The Classic 2013
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The Classic 2013
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 2012 to 2013 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
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Tremper High Scho6(8560 26th Ave.
Kenosha, WI 53143
Phone: (262) 359-2200
Fax: (262) 359-2178
Volume 49
Student Chic
This tan , patterned
headband is a great
way to dress up any
Boys, it is time to throw
away the old t-shirts and
step into something
more professional, like
this stylish sweater.
These scarves are
warm, comfortable,
and stylish and look
great with almost
These colored jeans
are an interesting
way to bring a pop of
color to a bland outfit.
These stylish tops are
inspired from the
trend of jean shirts
from the 80's.
These sleek and stylish
boots have made a
sudden appearance
in the halls of Tremper.
These shoes give
the outfit a classy
look, yet are still
POPULAR APPS OF 2012/2013: (from left
to right) Wanelo, Plague, Snapchat, Twitter,
Pinterest, Song Pop, Ruzzle, Fun Run, Temple
Run 2. These apps have been entertaining
students throughout the school year.
Safe Haven (romance), Pitch Perfect (comedy), Skyfall (action), Les
Miserables (drama/musical).
Vay or Nay?
Student views on the
latest trends
Who is in Your Network?
breaking down social networks
Lending a hand to the Internet addiction,
social networks link people to an extent never
before possible. Today it is a rarity to catch
someone without some kind of smart-device
in his hand. As the capabilities of these technologies change, the methods of communication and connection change accordingly.
Taking the lead and emerging from the pack,
Twitter has grown into a global network
communicating the thoughts of the world
in posts consisting of a mere 140 characters.
Combat Boots... YAY
Patterned Leggings... NAY
"The Flow'' ... NAY
Sandals w/ Socks ... YAY
Satchels ... YAY
Freshman Kevin Tover
Combat Boots.. .YAY
Patterned Leggings.. .YAY
"The Flow" ... NAY
Sandals w/ Socks ... YAY
Satc hels... YAY
Sophomore Mary Edmark
Combat Boots ... NAY
Patterned Leggings... NAY
"The Flow" ... YAY
Sandals w/ Socks ... YAY
Satc hels... NAY
Junior Marcus Reimer
Combat Boots.. .YAY
Patterned Leggings ...YAY
"The Flow'' ... NAY
Sandals w/ Socks... NAY
Satchels.. .YAY
coo cweet.s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • rlcornypickupli nes Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
• W hat age is it no longer appropriate to match your twin? '" twinproblems
• A naked iPhone is a beautiful thing, but too risky.
• Let's have a moment of si lence for people who still wear crocs.
Senior Nicole Naudi
Accessories can add so much to any outfit, whether it be arm candy,
trendy backpacks, sassy nail polish, or a snazzy watch .
HOT SPOTS OF 2012/2013:
Panera Bread (cafe style),
Urban Culture (frozen
yogurt), Buffalo Wild Wings
(sports bar) .
POPULAR ALBUMS OF 2012/2013: Mumford and Sons- Babel , Justin Bieber- Believe Acoustic, Taylor Swift- RED, Wiz Khalifa- O .N.l .F.C. These albums have music
for any type of mood you are in and
make your day that much better.
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bama held onto his place
in the oval office, and will
be president for the next
four years.
"I will do everything that
I can, as long as I am President of the United States, to remind the American people
that we are one nation under God, and we
may call that God different names, but we
remain one nation, " said president Barack
Obama at his inauguration address.
Another great leader was elected this
year. Pope Benedict XVI stepped down
due to medical reasons to make way for
Pope Francis to lead the billions of Catho-
lies throughout the world. This pope of
firsts holds the attention of the world as
he leads the Catholic body through these
troublesome times.
In other news, this year gave way to
many landmark events in the nation's
timeline. The United States dominated
the summer Olympics, winning more
than one hundred medals and surpassing
China by seventeen.
Soon after the close of Olympic ceremonies, the east coast of the United
States, along with seven other countries,
were devastated by Hurricane Sandy. The
hurricane swept through the South, caus -
a pope o 1rsts
Bosto n Maratho n Bombing
A tragic event in American history occured during the annual
Boston Marathon. An act of terror struck at the finish of the
26.2 mile race, killing three and injuring scores more. However,
amidst the cries of shock and anguish, the nation came together
as one to support all those affected and to remember Lelisa Desisa, the winner of this year's marathon.
ing damage wherever it went; New York
and New jersey were amoung the states
that received the bulk of the downpour.
While rebuilding, the nation was forced
to come to terms with the escalating gun
violence that came to light this year. The
shootings that occured this year raised
more questions than it answered.
Yet another tragedy occured near
the end of the chool year. The Boston
Marathon served as a harsh reminder to
Americans that terror is still out there and
that now, more than ever, we must, as
humans, heed the President's advice and
unite as a nation in these trying times.
Jorge Mario Burgoglio ,
an Arge nt inian Card inal,
was elected Pope upon
Bened ict' s abd ication of
t he papacy. A pope of
f irsts, Francis is the o nly
pope t o choose t he name
Francis, to be a Jesuit, and
to be fro m Latin America.
24, 341, 245 i es on ace oo
or 0 ama
1, 271 , 480 likes on facebook for Romney •
224, 051 followers on twitter for Romney
2012 Summer Olympics
Top Olympic medal winners
Final tally - Sunday, August 12th
United States
s the opening ceremony began on Friday, July 27, 2012, countries from all over the world met to compete in the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. All-around best gymnastics gold medal winner
Gabby Douglas was the first African-American woman, as well as
the first woman of color of any nationality, to win the event. She is
also the first American gymnast ever to win both the team and individual all-around gold at the same Olympics. The most decorated Olympian of all time, Michael Phelps won four gold and two
silver medals. By doing so, Phelps concluded the 2012 Olympics as
the most successful swimmer of the meet for the third Olympics in
a row. As the closing ceremony concluded the 2012 Summer Olympics, America finished on top with a final count of 46 gold, 29 silver, and 29 Bronze medals, for an amazing total of 104 medals.
lfurricane &lndy1~~ tke• ~iu"~u.,i
8 million people
were left with-
10 people
120 People Died •
(in the US alone)
-Escalating Gun Violence
his year the media focused on the spike in gun violence, calling into question the strictness of America's gun laws. Prior
to the start of the school year at the much anticipated premiere of
The Dark Knight Rises, 12 people were shot and killed at a theatre
in Aurora, Colorado. Less than a month later, a white-supremacist
opened fire at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, killing half a
dozen. Too soon after that, on December 14th, a man brought an
assault rifle to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, killing a total of 20 children and six adults. These mass
murders raised questions on who should be allowed to buy guns
and whether or not psychological screening tests should be administered before someone can be allowed to purchase and own a gun.
'rllE~IPEll'S 'l'AU:E ON GUN I.. Altrs
25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - V'l
~20 -----------\::J
~ 15-----0
15 10
ban automatic
weapons only
make the laws
do not change
the laws
News and Technol
hether you stay out past curfew, get a
bad grade on a test, or get in a yelling
match with your parents, one thing is
for sure: you are busted. The severity
of your punishment, however, differs
within every household. You might be the "Golden
Child " who gets away with anything and everything, or
you might be the one who can do nothing right.
Everyone knows parents can overreact when it comes
to punishments, but sometimes it is necessary to get a
little slap on the wrist to keep you in check. When asked
what their worst punishments were and what they did
to deserve them, students had a wide variety of stories
worth sharing. Some of the students here at Tremper
might have an innocent exterior, but are not as ruleabiding as some may think.
Hollywood wou ld like us to believe that the typical
high school experience entails oblivious parents, the
kids getting away with everything they do, and the
guy getting the girl in the end. Well, this vision of high
school is not how it always goes. Parents have gotten
much smarter as the lies and techniques by their kids
have gotten more complex. If a student wants something bad enough, he or she will find a way to make it
happen at any cost without considering the aftermath
of his or her decisions.
Getting caught is a part of life and shapes our future,
whether we learned an important lesson or not. Parents and teachers might forget that high schoolers are
nowhere near perfect and make mistakes. In fact, making mistakes is a timeless component of simply being a
Who said it?
1. My sister and I broke curfew
once and we got a very lengthy
lecture from our dad and our car
got taken away.
5' •
5' ..
5 D"'
2. Everyday I have to sit next to
Sam Kok at lunch. It's a punishment I did nothing to deserve.
3. I got home two minutes after
curfew (12:02) and my parents
made me come home by 9:30 for
three weeks .. .it was summer!
Getting Caught Red Han ded
Students Come Clean
When I was little I would throw
toys at people in church. I wasn't
allowed to watch cartoons for
the rest of the day.
-Senior Kyle Huss
Feeling Lucky?
To obey, or to disobey? That is the vexing question
many teens are faced with when it comes to potentially
parent-disapproved activities. More often than not, the
answer falls upon the likelihood of getting caught, so
after surveying the student body, findings showed that
many students are terrible judges of when to take the
• Sometimes Get Caught
• Never Get Caught
• Always get Caught
One time I ran away and when l
came home my parents bought
a fish tank and an octopus and
made me put tap shoes on each
-Senior Brandon Klinkhammer
Let s Get Ph~sical
What's on Your Plate?
Put down the coke, and drink water!
Drink a lot of water, tea or coffee,
and limit your dairy intake to 1-2
Say no to oils and trans fat!
Limit your butter intake and use
healthy oils, like canola and olive
The more veggies and the
greater variety of veggies) the
better. And no, French fries do
NOT count!
Stick to your whole grains, like
whole-wheat bread and pasta. Limit
the refined grains, like white rice and
white bread.
Taste the rainbow! Eat a lot of
fruits in a variety of colors.
Senior Lexi Lond
Favorite Healthy Food:
I'd say my favorite healthy
food is ocado , I could cat
them all day!
•rrptc tlL n:
My biggest weakness is chips and salsa!
They are soooo addicting!
Where do you find ry otiv it on
to work out and eat right?
For inspiration, I look to Rihanna. She
has a nice bod.
Le, 's Get Physical
To get good protein, eat a lot of
fish, poultry, and beans. Try to limit
t he red meats, like bacon and processed meats.
Senior Tyler Rice
How often do you work
During the wrestling season,
I work out as much as 11
u) .
Workout Routine:
I warm up with weights, and then after I
go for a run.
What is your (lif't like?
I try to stick to high protein foods, like
eggs, and I eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
---=-P.. ;h~sical
. . . .;.
Workout Tip:
If you work out at the
same time v , d ) ,
you will eventually begin
to look f o, v1ard to your
How to D TI-I'- bPLIT Pu~ P'2-'-~1
Begin by standing with your feet
a little wider than shoulder width
apart, and hold the bar in front of
you about level with your collar
bone. Make sure that your back is
Squat down about a quarter of the
way that you would for a normal
squat. Keep good squat form, and
make certain that your back is NOT
This is where the workout begins. Explode at the hip, push up
with your legs, while simultaneously pushing the bar above your
head. You should come off of the
ground a little bit.
When you land, your front leg
should be bent at a 90 degree angle and your other leg should be
out behind you, as if you are lunging. Hold the bar above your head
for a second or two before returning to the starting position.
Josh Massiino
Employn1ent, Little Ceasars
Car Insurance..
Senior Brooke Hartnell
Employinent, Nike
Fresh kicks and
volleyball gear..
Pa check
Senior Jordan SITiith-Franz
Etnployrnent- KFC
Cherry Berry addict--
Sopho01ores Kay Mathiesen
(left) and Maddie Schumacher
Employment- Ultimate Gymnastics and Plato's Close
Nails, hair, and food!
Oh, how times have changed!
Got Sgirit?
IL aoes Lne SLUdenL ooau oooa
pirit Week at Tremper gives the students a chance to
kick off the school year with an explosion of enthusiasm. While everyone looks forward to the energetic
and exciting pep rallies and the intense, hard-hitting
powderpuff games, nothing gets the students more
spirited than the creative theme days of Spirit Week.
Each day brings a new theme, starting with "Country Western Day" on Monday. Students swaggered around the school in
cowboy boots and ten-gallon hats, and some of the bolder students even donned overalls. Perhaps the most hilarious Spirit Day
this year was "Old Person Day." For this one very special day,
~::::;~laliillilli!E3im~~al~ George Nelson Tremper High School began to look a lot like the
George Nelson Tremper Retirement Home. While the students
, here at Tremper may know how to have fun, "Classy Day" proved
they have a more sophisticated side as well. "Classy Day is always
fun. It gives you a chance to be very handsome," said freshman
Halas Zakutansky. Indeed, the student body was dressed to impress, with bow ties, suit jackets, and high heels everywhere. Spirit
Week took a turn for the technological with "Nerd Day," when
carrying calculators and thick-rimmed old-school glasses became
fashionable. On "Nerd Day," the student body truly got in touch
with their inner geek. Finally, Friday was a sea of red and blue; it
was "Class T-Shirt Day." Every class, from freshmen to senior,
had eager students showing their pride to be coming home to
Tremper High School.
Sta~i nQ sinhina
Af loot
cne saoers
The harsh chill of the weather had
ne of the first and though the weather was not ideal, the
most exciting events support was outstanding as everyone everyone bundled up, but it could
that gives Trem- braced crisp cold air. The numerous not scare off the student body as they
per's student body a students and community members participated in the paint splattering
chance to showcase who came to the parade were show- before the big game. Waiting for the
their red and blue pride is the Home- ered with candy and thoroughly en- game to start, the stirring crowd of
coming Parade. The social gathering tertained with Tremper's creativity in students and fans prepared to cheer
kick-starts the school year by allowing the floats that students built. "Seeing for their team. The best part of the
all grades to get involved and show all the different floats each club had game was, "being with all my friends
their school spirit. From the incoming and seeing children's reactions when and dressing up in Tremper apparel,"
freshmen to the seniors getting ready candy was being thrown at them," says senior Lloyd Sorrell. The Trojans
to leave, everyone was ready for this was freshman Oliva Van Guyse's fa- gave it their all, but were defeated
memorable event. Many students vorite part of her first parade. The by the Sabers. Despite the loss, the
came out to support our football rumbles of Trojan cheers could be players and the student body had an
players as they prepared for the bat- heard from blocks away and will be unforgettable night displaying their
tle against the Franklin Sabers. Even well-remembered for years to come. Trojan pride.
H mecoming Game and Parade
ouches to the float JUSt before the parade begins. All the particiants tried to make their float perfect to win the float building
ontest. 2. DOWN AND DIRTY! The senior members of the
spirit squad are rather prepared for the game with the school
colors, scarlet red and royal blue, after participating in a paint
party just after the parade. 3. THE BOYS OF FALL. Senior
Jared Flasch leads the Trojans, setting the bar high as a captian
of the team. Cold weather making it difficult to stay focused,
senior Jared Flasch prepares to go head to head with the Sabers
in his final Homecoming Game at Tremper. 4. FIGHT ON. Sophomores Kelsey Dejno and Kendall Gross cheer through the streets on
top of the sophomore float, equipped with floaties to drown the sabers. CIRCLE. Senior Nick Verheyen plays his colorful trombone in the
parade for Tremper's hottest new club, Shuffleboard! He says. -1 had a
GREAT time playing my instrument with my friends. It was really fun!"
Homecoming Game and Par
omecoming comes but once a year.
When Homecoming gets close, there
always seems to be something to do,
whether it's finding a dress or tie, sched uling a hair appointment, finding a date
or getting ready for the parade and cheering on the Trojans at the football game.
As the hundreds of students arrived, they were greeted
by all the fishy faces of this year's theme, Under the Sea.
Some people even incorporated their outfits with the
There was no doubt that everyone's favorite part
was dancing to their favorite songs. Junior Raquel Torres said, "My favorite song that was played was 'Some
Nights' by Fun ." and senior Tessa Weber said her favorite
song was "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain.
There were many great king and queen candidates to
choose from this year. They are all such close friends,
which made voting a challenge. But in the end, seniors
Jordan Hollingsworth and Tyler Rice came out on top.
Jordan Hollingsworth said, "When it sank in, I was so excited that my school chose me to be queen."
Each year the students spend hours searching for the
perfect dresses and ties, take hundreds of pictures, eat
fancy food beforehand, and dance until their feet hurt to
make homecoming a memory that will withstand time.
7.:Jv y ""' f
"ffer a Mte v"
j7Jin5 1vtv.7
' ' I would prefer going
solo because there are
more options and I can
browse the selection. '
- Senior Kylie Griffth
24 H mecom1ng
. D ance
1. ALL SMILES. Seniors Brandon Harris, Marcus Ben·
nett, and juniors Kyler Auston, Kameron Gorman and
William Buege pose for a fun photo. 2. LET THE MU SIC PLAY. Freshmen Kazzie Rashada and Emma Devore
get their groove on during their favorite songs. The
week before homecoming is one of the most fun weeks
of the school year . Every day the students get to dress
up according to that day's theme, ending with class t shirt day on Friday. This encourages students to show
their school spirit and make coming to school even
more exciting! 3. ROYALTY. Homecoming queen, senior Jordan Hollingsworth, and king. senior Tyler Rice,
sure know how to make an entrance as they announce
the 2012 Homecoming court. 4. FLAWLESS. Home
coming Court [left to right] seniors Jake Wikstrom,
Tessa Weber, Jazz Peavy, Nana Green, Matt Short,
Meghan Lux, Logan Peltier, Jordan Hollingsworth, Tyler Rice, Karlie Loewen , Brittney Feivor and Alex Buban
line up for a group photo in front of the beautiful ocean
scenery for this year's 'Under the Sea· homecoming
theme. Each year the king and queen candidates make
posters, design t -shirts, and come up with crazy skits,
all for a chance at that crown. "I like seeing everyone
wearing my shirts and I like doing the skits," says king
candidate, Logan Peltier. CIRCLE. Sophomore Lindsey
Schafer dances the night away with her friends. "My favorite part about the dance was getting together with
all of my friends and getting ready together," says Lind sey. The majority of girls said that it takes them about
three hours to get ready. and it takes guys about half
the time.
Homecoming Da
e 25
1. WASSAIL! Ringing in the tidings of the holiday season, the Madrigal
singers lift the spectators' spirits as they sign the songs of a yuletide
season. Madrigal singer, senior Nora Elgohari, toasts to a good year
and a better one to come. 2. RECORD THIS! Sophomore Colleen
Carney and a fellow student play recorders while the guests of Ye
Olde Christmasse Feaste dine on a wonderful meal served by the
pages and wenches. 3. 'TIS A GOOD DAY, SIR. This striking player
of the stage, senior Caleb Young, portrays the character of Friar Lawrence written by none other than William Shakespeare in the world
renowned play Romeo and Juliet. "I like performing in the play during
the Madrigal Feaste because it is a short, usually comedic rendition of
a famous play. This year we did Romeo and Juliet and not only did the
audience love it, but it was also extremely entertaining to perform,"
commented the excited Caleb Young. 4. AIN'T IT MADRIGAL. Senior Landon Boyle and junior Elaine Aedo, two avid participants in
the feaste, entertained the guests with songs of yuletide gaeity and
winter festivities. CIRCLE. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! Lords and ladies
welcomed the smiles and laughs brought on by the fourth year jester,
senior Sara Brandt, as she, along with her fellow jesters, used slapstick humour and tomfoolery to entertain their guests.
ne of the oldest and most storied traditions in
KUSD is the annual Christmasse Feaste. For
38 years, faculty and students of the Kenosha
High Schools have participated in this recreation of a 16th century Christmas celebration, complete with music, a hearty meal, and stylish costumes.
Over 300 students had the chance to participate this year.
The food is served by "Pages" and "Wenches," students
dressed in garb reminiscent of a servant in the middle ages. "Being Head Wench may not sound all that prestigious, but it was a
great oppurtunity with a lot of responsibility," said Head Wench
Sabrina Cairo. Other participants include the fencers, who stage
a massive battle; the singers, who enchant the patrons with a
number of classical Christmas carols; the actors, who perform
a hilarious rendition of a Shakespearean play; the musicians and
their calming music; and of course, the always comical jesters.
Yes, a lot of hard work goes into making the Feaste so
spectacular every year, not just by the performers, but by the
hard-working men and women behind the scenes as well.
These technical wizards may prefer to stay out of the limelight,
but they deserve just as much recognition for what they do.
The Christmasse Feaste is certainly one of the landmark
events here at Tremper High School.Just ask senior Ryan Wes
termeyer who said, "After four years of participating, I'll miss
it next year, but I'm glad to be leaving it in capable hands."
The P od:u T'e:
Singers are known to have good
posture, but why? In order to sound
their best, singers keep their head
and chest up while keeping their
shoulders relaxed. This allows for
optimal lung capacity and excellent
sound quality.
The Hands-:
Singing without a conductor, Madrigal singers face the difficult task of
keeping time with the music. For this
reason, the singers often have their
hands clasped in front of them and
seem to be bobbing with the music.
Madrigal Fe te 27
Go Pink
or=:Qo norne
reast cancer poses one
of the greatest threats
to women in modern
American society. It is
relentless, and without
regular care and testing it can silently
invade. Every day, countless women
are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Even men in some cases are susceptible to its grasp.
The Trojans won't sit by and allow
this silent killer. Go Pink is Tremper's
breast cancer awareness program,
raising funds to support men and
women with the disease and to work
- ·-
. __
towards a cure for a better tomor- the Trojans always do their best to
fight for the cure.
Implemented several years ago, Go
While October may be Breast CanPink began as a soccer game in which cer Awareness Month, the students
all the funds were given to the Go of Tremper High School show their
Pink Soccer Foundation to work to- support for Breast Cancer awareness
wards a cure. Soon, however, other all year round in many ways. By beprograms began, including the bake ginning the fight for a cure at an early
sale, lacrosse game, football game, age, the student body of Tremper esand the twenty-mile Walk For The tablishes a lifelong fight for a hopeCure. Of course, there are always ful future, free from the restraints of
students who show their support in breast cancer and always with supa unique way by simply donning pink port for those who need it. It is a
and showing support for the teams truly unique and inspiring experience
raising funds. Whatever the method, to see Tremper unite for this cause.
Shades of
Breast Cancer
varian CancerA
~# Leukemia
Liver Cancer
gLung Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Childhood Cancer
Colon Cancer
1. CUP CAKES SAVE LIVES!!!! No, really,
they do. Every year the students of Tremper
put their baking skills to good use, baking
cupcakes for the many Go Pink bake sales
throughout the year. 2. REACH FOR THE
SKY!!! This year's senior captains lead the team
to thank the crowd after a hard won victory for
cancer awareness. The football team is a large
contributor to the Tremper Go Pink cause. 3.
HEADS UP! Junior Katie Verheyen, a member
of the varsity girls soccer team, looks to see
who is open to recieve the ball on the throw
in. The girls soccer team began the Go Pink!
movement at Tremper five years ago. Lead by
Coach Hardy, they have raised over $75, 000
•l11.tirr1 during this time. CIRCLE. LET'S GET IT TOGETHER. Members of the girls soccer team
.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unltearoundthe~coachforsomeinsp~ation~
Go p· k 29
~. .- • rem per is filled with a wide assortment
of students coming from different backgrounds and cultures. Naturally, in such
a diverse environment, the student body
is filled with a plethora of unique and
special talents. From singing to cup slamming to poi
spinning, Tremper's Talent Show is the best place for
students to display their stunning skills.
The competition was incredibly fierce this year.
"There were a wide range of talents," says senior Ryan
Westermeyer, "but I liked Jeremy's act the best because it was something different, even though all of
the acts did really well. " For the first time in Tremper
history, the audience of over 200 had the chance to
choose the winner of the show. They most certainly
had their work cut out for them. Fortunately, they had
help from the esteemed judges of the program, who
provided constructive criticism and encouraged the
performers to keep doing what they do best.
In the end, the prizes went to James Booker Ill in
third place, the JT Schelling Experience in second, and
Jeremy Osborn for his poi spinning in first. Everyone
in the audience would have agreed, however, that every performance that night was timeless.
jeremv Osborn:
[The tV'lan Behind the Lights]
''The best way to
win a talent show
is to learn something weird.''
Taent Show
1. FINDING THE RIGHT CHORD.Junior Kody Sullivan plays "All The
Small Things· by Blink 182. He played with seniors Mike Gaertner
and Max Carson, a musical collective known as "Man Why You Even
Gotta Do A Thing" 2. WHO'S GOT THE BEAT? Senior Mike Gaert·
ner showcases his unending passion for hitting things by displaying
his ability to drum at this year 's Talent Show. He has true talent and
skill for playing the drums. 3. JAZZ IT UP. Junior Ben Carlson plays
a solo with the utmost skill. He and "The JT Schelling Experience"
took second place at the show. 4. OH MY! The incredibly handsome
host of the evening, senior Luke Walaszek, just can't believe all the
talent laid forth before him. All the acts were truly outstanding and
amazed everyone in the audience. 5. CRAZY ABOUT KATE. Senior
Kate Beckman preforms her orignial lyrics and music ·crazy for You"
at the 2013 talent show. CIRCLE. LIGHT EM' UP UP UP. The winner
of the incredible talent show was the spectacular light show performed
by senior Jeremy Osborn. This was one of the most diverse talents
Tremper has had for the annual talent show, earning the top spot of
all the other contestants with this unique display of lights.
Talent Sh w 33
rom does not come easy. It's an exciting night, to be sure, but it requires a
seemingly endless stream of premeditated activity. From getting your hair
and nails just right to finding a matching
flower, Prom is certainly not for the unprepared.
"It's so much preparation that when it's over, you
can only think, 'Wow, that was fast!'" laments senior Prom afficianado Dan Regalado. "It feels like
you blink and it's passed."
That is certainly unfortunate because no one wants
to miss a second of the revelries. From the food to
the music to the pictures, every second provided
something new to enjoy. "I loved the food this
year, especially the mac and cheese," raves senior
Kim Ruiz. Indeed, the buffet was almost as crowded
as the dance floor that night.
In fact, the only time the revelries came to a halt
was during the prom court announcement. The
Prom Court approached the stage, in a hush, all anticipating the coming verdict that would determine
the king and queen of Prom 2013. The cacophony
that followed the announcement was nothing short
of explosive; Tom Edwards had won prom king
and Sarah Jensen was crowned the queen. After
congratulations and hugs from the other members
of the court, the royal couple took the dance floor
for a special King/Queen dance. They were soon
joined by all the couples of prom for a wonderful
dance that closed out the enchanted evening.
1. COME HERE OFTEN? Senior Matt Dolnik and Junior Katie Ver
heyen get things started at this lively dance, showing others how
to dance like a pro and have fun all at the same time. 2. OUT WITH
THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW. The new prom king and
queen, juniors Sara Jansen and Tom Edwards, take the crowns.
Sharing the annual first dance of the new prom royalty, they are
both extremly happy to have won. 3. GETTING DOWN. Senior
Eric Ciszewski struts his stuff and tries to get everyone else at prom
into the music as much as he is. 4. DOING THE CHA CHA SLIDE.
Michael Crutcher, Donovan Wesley, and Delsin Sanghvi groove
to the heavy beats and try to keep up with everyone else as the disc
jockey plays the timeless favorite "Cha Cha Slide." 5. GANG'S ALL
HERE. How well do you know the royalty. Guess who's who in the
prom court. Sara Jansen, Kevin Landgraf, Kristan Bowman, Carson
Mahant, Taylor Moreland, Joe Ashley.Justine Aiello, Mason Muerhoff, Becca Borchardt, Tom Edwards.
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Pr m 35
1. FAW-WERK! During the definite funniest show of
the year, Senior Ryan Westermeyer performs a scene
from the high antic comedy The Foreigner. 2. KNOCK
KNOCK. Senior Brad Neu played the Lord of the Underworld in the dark tragedy, Eurydice. 3. VERY GOOD!
Sophomore Ashley Kenney and Senior Marissa Skow
perform a scene in The Foreigner which played at the
end of January. 4. HER FATHER. The ever-affable Caleb Young gesticulates as he plays Eurydice's father in
the fall production of Eurydice. 5. A STORY OF REVENGE. Junior Jacob Eubanks and Sophomore Gabriella Gulbranson express a moment of hatred in this scene
from the theatre department's final production, Medea,
by Euripedes. CIRCLE. LIFE IS COMPANY. Freshman
Mary-Kate Haggerty plays the part of the on-edge newlywed, Amy, in the musical, Company.
cne ot uers
bright light shines on the
center of a recently con structed wooden stage.
Soft music hums quietly,
being overshot by the
chatter of the audience an d the turning
of pages in little playbills. Backstage,
everyone is in a quiet rush, making sure
not a single mistake has room to fl ourish once the show begins. It's five minutes to curtain. It may seem li ke all the
hard work is done in those precious
moments on stage, but preperation
for a show starts out early and merci-
lessly. Tremper Theatre Company's
season this year was no exception.
With a relatively short rehersal period and a stiff statewide competition,
the students working on Eurydice led
with their best foot forward. That fran tic pace was played to their advantage
in the next show, The Foreigner, a
high-antic comedy with plenty of quick
The grandiose performances kept
coming with this year's musical, Company. With big jokes, big music, and
big shocks, the clock on preparation
was short, but the Tremper Theatre
Company was up to the task.
Finally, the thespians took us to the
Middle East for a very daring and
very relevant modern interpretation of
Medea by Euripides. With such a wide
variety of topics and emotions, one
may wonder how the Tremper Theatre Company found the time for all
the tears, smiles, frowns, and laughs.
Truth be told, as anyone backstage
will tell you, they live for those pulsepounding moments just before showtime.
wnac;s uour role?
Sophomore Marta Notarianni
Eurydice : House Manager
"It's my favorite position!"
The Foreigner: Paint Crew
"It is a very funny play!"
Company : Light Board Operator
"I've always wanted to try it!"
Medea : Set Construction Crew
"I want to learn how to build sets!"
MOCK awa-rD.s
Best Car: Luke Walaszek and Brooke Landre
Best Chuckle: Cody Blaser and Julie Erickson
Best Dressed: Landon Boyle and Natasha Eiroa
Best Eyes: Matt Dolnik and Kelly Barnd
Best Hair: Bryce O'Boyle and Miranda Maritato
Best Smile: Braden Wisniewski and Stephanie
Biggest Bookworm: Aaron Schroeder and Bianca Ricker
Biggest Scrub: Kyle Stefanski and Lindsey Brothers
Most Artistic: Mike Gaertner and Sam Marianyi
Most Likely To Be Seen In The Movies: Luke
Walaszek and Talia Engstrom
Most Likely To Become President: Matt Short
and Kelsey Smith & Ashley Zenner
Most Likely To Cry At Gradutation: Sam Kok
and Meghan Lux
Most Musically Talented: JT Schelling and Talia
Top Twenty
Kelly Bamd
Caleb Young
Landon Boyle
Julie Erickson
Eric Ciszewski
Brittany Feivor
Parker Moes
Jordan Hollingsworth
Connor Norris
Megan Humphreys
Jazz Peavy
Rebecca Knapp
Stephanie Kuruvilla
Nicholas Rodriguez
Matthew Short
Karlie Loewen
Kendra Richter
Luke W alaszek
Ryan Westermeyer
Danielle Wilson
Katharine Kollman
Eric Ciszewski
Jamie Elsen
Yunmeng Zhang
Maxwell Carson
Brittney Feivor
Kaya Tallas
Alex Dixon
John Carswell
Rebecca Knapp
Isaac Krone
Zachary Titel
Madeline Lewis
Sarah Huang
Bianca Ricker
Alyssa Wozniak
Sarah McPherson
Sabrina Miceli
Talia Engstrom
Karyn Reget
~. .- • he end of senior year is a bittersweet event for
most. It means closing one chapter of a young
student's life in favor of a new one: Entrance
into the realm of adulthood. This time can be
endlessly exciting and endlessly frightening at
the same time.
This ambivalence may seem confusing, but at least it brings
with it certain revelries. Chief among these festivities is the
Senior Banquet. Held this year at the Italian-American Club,
this feast provided the senior class with the opportunity to
get together and celebrate the diversity of the student body
one last time.
Dressed in their finest, the teens of the senior class arrived
promptly at five o'clock, ready to eat and celebrate. They
were served a cornucopia of food, from chicken and pasta
to salad and bread with a few courses in between.
After the meal, the seniors were treated to a slide show, an
extended journey down memory lane. The students shared
chuckles and tears as they watched the photos of their high
school career slowly pass them by. The night was rounded
out with the always amusing "Mock Awards." Here, the seniors voted on such categories as "Best Eyes" and "Biggest
Party Animal." This lighthearted awards show was an opportunity for the seniors to celebrate themselves and one
It was an emotional journey for everyone involved as they
looked back at what had happened, considered what could
have been, and dreamt of what will be.
Senior Banq et 39
Congrats, Class of 2013
ELIZABETH ALLEN $1,000 University of Wisconsin
Platteville G.M.johnson Scholarship.THOMAS ATHEY
$5,000 Dr. F. Gregory Campbell Kenosha County
Scholarship.AARON BAKKILA $1000 Steve Hagan Memorial Scholarship.KELLY BARNO $1 ,000 AAUW
Scholarship, the $52,000 Carthage College Highest
Honors Scholarship, the $7,000 Carthage College
combined grants, the $48,000 Marquette University
Ignatius Scholarship, the $1,000 Delta Theta Sigma
Sclrshp $1 ,000, the $500 Tremper Renaissance Sclrshp,
the $500 Cancer Treatments Centers of America and
the $1,500 Kenosha Education Association Scholarship.KATE BECKMAN $121,200 Syracuse University
Grant, the $22,000 University of Missouri Mark Twain
Scholarship and the $500 Kenosha Choir Boosters Sclrshp. ALISON BOUDREAU $40,000 Marquette University Ignatius Academic Achievement Scholarship, the
$48,000 Butler University Trustee Scholarship, the
$750 Kenosha Unified PT A Council Scholarship and the
$4,000 jelly Belly Candy Company Scholarship.LANDON BOYLE $200 Kenosha Choir Boosters Scholarship.SARA BRANDT $200 Joe Goff Memorial Scholarship.MELANIE BURKE $18,700 Carthage College
Grants in Aid.BRIDGET CARNEY $48,000 St. Norbert
College Presidential Scholarship. JOHN CARSWELL
$500 Peggy Waddell Memorial Scholarship, the $1,000
Downtown Kiwanis Club Frank Vilen Scholarship, the
$500 junior Woman 's Club Scholarship, the $500
Tremper Renaissance Scholarship and the $1,000 Kiwanis Foundation Vilen Scholarship. ABEL CHINOS
For the $1,000 University of Wisconsin Platteville
Freshman Achievement Scholarship. ERIC CISZEWSKI
renewable $2,250 Wisconsin Academic Excellence
Scholarship. KARISSA COX $1,000 University of Wisconsin Parkside Validis Foundation Scholarship, the
$1,000 University of Wisconsin Parkside Guy Family
Scholarship and the $750 Metta Tremper Scholarship.
SUZANNE CRASS $1 ,000 Carthage College Alumni
Grant, the $500 ELCA, the $2,000 Carthage College
Endowment and the $13,000 Carthage Highest Honors Scholarship. CHRISTIAN DAVIS $500 jenny Pergande Memorial Scholarship. TROY DILLARD $500
Elizabeth Mosier Scholarship. KYLE DREGER $150 Jeremy Pfeifer Memorial Scholarship. J
SEN reable $
University Theatre Sclrshp, the $11,000 Ball State University Sclrshp and the $28,000 Viterbo University
Heritage Scholarship. JORDAN HOLLINGSWORTH
$6,500 Ohio University Gateway Scholarship, the
$1,000 Andrea Wirch Memorial Scholarship and Trustee Award and the $1,000 Noelle Naylor Memorial Sclrshp. MICHAEL HOLMEN $200 Kenosha Choir Boost·
ers Scholarship. JENNA HUBAISHY $5,000 Dr. F.
Gregory Campbell Kenosha County Scholarship. MEGAN HUMPHREYS $1,000 Kenosha Athletic Sclrshp
Foundation Fred Tenuta Memorial Sclrshp. KYLE
HUSS $36,000 University of Dayton Chaminade Sclrshp. ANGELA JOHNSON 1,000 Brenda Wolf Memorial Sclrshp. RACHEL JOHNSON For the $250 Tremper
FBLA Sclrshp. COLLIN KLIMISCH $1,000 Glen McCulloch Memorial Sclrshp. REBECCA KNAPP $4,000
Kenosha Area Business Alliance Sclrshp, the $500 Ju·
nior Woman 's Club Sclrshp, the $1,500 Education
Foundation of Kenosha Sclrshp, the $750 Metta Tremper Sclrshp Award, the $500 Tremper High School
PTSA Sclrshp, the $500 Vernon School Association
Sclrshp and the $500 Kenosha junior Woman 's Club
Sclrshp. KATHARINE KOLLMAN$300 David Schien brood Memorial Scholarship, $20,000 Lawrence University Warch Honor Slrshp, $1,000 Community Engagement Sclrshp, $8,800 Lawrence University Grant,
the $1,000 University of Minnesota Gopher State Sclrshp, $2,250 Wisconsin Academic Excellence Sclrshp.
ISAAC KRONE For the $2,000 renewable University of
Chicago National Merit Sclrshp and the $200 Louis
Armstrong jazz Award. KARLIE LO
versity of Minnesota Ro
shp, $36,000
ship, $1,000 Carthage
$500 Tri-County Grant
ta Sigma Sclrhsp, the
Ignatius Achievement Sclr
lege Presidential Sclrshp
Sclrshp, the $500 Trem
$500 Tremper Renaiss
Woman 's Club of Keno
$500 Elizabeth Mosier
$46,000 Arizona State
Memorial Scholarship, the $300 Daughters of th1
American Revolution Good Citizens Award and the
$250 Jeffery Elementary School Scholarship. NICHO
LAS RODRIGUEZ $4,000 Mary Lou & Arthur Mahonr
Fund Scholarship. KIMBERLEE RUIZ $12,500, com
bined scholarships from Northern Illinois Universi~
the $1,000 Northern Illinois University Marching Banc
Scholarship and the $150 Jeremy Pfeifer Memoria
Scholarship. JOHN SCHELLING $200 Louis Arm
strong jazz Award. TYE SKOWRONSKI $34,000 fu
tuition Carthage College Kenosha Police/Fire Scholar
ship and the $1,500 renewable Carthage College En
dowed Scholarship. ALEXANDREA SMITH $24,0()(
Bethel College Collegiate Golf Scholarship. ANNE
SMITH $20,000 Bethel College Collegiate Golf Schol
arship. CAMERON SMITH $31,950 renewable full tu
ition Carthage College Kenosha Oaks Scholarship
JORDAN SMITH $2,000 Herman and Virginia Gund
lach Memorial Scholarship. KELSEY SMITH $20,00C
University of New Haven Presidential Scholarship, the
$1,000 Honors Scholarship, the $2,000 Deans Scholar
ship, the $14,000 University of Tampa Presidenti'
Scholarship and the $72,000 Seattle University Trustee
Scholarship. ETHAN SOLMS $15,000 Ripon College
Faculty Scholarship. TESS STEPLYK $4,000 Wisconsir
Energy Foundation Scholarship. JENNIFER TIERNN
$500 Gateway Foundation Scholarship and the $50C
Gateway Technical College President's Scholarship
ZACHARY TITEL $50,000 University of Dayton Pres1
dent's Scholarship and the $1,000 Steve Hagan Memo
rial Scholarship. KA YA TOLLAS $146,700 College o·
Charleston Huge Scholarship. JACOB VAGNON
$1,000 Kiwanis Breakfast Club of Kenosha lvo Garofalc
Scholarship. ALEXAN ORA VALERI $8,000 Tusculurr
College Scholarship. SOPHIA VAN GUYSE $1,000 Un
versity of Wisconsin Whitewater Music DepartmenScholarship. NICHOLAS VERHEYEN $22,000 North
ern Michigan University National Honors Award anc
the $500 john Phillip Sousa Award $500. ZACHARY
WADE $40,000 University of Dubuque Dean 's Schol
arship & Forerunner Award, the $500 Tremper Athleti
Booster Club Scholarship and the $250 GKYBSA Schol
arship $250. SA
WEBER $750 Gina Rosk
Memorial Sc
1. LEND ME YOUR EAR. As the graduation
ceremony comes to a close, Senior Matthew
Short leads the turning of the tassels. This act
symbolizes the next chapter of these grads'
lives by looking forward to the future and learning from their years in high school. 2. MOVING
UP. MOVING ON . With all the speeches given
at this commencement, these graduates attentively give their undivided attention to each
and every speaker. Surprisingly, the speeches
given had much to offer from advice for college to a sarcastic Star Wars movie quote. 3.
Carlson heads to his seat, preparing for what
will be a most memorable day. CIRCLE. WHO
IS THAT GIRL I SEE? Displaying musical tal ent was an evident theme for this year. The orchestra decided to play a MuIan melody for the
class song. The unmistakeable sounds of the
beloved Disney movie took many grads back
to their childhood days, and caused them to
reflect on how far they have all come.
Graduati n 41
Richard Aiello
Pauline Amborn
Thomas Anderson
Linda Andreoli
Debra Andrews
Scott Azmus
Michael Becker
Joan Belmore
Danielle Birkholz
Tina Bonofiglio
Erin Bosovich
Lonzo Bradford
Helen Breitenbach
Cathy Broadway
Dorlise Brown
Bill Brydges
Tom Burke
Cora Byrnes
Karen Cardinali
Natalie Casper
Velia Castillo-Unger
Barbara Chalgren
Julie Chase
Robbin Church
Nicolas Cicerale
Bill Clark
Louis Covelli
Juan Cruz
Lorena Danielson
Karen Davis
Gregory Delahanty
Tina M. Denning
Susan Dowse
Rodger Dunn
Ron Duros
Steve Ekstrom
Susan Elmblad
Charles Ester
Joseph Fanning
Patricia Fremarek
Katie Garringer
Patrick Gazarkiewicz
Brian Geiger
Cheryl Gilmore
Janice Gorman
Danzel Goyette
Lisa Hackeloer
Barbara Halligan
Deborah Hansen
Todd Hardy
Troy Hardy
Ruth Harker
Linda Hartschuh
Anna Hess
Eric Hopkins
Heather Hubeler
Samantha Huck
Therese Hujik
Donna lnfusino
David Johnson
Sarah Johnson
James Jorsch
Jeremy Kalbfell
Marie Kasper
Sarah Keel
Robert Kercey
Kim Kexel
Saleua Khaleel
Jerome King
Virginia King
Lloyd Kollman
Lisa Kopesky
Joseph Kosman
Maria Kotz
Kim Kromm
Officer Joe Labatore
Jason Ladd
Denise Lamm
Linda Larsen
Leslie! Last
Jill Lavey
Lois Lavey
Carol Lechusz
John Majercik
Facu ty 45
Sue Majerick
Barabara Manning
Kelly Marschel
John Matera
Frank Matrise Jr
Micnael Mc Donald
Diana Mccarthy
Karin Mccarville
Sean Mckim
Faith Meeker
Alicia Meyer
Ambrial Miller
Officer Miller
J. T. Milward
Paul Mommaerts
Shebaniah Muhammad
Claudia Nickerson
Jodie L. Nigro
Cynthia Nowak
Jammie Orth
Michael Orth
Susan Pacetti
Colleen Padlock
Claudia Pastor
Gary Paulauskas
Samuel Perry
Jolleen Pillizzi
Daniel Prozanski
Lynn Ramsay
Karen Redalen
Sheri Reget
Tiffany Reid
Robin Reif
Louis Rideaux
Carmen Rivera
Charles Romano
Erikka Rosberg
Christine Rudynski
Margo Schenk
Mark Schenk
Ann Schmid
Daniel Shimon
Donna Shroat
Linda Skillings
Alan Skripsky
Amy Spence
Candace Stein
Tricia Steinbrink
Renee Swiatko
Valerie Taylor
Mike Terronez
Robert Thomas
Blake Topel
Bernice Townsend
Douglas Town send
Rosemary Trevino
Fa ulty
Debra Tronvig
Jacqueline Valeri
Catherine Vervisch
Jessica Wade
Ramona Walentowski
Joanne Wansart
Suzette Watring
Bryan Wehr
David Weiser
Damon Weiss
Charles Werve
Melissa Whitaker
John Wilhelmson
Mona Wilkinson
Stanley Wilson
Karen L. Wirt
Mark Wisniewski
Charles Wolbers
Nancy Yust
Laura Zajicek-Bagenski
Marianne Ziccarelli
Hayden Acker
Chloe Adams
Jesusita Aguilar
Isaiah Albarran
Brooke Alfano
Chardone Allen
Sarah Allen
Ronald Althoff
Alexus Anderson
Michael Anderson
Tyler Anderson
Yasmine Anderson
Rachel Andraschko
Haley Andrews
Alyana Antonen
Will Apgar
Nicole Applegate
Rebecca Armes
Aidana Arriaga
Joshua Arzate
Cody Athey
Camryn Auston
Fidel Avalos
Ricardo Barajas
Crystal Barnes
Cy'asia Barnes
Daniel Becker
Robert Bergstrom
Christian Bernhardt
Todd Berry
Alan Besler
Kaleb Betourne
Nathan Bianan
Matthew Bickwermert
Jamie Bigelow
Fr shmen
Jenna Birch
Kylie Birkholz
Abbey Birschbach
Emily Birz
De'janee Body
Abigail Boesch
Marcus Bolar
Jessica Bonner
James Booker
Dylan Boyd
Katelyn Braet
Ashley Bransky
Eric Braum
Elana Brinkman
Tam ia Brooks-Darder
Austyn Brown
Brandon Brown
Brett Brown
Ja'quan Brownlee
Damon Bryant
Nicholas Bullock
Grace Burleson
Anthony Campbell
Tressa Capodarco
Joseph Capponi
Austin Capps
Ernesto Cardona
Brianna Carpenter
Eddie Carrion
Cheyann Carstens
Thomas Casey
Zella Cassar
Kelsei Cecil
Samra Cerim
Keyiondra Chamness
Benjamin Chase
Christian Childress
Mario Christopher
Jordan Ciamarichello
Domonique Cleveland
Zachary Coats
Jaylen Coker
James Cole
Quentin Cole
Daniel Conrad
Alexander Cortez
Lynnsey Courtier
Joshua Croce
Emily Crowder
Shane Cruthers
Shanay Cumberland
Makayla Daniels
Tineke Davis
Samarah Davison
Ryan De La Torre
Brett De Laat
Freshm n 4 9
Jacob Delabio
Collin Deocampo
Trey Dever
Emma Devore
Kyle Dierckens
Donisha Dixon
Sarah Dodd
Amanda Doherty
Nikki Dominguez
Kevin Donaldson
Isaiah Doss
Storm Drennen
Emma Dummer
Hunter Dutkiewicz
Jason Dzbinski
Morgan Eckert
Brooke Ehmke
Emily Ellis
Daniel Elsen
Kayla Englert
Caitlin Erickson
Joseph Ericson
Michael Ernst
Broden Etmans
Leah Feicht
Wesley Fiebrink
Anissa Fierke
Madeline Filer
Analea Fitzmaurice
Dalton Folkerts
Cierra Franklin
Beau Frederick
Dashanay Freeman
Davon Freeman
Hunter French
Logan Furloni
Samuel Gallo
Matthew Gapinski
Isaiah Garcia
Leslie Garcia
Marta Garcia
Vicely Garcia
Dominic Gemignani
john Gennaccaro
Danielle George
Paul Gerlach
Adam Gharib
Austin Gibbs
Lauren Gilliam
Luis Godinez
Kayla Golden
Gregory Gordon
Joshua Gordon
Jacob Goss
Liam Grachen
Maurice Granville
President Olivia Van Guyse
Secretary Evan Wisniewski
Katelyn Greer
Kyle Griffin
Alexi Griffith
Melissa Grimes
Nolan Grogan
Mathew Gronowski
Karen Grubbs
Megan Gunhus
Vincente Guzman
Ryan Hafke
Ian Hagen
Mary-Kathryn Haggarty
Madeline Hallisy
James Harkless
Colton Hartnell
Jamie Hathcock
Matthew Hawbaker
Alyssa Heard
Cassandra Hemmi
Jessica Hemmi
Bobby Henley
Steven Herron
Matthew Hetchler
Kelsey Hicks
Andrew Hill
Trayce Hodge
Ryan Hoey
Da'lacey Hood
n 51
What are some of the craziest things you have
seen in the halls of Tremper?
"People with a lot
of peircings on
their face."
-Nathaniel Walc-
-Sydnee Smith
Zachary Hoppenjan
Dylan Horne
Bethany Houtsinger
Marqee Hudrick
Quamere Hudson
Tyler Huss
Brandon Igartua
Kean Jackson
Megan Janiak
Andrew Jansen
Jack Jensen
Abigail Johnson
Alexander Johnson
Ambrozia Johnson
Austin Johnson
Ethan Johnson
Nicolas Johnson
Romelia Johnson
Ciara Jones
Rebecca Jones
Brandon Juarez
Troy Judeika
Julia Kaiser
Kayla Kascht
Carrie Kay
Terrance Kelly
Kody Kimball
Aaron Kingfisher
Seth Kjerulf
Danielle Kloiber
Krista Klopp
Kristina Kluver
Rachel Knudtson
Joshua Koepke
Rachel Koepke
Samuel Kristiansen
Cameron Kroncke
Keith Kutzler
Dana Kuyawa
Hunter Lachapelle
Alyssa Laci
Mckayla Lail
Jimmie-Jay Lane
Jacob Landry
Paige Lauer
Justin Lavey
Keith Leable
Jaylen Lear
Dakota Lehtinen
Erin Lenegar
Ismael Leon
Caleb Leonard
Kyler Leys
Angel Limon
Michael Little
Isaiah Llanas
Juan Lopez
Angelica Lopez-Nunez
Michael Lorberter
Jacob Lumley
Jerael Lyttle
Jonathan Madison
Brittany Madsen
Grant Mahant
Melanie Manske
Mitchell Manske
Zachary Marrese
Aaron Mason
William Mastronardi
Filip Matic
Haylie Matthews
Natalie Matthews
Heather Mattner
Nathanael Maurer
Rece Mayer
Keelontay Maze
Ashlyn Mcbee
Kevin Mccolgan
Marquies Mccray
Rhyannon Mcnab
Marcellus Mcwilliams
Montigo Mcwilliams
Jah'nix Medina
Ashley Mendoza
Freshm n 53
Eli Michaud
Daniel Miesbauer
Benjamin Miller
Tyson Miller
Elizabeth Mitchell
James Mitchell
Jacob Modory
Megan Molinaro
Jorge Monroy
James Moore
Aimee Morales
Asia Morris
Kayla Mukka
Adrian Murati
Emilee Nelson
Joseph Nelson
Tyler Nelson
Mary Nevin
Joshua Nichols
Tyler Nitsch
Stephen Nixon
Quaterius Nunn
Sha'kane O'neal
Amelia Ogle
Allison Orr
Aristotle Ortiz
Cesar Ortiz
Ashley Oseguera
Jason Oseguera
Amyjoy Osinga
Lillian Oster
Nicholas Ottersen
Alexandria Pagan
Quintin Parham
Antwan Parker
Reggie Parker
hat was the
most embarrassing
thing that happened
to you this year?
\\In an
assembly, I volunteered to act as a
wheel barrel. My partner, Emma Devore,
dropped me on my
face." -Nathan
Bia nan
Evan Parshall
Richard Pawlaczyk
Samuel Pechous
Liam Pederson
Angelica Peralta
Diana Perez
Kayla Perez
Grace Poland
Carole Poupart
Jacob Powers
Alec Prescher
Kelly Primo
Ariel Pritchard-Lasky
Amber Quilling
Mason Radloff
Ian Rakow
Tyler Ralph
Kayla Rasch
Kazmare Rashada
Armonie Ray
Daisy Resendez
Erika Rhode
Casey Rice
Anna Richards
Sara Richards
Kyle Richter
Channing Riggs
Emily Roach
Brianna Roark
Molly Robbins
Colin Robertson
Alyssa Rodriguez
Brandy Rodriguez
Christina Rodriguez
llianna Rodriguez
Benjamin Rohlman
Rosa Rojas
Philippe Rollet
Jedidiah Romnek
Tania Rosales
Alexa Roth
Ariadna Rufrancos
Benjamin Ruhle
Isaias Ruiz
Cali Rummelhart
Kyle Sadowski
Tiana Saldivar
Olivia Sampica
Omar Sanchez
Maya Sanghvi
Tanner Santiago
Benjamin Scholey
Vincent Schroeder
Megan Schulte
Megan Schultz
Alanna Schumacher
Freshm n 55
Kaitlyn Scott
Elin Seay
Amar Seegobin
Rosario Serrano
Katie Serzynski
Tatyana Sherrod
November Shields
Amy Shircel
Paige Sigman
Shatresse Simmons
Aaron Singer
Caroline Siana
Mason Smith
Sydnee Smith
Tyler Smith
Zoe Sorensen
Kairesa Spann
Jeffrey Steuck
Hanna Stoebe
Al lie Strauss
Jaclyn Strelecki
Rebecca Sturycz
Lea Sturzenegger
Ethan Suhr
Dylan Sunderland
Anthony Svoboda
Jacob Sweet
Cori Tainter
Brianna Taylor-Sertich
Devin Thomas
Justice Thomas
Dawn Tiernan
Quaneisha Tines
Juliana Tirabassi
Alan Titone
Alessandro Tocci
Lissette Torres
Luis Totera
Kevin Tover
Tyler Trattier
Christopher Turn er
Jeremy Turner
Andrew Uttech
Jailene Valle
Olivia Van Guyse
Austin Vazquez
Martha Vazquez
Jonathan Villarreal
Michael Villarreal
Ryan Vojtisek
Alyssa Vranak
Zechariah Wade
Nathaniel Walczak
John Ward
Kayla Waring
Tara Wasson
Jennifer Wendling
Alexandra Wickersheim
Blake Wienke
Drew Wightman
Tiara Wilks
Andrew Williams
Anthony Williams
Niagra Williams
Rhiannon Williams
Zoe Williams
Meghan Williamson
Luke Willkomm
Evan Wisniewski
Christopher Wojciechowicz
Devon Yarbrough
Casey Zahn
Halas Zakutansky
Christian Zamudio
Noah Zand
Jasmine Zeidan
Yuqin (Sandy) Zheng
Jessica Ziccarelli
Alyssa Ziebell
Eric Zielsdorf
Nicholas Zimmerman
Sarah Zingelman
Justin Zoerner
Samantha Zwickey
What is the best thing High School has that Middle
School did not?
people. " An drew Hill
Kailey Abbott
Kali Abbott
Destanie Adcox
Demiana Agaiby
Matthew Alexander
James Allen
Benjamin Anderson
Mario Arce
Alfonso Arnold
Katie Attia
Noah Baas
Larah Bacasmas
Rakim Baiyewu
Jacob Barnd
Ashley Barsuli
Megan Beard
Amanda Becker
Justin Bell
Michael Bill
Michael Bisciglia
Stella Borden
Hannah Boundy
Samuel Boundy
Michael Boyd
Andrew Brath
Andrew Breunsbach
Shauntia Brooks-Dobbs
Caleb Brown
Brandon Bruce
Matthew Buban
Alexander Bucko
Nicholas Buratti
Carly Burris
Kyle Butler
Gina Caira
Sydney Cairo
Benjamin Calan
Uriel Caldera
James Camp
Julian Cardenas
Colleen Carney
Emilio Carrillo
Elizabeth Casey
Alexis Castillo
Carlos Castillo
Juan Castro-Luna
Anthony Catchings-Currie
Hunter Cheney
Nicholas Cina
Nathan Clark
Penny Clark-Taylor
Mason Cochran
Marjorie Coen
Michael Coffman
Jaime Colin
Madison Conine
Savannah Conine
Destiny Cooks
Jordan Coshun
Charles Cotton
Kassi Cox
Christine Croce
Corey Cross
Marisol Cruz
Jill Daavettila
Eliza Daniel
Eric Danyus
Haley Darling
Zachary Davies
Devante Davis
Kelsey Dejno
Megan Dellisse
Abigail Derengowski
Lauren Deschler
Michael Dezoma
Travis Dillard
Samuel Dinan
Logan Doerr
Tamara Dominguez
Michael Drucks
Kayla Duchac
Jacob Durkee
Melanie Ebener
Rafael Echavarria-Munoz
Joseph Echevarria-Gross
Mario Echols
Mary Edmark
Kabrina Fernander
Max Fiedler
Michael Field
Andrew Finley
Sophomo es 59
Brett Fisher
Brandon Flores
Aaron Freeman
Bryce Frost
Emma Frye-Wasi
Zachary Fuhrer
William Gadlen
Zoe Galvin
Jacob Gapinski
David Garay
Amber Garcia
Jose Garcia-Gomez
Paul Gattshall
john Geary
Alexandria Gibbs
Lasharia Givens
Alyssa Classen
Emilio Gomez
Ben Gordon
Daniel Goroski
Trevor Gott
joey Grochowski
Abbey Gross
Kendall Gross
Gabriella Gulbranson
Christian Guzman
Mackenzie Gwozdz
Kohl Hall
Tevin Hamilton
Kyle Hansche
Michael Hansen
Drew Hauenstein
Zahmere Hayden
Matthew Hellquist
Grant Herbert
Conrad Herman
Quentin F Herr
Christopher Hessil
Nicole Highland
Nicholas Hilderbrand
Jesse Hill
Ashley Hodges
Colin Hoffman
Christian Holland
Gaven Hopf
Da'shayla Hopkinsbay
Nick Horak
Emily Horejsch
Jordan Hubaishy
Caitlyn Hughes
Katianne Ishmael
Maximiliano Jacinto
Amy janowitz
Mason Jaquith
Sarah jefferies
Noah Jensen
Casey Jikomes
Tia Johnson
Todd Johnson
Chasity Jones
Derek Jones
Jaime Judeika
Christopher Kammer
Jonathan Kasprzak
Connor Keckeisen
Skylar Keefner
Leah Kelley
Jenna Kelly
Ashley Kenney
Patrick Kenney
Katherine Ketchum
Alison Kexel
Kaitlyn Kluver
Madelyn Knapp
Matthew Knull
Emalee Koch
Bradley Koehler
Sarah Konchan
Alexandria Kresse
Megan Kruse
Tamaira Kuhnley
Katlynn Kumorkiewicz
Benjamin Kurman
Michael Kuruc
Daniel Kuruvilla
Hope Landre
Mitchell Larue
Taylor Lattergrass
Laura Lehman
Megan Lehman
Sophomo es 6l
Eli Levrie
Lorenzo Limon
Donald Lipper
Jordan Littel
Alexandra Loberger
Francisco Lopez
Kaitlyn Lupia
Bennett M ajerowski
Ashley Maddocks
Logan M ain
Morgan Makar
M arco M alacara
Angela M ann
Ariana M ann
Rajzhane Martin
Kaylin Mathiesen
Andrew Matoska
Dillon Matthews
M adison Maurer
Karissa M cclain
Sarah Mckinley
Christopher Mendez
Bianka M engo
Emanuel Merlos
Melissa M ichalski
Manas M ishra
Anthony M odica
jakyra Moore
Talea Moore
Tabitha Morin
Danielle Morzfeld
Brooklyn M unoz
Ray M unoz
Brooke M unroe
Madison M unroe
-------MaD LIBS- - - ----ln the second year of my high school career it has already felt like
_2.,. . .o__....."___
"" il-lio
-.---=""- Y
_ e.
........a_t4_s_ I have started th is j o u rn ey. As a sophomore, I
(period of time)
Britta ny Spencer
have learned to de.fe.""e.stt4ate. down the hallway and find my
M att Rucinski
classes without getting lost. Th is year has been fu 11 of
(adjective) Cullen Murray
pL-tppie.s , I wi 11 never forget the day I passed my
(no un) Ka brina Fernander
(noun) Andy Fin ley
and drove my flyi""e """°"'key for the first time by myself. I am
(transportation) M ason Jaqu ith
hot4"4ifically e.}Ccite.d for next year when I return to
Elizabeth Casey
ChL-tck 6. Cheese. as a junior.
Chasity Jones
Blerim Murati
Cullen Murray
Seth Neiman
Brett Nelson
Jacob Nelson
Rowan Nelson
Brian Newberry
Alexander Newby
Hunter Nikolai
Bradon Norton
Brandon Norton
Marta Notarianni
Kennedy Oettel
Donavon Olsen
Angelique Ortiz
Justin Osborn
Raymond Oseguera
Zachary Palmer
Sydney Paulsen
Tristen Pavlovich
Eric Paz
Collin Perales
Fermin Perez
Jesus Perez
Malia Perez
Misael Perez
Tyler Perez
Calie Perrault
Nadya Pfaffle
Douglas Pierce
Connor Pierson
Jaquan Pleasant
Taylor Poulsen
Dakota Prozanski
Zachary Raetzman
Anthony Raimondi
Terry Reece
Dennis Regalado
Sophia Reid
Emily Renner
Arkasia Reynolds
Talia Rhutasel
Alea Roberts
Alexander Roblero
Anne Rodriguez
Leslie Roman
Matthew Rucinski
Sara Santelli
Alexia Sbarounis
Lindsay Schaefer
John-Carlos Schaut
Olivia Schendl
Barbara Schmidbauer
Carlie Schmidt
Lindsey Schock
William Schroeder
Sophomo es 63
Madaline Schumacher
Emma Schwalbe
James Schweinsberg
Jana Scott
Chad Sekuris
Caitlin Semenas
Matthew Semrad
Megan Sentieri
Matthew Serpe
Thomas Shannon
Courtney Shatkins
Diabolique Sherrod
Shania Sherrod
Anthony Shiffra
Eugene Shulski
Joshua Sinde
Luke Skarda
Hannah Skendziel
Kayla Sladek
Alyssa Slater
Christina Smith
Kyley Smith
Mariah Smith
Steven Smith
Jaelyn Snell
Jordan Snider
Dustin Sorensen
Brittany Spencer
Sabrina Spencer
Tyler Squires
Lauren Standish
Emma Steagall
Tyler Steinsdorfer
Breanna Stephens
Katlyn Stevens
Katherine Swanger
Harley Swanson
Faith Taylor
Rachel Taylor
Madelyn Tenuta
David Theine
Brittany Thiesenhusen
Tristan Thomas
Joshua Thomsen
Mitchell Thornton
Caroline Titel
Angela Tobias
Michael Tock
Lana Tollas
Victor Topps
Lillian Torres
Stephany Torres
Alex Trentadue
Alexandria Turn er
Manuel Valadez
ho mores
Cindy Vandenbranden
Samuel Vecchitto
Uriel Venegas
Aleena Villani
Alexis Villegas
Kyle Wade
Andrew Walczak
Sheridan Walker
Jill Walther
Katie Wasurick
Selena Wasurick
Kyle Wates
Alec Wawiorka
Dejuan Williams
Eshaunte Williams
James Williams
Jasmin Williams
Kenneth Williams
Cameron Williamson
Tara Williamson
Amy Wilson
Laurynn Wintermote
Karen Woodard
Matthew Wulf
Sidney Yildirim
ldalis Zamora
Genesis Zamudio
Nina Zand
Nicholas Zielinski
Alysa Zimmermann
Thomas Zoerner
Ariana Zuraitis
I listen to music
and hang out with
my friends.
What do you
do in your
I like to either do
word searches or
play Black Ops 2.
Stephanie Acklam
Elaine Aedo
Justine Aiello
Alyssa Alfano
Lindsey Allen
Nader Alsabbah
Juliana Amundson
Carl Anderson
Patsy Arias
Kazin Armstrong
Kelsiee Arreguin
Joseph Ashley
Chautane Ates
Kyler Auston
Malik Baiyewu
Amelia Baltes
Shamirah Banks
Alecsander Baratta
Lamonte Barfoot
Chad Battisfore
Hannah Baumgarten
Miranda Beam
Mariana Bedolla
Taylor Beer
Aaron Benicek
Evan Benicek
Kayla Benjamin
Travis Bethke
Marisa Bianan
Gabriel Bickwermert
Ashley Bilotto
Abigale Bleil
Amelia Block
Meagan Bloxdorf
Trevor Boehm
Eric Bolden
Taylor Bolyard
Autumn Booker
Benjamin Borchardt
Rebecca Borchardt
Omar Botello
Kristan Bowman
Nathan Brandes
Tylor Brandt
Hudsontaylor Brown
Nicolette Brown
Serah Brulport
Derek Bryant
Steven Buchanan
William Buege
Tristan Buencamino
Joshua Bullock
Alexis Burkholder
Alexander Busko
Cassandra Butschli
Amanda Buttera
Bryan Byars
Moshe' Byrd
Halle Cairo
Sabrina Cairo
Kevin Camosy
Ted Camp
Benjamin Carlson
Serena Carter
Cinthya Castaneda
Marie Castanuela
Danielle Cebolski
Abigail Chamberlain
Emily Chamberlain
Alexis Chapa
Jorge Chinos
Moira Chiu
Rachael Cholak
Michael Christensen
Damian Christopherson
Ashley Claeys
Kelsey Clifford
Alexandra Cole
Anna Cole
Berina Cole
Nicholas Colon
Chelsea Conley
Melinda Conver
Thomas Cornell
David Corrigall
Justin Coughlin
Lauren Cox
Jordan Crawford
Michael Crutcher
Jorge Cruz
Wesley Cruz
Noah Cundari
Michal Czesny
Amber Damron
Alyssa Daoust
Kailan Davenport
Kenneth Davidson
Ivan Davila
Emma Dawson
Andrew De La Torre
Abigail Dethorne
Ashley Devries
Dannielle Dickerson
Zachary Dickow
Bonnie Dietrich
Emily Diggins
Nathan Dillow
Crystal Dixon
Olivia Dixon
Alexandra Doersch
josh Dohrmann
Emmanuel Dominguez
Stephen Donahoe
Victoria Dos Reis
Stephanie Drake
Samuel Drewry
Collin Duchene
Charlotte Dujardin
Matthew Dykes
Bobbie Dyson
Kylie Dzbinski
Kevin Easter
Alejandro Echeverria
Thomas Edwards
Ryan Eidsor
Jamie Emery
Spencer Erdman
Ty Erickson
Jordan Ericson
Zahra Ermoian
Diana Espinosa
Maria Espinosa
Jacob Eubanks
Guy Evans
Krystal Evans
Karen Feltman
Kayla Fitzmaurice
Roxana Flores
Jonathan Flowers
Zackary Ford
Michaela Foss
Jake Frederick
Zachary Frost
Lucero Gallegos
Ashley Galligan
Joseph Garcia
Yamileth Garcia
Yoahneth Garcia
Cedric Gaston
Rayeanne Gates
Stone Gattie
Kayla Gentz
John Gerlach
Gage Gessert
Margaret Gilliland
Nicole Ginter
Randi Gittens
Kurstyn Gordon
Bryan Graham
Trenten Grede
Sara Greene
Robert Greskoviak
Kelli Griffin
Lauren Griffin
Kendall Gross
Muriel Guerra
ToNaya Gulley
Jacob Gunderson
Christian Haggarty
Sharneisha Hampton
Talan Hansen
Siever Hanson
Mathew Harebo
Jordan Harris
Anthony Henderson
Treasurer Kevin Landgraf
Juni0 r
Vice President Sarah Janson
President Fallon Schultz
Secretary Kelli Griffin
Juni rs 69
Ellen Henry
Luis Hernandez
Mike Hernandez
Mariah Heyden
Patrick Hibbler
Gavan Hicks
Noah Hix
Es'ther Hood
Logan Hopf
Margaret Huck
Arthur Hudson
Taishae Hunter
James lwen
Kaylee Jackson
Anayely Jaimes
Sarah Jansen
Serena Jaros
Loreal Jenkins
Quindon Jenkins
Holly Jeranek
Camron Johnson
Mariah Johnson
Marissa Johnson
Talerie Johnson
Kelsey Jones
Ashley Kaiser
Samantha Kammer
Top songs of 2001
Top songs of 2013
1. Hanging by a Moment by
2. Fallin' by Alicia Keys
3. All For You by Janet Jackson
4. Drops of Jupiter by Train
5. I'm Real by Jennifer Lopez
6. If You're Gone by Matchbox
7. Let Me Blow Ya Mind by
Eve and Gwen Stefani
8. Thank You by Dido
9. Again by Lenny Kravitz
10. Independent Women by Des
tiny's Child
1. Harlem Shake by Baauer
2. Thrift Shop by Macklemore and
Ryan Lewis
3. When I Was Your Man by Bruno
4. I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift
5. Scream and Shout by and
Britney Spears
6. Started From the Bottem by Drake
7. Stay by Rihanna
8. Suit and Tie by Justin Timberlake
featuring Jay Z
9. Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno
10. Love Me by Lil Wayne Featuring
Drake and Future
Maggie Kapplehoff
Daniel Kelley
Alexsis Kempin-Ellis
D'juan Kentcy
Marissa Kexel
Cecelia Kirkley
Tehra Kless
Alexis Kloiber
Hannah Knutson
Karl Koesser
Rachel Kostrzewa
Kyle Krellwitz
Alec Kruse
Savannah Ladewig
Kevin Landgraf
Karli Larsen
Tanner Larson
Veronica Leal
Morgan Ledford
Garrett Lehner
Leo Little
Anthony Loef
Jackulyn Lollis
Alonte Lopez
Jake Lundy
Tyler Lundy
Juwan Lyon
Asia Macklin
Carson Mahant
Samantha Mangold
Jared Maraccini
Haylee Marentes
Michael Margetson
Katelyn Martensen
Joshua Massimo
Kendrick Matthews
Anthony Mc Nair
Troy Mccain
Nicole McClain
Shane Mccolgan
Kelsey Mcgonegle
Bridget Nelson
Charles Mendoza
Shanley Menzie
Joseph Metallo
Christian Michaelis
Eric Miesbauer
Jovana Milankovic
Andrew Miller
Rachel Miller
Tricia Miller
Jacqueline Mongeau
Patric Moore
Richard Moorhouse
Taylor Moreland
Luis Moreno
Juni rs 71
What's the best part about
being a junior?
Not being a freshman .
What's your best excuse My father had a nervous breakfor not having homework down and used my homework
in on time?
to make paper dolls .
I saw batman being chased
What's the weirdest
thing that has happened by superman in the hallway
while I was taking a quiz.
to you in class?
If you were a Harry
Potter character, who
would you be and
Mason Muerhoff
Maya Muerhoff
Ashley Mukka
Sierra Mullis
Mark Munoz
Rachael Murray
Mahdi Museitef
Melissa Mutchler
Bridget Nelson
Jared Nelson
Kristyn Nelson
Levi Nichols
Alyssa Niles
Morgan Nixon
Samantha Nofsinger
Timothy Nolan
Timothy Nolder
Tom Nordquist
Katrina Novak
Jacob O 'neal
Devon Oenning
Emily Orr
Emma Oster
Melanie Oster
Jacob Oswalt
Rebecca Overman
Alexis Owens
ldalys Pabon
Let's be honest, Hagrid is one
sexy beast. He's the only logical choice for me .
Reice Papendorf
Jacquis Parker
Raekwon Parker
Joshua Parmentier
Sam Parrone
D'marcco Patrick
Jaden Peavy
Emily Pena
Abel Perez
Arlene Perez
Christian Perez
Nicholas Perri
William Pettit
Hannah Pfluegl
Nathan Piekos
Jacob Poore
Willie Pope
Emily Postl
Ryley Powell
Emilio Prado
Sierra Prisk
Cyrus Procarione
Lauren Prochniak
Francisco Puente
Sofia Puterbaugh
Alissa Racewicz
Alison Rasch
Jacob Rasch
Courtney Reeves
Jordan Reichel
Anthony Riddle
Markus Riemer
Danielle Riggins
Donzel Riggins
Alexandra Riley
Anthony Rixie
Katherine Rizzo
Taylor Roach
Scott Robbins
Connor Robinson
Michael Rodgers
Brandon Roe
Kevin Roepke
Paul Rollet
Elizabeth Roman
Tyler Rosen cutter
Trenton Roszkowiak
Kyle Rover
Nayree Ruiz
Omar Ruiz
Nathaniel Russell
Tiana Russell
Delsin Sanghvi
Nicholas Santelli
Nikolas Sauceda
Jessica Sawtell
Madalyn Schmaling
Chelsea Schmidt
Kyle Schroeder
Fallon Schultz
Sarah Schutzen
Cody Schwartz
Trenton Schwartz-Thuot
Joshua Schwer
Nicole Sciarra
Davion Scott
Breeanna Scuffham
Jordan Sentieri
Billy Sexton
Bradley Shaw
Emily Sheets
Shaquille Sheldon-Clanton
Damion Shepherd
Jalen Sherrod
Tyler Shircel
Christian Shreve
Selena Simmons
Stephen Siana
Bailey Slater
Sara Slaviero
Michael Smick
Travis Smith
Sidney Snyder
Joshua Sommer
Dylan Sorensen
Lauryn Sparks
David St Peter
Thomas Stancato
Danielle Strelecki
Melissa Sturycz
Kody Sullivan
Nathan Summers
James Takala
Joshua Taylor
Mon tray Taylor
Concetta Tebbe
David Tilch
Katherine Torchia
Raquel Torres
Angela Torres-Castillo
Kennedy Tracy
Olivia Trainor
Julie Tredup
Joseph Trentadue
Miranda Turman
Justin Udry
Lupe Vargas
Daegie Vasquez
Whitney Vasquez
Kaitlyn Verheyen
Austin Villani
Megan Walden
Nakia Wallner
Bridget Walsh
Katie Warren
Jessica Wasson
Melanie Weidner
Donovan Wesley
Kelijah White
Mallory White
Jerad Whitefoot
Kaitlyn Whyers
Arthur Williams
Dejuana Williams
Nashonda Williams
Anja Willkomm
Joshua Wilson
Patrick Wirth
Tihesha Wise
Bradley Woller
Joe Woods
Caden Wright
Zachary Yafchak
Alexa Zakutansky
Anthony Zarletti
Jacob Zigner
Timothy Zimmermann
You know you're from Tremper
when ...
Everyone is bad at
-Kyle Krellwitz
You bum it errrday.
-Katie Lynn Verheyen
Your school has a day off
from a water main break.
-Jacob Zigrier
Juni rs 75
Amber Andrew
Garrett Arnold
Brittany Ausse
Jonathan Back
Ryan Bailey
Bretl Bernhardt
Holly Bernhardt
Stojanka Bicanin
Andrew Bisciglia
Eric Boesch
Jamie E lsen
WGJ~'il~f3 ~@(!!]fl! f3'1l@f1!~
Q: What schools and when?
I want to major in athletic training at either Iowa University,
UW Milwaukee, or the University of Minnesota Twin -Cities.
Q: How are you going to stay involved at your college?
I am going to stay involved by joining choir and student
government. I also plan on working on campus to pay off my
student loans.
Q: What scares you most about college?
I think that having to fully support myself at school is something that will scare me the most next year.
Q: What makes you excited about college?
The fact that I will be living without my parents ' rules, and I
will be independent makes me very excited about the college
Uife next year.
Colleges that the majority
of the class of 2013 will be
attending in the fall.
Seni rs ?9
Barrett Frost
Nicole Fugate
Michael Gaertner
Grant Gagliardi
Maddy Gallo
Senior Clas~officers]
Trea ~ urer Kelly Barnd
Pre~ident Matt ghort
Vice Pre ~ ident A~ hley Zenner
gecretary Becky Knapp
WGJ6J'il~f3 ~@(![}[;) f3'fl@[[JW
: Did you receive any good advice about growing up?
"Don 't lose yourself. Be brave and bold, you can do anyhing darlin "' -My Papa.
: What scares you most about moving on?
The change in atmosphere will definitely be something to
et used to! Also, starting a new routine and being away from
riends and family.
: What are you planning on majoring in?
I would like to have a double major in psychology (or socilogy) and English, and minor in pre-law.
: Where are you interested in attending next year?
UW Madison, Whitewater, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, La Crosse,
nd the University of Minnesota Twin-Cities
wm~flP~ ~<V(!!]fil ~'il<Vfil~
: What colleges did you apply to?
My major would be in nursing and I applied to Carroll,
Valparaiso, Millikin, Lewis, Bradley, Minnesota -Twin Cities,
arquette. UW Eau-Claire, UW Oshkosh. UW Milwaukee. and
: Has high school benefited you for the future?
Yes, I feel like my AP and honors courses have given me a
ood foundation because I had great teachers that taught me
II of the material well.
: What are you afraid of/excited for for next year?
I am excited to start my career and to help others but I am
lso scared about passing my classes and being able to stay
aught up on all of my work.
: What advice did you receive in high school?
I was told that "if you work hard in high school. you won 't
ave to worry about getting accepted into college."
[six] word memoir
"Too neurotic to ever
be bored."
"I' 11 eat that for your
"I will, I will rock today."
"I play golf all the
"Without Google I
would not graduate."
"Don't for get to eat
your breakfast!"
Madeline Lew is
Caleb Littel
Karlie Loewen
Alex is Lond
Out of Time
[when 1s your curfew?]
before midnight
around 1:30
after 2:00
Meghan Lu x
Brianna Meier
Korri n Metz
Sabrina Miceli
WGJ6Jfl~f3 ??@(!!]flt f3fl@fl!W
Q: How do you plan on staying involved at school?
I'll probably stay involved by getting an on-campus job and
playing some intramural sports, or something else to stay in
Q: What was some great advice you received?
My band teacher, Mr. Covelli, told me "It's not where you
go that matters, it's what you make of it." I thought that was
great advice.
Q: Afraid of graduating? Or Excited?
The issue of paying for college scares me, but I am excited
that I get to be more independent.
Q: College: Where? When? What?
I applied to the University of Wisconsin Madison and the University of Minnesota. My applications were sent out in October,
and I would like to go into engineering.
Melissa Miller
Doug Molback
rr:JGJ(jJ 'il~ ~ 'f?@(!J]fJ) ~'il@fJl?W
Q: What do you think makes you anxious and nervous
~bout moving on to college?
My family is super close, so being away from them is going
to be scary for me. I am anxious to be independent, though .
Q: Have you decided on a major yet?
Well ... I have changed my mind a million times, but as of
!fight now, I am thinking about going into business or missions.
Q: Has high school prepared you for the next chapter?
Yes and no: starting high school I had no idea what I wanted to go for in college, but the last two years I have been tak1ing classes that are more geared to what I want to do.
Q: What schools caught your eye this year?
The schools I applied to were Norh Central University, UW
Parkside, and the Moody Bible Institute.
W<JJ6:l 'il~ ~ ~@(Jf][f] ~'il@[f]~
Q: Where did you apply for school and what do you want
to do?
I started applying in the summer of 2012 to UW Stevens
Point, UW Carthage, and North Michigan University. I want to
major in music education.
Q: How did high school prepare you for the future?
My high school career had helped me set a base of good
15kil/s that I will be using down the road.
Q: What good advice have you received about growing up?
"Put in the hard work during school and it will pay off after
you are out."
Q: What activities are you going to participate in at school
tnext year?
I plan to play rugby, participate in different musical ensembles, and hopefully find a job wherever I end up attending.
Joshua Rose
Top Warm -Up Songs:
1. Calvin Harris- Sweet Nothing
2. Family Force 5- Wobble
3. Skrillex- Scary Monsters
4. Pitbull- Give Me Everything
5. Justin Bieber- Beauty and a Beat
6. David Guetta- Titanium
7. Nicki Minaj- Va Va Voom
8. Skrillex- Bangarang
9. TobyMac- Me Without You
10. Macklemore- Thrift Shop
Se 1ors
S~rah ~uang is a biker, not the motorcy-
cling kind, but something more like Lance
Armstrong, only without the steroids. She
started at the age of five and has been un stoppable since. Cycling with the Olympic
Development team, Exergy twentyl6 , Sarah
bikes with some of the top cyclists in the
world . She has won multiple titles, including but not limited to the National Titles RR
and the Fifth Nation Criterium. Sarah bikes
with a passion and she intends to take biking as far as she can.
: What schools did you apply to and what would you like to
ajor in?
I started applying in September to Niagara University and
the University of Wisconsin Parkside. I plan on majoring in elementary education.
: What scares you about college and how do you plan on stayng involved?
Breaking out of the normal routine of high school scares
me. I plan on being involved in plays at my school.
: Do you think high school has prepared you for future years?
Yes, especially with the student partnership program and
the youth options prgram. It helped reassure me of what I want
to do.
: What excites you most about graduating?
Getting closer and closer to becoming a teacher. It is what
I have always wanted and I love kids. I just can't wait to get
there and teach my first class!
WGJ~'fl~~ 'i?@f!!l[f) ~'fl@IJ)~
Q: What scares you most about graduating and going to
A Graduating: Leaving behind the familiarity of the past twelve
years. College: Changing into a new chapter in life that I don't
know much about.
Q: What do you want to major in?
I plan on majoring in biology with a minor in Professional
Education studies at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater.
Q: Has high school set a good foundation for you to build
Yes, the challenges have taught me to adjust and adapt
quickly to new surroundings.
Q: What is a good piece of advice that you have received
bout growing up?
"The road ahead is an exciting one; just be sure to watch
out for the bumps along the way!"
Ethan Solms
Spirit: the 90's Way
The tradition of crownin~ Mr. and Ms.Tremper took place this year in 90s fashion. )eniors Tessa Weber and Collin Klimisch
took the title of bein the schools most spirited.
GC?emosgl~ngs of
l Whitney Houston
Gangnam Style
3 Hurricane San
iPad 3 4
5 Diablo 3
Kate Middleton
Amanda Todd
9 Michael Clarke Duncan
Tabitha Ziehr
Robin Zwickey
W{])tJJ'iJO~ ?'/@(!!]fJ) ~'il@fJl??~
Q: What schools have you applied to?
I applied to the University of Wisconsin Whitewater, Milwaukee, University of Minnesota, North Central University, and
Southeastern University.
Q: What scares/makes you excited about the upcoming
I am most afraid about the amount of work and the exams
but I am most excited about being able to live on my own,
without parents.
Q: When did you start applying and have you chosen your
school and major?
I started applying in October. Yes, I am going to Southeast~rn University and I will be majoring in business.
Q: What activities do you want to participate in in college?
I want to run cross country at Southeastern University, in
Going Further
Egg Drop
96 A . . .
1v1t1es an
dp .
Physics bridges falling down, falling down!
Physics class at Tremper isn't all about motion,
light, and electricity. The students had to take
on what is known as the impossible project,
building a bridge of popsicle sticks with many
specifications. Many students had a difficult time
completing this task. Building a bridge took
time, patience and strategy. Tragically, after
the weight had been placed on the bridge, the
bridge snapped and caved for most students.
Some lucky students dominated this unruly task
with careful design and techniques. The successful attempt of Megan Humphrey's bridge
made her very happy as this was not easy.
Wiggle jiggle, yellow middle, that's the best of
what you are. White and tender, surrond the
center!! -The Egg Song
Students come together to accept the
challenge of the egg drop. This legendary project assigned by Mr. jorsch requires that an egg be dropped from roof
of Tremper. The objective is to shelter
the egg, so when it hits the ground, it is
not scrambled.
Q: Why can't you tease egg
·~10A ~ ;;>~~4 4ou u~J A;;>Yl :
Geoloav Rocks!
..., \J
Tremper's inquisitive geology students closly examine the difference between various rocks. Types fluctuate
all the way from Cycad to Brachiopod. They even had
the opportunity to study Stromatolite Criniod. From
left to right, junior Taylor Bolyard and seniors Leanne
Pierangeli and jazz Peavy take a look at the Trilobite fossils before they take their first quiz on the rocks. They
must draw every fossil they analyze. They even inspect
the tiny cracks and holes on every single rock, making
sure they pay attention to every single detail.
EGGciting Fact!
Over 50 billion eggs are sol
each year!
T)!gical Tremger
Peri d
Getting the day started can be hard,
so take a couple of extra minutes to
sleep as senior Emma Hughe does.
Do not be fooled by this focused
bunch of people; yearbook is a fun
way to be creative.
If a student is well equipped for
Pre-universitaria Ashley Unner disfruta
la ultima ano de escuela secundaria por
participando en las actividades de la
math, AP calculus with Mr. Topel
is a great way to challenge yourself.
Lunchtime can arguably be everyone's favorite time of the day.
What can be better than eating
and being with friends.
Ty ical Tremper
Students learn how to express
themselves and work hard to improve their skills in theatre through
acting class.
One of the best parts of taking a bio class is participating in labs, especiall y the disections.
From fa ilun· to succ·c'""· s111a ll clmngcs in H
hridge dP"ig n ca n IX' il w diffcn· ncc• b e t\H'<'ll
:i t n l('l u a ll ~ :irn 1nd or ··1.ondon Bridge· i" Fu 11i ng Down ."·
sweet Re ease
So methin g th at ma ny stud e nts pray to have
included in their schdul e is the 8th pe riod release
so one ca n e njoy go in g ho me earl )'·
Teach me
Which books did students like best
over the past 4 years~
O ut of 100 students
he Color Purple
The Scarlet Letter
Invested in Studying
How to use your time
most effectively
• •
Boring book? Make it fun by reSometimes trying to study too
warding yourself with gummy bears much at one time can be counter
every time you reach a new secproductive and a break for your
=---~:-~~-:;------ brain is much needed.
10 - .
As lame as it may seem, planning
things in advance is one of the best
ways to get things accomplished.
Staying active is not only good for
the body, but also the brain!
What's Your Habit?
"My study
habit consists
of 30 minutes
of studying,
then a 15 minute break."
"I write noteca rds,
study in silence, and
take lots of
Junior Halle Cairo
Senior Christian
And the Beat Goes On
.......... oncert
plays make each of their concerts successthrough the auditorium ful.
Band allows students to show others
as the band hits the first
notes of the season to- the musical skills that they have learned
gether. Later, Mr. Covelli, in the classroom and outside of the
the director of the band, admitted that classroom during private lessons. "Be"When there is a schedule change, we ing able to work in one cohesive unit is
become very apprehensive about how such a magical experience," explained
students will be able to take the band junior Melissa Sturycz. Determined to
classes, but it has worked out well." play their very best, students often take
The band director went on to explain private lessons and participate in small
that all four bands have overcome the group ensembles. Solo & Ensemble is
new struggles of the new daily sched- the perfect opportunity for students to
ule, and have played very well. They exhibit their impressive skills in a perhave worked dilligently in order to sonal setting.
1. PLAYING FOR KEEPS. Juniors Melissa Sturycz and
Jessica Bonner play their french horns in perfect unison. The beautiful sounds that they let loose fill the
auditorium. 2. PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC. Tapping
out the beat with precision, Tyler Squires plays on
the timpani along with the conductor. 3. BLOWING
THE CROWD AWAY. Spencer Erdman watches Mr.
Covelli closely while correctly tonguing the notes.
Precision is very important for band instruments,
and students must learn how to control the intonation with their own air. 4. WHERE WORDS FAIL,
MUSIC SPEAKS. It is a bittersweet moment for John
Carswell as he plays along with his fellow musicians in
the first concert of his last year in band. CIRCLE.JAZZ
IT UP. Playing his tenor saxaphone, one of the most
unwieldy instruments for any band member, Aaron
Singer masterfully handles the instrument and leaves
the audience with a timeless performance that will last
a lifetime.
This year, ninety-one events were
performed by band students in district Solo & Ensemble; they had an
extremely successful year at the event.
Forty-nine events received a one star,
which meant that they advance to the
WS MA State Festival. This is a huge
achievement for the students; it is
also an honor. The Solo & Ensemble
competition has kept growing since its
inception and it will continue to grow
along with the band program. As the
notes fade out for the students this
year, all of the band participants can
certainly agree it was a great year.
Band members' favorite
notes to play
Sarah Huang- High D
on the flute "because it
sounds pretty without
much effort."
Kelsey Smith- D regular octave on
the oboe "because that is the
prettiest note on the oboe."
Nick Verheyen- B double flat on
the contra bassoon
William Schroeder- B flat on tuba
In Harmon~
motions were running
high and many singers
were nervous. Backstage
was dead silent, but one
- - - could almost hear the
tension in the air. The singers' faces
were stoic, plastered with a look of
nervousness and anticipation . It was
Tremper's first choir concert in November. It all started out quiet, but
once they stepped foot on that stage,
the crowd was anxious to applaud.
The sound of the parents and students that watched made them want
to perform to the best of their abili-
ties. Once the concert started and the
first song was over, they started to
get the confidence they needed. junior Sofia Puterbaugh stated, "I was
super nervous for the winter concert,
but once we started singing, I did
not even think about it. " Her sentiment was widespread; the students
of Tremper Choir all shined with the
tell-tale proud confidence that seems
to set Trojans apart in everything that
they do.
Mrs. Amborn, the choir's fearless
leader, topped off the night with a
moving, heartfelt speech delivered as
the students sang "Silent Night" qui etly. After the first concert was over,
all nerves were gone and they had a
blast at every concert. Senior Sam
Perez stated, "It was my last year here
at Tremper and performing in those
concerts was one of the best experiences I have had here. I still remem ber freshman year being so little and
scared to sing. Now it is all over. "
Choir performed many concerts, one
of them being the districtwide celebration choral fest. They were all a huge
success and everyone's performance
was truly outstanding.
1. BORN WITH TALENT. Stephanie Drake, Hudson Brown,
and Talia Engstrom had a blast at the winter concert held by
Tremper 's incredibly talented singers. These three artists make
their contribution known with experience and stage presence.
2. SINGING THEIR HEARTS OUT. Mr. Tremper Collin Klimisch
and JUnior Fallon Schultz sing Alleluia at the winter choir concert.
The song truly resonated with the audience and set a majestic
tone for the evening. 3. PITCH PERFECT. Senior Landan Boyle
and junior Elaine Aedo, two very talented voices, sing together
during the"Wildwood Carol." CIRCLE. NOTHING SHARP ABOUT
THESE GUYS. Maxwell Carson sings his solo with a strong set of
lungs. Along side him is senior Michael Holmen. He stated, -Having a solo makes me feel like I can work harder, sing better and
prove I am good at this."
a s your avor e
song to sing, and why?
"My favorite song to sing
is 'Adorn' by Miguel. I love
o sing this song because
e is one of my favorite
-Junior ToNaya Gulley
Ch ir l05
Classic is Ke)L
n many ways, an orchestra is
much li ke a student body; every member has a distinct part
to play, and when combined,
the results are harmonious. Orchestra can be found in many different types of entertainment, such as
movies, television , the background
of songs, and of course orchestra
concerts. Tremper students have
continued to take this mastery of
playing an instrument with their fingers and bows to a whole other
level. These talented students have
performed concerts throughout the
school year. They play classics from
Beethoven to modern day music.
Many started playing at an amateur
level in elementary school. Senior
Kimmy Stidd has played since she
was in fourth grade. High school
has taught these musicians how to
play at a higher skill level. Some of
them take it to the next level by joining Golden Strings. Many of the stu dents in Golden Strings say that it is
like having a full time job, but they
couldn 't imagine not being part of it
1. WHY HELLO THERE. Junior Anthony Henderson serenades
a member in the crowd of a Golden Strings concert. The members of golden strings often go out into the isle of the crowd
to engage the audience in the musical experience. 2. LIVE OUT
LOUD. Senior Andrew Bisciglia shows off his bass-playing skills.
His favorite song to play was, "Bohemian Rhapsody because we
played with the Air Force strolling strings." Andrew feels like
he is "ready to roll" before every concert because of all the hard
work and dedication he and the orchestral group have done. 3.
TAKE A BOW. Senior Oksana Pfaffle is known for her impact in
orchestra and Golden Strings with her involvment. Oksana has
been playing the violin for the past seven years. Playing the violin for an hour will burn one hundred seventy calories. CIRCLE.
CUE THE MUSIC. Mrs. Breitenbach's Symphonic Orchestra per
forms at their last concert of the year. This is Mrs. Breitenbach's
sixth year conducting at Tremper. Senior Caleb Littel performs
at his last concert. Through the years his talents have improved
greatly because of the time he has put in.
because it is such an amazing group.
Cellist and sen ior Caleb Littel says his
favorite part about orchestra would
be "playing for the lad ies at con certs."
Tremper is fortunate to have two
fabulous orchestras. The freshmen
and sophomores make up most of
the Concert Orchestra while the
juniors and seniors perform in the
Symphonic Orchestra. No matter
what orchestra they are involved in,
they all share a common interest that
makes them feel like part of a family.
The Anatomy of a
Pegbox [
cne araaes
hen you have already chosen your
english and history
courses, you still
need a few more credits to fill in your
schedule. That choice is entirely up
to you. Tremper has many alternative
classes to chose from, all of which are
appealing to all different types of students and incoporate different skills.
For those interested in more
hands on activities there is construction or manufacturing. Do you need
some help in the kitchen? Try taking
a foods class. For the more creative
students there is art or drama classes.
Focused on your future in the business
world? Marketing may be the elective
for you. These classes often keeps
students interested and break up the
monotony of the boring school day.
Reality Check: Taking Care of Business
Students who decide to take Personal Finance
get the opportunity to give life after high school
a test drive. During Reality Check, students are
assigned "lives," comprised of children, jobs, salaries, and the like. They have to buy a car, house,
and figure out how to pay the bills, taxes, set up
daycare, and other things to get prepped for the
"real world" situations.
Art class gives those with creative abilities a chance to express themselves.
Art classes are available at the beginner level all the way up to advanced ------~
placement. Rachel Koepke, freshman, plans to pursue her passion in art
for the years to come here at Tremper.
....___ _ _---"Z;;,....,.l
Electives [bv the numbers]
l 0 Music Classes
•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• •• •• • • • • • •
to choose from
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
l, 915
~ ~ Tremper
z ~
~ ~ Students
Marketing Students
".· 1·· , . . . ., ~. -·.£.lf . I
_\ ~ t..I, ' "_ !,_ "'>''.,c:l , '
. .. ~
•••••••••••••••••••• • •• ••••
8 periods a
day ... 45 ~
minutes each
••• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
8 Home Economics Classes
4 Foreign
· Languages ~
Construction classes are available for students who are into hands-on
activities. These kids learn to build useful items and have fun doing
it. Mr. Perry's class shows off their hard work. Noah Baas (left) displays
his Superman logos. Kyle Kutzler, David Claeys, Nick Seeley, and Joe
Woods (middle) stand proudly around their chest. Jake Wikstrom (right)
works on his dog house.
1. GO LONG! Senior Kato Nichols pulls back to complete
a touchdown scoring pass to one of his receivers. 2. RUN
FORREST RUN! "When I have the football, nothing else
matters. All I can think about is getting into the endzone,"
said senior Jazz Peavy. Here he takes the handoff from quarterback, senior Kato Nichols, and bolts toward the endzone
during the homecoming game against Franklin. 3. PROTECT THIS HOUSE. Senior Chris Luttrell and junior Kyler
Auston block the Franklin defensive line in order to make
a path for sophmore Tony Raimondi to run for the touch·
down. 4. HAIL MARY! Senior Braden Wisniewski, Tremper's
starting wide receiver, looks over his shoulder for a pass
from quarterback, senior Kato Nichols, as he outruns the
Franklin's defensive linemen.
t,rernoer·s iCJShin oosse
41m. .~. he
pride, the blood, field every game.
the sweat and the tears
The Trojans had a promising start
these young men leave to the season with wins over Bradon the field every Friday ley Tech and Case, but those were
night is just a small part followed by a dissapointing loss to
of being a football player at Tremper the newest addition to the conferHigh School. From two-a-days in the ence, Indian Trail. After the team 's
summer to balancing school work loss to both Indian Trail and Bradand outside activities during the year, ford, the Trojans had to step it up.
these boys are well -prepared for Tremper followed up with a big win
the season by Coach Matrise every over Park, which really got the team
year. One of his favorite sayings was, riled up and ready for more. Prepar"Leave it all under the lights tonight, ing for the rest of the season after a
boys! " which was one of many said couple tough losses is a hard thing
to the team before they took the to bounce back from. Like coach
Matrise alwasy says, "Don 't let losing
be on your mind before you take the
field. Think win! "
The team fought hard all season,
falling just short of the playoffs.
"Losing never stopped our fans from
showing up to our games whether it
was home or away," said senior Jared
Flasch . This shows the dedication of
not only Tremper's football team,
but the fans as wel l. The season was
a success because the team acquired
many skills and developed many relationships that will persist through the
time ahead.
"Head at the hip
and DRIVE!"
thing !"
The~ Can Dig can
it uou?
~. .- • he
Tremper girls volleyball team exceeded
expectations with their
record of 26-20 overall and a conference
record of 6-1. Every weekend they
went to different schools to compete with the top teams in the state.
This successful group of lady Trojans
was made up of eight seniors: Paje
Mader, Brooke Hartnell, Alex Hagen ,
Brooke Landre, Meghan Lux, Ashley
Zenner, and captains Samantha Weber and Tessa Weber. There were
three juniors, one sophomore, and
three fresh men. Together they created a bond to achieve excellence.
During the beginning of the season, a new atmosphere for the girls
existed and everyone needed to make
adjustments in order to succeed. In
conference they easily defeated all
teams except Bradford. The girls
saved up their frustration and used it
in the conference tournament later in
the season when they beat the Bradford Red Devils 25-11 and 25-18. That
was the turning point for the team.
After the conference tournament,
the team had been changed and was
feeling like they really had a good
chance at state. They were seeded
sixth going into regionals, and their
first challenge was to take on Wilm ont. The Trojans were able to shut
them down and sweep them in three
games. After regionals, the Trojans
played their crosstown rivals, the
Bradford Red Devils, and lost, but
it was the team's strongest preformance yet. The girls gave it their all
throughout the season, and the fans
could definitely see their heart, spirit,
and dedication in every bump, set
and spike.
Every Saturday morning, the girls traveled an hour or two on a bus to
compete in tournaments. When asked what they do to get ready for the
games, the girls replied w ith:
"I get pumped for game time by listening to my music."
-Juliana Tirabassi
"Singing and eating hot cakes with Meghan all the
time. " -Charlotte DuJardin
"Dancing and singing with everyone to get pumped up
before games." -Ashley Zenner
1. WHILE READING THE HITIER. Senior Tessa Weber goes up to block
a tip from rival, Bradford. She says, "The first line of defense is blocking
so it's nice when someone gets one, and it helps out the back row a lot
,too." 2. ENERGY ON AND OFF THE COURT. Senior Paje Mader and
sophomore Sarah Konchan cheer for team members during the game
agianst the rival Red Devils. 3. HERE IT COMES! Senior Brooke Hartnell
looks on as freshman Juliana Tirabassi prepares to hit the ball. 4. BRING
ING THE HEAT. Sophomore Sarah Konchan goes up for a hit. "When I
get a kill I feel like I'm on top of the world." 5. DOING WHAT SHE DOES
BEST. Senior Samantha Weber sets a hitter up for a swing. She says, "The
best feeling in the world is when the hitter puts my set away for a kill!"
1. COOL, CALM AND COLLECTED. Senior Matt Dolnik
shows his more relaxed side when it comes to the games. He
says, "Playing with all my fellow classmates made for a fun and
entertaining game." 2. OH BOY, THIS IS GOING TO HURT.
Junior Marcus Riemer jumps high above the net for a block
aganst rival Bradford. The players in the front row have the
responsiblity of defending any spike made from the other team
with a move called a block. 3. MAKING IT RAIN. Senior Michael
Wamboldt goes to unleash his serve. Random fact about Michael: he always bounces the ball three times and spins it once
before he serves. 4. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!! Middle hitter,
sophomore Bryce Frost and oustide hitter, senior Aaron Bakkila go up for a double block. The two put up a solid wall that
makes it hard for the opposing team to get a kill. 5. LET'S GO
TROJANS! Seniors Eric Ciszewski, Caleb Littel and Guy Evans
celebrate a point for their team. Volleyball is one of the few
sports where there is a celebration for each point scored.
Been There
aua cnac
fter losing ten key varsity seniors, the Tremper boys voll eyball team
had big shoes to fill.
Senior varsity veterans
Aaron Bakkila and captains Michael
Wamoldt and Collin Klimisch led the
team to a successful season. They fin ished 15-13-6 overall and were 4-5 in
conference. Conisting of two fresh man, two sophmores, three juniors,
and eight seniors, the team exceeded
all expectations.
The games were always full of excitement and energy. The team
chemistry outshined that of a normal volleyball team .They showed off
their fast-paced sets and high jumpers when it came to running their
offense. Other teams never stood a
chance when one of these guys went
with the opportunity to spike. OThe
guys showed off their fast tempo
when they played Westosha Central
in the middle of the season.
Their level of play versus Central
was one of the most memorable and
exhilarating matches of the season .
It was impossible to attend one of
these games and not absorb all of the
energy coming off of the court.
Their diverse skill set brought them
to regionals, where they beat their
cross-town rivals, Bradford, in a nailbiting five games. In the following
round of the playoffs, the Trojans
stole one game from the number
one seeded Burlington to end the
season on a high note.
Many attributes led to the team 's
great season , such as the team 's
depth in skill level. When asked what
made the season so successful, the
team as a whole decided it was, indeed, "their amazingly good looks."
II vou could have anv superhero power on the court, what would if be?
"The abil1tty to slow down time because mlle_~ball
depends on t he pre\'1ous pass, set, or hi t and more
ti me wo uld allow .:JOU to P.ertect ,:iour part" .
- Sopho more David The1ne
" Invisibility, so that they would 'nt know
whether I'm tiPPiM or hittiM the ball so I
would catch them off iward".
- Junior Kevin Landgraf
"Tke a.btlt~'.:1 ~o ~o sea. a.1-\Lr' l jus~ ltke ~ke pow.>er".
-Sopkor'flor e 13r'.:1ce i=ros~
1. PUSH IT TO THE END! Junior Abigail Bleil sprints through
the chute with the burst of adrenaline that comes from the
cheering of the crowds, the ever nearing finish line and clock·
ing ticking away the seconds to a personal record. 2. AND
THEY' RE OFF! Seniors Brittney Feivor, Katelyn Pena, and ju
niors Anna Cole, Margaret Huck and Abigail Bleil line up on at
the start line during what is perhaps the most never racking part
of the race. Huck says, "Running is one of the most challenging,
yet rewarding things I have ever done." 3. LOOK AT HIM GO.
Senior Kyle Dreger puts everything he has left into a strong
finnish as he uses his last burst of adrenaline to get his personal
record. 4. GO HARD OR GO HOME. Seniors Brandon Klink
hammer and Maxwell Carson and sophomore Mitch Maeguard
run together and have grown to become a close team over the
Hannah Knutson uses her burst of adrenaline in order to finish
strong and get a new best time.
Across the
ne st,e at, a Cime
ashing through the
fields in the crisp Au tumn air, the runners
take their mark, and
then the gun goes off
and the runners start! Cross country
is probably the least watched sport
at Tremper, but it is also one of the
most difficult. Each day the members
of the cross country team went out
and ran an obscene amount of miles
as a warm up, and then, as if that were
not enough, they continued by doing
sprints of one sort or another. The
boys' and girls' teams, although they
trained separately, worked towards
the same goals, and both strived to
make it to State.
This year the boys got third at
Sectionals and the girls fourth. As a
result, the team did not qualify for
State. However, Tremper did have
three qualifiers. The State meet has
one of the most challenging courses
in Wisconsin. With an uphill finish
and the top runners in Division One
all competing for the State title, this
meet is exceedingly competitive.
Senior Brandon Klinkhammer qualified for state; he ran a 17:21 earning
himself a place of 127 out of the 190
best runners in Wisconsin. Senior
Brittney Feivor, one of the captains,
won Sectionals, securing her fourth
State appearance. She finished with
a time of 14:58, placing eighteenth
of the 190 runners. junior Abby
Bleil, also a Varsity captain, ran with
Brittney at State. Abby's fourth place
finish at Sectionals propelled her to
run a 15:44 at State, finishing 79th. Although neither the boys nor the girls
qualified as a team, there were great
individual accomplishments and high
hopes exist for next year.
Getting to know the runners ...
Q: If you could run
anywhere. where
would you run?
A: I would want
to run on the Great
Wall of China.
-Sr. Matt Short
Q: What is your favorite memory about
cro country?
A: Ending a run with
le s clothing than I
started with. o mas
pantalones !
-Jr. Anna Cole
1. EYE ON THE PRIZE. Senior Annie Smith finishes her second
shot into the green. Annie has been known throughout the sea·
son to be consistant and a great person to play with, she is always
having fun and making jokes during the round. 2. LET ME SEE
YOUR HIPS SWING. Sophomore Lily Torres follows through on
her second shot with an iron. Playing as the fifth varisity golfer on
the team, she stepped up to the plate when her team needed her,
always doing her best. 3. PICTURE PERFECT POSE. Senior Allie
Smith holds her follow through after dominating a tee shot. "This
season has been one of the most memorable and successful, we
all experienced a greater sense of what it means to be a team,"
says Allie. 4. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE READ. One of the strongest
putters on the team, senior Kayla Asleson carefully reads a par
putt. Putting is one of the most important aspects of the game,
it takes a lot of practice and techinique to become an exeptional
putter. 5. SWING. BREATH. REPEAT. Hitting countless golf balls
on the driving range, senior Annie Smith and sophomore Lilly Tor·
res work endlessly at practice in order to keep up with their game.
Rain, wind, or shine, the dedication of this team could not be
stopped for anything, practicing whenever the oppurtunity arose.
oucc Por aouon
ressure. Intensity. Drive.
Three principles this
team lived by during the
season. Although one of
the most successful seasons in Tremper Girls Golf history, it
did not come easily. All five members
of the varsity team spent countless
hours practicing for the one moment they had all been waiting for:
Sectionals. Their dedication to this
sport led them to a third consecutive first place finish in conference,
county, and regionals. "This year's
group has been the most hard work-
ing yet. This shows through their
improvement as golfers and through
their scores," says Coach Phipps.
With the many ups and downs this
season, they still managed to succeed as a team; three of the top four
varsity players qualified for the allconference team. "I am so proud of
the whole team for how the season
went. We had so much fun, which
only added to all the things we accomplished," says senior Allie Smith.
Beyond the green, the team grew
as a unit. "I could not have asked for
better teammates. We all worked
really hard this season and we were
more than just a team; we were a
family," says senior Kayla Aselson.
Being an individual sport as well as
a team sport, the girls took it upon
themselves to do team-bonding activities in order to create more of
a team atmoshpere. Senior Annie
Smith says, "Stopping at Starbucks
before a match would always get us
pumped up to get our mental game
ready as well as our physical game."
This season will definitely go down
in Tremper's history with all of the
memories made and records broken.
G>If Attire
171 Visor or hat with OOll marker
~ and a {Xlir of frffih shades
[ZJ Oub of choice and ~ove
171 Printed {X)lo in any mlor,
~ mllar {X)Pixtl optional
171 Kaiki shorts or skort with a
~ Nike belt
[ZJ Spikes with mlorful laces
1. STAYING FOCUSED.Junior Taylor Bolyard rallies with Oak Creek
at number two singles, earning a win for her team. 2. WICKED
SERVE. Senior Katie Stoebe makes a power serve against Franklin at
number one doubles. Katie Stoebe and Taylor Bolyard went on to
play in the state tournament at number one doubles and finished in
the top sixteen. 3. DETERMINATION. Senior Becky Knapp returns
the ball against crosstown rivals, Bradford. Becky and her partner,
sophomore Melanie Ebener, placed second in the conference tournament. 4. NUMBER ONE DOUBLES. Senior Danielle Sepanski returns
a serve against Racine Case at number one doubles with senior Katie
Stoebe. Danielle and Katie placed third in the conference tournament. Danielle said, · My favorite part of playing tennis is being able to
do what I love with my close friends." 5. SHE'S ALL SMILES. Senior
Bianca Ricker turns the score cards in her favor during her match at
sectionals. Bianca played at the number three and four singles spot
throughout the year. CIRCLE. EAT YELLOW FUZZ. Freshman Maya
Sanghvi warms up her volleys before her match against Franklin at
number three singles. Maya placed first in the conference tournament at number three singles and advanced to sectionals at number
two singles.
aee see ·cause uou·re no maecn
. .- -or the past couple of years,
conference has been a breeze
for Tremper's varsity tennis
team. Unfortunately, this
year they suffered a three to
four loss and took second place in the
conference tournament. Coach Tom
Pacetti told the team, "I could not be
more proud of how we ended our season." They definitely did not hold back
during their conference meets, with a
record of seven and one.
After losing eight of the varsity seniors
from last year's team, the JV players really had to step it up big time. Senior
Becky Knapp played number two sin-
gles on JV blue last year and made a big
jump to number two doubles on varsity
this season. "It's been hard work, but in
the end I know it's only made me a better player."
Throughout the season, the line up
was continually changing. However,
these changes did not seem to phase
the girls at all. "When I am down in a
match, I think about how badly I want
to win and play for not only myself, but
my team too," says senior Megan Humphreys.
After moving through conference and
sectionals, junior Taylor Bolyard and
seniors Megan Humphreys and Katie
Stoebe moved onto the state tournament. At number one singles, Megan
finished sixth and the number one doubles team of Katie and Taylor placed in
the top sixteen.
The girls stuck together on and off the
court. On the court, they were always
sitting in the bleachers cheering on their
teammates. Off the court, they hung
out, had pasta parties (which included
cupcake fights) and made a float for the
homecoming parade. They were truly a
tight-knit group. All in all, the girls had
a successful season, and the underclassmen plan on coming back even stronger next year.
What' in your bag?
(with Megan Humphreys. Rachel Miller.
Bianca Ricker. and Katie toebe)
fool powder
and 1oney
Girls Ten is 123
Talk With Your Feet
oLau wicn uour nearc
~. .- • ime flies when you are hav-
ing fun, and no one knows
that better than senior Jake
Wikstrom, who said, "The
beginning of the season
was bittersweet because I love playing
soccer, yet I knew, being a senior, that
was to be my last year. The beginning
of this season was much different from
previous ones, but it was still fun." As
the year went on, practices seemed to
become shorter, games became more
intense, and the bonds between teammates grew stronger. "It was sad to
see the season end," said senior Scott
Stoebig. "I have played with a lot of the
guys on our team for a long time and
I knew I would not play with them ever
again. So, hanging out with the guys
every day was nice."
It was not all fun and games, however. The team had serious work to
do before they could call it a season.
"The middle of the season was pretty
tough," said junior Josh Parmentier,
"We had a devastating game and it
made us realize that we need to kick it
in gear if we want to make it to state."
Their hard work paid off. With 20 wins,
the boys easily earned their title of sec-
tional champions, and coach Tindall
could not have been prouder. "We had
a great blend of personalities on this
year's team. The group was a joy to
be around day in and day out. Coach
Keller, Coach St. Peter, and I were
thrilled to have such a skilled group of
players who were also great studentathletes to be around. Our senior class
was phenomenal both on and off the
field and provided superb leadership
throughout the season." This great
season for the boys soccer team left
high expectations and great anticipation for next year's season.
Sen ior Scotty Stoebig (on left) and professional soccer player.
Christiano Ronaldo (on right). show off their perfect form
whil e passing the ball down field .
iAlll•mli;:i 1. RAIN CAN 'T STOP HIM. Sophomore Rafael Munoz showed dedication
while it is raining throughout the game. 2. BEND IT LIKE SKOWRONSKI.
Senior Tye Skowronski displayed his stupendous soccer skills as he vollied
a ball that was about to go out of bounds. 3. HARD WORK PAYS OFF.
Soccer is definitely team sport. As sophomore Jaime Colin said, "My soccer team was very fun to work with. We chilled and stayed mellow at all
times. I loved to work with my guys." 4. GETIING HIS HEAD IN THE
GAME. Senior Ben Gunhus jumped in front of an oncoming defender
for a nice header. 5. THE FIELD OF FOCUS. Junior Tommy Cornell
stated, "There is no better feeling than stepping on that field and playing
with my teammates." CIRCLE. Sophomore Jamie Colin got between an
oncoming defender and the ball as he recieved a pass from his teammate.
Boys Soc er 125
Testing the Waters
nzo: ewo Dares neare. one oare obsession
~-• hlorine: the breakfast of
champions that is. On top
of winning their confer...,._~ ence , this year's girls swim
team went undefeated , 7-0, and they
were one of the few fall sports to defeat
our cross town rivals, Bradford.
"My favorite memory would have to be
when we won conference. It was so exciting and a very fun experience to share
with the team," states sophomore Aleena Villani. When asked what their favor ite memory of the season was, most of
the girls said winning conference. Some
girls had other interesting and unique
memories. junior Em ily Diggins says her
favorite memory was "getting so close
with all of the girls and having so many
jokes together ,,.JoeSwagg," while Alex
Riley fondly remembers the "away meet
at Neenah because they have the warmest water compared to the others."
The team took third in sectionals, unfortunately ending their exceptional season . These girls worked extremely hard
throughout the fall, putting in endless
hours of work in the freezing cold pool.
For many seniors, including Kia Wagner,johrie Hicks, EmilyWerve, Holly Ber-
ndhardt, Leanne Pierangeli , Kimberlee
Ruiz, Katelyn Goll and Kelsi Rakow, it is a
bitter-sweet moment. Their highschool
swimming carreer has come to an end ;
however, it is just the beginning of the
rest of their swimming careers. Some se niors are inspired to continue swimming,
including senior captain Kia Wagner,
who said, "I love the sport and the com petitiveness of it all, especially pushing
yourself toward your goals throughout
the season." Others will be moving on
to the next step in the timeline of their
lives, not matter the case, all will certainly
remember this incredible season.
' ' As a first year varsity swimmer I had the best
and most supportive teammates, which made
this season an un~ rgett ble experience.,
-F~ hman Carrie Sia
Carrie Underwood.
- Senior Kimberlee Ruiz
I donr know. Seven?
- Sophmore Sara Santelli
2 What size fee' does
Missy Franklin have?
4 What IS Missy Fran ri's
I'm goning to guess size 8.
-Junior Bonnie Dietrick
Miss ... ?
- Senior Kelsi Rakow
1. TWIST AND SHOUT. Senior Holly Bernhardt uses all of her might
to spin through the air in the nerve-racking meet against Bradford.
2. BACK IT UP. Junior Becca Borhcardt backstrokes her way to
victory. 3. READY, SET, GO! Pouncing off the starting block,
sophomore Aleena Villani dives in ahead of her competition, getting a good start is essential to any type of race. 4. REDBULL GIVES
YOU WINGS! After getting pumped by "listen[ing) to music and
drink [ing) red bull: senior Leanne Pierangeli swiftly flips off of the
diving board to complete her dive. 5. FIERCE FREESTYLE. Senior
Kia Wagner nimbly glides past the competition as she completes her
freestyle race. This was Kia's first year advancing her way to sectionals. 6. DIVING IN. Senior Emily Werve flawlessly executes her dive . .----
Girls Swimmi g l27
it;s aoina co oe L:eaenaaru
~--• remper's
aquatics program is one of the strongest in the conference.
Headed by Coach Kosman and the elected
senior captain, Lloyd Sorrell, this
year's team was one of the best our
school has seen. "It is hard to find
a team that has the dedication, work
ethic and determination to match
this year's group. It does not come
around often, but when it does,
you know that the season is going
to be great," said Coach Kosman.
One might think the swim team
spends all of its time in the water,
but they also have what they like to
call "dry land." This rigorous train ing routine consists of a series of
exercises that include sit-ups, pushups, running up and down stairs
and snaking the pool balcony.
There is also the infamous Hell
Week that each swimmer dreads from
the start of each season. Hell Week
is one of the most intense weeks of
the swim season; it is a time when
practices become more challenging,
the swimmers are pushed to their
absolute limits, and when the team
prepares themselves for the biggest
meets of the season. "Although Hell
Week is extremely hard, Ithink it is one
of my favorite parts of the season. It
pushes me to get my times down and
it shows me how much hard work can
pay off," said senior Lloyd Sorrell.
After finishing third at Conference and fourth at Sectionals, junior Collin Duchene managed
to qualify for the State meet,
making the season a success.
1. EAT MY BUBBLES. Senior Lloyd Sorrell butterflies his way to victory as
he swims the IM (individual medley). Lloyd was voted senior captain by
his fellow teammates for his extreme dedication, hard work and pure awe
someness. 2. JUST ADD WATER. Coming up for air during his 100 free style race, junior Ryley Powell sprints to finish the meet strong. This can
take a lot out of a swimmer; these moments are when it becomes more
of a mental struggle than physical. 3. EXPECT THE BEST. Sophomore
Jordan Littel performs a dive during competition in hopes of receiving a
high score. Littel says, "I like earning cheeseburgers from my coach when
I accomplish one of my goals." 4. HERE GOES NOTHING. Mentaly pre
paring himself for another heat junior Tyler Schirel steps up to the block
to compete. His hard work in and out of water has prepared him well
for meets. CIRCLE. ONE MORE LAP? OK. As one of Tremper's most
promising swimmers, junior Collin DuChene looks up at the scoreboard
after finishing his laps to see the time and place he received.
Boys Swimmi g 129
1. GET OPEN! Sophomore Abbey Gross looks to pass the ball to a
teammate in hopes of making an assist. Gross has played basketball
at Tremper for two years so far; this talented sophomore has high
prospects for the seasons to come in Tremper's basketball program.
2. TAKING POINT. Four year varsity athlete and senior captain Megan
Humphreys brings the ball up court. Whether a quick pass to an open
teammate or a move to the basket, she 1s known to create movement
on the floor. 3. DRIVE HARD OR GO HOME. Sophomore Gina Caira
makes a strong move toward the lane. Being her first year on varsity,
Gina has improved her game a lot to be a key member for the Trojans' success. 4. YOU SAY JUMP, I SAY HOW HIGH? Senior Nwoye
Green is challenged by one of Oak Creek's players on a shot. More
commonly known as Nana, she has been a four year varsity member
of the girls basketball team and her presence as the 5'10" power house
will be missed in the years to come. 5. LET'S GO! Junior Marie Castanuela is very determined to start the game strong. Her surrounding
teammates are very supportive as they cheer her on for a victory in
team circles up before the game to do their pregame ritual. This not
only gets the girls pumped up for the game, but gets the crowd going as well.
c inas are oeccer cnac wau
asketball is a game of
fundamentals . Skill and
natural talent will only
get a player so far on
the court. If one does
not have the basics down pat, one
will not get anywhere. That is why
the girls of Tremper Basketball practice so often and practice so hard.
"Basketball becomes a life style of
hard work and perseverance," says
senior Amber Danyus. That dedication showed in their scores. With
the combination of speed and size,
the depth of this year's team was
outstanding. Senior Nwoye Green
led the team with an average of 10.2
points per game. She could not have
done it without her team , of course.
Throughout the season, as the girls
honed their craft, they grew to be the
closest of friends. "Spending time on
the bus and at pasta parties was when
we became more than just teammates," says sophomore Gina Caira.
The girls finished with a respectable conference record of 6-8. The
coaches, of course, couldn't be more
proud of the hard work the girls put
into this year's season. Some high-
lights of the season include the dramatic games against rival Bradford
and the tense competition with Indian
Trail. "Being able to beat our school
rivals all four years I played was awesome! " exclaimed four year senior
varsity member Megan Humphreys.
The girls certainly did grow closer over the course of the season.
Facing difficult opponents fused
these individuals into a true team
that worked hard and cared deeply
for one another. As a result, the
girls of Tremper Basketball made
bonds that will last a lifetime.
Tl'iple Thl'ea
Junior Morgan Ledford
1. GET YOUR GAME ON. Senior Derek Bryant has his game face on
as he steps up to take a shot against Lake Forest Academy. Tremper
took home a win of 60 · 37. 2. NOTHING BUT NET. Junior Logan
Hopf takes a free throw. These guys take their warm-ups seriously.
Before every game, they warm up with lay-ups, free-throws, and
some fancy ball drills. This starts the momentum and gets the fans
pumped up. 3. DRIBBLING DOWN THE COURT. Senior Brandon
Harris dribbles past his opponent from Park. Harris played point
guard and never seemed to disappoint. 4. ZERO GRAVITY. Junior
Carl Anderson goes for a lay-up during an intense game. His favorite
moment this season was when Coach Plato snapped his clipboard.
5. LET'S HAVE A POW WOW. The team talks abouttheir strategies
during an important game. Timeouts are a great way for the team
to regain their momentum. The team went 13-9, taking fourth in the
southeast conference tournament. CIRCLE. KEEP YOUR HANDS
UP. Junior Davion Scott plays great offense while looking for an
open shot. Tremper played a spectacular game with a 50 39 win
against Racine Park. Before every game, Davion prepares by "listening to my playlist and getting some shots up." Come game time, he
is completely focused on the challenge that lies ahead.
ct ball
SLarn aunhi · co ui oru
ith a record of
13-9-0, the boys
basketball team
united as one
amazing competition. They had very
difficult games against hometown
rivals, Indian Trail and Bradford,
but in the end they were victorious.
Even though the games were tough,
junior D'Marcco Patrick said his favorite moments of the season were
"playing against ITA and Bradford."
Most of the team has been playing basketball since they were seven
years old. These players could not
have done it without the inspiration of pro basketball players like
LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Michael Jordan and so many more.
There is no doubt the crowd
helped Tremper stay focused and
motivated. They won eight out
of their eleven home games. They
started off strong with a four game
winning steak, but the competition
got rough towards the end. Luckily, the team pulled through, taking
fourth in the conference tournament.
They always know how to keep
themselves motivated . Senior captain Connor Norris tells himself,
"Tomorrow is a new day; I know my
team is always behind me, and I can
always count on them to push me
and keep me going. " All of their hard
work paid off as they moved onto
the playoffs. Unfortunately, they lost
against Beloit Memorial in regionals.
As each season comes to an
end, every team hopes to look
back fondly on a successful season. This year, the boys basketball
team can look back and know that
they gave it their all.
to be your best friend . Preparing for the pin, sophomore Donnie
Lipper intimidates his opponent with an icy cold stare! 2. STAND
ING TALL. Junior Trent Schwartz resists a single leg takedown from
his opponent. Each wrestler has a favorite pin combination, a com·
bination of moves that hopefully results in a pin. By blocking or
stopping a move, the opponent"s combination is ended. 3. CAN'T
TOUCH THIS. As an opponent from Racine Park attacks from be·
hind, sophomore Diabolique Sherrod attempts to turn the tables
and take him down. 4. I JUST WANTED A HUG!!! First year wres
tier sophomore Jesse Hill works toward a pin to make this match a
complete success. A takedown 1s the act of bringing an opponent
to the ground, while a pin is achieved when one wrestler holds the
opponent's shoulders to the mat for a certain amount of time; the
latter of these is the condition for victory. 5. NICE SHOES!!!!!! Se
nior A1ex Carevetta says, "Once I get on the mat, there is nothing
else; I am completely focused on the guy in front of me." It is this
that makes him an unrelenting opponent. CIRCLE. HERE COMES
THE BOOM!!!! "Each pin, takedown, and win helps me to realize
hard work pays off. I would have never been able to achieve my
goals without giving 100%," states senior Jared Nicolas.
t,ahina aown t,ne cornoet,it,ion
~--• he upper gym at T rem-
per High School plays
host to a competition
as old as the Greeks: the
sport of wrestling. Perhaps less observed than other modern sports, wrestling is nonetheless a
test of skill and endurance in which
only the fittest survive and succeed.
Taking an immense amount of training and preparation, wrestling does
not have an "off season" in the traditional sense. The time spent away
from the mat is usually spent sliding
into a new weight class, putting on
muscle, or training the body to a new
level of tenacity. The wrestlers guzzle protein shakes and go on multiple mile-long runs in order to make
sure they are fit for competition.
Unlike many other sports, wrestling
is a one-on -one competition. When
engaging an opponent, there is noth ing between him and his adversary,
no teammates to soften the impact.
The intensity of a wrestling match
demands an immense amount of
focus, something other sports
do not require. That is not to say
there is not an emphasis on team work; entire matches may fall upon
the shoulders of an individual, but
each match comtributes to the to tal score, the score of the team. As
such, the wrestlers learn to support
one another on and off the mat to
ensure their success and survival on
a team and an individual level. The
competitors work, play, and train
together. They form bonds based
on their mutual passion for wrestling
and their mutual desire to succeed.
Bend at the knees and
maintain a low position.
Start with your feet
slightly wider than shoulder width apart, distribute
- - your weight evenly, and
stay on the balls of your
Wrestli g l35
hether it's doing suicides on the ice for sixty seconds or eating a crazy amount of carbs the day before a game, come Friday night, this team is ready to
work. With a record of 10-10-1, it is always a great feeling to take home a win, not just for the players, but
for the fans too. Thunder brings the momentum, but the fans keep it alive.
Many of these guys have been playing since they were six years old, such
as senior, Alex Buban. "My dad inspired me, along with playing street hockey
with my neighbors during the summer." It is always exciting when beginning a
new sport and discovering the love for the game. Hockey isn't always fun and
games though. Having the right mind set is essential when going into each
and every game. Senior Sam Kok says he usually thinks about how many minutes are left until the period is done. This helps him focus on the task at hand.
Over the past four years, this team has become so close, which has made them
very successful. It will be exciting to see what they bring to the ice next season.
Senior Jake Dawiec
a Pindi a oaLance
ave you ever tried to flip over a bar five times in a row
and then jump onto another and do it all over again?
Well, if you are a Tremper gymnast, then it is nothing
new. These girls have what it takes to do countless flips
and stunts again and again while under major pressure to
beat the competition's score. This year's gymnastics team had a lot of
new girls and lost some old ones, but it has not stopped them from
having an amazing season. "I was really excited this year to get togeth er with my new team and get ready to compete this year," said junior
Krystal Evans. It has been a tough season, but they fought through
it and made it to conference. This team knows how to work together and cheer each other on even when the opponents are tough.
Hockey and Gymnast cs
J 37
Reaching Their Goals
all it: Cahes 1s all cneu·ue aoc
any people maintain
that soccer is one of
the most physically
demanding and exhausting sports in
existence, but it is also a mentally demanding game. Therefore, it takes a
team with true grit and character to
have any kind of success playing this
very difficult sport.
Reaching their goals was the theme
for the 2013 girls soccer team. With
nineteen wins and only four losses,
Tremper's varsity was on fire this season. They took first place in Confer-
ence for the fourth year in a row, and
were seeded first in sectionals. They
did lose in the quarterfinals of state
to De Pere.
A lot of how the team performs
reflects on the coaching and leadership of the entire team. Coach Todd
Hardy believes that team bonding is
a big part of having success on the
field and off. The team had the experience of a lifetime this year in terms
of team bonding by getting the opportunity to go to the National Gaurd
Armory and do team and leadership
building activities. These activities
included trust falls from a truck and
blind- folded tricyle rides. This trip,
early in the season, got the team
prepared for the games to come by
building a stronger team atmosphere
in order to increase chemistry on and
off the field. Senior Jordan Holling
sworth played in the stopper position
all year and said, "I enjoy the ability to
see the entire field and be involved
in most plays, both offensively and
defensively." The coordination and
communicatioin between the all star
offense and unstoppable defense is
what really sets this team apart.
"Eigh1 ha' been my number
'incc I 'taned playing 'occer. and II feel' "eird wearing
any 01her one ... - cnior Alex
.. I like 1he number nine and ii
gi'e' me good luck."
- Sophomore Madi,on Munroe
1. YOU 'RE LOOKIN ' AT A WINNER. Junior Katie Verheyen takes a
touch as she looks to make a pass to her Trojan teammates. 2. STAY
ING TOUGH . Senior Emma Hughs prepares to stop the ball as the Oak
Creek opponents attempt to pass her. Tremper took home a win of 4-1.
3.THE BALL STOPS HERE. Senior Allie Smith dives for the ball during
warmups before Tremper's annual Go Pink game. 4. LET THE FEET
DO THE TALKING. Playing stopper and outside defense, senior Jordan
Hollingsworth clears the ball out of the midfield. 5. RUNNING FOR
DAYLIGHT. Senior Abby Sirocchi outsprints her defender m pursuit of
the ball. Abby has been playing soccer since she was only 8 years old.
CIRCLE. YOU JUST GOT BURNED. Senior Lizzie Hawbaker performs
her favorite move, a step over, to get past a defender. Step over: a
quick and easy move used to fake a defensive player into thinking the
offensive player is going to move into a direction in which she does not
intend to move.
Overcoming Obstacles
a race aaainse eirne
other nature may
have been an issue
for the girls this
year, but they ran
through it by starting off the season indoors. Sophomore Lilly Torres says, "I love indoor
racing because it really gives you
a chance to find out how fast you
can be. " The first two meets were
canceled because the weather was
terrible. "Straight practice for two
weeks, " states junior Sam Nofsinger,
"provided the opportunity for great
bonding time with the team and
competing against eachother to get
a faster time." Track meets are not
rescheduled; therefore, the outdoor
season was shortened quite a bit.
Senior Brittney Feivor and juniors
Danielle Riggins and ToNaya Gul ley were the three power houses to
make it to state. They enjoyed the
journey there, but when they entered
the track, it was time to put on their
game faces. "Being in three events
is exciting; it gives you a chance to
score more," said the excited ToNaya
Gulley. According to the team, there
was never a dull moment. The season
was fun from the beginning to the
end of the odyssey. Winning state
for the first time was a breath-taking
moment for the unstoppable three,
putting the cherry on top of a season
that will forever be remembered.
The plethora of success for this team
can be dedicated to the coaches and
players who have put their heart and
soul into this glorious sport of track
and field. It takes a lot more than
someone to willingly run laps around
a track. To be good, mind and body
must work together, and that is exactly what these girls did this year.
Fingertips below
or close to the
nose - - - -
Hi h Knees
1. READY, AIM, FIRE! Coiling up like a snake in an effort to make the best
of her throw, Liz Roman prepares to send the shot to outerspace. She said
she had a blast and is excited for next year. 2. IN A RACE TO THE BITTER
END. Senior Kylie Griffith hands off to iunior Lauren Cox. Kylie stated
"Even though I dropped it handing off to her, we still tried our best and
had a great time. " 3. WHEN I SAY JUMP, YOU ASK HOW HIGH. Junior
Maddie Conolly makes it over the high jump at Westosha Central. 4.
COMING OUT AHEAD. Beating out her Arrowhead competition, senior
Brittany Fe1vor finishes her final lap with a comfortable lead. 5. COMING
IN HOT. Junior Abby Bliel stated, "Coming around your last curve and
seeing your last straightaway really encourages you to run as fast as you
can to get the victory at the finish." CIRCLE. VICTORY. The triumphant
trio completed the season by winnig state. Congratulations, girls!
Relentless Forward Motion
cLearina eueru nuraLe
......• he desire to out-run,
out-jump, and out-throw
one's opponent is what
drives these great ath letes in their specified
events. This is what the track and field
team lives for: to lay exhausted on the
field of battle, victorious. The past
long four months for these runners
have been dedicated to hard work
and achy muscles. Blood, sweat, and
tears are what literally got these track
and fielders into lean mean competitors.
Even though running, at times, can
be considered an individual sport,
they would not have been able to
accomplish so much without their
teammates. Not only do they compete for themselves, but also the
school , all while the sidelines are full
of fellow teammates giving uncondi tional support for each other like they
were brothers.
Senior Bryce Davis and senior Max
Carson were the only ones to ad vance to the finals in the 118th WIAA
Division-1 Boys State Track and Field
Meet at UW-La Crosse's Veterans
Memorial Stadium . Davis's success
reflects upon his coach and the rest
of the team. Carson's success also re-
fleets on coach Freddy. Considering
the fact that it was their senior year,
they both gave it their all and left
nothing behind.
Sprinting through the finish line,
running that extra lap, and pushing
through all the pain is what makes
average athletes into extraordinary
ones. In the duration of the season, some of Tremper's finest have
learned important athletic and life lessons to use far beyond endless high
school meets. The individual and
team success has driven this group to
do the unthinkable and has motivated
teams for years to come.
Track Terminology
13onk: (v) Hitting the wall
Calories: (n) Little creatures
that sew your clothes tighter
at night
'Oehydrafion: (n) Lack of
H20. I need water!
t='arflek: (n) Swedish for
"speed play." Bursts of speed
in long distance running
1. THE LONG JUMP. Senior Andrew P{antz has been jumping all four
years and is proud of it. He said, "With this being my last year, I had to go
out with a bang." 2. RUNNING FOR DAYLIGHT. Junior Liam Akins and
his teammate encourage each other to stay in the top three to finish the
race. 3. AHEAD OF THE REST. Senior Matt Short was the go-to person.
Coaches asked him to sprint, he'd sprint, and if they asked him to do
distance, he went the distance. 4. THE FINAL STRETCH. Freshman Ian
Hagen reaches the last hurdle with all his might at Westosha Central. 5.
LEAVING IT ALL ON THE TRACK. "Go big or go home," states sophomore Eshaunte Williams. "My first time running was great and I can't wait
for next year." CIRCLE. THE LOOK OF DETERMINATION. Jumni·°"'""_
over the hurdles, senior Kyle Dreger defeats his opponents in his at.
Boys Tr ck 143
1. CLOSE CALL. Sophomore Nick Zielinski approaches the green on
his third shot. JU St barely missing the sand. Probably the toughest part
of golf. the short game is something that Nick practices a lot because
of how important it is. 2. OH YEAH, THAT JUST HAPPENED. Var
sity member, senior Sam Coel, strikes a successful wedge shot to the
green. Sporting very popular golf attire with an adidas belt and sleak
shades, he not only plays his best, but looks it. 3. HOWDY THERE.
Sophomore Ben Gorden focuses in on his putt on the second hole
at Bristol. Knowing that every putt counts, he knows to take his time
and make it happen 4. THE ULTIMATE STAREDOWN. Junior Nick
Perri takes a moment, holding his follow -through, to admire his tee
shot. The tee shot is a very important aspect of the game as it sets the
mood for the rest of the hole. 5. A MOMENT IN TIME. Holding his
follow-through, sophomore Michael Bill completes his putt on the
first hole. Many golfers are aware of how imperitive every movement
of putting can affect the ball, including how the club finishes. Michael
knows this as he watches his ball roll towards the hole. CIRCLE. FO
CUSED IN. Ben Miller takes his last breath before attempting his par
putt. Looking at the hole and building up confidence is a key component in the putting stroke. At the end of every day. round, and match,
it comes down to the importance of a 220 yard drive to a three foot
putt to make a day at the golf course memorable. As a member of the
boys golf team, it is imperitive to remember this.
Where BeinQ
isaao cnina
ever let it be said that
the boys of Tremper
Golf do not have drive.
Almost every afternoon, one could find
them practicing their game at their
home course, Bristol Oaks. During
the golf season, Bristol becomes a
second home for these guys practicing shot after shot. "Golf is not just
a sport, it is a form of relaxation, "
says senior golfer Barrett Frost. His
sophomore brother, Bryce Frost,
appreciates the game for an entirely
different reason: the competition.
"Lining up the perfect putt is the While the weather was not ideal,
most satisfying feeling in the world," the team kept their focus on selfhe raves. Most people do not realize betterment and meeting personal
how much concentration the sport goals rather than ironing out the
really takes.
other team. With a very competiWhether it is a love for relaxing on tive conference, the boys golf team
the green, lining up the perfect shot, showcased their talent at every meet.
or just driving the golf cart, there This way, they could not only meet
is plenty to love out on the course. par, but their personal expectations
Through all the fun, the guys even as well.
managed to wedge in some wins.
With a close-knit team, a good reDuring the season, the team met cord, and hard work and determ iwith other schools to showcase their nation from the members, this year
talents and do their best to stay un- for Tremper Boys Golf was nothing
der par.
short of a Hole-In-One.
The d~ and don'ts of
-Do wear plaid.
-Do mark your ball
-Do get a swing
-Do wear appropriate golfing attire
-Do ready golf
-Do bring snacks
-Do bring your
manners and cla
-Do take your t ·
- on 't take lessons
from your father
-Don't wear nike elite
-Don't take forever
n't complain
ut your hunger
on 't bring your
1. UP, UP, NOT AWAY. After catching a dangerous
fly ball in the outfield, junior Bridget Nelson hurls the
ball back into the infield. 2. HEY BATTER BATTER.
Staring ominously back into the pitcher's eyes, junior
Courtney Reeves prepares to hit one out of the park.
Laci rounds third and prepares to run like the wind for
home. 4. HEADS UP! Senior Lindsey Brothers prepares
to throw a ball to her waiting teammate. 5. GO BACK
HOME. Marisa Steinmetz gets the out at first. CIRCLE.
VARSITY VICTORY. The varsity celebrates after another intense win. FIELD PLACES. Outfield: (left) Bridget
Nelson, Kaitlyn Kluver, Taylor Moreland, Alyssa Laci.
3rd: (left) Ashley Barsuli, Emma Dummer. Short Stop:
Marisa Steinmetz. Pitcher: Emilee Nelson . 2nd: Lindsey
Brothers. 1st: Emily Chamberlin. Catcher: Courtney
a airL·s besc Friend
ittin', runnin', and scorin ' is what this great
group of girls did. The
Tremper softball team
had an amazing season
with a final record of 18-6. During
conference they got in second with a
record ofll-3. Teamwork and dedication is what made that achievement
With help from the coaches during
long practices, the girls learned skills,
went over plays, and helped make the
team as close-knit as possible. Every
day, they were practicing after school
for hours to achieve one main goal:
These devoted players love the
game, but also love victory, which
is what this group of terrific Trojans
have done most over this astonish ing season. junior varsity took home
the win at the game against Bradford,
winning with the slaughter rule. Varsity continued with the winning streak,
dominating against their rivals as
well. Both Tremper's softball teams
wouldn't have won without all their
passion, determination, and excel lent teamwork. A team that wins to -
gether, stays together, and Tremper
softball is the perfect example of that.
Not only is teamwork a big part in
the game, but dedication and time
makes these girls the unstoppable
force they are. The softball athletes
know how to play ball and make their
team work. When one player isn't at
her best, the whole team knows how
to help her out and make her look
good, which is an amazing example
of their teamwork and spirit.The
highlight of the season was definitely
the nine game winning streak, which
made this season one for the ages.
swi ina Por cne Pences
hen it comes to
baseball ,
Trem per High School
has game. With a
new year came exciting new developments, including
the add ition of a new baseball field.
Tremper baseball started out the season strong, and they could not have
been more excited to hit the batting
cages and practice until they knew
they were entirely prepared for com petition. Starting the season near
the end of April , Tremper won their
first game against Racine Case (9-5).
After losing only one game, Trem per continued with a winning streak
against conference teams.
In an effort to summarize the dedi cation of the entire team , senior Alex
Buban said , "Give me the keys, I'll
lock up! " This quote from the movie
Miracle means that the boys will give
the extra effort to stay long at practice until they achieve perfection .
Keeping the opponents on their
heels and preventing them from making contact with the pitches, Kyle Kutzler racked up quite a winning streak
for the Tremper Trojans.
the final game of the season against
Wilmot in sectionals, Tremper took a
much needed early lead with a 2-run
double by Kameron Gorman. However, Wilmot regained the lead in
the fourth inning and, unfortunately,
would never yield the lead again . The
2013 Tremper baseball season ended
with a record of 16-8. This last loss
was a very tough one for Kyle Kutzler and his teammates, but there
were many bright spots throughout
the season as well that will make this
season as memorable as any for its
graduating seniors .
Inspiration: who is yours?
1. DRIVE HIM HOME. Freshman Justin Lavey be-
gins his stance at home plate, eager to "swing for
the bleachers." 2. MEET AT THE PLATE. During
the game against Bradford, senior Nick Rodriguez
prepares to bunt the ball. 3. CONTACT. Showing a
burst of emotion and concentration, senior Garette
Arnold scoops up a ground ball. 4. DUCK ON THE
POND. Preparing to steal second, senior Kyle Jones
looks on with intensity. 5. NO CAN OF CORN . Senior
Cameron Smith runs toward home base as he scores a
run for the team. CIRCLE. YOU 'RE OUT! Senior Sam
Ferry turns and makes the perfect out at home base,,_--. --..
Ki nQs ofuouthe
aoe seruea
~--• hese Tremper boys opponents this year, but senior would definitely only get more
brought their A- john Carswell was the only mem- difficult, however, for Carswell
game to the courts
this year, practicing five to six times
a week to continue to endlessly improve their skills. They
wouldn 't have been able to accomplish their wins without their
coach, Chuck Werve, who provided priceless advice and support throughout the entire season. The whole team had a lot
of close matches against tough
ber of the team who qualified for
Carswell was seeded third and
defeated the sixth-seeded David
Horneffer of Brookfield East,
6-2, 6-4, in the quarterfinals at
the Nielsen Tennis Stadium.
Carswell said, "It was a difficult
match, but I like the new format of this year's Division One
tournament and look forward to
taking on my next opponent." It
as he would have to take on the
defending state champion.
Carswell took fourth at state,
but that does not imply that the
season was a disappointment.
When asked, all students and
teammates replied that they were
proud of Tremper Tennis and the
amazing amount of hard work
and dedication that were put into
this year.and will hopefully be put
in for many years to come.
Olympic Pjctograms
Ltennis throughout the ages]
Carswell prepares to return a serve. This four year varsity tennis player
took his game all the way to state where he succeeded in securing fourth
place in an intense battle for the state title. 2. KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE
BALL! Senior Aaron Bakkila, another longtime tennis aficionado, appears
to use the force to levitate a ball during his pre-serve routine. 3. MAKING A
RACKET. Senior Doug Molback returns his opponent's serve with a solid
backhand. The backhand can be a tricky stroke to learn for many begin·
ners, but once it is mastered, it becomes an extremely powerful tool for
any tennis player. 4. SERVING UP SOME JUSTICE! Senior Enc Ciszewski
sizes up his opponent and begins to raise his racket in preparation for an
explosive serve. 5. SHOOT, I THOUGHT THAT WAS OUT. Senior Patrick
Georno, a four year varsity tennis player, looks on as he recieves a serve
from his teammate during one of the many intense practices that prepared
this team for their innumerable victories. CIRCLE: TAKE THAT!!!!! Senior
Grant Gagliardi returns a volley back from whence 1t came. This two-sport
varsity athlete has played tennis since his freshman year of high school at
George Nelson Tremper Senior High School.
Boys Ten is l51
Risin~ to the ToQ
in cne soiric oF en rnornenc
~. .~. hey may be all smiles on
the outside, but getting
the crowd pumped up
is not all fun and games.
"It's a lot of hard work! "
claims senior basketball captain, Holly
Bernhardt. "There 's a ton of athleti cism involved in our routines. " In fact,
the cheerleaders put in just as much
work as the athletes they encourage
during every pep rally, halftime, and
competition. Some people may be
suprised to find out how much hard
work goes into making every single
cheer look so good, and how hard
it can be to maintain those trade mark beaming smiles the whole time.
Hours upon hours of practice are
required in order to accomplish this.
The girls have an outstanding dedi cation to teaching cheers as well as
performing. Every year, the Trem per Cheer Squad hosts their annual
kids ' cheer camp, where they en courage and assist young, aspiring
cheerleaders. These young girls are
lucky to have the benefit of learning
from the best. Trojan fans know
to look to Tremper's cheerleaders
to lift their spirits, but many people
may not realize they are also a shin ing example of dedication and hard
work. "We spend entire practices
perfecting our routines, but all our
hard work pays off when we get
out there and nail it! " exclaims senior football captain , Kylie Griffith .
Cheerleading truly is a sport of
both mind and body. Day in and
day out, Tremper's cheerlead ers work together to create terrific tumbles and stellar stunts.
Most importantly, they represent
Tremper at all athletic events with
spirit and their incredible support.
illimunate the football field in their signature ending pyramid stunt, while wearing their sporty new jerseys in support of the football team. 2. WE ARE THE
MIGHTY TROJANS. The cheerleaders lead the student body in cheering on the
Tremper football team. No matter what the weather is, the squad was determined to make it a good time for all of the supportive fans. 3. IT'S NOT A BIRD,
IT'S NOT A PLANE, IT'S A HOPE. Sophomore Hope Landre perfects her scale
at a home football game in front of a rowdy crowd. 4. REACH FOR THE SKY.
Senior Alex Hagen gets the crowd pumped up at a basketball game during half
time. Being uplifted by her fellow teammates, the girls work together to put on
the best show possible."Cheerleading involves a lot of teamwork; none of our
amazing stunts could be possible without everyone's help." CIRCLE. WE LIFT
PEOPLE, NOT WEIGHTS. The cheer squad is prepping for a difficult stunt, in
which they flip the flyers in the air. This task makes it risky for everyone. With the
element of danger involved, the girls still managed to pull it off because of their
hard work and dedication. Each girl plays a major role in this stunt; a compre·
hensive team effort is imperitive to accomplish such an excellent performance.
Cheerleadi g 153
1. CREATIVITY AT ITS FINEST. With the help of a couple of guys
from the football team, the Trojanettes practice for their annual co-ed
dance. This dance is in honor of the beloved holiday, Valentine's Day.
2. STRUTIING THEIR STUFF. During one of Tremper's very own
football games, the girls dance during halftime in support of the team
and entertain the crowd, not only showing their skills, but also their
sass. 3. STRIKE A POSE. Senior Lindsay Stowell exceeds expectations
during a pep assembly with her team. This being her last year with
the Trojanettes, she dances with all she can. Being a part of a group
of girls for four years, it will be hard to say goodbye to her as she
was such a big inspiration. 4. SAVING IT FOR LATER. The girls ea
gerly wait for their turn to perform during the fall pep assembly. They
respectfully watch other performances until their turn to show their
talent. Not only are they waiting for their turn, but they are focusing
on what they need to do in order to deliver a successful dance. 5. FIN
ISHING TOUCHES. Coming together near the end of a performance,
the girls are popping, locking, and dropping it like crazy. Smiles are all
across the board because of their successful performance. CIRCLE.
DANCE. EAT. REPEAT. Team bonding is important and hosting one
of their famous cookouts really brings the girls together. These girls
are not only members of the same team, but are all close friends outside of what they love to do.
Eve[.'1-body Cut Footloose
eru and heeo uo
ot only are the Troja- team was playing against Oak Creek.
nettes one of Trem- Tremper was down by three touchper's dance teams, downs and it was going into halftime.
they're a team of all The crowd was quiet and the boys
girls that love and are walked off the field with their heads
inspired to do the same thing: dance. down , indicating that all hope might
The Trojanettes are a big part of the be lost. However, all of a sudden the
student body. They bring a great deal mood started shifting. A group of
of spirit to the pep assemblies, varsity girls began walking onto the field .
football, basketball games, and spirit Music started to play and the girls
started dancing with all their heart.
week at Tremper High School.
While the Trojanettes have myriad They left everything they had out on
standout performances this year, that field. After they were done, it
one in particular was simply unfor- was quiet for a second. Then, Tremgettable. Tremper's varsity football per's audience started to roar. Stu-
dents and parents were standing up
and were cheering for their team.
The Trojanettes had done what
every dance team dreams of doing: lifting the spirits of the fans and
the players. After their dance, the
whole atmosphere of the game had
changed. The boys came out and had
noticed the difference in their fans.
But all stories do not end as happily
as we would like. By the end of the
game, Tremper was only down by a
touchdown, but lost the game. However, no one could forget the change
after the Trojanettes danced.
Hang Time
school is made up of students. This may
seem like an obvious statement, but between fast-paced classes and crowded hallways, it can actually be forgotten that the
school is composed of individuals. lndividuals with their own talents, skills, and intrests. In such a
huge student body, how can teenagers express themselves or pursue their intrests?
The answer: extra-curricular activities and clubs. The
diverse interests and talents of the student body here
. at Tremper High School provide plenty of opportunities for,; plethora of pursuits to develop such interests
and talents. Whether it is success on the stage or on
e field, students here at Tremper do everything with
ipirit. "Snowboarding club is the bomb," says Junior
Mason Muerhoff, pictured. "It is really cool that I get
to be with other people at the school who like the same
stuff I like."
These common interests soon lead to a friendship
with deep bonds between the people who share the
same hobbies, which, of course, creates camaraderie.
"I met so many close friends through drama club," professes senior Caleb Young. "Joining a club was a great
way to meet new people."
It is easy to find a good group of kids to get along
with here: Tremper boasts dozens of clubs, everything
from buisness clubs, like FBLA, to special interests, like _.._..
Vintage Vinyl. It may seem like a daunting task to pi
club to join, but fear not; the activity fair allows student
to sample all the clubs that the school has to offer, and
the homecoming parade gives the clubs an opportu~
to strut their stuff.
The clubs not only offer friendships that last a lifeti
but they prepare students for the future. Clubs not only
give students a chance to release stress from exhausting
school routines, but they also offer an opportunity fo,:
students to get invovled, make new friends, spend time
with old friends, and try new and exciting ventures.
(front) Katharine Kollman , Colleen Carney, Ben
Carl son, Andrew Hill , Nick Verh eyen, Brid get
Carn ey, Tylor Brandt, M oira Chille (2 nd row) Kyle
Krellw itz, Sa rah Huang, No name, Alex VanBeekum, Abe l Perez, Abby Bl eil, Danielle Wilson
(back) Carson M ahant, Willi am Schroeder, Justin
Udry, Zachary Naumowicz, James Takala, Brett
Fisherm , Jo hn Gerl ach.
So Much Cooler Online
ince everybody and everything is on line today, the Tempest
decided to catch up with the times and go digital. Senior Aaron Bakkila, the brains behind the new website, took the school
newspaper and made it accessable on the go. "Makng a website is
not too hard, it just requires a bit of know-how and some dedication, " said Aaron Bakkila. "It was a great learning experience and
greatly influenced my senior year." As the Tempest is the second
biggest school publication, behind yearbook of course, th is next
step into the digital world transports into a whole new dimension,
one full of pixels, ones, and zeroes.
Drama Club
(front) Karen Woodard, Mary-Kate Haggarty, Megan Janiak, Alyssa Wozniak, Taylor Halvorsen, Megan Kruse, Zoe Galvin (2nd row) Kimberlee Ruiz,
Marissa Skow, Marta Notarianni, Jill Daavetilla,
Rowan Nelson, Vanessa Soward, Cristian Gomez
(3rd row) Noah Zand, Alexa Zakutansky, Ashley
Kenney, Caroline Titel, Lindsay Schaefer, Gabriella
Gulbranson, Charly Coats, ShengNing Jiang (back)
Hannah Pfluegl, Kendall Ruchti, Matthew Mulroy,
Caleb Young, Jeremy Osborn, Justin Osborn, Brad
Neu, Ryan Westermeyer, Sam Kok, Rachel Miller.
A Guide to Shuffleboarding
Stick = tang
Weight = biscuit
Shooting = sending the biscuit
The Yem est
(front) Alex Hagen, Nancy Ly, Kate Beckman, Aynsley Hensgen, Miranda Maritato (2nd row) Christian Pritchett, Samantha Marolt, Lauryn Sparks,
Marisa Bianan, Kelsiee Arreguin, Sam Kok (back)
Aaron Bakki la, Tyler Uttech, Ben Peterson, Justin
May, Mike Gaertner, Andrew Ward.
s 159
Secrets Behind the Tromanettes- - - -•
. That healthy glowing skin you see is from baby oil.
2. They may or may not wear lipstick during their performances.
~ . They don 't believe in deodorant.
~ 4. During the week leading to a performance, they live on
a diet of Merkts Cheese and Wheat Thins .
~ 5. The Tromanettes turned down an offer to dance along
side the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.
o ...------------------------------------------...1
(front) Courtney Gree n, M att Alexander, Katelyn Goll,
Alex VanBeekum , Christian Perez, Anj a Willkomm
(2 nd row) Jord an Smith, Robin Zw ickey, Shannon
Rad r, Alec Kru se, Abe l Perez, Jared Nelson (ba k)
Daniel Miesbauer, Karl Koesser, Jerad Whi tefoot, Eri c
M iesbauer, Christian Holland, Kendrick M atthews,
Alex Fitch.
Linking Up
Replacing the Freshman Transition Coaches of the past,
Link Leaders step up this year to help freshmen make a
good start and get involved. Link Crew is a national program that allows upper classmen to take on a leadership
role in guiding the incoming students. This program also
encourages camaraderie amongst the different grades
within the school; this results in the student body coming
together in harmony and solidarity.
(front) Kyle Huss, Tyler Rice (back) Eric Ciszewski, Zachary Titel, Zack Wade, Kyle Jones, Nick Rodriguez, Sam
Ferry, Kyle Stefanski, Bryce O'Boyle, Cameron Smith,
Cody Blazer.
Das ist Wonderbar
You know you are German when:
1. There is at least one picture of you in lederhosen.
2. The word 'vegetarian ' isn 't in your vocabulary.
3. Beer is to be had with (almost) every meal.
4. When you talk, people often think you are angry.
5. You are a fan of football, and no not the
American kind .
6. Tann ing for you actually means burning.
( .)
............................................................................. 0
(front) Kendall Cross, Ellen Henry, Kristyn Nelson, Alex
Hagen, Bridget Nelson, Hannah Egle, Hannah Knutson,
Aynsley Hensgen, Stephanie Drake, Becca Borchardt
(2nd row) Kaitlyn Richards, Miranda Maritato, Brianna
Meier, Lexi Kloiber, Taylor Moreland, Brandon Klinkhammer, Bridget Carney, Tessa Weber, Tye Skowronski, Jake Wikstrom, Carson Mahant, Andrea Ralph, Liv
Cripko (3rd row) Johrie Hicks, Cody Blaser, Paul Roilet, Emma Hughes, Sam Kok, Tihesha Wise, Shamirah
Banks, Kimmy Stidd, Christian Enwright, Joe Ashley,
Marissa VanBeekum, Kyle Jones (back) Michael Wambo ldt, Braden Wisniewski, Lloyd Christma , Nicholas
Rodriguez 111 , Tyler Uttech, Za hary aumowicz, Matt
Do lnik, Zach Titel, Kevin Landgraf, Eric Ciszew ki, Alex
Dixon, Nick Verheyn, Jordan Dejno, Scotty Sto 1g1
Tony Sciarra.
s 161
Art Club
(front) Alexandra Riley, Emily Pena, Katie Attia,
Sam Marianyi, Nicole Naudi (back) Carlos Castillo,
Katelyn Braet, Ashley Bransky, Christina Rodriguez.
Battle of the Books
(front) Sarah McPherson, Angel Ortiz, Elizabeth
Allen (2nd row) Alexis Chapa, Alexandria Turner
(back) Robin Zwickey, Samantha Pryby, Jamie Bigelow.
Chamber Orchestra
(front) Sarah Zingelman, Vicky Dos Reis, Elizabeth
Casey, Alea Roberts, Alysa Zimmermann, Melissa
Miller, Nicole Naudi (2nd row) Alison Rasch, Lauren Standish, Megan Janiak, Emma Dawson, Kaitlyn Williamson, Katrina Polso, Andrew Bisciglia
(3rd row) Kayla Rasch, Taylor Beer, Taylor Roach,
Sophia Zeid, Becca Jones, Kaitlyn Breunsbach
(back) Jesse Reid, Luis Moreno, Kyle Butler.
Cir bs
(front) Jennifer Tiernan, Christian Perez, Kyle Jones,
Nayree Ruiz, Kyle Dreger, Kyle Lovell, Michaela Slanch ik, Kaitlyn Kluver, Yadira Ravanales, Megan Dellisse,
David St. Peter (2nd row) D'Marcco Patrick, Michael
Crutcher, Tommy Cornell, Kyle Kluver, Kyle Stefanski,
Patrick Kenney, Jillian Kirkholz, Lexi Leoris, Gina Caira,
Matt Fanning, Madison Munroe, Ariana Zuraitis, Emalee Koch (3rd row) Connor Norris, Adam Kirk, Zackary Ford, Zach Wade, Jared Forscythe 11 Emma Hughes,
Tony Sciarra, Joe Fanning, Mary Weidenhole, Aaron
Turner, Markus Reimer, David Corrigall, Matt Wulf,
Noah Jensen (back) Nader Alsabbah, Andrew Ward,
Davion Scott, Anthony Currie, Jordan Dejno, Barrett Frost, No Name, Alex Buban, Ted Camp, Marco
Malacara, Andy Finley.
Theatre Com an
(front) Mary-Kate Haggarty, Taylor Halvorsen,
Stephanie Drake, Becca Borchardt, Cristian Gomez (2 nd row) Noah Zand, Zachary Coats, Ashley
Kenney, Vanessa Soward, Marta Notorianni, Marissa Skow, Kimberlee Ruiz (back) Hannah Pfluegl,
Kendall Ru chti, Matthew Mulroy, Caleb Young,
Jeremy Osborn, Brad Neu, Ryan Westermeyer,
Sam Kok, Rachel Miller.
(front) Rachel Johnson, Nakia Wallner, Lillian Torres, Jasmine Hundertmakr, Zachary Coats, Sara
Slaviero, Ashley Galligan (2nd row) Maddie Filer
James lven, Roxy Tores, Abel Perez, Crystal Garcia, Joey Metallo, Lexi Kloiber, Dani Kloiber, Tyler
Smith (back) Zahra Ermoian, Chris Kammer, Aaron
Bakkila, Jesus Perez, David Corrigall, Patri ck Kenney, Zach Raetaman, Becca Jones, Ashley Kenney.
Clu s l63
Environmental Club
(front) Karen Nicole Brubbs, Nate Mauer, Jonathan Ka przak, Ms. Wansont (back) Brittany Ausse,
David Garey, Tabitha Ziehr.
French Honor Socie
(front) Alison Boudreau, Kelly Leibhan, Angela
Johnson, Becky Knapp, Jamie Elsen, Kelly Barnd
(2nd row) Katharine Kollman, Madeline Lewis,
Alyssa Wozniak, Kate Beckman, Alexandra Doersch, Elaine C. Aeds, Alexandra Riley (back) Savannah Erdman, Kimmy Stidd, Madeline Hoover,
Douglas Dubois, Tom Edwards, Zach Naumowicz,
Matthew Mulroy, Katrina Polso, Suzanne Crauss.
(front) Tabitha Ziehr, Breeanna Scuffham, Shane
McColgan, Andrea Hyde (back) Mr. Wansart, Penny Clarke-Taylor, Alan Beglen, Rowan Nelson.
International Club
(front) M artha Ce rvacio, Step hanie Dra ke, Becca
Brochard t, Korrin M etz, Tyler Trottier (2 nd row)
Rowa n Nelso n, Jake C ross, Alex VanBeekum , Lasa
Schaefer, Andrew Bruth, Crysta l Carcia (back)
Anja Willkomm, Joe Ashley, Daniel M iesbauer,
Kevin Landgraf, Shamirah Banks, Tih esha Wise,
Carso n M ahant.
Ke Club
(front) Travis Dillard, M egan Janiak, Sarah Zingelman, Cody Bl aser, Lilli an Torres, Heather M attner
(2nd row) Sh elby Fell ows, Miranda M aritato, Elizabeth Roman, Caroline Titel, Crace Burl eson, Jill
Daavetill a, Megan Kruse (3 rd row) Jaime Colin,
Scott Stoebig, Ashley Kenney, Chris Kamm er, Kelsi
Rakow, Lind say Schaefer, Sam Kok (back) Patri ck
Kenney, Kimm y Stidd, Cameron John so n, Brian
Newberry, Th omas Edwards, Zachary Naumowicz, Brya n Bya rs.
National Honor Socie
(front) Conn or Norris, Andrea Ralph, Anna Zhang, Stephanie Kuruvilla, Ashley Zenner, Karlie Loewen (2 nd row) Sabrina Cairo, orrin Metz, Emily Werve,
Kelsey Smith, Alissa Racewicz, Nicole Naudi (3 rd row) Emma Dawson, M elissa
Mutchler, Kelly Leibhan, Alex Hagen, Holly Bernhardt, ToNaya Gull ey, Lexi Kloiber, Kristyn Nelson, David Tilch, Hannah Knutson, Ellen Heury (4th row) Stephanie Drake, Rachel Kostrzewa, Katrina Polso, Taylor Beer, Jake Wikstrom, Zachary
Zagra, Indigo Leslie, Trevor Boehm, Taylor Roach, Lexi Do rsch, Alexa Zaku tansky, Kaitlyn W illiamso n, Madeline Lewis, arah MCPherson (5 th row) Lauren
Griffin, Eileen Friery, Miranda M aritato, Han nah Egle, Liv Gripko, Rachael Murray, Alexis Chapa, Aynsley Hensgen, Kath arine Kollman, Rachel Johnson, Kate
Beckman, M elissa Sturycz, Jamie Else n, Kaitlyn Breunsbach, Alison Boudrea u,
Bianca Ricker, Michae l chmidt, Becca Borchardt (6th row) Sa rah Huang, Tessa
Weber, Karyn Reget, Bridget Carney, Si eve r Hanson, Nathan Brandes, David
Corrigall, arson Mahant, Cody Blase r, Danielle Wislon, Hannah Pfluegl, Kelli
Griffin, Fallon Schultz, Sabrina Miceli, Brandon Klinkhammer, Kendra Richter,
Danielle Kreuscher (7th row) Kimmy Stidd, Joe Ashley, Jesse Reid, Kyle Jones,
Nick Rodriguez, Cameron Johnson, Braden Wisniewski , Eric Ciszewski , Karl
Koesse r, S ott Stoebig, Sa m Kok, Michae l W amboldt, Nancy Ly, Paul Rollet,
Savannah Erdman, Matthew Mulroy, Marissa VanBeekum (back) Aa ron bakJ..i la, Alyssa Niles, Abby Bleil, Lindsey Allen, Mason Muerhoff, Isaac Krone, M ax
Carson , Matt Dolnik, Zach Titel, Stephan ie, Slang, Kevin Landgraf, Alex Dix:J;)Jl,.----11
Zachary aumowicz, Jordan Dejn o, Jared Forsythe, Justin Udry, Kati M a nsen,
Luis Monano, Jordan Crawford.
Photo raphy Club
(front) Samantha Pryby, Debra Tronvig (2nd row)
Sheng Ning Jiana, Samantha Kimball (back) Connor Marth, Troy Dillard.
Point of View
(front) Ashley Devries, Steven Buchanan, Jamie
Bigelow (back) Billy Pettit, Ashley Clacy, Joshua
Bullock, Evan Parshall.
(front) Kyle Krellwitz, Liv Gripko, Rachel Kostrzewa, Emma Dawson (back) Abby Bleil, Justin Udry,
James Takala, Kati Martensen.
Snow Club
(front) Maya Muerhoff, Margaret Huck, Hannah
Knutson, Mitch Thornton, Delsin Sanghvi, Luis
Totera (2nd row) Abby Bleil, Eric Lange, Josh Parmentier, Aaron Bakkila, Carson Mahant, Chris
Kammer (back) Jamie Emery, Cody Schwartz,
Dylan Hoffenkamp, Markus Reimer, Mason Muerhoff, James Takala, Ellen Henry.
S irit S uad
(front) ToNaya Culley, Jorn, Amanda Uttech, Ashley Zenner, Cody Blaser, Jake Wikstrom (2nd row)
Angela Torres-Castillo, Andrea Ralph, Miranda
Maritato, Brenda Zarletti, Aynsley Hensgen, Brianna Meier, Bridget Nelson, Kelli Griffin, Kendra
Richter (3rd row) Leann Kotten, Taylor Moreland,
Chelsea Schmidt, Tony Sciarra, Kyle Dreger, Bryce
O'Boyle, Alex Valeri, Josh Parmentier, No Name
(back) Nancy Ly, No Name, Zach Wade, Connor
Norris, Eric Ciszewski, NaNa Green, Kyle Jones,
Kyle Stefanski, Sam Kok, Alex Buban.
Senior Government
(front) Becky Knapp, Kelly Leibhan, Stephanie Kuruvilla, Jessie Mckay, Korrin Metz (2nd row) Karlie
Loewen, Sarah Huang, Charley Becker, Kate Beckman, Angela Johnson, Anna Zhang (back) Ashley
Zenner Kaitlyn Breunsbach, Bianca Ricker, Nancy
Ly, Danielle Wilson, Laura Crosse, Kendra Richter.
Junior Government
(front) Kristan Bowman, Rachel Kostrzewa, Alexandra Doers h, Alexa Zakutansky, Sarah Jansen,
Kelli Griffin, Danielle Str lecki , Emma Dawson
(back) Melissa Mutchler, Fallon Schultz, Sierra
Mullis, Connor Robinson, Justin Udry, David Corrigall, Brad Woller, Abby Bleil, Abby DeThorne .
So homore Government
(front) Megan Kruse, Demi Agaiby, Ashley Kenney,
Caroline Titel, Jill Daavettila, Marta Notarianni
(back) Madaline Schumacher, Lindsay Schaefer,
Patrick Kenney, Brett Fisher, Sarah Konchan, Zach
Raetzman, Katie Wasurick.
Freshman Government
(front) Olivia Van Cuyse, Anna Richards, Megan
Schulte, Jake Cross (back) Becca Jones, Paige Sigman, Ryan Vojtisek, Kyle Richter, Sydnee Smith.
Travel Club
(front) Kyle Krellwitz, Mademle Ewodz, Jamie Emery, Megan Kruze, Brooklyn Munoz, Joe Ashley,
Carson Mahant (2nd) Samantha Marolt, Christina Rodriguez, Delsin Sanghvi, Caroline Titel, Jill
Daavettila, Katelyn Braet, Kristyn Nelson, Rowan
Nelson (3rd row) Angela Tobias, Megan Sentieri,
Katie Wasurick, Bridget Walsh, Lindsay Shaefer,
Abbey Birschbach, Eli Michlun, Pamela Venegas,
Grant Mahant, Ali Loberger (back) Sidney Snyder,
Abel Perez, Ran Hoey, Matt Kroll, Matt Semrad,
Brandon Bruce, Jacob O'Neal, Brett Fisher, Jamael
Dinan, Robin Zwickey, Kelsey Jones, Jake Cross,
Jennifer Tiernan.
Vinta e Vin I
(front) Trevor Gott, Ben Kurman, oah Baas (back)
Carlos Castillo, David Garay, Mr. Kalbfell, Richard
Moerhouse, Michael Drucks.
(front) Melissa Miller, Nicole Naudi,
Zingelman, Alison Rasch, Anna Zhang, Kayla Rasch,
Sophia Reid, Emma Dawson, Oksana Pfaffle (2nd
row) Elizabeth Casey, Lauren Standish, Jake Goss,
Megan Lehman, Becca Jones, Grant Herbert, Melissa Mutchler, Alexa Zakutansky, Alysa Zimmermann (back) Megan Janiak, Brad Woller, Paul
Rollet, Luis Monemo, Kyle Butler, Sam Boundy,
Kaitlyn Breunsbach, Alea Roberts.
s 169
VARSITY: (fron t) D'marcco Patrick, Marcus Bennett, Michael Crutcher (2nd row)
Cam, Logan Hopf, Davion S ott, Tristan B., Brandon Harris (3rd r ow) Thomas Edwards, Gage Gessert, Carl Andersen, Connor Norris, Adam Kirk, Derek Bryant
JV: (fron t) Eshaunte Williams (2nd r ow) Nicholas "Nick" Burrati, Andrew "Andy"
Finley, Matthew "Matt" Rucinski, Derek Jones, Noah Jensen, Eric Paz (3rd r ow)
Anthony Currie, James "Jimmy" Camp, Bryce Frost, Cullen "C-Nasty" Murray, Jeffery
"Jeff" Stueck, Michael "Mike" Tock
VARSITY: (fron t) Gina Caira, Kristyn Nelson, Kurstyn Gordon (2nd row) Megan
Humprhreys, Charlotte Dujardin, Nwoye Green, Danielle Riggins, Kendall Gross (3rd
r ow) Coach ruz, Morgan Ledford, Coach Gross, Abby Gross, Amber Daynus, Coach
JV: (front) Alexis Castillo, Domonique Dickerson, Marisol Cruz (2nd row) Lasharia
Givens, Coach Cruz, Coach Gross, oach Ra heal, Sydney Cairo (3rd row) Ashley
Hodges, Jakyra Moore, Dannielle Dickerson, Shauntia Brooks, Ange lica Perlta
VARSITY: (fron t) Alyssa Laci, Madi Conine, Ashley Barsuli (2nd ro ~ Sadie Schmidt,
Bridget Nelson, Lindsey Brothers, Kaitlyn Kluver, Emilee Nelson, Emma Dummer
(back) Matt Bradley, Taylor Moreland, Marisa Steinmetz, Doug Townsend, Courtney
Re ves, Emily Chamberlain, Tiffany Reid.
m Photos
JV: (front) Ashley Maddocks, Storm Drenne, Daniele George (2nd ro ~ Savannah
Con ine, Erika Rhode, Marisol Cruz, Sydney Cairo (3rd ro ~ Abby Deregngowski,
Megan Schu ltz, Autumn Payton, Lynnsey Courtier, Lindsey Kuhagen (back) Coach
Schenk, Ali Strauss, Madeline Hallisy, Anyiya Whittington, Tineke Davis, oach
VARSITY: (fr o n t) Willie Buege, Manager Cody Blaser, Nathan Dillow (2nd row) Kameron Gorman, Tanner Larson, Justin Lavey, S ott Stoebig, Kyle Jones, Kyle Huss (3rd
r ow) Cameron Smith, Garrett Arnold, Alex Buban, Nick Rodriguez, Sam Ferry, Kyle
Kluver, Keith Kutzler (back) Zach Wade, Kyle Kutzler, Coach Maki, Coach Matera,
Coach Hoover, Coach Musha, Kyle Stefanski, Jimmy Gerdes
JV: (fron t) Jack Jensen, Steve Smith, Dakota Prozanski, Jordan Coshun (2nd ro l+j
Zach Furher, Thams Stancato, Brandon Norton, Brett Nelson CbackJ Nick Hilderbrand, Jeff Steuck, Keith Kutzler, John Hueksena, Levi Nichols, Eric Paz, Noah Jensen.
JV1 : Jordan Coshun, Nick Zielinski, Casey Swoboda, Coach Jacob Zigner, Mason
Jaquith, Zach Raetzman
VARSITY: Coach Bill Marescalco, Spencer Erdman, Stephen Donahoe, Chase Krier,
Kyle Rauen, Ryan Eidsor, Aaron Turner, Coach Jerry Schulz
Cross Count
VARSITY: (front) Mitchell Maegaard, Gorden Rhutasel, Matt Short, Andrew Jansen
(2nd row) Chris Kammer, Za k Davies, David St. Peter, Jake Owen, Brandon Klinkhammer, Dan Slaviero, Nolan Grogan, Mike Schmidt, Patrick Kenney (3rd row) Sam
Huang, Ryan Vojtisek, Max Car on, Liam Aikens, Kyle Dreger, Anthony McNair, ick
Verheyen, Alex Carravetta, Andrew Werve, Mike Rodgers (back) Coach Skripski,
Coach Clark, Coach Bradley, Tommy Shannon, Bryce Davis, Alex ewby, Coach
Fennema, Coach Jaros, Coach Garcia. Not Pictured: Sam Kok
JV: (front) Lily Oster, Jamie Emery, Marqee Hudrick, Sara aviero, Adelya Kammer,
Talia Rhutasel, Anna Cole, Katelyn Pena, Tarin Peltier (2nd r o w) Samantha ofsinger, Hannah Knutson, Brittney Feivor, Johanna Junkerman, Eileen Friery, Margaret
Huck, Maddy Connelly, Lauren D schler (back) Coach krip ky, Coach Clark, Coach
Bradley, Abby Bleil, Lindsey Allen, Paige Smith, Coach Fennema, Coach Jaros, Co•rb_ _..
Team Pho s 171
VARSITY: (front} Nicole Sciarra, Tonaya Gu lley, LExi Owens, Nwoye Green, Kayla
Gentz, Morgan Pa ual (2nd row} Caleb Gordon, Anthony Korecz, Brett Bernhardt,
Trainer Drew Giesen, oach Rovik, Coa h Bradford, Head oach Matrise, oach Rizzo, Coa h Marsch I, Gavin Hicks, Mosh Byrd, Nick Santelli (3rd row} Bradley Shaaw,
Marcus Bennett, Donovan Wesley, Samuel Drewr y, Mason Cochran, ameron
Kreier, Leo Little, Tony Sciarra, Kaelan Mangold, Andrew Hersmann, Emilio Prado,
Alec Krus , Caden Wright (4th row} Kato Nichols, Logan Peltier, Braden W isniewski,
hris Luttrell , Willie Buegue, Bill y Sexton, Samuel Wesley, Andrew Pfantz, Nicholas
Rodrigu z, Zachary Ford, Jared Forsythe, Jacob Zigner (back} Terrance Williams,
Kyle Holden, Ky ler Auston, Gage Ges ert, Matthew Peterson , Alex Busko, Zach Titel,
Trevaun Anderson, Jared Flasch, Jazz Peavy, Nathan Dillow, Rasheed Whitsett, Leif
JV: (fron t} Kayla Waring, Stella Borden, Kayla Gentz, Zach Coats, Lexi Owens, ToNaya
Gulley, Christina Smith (2nd row} Coach Rovik, Brian Prescott, Ben Calan, Dakota
Prozarski, Bennet Majerowski , Chris Turner, Ky le Wates, oa h Tabaga (3rd row}
Dan Goroski, Eshaunte Williams, Matthew Buban, Jordan Littel, Hunter Nikolai, Zack
Fuhrer, Anthony Raimondi (4th r ow} Mall Wulf, Andy Matoska, Jesse Hill, Alex Trentadue, Don Lipper, Chad Sekuris (5th r ow} Alfonso Arno ld, Jaceri Williams, Jakob Barnol,
Jevonte Williams, Brian Newberry, Connor Peirson
BOYS: (fron t} Sam oel, Jo y Grochowski, Nick Zielinski, Bradley Koehl r, Kevin
Tover (2nd r o w} Ethan Johnson, Joshua Thomsen, Kyle Wade, Andy Finley, Carson
Mahant, Alex Bucko, John Geary, Michael Bill (3rd r o w} Bryce Frost, Ben Gordon,
Coach Herbrechtmeier, Coach Fennema, Coach Ga llo, Barrett Frost, Marcus Ri emer
(back} Nick Perri, Kelly McCormi k, Ty Harper, Kevin Camosy, Christian Enwright,
Joshua Parmentier, Tommy Cornell, Ben Miller
GIRLS: (fron t} Annie Smith, Lindsay Glacier, Lilly Torres, Lexi Burkholder, Ray Gates
(2nd r o"1 Allie Smith, Lynn Veryen, Jamie Bain, Ashley Branski (back'} Coach Valeri,
Kayla Asleson, Alex Valeri, Sam Cooper, Coach Phipps.
m Photos
G mnastics
VARSITY: (front) Krystal Evans, McKayla Lail, Allison Orr, Hope Landre, Meaghan
Ochadatequi (2nd row) Alyssa Ziebell, Madison Marko, Samantha Nofsinger, Ashley Wachter (back) Johanna Junkerrnan, Nikki Cooper, Lindsey Maier, Kendra McDonough, Kelsey Hicks
VARSITY: (front) Tanner Arnold, Kyle Robinson, Kelly McCormick, Joe Ashley,
Anthony Svoboda, Jordan Crawford, Anthony Elsen, Alex Buban, Jake Dawiec, Chad
Battisfore, Bret DeLaat, Jake emiro (back) Coach Battellini, Coach Strauf, Sam
Boundy, Ronnie (Bradford), Mitchell Funk, Trevor Arnold, Mitchell Maegaard, Coach
Litkey, Brent Castle, RJ Dzierzanowski, Bryan Graham, Peyton Phillips, Coach Rivera,
Nick Elsen.
VARSITY: (front) Rafa Munoz, Ryan Bai ley, Tye Skowronski, Mitch Thornton, Jacob
Vagnon i, Delsin Sanghvi, Jake Wikstrom (2nd row) Jaime Colin, Jo h Parmentier,
Micha I Czesny, Coach St. Peter, Coach Tindall, Coach Kellner, Coach Iglehart, Grant
Gagliard i, Joey Cappon i (back) Tommy Cornell, Mark Munoz, Jordan Dejno, Joey
Zeidan, Ben Gunhus, Doug Pa lmer, Scotty Stoebig.
JV: (front) Bryan Byars, Josh Thomsen, Ethan Johnson (2nd row) Anthony Zarletti,
Paul Rollet, Nick Hilderbrand, Coach Williams, Coach Tindall, Conrad Herman, Chris
Voltz, Daniuel Artega (back) Jose Montero, Jared Maraccini, Cody Schwartz, Jo
Ashley, Marco Malacara, Ben Chase, Tristan Buencamino.
VARSITY: (front) Nicolette Brown, Becky Knapp, Lizzie Hawbaker, Maggie Edmark,
Jessie Mckay, Mary Edmark (2nd row) Abby Sirroch i, Danielle Strelecki, Allie Smith,
Karlie Dierkens, Ashley Zenner, Katie Verheyen (3rd row) Hannah Knutson, Ali Kresse, Amy Wi lson, Jordan Holli ngsworth, Ke lsi Dejno, Jordan Schroder, Jen Wendling
(back) Alex Va leri, Brooke Monroe, Alys a Sigman, P.J. Hoffman, Todd Hardy, Allison
Iglehart, Emma Hugh s, Mad ison Monroe.
JV: (front) Jamie Bigelow, Katie Serznski, Megan Beard, Olivia Van Guyse 2nd ro wl
Channing Riggs, Amelia Ogle, Cyasia Barnes, Melissa Grimes, Jessica Hemmi (3rd
row) Rachel Knudtson, Erin Lewgne, Heather Mattder, Emily Runch, Megan Gunhu
(back) Sarah Allen, Paige Sigmad, Coach Ori, Coach Schmuldt, Madeline l\napp, Lara
Schaefer, Danielle Kloiber
Swim and Dive
Boy's VARSITY: (front) Hunter French, Ben Borchardt, Tommy Zurner, Brodie Etmans, Chuck Ernst, Collin Duchene, Lloyd Sorrell (2nd ro"1 Barret Frost, Nicolai
Koramod, Songrui John Lu, Chris Voltz, Mike Rogers, Alex Fitch, Andrew Jansen,
Manager Cadi, Manager Carrie (3rd ro"1 Coach Joe Kosman, Coach Jerry Burmeister, Zack Purser, Zach Frost, Natahn Summers, Zach Naumowicz, Max Fi dler, josh
Wilson (back'J Conner Pierson, Jordan Littel, Ryley Powell, Manny Valadez, Dylan
Thorson, Tyler Shircel.
Girl's VARSITY: (front) alie Rummelhart, Kia Wagner, Elizabeth Casey (2nd ro"1
Sara Santelli, Becca Borchardt, Kristina Kluver, Ashley Galligan, Stephanie Drake,
Alsion Orr, Ellen Henry, Alexandra Riley, Lauren Griffin (3rd ro"1 Kayla ITA, Emily
Rena, Emily Werve, Hannah Leischner, Lea Sturzenegger, Maya Muerhoff, Rebecca
Jones, Kelsey Hi ks, Coa h Kaylie (4th ro"1 oach Jennifer Kolmos, Maddie Schmaling, Katelyn Goll, Holly Bernhardt, Hannah Skendziel, Caroline Siana, Amy Shir el,
Sidney Snyder, Abby Harborside (back'J Coach Kosman, Maddy Hoover, Kimberlee
Ruiz, Kelsi Rakow, Aleena Villani, Bonnie Dietrich, Angela Stoebe, Rachel Murray,
Melissa Mutchler, Danielle Cebolski, Johrie Hicks.
VARSITY: (front) Patrick Georno, Delsin Sanghvi (2nd row) Trenton Roskoviak, Doug
Molback, Patrick Kenney, Grant Gagliardi (back) John Carswell, Kevin Landgraf,
Coach Werve, Eric Ciszewski, Aaron Bakilla.
VARSITY: (front) Stephanie Kuruvi lla, Rebecca Knapp, Maya Sanghvi (2nd ro"1
Danielle Sepanski, Katie Stoebe, Megan Humphreys, Emily Swanson, Bianca Ri cker,
Ash ley Kenney, Morgan Makor (back'J Taylor Bolyard, Lindsay Schaefer, Tom Pacetti,
Chuck Werve, Rachel Miller, Melanie Ebener.
JV: (front) Daniel Kuruvilla, Miguel Torres, Jordan Hubaishy (2nd row) Daniel
Knapp, Grant Mahant, Zach Marresse, Daniel Miesbaurer (back) Manuel Va ldez,
Zach Bado, Coach Geissmann, Max Bado, Matt Semrad.
JV: (front) Emily Swanson, Alyssa Classen, Stephanie Kuruvilla, Casey Ri ce, Emma
Dummer, Megan Kruse, Lindsay Schaefer (2nd row) Michaela Foss, Danielle Kloiber,
Jill Daavettila, Lexi Kloiber, Sydnee Smith, Caroline Titel, Ashley Kenney, Barbara
S hmidbauer, Julia Ka iser (back) Colleen Carney, Amanda Fi eld, Coach Pacetti,
Coach Werve, Coach Kristina, Maddy Hallisy, Lauren Cox
BOYS: (fron t) Phillipe Ro llet, Chris Turner, Eshaunte Wi lliams, Trenton Grady (2nd
row) Chris Kammer, Zach Davies, Brandon Klinkhammer, Tyler Ralph, Mike Uptegraft, AJ Hudson, Greg Banks, David St. Peter (3rd row) And rew Wervey, Mason
Co hrin, Paul Rollet, Mike Rodgers, Sam Drewery, Brad Woller, Nolan Grogan, Ronnie Althoff, Dan Slaviero (4th row) Anthony Mcnair, Ian Hagen, Kyle Dreger, Taylor
Tuhewaki, Kato Nichols, Nathan Bianan, John Ward, Matt Short, Gordon Rhutasel
(5th row) Max Carson, Brian Newberry, Jared Marcini, Bryce Davis, Tommy Shannon, Liam Aikens, And rew Pfantz, Ben Chase, Ryan Vojitsek, Jacob Gapinski (back)
Coach Garcia, Coach Bradley, Coach Walton, Coach Fenema, oach Clark.
GIRLS: (fron t) Katelyn Pena, Jamie Emery, Emily Brothen, Sara Green, Lily Torres,
Stephanie Drake, Maddie chma ling (2nd row) Margee Hudrick, Ellen Henry, Ali
Loberger, Kylie Griffith, Maddie Filer, Sara Slaviero, Emily Pena (3rd row) Adelya
Kammer, Brittney Fcivor, Nicole Ginter, Margaret Huck, Anna Cole, ToNaya Gu lley,
Liz Roman, Sam Nofsinger (4th row) Lauren Cox, Melissa Mutchler, Colleen Carney,
Amy Shircel, Danielle Riggins, Abbey Bleil, Alyssa Niles, Brianna Taylor-Sertich (back)
Coach Garringer, Coach Bradley, Coach Wa lton, Coach Clark, Coach Bornhuetter.
Volle ball
VARSITY: (fron t) Spencer Whitaker, Caleb Littel, Ian Hagen, Ronnie Altoff (2 nd r o"1
Zack Dickow, Kevin Landgraf, Mike W amboldt, Marcus Reimer, Eric Ciszewski (back)
Coach Spence, Bryce Frost, David Thine, Collin Klimisch, Matt Dolnik, Coach Allen
JV: (fron t) Grant Mahant, Runni e Altuff (2 nd rowj Carson Mahunt, Ian Hagen, Tyler
Lundy, Zack Palmer (back) Coach Mendez, Patrick moore, Chris Hessil, Mason
Muerhuff, Coach Spence
VARSITY: (front) Alex Hagen, Meghan Lux, Sam W eb r, Brooke Hartnell, Brooke
Landre (2nd r o"1 Taylor Roach, Tessa W eber, Hannah Stoebe, Julianna Tiribasi,
Ashley Zenn r (back) Sarah Dodd, Paje Mader, Sarah Konchan, Charlotte Dujardin,
Alyssa Niles.
JV: (front) Abby Birschbach, Ali Kres e, Amanda Doherty, Mary Edmark (2 nd ro"1
Jenna Kelly, Madison Munroe, Megan Schulte, Emalee Koch, Kaitlyn Kluver (back)
Brooke Munroe, hel ea Schmidt, Lindsey Schock, Emily Horejsch, hauntia BrooksDobbs
Tearn Pho s l75
VARSITY: (front) Jose Saldivar, Kody Kimball, Tyler Nitsch, Jared Nichols, Tyler Rice,
Tanner Larson, Trey Dever (2nd row) Hayden Acker, Brandon Lachapelle, Doug
Palmer, Donny Lipper, Tro M ain, Michael offman, Gavin Hicks (3rd row) Mike
Updegraff, Damion Shepherd, Luke Williamson, Brandon Roe, Jesse Hill, Brandon
Juarez, William Mastronardi, Isaiah Albarran (4th row) Diabolique Sherrod, James
Williams, Amar Seeobin, Matt Peterson, Tr nton Schwartz, Alex Carravetta, Steve
Nixon, Tyler Lundy, Mason Haller (back) oach Dutton , Coach Ladd, Coach Gaski ll,
oach Hoeksema, Tara Williamson , Crystal Garcia, Star Hood, Kendall Gross, Diamond Hood, Daisy Resendez, Sammi Kimbal l, Casey Rice.
VARSITY: (front) ammi Kammer, Emily Brothen, Kylie Griggith, Hope Landre, Ashley Maddocks (2nd ro i-0 Megan Dellise, Zahmere Hayden, Caitlyn Semenas, Jackie
Mongeau, Christina Smith, Sophia Reid (back) Mallory White, Tricia Miller, Jakyra
Moore, Angelique Ely, Tabitha Morin.
JV: (front) Savannah Con ine, Bianka Mengo, Rosario Serrano, Danielle Morzfeld
(2nd roi-0 Alanna Mi ller, Amber Bru lport, Kelse i Cecil, Ariana Zura itis, Kayla Kascht,
November Keaskowski, Abby Boesch (back) Brittany Madsen, Chasity Jones, Rhiannon Williams, Brianna Sertich, Samantha Zwickey, Lauren Gilliam.
Tro ·anettes
VARSITY: (front) Marisa Bianin, Amanda Uttech, Brianna Meier, Narissa VanBeekum, Angela Johnson, Lind ay Stowell, Amber Andrew (2nd row) Sofia Puterbaugh,
Kristan Bowman, Skylar Keefner, Heather Mattner, Bailey Slater, Anissa Fierke, Ju liana
Amundson, Genesis Za mud io (back) Sydney Pau lsen, Abbey DeThorne, Em ily Birz,
Kelli Griffin, Jasmine Zeidan, Kayli n Mathiesen, Alexandra Doersch .
m Photos
WI D E SEMBLE: (front) Danielle Wilson, Carson Mahant, Kelsey Smith, Holly Bernhardt, Rebecca
Knapp, Bridget Carney, Katharine Kollman. Rachel Johnson, arah Huang (2nd row) Indigo Le;l1e. Stephen Sl,ma, Kimberlee, Ruiz, Marissa Vanbeekum. Laura Cr~s. Dayna Sharnberg, Spencer Erclm,m,
Kart>n Feltman, Stephanie Kuruvilla, Alex'ib l\empin-Ellb, Alexandra Gibson, Karl l\Q(>..,..,er, M,1delyn Tenuta, Emily Werve (3rd row) Meli~'Kl Sturycz, K,1telyn Marten~en, "ettie Warren, Douglch Dubob, Ju'itin
Udry, Brandes, Christian Enwright, Log,111 Peltier, John Shelling, Ben Carlson, Ben Ault (4th row)
Bonnie Dietrich, Sarah McPherson, Samanth,1 MariJnyi, ISdaC Krone, Jacob Parrnentier, Mich,wl Leone,
Kyle Dreger, Nick Verheyen, Richard Johnson, Brett Fisher, Michael Holman (5th row) Jonadab alan,
William Schroeder, Tye Skowronski (back) Sovereign Tindall, Dustin Roemer, Jordan Reichel, Barrel
Frost, Jesse Reid, Zahra Ermoian
SYMPHO IC BA D: (front) Melissa Mutchler, Chris Wojciechowicz, Ellen Henry, Chebea Schmidt,
Caitlyn Hughes, Abigail Bleil, Kyley Smith, Skylar Keefner (2nd row) jasmine Hundertmark, Luis Hernandez, Air~ Vranac, Savannah Conine, Rachel Nelson, Alexandra Gibson, Tim Zimmerman, Robin
Zwickey, H,1nnah Skendziel (3rd row) Allie trauss, Katie Warren, Trenten Crede, Anthony Loe.f. James
Takala, Colleen CMney, Mason Jaquith, Wesley Cruz, Alex Vanbeekum, Dennis Regalado, Andrew
Breunsbach (4 /h row) Josh Dohrmann, M.1tlww HPllquisl, Mathew Knull, Melanie Ebener, David St Peter, Lu1S Totera, Ryley Powell, Daniel Mie;bauer, Michael Hansen, Ryan Hoey, Penny CIMk-Taylor (5th
row) Brandon Flores, Aaron Singer, William Schroeder, Sarah Jefferies (back) Shane Cruthers, Stephanie
Acklam, Jalen Sherrod, Ben Ruhle, Katianne Ishmael, Brittany Spencer, Jacob Lumley
CO CERT BAND: (front) Megan Molinaro, Caitlyn Hughes, Sarah Allen, Amanda Doherty, Haley Andre"~·
Ben1am1ne Loef. Julia Kaiser, Kvlie Birkholz, Maya Sanghvi (2nd row) Caroline Siana. Katelyn Braet, Samra Cenm.
Melis:)cl. Crimes, S.ucl Rich.uds, Quintin Parham, Zoe \.Villiam~. Eli Mt1chaud (3rd row) Jessica Bonner, Meli ..-.a Stu·
rycz, CJ Wincek, Allie Strau<>, l<.atelyn Martensen, Lea Albrecht. Debm Sangh,i, Keith Kutzler, Collm Deocampo,
Shatr~..e Simmom, Ju.,tin Z()('rner, Dominic Gemignani, Michapl Ern.,t (4th row) Nathaniel Lindp,-..., Terr.:ince
Kelly, Caleb Leonard, P,1ul Gerlach, Alex Wicke"he1m, Enka Rhode, ~am Gallo, Maddy Hallisy, Mich.1el Han.,.,n,
Amy Shircel, Christina Rodnguez, Ethan Johnson, Ales>andro Tocci, Nichola> Otterson. Auslln Johnson, Jeremy
Turner, Logan Kalfa, Josh Cox (5th row) Aaron Singer, Anthony Modica, Nicholas Verheyen, William Schroeder,
Sarah Jefferies, Alec Prescher, Mathew Gapinski (back) Eric Zielsdorf, Shane Cruthers, Michael Anderson, Kyle
Dierckens, James Ryan, Ben Ruhle, Marquies McCray, Tyler Ralph, Jacob Lumley, Tyler Squires, Lea Slurzenegger
SYMPHO IC WI DS: (front) Kimberlee Ruiz, Marta otarianni Sam Dinan, Hannah Knutson. Rachael Murray, Lana Tollas, Madelyn Tenuta, Bridget Carney, Rachel Johnson (2nd row) Spencer Erdman, Enc M1e,,bauer,
Ryan Bailey, Kvle Mata. Kylie Griffith, Zoe Williams, Alexandra Gibson, Danielle Wilson, Robin Zw1ckey Holly
Bernhardt (3rd row) Tyler Shircel, Melis>a Sturycz, Katelyn Martensen, Katie Warren. Dougla, Duboi>. Collin
DuChene, Kyle Krellw1tz, Alexandra Doersch, Zach Raetzman, Douglas Molback, Kellv McCormd (4th row}
Manas Mishra, Michael Field, Michael Hansen, Emily Renner, M.:irg,1ret Huck, Connor Fluder, Sam.:intha M.1ri,my1
Kyle Dreger, Nick Verheyen, Brett Fisher, Ben Calan, Amy Shircel, Jordan Coshan, Anthony Zarletti, John Cmwell
(5th row) Jonadab Calan, Tye Skwronski, Brian Newberry, Zach Frost (back) SO\ereign Tindall, Daniel Kuru\ ilia,
Dustin Roemer, Bryce O'Boyle, Dan Regalado, Taylor Moreland
CONCERT CHOIR: (front) Emily Sheets, Madison Conine, ldalys Pabon, Mariana Bedolla, Danielle
Morzfeld, Megan Beard, Beatrice Greathouse, Breanna Stephens, Angel Ortiz, Laurynn Wintermote,
Katrina Novak, Nakia Wallner, Samantha Mangold, Katelyn Daniel, Melissa Michalski, Ariel Serzynski,
Kennedy Tracy, Kaitlyn Whyers (2nd row) Ariadna Rufrancos, Katie Anderson, Brittany Thiesenhusen,
Zoe Galvin, Kairesa pann, Brittany Drigot, lane ' Ates, Megan Schultz, Shania Sherrod, Tamaira Kuhnley,
Kassi Cox, Cindy Vandenbranden, Maddy Maurer, Alexis Castillo, Ambrozia Johnson, Destiny Cooks,
Taylor Koerth, Kayla Benjamin, Mariah Heyden (back) Shuo Li, Gregory Gordon, James Schweinsberg,
Eric Danyus, Andrew Brath, T risten Pavlovich, Will Apgar, Ben Anderson, Luke Willkomm, Kyle Richter,
Nathan lark, olin Robertson , Eric Ziel dorf, Noah Zand, Isaiah Doss, hris Wojciechowicz
WOMEN'S CHOIR: (front) Erica Molinaro, 1-.atie wanger, Megan Dellisse, Angela Mann, Megan Sentieri, Halle Cairo, Katherine Ketchum, Ashley Maddocks, Bianka Mengo, Talia Rhutasel,
Alissa Racewicz (2nd row) Emily Renner, Katie W,1surick, Zoe Williams, Stella Borden, Maddie
Schumacher, Kristyn Nelson, Jill Daavettila, Tia Johnson, arah Mcl<-inley, Ma,ie Parrish , Jaime
Judeika (back) Emma Steagall, Kaitlyn i<-luver, Megan Lehman, Jaelyn nell, Abbey Bir>chbach,
Hannah Boundy, Anja Wi lkomm, Angela Tobias, 1-:ailey Abbott, Kayla Englert
More Choir
CHORALE (front) Lauren Griffin, Kendall Ruchti, Kia Hagren, Bailey Slater, Sara Brandt, Kaitlyn Verheyen, Aelexus Boudreau, Miranda Maritato, Lauren Sargent, Fallon Schultz, Emily Brothen, Mary
Hakes, Andrea Ralph, Sofia Puterbaugh, Kayla Gentz, Tonaya Gulley, tephanie Drake (2nd row)
Rachel Kostrzewa, Elaine Aedo, Alyssa Harold, Talia Engstrom, abrina Cairo, Alexis Kempin-Ellis,
Samantha Marolt, Kelli Griffin, Karen Feltman, Emily Orr, Kaitlyn Richards, Karyn Reget, Hannah Egle,
Mandy Martinez, Morgan Skarda, Veronica Leal (back) Mason Muerhoff, Christian Enwright, Collin
Klimisch, Mi hael Wamboldt, Max Jacinto, Hudson Brown, Stone Gattie, Tyler Rice, Nathan Clark,
Max Carson, Matt hart, Sam Vecchitto, Alex Dixon, Jimmy Gerdes, Kody ullivan, Sam Dinan, Matt
Dolnik, Michael Holmen, Ryan Coen, Leo Little, Ray Rodriguez
TREBLE CHOIR: (front) Jalissa Mullins, Amanda Koslowski, Rosario Serrano, Katie Serzynski,
Chardone Allen, Brianna arpenter, Cali Rummelhart, Casey Rice, Anna Richards, Kri tina Kluver,
Leah Feicht, Katelyn Greer, Lillian Oster, Mary-Kate Haggarty, Abigail Boesch, Elin Seay (2nd row)
Grace Burleson, Madeline Filer, Jenna Birch, Channing Riggs, Anissa Fierke, Donisha Dixon, Emily Crowder, Lauren Gilliam, Jasmine Zeidan, Sarah Dodd, Jaclyn Strelecki, Amber Quilling, Cori
Tainter, Sandy Zheng, Morgan Eckert, Rosa Rojas (back) Alexi Griffith, Alyssa Vranak, Brianna Sertich, Samarah Davison, Elana Brinkman, Megan Schulte, Ashley Bransky, Alexandria Pagan, Tin ke
Davis, Rhiannon Williams, Sydnee Smith, Juliana Tirabassi, Hanna Stoebe, Amyjoy 0 inga, Ariel
Pritchard-Lasky, Brooke Alfano, Heather Mattner, Jamie Bigelow, Allison Orr
GOLDEN STRINGS: (front) Katharine Kollman, Colana Hutchinson, Helen Breitenbach, Jakob
Michaelis (2nd row) Anna Zhang, Oksana Pfaffle, Kaitlyn Williamson, Katrina Williamson, Katrina
Palso, Kimberly Stidd, Alison Rasch, Ca leb Littel , Miriam Schulze (3rd row) Sophia Van Guyse,
Loarraina Bostetter, Melissa Miller, Korrin Metz, Nicole Naudi, Anthony Henderson, Andrew De
La Torre, John Szulczewski, Kyle Burter, Emma Frye-Wasi, Sophia Reid, Sam Boundy, Michael
Bisciglia, Alexa Zakutausky (back) Taylor Roach, Taylor Beer, Mary Kelly Hutchinson, Victoria Dos
Reis, Kaitlyn Breunsbach, Luis Moreno, Lauren Standish, Megan Lehman, Alysa Zimmermann, Alea
Roberts, Elizabeth Casey, Megan Mutchler, Alexis Chapa, Grant Herbert, Alyssa Daoust, Andrew
CONCERT ORCHESTRA: (front) Lauren Standish, Alysa Zimmermann, Sarah Zingleman , Kayla
Rasch, Megan Janiak, Grant HerbPrt, Rebecca Jones, Sam Boundy (2nd row) Megan Lehman,
Elizabeth Casey, Alea Roberts, Mackenzie Gwowdz, Tara Wasson, Tatyana Sherrod, Cheyann
Carstens, Kyle Butler, Larah Bacasmas, Emma Frye-Wasi, Annie McNab, Sam Kristiansen (back)
Liam Grachen, Shauntia Brooks-Dobbs, Emily Birz, Tyler Trottier, Michael Little, Storm Drennen,
Diamond Hood, Danielle George, Rachel Andrasko, Carly Burris, Brandy Rodriguez, Kayla Mukka,
Filip Matic, Terren Lorberter, Mat Gronowski, Natalie Matthews, Meghan Williamson, Grant Mahant, Nadya Pfaffle, Thomas Casey.
SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA: (front) Anna Zhang, Okasana Pfaffle, Taylor Roach , Luis Moreno,
Alison Rasch, Hudson Brown , Miriam Schulze, Alexa Zakutansky (2nd row) Sophia Van Guyse,
Lorraina Bostetter, Taylor Beer, Victoria Dos Reis, Anthony Henderson, Andrew De LaTorre,
Alyssa Alfano, Alexis Chapa, Grant Herbert, Abigail Dethorne, Sophia Reid, Brooke Hartnell, Sam
Boundy (back) Melissa M iller, Ka itlyn Williamson, Ka itlyn Breunsbach, Korrin Metz, Tristan Buencamino, icole audi, Katrina Palso, Emma Rhey, Doug Palmer, Sidney Ross, Josue Silva, Tricia
Miller, Danielle Cebolski, Kimberly Stidd, Megan Mutchler, Muriel Guerra, Sam Nofsinger, Roxy
Flores, Star Hood, Alec Kruse, Marcus Molback, Ca leb Littel, Michael Bisciglia, Joshua Rose, Andrew Bisciglia, Alyssa Daoust
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special thanks to Cindy Wandschneider
at Walsworth Publishing, without whom
this book would not have been possible.
That goes doubly for the Editor of this
year's book, Eileen Friery. Without
Eileen and her assistant editors (Annie and Allie
Smith and Luke Walaszek), this yearbook would not
look as beautiful or be written as wonderfully as it
is. Thank you for all of your hard work!
- Mr. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Jensen
Luis and Lucy Torres
Abbott, Kailey 58, 177
Acker, Hayden 48, 176
Acklam, Stephanie 66, 177
Adams, Chloe 48
Adcox, Destanie 58
Aedo, Elaine 26, 66, 105, 178
Aeds, Elaine C 164
Agaiby, Demi 168
Aguilar,Jesusita 48
Aiello, Justine 35, 66
Aiello, Richard 44
Aikens, Liam 171, 175
Akins, Liam 143
Albarran, Isaiah 48, 176
Albrecht, Lea 177
Alexander, Matt 160
Alexander, Matthew 58
Alfano, Alyssa 66, 178
Alfano, Brooke 48, 178
Allen, Chardone 48, 178
Allen, Elizabeth 40, 162
Allen,James 58
Allen, Lindsey 66, 165, 171
Allen, Sarah 48, 173, 177
Alsabbah, Nader 66, 163
Althoff, Ronald 48
Althoff, Ronnie 175
Amborn, Pauline 44
Amundson, Juliana 27, 66, 176
Andersen, Carl 170
Anderson, Alexus 48
Anderson, Ben 177
Anderson, Carl 66, 132
Anderson, Katie 177
erson, Michael 48, 177
Ande on, Thomas 44
Inc ex
Anderson, Trevaun 172
Anderson, Tyler 48
Anderson, Yasmine 48
Andraschko, Rachel 48
Andrasko, Rachel 178
Andreoli, Linda 44
Andrew, Amber 76, 176
Andrews, Debra 44
Andrews, Haley 48, 177
Antonen, Alyana 48
Apgar, Will 48, 177
Applegate, Nicole 48
Arce, Mario 58
Arias, Patsy 66
Armes, Rebecca 48
Armstrong, Kazin 66
Arnold, Alfonso 58, 172
Arnold, Garette 149
Arnold, Garrett 76, 171
Arnold, Tanner 173
Arnold, Trevor 173
Arreguin, Kelsiee 66, 159
Arriaga, Aidana 48
Artega, Daniuel 173
Arzate, Joshua 48
Ashley, Joe 35, 161, 165, 169, 173
Ashley, Joseph 66
Asleson, Kayla 16, 121, 172
Ates, Tane' 177
Athey, Cody 48
Attia, Katie 58, 162
Ault, Ben 177
Ausse, Brittany 76, 164
Auston, Camryn 48
Auston, Kyler 25, 66, 144, 172
Avalos, Fidel 48
Azmus, Scott 44
Baas, Noah 58, 109, 169
Bacasmas, Larah 58, 178
Back, Jonathan 76
Bado, Max 174
Bado, Zach 174
Bailey, Ryan 76, 125, 173, 177
Bain, Jamie 172
Baiyewu, Malik 66
Baiyewu, Rakim 58
Bakkila, Aaron 116, 158, 159, 163,
167, 179
Baltes, Amelia 66
Banks, Greg 175
Banks, Shamirah 66, 161, 165
Barajas, Ricardo 48
Baratta, Alecsander 66
Barfoot, Lamonte 66
Barnd,Jacob 58
Barnd, Kelly 38, 76, 164, 179
Barnes, Crystal 48
Barnes, Cyasia 173
Barnol,Jakob 172
Barsuli, Ashley 58, 146, 170
Battisfore, Chad 66, 173
Baumgarten, Hannah 66
Beam, Miranda 66
Beard, Megan 58, 173, 177
Becker, Amanda 58
Becker, Charley 76, 167
Becker, Daniel 48
Becker, Michael 44
Beckman, Kate 33, 76, 159, 164,
165, 167, 179
Bedolla, Mariana 66, 177
Beer, Taylor 66, 162, 165, 178
Beglen, Alan 164
Bell, Justin 58
Belmore, Joan 44
Benavidez, Bailey 76
Benicek, Aaron 66
Benicek, Evan 66
Benjamin, Kayla 66, 177
Bennett, Marcus 25, 170, 172
Bergstrom, Robert 48
Bernhardt, Brett 77, 172
Bernhardt, Christian 48
Bernhardt, Holly 77, 127, 152,
153, 165, 174, 177
Berry, Todd 48
Besler, Alan 48
Bethke, Travis 66
Betourne, Kaleb 48
Bianan, Marisa 66, 159
Bianan, Nathan 48, 175
Bianin, Marisa 176
Bicanin, Stojanka 77
Bickwermert, Gabriel 66
Bickwermert, Matthew 48
Bigelow, Jamie 48, 162, 166, 173,
Bill, Michael 58, 144, 172
Bilotto, Ashley 66
Birch, Jenna 49, 178
Birkholz, Daniel le 44
Birkholz, Kylie 49, 177
Birschbach, Abbey 49, 169, 177
Birz, Emily 49, 176, 178
Bisciglia, Andrew 77, 106, 162,
Bisciglia, Michael 58, 178
Blaser, Cody 38, 161, 165, 167,
Bleil, Abby 158, 165, 166, 167,
168, 171
Bleil, Abigail 118, 177
Block, Amelia 66
Bloxdorf, Meagan 66
Body, De'janee 49
Boehm, Trevor 66, 129, 165
Boesch, Abby 176
Boesch, Abigail 49, 178
Boesch, Eric 77
Bolar, Marcus 49
Bolden, Eric 67
Bolyard, Taylor 67, 97, 122, 123,
Bonner,Jessica 49, 102, 177
Bonofiglio, Tina 44
Booker, Autumn 67
Booker, James 49
Borchardt, Becca 35, 127, 161,
163, 165, 174
Borchardt, Ben 174
Borchardt, Rebecca 67
Borden, Stella 58, 172, 177
Bosovich, Erin 44
Bostetter, Lorraina 77, 178
Botello, Omar 67
Boudreau, Aelexus 178
Boudreau, Alison 40, 164, 165
Boudreau, Allison 77
Boundy, Hannah 58, 177
Boundy, Sam 169, 173, 178
Boundy, Samuel 58
Bowman, Kristan 35, 67, 168,
Boyd, Dylan 49
Boyd, Michael 58
Boyle, Landan 105
Boyle, Landon 8, 26, 38, 77
Bradford, Lonzo 44
Bradford, Ronnie 173
Bradley, Matt 170
Braet, Katelyn 49, 162, 169, 177
Brand, Kelly 38
Brandes, Nathan 67, 165, 177
Brandt, Sara 26, 77, 178, 181
Brandt, Tylor 67, 158
Branski, Ashley 172
Bransky, Ashley 49, 162, 178
Brath, Andrew 58, 177
Braum, Eric 49
Breitenbach, Helen 44, 178
Breunsbach, Andrew 58, 177
Breunsbach, Kaitlyn 77, 90, 162,
165, 169, 178
Brinkman, Elana 49, 178
Broadway, Cathy 44
Brochardt, Becca 165
Brooks, Shauntia 170
Brooks-Darder, Tamia 49
Brooks-Dobbs, Shauntia 58,
175, 178
Brothen, Emily 77, 175, 176, 178
Brothers, Lindsey 38, 77, 146,
Brown, Austyn 49
Brown, Brandon 49
Brown, Brett 49
Brown, Caleb 58
Brown, Dorlise 44
Brown, Hudson 105, 178
Brown , Nicolette 67, 173
Brownlee,Ja'quan 49
Brubbs, Karen Nicole 164
Bruce, Brandon 58, 169
Brulport, Amber 176
Brulport, Serah 67
Bruth, Andrew 165
Bryant, Damon 49
Bryant, Derek 67, 132, 170
Brydges, Bill 44
Buban , Alex 25, 77, 136, 148, 163,
167, 171, 173
Buban, Matthew 58, 172
Buchanan, Steven 67, 166
Bucko, Alex 172
Bucko, Alexander 58
Buege, William 67
Buege, Willie 25, 15, 171
Buegue, Willie 172
Buencamino, Tristan 67, 173, 178
Bullock, Joshua 67, 166
Bullock, Nicholas 49
Buratti, Nicholas 58
Burke, Melanie 77
Burke, Tom 44
Burkholder, Alexis 67
Burkholder, Lexi 172
Burleson, Grace 49, 165, 178
Burrati, Nicholas Nick 170
Burris, Carly 58, 178
Burrow, Emilee 77
Burter, Kyle 178
Butler, Kyle 58, 162, 169, 178
Butschli, Cassandra 67
Buttera, Amanda 67
Byars, Bryan 67, 165, 173
Byrd, Mosh 172
Byrnes, Cora 44
Cable, Alexander 77
Caira, Gina 58, 130, 131 , 163, 170
Cairo, Halle 67, 101, 177
Cairo, Sabrina 67, 165, 178
Cairo, Sydney 59, 170
Calan, Ben 172, 177
Calan, Benjamin 59
Calan, Jonadab 177
Caldera, Uriel 59
Camosy, Kevin 67, 172
Camp, James 59
Camp, Ted 67, 163
Campbell , Anthony 49
Capodarco, Tressa 49
Capponi, Joey 173
Capps, Austin 49
Cardenas,Julian 59
Cardinali, Karen 44
Cardona, Ernesto 49
Carlson, Ben 33, 158, 177
Carlson, Benjamin 67
Carlson, Daniel 41 , 77
Carney, Bridget 77, 158, 161, 165,
Carney, Colleen 59, 158, 174,
175, 177
Carpenter, Brianna 49, 178
Carravetta, Alex 77, 171 , 176
Carrillo, Emilio 59
Carrion, Eddie 49
Carson, Max 33, 118, 142, 165,
171 , 175, 178
Carstens, Cheyann 49, 178
Carswell, John 38, 40, 77, 102,
150, 151, 174, 177
Carter, Serena 67
Casey, Elizabeth 59, 62, 162,
169, 174, 178
Casey, Thomas 49, 178
Casper, Natalie 44
Cassar, Zella 49
Castaneda, Cinthya 67
Castanuela, Marie 67
Castillo, Alexis 59, 170, 177
Castillo, Carlos 59, 162, 169
Castillo-Unger, Velia 44
Castle, Brent 173
Castro-Luna,Juan 59
Catchings-Currie, Anthony 59
Cebolski, Danielle 67, 174, 178
Cecil, Kelsei 49, 176
Cerim, Samra 49, 177
Chalgren , Barbara 44
Chamberlain, Abigail 67
Chamberlain, Emily 67, 170
Chamberlin, Emily 146
Chamness, Keyiondra 49
Chapa, Alexis 67, 162, 165, 178
Chase, Ben 173, 175
Chase, Benjamin 49
Chase, Julie 44
Cheney, Hunter 59
Childress, Christian 49
Chille, Moira 158
Chinos, Abel 40
Chinos,Jorge 67
Chiu, Moira 67
Cholak, Rachael 67
Christensen, Michael 67
Christopher, Mario 49
Christopherson , Damian 67
Church , Robbin 44
Ciamarichello,Jordan 49
Cicerale, Nicolas 44
Cina, Nicholas 59
Ciszewski, Eric 35, 38, 40, 77,
116, 151, 161 , 165, 167, 174, 175
Clacy, Ashley 166
Claeys, Ashley 67
Claeys, David 109
Clark, Bill 44
Clark, Nathan 59, 177, 178
Clark-Taylor, Penny 59, 177
Clarke-Taylor, Penny 164
Cleveland , Domonique 49
Clifford , Kelsey 67
Coats, Charly 159
Coats, Zach 172
Coats, Zachary 49, 163
Cochran , Mason 59, 172
Cochrin, Mason 175
Coel, Sam 172
Coel, Samuel 77, 144
Coen, Marjorie 59
Coen, Ryan 77, 178
Coffman, Michael 59, 176
Coker,Jaylen 49
Cole, Alexandra 67
Cole, Anna 67, 171, 175
Cole, Berina 67
Cole, James 49
Cole, Quentin 49
Colin,Jaime 59, 125, 165, 173
Colon, Nicholas 67
Conine, Madi 170
Conine, Madison 59, 177
Conine, Savannah 59, 170, 176,
Conley, Chelsea 67
Connelly, Maddy 171
Conolly, Maddie 141
Conrad, Daniel 49
Conver, Melinda 67
Cooks, Destiny 59, 177
Cooper, Nikki 173
Cooper, Sam 172
Cordero, Amanda 77
Cornell, Thomas 67, 125
Cornell, Tom my 163, 172, 173
Corrigall, David 67, 163, 165, 168
Cortez, Alexander 49
Coshan, Jordan 177
Coshun,Jordan 59, 171
Cotton, Charles 59
Coughlin,Justin 67
Coughlin , Michael 78
Courtier, Lynnsey 49, 170
Covel li, Louis 44
Cowan, Caitlin 78
Cox, Josh 177
Cox, Karissa 40, 78
Cox, Kassi 59, 177
Cox, Lauren 67, 141, 174, 175
Crass, Suzanne 40, 78
Crawford , Cade 78
Crawford ,Jordan 67, 165, 173
Croce, Christine 59
Croce, Joshua 49
Cross, Corey 59
Crowder, Emily 49, 178
Crutcher, Michael 35, 67, 163,
Cruthers, Shane 49, 177
Cruz, Jorge 67
Cruz,Juan 44
Cruz, Marisol 59, 170
Cruz, Wesley 67, 177
Cumberland , Shanay 49
Cundari, Noah 68
Currie, Anthony 170
Currie, Anthony 163
Czesny, Michael 173
Czesny, Michal 68
Inc ex 187
Daavetilla,Jill 159, 165
Daavettila,Jill 59, 168, 169, 174,
Damron, Amber 68
Daniel, Eliza 59
Daniel, Katelyn 78, 177
Daniels, Makayla 49
Danielson, Lorena 45
Danyus, Amber 17, 78, 104, 131
Danyus, Eric 59, 177
Daoust, Alyssa 68, 178
Darling, Haley 59
Davenport, Kailan 68
Davidson, Kenneth 68
Davies, Zach 175
Davies, Zachary 59
Davies, Zack 171
Davila, Ivan 68
Davis, Bryce 78, 118, 142, 143,
171, 175
Davis, Christian 40
Davis, Devante 59
Davis, Karen 45
Davis, Tineke 49, 170, 178
Davison, Samarah 49, 178
Dawiec,Jake 78, 137, 173
Dawson, Emma 68, 162, 165,
166, 168, 169
Daynus, Amber 170
Defranco, Rick 78
Dejno,Jordan 78, 161, 163, 165,
Dejno, Kelsey 59
Dejno, Kelsi 173
DeLaat, Bret 173
Delabio, Jacob 50
Delahanty, Gregory 45
Dellisse, Megan 59, 163, 177
Demoe, Stephanie 78
Denning, Tina M 45
Deocampo, Collin 50, 177
Deregngowski, Abby 170
Derengowski, Abigail 59
Deschler, Lauren 59, 171
Desisa, Lelisa 10
De Thorne, Abby 168
Dethorne, Abigail 68, 178
Dever, Trey 50, 176
Devore, Emma 25, 50, 54
Dev · s, Ashley 68, 166
Inc ex
Dezoma, Michael 59
Dickerson, Dannielle 170
Dickerson, Domonique 170
Dickerson, Dannielle 68
Dickow, Zachary 68
Dickow, Zack 175
Dierckens, Karly 78, 81
Dierckens, Kyle 50, 177
Dierkens, Karlie 173
Dietrich, Bonnie 68, 127, 174,
Diggins, Emily 68
Dillard, Travis 59, 165
Dillard, Troy 40, 166
Dillow, Nathan 68, 171, 172
Dinan,Jamael 169
Dinan, Sam 177, 178
Dinan, Samuel 59
Dixon, Alex 38, 78, 161, 165, 178
Dixon, Crystal 68
Dixon, Donisha 50, 178
Dixon, Olivia 68
Dodd, Sarah 50, 175, 178
Dodge, Will 78
Doerr, Logan 59
Doersch, Alexandra 68, 164,
168, 176, 177
Doersch, Lexi 165
Doherty, Amanda 50, 175, 177
Dohrmann,Josh 68, 177
Dolnik, Matt 38, 78, 116, 161,
165, 175, 178
Domalik, Christopher 78
Dominguez, Emmanuel 68
Dominguez, Nikki 50
Dominguez, Tamara 59
Donahoe, Stephen 68, 171
Donaldson, Kevin 50
Donovan, Amber 78
Doss, Isaiah 50, 177
Douglas, Gabby 11
Dowse, Susan 45
Drake, Stephanie 26, 68, 105,
161, 163, 165, 174, 175, 178
Dreger, Kyle 31, 40, 78, 143, 163,
167, 171, 175, 177
Drennen, Storm 50, 178
Drewery, Sam 175
Drewry, Samuel 68
Drigot, Brittany 78, 177
Drucks, Michael 59, 169
Dubois, Douglas 78, 164, 177
Duchac, Kayla 59
Duchene, Collin 129, 177
Duchene, Collin 68, 128, 174
Dujardin, Charlotte 68, 115, 170,
Dummer, Emma 50, 146, 170,
Dunn, Rodger 45
Durkee, Jacob 59
Duros, Ron 45
Dutkiewicz, Hunter 50
Dykes, Matthew 68
Dyson, Bobbie 68
Dzbinski, Jason 50
Dzbinski, Kylie 68
Easter, Kevin 68
Ebener, Melanie 59, 122, 174, 177
Echavarria-Munoz, Rafael 59
Echevarria-Gross, Joseph 59
Echeverria, Alejandro 68
Echols, Mario 59
Eckert, Morgan 50, 178
Edmark, Maggie 3, 139, 173
Edmark, Mary 9, 59, 173, 175
Edwards, Thomas 68, 165, 170
Edwards, Tom 34, 35, 164
Egle, Hannah 78, 79, 161, 165,
Ehmke, Brooke 50
Eidsor, Ryan 68, 171
Eiroa, Natasha 38, 179
Ekstrom, Steve 45
Elgohari, Nora 26, 78
Ellis, Emily 50
Elmblad, Susan 45
Elsen, Anthony 173
Elsen, Daniel 50
Elsen, Jamie 38, 40, 78, 164, 165
Elsen, Nick 173
Ely, Angelique 176
Emery, Jamie 68, 167, 169, 171,
Englert, Kayla 50, 177
Engstrom, Talia 38, 105, 178
Enwright, Christian 78, 161, 172,
177, 178
Erdman, Savannah 40, 80, 164,
165, 181
Erdman, Spencer 68, 102, 171,
Erickson, Caitlin 50
Erickson, Julie 38, 80, 89, 181
Erickson, Ty 68
Ericson,Jordan 68
Ericson,Joseph 50
Erlandson, Christina 80
Ermoian, Zahra 68, 163, 177
Ernst, Chuck 174
Ernst, Michael 50, 177
Espinosa, Diana 68
Espinosa, Maria 68
Ester, Charles 45
Etmans, Broden 50
Etmans, Brodie 174
Etzelmueller, Steve 80
Eubanks, Jacob 36, 68
Evans, Guy 68, 116
Evans, Krystal 68, 137, 173
Fanning,Joseph 45
Fanning, Matt 163
Feicht, Leah 50, 178
Feivor, Brittney 25, 38, 40, 80,
118, 140, 171, 175
Fellows, Shelby 165, 179
Feltman, Karen 68, 177, 178
Fernander, Kabrina 59, 62
Ferry, Sam 80, 161, 171
Fiebrink, Wesley 50
Fiedler, Max 59, 174
Field, Amanda 174
Field, Michael 59, 65, 177
Fierke, Anissa 50, 176, 178
Filer, Maddie 175
Filer, Madeline 50, 178
Finley, Andrew 59
Finley, Andy 62, 163, 172
Fisher, Brett 60, 168, 169, 177
Fisherm, Brett 158
Fitch, Alex 129, 160, 174
Fitch, Alexander 80
Fitzmaurice, Analea 50
Fitzmaurice, Kayla 68
Flasch,Jared 23, 40, 80, 145, 172
Flores, Brandon 60, 177
Flores, Roxana 68
Flores, Roxy 178
Flowers, Jonathan 68
Fluder, Connor 177
Folkerts, Dalton 50
Ford, Zachary 172
Ford, Zackary 68, 163
Forsythe,Jared 40, 80, 165, 172
Foss, Michaela 68, 174
Franklin, Cierra 50
Frederick, Beau 50
Frederick, Jake 68
Freeman, Aaron 60
Freeman, Dashanay 50
Freeman, Davon 50
Fremarek, Patricia 45
French, Hunter 50, 174
Friery, Eileen 40, 80, 83, 165, 171
Frost, Barret 174, 177
Frost, Barrett 40, 80, 145, 163,
Frost, Bryce 60, 145, 170, 172,
Frost, Zach 174, 177
Frost, Zachary 68
Frye-Wasi, Emma 60, 178
Fugate, Nicole 80
Fuhrer, Zachary 60
Fuhrer, Zack 172
Funk, Mitchell 173
Furloni, Logan 50
Gadlen, William 60
Gaertner, Michael 80
Gaertner, Mike 33, 38, 159, 179
Gagliardi, Grant 80, 173, 174
Gallegos, Lucero 68
Galligan, Ashley 68, 163, 174
Gallo, Maddy 80
Gallo, Sam 177
Gallo, Samuel 50
Galvin, Zoe 60, 159, 177
Gapinski, Jacob 60, 175
Gapinski, Mathew 177
Gapinski, Matthew 50
Garay, David 60, 169
Garcia, Amber 60
Garcia, Crystal 163, 165, 176
Garcia, Isaiah 50
Garcia, Joseph 68
Garcia, Leslie 50
Garcia, Marta 50
Garcia, Vicely 50
Garcia, Yamileth 68
Garcia, Yoahneth 69
Garcia-Gomez,jose 60
Garey, David 164
Garringer, Katie 45
Gaston, Cedric 69
Gates, Ray 172
Gates, Rayeanne 69
Gattie, Stone 69, 178
Gattshall, Paul 60
Gazarkiewicz, Patrick 45
Geary,john 60, 172
Geiger, Brian 45
Gemignani, Dominic 50, 177
Gennaccaro,john 50
Gentz, Kayla 69, 172, 178
George, Daniele 170
George, Danielle 50, 178
Georno, Patrick 81, 151 , 174
Gerdes, jimmy 81, 171, 178
Gerlach,john 69, 158
Gerlach, Paul 50, 177
Gervacio, Martha 165
Gessert, Gage 69, 170, 172
Gharib, Adam 50
Gibbs, Alexandria 60
Gibbs, Austin 50
Gibson , Alexandra 40, 177
Gilliam, Lauren 50, 176, 178
Gilliland , Margaret 69
Gilmore, Cheryl 45
Ginter, Nicole 69, 175
Gittens, Randi 69
Givens, Lasharia 60, 170
Glacier, Lindsay 172
Classen, Alyssa 60, 174
Godinez, Luis 50
Golden, Kayla 50
Goll, Katelyn 81, 160, 174
Gomez, Cristian 159, 163
Gomez, Emilio 60
Gordon, Ben 60, 144, 172
Gordon , Caleb 172
Gordon, Gregory 50, 177
Gordon , Joshua 50
Gordon, Kurstyn 69, 131, 170
Gorman, Janice 45
Gorman , Kameron 25, 148, 171
Goroski, Dan 172
Goroski, Daniel 60
Goss, Jacob 50
Goss, Jake 169
Gosse, Laura 40, 81
Gott, Trevor 60, 169
Goyette, Danzel 45
Grachen, Liam 50, 178
Grady, Trenton 175
Graham, Bryan 69, 173
Granville, Maurice 50
Greathouse, Beatrice 177
Greathouse, Sam 181
Greathouse, Samantha 81
Grede, Trenten 69, 177
Green, Courtney 40, 81, 160,
Green, NaNa 25, 167
Green, Nwoye 130, 131, 170, 172
Green, Sara 175
Greene, Sara 69
Greer, Katelyn 51, 178
Greskoviak, Robert 69
Griffin, Kelli 69, 165, 167, 168,
176, 178
Griffin, Kyle 51
Griffin, Lauren 69, 165, 174, 178
Griffith, Alexi 51, 178
Griffith, Kylie 24, 81, 141, 152, 153,
175, 177
Griggith, Kylie 176
Grimes, Melissa 51 , 173, 177
Gripko, Liv 40, 81, 161, 165, 166
Grochowski, joey 60, 172
Grogan, Nolan 51, 171, 175
Gronowski, Mat 178
Gronowski, Mathew 51
Gross, Abbey 60
Gross, Abby 170
Gross, Jake 165, 168, 169
Gross, Kendall 60, 69, 131 , 161,
170, 176
Gross, Laura 177
Grosse, Laura 167
Grubbs, Karen 51
Guerra, Muriel 69, 178
Gulbranson , Gabriella 36, 60,
Gulley, Tonaya 172, 178
Gulley, ToNaya 69, 105, 140,
141, 165, 167, 172, 175
Gunderson , Jacob 69
Gunhus, Ben 81, 125, 173
Gunhus, Megan 51, 173
Guyse, Olivia Van 56, 168, 173
Guyse, Sophia Van 40, 92, 178
Guzman , Christian 60
Guzman, Vincente 51
Gwowdz, Mackenzie 178
Gwozdz, Mackenzie 60
Hackeloer, Lisa 45
Hafke, Ryan 51
Hagen, Alex 153, 159, 161, 165,
Hagen, Alexandria 81, 179
Hagen, Ian 51, 143, 175
Haggarty, Christian 31, 69
Haggarty, Mary-Kate 159, 163,
Haggarty, Mary-Kathryn 51
Haggerty, Mary-Kate 36
Hagren, Kia 81, 178
Hakes, Mary 81, 178
Hall, Kohl 60
Haller, Mason 176
Halligan, Barbara 45
Hallisy, Maddy 174, 177
Hallisy, Madeline 51, 170
Halvorsen, Taylor 81, 159, 163,
Hamilton, Tevin 60
Hampton, Sharneisha 69
Hansche, Kyle 60
Hansen, Deborah 45
Hansen, Michael 60, 177
Hansen, Talan 69
Hanson, Siever 69, 165
Harborside, Abby 174
Hardy, Hoffman Todd 173
Hardy, Todd 45
Hardy, Troy 45
Harebo, Mathew 69
Harker, Ruth 45
Harkless,james 51
Harold, Alyssa 40, 81, 178
Harper, Ty 172
Harris, Brandon 25, 132, 170
Harris, Jordan 69
Hartnell, Brooke 16, 81, 115, 175,
Hartnell, Colton 51
Hartschuh , Linda 45
Hassel, Billy 82
Hathcock,jamie 51
Hauenstein , Drew 60
Hawbaker, Lizzie 2, 82, 139, 173
Hawbaker, Matthew 51
Hayden, Zahmere 60, 176
Heard, Alyssa 51
Hellquist, Mathew 177
Hellquist, Matthew 60
Hemmi, Cassandra 51
Hemmi,jessica 51, 173
Henderson, Anthony 69, 106,
Henley, Bobby 51
Henry, Ellen 70, 161, 167, 1 '
175, 177
Hensgen, Aynsley 82, 159, 161 ,
165, 167, 179
Herbert, Grant 60, 169, 178
Herman, Conrad 60, 173
Hernandez, Luis 70, 177
Hernandez, Mike 70
Herr, Quentin F 60
Herron , Steven 51
Hersmann , Andrew 172
Hess, Anna 45
Hessil, Chris 175
Hessil , Christopher 60
Hetchler, Matthew 51
Heury, Ellen 165
Heyden, Mariah 70, 177
Hibbler, Patrick 70
Hicks, Gavan 70
Hicks, Gavin 172, 176
Hicks,Johrie 82, 161 , 174
Hicks, Kelsey 51 , 173, 174
Highland, Nicole 60
Hilderbrand, Nicholas 60
Hilderbrand, Nick 171, 173
Hill, Andrew 51, 57, 158
Hill , Jesse 60, 134, 172, 176
Hix, Noah 70
Hodge, Trayce 51
Hodges, Ashley 60, 170
Hoey, Ryan 51 , 177
Hoffenkamp, Dylan 167
Hoffenkemp, Dylan 82
Hoffman, Colin 60
Holden, Kyle 172
Holland, Christian 60, 160
Hollingsworth, Jordan 25, 38,
40, 82, 138, 139, 173, 179
Holmen, Michael 40, 105, 178
Hood, Da'lacey 51
Hood, Diamond 176, 178
Hood, Es 'ther 70
Hood, Star 176, 178
Hoover, Maddy 174
Hoover, Madeline 82, 164
Hopf, Gaven 60
Hopf, Logan 70, 132, 170
Hopkins, Eric 45
Hopkinsbay, Da'shayla 60
Hoppenjan, Zachary 52
Horak, Nick 60
Horejsch, Emily 60, 175
Horne, Dylan 52, 57
Horneffer, David 150
Houtsinger, Bethany 52
Howe, Ashley 82
--~ ang, Sam 171
Huan Sarah 38, 82, 88, 158,
190 In ex
165, 167, 177
Hubaishy,Jenna 40
Hubais hy,Jordan 60, 174
Hubeler, Heather 45
Huck, Margaret 70, 118, 167, 171 ,
175, 177
Huck, Samantha 45
Hudrick, Marqee 52, 171
Hudson, Aj 175
Hudson, Arthur 70
Hudson , Quamere 52
Hueksena,John 171
Hughes, Caitlyn 60, 177
Hughes, Emma 13, 82, 98, 161 ,
163, 173
Hughs, Emma 139
Hujik, Therese 45
Humphrey, Megan 97
Humphreys, Megan 38, 40, 82,
122, 123, 130, 131, 174, 179
Humprhreys, Megan 170
Hundertmakr,Jasmine 163
Hundertmark, Jasmine 82, 177
Hunter, Taishae 70
Huss, Kyle 3, 13, 40, 82, 149,
160, 161, 171
Huss, Tyler 52
Hutchinson , Colana 178
Hutchinson, Mary Kelly 178
Hyde, Andrea 164
Igartua, Brandon 52
Iglehart, Allison 173
lnfusino, Donna 45
Ishmael, Katianne 60, 177
lwen, James 70
Jacinto, Max 178
Jacinto, Maximiliano 60
Jackson, Kaylee 70
Jackson, Keon 52
Jaimes, Anayely 70
Janiak, Megan 52, 159, 162, 165,
169, 178
Janowitz, Amy 60
Jansen , Andrew 52, 171 , 174
Jansen , Sara 35
Jansen , Sarah 70, 168
Jaquith, Mason 60, 62, 171 , 177
Jaros, Serena 70
Jefferies, Sarah 60, 177
Jenkins, Loreal 70
Jenkins, Quindon 70
Jensen , Jack 52, 171
Jensen, Noah 60, 163, 170, 171
Jensen, Sarah 34
Jeranek, Holly 70
Jeranek, Zane 179
Jerowski, Bennett Ma 62
Jiana, Sheng Ning 166
Jiang, ShengNing 159
Jiang, Shengning 61
Jikomes, Casey 61 , 82
Johnson , Abigai l 52
Johnson , Alexander 52
Johnson , Ambrozia 52, 177
Johnson, Angela 40, 82, 164,
167, 176
Johnson , Austin 52, 177
Johnson, Cameron 165
Johnson, Camron 70
Johnson, David 45
Johnson , Ethan 52, 172, 173, 177
Johnson , Mariah 70
Johnson, Marissa 70
Johnson, Nicolas 52
Johnson, Rachel 40, 83, 163, 165,
Johnson, Richard 83, 177
Johnson, Romello 52
Johnson, Sarah 45
Johnson, Talerie 70
Johnson, Tia 61 , 177
Johnson , Todd 61
Joling,Jimmy 181
Jones, Becca 162, 163, 168, 169
Jones, Chasity 61 , 62, 176
Jones, Ciara 52
Jones, Derek 61, 170
Jones, Kelsey 70, 169
Jones, Kyle 83, 149, 161, 163, 165,
167, 171
Jones, Rebecca 52, 174, 178
Jorsch, James 45
Jr, Frank Matrise 46
Juarez, Brandon 52, 176
Judeika,Jaime 61, 177
Judeika, Troy 52
Junkerman,Johanna 171, 173
Junkermann, Johanna 70
Kaiser, Ashley 70
Kaiser, Julia 52, 174, 177
Kalbfell ,Jeremy 45
Kalfa, Logan 177
Kamin , Corey 83
Kammer, Adelya 83, 171 , 175
Kammer, Chris 163, 165, 167, 171,
Kammer, Christopher 61
Kammer, Samantha 70
Kammer, Sammi 176
Kapplehoff, Maggie 71
Kascht, Kayla 52, 176
Kasper, Marie 45
Kasprzak,Jonathan 61 , 164
Kay, Carrie 52
Keane, Jake 83
Keckeisen , Connor 61
Keefner, Skylar 61, 176, 177
Keel , Sarah 45
Kelley, Daniel 71
Kelley, Leah 61
Kelly, Jenna 61 , 175
Kelly, Terrance 52, 177
Kempin -Ellis, Alexis 178
Kempin-Ellis, Alexsis 71 , 177
Kenney, Ashley 61, 159, 163, 165,
168, 174
Kenney, Patrick 61 , 163, 165, 168,
171, 174
Kentcy, Djuan 71
Kercey, Robert 45
Ketchum, Katherine 61, 177
Kexel, Alison 61
Kexel, Kim 45
Kexel, Marissa 71
Keys, Alicia 70
Khaleel , Saleua 45
Kimball, Kody 52, 176
Kimball, Samantha 166
Kimball, Sammi 176
King, Jerome 45
King, Virginia 45
Kingfisher, Aaron 52
Kirk, Adam 163, 170
Kirkholz,Jillian 163
Kirkley, Cecelia 71
Kjerulf, Seth 53
Kless, Tehra 71
Klimisch, Collin 30, 40, 83, 91,
116, 175, 178, 179
Klinkhammer, Brandon 13, 83,
119, 161, 165, 171 , 175, 179
Kloiber, Alexis 71
Kloiber, Dani 163
Kloiber, Danielle 53, 173, 174
Kloiber, Lexi 161 , 163, 165, 174
Klopp, Krista 53
Kluver, Kaitlyn 61 , 146, 163, 170,
175, 177
Kluver, Kristina 53, 174, 178
Kluver, Kyle 84, 163, 171
Knapp, Becky 123, 164, 167, 173
Knapp, Daniel 174
Knapp, Madeline 173
Knapp, Madelyn 61
Knapp, Rebecca 38, 40, 83, 174,
Knudtson , Rachel 53, 173
Knull, Mathew 177
Knul l, Matthew 61
Knutson , Hannah 71, 118, 161,
165, 167, 171 , 173, 177
Kobis hop, Jordan 83
Koch, Emalee 61, 163, 175
Koehler, Bradley 61 , 172
Koepke, Joshua 53
Koepke, Rachel 53, 109
Koerth, Taylor 83, 177
Koesser, Karl 71 , 160, 165, 177
Kok, Sam 12, 38, 83, 136, 159,
161, 163, 165, 167, 171
Kok, Samuel 83
Kollman, Katharine 38, 83, 158,
164, 165, 177, 178
Kol lman , Lloyd 45
Konchan, Sarah 61, 115, 168, 175
Kopesky, Lisa 45
Koramod, Nicolai 174
Korecz, Anthony 172
Koslowski, Amanda 178
Kosman,Joseph 45
Kostrzewa, Rachel 71 , 165, 166,
168, 178
Kotten , Leann 2, 83, 167
Kotz, Maria 45
Kreier, Cameron 172
Krellwitz, Kyle 71 , 75, 158, 166,
169, 177
Kresse, Alexandria 61
Kresse, Ali 173, 175
Kreuscher, Daniel 83
Krier, Chase 171
Kristiansen, Sam 178
Kristiansen, Samuel 53
Kroll , Matt 169
Kromm , Kim 45
Kroncke, Cameron 53
Krone, Isaac 38, 40, 84, 165, 177
Kruse, Alec 71 , 160, 172, 178
Kruse, Megan 61 , 159, 165, 168,
Kruze, Megan 169
Ku hagen , Lindsey 170
Kuhnley, Tamaira 61 , 177
Kumorkiewicz, Katlynn 61
Kurman , Ben 169
Kurman , Benjamin 61
Kuruc, Michael 61
Kuruvilla, Daniel 61, 174, 177
Kuruvilla, Stephanie 38, 82, 84,
165, 167, 174, 177
Kutzler, Keith 53, 171 , 177
Kutzler, Kyle 84, 109, 148, 171
Kuyawa, Dana 53
Laat, Brett De 49
Labatore, Officer Joe 45
Lachapelle, Brandon 176
Lachapelle, Hunter 53
Laci, Alyssa 53, 146, 170
Ladd,Jason 45
Ladewig, Savannah 71
Lail , McKayla 173
Lail, Mckayla 53
Lamm, Denise 45
Lanc,Jimmie-Jay 53
Landgraf, Kevin 35, 71 , 161, 165,
174, 175
Landre, Brooke 38, 84, 175
Landre, Hope 61, 136, 153, 173,
Landry,Jacob 53
Lange, Eric 84, 167
Larsen, Karli 71
Larsen, Linda 45
Larson, Tanner 71, 171, 176
Larue, Mitchell 61
Last, Leslie! 45
Lattergrass, Taylor 61
Lauer, Paige 53
Lavey,Ji ll 45
Lavey,Justin 53, 149, 171
Lavey, Lois 45
Leable, Keith 53
Leaders, Link 160
Leal , Veronica 71 , 178
Lear,Jaylen 53
Lechusz, Carol 45
Ledford , Morgan 71 , 130, 131,
Lehman, Laura 61
Lehman, Megan 61 , 169, 177, 178
Lehner, Garrett 71
Lehtinen, Dakota 53
Leibhan , Kelly 84, 164, 165, 167
Leischner, Hannah 174
Lenegar, Erin 53
Leon , Ismael 53
Leonard, Caleb 53, 177
Leone, Michael 84, 177
Leoris, Lexi 163
Leslie, Indigo 3, 84, 165, 177, 179
Levrie, Eli 62
Lewgne, Erin 173
Lewis, Clint 84
Lewis, Madeline 38, 84, 164, 165
Lewis, Ryan 70
Leys, Kyler 53
Limon, Angel 53
Limon, Lorenzo 62
Linders, Nathaniel 177
Lipper, Don 172
Lipper, Donald 62
Lipper, Donnie 134
Lipper, Donny 176
Littel , Caleb 84, 106, 116, 175,
Littel,Jordan 62, 129, 172, 174
Little, Leo 71, 172, 178
Little, Michael 53, 178
Llanas, Isaiah 53
Loberger, Alexandra 62
Loberger, Ali 169, 175
Loef, Anthony 71 , 177
Loef, Benjamine 177
Loewen, Karlie 25, 38, 40, 84,
165, 167
Lollis,Jackulyn 71
Lond, Alexis 84, 179
Lond, Lexi 14
Lopez, Alonte 71
Lopez, Francisco 62
Lopez, Jennifer 70
Lopez,Juan 53
Lopez-Nunez, Angelica 53
Lorberter, Michael 53
Lorberter, Terren 178
Lou, Mary 40
Lovell , Kyle 163
Lu, SongruiJohn 174
Lumley, Jacob 53, 177
Lundy,Jake 71
Lundy, Tyler 71 , 175, 176
Lupia, Kaitlyn 62
Luttrell , Chris 144, 172
Lux, Meghan 25, 38, 84, 175
Ly, Nancy 40, 85, 159, 165, 167,
Lyon,Juwan 71
Lyttle, Jerael 53
Machaud, Eli 177
Macklin, Asia 71
Maddern , Ashlynn 85
Maddocks, Ash ley 62, 170, 176,
Mader, Paje 85, 115, 175
Madison ,Jonathan 53
Madsen, Brittany 53, 176
Maegaard, Mitchell 171, 173
Mahant, Carson 35, 71 , 158, 161,
165,167, 169,172,177
Mahant, Grant 53, 169, 174, 175,
Mahunt, Carson 175
Maier, Lin dsey 173
Main , Logan 62
Majercik, John 45
Majerick, Sue 46
Majerowski, Bennet 172
Makar, Morgan 62
Makor, Morgan 174
Maksen, Rik 181
Malacara, Marco 62, 163, 173
Mangold, Kaelan 85, 172
Mangold, Samantha 71 , 177
Mann, Angela 62, 177
Mann, Ariana 62, 65
Manning, Barabara 46
Manske, Melanie 53
Manske, Mitchell 53
Maraccini,Jared 71 , 173
Marcini,Jared 175
Marentes, Haylee 71
Margetson, Michael 71
Marianyi, Sam 38, 162
Marianyi, Samantha 177
Maritato, Miranda 12, 38 85
In ex 191
159,161,165,167,178, 179
Marko, Madison 173
Marolt, Samantha 85, 159, 169,
178, 179
Marrese, Zachary 53
Marresse, Zach 174
Marschel, Kelly 46
Martensen, Katelyn 71 , 177
Martensen, Kati 166
Marth, Connor 166
Martin, Rajzhane 62
Martinez, Mandy 178
Martynsen, Kati 165
Mason, Aaron 53
Massimo,Josh 16, 31
Massimo, Joshua 71
Mastronardi, William 53, 176
Mata, Kyle 177
Matera,John 46
Mathiesen, Kaylin 62, 176
Matic, Filip 53, 178
Matoska, Andrew 62
Matoska, Andy 172
Mattder, Heather 173
Matthews, Dillon 62
Matthews, Haylie 53
Matthews, Kendrick 71, 160
Matthews, Natalie 53, 178
Mattner, Heather 53, 165, 176,
Mauer, Nate 164
Maurer, Maddy 177
Maurer, Madison 62
Maurer, Nathanael 53
May,Justin 85, 159, 179
Mayer, Rece 53
Maze, Keelontay 53
Mcbee, Ashlyn 53
Mccain, Troy 71
Mccarthy, Diana 46
Mccarville, Karin 46
Mcclain, Karissa 62
McClain, Nicole 71
Mccolgan, Kevin 53
McColgan, Shane 164
Mccolgan, Shane 71
McCormick, Kelly 85, 144, 172,
173, 177
McCray, Marquies 177
Mccray, Marquies 53
McDonough, Kendra 173
Mcgonegle, Kelsey 71
McKay, Jessica 85
Mckay,Jessica 40
....--,,~.lA.l'K,. ay,Jessie 167, 173
Mcki Sean 46
192 I
n ex
McKinley, Sarah 177
Mckinley, Sarah 62
McNab, Annie 178
Mcnab, Rhyannon 53
Mcnair, Anthony 175
MCPherson, Sarah 165
McPherson, Sarah 38, 85, 162,
Mcwilliams, Marcellus 53
Mcwilliams, Montigo 53
Medina,Jah'nix 53
Meeker, Faith 46
Meier, Brianna 40, 85, 161 , 167,
Mendez, Christopher 62
Mendoza, Ashley 53
Mendoza, Charles 71
Mengo, Bianka 62, 176, 177
Menzie, Shanley 71
Merlos, Emanuel 62
Metallo, Joey 163
Metallo,Joseph 71
Metz, Korrin 85, 165, 167, 178
Meyer, Alicia 46
Miceli, Sabrina 38, 85, 165
Michaelis, Christian 71
Michaelis, Jakob 178
Michalski, Melissa 62, 177
Michaud, Eli 54
Michlun, Eli 169
Middleton, Kate 93
Miesbauer, Daniel 54, 160, 165,
Miesbauer, Eric 71, 160, 177
Miesbaurer, Daniel 174
Milankovic, Jovana 71
Miller, Alanna 176
Miller, Ambrial 46
Miller, Andrew 71
Miller, Ben 172
Miller, Benjamin 54, 144
Miller, Melissa 85, 162, 169, 178
Miller, Officer 46
Miller, Rachel 71, 123, 159, 163,
Miller, Tricia 71, 153, 176, 178
Miller, Tyson 54
Milward,J T 46
Mishra, Manas 62, 177
Mitchell, Elizabeth 54
Mitchell, James 54
Modica, Anthony 62, 177
Modory,Jacob 54
Moerhouse, Richard 169
Moes, Parker 38, 99
Molback, Doug 85, 151, 174
Molback, Douglas 177
Molback, Marcus 86, 178
Molinaro, Erica 177
Molinaro, Megan 54, 177
Mommaerts, Paul 46
Monano, Luis 165
Monemo, Luis 169
Mongeau, Jackie 176
Mongeau, Jacqueline 71
Monroe, Brooke 173
Monroe, Madison 173
Monroy,Jorge 54
Montero, Jose 173
Moore,Jakyra 62, 170, 176
Moore, James 54
Moore, Patric 71
Moore, Talea 62
Moorhouse, Richard 71
Morales, Aimee 54
Moreland, Taylor 3, 35, 71 , 146,
161, 167, 170, 177
Moreno, Luis 71, 162, 178
Morin, Tabitha 62, 176
Morris, Asia 54
Morzfeld, Danielle 62, 176, 177
Muerhoff, Mason 35, 72, 165,
167, 178
Muerhoff, Maya 72, 127, 167, 174
Muhammad, Shebaniah 46
Mukka, Ashley 72
Mukka, Kayla 54, 178
Mullins,Jalissa 178
Mullis, Sierra 72, 168
Mulroy, Matthew 40, 86, 159,
163, 164, 165, 181
Munoz, Brooklyn 62, 169
Munoz, Mark 72, 173
Munoz, Rafa 125, 173
Munoz, Ray 62
Munroe, Brooke 62, 175
Munroe, Madison 62, 139, 163,
Murati, Adrian 54
Murati, Blerim 63
Murray, Cullen 62, 63
Murray, Rachael 72, 165, 177
Murray, Rachel 174
Museitef, Mahdi 72
Mutchler, Megan 178
Mutchler, Melissa 72, 165, 168,
169, 174, 175, 177
Naudi, Nicole 9, 86, 162, 165,
169, 178
Naumowicz, Zach 164, 174
Naumowicz, Zachary 86, 158,
161 , 165
Nedweiski, Leif 172
Neiman, Seth 63
Nelson, Brett 63, 171
Nelson, Bridget 71 , 72, 146, 161,
167, 170
Nelson, Emilee 54, 146, 170
Nelson, Jacob 63
Nelson,Jared 72, 160
Nelson, Joseph 54
Nelson, Kristyn 72, 161, 165, 169,
170, 177
Nelson, Rachel 177
Nelson, Rowan 63, 159, 164, 165,
Nelson, Tyler 54
Nemiro,Jake 86, 136, 173
Neu, Brad 36, 86, 159, 163, 181
Nevin, Mary 54
Newberry, Brian 63, 165, 172,
175, 177
Newberry, Ethan 86
Newby, Alex 171
Newby, Alexander 63
Nichols,Jared 86, 176
Nichols, Joshua 54
Nichols, Kato 144, 172, 175
Nichols, Levi 72, 171
Nickerson, Claudia 46
Nicolas, Jared 134
Nigro, Jodie L 46
Nikolai, Hunter 63, 172
Niles, Alyssa 72, 165, 175
Nitsch, Tyler 54, 176
Nixon, Morgan 72
Nixon, Stephen 54
Nixon, Steve 176
Nofsinger, Sam 140, 175, 178
Nofsinger, Samantha 72, 137,
171, 173
Nolan, Timothy 72
Nolder, Timothy 72
Nordqu ist, Tom 72
Norris, Connor 38, 86, 133, 163,
165, 167, 170
Norton , Bradon 63
Norton, Brandon 63, 171
Norton, Brittany 86
Notarianni, Marta 37, 63, 159,
168, 177
Notorianni, Marta 163
Novak, Katrina 72, 177
Nowak, Cynthia 46
Nowak, James 86
Nunn, Quaterius 54
Ochadatequi, Meaghan 173
Oenning, Devon 72
Oettel , Kennedy 63
Ogle, Amelia 54, 173
Olsen , Donavon 63
Orr, Allison 54, 173, 178
Orr, Emily 72, 178
Orth, Jammie 46
Orth, Michael 46
Ortiz, Angel 162, 177
Ortiz, Angelique 63
Ortiz, Aristotle 54
Ortiz, Cesar 54
Osborn , Jeremy 32, 33, 159, 163,
Osborn,Justin 63, 159
Oseguera, Ashley 54
Oseguera, Jason 54
Oseguera, Raymond 63
Osinga, Amyjoy 54, 178
Oster, Emma 72
Oster, Lillian 54, 178
Oster, Lily 171
Oster, Melanie 72
Oswalt, Jacob 72
Ottersen, Nicholas 54
Otterson, Nicholas 177
Ouimet, Nicholas 86
Ouimet, Vincent 86
Overman, Rebecca 72
Owen, Peter Jake 171
Owens, Al exis 72
Owens, Lexi 172
Owens, LExi 172
O'Boyle, Bryce 2, 38, 86, 161,
167, 177
O'Neal ,Jacob 169
O'neal,Jacob 72
O'neal , Sha'kane 54
Pabon , ldalys 72, 177
Pacetti, Susan 46
Pacetti, Tom 174
Padlock, Colleen 46
Pagan, Alexandria 54, 178
Palmer, Doug 125, 173, 176, 178
Palmer, Zachary 63
Palmer, Zack 175
Papendorf, Reice 73
Parham , Quintin 54, 177
Parker, Antwon 54
Parker,Jacquis 73
Parker, Raekwon 73
Parker, Reggie 54
Parmentier, Jacob 86, 177
Parmentier, Josh 124, 167, 173
Parmentier,Joshua 73, 172
Parrish, Maxie 87, 177
Parrone, Sam 73
Parshall, Evan 55, 166
Pascual , Morgan 87, 172
Pastor, Claudia 46
Patrick, DMarcco 132, 133, 163
Patrick, Dmarcco 73, 170
Paulauskas, Gary 46
Paulsen, Sydney 63, 176
Pavlovich, Tristen 63, 177
Pawlaczyk, Richard 55
Payton, Autumn 170
Paz, Eric 63, 170, 171
Peavy,Jaden 73
Peavy, Jazz 3, 25, 38, 87, 97, 144,
Pechous, Samuel 55
Pederson, Liam 55
Peirson, Connor 172
Peltier, Logan 25, 87, 172, 177,
Peltier, Tarin 171
Pena, Emily 73, 162, 175
Pena, Katelyn 40, 87, 118, 171, 175
Perales, Collin 63
Peralta, Angelica 55
Perez, Abel 73, 158, 160, 163, 169
Perez, Arlene 73
Perez, Christian 73, 160, 163
Perez, Diana 55
Perez, Fermin 63
Perez, Jesus 63, 163
Perez, Kayla 55
Perez, Malia 63
Perez, Misael 63
Perez, Sam 104
Perez, Tyler 63
Perlta, Angelica 170
Perrault, Calie 63
Perri, Nicholas 73, 144
Perri, Nick 172
Perry, Daija 65
Perry, Samuel 46
Peter, David St 74
Petersen, Benjamin 87, 179
Peterson, Ben 159
Peterson, Matt 176
Peterson, Matthew 87, 172
Pettit, Billy 166
Pettit, William 73
Pfaffie, Nadya 63, 178
Pfaffie, Okasana 178
Pfaffie, Oksana 87, 99, 106, 169,
Pfantz, Andrew 143, 172, 175
Pfluegl , Hannah 73, 159, 163, 165
Phillips, Peyton 173
Piekos, Nathan 73
Pierangeli, Leanne 87, 127, 97
Pierce, Douglas 63
Pierson, Conner 174
Pierson, Connor 63
Pigskin, Tremper 145
Pillizzi, Jolleen 46
Pleasant, Jaq uan 63
Poland , Grace 55
Polso, Katrina 40, 87, 162, 164,
165, 178
Poore, Jacob 73
Pope, Willie 73
Posey, Marcus 87
Postl , Emily 73
Poulsen , Taylor 63
Poupart, Carole 55
Powell , Ryley 73, 129, 174, 177
Powers, Jacob 55
Prado, Emilio 73, 172
Prescher, Alec 55, 177
Prescott, Brian 172
Preston, Robb 181
Prichett, Christian 179
Primo, Kelly 55
Prisk, Sierra 73
Pritchard -Lasky, Ariel 55, 178
Pritchett, Christian 40, 101 , 159
Procari one, Cyrus 73
Prochn iak, Lauren 73
Prozanski , Dakota 63, 171
Prozanski, Daniel 46
Prozarski, Dakota 172
Pryby, Samantha 87, 162, 166
Puente, Francisco 73
Purser, Zac 129
Purser, Zachary 87
Purser, Zack 174
Puterbaugh , Sofia 8, 73, 104,
176, 178
Quilling, Amber 55, 178
Racewicz, Alissa 73, 165, 177
Rader, Shannon 160
Rad loff, Brandon 87
Radloff, Mason 55
Raetaman , Zach 163
Raetzman , Zach 168, 171 , 177
Raetzman , Zachary 63
Raimondi, Anthony 63, 172
Raimondi, Tony 144
Rakow, Ian 55
Rakow, Kelsi 40, 165, 174
Rakow, Kesli 87, 127
Ralph, Andrea 40, 88, 161 , 165,
167, 178
Ralph, Tyler 55, 175, 177
Ramsay, Lynn 46
Rasch , Alison 73, 162, 169, 178
Rasch,Jacob 73
Rasch , Kayla 55, 162, 169, 178
Rashada, Kazmare 25, 55
Rauen, Kyle 88, 171
Ravanales, Yadira 163
Ray, Armonie 55
Redalen , Karen 46
Reece, Terry 63
Reeves, Courtney 73, 146, 170
Regalado, Dan 34, 177
Regalado, Dennis 63, 1 ~
In ex l93
Reget, Karyn 38, 40, 165, 178
Reget, Sheri 46
Reichel,jordan 73, 177
Reid, Jesse 40, 88, 162, 165, 177
Reid, Sophia 63, 169, 176, 178
Reid, Tiffany 46, 170
Reif, Robin 46
Reimer, Marcus 9, 175
Reimer, Markus 163, 167
Reis, Vicky Dos 162
Reis, Victoria Dos 68, 178
Rena, Emily 174
Renner, Emily 63, 177
Resendez, Daisy 55, 176
Reynolds, Arkasia 63
Rhey, Emma 88, 178
Rhode, Erika 55, 170, 177
Rhutasel, Gorden 40, 88, 171
Rhutasel, Gordon 175
Rhutasel, Talia 63, 171, 177
Rice, Casey 55, 174, 176, 178
Rice, Tyler 14, 25, 88, 134, 135,
161, 176, 178
Richards, Anna 55, 168, 178
Richards, Kaitlyn 40, 88, 161, 178
Richards, Sara 55, 177
Richter, Kendra 40, 88, 165, 167
Richter, Kyle 55, 168, 177
Ricker, Bianca 38, 88, 122, 123,
165, 167, 174
Rickter, Kendra 38
Riddle, Anthony 73
Rideaux, Louis 46
Riemer, Markus 73, 116, 172
Riggins, Danielle 73, 140, 170,
Riggins, Donzel 31, 73
Riggs, Channing 55, 173, 178
Riggs, Sydney 86, 88
Riley, Alexandra 73, 162, 164, 174
Rivecco, Vito 179
Rivera, Carmen 46
Rixie, Anthony 73
Rizzo, Katherine 73
Roach, Emily 55
Roach, Taylor 73, 162, 165, 175,
Roark, Brianna 55
Robbins, Molly 55
Robbins, Scott 73
Roberts, Alea 63, 162, 169, 178
Robertson, Colin 55, 177
Robinson, Brandon 88
Robinson, Connor 73, 168
•--'"'t<.£·-~· nL.inson,Jackie 149
Robi on, Kyle 88, 173
Inc ex
Roblero, Alexander 63
Rodgers, Michael 73
Rodgers, Mike 171, 175
Rodriguez, Alyssa 55
Rodriguez, Anne 63
Rodriguez, Brandy 55, 178
Rodriguez, Christina 55, 162,
169, 177
Rodriguez, llianna 55
Rodriguez, Nicholas 38, 40, 88,
Rodriguez, Nick 149, 161, 165, 171
Rodriguez, Ray 178
Roe, Brandon 73, 176
Roemer, Dustin 177
Roepke, Daniel 88
Roepke, Kevin 73
Rogers, Mike 174
Rohlman, Ben 57
Rohlman, Benjamin 55
Rojas, Rosa 55, 178
Rollet, Paul 17, 73, 161, 165, 169,
173, 175
Rollet, Philippe 55
Rollet, Phillipe 175
Roman, Elizabeth 73, 165
Roman, Leslie 63
Roman, Liz 141, 175
Romano, Charles 46
Romnek,Jedidiah 55
Rosado, Zach 181
Rosales, Tania 55
Rosberg, Erikka 46
Rose, Joshua 88, 178
Rosencutter, Tyler 73
Roskoviak, Trenton 174
Ross, Sidney 89, 178
Roszkowiak, Trenton 73
Roth, Alexa 55
Rover, Kyle 73
Rovik, Coach 172
Rowland, Devany 89
Ruchti, Kendall 89, 159, 163, 178,
Rucinski, Matt 62
Rucinski, Matthew 63
Rucinski, Matthew Matt 170
Rudynski, Christine 46
Ruffalo, Anthony 89
Rufrancos, Ariadna 55, 177
Ruhle, Ben 177
Ruhle, Benjamin 55
Ruiz, Isaias 55
Ruiz, Kim 34
Ruiz, Kimberlee 40, 89, 127, 159,
163, 174, 177, 181
Ruiz, Nayree 73, 163
Ruiz, Omar 73
Rummelhart, Cali 55, 178
Rummelhart, Calie 174
Russell, Nathaniel 73
Russell, Tiana 73
Sadowski, Kyle 55
Saldivar, Tiana 55
Sampica, Olivia 55
Sanchez, Omar 55
Sanghvi, Delsin 35, 73, 167, 169,
173, 174, 177
Sanghvi, Maya 55, 122, 174, 177
Santelli, Nicholas 73
Santelli, Nick 144, 172
Santelli, Sara 63, 127, 174
Santiago, Tanner 55
Sargent, Lauren 89, 178
Sauceda, Nikolas 73
Sawtell, Jessica 73
Sbarounis, Alexia 63
Schaefer, Lara 173
Schaefer, Lasa 165
Schaefer, Lindsay 25, 63, 159,
165, 168, 174
Schaut,John-Carlos 63
Schelling,John 40, 89
Schelling,Jt 38
Schendl, Olivia 63
Schenk, Margo 46
Schenk, Mark 46
Schmaling, Madalyn 74
Schmaling, Maddie 22, 174, 175
Schmid, Ann 46
Schmidbauer, Barbara 63, 174
Schmidt, Carlie 63
Schmidt, Chelsea 74, 167, 175,
Schmidt, Michael 85, 89, 165
Schock, Lindsey 63, 175
Scholey, Benjamin 55
Schroeder, Aaron 38
Schroeder, Kyle 74
Schroeder, Tayler 89
Schroeder, Vincent 55
Schroeder, William 63, 158, 177
Schulte, Megan 55, 168, 175, 178
Schultz, Fallon 74, 105, 165, 168,
Schultz, Megan 55, 170, 177
Schulze, Miriam 89, 178
Schumacher, Alanna 55
Schumacher, Madaline 64, 168
Schumacher, Maddie 17, 177
Schutzen, Sarah 74
Schwalbe, Anna 89
Schwalbe, Emma 64
Schwartz, Cody 74, 167, 173
Schwartz, Trent 134
Schwartz, Trenton 176
Schwartz-Thuot, Trenton 74
Schweinsberg,james 64, 177
Schwer,joshua 74
Sciarra, Nicole 74, 172
Sciarra, Tonyl61, 163, 167, 172
Scott, Davion 74, 132, 163, 170
Scott, Jana 64
Scott, Kaitlyn 56
Scuffham, Breeanna 74, 164
Seay, Elin 56, 178
Seegobin, Amar 56
Seeley, Nicholas 89
Seeley, Nick 109
Seeobin, Amar 176
Seitz, Raeana 89
Sekuris, Chad 64, 172
Semenas, Caitlin 64
Semenas, Caitlyn 176
Semenas, Kevin 89
Semrad, Caitlin 89
Semrad, Matt 169, 174
Semrad, Matthew 64
Sentieri, Jordan 74
Sentieri, Megan 64, 169, 177
Sepanski, Danielle 90, 122, 174
Serpe, Matthew 64
Serrano, Rosario 56, 176, 178
Sertich, Brianna 176, 178
Serznski, Katie 173
Serzynski, Ariel 90, 177
Serzynski, Katie 56, 178
Sexton, Billy 74, 172
Shaaw, Bradley 172
Shaefer, Lindsay 169
Shake, Harlem 70
Shamberg, Dayna 90, 177
Shannon, Thomas 64
Shannon, Tommy 171, 175
Shatkins, Courtney 64
Shaw, Bradley 74
Sheets, Emily 74, 177
Sheldon-Clanton, Shaquille 74
Shelling,John 177
Shepherd, Damion 74, 176
Sherrod, Diabolique 64, 134, 176
Sherrod,jalen 74, 177
Sherrod, Shania 64, 177
Sherrod, Tatyana 56, 178
Shields, November 56
Shiffra, Anthony 64
Shimon, Daniel 46
Shircel, Amy 56, 174, 175, 177
Shircel, Tyler 74, 129, 174, 177
Short, Matthew 25, 38, 41 , 90,
Shreve, Christian 74
Shroat, Donna 46
Shulski, Eugene 64
Sigler, Elli 90
Sigmad, Paige 173
Sigman, Alyssa 173
Sigman, Paige 56, 168
Silva, Josue 178
Simmons, Selena 74
Simmons, Shatresse 56, 177
Sinde,joshua 64
Singer, Aaron 56, 102, 177
Sirocchi, Abby 139
Sirocchi, Abigale 90
Sirrochi, Abby 173
Skarda, Luke 64
Skarda, Morgan 178, 179
Skendziel, Hannah 64, 174, 177
Skillings, Linda 46
Skow, Marisa 90
Skow, Marissa 36, 159, 163, 181
Skowronski, Tye 40, 90, 125,
161, 173, 177
Skripsky, Alan 46
Skwronski, Tye 177
Sladek, Kayla 64
Siana, Caroline 56, 174, 177
Siana, Stephen 74, 177
Slanchik, Michaela 163
Slater, Alyssa 64
Slater, Bailey 74, 176, 178
Slaviero, Dan 171, 175
Slaviero, Sara 74, 163, 175
Slovacek, Zachary 31
Smick, Michael 74
Smith, Al~xandrea 40
Smith, Allie 12, 90, 121, 139, 172,
Smith, Anne 40
Smith, Annie 83, 90, 121, 172
Smith, Cameron 40, 149, 161, 171
Smith, Christina 64, 172, 176
Smith,jordan 40, 90, 160
Smith, Kelsey 38, 40, 90, 165,
Smith, Kyley 64, 177
Smith, Mariah 64
Smith, Mason 56
Smith, Nicholas 90
Smith, Paige 171
Smith, Steve 171
Smith, Steven 64
Smith, Sydnee 52, 56, 168, 174,
Smith, Travis 74
Smith, Tyler 56, 163
Smith-Franz, Jordan 17
Snell,jaelyn 64, 177
Snider,jordan 64
Snyder, Sidney 74, 169, 174
Solms, Ethan 40, 90
Sommer,joshua 74
Sorensen, Dustin 64
Sorensen, Dylan 74
Sorensen, Zoe 56
Sorrell, Lloyd 22, 128, 129, 174
Soward, Vanessa 36, 158, 159,
163, 181 , 197
Spann, Kairesa 56, 177
Sparks, Lauryn 74, 159
Spence, Amy 46
Spencer, Brittany 62, 64, 177
Spencer, Sabrina 64
Squires, Tyler 64, 102, 177
St, David 163, 171, 175, 177
Stancato, Thams 171
Stancato, Thomas 74
Standish, Lauren 64, 162, 169,
Steagall, Emma 64, 177
Stefanski, Kyle 38, 90, 149, 161 ,
163, 167, 171
Stein, Candace 46
Steinbrink, Tricia 46
Steinmetz, Marisa 91 , 146, 170,
Steinsdorfer, Tyler 64
Stephens, Breanna 64, 177
Steplyk, Tess 40, 91, 179
Steuck, Jeff 171
Steuck, Jeffrey 56
Stevens, Katlyn 64
Stidd, Kimberly 91, 178
Stidd, Kimmy 106, 161, 164, 165
Stoebe, Angela 174
Stoebe, Hanna 56, 178
Stoebe, Hannah 175
Stoebe, Katie 91, 122, 123, 174
Stoebig, Scott 91 , 124, 165, 171
Stoebig, Scotty 83, 161, 173
Stowell, Lindsay 91 , 154, 176
Strauss, Ali 170
Strauss, Allie 56, 177
Strelecki, Danielle 74, 168, 173
Strelecki, Jaclyn 56, 178
Stueck, Jeffery Jeff 170
Sturycz, Melissa 74, 102, 165, 177
Sturycz, Rebecca 56
Sturzenegger, Lea 56, 174, 177
Style, Gangnam 93
Suhr, Au stin 91
Suhr, Ethan 56
Sullivan, Kody 33, 74, 178
Summers, Natahn 174
Summers, Nate 129
Summers, Nathan 74
Sunderland, Dylan 56
Svoboda, Anthony 56, 137, 173
Swanger, Katherine 64
Swanger, Katie 177
Swanson , Emily 174
Swanson, Harley 64
Sweet, Jacob 56
Swiatko, Renee 46
Swoboda, Casey 171
Szulczewski, john 178
Tainter, Cori 56, 178
Takala,james 74, 158, 166, 167,
Taylor, Faith 64
Taylor,joshua 74
Taylor, Montray 74
Taylor, Rachel 64
Taylor, Valerie 46
Taylor-Sertich, Brianna 56, 175
Tebbe, Concetta 74
Tenuta, Madelyn 64, 177
Terronez, Mike 46
Theine, David 64
Thiesenhusen, Brittany 64, 177
Thine, David 175
Thomas, Devin 56
Thomas, justice 56
Thomas, Robert 46
Thomas, Tristan 64
Thomsen, josh 173
Thomsen, Joshua 64, 172
Thornton , Mitch 167, 173
Thornton , Mitchell 64
Thorson, Dylan 174
Tiernan, Dawn 56
Tiernan, Jennifer 40, 163, 169
Tilch, David 74, 165
Tindall, Sovereign 177
Tines, Quaneisha 56
Tirabassi, Juliana 56, 178
Tiribasi,julianna 115, 175
Titel , Caroline 64, 159, 165, 168,
169, 174
Titel, Zach 161 , 165, 172
Titel , Zachary 38, 40, 91, 161
Titone, Alan 56
Tobias, Angela 64, 169, 177
Tocci, Alessandro 56, 177
Tock, Michael 64
Tock, Michael Mike 170
Todd , Amanda 93
Tollas, Kaya 38, 40
Tollas, Lana 64, 177
Topel , Blake 46
Topps, Victor 64
Torch ia, Katherine 74
Tores, Roxy 163
Torre, Andrew De La 68, 178
Torre, Ryan De La 49
Torres, Lillian 64, 120, 140, 163,
165, 172, 175
Torres, Lissette 56
Torres, Miguel 174
Torres, Raquel 25, 74
Torres, Stephany 64
Torres-Castillo, Angela 74, 167
Totera, Luis 56, 167
Totera, Peter Luis 177
Tousey, Delaney 91
Tover, Cassie 91
Tover, Kevin 9, 56, 172
Townsend, Bernice 46
Townsend, Douglas 46
Tracy, Kennedy 74, 177
Trainor, Olivia 74
Tredup,julie 74
Trentadue, Alex 64, 172
Trentadue,Joseph 74
Trevino, Rosemary 46
Tronvig, Debra 47, 166
Trottier, Tyler 56, 165, 178
Tuohy, Raquel91 , 99
Turman, Miranda 74
Turner, Aaron 91 , 163, 171
Turner, Alexandria 64, 162
Turner, Chris 172, 175
Turner, Christopher 56
Turn er, Jeremy 56, 177
lnqex 195
Udry,Justin 74, 158, 165, 166,
168, 177
Untershine, Adam 91
Uttech, Amanda 91, 154 167, 176
Uttech, Andrew 56
Uttech, Tyler 91, 159, 161, 179
Vagnoni,Jacob 16, 40, 92, 173
Valadez, Manny 174
Valadez, Manuel 64
Valdez, Manuel 174
Valeri, Alex 139, 167, 172, 173
Valeri, Alexandra 40, 92
Valeri, Alexandria 179
Valeri,Jacqueline 47
Valle, Jailene 56
Vanbeekum, Alex 177
VanBeekum, Alex 158, 160, 165
Vanbeekum, Alexander 23, 64
VanBeekum, Marissa 161, 165
Vanbeekum, Marissa 92, 177
VanBeekum, Narissa 176
Vandenbranden, Cindy 65, 177
Vargas, Lupe 74
Vasquez, Daegie 74
Vasquez, Whitney 74
Vazquez, Austin 56
Vazquez, Martha 56
Vecchitto, Sam 178
Vecchitto, Samuel 65
Venegas, Pamela 92, 169
Venegas, Uriel 65
Verheyen, Kaitlyn 74, 178
Verheyen, Katie 35, 139, 173
Verheyen, Katie Lynn 75
Verheyen, Nicholas 23, 40, 87,
92, 177
Verheyen, Nick 158, 171, 177
Verheyn, Nick 161
Vervisch, Catherine 47
Veryen, Lynn 172
Villani, Aleena 65, 127, 174
._--><.L·ll,ani, Austin 74
Villar al,Jonathan 56
n ex
Villarreal, Michael 56
Villegas, Alexis 65
Vojitsek, Ryan 175
Vojtisek, Ricky 92
Vojtisek, Ryan 56, 168, 171
Voltz, Chris 173, 174
Vranac, Alyssa 177
Vranak, Alyssa 56, 178
Wachter, Ashley 173
Wade, Jessica 47
Wade, Kyle 65, 172
Wade, Zach 163, 167, 171
Wade, Zachary 40, 92
Wade, Zack 161
Wade, Zechariah 56
Wagner, Kia 92, 127, 174
Walaszek, Luke 33, 38, 83, 179,
Walczak, Andrew 65
Walczak, Nathaniel 52, 56
Walden, Megan 74
Walentowski, Ramona 47
Walker, Sheridan 65
Wallner, Nakia 75, 163, 177
Walsh, Bridget 75, 169
Walther,Jill 65
Wamboldt, Michael 92, 116, 161,
165, 178
Wamboldt, Mike 175
Wansart, Joanne 47
Ward, Andrew 92, 159, 163, 179
Ward,John 25, 56, 175
Waring, Kayla 56, 172
Warren, Katie 75, 177
Wasson,Jessica 75
Wasson, Tara 56, 178
Wasurick, Katie 65, 168, 169, 177
Wasurick, Selena 65
Wates, Kyle 65, 172
Watring, Suzette 47
Wawiorka, Alec 65
Weber, Sam 115, 175
Weber, Samantha 40, 92, 179
Weber, Tessa 24, 25, 40, 92, 115,
161, 165, 175
Wehr, Bryan 47
Weidenhole, Mary 163
Weidner, Melanie 75
Weiser, David 47
Weiss, Damon 47
Wendling,Jen 173
Wendling, Jennifer 57
Werve, Andrew 171
Werve, Charles 47
Werve, Emily 92, 127, 165, 174,
Wervey, Andrew 175
Wesley, Donovan 35, 75, 172
Wesley, Samuel 172
Westermeyer, Ryan 27, 32, 36,
38, 92, 159, 163, 181
Westermyer, Ryan 197
Whitaker, Melissa 47
Whitaker, Spencer 92, 175
White, Kelijah 75
White, Mallory 75, 176
Whitefoot,Jarad 161
Whitefoot,Jerad 75, 160
Whitsett, Rasheed 172
Whittington, Anyiya 170
Whyers, Kaitlyn 75, 177
Wickersheim, Alex 177
Wickersheim, Alexandra 57
Wienke, Blake 57
Wightman, Drew 57
Wikstrom, Jake 25, 92, 109, 124,
161, 165, 167, 173, 179
Wilhelmson,John 47
Wilkinson, Mona 47
Wilkomm, Anja 72, 177
Wilks, Tiara 57
Williams, Andrew 57
Williams, Anthony 57
Williams, Arthur 75
Williams, Dejuan 65
Williams, Dejuana 75
Williams, Eshaunte 65 , 143 , 170 ,
172, 175
Williams,Jaceri 172
Williams,James 65, 176
Williams,Jasmin 65
Williams,Jevonte 172
Williams, Kenneth 65
Williams, Nashonda 75
Williams, Niagra 57
Williams, Rhiannon 57, 176, 178
Williams, Terrance 172
Williams, Zoe 57, 177
Williamson, Cameron 65
Williamson, Kaitlyn 92, 162, 165,
Williamson, Katrina 178
Williamson, Luke 92, 176
Williamson, Meghan 57, 178
Williamson, Tara 65, 176
Williamson, Teagan 92
Willkomm, Anja 75, 160, 165
Willkomm, Luke 57, 177
Wilson, Amy 65, 173
Wilson, Danielle 38, 40, 92, 103,
158, 167, 177
Wilson,Josh 92, 129, 174
Wilson,Joshua 75
Wilson, Stanley 47
Wintermote, Laurynn 65, 177
Wirt, Karen L 47
Wirth, Patrick 75
Wise, Tihesha 75, 161, 165
Wislon, Danielle 165
Wisniewski, Braden 38, 40, 92,
161, 165, 172
Wisniewski, Evan 57
Wisniewski, Mark 47
Wojciechowicz, Chris 177
Wojciechowicz, Christopher 57
Wolbers, Charles 47
Woller, Brad 168, 169, 175
Woller, Bradley 75
Woodard, Karen 65, 159
Woods, Joe 75, 109
Wozniak, Alyssa 38, 40, 92, 159,
164, 181
Wright, Caden 75, 172
Wulf, Matt 163, 172
Wulf, Matthew 65
Yafchak, Zachary 75
Yarbrough, Devon 57
Yildirim, Sidney 65
Young, Caleb 26, 36, 83, 92,
159, 163, 181
Yust, Nancy 47
Zagra, Zac 96
Zagra, Zachary 165
Zahn, Casey 57
Zajicek-Bagenski, Laura 47
Zakutansky, Alexa 75, 107, 159,
165, 168, 169, 178
Zakutansky, Halas 3, 57
Zakutausky, Alexa 178
Zamora, ldalis 65
Zamudio, Christian 57
Zamudio, Genesis 65, 176
Zand, Nina 65
Zand, Noah 57, 159, 163, 177
Zarletti, Anthony 75, 173, 177
Zarletti, Brenda 167
Zeid, Sophia 162
Zeidan,Jasmine 57, 176, 178
Zeidan, Joey 93, 124, 173, 179
Zenner, Ashley 12, 38, 40, 93,
98, 115, 165, 167, 173, 175
Zhang, Anna 165, 167, 169, 178
Zhang, Yunmeng 38, 40, 93
Zheng, Yuqin Sandy 57
Ziccarelli, Angela 93
Ziccarelli,jessica 57
Ziccarelli, Marianne 47
Ziebell, Alyssa 57, 173
Ziehr, Tabitha 93, 164
Zielinski, Nicholas 65, 144
Zielinski, Nick 171, 172
Zielsdorf, Eric 57, 177
Zigner,Jacob 75, 172
Zimmerman, Nicholas 57
Zimmerman, Tim 177
Zimmermann, Alysa 65, 162,
169, 178
Zimmermann, Timothy 75
Zingelman, Sarah 57, 162, 165,
Zingleman, Sarah 178
Zoerner,Justin 57, 177
Zoerner, Thomas 65
Zuraitis, Ariana 65, 163, 176
Zurner, Tom my 174
Zuzinec,James 47
Zwickey, Robin 93, 160, 162,
169, 177
Zwickey, Samantha 57, 176a