The Challenge 1993
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The Challenge 1993
The St. Joseph High School yearbook, The Challenge, for the 1992 to 1993 school year.
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St. Joseph High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
L I ct)
~ 11
Rudolph Becker checks the passes for John Wingate,
Sharon Frederick, and Mary Ann Neiderkom early in
St. Joseph's history.
'93 Challenge
St. Joseph High School
Judy James and Mike Zizzo sway to the music at the
1973 Homecoming dance.
2401-69th Street
Kenosha, \VI 53143
Volume 35
Jim Ruhle studies the new computers in the library
in the Fall of 1992
A faithful friend's a sturdy shelter Whoever finds one finds a
trea ure. 11
Sirach Sirach 6: 14
One of lives greatest treasures is friends.
Friends are treasures in subtle and
obvious ways. Friends share many good
and bad times together. In good times
we have friends that share our laughter,
accomplishments, and dreams. Our
friends are also there when we have a
secret to share, want to do something fun
and unusual, or just want to feel good
about ourselves.
Having a friend also means that we
have someone to love us for who we
truly are and we are also welcomed and
accepted by our friends.
When we have a friend by us the sad
times don't seem so lonely, our problems
are more bearable, and when we're not so
deserving of their friendship, they
become even better friends to us.
Just like a hidden treasure that is rare
to find, we should always remember how
precious our friends are to us.
"Everyone has a unique personality." was stated by who knows who
how many years ago. This statement
has been repeated too many times.
Yet, it is still valid. No two people
can agree on everything all the time.
During high school, most of us try to
"fit in." At times we hide our real
selves, though. Everyone attending
Saint Joseph's could very well blend
into a crowd. Inside each of us, there
are things which make us stand out!
Our uniqueness may not be apparent
on the outside. We may be like an
oyster, which seems like any other
shell. When someone looks inside,
there is a wonderful valuable
treasure, a pearl, enclosed. We all
possess God given gifts that should be
discovered and shared. Join us, as we
attempt to look at the years 1992 and
1993 with searching eyes and hearts
to find our hidden treasure.
St. Joe's -- A Hidden Treasure
When St. Joseph opened its doors
in the l 950's, the community was
proud of the fine, new high school that
stood on the site of the former
swampy Anderson Park. The School
Sisters of St. Francis owned and
operated the school in those days.
By the mid- l 960's, the enrollment
had grown to more than 1600 students
as compared with today's of 350. the
faculty numbered about 75 members
which is the size of the 1993's Senior
class. Most of the faculty were nuns
who wore full length habits. In the late
60's and 70's they changed their looks
and their names. Today there are only
two teaching sisters remaining on the
staff. One of them is Sister Virginia
(formerly Sister Theodore Marie.)
Originally there were separate
religion and phy-ed classes for guys
and girls unlike today's co-ed classes.
Students were allowed in the lobby
only on "special" occasions while
today the lobby is used for dances (by
the way there was no Prom back then.)
Today St. Joe's females can enjoy
participating in team sports. Although
sports weren't available in the 50's and
60's, there was a state-of-the-art Home
Economics Department on the second
floor where girls learned to cook, make
aprons and knit slippers.
The relaxed dress code today has
slowly evolved from the days of full
uniforms, including boleros and skirts
for the girls, and ties and dress shirts
for the guys. Many students from the
60's will remember the method of
determining the proper length of a
girl's skirt - while kneeling on both
knees, the skirt had to touch the floor!
Of course there were no computers
and very few TV's in the beginning.
St. Joe's had several champion teams,
as evidenced by the trophies in the
lobby, and school spirit wa strong.
Each cla built three Homecoming
float , and it took two hour to have
four lunch periods.
While there have many changes
throughout the years, one thing still
remains the same. St. Joe's commitment to excellence in education and
promotion ofChristian values is still
the foundation and purpose ofits
It's a Special Week
Spirit week, senior skits, liturgy,
crowning, parade, dance -- Highlights of the St. Joseph Homecoming celebration
Spirit week began on
Monday, September 14,
and gave the student
body a chance to show
their pride in St. Joe's.
Students and teachers
were decked out in blue
and gold, pajamas, and
hippie attire throughout
the week.
The Homecoming
parade was also a time of
school spirit. Shiny
convertibles carried
candidates and excited
students to Anderson
Field, the site of the
Homecoming battle.
Mike Schilf, our
Grand Marshall , led
the on slaught of class
floats, clubs, and
student council officers. The results of the
float competition were:
the juniors with last
place, freshmen with
third, seniors with
second, and the
sophomores were
victorious. The parade
turned out to be a
perfect start for
the 1992 Homecoming
Abo, e: T he Sophomores had the
fiN place float with "The Lancers
Won't Sleep Til the Knights are out!"
Right : Our Grand Mar<.,hall, Mike
ch ilf, pose'> before leading the
Left: The second runner-up, Lisa
Montemurro, forfeited her tennis
match to be in the parade.
Below: With a combined
weight of 5725 lbs , the yearbook
float, sank'
Left: El
Club de
E panol
had a good
time in the
Weiler and
Anna Stella
show their
while Jenn
Vena shows
a little leg.
Left: Tara Panasewicz reigned as
the 1992 Homecoming Queen.
runner-up. poses for a picture
HomecoITiing '92 - November Rain
Bob Camosy .... ... sophomore STUD!
Above-Grand Marshal Mike Schilfescorts
his date Katie.
Look at everyone jam min to the tunes of
Gn'R .
2nd Runner Up
1st Runner Up
Pennie and Mike walk down the aisle.
Lisa and Brad strut their stuff.
How did you feel being Homecoming
I was very happy, excited, and
honored. The week of Homecoming
has been the best week of my life so
far. I have never felt so supported
by my friends and family. I like to
thank everyone at St. Joe's for making
this happen. You're all very special
to me and I remember you always.
Thanks again,
Our 1992 Homecoming Court
I.The Junior
Ring Day Banner.
2.What a pyramid!
3.KelliandMelissa trying to start
chicken fights.
4 .Freezing while
waiting for the
5.Mindy giving
Natalie her ring.
6.Matt notices
Margie's fingernails are.
7 .Father blesses
the rings.
8.Class of '94 around their banner.
9 .Tif and Bob crank it up.
IO.Katie and Krissy, where are your rings?
11.The Junior guys show off their rings.
12.Kyle, since when are you a junior?
Below: Hippie Homecoming candidates await the next nominee.
Right: Homecoming
Christophersen is escorted by "The King".
Left: o one could forget the
controversial skit that Jim
Benko, Jacob Davison, and B.J.
Gallo performed.
Right: Bill Kuffel and Aaron
Sepanski as Mr. Powers and Mr.
Tutas - the younger years!
Right: There was a big increase
in the Y.M.C.A. attendance
thanks to the seniors.
Left: The senior boys rejoice at the success of a
great group of skits.
Ya-ba-da-ba-do Chuck!
Right: Sister Virginia pets "Monkey Man" Matt
Wei ler.
Tolefree asks for
some respect... and
gets it.
Mr. Pesch can't wait for the flag
The choir performs for the eighth graders.
We're gain' to the chapel,
Homecoming spirit at the parade.
and we're gain' to get married.
Natalie and Ky le eem happy?
Chris Adsit, student council president,
proudly receives the flag for the student
body of SJHS.
In commeration of Rob Scuglik's death
Seniors wore black.
The happy crowd at Homecoming.
Father Brian offers words of inspiration.
Professor T V Tube, better known
as Bob Becker, entertains the crowd
during a SBI show.
Bob reads the lessons during
the Fall liturgy. What a busy
Book Buying Day
Above· John Kim's last book buying day.
Below: \\, hich book to choose"
Above: Pat Dabbs looks overwhelmed with all his new books.
Below: Father gives his priestly advice.
Above: Freshmen battle it out with a game of volleyball!
Above: Bending over backwards for limbo.
Below: Big Buddies are really bonding with their freshmen.
Below: How low can you go Bob?
Joel Keating shows off his muscles to Jenny Jacinto.
Cairn down, Rebecca!!!
are Forever
Seniors work on their personality bags on their first night.
Anna Bosco and Matt Gayheart on one of their walk-talks.
Miss Boren shows the seniors how to create their personality bags.
Everyone comes together for a group discussion.
A retreat to remember
The seniors work together to design their retreat shirts.
Everyone poses for one last picture.
If it is by faith that I find you
-grant me faith
If it is by hope that I find you
-grant me hope
If it is by virtue that I find you
-grant me virtue
Grant me an increase of faith - of hope - of virtue
Saint Augustine's
Private Prayers
Sisters of Saint Rita
Order of Saint Augustine
4014 Green Bay Road
Racine WI 53404
Class of
l 9 9 3
Leblanc Paris Noblet Normandy Courtois Vito
Holton Yanagisawa Moosmann Martin Woodwind Company
G . Leblanc Corporation 7001 Leblanc Boulevard Kenosha. WI 53141-1415 USA
Lower Row (from L to R): Matt Weiler, Brian Galley, Jim Kenesie, Jason Kenesie, Juan Salinas, Nate Leonardelli. Row2: Coach Dean Tutas, Jake
Remsing, Rob Eaton, Toby Getschman, Darren Dosemagen, Jim Ruhle, Josh Lallaman, Kathy Matrise, Coach Rueben Medina. Row 3: Tim Parkinson, Jeff
Anderson, Jason Grooms, Jerry Arnold, teve Mills, Dustin James. Upper Row: Coach Steve Kenesie, Andy Nielsen, Pat Dabbs, Greg Mitchell, Matt
Markowski, Andy chweninger, Joe Hurley, John Loewen, Coach Ron Markowski, Coach Ray Heideman.
Above: Lancer.. !Jrepare for a 24-counter pass.
Below: Jeff (Meatf) kicks off after another Lancer touchdown.
Above right: Matt
receives some awesome
protection from the line.
Right: Lone Sparten is
hammered by the
aggressive Lancer" D".
Above: Lancer coaches await the outcome of
the play.
Class, Pride, Discipline. These
were the three fundamentals
the 1992 football team focused
on under first year coach, Dean
Tutas. This year's team was
plagued by injuries to key
players throughout the season.
The bright spots of the season
were the endurance and positive attitude the team kept
throughout the season and the
up and coming rookie sophomores.
Because of experience gained
the young Lancer team looks
to excel the next couple years
L nd regain their winning ways.
Above: Matt's only two years late for "A Chorus
Left: Lancers get ready for
yet another game.
Above: Nate turns the corner and scrambles
for the first down and more.
Coach Kenesie, Andy Peterson, Ryan Markowski, Ricky Myles, Joe Petrusky, Chris Caddock, Rob Eaton. Coach Markowski
Josh Lallaman, ate Walker, Tony Buchanan.Eric Kenesie, Jame Davis, Billy Reid.Matt Meiers
Mike Matteucci, Rick Meyer, Adam Inclan, Mark Thompsen, Ryan Pierangcli, Jesse Walton
Left: Eric Kenesie taking a break after a great play
Below: The Lancer linemen coming off the field after another
Kelli Petrusky shows off
some Lancer talent!
Top Row from left: Jill Wasilevich, Maggie Yoo, Kellee Chwala, Coach Debbie Schroeder,Middle row from
left: Rachael Rush, Kelli Petrusky, Deanna Montalvo Bottom row from left: Joya Zamora, Jenny Fani, Jodie
Ruhle, and Gennie Gagliardi
Top Row from left: Kelly Williams,
Hughes, Coach, Middle:Shannon
Kawa, Amy Ruffalo, Tricia Amos,
Bottom from left: Amy Misurelli,
Melissa Shuler, Margaret Van
Bergen, Kristy Pillizzi
Front Row: Mindy Bodven, Melissa Schuch
Middle: Ti ffany Rossman, Courtney Fuhrmann, Laura Meyers
Back: Coach DeAngelis, Annie Getschman, Molly Whyte, Amber Rudzinski, Andriana
Below: Senior Captain Annie Getschman is always
ready for whatever the opponent serves her.
Above: The award winners show their
winning smiles.
Below: Melissa! The coach is trying to
give you some advice.
Below: Tiffany serves up
another ace.
Probably being one of the best years in my volleyball
career, I would like to say a few words. Eventhough
I've had four different coaches, they have each taught me
something new. I owe them a lot for this. I would also
liketothankmyteam mates for making thissucha fun
and successful year. I wish you guys the bestofluck
next year!!!!
Laura, Molly, and Melissa are enjoying the break fest that was served by the faculty to all
state bound athletes.
This year the Lady Lancer
volleyball team made the trip to
State which was held at
Wisconsin Lutheran College.
The team spent the night before
the tournament at a hotel which
was a lot of fun and the best
partofthe whole tournament.
Eventhough, the team didn'tdo
very well against its opponents,
they did gain a great deal of
experience that will do them a
lot ofgood in the future.
Going to State is something that
none of the volleyball players
will ever forget.
Left: OOOH! Yeah! Yeah!
Right: Up, Up, and Away!
Above: This year's setters are always ready to
do their job.
Above: Don'tyoujustlovethe
Left: Reach'
Top row: Coach Tom
Jaehne, James Snyder, Steve
Milos, Dan Lendman, B. J.
Gallo, Brett Weiss
Middle Row: Spencer Jury,
Rob Scuglik, Joel Keating,
Keith McGovern, Aldo
Front Row: Chris Wells,
Rob Conforti, Shawn
McCune, Josh Bower
Not Pictured: Brian
Above: Hey BJ which way did the ball go?
Below: Keith and Rob set up for a comer kick.
Right: Steve's own audition for "A Chorus
Senior Quotes
Rob Scuglick-"It was my first year on the team and at first I didn't know what to
expect, but it was a lot offun. What I didn't like was Embo!"
BJ Gallo - Highlights arc: Being on all Kenosha team and Parkside All-tournament
team. Most memorable moment:
coring 3 goals m one game.
Steve Milos -Has been on varsity for the last four year and has the opportunity of
being captain his senior year. He's most proud of being 3rd at the Parkside Tournament
and when he was asked about his overa ll experience he said, "During my 4 years I have
learned a lot and had a lot of fun ."
Brian Franco i - Has played on the soccer team for 4 years and plays midfield.
He's enjoyed everything, but he's enjoyed the practices the most.
I . Joel Keating shows us how a real goalie
2. Brian is giving it hi s all as he heads for the
goalie box.!
3. With great anticipation Dan is waiting for the
4. Rob starts his own limbo line!
For any of you that been at a St.
Joe's soccer game this year you may have
noticed the energetic goalie, Joel
Keating. Joel has been on the team for
four years and has been the goalie for
three years. Joel feels that being goalie is
an exciting and challenging position
because it is up to him to keep the other
team from scoring. Joel's most exciting
and memborable moment has been
breaking the school record of saves
which Joel now holds, 26 saves in a
game. Joel's favorite soccer player is
Walter Zanga because he's an outstanding goalie from Italy. After St. Joe's, Joel
plans on attending college and entering
pre-med. He also wants to become a
professional soccer player. When asked
about St. Joe's, Joel feels that as a whole
the school has been a good educational
experience for him.
This sport is all about giving a helping hand to a fellow runner.
Ruben smile a little wider.
1st Row: R. Sabine, R. Medina , R. Willems, P. Supita, A. Tiber
2nd Row:M. Schilf, M. Ordonez, 0 . Ordonez, T. laquinta, Coach Whitehead
Cross Country
The 1992 crosscountry season was very
good on the whole. This
sport was unable to
compete as a full team ,
though. A complete
team is considered at
least five runners. The
guys from SJHS had
only four runners.
Meanwhile, the girls had
five runners, but it never
failed that at least one
got injured before a
meet. All the members
gave it their all anyway .
Of all runners that
competed at State only
one did not get a personal record. There
Aiming High
were two outstanding
individuals on the team.
Terese Iaquinta earned
All -State and Mike
Schilfreceived All-State
The team is more
than capable of obtaining
several team trophies if
membership increases.
1992 Captains:
Maria Ordonez
1993 Captains:
Phil Supita
Anne Tiber
Most Valuable Runner:
Terese Iaquinta
1993 Recruiters:
Rebecca Willems
Orlando Ordonez
Varsity: Katie Radke, Melinda Moffat, Lisa Montemurro, Coach Karnes.
Second row: Michelle Payette, Margie Knight, Kelli Heller, Katie Llanas.
Third row: Jenny Knight, Mary Schmitz, Rita McGranahan
Left: Kelli Heller
talces time to give
Tiffany Rossmann
some company.
Margie serves with a
smashing hit.
J. V.: Terese Iaquinta, Erin
O'Connell, Coach Karnes,
Eva Tenuta.
Second: Jennifer Kent,
Lynn Johnson, Rita Kleist
Katie returns the hit.
Hey sport, no pictures please!
deeply on her
Right Katie
Radke can
not take her
Ladies Tcnni
Top left - Mike Bobusch, Jim Benko, Joel Nowacki, Brad Evans, Steve Schuler, Coach Chubrillo.
Bottom - Craig Evans, Man La Sota, JeffDuczak, Rob Eaton, Aaron Vitkus
With this awesome technique, Jason should do
Man is going for another power hit.
Steve gets low, in order, to line up his putt.
Aaron's follow through has been extremely good
so far.
The member of the golf team we
are featuring is Jim Benko. Jimmy has
been playing golf since the age of six.
"When I was small, my dad would let me
shoot a couple of shots when he played, "
recalls Jimmy. Jimmy has come a long
way these past eleven years. This
summer, he spent a lot of time practicing
his game. He attributes going to State to
this extra practice.
This year, Jim was captain, he
provided leadership for the whole team.
Also, many of the team members
benefitted from watching Jim's technique.
Jimmy always tries to better himself.
Sometimes Jim watches professional
players to better his game. Jose-Maria
Olazabal is his favorite PGA golfer.
Jimmy admires him the most ,because
Jose-Maria Olazabal is not your typical
flashy player.
Jimmy plans to continue golfing
during his college years. Unfortunately,
Wisconsin weather does not allow for
year-round golfing. So, he is planning on
going to a school were there is warm
temperature all four seasons.
Brad Evans takes concentrating very seriously'
Adam on, Bart
Adsit, Chris
Anderson ,Deanna
Anderson , Jeff
Ballenger, Laticia
Bartel, Stephanie
Becker, Bob
Bernhardt, Dan
Bobusch, Mike
Bodven, Mindy
Boyle, Amanda
Camilli, Tom
Junior's treasure their
During a warm Fall day,The Junior
cla s gained a new under tanding of
each other. Junior ring day was more
than a day of fun and game and
receiving ring . It wa a special day
just for Juniors. They played games
in the gym and cooked their lunch
outside. Looking at the gem in their
rings, member of the junior cla s
began to reflect on their years here at
Saint Joe's and realize that their
friends here are a treasure that they
may never find any where else. Just
like George in "It' a Wonderful
Life," the junior realized that no one
is a failure if they have friends who
care about them.
Curran, Pat
Dabbs, Pat
DeBartolo, Tony
Debish, Katie
Donahue, Matt
Dosemagen, Darren
Fuhrmann, Courtney
Galley, Bryan
Haberski, Chris
Heller, Kelli
Henry, Cory
Holland , Darrick
Hurley, Joe
laquinta, Terese
James, Dustin
Jensen, Kim
Johnson, Amarilis
Johnson , Lynn
Kennedy, Carrie
Kirsch , Jason
Knight, Margie
Kruse, Katie
Leonardelli , ate
Llanas, Katie
McCune, Michelle
McGranahan, Rita
Medvecz, Mike
Meyers, Laura
Moffat, Melinda
Pisarik, Ryan
Pitts, Mike
Radke, Katie
Reid, Carmelita
Rossmann, Tiffany
Rudzinski, Amber
Ruhle, Jim
Sander, Mike
Savage, Tim
Schuch, Melissa
Schweninger, Andy
Serpe, Matt
Shuler, Erin
Snyder, Jamie
Sorensen, Tommy
Sturino, Joe
Sturm, Matt
Supita, Phil
Tenuta, Eva
Tiber, Anne
Villasenor, Adriana
Weiss, Brett
Whyte, Molly
Willems, Rebecca
Not pictured - Krissy Martinez
Sophomores, Sophomores, Sophomores
Adamson, Florin
Adsit, Jeremy
Anderson, Sheri
Arnold, Gerry
Beirne, Adam
Bosco, Julie
Brown, Ron
They've got a license
to drive
A big event in many sophomore's lives is
getting a driver's license. Thoughts of
freedom and cruising on Saturday night
fill the heads of these would-be drivers as
they fill out the forms to start driver's
The driving test, however, is often a
frightening experience that is barely
survived. The humiliation of having to
take the test one more time is awful. The
thrill of passing and getting a license
makes up for it, though!
Carmody, Casey
Carrigan, Erin
Chwala, Kellee
Conforti, Rob
Dosemagen, Sarah
Evans, Craig
Fani, Jenny
Flores, Dave
Foltz, Aaron
Free, Jason
Fuller, Tricia
Gagliardi, Genni
Gargano, Sicily
Getschman, Toby
Giles, Jim
Grooms, Jason
Gwaltney, Melinda
Heinrich, Andy
Hess, Tim
Holland, Diannah
Huley, Tyesha
lnfunsino, Dan
Jacobs, Allyson
Jones, Christal
Jury, Spencer
Karaskiewicz, Joe
Kauss, Juliann
A "Gem" of a class
Kenesie, Jason
LaMacchia, Joe
La Sota Matt
Landa, Tony (Big T)
Loewen, John
Mathen, Shaun
Matrise, Kathy
McKee, Dave
Medina, Ruben
Miller, Kris
Mills, Steve
Montalvo, Deanna
elson, Mary
ielsen, Andy
Oakes, Melody
Ordonez, Orlando
Perez, David
Petrusky, Kelly
Principe, Jon
Prostko, Lori
Remsing, Jake
Rizzo, Mary
Rush, Rachael
Sabine, Robin
Salinas, Juan
Schuler, Steve
Scuglik, Mike
Vitkus, Aaron
Wallen, Joel
Walthers, Ben
Wasilevich, Jill
Weiler, Bridget
Wickersheim, Arny
Willems, Jason
Woodson, Kyle
Yoo, Maggie
Zamora, Joya
?\ot pictured - R~an Dictt, Mile Ja!;pcr. Tim Parkinson and Marcus Rcc<.;e
With all our love & pride.
from Mom & Dad
Congratulations, you are the best
daughter a mother could ever hope for.
I love you,
Good Luck, Mike! We're behind you all
the way!!
Mom, Helen & Derek
We are very proud of you.
Mom, Dad & Jodi
Go Captain Go!
Dear Gaby (Maria),
We are lucky to have you as our
daughter. Since very early you have
brought only joy to us. Continue working
hard and always be that lovely human
being and we know you will have a bright
With love,
Celan and Perla
Graduation means new beginnings.
We're proud of you and Good Luck.
We are very proud of your accomplishments. You have our love & support in
all that you do & become. "Live life to
the fullest"!
To Dearest Jenny,
Always be true to God & yourself &
you'll know you can always count on Him.
We love you and are very proud of you!
Mark, Mom & Dad
Congratulations Matt - MVP
We love you. You're the best!
Your family
Congratulations and good luck in the
future . May all your dreams come true
and we are proud of all your accomplishments.
Love you,
Mom and Dad
"Charlie, may you have joy and hope and
harmony in the years to come.
Love from your family"
... the leaves will bow down when you
walk by ...
Dear Michelle Covelli,
Reach for your goals and make your
dreams come true.
Mom, Dad & Lisa
There will be many choices for you to
make in the future - choose wisely - do
your best and we'll always be there for
Kiss today goodbye and point me toward
Love you,
"Congratulations on your success!"
We love you always,
Thank you for being such a great
daughter. Good luck in the future. You'll
do great.
Dearest Michelle,
Wish you a bright future, success and
happiness in life.
Matt Weiler,
We wish you the best in your college
goals. We can't wait for our free lift
"Way to go Sue!"
Larry & Connie Coe
To Dearest Jackie,
Wherever God leads you in this life,
know that He is your strength, wisdom &
love. We love you & are very proud of
Mark, Mom & Dad
May all your hopes and dreams come
true. We are so proud of you.
Dad, Mom & Tracy
We're so proud of you. Good luck in
Oshkosh next year!
Theresa Joy Milisaukska,
You are still a great "joy" in our lives.
Good luck in everything you do.
Love you,
Seniors, Seniors, Seniors
Adamson, Clint
Arcilla, Michelle
Barbieri, Carmela
Benko, Jim
Bodven, Ben
Bosco, Anna
Camosy, Chuck
Cetta, Tom
Christophersen, Kelly
Coe, Susan
Covelli, Michelle
Davison, Jacob
Class of 1993
Evans, Brad
Francois, Brian
Gallo, BJ
Gamero, Lisa
Gayheart, Matt
Getschman, Anne
Hegewald, Perry
Jacinto, Jackie
Jacinto, Jenny
Jensen, Regan
Keating, Joel
Kent, Jennifer
Kim, John
Kirschner, Jennifer
Kuffel, Bill
Landa, Katie
Lendman, Dan
Loewen, Dianne
Markowski, Matt
Mathen, Shyla
Mathen, Shyni
Matzur, Jason
McGovern, Keith
Medina Jr., lsidro
Milisauskas, Theresa
Milligan, Robin
Milos, Steve
Montemurro, Lisa
Ordonez, Maria
Panasewicz. Tara
Pence, Shane
Prostko, Renee
Schilf, Mike
Schlenker, Jessica
Schmitt, Renee
Schmitz, Mary
Scuglik, Rob
Semon, Gavin
Sepanski, Aaron
Smith, Amber
Stella, Anna
Stolfo, Danielle
Sullivan, Pennie
Terpenning, Mike
Theile, Dan
Tiber, Steve
Tolefree, Tracy
Vena, Jenn
Friends Are Friends Forever
Walthers, Rebecca
Weiler, Matt
Yeugelowitz, Darlene
Zagame, Vickie
Zeien, Jenny
Zeith, Brian
Rodriquez, Leticia
Seniors' Lovelines
Miss you all.
Gather ye rosebud's while ye
may, old time is still a flying for
the flower that blooms bright
today, tomorrow will be dying.
Chuck Camosy
The answer?! What is this, a pop
quiz? I got V.D. Sophomore year
and will continue to live with it
joyfully. Moahlahy! Jennee's
house-Sat. Night Live! See ya
wouldn't wanna be ya. C.V.D.
All of my love,
Jenn Vena
I'll remember ... Brain, Bingo, JJ2,
and the class of '93. You' re the
best! DL Rules!
Danielle Stolfo
Big D-McDonalds-Hardee' sTacobell-melf-sleep over at my
house. Chuck-Wotjak How old
are you? Mich-Laettner is ugly.
Good luck to everyone! Love,
Pictures sparking fond memories
recalling all our triumphs. Don't
forget the love we shared. And
Seize the Day! of tomorrow.
I've lived and
loved, I have
survived Therefore my life is truly
a miracle.
I'll remember-the people
especially my closer friends, along
with all it's fun times, from
dances to Senior retreat.
We can close our eyes to realitybut not to memories. SOL.
33+ 13. Hi!! Sober 7. Jamaica.
Love you all.
Jessica Schlenker
As a proud St. Joe's student, I
learned that it's 26 dollars to El
Leticia Rodriquez
Since I'm leaving this year, I'll
miss everyone a lot and anyone I
won't miss, I never met!
Tom Cetta
We are only immortal for a
limited time.
You are my sunshine, my love,
my life.
Set your goals high and follow
your dreams and you'll always be
a winner.
Jennifer Kirchner
I will find a way or make a way.
"Boom Boom" P.S. Don't touch
my hair. Packers suck! Go
Brad Evans
Have you ever been in a game
scored a basket and realized-heh-I
am not on that team? Yes.
Regan Jensen
I'll remember Sophomore year,
French, ditto, the tank, the library,
yearbook layouts, Dylan, class of
'93, "para-para"!
Anna Bosco
Friends are a "Treasure" forever
Lake Erie is how Big?! Windor
who? Don't stare! Pinky,
MELF-D.R. is #1, Class of '93
Good-bye & Good luck.
Love ya,
Loewenbrau) Loewen
Somebody step on a duck?
Graveyard's two blocks to the
Clint Adamson
Thanks for all the memories!
Pennie-car talks! Baritones sound
like cows! P.C.H.B., K.F.C,
R.K., "I need a hug!"
Steven Milos
Mona, L.R., B.K., Venus, G.S.,
Jason K., Mrs. H, B.Z., Madame,
M.O., A.B., A.S., R.S., C.A.,
D.T., and tell me Jenee who is
Clovis? Good luck everyone. I'll
miss all of you.
ZAG (Stump)
I am not in this world to live up to
your expectations, and you are
not in this world to live up to
mine. I am I, and you are you.
And if, by chance, we should
meet, that's wonderful; if not it
couldn't be helped!
Jenny Jacinto
I'll remember the BIN G's JJ2
breakfast, "Silver Bells", "James",
eating p.4, KOPPS, the hill,
MMC, "Rocky'', "rearr!", and the
class of '93 !
Sue Coe
I'll never forget-when I got lost
my first day, M.O.T.: J.J., R.M.,
D.S., R.S., S.C., M.O., and A.B.
Best of luck to everyone!!!
Jackie Jacinto
Queen of Sheba, Caramella,
Carme, I love my little brother
Rob. To all my friends, I will
miss you. I'll always be your
leader-H, Ha!
Carmella Barbieri
Thanks to all that made these the
best four years of my life! ! Seize
the Day!! V.D. Winker.
Mike Terpenning
What I remember the most:
Being a senior and getting my
junior ring all in one year. "The
only way to have a friend is to be
one"-Emerson. I will never forget
those of the classes of '93 and '94
who were my friends.
Darlene Y eugelowitz
JKLM, SEF, Elkhorn, and
everything else-Thank's! Goodbye and Good Luck! I Love Ya!
Jennifer Kent
If it looks like a duck and talks
like a duck .. .
Gavin Semon
Choche-Sober7-Attached at the
Hip!-Drag 33 & Horse
13=S.O.L.-BJ's ruled in the
summer of '91-Winker- 'wavelength' -Elkhorn Retreat! Minga
Rebecca Walthers
Overcome evil with good "Ave"
PR, ditto, 0.0., peppermint wear,
"our promise," C.C., liebairryan,
B-Day Sharer, shoes, French Pas! Love,
I'll remember Brain, Bingo, the
Black Crows, JJ2, da Bulls, #42,
"Rocky Horror", Milwaukee.
Robin Milligan
With reference to art: a probable
impossibility is preferable to
something improbable yet
Bill Kuffel
Don't walk in front of me,
Never walk behind me-just
Walk beside me and be my friend.
Catherine(Katie) M. Landa
Amos, Tricia
Anderson, Garrett
Avery, Rebekah
Bechtold, Mark
Beltoya, atalie
Berrio . Carlos
Besch, Christopher
Bonds, Ra hida
Bower. Joshua
Bragado, Theresa
Buchanan, Anthony
Buratti, Stephanie
Burkhart, Johnny
Caddock, Christopher
Cesnovar, Casey
Czarnecki. Ji II
Davis, Calvin
Debi h, Matt
Dill, Erik
Duczak, Jeffery
Easley, Kim
Eaton, Robert
Evans, La Tonya
Evenhouse, Kendra
Fowler, Peter
Gargano, Dina
Garrnendiz, Joshua
Gertz, Kevin
Grasser, Daniel
Haberski, Brian
Hadsell, Scott
Hammermiller, Patrick
Harris, Terrance
Hickey, Claire
Hodge, Antoan
Houston , Heather
Hughes, Amy
Inclan, Adam
Jaraczewski, Jaclyn
Jensen, Anthony
Kawa, Shannon
Kempf, David
Kenesie, Eric
Khayat, Christian
Kleist, Rita
Knight, Jennifer
Lallaman, Joshua
Lanning, Christopher
Larson, Connie
Markowski. Ryan
Matteucci, Michael
McCune, Shawn
Meiers, Matthew
Meyer, Richard
Meyers, Kristina
Milisauskas, Beth
Miller, Jolene
Misurelli. Amy
Myles, Rickey
O'Connell, Erin
Olson, Jeanne
Payettte . Michelle
Perkins, Jason
Peterson, Andrew
Petrusky, Joseph
Phillips, icole
Pillizzi, Kristy
Platt, icole
"Fresh" faces
Reckling, Meagan
Reid. William
Reyes, Manha
Robinson, Roben
Ruble, Beth
Ruffalo, Amy
Ruhle, Jodi
Ryckman, Katie
Schmitt, Austin
Schultz, Jennifer
Seluga, Kelly
Shebenik, Ed
Shuler, Melissa
Stummer, Ron
Thomsen , Christopher
Thomsen , Mark
Topolovec, Thea
Van Bergen, Margaret
Walker, athan
Wells, Christopher
Wheeler, Sara
Williams, Kelly
Williams, Tony
Wilson . Ezra
Freshmen discover St.
Joe's is a treasure.
From the first day of chool for fre hmen, when Big Buddies get together
with their "Little Buddies" at freshmen
fun day . Freshmen discover that St.
Joe's is different from other schools. We
work hard to make everyone feel
welcome and part of our family. As the
freshmen grow to become sophomores,
juniors and enior , they become part of
the treasure that is St. Joe's
Below - Jenny Knight couldn't decide what to
talce. So, did she talce all three?
Above - The I992Winter Formal Court: Seniors Jacob Davison, Mary Schmitz, Junior, Nate
Leonardelli and Katie Krnse, Sophomores Tony Landa and Joya Zamora and Freshmen Michael
Malleucci and Amy Ruffalo.
Faces in the crowd
Tony and Joya pause for a picture.
Thi year many fre hmen
truly did become clo er
during their retreat. They
had a chance to talk,
communicate, and hare
feeling with each other.
Everyone eemed to have
enjoyed their first retreat at
St. Joe' .
Yes, we do care about each other!
Marget Van Bergen reads some of
her thoughts during the mas ·.
Terrance Harris shows off his
creative artwork.
These freshmen seem to be really
thinking, OH O!
Tony Jensen feels compelled to
reveal some of his brilliant thoughts.
Chris Lanning reads during the
liturgy at Freshmen Retreat.
Oh My Goodness, help please!
This retreat certainly got these Frosh
The Freshmen girls wait anxiously
for their" bonding experience" to
Chris Caddock shares his master
piece with classmates.
La Macchia, real funny !
What a perfect match! Spencer, Ben, and Jim , we love you.
Jenny Fani, Julie Bosco, Sheri Anderson, Ruben Medina and the rest of clan are truly BO DING.
It's okay Tracy, we understand!
Joya , raise your hand if your sure!
Steve Schuler and Craig Evans are trying to make a point.
Ben , Spencer, Jason, and Casey are surely
enjoying their drinks .
Left: The Sophomore group listens intensely
as retreat leader Sue Kangas speaks to them .
Carmella and Jenn as Wayne and Garth
"OUCH! My knee hurts!"
Sadie Hawkins Skits
Right - "THJS IS
Left-" And the first
Sadie Hawkins
candidate .. .JIM
"Decorum, sisters. Decorum!"
"Did you see the Sally Jesse Raphael show?"
"Part of your world"
Above - Tracy Tolefree, is that really
Below - Where's Brian Zieth?
1993 Mr. St. Joe's
On February 18, 199.J, the first
"annual" Mr. St. Joe's pagent
was held in the auditorium. The
event began with the swimsuit
competition. Steve Tiber stole
the show in his wet suit. ext,
came the talent competition.
Jim Benko did the Lambada
with Tara Panasewicz. Jake
Davison played a moving
rendition of Yankee Doodle and
Rob Scuglik "rapped" the
ABC's, with some help from a
cheat sheet. Brian Zieth
performed a comedy routine
with his dummy, Mike
Terpenning did a moving dance
with a basketball to the
"Phantom" theme, but Dan was
the most talented in his tutu.
What a talented group of guys.
teve Tiber was eventually
crowned at the Sadie Hawkins
dance. Congratulations Steve.
Above - Rob and Michelle stroll
across the stage.
Right - Steve shows off the latest
Below - Jacob plays the classics.
Above right- Mike shows off his
basketball talent.
Left - Dan is escorted in his formal
wear by Tara Panasewicz.
Right - Brian tries his hand at
Left- Jim shows us his moves.
Below - Dan's "too sexy for his
Above - Brian shows off his muscles
and his big smile.
Above - Steve creates a master piece.
Left- "What comes after 'G'?" Rob
consults his cheat sheet.
Mr. St. Joe's
Below: This year's student
chairwoman, Maria Ordonez, starts
off the memories by offering a word
of prayer.
Right: Like father, like daughter,.,,,...c="'an getdown.
Above: Kelli and Mr. Heller
performed a very touching skit.
Right: Jenn Vena rip'> up the speech
she had prepared.
Father Daughter Melllories
The 23rd Annual
Father Daughter Dinner
Dance occured January
30, 1993. This event
was held at The Station.
The evening included a
buffet dinner and entertainment. The night
included three student
performances. Memories of Muzzy Pillizi's
danceable music ended
the festivities.
Top: The senior girls did their own
rendition to "We are the World"
Middle Left: Celan and Maria
Ordonez sit back and enjoy the
Bottom Left: This line moves faster
than the cafeteria's.
Bottom Right: Annie Tiber, next
year's chairwoman, receives flowers.
Remember you are all · "Pray always and
treasures. We must
never loose heart. "
work to find the "pearls"
-Luke 18: 1
in ourselves and in others. Good Luck.
From Dickow & Cyzak
6403-75th Street
Kenosha, \VI 53412
Father Robert T. McDermott
Saint Casimir Church
Fa mily Dent istry
Residential - Commercial
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.Kenosh a, \\'is. 5''3142
(4 14) 694- 9090
7803-60th Avenue
Kenosha, 'Nl53142
May Christ the Light of the
world bless all your endeavors.
Saint Casimir Parish
Kenosha, Wisconsin
50-10- 28th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Freshmen Cheerleaders- Amy
Ruffalo, Amy Misurelli, Michelle
Payette, Tricia Amos, Jaclyn
Jaraczewski, Stephanie Buratti,
Jennifer Schultz, and Rita Kleist.
Varsity Cheerleaders-Amanda Boyle,
Kelli Heller,
Michelle Covelli,
Eva Tenuta, Lisa
Rebecca Walthers,
Tara Panasewicz,
Melissa Schuch,
Jennifer Kent,
Carmela Barbieri,
and Mary Scmitz.
J V Cheerleaders- Kellee Chwala,
Tracy Panasewicz, Maggie Yoo,
Mary Nelson, Joya Zamora, Sheri
Anderson, and Melody Oakes.
Male Cheerleaders - Mike
Terpenning, Bob Becker, Brian Zieth
and Clint Adamson.
Show your strength!
The Senior girls show what they
can do.
Below left: Fight! Fight! Fight!
Below right: J V Cheerleaders show
their stuff.
Above: Varsity
Cheerleaders strike
a pose.
Left: Let's see
those Freshmen
Right: Let's see
some spirit!
Lady Lancer Basketball
1st Row: Theresa Milisauskas, Jenny Knight, Erin Shuler, Rita McGranahan.
2nd Row: Katie Debish, Terese laquinta, Margie Knight, Laura Meyers, Mindy
3rd Row: Coach Wendel Friedl, Annie Getschman, Katie Radke, Molly Whyte,
Dianne Loewen, Coach Ray Knight.
Left: Fight for the rebound!
Below: Tangled up in the defense Terese
Iaquinta gets the pass off.
Above: Annie takes it hard to the hoop'
Lower Right: Jenny Knight is off to the race<,.
T. More
C. Memorial
St. Catherine
St. Joan
Martin Luther
Mil. Lutheran
T. More
Shore land
C. Memorial
Rae. Lutheran
Lakc-,ide Luth.
Mil. Luthern
Cath. Central
This year's Varsity Girls Basketball season was
quite exciting and as everyone knows the girls
games tended to draw more fans for a game than
the guys team. The girls started the season with a
number of wins and a dream of getting to the state
tournament. After winter break things didn't go so
well. The girls lost a number of games and their
dream of going to state was crushed by the Lady
Pacers. All was not lost though because the girls
ended with a record of 12-12 which is the best
record ever under the guidance of Coach Knight.
Two girls also made All-Conference and AllCounty teams. Despite losing Dianne Loewen and
Annie Getschman to graduation the Lady Lancers
plan to continue their winning ways next year with
the return of ten Varsity players and a great coach.
Above Left: Everyone admires Rita's marvelous
AbO\e: What the h--- Gchchman' Make the
Left: Erin Shuler shows off her excellent
defensive skills.
ABOVE : The rest of the team looks on as a fellow lancer competes.
TOP ROW : Coach Domani, Bryan Galley, Tim Parkinson, Jim Ruhle, Dustin James, Jason Gooms.
BOTTOM ROW : Josh Bower, Rick Meyer, Shane Pence, Jesse Walton.
ABOVE : Dustin squares off for a match.
ABOVE : A new meaning for over the top!
LEFT : You're
not going
Above Left: Joe Hurley drives by his defender.
Co- Captains : Perry Hegewald and Tracy Tolefree
1994 Co- Captains: Joe Hurley and Mike Bobusch
MVP: Perry Hegewald
Above: Joe Hurley tries his hook shot.
Left: Perry Hegewald shoots over the defense.
Below: Pre-Game huddle .
Above: Top Row: Pat Dabbs, Dan Thiele, Perry Hegewald, Regan Jensen, Mike Bobusch, Coach Chubrillo. Middle
Row: Amber Smith, Brett Weiss, Rob Scuglick, Joe Hurley, Greg Mitchell, Kathy Matrise. Bottom Row :
Tracy Tolefree, Jim Benko, Dan Bernhardt, Jeff Anderson, Jacob Davison.
Below Left : Joe Hurley takes the shot.
Below Right: Jim Benko goes up for the layup.
JV and Freshman
Top: Mike Scuglik, Steve Schuler,
Jerry Arnold, Bob Camosy, Coach
Middle: Kathy Matrise, Matt La Sota,
Aaron Vitkus, Mike Jasper, Amber
Bottom: Jason Kenesie, Jim Kenesie,
pencer Jury, Ben Walthers.
Top row: CoachTutas,Chris Khayat,
Joshua Garmendiz, Matt Debish, Jason
Perkins, Coach Hall.
Row Two: Eric Kenesie, Ricky Myles,
Joe Petrusky, Ryan Markowski, Andy
Peterson, Kathy Matrise.
Bottom Row: Antonio Williams, Adam
Inclan, Calvin Davis, Mark Eaton,
Shawn McCune.
Right- Bob Camosy goes for two
Left - Couch Bruton gives words of
inspiration to the tean durring a time
Below - Mike fights off the defenders
for two.
Left - Jim Kenesie concentrates on
the basket.
Top - Coach Medina , Jill
Czarnecki, Shannon Kawa,
Claire Hickey.
Row Two: Jodi Ruhle,
Meagan Reckling, Kristy
Pillizzi, Jenny Fani.
Bottom Row: Beth
Milisauskas, Melissa Shuler,
Margaret Van Bergen.
What's In Now
--Jazz-Yves St. Laruant
--Liz Claborne
Shoes - Girls
Shopping - Girls
--Salvation Army
--Victoria's Secret
Shopping - Guys
--County Seat
--Back Rack
--1. R. Riggins
--Le Chateau
--Banana Republic
hair is arted in the middle.
It is good that all things have
not come back.
Even Homecoming royalty is wearing clothing from the 60's.
Danielle Stolfo looks casual in a tie-dye outfit.
St. Joe's -- Now and Then
A Reflection By Gerry Powers
and continue to operate. We
In 1970 St. Joe's was a
seem always to be
students. The faculty was
fighting for our very
mainly religious and
survival, but as long as
included four priests. One people believe in the values
of them was a new
and educational standards
principal named Fr. Paul
St. Joe's champions, it is a
Esser who hired a gradufight we won't easily lose.
ating college senior, Gerry
Powers, to teach chemistry We are now a flourishing
and freshman science
family of 300 students and
a faculty and staff that
relies heavily on nonAnd, yes, rumor had it
religious personnel. We
that if enrollment
need to value our priest(s)
dropped below 600, the
and sisters dearly, and
school would close.
hopefully we will always
Instead, we began
have them with us, but the
recruiting students
effort, dedication and
county-wide and from
quality of education at St.
Illinois. Our numbers
Joe's are among the
eventually peaked over
that were well
800, and then we suffered
when I arrived
a gradual decline,
still strong and
perhaps due to increasing
and will
tuition costs and a
into the
faltering local economy.
But we took in "boarders"
Our Jewel of a School
There have obviously been a lot of
changes in St. Joe's
since it opened in
There have also been
some dramatic
changes in the society
around it. One drastic
change would be in
the kind of television
we watch. The
differences in the sitcoms of the fifties
compared to the programs of the ninties have
been enormous. "The
Donna Reed Show"
which first aired in 19 5 8
was a fluff TV sit-com
which was about as far
from real life as possible.
Donna Reed was the
perfect, all American
mom with two beautiful
children and a doctor as a
husband. Their house
was always clean and
Donna Reed's biggest
problems centered around
burning the roast or not
being able to get the oven
clean. Programs like these
were typical of the
timeframe reflecting
strong values and morals.
Something today's TV is
lacking in.
ABOVE: Here's looking at you kid.
ABOVE: My feelings exactly.
Mr. Larry Pesch
Donna Smits
Dorothy Olsen
Office Staff
Cory Broekhof
Mary Boran
Frank Matrise
Shirley Werner
Office Staff
Debbie Schroeder
Office Staff
Sam LeBeau
Mary Karnes
Chris Pillizzi
Public Relations
Linda Schuler
Principal Secretary
Byrnes, Cora
Chubrilo, Dan
Coe, Larry
Gagliardi, Kathy
Sister Virginia Handrup
Henthorn, Jim
Father Brian Holbus
Hilbrink, Diane
Karnes, Bob
Sister Madeleva Metten
Mroz, Michael
Powers, Gerald
Seidl, Scott and Juliann
acifico, Sam
Rossmann, Terri
Shurla, John
Tiber, Thomas
. '93
First runner up, Rob
Scuglik, with escort
Michelle Covelli.
Mr. Sadie Hawkins, Steve Tiber, with his escort Terese Iaquinta.
Second runner up, Mike
Terpenning, with escort
Pennie Sullivan.
Second runner up, Brian
Zeith, with escort Maria
The Sadie Hawkins Court.
The Sadie Hawkins Candidates: Jim Benko and
Kelly Christopherson, Mike Terpenning and Pennie
Sullivan, Brian Zeith and Maria Ordonez, Steve Tiber
and Terese Iaquinta, Dan Thiele and Tara Panasewicz,
Jacob Davison and Mary Schmitz, Rob Scuglik and
Michelle Covelli.
Now we know why these guys are on the
How about a little hand for the boys in the band.
Relaxing moments
Don't you feel dorky with those hats on
because you sure look like it.
Wondering who the next Sadie
Hawkins King is going to be.
So excited to go on the Jupiter Jump.
The Senior girls cheer their guys on.
The Production behind The Production
Behind the scenes
You see them
dressed all in black and
yes, maybe even a little
mean looking ... No it's
not the FBiswat team,
it's stage crew! The
saying for crew goes a
little like this "Crew ...
it's a rude thing!" Yes,
I know, crew people
tend to be tough, but
underneath they are all
loveable people. Crew
had to be a little
creative this year to
solve some scnery
problems but, As you
can tell if you saw Big
River, they did a great
Right - Chrissy shows off her fancy duds.
Below - Despite w ha! his shin says Charlie and
Josh are hard al work painting 1he scenery.
Above - Beth Ruble helps Amarilis with her
Right - Lynn Johnson prepares for her scene
Left- a quiet moment between scenes.
Below left- Christal and Carmelita have time
finally for a break.
Below - Have you no pride Pennie?
Above - Tony changes for one of his many parts.
Above - Thea, are you supposed to be working?
Big River
Biggest Success Ever
St. Joe's production of Big River was the biggest success
ever. The patron drive raised over $34,000 and most of the
performances were old out. Our thanks go to Mr.and Mrs.
Seidl, and the cast. crew and orchestra of Big River for their
great job. We are all proud of you.
Above: Do you want to go to heaven?
Right: Chuck Camosy serenades his jug.
Above: Tom Sawyer makes a pact with the
Mark Twain even
seemed to have
enjoyed the
Jim and Huck are in awe of their
"All together now".
Below Left: Jim and Huck really did
bring the musical alive'
Below: Huck Finn finds no support
from the crowd.
The Duke and the King plan their
next scheme.
Widow Douglas and Ms. Watson
lecture Huck on the evil of her ways.
_rJ- ,
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Lady Lancers
Terese Iaquinta is mostly a long distance runner.
This year she mainly specialized in the one and two
Maria Ordonez and Margie Knight get
ready to race .
Top Row: Coach Whitehead, Coach Maz, Coach Tutas
Midddle Row: Margie Knight, Terese Iaquinta, Allyson Jacobs
Bottom Row: Kristy Pillizi, Anne Tiber, Jennifer Knight, Mellisa Schuch
ot Pictured : Maria Ordonez
Jenny Knight makes a
good relay exchange to Anne Tiber.
Captain Maria Ordonez is set to do the 440.
Guys' Track
Above: Mike Schilf waits anxiously lo run his
next race.
Right: "Ready, Set, Go"'
Left: The track team strives to be their best
dunng an imponant meet.
Abo \'e: Jason Keneste gives it all he can.
Above: "Way to go"!
Above: Andy Nielsen completes his shot.
Good defense is played on the part of the students.
Which team am I on again?
The fans are just tense with excitement
as B.J. Gallo goes for the ball.
Hey guys! Give me the ball!
Kelli Heller and Katie Landa cheer on
the students to a winning victory!
Left: "Ready. aim. fire!"
Right: Jodi's safe at third.
Left: "Batter
Right: Ready
and waiting.
Top Left: Coach Debbie Schroeder. Laura
Meyers, Molly Whyte, Tiffan} Ro.,sman, Katie
Middle Left: Kelly Petrusky, Rachel Rush,
Mindy Bodvcn. Tricia Amo<., Counney
Bottom Left: Jen01fcr Fani, Jodi Ruhle, Rita
Mc Granahan, Deanna Montalvo
Top Left: Coach David Rivera, Kellee Chwala,
Amy Wickersheim, Claire Hickey, Kimberly
Easley, Jill Wasilevich
Middle Left: Robin Sabine. Shannon Kawa,
Jolene Miller, Megan Reckling
Bollom Left: Kathy Matrise, Margaret Van
Bergen, Sicily Gargano
Above: Amy and Kim concentrate on the
Right: "Was I supposed to catch that?"
Left: "Strike three,
you're out!"
Right: Margaret is
waiting for the pitch.
Above: Jake prepares to hit a homer.
Below: Bryan throws a strike.
Top Left to Right:Coach Perrine,B.J. Gallo,Pat Dabbs,Matt
Gayheart,Jeremy Ad it,Dan Bemhardt,Coach Jensen.
Middle: Rob Scuglik,Dustin James,Mike Pitts,Jamie Snyder,
Joe Hurley,Ryan Pisarik. Bottom:Chris Adsit,Jeff Anderson,
Jason Kirsh,Bryan Galley,Jake Davison.
swings at a
fast pitch.
Right:Joe and
his 12 inch
Above:Runners on 2nd and 3rd look forward to scoring.
Below: The team congradulates each other after a hard
1p: Adam advances to third.
ittom: Craig pitches a fastball
Top Left to Right:Coach Buck.Steve Schuler.Mike Scuglik,Jason
Willems.Joe Petrusky.Coach Bruton. Middle :Dave Flores.Mall
LaSota,CaseyCcsnovar,Ron Slummer, Craig Evans. Bouom:Mike
Maueucci,Toby Getschman.Dan Infusino,Adam Inclan.
Top: Close play at first
Bottom: The batter look at his
coach for a last minute pointer.
Top: The JV's rest after a busy inning
Bottom Right: Dan and Toby go for the ball.
Joel Wallen watches as Joe LaMacchia returns the hit.
Mike Medvecz runs for the return.
Joel Wallen gets ready to play.
Nate Leonardelli readys for the return.
Tom Cetta, Ruben Medina, and Aldo Surdo take a break.
An Club- Joel Keating, Ben Bodven, Steve
Tiber, Chris Rohlman, Jason Matzur, BJ Gallo,
Joe Sturino, Florin Adamson, Terese Iaquinta,
JeffDuczak, Sicily Gargano, Allyson Jacobs,
Amanda Boyle, Chris Khayat, Josh Garmendiz,
Rickey Myles, Martha Reyes, Terrance Harris,
Tim Hess, Adriana Villasenor, Ruben Medina,
Sheri Anderson, Carmela Barbieri, Jennifer Kent,
Jake Davison, John Kim, Mike Schilf, Nate
Leonardelli, Genny Gagliardi, Jenny Fani,
Kelly Petrusky, Rachael Rush, Lisa Gamero.
Big Buddies- Carrie Kennedy, Mindy Moffat.
Anne Tiber. Maria Ordone1. Brian Zieth. Tom
Camilli, Rebecca Walther'>. Bob
Pen111c ul11van. Mike chilf. tc\e Tiber.
Anne Get<,chman. Katie Landa. Jenn Vena.
Sue Coe. Danielle Stolfo. Renee Schmitt.
Carmela Barbieri. Michelle Covelli.
Environmental Club- Sicily Gargano, Rachael
Rush, Genny Gagliardi, Robin abine, Deanna
Montalvo, Kelly Petrusky, Mary elson,
Tiffany Rossmann, Sheri Anderson, Mindy
Gwaltney, Michelle McCune, Amarilis Johnson,
Amber Rudzinski, Rebecca Willems, Jenn Vena,
Anna Bosco, Carrie Kennedy, Amy Ruffalo,
Ruben Medina, Julie Bosco.
Gamers- Andy Heinrich, John Principe, Tim
Hess, John Burkhart, Mike Jasper, Rebecca
Willems, Andy ielsen, Tony Landa.
Newspaper staff
bottom row- Rebecca Walthers,
Molly Whyte, Aaron Sepanski,
Brad Evens.
top row- Michelle Mc Cune,
Renee Schmitt, Clint Adamson.
Student Council
first row- Joshua Lallaman, Sheri
Anderson, Tracy Panasewicz, Rita
Kleist, Amy Ruffalo, Austin Schmitt.
second row- Eva Tenuta, Chris
Adsit, Jennifer Vena, Dianne
Loewen, Michelle Covelli.
third row- Carmela Barbieri, Jill
Wasilevich, Margie Knight, Tiffany
Rossmann, Ruben Medina, Thomas
first row- P. Sullivan, B. Zieth, J.
Vena, A. Bosco, M. Ordonez, A.
Tiber, J. Jacinto, S. Coe, R. Milligan.
second row- R. Schmitt, R. Willems,
C. Kennedy, M. Mc Cune, A. Johnson, A. Rudzinski.
third row- B. Becker, L. Johnson,
M. Yoo, J. Bosco, D. Stolfo, J.
Jacinto, T. Camilli.
Key Club
first row- J. Jacinto, A. Bosco, C.
Fuhrmann, K. Radke, P. Dabbs.
second row- M. Medvecz, M. Pitts,
K. Heller, M. Whyte, L. Meyers,
M. Schuch, D. James.
third row- D. Dosemagen, M. Serpe,
M. Knight, E. Tenuta, A. Tiber, T.
Rossmann, J. Hurley.
fourth row- M. Markowski, B. Francois, R. Medina, M. Rizzo, J. Bosco, J.
Student Ambassadors
first row- M. Yoo, M. Gwaltney, A.
Boyle, M. Ordonez, T. Landa, T.
Panasewicz, A. Vitkus, J. Kenesie.
second row- M. Medvicz, M. Pitts,
M. Whyte, L. Meyers, M. Bodven,
D. James.
third row- N. Leonardelli, M. Serpe,
M. Knight, R. Pisarik, A. Tiber, T.
Rossmann, T. Camilli.
forth row- D. Infusino, T. Hess, C.
Haberski, M. Covelli, L. Gamero, C.
Landa, K. Jensen, J. Wasilevich, R.
i Ho la de Mexico!
Esta primavera, el club de espanol y otros estudiantes de
espanol fueron a Mexico. Era muy divertido.
Jacob Davison, Dan Thiele, B.J. Gallo,Steve Tiber, James Snyder, Joe Hurley, Matt Gayhart,
Chris Haberski, Jennifer Kent, Joel Keating, Perry Hegewald,Annie Tiber, Kelly Heller,
Laura Meyers, Katie Llanas, Margie Knight, Chris Adsit, Aldo urdo, Rob cuglik, Dan
Benhardt, Tim avage, Rebecca Willems, Terese laquinta, Mindy Bodven, Pat Dabbs,
Adriana Villasenor, Senor Shurla, Lisa Montemurro, Michelle Covelli, Katie Landa, Jenn
Vena, Brian Zieth,Tom Camilli.
I. I'm Joel and this is Jim and we're here to pump you
2. The gang's all here and having a blast.
3. Jason and Dave dig for ancient artifacts.
Bonjour de Paris!
Mike Medvecz, Mike Bobusch, Matt Serpe, Kathy Matrise, Amy Wickersheim.Sheri Anderson,
Genni Gagliardi, Lori Prostko, Charlie Mcdonald, Mindy Gwaltney, Mike Pitts, Erin Schuler,
Mindy Moffet, Carrie Kennedy, Anna Bosco, Stephanie Bartel, Josh Lollaman, Ryan Pisarik,
John Kim, Courtney Fuhrman, Eva Tenuta, Melissa Schuch, Pennie Sullivan, Katie Radke,
Krissy Martinez, Madame Byrnes: Moderator
Madam Byrnes really enjoyed her trip to France!
Left: .B.I. performs for a grade school.
Below: A group ofS.B.I. members pose for a
picture in New York.
Far left: S.B.l.
throws up their
hands and kicks
their legs in a
Broadway dance
Left: It was a
long bus trip for
Left: Don't touch that dial!
Right: Hey guys, want
to come in?
Left: Statue of Liberty,
here we come!
Far Left: Jackie, Sarah,
tephanie, Tim, Aldo,
Melody, and Ruben
stop for a picture in
New York.
Left: Tony and Tim
fit right in with the
strange people on the
Right: Mike chilf speak to the
newly inducted ational Honor
ociety members.
Below: Anne Getschman and Mike
Schilf receive the outstanding student
athlete award .
Above: Jenny Jacinto and Brian Zieth receive the
outstanding math and science student award.
ational Honor Society: Man Serpe, Margie Knight, Tom Camilli, Laura Meyers, Mike Pitts, Chris Adsit, Dianne Loewen,
Anne Getschman, Anne Tiber, Jacqueline Jacinto, Sue Coe, Jenny Jacinto, Maria Ordonez, Rebecca Willems.
Bill Kuffel receives
Here are some of the new National Honor Society members who were inducted.
Jill Wasilevich, Julie Bosco, and Maggie Yoo pose for a picture at the reception.
Julie Bosco proudly receives her award.
Maria Ordonez and
Dr.Pacifico discuss
during the reception.
Below: Amy and Jeff enter a whole new world.
PROM '93
''A Whole New World"
The 1993 Prom was held on Saturday
May I st at Southport Beach House.
Elected to the Prom court were:
second runners up- Michael Sander
and Margie Knight. First runners upPat Dabbs and Tiffany Rossmann.
The Prom king and queen were Bob
Becker and Anne Tiber.
Above: Clint seems to have bored Mike to sleep.
Below: Mike, Tara, Carmella, and Nikki
dance the night away ..
Left: Waiting in line to be called for
Abme:Ton) and Bob can't possibl) be looking
at the same thing
.\bove: Smile JulicAnn 1
Senior Banquet
Class Awards
Friendliest ..... .. ........ .. Tara P.
Matt W.
Cutest Couple .......... Mary S.
Jake D.
Best Dressed ... ... ....... Lisa M.
Brad E.
Most Unique ............. Jenee Z.
Regan J.
Best Laugh ................ Anna B.
Mike S.
Jock of '93 ................. Anne G.
Matt M.
Greatest Grin ........ .. .. Dianne L.
Brian Z.
Biggest Thespian ......Jessica S.
Mike T.
School Spirit ... .......... Carmella B.
Clint A.
Class Clown ...............Pennie S.
Joel K.
Biggest Brown Noser .. Renee P.
Jimmy B.
Coolest Car ..... .. ..........Jenny & Jackie J.
Steve T.
Most Shy................. ..... Shyni & Shyla M.
Shane P.
Most Likely to Succeed .... .. su.e C.
Chuck C.
One last party together
The Senior choir members sing an Irish Blessing
to the rest of their class.
Goodbye to the class
of '93
Remember... "Friends
are Friends forever"
Annie Getschman proudly receives the Domenick
& Amelia Tirabassi Award.
Jenn Vena offers her farewell remarks to the class
Aaron Sepanski and Rob Scgulik received the
second generation award.
Mike Schlif proudly receives the Student Council
BJ.Gallo, Regan Jensen, and Jacob Davison
were also second generation graduates.
Valedictorian Sue Coe gives the reflection to her
Sue Coe,
Jacinto and
Class President
Jenn Vena
await to
receive their
This year's yearbook is one of
the best in a long time. I am sure ome
people will have complaint , but please
keep them to your elf. Most of the staff
ha worked hard. We tried to get
pictures of all events and to get everyone pictured at least once. Plea e do
not complain if your picture is on a
page and your name is not in the index.
Be glad that your picture is there.
Special thanks to those people
who helped me out when needed.
E pecially Johnny Burkhart for the
pictures that he took and everyone else
who brought in picture .
There are no pictures of the
Mother/Son Brunch. A different
Those who attend meetings and most
of the workers, with one or two
exceptions: Jim Giles, Bob Becker,
Brian Zieth, Ruben Medina, Julie
Bosco, Maria Ordonez, Carrie
Kennedy, Vickie Zagame, Dianne
Loewen, Anna Bosco, Matt Sturm,
Robin Milligan, Jacqueline Jacinto,
Danielle Stolfo, Jenny Jacinto.
(Sue Coe wasn't there because her
layout was already done! The two
staffphotographers weren't here either,
but Lynn and Amarillis do work.)
photographer was hired by those in
charge of the event. o picture were
given to the yearbook staff. If any
other event wa not covered, we
apologize, but we did ask for pictures
of many events and never got them. If
your picture does not appear with a club
that you were in, either you were absent
or you did n't come down to have your
picture taken.
The picture on the left is of
Mrs. Hilbrink. Yes, it is eleven years
old, but it is the only picture Mr . H.
wa willing to put in the yearbook.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the
35th Challenge. Happy Anniversary,
St. Joe' ... you are a hidden trea ure.
OF 1992 - 1993
Members of the yearbook staff
show their spirit at the
Homecoming parade.
Anna and Julie Bosco tell yearbook
members about the end-of-the-year
Mrs. Hilbrink, Jim Giles, Carmela
Barbieri, Brian Zieth, Bob Becker,
Laura Meyers, Carrie Kennedy, Julie
Bosco, Ruben Medina, Amy
Wickersheim, Lori Prostko,
Jacqueline Jacinto, Anna Bosco,
Maria Ordonez, Adriana Villasenor,
Amarilis Johnson, Lynn Johnson,
Matt Markowsi, Anne Getschman,
Dianne Loewen, Sue Coe, Jenny
Jacinto, Robin Milligan, Danielle
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Adamson, Clint 118
Adsit, Chris 118, 112
Adsit, Jeremy 112
Anderson, Jeff 112, 83
Anderson, Sheri 118
Arnold, Jerry 84
Barbieri, Carmella 118
Becker, Bob 118
Benko, Jim 83
Bernhardt, Dan 112, 83
Bobusch, Mike 83
Bodven, Mindy 119
Bosco, Anna 118
Bosco, Julie 118
Boyle, Amanda 119
Galley, Bryan 112
Gallo, BJ 112
Garmendiz, Joshua 84
Gamero, Lisa 119
Gayheart, Matt 112
Getschman, Toby 113
Gwaltney, Melinda 119
Markowski, Matt 118
Markowski, Ryan 84
Matrise, Kathy 83, 84
Matteucci, Mike 113
Mc Cune, Michelle 118
Mc Cune, Shawn 84
Medina, Ruben 118
Medvecz, Mike 118
Meyers, Laura 118
Milisauskas, Beth 85
Milligan, Robin 118
Mitchell, Greg 83
Myles, Ricky 84
Tenuta, Eva 118
Thiele, Dan 83
Tiber, Anne 118
Tolefree, Tracy 83
Haberski, Chris 119
Hegewald,Perry 83
Heller, Kelli 118
Hess, Tim 119
Hickey, Claire 85
Hurley, Joe 112, 118, 83
Ordonez, Maria 118
Ordonez, Orlando 118
Inclan, Adam
Infusino, Dan
113, 84
113, 119
Camilli, Tom 118
Camosy,Bob 84
Camosy, Chuck 100
Cesnovar, Casey 113
Coe, Sue 118
Covelli, Michelle 118
Czarnecki, Jill 85
Jacinto, Jackie 118
Jacinto, Jenny 118
James, Dustin 112, 118
Jasper, Mike 84
Jensen, Kim 119
Jensen, Regan 83
Johnson, Amarillis 118
Johnson,Lynn 118
Jurry, Spencer 84
Dabbs, Pat 112, 118, 83
Davis, Calvin 84
Davison, Jacob 83
Davison, Jake 112
Debish, Matt 84
Dosemagen, Darren 118
Kawa, Shannon 85
Kenesie, Eric 84
Kenesie, Jim 119, 84
Kennedy, Carrie 118
Kenesie, Jason 84
Khayat, Chis 84
Kirsh, Jason 112
Kleist, Rita 118
Knight, Margie 118
Eaton, Mark 84
Evans, Brad 118
Evans, Craig 113
Fani, Jenny 85
Flores, Dave 113
Francois, Brian 118
Fuhrmann, Courtney 118
La Sota, Matt 84
Lallaman, Josh 118
Landa, Katie 119
Landa, Tony 119
LaSota, Matt 113
Leonardelli, ate 119
Loewen, Dianne 118
Panasewicz, Tara 118
Panasewicz, Tracy 118
Perkins, Jason 84
Peterson, Andy 84
Petrusky, Joe 113, 84
Pillizzi, Kristy 85
Pisarik, Ryan 119
Pitts, Mike 112, 118
Radke, Katy 118
Reckling, Meagan 85
Rizzo, Mary 118
Rossmann, Tiffany 118
Rudzinski, Amber 118
Ruffalo, Amy 118
Ruhle, Jodi 85
Schmitt, Austin 118
Schmitt, Renee 118
Schuch, Melissa 118
Schuler, Steve 113, 84
Scuglik, Mike 113, 84
Scuglik, Rob 112, 83
Sepanski, Aaron 118
Serpe, Matt 118
Shuler, Melissa 85
Smith, Amber 83, 84
Snyder,Jamie 112
Stolfo, Danielle 118
Stummer, Ron 113
Van Bergen, Margaret 85
Vena, Jenn 118
Vitkus, Aaron 119, 84
Walthers, Ben 84
Wasilevich, Jill 118
Weiss, Brett 83
Whyte, Molly 118
Willems, Jason 113
Williams, Antonio 84
Yoo, Maggie
Zeien, Jennee 52
Zieth, Brian 118
Zagame, Vickie 52, 133
Due to major computer
problems, this index is not
complete and/or accurate.
Every effort was made to
make it right, but the
computer would not
cooperate. Since all of you
are the hidden treasure of
Saint Joe's, you can go on
a treasure hunt and look
for your picture!
I£ . 6 . 6
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9 ·
9 ·