The Classic 1969
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The Classic 1969
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 1968 to 1969 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
Tremper High School
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Volume V
Classic 1969
Pencil-thin horizonYour rising sun
Calls to us with
Morning and freshness
In her voice .
And all the world
Lies before us
As we follow you
To see what you have .
But every time that
We can see just beyond you,
Another horizon
Takes your place.
The heritage of America reflected in the
United States and Wisconsin flags, the
remembrance of accomplishments made
by George Nelson and Meta Tremper,
and the breakthrough of the astronauts,
all inspired Tremper students to extend
their worlds.
Table of Contents
Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Student life . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Classes . . . . . . . . . . . .
Advertising . . . . . . . . .
. 258
(UL) Nancy Turtle enjoys French cuisine at a sidewalk cafe in Blois, France. (UR) Dave Chemerow
does a universal job in Israel.
We traveled . • •
Summer is worn out tennis balls and flat
bicycle tires. Summer is fishing and parttime jobs. Summer is sun and warm and
tans and burns and bare feet. Summer is
so much to do that there's nothing to do,
and, for Tremper students, summer is
time to reach for a new horizon, explore
it, and learn from it.
Several students found their horizons
abroad . Nancy Turtle and Libby Burnett
explored Europe with American Youth
Hostels, and Dave Chemerow spent the
summer with the Jewish youth in Israel.
(Cl Dan Werve is way ahead in Marion, Indiana .
(LL) Carol Andersen hands out Red Cross achievement cards to deserving swimmers. (LR) Libby
Burnett exercises in Montagnana, Italy .
We learned . • •
Others discovered limitless horizons here
in the United States. Ellen Riley and Doreen Conforti, our Badger girls, and Tom
Duncan, Tom Hosmanek, and Dave Chemerow, our Badger boys, received the
opportunity to learn about our government
by attending Badger State sessions. Celeste Toigo and Mike Spa I la to learned
from teaching others in Milwaukee's inner
And for everyone, summer was a time to
relax, have fun, and forget school.
(UL) Mike Spallato helps young art students explore the mysteries of crayons and paper in Milwaukee . (LL) The Badger girls perform during
the variety show at Girl ' s State .
(UR) Celeste Toigo makes friends in Milwaukee
while teaching and playing games. (LR) Joanie
Meltzer takes her first step as president of District #6 B'nai B'rith girls.
There seems to be someth i ng
Humdrum about
Term papers, typing ,
And reading assignments .
As you focus your mind
On a childish assignment,
It is easy to forget
Teachers who sincerely
Want to help.
In an effort to finish
That college -level term paper,
You grumble that there
Is not enough material available .
But you didn ' t really look.
And when you get your grades,
You feel as though you ' ve learned noth i ng .
But in the classroom,
In a far away corner
Of your mind,
Julius Caesar, sodium chloride,
Parlez-vous, and all the rest
Begin to make sense .
And when the seed
Is planted in your brain
It grows and grows .. .
And so does your world .
(L) Mr . Farnham , chairman of the art department,
play-s with his adult toys that clatter, bang, and
plan the action
Many of the ideas put into action at Trem per originated with the admin i strators,
Mr . Hosmanek, Mr . Kranen, and Mr .
Grant . Mr . Kranen replaced Mr . Hooper
as first vice-principal. Mr . Grant, new
to the school, became second vice-principal while Mr. Hosmanek continued as
Accomplishments this year included the
very successful parent' s news-letter, designed to inform the Tremper parents
of the important events taking place at
and affecting the school. A grooming code,
written by the students, was under the
guidance and approval of the principals .
A new position, activities director, was
created to coordinate student activities.
Mr . Draeger held this position.
Another idea from the administration was
that of canceling morning homeroom and
having the PA announcements during first
period . This was planned to prevent tardiness, to make the absence I ist more
valid, and to eliminate an extra five minutes of confusion in the halls.
(UR) Mr . Grant, glasses perched on his forehead ,
fills his role as disciplinarian by checking on a
student . (LL left to right from top) Mr . Lawrence
Grant, Mr . John Hosmanek, Mr . Elvin Kranen
(LR) Mr . Hosmanek, an imposing figure , stops
to chat with a student .
School Board has
fin a I i udgement
By state statute, school board members
legislate policies that govern the public
schools. They are commissioners of Unified School District I .
School Board members met regular ly in Tremper
High School ' s Tempest newsroom . ( left to right
from front) Mr. S. Michael Wilk, vice-president ;
Dr . Raymond E. Peltier, president; Mrs . Frances
Jaeschke . (Row 2) Mr . Carroll K . Rikli ; Dr. Paul
A . Capelli, treasurer ; Mr. Paul A. Turner, clerk;
Mr . Herbert Lepp . Not pictured are Mr . Robert
L . Loss, secretary ; Mr . Paul F. Wokwicz, attorney .
This year the most controversial issue
faced by the school board concerned the
school boundary lines. The board considered changing the boundaries to prevent
further over-crowding at Tremper. This
would be done by shifting several dozen
students from the Tremper to the Bradford district. However, the school board
voted to leave the boundaries as they were.
Andersonville, a book many parents found
unsuitable for junior high readers, was
a second issue the school board had to
deal with. The problem was placed in
the hands of a special committee.
The school board also decided bond issues
and school curriculum, and planned the
(left to right from front. Row l) Patty Smith, Valerie
Yarbough, Sharon Berenson, Kitty Moses, (Row
2) Bob Cesario, Dan Apyan, Jim Kriz, Dave Scharneck, Jay Kennedy. (LR) A Capella officers Kitty
Talented students
win music merit
Each year seniors in the various branches
of music receive awards for their hard
work and devotion . At the beginning of
the year the music i nstructors choose
two seniors who have improved greatly
in their field in prev ious years and who
are expected to perform well as seniors .
The students chosen for the honor this
year were Jim Kriz and Kitty Moses
from A Capella choir, Patty Smith and
Valerie Yarbrough from Girl's Chorus,
Bob Cesario and Jay Kennedy from the
band, and Dan Apyan, Sharon Berenson,
and Dave Scharneck from the orchestra.
These students received recognition at
the Kenosha Symphony Spring Concert,
a pin, and season tickets to the Kenosha
Symphony Concert .
Moses, president; Connie O'Mara, secretary; and
Don Kitchin, business manager, work with Director
Kurt Chalgren.
Choraliers delight
many audiences
The Tremper Choraliers have sung for
and have been enjoyed by many people this
year. Their talented voices were heard
singing pop music at the Tremper Variety
Show, the Christmas assembly, the HiStyle style show, and various banquets.
The group of singers, under the direction
of Mr. Kurt Chalgren, made many personal appearances. At a Christmas dinner
for retarded children sponsored by the
Rotary Club, the Choraliers sang and became Santa's helpers by passing out gifts
to the children.
To add to the spirit of winter, the Choraliers made winter cos tu mes. In furtrimmed velvet dresses with muffs and
boots, and ski sweaters for the boys, they
presented a striking picture.
(U, left to right standing) Gene Schnukel, Jim Kriz,
Dennis Woodman, Mary McDermott, Julie Frese,
Eddie Piehl, Rick Johnson, Connie O'Mara, Walter
Bradley, Wendy Lawell (sitting) Shirley Azzolina,
Cindy Owens, Lois Romaine, Dawn Carlson, Hope
Backe, Kathie Sullivan, Carol Smolinski, Jim
Rasch, John Pederson ( L) The Choral iers, "With
a Little Bit of Luck," perform at the variety show .
English innovates
The English department took steps to improve its methods this year. The teachers
made use of the new English resource
center by obtaining slides, transparencies,
and other visual aids for their classrooms .
The teachers also tried new methods of
teaching . Mrs. McKay and Mrs. McKenzie, senior English teachers, directed the
play "She Stoops to Conquer" by Oliver
Goldsmith. The cast was senior English
students. This was an effective way to
study the play, and the audience found it
more enjoyable to watch than to read.
Another innovation in the English department was the beginning of a creative
writing class. This class is for students
who want to do more writing than they
could do in a regular class. These new
ideas make the English department a vital
and important one for every Tremper
(UR) Miss Clark describes the art of the theater .
( LL left to right from top) Miss B. Bunyon, Miss
S. Clark, Miss S. Dransf ield , Miss s. Fawley, Mrs .
M . Fritschle, Mr. H . Gladding, chairman, Miss K .
Hall, Mrs . F . Harte, Mr . I. Hansen ( Rl Dan Apyan
and Barney Camponeschi , members of the " She
Stoops to Conquer " cast, receive tips from Mrs.
(UL) An English class works hard. (CL) A collage
vividly portrays "Lord of the Flies." ( R, left to
right from top) Miss J . Harmann, Mr . D . Hensey,
Mrs. F. Hoeft, Mr . H. Huetten, Mr. T. Lawler,
Mrs. E . McKay (L) A speech class acts out an
original skit.
(UL from top) Mrs. B. McKenzie, Miss K . Moeller,
Mrs. C. Munger (UR) Mrs. McKay ' s English class
uses a teaching machine to help get the point
across . (LL) Mrs . Murphy takes a break from
teaching to chaperone .
(UL) Mrs. McKay smiles as she discusses the
state of things in Denmark. (UR, left to right from
top) Mrs. J. Murphy, Mr. A. Romano, Miss J.
Schultz, Mr. R. Thiel, Mrs. N. Walkowski, Miss
K. Welch (LC) The English resource center provides an extra study place for interested students.
(LR) Student teacher Cathy Buchholz winds up Mr.
Gladding for another day of English.
Lab use grows
"This year the language department offered four y ears of Spanish, three of Ger man, three of French, and four of Latin ."
" That' s wonderful. Foreign languages
are becoming increasingly important
today ."
"This is Tremper ' s language lab. Mrs .
Commodore, a Spanish teacher, put a lot
of work into it this year . You see, Mrs .
Commodore knew how many difficulties
a person encounters when he tries to learn
a new language. Using the lab just during
classtime isn't always enough. So she
taught some of her students how to run
the tapes and how to take ca re of the
room . There's a lab assistant in here
every hour."
"I see. If a student wants to come in during his study hall to listen to tapes and
practice pronunciation, he can . And it is
now possible for a student to get extra
help without staying after school. That's
a marvelous idea!"
(UR ) Laur ie Volk shows Sue Schaufe l and Rita Sim mons how to work the tape recorders in the lab.
(L) A Spanish class puts their knowledge to use by
making posters for English movies.
(UL) Miss Lloyd plays a record for her Spanish
class . (UR left to right from top) Mrs . C. Commodore, Mrs . M . Gamache, Mr . G . Krueger, chair man, Miss K. Lloyd, Miss D . Meier, Miss K. Olson
(LL) Mrs. Gamache carefully pronounces a difficult French syllable. (LR) Mr. Krueger checks
on a student's German assignment.
Concern is basic
The need for involvement becomes real
today in student demonstrations, increasing social awareness, and an interest in
pol itica I activity.
In this election year, Mr. Paulausky's
Social Studies classes met this need by
holding a mock election. The election was
open to all Tremper students. Voting took
place in the Commons. The election provided an experience in democracy which
was much more effective than learning
from a book. And Tremper did correctly
predict the outcome-Mr. Nixon was the
winner both at Tremper and in the national
Information about our society and the
world is kept in the new social studies
resource center located in the library.
Students are able to obtain materials for
assignments and to go there to study.
More and more students have become
interested in political science and history.
The social studies department develops
this interest and gives students a chance
to become a part of an active and changing
(UR) The globe is an important teaching aid for
Miss Krause. (LL) Mr. Anderson communicates.
(LR l Miss Peddicord switches roles and lets a student do the teaching.
(LJ) Nancy Turtle uses the new social studies resource center for an extra study ha II. { L) Mr.
Paulausky has American Problems on his mind.
(Top row, L to R) Mr . J. Anderson, Mr . J. Blankley, Mr. C. Bradley (bottom row , L to R) Mrs. Dionne, Mr . R. Draeger, Mr. B. Duesterbeck
(UL) Mr. Bair discusses the basic elements of
Fascism . (UR) Mr. Burnett, a guest speaker for
the comparative government classes, emphasizes
a point concerning Latin America. (LL left to right
from top) Mr . L. Gebhart, Miss K . Krause, Mr . M .
McCabe, cha i rman, Mr . L . Negri , Mr. G . Paul ausky, Miss C. Peddicord ( LR) Two students point
out a European city on the globe .
(UL) Rochelle Upright and Sandy Calkins use a tape
recorder in Mr . Bradley ' s class . (UR left to right
from top) Miss M . Platt, Mr . S. Ritacca, Miss M .
Todd, Mr . A . Zimmerman (L) Marva Oechler stu dent-teaches in geography class .
(UL) Mr . Filipelli shows Mickey Finn and Nancy
Plutchak how to mix solutions on a glass slide.
(UR) Terry Zanella tries to figure out a chemistry
formula. (LL left to right from top) Mr. K. Brumbaugh, Mrs. G . Burokas, Mr . W . Cordiner, Mr.
R. Filipelli (LR) Craig Schroeder and Brad Norcross set up an experiment .
Science teaches
by new methods
The science department tried a new approach with three sections of its firstyear chemistry classes. Instead of having
the student learn theories from a book and
then test them in the lab, the students
went first to the lab and tried to discover
the theories themselves. They then
checked their results with the books . This
was called the investigative approacha learn-by-doing method of instruction .
The science department offered courses
in biology, chemistry, physics, and earth
science. A combination course, chemistry-physic survey, and a more advanced
physics course, PSSC Physics, are also
offered. PSSC Physics is comparable to
the investigative approach in chemistry .
(UJ Biology becomes easier with Mr. Young ' s explanations . (L left to right from top) Mr. D . Glynn,
chairman, Mr . R. Nicolozzi, Mr . F . Peters, Mr . A .
Smith, Mrs . C. Stansbury, Mr. M . Young .
Math department
trains teachers
This year's math departmen t expanded to
include one more teacher. This was due to
the increase in the number of students
wanting to take math .
Student teachers were brought into the
department from Carthage College and
from the University of Wisconsin . They
helped the regular faculty and were trained
to be good math teachers .
The math department offered courses in
basic arithmetic, plane geometry, first
and second year algebra , and advanced
math .
Plans were made this year to incorporate
a computer programming class into the
department next year .
(UR ) Mr . Musser uses the opaque projector to explain . ( LL left to right from top) Mr . E . Adams,
Mr. J . Brittelli, Mr . D . Bussard, Mr . R. Darula,
Mr. C. Fowler, Mr . J . Musser (LR) Barney Camponeschi and Mr . Fowler work a problem on Barney' s computer .
(UL) Mrs. Santarelli explains the phenomena of the
angle . (UR left to right from top) Mr. R. Nye, chairma~, Mrs. G. Santarelli, Mr. G . Schuler, Mr . C.
Short, Mrs. C. Short. (LL) Mr . Nye helps Jim Fennema solve a most difficult equation . (LR) John Loss
studies Math 12 with a grin .
Business ed sets
a modern pace
The business courses at Tremper, and the
large number of students tak i ng them ,
indicate the need for competent business
The business education department kept
pace with modern offices this year by installing an off-set duplicating machine and
an electronic stencil-making machine.
The beginning shorthand room was equipped with listening stations. Students could
listen to tapes and take it down in shorthand at their own rate .
Another change in the department was the
new cooperative office occupations workexperience program . Students enrolled in
this program were able to learn through
real experience during their school hours .
The business department kept its courses
in tune with modern office needs to make
its students good office workers .
(UR) Linda Pace practices speed-typing . (LL, left
to right from top) Mr . C. Glaeser, Mrs. J . Houghton, Mrs. V . Leatherman, Mr . T . Petterson, Mr.
R. Primuth (LR) Mr . Primuth explains typing
fundamentals to Barbara Ammon and Jo Ann
Pasqua Ii.
(UL) Lavonne Krusa operates a transcribing machine. (UR left to rig ht from top) Mr. A. Stuyvesant, chairman, Mr. V. Schmale, Mr. I. Terrill,
Mrs. J. Terrill (L) Penni Waldron and Gwen
Wright check the results produced by the spirit
(UL from top) Mr . K . Chalgren, Mr. A . Harris, Mr.
s. Nosal, Chairman ( U Rl Mr. Chalgren directs the
A Capella during one of their numerous practices
before contest. (LL) Shiny brass makes up a part of
every band . (LR) Hugh Tollack shakes hands with
Dr . William Gower after the band concert.
Top-rated music
attracts students
A top-rated music department attracts
top performers throughout the country .
The choral department brought two artist
affiliates to perform for the music students. The orchestra accompanied the
choral Christmas concert and performed
with "Doc" Severensen, of the Tonight
Show, in their Spring Concert. In May,
they toured Canada, introducing orchestral
music to the schools .
A music department innovation was Mr.
Harris's Music Theory class for students planning to go on in music. The
class was designed to give students a head
start for college. They learned to appreciate all facets of music, and write
chords as well as their own compositions.
One of the highlights of the orchestra season is their
spring concert with Doc Severensen as soloist . ( U)
Paul Demske uses one of the many practice rooms .
Students create
"I see the three dimensional art class is
working on their chair."
"Yes, and it's fascinating to watch their
progress . To think they started with a
wooden chair and . . . "
"Next they covered it with clay and then
with plastic. And that was followed by
plaster of paris and finally fiberglass."
"It's intriguing. But do you know what
Mr. Farnham said?"
"No, what?"
"He said his classes will be casting jewelry, probably using silver. That should
be really fun to watch ."
"There's always something interesting
going on. The students can express themselves here like they can nowhere else."
(UR) Mr . Farnham tests The Chair . (LL from top)
Mr . J . Farnham, chairman, Mr. L . Obertin, Miss
D . Vaitkus (LR) Jan Christy, Lee Campbell, and
Miss Vaitkus experiment with temperas .
( U) An art class works with an assortment of materia Is . (LL) Mr . Obert in checks Scott Nelson ' s
painting . (LR) A plaster sculpture begins to take
f orm .
Driver's ed
is safe drivers
John Tremper was sixteen, had his temporary driver's permit, and wanted to
learn how to drive. To his dismay, he discovered that those under eighteen were
now required to take driver's education
before they could obtain their licenses.
But Tremper was prepared. They offered,
for the first time, a complete course in
driver's education which included classroom study, driver simulators, and
behind-the-wheel training, with a special
emphasis on driving safety.
John Tremper signed up for the semester
course and found three capable instructors : Mr . Warren, Mr. Sikora, and Mr .
Rathjen. After a semester of training,
John Tremper took his test. He, and most
of his friends who had taken the course
with him, passed their test and found that
they were entitled to receive insurance
John Tremper was sixteen and had his
driver's license, thanks to the help of the
driver's education department. Now all he
needed was a car.
(UR) Mr. Rathjen doesn't smile when it comes to
safety . (L) The driving simulators are an important part of the instruction .
(UL) With the help of a chart, Mr . Rathjen explains
the intricacies of an intersection . ( UR) Nadine
Winker practices backing out safely using the
shoulder harness for added protection . (LL ) To get
in practice for the road, careful concentration is
needed on the simulators . (LR from top ) Mr. N .
Rathjen, chairman, Mr . R. Sikora, Mr. R. Warren .
Girls bake, sew
Mary wanted to learn how to cook, sew,
and take care of a family. Her mother
agreed with the idea. If Mary became proficient at these skills, mother would have
an inexpensive housekeeper. So of course
they were both eager (though for different
reasons) to have Mary take as many different home economics courses as
Tremper complied. Mary found that this
year classes had been set up on a semester basis. Mrs. Paintin, the head of the
department, believed that this would give
the students better choices. And the new
unit on family living gave Mary a better
chance to become a better family member.
Mary found that she would have time to
become a seamstress and a cook while
she was at Tremper. Little did she know
that her mother was already settling down
in the big easy chair.
(UR) Linda Brandt sews a fine seam. (LL left to
right from top) Mrs. E. Paintin, chairman, Mrs.
M. Rothrock, Mrs. J . Sedgwick (LR) Ann Walker
keeps a watchful eye on her batch of fudge.
(UL) Mrs. Paintin's classes practice buying silver .
(UR l Mrs. Sedgwick shows off the new self-cleaning
oven . (LL) Cathy Chroninger irons her half-finished
skirt before proceeding to the next step. (LR) Diane
Meta I lo chops pecans for a batch of cookies .
Industrial Arts
pre pa res boys
Industr ial Arts educat ion beg ins i n j unior
high school and continues through senior
high . It prepares a student to go into the
professions of woodworking , printing ,
power or auto mechanics, machineshop,
and general metals .
Power mechanics include learning the
basic functions of and how to run a car .
General metals is concerned mainly with
welding .
Mr . Jacobsen ' s machine shop classes and
advanced power mechanics classes built a
Hover Craft this year . It resembles a
small air car. Further testing will be done
on it next year .
Next year the I ndustria I Arts department
will expand to include an aviation course.
(UR ) Loren Breach works on graphics . (UL left to
right) Mr . 0 . Carlson, Mr. W . Cox, Mr. H. Dehart
(LR ) Mr . Cox watches as Kent Bailey welds . (LL)
Safety is stressed in industrial arts .
(UL) Sam Wesley sets type. (UR) Joey Gianaselli
works for precision in cabinet-making . (LL) Bob
Lindner and Tim Brennan staple the Lancette .
(LR left to right from top) Mr . A . Freeberg, Mr.
C. Fuenfinger, Mr. C. Jacobsen, Chairman, Mr. R.
Mach .
( L to R) Miss L. Cotton, Miss D. Hanser, Miss L .
Heilbuth, Miss E . Kruse, Miss C. McClain .
(UL) Miss Heilbuth's adaptive gym class goes
th r ough various exercises. (LL) Miss Hanser helps
Janet Hawkins perform a front support on the uneven paralle l bars. (LC) Headstands are a good
test of balance . (RC) Miss Cotton demonstrates a
thigh rest for her class. (LR) Barbara Richards
executes a wolf on the horse.
Girls become fit
"Wei I, there goes another gym class
straggling into the locker room with worn
expressions on their faces ."
"I think it was those extra push-ups that
got them. Did you hear that Miss Heilbuth
and Mr . McCulloch have started adaptive
physical education classes? "
"I did hear about it. They open physical
activities to students who were not able
to participate before. "
"They played soccer and archery outside
and inside was a room equipped with
various aids for physical strength. "
"When they ' ve completed the class, the
students return to the regular gym
classes. "
"Speaking of regular gym classes, here
comes the next one. They look lively.
Physical education gives everyone the opportunity to vent a little of their energy
and to learn new skills."
Boys learn skills
Jim had been doing his sit ups, deep knee
bends, and push ups for ten minutes with
his class. The exercises, a long with the
classes on gymnastics, tumbling , golf,
volleyball, and more helped him to get rid
of the fat, develop skills in sports he could
enjoy after school, and get the exercise
necessary for a healthy life.
The department also provided adaptive
physical education classes for Jim if he
was unable to participate in the regular
classes . Some of these classes were held
in a room with special equipment which
help to build physical strength and skill.
In both the adaptive and the regular gym
classes, Jim could become proficient in
certain skills, stay physically fit, and
have fun.
( UR ) The boys in the adaptive physical education
program work out with the weights . (LL from top)
Mr . L. Apple, Mr . G . Barr, Mr . W. Holman (LR)
Coach Holman demonstrates the proper way to
throw a basketball.
(UL) Coach McCulloch takes Ken Kuehn ' s pulse .
(UR from top) Mr . G . McCulloch, chairman, Mr .
M . Miller ( LL) Coach Apple and Doug Ketchum
teach Lynn Schmale the fox trot. (LR ) Kerry Frese
works out in an adaptive gym class .
Counselors plan
new career talks
In order to help students choose a career
that interested them , the guidance department arranged Operation Inquiry, a
new form of career exploration, different
from Career Night.
The seven-week program consisted of
homeroom assemblies at which representatives from many fields, among them
Army, Navy, Air Force, _social work,
teaching, and conservation spoke .
Assemblies during the homeroom period
enabled students to attend many different
discussion groups . On Career Night, students had the opportunity to hear only a
few speakers .
Counselors this year spent more time
and took more care in arranging schedules for next year . Sophomores, juniors,
and seniors met with their counselors
and discussed plans for the future-college, job and next year's curriculum.
( U) Mr. Kranen catches up on his paperwork- a
big job. (L) There is always someone requesting an
interview with a counselor .
Students mo_urn
counselor's death
Mr . Wildon Owens, chairman of the guidance department, died of a heart attack
February 19, 1969. School was dismissed
early on the day of his funeral so students
and faculty could attend memorial services
for Mr. Owens at the First Congregational
Church. The A Cappella Choir performed
several selections during the service in
his memory. He was buried in Union
Cemetery, Fort Atkinson .
Assistant Principal Elvin Kranen said,
"Mr . Owens was an extremely sincere
and conscientious counselor . He was
really interested in helping young people
and loved his work."
A scholarship fund was established in
honor of Mr . Owens . Many students and
faculty members contributed to start the
new program .
(LL left to right from top) Mrs . L. Baker, Mr. F .
Bistrick, Miss N . Donovan, Mr. A . Fennema, Mr .
F. Hadler, Mr . J. Holmes, Miss M. Horn, Mr . Louis
Valente, Miss D . Kupferschmidt, nurse. (LR) Miss
Donovan checks a student's file .
Improved library
serves students
The library underwent several changes
this year . The new fulltime librarian,
Mrs . Campbell, had several teacher aides
to assist her.
Since magazines and newspapers are so
space-consuming, the library photographed them on rolls of microfilm and
acquired two microfilm readers for the
students . The library also purchased a
photo copier . Students obtained a copy of
a book or magazine page for ten cents .
The student reading for enjoyment, working on a research paper, or studying a
topic found the Tremper library was better equipped to satisfy his needs .
(UR ) Dan Elfering retrieves his pass and checks
out a book before leav i ng the l i brary . (LL left to
right from top ) Mrs . V . Albrecht, Mrs . E . Campbe l l, head librar ian, Mrs . H . Cox, Mrs. E . Henderson ( LR ) Howard Berner uses the new micro-film
reader to read a page from the Kenosho News .
( U) Students take advantage of their free moments
to use the library. (LL) Gary Gorr studies in the
peacefulness of the library. (LR) Barb Korbel increases her vocabulary with the help of Webster's
masterpiece .
The office employees coordinate the general mechanisms of the school. They prepare the daily bulletin, attend to telephone
calls and aid the teachers by sorting the
mail, typing, and running the mimeograph.
Besides these services, each employee
has individual responsibilities. These include selling lunch tickets, taking daily
attendance, caring for text books, assisting the administrators, bookkeeping, and
many more.
This year the AV department developed
a system which enabled them to locate
their equipment easily. It consisted of a
magnetic map of the school with the label
of the audio-visual equipment in use
magnetized to the correct room on the
Other innovations were dry photo copy
machines to copy book pages, and a spirit
master copy machine. This efficiently
dittoes off tests and laminates driver's
(U left to right from front . Row l) Mrs . V. Gombar,
Mrs . N . Draeger, Mrs . J . Peters, Mrs. E . Wroblewski, Mrs . C. Streck, Mrs. F . Lebeckis (L) Mr .
Nicolazzi shows off his new magnetic equipment
finder .
Janitors, cooks
maintain school
The job of cleaning the halls and classrooms daily belongs to the janitorial
staff. The staff also renders their service when accidents occur in the cafeteria
or laboratory, when lockers become
jammed, when students must get into a
locked part of the building, or when social
events have left a mess behind.
Besides cooking for 2500 Tremper students, the cooks supply food for four other
schools in the Kenosha area. All food
served in the hot lunch line is homemade.
There are ten cook's helpers who work
with head cook Mrs. Hawkins and assistant cook Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. Hawkins
arrives at 6 A.M . to prepare the food and
turn on the twelve ovens .
(U left to right from front . Row l) Mr . L. Albano,
Mr . V. Seliga, Mr . J . Preston, Mrs . A. Durocher
(Row 2) Mr . B. Nut i, Mr . J . Dagen, Mr . H. Dawson,
Mr . T . Matteucc i ( L left to right from back . Row l)
Mrs . K. Phillips, Mrs . J . White, Mrs . F . Zalator is,
Mrs . J. Nelson, Mrs . E . Conrad ( Row 2) Mrs . M.
Newbauer, Mrs. B. Dubaniewicz, Mrs . M. Russo,
Mrs . J . Grohs (Row 3) Mrs . W. Henricksen, Mrs .
R. Hawk ins, Mrs . A. Rognstad .
Student life
The cafeteria,
And Spring Festival
Whirled by in
Splashes of
Gossip was exchanged ;
Smiles and tears were shared ,
Help was given,
And time rushed on,
Waiting for no one .
Dashing through the year,
We hurried to keep
Up with
Life .
Jeannie Nihlson gazes at a technicolor world through
her triangular prism .
Troians return
to celebrate
Excited students poured into the gym on
Friday, October 19, 1968 for an end-ofthe-day assembly. For the first time
Tremper's Homecoming queen would be
crowned before the game so she could
reign over the entire weekend.
The five candidates, attired in formals,
approached the platform on a white carpet. They were fol lowed by a little girl
bearing a bouquet of roses and a little boy
carrying the crown for the queen. Tom
Schindler disclosed to the audience that
their 1968 Homecoming queen was Tracie
Cheers rose from the bleachers. It was
time to stir up the students for the evening's game. Ed Zydowsky was announced
as 1968 Big Brute. The football and cross
country teams were introduced, and the
cheerleaders concluded the program by
leading the audience in cheers.
Students lined both sides of the street that
evening as the Symphonic and Concert band
led the Homecoming parade to the stadium.
The porn-porn girls marched in the parade
and gay clowns danced beside the colorful
floats. When the parade reached its destination Trojans surged into the stadium,
ready for an exciting game.
(UR) Tears of happiness initiate Tracie Thomas'
reign. (LL) Foreign exchange students, Mats Menn
and Viviane Leenhardt, wave to the crowd. (LR)
Tiny attendants bear gifts for the queen.
(UL) The elegant queen and her smiling court pose
for their subjects . (UR) Color guards parade
around the stadium . (LU Tom Schindler crowns a
beaming queen . (LR) Patty Ingraham and the Trojanettes cheer for the team .
Struggle to win
Cheering Trojans greeted the Tremper
team and as everyone stood for the kickoff, the Homecoming game began . At the
end of the first quarter Case led 6-0 . But
half time entertainment, provided by the
two Tremper bands and the floats, kept
Trojan spirits high. The Trojans jumped
ahead at the end of the third quarter amid
the shouts and cheers of the spectators,
and the end of the game showed a 27-12
victory for Tremper .
At Tirabassi's a match was lit, a paper
caught fire, and soon a blaze of floats began curling into ashes . Everyone watched
sadly and happily as the floats of a short
while ago became smoke and black scraps
of paper.
The students went to the school for the
Afterburn. Pizza and pop were served to
the hungry Trojans, and records supplied
the entertainment. The first night of
Homecoming was complete .
( UL) Water just d idn ' t hit the spot w ith John Martinez. ( LL ) Ed St . Peter and the great-get-away.
( LC ) Dante' s Inferno or floatburning?
(UL) Trojans and Eagles form a massive block.
(CL) See the Trojan . He is squashed . (CR) Rod
Jenison and Matt Young take a break from the
game to watch the action themselves. (LR) Trojans
surge through the Case line .
Color bursts
Dreaming and scheming
And drawing and sketching,
Trojan clubs devised
Their Homecoming floats,
And each group was intent on creating
The most beautiful, colorful,
Exciting masterpiece that has ever been
In a Homecoming parade.
Many starry nights watched over
Eleven lively buildings
That housed eleven floats-to-be,
And color bursts
Of red and green and orange
Became beautiful and breathtaking
Through hours and hours of work and
With hundreds and hundreds of students.
There was something of a magic,
That came from many hopeful Trojans,
Transforming chicken wire, paper, and old trucks
Into Cinderella for a night.
(U) Student Council, using colors galore, showed
team spirit w ith " Strut to Victory ." ( C ) Sen iors
made the i r last f loat w ith style and spir it, " We ' ll
Eat ' Em Up." ( L ) Class ic and Tempest staffs com bined to produce a w i nner, " The Case of the Triumphant Trojan ."
(UL) Sophomore class made the littlest float,
"We're Ahead," but it was big enough to win .
(UR) Sub-Deb's and Key Club's joint effort, "Plow
'Em Under," was another prize winner . (CL) HiStyle and Hi-Y punned with "Case Dismissed."
(CR) AFS and Red Cross caught the Eagle and said
"Cage 'Em!" (LL) The Junior class predicted the
outcome with their f Ioat, "Deface Case." (LR)
Tremper Teens and Lettermen used the Trojan
horse to help "Trample Case."
(U) The 1968 Homecoming queen semi-finalists
were (Row l) Connie Cornell, Gloria Kreuser, Candy Elrod . (Row 2) Tracie Thomas, Caryl Johns,
Janice Braun . (Row 3) Barb Shuemate, Nancy Andreucci, Carol Birkholz, Kitty Moses. (L) Ed Zydowsky expresses his pleasure at being elected
Big Brute 1968.
Return to queens,
brute, and dance.
The Homecoming dance, "Flame of Victory," celebrated the victorious football
game of the night before and provided the
final touch to a wonderful Homecoming
To set an atmosphere of triumph, m1n1ature torches decorated the cafeteria
walls, and a large torch, placed in the
middle of the dance floor, was the real
"Flame of Victory." The Geneva Convention provided the music.
Queen Tracie Thomas, her court, and
their escorts entered the cafeteria on a
white carpet. The dancers gathered to
watch as the royalty made their entrance
and danced their first dance of the evening.
At 11 :30, Homecoming 1968 came to a
triumphant close.
(LL and
at "Flame of Victory."
Be right in style
Once upon a school year, December 7,
1968, to be precise, Hi -Style held its annual show, entitled "Dear Santa, I Want
... " Various stores provided the clothes.
As the club members modeled the outfits, the girls in the audience began to
formulate their Christmas lists for Santa .
Included in the evening's show was a humorous take-off of Charles Dickens'
famous story "The Christmas Carol."
Bruce Tallon provided extra humor by
portraying jolly old Santa Claus. A dance
followed the style show .
Many hours of hard work produced a show
that took four and one-half hours and
whetted the imagination of every girl
(L) Mickey Finn dances to the beat. (UR)
party .
the crowd .
Snowflakes swirl
On a cold December 30, Sub-Deb presented "Some Enchanted Evening," their
winter formal. Despite the freezing
weather and slippery roads, the evening
was enchanted.
Mistletoe was hung under the doorways
with care and the shimmer of soft lights
reflected on the walls of the cafeteria,
revealing dainty red and green snowflakes .
The girls, radiant in their gowns, danced
with their escorts to the sound of Robin
and the Three Hoods, a Madison band .
The Commons provided a comfortable relaxing area for those who were hungry
and tired from dancing. Red punch and
green cookies were the menu for the
"Some Enchanted Evening" . . . forever
(UL) Doreen Conforti puts the finishing touches on
Dave Chemerow. (LL) Sue Schepker and John
Hauptman enjoy coketails before going to the dance.
(R) Tremper students do some adult socializing.
In a flurry of activities, Tremper students
prepared for the Christmas season. True
to custom, the homeroom doors and the
Commons were decorated, and Key Club
collected food for needy families.
But behold! Tremper students found new
ways to cultivate the Christmas spirit.
A Student Counci I mailbox in the Commons gave students the chance to mail
cards to their friends. Friendly mailmen
delivered the Christmas greetings to the
noon homerooms.
For some, Christmas vacation began
early with Hong Kong flu. Each day the
list of casualties grew longer as the virus
shadowed the holidays.
Two assemblies were given to celebrate
the season. The Mighty Draeger Art
Players put Trojans in the proper mood
with a rollicking assembly, and a musical
salute to the season was given during the
Key Club assembly.
(UL) Mats Melin and Viviane Leenhardt experience
Christmas at Tremper, showing that Christmas
spirit is world-wide. (UC) The Mighty Draeger
Art Players added to the Christmas spirit during
the homeroom assembly. (UR) Mr. Hosmanek
shows off the Christmas tree presented him by the
first hour hall monitors. (LL) Santa set up shop at
Tremper, too, according to Homeroom 809. (LC)
Noel Gentz gets an exclusive, last minute interview with Santa . (LR) "Twas the night before
Christmas and all through the school . . . "
(U) Interested students fill the auditorium for an
assembly on spring sports. ( L) Jan Wayne and Grant
Anderson, Tremper's folksingers, entertain during
a noon assembly.
Noon assemblies
brighten the week
The assemblies held this year were interesting, informative, and fun . Ranging
from boisterous pep assemblies to a
learned discussion on nuclear technology
to a lofty college choir, the assemblies
had something for almost everyone.
The newest innovation in assembly programming was the weekly noon homeroom assemblies. They were planned to
break the monotony of homeroom and to
give students a chance to see a performance that could not be scheduled as a
regular assembly . These, too, covered a
wide range of subjects : silent flicks, the
problems at Tremper, previews of the
school play, drugs, a trip to Europe, how
it feels to be black, and many more. The
noon assemblies were optional but had a
high rate of attendance and proved to be
one of the most successful ideas at Tremper.
Assemblies at Tremper were designed to
let each student extend his world-in
many different directions.
(U) The United States Air Force Airmen of Note
play jazz, pop, and swing music for a Tremper
audience. (L) Miss Wisconsin, told of her humorous adventures on her way to the crown.
(UL) Tom Thomsen takes a high shot during the
game. (UR) Three cheers for the mighty Tremper
Trojan! (LL) Enthusiastic Trojanettes cheer for
a victory.
An empire born
The first Trojan empire rose on January
10 as Tremper buried Bradford
in basketball. It began as a gimmick by
the Tempest to boost their subscription
drive and to put the basketball team in the
public eye. An election was held to choose
the emperor from the eleven senior basketball pla'(ers: Jim Fennema, John laquinta, Marty Johnson, Dale Kloet, John
Loss, ·Jim Lubniewski, Dave Olufs, Mark
Pius, Tom Thomsen, Don Schmidt, and
Ed Zydowsky. Marty Johnson won and
reigned as the first Trojan emperor.
Nearly 3000 people attended the game at
the Carthage Field House where the Bradford Devilettes drill team performed at
half-time. After the game, a red hearse
led the Tremper fans back to school and
the victory dance. Marty Johnson lit the
funeral pyre for the burning of the Red
Devil. Students, sitting on the cafeteria
floor, enjoyed the sound of "Paper."
(U) Students sit and stand i n tune with " Paper "
and Mike Lundin. (LC ) The top of the scepter dis·
appears at a crucial moment. ( LR ) Trojan Emperor
Marty Johnson accepts half a scepter .
(UL) The snack bar line is patronized by a majority
of the students. It offers a variety of food-from
hot dogs to Twinkies . (UR) Cindy Paulin cleans her
plate, as do all good Tremper students . (LR) Sandi
Benton eats pizza burgers, a favorite mea I in the
Students lunch
This year, as every year, the cafeteria
offered excitement and adventure for
starving Tremper students. The traditional guessing game of "What is it?"
increased in popularity as, throughout the
cafeteria, students made their guesses
· while their friends carried back trays of
something-or-other to the tables.
A rise in the price of lunch tickets raised
the hopes of students . But it was soon discovered that the extra cost gave a choice
between red and green jel lo.
Sophomores quickly learned that the
menus printed in the newspaper always
seemed more delicious than what they
actually were served.
The snack bar provided relief for those
who wanted a change from the hot lunch
program. Shakes, cones, and hamburgers
were favorites.
The cafeteria was a good place to relax
and exchange gossip during the midday
hours and, without it, what would Tremper
students have had to complain about?
(UL} John Taube pulls hard to win the cold, slushy
tug-of-war . (LL) The world ' s biggest snowball begins to take shape . (UR) Bruce Tallon displays the
winning ice-sculpture - the Student Council penguin.
Winterama glows
Tremper's first annual Winterama began
with the temperature above the freezing
mark. It rained, and there were fears that
by 3 there would be no snow and no ice.
But, despite the slushy weather, Tremper
students came.
After the dogsled races, the tug-of-war,
the snowball-making contest, and the
snowball fort war, soaking Trojans hurried into the building to dry.
In the courtyard, students examined a fine
exhibit of ice sculptures produced by the
various clubs. Student Council ' s penguin
won the contest .
(UL) Mr. De Ha rt and his donkey want the ballnow ! (UR) Koko, the clown, cracks some i okes to
add to the general fun. (LR) Basketballs and donkeys mix and the result is chaos.
Classes conspire
to fig ht the blues
The three donkey basketball games, a
unique Winterama feature, kept the
crowded gym in constant laughter . The
antics of the riders made the games the
funniest ever .
After the last don~ey basketball game, the
Afterfreeze began. Pizza and games were
available, and at 10:15 the Abominable
Snowman Contest was held . The three
class presidents competed to see which
one could put on the most clothes . D. H .
Post, junior class president, won .
Another tradition has begun through the
work and effort of many students. The
classes proved how much they could accomplish when they worked together, and
Winterama helped combat the usual postholiday mid-winter blues.
(UL) D. H. Post and clothes weigh in for Abominable title. (LL) Keep it going around and around
and around ... ( Rl The dance wound up a cold, but
fun, evening.
Wait Until Dark
Tremper 's all-school play, "Wait Until
Dark," was directed by Mr . Terry Lawler . It concerned Susy, a blind girl, who
was terrorized by three men because
of a certain dol 1 she had in her possession. She later discovered that the doll
contained heroin. Carol Birkholz played
Suzy and Tom Smith played Roat, the con
man who devised the ingenious plot to
have Suzy willfully hand over the doll.
The climax of the play came when Roat
attacked Suzy in the dark apartment . Suzy
had the upper hand because she was used
to living in the dark. The play was full of
suspense and terror .
Peter Heide, a blind student, was Carol's
tutor. He helped her to appear realistically blind. This, plus the good acting and
realistic set, made for a successful, exciting play.
(U) Peter Heide shows Carol Birkholz how to appear blind . (L) The police question Suzy in one scene
of "Wait Until Dark ."
Variety show
goes musical
Tremper's Swing Band went all out in
presenting its annual variety show, "One
for the Money." The show was directed by
Mr. Alan Harris, Janice Braun, and Debbie Drissel. Doug Ketchum and Dave
Taske emceed the show.
The show contained comedy, spoofing the
popular Laugh-In show. The Mighty Draeger Art Players presented a typical day
at Tremper with Geoff Dowse portraying
a fierce Mr. Grant. Kitty Moses and Eric
Moore gave vocal selections and the
Choraliers sang several popular renditions.
The kicklines were again highlights of the
show. The girls' kickline was under the
direction of Renee Rizzo and Mary Posselt. The boys' kickline flirted with Julian
Garcia to the tune of "Big Spender."
(UL) Dave Taske is carried off stiff as a board.
(UR) The entire audience is hijacked to Cuba in the
middle of the Variety Show . (L) Kitty Moses enchants the audience with "Somewhere."
Art Club' s abstract painting booth attracted both
participants and onlookers . (Opposite page L) Marcia Garra and Bob Furno try the bean-bag throw .
(UR) Terry Richards applies body paint to a patient
Nate Evanoff . (LR) An energetic student gets back
at Mr . Lawler in the sponge throw.
Spring Festival is better than ever!
Spring Festival was again a center of student participation. Booths and games were
constructed, run, and patronized by Tremper students.
sic, and New Voice . Tempest collected
news on the spot and issued two news
bulletins, Classic took pictures, and the
New Voice taped interviews .
Many new booths were featured. Senior
class sponsored a ski-dice booth. Dating
and going-steady games were two new and
popular events. Another first was a communications booth run by Tempest, Clas-
W.C. Fields and Laurel and Hardy movies
were shown in the auditorium, and Aquettes presented water shows in the pool. The
Light Brigade provided music for the
dance in the cafeteria after the Festival.
•• • •
Prom features
medieval scene
After numerous coketails and picturetaking sessions, the 1969 junior prom,
"A Medieval Dream," got under way.
Passing through the Old Mead Hall, couples crossed the drawbridge and came
upon a castle courtyard. The Don Jeris
Orchestra provided music for the beginning half of the evening.
Last year's royalty, Tom Schindler and
Jeannie Nihlson, crowned Dennis Post and
Karen Gombar during the coronation
ceremony. The promenade followed, along
with music by the Muzzy Pillizzi Orchestra. Western Kiwanis sponsored the Afterglow festivities and served pizza in the
Promgoers caught catnaps during "Rally
Round the Flag Boys," starring Paul
Newman and Joanne Woodward. Then
came more dancing as WCFL disc jockey
Dick Biondi and the P.C. Limited arrived.
The Afterglow festivities lasted until sunrise and everyone went down to Southport
Park after finishing the doughnuts.
( LJ Last year's king, Tom Schindler, crowns the
new queen, Karen Gombar. ( R J The king and queen
dance their first dance.
(UL) Couples danced to the music of the Don Jeris
orchestra . (UR) King Dennis Post and queen Karen
Gombar stand on the balcony of their coronation .
(L) After the movie, the P. C. Ltd . provided music
for more dancing.
(Right) Steve Schindler and Rosemary Quillice
watch the fountain in the gym. (Upper) After midnight the dance floor was crowded with couples
dancing elbow to elbow.
(Upper) Barney and Sherry enjoy a night on the
dance floor . (Lower) Steve Smith and Pat Phillips
sit by the trellis between dances .
Best Dancer
Renee Rizzo
Dick Kussow
Most Friendly
Nancy Turtle
Don Kitchin
Most Intelligent
Doreen Conforti
Dave Chemerow
Most Talented
Joanie Meltzer
Dan Apyan
Best Dressed
Joan Bear
Tom Duncan
Most Active
Janice Braun
Frank Carmichael
Most Athletic
Jill Pautz
Ed Zydowsky
Carol Birkholz
Bruce Tallon
Best Al I Around
Tracie Thomas
Jim Fennema
Most Likely to Succeed
Libby Burnett, Tom Schindler
(UL) Gloria Ziccarelli and Barb Schuemate, two
senior class officers, smile for the photographer.
(UR) Barney Camponeschi and Julian Garcia, two
more class officers, enjoy the entertainment (L)
Mr. Hosmanek shows the Outstanding-Senior Trophy
given him by the senior class.
Frank Carmichael, senior class president,
del ive rs his final address, a humorous recounting
of past experiences . ( R l Mr. Kranen evidently finds
some thing dist asteful.
Humor livens
senior banquet
This year's senior banquet was held at
St. Therese . Noel Gentz was master of
ceremonies and Parry Heide gave the
invocation . Bruce Tai Ion presented some
"Out of the Ordinary " awards . The tradi tional awards, voted by the senior class,
were presented by Frank Carmichael and
Noel Gentz .
D. H . Post, junior class president, gave
a reply to Frank ' s final address and Mr .
Hosmanek made some humorous " remarks ." Representatives from the class
gave Mr. Hosmanek a trophy to be engraved each year with the name of the
most deserving senior .
Grant Anderson and Jan Wayne sang folk
songs, Joanie Meltzer and Carol Birkholz
performed a song and skit, " Anyth i ng
You Can Do, I Can Do Better," and K itty
Moses ended the banquet with " You'll
Never Walk Alone ."
(U) The seniors, led by their class officers, solemnly file in . (LU Mr . Kranen congratulates Sharon
Berenson on her music award . (LR) Patty Ingraham
receives her certificate for being one of the twenty
most outstanding seniors.
( L) Dave Chemerow receives the Wildon Owens
Memorial Scholarship from Mrs. Owens. ( R) Mr.
Grant announces the perfect attendance records.
Seniors awarded
for achievements
Attention was commendable although the
sky-rocketing temperatures made the atmosphere less than comfortable at the
1969 Honors Assembly. The crowds in
the bleachers stood in respect as the
seniors filed in, dressed in their caps
and gowns .
Following the message of the guest speaker, Dr. Raymond Peltier, the outstanding
seniors received their awards and the
scholarships were announced. Another
guest, Mrs . Wildon Owens, presented Dave
Chemerow with the Owens Memorial
Scholarship. Mrs. Hackbarth honored
Anita Bokmueller with the Margie Hackbarth Memorial Trophy.
As the ceremony came to a close, Mr.
Hosmanek gave a message of luck and
farewell to the graduates. He named Tom
Schindler the outstanding senior. His name
will be the first on the Hosmanek trophy.
Largest class ends
high school years
The Tremper class of 1969 was the largest
in the history of Kenosha. The 687 graduates received their diplomas June 5 at
the Carthage College field house.
Dan Minkus gave the invocation and a
"Perspective" was given by Joanie Meltzer. She related the present to both the
future and the past. Jim Krampert and
Ellen Riley gave the commencement messages. Jim discussed the importance of
"'Finding Individuality" . Ellen listed the
"Eternal Values in a Changing World":
respect, compassion, and trust. Mr . Hosmanek presented the Class of 1969 by
outlining their accomplishments.
Dr. Raymond Peltier, president of the
Kenosha Unified School District, awarded
the diplomas. Class President Frank Carmichael flipped his tassel from the left
side of his mortarboard to the right; the
class did the same, and the 1969 class of
Tremper was graduated. Jim Fennema
gave the benediction .
(U) The seniors stand as their class files in for
the graduation ceremony . (L) Alan Ameche receives
his diploma from Dr . Raymond Peltier .
( Ll Scott Laybourn has a little trouble with his
robe. ( RJ Janice Babel walks down the stairs after
receiving her diploma and officially graduating .
There was a time,
After books
And teachers
And tests,
To join
A club,
To become involved,
To help another.
As you hurried
From one meeting to the next
You learned about the world
And its people
And found your
Own world enlarging
Every day as it became
A part of that big world .
Renee Rizzo, club coordinating committee chairman, checks on an announcement for Aquettes .
Student Council
Student Council broke a four-year tradition as Homecoming sponsors by holding the Coronation ceremony during an
afternoon assembly instead of half-time at
the football game .
Later on during the year, the Student
Council brought about the revision of the
grooming code . After f i ve months the
code was passed by the student body and
faculty and then sent to the School Board
for a pprov a I.
4th hour committees ( U left to right from front .
Row l ) B. Banerdt, S. Muller, L. Johnson, J . Brandes, D . Harper, P . Braun, D . Stielow, C. Busche,
G . Kreuser ( Row 2) T . Horochena, T . Christopherson, L . Vogler, D . Russo, P. Ingraham, N . Andreucci, L . Leonard, R. Rizzo, K . McCormick, B.
Lundsokw, K . Larson, J . Braun (Row 3) V . Kelps,
B . Camponesch i, L . Michael i s, B. Sexton, C. Riccardi, A . Bokmueller, N . Fennema, L. Haycraft,
J . Shearer, C. Schuck, N . Pitts ( Row 4) T . Thomas,
D . Clark, C. Blazek, G. Legler, G . Reau, J . Fennema, D . Meltzer, J . Fisher, D . Ivy, B . Ceasario,
K . Socha Executive board ( L left to right from
front . Row l ) G . Kreuser, committee chairman,
R . Rizzo, comm . chair ., J . Meltzer, parliamen tarian ( Row 2) N . Andreucci, treasurer, C. Johns,
corr . secretary ( Row 3) T . Thomas, rec . sec ., T .
Duncan, comm . chair ., J . Fennema, vice-president,
T . Sch i ndler, pres ident, C. Birkholz, comm . chair .
Student Council entertained patients at
Southern Colony for three successive
weekends before Christmas . Toys and
clothing were collected in the homerooms
and distributed among
children .
A hoola-hoop contest, swim party, and
hop-scotch game were only a few of the
attractions at Student Council's "Do Your
Own Thing" held Feb. 21 , 1969. Everyone took part in dancing, swimming, running, hopping, and other uninhibited gyrations . The Student Council co-sponsored
Spring Festival this year.
5th hour committees ( U left to right from front .
Row 1) V . Leenhardt, J . Herbrechtsmeier, L . Gosnel l, C. Jensen, J. Finch, J . Fraser, D . Conforti , K .
Siv ley, B. Shuemate, J . Meltzer, C. Corne ll ( Row 2)
D. Guttormsen, G . Picken, S. Last, C. Sm ith, M.
McDermott, L. Hansche, H . Behnke, J . Botts, J.
Fratrick, P . Tenuta , N. Andreu cc i, J . Pfeiffer ( Row
3) D. Lutter, C. Johns, D . Fraher, C. Birkholz, L .
Zarletti , D. Congdon, M . Galligan, T . Thomas, D .
Kitchin, K . DeWitt, P . Mosher, B. Merrick, K .
Evans (Row 4) D. Duncan, K . Anderson, D . Ketchum,
T . Schindler, J . Cummings, D. Taske, J . Fennema ,
L. Talley, M . Mel i n, T . Duncan, B. Lawell, M . Capa darco, R. Holden ( LL ) A forum i s held i n the Commons during the campaign for 1969-1970 Student
Council officers . ( LR ) Janice Braun helps load up
a car w ith toys and clothes to be sent to Southern
Colony .
Aquettes splash
The Aquettes started this year with practice sessions in preparation for the annual water ballet show. Soon specific
plans for the show got underway. Miss
Cotton, the club advisor, chose chairmen
and arranged groups; routines were written; music was chosen; and the long practice sessions began. After evenings of
learning to swim with the music, days of
making costumes, scenery, and programs,
the show "Neptune's Follies" was produced and pronounced a success. Dave
Matelski, the emcee and the Neptune of
the Aquette world, gave a tour through
his kingdom under the sea. The Aquettes
ended the year with tryouts for next year,
a show in the Spring Festival, and the
annual senior banquet.
(U left to right from front. Row 1) Libby Burnett,
Barb Lawell, Karen Johnson, Jody Weiss, Karen
Fink, Jill Pautz, Paula Nietupski, Debbie Congdon,
Claudia Gregory (Row 2) Debbie Drissel, Dorothy
Russo, Julie Eells, Maria lgnatovic, Cathy Creighton, Terry Kahlert, Heide Behnke, Mary McDermott, Karen Petersen (Row 3) Mary Seavitte, Nancy
Montemurro, Kathy Larson, Cleta Skovronski, Nancy
Patterson, Kitty Moses, Diane Russo, Cindy Paulin,
Carol Andersen Club officers ( L from bottom) Diane
Russo, president; Kitty Moses, vice president;
Debbie Drissel, secretary; Jody Weiss, sergeantat-arms; Cindy Paulin, costumes; Dorothy Russo,
(Opposite page UL) Don Kitchin lifts Nancy Paterson high out of the water in their duet. (UR) Dave
Matelski, emcee, impersonates Neptune, King of
the Sea. ( L) Three synchronized legs-a trio in the
Aquette's show.
GAA-Modern dance
The Girl's Athletic Association gave girls
the chance to participate in sports which
would otherwise be limited to the gym
class. The sports offered included tennis,
bowling, track, swimming, archery, volleyball, and gymnastics . The club met
once a week .
Modern Dance was a group for girls interested in dancing for enjoyment . The
club made two trips to Chicago to see
professional dancers at work . They attended concerts at the Harper Theater .
On Parent's Night, the girls demonstrated
their skill to the visitors .
GAA ( U left to r ight from f ront. Row l) Judy W i 11iams, Pau lette Brown, L i nda Fredrick, Cathy
Nedwesk i, V i viane Leenhardt ( Row 2) Linda Safago,
Anne Worthington , Kay Golw itzer, Bonnie Ralph,
Mary Si nger, Laura Fredri c k ( Row 3) Sharon Goff,
Gail Bernhoft, Mel Hutch i nson, Robin Lancour,
Christine Swanson, secretary-treasurer, JoAnne
Malcewicz, president ( Row 4) Christine Kollman,
Kathleen Mattson , Diane Kelly, Roseanne Baron,
Donna Baron, Caroline Nedwesk i, Sue Schaeffer,
Modern Dance (L, left to right ) Linda Foote, Gay
Esser, Caroline Nedweski
Boys' gymnastics
This year's gymnastic club had thirteen
active members . They hosted two meets.
The results were a 63-58 victory over
the Lake Geneva Badgers and a first
place in the multi-team meet which included Racine Horlick and Racine Case.
The club went to the sectionals gymnastic
meet at Whitnal H. S. in Milwaukee. They
placed 15th out of 17 teams participating.
Larry Monteen placed eighth in the tumbling event and was then eligible for the
state meet where he placed 18th.
Boys' gymnastics ( U left to right from front . Row
l) Kelly Carney, Mike Rutcik, Mark Mondrawickas
(Row 2) Tim Brennan, Al Ennis, Larry Monteen,
Dennis Voelz, (Row 3) Coach Holman , Mike Halbor,
Bill Hewitt, Paul Schumacher
Weight training (L left to right from front. Row l)
Mark Schuch, Ed Ziesemer, John Splitek, John
Anderson, Tony Amadio, Joel Fredericksen (Row
2) Gene Schnuckel, Bill Moore, Jan Fisher, Lyn
Blaney, Roger Petrin, Dick Schmerling , Roger
Wyosnick (Row 3) John Regnery, Gary Nugent,
George Zarovy, Bob Terwall, Jim Wyosnick, Mike
Coshun (Row 4) Tim Verbick, Matt Young, Norm
Mattson, Tom Paone, Pete Smith, David Whitt, Jim
Weight training
The weight training program was designed
to build strength, size, speed, and stam ina .
It provided an act ivity for athletes who
did not go out for a winter sport but still
needed to keep in shape . All sports are
benefited by the results of proper weight
training although the bas ic lifts are geared
to footba 11.
Skiers - Bowlers
Ski club ( U, left to right from front. Row l) Janet
Laken, treasurer, Paula Dunlap, Sandy Henock,
Chuck Shepker, Chris Vincent (Row 2) Laurie Ingraham, Barb Lundskow, Tom Dillman, Janice
Finch, Cindy Paulin, Maggie Knight, Karl Anderson, John Frasier (Row 3) Nancy Turtle, secretary,
Kim Nelson, Kathy Evans, Jody Weiss, Mary Finch,
Dave Matelski, Bill Merrick, vice-president (Row 4)
Boyd Nelsen, Lavonne Krusa, Mike Hughes, Jim
Gourley, president, Kerry Pfieffer, Tom Ambrose,
Joel Weiss, Tom Rothrock, Rhoda Manning, Karen
Johnson Bowlers league ( L left to right from front.
Row l) Gail Haubrich, Karen Obenauf, Cheryl Legler, Kathy Schlitz (Row 2) Carol Perri, Alison Barth, Bernadine Davis, Nancy Lane, Kathleen Pfeiffer
(Row 3) Yvonne Pritchard, Joyce Glerum, Linda
Menge, Judy Pritchard, Gail Pfarr, secretary, Cindy
Kollman (Row 4) Nancy Piehl, Sharon Larson, Melanie Hutchinson, Diane Kelly, Jerri Mason, Debbie
Freeman, Cindy Nolan
Tremper K's do
big clean-up iob
Tremper K's service club, organized this
year, was a profit organization. The club
was hired by other clubs to clean-up the
cafeteria and commons after social
events. Tremper K's cleaned up after
Homecoming, Winterama, and Prom, besides cleaning after other events. Mr .
Warren was the club adviser .
( U left to r ight from front . Row l l Jerry Schneider,
Jack Mann, treasurer, Bob Bougneit, vice -president,
Mark Schuch (Row 2) Dan M i nkus, sergeant-at-arms,
Mike Coshun, Tim Paone, Ron Milanov ic, Tom Leake
(Row 3) Bob McFadden, Tom Paone, secretary,
Andy Calvert, John Hauptman, president, Dave Whitt,
Mike Dyutka ( L) Bob McFadden and Jack Mann clean
up the Commons after a dance.
Badger staters
learn government
Representatives at Badger Boys State
this summer were Tom Crawford, Jerry
Houston and Dick Meltzer. Those chosen
to attend Badger Girls State were Alison
Dowse and Nancy Fennema.
The five-day session for boys at Ripon
College and for girls at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison provided representatives with a knowledge of the structure
and function of government. Badger Boys
and Girls States exist as mythical states
with elected officials.
Courses in common and criminal law,
citizenship classes, and recreation periods were also a part of the program.
Party caucuses before elections were
highlights of the week and concluded with
the inauguration of the governor at the
end of the week.
Badger boys ( U, left to right) Tom Crawford, Dick
Meltzer, Jerry Houston Badger girls ( L, left to
right) Nancy Fennema, Alison Dowse
Lettermen's Club
Lettermen's Club was active this year,
participating in and sponsoring many
activities connected with sports .
In addition to selling pop once a week
during noon hours and selling buttons
with Booster Club, they sponsored a dance
called "Let's Take Salem Out of the
Country." The dance came after the Tremper-Salem basketball game last winter.
(U, left to right from front. Row 1) Doug Paul,
Gene Schnuckel, Don Kitchin, Dave Matelski, Barry
Cross, Dan Apyan, Barney Camponeschi (Row 2)
Steve Katt, Tom Duncan, Peter Johnson, John
Splitek, Mike Capadarco, Ed. St. Peter, Bob Crawford, Dave Fraher, Tom Stefani (Row 3) Doug
Ketchum, Mike Mohall·ey, Jerry Houston, Ed Zydowsky, Dale Kloet, treasurer, Jim Jeselun, Larry
Talley, president, Tom Crawford, Mike Antonacci,
Bill Hewitt, Scott Nelson (Row 4) Hugh Tollack,
Bob Terwall, Matt Young, Rick Reinherz, Pete
Smith, Norm Mattson, Roger Clausen, Jim Fen-
nema, Marty Johnson, Pat Sullivan, John Loss,
Wayne Bosman, Jim McPhaul, Noel Gentz
Honor Society
initiates twice
( U left to right from front . Row l) J . Herbrechtsme ier, K . Ruhle, J . Braun, C. Momper, S. Beren son, A . Harcar ik, secretary, D . Oechler, D . Confort i, H . Berner (Row 2) P . Andreini , J . Dow, A .
Radtke, S. Barton, E . Riley, vice-president, C.
Vandenberg, B. Holladay, G . Dubaniewciz, P. Waite,
C. Langer, C. Andersen, B . Camponeschi, R. Scharnick (Row 3) T . Hosmanek, historian, J . Splitek, B .
Ralph, C. Neitsel, N . Plutchak, A . Dowse, K . Kwic i nsk i, M . Hutchinson, A . Fulmer, B. Fredrick, D .
Wil li ams, R. Conforti , E . Kopf ( Row 4) D . Steiber,
C. Ricciardi , C. Eidsor, L . Apker, D . Broomfield ,
J .E . Lukaszew icz, W . Lawell, L . Burnett, J . Ben nett, K . Lubecke, P. Heckel, S. Lueck, S. Schaffer,
P. Kekic, B. Grewenow (Row 5) D . Apyan, J. la quinta, N . Backlund , J . Houston, M . Mel i n, G. laquinta, R. Reinherz, J . Fennema, J. Loss, T. Schindler, M . Hubbard, V . Nehr, N . Hahn, A. Palmer (L
left to right from front . Row l ) A . Albrecht, M.
Stauder, A . Bokmueller, J . Smith, B. Banerdt (Row
2) C. Spitzer, L . Gangler, P . Knorn , J . Frese, T .
Kahlert (Row 3) W. Ulbr icht, D . Meltzer, G. Dowse,
B. Koos, A . Palmer ( Row 4) K . Anderson, D . Minkus, J . Houston, R. Clausen, T . Donsing , D . Chem erow, president, B. Bucholz
Quill and Scroll
Dr. Robert Tottingham, journalism professor, UW-Madison, spoke on journalism careers at Quill and Scroll's fifth
annual initiation banquet, March 4 at the
Windjammer Restaurant. Mr. Hosmanek,
principal, received a testimonial plaque
for his leadership in scholastic journalism.
Twenty-three students were initiated into
Quill and Scroll during a candlelight ceremony. Allen Fredrickson, a national winner in the photo contest, received a gold
key at the senior honors convocation.
Mrs. Hoeft was the adviser.
(U) Rick Reinherz and Libby Burnett plan the initiation program with Maureen Becker. ( L, left to
right from front. Row 1) Jim Poindexter, Nancy
Paterson, Mickey Finn,
sec-treas., Maureen
Becker, president, Gloria Zicarrelli (Row 2) Ellen
Riley, Pat Waite, Tom Hosmanek, Diane Haney, Tom
Olson, Sherry Petersen, Janice Hadler, Janice Dow
(Row 3) Pat Heckel, Barb Bucholz, Steve Derenchuk,
Bob Vandenberg, Al Fredrickson, Grant Anderson,
Debbie Ivy, Lee Ann Baternik
Debate team
stands resolved
"Resolved: that the United States should
have compulsory service for all citizens"
was this year's debate topic for high
school competition. The affirmative and
negative teams debated on three difficulty
levels in district and state competition.
Four members of the debate team : Geoff
Dowse, Tom Hosmanek, Jim Krampert,
and Ellen Riley went to MacAlester College in Minnesota to compete in regional
competition. Miss Karen Moeller was this
year's debate coach.
Forensics ( U left to right from front . Row 1) Jan ice
Parsons, Betty Rugg , Ellen Ri ley, Anne Spraker,
Miss Moeller (Row 2) Nancy Turtle, Tom Hosmanek,
Carol Bi rkholz, Judy Skurn ick ( Row 3 ) Janice Bennett, Marcia Newman, Karla Wilcox, Chris Kollman,
K i m McNamar ( Row 4) Gary Ha mac heck, Bruce
Ta lion, Parry Heide, Geoff Dowse Debate ( L left
to right from front . Row 1) Miss Moeller, Bill Allen, Mary Singer (Row 2) Geoff Dowse, Syd Mccrorey, Ellen Riley ( Row 3) Denn i s Post, Jim Krampert, Tom Hosmanek
Fields vary
in Forensics
Forensics consists of competing in the
fields of speech. Divisions include anything from plays to acting to extemporaneous speaking. Students give declamations, original oratories, and speeches on
topics of timely concern.
The National Forensics League includes
anyone who has accumulated 25 speaker
points. Degrees of Merit and Honor are
earned after a certain number of points
are received. A formal initiation is held
at the annual banquet.
The state National Forensics League contest was held at WSU-Oshkosh. Miss Moeller coached the Forensics team.
National Forensics League ( U left to right from
front. Row l) Anne Spraker, Doreen Conforti, Nancy
Turtle, Betsy Rugg (Row 2) Mary Singer, Ellen
Riley, Tom Hosmanek, Dennis Post, Carol Birkholz (Row 3) Parry Heide, Dan Minkus, Jim Krampert, Bruce Tallon, Geoff Dowse (LL) Carol Birkholz gives her declamation, a dramatization from
Alice in Wonderland .
(LR) Kris Anderson and Jerry Matthews vividly act
out two roles.
Mighty Draeger
Art Players
The Mighty Draeger Art Players evolved
from the 4B homeroom activities representatives . The majority of the acts the
Players presented were satirical com edies . They were a voluntary group who
wrote, cast, d i rected , and produced all of
their own material. Mr . Draeger, Student
Act i vit i es Director, served as their
adviser .
The Players had two acts in the Variety
show, were in charge of the Spring Festival Variety Show, and held several noon
homeroom assemblies .
( U left to right from front . Row l ) J . Herbrechtsme ier, C. Mondraw ickas, J . Herbrectsmeier, A.
Barth, B. Shuemate, J . Chr i sty, A. Spraker ( Row 2)
N . Lane, R. Keh l, G . Hansche, E . Wood, M . Wood,
N . Upr ight, C. Brandt, J . Gebhardt (Row 3) J . Heide,
C. B i rkholz, R . Manning, N . Gentz, D . Tribur, K .
Gombar, M . F i nn, student director, T . Rutkowski
( Row 4) W. Ulbric ht, S. Benton, G . Dowse, D . Ketchum, M . P i as, G. Anderson, W . Birkholz, W.
Loef ler
Geoff Dowse, as Mr . Grant, looks over a madhouse Tremper during the Spring Festival variety
Drampers play
variety of roles
Drampers, members of the school drama
club, were clowns in the Homecoming
parade. They sponsored the "Big Brute"
contest, another Homecoming activity.
The student body chose Ed Zydowsky as
"Big Brute" for 1968-69. The club also
presented the tableaux for the annual
Christmas concert.
Mr. Lawler directed the all-school play,
"Wait Until Dark," with student director
Esther Kopf. Mrs. Murphy conducted
workshop meetings. Mr. Lawler and Mrs.
Murphy served as advisers to the club.
(U left to right from front. Row l) Diane Dona is,
JoAnne Brandes, vice-president, Linda Foote, Suzanne Sikora, Mr . Lawler (Row 2) Cindy Brandt,
Maureen Becker, Laurie Ingraham (Row 3) Suzanne
Davis, Lynell Nielsen, Barb Hunt, secretary, Kathy
Rohrer, Sue Modder, treasurer (Row 4) Jamie Heide,
Jerry Mathews, Peter Heide, Eric Moore, president, Debbie Tribur
( L) Eric Moore and Barb Hunt practice applying
make-up to JoAnne Brandes.
Classic records
year's advances
The 1969 Classic staff worked hard to produce a book-Classic. Journalism workshops and planning sessions resulted in
new ideas such as a student designed
cover, a bigger book, effective use of
color, and mosaic layouts. The theme,
"Tremper students extend their world,"
was designed to show how Tremper students take advantage of wider opportunities . The staff tried to capture the mood
of the 1969 Tremper school year.
Of course, the staff suffered the usu a I
setbacks, financial worries, and deadline
panic. Late afternoons and all-day Saturdays become common as everyone worked
to the last minute to meet the deadlines.
But, as is the case with every yearbook,
the end result was well worth the hours
( UL) Ellen Riley asks Mrs . Hoeft's advice on a
certain caption . ( UR ) Barb Grewenow types the
final copy of a subscription form . ( LR) Tom Olsen
and Judy Hains work on a sports layout.
(U) Co-editors Libby Burnett and Barb Bucholz
confer on Lee Ann Baternik's layout. (L, left to
right from front. Row l) Janet Johnson, Judy Smith,
Nancy Paterson, Gloria Ziccarelli (Row 2) Pat
Martin, Nancy Dumesic, Sue Hlavata, Courtney
Lettsome (Row 3) EI len Riley, Chris Huffman,
Janice Hadler, Barb Grewenow, Sue Tredup (Row
4) Candy Smith, Pat Heckel, Janet Koroscik, Lee
Ann Baternik, Judy Hains (Row 5) Libby Burnett,
Dan Werve, Gordon Krogh, Steve Derenchuk, Tom
Olsen, Barb Bucholz.
News Bureau-PA
News Bureau d i ssem i nated news, features, and photographs for local newspapers and radio stat ions . The news had
to be written separately for each source
because of the different type of media
used .
The news bureau director, Pat Ingraham,
wrote a five minute newscast aired weekly
at the end of the New Voice Radio show .
P .A. announcers tried many different
ways to catch the students' attention for
the morning announcements. Music, skits,
and continuing serials brightened up
mornings for the sleepy-eyed students .
( U ) Tom Thomsen, Tom Rothrock, Larry Lemke,
Doug Ketchum, and Sally Antes meet to plan a radio
show . News Bureau ( L left to right) Tom Thomsen, Jack Mann, Pat Ingraham, director, John
New Voice goes
outside school
The New Voice, Tremper ' s student radio
program, was aired every Saturday morning from 10 to 10 : 30 on WAXO- FM .
A radio meeting was held every Monday
during 48 lunch shift . Students discussed
shows to be produced and any problems
that might arise . It was decided at this
meeting which show would be aired the
coming Saturday .
Some of the music shows featured this
year included the Jefferson Airplane,
the Beatles, J imi Hendrix, and the New
Christy Minstrels . There were panel
discussions on drugs, teachers, athletics,
war, and civil rights . The staff interviewed Richard Nixon, George Wallace,
Sen. McCarthy, and Nguyen Hoan, the
ambassador from South Vietnam .
Radio staff ( U left to right ) Maureen Becker, program director, J i m Poindexter, chief tec hnician,
Pat Ingraham, Phil Livingston, Lynn Schmale, Steve
Derenchuk, Jim Crawford, D . H. Post ( L) Tom Hosmanek, newscaster, and Ellen Riley, program d irector, produce another New Vo ice rad io show .
Tempest reports
This year the Tempest published a weekly
newspaper for the first full year. The
Tempest then covered more news events
on national, state, and local levels. Events
of the Democratic Convention and the astronauts' visit to Chicago were reported,
and interviews with George Wallace, Richard Nixon, William Proxmire, Bronson
La Follette, and Doc Severinson were
featured .
The Tempest launched an editorial campaign asking for a more lenient curfew in
Kenosha. This was concluded when the
city Council passed an amendment to the
curfew ordinance.
(U , left to right from front . Row l) Barb Shuemate,
Jo Anne Brandes, Tom Hosmanek, Karen Kaeppler,
Caryl Johns, Janice Christy, Jan Malcewicz (Row
2) Pat Mayer, Maureen Becker, Paul Lomartire,
Micky Finn, Pat Waite, Pat Ingraham (Row 3) Pat
Martin, Rhoda Manning , Debbie Ivy, Luanne Brown,
Denise Pfaff, Kathy Mattson, Carl Vieth ( Row 4)
Steve Blankenship, Steve Derenchuk, Dave Fredrickson, Neil Sorenson, Allen Fredrickson, Andy
Murphy, Grant Anderson, Ron Colson (LR) Pat
Waite uses the Tempest office for extra-curricular
activities .
(U) The Tempest staff works as a team. (LC)
Printer Dave Slovnik receives deadline material
from co-editors Caryl Johns and Tom Hosmanek .
(LL) Denise Pfaff tries out for Maureen Becker ' s
position as bus i ness manager . ( LR ) Jan Christy
works on art layouts for the paper .
German club
The German club sponsored the showing
of a movie called "Trip Through Scandinavia." The movie was open to all
Tremper students and was financed by
a bake sale held previously and by admission charged before entering the
Tremper auditorium. At Christmas time,
the club had a party featuring Mr. Krueger, the club adviser, as Santa Claus.
To raise money, the club sold stuffed
animals of various sizes and prices for
Valentine's Day and Spring Festival. The
final banquet was held at a German
( U, left to right from front. Row 1) Pat Studtmann,
Karen Binnie, Doris Jung, Jack Cody, Amber Radtke, corr . secretary, Barb Kuehl, Barb Zuberbuehler, Cynthia Brandt, Nancy McBride, Carol Malkmus (Row 2) Kurt Nassauer, Kathy Leipzig, Jerry
Jurksaitis, Kerry Frese, Jeff Koch, Rocky Maffit,
historian, Mike Balk, Jay Fisher, president, Gayle
Burlingham, Paul Schneider (Row 3) Steve Knight,
Barb Hegyera, Margaret Jung, Nat Evanoff, Dave
Broomfield, Darryl Bose, Forrest Wells, Julie
Frese, rec . secretary, Jeff Kneipper, Marie Guelzow, vice-president (Row 4) Sharon Fenn, Steve
Blankenship, Sandi Benton, historian, Tom Rothrock,
Brian Schroeder, Tom Lober, Dan Koroscik, Bob
Bisiorek, Dennis Schmidt, Doug Stein, Kay Helwig,
Dave Scharneck, Rhonda Scharnick ( L) German club,
with the other language clubs, built the "Trojan
Triumph ."
Spanish club
Viaj es Amigo
Hotel San franc· ·o
Spanish club, with German and French
clubs, built a Homecoming float, Trojan
Triumph. The club showed a movie, open
to the public, called "Journey Through
Spain," shown in the Tremper auditorium.
A Christmas party, complete with pinatas
and Mexican wedding cakes to add foreign
flavor was their next activity . On January
31, the club sponsored a dance, "Frito
Bandito," following the Bradford-Tremper basketball game . In late March, the
club traveled to Milwaukee to enjoy a
Mexican dinner and then a play at Mount
Mary College. Mrs. Commodore, Miss
Lloyd, and Miss Olson were the club's
(UL, left to right from front . Row 1) Kathy Linderman, secretary, Carol Gundlach, Julie Block (Row
2) Rita Simons, Janis Heck, Linda Safago, Sue Schaufel (Row 3) Sue Barrows, Sue Davis, Marla Breach,
Mary Wiegand, treasurer. (Row 4) Julie Eells, Kathy
Sullivan, Gail Sively, Pam Mosher, vice -president,
Dan Minkus, Laurie Volk, president (UR, left to
right from front . Row 1) Wendy Meyer, Janet Johnson, Pam Adreieni (Row 2) Janet Petrik, A never
Harcarik, Pam Kessler, Donna Farrington (Row 4)
Gayl Manthei, Julia Broker, Carol Christensen, Sue
Sharp, Janis Dow (Row SJ Claud ia Gregory, Glenn
Rugg, Diane Haney, Denise Pfaff, Jean Weber
( Ll The seven members of the spring vacation trip
to Mexico display their "Welcome" sign .
Echo and French
Echo: ( U left to right from front. Row l) Jerri
Kraemer, Carolyn Campbell, Karen Totts, Carol
Malkmus (Row 2) Linda Safago, Janis Dow, editor;
Kent Kozina, Theresa Scholfield, Narees Socha,
Mark Silverberg (Row 3) Pat Mayer, Karen Klinkerfuss, Sue Schauffel, Jean Dibble, Anne Worthington
(Row 4) Christine Kollman, Bob Cesario, Diane
Haney, treasurer; Karla Wilcox, secretary; Robin
May, Roger Wyosnick, Dennis Post French Club:
(L left to right from front. Row l) Wendy Lawell,
Elise Smith, vice-president;
Gombar, president; Pat Waite, treasurer (Row 2)
Marna Zehms, Phyllis Barber, Sandy Larson,
Carolyn Campbell, Pamela James, Ruthanne Mosely, Cathy Luska, Sue Kennedy (Row 3) Gail Stieber, Judy Williams, Janice Parsons, Cherie Berenson, Pat Mayer, Cindy Gray, Connie Kausalik,
Jody Clinge, Narees Socha, Sharon Goff, Catherine
Hopkins (Row 4) Darca Wouster, Cynthia Ausse,
Diane Russo, Caryn Johnson, Jody Weiss, Mary
McDermott, Pat Hanzalik, Vickie Flocker, Sue
Tredup, Maggie Knight, Kathy Larson (Row 5) Sue
Modder, Anita Bokmueller, Dana Williams, Dorothy Lutter, Bonnie Sparks, Eric Moore, Leon
Pascucci, Jack Huissen, Andy Murphy, Helen Nietupski, Sheila Last, Karen Petersen, Mary Posselt
Booster club
rounds up fans
Booster Club promoted school spirit and
interest in various school activities during the year . Bus trips to football and
basketball games away from Tremper
highlighted the year . The club sponsored
a dance, "Little Brown Jug, " sold school
spirit pins, and held numerous bake sales .
(U , left to right from front . Row l ) Sandy Krogh,
Sandy Larson, June Wa lters, Debbie Wicklund,
Joyce Kloet ( Row 2) Dru Oechler, Kathy Larson,
Debbie Drissel , Kathy Burby, Ann Terrien ( Row 3)
Anever, Harcarik, corr . secretary ; Mary Ann Misurell i, Jan is Heck, Mary Posselt, Janet Petr ick,
Carol Gundlach (Row 4) Marie Romano, Pat Heckel,
Kathy DeWitt, vice president ; N ita Hahn, Debby Ivy,
president ; Mary Wiegand, treasurer ; Karen Petersen { L ) Bob McFadden helps Debby Ivy run the
Booster club booth at Spr i ng Fest ival.
(U, left to right from front. Row l) Susan Barrows,
Karen Petersen, Marna Zehms, Anne Spraker, Heidi
Behnke (Row 2) Bob Cesario, Randi Landgren,
Sandy Larson, Gail Dubaniewicz, Tracie Thomas,
Tom Tatman, Judy Smith (Row 3) Barbara Banerdt,
Steve Vogel, Pat Waite, Dave Westphal, Kathy
Larso:i, Dave Whitt, Cathy Vandenberg, Nathaniel
Evanoff, Pam Kessler, Nancy Fennema, Gail Sivley,
Tom Leake, Mark Slobodianuk (Row 4) Deborah
Drissel, Lynn Harmon, Kathleen Rohrer, Cheryl
Anderson, Linda Staude, Richard Reinherz, Steve
Larsen, Jim Sorenson, Glenn Rugg, Hugh Tollack,
1 14
Frank Hasewander, Dennis Voelz, Bob Anderson,
Ronald Fisher, Randy Bouton, Randy Zeth, Charles
Frieman, Chip Clausen, Michael Scherr, Buzz
Bonacci , Sherolyn Lueck . (Row 5) Steve Burman,
Diane Wasser, Marcia Newman, Jeff Christman ,
Frederick Wenger, Larry Lemke, Joseph Ledanski,
Kenneth Wilkinson, Michael Sturino, Kim Nelson,
Gary Arnett, Sanford Kennedy, Dennis Schmidt,
Gary Hamachek, Forrest Wells, Michael Verbick,
Janice Braun, Sandra Covington, Karen Sivley,
Barb Serton, Linnea Vogler, Susan Weise, Renee
Rizzo, Kristine Vincent, Mary Posselt, Paula
Braun , Patricia Harmon, Joan Tredon
Band splits and
wins high honors
A new sound was added this year to the
music department. Composed mainly of
upperclassmen, the Tremper Symphonic
Band completed its first year with a new
Awards won by the combined bands included: first place-Milwaukee Stage Band
Contest; first place and outstanding band
award-Harvard Milk Day parade; first
place-Cedarburg Festival of Music; best
color guard, best inspection score, and
second place-Plainfield, 111. Midwest Music Contest; first place, best marching
best colorguard-Kenosha Music
Round-Up; first place-Sundee contest,
Sundee, Ill.; first place, best color guard,
best inspection
Fair contest.
A highlight of their summer was a trip
to Canada and Niagra Falls .
The school year brought halftime drill,
rallies, and the Homecoming Parade .
The band received A ratings in the Wisconsin School Music Association . In
March, the stageband presented the variety
show in which it played the music for all
the numbers.
The Symphonic band completed the season
with its annual spring concert and the
Kenosha Memorial Day Parade .
Band, color guard
represent school
Because of Tremper's growing student
body, many students were interested in
participating in the band program. The
talent was divided and two bands were
formed, one of them being the Concert
Band .
This year's Concert Band participated in
pep assemblies, football games, Homecoming festivities, and their winter concert. Spring was highlighted with their
annual Spring Concert. The Concert Band
ended its 1968-69 year by combining with
the Symphonic Band to march in the Memorial Day Parade .
During the summer, the Colorguard re-
hearsed drills under the supervision of
the color sergeant Janice Braun . They
introduced the bands in parades . The
Colorguard performed with the band at
the annual Band -0-Rama at Lakefront
Stadium .
Concert band ( U left to right from front . Row l)
s. Kennedy, P. Novak, L . Hoffman, K . Kuessow, G .
Sipsma (Row 2) M . Earnest, C. Jones, D . Stielow,
J. Menges, C. Minkowski, M. Landgren, S. Williams,
M . Boubonis, S. Davis (Row 3) J . Regnery, J . Peterman, C. Fisher, D . Speaker, J . Loss, L . Pascucci,
L . Ingraham, C. Gray, K . O'Neil, V . Ameche, S.
Hoaglan, D . Heg, P. Spraker, M . Finch (Row 4) L.
Blaney, R. Dodd , B. Nelson, B. Vanderpoel , P.
Brooker, D . Rohrer, M . Kessler, B. Helgesen, J .
Kaiser, L . Buckner, R. Coffelt, M . Westplate, D .
Lueck, C. Neu, D . MacKay, M. Coshun, D . Scheve,
E . Fritz, G. Hagen, K. Krehbiel , M. Behr, M . Scharnberg, T. Tuttle, L . Ebert (Row 5) L . Valentine,
R. Lawson, C. Schepker, C. Millholland, F. Olzewski, W . Wagnitz, M . Grabot, R . Schmerling Color
guard ( L left to right from front . Row l l Chris
Vincent, Sue Weiss, Pat Harmon, Paula Braun (Row
2) Cheryl Covington, Karen Sivley, Barb Sexton,
Linnea Vogler, Renee Rizzo, Mary Posselt, Janice
Braun, Joanie Tredon
Sophomore mixed
choir offers ta lent
Hami lton, L. Hansche, V . Kelps, P . Dissmore (Row
3) J . Frankenburg, J . Cherny, L. Zarletti , E . Hansen, R. Heg, G. Van Bendegom, M . Wakefield , M .
Drissel , J . Buskirk (Row 4) B. Dober, A . Murphy,
R. Lienau, K . Kuehn! , D . Pederson, S. Fitzgerald ,
J . Badtke, G . Kalvonjian, M . Sockness, L . Pedersen
(Upper left to right from front . Row 1) J . Schlosser,
V . Franzen, C. Serpe, C. Busche, A . Riccardi, S.
Bedford, A. Brandt, A . Barth, L . Gosnall ( Row 2)
D. Zarletti, J . Riccio, P . Carlson, J . Lill, M . Oechler, K. Evans, D. Kreuser, M. Spiers, J . Hawkins,
( Row 3) D . Brown, T . Blasi , D. Truax, B. Wilkinson,
D. St . John, M . Sorensen, M. Adelson, D. Clark, K .
Kreuser (Row 4) S. Sharp, B. Moore, R. Lawson, S.
Wineland, R. Knitter, G . Nugent, G . Hapanowicz, B.
Hansen, M . Spallato (Lower left to right from front .
Row 1) D . Farrington, K . Brand, K . Nuutinen, D .
Harper, S. Antonacci, C. Londo, K . Casebolt, J .
Pfeiffer, T . Vogel. (Row 2) S. Bosman, J . Mason,
K . Olufs, R. Gianeselli, L. Roemer, L. Dyutka, V .
Concert orchestra leads active year
The Concert Orchestra concluded another
active year with its concert at graduation .
" Doc" Severinsen highlighted the year
as guest soloist with the orchestra in its
two mid-winter concerts . The four -day
Canadian tour in May served to expand
the reputation of the orchestra and of
Tremper past national boundaries .
Dr . Lucien Cailliet's orchestrations of
many noted works made it possible for the
Tremper orchestra to world premiere
several works before publication and to
premiere several in Canada as well.
The spring concert featured four orchestra members in solo spots including the
first organ solo on the Tremper stage .
The National Orchestra Award was presented by the Western Kiwanis Club to
Sharon Berenson .
11 8
Orchestra members
(Left to right Row l)
Sharon Berenson
Janet Petrik
Anaver Harcarik
Karen Queen
Dru Oechler
Karen Klinkerfuss
Kathy Sullivan
Dave Scharneck
Terry Kahlert
Marilyn Vogler
Karen Pawlowski
Pat Studtma nn
Steve Katt
Betty Poppe
Gail Dubaniewicz
Ellen Wood
Sue Barrows
Marna Zehms
Anne Spraker
Heidi Behnke
Maria lgnjatovic
Julie Eells
Chris Lober
John Kangas
Tom Hosmanek
Charlotte Jung
Bruce Engstrom
Lindy Johnson
Dianne Fish
Candy McKay
Yvonne Walker
Jason Myers
Rita Simons
Pat Waite
Bob Cesario
Judy Smith
Tom Tatman
Gordon Krogh
Eugene Wenger
Robert Sanders
John Shearer
Laura Fox
Stephanie Yurchak
Sharon Burkoth
Kevin Zimany
Bob Warrender
Gary Gardner
David Witt
Cathy Vandenberg
Forrest Evanoff
Pam Kessler
Debbie Roseth
Cathy Totts
Eugene Desotel I
Gail Guttormsen
Lynn Misch
Carol Wood
Mike Sturino
Kim Nelson
Gary Arnett
Jay Kennedy
Dennis Voelz
Frank Haselwander
Glenn Rugg
Hugh Toi lack
Gary Hamachek
Tim Verbick
Forrest Wells
Larry Lemke
William Frank
Jim Garramone
Karen Totts
Dan Apyan
Pat Shelley
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Choirs sing
A Cappella ' s Spring Concert was held May
28 this year . T.he music ranged from the
, 16th through the 20th centuries . At this
concert the National School Choral Award
and the Choir Boosters Scholarship were
presented to Kitty Moses ..
The choir sang at the Lake Geneva Festival
and at West Allis. They also sang at the
Christmas and Homecoming assemblies
and at the Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs .
The Girl's Chorus, composed of juniors
and seniors; was very active this year.
In December they participated in the annual
Christmas concert, in March they entered
the district contest, and in May, along
with the Sophomore Mixed Choir, they
presented a spring concert. The Girl's
Chorus was under the direction of Mr.
Kurt Chalgren.
A Cappella Choir (U, left to right from front. Row
1) S. Azzolina, J . Meltzer, C. Owens, P . Streck,
C. Jensen, P . Maedke, C. Toigo, L . Aker, J. Botz,
B . Rugg, C. Andersen, K . Jensen, K. Moses, D.
Perrone, N. Montemurro, D . Cooper, V . Leenhardt, (Row 2) S. Rheaume, N . Behr, K'. Sullivan,
K . Mecozzi, W . Lawell, D . Spiers, L . Romaine, C.
Fryer, K . McNamar, J . · Frese, D . Carlson, C.
O'Mara, B . La.well, H . Backe, P . Engdahl , J . Wayne,
(Row 3) E . Reimer, D. · Holmes, _K . Schmidt, B.
Tullis, G . Schnuckel, R. Johnson, D. Schaumberg,
B. Andersen, J . Phillipson, E . Piehl, J . Mathews,
J . Pederson, A . Schneeberger, D. Kitchin, M . Lang ,
G . Johnson (Row 4) M . McDermott, D. Coulter,
G . Anderson, T . Gascoigne, D . Woodman, M . Macak,
J . Guelzow, A. Calvert, J . Margetson, J. Huff, J.
Kriz, D . Jensen, S. Laybourn, W . Bradley, D.
Wallace, C. Smolinski. Girl's Chorus ( L left to
right from front . Row 1) D . Mclean, K . Robertson,
B. Guzman, J . Thompson, P . Markes, P. Gray, C.
Bower, N. Socha, C. Meltesen, P. Smith (Row 2)
K . Peterson, E . Johnston, R. Andre, B. Blank, S.
Barton, P . Francart, M . Posselt, B. Netzer, V .
Yarbrough, L. Mackaben, N . Briggs (Row 3) M .
Stauder, J . Weber, S. Mantuano, D . -Bruner, K .
Helwig, K. Scholey, L . Hawkins, N . Russell, D.
Williams, L. Burkee .
Pool assistants ( UL left to r ight from front . Row l)
B. Richards, J. Roberts, L . Seaman, P . Dunlap, T.
Richards (Row 2) B. Rugg, D. Guttormsen , K . Evans,
M . F i nn, N . Turtle, J . Gebhardt (Row 3) J . Finch, L .
Spauld i ng, R. Manning, J . Hawkins, P. Knorn, S.
Last ( Row 4) M . Poltrock, J . Heide, K . Toots, A .
Romaine, K . Anderson, J . Korosc i k, G. Haubrich
Gym assistants ( UR left to right from front . Row l )
S. Hollister, K . Schmidt, M . Zehms, C. Cornell
(Row 2) D . Merrick, N . McBride, C. Legler, J .
Herbrechstmeier (Row 3) L. Foote, K. Kloster, A .
Popp, P . Tews, D . Gonzales (Row 4) J. Herbrechtsmeier, L . Seaman, P . Waite, W . Peterson, C.
Spence, B. Guzman (Row 5) C. Bower , D . Goos, L.
Harmon, G . Picken, D . Wasser, D . Drissel , J . Roberts (Row 6) B . Lundskow, M . Vogler, M . A . Madison, P . Hanzalik, K . Apker, L . Galbraith, S. Hoff
(Row 7) S. Last, C. Hess, N . Carlson , T . Thomas,
A. Walker, K . Mattson, J . Hessefort, M . Hutchinson,
C. Ketterhagen
Assistants help
teachers, students
Science lab assistants (UL left to right from front.
Row l) Diane Wasser, Howard Berner, Cindy Paulin (Row 2) Billie Holladay, John Splitek, Nancy Turtle (Row 3) Kathy Kwicinski, Dan Apyan, Jeff Koch,
Ray Brenneman (Row 4) Jill .Pautz, William Koos,
Esther Kopf (Row 5) Chris Eidsor, Tom Duncan,
Otis Childers, Marcia Newman Driver's ed. assistants (UR left to right from front. Row l) Sue
Weise, Kathleen Nuutinen (Row 2) Linda Paschall ,
Janis Dow (Row 3) Lee Christianson, Ken Kreusher,
Jan Fisher Language lab assistants ( L left to right
from front. Row l) Pam Andreini, Kathy Linderman,
Lenay Grimmer, Marie Guelzow (Row 2) Gail Sivley, Sue Schaufel, Kathy DeWitt, Rita Simons (Row
3) Laurie Volk, Roy Hansen, Tom Lober, Bob Bisiorek (opposite page) Physical education assistants
(L left to right from front. Row 1) D. Barnett, H.
Gately, S. Knight, C. Drucktines, R. Foster, L. Mon teen, J . Garcia, D. Kitchin, J . Fisher, M . Sokol, D.
Bertog, W . Anderson, S. Rickli, (Row 2) G. Arnett,
M. Parker, J . Fratrick, J. Peterson, J. Renzoni, J .
Anderson, E. St. Peter, S. Wick, J . Pelishek, R.
Pate, J . Mann, P. Johnson, R. Kussow (Row 3) T .
Brennen, K . Merritt, M . Capadarco, T . Paone, J .
Phillipson, W . Krupinski, L . Talley, J . Cummings,
J. Pate, M. Antonacci, J . Houston, M . Paulin, R.
Jacobs, R. Belliveau, J. Splitek (Row 4) D. Kloet,
M. Young. E. Werve, M . Falk, D . Schmitz, N. Mattson, M . Fessenden, R. Clausen, E . Clausen, K .
Roemer, P . Sullivan, M . Pias, R. Malcewicz, P .
Petri, M. Hawley
Hi-Style clicks
With newly elected officers, Hi -Style was
set for an active year . In the fall , members worked on their Homecoming float
jointly with Hi-Y . The theme was " Case
Dismissed ."
The winter months meant preparation for
the annual style show . Set to the theme of
"Dear Santa, I Want ... , " the style show
included winter sportswear as well as
formal attire. In mid-January, Hi-Style
participated in Winterama's ice-sculpturing contest .
The main spring activity was the Spring
Festival, in which Hi-Style sponsored a
Mickey Mouse toss .
( U, left to r ight from front . Row 1) Cheryl Covington, Sue Schepker, president - 1st sem ., Carol Gundlach, corr . sec.-2nd sem ., Daryl Gutormsen, Kay
Robertson, rec. secretary - 2nd sem ., Connie Cornell (Row 2) Linn Lauzon, Sandy Williamson, Pat
Waite, vice-president- 2nd sem ., Carol Anderson,
Nancy Dumeslc, Karen Ruhle, Cathy Burby (Row
3) Jan Petrik, Pat Mayer, Esther Kopf, Dana Wil-
1 24
Iiams, Karen Gombar, Pat Heckel, Barb Grewenow,
rec . secretary - 1st sem., (Row 4) Dolores Gentz,
Jill Pautz, Debbie Ivy, Barb Pucholz, corr . secretary-1st sem ., president-2nd sem. , Sandy Benton,
treasurer-1st sem ., Lee Ann Baternik, treasurer 2nd sem ., Pam Vanwie, vice -president-1st sem .,
Mary Kirkwood (L) Barb Bucholz runs an efficient
meeting .
Hi-Y sells candy
Hi-Y was a boy's service club which met
every other Tuesday evening at 6 :30. Their
major projects were selling candy and
Pepsi at all home games, sending post
cards to people with guest passes telling
them of important events, sending out
parent' s newsletters, and providing for a
scholarship .
"Case Dismissed " was their float in the
Homecoming Parade . At Spring Festival
they had the Belly-Painting Booth,
Mr. Darula and Mr. Petterson were the
advisors .
(U , left to r ight from front . Row l ) Courtney Lettsome, John Shearer, treasurer-1st sem ., Jerry
Witt, Mark
sem . (Row 2) Carl Vieth, Keith Tallon, Bruce
Engstrom, parl iamentar ian, Pat Shelly, secretary2nd sem ., Dennis Schmidt, John Herbrechtsmeier,
treasurer-2nd sem . (Row 3) Tom Hosmanek,
sergeant-at-arms-2nd sem ., John Badtke, Tom
Rutkowski, Mike Frank, secretary - 1st sem ., Ed
P iehl, · pres ident - 1st sem ., Ron Colson, Bruce
Tallon, Dan Koroscik, Jim Kriz, president-2nd
sem ., Chuck Badtke (L ) Larry Talley and Jim
Kriz discuss the club ' s affa irs .
Sub-Deb serves
New projects for Sub- Deb were food baskets and gifts for a needy family at
Christmas in addition to their annual winter formal , "Some Enchanted Evening ."
The club cleaned the trophy case and prepared a bulletin board for year-round
sports . During Spring Festival they sold
candy in crystal jars at an old-fashioned
candy kitchen . The year ended with the
faculty tea, sponsored annually by the club .
CU left t o righ t from front. Row l ) S. Hoff, J . Christy, K . Rudy, R. Mose ley, C. Busche, J. Kennedy, S.
W i ll iams ( Row 2) L . Martell, D . Conforti , D . Stiela i, L . Galbra ith, P. Streich, S. Larsen, J . Herbrechtsmeier, C. Owens, J . Sm ith, A . Riccard i, S.
Antonacci ( Row 3) G. Subanowick, J . Johnston, V .
Yarbrough, J . Jensen, L . Demske, K . Larson, D .
Smith, K. Robinson, R. Strangberg , G . Ziccarelli,
C. Wood ( Row 4) L . Schne ider, A. St. Peter, P.
Thomas, V . Ke l ps, M . Romano, E . Wood , N . Fen nema, T . Kah lert, L . Holton, S. Chemerow, J .
D i bble, N. Pitts, P. Tenuta ( Row 5) J . Gebhart, T .
Thomas, K . Sullivan, L. Haycraft, P. Mosher, K .
Kaepe ll er, S. Bosman, A . Dowse, N . Carlson, D.
Zembrowski , V . Anderson, K . Pawlowski , B. Holladay Sub-Deb officers ( L left to right from front .
Row l ) Julie Gebhardt, rec . secretary-2nd sem .;
Ruth Moseley, vice-president-1st semester; Marie
Romano, rec. secretary-1st sem ., corr . secretary
- 2nd sem . ( Row 2) Judy Smith, treasurer ; Tracie
Thomas, vice-president - 2nd sem .; Doreen Conforti , president
Key club helps
Key Club's main project was its annual
Christmas basket drive, which took place
during the two weeks preceding Christmas vacation. Members promoted the
drive, as each homeroom filled the baskets full of a variety of unperishable
goods. The club members distributed the
goods personally to needy families in the
Kenosha County area. Key Club held a
dance to raise money for their treasury.
They also helped the Kiwanis Club present their Annual Pancake and Porky Day.
(U left to right from front. Row l) Fred Hartley,
John Frasier, Don Kitchen, Jerry Mathews, Frank
Carmichael, Allan Palmer, Doug Duncan, Barney
Camponeschi, secretary, (Row 2) Ron Conforti,
Peter Johnson, Tom Duncan, vice president, Grant
Anderson, Jim Krampert, Dave Chemerow, treasurer, Dave Matelski (Row 3) Bob Bisiorek, Tom
Donsing, John Kangas, Tom Schindler, president
Steve Schindler, Jack Huissen, John Hauptman, John
Phillipson (L) Doug Duncan and John Frasier bring
the outdoor announcement board up to date.
Publications sold
in homerooms
Classic salesmen ( U left to right from front. Row
l) Ruth Benson, Chancy Serpe, Eileen Hollenbeck,
Cindy Gray, Colette Jones, Lynn Demske, Debbie
Waugus, Donna Mclean (Row 2) Barb Cody, Paula
Markes, Barb Lundskow, Kathy McCormick, Sue
Batt, Gayle Burlingham, Barb Hunt, Theodore Paone, Linda Galbraith, Nancy Paterson, Debbie Cooper (Row 3) Marie Guelzow, Sue Chemerow, Pat
Spraker, Mary Posselt, Karen Petersen, Carol
Bogdala, Sue Scuffham, Janice Hadler, Chris Huffman, Janis Dow (Row 4) Connie Kol mos, Dave Wei ner, Christine Kollman, Janet Koroscik, Lavonne
Krusa, John Kangas, Barbara Bucholz, Judy Hains,
David Grasser, Marcia Popµe, Lynn Scnuck Tempest
salesmen (L left to right from front . Row 1) Carol
Gundlach, Anita Smith, Mickey Finn, Shirley lsengay, Mary Siebert (Row 2) JoAnne Brandes, Diane
Russo, Carol Busche, Courtney Lettsome, Colette
Jones (Row 3) Linda Galbraith, Gayle Pfarr, Linda
Michaelis, Betsy Rugg, Connie Kausalik (Row 4)
Carol Vieth, Jean Weber, Ken Adam, Dave Weiner,
Cynthia Ausse (Row 5) Linda Wilkomm, Kathy Mattson, Alison Dowse, Marla Breach, Loren Breach
(Row 6) Renee Holden, Karen Kaeppeler, Patti
Forbes, Chris Scholey, LuAnne Brown, Rhoda
Manning, Sharon McCormick (Row 7) Mike Tishuk,
Jim Wyosnik, John Kangas, Rick Reinherz, Keith
Corso, Dave Fredrickson, Margaret Jung
Red Cross helps
with ti me, energy
During the summer months, Red Cross
members taught swimming to local children at three inland lakes. The i r work
continued thru the school year as they
collected 200 dozen cookies for the war
veterans at Downey Hospital. They also
worked with United Migrant Opportunities
in teaching Engl i sh to the workers . A
fund-raising drive was held thru the
homerooms to contribute to a disaster
chest which was then sent to a disasterstricken area .
Red Cross members sell pick les at Spring Festi val.
Red Cross ( U left to r ight from front . Row l ) D .
Wi lkinson, C. Volpentesta, K. Robertson, P. Tews,
J. Will i ams, K . Talman, V . Boyle, S. lsengay. ( Row
2) S. Larson, C. Perr i, C. Hopk i ns, B. Thompson,
C. Minkowsk i, R. Ancev ic, A . Burt, L . Schneider,
G. Ziccarelli, K . Rudy . (Row 3) M . A . Misurelli, B.
Halcomb, J . Braun, secretary, M . Vogler, treasurer, J . Roberts, N . Turtle, S. Kuna th, M . Becker,
D. Zarletti, N . Briggs . ( Row 4) J . Godlewski, W.
Peterson, P. Engdahl, vice-pres ident, J . Bennett,
D . Carlson, P. Mink, K . McNamar, S. Grosjean, C.
O'Mara, R. Manning, M . Finn .
Tremper Teens
Although Tremper Teens' main event of
the year was Sadie Hawkins, they were involved in other worthwhile endeavers
such as their support of a war orphan in
Korea and the distribution of food baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Bake
sales and car washes provided operating
capital. New members were given a formal candlelight initiation. A house to
house progressive dinner was held, and
a senior banquet ended the year.
(U left to right from front. Row l) Vivane Leenhardt, Barb Banerdt, Meta Kuessow, cor. secretary, Dru Oechler, rec. Secretary, Linnea Vogler,
Jan Heck, Nancy Montemurro, Pat Harmon, Debbie
Cobern. (Row 2) Anne Spraker, Lynn Harmon, Renee
Rizzo, Debbie Drissel, Mary Posselt, Sue Barton,
Pat Spraker, Cathy Vandenberg, Sue Weise, Kris
Vincent. (Row 3) Nancy Turtle, Jan Braun, president, Marilyn Vogler, Pat Kekic, Rita Simons, Jean
Sinclair, vice-president, Carla Ricciardi, Karen
Petersen, Gail Johnson, Laurie lngrham. (Row 4)
Judy Skurnick, Mary McDermott, Wendy Lawell,
treasurer, Jane Hessefort, Debbie Congdon, Kris
Anderson, Kathy Kuessow, Connie O'Mara, Anita
Bokmuel ler, Heidi Behnke. ( L) Tremper Teen members, Janice Braun and Marilyn Volger, collect
money during a bake sale in the commons .
Girl chases boy;
Boy catches girl
The night was filled with "Honey, Sassafras and Moonshine" at Tremper Teens'
Sadie Hawkins dance. Barb Shuemate,
the royal Daisy Mae, reigned over the
festivities with Tim Verbick as her Lil'
Abner. The turn-about couples dressed
in the costumes of Dog-Patch and danced
to the music of The Geneva Convention.
The marriage booth promoted marriages
'til midnight, which concerned the chaperones as they tried to keep everyone off
the grass.
A seance was held in the hall as spiritual is ts attempted to contact someone's
guardian angel. Once again Mr . Hosmanek submitted to the delectable sheriffs
and allowed himself to be thrown into the
Dog Patch j a i I a long with a 11 the other
varmints .
(U) Barb Shuemate and Tim Verbick pose with their
court comprised of (clockwise) Nancy Turtle and
Dennis Post, Pat Tenuta and Jim Petersen, Janice
Braun and Tom Duncan, and Anne St. Peter and Ed
Zydowsky. (LL) Lisa Smith gives a victorious smirk
after catching her date for "Honey, Sassafrass,
and Moonshine ." (LR) Barb Lawell and John Phillipson joined the other sweethearts in getting hitched
on the night of Sadie Hawkins.
Servettes stage
Valentine Dance
Servettes was organized this year, its
purpose being to serve and to help improve relations with the community. The
new club sponsored the first annual Sweetheart Dance, which took place on Valentine's Day . Carol Birkholz and Tom
Schindler were chosen as Sweetheart
Couple for 1969.
Servettes also presented a Thanksgiving
play for the residents of Sheridan Nursing Home, where the club does volunteer
weekend work.
( U left to right from front . Row l) Nancy Albrecht,
Cindi Phillips, treasurer, Linda Foote, president,
Judi Williams, Joyce Kloet, Sarah Thompson (Row
2) Suzanne Graf, Karen Larson, Lenay Grimmer,
Stephanie Yurchak, Mary Singer, vice-president,
Carolyn Campbell, bouncer, Debby Winklund (Row
3) Chris Burgess, secretary, Anne Worthington,
Bernadine Davis, Gayle Pfarr, Kathy Delany, Linda
Wightman, Paulette I ngbretson, Debbie Taffs (Row
4) Delores Bobdanowicz, Susan Graf, Jamie Heide,
Nita Hahn, Claudia Gregory, Gayle Manthei, Jane
Roberts, Sue Wiercinski (L) Carol Birkholz squirms
with excitement as she and Tom Schindler are
crowned Sweetheart Couple 1969.
Tri-Cees present
community plays
Tri-Cees started the year w ith a December formal initiation . As a community
service, they presented social dramas
for the Mental Health Association and the
P.T .A. The plays dealt with family life
and the little problems that every family
faces . Tri-Cees participated in Spring
Festival with a Bartering Boutique Booth,
and later sold the boutique items during
noon lunch hours.
(U left to right from front . Row 1) Anne Popp, Cindy
Hansen, Pat Popp, Gale Michales, Peggy Ruge,
Barb Shuemate, Janis Herbrectsmeier ( Row 2) An ever Harcarik, Ruth Anderson, Carol Langer, Vickie Flecker, corr . secretary, Jan Finch, treasurer ;
Randi Landgren, Dorothy Lutter, Cheryl Jensen
(Row 3) Jan Bennett, rec . secretary, Mary Landgren, Karen Mecozzi, Kathy Kwicinski , Karen Lubecke, president, Kathy Rohrer, Mickey Finn ( Row
4) Julie Frese, Kay Helwig, Louise Valentine, Laurie Volk, Val Nehr, vice-pres ident, Nancy Backlund, Barb Becker, Nita Hahn, Claudia Gregory, Jan
Korosci k ( L) This group of students dramatized
happenings in family life for community organ izations .
Library aids help
with odd iobs
The library aids had a big job. There was
clerical work to do, books to stamp, books
to re-shelve, students to help, and hundreds of other odd jobs. For this reason
the library aides were a great help to the
librarians. The librarians were then free
to do the jobs that require more training
and the library became one of the best
parts of the school.
( U, left to r ight from front. Row l ) Romayne F ec hner, Johnnie Houston , Dawn Andr osc hko, J u ne Walters, Shirley lsengay ( Row 2) Laura Frederi c k,
Brenda Flannery, Kathy Taubenheim , Joy ce Giolas, Anne Popp ( Row 3 ) Mary Morrison, Kathy Delany, Shar i Palmer, Dougla s Redmond , Luane
Ko hnke, Cynt hi a Nolen ( LR ) Kr i s Scholey and other
students use the card catalog t o find material for
thei r studies .
(op posite page, U, left to right from front . Row l )
K. Schmi tt, B. Guzman, J . Will iams, D . Berry , J.
Herbrechtsmeier, C. Campbell , D . Wilkinson, C. Cornell (Row 2) L . Becker,
L . Martell , K . Hebior , S. Conforti, A . Worthington , M. Jellesen, G. Ziccarelli , L. Schneider ( Row 3 ) J. Godlewski , C. Burby, R. Martin, N . Kreuser,
L . Swanlind , J. Fratrick , K . Klinkerfuss, B . Grewenow, S. Schuffam, S. Goff
( Row 4 ) J . Griswold , Y. Prtichard , B. Holladay, P. Everman, T. Dow, K .
Drysdale, J . Weber, C. Swanson, C. Jung (Row 5) C. Ausse, J . Herbrechtsmeier, P . Martin , T . Sc hutz, B . Bougneit, M. Dwyer, E. Vaughn, L. Lange
( Row 6) P . Knorn , P . Johnson , P . Mosher, L. Volk, B . Becker, L. Krusa, G.
Johnson, R. Barnes, J . Brandes ( Row 7) W . Cippola, R. Bauers, J . Houston,
D . Schmidt, G . Bakula , J . Loss, W. Van Fubbergen, M . Clark, 0. Childers,
M. Hubbard , D . Stein .
Monitors watch
The hall monitors guarded the halls under
the supervision of Mr. Grant. Assigned
to strategic spots in the school, they
checked passes and tried to direct truants
back to class.
( L, left to right from front . Row l ) Debbie Wick-
lund, Janet Laken, Jackie Hughes, Barb Zuberbuehler, Debbie Cobern, Kathy Nedweski , Ci ndy
Ancevic, Karen Obenauf, Janis Crane ( Row 2) Laurie Delap, Bill Anderson, Kathy Leipzig , Linda
Willkomm, Larry Monteen, Mona Pautz, Joan Bucher, Pat Kekic, Carol Michaelis ( Row 3) Jeannie
Nihlson, Corey Krueger, Ann Walker, Judy Ril ey,
Debbie Congdon, Kathy DeWitt, Suzanne Graf, Joellen Hartung, Colin Van Exil , Anita Bokmueller
( Row 4) Don Mathes, Scott Nelson, J i m Jeselun,
Jack Huissen, Dave Taske, Bob Bisiorek, Don
Kautzer, Jeff Fraser, Mike Frank .
and Ushers
The Projectionists serve Tremper by organizing films and delivering them. The
Ushering Club is composed of both boys
and girls who seat guests at events taking
place in the Tremper auditorium. Their
work is mostly voluntary.
Projectionists ( U, left to right from front. Row l)
Joy Buskirk, Karyle Rowland, Karen Petersen, Mr.
Nicolazzi (Row 2) Ted Paone, Gayle Burlingham,
Bob Berry, Gary Vanbendegom, Louis Serpe (Row
3) Ralph Garcia, Mike Adelsen, Jim Pelishek, Frank
Chianelli, Dave Hartman (Row 4) Bob Sorensen,
Jim Toomey, Doug Stein, Matt Augustine, Pat
Cheney, (Row 5) Doug Morrice, Ken Kreuscher,
Marty Clark, Gene Desotel!, Ron Bosman, Mike
Heroux. Ushers ( L left to rig ht from back. Row l)
Janice Jones, Mary Wiegand, Sue Jalensky, Carol
Nedweski, Laurie Volk, secretary-treasurer, Chris
Kollman, Gay I Manthei, Marie Romano (Row 2)
Linda Safago, Chris Burgess, Jane Roberts, Carol
Ketterhagen, Sue Schaufel, Sheryl Binninger, Sandy
Schellinger (Row 4) Amber Radtke, Barney Camponeschi, president, Dawn Andraschko, Margie Rich,
Debbie Taffs, Kathy Nedweski, Dave Wallig, vicepresident (Row 5) Judy Williams, Sherry Bede,
Janis Heck, Wendy Meyer, Carol Perri
Girl gymnasts
take first in meet
A girls' gymnastic team was formed this
year . In their initial meet which was
held April 19, they placed first. The
meet was the Division of Girls in Women ' s Sports and Wisconsin I nterscholastic Athletic Association .
Competition involved free exercise, balance beam, uneven parallel bars, vaulting and tumbling .
The girls practiced for more than two
months in preparation for the meet under
the direction of Miss Cotton . Others who
helped coach were Miss Hanser, Miss
Heilbuth, Miss Kruse, and Miss Mcclaine.
( U left to right from front . Row l) Sharon Lindstrom, Linda Frederick, Pat Harmon, Linda Foote,
Lindy Johnson (Row 2) Connie Cornell, Roxanne
Simonsen, Laura Frederick, Karen Sively, Debbie
Drissel, Linda Gosnell, Kathy Nedweski (Row 3)
Connie Kausalik, Lynn Schmale, Sue Zietz, Marva
Oechler, Lois Romaine, Mary Jo Giannotti, Mary
Posselt, Kris Frederick ( L) Three girls perform
on the uneven parallel bars .
AFS sponsors
exchange students
American Field Service began its active
season in August with a welcoming barbeque for the new exchange students . Mats
Melin from Sweden and Vivianne Leenhardt from France were introduced to the
student body at the Homecoming assembly
early in the school year.
At the annual Christmas assembly, the exchange students told of Christmas customs in their own countries. March saw
the annual Big Sister campaign with a
girl from each sophomore and junior
homeroom competing by raising money to
have next year's exchange student in her
homeroom .
A going-away picnic at the end of May
for the exchanges completed the AFS year.
( L, left to right from front. Row l J Diane Evans,
Kathy Rudy, Howard Brunner, Pat Tews (Row 2)
Carol Gundlach, Sharon Berenson, Candy McKay,
secretary; Jan Petrik, historian; Julie Eells, Dru
Oechler (Row 3) Sue Sharp, Luane Kohnke, Al
Palmer, treasurer; Jan Bennett, Kathy Kwicinski,
. 138
Nancy Turtle, president; Anever Harcarik, program
chairman; (Row 4) Pat Heckel, Kathy DeWitt, Mats
Melin, Nancy Backlund, Valerie Nehr, vice president, Barb Becker, Chris Eidsor ( U J Members
make cookies for the annual AFS bakesale, intended
to raise money for next year's exchange student.
Graphic Arts and
Stage Guild
The members of the Graphic Arts Club
printed the programs and tickets which
were used at Tremper activities throughout the year. Among the most colorful
was the program printed for the Christmas
assembly. Mr. DeHart was the advisor .
The Stage Guild controlled the lighting
effects, the spotlights, the speakers and
actors, and the general organization of
each presentation on the Tremper stage.
( U, left to rig ht from front . Row l) Mr . Harold
DeHart, Tim Brennan, Stan Currington, Loren
Breach, Mike Burnett, president; Richard Doerflinger . (Row 2) Mike Scherr, Brad Hanson, Roy
Doud, Richard Schmerling, Terry Brennan, Mike
Upright. (Row 3) Jerry Streich, vice president ;
Darryl Lueck, Ken Wilkinson , treasurer; John
Becker, secretary ; Bob Helgeson, Marvin Behr .
(Row 4) Bob Malcewicz, Jay Farris, Tom Schmitz,
Roger Clausen, Mike Fessenden, Mike Rypczynski,
Bob Lindner ( L, left to right from front . Row l)
Courtney Lettsome, James Drissel (Row 2) Ed
Sedberry, Jerry Jurksaitis (Row 3) Bob Tullis,
Dan Apyan, John Badtke (Row 4) Gerald Mathews,
Douglas Morrice, Tom Gray, Kevin Zimany
Future Teachers
FT A is a self-interest club. This year
they brought in speakers to further
acquaint themselves with the teaching
field . The teachers and other speakers
in the field of education spoke on elementary and secondary education . They also
previewed several movies which dealt
with underprivileged children.
They held an annual banquet and participated in Spring Festival. Their booth
sold taffy apples. Miss Platt was the
advisor .
(U left to right from front . Row 1) Pat Waite, treasurer, Joanie Tredon, president, Randi Landgren,
secretary . (Row 2) Carol Malkmus, Janis Herbrechtsme ier, Sue Hoff, Jan Christy, (Row 3) Sandy
Krogh, Ruth Mosely, Pat Tews, (Row 4) Nancy
Dumesic, Marie Romano, Mary Weigand, Mary
Landgren. ('Row 5) Linda Spaulding, Karen Olufs,
Laurie Volk, Diane Haney, Barb Hegyera .
Caduceus Club
Formerly F.N.A., Caduceus club now
includes anyone interested in the field
of health rather than future nurses.
The club assembled favors during the
Christmas season for distribution at the
St. Joseph's Nursing Home. The club
took a trip to visit the Madison Medical
Center. These trips promoted interest
and served to educate the members in
their prospective field of health.
Money collected from the sales of pop
and jelly beans helped support Project
Hope, in which many of the members participated. A $100 scholarship was formed.
( L, left to right from front. Row 1) Diane Evans,
secretary, Gwen Turner, Karen Totts, Roberta
Fenski, (Row 2) Charlotte Wright, Nadine Briggs,
Laurita Pedersen, treasurer, Johnnie Houston,
Gayle Ebert . (Row 3) Renee Holden, vice-president,
Nancy Evans, president, Martha Davis, Louise
Beckstrom. (Row 4) Sue Jalensky, Darlene Brunner, Nita Hahn, Sandy Grosjean, Barb Farrell.
Distributive Ed.
Tremper students have an opportun ity
to develop the i r salesmanship qual iti es
while attending school. By completing requ i red courses of English and Phys ical
Educat ion during the year, they attend
school only for half the day and maintain
a sales job for the other half. Students
who need to carry an additional class
have that opportunity also . Besides the
required courses, the students take a
course in Distributive Education for which
they receive a grade not only from their
instructor but also from their employer .
This totals three or four classes, enabl i ng
students to leave for work at 11 or 12
o' clock. The program is a wonderful new
opportunity for students planning to go into
sales immediately after their graduation
from Tremper .
(U , left to right from front . Row l) Peggy Arrowood, Ellen Zeihen, Kris Llanas, Jane Fraher .
(Row 2) Kathy Hopper, Rick Burnett, pres ident,
Pat Wardell, Pau lette George. ( Row 3) Dan Blauser,
Sandy Mardoian, Elaine Mattson, Tina Davis, Linda
Clausen. (Row 4) Nick Neu, Phil Kuba, J i m Grube,
Arnie Richards, Jay Farr is, Gay Grasty.
Stock Car Club
The Stock Car Club is a new organization
at Tremper. The members tuned-up cars
for the tea'chers and held car washes
after school in the south end of the school
building . From this money, the members
of the club bought club jackets and tickets
to a race in Milwaukee .
The club worked together to build a modern
hever craft with a meter in the center
which manuevers above the surface of the
ground . Next year they plan to build a
dune buggy or something more complicated
and interesting .
(Left to right from front . Row l) Mr. Dehart, Mr .
Cox, Mr. Jacobsen (Row 2) Paul Martin (Row 3)
Bob Womack, Frank Chianelli (Row 4) Richard
Young, Larry Tallman, Don Schmitz, (Row 5) Bill
Clifford, Ron Bosman, Chris Mortensen, Paul
Math club ioins
national group
T he m at h c lub used its imag i natio n in
expanding its scope of activities . They
have had var ious guest speakers who have
lectured on such subjects as programmed
computers and careers in the field of
mathematics .
Barney Camponeschi assembled a fundamental digital computer from a kit, and
the club plans to build its own sometime
next year .
Because they had been an organized math
club for three semesters, they were accepted i nto the National Association of
Math Clubs. Dues are paid regularly to
this association .
( U left to r ight from front. Row l) Barney Camponeschi, president, Dana Wi lliams, Narees Socha (Row
2) Esther Kopf, vice-president, Bob Cesario, Bill
Frederick, Kathy Kwinc i nski (Row 3) Steve Larson,
Pat Knorn. secretary, Alison Dowse (Row 4) Chris
Eidsor, Rick Dorfman, John Kangas, Daniel Minkus
Quorum club
The intention of the Quorum club was to
encourage the study of contemporary po1itical systems. It evolved from the idea
of having groups of Teen-Age Republicans
and Young Democrats organized under
faculty supervision. The school board was
quick to denounce the idea and a political
science club was organized instead.
The Quorum club sponsored two speakers
this year . One was Mr . Gerald Myers who
ran against Mr. Lynn Stalbaum for the
Democratic congressional seat . Mr . John
Allen, country chairman of the Republican
party, spoke to the group concerning his
position during the 1968 election year.
Several members went to hear Le Roi
Jones speak at Carthage College . Mr .
Anderson was the club adviser .
(L left to right from front . Row l) Doris Malkmus,
Ellen Riley, Tom Hosmanek, Carol Malkmus (Row
2) Carol Wood, Bill Zapencki, Wally Ulbricht, Geoff
Dowse, Ellen Wood (Row 3) Jim Krampert, Rick
Dorfman, Wayne Bosman, Tom Donsing, Mats Melin
Camera-Art clubs
Camera club (U, left to right from front . Row 1)
Ron Antrim, Rick Bougneit (Row 2) Robert Sorensen (Row 3) Bob Vandenberg, vice-president, Allen
Fredrickson, president, Mats Melin
The Art Club worked towards serving the
school through art. They made the scenery
for the senior class play, "She Stoops
to Conquer," and constructed the backdrop for Miss Wisconsin assembly.
At Winterama, the club took first place
in the ice-sculpturing contest. At Spring
Festival they held an art show, and sponsored body-painting and abstract painting
booths. In May they took a field trip to the
Art Institute in Chicago. Mr. Obertin was
the club adviser .
Art club (L left to right from front. Row 1) Gail
Haubrich, Connie Spence, treasurer, Linda Foote,
Kathy Pfeiffer, Carol Angelo, Mr. Nicolazzi (Row
2) Terry Richards, Judy Smith, Ruth Leavick, Pearl
Szumowicz, Kathy McCormick, Donna Smith, Jane
De Bettrignies, Mr. Obertin (Row 3) Jan Christy,
vice-president, Jody Weiss, president, Donna Karpowicz, Rhoda Manning, Sharon McCormick, Lynne
Sheirk, Caryn Johnson, Betsy Cole, rec . secretary,
(Row 4) Caroline Nedweski, Jerri Mason, Mike
Ward, Gary Groenke, Jerry Streich, Carl Veith,
Bonnie Peterson, corr . secretary, Debbie Merten
In track, football, and baseball
They strain; every muscle tenses,
Every thought is controlled .
In swimming, tennis, and golf
They work-as a team or indiv idually .
In gymnastics, wrestling, and basketball
Every action is controlled.
The necessity of
Perfect motion is understood while
Straining, practicing, training, fighting
To do what was yesterday impossible .
Dave Wallig , swimmer, exhibits the endurance and
strength necessary for success in athletics .
(UL) Still running, a Tremper player picks the ball
from the air. (UC) Wrestling is the sport of entangled arms and legs. (UR) Pete Johnson emerges
from the waves like a sleek seal. (LC) Al Ennis
demonstrates his gymnastic skills as a member of
Tremper ' s recently organized gymnastics team.
( LL) Jeff Huff hurdles through the halls of Tremper as part of his track and field training. (LR)
Tom Thomsen waits in anticipation as Marty Johnson tips the ball to a Trojan man .
(L) Dale Kloet hits the sand pit in the running broad
jump as Coach Barr watches. (U) Fred Kessinger
protests a call by the umpire after sliding into
home. He won the protest. (LC) Larry Talley returns a serve during a practice game on the Tremper courts. (LL) Bill Hewitt pulls in another pass
on his way to a touchdown.
Varsity team ( U left to right from front. Row 1l
Coach McCulloch, Jack Mann, Tim Lubniewski,
Pete Smith, Jim Jeselun, Gerry Schneider, Ed
Zydowsky, Fred Kessinger, Kurt Wagner, John
Martinez, Dan Piela, Roger Clausen, Bob Sanders,
Trainer Miller (Row 2) Norm Mattson, Larry Monteen, John Splitek, Ed St. Peter, Marty Johnson,
Ted Nehlsen, Matt Young, Noel Gentz, Rick Nelson,
Julian Garcia, Mark Young, Phil Broker, Coach
Schmale (Row 3) Coach Bistrick, Fred Hartley,
assistant trainer, Tim Taylor, Steve Wick, John
Anderson, Ed Clausen, Bob Terwall, Tom Gascoigne, Jay Sorensen, Gary Swiotko, Gene Schnuckel, Bill Tews, Coach Brumbaugh (Row 4) Coach
Filipelli, Bob Cesario, manager, Barney Camponeschi, manager, Gerry Streick, Tom Thomsen,
Joel Fredrickson, Mike Capadarco, Bob McFadden,
Bill Hewitt, Jerry Waites, Larry Jeffries, Rodney
Mamison, Evan Macik, Dan Slagoski, Dick Robbins
Sophomore team ( L left to right from front. Row 1)
M i ke Grabot, Tony Amadi o, A l Llana s, Jerry Witt,
M i ke Adelsen, Tom Dwyer, Butch Smith, Mike
Metallo ( Row 2) Ke ith Tallon, Jerry Sturino, Steve
Rusecki, Dave Gardner, George Zarovy, John Fitch,
Mike Laudon io, Chuck F i n ley, Scott George, Lyndell
Blaney, Larry Zarletti (Row 3) Coach Smith, Gary
Nugent, John Regnary, Larry Valentine, Jim Wyosnick, Mike Hylinski, Robin Sm ith, Mike Spallato,
Paul Apyan, Mike Hughes, Jeff Topping
Football team
makes good effort
Tremper's football team this year made
a valiant effort to take on the power and
strength of the opposing Big Eight teams,
but still fell on the losing side, compiling
a 3-6 season record. However, the team
was able to put on some very impressive
performances . They left Beloit with a
41-7 win and whipped the Racine Case
Eagles 27-12 in the Homecoming game.
To end the season on a good note, Tremper beat Bardford 12-6.
Some fine individual performances were
put in by several players this year . Deft
and powerful running by John Martinez
and Fred Kessinger and the slashing
kick returns by Larry Monteen sparked
our offense which was guided by the fine
passing of Ed Zydowsky, elected Most
Valuable Player . John Splitek put in some
fine defensive displays with some timely
pass interceptions .
Fred Kessinger runs around the end .
Season scoreboard
Rockford West
Madison East
Janesville Parker
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Madison La Follette
Racine Park
Kenosha Bradford
(UL) Fred Kessinger clears the way for John
Martinez . ( UR ) Tremper prevents another first
down for Case . ( R) Touchdown 1 for Tremper .
(LL) Trojans Roger Clausen, Matt Young, and
John Splitek are enthusiastic after a touchdown
against Park. (LR) Coach Schmale wipes his brow
after a hard-fought victory over Beloit .
(UL) Mike Mohalley runs to the finish line. (UR)
The race is on in the Zion-Benton dual meet at
Lincoln Park. (LL) Pat Sullivan runs in the 701itude of the woods. (Opposite page L, left to right
from front. Row 1) Dan Apyan, manager, Pete
Johnson, Pat Sullivan, Hugh Tollock, Tom Duncan,
Bob Crawford, Tom Crawford, Wayne Bosman,
Steve Katt, Mike Mohalley (Row 2) Jim Crawford,
manager, Gary Schuler, Boyd Nelson, Gary Nelson,
David Pederson, Tom Frei, Marty Clark, Coach
Holman, Coach Bradley, Dave Fredrickson, Richard Bedone, Keith Merritt, Jim Hunt, Randy Boutan, Carl Millolard, Kevin Jensen
Runners excel
This season was the finest yet for the
cross country team. They recorded two
dual meet victories and won first place
in the County Quadrangular. The varsity
runners placed third in the eight-team
Lakeshore Invitational. The junior varsity
was undefeated in dual meets and also
recorded a first in the Country Quadrangular .
Pat Sullivan was the top runner throughout
the season for the Trojans. He placed
fourth in the Regionals and qualified for
the Sectionals where he placed 37th .
Season scoreboard
3rd (tie)
Zion-Benton Dual
Spartan Invitational
Racine-Kenosha Meet
Madison Invitational
County Quadrangular
Lakes ho re
Bradford Dua I
West Allis Dual
Big Eight
Sectionals (Pat Sullivan)
Al I-around team
swims to victory
"There were really no 'best' swimmers
this year," said Mr. Miller, varsity
coach. "It was a well-rounded team ."
This year the team had five victories
over Bradford and two victories over
other teams. The junior varsity, led by
Coach Lawler, finished the year with a
7 wins-2 losses record.
Tremper placed tenth at the Big Eight
which was held at Case . Tremper hosted
the Lakeshore Invitational and placed
fourth. The season ended with the annual
banquet at which Peter Johnson won the
most valuable swimmer award .
The swim team set a precedent this year
with the election of Miss Mermaid 1968-69,
Kitty Moses. Heidi Behnke was elected to
succeed her next year.
( L) Pete Johnson reaches out to take another stroke.
( R J Dick Kussow tries for a perfect dive .
Season scoreboard
Lake Geneva
Oak Creek
Triangular (Park,
Ft. Atkinson)
West Allis Central
Horii ck
Lakeshore Invitational
Rebel I nvitationa I
nee Falls, Bradford)
Big Eight
Varsity ( U left to right from front. Row l) Dave
Wallig, Allen Palmer, Carl Millholland, Kevin
O'Neil, Dick Gray, Steve Burman (Row 2) Paul
Schneider, manager, Peter Johnson, Jim Gourley,
Kitty Moses, Miss Mermaid, Don Kitchin, Jack
Mann, Tom Stefani (Row 3) Jim Crawford, manager,
Coach Lawler, Bob Schneider, Jerry Houston,
Tom Webb, Tom Schindler, Rick Reinherz, Steve
Chvala, Pat Sullivan, Tom Duncan, Mark· Paulin,
Jim McPhaul, Barry Cross, Coach Miller Junior
varsity ( L left to right from front. Row l) Jeff
Gullo, Frank Pellegrino, Mike Drissel, Peter
Salander (Row 2) Jim Garramone, Dave Weiner,
Keith Tallon, John Phillipson, Terry Dow, Phillip
Rifenbery (Row 3) Coach Lawler, Joel Weiss, Tom
Beales, Wayne Christensen, John Wisch, Bob Vanderpoel, Philip Tetri, Mike Hawley, Tom Frei,
Jim Anderson, Mike Merritt, Coach Miller
Junior var si ty ( L left to r ight from front . Row l)
Don Pieronek, Kevin Jensen, Rick Phillips, Tom
Green , Dave Parker, Hugh Gately, Randy Boutan,
Mike Gr a bot (Row 2) Tom Delany, Al Llanas, Chuck
Druktines, Forrest Wells, Gary Gardner, Steve
Colson, Steve Benkstein , Gary Peterson, Larry
Singer, John Kaiser, manager (Row 3) Glen Rugg,
manager, Dave Pederson, manager, Kent Richards,
Bob Crawford , Ron Milanovic, Keith Corso, Jan
Carlson , Tom Gascoigne, Jeff Topping , Bob Tullis,
Coach Schuler (Opposite page Varsity U left to
right from front. Row l) Tom Lubniewski , Bill
West, Ray Brenneman, Fred Kessinger, Nyal Kessinger, Tim Green, Doug Paul (Row 2) Coach Barr,
Evan Macik , Terry Emery, Jay Sorensen, Ed Werve,
Jim Van Dyke, Bill Tews, John Martinez
Season scoreboard
15 8
Fox Lake
Case Tournament
Hor lick
West Bend Invitational
Lake Mills
Sun Prairie
Ft . Atkinson
Big Eight
Wrestlers pin 3rd
seasonal victory
Muscles, ligaments, joints, and bones go
through a rugged test during a high school
wrestling season, whether it be Terry
Emery trying for a pin against Bradford
or Nyal Kessinger and Bill West bidding
for positions in the state meet. Casualties
hurt the 1969 team as John Martinez
and Fred Kessinger ended their high
school wrestling careers early. But injuries are only part of the sport.
For the third consecutive season the wrestling team was led to victory by Coach
Barr. The Big Eight Tournament was held
at Tremper for the first time as Tremper
placed second. The most valuable wrestler
award was presented to Fred Kessinger,
captain, at a banquet.
( L ) The referee checks for a pin .
(Opposite page U) Nyal Kessinger executes a successful armlock. (LL)' Terry Emery is the victim
of a take-down. (LR) Coach Barr shouts directions
to a wrestler. (This page U) Jim Kornkven watches
Fred Kessinger's fireman's carry. (L) Bill West
flattens his opponent with a takedown during a
wrestling meet.
Junior varsity ( U left to right from front. Row l)
Dan Bertog, Les Broadhurst, Scott Nelson, C. Van
Exel (Row 2) Coach Apple, Paul Gravunder, Randy
Dreifke, Marty Clark, Allan Knickrehm Sophomore
(L left to right from front. Row l) Rich Bailey,
Ron Luskin, Doug Duncan (Row 2) Jeff Cherny,
Paul Apyan, Mike Hughes, Dick Althaus (Row 3)
Coach Fillipelli, Jon Nolting, Leon Potter, Pat
Nelson, Mark Hubbard, Tony Thomsen, Brad Wilkinson, manager
Basketball team
highlights season
There were some definite highlights to
this year's basketball season. After a
slow start, the Trojan team beat a highly
favored Janesville Craig team, 75-59 ..
The Trojans went on to beat the Bradford
Red Devils three times during the season.
The team then advanced to the finals Gf
the regional tournament, only to lose to a
powerful Beloit Turner team 71-59.
The sophomores and junior varsity also
led active seasons. The sophomores finished with five wins against Madison
Central, Chicago Hirsch, Kenosha Bradford, and Racine Park. The junior varsity
had a record of 8 wins-6 losses. Their
wins were against Racine Case, Bradford,
Burlington, Wilmot, and Salem Central.
Varsity (left to right from front . Row l l John
laquinta, Ed Zydowsky, Mark Pias, Ed St . Peter
(Row 2) John Loss, Brad Norcross, Dale Kleet,
Dave Olufs, Gene laquinta, Allen Bauer (Row 3)
Harry Kalvenjian, manager, Don Schmidt, Marty
Johnson, Jim Fennema, Chip Clausen, Jim Lubniewski, Tom Thomsen, Coach Brittelli
Season scoreboard
Brookfield East
Milwaukee Marshall
Racine Horlick
Madison Central
Racine Case
Madison La Follette
Chicago Hirsch
Madison Memorial
Janesville Craig
Racine Park
Kenosha Bradford
Salem Centra I
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Park
Janesville Parker
Beloit Memorial
1u <
(U) Ed. St. Peter shoots a careful basket. (Opposite
page UL) Ed Zydowsky makes a skillful get-away
in spite of strong blocking. (UR) Tremper's artful
dodger-Marty Johnson. (LL) Jerry Waites struggles
to keep possession of the ball. (LR) Jim Fennema
attempts a rebound.
1969 golf team
gains experience
The 1969 golf team was young and inexperienced but managed to hold its own
in competition, according to Coach Short.
They finished with a 4-5 record, and took
fourth in state regionals out of seven
teams. The team captains were ' Jim Lubniewski and John Garren. Tom Bothe was
selected most valuable player. The experience gained by the team should be
valuable next year in competition.
( U, left to right from front. Row 1) Doug Duncan,
Tom Bothe, Alan Schulz, Fred Hartley, Coach
Short (Row 2) Marc Tutlewski, David Fox, Randy
Hess, James Anderson, Paul Apyan (Row 3) Robin
Smith, Brad Norcross, Jim Lubniewski, Randy
Dreifke, John Anderson ( L) Randy Dreifke swings
his way out of a sandtrap .
Four go to state
(U, left to right from front. Row l) Paul Schneider,
manager, Barney Camponeschi, Walter . Drissel,
Martin Sokol, Coach Holman (Row 2) Roger Wyosnick, Rick Bedore, Doug Barnes, Bob Cesario,
Jim Gallo (Row 3) Bart Eisenhauer, John Kangas,
Steve Schindler, Jim Wyosnick, Tom Schindler,
Larry Talley ~(L) Larry Talley, one half of the
Schindler-Talley doubles team that took fourth in
state competition, hits a smooth ball. Two other
members of Tremper's tennis team also went
to state. Jim Gallo and Steve Schindler represented
Tremper in singles but did not place .
Season scoreboard
l st
lst (tie)
Racine Park
Oak Creek
Racine Hor lick
Racine Case
Racine Horlick
Kenosha Bradford
Tremper Triangular
Racine-Kenosha Quadrangular
Tremper Lakeshore I nvitationa I
Waukesha I nvitationa I
Janes vii le Quadrangular
Big 8 Conference Meet
Season scoreboard
16 8
Kettle Moraine
Racine Park
Rebel Relays
Racine Horlick
Madison West Relays
Eagle Invitational
Zion, Lake Zurich
Waukegan Relay
Kenosha Bradford
Horlick Hexangular
Racine Park
Madison Memorial Relays
Racine Horlick
Kenosha Bradford
Varsity team ( U, left to right from front . Row 1 J
Larry Monteen, Carl Millholland, John Fraser,
Dave Fraher, Gene Tenuta, Jim Hunt, Steve Katt
(Row 2) Dave Chemerow, Tom Crawford, Gary
Starr, Matt Young, Rick Nelson, Mike Antonacci,
John Splitek, Ed St . Peter, Gene Schnuck (Row 3)
Coach Bradley, Hugh Tollack, Dale Kloet, Norm
Mattson, Pat Sullivan, Marty Johnson, Jim Jeselun ,
Wayne VanTubbergen, Keith Merritt, Dick Schmitt,
manager, J i m Crawford, manager, Coach Zimmer man Junior varsity ( L , left to right from front.
Row 1 J Larry Littel, Loren Breach, Ed Ziesmer,
Gary Hagen, Tom Delany, Gary Gorr (Row 2) Bob
Crawford, Brad Pose, Rick Young, Mike Adelsen ,
Mike Capadarco, Scott Nelson, Steve Rusecki (Row
3) Coach Zimmerman , Dick Schmitt, manager,
Kerry Pfeifer, Dave Fredrickson, Tom Frei , Bill
Tews, Jeff Huff, Tim Verb ick, Mark Hubbard, Jim
Crawford, manager, Coach Bradley
Trackmen race
This year's track team was riddled with
injuries as two top performers and many
others were lost to the squad.
The team achieved its highest place of
the season when it ranked second in the
indoor Eagle Invitational at Racine Case .
Six Tremper athletes placed among the
top three in regional competition which
qualified them for the sectionals. Of these,
Mike Antonacci, Pat Sullivan, and Matt
Young placed first in the sectionals and
Larry Monteen, second, to qualify for the
state meet. These fine performances gave
Tremper a fourth place finish in the sectionals. These trackmen failed to place
in the state meet at Monona Grove.
(U) Matt Young passes the baton to John Spl itek
in a fast relay . (LL) Mike Antonacci vaults up and
over . (LR) Pat Sullivan finishes a grueling race .
This year's baseball team, the finest in
Tremper's history, won the state high
school baseball championship after defeating Sauk Prairie in the finals. The team
won only one out of their first five encounters before unfolding a monumental streak
in which they won 12 out of 13 games to
carry themselves into the state finals.
The Trojans defeated Wilmot and Salem
in the district tournament. In the sectionals they beat Janesville Parker to gain
a berth on the state finals. In the finals
they defeated Antigo, Fond du Lac, and Sauk
Prairie to become the state champions.
The top hurlers for the team were Bill
Letsom, Jim Fennema, and Ed Zydowsky
who pitched the championship game.
Season scoreboard
Janesville Parker
Racine Case
Racine Park
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Park
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Kenosha Bradford
Janesville Craig
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Horlick
Janesville Parker
Fond du Lac
Sauk Prairie
(Opposite page) Jim Fennema winds up for a fast
pitch .
Sophomores ( U, left to right from front . Row l)
Al Llanas, Gary Van Bendegorn, Dave Clark, Tony
Amadio, Dave Kemble (Row 2) Lon Knoedler, Phil
Rifenberg , Jim Gourley, Jeff Cherny, Lyndell Blaney, Charles Finley, Jeff Martin (Row 3) Joe Gehring, Gary Nugent, Mike Spallato, Robert Koster,
Dan Nickerson , Pat Weidner, Larry Valentine,
Mike Hughes, Coach Miller . Varsity (LJ , left to
right from front . Row l) Tim Brennen, Fred Kessinger, Dan Sch ieve, Mike Dwyer, John Pitts ( Row
2) Douglas Clark, manager, John laquinta, Ed Zydowsky, Bill Koos, Bob Terwall , John Fitch ( Row
3) Tom Lobber, manager, John Loss, Bi ll Letsom,
Jim Fennema, Pete Sm ith, Gene laqu i nta, Dan
Parks, Coach Sm ith .
17 1
First girls' teams
attract devoted
The girls' swim team began in January
with Miss Heilbuth as the coach . The
team practiced every afternoon with the
boys' JV team . On April 21 the first
WIAA girls' swim meet was held in Beloit.
Nine teams participated and Tremper
placed third.
1 72
The first intraschool girls' meet at Trem per was held May 3. Girls participated
in the 50 and 100-yard dashes, the hurdles,
the 220 and 440 runs, the high jump, the
broad jumps, the shot put, discus, softbal I and basketball throws.
Girls' Swim Team ( U, left to right from front .
Row l) Paula Dunlap, Terry Richards, Holly Allen .
(Row 2) Libby Burnett, Patti Forbes, Monte McFadden, Leslie Cowen . Girls' Track Team ( L ,
left to right from front . Row l) Chris Vincent,
Chr i s Londo, Paulette Brown, Bev Thompson, Kathy
Nedweski , Jane Bettignies ( Row 2) Gay Esser,
Sharon Bedford , Mona Pautz, Sue Jensen , Laura
Frederick (Row 3) Lucia Helton, Kathy Mattson,
S,haron Bosman, Ann Walker, Jan Hawkins, Carol
Ketterhagen, Mary Jo Gianetti
Squads march
A group of girls wearing blue jumpers and
carrying red porn-porns entertained the
audience at many of the pep assemblies
and games with the i r drill squad marching . With porn-porns waving in the air, the
Trojanettes marched to the beat of the
Tremper band . They complemented the
cheerleaders and gave an extra boost of
school spirit to the event.
The Trojanettes marched in tbe Homecoming parade, the Memorial Day parade, and
performed at several basketball and football games. They were present at the Big
Eight wrestling meet to support Tremper .
(U) Kim McNamar, co-captain, and Anita Bokmueller, captain, led the squads . (C, left to right from
front . Row l) Patti Smith, Shirley Azzolina , Cindy
Phillips, Janell Thompson, Laura Frederick, Barb
Shuemate, Barb Paasch (Row 2) Jean Dibble, Vickie Flecker, Kathy Leipzig, Karen Kaeppeler, Kim
McNamar, Alison Dowse, Bi llie Holladay, Lynn
Schmale, Linda Slug a ( L, left to right from front.
Row l) Sally Antes, Jan Herbrechtsmeier, Jan
Christy, Sharon Lindstrom, Anne Popp, Linda Frederick, Debbie Taffs (Row 2) Debbie Harper, Sue
Barton, Micky Finn, Sharon Bosman, Janet Hawkins,
Debbie Roseth, Anita Bokmueller, Marva Oechler,
Doreen Conforti
Cheering squads
help 'em win!
Tremper's most enthusiastic girls were
probably the cheerleaders. Their seemingly .inexhaustible supply of energy was
used to leap, shout, and cheer the teams
to victory. They were at all the games
and meets working to encourage school
spirit and the desire to win.
All the action wasn't on the playing field,
though. The cheerleaders were an important part of every pep assembly. Their
genuine interest in school affairs and their
enthusiasm stirred the fans and gave the
team support.
(UL) Sophomore cheerleaders (clockwise from top)
Chris Vincent, Ada Ricciardi, Kathy Evans, Sharon
Bedford, Gay Esser, Mary Jo Giannotti (UR clockwise from upper left) Barb Lundskow, Linnea Vogler, Carla Ricciardi, Trudi Horochena, Lysa
Becker, Daryl Gutormsen (LL) Dorothy Merrick
gives a spirited leap. ( LCL left to right from top)
Jill Pautz, Dorothy Merrick, Mona Pautz, Hortense
Green, Kathy Hebior, Jan Heck (LC R) The cheerleaders create an enthusiastic atmosphere . (LR)
Squad captains are Jill Pautz and Trudi Horochena.
JoAnne Brandes, representing the sophomore
class, Dennis Post, junior class president, and
Frank Carmichael , senior class president, worked
together to organize Winter - Rama under the
leadership of Mr . Russell Draeger, Student Activities Director.
A face,
Melting into
A thousand
Other faces,
ls only a
Floating down
The halls, it
Is only another
Sophomore, junior, or senior.
You see, but you
Do not remember,
Until the
Face emerges from its anonymity.
Then you discover
An integral part
Of the worldA person.
(opposite page) The senior class officers meet outside . (left to right) Barney Camponeschi, treasurer, Barb Shuemate, corresponding secretary,
Julian Garcia , vice-president, Gloria Z iccarel Ii,
recording secretary, Frank Carmichael, president .
Seniors move
on to graduation
(L) Senior class advisory board ( left to right from
front. Row l) Janell Thompson , Barb Shuemate,
Linda Schneider, Chris Mondrawickas, Jan Par son , Nancy McBride (Row 2) Gayle Picken, Robin
Strangberg, Sue Hlavata, Micky Finn, John Brandes,
Barb Jensen , Kitty Moses (Row 3) Connie O' Mara,
Wendy Lawell , Lavonne Krusa , John laqu i nta, Jill
Pautz, Pam Van Wie (Row 4) Bob Bisiorek, John
Kangas, George Zimmer, Marty Johnson , Pete
Smith, Dennis Woodman, John Loss
out, definite plans for the future made,
and then, finally, graduation itself . Advising the senior class were Mrs . Houghton and Mr. Short .
The senior class co-sponsored the first
school pizza party with the junior class.
An orange-rolling contest, finger painting,
and dancing in the Commons comprised
the entertainment. The seniors took part
in Winterama as they were in charge of,
among other things, the ice-cube scavenger hunt and the ice sculpturing exhibit.
Graduation was the big event of the year .
Caps and gowns were ordered, announcements mailed, college applications filled
Abrego, Sam
Aker, Mark
Allen, Holly
Altergott, Fred
Independent study programs open
Linda Wilkomm, a hall
rogates a roamer .
monitor, dutifully inter-
Bauer, Allen
Bauers, Ross
Bear, Joan
Ameche, Alan
Ancevic, Cindy
Andersen, Barry
Andersen, Carol
the door to exciting knowledge
Andersen, Cherryl
Anderson, Grant
Andraschko, Dawn
Andre, Rita
Andreini, Pamela
Andreucci , Nancy
Androschko, Karen
Antrim, Albert
Apker, Linda
Apyan , Daniel
Arrowood, Peggy
Babel, Janice
Backe, Hope
Backlund, Nancy
Bailey, Kent
Ballard, James
Barnes, Roger
Barton , Susan
Baternik, Lee Ann
Batt, Susan
Becker, Barbara
Becker, John
Becker, Maureen
Beckstrom, Louise
Bede, Sherry
Belong ia, Wayne
Bennett, Janice
Benson, Lule
Benson , Ruth
Benton, Sandra
Berenson, Sharon
Bergren, Mary Beth
New faces emerge to solve
Bergstrom, Ronald
Berry, Craig
Betz, Marilyn
Bielarczyk, Adrienne
Billen , Carol
Billings, LeRoy
Binninger, Mark
Birkholz, Carol
Viviane Leenhardt and Mats Melin, exchange st udents, share a private joke.
Bisiorek, Robert
Blank, Barbara
Blankenship, Steven
Blauser, Daniel
B iener, Patricia
Bokmueller, Anita
Bonacci, Erminie
Bonanno, Anthony
problems and to hold old off ices
Borland, Louis
Bose, Darryl
Bosm a n, W ayne
Bougneit, Robert
Boyce, V i v ian
Bra ndes, Jo hn
Brandt, L inda
Bra un, Jan ice
Brewer, W illi am
Br iggs, Nad i ne
18 3
Broomf ield, Dav id
Brown, Floyd
Brunner, Darlene
Bucholz, Barbara
Buress, Doreen
Burman , Steven
Burnett, Elizabeth
Burnett, Michael
Burnett, Richard
Burt, Wade
Bustrycki , Frank
Cairo, Louis
Calkins, Sandra
Calvert, Andrew
Camponeschi, Bernard
Carlson , Nancy
Carmichael , Frank
Casteel, Bill
Cesario, Robert
During the year students travel
Chemerow, David
Childers, Odis
Cheney, Patrick
Christianson, Eileen
Christopherson, Terry
Christy, Janice
Cigallio, Randall
Cippola , William
Bill Cippola tells it like it is .
Cisler, Dan
Clark, Philip
Clark, Sally
Clausen, Linda
far and see new people and places
Clausen, Roger
Clifford, William
Clinge, Jody
Cobern, Deborah
Cody, Barbara
Coffen, Hal
Colby, William
Conforti, Doreen
Conforti, Shirley
Conrad, Jack
Conwill, M ichael
Cor nel l, Conn ie
Covelli, Helen
Covelli, Mary
Cox, Carol
Crane, Janis
Crawford, Robert
Cudahy, Richard
Culver, Carmen
Currie, Robin
Romanticism, constant velocity, and
Currington, Stanley
Dake, Christine
Darlak, Norma
Davey, Gary
Dav i s, Gera ld
Dav i s, Martha
Dav i s, Tina
Delap, Laurie
Derenchuk, Stephen
Donsing, Thomas
Dorfman, Richard
Dow, Janis
Downing, Sandy
Dowse, Geoffrey
Druktines, Charles
Drysdale, Kathleen
..f-1 leave some very bewildered
Dumesic, Nancy
Duncan, James
Ellefson, Sandi
Elrod, Candice
Emery, Terry
Engstrom , Bruce
Erickson , Janice
Evans, Nancy
Barb Jensen practices her shorthand in an effort
to make it perfect .
Farris, Jay
Feifer, Michael
Feivor, Mary
Fenn, Sharon
Fennema, James
Ferrell, Barbara
National elections, students riots,
Fessendon, Patricia
Filips, Kimberly
Finch, Janice
Finn, Michelle
Fischer, Jay
Flocker, Vickie
Flannery, Brenda
Foote, Linda
Fraher, Jane
Frank, Michael
Franz, Karen
Franz, Raymond
Fraser, William
Frederich, William
Frederick, Eric
Frederickson, Grant
Fredrickson, Allen
Freitag, David
Fulmer, Amy
Galbraith, Linda
Galligan, Robert
a trip to the moon headline new s ·
Garcia, Julian
Garren, John
Gehring, John
Gena, Steven
Gentz, Noel
Gentz, Patricia
Gentz, Paul
George, Paulette
Gigliotti, Rozanna
G ildenstern, Robert
Gillespie, Michael
Gilmore, Patricia
G li nski, Barbara
Goff, Sharon
Goforth, Ruth
Gonzales, D iane
Goroski , Diane
Gr af, Leo
Graf, Susan
Granger, Mark
Seniors work, cheer, and study
Grasty, Gay
Gray, Patricia
Gray, Richard
Gregory, Claudia
Grewenow, Barbara
Gr iffin , Lawrence
Grimes, Katherine
Griswold , Judith
Grobe, Cynthia
Gross, Noreen
Grube, James
Guelzow, Marie
Guerra, Michael
Gullo, Sue
Gundlach, Carol
Haag, Gilbert
Hadler, Janice
Haling, Karen
Halker, Kathleen
Hall, David
Hall, Lynette
Halmar k, Col leen
Ha Iverson, Richard
Hamachek, Gary
Hamilton, George
Haney, Diane
through every phase of school I ife
Hanlon, James
Hannes, Margaret
Hanrath, Joanne
Hansche, Chery l
Hansen, Cynthia
Hansen, Leonard
Hanzal i k, Patricia
Harcar i k, Jean
Kathy Taubenheim, flashes a victory smile.
Debbie Zembrowski works on one of her creations.
Hopper, Kathy
Horne, Michelle
Horochena, Trudi
Hosmanek, Thomas
The class of 1969 experiences
Huck, Barbara
Huff, Phyllis
Huffman, Christine
Hughes, Jaqueline
Harris, Dennis
Harris, Robert
Hartne ll, Rona Id
Hauptman, John
Hauptman, Rita
Hawkins, Laurie
Haycraft, Linda
Hayes, Rober t
Heck, Janis
Heckel, G len
Hees, Deborah
Heide, Parry
Herbrechtsmeier, Janice
Herde, Michael
Hess, Charles
Hessefort, Jane
Hewitt, William
Hlavata, Susan
H igh, F lonn ie
Hoff, Susan
Ho lden, Renee
Ho ll eb, Fred i
Hollenbeck, E il een
Hollister, Sharon
Holtz, Kathleen
Houston, Johnnie
Howe, Sandra
Hubbard, Michael
Hubbard, Patr ici a
the usual pre-graduation panic
Huissen, Jack
Hyatt, Craig
laquinta, Louis
Ingra ham, Patr icia
Ingram, Mike
I sengay, Donna
Ivy, Deborah
Jackson, Lawrence
Jacoby, Sandra
Jalenski, Susan
Janota, Suzette
Jensen, Barbara
Jensen, Kristine
Jepson, Susan
Jeselun, James
Johns, Caryl
Johnson, Gail
Johnson, Karen
Johnson, Leota
Johnson, Martin
Johnson, Peter
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Sandra
Johnston, Janet
Interviews with important people
Jones, Alan
Jones, Janice
Jung, Charotte
Kaddatz, Gary
Kalcic, Kenneth
Kangas, John
Kapitan, Leslie
Kennedy, Sanford
Leslie Kapitan calls home for a ride during the
bus strike.
Kerner, John
Kessinger, Fred
Ketchum, Douglas
Ketterhagen, Carol
bring students close to the news
Kirkwood, Mary
Kisser, Marilyn
Kitchin, Donald
Kivisto, Robert
Klappa, Mary
Klinkerfuss, Karen
Kloet, Dale
Kloster, Cathy
Knapper, Gary
Knudson, Will iam
Kollman, Chr i stine
Kollman, Michael
Kol mos, Sandra
Korbel, Barbara
Koroscik, Daniel
Kos, Judith
Kosecki, Paul
Krampert, James
Kraus, Paul
Krehbiel, Roger
Seniors plan their futures and
Kreuser, Gloria
Kreuser, Nancy
Kriederman, Kenneth
Kriz, James
Nancy McBride organizes a chemistry experiment.
Kronholm, James
Krueger, Corey
Krusa, Lavonne
Kuba, Phillip
Kublik, David
Kuchcinski, Margaret
Kuessow, Meta
Kussow, Richard
Labanow, Jane
LaBelle, Morris
La Buy, Agnes
Laken, Janet
Landgren, Randi
Lange, Lauren
work toward successful goals
Langler, Carol
Larsen, Steven
Last, Shiela
Lawell , Wendy
Lawler, Cindy
Lawler, Lynda
Laybourn, Scott
Leenhardt, Viviane
Legler, Cheryl
Lemke, Larry
Lester, Jeffrey
Lettsome, Courtney
Ley, Dav id
Lindah l, Greg
Lindas, Kathleen
Lindermann, Kathleen
Sports events are boosted by the
Lindner, Robert
Llanas, Kristine
Lober, Thomas
Lomartire, Paul
Loss, John
Lloyd, Richard
Lubecke, Karen
Lubniewski , James
Lueck, Sherolyn
Luskaszewicz, Joellen
Lund , Sandra
Luska, Kathleen
Lynch, John
Maddux, Kathleen
Madison , Mary Ann
Maedke, Penny
Malcewicz, Joanne
Malzahn, Rodney
Maniscarco, Carol
Manlick, Cynthia
energetic participation of students
Mann, Jack
Manning, Rhoda
Mantuano, Susan
Mardoian, Sandra
Martinez, John
Martinson, Thornton
Mashuda, Theodore
Massie, Mary
Masters, Anita
Mathes, Donald
Mathews, Gerald
Mattner, Carolyn
M attner, Joyce
Mattson, Elaine
Wi t h the anticipation of a win, Tremper students
energetically sing the fight song.
Mattson, Norman
McBride, Nancy
McCormick, Sharon
McCune, Gail
McDonald, Barbara
McDonough, Michael
McFadden, Robert
McKee, Michael
Mecozzi, K aren
Melin, Mats
Meltzer, Joanne
Mentink, Daniel
Metallo, Carol
Metallo, Esther
Metallo, Joseph
Metten, Terry
Seniors are nostalgic for the past
Michaelis, Carol
Miles, James
Miller, Roy
Milligan, Scott
Minkus, Danny
Misurelli, Marilyn
Misurelli, Marilyn
Mitchell, Michael
Chris Mondrawickas and B ill Zapencki enjoy their
honor study hall.
Modica, Patricia
Moeller, Michelle
Molinaro, Michael
Mondrawickas, Christine
Monteen , Lawrence
Morrice, Douglas
Morrow, William
Mosley, Ruth Anne
as they recall the fun they had
Moses, Kirsten
Mosher, Pamela
Muller, Sue
Nedweski , Kathleen
Nehr, Valerie
Nelson, Scott
Neu, Nicholas
Neuman, Marcia
(U) Janet Petrik helps Dru Oechler get a drink.
(L) Jack Huissen needs a few more hands 1
Nicolazzi, Catherine
Nielson, Donald
Sideburns, culottes, and blue ieans
Nihlson, Jeannette
Norlander, Patricia
Norton, Joseph
Oechler, Dru
Ogrin, Daniel
O'Leksky, Gail
Olsen, Dale
O'Mara, Constance
O'Neill, Ronald
Ortiz, Erlinda
Ortiz, Monserate
Ott, Albert
Owens, Cynthia
Paavola, George
Pace, Linda
Packard, Elaine
Palmer, Allen
Paone, Thomas
Parker, Mark
Parsons, Janice
result in a new grooming code
Paskiewicz, Joanne
Paterson, Nancy
Patterson, Robert
Paulin, Cindy
Pautz, Jill
Pederson, John
Peters, John
Petersen, James
Petersen, Kathy
Peterson, Scott
Peterson, Sherry
Peterson, Valerie
Petravicius, Rose
Petrik, Janet
Pias, Mark
Picken, Gayle
Steve Burman had more troubles this year than
just being a hall monitor.
Social events always seem extra
Re i mer, Ethel
Re i nherz, R ichard
Reuter, John
Richards, Arnold
Richardson, Daryl
Rigle, Charlene
R iley, Ellen
Rizzo, Renee
Roberts, Jean
Robertson, Kay
Robinson, Bruce
Robinson, Kathy
Roemer, Kurt
Rognstad, Bruce
Rohrer, Kathleen
Rolbiecki, William
P iehl, E dw ar d
P iel a, Dan iel
P ieron ek, Robert
P itt s, Mar k
Plutchak, Nancy
Pomerening, Lynn
Popp, Anne
Preston, Vicki
Radke, Amber
Redmond, Douglas
special during the final year
Romaine, Lois
Romano, Marie
Rose, Debra
Rovik, Timothy
Ruebsamen, Norman
Rugg, Elizabeth
Rugg , Glenn
Ruhle, Gary
Russo, Diane
Russo, Dorothy
Rutchik, Susan
Rutkowski, Thomas
Rypczynski, Michael
Safago, Linda
Sandberg, Edward
Santo Poalo, Diane
Salica, David
Sarauer, Helen
Sea I zo, Peter
Scharneck, David
Scharnick, Rhonda
Schepker, Susan
Schindler, Thomas
Schmidt, Donald
Schmidtke, Harold
Schmitz, Thomas
Schneider, Jerry
Schneider, Linda
Examples are set by seniors and
Schneider, Robert
Schonscheck, Armand
Schroeder, Bryan
Schutz, Thomas
Scott, Roger
Seaman, Lorie
Serpe, Louise
Shear, Rosanne
The pressures of being a senior are too much for
Bob Schneider.
Shearer, John
Shierk, Marilyn
Shuemate, Barbara
Siebert, Arthur
Siepert, Patricia
Siltala, Michael
Sinclair, James
Sinclair, Jean
Skurnick, Judith
Slobodianuk, Mark
Smith, Andrew
Smith, James
Smith, Judith
Smith, Patric ia
loyally accepted by underclassmen
Smith, Steven
Smith, Timothy
Smolinsk i, Carol
Spaay, John
Cathy Kloster works on an art sketch .
Spraker, Anne
Springer, Dennis
Springer, Joyce
Stanford, Donald
Even for a senior, school does
Stanford, Terry
Stefani, Thomas
Stein, Nancy
Stevens, Kathleen
St. Peter, Anne
Strangburg, Robin
Streblow, Michael
Streich, Jerald
Stubbs, Timothy
Sullins, Brenda
Sullivan, Patrick
Swanson, Christine
Szumnewicz, Pearl
Taffs, Carole
Talley, L arry
Tallon, Bruce
Tas k e, Da vi d
Ta ube, Jo hn
Taube nhei m , Kat hl een
Ten uta, Pa t r ici a
Tews, Pa t r ici a
have some soporific moments
Thomas, Richard
Thomas, Tracie
Thompson, Janell
Thomsen, Thomas
Thrush, Ron
Tianen, Laura
Tinker, Jud ith
Tinker, T i mothy
Tishuk, Thomas
Tollock, Hugh
Totts, Karen
Tredon, Joan
Tullis, Robert
Turtle, Nancy
Tyson, Therese
Ulbricht, Walter
Upright, Michael
Us inge r , Linda
Valella, Deborah
Vandenberg, Robert
Van Landuyt, Jules
Va n Wie, Pamela
Ven a, Charles
Ve r bick, Michael
Classes work together and make
Vescova, Gary
Vogler, Marilyn
Voight, Janet
Volk, Laurie
Wagner, Kurt
Waldron, Penni
Wa ite, Patricia
Walker, Ann
Walker, Philip
Walker, Yvonne
Wallig, David
Wardell , Patricia
Webb, Candice
Webb, Thomas
Wehrman , James
Weiss, Jody
new traditions a maior success
Welch, James
Werve, Eddy
Werve, Patrick
Wheeler, Scottie
White, Alton
Whitney, Stephen
Wicklund, Deborah
Wiegand, Mary
A group of seniors relax on the bandstand during
Wiercinsk i, Cathy
Wierzibicki , Sherry
Wilcox, Karla
Wilcox, Marjorie
Wilkinson, Debra
Wilkinson, Kenneth
Willems, Jackie
Williams, Edward
Williams, Larry
Williamson, Sandra
Willkomm, Linda
Wineland, Gregory
Wisch, Dawn
Witt, Nancy
Seniors leave with mixed feelings
Wolf, Susan
Wood, Ellen
Woodman, Dennis
Wright, Gwendolyn
Yance, Gregory
Yarbrough, Valerie
Young, Mark
Yurchak, Dav id
Zapencki, William
Zasada, John
Zeihen, Ellen
Zembrowski, Debbie
"Peace be with you " from Mik e Lundin
Ziccarelli, G lor ia
Zimmer, George
Zirbel, Cathy
Zydowsky, Edd ie
Sen iors not pictured
Acerbi , Thomas
Andre, James
Brown , Doris
Campbell , Lee
Coudill , Anthony
Christian, Linda
Coelin, Pamela
Conforti, Michael
Conley, Diane
Corrigan , Denn i s
Corso, Bonita
Daun, Gerald
Davis, Ray
Deford , Arthur
Defrange, Susan
Dimitrijevic, Alexandra
Ditzler, Ronald
Dorff, Debra
Elfering , Daniel
Falk, Mervin
Farrell , Barbara
Felice, Gloria
Fonk , Frank
Fortner, Judy
Fratrick, James
Frey, Jamie
Fugate, Gary
Fuller, Terry
Gantzer, Jeff
Gard i jneck i, John
Garofalo, Roger
Gitzlaff, David
Goff, J oan
Granger, Christine
Graves, Laurie
Gros jean, Mi c hael
Hansen, Linda
Harp, Linda
Haubrich, Paul
Heckel , Patricia
Hoar, Robert
Hucker, Thomas
Jahnke, Sharon
Jensen, David
Jensen, Gerald
Keash, Martha
Kind le, Lequ ita
Kosman , Constance
Krahn , Richard
Larsen, Mary
Loback, Ardys
Lugo, Wilberto
Lundin, Michael
MacKay, Carolyn
Matelski, Dave
Merten, Debbie
Miller, Carl
Miller, Robert
Moats, Maureen
Monroe, Michael
Moses, Debb ie
Naidl , James
Nassauer, Kurt
Nehlsen, Theodore
Nighbor, Paul
Owens, David
Palmer, Shari
Pasterski , R ichard
Pate, Elaine
Pav lovich, William
Pedley, James
Peltz, Kenneth
Peterson, Darwin
Pfarr, Deborah
Rescigno, V i ncent
Rob i nson, Daniel
Ruhle, Kenneth
Sabby, Kather i ne
Schmit, Richard
Schm i tz, Douglas
Schultz, Elizabeth
Schumacher, Curt i s
Schumacher, Paul
Si mpson , Patric ia
Stehlik , Alan
Steinbrink, Norman
Thomas, Bruce
Thompson, Gordon
Trotter, Mary
Trotter, Susan
Ulrich, Charles
Vanderford, Daniel
Vaughn, Earnest
Voight, John
Wedell, Dan iel
Wenger, Frederick
Werner, Larry
Wiegert, Conn ie
W i mberley, Bonnie
Womack, Charles
Yantorni , Brant
Yonkoski, Mark
Siel i nsk i, Kenneth
Zuberbuehler, Barbara
21 3
(opposite page) The junior class officers decide
how to decorate for Prom . (left to right) Dorothy
Merrick, corresponding secret ary, Lynn Harmon, record ing secret ary, Dennis H. Post, pr esident, Matt
Young, vice-presi de nt, Kris An derson, treasurer
Juniors set new
ideas in motion
The junior class set quite a few precedents this year . They made the mornings
a little brighter by selling orange juice
and doughnuts in the Commons . They sold
Valentines the week before Valentine ' s
Day . The junior class became the first
class to have a general meeting, with all
class members invited . And also for the
first time, both the officers and the advisory board decided on the official class
(L) Junior class advisory board (left to right from
front . Row 1) Cheryl Covington, Teena Laurent,
Shirley Azzolina, Judy Williams, Lynn Martell,
Nancy Montemurro, Nancy Rowen, Candy Meltesen, Pam James, Marna Zeh ms (Row 2) Debbie
Cooper, Kathy Rudy, Kim Nelson, Kim Patterson,
Pam Streck, Debbie Drissel, Sue Weise, Candy
McKay, Kurt Schmidt, Diane Berry, Celeste Toigo,
Lenay Grimmer, Sandy Larson (Row 3) Terry
Richards, Mary Ellen Jellesen, Wendy Petersen,
Keith Merrit, Pam Engdahl, Pat Kekic, Karen Polasky, Don Schmidt, Cindy Ausse, Karen Peterson,
Gayle Burlingham, Diane Wasser (Row 4) Karen
Gombar, Esther Kopf, Judy Riley, Skip Thomas,
Mike Riljestrom, Rod Genesen, Ray Hansen, Ron
Belliveau, D iane Kelly, Ann Romaine, Pam P iehl,
Kay Goewitzer .
The juniors took part in Homecoming,
Winterama, and Spring Festival. With the
seniors they co-sponsored a coke hop,
and with AFS they co-sponsored Contact
the computer dance. Of course, the big
event of the year was Prom, "A Medieval Dream ." The junior class - advisors
were Miss Todd, Mrs. Short, and Mr.
Ab r ego, Ra lph
Aker, Linda
Alber t, Ralph
Albrecht, Nancy
Al i x, Kenneth
Al i x, Malco l m
A l len, Richard
Ambrose, Thomas
Anderson, Cheryl
Anderson , John
Anderson, Kr i stine
Anderson , Robert
Anderson, Richard
Anderson, William
Andrews, Kathy
Angelici , Larry
Anger, Bridget
Antonacci , Michael
Apker, Kathy
Arbanella, Cathy
Arnett, Gary
Ashby, Ronald
Augustine, Matt
Aulozzi , Renee
Ausse, Cynthia
Azzolina , Shirley
Baas, Patricia
Babel , John
Back, Emmitt
Badtke, Raymond
Bailey, Gary
Bailey, Nancy
· Bakula, Gerald
Balk, Michael
Ball , Douglas
Banadinovic, Mildred
Banerdt, Barbara
Barker, Treda
Barnes, Douglas
Barnett, Daniel
Baron, Donna
Baron, Rosanne
Barros, Candice
Barrows, Susan
Barter, Gary
Barton, Dia ne
Bec ker, Lysa
Behnke, He id i
Behr, Noreen
Bell iveau, Ron
Benn i ng , Susan
Berger, Lou i se
Berger, Luc i lle
Berner, Howard
Bern hoft, Ga i I
Berry, Diane
Berry, Diane
Berry, James
Berry, Susan
Bertog, Danie l
Besch, Tim
Billen, John
Binnie, Karen
Binninger, Sheryl
Birch, Pamela
Bittis, Sharon
Blagg , Gail
Blasi , Eugene
Blazek, Carleen
Block, Julie
Bogard, Leon
Booth, Dona Id
Borland, Patricia
Bosman, Ronald
Botz, Judith
Boutan, Randall
Bower, Charlene
Boyle, Blair
Boyle, Vanessa
Bradley, Walter
Bradofina , Debra
Breach, Loren
Brehm, Kathleen
Brennan , N\aureen
Brennan, Timothy
Broadhurst, Les
Brown, Francis
Brown, Paulette
Brown, Pamela
Brown, Robert
The Trojans make a basket and the spectators go
Bruno, Paul
Buege, Brenda
Bucher, Joan
Burbach, Darlene
Burby, Catherine
Burgess, Chris
Burkee, Lynn
Burlingham, Gayle
Busche, Patricia
Callow, Raymond
Campbell, Carolyn
Cantrell, Rich
Capodarco, Michael
Cardinelli, Nancy
Carlsen, Cindy
Carlson, Dawn
Carlson, Diane
Carpenter, Jerry
Cate, Ricky
Chandler, Sandra
Chianelli, Frank
Christensen, Wayne
Christian, Pamela
Christman, Jeff
Chvala, Steve
Clark, Martin
Claussen, Edward
Claussen, Kerry
Clay, Cynthia
Cody, Jack
Coffelt, Randell
Cole, Betsy
Colson, Ronald
Conforti, Michael
Conforti, Rona Id
Congdon, Debbie
Cooper, Debbie
Coshun, Michael
Coulter, Daniel
Covington, Cheryl
Crane, Steve
Crawford, Thomas
Cross, Barry
Cross, Bruce
Cummings, James
Curtis, Mike
Dade, Kathleen
Davis, Joanne
Debettignies, Jane
Dehtaan, Rodney
Delaney, James
Delany, Kathleen
Demske, Lynn
Demske, Paul
Dennis, Kathy
Denn is, Patti
Lynn Helf takes advantage of the new paperback
book sale rack in the social studies resource
Desote l!, Eugene
Dew it t, Kathy
Dezoma, Chr i st i ne
D iCel lo, Jen ni fer
D itzler, Barbara
Doksus, Lynda
Domes, Barry
Donaldson, W ill iam
Dow, Terrence
Dowse, Aliso n
Dreifke, Randy
Dreyer, Terry
Drissel , Deborah
Duban iew icz, Gail
Dumes ic, Judy
Dwyer, Michae l
Dyutka, Michael
Ebert, Gayle
Echols, James
Ee l ls, Ju l ie
E idsor, Chr i stine
Eisenhauer, Rae
Eldridge, Dale
Ellefson, Rick
Engdahl, Pam
Ennis, Allan
Evanoff, Nathaniel
Evermon, Patricia
Falduto, Karen
Fanning, Deborah
Farrell, Dan
Feifer, Jan
Fennema, Nancy
Fennema, Tom
Fessenden, Michael
Fietz, James
Fink, Karen
Fisher, Ronald
Fis her, Colleen
Flannery, Clarence
Folkers, Martin
Folland, John
Fonk, Nancy
Forbes, Patricia
Ford, Brian
Foster, Richard
Fox, Laura
Fraher, David
Francart, Pat
Franz, Kurt
Fratrick, Judith
Frederick, Laura
Frederick, Linda
Fredrickson, Joel
Fredrickson, Nancy
Frese, Julie
Frese, Kerry
Friddle, Robert
Frieman, Charles
Fryer, Charla
Furlin, Bruce
Gaddy, Rick
Galbraith, Loretta
Gallo, James
Gangler, Linda
Garcia, Ralph
Gann, Louise
Gardner, Gary
Garramone, James
Gascoigne, Don
Gascoigne, Thomas
Gately, Hugh
Gaudio, Karen
Gavin, Louise
Gebhart, Julia
Gentz, Delores
Gezzer, Barbara
Gianeselli, Joseph
Giannotti, James
Gildenstern, Gary
Girard, Yvonne
Glerum, Joyce
Godlewski, Janis
Goergen, Rona Id
Bill Anderson faithfully guards the commons area.
Goff, K a thleen
Goff, Sharon
Gof orth, Lewis
Gol w itz er, K ay
Gom az, Samu el
Gom bar, Kar en
Goos, Debra
Graf, Suza nne
Grand ow, Ken neth
Green, Hor t ense
Gree n, T i m
Gree n, Tom
Gregory, Pame la
Gregory, R ichard
Gr i m m er, Lenay
Gri sham, Roger
Gr iswo ld, Char les
Groenke, Gary
Gross, Arleen
Grovunder, Paul
Guelzow, Jeffrey
Gu l bransen, Sherry
Gunderson, Denn i s
Gutormsen, Dary l
Guttormsen, Ga il
Guttormse n, Kurt
Guzman, Jesse
Haarbauer, Marc
Hackbarth, Russell
Hagerty, Leroy
Hahn, Nita
Halcomb, Betty
Hammond, Thomas
Handy, Timothy
Hansche, Ga i l
Hansen, Jeanne
Hansen, Roy
Hapanowicz, Gary
Harig, Ted
Harmon, Lynn
Hartung, JoEl len
Haselwander, Frank
Jan Malcewicz smiles for the camera-or is it the
Haubrich, Gail
Hawkins, Mary
Hawley, Michael
Hebior, Kathy
Hegyera, Barbara
Heide, Peter
Helf, Lynn
Helwig, Kay
Herbrechtsmeier, John
Herman, Randal
Heroux, Michael
Hess, Candy
Hessefort, Karen
High, Lorna
Hill, Victoria
Hillesland, Sandy
Hinds, April
Hinds, Paul
Hoffman, Debbie
Hoffman, Sandra
Holladay, Billie
Holmes, Debbie
Hood, Michael
Hopkins, Kathy
Houston, Jerome
Huff, Jeffrey
Huffman, Cynthia
Hughes, Norman
Hutchinson, Melanie
Huuskonen, William
laquinta, Eugene
laquinta, Tom
Ide, Colette
Ing i atovic, Maria
lngbretson, Paulette
Ishmael, Kerry
Johnson, Frankie
Jackson, Pamela
Jacob, Richard
Jacobs, Ronald
Jakubowicz, Mary
Jamecsny, Albert
James, Pamela
Jeffr ies, Larri
Je llesen, Mary Ellen
Jenison, Rod
Jensen, Barb
Jensen, Barbara
Jensen, Cheryl
Jensen, Thomas
Jensen, Debbie
Johnson, Debbie
Johnson , Gurry
Johnson, Janet
Johnson, Jennifer
Johnson, Roger
Johnson, Randy
Johnson, Randy
Johnson, Steve
Johnson, Elaine
Johnstone, John
Jones, Charles
Jones, Gary
Jung , Margaret
Kaeppeler, Karen
Kahlert, Terry
Kalvonjian, Harry
Kamm, Joleen
Kanas, Karen
Karpowicz, Donna
Kautzer, Dona Id
Keefner, M ichael
Kekic, Patricia
Kelly, Diane
Kernen, Kathy
Kempin, Rosanne
Kessinger, Nyal
Kessler, Pamela
Kindle, Threva
Kirby, Lila
Kirsch, Paul
Kjeldgaard, Terry
Kleinschmidt, Edward
Klennert, Julie
Kloet, James
Kloet, Jane
Kneipper, Jeffrey
Knickrehm, Allan
Knight, Stephen
Knorn, Patricia
Knutter, Robert
KobaG Donna
Koch, Jeffrey
Koos, Alan
Koos, William
Kopf, Esther
Kosca k, Joan
Kosloske, Karen
Kramsvogel , Gail
Kraus, David
Kressel, Cheryl
Kreuscher, David
Krinker, Rich
Krinker, Russ
Kriofsky, Judith
Krogh, Gordon
Krogh, Sandra
Krueger, Paulette
Krupinski, Wes
Kuba, Steven
Kuehn I, Kenneth
Kwicinski, Kathleen
Lachman, David
Lahti, Dan
Lane, Karen
Lang, Mark
Langenstroer, Hans
A Tremper dance is a swinging affair.
Landsdown, Pat
Larson, Karen
Larson, Kathleen
Larson, Linda
Larson, Sandra
Laurent, Teena
Lauzon, Linn
Lawell, Barbara
Lawhun, Nancy
Lawler, Robert
Lawrance, Rick
Leake, Thomas
Leaveck, Ruth
Ledansk i, Joseph
Ledansk i, Richard
Lee, Marsha
Lei pzig, Cathy
Legler, Gary
Lemke, Dorothy
Lessman, Dave
Lettsome, Debra
Letsom, William
Likes, Jan
Lil jestrom, Michael
Linderman, Denise
Littel , Larry
Livingston, Ph ili p
Loback, Charles
Loeffler, Vincent
Lord, Sandra
Lowrance, Rick
Loyd, Cynthia
Lundskow, Barb
Macak, James
Macik, Evan
Mack, Danny
Mackaben, Lynn
Maffit, Rocky
Malcewicz, Janice
Malcewicz, Robert
Malkmus, Carol
Malkmus, Doris
Malsack, Thomas
Mancusi, Fred
Manthei, Gayle
Marcinak, Thomas
Markes, Paula
Margetson, Jeffrey
Martell, Lynn
Martin, Albert
Martin, Diane
Martin, Patrick
Martin, Ruth
Mastronardi, Steven
Mattioli, Laurie
Mattner, Alan
Mattox, Glen
Mattson, Kathy
Mau, William
Mau r er, Carol
Maur er , Peg gy
May, Rob i n
Mayer, Patr icia
McG lurg, Ke ith
McCorm ick, Kathryn
Mccrorey, Sydney
McDermott, Mary
M c Donald , David
M c Fadden , Monty
McG i bany, A lex
McG i bany, Gail
McKay, Candy
McKeown, Cathy
McClean, Donna
McNamara, Kim
Meiers, Mary Ann
Meltesen, Candy
Meltzer, Dick
Mengo, Gail
Merrick, Carol
Merrick, Dorothy
Merritt, Keith
Merritt, Mike
Messer, Erwin
Meyer, Wendy
Michaelis, Linda
Miller, Della
Miller, Donna
Miller, James
Mink, Pam
Misch, Lynn
Moddes, James
Moeller, Robert
Mohalley, Mike
Molinaro, Martin
Molinaro, Rick
Momper, Cathy
Mondrawickas, Mark
Montemurro, Nancy
Moore, Renee
Morris, Diane
Mortensen, Chris
Morton, Debbie
Myers, Jason
Nealy, Betty
Neitzel, Charlene
Nelson, Edwin
Nelson , Kim
Nelson , Larry
Nelson, Leonard
Nelson, Lindsey
Nelson, Maurice
Nelson, Ricky
Nelson, Scott
Net ze r, Bonni e
Neu, Carol
Nev ora ski, Ga r y
N ielse n, Mar k
Nielson, Th omas
Nietupski, Paula
Nolen, Lynda
Norcross, Brad
Norris, Robert
Nyqu ist, Peter
Obenauf, Karen
Oberholtzer, Lynn
O' Conner, James
Olsen, Louis
Olson, Bernard
Olson, Thomas
O' Nea l, Michael
Otto, Don
Ours, Donald
Owens, David
Pace, Vicky
Paone, Timothy
Parad i se, Linda
Parker, George
Parks, Daniel
Parrish, Jimmy
Pasqua Ii, JoAnne
Pate, Jerry
Pate, Ricky
Patterson, Kim
Patterson, Mary
Paul, Douglas
Paulin, Mark
Pautz, Mona
Pavlovich, Gerald
Pawlowski, Karen
Pederson, Lynn
Pelishek, James
Pellegrino, Frank
Pence, Duggles
Perri, Anthony
Wayne Van Tubbergan likes mini-skirts.
Perrone, Deborah
Peters, M ichael
Petersen , Bonn ie
Petersen, Karen
Petersen, Wendy
Peterson , David
Peterson, Thomas
Petrelli , Denise
Petri, Philip
Pfaff, Paulette
Pfarr, Gayle
Pfeiffer, James
Phillips, Cynthia
Phillipson, John
Piehl, Pamela
Pierantoni, Karen
Pitts, John
Plaisted, Cliff
Poindexter, James
Popp, Patricia
Poppe, Marcia
Posselt, Mary
Post, Dennis
Potente, Suzanne
Prell, Ken
Pritchard, Judith
Pritchard, Yvonne
Pucci, Mark
Quibell, Cheryl
Quilice, Rosemary
Rains, Geraldine
Mary Posselt watches the tug -of-war at WinterRama .
Ralph, Bonnie
Randle, Frank
Ranik, Nancy
Rasch, James
Reau, Gary
Redmond, Gary
Renzon i, Jeff
Resch, Randy
Reuter, Robert
Rheaume, Sharry
Ricciard i, Car la
Rich, Mar jorie
Richards, Kathy
Richards, Terry
R ikl i, Steven
Ri ley, Judy
Ritacca, Jenniene
R itchie, Lorraine
Robbins, Charles
Robbins, Richard
Roberts, Jane
Robertson, Anita
Robinson, Gloria
Robinson, Vickie
Roeder, Donna
Roemer, Mary
Romaine, Anne
Rosko, Kathy
Rosko, Paul
Rosenfeldt, Ga i I
Rosenfeldt, Gary
Rosenfeldt, Ted
Rothrock, Tom
Robison, Anita
Rowen , Nancy
Rudhman, William
Gordon Krogh flaps his wing .
Rudy, Kathryn
Ruetton , Bernard
Ruff a lo, Cathy
Ruge, Margaret
Ruhle, Karen
Ruhle, Patric ia
Ru seek i, Jan
Rush, Chr i stine
Russell , Nancy
Russo, Diane
Rutch i k, Michael
Sanders, Robert
Sandt, Dennis
Schaffer, Susan
Schaufel, Susan
Schaumberg , Daniel
Schellinger, Sandra
Scherr , Michael
Scheve, Daniel
Schindler, Kay
Schindler, Steve
Sehl itz, David
Schmerling , Sandra
Schmidt, Alice
Schmidt, Dennis
Schmidt, Kimberly
Schmidt, Kurt
Schmitz, Donald
Schmitz, Mary
Schmunck, Sandra
Schneeberger, Allen
Schneider, William
Schneider, June
Schneider, Starr
Schnuckel, Gene
Scholfield , Theresa
Scholey, Kristy
Schrandt, Tom
Sch r oeder, Craig
Schuch, Mark
Schulz, Ronald
Schwartz, Debra
Scott, Roy
Scuffham, Susan
Shelley, P atrick
Siirila , Darlene
Siirila, Kathleen
Simonsen, Roxanne
Simons, Rita
Singer, Lawrence
Th e masses aw a it th e crow ning of Marty J ohn son
a s first Tr o ja n Emperor.
Singer, Mary
Sivley, Gail
Slageski, Daniel
Smith, Anita
Smith, Candy
Smith, Donna
Smith, El ise
Smith, Lorna
Smith, Jacqueline
Socha, Karen
Socha, Narees
Soens, Carol
Sokol, Martin
Sorensen, James
Sorensen, Jay
Spence, Connie
Spitzer, Candace
Splitek, John
Springer, Gary
Stancato, Janice
Stankus, Robert
Staude, Linda
Stauder, Maureen
Stein, Douglas
Stein, Kurt
Stevesand, Timothy
Stewart, Margaret
Stieber, Ga i I
St. Peter, Edward
Streck, Pamela
Strecker, Jacquelyn
Struthers, Gary
Studdard , Charlotte
Studtmann, Patricia
Stukel, Thomas
Sturino, Michael
Sullivan, Patricia
Swanlind, Linda
Swiatko, Gary
Szumowicz, Elizabeth
Taffs, Deborah
~ -
~\-_ -=- -~~-
Tanking , Jeff
Taube, Jim
Taylor, Deborah
Taylor, Jim
Te igen, Cher i
Tenuta, Gene
Terrien , Anne
Terwall, Robert
Tews, William
Thiele, Kathleen
Thomas, Barbara
Thomas, George
Thomas, Mary
Thompson, Candace
Thompson, Sarah
Tillman, Arthur
Tinker, Todd
Tishuk, David
Toigo, Celeste
Toomey, James
Topel , Gail
Totts, Cathy
Travis, Deborah
Tredup, Susan
Trottier, Karen
Tufts, Shirley
Turner, Cora
Tutlewski, Marc
Urquhart, Lane
Valentine, Louise
Vandenberg, Catherine
Vandenberg, Carol
Vanderford , Betty
Vandyke, James
Vanexel, Colin
Vanexel, Nickey
Van Horn, Larry
Vanorder , Mary
Vanslyke, Vickie
Van Tubbergen , Wayne
Victoria , David
Vlacking , Jacalyn
Tait, Dennis
Voelz, Dennis
Vogel , Steven
Vogler, Linnea
Vo igh t, Laura
Volpendesta, Marlen
Volpentesta, Cather in e
Tallman, Larry
Vosen, Michael
Waites, Jerry
Waldow, Elsid
Wallace, Donald
Walters, June
Ward, Mike
Warrender, Robert
Wasmund!, Ray
Wasser, Diane
Wayne, Jan
Weber, Jean
Weise, Susan
Weiss, Michael
Wells, David
Wenger, Eugene
Wesley, San
Westphal, David
White, Christine
White, Lynn
White, Robert
Witt, David
Wick, Steve
Wiegeit, Lloyd
Wieske, Bill
Wiginton, Mike
Wightman , Linda
Wilkinson, Shirley
Williams, Dana
Williams, Judith
Williams, Linda
(L) Rocky Maffit gives a handout to Charlie Frieman. ( R) Casts and white socks were typical of this
Tremper winter.
W i llkomm, Phyllis
W i lls, Richard
Witt, Barbara
Witt, Ruby
Wolf, Gail
Wolter, Marsha
Wood , Carol
Worthington, Anne
Wyosnick, Roger
Yates, Michael
York, Frances
Young, Matthew
Young , Richard
Young, Stephen
Ysenga, Kathy
Yurchak, Jacinta
Yurchak, Stephanie
Zach, Marovic
Zehms, Marna
Zielsdorf, Carole
Zielsdorf, Linda
Ziesemer, Edward
Zieth, Randall
Zuhlke, Sally
Juniors not pictured
Ammon, Barbara
Babel, Richard
Bankhead, Joseph
Barber, P hyllis
Belliveau, Dawn
Belger, Renee
Bothe, Thomas
Bowie, Deloise
Butt, Carolyn
Broadway, Neal
Broker, Philip
Burbey, Gloria
Burt, David
Caldwell , Edward
Castile, Marvin
Christensen, Carl
Conley, Bonita
Coss, Craig
Czarnowski, Rick
Doud , Robert
Dupuie, Mar c
Ell i s, Marv i n
Fasci , Michael
Franco, Daniel
Fr iedsam , Pamela
Haling , Karen
Ja cobsen , John
Johnson , Charles
Johnson , Curtis
Jordan, Patricia
Kozell , David
Klappa , Linda
Kiowa , Nancy
Koeshall , Barbara
Kraai , James
Lannoye, Cheri
Ledanski , Ri c hard
Ley, David
Lootans, John
L ound, Bruce
Macbaben , Lynn
Manna , Judy
Marovic, Za c hary
McPherson, Conn ie
Millke, Kenneth
Miner, W i ll iam
Molette, Jim
Moore, Hattie
Morris, Diane
Mosely, Delephine
Nelson , Charles
Nelson, Mark
N ighbor, Kathleen
O' Connor, Mark
Pagliaroni, Paula
Powers, Michael
Prostko, Betty
Pulera , Thomas
Py nchon , Danny
Queen , Karen
Reich, Billy
Robbins, William
Rongholt, Patricia
Ruffalo, Lynn
Semiau, Renee
Spitz, Charles
Staples, Barbara
Stenmetz , Douglas
Stetson , Beverly
Sul I iv an, Kathleen
Tait, Patrick
Techert, Charles
Terrell , Wanda
T inker, Charles
Torstenson , Thomas
Tworek, Robert
Vasquez, Anglea
Verch, Paulette
Wember , Joseph
White, Joseph
Winak, James
Woynilko, James
Zykowski , Mitchell
(UL) Candy Smith keeps Classic's expenses bal anced. (UR) In the socia I studies resource center,
Pam Piehl shops for a paperback . (LL) Miss Todd
offers her advice on an assignment.
Sophomores are
vital participants
The sophomore class began this year with
a first place Homecoming float, "We' re
Ahead ." On November 22, they sponsored
Yekrut Tort, their first dance. They joined
the junior and senior classes in putting
on the first annual Winterama. The iceskating pond, Abominable Snowman, snowball making contest, and After Freeze
dance were run by the class. Later in the
(opposite page) The sophomore class officers check
their accounts. (left to right, front row) Jim Gourley, president, Diane Kreuser, treasurer, (back
(row) Pat Harmon, corresponding secretary, Doug
Duncan, vice-president, Lynn Schmale, recording
year, the sophomores took charge of decorations and various booths for Spring
The sophomore class advisory board met
every week under the direction of Mrs .
(U) Sophomore class advisory board (left to right
from front, Row l) Dona Kuryanowicz, Sue Kennedy, Betty Singer, Barbara Paasch, Sue Jensen,
Candy Serpe, Pat Harmon (Row 2) Mary Jo G iannotti, Lynn Schmale, Kathy Bauers, Jerry Witt,
Lon Knoedler, Margot Poltrock (Row 3) Fred Hartley, Mike Sorensen, Tony Amadio, Mark Volpendesta, Boyd Nelson, Doug Duncan (Row 4) Cindy
Katt, Mary Ann Gretzinger, Sharon Bosman, Mike
Hughes, Bruce Daber, Paul Apyan, Diane Kreuser,
Tom Lansdown .
Adam, Kenneth
Adelsen , Michael
Aiello, Roger
Allard, Paul
Alleman, Deborah
Allen, William
Althaus, Richard
Alwardt, Victoria
Amadio, Anthony
Ameche, Victor
Amore, Greg
Ancevic, Robin
Andersen, Rae
Anderson, Christine
Anderson, James
Anderson, Mark
Anderson, Ruth
Anderson, Vicki
Angelo, Carol
Angelo, Michael
Antes, Sally
Antonacci, Sharon
Antrim, Ronald
Apyan, Paul
Armes, Doris
Ausse, Wayne
Bach, Roger
Bailey, Judy
Bailey, Richard
Barber, Richard
Barker, Barbara
Bartel, Robin
Bartel, William
Barth, Alison
Barve, Candace
Bathe, Gary
Bauers, Kathleen
Beales, Thomas
Beauchamp, David
Becker, Cherri
Bedford, Sharon
Lucy Leonard and Sharon Lindstrom walk eagerly
to their next class.
Bedore, Kristy
Bedore, Richa r d
Behr, Marvin
Benkstein, Steven
Bergren, Nancy
Bernhoft, Sandy
Barribeau, Mary
Berry, Pauline
Berry, Robert
Birkholz, William
Blaney, Lyndell
Blasi , Twila
Blome, Carl
Bloomer, Doug
Boardman , Michael
Bode, Dennis
Boehm, Diane
Bohdanowicz, Dolores
Bonanno, Carmen
Borst, George
Bose, Susan
Bosman, Sharon
Boubonis, Marc
Bougneit, Rick
Bower, Wallace
Box, Doyle
Brand, Kathy
Brandes, JoAnn
Brandt, Kathy
Braun, Paula
Brazo, Robert
Breach, Marla
Brennan , Terry
Brenneman, Raymond
Brettingen, Theresa
Briese, Debra
Broomstead, Sandra
Brothen, Mary
Brown, Cynthia
Brown, Gerald
Brown, Jeffery
Brown, Luanne
Brown, Thomas
Brown, Timothy
Brummel , Jeffrey
Bruno, Patricia
Buckelew, James
Buckner, Leo
Burbank, Tara
Burkoth, Sharon
Burrow, Richard
Burt, Adele
Burt, David
Busche, Carol
Buskirk, Janice
Buskirk, Joy
Cairo, Nancy
Campolo, Cathy
Campolo, Mark
Camponeschi, Connie
Capodarco, David
Cappelen, Stephen
Cappellina, Norman
Carlson, Jan
Carlson, Pamela
Carney, Kelly
Carroll , Thomas
Carver, Christine
Case, Wanda
Casebolt, Karen
Cattelino, Kathleen
Caulk, Deborah
Cervantes, Richard
Ceschin, Marie
Chandler, Debra
Charlton, Thomas
Chemerow, Susanne
Cheney, Karen
Cherney, Jeffrey
Christensen, Carol
Christiansen, Lee
Chroninger, Cathy
Ciesielski, Vicki
Clark, David
Clausen, Gene
Cleveland, Debra
Cl ifford , Karen
Coffen, Tad
Cole, George
Cole, Richard
Coleman, Mary
Conley, Pamela
Conley, William
Combs, William
Cook, Stephen
Corso, Keith
Coshenet, Danny
Coursey, Linda
Cowen, Cynthia
Cowen, Leslie
Crane, JoAnn
Crawford, James
Crowley, Margaret
Cunningham, Rory
Curtis, Merri lee
Curtiss, Stephen
Davis, Bernadine
Davis, Dannie
Davis, Suzanne
Dean, Randall
DeChiara, Franklin
Delany, Thomas
Denny, Claudia
Desmonie, David
Desotel!, Ernest
Dibble, Jean
Dickey, Terri
( Ll Delores Bohanowicz take advantage of innovations such as the new social studies resource
center as she joins other students to preview film
strips. ( R l Sophomore Mike Drissel tries for an
"A" in typing as he concentrates on making a perfect copy.
Dielmann, Thomas
Dimitrijevec, Diane
Dissmore, Patricia
Dober, Bruce
Dobrinska, Jacqueline
Dobrinska, Paul
Doerflinger, Richard
Donais, Diane
Doud, Roy
Dri ssel , M i ke
Duerr, M il es
Duncan, Douglas
D unham, Todd
Dunlap, Paula
Dwyer, Thomas
Dyutka , Lynell
Earl, Patricia
Earnest, Michae l
Ebert, Lynn
Eisenhauer, Brett
Ellefson, Randy
Englehardt, Vera
Esser, Gay
Eternicka, David
Eucalano, Andrea
Evans, Diane
Evans, Kathleen
Everson, Karen
Farmer, Joel
Farrington, Donna
Fechner, Ramayne
Ferguson, Deborah
Finch, Mary
F indling, Christine
Finley, Charles
Fish, Diane
Fisher, Jan
F itch, John
Flannery, Berry
Flasch, Patrick
Flatley, Craig
Fleming, Alice
Flynn, Russel
Fonk, Larry
Fox, David
Fox , Donald
Frame, Randy
Frank, W i lliam
Frankenburg , James
Franzen, Vicky
Fraser, John
Fredrickson, David
Fredrickson, Kristine
Freeman, Debra
Frei, Thomas
Fritz, Edward
Frye, Kevin
Fuller, Wendy
Fullmer, Leland
Furno, Robert
Gallo, Richard
Gardener, David
Garlow, Alison
Gascoigne, Pamela
Gayheart, Ben
Gehring, Joseph
Gena, Hal
Gentes, Mary
Gentz, Karen
George, Arnold
Gesler, Dennis
Gezzer, George
Gianeselli, Rosanna
Giannotti , Mary Jo
Gielas, Joyce
Gigliotti, Deborah
Gildenstern, George
Giordano, Roberta
Girsh, Linda
Glerum, Renee
Gogola, Theresa
Gollnick, Michael
Goroski, Elizabeth
Gorra, Marcia
Gorr, Gary
Gosnell , Linda
Gottfredsen, Thomas
Gourley, James
Grabot, Mike
Grando, Jane
Granger, Vernon
Grasser, David
Gray, Cindy
Gray, Sarah
Greb, Joni
Greenwald, David
Grosjean, Sandra
As a Bradford Red Devil, Carl Vieth waves a magic
spell, but the Trojans won anyway.
Gretzinger, Mary Ann
Grow, Pamela
Guerra , Irene
Gullo, Jeff
Gumbinger, John
Haag, Pamela
Hagedorn, Russell
Hagen, Gary
Hagen, Marcus
Hains, Judith
Hakala, David
Halbur, Michael
Haling, Delmar
Hamby, Belinda
Hamilton, Debbie
Hamilton, Virginia
Haney, Bill
Hannes, Marianne
Hanrahan, Curt
Hansche, Linda
Hansen, Bradley
Hansen, Eric
Hansen, Kim
Hanson, Jeffrey
Harmon, Patricia
Harper, Deborah
Hartl, Patricia
Hartley, Fred
Hartman, David
Hartnell, Robert
Harvey, Thomas
Haubrich, Brad
Haubrich, Gail
Havranek, Gail
Hawkins, Janet
Hawley, Patricia
Heg, Dennis
Heg, Rodney
Heide, Jamie
Helgesen, Robert
Henoch, Sandra
Henrikson, John
Hensgen, John
Hensgen, Paul
Herr, Michael
Herr, Susan
Herzog, Robert
Hess, Randy
Heyden, Darryl
High, Shanda
Hill, Jerry
Hiller, Patricia
Hoaglan, Sandra
Hoffman, Linda
Holimin, Wilson
Hollister, Karen
Jo Anne Brandes gets bored during lun ch hou r.
Holterma n, Patr ici a
Holton, L uci a
Hopper, Kev in
Hubbard, Darc i
Hubbard, Mark
Huck, Larry
Huff, Nan -:: y
Hughes, Michael
Hul l, Rickie
Hunt, Barbara
Hunt, James
Hunt, Jerry
Hunt, Lawrence
Hyl i nski, M ichael
Ingraham, Laurie
lsengay, Sh i rley
Jacoby, Mark
Jaffe, M ichael
Jahnke, Deborah
Jahnke, Randy
Jalensky, Daniel
Jecevicus, Michael
Jensen, Kevin
Jensen, Michael
Jensen, Susan
Jepson, Michael
Johnson, Jerry
Johnson, Kenneth
Johnson, Larry
Johnson, Lindy
Johnston, Debbie
Jones, Colette
Jorgenson, Deborah
Jung, Doris
Jurksaitis, Jerome
Kaddatz, Judy
Kalvonjan, Gary
Kamyszek, Judy
Kanehl , Steve
Kanios, Janice
Kastman, Karen
Katt, Cindy
J er ry Sturino makes a beautiful cabinet.
Katt, Steve
Kausalik, Constance
Keach, Robert
Kehl , Ruth
Kelps, Vick i
Kemble, David
Kennedy, Julie
Kersten, Randy
Kersting , Jackie
Kessler, Mark
Kienitz, Cindy
Kindle, Pam
Kindle, Pat
King, Steve
Kite, Michael
Klemm , Susan
Kless, Jean
Kloet, Joyce
Knight, Maggie
Knitter, Reid
Kneedler, Lon
Knudson, Patricia
Kober, Ronald
Koessl , Gary
Kohnke, Luane
Kollman, Cindy
Kollman, Doug
Kolmos, Connie
Koroscik , Janet
Kosloske, Harold
Koster, Robert
Kostrewa, Robert
Kozina , Kent
Kraemer, Jeri
Krehbiel , Karry
Kreucher, Kenneth
Kruse, John
Kreuser, Diane
Kreuser, Kenneth
Kreuser, William
Kronholm, Kaye
Kuchcinsk i, Jim
Kuehl, Barbara
Kuessow, Kathy
Kunath, Susan
Kuryanowicz, Dona
Lachman, Jeffrey
Lancour, Robin
Landa, Edward
Landgren, Mary
Lane, Mary
Lansdown, Thomas
Laporte, Richard
Larsen, Gregory
Larson, Sharon
Lassen, Roger
Laudonia , Michael
Laughlin, Carl
Lawler, Karen
Lawson, Ray
Lea, Patricia
Lehman, Jeffrey
Leonard, Lucetta
Lienau, Rudy
Lill , Julie
Lillie, Lynne
Lindstrand, Bruce
Lindstrom, Sharon
Llanas, Albert
Loback, Odin
Lober, Christian
Lockwood, Sarah
Londa, Christine
Loss, James
Lough , Debra
Loyd, Peggy
Lubecke, Randy
Lubniewski, Thomas
Lueck, Darryl
Luitze, Mary
Lupi, Jack
Luskin, Ronald
Lutter, Dorothy
Maccari , Rita
MacDonald , Jerry
Mackey, Daron
Maddux , Sherrlyn
Madison , Timothy
Madsen , Eugene
Mardoian, Pamela
Marks, Robert
Markwald, David
Markwald, Karen
Martin, Jeffrey
Martin, Mary Ann
Martinez, Elizabeth
Martinson, Jean
Mason, Jerelynn
Matzur, Melody
Mccrary, Steven
McCune, Dav id
McKean, Colleen
McPhaul , J im
Meiers, Charles
Melesky, John
Melv in, Richard
Menges, Jod i
Mengo, Linda
Merc ie r , Susan
Merr ick, Wil li am
Merwin, John
Metallo, Michael
Metten, Monica
Meyers, Sherry
Michalos, Gale
Mickelson, Darel
Milanovic, Ronald
Miller, Richard
Miller, Robert
Millholland , Carl
Minkowski, Cheryl
Misurelli, Michael
Madder, Susan
Moeller, Dale
Moeller, Vicki
Moffett, Jerry
Momper, Robert
Moore, Diane
Moore, Eric
Moore, Howard
Moore, Marilyn
Moore, Patricia
Moore, William
Morrill, Kathy
Morrison, Mary
Moser, Irene
Muetze, Kathy
Muetze, Terry
Mullis, Robert
Murphy, Andy
Myers, Charles
Naegeli, Sharon
Nedweski, Caroline
Neely, Karen
oenn1s Post and chums fill up the ice-skating pond
for Winter -Rama.
Netzer, Patricia
Nell, Larry
Nelson, Bonnie
Nelson, Boyd
Nelson, Craig
Nelson, Kim
Nelson, Patrick
Nemeth, Darlene
Neu, Chr istine
N ichi, Nancy
N ickerson, Danny
Nielsen, Lynell
Nighbor, Jane
No ie, John
Nolen, Cynthia
Nolting, John
Norman, Timothy
Novack, Paula
Nugent, Gary
Nurdin, Shiela
Nuttall, Donald
Nuttall, Thomas
Nuutinen, Kathryn
O'Connell, Kathleen
Oechler, Marva
Olp, Allen
Olson, Gerald
Olson, Pam
Olszewski, Fred
Olufs, Karen
Oneal, Karen
Oneil , Kevin
Onserud, Guy
Ortiz, Emiliano
Ortiz, Karen
Owsichek, David
Paash, Barbara
Paasch, Linda
Pabst, Kenneth
Pacetti , Robert
Pa czkowski, Daniel
Palerm o, Joseph
Paone, Theodore
Papatheodorow, Maria
Parker, Brenda
Parker, David
Paschall, Linda
Pascucci , Leon
Pate, Herbert
Patty, Glenn
Paul , Patricia
Pederson, David
Pederson, Laur ita
Perr i, Carol
Person, Jerry
Peterman, James
Petersen, Karen
Peterson, Gary
Petit, Janet
Petrin, Roger
Pfaff, Denise
Pfaff, Ralph
Pfeiffer, Joyce
Pfeiffer, Kathleen
Phillips, Deleen
Phillips, Richard
Piehl, Nancy
Pierce, James
Pierce, Karl
Pieronek, Donald
Pilgrim, Terry
Pitts, Nancy
Plaisted, Nancy
Pleet, Carlene
Poltrock, Margot
Polzin, Linda
Poppe, Betty
Potter, Leon
Powell, Adrian
Pruett, Charles
Quick, Patti
Quinn, Jeri
Regnery, John
Rezny, George
Rezny, Gerald
Ricciardi, Ada
Riccio, Jaye
Richards, Barbara
Richards, Kent
Richter, Robert
Carl Viet h and friends worK tor a pr1Le-w11111111y
Rifenbery, Phill i p
Rita c ca, Dennis
Roberts, Debra
Ro bi I lard, Michael
Rob i n, Sherry
Robinson, Claud ia
Rodriguez, Elizabeth
Roemer, E l izabeth
Rohrer, Dan iel
Rosenfeldt, Randy
Roseth, Debra
Rosko, Daniel
Rotnem , Chr i st i ne
Rowen, Donna
Rubenzer, Richard
Rusecki, Steven
Saldivar, Lucille
Salica, Rick
Sandberg, Cathy
Sanders, Colleen
Sanders, Debra
Sanderson, Joyce
Savaglio, John
Scanlon, Donald
Schaumberg, Michael
Schepker, Charles
Schlachter, Michael
Schlitz, Kathy
Schlosser, JoAnn
Schmale, Lynn
Sch mer I ing, Richard
Schmidt, Cindy
Schmitz, Michael
Schmitz, Vickie
Schmoldt, Bonnie
Schaare, Dee
Schneider, Paul
Schonscheck, fll\arybeth
Schrandt Richard
Schuch, Diane
Schuck, Christine
Schultz, Allan
Schuffham, Roy
Seavitte, fll\ary
Sedberry, Edward
Selander, Peter
Serpe, Vincencina
Sexton, Barbara
Sharp, Sue
Shaw, Eddie
Sherman, Paul
Shisler, Larry
Siebert, Carol
Sieger, James
Sikora, fll\arsha
Sikora, Suzanne
Siltala, Linda
Silverberg, fll\ark
Singer, Elizabeth
Sipsma, Gail
Sipsma, Kenneth
Sivley, Karen
Skovronski , Cleta
Skurski, fll\arianne
Sluga, Linda
Smith, Clement
Smith, Harold
Smith, Robin
Snyder, Lynn
Sockness, fll\ark
Solomen, Deborah
Sorensen, fll\ichael
Sorenson, Nei I
Sorensen, Robert
Spallato, fll\ichael
Sparks, Bonnie
Speaker, David
Spence, Robert
Spencer, Dale
Spencer, Susan
Spino, JoAnn
Spraker, Patricia
Stancato, Tom
Starr, Gary
Stebbins, James
Steele, Diana
Stein, Barbara
Steinmetz, Therese
Stielow, Deborah
Stiles, Susan
(VJ Leon Pascucci gets a farewell kiss from t he
French student teacher, Mlle. Kramer . (L) Pauline
Ber ry has a nutritious lunch of pretzels.
St. John, Donald
Strangberg, John
Strus s, Rod ne y
Struthers, Dani
Stu bbs, K athl een
St ur ino, Gera ld
Stur ino, Robert
Sturyc z, Ron a ld
Suggar, Har ley
Sull ins, Wanda
Sun da y, Br en da
Swanson, Carrie
Swentsky, Carole
Tagl ianetti, Diane
Tall m an, Randy
Tallon, Keit h
Tasova c, Janet
Tatman, Thomas
Te iger, Mark
Thomas, Deborah
Thomas, Gary
Thomas, Karen
Thomas, Patr ic ia
Thomey, Jane
Thompson, Beverly
Thompson , Martha
Thomsen, Anthony
Timmerman, Marie
Timms, Ronn ie
Tiz i, David
To lstyga , Danie l
Topping , Jeffrey
Torc i v i na , N icholas
Totts, Beck y
Tredup, Jaqueline
Dona Kuryanow1cz keeps her eye on Mr. Adams
as he explains a geometry problem to Craig Flatley and Gary Nugent.
Wavro, Mark
Weber, Gary
Weidner, Patrick
Weiner, David
Weiss, Joel
Wells, Forrest
Werve, Danny
Werve, Timothy
Westland, David
Westplate, Miriam
Westplate, Rachel
Westplate, Ronald
Weston, Ronald
Westwood, Pamela
White, David
Whitworth, Gregg
Wieland, John
Wiemelt, Twyla
Wiercinski, Sue
Wierzbicki, Richard
Wiginton Tim
Wilcox, Philip
Wilkinson, Bradley
Will"ams, Sue
Willis, illiam
ineland, S even
in er, adine
indsor, Ronald
I isc , Jo n
~ .
Tribur, Deborah
Truax, Darrell
Tucc i, John
Turner, Gwendolyn
Tuttle, Terry
U Irich, Dorothy
Upright, Rochelle
Urbanski, Marsha
Usinger, Patric ia
Uttech, Debra
Valentine, Lawrence
VanBendegrom, Gary
VanCaster, Jeffrey
Vanderford, Raynie
Vanderpoel, Robert
Vanderpoel, Ronald
Vanderwall, Gretchen
VanLanduyt, Renee
Vanorder, Ramona
Vaux, Julie
Velardo, George
Vieth, Carl
Vikmyhr, Ber nard
Villodas, Andres
Vincent, Chr i stine
Vogel, Terry
Voight, Barbara
Volpendesta, Mark
Volpentesta, Claudia
Vonneumann, Lynn
Wachs, James
Walker, George
Warner, Virgil
Warnock, Jeffrey
Watts, Theresa
Waugus, Debbie
Woelffer, Kr i sty
Wollert, Gary
Womack, Robert
Wood, Maudie
Wortley, Sherri
Wright, Bud
Wright, Charlotte
Wyosnick, James
Yurchak, Cel in e
Zenella , Terrence
Zarletti, Deborah
Zarletti, Larry
Bret Eisenhower keeps his eyes on the " road " as
he practices simulator dr i ving techniques.
Zarovy, George
Ziesemer, Gary
Zietz, Susan
Zimmanck, Pat
Zuberbuehler, Dennis
Zuicarelli, Marcia
Sophomores not pictured
Anderson , Al Ian
Bankhead, Doris
Berry, James
Bise, Susan
Brandofina, Paul
Brandt, Cynthia
Brandt, Patricia
Britt, Paula
Brothen , Debra
Buttera , Francine
Cauthern, Randy
Farrell , Daniel
Fenn, Walter
F itzgera Id, Steven
Flannery, Steven
Forsberg, Susan
Foster, Rochester
Frei , Leonard
Gerber, Richard
Gomaz, Rodell
Gould, Ralph
Gray, Thomas
Grissom, Charles
Handy, Timothy
Hill , John
Irving, David
Jacob, Richard
Jacobson, Frankie
Jarvis, Karl
Jeffries, Leon
Johnstone, Ronald
Kraemer, Karen
Kuick, Anthony
Lee, Marsha
Lockwood , Sarah
Marks, Kim
McGovern, Daniel
Maui , Debra
McMahon, Martha
Millar, Della
Nemeth, Sharon
Neuman , Marilyn
O' Connor, Michael
Pecha, Thomas
Pfeiffer, James
Pollack, Michael
Quinonez, Daniel
Ran i k, Nancy
Reed, Billy
Ruetten , Bernard
Ruff a lo, Kathy
Schnuk, Gera ld
Serpe, Vincenc i na
Shatto, Steven
Shuller, Gary
Si lger, James
Sm ith, Karen
Ste i nhoff, James
Stine, Carla
Techert, Carla
Techert, Bruce
Torstenson, Susan
Torstenson, Rona Id
Wakefield, Michael
White, Virgil
Wilks, Judy
Zielsdorf, Linda
(LL) Celeste Toi go, Andy Murphy, and Shanda
High use geometric figures to aid their studies .
( U Ll Gary Ziesemer measures his lung capacity
during weight training. (UC) Eric Moore sings
"Cry Me A River" at Tremper's Variety Show .
(UR) Pat Harmon serves Mr. Bair a Red Barn
hamburger at Winter-Rama .
In the rush
Of our ultra-modern
People don't have
Togo from
Store to store,
Searching for
Some needed article.
They want to know
Where it's at
Before they even
Leave the house.
They read the ads in
The newspapers,
The Yellow Pages,
And the Classic
To find the best
At the best
Judy Smith and Steve Derenchuk compare layouts
for the advertising section.
A Product of American Motors
Compliments of
Andrew Lumber
Company Inc.
4800-75th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
"Our Greatest Asset ...
Your Goodwill"
Downtown Kenosha
Phone 694-6011
Capri Studio Inc.
346 Harrison
Oak Park, 1llinois
Specialist in School Photography
2 61
•.. leaders in the design and n1anufacture
of quality stainless steel
... with eo1nplete farilities for engineering and
installing Auto1natir Processing, Cleaning and Jee
Crearn J\1ix Ingredient l\atrh Wei~hing Systerns.
. ""':"
.>ON TR .. OUP
West Federal Savings
58th St . at 6th A venue
Home office : West Federal Savings
Capital Court, Milwaukee
Milk Producers Dairy
TELtPHONE 6!>4 8042
I 3-J I Fifty $ .. corid 'itr~~r
(i<-no-.ho Wi"onsi11
Message to a Lucky Student
You are one of an incredibly small and lucky minority of
the world's people . The American way of life is a miracle
of history which you are free to enjoy, not because of any
ef,fort on your part .. . not because you deserve the better
things of life but solely because you were lucky enough to
be born into it. Many are not so lucky.
More people live in huts of mud or straw than in any other
kind of shelter.
More young people have a life expectancy of thirty-five
years than of any higher figure .. about half that of an
average high school graduate.
More parents watch half their children die than see all
their children grow to adulthood.
More people live without the help of a doctor than enjoy
even the most simple medical care .
More people eat only what .they grow . . . and starve when
there is no harvest than obtain their food in any other
fashion .
More people do not
ever voted.
know what it is to vote than have
The advancement of your way of life and the spreading
of its benefits to others is your future responsibility. For
those •vho have the creative spark, ability, courage, human
kindness, stick-to-itiveness and leadership there will always be opportunities unlimited.
Congratulations to Memben of the Graduating Class
Your School Supply Store
Since 1924
Brosk Office
School Supply Inc.
5810-7th Avenue
Downtown Kenosha
Hansen Funeral
Serving Kenosha Since 1880
Ambulance Service
6019 Seventh Avenue
Phone 654-2136
Serving Delicious Chicken, Hamburgers
Double Chews, French Fries, Onion
Rings and Triple Thick Shakes.
Plus our Exciting Flavor
of the Week
Ice Cream
5205-40th Avenue
lsermann Bros.
The Ranch Restaurant
Men's Clothing and Shoes
A Place To Meet
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The American Shop
Two Locations
South Ranch 75th & Sheridan
North Ranch 3311 Sheridan
High School and College Clothing
614-16-56th Street
Fashion Center of Southern Wis.
French Doll
6017 Sheridan Road
Phone 652-6353
Kathy Socha
Barb Wisnefski
Beaver Dam
5614 - 5616 SIXTH AVENUE
Who is that girl? She's our girl . . . a
Korf's girl, and we love her. She's with
it, onto what's happening.
She does her homework to Donovon, The
Cream, and Janis Joplin.
When it comes to clothes, she goes for
Aileen, Jr. House, Jonathon Logan, and
Nina for shoes.
And when she's looking for something
really smashing to wear, you'll find her
at Korf's-she grooves to the with it fashions beat at Korf's. You will, too.
Korf's Sixth Avenue
Subscribe to
Classic 1970
"A Year at Tremper Between Two Covers"
See Editors Tom Olson and Candy Smith
Room 147
Seniors: Order Your Graduation Photos
McNeil Fuel
Fuel Oil-Coal
Compliments of
Cooling and Heating
Phone 657-7171
6337-14th Avenue
Kenosha Division
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Community Barber
Compliments of
8015-22nd Avenue
7307-?th Avenue
4124 7th Avenue
30ll-22nd Avenue
Dynamatic Division, Eaton
Yale & Towne, Inc.
Town n1 Country Shopping Center
14 Great Stores to Serve You
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"Positive Savings on All Prescriptions Filled"
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"Complete Early American Selections for Every
"For the Admiration You Deserve"
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"Kenosha's Most Complete Selections"
"Headquarters for Custom Picture Framing"
"Friendly Service is Our Business"
Misses Sportswear from
B •I snoI s
For the Finest
American State
High School Rings
"Free Checking Accounts
for College Students"
2120-52nd St. Corner of 52nd and 22nd Avenue
Perry & Dave s
A & W Drive-In
Roosevelt Rd & 30th A venue
& Sheridan Rd. North
1968-69 Classic editors Libby Burnett and Barb
Bucholz coordinate activities for the Classic
staff .
Senior Activities
ABREGO, SAM M . - Linco l n .
ALLEN , HOLLY B. - Lin coln - Aquettes 1, 2; Sophomore M i xed l.
AL TERGOTT, FRED - Lance - Honor
Roll 1,2 ; Boys lntramurals 2.
AKER , MARKS . - Lance.
ANCEVIC, CYNTHIA A . Cynd i Lance - Classic Salesmen 2, 3; Classic Staff 1, 2; Monitor 3; Gym Assistant 2, 3.
ANDERSEN , BARRY N . - Lance - A
Capella 2, 3; Sophomore Mixed l; Trojan Men ' s Chorus 2.
ANDERSEN , CAROL M . - Lincoln Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; National Honor Society 3; Aquettes 2, 3; A Cappella 2, 3;
Sophomore Mixed l; Hi -Style 2, 3.
ANDERSEN , CHERRYL L . - Cheri Lincoln - Band 1, 2, 3; Pep Band l , 2, 3;
Project Love 3.
ANDERSON, GRANT B. - Gunther Lance Boys lntramurals 1, 2; A
Cappella 2; Trojan Men's Chorus 2;
Dram-per 1,2; Forensics 2; Folksingers Club 2; Key Club 2, 3; Letterman's 2; News Bureau 2; Quill and
Scroll 2, 3; Tempest Salesman 2; Tempest 2, 3; New Voice 2; Cross-Country
1, 2, 3; Captain 3; Track 1, 2.
ANDRASCHKO, DAWN T . - Lance Library Assistant 3; Usherettes 3.
ANDRE, RITA A . - McKinley - General Girls l; Advanced Girls 2, 3;
Vice-President 3; Office Occupation
Association 3.
- Honor Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 3; Red Cross 3; Spanish Club 3;
Project Love 3.
ANTRIM, ALBERT W. - Al - Lance
- Monitor 2.
APKER , LINDA J. - Lincoln - Honor
Roll 1,2, 3; National Honor Society 3.
APYAN, DAN I EL S. - Dan - Lincoln
Elks Award 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3;
National Honor Society 2, 3; AudioVisual 1; Debate 3; Forensics 3; Letterman's 2,3; Orchestra 1,2,3; Projectionists l; Stage Guild 1,2,3; Sr .
Stage Manager 3; P .A. Announcers 3;
Senior Class Play 3; Math Club 3; Lab
Assistant 1,2,3; Cross-Country 1,2;
Manager 2,3; Swimming l, Manager l.
ARROWOOD, PEGGY J . - Peg - Lance
- AFS Big Sister 2; Distributive Education 3.
BABEL, JAN ICE B . - Jan - Lincoln
- Volunteer at Sheridan Nursing Home
BACKE, HOPE A. - Lance - A Cappella 2,3.
BACKLUND, NANCY A . - Stretch Lincoln - Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; AFS l,2,3; Program Chairman 2; Classic Staff 2;
Tri-Cees 2,3.
BAILEY, KENT A. - Lance - Basketball l.
BALLARD, JAMES L. - Jim - Lance
- Baseball 1,2; Basketball l.
BARNES, ROGER G. - Lance - Monitor 3.
BARTON, SUSAN H . - Sue - Lance Honor Roll l,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Advanced Girls 3; Classic
Salesmen 1,3; Tempest Salesman 2;
Tremper Teens 2,3; Trojanettes 2,3;
Historian 3.
- Booster Club l; Classic Salesmen
2; Classic Staff 2,3; GAA l; Hi-Style
3; Treasurer 3; Quill and Scroll 3;
Tri-Cees 2; Pool Assistant 1,2 .
BATT, SUSAN P. - Sue - Lance Honor Roll 1,2; Classic Salesmen 2,3.
BAUER , ALLEN C. Al Detroi t,
Mich . - Boys lntramurals 3; Basketball 3.
BAUERS, ROSS J . - Lincoln - Boys
lntramurals 2, 3; Key Club 1, 2; Mon itor 3; Basketba 11 l ; Track 3.
BEAR, JOAN E . - Lincoln - Red Cross
BECKER , BARBARA A . Barb Lance - AFS 3; Sophomore Mixed l ;
Monitor 3; Tri -Cees 2,3 .
BECKER , JOHN L . - Lance - Graphic
Arts Club 1,2, 3.
BECKER , MAUREEN P . - Lincoln Booster Club 2; Dram -per 2; FolkSingers Club 2; Quill and Scroll 2,3;
Secretary-Treasurer 2; President 3;
Tempest Salesman 2; Tempest 2, 3;
Business Manager 2,3; New Voice 2, 3.
BECKSTROM, LOUISE A . - Luigi Lincoln - Booster Club 2; Caduceus
2,3; GAA l .
BEDE , SHERRY L . - Sher - Lance Booster Club l; Usherettes 1,2,3.
BELONGIA, WAYNE A . - Tom - Lance
Band l.
BENNETT, JANICE L . - Jan - Lance
AFS Big Sister 2; Elks Award 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society
2,3; AFS 1,2,3; Secretary 2; Debate
3; Forensics 3; Red Cross 3; TriCees 2,3; Recording Secretary 2,3 .
BENSON, LYLE E. - Milwaukee.
BENSON, RUTH A. - Ben - McKinley
Classic Salesmen 2,3; Hostess 3;
Red Cross 2.
BENTON, SANDRA K . - Sandi - Lance
- All school play 2; Band l; Booster
Club l; Dram-per 2; German Club
2,3; Hi-Style 2,3; Pep Band l; Red
Cross l; Mighty Draeger Art Players
BERENSON, SHARON M . - Lance Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; AFS 3; French Club 2,3;
Orchestra l,2,3 .
BERGREN, MARY - Lincoln .
BIELARCZYK, ADRIENNE L . - Wilmot High School.
BILLEN, CAROL J. - Lance .
BINNINGER, MARK R. Lance Boys lntramurals 3; Gymnastics 3.
BIRKHOLZ, CAROL A. - Edna Rag Lincoln - AFS Big Sister l; Homecoming Court 3; Sweetheart Couple 3;
Miss Mermaid Candidate 3; Mighty
Draeger Art Players 3; All school
play 1,3; Debate 2,3; Dram-per 1,2;
Forensics 2,3; NFL 2,3; Monitor 2;
Red Cross l; Student Council 3; External Affairs Committee Chairman
BISIOREK, ROBERT M. Bones Lance - Advisory Board 3; Honor Roll
2,3; German Club 2,3; Key Club 2,3;
Monitor 3; Captain 3; Language Lab
Assistant 3.
BLANK, BARBARA J. - Barb - Lance
- General Girls l; Advanced Girls 2,3.
- Lance - German Club 3; Tempest 3.
BLONER, PATRICIA L. - Pat - Lance.
BOKMUELLER, ANITA B. - Lincoln Advisory Board 2; Honor Roll 2,3;
Booster Club l; French Club 2,3;
Monitor 3; Orchestra 1,2; Student
Council 3; Tremper Teens 2,3; Trojanettes 2,3; Captain 3.
BONACCI, ERMINIO B. - Buzz - Lincoln - Band 1,2,3; Pep Band 1,2.
BONANNO, ANTONIO - Toni - Lincoln - French Club 3; Gymnastics 2.
BORLAND, LOUIS W. - Lou - Lincoln - Football 1,2; Wrestling l.
BOSE, DARRYL R. - Hans - Lance
- Advisory Board 2; Honor Roll 1,2,
3; National Honor Society 2,3; German
Club 3; Student Counc i I l ; Sen ior
Class Play 3.
BOSMAN , WAYNE M . - Bos - Lance
All school play 2; Sophomore M i xed
l ; Trojan Men's Chorus l ; Dramper 2; Folk-Singers Club 2; Letterman ' s 3; Political Science 3; Spanish
Club 2; Tempest Salesman 2; Tem pest 2; Mighty Draeger Art Players
3; Cross-Country l , 2, 3; lntramurals
3; Track 1, 2.
BOUGNEIT, ROBERT W . - Bob - Lin coln - Boys lntramurals 1,2,3; Tremper K's 3; Football 1, 2; Weight Training l ; Wrestling l.
BOYCE , VIVIAN F . - Fran - Lincoln .
BRANDES, JOHN S. - Rusty - Lance
- Advisory Board 3; Monitor 3; Student Counci I 1; New Voice 3.
BRANDT, LINDA M . - Washington .
BRAUN , JAN ICE L . - Lance - AFS
Big Sister Candidate 1,2; Honor Roll
1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3;
Homecoming Queen Candidate 3;
Booster Club l; Colorguard 1, 2,3 ;
Sergeant 3; Red Cross 1, 2,3; Student
Council 2,3; Tremper Teens 2,3 ; Variety Show Chairman 2,3 .
BREWER, WILLIAM L. - Reb - Lance .
BRIGGS, NADINE F. Lincoln Booster Club l ; Caduceus 3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Advanced Girls 2,3;
Red Cross 1,2,3.
BROOMFIELD, DAVID A. - Lance Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Boys lntramurals 2,3; German Club 3.
BROWN, FLOYD E. - Lance - Wrestling 1,2,3 .
BRUNNER, DARLENE M. Dar Lance - AFS Big Sister Candidate 2;
All school play 2; Audio-Visual 1,2;
Caduceus 2,3; General Girls 1, Advanced Girls 2,3; Girls Gymnastics
l; Projectionists l,2,3; Project Love
BUCHOLZ, BARBARA E . Barb Lance Honor Roll 1,3; Classic
Salesmen 2,3; Classic Staff 2,3 ; CoEditor 3; Hi-Style 2,3; Corresponding Secretary, President 3; Quill and
Scroll 3.
BURMAN, STEPHEN M. Steve Lance - Band 1,2,3; Swimming l,2,3.
BURNETT, ELIZABETH Libby Bloomington, Indiana Honor Roll
2,3; National Honor Society 3; Aquettes 3; Classic Staff 3; Co-Editor 3;
French Club 2; Quill and Scroll 3;
Student Counci I 2; Tri-Cees 2; Project Aid 2; Pool Assistant 2,3; Girl's
Swim Team 3.
BURNETT, MICHAEL P. - Mick Lance - Graphic Arts Club 3; President 3.
BU RT, WADE J . - Lance .
CAIRO, LOUIS C. - Louie - Lincoln.
CALVERT, ANDREW F. Andy Lance - A Cappella 3; Tremper K's
CAMPBELL, LEE A. - Lincoln - Boys
lntramurals 1,2,3; Basketball 3; Track
CAMPONESCHI, BERNARD S. - Barney Lincoln Class Officer 3;
Treasurer 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Boys Intramurals 1,2,3; Key Club 2,3; Secretary
3; Student Counci I 3; Usher 3; President 3; Math Club 2,3; President 3;
Senior Class Play 3; Lab Assistant l,
2; Football 2,3; Manager 2,3; Golf 2;
Tennis l,3; Wrestling 1,2.
Big Sister Candidate 2; Red Cross 1;
Student Council 2; Sub-Deb 2,3.
Prep. Milwaukee - Class Officer 3;
President 3; Key Club 3.
CASTED, WILLIAM W. - Wille - McKinley.
CESARIO, ROBERT J. - Bob - Lance
- Advisory Board 1; Honor Roll 1,2,
3; Scholarship to Drake College 3;
Kiwanis Band Award 3; Who's Who
in American High School 3; Band 1,2,
3; Literary Club-Echo 3; Orchestra l,
2,3; Stage Band 1,2,3; Student Council
3; Math Club 1,2,3; lntermurals 1,2;
Swimming 1,2; Tennis 1,2,3.
CHEMEROW, DAVID I. - Dave -Lincoln - Badger Boys 2; Honor Roll 1,
2,3; National Honor Society 2,3;
President 3; National Merit Finalist
3; National Youth Conference On The
Atom 3; Band 1; Key Club 1,2,3;
Treasurer 3; Pep Bands l; Math Club
2,3; Senior Class Play 3; Track 1,2,3;
Gym Assistant 2.
CLAUSEN , ROGER - Rog - Lance Honor Roll 1,2,3; Boys lntramurals
1,2,3; Graphic Arts Club 3; Monitor
2; National Honor Society 3; Football
CHENEY, PATRICK E. - Pat - Lance
Audio-Visual 3; Projectionists 3.
CHILDERS, ODIS C. - Lance - Monitor 3; Lab Assistant 3; Wrestling 2.
Fresca - Lincoln - Prom Court 1;
Student Council 2,3; Cheerleading 1;
Girl's Track Team 3.
CHRISTY, JANICE S. - Jan - Lance
- Advisory Board 2; Honor Roll 3;
Art Club 3; Vice-President 3; Dramper 2; Future Teachers 3; Monitor 2;
Sub-Deb 2, 3; Tempest 1,2,3; Art Editor 3; Trojanettes 2,3 ; Mighty Draeger
Art Players 3.
CIGALLIO, RANDALL G . - Randy Lance - Stock Car Club 3.
CIPPOLA, WILLIAM - Bill - St . Joseph - Al I school play 2,3; Boys Intramura ls 3; Mighty Draeger Art
Players 3; Co-Director 3.
CISLER, DAN - Chiz - Lincoln .
CLARK , PHILIP G . - Claude Mars Lance - Band 1,2; German Club 1.
CLARK , SALLY L. Lance Advisory Board 2; Classic Salesmen 2.
lntramurals l,2,3; Stock Car Club 3;
Baseball 1; Football 2.
CLI NGE, JODY A. - Lance - AFS Big
Sister Candidate 3; French Club 3;
Red Cross 2.
COBERN, DEBORAH F . Debbe Lincoln Booster Club 1; Monitor
2,3; Tremper Teens 3.
CODY, BARBARA A . - Blondie - Lincoln - Perfect Attendance 2; Booster
Club 2; Classic Salesmen 2,3 .
COFFEN, HAL E . Lincoln All
school play 2; Literary Club-Echo 2.
COLBY, WILLIAM W . - Watson - Lincoln - Outdoorsman 1.
CONFORTI, DOREEN L. - Lance Badger Girls 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; National
Merit Finalist 3; National Forensics
League 1,2,3; AFS 1,2; Debate 1,2;
Forensics l ; Future Teachers 2; Red
Cross 2; Student Counci I 3; Sub-Deb
President 3; Trojanettes 2,3.
CONFORTI, SHIRLEY A. - Lance Monitor 2,3; Spanish Club 2.
CON RAD, JACK W. - Conrad - Lance
- Sophomore Mixed 1.
CONWILL, MIKE G. - Lance - Boys
Gymnastic Club 1,2,3; Graphic Arts
CORSO, BONITA R. - Bonnie - California Project Love 2; Pool Assistant 2.
COVELLI, HELEN M . - Lance - Honor
Roll l; Booster Club 2; Library Assistant 2,3; Achievement Center 3.
COVELLI, MARY J. - Lance - Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Booster Club 2.
CRANE, JAN IS M. - Janie - Jackson,
Michigan - Monitor 3; Project Love 2.
CRAWFORD, ROBERT C. Bob Lance - U.S. Naval Academy 3; Letterman's 1,2,3; Cross-Country 1,2,3;
Track 1,2,3; Wrestling 1,3.
CUDAHY, RICHARD M. - Dick - Lance
- Stock Car Club 3.
CURRIE, ROBIN L. - Robbie - Lance
- Honor Roll 1,2,3.
- Lance - Graphic Arts Club 3.
DAKE, CHRISTINE L. - Chris - Oshkosh .
DARLAK, NORMA J. - Goofey - Lance.
DAVEY, GARY J. - Lincoln.
DAVIS, GERALD E . - Jerry - Lance .
DAVIS, MARTHA S. - McKinley - Caduceus 3; Classic Salesmen 3; Li brary Assistant 2,3 ; Literary ClubEcho 3.
DAVIS, RAY D . - Lincoln .
DAVIS, TINA J. - Lance - Distributive Education 3; Tempest Salesman 2.
DELAP, LAURIE J . - Lance - Booster
Club 2; Caduceus 2; GAA l ; Monitor 3.
- Classic Staff 3; News Bureau 3;
Quill and Scroll 3; Tempest 3; New
Voice 3.
- Lincoln - Boys lntramurals 1,2,3;
Baseball 1; Basketball l.
DONSING, THOMAS B. - Donce - McKinley - Honor Roll 3; Band 1; Key
Club 2,3 ; Political Science 3.
DORFMAN , RICHARD I. - Rico - Lincoln - Honor Roll 1; American Math
Association Contest Winner 2,3; Boys
lntramurals 1,2,3; Debate 1,2; Forensics 1,2,3; Political Science 2,3;
Tempest Salesman 1,2,3; Tempest 1;
Math Club 2,3.
DOWNING, SANDRA K . - Sam - Central High .
DOWSE, GEOFFREY J . - Gopher St. Joseph - Honor Roll 1,2,3; Boys
lntramurals 2,3; Debate 2,3; Forensics 2,3; Political Science 2,3 ; Mighty
Draeger Art Players 3.
DRUKTINES, CHARLES M . - Chuck Lance - Booster Club 2; Boys Intramurals 1,2; Key Club 3; Letterman's
3; Monitor 2; Tempest 1, 2,3; Football 3; Track 1, 2,3; Wrestling 3.
DRYSDALE, KATHLEEN D . - Sam Lance - GAA 3; Monitor 3; Usherettes
DUMES IC, NANCY M. - Lance - Honor
Roll 1,2; Sophomore Mixed 1; Classic
Staff 3; Future Teachers 3; Hi-Style
DUNCAN, JAMES T. - Tom - Lincoln - Badger Boys 2; Advisory Board
1; Honor Roll 2; Boys lntramurals
1,2,3; French Club 2; Vice President,
President 2; Key Club 1,2,3; President, Treasurer, Vice President 2,3;
Monitor 2; Student Council 2,3; CrossCountry 3; Football 2; Manager 2;
Swimming 1,2,3; Track 1,2.
ELFERING, DANNY W. - Dan - Lance.
ELROD, CANDICE A. - Candy - Lincoln - Homecoming Court 3; AFS Big
Sister Candidate 2; Classic Salesmen
2; Red Cross 1,2,3; Sabras 2,3; Treasurer 2.
EMERY, TERRY A . - Lincoln - Boys
Gymnastic Club 2,3; Boys I ntramurals
1,2,3; Monitor 3; Gym Assistant 2,3;
Football 1; Track 3; Wrestling 1,2,3.
ENGSTROM, BRUCE E . - Eng - Lance
- Hi-Y 3; Orchestra 3.
ERICKSON, JANICE - Jann - Lance.
EVANS, NANCY J. - Nance - Lance Honor Roll 2,3; Booster Club 1,2; Caduceus 1,2,3; Secretary-Treasurer 2;
President 3; French Club 2; GAA 1,2;
Nurse's Aide 1,2,3.
FALK, MERVIN R. - Lance - Boys
I ntramurals 2,3; Basketba 11 1; Track
1,2; Gym Ass istant 3.
Lincoln - Caduceus 3; Red Cross 3;
Project Love 3.
FEIFER, MICHAEL J . - Frieden's
Stock Car Club 3; Secretary 3.
FEIVOR , MARY L. - Lincoln - Mon.i tor 2.
FENNEMA, JAMES R. - Fenny- Lance
- MVP Basketball Team 3; Class Officer l; Vice President 1; Honor Roi I
1, 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3;
Treasurer 3; Scholarship to Knox
College 3; Boys lntramurals 1,2,3;
Key Club 1,2,3; Letterman ' s 2,3;
Monitor 2; Student Council 3; Vice
President 3; Mighty Draeger Art
Players 3; Baseball 1,2, 3; Basketball
1, 2,3 .
FENN, SHARON L. - Red - Lance Classic Salesmen 2; German Club 2,3;
Monitor 2,3 .
FESSENDEN, PATRICIA A . - Patty Lance - Honor Roll 2.
FILIPS, KIMBERLY K . - McKinley AFS Big Sister Candidate 1; Advisory
Board 2; Aquettes 2; Audio-Visua I 1;
Booster Club 1; Classic Salesmen 1, 2;
Girls Gymnastics 3; Literary ClubEcho 2; Projectionists 1; Red Cross
2,3; Tempest Salesmen 1, 2,3.
FINN, MICHELLE M. - Mickey - Lincoln - GNT Merit Award 2; All school
play 2,3; Dram-per 2; GAA 2; Library
Assistant 2; Quill and Scroll 2,3; Red
Cross 2,3; Spanish Club l,2; Student
Council 3; Tempest 2,3; Circulation
Manager 3; Trojanettes 3; Choreographer 3; Tri-Cees 3; PA Announcers
3; Mighty Draeger Art Players 3;
Director 3.
FINCH , JANICE S. - Jan - Lance AFS Big Sister Candidate 2; AFS 2, 3;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Debate l ; Future
Teachers 2; GAA 1, 2; Monitor 2; Red
Cross 1; Student Council 3; Tri-Cees
2,3 .
FISHER, JAY F . - Lance - Honor Roll
2; Boys lntramurals 1,2,3; German
Club 3; President 3; Student Council
3; Gym and Pool Assistant 2,3; Tennis
FLANNERY, BRENDA K . - Lance Library Assistant 3.
FLOCKER, VICKIE J. - Lance - General Girls l; French Club 2,3; Monitor 2; Trojanettes 2,3; Tri-Cees 2,3 .
FONK, FRANK C. - Lance .
FOOTE, LINDA E. - Foot - Lance Art Club 3; Caduceus 1; Dram-per 3;
Girls Gymnastics 2,3 ; Modern Dance
Club 2,3; Servettes 3.
FRAWK, MICHAEL R. - Mike - Lance
- Hi-Y 2,3; Secretary 3; Monitor 3;
Project Love 2,3.
FRANZ, KAREN A. - Bradford - Office Occupation Association 3.
FRANZ, RAY H. - Northlake.
FRATRICK, JAMES T . - Frat - Lance
- Gym and Pool Assistant 3.
FREDERICH, WILLIAM L. - Bill Lance Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; Math Club 2,3.
FREDERICK, ERIC G. - Deigo Red Lincoln - Honor Roll 3.
FREDERICKSEN, GRANT A. - Fuzz Lance - Honor Roll 1,3.
FREDRICKSON, ALLEN C. - Mr. Peanut - Lance - Boys lntramurals 2,3;
Camera Club 3; President 3; News
Bureau 1,2,3; Quill and Scroll 2,3;
Stamp Club 3; Tempest 1,2,3; Chief
Photographer 2,3; Track 3.
FREY, JAMIE A. - Jame - Lincoln Sabres 2.
FULLER, TERRY L. - Lance - Honor
Rol l l,2,3; Golf 2,3; Track 2,3.
FULLMER, AMY L. - Lance - Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,
3; French Club 2,3; GAA l; Red Cross
3; Tri-Cees 2.
GALBRAITH, LINDA L. - Lynn - Lincoln Advisory Board 2; Classic
Salesmen 3; Library Assistant 2; SubDeb 2,3; Tempest Salesman 3; Trojanettes 2; Gym Assistant 2,3; Mighty
Draeger Art Players 3.
GALLIGAN, ROBE RT M. - Robby Lincoln - Advisory Board 3; Booster
Club l; Boys lntramurals l; Sophomore Mixed l; Key Club 2,3; Student
Council 2,3 ; Swimming l; Tennis l.
GANTZER, JEFF C. - Ganz - St.
GAROFALO, ROGER E . - Washington .
GARREN , JOHN T. - Lincoln - Honor
Roll 2; Political Science 3; Golf 1,2,
3; Wrestling 2.
GEHRING, JOHN M . - Lance - Honor
Ro ll 1,2; Boys lntramurals 2,3 .
GENTZ, PATRICIA A. - Pat - Lance .
GENTZ, NOEL D. - Lance - Letterman 's 2,3; Mighty Draeger Art Players 3; Football 1,2,3; Wrestling 1,2.
GILDENSTERN, ROBERT L . - Bob Frieden's.
GILMORE , PATRICIA J . - Pat- Franklin Penn . - Gvm Assistant 3.
GIGLIOTTI , ROZANNA D . - Rosie Lance - Booster Club 2.
GLINSKI, BARBARA A . - Barb- Lance
- AFS Big Sister Candidate l.
GOFF, SHARON L. - St . Joseph .
GOFORTH , RUTH A. - Lincoln - Office Occupation Association 2,3.
General Girls l ; Gym Assistant 3.
GOROSKI , DIANE T . - Lincoln .
GRAF, LEO P . - Lincoln - Golf l ;
Boys lntramurals l.
GRAF, SUSAN M. - Sue - Lance
Honor Roll 2,3; Monitor 3; Servettes
GRANGER, MARK - Grange - Lance
- Honor Roll 1,3 ; Stock Car Club 3;
Wrestling l.
GRASTY, GAY L. - Lance - Distributive Education 3.
GRAVES, LAURIE M . - Lincoln .
GRAY, RICHARD P . - Dick - Lance Gym Assistant 2,3; Pool Ass i stant 2,
3; Swimming 1,2,3 .
- Booster Club 1,2 ; Advanced Girls
2,3; Sophomore Mixed l; Future
Teachers 2; Hi-Style 2; Red Cross 2.
GREGORY, CLAUDIA M . - Lance Aquettes 3; Spanish Glub 1,2,3; TriCees 3; Servettes .
GREWENOW, BARBARA L . - Barb Lincoln - Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; Booster Club l ;
Classic Staff 3; Circulation Manager
3; GAA l,2,3; Vice President 2, 3; HiStyle 2,3; Recording Secretary 3;
Modern Dance Club 3; Monitor 2,3;
Projectionists 3; Trojanettes 2; Usherettes 2.
GRIMES, KATHERINE F . - Cassie Lance - General Girls l.
GRISWALD, JUDITH E . - Jude - Lincoln Advanced Girls 2; General
Girls l; German Club 2; GAA l; Monitor 3.
GROSS, NOREEN L. - Lance - Red
Cross 3; Student Council 3.
GUELZOW, MARIEL. - Do Do - Lance
- A Cappella 2; General Girls l; Classic Salesman 2,3; German Club 2,3;
Vice President 3; Foreign Language
Lab Assistant 3; Homeroom Activities
Representative 3; Gym Assistant 3.
GUNDLACH, CAROL A. - Ker - Lincoln - Honor Roll 3; AFS 3; Booster
Club 2,3; Hi-Style 2,3; Corresponding Secretary 3; Spanish Club 2,3;
Tempest Salesman 3; Tempest 1,2.
HAAG, GAIL - Lance .
HANEY, DIANE M. - Di - St . Joseph
Classic Staff 3; Copy Editor 3;
Dram-per 2; Future Teachers 3; Library Assistant l; Literary Club-Echo
2,3; Treasurer 3; Quill and Scroll 3;
Red Cross l; Spanish Club 1,2,3.
HADLER, JAN ICE M. ~ Lance - Classic Salesman 3; Classic Staff 2,3;
Quill and Scroll 3; Red Cross l; Project Love 3.
HALKER, KATHLEEN A . - Kathy - St.
HALL, DAVID T. - Davey - Lance Cross Country 1,2,3.
HALL, LYNETTE Y. - Net - Lance Typing and Shorthand Award 2; Perfect Attendance Award 2; Advanced
Girls 2; General Girls l.
Boys lntramurals 1,2,3; Basketball l;
Track 3.
HANSCHE, CHERYL L. - Cherry Lincoln - Monitor 2; GAA l; Tempest Salesman 3.
HANLON, JAMES J . - Jim - St . Joseph.
HANNES, MARGARET J. - Margie McK i nley Red Cross 2; Tempest
Salesman 2; Tempest 2.
HANRATH, JO A . - Mouse - AFS Big
Sister Candidate 3; Gym Assistance
HANSEN , CYNTHIA A . - "Cindy" Lance - Booster Club l ; General Girls
Choir l ; Tri-Cees 3.
Lance .
HANSEN, LINDA L . - Lance.
Lance AFS 2; French Club 2,3;
Literary Club-Echo 2; Gym Assistant
2,3; Project Love 2.
HARCARIK, JEAN A . - Anever - Lin coln Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; Secretary 3; AFS
2,3; Program Chairman 3; Booster
Club 2,3 ; Recording Secretary 3; Orchestra 1,2,3; Spanish Club 2,3 ; TriCees 2,3 .
HARRIS, DENNIS L. - Lance - Boys
lntramurals l.
HARRIS, ROBERT S. - Lance - Football 1,2; Wrestling l.
HAUPTMAN , JOHN B. - Johnny - McKinley - Honor Roll 2; Gym and Pool
Assistant 2; Boys I ntramurals 2; Key
Club 2,3; Tremper K ' s 3; President
3; Football 2.
HAUPTMAN, RITA M . - McKinley All school play 2; Makeup Chairman
2; Dram-per 2.
HAWKINS, LAURIE L. - Lance - Honor
Roll 2,3; Advanced Girls 2,3; Sophomore Mixed l.
Big Sister Candidate 1, 2; Monitor 3;
Student Council 2,3; Tempest Salesman 3.
HECK, JANIS A . - Jan - Lance - Miss
Mermaid Court 3; Booster Club 1,2,
3; GAA l; Modern Dance Club 2; Monitor 2; Red Cross 1,2,3; Spanish Club
1, 2,3; Stage Guild l; Tremper Teens
2,3; Usherettes 2,3; Cheerleading 2,3.
HECKEL, PATRICIA E . - Pat - Lincoln Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; AFS 2,3; Booster
Club 1,2,3; Classic Staff 3; Hi-Style
2, 3; Quill and Scroll 3; Red Cross l.
HEES, DEBORAH L . - Lance - Classic
Salesman 2; Red Cross 3; Gym Assistance 3.
HEIDE, PARRY W. - Lincoln - All
school play l; Band l; Classic Staff
l; Debate 3; Forensics 3; Pep Bands
l; Stage Band l.
HERBRECHTSMEIER, JANIS M. - Lincoln - Honor Roll 2,3; National Honor
Society 3; Typing Award 2; Band 1,2;
Booster Club 2; Pep Bands 1,2; Red
Cross l; Trojanettes 2,3; Tri-Cees
2,3; President 2; Gym Assistant 3;
Mighty Draeger Art Players 3; Homeroom Activities Representative 3.
HERDE, MICHAEL F . - Opie - McKinley.
HESS, CHARLES A . - Chuck - Lance.
Big Sister Candidate 3; Tremper
Teens 2,3; Gym Assistant 3.
HEWITT, WILLIAM B . - Bill - Lance
- Boys Gymnastic Club 2,3; Boys lntramurals l,2,3; Letterman's 3; Football 3; Golf 2; Gymnastics 2,3; Track
HLAVATA, SUSAN M. - Sue - Lincoln
- Advisory Board 3; Honor Roll l,2,3;
Typing Award 2; Band l; Booster Club
1,3; Classic Staff 3; Typist Editor 3;
Future Teachers 2,3; Pep Bands l;
Red Cross 2,3; Tremper Teens 2.
HOFF, SUSAN E. - Sue - Lance - AFS
Big Sister Candidate 2; Prom Court
2; Band 1,2; Booster Club l; Future
Teachers 2,3; Red Cross 3; Sub-Deb
Big Sister Candidate 2; Caduceus 3;
Debate l; Forensics l ; Red Cross l ;
Student 3; Tempest Salesman 3; Project Head Start 3.
HOLLEB, FREDI S. - Lincoln - Tempest Salesman l; Tempest l.
HOLLENBECK, EILEEN - McKinley Classic Salesman 3.
HOLLISTER, SHARON L. - Peanut Lance - Project Love 3; Girl ' s Gym
Assistant 3.
HOLTZ, KATHLEEN R. - Kathy - Lincoln.
Lance - Distributive Education 3.
AFS Candidate l ; Class Officer 2;
Honor Roll l; Booster Club 1,2;
Treasurer 2; Girls Gymnastics 1,2;
Monitor 2; Red Cross 1,2; Student
Council 2,3; Cheerleading 1,2,3; Captain 3.
HOWE, SANDRA L . - Sandy - Lincoln
- Tempest Salesman 2.
HOSMAN EK, THOMAS J . Tom Lance Badger Boys 2; Advisory
Board 3; Honor Roll l , 2, 3; National
Honor Society 2,3; Scholarship Lawrence University 3; Classic Salesman
3; Debate 1,2,3 ; Forensics 1, 2,3; HiY 1,2,3; Sergeant At Arms 2; Orchestra 1, 2,3; Political Science 3; Quill
and Scroll 3; Tempest 2,3; New Voice
HOUSTON, JOHNNIE, L. - Janie Lance - Library Assistant 3; Modern
Dance Club 3; Library Club 3.
HUCK, BARBARA K. - Barb - Lance
- Honor Roll 3; Classic Salesman 2,3;
Classic Staff 2; Debate 3; Forensics 3.
HUBBARD, MICHAEL R. - Mike Lincoln Honor Roll 2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3 ; Monitor 3; Outdoorsman 2,3; lntermurals 2,3 .
HUBBARD, PAT V . - Lance - Tempest
Salesman 3; Sabra Club 2.
HUFF, TERESA P. - Phyllis - Lance .
HUFFMAN, CHRISTINE T . - Chris Lincoln - Classic Salesman 3; Classic
Staff 3.
HUISSEN, JACK W . - Friedens - All
school play 2; Sophomore Mixed Choir
l ; Trojan Men's Choir 1,2; Forensics
3; Folk-Singers Club 2; French Club
2,3; Key Club 2,3; Senior Class Play
3; Homeroom Representative 3; Intramurals 2.
Lance -
IAQUINTA, LOUIS J . - John - Lance Wisconsin State Honor Scholarship 3;
Honor Roll l,2, 3; National Honor Society 2,3; Baseball l , 2,3; Basketball
l,2,3 .
INGRAHAM, PATRICIA A . - Pat - Lincoln - AFS Big Sister Candidate 2,
Elks Award l; Outstanding Journalist
3; All school play l , 2; Dram-pers 1, 2;
Forensics 1; Library Assistant 2; Library Club-Echo 2; Modern Dance
Club 2; News Bureau 3; Quill and
Scroll 3; Red Cross l; Spanish Club
l; Student Counci I 1,2,3; Tempest
Salesman l,2; Tempest 2; Trojan ettes 2,3; New Voice 3; Project Love
2; Senior Class Play 3; Girl's Track
3; Pool Assistant l.
ISENGAY, DONNA M . - Lincoln - GAA
IVY, DEBORAH L . - Debbie - Lincoln
- Honor Roll l,2,3; Booster Club l,2,
3; President 3; Folk-Singers Club 2;
Treasurer 2; Hi-Style 2,3; Quill and
Scroll 3; Red Cross 2; Student Council 3; Tempest Salesman 2,3; Advertising Manager 3.
JACOBY, SANDRA A. - Sandy - Lincoln.
JAHNKE, SHARON L. - Lincoln - Sheridan Nursing Home Volunteer 3.
JALENSKY, SUSAN M. - Sue - Lance
- Caduceus 3.
JANOT A, SUZETTE - Lance - Office
Assistant Attendance 3; Sabre 2.
JENSEN, BARBARA J. - Jo - Lincoln
- Advisory Board 3; Booster Club l;
Monitor 2; Sub-Deb 2,3.
JENSEN, DAVID A. - Dave - Lance Booster Club 3; A Cappella 3; Sophomore Mixed 1,2; Trojan Men's Chorus
JENSEN, KRISTINE A. - Kris - Lance
- AFS Big Sister Candidate l,2; AFS
1,2; A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed
l; Classic Salesman l; French Club
1,2; Future Teachers 2; Red Cross
1,2; Student Council 3; Tempest 2,3.
JEPSON, SUSAN K. - Sue - Lincoln Sabras 2.
JESELUN, JAMES E. - Jim - Lincoln
- Advisory Board 2; Boys lntramurals
3; Letterman's 3; Monitor 2,3; Campaign Manager 3; Football l,2,3; Track
3; Weight Training 3; Wrestling l.
JOHNS, CARYL J. - Lance - AFS Big
Sister Candidate 1; Class Officer 2;
Prom Court 2; Homecoming Queen
Candidate 3; AFS l; Dram-per l;
Literary Club-Echo 2; Secretary 2;
News Bureau 2; Photography Club 2;
Corresponding Secretary 2; Quill and
Scro I I 2,3; Red Cross l; Student Council 2,3; Corresponding Secretary 3;
Tempest Salesman l; Tempest l,2,3;
Circulation Manager l; Managing Editor 2; Co-editor 3; New Voice 2.
JOHNSON, GAIL F. - Lance - AFS Big
Sister Candidate 1; Honor Roll l,2;
Booster Club 1; A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed l; Dram-per l; Future
Teachers 2;
Tremper Teens 2,3;
Choraliers 2; Madrigal 2; Choir Council 3.
JOHNSON, KAREN - Lincoln - Aquettes l,2,3; Art 2,3; French Club 2,3;
Orchestra 1,2; Student Council 2.
JOHNSON, LEOTA A. - Sue - Lance
- Distributive Education 3; Tempest
Salesman 2.
JOHNSON, MARTY M. - St. Joseph Advisory Board 3; Boys lntramurals
l,2,3; Letterman's 3; Project Love
Basketball 1,3;
Football 1,2,3;
Track 3; Weight Training 2.
JOHNSON, PETER S. - Duck - Lance
- Aquettes Show 2,3; A Cappella 2;
Sophomore Mixed l; Trojan Men's
Chorus 1, 2; Key Club 2,3; Letterman's 1, 2,3; Monitor 3; Pool Assistant 2,3 ; Cross-Country 1, 2,3; Swimming 1, 2, 3; Best All Around l ; Most
Valuable 2,3; Captain 2,3 ; Track 1,2.
JOHNSON, RI CHARD A . - Rick - Lance
- A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed
l ; Trojan Men ' s Chorus 1, 2; Choraliers 2,3 ; Madrigal 2,3.
JOHNSON, SANDRA L . - Sandi - Lincoln - Library Assistant 3.
JOHNSTON, JANET L . - Jan - Lance
Red Cross 2; Tempest Salesman
JONES, ALLAN L. - Al - Lance .
JONES, JANICE E . - Lincoln - Honor
Roll 1,3; Library Assistant l; Usherettes 3; Proiect Love 3.
JUNG, CHARLOTTE A. - Char - Lance
German Club 2; Monitor 3; Orchestra
l,2,3 .
KADDATZ, GARY I. - Gar - Lance Gym Class Awards 2.
KALCIC, KENNETH L. - Ken - Lance
- Boys Gymnastic Club l,2,3; Baseball l; Cross- Country l.
KANGAS, JOHN B. - Crazy - Lance
- Advisory Board 3; Classic Salesman 3; Key Club l,2,3; Orchestra 1,
2,3; Tempest Salesman l,2,3; Math
Club 2,3; Golf l; Tennis 2,3.
KAPITAN, LESLIE A. - Les - St. Joseph - Caduceus l; Sabra 2,3 .
KENNEDY, STANFORD J . - Jay Franklin, Pa . Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Scholarship to Northwestern University 3; Kiwanis Music Award 3; Band
l,2,3; Key Club l; Letterman's 3;
Orchestra 2,3; Pep Bands l,2,3; Stage
Band 2,3; Basketball l; Manager l;
Track 2; Manager 2.
KERNER, JOHN P. - Friedens - Honor
Roll l.
KETCHUM, DOUGLAS G. - Doug Lance - Homecoming Queen Candidate Manager 3; Variety Show MC 3;
Sweetheart Couples Court 3; Boys
lntramurals 2; Key Club 3; Letterman's 2,3; News Bureau 3; Student
Council 3; Tempest 2; New Voice 3;
Mighty Draeger Art Players 3; CrossCountry 1,2; Swimming l,2; Track l;
Gym Assistant 2,3.
- General Girls l; Usherettes 3; Gym
Assistant 3; Girls Volleyball Team 3.
KISSER, MARILYN M. - Washington.
KITCHIN, DONALD J. - Don - Lincoln
- Class Officer 2; Vice President 2;
Honor Roll 3; Choralier's 1,2; Homecoming Queen Candidate Manager 3;
Aquettes Show 2,3; Boys lntramurals
l,2,3; A Cappella 2,3; Business Manager 3; Sophomore Mixed 1; President l; Key Club l,2,3; Secretary 3;
Letterman's l,2,3; Student Council
3; Football 2; Manager 2; Swimming
KIVISTO, ROBERT R. - Mate - Lance
- Stock Car Club 3; Student Council
l; Baseball l.
KLAPPA, MARY L. - Lincoln.
KLINKERFUSS, KAREN S. - Lance Literary Club-Echo 3; Monitor 3;
Orchestra l,2,3.
KLOET, DALE K. - Curly - McKinley - Advisory Board 2; Boys Intramurals 1,2; Letterman's l,2,3; Treasurer 3; Monitor 1,2; Basketball l,2,3;
Football l,2,3; Track l,2,3; Gym and
Pool Assistant 2,3.
KLOSTER, CATHY A. - Lance - Gym
Assistant 3.
- Band l,2.
KOLLMAN, CHRISTINE M. - Chris Lance Honor Roll l,2; National
Honor Society 2,3; Betty Crocker
Homemaker 3; AFS 1,3; Booster Club
1; Classic Salesman 3; Debate 2,3;
Dram-per l; Forensics 2,3; Future
Teachers 2; GAA 1,3; Literary ClubEcho 2,3; Usherettes 3; Project Love
2,3 .
KOLMOS, SANDRA L . - Sandy - Lance
General Girls l ; GAA 3.
KOLLMAN , MICHAEL K . - Mike Lance - Audio-Visual 2; New Voice
KORBEL, BARBARA J . - Barb - McKinley - Honor Roll 1,2,3.
KOROSCIK, DANIEL T . Lance Boys lntramurals 1,3; A Cappella 2;
Sophomore Mixed l; German Club 2,
3; Hi-Y 2,3; Weight Training l.
KOSECKI, PAULE . - Lincoln.
KOSMAN, CONSTANCE M. - Connie Lance - GAA 2,3.
KRAUS, PAUL W. - Lance .
KREHBIEL, ROGER M. - Lincoln Band 1,2,3; Boys lntramurals 3; Pep
Bands 1,2,3.
KRUEGER, COREY K. - Friedens Honor Roll 1,2,3; Monitor 3.
KREUSER, GLORIA A . Kreus Lance - Class Officer 1; Treasurer
1; Homecoming Court 3; All School
Play 2; General Girls 1; Dram-per 1;
Monitor 2; Student Council 3; Project
Love 3.
KREUSER, NANCY J. - Lance - General Girls 1; Advanced Girls 2.
KRIEDERMAN, KEN A. - Little Kenny
Kriederman - Lance.
KRIZ, JAMES F. - Jim - Lance - Kiwanis Award for Music 3; Boys Gymnastic Club 1; Sophomore Mixed 1; A
Cappella 2,3; Trojan Men's Chorus 1,
2; Hi-Y 1,2,3; Choraliers 3.
KRUSA, LAVONNE B. - Vonne - Lance
- Advisory Board 3; Honor Roll l,2,3;
Booster Club 1; Sophomore Mixed l;
Classic Salesman 3; Hostess 2; Monitor 3; Ski Club 3; Sabra 2,3.
KUBLIK, DAVID K. - Dave - Lance.
KUESSOW, META A. - Lincoln - Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society
2,3; Band l,2,3; Pep Bands l,2,3;
Tremper Teens 2,3; Corresponding
Secretary 3.
KUSSOW, RICHARD D. - Big Dick Lance - Boys Gymnastic Club 3; Boys
Weight Training 2; Gymnastics 3;
Swimming 1,2; Track 2.
Lincoln lntermurals 3; Wrestling
LaBUY, AGNES A. - Lance.
LAKEN, JANET L. - Jan - Lance Advanced Girls 2; Sophomore Mixed
l; Hostess 2; Library Assistant 3;
Monitor 3; Sabras 2,3; Ski Club 3;
Treasurer 3; Office Aide 3.
LANDGREN, RANDI L. - Randall Lincoln - Band l,2,3; Future Teachers
2,3; Secretary 3; Pep Bands l; TriCees 2,3; Project Love 2; Lab Assistant 3.
LANGE, LAUREN K. - Lincoln - Library Assistant 2; Monitor 3; SubDeb 2,3.
LANGER, CAROL L. - Lance - Honor
RoJI l,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3;
Tri-Cees 2,3; Project Love 3.
LARSEN, MARY L. - Laurie - Lincoln.
LARSEN, STEVEN A. - Onalaska Honor Roll 2; Band 2,3; Boys Intramurals 3; Pep Bands 2,3; Math Club
3; Golf 3.
LAST, SHIELA M. - Lance - Honor
Roll 3; French Club 1,2,3; Photography Club 1; Student Council 3; Gym
Assistant 3; Pool Assistant 3.
LAWELL, WENDY L . Lincoln AFS Big Sister 2; Adv i sory Board
2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Nationa l Honor
Society 3; Booster Club 1; A Cappella
2, 3; Sophomore Mixed l ; French Club
2,3 ; Tremper Teens 2,3 .
LAWLER, CYNTHIA - Cindy - St . Joseph - GAA 3; Tempest Salesman 3.
LAWLER, LINDA M. - Lincoln.
LEENHARDT, VIVIANE - France American Field Service 3; A Cappella
3 · French Club 3; GAA 3; Political
s'cience 3; Student Counci I 3; Tremper Teens 3; Senior play 3.
LEGLER CHERYLL . - Lance - General Gi~ls 1; GAA Bowling League 3.
LEMKE , LARRY J . - Lance - All
School Play 2; Band l,2, 3; Dram-per
2 · News Bureau 3; Orchestra 3; Pep
Bands l,2,3; New Voice 3.
- Lance - Boys lntramurals 3; Classic Staff 3; Hi-Y 3; News Bureau 3;
stage Guild l,2,3; Tempest Salesman
2,3; New Voice 3; Senior Class Play 3.
LINDAHL, GREG N . - Tweety - Lance
- Graphic Arts Club 3; Basketball l;
Weight Training l.
- Lance - AFS Big Sister Candidate
2; Spanish Club l,2,3 ; Secretary 3.
LINDNER , ROBERT J . - Bob - Lance
Graphic Arts Club 3.
LOBER, THOMAS W. - Lobes - Lincoln - German Club 2,3 ; Orchestra
1,2; Political Science l; Language
Lab Assistant 3; Baseball l,2,3; Manager 1,2,3.
LOMA RT I RE, PAUL - Lincoln - Quill
and Scroll 3; Tempest Salesman 1,2,
3; New Voice 2,3; Baseball l; Wrestling l.
LOSS, JOHN R. - J .L. - Lance - Advisory Board 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Band 1; Letterman's 3; Monitor 2,3; Political
Science 2; Baseball l,2,3; Basketball
LUBNIEWSKI, JAMES R. Lube :-Lance Honor Roll 3; Scholarship
to Luther College 3; Basketball 1,2,3;
Football l , 2,3; Golf l,2,3.
LUECK, SHEROLY K. - Sheri - Lincoln - Honor Roll 1,2; National Honor
Society 3; Band 1,2,3; Pep Bands 1,2,3.
LUGO, WILBERTO - Will - Brooklyn,
New York - Spanish Club l, Baseball l.
LU BECKE, KAREN R. - Lance - Honor
Roll l,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3;
Tri-Cees 2,3; President 3.
LUKASZEWICZ, JoELLEN - Jody Lincoln Honor Roll 2,3; National
Honor Society 3.
LUND, SANDRA J. - Lance.
LUNDIN, MICHEAL J . - St . Jose~h.
LUSKA, KATHLEEN C. - Kathy-: Lincoln - Honor Roll 1,2,3; New Voice 3.
LYNCH, JOHN M. - Lance - Boys lntramurals 1,2,3; Tempest Salesman 2.
MADER, TERRY L. - Waukegan Business Award l.
MACKAY, CAROLYN S. Lance Booster Club 1; Classic Salesman
2,3; Red Cross 1,2; Library Assistant 1; Cheerleading 1,2; Sub-Deb 2.
- Advanced Girls Choir 2; General
Girls Choir l; Gym Assistant 3.
MAEDKE, PENNY L. - Lance - A
Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed Choir
- French Club 2; GAA l,2,3; President 3; Literary Club-Echo 2; Monitor 3.
MALZAHN, RODNEY B. - Rod - Lance.
MANLICK, CYNTHIA M. - Cyndy Lance.
MANN , JACK T . - Fat Jack - Lance Homeroom Representative 3; Trem per K ' s 3, Treasurer 3; Boys Intramurals 1, 2, 3; German Club 1, 2; Letterman ' s 2,3 ; News Bureau 3; Red
Cross 3; New Voice 3; Football l , 2,3;
Swimming l , 2,3; Track 1, 3.
MANNING, RHODA S. - Kemper Hall
- Advisory Board l ; Art 3; Booster
Club 1, 2; Debate 2; Dram.-per 1, 2;
Forensics 2;
Pol itica I Science 2;
Spanish Club 2, 3; Student Council 2;
Tempest Salesman 2,3; Tempest 2;
Senior Class Play 3.
MANTUANO, SUSAN J . - Sue - McKinley Booster Club l i Adva~ced
Girls Choir 2,3; General Girls Choir l.
MARDOIAN, SANDRA - McKinley Distributive Education 3; Treasurer 3.
MARTINEZ, JOHN J . - Taco - Lincoln
- Boys lntramurals 1,2 ; Letterman ' s
2 3· Student Council 2; Football l,2,3 ;
Tr~ck l; Wrestling l , 2, 3; Captain 3.
Advisory Board 3; Monitor 2.' 3;
Captain 3; Wrestling l ; Homecoming
Court 3.
MASHUDA, TED J . - Lance .
MASTERS, ANITA - Lincoln .
Lincoln - Honor Roll 1,2; Band 1,2;
Boys Gymnastic Club 2; Boys .1ntramurals 1,2,3; Debate 3; Forensics 3_;
Key Club l,2,3; Letterman's 2,3 ; Library Assistant 2; Literary Club-Echo
3· Orchestra l ; Pep Band 1, 2; Boys
Gym Assistant l,2,3; Ski Club 3;
Aquettes Water Show M .C. 3; CrossCountry 3; Golf l; Swimming 1,2.
MATHES, DON C. Lincoln Key
Club 1; Monitor 3; lntramurals 3;
Wrestling l.
MATHEWS, GERALD A. - Jerry Lincoln Advisory Board 2; All
school play 1,2; A Cappella 3; Sophomore Mixed Choir 1,2; Trojan's Men
Chorus 1,2; Dram-per l,2,3; Forensics 3; Key Club 2,3; Stage Guil~ 2,3.
Lance - General Girls Choir l; Sabra's 2.
MATTSON, ELAYNE R. - Arv - Lincoln .
MATTSON, NORMAN E. Norm Lance - Letterman's 3; Gym Assistant 3; Football l,2,3; lntramurals 2,3;
Track 1,2,3; Wrestling 3.
McBRIDE NANCY A. - Nan - Lance
- Advi;ory Board 3; Audio-Visual l;
German Club 3; Tempest Salesman 3;
Project Love 3; Gym Assistant 3.
McCORMICK, SHARON L. - Sherry St. Joseph - Advisory Board 2; Art
3; Booster Club l; Tempest Salesman 3; Sabra's 2,3.
McCUNE, GAIL M. - Lance - Monitor 3; Project Love 2,3.
McDONALD, BARBARA A. - Lance Classic Salesman 3; Tempest Salesman 3.
McDONOUGH, MIKE E. - St. Josep~.
McFADDEN, ROBERT - Bob - Beloit
- Tremper K's 3; Football 3; Wrestling 3.
McKEE, Ml KE L. - McGee - Lincoln.
MECOZZI, KAREN L . - Spark - Lance
- AFS 1,2; Sophomore Mixed l; A~
vanced Girls 2; A Cappella 3; Tr1Cees 2,3; Biology Lab Assistant 3.
MELIN, MATS G. - Upsala, Swede~ Honor Roll 3; National Honor Society
3· American Field Service 3; Camera
Club 3; Key Club 3; Political Science
3; Student Council 3.
METALLO, CAROL J. Maggie ~n~.
MELTZER, JOANNE E. - Joan1.e Lincoln - AFS Big Sister Candidate
1,2; Advisory Board 1; Honor Roll
l 2 · All School Play l; Booster Club
1'.2'. Secretary 2; A Cappella Choir
2,3; Sophomore Mixed Choir l; Dramper 1,2; Literary Club-Echo 2; Stu-
dent Cou nc il 2, 3; Parl i amentar ian 3;
Tremp er Teens 2; Cheerlead ing 1, 2.
MENTINK, DANIEL B. - .P rea cher Lance Studen t Counc il 2; Intra murals 1, 2.
MERTEN , DEBORAH L . Mer t Lincoln - Art Club 3.
tallo - Lance - AFS Big Sister Candidate 3.
MICHAELIS, CAROL J . Lance Monitor 3.
MICKELSEN , DANIEL R. - Dan - Lincoln - Gymnastics 1, 2.
MILES, JIM C. - Lance .
MILLER, CARL J . - Carl - Lance Pool Assistant 2.
Ml LLE R, ROY A . - The Fox - Rochester, N . Y .
MILLIGAN, SCOTT L . - Spot - Lance.
MIN KUS, DANIAL J . - Baron - Lance
- Advisory Board 2; Honor Roll l , 2,3;
National Forensics League 2,3 ; Debate 2, 3; Forensics 2,3; O~fice Occupation Association 3; Spanish Club 3;
Student Council 3; Tremper K's 3;
Sergeant at Arms 3; New Voice 3;
Math Club 2, 3; President 3; Mighty
Draeger Art Players 3; Golf 2.
MITCHELL, Ml KE J . - Lincoln - Tempest Salesman 2.
Lincoln - Sabra ' s Club 2,3 .
Lance - Boys lntramurals l,2,3 .
Chris - St. Joseph - Advisory Board
3; Mighty Draeger Art Players 3.
MONROE, MICHAEL T. - Col - Lance.
MONTEEN LAWRENCE D. - Lance Boys Gy~nastics Club 3; Letterman's
2; Basketball 1,2; Football 2,3; Track
l,2, 3.
MORROW, BILLY F . - Bill - Lincoln .
Joseph - All School Play 1,2; Dramper 1, 2; French Club 3; Future Teachers 3; Political Science 2; Student
Council 2,3; Trojanettes 3; Sub Deb
2,3; Vice-President 3.
MOSES, DEBORAH S. - Debbie - Lance .
MOSES, Kl RSTIN M . - Kitty - Lincoln
- AFS Big Sister Candidate 1; S~pho
more Class Treasurer l; Advisory
Board 2,3; Kiwanis Choral Award 3;
Homecoming Queen Candidate 3; Miss
Mermaid 3; Aquettes 1,2,3; Secretar.y
2· Vice President 3; A Cappella Choir
2;3; President 3; Sophomore Mixed
Choir 1; Chor a I iers 2; Student Counci I 2.
MOSHER, PAM M . - "Mosh" - LaCrosse - Student Council 3; Spanish
Club 3; Vice President 3; Monitor 3;
Sub Deb 3.
MULLER, Sue L. - Lance - Caduceus
1; Dram-per 2; Student Council 2,3.
NASSAU ER, KURT- McKinley - Honor
Roll l,2,3; Boys lntramurals 2; Sophomore Mixed 1; German Club 2,3.
NEHLSEN, TED - Lance - Baseball 1,
2; Football 1,2,3.
NEHR, VALERIE J. - Val - Lance AFS Big Sister Candidate 2; . Honor
Roll l,2,3; National Honor Society 3;
AFS 1 2 3· Vice President 3; Booster
Club l'; 's~phomore Mixed 1; Liter~ry
Club-Echo 2;
President 2,3.
Lance - GAA 1,2,3; Girls Gymnastics 2,3; Monitor 3; Usherettes 3;
Girl's track 2,3.
NEU, NICK G. - Lance - Distribut!ve
Education 3; Swimming l; Wrestling
NEWMAN, MARCIA B. - Masher Lincoln - Band 1,2,3; Booster Club 1;
Dram-per 1,2; Forensics 3; Future
Teachers 2; Pep Band 1,2,3; Tempest
Salesman 2; Tempest 2.
- Lincoln - General Girls Choir l.
N I E LSON, DONALD B. - N ucklehea d
- L ance - Golf 3.
Cal if. - Ba seball 1,2,3; Weig ht Tr aining 2.
NIHL SON , J E ANN ETTE S. - Jeannie
- H ig hla nd P ark, Ill. - Prom Queen
2; New V oice 3.
- L inco l n.
NORTON, JOSEPH P . - Joe - L ance.
OECH LE R, DRU H . - Droop - L a nce
Honor Roll 1, 2,3; National Honor
Soci ety 2,3; Scholarsh i p to Carthage
Coll ege 3; AF S 1,2,3; Booster Club
1,2,3; Dram -per 1, 2; F ut u re Teachers
2; Liter ary Club- E cho 2; Orc he stra
1, 2,3; Tremper Teen s 2,3; Recording
Secretary 3; Project L ove 3.
OGRIN , DANIELL . - Lance .
OLSEN , DALE A . - Lan c e.
O' NEILL, RONALD J . Ron - L i ncoln - Wrest li ng l.
O' LEKSY, GAIL A . - Half pi nt - St .
Joseph - AFS Big Sister Cand idate 3.
O' MARA, CONSTANCE L . - Connie Lance - Advisory Board 2,3; Honor
Roll 3; Choraliers 2,3; Dai sy Mae
Candidate 3; Booster Club l ; A Cappella 2,3; Choir Counc i l Secretary
2,3; Sophomore Mi xed l ; Dram -per
1, 2; Future Teachers 2; Red Cross
1, 2,3; Tremper Teens 2,3; Chaplain 3.
ORTIZ, MONSERATE J . - Moochie Lincoln - Art Award 3.
OWENS, CYNTHIA J . - Cindy - Oi l
City, Pa . AFS Big Sister Candi date 1,2; Honor Roll 3; A Cappella 3;
Advanced Girls 2; Sophomore Mixed
l; Sub- Deb 2,3; Project Love 3.
OTT, ALBERT, A. - Al - Lance .
PAAVOLA, GEORGE E . - Fast Eddie
- St. Joseph - Spanish Club 3.
PACE, LINDA S. - McKinley - Monitor 2.
Big Sister Candidate 2.
PALMER , ALLEN J . - Lincoln - Honor
Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 3;
American Field Service 2,3; Treasurer 3; Band l ; Boys Gymnastics
Club 1,2,3; Classic Salesman 2; Key
Club 3; Letterman ' s 2; Golf 1, 2, 3;
lntramurals 1, 2,3; Swimming 1, 2,3 .
PAONE , THOMAS A. - Tom - Cleveland, Ohio Honor Roll 1, 2; Boys
lntramurals 2,3; Tremper K ' s 3; Basketball l ; Weight Training 3.
PARKER , MARK A . - Snapper - Lance
- Boys Gymnastic Club 2,3 ; German
Club 1,2; Cross-Country 2; Wrestling
PARSONS, JANICE L . - Lance - Advisory Board 3; Forensics 3; French
Club 2,3 .
PASKIEWICZ, JOANNE Lance Spanish Club 1, 2.
PATERSON, NANCY H . Lance Honor Roll 2; Aquettes 2,3; A Cappella
Choir 2; Sophomore Mixed Choir l;
Classic Salesman 3; Classic Staff 3;
Quill and Scroll 3.
Lance .
PAULIN , CINDY L. - Cyn - Lincoln
- Aquettes 2,3; Booster Club l ; Advanced Girls Choir 2; General Girls
Choir l ; Classic Salesman 2; Lab
Assistant 3.
PEDLEY, JAMES J . - Jim - Lance Advisory Board 3; Wrestling l .
PAUTZ, JI LL E. - Lance - Advisory
Board 2,3;
Aquettes 2,3;
2,3; Cheerleading 2,3; Captain 3.
PELTZ, KENNETH E. - Ken - Lance.
PETE RSEN, JAMES K. - St. Joseph Outdoorsmen 2.
PETERSE N, KATHY J. - McKinley Advanced Girls Choir 2,3; General
Girls l.
P ET ER SON, SCOTT E. - Red - Lance
- Sophomore Mixed Choir l; Trojan
Men's Choir l; Swim m ing 2.
Rosie - Lance - Sabr a's Club 2.
P ET RI K, J ANET L. - Jan - Lincoln
Honor Roll 3; T yp ing Awa r d 2;
AF S 2, 3; H ist orian 3; Boost er Clu b
1, 2,3;
Corr espond ing
Secre ta r y 2;
H i-Style 2,3; Orch estra 1, 2,3; Spanish Cl u b 3.
PFARR, DEBB Y J . - La nce - Aud ioV isual 3; Hostess Clu b 2; Moni tor 3;
Sabra ' s Clu b 2,3; Offi ce A ssistan t 3.
P IAS, MAR K C. - P ie - Fr iedens Boys lntramurals l , 2, 3; Letterman ' s
3; Gym Ass istant 2,3; Mighty Draeger
Art Players 3; Baseball l ,2,3; Bask etball l , 2,3.
PIC K EN , GAYLE L. - Lin coln - AFS
B ig Sister Cand idate l ; Advisory
Board 3; Sophomore Mixed Choir l ;
Student Counci I 2,3.
PIELA, DANIEL D . - Dan - Lance Honor Roll l ; Boys lntramurals 1, 2,
3; Letterman ' s 3; Mon itor 2; Football
1, 2, 3; Weight Tra i ni ng 2.
PIEHL, EDWARD H . - Eddie - Lance
- A Cappella Choi r 2,3; Sophomore
M i xed Choir l ; Trojan Men ' s Choir
2; Hi-Y 2,3; Baseball l ; lntramurals
3; Choral iers 3.
PIERONEK, ROBERT J . - Lance Monitor 2.
PITTS, MARK J . - McKinley .
PLUTCHAK, NANCY J . - Nanc - Lance
- Honor Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 3; Homeroom Representative 3;
The Family 3; Nurses Assistant 1, 2;
Gym Assistant 2.
POPP, ANNE A . - Lincoln - Honor Roll
l ; Folk-S i ngers 2; French Club 2,3;
Future Teachers 2; Library Assistant
2,3; Trojanettes 2,3; Tri -Cees 3; New
Voice 3.
PRESTON , VICKI M . - Lance .
PULE RA, THOMAS A . - Punch - L i ncoln .
Lincoln .
RADTKE, AMBER J . - Am - Lance Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3; Caduceus l ; Folk-Singers
Club 2; German Club 3; Girls Gymnastics 3;
Literary Club-Echo 2;
Modern Dance Club 2; Red Cross l ;
Usherettes 2,3 ; Project Love 2.
REDMOND, DOUGLAS D . - Lance Audio-Visual l , 2; Classic Salesman
3; French Club 2; Library Assistant
3; Projectionists 1, 2.
REIMER , ETHEL - Lance - A Cappella 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2;
Sophomore Mixed Choir l.
REINHERZ, RICHARD P . - Rhine Lincoln Honor Roll 2,3; National
Honor Society 3; Band 1,2,3; Boys
lntramurals 1, 2,3;
Letterman's 3;
Pep band 1,2,3; Quill and Scroll 2,3;
Tempest Salesman 2,3 ; Tempest 1,2;
Lab Assistant 3; Swimming 1, 2,3.
REUTER, JOHN E . - Lance - Orchestra l.
RICHARDS, ARNOLD G . Rick Lance Distributive Education 3;
Weight Training 2.
RILEY, ELLENS . - Lincoln - Badger
Girls 2; Honor Roll 1, 2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; National Forensic
League l,2,3; Quill and Scroll 3, Classic Staff 3; Debate 1,2,3; Forensics
1,2,3; News Bureau 3; Political Science 3; Red Cross l; Spanish Club 2;
New Voice 3.
RI ZZO, RE N EE M. - Lance - A d visor y Board l; Colorguard 1, 2,3; Stu dent
Council 2,3; Chairman of Club Coord inating Committee 3; Trem per
Teens 2,3.
ROB ERTS, JE A N E. - Jea nie - M cK i n ley Pool As sistan t 1,2,3; Gym
A ssistan t 1, 2.
ROBER TS ON , K AY M . - Lan ce - Ad v a nced G ir ls Choi r 2,3; Genera l G irl s
Cho ir l; H i-Style 2,3; Red Cross 3.
ROBIN SON , KATHLEEN J. - K athy Lan ce - Boost er Cl ub l; Sophomore
M ixed Choi r l; Sub-Deb 2,3.
ROEMER , KURT D . - Gomer - Lan ce
- Gy m Ass i sta nt 2,3.
ROGN STAD, BRUCE D . - Lan ce.
ROHDE , GEORGE K . - Buena Ventu ra ,
Cal if. - Speec h Award 2; Debate 2.
ROHRER , KATHLEEN E . - Kathy Linco ln - Scholarsh i p to Dana College 3; Band 1, 2,3; Dram -per 3; Tri Cees 2,3.
ROMANO, MARIE C. - Re - Re - Lance
- Honor Ro ll 1,2,3; A ll schoo l play
1, 2; Booster Cl ub l , 2,3; Dram-per
1, 2;
Future Teachers 3; Modern
Dance Club 2; Sub-Deb 2,3; Recording and corresponding Secretary 3;
Usherettes 2,3.
ROMAINE , LOIS K . - Lance - Honor
Roll 1, 2,3; Nat ional Honor Soc iety 2,3;
Wis . All-State Honors Chorus 68-69;
Nationa I Mer it Society Letter of Commendation 2; A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed Choir l ; Girls Gymnastics 3; Lab Ass istant 3; Choral iers 3;
Madr igal 3.
ROSE , DEBRA M . - Debby - St . Joseph - Mon itor 3.
ROVI K, TIM L . - L i ncoln - Band l ;
Boys I ntramura Is 2; Pep Band l ; Basketball l ; Cross-Country l.
RUEBSAMEN, NORMAN F. Barron Lincoln - Gym Ass i stant 3.
RUGG, ELIZABETH D . - Betsy - Lin coln - AFS Bi g Si ster Cand idate l;
Adv i sory Board 3; Honor Roll 1, 2,3;
National Forensic Leag ue 2,3; Art 3;
Booster Club l ; A Cappella Choir 3;
Advanced Gi r l s Choi r 2; Sophomore
Mixed Cho i r l ; Distr i buti ve Ed ucation
3; Dram -per l ; Forens ics 2,3; H iStyle 2; Literary Club-Echo 2; News
Bureau 3; Red Cross 1,3; Student
Counci l 2; Tempest Salesman 2,3;
New Voice .
RUGG , GLENN A. - Glugo - Lincoln
- Band 1, 2,3; Boys lntramura l s 1, 2, 3;
Letterman ' s 2,3; Orchestra 2,3; Pep
Bands 1, 2,3; Spanish Club 1, 2,3; Stage
Band l,2,3; Wrestling Manager 1, 2,3.
RUHLE , GARY W. - Drooly - Lance
- Sophomore Mixed l ; Key Club 3;
I ntermura Is 2.
RUHLE, KENNETH E . - Ken - Lance .
RUSSO, DIANE M . - D . - Lance Aquettes 1, 2,3, President 3.
RUSSO, DOROTHY M . - Lance - Aquettes 2,3, Treasurer 3.
RUTCH I K, SUSAN M . - Sue - Lincoln
- Monitor 2; Office Assistant 3.
Tommy Turtle - Lance - Hi-Y 1, 2,3;
Student Council 2,3; Project Love 2;
Tri -Cees 3;
Mighty Draeger Art
Players 3.
SAFAGO, LINDA A . -McKinley- Honor
Roll 1, 2; GAA 3; Echo Club 3; Spanish
Club 2,3; Usherettes 3.
SALICA, DAVID G . - Dave - Lance Sophomore Mixed 1, 2; Trojan Men ' s
Chorus 2; Swimming 1, 2.
Polo - Lance - AFS Big Sister Candidate 3; Sabras 1,2,3.
SARAUER, HELEN - Lance - Honor
Roll 1,2; Tempest Salesman 3.
SCHARNICK, RHONDA J . - Lance Honor Roi I 3; Nationa I Honor Society
3; Sop homore Mixed l ; German Club
SCHEPKER, SUSAN J. - Susie-Q McK in ley - A FS B ig Sister Ca nd idate
l ; H i-Style 2,3 ; Presi dent 3; Tempest
Sa les m an 2, 3.
SCHI ND L E R, T HOMAS E . - Tom L an ce - Cl a ss P resi dent 2,3 ; Honor
Roll l,2, 3; N ational Honor Society 3;
Boy s lntramur als 2,3; A Cappella 2;
Sophomore M ixed l; Troj an M en ' s
Chor us 1,2; K ey Clu b 1,2,3; Secretar y; V ice-P re sid ent 2; P r esi dent 3;
Student Counci I l ,2,3; Presi den t 3;
Sw i mm i ng 1, 2,3; T enn i s 1,2,3.
SCHMIDT, DONG . - E lg in - Lan ce Advisory Board 3; Boy s l ntr am ur a ls
l ,2,3; Basketball l ,2,3; Gy m Ass istant
2,3; Pool Ass i stant 2,3.
SCHMIDTKE , HAROLD Lance Track l .
SCHMIT, R ICHARDT . - Di ck - Lance
- lntram urals l ; Track Manager 3.
SCHMITZ, DOUG D . - St . Joseph .
SCHMI T Z, T HOMAS A . Lan ce Gr aphic Arts Clu b 3; St amp Club 3.
SC HNE I D ER, LI ND A L . - L incoln Ad visory Board 3; So p homore M ixed
l; M onitor 3; Red Cross 3; Su b-D eb
2, 3; PA A nnounc em e nt s 3; Pr om
Deco r ati ons Com m ittee 2.
SCHNEIDER , JERRY L . - Sp ider Linco l n Boys lntramurals 1, 2,3;
Letterman ' s 3; Tremper K ' s 3; Football l ,2,3; Track l ; Weight Train i ng 2.
SCHONSCHECK, ARMAND F . - P it Lance - Wrestling 1,2.
SCHROEDER , BRIAN L . - Lincoln Honor Ro ll 2; Camera Club 2; German Cl ub 2,3; Secretary 2,3.
SCHULTZ, EL I ZABETH M . - Betty Crandon - Band l ; Forens ics l ; GAA
1; Pep Bands l ; Stage Band l ; Intermura ls 1.
SCHUTZ, THOMAS D. - Tom - La nce
- Letter m an ' s 2,3; Mon itor 3; Sw i mm i ng 2.
SCOTT, ROGER A . - Lance - Boys
lntramurals 1.
SEAMAN , LORIE L . - McK i nley GAA 3; Red Cross 3; Gym Assistant
3; Pool Assistant 3.
SERPE , LOUISE A . - Loui - Lincoln
- Audio-V i sual 3.
SHEAR, ROSANNE E . - Rose - Lin coln - Classic Salesman 2; GAA 3;
Library Assistant l ; Monitor 2.
SHEARER , JOHN G . - Lincoln - H iy 2,3; Orc hestra 1,2,3; Student Cou ncil 3; ln termurals 3; Wrestling 1, 2.
SHIERK, MARILYN K . - Lynne - Lin coln Art 3; Class ic Salesman 3;
Sabras 2.
SHUEMATE , BARBARA E . - Barb Lance - AFS B ig Si ster Cand idate 2;
Class Off icer 3; Corresponding Secretary 3; Prom Court 3; Homecom ing Queen Candidate 3; Classic Salesman 2; Debate 1; Forens ics l ; Mon itor
2; Student Counci I 3; Tempest 3; Trojanettes 2,3; Tri -Cees 2,3; Usherettes 2; Mighty Draeger Art Players
SIEBERT, ARTHUR F . - Ri ck - Lance .
SIEPERT, PATRICIA A . - Pat - Lin coln - General Girls Choir l .
SIMPSON , PATRICIA J . - Joey - North
Chicago Library Ass i stant 1,2,3;
Red Cross 2.
SINCLAIR, JEAN A . - Lincoln - Monitor 2; Tremper Teens 2,3; Vice President 3.
SINCLAIR , JAMES V . - Jim - Lincoln - Honor Roll 3; Band l,2, 3; Boys
lntramurals 3; Outdoorsman 1,2,3;
Wrest! i ng 1.
SKURNICK, JUDITH A . - Judy - Lincoln - AFS Big Si ster Candidate 1;
Honor Roll 3; Advanced G i rls Choir
2; Secretary 2, Sophomore M i xed 1;
Forensics 3;
Tremper Teens 2, 3.
- Band 1,2,3; Hi -Y 2,3; Pep Bands
1,2,3; Track 2.
SMITH, ANDREW P. - Pete - Lincoln
- Advisory Board l ; Scholarship to
Carthage 3; Boys lntramurals l,2,3;
Key Clu b 1,2,3; Letterman's 2,3 ; Political Science 1,2,3; Weight-Training
Club 3; Baseball 1,2,3 ; Basketba ll 1,2;
Football 1,2,3 .
SMITH , JU D ITH L . - J udy - Lincoln
- Honor Ro ll 2,3 ; Art 3; Band 1.
SMITH , P A T RI CIA E . - Patti - Lincoln - Ki wanas award for Senior girls
ch oir 3; Booster Clu b 1,2; General
G i r ls Cho ir 2,3; P resi dent 3; Sop homo re M ixed Cho ir l ; Tro j an ettes 3;
Pro ject Love 3.
SMITH , STEVEN D . - L ance - H onor
Ro ll l,3; Mon itor 3.
SM IT H, T IM - Lincoln .
SMO L INSK I, CAROL A . - Smo - La nce
- A Cappe ll a 2,3; Sophomor e M ixed
Cho i r l ; Echo Clu b 2; Ctlora lier s 2, 3.
SPAAY, JOHN C. - Lan ce - Graph ic
Arts 2,3; Mon itor 2.
SPRAKER , ANNE E . - Ann ie Fannie
- Lincoln - Adv isory Board 3; Schol arsh i p to Un ivers ity of W i sconsin 3;
Band l ,2, 3; Forens ics 3; Orchest r a
3; Pep Bands l ,2,3; Tremper Teens
2,3; M ighty Draeger Art P layers 3.
SPRINGER, JOYCE A . - Joy - Lance .
ST . PETER , ANNE N . - Ann ie - L i ncoln - Sweetheart candidate 3; Booster
Club l ; Dram-per 1; Forensics 3;
Red Cross 2; Sub-Deb 1,2,3; Correspond i ng Secretary 3; Trojanettes
STANFORD, DONALD G. Don Lance Letterman ' s 2,3; Baseball
l ,2,3; Football l ; lntramurals 1, 2;
We ight Train i ng 1.
STANFORD, TERRY J . - Joe - Lance
Baseball l ; Football l ; We ight
Train i ng 1.
STEFANI, THOMAS J . - Tom - Lance
Honor Roll 2; Letterman ' s 2, 3;
Sw i mming l,2,3.
STEIN , NANCY L. - Noodles - L i ncoln - AFS Big Si ster Candidate 3.
- Student Council l ; Football l .
STEVENS, KATHY J . - Kathy - Lin coln - Sabras 2; Gym Assistant 2;
Library Assistant 2,3.
Advisory Board 2,3;
Honor Roll 3; Sub-Deb 2,3.
STREBLOW, MICHAEL T . - Mike Lance - Mon itor 3.
STREICH , JERALD E . - Jerry - Lance
- Art 3; Graphic Arts Club 3; Letterman's 2,3 ; Stage Guild 1; Baseball
l ; Manager 1; Basketball Manager 2;
Football Manager l ,2,3.
STUBBS, TIMOTHY A . Stubby Lance - Stock Car Club 3; Wrestl i ng
Aquettes 2,3; Sophomore Mixed
Choir l; Trojan Men ' s Chorus 1,2;
Letterman ' s
Club 3; Cross-Country l,2,3 ; Swim ming l,2,3; Track 3.
SWANSON, CHRISTINE J . - Chris Lance - GAA l,2,3.
TAFFS, CAROLE A . - Lance - Honor
Roll l ,2,3; French Club 3.
TALLEY, LARRY M . Flower Pot
- Lincoln - Honor Roll 1,2; Boys '
Gymnastic Club 2,3; Boys lntramurals
1,2,3; Hi -Y 2,3; Vice- President 3;
Letterman ' s 1,2,3; President 3; Red
Cross 2,3; Treasurer 2; Student Counci I 2, 3; Tennis 1,2,3 .
TALLON, BRUCE A . - Big B - Lance
- Homecoming Queen Candidate Man-
ager 3; All school play 2,3; Sophomore Mixed Choir l ; Debate 1,2,3;
l ,2,3;
Forens ics
l ,2,3;
French Club 3; Hi-Y l ,2,3; Red Cross
TASKE, DAVID L. - Dave - Lance Boys lntramurals l ,2,3 ; Hi-Y l ; Monitor 2,3; Red Cross 1,2; Student Council 2,3; Variety Show M .C. 3; Baseball
l; Track 2.
- Library Assistant 3; Library Club
3; Presi dent 3.
TENUT A, PATRICIA L. Trish Lance - AFS Big Sister Candidate l ;
Project Head start 3; Stu dent Council
2, 3; Sub- Deb 2,3; Tem pest Salesm an
3; Sadie Ha wkins Quee n Candida t e 3.
T EWS, PAT R ICI A A . - Pa t - L i ncoln
- Honor Roll l, 2,3; Typ in g Award 2;
AFS 3; Boo ster Cl ub l; Fu ture
Tea c hers 3; Red Cross 2,3; Gir ls Gym
Ass i st ant 3; P roject L ove 3.
T HOMAS, BRUCE M . - St . Joseph.
T HOMAS, R IC HARD E . - Ric - Lincoln .
TH OMAS, T RACIE A . - T racer - Linco ln - AFS Big Si ster Cand idate l;
Honor Roll l , 2,3; Homecomi ng Qu ee n
3; Student Cou ncil 2,3; Recording
Secretary 3; Band l ,2,3; Boost er Club
1, 2; Dram -pe r 1,2; Pep Band l, 2,3;
Sub- Deb
V ic e- Pres i dent
M ighty Draeg er Art Player s 3.
THOMPSON , GORDON W . - But ch Lance - Football l ; We ight Tra in ing
THOMPSON , JANELL F . Shan Lance - Adv i sory Board 2,3; Booster
Club 2; Advanced Girls Cho i r 2,3 ;
Sophomore Mi x ed Choir l ; GAA l ;
Trojanettes 3.
THOMSEN , TOM - Preacher - Donaldson , Indiana - Forens ics 3; Letterman ' s 3; News Burea u 3; Baseball
1, 2; Basketball 2,3; Football 3.
TIANEN , LAURA M . - St . Joseph .
TINKER, JUDITH A. - Judy - Lance .
TINKER , TIMOTHY T . - Timmy Lance .
TISHUK, TOM J . - St. Joseph .
TOLLACK, HUGH L. - Lance - Honor
Roll l ; Band 1,2,3; Key Club 2,3;
Letterman ' s 2,3; Orchestra 2, 3; Pep
Band 1,2,3; Stage Band 2,3; Cross
Country 1, 2, 3; Track l , 2, 3.
TOTTS, KAREN R. - Lincoln - Caduceus 2,3; Historian 3; Literary ClubEcho 2,3; Orchestra 1, 2,3.
TREDON , JOAN M . - Joanie - Lance
- Booster Club l ; Colorguard l ,2,3;
Future Teachers 2,3; President 3;
Sub-Deb 2,3.
TROTTER, SUSAN M . - Sue - Lincoln .
TULLIS, ROBERT G . - Lance - A Cappella Choi r 3; Sophomore Mixed Choir
1,2; Trojan Men ' s Chorus 1,2; Stage
Guild l ,2,3; Football l ; Wrestling
l , 2,3.
TURTLE, NANCY A . - Nance - Lance
- AFS Big Sister Candidate l ; Class
Officer 1,2; Corresponding Secretary
l ; Treasurer 2; DAR Good Citizen
Award 3; 2nd place Youth Leadership Contest 3; Honor Roll l; Prom
Court 2; Sadie Hawkins Candidate 3;
NFL l,2,3; All school play l ; AFS
1,2,3; President 2,3 ; Debate l,2,3;
Dram-per 1,2; Treasurer 2; Girls
Gymnastics l ; Red Cross l,2,3 ; Secretary l ;
President 2; Executive
Council President 3; Student Council
1,2; Tempest Salesman l ; Tremper
Teens 2,3; Ski Club 3; Secretary 3;
Pool Assistant l,2,3.
TYSON , THERESE M . - Terri - Lance .
ULBRICHT, WALTER L. - Wally Lance - Honor Roll 1,3; Band l ; Political Science 2,3 ; Tempest 3.
3; Usher 3; Tremper K's 3; The Family 2,3; Football 1,2,3; Swimming 1, 2,
VAN LANDUYT, JULES R. - Lance Football l; lntermurals l.
VANDENBERG, ROBERT L. - Bob Lance - Camera Club 3, Vice-President 3; Literary Club-Echo 3; Quill
and Scroll 3; Tempest 3; New Voice 3.
VANWIE, PAMELA J. - Pam - Lance
- Classic Salesmen 2,3; Hi-Style 2,3,
Vice-President 3; Monitor 2; Spanish
Club l; Advisory Board 3.
VAUGHNS, ERNEST - Lincoln - Intermurals 3.
VESCOBA, GARY W. - Lance - Track
VITELLA, DEBBE J. - Lincoln .
VOGLER, MARILYN E . - Mev - Lance
- AFS Big Sister Candidate l; Orchester l,2,3; Red Cross 2,3, Treasurer 3; Tremper Teens 3; Gym Assistant 3.
VOLK, LORRAINE M. Laurie Lance - Future Teachers 2,3; Modern
Dance Club 2; Monitor 3; Spanish Club
l,2,3, Secretary 2, President 3; TriCees 2,3; Usherettes 2,3, SecretaryTreasurer 3.
VOIGT, JANET L. - Jan - Lance
Monitor 2; Spanish Club 1,2.
WAGNER, KURT J. - Waggie - Lance
- Monitor 3; Basketball 1,2; Football
l,2,3; Gym Assistant 2,3 .
WAITE, PATRICIA A. - Pat - Lance
- Honor Roll l,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; AFS 2; Band 1,2,3; Band
cabinet 3; Booster Club 1,2; Dram-per
2; French Club 2,3; Secretary 2,3;
Future Teachers 2,3; Treasurer 3;
Hi-Style 3, vice-president 3; News
Bureau 3; Orchestra 3; Quill and
Scroll 3; Red Cross 2; Tempest 3;
Copy Editor 3; Tri-Cees 2; Gym Assistant 3.
WALDROM, PENNI L. - Lance - Honor
Roll 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2; General Girls Choir l; Dram-per 2.
WALKER, ANN M. - Annie - Lincoln
Honor Roll 3; Monitor 3; Girls
Swim Team 3; Girls Track Team 2,3;
Gym Assistant 3.
WALLIG, DAVID K. - Dave - McKinley Big Brute Candidate 3; Boys
lntramurals l,2,3; German Club 1,2,
Lance Distributive Education 3;
Vice President 3; Red Cross 2.
WEBB, CANDY L . - Tex .
WEBB, THOMAS R. - George - Lance
- Honor Roll 1; Boys I ntramurals 3;
Swimming 1,2,3.
WEHRMAN, JIM L. - Jim - Lance.
WEISS, JODY - Lincoln - AFS Big
Sister Candidate l ; Aquettes l,2,3 ;
Art 3, President 3; French Club 2,3;
Red Cross 3; Student Council 2; Ski
Club 3.
WELCH, JAMES H . - Jim - McKinley
- Honor Roll l,3.
- Band 1,2,3; Pep Bands l,2,3; Stage
Band l .
WERVE, EDDY H. - McKinley - AudioVisual 1; Band 1,2; Boys lntramurals
l,2,3; Projectionists l; Stage Guild
1,2; Wrestling 2,3.
WHEELER, SCOTT J . - Lincoln .
WHITE, ALTON P. - Lincoln.
Lance - Honor Roll 1,2; Basketball
1; I ntermura Is 1,2,3.
WICKLUND, DEBORAH L. - Debby Lance - Honor Roll 2,3; Booster Club
3; Monitor 3; Servettes 3.
WIEGAND, MARY C. - Lance - Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Booster Club l,2,3; Treasurer 3; Dram-per 1,2; Future Teachers 2,3; Modern Dance Club 2; Spanish
Club 1,2,3; Treasurer 2,3; Usherettes
2,3; Project Love 3.
- Lincoln .
WIERZBICKI, SHERRY E. - Sher Lance Booster Club 1,2; General
Girls Choir l,2; Tempest Salesman
3; Project Love 3.
WILCOX, KARLA M. - Denver - Debate 3; Forensics 3; Literary EchoClub 3; Monitor 3.
WILCOX, MARJORIE M. - Margie Colorado - Honor Roll 2,3; Girls Athletic Association l; Project Love 2,3.
WILKINSON, DEBRA A. - Debbie Lance - Monitor 3; Red Cross 3.
WILKINSON, KENNETH A. - Ken Lance - Honor Roll 3; Band l,2,3;
Graphic Arts Club 3; Treasurer 3;
Pep Bands 1,2,3.
WILLIAMS, EDWARD E . - Lance Camera Club 1,2; Classic Salesmen
1,2; Class ic Staff 1, 2; Photography
Club 1, 2; Polit ical Science 2; Tem pest 2; lntermurals 2.
WILLIAMS, LARRY T . - Lar - Lance
- Boys lntramurals 2,3; Golf 2.
WILLIAMSON , SANDRA K. - Lance Honor Roll 2; German Club 2; HiStyle 2,3 ; Student Council 2.
WILLKOMM, LINDA M. Lance Honor Roll 3; Dram-per 2; Library
Assistant 2;
Monitor 3;
Salesman 3.
WIMBERLY, BONNIE R. Bonni Florida.
WINELAND, GREG J . - St . Joseph Honor Roll 1; Boys lntramurals 3;
Golf 1,2, Wrestling 1, 2.
WISCH, DAWN E . - Friedens .
WHITT, NANCY R. - Nan - Lance Project Love 2,3.
WOLF, SUSAN J . - Sue - Lance Honor Roll 3.
WOOD, ELLEN L. - Lincoln - Honor
Roll l,2,3; Miss Mermaid Candidate
3; Band l,2,3; Oram-per 2; Orchestra
2,3; Pep Bands 1,2,3; Political Science 2,3 ; Student Counci I 2; Sub-Deb
2,3; Mighty Draeger Art Players 3.
WOYNILKO, JIM A . - Lance - Intermurals l.
YANTORNI, BRANT - Buckets - Lincoln - Honor Roll 2; Boys lntramurals
2; Basketball 1; Golf l,2.
YARBROUGH, VALERIE J. - Val Lincoln Kiwanis Music Award 3;
A Cappella 2; Advanced Girls Choir
3; Sophomore Mixed Choir 1; SubDeb 2,3; New Voice 3.
YOUNG, MARK T . Lincoln - Advisory Board 2; Boys lntramurals 2,
3; Letterman's 1,2,3; Student Counci I
3; Weight-Training Club 3; Basketball 1; Football 1,2,3; Track l,2,3.
YURCHAK, DAVID J. - St . Joseph's Baseball l; Basketball l; Wrestling 2.
YANCE, GREGORY A. - Crash - Lincoln.
ZASADA, JOHN J. - Quantico - News
Bureau 3.
ZEIHEN, ELLEN S. - Lance - Band
l; Distributive Education 3; Secretary
ZEMBROWSKI, DEBBIE St . Josephs - Classic Salesmen 1; Spanish
Club 1,2; Student Council l,3; Sub
Deb 2,3; New Voice 2.
ZICCARELLI, GLORIA J. - Lance A.F.S. Big Sister Candidate 2; Class
Secretary 2,3;
Honor Roll 1,3; Prom Court 2,3;
Shorthand Contest Trophy 2,3; Classic Staff 3; Monitor 3; Quill and Scroll
3; Red Cross 3; Sub-Deb 2,3.
ZIMMER, GEORGE A . - Cool George
- Lance - Class Advisory Board 2,
3; Band 1; Boy's I ntramura Is 1,2,3;
Trojan Men's Chorus 3; French Club
2; Key Club 3; Monitor 3; Tempest
Salesman 2; Weight-Training Club 3.
ZUBERBUEHLER, BARBARA - Goober - Lance - Honor Roll 2; Booster
Club l; German Club 2,3; Monitor
ZYDOWSKY, EDWARD M. - Hondo Lance Baseball l,2,3; Captain 2;
Most Valuable Player 2; Football
1,2,3; Most Valuable Player 3; Captain 3; Basketball 1,2,3; 110%er 3;
Athlete of the Year in Kenosha 3;
Band 1,2,3; Boy's lntramurals l,2,3;
Lettermen's 2,3; Red Cross 2; Student Council 3.
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
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Student and Teachers Index
Abrego, Ra lph . .
. . . . . . . . . . 216
Abrego, Sam . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 180
Adam, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . 128, 138,238
Adams, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Adelson, Michael . . . . . 117, 136, 150,238
AFS .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Aiello, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Aker, Linda ... . . . . . . . . . . . 121,216
Aker, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Albert, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Albrecht, Nancy .. . . . . . . . 98, 132,21 6
Alix, Malcolm . . . . .. .. . . . . . . 216
Alix, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Allard, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Allen, Holly ... . . . . . . . . . .. 172, 180
Allen, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Allen, William . . ... . . . . . . . . 100,238
Altergott, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Althaus, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Alwarat, Victoria . ... . . . . . . . . . 238
Amadio, Anthony .
. 93, 150, 170,237,238
Ambrose, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Ameche, Alan . . . . .. . . . . . 84, 181
Ameche, Victor . . . . . . . . . . . 116,238
Ammon, Barbara . . . . . .. . . . . . 28
Amore, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Ancevic, Cynthia ... . . . . . . . . 135, 181
Ancevic, Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Andersen, Barry .
. . . . . . . 121 , 181
Andersen, Carol . . . 6,90,98, 121, 124, 181
Andersen, Cherryl . . . . . . 114, 181 ,216
Andersen, Rae .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 238
Anderson, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20,21
Anderson, Christine . . . . . . . . . . 238
Grant .
. 99, 103, 121, 127, 181
Anderson, James . . . . . 157, 167, 238
Anderson, John . . . . . . 93, 150, 167,216
Anderson, Kristine . . .
. 89,98, 101, 122,
130,215, 216
Anderson, Mark . . . .
. . 238
Anderson, Richard . . . . .
. . 216
Anderson, Robert . . . . .
. . 114,216
Anderson, Ruth . . . . . . .
. . 133, 238
Anderson, Victoria . . . . .
. . 126,238
Anderson, William . . . . . . 122, 135,216
Andraschko, Dawn . . . . .
134, 136, 181
Andre, Rita . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121, 181
Andreini, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . . 98, 181
Andreucci, Nancy . . . . . . . 58,88,89, 181
Andrews, Kathy . . . . . . . . . 181,216
Androschko, Karen . . . . . . . .
Angelici, Larry . . . . . . . . .
Angelo, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . .
Angelo, Michael . . . . . . . . . .
Anger, Bridget . . . . . . . . . . .
Antes, Sally . . . . . . . . . . . . 106, 173,238
Antonacci, Michael . . . .
168, 169,216
Antonacci, Sharon . . . . . . . 117, 126,238
Antrim, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Antrim, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Apker, Kathleen ... . . . . . . . . 122,216
Apker, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98, 181
Apple, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43
Apyan, Daniel . . . . . 12, 14,98, 119, 139,
154, 167, 181
Apyan, Paul . . . . . . 150, 162,237,238
AQUETTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,91
Arbanella, Cathy . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Arnett, Gary . . . . . . . . . 114, 122,216
Arrowood, Peggy . . . . . . . . . . 141, 181
ART CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Ashby, Ronald . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 216
Augustine, Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . 136,216
Aulozzi, Renee . . . . . . . . . .. ... 216
Ausse, Cynthia . . . . .. 128, 134,215,216
Azzolina, Shirley . . . 13, 121, 173,215,216
Baas, Patricia . .
. . . . . . . . . 216
Babel, Janice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 181
Babel, John . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 216
Bach, Roger . . .
. . . . 238
Back, Emmitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Backe, Hope . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 121, 181
Backlund, Nancy . . . . . . . 98, 133, 138, 181
Badtke, John . . . . . . . . 117, 125, 139,238
Badtke, Raymond . . . . . . . . . .
Bailey, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Bailey, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Bailey, Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 181
Ba iley, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . 181,216
Bailey, Ric hard . . . . . . . . . . 162,238
Bair, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 22
Baker, Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Bakula, Gerald .. . . . . . . . . 134,216
Balk, Michael . . . . . . . . . . .
Ball, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Ballard, James . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Banadinovic, Mildred . . . . . . . . 216
Banerdt, Barbara . . . 88,98, 114, 130,216
Barber, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Barker, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Barker, Treda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Barnes, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . 166,216
Barnes, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 181
Barnett, Danny . . . . . . . . . . . . 122,216
Baron, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Baron, Rosanne . . . . . . . . . . . 92, 216
Barr, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 161
Barribeau, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Barros, Candice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Barrows, Susan . . . . . . . . 114, 119,217
Bartel , Robin .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Bartel , William . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Barter, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Barth, Alison . . . . . . . . . . 103, 117, 238
Barton, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Barton, Susan . . . . . 98,121,130, 173, 181
Barve, Candace . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Baternik, Lee Ann . . . 99, 105, 124, 181
Batt, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128, 181
Bauer, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . 163, 180
Bauers Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . 237,238
Bauers, Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . 134, 180
Beales, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Bear, Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Becker, Barbara . . . . 133, 134, 138, 181
Becker, Cherri
. . . . . . . . . 238
Becker, John . . . . . . . . . . . . 139, 181
Becker, Lysa . . . . . . . . . . 134, 175,217
Becker, Maureen . . . 99, 102, 107, 108, 181
Beckstrom, Louise . . . . . .. .. 140, 181
Bede, Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136,182
Bedford, Sharon
. . . . .. 117, 175,238
Bedore, Kristy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Bedore, Richard . . . . . . . . . . 166,239
Heidi . . 89,90, 114, 119, 130,217
Behr, Marvin . . . . . . . .
116, 139
Behr, Noreen . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,217
Belliveau, Ronald . . . . . . . . . 215,217
Belongia, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Benkstein, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Bennett, Janice . . . 98, 100, 133, 138, 182
Benning, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Benson, Lule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Benson, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . 128,182
Benton, Sandra . . . . . . . 68,103,124,182
Berenson, Sharon . . 12,82,98, 119, 138, 182
Berger, Louise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Berger, Lucille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Bergren, Marybeth . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Bergren, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 238
Bergstrom, Ronald
. . . . .. 182
Berner, Howard . . . . . 46,98, 123,217
Bernhoft, Gail . . . . . . . . . . 92,217
Bernhoft, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . 238
Berry, Craig . . . . . .
. . 182
Berry, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . 215,217
Berry, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134,217
Berry, James . . . . . . . .
. .. 217
Berry, Pauline . . . . . . . . . . . 239,253
Berry, Robert .. .. .. .. . . . 136,239
Berry, Susan . . . . . . . . .
. .. 217
Bertog, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . 122, 162,217
Besch, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bettignies, Jane . . . . . . . . . .
Betz, Marilyn . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bielarczyk, Adrienne . . . . . . .
Billen, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Billen, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Billings, Leroy . . . . . . . . . .
Binnie, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Binninger, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Binninger, Sheryl . . . . . . . . . . 136,217
Birch, Pal)1ela . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Birkholz, Carol . . . . . . 58,72,88,89, 100,
101, 103, 132, 182
Birkholz, William . . . . . . . . 103,239
Bisiorek, Robert . . . . . . 127, 179, 183
Bistrick, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 150
Bittis, Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Blagg, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Blaney, Lyndell . . . . . . . 116, 170,238
Blank, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . 121 , 183
Blankenship, Steven . . . . . . . 108, 183
Blankley, Mr . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Blasi, Eugene . .
. .. . . . . . . 217
Blasi, Twila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Blauser, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . 141, 183
Blazek, Carleen . . . . . . . . . . . 88,217
Block, Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Biener, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Bloomer, Douglas . . . . . . . . .
Boardman, Michael . . . . . . . . . . 239
Bode, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boehm, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Bogard, Leon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Bogdala, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Bohdanowicz, Dolores . . . . 132,239, 241
Bokmueller, Anita .
88,98, 130, 135,
173, 183
Bonacci, Erminie . .
Bonanno, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . 183
BOOSTER CLUB . . . . . . . . . .
Booth, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Borland, Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Borland, Patricia ... .. . . . . . . . . 217
Borst, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Bose, Darryl .. . . . . . . . . . .. . 183
Bose, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Bosman, Ronald . . . . . . . . . 136,217
Bosman, Sharon . .
117, 126, 172, 173,
Bosman, Wayne . . .
. .. 97, 154, 183
Bothe, Tom . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 167
Botz, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,217
Boubonis, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Bougneit, Robert . . . . . . . . . . 134, 183
Boutan, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . 158,217
Bower, Charlene . . . . . . 121, 128,217
BOWLER'S LEAGUE .. . . . . . . . . 94
Box, Doyle . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boyce, Vivian . . . . .
Boyle, Blair . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boyle, Vanessa . . . . . . . . . .
BOY'S GYMNASTICS . . . . . . . . . . 93
Bradley, Mr . . . . . . . . . 21, 154, 168
Bradley, Walter . . . . . . . . 13, 121,217
Brand, Kathy . . .
. .. 117,239
Brandes, JoAnne . . .
. 88, 102, 108,
128, 176,239
Brande~ John . . .
Brandofina, Debra .
. . . . 217
Brandt, Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . 102, 103
Brandt, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Brandt, Linda . . . . . .. . ... .. . 36, 183
Braun, Janice . . . . . . 58, 89,98, 114, 116,
130, 131, 183
Braun, Paula . . . . . . . . . . 88, 11 6, 239
Breach, Loren . . . . . 38, 128, 139, 168,217
Breach, Marla . . . . . . . . . . . 128, 239
Brehm, Kathleen . . . . . . . .. . .. 217
Bren nan, Maureen . . . . . . .. . .. 217
Brennan, Terry .. . . . .. . . . . . 139,239
Brennan, Ti mot hy . . . . . . . 39,93, 122,
139, 170,217
Bre n neman, Raymond . . . . 123, 158,239
Brewer, Willia m . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Bri gg s, Nadi ne ... . .. . . . . 121, 140, 183
Brittelli, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 163
Broadhur st, Les . . . . . . . .. .. 162,217
Brom ste ad, Sa ndra . . . . . . . . .. 239
Broomf ie ld , Dav id ... . .. . . . . . 98, 184
Brown, Cy nt hi a . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Brown , Dor is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7
Brown, Floyd . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 184
Brown, Fra nc is . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7
Brown, Ge r a ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Brown, Jeff rey . . . . . .. . . . . . . 240
Brown, LuAnne . . . . . . . . . . . 128, 240
Brown, Pamela .. .. . . . . . . .. . 217
Brown, Pa u lette . . .. . .. . . 92, 172, 217
Brown, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Brown, Thomas . .. .. .. .. .. . . 240
Brown, T imothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Brumbaugh, Mr . . . .. ... . .... 24, 150
Brummel, Jeffrey . . .. . . . . . . . 240
Brunner, Darlene . . . . . . . 121, 140, 184
Bruno, Patr ic ia . . . . . . . . .. . . 240
Bruno, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Bucher, Joan . . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 217
Bucholz, Ba r bara . . . . . . 98, 99, 105, 124,
128, 184, 273, 296
Buckner, Leo . . . . .. . .. . .. 116, 240
Bueg~ Brenda . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Bunyon, Miss . . . . .
. . . . . 14
Burbach, Darlene . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Burbank, Tara . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Burby, Catherine . . . . .
. . . 124, 218
Buress, Doreen .. . . . . . . . . .. 184
Burgess, Christine . . . . . . . 132, 136, 218
Burkee, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 , 218
Burkoth, Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . 119,240
Burlingham, Gayle . . . 128, 136, 215,218
Burman, Stephen .
. 114, 157, 184,204
Burnett, Elizabeth
. . . . 6,90,98,99,
l 05, 172, 184, 273, 296
Burnett, Michael .
. . . . . . 139, 184
Burnett, Richard .
. . . . . 141 , 184
Burokas, Mrs. . . . . .
. . . . . . 24
Burrow, Richard . . . .
Burt, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Burt, Wade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Busche, Carol . . . . . 88, 117, 126, 128, 240
Busche, Patricia . . . . . . . .. . . . . 218
Buskirk, Janice . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Buskirk, Joy . . . .
. . . . . . 136,240
Bussard, Mr. . . . .
. . . . 26
Bustrycki, Frank
. . . . . 184, 188
Cairo, Louis . . .
. . . . . . . . . 184
Cairo, Nancy . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 240
Calkins, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . 23, 184
Callow, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Calvert, Andrew . . . . . . . . . 121, 184
CAMERA CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Campbell, Carolyn . . . . . 132, 134, 218
Campbell, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Campbell, Mrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Campolo, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Camponeschi , Bernard .. . ... 14, 26,80,
88,98, 127, 136, 150, 166, 179, 184
Camponeschi, Connie
Cantrell , Richard . . . . . . . . . . 218
. .. . 240
. 89, 97, 122,
150, 168, 218
Cardinali, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Carlsen, Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Carlson, Dawn . . . . . . . . . .. 13, 121,218
Carlson, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Carlson, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158,240
Carlson, Mr . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 38
Carlson, Nancy . . . . . . . . . 122, 126, 184
Carlson, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Carmichael , Frank . . . . . . . 81, 127, 176,
Carney, Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . 93,240
Ca rpenter, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Carroll, Thomas . . . .. . . . .. .. 240
Carver, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Carver, Mr . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 38
Ca se, Wan d a . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 240
Casebolt, Karen . . . . . . . . 11 7,240
Ca steel, Billy . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . 184
Ca te, Ricky .. .. . . . . .. .. . . ... 218
Catt elino, Ka t hleen .. .. . . . . . .. . 240
Caulk, Debora h . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 240
Cesa rio, Ro ber t . . . .
. 12,88, 11 4, 119,
150, 166, 184
Chalgren, Mr. . . . . . .
. . 12, 30
Chandler, Debra . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Chand ler, Sand r a . .. .. .. .. . .. 218
Charlton, Thomas .
. . . . . . . 240
Chem erow, Dav id . .
. . . 6,7, 61 ,83, 98,
127, 168, 184
Chemerow, Susanne . . . .. 126, 128, 240
Cheney, Karen . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 240
Cheney, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . 136, 184
Cherny, Jeffrey . . . . . . 11 7, 162, 170,240
Chianel li, Frank . .. .. . .. . . 136, 218
Childers, Odis . . . . . . . . . . .. 134, 184
Christensen, Carol . . . . . . . . . 240
Christensen, Wayne . . . . . . . 157, 218
Christ ian, Pamela . . . . . . .
Christ iansen, Lee . . . . . . .
. . 240
Christ ianson, Eileen . . . . . .
. . 184
Christman, Jeff . . . . . . . . . 114, 218
Christophersen, Te r ry .. . .. . . 88, 184
Chr isty, Janice . . . . . . 32, 103, 108, 109,
126, 140, 173, 184
Chvala, Steve . .
. . . . . . . . . 218
Cigallo, Randall . . .
. . . . 184
Cippola, William . . .
134, 184, 185
Cisler, Dan . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 185
Clark, David . . . . . . . . . 117, 170, 240
Clark, Doug . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 170
Clark, Martin . . . . 134, 136, 154, 162, 218
Clark, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14
Clark, Philip . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 185
Clark, Sally . . . . . . . . . . . . 88, 185
CLASSIC STAFF . . . . . . . . 104, 105
Clausen, Gene . . . . . . . . .
Clausen, Kerry . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Clausen, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Roger .
. 98, 139, 150, 152, 185
Edward .
. 114, 150, 163, 218
Clay, Cynthia . .
. . . . . . . . 218
Cleveland, Debra .
. . . . . . . 241
Clifford, Karen . .
. . . . . .
Clifford, William .
. . . . . .
Clinge, Jody . . . . .
. . . . . . . 185
Cobern, Deborah . . . . . . . 130, 135, 185
Cody, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . 128, 185
Cody, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Coffelt, Randall . . . .. . . . . . 116,218
Coffen, Hal . . . . .
Coffen, Tad . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Colby, William . . . . . . . . . . .
Cole, Betsy . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cole, George . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cole, Richard .
Coleman, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . .. 241
COLORGUARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Colson, Ronald . . . . . . . . 125, 158, 218
Commodore, Mrs.
. . . . . . . 19
. . . . . . . . . 116
Capodarco, David
Capodarco, Michael .
Conforti, Doreen . . . . . . 7, 61,89, 98, 101,
126, 173, 185
Conforti, Michael . . . . . . . . .. .. 218
Conforti, Ronald . . . . . . 98, 127,218
Conforti , Shirley . . . .. . .. . 134, 186
Congdon, Debra .
. 89, 90, 130, 135,218
Conley, Bonnie . . . .
. . . . . . 41
Conley, Pamela . . . . . . . . . .
. 241
Conley, Willi a m . . . . . . . . .
. 241
Conrad, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conwill, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Cook, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Cooper, Debb ie . . . . . . 121, 128, 215,21 8
Cord iner, Mr . .
. . . . . . . . . 24
Cornell, Connie .
. . 58,89, 122, 124,
134, 137, 186
Corso, Keith . . .
. . . . 128, 158, 241
Coshun, M ichae l
11 6, 218
Cotton, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,41
Coulter, Da niel .
. . . . . . 121, 218
. . . . . .
24 1
Cou r s e y, Linda . .
Covel li, Helen . . .
. . . . . . . . . 186
Covel li, Mary . . .
. . . . . . . .. 186
Cov ing ton, Chery l . . .
. 114, 116, 124,
215, 218
Cowe n, Cynth ia . . . . .
. . . . . . 241
Cowen, Leslie . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,241
Cox, Carol .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Cox, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 38
Crane, Janis . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 186
Crane, JoAnn . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 241
Crane, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Crawford, James . . . 107, 154, 157, 168, 241
Crawford, Robert . . . . . . . 97, 154, 158,
168, 186
Crawford, Thomas .. .. . 96, 154, 168, 218
Creighton, Kathleen . . .
. . . . . 90
Cross, Barry . . . .
157, 218
Cross, Bruce . . . . . .
Crowley, Margaret . . .
Cudahy, R ichard . . . . . . . . .
Culver, Carmen . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Cumm ings, James . . . . . . . . 89, 218
Cunn ingham, Rory . . .
. . 241
Curr ie, Rob in . . .
. . 186
Curr ington, Stan ley . . .
139, 186
Curtis, Merr ilee . . . . .
Curtis, Michael . . . . . . . . .
Curtiss, Stephen .
. . . . .
Dade, Kathleen .
Dake, Christine .
Darlak, Norma . .
Darula, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Daun, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . .
Davey, Gary . . . . . . . .
Davis, Bernadine . . . . . . . .
Davis, Dannie . . . . . . . . . .
Davis, Gerald . . . . . . . . . .
Davis, Joanne . . . . . . . . . .
. 218
Davis, Martha .
. . . . . . . . 140, 187
Davis, Suzanne
. . 102, 116,241
Davis, Tina .
. 141 , 187
Dean, Randall .
DEBATE . . . .
Debettignies, Jane . . . . . . . .
Dehaan, Rodney . . . . . . . . . .
DeHart, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 70, 139
Delaney, James . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Delany, Kathleen . . . . .
132, 134, 218
Delany, Thomas . . . . . .
158, 168, 241
Delap, Laurie . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 187
Demske, Lynn . . . . . . . 126, 128,218
Demske, Paul . . . . . . . . . . 31 , 218
Dennis, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Dennis, Patti . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Derenchuk, Stephen . . . . . . 99, 107, 108,
187, 258, 296
Desotel I, Eugene . . . . . . . 119, 136, 219
Dewitt, Kathleen . . . . . 89, 135, 138, 219
Dezoma, Christine . . . . . . . . . . 219
Dibb le, J e a n . . . . . . . . . . . 126, 173, 241
Dicello, Je n n ifer . . . . . . . . . . 219
Dickey, Terr i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1
Die lmann, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Dionne, Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Dissmore, Patric ia . . . . . . . 117, 241
DISTRIBUTIVE ED . . . . . . . . . . 141
Ditzler, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Dober, Bruce . . . .
. . 117, 237, 241
Doerfl inger, Richard . . . . . . .
Doksus, Lynda . . . . . . . . . . .
Domes, Barry . . . . . . . . . . .
Donais, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . .
Donaldson, William . . . . . . . .
Donovan, Miss . . .
. . . . . . . . 45
Donsing , Thomas .
. . . . 98, 127, 187
Dorfman, Richard .
. . . . . . . . 187
Doud, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Dow, Janis . . . . . . . 98, 99, 128, 187
Dow, Terrence . . . . . . 134, 157, 219
Downing , Sandy . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Dowse, Alison . . . 96,98, 126, 128, 173, 219
Dowse, Geoffrey . . . 98, 100, 101 , 103, 187
Dr aeger, Mr. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 21
DRAMPE RS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Dransfield, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Dreifke, Randy . . . . . . . 162, 167, 219
Dreyer, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Dr issel , Debo rah . .
. . 90, 114, 122, 130,
137, 215, 219
Drissel , James .
. . . . . . 139
Drissel , Michael
. 117, 139, 157,
241 , 242
Drissel, Walter .
. .. . .. 166
Druktines, Charles .
. . 122, 158, 187
Drysdale, Kathleen
. . . . 134, 187
Dubaniewicz, Gail .
98, 114, 119, 219
Dueste r beck, M r . . .
. . . . . 21 , 176
Dumesic, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Dumesic, Nancy .
. . 105, 124, 187
Duncan , Douglas
. . . . . 89, 127, 162,
166, 167, 241
Duncan, James .
. . . 7, 88,89, 97, 127,
131 , 154, 157, 187, 237
Dunham , Todd . . . . . . . . . . . .. 242
Dunlap, Paula .. . . . . . . . . 122, 172, 242
Dwyer, Michael . . . . . . 134, 150, 170, 219
Dyutka, Lynell .
Dyutka , Michael .
. . . . . . . 219
Earl , Patricia . .
. . 242
Earnest, Michael
Ebert, Gayle . . . . . . . . .
140, 219
Ebert, Lynn . . . . . . . . . .
116, 242
ECHO . . . . . . . . . .
. . 112
Echols, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Eells, Ju lie
. . 90, 119, 138, 219
Eidsor, Christine . . . . . . 98, 138,219
Ei se n hauer, Brett . . . . . . 166,242,255
Eise n ha ue r, Ra e . .
. . . . . . . 21 9
E ld ridg e , Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 9
E lfe rin g, Da ni e l . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Ellefson, Randy . . . .
. . . . . 242
E ll efs o n, R ick . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
E lrod , Ca nd ice . . . . . . . . . . 58, 187
Emer y, Terr y . . . . . . . . . 158, 161,1 87
Engdah l, Pa m . . . . . . . . . . 12 1, 215,21 9
Engstrom, Bru c e . .
. . . 119, 125, 187
Ennis, Alla n . . . . . . .
. . 93, 146, 219
Erickson, Jan ice . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Esser, Gay . . . . . . .
. . 92, 172, 175
Evanoff, Nathan iel . . .
75, 114, 119, 219
Evans, Diane . . . . . . . . 138, 140, 242
Kathleen . . 89, 117, 122, 175, 242
Evans, Nancy . . .
140, 187
Everman, Patricia .
134, 219
Everson, Karen .
. . 242
Falduto, Karen .
. . . . . . . . 219
Fanning, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . 219
Farmer, Joel . . . . .
. . . . . 242
Farnham, Mr. . . . . .
. .. .. . . . 9
Farrell , Barbara .
. . . . 140, 188
Farrell , Daniel . .
. . . . . . 219
Farrington, Donna . .. . . . . . . 117, 242
Farris, Jay . . .
. 139, 141, 187, 219
Fawley, Miss . . .
. . . . . . . 14
Fechner, Romayne . . . . . . . . .
Feifer, Jan . . . . . . . .
Feifer, Michael . . . . . . . . . . .
Feivor, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fenn , Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Fe nn em a, Mr. . .
. . .. . .. . .. 45
Fennema , James .
. . . . 27, 67, 88,89,
163, 164, 170, 188
Fennema, Nancy . . . . 88, 96, 114, 126, 219
Fennema, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Fessenden, Michael . . . . . . . . . 139, 219
Fessenden, Patricia . . . . . . . . . 188
Fietz, James . . . . . . .. . . . .. 219
Fili ppe lli, Mr. . . . . . .
. . 24, 150, 162
Filips, Kimberly . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Finch, Janice . . . . . . 89,122, 133, 188
Finch, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 116,242
Findling , Christine . . . . . . . . . . 242
Fink, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,219
Finley, Charles . . . . . . . . . . 170, 242
Finn, Michelle . . . . . . 50,99, 101 , 108,
122, 128,133,173, 179, 188
Fischer, Ronald . . . . . . .
. 114,219
Fish, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119,242
Fisher, Colleen . .. . . . . . . . . 116, 219
Fisher, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93, 242
Fisher, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . 88, 122, 188
Fitch, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F itzgera Id, Steven . . . . . .. . . . . 117
Fla nnery, Berry . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Flannery, Brenda . . . . . . . . . . 134, 188
F lannery, Clarence . . . . . . . . . . 220
F latley, Creig . . . . . . . . . . .. 242,254
F le m ing, Alice . . . .
. . . . . . . . 242
F lecker, Vickie . . . . . . . . . 133, 173, 188
F NA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
F o lker s, Ma rti n . . . . . . . . . . . 220
F olland, J ohn . . . . . . . . . . . .
F o n k, Lar ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Fonk, Nanc y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Foote, Li nd a . . . . 92, 102, 122, 132, 137, 188
For bes, Pa t r icia . . . . . . 128, 172,220
Ford , Br ian . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FORENSICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Foster, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Fowler, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Fox, Dav id . . . . . . . . . . .
167, 242
Fox, Donald . . . . . . . . .
. . 242
Fox, Laura . . . . . . . . . .
119, 220
Fraher, David . . .
168, 220
Fraher, Jane . . .
141 , 188
Frame, Randy . .
. . . . . 242
Francart, Pat .
. . . . . . . 220
Frank, M ichael . .
. . . 125, 135, 188
Frank, William . .
. . . 119, 242
Frankenberg, James . . . . . . 117, 242
Franz, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Franz, Ku r t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Franz, Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 188
Franzen, Vicki . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Fraser, John . .
. . . 89, 127, 168, 242
Fraser, William . . . . . .
. . 135, 189
Fratrick, James . . . . . . . . . 122, 134
Fratrick, Judy . . . . . . . .
. 89, 220
Frederich, William . . . . . .. . . 98, 189
Frederick, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Frederick, Laura .
. . . . 92, 134, 137,
172, 173, 220
Frederick, Linda .
. . 92, 137, 173, 220
Fredericksen, Grant .
. . . 189
Fredericksen, Joel . . . . . . 93, 220
Frederickson, Allen . . . . . . 99, 189
Fredrickson, David .
. . 108, 128,
154, 168, 243
Fredrickson, Kristine
.. . . . 243
Fredrickson, Nancy . . . . . . . . . 220
Free be rg, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Freeman, Debra . . . . . . . . . . 243
Frei , Thomas . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 243
Freitag, David . . .. . . . . . . . . . 189
FRENCH CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Frese, Julie . . . . . . . . . 13, 121 , 133, 220
Frese, Kerry . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 220
Friddle, Robert . . . . . . . . .. . . 220
Frieman, Charles . .
. . . 114,220, 233
Fritschle, Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Fritz, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . 116,243
Frye, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 243
Fryer, Charla . . . . . . . . . . . 121,220
FTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 140
Fuenffi nge r, Mr. . . . . .
. . .. . . 39
Fuller, Wendy . . . . . . . . .. .. . 243
Fulmer, Amy . . . . . . . . . . . 98, 189
Fulmer, Leland . .
. . . . 243
Furno, Robert . . . .
. . 75,243
Furlin, Bruce . .
. . . . . 220
GAA .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. 92
Gaddy, Rick .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . 220
Galbraith, Linda . . . . . . . . . 128, 189
Galbraith, Loretta
. . . . . . . . . . 220
Galligan, Robert . . . . . . . . . . 89, 189
Gallo, James . . .. . .. . . . . . 166,220
Gamache, M rs. .
. . . . . . . . . . 19
Gangler, Linda .
. . . . . . . . 98,220
Gann, Louise . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Garcia , Jul ian .
. 80, 122, 150, 179, 189
Garcia, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . .. . 136,220
Gardner, David . . . . . . . . . 150,243
Gardner, Gary .
. 119, 158,220
Gar low, Alison . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Garramone, James . . . . . . 119, 157,220
Garren, John . . . . . . . . .
Gascoigne, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Ga scoigne, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Gascoigne, Thomas . . . 121, 150, 158,220
. 122, 158,220
Gately, H ugh .
Gaudio, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Gayheart, Benjamin . . . . . . . . .. 243
Gebhart, Mr • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Gebhart, Julia . . . . . . 122, 126, 173, 220
Ge hring, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Gehring, J oseph
. . . . . . . . . . 170
Gena , Hal . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 243
Ge na, Steven . . . . • . . . . . . . . 189
Gentz, Del ore s . . .. . . . . . . . 124, 220
Gentz, Ka ren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Gentz, Noe l . . .
. . 62,97, 103, 150, 189
Gentz, Pa t ri ci a
Gentz, Pa u l . . .
. . . . . 189
George, Arnold .
. . . . . 243
George, Paule tte
. . . 141 , 189
. • . . . .
Gesler, Dennis . . . . . . . . . .
Gezzer, Barbara . . . . . . . . .
Gezzer, George . . . . . . . . . .
Gianesell i, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . 39,220
Gianeselli , Rosanna . . . . . . . . . 117
Giann otti , Jam es . . . . . . . . . .. . 220
Giann ott i, Ma r y J o . . . . 137, 172, 175,237
Gielas, Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Gigliott i, Deobrah .
Gigliotti , Rozanna .
Gildenstern, Gary .
Gildenstern, Robert
G illespie, M ichael .
Gilmore, Patricia . . . . . .
Girard, Yvonne . . . . . . .
Girsh, Linda . . . . . . . .
Gladding, Mr. . . . . . . . .
14, 17
Glaeser, Mr .. .. . . . . . . • . . .. 28
Glerum, Joyce . . . . . . .
. . . .. 220
Glinski , Barbara . . . . . . . . . . .. 190
Glynn, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Godlewski , Janis . . . . . . . . .
Goergen, Rona Id . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Goff, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 221
Goff, Sharon . . . . . . . . 92, 190,221
Goforth, Lewis . . . . . . . . .
Goforth, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 190
Gogola, Theresa . . . .. . . . . . .. 243
Golwitzer, Kay ... . . . . . . . . . . 92, 221
Gomaz, Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Gombar, Karen . . . 76, 103, 124, 215, 221
Gonzales, Diane . . . . . . . . .. . 122, 190
Goos, Debra . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 122, 221
Goroski , Diane . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 190
Gorr, Gary . . .... . ..... . . 47, 168, 243
Gorra, Marcia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Gosnell , Linda . . .
. . . 89, 117, 137
Gourley, James . . . . 157, 170,237,243
Grabot, Michael . . . . 116, 150, 158, 243
Graf, Lee . . . . . . .
. . . . . 190
Graf, Susan .. . . . . . . . 132, 135, 190, 221
Graf, Suzanne . . . . . ... .. ... 132, 135
Grandow, Kenneth
Granger, Mark . . . . . . .
. 190
Granger , Vernon . . .
. 243
Grant, Mr. . . . . . . . . .
10, 83
GRAPHIC ARTS . . . . . . . .
. 139
Grasser, David . . .. .. . . . . . 128, 243
Grasty, Gay . . . . • . . .
. . 141 , 190
Gravunder, Paul
. . . . .
. . 162,221
Gray, Cynthia . .
. 116, 128, 243
Gray, Patricia . .
. 121 , 157, 190
Gray, Tom . . . . .
Gray, Richard . . .
Gray, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Green , Hortense . . ... . . . . . . . 175,221
Green, Tim . . . .. ... . . . . . . 158, 221
Green, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . 158, 221
Greenwald, David . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Gregory, Claudia .
. 90, 132, 133, 190
Gregory, Pamela .
Gregory, Richard .
. . . . . . 221
Gretzinger, Maryann
. . . . . . . . 237
Grewenow, Barbara . . . . . . 98, 104, 105,
124, 134, 190
Griffin, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Grimes, Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Grimmer, L enay .. . • . . . 132,215,221
Gr isham, Roger .
. . . . . . . .
22 1
Gr isw ol d, Char les . . . . . . . . . . 221
Griswo ld, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Gro be, Cy nt h ia . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Gr oenke, Ga ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Gr osjean, Sa ndy . . . • . . .
Gros s, Arl ee n . . . . . . . . . . .
Gross, Noree n . . . . . . . . . . .
Grow, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grube, James ... . . . . . . . . .. 141 , 190
Guelzow, Jeffrey . . . . . .. . ... 121 , 221
Guelzow, Marie . . . . . . .. .... 128, 190
Guerra, Michael . . . . . . .
Gulbransen, Sherry . . . . . . •
Gul lo, Jeffrey . . . . . • . . . . .
Gullo, Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Gunderson, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . 22 1
Gundlach, Carol . . . . . . 124, 128, 138, 190
Gutormsen, Daryl . . 89, 122, 124, 175, 221
Guttormsen , Gail . . . . . .
119, 221
Guttormsen, Kurt . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Guzman, Bertha .. .
. . . . • 122, 134
Guzman, Jesse . .
. . . . . . . . . 22 1
Haag , G i lbert . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 190
Haag , Pamela . . .
Haarbauer, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Hackbarth, Russell . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Hadler, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Hadler, Janice .
. . . . 99, 105, 128, 190
Hagen, Gary . . . . . . . . . .. 116, 168, 244
Hagen , Marcus . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Hagerty, LeRoy
. . . . . . .. . 221
Hahn , Nita
. . . 98, 132, 133, 140, 221
Hains, Judith . .
104, 128, 244, 296
Halbur, Michael . . . . . . . . . 93, 244
Halcomb, Betty . . • . . . . . . .
Haling , Delmar
.. .. .. . . . . .. 244
Haling, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Halker, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Hall, M i ss . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . 14
Ha ll, David . . . . . . • .
Hall, Lynette . . . . . . . .
HAL L M ON ITOR S . . . . .
Hallma r k, Colleen . .
Ha lver son, Rich ar d . . . . .
Ham ac hek, Ga ry . . . . 100, 114, 11 9, 191
Ham ilton, Debb ie . . . . . . . .
Hami lt on, Geor ge . . . . . . . . . . 191
Ham i lton, V i rg ini a . . . . . . • . .
Hammond, Thomas . . . . .
22 1
Ha ndy, T i mothy . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Haney, D iane . . .. . . . . . . . 99, 140, 191
Hanlon, James . . . . . . • .
Hannes, Margaret . . . • . .
Hanrath, Jo . . . . . . . . . .
Hansche, Cheryl . . . . . . .
Hansche, Ga i l . . . . . • . . . . • . . 103, 221
Hansche, L i nda . . . . .
. . . . . 89, 117
Hansen, Mr. . . . . . . . .
. .. 14
Hansen, Bradley . . . •
. . . . 117, 139
Hansen, Cynthia . . . . . . . . . 133, 191
Hansen, Eri c . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 117
Hansen, Jea nne . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Hansen, Leonard . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Hansen, L i nda . . . . . . . . . . .
Hansen, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . 215, 221
Hansen, Miss . . . . . . . .
. 40, 41
Hanzal ik, Patr ic ia
122, 191
Hapanowicz, Gary . . . . . . . . 117, 221
Harcar ik, Jean . . . 98, 11 9, 133, 138, 191
Har ig, Theodor e . . . . . . . . . . . .. 221
Harmann, Miss . . .
. . . . . . . . 15
Harmon, Lynne .
114, 122, 130,
215, 221 , 237
Harmon, Patr ic ia
114, 116, 130,
137, 257
Harper, Deborah .
. 88, 117, 173
Harris, Mr. . . . . . .
. .. 30
Harr i s, Denn i s . . . . .. . . . . . . . 193
Harris, Robert .
. . . . . . . . . . . 193
Harte, Mrs. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 14
Hartley, Fred . . . . . . . . 127, 150, 167, 237
Hartman, David . . . . . .
. . . . . 136
Hartung, Joellen . . . . . . . . . 135,221
Haselwander, Frank . . . . . . . . . 119,221
Haubrich, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hauptman, John .
. . . . 61, 127, 193
Hauptman, Rita . .
. . . . . . . . 193
Hawkins, Janet . .
. 41, 117, 122, 172, 173
Hawk ins, Laurie . . . . . . . . . . 121, 193
Hawkins, Mary . . .
. . . . . 222
Hawley, Michael .
. . . . . . . . . . 222
Haycraft, Linda . . . . . . . 88, 126, 193
Hayes, Robert
. . . . . . 193
Hebior, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . 175,222
Heck, Janis . . . . . .
130, 136, 175, 193
Heckel, Patri cia . .
98, 105, 124,
138, 193
Hees, Deborah . . . .
Heg , Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Heg , Rodney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Hegyera, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . 140,222
Heide, Jamie . . . . . 102,103, 122, 132
Heide, Parry . . . . . . . . . . 100, 101 , 193
Heide, Peter . . . . . . . . . 72, 102,222
Heilbuth, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 41
Helf, Lynn . . . . . . .
• . . . . . . 222
Helgesen, Robert . . . . . . . . . 116, 139
Helwig, Kay . . . . . . . . . . 121, 133,222
Hensey, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Herbrechtsmeier, Janice . . . . . . 98, 103,
122,133,140,173, 193
Herbrechtsmeier, John . .
Herbrechtsmeier, Judy . . . . 103, 122, 134
Herde, Michael . . . . . . . . .
. . 193
Herman , Randal . . . . . . . . . . .. 222
Heroux, Michael . . . . . . .
136, 222
Hess, Candace . . . . . . . . . . . 122, 222
Hess, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Hess, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Hessefort, Jane . . . . . . 122, 130, 193
Hessefort, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hewitt, William
93, 149, 150, 193
HI-STYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Hl -Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
High, Flonnie . . . . .
High, Lorna . . . . . . . . . . .
High, Shanda . . . . . . . . . .
Hill, Victoria . . . . . . . . . .
Hillesland, Sandy . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hinds, April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hinds, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hlavata, Susan . . . . . . . . 105, 179, 193
Hoag Ian, Sandra
. . . . . . . . . . 116
Hoeft, Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15
Susan .
. 122, 126, 140, 193
Hoffman, Debra . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hoffman, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hoffmann, Linda . . . . . . . . . .. . 116
Holden, Renee . . . . . . . 89, 128, 140, 193
Holladay, Billie . . . . . . 98, 123, 126, 134,
173, 222
Holleb, Fredi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Hollenbeck, Eileen . .
. . . . 128, 193
Hollister, Sharon .. . . . . . . . 122, 193
Holman, Mr. . . . . . . . . 42, 154, 166
Holmes, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Holmes, Deborah . . . . . . . . . 121,222
Holton, Lucia . . . . . . . . . . . . 126, 172
Holtz, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . .
Hood, Michael .. .. . . . .. . . . . 222
Hopkins, Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Hopper, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . 141, 192
Horn, Miss . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 45
Horne, Michelle . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Horochena, Trudi . . . . . 88, 175, 192
Hosmanek, Mr . . .. . . . . . . . . 10,62,80
Hosmanek, Thomas . . . . . . 7,98,99, 100,
101,107, 108, 119,125, 192
Houghton, Mrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Houston, Jerome . . . . . . . 96, 98,222
Houston, Johnnie
. . . . . . 134, 140, 193
Howe, Sandra .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Hubbard, Mark . . . . . . . . . . 162, 168
Hubbard, Michael . . . . . . . . . 98, 193
Hubbard, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . 193
Huck, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Huetten, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Huff, Jeffrey . . . . . . 121, 146, 168,222
Huff, Phyllis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Huffman, Christine .. . . . . 105, 128, 192
Huffman, Cynthia .
. . . . . . . 222
Hughes, Jacqueline . . . . . . . . . 135, 192
Hughes, Michael . . . . 150, 162, 170,237
Hughes, Norman . . . . . . . .
. . 222
Huissen, Jack . .. . . . . . . . . . 127, 193
Hunt, Barbara . . . . .
. . . 102, 128
Hunt, James . . . . . .
. . . . 154, 168
Hutchinson , Melanie .
. 92,98, 122,222
Huuskonen, William .
Hyatt, Craig . . .
. . . . . . 193
laquinta , Eugene
. . . 98, 163, 170, 222
laquinta, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
laquinta, Louis . . . . . . 67, 98, 163, 179, 193
laquinta, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Ide, Colette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
lgnjatovic, Maria . . . . . . .. 90, 119, 222
lngbretson, Paulette .
. . . 132,222
Ingraham, Laurie . .
. 102, 116,130
Ingraham, Patricia . .
53,82, 89, 106,
107, 108, 193
Ingram, Mike . . . .
. . . . . . 194
lsengay, Donna .. .
. . . . . . 194
lsengay, Shirley . .
. . . . . . 128, 134
Ishmael, Kerry .
. . . . . . . . . 222
Ivy, Deborah ..
. . 88, 99, 108, 124, 194
Jackson, Frankie
. . . . . . . . . 222
Jackson, Larry . .
. . . . . .
Jackson, Pamela .
. . . . . .
Jacob, Richard . . . . . . . . . . .
Jacobs, Ronald . . . . . . • . . . . . . 222
Jacobsen, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Jacoby, Sandra . . . . . . • . . . . . . 194
Jakubowicz, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Jalensky, Susan . . . . . . 136, 140, 194
Jamecsny, Albert . . . . . • . . . . . 223
J·ames, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . 215,223
Janota, Suzette . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Jeffries, Larrie . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Jellesen, Maryellen . . • . . . . 215,223
Jenison, Rodney . . . . . . . . . . 55,223
Jensen, Barbara . . . . . . . . 179, 187, 194
Jensen, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Jensen, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Jensen, Cheryl . . . . . . 89, 121, 133,223
Jensen, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Jensen , Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . 154, 158
Jensen, Kristine . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Jensen, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,237
Jensen, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Jepson, Susan . . . • . . . . . . . . . 194
Jeselun, James . . . . 93, 135, 150, 168, 194
Jessen, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Johns, Caryl . . . . . . 58,88,89, 108, 194
Johnson, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . 223
Johnson, Gail . . . . . . . . . 121, 130, 194
Johnson, Gurry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Johnson, Janet . . . . . . . . . . . 105,223
Johnson, Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Johnson, Karen . . . . . . . . . 90, 194
Johnson, Leota . . • . . . . . . . .. 194
Johnson, Lindy . .
. . . . . . 119, 137
Johnson, Martin . . . . . . 67, 146, 150, 163,
164, 168,179, 194,230
Johnson, Peter . . . . . . 97, 122, 127, 134,
146,154,156,157,1 94
Johnson, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Johnson, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Johnson, Richard . . . . . . . . . 13, 194
Johnson, Roger . . . • . . . . . . 121,223
Johnson, Sandra . . • • . . . . . . . 194
Johnson, Steven . . . . . • . . . . . . . 223
Johnston, Elaine . . . • . • .
Johnston, Janet . . . . . . . .
126, 194
Johnstone, John . . . . . . .
Jones, Alan . . . . • . . . . .
Jones, Charles . . . . • . . .
Jones, Colette
Jones, Gary . . . . . . .
. 223
Jones, Janice . . . . .
136, 194
Jung, Charlotte .
. 119, 134, 194
Jung, Margaret . . . . . . .
Jurksaitis, Jerome . . . . . . . . . 139
Kerner, John . . . . . . . . . .
Kersten, Randall . . . . . . . .
Kersting, Jacquline . . . . . .
Kessinger, Freddie . . . . . . 149, 150, 151,
152, 158, 161, 170, 195
Kessinger, Nyal . . . . .. . 158,161,223
Kessler, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . 116,246
Kessler, Pamela . .
.. 114, 119,223,246
Ketchum, Douglas .
. . . . 43,89, 97,
103, 106, 195
Ketter hagen, Carol . . . 122, 136, 172, 195
KEY CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kindle, Pamela . . . . . . . . . .
Kindle, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Kindle, Threva . . . • . . . . . . . . 223
King, Steven . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 246
Kirby, Li la . . . . . . . . . . .
Kirkwood, Mary . . • . . . . . . . . 124, 195
Kirsch, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Kisser, Marilyn . . . • . . . . . . . . 195
Kitchin, Donald . . .
. 12,89, 121, 122,
127, 157, 195
Kivisto, Robert . . . .
. . . . . . 195
Kjeldgaard, Terry . . . . . . . . .
Klappa, Mary . . . . . . . . . . .
Kleinschmidt, Edward . . . . . .
Klemm, Susan . . . . . . • . . . .
Klennert, Julie . . . . . . . . . . .
Kless, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . .
Klinkerfuss, Karen . . . . . . 119, 134, 195
K loet, Dale . . . . . 67, 97, 149, 163, 168, 195
Kloet, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Kloet, Jane . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . 223
Kloet, Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Kloster, Cathy . . . . . • . . . 122, 195,208
Kneipper, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . 223
Knickrehm, Allan . . . . . . • . . 162,223
Knight, Maggie . . . . . . . . .
. . 246
Knight, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . 122,233
Knitter, Reid . . . . . . . . . .
Knoedler, Lon . . . . . . . . 170, 237,246
Knorn, Patricia . .
. . . 98, 122, 134,223
Knudson, William .
. 196,246
Knutter, Robert . . . . . . .
Kober, Donna . . . . . . . .
. .. 223
Kober, Ronald . . . . . . . .
. .. 246
Koch, Jeffrey . . • . . . .. . . . 123, 223
Koessl, Gary . . . . . .
. .. 246
Kohnke, Luane . . . . . . . . . 134, 138, 246
Christine .
. 100, 128, 136, 196
Kollman, Douglas . . . . . .
Kollman, Michael . . • . . .
. . 196
Kolmos, Constance . . . . .
. . 246
Kol mos, Sandra . . . . . . .
128, 196
Koos, Alan . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 224
Koos, William . . . . . . 98, 123, 170,224
Kopf, Esther . . . . . . . 98, 124,215,224
Korbel, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . 47, 196
Koroscik, Daniel .
. . . . . . . 125, 196
Koroscik, Janet .
105, 122, 128, 133,
Kascak, Joan . . .
. . . . . . . 224
Kaddatz, Gary . .
. . . . . . . . . 194
Kaeppler, Karen .... 108, 126, 128, 173, 223
Kahlert, Terry . . . . . 90,98, 119, 126,223
Kaiser, John . . . . . . . . . . . 116, 158
Kalcic, Kenneth . . . . . . . . .
. . 194
Kalvonjian, Gary . . . . . . . .
. . 117
Kalvonjian, Harry . . . . . . . . 163,223
Kamm, Joleen . . . . . .. . . . . . . 223
Kanas, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Kangas, John . . 119, 127, 128, 166, 179, 194
Kapitan, Leslie . . . . . . . . . . . 194, 195
Karpowicz, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Katt, Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Katt, Steven . . . . . 97, 119, 154, 168,246
Kausalik, Constance . . . .. 128, 137,246
Kautzer, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Keach, Martha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Keefner, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Kehl, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,246
Patricia .
. 98, 130, 135,215,223
Kelly, Diana . . . . . . . . . . . 92,215,223
Kelps, Vicki . . . . . . . . . . 88, 117,246
Kemble, David . . . . . . . . .. 170,246
Kernen, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Kempin, Rosanne . . . • . . . . . . . 223
Kennedy, Julie . . . . . . . 116, 126, 246
Kennedy, Sanford .
Kennedy, Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Koseck i, Pau l . . . . . . . . . .
Kosloske, Harold . . . . .
Kosloske, Karen . . . . . . . .
Koster, Robert . . . . . . . . . 170, 246
Kostrewa, Robert . . . . . . .
Kozina, Kent . . . . . . . . . .
. . 246
Kraemer, Karien . . . . . . .
. . 246
Kram pert, James .
. 100, 101 , 127, 196
Kramsvogel, Ga il . .
. . . . 224
Kranen, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 44, 81 , 82
Kraus, Dav id . . . . . . .
. 224
Kraus, Paul . . . . . .
. .. 196
Krause, Miss . . . . . . . . .
. . 20, 22
Krehbiel, Kerry . . . . . . . . 116,246
Krehbiel, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Kresse!, Cheryl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Kreuscher, David . . . . . . . . . 224,246
Kreuscher, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . 136
Kreuser, Diane . . . . . . . . 117, 237, 247
Kreuser, Gloria . . . . . .
58, 88, 196
Kreuser, Kenneth .
Kreuser, Nancy . . . . . . .
134, 196
Kreuser, William . . . . .
Kriederman, Kenneth . . . . . . . . 196
Kriofsky, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Kriz, James . . .
. .. 12, 13, 121 , 125, 196
Krogh, Gordon . . . . . . . 119, 224, 228
Krogh, Sandra . . . .
. . 140, 224
Kronholm, James . . .
. . . . 196
Krueger, Mr. . . . . . .
. . . . . 19
Krueger, Corey . .
. . 135, 196
Krueger, Paulette . . .
. . . . 224
Krupinski, Wesley . . .
. . . . 224
Krusa, Lavonne . . . 29, 128, 134, 179, 197
Kruse, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Kuba, Phillip . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 , 197
Kuba, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Kublik, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Kuchinski, Margaret . . . . . . . . 197
Kuehn! , Kenneth . . .
. . 117, 224
Kuessow, Kathleen .
116, 130, 224
Kuessow, Meta .. . . . . . . . . 130, 197
Kupferschmidt, Miss . . . . . . . . . 45
Kury anow icz, Do na . . . . . . 237,254
Kussow, Ric ha rd . . . . . . . . . 122,1 97
Kw ici nsk i, Kathleen .
98, 123, 133,
138, 224
122, 123
Labanow, J ane . . . . . . . .
LaBelle, Morr i s . . . . . . .
Labuy, Agnes . . . . . . . . . .
Lachman, David . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Lahti , Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
La ken, Janet . . . . . . . . . . . 135, 197
Lancour, Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Landa, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Landgren, Mary . . . .
116, 133, 140, 247
Landgren, Randi .. . . . . . . 133, 140, 197
Lane, Karen . . . . . .
. .. 224
Lane, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Lang, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 , 224
Lange, Lauren . . . . . . . . . . 134, 197
Langenstroer, Hans .
. . . . .. . 224
Langer, Carol . . . . . . . . . 98, 133, 197
Lansdown, Patricia . . . . . .
. . 225
Lansdown, Thomas . . . . .
237, 247
Larsen, Gregory . . . . . . . .
. . 247
Larsen, Steve . . . . . . . . . . 114, 197
Larson, Karen . . . . . . . . . . 131 , 225
Larsoh, Kathleen . . . . . 90, 114, 127, 225
Larson, Linda . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 225
Larson, Sandra . . . . . . 114, 126, 215,225
Larson, Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Last, Shiela . . . . . . . . . . . 89, 122, 197
Laurent, Teena . . . . . . . . . . . 215, 225
Lauzon, Linn .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 124,225
Lawe II, Barbara . . . . 89, 90, 121 , 131,225
Lawell , Wendy . . . . 13, 98, 121 , 130, 179, 197
Lawhun, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Lawler, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 102
Lawler, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
La wler, Lynda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Lawler, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Lawson, Ray . . . . . . . . . . . 116, 117,247
Laybourne, Scott . . .
. . 85, 121, 197
Leake, Thoma s . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Leatherman, Mrs. . . . . . .
. . . 28
L ea veck, Ru t h . . . . . . . . . . .
L eda nski, Joseph . . . . . . . . .
Ledansk i, Richard . . . . . . . .
Lee, Marsha . . . . . . . . . . . .
Leenhardt, V i v iane . . . . . . 52, 62, 89,92,
12 1, 130, 182, 197
Legler, Cheryl .. : . . . . . . . . 122, 197
Legler, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88, 225
Leipzig, Cather i ne . . . . . . . . 135, 173, 225
Lemke, Dorothy . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Lemke, Larry . . . . . . . . . . 106, 119, 197
Leonard, Lucetta . . . . . . . . . . 88, 239
Lessman, Dave . . . . . . . .
. . 225
Lester, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Letsom, William . . . . . . . . . . 170, 225
LETTERMEN ' S . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Lettsome, Courtney
. . 105, 125,
128, 139, 197
Lettsome, Debra . .
Ley, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
LIBRARY AIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Lienau, Ruby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Likes, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22~
Liljestrom, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . 21!
Lill , Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll7, 24 i
Lillie, Lynne . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24i
Lindahl , Greg . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19!
Lindas, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . 19!
Linderman, Denise . . . . . . . . . . 22!
Linderman, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . 19E
Lindner, Robert .. . . . . . . . . 39, 139, 19S
Lindstrom, Sharon . . . . 137, 173, 239, 247
Littel , Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . 168,225
Livingston, Philip . · . . . . . . . . 107, 225
Llanas, Albert .
150, 158, 170
Llanas, Kristine . . . . . . . 141 , 172, 198
Lloyd, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Loback, Charles . . . . . . . . . .. 225
Lober, Christian . . . . . .. . . . . . 119
Lober, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . 170, 198
Lockwood, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Loeffler, Vincent . . . . . . . . .
Lomartire, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . 108, 198
Londo, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Lord, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Loss, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 134, 247
Loss, John . . . . . 67,97,163,170,179,198
Lowrance, Richard . . . . . . . . . 225
Loyd, Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Loyd, Peggy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Loyd, Ricky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Lubecke, Karen . . . . . . . . 98, 133, 198
Lubecke, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Lubniewski, James . . . 67, 163, 167, 198
Lubniewski, Thomas . . . . . . 150, 158
Lueck, Darryl . . . . . . . . . . . . 116, 139
Lueck, Sherolyn . . . . . . . . . . 98, 198
Lukaszewicz, Joellen . . . . . . . . 98, 198
Lund, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Lundskow, Barbara .. 88, 122, 128, 175,225
Luska, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Luskin, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Lutter, Dorothy . . . . . . . . .. 89, 133
Lynch, John . . .
. . . . . . . . 198
Macak, James . . . .
. .. 121,225
Macik, Evan . . . . . . . 150, 158,225
Mach, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Mack, Danny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Mackaben, Lynn . . . . . . . . ... 121 , 225
Maddux, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Madison, Maryanne . . . . . .
122, 198
Maedke, Penny . . . . . . . . . 121, 198
Maffit, Rocky . . . . . . . . . . . 225,233
Malcewicz, Janice . . . . . . . . 108, 225
Malcewicz, Joanne . . . . . . . . 92, 199
Malcewicz, Robert . . . . . . . . . 139,225
Malkmus, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . 140,225
Malkmus, Doris . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Malsack, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . 225
Malzahn, Rodney . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Mancusi, Frederick . . . . . . . . . 225
Maniscarco, Carol . . . . . . . . . . 199
Manlick, Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Mann, Jack . . . . . . 106, 122, 150, 157, 199
Manning, Rhoda .... 103, 108, 122, 128, 199
Manthei, Gay! . . . . . . . 132, 136,225
Mantuano, Susan . . . . . . . . 121, 199
Marciniak, Thomas . . . . . .
. . 225
Mardoian, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . 199
Margetson, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . 121,225
Markes, Paula . . . . . . . . . . 121, 128,225
Marks, Robert . . . . . . . .
Markwald, David . . . . .
Markwald, Karen . .
Marodian, Sandra . .
. . . . 141
Martell, Lynn . . . . . 126, 134,215,225
Ma_rtin, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Martin, Diane .
. . . . . . . . . . . 225
Martin, Jeffrey
. . . . . . . . . 248
Martin, Mary .
. . . . . . 248
Martin, Patrick
105, 108, 134,225
Martin, Ruth . .
. . . . 134,225
Martinez, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . 248
Martinez, John . . . . 54, 150, 152, 158, 199
Martinson, Jean . ... .. . . . . . . . . 248
Martinson, Thornton . . . . . . .
Mashuda, Theodore . . . . . . . .
Mason, Jerelynn . . . . . . . . .
Mass ie, Mary . . . . . . . . . . .
Masters, Anita . . . . . . . . . . .
Mastronardi, Steven . . . . . . . . . 225
Matelski, David . . . . . . . . . . 97.127
MATH CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Mathes, Donald .
. . . . . . 135, 199
Mathews, Gerald
. 101, lOf, 121,
127, 139, 199
Mattiol i, Laurie .
Mattner, Alan ..
Mattner, Carolyn . . . . . . . . .. . 199
Mattner, Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Mattox, Glen . . . . . . . . .
. 225
Mattson, Elaine . . . . . . .
. 199
Mattson, Kathleen . .
. 92, 108, 122,
128, 172,225
Mattson, Norman . . . . 93,97, 150, 168,200
Mau, William . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Maurer, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Maurer, Peggy . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
May, Robin . . .
. . . . . . . 226
Mayer, Patricia . . . . . . . 108, 124,226
McBride, Nancy . . . . . . 122, 179, 196, 199
McCabe, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
McClain, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Mcclurg, Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
McCormick, Kathryn .. .. 88, 128, 199,226
McCormick, Sharon . . . . . . . . . . 128
Mccrorey, Sydney . . . . . . . 100,226
McCulloch, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 150
McCune, David . . . . . . . . . . 199,247
McDermott, Marybeth . . ... 13,89,90,
121, 130,226
McDonald, Barbara . . .
. 199
McDonald, David . . . . . . . . . . . 226
McDonough, Michael . . . . . . . . . 199
McFadden, Monty . . . . . . . . . . . 226
McFadden, Robert . . . . . . . 113, 150, 199
McGibany, Alexander . . . . . . . . . 226
McGibany, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
McRay, Mrs . . : . . . . . . . . . . 15, 16, 17
McKay, Candace . . . . . . . . . 119, 138,215
McKee, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
McKenzie, Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
McKeown, Catherine . . . . . . . . . . 226
Mclean, Donna .. . . . . . . . 121, 128,226
McNamar, Kim . . . . . . 100, 121, 173,226
McPhaul, James . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Mecozzi, Karen . . . . . . . . . 121, 133,200
Meier, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Meiers, Charles . . . . . . . . . .. 248
Meiers, Mary . . . . .
. . . . . . . 226
Mel in, Mats . . .
. 52,60,62,89, 98,
138, 182,200
Meltesen, Candice .
. .. 121,215,226
Meltzer, Joanne . .
. 7, 88, 89, 121,200
Meltzer, Richard .
. 88, 89, 96, 226
Melvin, Richard . . . . . . . . .
Menges, Jodi . . . . . . . . .
Menge, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . .
Menge, Linda . . . . . . . . . . .
Mentink, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . .
Mercier, Susan . . . . . . . . . . .
Merrick, Caroline . . . . . . . . 200,226
Merrick, Dorothy .
. 122, 175,215,226
Merrick, William . .
. . . . . . 89, 248
Merritt, Keith . . . . . . 154, 168,215,226
Merritt, Michael . . . . . . 122, 157,226
Merwin, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Metallo, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Metallo, Esther . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Metten, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Meyer, Sharon . . . . . . . .. ... ·... 248
Meyer, Wendy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,226
Michaelis, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . 135,200
Michaelis, Linda . . . . . . . . . 88, 128,226
Michales, Gale . . . . . . . . . . . 133,248
PLAYERS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Milanovic, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Miles, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Miller, Mr. . . . . . . . 43, 150, 157, 170
Miller, Della . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Miller, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Miller, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Miller, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Miller, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Miller, Roy . . . . . . . . .... ...... 200
Millholland, Carl . . . . 116, 157, 168,248
Milligan, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Mink, Pamela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Minkowski, Cheryl . . . . . ..... 116,248
Minkus, Danny . . .
. . . . 98, 101,200
Misch, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . 119,226
Misurelli, Marilyn . . . . . . . . .
Misurelli, Michael . . . . . . . . . . 248
Mitchell, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Modder, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Moddes, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
MODERN DANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Modica, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Moeller, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 100
Moeller, Michelle . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Moeller, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 226
Moeller, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Moeller, Vicki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Moffett, Jerry ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Mohalley, Michael . . . . . . . . . 97, 154,226
Molinaro, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Molinaro, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Momper, Cathy . . . . . . . . . . . . 98,226
Mondrawickas, Christine ... 103, 179, 201
Mondrawickas, Mark . . . . . . . . 93,226
Monteen, Laurence . . . . . . 93, 122, 135,
150, 168,201
Montemurro, Nancy . . . . . . 90, 121, 130,
Moore, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Moore, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . 102,248,257
Moore, Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Moore, Marilyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Moore, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Moore, William . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,248
Morrice, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . 136, 139
Morrill, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Morris, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Morrison, Mary Jo . . . . . . . . . 134,248
Morrow, William . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Mortensen, Chris . . . .. . . . . . . . 226
Morton, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Moseley, Ruthanne . . . . . . 126, 140,201
Moser, Irene . . .
. . . . . . . . 248
Moses, Kirst i n . .
12,58,73,90, 121, 157,
Mosey, Delephine
Mosher, Pamela . .
. 89, 126, 134, 201
Muller, Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,201
Munger, Mrs .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 16
Murphy, Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 17
Murphy, Andy . . . . . . . . 117,248,257
Myers, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Myers, Jason . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119,226
Nealy, Betty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Nedweski, Caroline . . . . . . . 92, 136,248
Nedweski, Kathleen . . . 136, 137, 172,201
Nefzger, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . .. 249
Negri, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Nehlsen, Theodore . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Nehr, Valerie . . . . . . . 98, 133, 138,201
Neitzel, Charlene . . . . . . . . . 98,226
Nelson, Bonnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Nelson, Boyd . . . . . . . 154,237,249
Nelson, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Nelson, Edwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Nelson, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Nelson, Kim . . . . . 114, 119,215,226,249
Nelson, Larry . . . . . . . . . .
. 226
Nelson, Leonard . . . . . .
. 226
Nelson, Lindsey . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Nelson, Maurice . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Nelson, Patrick
. . . . . . 162,249
Nelson, Rick . .
. . 150, 168,226
Nelson, Scott . . . . . . 33, 135, 168,201
Nelson, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Netzer, Bonnie . . . . . . . . . . 121,226
Neu, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116,226
Neu, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Neu, Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . . 141,201
Neuman, Marilyn . . . . . . . . . . 114,201
Nevoraski, Gary . . . . . . .. . . . . . 226
NEWS BUREAU . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106
NEW VOICE .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 107
Newman, Marcia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Nickerson, Danny . . . . . . . . . . 170,249
Nicolazzi, Mr . . . . . . . . . . 25,48, 139
Nicolazzi, Catherine . . . . . . . . . 201
Nielsen, Lynell . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Nielsen, Mark . . . . . . .
. .. . 226
Nielson, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Nielson, Patrick . . . . . .. . . . . . . 249
Nielson, Thomas . . . . . . .. . . . . . 226
Nietupski, Paula . . . . . . . . . . . 90,226
Nihlson, Jeanette . . . . . . 51, 135,201
Nolen, Cynthia . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 134
Nolting, Johnathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Norcross, Brad . . . . . . 24, 163, 167,227
Norlander, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . 202
Norman, Timothy . .. .. . . . . ... 249
Norris, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Norton, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Nosal, Mr . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 30
Novack, Paula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Nugent, Gary . . . . 93, 117, 170,249,254
Nuutinen, Kathryn . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Nye, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Nyquist, Peter . .
. . . . . . . . . 227
Obenauf, Karen
. . . . . . . 135,227
Oberholtzer, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Obertin, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,33
O'Connell, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . 249
O'Connor, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Oechler, Dru . . . . . 98, 119, 130, 138,202
Oechler, Marva . . . . . 117, 137, 173,249
Ogrin, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Oleksy, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Olp, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Olsen, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Olsen, Louis .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Olson, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Olson, Bernard . . . . . . . . . . .. . 227
Olson, Jerrald . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 249
Olson, Pam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Olson, Thomas . . . . . . 99, 104,227
Olszewski, Fred . . . . . . . . . . 116,249
Olufs, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67, 163
Olufs, Karen . . . . . . . 117, 140,249
O'Mara, Constance .
. . . . . . . 12, 13,
121, 130, 179,202
O'Neal, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 249
O' Neal, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
O'Neil, Kevin . . . .
. . . 116, 157,249
O'Neill, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Onserud, Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
ORCHESTRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Ortiz, Emiliano . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Ortiz, Erlinda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Ortiz, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Ortiz, Monserate . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Ott, Albert . . . . . . . . . .
. 202
Otto, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Ours, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Owens, Mr. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 45
Owens, Cynthia . . . . . 13, 121, 126,202
Owens, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Owsichek, David
. . . .. . . . . 249
Paasch, Barbara . .
. 173,250
Paasch, Linda . . . . . . . .
. 237,250
Paavola, George . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Pabst, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Pace, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,202
Pace, Vicky . . . . . . . .
. 227
Pacetti, Robert . . . . . .
. 250
Packard, Elaine . . . . . .
. 203
Paczkowski, Daniel . . .
. 250
Pagliaroni, Paula .. '. . . . . . . . . 234
Paintin, Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Palermo, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Palmer, Allen . . . . 98, 127, 138, 157,203
Palmer, Shari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Paone, Theodore . . . . . . . . . . 128,250
Paone, Thomas . . . . . . 93, 136,203
Paone, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Papatheodorow, Marie .. . . . . . . . 250
Paradise, Linda . . . . . . . . . . .. 227
Parker, Brenda . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Parker, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158,250
Parker, George . . . . . . . . .. . . . 227
Parker, Mark . · .. . . . . . .. ... 122,203
Parks, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . 170,227
Parrish, Jimmy . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Parsons, Janice . . . . . . . 100, 179,203
Paschall, Linda . . . . .. . . . . . . 250
Pascucci, Leon . . . . . . . . . 116,250,253
Paskiewicz, Joanne . . . . . . 203,227
Pasquali, Joann . . . . . . . . . . 28,227
Pate, Herbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Pate, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Pate, Ricky .. . . . . . . . . .. 122,227
Paterson, Nancy . . . . 90,99, 105, 128,203
Patterson, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . 215,227
Patterson, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Patterson, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Patty, Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Paul, Douglas . . . . . . . . . 97, 158,227
Paul, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Paulausky, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,22
Paulin, Cindy . . . . . . 68,90, 123,203
Paulin, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Paultz, Jill . . . 60,90,123,124,175,179,203
Pautz, Mona . . . . . . . . 135, 172, 175,227
Pavlovich, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Pawlowski, Karen . . .
. . 119, 126,227
Peddicord, Miss . . . . . . . .. 21,22
Pedersen, Laurita . .
. . . 140,250
Pedersen, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Pederson, David .
. .. 117, 158,250
Pederson, John . . . . . . . . . 13, 121,203
Pedley, James . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Pelishek, James . . . . . . . . . . 122, 136
Pellegrino, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Pence, Duggles . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Perri , Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Perri, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136,249
Perrone, Deborah . . . . . . .
Person, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Peterman, James . . . . . . . . . 116,249
Peters, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Peters, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Peters, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Petersen, Bonnie . . . . . . ·. . . . . . 228
Petersen, James . . . . . 122, 131,203
Petersen, Karen . . . 90, 114, 130,215,228
Petersen, Karen . . . . . . . . 136,250
Petersen, Sherry . . . . . . .. . . . . 99
Petersen, Wendy . . . . . . 122,215,228
Peterson, David . . . . . .. . .. 154,228
Peterson, Gary . . . . . . . . . .
. 158
Peterson, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Peterson, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Peterson, Valerie . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Petit, Janet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Petravicius, Rose . .. . . . . . . . . 203
Petrelli, Denise . . . . . . . . . . .. 228
Petri, Philip . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . 228
Petrik, Janet . . . . . 119, 124, 138,203
Petrin, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,250
Petterson, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Pfaff, Denise . . . . . . . . 108, 109,250
Pfaff, Paulette .. . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Pfarr, Gayle . . . . . . . . . 128, 132,228
Pfarr, Ralph . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Pfeiffer, James . . . . .. . . . . . . 228
Pfeiffer, Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Pfeiffer, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Pfeiffer, Kerry . . . . .. . . . . . . . 168
Phillips, Cynthia . . . . . . . . 132, 173,228
Phillips, Deleen . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Phillips, Richard . . .
. . . . 158,250
Phillipson, John
. . 121, 122, 127,
131, 157,228
Pias, Mark . .
. 67, 103, 163,203
Picken, Gayle .
. 89, 122, 179,203
Piehl, Edward .
. 60, 121, 125,205
Piehl, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Piehl, Pamela . . . . . . .
Piela, Daniel . . . . . . .
Pierantoni, Karen . . . . . . . . . . 228
Pierce, James . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Pierce, Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Pieronek, Donald . . . . . . .
. 158,250
Pieronek, Robert . . .. . . . . . . . 205
Pitts, John . . . . . . . . . . . . 170,228
Pitts, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,205
Pitts, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . 126,250
Plaisted, Cliff . . . . .. . . . . . . . 228
Platt, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Pleet, Carlene .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Plutchak, Nancy . . . . . . . . 24,98,204
Poindexter, James . . . . . . 99, 107,228
POLITICAL SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . 142
Poltrock, Margot . . . . .
Polzin, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Pomerening, Lynn . . . . . . . . .. 204
POOL ASSISTANTS . . . . . . . 122, 123
Popp, Anne . . . 122, 133, 134, 173, 184,205
Popp, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . 133,228
Poppe, Betty . . . . . . . . . . . 119,250
Poppe, Marcia . . . .. . . . . .. 128,228
Mary .
. 114, 116, 121, 128, 130,
Post, Dennis . . . . 70,71,77, 101, 107, 131 ,
Potente, Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Potter, Leon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Powell, Adrien . .
. . . . . . . . . 250
Powers, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Prell, Ken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Preston, Vicki . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Primuth, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Pritchard, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Pritchard, Yvonne . . . . . . 134,228
PROJECTIONISTS . . . . . . .. . . . 136
Prostko, Betty . . . . . . . . .
. 234
Pruett, Charles . . . . . . . .
. 250
Pucci, Mark . . . . . . . . .
. 228
Pulera, Thomas . . . . .
. 234
Pynchon, Danny . .
. 234
Queen, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119,234
Quibell, Cheryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Quilice, Rosemary . . . . . . . . 79,228
QUILL AND SCROLL . . . . . . . . . 99
Quinn, Jeri . . . .
. .. . . . . . . 250
Radtke, Amber .
. . . . . 98, 136,205
Rains, Geraldine . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Ralph, Bonnie . . . . . . . . 92,98,229
Randle, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Ranik, Nancy . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 229
Rasch, James . . . . . . . . . . . 13,229
Rathjen, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,34
Reau, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,229
RED CROSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Redmond, Douglas . . . . . . . 134,205
Redmond, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Regnery, John .. . . . . . . . ... 116,250
Reich, Billy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Reimer, Ethel . . . . . . . . . . 121,204
Reinherz, Richard . . . . 97,99, 128,204
Renzoni, Jeff . . . . . . . . .
Resch, Randy . . . . . . .
. .
. . 229
Reuter, John . . . . . . . . . .
. . 204
Reuter, Robert . . . . . . . . .
. . 229
Rheaume, Sharry . . . . . . . . 121,229
Ricciardi, Ada . . . . . . 117, 126, 175,250
Ricciardi, Carla . . . . 88,98, 130, 175,229
Riccio, Jaye . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,250
Rich, Marjorie . . . . . . ... ... 136,229
Richards, Arnold . . . . . . . . . . . 141,204
Richards, Barbara . . . . . . . . 41, 122,250
Richards, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Richards, Kent . . . . . . . . . . 158,250
Richards, Terry . . . . . 75, 122, 172,215,229
Richardson, Daryl .. .. . . . . . . . . 204
Richter, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Rifenbery, Philip . . . . . . . ... . 170,251
Rigle, Charlene . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 204
Rikli, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122,229
Riley, Ellen . .
. . . 7,98,99, 100, 101,
104, 105, 107,204
Riley, Judy . . .
. . . . . . 135,215,229
Ritacca, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Ritacca, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Ritacca, Jenniene . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Ritchie, Lorraine . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Rizzo, Renee . . . 87,88, 114, 116, 130,204
Robbins, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Robbins, Richard . . . . . . ... . 150,229
Robbins, William . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Roberts, Debra
. . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Roberts, Jane . . . . . . . . . . 132, 136,229
Roberts, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Robertson, Anita . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Robertson, Kay . . . . . . . . 124, 128,204
Robillard, Michael . . . . . . . . . . 251
Robin, Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Robinson, Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Robinson, Claudia . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Robinson, Gloria . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Robinson, Kathy . . . . . . . . . 126,204
Robison, Anita . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Robison, Vickie . . . . . .. . . . . . . 229
Roeder, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Roemer, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . 117, 251
Roemer, Kurt . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Roemer, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 229,251
Rognstad, Bruce . . . .
. . . . . . 204
Rohrer, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . 116,251
Rohrer, Kathleen . . . . . 102, 114, 133,204
Rolbiecki, William . . . . . . . . .. . 204
Roma ine, Anne . . . . . . 122,215,229
Romaine, Lois . . . . . . . 13, 121, 137,205
Romano, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Romano, Marie .. . .. . 126, 136, 140,205
Rongholt, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . 234
Rose, Debra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Rosenfeldt, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Rosenfeldt, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Rosenfeldt, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Rosenfeldt, Ted . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Roseth, Debra . . . . . . . . . 119, 173,251
Rosko, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Rosko, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Rosko, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Rothrock, Mrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Rothrock, Tom . . . . . . . . . 106,229
Rovik, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Rowen, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Rowen, Nancy .. .. . . . . . . . 215,229
Rubenzer, Richard . . . . . . . . . . 251
Rudhman, William . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Rudy, Kathryn . . . . . . 126, 138,215,229
Ruebsamen, Norman . . . . . . . . . 205
Ruetten, Bernard . . . . . . . . . . .. 229
Ruffalo, Cathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Ruffolo, Lynn .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 234
Ruge, Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Rugg, Elizabeth
. 100, 101, 102, 122,
128, 181,205
Rugg, Glenn . .
. 114, 119, 158,205
Ruhle, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Ruhle, Karen . . .
. . . 98, 124,230
Ruhle, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Rusecki, Jan . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 230
Rusecki, Steven . . . . . . . . . . . 150, 168
Rush, Christine . . . . . . . .. . .. 230
Russel I, Nancy . . . . . .. . . . . 121,230
Russo, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Russo, Diane . . .
. 90,205
Russo, Dorothy . . . . . .
. .. 90,205
Rutchik, Michael . . . . .
. .. 93,230
Rutchik, Susan . . . . . . .
. . . . 205
Rutkowski, Thomas . . . .
103, 125,205
Rypczynski, Michael . . . . . . . 139,205
Safago, Linda . .
. . .. 92, 136,205
Saldivar, Lucille . . . . . . . . . . 251
Salica, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Salica, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Sandberg, Cathy . .. . . . . . . . . . . 251
Sandberg, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Sanders, Carlene .. .. . . . . . . . . 251
Sanders, Robert . . . . . . . . . 119,150,230
Sanderson, Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Sandt, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Santarelli, Mrs . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 26
Sarauer, Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Savaglio, John . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 251
Scalzo, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Scanlon, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Schaffer, Susan . . . . . . . . . . 92,98,230
Scharneck, David . . . . . . . 12, 119,206
Scharnick, Rhonda . . . . . . . . . 98,206
Schaufel, Susan . . . . . . . . . 18, 136,230
Schaumberg, Daniel . . . . . .
Schaumberg, Michael . . . . . . . 116,251
Schellinger, Sandra . . . . . . . . 136,230
Schepker, Charles . . . . . . . . 116,251
Schepker, Susan . . . . . . . 61, 124,206
Scherr, Michael . . . . . . . 139,230,251
Scheve, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . 116, 170,230
Schindler, Kay . . . . . . . . . . .. 230
Schindler, Steve . . . . . 79, 127, 166,230
Schindler, Tom . . . . . 52,53,76,88,89,
98, 127, 132, 157, 166, 167,206
Schlitz, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Schlitz, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Schlosser, Joann . . . . . . . . . . 11 ~, 251
Schmale, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 150, 154
Schmale, Lynn . . . . 43, 107, 137, 173,236,
Schmerling, Richard . . .
116, 139,251
Schmerling, Sandra . . . . . . . . . 230
Schmidt, Alice . . . . . . . . . .. . 230
Schmidt, Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Schmidt, Dennis . .. . . . . . . 114, 125,230
Schmidt, Donald . . . . 67, 163,206,215
Schmidt, Kimberly . . . 121, 122, 134,230
Schmidt, Kurt . . . . . . . . . . 215,230
Schmidtke, Harold . . . . . . . . . . 206
Schmit, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Schmitz, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Schmitz, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Schmitz, Thomas . . . . . . . . . 139,206
Schmitz, Vicki . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Schmoldt, Bonnie . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Schmunck, Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Schnaare, Dee . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 251
Schneeberger, Allen . . . . . . . 121,230
Schneider, Jerry . . . . . . . . . 150,206
Schneider, June . . . . . . . . . .. . 230
Schneider, Linda . . .
126, 179,206
Schneider, Paul . .
157, 166,252
Schneider, Robert . . . . . . . . 157,206
Schneider, Starr . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Schneider, William . . . . . . . . . . 230
Schnuckel, Gene . . 12, 13,93,97, 121, 150,
Scholey, Kristy . . . . . . 121, 128, 134,230
Scholfield, Theresa . . . . . . . . . 230
Schrandt, Richard . . . . .. . . . . . 252
Schrandt, Tom .. .. . . . . . . . . . 230
Schroeder, Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Schroeder, Craig . . . . . . . . . 24,230
Schuch, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,230
Schuck, Christine .. . . . . . . . 88,252
Schuler, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Schultz, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Schultz, Allan . . . . . . . . . . 167,252
Schultz, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Schumacher, Paul .. . . . . . . . . . 23
Schultz, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Scott, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Scott, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Scuffham, Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Scuffham, Susan . . . . . . . . . . 128,230
Seaman, Lorrie . . . . . . . . . . 122,206
Seavitte, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . 90,252
Sedberry, Edward . . . . . . . . . . 139
Sedgwick, Mrs. . . . . . . . . . . . 36,37
Semrau, Rene . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Serpe, Louise . . . . .
. . . 136,206
Serpe, Vincencina .
. 117, 128,252
SERVETTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Sexton, Barbara . . . . . . . . 88, 116,252
Sharp, Sue . . . . . . . . ... .. 117, 138,252
Shaw, Eddie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Shear, Rosanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Shearer, John . . . . . . 88, 119, 125,206
Shelley, Patrick . . . . . . . . . 119, 125,230
Sherman, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Shierk, Marilyn .. . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Short, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 167
Short, Mrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Shuemate, Barbara . . . . . . 58, 80, 89,
103, 131, 133, 173, 179,207
Siebert, Arthur . . . . . . . . . .
Siebert, Carol . . . . . . . . . . .
Sieger, James . . . . . . . . . . . .
Siepert, Patricia . . . . . . . . . .
Siirila, Darlene . . . . . . . . . .
Siirila, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . .
Sikora, Mr .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . 35
Sikora, Marsha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Sikora, Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . 102,252
Siltala, Linda . . . . . . . . . . .
Siltala, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Silverberg, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Simons, Rita . . . . . . . 18, 119, 130,230
Simonsen, Roxane . . . . . . . . . . 137,230
Sinclair, James .
. . . . . . . . . 207
Sinclair, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,207
Singer, Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . 237, 252
Singer, Lawrence . . .
. . . . . 158, 230
Singer, Mary . . . . . . 92, 100, 101 , 132
Sipsma , Gail .. . . . . . . . . . . 116,252
Sipsma , Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Sivley, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Sivley, Karen . . . . 89, 114, 116, 137,252
SKI CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Skovronski, Cleta . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Skurnick, Judith . . . . . . . 100, 130, 207
Skurski, Marianne . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Slobodianuk, Mark . . . . . . 125, 207
Sluga, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . 173,252
Smith, Mr. . . . . . . .
. . 25, 150, 170
Smith, Andrew (Peter) . . 93,97, 150, 170,
179, 207
Smith, Anita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128,231
Smith, Candace .
. 89, 105, 231 , 235
Smith, Clement . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Smith, Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . 126,231
Smith, Elise . . . . . . . . . . . 60, 131,231
Smith, Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Smith, Jacqueline .. . . . . . . . . . 231
Smith, James
. . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Smith, Judith . . . . . . . 98,105, 114,119,
Smith, Lorna . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Smith, Patricia
. . 12, 121, 173,207
Smith, Robin . . . .
. . . 150, 167, 252
Smith, Steven . . . .
. . . . . . 79, 207
Smith, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Smolinski, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Snyder, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Socha, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . 88,231
Socha, Narees . . . . . . . . . . 121,231
Sockness, Mark . . . . . . . . . . 117,252
Soens, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Sokol , Martin . . . . . . . . 122, 166,231
Solomon, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Sorensen, James . . . . . .
. . 114, 231
Sorensen, Jay . . . . . .
150, 158,231
Sorensen, Michael . . .
Sorensen, Neil . . . . . .
. . 108,252
Sorensen, Robert .
. . 136,252
Spaay, John . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 207
Michael .
. 7, 117, 150, 170,252
SPANISH CLUB. .. . . . . . . . . . 111
Sparks, Bonnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Spaulding, Linda
122, 140
Speaker, David .
Spence, Connie . . . . . .
Spence, Robert . . . . . .
Spencer, Dale . . . . . . .
Spencer, Susan . . . . . .
Spino, Joann . . . . . . . . . .
Spitz, Charles . . .
Spitzer, Candace .
. 98,231
Splitek, John . . .
93, 97, 98, 123, 150,
152, 168, 169,231
Spraker, Anne . . .
. 100, 101 , 103, 114,
119, 130,208
Spraker, Patricia .
. 116, 128, 130,252
Springer, Dennis . .
. . . . . . . 208
Springer, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Springer, Joyce . . . . . . . . . . . 208
St . John, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . 253
St . Peter, Anne .
. 126, 131,208
St. Peter, Edward . . . . . . 54, 97, 122, 150,
163, 164, 168,231
STAGE GUILD . . . . . . .
Stancato, Janice . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Stancato, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Stanford, Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Stanford, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Stankus, Robert . . . . .
. . . . 231
Stansbury, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Staples, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Starr, Gary . . . . . . . . . . .. 168,252
Staude, Linda . .
. . . . . . . 114,231
Stauder, Maureen . . . . . . . 98, 121,231
Stebbins, James .
. . . . . . . . 252
Steele, Diana . . .
. . . . . . . . . 252
Stefani , Thomas . . . . . . . . . . 97,208
Stein, Barbara . . .
. . . . . . 252
Stein, Douglas . . . . . . . . . 134, 136,231
Stein, Kurt . . . . . . . .
Stein, Nancy . . . . . . .
Stenmetz, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . 234
Stetson, Beverly . . . . . . . .
Stevens, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . .
Stevesand, Timothy . . . . . . . . .
Stewart, Margaret . . . . . . . . . .
Stieber, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stielow, Deborah . . . . . . 88, 116, 126,252
Stiles, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
STOCK CAR CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Strangberg, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Strangberg, Robin . . . . . 126, 179,208
Streblow, Michael . . . . . . . . . . .. 208
Streck, Pamela . . . . 121 , 126,215,231
Strecker, Jacquelyn . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Streich, Jerald . . . . . . . . 139, 150,208
Struss, Rodney . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Struthers, Dani . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Struthers, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Stubbs, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Stubbs, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Studdard, Charlotte . . . . . . . . . . . 231
STUDENT COUNCIL . . . . . . . . 88,89
Studtmann, Patricia . . . .
. . 119, 231
Stukel, Thomas .
. . . . 231
Sturino, Gerald .
. .. 150,253
Sturino, Michael
. 114, 119, 231
Sturino, Robert .
. . . . . 253
Sturycz, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Stuyvesant, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
SUB DEB . . . .
Suggar, Harley . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Sullins, Brenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Sullins, Wanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Sullivan, Kathleen . . . . 13, 121, 126,234
Sullivan, Patricia
. . . . . . 231
Sullivan, Patrick . .
. 97, 154, 157,
168, 169, 208
Sunday, Brenda . . . .
. . . . . 253
Swanlind, Linda . . . .
. . . . 134,231
Swanson, Carrie . . . .
. . . . . . 253
Swanson, Christine . . . . . . . . 92,208
Swontsky, Carole . . . .
. . 253
Swiatko, Gary . . . . . . . .
. . 150,231
SYMPHONIC BAND . . . . . . . 114,115
Szumowicz, Elizabeth . . .
Szumowicz, Pearl
. . . . 208
Taffs, Carole . . .
. . . . . . . . . 209
Taffs, Deborah . . , . . . 132, 136, 173,231
Taglianetti, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Tait, Dennis .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Tait, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Talley, Larry . . . . . . 89,97, 149, 166,209
Tallman, Larry . . . . . . .. . . . . . 233
Tallman, Randy . . . . . . . . . . . ... 253
Bruce .
. 60,69, 100, 101, 125,209
Tallon, Keith . .
. . . 125, 150, 157,253
Tanking, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Taske, David . . . . . . . . . 73,89, 135,209
Tasovac, Janet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Tatman, Thomas
. . . . 114, 119,253
Taube, James .. . . . . . . . . . . 69,232
Taube, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Taubenheim, Kathleen . . . . 134, 191,209
Taylor, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Taylor, James . . . . . . . . . . 150,232
Techert, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Teigen, Cheri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Teigen, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
TEMPEST . . . . . . . . . . . 108-109
Tenuta, Gene . . . . . . . . . . 168,232
Tenuta, Patricia . .
89, 126, 131,209
Terrell, Wanda . . . .
. . . . . . . 234
Terrien, Anne . . .. . .
. . . . . . . 232
Terrill, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Terrill, Mrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Terwall, Robert
. 93,97, 150, 170,232
Tews, Patr icia .
. 122, 129, 138, 140,209
Tews, William .
. 150, 158, 168,232
Thiel, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Thiele, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Thomas, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Thomas, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Thomas, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Thomas, George . . . . . . . . . . 215,232
Thomas, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Thomas, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Thomas, Patricia . . . . . . . . 126,253
Thomas, Richard . . . . . . . . . 209
Thomas, Tracie . . . . . 52,58,88,89, 114,
122, 126, 209
Thomey, Jane .
. . . . . . . .
Thompson, Beverly . . . . . . . . . . 253
Thompson, Candace . . . . . . . . .. 232
Thompson, Janell . . . . . 173, 179,209
Thompson, Martha . . . . . . . . . . 253
Thompson, Sarah . . . . . . . . 131 , 232
Thomsen, Anthony
. . . . . . 162,253
Thomsen, Thomas . .
. . . 66, 67, 106,
146, 150, 163,209
Thrush, Ron . . . . .
Tianen, Laura . . . .
. . . . .
Tillman, Arthur . . .
Timmerman, Marie . . . . . .
Timms, Ronnie . . . . . .
Tinker, Charles . . . . . . .
Tinker, Judith . . . .
Tinker, Timothy .
Tinker, Todd . . . . .
Tishuk, David . . . . . . . . . . 209,232
Tizi, David . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 253
Todd, Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Toigo, Celeste . . . . . 7, 121,215,232,257
Toi lack, Hugh . . . . 30,97, 114, 119, 154,209
Tolstyga, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Toomey, James . . . . . . . . . 136,232
Topel, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Topping, Jeffery . . . .
. 150, 158,253
Torcivia, Nicholas . . . . . . . . . . 253
Torstenson, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Torstenson, Thomas . . . . . . . . .. 234
Totts, Becky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Totts, Cathy . . . . . . . . . 119,232
Totts, Karen .
. 119, 122, 140,209
Travis, Deborah . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Tredon, Joan . . . . . . . . . . 116, 140,209
Tredup, Jacqueline . . . . . . . . . . 253
Tredup, Susan . . . . . . . . . . 105,232
TREMPER K'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
TREMPER TEENS . . . . . . .. 130, 131
Tri bur, Deborah . . . . . 102, 103,255
TRl·CEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Trottier, Karen . . . . .. . . . . . . . 232
Truax, Darrell . . . . . . . . . . . 117,255
Tucci, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Tufts, Shirley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Tullis, Robert . . . . . . . 121, 139, 158,210
Turner, Cora .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 232
Turner, Gwendolin . . . . . . . . . . 140
Turtle, Nancy . . . . . . 6,21, 100, 101, 122, ·
Tutlewski, Marc . .
. . . . . 167,232
Tuttle, Terry . . . .
. . . . . 116,255
Tworek, Robert . .
Tyson, Therese . . . .
. . . . . . . 210
Ulbricht, Walter
. . . . 98, 103, 210
U I rich, Dorothy . .
. . . . . . . . . 255
Upright, Michael .
. . . . 103, 139,210
Upright, Rochelle . . . . . . 23, 210,255
Urbanski, Marsha . . . . . . . . .
Urquhart, Lane . . . . . . . . . .
USHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Usinger, Linda . . . . . . . . . . .
Usinger, Patricia
. . . . . .
Valella, Deborah
. . . . . . . . 210
. . . . . 32
. . . . . 45
Valent ine, Lawrence . .
. . 170, 255
Valentine, Louise . . . .
. . 133,232
Vanbendegom, Gary . . . . 117, 136, 170
Vancaster, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Vandenberg, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Vandenberg, Catherine . . . . . . 114, 119,
Vandenberg, Robert . . . . . . 99, 143,210
Vanderford, Betty . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Vanderpoel , Robert . . . . . . 116, 157,255
Vanderpoel, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . 255
Vanderwa ll, Gretchen . . . . . . . . . 255
Van Dyke, James .
. . 158,232
Van Exel, Colin . .
135, 162,232
VanExel, Nickey . . . . . . . . .
Van Horn, Larry . . . . . . . . . .
Van Landuyt, Jules . . . . . . . .
Van Landuyt, Renee . . . . . . . .
Vanorder, Mary . . . . . . . . . .
Vanorder, Ramona . . . . . . . . .
Vanslyke, Vickie . . . . . . . . . .
Van Tubbergen, Wayne . . . 168,232,234
Vanwie, Pamela . . . . . . 124, 179, 210
Vasquez, Angela . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Velardo, George . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Vena, Charles . .
. . . . 210
Verbick, Michael (Tim) . . . 93, 119, 131,
Verch, Paulette . . . . . . . . .
Vescova, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Victoria, David . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Carl .
. 108, 125, 128,243,251,255
Villodas, Andres .
. . . . . . . . 255
Vincent, Christine . . . . . . 114, 116, 130,
172, 175, 255
Vlackina, Jacalyn . . . . .
. . . . . 232
Voelz, Dennis . .
. 93, 119,233
Vogel, Steven .. ..
. . . 114, 233
Vogel, Terry . . .
. . . 117,255
Vogler, Linnea .
. . . 88, 114, 116,
130, 175, 233
Vogler, Marilyn .
. . 119, 122, 130,210
Voight, Barbara .
. . . . . . .
Voight, Janet . . .
. . . . . . . . . 210
Voight, Laura .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Volk, Laurie . . . 18, 133, 134, 136, 140, 210
Volpendesta, Mark . . . . . . .
237, 255
Volpendesta, Marlen . . . . .
. . 233
Volpentesta, Catherine . . . .
Volpentesta, Claudia . . . . . .
Vonneumann, Lynn . . . . . . .
Vosen, Michael .
. . . . . . .
Vaitkus, Miss . . . . . . .
Valente, Mr. . . . . . . .
Wagner, Kurt .
Waite, Patricia
. . . . . . . . . 21 l
. . . . . 98,99, 108, 114,
119, 122, 124, 140, 211
Waites, Jerome . . . . . . . . 150, 164,233
Wakefield, Michael . . . . . . . . . . 117
Waldow, Elsid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Waldron, Penni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Waldron, Penni . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 211
Walker, Ann . .
. 122, 135, 172,211
Walker, George . . . . . . .
Walker, Philip . . . . .
. . .. . . . 211
Walker, Yvonne . . . . . . . . . 119,211
Walkowski, Mrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Wallace, Donald . . . . . . . . 121,233
Wallig, David . . . .
. 136, 144, 157,211
Walters, June . . . . . . .
Ward, Michael . . . . . . .
. . 233
Wardell, Patricia . . . . . . .
Warner, Virgil . . . . . . . . .
. . 255
Warnock, Jeffrey . . . . . . . .
. . 255
Warren, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Warrender, Robert . . . . . . . 119,233
Wasser, Diane . . . . 114, 122, 123,215,233
Watts, Theresa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Waugus, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . 128,255
Wavra, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Wayne, Janet . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 131 , 233
Webb, Candice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Webb, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157,211
Weber, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 254
Weber, Jean . . . . . . . 121, 128, 134, 233
Wehrman, James . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
We idner, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Weiner, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Weise, Susan . . . . . 114, 116, 130,215, 233
Weiss, Jody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,21 l
Weiss, Joel .. . . . . . . . . . . . 157,254
Weiss, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Welch, Miss . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 17
Welch, James . . . . . . . . . . . ... 211
Wells, David . . .
. . . . . . . . 233
Wells, Forrest .
. 114, 119, 158,254
Wember, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Wenger, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . 119,233
Werve, Danny . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 254
Werve, Eddy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158,211
Werve, Patrick . . . . . . .. .. . .. 211
Werve, Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Wesley, Sam . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,233
West, William . . . . . . . . . . .. 158, 161
Westland, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Weston, Ronald . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Westphal, David ... . . . . . . . . . 114, 233
Westplate, Miriam . . . . . . . . . 116,254
Westplate, Rachel . . . . . . . . . .
Westplate, Ronald . . . . . . . . . .
Westwood, Pamela . . . . . . . . .
Wheeler, Scottie . . . . . . . . . . .
White, Alton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
White, Christine . . . . . . . . . .
White, David . . . . . . . . . . . . .
White, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . .
White, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
White, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Whitney, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . .
Whitt, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93, 233
Whitworth, Gregg . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Wick, Steve . . . . . .. . . . . . 122, 150,233
Wicklund, Deborah .. . . . . 132, 135, 211
Wiegand, Mary . . . . . . . 136, 140, 211
Wiegert, Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . .
Wieland, John . . . . .
Wiemelt, Twyla . . . . . .
Wiereinski, Cathy . . . . .
Wiercinski, Sue . . . . . . .
. . 132,254
Wierzbicki, Richard . . . . . .
Wierzbicki, Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Wieske, William . . . . . . .
. . 233
Wightman, Linda . . . . . . .
. 132,233
Wiginton, Michael . . . . .
. .. 233
Wiginton, Tim . . . . . . . .
. .. 254
Wilcox, Karla . . . . . . . . .
Wilcox, Marjorie . . . . . . .
. . . 212
Wilcox, Philip . . . . . . . .
. .. 254
Wilkinson, Bradley . . . . . . . 117, 162,254
Wilkinson, Debra . . . .
129, 212
Wilkinson, Kenneth . . . . . . 139,212
Wilkinson, Shirley . . . . . . . . . 233
Williams, Dana . . . . . . 98, 121, 124, 233
Williams, Edward . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Judith .
92, 129, 131, 134, 136,
215, 233
Williams, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Williams, Linda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Williams, Sue . . . . . . . . 116, 126,254
Williamson, Sandra . . . . . . . . 124,212
Willis, W illi am . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Willkomm, Linda . . . . . 120, 128, 135,212
Willkomm, Phyllis . . . . . . . . .
Wills, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Wincek, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Wineland, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Wineland , Steven . . . . . . . . . . . 117,254
Winker, Nadine . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34
Wisch, Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Witt, Barbara . . . . .
. . 234
Witt, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125, 237
Witt, Nancy . . . . . . . . .
Witt, Ruby . . . . . . . . . .
Woelffer, Kristy . . . . . . .
Wolf, Gail . . . . . . . . . . .
Wolf, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Wollert, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Wolter, Marsha . . . . . . . . . . .
Womack, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Wood, Carol . . . . . . . . . 119, 126,234
Wood, Ellen . . . . . . . . . . 103, 119,212
Wood, Maud ie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Woodman, Dennis . .
. 13, 121, 179,212
Worthington, Anne .
. 92, 132, 134,234
Wortley, Sherri . . . . . . . . . . .
Woynilko, James . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Wright, Charlotte . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Wright, Gwendolyn . . . . . . . . 29,2 12
Wyosnick, James . . . . 128, 150, 166, 255
Wyosnick, Roger
. . . . . . . 166,234
Yance, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Yarbrough, Valerie . . . . 12, 121 , 126,212
Yates, Michael . . . .. . . . . . . . 234
York, Frances . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Young, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Young, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . 150,212
Matthew .
. 55,93, 150, 152, 168,
Young, Richard . . . . . . . . . . .
Young, Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Ysenga, Kathy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Yurchak, David . . . . . . . . . . .. . 212
Yurchak, Jacinta . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Yurchak, Stephanie . . . . . . 119, 132,234
Zach, Marovic . .
. . . . . . . . 234
Zanella, Terrence . .
. . . . . 24, 255
Zapencki, William . .
. . . . . 201 , 212
Zarletti , Deborah .. . . . . . . . 117,255
Zarletti , Larry . . . . . 89, 117, 150,255
Zarovy, George . .. .. . . . . .. 93,255
Zasada, John . . . . . . . . . . . . 106,212
Zehms, Marna . . . . . . 114, 122,215,234
Zeihen, Ellen . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 , 212
Zembrowski , Debbie . . . . . 126, 192,212
Gloria .
80,99, 105, 126, 134,
Zielsdorf, Carole . .
. . . . . . . . 234
Zielsdorf, Linda . . . . .
. . . . . 234
Ziesemer, Edward . . . . . . . 93, 168,234
Ziesemer, Gary . . . . . . . . . .. .. 256
Zieth, Randall . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114,234
Zietz, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . 137, 256
Zimany, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . 119, 139
Zimmer, George . . . . . . . . . . . 179, 213
Zimmerman, Mr . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 168
Zirbel, Cathy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Zuberbuehler, Barbara . . . . . . . . 135
Zuberbuehler, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . 256
Zuhlke, Sally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Zuicarelli, Marcia . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Zydowsky, Eddie . . . . . . 52,58, 67, 131,
150, 163, 164, 170, 213
Zyskowski , Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . 234
1969 Classic staff
Co-editors: Barb Bucholz, Libby Burnett Layout: Tom Olson, editor, Lee Ann
Baternik, Judy Hains Business: Candy
Smith, manager, Sue Tredup Advertising:
Gloria Ziccarelli, manager, Steve Derenchuk, Courtney Lettsome Copy: Diane
Haney, Tom Hosmanek, Janet Johnson,
Paul Lomartire, Ellen Riley Photography:
Gordon Krogh, head photographer, Allen
Fredrickson, Phil Livingston, Pat Martin
Art: Judy Smith, editor, Chris Huffman
Subscriptions: Barb Grewenow Sports:
Dan Werve, editor, Dave Frederickson
Academics: Pat Heckel, Nancy Paterson
Organizations: Janice Hadler, editor,
Bonnie Conley Typists: Nancy Dumesic,
Sue Hlavata Adviser: Mrs. Hoeft
\1arceline. \to , L .S A
The Classic Staff thanks Capri Studio for
class, candid, and faculty pictures; Mr.
Bob Moorehead of Walsworth Publishing
Company; The Kenosha News; Mr. Harold
DeHart and the printing department; Mr.
Farnham for his help in designing the
cover; the advertisers; the faculty; Mr.
Hosmanek; and special thanks to the 1969
Tremper student body.
As each door opens to a Tremper student,
he broadens and extends his world. A
classroom, with relics of a year gone by,
is proof of the widening experiences of a
student. Countless students have entered
and left through countless doors, each with
a little more added to his world than before.