The Challenge 1995
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The Challenge 1995
The St. Joseph High School yearbook, The Challenge, for the 1994 to 1995 school year.
49512905 bytes
St. Joseph High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
"I know the road he chose for me
is not the road he chose for you."
I feel that this quote reflects the
attitude of the Challenge staff. As
a member of the yearbook staff
for the past three years I have
changed so much, for the better
in my opinion. Life is full of
many interesting and unique
experiences. So as you go
through life I hope you will
remember high school as the best
four years of your lives. Everybody has a different outlook on
the years they spend in high
school. Each person has to choose
what is right for them, even if it's
not the path in life that your
friend made or is going to make.
The goal of the yearbook is to try
to help you keep the many
memories you created this past
year. From seniors to incoming
freshmen I hope you will treasure
these thoughts, and carry them
with you always.
-Ruben J. Medina Jr.
2401 69th Street Kenosha, WI 53143
Title - 1
Piecing the New Year Together
ew Year
New Year- 3
Student Life
(<JI> ~ People
(~ Retreat
' 'u;~<X
' ~-Qt
' {~ ~
Follovv The Blue and
Above: RyanPirangalicarries the Knight away in his
beetle hearse after defeating Dominican.
Above:The award winning float built by the Sophomore class.
Above:Mis Crivello help blow up a
balloon for the student council float.
6 - Spirit W ek
Above:Jenny Knight and Michelle Payette are
certainly sporting school spirit, a they
watched the LancersschallackDominican22
Above: Mr. Pesch can stop advertising, he's
already got the job.
From Monday's Hippies to Saturday's Spirit Filled Parade
Below: This was the enior'shomecoming float. After four years their record ends3-1.
Above:Sarahand Juliann take timeout for a quick
picture with the Grand Marshal Ruben Medina
Above:Homecoming Queen jenny Fani must
have royalty in her blood . She was prom queen last
Above: Bridget, Juliann and Amy are groovin' to the tunes of the 1ama's and the
Above top: The following were Homecoming candidates: Jenni Fam Rachael Ru,.h,
Tracy Panasewicz, Robin Sabine, Kelly Petrusky, Joya Zamora, Jill \\asile\·ich and
Deanna Montavo. All of them deserve a round of applause, ii not for then 'mm.1tion, then for their radical outfits dude.
prt \\t.'L'
A Piece of the Homecoming Puzzle,
the Senior Guy Skits.
Above: Jenny Fani, Rachael Rush, Tracy Panasewicz, Robin Sabine, Kelly
Petruskey, Joya Zamora, Jill Wa ilevich, and Deanna Montolvo, were the
1994-1995 Homecoming Candidates. They were introduced to the
school during Senior Skits.
Above: Andy and Jason (Belly) are giving the Timex test. The watch
took a licking and kept on ticking.
Below left: Homecoming Candidate Robin is being escorted by the
devilishly cute Ron Brown.
Below Right: Tracy is escorted by the stink patrol, Ruben and Ben.
Above: Jenny Fani is escorted by Aladdin and Abu. Steve (Aladdin) has
always had the fantasy of showing off his pees. Spencer (Abu) just likes
to monkey around.
8 - Senior Skits
Above: The Senior guys finally caught up with Aldo and gave him the hair cut
that they have been threatening him with.
Below: The Senior guys try to show off their building skills, but perhaps they
need a little more power.
Senior Skits - 9
"Can You Feel The
Love Tonight?"
Homecoming '94
Above: Homecoming Queen Jeni Fani escorted by Aldo
Surdo. Jeni seems to be right at home on the throne.
Upper Right: 1strunner-upJill Wasilevichescorted by
Aaron Vitkus. Model student and members of the
National Honor Society get loose at the dance.
Lower right: '.!nd runner-up Tracy Panasewicz escorted
by Grand Mar,hall Ruben \1edina. Ruben !>ecms· to
need some ele\ ator shoe!>.
10 -Student Life
Left: "Sorry, my dance card is filled! "
Above Left: Kri Dallmann wa
kidnapped by a group of freshmen and forced to have her picture taken with them.
Above: Homecomingcandidate
Kelly Petrusky escorted by Joe
LaMacchia. Kellyand Joe have
been good friends ince sixth
Left: Christian Khayat give Adam Inclan the basics about
doing the hokcy-pokey.
Above: St. Joe's students are jamming to the tunes in the
lobby. Unfortunately, at most dances only a few people
are out on the dance floor showing off their move .
Homecoming - 11
Piece By Peace
The 1994--1995 school year has been
somethingworthsavinginourmemories forever. Saint Joseph High School
throughout the year has accomplished
and established many things, from a
new chedule to winning the tate football champion hip. Last year a new class
schedule and rotation was introduced.
At first it was confusing, but as time
went on the students got used to it.
In Sports, we won the first state footballchampionship in theschool's37year
history. Also, with the addition of a new
ba ketball coach it was a great season. should continue to preserve our long
The girl's basketball team almost made it tradition of teaching and excellence.
to State once again. Piece by Peace St. Once again classes are being offered
Joe's is rebuilding it's athletic program. that haven't been here in quite awhile,
Proving once again that we are a strong such Accounting and Architecture.
and competitive force in the Metro Con- The school is growing and yet we are
still at peace with each other. The
class has become a big piece
In classrooms, St. Joseph's High
of the puzzle with a class of 160.
Enjoy the yearbook. i something
School added many new faces to the
worth saving.
faculty and staff. With their help we
12 - Theme Development
Theme Development - 13
Right:Jenni, Thea and Jodi stop to
pose pretty for a quick picture.
Below: Ryan P. rocks the magic mic as he DJ's for the reception after
the Junior Ring ceremony.
Above: We caught up with Stacy, Katie, Tracy, and Jeff
for a quick picture before they SKS off!
14 - Junior Ring Day
Above:Some of our "studly" Junior guys proudly how off their
ring before they started their activities for thi pecial day.
Juniors: The Missing Pieces
Two broken windows and complaints about noise ... Ring Day is
still lots of fun!
the class that friends are really friends
Left:The Junior girl mile brightly after a
moving ceremony. Shortly afterward , they
changed to have a fun fi lled day of activite .
Junior Ring Day - 15
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Above: Get down! Gerry Arnold
literally takes Joe LaMacchia's advice to get down and dirty and
18 - Winter Formal
Right: Dancin' fools,
armody and Kelly Terpenning,
Practice their S.B.I. moves.
Winter Formal 1994
Left: Fits like an old shoe. Old professionals at the game of courtship former Prom
king and queen, Steve Mills and Jenny
Fani, are recrowned for Winter Formal
Above far left: Juniors, Jenny Knight and Steve
A mclctte, step off the basketball court for our 1994
Snowflake court.
Middle: Sophomore snowflakes, Sara erpc and
Matt Medvecz, step out on the dance floor for the
court dance.
Right: Fresh men snowflakes, Jane Thompson and
!etc Willems, proudly accept their position on
the mistletoe court.
Bottom left: G Q. All dressed up and ready to
party. Just a few of the St. Joe's studs get ready to
Winter Formal - 19
Doc welcomes everyone to the 1995 Sadie Hawkins Senior Skits
as the girls p,1raded down the aisle to "Pretty Women."
Jenny Fani, Christal Jones, and Tasha Banks escort Joe Karaskiewicz.
Bridget Weiler welcomes the "new and improved" Aldo Surdo to the class of 1995 reunion.
Joya Zamora and Kelly Petrusky escort Kyle
Woocbon up to receive his lovely boxer shorts.
20 - Sadie Hawkins kits
The sun will come out tomorrow ... well maybe it already had for Matt LaSota who is
escorted bj Mary Rizzo and Bndget Weiler.
Sister Virginia
Energizes Skits
Left: Sister
Virginia shows
that the Energizer
bunny has nothing
on her. She keeps
going and going ..
Above: These seven wonderful guys were the senior girls' picks for the Sadie Hawkins King
nominees: Steve Mills, Bob Camosy, Kyle Woodson, Spencer Jury, Matt LaSota, David
Flores, and Joe Karaskiewicz.
Above: Jason Willems, Matt LaSota, Ben Walthers, Joe Karaskiewicz, Kvle Woodson, and
Spencer Jury think they arc number one. They are right, four of six were nominated for
Above: Christal Jones and Deanna Montavlo escort
Steve Mills.
Below: All of these dancers had so much talent and
skill, so who was the winner of the dance contest, no
one will c\·cr knov.
Right: The Snoopy gang,
consisting of Jenny Fani, Maggie
Yoo, and Jill Wasilevich, escort the
final nominee, Spencer Jury.
Sadie Hawkins kits - 21
22 - Sadie Hawkin ,
Above: Katie Kirsch marries Andre Speed at the chapel of Love.
Above: Aldo Surdo and Ruben Medina ...... .
Above: The crowd gets down on the ground to "Shout."
Sadie Hawkins - 23
Above: Joya Zamora belts out a special song for her special guy.
Above: Tracy Panasewicz and Marissa Robinson perform an entertaining tap number for our fathers at the dinner dance.
24 - Father I Daughter
Above: The daughter's finally find the time to share a dance with their
Father- Daughter Dinner Dance
A Formal With
Your Father
Above: Joya, Nikki, Michelle, Rita strut their stuff on the dance floor!
Mr. Pesch awards 'Vlr. Matrise with a plaque in thanks for all of his
time and effort helping out St. Joe's.
Above: Margaret & Meagan got together and created a poem to
recite for their dads.
Below: Maggie Yoo plays a beautiful piece by Bryan Adams, for
her father.
Above: Kathy presents Beth with the honor of next year's chairperson.
Father /Daughter - 25
Right: Spencer Jury and the guys
are entertaining their mother~ and
themselves bv acting a little crazy.
haun '\llcCune and his
mother are ne"\t years hosts of
Mother /Son.
Above: Rob Eaton and his mother
will be assisting the McCunes' at
next years Mother /Son.
Right: Spencer Jury and his mother
hosted this years Mother /Son event.
"It was an event that I'll always
remember," quoted Spencer.
26 - Mother /Son
Right: Matt Lasota gives a thumb
up to Mother/Son.
Bless Be The Tie That Binds
Mother-Son Event A Big Success
Above: Jason Willems and his Mother enjoy a little quality time
This year's Mother
Son event was held at
Sharkey's Re taurant.
It was a huge success
and everyone enjoyed
it. The entertainment
was provided by
Spencer Jury.Spencer
performed his standup comedy routine.
The mass was well
attended. The chapel
was packed full of
Mothers and Son
praising the Lord.
Mother / Son - 27
Everyone Shined At Prolll
Junior/Senior Prom 1995
Top left: First runners up, Rita Kleist and asey
Cesnovar take their place on the dance floor.
Top middle: Michelle Payette and Ryan Pierangeli took
their place on the dance floor as second runners up.
Top right: The third runners up were Amy Ruffalo and
Rob Robinson.
Left: The 1995 Prom King and Queen, Jenny Knight and
Mike Matteucci, during the court dance.
28 - Prom
Prom_ 29
So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good-bye
Mr. Scott Seidl Leaves St. Joe's
For the Bright Lights of Branson, Missouri
One of the most familiar phra e that ha come from Mr.
Seidl' mouth is, "Don't take it p rsonally, ju t take it."
After 20 year of dedication, both performing and directing, Mr. Scott Seidl leaves St. Joe' for his chance performing
profe ionally on the stage in Branson, Mis ouri.
Starting his career in the theatre with "Anything Goes,"
Mr. Seidl launched two decade of theatre work at St. Joe's.
One of his mo t memorable play wa "Big River" which
debuted in 1993. Mr. Seidl brought rain to the stage, and
with that, "Big River" was the mo t spectacular spring
mu ical ever to hit St. Joe's.
Mr. Seidl was more than a dir ctor. He was, and still i
like a father to many that have come in contact with him.
Mr. Seidl may have been rough, but he only wanted his
performers to be the best that they could be.
Rogers .................................... Scott Seidel
Mrs. Rogers ......................... Theresa Hammond
Fred arracot ............................ Dave Arneson
Vera Claythorne ........................... Kelly Jelacic
Philip Lombard .......................... Bill Hammond
Anthony Mar ton ......................... Jo eph Ortega
William Blore .............................. John Koker
General Mackenzie ..................... Mike Chiappetta
Emily Brent ... . ........................... . Patty Potter
Sir Lawrence Wargrave ..... . ...... . ......... Steve Casey
Dr. Arm trong ............................ Frank Ortega
Top: Scott Seidl stars as lead "Indian" in the play "Ten Little Indians".
He then goes on to be killed, but comes back every performance.
Above: At the first performance of "Jo eph and the Amazing Technicolor
Dreamcoat" Mr. Seidl sports the lovely pair of headsets that save many
people from missing their cue .
30 - So long, Mr. Seidl
Top: Now, after years of dedication to this school, you would think that a
wedding here would be unfore een. Modeling in the lobby is the new Mr.
and Mrs. Scott Seidl. To carry their dedication even further, they took
S. B. I. on their honeymoon.
Above: We've seen Mr. S idl talk to many different types of people (i.e.
pirates, giants, dwarfs, egyptians) but no one has ever seen him talk to a
dog! Mr. Seidl, a.k.a. Dr. Doolittle?
Striking a familiar stance, Mr. Scott
Seidl talks to that day' audience
consisting of grade school kids that
came to see a musical here at St.
Joe's. He tells them of all the hard
work that the cast, crew, and band
have put towards this production
and how they appreciate their applause.
So long Mr. Seidl - 31
~ER\'l.. , THE
tM '. 'lTY F R
!2 YEAR~
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Professional Photography for over 28 years ...
St. Joe's "Official" Photographer since 1987
A BIG "Thank You" for another great year to al I the students in all
grades, and to the parents for their patronage throughout the years.
A special "Thanks" to the graduating Senior Class of 1995, and these
Seniors that supported us with their Senior Portraits in our studio.
32 Ads
Peopl e Introducti on 33
Freshman Year: A New Beginning
Katherine Aceto
Alejandro Albarran
Momca Anaya
Peter Ansari
Robert Ash
Brit Bankemper
Adam Bardosy
Claudia Barrera
Sarah Bartlett
Lisa Bea les
Anji Becker
Donald Becker
Brian Belongia
Joshua Bennett
Meghan Bishop
Brian Bluma
Paul Bogdanovich
Katherine Bower
John Brekeller
Louis Brown
Ma rcella Cassity
David astellanoz
Jeremy Chapman
Kathy Colemen
Kristal olemen
Yaritza olon
Bob Cook
Odin respo
Timothy Dabbs
Dawn Davidson
Gregory Dewald
Michael Drinka
Daniel Dziurdzik
Elizabeth Fincher
Raymund Flores
Susan (Kellee) Franklin
Amy Franta!
Mathew Freid!
Kristine Freitag
Thomas French
icholas Formmelt
Steven Galley
Stephen Gertz
Peter Gifford
Joshua Glascock
Juan Gonzalez
Gina Grey
Alberto Guadarrama
Antonio Guadarrama
34 - Freshmen
Rosario Guadrrama
Douglas Hahn
arada Harris
icholas Hatton
Bridget Huabrich
Daniel Hawver
Michael Henkes
Patrick Hennessey
Joseph I limplemann
Walter Holderbaum
Robert Hopkinson
Joseph Howard
Amanda Ile
Jacaro Jones
Christopher Jordan
Jennifer Keel
Adam Kirsch
Katherine Knight
Bonnie Koleske
Adam Kraai
William Kreuser
Lindesy Kreutzer
Ofelia Lima
Latassa Love
Lawrence Lovelace
Jennifer Lowe
Adela Lozano
Christopher Malsack
icole Mangi
Jessie Maningo
Shirley Markovich
Martha Martinez
Richard Mathews
Carrie Matteucci
Jennifer Mccarthy
Fre hmen - 35
Chad McCormick
Angela McDermott
Dan McTernan
Amber Merkling
Jacqueline Mezger
Corv Miley
Holly Miller
Katie Mills
Mark Milos
Rahman Mitchell
Joseph Monsalud II
Maria Montoya
Michele Montpas
Aaron elson
Paul elson
Joshua euwirth
Andrew Orth
Angela Owen
Sarah Pierce
Craig Pisarik
Ronald Plebanek Jr.
Brian Portilia
Kevin Ramsey
Jane Reckling
helton Reid
Maria Reindl
Joy Rice
Dana Risinger
Jennifer Ritacca
Dianis Rivera
Eric Roberts
Marisa Robinson
Michael Robinson
David Rodgers
Robin Rupp
36 - Freshmen
Andrea Sadowski
Amalia Salinas
icole Sandstrom
Paul Santarelli
Brandee Schmidt
Terrance Schroder
Edward Schrubring
Elizabeth Schuch
Jeffery Schweninger
Isabel Serna
Ellen Skora
Mark pottswood
Joseph Tenuta
Kelly Terpeneing
Jane Thomsen
Stefanie Umfress
Beth Upham
David Vargas
Magally Vasquez
Armando Vindell
Kyle Vitkus
hristopher Wallen
Thomas Widmar
Cletus Willems
Douglas Williams
Sarah Witter
Julia Wysocki
David Zebrowski
Jason Zeien
Freshmen - 37
On Our Way To The Top
Aiken, Arthur
Anderson,J amie
Anderson, Sara
Anderson, Susan
Avery, Charlotte
Bartel, Shaun
Belback, Sarah
Bey, Michael
Bigalke, Becky
Bodven, Lindsey
Booth, Joseph
Brean, Erik
Breiling, Christine
Burlingham, Kathy
Burton, Kelly
Camilli, Julie
Cassity, Katie
Chiappetta, Sarah
Clark, Kate
Clarke, Josh
38 - Sophomores
.. ..
Conforti, Jo eph
Connell, Christopher
Dallmann, Kris
DeMarino, Vincent
Diekmann, Sybil
Dougvillo, Gina
Drake, Ayana
Epping, Sean
Ford, Tamara
Gagliardi, Frank
Germain, icole
Gerou, Kevin
Gonzalez, Melissa
Grasser, Lori
Hibbard, Angela
Hines, Rayna
Horton, Tricia
Hubeler, Heather
lnfusino, icholas
Jablonski, Amanda
Sophomore - 39
Jame , Kelly
Jarencio, Ru sell
Jensen, Jerian
Jury, Stacie
Kalcic, Brad
Kir ch, Katie
Kraai, Aaron
Krau , Colleen
Langen troer, Monika
Lee, Jae Hee
Loewen, Beth
Longmire, Teena
Marotti, Chri tinia
Martin, Laura
McBride, Iris
Medvecz, Matt
Merritt, Andrea
Meyer, Becky
Miku , Theresa
Misurelli, Laura
Perrine, Dina
Petts, Jackie
Pierce, Josh
Pitts, Robert
40 - Sophomores
It'll Be Heaven In '97
Principato, Jame
Raimondi, Anna
Tanya, Raya
Reynolds, Matthew
Scott, Deon
Scott, Robert
Serpe, Sara
Shuler, ick
Silguero, Teresa
Silvia, Jennifer
Snyder, Joseph
Stone, Kri sy
Sucevich, Michael
Supita, Aaron
Thompsen, Matthew
Tinnen, Tracy
Travanty, Anthony
Varga , David
Viola, Mandy
Voights, Melissa
Sophomore - 41
As We Go On ...
Walthers, Jacob
Weiler, Betsy
Wendricks, Terra
Willis, Jennifer
ot Pictured
Tonv Bohn, Chns Chaple,1u, l l'<l Graf, Brenda
Gunder.;on, Travi~ Harmon, ja"-<.m Kerr, Aaron
Lachell, Robert L.1rson, Jim Lindberg, Theresa
Mikus, Shawn \1illigan , Michael Montemurro,
Lance Moon, Keli O'Brien, Valerie Ohland, Dale
Paa,,iJamen, Damon Peterson, Linis Rowell,
Andre Speed. Jonathan Sturmo, Adam Vasquez,
John Willard, Kristian \\'1lhams, Darrell Woods
42 -Sophomore
______Class of 1996._~---
Piece By Peace We've Made
Amelotte, Steve
Avery, Rebekah
Berrios, Carlos
Besch, Chris
Bower, Josh
Bragado, Theresa
Buratti, Stephanie
Cesnovar, Casey
Coleman, Pam
Czarnecki, Jill
Debi h, Matt
Dill, Eric
Duczak, Jeff
Easley, Kim
Eaton, Rob
Evenhouse, Kendra
Gargano, Dina
Garmendiz, Josh
Gertz, Kevin
44 - Juniors
Our Way To The Top
Grasser, Dan
Haberski, Brian
Hagerty, ick
Hammerrniller, Patrick
Hayes, Robert
Heilgeist, Chris
Hickey, Claire
Inclan, Adam
Jensen, Tony
Jones, Marc
Kempf, David
Kenesie, Eric
Khayat, Christian
Kleist, Rita
Knight, Jenny
Lalla man, Josh
Lanning, Chris
Larson, Connie
Markowski, Ryan
Matteucci, Mike
Juniors - 45
Puttin' on the Ritz .......... .
McCune, Shawn
Meire, Matt
Meyer, Rick
Meyer , Kri tina
Milisa uska , Beth
Miller, Jolene
Misurelli, Amy
Moreno, Ramon
Myscich, Stacy
Olson, Jeanne
Payette, Michelle
Petru ky, Joe
Pierangeli, Ryan
Pillizzi, Kristy
Rashleger, Rob
Reckling, Megan
Reye , Martha
Robinson, Janee
Robinson, Robb
Ruffalo, Amy
46 - Juniors
in 1996!
Ruhle, Jodi
Schmitt, Austin
Schueneman, Tracy
Schultz, Jenny
Shebenik, Ed
Shuler, Mi y
Stummer, Ron
Tallman, Stacy
Thomsen, Mark
Tolefree, Curtiss
Topolovec, Thea
Tutskey, Li a
Van Bergen, Margaret
Walker, athan
Waller, Liana
Wells, Chris
Wilson, Ezra
Worth, Katie
ot Pictured: Peter Fowler, Terrance
Harris, Jaclyn Jaraczewski, Dan
Palrnen, Monica Phelps, ikki Platt,
Beth Ruble, Chri Thomsen, Jesse
Walton, Tony Williams.
Juniors - 47
The Peace Keepers
1994-'95 Faculty and Staff
Mr. Lawrence Pesch, Principal
Mr. Thomas McTernan,
Executive Busine
Admini tator
Mis Donna Smits,
Mr. Frank Matrise,
Althletic Director
Mrs. Mary Karnes,
Fund-Rai ing Director
Mr . Tracy Setum,
Guidance Director
Mrs. Sue Franta!,
Office Secretary
Mrs. Linda Shuler,
Principal Secretary
Mrs. Dorthy Olson,
Accounts Receivable
Mrs. Eileen Pe ch,
CollegeCareer Development
Mrs. Shirley Werner,
Office Manager
Mrs. Barbra Milisauskas,
Office Secretary
Mrs. Matu ek,
Development Secretary
Mrs. Diane Hilbrink,
Yearbook, Librarian,
environmental club advisor
Sr. Lois Aceto,
Campus Minister, Religion
48 - Faculty I Staff
Mr. David Boyd
Mrs. Pamela Bryant
Miss ora Ferm
Mr. Robert Freund
Mrs. Ka thy Gagliardi
Mi AmyGillmore
Mr. Jim Henthorn
Fr. Brian Holbus
Mr. Robert Kame
Mrs. Sharon King
Sr. Madeleva Metten
Mr. Mike Mroz
Mr. Ron Otto
Dr. Sam Pacifico
Mrs. Kristen Peter on
Mr. Gerry Powers
Mr. Doug Reindl
Mr.John Riggins
Mr. Scott Seidl
Mis BendaTerp
Mr.Tom Tiber
ot Pictured: Mis Barbara
Bolt,Sr. VirginiaHandrup,Mr .
Gaylelsrael,Mi Leah
Mullen,Mr. Dave Pettit,Mr.
John Shurla, hris Pillizzi
Faculty /Staff - 49
Jupiter Corp.
Transportation System
Community, Commerce, Commitment,
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
4316-39TH AVENUE
Sports Introduction 51
Golfers Putt The Pieces Together
Above: Paul Bogdanovich, Freshman
A \·erage: -13.1
Hole Rounds: 23
Total trokes: 991
Dual Meet Strokes: 653
Above: Steve Amelotte, Junior
Average: 4-1.1 , Hole Rounds: 23
Total Strokes: 101-1
Dual Meet Strokes: 669
ABOVE: Craig Evans recovers
from his sore wrist and watches
the ball soar!
ABOVE:Matt Medvecz, Sophomore
Hole Rounds:23
Total Strokes:955
Dual M 'et 5trokes:625
Above: Casey Cesnovar, Junior
Average: 47.1
l lole Rounds: 14
Total Strokes: 659
'95 Golf Team
Coach hubrilo, Adam B1erne, Aaron Vitkus, raig Evans, asey Cesnornr,
Chris Thompsen, Terry Schroeder, l'atrick I lennessey, Matt Medvecz,
'vlatt Thompsen, Bill Kreuser, Adam Kirsch, Brad Kalcic.
This season 's
captain was:
Craig Evans,
MVP was Matt
Medvecz. Next
season 's cocaptai ns are:
Matt Mevecz
and Steve
Craig Evans, Senior. TournL_Av~Rds
Average: 42.1
:no 82. 'i 4
Hole Rounds: 16
Total Strokes: 677
Dual Meet Strokes: 'i06
olf - 5
Right: Captain, Aldo Surdo, the Lancer's starting forward , pursues the ball for a fast break
and a goal against Westo ·ha entral.
Finishing the season on a good note
Parkside Toum.
W estosha Central
Heritage Christian 3
Burlington Toum.
John Marshall
St. Catherine
MadisonEdgewood 0
Brookfield Academy 1
St. John's
Beloit Catholic
Racine Lutheran
Top Left: Head Coach Oscar Toscanno, Shawn McCune, Shawn Bartel, Captain Spencer Jury, Chris Wells, Captain Steve Schuler, David Flores, Assistant
Coach John Milisauskas Next Row : Ben Walthers, Joe Himpleman, Craig
Pi arik, Dan McTernan, Brian Belongia, Mark Milos, Jake Walthers Second
Row: Joe LaMacchia,Captain Aldo Surdo, Rob Conforti, Don Becker, Stephen
Gertz Bottom Row: Josh Bower, Dave Vargas, Peter Ansari, Mark Spottswood
54 - Var ity Soccer
Left: Senior, Robert onforti scrambles and scurries forthebaU in order for ittostay
in play with a fcwmintueslefton the clock.
Below: Head Coach, Oscar Toscanno and assi ant Coach John Milauskas
anxiously look on at the Westosha Central game.
Above: Shawn Mc une, starting defender for
the Lancer takes the thrown-in at a crucial
point in the game.
Above: Brian Belongia, a key freshman this season, makes a breakaway against one of the
Westosha Central players.
Var ity Soccer - 55
Knight and Payette Take It To State
New Coach Helps Keep The Dream Alive
St Catherine
Thomas More
Cath Menorial
Us Them
Thoma More
Cath Memorial
Metro Final Standings 24-60
MVP: Jenny Knight &
Michelle Payette
Captains: Michelle
Payette & Jenny Knight
Varsity: Michelle Payette, Jenny Knight, Holly Miller, Katie Mills, Jenny Fani, Coach Anna Knight.
Amy Frantel, Katie Knight, Rita Kleist, Brandy Schmitt, Sarah Witter.
Above: Jenny Knight, the other half of the "dynamic duo," awaits patiently for one of her next
Right: Michelle Payetteanixously awaits the serve
of her opponent to return for the win!
56 - Varsity T nni
This year's tennis team had yet
another outstanding ea on. Only
three people out of a team of ten
players were returning. Although
the Lancers lost a lot of their experience they were till able to hold their
own in the metro conference. This
year' new coach, Anna Knight, was
a grea t addition to St. Joe's.
Jenny Knight and Michelle
Payette went to defend their state
title. They returned victoriou lywith
yet another winning trophy in their
St. Joe's is proud of the
teams dedica tion and hard work.
We are looking forward to a threepeat next year.
Left: One of the "dynamic duo," Michelle Payette,
awaits the ball to smash it down her opponents
throat for a point.
Below: Number one singles player, Rita Kleist,
concentrates on the return of a crucial pomtin the
Above: Amy Frantel and Katie Knight warm up with some volleys from the
opposing team.
Left: jenny Fani, number four singles player, sprints to the net to save a point in the
Girls' Tennis - 57
Coach John Riggins, Shawn Milligan, Aaron Supita, Pa trick Ha mmermiller, Coach Tom McTernan,
Laura Martin, Tim Hess, Robert Cook, Beth Upham, letus Willems,
Rhonda Perralt, Julie Camilli, Amanda lie, Melissa Gonzalez,
A Puzzling Season
The cross country team had an
incredible ea on.With the addition
of a new coach and runners, the
team improved greatly. Coach John
Riggins is the new coach of the cross
country team . He's a great coach,
Being very inspirational, encouraging, and dedicated . The team will be
greatly improving through the years
with him as the head coach. The
team brought home their fir t trophy
58 - Sport
in over ten years, won at the St.
Franci Invite. The team ha definite potential. Next ea on is hoped
to be another outstanding season.
Watch out, for our cross country
team will be running down the competition.
Bob ook ra ces to th e finish during one of the
many mee ts of th e season.
Above: Coach Riggin has a mile and
a positive attitude.
Above left: The team poses for a
wacky photo.
Above: Beth Upham runs a tough race but was
overcome by the competition.
At Lcft:Thc cross country team at prayer before
the start of the race.
Cross country - 59
Varsity girls fight the odds and try to piece together a victory!
Despite controversy the team finds peace on the court
Net This Year!
Us Them
CatholicMem. 0
Mil. Lutheran 2
St. Catherine 1
Racine Luth. 2
Thomas More 2
WI Lutheran
Mil. Lutheran 0
Above: Teresa illigro moves in to
bump the ball.
Left: Sue Anderson jump'> up for
the spike.
Far left: Stacie Jury bats the ba ll
back in the face of the opponen t.
60 - Var ity Voll eyball
Left: Stacie Jury and Sue Anderson
celebrate their victory. Stacie and
Sue round out the sophomore element of the team.
Below: Captain Maggie Yoo offers
words of wisdom to the younger
players. Maggie was named MVP
and has added a lot to the team.
Above: Jodi Ruhle assists Coach
Henthorn in warming up before a
Above: Kristy Pillizzi spikes the ball after Sara Serpe bumps the ball. Kristy was a powerhouse on the line. Sara
was an excellent setter.
Varsity Volleyball - 61
Ready For Varsity
JV and Freshmen teams play hard
Freshman: Coach rivello, jenny Mc arthy, Jane Thompsen, Latasha Love, Ellen Skora, arr
\llatteucci, Angie Owen
Kelly Frankin, Julia Wysocki, Marcee Cassity, Amber \llerking, '\Ilaria Reindl
jenny Ritacca, Katie Bower, Monica Anaya
62 - J.V./ Freshman Volleyball
Young Teams Prepare For State
Next Year
J.V: Coach Kene ie, Lance Moon, Joe Snyder, Joe Petrusky, Ricky Meyer, Tony Williams, Coach
Mike Miltteucci Seiln Epping, Robert Hilyes, Leo Graf, Aaron Latchel, Mark Thompsen, Adam
Joe Conforti, Aaron Kraai, Ryan Pierangeli, Jesse Wa lton, Vince Demarino, ick Infusino
Freshman : Bob Hobcansen, David Rogers, Brian Bluma, jacaro Jones, Chad McCormick, Mike Hankies,
Rahman Mitchel, Jeff Schweineger, Mike Drinka
Tim Dabbs, Kyle Vitkus, Paul elson, Ricky Matthews, Andy Orth, Dan Haw\'er, Paul <mterelli, Brian
Portila, oach Ruffalo
Quincy French, Kevin Ramsey, Nick Fromelt, Dave astellanas, Ste,·e Galley, Adam Bardosa,josh eworth
Jason Zein, Robbie Ash, Joe Howard, Josh Glascock, john Brekkeller .
J.V./ Freshman Football - 63
Lancer's Find The Missing Piece
We asked the three captains "Do you feel
the tea111 has acco111plishcd more thm1
jllsf a State Clwnipionship?"
All The Way To State!
Jerry Arnold
"The closeness
I e>.perienced
with this team
was like one I
have never
before. We
don't have
any of the
players in St.
Joes history, however, we have
the greatest team in the history of
the school."
"The team has
more than ju t a
state championship. We
unity and
never attained
by any other
football team
here at St. Joes."
Steve Mills
Jim Kenesie
" I feel that
we accomplished a
great deal of
respect, pride
for our school
and for the
community. I
can honestly
say that I will
miss everyone
next year. My line aid that I never
thanked them, well I did and I will
do it again. Thanks Guys! I love ya!"
64 - Varsity Football
Varsity: Coach Freund, Lamoine Hawley, Kris Williams, Jill Waselvich, Rob Eaton, Ryan
Markowski, Rick Meyer, urtis Tolefree, Kathy Matrise, Heather Hamlet, Coach Markowski,
oach Kenesie.
Lance Moon, Jason Grooms, Bob amosy, John Loewen, Joe Petrusky, jerry Arnold, Joe Snyder,
Andy ielson, Steve Mills, Mike cuglik.
Mark Thompson, Jason Kenesie, Leo Graf, Jim Kcnesie, Tony Williams, Eric Kenesie, Bob Hayes,
Aaron Lachel, ean Epping.
ick Infusino, Vinny DeMarino, Toby Getchman, Ryan Pierangelli, Mike Mattucci, Adam
Inclan, Jesse Walton, Aaron Kraai, Joe Conforti.
The Thrill of Victory
After 35 long puzzling easons
the 1994 Lancer var i ty football
team ha won the first State Champion hip in the hi tory of the
school. Thi s Dream team consisted of 11 seniors, which started out
0-9 two years ago.
After beating, St. Cat's and a win
over Domincan, on Homecomi ng,
the Lancer were ready for any
action coming their way.
The long sea on ended up
exactly where every player, parent
and fan wanted it to, Camp Randall
Stadium! Not juct for an ordinary
game, but for the tate Championship!
Martin Luther
46 20
St. Catherines
Thomas More
Chip. Falls
C. Memorial
0 42
Mil. Lutheran
uarter Final:
Lacrosse Aqunias 29 26
Semi Final:
University School 48 14
State Cham12ionship:
21 20
Man. Lutheran
All Conference- Andy Nielson
and Steve Mills. Honorable
Mention- Curtis Tolefree and
Jim Kenesie.
Jerry's pass is good for another firstdown!
Jason Kenesie barrels through the
defense of Manitiwoc.
Steve Mills is
always ready
for action.
Joe LaMacchia,Craig Evans,and Chris Wells are
sportin' Lancer spirit.
The Lancer offense is in good hands.
Coach says a few words to Belly.
A Season to Remember
The coaches and Mr. Matrise proudly display the state
trophy earned by our Lancers.
The team gathers for a word (breakdown)
before the game against Chippewa Falls.
Jim Kenesie runs through a gaping whole
at the State game.
The three captains, Steve Mills, Jim Kenesie, and
Jerry Arnold hold hands before the coin toss.
Lance Moon carries the ball for
the Lancers at state.
Keeping The Dream Alive
Jim gives hi
brother a hug after
the big game.
Your senior dream team!
Jenny, Jill, and Kathy are excited to be at Camp Randall Stadium!
Var ity Football - 65
St. Joe's Lancers are the Best!!!
66 -
Cheerleaders Raise
School Spirit
Above: The varsity cheerleaders are excited to be at state.
Len: Michelle
Payette and Jenny
Knight show off
their school spirit at
the homecoming
Varsity: Kellee Chwala, Jaclyn Jaraczewski, Tracy f'anaswcicz,
Maggie Yoo, !\;ikki Platt
Lisa Tutskcy, Amy Miwrclli, Amy Ruffalo, Rita Kleist
Melody Oake..,, Joya Zamora, Stephanie Buratti.
JV: Kalle Kirsch, Laura !'vfi.,urelli, Kris Dallmann, Thcrl'sa Mikus
Oma Perrinl', Kathy Burlingham
Freshmen: Jenny Ritacca, Katie Aceto,Kris Freitag, Marisa Robinson,
Brandy Schmidt
Murcy assity, Katie Bower, Amy Frantal,Monica Anaya
Above:The J.V. cheerleaders show off their stuff at the basketball game.
Cheerleading - 67
Rocky Brings Missing Piece To
St. Joe's.
This year St. Joe' var ity
ba kteball team acquired a
new head coach, Mr. Rocky
Tiraba si. Coach Tiraba i
used to coach the girls
varsity, but now five year
later ha brought new life to
the boy var ity team. The
team has achieved new goals
this season by beating
Marquette High School and
giving each opponent a run
for their money.
Co-captains Mike Scuglik
and Steve Schuler have been
great leaders. The hot
shooting streak of Steve
Amelotte, the all around
game of Eric Kenesie and the
down low play of Andre
Speed have made the
Lancers succeed thi ea on
and of cour e, the depth of
the bench has contributed to
their succe s.
Us Them
Above: Eric Kenesie and Rob Pitts
anxiously wait, at half court, for a free
throw at a crucial point in the game.
East Tro)
Ronca Iii
Thomas More 48
Martin Luther 71
St. Catherine 64
R. Lutheran
Puis XI
R. Prairie
M. Lutheran 50
Thomas More 48
St. Catherine 64
St. John's
Pu is XI
M. Lutheran
M.V.P. Andre Speed
Assistant Coach Mr. Riggins, Steve Schuler, Rick Meyers, Andre Speed, Steve Amelotte, Marc Jones, Head Coach Rocky Tirabassi
Kathy Matrise, Brian Taffora, Mike Scuglik, Curtis Tolefree, Rhonda Perrault
Rob Eaton, Bob Haye,,, Eric Kenesie, Rob Pitts
68 - Varsity Basketball
Left: Junior three point specialist, Steve
Amelotte, drains another one for the
record books in the fourth quarter
against Thomas More.
Below: A key Junior guard for the Lancers, Eric Kenesie, shows us that "white
men can jump."
Left: Sophomore center, Andre Speed, gets the ball down low and
tries to make something of it against his defender.
Above: The starting five, Amelottc, Kcne ie, Scuglik, chuler and
Speed get ready to take the court and play some serious ball.
Above:Co-CaptainSteveSchulercahnlydribblcs the ball across half-court to set-up one of
the Lancers' key plays.
Var ity Basketball - 69
Young Team Looks Toward The Future
Dr. Friedl, Carrie Matteucci, Ellen Shora,
Gina Gray, and Katie Knight.
70 - JV I Fre hmen Basketball
ikki Harris, Cory Miley, Angie McDermott, Jennifer Willis, Beth Upham,
Above: Lance Moon prepares for the
game by stretching out during warm ups.
JV /Fresillnen
Freshm en: Coach Freund, Tim Dabbs, Shelton Reid, Dan Hawver, Eric Robert , Walter
Holderbaum, Dan McTernan, Paul Santarell, Kyle Vitkus, Brian Belongia, Quincy French,
Matt Friedl, Joseph Howard, and Clete Willems.
Peter Gifford is shooting free throws after
being fouled during an important game.
J.V .: Coach Petit, Mike Montemurro, Mike Sucevich, Peter Gifford, Lance Moon, Kevin Gerou
Robert cott, Brian Portilia, Chris
Mike Bey, and Kevin Ramsey.
hapleau, Adam Kirsch,
raig Pisarik Robert Ash, Aaron
JV I Fre hmen Basketball - 71
Right: The players on the bench cheer the Lady
Lancers on hoping for a state victory.
Below: Jodi Ruhle passes the ball as he find
trouble with the defender.
Above: Jenny Knight rushes down the court with
her team mates and shows her aggres ion on the
72 - Varsity Girls' Basketball
Left: Stacie Jury concentrates on her
Below: The Varsity girls get ready to take off
for another trip to state.
Lady Lancers Almost Meet Their Fate
Varsity Girls Basketball
Varsity Girls: Mis Gillmore, Krystal Coleman, Monika Langenstroer, Bridget Haubrich,
Stacie Jury, Kathy Coleman, Coach Knight
Jason Kenesie,Jenny Knight, Jill Czarnecki, Pam Coleman, Sue Anderson, la ire Hickey
Kristy Pillizzi, Jodi Ruhle, Gina Dougvillo, Jenny Fani, Lindsey Bodven
Rae Lutheran
Cath Memorial
Milw Lutheran
Milw Heritage Christian
St. Catherine
Shoreland Lutheran
Thomas More
Pius XI
Ca th Memorial
Milw Lutheran
Milw University School
Beloit Catholic
St. Catherine
Thomas More
WISAA Regionals
We tosha
Shore land
State Tournament
Varsity Girls' Basketball - 73
74 - Wrestling
Below: josh Bower works on pmning his opponent. He found that biting their fingers wasn't the
best way to get the job done!
The '94-'95 St. Joe's
Wrestling Team
Prairie Rae Luth.
Herbron IL.
Brookfield Academy
Heritage Christian
Thomas More
Martin Luther
Pias XI
Catholic Memorial
Burlington Cath. Central
Milw. Lutheran
WISAA Regionals - placed 7th out of 8
Wrestling: Jeff Schweniniger, Aaron Lachell, Leo Graf, Tim Parkinson, Brian Bluma, Coach Otto,
David Rodgers, Sean Epping, Vince Demarino, Jacaro Jones, Joshua Glascock, David astellanoz,
Steve Gally, and Josh Bower.
Not pictured: Joshua Pierce
Wre ling- 75
76 - Varsity Baseball
Above: Senior, Steve Schuler prepares to lam one out of the park. Steve pulls a "Babe
Ruth" and points to center.
Above left: Mike Scuglik makes an easy out.
Scuglik Leads Tealll To State
Varsity Baseball: Coach Schuler Jr., Coach elson, Mike Bennett, Joe Petrusky, Jason Willems, Jerry Arnold, Matt Debish, Coach Schuler,
Craig Evans, Mike cuglik, Steve Schuler, Jason Grooms, Brian Taffora, Matt La ota, Frank Gagliardi, Casey Cesnovar, Joe Bob Karas,
Adam Inclan, and Josh Bower.
Varsity Baseball - 77
Young Teams Get A Piece Of The
J. V. Baseball
JV Baseball: Coach Pettit, Paul Santerelli, John Willard, Mike Sucevich, Chris Chapleau, Kyle Vitkus, Coach Willard
Robert A h, Josh Glascock, Brian Bluma, Brian Portillia, Aaron Kraai, Mike Drinka
Joe Howard, Adam Bardosy, Chris Connell, Mark Thomson, Quincy French
78 - J.V. Baseball
J. V. Softball
JV Softball: Dave Castelonnoz, Becky Meyers, Ellen Skora, Kerri Matteucci, Kris Freitag, Coach Shelley
Sarah Witter, Katie Kirsch, Tracy Tinnen, Jennifer Ritacca
Katie Aceto, Marisa Robinson, Betsy Weiler, Brenda Gunderson
J.V. Softball - 79
Lady Lancer Softball Team
Pieced Together a Winning
Left: Jenny Fani and
Lind ey Bodven give
each other a little hug
and some encouragement.
Above Right: Yes,
that is Lindsey
Bodven striking a
pose underneath all
that catching gear.
Right: Jodi Ruhle is
about to make a big
play at second. o
one better try to teal
with Jodi playing
short top!
Below: Jodi Ruhle, and her hat, make the long
toss to first for the out.
Above: Sara Serpe, the star pitcher for our Lady
Lancer softball team, gives the other team some
trouble with her superior pitching.
80 - Varsity Softball
Below: Wow! Doesn't everyone look fired
up? Varsity softball nearly freezes to death a
a home game. Despite the weather the girls
still came up with a win.
Left: This picture sure wasn't planned. Jenny Fani
shows us him a great play is made. ow all you
ha\ c to do 1s make that same great play dunng the
Below: Coach Amy Gilmore cheers on the
team. This was Miss Gilmore's first year at St.
Joseph and her first year coaching our varsity
Lady Lancers.
Below: Jerian Jensen is ready to swing away.
I lope she doesn't hurl anybody with the
powerful swing.
Softball schedule
Assistant Coach Mike Bodven, Kim Easley, Stacey Jury, Tricia Horton,Claire Hickey,Jerian)en ·en,
and Coach Amy Gilmore.
Racheal Rush, Sara Serpe, Kelly Petrusky, Sue Anderson, Jennifer Willis, and Gina Dougvillo.
Lindsey Bodvcn, Margaret Van Bergen, Jenny Fani, Jodi Ruhle, and Megan Reckling.
Mil. Lutheran
Thomas More
04 12
Catholic Mem.
Catholic Mem.
02 03
Thomas More
Pius XI
Pius XI
07 06
St. Catherine
St. Catherine
Milwaukee Luth. 07 05
WISSA State Tour. Second
MVP - Jodi Ruhle
Record: 13 - 6
Varsity Softball - 81
Above: Sophomore Matt Medvecz, at number one doubles, kills
the ball on the overhead to win the match.
The 1995 tennis
season was a strong
rebuilding year.
The Lancers finished only 2-14, but
a lot of young talent
makes the future
look promising .
The Lancer loose
two seniors, Joel
Wall en and Joe
LaMacchia. First
year coach Chad
Zielinski made for
a fun season. With
his help, the St. Joseph Tennis Team
made good improvements.
Varsity: Coach Chad Zielinski, Craig Pisarik, Captain Steve Amolette, Kevin Gerou, Matt Medvecz, Sarah Belback
Matt Reynolds, Paul Bogdanovich, Mark Milos, Terry Schroeder, Joel Wallen, Mike Robinson
82 -Tenni
Above: Freshman ensation, Craig Pisarik, i holding his own at
number one singles. ext year he will be tearing up the court.
Left: At number three singles Kevin Gerou is improving in each match
and in style.
Above: Dan McTernan, at number three doubles, putting the ball
down his opponents throat for the win.
Tennis - 83
Below: Lisa Tutskev shows great form as she
moYes the ball into upfield play. Senior Maggie
Yoo prepares to move forward for the upfield
Above: Angie McDermott dribbles past her
defender, and shows great intensity.
Right: Lisa Beab kicks the ball up the field as her
team mate Laura Martin backs her up.
84 - Girl 'Soccer
Right: o-Captain Beth Milisauskas brings the
ball up the field in the clear blue. The other Coaptain was Michelle Payette.
Left: Colleen Kraus and Julia Wysocki pursumg
their opponent.
Below: Katie Bower puts the ball back into play.
Katie, while !>mall, is a very aggressive player.
Ladies Kick Off Winning Season
Girls' soccer is added to spring line-up
Varsity: Coach Mili auskas, Maggie Yoo, Monika Langenstorer, Bridget Haubrich, Jill zarnecki,
Laura Martin, Julia Wysocki, hris Wells
Spencer Jury, Josh Bower, Michelle Payette, Angela McDermott, Gina Gray, Angela Owen, Rob
Conforti, Mrs.Milisauskas
Colleen Kraus, Amy Misurelli, Anna Races, Katie Knight, Katie Cassity, Angela Hibbard, Terra
Wend ricks
I i'a Tutskey, Lisa Beales, Amy Franta!, Rita Kleist, Beth Milisauskas. Katie Bower
Above: Katie Knight gets an extra kick in on her
Girl ' occer - 85
Track Lead To State By New Coach
Below: Kelly James smiles
before she use all her energy to
throw her shot put.
The girls' track season was quite a
succ s. The girls brought home the best
you can get, the tate championship title.
The relay team broke the state record
with the time of 1 min. 46 sec. This relay
team power running consisted of: Jenny
Knight, Kathy Coleman, Krystal Coleman,
and Beth Upham. That's not all, another
state record was set by Jenny Knight, who
broke the state record for triple jump with
the length of 36'2". Jenny also still holds
her state record for the high jump; 5'6",
which was set last year. The other lucky
winners of the team were Pam Coleman,
who took fir tin the hurdles, and Kathy
Coleman who took first in the long jump.
The girls' track season was very exciting.
St. Joe's is very proud of you and hope
you have just as great a season next year
as you did this year!
Above: Rayna Hine pushes to place
first at the finish line.
Right: Heather Hubeler puts forth
all her might as she successfully
throws the shot put.
Right: Jenny Knight reaches to
break the state record.
86 - Girls' Track
Left: K. Coleman flies through the air, as she attempts to beat jenny
Knight's record.
Bottom: A few members of the track team pose pretty as they wait for their
next event to start.
Girls' Track Pieced It Together At State
Girls Track: Coach Riggens, Coach Kenesie, Krystal Coleman, Kelly James, Kathy Coleman, oach Mroz
Katie Mills, jenny Knight, atasha Banks, Becky Bikalke, Pam Coleman, Beth Upham
Laura Misurelli, Maria Reindl, Andrea Merritt, Kristy Pillizzi, Monica Anaya.
Girls' Track - 87
From Start To Finish
Guys' Track: Coach Riggins, Coach Kenesie, Paul elson, Andy Orth, Andy
Dan Haw\'er, Eric Kenesie, Coach Mroz
Rob Eaton, Jim Kenes1e, Aaron elson, Bob I Jayes, Mac Wilson, Shaun Mathen, Mark Thomsen, Jeff
Cletus Willems, Toby Getchmen, Mike Matteucci, Jason Kenesie, Ryan Pierangeli, Jesse Walton, Bob ook
Abm:e:Eric Kenesie tries to
make it past the record mark
and succeeds.
88 - Guy's Track
Above: Bob Hayes makes funny faces
to help him get farther on his jump.
Left: Shawn Mathen grabs the baton
from Clete and !>prints off to the finish
Below: Bob ook swiftly takes the
baton from his tea mate, as his socks
make him run faster.
Guys' Track - 89
Serving Others To
Help Make St.
Joe's A Better Place
Josh Lallaman, Andy ielsen, Adam Bierne, Tony Landa, Mis y
Shuler, Shawn Mathen, Rob Eaton, Maggie Yoo, Julie Bosco,
Stephanie Buratti, Lisa Tutsky, Kristy Pillizzi, Mike Matteucci, Toby
Getchman, Aaron Vitkus, and Jill Czarnecki
Doug William , Adam Inclan, and Monika Langenstroer
Craig Evans, Jeremy Adsit, Marcus Reese, Ryan Markowski, Amy
Franta!, Katie Knight, Jake Walthers, Ryan Pierangeli, Joe
Karaskiewicz, Jenny Knight, Christy Pillizzi, Margret Van Bergen,
Stephanie Burrati, Laura Misurelli, Jerry Arnold, Mark Thomson,
Rick Meyer, Josh Bower, Brandie Schmidt, Katie Mills, Arny Ruffalo,
Lisa Tutsky, Rita Kliest, Jacquelin Jaraczewski, Kevin Gerou Steve
Mills, Mike Matteucci, Don Becker,CraigPisarik, Paul Bogdanovich,
Tony Travanty, Matt Reynalds, Deanna Montalvo, Aaron Vitkus,
Chris Snyder, Aaron Kraai, Rob Eaton, Holly Miller, Sara Serpe,
Matt Medvecz, Stacie Jury, Melissa Gonzalez, Julie Camilli, Ruben
Medina, Jenny Fani, Jon Principe, Kathy Matrise, Maggie Yoo,
Becky Bigalke, Racheal Rush, Aldo Surdo, Tim I less, Matt LaSota,
Adam Beirne, Toby Getchman, Andy iel on, Sue Anderson, Tracy
Panasewicz, Robin Sabine, Dave Flores, and Ben Walthers.
Ruben Medina, jenny Fani, Tim Hess, Aldo Surdo, Carrie Matteucci,
Matt Reynolds, Jane Thompson, Marcie Cassity, Joe Booth, Cletus Willems,
Paul elson, Craig Pisarric, Don Becker, Brain Belognia, Tony Landa, Terra
Wend ricks, Katie assity, Heather Hubeler, Becky B1galkc,Melissa Gonzalez,
Sara Serpe, jenny Knight, Ina Roces, Maggie Yoo, Julie Bosco, Katie Bowar,
Holly Miller, jenny Ritacca, Trisha Horten, Sue Anderson, Katie Kir;ch,
Tracy Tinnen, Angie Hibbard, Liz Schuch, and Tom Widmar
Due to the factlhatsome people in this picture are not part of SA DD,
I will list the actual members whether or not they are in the picture.
Heather Hubeler, Angi Hibbard, Monika Langenstroer,JennySilvia,
Kelly Burton, Sara Serpe, Holly Miller, Sicily Gargano, Dina Gargano,
Beth Ruble, Kathy Matrise, Juliann Kauss, Kellee Chwala, Maggie
Yoo, and Beth Mili auskas
Club - 93
Working Today For
A Better To111orrovv
TUDE.'\JT COUNCIL: President: Ruben Medina, Vice President:
Tracy Panasevicz, Secretary: Julie Bosco, Treasurer: Maggie Yoo,
Class Officers: Jill Wasilevich, Deanna Montalvo, Rhonda Perrault,
Robin Sabine, Tony Jensen, Rita Kleist, BethMilisauska ,Josh Lalla man,
Katie Kirsch, ara Serpe, Angela Hibbard, Matt Thompson, Katie
Bower, Julia Wysocki, Don Becker, Jeru1y Ritacca
STUDENT AMBASSADORS: Susan Anderson, Adam Beirne, Julie
Bosco, Julie Camilli, CaseyCarmady, Kris Dallmann, Gina Dougvillo,
Rob Eaton, Craig Evans, Frank Gagliardi, Dina Gargano, Toby
Getschman, Melissa Gonzalez, Angela Hibbard, Heather Hubler,
Amanda Jablonski, Jaclyn Jaraczewski, Tony Jensen, Eric Kenesie,
Katie Kirsch, Tony Landa, Chris Lanning, Ruben Medina, Kristina
Meyers, Beth Milisauskas, Amy Mi ·urelli, Deanna Montalvo, Tracy
Panasewicz, Dina Perrine, Kristy Pillizzi, Beth Ruble, Amy Ruffolo,
Robin Sabine, Michael Scuglik, Mell Schuler, Aldo Surdo, Mark
Thomsen ,Matthew Thompson, Tony Travanty, Lisa Tutskey, Margaret Van Bergen, 'Vlandy Viola, Aaron Vitkus, Jill Wasilevich, Elizabeth
Weiler, Terra Wendricks, Jennifer Willis, Maggie Yoo,
94- Club
Two of St. Joseph's most vital club has to b student
councilandstudentambassador . Thisyearstudentcouncil has worked on some of the schools most important and
successful events, The Blood Drive, Thanksgiving Food
Drive, and the "ever popular" Winter Formal. All year long
student council has worked to make our school the best it
can be.
This year student amba sadors helped welcome the
new freshmen students. They also participated in Freshmen Fun Day, where the incoming freshmen got acquainted with their new surroundings.
Andy I lcinrich, Rob Robinson, Rita Kleist, Kelly James, Beth Ruble,
Pat Clancy, Andy ielsen, Lizz Schuch, Joe LaMacchia, Joel Wallen,
Sue Anderson, Pat Hammermiller, Jane Thomsen, Sicily Gargano,
Racheal Rush, Mary Nelson, Amv Ruffolo, )ova Zamora, Peter
Gifford, Michelle Payette, I leather I lamlet, KellyTerpenning, Beth
\1ilisauskas, Sheda Bond, Katie Clark, Lindsey Kreutzer, '\lick
Frommelt, Adam Inclan, Angie McDermott, Amber Meckling, Chris
Wallen, Aaron Su pita, Amy Franta I, Peter Ansari, Joshua Bower, Dan
.\lcTernan, Katie Mills, Tim Hess, Theresa Mikus, Ryan Markowski,
Erin arriagan, Casey Carmody, Ben Walthers, Mark Milos, Angi
Hibbard, Pat I lennesse;, Andrea Merrit, Tricia Fuller, Betsy Weiler,
Anji Becker, Dave Flores, icolc Mangi, Marcie Cassity, Jenny Jones,
\1arissa Robinson, Shirley Markovich, Tyesha I luley, I lolly Miller,
Stephen Gertz,! leather l luebler,jim I lensley, Iba Beales, Gina Gray,
Ina Roces, Jake Remsing, Sarah Bartlett, Terry Schrodcr,Rob Conforti,
\1onika Langanstrocr, josh Glascock, Nick Stur, Aaron Foltz, Kris
Dahlmann, Kelly Pertrusky, Tony Landa, Doug I !clan, Jaclyn
jaracyewsczki,MattMedvecz, BrandieSchmidt,juliann Kauss, Ruben
Medina, Paul Santarelli, Katie Bower, Maggie Yoo, Kristy Pillizzi,
Michelle Montpas, Casey Ce<;novar, atasha Banks, Katie Cassity,
Shaun Bartel, Tim Dabbs, Tracy Pana'>ewicz, Katie Aceto, Angi Owen,
Sarah Wittier, Joe Bob Karas.
Club - 95
Julie Bosco,5.c1fah Do!>emagen, Tricia Fuller, PatHammermiller,Juliann
Kauss, Colleen Kraus, Kathy Matrise, Ruben :vl.edina (as;.istant editor), Mary elson,Nikki Platt, Jake Remsing, Mary Rizzo,AldoSurdo,
Thea Topolevec, Amy Wickersheim (editor), Katie Worth, Tracy
Schueneman, Spencer Jury, and instructor Mrs. Diane I lilbrink.
Clubs ...
Yearbook and ewspaper
both worked hard to repre ent
St. Jo eph high school. The
ewspaper taff put out the
Challenger monthly, to give the
facts and the events that were
happening at our school. The
Yearbook staff worked hard and
hardly worked, but somehow
put out this fabulous yearbook,
known as the Challenge.
Rashida Bonds, Katie Clark, Kevin Gerou, Mike Montemurro, Juan
Salinas, Jenny Schultz, Margaret Van Bergen (assistant editor), Jenny
Jones (editor), and instructor Mr. Gerald Powers.
96 - Club
Matt Reynolds, ick Frommelt, Melissa Gonzalez, Beth Ruble, Brian
l laberski, Josh Bauer, Theresa Mikus, Jodi Ruhle, Mary elson, Katie
Mills, Kelly Jame..,, Amy Ruffalo, John Sturino, Tasha Banks, Kyle
Woodson, Tyesha Huley, Dave Flores, Rashida Bonds, Tim Parkinson,
Joe LaMacchia, Jane Thompson, Shaun Epping, Andrea Merritt, Jen
Will is, Liz Schuch, Jesse Walton, Josh Glascock, Josh eu wi rth, Sicily
Gargano, Dina Gargano, Gen Gagliardi, Frank Gagliardi, Jeff Duczak,
Racheal Rush, Joe Snyder, Betsy Weiler, Joe Petrusky, Mark TI1ompson, Brad Kalcic, Kevin Gerou, Deanna Montalvo, John Principe, Brian
Bluma, Aaron Kraai,Josh Garmendez,Jake Walthers, Terrance Harris,
Mark Jones, Kelly Petrusky, Katie Knight, Marcus Reese, hristian
Khayat, Steve Mills, Jenny Knight, Ruben M<.>dina, Josh Pierce, Jake
Remsing, Ed Shebinik, Amy Misurelli, Tony Travanty, Adam Kirsch,
Becky Bigalke, Juan Salinas, asey Cesnovar, Paul Bog- danovich,
Brandie chmit, Shirley Markovich, Sara Serpe, Jenny Fani, JoeBob
Karaskiewicz, and instructor Mrs. Kathy Gagliardi.
Piecing Together
Memories for
arrigan, Sarah Dosemagen, Tricia Fuller, Ge1my Gagliardi,
\ilary Rizzo, Michelle Payette, Racheal Rush, Juliann Kau s, Sicily
Gargano, Claire Hickey, Jill Czarnecki, Beth Milisauskas, Beth Ruble,
Robin abine, Jenny Fani, Amy Ruffalo, Julie Bosco, Missy Schuler,
Kim Easley, Monika Langenstroer, Mary '\!ebon, Amy Wickersheim,
Kelly James, Deanna Montalvo, and advisor Mrs. Diane Hilbrink.
Environmental club as
usual did their job and got the
chool involv d with a
recycling cru ade. Environmental club also sold T-shirts
to raise money for their club.
Art club had th ir annual art
fair in the lobby, where the
arti ts of St. Jo 's got to di play
th ir ma terpieces.
Club - 97
Language Frenzy
It's A Small World ...
This year the students taking
Spanish were given the opportunity to go to Mexico. They
toured the ruins, went
parasailing and had a great
time. Julie Bosco was quoted
as saying, "I saw some things
on this trip I will never forget."
The students who were able to
go on the trip had a great time.
Those students who did not go
hope to go on the next trip.
Spanish Club:Top Row: Julie Bosco, Frank Peter An ari, Jerry
Arnold, Tony Landa, Joe Petrusky, Andy ielsen, Maggie Yoo, Rosario
Guadrrama, Ramon Moreno, Sergio Berrios, Jodi Ruhle, Kim Easley,
Kristy Pillizzi, Jenny Knight, Connie Larson, Ben Walthers, David Flores,
Joe Karaskiewicz, Stephen Mills, Erin arrigan, Jill Czarnecki, \tlargaret
Van Bergen, Latonya Evans, Rick Meyer, Mike Matteucci, Casey
Cesnovar, Steve Amelotte, Shaun Mathen, Aaron Vitkus, Rob Eaton,
Aldo Surdo, Adam Inclan, Craig Eva ns, and Mr. Shurla.
French Club: Mike Sucevich, Melissa Gonzalez,Elizabeth Fincher, Robin Rupp,
Jenny Lowe, Joe Karaskiewicz, Spencer Jury, Jake Walthers, Mark Milos, Russell
Jarencio, Jeff Schweninger, Amy Franta!, Paul Bogdanovich, Brandie Shmidt, icole
Mangi, Brian Belognia, Marcella Cassity, Jane Thomsen, Ryan Pierangeli, Chris
Connell, Tom Widmar, Aaron Nebon, Craig Pisarik, Brian Portillo, Kyle Vitkus, Katie
Mills, Jeanne Olson, Frank Gagliardi, Mindy Gwaltney, Kathy Matrise, Tony Travanty,
Matt Medvecz, Matt Reynolds, Sarah Belback, Becky Bigalke, Tricia I lorton, Laura
Misurelli, Kris Dallmann, Dina Perrine, Sara Serpe, Sara Bartlett, Kristine Freitag, Katie
Cassity, Chris Chapleau, Stacie Jury, Sue Anderson, Anji Hibbard, Kate Clark, and
olleen Kraus.
98 - Clubs
This year the French classes
had a new face guiding them.
Mrs. Brenda Terp joined the
faculty this year and is teaching
the high school and junior high
French classes. One addition
that Madame Terp had added
to St. Joe's is serving crepes at
the open house. This was met
with rave reviews and gave the
nacho table some competition.
The French classes are hoping
to travel to either France or
Canada next year.
Student\ Faculty Basketball Game
Above: Studs Ruben Medina and Tim Hess get all the babes.
100 - S.B.I.
Above: Tracy Panasewicz sits down to yet another
Above: Casey Carmody with his good friends Stephanie
Burratti and Rita Kleist
Below: Anji Becker takes time to prepare
for a night on the town.
Above: The gang is waiting for the tram at the Mirage.
Viva Las Vegas!
Show Biz Inc. Tours Las Vegas and
Above: Anji, Lindsey, Tim, Ruben, and
The Forum in Ceasars Palace.
Above: Tracy Panasewicz is happy to be going
S.B.I. - 101
Right: The Skid Row inhabitants
warn the theater, "Don't feed the
Below: Bern~tcm (Kevin Ramsey)
tries to convince Seymour to do a
weekly T. V. how for him.
Above: Aud rey realizesnomatterwhat happened in her life, she can pull
herself out of "da Gudda."
Above Middle:Audrey(Joya Zamora)and the ustomer(Spencerjury) DaDoo listen while Seymour tell his tale of meeting Audrey I l.
Right: OrinScrivello (Andy Heinrich) gases up before giving Seymour the
dental visit of his life.
102 - Fall Pl ay
Plant invades School
Little Shop of Horrors
Above: Seymour serenades Audrey II Ooel
Above: Mr. Mushnik (Tim Hess) and Seymour bond as "father
and son."
The musical " Little
Shop Of Horrors" wa a
success. The theater was
transformed into a street
corner on Skid Row. The
sudden but subtle
appearence of the plant
broughtsucces to
eymour. The mysterious
disappearence of eymour
and others was never
solved. But the cast and
crew had fun anyway.
Everyone enjoyed the show
The crew did an excellent
job on the scenery. Many
thanks and apprec iation to
Mr. eidl, the cast and crew
for another incredible
Little hop of Horrors - 103
Upper Left: Connie Larson, our dancer of all time, escorts
Jacob, (Joel Wallen) back to the house in Cannon.
Above;"! was walking along on the banks of the river" was
Phaoroh's, (Andy Heinrich's) hardest choreographed song of
his high school career.
Right: The butler (Spencer Jury) begs Joseph to interpret his dream.
Spence, as always, has the most attention on him.
104 - Spring Musical
Joseph Returns, Bigger
Than Ever!
Left:The brothers how off Joseph's
technicolor coat. This is one of the
few scenes newcomer Andy ielson
did not steal.
about those Cannon Days. Mais oui!
Left: Lizz Schuch and Rob Conforti sing
about, "One \!fore Angel In Heaven."
Far left:"Do you want to hear a storv?" The
narrator, Joya Z1mora, asks the children's
Spring Mu ical - 105
And here's who built it . ..
Right: Tony Jenson and Brian
Haberski were the counter weight
operators. Amazingly enough, th1~
was the first year that both of them
operated them.
Below: Mark, Kendra, and Shaun
show how proud they are of the
house they built. That house
was actually built and rebuilt
again after almost every show.
Stage Crew
Shirley Markovich, Tony Landa, Jeff Schweniger, Chris Wallen, Joel Wallen, Kevin Gertz, Liz Schuch, Rob
Conforti, Doug Willams, Dawn Davidson, Tony Jensen, Katie Cas ity, Becky Bigalke, Aaron Su pita, Mark
Spottswood, Steve Gertz, Kendra Evenhouse, Connie Larson, Angi Hibbard, Colleen Kraus, and Katie Clark
ot pictured: Mary Rizzo, Patrick Hammermiller, Laura Martin, Charlie McDonald, Sarah
Dosemagen, harlotte Avery, Chris Malsack, Brian Haberski, Aaron Foltz, Dan McTernan, Shaun
Bartel, Shawn Milligan, Monika Langenstroer, Jason Zein, john Brekeller, Jim Clark, asey armody,
and Ruben Medina.
Sarah Dosemagen was this years Stage Manager/Hou e Manager. Sarah earned her position by
making sure everyone did their job, and by keeping people quiet in the make up room. Around the
theater she's known as "Da Mama!"
106 - Stage Cr w
Left: Colleen Kraus is the head
spot oporator for the production.
She is most known for teaching
the new crew members that,
"You better not mess with my
Below: Kevin, Monica, Shaun, and Aaron take a break from the hard
work. Kevin Getz was
Above: Crew members Mary, Brian, Aaron, Angie, and alumni Chris
Haberski all say good-bye to a memorable play by singing the Star
Spangled Banner. Afterwards everyone went to Sun Shine for some
Stage Crew - 107
108 - Candids
- - .....
Retreats Introduction 109
Sopholllores Puzzle Over Class Unity
On February 20, 1995, the clas
of 1997 gathered on three buses
and headed out to Bennett Lake
for the Sophomore Sexuality
Retreat. With the help of Mr.
Coe, Sister Lois, and Mrs. Pillizzi
they had a very enjoyable experience. Ms. McTeman and Mrs.
Weiler also helped out during
group activitie . "We spent five
hours bonding with each other,
and getting to know our inner
self. Father Jim kept our interest
by telling many jokes and stories.
He sang, prayed, and helped us
in any way po sible," said Colleen Kraus.
Even tlwugh there were no
pictures taken on the retreat, we
recognize the class of '97 in candid
110 - Sophomore Retreat
This is what som other
Sophomores said made this
retreat so memorable to them.
Melissa Voights said, "I enjoyed putting on the skits that
we took out of the Bible. I also
liked going on hikes during
Joe Booth said, "The most
memorable event had to be the
fight in the cafeteria. That was
the best!"
Finally, Iris McBride aid, "I
al o enjoyed putting on the
skits. I also enjoyed the all you
can eat lunch that they served
u . The food was really good!
Freshtnen Find Peace at Retreat
Freshmen Retreat was held this
year at Benet Lake. Besides Mr.
Coe and Sister Lois's supervision,
T H AT !
we also had Father Jim. Father Jim
talked to us about all of his experiSome of Fre hman wanted
ences in Chicago. Aside from
you to know how much they
teaching, Father Jim also coaches a enjoyed retreat.Alex Alvarran
basketball team. Three of his
said, "I liked how they shared
basketball players came with him. their life stories with us."
They were all affiliated with a
Sarah Bartlet said, "I enjoyed
gang, and they shared their experi- the free time with my friends."
Clete Willems said, "The
ences with us.
Sergio Berrios said, "This infor- priest was really cool. I also
enjoyed snowboarding with my
mation helped us a lot. Retreat
friends ."
was very educational, and fun at
the same time."
Josh Glascock said, "It helped
Retreat not only enlightened the
me get in touch with my inner
class of 1998, but also gave them
Finally Lindsey Kreutzer said,
something to remember.
Due to the fact that no pictures were
"I really liked the priest, and the
taken on retreat, we will recogn ize the
jokes he told were pretty funny."
class of '98 in candid pictures.
Fre hman Retr at - 111
112 - Candids
Candid - 113
. 115
. Introduction
BELOW: Hard at work in the art
room, Jeff Duczak brings his
Volkswagon portrait to life.
RIGHT: Freshman enjoy their new
high chool art class.
ABOVE: Tom Widmar and Robin
Rupp display their initials proudly.
LEFT: Ron Stummer get into the
Chri trnas spirit.
Piecing Together Great Minds
Bringing out
their creativity
in art and expanding their
minds during
labs, St. Joseph
pieced together
a brand new
zone for 1995!
LEFr: Joe Lamacchia taking a rest as
ick Infusino finishes the lab.
ABOVE: Ryan Markow ki is obviou ly
havingabla tinchemistry. ltseernstobe
arather"weighty" issuethatheispondering, though.
LEFr: Tracy Schueneman, Chris
Wells, and Katie Worth are stylin'
in their cool green gla se !
St. Joe's Honors Our Students
English I - Holly Miller
English II - Sybil Diekmann
English ill - Mike Matteuci
English IV - Erin Carrigan
Journalism/Yearbook - Arny Wickersheim
Newspaper - Jenny Jones
Algebra I - Pat Hennessey
Algebra II/Trig - Jennifer Silvia
Trig/Statistics - Deanna Montalvo
Pre-Calculus - Dan Ulvila
Geometry - Eric Kenesie
Phy. Sci. - Katie Bower
Phy. Sci. - Holly Miller
Biology - Katie Kirsch
Chemistry - Mike Matteucci
A&P - Mike Matteucci
Physics - Dan Ulvila
AP Biology - Deanna Montalvo
Performing Arts
Band - Angi Becker
Band - Amanda Jablonski
Stage Crew - Dan Mcteman
Chorus - Andy Heinrich
Intro to Theatre - Nicole Mangi
118 - Awards
Foreign Language
French I - Sara Serpe
French II - Chris Connell
Adv. French- Josh Lallaman
Spanish I - Adel Lozano
Spanish II - Aaron Lachell
Adv. Spanish 3 - Tony Landa
Adv. spanish 4 - Dan Ulvila
German I - Carrie Matteuci
Religion I - Holly Miller
Rel. II - Monika Langenstroer
Rel. ill - Megan Reckling
Rel. IV - Deanna Montalvo
Social Studies
Glob. Com. I - Holly Miller
Glob. II - Matt Reynolds
U.S. History - Tony Jensen
Psych. - Deanna Montalvo
Arn. Issues - Maggie Yoo
Practical Arts
Computer Sci. - Rob Eaton
Acc. - Craig Evans
Arch. - Adam Beirne
Outs. Fr. - Katie Mills
Alex Alejandro
Outs. Soph. - Sara Anderson
Outs. Jr. - Brian Haberski
Outs. Sr. - Ron Brown
Joe LaMacchia
Kiwanis Awards for Academic
Science - Bridget Weiler
Mathematics - Dan Ulvila
English - Erin Carrigan
Social Studies - Maggie Yoo
Spanish - Dan Ulvila
Band - Tim Hess
Choir - Tracy Panasewicz
French - Jennifer Jones
Visual Arts - Ron Brown
Joe LaMacchia
Per. Arts - Ca ey Carmody
Health/P.E. - Beth Milisauskaus
Prac. Arts - Chris Lanning
Religious Ed. - Deanna
National Honor Society
On May 10, 1995, these Students were inducted to be members of the National Honor Society. All of these students
have maintained a 3.5 or better cumulative grade point
average, have exhibited extraordinary community service
and are involved in many extracurricular activties. This
honor goes out to the most elite students in the St. Joseph
student body. Congratulations to all of these outstanding
Steve Amelotte
Kevin Gertz
Tony Jensen
Christian Khayat
Kristina Meyers
Amy Ruffalo
Sybil Diekamann
Gina Dougvillo
Melissa Gonzalez
Angela Hibbard
ick Infusino
Amanda Jablonski
Katie Kirsch
Aaron Lachell
Monika Langenstroer
Robert Pitts
Matt Reynolds
Sara Serpe
Jennifer Silvia
Michael Sucevich
Matt Thompson
Mandy Viola
Betsy Weiler
Awards -119
Congr(:1.tulations to the
class of '95. The 1994-95
school year has been an
eventful one. From our
State Championship
football team to our
State Champs in Girls'
Track. You are all
120 - Ads
Quality Service Since 1924
In Custo~er
Seniors Int ro d uction
. 121
We'll Never Leave Each Other
Benet Lake
122 - Senior Retrea t
Left: Aldo Surdo and Mr. Riggins taking time out
of their bu y retreat schedule for a quick picture.
Below: Joe La Macchia shows off some of his wild
and crazy hacking moves, after a pot of coffee.
Above: Aldo Surdo and Bob Camosy bonding
after a 10 round game of crazy Ss . If your
wondering Aldo won.
Above: Aldo Surdo, Joe La Macchia, and David
Flores, wir d on coffee, hacked it up all night.
They also got the chance to get to know each
other better.
S nior Retreat - 123
Seniors Piece It Together On Retreat!
The Senior had the chance to finally get to know each oth r, for who they are, and not by the st reotype that we had
put on each other since the time we were fre hman. ot only was there time for reflection, but there was also time to fool
around. One of the fun things we did on retreat, was walking through the woods in the middle of the night and hanging
ome of the guys boxer in th trees to get back at them for tormenting u .
124 - Senior Retreat
Left: Holy braids
Batman! Seniors got
back to their "roots"
as flower children on
Below: Sleeping Beauty arises and strikes a pose
tostartoff themorring. We all know, that I leather
needs no beauty sleep.
0 conomoc - 125
A Piece Of Us Will Always Be
Watching Out For Each Other.
126 - Senior Retreat
Below Left: Ruben Medina and Juliann Kauss
after being evicted from every other room, they
finally end up in Tricia's room.
Below: Ruben Medina singing his cherished
song, "There is only one river."
Above: Tim Hes standing at the entrance to our
retreat house.
Above: Tim Hess gives Aaron Vitkus his
retreat medallion. This part of retreat i when
we were able to express our feelings and hare
with each other what we found out about each
S nior Retreat - 127
J. Maggie Yoo
Maggie, '1011ey,
Y 011 've grown up to be a tlzouglitful,
confident young lady. You bring us
much joy, pride.
Kathy Matrise
Thanks for giving us four great years at
St. Joseph's. We are proud of you.
Mom, Dad, Frank, Marie, Julie, Gina,
and your 11 ieces.
Sarah Dosemagen
As you prepare for new challenges/
adventures in your life remember: Trust
in God; Be yourself; Dare to Dream.
Mom and Dad
Jason Willems
Congratulations. We love you very
much. May all your dreams come true.
Mom, Dad, Chris, and Hannah
Bob (Robert) Camosy
You are a state champion in football.
May you continue to be a champion of
sincerity and fairness.
Your family
Gennie Gagliardi
Gennie, you 'IL always be our little girl
even though we are proud of you because
you have becorne a very special adult.
Mom and Dad
Craig Evans
Strauss, we're so proud of you for
what you have accornplished and most of
all the person you have become.
your family
128 - Love lines
Marcus Derek Reese
Tracy Panasewicz
To my son Marcus,
Tracy, you have brightened our lives.
to do your best in whatever
Continue to follow your heart and follow
your choices in life will be.
your dreams. We are so proud of you.
Love and best wishes,
Mom, Dad, and Tara
Bridget Weiler
Bridget- Congratulations on your
Giuliana Bosco
accomplishments! Your future, goals,
Julie, We are very proud of all your
outstanding accomplishments. May you and hopes are just beginning! Have a
always continue to succeed in life. Good wonderful life.
luck at college.
and Dad
Mom, Dad, and A1111a
Melinda Gwaltney
Tootsie: you 're the "light of our
Jennifer Jones
Jen, Give the world the best you have 1ives "; Given us "Never a dull moment" and alwm1s "Left us guessing."
and the best will come back to you.
Morn, Dad, Geoff
Juliann Kauss
You 're the best, Pulie. Good luck at
Mom and Dad
"Frank and Elvis"
Jon J. Principe
Jon, your caring and appreciation of life
will always be an asset. We're proud of
Mom, and Dad
Spencer Jury
Whatever you want in life can be
yours! Enjoy it all! We're proud and
happtj and love you very much. Stay
happy and smiling
We love you,
Mom, Dad, and Stacie
Heather Hamlet
You have brought such pleasure to me
having you as my daughter. I hope you,
dreams come true.
Cheri Anderson
Gerry Arnold
atasha Banks
Adam Beirne
Rashida Bonds
Giuliana Bosco
Ron Brown
Bob Carnosy
Casey Carmody
Erin Carrigan
Kellee Chwala
Rob Conforti
Sarah Dosemagen
Craig Evans
Jenny Fani
.. ....
.... . -----~ ---
Dave Flores
Aaron Foltz
Tricia Fuller
Genevieve Gagliardi
Sicily Gargano
Toby Getschman
Melinda Gwaltney
Heather Hamlet
Andy Heinrich
Tim Hess
Diannah Holland
Dan Infusino
Allyson Jacobs
Christal Jones
Jennifer Jones
Spencer Jury
Juliann Kauss
Joe LaMacchia
Matt LaSota
Tony Landa
John Loewen
Kathy Matrise
Ruben Medina
Steve Mills
Deanna Montalvo
Mary Nelson
Andy ielsen
Melody Oakes
Tracy Panasewicz
Tim Parkinson
Dave Perez
Rhonda Perrault
Kelly Petrusky
Jon Principe
Jake Remsing
Mary Rizzo
Racheal Rush
Robin Sabine
Juan Salinas
Steve Schuler
Mike Scuglik
Brian Taffora
Aaron Vitkus
Joel Wallen
Jill Wasilevich
Bridget Weiler
Amy Wickersheim
Jason Willems
Kyle Woodson
Maggie Yoo
Joya Zamora
Not Pictured: Jeremy Adsit
Jason Crooms, Jason
Harmon, Tyesha Huley, Joe"icz, Jason
J\.enes1e, Jim Kenesie,
Shaun Mathen, Marcus
Reese, Ben Walthers
.ron Foltz
Jake Remsing
ngratulations! Remember to "Live your Jake memories of: 50 cent pieces,B-B gun,
pheasent, Toyota truck,Bear,Sundowner
as an exclamation,not an explanaII,
Little Lowe'.
Love Always,
We love you,
Mom, Dad, Kristie, and Tony
Mom, Dad, and Heather
ben Medina Jr.
ngratulations and God bless you in
rything you do. We are so very proud
ny Landa
ur future's starting, you have to let it,
Jdbye Barnaby, big "R ",Bobby, Jack,
I, Goodbye Seymour; Hello................ .
Mary Rizzo
Best of luck in your future.
Mom, Dad, Steve, and Lorie
Amy Wickersheim
The last four years have flew by. Soon
you will be going on to bigger things.So
spread your wings and fly.
Love you,
Mom, Dad, and Bill
Kellee Chwala
Keep smiling. Work hard. Success will
always be yours.
Dad, Tricia, Bonnie, and Matt
May the spirit you've carried through St.
Joe's continue through your life.
Mom, Dad, Tim and Lisa
Joel Wallen
Graduation means a whole new beginning . Choose your future wisely and
ngratulations! We are so very proud of make your dreams come true.
u. God bless you always.
Good Luck, love Mom
We love you,
Mom,Dad, and Kristen
John Loewen
You are a link from the winning team.
Go, Johnny Go!
'1Y your fu ture years be as rewarding as
ur years at St . Joe's. We're very proud
Mom, Dad, and Family
your accomplishments.
Tricia Fuller
Mom and Dad
You are a joy in our lives, a beautiful
teri Anderson
person and friend. We are so proud of
•arts fi lled with pride and love anew,
~ects our joy and faith in you.
We love you,
Mom and Dad
Mom and Len
:lly Petrusky
Matthew LaSota
rald Arnold
m a Pee Wee to a State Champion,
've made me so proud.
I love you,
Keep reaching for the impossible-Be
happy always and much success in all you
Dad, Tom, Laura, Amanda
Love lines - 129
Below: The Parents of Maggie Yoo
annoint her hands with oil and give
her their ble ing. Maggie went to
the Village Church Adult Day Center.
Below: Mrs. Jen en prepares the
Seniors to go out in to the real world
and do their hristian dutie
Above: Mr. Coe tells the Senior
class a story about Jesus and what
he d id to help those in need.
Above: Fr. Brian says a prayer for
the Seniors as he bles es the oil.
130 - Senior Experience
Right: Mrs. ielsen gives Andy a
smack on the cheek to wi h him
luck while Mr. ielsen rubs oil on
his palm. Andy went to the Mil
waukee enter for Independence
Left: Mrs. Perault give Rhonda
her blessing to go out and make a
difference in her life. Rhonda went
to the Hope House.
Above: Mrs. Get chmen picks upa
napkin to wipe the oil off after
annointing Toby with oil. Toby
went to the Gray's Child Development Center.
During Winter'um,
the Seniors participated
in Teens Live Christ.
Mrs. Sandy Jensen
found them placements
which matched their
needs and interests.
There was a ceremony
at school in which
parents were allowed to
bless and send their
children out into the
world. 78 seniors went out to different centers, churches,
shelters, hospitals, and hou es in Wi consin and Illinois to
help those in need. Student helped hospital patients, the
mentally challenged, blind, and homeless people. Four
students even performed janitorial duties. o job was too
big or too small. Every student was provided with an
opportunity and had a worth while experience. Sarah
Dosemagen's experi nee with TLC grew into a fulltime
volunteer position. The staff at Rehab West found Sarah to
be a valuable part of their staff. This is the second year of
TLC. Each year it becomes a bigger and better experience.
Senior Experience - 131
Senior Class Sails Away
Class Awards
132 - Senior Banquet
Jill Wasilevich
Toby Getschmann
CUTEST COUPLE..............
Deanna Montalvo
Joe Karaskiewicz
BEST DRESSED.................
Jenny Jones
JOCK OF '95........................
Jenny Fani
Mike Scuglik
CLASS CLOWN.................
Juliann Kauss
Spencer Jury
Robin Sabine
Ruben Medina
Maggie Yoo
Adam Bierne
BIGGEST FLIRT................
Kelly Petrusky
Ben Walthers
Tricia Fuller
Juan Salinas
BIGGEST GOSSIP.............
Ruben Medina
Julie Bosco
Steve Schuler
NICEST EYES.....................
Racheal Rush
Dan Ulvila
Sheri Anderson
Steve Mills
MOST CREATIVE.............
Gennie Gagliardi
Joe LaMacchia
Joya Zamora
Andy Heinrich
MOST SHY.........................
Ina Races
Robin Sabine
Tony Landa
SCHOOL SPIRIT...............
Kathy Matrise
John Loewen
NICEST HAIR....................
Gennie Gagliardi
Aldo Surdo
WORRY WART..................
Julie Bosco
Shaun Mathen
Ron Brown
Senior Candid - 133
Pray For Me And I'll Pray For You
St. Joe's Says Goodbye To The Class of '95
Below: Mr. Pesch presents Adam Beirne and Maggie Yoo valedictorian
and salutatorian medals a a sign of their accomplishment .
134 - Graduation
Above: Andy Heinrich ,Tony Landa, Rob Conforti, Joya Zamora, Tracy
Panasewich and Melody Oakes sing "Old Iri h Blessing" as a traditional
fareweU to the class. Senior chorus members have been serenading the
cla s for severa 1yea rs.
Below : lass president
Jill Wasilcvich opens the ceremony
with a welcoming
Above: Michael Scuglik proudly receive· the Domenick & Amelia
Tirabassi Award from Mr. Matrise. Mike's grandfather accepted the St.
Joseph award for his parish. What a proud night for the Scuglik family.
Left: Second generation graduates receive their medals from their
proud parents.
Graduation - 135
That vvas Then . • . This is N ovv
As the year wa coming to an end we, the yearbook staff, was discussing how the chool has changed since we where
freshmen. We thought that you would like to see how we have changed over the years.
Even if you're not on this page, think about what you looked like way back then. Have you changed?
136 - Yearbook Staff
Amy Wickersheim
Katie Worth
Colleen Kraus
Pat Hammermiller
Yearbook Staff - 137
Where To Find Your "Piece"
Of The Yearbook
Aceto, Katherine - 95, 67
Adsit, Jeremy - 93
Aiken, Arthur - 38
Albarran, Alejandro
Amelotte, Steve -19, 44
Anaya, Monica - 95, 67
Anderson, Jamie - 38
Anderson, Susan - 38, 110, 94, 73, 72,
Anderson, Sara - 38
Arnold, Gerald -18, 19, 93, 77
Ash, Robert - 71
Avery, Rebekah - 44
Avery, Charlotte - 38
Banks, ata ha - 97, 21
Bartel, Shaun - 38
Bartlett, Sarah - 95, 111
Becker, Angi - 95, 111
Becker, Donald - 93, 94
Beirne, Adam - 94, 123, 93
Belback, Sarah - 38
Belognia, Brian - 71, 93
Berrios, Carlos - 44
Berrios, Sergio - 111
Besch, Christopher - 44
Bey, Michael - 38, 71
Bigalke, Becky - 38, 97, 110, 92, 93
Bluma, Brian - 75, 97
Bodven, Lindsey - 38, 73, 72
Bogdanovich, Paul - 97, 93
Bonds, Rashida - 97, 96
Booth, Jo eph - 38, 93
Bosco, Julie - 97, 96, 94, 127, 93
Bower, Joshua - 75, 74, 44, 97, 95, 93,
Bower, Katherine - 95, 67, 94, 93
Bragado, Theresa - 44
Brean, Erik - 38
Breiling, Christine - 38
Buratti, Stephanie - 44, 67, 93
Burlingham, Kathleen 38, 110, 67
Burton, Kelly - 38, 93
Camili, Julie - 38, 94, 93
Camosy, Robert - 22, 123, 21, 113
Carmody, Ca ey - 18, 124, 94, 112,
Carrigan, Erin - 97, 122, 123
Cassity, Katie - 38, 95, 110, 93
Cassity, Marcella - 95, 67, 93
Castellanoz, David - 75, 74
Cesnovar, Casey - 44, 97, 77
Chapleau, Chris- 71
Chiappetta, Sarah -38
Chwala, Kellee - 67, 127, 92, 93
Clark, Katie - 38, 96
Clarke, Josh - 38
Coleman, Pamela - 44, 73
138 - Index
Coleman, Kristal - 73
Coleman, Kathy - 73
Conforti, Robert - 23
Conforti, Joe - 39
Connell, Chris - 39
Czarnecki, Jill - 44, 97, 73, 72, 93
Dabbs, Timothy - 71
Dallmann, Kri -39, 95, 67, 94, 92
Debish, Matthew - 44, 77
Demarino, Vince - 74, 75, 39
Diekmann, Sybil - 39
Dill, Erik - 44
Dosemagen, Sarah - 97, 96, 136, 112
Dougvillo, Gina - 39, 94, 73, 72
Drake, Ayana - 39
Duczak, Jeffery - 44, 19, 116, 97
E -F
Easley, Kimberly - 44, 97
Eaton, Robert - 44, 94, 26, 93
Epping, Sean - 75, 39, 97
Evans, Craig - 94, 122, 92, 93, 76, 77
Evans, Latonya - 44
Evenhouse, Kendra - 44
Fani, Jenny -19, 22, 97, 122, 21, 20, 73, 72, 113,
Fincher, Elizabeth
F1ores, David - 22, 97, 95, 122, 123,, 26, 113, 93
Flores, Raymund - 36
Foltz, Aaron - 124
Ford, Tamara - 39
Fowler, Peter - 44
Franta!, Amy - 95, 110, 67, 93
Freitag, Kristine - 95, 67
French, Quincy - 71
Frommelt, ichola - 97
Fuller, Tricia - 97, 96, 126, 137, 112
Gagliardi, Gennie - 97
Gagliardi, Frank - 39, 97, 94, 76, 77
Galley, Steven - 75
Gargano, Sicily - 125, 124, 97, 92, 93
Gargano, Dina - 44, 97, 94, 93
Garmendiz, Joshua - 44, 97
Germain, Nikki - 39
Gerou, Kevin - 39, 71, 97, 96, 93
Gertz, Steven - 95
Getschman, Thomas - 94, 131, 93
Gifford, Peter - 71
Glascock, Joshua - 75, 97
Gonzalez, Meli a - 39, 97, 94, 93
Graf, Leo - 75
Grasser, Daniel - 45
Grasser, Lori - 39
Gray, Gina - 70
Grooms, Jason - 27, 77
Gwaltney, Melinda - 122, 123
Haberski, Brian - 45, 97, 95
Hagerty, Nicholas - 45
Hamlet, Heather -125, 124, 113
Hammermiller,Patrick - 45, 96, 137
Harmon, Ja on - 124
Harris, Terrance - 45, 97
Harris, arada - 70
Haubrich, Bridget, 74
Hawver, Daniel - 71
Hayes, Robert E - 45
Heilgeist, Christopher - 45
Hensley, James - 125, 124
Hess, Timothy - 95, 127, 26, 113, 93
Hibbard, Angela - 39, 110, 94, 93
Hickey, Claire - 45, 97, 73, 113
Hines, Rayna - 39
Holderbaum, Walter - 71
Horton, Tricia - 39, 110, 93
Howard, Joseph - 71
Hubeler, Heather - 39, 94, 93
Hu!ey, Tyesha - 97, 21, 113
1- J
Inclan, Adam - 45, 95, 93, 77
lnfusino, Nicholas - 117, 39
Jablonski, Amanda - 39, 94
Jacobs, Allyson
James, Kelly - 40, 97
Jaraczewski, Jacquelin - 45, 67, 94, 93
Jarencio, Russell - 40
Jensen, Anthony - 45, 94
Jensen, Jerian - 40
Jones, Christal - 124, 21, 20, 113
Jones, Jennifer - 96, 21
Jones, Marc - 45, 97
Jones, Jacaro - 74, 75
Jury, Spencer-124, 125,22,95,96,21,26, 112
Jury, Stacie - 40, 73, 72, 93
Kalcic, Brad - 40, 97
Karaskiewicz, Joe - 124, 22, 97, 95, 21, 20, 112,
93, 77
Kauss, Juliann - 23, 97, 95, 96, 127, 136, 112, 113,
Kempf, David - 45
Kenesie, Eric -18, 45, 94
Kenesie, Jim - 18
Kenesie, Jason - 18, 73
Khayat, Christian - 45, 97
Kirsch, Adam - 71, 97
Kirsch, Katie - 23, 40, 95, 110, 111, 67, 94, 93
Kleist, Rita - 23, 45, 25, 95, 67, 94, 113, 93
Knight, Jenny -19, 45, 97, 95, 67, 73, 72, 93
Knight, Katie - 70, 97, 93
Kraai, Aaron - 40, 97, 110, 93
Kraus, Colleen - 40, 96, 137, 112
Kreutzer, Lindsey - 95, 112
Lachell, Aaron - 75
La llamann, Josh - 45, 94, 93
LaMacchia, Joe -117, 18, 19, 97, 122, 123, 112
Landa, Tony -125, 94, 92, 113, 93, 97, 25
Langenstroer, Monika - 40, 97, 73, 93
Lanning, Christopher - 45, 94
Larson, Connie - 45
Lasota,Matt-22,20, 18, 126,21,26,93, 77
Loewen, John - 36
Loewen, Beth - 40
Longmire, Teena - 40
Mangi, icole - 95
Markovich, Shirley - 97
Markowski, Ryan - 117, 45, 95, 93
Marotti, Christinia - 40
Martin, Laura - 40
Matthen, Shaun - 93
Matrise, Kathy - 125, 124, 25, 96, 137, 93
Matteucci, Mike - 45, 19, 93
Matteucci, Carrie - 70, 93
McBride, Iris - 40
McCune, Shawn - 46, 26
McDermott, Angie - 70, 95
McTeman, Dan - 71, 36
Medina, Ruben - 23, 97, 95, 96, 94, 127, 136, 93
Medvecz, Matthew -19, 40, 95, 93
Meiers, Matthew - 46
Merkling, Amber - 36
Merritt, Andrea - 40, 97, 110
Meyer, Richard - 46, 95, 93
Meyer, Becky - 40
Meyers, Kristina - 46, 94
Mezger, Jacky - 36
Mikus, Theresa - 40, 97, 110, 67
Miley, Cory - 70, 36
Miller, Jolene - 46
Miller, Holly - 36, 95, 110, 93
Milligan, Shawn -110
Mills, Steven - 22, 19, 97, 21, 93
Mills, Katie - 36, 97, 95, 93
Milisauskis, Beth - 46, 97, 25, 95, 94, 93
Milos, Mark - 36, 95
Misurelli, Amy - 46, 97, 67, 94, 113
Mi urelli, Laura - 40, 95, 110, 67, 93
Mitchell, Ramon - 36
Monsalud, Joe - 36
Montalvo, Deanna -124, 22, 97, 95, 94, 21, 112,
Montemurro, Mike - 71, 96
Montoya, Maria - 36
Moon, Lance - 71
Moreno, Ramon- 46
Montpas, Michele - 36, 95
Mysich, Stacey - 46
elson, Mary - 22, 97, 96, 136
elson, Aaron - 71, 36
elson, Paul - 36, 93
ielsen, Andy - 123, 131, 93
euwirth, Josh - 36, 97
Oakes, Melody- 67, 122, 123
Olsen, Jeanne - 46
Orth, Andy - 36
Owen, Angie - 36
Panasewicz, Tracy - 24, 67, 94, 93
Parkinson, Tim - 74, 75, 97
Payette, Michelle - 22, 46, 97, 25, 67, 113
Perrault, Rhonda -130
Perrine, Dina - 40, 95, 67, 94
Petrusky, Kelly- 20, 19, 125, 124, 97
Petru ky, Joe - 18, 46, 97, 113, 77
Pett , Jackie - 40
Pierangeli, Ryan - 18, 46, 95, 93
Pierce, Joshua - 40, 97
Pierce, Sarah - 36
Pillizzi, Kristy - 46, 97, 73, 72, 93
Pisarik, Craig - 71, 36, 93
Pitts, Rob - 40
Platt, ichole - 25, 95, 96, 67, 113
Plebanek, Ronald - 36
Portillo, Robert - 71, 36
Principato, Jim - 41
Principe, Jon - 97, 123, 26, 93
Raimondi, Anna - 41
Ramsey, Kevin - 71, 36, 95
Rashleger, Robert - 46
Reckling, Megan - 46, 25
Reckling, Jane - 36
Reese, Marcus - 97, 26, 27, 93
Reid, Shelton - 71, 36
Reindl, Maria - 36
Remsing, Jake - 97, 96, 136, 140
Reyes, Martha - 46
Reynolds, Matthew - 41, 97, 93
Rice, Joy - 36
Risinger, Dana - 36
Ritacca, Jenny - 36, 67, 93, 94
Rivera, Dianis - 36
Rizzo, Mary - 20, 96, 97, 124, 125, 137
Roberts, Eric - 71, 36
Robinson, Robb - 46, 95
Robinson, Marisa - 36, 24, 95, 67
Robinson, Jonce - 46
Robinson, Mike - 36
Races, Anna Karina - 122, 93
Rodgers, David - 36, 75
Ruble, Beth - 97, 94, 93
Ruffalo, Amy - 46, 67, 93, 94, 97
Ruhle, Jodi - 47, 72, 73, 97
Rupp, Robin -36, 116
Rush, Racheal - 21, 93, 97, 112, 113
Sabine, Robin - 22, 97, 94, 21, 112, 93
Sadowski, Andrea - 37
Salinas, Juan - 97, 96
Salinas, Amalia - 37
Sandstrom, icole - 37
Santatrelli, Paul - 71, 37
Schmidt, Brandie - 37, 97, 95, 67, 93
Schmitt, Austin - 47
Schroeder, Terry - 37, 95
Schubring, Edward - 37, 97
Schuch, Lizz - 37, 97, 110, 93
Schuler, Steve - 72, 77
Schultz, Jenny - 47, 96
Schweniger, Jeff - 75,37
Scott, Deon - 41
Scott, Rob-41, 71
Scuglik, Mike - 94, 76, 77
Serna, Isabel - 37
Serpe, Sara -19, 41, 97, 95, 110, 94, 93
Shebmik, Ed - 47
Shuler, Melissa - 47, 97, 94, 93
Shuler, ick - 41
Silguero, Teresa, - 41
Silvia, Jennifer - 41, 93
Skora, Ellen - 70, 37
Snyder, Joe - 41, 97, 95, 110, 93
Speed, Andre - 23, 111
Spottswood, Mark - 37, 110
Stone, Krissy - 41
Stummer, Ron -18,47, 116
Sucevich,Michael -41, 71
Supita, Aaron - 41, 95
Surdo, Aldo - 23, 19, 95, 96, 94, 123, 136, 113, 93
Tenuta, Joe - 37
Terpenning, Kelly - 18, 37, 95
Thompson, Matt - 94
Thom en, Mark - 18, 47, 97, 94, 93
Thomsen, Jane - 19, 37, 97, 95, 93
Tinnen, Tracy - 41, 93
Tolefree, Curtis - 47
Topolovec, Thea - 23, 47, 96, 137
Travanty, Tony - 23, 41, 97, 95, 111, 94,93
Tutskey, Lisa - 47, 67, 94, 93
U -V
Umfress, Stefanie - 23, 37, 111
Upham, Beth - 70, 37
VanBergan, Margret - 47, 25, 96, 94, 93
Vargas, David - 41
Vasquez, Magally - 37
Vindel,Armando - 37
Viola, Mandy- 41, 110, 94
Vitkus, Aaron - 94, 126, 127, 93
Vitkus, Kyle - 71, 37
Walker, Nathan - 47
Wallen, Joel - 23, 125, 124, 112
Wallen, Chris - 37, 95, 111
Waller, Liana - 47
Walthers, Ben -124, 95, 26, 27, 93
Walthers, Jake - 41, 97, 95, 21, 93
Walton, Jesse - 97
Wassilevich, Jill - 94, 122, 21, 92
Weiler, Bridget - 125, 124, 20
Weiler, Betsy - 42, 97, 95, 94
Wells, Chris - 47, 112
Wendrik , Terra - 42, 94, 93
Wicker heirn, Amy - 97, 124, 96, 137
Widmar, Thomas - 116, 37, 93
Willems Jason - 127, 21, 26, 27, 112, 77
Willems, Clete - 37, 93, 19, 71
Williams, Douglas - 37, 39
Willis, Jennifer - 42, 70, 97, 110, 94, 72
Wilson, Ezra - 47
Witter, Sarah - 37
Woodsen, Kyle -124, 22, 97, 21, 20
Worth, Katie - 117, 47, 96, 137
Wysocki, Julia - 37, 94
Yoo,Margaret-125, 124,25,67,94,21, 130,93
Zamora, Joya - 125, 124, 25, 24, 67, 20, 113
Zebrowski, David - 37
Zeien, Jason - 37
Please note that you may be on a page that is not
listed after yo11r name. So search for yo11rself nnd
don't worn; if yo11 're not listed, we still love yo11.
Index - 139
A Piece Of My Mind
We have finally come to the end of another chool
year, which means we are at the end of another
yearbook. Thi i my la t yearbook, after four years
of fru tration and work. There are part of yearbook
production that I will mi . Working with a great
taff like I had 'thi year makes leaving hard. We had
a lot of ups and down , but overall we have put
together a great yearbook. I would like to thank
tho e of you who brought in picture for the yearbook. That helps more than you may realize. I
would like to ay good-bye to my staff and thanks for
the hard work that many of you put into thi book. I
yelled a lot, but that i ju t becau e I know that you
are all capable of great things. Thank for coming
through for me. A special farewell goes out to the
"crew". You guys are a lot of fun. I will mis you.
Mr . H. (D.H., Debbie)
The People Who Pieced This Book Together
Mr . Diane Hilbrink -Advisor
Amy Wicker heim - Editor
Ruben Medina - Assistant Editor
Juliann Kau - Layout and Design
Kathy Matri e - Copy Editor
Mary Rizzo - Business & Sales Manager
Sarah Do emagen - Index
Tricia Fuller - Index
Staff: Pat Hammermiller, Colleen Krau , Mary
Nelson, Nicolle Platt, Jake Rem ing, Aldo
Surdo, Thea Topolovec, Spencer Jury, Katie
140 - Closing