The Classic 2012
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The Classic 2012
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 2011 to 2012 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
DUNK LIKE THE PROS. Senior Aaron Jackson demonstrates his dunking abilities during musical chairs dunk edition al the winter pep assembly. Aaron made il into the final two.
TREMPER MORPHS. Morph suits became a popular fashion choice in 2011. Students dressed in blue and red suits Lo support Tremper and walk in the homecoming parade.
ROCK AND ROLL Students gathered as senior Marshal Woller and his band, The First Chairs, performed at a concert held in room 120, Tremper's studio Lheather. THE EARTH
IS ROCKIN'. Students in Mr. Azmus' geology class study ro ks from different ends of the earth. Senior Grant Peterson and a classmate collect data about the rocks. STARING
DOWN THE COMPETITION. As he looks for an open teammate, senior Mall Bible dribbles behind the half court line, holding his position until he gets the chance lo pass the
ball. FORE! Strategizing her next shot, junior Alex Valeri looks down the fairway. Along with pla ing second in doubles al sectionals, Alex was also the first individual qualifier
at Tremper since 2007 . ITALIAN PROBLEMS. Italian club members al Tremper embody true Italians, caring about family values, friends, and their education. Senior Matthew
Miceli makes a sign lo draw students into signing up to be a part of the club. HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES. As a freshman, Jaime Colin, made the varsity boys' soccer team. Winning
4-0 against Ra ine Park, Jaime played one of his best games. BELT IT OUT. Concert choir members sing with their hearts. Seniors and juniors enjoy making music that slicks
with th e audience throughout the night. ATIENTION PLEASE. International club member, junior Kendra Richter, made announcements about events International Club would
later hold. LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING. Senior Gabriela Garcia, is seen working on a class art project about self image, whi le her classmate's reneclion was caught in the mirror.
Senior Fthan Schwalbe
magine a gymnasium packed with anxious underclassmen, and upperclassmen that have already gone through the ropes. They are shoulderto-shoulder in a mix of reds, blues, whites, and grays. Then in a sudden
outbreak the students from their respective classes begin to shout at each
other to show their lass pride. The excit ment of the upcoming homecoming festivities looms over everyone's heads. That short assembly is filled
with exciting n w dances from the school's dance team and cheerleaders,
athletic introductions, and activities that usually involve someone getting
a pie shoved in their face. Sounds fun and exciting right?
Parti ipating in student life at school is a vital part of any high school
career. What you do in high school is the backbone for what
you will do in your future. We pride ourselves on the fact that
our student body as a whole is exceptional!
involved with every event we hold.
of our student life events provid
a way for each of our students
who have the dedication and
drive to parti ipate, no matter
their talent. At pep assemblies,
the gymnasium is pumped with
a huge dose of school spirit and pride
in our school as well as in our fellow peers
and their accomplishments. One can hear the
shouts and cheering all the way to the remote
parts of the school. Each year we can boast about having
the largest stud nt run blood drive in the stat of Wisconsin.
Our students are extremely talented in the arts as well, holding many
plays, concerts, and our annual talent show. Are you into putting on
your dancing shoes? Other important student events include homecoming and prom.
ur diverse activities and events make four years at Tremper some
of the best years of education. Each class brings something new
to the tab le, whether it be an epic hootie t-shirt
idea or an a t at the ta lent show that people
talk about for years to come. The atmosph re at Tremper may be very diverse, but the things that bring us
all to together are our school
pride in our hearts and
the war paint on our
MY;,~ Accessories.are a girl's best
friend! Anything sparkly catches
the eyes of young girls now,
even lanyards. Ear cuffs have
become popular and are a painless way to get the real look of
a pierced ear. Senior Annmarie
Riva said, "I was nervous about
getting my cartilage pierced and
was really excited when I found
ear cuffs!". Another f.opular
accessory is a satche . Almost
every girl has one.
ulttmate student
Freshman Kaitlyn Kluver
shows off a popular hairsty~
for girls. She has her hair mi /
pulled into a wavy side pony
tail with a headband.
A very popular hairstyles for
. / guys is the faux hawk. Senior
Nick Vecchitto regularly
sports this style. He said "It
makes me feel fashionable."
Blazers and sport
coats became a
staple in guys'
recently. Senior
Anthony Olson
sports a blazer
over a classic plaid
"Lacy tops are my
favorite! I got this
from Maurices."
The style of high
waisted skirts and
colored tights ha~
made a comeback. Sophomore
Morgan Nixon
models her patterned skirt and
olive tights.
Freshman Tyler
Smith, along with
many other teenage guys, wears
the very popu lar
~ trend of skinny
jeans. Th is fashion
statement became
popu lar among
both girls and guys. •M!M
Senior Pa ige
DeThorne is bring- /
ing Oxford shoes
back in style.
S nior M ichael Casey
dresses fashionab ly :=;:QI~~
~with his plaid-tastic
boat shoes.
Whi ch trend
should be
Those weird raccoon tails.
Twilight and The Hunger Games series have become the most sought
after books among teens and young adults. Freshman Marisol Cruz recently began to read more often because of "how great The Hunger
Games books are." Other best sellers like The Help, Thirteen Reasons
Why and The Inheritance Cycle have also become popular.
As freshmen in 2009, Luke Walaszek, Ryan Westermeyer,
Brad Neu, Tim Zeszutek and Caleb Young began the tradition of wearing ties on every Friday. According to Junior Luke
Walaszek, "Tie day Friday has a long, rich history, dating back
Lo the Mesopotamians. No one knows for sure why it began,
but some scholars think it was to pick up chicks."
modern fo 111 i h
Golden Globe winner for Best Television Series of 2011, Modern
Family, is one of the most watched shows in America along with shows
such as jersey Shore, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Senior
Hannah Gourdoux said, "I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia because the cast is so funny!" jersey Shore Mania has become magnified
and extremely popular due to the interesting drama in the show.
Recently, girls have been dying their hair bright colors to spice
up their style. Seniors Lauren Oechler and Kaleigh Fishman, and
junior Samantha Marianyi show off their new hairdos. Fishman
said, "It was fun to dye my hair with my friend and hang out". A
lot of girls have been dying their hair pink for any Go Pink event,
which started the new trend.
Senior Hayley Konitzer plays just Dance 2 and dances to one of
the most fun songs, Ra Ra "Rasputin" by Boney M. just Dance and
Dance Central have become great games to play with families and
friends. They are music and rhythm video games that allow the player to dance to old and new music like rockstars.
- S I< Y R I 1\1 ·
Senior Chase Junge demonstrates the odd trends
that popped up recently ca lled "planking" and
"owling". People have become creative and have
"planked" on extremely strange places like rooftops, motorcycles, shopping carts, and even the
tops of light poles. Eventua lly, the idea of planking
became old and "owling" became the new thing.
When pe pie wear
sweatpants everyday.
Girls everywhere know that the worst gift to give to a boyfriend is
a video game. New video game like Skyrim and Modern Warfare
are the reasons most guys have been hibernating in their basements
recently. These new games became quite popular and guys will spend
"like three or four hours a day playing them," said Junior Jared Flasch.
Jean jackets with jean pants.
When guys wear clogs.
Sagging pants!
r /!(f/)(}(J' o/!(f1 P
here's what happened, in case you were M.l.A.
there were protests in Madison against teacher
layoffs, and nmv this year. the protests have
moved closer to home. More than 300 people,
mostlv teacher-., showed up in front of the
Kenosha Uniiied heaclqu,1rters \\ ith signs ,rnd
frustrated to stop the rapid changes that
they aim to enforce next year in order to cut
back on spending. The plan involves teac h111g elementary kids 111 groups of varied abili·
ties .incl gr,1de levels, changing high school scheduling to eight blocks of 46-minute sessions, online foreign language courses, and a proposal to keep the honors program while
integrating it with regular classes-all expected to be in place by the next school year.
Parent'>, teachers, and even students are simply fighting to lw heard.
Kenosha h,is reallv been making the
news lately, mostly alter Laur,1 K,1eppeler, originally from Kenosha, won
Miss America 2012. She started at St.
Joe\ High School, then went on to
Carthage Colk'ge, and now h,1s some
ambitious c,ireer goals, planning to
go on 111 Childhood Advocacy L,1w.
Her platform for the entire rnmpetiL.=================================.J tion was even b,bed off of a 1wrsonal
experience: her father h,iving to
ser\e 18 months in prison for mail
fr,wd. Miss K.ieppeler ,1ble to
use the situation positively. It got her
interested in supporting and mentoring children of incarcerated parents,
which then helped her win the title
KNOX, O UT! Italian prosecutors filed an appeal against
the acquittal of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito on
February 14, 2012. They were initially given 26 and 25year sentences for the murder of Meredith Kercher in
Perugia, Italy and were acquitted in October 2011 due
to poorlv handled DNA evidence. For now, Knox is celebrating a $4 million book deal in which she will give a
full account of her arrest and tria l.
MAMA DRAMA. Casey Anthony's trial was the first major murder trial of the social-media age. Its first public
mention appeared on MvSpace on July 3, 2008. Anthony was accused of murdering her old, Caylee
in 2008 and in 20 11 she faced the death penalty. However, there was not enough evidence aga111st her and she
was acquitted of all charges in July 2011.
# OWS : Occupy Wall
Street is a movement
that began on September 17, 2011 in New
York and that has now
spread to over 100 cities
nationally (1,500 globally). The movement focuses
on fighting the power of banks
and the economic collapse created by Wa ll Street that has caused a great
recession. Occupy Wa ll Street is inspired by uprisings throughout the world, like Egypt and Tunisia, and aims to fight against
the rules that the richest 1% of people are writing for a future
global economy.
What's the
biggest news
story you've
heard this
The bomb threat!
William and Kate 's
Sarah Powell's husband blowing
up a house with his kids.
My Littl e Pony became popular
amongst an older demographic.
SPEAKI NG UP: Throughout the, protester5 h.ive been goini; out
and fighting all over the world. Greece began to revolt, it's "We
Won't P<ly," demonstr.ites the people's simple message. Cre»ce tound
itself in a mes5V situ.1tion when the country's debt w,1s revealed and the
1woplc re, lized • tfwy would h.we to cover it \i,1 t.1xes. This p.irkc·d
anger ,111cl drove people to revolt Liby.1' r<.'\olt .ictu,1lly pushul their
leader, Muammar el-q,Hld.1fi, from power .ifter ruling for 42 ylws.
The country b optimistic rnn.,idering the amount of oil they h.ive,
and awaits ,1 new co11'slitution and elections for a new .iuthority that
can 'fll'.lk for their entire population. In Egypt, protC'sb began <lg.tins!
I.irk of work, rising food prices, .111d eventually the oppressivl regime
of President Hosni Mub.irak brought to an L'nd .is the milit.iry
stepped forward and pushed him out ot office. Now, thev promise to
turn over to civilians by the end of June 2012
that Princl' Willi,w1
\\as gptting m,uried. 111l' rnuple enclt•d up 11iv1ting lOO of their most trusted friends ,rnd family
to Buckingh,1m Palace, but the who le thi ng w<ls
caught on glob<ll te levision . Guests .incl observ
ers all agreed that it was a stvli-,h wedding. It was
so stylish ,rnd .1dmir.iblt• th,1t soon ,1fter the wedding, mpmor.ibili.i of Prince Will i.1m ,rncl K.1te
Middleton st.irted flooding stores everywhere.
Av~e.c:: PA.JC£S Of= 2011-2012:
$3.67 (Q.ALLON
$1.23 (SONQ.
h,ive always been rumored to be
harmtul for human health, right?
Well, to prevent these dangerous
affects they are coming up with
a microwave that projects your
cooh.ed onto
a wa ll , li ke a
movie. This
your chicken
cooking from
a safe distance. Ta-da'
·\s expected, the lfli!lf~·
Apple i Phone 5 is one of the most
anticipated gadgets of 20 12. The
upcoming phone is rumo red to have
a 4 + inch screen, iCloud, higherresolution camer.i, and the latest and
greatest AS processor chip.
Osama bin Laden being killed .
Whitney Houston dying.
Th e cha nges in the schedu le for
next year.
lJtrn 'f Be Lafel
what time do yo u get to school? why?
6:45. I get here
early because of
the bus, but I do
hang out with
My friends sit
"1 l..Mll.____. friends.
Fru!t-ma11 A11drew Brav!tI sit here
because I am
surrounded by
friends and I can
listen to music!
I come to
school at 7:15
and usually go
to my locker
then to class.
Sft-rpu/d I Sfaffi trr SlvtruldI Gtr?
what time do you leave school? Why?
I leave school
after 3rd block.
I usually stop
home then go to
my old middle
school to tutor.
3:00 because
I have to go to
JtMttrr A!fMlt!f HtMffM
I leave school
around 3:05
and go home,
or practice for
After school I
go work-out or
shoot hoops with
I hang out with
friends after
What is the
best Iu nch to
A, B, C, or D
D lunch because if you have 0. So you can skip lunch and have
more fun on your release.
4th release you can leave
earli er.
Th e best lunch is the one
where my friends are in.
Jt14'v lJtJ Iv
what do you do when you sit here?
Newbte tJr Vevera11
is it your first time sitting here?
We listen to music, draw, sing,
play app games,
and eat.
I sat here last
year whenever
Dexter allowed
me to sit.
We talk and play
Pokemon training and Teary.
I've sat here
since sophomore
CtJme Here Offen?
everday or A/B dfy~?
Every single day!
Just on B
same place
every day!
Frtend tJr FtJe
The WtJw FaovtJr
who do you sit with?
why did you choose this table?
Friends that I just
met thi s year.
It has legs and
a top w ith
chairs, perfect
for eating on.
I sit w ith friends.
It was open and
somehow it became established
as our own.
It was open! And all of
my friends sit here!
C. I've only had C and D lunch. D
stinks because I hate eating late.
D b ca use it is at the last time
and I don't like having to split
r1Yr1m ~mfffl Nror!W
.. .and what about later?
veryone remembers the time
when a line of markers automatically transformed itself into the
ultimate sword, when walls were
the canvas, and every girl wa determined to become the ruler of her own
fairy tale. But that was before, and now
everyone is expected to "grow up." However, letting go of childish dreams does not
mean letting go of all dreams. The trick is
harnessing those dreams to fit into today's
world and not losing sight of the ambition
behind them. Consider the girl who was
Tiffani was younger she "wanted
to be a 'baby doctor' and be
the one who delivers people's
babies" until she realized what
that required her to do, and she
changed her mind. Now she
plans to go into psychology.
determined to become a princess. She
might be the first woman president in a
few years. Everyone has unique interests
with different goa ls and dreams, yet to
reach them the process is always similar.
You've heard the same advi e repeated over and over: work hard, focus on
your grades, and as sophomore Sabrina
Prevec said, "don't let other people tear
you down." The truth is, these are all
completely accurate. They sound simple
enough, but imagine them someday leading to your ultimate dream-so why not go
JUST LIKE MOMMY. As a chi ld,
Lauren always looked up to her
mom and she "always wanted to be
just like (herJ ... only coo ler." Now
she is planning to follow in her
footsteps and become a teacher.
for it? Work hard now. Stop slacking on the
homework and arriving two minutes late to
your job, repeated ly. Put in effort and prepare yourself for the future, like freshman
Corey Cross who wants to be the owner of
a smal l restaurant and is already taking action by enrolling in business classes. Focus
on the dream you have pictured for yourself and take sophomore Kylie Dzbinski's
advice, "Never give up!" Where wi ll you
end up? It's a heavy question but it's not
impossible to answer if you focus on working for it little by little each day.
I WANT CANDY! Paige admits CENTER STAGE! Katherine want- BLOOPERS! Emma loved to perthat her chocolate addiction began ed to be an actre s when she was form when she was little, and unfor·
when she was young and contin- younger because she loved getting tunately, she was often videotaped.
ues today. Putting aside the sweets, dressed up and perform ing. Now Her advice for future generations is
now she wants to go into radiology she has decided to pursue a career "to make sure that there isn't a camor become a chiropractor.
in teaching, "another thing Jshe] era around when you decide to do
has desired to do for a long time." someth ing stupid O_o."
What did
you want to
be when you
were younger?
* Now?
SfuriMf Lift
A baseball player
A football player
•cryptologic Technician in Navy
They've always wanted to be
Sleeping Beauty
•vocal Performance major
!. ~G " '"'"J"''" ""J
ti F
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( 1F
NOT ..
.) ~
{Roa A BANK) =-
f _A_I _L _ _-..J
SONG HERE.) Sam's sister Molly
says he has always wa nted to be
a profcs;ional mascot, and continues to pursue that dream today,
she thinks. As for her, she sa id, " I
was three years old w hen I started
creep in '."
Although she knows what she is in terested in now, Annmarie knows
that future plans cou ld always
change, "You don 't need to know
w hat you're going to do for the
rest of yo ur life w hen you're 18,
relax and it will all work out."
TER HOW SMALL. Erik grew up h e
wa nting to be a vet but is now interested in becoming an orthopedi
surgeon. For other with big dreams,
his advice is insp ired by Dr. euss: Be
who you are and say what you feel
because those w ho mind don't matter and those who matter don 't mind.
en ior Anna Concannon used to eat everything,
even sand. She sa id, "maybe that
means I want cl to be a taste tester"
when she was younger. O\\ she
thinks she wants to be an elementary school teacher.
a teenager's worst enemy
very high school student knows
that responsibility comes with
worries. Whether it is homework, friends, sports, a job,
fami ly, or after-school activities,
stress is inevitable. The biggest stressors
for senior Mark Boudreau are swimming
practice, homework, and Golden Strings;
for sophomore Taylor Brandt, it's writing
papers; and for freshman Grant Herbert,
it's girls. When separate concerns grow
to an unbearable weight, things can get
ugly. As freshman Talea Moore explained
it, "My problems individually are so easy,
but w hen they happen at the same time, I
get lost." Not knowing how to cope with
stress can be a major problem. With all
of those overwhelming concerns on your
mind, you are prone to overreact to the
small things. Perhaps you flip out on the
slow-movers in the hallway, take a sma ll
joke personally, or ye ll at a passerby when
your locker combination slips your mind.
However, with every worry comes a way
to relieve it.
A bad way to relieve stress is to turn to
negative outlets, like eating junk food and
sitting around all day. Those can lead to
weight gain and sickness, which w ill make
you fee l even worse. Instead, try exercising, eating healthy, and getting enough
sleep at night. Deep breathing and stretching are also goog relaxation techniques
when you cou ld use a break. Sometimes
it is necessary to pass up an invitation to
hang out with friends to finish homework
or to get ahead on homework. By fo llowing this advice, conquering stress is simple.
1 HEALTHY CHOICE! Senior Dominique Stanga hows off her apple at
lunchtime. She made the mart decision to pack a healthy lunch, which
helped her through her busy school day. 2. STRONG MAN. Junior Parker
Moes does squats at after-school weight lifting. He sometimes li fts and exerci es when he is stressed out. 3. DRUM ON. Senior John Sturino is passionate about music and uses it as an outlet. He said, " music is the entity of
compelling sincerity and gratification. We can all turn to it to relieve str ss
and to provide contentment." 4. LET'S TALK. Freshmen Skylar Keefner and
Alea Roberts ta lk out their problems at lunch. Talking about your problems
with someone you trust is a good way to relieve stress. 5. CATCHING
SOME Z'S. Sophomore Michal Czesny sleeps in Mr. Cicerele's English class
once again. Teenagers should get eight and a half hours of sleep at night. If
Michal did th is, he wouldn't be so tired in class! 6. WHO NEEDS A HUG?
Friends and juniors Zach Naumowicz and Tess Steplyk hug out their prob- -m;ii[!~P.
lems. When she's stressed, Tess said, " I find comfort when Za h brings me
my favorite: a light soy venti white mocha, no whip, with an extra shot of ,__ _..
espresso while we paint my nails and watch Sex and the City together. "
What do
you do
when you're
I watch a movie.
I usually go shopping w ith
friends and talk about
everyth ing.
I listen to music or take a
wa lk.
I play sports like soccer.
Cf!!Jt!e§ Ultf
Ask Anna For Advice
J lt.\W llwe le"lk.~crret.:, "1-:h~ rr.\l ha
lrn1~1I, ,,11J 11c li.~e lc
"lt1Jj· 1 clcu' I kt.1ei.: llci.:
lc fiicril i.l'.t: '1-Jl1.,I Jc
1 clc?
-'t re~lu~. , 11 II\,, 'tmU:j
·!Jun JI.
.J 11111 bn/1111ri11f( Worf;,,
vi -/' r/11.1.1t.\, 1111t! -7 0111
111 lbr 1111t!t!lr 1!/ 11pp/y111 f( lo rollef(f.1. Btr1111.1r
.J .\Ill)' Jlft JO fti l l' f1111 Jb·
i11f( 111y bome-iror{ 1111t! rolltf(t 11pplirn1io11 .i. -7 t/011'1
f(tl e11011f(b s/up 111 11i f(bl
so .J /11// n.derp i11 r/11s.1.
Tm 11.frnid 1111• ..teepi11tH
n 11ffu1111f( 111y pnfor1111111re .Jf'orr r1111 .J Ji.,
rear Fre...-~11e.
Take .1 Jeer lw.1t h. 1b1.1?
-rirul 111 7're111per
Before yc'U .fo .111yth111,1. L1ke "'-'Ilk" time
t 0 fi0u1·e c'Ut hc'W yc'LI De.11 · Ti1 ·d,
.1re <]011\,1 t c'
Dd Vc'LI klk'W tlut tee11you1: 111,jht. Lc'.1Ch~6 a0er0 ~wJ ei,Jht .111.i .1 h.1lf
UI derst .111J
th.1t hc'Urs c">f :;;leef' e\ery 111\]ht?
schod 16 yc'LII' fu-6t L"'ettillJ a.h1uate cleer
f'1·1or1ty. ""'' they 111.1y re·c'llet\]IZ<'S yc'LI frc'lll Yl'Lir
<''CU['<' yc'LI frc'lll f'1'.1C- .t11ly .1lti\ 1t1es .111J lk'if'S
tice If Vc'U tell the111 yc'LI feel f'hys1dly llc'.1ithy.
your ,,fru.1tic'll. Tik'll, Tik're\; .1 lot c1 f f'l'ec'SUre
:hlicate ellc'U(Jh t1111e to Jo well 111 h1,1h sclk'c'I,
for each sur1e<t .11d h.Jt you 11C'd t~, Jo tile'
fully focus c'il stu.iy- rest yc'LI c.111a11J1t will lk"if'
111,J. Gc'c'J stuJy h.1r1t ,-, 111 tile' lc'll(J 1'\.Jll. Be1110 .1wake
f'-1Y c">ff c'll your <''-11116. will lk'if' yc'U ellJc'Y your .i.1y.
relieve stress by writing. It
tter hat I m writing, i j
Frulf111a11 Ta/ea Mo-i
1. ARRGH! Senior Dominique Cortes rips
out her hair in anger. Perh aps the next time
she is stressed out, she should try exerci ing or punching a pill ow instead of inflicting pain on herse lf. 2. JAMMIN' OUT.
Sophomores Sarah Schutzen and Rachel
Miller listen to music together. Rachel said,
"when I'm stressed, I listen to Panic! at the
Disco because it's asy to have fun with ."
connections that go unnoticed
t's happened to everyone-someone
you kind of know, but not really, walks
past in the hallway and you awkwardly
look away, not sure if they remember
knowing you or not. Of course, you
just want to avoid the even more awkward
situation where you try to say hello and end
up getting a look that clearly shows that
person did not remember you at all and
now thinks you're really weird. But, what
if they do remember you and are thinking
the same exact thing? Most people do not
realize it, but those they barely know have
the potential to make a huge impact. That
person you see in the hallway could have
millions of things in common with you, or
none at all, and could end up becoming
one of your closest friends, or not.
A lot of the time, people either pass up
the chance to form connections, or they
simply do not realize how many connections they have already made. That lab
partner from years ago, if you connected
with them, could be the one to get you into
that high-paying summer job. Just as senior
Sam Robinson said, "If you meet some
random guy who works at Ben & Jerry's,
he might get you a free cone." The point is
that no matter how many friends a person
actually has, they have probably met a lot
more people than they realize. Most times
people are simply scared to put themselves
out there, because like senior Nick Moro
said, "We were always told to run from
strangers before," but now, if you take the
time to get to know them, they could end
up helping you out. If you were to speak
to that stranger in the hall, or the guy sitting next to you in math, or even take the
time to get to know a sibling's friends and
"Once upon a time in a far off land called
Spanish 202, Zach and I had to create a
brand new sport, so we invented Turtle
Jumping. It's now being featured in the
Bosnian Olympics, all thanks to the creativity of two humble sophomores. We
remain close friends to this day."
Where and
how did you cc0
meet your best ;c
I accidentally pushed him over
and he cracked his head.
not just your own, you could make a lot
of unexpected connections that could be
useful at some point. If you once made an
impact on them, even if it was 15 years ago,
that person who was once a stranger could
end up doing something to make an impact
on you.
Every person one meets is full of unknown potential, so the best thing to do is
try to reach out to anyone you get a chance
to and make sure that you leave them with
something good to remember you by. That
way, if you ever run into them again, they
will see you as more than a stranger but as
a true connection. Plus, just as junior Pamela Venegas said, "You'll never be alone"
if you take the time to get to know people,
and don't forget, as senior Jake Lichter
said, "YOLO!"
" I met Cory Will is last year in English.
Every day he would wa lk in eating a
sandwich and Mrs. Pastor would tel l
him to put it away s,1ying, "This isn't a
cafeteria!" So, he wou ld continue to eat
and she wou ld take his lunch and put
it in her closet. Th is wds d dai ly occurrence. Now we just sit in fourth hour
and make fun of everyone."
"Carly Burris is my girlfriend's
sister. The first time I met her
we went mini golfing and she
kept getting upset because she
was terrible at it. She ended up
going like 15 over par."
~f ~r/
I tripped over a chair in choir
and fell in her lap.
1:~ ~'
411 c:i·c;
I was being bad and had to
move next to him.
We lived across the stret
from each other.
/§fJJ}fJJ}(/j ~@l?!JP@ l/#1
r~fJJ}fJJ}f! ~~(jfl/l}(jfl
~@Ill{! !tifltlll!IM'!
,- ...
"I met Tommy last year in eighth
grade on a band and orchestra trip
to Ohio. He was really funny so we
became best friends. "
.... ...
' ' ....
" I've been in Emma's class all
year. We weren't friends up
until recently. In the beginning
of the year I thought she was
stuck up. Then I found out she
is pretty rnol. Now we 're pdls."
"I have been friends with Maddy since we were little.
Once, we dec ided to go to a haunted house. I got
so scared that I almost started crying. Maddy helped
me out of the haunted house though, and from that
moment on she became like a sister to me."
Th ey may be sill y phrases, but imagine how much a friends' co mment ca n change when these sentences co mpletely lose
their meaning j ust by being passed around a lunch table.
Five pigs juggled squirm y squirrels
wea rin french berets.
A tiny worm fo und a frail fl ower in a
treasure chest.
Five pigs, a goat, and a squirrel.
our tiny fri end found a furry worm
in the closet.
I heard her get ca lled an alien and
I laughed. Now we're best buds.
I was fishing and I fell in the water
and I was saved by him .
END ...
S@?rJ~IJ)f} ~mrl Sdfrgffl
spirit's what it's all about
t's the week that gives everyone a
break from the usual sleepy hallways.
During spirit week it i nearly impossible for t acher to atch tudents
dozing off in th middle of notes,
much le s in a bad mood; "everyone starts
getting excited," senior Emily Miller said.
In place of the normal gloominess, everyone is bubbling over with the anticipation
of all the activities. Homecoming skits, voting for queen and king, the pep assembly,
the parade, the game, and the spirit days: it
all contributes to the haotic enthusiasm of
the student body. Even the staff shifts gears.
There are those few memorable teachers
that dress up along with the students, and
even tho e who don't get involved in spirit
week purposely hold off on pi ling on the
homework for a w k knowing that students are preoccupied. As Mi s Dary said,
"Most teachers are prepared for sp irit week
and just go with the flow." They know there
are outfits to plan out, shoes to buy, corsages and boutonn ieres to order, floats to
build, and games to attend . The last thing
on anyone's mind is that math quiz to
study for, which is primari ly why teachers
hold off on the quizzes to begin with. In-
stead, the girls are preparing for Powderpuff, not n essarily attending practi es,
but at least decorating their uniforms. In
turn, the boys are there to cheer them on
just as they know the girls will do for them
during the home oming game. Ev ryone is
captivated by the hint of freedom that spirit
week brings. It is a chance to come to classes in costume and "you don't even have to
match!" as freshman Caitlin Semenas said.
Overall spirit week is a time when Tremper
co lors can be found all throughout bleachers, face paint is dominant, and the unity in
the hallways is fe lt by everyone.
1. SPLAT! Junior Jordan Nedd throws a wh ipped cream pie in Mr. Aiello's face. As
part of the Spirit Assembly he was the first one to finish eating his pie and this was his
prize. 2. CHANGING THINGS UP. Sophomores Roxy Flores and Ashley Claeys dress
up as a peacock and a cat on jungle day. They joined the student body in showing
their school spirit while staying creative. They said "we shou ld make the spirit days
more original and fun." 3. H UNGRY? Does sticking your face in a pie sound like a
good midday snack? Junior Samantha Rocco can answer that! She took one for the
team and supported the juniors in the pie eating contest during the spirit assembly.
4. THIS IS BANANAS! Sporting a banana suit, sophomore Trent Roszkowiak poses
with senior Anna Con annon on jungle day. The atmosphere of spirit week had them
hyped up and excited. 5. " KEEP IT GULLEY." Senior Toneo Cu lley rocks out during
hi homecoming skit. He said that dancing with his sister "was one of the greatest
moments in [his) four years of high school." 6. GO INSANE. Seniors Jared Jones and
Dylan Prozanski cheer on their class during the spirit assembly. They weren't scared
to show their spirit and root everyone on because, as Jared said, "it is one of the only
places where it's acceptable for students to spazz out." 7. GOIN' FOR THE PASS.
Freshman quarterback, Kendall Gross, jumps to make a last minute pass before being
trampled by the sophomores. Unfortunately, she may have dodged the sophomores
but in the overall score of the game the freshmen did end up getting tramp led.
What was
your most
moment of
spirit week?
~r s1ur1e~f
Painting our faces and getting
ready for the powderpuff game.
I fe ll off the back of a pick- When my coach made me stay late for a Setting up for homecomup truck at the parad .
meet so I missed my hair appointment. ing 'till late Friday night.
Th is was the resu lt. ..
It was all an unforgcttabl
first time experience.
rM S!11J!ll rv{
Whose skit w n the votes?
Five votes
Survey consisted of
1 00 student .
1. LIGHT IT UP! This group of students boldly
dressed up for neon day, making the hallways
cheerfully bright. 2. WIPE AWAY THE COMPETITION: VOTE WIN DEX. Promoting Dexter
Molinaro's campaign for homecoming king, Senior Jordan Shulski sports a trendy visor. Everyone got creative with their homecoming campaigns this year, ranging from t-shirts lo visors
and skits to videos.
Being at the homecom ing game
w ith al l of my friends.
The dance was a
good time?
Neon day because people
sa id I looked raw.
Beating the juniors in the powderpuff game. The sen iors definitely
proved everyonl' wrong.
Decorating for the dance during the homecoming game
H~111eo~111t1Jj S111rtf l/leei ~!11
he parade and game were one
of the highlights of the year, giving everyone a chance to show
off their school spirit. Scarlet red
and royal blue were the only colors seen for miles; no other color in sight.
There was no doubt that we were going
to kick those rebels' butts out of here. The
football players trained relentlessly so they
wouldn't disappoint th ir school, and they
sure didn't. The roaring crowd waited in
the stands holding their breath, anticipat-
ing the red and blue player ru h out onto
the field. When they burst through the
banner, ear-splitting screams for the team
erupted from the student body. "I had a
great time hanging out with all my friends
at the game watching the last game of the
year," said sophomore Lynn Verheyen .
And of course, the Trojans dominated
those Rebels, 25-6. We were unstoppable
and our choo l spirit filled the stands.
We demonstrated our great school pirit during th parade. Clubs, sports, and
What was your
favorite float in
the parade?
grade levels ame together to show their
Trojan pride. Floats crowded the streets
as people gathered to catch flying candy.
Smiles were on every student' face as
they showed their pride in their club, their
team, th ir school, "My favorite part of the
night was being on the freshman float,"
said Lilly Torres . FBLA's float was cl arly
the float favorite and winner, keeping the
theme of Running Out the Rebels with an
oversized blue and red sho .
• Cheer as loud as possible
• Be covered In blue and red
• Have a blast with your friends
walks along the girls' swim and dive team's "Running Water on
the Rebels" float. "Being on the float was fun ... chanting Trojans
on the WARPATH was the best part," said Kia. 2 LAST MIN UTE.
Adding the final touches to the senior float, Jessica Kluver finishes
a banner. 3. CHARGE. International Club's student army runs in
pursuit of the rebels along with the ir float. Loud and proud they
stormed the street w ith their flags yelling "Charge!" 4 GOAL. An
intense soccer game takes place in Italian Club's float. The back
of a truck substituted as a whole arena. 5. HAND-IN-HAND. The
capta ins walk out on the fie ld prepared to start the last game of
the season. Holding hands, they faced the rebels with confidence.
6. DON'T PASS GO. Rebe l, freshman Gabby Gu lbranson, serves
her time in Drama Club's jail. "It was so much fun being locked in
a cage for the entire parade," said Gabby. 7 HUG IT OUT. Zach
Titel and M ike Morelli have a touch ing moment during the final
minutes of their last game of the season. Even though Tremper
1m1ill:lllo:;..;;i.o;;::;~ won, it was a bitter-sweet moment for the players. 8. BOAS AND
BANDANAS. Abby Gro s and Ali Kresse show off their red and
blue school spirit next to the freshman float.
r~lI !1Jfr1 Wf9l!!lrl Emrlll
we ain't stoppin'
s each year begins, there is
one thing on everyone's mind:
Homecoming. This is especially true for the freshmen,
with so many questions going through their heads: 'What do I wear,
where do I get my hair and nails done,
how should I do my make-up, and OMG,
how am I going to dance?!'
Although every other grade knows how
homecoming goes, there is one thing that
everyone is still anxious about: 'Who will
I go with, and how is someone going to
ask me.' For ev ry grade, and every year,
there are always those people who go over
the top to ask their dates to homecoming.
For junior Marisa Steinmetz, her date
asked her in a cutesy, classic way this year.
"He put a note on his dog and the dog ran
down the stairs to me, and the note said,
'Will you go to homecoming with me?"'
Throughout the halls on homecoming
week, there were students everywhere
talking about who asked who, and how
they got asked. This year people got asked
in many ways, from being asked in the cafeteria in front of everybody, to being asked
in the school's parking lot on a car window, and some even going as far as asking
on the school's rock.
Each year students are getting more creative and topping last year with how they
ask their dates to homecoming.
' THE NIGHT AWAY! Senior Kaity Rhey and sophomore Kelli
Griffin show off their awesome dance moves at the homecoming dance. Kaity
Rhey said, "I guess I'm a decent dancer, I at least have some coordination. But
my favorite ong to dance to right now is Levels by Avicii." 2. ALL SMILES. Senior Tom Follensbee and his date Nikki Nelson pose for picture during a slowdance. 3. WANNA DANCE? "Homecoming was real ly fun this year, I love
going to the dance, but my favorite part was going to the before parties," said
junior Becky Knapp. 4. MOVIN' TO THE BEAT! Students danced all through
the night at this year's jungle themed dance. 5. HAVE THE TIME OF MY LIFE.
Senior Faith Larsen, wearing a dress that went with this year's "Welcome to
the Jungle" theme, danced with her date Ross Kotten. 6. GOT SPIRIT? The
week of homecoming was one of spirit and excitement; every day, students
found exciting new events, games and activities, but the homecoming dance
on Saturday was possibly the best part of homecoming week. 7. CAN YOU
DROP IT LIKE ABBY Z ? The 2011 Homecoming Queen this year was Abby
Zenner and this year's king was Toneo Culley, who also recieved the honor of
Offensive Player of the Year for the Southeast onferen e.
What is yo ur
favorite so ng
to da nce to?
"Stereo Hearts" by Gym
Class Heroes
I'm the best dancer ever, I like to
dance to the "Cha Cha Slide."
I don't dance.
Tessa: "Get Low" by Lil' John
Jordan: "I'm Sexy and I know It"
"Mr. Saxobeat" by
Andrea Stan
Teao/J, Me Hew f fJ'
Ftff Pt1m!J
in 3 easy steps!
a keafist
hold it in
air above
your head.
Punch the air
above your
head in a
quick fluid
~the beat!
Court. The king candidates were Aam1r Kadri,
Brandon Schuebel, Toneo Gulley, Dexter Molinaro, and Andrew Bianan. The queen candidates were Shannon Parmentier, Elliot Thomas,
Abby Zenner, Lauren Boresch, and Elise Valeri.
2. MAKING MEMORIES. Senior homecoming
is something looked forward to since freshman
year. Seniors Tori Bowman and Emily Wawiorka
danced together on a night they will never forget.
"F1rewor " by Katy
"Sing for the Moment" by
I like to dance to I'm
"Sexy and I Know It. "
I love to dance to anything fun
and crazy!
"Someone Lil-.e You" by Adele
CfC/ar;r$ 3DtfP~ CfC/ar;r$ AllI
to the
7th annual Ch ristmasse Feaste
he best way to spread Christmas
cheer, is singing loud for all to
hear! Right before the holiday
season, the cafeteria is transformed into a hall fit for a king,
and the school becomes host to a 16th
Century feaste which rings in the holiday
season and spreads Christmas spirit.
Every year to prepare the community for
the holiday season, Tremper, Bradford,
and Indian Trail team up to put on the Ye
Olde Christmasse Feaste. This is a 37 year
tradition that began in 1975. The feaste
is set in the 16th century and everything
from the decorations to the costumes is
decided with this in mind. There are many
different opportun ities for students to get
involved in the feaste. The cast had over
300 students from the high schools, all
dressed in 16th Century costume.
These students can be anything from a
page to a madrigal singer to an actor. The
pages and wenches serve the guests the
food for the feast and act as wa iters and
waitresses. "[The madrigal singers] perform
around twenty carols from throughout
time, anywhere from the 16th Century to
2011," said senior Andrew McNair who
has participated in the feaste for four years
now. The actors perform one of Shakespeare's masterpieces in under ten minutes. This year, they performed Macbeth.
The Christmasse Feaste signifies the start
of Yuletide fun and the holiday cheer lets
the student body know it has just begun!
What role
did you play
for the
Head Page
Brass Musician
Madrigal Singer
A Dttff t11 vive Ltfe t!f a
Madrtjttl St111er
I wake-up and get ready for school.
I go to school.
I make and hang posters for next
week's spirit week.
Then I eat dinner and get everything
ready for opening night.
I do my hair and get dressed at
school, then we start to rehearse
our songs.
Finally, it's show time!!!
1. WASSAIL! Junior Michael Holman and senior Andrew Bianan
were just two of the more than thirty madrigal singers at this year's
feaste. 2. BRING ME A SAMMICH! The wenches, along with the
pages, serve the nine-course feast. This year, to help raise money
for the feaste, cookbooks were sold containing the recipes used in
the meal. 3. THE WIND ENSEMBLE. Junior Kimberlee Ruiz and
sen iors Shannon Parmentier, Holly Mahoney, and Taylor Tomczak played recorders while in 16th Century costume at Ye Old
Christmasse Feaste. 4. BRAVO! Junior Luke Walaszek gave a mindboggling performance as both Macbeth and Macduff in a comedic
fifteen minute performance of Shakespeare's Macbeth . 5. NOTHING BUT SMILES. The jesters at this year's feaste were up to their
usual tom-foolery this year, among them was junior Sara Brandt (in
blue, purple, and white). 6. IN THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT. The brass
and percussion musicians gave a riveting performance. Among
them, on the tubas, were junior Tye Skowronski and senior Charlie Renk, who said, "My favorite part was the overall atmosphere
of the feaste. Everyone was in the spirit of Christmas and performing in front of people is a blast." 7. CAROLING ON HIGH . "My
favorite piece to perform was 'Bring a Torch, Jeannette Isabel la,"
said sen ior Tina Rende who was one of the Lorde's Ladyes this
year. 8. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Senior Andrew Bianan was one of
the wonderful singers this year. The Madrigal singers were just one
of the many highlights at the Ye Olde Christmasse Feaste. Others
included musicians, gymnasts, Irish Dancers, and actors.
Brass Musician
Litte r Bearer
Acto r
he Trojans' reason for promoting breast cancer awareness is
to save lives, and the support
amongst students increases every year. Since the effort began
several years ago, new events have been
implemented. This year, members of Student Government partook in a twentymile Walk for the Cure. Senior Shannon
Parmentier said, "Each participant in the
walk collected donations from the public.
$1,000 went to a woman stricken with
breast cancer, and the rest went to the Go
Pink So cer Foundation." The walk, which
ended at Tremper, was a fun opportunity
for students to give back to the organization through a hands-on experience.
Sophomore Gavan Hicks thinks "Pink
is a cute color." So, boys (and girls): man
up and wear pink to show your support for
all the women and their friends and families affected by breast cancer. Sophomore
Alex Cole said, "Every day, women are
diagnosed with breast cancer." Therefore,
everyone is encouraged to support these
women in some manner.
There are many ways to support breast
cancer awareness. Anyone can give individual donations, take part in corporate
sponsorships, fundraise, or volunteer.
Sophomore Kelsey Jones believes "Every
effort counts". Perhaps one of the simplest
and most fun ways for Tremper students to
show they care would be to attend Go Pink
athletic events. The spirit amongst students
and faculty reigns in the halls during pink
spirit day and the cheers at the athletic
events resonate throughout the stadium.
1. REAL MEN WEAR PINK. When it comes to supporting the effort,
junior David Lundgren goes all out in spirit attire. In honor of Breast
Cancer Awareness month, Lundgren said, "October is my m nth." 2.
WE PINK WE CAN, W E PINK W E CAN. Cheerlead rs hold the sign for
the football players to break through before the football game. They
created breast cancer-related cheers and made shirts to wear at the
football game in 0 tober. 3. A GIFT FROM SO CCER. Form r Packer
player Antonio Freeman looks on as soccer players present th recipient of a $1,000 donated check with a signed soccer ball at the Go Pink
game's half-time ceremony. 4. SHOW YO UR GAME FACE. Freshman
Madison Munroe dribbles the ball at the Go Pink soccer game against
Wilmot, wearing the special pink jersey. 5. POSITIVELY PINK. The
student body screams and shouts for the football team and the cause.
Many people wear pink and have fun supporting others. Pink face
paint, hair dye, bandanas and lothes are popu lar in the crowd.
Wh o do yo u
support in
yo ur life?
I don't support anyone
My mom, by praying, laughing,
and always smiling.
I support my mom in
every way.
I support my aunl and celebrate
October, National Breast ancer
Awareness Month.
rkJ olo foi.A w PrvtfL1
students snow their support
''When a group of kids get together to raise
money and to support a good cause like
breast cancer, it is really encouraging. ' '
StnttJr Kafhff Ct/tort
Junior Tyler Rice
dresses in a pink bikini top, covers himself
in body paint with a
go pink ribbon on his
stomach, and sports a
pink sombrero.
Senior Kris Hambrock wears a
hot pink kool-aid
man l-shirt and
matching jeans
on the Go Pink
spirit clay.
Senior Dexter Molinaro dyes his hair
and beard hot pink
and wears a pink
cut-off t-shirt al the
football game.
1. GO PINK. A signed soccer ball is
displayed in the trophy case. The
girls soccer team signed the ball to
promote their Go Pink game. 2. A
WALK FOR THE CURE. Before the soccer game, members of Student Government participated in a 20 mile walk to
rai e money for the benefit.
I support my grandma and
donate to her hospital.
I support everyone
with breast cancer.
I support my grandma and I support my aunt and enjoy being
with her.
I support my morn and
make pink cupcakes.
I support my step clad, and I'm
always with him.
Gc-P111k ~~
~rrrJ rt} UlllrJ ffrJ(f}ftl £}/Jf}rl SrvlffI
you're somebody's type
very year, the student government's community service committee organizes the largest studentrun blood drive in the state. The
students were able to get 422 donors and save 1,266 li ves! Throughout southeast Wisconsin, every blood center was shut
down so their staff and equipment ou ld be
sent to Tremper to help for the day.
Since late January, the community service
committee planned the blood drive nonstop. The committee was split up into smal ler
groups: publicity, food and work-force. Senior Annmarie Riva, leader of the publicity
committee said, "The publicity committee
creates posters to put around school to get
students excited and for the day of the blood
drive." The students in the food committee
went around town to ask for donations from
local businesses: refreshments, chips, cups
and plates to hand out the day of the blood
drive. The work-force committee scheduled
all of the student volunteers and set-up and
cleaned up the gym.
On the clay of the blood drive, there were
many stations each donor had to go through
before they cou ld actually donate. Because
the drive began at 7 am, students had to arrive at 5:30 to start setting up for the day.
The members of student government helped
work each station throughout the day. They
helped register each donor, escort donors
after they gave blood to the refreshment
table and helped in the kiddie care area.
Sophomore Emily Diggins, who started out
working the refreshment table said, " It was
interesting to see how all of the donors were
handling themselves right after they donated.
That station was my favorite one to work!"
The goal this year was to fix the glitches
from the years before and get over 400 donors. Mr. Hardy, the adviser for the co mmunity service comm ittee said , " It was the
smoothest and most competent drive in the
last ten years. Everyone was on task." The
event was a success and all of the hours of
hard work and preparations paid off.
How did you
feel after
Like I was walking on
sunshine. Woah.
To know 1saved three
lives made me feel significant in the whole process.
I felt great to know I helped somed
d I"
one an
may ave save
I felt really good and energetic!
I got light headed and
then fainted twice.
~to Save
a ure
with senior Maria Rodrigue:t
Step OJ1e
R eg1strat1on
Step ll"o
~ Kiosk Station
(answering questions)
Step Th~
. ' s tat1on
P reparation
Step Fou~
Save 3 •
Lives ~
1. DONATE! IT'S A BLOODY GOOD JOB! The community service committee gathers around to hear instructions and work stations before the Blood Drive starts. Most of the members worked
at the food table or as escorts for the donators. 2 EVERY DROP
COUNTS. Seniors Karina Milbauer and Dana Johnson wait for the
donating process to finish. Dana Johnson said "I was scared at first,
but it didn't end up being too painful!" 5. DON 'T LET MOSQU ITOES GET TO YO U R BLOOD FIRST. Junior Ryan Bailey watches
as the blood technician prepares to take blood. All of the technicians were from the Blood Center. 4. KEEPING BLOOD BA KS
FULL. At the kiosk station, senior Haley Celebre answers interesting
questions pertaining to her personal life. "Some of the question
were awkward but I'm so glad I was able to donate!", said Celebre.
5. THIS IS WHAT A HERO LOOKS LIKE! Before people can donate, they have to register with the Blood Center. Senior Rebekah
Neeld wa ited wh ile being registered by the Blood Center volunteer.
6. GIVE BLOOD. STAY HEALTHY. After donors gave blood, they
were escorted to a table for a snack and refreshments. The Community Service committee in student government supplied all of
the food and beverages and got donations from local businesses
for the drive. 7. C'MON! WE KNOW YOU 'VE GOT IT IN YOU!
Sophomores Kevin Landgraf and Becca Borchardt discuss where to
walk around as blood drops to promote and get people excited for
the blood drive. Kevin said, " I definitely think being the blood drop
was my favorite part of working the blood drive th is year''. 8. EVERY
DROP COUNTS . Throughout the entire day of the blood dri\'e,
junior Stephanie Kuruvilla and seniors Shannon Parmentier and Elliott Thomas worked the registration table. Shannon and Elliott are
the co-vice presidents of the Community ervice ommittee.
I definitely almost cried.
I fe lt like a hero.
Aweso me! It always feels
great to give back.
I felt dizzy. But it's crazy to th ink
my blood cou ld save someone.
I fe lt like a truck just hit me.
these students would even impress Simon
very year students get excited for
the talent show, sometimes because their be t friend is going
to perform an amazing song or
dance, but mostly, just to get out
of class. On their way into the auditorium,
most are not interested in who is performing or what they are about to do-until the
show starts. Then, they get sucked into the
songs and the dances and the performances. At first, whispering fills the auditorium,
but as soon as it starts, everything goes silent and for a few minutes those on stage
get to speak whatever they are feeling. This
year, it was a song dedi at d to a girlfriend,
asking someone to prom, and inspiring everyone in general. The truth is, students do
not realize the work and effort that goes
into these performances. Backstage, the
talent show is entirely different from what
the students usually see. This year we got
a sneak peak when a group of T-Factor
staff members jumped on stage and started
dancing between performances. The small,
unexpected outburst showed what the talent show was really about-having fun. It
sounds like a cliche, but it was obvious in
this year's show. The students involved re-
ally got close, as senior Samantha Boris
said, "Before the night show, we all joined
togeth r, harmonizing and playing guitars
ju t to share. I'll never forget that beautiful
moment with my friends." Aside from the
music, there were also great dances to see,
including Nicole Geiger's baton twirling,
which won everyone over at the end of the
night. The talent show is an important event
he ld every year that not only entertains and
cheers everyone up, but also brings the student body together. Good thing we have a
lot of talent to shar and show off!
Wh at do you
do to get rid of
I imagined singing the song for rny
girlfriend, whi h made rne cairn.
make it big, these would be their couple names.
s( ottex
1. KNOCK KNOCK, WHO'S THERE? Senior Paige DeThorne and
junior Luke Walaszek entertained the crowd while keeping everything under control as this year's MCs. Even their corny jokes got everyone hyped up! 2. CRAZY RAPPING! 2010 talent show winner,
senior Andy Gamarra is still going strong with his rapping. He writes
his own songs and freestyles where ever and whenever he can. This
year, as always, he tried to give us the best performance he could.
He said, "I knew I had one chance to make an impact, so I figured
I'd make any negative into a positive." 3. SHE' LL WAKE YOU UP.
This year's winner, senior Nicole Geiger blew everyone away with
her baton twirling. Geiger said, "Being in the talent show was so
nerve-wracking... but it was all worth it for the wonderful experience." 4. BABY, SHE GOT IT. Senior amantha Boris looked like
she belonged on stage as she sang "Respect" by Aretha Franklin. She
got the crowd going with her huge voice and performance. 5. SI GING WITH BIG BROTHER. Senior Jakob Willkomm paired up with
his sister, sophomore Anja Willkomm, to sing Coldplay's "Viva la
Vida ." 6. BEST MOVES. Senior Jason O'neal, along with a group of
other T-Factor staff members and participants, took it upon themselves to liven up the party with some sweet dance moves. Jason's
eccentric moves definitely stood out and made the show that much
more awesome' 7. JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES. Sen ior Lauren Schlitz
sang T-Swift's sweet song, "Safe and Sound." The heart-warming
performance touched the audience and left everyone stunned. 8.
MOVES LIKE MJ. Senior Josh Mad ison danced and sang to "Billy
Jean". With his MJ t-shirt, white gloves, shiny shoes, and awesome
dance moves, he really impre sed the audience, mostly after he
kept going even though the microphone went off.
What is this 'nervous feeling?'
Josh does not comprehend.
Listen to music.
I have optimism in mind and expect
the best of every situation.
Taking long, deep,
Deep (but not too deep)
Tat&11f Sls!Yw rtJ..15
Rr1' C~t?!)rll Aa ~ ~ffet?
a n1ght0 to remember-
he prom court did an amazing job
of tran forming the main dining hall
of the Parkway Chateau into an elegant, Hollywood themed event.
With the help of the junior class advisors, Mrs. Daniel on and Mrs. Thomas, the
decorations went above and beyond all expectations. Throughout the room, star with ea h
student's name on them hung on the wall ;
the tables, sponsored by local businesses, were
adorned by movie marker and mints. Junior
Bridget Carney aid, "The decorations were
outstanding and topped very dance I've been
to!" Thanks to the junior cla s, the atmosphere
at prom was elegant and chic.
Not only did th decorations make prom
exceptional, but the two popular photo booths
did as well. Because they wer such a hit the
year before, the prom court decided to have
two instead of just one photo booth, which
helped minimize lines and "they allowed
more people to be able to dance and get their
groove on!," said junior Lauren Sargent.
The only negative thing at prom was that the
food was less than satisfactory. Senior Danny
Kupfer thought that "the food was too cold
and my prime rib tasted like rubber." The
main courses in luded pasta primavera, prime
rib and breaded chicken with sides of mashed
potato s and green beans. At the back, there
was a wide assortment of desserts which, "wa
the highlight of prom," according to senior
Sam Robinson. The music was bett r than expect d and throughout the night, many dance
battles and group dan es broke out.
From the spectacular decorations to the
great music, prom 2012 proved to be quite an
amazing night for all involved.
What was your
favorite part of
Eating the cupcakes.
Seeing Steven Hohs. And
Sam Kok's shirts.
The cake balls for sure.
Getting all dressed up with my
Hanging out with all
my friends!
HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD. The students sit and
wait for dinner to be served while
admiring the Hollywood themed
decorations for the evening.
Mrs. Danielson, Mrs. Thomas,
and the entire prom court spent
weeks planning, fundraising, and
embellishing the interior of the
Best Dressed
, ;::~=::-""---~---== Parkway hateau. 2. TURN MY
SWAG ON. Junior Danan Hardy, also known as "Swag Man",
has all eyes on him as he shows
off his mad dancing ski lls. Hardy
said that his, "Sweet moves are
legendary," and were the best
part of prom. ·~. 2012 PROM
COURT! The prom court lines
up outside before the dance
begins. The court of all juniors
included Collin Klimisch, Grant
Gagliardi, Brandon Klinkhammer, Zach Naumowicz, Sam
Kok, Eric Ciszewski, Nancy Ly,
Kendra Richter, Becky Knapp,
Ash ley Zenner, Miranda Maritato and Sam Weber.
1. ON WITH THE DANCE! In the middle of the dance floor, students
at prom enjoy themselves while getting the party started! 2 PHOTOOP! While preparing to take pictures in the photo booth, junior Landon
Boyle tries out different props. He said that "the photo booth made
my prom so much fun! I think I went in at least three times." 3. THE
MOST GLORIOUS NIGHT. The 2011 Prom King and Queen, seniors
John Sturino and Taylor Schulz lead the 2012 prom court to the stage
before the Coronation. They fulfill d their duties at prom by crowning
the newest prom King and Queen. 4. REMEMBER THESE MOMENTS.
Newly crowned Prom King and Queen, Collin Klimisch and Miranda
Maritato do the King and Queen dance. 5. DANCE TIL YOU DROP.
Senior Jason O'Neal breaks out his amazing dancing kills and takes part
in a dance off. Earlier in the year, O'Neal debuted his sweet moves at
the annual Talent Show, making him a crowd favorite. 6. GET UP AND
DANCE! Juniors ancy Ly and Braden Wisniewski dance tO\Vard the
end of prom with their friends. Ly said, "The best part of prom was being
on court, because it was so much fun to help with all of the decorations."
fJIfif/!!Jr ~~m A<WI (()/!!Jtl
with us ...
ith a complete transformation of organization,
the Tremper Theatre
program launched into
yet another extreme ly
busy year. At the close of last year, the
students decided to r format how the productions were organized, and as a result,
created the Tremper Theatre Company, a
collection of over 50 students who completed all aspects of each production, includ ing: stage management, directing, design, construction, and performance.
The season opened with Doubt, a Parable, a Pulitzer-prize winning play that not
only stunned audience members, but also
caught the attention of the judges at the
WHSFA State Theatre festival, who awarded Tremper four awards, including its third
onsecutive Criti 's Choic .
The longest running musica l of all time,
The Fantasticks, featured Tremper's first
live orchestra for a musical production, led
by senior Mary Sturino . The orchestra and
audience joined the actors on stage for this
intimate production. The spring brought
If you could
live in a
movie, which
would it be?
Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird,
as well as Tremper's largest cast for a play
to date. The nearly 40 students staged the
we ll-known story in only a month and a
half. Senior Kyle Flood directed students
in Craig Wright's The Pavilion.
For the fina l production, students
worked with UW-Madison to stage Shakespeare's Macbeth in the Japanese Kabuki
style. With five unique productions under
their belts, the Tremper Theatre program
proved once again that through hard work
and determination, much can be achieved.
Brokeback Mountain
because Heath Ledger is
my fav!
MIB because aliens are dope
and the suits are suave.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Blues Brothers because I view myself Tron: Legacy becau«
Yeah I'd be a slayer yeah... as Jake Blues, living above the law.
of the lights.
Behind the Scenes
with a Student Director
Q: What is your favorite
part about directing?
A: I love being able to
watch a produ tion I
directed and say, " I created this!" I also like to
analyze the scripts.
Q: Which director is
your biggest inspiration?
A: I am a big fan of Tim
Burton and Christopher Nolan. But Mr.
Cicerale has been my
greatest mentor since
freshman year.
1. WITHOUT A DOUBT. Seniors Emily Leonard and Robin Feltman were part of the four member cast of Doubt, a Parable. This
play is a controversial off-Broadway by John Patrick Shanlyey. 2.
TAKE THY FACE HENCE!!! "Students worked with UW-Madison
Theatre Department chairperson, Dr. David Furumoto to stage
Shakespeare's Macbeth in traditional Japanese Kabuki tyle," said
director Mr. Cicerale. This was a very unique play for junior Vanessa Soward, and freshmen Noah Gospodarek and Nina Zand. 3.
WHY SO SERIOUS? Senior Michael Casey walked in the footsteps
of the great Gregory Peck, playing the role of Atticus Finch in the
theatre adaptation of To Kill A Mockingbird. 4. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! Actually it was the production of The Fantasticks that awed
the public. In this play, junior Ryan Westermeyer played Mortimer, a character who specializes in dying. 5. SUMMERS I MAYCOMB. Sophomore Jacob Dorst and senior Mary Workman, playing the roles of Dill Harris and Scout Finch, gave a mesmerizing
performance in To Kill A Mockingbird. 6. DOUBTFUi ! For junior
Luke Walaszek the production of Doubt was a highlight to his high
school career. "Of all the roles I have played, I am most proud of
Fr. Flynn [from Doubt.]" 7. EN GARDE ! In the spring production
of Macbeth, sophomore Whitney Vasquez, as Macbeth, and junior Caleb Young, as Banquo, brought to life one of Shakespeare's
most well known plays. 8. AND HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU
FEEL? Juniors Marisa Skow and Julie Erickson gave magnificent
performances in the student directed play, The Pavilion.
A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Because it's magical and stuff.
The Avengers because I The Lorax because there's
Any Pokemon movie because I
Lord of the Rings, to be
love Robert Downey Jr. fluffy trees and cute animals. mean it's the world of Pokemon!! an elf w ith archery skills.
The Avengers, I would love to
have super powers and fight evil.
Trt m(Jtr Tlttllfrt
rdP~&fM ~ f0!1t ldP@ M@!Jll;~1tffe@I
seniors celebrate the end of high school
s the encl of the year approached, eniors took the
time to reflect on the memories made during their four
years at Tremper. The lass
of 2012 attended their senior banquet on
May 18th at the Italian American Club,
where stories from the first day of freshman year, to the last pep assembly were
shared among friends. As high school
came to an end, seniors took the time to
follow traditions: senior skip day, the Honors Convocation, Senior Banquet and Mr.
and Ms. Tremper.
Some seniors spent their skip day at
the beach relaxing before the big push to
study for finals. Old memories were shared
and new memories were made among all
of the seniors who att nded. The Honors
Convocation was where the idea of college
really started to set in. Seniors, parents and
Renaissance members attended to see the
graduating seniors being recognized for
their scholastic and athletic achievements.
Top 20 academic and outstanding were
recognized, as we ll as those who received
scholarships. Mr. and Ms. Tremper follows a pageant format where students are
nominated by a club that they are in and
voted on by their peers. Candidates performed skits, danced, and answered questions in front of a panel of judges made up
of teachers and former Ms. Tremper, Abby
Padlock. Jake Oster and Elise Valeri won
due to their fantastic dance moves and
great interview skills.
The end of senior year marked the time
to reminis eon the great times at Tremper
and look forward to the rest of our lives.
Drama King.
Best Dressed.
Nicest Car.
Orama Queen.
,,~ /IJIJJ}lfrlll Gv~ rUooo
a selection of awards from honors convocation
Tt!ll!t! Gatltff...
Leah Ptrrt...
Prt11ot11at '4' AJVard
TtfjJ 20 Mtfd'f Oafd'fa11dt"'/
1. All THE SINGLE LADIES! The male candidates attempt to
dance to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" and crack up the crowd with
their interesting interpretation of the dance moves. The candidates
added excitement and laughter to the show by doing three dances
throughout the pageant, and senior Matthew Miceli said, "The
dances were hard. And embarrassing but kind of fun." 2. AND TH E
AWARD GOES TO ... just a few of the 7S Mock Awards are displayed at the annual Senior Banquet. Each year the seniors vote for
class Mock Awards, which are announced at the banquet. 3. WE
WEAR OUR SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT. Nominee for Miss Tremper
Priscilla Colon and her scort Andrew Fricke make quite a memorable entrance as the show begins. Each candidate was escorted by a
fellow senior and they were required to choose a song to walk in to
when announced. These escorts also took part in writing and acting
in the skits. 4. l 'M LIKE FORGET YO U ! During the second dance
of the evening, seniors Paige De Thorne and Jakob Wilkomm, candidates for Mr. and Miss Tremper, dance to "Forget You". This
dance was a combined boys and girls number choreographed by
sophomore Sofia Puterbaugh. 5. TALK LIKE A MAN. As his speech
began, Aam ir Kadri, Senior Class President, touches upon the fact
that throughout high school, a lot of changes occur, but mostly for
the better. Kadri had a major part in making the Senior Banquet a
success and won Most Likely to Become President. 6. GET READY
TO BE MOCKED. Anna Christenbury and ick Vecchitto set up the
Mock Award table before the Senior Banquet began. Christenbury
and her boyfriend, Josh Skanron, won Cutest Couple and Vecchitto
won Most Li kely to Marry Rich. 7. SHOW OFF THOSE PEARLY
WHITES! Seniors Max Swift, josh Skanron, and Jared Jones wait
for the Banquet to start so they can get their food. At the Banquet,
dinner consisted of mostaccoli , ch icken, sa lad, and Italian bread.
8. SUPERSTAR! S nior Elise Va leri accepts her crown and the title
of 2012 Miss Tremper. Valeri earned the title thanks to her S L
inspired skit where she dressed as Mary Katherine Gallagher and
performed a hilarious parody of the "Superstar" skit.
I /(trHV!ffJ I !JIJJ} Wdftir I fl}IJJ} r tirrlfl}!J
because i knew you ...
the $500 Italian American Ladies '\uxiliary Scholarship. the
S 1,000 Milwaukee L,ulies ol UNICO Award, $1,000 l\enosha
Profe"ional Police A"ociation 5cholarship ,ind the $1,000 Kraft
Foods 5<hol,1rship. CAROLIN BECKER For the $1,000 Brt•nda
Wolf Memorial Schol,irship. JACOB BECKMAN For the $1,000
University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point combined Music Department Scholarships and the $200 Kenosha Choir Booster's Scholarship. LAUREN BORCHARDT For the 56,000 St. Norbert College
Trustee Scholarship, the $56,000 Marquett' University Acaclemi
Excellence Scholarship, and thl' $500 Whitti •r Elementary School
Schol,irship. LAUREi'. BORESCH For the $750 Leia Mercado Memorial Scholarship. MARK BOUDREAU For the $64,000 Saint
Loub University Vice President's Scholarship and the $4,000 Uni\Crsity of Minnesota Presidential Scholarship. SAMANTHA BYRNE For the $36,000 St. orbert ollege Kennedy Scholarship.
GABRIELLE CH IAPPETTA For the $500 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Scholarship. CARLETON CHILDS For the $200 Joseph Goff
Memorial Scholarship. ANNA CONCANNO For the $60,000
Xa,ier Univ rsity Presidential cholarship, the $32,000 Marquette
University Ignatius Service Scholarship, and the $56,000 t. Norbert College Trustee cholarship. CHRISTINA DALTON For the
$2,500 Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, the
$1,500 Kenosha Education Association Scholarship, the $500
American Red Cross cholarship and the 500 Peggy Waddell
Memorial Scholarship. PAIGE DETHORNE For the $48,000 University of Dayton Dean's Merit Scholarship.
DOHRMANN For the $200 Jeremy Pfeifer Memorial Scholarship.
ELISE DUBRAVA For the $200 Kenosha Choir Booster's Scholarship and the $15,250 Carthage College combined Scholarships
and Grants. DAVID DUMMER For the $6,000 Northern Michigan
University atlonal Academic Award & Scholars Award. GABRIELA GARCIA For the $600 Pleasant Prairie Woman's Club Scholarship. TONEO GULLEY For the $250,000 appointment to the
United States aval Academy. STEVEN HOHS For the $9,000
Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship, $2,500 National
Merit Scholarship, the $103,203 University of Alabama combined
Merit Scholarships, the $64,000 University of Minnesota Combined Scholarship, the S1,700 University of Minnesota Undergraduate Research Scholarship, the $4,400 Carthage College Financial Grant, the $500 Tri-County Grant, the $44,000 Carthage
College Highest Honors Scholarship and the $300 David Schienbrood Memorial Scholarship. ABIGAIL HUCK For the $4B,OOO
St. Norbert College Presidential Scholarship. DANA JOHNSON
For the $36,000 Drake University Presidential Scholarship. MEGAN JOHNSON For the $2,000 University of Wisconsin -Whitewater Department of Music Scholarship, the $275 Delta Kappa
Gamma Scholarship, the $2,500 Kenosha Area Chamber of ommerce Scholarship and the $350 Manny Mitka Memorial Scholarship. CHASE JUNGE For th $500 Peggy Waddell Memorial
Scholarship. AAMIR KADRI For the $56,000 Loyola University of
Chicago Darnen Scholarship and the $250 Louis Armstrong Jazz
Award. ASHLEY KEDING For $2,200 in combined scholarships
from University of Wi"ons1n Platteville. LAUREN KONCHAN For
the 1>36,000 St. orbert Colk•ge Kennedy Stholarship. HAYLEY
KONITZER For thc> $80,000 Carthage College Modern L.111gu.igc
Scholarship for FAITH LARSON For the $500 Jenny Pergande Mt'morial Scholarship. DAVID LEITING For the $250 Troj,111 Touchdown Club Scholarship and the $14,400 Uniwrsity of
North Dakota combined grants and scholarships. EMILY LEONARD For $70,000 in combined schol.irships from Northl,rnd College. ALEXANDER LOPEZ For the $9,000 Wisconsin Ac .idemic
Excellence Scholarship. MARISA LUCKE For the> $9,000 Wisconsin Academic Excpllence Schol.irship, the> $500 Amy M.iri<' Bosman Memorial Scholarship, the $250 Andy and Bea Fennema
Memori,11 Scholarship, the $1,000 Andrea Wirch Memorial Scholarship, the $100 Tremper FBLA Scholarship, the $2,000 UniversityofWisrnnsin La Crosse Freshman Academic Excellence Stholarship, the $250 Roosevelt Elementary PTO Scholarship and
the $56,000 Marquette University Academic Excellence Scholarship. HOLLY MAHONEY For the $4,000 Kenosha Area Business
Alliance cholarship, the $500 Greater l\enosha Community Drug
and Alcohol Awareness Scholarship, the $4,000 University of
Minnesota Presidential Scholarship, the $1,000 Kenosha Junior
Woman's Club Scholarship and the $2,000 University of Minnesota Rothschild Scholarship. SARA MAHONEY For the $750
Kenosha Unified PTA oun ii Scholarship, the $500 Tremper Athletic Booster Club Scholarship, the $6,000 University of South
Florida Green & Gold Scholarship. ANDREW MCNAIR For the
$500 National School Choral Award. DEXTER MOLINARO For
the $22,000 St. Norbert College Van Dyke Award. MEGAN
MUTCHLER For the $4,000 Kenosha Area Business Alliance
Scholarship, the $500 Tremper Class of "71" cholarship, the
$1,000 Kenosha Junior Woman's Club Scholarship, the $34,000
Liberty University combined Scholarships, the $8,000 Em rson
Corporation Scholarship, the $ 1,000 Cargill Community Scholarship, the $1,000 Cargill National Scholarship and the $2,000
AW ANA Citation Scholarship. NATHANIEL NEWBERRY For the
S1,000 University of Wisconsin Stout Polytechnic Scholarship and
the $250 Trojan Touchdown Club Scholarship. KYLE NOTTINGHAM For the $68,000 Augustana College Presidential Scholarship
and the $68,000 Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship.
JASON O'NEAL For the $9,664 University of Wisconsin People
Program full tuition Scholarship, the $8,000 Peter Ploskee, Sr. Memorial Scholarship and the $500 Steve Hagan Memorial Scholarship. LEAH ORR For the $200 Joseph Goff Memorial Scholarship.
SHANNON PARMENTIER For the $56,000 St. Norbert College
Trustee Scholarship, the $1,000 Amy Marie Bosman Memorial
Scholarship and the $1,500 Kenosha Education Association Scholarship. CONNOR PATIY For the $27,200 Benedictine University
St. Benedict Award. LEAH PERRI For the $6,000 Winona State
University Presidential Honor Scholarship and the $40,000 Winona State University Grant in aid for volleyba ll. JENNIFER PEZDIR
For the $5,500 North rn Michigan University National Academic
Award & Outstanding Achievement Award and the $600 Pleasant
Prairie Woman's lub Scholarship. CHRISTINA RENDE For the
$2,000 University of M1111wsota Gopher St,1t(• Scholarship, the
$54,000 Carroll University Trustee' Scholarship, the $52,000
Loyola University Merit Scholarship, the $134,000 Marquettl•
UnivC'rsity Bur~t> Tuition Scholarship, the $56,000 Marquette
University Ignatius Academic Exct'llence, the $1,000 ll<'st Buy
Schol.irship, and the $2,500 PEO Scholarship. BRIANNA RILEY For the $4,000 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Chancellor's Scholarship, the $1,000 University of Wisconsin Whitewater
College Exct'llenc e, the $750 Kenosha Unified PTA Council ~chol·
arship, the $250 Andy and Bl•a Fennema Memorial Schol.irship,
the $500 Amy M,irie Bosman Memorial cholarship, the $1,000
Kenosha Junior Woman's ( lub Scholarship and the $2,000 Ange·
line Hosmanek Memorial Scholarship. ANNMARIE RIVA For the
$56,000 St. Norb rt College Trust e Scholarship. PIERRE ROLLET
For the $48,000 St. Norbert College Presidential Scholarship.
DANIELLE SALVA For the $20,400 Marquette University Magis
Award. ERIK SANSON For the $9,664 University of Wisconsin
People Program full tuition Scholarship. LAUREN SCHLITZ For
the $200 Joseph Goff Memorial Scholar hip. BHINDER SINGH
For the $500 Gateway Technical College Scholarship. SAMUEL
SKALBECK For the $200 Joseph Goff Memorial cholarsh1p. MlCHAEL SOBIN For the $20,000 University of Minnesota Bentson
S holarship. KYLE STALSBERG For the $60,000 Lawrence University Conservatory Trustee Scholarship and the $10,000 University
of Minnesota School of Music Scholarship. JOHN STURINO For
the $500 John Phillip Sousa Award and the $1,500 Kenosha Education Association Scholarship. TAYLOR TOMCZAK For the
$1000 Woman's Club of Kenosha Scholarship and the $200 Jeremy Pfeifer Memorial Scholarship. SARA UNTERSHINE For the
$125,000 Carthage College Kenosha Oaks Scholarship covering
full tuition for four years. NICK VECCHITTO For the $300 Tony
Soulek Memorial cholarship and the $500 Tremper Class of "71"
Scholarship. MATT WEIHER For the $ 750 Kenosha Unified PTA
Council Scholarship. ALEC WEISNER For the $250 Louis Armstrong Jazz Award. JESSICA WERBIE For the $1,000 Noelle aylor
Memorial Scholarship. KALYN WILKINSON For the $500 Italian
American Ladies Auxil iary Scholarship and the $200 Joseph Goff
Memorial Scholarship. MARY WORKMAN For the $9,000 Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship and the $10,000 University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Sentry Academic Leadership
Award. BROOKLYN YANKUNAS For the $1,000 Brenda Wolf
Memorial Scholarship. KATHERINE ZIELSDORF For the $40,000
Lakeland College Trustee Scholarship, the $4,000 Lakeland College Alumni Scholarship, the $8,000 Helen Boatwright Music Performance Scholarship, the $200 Joseph Goff Memorial cholarship and the $6,000 Education Foundation of Kenosha Future
Educators Scholarship. MAXIMILLIAN ZUHLKE For the $9,000
Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship. 'Th roughout the
school year, the class of 2012 was instructed to report all of their
schola rship awards.This alphabetized list is based upon the awards
which were reported as of June 12, 2012 . Many of these students
wi ll have difficult decisions to make as to which awards they will
accept. Thi s year's class ea rnin gs totaled $2,5 86,494.00.
1. READY TO GO. Seniors patie ntly wait for the ceremony to officia lly begin. 2. MUSIC MAN .
Nate Nyquist plays violin for the last time with the fremper Orchestra. 3. ALL SMILES. Jazz m e n
Colbert grins from ear to ear as she walks to her seat at the beginning of the ceremony. 4. LOUD
AND PRO U D. Dominique Stangas, a four year c hoir member, sa ng a bitter-sweet farewell to the
graduating class of two-thousand and twelve. S. PLEASE RISE. Kennedy Davenport ri ses as she is
recognized by the student body for the hard work and effort she put in ove r these past four yea rs.
What w ere
you thinking
abo ut during
I can't believe high school is
over and I finally get to experience this with my friends.
I was thinking how I don't know It was weird because I knew that all of
some of the people walking the us would never be in the same room at
stage and how I better not end up
the same time ever again.
in the Kenosha news.
My thought was ho\1
exciting it wi ll be tog<
away from everyo ne
1 FOCUSED. Angela Bartz and Sam Barsuli listen intently as one of the graduation
speakers orates. 2. Fl NALLY!! Seniors Adam
Landgraf, Sam Skalbeck, and Andrew Fricke
were all smiles after the Commencement ceremony held at Indian Trail Academy.
I was thinking about when I go
to college and how I'd keep in
touch with friends.
During graduation, I couldn't
believe that high school wa
actually over. It was bittersweet leaving everyone.-Jaime.
Man, I'm glad I didn't
wear heels!
I was sad about not seeing everyone everyday, but excited for
the summer and college. I was also feeling how sore my feet
were in my heels which was a good distraction so I didn't cry!
This is it. We're ready.
Time to move on.
e-s-p-e-c-t find out what that means to me. Everyone
has their own way of finding out who they are and who
they want to be in th future. Ea h individual person
goes about expressing themselves in their particular and
special way. While some students choose to focus on
their appearance and show off their uniqu personalities
through fashion, others choose to express themselves
through comedy. "Photo Bombing" has become very
popular in the world, and especially around Tremper.
This has taken funny to a whole new level. Th idea
is to jump into a picture's background without being
seen. "Expression is all about showing off the real you.
If p ople weren't allowed to be silly and have a personality, life would be bland, boring, and dull," stated junior Christian Enwright. Students, faculty and parents have
taken it one step further, purposely making faces to show their
creative side.
Richard Aiello
Sohrab Akhavein
Polly Amborn
Linda Andreoli
Debra Andrews
Scott Azmus
Clint Beam
Bob Belkola
Cheryl Bell
Diane Bilak
Erin Bosovich
Lonzo Bradford
Christy Bradley
Helen Breitenbach
Cathy Broadway
Dorlise Brown
Amy Burgher
Tom Burke
Cora Byrnes
Martha Carbajal
Barbara Chalgren
Julie Chase
Robbin Church
Nie Cicerale
William Clark Jr.
Louis Covelli
Juan Cruz
Joshua Cummins
What w as the
wo rst thing
yo u did in high -"'
I skipped school to go
I got home after curfew.
I skipped school.
I didn't return a book back to
the Bradford library.
I always got kicked out of th1
library for ta lking.
Lorena Danielson
Grace Dary
Susan Dowse
Gregory Delahanty
Stephen Dollar
Laura Dorow
Ronald Duros
Steven Ekstrom
Joseph Fanning
Patricia Fremarek
Justin Frieman
Patrick Gazarkiewicz
Brian Geiger
Janice Gorman
Paula Guitierrez
Lisa Hackeloer
Deborah Hansen
Todd Hardy
Troy Hardy
Linda Hartschuh
Eric Hopkins
Heather Hubeler
Therese Hujik
Kathleen Humphres
Donna lnfusino
Sarah Johnson
James Jorsch
Marie Kasper
Sarah Keel
Karen Kessler
Don Ketterhagen
Deborah King
Jerome King
Kyle Klaver
Donna Kocol
Lloyd Kollman
Joe Kosman
Joy Kostreva
Maria Kotz
Paul Kresse
Sally Krok
Erin Kutchery
Jason Ladd
Nicole Laforge
Linda Larsen
Leslie Last
Dionne Leard
Carol Lechusz
Scott Li ll ard
I was always late my senior year,
because I needed to finish things.
I cut clas to go see the Olympic
torch pass through Kenosh
TIve Walt If WM Baolt Tlvt11
when I was earlier in my
a student at teaching career
Tremper... at Tremper ...
John Majercik
Kelly Marschel
Cole Marshall
I was busy. I was
involved in two time
John Matera
Frank Matrise
D iana Mc Carthy
My class was
so naughty that
most of our
activities got
cancelled, and
our advisers
quit. Thanks,
Mrs. Stein!
In 1999, it felt like I
lived in the auditorium
and Room 120. However, I still found time to
participate in the statewide French-speaking
competition and be the
president of lnternation- Mr. Frteman
al Club. I didn't have many friends, but I
am sti ll close with the few I did have.
Tremper was
the third stop
in my teaching career.
.. I was the
young kid
on the block
coming into
a very veteran teaching staff ..
. Something funny happened
along the way. I've stayed for
26 years .. . I have the sincere
pleasure of work ing alongside
some of the best people I have
ever met in my li fe. Have seen
students become famous and
successfu l and will finish with six
former students having become
teaching co lleagues on staff here
at Tremper.
Sean McKim
Alicia Meyer
John M ilwa rd
Paul Mommaerts
Sheb M uhamm ad
Jamm ie Orth
Michael Orth
Susan Pacetti
Colleen Pad lock
Claudia Pastor
Lin da Patri ck
Gary Pau lauskas
Christoph er Perill o
Cara Pfe iffer
Pellegrina Pignone
M ichael Prahl
Johann a Pringle
Daniel Prozanski
Ka ren Redalen
Samantha Reid
Rob in Reif
Tammy Rh ody
Lou is Rideaux
Matthew Rizzo
Chuck Romano
Christina Rudynski
What was the
worst thing
you did in high
I signed my books out of
the library as Poll y Suza.
I skipped class to go buy
Jordans, and my mom ca me
w hen I wasn't there.
I to rtured the su bstitute
teacher to make her leave.
W e wo uld sk ip stud y hall and
bring back coffee fo r the securi ty
I was a teacher aide ar
used the passes to ge'
out of class.
Melissa Ruta
James Samz
Margo Schenk
Mark Schenk
Ann Schmid
Nathan Schmitt
Catherine Semenas
Daniel Shimon
Donna Shroat
Heather Skeans
Linda Skillings
Alan Skripsky
Michael St. Peter
Candace Stein
Tricia Steinbrink
Adam Sulko
Renee Swiatko
Valerie Taylor
Melissa Thomas
Robert Thomas
Blake Topel
D uglas Townsend
Rosemary Trevino
Debra T ronvig
Jackie Valeri
Tammy Vallone-Seaberg
Robert Venne
Catherine Vervisch
Annmarie Wacker
Joanne Wansart
Suzette Watring
David Weiser
Damon Weiss
Kathryn Wepfer
Charles Werve
Melissa Whitaker
Mel White
Barbara Wiegele
John Wilhelmson
Stanley Wilson
Mark Wisniewski
Charles Wolbers
Nancy Yust
Laura Zajicek-Bagenski
Colin Zalokar
Marianne Ziccarelli
James Zuzinec
We found a dead mouse and
put it in the coin return of a
pay phone.
I organized a protest
against our dress code.
I was late for my own
We stole a sign from the parking lot
that said " o Backing Into Stall "
and put it in th bathrooms.
I was a dork, and dorks don't do
stupid things.
Ftzag/fj' ~f
Destanie Adcox
Demiana Agaiby
Matthew Alexander
James Allen
Benjamin Anderson
Mario Arce
Alfonso Arno ld
Daniel Arteaga
Katie Attia
Noah Baas
Larah Bacasmas
Jacob Barnd
Ashley Barsuli
Megan Beard
Amanda Becker
Alan Besler
Michael Bill
Ryan Birdsall
Abbey Birschbach
Michael Bisciglia
Dejanee Body
Stella Borden
Hannah Boundy
Samuel Boundy
Andrew Brath
Andrew Breunsbach
If someone
wrote a book
about you,
what would
the title be?
It would be called Phaanaash Unpredictable. I don't know where
I am.
I'm going in life and the future is
A Journey to
Shauntia Brooks-Dobbs
Brett Brown
Caleb Brown
Brandon Bruce
Matthew Buban
Alexander Bucko
Nicholas Buratti
Carly Burris
Kyle Butler
Gina Caira
ydne. Cairo
Benjamin Calan
Uriel Caldera
Jame Camp
Julian Cardenas
Colleen Carney
Emilio Carrillo
Elizabeth Casey
Carlos astillo
Juan Castro-luna
Anthony Catchings-Currie
Hunter Cheney
Nicholas Cina
athan Clark
Penny Clark-Taylor
Marjorie Coen
Michael Coffman
Jaime Colin
Chyna Colon
Madison Conine
Savannah Conine
Destiny Cooks
Jordan Coshun
Daniel Crabb
Christine Croce
Corey Cross
Marisol Cruz
My book would be named
uperca/ifragilisticexpialido ious.
Q; W/ art jllttI ntfbbttdt?
I play volleyball for Wisconsin
Noah Cundari
Jill Daavettila
Eric Danyus
~· Wfl.av t114'1Jtretl lft/tJ vf/ tit/'?
When I started in 5th grade, Mr.
Stare and Mr. Corradini were my coaches. They had confidence in me from the
start, and encouraged me to play my
best. Also, I tried out and made the Badger Region High Performan e camp last
summer. Playing at that level made me
realize how much I truly love the game.
Q; Wfl.trt tit/ lft//J d'tt lft/tJNtlf t11 f/J.t
!It.Xv f tvt lftlJN?
At a university pursuing the career
of an orthopedic surgeon, primari ly for
sports related injuries.
Haley Darling
Zachary Davies
Michael Dazoma
Kelsey Dejno
Megan Dellisse
Abigail Derengowski
Lauren Deschler
Michael Dezoma
Travis Dillard
Samuel Dinan
Logan Doerr
Tamara Dominguez
Isaiah Doss
Donald Douglas
Michael Drucks
Kayla Duchac
Jacob Durkee
Melanie Ebener
Rafael Echavarria-Munoz
Joseph Echevarria-Gross
Mary Edmark
Kayla Englert
Jo eph Ericson
Hebel Espinosa-Byrd
Michael Field
Brett Fisher
Brandon Flores
Bryce Frost
Emma Frye-Wasi
Zachary Fuhrer
What was your
biggest fear
about starting
high school?
Matt Knull
I was scared that I wouldn't
be able to find my classes.
My biggest fear was getting
lost on the first day.
The classes, I thought they wou ld be
so hard. But they are really easy.
Walking into the wror
Zoe Galvin
Jacob Gapinski
David Garay
Amber Garcia
Jose Garcia-Gomez
Amber Garland
Paul Gattshall
John Geary
Daniel Geinosky
John Gennaccaro
Alexandria Gibbs
Lasharia Givens
Myron Glass
Alyssa Classen
Ashley Glenn
Frida Godinez
Emilio Gomez
Ben Gordon
Daniel Goroski
Trevor Gott
Maurice Grausville
Joey Grochowski
Abbey Gross
Kendall Gross
Gabriella Gulbranson
Mackenzie Gwozdz
Kyle Hansche
Michael Hansen
Drew Hauenstein
Zahmere Hayden
Matthew Hellquist
Cassandra Hemmi
Christopher Hendricks
Christopher Hensgen
Grant Herbert
Conrad Herman
Quentin Herr
Christopher Hessil
Nicole Highland
Nicholas Hilderbrand
Jesse Hill
Ashley Hodges
Collin Hoffman
Christian Holland
Gaven Hopf
Da'shayla Hopkinsbay
Emily Horejsch
Kieshe Hoskins
Jordan Hubaishy
Failing finals!
Not getting enough credits
and failing finals.
Getting lost then walking into class
late and everyone staring at me!
Walking into the wrong class-
Caitlyn Hughes
Brandon Igartua
Zackery Irving
Maximiliano Jacinto
Amy Janowitz
Mason Jaquith
Sarah Jefferies
Noah Jensen
Tia Johnson
Todd Johnson
Bryant Jones
Chasity Jones
Derek Jones
Jaime Judeika
Christopher Kammer
Jessica Kaplan
Jonathan Kasprzak
Connor Keckeisen
Skylar Keefner
Leah Kelley
Jenna Kelly
Ashley Kenney
Patrick Kenney
Katherine Ketchum
Alison Kexel
Aaron Kingfisher
Krista Klopp
Kaitlyn Kluver
Madelyn Knapp
Matthew Knull
Emalee Koch
Bradley Koehler
Sarah Konchan
Alexandria Kresse
Megan Kruse
Tamaira Kuhnley
Katlynn Kumorkiewicz
Benjamin Kurman
Lau ra Kutzler
Mitchell La Ru e
Hope Landre
Taylor Lattergrass
Jaylen Lear
Laura Lehman
Megan Lehman
Donald Lipper
Jordan Littel
Alexandra Loberger
Francisco Lopez
What was your
costume th is
'5!2 Pe~pte
I was a lady bug.
This year I was Doctor Who
for Halloween.
I was mermaid man from
I was Medusa.
Thurston Love ll
Ka itl yn Lupi a
Shaneequa Lynch
Q,: What art f!t!tH nt1Mtu?
I fence at the Rec Pl ex on
Wed nesdays and Satu rdays for the
last year and a half.
Q,: What tled'!Jtrtd f!t!tJ ft! dt1
f e!eOtllff· ?
Ashley M addocks
Logan M ain
Bennett M ajerowski
M organ M akar
Angela M ann
August M artin
I was inspired to start fencing
because I saw it w hen I was watchi ng
the Olympics and I thought that it
would be fun so I found w here there
we re lessons and signed up.
Q,: Wnaf art f!t!tJr 11ta1ed' f t1r Me
I wa nt to be a vet because I like
animals and it has to do w ith biology.
I plan on going to college and getting
a good education.
a.: What u d't111s.efnt1e1 !Jtt!!Jlt
dt!!e 'f lt!et!HJ abt!!Jf f!t!/J?
Rajzhane M artin
Madison M atherly
Kay Mathiesen
• I was bo rn in Kh abarovsk, Russia.
Andrew Matoska
Dill on Matthews
M adi son Maurer
Brandon Mays
Brittany Mays
Montigo M c Williams
Karissa M cClain
Sarah M cKinley
Christopher M endez
Bianka Mengo
Christian Michaelis
M elissa Michalski
Manas Mishra
James Mitchell
Anthony M odica
Jakyra M oore
Talea M oore
Michael M orehou e
Tabitha M orin
Kelly Morris
Danielle Morzfeld
I dance 6 hours a week at my
dance studio and I'm a part of first
stages young company. I practice
four days a week for at least two
hours. I go to Milwaukee every
Saturday for acting.
Q.; Wnaf t1edt!Jtred f't!tJ ft! dt!
My sisters started dancing before
me and I really wanted to try it
because it looked graceful and fun.
I love acting, and a teacher opened
the door for me to try it.
Q.; Wnaf are j'tftJr 11ta1e4' ft!r f he
Brooklyn Munoz
Brooke Munroe
Madison Munroe
Cullen Murray
Seth Neiman
Brett Nelson
Jacob Nelson
Rachel Nelson
Brian Newberry
I would love to be acting in
movies or I can see myself starring
in movies or dancing.
Alexander Newby
Halie Nichols
Hunter Nikolai
Brandon Norton
Marta Notarianni
Quaterius Nunn
River Nyland
Kennedy Oettel
Ange lique Ortiz
Justin Osborn
Raymond Oseguera
Brandin Padgett
Zachary Palmer
Sydney Paulsen
Tristen Pavlovich
Autumn Payton
Eric Paz
Collin Perales
Stevee Perales
Angelica Peralta
Fermin Perez
Malia Perez
Misael Perez
Tyler Perez
What is your
Christmas, it is so much fun!
'5?1 Pet!ple
Fourth of Ju ly :)
Christmas, beacuse my family and Christmas because I give Santa The Fourth of July, I lo\l
I get to spend time together.
milk and cookies;)
messing with fire!!'
Matthew Petersen
Tyler Pfaff
Nadya Pfaffle
Douglas Pierce
Connor Pierson
Bridget Pietschman
Taylor Pike
Grace Poland
Taylor Poulsen
Master Powell
Leondranae Price
Dakota Prozanski
Zachary Raetzman
Anthony Raimondi
Antoinette Rand
Dennis Regalado
Sophia Reid
Emily Renner
Talia Rhutasel
Angelita Rivera
Alea Roberts
Jonathan Roberts
Alexander Roblero
Anne Rodriguez
Rocio Rodriguez
Lesli e Roman
Jonah Ross
Matthew Rucinski
Kyle Sadowski
Luis Saldivar
Sara Santelli
Alexia Sbarounis
Lindsay Schaefer
John-Carlos Schaut
Olivia Schendl
Barbara Schmidbauer
Carlie Schmidt
Lindsey Schock
William Schroeder
Megan Schultz
Madaline Schumacher
Emma Schwalbe
James Schweinsberg
Jana Scott
Chad Sekuris
Caitlin Semenas
Matthew Semrad
Jordan Sentieri
Megan Sentieri
he Fourth of July because it is Christmas, since there is
my birthday!
always good food.
I like Christmas because my
birthday is the 23rd! !
St. Patrick's Day, because
I'm Irish!
Christmas because of the
present !
Matthew Serpe
Thomas Shannon
Courtney Shatkins
Daniel Shepherd
Shania Sherrod
Anthony Shiffra
Eugene Shulski
lendai Simpson
Joshua Sinde
Luke Skarda
Hannah Skendziel
Kayla Sladek
Alyssa Slater
Christina Smith
Julaine Smith
Kyley Smith
Mariah Smith
Robbyn Smith
Tyler Smith
Jaelyn Snell
Jordan Snider
Dustin Sorensen
Tyler Squires
Lauren Standish
Emma Steagall
Tyler Stei nsdorfer
Breanna Stephens
Katlyn Stevens
Katherine Swanger
Faith Taylor
Rachel Taylor
Madelyn Tenuta
David Theine
Brittany Thiesenhusen
Tevin Thomas
Tristan Thomas
Joshua Thomsen
Mitchell Thornton
Caroline Titel
Angela Tobi as
Michael To k
Lillian Torres
Stephany Torres
Emma Tower
Alex Trentadue
Alexandria Turner
Shaneecia Tyson
Manuel Valadez
Alexander Vanbeekum
Wh at is your
favo rite song at
the mo ment?
Cindy Vandenbranden a~!llJl'l'I~~~
Uriel Venegas
Aleena Villani
~ Wnaf are /ftJIH ntJbbtU?
I like to play basketball. It is my
favorite sport.
Q..· Wnaf t4' /ftJtvr f avtJrtfe f ntllf
· b!Uktfball?
lsaul Villanueva
Alexis Villegas
Kyle Wade
I like to play basketball with my
friends because the sport is fun and I am
good at it. When I grow up I want to be a
pro-basketball player, I think that would
be really cool.
Q..· Wnaf t4' 4'tJ111evnt1e1 /Jtt!/Jlt dtJ 1etJf
k1etJw abtJtJf /ftJtJ?
Zechariah Wade
Sheridan Walker
Jill Walther
Most people do not know that I stay
hydrated with Riptide Rush Gatorade, it
helps to balance electrolytes.
Kayla Waring
Katie Wasurick
Selena Wasurick
Kyle Water
Ale Wawiorka
lhzjan White
Blake Wienke
Anthony Williams
James Williams
Kenneth Williams
Cameron Williamson
Tara Williamson
Amy Wilson
Laurynn Wintermote
Karen Woodard
Matthew Wulf
Devon Yarbrough
Genesis Zamudio
Nina Zand
Nicholas Zielinski
Alysa Zimmermann
Thomas Zoerner
Ariana Zuraitis
"Pumped Up Kicks" by
Foster the People.
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" "Song To Fall In Love To"
by the Beatles.
by Sophie Madeleine.
" It Girl" by Jason Derulo.
"Home" by Edward Sharpe
and the Magnetic Zens.
I like Natalie Portman Rap.
Stephanie Acklam
Miranda Acosta
Elaine Aedo
Justine Aiello
Burkholder Alexis
Alyssa Alfano
Lindsey Allen
ader Alsabbah
Juliana Amundson
Carl Anderson
William Aney
Kazin Armstrong
Kelsiee Arreguin
Joseph Ashley
Chautane Ates
Kyler Auston
Malik Baiyewu
Amelia Baltes
Alecsander Baratta
Chad Battisfore
Hannah Baumgarten
Miranda Beam
Mariana Bedolla
Miguel Bedolla
Taylor Beer
Zayy Bell
Aaron Benicek
Evan Benicek
What do you
want to be
when you
grow up?
I want to be a football player.
A clown.
Air Force.
Justin Bieber's wife.
Kayla Benjamin
Markeda Bennett
Travis Bethke
Marisa Bianan
Ashley Bilotto
Abigale Bleil
Meagan Bloxdorf
Trevor Bo hm
Taylor Bolyard
I was wa mg with
my sister, and all
of a sudden 5 bees
flew out of my ear!
My friends and I
were all carrot and
hopped onto marshmallows. It was weird.
I wea
, ugly
dre s to a d,rncc> ,ind
m; datt showed up in
his work t lothes with
sauce all over th Pm.
Benjamin Borchardt
Rebecca Borchardt
Kristan Bowman
Nathan Brandes
Tylor Brandt
Shawan Brantley
Casey Brown
Hudson Taylor Brown
Nicolette Brown
Serah Brulport
Steven Buchanan
William Buege
Tristan Buencamino
Alexis Burkholder
Alexander Susko
Alexis Butler
Cassandra Buts hli
Bryan Byars
Moshe' Byrd
Sabrina Cairo
Kevin Camosy
Ted Camp
Andrew Cardenas
Benjamin Carlson
Serena Carter
Cinthya astaneda
Danielle Cebol ki
Abigail Chamberlain
Physical Therapist.
NFL Football Player.
Q.· Wnaf are fffmt fff /jfftH nffbbMf l
I play guitar and back-up sing for my
band, Nepenthe, I've been playing for
close to five years now. I also play footba ll ,
joined choir, and signed up for Key Club to
do some volunteer work around the community.
Q.· Wnaf t4' fnt oareer pafn /ffftJ onffftl
Being in a rock band. I want that lifestyle. I wa nt to travel the world, meet new
people, and get paid for doing w hat I love
Q; Wnaf'f fffmtfntllf peffplt tlff1t 'f
k!efffl.J ltbff!Jf /jff/J l
The onl y medal I've ever won was
w inning 2nd place in the Bl ack History
Bee in 5th grade. Proudest moment ever.
:) I have also saved the wo rld four times,
blindfo lded.
Emily Chamberlain
Alexis Chapa
Jorge Chinos
Ra hael Cholak
Ashley Cla ys
M ason Cochra n
Alexandra Cole
Anna Cole
Berina Cole
Nicholas Colon
Chelsea Conley
Bri Conrado
M elenta Conrer
Th omas Cornell
David Corriga ll
Justin Coughlin
Laur n Cox
Jordan Crawford
Michael Crutcher
Jorge Cruz
W esley Cruz
Michal Czesny
Clayton Dale
Amber Damron
Alyssa Daoust
Kailan Dave nport
Kenneth Davidson
Emma Dawson
Andrew De La Torre
Abi gail DeThorn e
Ashley Devri es
Zachary Dickow
Bonnie Di etri ch
What is
your favorite
Emily Diggins
Nathan Dillow
Crystal Dixon
Alexandra Doersch
Josh Dohrmann
Emmanuel Dominguez
Stephen Donahoe
Victoria Dos Reis
Stephanie Drake
Samuel Drewry
Jason Dubois
Collin Duchene
Charlotte Dujardin
Kylie Dzbinski
Kevin Easter
Thomas Edwards
Ryan Eidsor
Jamie Emery
Spencer Erdman
Ty Erickson
Zahra Ermoian
Maria Espinosa
Jacob Eubanks
Guy Evans
Krystal Evans
Danielle Feicht
Karen Feltman
Demetri Flax
Jazmin Flores
Roxana Flores
Zackary Ford
Michaeli Foss
Denzel Franklin
Jake Frederick
Zachary Frost
Destiny Gall egos
Lucero Gallegos
Ash ley Gall igan
Justin Garcia
Yamileth Garcia
Yoahneth Garcia
Cedric Gaston
Rayeanne Gates
Stone Gattie
Kayla Gentz
John Gerlach
Gage Gessert
Margaret Gilliland
Nicole Ginter
I love he's the Man, I
know most of the lines by
Randi Gittens
Lorena Gorn z
Kameron Gorman
Bryan Graham
Sara Greene-Kuntz
Trenten Creole
Kelli Griffin
Lauren Griffin
Kendall Gro s
Muriel Guerra
ToNaya Gulley
Jacob Gunderson
Christian Haggarty
Sharneisha Hampton
Talan Hansen
Siever Hanson
Bradley Hanzel
Mathew Harebo
Mitchell Hartnell
Henry Healy
Jessica Hegewald
Ellen Henry
Luis Hernandez
Mike Hernandez
Veronhnicca Hernandez
Mariah Heyden
Gavan Hick
Logan Hopf
Margaret Huck
Arthur Hudson
Taishae Hunter
James lwen
Kaylee Jackson
Anayely Jaimes
Sarah Jansen
Serena Jaros
Loreal Jenkins
Holly Jeranek
Camron Johnson
Jasmine Johnson
Mariah Johnson
Marissa Johnson
Talerie Johnson
Kelsey Jones
Ashley Kaiser
Samantha Kammer
Maggie Kapplehoff
Daniel Kelley
Alexsis Kempin-Ellis
What is the
last thin g yo u
watc hed o n
I watched Criminal Minds. I
love that how.
The last thing I watched was Family
Pretty Little Liars.
Q; Wnaf Mf!Jtrtd ff'tltH tleftrtff tJt.
D'Juan Kentcy
Marissa Kexel
Cecelia Kirkley du StJ!ttll
What inspired me to get into Cirque
du _Soleil was a DVD from Las Vegas called
"KA Extreme" which was a documentary.
a.. wnav td' ftJ111evnt1e1 !Jtt!!Jlt dtJ1e 'v
~Ht!IV IZbtJ!Jff,t!!Jl
Alexis Kloiber
Hannah Knutson
Karl Koesser
They don t know ... that I go to church at
Tinseltown for the GLC mass every Sunday.
Also that I enjoy doing certain things from
the show like being a character, an acrobat,
and a dancer. Or that I can put my arm
around my head really far and do the splits.
a., Wnaf dtJ ff'tltJ 11ta1e tJ1e dtJtHf ftJr
fnt rtff tJf ff'tltJr ltftl
Kyle Kolinski
Rachel Kostrzewa
James Kramer
I see myself worl<ing at Cirque du
Soleil's resident shows.
Alec Kruse
Savannah Ladewig
Kevin Landgraf
Karli Larsen
Courtney Larson
Tanner Larson
Veronica Leal
Morgan Ledford
Byron Lee
Leo Little
Marteze Little
Jackulyn Lollis
Alonte Lopez
Jake Lundy
Tyler Lundy
Carson Mahant
Samantha Mangold
Jared Maraccini
Haylee Marentes
Michael Margetson
Katelyn Martensen
Anthony Martin
Anastasia Martinson
Joshua Massimo
Kendrick Matthews
Darion Mc Neil
Nicole McClain
Shane Mccolgan
best show ever!
Bridget watched Khloe and Lamar.
Sierra watched Forre t Gump.
Q; Wnaf art /ftJ'tJr ntJ'bbt#?
I play basketball everyday and I
was a member of Jazz Stepper Drill
Kelsey M Conegle
Charles Mendoza
Shanley Menzie
Q; Wnaf tlf,dt/Jtred /flJ'tJ f IJ'jtJ't11
oM/ttfoall a11d drtll ftam?
I got started in this because I
enjoy drill and was in Navy Junior
Officer Training Corps. I found out
about basketball from my aunt but it
came naturally to me.
Joseph Metallo
Eric Miesbauer
Jovana Milankovi
Q; Wnaf u /ftJ'tJr oareer /ttfn
a1ed XJIJ/f dtd /flJ'tJ ontJ'tJ'ft tf?
I would want to be a registered
nurse or a pediatric nurse.
a; Wnaf JtJtll /ftJ'tJ oe dtJ't111 t11
Andr w Miller
Rachel Miller
Tricia Miller
In five years I'll stil l be in college getting my bachelor's degree
for nursing.
·:.· '/
: z;
Taylor Moreland
Luis Moreno
Abigail Mosley
Mason Muerh off
Maya Muerhoff
Ashley Mukka
Sierra Mullis
Mark Munoz
Rachael Murray
Melissa Mutch ler
Bridget Nelson
Kristyn Nelson
Levi Nichols
Alyssa Niles
Morgan Nixon
Samantha Nofsinger
Timothy Nolder
Tom Nordquist
Katrina Novak
Jacob O'Neal
Devon Oenning
What is your
favorite ice
cream sundae
Kevin Molina
Jacqueline Mongeau
Patric Moore
Emily Orr
Emma Oster
Melanie Oster
Jacob Oswalt
Rebecca Overman
Alexis Owens
ldalys Pabon
Reice Papendorf
Raekwon Parker
D'Marcco Patrick
Kaili Pearson
Jaden Peavy
Emily Pena
Nicholas Perri
Abel Perez
Jesus Perez
Nicholas Perri
William Pettit
Hannah Pfluegl
Nathan Piekos
Liam Placek
Jacob Poore
Willie Pope
Emily Postl
Ryley Powell
Emilio Prado
Sabrina Prevec
Sierra Prisk
Cyrus Procarione
Lauren Prochniak
Sofia Puterbaugh
Alissa Racewicz
Alison Rasch
Jacob Rasch
Courtney Reeves
Jordan Reichel
Markus Riemer
Alexandra Riley
Katherine Rizzo
Taylor Roach
Scott Robbins
Connor Robinson
Samantha Rocco
Michael Rodgers
Brandon Roe
Kevin Roepke
Paul Rollet
Elizabeth Roman
Zoie Romero
Tr nton Roszkowiak
Kyle Rover
Brittani Ruhle-Overholser
Nayree Ruiz
Tiana Russell
Jose aldivar
Eduardo Samaniego
Ni holas Santelli
Nikolas Sauceda
Jessica Sawtell
Madalyn Schmaling
Chel ea Schmidt
Kyle Schroeder
Fallon Schultz
Cody Schwartz
Trenton Schwartz-Thuot
Joshua Schwer
Nicole Sciarra
Davion Scott
Zoey Scott
Breeanna Scuffham
Billy Sexton
Bradley Shaw
Emily Sheets
Jalen Sherrod
Tyler Shircel
Christian Shreve
Kaitlyn Sigman
Stephen Siana
Bailey Slater
Sara Slaviero
Cody Sloan
Michael Smick
Sidney Snyder
Joshua Sommer
Dylan Sorensen
Regis Spann
Lauryn Sparks
David St Peter
Thomas Stancato
Danielle Strelecki
Melissa Sturycz
Kody Sullivan
Nathan Summers
James Takala
Joshua Taylor
Montay Taylor
David Tilch
Andrew Tock
If you were a
food, which
would you
want to be?
A gluten-free cookie.
Naan and Dal because it
makes people happy.
I want to be a fat taco.
Katherine Torchia
Raquel Torres
Angela Torres-Castillo
Q,: Wntrt JVttl /ftJll ht tie fwt 11erH4'?
Kennedy Tracy
Olivia Trainor
Julie Tredup
I plan to continue learning whether
it's fun or not so I can get a good job and
have a good life. In five years I hope to
be in a respectable college.
Q,: Wnaf'4' 4'tJmtvntnJ /ttJ/lt dtJn 'v
ltntJw abtJllv /ftJll?
Miranda Turman
Justin Udry
Mayelin Valenzuela
People usually don't know that I
have three siblings, three dogs, and a
bearded dragon. My life can get a little
crazy but I've learned to Iaught it off. =)
Lupe Vargas
Whitney Vasquez
Kaitlyn Verheyen
Austin Villani
Justin Voist
Megan Walden
akia Wallner
Bridget Walsh
Katie Warren
Melanie Weidner
Donovan Wesley
Mallory White
Jerad Whitefoot
lmani Whitsett
Anja Willkomm
Joshua Wilson
Barbara Wirth
Patrick Wirth
Bradley Woller
Joe Woods
Caden Wright
Zachary Yafchak
Alexa Zakutansky
Zoe Zaliewski
Anthony Zarletti
Jacob Zigner
Timothy Zimmermann
Olivia Agnew
Mikkel Aguilar
William Aguilar
Charles Alisauskas
Lexie Allen
Elijah Ambrose
Amber Andrew
Jacqueline Applegate
Patsy Arias
Garrett Arnold
Janeth Arteaga
Kayla Asleson
Thomas Athey
Benjamin Ault
Brittany Ausse
Jonathan Back
Cynthi a Bahena
Ryan Bailey
Jamie Bain
Brian Baldwin
Gregory Banks
Kelly Barnd
Alec Barribeau
Aa li yah Barry
Charley Becker
Kate Beckman
Bailey Benavidez
Marcus Bennett
Where did you
work for your
first job?
Brett Bernhardt
Holly Bernhardt
Sean Bialas
Stojanka Bicanin
Andrew Bisciglia
Krista Blackwell
Cody Blaser
Eric Boesch
Lorraina Bostetter
Landon Boyle
Robert Bozarth
Sara Brandt
Nikia Brantley
Jordan Brauck
Kaitlyn Breunsbach
Emily Brothen
Lindsey Brothers
Ashton Brown
Derek Bryant
Alex Buban
Melanie Burke
Emilee Burrow
Rafael Caballero
Alexander Cable
Octavia Caldwell
Daniel Carlson
Bridget Carney
Alexander Carravetta
Stormi Carreon
Maxwell Carson
John Carswell
Brandon Case
Andrea Castanuela
Hannah Chabela
Abel Chinos
Eric Ciszewski
David Claeys
I haven 't had a job yet, but
if I could I would work at
am Kok.
Jt11JtM- ~'9
Q.; Wnaf t4' tJ'llt tJ'f j'tJ'ltI HtJ'DDttf?
A: I box, write incredible love poems, draw,
paint, and enjoy doing woodwork.
Brisne Cl are
Samuel Coel
Ryan Coen
Q.; Wnaf art fftYtH faf!Ht 1tan4'?
I plan on either going into the navy or marines as soon as I graduate.
Q.· HtJW Jl.JtJ'tild j'tJ'fi dtferMt fftJ'liNtlf?
A: I am actually very creative and have been
called a "mastermind" when it comes to using
creativity. I can also be very romantic. When I
get out of the servi e I plan on proposing to the
love of my life in a row boat where the Eiffel
tower is in vi w during a sunrise or sunset.
Kylandra Cooks
Amanda Cordero
lsai Cortez
Mer edes Cotter
M ichael Coughlin
Caitlin Cowan
Karissa Cox
Suzanne Crass
Jazmin Cruz
Katelyn Daniel
Zhavar Daniel
Amber Danyus
Ivan Davila
Bryce Davis
Christian Davis
Jacob Dawiec
Rheanna Decker
Rick Defranco
Jordan Dejno
Stephan ie Demoe
Preston D vinny
Momouique Dickenson
Donnielle Di kerson
Karly Dierckens
Troy Di llard
Alexander Dixon
William Dodge
Matthew Dolnik
Christopher Domali k
Amber Donovan
Kyle Dreger
Brittany Drigot
Douglas Dubois
Bobbie Dyson
If you only
had one more
meal, what
would it be?
The Blazin' hallengc at B-Dubs,
so my picture would be there.
Kayla Earley
Alejandro Echeverria
Maggie Edmark
Hannah Egle
Cooper Eickstaedt
Nathasha Eiroa
Nora Elgohari
Ariel Elmore
Jamie Elsen
Joseph Encarnacion
Talia Engstrom
Christian Enwright
Savannah Erdman
Julie Erickson
Jordan Ericson
Christina Erlandson
Charles Ernst
Alex Escobar
Diana Espinosoa
Steven Etzelmueller
Alejandra Farnam
Brittney Feivor
Shelby Fellows
Samuel Ferry
Arcelia Figueroa
Alexander Fitch
Jared Flasch
Paul Flores
Connor Fluder
Dominic Fonk
Jared Forsythe
Stephanie Fraid
Eileen Friery
Barrett Frost
Nico le Fugate
Michael Gaertner
Grant Gagliardi
Madeline Gallo
Crystal Garcia
Kristina Garcia-Luckett
Patri ck Georno
James Gerdes
Martha Gervacio
Alexandra Gibson
Katelyn Goll
Mireya Gonzalez
Caleb Gordon
Devontae Gordon
Laura Gosse
For my last meal, I'd want to
have pizza!!
Jti11ltJN ~1•
Q; What art fft!IH ht!bDtU?
I am in Golden Strings for two years now
and Art club just this year.
Angelique Granville
Beatrice Greathouse
Samantha Greathouse
a.. What htU M·d'!Jtred fft!IJ tt1 dt1 thu?
My fami ly pushed me to be in Gold n
trings. I joined Art Club be ause I lov art
and need it to survive basi ally.
Q: What art fft!tJr ftJttJrc 11ta1ed'?
I hope to go into Physics, with an
emphasis in Astronomy. I am fascinated
by how the unive rse wo rks. I have not
decided w here yet.
Courtney Green
Nwoye Green
Joshua Greene
Q; Arc fft!IJ a dartdtvt!?
I shoved my science teacher's sweater
down a sink in 8th grade .
'1 t·
Tayler Greene-Ku ntz
Robert Greskoviak
Kylie Gri ffith
Liv Gripko
B njamin Gunhus
Kalie Hade
Alexand ri a Hagen
Kia Hagren
M ary Hakes
Brendan Hall
Taylor Halvo rsen
Christopher Haroian
Alyssa Harold
Broo ke Hartn ell
William Hassel
Eliza beth Hawbaker
Aynsley Hensgen
Karl a Hern andez
Patri ck Hibbler
Johrie Hicks
Eugina Higgins
David Hix
Karissa Ho here
Dylan Hoffenkemp
Jordan Ho llingsworth
Michael Holmen
Edu ardo Honorato
M adeline Hoover
Ashley Howe
Jenna Hubaishy
Emm a Hughes
Which superpower would
you choose?
7t;~ Pt~ptt
If I had a superpower, I
would wa nt to be invisible.
rly, because it would be
easier lo get around.
I would wa nt lo be in visible!
I'd wa nt to fly because you ca n gel I would wa nt to be able
everywhere and it would be fun !
lo walk th rough wa lls.
Megan Humphreys
Jasmine Hundertmark 9il!!tiil~
Kyle Huss
Q.· W/ art ft!IH !J.tJDbt!f?
I am involved in the outdoors, mostly archery and bow hunting. Bow hunting is never
about taking an animal. It's about seeing animals
in their natural state, the thrill of getting close
without the animal knowing you're there.
Q; W/J.t! /J.M tnf/Jtrtd ft!U?
Meaghan Ingram
Orlando Jaimes
Jacob Jepson
My father has greatly inspired me from day
one. I got my first bow at the age of three. I
have always been like my dad.
Q.· W/ art ft!Ur ;;ta1ef ft!r t/Jt future?
I plan on traveling and going to college.
Afterwards, start a family. I love children, they
always make me smile and laugh.
Zane Jeranek
Ange la Johnson
Nicholas Johnson
Rachel Johnson
Matthew Johnston
Kyle Jones
Roberto Juarez
Corey Kamin
Adelya Kammer
Jake Keane
Kayla Kessen
Ryan Kimball
Samantha Kimba ll
Adam Kirk
Benjamin Kisielewski
Tehra Kless
Collin Klimisch
Brandon Klinkhammer
Kyle Kluver
Rebecca Knapp
Danielle Knight
Jordan Kobishop
Taylor Koerth
Samuel Kok
Katharine Kollman
Anthony Korecz
Leann Katten
Cameron Kreier
Daniel Kreuscher
Chase Krier
Isaac Krone
I'd want to fly so I can
see the wo rl d.
If I could, I wou ld want the
power to fly.
I'd want to be the Human Torch,
I'm a ginger so it would mat h
my style.
My super power would
be flying!
I would want the power to
have all powers!
Q; W/J-1ifart /ftJIH ntJbbt#l
I go to ballet class six days a week, and I
am training to be a professional ballet dancer.
Stephanie Kuruvilla
Kyle Kutzler
Mariah Lackey
Q; Wnaf art /ftJIH 1ta114' ft!r fnt f tJf!Htl
If all go s according to plan, I'll continue
training at my studio until I graduate from high
hool, and th n I'll hopefully be ac pted into
a ballet ompany. If ballet does not work out,
I want to be a writer. But, I hope to b come a
ball t dancer, be ause that's what I love doing.
Brook Landre
Eric Lange
Grace Larson
Kelly Leibhan
Kyle Lemay
Benjamin Leon
Tyler Leonard
Michael Leone
Ind igo Leslie
Alysia Lewand
Madeline Lewis
Ciara Lindsey
Caleb Littel
Haley Loberger
Karlie Loewen
Alexis Lond
M ichael London
David Lundgren
Meghan Lux
Nancy Ly
Eric Machak
Ash lynn Maddern
Paje Mader
Kaelan Mangold
Alexandria Mann
Alysa Marek
Samantha Marianyi
Miranda Maritato
Samantha Marolt
Connor Marth
Mandy Martinez
Kyle Mata
Justin May
Kelly McCormick
Would you
choose life
without music
or TV?
I'd choose music, it's rea lly
different and I wou ldn't get
Lauren McGraw
Jessica McKay
Sarah McPherson
Brianna Meier
William Mendoza
Korrin Metz
Sabrina Miceli
Melissa Miller
Park r Moes
Douglas Molback
Marcus Molback
Erica Molinaro
Michael Morelli
Jacob Morzfeld
Farrakhan Muhammad
Matthew Mulroy
Ashley Murray
Allan Nash
Nicole Naudi
Zachary Naumowicz
Jordan Nedd
Jacob Nemiro
Brad Neu
Stanley Neuzie
Grace Nevin
Ethan Newberry
Jared Nichols
Matthew Nielsen
Connor Norris
Brittany Norton
James Nowak
Bryce O ' Boyle
Jeremy Osborn
De'Teresa Osborne
Don James Ostergaard
Nicholas Ouimet
Vin cent Ouimet
Jacob Owen
Payton Padilla
Douglas Palm er
Brooklyn Parker
Jacob Parmentier
Maxie Parrish
Sam Parrone
Morgan Pascual
Jazz Peavy
Courtland Pederson
Kane Peet
Drew Peloquin
.jr "
TV, I love music too much, and
I ca n relate to it.
le"' I
]! .<I
, '\.."'-"
I'd definitely choose
I ......
I would choose music over
TV any day!
I'd choose TV because you can
listen to musi on TV.
I love music 1
' ""'
..... lt
I'd choose music 'o I cou ld sing
along to it.
JtMtt7rd' ~5•
Logan Peltier
Katelyn Pena
Yesenia Peralta
Christian Perez
Samantha Perez
Benjamin Petersen
Courtney Peterson
Oksana Pfaffle
Alexis Pfeiffer
Leanne Pierangeli
Jakob Pincombe
Katrina Palso
John Poltrock
Katie Panfil
Christopher Popp
Marcus Pas y
Travis Pospichel
Terry Pri e
Dylan Prozanski
Samantha Pryby
Andrew Ptantz
Francisco Puente
Zachary Purser
Shannon Rader
Kelsi Rakow
Andrea Ralph
Celina Ramirez
Melissa Rangel
Kyle Rau en
Daniel Regalado
Karyn Reget
Jesse Reid
Lynette Reyes
Emma Rhey
Gorden Rhutasel
Tyler Rice
Kaitlyn Richards
Kendra Richter
Bianca Ricker
Sydney Riggs
Vito Rivecco
Kyle Robinson
Brandon Robison
Nicholas Rodriguez
Raymond Rodriguez
Daniel Roepke
Austin Rollins
Natalie Romero
Joshua Rose
What is your
worst fear?
Bugs, they just really
bother me for some
. '~
t E"'
I really dislike butterflies.
They bother me for some
! ~.
Getting into an argument with
Jake Wikstrom.
My biggest fear is definitely
-~ ·
I'm scared of birds and
Sidney Ross
Talera Ross
Devany Rowland
Q,: What td-' ftJtt-r ntJMf?
I dive. I flip fancy into the water. I have
been doing it for five years now.
Q,: Wnaf tled-'!Jtrtd ft!tv ftJ dtvt?
I would go to my sister's swim meets and
see the divers and I thought it looked easy.
Kendall Ruchti
Michael Ruffolo
Kimberlee Ruiz
Q.; What td-' !ft!tvr favtJrtft 11arf tJ/ dtvtnjl
Being with my teammates and when you try
your first dive and not flop.
~· lJtJ ft!tv otJ114'tdtr ft!tvNtlf a dartdtvtl?
I have done a front dive off a 10 meter.
Lucerito Saldivar
Ryan Salva
Amanda Sansouci
Lauren Sargent
John Schelling
Madeline Schendl
Meghan Schiaffino
Michael Schmidt
Tayler Schroeder
Aaron Schroeter
Miriam Schulze
Anna Schwalbe
Anthony Sciarra
Dionia Scott
Nicholas Seeley
Kevin Semenas
Caitlin Semrad
Jessica Sentieri
Danielle Sepanski
Daniel Sertich
Ariel Serzynski
Dayna Shamberg
Matthew Short
Elli Sigler
Josue Silva
Abigail Sirocchi
Morgan Skarda
Marisa Skow
Tye Skowronski
Christain Slama
Dan Slaviero
Getting stuffed into a locker.
Horses. Becau e when I was
young I fell off of one!
Q,,,· Whaf are dttrme trf ff'tltH htrMtu?
A I snowboard in the winter and ride
Zackary Slovacek
Alexandrea Smith
Anne Smith
race quads or work on them during the
summer. I hav been snowboarding for
about four years and riding four whee lers
for seven years.
Q; Whaf ht-4'/tred ff'tltl ftr raoe qt1ad4'?
I was inspired from friends and as a kid
I envied teenagers with ATV's and d irtb ikes
and I knew I would one day ride them.
Cameron Smith
Cori Smith
Jordan Smith
Q,,,· Whaf u ff'tltlr favtrrtfe11arf?
The adrena line ru h you get and it is
something to do with your friends.
Q,,,· Whaf tdt f he oareer11avh ff'tltl have
Ke lsey Smith
Nicholas Smith
Ethan Solms
ohtr4'!1t a1td wh??
I want to go into Engin ering to design
and create things.
Lloyd Sorrell
Vanessa Soward
Kyle Stefanski
Marisa Steinmetz
Tess Steplyk
Kimberly Stidd
Katie Stoebe
Scott Stoebig
Lindsay Stowell
Austin Suhr
Jalen Thomas
Norjaie Thomas
Jenn ifer Tiernan
Sovereign Tinda ll
Zachary Tite l
Kaya To ll as
Miguel Torres
Delaney Tousey
Cassie Tover
Jo eph Trentadue
Michael Troup
Raque l Tuohy
Aaron Turne r
Adam Untershine
What is your
animated fi lm?
The Rescuers
Tinker Bell
Toy Story
Amanda Uttech
Tyler Uttech
Jacob Vagnoni
Alexandra Valeri
Sophia Van Guyse
Marissa Vanbeekum
Pamela Venegas
Nicholas Verheyen
Ri hard Vojtisek
Zachary Wade
Kia Wagner
Luke Walaszek
Adam Walden
Michael Wamboldt
Andrew Ward
Jessica Wasson
Andrew Wathen
Samantha Weber
Tessa Weber
Thomas Webster
Brittany Wedge
Cary Wehr
Stephanie Weiss
Amanda Wendlick
Emily Werve
Samuel Wesley
Ryan Westermeyer
Spencer Whitaker
Rasheed Whitsett
Jake Wikstrom
Dejuana Williams
Kaitlyn Williamson
Luke Williamson
Teagan Williamson
Danielle Wilson
Joshua Wilson
Ra'j'anah Wilson
Deanna Wirth
Braden Wisniewski
Alyssa Wozniak
Caleb Young
Zachary Zagra
Brenda Zarletti
Joseph Zeidan
Ashley Zenner
Yunmeng Zhang
Angela Ziccarelli
Kristin Zwickey
Robin Zwickey
Despicable Me
The lncred ibl es
Finding Nemo
Toy Story
The Lion King
The Little Mermaid
Aa livah Barrv
Qo.1M )._
Samantha Barsuli
Aeri al Bea rd J
Awn. J 11,pJJAR
Carolin Becker,,.. -&.Jwr
Mara Bertog
What do you
plan to do
after you
I'm going to attend The
Slosh and play volleyball.
I w ill go to Spelman College
in Atlanta, Georgia!
I am defi ni te ly going to co llege. I
ca n't wa it!
I plan on goi ng to college
to major in Biology.
Jamey Burns
'f11t>\ 1QtmJ
I'm going to pursue music at
either olumbia or Eau Claire.
Caitlin Busse
fo.JC., ~
Samantha Byrne
Go to Carthage and study
special education .
Tyler Ca ll oway
'~'·" \ll<.U 1tO\I
Marysa Carta~ena
CJM~ '-·
After I graduate I am going I am going to go to co llege fo r
to go to co llege.
two years!
Study to be an ultrasound te hnician.
College! I want a dual major in
marketing and fashion promotion.
SMl~N ";Y-1~
Q; W/ wfftltH IJ.tJODff?
I am in the Blackwatch colorguard. We visually enhance the
band by twirling our flags to the
music. Last Summer, I was the
guard's sergeant. From April to July,
we have two practices once a week
for 3 hours. It's the best!
Michael Casey
Q; W/ t1ed'1trtd fftltl f tJ d'farf
' I
Tavlor Cerminara
Alex Chase
(J.J..v,., Cku_
My older brother's best friend,
Rob Mes enger, encouraged me to
join the Blackwatch color guard. I
think I had a crush on him, so of
course I said yes.
~· W/
wfftlllr favtJrtft 1arf
t!f OtJltJr jt1ard?
I love the parades and all of the
practices are so much fun! Everyone
in the guard is so nice and we are
li ke a family.
Kennedy Davenport Shavon Davidson
~ ~ ...
Paige DeTh orne
-r~ 'rifitn« VJ
Alavna Dohrmann Christooher Doouch
Who or what
wi ll you
remember the
I will remember band
because it was literally my
I made over the years.
Band concerts because we had
so much fun hanging out and
a.· wnav f4' tJ1u t!f /ftl/H ntJootu1
A· M y main hobby is pl aying my
trombone, co ulisse (which means
trombone slide in Italian). I have
been in band since 5th grade. I tried
out the flute, clarin et, french horn ,
and trombone. Th en I narrowed it
down to my favo rite, th e trombone.
a... Wnav t4' /ft!IH f avtJrtvt11arv
aotJ/Jv /ftl/Jr aovtvtf/fl
M y favo rite part is being abl e
to make music with my very best
fri ends. W e are all just one big
fa mily.
a... Wnav t4' d'tJmtvnt111 !Jtt!!J!t dtJ
llt!v lt11tJJV aotJ/Jv /ft!/Jl
I am only fascinated w ith playing music and have decided on not
becomi ng a ba nd director, but an
OB GYN doctor.
Broe Fulm er
fj.,.,.,_ / £h~
Rose Gagliardo
I will remember cheering for my
amazing football boys!
R114'! Gajltard11
Being a part of th e
Brad-Lu ke Club.
Dominic Garcia
v~ Jj ~
Gabri ela Garcia
Ganrttla Garota
Jacob Garcia
Nicole Ge iger
Adam Gentz
...-:. <
~ Wnav art j'IJIH ntJoot#?
I am an athlete. I have played
football, basketball, and volleyba ll
for Tremper.
~ Wnav t1e4'f1trtd f'tJIJ vtJ #arv
11taj't1e1 4'fJtJrv4'?
As a little kid, watching people
like Michael Jordan, Shaq, Lebron
James, and many others influenced
me into playing basketball.
~ Wnav u 4'tJ11etvnt1e1 fJttJfJ!t
dtJ1e 'v kntJHJ aotJuv f'tJtJ?
I am a fun guy w ith a sense of
humor and somewhat unusual sized
~ Wnav oarttr 11avn nan f'tJIJ
I am still undecided as far as career paths go, but w hat I am leaning
towa rds is the med ica l field.
M onica Hudson
"fl1,,.r.Ji/- ~
Jake Humphreys
Wou ld you
rather have a
cell phone or a
Th omas Irw in
ThtnnM J"rwt1r-
Casey Jaeger
G};,</ ~
~· l)uorMe tJ11-e t!f /ftl/Jr ntJootu.
I play competitive fast pitch softball. I play for the Illinois Chill 18U
travel team, and will play 01 softball
at Northern Illinois University.
Q,: Wnaf are /ftl/J titJt11-j affer
nt1 n dtontJtJt?
I am graduating early to start
at NIU to begin conditioning and
practicing with the team (redshirted). I would also like to become a
veterinarian. My life-long goal is to
have my own clinic. It has been my
dream to work with animals ever
since I was a little girl. Animals touch
our lives, more than we know it.
Q,: Whaf u dttJmefnt11-111etJ11te
titJ11- 'f /t11-tJJ1.1 IZOtJ/Jv /ft!IV?
Dana Johnson
I am a certified scuba diver. I
also have my hunters safety license.
I would want my cell,
that way I can text and go
on line.
Definitely a phone since now
they are pretty much
Q.· Whal u t!ll! t!f j't!IH ht!bbttf?
I enjoy volunteering during my
third hour release. I volunteer at the
Kindred Care Medical Complex and
enjoying helping out with lunch and
activities. I help serve them, play
games with them, and sometimes just
sit and chat.
Q.· Whal u j't!tH favtJrtlt 1arl?
I love the residents! My favorite
thing is when I walk in and they all
greet me with a smile, or when my
supervisior tells me that people were
asking for me.
Q; Whal u 4't!mtlhtnj !Jtt!!Jlt tit!
nt!l kntJw aotJtJl j't!IJ?
I don't sle p with a pillow, I love
all Disney movies, and I am deathly
afraid of sharks.
La11re.n \<.eMhah•
Lauren Kon chan
Hayley ~~-~e r
9i~ 't~ ·-·t""-
Dannv Kuofer
Adam Landgraf
fw, ~ .
Taylor Lurquin
Joshua Madison
TIJj'!trr ltHt{1Jt1t
Jot.hut). Mt,.J ..,of'
Holly Maho~~y
\"-(\1,\.\11 ~Jlv1
Sara Mahoney
Nikolas Kuhnley
J1L ~,iv..
Q; lJtJ j't!tJ have a ltft !Jlan?
In 5 years I hope to be getting my
foot in the door at some hospital or
business. The missionary work I hope
to do throughout that time ... The first
being this summer in Jamaica!
Marisa Lucke
tf.ta?J..JA_ ~ucAl
Nicolas Lund
Adam Lupia
o...i...-. L,--
Tara Larson
What is
your favorite
Definitely chedda r cheese.
Pe ppe r Jack.
It has to be smoked cheddar, it has
a n almost bacony taste.
Nacho Cheese :)
Q; Whaf hM tnf!Jtrtd /ft!ll ft! dtJ
/ft!llr htroo11?
I started playing music on a
piano by ear and then started piano
lessons. From there, my love for
music flourished and I began writing
it. After discovering Guitar Hero, I
became fascinated with guitars.
Q; Art /ft!ll a dartdtvtl, wn11?
Brought a guitar to a conference
that had 10,000 plus peop le at it and
sang with my friends in the lobby
where everyone could hear us.
Q.· Whaf tf ft!mtfhtnj !Jttr!J!t
dtrn 'f kntJw aotrllf !'~111
I first recorded at 13 and I am
trying to put a tour together this sum-
Nicholas M oro
Alyssa M orri s
I guess cheddar.
Janiqua M osley
~!-·~ ~ 1\w"%-
Sara M urray
&....... ~
~~g~Q Mutchler
I'm lactose intolerant.
Rebekah Nedd
Nathan iel Newherry
" l<IC~
Cottage Cheese.
Q.; Wllav tf tJ11t tJf /ltJtH lltJoottf?
A: Hockey is all I do. It is my entire
Q.; Wllaf tf /ltltH favtJrtfe11arf
tJf flltf aoftvtv11?
My team. I would I would die for
any of my teammates. They are my
family, brothers, therapists, friends,
Q.; Whaf u ftJl!MvlltJl.j /'!t!/'I!
dtJ11 'f ftJl.tJJV ltbtJ!.lf /ltlf.I?
I am from South Dakota and
moved here to play hockey just for
the Wisconsin Rampage. I live with
a host family and moved here in
Q.; Wllaf dtJ /ltlf.I 11ta11 ftJ dtJ ftJr
fllt r!ff tJf 11tJ1.1r !tfe?
I hope to play hockey for the
Badger hockey team and then go
pro. If this does not happen I want
to go back to South Dakota and go
to an engineering school.
Bryancis Perdomo
Leah Perri
Grant Peterson
!f.-U ,,f~
Joseph Pettit
Jennifer Pezdir
Ange lique Pfeiffer
Katrina Pierson
Kafrtlea Pterttr11
Which subject
is your least
Science. I'm sorry, but I' m
no Einstein.
English because it just puts me
to sleep.
I hate gym!
AP Bio!!
a.,_. Wliaf are ft!tH lit1Mtu?
I play violin for the school
orchestra, chamber orchestra, and
Golden Strings. I started pl aying the
violin in 5th grade. I am also in Internati onal Club and Nati onal Honor
Q; Wliaf (}areer !JaM nave ft!IJ
dt(}tdtd t!!e a1ed Wfif?
I wa nt to be an engineer because
I like science, helping people, and
solving problems.
Q; Whal u 4't1111tflit1ej !Jtt!!Jlt tit!
!et!v lt!et!W abt!!Jf ft!IJ?
I don't have a middle name,
w hich can make fillin g out forms
English 10 Honors
Q..· Htrw dtd /ltr(,I 11ta1e truf /ltr(,lr
I pi ked up a pen and just
started to draw the trees.
Q; Htrw ltr1ej /Jave 11tru btt1e
Ever since I picked up a crayon
and I li ke how open and free I can
express myself.
lose Rosales
Q; W/ td' Mt oarttr 11111/J. /ltr(,I
/J.avt o!J.trd't1e a1ed w/J.11?
I don't rea lly have a set plan but
I do plan to go to Stevens Point to
study with their art program, either a
BA in Fine Arts with an emphasi in
20 or graphic design.
Q; W/Jaf u d'trmtf/Jt!ej /ttr/lt
dtr1e 'f k1etrw llbtrf,lf /ltr(,I?
Squares are my least favo rite
Jordan Shulski
qe<J >1 .:;; *W,
What are your
favorite song
9'() Pe~pte
I live by my own lyrics created in
my hip hop group, arelessNess.
Emily Rutherford
& -~
a; w1var tf tJ1ee tJ/ ff'tJIH !vtJoottf?
A: I am in FBLA and I have been for
three years now.
Q; Wlvat tnf/Jtrtd j'tJll ftJ dtJ
My friend Emily told me about
the activities, the business and how
to gain confidence to be a public
speaker. So in turn I joined.
Q.· Wlvat td' j'tJllr /avtJrttt 11art?
Meeting new people, competing, and learning about how to act
in the business world.
Q; Wlvat lvavt j'tJll dtJnt tlvat
j'tJll oan otJnftdtr j'tJllNtlf a
I went ziplining and repelled
down a rock wall by a water fall.
Austin Thompson
I love lyrics by Fun!
Laura Thomsen
Anything by Cold play.
Nicole Thomsen
Jessica Thrasher
l.l1.wa 1r l1W 1
"Can't Trust 'em" by Dizzy
Taylor Tomczak
"Everything" by Michael Buble.
, <r
Marissa Tamie
Stephanie Tortoriello
l).f (IM,~~ lUC.
"Shake it Out" by
Katharine McPh e from
"Gravity Ride> Everything" by
Mode>t Mouse.
~· Whav u l711t 17f j'l7tvr nl7bbtt4t?
I make music by both singing
and playing my violin .
Q; Whav tn-4'/Jtred ff'l7U vl7 dl7
Both of my music interests we re
started by my parents. I was too
young to really make a decision so
they just signed me up .
Q; Whav u ffl7tvr favl7rtve1arf?
I love th way that mu sic allows
me to think. It allows me to truly
think about and feel my emotions
on a deeper level.
Q; Whav u fl7111tfnt111· ,bt17,blt dl7
11-l7v ~11-l7w aol7tvv ff17tv?
I enjoy playing sports, I just
usually have no time to do it. Also,
this summ er I am planning on going
skydiving at least one time.
,.,,,_~.....,, \\~111. \l\'11/lU\\lU11\ll
Hannah W alsh
1iJ f! mJI i.ft)~1
Jessica Werbie
Austin Write.s(de
Gregory Wa rren
1'-"'d- ~
GrE75honda Warren
Jaymi W atson
j <-er' {,.,Ws<>'\
Samantha W atson
Matt W eiher
~ 11.AJ,,
Kalyn Wilkinson
L1wren Williams
Jakob Willkomm
pl-/~- 4/44i...,_
Jacob Wilson
nJrn LUJP1'8«1
~;A. {,l/Ji:.,f(,-
What is your
favorite sport
to watch?
I love curling but I'd have to
say so ce r.
Hockey ! Go Blackhawks!
Q,: Wnaf tf tme tJf !ftltH ntJoot#?
I am in Travel Club and I have
been since Freshman year.
Q; Wnaf Mf!Jtred !ft!tv ftJjtJM?
I love to travel and want to see
the world ! I have always wanted to
go to Italy and taste authetic Italian
Q; Wnaf u !ft!tvr favtJrtft 11arf?
Traveling to Italy, for 12 days it
was SO AMAZING. We went Rome,
Florence, Assisi, Tuscany, Verona,
Sorrento, and Capri.
Q; Wnaf'f ftJ111tfnt1ej Mav tnt!fv
!Jtt!!Jlt dtJ!e 'f ft!etJIV aotJtvf !ft!!V r
I'm Ms. Jurgensen's favorite. 0=)
I am also attending UW-Eau Claire
in the fal l and I am awesome. :)
Katelyn Zigner
fial./llf1- ~
Jacob Beckman
J ao/J'o &okdna1e
Bryan ~rihrer
Paige De Thorne
Elise Valeri
Sara Mahoney
Erik Sanson
Shannon Parmentier
John Sturino
Lauren Borchardt
Lauren Konchan
Tara Larson
John Humphreys
Leah Perri
Toneo Gulley
Brianna Riley
Andrew McNair
Holly Mahoney
Aamir Kadri
Matthew Bible
Mary Workman
Shilpa Cyriac
~ Timothy Zeszutek
Andrew Bianan
Faith Larson
Parkour, yo!
1. Steven Hohs (Co-Valedictorian)
1. Marisa Lucke (Co-Valedictorian)
3. Maximillian Zuhlke (Salutatorian)
4. Mary Workman
5. Alexander Lopez
6. Christina Dalton
6. Christina Rende
8. Aamir Kadri
9. Mark Boudreau
10. Michael Sobin
11 . Holly Mahoney
11. Annmarie Riva
13. Lauren Borchardt
13. Tara Larson
13. Jason O'Neal
13. Brianna Riley
1 7. Megan Mutchler
18. Melissa Csikortas
19. Charelle Brown
20. Rachel Stoebe
hroughout a person 's life, they
always remember the first day
of kindergarten. Th excitement of meeting friends,
recess, and the thrill of learning new things. It is on ly the beginning
of a long educational journey students
must take to begin their lives as professionals. It's middle school, and the bell
sounds for the first time, tudents rush to
find the right classroom, eager to fit in with the
popular kids. This is the time when students
will start to discover who they are, what they are
made of, and where they want to be in life.
Many students dread th beginning of high school.
"When I think of freshman year, intimidation comes to
mind," said senior Adam Salinas. Not having class with
their friends, seeing the hallways flood with over 2,000
other students, and of course, the scary upperclassmen. When the fear of getting lost was gone, junior
James Takala focused on his class work, "School is
important to me, my future depends on it. One of my
favorite classes I've taken was chemistry. Being able
to see chemical reactions and the understanding of
how things work was interesting and gave me a new
perspective to how things in the world functioned."
When it comes time for seniors to graduate, it
marks the end of high school, but it's not the
end of life's journey. When choos ing to continue school or to enter the job field, the ski lls
acquired at Tremper wil l guide you on the
path to a successful career in life.
e e e
What was your
favorite class
activity during
high school?
experiments in Child
Development class.
During French class when we'
play si ll y games to help us learn
vo abulary.
Math problems because I feel
smarter than normal wh n I get
a question right.
Taking every class in an
lective subject with the
same people.
MATH IS AS SWEET AS Pl. Sophomore Tristan Buencamino works on solving a math problem during one of Mr.
Ri deaux's math classes.
REALITY CHECK. Participating
in Rea lity Check Day fo r her personal finance honors class,
j~~~ sophomore Fallon Schul tz decides on w hether she should buy
a house or an apartment. Students we re given a budget to buy
various items that are necessary fo r everyday li ving, including
insurance, utili ties, and a car.
Andrew M cNair focuses in on his project as he works with
hi> personal fin ance group in th e library.
H EAD, SHOU LDERS, KN EES, AN D TOES! During one of Mr. Ladd's honors
anatomy and physiology cl asses, senior M att Horn e traces the
outline of junior M addy Callo's body. An atomy students had
the opportunity to learn about th e system of the body through
dissections and oth er in te ractive class activities.
FIRST. Sophomores Kati e Verheyen and Hannah Knutson
mix va ri ous chemicals together w hile performing a lab in Mr.
Cazarki ewicz's honors chemi stry class. Kati e Verheyen said,
"Chemistry is one of my favorite classes because we' re always
doing different experiments and we don' t have to just sit in our
desks all the time."
..;..;.;J...;...;..;.;: U . on keeping his hand steady, senior Andrew Bianan does his
best to co mplete the experim ent co rrectly for Mr. Azmus' honors physics class. Several hands-on activities took place in the
physics cl assroom throughout the yea r, including an egg drop.
GEOLOGY ROCKS! Senior M ercedes Cotter completes a
worksheet after she participated in an experiment w ith her
geology class. Th e class had to look at vari ous rock samples
and determin e the different features of th em all.
STUDYING PAYS OFF. Staring intently at her paper, junior Holly Bernhardt tri es to figure out th e answer to a test questi on for her
history class.
Junior Jordan Hollingsworth reads a story in her English class
whil e an wering questi ons about it. " I always enjoy my English
classes becau se I get to hear all of my teacher's crazy stori es".
TEAMWORK. After an experiment in their honors physics class, seniors Dana Johnson and Lauren Williams work togeth er to fini sh a lab write-up. For the lab they had to measure
the velocity of a book that they dropped from vari ous heights.
ith everything going on
during th e school day,
teachers do th eir best
to always make their
class exciting fo r the
stud ents. Class acti vities are always th e
best way to get stud ents up and moving,
and invo lved in w hat they are lea rning.
Wh eth er it was experim ents in chemi stry,
or acting out a story in En glish cl ass, stu dents remembered th e interesting activiti es th e most after th ey left th e cl ass. Th e
classes th at always seemed to have the
most activities were science cl asses, such
as bi ology, chemistry, ph ys ics, or human
anatomy w here va ri ous labs and dissec-
When we learned about panda
one of my cla ses.
tions we re always ta king pl ace.
In AP Chemi stry, they we re mi xing chemica ls on a daily basis to better understand
the to pics that we re being discussed, and
according to senior Taylor Schulz, "My
AP Chemi stry class is my favo ri te because
we always do fun experim ents w hich allows us to learn in a different, unique
way". AP Ch emistry, whi ch was taught by
Mr. Gazarki ewicz, ran every single day all
yea r, giving the students a chance to learn
as much as possible to prepare themselves
before th ey had to take th e AP test. Another popular class was Human Anatomy
and Physiology. In thi s cl ass, th e stud ents
dissected parts of a pig for every system of
When my AP Biology class performed a gel
electrophore is of DNA in bacteria. It was a
true "sciency" experience.
DrffjJjJtn , E§j4'
Whdt w..1c, your fdvoritt> f)drt of the
Phy-,1cs egg drop?
"When someone's proj ect hit the ground re.illy
hard and everyone let
out a big 'OHH H!"'
-SMtt!r E!t# Va!trt
"H.iving to be c re,111ve
by trying to m,1ke d crazy
contraption, but I ended
up just ~hoving my egg
in a stuffed inimal."
-se"'tttr Raollet Svtteoe
"Building and testing
models that would pro- "When each person would
gr.ib their project to Sf.e if
l'Ct the egg, then throw
their egg cracked."
ing them off the roof."
-SMtt!r Ahhj' HtJek
-SMtt!r Pat1e lJeTlittr"'e
"Watching all the eggs f.ill and
guessing which one broke and
wh ich one stayc J intac
-Stlf,tttr Slia"'"'""' ParmeMter
the body that they learned about.
O utside of science classes, students also
had the opportunity to be active in other
classes. In English, they acted out scenes
from va rious plays or stories that they read,
such as Romeo and Juliet, and in math ,
they pl ayed ca rd or dice ga mes to learn
the necessary material in a unique way.
"M y favo ri te part about my English class is
being abl e to express myse lf in a way that
I ca n't in oth er cl asses," sa id senior Alayna
Dohrmann . Eve ry teacher has th eir own
way of making th eir class fun and exciting fo r stud ents, as we ll as teaching them
everything th ey need to kn ow to succeed.
What was your
German projects are the
way to go.
Our favorite projects would be
anyth ing with art.
Art projects.
Nutrition and solar systems.
Class projects.
Potthast was always interested in doing ecolOf,'Y projects. Potthast said, "Who doesn't love
dissecting vomit?" 2. ON EDGE. Senior Rhyen
Bartz does a picture project on the computer
wh ile biting her nails nervously. Bartz said, " I
get nervous when I have other people looking
at my work." 3. DON'T BE SHY! Projects in
acting class require two to three days of work.
Staying focused and remembering lines is vital.
4. SCRIBBLE SCRIBBLE. Working on a project
during class is always a good idea. Th en there's
less to do for homework. 5. PAYCHECKS ARE
THE WAY TO GO. Junior Caleb Gordon works
on a career project, concentrating on writing
checks. 6. ART IS ALWAYS FUN . ophomore
Veronhnicca Hernandez concentrates on cutting
her copper pendant. Requiring patience and
precision, the Ceramics project took three weeks
for her to finish. 7. WANNA ARGUE? ophomore Bonnie Dietrich announces her opinion
while debating for animal rights. 8. AW SNAP.
Senior Amber Ketchum works in her photog• raphy class. When doing a project she loves to
use new materials and learn how each machine
works. 9. GLUE, A STICKY SITUATION. Sophomore Madeline Hoover places information on
construction paper which can get messy. When
comp leting career projects, you can decide what
you are interested in and see if you are taking the
right classes. 10. OWL PELLETS, YUM ... juniors
Courtney Green and Mireya Gonzalez work on
~ their ecology project, dissecting owl feces.
T/Je Secretis getting
ff! Getti11J Mead
rojects are common at Tremper. There are all sorts, starting
from social studies and ending
with dissecting owl pellets in
biology. Most students would
rather do interesting projects than worksheets. Sophomore Sam Drewry said,
" Projects, where do I start ... they are fun
to do in the beginning but once it's been
after a week or so it gets boring unless I
have a partner." Every person deals with
projects in different ways. Some may get
the rubric and begin right away, while
others might get the rubri and brainstorm. Junior Tayler Greene-Kuntz said,
Anything power point related.
"When I start a proj ect I like to lay every single piece of material I have on my
work space, then I have to get some kind
of music to listen to while I work on my
project. If I don 't have music and I' m not
concentrated, then I won't do it. "
As every hard-working student knows,
good grades are the most important and
come before after-school activities. Junior
Alysia Lewand said, "When I have a project, it is really important to me. Once my
teacher takes my project, I can't wait for
her to give it back." Because most of the
projects given are for educational purposes, tea hers reuse the projects every year
Social studies and science.
and students ca n talk to previous students
to get excited for future projects.
Sophomore Paul Rollet said, " I know
when people are lying about doing their
projects. Wh en you ask someone if they
did their project, the right response is to
be hyper and give me every single detail
on the project. On the other hand, the
person that didn't do the project will give
you very little to no response about their
project. " Overall, projects are a positive
way to get involved in the classroom and
get to know the material. Not only are
they fun and entertaining, but they are
also highly edu ational.
Biology and dissecti ng.
We love art projects.
What was your
favorite field
trip EVER?
My physics class went to Six Flags
with Mr. Barrett.
[() 0 Academtot
I went to Action Territory in
middle school.
I went to the Body World
in Chicago for Human
1 THE BIG APPLE! While in New York on the Chorale field tnp, 1uniors Mandy Martinez, Morgan Skarda, and senior Tori Bowman visited Central Park. 2
MAKING BANK. Junior Angela Ziccarelli, senior Kaly
Ramirez, and Lenin Romero stand in front of the sign
for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago during a personal finance field trip to Chicago. The students visited
the Money Museum and learned about what goes on
during the day at a bank. 3 BIOLOGY: IT'S A PART
OF YOU. During an AP Biology field trip to UW-Parkside, junior Emma Hughes places specimens into te;t
tubes for an experiment. 4. THE CLOUD GATE. The
Spanish classes took an excursion to Chicago to see
the Mexican museum and a market. While there, they
stopped at Millennium Park to take some photos by
The Bean. 5. l'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!!! During the second quarter personal finance trip to Chicago, sophomores Courtney Reeves, Charlotte Dujardin, and Kylie Dzbinski lie down on the Skydeck at the
Willis Tower. The Skydeck's glass balcony extends four
_ _...,..._ feet outside the 103rd floor of Willis Tower and gives a
view that spans up to four states. 6. GETIING HANDS
ON EXPERIENCE. Senior Michael Sobin works on an
experiment at UW-Parkside with his AP Biology class.
Borchardt and Carly Epping, and junior Tess Steplyk
experiment with test tubes during an AP Biology field
trip to UW-Parkside. 8. THIS CITY NEVER SLEEPS.
On a trip to New York, junior Chorale members Matt
Short, Lauren Sargent, Andrea Ralph, Aynsley Hensgen, Kate Beckman, and Miranda Maritato stand in
front of Times Square. 9. TESTS ON TEST TUBES.
Junior Jamie Elsen, during an AP Biology field trip to
UW-Parkside, performs an experiment with test tubes.
Jake O' eal stands next to the w indow of the Willis
Tower, which is the 8th largest tower in the world and
i..z:==----...;:;....::=..;wi largest of the Western Hemisphere.
Oft, fft,e Plaoe4' Vtru ,II Gtr
thev're off to great places!
n Kindergarten a day at the zoo was
the best field trip ever. Then you progressed to bigger and better things.
Once middle s hool rolled around,
a trip to Medieval Times topped all
past field trips. Now, in high school, a trip
across the country is no big deal! Tremper
students have been al l over, from Chicago
to New York City, proving that field trips
have evolved from elementary school.
This spring break, Tremper Choir
hopped on a bus and traveled 16 long
hours to reach the city that never sleeps,
When I went to Cedar Point, Ohio
in middle school.
New York. During their week-long stay,
they visited monuments such as the Statue
of Liberty, and took leisurely strolls in famous Central Park. While there, they sang
in the largest cathedral in the city, St. John
Cathedral, which produces a truly amazing sound. They also won an impressive
second place in the Festival of Music competition. Overall the trip was an amazing
week-long experience to remember.
Some classes may choose large, long
trips, but Personal Finance classes take
day trips to Chicago every quarter. While
I went to the Body World exhibit and I
got to dissect a cow eye.
in the windy city they tour the Federal Reserve Bank where they learn how money
is stored and take a picture with a million
dollars. Another stop they make is at the
famous Willis Tower. Here, many students enjoy taking their picture on the sky
box, which is a glass box suspended off
the top of the tower. It is a field trip that is
not only educational but fun too.
Field trips offer a chance to learn beyond
the books; things that only experience can
teach. As field trips evolve as we get older,
one can only wonder what is in store next.
My teacher brought me to the
zoo and I aw animals.
Sledding for physics, I love snow and
Mr. Barrett was awesome!
Fttld Trt!JJ' 1lJ1
What instrument do you
play and why
do you like it?
Percussion; I like it because the
whole band depends on our
102 Aaade111tot
Tenor Sax; I wanted to be
rebellious because my mom
wanted me to play trumpet.
I play the trumpet and I
like it because it's a very
contrasting instrument.
Flute; I like the flute because it
sounds pretty.
Percussion; My older
brother plays. I want to
be like him!
1 A FIRST FOR EVERYTHING. Experiencing a band concert for the first time, freshman Colleen Carney play> her
saxophone in front of the crowd. Despite being nervous,
the freshmen band did an excellent job in their first concert. 2. FINAL CONCERT. Senior Michael Sobin, who has
been in band for four years, takes part in his final concert.
Although that was the last concert for many of the seniors,
several of them planned to pursue a degree in music in
college. 3. BLOWING THE CROWD AWAY. One of the
many flute players, sophomore helsea Schmidt plays her
part in the song. The flute section played a large role in every song that the band played. 4. BEING DIFFERENT. During the Wind Ensemble's fall concert, junior Indigo Leslie
plays the bassoon while reading her music. She sa id, " I like
playing the bassoon because not many people play it, it's
different". 5. TAKING TURNS. Various saxophone players patiently wait for their turn to participate in the song.
All of the students enjoyed playing in concerts because of
the excitement they felt from being in front of a crowd.
6. LOVELY SOUNDS. Playing the saxophone, sophomore
Mitch Hartnell performs a song for the crowd. 7 TWO OF
A KIND. Members of the sophomore band, Anthony Loef
and Trenten Creole play their saxophones. Many students
took two band classes in order to better enhance their
playing skills. 8. ENJOYING BAND. Senior Megan Johnon said, "What I enjoy most about band concerts is the
faces that Mr. Covelli makes at the band that the audience
doesn't see". Students worked diligently at practicing all
of their songs so they sounded perfect once it came time
for the concert. 9. DIRECTING THE BAND. In the middle
of the fall band concert, Mr. Samz directs the sophomore
band, which consists of students who play several different
instruments. Along with Mr. Samz, Mr. Covelli also taught
band to freshman through senior students. 10. PERCUSSION. Sophomore Zahra Ermoian focuses on reading her
music and she plays the drums during one of the band
co ncerts held throughout the year. Those who were part of
the percussion section often had the chance to play more
than one instrument during any given concert.
Senior Annmarie
pl<1y111g the flutP
for 8 VPar, and g< t
startr•d bv taking
lessons in 5th
''laving tht c l<1rinet
is whv I ,1111 sue h
d laclies t\nd
I\ bce>n playing
,inCP 7th gr.ide.'
Senior Steven
"I like to plc1v
the Saxophone
I A ';::::J bccause 1t is tun to
mess arlJuncl \\1th
1t and try out difrerent song,."
Senior Matt
"I vC' be> 'II pl dying
tor ..ihout 8 vears
I re<1lly enjoy the
ha\ ing the< hancL·
to pl.iy with gmit
mu'iic i.rns."
Senior Jason
Here CtJmedt Treble
make room for the band
ith the lift of a hand
music begins.
prepared for concerts weeks, or even
months in advance. Every other day students go to band class to practice and
perfect the songs that they are to play in
the upcoming concerts or competitions.
Each year the students in band prepare
for a fall, winter and spring concert. Also
throughout the year students have various competitions. Just as athletes practice
Clarinet; I could play it really well on
my first try.
to win a game, band students practice to
win over the crowd with their music.
There are many different band classes,
and each band class is taught by one of
the two band teachers at Tremper, Mr.
Covelli and Mr. Samz. Mr. Covelli has
had a ton of experience teaching band,
he has been teaching band classes for
over thirty-five years. Mr. Samz has been
teaching band at Tremper for two years.
Along with practicing in class, students
take their instruments home with them
to practice even more. Some students
Drums; I just like playing drums.
also go to the band room during advisory to either practice or help set up for
the up coming concerts. Students enjoy
band because their friends are in it and
some enjoy it because it is different from
all their other classe and it is a break
to do something they love: making music. Senior
said, " I enjoy
band because I like being in class with my
cousin Alex Chase." Hours of practicing
finally pays off when the audience claps
at the end of the concert.
Drums; #yolo.
Clarinet; It was the only instrument I could make a sound
out of.
Ba11tl [()9
What is your
favorite song
from choir?
• •
"It Came Upon a Midnight "Carry Your Heart With Me," from
Clear," from sophomore year'
my sophomore year.
"Ain'a That Good News" from my
sophomore year!
I'm tn ScntJtJI and how
high c YOU o..,ing?
High B
High A
High C
WORK YOUR TAILS OFF. The Women 's Choir sings "Candle Light Carol" for the winter concert.
CONCENTRATION IS KEY. Women 's choir warms up before working on music for the annual Choral Fest.
Choral Fest is a combination of every choir in KUSD, where every choir sings a solo piece in front of the whole
TALL VOWELS ARE IMPORTANT. Sophomore Karen Feltman warms up to rehearse for a big piece
for horal Fest. Choirs rehearse every other day, for an hour and a half, all year long.
OUT. Senior Elise Dubrava sings a Madrigal tune between choirs at th e Winter Concert. She is also a member
of Chorale and has been in choir her entire high school and even middle school ca reer.
PERFECT. Mrs. Amborn leads warm ups in the sophomore choir, also known as Women 's Choir. The Women 's
Choir consists of mainly sophomores.
ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH. Freshman Emma Taver and
sophomore Demi Agaiby sing during the Winter Concert. This year's theme was "Angels We Have Heard On
High" and every choir sang a piece that involved Angels.
DEDICATION. Senior Nicole Geiger sings during
a Women's Choir class. She is truly a dedicated singer and is involved in two choirs, Women 's Choir and the
SECOND HOME. The Alto and Soprano two section of the Women's choir prepare for
top choir, Chorale.
a concert. The Choir room is a place many choral students call home because of its welcoming atmosphere.
LOVE WHAT YOU DO, DO WHAT YOU LOVE. Seniors Tina Rende, Amelia Bemis, and Morgan Halstead
sing in the front row of Chorale during a concert. The song being performed was entitled "Ave Maria" . Behind
them are junior Marisa Skow, senior Rob in Feltman and junior Brenda Zarletti . In the back row are juniors
PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. The Treble choir waits as Mrs. Amborn gets
Calvin Brown and Nick Rodriguez.
them ready to perform a piece. It is always nerve wracking to be onstage, especially when waiting to sing.
he gets onto th e stage and th e
crowd stares. Th e pi ano starts,
she focuses on th e wo rds and
the notes of th e song she is performing. The night of a choir
once rt is an intense thing to th ose perfo rming. M any hours of hard work and
fru strati on all for one shot at getting it
perfect. Choir is no easy task, and it takes
tons of focus as well as dedicati on. Not
only is choir hard work, it is a ton of
fun. Senior Carly Knight keeps singing
because she has always loved it. Sh e is
among many choir kids wh o take prid e
in kn owin g th ey are in a program th at is
fo rty-eight yea rs strong.
Choir is not only a class, it is a part of li fe.
Senior Andrew McNair has been singing
since fo urth grade. M any choir kids dedicate tim e to th e M adrigal Feaste, and
al o to musica ls. Senior Andrew Bianan
played th e lead in the production of Tarzan. Oth er choir members pl an on going into music for a ca reer. Senior Hannah Alfredson intends to minor in music
in col lege and senior Andrew McNair
wants to be a choir teacher someday.
Ch oir has made such an impact on stu-
dents' high school ca reers. Ask any choir
kid w here they go w hen times are tough
and th ey w ill say the choir room.
This yea r Tremper Chorale students described the choir program in one word:
fa mily. Not only does choir tu rn you into
a great singer, but it also turns yo u in to
a great person. W alking in to the choir
roo m means being surrounded by people w ho ca re about others, and people
w ho w ill help anyo ne no matter what.
Hundreds of peopl e all working together
fo r one goal: beautiful music.
Wh o's your
in spirati on,
and wh y?
106 Aoarlemtu
Jacqueline Du Pre, She
was an amazing cellist.
Pinchas Zukerman, he plays
the violin so calmly.
Led Zeppelin
My brother and sister.
Steven Sharp Nelson, he
writes amazing music.
Makes perfect. Orchestra students work
together and support each other before
the big event. Freshman Megan Lehman
sa id "My sister and brother encourage
me to be in orchestra so that I may lea rn
friendship and musical skil ls that I will
remember forever." 2. PLAYING THE
INSTRUMENTS. Demonstrating focus
during the recital playing the violin. 3.
READ. Sophomore Emily Diggins reads
her music paper ahead of time to know
what notes to play on her violin. 4. SITTING IN A SEMI-CIRCLE. Junior Lorrina
Boudreau sits and waits patiently until it's
h r cue to play. 5. CELLO, MELLO, HELLO! Junior Ca leb Littel and senior Mark
Boudreau, play their cellos. 6. SHOWING
OFF THEIR SKILLS. Junior Amelia Bemis
sits tall waiting for her cue to play. 7. Mrs.
Breitenbach directs the orchestra students
during the winter orchestra con ert. Mrs.
Breitenbach has been directing the orchestra stundents at Tremper since 2008.
8. IN THE ZONE. Senior Kelley Roa h
loses herself in the medley while playing
the violin, during the recital. 9. SHOWING MY SKILLS. The students show off
their technique for the aud ience.
usic comes in many different forms. From our
vocal co rd s, to the tips
of our fingers, to the
mouthpiece of the in strument. Orchestra members rely on
their sense of tou ch to create music. Th ey
hold th e end of the vio lin to their necks,
and rest their chins on them. They hold
the bows w ith their hands and move the
strings with their fingers. "When I first
started playing my teacher told me ' if you
My first orchestra teacher.
ever feel like quitting, play louder, "' said
freshman Shauntia Brooks-Dobbs.
The musicians in orchestra class are all
very talented. They showed their skills
through quizzes in class. Th e students
went in front of the class by themselves,
and played a piece of music. It's a test
that shows that you're able to get in front
of a crowd and perform by yourself.
There are many different ways these
students perform. They perform in school,
for other schools, for their parents, and for
My middle school Orchestra
teacher, Ms. Marvin.
Q: What was your worst performance?
A: "During a school performance,
when everyone was wa lking around, I
tripped and almost fell."
Q: How would you describe your
experience in Orchestra class?
A: "[Ms.] Breitenbach teaches our
class very well !"
Q: Have you ever coughed while playing, and what happened?
A: " I did! I started violently coughing during a rehearsal. The whole viola
section stop ped and sta red at me!"
the public. Some even performed with a
professional, Mark W ood. Senior Benjamin Lee said " I had the opportunity to
work with Mark Wood and he was such
a real person with a genuine personality. Not to mention hi s incredible talent."
They even travelled to other states. Over
winter break they went to Fl orida and
performed, and they also went to Alaska
ove r the summer. They're so dedicated,
they even spend time performing when
they have breaks from school.
Mr. Robinson , w hen I first
started playing.
Mark Wood, he is a great guy.
What is your
elective class?
French, because it
sounds cool.
Health, because now I'm
CPR certified!
Yearbook, because Mrs.
Kutchery gives us food.
Lunch, because I always get an
Gym, because you're
not sitting in a desk.
·------- .
Daniel Geinosky whipped up a batch of cinnamon
cri ps in his Family Foods class. His class also prepared assorted food such as cookies and stews.
2. WHAT A YERO ! Senior yearbook nerd Emma
Patton stayed focused on her yearbook layout. " I
really enjoy working on the featured people page.
I like designing the layout and learning interesting
facts about my classmates." 3. CAN TH EY BUILD
IT? YES THEY CAN! Junior Caleb Littel and freshman Derek Jones worked on building a cabinet in
their construction class. Caleb said his favorite project in that class "was the electrical unit because I
got a %100 on it!" 4. SMACK THAT. Sophomore
Krystal Evans swings her racket after successfully
hitting the birdie in badm inton. The sophomore
gym class also participated in basketball, swimming
and flag football. ~ NO NO DRAMA. While acting and learning about Greek Theater, junior Sara
Brandt takes part in a scene. The class acts out
and analyzes drama. 6. CATCHER IN THE GYM
CLASS. Senior Aaron Engelmann plays the position
of catcher during a game of softball in gym class.
He said he had the most fun "playing flag footba ll
in gym". 7. COOKING WITH JOY. Freshman Lauren Deschler and her group in Family Foods begin
preparations for their cinnamon crisp . This class
is Foods 1 and is the beginner Family Foods class.
8. CONSTRUCT AWAY. Junior Raymond Rodriguez measured a piece of wood in his construction
class. He was working on building a wall frame.
Becca Borchardt acts out a scene from a play in
Acting 1. Becca loves her acting class because she
likes acting, and everyone in her class. 10. BEEP
BEEP! HAVE A GOOD TIME! Senior Ni k Brown
and Nick Drucks got to ride in a Ford Model A.
In their Auto class, both Nicks said they " li ke the
break from normal classes".
pi eing up a schedule with electives is th e way to go ! Some stu dents think th at th ir r quired
co re cl asses (math , En glish, science, and social studi es) are a
little boring and th ey ca nnot wa it until th e
bell rings. Electives, however, are cl asses
that are exciting and fun because th ey are
cho en by th e stud ents. Th ese classes not
only allow stud ents a release from co re
classes but "still teach useful life skills,"
sa id senior
about his automotive class. He likes auto beca use he
Lifeguarding. I get to give
p ople mouth to mouth.
The Tempest uses color
I before
· ~~~!!k'.
I ~~~ ....."iiiiii
1P1 .,.;1~~
I his year, the Tempest staff began to use color I
in the school's newspaper. The entire staff
I liked the idea of changing the newspaper from I
black and white, to having the cover, middle
I pages, and back page be in color. Senior Jaime I
Elsen said, "The use of color in the newspaper
was a way to make the paper seem more real I
I and fun to look at and read." Before this year,
add ing color was not in the Tempest's budget,
I but everyone liked the idea so much that they I
"found a way to make it happen", said junior
I Megan Humphreys. They did this with the help I
of Ms. Steinbrink by raising money through
snack sa les. Other students also th ink that the I
I added color makes more people want to read
. _______ .
the Tempest. They love the new addition.
learned a lot about ca rs w hile having fun.
Oth er electives, including fo reign languages, are also popul ar. Senior
loved th e fi estas in her AP Spanish
cl ass and the laid back, almost relaxing
atmosph ere. Sh e said, " If I did not have
th e opportuni ty to take at least one electi ve in my to ugh schedule, I might have
gone crazy!" Oth er stud ents agree.
M any stud ents wh o take AP and honors
classes take an elective to level out th eir
schedule so th ey ca n have at least one
cl ass th at ca n be more of a break from th e
Spanish, beca use we get to have
after I
tougher courses. Senior
, w ho took two AP classes, and honors math , also chose to ta ke yea rbook.
Sh e sa id, " It is a really fun class because I
love to w rite and ta ke pi ctures but I also
like the break fro m my harder classes."
likes " ewing beca use it ca lms me." Electives are a great
way to help students manage stress, and
not actu ally dread going to school everyday. Th ey teach students li fe skills and are
a fun way to jazz up a schedule.
Sewing, it makes me feel
like a man.
We ight lifting. It gives me an
excuse to work out.
Al f m11Jftve Cla#N
you were
athlete who
on the field or the fan who
cheered them on, sports have
always been a part of our high
school experience. As a junior, Allie Smith (left) has been involved in
girls' golf for three years. Allie said that she
enjoys "getting to play the sports I love on
a competitive level and sharing the experience
with teammates." Teamwork i omething that athletes take very seriously.
High school is filled with new experiences: a new school,
new friends, a chance to become the person you want to be.
Students who join sports often find themselves with the opportunity
to try something new and to make memories. Senior Laura Thomsen
said, "since freshman year I swam varsity and have become part of a family with the girl . I'll never forget how much support they gave me." When
the final season of high school comes to an end, it may feel sad that it's over,
but the bonds and experiences created through Tremper sports last a lifetime.
1. WARMING UP. Coach Lamoyne Hawley
pushes senior Jordan Shulski and the boys of
the team as they warm up doing high knees
before a home game. 2. READY FOR THE
TACKLE. Senior Connor Grachen along with
jun iors Zach Titel and Tony Sciarra get in position on offense to make a block for a big play
against Park. Senior Mike Anderson was ready
to run the ball to try to score a touchdown.
Gef Ptvm!Jed tf!J
with Connor Patty
There a re a lot
of things that get
me pumped up
before a big
ga me. The
receive rs a nd I
run passes
mo me nts
before the game
starts. Two of
the biggest
things that get
me pumpe d are
listening to the
music as fans enter the stad ium,
a nd th e coaches'
pre-ga me
Who is your
football player?
112 S/l~m
ach season the boys on the team
form a brotherhood. A new season and new teammates equals
a new bonding experience. Most
of the boys said their favorite part
of being on the football team is the bond
they form which they called their brotherhood . Senior Connor Patty said "My favorite part of being on the football team
was the experience you get and getting to
meet all your teammates and becoming a
family." Although some of the boys have
been together all four years, they always
welcomed their new teammates. The boys
were always joking around with one another, even before a game. Sophomore
Mike Morelli said "You have to be loose!"
At every game four of the team's captains would walk to the center of the field
holding hands, which showed how close
the boys had become and the bond that
they had formed. After players were intro-
duced, the entire team ran to the center of
the field and formed a huddle. Throughout the season the team had to deal with
many of their starting players getting hurt.
That only made the boys work harder and
harder to achieve their goal. After every
game the boys came over to the benches,
took a knee facing the crowed and said
thank you. The last game of the season was
an emotional game for the seniors, it was
their last game together as a team.
1. TACKLI G PINK. Senior Brandon Zigner stands next to his sponsor Ms. Steinbrink, and
sen ior Zack iles stands next to his sponsor, his mom, at the Go Pink Game. 2. READY,
SET, HIKE. Quarterback senior Connor Patty gets ready for the snap as the offensive line
got ready for a block on the play on the 10 yard line during the Tremper vs. Bradford
Game. 3. ANXIOUSLY WAITING. Senior Jordan Shulski holds hi teammates' hands a
he sits on the bench waiting for his name to be called and run through the tunnel made
by his teammates, the cheerleader and the trojanettes. 4. WITH THE FLIP OF A COIN.
Captains, and seniors, Andrew Bianan, Connor Patty, Zack Niles and Bryan Fuhrer stand
center field with Bradford's players and the referee as they wait for the coin toss to start off
the game. 5. TIME TO GO. The entire footba ll team runs out onto the field through the
Tremper Trojan tunnel, ripping through the banner, as they are cheered on by the cheerleaders and the trojanettes. 6. TROJAN BALL. Senior Connor Grachen and junior Tony
Sciarra watch to see who has the ball as junior Zach Titel continues to make a big blo k.
Jason Witten
Maurice Jones-Drew
Clay Matthews or Desmon Bishop
Charles Wood on
Adrian Peterson
fll fj/~(fff
spike for the win
s the endless hours of pushing
ea h other to work harder and
work together came to an nd,
the team set one simple goal; to
win the SEC. All of their blood,
sweat, and tears paid off when they finished with a perfect 7-0 record. This year's
team consisted of many returning players
including, All-State captain senior Carley
Gross and libero senior Leah Perri . Chemistry played a huge part in helping the girls
accomplish their goal. The players have
been through a lot together and have got-
ten ornfortable playing as one. Freshman
Sarah Konchan stated "At first it was intimidating, but the girls were nice. I feel that I
have made some great friends."
Leading the team with their motivating
words and actions were seniors Leah Perri
and Carley Gross. The team staged a late
rally in their first set, getting the attention
of their rivals the Muskego Warriors. This
was their biggest challenge yet. The victory
proved key to their championship run, as
the Warriors finished second to them.
Thanks to Coach S ott Marita's empha-
sis on consistent play, the team ended th
season with an overall record of 18-17. He
told Kenosha News after their final win for
the SEC Championship title, "We did a
good job of maintaining ourselves through
an entire five-game match." When the girls
played their best they proved they were
a tough team to beat, as they swept their
cross town rivals, the Bradford Red Devils
among many others. "It is important to look
at al l the great wins we had. We are going
to look back at this season with only good
memories," saids nior Kristen Kelly.
1. TROJAN WALL! Trying to time her jump perfe tly, senior Kristen Kelly goes up for a block against rival Bradford. 2. ANXIOUSLY
AWAITING. Just before the first serve against Muskego, the team
looks on at the American flag during the National Anthem. 3. EMOTIONS RUN HIGH. With the roaring crowd in the background, seniors Leah Perri, Emily Kmiec, Carley Gross, and Nicole Schultz ce lebrate after they capped an undefeated conference championship. " It
was just awesome because everyone's adrenaline was kicking in! We
finally beat Central and it was time to go on to the next step, going to
state," Km iec said. 4. ANOTHER ACE ! Jumping up to serve another
ace, junior Tessa Weber gave the Red Devils a ball they couldn't
handle, as Tremper handed them a loss. "Aces just really get our team
fired up, they're definit ly a game changer." 5. WHAM! Set up with a
perfect pass, senior Carley Gross goes up and fires down anoth r kill
for her Trojans, as they earn a win against the rivaled Red Devils in
the annual Go-Orange game. 6. VISUALIZING VI CTORY. Dribbling
the volleyball, senior Nicole Schulz gets ready to get the game started
with a serve against conference rivals Muskego. Tremper took advantage of their home crowd and ended up taking the victory.
Do you have
any pre-game
I listen to my iPod and eat
I eat a ham and turkey sub from
subway and listen to my iPod.
I always have to braid Kristen
Kelly's hair.
Listen ing to music alwar
helps me get prepared.
lfll@Jt? f@lf!Jtl ~
l .All FOR ONE. The
team is led in one last
chant for good luck
before heading out to
face Bradford in the
Co Orange game. 2.
captains and seniors
Leah Perri and Carley
Gross await the serve
against the Muskego
Warriors. 3. GO ORANGE. Senior Nicole
Schultz concentrates
on the ball as she goes
up to serve during
their go-orange game
against rival Bradford
in conference play.
I listen to my iPod and have
Emily braid my hair.
Subway, listen to my
iPod, and have raspberry
iced tea.
with senior. captain Leah Perri
What word G:~~s to mind when
Listen to my iPod and dance with
the team to get jacked'
you hear these volleyball terms?
"Carley Gross"
"tip-move forward"
"Soft hands"
Listen to my pre-game playlist
and go to ubway.
Gtr!d-' V6tte1.Jatt 1.J.51
I. SETTING RECORDS. Senior Kurt Riemer and
junior Collin Klimisch go up for another block. No
wonder Collin set that blocking record! 2. NICE
ACE! Senior Sam Skalbeck tosses the ball up for
a serve hoping to continue his exceptional final
volleyball season.
What is your
Party-hearty all day, everyday. You already know.
It's not how hard you get knocked
down, getting back up is what
Go blue!
Do it for Kim.
I'm that dude.
they set it in the ~ir, and hit it everywhere
inning seemed to be
the only option as the
boys' volleyball team
started off the season
with a 22-0 record.
Experience must have been on their side
since half of the team was made up of returning seniors. Playing their last year on
the high school courts added a tremendous amount of pressure, but they showed
every sign of coping with those difficulties.
Senior Sam Skalbeck handled pressure by
remembering and saying, "patience" from
his favorite movie Hot Tub Time Machine.
Senior Isaac Quinn said, " I take things
one step at a time, then it will all work
out." Not only might the pressure get to
them on the court, but also before their
big games. Senior Tyler Range said, " I listen to music to get me in the zone and
block everything else out around me."
With such an impressive year, their
methods of dealing with pressure seemed
to work well. Along with winning, the team
set many records. Junior Collin Klimisch
received not only the record for the most
blocks in a season but also the most career
blocks. Setting records with Collin was senior Adam Landgraf who set records for
most aces and assists in a season and career, and for games played in a season.
Although making it to state was within
their reach , they finished their 26-3 season
in the sectional semi-finals. Taking it to a
close fifth game, the team ended their season with a thrilling and entertaining match.
1. BLOCKED. Senior Adam Landgraf and junior Collin Klimisch go up for a blo k against the
cross-town rival, Bradford. Collin received an award for the most blocks and Adam received
the awards for most aces, assists, and games played in a high school season. 2. HE SERVES,
HE SCORES. Junior Markus Riemer dribbles the volleyball back to the service line for a serve.
3. 1, 2, 3 TREMPER! The team gets together for a cheer before heading out onto the court.
4. DODGE, DUCK, DIP, DIVE, AND DODGE. Sen ior Alec Birz ducks while senior Andrew
Fricke and junior Collin Klimisch dive for the ball. 5. PRESSURE'S ON. Junior Mike Wamboldt
aid, "When I get ready to dig a ball, the pres ure sometimes gets to me, but once I place a
perfect pass to our setter, that pressure goes away." 6. SENIORS! SENIORS! "I'm the man!'',
exclaims senior Andrew Fricke once his name is announced at Senior Night. Having a total of
10 sen iors, Senior ight was a special event for the team.
When you are on the When life gives you lemons,
court, have the time of make orange juice and have
your life.
people wonder why you did it.
M~lft l/f;f1 CV(J(f!!lfr1 ~ W~I/!; Vrv11
and also with you
art-lek (noun): A system of training the cross country team uses
in which periods of relaxed running alternate with periods of
intense effort. This is a training
techn ique used to help develop speed and
build aerobic fitness.
Though the boys' and girls' teams have
different styles of train ing, both worked
equally hard to get into shape and ready
for the season's meets.
"Every workout is a race simulation," sa id
boys' coach Freddy Garcia. Coach Freddy's weekly exercise plans consisted of a
variety of different workouts including long
runs, sprinting workouts, hill workouts at
Parkside, and group runs. Both die guys
and girls showed their dedication and determination to improve with every workout and exercise routine. Sen ior Rebekah
Nedd said, "As hard as some workouts
might be, they only make me a stronger
runner and do better in upcoming races."
The night before a race, the team gets together for a pasta party. Freshman Aleena
Villani said, "At the pasta parties the nights
before races, I eat a filling mea l, stay hydrated and bond with the team." In order
to run his best, junior Max Carson said, "I
need to get lots of sleep, stay hydrated, eat
good food, and stay healthy."
On the day of a race, senior Kyle Not-
tingham said, "I warm up a little bit before my race starts, drink lots of water, and
have a special pair of socks I wear for every
race for good luck."
Races bring stress to the runners, and
to get pumped up and relaxed they go
through ritua ls. Sen ior Nate Nyquist and
jun ior Brittney Feivor said to get pumped
up for races and to ca lm their nerves, they
listen to "a specia l playlist on the bus ride".
With these preparations, the team ran a
successful season and advanced to State.
In the state meet at Wisconsin Rap ids, the
girls placed 15th and the boys' team placed
ninth to finish out the season strong.
MATT RUN! Junior Matt Short runs during the varsity boys
race. Matt said, during a race, "I try not to think about how tired I
am but about how I am going to better myself in the race." The varsity boys placed 1st at this conference meet in Mu k go. 2. KICK
SOME GRASS! Senior Rebekah Nedd (right) leads the JV runners in
the cheer done before each race. Along with senior captains Pri cilia
Colon and Christina Dalton, Rebekah always enthusiastically pumped
up the team before their races. 3. TIME'S UP . Boys' coach Freddy
Garcia keeps track of the splits during a sprinting workout. By keeping
record of the times for each exercise, the boys were able to manage
their pace and try have a goal for the next exercise. 4. FOLLOW ME,
FOLLOW ME. Junior Eileen Friery during her last race of the season.
She beat her personal record at the Muskego Invitational. 5. FOREVER
RUN . Sophomore Abby Bleil nears the end of her race . Abby placed
in the top ten at the Muskego Invite and the varsity girls placed second
overall. 6. CAN ' T STOP. WON 'T STOP. During practice, the boys'
team prepares for a race simulation exercise. In this exercise, they tried
to stay together, run as a team and manage their pace. 7. PARDON
O UR D UST! Fre hman Aleena Villani and junior Brittney Feivor stay
together during the conference meet in Muskego.
What is the
craziest thing
you have seen
while running?
An old man told us to go to
Tremper and hang out with
the cheerleaders.
W hen I was running on the bike
tra il, an angry woman almost ran
into us.
SPEED. Freshman Mitchell
Maegaard passes a runner
at the Muskego invitational.
The JV boys placed 1st out
of seven teams. 2. LOO K
ALIVE! Sophomore Hannah
Knutson with seniors hristina Dalton and Rebekah
Nedd, listen to their coa h
for instructions on the day's
practice. Everyday, both
the boys' and girls' teams
meet outside to wait for
the week's training schedule. 3. SHE'S BRINGING
XC BACK! Junior Brittney
Feivor as she finish s the
first mile of her race at the
Muskego Invitational. She
said, "After every race that
I beat my personal record,
I feel really good knowing I
accomplished my goal."
Ulnar a Stretollt
demonstrating their techniques
1. Senior Daniel Ball
warms up his quad
muscles with squats.
2. Whi le stretching his
hip flexor, junior Matt
Dolnik does the leg
swing. 3. Senior Jeremy Troup warms up
his gluteus maximus.
I saw a drunk, homeless guy
rid ing a bike on the bike trai l.
I usually see a lot of
flatte ned frogs on the
bike tra il.
I saw a decapitated
squ irrel once.
One oi the kid> on our te,1m got hit by an
old man on a bike. The man it•ll and "e
had to call an ambulance to pick him up.
I ran over a snake once.
Cr tJ# CtJr111frJ'
Nffe@r# P!f}ll
golfers drive their
ho has the best drive?
All of the girls drove
themselves and each
other with their work
"These girls wanted to succeed, to do better with each game and each stroke. They
work hard and they want it to show," said
coach Nancy Phipps. Dai ly practices and
driving on the range were rituals for the
team in order to strengthen their swings.
Depth was another advantage these girls
had. The team had a lineup of close shoot-
ers; "We al l get about the sam scores,"
said senior
. "With only
five girl on varsity, it was tough competition even within our team." This was demonstrated by the season's achievements
and individual improvements.
was the sole Trojan that
proceeded to the State tournament. There,
she finished in 51 st place. "It was a rea lly
good experience and I plan on going back
again next year, hopefully with my team,"
. "Just knowing that there are a
lot of other girls that played for the same
NICE WEDGE ! Junior Sam Cooper eyes her chip. A golfer uses her
wedge to chip the ball onto the green. 2. LI STEN U P! Coach Nancy
Phipps gives one of her players advice on the practice range. She has had
27 years of experience as the girls' coach. Phipps said, "I am pleased with
the girls' hard work ethic; my proudest moment of the season was when
we won Regionals." 3. CHEESE! Senior Elise Valeri and junior All ie Smith
walk to the green after their drives at the Racine Horlick Dual Meet.
The girls don't talk much between hits, but between holes they sometimes give each other feedback and advice to improve their teammate's
GREEN. Senior Lauren Konchan practices her putting at Bristol Oaks.
Konchan's lowest score this season was a 38 at the Lady Trojan Invite.
5. LET ME SEE YO U R HIPS SWING! Senior Jaime Elsen chips the ball
onto the green. Elsen was the co-recipient of the Most Valuable Player
award, along with Konchan. 6. CONCENTRATION IS KEY. Senior El ise
Valeri lines up her shot on the putting green at the Racine Horlick dual
meet. Like Valeri, most of the girls took lessons outside of Tremper to
improve th ir skill and some plan to play competitively after high school.
7. LOOKING CHIPPER, AL. Junior Al Valeri chips through the sand at ' """_,...
an away meet. Being the only Trojan to advance to the state tournament
was an exciting experience. Valeri said, "Knowing you are one of the top
golfers in Wisconsin is a great feeling."
What's your
or driving?
to success
position feels unbelievabl "
The team's accomplishments were a resu lt of their hard work and dedication at
practice. There, the girls worked on their
own and did what they needed to do in
order to polish their skills, whether it was at
the range or on the green. Practice makes
perfect, but the team had other means
of preparation for their top-notch performances. The girls jammed out to music on
the way to away meets and decorated golf
balls and shirts to create excitement and
focus for their matches.
OAKS. Coach
Valeri critiques Junior
Kayla Asleson's drive at
a practice. The coaches
watched and helped the
players at practice as they
worked on the ir own on
the range. 2 GOING
FOR THE PUTI. Sophomore Taylor Moreland
stands mid-swing on the
green at a Racine meet.
The junior varsity team
went undefeated in their
conference this year. "Everyone improved from
last year and put in a big
effort to win meets," said
Moreland . 3. UP UP AND
AWAY! Senior Nicole
Geiger intently watches
her drive. The four-year
junior varsity player gave
it her all and led the team
lo success this season.
Putting, it's a lot easier.
Having a great dri ve is
an amazing feeling.
Driving. Putting isn't fun because
you need to scrutinize the green
and find the breaks.
The longest club
in the bag and
hits a greater
distance than
any other club.
Gives a player
a good grip
while holding ,
the clubs.
Used to chip
the ball onto
the green or
out of the
Driving because it's easier.
Driving, it's always fun to outdrive people.
The most
essential piece
of equipment.
Used to hold up
the ball on the
first drive.
Used on the
green to hit
short strokes
into the hole.
Putting, I'm better at it.
cuses on the ball and prepares to hit it during one
of her number one doubles matches. Throughout
her four years on varsity she sa id, "the best part
about being on the team is getting to play tennis
everyday with my favorite girls." 2. PUT YOUR
GAME FACE ON. Jun ior Katie Stoebe gets ready
to return a serve during a conference meet against
Racine Horlick. Stoebe partnered w ith Brianna
Ri ley to win 6-2, 6-0.
ma!&t1ej 8'A'6
. anabtf
appearan ce
appearan ce
If you could
play tennis with
anyone who
would it be?
Brooke Sn ider because she's Dom inique Stangas because she's
the best tennis partner ever! my doubles partner and she's fu n
to play w ith.
Anna Conca nnon because she's
an amazi ng partner and made
our season so much fun.
Andy Rodd ick because
he's hot.
onference championships are
becoming a habit for the girls'
tennis team. For Lhe second
year in a row, Lhe team came
together and worked hard to
capture a conference title. After breezing
through dual matches against teams, such
as Racine Park and Oak Creek, they had
one more team standing in the way of an
undefeated conference title. Junior Megan
Humphreys, number one singles player,
did not drop a game in winning her match
w ith s ores of 6-0, 6-0. She sa id she did
her best when she was "playing with all the
girls on the team. We get o close playing
together everyday." Her teammates followed closely behind in winning all of their
matches. The number one doubles team
of seniors Jenna Humphreys and Garette
Gessert defeated their Horlick opponents
with scores of 6-1 , 6-1 .
Throughout the season, the line-up experienced constant changes. With the
amount of talent on the team, these changes did not affect their success al all. Often
switching between playing singles and
doubles, the girls still continued to beat
every conference team that they faced.
Senior Elliott Thomas, who played both
number three doubles and number two
singles, said her most challenging match
was in conference, at number two singles,
against Horlick. "I was down 1-5 in my
third set and came back to win 7-5 where
if I lost, my season would have been over."
With this win, the team secured the 7-0
victory. Winning in such an extreme fashion made it all the more exciting for the
team. Coming together and working hard
throughout the season helped the girls to
fulfill their goal of a repeat conference title.
1 READY FOR THE RET URN. enior Kate Shannon eyes up the ball as she gets ready to hit in during a
number three singles match. 2. SERVE IT UP. Senior Brianna Riley serves the ball to her opponent during a meet against Racine Horlick. As the team captain , Riley did her best to lead the team through her
actions. 3. NUMBER ONE SINGLES. Junior Megan Humphreys hits the ball across the net after a hard
serve from her opponent. This is the third year in a row that Humphreys led the team from the number
one singles position. She advanced to the State tournament and received the number even seed. "It
felt awesome to go undefeated in conference as a team and have the opportunity to go to state again
individually." She ended up pla ing seventh at State, which is tied for the highest finish in school history. 4. CONCENTRATION. Senior Mara Bertog intently fo uses on the ball during a conference meet
this season. She often teamed up with fellow senior Marisa Lucke at the number three doubles spot. 5
TALKING SOME STRATEGY. Senior Kate Shannon talks with her coach Mike Lewis after wining the first
set. 6. FOCUS ON THE BALL Senior Jenna Humphreys prepares to serve the ball during the Conference tournament. Humphreys and senior Garette Gessert advanced to the State tournament and ended
up placing seventh. They both received All-State honors for their top-eight fini h.
Susanna Ri cio because she
is my doubles partner and we
have fun together!
Dexter Molinaro because
he's an amazing athlete.
Hugh Jackman because it wou ld
be funny to see my favorite actor
playing tennis.
Hayley Konitzer because she
was an awesome double
Andre Agassi because he's
just awesome.
Gtrl6'' Te1111t6' 129
lthough the team fell inches
short of the sectional championship and a trip to state, they
proved to be talented contenders throughout the season with
a finish as sectional runners up. Ending the
season with an impressive 21-3-1 record, the
soccer team proved successful. They scored
a total of 107 goals and only allowed 26 goals
against them. Scoring almost a quarter of
these goals was freshman Jaime Colin with
26 goals and 17 assists. While Colin held the
record of most goals and assists, Senior Alex
Kolacek was second with 18 goals and eight
assists. When asked how they prepare for
their games, Colin said, "I listen to the song
It Girl and Drake and eat a good meal," and
Kolacek said, "I listen to music and get mentally prepared for the game." This ritual paid
off through their impressive performance on
the field each game.
The team played a total of 25 games
throughout their season, but that wasn't
enough to satisfy the ir love for the game.
Spending countless hours together on and
off the field, the team bonded and became
buddies. Senior Pierre Rollet said, "We
have pasta dinners and play Fifa." Fifa Soc-
cer 12 became their go-to bonding activity.
Creating a tournament-like challenge, the
boys played Fifa for hours on end. As seen in
every game played between friends, winning
comes with bragging rights, but these bragging rights differed from others. When someone lost, they not only had to be forever reminded of their loss, they also had to make
a formal apology on facebook that said, "I'm
sorry for wasting your time playing you in
Fifa." Losing was not a position taken lightly
by the team, but with their impressive team
results, this did not pose much of a problem.
1. PRECISION IS KEY. Senior Jacob Birch lines up a pass to his
teammate who was sprinting to the goal for a shot. Jacob also
spent time on the football team as a field goal kicker. 2. GET
IT, SEND IT, SHOOT IT. Senior Jonathan Mendez chips a pass
to a teammate down the line. Throughout the season, Jonathan
scored two goals and had two assists. 3. SPIRITED CIRCLE.
Before every game, the team huddles together their knees and
hopes for a win. Senior Nick Vecchitto's favorite part of playing
in front of a home crowd, where, "Kim and my mom went and
wore my jersey." 4. BRINGING HIS " A" GAME. Like a brick
wall, senior Jordan Zamudio blocks a goal and punts the soccer
ball down the field. Because Zamudio was such an exceptional
goalie, he never came out of the goal to play any other position
on the field. 5. DEFENSE ! Senior Nick Vecchitto dukes out his
Muskego opponent on defense, proving his fancy footwork. 6.
STRIKING A POSE! Getting ready for the kick-off, freshman
Jaime Colin does not let his nerves show. When asked who he
models himself after he said, "Christiano Ronalda, because of
his skill with the ball and his passion for the game."
How does
your team
Pasta party!
We talk about the games we
played before to make th ings
better for the next one.
Go to Buffalo Wild Wings.
Singing on the bus and doing the
dougie. Also Fifa at pasta parties.
Sending it to the goal,
junior Scotty Stoebig
kicks the ball with force.
The red and blue headband around his neck
was given to him by
friend and supporter
John Carswell for luck.
Freshman Jaime Colin
shows his footwork as
he glides past his opponent. Footwork is
always an important aspect to soccer. Without
it, they might not look
as skilled against their
Senior Josh Skanron executes a perfect pass to
bring the ball down the
field for a goal. Along
with junior Ben Cunhus, Skanron was a cocapta in of the team .
We hung out outside of
school. It's tons of fun!
We have pasta parties before Long wa lks on the beach
at sunset and ca ndle-lit
dinners togeth er.
Give It
Your Best
We hung out at each other's
houses and went out to eat.
. . Inside Pass. With this pass, the foot is
turned outward at a 90 degree angle. Swing
the leg in the direction intended and make
contact at the center of the ball with the
inside of the foot.
Outside Pass. The kicking foot's toes
are pointed down. Strike the ball on the
outside of the foot near the little toe and
continue the kick across your body.
Inside Curve. Make contact at the
bottom-right side of the ball. Your big toe
should dig about an inch under the ball. Continue swinging the leg through the left side of
the body and make a sweeping motion across
the ball to add the curve.
Chip. Approach the ball at a slight angle.
Take a shorter back swing and angle the foot
down. Make contact below the center of the
ball and continue the kick through the body.
Instep Kick/Drive. The most powerful,
yet most basic kick used in soccer. Place the
planting foot next to the ball. Swing the leg
and make contact with the center of the ball
on the laces of the shoes or bridge on the top
of the foot.
We all became friends so we
al l had a good bond throughout the season.
We bonded on bus rides.
817/f' St7ocer 125
leads a speech thanking the swimmers' mothers and fathers for their support and love. After
showing their appreciation to their parents, they
each gave them a rose and a balloon.
congratulate the team members during parent
night. Junior Kalie Hade said the purpose of the
night is "to thank the parents for their love and
The team helped the Make
a Wish Foundation by donating over 300 dollars
through their fundraiser.
They passed a bucket
around for one minute to
collect donations from the
people in the audience.
They also sold "Wish Fish"
that hung in the pool, each
fish co ting one dollar.
Coach Joseph Ko man said,
"As a team, we wanted to
do something to give back
to the community. We
thought this was a great
organization that we would
like to support and put our
own little twist on it."
What is the
se nsati on yo u
get from jumping
into the water?
I feel regenerated after a
hard day.
Once the nerves are out I
just swim.
I feel my leg hair grow 4
more inches.
Excitement races though me.
hen I am in my racing
zone, there is nothing
but the lane and the
do k. My mind goes
blank ... and I swim my
heart out," said senior Laura Thomsen.
The team succeeded in bui lding a strong
tradition throughout the years. Although
they unfortunate ly lose seniors every year,
they also gained new swimmers.
Although they did mess around at times,
th is team was not all fun and games. They
always focused on racing and attended before- and after-school practices. They also
have a tradition of supporting each other
on the side of the pool, encouraging their
teammates by screaming at them to swim
faster. "You can't just want it, you have
to go out and GET IT!" said sophomore
Stephanie Drake. During meets when a
team member was racing, they had a routine where they ye lled "GO!" every time
the swimmer came up for breath. That
way, she cou ld hear them cheering for her
and use that motivation to try even harder.
The girls on th is team love to swim. As
long as they had an opportunity to swim,
they didn't mind who they were competing against. " I feel excited to be able to get
the stress from my day out and to be with
my friends," said senior Katelyn Zigner.
The girls gained more than the satisfaction
of winning; they also created bonds with
each other that will last a lifetime.
JUST KEEP SWIMMING. Sen ior Rachel Stoebe stays calm and focused
as she races the backstroke aga inst other Tremper and Horlick swimmers.
CHILLING WITH THEIR SWIM CAPS ON. enior Lauren Oechl rand fre hman Hannah Skendziel get together after their turn swimming. They shared
thoughts on how they performed and gave each other encouragement for
READY TO TAKE THE DIVE. Sarah Jansen discusses the
the ir next race.
girls' schedu le, telling them when it is their turn to race.
ENOUGH LOVE. Sophomores Becca Borchardt and Danielle Cebolski wait for
TESTING COLD WAtheir turns to show their appreciation to their parents.
TERS. The team splashes around in the shallow encl. They took advantage of
the time to get pumped up so they cou ld stay focused for later ra es.
PUMPING UP THE PARTY. eniors Jaymi Watson, Sara Mahoney, and junior Johrie
H icks lead the rest of the team to celebrate after the swim meet.
I feel the urface of the water run
from the tip of my fingers lo my to s.
I get a ru h from either finishing a perfect dive or smashing
hard against the water. But no
matter wh ich one it is, you're
just glad it's done.
Gtrlt' Swt11112!/
1. IN THE FAST LANE. Sophomore Zachary Frost
surfaces to catch a breath at practice. "Controlling our breathing and speed can be tough when
the pressure's on. I like to stay ca lm and focused," said Zachary. 2. SHARING IS CARING.
During practice, members share lanes. Sharing
often leads to teammates pushing each other to
go faster, increasing their time when it counts.
HtJw !tJnff oan fftlll
What's your
we swim, swim, swim
fter reflecting on the past season Coach Kosman said that,
"Despite having one of the
smallest teams in five years,
this team is by far one of my
most dedicated." This year's seniors, Robbie Chase, Alex Lopez, and Mark Boudreau, helped the underclassmen to reach
their potential. Sophomore Trevor Boehm
is one of those underclassmen who was
helped by a senior swimmer. "Alex Lopez
helped me th is year with my starts off the
block. He worked with me multiple times
to fine tune and get better and to be more
comfortable with my starts. I can't thank
him enough," said Boehm.
Motivation comes from setting examples, caring words, and some constructive
criticism. The leaders of this year's team
conducted their guidance in a way that
wi ll stick with the team for the next year.
Whether on dry land conditioning to gain
muscle strength and a strong core, or in
the water working on strokes, every mem-
ber of the team shared words of encouragement with the others. Senior Robbie
Chase said that his go-to words of encouragement were, "No matter what happens,
know that we are the best."
Swimming for Tremper means one must
act and think li ke a team member. The
team motivates and encourages one another because they have a close bond and
strive to have each person succeed.
•Rlll'!ll•"C"'---------, 1. I NEED AIR! Pausing to take a quick breath in the middle of a stroke, junior Zach
Naumowicz showcases his master breathing skills. 2. OFF THE DEEP END. Foreign
exchange student, Simon Moller, prepares for a perfect dive. Adapting to the lingo
that Tremper's swimmers use was a great cultural experience. 3. SOARI G! Getting
the perfect start off of the block can be tough. It determines the advantage a swimmer
has over their opponents. 4. CHILLI G WITH THE BOYS. The guys relax and chat
outside of the pool, after winning their meet. 5. ON YOUR MARK. Senior Mark Boudreau demonstrates his technique of how to start the back stroke. Mark, along with
the other seniors, has helped many swimmers with their starts and flip turns this year.
6. MICHAEL PHELPS IN THE MAKING. "Seeing any professional swimmer and how
.·~liilll hard they work inspires me to try my best and make me want to train at that level,"
said sophomore Trevor Boehm.
100 fly
100 Back
Spin Stroke
Bc-t<t' Swt11M1t11J 1~9
1. EYES ON THE PRIZE. After playing three
quarters of intense basketball, senior Arielle Byrd
catches her breath while one of her teammates
shoots a free throw. Byrd received 2nd team allconference honors for the hard work she put in
throughout the season. 2. RUNNIN G DOWN
THE COURT. While racing away from two Racine Park players, junior Megan Humphreys looks
down the court to find an open teammate after
she received an outlet pass after a rebound.
If you could
pick one game
to replay,
which would it
The away Franklin game be- Our fina l playoff game because
cause we lost and I could've we cou ld've won and beat Musplayed better.
kego if we played them again.
season to be over.
The last Muskego game
When we played Muskego in
the playoffs because I want to because we all played hard
re live my last game at Tremper. and had so mu h emotion.
ffrgrg/J rJfr;!lr; II Id!
n front of a roaring home crowd, by
far the most intense vi tory of the
season came aga inst the Franklin Sabers in overtime. Before the game
even started, the team knew that they
had to play one of their b sl games of the
season to pu ll off the win. Frankli n came
into the game on lop of the conference
standings with an undefeated onference
record. Throughout the first ha lf, the score
went back and forth, and when the teams
went into the locker room they were all
tied up, 11-11. "The first ha lf was so excil-
The Bradford game
becau.e we lot and \1e
,.hould have beat them.
ing and intense," said junior Megan Humphreys, "we knew we had to play much
better in the second half to w in the game."
The team came out and battled their way
through the third and fourth quarters to
force the game into extra minutes. Behind
senior Arielle Byrd's nineteen points, the
girls pulled through and gutted out a 44-43
win over one of the top teams in the state.
Faced with many other difficult opponents throughout the season, the team
won ten games and lost fourteen. Some of
the more convincing victories came against
The first Bradford game bec-.1u,.e
we had a big lead and then 11 e
ended up losing.
y urs
crosstown rivals, Bradford. For the first time
in several years, the team played Bradford
three times, each time winning by th irty to
forty points. "The Bradford games are always one of my favorites because we have
a huge crowd and it's very exciting to win
by so many points!" said senior Annmarie
Riva. For the six seniors on the t am, the
last time they played Bradford was the fifth
time that they beat them in five meetings
while on varsity, ending their final season
in a commanding fashion.
1 LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT PASS. As she holds the ball above her head, junior a a Green· "-' l
to make a pass while being guarded by a Racine Park player. When they played Par" for tlw t
team defeated the Panthers by a score of 49-36. 2 REBOUND. After grabbing a rebt,und ' '
Rodriguez holds the ball until she finds the point guard. Rodriguez was one of the 'trongL '' r'
r' for
the team, who made good d fens their main goal during the season. ~. PROTE T TH E B LL \\,1 t1 ..;
until she finds an open teammc1te, senior Tara Larson keeps the ball away from thL' dl'IL'n-i1 'pbwr.• h'
said, "I love the fact that all of the girls on th team get so dose during the season bL'l\llN' 11 m,1"L'' Lb pl,11
better during games." 4 POINT GUARD POWER. Holding the b<1ll until e\eryo1w i-. read1 '-L'n1or H,1IL'I
Celebre calls out what play to run. Celebre played the point guard position for the tt',1m thi-. 'LW•on. ~.
SWISH! Senior Annmarie Riva takes a shot over the outstretched anm of a defender during a conlert'ncc'
game. Riva was the team's leading threat from behind the arc throughout the se,1son sinking t\H'nt)·li1L'
three-pointers. 6. CALL THE PLAY! During a regular season game, Coach Gross tells the te,1111 '"hat out -of
bound play to run while the rest of the girls on the bench intently wale h the game. Senior Aly",1 Wit b
said, "What I enjoy mo t about playing basketball is being with my teammates everyday for five months".
The Bradford ~ame
becau. I thin
e could
a e beat hem.
Glrlt' &uuflatt 151
s the boys' basketball team successfully moved through the
season, bonds were formed.
Whether they came out with
a win or a loss, the team remained friends. Junior
described his team as a "family" and "close".
The team has al o been described as "ac,
complished," said senior
and "a team of dedicated indescribable
players", aid senior
This shows how hardworking and di ligent
the team became.
Before each game, the team had a ritual of going to Subway and loading up on
sandwiches. After, the team prepared by
"listening to music during warm ups," said
, and senior
said he warmed up by "getting some hots up and hydrating with a
Gatorade." These ritua ls helped conne t
the team and bond before every game to
maximize their performance for a win.
During home games, the team always
seemed to play better thanks to the energy
from the crowd. Sen ior
the crowd's enthusiasm when the spirit
squad brought out the basketball mascot,
Hootie the penguin and said, "Knock,
knock. Who's there? Hootie. Hootie who?"
on free throws. The Hootie chant and the
energy that the crowd brought was a way
for the team to connect with not only their
team memb rs but also the crowd and play
their best. With the cheering and supportive crowd and exciting spirit squad, who
wou ldn't become more pumped up?
1. KISSING THE GLASS. Senior Mike Andersen goes for a lay-up during warm ups. 2. DRIVING THE LANE. Sophomore D'Marcco Patrick
dribbles through his opponents to the basket for a lay-up. Some players go all the way to the basket, while others pull up at the top of the
key. 3. NEVER GIVE UP, WORK TOGETHER AND GET BETTER EVERY DAY. The beginning of every game begins with the five starters sitting on the bench . When their name is called they walk through their
team's tunnel giving every teammate high-fives. Once all the players
are called, the team huddles up with arms around each other and
sophomore D 'Marcco Anthony gives a dance while the team cheers
and sways in a circle. 4. IS IT IN YOU ? Senior Dexter Molinaro hydrates with some gatorade during a time-out. Hydration is important
for Molinaro to remain the top scorer on the team. 5. DRIBBLE, PASS,
SHOOT, SCORE. Junior Collin Klimisch feeds a pass to teammate Anthony Olsen under the basket. To get ready for a game, Klimisch says,
" I will either go home and eat PB and J or go to Subway with teammate Connor Norris and then go to Tremper and listen to country
music." 6. NOTHING BUT NET. While on a fast break, sophomore
D'Marcco Anthony sprints to the basket for a lay-up. When asked to
state his personal motto, Anthony says, " never stay mad."
If yo u could
change yo ur
name like Ch ad
Ochocinco, w hat
wo uld it be?
Marcus BigSwagg
Jackson-Anderson Jr.
Mc' Lovin.
D'Marcco Anthony and
senior Matt Bible give
each other high fives
during the announcements of all the players. When asked to
describe their team in
one word Bible said,
Anthony said, "dedicated."
Senior Isaac Quinn sinks
a few free throws in
warm ups. With a size
23 shoe and a height
of 6 foot 10, Isaac takes
the advantage against his
opponents underneath
the basket. 3. NOTHING BUT NET! Even
while guarded, senior
Dexter Molinaro tosses
up a three point shot
that ends with a swish.
Bible because that is w hat
everyone ca lls me anyways.
Pure Shooter.
ast year the wrestling team made
it to team state for the first time in
school history. In doing so, they
replaced Muskego as the powerhouse of the Southeast Conference, and defeated them in the SEC
tournament. In a grudge match this year,
they faced off in a battle of two of the most
elite team in Wisconsin. With the match
heading into the final bout, senior
pinned his opponent in thre minutes 38 seconds, cau ing a frenzy of cheers
and applause. "I just tried to stay calm and
in the zone, with my mind only on one
thing: to have my hand raised at the end
of the match," he said. Down late in the
match, the Trojans finished strong with
three straight victories. Senior
won 20-5 in his match-up at 145, fo llowed
by a 11-2 victory at 152 by senior
, setting up the deciding mat h at
160. Also claiming victorie were sophomore
, junior
, senior lminic
, sophomore
and junior
tt . "It was a great win for us. Mus-
kego has been pretty mu h the dominant
team in the SEC for the past eight years
until we dethroned them at last year's
conference tournament. We kept that momentum going," Coach Dutton said. After
losing everal key seniors from last season's
team, many undercla smen have stepped
up this year on varsity. Not only was the
victory key in their quest for another conference champion hip, but al o showed
Mu kego, and the rest of the state, that
Tremp r wre tling is h re to tay.
1. GROUND AND POUND . Junior Alex Caravetta, at 182
pounds, tries to f nd off his opponent during his match. 2.
STRATEGY. The varsity team listens in as their coaches ta lk to
them before their match against crosstown rival Bradford. Tremper won the match handi ly. 3. UPSET ALERT. Freshman Corey
ross works for a position on top again t Bradford senior Hunter
orrigan. Cross pinned the senior and started a chain of eight
consecutive matches for the Trojans. "It was a nice win for us.
Corey is new to our program. He's a freshman this year and sometimes some of the things are learning on the ny. He got out there
and got after it right away. I was really excited for him. That was
great," said coach Joel Dutton. 4. DOING WORK. Senior Robert
Salani works his ground game during his match against Bradford.
5 POSITIO , POSITION, POSITION . Working from his opponent's back, senior Bryan Fuhrer looks to take advantage during
one of his matches. 6 VICTORY! With his hand raised in victory,
senior Josh Skarda looks on as he was awarded the Wat 145 .
What was
your most
My mat h against Muskego.
Everyone stepped up that meet.
Winning against
Pinning my opponent from Musk go with the score tied 33-33.
I. SPRAWL. Defend-
····~~.•••I!~ down,
ing against a takesenior Josh
Skarda will not be denied a victory against
rival Bradford . 2. FAC E
Bryan Fuhrer battles
for position at his 152
pound weight class.
"Early in the match I
try to go for the high
crotch and the chicken wing. It's almo'>t
impossible for kids to
get out of the chicken
~~----.:::::::::~~;::. wing."
Defending his home
~. ~..,.-;ir:
. .
Beating Hunte r orriga n al th e
beginning the seaso n this yea r.
turf, junior Alex Caravetta shoots for a single
leg look ing to score
Beating De re k Gill at Mid-State
6-3 thi s year.
Beating my guy fro m
Bradfo rd and he lping
beat the m agai n.
I J)IJ)(} rvm ~ M~I
e o
don't let it get to me," said Junior
Emma Hughes about handling the
stress of competition. Gymnastics, an
extremely competitive sport, is easier
to hand le when the gymnasts have a
team to support them. The gymnastics team
this year was a great example of a team that
supported each member and pushed each
other to do their best.
Junior Nora Elgohari said, "We work we ll
together and support and push each other
to be and do the best we can." In order to
keep the girls' mojo going, the team planned
sleepovers, multiple team dinners and other
bonding time. Senior Emily Miller said that
the group activities help her "become closer
with the girls and have a better relationship
with each of the teammates."
The girls cheer each other on and boost
each others' confidence during the meet
because of their great bond as a team. This
team bonding works to increase their success at meets. At their last meet of the season, they won all-around against Appleton
and Waukesha West. Senior Emily M il ler
also wowed the crowd by winning every
event she participated in.
1. THEY FLIP OUT OVER GYMNASTICS. The girls get together fo r a qu ick pep ta lk before
their meet at Tremper. The team placed third against Whitna l and Waukesha, and a combined team of Franklin, Oak Creek, and Milton. 2. THAT'S HOW SHE ROLLS. Senior Emily
Miller prepares for her turn on the bars by putting on her grips that "help support my wrists"
when on the bars. She placed first overall, and first on bars and beam. 3. UPSIDE DOWN,
RIGHT SIDE UP, IT'S All THE SAME TO THEM. Sophomore Krysta l Evans practices on the
beam before the meet against Appleton and Waukesha West. She said, "The beam is my best
TUMBLE. As she began her routine, freshman Kay Mathiesen warmed up before her turn on
the floor event. Overall, the team got first place and Kay placed eighth . 5. GOT GRAVITY?
THEY DON'T! During the home meet against the comb ined team of Franklin, Oak Creek,
and Milton, and the teams of Whitnal and Waukesha, sophomore Samantha Nofsinger competes on the uneven bars. She placed in the top ten overall while the team placed fourth.
What are some
stereotypes of
hockey players
and gymnasts?
All gymnasts have real ly
[flat chests].
That all gymnasts are super short.
We are all super short
and skinny.
People say we have real ly weird
and small hands.
That gymnasts are buff.
he first rule of Fight Club is don't
talk about Fight Club. Hockey
Game. Kenosha Ice Plex. 0600
hours. Night Wing got hit in the
back by Villain #1. Brown Bear,
in an attempt to rescue Night W ing, knocked
over Vi llain #1. Villa in #2 and Brown Bear
got into a scuffle. Night W ing, defending his
teammate, ripped the two away from each
other.* Night W ing and Brown Bear had
each others' backs throughout the hockey
season due to team bonding experiences.
*Names have been changed to protect identities.
Every night before a game, someone on
the team hosted a pasta party to carbo-load.
Sophomore Joe Ashley said, "The pasta parties are good for the carbo-loading aspect,
but bring the team closer together when we
hangout after dinner." The team got to know
each other better with activities such as "go-
We all have beards, are super
buff and have no teeth.
All of us are missing
That girls can't play hockey!
ing to see the movie Thor!," said junior Sam
Kok, and "having slumber parties," said senior Mike Green.
Along with these bonding experiences, the
team plays pond hockey, kickball games,
and has dry land practices, which all help
pull the team together during games. Because they were able to understand each
other, the hockey team was able to complete a successful season.
1. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Junior Sam Kok prepares to shoot the puck into the
net before his first game against Arrowhead. The team warmed up before each game
with drills and skating to get the players pumped up. 2. TEAMWORK MAKES THE
DREAM WORK. Jun iors Taylor Moreland, Sam Kok, and senior Mike Green got ready
for the drop of the puck as the game began. Sam said " I love the adrenaline rush I get
right before a game starts." 3. PLEASE DON 'T FEED THE GOALIE! Junior Ke lley McCormick, the team's goalie, defended the goal during a game. He has been playing
hockey since he was seven. 4. PLAYING LIKE A CHAMPION. As an offensive player,
jun ior Jake Dawiec fought for the puck against an opponent. Dawiec said, "Hockey is
a way to escape and r lieve stress for me." 5. BELIEVE AND ACHIEVE! At the end of
every game, as a sign of respect, the players lift their hockey sticks to the audience. The
team does this to show their gratitude of the people who came to show their support.
That we have no teeth and are
always getting into fights.
Hockey players are Canadian
and like to fight.
{ '(>
Gfm11M'ftM mi H~aluff
laying against top-not h oppon nts all season, the girls' so cer team didn't let this challenge
stop them. To start off the season,
they faced Homestead who was
ranked number three in the state at the time.
As the eighty minute mark arrived, the teams
had played to a s oreless tie and went into
overtime. Although they battled for the next
several minute , they surrendered the gamewinning goal in the econd overtime. After
this crush ing cl feat, the girls worked even
harder at practice to bounce back and focus
on the games ahead of them.
With the majority of the team members re-
turning from last season, teamwork allowed
the girls to set high goals for themselves. They
knew what they were capab le of accomplishing and knew that if they worked together
they cou ld all accomplish their goals. Senior
said, "You never truly know
how much suport you have until you look
down the bench and see nothing but your
teammates behind you." Despite the seniority of the team, four freshmen made an immediate impact.
, and
fit in right away with everyone, which made
the team unity even stronger. "All of the girl
on our team get along really well and that's
1. GO TO THE GOAL! Looking up the field, junior Lizzie Hawbaker plays the
ball to a forward who is running towards the goal. In an early season game against
Union Grove, Hawbaker scored the first two goal to lead the team to a 7-0 victory. 2 THAT'S COMMITMENT. Taken clown by a Muskego defender, junior
Abby Siro chi attemp~ to regain her balance, so she can dribble the ball to the
goal. Providing a spark to the offense, Sirocchi was a large contributor w ith her
goal scoring and passing skills. l JUST KICK IT. Junior Jordan Hollingsworth clears
the ball out of the midfield after a punt from the Muskego goalie. Hollingsworth
played several different positions this season, including outside midfield and stopper. 4 ALIVE AND KICKIN'. Keeping her eye on the ball, sen ior Sara Mahoney
takes a free kick right outside of the opposing team's goal box. The team took
advantage of several dead ball situations throughout the season by converting
them into game changing goals. 5. GOAL SCORING QUEEN. The team's leading goal corer th is year, junior Maggie Edmark takes a touch on the ball before
dribbling towards the goal. Recording hat tricks against Kenosha Christian Life and
Muskego, Eclmark found the back of the net in the majority of the team's games.
6. DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS. Shielding off a Muskego forward, sen ior
Holly Mahoney gets ready to pass the ball to a teammate. One of the defensive
leaders, Mahoney combined with junior Emma Hughes, sen ior Elise Valeri, and
senior Paige DeThorne to stop the attacks of the oppo ing teams. Mahoney said,
"I enjoy playing defense the most because I like distributing the ball from the back
and being able to see the whole field."
What is the most
embarrassing thing
that happened to
you while playing
J9J' S/H!rf~
definitely one of the key ingredients to our
success throughout the sea on," said sen ior
When it came time for conference play,
the girls all worked with one another and
played their roles perfectly to make a run at
their third consecutive conference championship. Commanding victories against Oak
Creek and Muskego proved that they were
once again the team to fear in the Southea t
Conferen e. Playing side-by-side everyday,
the girls found the perfect formu la to complete an amazing season.
One time I went up for a
header, co llid cl with a girl, and
got a huge lump on my head!
an entire game.
1 KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL. Trying to gain control of the loose ball, senior
Annmarie Riva focuses on getting a touch,
and then quickly rassing the ball. After not
rlaying soccer last season, Riva came back
to rlay a large rart in the team's defense.
newcomer to the team this year, freshman
Madison Munroe battles with a [Jlayer
from the OflfJOSing team during a regular
season game. As a forward, Munroe made
several runs every game to receive the ball
and to make rassing lanes for her teammates. 3. DON'T GO THROUGH LIFE
WITHOUT GOALS. During an intense
tournament game, senior Haley Celebre
takes a touch on the ball with a defender
on her back. Passing Ufl the sideline with
her teammates throughout the entire
gam , Celebre's rlay heired the team secure a 4-1 victo ry over Madison West. Celebre sa id, "These rast four years of socl(~,&i...1-I cer have been great, and the m mories I
have made with my teammates are so me
of the most memorable moments I've had
in hi gh school. Being a rart of soccer has
brought me strong fri ncl;hi[Js and memo-
....,..,.""""_......, t:;:::=:!!!!!!~!'!~~~~!:~::..:...~ ries that I will never forget."
I missed a wide oren
When the ba ll bru ises m ' more
goal on a break-away.
than players on the other team
One of the girls on the
other team rantsecl me
on the field.
I asked if Ameche field was
Gtrlt' St71J1Jer
r;J;r1Ff)f!lr11&1r1/f} /dl!@l(f}!f}' r;J;(ffr1 rfl(jj@/J
un run run as fast you can! You
can't catch these girls! Track and
field is not only extremely fun,
but is very beneficial to a runner's
lifestyle. Running improves cardiovascular fitness and helps increase muscle
tone. Most of the ath letes on girls' track and
field enjoy running to stay in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
During practices, the girls work on different events which focus on different muscle
groups. The shot put and discus help to mobilize hips and make arms more muscular.
Sophomore Maddie Hoover said, " I feel
the best after track practices because practicing the shot put makes me feel like I did
an awesome worko ut!" Hurdles and spri nts
getsrunners more flexible and the long distance events work on making them leaner
and increasing their stamina. " I also run cross
country, so the track season helps me prepare
for cross and stay fit for the season and I also
gained a healthier diet after I started running,"
said senior Priscilla Colon. Running track also
encourages athletes to eat properly and have
better nutrition habits during training.
Not on ly does running track promote muscle ga in and flexibility, it also encourages the
1. TOTAL DOMINATION. Sophomore Jamie Emery runs the 800 during the indoor season. The girls' and boys' teams ran against Franklin
at Parkside and both got first place. 2. FEELING THE BURN! Running
the high hurdles at a meet at ITA, sophomore ToNaya Gulley shows
off her amazing skills. Gulley said along with the 4 X 4 relay, her "favorite event are the hurdles! It is so much fun and thrilling" . 3. RUN
FASTER. JUMP HIGHER. Sophomore Maddie Connely competes in
the high jump event in a meet against Bradford. This was her second
year doing the high jump, and her first time competing on varsity. 4.
IF WE PLAYED TAG, YOU'D BE IT FOREVER. While warming up for
her event, junior Kylie Griffith practices the Triple jump. At the Franklin
Indoor Invite, Griffith jumped 29'. 5. YOU ' RE EITHER A THROWER,
OR YOU'RE NOT. At the meet held at Indian Trail, junior Maddie
Hoover competes in the Shot Put event. She threw her personal record
of 30'. 6 IT'S A BLAST TO RUN FAST. Fourth year track runner senior
Courtney Robinson runs the 4 X 8 relay. Robinson said, "I run the relay
with a group of girls who are also on cro s country. It is a really fun way
to stay in shape and practice with my cross country teammates."
athletes to work together and bond as a team.
Although most believe that track is an individual sport, it is actually mostly a team sport.
How each runner performs affects the entire
team, especially in relay races. That is why
most relay teams bond so well together. In
addition to bonding at meets, friendships are
formed during practices. Freshman Colleen
Carney said, " I met most of the friends that
I hang out with now at track! It's a great way
to meet new people." Track helps develop a
sense of teamwork, healthy habits and fitness.
What is your
favorite event
and why?
I love the hurdles! They are both
challenging and fun.
last race so everyone's
Th e mile becau e it is fun to try to
lower your time each race.
te hnique.
CATCH! During an indoor
meet at Parkside, senior
Shannon Parmentier participates in the 200 race. Parmentier ran track for all four
years of high school and said,
"My favorite event to run are
the Hurdles because it is the
most challenging but most
exciting race to me." 2. SHE
Hurdles : "I get the best
adrena line rush when I run
the hurdles!"
Senior Shannon Parmentier
Discus: This is an ancient
sport where ath letes throw
a 4 lb. 7 oz. and requires
power and strength.
Sophomore Danielle Riggins runs the high hurdles
race during the varsity dual
against Bradford, held at ITA.
This was Riggins' first year
running track and being on
Varsity. 3. ALL IT TAKES IS
ALL YOU'VE GOT. Sophomore Anna Cole, in the meet
against Bradford, runs the 4
X 200 relay. The relay team
got their best time of 1 :58 at
the Franklin invite.
The 4X4 relay because I love to
run with Priscilla, Danielle and
M rgan.
Relays: "When running in any
relay, I feel really close to my
teammates and have a lot of fun".
Sophomore Chelsea Schm idt
Running Events: There are
over 10 different races at track
meets ranging from sprints to
the longest race, the 2 mile.
and it's an adrenalin rush.
I like the lOOm becau e it is
short and fast.
{;(,r/t ' Traok :l~1
RfNf!fl Rfl(Jt!f}fl Rfl(Jt!f}fl M FMI M fjl~fl(Jt ()l}!f}
vou can't catch u::,
ave you ver wondered what
motivates the distance guys to
run thirt en mil sin one day?
How about how the throwers are able to heave twelve
pound balls forty-seven feet? Or, how some
people can gracefully leap over three-feet
high hurd les whi le sprinting? The track and
fie ld athletes make th se seemingly excruciating and impossible tasks look effortles .
However, they work hard, and it pays off.
They practice six days a week to perfect their
techniques so they can be their best. For
some of the boys, their favorite part about
track is going home after a hard workout. On
the contrary, senior
it's all about going to the meets. He said,
" It's always fun racing and trying to improve
my times, and all of my friends are there so
we get to cheer each other on." Practicing
and competing in these events is what the
track athletes love to do. ''I'd say track is a
major aspect of my high school exp rience.
It keeps me busy and in shape and gives me
goals," said junior
. Some
of them have been competing for years,
1. EITHER YOU'RE A THROWER OR YOU'RE NOT. Junior Mike Morelli cl monstrates hi5 nice follow-through and
proves that he is indeed a thrower at the Bradford-Tremper
Dual meet. 2. SPEED UP! Freshman Chris Kammer finishes
his leg of the 4xl 00 while his teammate starts up before the
hand-off. The hand-off is a crucial moment of a relay; if one
member of the team drops the baton during the pass, the
team will get disqualified. 3 ZOOMING! Senior Kyle ottingham race past the crowd during the indoor mile event.
For Nottingham, running is his life. He said, "If I'm not running, I'm thinking about running. If I'm not thinking about
running, I'm dreaming about running. If I'm not dreaming
about running, I'm probably dead, and you should alert
my family." 4. WORK THAT SWEATBAND. Junior Brandon Klinkhammer makes a fashion statement as he calmly
strid s during his relay race. 5 DON'T FALL Senior Josh
Madison prepares to hand off the baton to his teammate
during the 4xl 00 meter race. 6 CATCH HIM! Junior Liam
Aikens gains on Dan Slaviero during the mile run at their
first outdoor me t of the season.
What's on
your mind
while training?
e're the Tro·an men
and some will continue to do so after high
school. A a fr shman, senior
did not exp ct to be at the lev I he is at now.
"I did cross country and track because my
mom made me. At the time, I was just going through the motions," Hansen said. Next
year, he will be running on a full-ride scholarship in college. "Having fun and being surrounded by great people and being coached
by Freddy i what made running what it is to
me now." The team will mis many seniors
next season, but with many qualified underclassmen, they have a promising future.
Cruz lunges over the
bar during the 100 meter hurdle event. The
hurdle events include
300 meter intermediate hurdles, the 11 Om
high hurdles, and at the
Marquette Invitational
relay meet, the hurdle
relays. 2. GET THERE
FIRST. Junior Logan
Peltier crosses the finfirst in his heat
Franklin lnvitaPeltier admitted
that his favorite event is
the 4x200. 3. READY?
HEAVE! Senior
Newberry eyes the shot
after releasing.
ewberry brought his talent
to the State championship in 2011 and hopes
to do so again this year.
I'm tired, I want to sleep.
The faster I run, the faster
il will be over!
Tlve Faoedt trf. Trao~
what you really look like
Perfecting my technique.
NOT Molly Kok, and beating
Matt Short.
Bt!f-i' Track :1~$
eniors lead the way. With all five
members of the varsity team being seniors this year, the boys
proved that their experience
played a large part in their success. Seniors
, and
were all part
of the conference championship and state
qualifying team as juniors. To complete the
lineup, senior
at the number five spot throughout the
year. Practicing with each other every day,
the boys pushed one another to play their
best, which showed in their meets. Senior
said, "We all have a lot of experience under our belts, which helped us
play with more confidence as individuals
and as a team."
With each team member turning in consistently solid scores every meet, the boys
placed second in the overall Southeast
Conference standings. Continuing their
runn r-up streak, the team Look second at
the r gional tournament with number one
player, senior
leading the way.
Bible shot a 35 on the front nine and a 41
on the back nine to place second overall
with an 18 hole score of 76. By fin ishing
second, the team advanced to the se tional tournament for the second year in a row.
The five seniors were more relaxed and
confident this year at sectionals b cause
they already knew what they needed to
accomplish to advance to the state tournament. After playing together for all four
years of their high school career, the boys
bui lt friendships and created memories
that they wi ll carry with them as they move
forward in their lives. The amount of experience and success these golfers achieved,
made this season one to remember.
PUTTING THE TIME AWAY. Senior Matt Bible wat hes his ball go
into the back of the hole. Leading the team, Bibi finished se ond place
in the conference in individual overall standings. 2. AT THE BEACH.
After hitting his first shot into a bunker, senior ick Moro attempts to
hit his ball out of the sand. Playing at the number two spot all season,
Moro turned in consistent scores to lead the team to several mini meet
victories. 3. GO HOME BALL. Keeping his eye on the bal l, senior Taylor
Roszkowiak waits to see where his putt wil l end up. The team ended with
a season average score of 164.14 which included results from all eight
mini meets and scores from all five players. 4. PUTT O UT. Senior Danny
Kupfer taps his ball into the back of the hole for a par after just missing
his birdie putt. Playing at their home course, Kenosha Country Club, the
team placed first in their only home mini meet. Kupfer said, "My favorite
meet of the year was when we played at our home course because I
knew the course really well, and it made me play better." 5. LINING IT
UP. Placing his ball in the perfect spot, senior Cory Metallo gets ready to
putt for a chance at par. The team had a strong showing at the regional
tournament and made a repeat appearance at sectionals. 6. FORE! Senior Nick Moro looks down the fairway after taking a pra tic swing lo
make sure he hits the shot exactly how he wants to. Moro turned in one
of his best finishes of the season at the Kenosha County Tournament.
If you could
play a round
with one pro
golfer, who
would it be?
144 S/t!rvt
Tiger Woods
Al lie Smith
Bubba Watson
Rory M llroy
Ph il Mickelson
Ti ger Woods
Phil M ickelson
Steve Stricke r
ball mJkes its way to the hole, senior Cory Metallo stays completely
concentrated and focuses on his
shot. Metallo played at the number
three spot during the entire season
and turned in consistent scores. 2.
BE THE BALL. Preparing to chip
for birdie, senior Matt Bible makes
sure he has the perfect swing. As the
number one player, Bible led the
team to a second place finish in the
conference tournament. By placing
second, the team ended up as the
runners-up in the overall conference
team standings, less than two points
b hind the conference champions.
3 GET IN THE HOLE! Senior Taylor Roszkowiak watches the ball fly
towards the hole after hitting a shot
out of the rough . The team traveled
to several tournaments throughout
the year that included some of the
best competition in the state. "I enjoyed going to the large tournaments
because it gave us an opportunity to
play great teams and improve our
skills," sa id Roszkowiak.
Tiger Woods
Senior ( ory Metallo des( ribes what lw
tarriPs in hi-. golt bag for evPry m('('t
• clubg
• f(~eg
• water
• towel
• golf baJlg
• !!harpie
• granola bar
• golf glove
Ph il M i kelson
' ' Softball is a sport that I love to play. The
whole game is fun no matter where you
are, on the fie ld or batting. It's a great team
sport where everybody works together., '
r Martd'tt Sfttlemefz
Lauren Boresch is about to throw the softball to home plate in hopes of making it in
time to force an opposing player out. 2. IS
IT MY TURN ? Senior Jessie Werbie warms -.,~_..__.....
up before her turn at bat. Jessie has been a
member of the softball team for four years.
"My worst sports injury was
that when I stretched to get
a ball and a girl ran into my
head with her body."
Brtdjtv Ntl d'tJ!e
"My worst sports injury was
that I over used my knee, so
I had to get knee surgery."
JtMttJr NtotJ!e FtJffave
"My worst sports injury
was that I was hit in the
head with a softball and
got a concuss ion."
What's your
favorite softbal I position?
My favorite position is third
My favorite position is short
My favorite position is 3rd
My favo rite position is
center fie ld.
My favo ri te position is
are a girl's best friend
f you get hit by a ball, sooner or later
a bruise will show up. If you slide, expect it to hurt. These girls do not play
around when it comes to softball.
When they are not playing as the
Trojans, they play on various club teams
during the off season.
As a team, they always try to improve
their skill s, learn the best ways to uti lize
their strengths and get themselves ready
for Lh ir upcoming gam s. Sophomore
Alyssa Daoust said, "Before the game I
eat something healthy and pump myself
up with upbeat music. That way I can get
my energy up and be game ready." The
team as a whole craves to get better and
better and demonstrate the passion and
dedication they have for softball. The Trojans are split into two teams: JV and varsity. To make the varsity team you must
have more experience and skill in the
sport. Both teams show dedication to the
Learn, as we ll as the sport itself.
Off the field, the girls get along well.
Without their friendship and the bond
they hold off the field, they would not
work together nearly as well as they do
now. Softball is all about teamwork. It is
not about the number on your back, but
who you are representing on the front. Junior Nicole Fugate said, "They're like my
second family. I love these girls to death.
I can always count on them to keep me
up and keep me motivated." The way the
team plays together explains their success
in the past, and conveys how well they will
continue to do in the future.
1. THERE' S NO PLACE LIKE HOME . The girl gather around to hear a speech from the Wounded Warriors. 2. Q UEENS OF THE DIAMO OS. As Courtney Reeves and Emily Chamberlain
wait for their names to be called for the next line-up, they strategize for their upcoming game. 3.
YOUR MOM CALLED ... YO U LEFT YOUR GAME AT HOME. The girls dominated in this game
and made their coaches extremely proud of the team they had this year. 4. UNLEASH YO UR
INNER BEAST. Junior Lindsey Brothers attempts to catch tag the oppo ing player out before they
reach the base. 5. SHE ' S A MACHINE! Pitcher Sadie Schmidt puts all her energy into her throw,
concentrating on throwing a strike. 6. GOT CHEESE?!. Sophomore catcher Courtney Reeves
is always ready to play her part as an important member of the team. She said, " It's like you're a
mouse trap ready to snap at any moment. "
oing, going, gone! Baseball
season came and went in a
blur. The twenty-eight game
season began on a high note,
with shut outs and wins for
Tremper. Even on the annual trip to Orlando, Florida, the basebal l team went
undefeated. This season brought with it
more than just victories for the players, "It
brought a chance for us to bond and work
together as a team," said junior Kyle Kutzler, who has been a part of the baseball
program for three years now.
Each game is a whole new experience
and a new chance to show what the team
can a complish together. Senior Aaron
Buban believes that, "Baseball is a game
that is 90% mental and 10% physical. Only
the strong will succeed." It was this mentality that helped the baseball team to finish with a conference record of seven and
five, and second overa ll in the conference.
For the students, this sport is more than
just a gam . It requ ir s intensity, endurance, ded ication, and p rhaps above all,
teamwork. The stud nts who are a part of
1. RIGHT TO THE GLOVE. After communicating to the pitcher, senior ~f,'1\;":~1Jlrn'~~~::"']
Anthony Olsen; catcher, senior Aaron Buban, waits for the first pitch
to be thrown. While anticipating the pitch, Aaron thinks to himself,
" I'm in control of the game. Nothing can g t past me, no excuses." 2.
SCOPING O UT THE COMPETITION. Coach Musha watches as players from Horlick warm up on the field. "Seeing how the other players
practice can help our team strategize our plays during the game," said
Musha. 3. SNEAKI G A STEAL To gain control of the game, a player
waits for his chance to steal second base. "Not knowing what the pitcher and other players from the opposite team are thinking makes it hard
and nerve-racking. No one wants to get the out," said junior Jimmy
Gerdes. 4. PITCHERS ARE BORN, NOT MADE. Senior Logan Hartnell
has perfected hi form, which he demonstrates during a game. 5. TOO
CLOSE FOR COMFORT. Senior Aaron Buban makes it to fir t base by
a hair, the umpire calling him "Safe!" Cloe calls happen throughout
almost every inning. Not knowing if you are going to reach the base
before the baseman tags you out is one of the biggest fears hitters have.
6 ANXIOUSLY EYING THE FIELD. Some members of the team watch
their teammates on the field from the dug-out.
What is going
through your
mind when
you slide?
the program exemplify these qualities and
more. They worked together flawlessly
throughout the year and developed a close
bond that made them like family.
It has been sa id that what you put in,
you wi ll get out, and for the baseba ll t am
it was no different. "Our team brought a
lot of energy and enthusiasm with it," said
Coach Matera. And this enthusiasm cou ld
be seen at every practice and every game,
as a resu lt th is season was a success.
Scotty Stoebig follows through with
his swing during a
game against Racine Horlick. 2. A
HURTS. A player
fir t base after trying to steal second.
I really don't want to do this.
Don't get tagged by the
Get to the base, get to the base.
Mom better get a picture.
Slide orrectly and don't
miss the base.
Don't make the last out.
ndefeated, once again.
Wh ile most teams lose their
power over the years, this
team is the opposite. Every year th team comes
out with an amazing depth of skill. Even
though they lost some important seniors
last y ar, one who was a state hampion,
they came out this year as strong as always.
Some important aspects of keeping this
team up to the usual standards are bonding, practice and support. While traveling
all over the state, the team spends time to-
gether and becomes like a group of brothers. Most weekends they travel to places
like Madison and Neenah. Because these
cities are far away they spend those tournaments overnight in hotels. One fun way
they bond together is to play pranks and
their teammates. Their favorite prank is to
put al l the furniture in the hotel rooms on
one of their teammate' bed . When asked
why they like to do this so much, sen ior
Jake Humphreys said, "it is really funny
watching them try to put all the chairs and
desks back, especially when they are rea lly
tired and want to go to bed."
Even though they like to play pranks on
each other off the court, they make sure
to support one another on the court. Junior Eric Cizsewski said, "Even when I am
in th middle of my match, I always make
sure to watch everyone el e's scores and
cheer them on when they need it."
Pra ti ing every clay, ch ering each
other on, and keep ing a close bond, it is
no surprise they manage to stay successful.
1. HE'S GOT THE POWER. While warming up against his opponents,
junior Eric Ciszewski shows off his powerful one-handed backhand.
2. DOUBLE TROUBLE. Junior Patrick Georno, while playing doubles,
uses his partner to his advantage and tries to fool his opponent by playing a position where he kneels in the front instead of standing off to the
side. This position is called the "I" formation because they are positioned in an "I" shape. 3. TOP OF THE LEADER BOARD. Junior John
Carswell hits a forehand winner against his opponent from Muskego.
Carswell has made it to the state tournament with impressive results
since he was a freshman and continues to show he is one of the top
competitors in Wisconsin. 4. PATIE CE IS A VIRTUE. Junior Grant Gagliardi waits patiently for his opponent to serve so he can smash the ball
back to win the point. When asked if he had any special rituals while
on the court he said, " I bounce the ball a couple times before I serve."
5. DOWN THE MIDDLE SOLVES THE RIDDLE. Showing off his perfect backhand volleying form, junior Eric Ciszewski aims the bal l down
the middle of his opponents. This is the most effective shot to use
in doubles. 6. ICH LIEBE TENNIS. New to the tennis team this year,
junior Fabian Casas, a foreign exchange student from Germany, shows
he can hang with the top players of the team playing three doubles.
your team in
two words or
Freakin' awesome!
Hard Work ing.
State Bound.
Shallow & Pedantic.
HtJW tltJ !ftlll Otlm!JtHe
f tJ a 11rtJfe4'4'ttJ11al?
Miller goes for a passing
down the line shot. 2
PRACTI CE. Sophomore
Noah Bloedorn warms
up at the beginning of
his match against Muskego. When asked how
he prepares for a match
Bloedorn said, "I focus
on my match coming
up and make sure to
get a good warm-up
in." 3. LAYING IT All
Senior Mark Boudreau
steps up his game this
year to make it to the
varsity reserve team.
His many hours of practice and hard work in
5=::1~;.iil!:=.,_ __::~~~~::..I the off season paid off.
John Carswell.
Good Group.
Delicate &. Fragile.
State Champs.
Fun &. Immature.
Good Group.
n the idelines during the
game and in the cent r during half-time, is wh re anyone can find true spirit at
any sporting event. Getting
the crowd hyped up isn't a job for just anybody; it's the responsibility of a cheerleader.
They must have perfect timing and pre ision
in order to execute their areful ly rafted
routine . Like any oth r sport, hours of practice are behind every h er.
"I've been cheerleading for the majority of
my life. I love performing routines and getting
the crowds involved in games," said junior
Holly Bernhardt. When asked their favorite thing about cheering, most cheerleader
said p rforming and seeing the reaction of
the crowd. Even first time cheerleader, enior Pamella Garutti, found cheerleading
to be a rewarding activity, " Being a foreign
exchang student, it's a whole new experience, and it's awesome."
Not on ly do they attend basketball and
footba ll games, perform at spirit a sembli s,
and compete, but they also get involved
with the commun ity by holding an annual
kids' camp. Young girls aspiring to become
cheerl aders get to be mentored by the real
deal, "We teach kids a dance and some
cheers. It's really cute seeing the kids have a
blast and it's fun dan ing with all the girls,"
said sophomore Sammi Kammer.
Th se dedi ated leaders of cheer are the
heart and soul of school spirit. Cheerleader
do un imaginable, gravity defying stunts, all
whi le keep ing a smi le on their fa es, making
it look easy, and leaving spectators in awe.
What makes
cheerlead ing a
You have to have a lot of
energy and strength.
It's competitive and involves a lot
of work and practice.
It's not, unless it's
com petition.
"Be ing thrown in the air,
It's li ke you're floating!"
Frunma1e Zanmere Ha1tde1e
"The best part is
getting to perfo rm
our routines in front of
the w hole schoo l. "
JtMttrr K/lM Grt!ftfn
"The best part is perfo rmin
the half-time routine."
Fr!fnman Sara11-1ean Ctr11-t1ee
1. CH EER-ABILITY. The cheerleaders get ready to bring out the
football team for their annual Go Pink game. They go all out to
support not only the team but the worthy cause. 2. EAT. SLEEP.
EER. During half time routines, the whole team must be perfe tly synched. "My favorite thing about cheering is the halftime
r=:~=-:-iiiimmmiiiii;-••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• CH
routin es, you get to go out there and show the crowd your best, "
said freshman Kaitlyn Kluver. 3. CH EERI G LO U D FOR ALL TO
HEAR. Senior Carolin Be ker and the squad perform their halftime routine during a basketball game. Countless hours are spent
practicing just for their half-time routine. 4. SPELL FIRED U P. On
the baseline during basketball games, cheerleaders spend their
time getting the crowd pumped up. It requires a team with enormous strength and trust to lift a person up in the air. 5 PICTURE
PERFECT. THS cheer nail their winter pep assembly routine in
front of the whole school. Like any other sport, the support of the
student body is important to these dedicated athletes. 6. SHOW
ME YOUR SPIRIT FINGERS. Freshman Christina Smith cheers her
heart out for all of the routines, from the sidelines to center court.
"My favorite event to cheer at is pep assemblies because it's exciting to perform and cheer on our teams, " said Smith. 7. CHEERI G
WITH THE GIRLS. Cheerleaders teach a dance and cheers to children at their annual kids' camp. Teaching the young girls who look
up to them is one of the most rewarding experiences for the team.
8. LEADING TO VICTORY. Cheerleaders prepare to throw ca ndy
to the people in the streets. Their float was covered in branches
and stuffed animals in the theme of Welcome to the Jungle.
We lift people, jump, and sti ll
have to be loud.
It involves dedication and
We lift people, do gymnastics,
and have to stay fit.
We lift girls and do dangerous stunts.
Blood, sweat, and tears.
t was the most anticipated Friday
night of the year: th homecoming
game. Half-time arrived and the football team ran to the lo ker room. The
dance team huddled together and
shouted their pre-dance cheer, "Tremper
Trojanettes kick butt!" The crowd becam
quiet as the dance team approached center
field. Here, they proved they are definite
crowd plea ers. For many Trojanettes, football games are the best times of the year.
Senior Abby Zenner said, " It's the biggest
rush and the best feeling ever." Not on ly
do the Trojanettes pump up the rowd at
footbal l games, but they also dance for basketball games and spirit assemblies.
The girls are truly dedicated to dance. For
many of the team members, dancing has
been an enormous part of their lives. Senior Danielle Salva has been dancing since
she was five years old, and has been on the
Trojanettes all four years of high school.
Fellow d voted clan er ophomore Sofia
Puterbaugh has been dancing for twelve
years and was inspired be ause "dancing is
just so fun and a great way to express your-
self. Performing is the best". Although the
Learn practices twice a week, most of the
girls practice at home every night.
It takes hard work and talent to coordinate a half-time dance for the team. This
task was taken on by former Trojanette and
coach Emi ly Elmblad, and the team captains seniors Danielle Salva, Abby Zenner,
Kaity Rhey and junior Marissa VanBeekum. The Trojanettes are a true symbol of
Tremper school spirit and they bring a vibe
of ex ilement wher ver they dance.
1 DANCI G QUEEN. The Trojanettes dance their hearts out at
the homecoming skit assembly. This picture features junior Angela Johnson, senior Danielle Salva and junior Amber Andrew.
2 ATTE TIO . During the winter pep a sembly the Trojanettes
line up and introduce themse lves. Senior Daniell Salva said " I
love all the girls on the team and dancing makes me happy'" 3.
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. The Trojanettes line up to dance during
a footba ll game. Football games are often the most anticipated
sporting events. Everyone, including the Trojanettes, goes all out
to support Tremper. 4. EXPRESS YOURSELF Senior Emily Miller shows off her skills at the winter spirt assembly. 5. HOOTIE
WHO? Juniors Brianna Meier and Amber Andrew, and Senior
Danielle Salva show off their skills at a pep assembly. 6. UP, UP,
AND AWAY. Senior Anna Christenburry executes the Trojanettes
signature high kick, it takes a lot of practice to get every dancer to
get their leg that high at the same time in the middle of a dance.
If you had to
choose one
song to dance
to, what would
it be?
"We Found Love" by
"Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5
or " It Girl" by Jason Deru lo.
"Without You" by David Guetta.
"Who's That Chick" by
• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
WORLD? Juniors
Kelli Griffin dance
during the home-
yonce's "Who Run
The World (Girls)".
Trojanettes Taylor
Schultz, Kelli Griffin, Abby Zenner,
Danielle Salva and
dance during half
-time at the highly
anticipated Bradford VS. Tremper
" Hide and Seek" by
Imogen Heap.
"Titanium" by David
"The Creep" by The
Lonely Island.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
"B lue Slide Park" by Mac M iller.
" It Gi rl " by Jason Derulo.
"On the Floor" by
Jennifer Lopez.
156 Clab
a k ing up
a n d
g 0
ing to
class is just part of the high
school experience. Getting
involved with a club can be
one of the most socially rewarding activities to take part
in. With a variety of clubs to join,
there is no excuse not to be in one.
Clubs allow students to take their interests to a whole new level. "I've always
liked doodling and coloring, so I guess it was natural to join art club, " said junior Sam Greathouse.
Meeting new people through clubs is a lifelong benefit.
During meetings and other events, members build friendships. Clubs not only give the opportunity to get to know your
peers, but better the community. " I joined because I wanted
to be able to help others and to become more involved with
organization throughout Kenosha, " said junior Karlie Lowen ,
member of the community service branch of student government. Joining a club looks great on college and job applications as well as giving students the chance
_ _,..._...
to meet new friends and experience
new adventures that will stick with
them throughout their lives.
eta# 157
1. GO GREEN. Environmental club sorts the trash to find recyclables. They
promote green choices throughout the school in order to make the world
a cleaner place. 2. BOOK WORMS. Seniors Lauren Borchardt and Emily
Alfano read their books preparing for the next battle. 3. CRISS-CROSSED.
Junior Karyn Reget sits back and gets ready for the CLU meeting to start. CLU
is a club fo r Christian stud nts to get together. 4 MAMA MIA! Senior Gabby
Chiappetta and other Italian club members enjoy their meeting with some
Italian cfo,hes. Members I arn about the Italian language and culture. , TWO
HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE. Juniors Lauren Sargent and Kelly Leibhan
come up with different id ,1s during their student government meeting. The
spirit events .ommittee is in charge of organizing homecoming and spirit
assemblies. 6. KEEP YOUR BALANCE. Senior Nicole now participates in a
get-to-know-you game in CLU. A different member each week is in charge
of coming up with a game and then a discussion topic. 7. SIGN HERE. Junior ..----Jennifer Tiernan signs up for a bake sale during one of the Travel lub meetings. Bake-sales and raffles are two fund-raisers used to help rais money for
their trips. 8. LISTEN UP. GSA talks about the Tr vor Project and The Trevor
Hero Awards. GSA is committed to educating people and tak ing positive action. 9. GO BANANAS! Junior Kendra Richter speaks during the student
government spirit events meeting about upcoming events.
.....- ---...
In fife Club
organizing and socializing
ere's your club. From
speaking different languages to hitting the slopes
in the winter, there is a
club for everyone's interests and th e opportunity to get more involved. They are a great and xciting way
to expand knowledge in different areas
and meet new people who all have something in co mmon. During club meetings,
activities take place, whether it's getting
down to business with FBLA or getti ng
to know your peers with GSA. "My favorite part about meetings is meeting all
the new people, " said senior Jeff Sharpe,
president of Campus Life United .
Not only do clubs get involved in school
events, like making a float for the homecoming parade or holding bake sales during lunch , but they also do a lot of work
in the community, like vo lunteering and
raising money for charity. "We organize
and run the Blood Drive very spri ng
and we ' re involved with organizations
throughout the city of Kenosha, " said junior Karlie Loewen, member of the community service branch of student government. During club meetings, members
are able to build leadership skil ls and
work as a team to accomplish a goa l.
"We work on lead rship, citizenship, and
life ski lls during 4H meetings," sa id enior
Dana Jaros. Clubs are a great way to get
involved and better the co mmunity while
getting to know other students.
What was the
most exciting
thing that happened during
a meeting?
15-J' CttJM
The Thanksgiving party All the awesome games we
with all the food.
I went off a jump
for the first time.
During a raffle I
won an ipod .
We do a lot of community service with schools
like Roosevelt and Lance,
in addition to raising
money for charities.
Our club is about community service. Key stands
for Kiwanis Educating
Youth. Our biggest service
project is the annual food
Erik Sanson spoke in fro nt
of the stud ent body.
Thomas Edwards was
elected up.
We have fun learning
German, playing games,
eating authentic German
food, and even going on
field trips.
Nothin g eventful ever
Building the
haun ted house
W e tie-dyed stuff.
BRINGING HOME THE BACON. Senior Taylor Tomzack scoop up
some taco meat for the travel club 's walking taco lun h sale. The travel club
saved up to travel to I lawaii and Australia during the summer.
A DIFFERENCE. Key club has a Bon Bon sale during lunt hes. Every year key
club has a food drive where every classroom competes to donate the most
boxes of food.
held a mostaccioli cookout combined with a dessert bake sale. The PTSA is
a club where teachers, parents and students work together to get involved
in chool life.
ICH LIEBE DEUTSCH! Junior Austin Suhr reaches in for a
cupcake during the Germany Exchange club's bake-sale. This club raises
money to be able to take a trip to Germany and also for German exchange
students to ome to Tremper. Ml PIACE L' ITALIA 0 . Junior Sabrina Miceli cuts up some bread for the Italian club's mostaccioli cookout.
CAMERA, ACTION ! ophomore Charlotte Dujardin squirts some ketchup
onto her hot dog for the drama club's burger, brat and hot dog cookout. The
drama club put many performance this year including The Fantaslicks and
To Kill a Mockingbird.
A PIECE OF CAKE. Senior Jakob W il komm slices
bread for the German club's all German food cookout which included brats,
sauerkraut, and root-beer.
WHAT'S COOKING? For the FBLA cookout
senior Emma Patton serves up some nachos to the customers. FBLA sells
food a couple of times every month to save up for their many trips to competitions.
DOING IT FOR THE CAUSE. The FBLA club held a meatball
bomber cookout in order to raise money for the Make-A-Wish foundation.
arely a day goes by where
students don 't get to see the
tables set up outside the cafeteria filled with a variety of
mouth-watering food. While
some clubs go for just a normal bakesale with baked goods like cookies and
brownies, others create a cookout with
both a main course and baked goods.
Throughout the year many different
meals were offered by the clubs. Some
groups, like drama club, went outside and
grilled chicken, hot dogs, brats and burg-
ers and others, like FBLA, sold an uncommon meal, walking tacos. When asked
what her favorite cookout food is, senior
said, " I love anything Italian or gri lled, especially if they also have
desserts to choose from ." The most popular and most common of all the cookout
foods is mostaccioli with the optional side
of meatballs and bread . Many groups
sold mostaccioli this year including Italian
club, PTSA, and FBLA.
Clubs use bake-sales and cookouts to
raise money for various causes. Because
of drama club 's expensive stage equipment, they held multiple bake-sales to
help them continue with their performances. Travel club used bake-sales and
cookouts to help them pay for their summer trip to Hawaii and Australia. While
some clubs used cookouts and bake-sales
to benefit their clubs, others raise money
to donate to organizations. FBLA held
a meatball bomber cookout to donate
money to the Make-A-Wish foundation.
Whatever cause the clubs raise money
for, we all benefit from good eats!
What is your
favorite bake
sa le item?
16.0 Ctflb
Cookies ! :)
Gub V oLunteet-5
A Positioo Attitude
CoLoctuL Sipis fm: Ad\Jet'tising
Exceptional Salespeople
Money Box with Change
Equipment to Cook Food
Table with Pootty Table Goth
~most impocin.ntLy...
f cu o e If
That thing with the
cup and the cake and
Vanilla cupcakes!
I THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS. Travel Club poses on the ferry nde to Ellis
Island in New York City. 2 BUONGIORNO, BELLAS. Seniors Taylor Tomczak,
Elise Dubra\a, Hannah Gourdoux, i-.:ennecly Davenport, "alyn Wilkinson and
Amanda Bloomer po-,e for a picture in Venice, Italy. They are all members of
Travel lub. ) LOOK AT ME. The Band of the Blackwatch Color Guard poses
for a picture during their trip to Canada. While they were there, Blackwatch
visited Niagra Falls and played in the Olympic Stadium in Montreal. 4. MARK
TIME. Senior Molly Kok twirls her flag at a parade in Montreal for the Band of
the Blackwatch. They stayed in Canada for a week. 5 WHEREFORE ART THOU
ROMEO. Tremper Travel lub poses on a historic fort wall ot the city of Verona,
Italy. Verona is also known as the home of Romeo and Juliet. 6 GROUP MEETING. The Travel lub meets up in Assisi, Italy to discuss the day's plans. The
usual clay on the trip started at 6am and ended at 11 pm. 7. AN EVENING IN
ROMA! The entire Travel Club poses for a picture outside of the famous Rome
Colosseum. The group included a total of 52 people, and a lot of parents and
teachers went along with the students. 8. DON'T YA KNOW. Band of the Blackwatch members enjoy their time in Canada, staying at the Hampton. Blackwatch
p rformed at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal and had the chance to visit some
tourist attractions. 9. MOTIVATION. Members of FBLA attend a foll leadership
lab in Milwaukee. Here they are listening to a motivational speaker. After the lab,
a leadership conference fo llowed, along with a sectionals, state, and nationals.
lubs are soaring to new
heights, and traveling to new
places. From Wisconsin Dells
all the way to Italy, Tremper is
going global. Many different
clubs are packing their bag and leaving
Kenosha; clubs such as FBLA, Band of the
Blackwatch and Travel Club. While traveling is amazing, one must be prepared
for the bad times, as well as the good. For
instance, if you are planning to travel to
Italy for twelve days, like Tremper Travel
Club did, it is important to think ahead.
First, think of what to pack, which is no
easy task. The next hardship is trying to
fit it all in a suitcase with room for souvenirs. After that it is time for the trip to
the airport. Once at the airport, be prepared to deal with snotty TSA agents and
slow security lines. Also be prepared to
get searched, patted down or even have
all of your luggage taken out. After all of
these hardships, it is finally time to sit in
the terminal and wait for the flight. Here
there could be possible delays or cancellations. It's easy to be excited when the
plane finally arrives, but remember ther
is sti ll the eight hour plane ride and layover to come. If you survive the multiple
flights, then it is time to co llect luggage.
This i where the problem of lost or stolen
luggage might occur. If you were fortunate
enough to have your luggage waiting for
you, then you can move on and enjoy the
once in a lifetime vacation.
Although the experience to get to the
desired destination may be horrifying, that
does not mean the vacation will be the
same. Traveling is the best way to experience new things as well as meet new people. It is time to experience new cultures
and explore the world. The best thing to
keep in mind when traveling is have an
open mind and be prepared for whatever
life will throw at you.
What is your
162 Ctuat
Somewhere warm I
Eskimo Adventureland!
A vacation to France, England
and Ireland.
To go to Greece and see
all of the ruins.
Australia to ride in a
Kangaroo pouch
TheJte are a few t!f m!f favtJrtfe fhtnf4'
<.1 mock•rn twist on tht> c lch~ic"
St11tt!r K11Nt1ta Pttrft!ll
j IJ!lttrr j ttltt Ert/&ftr11
Pisa: "My favorite p..irt about
Pis,1 was getting my picture
t,iken holding up the tower."
St.1tue of Liberty: I
h I I ~
St11ttYr Ta;Jlt!r Tt!mezal&
>-.. Gondola Rides: ·The whole en
v1ronment with all the c. c hitec•ur •
and I 1li m music wa'> mazing."
St11ttYr CMd-tt Marftlt
1•J•{1J;~ l}t1fq
St11ttYr Na11e1t jatmtd'
Colosseum: Thr
r 1ent'
look and all of the mter~t1ng
information the loCJI guide told £~iitfi~~~
us. Al o, the mt•n 111 gladiator
costume> standing outside."
''Not only was it a great learning experience, but it was an amazing shopping
experience! I love to Travel! Travel Club has
opened numerous opportunities for me to
travel thanks to Mrs. Zajicek. ' '
Senter Kaft Slfa1e1eo-1e
Austra lia, Hawa ii , New Zea land,
and Fiji !
A tour of Europe.
Somewhere in Europe.
Th e island of Tahiti !
Anywhere w ith a warm beach
and fr iends!
Anyvvhere w ith Zach
1 SHAKE IT O UT. Senior arlv Knight dances at the winter pep assembly. Troupe Tremper's main
special events include dancing at halftime at basketball games. 2 DO IT LIKE FORR EST GUMP. Junior
Danielle epanski returns the ball during a game of doubles. One event that the Ping Pong club hosts
is their tournament. Junior Becky Knapp said that the Ping Pong club received a grant from the Education Foundation this year to buy new tables. 3 LI STEN UP! Senior Emily Rutherford leads discussion
at a GSA rn eting. The Gay-Straight Alliance focuses on creating a safe environment for all students,
regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. 4. REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE! Seniors
Dana Jaros and Dakota Kane scan bottles for their recycling project. 5. FAMILY FUN. Sophomore Madalyn Schmaling paints a student's face from Roosevelt Elementary at the Fall Fest. FBLA and Art club
teamed up to play games, sell food, organize music, and have fun with Roo evelt fam ilies. 6. GOT ANY
CDS? Junior Holly Bernhardt purchases an item from junior Julie Erickson at the Drama Club rummage
sale. 7 INTER ATIO AL LOVE! International Club is all smiles on their field trip to Chicago near
hristmas. They have numerous events throughout the year, including meals and the infamous lock-in.
Htff one
, f atlie
a time
ove in this club. Clubs are a fun
way to get invo lved outside of
school. Special events may be
th e highlights of every club 's
year. Some clubs, like ski and
snowboarding club, meet every week
during winter. Oth er groups, like Nati onal
Honor Society, meet only once a month
and its members do communi ty service
on th eir own tim e. Typi cally, th e less popular clubs w ish they had more members
in ord er to increase invo lve ment and hold
larger events. In addition to wanting to
expand their groups, most club members
advocate th e importance of th eir club.
Wh eth er it invo lves practi cing a wa ltz w ith
German club, parti cipatin g in DECA competiti ons, enco uraging positive behavior
w ith SADD, or simply making fri ends, every club provides its members with skills.
Th ere is something fo r everyo ne, and a
major ince ntive of joining a club is to deve lop new interests. Seni or Emily Rutherford joined th e sign language club last
year, not knowing any sign language beforehand. "I improvise if I don 't kn ow a
wo rd , but we help each oth er out. "
Some clubs' events include festivities to
get th em togeth er. Oth ers that hold events
involve co mmunity servi ce, wh en mem-
bers make sure th ey do everything th ey
ca n to make a difference. Th erefore, not
only do cl ubs help positively change th e
lives of th eir members, the members also
reach out to oth ers and serve th e co mmu nity. Th e co mmunity service co mmittee
of Student Governm ent hosts numerous
events each yea r, including "th e annual
Bl ood Drive, Humane Society fundraisers,
Go Pink gam es, th e craft fair, and Holiday
House," said soph omore Sierra Mullis.
Being invo lved with clubs' experi ences
brings memb rs togeth er to share common interests, ce lebrate, co mpete, learn
from each other, and grow.
What is one
activity you
wish your club
could do?
~" C!abf
Do more communi ty service
with Key club.
To visit and play for elementary schools to urge them to
join Jazz Band.
Make a great movie with Poin t of View M ovie cl ub.
B.O.B. State Champ4'
By the Numbers
This year, Tremper's Battle of the Books team consisting of Steven Hohs, Lauren Borcha rdt,
Samantha Pryby, and Emily Alfano won the state competition held in February.
What does it take to prepare for the event?
20 books read
4 members
1 meeting per week
9-4 days spent reading each book
70 schools competing
111 place at the Battle of the Books state competition
As senior Emily Alfano said, "Reading is essential to the growth of our society.
One day, I wish we could get the whole school involved in a Read-A-Thon!"
' ' The German exchange program has made a
huge impact on my high school experience. ' '
St11Hrr J al&o-o Wt!!l&tf11M1
Go snowboarding more than
once a week with ski/snowboarding club.
Organize more group service
and get meeting dates out
more ffectively with NHS.
Have more people in
Campus Life United.
Go to New Orleans to help build
a school' library with Student
Government-Community ervice.
Go to Jamaica with Travel
Have more lock-ins for
Drama club.
S/tOtat EYMvd'
Battle tfi the Bt!f!M
(fr ont) Dana
Jaros, Lauren
Borchardt, Sam
Pryby, Angel
Ortiz (back)
Ms. Danielson,
Steven Hohs,
Ms. Kessler.
Christina Perez, Megan Mutchler, Nicole
Johnson, Melissa Mutchler.
(fro n t) Megan Kruse, Samantha Marianyi, Liv Gripko, Emily Pena, icole Naudi, Madison Conine (2nd r ow) Sam
Greathouse, Lexi Kloiber, Miriam Schulze, John Gerlach,
Morgan ixon, Caroline Titel, Kaly Ramirez (back) Torn
ordquist, Ken Davidson, Tim Zeszutek, Isaac Krone, Tylor
Brandt, Joey Metallo.
1. Senior Tyler
Range uses a drill
to put shelves
together. 2. enior
Kyle Andras hko
lake measurements as Tyler
Range drills.
1. Art Club
Members paint
pottery at
Alpaca Pottery
Art Studio in
Kenosha. 2. Art
club members
during a rn ting
at Trernper.
(fro n t) Josh Taylor, Steve Etzelrnueller, Brett B rnharclt (2nd
r o w) Nie Kuhnley, AJ Wathen, Kyle Andra chko, Charles
Earnst (3rd row) Brock Mogensen, Nick Moro, Brad Neu.
(front) Nicole Naudi, Liv Gripko, Samantha Marianyi (2nd
row) Kaly Ramirez, Miriam Schulze, Sam Greathous , Morgan Nixon (back) Ben Carlson, Isaac Krone, Tim Zeszutek,
Tylor Brandt, John Gerlach.
(front) Justine Collins, Kassandra Cruz (2nd row)
Selena Wasurick, Kyle Molette, W ill iam Hassel,
Mr. Akhavein (back) Dakota Kane, Za hery Parker, Patrick Friedrick.
Students Kyle Mol tte
and Dana Jaros sort cans
and bottles as Dakota
Kane scans bar odes to
co llect points that transfer
into profits for the club.
Participants of the Visual
Arts Classic work together
on a banner during a
corn petition.
(front) Erica Molinaro, Melissa Miller, Shane McColgan (2nd row) Maxie Parrish, Rachel Nelson, Emily
Rutherford, Jarerney Maxwell, hristian Perez (back)
Robin Zuichey, Lauren Boatwright.
Seniors Emily Ruthe rford and
Robin Zuichey talk with other
members about the importance
of G A. Emily said, "she enjoys
being a part of a club that
stands against discrimination."
What was the
funniest thing
that happened
at a club
. e. inj
Nothing funny happens in
construction club. We do work.
We all pretended that the
re was a lime when everyone
floor was lava and everylook a turn saying a word and we
one was involved.
made a really long random sentence.
front) Mary Workman, Emily Renner, Victoria Farnam, Sara Brandt, Robin
Feltman, Stephanie Drake, Rebecca Borchardt (2nd row) Marissa Skow, Vanessa Soward, Zoe Ga lvin, Ashley Kenney, Whitney Vasquez, Kimberlee Ruiz,
Mary Sturino, Anastasia Johnson, Rachel Stoebe (3rd row) Emily Leonard,
Nancy Jaimes, Kendra Ri chter, Meagan Bloxdorf, H,rnnah Pfluegl, Hannah
Boundy, Sheridan Walker, Gabby Gu lbranson, Charley Becker (4th row)
John Sturino, Luke Walaszek, Rachel M iller, Kyle Flood, Ryan Westermeyer,
Josh Potthast, Lauren Konchan, Julie Erickson (back) Kendall Ruchti, Jacob
Beckman, J.T. Schelling, Brad Neu, Jeremy Osborn, Caleb Young, Ryley Powell, Savannah Erdman, Leah Orr.
(front) Karen Woodward, Sara Brandt, Emily Renner, Victoria Farnam, Mary Workman,
Tamaira Kuhn ley, Megan Kruse (2nd row) Nina Zand, Mary Sturino, Alissa Racewicz, Zoe
Galvin, Marissa Skow, Jill Daavettila, Anastasia Johnson, Robin Feltman, Taylor Halvorsen
(3rd row) Marta Notarianni, Holly Bernhardt, Kimberlee Ruiz, Sam Greathouse, Whitney
Vasquez, Caroline Titel, Ashley Kenney, Vanessa Soward (4th row) Katharine Kollman, Emily Leonard, Nancy Jaimes, Lindsay Schaefer, Kendra Ri hter, Hannah Boundy, Sheridan
Walker, Gabby Gulbranson, Charley Becker (5th row) Julie Erickson, Matt Mulroy, Josh
Potthast, Michael Casey, Kyle Flood, Vito evarez, Hannah Pfluegl, Megan Bloxdorf (back)
Leah Orr, Savannah Erdman, Jacob Beckman, Brad eu, Jeremy Osborn, Caleb Young, All ssa Harold, Kendall Ruchti, R an Westerme er.
1. International Club members enjoy a Thanksgiving meal together.
2. Club members participate in
homecoming festivities together.
They worked together to create a
float to co mpete in the parade.
(front) Sara Brandt, Marissa Skow, Robin Feltman, Mary Workman
(2nd r ow) Kendra Ri chter, Nan y Jaimes, Julie Eri kson, Amelia Berm is, Emil y Leonard (3rd r o w) Kyle Flood, Leah Orr, Ryan W estermeyer, Josh Potthast (back) Savannah Erdm an, Brad Neu, Jeremy
Osborn, Alyssa Harold, Kendall Ru chti.
(fron t) Lexi Doer· h, Sofia Puterbaugh, Jake Oster, Korrin
Metz, Kelsey mith, Alex Vanbeekum, Jill Daavettila (2n
r ow) Caroline Titel, Abby DeThorne, Tin esha Wise, Anja
Willkomm, Amy Baltes, Sahra Ermoran (back) Spencer
Erdman, Eric Miesbauer, Jakob Willkomm, James Takala,
Tom my Cornell.
St n Cltti
(fron t) Dana Jaros,
Tabitha Ziehr (back)
Mr. Wolbers, Billy
Hassell, Reighn PostMc ab, Daniel Carlson,
Ms. Spann.
(fr on t) Miguel
Torres, Andrew
M cNair, Emily
Rutherford , Madi
onine (back)
Charelle Brown,
Mr. Clark, Nico le
For the homecoming
parade we had a silly
string fight.
Someone thought China
was a continent.
1 don't know. I haven't gone to any
meetings to know anything.
We were on the coach bus going up to Mt. Vesuvius and we
almost hit another bus!
Our bowling team wore suspenders and bowties to a professional
1 Mrs. Chase hands senior
Sara Untershine a certificate
of authorization and her
french honor cord that she
will be wear during graduation. 2. Fifte n students
ranging from seniors to
sophomores were indu ted
to the Fren h Honor So iety.
(front) Becky Knapp, Alyssa Wozniak, Emma Dawson, Kaya Tallas,
Elaine Aedo (2nd row) Megan Muchler, Hannah Walsh, Jamey
Burns, Katrina Polso, Jake Oster (3rd row) Sara Untershine, Tara
Larson, Kimmy Stidd, Kelly Barnd, Morgan Halstead, Kristen Harpster (back) Elise Dubrava, Zach Naumowicz, Thomas Edward-,
Savannah Erdman, Matt Mulroy.
Clt#dtto VearootJlt
(front) Eileen Friery,
Jenna Humphreys,
Molly Kok (picture
aclclecl later, obv1ou>ly1,
Bryancis Perdomo,
Samantha Pryby,
Mrs. Kutchery (2nd
row) Tara Larson,
Allie Smith, Anna
Concannon, Emma
1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patton(backrow)
Sara Greene, Hannah
Courdoux, Brooklyn
(fr ont) Emma Dawson, Jake Oster, Hannah Walsh, Sara Untersh ine, Megan Muchler (back) Kristen Harp ter, Kaitlyn Breunsbach, D ouglas DuBois, Kaya Tallas.
(front) Ashley Bar uli, Amanda Bloomer, Jamie Emery, Alexis Burkholder, Courtney Green, Lilly
Torres, Sophia Reid (2nd row) Danielle Sepanski, Holly Jeranek, Danielle Strelecki, Ashley Calligan,
Stephanie Fraid, Shi lpa yriac, Michaela Foss, Maggie Kappl ehoff (3rd r o w) Taylor Beer, Alyssa
Alfano, Bridget Nelson, Taylor Moreland, Marissa Lu cke, Emma Patton, Jonanthan Back, Ashley Kaiser, Christopher Kammer (4th r o w) Karli Larsen, Alexis Kloiber, Abby Bleil, Zachary Raetzman , Erik
Sanson, Katlynn Kumork iewicz, Sara Murray, Zahra Ermoian (back) William Mendoza, Sam Wesley,
Lindsey Allen, Kevin Landgraf, Camron Johnson, Markus Riemer, Joey Metallo, M itch Hartnell, Connor Robinson.
(front) Rebecca Borchardt,
Carolin Becker, Tommy
Zoernes, Jamie Emery (2nd
row) Christopher Kammer,
Jaco b Vagnoni , Kody Corman, Hannah Knutson, Maya
Muerhoff (3rd row) Carson
Mahant, Kayla Asleson, Sara
Murray, Ben Borchardt (back)
Matthew Nielsen, Thomas Edwards, Nate Newberry, Mason
(front) Nashonda
W ill iam , Christina Erlandson, Madison onine (2nd row) John
Spiney, Ian Sh ipley,
Steven Becham, Blake
Delfs (3rd row) Spencer Whitaker, David
What was the
best group
Working the bakesal sand cookouts was a great way to bond .
W hen we cooked French u1s1ne
at Bradford and invited the public
to ome.
Spend ing time w ith the
old fo lks in the nu rsing
(front) Cassandra Martin , Mackenzie Gwozdz, Jennifer Tiernan, Alexis Burkholder, Megan
Sentieri, Zoe Galvin (2nd row) Rachel Nelson, Ali Loberger, Autumn Payton, Alexis Chapa,
Maya Muerhoff, Jamie Emery (3rd row) Pamela Venegas, Christina Dalton, Jill Daavettila,
Caitlin Semrad, Samantha Marolt, Maggie Kapplehoff (4th row) Taylor Tomczak, Kalyn
Wilkinson, Kennedy Davenport, Matthew Sem rad, Tiffani Bruce, Katie Wasurick, Caroline
Titel, Emma Tower (back) Joe Ashley, Elise Dubrava, Sidney Snyder, Ryley Powell, Hannah
Gourdoux, arson Mahant, Alexis Kloiber.
(front) Hope Landre, Danielle Sepanski, Marta Nortarianni, Zoe Galvin, Megan
Kruse, Brooke Landre, Becky Knapp (2nd row) Trenton Roszkawiak, Shelby
Fellows, Suzanne Crass, Katrina Palso, Caroline Titel, Ashley Kenney, Jill Daavetti la (3rd row) Aynsley Hensgen, Lauren Sargent, Tess Steplyk, Miranda Maritato, Lindsay Schaefer, Aly a Marek (back) Sydney Riggs, Cody Blaser, Kimmy
Stidd, Zach Naumowicz, Conrad Herman, Kelsi Rakow, Patrick Kenney.
Ifaltan C!
(front) Sofia Puterbaugh, Ell en Henry, hris Kammer, Tina Rende, Sabrina
Cairo, Anasta ia Sauceda (2nd row) Marta Notarianni, Gabrielle Chiappetta,
Bianca Ricker, Alyssa Kl ausegger, M elissa Sturycz (back) Sabrina Mi eli, Matthew Miceli, onnor Robinson, Talia Engstrom, Maddy Gallo, Krystal Sennholz.
(front) Carly Knight,
ToNaya Gulley,
Abby D eThorne,
Dominique Cortes,
Ashley Beecher (2nd
row) Brittany W edge,
Jakyra Moore, Nan y
Jaimes, Anna hri stenbury (3rd row)
Dian a Espinosa.
Nick Rodriguez [and me]
winning a state title.
(front) Madison Conine, Savannah Conine, Erica Molinaro, Hayley Konitzer, Harvest
Tindall, Shelbi Tryban, Matt Alexander, Courtney Green (2nd row) Jared Nelson ,
Rocky Kramer, James Takala, Eric Miesbauer, Karl Koesser, Alec Kruse, Kelsi Rakow
(3rd row) Ange la Stoebe, Abel Perez, Matt Knull , Kendrick Matthews, Alyssa Daoust,
Jake Keene, Christian Perez, Jared Whitefoot (4th row) Jonathan Back, Anja Willkomm,
Nicole Highland, Jordan Smith, Alex VanBeekum, Breanna Stephen .
(front) Lauren Borchardt,
Jamie Elsen, Aynsley
Hensgen, Elliott Thomas,
Kate Beckman, Nathasha
Eiroa (2nd row) Leah Perri,
Krystal S nnholz, Landon
Boyle, Anna Gleason, Gabrielle hiappetta, Megan
Humphreys, Crystal Garcia
(back) Kyle Flood, Benjamin
Peterson, Andrew Fricke,
Christopher Chae, Blake
Apgar, Morgan Skarda.
Ct11J P!Jt!Ft!d- 169
(front) Jenna
Jonathan Back,
Alex Sargent,
(2nd row) Anna
Tara Larson,
(3rd row) Sara
Mahoney, Holly
(front) Danielle Sepanski, Jordan Hubaishy, Zahra
Errnoian, Savannah Erdman, Becky Knapp (2nd row)
Markus Riemer, Kurtis Riemer, Carmon Johnson,
Mitch Hartnell (back) Torn Webster.
EXECUTIVE BOARD: (front) Lauren Borchardt,
Elliott Thomas, Marisa Lucke, Alex Sargent, Rachel Stoebe (2nd row) Parge DeThorne, Kendra Richter, Aarnir Kadri, Shannon Parmentier
(back) Danielle Wilson, Erik Sanson, Andrew
M Nair, Kaitlyn Breunsbach, Brianna Riley.
Vttleu Prutlaoftun Team
(front) Sovereign Tindall, Harvest Tindall, Jazmin
Flores (2nd row) Lendai Simpson, Hans Freisheirn,
Zach Lawell.
LIAISON: (front) Megan Kruse, Talia Rhutasel, Becky
Knapp (2nd row) Jill Daavettila, Ashley Kenney,
Marta Notarianni, Zoe Galvin (back) Kaitlyn Kluver,
Jordan Snider, Hannah Boundy, Aarnir Kadri, Barbara
S hrnidbauer.
(front) Ashley Barsuli, Je sie Mckay, Michael Bisciglia, Stephanie Kuruvilla, Karlie
Loewen, Rebecca Borchardt, Elliott Thomas (2nd row) Lauren Griffin, Angela Johnson, Danielle Strele ki,
Dana Johnson, Samantha Barsuli, Christina Dalton, Shannon Parmentier, Aleena Villani, Laura Gosse (3rd
row) Abby De Thorne, Sierra Mullis, Bennett Majerowski, Patrick Kenney, Manas Mishra, Emily Diggins, Fallon
Schultz, Sara Mahoney, Ashley Zenner (4th row) Kell i Griffin, Paige Schultz, Lauren Konchan, Sarah Jansen,
Jamie Elsen, Liv Gripko, Connor Robinson, Brian Newberry, Holly Mahoney (back) Annmarie Riva, Adam
Landgraf, Elis Valeri, Sarah Konchan, Steven Hohs, Brad Woller.
FTC: (front) Ellen Henry, Jake Wikstrom, Megan Johnson, Indigo Le lie, Morgan Hal tead, Korrin Metz, Kale
Beckman, Rachel Kostrzewa, Emily Miller (2nd row) Andrea Ralph, Miranda Maritato, Krystal Sennholz,
Sabrina Miceli, Toneo Gu lley, Gabrielle Chiappetta, Abby Zenner, Kaity Rhey, amantha Byrne(3rd row)
Eileen Friery, Tina Rende, Katherine Zielsdorf, Bridget Carney, Brianna Riley, Tara Larson, Erik Sanson,
Lauren Boresch (back) Kimmy Stidd, Elise Dubrava, Nick Verheyen, David Corrigall, Collin Klimisch, Zach
Naurnowicz, Kati Martensen, Matthew Miceli, Marissa VanBeekurn.
If you cou ld
give someone
advice on joining a club, what
would it be?
Join a club that has you r
inter sts.
Put forth your best effort wh ile in
the club and ju l have fun!
Stick with it! Th e more clubs you
Join student government
join, the more diverse you r co l- because it gives you a chance
I ge application wi ll look!
to help the commu nity!
It is a good way to get
involved in school and
meet n~w people.
Konitzer, Mary Workman, Olivia Trainor (2nd row) Alex Sargent, Jenna Hubaishy, Holly
Bernhart, Dominique Stangas, Hannah Knutson, Anna Zhang, Rachel Stoebe (3rd row)
Ali Kresse, Lexi Doersch, Taylor Roach, Charley Beck r, Margaret Huck, Jordan Hubaishy (back) Emily Leonard, Kell y Roach, Andy Matoska, Mitch Hartnell, Derek Jon s,
Chris Pham, Melissa Csikortas.
SPIRIT EVENTS: (front) Sabrina Carro, Justine Aiello, Caroline Titcl, Alexis
Chapa, Sofia Puterbaugh, Kelly Leibhan (2nd row) Raquel Torres, Landon
Boyle, Kendra Richter, Bonnie Dietrich, Sydney Paulsen (back) Sam Skalbeck, Nick Cina, Max Carson, Bryce Frost, Kyle Huss, Michael Wamboldt.
GOVERNMENT OPPERATIONS : (fr ont) Taylor Beer, Alyssa Classen, Kimberlee Ruiz,
Kelsiee Arreguin (2nd r ow) Hannah Egle, Abby Bleil, Nadya Pfaffle, Rachael Murray,
Paige De Thorne (back) Kaitlyn Breunsbach, Andrew McNair, Sam Robinson, Justin Udry,
Andy Breunsbach, Zach Raetzman.
(front) Jesse Reird, Richard Johnson, Daniel Kreuscher, Isaac Krone, Austin Suhr,
Carmon Johnson, Eri Ciszewski, Maxwell Carson (2nd row) Alex Dixon, Matt
Dolnik, M i hael Wamboldt, Amanda Uttech, Meghan Lux, Marisa Steinmetz, Tesa Weber, Hannah Egle, Sabrina Miceli (3rd row) Talia Engstrom. Stephanie Kuruvilla, Holly Bernhardt, Ben Ault, Tye krownski, Tess Steplyk, Aynsley Hensgen,
Jamie Elsen, Maddy Lewis, Liv Gripko, Kate Beckman (back) Katharine Kollman,
Kimmy Stidd, Thomas Athey, Za h Naumowicz, Aaron chrueder, JT Shelling, Indigo Leslie, Annie Smith, Bridget Nelson, Allie Smith.
Join a cub that is right for
you and get your friends
Join a club that intere ts
you rather than it looks
good on your resume.
(fron t) Jordon Dejno, Bryan Graham, Miriam Schulze, ophia Van Guyse,
Becky Knapp, Kaya Tolla , Alysa Doust, Melisa Strutz (2nd r ow) Alexa Zakutansky, Melissa Mutchler, Kati Martensen, Eileen Friery, Abby De Thorne,
Bianca Ricker, ToNaya Gulley, Kristyn elson, Zach Naumowicz, Savannah Erdman (3rd r o w) Karen Feltman, Kel iee Arreguin, ofia Puterbaugh,
Jackie Mongeau, Juliana Amundson, David Tilch, Alexis Burkholder, Trevor
Boehm, Emily Diggins, Sarah Jansen, Becca Borchardt, Jamie Emery (back)
Emi Orr, Lauren Griffin, Sam Nofsinger, Fallon Schulz, Ben Gunhus, Connor
Norris Alexis Cha )a Paul Rollet Am Baltes.
(fron t) Mason Muerhoff, Kevin Landgraf, Mitch Hartnell, arson Mahant, Ben Carlson,
Joe A hley, Jordan Crawford, David Corrigall (2nd row) Nathan Brande , James Talsala,
Alexis Dorsch, Maya Muerhoff, Sabrina airo, Ellen Henry, Karissa ox, Talerie Johnson,
Anna Cole, Hannah Pfuegle (3rd r ow) Matthew Mulrov, Kelsey Smith, Dayna Shamberg, Nicole Naudi, Sarah McPherson, Emma Dawson, Korrin Metz, Sarah Huang, Karyn
Reget, Dani Ile Wilson, Al xandra Riley (back) Rachael Murray, Ra hel Kostrzewa,
Courtney Green, Rachel Johnson, Cassie Martin, Jake Parmentier, Laura Gosse, Bailev
Slater, Mari a Van Beekum, Brittany Wedge.
I would say do all the extra curricuJoining a club gives you a
Get involved in as much as possible.
Experience and try new clubs that chance to be a part of your high lars you can because it lool..s good
on applications.
school community.
you never thought you would!
VARSITY: (front) Leah Perri, Brooke Hartnell, Rhyen Bartz, JV: (front) Maddie S hmaling, Bridget Nelson, Alex
Meghan Lux (2nd row) Nichole Schultz, Sarah Konchan, Hagren, Brooke Land re (2nd row) Ash ley Zenn r, Ju sharlotte Dujardin, Emily Kmiec, Sam Weber (back) Paje tine Aie llo, Alyssa Nil s, Taylor Roach, Brooke Munroe
Mader, Ali Pulera, Carley Gross, Kristen Kelly, Tessa Weber. (b,1ck) Coach Al lison Johnson, Chelsea Schmidt, Emily
Horejsch, Courtney Reeves, Madison Munroe, Jordan
TremJ!er Vs...
ffFfEfffEf±fl±j ~~ro~~~:; ' ";
and Carley Gross
FRESHMEN: (front) Emalee Koch, Alie Kresse, Emma
Schwalbe, Savannah Con ine (2nd row) Kelsey Dejno, Jenna Kelly, Malia Perez, Kaitlyn Kluver, Abbey
Bir chbach (back) Lindsey Schock, Shauntia BrooksDobbs, Gina Caira, Coach Mary Rutchik.
Awards: Defensive Player of the Year: Leah Perri
Offensive Player of the Year: Carley Gross
All Skills: Tessa Weber Most Improved: Sarah Konchan
Hustle: Sam Web r Spirit Award: Kristen Kelly
Unsung Hero: Nichole Schultz Coach's Award: Leah Perri
(front) Alexis Burkholder, Annie Smith, Allie Smith, Lindsey
Kuhagen, Lilly Torres, Nicci Geiger (2nd row) Jaime Elsen,
Pamella Garutti-Teixeira (exchange student), Alyssa Morris,
Kayla Asleson, Sam Cooper, Katie Verheyen, Jamie Bain
(back) Coach Valeri, Al x Valeri, Elise Valeri, Lau ren Konchan, Taylor Moreland, Coa h Phipps.
Jaime Elsen and
Lauren Konchan
Annie Smith
Most Improved :
Allie Smith
110% Award :
Kayla Asleson
Coach's Award :
Elise Valeri
(front) Bennett Majerowski, Trevor Boehm, Tyler Shircel, Collin DuCh ene (2nd
row) Michael Rodgers, Lloyd Sorrell, Zachary Zagra, Alex Fitch, Robert Chase (3rd
row) Coach Burmeister, Collin Dobnikar, Jordan Little, Josh Wilson, Alex Lopez,
Max Seebeck, Ryley Powell, Zachary Frost (4th row) Simon Moeller, Jacob Par-
mentier, Nate Summers, Zachary Naumowicz, Mark Boudreau, Zachary Purser,
Coach Kosman.
179 18
171 Thomas
Most Valuable: Collin DuChene
Most Improved: Zach Naumowicz and Jacob Parmenti er
Work Honors: Jordan Littl e, Trevor Boehm, Ll oyd Sorrel l and Mark Boudreau
... 1
If you went
pro, what
would your
nickname be?
The W et Seal.
Holly "At least I tri ed"
The big K.
(front) Leanne Pirangle, Maya Muerhoff, Katelyn Cull, Caitlin Semenas, Emily Werve,
Alexis Chapa, Caitlin Semrad, Hannah Egle, Holly Bernhardt, Maddie Boehm, Rachel Stoebe, Elizabeth Casey, Kia Wagner (2nd row) Ashley Calligan, Kayla Duchac,
Jaymi Watson, Kristen Harpster, Ange la Stoebe, Melissa Mutchler, Laura Thomsen,
Emily Diggins, Kalie Hade, Emily Pena (3rd row) Coach Ali Neu, Coach Kosman, Rebec a Borchardt, Sam Watson, Ali Shock, Kelsey Rockow, Maddy Hoover, Leah Orr,
Sydney Snider, Lauren Shelin, Sarah Jansen, Johrie Hicks, Stephanie Drake, Bonni e
Di etrich, Kim Ruiz, Lauren Griffin, Emily Boak-Nyberg (back) Alex is Owens, Katelyn
Zigner, Rachael Murray. Margaret Hoover, Jamey Burns, Lauren Oech ler, Sara Mahoney. Riley Ro o, Hannah Schendzil, Daniel Sebolski, Marie Yenka.
(front) Sam Kok, Chris Jakala, Ethan Schwalbe, Mike Jaros, Robin Swicky, Matt
Short, Ken States, Jarrett Covelli, Dan Slaviero (2nd row) Jake Owen, McKim
Stropes, Zach Hansen, Pierce Boom, Courtland Pederson, Alex Newby, Jaff
Sharpe, Liam Aikens, Anthony McNair, Kyle Nottingham, Nate Nyquist, Gordan
Rhutasel (3rd row) Tyler Rice, Chris Nichols, Andrew Werve, Ed Rivera, Mitchell Maegaard, Kamal Bitar, Brandon Klinkhammer, Mike Schmidt, Chris Kammer
(back) Coach Fennema, Coach Skripski, Max Carson, Dan Ball, Aaron Schroeter,
Matt Dolnik, Steve Siana, Alex Riva, Camron Johnson, Tom Shannon, Tim
Zeszutek, Jeremy Troup, Coach Bradley, Coach Carcia.
Captains: Seniors Dan Ball, Zach Han;en, Mike Jaro.,, Kyle Nottingham, Ethan Schwalbe
Captains: Sen iors Laura Thomsen and Katelyn Zigner, and junior Johrie Hicks
Awards: Most Valuable: Lauren Schellin and Emily Werve
100%: Hannah Skenclziel, Maddy Hoover, Sara Mahoney and Madd ie Boehm
Awards: Most Valuable Runner: Eduardo Rivera Most Improved Runner: Chris Jakala
Outstanding 1' 1 Year Runner: Brandon Klinkhammer
M.irquctte Muskego County Conference
(front) Olivia Schendl, Brittney Feivor, Ad lya Kammer, Aleena Villani, Catrise Robinson, Priscilla Colon, Anna ole (2nd row) Maddie Connell y, Ch ri stina Dalton, Eileen
Fri ery, Maddie Schendl, Lauren Williams, Colleen Carney, Han nah Knutson, Shannon
Parmentier, MaKenzie Jones (3rd row) Amanda Becker, Brianna Conrado, Jamie Emery,
Talia Rhu tasel, Dana Jaros, Katelyn Pena, McKenna Ballard, Krystal Evans (4th row)
Coach Bradley, Coach Skripski, Abby Bleil, Courtney Robinson, Rebekah edd, Lindsey
Allen, Crace Nevin, Anna Schwalbe, Curtcsia Robinson, Coach Fennema, Bill Clark.
Captains: Seniors Priscilla
Colon, Rebekah Nedd, and
Christina Dalton
Awards: Mo t Valuable Runner: Brittney Feivor
Most Improved Runner: McKenna Ballard
Outstanding 1" Year Runner: Aleena Villani
Horlick Menomonee Marquette Muskego County Conference
1 th
(front) Kyle Robinson, Kelly McCormick, Jake Nemero (2nd row) Zahra Ermoian ,
Trevor Arno ld, Sam Kok, Jordan Crawford, Erica Wise, Joe Ashl y, Mitchell Funk,
Sam Boundy, had Battisfore, Stephan Van Pamcl, Bryce Palermo, Melanie
Burke, Taylor Moreland (back) Coach Battellini, Coach Litkey, Steven La cola,
Jacob Dawiec, Anthony Elsen, Kurt Reimer, Mike Green, Chirstopher Fournier,
Alex Buban , John Brunner, Sam LaScola, Coach Moreland, Coach Trinadad.
Tremper Captain:
Awards: Team MVP: Kelly McCormick Offensive
Jake Dawiec Vs ...
MVP: Jacob Dawiec Defensive MVP: Trevor Arnold
Th e Bowmanter.
Tick Tock.
S!Jt!fv P!JtJvtN
J f.9
VARSITY: (front) Jacob Vagnoni, Jonathan Mendez, Jaime
Colin, Rafael Munoz, Tommy Cornell, Alex Kolacek, Jake
Winstrom (2nd row) Miguel Lopez, Mark Munoz, Jordan
Zamudio, Scott Stoebig, Garrett Koch, Grant Gagliard i, Jacob Birch, Robert Chase (back) Coach St. Peter, ick Vecchitto, Brock Mogensen, Ben Gunhus, Joey Zeidan, Jordan
Dejno, Josh Skanron, Pierre Rollet, Coach Tindall.
JV1: (front) Josh Thomsen, Patrick Georno, Raymond
Oseguera, Michal Czesny, Delsin Sanghvi, Mitch Thornton (2nd row) Paul Rollet, Nick Hilderbrand, onrad
herman, Joe Ashley, Kyle Dreger, Tye Skowronski, Ryan
Bailey (back) Coach Baker, Simon Moeller, Fabian
Kleveman, Cody S hwartz, Justin Urdy, Doug Palmer.
JV2: (front) David St. Peter, John Geary, Ryan Swenby,
Daniel Crabb, Tyler Perez (2nd row) Bryan Byer>, Carson
Mahant, Daniel Arteaga, Jonathon Famurewa, Anthony
Zarletti, Jose Montero (back) Sam Boundy, Justin Allen,
Mason Muerhoff, Coach Allison Iglehart, Jared Maraccini,
Tristan Buencamino, Miguel Bedolla.
Seniors Jordan
Zamudio, Josh Skanron, and
junior B n Gunhus
VARSITY: (front) Michael Wamboldt, Adam Salinas, Nick JV: (front) Spen er Whitaker, Caleb Littel, Zach Palmer
Jones, Aaron Bakkila, Sam Skalbeck (2nd row) Adam Land- (2nd row) Jacob Greskoviak, Za h Di kow, Markus
graf, Andrew Fricke, Alec Birz, Jay Trimmer (back) Kurt Riemer, Max Seebeck (back) Kevin Landgraf, David
Riemer, Tyler Range, Isaac Quinn, ollin Klimisch, Coach Theine, Bryce Frost, Chris Hessil, Coach harkey.
Curtis Madson. Vs ...
Captains: Seniors Adam Landgraf
and Kurt Riemer
Gase Muskego
Awards: Co-MVPs: Senior Adam Landgraf
If you could
change the
name of your
sport what
would it be?
and Junior Collin Klimisch
Coaches Award : Senior N ick Jones
Team Award: Mark Munos Coaches Award:
Jake Wikstom Captain's Award: Alex Kolacek MVPOffense: Jaime Colin and Alex Kolacek MVP-Defense:
Scott toebig Trojan Rookie of the Year: Jaime olin
(front) Em il y M iller, Taylor Schultz, Anna Christenbury, Kaity Rh ey, Abby Zenner, Danielle Salva
(2nd row) Amanda Utte h, Kristan Bowman, Bailey
Slater, Alison Boudreau, Angela Johnson (back) Amber Andrew, Lindsay Stowell, Brianna Meier, Kelli
Griffin, Marissa VanBeekum, Marisa Bianan, Sydney
Paulsen, Sofia Puterbaugh.
GIRLS VARSITY TENNIS: (front) Megan Humphreys,
Elliott Thomas, Jenna Humphreys (2nd row) Mara
Bertog, Katie Stoebe, Emily Rabin, Marisa Lucke
(back) Coach Lewis, Garette Gessert, Kate Shannon,
Brianna Riley, Coach Pacetti. Vs ...
GIRLS JV RED TENNIS : (front) Sara Paz, Emma Gagliar- GIRLS JV BLUE TENNIS: (front) Michaela Foss, Nicole
di, Danielle Sepanski, Melanie Ebener (2nd row) Jessica Johnson, Maggie Kapplehoff, Morgan Makar, Angela Bartz,
Werbie, Bianca Ricker, Elizabeth Schiltz, Alison Rasch, Susanna Riccio, Sabrina Yepez (2nd row) Jill Daavettila,
Dominique Stangas (back) Coach Chuck Werve, Emily Barbara Schmidbauer, Ashley Kenney, Brooke Snider, AlexState, Rache l M iller, Lind ay Schaefer, Anna Concannon, is Kloiber, Lauren Schlitz, Caroline Title (3rd row) Becky
Knapp, Hayley Konitzer, Ke lsey McGonegle, Megan Kruse,
Coach Tom Pacetti.
Alyssa Classen, Alex Gibbs (back) Sara Murray, Emma Fryetwasi, Lauren Cox, Assistant Coach hu k Werve, Amanda
Field, Sam Paulsen, Holly Mahoney.
©ak•<!reek Bradford
Captain: Senior Brianna Riley
FALL VARSITY: (front) Carolin Becker, Emil y Brothen, Taylor Halvorsen, Sammi Kammer (2nd row) Mercedes Cotter, 0 tavia adwe ll, Kylie Gri ffith, Abby D eTh orne, Jacki e
Mongeau (back) Mallory W hi te, Tri ia M iller, M ercede
Jackso n, Jordyn Favre, Julie Tred up.
FALL JV:(front) Ashley M addocks, Bianka Mengo, Zahmere Hayden, Christina Smith, Gen isis Za mudi o (2nd
row) M eghan Dellisse, Kay Mathiesen, Megan Schul tz,
Tabitha Morin, Vane sa Soward (back) Ariana Zuraitis,
Kia Hagren, Kristen W right, Jakyra Moore, Angeliq ue Ely,
Chasity Jones.
WINTER:(front) Zahmere, Sammi Kammer, Christina Smi th, Bi anka Mengo, Savanna (2nd row) Emil y
Brothen, M aggie, Kylie Griffith, Tabitha Morris, Jackie
Mongeau, ToNaya Gulley, Megan Dellisse (3rd Row)
Ariana Zuraitis, Mercedes Cotter, H olly Bernhardt, Kia
Hagren, M egan Shul tz, Kimberl ee Ruiz, Abby De Thorn e, Kay M athiesen (back) Pamela, Dazia Ell is, Jakyra
Moore, Kri sten Wright, Tricia Miller, Mallory W hite,
Mercede Jackso n.
(front) Krysta l Evans, Kay Mathiesen, Brooke, Emily M iller (back) Katelyn emenas, Nora Elgohari,
oach Nikki, oach Ken dra, Emma Hughes.
VARSITY: (front) Kayla Gentz, Carly Knight, ToNaya Gulley, Nwoye Green, Parker
Moes, Ashley D Bree, Nicole Sciarra, Janix Vara, Morgan Pascual (2nd row) Soloman
Arrington, Jacob Wilson, Brett Bernhardt, Bryan fuhrer, Toneo Gulley, Logan Peltier,
Derek Wright, Braden Wisniewski, Kalen Mangold, Caleb Gordon (3rd row) Chris
Poppe, Victor Agosto, Nick Rodriguez, David Leiting, Sam Wesley, Brandon Zigner,
Austin Thompson, Andrew Pfantz, Cameron Kreier, Andy Roiniotis, Josh Madison,
Mike Anderson, Robert Salani (4th row) Matt Loef, Trainer Jeff Walter, Coach Nason,
Coach Beernink, Coach Bradford, oach Rizzo, Head Coach Matrise, Coach Hawley,
Coach Dollar, Coach Prahl, Coa h Zalokar, Statistician Tenuta, Coach Brown, Ryan
Cox (5th row) Tony Sciarra, Marcus Ledford, Sam Ferry, Jacob Jepson, Mike Morelli,
Terrance Williams, Mitchell Hilliard, Andrew Bianan, Chris Luttrel, Tyler Uttech,
Kato Nichols (6th row) Kyle Holden, Joe Simmons, Jazz Peavy, Connor Patty, Matt
Petersen, Sean Kjerulf, Greg Warren , Kantrell Boyson, onnor Grachen, Jared Flasch
(back) Travis Smith, Trevaun Anderson, Nate Newberry, Jordan Shulski, Zach Titel,
Patrick Hibbler, Bryan Page, Anthony Herzog-Bruce, Brandon Schuebel, Zack Niles.
Captains: Seniors
Toneo Gulley, David
Leiting, Bryan Fuhrer,
Zach Niles, Connor
JV: (front) arly Knight, Kayla Gentz, ToNaya Gulley, NaNa Green, Nick Sante lli, Parker
Moes, Joe Woods, Trenten Grede, Ashley Debree, Janix Varnell, Nicole Sciarra, Morgan
Pascual (2nd row) Head Coach Colin Zalokar, Lexi Owens, Bradley Shaw, Trenton Roskowiak, Sam Dewry, Moshi Byrd, Alec Kruse, Gavin H icks, Kevin Roepke, Coach Prahl
(3rd row) Caden Wright, Leo Little, James Takala, Kody Sullivan, William Buege, Jacob
Zigner, Donovan Wesley (back) Luis Moreno, Lief Nedweski, Gage Gessert, Kyler Auston,
Alex Busko, Ca ey Brown, Billy Sexton, Nathan Dillow.
Awards: Offensive MVP: Toneo Gulley Defensive
MVP: David Leiting 11 0% Award : Zack Niles Most
Hustle: Austin Thompson Scout Player: Terrance
Williams Coaches Award : Kyle Holden, Nate Newberry, Jared Flasch, Zach Titel, and Andrew Bianan
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL: (front) Kayla Waring, Arianna Mann, Cindy Vandenbranden, Christian Smith (2nd r o w) Matt Alexander, Chris Turnner, Dan Goroski,
Bennett Majerowski, Dakota Prozanski, Eric George, Eric Flores, Julian Cardenas,
Brian Prescott (3rd row) Hebel Espinosa-Byrd, Joey Rund lett, Robert Larson, Coach
Rov ik, Coach Doll ar, Coach Schmitt, Coa h Torres, Zack Irving, Ky le Wates, Jesse
Hayden (4th row) Alex Bucko, Anthony Ra imond i, Andrew Matoska, Matt Wu lf,
Jordan Littel, Chad S kuris, Alex Trentadue, Dan G inosky, Hunter Nikolai, Zach
Fuhrer (5th row) Don Lipper, Jesse Hill, Alfonso Arnold, James Williams, Connor
Pierson, Michael Richter, Zach Wade. Jacob Nel on, harles Cotton (back) Ty'ion
Lewis, Keon Slater, Jacob Barncl, Mike Fi Id, Eugene Shu lski, Joe Echevarria-Gross,
Corey Cro s, Christian Holland, Brian Newberry.
WRESTLING: (fron t) Jose Saldivar, Aaron Freeman, Christian Haggarty, Kamal Bitar, Jared Nichols,
Tanner Larson, Michael Coffman, DeQuane Price (2nd row) Robert Larson, Chad Sekuris, Cavan
Hicks, Tyler Rice, Dominic Carcia, Jon Loffredo, Broe Fu lmer, Troy McCain, Donny Lipper, Andrew Werve (3rd row) Ricardo Carcia, Jacob Nelson, Emilio Aquino, Robby Salani, Bryan Fuhrer,
Alex Carravetta, Luke Williamson, Tyler Lundy, Nick Colon, Matthew Filson (4th row) Damion
Shepherd, Diabolique Sherrod, Corey Cross, Matt Peterson, Trenton Schwartz, Josh Skarda, Doug
Palmer, Jamey Rehm , Connor Pierson (back) oach Dutton, Coach Symoens, Coach Ekstrom,
Coach Ladd, Sabrina Miner, Tara Williamson, Katrina Pierson, tar Hood, Sammi Kimball.
Captains: Tyler Ri e, Jared Awards: Conference Champion : Tyler Rice
Nichols, and Dominic Garcia
and Bryan Fuhrer State Qualifier: Tyler Rice and
Dominic Garcia (placed 4th at tate)
What do you
enjoy most
about playing
school sports?
... long lasting fr iendsh ip with the
people who love th same port ...
Being with my guys.
(front) Manager Nick Sposito
(2nd row) Spencer Erdman, Jacob Zigner, Stephen
Donahoe, Chase Krier, Tim
Harris, Ryan Edisor (back)
Coach Glen Marscalceo,
Coach Brian Treclup, Jordan
Turvaville, Bryce Davis, Aaron
Turner, Jake O'Neal, Coach
Bill Marscalceo.
(fron t) Hanna Baumgarten, Jordyn Kirschbaum, Samantha Watson,
Jamie Bain (back) Emily Wawiorka, Kaitlyn Zigner, Jaymi Watson,
Coa h Kaddtz.
Gtrl4'' Sf!ooer
1. Senior Samantha Watson poses with the trophy she earned
after winning the state tournament. 2. Emily Wawiorka, Jamie
Bain and Kaitlyn Zigner pose together after a tournament.
Outstanding Player : Taylor Dwyer
O ffe nsive MVP: Maggie Edmark
Defensive MVP: Paige DeThorne
M ost Improved : Brooke Munroe
M ost Dedicated: Sara Mahoney and Haley Celebre
Coaches ACE Award : Elise Valeri and Tara Larson
VARSITY: (fron t) Haley Celebre, Paige DeThorne, Sara Mahoney, Taylor Dwyer,
Kelsey Dejno, Jordan Hollingsworth, Amy Wilson (2nd row) oach Michelle George,
Coach Brittany Rizzo, Coach Karen, Manager PJ Hoffman, oa h Todd Hardy, oach
igman, Coach Katie, Coach Alison (3rd row) Becky Knapp, Jessie Mckay, Lizzie
Hawbaker, Patrice Brown, Abby Sirocchi, Kathy Celebre, Maggie Edmark (back)
Brooke Munroe, Madison Munroe, Holly Mahoney, Annmarie Riva, Elise Valeri,
Emma Hughes, Alex Valeri, Tara Larson.
Playing at the home fie ld w ith all
the fans cheering for you.
Elise Valeri
Tara Larson
Haley Celebre
Sara Mahoney
Taylor Dwyer
JV: (front) Karen Woodard, am Perez, Nicolette Brown, Mary Edmark, Melanie Weidner, Alea Rob rts, Alys a Zimmerman (2nd r ow) Emma Oster, Hannah Knutson,
Danielle Strei cki, Katie Verh yen, Amber Garcia, Amy Baltes, Alyssa Alfano, Samantha Mangold (3rd r o w) Ali Kresse, Alexis Kloiber, Maddie Knapp, Kelli Griffin, Gina
Caira, Elle Friery, Maddy Gallo Top row (back) Megan Beard, Jordan Snider, Kendall
Gross, Coach Britt Rizzo, Coach Katy Rosenbrook, Coach Karen Schwoebl, Coach Michelle George, Savannah Erdman, Leann Kotten, Olivia Trainor.
Playing w ith other people Representing your school with
and reating a bond.
your friends.
Spending time with Holly Mahoney
because she LOVES SOCCER!
S!Jt7rf P/Jt7m 17,7
VARSITY: (front)
icole Fugate,
Bridget Nelson, Taylor
Moreland, Kaleigh fohman, Jessie Werbie,
Lindsey Brothers, Sadie
chmidt (back) Coach
Townsend, Coach
Reid, Emily Chamberlain, ourtney Reeve.,,
Marisa Steinmetz, Lauren Boresch, Manager
amantha Johanson,
oach Bradley.
JV: (front) Katrina Novak,
l\aitlyn Kluver, A-.hley
Maddocks, Lincl-.ey Kuhagen (2nd row) Kaleigh
Smith, Ashley Barsuli,
Autumn Payton, Coach
Schenk (back) Amber
Danyus, Alyssa [),ioust,
Sydney Cairo.
---......,...,_-..l_. Vs ...
Captains: Jessie Awards: 110%: Sadie Schmidt M ost Improved : Nicole Fugate
Werbie, Lauren
Boresch, and
Marisa Steinmetz
Spirit Award : Bridget Nelson Offensive MVP: Courtney Reeves
and Lauren Boresch Defensive MVP: Jessie Werbie Coaches
Award : Lauren Boresch 2012 Player of the Year : Jessie Werbie
VARSITY: (fro n t)
Robert Chase, Grant
Gagliardi, Jason
O' cal, Jake Humphreys, Patrick Ceorno
(2nd row) Ken tates,
Mark Boudreau, Matthew Vorwald, Eric iszewski, Jacob Ancona
(back) imon Mu lier,
Chase Junge, Ryan
Miller, Fabian Klevemann, Kurtis Riemer,
Head oach Werve.
JV: (fr o n t) Matthew Sem
rad, Nick Buratti, Zacke
Irving, Daniel Kuruvil la,
Hafizh Widynatoro, Jordan Hubaishy (2nd row)
Sam Boundy, Patrick Ken
ney, Connor Rob inson,
Trenton Roskowiak, Marcus Molback. Jonathan
Famurewa (back) Mitchell Haller, Aaron Bakkila,
Kevin Landgraf, Stephen
Siana, Zach Bacio, Doug
Molback, A sistant Coach
Joe Ceissman.
Awards: MVP: John Carswell
_______...__...__1_....,_____J_____..__1__ •dual meets
(front) Tommy Connell, Cory Metallo,
Matt Bible, Mitch Hartnell, Christian
Enwright, Nick Perri (2nd row) Dan
Kupfer, Kelly Mc ormi k, Christopher Dopuch, Markus Riemer, Ben
Cordon, Taylor Roszkowiak, John
Sturino (3rd row) Jake Frederick, Kyle
Wade, Alex Bu ko, Car on Mahant,
Sam Coel, Michael Bill, Brad Koehlen,
Joey Grochowski (back) Coach
Herbrechtsmeier, Kevin amosy,
Matt Horne, Bryce Frost, Nick Moro,
Barrett Frost, Evan Bennett, Kevin
Semenas, Coach Fennema.
Awards: 1st Team All SEC: Matt Bible, Nick Moro
1st Team All Kenosha County: Matt Bible, Nick Moro
2nd Team All Kenosha County: Dan Kupfer, Cory Metallo
Captain: Senior Matt Bible
l"d Jrd
Mim #1 "wtm1 #l Mim #i Mini #4
Most Improved : Grant Gagliardi
Most Dedicated: Jake Humphreys
Mentally Tough : Eric Ciszewski
Coaches Award : Eric Ciszewski
Mmi#8 ( ounty C11411 • .mm up
Does your
team do a
chant or cheer
before games?
During our at bats we have a
clap that we do.
We are the throwers and we
throw it to the beat of " Im Sexy
and I know It."
1, 2, 3, Tremper!
Open a ca n of whoop
VARSITY: (front) Kyle Jones, Marty Pitts, Kyle Kluver, Alex Bu- JV: (fron t) Noah Jensen, Kyle Stefanski, Ben Borchardt FRESHMEN: (front) Mike Hansen, Mike Sarkees,
ban, Scott Stoebig (2nd row) Nick Rodriguez, Sam Ferry, Jimmy (2nd row) Tanner Larson, Michael Christensen, Wil- Dakota Prozanski, ick Hilderbrand (2nd row) Eric
Gerdes, Aaron Buban, Ryan Kehl, Kyle Huss (3rd row) Garrett lie Buege, Zac Zagra, Andy Finley, Kameron Gorman Paz, Ryan Swenby, Matt Wulff, Zach Fuhrer, Matt
Arnold, Cameron Smith, Zach Wade, Brandon Schuebel, Logan (back) Coach Kazlausky, Josh Wilson, Tom Edwards, Buban (back) Brandon Norton, Hunter Nikolai,
Hartnell, Brian Dickow, Mitch Thomas (back) Manager Cody Bia- Levi Nichols, Jimmy Gerdes, Nathan Dillow, Tom Stan- Alex Trentadue, Mike Tock, Jordan Littel, Coach
Adam Su lko.
ser, Coach Matera, Anthony Olson, Kyle Kutzler, Coach Hoover, cato .
Coach Musha.
TremJ!er Vs ...
Horl ick
14 4
Captains: S niors Logan Hartnell,
Horlick Badger
Brandon S(heubel and Anthony Olson
I (home games)
Awards: Commitment to Excellence: Senior
Marty Pitts Most Improved: Senior Aaron Buban, and juniors Kyle Huss and Alex Buban
(front) Eli Tellez, David St. Peter, Michael Schmidt, Bradley Shaw, Michael Jaros,
Andrew Werve, Brandon Klinkhammer, Zach Davies, Trenten Grede, Chris Kammer (2nd row) Head Coach Bradley, Chris Jakala, Dan Slaviero, Ethan Schwalbe,
Sam Drewry, Gorden Rhutasel, Josh Madison, Ed Rivera, Mike Rodgers, Coach Garcia (3rd row) Coach Walton, Mitchell Maegaard, Kyle ottingham, Jarrett Covelli,
Kyle Dreger, Braden Wisniewski, Andrew Bianan, Zach Hansen, Matt Short, Brad
Woller, Coach Fennema (4th row) Max Carson, Ivan Landmark, Brian Newberry,
Tim Ze zutek, Liam Aikens, Jeremy Troup, Andrew Pfantz, Rasheed Whitsett, Coach
Seth Angelin (back) Jazz Peavy, Tom Shannon, Andrew Fricke, Nate Newberry, Mike
Quinn, Mike Famurewa, Bryce Davis, Matt Dolnik, Anthony Freeze.
(front) Katelyn Pena, Sara Greene, Emily Brothen, Maddy Schmaling, Lillian Torres,
Jamie Emery (2nd row) Head Coach Bradley, Dana Jaros, Emily Pena, Anna Cole,
Adelya Kammer, Taylor Bee r, Kylie Griffith, Talia Rhutasel, Stephanie Drake, Coach
Bornhuetter (3rd row) Coach Walton, Lauren Cox, Makenzie Jones, Priscilla Colon,
ToNaya Gulley, Margaret Huck, Lauren Schlitz, Brittney Feivor, Catrice Robinson,
Sam Nofsinger, Mr. Clark (4th row) Lau ren Deschler, Elise Craft, Bonnie Dietrich,
Colleen Carney, Maddy Connelly, Karen Feltman, Ale na Villani, Margaret Hoover
(back) Alyssa Niles, Morgan Ledford, Lauren Williams, Danielle Riggins, Lindsey Allen,
Maddy Hoover, Courtney Rob inson, Chelsea Schmidt, Abby Bleil.
Captain s: Andrew Bianan, Andrew Fricke,
ate Newberry, Kyle
Awards: Outstanding 1st Year: Ivan Landmark. Most Improved: Bry e Davis, Jeremy
Troup. Most Valuable: Andrew Bianan, Zach Hansen . Leadership: Andrew Fri cke.
16th l"d 2"d
l...lkc (ounty R.1cme FranklinMarqu<'lte
Michigan Indoor Invite Indoor
We have a slow clap leading into
a big mo h pit of cursing, s ream ing, hyperness.
We listen to " Dominos" by Jessie J.
Everyday after pra ctice, we sit
in a circle and do a chant, then
say how we are feeling.
We circle around Isaac
Quinn while he Dougies
like a god.
A dance, we dougie or twerk.
_ _ Banrl
WIND ENSEMBLE : (fro nt) Megan Johnson, Taylor Tomczak, Emily Leonard, Holly MaSYMPHO IC WI OS: (front) Robert Chase, Maris"1 Vanbeekum, Kim Ruiz, Katharine Kollman, Rehoney, Sarah Huang, Shannon Parmentier. Kelsey Smith, Danielle Wilson, Carson Mahbecca 1--napp, Bridget Carnev, Rachel Johnson, Emily Leonard, Megan Johnson (2nd row) Dayna Shamant, Brianna Riley (2nd ro w) Robert Chase, Steven Hohs, Marissa Vanbeekum, Kimberlee
berg, Rvan Bailey, Robin Zwickev, Holly Bernhardt, Brianna Riley, h:atelyn Goll, Melissa Mutchler. Kelly
Ruiz, Christina Dalton, Laura Gosse, Stephanie Kuruvilla, Alexandra Gibson, Steven Siana,
Hagren, Hannah Walsh, Greshonda Warren, Annmarie Riva, Emily Werve (3rd ro w) Jordan Leadingham,
Indigo Leslie (3rd r o w) Hans Freisheim, Melissa Sturycz, Katelyn Martensen, Sara MaSara Murray, Kylie Griffith, Melissa Sturycz, Hans Freisheim, Katelyn Martensen, Katie Warren, Doug
honey, Douglas DuBois, Katie Warren, Marisa Lucke, Alec Weisner, Justin Udry, Leah
Dubois. Stephen Siana, Alex Gibson, Alec Weisner. Justin Udry, Caitlyn Keough, Logan Peltier. Christian
Orr. Caitlyn Keough, JT Schelling, Ben Ault, Cary Wehr (4th ro w) Kyle Dreger. Jacob
Enwright, Doug Molback, Kelly McCormick, Nick Lund (4th row) Samantha Johansen, Nayeli Garcia,
Parmentier. William Nierenberger, Michael Leone, Aamir Kadri, Alayna Dohrmann, Mary
Connor Fluder. ara McPherson, Samantha Marianyi, Isaac Krone, Jake Oster. Tim Harris, Kyle Dreger.
Sturino, Nick Verheyen, Jakob Willkomm, Michael Holmen, Michael Schmidt, Matt VorWilliam Niernberger, Alayna Dohrmann, Aamir Kadri, Mary Sturino, ick Verheyen, Jakob Willkomm,
wald, Michael Sobin (back) Zach Lawell, John Sturino, Jason O'Neal, Charles Renk, AshRichard Johnson, Rachel Rodriguez, Tom Athey. Kyle Kutzler (5th row) Garrett Arnold, Jessica Thomas,
ley Keding, Tye Skowronski, Kurtis Riemer, Jesse Reid, Sovereign Tindall, Mary Workman.
Matt Vorwald, Charlie Renk, Ashley Keding, Tye kO\HOnski, Jonadab Calan, Ben Ault, Cary Wehr, John
Carswell, Frankie Giampietro, Kyle Andraschko, Marshal Woller, Bhinder Singh (back) Logan Smith, Alex
Chase, Bryce O'Boyle, Sovereign Tindall, Barrett Frost, Daniel Relgado, Dustin Roemer.
SYMPHONI C BAND : (front) Karen Feltman, Spencer Erdman, Eric M iesberger, Ellen Henry, Lana Tollas,
Hannah Knutson, Madelyn Tenuta, Karl Koesser (2nd r o w) Sam Dinan, Marta Notarianni, Andrew Finley,
Alexandra Gibson, Alexis Kempen-Ellis, Hannah Skendziel, Timothy Zimmermann, Kyley Smith, Chelse,1
Schmidt, Rachel Murray, Abigail Bleil (3rd row) Katelyn Martensen, Cassidy Wincek, Anthony Raimondi,
Katie Warren, iever Hanson, Wesley Cruz, Col in DuChene, Nathan Brandes, James Takala, Alexandra
Doersch, olleen Carney, Zachary, Alex Vanbeekum, Anthony Loef, Trenten Grede (4th ro w)
David St. Peter. Ryley Powell, Michael Field, Margaret Huck, Josh Dohrmann, Camron Johnson, Mitch
Hartnell, Bonnie Dietrich, Brett Fisher, Markus Riemer. Ben Calan, Jordan Coshun, Andrew Breunsbach,
Anthony Zarletti, Ben Carlson (5th row) Zarhary Frost, Brandon Flores, Brian Newberry, William Schroeder
(back) Ma ie Ka J Jlehoff, Zahra Ermo1an, Ta lor Moreland, Jordan Rcirhel, T ler S uires, te hanic Akl,1m.
CONCERT BAND: (front) Spencer Erdman, Marta Notarianni, Lana Tollas, Madelyn Tenuta, Karl Koesser (2nd row) Luis Hernandez, Christina Smith, Savannah Conine, Rache l
Nelson, Jordan Snid r, Alex Gibson, Skylar Keefner, Kyley Smith, Caitlyn Hughes (3rd
row) C.J. Wincek, Nathan Brandes, Lexi Doersch, James Takala, Zach Raetzman, Colleen Carney, Dennis Relgado, Mason Jaquith, Alex Vanbeekum (4th row) Matt Helliquist, Da"d St. Peter, Michael Field, Melanie Ebener. Manas Mishra, Matt Knull, Emily
Renner. Ben Calan, Jordan Coshun, Brett Fisher, Penny Clark-Taylor, Andrew Breunsbach (5th row) Zach Frost, Brandon Flores, William Schroeder. Sarah Jefferies, Jessie
Hill (back) Tyler Squires, Kattiane Ishmael, Stephanie Acklam, Zahra Ermoian, Jalen
Sherod, Thomas Zoenner, Joey Grochowski.
CHORALE (front) Lauren chlitz, Shelbi Tryban, Kalyn Wilkinson, Taylor Halvorson, Tina Rende,
Amelia Bemis, Morgan Halstead, aroli n Becker, Makenzi Jon s, Nicole Geiger. Carl y Knight, K.itherine Zielsdorf, Karyn Reget, Emma Ma rl ar, Dominique Stangas, Tori Bowman, Morga n Skarda, Ashley De Bree, Nora Elgohari (2nd row) arly Fuhrman, Kendall Ruchti, Elise Dubrava, Alyssa Harold,
Kendra Richter, Marissa Skow, Robin Feltman, Brenda Zari tti, Kristen Kelly, Ta lia Engstrom, Nancy
Jaimes, Tiffa ni Bruce, Taylor Cerminara, Sara Brandt, Hannah Alfredson, Hannah Gou rdoux, Kennedy
Davenport, Amber Danyus, Kaitlyn Richards, Leah Orr, Morgan Johnson, Aynsley Hensgen, Hannah Egle (back) Jacob Birch, Lloyd Sorrell, Andrew Mc air, Mason Muerhoff, Coll in Kli misch, Calvin
Brown, Michael Holmen, Michael Wamboldt, Hudson Brown, Nick Rodriguez, Max Carson, David
Leiting, Matt Dolnik, Jimmy Gerdes, Alex Dixon, Joe Landma rk, Matt Short, Jake Oster, Landon Boyle,
Raymond Rodriguez, Joe Pettit, Carleton Childs, Andrew Bia nan, Sam Skalbeck.
If you were
able to
perform with
an artist, who
would it be?
If I had to choose I wou ld
pi k Adele.
Dem i Lovato.
I wou ld perform w ith Alan
Baer, the tub ist for the New
York Philharmon ic.
M iles Davis.
Elvis Presley.
CONCERT CHOIR: (fro nt) Ariel Serzynski, Kia Hagren, Jazmin Cruz, Erica Molinaro, Selena Wasurick, Mary Hakes, Maxie Perrish, Emily Brothen, Lauren Bell, Beatrice Greathouse (2nd row) Madeline
Hoover, Krista Blackwell, Samantha Marolt, Emilee Burrow, Brittany Drigot, Alexandria Hamilton, Miranda Maritato, Lauren Sargent, Andrea Ralph, Taylor Koerth, Emily Rutherford, Daiuanna Sanders,
Dominique Cortes (back) Brandon Bruce, Tyler Dissmore, James SchweinsbPrg, Nathan Clark, Andrew
Brath, Tristen Pavlovich, Jo'>hua Madison, Stone Gattie, Alfonso Arnold, Isaiah Doss, Obadiah Bennett,
Ryan Coen, Sam Dinan.
WOMEN 'S CHOIR: (fro nt) Kelsiee Arreguin, ldalys Paban, Sarah Schutzen, Holly Jeranek, Sabrina Cairo, Krystal Evans, Krystyn Nelson, Tane Ates, Nakia Wallner, Katrina ovak, Selena
Simmons, Veronica Leal (2nd r o w) Kennedy Tracy, Lauren Griffin, Nicci Geiger, Rachel Kestrzewa, Juliana Amundson, Mariana Bedella, Karen Feltman, Kaitlyn Verheyen, Alexis KempinEllis, Samantha Mangold, Sofia Puterbaugh, Maya Muerhoff, Stephanie Drake (back) Kayla Beniamin, Savannah Ladewig, Elaine Aedo, Kelli Griffin, Mariah Johnson, Fallen Schultz, Lindsey
Allen, Marisa Bianan, Emily Diggins, Em1 Orr, Kalya Gentz, Tonaya Gulley, Tiana Russell, Katie
TREBLE CHOIR : (front) Demiana Agaiby, Emma Tower, Kaylin Mathiesen, Megan Dellise, Katherine Swanger, Breanna Stephens, Dejanee Body, Megan Beard, Katherine Ketchum, Tamaira
Kuhnley, Malia P>rez, Destanie Adcox, Danielle Morzfeld, Angelique Ortiz, Laurynn Wintermote,
Bianka Mengo, Ash ley Maddocks, Hope Landre, Chyna Colon (2nd row) Kaitlyn Kluver, Emma
Steagall, Stephany Torres, Emily Renner, Karen Woodard, Zoe Galvin, Stella Borden, Melissa
Michalski, hania Sherrod, Angela Mann, Katlyn tevens, Kari"a McClain, Jill Daavettila, Megan
Lehman, Taylor Pike, Ambrozia Johnson, Ariana Mann, Madison Maurer, Talia Rhutasel (back)
Alexia Sbarounis, Leslie Roman, Lindsey Schock, Katie Attia, Mariah Smith, Abbey Birschbach, Megan Sentieri, Ariadna Rufrancos, Shaneecia Tyson, Jenna Kelly, Jaelyn Snell , Megan Schultz, Alyssa
Slater, Kaley Zalubowski, Kelly Morris, Angela Tobias, Kailey Abbott, Faith Taylor, Sheridan Wa lker,
Jaime Judeika, Nicole Highland.
SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA: (front) Amelia Bemis, Kelley Roach, An na Zhang, Taylor Roach,
Hudson Brown, Kyle Stalsberg, David Dummer, Benjamin Lee (2nd row) Katelyn Zigner, Jennifer
Pezdir, Luis Moreno, Sophia Van Guyse, Lorraina Bostetter, Oksana Pfaffle, Nicole Naudi, Kaitlyn
Williamson, Melissa Miller, Victoria Dos Reis, Mark Boudreau, Michael Casey, Alexa Zakutanksy,
Miriam Schu lze (back) Emma Rhey, Kristen Harpster, Pierre Rollet, Korrin Metz, Katrina Palso, Allison Schock, Kaitlyn Breunsbach, hase Junge, And rew Bisriglia, Joshua Ro. e, Max Zuh lke, Alec
Birz, Elise Va leri, Paige DeThorn e, Kimberly Stidd, Harvest Tindall, Alison Rasch, Markus Molback,
Caleb Little, Brooke Hartnell.
Hilary Duff.
Barack Obama.
GOLDEN STRI GS : (front) Amelia Bemis, Kelley Roach, Jennifer Pezdir, Kaitlyn Breunsbach,
Mark Boudreau, Kyle Stalsberg, David Dummer, Benjamin lee (2nd row) Katelyn Zigner, Melissa Csikortas, Taylor Roach, Taylor Beer, Kaitlyn Williamson, Katrina Palso, Bradley Woller,
Nicole Naudi, Korrin Metz, Alexis Chapa, Alison Roach, Kimberly Stidd, Caleb Littel, Miriam
Schulze (back) Mrs. Colana Hutchinson, Ms. Helen Breitenbach, Sophia Van Guyse, Melissa Mi ller, Lorraina Bostetter, Megan Mutchler, Anthony Henderson, Andre" BisC'iglia, Alyssa
Daoust, Lu is Moreno, Andrew de la Torre, Mel issa Mutchler, Oksana Pfafne, Anna Zhang, Victoria Dos Reis, Alexa Zakutansky.
CONCERT ORCHESTRA: (front) Taylor Roach, Luis Moreno, Lauren Standish, Megan Lehman,
Grant Herbert, Alison Rasch, Sam Boundy, Alexa Zakutansky (2nd row) Tavlor Beer, Victoria
Dos Reis, Alyssa Alfano, Mackenzie Gwozdz, Alyssa Zimmerman, Anthony Henderson, Elizabeth
Casey, Alea Roberts, Kyle Butler, Abbv Dethorne, Alexis Chapa, Sophia Reid, Michael Bisciglia,
Nadya Pfaffle (back) Roxy Flores, Tristan Buencamino, Danielle Cebolski, Tricia Miller, Andre" de
la Torre, Brad ley Woller, Benjamin Lee, Samantha Nofsinger, Benjamin Lee, AlyS>a Daoust, Emma
Fryc-Wasi, Melissa Mutchler, Muriel Guerra, Ca rl y Burns, Larah Bacasmas, Emma Dawson, Paul
Rollet, Alex Kruse, l\aili Pearson.
Jason Mraz.
Mud-to P/Jt!f t!d-
1$2 Grad Atif
. '
, , \.
A. __
Forever cousins, classmates and friends
Josh and Annmarie we are so proud
of both of you.
Love, Your Family
YolA are so amazivig avid we will miss ~OIA so m1t1c~ ! Good
llAc~ at t~e IAviiversity of Wiscovisivi EalA Claire viext ~ear!
Mom, Dad, Jovi avid Nicf€
Grad Atif
For every set constructed.
For every broken prop.
For every smile shared.
For every tear shed.
For every standing ovation.
For every directing note.
For every day we were away.
For every hour spent at home.
For everything.
Thank you.
1$4 Grad Add'
Ct!njraf11lafttJn4' and oe4'f
wt4'/ve4' ft! tJ!lr SenttJr Gt!lfer4'!
-from your teammates & coaches
Nicholas Moro, Taylor Roszkowiak, Matthew
Bible, Matthew Horne, Daniel Kupfer,
John Sturino, Cory Metallo.
Not Pictured: Christopher Dopuch
and Evan Bennett.
13;6 Grad Ait
to all of the
Trerriper Girls
Soccer seniors!
"Thanks for a
great four years!
- from your coache5
ahd tearrirriate5
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special thanks to:
Cuftffm Cabtntt Man: Matt Pryby
AP Biology 88, 97
AP Chemistry 97
AP Spanish 109
Abbott, Kailey 48, 181
Abbott, Kali 48
A klam , Stephanie 58, 180
A o ta, Miranda 58
Adcox, Desta ni e 48, 52, 181
Ads 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189
Aedo, Elaine 58, 168, 181
Agaiby, Demiana 48, 105, 181
Agnew, Olivia 40, 68
Agnew, Taylor 80
Agosto, Victor 80, 89
Aguilar, Mikkel 68
Aguilar, William 68
Aiello, Justine 35, 58, 171, 172
Aikens, Liam 142, 173, 179
Aklam, Stephanie 180
Alexander, lzzly 16
Alexander, Matthew 48, 50
Alfano, Alyssa 58, 168, 177, 181
Alfano, Emily 80, 81, 100, 156, 158, 165, 168
Alfredson, Hannah 40, 80, 105, 180
Algeb ra 48
Alisauskas, Charles 68
Allen, James 48
Allen, Justin 174
Allen, Lexie 68
Allen, Lindsey 58, 63, 168, 173, 179, 181
Alsabbah, Nader 58, 67
Ambrose, Elijah 68
Amund on, Juliana 58, 171, 181
Ancona, Jacob 178
Andersen, Mike 132
Anderson, Benjamin 48
Anderson, Carl 13
Anderson , Douglas 80
And rson, Katie 181
Anderson, Michael 93, 112, 113
Anderson, T revaun 176
Andraschko, Kyle 102, 166, 180
Andrew, Amber 11 , 68, 154, 174
Aney, William 58
Anthony, DMarcco 132, 133
Apgar, Blake 169, 185
Applegate, Jacquelin e 68
Aquino, Emilio 176
Arce, Mario 48
Arias, Patsy 68
Armstrong, Kazin 29, 58
Arnold, Alfon o 14, 48, 53
Arnold, Garrett 68, 109, 149, 179, 180
Arnold, Trevor 173
Arreguin, Kelsiee 58, 171 , 181
Arrington, Soloman 1 76
Art Club 72
Arteaga, Daniel 48, 174
Arteaga, Janeth 68
Ash ley, Joseph 58, 137
Asleson, Kayla 1 20
Ates, Chautane 58, 181
Athey, Thomas 68, 171, 180
Attia, Katie 48, 181
Ault, Benjamin 68, 171, 180
Ausse, Brittany 68
Auston, Kyler 58, 63, 176
Baas, Noah 48
Ba asmas, Larah 48, 98, 107, 181
Back, Jonathan 68, 168, 169, 170
Bado, Zach 178
Baer, Alan 180
Bahena, Cynthia 68
Bailey, Ryan 31, 68, 174, 180
Bain, Jamie 68, 120, 1 72, 177
Baiyewu, Malik 58
Bakkila, Aaron 151 , 174, 178
Baldwin, Brian 68
Ball, Daniel 118, 1 73
Ballard, M Kenna 173
Baltes, Amelia 58
Baltes, Amy 167, 171 , 177
Baltes, Sean 80
Ba nd 162, 164, 180
Ba nd of the Blackwatch 162
Banks, Gregory 68
Baratta, Alecsander 58
Barnd, Jacob 48, 1 76
Barnd, Kelly 68, 69
Barribeau, Alec 68
Barry, Aaliyah 68, 80
Barsuli, Ashley 48, 146, 168, 170, 178
Barsuli, Samantha 9, 19, 80, 83, 89, 109, 182
Bartz, Angela 41, 80, 123, 165, 175
Bartz, Rhyen 99, 115, 172
Wh at life les- ~
so n did yo u
learn thi s year?
Battisfore, Chad 58, 173
Baumgarten, Hannah 58, 1 77
Beam, Miranda 58
Beard, Aeria l 80
Beard, Megan 16, 48, 51, 177, 181
Becham, Steven 168
Becker, Amanda 48, 53, 173
Be ker, arolin 40, 80, 110, 153, 168, 175, 180
Be ker, harley 15, 167
Beckman, Jacob 40, 93, 167, 184
Beckman, Kate 13, 68, 74, 101 , 169, 170, 171
Bedolla, Mariana 58, 181
Bedolla, Miguel 58, 174
Beecher, Ashley 169
Beer, Taylor 58, 168, 169, 171, 179, 181
Belkola, Bob 44
Bell, Lauren 93, 105, 181
Bell, Zayy 58
Bemis, Amelia 41, 80, 92 , 105, 106, 107, 180,
Benavidez, Bailey 68
Benicek, Aaron 58
Benicek, Evan 13, 58
Benjamin, Kayla 59, 64, 181
Benn ett, Evan 1 78, 186
Bennett, Jessie 84
Bennett, Marcus 68
Bennett, Markeda 59
Bennett, Obadiah 181
Bermis, Amelia 167
Bernhardt, Brett 69, 166, 176
Bernhardt, Holly 69, 77, 97, 127, 152, 153, 164,
Bertog, Mara 80, 92, 123
Besler, Alan 48
Bethke, Travi 59
Bia las, Sean 69
Bianan, Andrew 21, 25, 27, 81, 93, 97, 105, 113,
176, 179, 180
Bianan, Marisa 8, 155
Bible, Matt 81, 93 , 132, 133, 144, 145, 178, 186
Bicanin, Stojanka 69
Biggs, Becca 81
Bilak, Diane 44
Bi ll, Michael 48, 178
Bi lotto, Ash ley 59
Biology 101
Birch, Jacob 81, 124, 125, 174, 180
Birdsal l, Ryan 48
Birschbach, Abbey 48, 172, 181
Birz, Alec 116, 181
Bisciglia, Andrew 12, 69, 181
Bisciglia, Michael 48, 170, 181
Bishop, Desmon 113
Bitar, Kamal 173, 176
Blackwell, Krista 69, 181
Blaser, Cody 69, 73, 169, 179
Ble il, Ab igail 59, 118, 171, 173, 180
~ -
Never give up!
If you hav to miss school, get
your missing work in right away.
Bloedorn, Noah 151
Blood Drive 31
Bloomer, Amanda 162, 168
Bloxdorf, Meagan 161, 165, 167
Blues, Jake 36
Boak-Nyberg, Emily 81, 88
Boatwright, Lauren 81, 166
Body, Dejanee 48, 181
Boehm, Maddie 173
Boehm, Trevor 8
Boesch, Eric 69
Bolyard, Taylor 59, 64
Boom, Pierce 1 73
Borchardt, Benjamin 59, 168, 179
Borchardt, Lauren 40, 81, 83, 101, 158, 165
Borchardt, Rb ca 31, 59, 61, 109, 127, 167
Borden, Stella 48, 181
Boresch, Lauren 25, 40, 81, 82, 146, 170, 171,
Boris, Samantha 7, 32, 33
Bostetter, Lorraina 69, 181
Boudreau, Ali on 33, 174
Boudreau, L rrina 107
Boudreau, Mark 16, 40, 81, 93, 107, 129, 151,
172, 178, 181
Boundy, Hannah 48, 167, 1 70
Boundy, Samuel 18, 48, 106
Bowman, Kristan 13, 59, 173
Bowman, Victoria 25, 81
Boyle, Lando n 35, 69, 73, 169, 171, 180
Boys' Basketball 133
Boys' Bowling 177
Boys' Golf 145, 178, 186
Boys' Soccer 1 25
Boys' Swim 172
Boys' Swimming 129
Boys' Tennis 151
Boys' Track 143
Boys' Volleyball 11 7
Boyson, Kantre ll 81, 176
Bozarth, Robert 69
Brandes, Nathan 59, 180
Brandt, Sara 26, 27, 69, 109, 167, 180
Brandt, Tylor 16, 59, 60, 166
Brantley, N ikia 69, 72
Brantley, Shawan 59
Brath, Andrew 12, 48, 181
Brauck, Jordan 69
Breunsbach, Andrew 48, 1 71, 180
Breunsbach, Kaitlyn 69, 75, 162, 168, 170, 171,
Bridenhagen, Tom 41
Brooks-Dobbs, Shauntia 49, 107
Brothen, Em ily 69, 152, 175, 179, 181
Brothers, Lincls y 69, 147, 178
Brown, Ashto n 69
Brown, Brett 49
Brown, Ca l b 49, 50, 161
Don't skip school, kids.
If you don't fall under the pressure
of highschool you wil l succeed.
Brown, Calvin 105, 180
Brown, Casey 59, 160, 176
Brown, Charelle 93, 167
Brown, Hudson 59, 180, 181
Brown, Nicholas 81, 90, 109
Brown, Nicolette 59, 177
Brown, Patrice 41, 81, 139, 177
Bruce, Brandon 49, 181
Bruce, Tiffani 14, 81, 84, 169, 180
Brulport, Serah 12, 59, 98
Brunner, John 1 73
Bryant, Derek 69
Buban, Aaron 81, 148, 149, 179
Buban, Alex 68, 69, 137, 173, 179
Buban, Matth w 49, 179
Bu hanan, Steven 59
Bucko, Alexander 49, 176, 178
Buege, William 59, 67, 148
Bu ncamino, Tristan 59, 97, 174, 181
Buratti, Nichola 49, 55
Burke, Melanie 20, 69, 137, 173
Burkholder, Alexis 58, 121, 168, 172
Burns, Carly 181
Burns, Jamey 81, 168, 173
Burris, Carly 18, 19, 49
Burrow, Emil e 69, 181
Busko, Alexander 59, 176
Busse, Caitlin 81
Butler, Alexis 59
Butler, Kyle 49, 55, 181
Butsch li, Cassandra 59
Byars, Bryan 59
Byers, Bryan 174
Byrd, Arielle 93, 130, 131
Byrd, Moshe' 59, 176
Byrne, Samantha 40, 81, 82, 170
Caba llero, Rafael 69
Cab le, Alexander 42, 69
Cadwell, Octavia 175
Caira, Gina 49, 131, 172, 177
Cairo, Sabrina 59, 160, 169, 171, 181
Cairo, Sydney 49, 146, 178
Ca lan, Benja mi n 49, 53
Ca lan, Jonaclab 79, 180
Ca ldera, Uriel 49
Ca ldwel l, 0 tavia 69
Ca lloway, Ni'Cole 80, 81
Camosy, Kevin 59, 62, 178
Ca mp, James 49
Camp, Teel 59
Campus Life United 158, 165
Don't procrastinate.
I learned to pay attention to
the road while driving.
Caravetta, Alex 134, 135
Cardenas, Andrew 59
Cardenas, Julian 49, 176
Carlson, Benjamin 12, 59, 180
Carlson, Daniel 69, 72
Carney, Bridget 9, 34, 69, 170, 180
Carney, Colleen 22, 49, 103, 140, 141
Carravetta, Alexander 69, 135
Carreon, Stormi 69
Carrillo, Emilio 49
Carson, Maxwel l 69, 118, 143, 171, 179
Carswell, John 69, 125, 150, 151, 178, 180
Cartagena, Marysa 81
Carter, Alyssa 81, 85
Carter, Serena 59
Ca as, Fabian 150
Cas arano, Ryan 81, 95
Case, Brandon 69
Casey, Elizabeth 49, 173, 181
a ey, Michael 6, 8, 18, 22, 24, 36, 37, 82, 167,
181, 184, 208
Castaneda, Cinthya 59
Castanuela, Andrea 69
astillo, Carlos 49
Ca tro-luna, Juan 49
Catchings-Currie, Anthony 49
athedral, John 1 01
Cebolski, Danielle 59, 127, 181
Celebre, Haley 31, 130, 131, 139, 177
elebre, Kathy 6, 29, 138, 177
Cerminara, Taylor 82, 180
Chabela, Hannah 69
Chae, Christopher 169, 185
Chamberlain, Abigail 59
Chamberlain, Emily 60, 146, 147, 178
Chapa, Alexis 60, 169, 171, 173, 181
Cha e, A lexander 82, 103
Chase, Robbie 82, 87, 102, 103, 156, 172
Cheney, Hunter 49
Ch iappetta, Gabrielle 40, 82, 158, 185
Chi lds, Carleton 82, 159, 180
Chinos, Abel 69
Chinos, Jorge 60
Choir 101 , 105, 181
Cholak, Rachae l 60
Christenbury, Anna 82, 154, 169
Christensen, Michael 179
Cina, Nicholas 49, 171
Ciszewski, Eric 69, 132, 133, 150
Claeys, Ashley 20, 60
Claeys, David 69, 168
Clark, Corey 82
Clark, Nathan 49, 181
Clark-Taylor, Penny 49, 180
Cleare, Brisne 70
Coach Angelin 179
Coach Baker 174
Coach Battellini 173
Life is too short not to do
what you want.
How to swim.
Illflt~ 19.1
Coach Beernink 1 76
Coach Bradley 173, 178, 179
Coach Brown 1 76
Coach Burmei ter 172
Coach Fennema 173, 178, 179
Coach Garcia 1 73
Coach Geissman 1 78
Coach George 1 77
Coach Gross 131
Coach Hawley 176
Coach Herbrechtsmeier 178
Coach Hoover 1 79
Coach Iglehart 174
Coach Johnson 1 72
Coach Kaddtz 1 77
Coach Kazlausky 1 79
Coach Lewis 1 75
Coach Litkey 173
Coach Madson 174
Coach Moreland 1 73
Coach Musha 148, 179
Coach Nason 1 76
Coach Pacetti 1 75
Coach Phipps 172
Coach Rizzo 1 76, 1 77
Coach Rosenbrook 1 77
Coach Rovik 176
Coach Rutchik 172
Coach Schwoebl 1 77
Coach Sharkey 174
Coach Sigman 1 77
Coach Symoens 1 76
Coach Tindall 174
Coach Torres 1 76
Coach Trinadad 173
Coach Walton 1 79
Cochran, Mason 60
Coel, Samuel 70, 1 78
Coen, Marjorie 48, 49
Coen, Ryan 32, 70, 181
Coffman, Michael 49, 176
Colbert, Jazzme n 40, 82
Cole, Alexandra 28, 60
Cole, Anna 60, 141 , 171, 173, 179
Cole, Serina 60
Colin, Jaime 110
Col lins, Justine 82, 166
Colon, Chyna 49, 181
Colon, icholas 60, 176
Colon, Priscilla 17, 35, 39, 118, 119, 140, 173,
Concannon, Anna 15 , 20,82, 109, 122, 168,
170, 175 , 205
Conine, Madison 49, 166, 167, 168, 169
Conine, Savannah 19, 49, 153, 172
Conley, Chelsea 60
Connell, Tommy 178
Connelly, Made line 140, 173 , 179
Conrado, Brianna 60, 173
Conrer, Melenta 60
Cooks, Destiny 49
Cooks, Kylandra 70
oop r, am 120, 1 72
Cordero, Amanda 70
Corne ll , Thomas60, 145, 167, 174
Corrigall, David 60, 170, 171
Corrigan, Hunter 134, 135
Cortes, Dominique 82, 169, 181
Cortez, lsai 70
Coshun, Jordan 49, 180
Cotter, Mer edes 70, 97, 175
Cotton, Charles 176
Coughlin, Justin 60
Cough lin , Mi hael 15, 70
Covelli, Jarr tt 173, 179
Cowan, Caitlin 70
Cox, Karissa 70, 171
Cox, Lauren 60, 175, 179
Cox, Nicole 43, 91
Cox, Ryan 12, 82, 92, 176
Crabb, Daniel 49, 55, 174
Craft, Eli e 179
Crass, Suzanne 70, 169
Crawford, Jordan 60, 1 71, 173
Crawley, Daniel 82
Croce, Christine 49
Cross Country 11 O, 173
Cross, Corey 14, 49, 98, 134, 135, 176
Crutcher, Michael 60
Cruz, Jazmin 70, 181
Cruz, Jorge 60
Cruz, Kassandra 166
Cruz, Marisol 9, 49
Cruz, Wesley 60, 180
Csikortas, Me lissa 82, 93, 126, 171 , 181
Cundari, Noah 50
Cyriac, Shilpa 93, 168
Czesny, Michal 16, 60, 174
Daavettila, Jill 50, 167, 169, 170, 173 , 175, 181
Dakota, No rth 40
Dale, Clayton 60
Da lton , Christina 40, 82, 93, 118, 119, 169, 170,
173, 180
Damron , Amber 13
Daniel, Katelyn 70
Daniel, Zhavar 70
Daniels, Porsha 15
Danyus, Amber 23 , 70, 178, 180
Danyus, Eric 49, 50
Daoust, Alyssa 60, 147, 169, 178, 181
Darling, Haley 50, 53
Davenport, Kailan 60
Davenport, Kennedy40, 82, 162, 169, 180
Davidson, Kenneth 60, 166
Davidson, Shavon 82
Davies, Zachary 50, 179
Davila, Ivan 70
Davis, Bryce 70, 179
Davis, Christian 70
Dawie , Jacob 70, 137
Dawson, Emma 59, 60, 168, 171, 181
Dazoma, Michael 50
De La Torre, Andrew 60
DeBree, Ash ley 82, 176, 180
D Thorne, Abigail 60, 152, 181
DeThorne, Paige 8, 40, 93, 97, 181
Decker, Rheanna 70, 72
Defranco, Rick 70
Deitrich, Bonnie 173
Dej no, Jordan 70, 125, 174
Dejno, Kelsey 50, 138, 1 72, 177
Delfs, Blake 164, 168
Dellisse, Megan 50, 175, 181
Demoe, Stephanie 70
De re ngowsk i, Abigail 50, 147
Deschl er, Laure n 50, 109, 179
Devinny, Preston 70
Devries, Ashley 60
Dewry, Sam 176
Dezo ma, Michael 50
Diaz, Angelita 78
Dickenson, Momouique 70
Dickerson, Donn ie ll e 70
Dickow, Brian 82, 90, 179
Dickow, Zacha ry 60, 174
Diercke ns, Karly 70
Dietrich, Bonnie 60, 99, 126, 171 , 173, 179, 180
Diggi ns, Emily 30, 61, 107, 109, 12 7, 170, 171 ,
173, 181
Dillard , Travis 50, 54
Dillard , Troy 70
Dillow, Natha n 61, 176, 179
Dinan, Samuel 50, 180, 181
Dissmo re, Tyler 181
Dixon , Alexander 70, 171 , 180
Dixon , Crystal 61
Dobnikar, Collin 172
Dodge, William 70
Doe rr, Logan 50
Doe rs h, Alexandra 61, 167, 171 , 180
Dohrmann , Alayna 40, 82, 97, 102, 180
Dohrmann , Josh 61, 63, 180
Dolnik, Matthew 70, 119
Domalik, Christopher 70
Dominguez, Emmanuel 61
Dominguez, Tamara 50
Donahoe, Stephen 61
What is
your Ideal
Home cooked steak ending
with a backrub.
Something fun with someone
that is hot.
Chris Poppe :)
Going skydiving, some·
thing outdoors.
Donova n, Amber 70
Dopu ch, Christopher 82, 1 78, 186
Dorsch, Alexis 1 71
Dorst, Jacob 37
Dos Reis, Vi cto ri a 61, 181
Doss, Isa iah 50, 181
Douglas, Dona ld 50
Doust, Alysa 171
Drake, Steph ani e 3, 61, 65, 127, 141, 167, 173,
178, 179, 181
Drama 184
Drama Club 22
Drege r, Kyle 70, 72, 174, 178, 179, 180
Drewry, Sa muel 23, 61
Drigot, Brittany 70, 181
Drucks, Michae l 50
Dru ks, Nick 109
DuChene, Collin 61, 129, 172, 180
Dubois, Douglas 70, 168, 180
Dubois, Jason 61
Dubrava, Elise 83, 88, 105
Duchac, Kayla 50, 57, 173
Dujardin , Charl otte 11 5, 160
Dummer, David 40, 83, 181
Durkee, Jacob 50
Dwyer, Taylor 83, 139, 177
Dyson, Bobbi e 70
Dzbinski , Kyli e 14, 19
Earley, Kayla 71
Earn st, Charles 166
Easter, Kevin 61, 67
Ebener, M elanie 21, 50, 175, 180
Echava rri a-Mun oz, Rafa el 50
Echeva rri a-Gross, Joseph 50, 1 76
Echeve rri a, Alejandro 71
Edmark, M aggie 71, 138, 177
Edmark, M ary 50, 177
Edward s, Thomas 61 , 159, 168, 179
Egle, Hannah 13, 71, 126, 127, 161, 171, 173,
Eickstaedt, Cooper 71
Eidsor, Rya n 61
Eiroa, Nathasha 71, 169
Elgohari, Nora 24, 71, 136, 175, 180, 181
El lis, Dazia 175
Elmore, Ariel 71
Elsen, Anthony 173
Elsen, Jaime 23, 41, 83, 109, 120, 121 , 172, 185
Elsen, Jamie 71 , 101, 169, 170, 171
Ely, Ange lique 175
Emery, Jamie 61 , 140, 168, 171, 173
Samantha Pryby < 3
Encarnacion, Joseph 71
Engelmann, Aaron 83, 109
Englert, Kayla 50
English 89
Engstrom, Talia 14, 35, 71, 105, 169, 171, 180,
Environmental Club 15 7
Enwright, Christian 42, 69, 71, 144, 178, 180
Epp ing, Carly 30, 35, 83, 101
Erdman, Savanna h 25, 71, 77, 171, 177
Erdman, Spence r 61, 167, 180
Erickso n, Julie 31, 37, 71, 163, 164, 167
Eri ckso n, Ty 61, 62
Eri cso n, Jordan 71
Ericso n, Jose ph 50
Erlandso n, Christin a 23, 71, 168
Ermoian, Zahra 61, 103, 167, 168, 170, 173
Ernst, Charl es 71
Esco bar, Alex 71
Espinosa, Di ana 169
Espinosa, M ari a 61
Espinosa- Byrd, Hebe l 50, 1 76
Espin osoa, Diana 71
Etze lmu eller, Steve n 71, 166
Eubanks, Jacob 12, 61
Eva ns, Guy 61
Evans, Krysta l 61, 109, 136, 173, 175, 181
Executive Board 1 70
FBLA 160
Family Foods 109
Famurewa, Jonath an 174, 178
Famurewa, Mike 179
Farn am, Alejandra 71
Farn am, Victoria 167
Faust, Rebe ca 83
Favre, Jord yn 175
Feicht, Danielle 18, 61
Feivor, Brittney 71 , 118, 11 9, 173, 179
Fellows, Shelby 71, 77, 169
Feltman, Karen 61, 105, 1 79, 180, 181
Feltman, Robin 37, 105, 167, 180, 183, 184
Ferry, Samu el 71, 176, 179
Field Trips 101
Field, Amanda 175
Field, M i hae l 19, 50, 101, 176, 180
Figueroa, Arcelia 71
Fi lson, M atthew 176
Finley, Andrew 180
Finley, And y 149, 179
Fisher, Brett 50, 180
Fishman, Kaleigh 9, 13, 35, 83, 147, 178
Fitch, Alexander 71, 129, 172
Flachman, Zac 88
Flasch, Jared 9, 71
Flax, Demetri 61
Flood, Kyle 36, 37, 43, 83, 167, 169, 184, 185
Flores, Brandon 50, 180
Flores, Eric 176
Flores, Jazmin 61, 170
Flores, Pa ul 71
Flores, Roxana 20, 61
Fl uder, Co nnor 71, 180
Follensbee, Thomas 24, 83
Fonk, Domini c 71
Football 11 0, 176
Ford, Zackary 61
Forsythe, Jared 33, 71
Foss, Michae la 61, 168, 175
Fournier, Chirstop her 1 73
Fra id, Ste phan ie 71, 168
Fra nklin , Denze l 61
Frederick, Jake 61, 145, 161, 178
Freeman, Aaron 1 76
Freeman, Kri sten 83
Free man, Nick 83
Free man, Ste phan ie 31, 35, 83
Freeze, Anthony 179
Fre isheim, Hans 83, 86, 170, 180
French H onor Society 168
French Speaking Competition 168
Fricke, Andrew 39, 41, 83, 11 6, 11 7, 143, 169,
174, 176, 179, 185
Friedrick, Patrick 166
Fri ery, Ei leen 71, 11 8, 168, 170, 171, 173, 177,
Frost, Barrett 71, 76, 145, 178, 180
Frost, Bryce 50, 171, 174, 178
Frost, Zachary 61 , 128, 129, 1 72
Frye-W asi, Emma 50, 107, 181
Fryetwasi, Emma 175
Fugate, Nicole 71, 75, 146, 147, 178
Fuhrer, Brya n 86, 93, 111 , 11 3, 134, 135, 176
Fuhrer, Zachary 50, 149, 176, 179
Fuhrman, Ca rl y 83, 180
Fulmer, Broe 83, 176
Funk, Mitchell 1 73
Furumoto, David 37
GSA 164
Gae rtn er, Michae l 71
Gagliardi, Emma 175
Gagli ard i, Grant 9, 35, 70, 71, 124, 150, 174,
Romantic pi cnic on the beach Somebody that opens the door Romantic and I pay for the mov ie
with a nice long wa lk
fo r me and pays for dinner.
and a kiss goodnight
Mariah Carey
Jessica Alba
Gagliardo, Rose 83
Gallegos, Destiny 61
Gallegos, Lucero 61
Gall igan, Ashley 61, 168, 173
Gallo, Madeli ne 71, 97
Galvin, Zoe 51, 167, 169, 170, 181
Gamarra, Andy 33
Gapin ki, Jacob 51
Garay, David 51
Garcia, Amber 51, 177
Garcia, Crystal 71, 169
Garcia, Domin ic 134, 135
Garcia, Gabriela 25, 40, 83
Garcia, Jacob 83
Garcia, Justin 61
Garcia, Nayeli 180
Garcia, Ricardo 1 76
Garcia, Yami leth 61
Garcia, Yoahneth 61
Garcia-Gomez, Jos 51
Garcia- Luckett, Kristina 71
Ga rl and, Amber 51
Garutti, Pa mella 152, 172
Gaston, Cedric 61
Gates, Rayea nn e 61, 64
Gattie, Stone 61, 181
Gattshall , Paul 51
Geary, John 17, 51, 174
Geiger, Nico le 121, 172, 181
Geinosky, Dani el 50, 51, 176
Gennaccaro, John 51
Gentz, Adam 83
Gentz, Kayla 61, 176, 181
George, Eric 176
Georno, Patrick 71, 77, 150, 151, 174, 178
Gerd es, James 69, 71, 148, 179, 180
Gerl ach, John 61, 166
German Club 159
Gervacio, M artha 71
Gessert, Gage 61, 66, 101, 132, 133, 177
Gessert, Garette 84, 122, 123, 175
Giampietro, Frankie 91, 180
Gibbs, Alexandria 51, 175
Gibson, Alexa ndra 71, 180
Gilliland, M arga ret 61
Gin ter, Nicole 61, 141
Girls' Basketball 131
Girls' Bowling 177
Girls' Golf 121
Girls' Soccer 139
Girls' Softball 178
Girls' Swim 127
Girls' Tennis 175
Girls' Track 141
Girls' Volleyball 115
Gittens, Randi 62
Give ns, Lashari a 51
Glass, M yro n 51
What celeberity wou Id you
NOT want to
be stuck in an
elevator with?
Classen, Alyssa 51, 171, 175
Clea on, Anna 84, 169, 185
Glenn, Ash ley 51
Go Pink 28, 29, 113
Godinez, Frida 51
Golden Strings 16
Goll, Katelyn 71, 180
Gomez, Emi lio 51
Gomez, Lorena 62
Gonzalez, Mireya 71, 99
Good, Elliott 182
Gordon, Ben 51, 178
Gordon, Ca leb 71, 99, 176
Gordon, Devontae 71
Gorman, Kamero n 62, 179
Gorman, Kody13,84,168
Goroski, Danie l 51, 54
Go podarek, Noah 37
Gosse, Laura 71, 170, 171, 180
Gott, Trevor 51
Gourdoux, Han nah 9, 84, 93, 162, 168, 169,
180, 204
Government Opperations 171
Grachen,Conn or11 2, 113, 176
Graham, Brya n 62, 171
Granvill e, Angelique 72
Grau ville, M aurice 51
Greathou e, Beatri ce 72, 181
Greathouse, Samantha 72, 76, 157, 159, 166
Grede, Trente n 176, 179, 180
Green, Courtney 25, 72, 99, 168, 169, 171
Green, M ichael 13, 137
Green, NaNa 13, 131, 176
Green, Nwoye 72, 1 76
Gree ne, Joshua 72
Gree ne, Sa ra 62, 140, 204
Gree ne-Kun tz, Tayler 72, 99
Creole, Trenten 62, 103
Greskoviak, Jacob 1 74
Greskoviak, Robe rt 72
Griffi n, Cheyenn e 43
Gri ffi n, Ke lli 24, 59, 62, 154, 155
Gri ffin, Lauren 62, 65, 101, 108, 170, 171, 173,
Griffi th, Kylie 72, 140, 153
Gripko, Liv 72, 95, 166, 170, 171
Gro howsk i, Joey 51, 178, 180
Gross, Abbey 23, 51, 55, 13 1
Gross, Ca rl ey 84, 114, 11 5, 172
Gross, Corey 176
Gross, Kendall 20, 51, 62, 13 1, 177
Guerra, Muri el 62, 181
Guetta, David 154, 155
Gulbranson, Gabriella 23, 51, 57, 167
Gull, Ka telyn 1 73
Gulley, ToN aya 59, 141 , 161
Gulley, Toneo 20, 40, 176
Gund r on, Jacob 62
Gunhus, Benjamin 72, 125
Gwozdz, Mackenzie 51, 169, 181
Gym 109
Gymnastics 136, 175
Hill , Amber 84
Hade, Ka li e 72, 126, 173
Hagen, Alexa ndria 33, 43, 72, 172
Haggarty, Christian 134, 135
Hagren, Ke lly 84, 180
Hagren, Kia 72, 104, 152, 175, 181
Hakes, Mary 72, 181
Hall, Brendan 72
Haller, M it hell 178
Halstead, Morgan 84, 105, 108, 168, 170, 180
Halvorsen, Taylor 72, 79, 166, 167, 175, 180
Hambrock, Kri s 29, 84, 184
Hamil ton, Alexa ndria 181
Hampton, Sharn eisha 62
Hampto n, Shiqui sha 99
Hanken, Zoe 84
Hansche, Kyle 51
Hansen, M i hae l 51, 179
Hansen, Talan 12, 62
Hansen, Zach 84, 11 9, 142, 173, 179
Hanshe, Kyle 6
Hanso n, Sieve r 62, 180
Hanze l, Bradley 62
Hardy, Dari an 35
Hardy, Jaymina 184
Harebo, M ath ew 62
Haroian, Christopher 72
Harold, All yssa 167
Harold, Alyssa 70, 72, 167, 180
Harpster, Kristen 41 , 168, 173, 181
Harri s, Timothy 84, 88
Hartnell, Broo ke 72, 101 , 114, 172, 181
Hartn ell, Loga n 148, 149, 179
Hartn ell, M eli sa 32, 40, 84
Hartn ell, Mit h II 62, 103, 144
Hassel, Willi am 72, 166, 167
Hauenste in, Drew 51
Hawbaker, Eliza beth 72, 138, 174, 177
Hayden, Jesse 176
Hayden, Zahmere 49, 51, 153
Hea ly, Henry 62
Hegewald, Jessica 62
Hellquist, M atthew 51, 180
Hemmi, Cassa ndra 51
Henderson, Anth ony 181
Hendri cks, hri topher 51
Henry, Ell en 62, 169, 170, 171, 180
Hensgen, Aynsley 12, 72, 76, 101, 169, 171, 180
Hensgen, Christopher 51
Herbert, Grant 16, 51, 181
Herman, Conrad 51, 169
Hernandez, Karla 72
Hernandez, Luis 62, 180
Hernandez, Mike 29, 62
Hernandez, Veronhni ca 62, 99
Herr, Quentin 51
Herzog-Bruce, Anthony 132, 133, 176
Hessil, hristoph r 51, 174
Heyden, Mariah 58, 61, 62
Hibbler, Patrick 72, 176
Hicks, Cavan 28, 62, 144, 176
Hicks, Johrie 16, 35, 72, 127, 173
Higgins, Eugina 72
Highland, Nicole 51, 169, 181
Hilderbrand, Nicholas 51, 56, 1 79
Hill, Jesse 51, 176, 180
Hilliard, Mitchell 1 76
Hix, David 72
Hochere, Karissa 72
Hockey 137
Hodges, Ashley 51
Hoffenkemp, Dylan 72
Hoffman, Collin 51
Hoffman, Pj 177
Hohs, Steven 34, 40, 84, 91, 93, 103, 165
Holden, Kyle 1 76
Holdsworth, Brandon 84
Holland, Christian 51, 176
Holland, Christopher 94
Hollingsworth, Jordan 24, 72, 97, 138, 139, 172,
Holmen, Michael 72, 180
Honorato, Eduardo 72
Honors Convocation 38
Hood, Star 1 76
Hoover, Madeline 72, 140, 173, 179
Hoover, Margaret 173, 179
Hopf, Gaven 51
Hopf, Logan 62
Hopkinsbay, Da'shayla 51
Horejsch, Emily 51, 54, 172
Horne, Matthew 15, 84, 97, 178, 186
Hoskins, Kieshe 51
Howe, Ashley 72
Huang, Sarah 171 , 180
Hubaishy, Jenna 72, 171
Hubaishy, Jordan 51, 1 70, 171 , 178
Hubeler, Heather 45
Huck, Abigail 40, 97
Huck, Margaret 62, 140
Hudson, Arthur 62
Hud on, Monica 13, 84
Hughes, Caitlyn 52, 180
Hughes, Emma 72, 101, 136, 138, 175, 177
Human Anatomy 97
Human Biology 89
Humphreys, Jake 84, 93, 150, 151, 1 78
Humphreys, Jenna 33, 84, 122, 123, 168, 170,
175, 204
Humphreys, Megan 73, 109, 122, 123, 130, 131,
169, 175
Hundertmark, Jasmine 73
Hunter, Taishae 62, 67, 130
Huss, Kyle 73, 171, 179
Igartua, Brandon 52
Ingram, Meaghan 73
International Club 23, 167
International Thespian Society 167
Irving, Zackery 52, 176, 1 78
Irw in, Thomas 84
lshma I, Kattiane 180
lstvanek, Robin 81, 84
Italian Club 23
lwen, James 62
Jacinto, Maximiliano 52
Jackson, Kaylee 62
Jackson, Marcus 132
Jackson, Mercede 81, 175
Jaeger, Ca ey 84
Jaimes, Anayely 62
Jaimes, Nancy 163, 167, 169, 180, 184
Jaim es, Orlando 73
Jakala, Chris 85, 142, 173, 179
Janowitz, Amy 52
Jansen, Sarah 59, 62, 12 7, 170, 171, 173
Jaquith, Mason 52, 180, 181
Jaros, Dana 158, 164
Jaros, Michael 173, 179
Jaros, Serena 62
Jefferies, Sarah 52, 54, 180
Jenkins, Loreal 62
Jense n, Jessica 43, 85, 204
Jensen, Noah 52, 179
J p on, Ja ob 73, 176
Jeranek, Holly 62, 168, 181
Jeranek, Zane 73, 76
Jessen, Tyler 85
Johan en, Samantha 85, 147, 178, 180
Johnson, Ambrozia 181
Johnson, Anastasia 36, 167, 184
Johnson, Angela 12, 29, 73, 154, 155, 170, 174
Johnson, Camron 59, 62, 168, 170, 171, 173,
Johnson, Dana 31, 40, 85, 97, 170
Johnson, Jasmine 62
Johnson, Jonathan 85
John on, Kelsey 85
Johnson, Mariah 62, 181
Johnson, Marissa 62
Johnson, Megan 40, 85, 103, 170, 180
Johnson, Morgan 85, 180
Johnson, Nicholas 73
Johnson, Nicole 166, 175
Johnson, Rachel 73, 171, 180
Johnson, Richard 171, 180
Johnson, Talerie 62, 171
Johnson, Tia 52
Johnson, Todd 52
Johnston, Matthew 73
Jones, Bryant 52
Jones, Chasity 52, 175
Jones, Derek 52, 57, 109, 171
Jones, Jared 20
Jones, Kelsey 28, 62
Jones, Kyle 73, 149, 179
Jones, Makenzie 84, 85, 105, 173, 179, 180
Jones, Nicholas 85, 174
Jones-Drew, Maurice 113
Juarez, Roberto 73
Judeika, Jaime 52, 181
Junge, Chase 9, 40, 85, 178, 181
Kadri, Aamir 9, 21, 25, 40, 81, 93, 96, 97
Kaiser, Ashley 61, 62, 168
Kamin, Corey 73
Kammer, Adelya 73, 173, 179
Kammer, Christopher 20, 52, 142, 168, 179
Kammer, Samantha 62, 152, 153, 175
Kane, Dakota 164, 166
Kaplan, Jessica 52
Kapplehoff, Maggie 62, 168, 169, 175, 180
Kasprzak, Jonathan 52
Keane, Jake 73
Keckeisen, Connor 52
Keding, Ashley 40, 85, 180
Keefner, Skylar 16, 52, 180
Keene, Jake 169
Kehl, Jared 85
Kehl, Ryan 178, 179
Kelley, Daniel 28, 62
Kelley, Leah 52
K lly, Jenna S2, 172, 181
Kelly, Kristen 30, 8S, 114, 11S, 172, 180
Kemp in -E llis, Alexsis 62, 180, 181
Kenney, Ashley 49, S2
Kenney, Patrick S2, 169, 170, 178
Kentcy, DJuan 63
Keough, aitlyn 8S, 180
K rch r, Meredith 10
Kessen, Kayla 73
Ketchum, Amber 8S, 99
Ketchum, Katherine S2, 181
Kexe l, Alison S2
Kexel, Marissa 63
Key Club 60, 159
Kimba ll , Ryan 73
Kimball, Samantha 73, 176
Kingfisher, Aaron S2
Kirk, Adam 73
Kirkl y, Ceceli a 63
Kir hbaum, Jordyn 177
Ki ielewsk i, Benjamin 73
Kislia, Morgan 38, 41, 8S, 92
Kjerulf, Sean 91, 112 , 176
Klausegger, Alyssa 8S, 169
Kless, Tehra 73
Klevemann, Fabian 174, 178
Klimisch, Collin 34, 3S, 73, 108, 116, 11 7, 132,
1 70, 1 72
Konchan, Sara h SO, S2, S6, 114, 11 S, 170, 172
Konitzer, Hayl y 9, 40, 123
Korecz, Anthony 73
Ko trzewa, Ra hel 63, 170, 171, 181
Katten, Leann 35, 73, 177
Kotten, Ross 24
Kramer, James 63
Kramer, Rocky 169
Kreier, Cameron 73, 176
Kresse, Alexandria 23, SO, S2
Kres e, Alie 1 72
Kreuscher, Daniel 73, 171
Krier, Chase 73
Krone, Isaac 73, 166, 171, 180
Kruse, Ale 61, 63, 169, 176, 181
Kruse, Megan S2, 166, 167, 169, 170, 17S
Kuhagen, Lind ey 172, 178
Kuhnley, Nikolas 86, 166
Kuhnley, Tamaira S2, 16 7, 181
Kumorkiewicz, Katlynn S2, 168
Kupfer, Daniel 34, 86, 144, 178, 186
Kurman, Benjamin S2
Kuruvilla, Daniel 1 78
Kuruvilla, Stephanie 8, 31, 74, 170, 171, 180
Kutzler, Kyle 74, 79, 148, 179, 180
Kutzler, Laura S2
170, 174, 176, 180
Klinkhammer, Brandon 3S, 68, 73, 142, 143,
173, 174, 1 79
Kloiber, Alexis 63, 67, 166, 177
Klopp, Krista S2
Kluver, Jessica 23, 2S, 28, 83, 8S
Kluver, Kaitlyn 8, S2, 146, 1 S3, 170, 172, 178,
Kluver, Kyle 4S, 73
Kmiec, Emily 8S, 114, 172 , 176
Knapp, M adelyn S2, 177
Knapp, Rebecca 8, 24, 69, 73, 79, 169, 170
Knight, arl y 8S, 10S, 164, 169, 176, 180
Knight, Danielle 73
Knoke, Mike 89
Knull, Matthew SO, S2
Knutson, Hannah 63, 6S, 97, 119, 168, 171, 173,
177, 180
Kobishop, Jo rdan 73
Koch, Emalee S2, 1 72
Koch, Garett 86, 12S
Koehlen, Brad 1 78
Ko hler, Bradley S2
Koerth, Taylor 73, 181
Koesser, Karl 63, 169, 180
Kok, Molly 1 S, 43, 82, 86, 143, 204
Kok, Samuel 1 S, 73
Kolace k, Alex 124
Kolinski, Kyle 63
Kollman, Katharine 70, 73, 167, 171 , 180
Konchan, Lauren 14, 40, 86, 93, 120, 121 , 167,
La Rue, Mitchell 52
LaSco la, Sam 17 3
Lasco la, Steven 1 73
Lackey, M ariah 74
Lad wig, Savannah 63, 181
Landgraf, Adam 13, 34, 80, 86, 116, 117, 170,
174, 179
Landgraf, Kevin 31, 171
Landmark, Ivan 179
Landmark, Joe 180
Landre, Brooke 74, 169, 172
Landre, Hope 13, 19, S2, 169, 181
Lange, Eric 74
Larsen, Karli S8, 63, 168
Larson, Courtney 63
Larson, Faith 24, 40, 93
Larson, Gra e 108
Larson, Robert 176
Larson , Tanner 63, 134, 176, 179
Larson , Tara 86, 93, 130, 131, 139, 168, 170,
177, 204
Lattergrass, Taylor S2
Lawell, Zachary 86, 1 70, 180
Leadingham, Jordyn 86, 103 , 180
Leal, Veronica 63, 181
Lear, Jaylen S2
Ledford, Marcus 21, 38, 176
Ledford, Morgan 22, 63, 100, 179
Lee, Benjamin 106, 107, 163, 181, 184
Lee, Byron 63, 98
Lehman, Laura S2
Lehman, Megan S1, S2, 96, 106, 107, 181
Leibhan, Ke lly 74, 1 S8, 171
Leiting, David 6, 40, 86, 113, 176
Lemay, Kyle 74
Leon, Benjamin 74
Leonard, Emily 37, 40, 86, 167, 171, 180, 184,
Leonard, Tyler 74
Leone, Mi hae l 74, 180
Leslie, Indigo 6, 26, 74, 103, 170, 171, 180
Lewand, Aly ia 74, 99
Lewis, Madeline 74, 1 71
Lewis, Mike 12 3
Lewis, Ty'ion 176
Lichter, Jake 18
Lindsey, Ciara 74
Lipper, Donald S2, 176
Littel, Ca leb 10 7, 108, 181
Littel, Jordan 20, 52, 12 9
Little, Leo S9, 63, 176
Little, Marteze 63
Lob rger, Alexandra S2, 169
Lob rger, Haley 74
Loef, Anthony 103, 180
Loef, Matt 176
Loewe n, Karlie 10, 74, 1S8, 170
Loffredo, Jon 86, 176
Lollis, Jack ulyn 63
Lond, Alexis 74
Londo n, Michael 74, 99
Lopez, Alexander 40, 86, 93, 128, 129, 161
Lopez, Alonte 63
Lopez, Francis o S2
Lopez, Miguel 174
Lott, Milton 2S
Lovell, Thursto n S3
Lowen, Karlie 1S7, 1S9, 170
Lucente, Jose ph 86
Lucke, Marisa 26, 40, 86, 93, 122 , 12 3, 168,
170, 17S, 180
Lund , Nico las 86, 180
Lundgren, David 28, 74, 9S
Lundy, Jake 63
Lundy, Tyler 63, 176
Lupia, Adam 86
Lupia, Kaitlyn S3
Lurquin, Taylor 30, 86
Luttrel , Chris 1 76
Lux, Meghan 74, 11S, 171, 172
Ly, Nancy 8, 35, 74, 170
Lyn ch, Shaneequa S3
Where are you
working for
the summer?
Th e GAP.
W ell, I appli ed lo Nike but I
don't know.
Burger King!
Machak, Eric 7 4
Maddern, Ashlynn 74
Maddo ks, Ashley 53, 147, 175, 178, 181
Madeleine, Sophie 57
Mader, Paje 74, 172
Madison, Joshua 86, 105, 142
Madrigal Feaste 26
Maegaard, Mit hell 119, 173, 179
Mahant, Carson 63, 66, 144, 168, 169, 171, 174,
178, 180
Mahoney, Holly 27, 40, 86, 93, 101, 122, 138,
170, 175, 177, 180
Mahoney, Sara 40, 126
Main, Logan 53
Majerowski, Bennett 53, 129
Makar, Morgan 53, 175
Maldonado, Gerardo 11
Mangold, Kaelan 74, 176
Mangold, Samantha 58, 63, 177
Mann, Alexandria 74
Mann, Angela 53, 181
Mann, Arianna 176, 181
Maraccini, Jared 63, 174
Marek, Alysa 74, 169
Marentes, Hayl e 63
Margetson, Mi hae l 63
Marianyi, Samantha 9, 71, 74, 166
Maritato, Miranda 34, 35, 74, 101, 159, 169,
170, 181
Marlar, Emma 105, 180
Marolt, Samantha 74, 104, 169, 181
Martensen, Katelyn 63, 170, 171, 180
Marth, Connor 7 4
Ma rtin, Aj 59
Martin, Anthony 63
Martin, August 53
Martin, Cassandra 87, 163, 169, 171
Martin, Rajzhane 53
Martinez, Mandy 74, 101
Martinson, Anastasia 63
Massimo, Joshua 63, 144
Mata, Kyle 10, 74
Matello, J ey 168
Matherly, Mad ison 53
Mathi sen, Kay 53, 136, 1 75, 181
Matoska, Andrew 53, 171, 176
Matthews, Dil lon 53
Matthews, Kendr ick 63, 169
Matute, Apri l 87
Maurer, Madison 53, 181
Maxwe ll , Jaremey 87, 166
May, Ju tin 33, 74
Mays, Brandon 53
Mays, Brittany 53
McCain, Troy 176
McClain, Karissa 53, 55, 181
McClain, Nicole 63, 169
Mc olgan, Shane 63, 166
Mccollum, Madison 184
McCormi k, Kelly 12, 74, 173, 178, 180
McDonald, Emily 38, 87, 99
McGinley, Kaylee 87
McGonegl , Kelsey 64, 175
McGraw, Lauren 75
M llroy, Rory 144
M Kay, Jessica 75, 131, 139
M Kee, Colton 87
McKinley, Sarah 53
McNair, Andrew 26, 40, 87, 93, 97, 104, 105,
167, 170, 171, 180
McNair, Anthony 173
M Neil, Darion 63
McPherson, Sarah 75, 171, 180
McWi ll iams, Marce ll us 24
McWi lliams, Montigo 53
Mckay, Jessie 1 70, 177
Meier, Brianna 75, 154, 155, 174
Mendez, Christopher 53
Mendez, Jonathan 124, 174
Mendoza, Charle 64
Mendoza, Wi lliam 75, 168
Mengo, Bianka 53, 175, 181
Menzie, Shan ley 64
Messenger, Rob 82
Metallo, Cory 87, 144, 145, 178, 186
Metallo, Joseph 18, 64
Metz, Korr in 75, 167, 170, 171, 181
Meure r, Jacob 87
Micel i, Matthew 39, 87, 169, 170
Micel i, Sabrina 75, 158, 160, 167, 169, 170, 171
Michael is, Christian 53
Micha l ki, Me lissa 53, 181
Miesbauer, Eric 64, 167, 169, 180
Milankovic, Jovana 64
Milbauer, Karina 31
Mill r, And rew 64
Mill er, Emily 20, 87, 136, 1 54, 155, 170, 174,
Mi ller, Me lissa 75, 166, 181
Miller, Rac he l 17, 64, 167, 175
Miller, Rya n 87, 151, 178
Miller, Tri ia 19, 64, 153, 1 75, 181
Miner, Sabrina 87, 96, 1 76
Mishra, Manas 25, 53, 170, 180
Mitche ll, Ja mes 15, 53
Mod i a, Anthony 53, 180
Moe ller, Si mon 1 72, 1 74
Moes, Parker 16, 75, 176
Mogensen, Brock 87, 166, 174
I'm going to hill all summer long.
No job for me!
Molback, Douglas 75, 178, 180
Molback, Marcus 75, 178, 181
Molette, Kyle 87, 166
Molina, Kevin 64
Molinaro, Dexter 21, 40, 132
Molinaro, Erica 75, 166, 169, 181
Moller, Simon 129
Mongeau, Jacqueline 15, 64, 66, 158, 175
Montero, Jose 174
Moore,Jakyra 53, 153, 169, 175
Moore, Patric 64
Moore, Talea 16
Moore, Thomas 172
Moore, Zach 95
Morehouse, Michael 53
Moreland, Taylor 121
Morelli, Michael 23, 75, 77, 112, 113
Moreno, Luis 64, 176, 181
Morgan, Alex 69
Morin, Tabitha 53, 153, 175
Moro, Nicholas 18, 87, 144
Morris, Alyssa 87, 172
Morris, Kelly 53, 181
Morris, Shaneeka 85
Morris, Tabitha 175
Morzfeld, Danielle 53, 181
Morzfeld, Jacob 70, 75
Mosley, Abigail 64
Mosley, Janiqua 87
Mr. Aie llo 44
Mr. Akhavein 44
Mr. Azmu s 44
Mr. Beam 44
Mr. Bradford 44, 45, 176
Mr. Burke 44
Mr. Cicerale 44, 46
Mr. Clark 173
Mr. Covelli 44, 103
Mr. Cruz 44
Mr. Cummins 44
Mr. Delahanty 45
Mr. Dollar 45, 176
Mr. Ouros 45
Mr. Dutton 134
Mr. Ekstrom 45, 176
Mr. Fanning 45, 46
Mr. Frie man 45, 46
Mr. Gazarkiewicz 45
Mr. Geiger 44, 45
Mr. Hopkins 45
Mr. Jorsch 45
Mr. Ketterhagen 45, 46
Mr. King 45, 46
Mr. Kollman 45
Mr. Kosman 45, 129, 172, 173
Mr. Kresse 45
Mr. Ladd 45, 69, 176
Mr. Lillard 45
Mr. Majercik 46
Mr. Marschel 46
Mr. Marshall 46
Mr. Matera 46, 148, 179
Mr. Matrise 46, 176
Mr. McKim 46
Mr. Milward 46
Mr. Mommaerts 46, 47
Mr. Muhammad 46
Mr. Orth 46
Mr. Paulauskas 46
Mr. Perillo 46
Mr. Prahl 46, 176
Mr. Prozanski 46, 47
Mr. Rideaux 46
Mr. Rizzo 43, 46
Mr. Romano 46
Mr. Samz 47, 103, 107
Mr. Schenk 47, 178
Mr. Schmitt 31, 47, 176
Mr. Shimon 47
Mr. Skripsky 47, 173
Mr. Sulko 45, 47, 179
Mr. Thomas 45, 47
Mr. Townsend 47, 178
Mr. Weiss 47
Mr. Werve 47, 175, 178
Mr. White 47
Mr. Wilhelmson 47
Mr. Wilson 47
Mr. Wisniewski 47, 95
Mr. Wolbers 47
Mr. Zalokar 47, 176
Mr. Zuzinec 47
Mr. Todd Hardy 30, 45, 177
Mr. Troy Hardy 45
Mr. Topel 47
Ms. Amborn 44, 105
Ms. Andreoli 44
Ms. Andrews 44, 47
Ms. Bell 44
Ms. Bosovich 44
Ms. Bradley 44
Ms. Breitenbach 44, 107, 181
Ms. Broadway 44
Ms. Brown 44, 46
Ms. Burgher 44
Ms. Byrnes 44
Ms. Chalgren 44
Ms. Chase 44
Ms. Church 44
Ms. Danielson 35, 44, 45
Ms. Dary 45
Ms. Dorow 45
Ms. Dowse 45
Ms. Elmblad 44
Ms. Fremarek 45
Ms. Gorman 45
What are you
looking forward to about
next year at
Ms. Guitierrez 45
Ms. Hackeloer 45
Ms. Hansen 45
Ms. Hartschuh 45
Ms. Hujik 44, 45
Ms. Humphres 45
Ms. lnfusino 45
Ms. Johnson 45
Ms. Kasper 45
Ms. Keel 45
Ms. Kessler 44, 45
Ms. King 45
Ms. Kocol 45
Ms. Kostreva 45
Ms. Kotz 45
Ms. Krok 45
Ms. Kutchery 45, 168, 186, 204
Ms. Laforge 45
Ms. Larsen 45
Ms. Last 45
Ms. Lavey 45
Ms. Leard 45
Ms. Lechusz 45, 46
Ms. McCarthy 46
Ms. Meyer 46
Ms. Murray 46
Ms. Orth 46
Ms. Pacetti 46
Ms. Padlock 46
Ms. Pastor 35, 46, 47
Ms. Patrick 46
Ms. Pfeiffer 46
Ms. Pignone 46, 186
Ms. Pringle 46
Ms. Redalen 46
Ms. Reid 46, 1 78
Ms. Reif 46
Ms. Rhody 46
Ms. Rudynski 46
Ms. Ruta 47
Ms. Schenk 47
Ms. Schmid 47
Ms. Semenas 47
Ms. Skeans 47
Ms. Steinbrink 46, 47
Ms. Swiatko 46, 47
Ms. Thomas 47
Ms. Tronvig 47
Ms. Valeri 43, 47, 172
Ms. Vallone-Seaberg 47
Ms. Vervisch 47
Ms. Wacker 47
Ms. Wansart 47
Ms. Watring 47
Ms. Wepfer 47
Ms. Whitaker 47, 156
Ms. Wiegele 47
Ms. Yust 47
Ms. Zajicek-Bagen ski 47
Ms. Ziccarelli 47
Mueller, Simon 178
Muerhoff, Mason 64, 168, 171, 17 4, 180
Muerhoff, Maya 3, 126, 165, 168, 173
Mukka, Ashley 64
Mu llis, Sierra 9, 63, 64, 164, 170
Mu lroy, Matthew 71, 75
Munoz, Brooklyn 53, 54, 138, 139
Munoz, Mark 64, 174
Munoz, Rafa 1174
Munroe, Madison 28, 54, 138, 139, 172, 177
M urray, Ashley 75
Murray, Cu llen 19, 54
Murray, Rachael 64, 171, 1 73, 180
Murray, Sara 87, 103, 122, 168, 175, 180
Mutch ler, Megan 40, 87, 93, 163, 166, 168, 181
M utchler, Melissa 41, 64, 166, 1 71, 173, 180,
Nash, Allan 10, 75
National Honor Society 89, 164, 182
Naudi, Nico le 72, 75, 166, 171, 181
Naumowicz, Zachary 16, 23, 75
Nedd, Jordan 75
Nedd, Rebekah 31, 87, 118, 11 9, 173
Nedweski , Lief 176
Neiman, Seth 54
Nelson, Brett 48, 54
Nelson, Bridget 63, 64, 146, 168, 171, 172, 178
Nelson, Devin 78
Nel on, Jacob 54, 1 76
Nel on, Jared 169
Nelson, Kristyn 64, 171, 181
Nelson, Nikki 24
Nelson, Rachel 54, 166, 169, 180
Nelson, Steve n 106, 107
Nemero, Jake 1 73
Nemetz, Stephanie 73
Nemiro, Jacob 75
Neu, Brad 9, 27, 75, 162, 166, 167
Neuzie, Stanley 75
Nevarez, Armando 43
Neva rez, Vito 167, 184
Nevin , Crace 75, 173
Newberry, Brian 54, 143, 170, 176, 179, 180
Newberry, Ethan 75
Newberry, Nathaniel 25, 40, 8 7
Newberry, Tom 11 2
Newby, Alexa nder 53, 54
Nichols, Chris 173
Nichols, Halie 54
Nichols, Jared 22, 75, 134, 135, 176
Nichols, Kato 176
Nichols, Levi 64, 149, 179
Ni kel , Kayla 88
Nielsen, Matthew 75, 168
Nierenberger, William 180
Nikolai, Hunter 54, 176, 179
Niles, Alyssa 64, 172, 179
Niles, Zachary 6, 39, 112, 113, 176, 179
Nixon, Morgan 6, 8, 13, 64
Nofsinger, Samantha 13, 136
Nolan, Christoph r 3 7
Nolder, Timothy 60, 64
Nordquist, Adam 6
Nordquist, Tom 64, 166
Norris, Connor 75, 132, 171 , 178
Norton, Brandon 54, 179
Norton, Brittany 75
Notarianni, Marta 24, 49, 54, 169
Nottingham, Kyle 35, 40, 88, 118, 119, 142, 173,
Novak, Katrina 64, 178, 181
Novotny, Brandi 88
Nowak, James 75
Nunn, Quaterius 54
Nyland, River 54
Nyquist, Nate 40, 118, 173
Oe hler, Lauren 9, 20, 88, 127
Oenning, Devon 64
Oette l, Kennedy 54
Oh lson, Kamrin 88
Olson, Anthony 8, 132, 133
Opa l, Michael 81, 87, 88
Orchestra 40, 181
Orr, Em ily 65, 171 , 181
Orr, Leah 167, 173, 180, 184
Ortiz, Ange liqu 54, 166, 181
Osborn, Jeremy 36, 75, 167
Osborn, Justin 54
Osborne, De'Teresa 75
Oseguera, Raymond 54, 174
Oster, Emma 60, 65, 177
Oster, Jake 26, 156, 167, 168, 180
Oster, Melan ie 65
Ostergaard, Don James 75
Oswa lt, Jacob 65
Ou imet, N icholas 75
Ouimet, Vincent 75
Overman, Rebecca 65
Owen, Ja ob 75, 78
Owens, Alexis 65, 173, 176
Being a senior.
Owens, Andrew 33
O'Boyle, Bryce 35, 75, 103, 180
O'Brien, Josh 74
O'Neal, Brianna 88
O'Neal, Ja ob 64, 101
O'Neal, Jason 33, 40, 88, 95, 103, 150
PTSA 160
Pabon, ldalys 65, 181
Padgett, Brandin 54
Padilla, Alex 86
Padilla, Payton 75, 88
Page, Bryan 88, 176
Palermo, Bryce 173
Palmer, Douglas 75, 174, 176
Palmer, Zachary 54, 174
Papendorf, Reice 65
Parker, Brooklyn 75
Parker, Jacqius 64
Parker, Raekwon 65
Parker, Zachery 88, 166
Parmentier, Jacob 75, 171, 172, 180
Parmentier, Shannon 21, 25, 27, 31, 40, 97, 119,
Parrish, Julie 10
Parrish, Maxie 75, 166, 181
Parrone, Sam 75
Pascual, Morgan 75, 176
Patrick, DMarcco 110, 132, 133
Patton, Emma 14, 88, 109, 160, 168, 204
Patty, Connor 40, 88, 112, 113, 132, 133, 176
Patty, Gregg 112
Paulsen, Sam 88, 175, 177
Paulsen, Sydney 51, 54, 154, 171, 174
Pavlovich, Tristen 54, 181
Payton, Autumn 54, 165, 169, 178
Paz, Eri 54, 149, 179
Paz, Sara 88, 170, 175
Pearson, Kai li 65, 181
Peavy, Jaden 65
Peavy, Jazz 75, 176, 179
Pederson, Courtland 75, 173
Peet, Kane 75
Peloquin, Drew 75
Peltier, Logan 76, 143, 176, 180
Pena, Emi ly 65, 166, 169, 173, 179
Pena, Katelyn 76, 173, 179
Perales, Collin 54
Pera les, Stevee 54
Pera lta, Angel ica 54
Pera lta, Yesenia 76
Perdomo, Bryan is 40, 88, 98, 108, 168, 170,
Perez, Abel 17, 65, 169
Perez, Christian 76, 166, 169
Perez, Christina 166
Perez, Fermin 54
Perez, Jesus 65
Perez, Malia 54, 172, 181
Perez, Misael 54
Perez, Samantha 76, 1 77
Perez, Tyler 54, 1 74
Perri, Leah 40, 110, 172
Perri, Nichola 12, 65, 178
Personal Finance 101
Petersen, Benjamin 76
Petersen, Matthew 55, 176
Peterson, Adrian 113
Peterson, Benjamin 169
Peterson, Courtney 74, 76
Peterson, Grant 88
Pettit, Joseph 26, 87, 88
Pettit, William 65
Pezdir, Jennifer 40, 41, 88, 181
Pfaff, Tyler 55
Pfaffle, Nadya 55, 181
Pfaffle, Oksana 76, 181
Pfantz, Andrew 42, 76, 142
Pfeiffer, Alexis 76
Pfeiffer, Angelique 88
Pfffle, Nadya 1 71
Pfluegl, Hannah 37, 65, 167, 171
Pham, Chris 88, 171
Piekos, Nathan 65
Pierangeli , Leanne 76
Pierce, Douglas 55, 96
Pierson, Connor 55, 176
Pierson, Katrina 88, 163, 176
Pietschman, Bridget 55
Pike, Taylor 55, 181
Pincombe, Jakob 76
Ping Pong Club 164
Pirangle, Leanne 173
Pitts, Marty 39, 179
Placek, Liam 65
Ploskee, Peter 40
Point Of View Club 168
Poland, Grace 49, 55
Polso, Katrina 76, 168, 169, 181
Poltrock, John 76
Ponfil, Katie 76
Poore, Jacob 65
Pope, Willie 63, 65
Poppe, Christopher 76, 176
Posey, Marcus 76
Pospichel, Travis 76
Post-McNab, Reighn 167
Po ti, Emily 65
Potthast, Josh 29, 31, 33, 89, 99, 167, 184
Poulsen, Taylor 55
Powe ll, Master 55
Powell, Ryley 65, 128, 129, 167, 169, 172, 180
Powell, Sara h 10
Prado, Em ili o 65
Prescott, Brian 1 76
Prevec, Sabrina 14, 65
Pri e, DeQuane 176
Price, Leondranae 55
Price, Terry 76
Prisk, Sierra 65
Pritchett, Christian 71
Proca ri one, Cyrus 65
Prochni ak, Lauren 65
Proza nski, Dakota 55, 148, 176, 179
Proza nsk i, Dylan 20, 76
Pryby, Sama ntha 76, 204
Puente, Francisco 76
Pulera, Alexandria 89, 11 4
Purse r, Zachary 76, 1 72
Pute rba ugh, Sofia 39, 65, 104, 154, 167, 169,
171, 174, 181
Quinn, Brian 174
Quinn, Isaac 84, 89, 11 6, 11 7, 133
Q uinn, Mike 179
Rabin , Emily 175
Racewicz, Alis a 11 , 65, 169
Rackow, Kelsi 168
Rader, Shannon 76
Raetzman, Zach 171, 180, 181
Raetzman, Zachary 55, 168, 180
Raimondi, An thony 55, 176, 180
Rakow, Kelsi 13, 76, 159, 169
Ralph, Andrea 30, 76, 101 , 170, 181
Ramirez, Celina 76
Ramirez, Kaly 89, 97, 101 , 166
Rand, An to inette 55
Range, Tyler 88, 11 6, 11 7, 166, 174
Range l, M elissa 76
Rasch, Ali son 21, 64, 65, 175, 181
Rasch, Jacob 65
Rasch, Leah 80, 89
Rauen, Kyle 76
Reality Check Day 97
Reeves, Courtney 65, 101, 147, 172, 178
Rega lado, Daniel 76
Rega lado, De nnis 55
Regazz i, i rra 89
Regel, Ka ryn 73, 76, 156, 158
Re hm, Jamey 176
R i hel, Jordan 65, 180
Re id, Jesse 76, 180
Reid, op hia 55, 168, 181
Reimer, Kurt 173
Reird, Jesse 171
Re lgado, Dan iel 180
Relgado, De nn i 180
R ncle, hristina 8, 27, 40, 93, 105
Renk, harl s 27, 89, 93
Renn er, Emily 55, 167, 180, 181
Reyes, Lynette 76
Rhey, Em ma 75, 76, 181
Rh ey, Ka itlyn 24, 89
Rhutasel, Gorden 76, 142, 173, 179
Rhu tasel, Ta lia 55, 170, 173, 179, 181
Ri io, Susa nn a 89, 123
Rice, Tyler 29, 76, 135, 169, 173, 176
Rich, M arry 39
Ri hards, Ka itlyn 76, 104, 180
Ri ht r, Ke ndra 20, 27, 75, 76, 158
Richter, Mi chael 1 76
Ricker, Bian a 75, 76, 169, 171, 175
Ri emer, Kurt 89, 11 6, 11 7, 137, 170, 174, 178,
Riemer, M arku s 65, 11 7, 168, 170, 174, 178,
Riggins, Dani elle 59, 141, 179
Riggs, Sydney 76, 169
Riley, Alexandra 65, 171
Ril ey, Brianna 40, 89, 93, 122, 123, 170, 175,
Ri va, Alex 173
Ri va, Annmari e 8, 15, 30, 40, 83, 89, 93, 103,
130, 131 , 139, 170, 177, 180
Ri ve o, Vito 70, 76
Ri ve ra, Angelita 13, 55
Ri ve ra, Eduard o 89, 173, 179
Rizzo, Ka therin e 65
Roach, Aliso n 181
Roa h, Kelley 89, 107, 171, 181
Roach, Taylor 65, 171, 172, 181
Robb, Jessica 86, 89
Robbins, Scott 65
Roberts, Al ea 16, 55, 177, 181
Roberts, Jonathan 55
Robinson, Brandon 13, 160
Robinson, Catri ce 173, 179
Robinson, Connor 65, 159, 165, 169
Robinson, Courtn ey 140, 173, 179
Robinson, Curtesia 173
Robinson, Kyle 76, 1 73
Robin son, Sa m 11 , 18, 34, 89, 92, 171
Robison, Brandon 76
Robl ero, Al exa nd er 55
Rocco, Samantha 20
Rockow, Ke lsey 173
Rodgers, Michae l 65, 172, 179
Rodriguez, An ne 55
Rodriguz, Maria 21, 31, 13 1
Rodriguez, Ni holas 76, 105
Rodriguez, Ra h I 89, 180
Rodriguez, Raymond 73, 76, 109, 180
Rodriguez, Rocio 55
Rodrigu z, Zach 18, 89
Rodriq uez, Maria 89
Roe, Bra ndon 65
Roemer, Dustin 180
Roep ke, Dani el 76
Roe pke, K vin 65, 67, 176
Roini otis, Andy 12, 89, 176
Roll et, Paul 65, 99, 171, 174, 175, 181
Rollet, Pierre 40, 124
Rollins, Austin 76
Roman, Elizabeth 65
Roman, Le li e 55, 181
Romero, Lenin 101
Romero, Nata li 76, 89
Romero, Zoie 65
Ronaldo, Chri stiano 124
Rosa l s, Jose 90
Ros o, Ril y 1 73
Rose, Joshua 76, 181
Ross, Jonah 55
Ross, Sidney 77
Ross, Talera 77
Roszkowiak, Trenton 20, 42, 66, 151, 169, 176,
Roszkowiak, Taylor 90, 144, 145, 178, 186
Rove r, Kyle 66
Rowland, Deva ny 77
Ru hti, Kendall 77, 167, 180
Ru cinski , M atthew 55
Ruder, Connor 11
Ruffolo, Mi hael 77
Rufrancos, Ari adn a 181
Ruhle-Ove rh ol er, Bri tta ni 66
Ruiz, Kimberl ee 27, 43, 77, 126, 153, 167, 171,
173, 175, 180
Rui z, Nayree 13, 66, 67
Rundlett, Joey 176
Russe ll, Tiana 66, 181
Ruth erford , Emily 90, 105, 164, 166, 167, 181
Sadowski , Kyl 55
Salani, Robert 134, 176
Saldiva r, Jose 66, 176
Saldiva r, Luce rito 77
Saldiva r, Luis 55
What is your
advice for next
year's freshmen?
heck Za ngle a lot.
Go lo class a nd do n't ta lk back
lo your teache r.
Do n't be lam e. Respect
olh rs.
Salinas, Adam 1 S, 94, 9S, 174
Salva, Danielle 40, 90, 1S4,1SS,174
Salva, Ryan 1 2, 77
Samaniego, Eduardo 66
Sanders, Dajuanna 104, 181
Sanghvi, D ls in 1 74
Sanson, Erik 1 5, 40, 90, 1 S6, 1 S9, 168
Sansou i, Amanda 77
Santelli, Nicholas 66, 176
Santelli, Sara 5S
Santiago, Taylor 90
Sargent, Alex 90, 97, 101 , 1 70, 1 71
Sargent, Laure n 77, 1 S8
Sarkees, Mike 179
Sauceda, Anastasia 90, 169
Sauceda, Nikolas 66
Sawtell, Jessi a 66
Sbarounis, Alexia 55, 181
chaefe r, Lindsay 55, 1 S9, 164, 16 7, 169, 17S
Schaut, John -Carlos SS
Schellin, Lauren 173
Schelling, John 77, 180
Schendl, Madeline 19, 77, 173
Schend l, O livia S3, SS, 173
Schendzil, Hannah 173
Scheubel, Brandon 1 79
Schiaffino, Meghan 77
Sch iltz, Elizabeth 17S
Sch litz, Lauren 33, 90, 123, 140, 17S, 179, 180
Schmaling, Madalyn 65, 66, 98, 164, 172, 179
chmidbauer, Barbara SS, 170, 175
Schm idt, arlie S5
Schmidt, helsea 66, 103, 141, 172, 174, 179,
Schmidt, Michael 77, 142, 179
Schmidt, Sad ie 147, 178
Schock, Al i 173
Schock, Al lison 90, 181
Schock, Lindsey SS, 172, 177, 181
Schroeder, Kyle 66
Schroeder, Tayler 77
Schroeder, W illiam SS, 180
Schroeter, Aaron 77, 171, 173
Schuebel, Brandon 2S, 90, 176, 179
Schu ltz, Fa ll on 22 , S9, 66, 97, 170, 181
S hu ltz, Megan SS, 17S, 181
Schu ltz, Nicholas 90
Schultz, Ni ole 90, 114, 11 S, 172
Schu ltz, Pa ige 14, 81, 90, 1 S9
Schu lz, Taylor 81, 97, 1 SS
Schu lze, Miriam 77, 106, 166, 171, 181
Schuma her, Mada li ne 12, 97
Schutzen, Sarah 17
Schwalb , An na 77, 1 73
Schwalbe, Emma 19, SS, 172
Schwalbe, Ethan 2, 90, 173, 179
Schwartz, ody 66, 174
S hwartz-Thuot, Trenton 66, 134, 13S
S hweinsberg, James SS, 181
Schwer, Joshua 66
Sciarra, Anthony 77, 112, 113
Sciarra, Nicole 66, 176
Scott, Davion 66
Scott, Dionia 77
Scott, Jana SS
Scott, Zoey 66
Scuffham, Breeanna 66
Sebolski, Daniel 173
Seebeck, Max 1 09
Seeley, Nicholas 77
Sekuris, Chad SS, 176
Semenas, Caitlin 20, SS, 1 73, 1 7S
Semenas, Kevin 77, 14S, 178
Semrad, Caitlin 77, 169, 173
Semrad, Matthew S2, SS
Senior Banquet 38, 39
Sennholz, Krystal 30, 40, 90, 169, 170, 18S
Sentieri, Jessica 77
Sentieri, Jordan SS
Sentieri, Megan SS, 169, 181
Sepanski, Danielle 77, 164, 168, 169, 170, 1 7S
Serpe, Matthew 56
Serrano, Heidi 90
Sertich, Daniel 77
Serzynski, Ariel 7S, 77, 181
Sexton, Billy 64, 66, 1 76
Shamberg, Dayna 77, 171, 180
Shanlyey, John Patrick 37
Shannon, Kate87,9~ 123, 163, 17S
Shannon, Thomas56, 143
Shannon, Tom 173 , 179
Sharpe, Edward 57
Sharpe, Jeff 109, 1 S8, 173
Shatkins, Courtney 49, S6
Shaw, Bradley 66, 168, 1 76, 179
Sheen, Lucas28, 9~ 91
Sheets, Emily 66
Shelin, Lauren 173
Shelling, Jt 171
Shepherd, Damion 176
Shepherd, Daniel S6
Sherrod, Diabolique 176
Sherrod, Jalen 66, 180
Sherrod, Shania S6, 181
Shiffra, Anthony 48, S6
Shipley, Ian 86, 90, 164, 168
Shir el, Tyler 66, 128, 172
Short, Matthew 21, 69, 77
Shreve, Christian 66
Shroat, Donna 47
Shulski, Eugene S6, S8, 160, 176
Shu lski, Jordan 21
Sigler, Ell i 77
Sigman, Kaitlyn 66
Sign Club 167
Silva, Josue 77
Simmons, Joe 176
Simmons, Se lena 181
Simpson, Lendai 56, 170
Sinde, Joshua 56
Singh, Bhinder 40, 90, 102, 164
Sirocchi, Abigail 77, 79, 138
Skalbeck, Sam 82, 90, 109, 116, 117, 171, 174,
Skanron, Josh 39, 91, 125, 1 74
Skarda, Josh 134, 135, 176
Skarda, Luke S6
Skarda, Morgan 77, 101, 169, 180, 181
Skendziel, Hanna h 56, 12 7, 173, 180
Skillings, Linda 47
Skills, All 1 72
Skow, Marisa 37, 77, 10S
Skowronski, Tye 27, 77, 171 , 174, 180
Sladek, Kayla 56
Slama, Christain 77
Siana, Stephen 66, 173, 1 78, 180
Slater, Alyssa S6, 181
Slater, Bailey 66, 171 , 1 74
Slater, Keon 1 76
Slaviero, Dan 77, 142, 173, 179
Slaviero, Sara 66
Sloan, Cody 66
Slovacek, Zackary 78
Smick, Michael 66
Smith, Allie 77, 78, 111, 120, 121, 20S
Smith, Annie 78, 120
Smith, Cameron 78, 179
Smith, Christian 176
Smith, Christina S6, 1 S3, 17S, 180
Smith, Cori 78
Smith, Jordan 78, 169
Smith, Julaine 56
Smith, Kaleigh 178
Smith, Kelsey 27, 78, 167, 171, 180
Sm ith, Kyley S6, 180
Smith, Logan 33, 91, 102, 180
Smith, Mariah S6, 181
Smith, Nicholas 78
Smith, Robbyn S6
Smith, Travis 176
Smith, Tyler 8, S6
Snell, Jaelyn S2, S6, 181
Snid r, Brooke 91, 122, 17S
Snider, Jordan 49, S6, S7
Snider, Sydney 173
Snow, Nicole 158, 16S
Snowboardin g Club 158, 159
Snyder, Sidney 66, 169
Sobin, Michael 6, 32, 40, 91, 93, 101, 103, 180
Sollecito, Raffaele 10
Solrns, Ethan 78
Sommer, Joshua 66
Sor nsen , Dustin S6
Sorensen, Dylan 66
Sorrell, Lloyd 78, 172, 180
Soward, Vanessa 1S, 37, 78, 167, 17S
Spanish 101
Try to make the freshman hallany lasses.
way smell b tter.
2 01..
Spann, LeShon 176
pann, Regi 66
parks, Lauryn 66
piney, John 168
Spirit Events 1 71
Spivey, John 87
quires, Tyler 56, 180
t. Peter, David 66
Stalsberg, Kyle 35, 40, 85, 91, 106, 181
Stan, Andrea 24
Stan ato, Thomas 66, 101, 148, 1 79
Standish, Lauren 56, 181
Stangas, Dominique 16, 40, 81, 91, 122, 171,
175, 180
State, Emily 175
States, Ken 173, 178
Steaga ll , Emma 56, 181
St ele, Johnny 13
t fanski, Kyle 78, 1 79
Steinmetz, Marisa 24, 68, 78, 146, 171, 178
Steinsdorfer, Jon 32, 91, 167
Ste insdorfer, Tyler 51, 56
Stephens, Breanna 56, 169, 181
Steplyk, Tess 23
Stevens, Katlyn 56, 181
Stidd, Kimberly 34, 78, 163, 168, 169, 170, 181
Stoebe, Angela 169, 173
Stoebe, Katie 78, 122, 175
Stoebe, Rachel 97, 127, 167, 17~ 171, 173
Sto big, Scott 125, 179
Stowell, Lindsay 11, 78, 174
Stre lecki, Daniel le 66, 168, 170, 177
Stricker, Steve 145
Strouf, Kelsey 91
Strutz, Melisa 1 71
Student Government 30, 31
Sturino, John 16, 27, 40, 81, 83, 91, 178
Sturino, Mary 6, 83, 91
Sturycz, Melissa 66, 169, 180
Suhr, Austin 78, 160
Su llivan, Kody 32, 60, 66, 98, 175, 176
Summers, Nathan 66, 1 72
Swanger, Katherine 56, 181
Swanson, Nick 33
Swenby, Ryan 174, 179
Swift, Maxwell 12, 91, 128
Symoens, Coach 176
Takala, James 66, 94, 167, 169, 171, 176, 180
Talent Show 33, 35
Taver, Emma 105
Taylor, Emma 54
What is your
favorite part of
the end of the
school year?
, Ilidex
Taylor, Faith 54, 56, 181
Taylor, Joshua 66, 166
Taylor, Montay 66
Tayl r, Rach I 49, 56
Taylor, Val rie 47
Teixe ira, Pamella 91
Tellez, Eli 179
Tempest 109, 185
Tenuta, Madelyn 56, 180
Theatre 36, 3 7
Theine, David 56, 174
Thies nhusen, Brittany 56
Thoma , Elliott 25, 170
Thomas, Jalen 78
Thomas, Jessica 91, 180
Thomas, Mitchell 91, 1 79
Thomas, Norja ie 78
Thomas, Tevin 56
Thomas, Tristan 51, 56
Thompson, Austin 91, 113, 176
Thomsen, Joshua 56, 174
Thomsen, Laura 91, 99, 110, 111, 127, 173
Thomsen, Nicole 91
Thornton, Mitchell 49, 56, 174
Thrash r, Jessica 91
Tiernan, Jenn ifer 78, 158
Tilch, David 66, 1 71
Tinda ll, Harvest 83, 169, 170, 181
Tinda ll, Sovereign 78, 170, 180
Tite l, Caro line 56, 166, 167, 169, 171, 175
Tite l, Zachary 23, 78, 112, 113
Tob ias, Angela 56, 181
Tock, Andrew 66, 173
Tock, M ichae l 56, 179
Tallas, Kaya 78, 168, 171
Ta llas, Lana 25, 96, 180
To m zak, Taylor 27, 40, 160, 162, 163
To mi , Marissa 91
To rchia, Katherine 67
Torres, Li lly 22, 56, 120, 141, 168
Torres, Miguel 78, 167
Torre~ Raque l 67, 171
Torres, Stephany 56, 181
Torres-Castillo, Ange la 67
Tortoriello, Stephanie 13, 91
To usey, Dela ney 78
Tover, Cassie 69, 78
Tover, Ke lsey 92
Tower, Emma 56, 57, 169, 171, 181
Tra y, Kennedy 60, 67, 181
Trainor, O livia 67, 171, 177
Travel Club 93, 158, 162, 163
Tredup, Julie 67, 175
Trempe r Theatre Compa ny 36, 167
Trentad ue, Alex 56, 149, 176, 179
Trentad ue, Joseph 78
Trevino, Rose mary 47
Trimmer, Jay 92
Trojanettes 154
Troup, Jeremy 119
Troup, Michael 78
Troupe Tremper 164
Tryban, She lbi 92, 169, 180
Tuohy, Raquel 78
Turman, Miranda 67
Turner, Aaron 78
Turner, Alexandria 56
Turner, Chris 176
Turvaville, Jordan 92
Tyson, Shaneecia 56, 181
Udry, Justin 67, 171, 180
Ulrich, Peter 33, 92
Untershine, Adam 78
Untersh ine, Sara 40, 92, 96, 168
Urdy, Justin 174
Uttech, Amanda 79, 155, 171, 174
Uttech, Tyler 79, 176
Vagnon i, Ja ob 79, 168, 174
Va ladez, Manuel 56
Va lenzue la, Mayeli n 67
Va leri, Alexandra 79, 120
Va leri, Elis 13, 25, 97, 120
Van Pamel, tephan 173
VanBeekum, Alex 56, 167, 169, 180
VanBeekum, Marissa 71, 79, 154, 155
VanGuyse, Sophia 77, 79, 171, 181
Vandenbranden, Cindy 13, 57, 176
Vara, Jan ix 176
Vargas, Lu pe 67
Va rn ell, Jan ix 176
Vasquez, Whi tney 10, 95
Va silev, Lacho 92
Ve chi tto, Ni holas 40, 92, 124, 174
Ve negas, Pamela 18, 79, 167, 169
Ve nega , Uriel 57
Ven ne, Robert 47
Ve rh eyen, Ka itlyn 97, 121
Verheyen, Lynn 22
Verh eye n, Nicholas 79, 180
Video Production Team 170
Vill ani, Aleena 57, 97, 11 8, 170, 173, 179
Villani, Austin 67
Werve, Andrew 142, 173, 176, 179
Werve, Emily 180
Wesley, Donovan 67, 176, 177
Wesley, Samuel 79, 168, 176
West, Madison 139
Westerrneyer, Ryan 9, 27, 43, 79, 163
Whitaker, Spencer 79, 168, 174
White, lhzjan 57
White, Mallory 67, 175
Whitefoot, Jerad 63, 67, 169
Whiteside, Austin 14, 31, 92, 93
Whitsett, lrnani 67
Whitsett, Rasheed 79, 179
Wi ks, Alyssa 92, 130, 131
Wade, Kyl 57, 178
Widynatoro, Hafizh 178
Wade, Zach 79, 149, 176, 179
Wienke, Blake 53, 57
Wade, Zechariah 57
Wikstrom, Jake 69, 76, 79, 124, 170, 174
Wagner, Kia 23, 79, 173
Wilkinson, Kalyn 26, 40, 81, 92, 105, 162, 169,
Walaszek, Luke 9, 33, 37, 79, 167
Walden, Adam 79
Wilkornrn, Jakob 34, 39, 160
Walden, Eri 89
Williams, Anthony 57
Walden, Megan 67
Williams, Dejuana 79
Walker, Sheridan 57, 167, 181
Williams, James 57, 176
Wallner, Nakia 67, 181
Williams, Kenneth 57, 161
Walsh, Bridget 67
Williams, Lauren 92, 97, 141, 173, 179
Walsh, Hannah 82, 92, 168, 180
Williams, Nashonda 168
Walther, Jill 57
Wamboldt, Michael 79, 116, 117, 171, 172, 174, Williams, Terrance 176
Williamson, Cameron 57
Williamson, Kaitlyn 79, 181
Ward, Andrew 79
William on, Luke 79, 176
Ware, Demarcus 11 2
William on, Tara 57, 176
Waring, Kayla 17, 57, 176
Williamson, Teagan 79
Warren, Gregory 92, 112
Willis, Cory 18
Warren, Greshonda 92, 180
Willkornrn, Anja 33, 67, 167, 169
Warren, Katie 67, 180
Willkornrn, Jakob 33, 92, 165, 167, 180
Wasson, Jessica 79
Wilson, Arny 57, 138, 177
Wasurick, Katie 5 7, 169
Wilson, Danielle 79, 170, 171, 180
Wasurick, Se lena 57, 166, 181
Wilson, Jacob 92, 176
Water, Kyle 57, 176
Wilson, Joshua 67, 79, 172, 179
Wathen, Aj 79, 95, 166
Wilson, Ra'j'anah 79
Watson, Bubba 144
Wincek, Cassidy 180
Watson, Jayrni 127, 173
Winstrorn, Jake 174
Watson, Samantha 92, 127, 173, 177
Winterrnote, Laurynn 57, 181
Watt, JJ 112
Wirth, Barbara 67
Wawiorka, Ale 50, 57
Wirth, Deanna 79
Wawiorka, Em ily 6, 25, 177
Wirth, Patrick 61, 67
Weber, Samantha 79, 114, 115
Wise, Erica 173
Weber, Tessa 24, 172
Wise, Tinesha 167
Webster, Thomas 79, 170
Wisniewski, Braden 35, 69, 79, 176, 179
Wedge, Brittany 79, 169, 171
Witten, Jason 11 3
Wehr, Cary 79, 180
Woller, Bradley 67, 143
Weidner, M lanie 67, 177
Woller, Emily 13, 85, 93
Weiher, Matt 40, 92
Woller, Marsha ll 80, 93
Weiser, David 47
Wood, Mark 107
Weisner, Alec 40, 180
Woodard, Karen 57, 167, 177, 181
Weis , Stephan ie 79
Woods, Joe 67, 176
Wellman, Al ly 17
Workman, Mary 37, 40, 93, 167, 171, 180, 184
Wend li k, Amanda 76, 79
Wozniak, Alyssa 79, 168
Werb ie, Jessi a 40, 90, 92, 123, 146, 178
Villanueva, lsaul 57
Villegas, Alexis 57
Visual Arts Classic 166
Voist, Justin 67
Vojtisek, Richard 79
Vorwald, Matthew 36, 82, 92, 103, 180, 184
Wright, Caden 67, 176
Wright, Derrick 93, 176
Wright, Dizzy 91
Wright, Kristen 175
Wulf, Matthew 57, 179
Yafchak, Zachary 67
Yankunas, Brooklyn 40, 204, 205
Yarbrough, Devon 57
Yearbook 168, 186, 204
Yenka, Marie 173
Yepez, Sabrina 175
Yildrirn, Destiny 93
Young, Caleb 9, 21, 37, 74, 79, 167
Zagra, Zachary 79, 128, 148, 179
Zakutansky, Alexa 65, 67, 107, 171, 181
Zaliewski, Zoe 67
Zalubowski, Kaley 181
Zamudio, Genesis 57, 175
Zamudio, Jordan 124, 125, 174
Zand, Nina 37, 57, 167
Zarletti, Anthony 67, 174, 180
Zarletti, Brenda 79, 105, 180
Zeidan, Joseph 79, 124
Zenner, Abby 21, 24, 25, 35, 90, 93, 154, 155,
170, 174, 182
Zenner, Ashley 22, 69, 79, 170
Zeszutek, Tim 9, 90, 93, 143, 205
Zhang, Anna 79, 162, 171, 181
Ziccarelli, Angela 79, 101
Ziehr, Tabitha 167
Zi linski, Jessica 93
Zielinski, Nichola 57, 145
Zielsdorf, Katherine 14, 40, 93, 170, 180
Zigner, Brandon 113, 176, 185
Zigner, Jacob 67, 176
Zigner, Katelyn 93, 127, 167, 173, 177, 181
Zirnrnerrnan,Aly a57, 177, 181
Zimmermann, Timothy 67, 180
Zoerner, Thomas 19, 48, 57, 168, 180
Zuhlke, Max 17, 40, 163, 181
Zukerman, Pinchas 106
Zuraitis, Ariana 57, 175
Zwi key, Kristin 79
Zwi key, Robin 79, 166, 173, 180
Zwickey, Steven 84
2.04 Vearbt!t!lt Svalf
We would like to thank all of the faculty,
parents, and students for their help and
support, especially those who submitted photos and information that made
it possible for us to create this year's
yearbook. Also, Walsworth Publishing
Company, Lifetouch Studios, Kenosha
News, and to everyone who purchased
business and senior ads. We owe asp ial thank you to senior Tim Zeszutek
for sketching all of the trees that can be
found within these pages.
Within the 208 page publication, all design, layouts and copy were generated by
staff on iMacs in lnDesign CS4, with graphics and photos edited in Photoshop
CS4 and Illustrator CS4. Volume 48. Press run of 800 copies. Sold at registration
for $65 with prices increasing to $80 after publication. This book was printed by
Walsworth Publishing Company in Marceline, MO. Cindy Wandschneider is our
company representative and provides us with endless support for every inch of our
book. Included this year is a feature bar that runs along the entire length of the
book. This book features color on all pages, which were printed on 80# Crown
Matte paper, and it also features a four color cover with gloss lamination. Fonts
used in this book include AWPC Optima and AWPC Tacky. Digital photos taken
primarily by student photographers with Canon EOS Rebel XS cameras. Some photos were taken by Lifetouch Studios, or submitted by students, staff, or parents.
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Many people ask, " Is yearbook easy?" Anyone on staff will tell you that it's not.
In all reality, it's a lot of work. These 200+ page books don't make themselves.
Our staff puts time and effort into every layout, photo, and body copy that we do.
Through yearbook, we are taught how to become journalists, photographers, and
we aren't too bad at tracking people down and getting those hard hitting quotes.
Yearbook headquarters, aka room 231, has become my second home. Working through lunch to finish that last cob or even staying after school for "Deadline
Nights" until 6pm to get layouts done and prepped for submission. None of what
we do would be possible without Mrs. Kutchery, (Ms. J to us veterans) assisted by
the wise and sometimes sarcastic input from Ms. Steinbrink. These two teachers are
what makes yearbook so enjoyable. Last year when some of us went to the convention in Californi a to learn new techniques to make our yearbook better, Ms. J and
Ms. Steinbrink were right by our sides the whole time. Even when we were at the
pool, they were watching from the balcony. They have helped make my high school
experience one for the books!
As yearbook comes to an end for most of us, I'd like the staff to know that without them and their hard work this yearbook wouldn't be what it is. You guys are
some of the best, hardworking, and creative people I've gotten to spend my third
block class with. I can honestly say that I love CMYK and I am truly proud to be a
Yerd (yearbook nerd) for the rest of my life!
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LOYAL MASCOT. The Trojan Man costume has been a part of Tremper's history for years. One student is chosen to embody this high spirited, outgoing personality and get
students excited for the big home game or the spirit assemblies. PREPARE FOR BATILE. Battle of the Books members seniors Emily Alfano and Lauren Borchardt re ruit
students to join their club at the a tivity fair in early eptember. SMILE FOR THE CAMERA. Homecoming court members seniors Brandon Schuebel and Elliott Thomas walk
as their names are announced at the homecoming assembly in October. DANCE IT OUT. Students at the winter sports pep assembly went crazy over Troupe Tremper's
dance moves. The team has performed at multiple assemblies and sporting events, each time getting the crowd excited and full of spirit. NO DOUBT. Senior Robin Feltman
performs with other students as the lead in the play Doubt which took place in Tremper's Studio Theater. HUT HUT HIKE. Tremper football players get ready to run a play at
the Tremper vs. I lorlick homecoming game, winning with a final score of 35-6. SENIORS! The spirit chant at pep assemblies is easily the highlight of the day. Senior Hannah
Alfredson shouts at the top of her lungs to push the seniors to win the chant. CHEERING FOR THE BOYS. Dressing up in school colors and shouting until there is no voice left
is part of being a high school student. Seniors Jessica Kluver, Kristen Kelly and Zoe Hanken show off their school spi rit and cheer for the varsity football team during the game
against Muskego. DROP IT LOW. Wrestling captains senior Dom Garcia and junior Tyler Rice wanted to create a memorable experience for students at the sports assembly.
I laving the wrestlers drop their pants exposing their si nglets gave students a good laugh. PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC. Students from Bradford and Tremper gather for the
annual Madrigal Feaste. Shown are Ye Brass and Ye Percussion Instrumentali sts after playing at the Feaste. BREAKING IT DOWN . This year's homecoming theme, Welcome
to the Jungle, was a fun , high spirited experience for students who attended. Students show off thier funky dance moves for the camera. FOR SALE! Drama club members
pull together knick knacks to raise money for productions. Students, teachers and members of the community came lo show their support. DJ HERO. Jamming out at the
band concert which featured bands such as Hello Horizon, The First Chai rs and Brutal Noodles, junior Michael Holman had the opportunity to DJ for his fellow classmates.
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JAMMING O UT! Junior JT Shelling and senior Max Zuhlke added their musical talents lo the play The Fantasticks! performed by students from the dislri l. THE PING
TO YO U R PONG. The annual activities fair is a chance for students lo explore the different clubs that are offered at Tremp r. Ping-Pong club gav demon lrations and let
students try il for themselves. COME AND GET IT. Homemade treats hit the spot any day of the week. Travel club holds month ly bake sa les along with other fund -raising
events to raise money for their trips. This year they traveled to New York, Austra lia , and Hawaii. SHOUT IT OUT. As seniors tried lo defeat the juniors during the traditiona l
spirit cheer, Marcus Ledford stepped it up, yelling and cheering them on. WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM. Converting a physics lab into an ice cream parlor was easier
than it looked. Senior Paige DeThorne, an honors physics student, enjoys a spoonful of homemade ice cream. RUN OUT THE RIVALS. Cheerleaders and Trojaneltes cheer
on the Trojans while holding the banner, " Run Out The Rebels" before the Homecoming game. IT'S FANTASTIC! Mortimer, played by junior Ryan Westermeyer, applauds
as co-star, Robb Preston from Bradford, dramatically dies during the big sward fight scene in the play The Fantasticks. CHEMISTRY: IT'S MORE THEN JUST A FEELING.
During an AP Chemistry lab, junior Aaron Schroeter performs a peroxide titration GERMANIA. Sophomore Jered Whitefoot holds a sign drawing students in to join German Club at the activities fair. Members also handed out soda and candy to anyone who joined. WHO RUN THE WORLD ... GIRLS. At every pep assembly the Trojanetles
dance team sure brings the heal. The team performed their homecoming dance number to "Who Run the World" by Beyonce. EVERYDAY l'M JAZZIN'. At the winter
pep assembly, senior Matthew Vorwald and the Jazz Band, under the direction of Mr. Covelli, perform the song 'Party Rock Anthem' during Musical Chairs Dunk Edition.