The Classic 2011
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The Classic 2011
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 2010 to 2011 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
p to one million people ore homeless
In January from the lst to 8th, students and adults
Center Safe Harbor Humane Society and Youth As
throughout the world. Overall at least
went to the Dominic Republic to do on eye clinic
Resources. Junior Samantha Barsuli, said 'Ifs easy
600 million people ore in life threatening
and saw around 500 people in three days On their
to go to bed each night, knowing you've helped out
living conditions. Every day, about 50.000
own free lime they helped build a pig pen for a
your community.· Students go out of their way to help
"lt' s easy to go to bed
each night, knowing
you've helped out your
out our community. By doing this they ore learning to
people die as a result of poor shelter pol-
luted water and inadequate sanitation and on estimoted 1.3 billion people ore living in poverty.
Everyday our fellow Troions ore out in the community trying to make these people's lives better They
also try to bring awareness to these devastating
facts Junior Alex Sargent said
Doing community
core for someone other then themselves. Junior Toylor Roszkowiak said 'Community service is giving
bock for whot my community gave me.·
Could you imagine not having any where to sleep
at night or never knowing when your next meal
would be? So many people deal with these questions
on a doily bosis There ore billions of people who ore
service he1ps you understand what really matters in
life and how blessed and lucky you ore doily. It gives
local man. They received this opportunity through St.
me thot big worm and fuzzy feeling inside knowing I
Mary's Church. There ore many organizations thot
helped someone other thon myself.'
students work with such as the soup kitchen, Sholom
in need of help whot ore you going to do about it?
l Junior Molly Kok went to the Donm1c Republic to help set
up a three day eye clinic as well as helping a local man build
a pig pen. Here. she is climbing out of a waste depository system. 2. Junior Krystal Lohner volunteered at Prairie Elementary
School. during a winier carnival that was he1d there for the
students and their families. 3. Seniors Hailey Deluca and Laura
Morgan helped serve refreshments at he amual contest for
Kenosha s best pizza. More than 500 people lined up for
o taste of their favorite slices during the 16th amual Great
Pizza Bake-Off Hailey said "Working the pizza ba e-off each
year is always really fun. There is always a lot of people free
food and a chance to help out the commmity." 4. Senior Libby
Siano painted a young girl's face at a fail carnival at a 1ocal
elementary school. She received his opportunity through Art
Club. 5. Junior Shannon Parmentier said "Community service is
a life impacting action. It is a chance for us to give back to our
community." She painted the fence at Ameche field during the
summer. 6. Junior Gabrielle Chiappetta volunteered at Prairie
Elementary School during o winter fest;val. She worked at a
ball toss carnival game.
6:00 Wake up
7:00 Leave for school
7:30 Acting 2 class
9:40 Principles of Engineering
11:13 AP English/ AP Psych
1:25 AP French
3:3 0 Doll's House Rehearsal
7:00 Homework
7:00 Misce11aneous Activities
11:00 Sleep
6:00 Wake up
6:10 Tole a shower
6:30 Eat breakfast
7:00 Leave for school
7: 30 AP Music Theory
9:40 Band
11:45 Physics Honors
1:25 English
2:3 0 Leave for tennis meet
7:3 0 Music lessons
7:30 Eat supper
9:00 Homework
6:15 Get dressed
6:30 Brush teeth/Do hair
6:50 Go to School
7:05 Hang with friends in
Orchestra Room
7:30 US History
9:40 Italian
11:13 Orchestra
1:25 Geometry
3:00 Chamber/
Wedding Wednesday
5·00 Homework
6:30 Dinner
7:15 Listen to music
7:00 Practice cello
10:30 Sleep
6:05 Change clothes
6:15 Eat breakfast/Read paper
6:30 Brush teeth/Do hair
7:00 Go to School
7:30 AP Psychology
9:40 AP Language/Comp
11:13 Math Analysis
1:25 Spanish 302
3:15 Track practice
5·30 ACT Prep Class
7:30 Eat dinner
7:00 Shower/Homework
9:00 Go on computer
9:15 Watch Glee re-runs
10:30 Sleep!
6:30 Wake up
7:00 Leave for school
7:30 Algebra 2/Trig Honors
9:30 Chemistry Honors
11:00 Spanish 201 Honors
1:25 World Issues Honors
4:00 Work at Monkey Joe's
7:30 Soccer/Lacrosse Practice
9:30 Homework
10:30 Sleep
any issues that students have
'The school shouldn't make a profit on the students
during the day come from an
transportation, that is what taxes are for · Some say
lunch from home or buying from the Home Court, ev·
unexpected source: the par\.- 1ng
that they shouldn't have to pay to park while they're
ery student has to get a lunch somehow As our <;;Jvey
lot According to iunior Mary
at school They also thinf that 11 Tremper wants stu-
says, most of the students bring their own lunch and
Sturino one issue is "getting 1n
dents to come to school that they should lower the
about sixty percent of students purchase food from the
the lot on lime because we have to go all the way
"The school shouldn't
make a profit on the students' transportation"
school everyday.
around the school." Students regu1arly complained
about haw people didn't park correctly and haw the
lot was not being plowed or salted during the winter
Students dislike that they can't see where the lines are
when theres snow This leads to parking too far and/
or too close to another car. Others th1ri there should
afford on a daily basis is lunch Whether bringing a
Though school 1s a big part of our lives. we don t
spend all our lime here. We are also distracted by
sports. music, studying, and trying to lit lime 1n for others. With upperclassmen getting ready for college
it becomes busier and more stressful. Underclassmen
price. Maybe more people would even buy passes
are busy going to dr;vers ed classes and behind the
be more security to check for cars with no slickers. for
then. Many students either don't have iobs or get paid
wheel. No matter the age we re always busy with a
illegal parking and for students that may be vandal-
very little, so coming up with the money is hard 11 your
variety of things.
izing cars. Students also talk about haw high the price
parents aren't willing to pay for it
is for a parking pass is. Senior Tanner Schroeder said
Another expense that students have to be able to
J, This car is blatantly parked in an area that is not a parking spat, blacking an entrance and exit for others This
carelessness causes unnecessary traffic problems at the end of the day. 2. Getting boxed in has become a more
regular occurrence in the student parking lot especially once snow has fallen. Junior Emily Woller describes the
time when she was boxed in. "A student blocked me in on a snowy day, so I had to stay during my release in
order to get out ofter and had to spend an hour searching for the kid!" 3. The hallways are always chaotic and
full of people. Here, students hustle to be first in line for lunch or to grab a good table in the cafeteria 4. A table
of freshmen laugh and talk about their day over their lunches.
ometimes life outside of school con be hard
bonfires oil night long, and who con forget finally
to juggle. but the kids at Tremper seem to
getting o license. With the cost of gos prices how
job at Cost Cutters to make some extra spending
balance ii well. "Maintaining grades, o
con you possibly afford ii? Some students took the
and my second job at Form and Fleet to make some
job, family and trying to mix in o social life
liberty of gelling o port lime job ofter school. Mi-
money for college." Destiny Yildirim o junior, enpys
in his four years at Tremper. He stated I got my first
con become pretty stressful. Not to men-
spending lime with friends" when she isn't spend-
tion physically draining. Sometimes I wish I had o day
ing her ofter school hours working as o waitress at
HWe enjoy having fun,
to just sleep for twenty four hours to prepare for
but we know when to
the next week," said junior Brooklyn Yonkunos. With
the pressure of school to keep your grades up and
get serious"
begin to prepare for college con be stressful for any
Golden Corral. Ron Schaefer enjoys "hanging out
with friends. and comping every chance he gets"
when he's not swimming for Tremper or balancing
AP and honors classes Students at Tremper know
how to get down and have some good clean fun
student here at Tremper What do some of the kids
choel Cosey, o junior works at Gonder Mountain.
at Tremper do for fun? Well Jakob Michaelis likes
He got o job because, he ·needed the money for gos
while working on life long goals that they have set
to spend the days with his pet zebra High school 1s
and for spending when he was with friends." Senior
for themselves."We enjoy having fun, but we know
oil about socializing hanging at the lake with friends.
Joe McKinley hos token on volleyball and two jobs
when to get serious." said junior Brooklyn Yankunos
1. Senior Jakob M1choel1s with his pet zebra 2. Senior Katie Gentner hos been hand-mo 1ng products that she sells on
o croft website called Etsycom The website features many
items of Katie's such as her purses and hair accessories. Kalie
is also actively involved in Art club. Katie is o true multitosker
Between school work making and selling her products Art
club and balancing o social life. Katie makes ii 1ook easy. 3.
A group of Tremper 1<.ids enjoy working at Moriey Joes on
Green Boy Rood Martey Joes 1s o place where kids of all
ages con jump in bounce houses and run through 01r obstacles
with friends. Morkey Joes also offers party room rentals. 4. If
o DJ is needed for the next big Tremper party why not hove
your fellow students mix up the beats
5. Working wi h his
co-worker 1s Darryl Thornton. o senior Darryl soid that he likes
to relax away the stress of high school by 'ploying basketball
foot boll, and any sport he con with friends and family'
Btttf Btttf Btttf
students work hard to make the big buck
Starbucks Barista
looking back on news and technology
010 was the end of the first decade of the
city we experienced same excitement of our own when
little farther east in Japan a terrible earthquake trig-
21st Century and a transition into a new
a house explosion caused people miles away to feel
gered a tsunami that devastated the country. And back
one. This year will be remembered as an
its tremor About a month later Packer fans across the
1n Madison. Scott Walker passed a bill that affected
extraordinary year, ii was full of happy and
country celebrated as their team made a sixth Super
the school district as budget cuts led ta jab closings
sad times as well as moments that we will
game. and also 1n history ma ·1ng sports news. South
protests. On a happier note, the crown prince of
"It made my life when the and
England, Prince William. married his long-lime girlfriend.
Middleton. 1n the wedding of the decade at
Packers won the Super Kate
Westminster Abbey. Soon after, Navy Seals launched
an attack in Pakistan that resulted in the death of terBowl!"
remember for the rest of our lives As I am sure all the
Cubs and Brewers fans will remember the World Series was taken by the San Francisco Giants 1n a close
Africa welcomed the 2010 World Cup games and
Bowl appearance beating the Pittsburgh Steelers in an
rorist Osama bin Laden. This was announced in early
hasted the Championship match between Spain and
intense game. Junior Sam Borsuli said, 'It made my life
May along with the presentalian of Obama's birth
the Netherlands. Soon after, President Obama an-
when the Packers won, I ran out to Dick's and bought a
certificate. It 1s safe ta say that this was a very eventful
nounced an end ta combat 1n Iraq. the announcement
shirt!" Meanwhile half way around the world uprisings
year, headline after headline and story after story this
was met excitement across he nation. And here in our
sparked 1n Egypt echoed
year has made history.
across the middle east. A
This year E-Readers became very popular The
Color which al-
lows you to use W1-F1
carry your entire library
anywhere you may go
To-;; 10 Searfkd,
1. BP Oil Spill
2. World Cup
3. Miley Cyrus
4. Kim Kardashian
5. Lady Gaga
6. iPhone
7. Megan Fox
8. Justin Bieber
9. American Idol
10. Britney Spears
Tff!J 10 Obde4dtt!M:
have the apps and a
l. iPhone
2. Lindsay Lohan
3. iPad
4. Glee
lot of firsts for phones
5. ·Jersey Shore·
The 1Phone 4 also made
a show this year They
Not to mention
6. Facebook
are much more portable
7. Bedbugs
than the brick
8. Tea Party
9. Silly Bands
10. Larsson's 'The Girl
This year 3-D entered
our very own homes
Mo-Jf£rrtJdl4ab!t L!f'ft4!.
with the new 3-D tele-
1. "Baby ' Justin Bieber
visions. We have gone
2 'Love the Way You Lie,'
from black and white to
a whole new dimension
3. 'Bad Romance.· Lady
4. "Pyramid Charice
5. · Just the Way You Are:
Bruno Mars
6. Tik Tok,' Ke$ha
7. 'Solo · lyaz
Tff!J 9 S!Jffru1tj EV&1tf41:
l. World Cup
2. Super Bowl
3. NFL Draft
4. U.S. Open
5. NBA Playoffs
6. World Series
7. Masters 2011
8. Wimbledon
9. March Madness
reet style in maior cities is often the most
Teenaged girls have the ideal bodies for style.
the unexpected bohemian twist of sheepskin moc-
radical in the world Fashionistas brave
Thin legs work well with the bright tights and dark
casins. The 'Pants on the Ground' phenomenon has
actually had a positive impact, causing some young
the cold and ice in thin coots and five-
skirt look, as well as with jeggings. which are the
inch heels for the indulgence of intricately-
pants of the fall 2010 season: the combination of
men to wear their pants at an appropriate height
made clothing the art-you-can-wear. It's
jeans and leggings, creates a stretchy and comfort-
once again. High school students may occasionally
no secret that he smaller ci ies. Kenosha for example are not neariy as fashion-forward as New Yark
able alternative breed of pants.
Mens fashion is a different story. The classic jeans
City or Paris however the larger trends eventually
and a t-shirt look takes a step up with the updated
reach even the most oblivious
'sweet kicks' of Nike, the Converse low-tops and
rebel against the dress code, but the real bottle is
often between comfort and fashion: the determining
factor linking high fashion and real life
tatftJtJ{j; aftdt._ttrotn
Connector rings
are popular
among girls.
Bright tights
cover the legs
of the most hip.
Earflap hats are
common with both
guys and girls
Scarves warm
the necks of most
girls-and guys.
Moccasin slippers double as
casual footwear
~ plastic glasses
are both practiA long-lived
cal and stylish.
classic. Converse
low-tops continue
to attract he
chitto wears a button-down
sweater, white skinny pants,
!above) senior Emily Kenney wears a dress, tights.
ankle boots, and a statement necklace.
ond blue docksiders. (right)
senior Liz Bruno wears a
sweater, shorts, knee socks,
and a tangle of necklaces.
remper s
sea-washed jeans. Junior
Emily Leonard wears a
cheery peplum skirt and
a cozy scarf. Freshman
Chris Shreve wears a
a cute graphic sweater
plaid button down shirt
and a long tonk top
and light wash 1eans
over detailed leggings
and suede boots Junior
wears a colorful scarf
Adam Peterson wears a
with a tucked sweater
a poofy skirt and leg-
a vest and chain neck-
gings. The items in color
lace. Junior Emma Mar-
ore the main focus of
lor wears a white lace
shirt and block tonk top.
the outfit the piece that
·makes the look·. The
Senior Alex Doss wears
outfits ronge from sea-
a military style jacket
son to season and ore
and scarf. Senior Steph-
anie Althoff wears a
students not only wear
the clothes but they pull
ii off with such ease that
and swiss dot tights. Ju-
it makes them "trendy"
Oeftl junior Alex
picnic and a pick-up football game at Pet-
a hefty log in
his blue v-neck
sweater striped
tie. medium wash
a white lace shirt, leggings
floral printed dress with
!left) The group met for a casual autumn
and wedge sandals
a matching pink sweater
a classic polo with fitted
lleft) senior Emily Fisher wears
stone washed I-shirt with
nior Chris Choe wears
rifying Springs pork.
blue 1eans and
customized yellow kicks
-P-l-R-1-T spirit leads to vicloryl So get up
routine. Mr Rizzo announced the homecoming queen
ond do your best and shout 1t out for the
and king as Maddy A lsabboh and Dominique
their victory over the freshmen. The sophomores hove
Senior doss: Go Go Go. Go Go Go Se-
Dixon along with the Big Brute awarded to Darryl
another win under their belt from the previous year
niorsl' This spirit cheer thundered through-
Thorton The student body contributed to the level
against the current juniors. The second game was the
out the entire gymnasium during the Spirit
Junior Faith Larsen said ' Spirit assemblies always
Hl liked Matt Vecchitto' s
skit the most ... lt had
me grinning at the end
of it."
1nvoive a pie 1n someones face but when t 1s Antho-
of spirit by going all out and dressing up according
Andres Gamarra Students on homecoming court
ny Olson's face and he ends up covering his whole
to the theme for each day of the week.
always seem to come up with new, creative ideas
Assembly A vost amount of school spirit was displayed with most students wearing their doss shirts
or colors During the first assembly, the senior doss
won the spir;t showdown by a landslide, but in the
second assembly, the juniors overthrew the seniors.
body in I, you really appreciate getting put in that
Another one of the main events of the week
assembly. The 1uniors w1ming the spirit cheer was also
was powderpuff.
Both games were intense. The
really cool.' In addition to the normal spirit assembly
first game was the freshmen against the sophomores.
The sophomores left with their heads held high from
juniors against the seniors. The juniors crushed the seniors. winning with a score of 7-0 and redeeming
themselves from their defeat lost year.
Homecoming skits ore one of the most important
ports of homecoming ' I liked Matt Vecchitto's skit
the most. I thought it was the funniest and most original It hod me grinning at the end of ii.' said junior
each year Creativity was certainly flowing throughout the entire student body. Spirit week was a huge
event this year and many students participated
l Senior Chuck Marcoe takes a mouthful of apple covered in whipped cream as he hurries to win the wheelbarrow relay race during ihe spirit assembly Chuck scid
"My favorite thing about the Spir't Assembly was beating the Juniors · The senior class did win 1n the first assembly, but they were defeated by the 1uniors 1n the second
assembly 2. Senior Sam Browder cheerfully wheels ~
way through the homecoming assembly 3. Senior Kayla
Knight belts out her lovely voice as she performs her
skit during the homecoming assembly 4. The freshmen
and sophomore girls take their positions as they play in
the powderpuff game. 'Powderpuff gets intense. Youd
be surprised how catty ·t gets on the field But having
Mr Cummins ond Mr W. as your coaches and beating
the seniors makes it worth it Its a lot of fun", said 1mior
Arro Christenbury 5. Senior Brian Oum looks on as the
homecoming candida es approach the stage. 6. Senior
Darryl Thorton. alter wiming the Big Brute award challenges the Trojan Man to a duel
What Was Your
SjJtrtt lJa!f.?
rain on our para
hen the team steps out onto the
when ii started raining the night of the game, ii did
The theme at the parade was 'Freeze the Sabers
football field ond looks up ot the
not stop anyone from having a good time. 'Listening
ii was very exciting because there was true inspira-
stands and all they can see is red
to the pep bond was fun and they re super cool and
white and blue. then they know
that we have the most school
spirit around. "Everyone was settled and having fun
and ii was a good game: said sophomore Annie
Smith Most people go to watch the game. some go
to hang with friends. and some people go to show
their Trojan spirit In the crowd, ii was hard to con-
"'lnternatlonal Club
had a saber ln an lee
tion in the floats 'It was cool how International Club
had a saber in an ice cube! said freshman Alexandra Cole. The juniors float was very creative and
that's why they won best float However that wasn't
the only cool float ' there were a lot of really cool
looking floats.' said sophomore Danielle Sepanski.
All the support of the parade was appreciated by
a lot of my friends were in ii said sophomore Cori
those who participated. Although the parade and
Smith. It was upsetting when we lost the homecom-
game were both fun. perhaps the best part is spend-
it was greatly shown.' said junior Brianna O'Neal.
ing game to Franklin but we put up a good fight.
During the game 'It wasn't too cold and everybody
hanging with my friends.' said 1urnor Paige Shultz.
The game was extremely fun with everyone cheering
was there to support the football team,' said junior
and showing their support for the football team. Even
Garette Gessert.
centrate on what was going on because there was
so much commotion. 'It was very loud and school spir-
ing lime with the student body. 'It was fun seeing and
l. Senior Jack Little shows encouragement and raises his
hands in respect for the hard work and dedication the
football team gives. 2. The crowd dressed all in red and
blue. gets excited for the biggest game of the year They
prepare themselves by 1oudly screaming for heir team
3. Senior Mott Christensen leads students in a cheer
while dressed in a goofy outfit He mode people laugh
and hove fun, and also pumped up the crowd by getting
them to yell. 4. Seniors Kalie Gentner and 1-blly Greene
ride their scooters down the street showing their support
for the Environmental Club.
5. Juniors Tino Rende and
Tim Zeszutek raced against each other in their Mario
and Luiji race cars for the Italian club while squirting silly
siring at everyone. 6. Juniors Jakob Willkomm and Benjamin Lee prepare their international float by fixing their
sober thats going into the ice cube Jakob may be a bit
partial. but he claims. 'International Club hod on awesome idea and their float was the best '
I fJ I
omecoming was a success partially be-
cause of the 70's disco theme. The ec-
They really brought fun to the table.
'DJ got us falling 1n love.' and ' Sandstorm.'
large turn out, a lot of students were gone before 11.
Same left because of the unpopular wristband policy
centric circles. triangles and squares in
At lOpm we had a little time out from dancing to
However some hod different reasons for leaving.
each outer corner of the gym set the
announce the Homecoming Court. The girls were in
Senior Shannon Piekos said 'I left homecoming early
nMy favorlte part of the
before. A lot of my friends couldn·t go to the dance
atmosphere for the night. The DJ. who
was in the center of the dance floor was surrounded
by a swarm of students and took the night into musical bliss. There was a huge issue before the big night,
when all the tickets were sold out 1n only four days
They really hodn't anticipated how hot the tickets
dance was being with
my friends."
with my friends because it was not as fun as the year
since all the tickets got sold out.'
Though some people didn't hove the greatest time.
there were many more thot did Homecoming Oueen
Maddy Alsabbah said 'My favorite part of the
were going to be. After 1.148 people arrived at
their shiny dresses and the guys dressed to impress.
dance was to be with my friends.' Overall. most of
8pm. it got a little bit crazy. The bass hod to be
Homecoming King and Oueen seniors. Dominique
the responses from people were thot they enjoyed
turned down to help detour students from getting
Dixon and Maddy Alsabbah lit up the floor. They
themselves. The seniors. in particular tried to moke
too close to each other while dancing The top five
hod their traditional slow dance. but then everyone
the most of their last high school homecoming dance.
songs the DJ played were 'I like it ' 'Bottoms up,"
else was ready to get back to the party Despite the
1. After senior Dominique Dixon and senior Maddy
Alsabbahs slow dance. junior Kate Shannon and the
crowd goes wild and jumps around to the song. G6.
2. Senior Grant Presteral and his homecoming disco
date. junior Morgan Kislia twisted their dance moves
with a few spins throughout the night 3. HomecomBrian Ouim.
ing Court Max Aiello. Rachel Zalazn
Sara Skarda Dominique Dixon. Maddy A1sabbah
Jimmy Jones. Jessie Laurenzi. Matt Vecchitto. and
Kayla Knight 4.
Introducing Adam
senior from Troupe Tremper showing up the crowd
while doing his famous moves and rocking the bright
orange wrist bands. 5. Juniors Aaron Buban, Anthony
Olson, and Marlin Pitts Jr. all dance together 1n their
disco hats and clothing.
Htrw did flt!U pt
rtlld11 ftrr !k dantt?
Woke up. l knew it would
be a long day.
l got my Mani Pedi.
Went to get my hair done.
Headed out to my date's
house for dinner and group §
Left for the dance at
ristmasse Feaste
cafeteria into a banquet hall fit for a king Part of
e took a step back in time to ex-
lishe Chrislmasse Feaste was a success. The faculty,
perience the magic of a medieval
family and alumni that attended were astonished at
the feaste included short dramas. and the actors
atmosphere with all of its music,
haw well it all went and haw much effort was put
and actresses who were part of this entertainment
wonder and mystery. Tremper
into ii. The madrigal singers brought to life the feel
worked extremely hard to deliver an amazing per-
was hast to the 2010 Madrigal
of the medieval holiday spirit and the Irish dancers
formance. The Madrigal Feaste is an awesome tra-
dancers, there were singers and performers from
.lithe medieval
renaissance f easte
really rocked"
both Tremper and Bradford who put forth the effort
took all who attended bock to a time of mystery
Hanson. Every year the feaste brings in the start
to make this shaw memorable. Weeks and weeks of
and awe. 'The talent of the young tumblers from
preparation went into the feast and the hard work
scamps was also really impressive,' said senior Colen
of the holiday season and every year students look
forward to putting on a show that will take the audi-
of students paid off. The 36th Annual Ye Olde Eng-
Nelson who both sang and helped transform the
ence and participants bock in lime.
Feast And this year talent from throughout KUSD
bonded together to make the feast a truly remarkab1e display of the skill of the hard-working students
Along with the tumblers from scamps and the Irish
dition at Tremper that brings together the most talented students from across the district and provides
a weekend of celebration to get the holiday spirit
flowing. "In short the medieval renaissance feaste really rocked" was the final comment of senior Bergen
1. Seniors Julie Gosselin and Alex Doss enter 1n the
candle-lit procession for the feaste 2. For he past
three years Drama Club has put on a 15 minute Shakespeare production during the Feaste. This year the
selection was Hamlet with a pirate twist. Sophomore
Ltie Walaszek playing Claudius. dies after being
stabbed by Hamlet. 3. Juniors Elise Emblad and Jacob
Beckman. seniors Haley Egle and Kieran McCoy and
guest singer Andrew from Bradford sing in welcome
of the upcoming winter break and holiday season.
4. The voices of seniors Haley Egle and Kieran McCoy, and iuniors Jacob Beckman and Jalen Johnson
gave the feaste the feel of a true medieval banquet
celebrating the coming of Christmas. 5. Senior
Insko. the conductor of the madrigal singers. sings 1n
her fourth year of participating 1n the feaste 6. Senior
Daniel Detwiler and sophomore Michael Roberts play
trumpets for the band during the leas e.
fk fea4ft !flrtJttj/tlJttf fk
with conductor Nicole Insko
Senior Nicole Insko has been a Feaste participant for four years.
She worked her way up through the ranks. and every year was an improvement.
easier, and this year more students were involved on
FUN! I got lots of food too. And saved some lives!"
of the community faced their
fears on March 9th at the on·
the actuol day of the event.
Each student that donated hod their own experi-
this year helped with the movement of people the
nuol Tremper High School Blood
ence at the Blood Drive Senior Max Aiello recalled
great number of donotors made long lines inevitable.
Drive. A grand total of 502
his experience before donating, "I sow two people
At one point in the early aftertoon, the process for
;;lt was so much FUN!
l got lots offood, too.
And saved some lives!"
each person lasted for up to three hours. The early
out of the 565 people who signed up, donated their
blood to save the lives of those in need. Each pint of
blood donated saved three lives. Tremper continues
to be one of the largest organizers of the nationwide Blood Drive. Coordinator Mr. Hardy, took
charge and organized the main events. When asked
Even though the organized number system for
morning donators went through without trouble. but
once more people started rolling in, stations become
backed up. Some students who were scheduled to
go during class were even sent back and told to
come ofter school because of the extended wait·
poss out before I gave blood which made my own
ing periods. But with this many people donating the
experience a lot more interesting. Many of the stu-
year ended with a successful Blood Drive. where
port (stations) from the Blood Center. We also used
dents roved at the free food given after donating
members of the community and students come to-
a number system' to allow people to move through
blood. Junior Sam Robinson said, 'It was so much
gether and saved thousands of lives
how the Blood Drive was different this year than
any other Mr Hardy replied. 'We hod more sup-
1. Senior Kaylo Knight is caught capturing the moment when
she gave blood 2. Junior Austin Thompson 1ooks down at
his arm as his blood is being drawn. Unlike many others who
looked away Austin kept his focus on the process. "It was o
good experience knowing that Im helping those 1n need and
the free food was nice!" 3. Junior Maximillian Zuhlke lays down
as he donates blood. "Since this was my first year donating
blood. I was nervous while wailing for my number to be called
but the actual process of donating wasn't nearly as bad as I
anticipated." 4. Junior Megan Mutchler smiles up at the phlebatomist as her blood is being drawn. Keeping focus off of the
needle in the arm was one of the tactics many used to make
the blood donating experience less terrifying
5. Junior Jenna
Humphreys 1ooks up as the phlebatomist feels for a pulse and
explains the process of donating blood Before drawing blood
each phlebatomist would carefully and encouragingly explain
the process in order ta make the donor mare comfortable 6.
Senior Kaitlyn Merritt focuses on her arm as her blood 1s being
drawn. "I hod a lot of funl I didn't feel too good afterwards.
but ii was worth it knowing I was saving more than one life·
What was you~
/Ji g1v1ng o oo d?.
"It was awesome but it could have been better if Connor Patty was there to hold
my hand throughout the painful experience of giving blood."
-Stnf,/Jr RtJJJ l(tJtren
'It was nice to get out of my classes to give blood and save people. Plus there
was free food involved.
-Stnf,/Jr CawrtJJt Hfjifn
'It wasn't a pleasant experience but the discomfort was worth knowing that I was
able to make a difference in three lives."
JtmitJr Emma Pti/{(}n
if h@~e was a
now what it's like to experience the
asked if this event meant anything to him other than
to participate in one of the most respected
tragedy and devastation of breast cancer So they
the sports. senior Brian Guinn replied 'Yes. I feel like
events, 'Tremper Goes Pink, where sports
wanted to make everyone aware that they won't
I om participating in someone's well being."
fight against breast cancer while wearing
let it walk on their lives. or make it appear as if they
very year. students are privileged enough
as mixh pepto-bismol p1nY as they can. Go
Pink dominotes during football season and girls soccer season. with fans and players wearing everything
pink including glitter, hats, and even sweatpants; if it's
pink, wear it. Despite having it symbolize one's school
spirit, its more than a rally at a sporting event. "The
"l feel like lam participating in someone's
well being"
Besides the big picture of the event 'Go Pink' is just
another game. but with a bigger meaning behind it
Everyone wearing pink is an essential for the game.
Football players wear pink socks. pink laces. and pink
ribbons on the bock of their helmets. Soccer players
wear blue knee-high socks and shorts, and pink support soccer t-shirts. All other students find anything
best par of 'Go Pink is to see everyone dressed
shaped their everyday agenda around it. Wearing
imaginable to wear to the 'Go Pink' extravaganza.
in pink, and supporting o great cause· said junior
pink symbolizes the many people impacted by this
in order to support breast cancer survivors.
football player Andy Roiniotis
emotionol wreckage. and the stand against it. When
l Juniors and Seniors show their part 1n the
supportive event pre-game. by wearing their
bright pinl apparel and gripping their pinkspattered Tremper banrer 2, Students display
large checks during the girls soccer game before unveiling the money donated
3. Junior
Paige De Thorne struggles to keep the ball
away from a Wilmot player during the Go
Pink soccer game. 4. Tremper students wave
their six letters loud and proud with their pink
apparel at the Tremper vs. Muskego Go Pirk'
football game.
5. 'Go Pirk supporters put
up Kenosho Goes Pink soccer signs for the
JV and Varsity soccer games against Wilmot
Union at Ameche field 6. Hig -school football
players show support by wearing bright p1rk
athletic socks
Prttrfi tn Ptnk
tu~dents show their supportive style
Gtrtf' A/J!Jart!:
-White and Pink Boas
-Supportive 'Go Pink' Ts
-Pink bandanas
-Massive bling
Sffettr AjJjJart!:
Gtt!fr' AjJjJart!:
-Pink soccer Ts
-Skin-tight shirts
-Pink sweat-bands
-Athletic shorts
-Pink highlights
-Pink headbands
-Sequinned headbands
-Awesome a viators
-Exclusive pink star glasses
-A full body suit
xcilement that nervous feeling .of butterflies
in your stomach. That is what performing
than the last Leah Orr, who sang in the shaw said,
the talent shaw. There was a shaw in school and the
'I was sha ing so much before going on the stage
students voted to determine the winners. At night,
is oll about Every year Tremper puts on a
I thought I was going to be sick, but as soon
there was another shaw, when the parents and other
talent shaw There are many kids who par-
as I started singing everything seemed so perfect. It
community members got to watch. There were three
ticipate in the shaw in order to be able to
"l love singing for
assemblies and two talents from each group were
shows are my favorite. I love singing for people. and
was so much fun! The set-up and take down of the
ey Klinkhammer and Joe Landmark. Third place
being able to do that 1n a shaw with so many other
talent shaw took one day, and lots of work. The tal-
went to singer Dayna Rodriguez. Overall. ii was
talented people is always so much fun!'
ent shaw lasted an hour and a half, but ii was well
a successful shaw, and many came out to shaw their
support for the performers.
shaw off their unusual skills Junior Joe Landmark and
senior Haley Klinkhammer sang 'Just a Dream' by
Nelly. Looking bock on the show, Haley said, Talent
Diversity Awareness, a committee of student
worth the work. To participate in the talent shaw
government runs the talent shaw, and this year, the
there were auditions. The student government com-
number of people who tried out was even bigger
mittee were the ones to choose who would be in
in the final talent shaw at night The group to take
first place in the talent shaw were dancers Adam
Nedzwiecki and Billy Peters. Runners-up were Hal·
1. Haley Klirt.hammer and Joe Londmor performed o
duet singing 'Just o Dream' by Nelly. 'looking out in the
crowd as we went on stage to perform I felt o rush of
excitement I love singing and performing for people so it
was fun!' soid Joe Landmark. 2.
Corly Knight a junior is
in the Tremper group. Troupe Tremper Here. she was getting ready to perform one of their new dances that they
come up with specifically for the talent shaw 3. Morteze
Little shows off his break dancing skills during the talent
4. Aubrey Longley and Liz Bruno get the crowd
going as the MCs during the talent shaw 5.
Leah Orr
belts it out at the talent shaw w ile singing 'I Dreamed
o Dream'. 6. Ryon Coen sings along while ploying guitar
during the talent shaw along with his bond Nepenthe
'I wasn't scared at all.
"I was a little nervous
"Feeling like you could
It's very natural for
because I was sick
mess up at any mo-
me to be comfortable
around that time, but
ment, and knowing
on stage performing"
the most important
the whole school is
-Ryan Coen
thing about perform-
judging you'
ing I think is making
- Carly Knight
your audience feel
great.' -Sam Borris
his year's prom consisted of the theme, "How
said junior Brianna Riley,
taking throughout the dance, Neon colors and overhanging Chinese lanterns dazzled all who came,
Sweet It is." This theme entailed a multitude
Along with this exclusive photo booth in the bock,
of candy inspired decorations, sugary treats,
the decorations for this years prom were a definite
Dancing was also dazzling Toward the beginning
fun factor Junior Anno Concannon sad The deco-
of the dance, a group Cupid Shuffle broke out along
and an all around sweet atmosphere,
Starling the night out with dinner at the
Parkway Choteau was a great way to go, 'I liked
the fried chicken It was tasty!' said Junior Lauren
rations were awesome, it felt like I was walking in
"lt felt like l was walk-
with a game of limbo being played amongst the
crowd When asked about the music at prom, junior
Kyle Androschko sad I thought the music was al-
Konchon when asked about the food at prom
right but it was still fun to dance with my girlfriend
Along with the main courses, which included both
and friends " Music at prom was somewhat question-
ing in Candyland! l can't
fried chicken and pasta, there was a large assortwait for next year"
ment of sugary treats at the Sweet Shoppe' for in
able, especially when a Spanish tango was played
but once a few started dancing everyone joined in,
between dancing with friends or waiting in line for
Candylandl The promenade was the coolest port,
Senior Rachel Dalton said Prom was spectacular! I
the photo booth. ' Taking pictures in the photo booth
can't wait for next year!" Candy flied center pieces
had such a great lime, This year's prom was a million
was fun Trying to blow bubbles 1n the five seconds
became a huge hit once dinner came and the gigan-
limes better than last year!" In the end prom 2011
we had between pictures was super entertaining!'
tic gumboil machine was a favorite spot for picture
was pretty sweet,
1. Various prom go-ers rock out to the cool jams that
were played throughout the night. Selections included
things from top twenty pop songs to a few Spanish melodies thrown in. "I really enjoyed dancing with the ladies
all night." said junior Adam Landgraf
2. Senior Nicholas
Miller and his date. Haley Cramer laugh while they wal
down the promenade This year's theme required a candyland type runway that resembled candy buttons 3. Senior
James Woodley enjoys his final school dance by busting
a move on the dance floor. 4. Junior Charley Rerk and
sophomore Bridget Carney chat it up during the dinner
portion of this years prom. 5. The 2011 prom court. Aamir
Kadri. Austin Whiteside. Jahn Sturino. Alex Lopez. Sam
Skalbeck. David Leiling Laura Thompson. Taylor Schulz.
Brooke Snider, Molly Kok, Lauren Borchardt, Paige Schultz, Stephanie Freeman. and Emma Marlar 6. Junior Haley
Celebre and senior Alix Thornton dance the night away
Mt!JC MtmtJrabft prom moment
Prom w as spec-
M y most memorable
tacular! I had such a
moment w as getting
w as fun trying to
great time. This year's
yelled at by Mrs.
blow bubbles in the
prom w as a million
Reid! I also loved the
five seconds w e had
times better than last
photo booth, it w as
betw een pictures.
a ton of fun.
imming the lights on ano.ther busy year
the Tremper Theatre Program closed its
the state festival
For the annual Christmas Feaste, 10 students re-
season, having completed eight produc-
wrote two five-minute versions of Shakespeare's
lions. Directed by the highly respected
Hamlet, one starring only males. the other only females. The winter musical chosen was The 25th Annu-
Mr Cicerale the Theatre Program runs
very much like o family "I have yet to find another
place where I can have this much fun while learning valuable lessons from the mast coring and hardworking instructor I have ever met said junior Mary
The year began with two versions of John Cariani's
''l have yet to find another place where l can
have this much fun"
side contains a different set, including a bathroom
with a bathtub donated by Whittier Elementary
Night, Mother by Marsha Norman was the script
selected by senior Raven Spencer to direct. The
two student actors, juniors Anastasia Johnson and
Nancy Jaimes, memorized the hour and a half show
in roughly one month of rehearsal time.
Almost, Moine a series of love stories. both comedic
of Putnam County Spelling Bee by William Finn and
The final production, a historic play, was Henrik
and dramatic The one-act version competed at the
Rachel Sheirkin. The hilarious script contained several
Ibsen's modernist drama, A Doll's House. Performed
in the studio. this classic feminist piece featured beauti-
WHSF A State Theatre Fest;val 1n Oshkosh, earning six
improvisational moments, and four audience members
awards. including Critics Choice, the highest award
participated each nig t as contestants in the spelling
ful costumes rented from UW Parkside and furniture
given. Additionally, Tremper Theatres 2009 produc-
bee. In order to give more students the opportunity to
from the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre. With much
tion of Rabbit Hole was one of two productions 1n
act, the Drama Club hosted a shaw of their own that
to be proud about, the theatre students celebrated a
the state selected to be a showcase performance at
consisted of scenes directed and acted by students.
successful season of hard work.
1. Backed up by fellow cast members. Bradford senior Christion
Fel1er performs the song ·Magic Foot,' during The 25th Annual
Putnam County Spelling Bee 2 Strangle f-o1d intact, junior
Robin Feltman attacks Bradford 1unior Ryan Jeanmaire in a scene
titled "Seeing the Thing" from Almost Moine
3. While resting
her head Southport Elementary School fourth grader Alayna
Lomb tells a story to her mother Mary played by senior Lauren
Westermeyer. Aside from a child odor the production of The
Women featured a dog in several scenes. 4. Gesturing with
displeasure senior Raven Spencer performs the role of Edit
Potter 1n Clare Booth Luces The Women
5. With a comforting
touch, senior Bergen Hanson, as Torrold Helmer, calms senior
Clarissa Goldsmith as Nora in Henrik Ibsen's dramatic classic. A
Doll's House The set design contained over 100 feet of white
fabric donated by Jockey 6. Staring off into the star 1it sky
sopf-omore Ryan Westermeyer and 1unior Emily Leonard perform
"Where it Went." one of the few dramatic scenes wi hin Almost
Moine. After a rental deal fell through for the set drama students built the scenery 1n less ti-on two weeks. including sliding
doors. a trapped ceiling and a star backdrop
Glttrtrtnfl, GrajJ!ttot
drama posters cote~ the eyes of passers-by
I 1t
oing from the bottom of the food
Tremper was running for prom king 1unior year said
a day full of mixed emotions. ' On my last day of
cho1n to the top, and bock down
Nelson Figueroa. Freshman year can be a scary
school I was anxious for the rest of my life to begin.
oga1n is difficult The senior class of
lime far some people. but not far Brad Bloxdorf
but I am sad when I thin~ about all of the wonderful
2011 attended their annual Senior
He said "I was so excited ta be going to high school.
things that I've done at Tremper High School', said
Banquet May 13th at the Italian
'We beat the cross town
rival, Bradford, in the Regional Championship for
Elise Elmblad During senior year you play the wait-
college? ' I chase Concordia University-Wisconsin
of memories have been shared Sara Skarda says
I got to meet a lot of new people and gain some
banquet is the lime to reflect on the past and plan
her favorite memory was when ·we beat the cross
new experiences.· Senior year can sneak up quickly.
for the future Many students said that they have
town rival, Bradford. in the Regional Championship
Leaving early, taking finals, senior skip day, they are
made life-long friends here at Tremper and plan on
for softball my junior year! ' "My favorite memory at
all rites of passage. The last day of school is always
keeping in touch with them.
American Club 1n Kenosha Lots of tears were shed
as they said goodbye to friends and their favorite teachers here at Tremper High School. The seniors watched a slideshaw of the years at Tremper enjoyed some delicious food and were given
mock awards Over the course of four years a lot
ing game. Wailing for a response from the college
of your dreams. But haw do you choose the right
because I lave the campus and I'm excited to play
softball there. I'm excited to meet new people there
and have fun doing it," said Sara Skarda Senior
l Emily Kenney Alice Wei Lauren Sutter and Addey Kiffle pose for a
picture during the senior banquet 2. Kyle Henry senior class president
smiles and gives the all clear sign to the camera.
3. Alex Hade and
DeVante Shaw pose for one last picture. DeVante Shaw said 'm going to miss these guys. Four years went by so fast!"
4 'Senior banquet
was great! I enjoyed having the opportunity to reflect with the class of
2011 about all of the memories we have made here at Tremper' said
Elise Elmblad standing next to Rachel Gauss
Brandon Williams
sums up the night by saying. "I can remember freshman orientation like
ii was yesterday now we are graduating it's crazy to think haw far
weve come throughout the years' Kari Kirkegaard Amanda Klausch.
and Maddy Alsabbah said tho they completely agree wi h the feeling.
Matt Vecchitto and Jake Larsen definitely thought long and
hard about which colleges they were planning on going to. Nelson
Figueroa stated that he chase his college based on the ·programs
that they offer •
Pearliest Whites Missy Niesen
Most likely to be a millionaire Connor Hildebrandt
Bigges• flir Allison Bishoff
Biggest flirt· Jake Larsen
Most likel f o tx,. on ESP • David Caban
Cutest couple: Max Aiello and Rachel Zalaznik
Best drer ed· Joey Masi
Best hair: Brandi St. Peter
Nice~· - or Matt Deleon
Best musician: Haley Klinkhammer
Most ~ ely o marr rich: Kaley Acerbi
Most likely to be on Broadway: Elise Elmblad
ely to win a Nobel Prize: Alice Wei
Drama Oueen: Lisa Welch
Class clown Steve Rasch
Most likely to live to 110: Aubrey Longly
Biggest scrub: Dom Pisciotti
Most likely to be president: Kyle Henry
B1gges, bully Dan Nieves
Teachers pet: Emily Kenney
Most outspol en Sarah Reed
Most shy: Kristen Sebetic/Nick Eggert
Most friendly Kayla Knight
Lazy bones: Jack Little
Most i~ ely o be the ne t Picasso Alex Jackson
Best laugh: Courtney Mercurio
Biggest te ter· Alix Thorton
Most likely to be on Dancing With the Stars: Brooke Bloedorn
Most likely to be a doctor· Vytaute Paskauskaite
Most school spirit: Mike Gianeselli
S1eepy head Nelson Figueroa
Party animal: Axel Cordero
Book worm Jenna Ciszewski
Most narcissistic: Matthew Vecchitto
Biggest daredev11 Dan Overman
Most obsessed with facebook: Megan Schuirmann
Most athletic Jessie Laurenzi
Most athletic: Jimmy Jones
Most invent·ve Aaron Eklund
Stephanie Althoff For the $52.000 St Norbert Co11ege Trustees Schalcr,;hip the $32.000 Western Mochgan LhverS1ly PreS1dentiol Schokrship and
the $4.000 KABA Tc.lion Scholarship Shelbiee Arreguin For the $33000
Sd-oal of the Art Institute of Chicago Merit Schalarsh1p and the $415 AHANA Tuition Grant. Samantha Atkielski Far the $1000 UW Osliash Chancellors Academe Scholarship and the $2 000 Angel ne Hosmarek Merronal Scholarship Jared Blank Far the $1.000 Brerda Wolf Memord
Scholarship and the $32 000 Columbia College Chicago Achevement
Awcrd Broolke Bloedorn For the $1..500 KEA Scholarship Lindsey
Brandes Fv lt't $60000 Pleasant Prone Womens Club Award and the
$500 AM Comirrn.ty Credit Scholcrship Holly Burgess For the $415
AHANA TuilKJn Grant. Graciela Burroughs For the $56000 Alma College Tnustee Scholarship. the $40000 LhverS1ty of W1scanS1n Academic
Scholarship. the $20000 lXiiversity of Minnesota Presidential and Honors
Program Scholarship and tf-e $36.000 Indiana LhverS1ly Oislinctrn Scholarship. Cassandra Busse For the $1.000 Herb Kol> lrntiat1ve Schalcrsh1p Chyanne Callender For the $2 000 RHMC/Afreon American Achievers
Scholorship and the $1.000 Ma'rore Youth Scholar Award Matthew
Ovlstensen For the $9,000 Viterbo Lhver~ty Hallmcrk Schalorsh1p. the
$14.000 Cme lXi1verS1ty Acl>evement Awcrd the $7000 Cme lXiiverS1ty Athlete Grant for Bow 1ng the $32.000 Newman LhverS1ly PreS1dent1ol
Academic Awcrd and the $300 Kenosha Youth Bowling Awcrd Jenna
Ciszewskl For the $10.000 Washington LhverS1ty El<:>t Scholarship. the $
40.000 Macak.ster College Wallace Scholarship. the $500 .k:tnsan Financial Group Schalcrship the $20.300 Belarm1ne U,iver~ty renewable lnstituIKJnOI Scholcrshps and the renewable $2 250 State of WiSCanS1n Academic
Excel1ence Scholcrship Jacob Colp For the $56.000 Lhv~ty of Dayton
Presidents Merit Scholarship the $44 000 Valparaiso lXi1verS1ty Pres1dentd
Schokrship $13 000 Gustavus College Dean's Scholarship the
$13000 Neuront lXi1v~ty Merit Scholarship and the $19000 Hofstra
lhverS1ty PreS1denli01Scholarship Sarah Conwell For the $16 500 AIXJUStana College renewable PreS1dentiol Schaicrsh p. Haley Cramer Far the
$8.000 Lhversity of Minnesota Pr~dentd Scholarship and the $350
Manny M1tka Memorial Scholarship Rachel Dalton For the $500 Peggy
Wadde Memorial Scholarship Kerl Dennison For the fJI tcntrn fcx..--yeor
Carthage College Kenosro Odes Scholarship Maxwell Dinan For the
$1,000 UW-Stevens P01nt Freshnan Schalarsh p the $11.000 Carthage Col·
lege Highest Honors Awcrd the $1,500 Carthage College Endowed Schalcrship the $9 000 Ccrthage College Music Scholarship, the $2.900 W1scans1n Tcntrn Grant the $500 Tri-County Grant ond the$500 Whitier PTA
Schalcrship and the $200 Joe Goff Memord Schokrsh1p Katherine DuMez For the $500 AM Community Credit Schalarsh p. Haley Egle For the
$200 Joe Goff Memorial Scholarship. Henrik Egly For the renewable
$2250 State of Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship. Leah Ebener
For the $2 500 Kenosha Areo Chamber of Commerce Schokrship. the
$1.500 KEA Scholarship the $28.000 Carthage College PreS1dent10I Sd-clarship the $12000 Carthage College Muse Department Scholarship and
the $4 000 Carthage College Endowed Scholarship. Nicholas Eggert For
the $34 800 Oho State lhverHy Nat<:>nol Buckeye Scholarship. the
$9 600 Provost Schokrship and the $56.000 Marquette lXi1verS1ty Ignatius
Academic Oistinctrn and Mog1s Awards. Elise Elmblad For the $500 Prestige Portraits Scholarship. the $500 Tremper PTSA Scholarship. the $200
Joe Goff Memorial Scholarship.the $1,500 KEA Scholarship, the $100 Miss
Kenosha 3rd runner up Scholarsh p the $500 Miss Kenosha 3rd runner up
Carthage College Scholarship. the $32 000 Carthage College Deon s
Scholarship, the $400 Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship and the $4 000
Towns Scholarship Mayra Escoto For the $34.7 52 Olivet Nazarene Ll-uversity Grant & Pastors Child Scholcrsh1p Emily Fisher For the $500 Whittier PTA Scholarship the $200 W1scanS1n Labar History Society Scholarship
the $1000 Kenosha Kiwanis Gib Scholarship and the $500 Tremper Renaissance Ser.or Scholarship. Cassie Frederick For the $1.000 Woman's
Club of Kenosha Scholarship. Julie Gosselin For the $II 000 renewable
Carthage College Highest Honors Scholarship the $2 000 renewable Ccrthage College Music Scholarship. the $1.500 renewable Carthage College
Endowed Schokrship. the $1,500 renewable Alumni Assackltion Scholarship
the $1.000 Carthage Alumni Grant. the $500 Carthage ECLA Grant. the
$500 Tri-County Grant and the $200 Kenosha Choir Boosters Award
Alex Hade For the $500 Peggy Waddell Memorial Scholarship Bergen
Hanson For the $6 000 UW Whitewater Goybi Greernll Excellence 1n
Arts Award the $2.000 UW Wynell Barnett lncorrnng Freshnan Scholarship.
the $200 Joe Goff Memorial Scholcrship and the $500 Tremper PTSA
Scholarship the $2000 UW Whitewater Gereral Merit Schalarsh1p, the
$250 St. Mcry's Lutheran Ouch Muse Ministry Scholarship. and the $500
Tremper PTSA Nathaniel Hedges-Goettl For the $200 Kenosha Choir
Boosters. Connor Hildebrandt For the $2,500 Kenosha Areo Chamber of
Commerce Scholarship, $14 480 Drake lXiiver~ty Grant, the $52000
Drake lXiiversity Presidential Scholarship. the $4 000 Drake lXiiversity Trustee Scholarship the $7 50 Kenosha Athlete Scholarship Foundotrn Scholarship. the $2 200 Mcrquette Lhversity Alumni Scholarship. the $20 000
Mcrquette lXiiverS1ly Explorer Scholarship the $56.000 Mcrquette Lhvers1ty Mog1s Scholarship and the renewable $2.250 State of Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship. Kristin Hollendonner For the $46.000 lXiiverSlly of Dayton Dean's Merit Scholarship. Nicole Insko For the $84 000
Elmlust Coi'3ge Presidentd Scholarship. the $200 Joe Goff Memord
Scholcrsh p and tf-e $8 000 Elmlust College Errdrnent Schalcrship Sebas
!Ian Jacinto For tf-e $1.000 Gundlach Memorial Scholarship Todd Jensen
For the $48000 MSOf. Eng1neer1ng Schakirship and tf-e $1.000 MSOE
Pra;ect Leod The Way Scholarship Olivia Jorgensen Far tf-e $53600 lXiiver~ty of St Thomas Academe Scholarship the $52.000 St Norbert College Trustees Distinguished Scholarship and the $40.000 Carthage College
Founders Scholcrship Emily Kenney For the $2.500 lnternotiord Chapter
PEO Sisterhoac Schokirship. tf-e $500 Kwik Trip Community Schakirship.
the $700 Community Impact Scholorship the $1.500 AMB Foundotrn
Scholcrsh1p tf-e renewable $2.250 State of WiscanS1n Academic Excellence
Scholcrsh1p. the $500 Tremper Renaissance Sen"" Scholarship, and tf-e
$500 Lonee Middle Sd-oal PTO Scholarship. Addey Kille For tf-e Wosh1ng·
ton Lhver•4ty. fu1 fcx..--year tu1t10n and $10.000 toward raorn and bocr:
Kayla Knight For tf-e $500 National Sd-oal Choral Awcrd Joseph Land
graf For tf-e $20000 St. Norbert College Van Dyke Aword tf-e $52CXX
Loras College Merit Aword the $24000 Carthage College Deans Set<>
orship the $500 Carthage College Tri-County Grant the $52000 5x
Josephs College Deon s Scholcrship end tf-e $34 000 St. Norbert C
Jdn F Kemedy Scholarship Chelsea Lowell For the $34 000 St Nor
College Jdn F Kemedy Scholarship Marlorle Lesofsky For the $500
versity of Wisconsin M1lwoliee Gino Rosko Memorial Scholarship ooJ
$2.000 UW Milwotl<ee New Directions Scholarship Kionna Little Fer
$1.000 Mo'rore Youth Scholcr Award Jaclyn Mock For the $250
and Beo Ferv-ema Memorial Schokrship Tiffany Macik For tf-e $1 '.Xl.
Wornons Club of Kenosha Schakirship Som Mahar For the $17 6001.h.
sity of Kentucky Athletic Scholorsh1p far boseboll. Laura Morgan Fer
$3000 UW Milwatl<ee Cert1kate of Academic Achievement. tf-e
M11wo.1ee $20.000 Lobar Business Schokrship the $12.000 UW-M
kee Academic Achievement Leadership Award tf-e $10000 UW- wa;
kee Sentry Leodersh1p Scholarship and the $250 Tremper FBLA
Colen Nelson For the $415 AHANA Tuition Grant. the $1,()00 PaJ
Coggs Foundotm Scholarship the $1.000 Gundlach Memorial
and the $200 Joe Goff Memorid Scholarship Elizabeth Parsons Fer
$250 LouiS Armstrong .lozz Awcrd Lauren Pietkiewicz For too $ISO:
Wisconsin Snowmoloile CIJo Scholarship and tf-e $100 Tremper FBLA
arship. Dominic Pisciotti For tf-e $48000 Wartbu-g College Opper
Award tf-e $500 Tremper Athletic Booster Club. the $16000 Sa,nt Men
Lhver~ty PreS1dentd Scholcrsh1p, tf-e $36000 Saint Mcrys lh
Grant 1n Aid Jacinda Ripley For the $500 Jdn Philip Souso Bond A
Megan Schulrmonn For tf-e $32000 Columbia College Chicago A
ment Award Zachary Skanron Far the $4000 KABA Tuition Schola
the $1.500 KEA Scholarship end tf-e $500 Lance Middle School P
Scholcrsh1p Saro Skarda For tf-e $32 000 Concordia Lh1verS1ty Pre'>
liol Scholarship and the $500 Greater Kenosha Youth Baseball & Sof
Assaciol1Cx1 Scholarship Elizabeth Siona For the $44 000 St Norbert
lege Presidential Scholarship Brandi St Peter For the $150 Jeremy Pf
Mernariol Scholarship Lauren Sutter For the $17 960 LhverS1ty of
NatKJnOI Scholcrs Aword Arin Thompson For tf-e $4 000 Jelly Belly C
Company Scholarship. the $1.000 American Association of LXi1versity Wi;r
en Scholorship, the Gereral Federat1Cx1 of Women's Clubs Scholarship rr.
the $700 Community Impact Scholarship. Stefano Toccl For the MilwaJ.
Sd-oal of Eng1neer1ng Scholarship valued ot $40 000 Matt Vecchitta
tf-e $1,500 KEA Schakirship Alice Wei For tf-e $8000 NMSC Snap
Tools hn1san MemoriOI Scholarship and the renewable $2.250 State
Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship Rachel Zele znik For too W
ern Golf Assac1ol10n Evens Scholarship Full tuition and housing for fcx..- ye<!
'This l1St is based upon the schokirsh1ps reported as of Jene 10. Many stud<'
wi I hove dillicut dec1S1ans to make as to which owards they w1 ace•
Congratulations Closs of 2011 for earning over $2,032,937.00
1. As the ceremony 1s nearly ready to begin. Loclarryel Brown. Dylan Brown and Samantha Browder wait
patiently by their seats. 2. Solutotorion Jenna Ciszewsk
speaks to the crowd, on life lessons tho con be learned
from 80s music 3. Maddy A1.;abboh srrnles proudly directly before the ceremony
4. A group of seniors hap-
pily pose together for o photo at their last high school
5. Seniors orchestra members perform one lost
6. The class officers. Em-
time in their graduation garb
ily Kenney, Kyle Henry, Missy Niesen and Elise Elmblad
give their final address to the doss of 2011. 1 Valedictorian Alice Wei uses humor to connect with the audience.
In her speech. she included o list of the people who said
they'd pay her $1 if she included them 1n her speech
Acting 1s a great way for students
to express creative ability as well as
have an interad;ve class Here. students ad a scene from Comedic a..,..-.-..-=-.---=..-...--~--..
...,~~· type of Italian Theatre
119~ 117
115~ 113
on the first floor
Reality Check Day occurs once a quarter for all Personal Finance stu-
dents. Approximately 50 volunteers come in from the community from
businesses 1n the Kenosha area. Students must pay all of their expenses
for one month. put a little money away for later, and still have money left
over Stations include everything from buying a house to groceries. There
are 25 different stations to visit.' -Mrs Poceth
My favorite part about foods is
making and eating the food.· If
it's baking Christmas cookies or
a feast for a king, you'll never
leave foods class hungry.
Mrs. Reds Human Anatomy
doss dissects hearts. and pigs
to learn about the organs and
blood moves through
the body
heart rote monitors. Ms.
Valeri s PE three doss tests
f you wont to find candy
soda or Tremper accessories,
the home court is the place to
go. 'It's a great way to get
a head start 1n the business
field its a fun experience and
we hove awesome food'
Mr Akhovein and Ms. Wonsort
took their doss on a field trip to
Howkspurs Horse Form ofter reading a three week unit on horses
Every year students in Sponish
classes md e altars for Day of
the Dead. which 1s a holiday
where families remember and
celebrate their family members
who hove died
Honors Art Fundamentals students. Ashley
Zenner and Jordan Hollingsworth. com-=~~===,__,r::;;="==-,..
pleted their independent project at a
chal arts festival night 1n BayView Wisconsin. They created art in honor of their
During spring break of 2011 sixteen Tremper students took a trip to France where
they spent five days living with French
families Later they returned to Paris and
toured the city. 1. French students look
through the Tremper yearbook with interest as yearbooks don't exist in France. 2.
All the students together on their first day
1n France 3. Students pose on top of the
Arc de Triomphe 1n Paris.
The Tremper Chorale. along with the
Bradford A Cappello Choir sang in
the Reuther High School
All year, the Bridges department worked with Reading Buddies
with the Kenosha Symphony on Sat-
from Jane Vernon Elementary. They spent time at Vernon. and at
urday May 7th. The concert was enTremper with their buddies. l Junior Joe Landmark prepares to
titled ' A Night at the Opera'
=;=;;==d~==r="'l'"'nrread with his buddy 2. Junior Maurice Thomas and his reading
<'>=~' '-
buddy are engrossed 1n the book they're reading together
on the second floor
ment held a picnic at
Pe s Park to celebrate
the end of the year l
Bridges students and
teachers keep their
eyes on the grill. 2. M1che1le Miller. Tia Saarnio and Kayla Luska
ta e a brea from the
students and teachers
Italian Day took place at UW
Madison in April. Italian students
competed in spelling poetry art
and skit challenges against other
Wisconsin schools.
participate 1n a friendly
game of football.
eeping track oi
tures at many events. 1nterv1ews
or each sport activity and
seniors Keri Dennison and Jared
event that Tremper High
Blank Their job is to organize the
team and club members. and col-
School has. 't is the Clas-
layouts ond oversee the stoff mak-
lects local business ads in order to
sic staffs responsibility to
1ng sure the deadlines are met ond
complete the book. Yearbook ad-
take all those memorable
moments and put them into the
the yearbook looks as amazing as
viser Ms Jurgensen talks about the
responsibilities that students take on
Tremper Classic Yearbook. With
During the year the staff held
while being on yearbook. In year-
each s off member having specific
a bo e sale and a photo booth
book, students ore responsible for
pages and deadlines. by the end of
to help raise money. Throughout
all aspects of the book. They take
the year the pages are bound to-
each lunch. students could come
photos. sell books. wri te stories. and
gether giving each student a recap
and take a picture with the Trojan
design and complete pages. It's a
of the greatest and most remark-
man, guaranteeing them a spot in
lot of responsibility but it's also a
able moments throughout the year.
the book. Throughout the course of
chance to contribute to something
This year's Editors-in-Chief ore
the year, the staff also takes pie-
that will be around forever •
1. Junior Emily Kmiec works on the computer during yearbook. As part of the staff, Emily s job is to collect pictures
and information to complete her layout. 2. Senior Sydney Puntillo creates interview questions for the boys basketball team. 3. First time yearbooker sophomore Eileen Friery, works on finishing the layout for Troupe Tremper 4.
Editor-in-Chief senior Jared Blank, works hard to create the cover of this years yearbook 5. Editor-in-Chief, senior
Keri Dennison, and junior Brooklyn Yonkunas snap a picture before their plane tokes off for Anaheim. CA. where
•hey attended the National Journalism Convention.
TtmP,&Jf TrtamjJ/vi
studemts keep the school inf@rmed
y conducting 1nterv1ews. writ-
ers with the celebr'ty to which students
Brandon Zigner said "My favorite part
thought they resembled the most.
about being on the Tempest would be
various topics. the Tempest
Tempest Editor, senior Jenna Cisze-
our choice to write about whotever fits
wsk1, tells about the benefits of team
us best rather thon hoving to write about
newspaper focusing on the
work while working on the newspaper.
what does not interest us" Adviser Ms
most interesting topics for the overage
"Each person on the Tempest staff hos
Steinbrink also gives each staff member
high school student. Their most famous
unique talents that contribute to the pa-
certain responsibilities to toke core of,
columns include 'Do's and Don'ts" "Jock
per Our staff collaborates in order to
such as photography and copy editing
in the Box', and "Fon in the Stands" Each
use everyones different skills to create a
month the Tempest staff also odds some-
comprehensive and varied paper •
thing extra to make it even more special.
Throughout the year the Tempest staff
For example 1n one issue they included a
works ta make the newspaper as inter-
'Celebrity Look-Alike" comparing teach-
esting and entertaining as possible. Junior
The Tempest staff continues to show
their hord work and team effort as they
publish their monthly newspaper for the
student body
Juniors Brandon
and Blake Apgar review on
article of the Morch issue of
the Tempest. 2. Senior Lauren
Sutter works on her article for
the Morch issue of the Tempest 3. Juniors Jaime Elsen
and Lauren Borchardt use the
computers to help them with
their article Besides the actual iob of writing the article.
students must look up statistics
and any other information
they may need to complete
their articles
Top Tftrtt Favorite Genres
1. Mrs Amborn directs the choral
choir during o practice day in doss.
2. Greg Berg ploys the piano ot every concert for Tremper The choral
choir also hod the chonce to perform
o song written and accompanied
by Greg himself titled 'Shepherd's
Gloria · 3. Elise Emblod took center
stage during 'God Rest Ye Merry
Gentlemen' to sing o solo. Although
she may hove been nervous. she
didn t show ii and performed beautifully 4. The choir boys practice
during doss Junior Andrew McNair
said he enjoys choir because he
'gets to sing awesome music.' 5. A
few students wonted to show Mrs.
Amborn and Greg how much they
appreciated all the hard work they
did for their choir They gave them
flowers. diet coke. and o poster with
all their names on ii saying thank you
for everything they hod done 6.
Andrew Bionon performs with he
Madrigals while the womens' choir
gets ready on stage. 7. The Soprano
I performed o song with the choir
men. Junior Kristen Kelly soys she
enioys singing with the men because
' they con odd so much to the music
and wi hout them we would hove o
limit on the music we make.'
new school year, a new teacher
son said thot singing Greg s song was fun be-
cause "the random key and pitch changes kept
Amborn. The freshman choir song 'Fare Ye Well" un-
us thinking the whole time. It olso sounded re-
der the direction of Mr Marchese The prestigious
Marchese is now the choir
'Stand Upon the Rock' under the direction of Mrs
Madrigal Singers also song at the 36th annual 'Ye
when you wolk into her class Also she cores for
"Random key and pitch Olde Chrislmosse Feaste' Kaylo r<night said she
loved being a port of ii because, 'we were a family
changes kept us
who just loved to sing and eat food 1n between.'
W;th every beginning there hos to come on
end Senior Lauren Darby said thot every day
every one of her students like they were her own"
oily cool when we put oll of the ports together'
1n class is a good memory Choir isn I like any oth-
All choirs participated in the onnuol winter concert.
Every choir olso attended the 46th omuol Cho-
er class and she gets to do something she loves.
The womens' choir experienced their
first concert under the direction of Mrs. Amborn.
Sophomore Kendra Richter said she enjoys singing
with Mrs. Amborn because 'she always hos energy
This year Chorale song a song written by their
accamponisl Greg Berg
Junior Kalyn Wilkin
ral Festival held at Bradford field house. Concert
Choir combined with the Womens' Choir and song
Freshman Josh Dohrmann. plays
his trumpet during Concert Bond's
piece. "Songs of Old Kentucky",
at his very first hig school band
concert Josh said "I liked playing
'Songs of Old Kentucky because
ii was composed by John Riley,
and he is one of my favorite composers" 2. Senior clarinetists play
"Coaxing the Piano" during the fall
concert 3 Robbie Chase, a 1unior,
1s playing in the Symphonic Winds
performance of "Silent Hills of My
Childhood". 4. Sophomore Danielle
Wilson performing "Star Wars· with
the Wind Ensemble. She is one of
the few sophomores who made ii
into the senior band 5. Sophomore
Indigo Leslie plays her bassoon during the Wind Ensemble's fall concert. 6. Senior and piccolo soloist,
Haley Cramer, playing
Leia's Theme' solo in the performance of Star Wars. 1. Speaking
at the junior/senior concert is the
new addition to the band family,
Mr James Somz, who previously
taught in Florida but decided to
come to Wisconsin and teach here
Welcome to the family Mr Somz.
and keep up the goad work!
eing 1n band creates a person's being,
sphere Everyone is mare relaxed and messing up
Bond-0-Rama happens once a year, and has
how disciplined they are, how excited
is more expected. while being on stage could be
been around far 54 years. It allows elementary,
they can get, and how well they dis-
the most stressful thing you do in your life. "Before
middle. and high school students to perform far their
cover their sensitive side. Making music
a concert, I iust want to get it over with, but after I
friends and family This event is a great experience
is like building something in construction
perform, I feel accomplished" said senior saxophone
far young musicians to hear and play with older
eral months to prepare one piece. "Playing 1n band
"While playing musk is
tough, it feels easy because l'm enjoying it so
ones. "I like it because of the music and getting to-
is both easy and difficult because while playing mu-
player, Alex ,acks_ , Playing in front of hundreds
It embraces the wards of a musician and interprets
class, or creating a big proiect in an academic class;
you work and work to create music that makes
everyone. and yourself happy, and you know all of
your hard work has paid off. Creating music takes
longer than one expects. It can take as long as sev-
gether with old friends" said sophomore trumpet
player, Kye Dreger Students also enioy the opportunity to play with other skilled students. and
making memories of music they can all relate to.
Bond is expression and passion mixed into one.
sic is tough, it feels easy just because I'm enjoying it
of people gives musicians the incentive not to make
them into something everyone can understand One
so much" said 1unior tuba player,
any mistakes This is especially true at the biggest
must be a part of the language to truly identify
band event each year: Bond-0-Rama.
what creates such a marvelous concept.
Off stage. band is a completely different atma-
S!l"t1tff £nJttatM1ta tit a1t Orc:MJtta
1. During their foll coocert Ms.
Breitenooch directs the entire orchestro os oll the students focus on
playing one of their most enjoyed
songs. 2 Sophomore Oksana Pfaffle keeps o close eye on her music
during a coocert performance 3.
"Everyday dtiing class we all work
very hard to make our performances as good as possible ' said
junior Kyle Stalsberg. His viola port
helped complete the orchestra's
overall sound 4. Junior Maximillian
Zuhlke is one of the few orchestro
members that took on the challenge of playing the ooss. and in
their coocert he intently focused on
getting all the notes right. 5. Seniors Alice Wei and Graciela Burroughs. who have been in orchestro
since their freshmen year focus on
playing their violin ports perfectly
They wanted to make their final foll
coocert their best and most memorob1e performance 6.
Alexa Zakutansky polientiy waits
for her cello port during a song. 1
Senior Ja~ob Michaelis and sophomore Brooke Hartnell both focus
their cellos during a
coocert t is year.
n an orchestra all members have to be in sync
fed each song the students still had fun ro matter
sound Flutes and drums. among other instruments.
in order for the music to sound great. This year
what song they played 'There are ro words to
are often incorporated into the songs by either the
Mrs. Breitenbach led the concert orchestra.
describe how awesome Orchestra is ' said senior
songs composer or Mrs. Breitenbach and the or-
generally made up of freshmen and sopho·
Carolyn Hutchinson It is easy to see how much the
chestra students.
mores. and the symphonic orchestra. which usu-
students enpy playing their instruments after watch-
students to express themselves artistically and intel-
ally consists of juniors and seniors.
One of the more difficult tasks 1n an orchestra is to
play classical pieces written by famous composers.
such as Beethoven and Mozart. 'Mrs. Breitenbach
hos so many ways of making Orchestra class fun
but she sHI pushes us to be better all the lime.'
"There are no words
to describe how awesome Orchestra ls"
'Orchestra 1s a great place for
lectually,' said 1unior Paige De Thorne Orchestra
students thrive on this form of musical expression.
For those students who enjoy playing their instruments outside of class. they hove an opportunity to
join Golden Strings which is a separate club thot
plays music for multiple different events and occa-
said junior Elise Valeri. Many of the students play
1ng them in concert. Not only do they get to show
the violin and the viola. but there are a select few
off all of their hord work but they get to play
to perfect their playing skills even more. For many
who choose to take on the challenge of playing the
beautiful music for everyone 1n the audience to hear.
of the students taking orchestra ii hos become a big
larger instruments. like the cello or the bass. Even
For their concerts. the orchestra is of ten pined
port of their high school careers and they couldn't
though orchestra requires hours of practice to per-
by band students so they can enhance the overall
sions. In addition. many students ta e pr;vate lessons
imagine doing anything else.
Roberta Akalin, Counselor
Sohrab Akhavein Special Ed
Pauline Amborn Choir
Linda Andreoli. Secretary
Gidget Asonwha Nurse
Rell Barrett, Science
Cheryl Bell, Math
Diane Bilak, Secretary
Courtney Bison, Math
Marie Block Intervention Specialist
Erin Basovich Math
Christina Bradley Science
Helen Breitenbach Orchestra
Cathy Broadway Interpreter
Darlise Brown, Social Studies
Matt Brown, Bridges Science
Cora Byrnes French
Martha Carbo1al Spanish
Natalie Casper Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Barb Chalgren, Ed Assistant
Julie Chase. Spanish
Robbin Church. Art
Nieo1as Cicerale, Drama/English
Judy Clark, Ed Assistant
William Clark, Interpreter
Heather Covelli, Ed Assistant
Louis Covelli, Band
Juan Cruz Parent Liaison
Joshua Cummins. English
Grace Dary, Spanish
Natalia De Loot, French
Gregory Delahanty Social Studies
David Dembowski Social Studies
Stephen Dollar Social Studies
Keni h Dopke Assistant Principal
Laura Dorow Art
Ronald Duros. Tech Ed
Steven Ekstrom. Math
Susan Elmblad Secretory
Joseph Fanning Business
Larry Fell, School Psychologist
Michael Fiedler, Business
Donna Frarie English
Patricia Fremarek Counselor
Amy Furreness. Science
Patrick Gazark1ewicz. Science
John Gibbons. Social Studies
Janice Gorman, Psychology
Jeff Greathouse. Police Officer
Deborah Hansen, Math
Todd Hardy Special Ed
Troy Hardy Special Ed
Lenae Horris. Special Ed
Linda Hortschuh. Business
Diana Hirs1g Social Studies
Eric Hopkins Special Ed
Therese Huiik Counselor
Ko leen Humphres. Food Services
Dama lnfusino. Math
Ryan Irish. Bridges Math
Marilyn Jensen. Ed Assistant
Sarah Johnson, Counselor
James Jorsch. Science
Erin Jurgensen. English/Yearbook
Morie Kasper, Speech
Sarah Keel, Special Ed
Adam King Social Studies
Deborah King Math
Donna Kocol Interpreter
Lloyd Kollman. Art
Justin Kopesky Social Studies
Joy Kostreva Math
Maria Kotz. Assistant Principal
Paul Kresse Physical Education
Sally Krok, Secretary
Mary Kruse. AIS Math
Michelle Kutz Business
Jason Ladd Science
Nicole Laforge Interpreter
Linda Larsen Physical Education
Coral Lechusz English
Linda Lemke Family/Consumer Ed
Judith Lenart Physical Education
Dionne Leslie. English
Constance Llanas. Special Ed
Krista Lichtenheld Math
Susan Mahn. Social Worker
John Majercik Ed Assistant
Sue Moierci , Ed Assistant
Kelly Marschel Special Ed
Cole Marshall Tech Ed
John Matera, Business
Frank Matrise, Dean
Steven Maurer AIS English
Diana McCarthy Social Worker
Sean McKim, Social Studies
Alicia Meyer, Special Ed
Margaret Modory, Assistant PrincifXJI
Paul Mommaerls, English
Amanda Mora SfXJnish
Shebaniah Muhammad Assistant Principal
Lisa Murray, English
Jammie Orth, German
Michael Orth, Social Studies
Susan Pacetti, Business
Colleen Padlock, SfXJnish
Claudio Pastor, English
Christopf-er Perillo, Science
Cara Pfeiffer Science
Ryan Phulips, Mo h
Pellegrino Pignone, Italian
Mike Prahl, Tech Ed
Johanna Pringle, English
Daniel Prozanski, Social Studies
Samantha Reid Science
Robin Reif, Special Ed
Abbey Revolinski, Special Ed
Tommy Rhody, Math
Matthew Rizzo, Dean
Charles Romano, Media
Christine Rudynski, Interpreter
James Samz, Band
Margo Schenk, Special Ed
Mork Schenk, Dean
Ann Schmid Special Ed
Brittany Sebetic
Catherine Semenas, Science
Eliko Shapiro, School Psychologist
Daniel Shimon, English
Porn Shore, Ed Assistant
Donna Shroal, Interpreter
Susan Singer, Family/Consumer Ed
Sara Skowronski, Business
Alon Skripsky, Moth
Michael St, Peter, Social Studies
Ryan Stace Tech Ed
Ruth Stamm, Library
Timothy Stege, Eng1ish
Candace Stein, English
Tricia Steinbrink, English
Adam Sulko, Social Studies
Renee Swiatko, Secretory
Valerie Taylor, Science
Melissa Thomas, Bridges
Robert Thomas, Social Studies
William Thompkins, Special Ed
Mercilie Toney, Special Ed
Blake Topel Moth
Doug Townsend, Ed Assistant
Jacqueline Valeri, Physical Education
Tommy Vollone-Seoverg Program Support
Heather Vanderford Science
Catherine Vervisch, ESL
Annmarie Wroer, Science
Geraldine Walls, Family/Consumer Ed
Joanne War=rt Special Ed
Suzette Watring Special Ed
David Weiser Special Ed
Damon Weiss, Dean
Coral Wendorf, Secretary
Kathryn Wepfer, Business
Patricia Weyk er SA IL
Melissa Whitaker, Special Ed
Melvin White. Bridges English
Barbara Wiegele Secretary
Jam Wilhelrnson, Physical Education
Stanley Wilson, Math
Mark W isniew ski, English
Chucl Wolbers, Work Experience
LaLJ"a Zapcek-Bagenskl, Social Studies
Colin Zalokar Mat
Jeff Zematis. Science
Marianne Ziccarelli, Spanish
James Zuz1nec. Mat
I never realized how many lives I would
Actually that is a complex question that
be changing I have students that come
I will answer in three parts. As a young
back to see me all the lime. I never know
educator filled with enthusiasm for my job
when or where I will meet an ex-student I
and love for my students, no one could
can recall meeting them in Florida. Califor-
have made me believe that I would wit-
nia, New York, and overseas, etc. Some of
ness the demeaning of the profession I
them ore doing great things, some are un-
love by the public who think we have
employed and some write me letters from
such a 'sweet' deal as teachers Dedi-
prison. Some tell me how I affected their
cated teachers take classes. AP training
and scores of other educational seminars
lives and some just remember the goad
Just because a student 1s looking at you
limes in high school. Maybe if I knew the
directly 1n the eyes doesn't mean he/she is
to keep current for their students. They do
amount of people I would be influencing
listening to a word you say. And they will
this on their own lime and with their own
I would have had more words of wisdom
even admit it!
funds. Secondly, I wish I knew hat education would become a political football for
for them However:
both the state government and our KUSD
school board But more importantly I wish
that I knew that each day that I got up
lime and I didn't
and asked myself, "Why am I doing this pb?" I would answer hon-
estly; ii is not a job but a vocation.
cherish each moment spent
now But when
with my students, I delig t in their growth throughout the school year
I do encounter
and I appreciate when they come and thank me because my class
a student from
and instruction made a difference for them whether they received
ii is
a •5' on the AP Language and Composition Test or their hard work
always with a
earned them an exceptional grade on the ACT test or every one
the past
of my seniors received their diplomas. While working with numerous
In the Special Education field ii is important
to celebrate the small gains of each unique
student teachers, I have encouraged each teacher that this is a noble
Makes us both
student and know that those small achieve-
profession with intrinsic rewards. These are some of the important
feel goad
ments lead to shaping an independent and
things I have learned in the past 30 years, and I do not regret my
successful young adult.
choice to be an educator at Tremper High School.
Ouinton Ackerman
S ephanie Acklam
Miranda Acosta
Justine Aiello
Alyssa Alfano
Lindsey Allen
Nader Alsabbah
Juliana Amundson
Carl Anderson
Katie Anderson
Logon Anderson
Dana Andrews
William Aney
Kelsiee Arreguin
Joseph Ashley
Chautane Ates
Kyler Auston
Malik Baiyewu
Amelia Baltes
Shamrn Banks
Alecsander Baratta
Hannah Baumgarten
Miranda Beam
Mariana Bedolla
Miguel Bedolla
Taylor Beer
Aaron Benicek
Evan Benicek
Kayla Benjamin
Travis Bethke
Marisa Bianan
Ashley Bilotto
Abigale Bleil
Meagan Bloxdorf
Taylor Bolyard
Beniom1n Borchardt
Rebecca Borchardt
Omar Botello
Kriston Bowman
Nathan Brandes
Casey Brown
Nicolette Brown
Jo'Ouan Brownlee
Seroh Brulport
Steven Buchanon
William Buege
Triston Buencomino
Joshua Bullock
Alexis Burkholder
Alexander Busko
Cassondra Butschli
Bryon Byars
Sobrino Coiro
Donielle Callahan
Kevin Comasy
Ted Comp
Andrew Cordenas
Steven Carlsen
Beniom1n Carlson
Serena Corter
Emmanuel Casillas
Cinthyo Costoredo
Danielle Cebolski
Reynaldo Cervantes
Abigail Chamberlain
Emily Chamberlain
Alexis Chapa
Jorge Chinos
Rachael Cho1ok
Doyquan Christion
Ashley Claeys
Mason Coch-on
Alexandro Cole
Amo Cole
Berino Cole
Nicholas Colon
Chelsea Conley
Thomas Correll
David Corrigoll
Morlere Cortright
Justin Coug l1n
Lauren Cox
Jordan Crowford
Michael Crutcher
Jorge Cruz
Wesley Cruz
Noah Cundari
Michal Czesny
Clayton Dale
Amber Damron
Eliza Doniel
l 4J11
Ryan Darnel
Alyssa Daoust
Kailan Davenport
Kenneth Davidson
Emma Dawson
Andrew Delatorre
Abigod Derengowsk1
Abigail De Thorne
Angelita Diaz
Zachary Dickow
Bonnie Dietrich
Emily Diggins
Nathan Dillow
Crystal Dixon
Alexandra Doersch
Josh Dohrmam
Maria Dominguez
Stephen Donahoe
Victoria Dos Reis
Samantha Douglas
Stephanie Drake
Samuel Drewry
Jason Dubois
Collin Duchene
Charlotte DuJardin
Kylie Dzb1nsk,
Damon Early
Kevin Easter
Alejandro Echeverria
Thomas Edwards
Ryan Eidsor
Jamie Emery
Spencer Erdman
Ty Erickson
Zahra Ermo1an
My favorite student gov
project was tryouts for the
"My favorite project was
talent show because we got
doing 'Frankenstein' because I
together as a committee and
'My favorite proiect I did
'My favorite project that I
saw the different talents.·
was in Spanish, de los muertos,
have done was in history when
because it was fun·
we made a song·
got an A on it."
Jacob Euoorks
Krystal Evans
Darrell Fair
Danielle Feicht
Karen Feltman
Demetri Flax
Jazmin Flores
Roxana Flores
Zackary Ford
Michaela Foss
Jal e Frederick
Zachary Frost
Destiny Gallegos
Lucero Gallegos
Ashley Galligan
Justin Garcia
Miguel Garcia
Yamileth Garcia
Yoohneth Garcia
Cedric Gaston
Rayeanne Gates
Stone Ga lie
Kayla Gentz
John Gerlach
Gage Gessert
icole Ginter
Randi Gittens
Cristian Gomez
Lorena Gomez
Chelsy Gonzales
Arnulfo Gonzalez
Kameron Gorman
Jonathan Gossett
Bryan Graham
Kelli Griffin
Lauren Griffin
Kiara Gross
Muriel Guerra
Tonaya Gulley
Jacob Gunderson
Christian Haggarty
Sharneisha Hampton
Talon Hansen
Siever Hanson
Bradley Hanzel
Mathew Harebo
Lashia Harris
Mitchell Hartnell
Jessica Hegewald
Anthony Henderson
Marisa Henke
Paige Henke
Ellen Henry
Justin Hernandez
Lu s Hernandez
Mike Hernandez
I f~1I
Veronhnicca Hernandez
Mariah Heyden
Patrick Hibbler
Gavan Hicks
Tr•v1an Hill
Es'ther Hood
Logan Hopf
Sydney Howell
Margaret Huck
Taishae Hunter
James lwen
Kaylee Jackson
Anayely Jaimes
Sara Jansen
Serena Jaros
Loreal Jerkins
Holly Jeranek
Camron Johnson
Jasmine Johnson
Marisso Johnson
Talerie Johnson
Dominick Johnston
Jerlisa Jones
Kelsey Jones
Ashley Kaiser
Samantha Kammer
Jessica Kaplan
Maggie Kapplehaff
Alexsis Kempin-ellis
D'juan Kenley
Mansso Kexel
Amy Key
Ryan Kimball
Cecelia Kir ley
Alexis Kloiber
Honnah Knutson
Karl Koesser
Kyle Kolinski
Rachel Kostrzewa
Kyle Krellwitz
Alec Kruse
Laura Kutzler
Savanna Ladewig
Kevin Landgraf
Karli Larsen
Courtney Larson
Tanner Larson
Dallas Lawlor
Veronica Leal
Chantell Ledezma
Morgan Ledford
Byran Lee
Clint Lewis
Leo Little
Anthony Loef
Jackulyn Lollis
"Books. coots. locker
partner's stuff·
-Justine Aiello
"Books. live sweaters. a lot of bags.
iewelry pictures. and shorts '
-Maddie Schmaling
'Textbooks. binder shoes. coot. sweatshirts. notebooks. shirt, and shorts.'
-Tyler Shilton
'Books. mirror 1ackets.
bags and shoes ·
-Charlotte Duiarden
Alonte Lopez
Thurston Lovell
Jake Lundy
Tyler Lundy
Carson Mahant
Samantha Mangold
Jared Maraccini
Haylee Marentes
Michael Margetson
atelyn Martensen
An hany Martin
August Martin Jr
Anastasia Martinson
Joshua Massimo
Kendrick Matthews
Brittany Mays
Troy McCain
Nicole McClain
Shane McColgan
Kelsey McGoregle
Anthony McNair
Rickey Meadows
Brandon Medina
Charles Mendoza
Shanley Menzie
Joseph Metallo
Christian Michaelis
Eric Miesbauer
Jovana Milankovic
Andrew Miller
Rochel Miller
Tric1a Miller
Kevin Molina
Jocquel1ne Mongeau
Patric Moore
1. My favorite food is. Sfta/t.
1. My favorite food is ... Wt!d otJar.
2. My favorite movie is... LtJVt and Btl41M!batt.
2. My favorite movie is ... lJeJjJtt!aok Mt.
3. My favorite movie quote is... "Nf!faf !k ~bit
3. My favorite movie quote is... 7T'S SO
Car!tJ~ "- Tk Hanptr.
FLtlFFV!"- AjHl4'- lJeJjJtt!aok Mt.
Fact(About Us
4. My favorite color is... Hf!fjJtnk.
4. My favorite color is... Ffidt4ia.
,.......=====-rA,,f, - . . , ~ r/-,.,~m;;.--A
5. My favorite subject is... Lultt/v?
7'.V(ftrrJi "fl!lZlfJt. ~f}JfiiU.
5. My favorite subject is... Lalt()/v.
6. Outside school, I like to... Bt M!lv l!tf frttm/4t.
6. Outside school, I like to do... InftrjJrt/.tVt dan&.
7. Something that people don't know about me
7. Something that people don't know about me is ...
is ... Mfltlj Kflk makef tM a 4andwtt/J, tvtrffdaff
I'vt jtlf a J/11.tMj, jtrl-jJtJW&r r:ltart4ma.
oteattJt 4k 'f !k ot!4/ FTC tVtr.
J". The best thing I've done at Tremper so far is...
J". The best thing I've done at Tremper so far is...
Had ttdvtJf!rf and ott!h!f wt!h
Plttffd var41-lfj otl4/M!batt.
Mflr!'l'n Ltdfflrd.
9. In my future at Tremper, I'd like to... Cftanp flrt
9. In my future at Tremper, I'd like to... Grttdt1aft.
talttlv 4dttdttk !tJ' ot IVaf ltJnjtr.
10. The friends I can't live without are ...
10. The friends I can't live without ore ... Mdaltlt
Brj(ln Grflltam, Jf!rdan Crawft!rd and
WttdMr, Cltar!tJtrt lJ!ffarr/t,n, and al! ntf FTC~·
Andrtw Mtlkr.
~==----- Mf!!!j Kflk, Matrkw MW& and Sam Bynt.
Michael Morehouse
Taylor Moreland
Luis Morero
Abigail Mosley
Mason Muerhoff
Mayo Muerhoff
Ashley Mukko
Sierra Mullis
Mork Munoz
Rachael Murray
Bridget Nelson
Kristyn Nelson
Levi Nichols
Alyssa Niles
Morgon Nixon
Samantha Nofsinger
Timothy Nolder
Tom Nordquist
Katrina Novak
Yusuf Nur
Jacob ONeol
Devon Oenning
Emily Orr
Emma Oster
Melanie Oster
Jacob Oswalt
Rebecca Overman
Alexis Owens
ldolys Pabon
Reice Popendorf
D'marcco Patrick
Joden Peavy
Emily Peno
Abel Perez
Destiny Perez
Jesus Perez
Nicholas Perri
William Pettit
Hannah Pfluegl
athon Piekos
Daniel Pierce
Rebecca Pivavar
Liam Placek
Jacob Poore
Willie Pope
Emily Pastl
Ryley Powell
Sabrina Prevec
Sierra Prisk
Cyrus Procarione
Lauren Prochniak
Sofia Puterbaugh
Alissa Racew1cz
Brandon Radloff
Alison Rasch
Jacob Rasch
Kyle Rauen
Courtney Reeves
Jordan Reichel
Colin Reirke
Dario Resendiz
Markus Riemer
Alexandra Riley
Latroya Rinvil
Angelita Rivera
Katherine Rizzo
Taylor Roach
Scott Robbins
Connor Robinson
Alexander Roblero
Sarnontho Rocco
M1choel Rodgers
Brandon Roe
Kevin Roepke
Paul Rollet
Elizabe h Roman
Zoie Romero
Mariah Rosales
Jonah Ross
Trenton Rosz owiaK
Kyle Rover
Kevin Rugamas
Brittani Ruhle-Overholser
Nayree Ruiz
athoniel Russell
Tiana Russell
Giovanni Saldana
Mari Saldana
Jose Saldivar
Eduardo Samaniego
ichalas Santelli
I qf~j
Nikolas Sauceda
Jessica Sawtell
Madalyn Schma11ng
Chelsea Schmidt
Kyle Schroeder
Fallon Schultz
Danielle Schwandt
Cody Schwartz
Trenton Schwartz-Thuot
Joshua Schwer
Nicole Sciarra
Breeama Scoffham
Davion Scott
Zoey Scott
Billy Sexton
Bradley Shaw
Jalen Sherrod
Tyler Sh1lton
Tyler Shircel
Christian Shreve
Selena Simmons
Kayla Sivyer
Stephen Siana
Bailey Slater
Sara Slaviero
Cody Sloan
Michael Smick
Garrett Smith
Sidney Snyder
Joshua Sammer
William Sooley
Dylan Sorensen
Haley Spagnoli
Lauryn Sparks
David St Peter
Thomas Stancato
Monique Stevens
Eric Stone
Danielle Strelecki
Melissa Sturycz
Kody Sullivan
Nathan Summers
James Takala
Joshua Taylor
Chelsi Terrell
Tevin Thomas
Trevor Thomas
David Tilch
Andrew Tock
Katherine Torch1a
Raquel Torres
Angela Torres-Castillo
Kennedy Tracy
Olivio Tro1nor
Julie Tredup
Eleonor Trepte
Miranda Turman
Justin Udry
Jacob Utterback-Aiello
Robert Valdez
Mayelin Valenzuela
Lupe Vargas
Whitney Vasquez
Kaitlyn Verheyen
Austin Villani
lsaul Villanueva
Megan Walden
Na ia Wallner
Bridget Walsh
Jolene Ward
Kalie Warren
Melanie Weidner
Donavan Wesley
Mallory White
Jerad Whitefoot
Ania Willkomm
Courtney Wilson
Joshua Wilson
Barbara Wirth
Patrick Wirth
Tihesha Wise
Bradley W oiler
Joe Woods
Precious Wrig
Zachary Yafchok
A1exa Zakutansky
Anthony Zarletti
Jacob Zigner
Timothy Zimmermam
Kristin Z wickey
'Not knowing what
·1 am afraid of
NThe seniors are
Everything is so
to expect, and there
getting lost.'
much bigger than
is a lot more student
·Juliana Amundson
intimidating •
middle school. and I
in high school than
feel like I am going
middle school."
-Olivia Trainor
to get lost
-Emily Diggins
"Middle school. high
'High school. because
'High school.
school hos a better
we hove a better va·
they hove more
selection. but their
riety and the food just
food and
cheeseburgers stirk.'
tastes way better.'
pizza is be ter •
-Stephanie Dra e
-Davion Scott
·Miguel Garcia
Mik el Aguilar
William Aguilar
Charles Alisauskas
Lexie Allen
Elijah Ambrose
Amber Andrew
Jahn Archambeault
Patsy Arias
Garrett Arnold
Benito Arteaga
Kayla Asleson
Thomas Athey
Benjamin Ault
Brittany Ausse
Edgar Ayola
Devon Ayers
Jonathan Back
C ynth10 Bahena
Ryan Bailey
Jamie Bain
Brian Baldwin
Gregory Banks
Kiesso Banks
Niaro Banks
Kelly Barnd
Alec Barribeau
Chad Battisfore
Charley Becker
Kate Beckman
Bailey Benavidez
Brett Bernhard
Holly Bernhardt
Sean Bialas
Stojonko Biconin
Andrew Bisciglio
Krista Blackwell
Cody Blaser
Eric Boesch
Larraine Bastetter
Alison Boudreau
Landan Bayle
Robert Bozarth
Sara Brandt
Jordan Brauck
Kaitlyn BreLJ1Sbach
Emily Brothen
Lindsey Brothers
Myesha Brown
Derek Bryant
Alex Buban
Melanie Burke
Emilee Burrow
Alexander Cable
Jonadab Colan
Patrick Callahan
Nick Campbell
Justin Carleton
Daniel Carlson
Bridget Carney
Alexander Carravetta
Stormi Carreon
lvander Carrillo
Maxwell Carson
John Carswell
Andrea Castanuela
Alyssa Cerminaro
Hannah Chabela
Edward Charlten
Abel Chinos
Brandon Ciesielski
Eric Ciszewsk1
David Claeys
Jonathan Clark
Do Vion Coburn
Ryan Coen
Justine Collins
Hunter Colvin
Kylandra Cooks
Amanda Cordero
lsai Cartez
Michael Coughlin
Caitlin Cowan
Karissa Cox
Suzanne Crass
Jazmin Cruz
Marquis Daniel
Amber Danyus
Bryce Davis
Christian Davis
Jazmin Davis
Jacob Dawiec
Rheonna Decker
Rick Defranco
Jordan Oejno
Stephanie Demoe
Karly Oierckens
Troy Dillard
Alexander Dixon
William Dodge
Matthew Dolnik
Christopher Domalik
Hugo Dominguez
Amber Donovan
Kyle Dreger
Brittany Dr1got
Douglas Dubois
Bobbie Dyson
Kayla Earley
Maggie Edmark
Hanno Egle
Cooper Eickstaedt
Nathasha Eiroo
Nora Elgohari
Ariel Elmore
Jamie Elsen
Joseph Encarnacion
Talia Engstrom
Andreea Enterline
Christian Enwright
Savannah Erdman
Julie Erickson
Jordan Eri=n
Charles Ernst
Steven Etzelmueller
Anthony Falbo
Alejandra Farnam
How Have Your
My leadership skills helped
make my decisions better
for Tremper.
Dee:isi~ Made Tremper a
I support and encourage
I set good examples and
I set a good example for
my classmates so we can
encourage my classmates.
others to follow.
all be successful
Brittney Feivor
Shelby Fellows
Arcelia Figueroa
Dashay Fischer
A1exander Fitch
Jared Flasch
Connor Fluder
Jared Forsythe
Stephanie Froid
Joseph Fredriksson
Derek Friedl
Eileen Friery
Barrett Frost
icole Fugate
Michael Gaertner
Grant Gagliardi
Madeline Gallo
Alondra Garcia
Annmarie Garcia
Crystal Garcia
Patrick Georno
James Gerdes
Martha Gervacio
Alexandra Gibson
Arica Gignac
Dionle Gisi
Bri1 1ni Glenn
Alexander Godlewsk;
Katelyn Goll
Mireya Gonzalez
Caleb Gordon
Devontae Gordon
Laura Gosse
Alante Grant
Angelique Granville
Beatrice Greathouse
Samantha Greathouse
Courtney Green
Nelsone Green
Joshua Greene
Robert Greskovia
Kylie Griffith
Liv Gripko
Beniamin Gl.llhus
Evans Guy
Kalie Hade
Alexandria Hagen
Kia Hagren
Taylor Halvorsen
Morgan Hamblin
Logan Hanson
Dorian Hardy
Alyssa Harold
Christopher Harovan
Brooke Hartnell
William Hassel
Katrina Haun
Lizzie Hawbaker
Aynsley Hensgen
Karla Hernandez
Johrie Hicks
Eug1na Higgins
Karissa Hoecherl
Jordan Hollingsworth
Michael Holmen
Eduardo Honorato
Madeline Hoover
Ashley Hawe
Emily Hribal
Sarah Huang
Jenna Hubaishy
Emma Hughes
Megan Humphreys
Jasmine Hundertmark
Kyle Huss
Damien Hyde
Michael Hyde
Meaghan Ingram
Tamera Irwin
Tierra Jackson
Orlando Jaimes
Zane Jeranek
Angela Johnson
ichalas Johnson
Rachel Johnson
Richard Johnson
Matthew Johnston
Gerald Jones
Kyle Jones
Jovin Kalappurackal
Adelya Kammer
1. My nickname is Soup.
2. I get all the girls.
3. I'm funny and I have a
good personality.
I am 100% Indian.
2. I play tennis for Tremper.
3. I play piano & clarinet.
4. I don't have a
4. Everybody knows me.
5. I played noseguard in
5. I love watching
plays & musicals.
6. Go Packers!
6. My favorite animal is
(I like the Packers.l
the shark.
7. Brandon Radloff is my bff.
i': Mr. Stace is my favorite
7. I want to be an
i': I enjoy going to the beach
9. I like pizza.
10. I like to fish.
9. I love traveling.
10. I like Italian food.
favorite color.
Jake Keane
Samantha Kimball
Shannan Kinney
Adam Kirk
Beniamin Kisielewski
Tehra Kless
Collin Klimisch
Brandon Klinkhammer
Kyle Kluver
Rebecca Knapp
Danielle Knight
Gavin Knight
Jordan Kobishap
Taylor Koerth
Samuel Kok
Ka harine Kollman
Anthony Korecz
Leann Katten
Cameron Kre1er
Br;ttany Kretschmer
Daniel Kreuscher
Chase Krier
Isaac Krone
Stephanie Kuruvilla
Kyle Kutzler
Joseph Landmar
Brooke Londre
Eric Lange
Aaliyah Langston
Grace Larson
Elishia Lawler
Kelly Leibhan
Kyle Lemay
Benjamin Leon
Indigo Leslie
Alysia Lewand
Madeline Lewis
Caleb Littel
Holey Loberger
Karlie Loewen
Alexis Land
Michael London
David Lundgren
Christopher Luttrell
Meghan Lux
Nancy Ly
Ashlym Maddern
Po1e Moder
Koelon Mongold
Alexandria Monn
Alysa Marek.
Samantha Morionyi
Mirando Mori oto
Samantha Marolt
Amanda Mortell
Comar Marth
Mandy Mortinez
Kyle Mato
Justin Moy
Kelly Mccormick
Lauren Mcgraw
Jessica Mckoy
Sarah Mcpherson
Brianna Meier
William Mendoza
Stanley Menzie
Kornn Metz
Sobrino Miceli
Melissa Miller
Morion Mitchell Jr
Porker Moes
Douglas Molbock
Marcus Molbock
Erica Molinaro
Edgar Montejo
Nelson Montenio
Michael Morelli
Teddi Morin
Mokoloh Morrissette
Michael Morrissette
Jacob Morzfeld
Matthew Mulroy
Ashley Murray
Allon Nash
Nicole Naudi
Zachary Naumowicz
Jordon Nedd
Devin Nelson
Jacob Nemiro
Brod Neu
Armando Nevarez
Groce Nevin
Ethan Newberry
Matthew Nielsen
Connor l\lorTis
Brittany Norton
Jomes Nowak
Bryce Oboyle
Jeremy Osborn
Don Jomes Ostergoord
Nicholas Ouimet
Vincent Ouimet
Jacob Owen
Douglas Palmer
Michael Papas
Jacob Parmentier
Moxie Parrish
Sam Porrone
Morgon Pascual
Jazz Peavy
Courtland Pederson
Kone Peet
Drew Peloquin
Logan Peltier
Arnoldo Peno
Katelyn Peno
Yesenia Perolta
Alexis Perez
Christion Perez
Samantha Perez
Benjamin Petersen
Matthew Petersen
Courtney Peterson
Oksono Pfoffle
Andrew Pfontz
Chemistry Honors: Because theres a
Alegbra 2/T rig. Honors: Sometimes its
difficult to understand and I tend to lose
Chemistry: Because my teacher doesn't
a little focus.
explain anything.
lot of math and equations to remember
along w ith the vocabulary.
Once I was with a bunch of friends and we
One time I went to Big Star with friends
Once I got chased by a random guy
were singing loud and got lost. I tried doing
and on the way back my friend yelled at
because me and some of my friends
a U-turn and went straight in the ditch.
a car through the sunroof.
threw eggs at his car.
Lindsey Brorhers
Indigo Leslie
Zach Tirel
Alexis Pfeiffer
Leanne Pierangeli
Vanessa Pina
Jakob Pincombe
Katrina Polso
John Poltrock
Katie Panfil
Marcl.f3 Posey
Travis Pospichel
Samantha Pryby
Francisco Puente
Zachary Purser
Shannon Rader
Kelsi Rakow
Andrea Ralph
Rico Ramirez
Daniel Regalado
Karyn Reget
Jesse Reid
Emma R'rey
Gorden Rhutasel
Tyler Rice
Kaitlyn Richards
Kayle Richie
Kendra Richter
Bianca Ricker
Sydney Riggs
Ryan Riley
Vito Rivecco
Michael Roberts
Darrell Robins
Gauge Robins
Kyle Robinson
Brandon Robison
Nicholas Rodriguez
Norberto Rodriguez
Raymond Rodriguez
Dustin Roemer
Daniel Roepke
Austin Rollins
Natalie Romero
Joshua Rose
Sidney Ross
Devany Rowland
Kendall Ruchti
Michael Ruffolo
Kimberlee Ruiz
Lucerito Saldivar
Ryan Salva
Xavier Sanchez
Amanda Sansouci
Lauren Sargent
John Sche1ling
Madeline Schendl
Nicole Schiavi
Michael Schmidt
Tayler Schroeder
Aaron Schroeter
Miriam Schulze
Anna Schwalbe
Anthony Sciarra
Dionia Scott
Nicholas Seeley
Kevin Semenas
Caitlin Semrad
Danielle Sepanski
Daniel Sertich
Ariel Serzynsk1
Dayna Shomberg
Matthew Short
Charles Siferd
Elli Sigler
Josue Silva
Abigail Sirocchi
Kristina Sivyer
Morgan Skarda
Morissa SI. ow
Tye Skowronski
Christain Slama
Dan Slaviero
Zackary Slovocek
Alexandrea Smith
Anne Smith
Cameron Smith
Cori Smit
Jordan Smith
Kelsey Smith
Nicholas Smith
Travis Smith
Ethon Salms
L1oyd Sarrell
I rf~J
Vanessa Soward
Kyle Stefanski
Marisa Steinmetz
Carrie Stephens
Tess Steplyk
Kimberly Stidd
Katie Staebe
Scott Staebig
Lindsay Stowell
Austin Suhr
Jalen Thomas
Martin Thompson
Jennifer Tiernan
Sovereign Tindall
Zachary Titel
Kaya Tallas
M1gi...el Angel Torres
Estrella Torrez
Cassie Tover
Michael Troup
Raqi...el Tuohy
Aaron Turnes
Taylor Tutlewski
Adam Untershine
Amanda Uttech
Tyler Uttech
Jacob Vognoni
Colin Valadez
Alexandra Valeri
Sophia Van Guyse
Marissa Vanbeekum
Pamela Venegas
Nicholas Verheyen
Freddy Viera
Richard Vo11isek
Zachary Wade
Kia Wagner
Luke Walaszek
Adam Walden
Michael Wamboldt
Andrew Ward
Jessica Wasson
Andrew Wathen
Tenisha Watkins
Somantha Weber
Tessa Weber
Thomas Webster
Brittany Wedge
Cary Wehr
Deonte Wells
Amanda Wendlick
Emily Werve
Somi...el Wesley
Ryan Westermeyer
Kendell Wheeler
Spencer Whitaker
Joke Wikstrom
Chrishno Willeke
Alicia Williams
Dejuono Williams
Edward Williams
Jordon Williams
Terronce Williams
Tyler Wiiiams
Vontrell Williams
Kaitlyn Williamson
Luke Wlliomson
Teogon Williamson
Donielle Wilson
Joshua Wilson
Deonna Wirth
Broden Wisniewski
Alyssa Wozniak
Caleb Young
Zachary Zogro
Brenda Zorletti
Joseph Zeidan
Ashley Zenner
Yunmeng Zhong
Angelo Ziccorelli
Tabitha Ziehr
Trina Zimmer
Robin Z wickey
I play the Alto Saxophone
lil!K!l AJ ~@SS
I play soccer
Todd Abrams
Rene Acosto
Olivio Agnew
Taylor Agnew
Cristina Alers
lzzly Alexander
Nichole Alexander
Emily Alfano
Hannah Alfredson
Vivion Allen-Louis
Cody Allen-Togliopietro
Alekzonder Altoro
Kyle Androschko
Jeffery Andrews
Bloke Apgar
Andrea Aquino
Janeth Arteaga
Doniel Boll
Sean Baltes
Joseph Baratto
Samantha Borsuli
Angelo Bortz
Rhyen Bortz
Aerial Beard
Carolin Becker
Jacob Beckman
Lauren Bell
Trenton Bell
Amelio Bemis
Jessie Bennett
Eric Berry
Moro Bertog
Andrew Bionan
Matthew Bible
Rebecca Biggs
Jacob Birch
Alec B1rz
Amanda Bloomer
Lauren Boatwright
Lauren Borchardt
Lauren Baresch
Vanesa Botello
Mark Boudreau
Victoria Bowman
Rashadda Boyd
Stephanie Brecheisen
Thomas Bridenhagen
Andrew Brown
Charelle Brown
Nicholas Brown
Patrice Brown
Tyler Brown
Kevin Bruce
Tiffani Bruce
Aaron Buban
Jamey Burns
Caitlin Busse
Cassandra Busse
Arielle Byrd
Samantha Byrne
Rafael Caballero
Kimberly Cajka
Tyler Calloway
Marysa Cartagena
Alyssa Carter
Shelby Carter
Fabian Casas
Ryan Cascarano
Lauren Casey
Michael Casey
S ephanie Castaneda
Moises Castillo
Holey Ceiebre
Kathy Celebre
Taylor Cerminaro
Christopher Chae
Alexander Chase
Robert Chase
Gabrielle Chiappetta
Carleton Childs
Anna Christenbury
Corey Clar
Devon Claybrook.
Brandon Cleason
Jazzmen Colbert
Amanda Cole
Priscilla Colon
Anna Concannon
Darius Cooks
Dominque Cortes
Mercedes Cotter
Nicole Cox
Ryon Cox
Doniel Crowley
Brandon Creason
CossalX"!Clro Crippen
Kassandra Cruz
Melissa Csikortos
Zachary Curtiss
Sh1lpo Cynoc
Dominic D'Acquisto
Chnslino Dolton
Porsha Daniels
Kennedy Davenport
Mocshell Davis
Ashley De Bree
Paige DeThorne
Robert Degrazio
Shannon Delany
Bloke Delfs
Robert Demario
Alisia Dexter
Brion Dickow
Tyler Dixon
Alayna Dohrmom
Christopher Dopuch
Cameron Douma
icholos Drucks
Elise Dubrovo
David Dummer
Brandi Duston
Toylor Dwyer
Eugene Edwards
Dozio Ellis
Jaime Elsen
Aaron Engelmann
Andrew Englert
Corly Epping
Javier Estrado
Alejandro Farnam
Boyce Farrar
Jordyn Favre
Jourdan Feosby
Robin Feltman
Benjamin Filter
Kaleigh Fishman
Kyle Flood
Poul Flores
Thomas Follensbee
Dominic Fonk
Cory Forrest
Karyn Forsberg
Samantha Fortner
Kristen Freemon
Nicholas Freemon
Stephanie Freemon
Hons Freisheim
Andrew Fricke
Darrell Frost
Bryan Fuhrer
Carly Fuhrman
Broe Fulmer
Rose Gagliardo
Andres Gamarro
Sara Gaona
Dernetrio Garces
Dominic Garcia
Gabriela Garcia
Noyeli Garcia
Catherine Garwood
Joshua Gattsholl
Katelyn Gayheart
Nicole Geiger
Adam Gentz
Garette Gessert
Frankie Giampietro
Anna Gleason
Andre Gooden
Kody Gorman
Hannah Gourdoux
Connor Grochen
Jared Granger
Michoel Green
Brandon Gross
Corley Gross
Robert Gross
Kelly Gullett
Toneo Gulley
Dylan Gunter
Kelly Hagren
Brendon Holl
Morgan Halstead
I could live without my
cell phone However, I'd
rather not because I like
to stay up-to-date with
the world
No. absolutely natl I
Yes. I could easily live
I definitely wouldn't be
without a cell phone but
always hove my phone
able to live without my
I would prefer to stay in
on rnel
cell phone because I do
ouch with everyone and
everything on it (even
homework) and without it
I'd be bored in class.
"Gummy worms
old school 1d S,
water battles. ipOO
boxes. purse. blanket lotion, coins.
pens. magazines
books. ve got alot
Krystal Sennhalz
"Bob MarleyPantera mix cd and
"lipgloss darts. gum
blankets. shoes. makeup,
gum stash."
sleds. flashlights. perfume,
Zach Sladek
car mats."
Gina Kessinger
Kristopher Hambrock
Donnell Hamilton
Shiquisha Hampton
Zachary Hansen
Kristen Harpster
Timothy Harris
Melissa Hartnell
Princeton Herron
Anthony Herzog-Bruce
Brian Hettrick
Amber Hill
Mitchell Hilliard
David Hix
Steven Hohs
Brandon Holdsworth
Alexis Hood
Matthew Harne
Derek Howard
Abigail Huck
Monica Hudson
Stephanie Huebscher
Jenna Humphreys
John Humphreys
Jared Hunt
Redo Ianni
Thomas Irwin
Robin lstvanek
David lwen
Mercede Jockson
Stacee Jackson
Casey Jaeger
Nancy Jaimes
Christopher Jakala
Dana Jaros
Jessica Jensen
a stride chewing
Tyler Jessen
Samantha Johansen
Anastasia Johnson
Dana Johnson
Jonathan Johnson
Kelsey Johnson
Megan Jofvison
Morgan Johnson
Orlando Johnson
Jared Jones
Jenna Jones
Jervell Jones
Makenzie Jones
Nicholas Jones
Trestin Jones
Chase Jurge
Aamir Kadri
Do ota Kane
Jared Kehl
Ryan Kehl
Kristen Kelly
Caitlyn Keough
Gina Kessinger
Amber Ketchum
Nicholas Kirk
Jordan Kirnbauer
Morgan Kislio
Sean Kjerulf
Erik Klade
Alyssa Klausegger
Jessica Kluver
Emily Kmiec
Carly Knight
Michael Knake
Garett Koch
Moily Kok
Alex Kolacek
Lauren Konchan
Hayley Kon1tzer
Rocky Kramer
Rhena Krier
Nikolas KJin1ey
Daniel Kupfer
Adam Landgraf
Caitlin Longsdorf
Li.kas Larsen
Faith Larson
Kelsey Larson
Patrick Larson
Tara Larson
Zachary Lowell
Jordyn Leadingham
Cory Leavelle
Marcus Ledford
Lacey Ledlow
Lucas Ledlow
Benjamin Lee
Heather Lee
Jason Le1ndecker
David Leiling
Adam Lenegar
Emily Leonard
Tyler Leonard
Morgan Lesperance
Jacob Lichter
Mason Lindemann
Ciara Lindsey
Justin Lippert
Jonathan Loffredo
Jessica Lopez
Miguel Lopez
Richard Lopez
Alexander Lopez-Nanul
Nicholas Lucas
Joseph Lucente
Marisa Lucke
Nicholas Lund
Adam Lupia
Taylor Lurguin
Kayla Luska
Carly Machak
Eric Machak
Joshua Madison
Stephen Madsen
Holly Mahaney
Sara Mahoney
Gerardo Maidonado
Melissa Man$e
Emma Marlar
Cassandra Marlin
Haley Marzolf
Craig Mata
April Matute
Jaremey Maxwell
Emily Mcdonald
Kaylee Mcginley
Colin Mcgraw
Colton Mckee
Andrew McNair
Jonathan Mendez
Cory Metallo
Jacob Meurer
Matthew Miceli
Maizy Mich
Karina Milbauer
Emily Miller
Ryan Miller
Sabrina Miner
Rowan Misch
Amy Mitchell
Jazelle Mitchell
Brock Mogensen
in This Together
lilighi · -hool Musical This song means o lot to
me because Corbin Bleu is my idoL"
Adam Nord q uist
Kyle Molette
Carlos Molina
Dexter Molinaro
Nicholas Moro
Alysso Morris
Shaneeka Morris
Tori Mosley
Lirijeta Murati
Sara Murray
Megan Mutchler
Rebekah Nedd
Alysso Nehls
Nathaniel Newberry
Ryley Newberry
Shelby Nichols
Kayla Nickel
Zachary Niles
Adam Nordquist
Kyle Nottingham
Brandi Novotny
Nathaniel Nyquist
Brianna Oneal
Ian Oneal
Jason Oneal
Lauren Oechler
Kamrin Ohlson
Roberio Oliveira
Anthony Olson
Michael Opal
Leah Orr
Tyree Orr
Zayra Oseguera-Vega
Jake Oster
Arthur Zachary Owen
Andrew Owens
Aleiondro Padillo
Payton Padilla
Aracely Pagan
Bryan Page
Brian Parham
Shannan Parmentier
Julie Parrish
Emma Patton
Comor Patty
Sara Paz
Jonathon Pecha
Andrew Peoo
Bryancis Perdomo
Elisa Perez-Hinoiosa
Leah Perr•
Adam Petersen
Grant Peterson
Joseph Pettit
Jemiler Pezdir
Angelique Pfeiffer
Christopher Pham
M artin Pitts
Chance Poling
Vinita Pope
Joshua Potthast
Alexandria Pulera
Scott Pulera
Isaac O uinn
C olin Raiden-McRae
Donna Ramer
Kaly Ramirez
Tyler Range
Leah Rasch
Paige Redlin
Sierra Regazzi
Cltarljj Renk
Stl4a1ttta Rttottr
1. M y favorite food is...
Flamtnj Hf!f Ckttlff.
2. My favorite movie is... WaffM'dt Wf!rld.
3. My favorite movie quote is...
7krt '4' nt1!1un1 mtJrt txlularafi.nj
titan jJfftnan1 f!al !k dltt!r{Offmtnp fff
f!!krf. "-C!trM.
4. My favorite color is... GrttH.
5. My favorite subject is... Band.
6. Outside school, I like to do... Majit Ga!krtnj.
7. Something that people don't know about me is...
I lravt a d&Ortf ffb~n f!Vtr alU!tW.
7. The best thing I ve done at Tremper so far ...
Jazz !ttun!Jtf tm;;mr. df!!f!.
1. My favorite food is ...
2. My favorite movie is...
3. My favorite movie quote
is ... "Haluma Mala/a" -Tk
Lttrn Ktnj.
4. My favorite color is ... Pt«!J/t, blM andjJtnk-.
5. My favorite subject is ... Arf.
6. Outside school. I like to ... Rt?lld Harri Pfff@r bfftrM
and Iran§ f!al wtth mj frM!td4-:
FactfAbout Us 7. Something that people don't know about me is...
9. In my future at Tremper, I'd like to do... Ttnnltt fellm and!Jrffm.
10. The friends I cant live without are ... Evtrpnt tn band!
M! tff41 art tifl.f! def#rtltf Of!tffrf.
7. The best thing I've done at Tremper so far is ... Tt1t-IU<t.
9. In my future at Tremper, I'd like to play.. Ttnltl<t.
10. The friends I can't live without are ... I /ravt tlff! l!llMjl
Christina Rende
Kaitlyn Rhey
Susama Riccio
Kurt Riemer
Brianna Riley
Annmarie Riva
Eduardo Rivera
Kelley Roach
Jessica Robb
Samuel Robinson
Moria Rodriguez
Rache1 Rodriguez
Zack Rodriguez
Aaron Roe
Andrew Ro1niotis
Pierre Rollet
Cody Ropp
Jose Rosales
Tolera Ross
Christopher Rossmann
Taylor Roszkowio
Dustin Rowland
Mercedez Rucker
Angel Rugamas
Emily Rutherford
Tia Saarnio
Cour ney Saffold
Robert Salani
Adam Salinas
Danielle Salva
Erik Sanson
Taylor Santiago
Alexandra Sargent
Anastasia Sauceda
Jake Scha z
Bradlee Schlagel
Lauren Schlitz
Daniel Schmidt
Jade Schmitz
Allison Schock
Brandon Schuebel
Nicole Schultz
Paige Schultz
Taylor Schulz
Ethan Schwalbe
Natassia Schwandt
Joquan Scott
Jordon Scott
Krystal Sennhalz
Heidi Serrano
Kate Shannon
Lucas Sheen
Andrew Shepherd
Kelsey Shepperd
Robert Shinn
Ian Shipley
Jordan Shulsk1
Sabre Shulsk1
Bhinder Singh
Samuel Skalbeck
Joshua Skanron
Joshua Skarda
Zachary Sladek
Devon Smart
Logan Smith
Brooke Snider
Michael Sobin
Raven Spencer
Kyle Stalsberg
Dominique Stangas
Jonathan Steinsdorfer
Rachel Stoebe
Tyler Stoesslein
Kelsey Strauf
John Sturino
Mary Sturino
Bailey Sundstrom
Nicholas Swanson
Maxwell Swift
Elliott Thomas
Jessica Thomas
Marcus Thomas
Mitchel Thomas
Austin Thompson
Laura Thomsen
Nicole Thomsen
Jessica Thrasher
Harvest Tindall
Taylor Tomczak
Marissa Tamie
Stephanie Tortoriello
Kelsey Tover
Jay Trimmer
Jeremy Troup
Shelbi Tryban
Alexis Turman
Jordan Turvaville
Sara Untershine
Ernest Valdez
Elise Valeri
Amanda Vargas
Latchezar Vassilev
Nicholas Vecchitto
Annel Venegas
Matthew Vorwald
Eric Walden
Jacob Wallin
Hannah Walsh
Kyle Walters
Gregory Warren
Greshonda Warren
Kendra Wartzenluft
Shaquille Watkins
Jaym1 Watson
Samantha Watson
Emily Wawiorka
Amber Wedge
Matthew Weiher
Stephanie Weiss
Alexandra Wellman
Benedetto Wells
Jessica Werbie
Austin Whiteside
Cameron Wick
Alyssa Wicks
Kalyn Wilkinson
Deontre Williams
Jessie Williams
Lauren Williams
Cory Willis
Jacob Wilson
Jerrett Witt
Robert Witt
Emily Woller
Marshall Woller
Nicole Woods
Mary Workman
Derrick Wright
Brooklyn Yarkunas
Omar Yolo
Sabrina Yepez
Destiny Yildirim
Brooke Zajac
Jordan Zamudio
Abby Zemer
Timothy Zeszutek
Jessica Zielinski
Katherine Zielsdorf
Brandon Zigner
Katelyn Zigner
M aximillian Zuhl -e
Michael Zuluaga
Steven Zwickey
., oals For
"My goals for senior year are
1. to pass, 2. choose the right
college 3. SUCCEED! I'm looking
"My goals: pass all my classes.
move on with my life and just to
fow ard to release and finally
have fun. I'm looking forward to
graduation! Can't w ait to make
our senior prank the most.'
something of myself.'
Lirijeta Murati
Adam Peterson
Kaley Acerbi
Kayla Ackerman
Max Aiello
David Albrecht
Maddy Alsabbah
Stephanie Althoff
Bryttanee Ambrosini
Ashley Anderson
Holly Anderson
Shelbiee Arreguin
Samantha Atkielski
Amber Bain
Kierra Banks
Mahogany Banks
Adam Becker
Tyler Berg
Zak Bernhardt
Rebecca Bethke
LaDorryel Brown
Liz Bruno
Karl Budd
Ryon Burke
Jeri Burmeister
Graciela Burroughs
David Cabon
Caitlin Cairo
Chyanne Callender
Trisho Camosy
Sean Carleton
Sam Carlson
Timothy Carney
Annemori Castanedo
Brody Chamberlin
Sarah Chase
Megan Chatterton
Britne Chike
Matt Cf-v-istensen
Jenna Ciszewski
Sarah Conwell
Bobby Cook
Emily Coopland
Axel Cordero Jr
Carly Corradini
Emilie Cosenza
Haley Cramer
Rachel Dalton
Lauren Darby
Lukas Davies
Zachary Dawiec
Ignazio DeBartolo
Cody Delaney
Matthew Deleon
Hailey Deluca
Keri Dennison
In ten years. I'll be the next
want I will sponsor a trip to
Oisneyworld or have a ban-
ing to make sure everyone is
Donald Trump. considering I'm
there to visit and reminisce.
class treasurer now. This means
quet at the Italian American
the 10 year reunion will defi-
nitely be 'banging".
Robert DeVries
Maxwell Dinan
Michael Dolnik
Alexander Doss
Erin Dreger
Ellie DuJardin
Elizabeth DuMez
Katherine DuMez
Stephanie Dunham
Brittney Dzbinski
Leah Ebener
Nicholas Eggert
Mayra Escoto
Melissa Evangelista
Tyler Evans
Darrin Farris
Jourdan Feasby
Nelson Figueroa
Nathan First
Emily Fisher
Collin Flasch
Clinton Francetic
Cassie Frederick
Ryan Fuhrer
Clarissa Goldsmith
Sabrina Gonzalez
Amanda Goodman
Julie Gosselin
Chelsie Gossett
Mark Greene-Powell
Holly Greene
Nick Griffith
Alex Hade
Claire Haggerty
Brandie Hagglund
Garrett Hamilton
Bergen Hanson
Mathew Harris
Kyle Hartnell
Kyle Henry
Geeno Hernandez
Cameron Heyden
Connor Hildebrandt
Michelle Hinz
Jacob Hornik
Carolyn Hutchinson
Allen Hollen
Kristin Hollendonner
Travis Holman
Kyle Hopkins
Brandon Horswell
Cassandra Housaman
Tyler Huckabone
Charlotte Hughes
Ariel Hundertmark
Nicole Insko
Alexander Jackson
Jade Jarina
Tyler Jass
Erika Jensen
James: At least once or
twice a week we will
walk out of the house
wearing matching colors. socks. underpants
and all; but since 'm usu-
ally the first one ready
I'd say she's swagger
Keri: We highly underestimate
each other. Such as how I underestimated the weight of a 6'4
teenage boy.
Lizzie: When my pain is extreme
We hove our own way of speaking
Katie can feel my pain and I know
to each other
something is wrong with her
we have developed over the years
t's a special language
Katie: When Lizzie got in a car
to communicate between us. But mast "'
accident that I was not in. she hod
people would just call it ·yelling·
whiplash but my neck hurt, not hers.
Alyssa Jozwiak
Emily Kenney
lhel King
Stephanie Kirk
Kari Kirkegaard
Amanda Klausch
Haley Klinkhammer
Joel Klopstein
Sara Knapp
Kayla Knight
Elliott Knoke
Tyler Kohler
Andrew Korecz
Ross Katten
Alec Kraus
Jacob Krier
Cody Krol
Elena Kuehne
Kallie Kuhagen
Joe Landgraf
Heather Lang
Chelsea Langenbach
Aubrey Langley
Jacob Larsen
Jessie Laurenzi
Tori Lavey
Chelsea Lowell
Branden Leffelman
Corey Lenegar
Daniela Leone
Tyler Loomis
Nicholas Lucente
Tyler Lumley
Ann Ly
Tiffany Macik
Jackie Mack
Sam Ma'oor
Nic'oolas Maier-Larsen
Chuck Marcoe
Step'oonie Marinelli
Hailey Martin
Joseph Masi
Michael Mathias
Amber McCune
Riley McKay
Joseph McKinley
Sydnee Meland
Courtney Mercurio
Kaitlyn Merritt
Jason Miletta
Aaron Miller
Cody Miller
Marissa Miller
Nicholas Miller
Katie Misciagno
Nicole Molinaro
Catherine Moorhouse
Laura Morgan
Siva Morgan
Wesley Morris
Eric Morrissey
Alyssa Nehls
Colen Nelson
Peter Nelson
Adam Niedzwiecki
Missy Niesen
seniors flaunt
their artistic
Daniel Nieves
Jessica O'Donnell
Kelsey Olson
Daniel Overman
Kayla Palmer
David Parmentier
Elizabeth Parsons
Vytaute Paskauskaite
Jenny Peterson
Ryan Peterson
Ethan Piela
Lauren Pietkiewicz
Grant Presterl
Peter Preston
Chris Pritchett
Dominic Pisciotti
Jamie Procarione
Sydney Puntillo
Brian Quinn
Britnee Range
Benjamin Rasch
Steven Rasch
Scott Raymond
Alex Reiman
Joey Ripley
Rocco Rivecco
Noelle Robaidek
Mallory Robinson
Samantha Rocco
Dayna Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez
Alyssa Roe
Jessica Roemer
Michael Rucinski
Sam Saalf eld
Tia Saarnio
Anastasia Sanchez
Ron Schaeffer
Martin Schenk
Nicholas Scherer
Steven Schmaling
Tyler Schmidt
Tanner Schroeder
Megan Schuirmann
Gina Schwandt
Kristen Sebetic
Sara Skarda
Elizabeth Siano
Gavin Smith
Jodi Smith
Shawnna Smith
Gabriel Sostre
Raven Spencer
Nick Sposito
Brandi St. Peter
Tristin Standridge
Brion Steinbrink
Anthony Stewart
Morgon Swade
Brandon Swier
Tyler Symoens
Nicholas Takala
Rachel Tankersley
Adrion Tassotti
Brian Tredup
James Trotter
Dylan Tuohy
Michael Turner
Emily Vanbergen
Matt Vecchitto
Chance Wachter
Nicole Wallace
Christopher Walter
Shekeniah Walters
Eric Walther
Jeffrey Ward
Alana Warford
Sarah Warren
Kyle Wasurick
Jacob Wawiorka
Alice Wei
Lisa Welch
Benedetto Wells
Matthew Wendtorf
Anna Werve
Brittany Werve
Lauren Wetermeyer
Nicholas Wiegert
Floyd Williams
Jensen Wohlgemuth
Jalen Woodley
James Woodley
Repr~tftseniors show off tHeir
Haley Zigmond
future college apparel
Tany Zeeveld
Congratulations Jared!
We are so proud of you and all you have achieved. Remember, all your dreams can come true, if you have the courage
to pursue them. Good luck on your journey. We love you!
Mom, Dad, Adrian and Jenny
We're always so
proud of you!
Love ya "5"
Mom & the Gang
• e <!lr.e 0 ~r.0l!JC1l of you. Good luck and
have fun at UW Whitewater!
Lwe, M trm, [)ad, Bttkj, and Danni
Congratulations Kim Semenas
We are very proud of
you! We love you!
State Champ, Scholar, and Class.
We're so proud!!
Mom, Dad, Alex, Sam, Connor & Gus
Mom, Kevin , Caitlin ,
Colette, Carrie,& Cassie
you've accomplished!
Keep reaching
for your dream.
Good luck at MSO
LtJV~ Mf!nt, lJild
Jttltt &Jtl/Jkit
Trtm!Jtr Drama Stnttrr~
Thank you for your dedication and hard work this year, a year that truly tested your talents. We
achieved successes and suffered hardships, and we did so together. I have had the utmost pleasure
of working with some of you for four years and have watched you grow and become the wonderful people you are. To all of you, I wish you the best in all of the successes that you are sure to
have. And if you decide to ever return, we'll always be happy to see you.
Carolyn Hutch£nson
We so proud efyou)
.Ma(j Goel bkssyou wlth strength
courage and £nsp£ra.tUni to reach all
Brian Steinbrink
We a1·e so p1·ou.,,1 of the amazing young ma11 you
have become. Goo._1 luck at Michiga11 Tech!
LOve1 ...Mom.&:::£ce J<.,a,thken &::: ...Mary 1<.,e,l0J
Love always,
G1·andma Bobbi and G1·andpa John
Your beautiful smile is
a window to your big
heart, sense of humor
and free spirit. We will
miss seeing our #8 on
the volleyball court!
Here's to wishing lots of
for our senior golfers' futures!
We love you!
Dad, Mom,
Kyle and Grandma
Sffdntf Punattt1
What a1·e you . 1oi11g
aft-e.1· g1·a . 1uatio11?
Ross Katten, Matt Christensen and Max Aiello
Not Pictured: Corey Lenegar and Sean Woller
2011 Conference Champions
' fl
State Bound
The Golf Team
''I'm goi11g to Dis11ey Wod . 1!"
Alice Wei
Jenna Ciszewski
Henrik Egly
Maxwell Aiello
Graciela Burroughs
Jacob Larsen
Rachel Zalaznik
Emily Fisher
Todd Jensen
Vytaute Paskauskaite
Rachel Dalton
Tiffany Macik
Zachary Skanron
Taylor Eggert
Julie Gosselin
Marjorie Lesofsky
Emily Kenney
Connor Hildebrandt
Addey Kifle
Rachel Dalton
Brian Ouinn
Lauren Westermeyer
Ronald Schaefer
Jessie Laurenzi
Vytaute Paskauskaite
Tristan Standridge
Jenna Ciszewski
Emily Kenney
Connor Hildebrandt
Aubrey Langley
Tyler Derginer
Rachel Zalaznik
Maxwell Dinan
Olivia Jorgensen
Alice Wei
Elise Elmblad
Kimberly Semenas
Maxwell Aiello
David Parmentier
Matthew Vecchitto g-
nof your ypical score
hen it comes to common fr1-
method of p ysical odivity. The Vultures is the
doy night lights ond being a
name of Kenosha's very own competitive rugby
companies. These students dedicate countless
baller down the court, there
team. It is a club team coached by Joe Bullis,
hours and shows to perlorm moving numbers
are a few students that are
woo is acredited by USA rugby. He took over
that shaw off pure talent in the art of dance. Fi-
pushing through to break
for the original founder, Jen Muller. This year
the mold They are students doing Rugby, La-
the Vultures took 3rd place at State. This was
nally, the Kenosha Raptors Lacrosse Club has a
JV and a Varsity Tearn that play in the MAYLA
crosse. Competitive Cheerleading. professional
a huge accomplishment for the season as well
league (Milwaukee Area Youth Lacrosse As-
dance. and even archery This year many stu-
as the wrole clubs credit as a real competitor
dents have chaasen alternative sports as their
in the sport A little less brutal, but still just as
to seniors, play for the team.
18 Tremper students, from freshmen
.,,.- ;,··-•-. ---. ....
elme s cracking, shoulder pads
dominated us our freshman and sophomore
the ball back to score the first touchdown of
smashing sweat dripping, coaches
year especially winning twice in one season'
the game in the first 13 seconds of play A
hollering the crowd roaring. and
said junior Andrew Bianan The football bays
few plays later, after Toneo Gulley scored
players anxiously awaiting their
needed a confidence boost after losing to
another touchdown, junior, Mike Anderson
chonce of glory. 'We re just a
the Sabers, which they earned beating Oak
"stiff-armed a kid in the face and kept running
band of misfits that came together to play
Creek. We were not expected to win, but
to score the third touchdown and final paints
Hlt's because you
weren't in the
for the Trojan football team. After the game
football', said senior Tyler Jass. The football
season started off w ith a win oga1nst Onalaska and the bays momentum for the rest of
the season was off and running. The Go Pink"
game against Muskego was a tough battle
on the field, touchdown after touchdown, and
Coach Matrise said "Its because you weren't
in the weightroom. The next week was playoffs. They played two tough teams and won,
but the following week they suffered the loss
that tragically ended the season. The Trojans
to hold the game in the final play junior An-
when we did the whole team sang
drew Bianan. deep in the opponents end
mite on the bus ride home as our victory song'
they had made it in nine years. 'It's been such
zone leaped up for the 'Hail Mary pass and
said junior Zack Niles The biggest cross town
a great year to have a wiming season, I can't
wait for next year , said junior Bryan Page.
snatched it from the offensive team making
rival game against the Brodford Red Devils
an interception to end the game with a win.
was the last game of the season. The kick off
'It was great to finally beat a team that had
was returned by junior, Toneo Gulley He ran
made it to semi-finals, which was the furthest
·1 i,eally enjoy the
emotion, intensify, and
har~ hits of football.'
-Ot vid Leifing #47
l Seniors Ross Kollen and Brian Steinbrink sprint through the football line, getting high
fives from fellow teammates before the Franklin game. 2 Junior Tonea Gulley intercepts a pass and tries running ii back for a touchdown. "The will to win is not nearly
as important as the will to prepare to win', said Toneo 3, Seniors David Parmentier
Dominique Dixon, Ross Kotten and Brian Steinbrink, and juniors, Mike Anderson and Zack
Niles huddle together going over their next play. 4, Warming up to kick the next field
'It's fun playing with
friends and hitting
other kids.'
-gr;yan Fuhrer #34
goal "holding the ball for kicker Joe to practice for a field goal', junior Robby Salani. 5.
Sophomore, M1choel Morelli on the line in his position getting ready to pounce as the
play starts. 6, Junior Mike Anderson runs the ball trying to gain yards, while offensive
lineman junior Zack Niles, and seniors Tyler Jass and Andrew Korecz block the Muskego
defense. "The go pink game was a wild one, but we came up big in the end to come
away with the win', said Tyler Jass.
Ii~] Onalaska i*J
mrs] HoJlick lfl
f2:@l Muskego if©J
~ cJse m
Ifill FraJ klin [42)
1£9.loak Creekffll
~ PJk ~
fell Bradford fl(®]
] Haj ilton lfl
fzMMusl ego ir@J
1~4) Bra~ford f¥,s)
Record: 11-3
Head Varsity Coach:
Frank Matrise, Jr
Head Sophomore Coach:
Colin Zalokar
Head Freshman Coach:
Stephen Dollar
David Parmentier
Jack Kuglar
Dan Nieves
Brian Steinbrink
Andrew Korecz
Offensive MVP:
Toneo Gulley
Co-Defensive MVP's:
David Parmentier
James Woodley
Co-110% Award:
Andrew Korecz
Zack Niles
Most Hustle Award:
Eugene Edwards
Scout Team Player Award:
Bryan Fuhrer
David Leiting
Coaches Award:
Peter McGinn
Ross Kotten
Marcus Ledford
II ace players here at Trem-
absences. but competed in every match thanks
respected volleyball coach Ellen Santarelli who
per the girls' volleyball team
to their positive attitudes.
was diagnosed with Leukemia. Senior Jenny
was busy spiking blocking and
With determination. the team "did nothing
making lethal kill shots against
but work hard every minute of every practice
from this past year was that game. where ·we
and every paint of every match or tourna-
beat Bradford and we had the stands full."
long Coached by Scott Marita the Varsity
ment' said Scott Marita The past four years
Not 1ust 1n 1t for the game they played their
team held their own against 24 of the states
"My entire team just goes
crazy and we celebrate
as loud as possible!"
hardest for good causes.
consisted of constantly changing head coaches.
think about everything I need in order to play
top teams. finishing second in the SEC regular
season "I love the energy and intensity that
volleyball has.· said senior captain Mallory
Robinson Her favorite part is when the team
ma .es a kil block, ace. or awesome dig "My
Peterson said one of her favorite memories
The passion and drive of these girls to play
their best on the court is magnificent Senior
Ellie DuJardin has been playing strong all her
four years. She says. 'Before every match. I
entire team just goes crazy and we celebrate
injuries and other hardships. but somehow they
the best I can. I love volleyball It's my life ·
as loud as possible.· W'th three seniors seven
always came out on top of their game.
These girls continued to astound this school
1uniors. and three sophomores. the Varsity team
One of the highlights of the year was when
dominated their way up 1o second place in
the teams had the privilege of playing 1n the
Sectionals. They faced a couple of injuries and
"Go Orange Game" which raised money for a
and community with the skills and attitudes of
The team yells and jumps for joy after a victorious paint scored against Bradford in
the Go Orange game with the crowd cheering right along with them. 2 They got
the "Ready, Set' covered just awaiting the "Go!' Sophomore Tessa Weber and junior
Leah Perri are ready for whatever the competitors throw ot them. 3. Always in action,
senior Mallory Robinson jumps for an attempted spike as the remaining players watch in
4. The Varsity team gets together before their game 5. When asked what
her favorite part of the game 1s. junior Nicole Schultz said "I love when I get a perfect
set to one of my hitters and they smash ii down and get a k;ll. It brings so much energy
o the court." 6. As some of the Varsity girls watch and wait for the seconds to pass until
they re bock in the game. junior Emily Kmiec leaps to defend the boll. 1. Junior Carley
Gross packs a punch into her spike as she soars high, defying gravity to go for the shat.
WJ "Jo~st"
II HoJ.lick l@J
f9>J Muskego
frn\'d1 Kenosha
riim Kr~sh
c J se
;mlli1 West Bend
II FraJ kun ( @)
~ Falls Invite
II Oak <rreek II
II Pdrk m
Effi't Wcs,osha
II Bradford ( @)
riim Conf~rence
Record: 23-20
Freshman Head Coach:
Mary Rutchik
N Head Coach:
Allison Johnson
Varsity Head Coach:
Scott Marita
Varsity Captains:
Mallory Robinson
Leah Perri
MVP & Offensive Player of
the Year: Carley Gross
Defensive Player of the
Year: Leah Perri
Coaches Award:
Mallory Robinson
Sptrtt Award:
Jenny Peterson
Most Improved:
Ellie DuJardin
All-Skills Award:
Tessa Weber
Unsung Hero:
Nicole Schultz
oys volleyball had a fresh start com. 1ng into the season. With four new
have had two of our single season school records be broken.' said Cooch Madson. Senior
With the scores. 24-26. 25-14. 25-19, 2512., 'We can leave here tonight with our heads
starters. the boys had an impressive
Brian Quinn reset his previous school record in
held high, these guys have a lot to be proud
year. Cooch Curtis Madson said
his high school season with blocking and senior
of ' Madson said 'The start of that match was
'This years season went well. We
Zach Dawiec set the new school record for
a great way to cap the season.' Tremper lost
"We can leave here tonight
wlth our heads held hlgh,
these guys have a lot to be
proud of"
court they were also as close off the court.
a quality offense. Also. with our height we took
digs in one season. Along with a solid confer-
and support the girls volleyball team together."
advantage of our ability to outsize teams espe-
ence season. the boys finished battling hard in
The boys enjoy high school volleyball because
cially with our block From blocking we were
the WIAA Sectional Finals falling to the fifth
it's a great way to stay active. be involved in
able to play great defense
ranked FrarJd1n Sabers for a spot at State.
school activities. and meet new friends.
continued to improve as the season went on.
The e fort the boys put into practice everyday
showed through their performance on the court.
They were a very balanced offensive team
with many options to terminate o point 'We run
This season we
in four hard-fought games to end their season.
Aside from being great teammates on the
Alec Birz said 'I love hanging out with the
guys. we always have team nights. bonfires.
l Senior Brian Quinn puts up a solo block. 2 Solemnly putting their hands 1n the huddle
before their intense match. 3. Before the match. Brian says· I pump up before a match
by listening to jams on my iPod" During the match the jams kick in as Brian Quinn and
Isaac Quinn come together to show off their team spirit as they celebrate a point for
the team. 4. Alec Birz concentrates on leading his team to a victory with a good serve
to give them a point, he said "I would change nothing about High School Volleyball.'. 5.
Isaac Ouinn reaches for the stars, as he goes up for a kill against his opponents. 6. Senior
'Libero" Zach Dawiec is focused on passing the ball up to the setter.
Ho~lick l@
1 ~1 ·11
II Muskego fJI
II Mukw,onago II
II Central II
llBurlingtonl l
PJkI m
Wtm Tremper
lnt ite
( @)
J Franklin II
II Bradford l@J
wtm SEC
Record: 16-12-1
Varsity: Curtis Madson
N: Brian Sharkey
Assistant: Kyle Klaver
Zach Dawiec
Adam Landgraf
Assist leader:
Adam Landgraf 679 assists.
Aces leader:
Adam Landgraf 45 aces.
Kills leader:
Andrew Fricke 182 kills.
Digs leader:
Zach Dawiec 344 digs.
Blocks leader:
Brian Quinn 52.5 blocks.
Hitting % Leader:
Brian Quinn .210 hitting%.
unning lost and kicking up gross the
fe1vor and jmor Pnsc la Color hod a suc-
sho County Meet for eleven years in a row
cross country team mode this season
cessful season, although the team was plagued
and this year was no different In the 5000
a good one. However, ii was filled
by injuries and complications early in the sea-
meter race junior Zoch Hansen led the boys'
with trials. "After recovering from
son. They managed to pull through, especially
team, setting a course record in the process.
1n1uries sicknesses and a new team
1n the Kenosha County Meet
Many of the other members of the boys Var-
dynamic I think we will continue the four year
tradition of attending State." said junior Re
bekar Neda, Both the boys' and the girls
teams continued the state tradition.
The Varsity boys' team went into each meet
ready to do their best and they did Junior
loch ions
led the boys in every meet and
broke multiple records throughout the season.
At the County Meet both the boys' and girls
The boys' and girls'
teams continued the
State tradition.
teams won first place. For six consecutive years
si'y team set personal records and contributed
to the teams achievement,
Mile ofter mile these runners worked hard
for improvement and showed themselves to
be dedicated, These athletes proved they con
go the distance, lime ofter time they pushed
themselves to the limit for improvement and the
satisfaction of finishing each race. Every day in
This year the boys team mode it to State and
the girls' team hos won first place Although the
the rain, snow or shine the long blue line could
placed eleventh. Juniors l ach Hansen and
girls were running without Br·ttney Fe1vor and
be seen running off into the distance.
Kyle '\Jottirighaf'l did especially well, placing
multiple girls were overcoming llnesses, they
third and ninth respect;vely.
pulled through, and won yet again
The girls team led by sophomore Brittney
The boys hove won first place at the Keno-
' Junior Zoch Hansen during his first place finish at the WIAA Sectional meet at Parkside.
Katelyn Peno uses every lost breath to cross the finish line and leave behind the
Sophomores Adelyo Kommer and Katelyn Peno and freshman Abby Beil
passing runners from Horlick at the Muskego Invitational 4 Junior Kyle Nottingham s State
qualifying finish at the WIAA Sectional meet at Parkside. Kyle said "Considering the rainy
conditions at the race ' think Tremper did really well."
Junior Collin Flosch and sopho-
more Mox Corson ruming at the Muskego Invitational. Mox Corson said "Muskego is
one of my favorite courses, there orenl many hills and I think we always run well when we
compete here."
Juniors Christina Dolton and Priscilla Colon and senior Jenna Ciszewski
as they finish the first mile of their race at the Muskego Invite
Girls': Coach Bradley and
Coach Skripsky
Boys: Coach Garcia and
Coach Newhouse
Girls': Jenna Ciszewski,
Priscilla Colon, Christina
Dalton and Rebekah Nedd
Boys': Nick Eggert,
Zach Hansen and Josh Ault
Most Valuable Runner: Girls:
Priscilla Colon Boys: Zach
Hansen & Kyle Nottingham
Most Improved Runner:
Girls: Katelyn Pena
Boys: Kyle Nottingham
Outstanding 1st Year Runner:
Girls: Abby Beil &
Hannah Knutson
Boys: Nate Nyquist
Coach Bradley Award:
Girls: Gabby Moore
Boys: Matt Short
Coach Garcia Award:
Girls: Dana Jaros
Boys: Collin Flasch
Coach Newhouse Award:
Girls: Rebekah Nedd
Boys: Ed Rivera
his years girls' golf team ended their
top ten, giving them the title of SEC Champi-
season as SEC and County Champi-
ons. With this Sectional match deciding who
torious. I know we didn't make ii to State this
ons. In the WIAA Series. the Varsity
continues on to State. the girls fell short sixteen
year but if all of the girls persistently work
team placed second in Regionals and
"During the season
we gave it everything we had."
the Sectional qualifiers were juniors
Jaime E.1sen
Lauren Konchan, and Elise
Valeri, and sophomores Alex Valeri and Kayla Asleson. With nineteen girls on the team,
cooperation is a must Although it may seem
gave •t everything we had and came out vic-
on their game. then we will be successful 1n
our own conference and throughout the entire state' said sophomore Alex Valeri. As a
leader on the team, sophomore Kayla Asleson
says, 'The title of County champs is a great
honor and I am so glad that this year we were
shots for the WIAA State Tournament Title.
the team who got to ta e that Mle. We really
case. 'Its a family sport· says junior Elise Valeri,
Tremper ended up placing fifth in the e1ght-
worked hard individually and as a team and
Finishing undefeated in the conference dual
team Division One Sectionals 1n Menomonee
all of our hard work paid off" In the end that's
schedule, the Sectional Qualifiers finished in the
Falls. shooting a 359 'During the season we
the most important thing
like an individual sport. that is definitely not he
1. Junior Jaime Elsen a three year Varsity player and All-County and All-Southeast
performer focuses on putting the ball into the hale during a match against Horlick. 2
After completing a hale. junior Elise Valeri and sophomore Alex Valeri prepare for their
next match against Horlick. 3, Junior Lauren Konchan concentrates on putting the ball
against Case. 4, Trying to find the perfect angle. junior Jaime Elsen carefully lines up the
bail. Elsen said 'Most of my preparation is mental because golf is a very mental and
emotional game.' 5. Freshman Taylor Moreland hits the ball in a match in Menomonee
Falls, where the Trojans took fifth at Sectionals. 6, Junior Elise Valeri sets up her ball as
she prepares to putt ii into the hale in a match against Horlick "With determination,
I've realized that I can achieve my gools in golf. We all support each other and come
together as a family •
s-oreca d
~ . ·o0h 1 ~m
,, --
~ 1,ooc ~Wd
' ~
Bradfo 'd iltti'
vesJosh :i il'S11
ukw,onag ~rn
onte en
Regtonal 2'ttd
fll ConfyIence il'SlJ
1 -
a Sectional
Dual Record:
MVP: Jaime Elsen
Taylor Moreland
Most Improved;
Annie Smith
Kayla Asleson
Coaches Award:
and Elise Valeri
tennis sends five girls to state
efore a big match, all the girls come
state. 'The most difficult thing about this year
phreys automatically qualified at the number
together as a family and prepare
for whatever is to come. 'We all
was playing in the Brookfield tournament. The
one spat. Oualifying for doubles were, juniors
best teams in the state were there and we had
Garette Gessert and Jenna Humphreys
are very close to one another and
to really work for our first place championship,'
at number one, and junior Brianna Riley and
each other through
said senior Brod e Bloedorn. Preparing for
freshmen Taylor Boylard were special quali-
junior Brianna Riley All ten
matches was a bonding experience for the girls
fiers. Being part of a team is something that
#We had to really
work for our first
place championship"
helped all of the girls improve and meet new
tains Broo e Bloedorn and Kari Kirkegaard,
as they, 'blasted some songs and laughed with
Humphreys finishing in the top 16 for singles,
the team also won crucial matches against
teammates to keep their nerves down,' said
junior Brianna Riley and freshmen Taylor Boy·
senior Anna Werve. This preparation helped
lard finishing in the top 16 for doubles, and
we support
anything,' said
girls on Varsity worked as a team to capture
championships in six of the seven flights to win
the Southeast Conference title.
The number
one doubles team of juniors Jenna Humphreys
and Brianna Riley beat Franklin 6-3 and 6-4
in order to win their flight. Led by senior cap-
Bradford and Franklin throughout the season.
people. 'Each one of the girls makes me feel
so welcomed and I'm glad I got to experience
this with them. It has really helped my tennis,'
said freshmen Taylor Boylard. The girls ended
the strong season with sophomore Megan
Along with the traditional matches, the team
five of the girls move on to the State tour-
juniors Garette Gessert and Jenna Hum·
played in numerous tournaments across the
nament. For singles, sophomore Megan Hum·
phreys winning the fifth place title for doubles.
1. Junior Brianna Riley prepares to return the ball in a number one doubles match during
Sectionals. Overall. sectionals is a stressful and nerve wracking ordeal because every
match is so important.' 2, Junior Emily Rabin serves the ball to an Arrowhead player during her number three doubles match. 3. After a serve from her opponent. junior Garette
Gessert hits the ball back across the net. At State. Garette teamed up with junior Jenna
Humphreys to win fifth place for number one doubles 4. Sophomore Megon Humphreys
gets ready to serve the ball in the Conference meet where she ended up finishing in
second place. She then advanced to State where she finished in the top 16
5. Junior
Marisa Lucke waits to return the ball in a number lour singles match against Arrowhead.
6. Freshman Taylor Bolyard serves the ball in a number three singles match against Bradford 'Each one of the girls make me feel so welcome and I'm glad I got to experience
this with them.'
PJ rk
m I II
II Musl ego l@J
II Case l@J
El Bradford fl
El Hudson fl
II Greehdale l@J
I fl
El Oshkosh
URocr rctl@
Record: 11-0
Tom Pacetti
Mike Lewis
Wes Holdman
Dan Atkins
Brooke Bloedorn
Kari Kirkegaard
Megan Humphreys
Most Dedicated/110%:
Brooke Bloedorn
Most lmproved:
Kart Kirkegaard
Mentally Tough:
Marisa Lucke
Coaches Award:
Brianna Riley
Prdirie l@J
Ell HoJlick II
II HiJdale El
I l@J
Ill Muskego
Ill cJse II
11 wJren l@J
Ill Verbna l@J
Ill FraJklin 11
II St. Joes l@J
m ~reekll
I l@J
l@J Madison
II Bracdford II
Record: 10-1-2
Head Coach:
Chris Tindall
Associate Head Coach:
Mike St. Peter
Team Award: Zack Skanron
Coaches Award: Dom Pisciotti
Captains Award: Connor
MVP Offense: Matt Vecchitto
and Henrik Egly
MVP Defense: Connor
TroJan Rookie of the Year:
Mark Munos
Jimmy Jones
Henrik Egly
David Caban
~tn ' tf wt!lv
stop, point, shoot, and score
he ball flies through the. air afte.r it
is kicked It is spinning around and
nior Jimmy Jones said 'Its good to see everyone coming out to support us.' The bays
preparation before the game. Senior Riley
around The crowd is watching
worked together to make themselves the
McKay explained haw he prepares for a
scored this season happened because of
with suspense in their eyes. It may
Wisconsin Sectional Champions. and this
game. '1. Make plan. 2. Don't forget plan.
seem like a long period of time.
was the ninth consecutive year that they
3. Execute plan.· There are several other
but only seconds pass. The players react to
#l am happy so far,
but l am shooting
for more"
it right away. Some run towards it, others
just watch it. 'A million things run through
my head at a time. Where are my teammates. where are the defenders. what
part of the field am I on. what kind of
surface am I on. what are the conditions so
made it to Regionals However they lost
ways to prepare for a game. Some players said they take cold showers. and most
said they listen to music
Coach Tindall's response to the season
was. 'We had a real good season. We
won conference Championship I am happy of the goal we achieved I am happy
I can best do to the ball and what needs
in the Regional Finals to Bradford by t ree
so far but
to be done.' said senior M a tt Vecchitto.
goals. The team. lead by senior captains
exceeded our expectations. and showed
Jimmy Jones David Caban and Henrik
strong teamwork, and extreme dedication.
The team had a large group of fans that
cheered them on for the entire season. Se-
Eg ly had a great season.
1 Sophomore Ben Gunhus fights for the
ball during a game. 2. ' enjoy representing my city fellow peers. and school
I love having the opportunity to play for
my school and I hape and strive to rep-
am shooting for more ' They
All the goals
Zack Skanron Josh Skanron
Ult's normal to play on
the same team as my
brother. We've been
playing since we were
UWe've played in the
same team since we
were four. lt's an advantage because we know
how eachother play."
resent Tremper High School with a good
character and quality playing· explains
senior Matt Vecchitto
He waves to the
crowd while being introduced before a
game alongside his teammates. 3 Senior
Dom Pisciotti grabs the ball ofter it was
kicked out of bounds. He described what
motivated him to start playing. ' I started
playing when I was four My older brother
played soccer and that made me want
to play." 4. Sophomore Joey Zeidan kicks
the ball to the opponents goalie down the
field in the pouring rain. 5. Senior Jimmy
Jones watches the game to be ready for
when the ball gets near
He listens to Lil
Wayne Droke. and Gucci before a game
to get him pumped 6. Senior Sheldon Allen
jumps for a header alongside his teammate.
senior Connor Hildebrandt.
Nick Vecchitto Matt Vecchitto
uwe are able to ul played soccer in the
help each other
train at home, and
are able to talk
about tactics for
upcoming games
and how each of us
can improve.
backyard with my brother
practically since we could
walk and until this year l
haven't had to be on an
actual team with him ... l
have thornughly enjoyed lthev
through hf e
eing on the swim team is any-
and Varsity swim teams. Practices held
caps. Prepping each other wi h cheering
thing but easy with long hours
both before and after school shaw just
or having o simple conversation to calm
of breast strokes. butterflies.
haw strong these swimmers are. 'I feel ac-
the nerves. But others start out concen-
and dives. Endurance is a must
complished as a team but also individually •
trating a different way. 'Before a race I
for this sport Strength. both
said junior Sara Mahoney
sometimes isten to music" soys junior swim-
mer Alli Schock. Getting into the zone
physical and mental, 1s required to win the
"l feel accomplished with a music trance can help pump adrenaline or tame the butterflies
individual, but the team as well Cheering
as a team but also
The uniforms don t exactly soy much
people on throughout the races kept ambiabout
haw hard they work but they still
tion up, and heads held high Nothing is
shine throug the water while they permore motivational than a little team spirit.
prize. This is an activity that focuses on the
'They're like a second family· encouraging
Just haw competit;ve are they? Accord-
form. Every opponent fears the bright red
you during meets and even in practice"
ing to sophomore Kaitlyn Richards Not
blue and white colors. The pride of the
said sophomore Maddy Hoover.
very. I like just being able to swim not
swimming Trojans will always be seen on
whom I'm swimming against."
land or through clear waters.
Practice, on the other hand is a whale
different story. Long hours of hard core
Swimming rituals consist of spirit-raiser
swimming is just as intense for both JV
'Banzai' lightening goggles and swimming
J, Girls prep themselves by sharing a chant
before the big race against Muskego. BANZAI! 2. In perfect form, a Tremper swimmer
glides against a competitive team. 3. Varsity
junior swimmer Sara Mahoney takes her
place and focuses on the prize: take home
the gold I'm pretty competitive. I hate losing
so I always try to win and have good limes.·
4, A Tremper diver flips off the diving board
and smoothly enters the water.
5. Unrelent-
ing junior swimmer Jaymi Watson focuses on
slicing and dicing the Muskego opponents. 6.
Back strokes better brace themselves because
JV sophomore swimmer, Kimberlee Ruiz. cuts
through the water with her razor sharp hands
like a knife on warm butter. 7. After a triumphant win, the swimmers pose together for a
group photo that shows just how much they
love each other.
chool was out and practice was be-
routine. Despite the rain. the cheerleaders buck-
in charge of basketball They hoped this would
ginning It was a chance for the new
led down and delivered a great performance
be a change for the better.
squad to meet the old work hard
At the end of football season cheerleaders
When freshman Tonaya Gulley was asked
and get motivated for the upcoming
bonded together as a way for some of them
if competition cheerleading was a sport she re-
seasons. During camp. USC helped
to end their careers as Tremper cheerleaders.
sponded 'Can you do a toe touch bock hand-
with stunting and new creers to get the crowd
pumped Mrs. Whitaker set up a tag day and
a car wash and both were a big success.
Now equipped with new stunts. creers. and
"Can you do a toetouch back hand-
some team bonding they headed onto the
spring? Clearly it's a sport.' Competition team
went to three competitions this year including
State where they placed sixth.
Emily Brothen said her favorite port of competing is 'The excitement and the feeling I get
field for the first home game of the season
the Go Pink game. They performed a routine
Senior Kim Semenas sums up her frustrations
Basketball season went off with a bong The
during halftime that they spent hours working
by saying Rules and organization are the main
new coach had recruited some new girls just
on After Go Pink, they had some trouble find-
keys to a successful government Why should
wailing to show off their school spirit. With a
ing enough uniforms The solution: new uniforms.
cheerleading be any different?
new squad and coach the team had a fantas-
Many hours at practice and at home were
Cooch Whitaker was now in charge of
spent creating and perfecting the homecoming
competition and Cooch Jorgensen would be
when we have our routine down and perfect.'
tic season from start to finish.
Wftat~ VtJt~r
Favt!r?ft Sta4tt1t.?
L Cheerleaders hit an extension at the homecoming football game in front of parents to
show off their school spirit 2 Senior Olivia Jorgensen has been on the team since freshman year and captain for two. Now a senior, Olivia says she loves creerleading because
she 'enjoys promoting school spirit.
Sr Ker· Dem1son
3 Tremper's own competition creerleading team did
fantastic this post year. With shirts saying 'No longer on the sidelines cause we re the main
event.' They gained new attitudes and hit the floor with new-found confidence. 4. At the
fall spirit assembly the creerleaders hit a perfect G-Man with an extension in the bock.
Junior Carolin Becker said this was one of her favorite stunts at the assembly. 5 . Bath
JV and Varsity girls came together at the go pink game to support the football team but
most importantly, they supported breast cancer awareness.
Jr Melissa Hartrell
Kim Semenas
Olivia Jorgensen
Olivia Jorgensen
Shaneeka Morris
~~1 lndi~n lnvite
~~l C an~ D Regionals
r&m StateI Cheer
Captain: Elise Elmblad
Co-Captain: Brooke Bloedorn
Co-Captain: Kaity Rhey
'f!tl Tlvtnk Vtra Can Dan&,?
we KNOW we can
decided to 101n the Tro1onettes four
the season. the team expanded their fan
lig ts, peace signs, and boos that repre-
years ago because dancing 1s my pas-
base from the ordinary football and bas-
sented this year's homecoming treme
sion and I wonted to be involved in
ketball crowd and showcased their talent
Tremper activities, said senior dancer
for this years incoming freshmen. "I enjoy
homecoming game, they performed their
watching the Trojonettes because they
own personal rituals, "I get ready by myself
show the talent and energy Tremper con
or with the team. stretch and worm up,
Brooke Bloedom
The Trojonettes continued their tradition
;;They show the
passion and hard work In the few weeks
before school began. the team went to
talent and energy
comp to learn new dances as well as to
bond with each other After polishing up Tremper can bring"
of leading the schoo1 in spirit through their
their moves, the girls were ready to per-
bring said 1urnor Kalyn Wilkinson
Ta keep their adrenaline pumping for the
then as a team we stand 1n a circle and do
our traditional chant Tremper Tro1one tes
Kick Buttl • said Elise Elmblad senior and
captain of the team At halftime Ire girls
took the field and danced their hearts out
winning over the crowd wi h their flawless
form at the Wisconsin State Fair. Though
The Tro1onettes continued to represent
they did not place the girls performed with
the school with their performances at both
b1ow1ng dances, the Trojonettes continued
energy and hod a lot of fun, Once school
the homecoming assemblies, and the pep
to amaze crowds throughout the season.
started the team took no lime to rest. Per-
rally before the homecoming game. Loter
forming at the first boys' soccer game of
they rode through town, sporting colorful
routine. With a successful strea
of mind-
aftnftd-soph. Lindsay Stowell
l Senior Brooke Bloedorn gets the crowd going with a bockbend during her performance
at the boys' basketball game 2. Junior Anno
Christenbury strikes a pose at half-time of the
tftVi41uH.f -soph. Marissa VanBeekum
r~!/aljr. Taylor Schulz
homecoming football game. ""ve been dancing since I was three and
just love it!' said
Christenbury 3. Showing extreme flexiblilty
ftZZff -sr. Elise Elmblad
junior Toylor Schluz hits a toe touch, 4. Even
in the rain, junior Morissa VonBeekum shows
her dance ability and spirit
5. Koity Rhey
body rolls to rock out a hip hop dance. 6,
Senior captain Elise Elmblad dances her best
trf.trrttr/J41-sr. Brooke Bloedorn
at the homecoming football game despite the
weather 7. Senior Jeri Burmeister gets into
on elaborate dance at the winter pep assembly, .Y. Junior Abby Zenner, and freshmen Kelli
Griffiths and Abby De Thorne perform before
the Go Pink football game. This game helped
support breast cancer and the Trojonettes hod
a blast being a port of this cause.
'!Jrrefto -soph. Amanda Uttech
rtm!Jtrefto -jr. Anna Christenbury
Girls' Awards
Boys' Awards
2nd Place at State: Sarah Po-
4th Place at State: Matt Chris-
bloski, Dana Kirshbaum, Katelyn
tensen, Brian Tredup, Aaron Turner,
Zigner, Emily Waworika, Amber
Jordan Turvavile, Nick Sposito,
Bain, Sam Watson, Jamey Bain
Tim Harris, Nick Lund, Jake Lichter,
Individual State: Sarah Pob-
Aaron Roe, Bryce Davis
loski: 2nd Place
Individual State:
1st Place in the Midwinter
Matt Christensen: lst Place
Bowling Classic Tournament
Brian Tredup: 4th Place
1st Place in the Division
2nd Place in the Division
rashing pins fill the bowling
state appearances. ~ remper s own Matt
alley with sounds of success
C hristensen. Sarah Pobloski and Brian
first place For winning. the girls each re-
by the bowlers of our Trem-
Tredup took first second and fourth plac-
ceived a brand new bowling boll.
per community.
es respectively The girls' team took second
boys also proved themselves when 1hey
by Tom Kadtz and Jerry
place while the boys had a fourth place
loci second place 1n their division. Fresh-
Schultz. the members of the bowling team
finish Both teams ore about more than just
man Spencer Erdma n said 'My favori e
meet twice a week at Sheridan Lanes
winning and taking first place they play
part of bow 1ng is making new friends and
for you. A guys and a girls team make up
,IJWe became like a
family over the
this bowling league of talented students.
for the love of the game and to have fun
all season and it definitely paid off It 1ust
goes to show that a little practice dedica-
Practice. practice. practice is the key to
mastering the skills of their game. If you
like bowling and just hanging and having a
good lime. then this definitely is the place
improving my game ' This year was one of
improvement and success for the bowling
teams here at Tremper Both teams were
at the top of their divisions and made state
appearances. These students worked hard
Junior Katelyn Zigner said 'We became
Though ii may sound cliche. winning is not
like a family over the season. We build
everything However, that simple saying
tion. skill and effort can take a team a
each other up and reach our goals' Both
does not stop these teams from ta ing first.
long way
the boys team and the girls team made
At the 2010 Midwinter Classic. the girls
1. Chase Krier smoothly rolls the boll down
the alley during a practice. 2 A busy alley
doesn t scare these bowlers away they all
line up and let'er roll. 3. Senior Amber Boin
gives ii her all at practice before the next
competition. 4. Brian Tredup practices his
form and hopes for a strike.
his deserved space as he swings and lets
the boll roll and collide with those whi e and
red striped pins to show off his skills. 6. The
girls relax wailing for the televised portion
of the 2010 Midwinter Classic Tournament.
They ended up winning 1st place in the finals.
Junior Emily Waworika was impressed w•th
their performance. She said Were rack rippers!'
Sarah Pobloski
-- - ---. -.
5 Whoo! Step
bock! Matt Christensen makes sure he has
struck out the competition with yet another
-Bowling for 7 years
-High Average of 220
-High Game of 300
-High Series of 799
-Weakness: Bowling
next to a ten pin
-Favorite thing to eat while
bowling: Hot Beef or Rib Racks
-Favorite Part: Competition and
meeting new people.
-Favorite Memory: Bowling a
300 at state and becoming
State Tearn Champs in 2008
ood better, best. Never
ily Miller. Coach Cooper said l"m proud
Miller, "We take pride in performing our
let ii rest Until your good
of my girls because they put a lot of lime
routines for everyone. We get a thrill out of
is better and your better
and effort into practicing for our meets.·
seeing the crowds react to our tricks that
is best !Tim Duncan) The
;;l get to be creative
with my dance and
have fun"
Tremper girls' gymnastics
team ives by his. They practice hard and
push themselves to succeed They competed in events including bars, floor. and
beam. "M y favorite event to compete 1n
is floor because I get to be creative with
The gymnasts agree, 'It tokes a lot of lime
my dance and have fun." said junior Em-
and work to be a gymnast," said Emily
we have · These girls practiced five days
a week for three hours. They worked on
tumbling passes. trampoline
floor routines. "Practices were intense." said
freshman Krystal Evans 'but they definitely
paid off in the end" Their season ended
with three gold medols.
1. Freshmen Brooke Villella Winter Turner, and
Sam Nofsinger chalk up to perform a difficult bars
routine at one of their meets. 'Bars is one of the
hardest events to compete in," said sophomore
Leanne Pieramgelli. 2 Emily Miller junior in mid
routine on the bars She flipped for gold and
completed a flawless routine. She said. 'I love to
perform, it gives me a rush of adrenaline and I
can't get enough. 3. Coach Cooper stands and
watches the competition with junior Emily Miller
and freshmen Sam Nofsinger 4. Samantha Nofsinger performs a routine during A,. State Conference.
Emily Miller compe ed in beam at All State Tearn Conference and finished with a first place gold
medal. All Sta e Tearn Conference first place gold medal went to freshman Krystal Evans. The team as
a whale placed 1n every meet and gained six trophies throughout the season.
ockey involves lots of in. tensity
hard work, ond long hours of
hod to me we hod a goad season,' he said
team hod eight wins, thirteen loses ond one
tie. The team collectively hod 62 goals that
Chad Battisfore, a 1unior, held his own with
prodice. We don I often rec-
were mode throughout the year_ When
four goals throughout the season.
ognize the boys and girls that
asked how they do ii Aaron Bubon said
This was senior Zach Daw1ec s last year
put on the pounds of gear and
'First lime every lime with this mind set we
"It was o rebuilding year with a new coach
will hove control of the game.'
and a new team,' he said In a capstone
equipment and skate up and down the ice
to his high school hockey career, he ended
rink. The team is very skillful and fast rnov-
Top goal scorers were sophomore Alex
ing It takes a lot of oolance and strength to
Buoon with 10 goals, and Jake Dawiec. a
the season with o respectable f;ve goals
stay on their skates But at the same time
sophomore who also hod 10 goals Jake
crashing and falling all over the rink is their
was proud of the outcome of the season
'No matter how many ups and downs we
kind of fun The Kenosha Thunder hockey
1. Chad Battisfore 1un1or 1n front, was a
leading player Kurtis Reimer trails behind
him, along with senior hockey player, Zach
Dawiec. They are all headed towards the
opponent s goal. 2. Senior Dustin Day gets
II WauTtosaJ@
Ill Warren IJ
II Greehctale H
l )BrooktielctH
in a face off after a penalty from the other
intently listens to his coach's 1nstruclions.
5. llMukT agol!I i
l @l cedai:burglJ :2
team. 3. The Thunder team gets in a team
huddle before their game. 4. Joke Dawiec
Junior Kurtis Reimer gets ready to receive
the puck from his teammates. 6. Kelly McCormick waits for some oction down by
the Thunders end of he ice.
Coaches JR Utkey
Record: 8-13
Captains Jerry Hamalainen and Zach Dawiec ~
hat is the only sport with no
Colin Duchene Aubrey Longley
23rd with o time 103.70
half-times. no lime outs. no
Schaefer and Nelson Figueroa took 17th
Cooch Joe Kosman said 'I was pleased
substitutions. and only one
place 1n their 200 yard medley relay with o
at haw hard the team worked all season. I
shat to get it right? The
time of 14269 In the 50 free. Ron Schaefer
was impressed by their accomplishments,' This
one sport where the less
"l was pleased at
how hard the team
worked all season."
you breathe the more seconds you shove off?
The sport 1s swimming which requires on abundance of mental and physical capabilities
The team ended the season with five wins
and two losses At Sectionals. the Trojans took
is Cooch Kosmon's first year as the boys swim
coach He also coaches the girls swim team
This year was intense. There were many
double practices: one in the morning and one
ofter schaoL During these practices. there were
many difficult swimming sets. Along with swim-
fifth place out of 11 teams. They had o total
took 22nd with 22.7 4 In the 200 yard IM Au-
ming they did drylond workouts as well These
of 225 points 1ust barely beating their rivals.
brey Longley took 21st with o time of 206.72.
were exceptionally hard
Bradford by one point The Trojons who mode
In the 100 yard butterfly, Ron Schaefer took
The Trojans ended the season with o splash.
1t to State were Ron Schaefer Aubrey Long-
22nd place with o time of 54,67 Finally in the
competing and triumphing at Regionals. Sec-
ley Nelson Figueroa and Colin Duchene
100 yard breaststrcl e Aubrey Longley took
tionals. and then finally at State
l Junior Maxwell Swift is at the Bradford Invitational swimming freestyle. Maxwell Swift
mode it to Sectionals at the end of the season. Maxwell said "I love being the first one
in at practice, its like swimming on gloss' 2. Note Walker does the breaststroke at on
invitotionaL He took 4th in this event at this meet, 3. Junior Brion Hettrick is swimming
freestyle at on invitational at Tremper. This is his third consecutive year on the Trojans
swim team 4, Colin Duchene swims freestyle at o local swimming 1nvitotionaL 5. Junior
Ron Schaefer is at the Bradford lnvilotionaL Here he is counting for o fellow member's
500 free They ore 20 lops in out of 500 In high school competitive swimming this race
is the longest race in the entire meel, 6. A Trojan diver at the Bradford invitational meet.
7. Senior Nelson Figueroa swims the 100 free. This year Nelson mode it to Sectionals with
his 100 free event In addition to swimming. he also dives.
Mt44t~Q LtnM
girls basketball t"ies to fix the chain
the girls'
was against Racine Park where the girls blew
game. Green was also awarded Honorable
basketball team had its young-
out the Panthers with a forty paint lead that
Mention All-Conference.
year 1n the making
est team yet. This year the girls
won the game. Shortly after their next game,
The team won their first game at Burling-
really had to fight to earn the
they accomplished a major win against cross-
ton, on the long rood to State, 1n Reg1onols.
title that the Tremper basketball
town rivals. the Bradford Red Devils. Just like
Despite the exciting win, the next game was
program truly deserved The 2011 season was
Tremper, this year Bradford had a young team
a loss at Muskego ending the rood to State,
made up of a youthful nine juniors. two sopho-
;;Those challenges
brought us all closer
as well as the season "Our team hos grown
mores, and two freshmen Not a senior graced
the team this year Each of the upcoming senior
Varsity players from the previous year chose
not to play in the 2011 season. 'This season
brought us challenges, but those challenges
brought us al closer together ' said junior Cap-
with few seniors and many juniors and under-
tain Carly Gross
so much this season, we ve all learned a lot
from each other. We hove become really close,
which is something that I could have not said
at the begiming of the season. They are not
only my teammates, but they hove become
my best friends. which 1s something that will
classmen. A great aid to the Tremper team
make our team next year • said captain Haley
Though wins were not at their peak this
this year was sophomore Nana Green who
Celebre Though young the girls' basketball
year the girls gave 1t their all to best repre-
averaged 72 paints per game. and Junior
team showed that age means nothing next to
sent Tremper. The team's first win of the season
Annmarie Riva. who averaged 6.6 paints per
a passion for the game and your teammates.
Wltaf!'f* !l!rffuj/t pur
Mad durtnf tk faJf fen
JtOffnrlf fff tk jttmt?
'To play good defense no matte~ if you re
winning or losing - Maria Rooriguez
-Nana ' G~
J, Captain Haley Celebre battles and shows her ball handling skills against the girls of the
Franklin Sabers. 2. A huge aid for the team this year Ariele Byrd a first year Varsity member, plays hard defense against Franklin. The teams talent with fierce defense and offensive
scoring is what led to a great fight despite the loss at Franklin. 3. Junior Patrice Brown stays
on her player, man to man', against Milwaukee Washington, a non-conference team Maria
Rodriguez said 'Defense is a must on a team to have a successful season.' 4, Freshman Varsity
player Ta1'shoe Hunter goes up for a power lay-up for two against the Sabers. Tai'shoe.
even as a freshman, was a crucial member of the 2011 season 5. Coach Rod Gross shows
the game plan on his classic white board. on a 30 second lime out, to the fatigued team.
In the f nal seconds of the ganie I focus
'I think never give up and fight until the very end' stated junior Ammarie Riva. about the
on playing tough defense and playing
last minutes 1n a crucial game. 6. Junior captain Tara Larson goes up for two, to add to the
good basketball =;. hnnmari~ Riva
scoreboard and bring hope to the fans of the Tremper Tropns.
P;@] Hof.lick J¥»1
f2'174 Muskego [0£1
Cals e
lfl§J FraAkun fh®J
f¥1 oak t eekl£<?,l
Pa~k p;@]
[Lfl! Bradford
P;@] HoJuck f¥!4
Pl cJse m
f2J Musl ego (§s§J
J¥?) Frahklin (§W
Pl rk
f21l oak ereekl@>2
Record: 7 -17
Conference Record:
Head Varslty Coach:
Rod Gross
Varsity Assistant Coach:
Michelle George
Junior Varslty Coach:
Tammy Rhody
Freshmen Coach:
Megan Moran
Carly Gross
Tara Larson
Haley Celebre
MVP - Nwoye Green
Best off the Bench - Haley Ce/ebre
Most Improved - Tai'shae Hunter
Defensive Hustle - Nwoye Green
Lady Trojan Award - Tara Larson
Coach's Award - Maria Rodriguez
ig ling hard until the end the boys
what seemed like a never ending losing streak.
bleacher section gave the boys a glimmer of
bosketboll team competed with full
Keeping their heads up high they finally had
rope that they just might be able to beat the
force. ending the season 2-12 Starting
another win against Oak Creek beating them
rarely defeated Red Devils. They gave it all
the season off with new coach Steve
52-28 Br1ng1ng the win oome was a weight
they had but the game ended in a loss for
Plato was hard and the team lost
lifted off their shoulders. The boys knew things
the struggling Tremper Trojans. "Each game
''lt was a challenge
kept our heads up. and prepared for our next
three seniors. Jimmy Jones Mike Gianeselli
and Thoer Bitar but that did not keep them
from giving it their all. This year was a transition
year for the Trojan men. Hoving a new coach
come with a new way of doing things learning Coach Plato's new system and ploys was
we were ready to
take on"
difficult at first but the challenge was something
were turning around But, as things were look-
the team was ready to a e on." said senior
ing up they got knocked down again.
Brion Quinn
Still lighting harder than ever they took on
Their first game was against Mukwonago
the cross team rivals the Bradford Red Devils
High Schaal and was the unfortunate start to
Flashy lights and a standing-room only student
we gave it our all no matter win or lose we
game ' said senior Brion Quinn
Perseverance is what explains all the close
games he team had for the rest of the season. Most games ended with the Trojans being
down by only a few panints. A/trough losing
the rest of the games. they never gave up.
Playing hard until the last second the Trojan
men took a shot every chance they could
Fans in the stands this year were slim, and sometimes barely
there But one fan is always there: Hoatie the infamous plastic penguin that holds the spirt of bosketboll alive. The reallife fans on the other hand were fading fast as the season
went on. The peak of the season is always the Tremper vs.
Bradford showdown that was held at Carthage College
this year The stands were packed and standing room only
After the loss. the fans became discouraged and the home
court stands decreased in size. and spirit
1. Senior Dcminique Dixon. number 2. goes up for a dunk in a non-conference game
against Homestead Unfortunately, Dominique had to sit out for part of the season. 2
The boys get down low for their usual dance huddle before the game against Shareland Lutheran on Feb 21st 3. Trojan defense takes on the Oak Creek Knights on Feb
15. Senior Alex Hayde number 11, stands tall to block a Knight from passing the boll,
and making the Tro1ans keep the lead 4. Junior Dexter Molinaro. number 4. jumps up
for a two paint dunk against Bradford on Feb. 24th. 5. Senior Brian Quinn. number
55. standing tall at 67" barely jumps off the ground to reach for the lip off against
Shore/and Lutheran. 6. Juniors Anthony Olson. number 32. and Xa1ver Longmire number 13, go up for a block to knock Share/and Lutheran out of the lead The final score
was 63-67, Sf.ore/and
Hotlick f©Zl
J§p] Muskego R>:N
~ cdse ~
I ffl)
6;11 Franklm
1§'2)0ak Creekf481
~ PJ k ~
W§J Bradford mt@
&5174 HoJlick fr@
[§~] cJse ~
W§J FraJ klin w;<!JJ
~ Musrego ~
p:8JOak CreekW§J
~ PJ k ~
&;8) Braaford ~41
Record: 4-19
Conference Record:
Head Varsity Coach:
Steve Plato
Top Scorers:
Alex Hade
Dominique Dixon
Dexter Molinaro
Pdirie l@
El HoJlick II
II Hinddale El
I l@J
U Muskego
El cJse II
11 w J ren l@J
U Verbna l@J
U FraJ kltn II
IJ St. Joes ( @)
J Madison l@
II Braaford
Record: 33-6
Dom Garcia, Tyler Rice and
Brian Steinbrink
lndMdual State Qualifters:
Dom Garcia and Levi Horton
Second Place: Tyler Rice
Sectional Qualifiers: Christian Haggarty,
Jared Nichols, Cody Greene Powell, Justin
Shepherd, Ty Symoens, Dan Nieves, Brian
Steinbrink and Chris Derose
Regional Placewinners:
lsaac Bodenlos and Jon Loffredo
battling all the way to state
tepping onto the mat anxiety
duals at Hartford and Hamilton. Mid-State
Then they were off to w in Tearn Section-
going through the body. Sweat
at Whitewater was the following week
als at Janesville Craig Finally they made
dripping down the f.ace. ready
to pin the opponent
and Tremper swept the teams away and
the 1ourney to Madison WI for team state.
"The 2010-2011 wrest 1ing team had hard
As a result of their focus and
dedication. the wrestling team earned 33
wins and six losses. They were 5- 2 in Conference. 'This was the best team I have
been on in my four years at Tremper, said
Ty Symoens. Some big wins of the season
were at Racine Horlick, and two wins at
won the whole thing Sheboygan South
work dedication. and determination for
"Hard work, dedica- the foundation of our team," said Coach
Tremper Varsity Wrestling team
tion, & determination Dutton
made ii to State for the first time in Trowere the foundation jan history ·All of the successes this season
were a direct result of the hard work by
of our team"
our group. Tremper set the bor high for
all the teams that came after them.' said
Oak Creek. Racine Case. and Kenosha
Bradford Then there was a win at an
was the last tourney and the Troians won
Coach Ladd 'This was an unforgettable
away 1nvilalional at Milwaukee Hamilton.
that meet too.
season. ii was an honor to be part of the
The wrestling team's first tourney was
To begin their largest achievements of
at Kettle Moraine where they took third
the season. Kenosha Tremper took the title
place. After that the team placed first in
of Conference and Regional champions.
1. Senior Brian Steinbrink squeezing to ensure
his pin against the fighting Bradford Red Devil.
"The reason that I got a mohawk for a day
was to mock my opponent • said Steinbrink.
2. Dan Nieves. a senior about to take a shat
for a take down in the beginning of his match.
'Out of my four years being on the Tremper
Wrestling team this was by far my most favorite year, said Nieves 3. Sophomore Tyler Rice
tries to flip his opponent onto his back to get
a pin for the team. This was Tyler Rice's second
year on Varsity and he was only a sophomore.
1. Being congratulated from the match. senior,
Levi Horton. had iust won by pin. 5. Senior
Cody Powell tries to reach his hands around
and to use a move to gain paints for his match.
Cody's favorite move was when he locked his
legs around his opponent and squeezed until
they gave up. 6. Junior Dom Garcia holds the
Bradford Devil to gain a pin from his match.
The harder you work. the harder •t 1s to lose."
said Garcia
team.' said Bryan Fuhrer.
Ho~lick [@]
FraAkun [@]
moak reek
El Muskego II
11 rlrk m
II Milton II
Record: 16-8-1
Head Coach:
Todd Hardy
Associate Head Coach:
Mike St. Peter
Jessie Laurenzi
Alyx Dever
Lisa Welch
Rachel Dalton
MVP Offense: Alyx Dever
MVP Defense: Rachel Dalton
Outstandtng Player: Emma Friedl
Most lmproved: Ashley Zenner
Most Dedicated: Jessie Laurenzl
Coaches ACE Award:
Lauren Konchan
and oll0wing through
n the midst of a game as the lights
Moy 24 at 700 pm on Ameche Field
never quit 'Our season started out a little
brightened and the sky darkened the
where for the first lime in years Tremper
shaky but throughout the year our team
girls Varsity soccer team come out
girls' soccer beat the Red Devils Senior
has grown so much stronger It has got us
ready for a fight Underestimating them
Alyx Dever exclaimed 'It is my senior year
on the rood to success (with the wiming
would be a critical mistake because
and we finally beat Bradford!'
streakl: said senior captain Lisa Welch
they have always proven the doubters
wrong. This team began the season with
four non-conference losses 1n a row giving fans on inaccurate view of the season
ahead of them. When word got around
that maybe the hype of the team was
dwindling the girls stepped ii into gear
The seniors this season worked their
Even after a Southeast conference
5-0 game ev''lt's my senior year eryone had begun to go1n respect
for this
immensely skilled team 'Tremper clinched
and we finally beat the division, so they're obviously o very
quality team,' Park coach Matt Maletis
sod 'They took ii to us right away,' All
slaughter of Racine Park, a
They had their first conference game
tails off to bring Tremper girls soccer to
against Horlick, where they smoked the
the pedestal that was rightfullly theirs. One
over the state now there was buzz on
the success of this early over-looked team,
Rebels off of their own field with a 3-0
early star that shined on the team was
The girls Tremper soccer team exceeded
win. From there ii was magic. The girls con-
sophomore. Maggie Edmark. Instanta-
expectations and achieved goals to finally
tinued on an eleven game winning streak.
neously her young 01ent was recognizable.
bring home a conference championship
The real champion-defining moment was on
she was a go-getter and had speed that
and ma e their way to state.
1. Senior captain Jessie Lourenzi, on a muddy game day goes for a header in a competitive run against a non-conference apparent. 2. Varsity players gather around
head coach Todd Hardy at halftime The
cold weather that night was not on antagonist for the girls who accomplished another Tremper win. 3, With the night creeping
in, junior goalie Taylor Dwyer focused on
the task of the game and the critical role
she played in the team's success. 4. Great
skill is not always as much of a factor to
some players. True athletes come out of
heart When you integrate those two qualities. you get senior defender Rachel Dalton Shes a power house with the ball and
brought the win for the team that night.
5. Speeding down the field Alyx Dever,
a senior cuts off the opponent with great
determination 6. Junior Kathy Celebre was
brought up from JV to help fill the team for
a crucial game. Celebre forces her way to
retrieve the ball back at Tremper's Annual
Go Pink game to raise money for breast
Sara Mahoney
Playing soccer with
my twin sister has
been a fun and great
experience. We have
always had common
interest in soccer and
both enjoy it. Having
my sister on the team
is also nice because
we can give each
other advice and criticism on our game_
Holly Mahoney
Playing soccer with
my twin sister has
been a lot of fun.
We have been on
the same team ever
since we started
playing and we both
work well together
on the field_ We
both enjoy soccer a
lot and it has been a
great experience_
11 Lakb Michigan
._. RaGme
U Ken0shalndoor
U Bradford
i1p] Marquette
Ill SEC relays
U Kenosha Outdoor Head Coach:
Coach Bradley
U Muskego
Asststant Coaches:
Coach Garcia
(I SEC !Championship Coach
llw1J Sectionals
Coach Fennema
Coach Walton
Coach Lawler
p;<!)] WlAk State
Kyle Dennison
Andrew Bianan
Nate Newberry
Nick Eggert
Outstanding lst Year Athlete
Bryce Davis
Most lmproved Athlete
Nate Newberry
Most Valuable Athlete
Andrew Bianan
Nottingham, junior, took first in the 3200
throwing speed agility and lots
run, and Bryce Davis sophomore placed
time of 1110', trailing behind at third place
of hard work with long hours of
eighth 1n the 110 meter hurdles
was Nick Vecchitto o junior
involves running,
practice, Some meets that the
At the Kenosha County Outdoor Cham-
boys competed in were, Lake
pionships Tyree Orr, senior took eighth in
Michigan Invitational, Rome Invitational,
ranked first 1n the 100 meter dash with a
Troup freshman, set the bor for high jump
at sixth place. Finally, was the Waterford
Regional were Nate Newberry a 1urnor
"Discus: an opportu- took second in shot put/discus 'Discus
at Bradford High School, then the followyou on opportunity to throw a rotatnity to throw a ro- gives
ing Saturday was the Red Devil Invitationing disc of death for funl' said junior Kyle
al. There was a JV meet at Burlington High
Junior Andrew Bianan took
tating disc of death" Dennison
School, then a Marquette duel at Ouad
fourth in the 110 meter hurdles My gool
The Kenosha County Indoor Championships
pork Athletic Complex. At the Southeast
the 100 meter run, Michael Famurewa
for this season is to mo e it to state. he
Conference meet that Oak Creek held.
freshman, placed eighth 1n the 400 meter
sod Also successful were Andrew Fricke,
Jr, who took third in the 400 meter dash
some personal bests for the team were
run. Senior Nick Eggert took third in the
Andrew Fricke junior, with sixth place in
the 100 meter sprint Junior Zach Hansen
800 meter run and Mike Jaros junior
ran the 1600 meter and placed fourth
swept the board claiming first place 1n the
Tremper took second 1n the Muskego Doc
800 meter run and the 1600 meter. Kyle
Lund Invitational. Junior, Andrew Fricke
and Jeremy Troup who took fourth in the
200 meter dash.
1 Victor Augusto a junior mode his final attempt to try and clear the bor at the Oak
Creek meet, which he successfully londed Victor said 'You don't need wings to fly, the sky
isn't the limit' 2.
Junior, Tim Zeszutek leaps
over the third set of hurdles in his 100 yard
'I would like to be
dash in the Oak Creek track meet 3, This
the best that I can be
1s Andrew Bianans third year being on the
and to go to state.'
varsity track team for Tremper. On his second set of hurdles, he sprints to the end of his
-Nate Newberry
race where he walked away with first ploce.
4, Ryon Cox, a junior in the final leg of his
race. He used the final burst of adrenaline to
'I want to go out and
try and beat the competition from the other
compete in all of the
schools. 5. Bryce Davis. a sophomore used his
meets, and make it to
1ump1ng ability to fly over the hurdle to place
in his heat of the race. 6, Junior Mike Jeros in
his reloy race. He was neck and neck with the
other runners from Muskego and Franklin, he
was almost ready to poss the boton off to his
next fellow teammate. so that his relay team
could take first place.
to state.
-Aamir Kadri
nlike other sports. track requires
says 'Everyone on the team is so supportive of
each member to set both personal
each other. Being a team is more than depend-
This season. many of the girls mode it to state
goals and team goals Teamwork
ing on each others' limes to win the meet or a
for their various events. Jenna Ciszewski who
and cooperation ore critical for this
relay' Trock is also more than a physical sport.
is also one of the girls track captains qualified
sport even though the students par-
Each member of the track team must mentally
for state in the girls 100 meter hurdles and also
ticipate individually for most events. For some
prepare for each meet Senior Jenna Cis-
1n the 300 meter hurdles. Sophomore Brittney
;~e encourage each
meter run, and junior Priscilla Colon freshman
of the events. such as the relays each teammate involved depends on not only their own
scores. but also their teams' scores in order to
Eye of the Tiger •.
Feivor qualified for state in the Girls 3200
ToNaya Gulley and senior Sara Knapp all
other and we cheer
each other on."
qualified for state in the 4x4 meter relay State
encourage each other and we cheer each
zewski one of Tremper Track's top hurdlers.
meter relay placed 13th overall. Jenna Cis-
other on. We give each other lips on what
explains how she prepares herself before a
zewski finish in 4th place for the 300 meter
o work on. We support each otherl' In order
big meet. 'I mentally visualize myself running a
hurdles and 13th for the 100 meter hurdles. and
to show encouragement the teammates give
perfect race in order to stay calm and focused.
Brittney Feivor finished her two mile placing
support. High jumper jmior Anna Concannon
Sometimes I even listen to my 'pump-up song
17th overall
win the roce. One of the two-mile relay runners. 1unior Makenzie Jones describes how
hey oil work together during the season. 'We
took place in LoCrosse. WI on Soturdoy, June
4 for the Tremper girls who qualified The 4x4
What song get1lou
/J~':!Ill~ ffleet?
SuRer Bass
by Nicki Minaj
Juntttr Lauren Wttttami
by Darude
Jttnittr Sara Paz
1. Sophomore Brittney Feivor runs the two mile at the Southeast Conference. As one
of the teams top runners, Feivor says 'To succeed we motivate and push each other to
get better.' 2 Sophomore Maddy Connelly competes in the high jump section for the
Southeast Conference at Oak Creek. 3. Junior Mokenzie Jones and sophomore Katelyn
Peno run the 4x800 meter relay for the Southeast Conference Relays at Oak Creek.
Peno says. 'My greatest experience this year is that I'm continuing to PR and I've mode
every Varsity meet· 4. Freshman Margaret Huck runs the two mile relay at the Southeast
Conference. 5 Senior Jenna Ciszewski runs the 300 meter hurdles in the Oak Creek
Wind Beneath My Wings requires teamwork and cooperation. she said, "Even though each person runs on individual
by Bette Midler
race, everyone runs their best in order to score points for the team.· 6. Freshman ToNoyo
Conference. When asked how track is not just on individual sport but also a sport that
Sentttr Sara K11tt(J(J
Gulley participates in the long jump for the Southeast Conference. Even though she is a
freshman. she ran Varsity all season and was even one of the top runners on the team.
6th Place
Coach Bornhuetter
5S S
Coach Walton
Coach Lawler
Coach Newhouse
Coach Bradley
Coach Fennema
Ca1 a
Sara Knapp
Jenna Ciszewskl
Most Valuable Freshman:
ToNaya Gulley
Most Valuable Player:
Jenna Ceszewski
Most Improved:
Alyssa Jozwiak
boys take the course by storm
ard times hit the boys golf team
meet making the Troions the top golfers 1n the
become the SEC champions. and competed
this year Being rained out for
SEC But with all glory comes some not so
Moy 24th 1n the Division l WIAA Regional
almost a whole month at the be-
glorious moments. The boys took third against
tournament They took second place after
''We had a good season, we're going to
Bradford beat them on the bock holes The
ginning of their season slowed the
Tremper Trojans They started off
the season about a month behind "So that
was probobly the longest single (bod-weather)
stretch of any season I con ever remember:
said Cooch Fennema Even with the slight set-
following wed the boys earned a spot in the
state tournament by tying for first place with a
total of 346 points. with Central. "This season
went well. I thought We mode ii to Statel" said
senior Mox A iello
bock of not being able to practice as often
Bradford and five other teams. in on SEC mini-
Two of the top golfers. Mox A iello and
as they would hove liked they still
meet on Moy 16th. at Kenosha Country Club.
Matt Bible helped bring Tremper into the
all they could to the course. On Moy 4th.
Not letting Bradford's win get to them. they
State tournament in June.
Tremper took first place 1n on eight team mini-
went hard at the SEC tournament. There. they
TM Drtl/t: "Drtl/t • rtftrdt Pl !ltt ftrdt dlrtJ'kt /laftd
pm !ltt !tanj ptmd f!n lt!npr lit!h TM dlrtJ'kt
14-' mtJdt t!frtn /laftd wt(//, a drtwr, Mlftt !ltt rtrm
"drtl/t, · and almtJdtalwajdt 1141-tij a rttd ball.
TM Pt.tlV, A &JMfft!lf dlrtJ'kt mil& f!H !ltt /!llaHff
!"t!tH we. an tjtlrv Pl /hM !ltt ball t!Ulf !ltt lit!!t.
TM SIt&: TM OtJttrdt t!f a ball !l!av O!HV!Jt tn !ltt
rftreofjgn t!f !ltt dt!mt!tahflta!td t!f !ltt /!apr /rtJ/tl&tij tt, /l4t Pl !ltt rtp t!f a rt#lta!tdtd/lapr.
1. Senior Mox Aiello swings away at the 2011 Tremper Charity Golf Outing. 2. Juniors
Andy Ro1niotis and Evan Bennett practicing putting before a meet against Bradford at
the Kenosha Country Club 3. Senior Matt Christenson lines up his shot before hilling.
4. Junior Matt Bible crouches down to find the perfect angle to make ii in for par. 5.
The varsity boys practice putting before their charily invite 1n Moy. 6. Nick Moro drives
the boll into the air as he ploys on Bristol Oaks course during a mini-meet in late May.
- e Ca c
a il'§ti
Rac;me lliililii
Be oit ~:rn
I mnt
iv et
B "1 m ngs ar~tfl
f ~c il'S;ti
B Ken s 1a ~ml
llWJl '1e ctoJ
· ~ml
.. I
B Evergreen\lj ti
llWlll Brightl n
' ~tl'cl
Coach Fennema
Coach Herbrechtsmeier
Coach Gallo
Coach Goettge
Max Aiello
Matt Christensen
Most Improved:
Cory Metallo
Most Valuable:
Matt Bible
lii<?l Hotlick ( @)
l~J Muskego
l\I cJse m
II Fra~kin II
Jk El
II Bradford m
i18JOak Creekll@)
mJ HoJlick 11
II Muskego l@J
II Fra~klin El
l\I Oak ICreekl l
I li1:.
U Park
FfltfBradlJ y Tech't®J
II cJse m
II Bradford II
Record: 12-6
Head Coach:
Coach Townsend
Assistant Coaches:
Coach Skarda
Coach Vasquez
110% Award: Sarah Conwell
Spirit Award: Emily Woller
Coaches Award: Sara Skarda
Captains Award:
MVP Offense: Gaberiela
Garcia and Lauren Boresch
MVP Defense: Jessie Werbie
Most lmproved:
Coumey Reeves
2011 Player of the Year:
Marisa Steinmetz
Sara Skarda
Sarah Thombough
Emily Woller
he softball team worked ex-
the older girls hove played together for
the game of softbo I 1n the future bu
tremely hard through all of their
three years now. Others hove been on the
season may be hard to top. As 1urnor Emily
practices. which definitely shows
some travelling team with each other in
Woller said "We used a lot of whooping
on the game days! By practicing
the post. Jessie Werbie said "My favorite
cons this year!'
all the positions including in-field
port of softball is about playing together
When 11 is lime to fund raise for the
"We used a lot of
whooping cans
this year!"
teams expenses they always hove fun
out-field hilling catching and most importantly pitching the athletes become wellrounded Putting all these important abilities together creates the greatest team
"We hove improved throughout the season. We hove gone a 1ong way together
while having their cookouts that they hove
every Wednesday starting on April 6th
to their last cookout on Moy 8th All of
the teammates. and some of their parents
ore always ready to help out during these
A lot of the younger girls really stepped
with all the girls 1 grew up with and they
cookouts It 1s one of the many ways ho
up their game. I can't wait for playoffs to
ore all like my sisters!
they bond as a team.
start! I hope we finish strong. just like we
As one con tell. this year's softball team is
started strong!' said Lauren Boresch The
stronger then ever They ore both mentally
best thing about this team is the tight bond
and physically on their game. These girls
and friendships that they form Many of
ore expected to do great things within
1. Cooch Townsend huddles up the team for
a little insp1rotionol pep talk with Gabby Garcia. Jessie Werbie. Courtney Reeves. Taylor
Moreland and Kayla Palmer on the outside of
the huddle. 2. Saro Skarda. Lauren Boresch.
Lindsey Brothers. Sarah Conwell. Kayla Palmer, Courtney Reeves. and Toylor Moreland
stand together to cheer on their teammates.
3. Cooch Townsend shows Marisa Steinmetz
where to go during a game. 4. Emily Woller
captain and catcher cheers on her teammates
in the dugout wailing to catch during the next
5. Sadie Schmitz. pitcher catches a
grounder that is hit right to her while Lauren
Boresch. first basemen. follows behind and
gets ready to get the runner out at first.
Morissa Steinmentz was up to bot hilling a
foul boll. playing again Franklin
Softball Players
Slulw Off Tltttr MWt4t
II Horlick l@J
El HoJlick l@J
Ell Wesf osha ( @)
( @)
m cLe m
U watJrforctB
ElJILake ctenevag
_.. Baqger
S'Q'9Lake qeneva g
~ Baqger
El Bradford II
IJ BurlihgtonEI
II Bra1ford It
ll@l Hal.lick llD
I llD
111 Park
~ Bradford . .
I!) cale
Head Coach:
John Matera
lflStevens Pointif.41
11'.§J HaJford
tWpJ Burlihgtonl l
DJunion!Grove iffi>J
Asstsstant Coaches:
Randy Hoover
Jack Musha
Mike Schmidt
Ryan Stace
Adam Sulko
Most lmproved:
Tyler Kohler
Commitment to Excellence:
Zak Bernhardt
Jimmy Jones
Tyler Kohler
Sam Mahar
Season Scores
Southeast Conference- 2nd
Place & Regional Champions
round the bases and the
laps and batting performarx:es shaw the
these team players
players endurarx:e physically and mentally.
the most intense games of the season is the
work hard at what they
Some of the things that run through a play-
Troians vs the Red Devils. our number one
love to do most playing the
er's head during the try-outs are 'I hope I
rivals. Jm1or Brandon Scheubel explains
game of baseball These stu-
"Of COU'se ils the North side !Bradfordl
season and support of their colleagues "I
''There ls something
about the rivalry
that gets everyone
pumped up."
enioy baseball a lot because I've been
make t! or I am so nervous! . but some
playing s1rx:e I was 9 and ii never gets
players have other things on their mind
way to make friends while ma 1ng memo-
old' says freshman player Levi Nichols.
such as "This season is going to be special.·
ries one wont ever forget
dents manage to balarx:e school, a social
life. ond sports as their everyday routine.
Some of them even have a 1ob mixed into
the iuggling game. Baseball has its ups and
downs. but mostly ups with the nice spring
It all starts with the try-outs and a focus
After going through the few days of try-
on the intensity of the skills required Long
outs and exhausting practices. 11 s lime for
1. Senior Varsity player, Jake Hornik. makes
a run for home plate to score the next point
Through the years of playing baseball in his
high school career, Jake has really proven
himself to be a strong player 2. Sophomore
Zach Wade threatens the Waterford player
with an out by psych-throwing the ball to the
previous baseman.
3. Senior Jimmy Jones
uses his fast wind-up to throw the ball to the
next co1rx:iding player for an out on the opposing team. 4. Senior Tyler Kohler plays as
the catcher on the Varsity team during his last
baseball season at Tremper. 5. Varsity player
iunior Brandon Scheubel, runs to catch the ball
before intersecting with player · 23 Jimmy
6. Junior Anthony Olson. pitcher gets
ready to throw an annihilating pitch to the
Waterford player.
the spotlight: all eyes on the team. One of
There is something about the rivalry that
gets everyone pumped up.'
Overall, the baseball team 1s one big
family as is any other sport an individual
were to get involved 1n. Secret inside
jokes. support, and crazy chants everybody loves make baseball a fun and easy
ur bays tennis team this
Humphreys tool first in one doubles. senior
job easy ' At the WIAA Sub-sectional tourno-
year hod a great season.
Adam Gagliardi and sophomore Eric Cisze-
ment and the WIAA Sectional tournament, the
The captains for the Varsity
wski took first in two doubles. and sophomores
bays on the team ended up toking first. The
team were seniors Connor
Grant Gagliardi and Patrick Georno took
bays earned a trip to the WIAA individual
Hildebrant and Adam Ga-
ference chomp1onsh1p. There. sophomore John
;;They are a very
hardworking group
of men"
Carswell took first in one singles. senior Craig
first 1n three doubles
gliardi The team is mode up of one freshmen.
three sophomores. three juniors. and three seniors. The bays hod the impressive accomplishment this year of winning the South East Con-
Sherwood took first 1n two singles senior Jake
When asked about his team Coach Werve
Larsen tool first in three singles and junior Ken
said "They ore a very hardworking group of
States took second in four singles For doubles.
men who hove listened well to their porents
senior Connor Hildebrant and junior Jake
and friends over the years. which makes my
tournament to play the top three 1n the state.
The Bays Tennis Tearn went on to a very
successful time at the WIAA State Tournament
Sophomore John Carswell placed third in
the singles tournament while doubles team
senior Connor Hildebrant and
junior Joke
Humphreys become this year's State Doubles
M!f IJll}'dC ~IJll}'rafk m-tt~nl frtJm
m lu
4t!hfltJt ftn,;ut ciarttr
M y most memorable moment of senior year for
tennis w as attending all
of the pasta parties!
Jake Larsen
1. Sophomore John Corswell is ready to volley the ball for a quick attack against a
cross-town rival student from Bradford 2 The bays' Varsity Tennis team lines up before
a meet The team includes senior Craig Sherwood. freshman Noah Bloedorn. 1unior Ryon
Miller. Connor Hildebrant, sophomore Grant Gagliardi, sophomore Patrick Georno. junior Joke Humphreys. sophomore Eric Ciszewski, senior Adorn G agliardi. and sophomore
John Carswell. "I love tennis. The coaches and players in the program ore amazing' said
M y most memorable mo-
sophomore Eric Ciszewski. 3. Senior Adam Gogliardi strikes the ball hoping to make a
ment about tennis season
point against the opposing team. 4. Senior Craig Sherwood serves the ball to the other
w as making it to state all
four years of high school.
Connor Hildebrant
team at the beginning of the match 5. Sophomore Grant Gagliardi prepares to return a
serve from the opposing team. 6. Junior Joke Humphreys returns a hord hit ball across the
net to the player on the other side of the net, hoping to score a point and win the match.
Hoi.hck l@
II Muskego l@J
11 cJse m
ti15'dison lJ vite
fa USMI HS Ill
1$£:enah HS
IJoak Creekll
Wi~let lnL te ~fil
Jk m
II Bradford l@J
J Marql ettell
SE\(@bnference il'SlJ
Wl'f/ff Sub-, ec.
W1lff Sectional il'SJJ
Record: 7-2
Chuck Werve, Dave Riley,
Bruce Bloedom, Maredda
Connor Hildebrant
Adam Gagliardi
MVP: John Carswell
Most Improved: Ken States
Most Dedicated: Jake Larsen
Mentally Tough:
Jake Humphreys
Coaches' Award:
Adam Gagliardi
contemporary style
after school, the members pre-
laid-back mood and the music to
is essentially a club
pare for concerts and play more
match Another fun piece the group
modern and upbeat music Senior
played this year was 'Sing Sing
wish to further their
Alice Wei adds. 'We played a
Sing , which members en1oyed as
knowledge of heir
Lady Gaga medley, and I had the
well. Overall, Chamber includes
instruments. Bath the concert and
opportunity to use the synthesizer
many talented and involved stu-
symphonic orchestras are involved
which was a lot of fun.· The set-
dents who take pleasure in the
resulting in a variety of talent and
ting is much more casual than the
mastering of contemporary works.
grade levels. Rehearsing weekly
traditional orchestra with a more
J, Chamber members concentrate during the winter
concert 2. Sophomore violinist Kaitlyn Breunsbach
absorbs herself in the music 3. Ms. Breitenbach has
been the conductor at Tremper for four years, and
with some of the senior class for seven. 4. Violinists. senior Graciela Burroughs, junior Katelyn Zigner
and senior Erin Dreger immerse themselves 1n the
Strfftt wt!lt Sffut
stuaents find their inner Suzuki
t can be said thot the Golden
great! Despite the multiple takes,
1ng other conductors various skills of
the finished results were awesome·
his personal mentors. Rolland SuzJ<.1,
year thon ever before. They
The week prior to winier brea was
and Galamian. The audience's re-
began the year with a few
teeming with shows, every night held
sponse was overwhelming with high
a different story and memories both
praise all around
the weekend stay at Kirsch's at the
positive and negative from heart-
During the warm summer months.
French Country Inn in Lake Geneva
warming standing ovations to doing
the group traveled to Alaska and
a quaint local beauty on Lake Como.
Richard Simmons workout tapes on
British Columbia on the Norwegian
the bus rides. One of the highlights
Cruise Line's "The Pearl" beginning
In mid December the group was
12 News
was the opportunity to host a work-
in Seattle and stopping at the ports
"Season to Celebrate" winter music
shop at the Midwest International
of Juneau. Skagway, Ketchikan, and
special, an unexpected and highly
Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chi-
flattering opportunity Junior
cago. Group founder, Stanley Nosal
Stalsberg said "Being on TV was
directed the hour-long course. teach-
featured in the WISN
J, Sophomore Krntlyn Williamson stands up to play for
the audience at the winter
concert 2 Sophomore cellist
Caleb Littel concentrates on
his musicality. 3. Senior violists
Lindsey Brandes and Laura
Gildenstern maintain their focus while still appreciating he
music 1. Senior violinist Jennifer May shares a genuine
smile a sincere representation
of the strong passion throughout the group.
jazz s u
ozz is. on expression of ones
inner wild concert player
ent concept than playing in regu/or concert band The feel of the
The music con be soft and
band is calm, cool, and collected
els ore stepped up a notch. When
soothing, or up-beat and
where people con be themselves.
asked how hard jazz is compared
W ith
whereas concert band is more on
to concert, junior Ashley Keding
diverse instruments included 1n the
adrenaline pumping.
the serious side with expressions
replied, "Jazz music is more dif-
ensembles. the soul of the music
written for you ' In jazz you hove
ficult because you really need to
is given more color, and creates
to be able to 'swing' your notes
be able to get into the rhythm and
feeling of the piece."
and rhythms. but in concert band
piece. "I like jazz. It is a different
you play 'straight' notes" said senior
style from band or orchestra and
Nick Wiegert.
a unique sound throughout
it is a new challenge" said senior
trumpet player Joey Ripley.
Playing in jazz is a whole differ-
The contrast between the two
styles ore great. but band members
In jazz music the feel and dif-
still enjoy the choice of playing bath
ficulty is a lat more challenging
genres and the opportunity to ex-
compared to regular concert band
press themselves musically.
1. Sophomore trumpets play during their Ambassador Jazz rehearsal. 2. Performing with closed
eyes and on open heart to his inner improvisation is
junior Alec Weisner for Red Jazz Ensemble at Jazz
Festival 2010. 3. Playing piano is senior Liz Parsons
dmng Blue Jazz rehearsal. 4. Seniors Dan Detwiler
and Joey Ripley, and junior Aamir Kadri ploy 'R U
Chicken?' at Blue Jazz Ensembles rehearsal
lJtJmtnaatJn av lJ
making a statement with black, white, and
and of the Black Watch
1ng lights and sounds of Disney's new
hours of playing in the morning and
firework show 'Fantasmic
afternoon, and two hours of march-
Before all the excitement of Dis-
ing at night
Marching practice
musical talent this
summer at Disney World
ney, there came the hord work of
consists of high-toes, roll steps, and
the late 6-9 rehearsals thot felt like
extreme amounts of sweat. 'I enjoy
Besides the 90· degree weather
forever. There was also band camp,
playing the music and getting extra
and constant humidity, Black Watch
which is the heart and soul of march-
practice for the next school year'
toughed ii out and were even treat-
ing band 'My favorite part of Black
said senior Gabby Moore.
ed to an exciting tour of the behind
Watch, besides Disney, was all the
the scenes area at Magic King-
friends I made even for it being my
dom They were also lucky enough
first year 1n marching band" said se-
polyester uniforms, Black Watch will
to perform in the Magical Parade
nior Ethan Piela.
on their journey throughout Disney
This builds up every participant for
along with experiencing the illuminat-
the on-coming season. Four straight
Through highs and lows of marchconcert
always make a statement with their
bald black, white, and red.
1. Percussionists 1ne up
their uniforms 1n an orderly
fashion for warm-ups before their first performance
of the day 1n the Bristol
Parade. 2.
Senior Jackie
Mack conducts the band in
her role as the drum major.
3. Former senior Band of
the Black Watch members
decorated the spirit rock in
front of Tremper in remembrance of their last year
participating in the band.
4. Junior Marshall Woller
and senior Cutter Waller
perform during the Disney
Magical Parade.
Annual Business Report
Emerging Business Issues
Introduction to Business
Business Plan
Business Procedures
owards the end of June 2010 our
Conference While they were there. they
Tremper FBLA headed out to Nash-
got to participate in labs and activities with
1n February for the many people that com-
ville Tennessee f.or nationals. There
Matt Vecchitto and Zach Skan
other schools from all over Wisconsin. They
peted in Regionals Fourteen of our Tremper
also got to go swimming and bond with
FBLA members headed back up to Appleton
ron competed 1n partnership with
each other and the other chapters during
to compete in the State Leadership Confer-
a business and ended up taking 6th place.
their free time. November 8th, FBLA trav-
ence. They competed 1n their events and
participated in more labs and activities with
drove out to Brookfield East High School
Also during the summer, FBLA went to Bullen
eled with the personal fmnce classes down
middle school for Relay for Life There they
to Chicago They got to go to the top of
the other schools again. One of our teams
raised $1.800 for our chapter On October
the Willis Tower explore the money museum.
competed in an event called Local Chapter
Annual Business Report and ended up tahng
14th, our new members headed up to Mad-
and see the trading floor at the CME group.
ison for the Fall Leadership Lab. There they
Throughout the school year, FBLA had a
got to really understand what FBLA is all
number of cook outs, bakes sales. and pasta
about On October 25-26. Tremper head-
at the lunches that students could buy in-
ed up to Appleton for the Fall Leadership
stead of the normal school lunches FBLA also
2nd Because of this. they will be heading
down to Orlando. Florida for Nationals
J, Junior Aaron Buban shows his crazy side by doing the peel the banana dance and other dances on
stage with teens from other FBLA chapters around the
state. 2. Freshmen Taylor Moreland and Bridget Nelson dance and sing to 'Singing 1n he Rain" at opening
session at the Fall Leadership Conference. J, Freshmen
Kristan Bowman and Camron Johnson walk around at
lunch asking people to buy from their FBLA ba e sale
4, Junior Dylan Prozanski shows us that he can pat his
head and rub his stomach all at the same time during
opening session at the FLC 5. Senior Matt Yecch1tto. our FBLA reporter, wal s around to every table
at lunch asking people if hey wouid Ii e something
from the bake sale. 6. Juniors Adam Nordquist Sara
Murray Kyle AndrascH<.o and Logan Smith do an Icebreaker where they have to act ike they re rowing a
canoe and other tasks at the September meeting
nior Lauren Oechler. To start the
encourage students to make the
body to make good
year off right SADD sponsored a
best decisions the night of prom
decisions and choices
spir;t assembly where they gave
To make this year different than
real life situations of people making
any other SADD reached out to
destructive decisions and had vol-
the community through the "Don't
Decisions. biggest goal throughout
unteers come out of the audience
Text and Drive' compoign. As
the year This year SADD stepped
to porticipole. They also sponsored
SADD continues to help students
ii up and did even more to pro-
Red Ribbon Week to help prevent
keep away from destructive deci-
mote their cause. 'We try to give a
drug use throughout the schools
sions. they have tried even harder
positive example to our peers such
and mainly to just help the students
to not only reach out to the Trem-
as not drinking doing drugs. texling
live a drug-free life. As they do ev-
per student body, but to reach out
while driving and other destructive
ery year, they also promoted Prom
to the community as a whole
decisions.· said SADD president iu-
Week and the 'Chains of Life' to
. ...''
f '·
1 SADD leaders. juniors Soro Moroney Bryoncis Perdomo.
and Lauren Oechler give a presentation at the Foll Spirit Assembly with volunteer audience member 1unior Tyler Range
2 At the Winter Spid Assembly SADD organized a flash
mob where the students got together and danced on the
court. 3. Juniors Bryoncis Perdomo and Lauren Oechler organize their ideas for a donce to promote not drinking while
1unior Mott Horne looks on. 4. During SADD's flash mob at
the winter assembly Troupe Tremper ioins in and dances
C!tar Slvt1f fil S.
students succeed in the business life
hether its compet·
ing in the district·
attended the district-wide competition
hon. many are eligible to move on to
held at Kettle Moraine High School in
State. Nationals. and even the Inter·
or playing holiday
January Many of the students earned
national competition in Orlando. FL.
medals for different categories. One
Same of the benefits of DECA include
grocery stores to help support the
port of the competition included role
college scholarships. and knowledge
Salvation Army DECA members work
play 1n which students were given a list
of good marketing techniques. Junior
hard to represent the student body
of marketing terms. With these terms.
David Leiting said "To me DECA is a
and help out the community. Their main
the students were told to act them out
c'ronce to gain more experience 1n the
This year over 40 students
competes in the district-wide competi·
focus is to learn good leadership skills
and show how they are used 1n ev·
marketing world" DECA helps students
and marketing techniques Junior Bran·
eryday life. Many students also earned
ail around Tremper to prepare for the
don Zigner said. "DECA 'ros helped
medals for their exceptional scores on
future and learn important business skills
me be more professional and orga·
the multiple choice test. Once a student
toot will help them to succeed 1n life
1. Shortly before the holidays
DECA members perform mu·
sic to raise money for the Sal·
vation Army 2. Juniors Taylor
Schulz and Branclon Zigner
show their medals for their
hord work 1n the role play cat·
egory at he district competi·
tion. 3. Juniors Megoon Schi·
affano. Shelby Carter Maizy
Mich, and senior Kayla Schultz
wait to compete at the DECA
competition in Kettle Moraine
High School.
1. Sophomore
Tyler Rice competes at the
DECA Competition in Kettle
Moraine High School during
the district-wide competition.
INK. stands far Wise.
to help others The goal of WINK is to
sho families in need "The club had also held
lntelligen. t N' Kind with
students ranging from
show people that giving up is never a solu-
a Zumba Fitness Party Fund raiser to raise
tion to a problem and that every person
money for an upcoming college tour· said
freshmen to seniors. Each
needs to be treated fairly. WINK. doesn't
adviser Mrs. Block. During Zumba Night,
student 1n the group has
give up or give in," said Jazmin Cruz. The
dancing to the beats. Jeremy Jenkins said
$175 for
"' love to exercise· Some W.INK. members
.K. students are not
"Change for Families" The money was used
were also lucky enough to experience the
only working to better themselves. but also
to purchase personal care items for Keno-
world of work at a Culver's Share Night
great potential and learns that any dream
or goal is possible WI.
1. Some of the WINK. members porlicipoted 1n Zumba
Night with the Zumba instructors wearing pink shoes. 2. Jeremy Jeni ins. Dana Andrews.
Dylan Martin, and Mrs. Block
dancing at Zumba Fitness Party. 3. Nancy Jaimes helped out
at the Culver's Share Night to
experience the world of work.
WINK. students have raised
S!tjJ!Ji(!fbr~~f!f! Pat/v
uccess is a big step to
is dedicated to prepare students for
reers and past-secondary education
higher education and for careers
choices. The students involved are
ping Stones is helping to
based on their interests. It also pro-
given advice and information about
achieve it. Hope
scholarships to low income
the career paths so that they can
students who aspire for a higher
ma e good decisions when 1t comes
compassion integrity self
education through funding provided
to what to do after high school. Sue-
discipline. respect, and citizenship
by UW Parkside and DPI. This pro-
cess is not achieved overnight but
ore the key paints Stepping Stones
gram helps to ensure that everyone
with Stepping Stones the path to-
want you to understand in order to
has an opportunity to achieve their
wards success 1s made easier
triumph and succeed This program
goals and to explore different ca-
Seniors Casey Regendez
and Marshawn Figueroa and
Sophomore Amanda Martell
enjoy an end of the year pizza
party. 2
The Stepping Stones
ing with students. 3. Stepping
Stones members learn how to
ma e wise choices in their future
careers and education
Htrt Frffm Af{fr
the hf e of an exchange student
Cf-v-istina W;,1eke is a foreign exchange
student here from a small city 1n Northwestern Germany called Elsen. She came for ten
months to live 1n America and experience life
in a country far different from her own. 'I want
to see everything that the world has to offer."
Christina commented on her reason for coming
here. Sa far, and she has seen much of the
world Christina has been to multiple countries
in Europe including Spain. Sweden and Turkey.
While in Kenosha Christina stayed with a hast
family and took classes. pined clubs and lived
the life of an average American high schooler
with the exception that she was roughly 4500
miles away from every person she has ever
known. While she was here. she ioined International Club and German Club and made many
friends along the way Someday Christina
hopes to come back and visit America but until
then we say, Auf Wiedersehen!
In~rnatttfnat CttM
more flags more fun
nternational Club is more than just talking
national foods 1s the most fun. while st II oth-
bians The dancing and music were new and
ond learning about the world. it is about
ers thirk the field trips (especially the one to
exciting for everyone.
experiencing it first-hand. The students
Chicago) make the club exciting. Either way,
International Club is one of the most ac-
in the club learn about the world and
1n International Club students hove an oppor-
tive clubs 1n the school, and they met every
tunity to get involved. hong out with friends
week. ·Most people don't know about all
and learn about the world
the activities we do Our biggest things are
what it hos to offer through the activities.
speakers and trips taken on the weekends.
It is nearly impossible to choose one thing
Every year International Club celebrates
the Chicago trips but we also do movies.
as the best port of International Club. Some
different holidays from around the world
games. food days and so much morel" said
of the members think the speakers are the
this allows its members to learn about and
junior Jake Oster, one of the board mem-
best and offer a good look at what life
experience different cultures This year they
bers. The International Club members are ac-
is like outside the country, junior Hannah
learned about Serbian traditions from a first
tive porliciponts in the school and the world
Walsh said. "We get to ask them questions
generation Serbian. sophomore Stojanka
They are very friendly and outgoing students
and learn about their traditions." Others think
Bicanin The dances and music she shored
always looking for a chance to meet new
getting to go on weekend trips to eat inter-
were traditional and practiced by many Ser-
people and travel the world
l , Senior Amie Riley helping a group of International
Club members fold a traditional Chinese New Year
craft 2. Sophomore Cori Smith rying to knock over
cups as port of a minute-to-win-it
of the meetings.
game during one
3. Sophomores Christina Willeke and
Jakob Willkomm folding origami in honor of the Chinese
New Year. 4. Sophomores Melissa Miller, Christina
Willeke, Jakob Willkomm Kim Chamberlain and junior
Jake Oster dancing the Uzicko Kolo. "Its a traditional
Serbian fol dance that my family and I hove always
done.' said sophomore Stojarka Biconin. a first generation Serbian. 5. Sophomores Drew Peloquin and Joseph
Encarnacion attempt to figure out how to fold origami.
6. Sophomores Melissa Miller Jakob Will omm and
Kim Chamberlain dance the Cacak another traditional
Serbian folk dance.
Wilkomm said "I enjoy being in
n German club this year the
students parliopated in many
classes and German club. German
German club because it gives me a
activities. To name a few of
club held a contest with the boys
chance to explore my culture. It also
the activities. we asked Ju-
where they would dress the boys
gives me the chance to meet new
nior Jakob Wilkomm to tell
up as girls They would dress them
us about what they did He said
up as the Christ child which was a
people and make new friends that
aren't 1n my regular classes.· Over-
that the students got together split
role traditionally played by women.
all. the students have enjoyed this
into teams. and held a mini soc-
They would have the students vote
sclhool year and can t wait to have
cer tournament They would also
on which guy was dressed up as
another enjoyable year next year.
hold German cooking days. They
1. Tremper German students doing an activity on
German Day 2. The German students doing a skit
3. The German classes and German club members
holding a cook out during the lunches one day for
German Day. Junior Rochel Stoebe helps to serve
the food 4. While junior Jakob Wlkomm does the
fingering for the notes. German teacher Mrs. Orth
strums the guitar at German doy.
V11ttndf/ IttJttmt
italian club
remper's Italian club isn't
because I can engage into my own
It's so much fun learning about the
about going to the gym,
culture. eat food and G TL like a
different cultures!" The talion club
tanning. and doing laun-
Guido · The club also took a trip
students also participated in the
down to Chicago While the stu-
homecoming parade The students
from the MTV teen show
dents were there. they got to band
Jersey Shore The students like to
with one another and enjoy the
made mario carts too. The club also
together after school
learn about the Italian culture. They
windy city Junior Krystal Sennholz
held a number of cook outs during
also try new and unique food Ju-
said "One of the best parts of lta1-
the lunches during school.
nior Matthew Miceli. president of
1an club would definitely have to
the club, says 'I enpyed Italian club
be the Chicago trip in December.
1. Junior Gabby Chiapetto shows off her Italian Club shirt while
working at a cook out during the lunches to raise funds for the
club. 2. ta11an club members stay focused on their task as they
work together at a pasta cook out during lunch. 3. Italian club
members competed with other groups during the homecoming
parade in October. Their float was Mario themed with one Luigi
car and one Mario car Two lucky club members got the chance
to ride in the cars during the parade
opan club this year is mode up of one
Throughout the year they went on field trips
people to enjoy the Japanese culture with her
freshmen. three sophomores. three ju-
to a restaurant in Illinois called Todoi and a
and the other students Students enjoy being in
niors. and one senior. Jopan Club de-
restaurant here in town called Honado. Teach-
the club because they get to understand and
cided to collect change from students
er and adviser Mrs. Pastor said "They all get
learn about this culture. They also enjoy the
while International club was doing
together and enjoy the Japanese culture. ori-
Japanese art including origami and onime art
Shakes for Ouakes. While they did this they
gami. the beauty of the origami paper, callig-
They enjoy trying new food from the culture
ended up raising $7 4 1n pennies. They also do-
raphy onime, Ponyo. and go to conventions."
and experiencing new things as well.
nated $250 out of the their treasury to Inter-
She also said that she would like to have more
national club to help with shokes for quakes.
students join the club because she wants more
learn as one and become a family
1n the process. 'The best port is the
energy, when we all perform and
be performing and how much effort
the excitement builds we dance to
ii takes. 'It takes heart and being
our full potential. said sophomore
a team player .. you have to love to
Brittany Wedge This energy mo-
dance to be on Troupe Tremper,'
tivates the effort dedication, and
said sophomore Ben Ault
dents who make up Troupe Trem-
The students of Troupe Tremper
1. Troupe Tremper performed at the Winter Sports
Pep Assembly, here senior Billy Stevens. 1uniors
Carleton Childs and Nancy Jaimes and freshman
Monique Stevens dance for the crowd. 2.
performing 1n front of the school. senior Adam
Niedzwiecki said ' Once you are up there. you feel
the adrenaline come into play and you feel like you
can do anything ' 3. Senior Maddy Alsabboh smiles
while dancing at the spir'I assembly
4. Freshman
Tonaya Gulley dances in front of the student body
for the first lime with Troupe Tremper
determination thot can be seen in all
of Troupe Tremper's performances
Never "BffardJJ
fixing the community one nail at a time
shelter in the dog run at Petrifying
This club is very active not only
about more than 1ust
building ii s about
Springs Pork along with other ser-
within the community but wit in
vice projects. The club tokes sugges-
Tremper as well. This year Construc-
helping out the com-
tions from people 1n the community
tion Club has helped to build props
and as a group they decide which
for the school s drama department.
construction skills. Two
things they will build "Within the two
flower boxes for the stall banquet
and even a Christmas tree that
years ago the club wo• founded
years since the club hos started we
seniors Brian Steinbrink. Jake
have built everything from birdhous-
ights up for the Salvation Army No
Kreier and Mr Marshall. Todoy the
es to cabinets to garages." said se-
matter the task big or small the in-
club hos expanded and they hove
nior Brian Steinbrink. The Construc-
dustrious students that make up the
built many things for a variety of
tion Club also did a similar proiect 1n
Construction Club are ready for
causes and people For example
the past. building a walking bridge
any challenge and the chance to
this year the club helped to build a
in the woods near Lake Andrea.
improve their skills
screwing in bolts at Petrifying Springs dog park on a
dreary Saturday morning
2. Senior Reynaldo Diaz
helping with the groups
proiect of building a shelter 3. Mr. Marshall and
seniors Elliot Knoke. Reynaldo Diaz Jake Kreier and
Brian Steinbrink posing for
a picture alter f1nish1ng the
shelter on a cold rainy Sat-
urday 4. Senior and cofounder of the club Jake
Kreier sawing off bolts on
the newly built she1ter at
Petrifying Springs Park.
f you want ta kiss the jade
school gathering of students is well-
elephant you ve got to get in-
run and can be a great experi-
Spelling Bee The Women, and
A Doll's House The productions
volved Always an entertaining
ence. Talented students gather to
also included the student directed
crowd Dromo Club is a place
put together social activities ond
Drama Club Show and
where anyone can come par-
school theatre productions thot can
Mother. They were friggin awesome: senior Bergen Hanson said.
ticipate in any aspect of the won-
be enjoyed by all. The inner work-
derful world of theatre. Freshman
ings of this society appears to be a
When asked what Drama Club is
Hannah Pfluegl says her favorite
well-oiled machine run by a family
like sophomore Alyssa Harold re-
parts are the people and how you
of friends.
plied "Its a lot of fun to get to hang
can just be yourself without worrying whot others will think."
Run by teacher Nie Cicerale for
three and a holf years. this after
This past year Tremper s theatre
with your friends. while at the same
program put on seven productions
time you re working hard to help
such as. Almost Moine Rabbit
Hole 25th Annual Putnam County
with the production of a show"
l Getting energized for the performance. a collection of experienced and new actors and actresses
warm up before the student-directed Drama Club
Show 2. Senior Bergen Hanson and sophomores
Caleb Young and Jeremy Osborn play a sergeant
and cadets in the comedy Biloxi Blues 3. These two
mayflies hove an interesting 24 hour life in the short
play Time Flies. 4. During the Monday meeting, all
committees of Drama Club meet in the infamous
room 120 to go over whot's going on.
Mf!dt! tlN
fighting for what they believe In
odel UN may
growth. Yes. a mouthful but all of
with the best in any political debote
not be a club
the members are very passionate
that most think
about their interests.
Derginer and Sebastian Jacinto
took a noble rood trip on their own
of joining when
The group took a trip to Parkside
they first walk
and Milwaukee. which was almost
around the club fair as a freshmen
fully funded by the members them-
to go protest in Madison against the
coilect•ve borgo1ning bill and Wis-
at registration Many may not even
selves. They went for conferences
consin's governor Scott Walker. They
know what it is really even about
such as the Model OAS !Organiza-
held a sign in the capitol that soid on
Model UN stands for Model United
tion of American States! One of the
the front. No Government is Safe
Nations Club. In this club they learn
presidents and founders of the club
from Tyronts. but No Tyront is Safe
to use diplomatic solutions to solve
is Sebastion Jacinto He spends
from the People · When you flipped
real world problems 1n
countless hours out of school focusing
it. the bock had the words. "Model
environments to promote student
on politics and con go toe to toe
UN" with the world flags around it.
1. Madel UN members. seniors Sebastion Jacinto and
Tyler Derg1ner, took a trip to
Madison to shaw their support for educators in the state
of Wisconsin lighting against
Governor Scott Wal ers bill.
2. Picture taken by Model
UN members at the capital
protest against the governor.
3. Spea ing to fellow members. senior Nick Tokalo gets
into a heated discussion. 4.
UN members discuss world
statistics in one of their Thursday meetings.
1/t, ••
government memories
·wc;k<rg \he biaod drive was
a grea\ experi·
ence and awesl'fi"' _,rg evf!iY""" ge\ \nvoived(
Junior Lauren Boresc'n
My favorite memor f
se ting up the .
Y o student
before after :i,°vhernment
e omecom1ng
Junior Hayey
I Koni·t zer
"My \avor\\e rrerro<Y wD' durif'9 \he era\\ \air We
wf!ie usif'9 \he rol\;rg car\s \o irove \ables, when
ace o\ my \r;ends \New me on \he car\. and s\<Jr\ed
pusn<rg me \No>J90 \he nails, nJnr,;rg\ WI-en we go\
\o \he end al \he nail. we o\mos\ crashed \n\o \he
Junior frnily A\torv::>
e a voice and not an echo 1s
tive committees. On the executive board
I was also able to stand up for the student
student government's unofficial
are: President Alice Wet, Vice President Sara
body and express what they wanted'
motto Those involved in student
Mahoney, Secretary Brittney Reget, and
This year student government became an
government are the elite lead-
Treasurer Matt Vecchitto The vice presi-
even more powerful presence in this school's
ers of the Tro1ans Each member
dents of the committees are Kelsey Olson
community. Each event that student govern-
dedicates hours of their time to our communi-
for government operations, Alex Sargent for
ment held was executed wi h near perfec-
ty. They also attend many of the events held
student services, Megan Schuirmann for di-
tion. This would not have happened if ;t
throughout the school such os sporting events
versity awareness, Vytaute Paskauskaite for
wasn t for the talented members of student
and performing arts events. Not only do
academic affairs, Rachel Dalton and Stepha-
government as well as their advisers.
they attend these events, they also organize
nie Althoff for community service. Lindsey
At the end of the year student govern-
their own events. such as the blood drive,
Brandes and Chyanne Callender for fresh-
ment voted on the new executive board The
new faces of the government elite who will
the craft fair, honors/renaissonce convoca-
man transition coaches, and Jessie Laurenz1
tion, quizapalooza. the talent show and the
for spirit events. Junior Sara Mahoney said
lead during the upcoming year are Presi-
events of homecoming week.
'My experience as vice-president was
dent Andrew Mcf\Jair, Vice President Dani-
The leaders of student government are
experience like no other. I hove learned a lot
elle Wilson, Secretary Lauren Borchardt, and
those who are on the executive board and
about Tremper, including: how things are run,
Treasurer Paige DeThorne
who are the vice presidents of their respec-
why certain things are the way they are. and
l Junior Alex Lopez serves Senior Nidk Eggert a slice
of cheese pizza during the Renaissonce pizza luncheon
held by student government's academic affairs.
said 'I hought ii was nice to see all of the people get
rewarded for their hard work that they put in through
their years at Tremper· 2. Senior Mallory Robinson turns
in her renaissance ticket to grab a slice of free pizza
during the luncheon. 3, Senior Megan Schuirmann, vice
president of diversity awareness. takes a fellow Trojan's money during a lunch-time sale to support diversity.
4, Seniors Alice Wei and Addey Kille and juniors Kyle
Stalsberg and Max Zuhlke pose for a picture after winning the annual Ou1zapalooza competition. Their club,
Golden Strings. received 150 dollars for their victory.
5. Junior Chris Pham made faces at his opponent during
the quizapalooza finals. 6, Sophomore Nancy Ly senior
Kayla Knight and sophomore Kelly Bornd collect tickets
at the door for the renaissonce luncheon. Nancy said
·you can't have the kids continue excelling in school ~A
an empty stomach.·
movies, Joining Point of View
PG or PG-13 roted movies,
gives students not only the
but there is o lot to choose
chance to watch movies, but
from, said sophomore Spen-
your eyes
also to shore their opinions
on them When students with
often get together to watch
the screen or just makes you
the some common interest in
their favorite movies, and
wont to shut it off as soon
film come together, 1t makes
sometimes they even toke
as possible, we all hove dif-
rev1ew1ng movies that much
trips to the movie theater
ferent opinions on different
more fun! "We only watch
1. Spencer Whitaker the vice president of the club. poses with o poster of one of his favorite Mms 2. Secretory Mokenzie Jones. Dono Jaros, president Mercede Jackson and Sean
Biolis show off their movie posters during o meeting, 3. Club members gather outside 1n the
courtyard 4. Club members hide their faces behind posters,
Tt!t11?Jtffn Ctub
lignts, camera, actionl
hat would we do
of the various activities that go on
thing to it possible so I pined" said 1u-
throughout our schooL Whether they are
nior Jeff Andrews With all the camera
taping an event they are completely
ang 1ng, script writing. communication,
ing us up to date
uninterested in or standing out in bod
editing and most importantly teamwork
on all those special
weather, these students ore extremely
and careful plaming, the club members
events? For over 35 years, students
dedicated to their broadcast "' am a
say that the most enjoyable port of be-
from all grade levels hove been coming
techno nerd and I like anything and ev-
ing a port of the club is seeing all of their
together to bring us ways to remember
erything technical. This was the closest
hard work 1n the end proiect
1. A few TV club members pose for a crazy picture, 2 Junior Nick Seeley examines one
of the clubs cameras, J, Junior Hans Freisheim and TV club adviser Mr Thompkins get
ready to record the events of the winter pep assembly,
1n tremper high
heyre the noise in the
their crazy, hyped up selves. Ann
front row at all of Tremper's sport-
stands, the racket on the
Ly said 'Its pretty cool to lead the
ing events. The group was started
bleachers. and the moti~o
cheers and be recognized as the
last year by the graduates of 2010
tion of the crowd They re
best cheering student section in the
and has now been passed on to the
the spirit squad Dressing
class of 2011. It has begun a new
The football games are the
up in obnoxious colors and outfits 1s
bestl' The spirit squad consists of 1u-
tradition in Tremper history and will
the ticket for this crazy squad From
niors and seniors who are seen at
continue to be passed down in the
begrning to end the spirit squad
many of Tremper's sporting events.
is heard loud 1n the stands during
They are a group of students who
sporting events. Known for being
are chosen to be a part of the
J, Spirited Tremper students show their pride while
leading the student section 1n a powerful cheer. 2.
Jack Little stands strong when representing Tremper
High. 3, Jess Reindl. Missy Niesen, Jess Roemer Allison Bischoff Emily Vanbergen, and Courtney Mercurio cheer on Tremper's finest athletes and their
outstanding season records at he spirit assembly.
4. The spirit squad leads their class in the spirit competition during an assembly
Bat!dtti;; affrfraottr
ey Club is an inter-
during the night of the event
This is Key Club's second year
Key Club raised money for a lo-
participating 1n Polar Plunge Polar
cal third-grader in need of a life-
Plunge raises money for the Spe-
provides its members
saving kidney transplant, Claire
cial Olympics. and is full of enthu-
with opportunities to
Bevec The club also holds Trem-
siastic participants who jump into
provide service, build character
per's Annual Holiday Food Drive
the freezing cold water of La e
and develop leadership. Key Club
to feed over 150 local under-
Andrea Joe Landgraf and Zach
participated in the Relay for Life
privileged Kenosha families each
Skanron participated in the Polar
of Kenosha in August 2010 They
Holiday season. Key Club works
Plunge this year. Key Club also
raised over $1,100 for the Ameri-
coot check at the annual Mardi
collects box tops for the Ronald
can Cancer Society through indi-
Gras fund-raiser for the Women
McDonald House
vidual donations and fund-raising
and Children's Horizon
Emily Kenney and Rachel Zalaznik at Relay for Life.
last August. 2 Joe Landgraf and Zach Skanron plunged
into the freezing cold waters of Lake Andrea with their
yellow polka dotted bikinis on February 26th. 3. Ann Ly
Emily Kenney Addey Kifle. and Alice Wei were having
fun at the Annual Mardi Gras Event Fund-raiser.
ampus Life United
for support and can share with one
Campus Life United director, what
(CLU) is a Chnstian
another what is going on in their
lives They end up making strong
the best part about CLU is. she
responded 'The best part about
together for fellow-
friendships through their common
Campus Life United is being able to
beliefs and goals.
Weekly meet-
enjoy time with other people who
prayer, and lots of fun activities.
ings include: prayer, singing. lots of
share the same beliefs as you or
CLU is a club where kids can come
eating and fun games. testimonials
get to know more about what they
together from a world full of dis-
believe in and how ii has changed
appointment and uncertainty, and
fund-raisers. and 1hey are always
their lives' CLU is a great club to
make the best out of every situa-
open to a variety of new ideas!
meet new people who have some-
tion. They each have one another
When we asked Miss Kostreva the
thing solid they can cling to.
l Campus Life United students joke around while playing
games in the classroom. 2
Senior Emily Coopland writes
down song lyrics while playing Christmas trivia. 'CLU is
the perfect place to be with friends and share beliefs
together.' 3. Campus Life United group members socialize during their annual holiday party consisting of games.
songs. prayers. and fun
eat. sleep. save t e environment.
ith trese won-
on pro1ects to recycle more in tre
day at lunch which club members
cafeterias and conserve energy.
sorted and recycled after school.
From Ire annual Make-Your-Own-
Another big project of tre year
en v 1r on men t
Smoothie sale. to recycling after
was raising money for solar panels
becomes a little
school everyday and a traditional
to conserve energy at school.
easier to change for Ire better. Pre-
bake sale, trese clubs have been
Tre goal for trese aspiring envi-
sided over by senior Libby Siana,
keeping active all year to really get
ronmentalists is to make a change
environmental club is always coming
things done
for Ire better, An inspiring quote
up with new ways for our commu-
Concentrating on tre recycling
nity to try and make Ire world a
better place to live in,
Mrs, Wansart, and Mr, A collected
This past year, trey worked
advisers Mrs. Furreness,
bottles and otrer products every-
1. Gardening and environmental club team up to
sort tre recyclables collected everyday at lunch 2.
Senior Adorn Niedzw1eck; doesn't even break a
sweat blending up his own environmentally friendly
smoothie 3. President Libby Siana and adviser Mrs
Furreness work on tre big recycling project, 4. At
Ire amual smoothie sale, you con enjoy freshly
made energy-saving smoo hies, made by tre bi cycle powered blender
which trey go by is. ·you must be
Ire change you wish to see in Ire
world -Gandhi.
s a unique spin on tennis
f you re up for a fun and
yet sk 1ful miniature version of ten-
theless. ;ts all 1n good company so
friendly yet competitive Friday
nis. Using 1ust a couple of tables.
your time 1s never wasted
afternoon. Table Tenrns club 1s
little nets. a white ball and some
So. if you ever need a break
the place to be. Insisting on the
paddles the hallways of Tremper
from your high school academics. or
title of table tennis versus ping
turn into a place of pure ping-
f you just want to hang out with
panging paradise
maybe a ittle compeMion between
pang. this club has respect for the
game thats great for playing and
Even a half an hour spent with
friends. just listen for the sound of
just hanging out Adviser Ms. Leslie
this club and you'll experience the
ping-pang balls hitting the tables
sits on the sidelines while a variety
1oy or sorrow of winning or losing
every Friday after school.
of kids participate in this relaxing
to one or two opponents. Never-
ow much do you enjoy
of students from freshmen to se-
total of twenty prized and diver-
reading? Here at Bat-
niors. Meeting during advisories
sified books made the official list.
tle of the Books. these
all year round Battle of the books
They commenced in the official
students take pride in
teams met up and practiced for the
battle in last week of February and
competition. The book list this year
teams finished in the top 10 of the
and having fun with books Run by
consisted of Beautiful Creatures by
state level competition.
the now retired Mrs. Stamm, and
Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
As the year come to an end book
Mrs. Kessler, this club reads and
Jonis Joplin: Rise Up Singing by Ann
battlers felt good about their ac-
participates in competitions against
Angel. They Called Themselves the
complishments and os a celebration
other schools and their knowledge
KKK~ The Birth
of an American
and good-bye they held a club
of the year's assigned books.
Terrorist Group by Susan Camp-
lock-in for Mrs. Stomms retirement
This past years club consisted
bell Bartoletti and many more. A
1. Snock time! Mrs. Stamm and students sit down for some
pizza and refreshments at the lack-in for her bittersweet
farewell. 2. Round the computers they go. like a moth to
a flame, to see haw they're holding up compared to the
competition. 3. Playing a nice game of Trivial Pursuit, the
members of B.OB. en1oy their time at the club lack-in.
1 c
cholarship service lead-
worked hord throughout the com-
participation within Notional Honor
and choroder
munity to make Kenosha a bet-
ore the four pillars of
ter place. The requirement for this
Newly inducted members were
those who hove hod the
year's members was to hove fifteen
called up one by one to the stage
honor of being the elite
hours per semester, but most mem-
to receive their certificates Junior
Honor Society Se-
bers went above and beyond this
Hayley Konitzer said ' It was on
club National
niors Jessie Laurenzi Alice Wei
requirement Nicole Thomsen said
honor to be inducted into this pres-
Matt Vecchitto and Emily Ken-
'It was on honor to hove been in-
tigious program and I om looking
ney each wrote on inspiring speech
vited into NHS last year and I om
forward to helping out the commu-
on one of the four pillars and they
excited for the opportunities ii will
nity in any way I con be helpful.'
presented them during the induction
give me.
This group of students is making a
All of this year, post inductees
During the ceremony, post inductees were recognized for their
1. Senior Alice Wei gives her speech during the induction ceremony. 2. Junior Kyle Notlinghom shakes
Principal Aiello s hond after receiving his National
Honor Society induction certificate. 3, Seniors Matt
Vecchi! o and Jessie Lourenz1 clapping for Sen10r
Emily Kenney s speech on one of the four pillars
chorocter. 4. Mr. Shimon Mr Stege and seniors
A1ice Wei and Emily Kenney clap for Principal Aiello s speech during the National Honor Society induction ceremony.
difference 1n the world one service
project at a lime.
Path Dr
Wisconsin covenant
nspiring young people to plan early
ules meetings with each grade level to
1or a prosperous h1gh-schoo1 career
make sure that all students are keep-
public school and financial aid Junior
that wi1I
eventually lead to higher
ing on track with their grades as well
Nicole Cox sad "Even thougr there 1s
education 1s the Wisconsin covenants
as the community service hours •hat are
extra worl required to be 1n Wisconsin
goal. Ms Akalin dedicates an im-
Covenant ii gives me the chance to be
mense amount of her lime to providing
To be in Wisconsin Covenant one
Tremper students with all the necessary
must sign up before the beginning of
tools needed to become a successful
the school year starts as a freshman. The
student Throughout the year she sched-
benefits of being 1n Wisconsin Covenant
are being accepted to any Wisconsin
admitted into my ideal college."
1. Senior twins Keri and Kyle Dennison admire their Wisconsin covenant pins. Kyle said 'The
Wisconsin Covenant has been a great experience. It has allowed me new opportunities
to help in the community, and giving its members their own opportunity to help build their
future." 2. Senior Holly Burgess receives her pin from Ms. Akalin. 3. Ms. Akalin explains o
the Wisconsin Covenant Seniors about the college scholarships hat they will be receiving
he travel club hod no new
coupon books by a certain dote
trips during the summer
of 2010, but that doesnt
then they would be advanced to
Pacific trip ore also selling JCPenny
the next level and be able to sell in
Community Day coupon books.
helping out at the bake sole. and
know they ore going on the South
mean they weren t busy
the store on the day of the Com-
The members tried to earn
munity Day sale They got to that
selling candy individually to get a
money by selling candy individu-
level and sold on extra 35 books
head start on their fundraising The
ally selling donu s and having ba e
soles. From he first bake sole of
which added up to $1,000 for selling more than 100 coupon books.
students that ore going on the Italy
trip agreed with Lauren Oechler's
he year they participated in, they
raised $133. They also did a fund-
During the summer of 2011, they
quote for the back of their T-shirts
will be taking a trip to taly •hen in
roiser 1n the beginning of the year
the summer of 2012, they will be
The South Pacific students voted on
their quote which reads. "We don t
and then again in the middle of the
going to the South Pacific They will
have to worry about the world
year, selling JCPenny Community
stay in Hawaii, Fiji, New Zealand
Day coupon books If they sold 100
and Australia The students that
ending today it's already •omorrow in Australia ·
l Stephanie Tortoriello. Kennedy Davenport, and
Taylor Tomczock sorting goodies at the ba e sole.
2. Kennedy Davenport selling some baked goods.
including cupcakes. 3. Travel club sold candy at Pid
N Sove and earned almost $500. 4, The leader
of travel club. Mrs. Za11cek-Bagenski, handling the
money from the Pick N Sove candy sole.
he Science Tearn, a group
ence Olympiad Competitions This
Which means they received a gold
of very dedicated indi-
year at the Regional Competition
medal as wel Emily Kenney and
viduals. meets on Tuesdays
an Saturday February 5th at UW-
Andrew McNair abo received a
after school. The adviser
M, waul ee.
bronze medal for the 'Fossil' event
of the club is Mrs. Pfeiffer.
Zach Skanron received first place
Jenna Ciszewski also placed sec-
Emily Kenney and John Sturino
gold medal 1n the Write It Do It
ond 1n Optics. Although the Science team is small, they successfully
were the co-presidents of the Sci-
ence team The club competed in
Kenney and Alice Wei got first
both the Regional and State Sci-
placed in
took down the competition.
Experimental Design.'
Jenna Ciszewski.
Skanran. Emily Kenney
Wei, and Andrew McNa1r
at the Regional Competition.
located at UW-Milwaukee.
celebrating with their medals
Zach Skanran and Emily
Kenney earned a gold medal
in the "Write it, Do if event
Alice Wei and Zach Skanron goofing aromd and preparing for a competition.
Alice Wei. Emily Kenney and
Jenna Ciszewsk1 won a gold
medal an the Experimental
t took a while for sk1 and snow-
the Tremper Ski and Snowboarding
and snowboarding skills and others
board club to find on adviser
Club took seven trips to Alpine Vol-
tackled more challenging runs or the
this year but once they did
ley Most members of the club ore
terrain pork. A great time was hod
they hit the ground running.
snowboarders. however both skiers
by all."
Club members took. trips to
and snowboarders ore welcome.
Ski and snowboard club is rela-
area sk1 hills including Alpine Valley.
Students participated in a lesson to
tively new to Tremper but ofter
According to adviser and Trem-
improve their skills and took. on the
the fun and eventful year they hod
Mr. Per;llo
slopes. Some enioyed mild beginner
they should be sticking around for
"Du-ing the 2010-2011 school year,
runs as the worked on their skiing
years to come.
per science teacher
1. A snowboarder flies through the air ofter performing a 1ump on his snowboard. 2. A sk 1er mentally prepares herself before toking the plunge on
the long trip down the hill. 3. All smiles on the ski
lift on the way to the very top of the hil 4.
club members pose for a picture in their gear ofter
hitting the slopes
our way of life
rt Club is a club all about
fun and throughout the year they do differ-
ent projects. Some of the aclivilies they did
throughout the year to give back to the
Here you are free to create
include mask-making pizza parties creating
community, one of these service projects
anything thot you can imag-
abstract paper sculptures. making lie-dye
was making paper scupltures and cards for
ine while making new friends
shirts. and much more. 'This year we also
the Childrens Hospital. In addition to these
who also hove a passion for the arts. The
started a chopter of National Arts Honors
activities Art Club also took a field trip to a
club offers a lime for people to come to-
Society, which means students need to put
museum to further exp1rence art Art Club is
1n 10 hours of service lime.' soid the adviser
more thon just doing pro1ects. it is also about
of the club. Ms. Dorow Along with this.
learning and giving back to the community
gether and do whot they love
The students involved in Art Club hove
the Art Club offers different opportunities
1. Clowning around sophomore Miriam Schulze shows off a mask she made
during a meeting. 2. Art club members work diligently on their projects during
a meeting after school. 3. Members of art club pose with their masterpieces.
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Students gather together to show off
spirited attire while posing for pictures
with friends, and the Trojan man even
made an appearance
Cox Nicole 84 195 206
Cox Ryon 84 '55 201 208 210
Cromer Holey 33 38 50 96 '14 205
Cross Suzorre 71 201 202
Crowford Jordon 61 209
Crowley Don el 84 200
Creoson Brandon 84 208
Crippen Cossarndro 84 200 201
Michael 61 207
203 204 206
[Jav1dson Kerneth 62 200
Dovies •.las 96 203 205
Dav•s Bryce I 140 '55 210
Doersch Alexandro 62 202 204 209
Dohrmom Alayna 84 203. 205 206 221
Dohrmom Josh 50 62 204
Dolnik Motthew 72 203 205 l/06 210
Eorly Damon 62
Eoster Kevin 62 21l
Ebener Leah 38 97 203 205 206 210
Echevemo Ale1ondro 62 203 205
Edmork Moggie 72 153. 209 210
~dwords Eugene 84 121
Edwords Thornes 62 2Clw
63. i42, 206 208. 209 210
Evans Tyler 97 201. 203. 204
Ford Zackary 63
Forrest Cory 84
Forsberg Karyn 84
"mytre Jared 73 200 201 207
'0/'iner Samantha 84
cos:, Michaela 63. 201, 210
Evans Guy
Follensbee Thomas
Evans. Krystal
Fork Dominic
Gagliardo Rose
Godlewski Alexander
Gallegos Destiny
Gallegos .u:ero 63. 202 203
Ga ligan Ashley 63 206 209
Ga1lo. Madeline 73 209
Gamarra Andres '8 85
Gaona. Sara 85
Goldsmith Clarissa
16. 35. 98. 110 200 201
Goll Katelyn 73 204 211
Gomez Cristian 63
Gomez Lorena 63
Yearbook .... the True story
'Theres o guy I krow he's o dirosaur ond he loves to teach me.' A song that just being
hummed con cause yearbook staff to achieve shear anger! So many memories were made
in room 231. Three straight years of everyday third hour documenting our h1g school career
We were there for every event creeping on you with a camera and hunting down teachers.
coaches. and students alike. Not many people realize that we completely make the book
from scratch. Every detail designed (fonts. color page gloss the cover) and elaborately connected through the theme. I've spend two years of my lunch eating in the room I call home.
oddly avoiding the English department as I sleep. study and cob 500 pictures all at once. I
started the class being like ·whatever a lame media class as a sophomore
Ill sit through"
Well ii ended up with my partner-in-crime Jared Blank. and I becoming editors-in-chief over
the past two years. I can row proudly say I am a 'yerd (yearbook nerd) I love it all even
writing everything because Jared refuses to and even the photo prepping that Jared still
refuses to do. Did I mention I love CM YK?
Two faculty members that I consider family, that krow me way too much. and even sometimes more than they would like. are the dear to my heart Ms. Jurgensen lak.a E-J Money)
and Ms. Steinbrink lak.a T-Stein)Through some of the bod days. and my crazy days. we
have laughed till tears fell. normally about my relationships comments. or most recently my
wardrobe choice. From Portland to California to summer school to conferences. everyday
1n 3rd block has defined my high school experience. Ms J has shown me that teachers are
indeed 'real' people She was thrown into taking on the yearbook mid year at the beginning. just as Jared and I started and together we have created three full books that I am
extremely proud of. She is an amazing teacher. For Ms. Steinbrink, besides encouraging me
to go Lady Gaga yellow blonde she has been a vital part of the crew and I couldn't have
enpyed the class with out her and her sarcastic wisdom. I will miss her. Now for Karl' Jared
Blank. He knows everything to know about me and has been a great listener even when it
was involuntary. Jared I want to say ·yearbook buddies forever!' You can hide with your
hood and spew negativity but you are my rock and I never would have made ii through
high school without you!
"You're gonna miss this You re gonna want this bock..' :)
Within the 232 page publication. all design layouts and copy generated by staff on iMacs
in lrDesign CS4. with graphics and photos edited in Illustrator CS4 and Phatoshap CS4
Volume 47. Press run of 850 copies. Sold at registration for $65 with prices increasing to
$80 after publication. This book was printed by Walsworth Publishing Company in Marceline. MO. Cindy Wandschneider is our company representative and she provides endless
help and support. The book features color on all pages. which were printed on Crown
Matte 100 11 paper, and it also features a matte laminated cover. Fonts used 1n this book
include A WPC Maxiroo. A WPC Chelsea and A WPC Alice. Digital photos taken primarily
by student photographers with Canon EOS Rebel XS cameras. Some photos were taken
by LifeTouch studios. or submitted by school staff or students.
Seit/Qr Ktrt Dtnlfi4f!n
third year
Room 231 the yearbook room It all started three years ago. I decided to give yearbook a
chance. Why not? Little did I know how much it would change my high school career I never
thought that a teacher or a class could hove such an impact on my ife. I never thoug t I would
meet one of my best friends. or that a simple class would guide me into my future career
Before I go on and get all sad and sappy I feel like I need to answer same common questions.
0 Why does the yearbook take so long?
A: Really? Do you guys see all the pictures and writing? And trying to actually get quotes
and tracking people down to get one picture . I can go on but I will just leave it at that
Q That quote 1s not what I said
A It probably was. Maybe you re embarrassed about what you said
I know how it works
0: "I am never in the yearbook"
A: Well, all I can say is we try our best. People may not believe us when we say that but ask
anyone in yearbook. we truly try. OR you were not involved in any activities. and when we
tried to toke a picture of you for alternative coverage. you ran away You know who you ore.
0 It is the end of the year, so where is my yearbook?
A: OK, Tremper hos ALWAYS been a fall delivery school. It has been that way since the
school first opened So. I do not know where anyone gets this idea of getting the book at
the end of the year If we were a spring delivery school. you would not get any of the spring
sports. prom, go pink, graduation, senior banquet and many other events. And don t pull the
"oh well I wont people to sign my yearbook": thats what Focebook is for.
0: So my ID picture does not count as my senior picture?
A: No. just like we said in the countless phone coils. announcements and newsletters home For
at least the past ten years we have only used submitted professional senior portraits.
0: I con not afford a senior picture.
A: Your portrait for the yearbook is FREEll! Just go to Prestige and get one token.
0 "Oh my god I cont believe you used that picture of me"
A: Just a warning. ii you toke ANY embarrassing pictures with the yearbook camera we II use
them, and ii there were any that we took and you don't like. well you ore probably the same
person who complains ii you ore not in the booK Appreciate itl
Overall, yearbook become more than a doss for me. I learned so much more in this doss than
any other, from photography to writing. to designing to advertising and marketing
mode some amazing life-long friends Ms. J become more than 1ust a teacher. I remember the
first day she started and I thought "How is this 22 year old going to teach us. or even get
the yearbook done?" She goes above and beyond to make the yearbook better Steinbriri
first year
the teacher that was just there. whether it was togging along with us to Portland or Disney
she always has some sort of comment to make us laugh. And then there is Keri Dennison my
·yearbook buddy" for the lost three years. All I have to say to you Keri. is that ' love you. You
taught me to not core what others think and to live life to the fullest. I om glad and proud to
say that I om a •yerd' (yearbook nerd!.
StlfiQrJared Blank
third year
Special thanks to all faculty parents and students for their help and support. especially those
who submitted photos or information. Also to Walsworth Publishing Company, LifeTouch studios. Kenosha News, and all those who purchased business and senior ads.
first year