Hu I Danita ~un+ Br ari Ingham aksrri ls""Tiai Tiffiny Jacksof"l James Jenkins
Michae Jern gan Joshua Jobe Joshua Jo'lrsor Starr Jornson Anarea JOf!OS John vUCIUS
Cora Jurgens Arranda Kaprelia'l Steoha'lie Kav1s Kyle i<enaga Be'ljam1n Kessler LJr a'l
Komar Al sor Kraft Jack Kuh Robert KL.imterman Oliv a Larrielle Danielle La'lg ~ e di
Laurence Mana Ledesma Derrick Lew s J...ilia Lew s Tina Lopez Melissa Mardernack Jaso
Va1 1 Aoro"fVcC a'lahan Ryan Mccurdy Joshua McK1rney >1ol y Meaao Jennifor 'V1E: ngo
bedia Miller Brian Moore Tanesha Moses Brent Mueller Shauna I\ grsong r
Br an Olso'I Korey 0 sor Jessica Qrga'lis.i. Torii+a Parker f~obert Parra
chae Pobiecke Joh'lry Poe N kk1ya Prater Melissa Press Matthew Prer1s
awian Redmond Christa Ricrards Eric Rcrards Carly Rich+er Jearna
Jazmin Rivera Micheal Rober.s Hors Rub1 erg Diarna Sal.nos Jose Sare~ ez
lo Mic'lael Sorta n Howard Scott Jen'lifer Sederberg ...homos Sreldon
.o/he group in action .
uring the Seeds of
6'1 index
student life
3 ·· sports
tJ J special events
· people
6'1- closing
54 business ads
A hard day at work drives
Jack Schlevensky bananas.
?1ever let 'em see you sweat.
C heck out the Village People
at Reuther ' s Homecoming
dance .
~aren is demonstrating the
theory, "All in a day's work ."
d eft Slater as Mr. Fix-It believes , "I think I can , I think I
can ."
P aging Dr. Julie. Paging Dr.
What's i ~
What is a yearbook?
To some a yearbook may
be a compilation of a
few pages with some
"stuff" about the "prison
sentence" they endured
from ninth to twelfth
To others, a yearbook
may be a dreaded
project which takes
seemingly forever to
complete with all of the
deadlines, time-frames,
picture captions, articles,
layouts, designs, and so
To an instructor, the
yearbook may be a tool
that teaches students a
wide variety of educational activities and responsibilities.
However, to most, a
yearbook serves as that
one decisive piece of
material that defines the
"This school,
your teachers,
and this book
helped you
'Nurture the
Seeds of
very years that are often
termed the "best years of
your life." It contains the
best pictures, most candid moments, descriptive
articles, fun facts , incred-
ible memories , and the
very essence of your individual high school. It is
thought of as a piece of
history that will forever be
kept within close reach to
be looked at and even
studied in future years.
people have opened
their personal yearbooks
and thought back to their
high school years . This
may have been to look
up a name that you just
could not put a face to
or recall that teacher you
forgot about when discussing "old times " with
With this yearbook of
Reuther Central High
School, I am sure you will
cont. on page 4
A hush falls over the crowd as ~a put your left foot in, ya put
Dan Tenuta takes the winning
shot at the K-Town Tip Off.
your left foot out ...
.o/he Jesse White tumblers are
flying high at the K-town Tip Off.
cont. from page 3
enjoy every page, article,
and picture that has
been carefully placed in
each "signature" or section for your viewing pleasure. Your Leadership
class has taken great
pains in designing every
aspect of this book including the cover, color
pages, pictures, articles,
layouts, fun facts, and
designs to make it the
best it can be. Take your
time and read it through
"A yearbook
serves as that
one decisive
piece of
material that
defines the very
years that are
often termed
the 'best years
of your life."'
.o/he Freshmen protest Jeff
Slater's unconventional teaching methods.
carefully. This book contains highlights of the
1998-1999 school year
that you experienced
while at Reuther Central
High School.
After a while, browse
the book again and find
new and exciting things
you may have missed the
first time through. After
all. .. this school, your
teachers, and this book
helped you "Nurture the
seeds of Wisdom."
?1ational hypnotist Paul Parsons directs Jeremy Christians
attention to find out what that
smell is.
mile ... you're on Candid
Camera Carissa Christopher.
6 gyption Queen Karlyn
"Tippy " McKinstry lures alien life
form Liz Whitlock into the gym
with Reeces Pieces candy.
ol ittle Ashley is catnapping on
O an Tenuta struts his Bulldog
pride at the K-Town Tip Off.
(3'1owning around in the infant
lob wears Alize out.
Reuther's costume day.
andi Usinger backs up her
Reuther pride .
erina Carter shows her spirit
just like her mommy.
~omecoming court members
do the funky chicken at the
dance .
9'(euther students are getting
down at Homecoming.
9 'he Freshmen take a trip
back in time to Old World Wisconsin visiting a school in the
early 1800's.
~ocus Pocus ... Koren 's Magic
makes class disappear.
0 ebbie Corter shows her
school spirit with her big purple
goofy glasses .
0 ebbie Corter, Michelle
Goshow, Nicole Wells , and
Renee Patt should pose for
Cover Girl.
~omecoming Queen Tippy
McKinstry is escorted through
the hall by "swamp thing " Mike
Roberts .
CtKarlyn "Tippy" McKinstry fell, 0 ue & Carmen check to see
Mike Roberts would be her
cushion .
what student is next to get the
Amanda Bates
Anthony Benvenuto
Christopher Braun
Tiffany Campolo
Angela Carroll
Adam Collins
Cynthia Dalton
Sherena Dalton
Otis Dampier
Will Darden
Carmela Decastro
Michele Dechiara
Samantha Farmer
Andrea Franz
Robyn Gardner
Michelle Goshow
life ... a look ahead
David Greeno
Jeannie Hanson
Joseph Hill
Eric Horton
The leadership class of Reuther Central High School
conducted a survey to learn about the plans of graduating Seniors. Many interesting facts were revealed about
the Seniors of our school. Some plan to venture on to
college while others plan to join the work force .
In interviewing the future leaders of our community,
Reuther's Seniors shared many similar attitudes, as well
as , some very different viewpoints. One of the most difficult and important questions that a graduating senior
must answer is .. .WHAT DO I DO NOW?
reOf the seniors
are planning
sponded , 63%
lege ,
to attend colenter the work
were planning to
planning to
force, 8% were
and the rejoin the military,
admittedly unmaining 4% were
p er p I ex in g
decided. This
doubtedly the
question is untion to all semost asked questhe world. It is
niors throughout
strikes fear and
enior Krista Kaufman
a question that
nervousness in scratches her head and many seniors .
wonders ... "What do I do
Reuther who
The Seniors of now?"
responded to the
survey seem to
have a pretty good idea of their road map to the future.
Many seniors expressed their high expectations and the
lofty goals they intend to pursue. The responses indicated
a variety of interests. Areas of interests include music production, journalism, and veterinary medicine. One senior, Tippy McKinstry, plans on becoming a veterinarian
because of her love for animals and the feeling that she
can make a difference to all the little puppy dogs of the
Roger Johansen
Michael Johnson
Trisha Johnson
Yolanda Kaquatosh
Krista Kaufman
Jason Kenny
life ... a look back
Seniors are now free to do as they please
This was a very positive reflection to the caring
upon graduation. However, reflecting back on
feeling of accomplishment. Nearly 92% of the
their time spent at Reuther we found
students stated without a doubt they
that 79% felt that they had reached
would recommend Reuther to other
their goals they set for themselves. 9 out of 1O graduates students. This is a definite show of
Obviously, one major goal is
would recommend
support for not only the school itself,
that of walking across the stage
but the pride that seniors have in this
Reuther to others.
with your purple cap and gown
knowing you succeeded in a maSurly this pride will continue well
jor milestone in your young adult life. Seventyinto the future as every senior "nurtures the seeds
five percent of the seniors agreed that they did
of wisdom."
receive the education they need to excel in life.
Jessica Kraus
Ryan Kuhl
Amanda Lachance
Ronnie Landers
Stephanie LaughlinSears
Joan Lukaszewicz
Karlyn McKinstry
Chris McNair
Stephanie Meikle
Marisol Mendez
Nicholas Morgan
David Mueller
Crystal Neal
Jessica Partridge
Peter Pedicone
Beth Savage
Renee Schneider
Jennifer Sertich
Jennifer Short
John Smithson
David Snediker
Jill Snider
Justin Stanley
Kenneth Stolfi
One of these " kids " just doesn 't belong .
Shawn Talbert
Eric Tully
Lora Wheeler
Shere Wilks
Lacey Wincek
Arthur Young
A 1ize McKinstry/ Wilson prepares for her senior level
art class .
Michael Ziemba
Brian Zoromskis
Richard Audorff
John Babcock
Andrew Bruno
Derrick Butler
Bradley Cope
Brittney Curtis
Alex Esquivel
Davin Horn
Stacy Jones
Brent Langerman
Ladavid Lee
Leyna Leeman
Maxwell Lutticken
Richard Miller
Corrine Nudi
Phillip Price
Tiffani Priday
Georgette Smith/
Marjean Wright
Rita Wright
Dawn Young
Zedrick Young
ol atoya Gordon is the Disco
Queen .
?r..J hat Scott Farnsworth won 't *enny Griffin grabs some air as
Csaiah Partridge, "What are
you looking at?"
do for his team .
he prepares to slam dunk.
{irst step flaunts their flexibility .
Ct's not Taco Bell, but it will do
for Josh Jobe.
Heather Adamski
Richard Bartholomew
Bryon Bilger
Crystal Blalock
Edward Bodgala
Mary Ann Bovey
Donte Brown
Amy Burke
Darius Cannon
Frank Carey
Jennifer Caron
Deborah Carter
\.' l.
Carisa Christopher
Kurt Cooper
Emanuel Crump
Arely Cruz
Vesco Decker
Victoria Delarosa
Timothy Dickey
Keith Docka
Louisa Flores
Mariana Fox
Larry Garrett
Marisa Gifford
Beth Gimenez
Nina Gittens
Amanda Gross
Danny Hardy
Eric Hull
Danita Hunt
Brian Ingham
Tiffiny Jackson
James Jenkins
Joshua Jobe
Joshua Johnson
Starr Johnson
Andrea Jones
Stephanie Kavis
Jack Kuhl
Heidi Laurence
Tina Lopez
Melissa Mandernack
Jason Martell
Aaron Mcclanahan
Ryan Mccurdy
Joshua McKinney
Holly Meade
Tanesha Moses
Brent Mueller
Jessica Organist
Tonita Parker
Forrest Peters
Michael Pobiecke
Dawn Ratzke
Carly Richter
Jeanna Ritchey-Lapoint
Jazmin Rivera
Micheal Roberts
Hans Rubjerg
Dianna Salinas
Jose Sanchez
Jessie Santopoalo
Jennifer Sederberg
Thomas Sheldon
Raven Spencer
LaQuita Stevenson
Adam Street
Karon Thomas
Amanda Underwood
Amanda Walker
Susan Walter
Nicole Wells
Dicedrick White
Omar White
Aretha Whitmore
Charlie Whitrock
Matthew Wiberg
Amy Wickersheim
Jonathan Willard
Teshanika Williams
Sarah Aaron
Tamika Ates
Madeleine Avitia
Brian Bartholomew
Jessica Barton-Granger
Nathaniel Becker
Sondra Bell
Yahaira Beltran
Neil Bollinger
Latasha Brown
Heather Burke
Anthony Calcagno
Michael Campbell
Erik Carrillo
Teresa Castano
Dana Clausen
Amy Corrigan
Sarah Couch
Katherine Crespo
Cory Cvengros
Samantha Delvalle
Thomas Dohmen
Bryan Easter
Jennifer Flaga
Bradley Frantom
Kristal Friedrich
Norma Garcia
Roxanne Garcia
Tina Godlewski
Nicholas Hujik
Laksmi Ismail
Michael Jernigan
John Jucius
Coral Jurgens
Amanda Kaprelian
Kyle Kenaga
Benjamin Kessler
Uriah Komar
Alison Kratt
Robert Kumferman
Olivia Lamielle
Danielle Lang
Maria Ledesma
Derrick Lewis
Julia Lewis
Jennifer Mengo
Daniel Meyer
Zebedia Miller
Brian Moore
Shauna Nighsonger
Jennifer Nutter
Brian Olson
Korey Olson
Robert Parra
Johnny Poe
Nikkiya Prater
Melissa Preiss
Matthew Prenis
Joshua Wollman
Hawian Redmond
Christa Richards
Eric Richards
Michael Sartain
Howard Scott
Diana Shuemate
Michael Smith
Shaun St. Martin
Stacy Statema
Jennifer Stein
Veronica Stevens
Torrenzo Stevenson
Kevin Taylor
Emily Trosen
Richard Walters
Brian Wash
Daniel Wells
Terrance Young
Melinda Allen
Santa Arizola
Natasha Banks
Phillip Bavetz
Rachael Betz
Aaron Blalack
Jacob Brendemihl
Jennifer Carstens
Jeremy Christian
Lucas Cowick
Amber Coy
Ann Culver
Toni Dam
Christopher Delany
Darryl Dolly
Russell Far mer
Adam Fenn-White
Brandie Franklin
Jeremy Gibson
Jesse Glithero
Stephanie Gomaz
Latoya Goldon
Kenneth Griffin
Luke Harding
Diana Harris
Jesse Hayhurst
Paula Hill
Wadud Jackson
Jeremiah Jobe
Amy Johnson
Jeremy Keegan
Paul Lang
John Lewis
Benji Mankel
Tara Martin
Robert Maurer
Charles McMahon
Edward McNamara
James Mecozzi
Arie Meyer
Jason Miller
Cateline Montijo
Courtney Newhouse
Jeb Norris
Ricky Palmer
Paul Palmore
Renee Patt
Christopher Peterson
Jason Pfaff
Casey Piasecki
Serina Pipkin
Joshua Post
Giobatta Pozzo
Robert Rehm
Carlos Rivera
Anthony Rogowski
Andrew Rohde
Tammy Rose
Ashley Rowsey
Chris Ruffalo
Jeremy Rupp
Vera Saveljev
Aurelia Schmelling
Aaron Sellers
Brian Sertich
Amber Shearer
Shaun Smith
Samantha Stevenson
Richard Stock
Jonathan Sturycz
Nicholas Suh ling
Jaimason Sunderman
Miriam Swift
Jason Truax
Mandi Usinger
Autumn Vines
Heather W::llker
Sarah Walker
Valerie Walter
Sarah Webb
Jamye White
Kevin Whyte
James Wilkey
Shannon Wllems
Francisca Amador
Tawana Anderson
Nicole Angel
Mark Bakula
Michael Bane
Michael Beals
William Boss
Luke Boyer
Robert Brantley
Jessica Cerminaro
Jimmy Chon
Nina Clanton
Frankie Cooks
James Cooks
Sophia Cotton
Irma Cruz
Tiffany Decker
Mike Dennis
Gabi Duta
Sarah Eddy
Michael Ellis
David Elst
Maria Esquivel
Jennifer Fenn
Rose Flatley
Joseph Fredrickson
Rebecca Friedrich
Justin Frye
Darrell Galvin
Martha Garibay
Aaron Garza
Susan Goergen
Joel Gonzales
Eric Gragen
Nichole Herda
Katasha Hodge
Julia Kleczka
Valarie Kraintz
Frances Luevano
Jamie Martinez
Maria Martinez
Dana Mehring
Julian Miller
Thomas Miller
Amalya Moore
Samantha Olivares
Robert Wllenbring
Kimberly Zamora
Varnell Patterson
Richard Perez
Charmin Ratliff
Danielle Reyna
Candice Rohrdanz
Latoya Scott
Courtney Shearer
Miranda Simas
Terell Simpson
Jerrick Smith
Joseph Smith
Michelle Salis
Neville Spikes
Jason Spizzirri
Matthew Stieet
Teisha Thompson
Bryan Tijerina
Rosanna Torrez
Theodore Torrez
Lisa Valenti
Shannon \A:Jnce
Willie White
Crystal Wynn
Larry Yszenga
Saro Andersen
Poul Anderson
Candice Bartholomew
Robert Basham
Terelle Boss
David Baumeister
Doniel Beall
Courtney Block
Sarah Brody
September Britz
Tiffany Britz
Jeremy Buskirk
Marquitta Carlisle
Naomi Castro
Kristi Cearley
Brett Christopher
Angelo Clements
Jermaine Coates
Shone Cobb
Christopher Couto
Jami Cozort
Lizzie Culpepper
Nicole Daniels
Rasheena Davis
~·~. ,~:.·. ~~
Katie Delany
Shawn Dobbs
Shaun Donohue
Amanda Duvall
Donella Edwards
Shaun Edwards
Daniel Eldridge
Dustin Erickson
Placido Flores
Volar Foster
Tiffany Gaston
Amanda Gilmore
Stephanie Hackett
James Hayden
Charmaine Hill
Stephen Hovey
Ivan Hurtado
Serena Jesperson
Warren Kasprovich
Adam Lachman
David Lawrence
Raymond Lopez
Justin Marshall
Joshua Martin
April Mayo
Jared McGoveran
Latrice Myers
Emmanuel Ornelas
Kelby Orsburn
Robert Otterson
Michael Patterson
Vanessa Piencikowski
Joshua Rios
Amarilys Rodriguez
Samuel Rosenthal
Rebecca Rydzenski
Joshua Short
David Sims
Steven Soltis
Nora Stewart
Latoya Taylor
Patrick Towne
Tiffiney Tyler
Desiree Vosquez
Mott l/lbde
Leslie Wheeler
Amanda Wllord
Tristan Yde
Nicholas Zekor
Joshua Augustine
Oscar Brown
Veronica Cerpa
Sharee Cook
Rhonda Delacy
Megan Dower
Steven Groh
Priscilla Guzman
Earl Hayden
Leticia Hill
Latasha Hogan
Desiree Johnson
Elex Jordan
Darryl Kellam
Joshua King
Leif Lamielle
Benjamin Lindstrom
Steven Mays
Christine McAlister
Deon Mccraney
Jarvis McKee
Yesenia Merlos
Clint Nuttall
Letiecia Ocanas
Holly Parreant
Eric Payne
Lindsay Post
Dawn Richardson
Monique Rinvil
Brandon Rockweiler
Marilyn Tackett
Angelica Viera
Alfonso Viesca
Robert Anderson, Librarian
Sandra Armstrong, English Tutorial
Ned Azarian, Dean of Students
Lucille Baker, Special Ed. Teacher (CDB)
Doug Ball, Police Liaison
Carmen Bevas, Guidance Counselor
Karen Bowman, Special Ed. Teacher (ED)
Janice Caputo, Ed. Asst. - Infant Lab
Debbie Charlton, Ed. Asst. - Main Office
Paul Chase, Police Liaison
Andrea Denningec Library Secretary
Lee Dougherty, Science Teacher
Georgene Dworak, Ed. Asst. - Infant Lab
Mary Eggebrecht, Math eacher
Melanie Eland, Phy. Ed. Teacher
Karen Engels, Ed. Asst. - Infant Lab
Shane Gayle, Bridges Teacher
Elgie Graham, Ed. Asst. - Security
Terry Hoffman, Art Teacher
Jang Jallow, Special Ed. Teacher (LD)
Paul Kasprzak, Food Service Teacher
Connie Kriehn, Homebound
Cheryl Lacount, Ed. Asst. - Security
Jeanne Lepp, Special Ed. Teacher (LD)
William Lott, Ed. Asst. - Security
Lori Mihelich, Secretary Ill - Main Office
Robert Morelan, JROTC Teacher
Blanca Ortiz, Ed . Asst . - Infant Lab
Mary Plovanich, SAPAR Teacher
Grant Sanford, Social Studies Teacher
Dorothy Schlock, Accel. Ind. Study Teacher
Jeff Slater, Business/Marketing Teacher
Josephine Springer, Ed . Asst. - SAP AR
Chuck Stahlman, Phy. Ed . Teacher
Julie Stancato, Ed . Asst. - Main Office
Judith Stehlik, Ed. Asst. - Infant Lab
Diane Sterba, Ed . Asst. - Infant Lab
Ron Story, English Teacher
Sandra W:llter, Ed. Asst. - Bridges
O teve Blagec toasts his tush after a hard days work.
elanie Eland Slatery whispers to Terry Hoffman, "Shhh, don't tell Ned .•
Paul Wamboldt, Custodian
Margaret Welch. Childcare Services Teacher
Elizabeth Whitlock. Math Tutorial Teacher
Rhetta Wiggins. Ed. Asst. - Infant Lab
Stanley Wilson, Math Teacher
Kyle Yackley, Accel. Ind. Study Teacher
Ron Becker. Custodian
Steve Blagec. Head Custodian
Mary Brabender. Social Worker
Robert Cookson. Boys Head Basketball Coach
Diana DeFranco. Math Teacher
Pat DeRemer. SOS Counselor
Sue Dugan. Infant Lab Director
Pam Farnham-Herr. Work Exp./Transition Teacher
Scott Farnsworth. English Teacher
Mike Feucht. Custodian
Kim Gorman. SAIL Counselor
Jeff Greathouse. Police Liaison
Kevin Guttormsen. Boys Asst. Basketball Coach
Nancy Kaye. English Teacher
John Lovell. Social Studies Teacher
Della Mauser. Facilities Manager
John Milisauskus. Girls Head Basketball Coach
David Nickel. Custodian
Sue Nighbor. Secretary I - Guidance
Beth Ormseth. Science Teacher
Kathy Otto. Support Staff
Benadette Packard. Ed. Asst. - Main Office
Kim Phillips. AIS (night clerk)
Jack Schlevensky. Special Ed. Teacher (ED)
Joyce Schnepf. Guidance Counselor
Barb Sumpter. Social Worker
Valerie Taylor. Science Teacher
Dan Tenuta. Principal
Patricia Thompson. Bridges Teacher
Marilyn Wade. Special Ed. Teacher (LD)
Tracey Wakefield. Custodian
Vern Wienke. English Teacher
Debbie Wiersum. Consumer Ed. Teacher
Beth Wilkinson. Ed. Asst. - CCC Lab
Kathy Wilson. Ed. Asst. - Guidance
Linda Zanot. Support Staff
Adele Zak, Ed. Asst. - Infant Lab
• ~w do I get MY schedule changed?" asks Principal Dan Tenuta to Sue
duna Kleczka, Krista Kaufman,
and Paul Lang ask, "'t you
be my Valentine?"
~merica 's melting pot.
the Reuther Program beReuther Central High lieves the development
School Program, many of a positive self-image is
students and staff feel a critical ingredient of a
that it is the "heart" of the successful education.
school. The philosophy of
Thus, from the "heart"
the Reuther Program of Reuther Central High
considers the personal School, the growth of its
development of students appendages has ocas important as their edu- curred. They include the
cational growth and oc- following which are highcupation a I readiness. lighted on the following
The program operates in several pages: the First
an environment of coop- Step Program, the SAPAR
eration and mutual re- program, the Infant Lab,
spect. The environment the Bridges Program, the
gives students the Accelerated Indepenchance to develop self- dent Studies Program,
esteem, sensitivity and and the Kenosha Military
respect for others. The Academy.
~eaching new heights, Terry
c/tey, you wanna buy a Hoffman and \k:Jlerie Taylor
hang on for dear life.
t know what's for lunch, and
you don 't.
Pav attention, I'm on candid dasonTruaxthinkstohimself...
I'm really not sure what it is.
~ou can tell Kieth Davis ate his
spinach back in the days.
•~nest, our bus was really,
really late,· explains Renee,
Mandi and Olivia.
ittle man Jared McGovern
thinks he can undo Kieth's work.
77lr. Slater will be so proud of us!
?LJhat a team we are!
Yo1unteer ing at a nursing
home was a great memory.
The Accelerated Independent Study Program (AIS), a new program at Reuther. makes
use of instructional computers to encourage
competency in academic areas. lndependent projects performance assessments,
work experience, and
community service are
also components of the
AIS program. A flexible
schedule allows students
to choose the best time
to earn their education .
The teachers in this program continue to develop strategies that encourage students to exeel at their own independent pace. The AIS program is a strong supporter
of the Youth Options Program which encourages
students to attend college.
• Oomeone 's watching us.
What should we do?"
'Yicki Delarosa sighs, " Am I
done yet?"
•?LJegotta do what?"
andra W:llter makes some
more copies.
The Bridges Program students to become upis based on the Native standing citizens of sociAmerican philosophy, ety. The self-contained,
"The Circle of Courage". integrated program is an
The Circle of Courage intervention for students
has four main compo- who have had tremennents: generosity, be- dous difficulties in other
longing, independence, educational settings. The
and mastery. Each part students are encouraged
has a distinct meaning to set for themselves the
and focus which is in- goal of leading a healthy
tended to encourage and prosperous life.
A great holiday feast is en- ~esca Decker and Richard
joyed by all Bridges students.
Bartholomew share a laugh.
tephanie Hackett tells herself I know I studied for this ...
l + l = ....... ?
•For sure. for sure. for sure! I
say I can talk.·
The First Step Program
has been designed for
incoming freshmen. The
program was designed
to assist ninth graders in
having the best start to
their high school education. The program, locoted mainly on the first
floor in the east wing of
the school. operates on a
trimester format and incorporates three two-
April & LaToya agree ... that's
some hair-do.
C n the First Step, they believe
great minds think alike.
hour classes. With the
extended classes and trimester schedule, the students have the ability to
attain nine and one-half
credits within the year.
The mission of the First
Step Program is to
achievement within a
small, friendly, and rewarding environment.
C ourtney Block sees no evil,
Amanda Duvall hears no evil
and Emmanuel Ornelas speaks
no evil.
{ ' irst Step students wonder in .9"'h e Racine Zoologist answers.
amazement. "Does that thing "I'm not sure:
?() e all smile or ound here all
the time ... really.
Cseeyou ...
• ~ou lookin' at me?"
&"(ichard Bartholomew's wake
up call.
The Student-Aged
Parent Program (SAPAR)
and the Infant Lab ae
two valuable programs
offered to students. The
programs help to teach
students parenting skills
while providing a day
care setting for their child
as they continue their
education. The educat ional format, which in-
eludes many guest
speakers, presents informotion intended to help
prepare young adults for
raising their child(r en).
Both the SAPAR and the
Infant Lab programs use
a team approach to give
young parents a second
chance to continue striving toward their educational and career goals.
0 ee, I told you we all smile in
0 ana Clausen smiles as she the
Infant Lab.
is about to sign in.
The Kenosha Military
Academy is a program
that promotes academic
excellence, leadership
skills, and physical fitness.
This program helps to prepare the cadets for a military career. From the first
years of the J.R.O.T.C.
program, to the current
years' status as the
Kenosha Military AcadOkay. the colors of the flag are
emy, the program is
gradually taking on a
form which promotes
standards, discipline, and
respect among the cadets and staff. The cadets and staff agree that
consistency and discipline in a safe and comfortable learning environment will enhance their
t know we can get this up there
if we try.
t/ttease soldiers.
'qes, I was talking and was sent
out of class.
_(J ood soldiers have big appe- g
his IS my camoflauge!
1 -
.o/he coa ches wait anxiously
fo r the team to ma ke the free
throw .
Reuther basketball , Language Arts by 13
finishing its second sea- points. As the Kenosha
son , has had many excit- News printed, "It was like
ing and memorable moments. The biggest highlight of the season was
'"It was like the
the first real victory expeFinal Four."'
rienced by the team. The
Bulldogs triumphed over
Milwaukee's School of
.o/he "fierce " Bulldogs smile
pretty for the team picture .
Oarius makes his move to
grab the rebound from his opponent.
?cJho said white men can't
the Final Four. " Many
games were close and
the future of next year
looks promising as many
talented players return!
The team looks forward
to giving it their all and
hopes to improve their
performance with each
season .
ol ouisa Flores passes up her
defender to get to the hoop.
Run, Louisa, run!
Even though the girl's
basketball team was
relatively young, they put
on a fine show of hard
work and dedication.
The girls always put forth
their best effort in all
games. The team por-
he game shown by real
"The team
enthusiasm ... "
trayed incredible enthusiasm and dedication to
their sport. They never
gave up and always had
fun both on and off the
court. Their courage and
overall love of the game
made them real winners.
d mile everyone!
Aey, what do you say we just
play soccer?
?cJ hat did they put In that All
~enny shows ' em how it's
The K.B.A. (Kenosha's
Basketball Alternative)
and W.A.B .L. (Women's
Alternative Basketball
League) leagues were
started by Melanie ElandSlattery, the Physical Education instructor at
Reuther Central High
School. These leagues
were formed for those
athletes who love the
sport and wished to parghe team all ready for action .
• CX::isten up, guys. The boll 's
gotta go in the basket."
~dam gets ready to defend
the hoop at all costs.
by competitive
ticipate in an organized
and sanctioned manner.
Often due to other commitments, these athletes
were unable to play on
the W.l.A.A. teams. These
leagues offered the athletes flexibility while still
maintaining that competitive level of performance from all teams involved. The K.B.A. and
W.A.B.L. have enjoyed
great success in a number of aspects. Some of
these reasons are as follows : incredible team
unity and spirit, organized
basketball for athletes
who are unable to play
on W.l.A .A. sanctioned
teams, school pride, and
a good old fashioned
competitive spirit. After
all. .. why play if you can't
win .
9"ova and Maria discuss strategy for the game.
?() .A.B .L. strikes a pose for a
IS'i(oxanne confuses basketball
for football.
never knew that g1v1ng
blood would be this much fun ,"
says Valerie.
•i;, it over yet? " asks Jessica Kraus.
• ?Lliere you stickin' that?" cries Elgie.
el 's cheesy smile says it all.
• .9hat wasn't soooooo bad," exclaims Terry.
(J1eopatra re i ncarnated ...
better known as "Tippy."
7/like Smith raises his hands to
say, "What's up? "
Cs that Beth or the Olympic team coach?
cl ook Beth , your shadow is doing better than you .
Chris Braun was crowned Mr.
Reuther and Amanda Bales
and "Tippy" McKinstry a s Miss
The week of Homecoming was a very exciting and fun filled time.
We had battle of the
houses which included
JROTC, Regular Reuther,
Bridges, AIS, and First
Step. At the homecoming assembly we played
tug-o-war had a marshmallow relay, we also
had a four-legged race.
Reuther had many
other activities that ineluded an ice cream
eating contest and
scooter relay. During that
same time frame, we enjoyed Spirit Week. Mon-
day we had clash / backwards day. Tuesday was
athletic supporter day.
Wednesday was professional day where you
wore the clothes of the
career you would like to
have. Thursday was
house color day. As always, Friday was Purple
Pride day where you
show your school spirit by
wearing purple and
We had a Homecoming cookout in the
"cage" in the parking lot.
This cookout was for the
entire student body and
~our official 1998 Homecom ing Court surrounded in all your
!J'he floor clears as Olis
Dampier struts his moves.
7T'lr. Jeffery Slater (in his purple
pride) welcomes you to the
Homecoming cookout.
staff. From 7:30 p .m. to
11 :00 p.m. it was our
"Raise the Roof" Homecoming dance. Tickets
were sold in advance for
$8.00. This Homecoming
dance was very unique
because we had two
Homecoming queens :
Amanda Bates and
Karlyn (Tippy) McKinstry.
They had the joy in sharing a king, Chris Braun .
The 1998 Homecoming of Reuther Central
High School will live on in
the memories for years to
9"he huge struggle for the
o(, eslie Wheeler makes the
winning shot for First Step.
• l?'(aise the Roof" before the
roof is raised.
?1 ancy smiles and says, "I melanie adds another score
promise I won't smush it."
6veryone is having fun at the
to the Reuther House.
way on Our Ship of
Reuther Central High
School's 1999 Prom was
the event of the year. The
thought of having Prom
on a yacht began as a
mere dream for Reuther's
Marketing teacher, Jeff
Slater. As rumors of Mr.
Slater's dream spread,
student interest and enthusiasm was sparked.
Enthusiasm grew into a
powerful determination
to pull off such a memorable event. One of the
greatest tasks involved
was raising enough
money to support the excursion. Students engaged themselves in numerous
events, diligently driving
staff, parents, neighbors,
and coworkers crazy with
the persistence to ma~e
them a consumer of a
variety of products.
The theme for Prom was, to say the least, exwas "Drifting Away on citing for students and
Our Ship of Dreams". We quite educational for the
sailed away on the supervising staff. The stuyacht, "The Spirit of Chi- dents seemed to have
had a great time dancing their dances to the
songs of their time. As the
"A mere dream
evening came to an end,
had become a
the 1999 Prom court, conbeautiful night
sisting of Amanda Bates,
to remember."
Tonita Parker, Jessica Partridge, Rita Wright, Derrick
Butler, Otis Dampier, Mike
cago" on May 1, 1999 Johnson, and Shawn
after an adventurous and Talbert,
tension filled ride to Chi- watched
cago on three coach Zoromskis and Amanda
buses. Even with all the Gross were crowned the
planning, the staff expe- 1999 Prom King and
rienced a little panic and Queen. The evening
fear over the idea that closed with quiet serenity
we might miss the boat. as the students watched
served movies while returning to
promptly as we sailed Kenosha. A mere dream
away on the waves of had become a beautiful
Lake Michigan. Dancing
Carlos and Melanie enjoy some quiet at Prom ... Wait! CARLOS quiet???
Otis Dampier looks dashing as
he prepares to ride the bus to
Prom .
dustin and Tammy pose for a
special moment.
~onest Della, I think we can
sneak you on the Prom bus.
Are we just a little bit hungry,
?rJ e 're not sea sick, we 're just
smiling funny .
Proud parents await the program at Senior Banquet.
Paul rewards his T.A.'s with
"Great Cooking Tips 101 ."
el's T.A. members smile with
can't believe it's almost
over," says one group of seniors.
Final t oughts
The Senior Banquet is
a long time tradition at
Reuther Central High
School. Preparation for
the banquet begins in
early May with the guidance department selling
tickets for the dinner. The
decision to hold the banq u et at the Fireside
Lounge was made and
tickets were sold. Seniors
are the only honored student guests to attend
such a wonderful function. These seniors may
also invite all family mem-
be rs and one guest of
choice as their "date."
The banquet begins at
6:00 p.m. with a social
time of conversation and
laughter. Once you walk
into the room, you notice
all of the wonderful centerpieces of flowers, glitter, and candles. Around
the outside perimeter
each graduate has a
special balloon with his/
her name on it.
At 6:30 p.m. the buffet dinner is served. This
year the dinner consisted
of beef, chicken, pasta,
potatoes, salad, fruit platters, and a jello mold.
After the meal is when
the awards presentation
takes place.
Each T.A . (teacher's
assistant) stands before
this crowd of family and
friends and recognizes
the student they have
guided for as many as
four years; with a special
speech, a little token in
the form of a gift, and a
whole lot of unforgettable memories. After this
presentation, there is
more social time to interact with other parents,
family members, and
loved ones. This banquet
marks the second to last
"official" milestone in a
students high school
career... second only to
graduation night. A wonderful time was enjoyed
by all who attended. The
2000 Senior Banquet is
anxiously awaited by
next years graduating
el and Jenny pose for pic tures after graduation.
The Reuther 1999 graduation class sing
graduation was held on songs that inspire the enFriday , June 4th in the tire audience. This year,
There were 96 students in
"There were 96
caps and gowns waiting
to receive their diplomas.
additional smiles
In addition to the tradion each
tional speeches and nograduates face
table quotes at every
and plenty of
graduation, Reuther's
graduations are unique
and memorable. The
family members,
Bulldogs add a personal
and friends."
touch by having one or
two students from the
usan Walters poses for the
camera with sister Marsha and
her baby Indigo.
.tJ ridges graduates pose for
the camera.
ome of the staff sing a song
in honor of the graduating Class
of '99.
the graduation ceremony had a full volunteer choir made up of
teachers, administrators,
and staff. By the evenings completion, there
were 96 additional smiles
on each graduates face
and plenty of proud parents, family memers, and
friends in the auditorium.
Congratulations and
good luck to the Class of
1999! May you continue
to "nurture the seeds of
wisdom" for life.
~l ta gives a c h ee sy smile after receiving her diploma from
Mr. Tenuta.
• cx.,~
-I ok out world , here I
come! 0
..t="'ull of emotion, Tiffany Prid~.Y
her heart out for the au 1smgs
0 errick Butler reaches for a
firm handshake.
~oven crosses the stage w1"th
a grin of confidence.
desse looks on as Mr. Tenuta
hands him his diploma .
711· helle Goshow accepts
~~loma and struts off stage.
.o/he audience sits and listens
while Kurt Cooper sings a tune.
I stay warm
under my moth r's
feath red body.
Walter Reuther Central
a school. Reuther is history.
Named after the famous
American labor leader, most
people do not appreciate
the history and life behind
our school. Hopefully, this
brief article will help enlighten those who misunderstand Reuther and the history behind it.
1n 1878 , the city of
Kenosha was still called
Southport and a decision to
build a new high school was
made. Construction was
started for this school the
very same year. In just two
short years , the project was
finished . This was the first
free public high school West
of the Allegheny Mountains.
The population in the city of
Southport began to rapidly
grow . With this growth,
came the cities name
change to Kenosha. Soon,
student enrollment in creased and the building
purposes. A new building
was erected in 1891. The
original building became
what Is now the courthouse
annex . The two buildings
together were called
Kenosha High School.
On August 15, 1924 an
agreement was made and
a contract signed that on or
before May 15, 1926 a new
high school would be built
on this very site. On February 20, 1926 (7 4 days earlier
than required) the building
was ready for occupancy.
This new building was quite
an impressive site because
It encompassed an entire
city block. The exterior walls
were constructed of Oolithic
limestone and were fire-
ral High School's
proof. There were special
touches like a RomanCorinthian design with
marble for the entrance
ways . There are science
labs, gymnasiums, a green house, lecture rooms , and
beautiful classrooms with
hardwood floors . Also in eluded in the basement is a
vault to hold all the money
as well as priceless items for
thecity .
The auditorium consists
of a main floor and balcony
with a seating capacity of
1,520. This auditorium was
used to hold meetings, communityfunctions, and school
activities. This still holds true
to today. Reuthers auditorium is consistently being
used for numerous school
activities and community
functions. It is one of the
best acoustically sounding
auditoriums in the state of
Wisconsin . The impressive
artwork and murals on the
walls and celling are of
great importance and an
integral part of not only
history ,
Kenosha's education as
Later, in the l 960's the
building was named Mary
D. Bradford after enrollment
grew and yet another high
school was built. More than
20 years later, Bradford
moved to Washington Road
and 39th Avenue and
switched places with
Reuther, who was surprisingly
obliged to leave their fifteen
year old "home" they occupiedforthepastsevenyears
to start a new home at a
much older building.
Reuthers philosophy
when it first opened has
been one aspect that has
remained steadfast in
changing times. It is quite a
thought: Students learn in
different ways at different
rates . Therefore, choices
and opportunities are necessary for the learning process. This has been a philosophy and trademark of
the school. "Tremper Night
School " , " Reuther Alternative High", and presently
"Reuther Central High
School " are all name
changes that have taken
place. However, the dedi-
cation and desire to learn
has never faltered inside the
walls of this great building.
Reuther has experienced many changes since
the beginning. Each time
there is a change , the
school, its staff and the stu dents are resilient to troubles
and they all continue to do
what each was intended to
do .. .educate students and
each other to the best of
their abilities. It is this great
pride that retains the character of this school and
maintains its history.
Today, Reuther's doors
swing open every day at
7:35 a.m . Nearly 500 students are on the roster.
Each student, in their own
unique way , strives towards
an education that is found
in no other building , in no
other classroom , in no other
setting anywhere else. It is
a special feeling when you
walk the halls of a building
that holds such incredible
history. It is a feeling that
can only be described by
those fortunate enough to
have experienced this
place in history of Kenosha .
Aaron , Sarah 17
Adamski, Heather 14
Allen , Melinda 18
Amador, Francisco 21
Andersen , Sara 22
Anderson , Paul 22
Anderson , Robert 26
Anderson , Tawana 21
Angel , Nicole 21
Arizola , Santa 18
Armstrong , Sandra 26
Ates , Tamika 17
Audorff, Richard 12
Augustine, Joshua 25
Avitia , Madeleine 17
Azarian , Ned 26
Babcock, John 12
Baker, Lucille 26
Bakula, Mark 21
Ball, Doug 26
Bane, Michael 21
Banks, Natasha 18
Bartholomew, Brian 17
Bartholomew, Candice 22
Bartholomew, Richard 14,
33, 36
Barton-Granger, Jessica 17
Basham, Robert 22
Bass, Terelle 22
Bates, Amanda 8, 46, 48
Baumeister, David 22
Bavetz, Phillip 18
Beall, Daniel 22
Beals, Michael 21
Becker, Nathaniel 17
Becker, Ron 29
Bell, Sondra 17
Beltran, Yahaira 17
Benvenuto, Anthony 8
Betz, Rachael 18
Bevas, Carmen 26
Bilger, Bryon 14
Blagec, Steve 28, 29
Blalack, Aaron 18
Blalock, Crystal 14
Block, Courtney 22, 35
Bodgala, Edward 14
Bollinger, Neil 17
Boss, William 21
Bovey, Mary Ann 14
Bowman, Karen 26
Boyer, Luke 21
Brabender, Mary 29
Brady, Sarah 22
Brantley, Robert 21
Braun, Christopher 8, 46
Brendemihl, Jacob 18
Britz, September 22
Britz, Tiffany 22
Brown, Oscar 25
Brown, Donte 14
Brown, Latasha 17
Bruno, Andrew 12
Bu rke, Amy 14
Burke, Heather 17
Buskirk, Jeremy 22
Butler, Derrick 12, 48
Calcagno , Anthony 17
Campbell , Michael Lee 17
Campolo, Tiffany 8
Cannon , Darius 14
Caputo, Janice 26
Carey , Frank 14
Carlisle , Marquitta 22
Caron , Jennifer 14
Carrillo, Erik l 7
Carroll, Angela 8
Carstens, Jennifer 18
Carter, Deborah 7, 14
Castano, Teresa 17
Castro, Naomi 22
Cearley, Kristi 22
Cerminaro, Jessica 21
Cerpa , Veronica 25
Chon, Jimmy 21
Charlton , Debbie 26
Chase, Paul 26
Christian , Jeremy 4, 18
Christopher, Brett 22
Christopher, Carisa 4, 14
Clanton , Nina 21
Clausen , Dana 17, 37
Clements , Angela 22
Coates , Jermaine 22
Cobb , Shane 22
Collins, Adam 8
Cook, Sharee 25
Cooks , Frankie 21
Cooks, James 21
Cookson , Robert 29
Cooper, Kurt 14, 53
Cope, Bradley 12
Corrigan , Amy 17
Cotton, Sophia 21
Couch , Sarah 17
Couto, Christopher 22
Cowick , Lucas 18
Coy, Amber 18
DeFranco, Diana 29
Delacy, Rhonda 25
Delany, Christopher 18
Delany, Katie 23
Delarosa, Victoria 14, 32
Delvalle, Samantha 17
Denninger, Andrea 26
Dennis, Mike 21
DeRemer, Pat 29
Dickey, Timothy 14
Dobbs, Shawn 23
Docka, Keith 14
Dahmen, Thomas 17
Dolly, Darryl 18
Donohue, Shaun 23, 45
Dougherty, Lee 26
Dower, Megan 25
Dugan, Sue 29
Dula, Gabi 21
Duvall, Amanda 23
Dworak, Georgene 26
Easter, Bryan 17
Eddy, Sarah 21
Edwards, Donella 23
Edwards, Shaun 23
Eggebrecht, Mary 26
Eland, Melanie 26, 42
Eldridge, Daniel 23
Ellis, Michael 21
Cozort, Jami 23
Crespo, Katherine 17
Crump, Emanuel 14
Cruz, Arely 14
Cruz, Irma 21
Culpepper, Lizzie 23
Culver, Ann 18
Curtis, Brittney 12
Cvengros, Cory l 7
Dalton, Cynthia 8
Dalton, Sherena 8
Dam, Toni 18
Dampier, Otis 8, 46, 48
Daniels, Nicole 23
Darden, Will 8
Davis, Rasheena 23
Decastro, Carmela 8
Dechiara, Michele 8
Decker, Tiffany 21
Decker, Vesco 14, 33
Elst, David 21
Engels, Karen 27
Erickson, Dustin 23
Esquivel, Alex 12
Esquivel, Maria 21
Farmer, Russell 18
Farmer, Samantha 8
Farnham-Herr, Pam 29
Farnsworth, Scott 13, 29
Fenn, Jennifer 21
Fenn -White , Adam 18
Feucht, Mike 29
Flaga, Jennifer 17
Flatley, Rose 21
Flores, Louisa 15, 41
Flores, Placido 23
Foster, Volar 23
Fox, Mariana 15
Franklin, Brandle 18
Frantom, Bradley 17
Franz, Andrea 8
Fredrickson, Joseph 21
Friedrich, Kristal 17
Friedrich, Rebecca 21
Frye, Justin 21
Galvin, Darrell 21
Garcia, Norma 17
Garcia, Roxanne 17
Gardner, Robyn 8
Garibay, Martha 21
Garrett, Larry 15
Garza, Aaron 21
Gaston, Tiffany 23
Gayle, Shane 27
Gibson, Jeremy 18
Gilford, Marisa 15
Gilmore, Amanda 23
Gimenez, Beth 15
Gittens, Nina 15
Gllthero, Jesse 18
Godlewski, Tina 17
Goergen, Susan 21
Gomaz, Stephanie 19
Gonzales, Joel 21
Gordon, Latoya 13, 19
Gorman, Kim 29
Goshow, Michelle 7, 8, 53
Gragen, Eric 21
Graham, Elgle 27
Greathouse, Jeff 29
Greeno, David 9
Griffin, Kenneth 13, 19
Groh, Steven 25
Gross, Amanda 15, 48
Guttormsen, Kevin 29
Guzman, Priscilla 25
Hackett, Stephanie 23, 34
Hanson, Jeannie 9
Harding, Luke 19
Hardy, Danny 15
Harris, Diana 19
Hayden, Earl 25
Hayden, James 23
Hayhurst, Jesse 19
Herda, Nichole 21
Hill, Charmaine 23
Hill, Joseph 9
Hill, Leticia 25
Hill, Paula 19
Hodge, Katasha 21
Hoffman, Terry 27, 28, 30
Hogan, Latasha 25
Horn, Davin 12
Horton, Eric 9
Hovey, Stephen 23
Hujlk, Nicholas 17
Hull, Eric 15
Hunt, Danita 15
Hurtado, Ivan 24
Ingham, Brian 15
Ismail, Laksmi 17
Jackson, Tiffiny 15
Jackson, Wadud 19
Jallow, Jang 27
Jenkins, James 15
Jernigan, Michael 17
Jesperson, Serena 24
Jobe, Jeremiah 19
Jobe, Joshua 13, 15
Johansen, Roger 9
Johnson, Amy 19
Johnson, Desiree 25
Johnson.Joshua 15
Johnson, Michael 9, 48
Johnson, Starr 15
Johnson, Trisha 9
Jones, Andrea 15
Jones, Stacy 12
Jordan, Elex 25
Jucius, John 17
Jurgens, Coral 17
Kaprelian, Amanda 17
Kaquatosh, Yolanda 9
Kasprovich, Warren 24
Kasprzak , Paul 27
Kaufman , Krista 9
Kavis, Stephanie 15
Kaye , Nancy 29
Keegan, Jeremy 19
Kellam, Darryl 25
Kenaga, Kyle 17
Kenny, Jason 9
Kessler, Benjamin 17
King, Joshua 25
Kleczka , Julia 21 , 30
Komar, Uriah 17
Kraft, Alison 17
Kralntz, Valarie 21
Kraus , Jessica 10, 44
Kriehn, Connie 27
Kuhl , Jack 15
Kuhl, Ryan 10
Kumferman , Robert 17
Lachance , Amanda 10
Lachman , Adam 24
Lacount, Cheryl 27
Lamielle , Leif 25
Lamielle , Olivia l 7
Landers , Ronnie 10
Lang, Danielle 17
Lang , Paul 19, 30
Langerman, Brent 12
Laughlin -Sears, Stephanie
Laurence, Heidi 15
Lawrence, David 24
Ledesma , Maria 17
Lee, Ladavid 12
Leeman , Leyna 12
Lepp , Jeanne 27
Lewis, Derrick 17
Lewis , John 19
Lewis, Julia 17
Lindstrom, Benjamin 25
Lopez , Raymond 24
Lopez, Tina 16
Lott, William 27
Lovell, John 29
Luevano , Frances 21
Lukaszewicz , Joan 10
Lutticken, Maxwell 12
Mandernack, Melissa 16
Mankel, Benji 19
Marshall, Justin 24
Martell, Jason 16
Martin, Joshua 24
Martin, Tara 19
Martinez, Jamie 21
Martinez, Maria 21
Maurer, Robert 19
Mauser, Della 29
Mayo, April 24
Mays, Steven 25
McAlister, Christine 25
McClanahan, Aaron 16
Mccraney, Deon 25
Mccurdy, Ryan 16
McGoveran, Jared 24, 31
Ortiz, Blanca 27
Otterson, Robert 24
Otto, Kathy 29
Packard, Benadette 29
Palmer, Ricky 20
Palmore, Paul 20
Porker, Tonita 16, 48
Parra, Robert 17
Porreanl, Holly 25
Partridge, Jessica 11 , 48
Pott, Renee 7, 20
Patterson, Michael 24
Patterson, Varnell 21
Payne, Eric 25
Pedicone, Peter 11
Perez, Richard 21
McKee, Jarvis 25
McKinney, Joshua 16
McKinstry, Kartyn 5, 7, 9, 10, 46
McMahon, Charles 19
McNair, Christopher 10
McNamara, Edward 19
Meade, Holly 16
Mecozzi, James 19
Mehring, Dano 21
Meikle, Stephanie 11
Mendez, Marisol 11
Mengo, Jennifer 17
Mertes, Yesenia 25
Meyer, Arie 19
Meyer, Daniel 17
Mihelich, Lori 27
Milisauskus, John 29
Miller, Jason 19
Miller, Julian 21
Miiier, Richard 12
Miiier, Thomas 21
Miller, Zebedia 17
Montijo, Cataline 19
Moore, Amolya 21
Moore, Brian 17
Moreton, Robert 27
Morgan, Nicholas 11
Moses, Tanesha 16
Mueller, Brent 16
Mueller, David 11
Myers, Latrice 24
Neal, Crystal 11
Newhouse, Courtney 19
Nickel, David 29
Nighbor, Sue 29
Nlghsonger, Shauna 17
Norris, Jeb 19
Nudl, Corrine 12
Nuttall, Clint 25
Nutter, Jennifer 17
Ocanas, Letiecia 25
Olivares, Samantha 21
Olson, Brian 17
Olson , Korey 17
Organist, Jessica 16
Ormseth, Beth 29
Ornelas, Emmanuel 24, 35
Orsburn, Kelby 24
Peters, Forrest 16
Peterson, Christopher 20
Pfaff, Jason 20
Phillips, Kim 29
Piasecki, Casey 20
Piencikowski, Vanessa 24
Pipkin, Serina 20
Plovanich, Mary 27
Pobiecke, Michael 16
Poe, Johnny 17
Post, Joshua 20
Post, Lindsay 25
Pozzo, Giobotta 20
Prater, Nikkiya 17
Preiss, Melissa 17
Prenis, Matthew 17
Price, Phillip 12
Priday, Tiffani 12, 53
Ratliff, Charmin 21
Ralzke, Dawn 16
Redmond, Hawian 17
Rehm, Robert 20
Reyna, Danielle 21
Richards, Christa 17
Richards, Eric 17
Richardson, Dawn 25
Richter, Carly 16
Rinvil, Monique 25
Rios, Joshua 24
Ritchey-Lapoint, Jeanna 16
Rivera , Carlos 20
Rivera , Jazmin 16
Roberts, Micheal 7, 16
Rockweiler, Brandon 25
Rodriguez, Amarilys 24
Rogowski , Anthony 20
Rohde , Andrew 20
Rohrdanz, Candice 21
Rose, Tammy 20
Rosenthal, Samuel 24
Rowsey, Ashley 20
Rubjerg, Hans 16
Ruffalo , Chris 20
Rupp , Jeremy 20
Rydzenski , Rebecca 24
Salinas, Dianna 16
Sanchez, Jose 16
Sanford, Grant 27
Santopoalo, Jessie 16
Sartain, Michael 17
Savage, Beth 11
Saveljev, Vera 20
Schlock, Dorothy 28
Schlevensky, Jack 2, 29
Schmelllng, Aurelia 20
Schneider, Renee 11
Schnepf, Joyce 29
Scott, Howard 17
Scott, Latoya 21
Sederberg, Jennifer 16
Sellers, Aaron 20
Sertich, Brian 20
Sertich, Jennifer 11
Shearer, Amber 20
Shearer, Courtney 21
Sheldon, Thomas 16
Short, Jennifer 11
Short, Joshua 25
Shuemate, Diana 17
Simas, Miranda 21
Simpson, Terell 21
Sims, David 25
Slater, Jeff 2, 4, 28, 46
Stevenson, LaQuila 17
Stevenson, Samantha 20
Stevenson, Torrenzo 17
Stewart, Nora 25
Stock, Richard 21
Stolfi, Kenneth 11
Story, Ron 28
Street, Adam 17
Street, Matthew 21
Sturycz, Jonathan 21
Suhling, Nicholas 21
Sumpter, Barb 29
Sunderman, Jaimason 21
Swift, Miriam 21
Tackett, Marilyn 25
Tolbert, Shawn 12, 48
Taylor, Kevin 17
Taylor, Latoya 25
Taylor, Valerie 29, 30
Tenuta, Don 3, 5, 29, 53
Thomas, Karon 17
Thompson, Patricia 29
Thompson , Teisha 21
Tijerina , Bryan 21
Torrez, Rosanna 21
Wamboldt, Paul 29
Wash , Brian 17
Webb , Sarah 21
Welch , Margaret 29
Wells, Daniel 17
Wells, Nicole 7, 17
Wheeler, Leslie 25, 47
Wheeler, Lora 12
While , Dicedrick 17
White, Jamie 21
While, Omar 17
While, Willie 21
Whillock, Liz 5, 29
Whitmore, Aretha 17
Whitrock, Charlie 17
Whyte , Kevin 21
Wiberg , Matthew 17
Wickersheim, Amy 17
Wienke , Vern 29
Wlersum , Debbie 29
Wiggins, Rhetta 29
Wilkey , James 21
Wilkinson , Beth 29
Wilks, Shere 12
Willard, Amanda 25
Smith, Jerrick 21
Smith, Joseph 21
Smith, Michael 17, 45
Smith, Shaun 20
Smith / Hernandez,
Georgette 12
Smithson, John 11
Snedlker, David 11
Snider, Jill 11
Solis, Michelle 21
Soltis, Steven 25
Spencer, Raven 17
Spikes, Neville 21
Spizzirri, Jason 21
Springer, Josephine 28
SI.Martin, Shaun 17
Stahlman, Chuck 28
Stancato, Julie 28
Stanley, Justin 11
Slalemo, Stoey 17
Stehlik, Judith 28
Stein, Jennifer 17
Sterba, Diane 28
Stevens, Veronica 17
Torrez , Theodore 21
Towne , Patrick 25
Trosen, Emily 17
Truax , Jason 21 , 31
Tully, Eric 12
Tyler, Tiffiney 25
Underwood, Amanda 17
Usinger, Mandi 6, 21
Valenti, Lisa 21
Vance, Shannon 21
Vosquez, Desiree 25
Viera, Angelico 25
Viesca , Alfonso 25
Vines, Autumn 21
Wade, Marilyn 29
Wade, Matt 25
Wakefield, Tracey 29
Walker, Amanda 17
Walker, Heather 21
Walker, Sarah 21
Walter, Sondra 28, 33
Waller, Susan 17, 52
Walter, Valerie 21
Walters, Richard 17
Willard, Jonathon 17
Willems, Shannon 21
Willenbring, Robert 21
Williams, Teshoniko 17
Wiison, Kathy 29
Wilson, Stanley 29
Wincek , Lacey 12
Wollman , Joshua 17
Wright, Marjean 12
Wright, Rita 12, 48
Wynn , Crystal 21
Yackley, Kyle 29
Yde , Tristan 25
Young, Arthur 12
Young , Dawn 12
Young , Terrance 17
Young, Zedrick 12
Yszenga, Larry 21
Zak , Adele 29
Zamora, Kimberly 21
Zonal, Linda 29
Zekor, Nicholas 25
Ziemba , Michael 12
Zoromskls, Brion 12, 48
(,,./n 63
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Piasecki Scrinu Pipkin Joshua Post G oba+ta Pozzo CIJarrri'I <0+1 ff Rober+ R( hrY'l Dan c le
Reyrla Carlos R ve•a Anthony Rogowski A'ldrew Ro'lde Caridicc Ro~ rdanz TarY'l'llY <osc
Ashley r<.owsey Crris <uffa o Jerervw Rupp Vera Sovel,cv Au•e'ia Schrnollirg Latoya Scott
Aaron Sellers Bria"" Sort er Amber S~ carer Court· ey Shearer M rondo SMas fere IS rrpson
JerricK Smi+'1 Joseph Srritr Shaun Srritr M cne'le So! s Novi le Sp kes Jasor Spizzirr Sa'llant'la
Stevenson R cha·a Stock Matthew s+reet Jonat'lan Sturycz ic'lo as Suh irlg Jo rrason
Sunder'llan l'lir OM Swift Tesha Thorrpson Bryan ~ijori-;a ~osanna To•rez Theodore Torrez
Jason Truax \t1andi Usirlger l isa Va er ti S'lannon Vance Autu'llr Vi'les Heat'le· Walker
Sarah WalKer Va'e•ie Walter Sarah Webb Jarriie Wri+e Wi I e White Kevin Wryte James
Wi.key Stiannon W.I ems Rober+ w.lle'lbnng <aquel Wollin Crystal Wynn Larry Yszenga
Kimberly Zarrora Sara Andersen Paul A'ldorsor Joshua Augustine Cand ce Bartholorrew
Robe1 BasraM Terelle Bass Davia Bau'lleister Danie Beal. Courney Block Sarah Brady
Septe'lloer B•itz T"any Br tz Oscar Brow'! Jererriy Buski•k Marqui+ta Carlisle Naomi Castro
Krist Cear ey Veronica Cerpa B·ett C'lristoptie• Angela Clerrients Jermaine Coa+es Shane
Cobb Sha·ee Cook C'1ris+opher CoLlto Jam Cozo1 l zzie Culpepper Nicole Dan els
Rasheera Davis Rhonda Delacy Ka+ie Delany Shawr Dobbs Shaun Donohue Megan
Dower Arna'lda Duvall Do'le la Edwards Shaun <EDanie Eldridge Dustin Erickson Placido
Flores Vo or Foster Tiffa'ly Gaston Amanda Gi rrore Steven Groh Priscilla Guzrran
Stephanie Hackett E=a•I 1-layden James Hayde'l Charmaine Hill l eticia H II l atasha Hogan
Stephen Hovey Ivan Hurtado Serena Jespersor Desiree Johnson Elex Jordan Warren
Kasp~ov er Darryl Kellarr. Joshua K·ng Adarr Lachmari Le;f LaMie le David Lawre'lce
Benjamin Lirdstrom RayMond Lopez Justin Marsha I Joshua Ma11n Apr I Mayo Steven
Mays Chr sti'le McAlister Deon tvcCraney Jared McGoveran Jarvis McKefl Ve l '"'i' f\/nrJr ~
Lat•ice Myers Clirt Nt..;tta I Letiecia Ocanas Emmanuel Ornelas Keio\ rnelas Kelby ' '
O+terson Holly Parreant Michael Patterson Eric Payne Va'lessa Pie'lc kc PSSO Piencikov. so
Dawn Rcrardson l'lo'lique Rirvil Joshua Rios Brandon RocKwe:ler A :)Ckweiler A• -;kV
Samuel Rosen+ha Rebecca Rydzenski Joshua Srort David Sims Steven S ims Steven S lrris '
Mari yn Tackett Latoya Taylor Patrick Towne Tiffiney ...yler Desiree VasquJas ree Vasquez ,ire
Alfonso Viesca Matt Wade Les·ie Wree er Arranaa Willa•d Tris+an Ya:rrd Tr stan Yoe J Tr