Walter Reuther Central High School Yearbook 1983
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Walter Reuther Central High School Yearbook 1983
The Walter Reuther Central High School yearbook, for the 1982 to 1983 school year.
11708558 bytes
Walter Reuther Central High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
*******************REUTHER YEARBOOK STAFF***********************************
Monica Gonzales
Denise Hartwell
Mary Hudson
Franklin Jones
Shawn Mcintire
Rhonda Simas
Julie Smestad
Jeff Strehlow
Melody Subject
Trish Sucharda
Playford Thorson
Bob Anderson
ij)11,0Z, 2
r' ,4N5W£6
f'l&WJltft ;N
fQtJNO 5().
outstanding Stooent of the Year! 11
**********PilM H&lldin*************
Top Teen, Kerosha, Wisc.
outstanding Senior, Qoota Club
OUtstaroing Senior, WIMJ, Milwaukee
caMe to Reuther because I like doI al90
like the closeness here students have
with their teachers.
I feel oorainq to Reuther was a very
good experiew::e a-1 I thank everyone that has helped Me out.
Now that I have graduated, I plan to
ROve up North to qo to scl'¥x>l to beCCIW! a pediatric nurse.
Ri.qht PCM I aa a part-time teller at
Southern Lakes Credit Union (teachers).
Also. I a. aoinq to schx>l to beoafte
a pre-service Nursinct Assistant.
ing thinqs at JC'C'f own pace.
Pui Halldin
PaJft's plau for this sunmer are to
aet married and start qettim ready
Todd Sina
for schx>l.
J<*m Mar¥3emack
Trish Sucharda
Carla Haupt
other Kiwanis Club awar•
winners not picture&:
Sheila Johnsen
Betsy berg, Al Jantz
Angie Hayden
Tracie Tluna.s
carla. Haupt
Steve Orth
Sheila Johnson
Melody Subiect
Anqela InqraJft
Mark CrilJ\ShaW
Franklin Jones
Paia Halldin
I.ori Sladek
Mildred Aoosta
Mark Gould
Randy Brittich
Shelly Knmer
~-- ·
~.-.'<.• : .;···.
. .:.'
Janet Ewer
Kim J ensen
Mariorie Poltrock
Mary Hudson
Brenda Ibllof f
Jeff Strehlow
Ki• Doaenk
Lin«a SprinCJer
.Jaaie BeaJll
Brian Bennett
Tracy Dehart
Ron Yeaqer
Hector Jarmillo
Jeff Johnson
Mary Kisielewski
Dave Kollman
Pam Laurxlerville
Jeannine Leipziq
Karen Linsey
Mary Willenbrinq
Scott Zeimetz
Jeff Mack
Jeff Maier
Anna Mallo
COnnie Mays
Kim Myer
Tracy Norstorm
Anita Olivares
Marhta Walter
Diana Willems
Len:::>re Franklin
EuQene F\.mk
Kim Gabron
Tim Geniesse
Mike Geruais
Jesus Ganez
Mark Gould
Julie Halldin
Mark Hanson
Scott Hauck
Eric Horner
Rhnea Hudock
Al Jantz
Barb Mortenson
Don Reece
Bill Strehlow
Johnny Plunkett
Trish Sucharcla
Essie Bennett
Miai Lacy
WilliaJn Ulrich
Curtis Barcalow
JO:Jer Olson
Mary Beltova
Betsy Berg
John Bilski
Matt Ibsen
Marnetta Carr
Shelly Cipov
Latricia Dalton
Davicl "Skip" Ritchie
Kathleen Seqertt.en
Darwin Delacy
Al J.
Hi, I'• the one
responsible for
this book. You
like it?
Don't bother •e
I'a working!
Doris H.
Does this stuff come off?
Joan D.
Mary Nell S.
Hot Ro~
I can't
bear to
look t t t
Ron S.
Look out, VanHalenlll
Babies are
•Y life!!!
Director of the Year!
r.ordon M.
~.); G 'L~.J I
Freddi S.
Karen M.
Bob c.
Saunnie Y.
Hot Stuff l I l
Ms. Biz E. Bo•y
Cheer up the years
almost over!
zzzzzzzzzzzzz ...
Grant s.
Karin R.
This isn't really
Karin it's a statue,
Goo• to the last •rop
Jim c.
Bill B.
Get to work Anni
Mr . Bill
Rene H.
Father of the Year!
Ron s .
The Great DetectiYe?
Ann M.
CJ:luck s.
Get to work Jial
MMM that aanawich
was ~ooa l l l l l l l l l
• '
Becky P.
The next Jiai Hendrix?
!.:· -
Ruth V.
Now class .••
Paul JC.
Inhale, hold, relax!
.Interviews •..
Playford Thorson ••.
I have been teaching at Reuther for two years.
I also taught at Lincoln Jr. High for three years
twa year as an A.V. teacher and one as a Civics teacher.
It's alot of fun being a teacher. 1 enjoy working with
students, especially at Reuther because you 9et a chance
to know the• better.One of my favorite hobbies is to
work in Radio Broadcastin!. My favorite sport is Hockey!
Ron Story •••
I caiae to Reuther to get involved in the Radical Education
1110vement of 1 68 Madison, I was appionted to Alternative School
Planning Co?llJlittee by Bradford's principal.
I like to do •any things in my spare tiae such as, biking,
swi11111ing, cooking, learning, writing, reading, singing, hugging
trees, and shooting the breeze.
I caae to Reuther because I got transferea fro• Treaper. Before teaching here I
.tAught at Elkhorn for one year, McKinley for
:two years, ana Treaper for seven years.
In •Y spare ti•e I like to play baseball
]and golf. Right now I A• coaching Bradfora's
u softball (girls) teaa. I also like to aake
Actually, I came to Reuther because t heard that their
school store sells good sandwiches!lllllllllllllllllll
{):x:: •••
{):x::'s oobbies are qolfinq skiinq,
poker qal"es and spendinq time with
his faarily.
His RO&t eIDa.rrassinq ?'fCl'llftent was
when he was telling students to
qet off the steps in a lx>ssy
type voice and the first person
to mve was a sc~l lx>ard JN!l'lber.
(One of {):x:: 1 s lx>sses.)
For the s~ he plans to \o.Ork at
Reuther for sUJt"mer sc:tx:>ol.
Also on the aqenda for the sunrner
are campi.nq. qoina to Colorado,
and Great America.
Otx>te for the vear •••
"When life qives you a lel"!On
make lenonade. "
Joyce •••
I think the yearlxx>k is a great
idea, doing J11Dre thinqs for Reuther'•
reputation is really necesury.
I enioyed J11Dst of this year teachinq
readinq groups, aw:1 I really like to
helpkids reach thier QOals.
In _, spare U- I like to quilt
aJrl qarden and travel. This ~ I
plan to visit 1trf parents ill Iowa AJd
take a class at Milwaukee u.
Rene teaches Science. His hobbies inclu4e jogqing, bicyclinq, sailin~,
racquetball, aoael trains, craveling, and tennis. His ellbarassin~ moment
this year at ReYther i~ trying to aijust blinis in Math Lab ani have the
whole unit fall to the floor. Rene says, "The iaea of the yearbook is wonierful ••• AT LAST!!"
Rene's sunaer plans are to go sailing, bicycling, ani traveling.
Mary Nell •••
I eajeyei aest of tae year aere at Reuther
(partieipatiag ia LEARN aa• !•i•! oa retreats).
I fini Reuther a eoafortable place to be •• it
lacks eabarrassiag . .•eats.
I think tke yearbook will 9i?• tllia seaoel
•o•e spirit, just aepe it get• fiaielae4l tki•
Wllea I kave soae free tiae I like te reai
ani qolf; aai this su-.aer I plaa to !raiuate
fro• WAitewater.
Al says •••
enioyed nost of this year.
The students and classes were great.
I like to read, relax and
watch basebal lin MY spare t.i:Me.
This SUJner I plan to atmfrl
carthaqe or Parkside, and learn
to sleep late!
I support the idea to haw
a yearbook am I oope it'll continue. (Pluse it qives Playford
!llOPftthinq to oo, besides play chess!)
Ruth Vandervort
This is my first year here, and I enjoyed it very much.
I enjoy working with high school stuaents rather than
students fro• junior high.
Besides liking to sew and cook, I also like to read, swim,
~lay tennis, and gardening.
My Jl\OSt eJftbarrassing time this year was when I forgot a
necessary ingredient for my cooking class.
and Ruth says .••
"Don't forget to buy Girl Scout
IterYiews •••
Gordon •••
My hobbies are jewetery making, plants, ,arienin,,
travelin!, constrution type work, ani the Miidle East.
The best tiae this year was en the LEARN retreat ani
Ni!ht School. My ~WUler plans are to !O to Europe ani Ey
Quote of tne year ..•
" Learn and Grow"
Gorion also !Ot aarriei finally on March 26tA 19831
Champion paper tower builders!
He'll never aake it!
Looks like the Eiffel Tower!!!
When is that Yolleyb 11
coming down?
Group Therapy?
pole -- land
Cheese I
sue Marcinkus
Nancy Piller
The college gradll!
My serious side?
What's up Doc?
My work is never done!
Can't wait
til the en•
of the yearl
Sue N.
Bruce c.
Paul K.
Kathy v.
Watch the hands kids
Jovce s.
Janet v.
workin! real hard
Hoae away fro• hoae
SMILE, you're on Can•ie Caaera?I?
Skip & Lin•a
Very interesting book?
Aay ' Xiii
Freddi Stevens-Jacobi
Darwin Delacy
Reutaer E«ucatien at Larqe
Bill Boyle
Two-year pr•!r. .
Te werk with stu«ents who broke contract ani want te stay at Renther.
Bill Be~le:
"We put students out in tae co. .unity to work as velunteer• at
nursin! homes, iay care centers, contract work settinq up
businesses, take classes at GTI in aorninq then a(ternoon
basic acaie11ic skill• which ieal with tae hanis on project•.
All have heen successful the qraiuatei fro• this pro!r...
Really prepares people for society ani itself.
Bill'• aobhies:
Enjoy's stain!lass, sin!in94 . playin! !Uitar, enjeys
eoaputer pro!r&Jllllinq, enjeys YOCJa, playin! tennis.
Teaches REAL an« Reading,
Playin!, Fantasy & Fable.
Pat DeRemer
Mary Nell Saul•
Cliff Cowick
Gordon Mendenhall
Experience Baaed Carrer &iueation is one of the
program• Reuther has to offer. It ia taught by twD
T•r-f' nice people, Sharon Shelton and Joyce Gyurina.
Sharon and Joyce help alot ot people get trained tor
many different job• and graduate tr~m school.
E.B.C.E. ia a program in which atudents go to
site• in an area in which they would like to be trained.
For 18 hours a week the atudents will work, but not get
paid. For 2 days they are in claaa, this is called
In-house daya. This ia when they aee thier co-ordinator•
tor one hour. ~terwarda they they work on thier actiTit7
sheet• the reat ot the day.
Sharon haa been teaching !or Reuther tor eight
yeara. She enjoys to weaTe, aew, traTel, and camp.
She alao loTea to teach at Reuther. Joyce has 9een
teaching at Reuther tor •ix years. She likes to play
golf, read, and go to 1'.~e moTies. She alao likes
aerobic• and dancing and traTeling. Like Sharon, Joyce
also like• to teach at Reuther!
Shar n an• Deanna
Robin, Sharon, an• Sue
Typing is my lifel
An ~CE •iacu•aion
in proqresa
Essie Bennett
Ken:)sha Mem::>rial Hospital
John Wynne
Kattie Pallens
FUr By Us
Heic!i Lemay
Kelly Sullens
Pines Nursery
r.tkinlev Elementary
Lucy's Wiqs
'On CoMers" Jeff Streh1nw. Bill Strehlow, JiM
Russell, Jeff Rightler, Steve Orth.
"'the Crushers" Franklin .Tones. Nick Cochran.
Jeff Ttnnoson. Ibn Yeaaer. Bruce ~l
"Miller Time" Butch Castil
e. Todd laba
Ray Nehls, Karen Miller• Antronv "half'~ Wricmt
~ther R;ots" Chifford Bell. Marikav Hu:lson.Craia Lanilrecht.
hnnv aoo Jackie Sexton. Official !'iCOrekeeoer Pemtv Mever •
"Sanford arrl Sons"
Tamty Zallba, Brett Schmalfeldt, John Kunath
Grant Sanford, Dave Kolllnan
"Heavy Metal tbllers"
Janet Vyskocil, Jeff Gross,
DeShawn Al:ntstronq, Jo ann Mal'rlernack
" 13\Xfsy' s BcJillbers" Ja C&Merot.a, oava 'l\9llp,
Sheila Johnson, Sue Nicmbor Buqsy Zeimetz
"Rarrlv' a Am'les"
Sharon Scheltnn
Shellv Cioov
Randv Brittich
Leeaa Pusina.ult
Everybody j Ullp 1 1 1
What is this
The Bionic Man
(6 •illion •olla~s
for this?)
Say Uncle!
of •e"feet",
de "le~s", de "arms",
••whole boiyl!lll
Mow what •o I
P.A.C:E. l.·s Personal and Career Education. P.A.C.E. teaches life skills te
stuients so stucents can function in a procuctive •anner in tocay'a society.
Linea- Tauqht two years in Lincoln, twc in Penn., first year here. Her hobbies
are joqqinq, yoqa, walking(hikin!) in the wooca. Linea says the
cifference between Reut~er anc other schools is because here at
Reuther you are acre accountable for your own ti.Jfte. Structure ia aore
flexible. Staff ase more openei.
Likes teachinq at Reuther, Reuther
is not suite& for P.A.C~E. needs.
Linia's plans for the future are thinkin! of takin! the year off.
Beth- First year teachin!.
an& travelinq.
Her hobbies are recreational sports, pkot9!raphy
Beth's plans for the future are qein! to Eur~e fer the aU111Mtr.
whereabouts are unknown.
Ann- (sub) tauqkt in school cistrict off and on for the past ten to twelve
years. Rer ho~bles are readin! aystery stories, writin! anc poetry.
In the Fall
Rudy1. IndiTidual Guide• F.ducation- Working with •tudents on
a one to one ba•i• at the •tudent• own leTel. The cla•s
deals with social and 9ehaTior goal• a• well as academic
2. Do you haTe any hobbie•?
" Ye•, I like all kind.8 of •ports and ceramic•."
3. Do you have any other interests?
do not haTe any other areas of interest accept
in the area of counseling."
" I
4. How long haTe you been teaching?
" I haTe taught for 11 year•, 7 year• in Oklahoma,
2 years at McKinley Jr. High, and 2 year• at Reuther."
5. How doe• the problems ot the kid• differ from Reuther
to Oklahoma?
" The teaching and the work are the •am• in 9oth
Reuther and in Oklahoma."
Shawn and date
Reuther's Playmate of the Year
Chris and Serena
Another tou!h day in the Infant Lab
Anqie won't be Bllilinq when •he finds out what Quinton
just did to ker backJ
Anotfter quiet baby
Thinqs coul• be wor•e Xia
Up an• attea Cassie
Miranda lookin~ happy a• alway•
Out like a light
I want to qo to Reuther!
Infant Lab InterYiews •••
Deblti• Dreller:
Tenni•, ~elf, rai•in~ faaily.
Werke• at Reutaer in the Infant Lab fer twe years~
Got here by ki•s, fifteen babie•, twe week•, twe year•.
M. . .ra8le experience:
Summer plan•:
t• San Francisco, relati:Yes, werke• at
Infant Lab twe years at el• •cllool, two yea~•
Hew she ~ot thi• job:
Got here through ki•s.
"BelleJllber to take yeur pill"
La coocarachal
Saile Chaatityl
1C A\~ I[) 111[)
~CA\~\ IEll? A
I£J Ro,.;