The Classic 2009
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The Classic 2009
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 2008 to 2009 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
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(Left) The Trojanettes dance team performs an intense, fast-paced routine during the homecoming foothill game in
(Above) Pie splatters around the gym after a tudent throws a pie at the face of Principal Aiello during a winter pep
Fall to Wi
(Left) L'1ughter and cheers fill the air as students surround the host, Mr. Ri::o, after a spring spirit assembly. Some students even
perch on shoulders to participate in the festivities. (Alxwe) Melissa Sobin gives her spcc"'Ch during the graduation ceremony.
Spring to Summer ....
n October 10th thi year hundreds of excited
peoPle came out to the parade to promote their Trojan
pride. When it can1e to the theme, building floats agreeing with thi years, Worry the Warriors, was no piece of
cake, however, the junior class had managed to build an
foot Trojan Man along with field goal posts on their
float which helped them win the 200 float building
competition between the classes. Juniors Kara Gucciardo
and Max Pierson both agreed that winning the competition added to the delightful thrill of homecoming and
aid, "we really enjoyed dancing on the float and throwin~ andy to all of our friends watching us go by".
Afong with having a successful parade, the Trojans once again carried out the much loved tradition
of winning our omecoming game. Our football team
def t
Warrior 14-3. Big plays like Jake
Snell' 7 3 ) ard touchd()\\n ass to wide receiver, Deion
ubrouoh, were made to add to the lead the Trojans
over the Warriors raising the crowds enthu~1.1 m ~md interest m the game. The game \Vas amaze ecstatic about the "W", senior
->o.,A-...,..rr.+ :nr,...,......,,;""",..,,..nmented that "it ended up being
~ AB seen above: Trojan seniors shouting at
1c than we expected, but to win it meant
~ the top of their lung , Nex Johnson and
not only the team but also to the school, the
ABhley Morgan, decked out in their blue, reel,
students, ;md alumni."
and white apparel, cheering their favorite Trojan player on to victory.
Below: The powderpuff seniors quickly pose for
) )
Left: This year, the admini tration added
a picture in the pouring rain right before their
a urprise prior to the football team' entrance.
big win against the juniors.
The crowd was introduced to a man who parachuted down onto the field right before the Trojan football team ran out. Jwuor Matt Heiring
aid, "It was very unexpected but everyone loved
it and I hope they do it again next year."
When in doubt,
use glowsticks.
~sr. Marcos Perez
Vegas was the theme of the homecoming
ce as decided upon by the pirit Events committee of student government. Every year tudent govemment puts in weeks of preparation in hopes that, no
matter what the outcome of the football game the night
before, Saturday night goes off without a hitch. The
school was transformed into the Vegas Strip with playing
cards, dice, and poker chips adoming the hallways and
the b'Ym. Student govem.mcnt advisor Mrs. proul commented, "I thought the gym looked awesome, and the
student govemment member put in hundreds of hour
of work to create a high-class casino a011osphere."
r tyle, som o the most popular dress colors
were jewel tone>, like teals and purples, earthy color ,
like br 11 and Liv , emd of course the old standby,
so bubble hemmed dresses and bows were very
ropular. For the guys, black pants, a nice shirt and a tie
seem to always be en vogue.
Dunng the danc itself, the music that was played
en · little worked up. When the song
v g" · the Jonas Brother came on, some students l~ ,an to chant in discontent. Some of the adult
on \\ re not happy with this di play, but the
chanting was quickly put to an end. Sophomore Kaitlyn
Merritt said, "I think there will always be a 'Lovebug' at
every dance and people won't like it, but the dj has to
play music for a variety of different people." Luckily one
bad song choice did not ruin the whole evening.
Top: Senior Beth Wem1eling and Alyssa
Rovik prove girls just wanna have f w1
while dancing with their dates!
Above: Senior Joe Concannon in mid
dance solo at homecoming.
Right: Senior Allison Johnston leans in
next to senior Emily Lynch and junior
Andrew Powell.
From the polls all the way to the halls every opinion and vote counts.
d at local municipal clerk's offices was
1 ue throughout the nation as the 2008 election season was under way. Voters had until 5:00 PM
on November 3rd to rock the vote as an "early voter."
While critics estimated never before seen voting numbers, the public tried to find any way to get out of the
long lines. All over the county voting polls opened early
to allow the locals to vote before the infamous November 4th. Outstanding numbers in large cities such as
Chicago and New York stum1ed govermnent official .
Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes went to Barack Obama
by 56 percent of the population.
After George W . Bush's approval rating dropped
down to an ultimate low of just 31 percent, America
was looking for a change not only in President but party.
Obarna's strong vi ions of hope, progress and change
won the popular vote of young voters, African Americans as well as those people who had not been voting in
the past. John McCain and Sarah Palin put up a strong
fight wit heir conservative views and realistic time
lines. Although they did not come out on top, their
opinions have will be respected and followed by many in
the poJ! · world.
vcral . n1dent conunitted their time to volunteering at the Barack Oh<:
Democratic Center as well as
canvassing for his campaign. Senior Asma Kadri said,
"although I could not vote, I felt the time I put in at the
was more of a contribution than just one vote."
There were scv ral other students actively involved in
the campaign such as Jennifer Babcock, Joe Concannon,
P· ~us and Ashley Morgan.
The campaign of Barack Obarna was focused
around a change filled with hope and progress.
His vivid colors and modem look brought out
the largest vote among young people as well a>
African Americans. Senior, As1na Kadri wa>
not old enough to vote but, if she could she
said, "Obama all the way because he was genuine, his ideas never shook and he was a very
stable candidate." As the first African American President his can1paign was more than ju t
an image, he tmly was a change for the nation.
His slogan "A Change You Can Believe In."
was a prime example of his ambitious ideas for
the country in a time of recession.
r o
tllte Te~t
The girl ' Varsity and JV golf teams had an admirable season. Both teams took
4th at Regionals and 6th at
tional. At the O:Jnfcrence meet, Varity finished
3rd overall and the JV team came in 2nd. The girl fcit that these were great results
and that their efforts led to a uccessful year. "The team practices Monday through
Friday for two hours, the repetition really help our game," said sophomore Caitlin
Cairo. They all worked hard and were proud of what they had accompli hed as a
The team this year was very supportive of each other and they really worked
productively together to accomplish their best. Although they were team mates on
the course, they were also good friends off the course. "We are all really close," aid
sophomore Rachel Zalaznick, "and we like to joke aroW1d and have fw1. This team
was really a wonderful group of girl ." Also, working with the yoW1ger girls was a
highlight for senior Joanna Yow1g. "I loved helping the yoW1ger girls and playing
with my friends. I made a lot of close friends on the golf team." The veteran girls'
guidance paid off for fellow golfer like freshman Jaime Elson. "My favorite team
bonding activity was the early morning practices and roW1ds of golf. As an incoming freshman, prior to the start of the chool year, practicing with my team mate:;
gave me a sense of belonging to Tremper."
The beauty of the game of
golf i that the only one you
are actually competing with i
-fr. Jaime Elson
GIRLS' GOLF: <front) Morris, Jaime Elsen, Emily VanBergen, Nicole Geiger, Caitlin Cairo (2rnl row) Samantha Atkielski, Emily Nyquist, Lauren 0.inchan,
Elise Valeri, Kristen Sebetic, Hailey Koniter, Laura Morgan (back) Joanna Young,
Al:by Stauder, Coach Valeri, Coach Phipps, Emily Althoff, Rachel Zalaznik.
ith an 8-1 record this year, the girls' tenni team wept their Conference
season and qualified two of their player , Brianna Riley and Jenna Hw11phreys, to
the State tournament in October. But the road to victory was not exactly a walk
in the park for the tennis girls this season, as they lost seven top Varsity senior
and had to start from scratch with a new temn.
With a Varsity line-up of only three returning players, seniors Taylor Thomas
and Emily hannon, and junior Rachel hapiro, the teain took on five new freshmen players along with three other new juniors and seniors to add to the team.
The girls worked hard throughout the season, and even though it was a bumpy
road at fir t, they took on the challenge and each player worked at finding where
her own place was on the team to puzzle together and build up the temn once
again. According to jwlior doubles player Julia Broesch, "since there was only
three returning Var ity players, it was hard to a<lju t an<l create a close team right
way. But as the season kicked in, we came together and we all became so close."
By the end of their season, the girls defended their title once again by holding
their position as one of the top teams in the rate to beat. When the number
one doubles team, Brianna Riley and Jenna Humphreys, made it to the State
tournament, they recall it as being "the topping on the cake to the end of a great
"Run to the Roar" and challenge
ourselves to fight each point in
our matches, we will come out
on top. We will be victoriou ,"
according to Garette Gessert.
VARSITY TENNl : ifront) Julia Broesh (2nd row) Trish 01rutcnbury, R.1chd Shapiro, Jenna
Humphreys, Brooke Bloedom, Mara Bertog, Bnanna Riley (back) Coach Tom Pacetti, Garette
Ge:;sert, Megan toebig, Enuly Shannon, Emily L}nch, Taylor Thomas, Cmch Lc"1s.
JV RED TENNIS: (front) Hollie White, Elliott Thomas, Leah Ebener, Vytaute Paskauskaite,
Mackenzie Harmell, Haley Marzolf (2nd row) Aly&5a Krehbiel, Gina Bla:ic\\. kc, Trisha Camosy, Marisa Lucke, Melissa Niesen, Holly Wopuc: (back) Coach Pacetti, Kari Kirkegaard, Cassie
Housaman, Kate Shannon, Brooke Dickow, Emily Rabin , Coach Lewis.
JV BLUE TENNIS: (front) Lauren Schlit:, Katie Sturino (2nd row) Dominique Stangas, Andrea
Buckley, Lexxus Jones, Stephanie Ah·are:, Alice \X'ei,Je>ste \X'erbie, Katie Schcor (3rd row) &'Cky
Brothers, Beth Eng\\is, Julie Parrish, Jackie Mack, Anna 0:1t1cannon, Emily Kenney, Sam Pauben,
Megan Wcb-tcr (back) Coach Holman, Megan Oiattcrton, Bise 8mblad, ~legan hurmmn,
Brittany Matley, Aly ·1 RO\ik, Emily Rt.sher, BranJt Du,trn1, G:rach Atkins.
rant cs...s1ca
ras1cr, ·anca: ice1,
c e
an ef"iey, s ey
l y omson,
Steven Tainter, Mike Kernan, hck Melito, Carl Mazzolmi, Sydney Hujik, Heather Prysc, Lindsay McKincly, Shelby
Hawley, Fmm Hansen, Serena Jones (2nd row) Zac Beckman, Ryan Zdper, Q>uglas Carl1<in, Anthony Romano, Isacc
Oin:ez, D:iminic Brown, Ethan Llttd,Johnny Hernandez, Ryan Snell, Seth Akms, Brandon Fc1vor, Andre Reyes (3rd
row) Josh Wallner, Andrew Grey, Vinny l'onk, Srcphon Jackson, David !'bider, Tyler Thompson, Torry Tyson, Kyle
Weddel, ,jL>e Parker, Randy Brown, Randy Kimble, Mike Short, Marquise McNcal (4th row) Cooch (})!in Zalokar,
Coach Kevin Aronin, Cooch Jared D'Angelo, Coach Jack Musha, Cooch Lamoync Hawley, Ty Peterson, Gabe Henriks.oi1, Trainer ikki Kaddatz, Jaryd Strickland, Shawn Miller, Oiach Frank Matrisc, Jr., Cooch Mike McKay, Cooch
Dave Deml:xJWski, Oiach Marc Hujik, Or. Fred Tenuta (5th row) Jeremy Nelson, Ken Zigner, Ryan Neu, Tyler Poland,
Scott Forchette, Kyle Scbetic, Rol:crt McCrea, Phil Jensen, Jordan Enwright, Randy Frederick, Dcion Scarbrough, Ryan
Smith (back) Evan Hoffman, Anthony Cclcbre, Andrew Doherty, Martin Torrez, Andrew,Jake Snell, Alex
Newberry, Zac Epping, Oms Q)oper, Damon Williams, Tony Pappenfuo, Griffin Sengbusch, Austin w lownia.
the 2008 football season, the Trojans were looking to
mpliment the great season that they had put on in 2007.
ith coming in second place in the 2008 S.E.C standings,
rking for that title was not an easy achievement.
y suffering from two losses the entire season,
one against Racine Park and the other one occurring against Horlick, they played their best
knowing that some of their most valuable
players would be graduating. But that did
not stop them. Successfully making it
to the 2008 Division 1 playoffs, they
showed the community, that we are
Trojans! With the five home games
that we have in this upcoming season, we will prosper, and the team
will work harder for that title that
they deserve, the Division I State
Championship. We are looking for
sweet revenge, and we are willing
to prove that we want this more
than any other school in the SEC
Football is no
t to u , its
a passion.
SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL: ifrant) Rachel Tankersly, Serena Jones, Jessica Thrasher, Justin Shepard, Jose
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL (jrant) Ashley DeBree, Lindsay McKmley, Sabre Shulski, Ke\'ln Ora«, Andy Romotis,
Ecavile, Alex Jackson, Gayton Boyer, Lindsay McKinely, Ashley DeBree, Frann Hanson (2nd row) Keith Mills,
Darell Tl1orton, James Nocx:lley, Steve Rasch, Dominique Dixon, Coach Colin Zalokar, Coach Kevin Aronin,
Coach Jared D' Angelo, Jacob Kryer, Matt Deleon, Steve Shamelling, Tom Johnson (3rd row) Oxly Oiamberlin,
Daniel Nieves, Kyle Nasurick, Jacob Homik, Travis Holaman, Peter More, Matt Harris, Jack Kugler, Jacob
Leslie, Tyler Der~ner, Ber en Hanson (back) Andrew Kor , Cameron Heyden, Tyler Jas., Da\'id,tJhrecht,
Michael Dolkm, Brian einbr , Bri< Quinn, [)a,;d Pann 1cier, Kyle Dci , Rt K t , Zak &iksori,
10 Hen1a11dez.
Morgan Kislia, Carly Knight (2nd row) Terry Price, Brandon 0-eason, Sergio Romero, Adam Nordquist, Carleton Quids,
Jo;hua Ouiteruen, Den1etrio Garces, Jo;h Skarda. Nathan Walker, Marty Pim, Jr., Bryan fuhrer, Austin Thompsm
(3rd row) Connor Patty, Jakob \Xlillko1mn, Aamir Kadri, Jon Pecha, Coach San1 Ro,1k, Q,.,ch T0m Ro,ik, Coach~ latt
Bro"n, Coach John Steinbrmk, GEch Aina; Beerink, Taylor Roiekm,'11<, Rotb,· Salarli, Kainn Longnlire, Derrick
Wright (4th row) jo;eph imn , Rol:-bie Oegrazi D;l\id Leiting, Jr., Andrew Kman, Michael Andersotl, Nichola>
Kirk, Nate N \jlll>l Michael cc , Austin \Xlhitside. Ryan Cox, Kyle Andraschko, Brandm Zigner (5th row) G:innor
acher, Mitchell Hilliard, Erik Klade, Patrick
'" Matthew Loef,JaredJones. Kancrell &l\"-•1.Jacob kn1'!Q' Lucas Sheen, j.'lke Licher, Zack Niles (back) ck Mom., 1ck Lucas, De.xter ~1olinaro, Jordan Shulski, Tony
John Scali~ . Jr., Dylan Prtr..anski, l't<mdm Schueble,, te Nonk>er), Bryan Page, Qui, Yafelmk, L=c Qumn.
the PoIDl
With a 5-4 season record thi year, the girls' swim and dive team placed fifth
at both Conference and Sectionals. The 200 Medley Relay of Lindsey Bernhardt,
Gintare Paskauskaite, Geena DeGrazia, and Megan Mahoney fell hort of going
to tate by a third place finish. However, for the econd year in a row, the team
sent a returning diver, enior Jessica Stolfi, to tate. he placed second at Conference and automatically qualified for State. With 317.25 points, she dove to a
tenth place finish at State and cored 7 points for the team.
wimrning is one of the most physically challenging sports. The girls were in
the pool at five o'clock for morning practice and would not leave the pool until
after six at night. "We are with each other almost 2417, making us a little family,"
said junior Teresa Romano, "Together we laugh, cry, win and lose." According to
junior Aimee Witl1, "We're all pretty much a big girly family!"
This year, the team worked extremely hard to stay in shape in and out of the
water. With the help of Speec!Zone, the team received professional strength training twice a week. "We hired Speec!Zone to run our dryland program and target
muscle groups specific to swirruners and divers," said senior Jaclyn Yeary. "The
girls who took advantage of the workouts saw a huge improvement at the end of
the season."
To take a break from all the hard work, the girls enjoyed some team bonding
with a car wash, bowling, and picnic and games at Petrifying prings Park. "The
picnic was a great chance to get to know everyone and we all had a blast," recalled
senior Kayla Jozwiak.
The team captain for this year were seniors Jaclyn Yeary, Hannal1 Oates, and
Jessica Stolfi as well as junior Teresa Romano. The team is sad to lose seven senior
swirruners who were on the team for all four year as well as an exceptional diver
who has been on the team for three years.
Strouf, Jessica Stolfi (2nd row) Addey Kifle, Sarah Olase, Lauren Annsrrong, Taylor Eggert,
Jamey Bums, Amber Bain, Coach Oiera Hessenthaler, Coach Jackie Schani (.ml row) &unantha
a n, aymi
oc , a 1e
en arps er, ai ey
wch Pam Dombkowski, Emily Miller, Emily Boak-Nyberg, Rachel Stoebe, Hannah Freiberg,
Lauren Oechler, Lauren Borchardt, Qielsea Lawell, Brittany Durkee (5th row) Q)ach Joe Kosman,
Stephanie Rozzoni, Gintare Paskauskaire, Leah Orr, Teresa Romano, Aimee Wirth, Kayla Jozwiak, Jaclyn Yeary, Lindsey Bernhardt (back) Sierra Dart, Megan Lindquist, Jenna Ciszewski, Alyssa
Jo:wiak, Laura Thomsen, Sara Mahoney, Holly Mahoney, Megan Mahoney, Hannah Oates.
~ether and we 'WCilf'
-jr. Lindsey Bemhardt
-Seniors Hannah Oates, Sierra Dart,
Megan Mahoney and Amber Gasgoine
pretending to be synchronized swimmers.
only has he won eight gold metals in the Bejing Olympics, but
he has beaten the odds as well, and that in itself is an inspiration."
-girls' swim team
The girls' cm country team did a great job in the '08 season and the pain was
evident as they nm race after race. They managed to win first and second in the
county race and the entire team then moved on to State. Working very hard and
enduring brutal after school and weekend training sessions, some of the team members even found the strength in them to place. Junior Sarah Ball placed sixth at
the WIAA tate Meet and broke her own record by completing the race in 14:51.
She also won the award for being the team's most valuable runner. Earning the
position of the most outstanding first year rurmer was freshman Christina Dalton
with her endurance and hard work. Julie Randle beat her personal goal for the
season of 17 minutes at the Oshkosh Invite and became an alternate for the state
meet. Junior Rebecca Stoebe just wanted to make it through the season without
an injury, which is not as easy as it sounds. The team can1e in ninth out of 52 in
their academic achievements just to prove that they have it all, brains and speed.
All of the girl accomplished their goals and so much more than they ever thought
that they could.
" uper-special-awesome-can't believe its not butter-fanta tic", junior Priscilla
(})ffrnan describes how she felt after one of her races. Many good times were
shared and memories were made while running toward that finish line. Many more
are still to come as the girls continue to succeed. All of the girls were very appreciative of their true fans who stuck out the season with them, whether it was their
fairnly, their friends or their peers. The cheers and encouragement helped brighten
up the race for the runners and
gave them each more motivation
to win. A sense of pride fills the
air as they recall the triumphs of
this season as well as the memories. The pain of these brutal
races is in fact temporary but the
pride they will carry continues on.
GIRlS' CROSS COUNTRY: ifront) Leah Muro, Lindsey Allemand, Sarah O:mwell, Julie Randle,
Sam Friedl, Jenna Ralph (2nd row) Kelsey Wagner, Abby Huck, Molly Kor, Victoria Vlach, Makenzie Jones, Haley Klinkhammer, Rebecca Stoebe (3rd row) Oiristina Dalton, Katherine Wielgos, Allison Carson , Shannon Whitten , iki Post, Melissa bin, Priscilla O:iffman, Amanda O:ile (back) Samantha Ifannon- mith, O:iach Freddy Garcia, Kayla Knight,
11narie Riva, i ha Ly , O:i<lch
Olar! Bradley, Anna Werve, forah Bal\, Lindsay Giockert , ach Alan kripsky.
E AT A TI E ...
Through the hot swmner day and frigid post-season workouts the boys cross country
team's detennination presented its intense dedication time after time. These amazing
athletes work their hardest to be the best they can be. With every step they take to
press forward through exhau tion. With a younger team, there was a new competitive
edge for Varsity pots. Even as the younger crowd approached, veterans Phil Woodley,
Kevin Randle, and Steve Uttech affim1ed their spots as Varsity captains, through
challenges and controversies. For these cross-country leadwas a tough season, but captain Kevin Randle kept up
the spirit, achieving a spot as a state qualifier for our
Trojans. The team has been pushing each other to
move forward at every comer. They stay close as
well by dining at Fazoh's as a team, and on their
fun filled rides to Parkside for practice. Many
returning cross boys have even fought against
the elements during their year-row1d training.
TI1ese boys seem to never give up and always
give it their all. They all have hunted to lock their
spot on Varsity as proud member and role
models for all student athletes to prove their
passion for running and the boys' cross
country team.
CROSS COUNTRY: (jrant) Kevin Randle, Zackary Owen, Micheal Jaros, Adam Kok, Anthony Huber ,Daniel
Ball, Cody Moreland (2nd row) Jared Blank, John McMahon, C.ollin Rasch, Sam Carlson, Joshua Ault, Andy
hendl, Jeremy Troup, Casey Skalbeck, Anclew McNair (3rd row) Nick Leslie, Brian Kirkegaard, James Lelunan, Kevin Olike, Joe C.oncannon, Phil Wooclley, Nick Eggert, Ben C.oopland (4th row) Steven Uttech, Kyle
Henry, William Hom, Kevin Gann, Michael Bomeutter, Levi Horton, Zach Hansen, Ethan Schwalke, Kyle
Nottingham (back) C.oach Freddie Garcia, C.oach Al Skripsky, Tommy Aikens, Michael Eggert, Thaer Bitar,
Daniel Sparks, Michael Kammer, Matthew Torres, C.oach Oiuck Bradley, Samantha Harmon-Smith.
The boys Var tty soccer team had an outstanding season with an overall record
of 19 wins, 4 le scs, m1d 2 ties. These exceptional number led to a finishing record of 7-1-1 in the uthcast GJnference. Despite losing Joey Bilotti, the team's
key player, to a broken collar bone, the team battled on. They won the title of
tional South hmnpions, Kenosha GJunty GJnference Clash Champions, Sheboygan South Toumament hampions, Lake Geneva Badger Invite Runners up,
and Regional hampions.
A number of team members received All- utheast Conference awards. These
players were Marcos Pere: for goal keeping, Alex Ridolfi as a defender, Henrik
Egly as a midfielder, and David Caban and Jesu Oseguera as forwards.
Receiving A ll- E
uth Division were Matthew x: as a defender, and Dominic Ridolfi and athan GJe as midfielders. Joey Bilotti m1d Matt Vecchitto were
honorably mentioned. All- tate nominees were Henrik Egly as a position player
and Marcos Pere: as a goalkeeper.
T11e Junior Var ity and the Freshmen teams ha<l a great eason as well. The JV
team finished their season with a record of 10-6-3, and the Freshman team fini hed with a record of 9-4-2.
VARSITY SOCCER:(front) Marcos Pere:, Andy hmidt, Gxmor Hildebrandt, Man
Vccchirto, Jimmy Jm~ (2nd row) Coach Laurent, Gal:'<! Puterbaugh, Dominic Pisciotti,
Alex Ridolfi, Jesus 0...'guera, Matt teITTJner:, Coach Sr. Peter (3rd row) Matthew Coe,
athan Coe, Andrew Powd, Hennk Egly, Ethan Samclcr, Dom1ruc Ridolfi (back) Coach
&ker, , th
, Sheldon All ,
Bilk n, J 1 chc11, ·1ch Tindall.
JV SOCCER: (from) Ja;h Skanron, Jordan Zamudio, Joey Masi (2nd row) Oxich Laurent, Alex
Kolhnan, David Dejno, Brian Tredup, Tony Ricciardi, Adam Gagliald, Oxich St. Peter (3rd
row) Pierre Rollet, Brock Mogensen, Jake Humphreys, A lex Kolacek, Ryan Griffin (back) Oxich
Baker, Riley McKay, Zach Skanron, Peter Preston, Nicolas Spene!, Jacob Lmen, Oxich Tindall.
(frant) l\1ick Bro1m, Jake O;ter, 01ase Jw1ge,
Lw1d, Robert 01ase (2nd row) Matt Bible, Jacob Birch, Ke1'iI1 Bruce, Garett Koch,
ick Vecchitto, Thomas Follensi:x."e (back) Q">ach Laurent, Q">ach Baker, Efrain Anguiano, Matt Homf, Miguel Lope:, Q">ach Tindall, Q'1<1ch t. Peter.
The ex! ·were against them. Posrponed gam , over scheduling and a forced forfeit at the conference championship, but still, they were victorious. The volleyball
team consi ted of eight senior , along with three juniors and one sophomore. Due
to the variou injuries between some of the Varsity player , some of the younger
girl had to tep it up a notch and ubstitute in. Losing Marika VanDenBerg due
to an injury in her ankle was a major conflict faced by the team, especially dealing
without her height for piking and as.sists. Out for three weeks, Abby Padlock
faced the challenge of Arthroscopic knee urgery, but was able to make it back
in time to demoli h &loit at Regionals. creaking through as undefeated, the
team swept their way through conference. However, due to an over scheduling of
games, the team was forced to forfeit the conference tournament. Although the
girl and coach were disappointed and upset about the new·, they pulled themselves together and managed to develop into a stronger team through countles.s
hours of practice and hard work. Therefore, the team managed to gain enough
points to still go to team State and witl1 a weet victory took home fir t place.
They were ranked 9th and beat 5th teams ranked ahead of them to win the title of
Division 1 tate Olampions. "At State there was so much excitement and nerves
in each game. During the final game we knew that we were going to win the state
title, but every point was intense" -jr. Caitlyn Richter. The girls were competitive
with each other, but alway came together as a team.
Senior girl warm-up and
discu trategy and play
before playing a hard
core scrimmage.
VARSITY: (front) Amanda Spaay, Diane Ewens, Taylor Dieanan (2nd row) Katelp1 Hegewald, Mallory RolJiruon, T ricm, Lauren Mogensen (back) Coach
Larry Apker, AIU,• Padlock, Becca Kelly, Mariska VanOcnBergh, Caid}11 Richter,
Beth Larsen, Coach Sabnna ifres.
JUNIOR VARSITY: (front) Sara karda, Leah Perri (2nd row) Emily Kmiec, Alex
Putera, Libby lana, Kayla Palmer (back) Ellie DuJardin, Kaycee Galit:, Jenny Peterson,
Coach Mary Rutchik, C1ssie Frederick, Ann Ly, Carley Gra;s.
FRESHMEN: (front) tephanie Freeman, Kaleigh Fisrumm (2nd row) Emily Woller,
Shannon Panmmier, Emma Patton, Nicole Schult: (back) Lauren Bar=h, Alyssa Cmer,
Tori &l\\man, Coach Tiffany Riley, Kristen Kelly, Rhyen Bart:, miantha Binghmn.
Relief and hock flooded the gym after a much-needed victory against the
infamou Horlick Rebels. The outcome of thi one game pushed the Trojans to
the top, making them conference champions. All year, the boys' team was not
even projected to make it to the playoffs. TI1ey began the season on an excellent
note, winning all of their games up to the match against Middleton. The team
continued on their winning streak, giving up a few games here and there but
remained solid for the majority of the season. On the whole, we were well-represented by the volleyball team and our school once again showed our incomparable spirit and transferred it into an awe-inspiring season. The Boys' Volleyball
season ended on November 6th with a loss to the New Berlin team, but this did
not destroy their pride about the season as a whole. Their final record for the
season was 26-7, which i excellent. One of the captains, Tomas Goldsmith, was
named to the Wisconsin Boys' Volleyball Coaches As.sociation All- tate Team.
He was also an All- EC First T earn selection. The other captain, ick Mueller,
was chosen for the All-SEC 2nd team for the second time. He lead the Trojans
in kills in 2007 and was second in 2008. We were fortunate enough to have
both players leading our Varsity team. Every team member pulled together to
play their part in this well-Gilecl machine.
Senior Ricky Steinke kneeL1
down to hit the ball during a match. He was the
recipient of the Coaches
Award this year.
Seniors Cody Miller, Ju tin Morris, and Nate Moses, silently observe and lend
their support to the Varsity team from the sidelines, just waiting for a chance to
show off their skills to the crowd.
VARSITY VOLLEYBALL:(front) Kyle Quum, Joe Martinez, Alex Burford (2nd row) Marko
Poldroos, Kyle Peterson, Kyle Bakkila, Ricky Stei11ke, Joshua Schuandt, Nate Moses, Cody Miller
(back) Matt Engelmann, Justm Morris, Assistant Coach Brian Sharkey, Coach Curtis Madson,
Oiach Becky Tiralxissi, Ben Dawiec, Tomas Goldsmith.
JV VOLLEYBALL:(front) Joey McKil1ley, Joe Martine:, Sam kall-eck (2nd row) Oms [)Jpuch, Kurt Riemer, Adam Lmdgraf, Alec Bir::, Ale.x Farnam, Zach Dawiec (back) Assistant Coach
Brian Sharkey, Andrew Fricke, Jay Trimmer, Ryan Miller, Joshua Schwandt, Ron Schaefer, Assistant Coach Becky Tirabassi.
and morali .
--jr. Kevin Lath
Reading Between the LJnes
1. Junior Lindsey Bemhardt i deeply engro ed in her book as she reads during English
class while junior Sara Griffiths in the back is concentrating hard to an wer questions
about her book during work time.
Bethanne Duffy and junior tephanie
Miller present a cene from Lillian Hellman's The Oiildren's Hour for their Drama II
final. Drama II and Drama III were add to the urriculum after a seven year absence.
3. Mr. Wisniewski's AP English 11 cla during ilent reading.
Thomborough and sophomore athaniel Hedges-Goettl act out a skit about an eagle that
was released into the wild and then promp,tly hit by a car in Drama I. tudent were asked
unior Mallory
to write hort comedies or dramas based off of nc spaper articl .
Lepouce and enior Ashley Lar n pcrf m1 Yesterday's W indow b Chiori Miyagawa durtheir ctin work while Drama III tudent
ing Drama IL Drama II tudents howca
had an opportunity to di play their dir ting skills.
ould love to visit
taly. The cultur
interesting! '
--Fr. Nicole Tho
Studying the past helps us look to the future.
- soph. T ori La ey
ause so muc 1. history
ars liave happeried
" ing back to the Victorian age would be cool
because I wo love to
wear all the neat clothes!''
interesting and ometimes tedious ta ks, sophomore Annie Riley rocks
out in the class room. 2. Junior Kaity Aceto's psychology class does many fun thing , like
taking personality quizzes. "In government and politics class we have a promethean board
and that's really cool." Teacher are always coming up with fascinating new activities to
incorporate in the clas room. 3. Sophomo
ick Miller tak a different view on what
others may think on classes being only for working. He says, "TI1e friends I made will live in
my memories forever." • re~
ate ewberry, a student of Mrs. Z'lficek-Bagenski,
knows what it like to work hard. he creates projects that challenge terco
, a umptions, and myths that mainstream culture <md history ha portrayed as reality. He work hard
on the projects and can overcome what is th own at him. 5. Sopho ore Calen elson
takes working hard to a new meaning. Wor · g hard can take a lot out of p r n, but he
till finds time to chill with her fricn .
' I always study before
math tests by looking
back at formulas and
methods in my notes. '
--sr. Zachary Fosbinder
Priming our minds multiply our GPAs
"My teaching styl ··Wo1lilM""I
school. I show my students
what they need to learn,
and then I hold them ac,
1. Junior Courtney Wolf is in Mrs. Infusino' Math Analy is class. he enjoy math because it
is challenging and he ha hopes of becoming an accountant. 2. Sophomore andra Blakeslee
explains her passion for math, "I like math becau ether i
lway a right answer and a wrong an,
swer, nothing in between."
n . f!, numbers into h er calculator is ophomore, Laura
Morgan. "I like when teacher give lots of exan1pl , especially on h aren't in the lx:xJk so that
if you don't under tand the examples in the !xxJk you have others t go ba.c k t .
Mr . King'
Algebra 2 math cla , sophomore Jirrm1y Jones is cor centratin on his cal ulctor. "I do the practice
tests at the end of each chapter and quizz , whic
ually helps m to cl re ly w
on the test ."
5. Sophomore Ann Ly d cribes a pos iblc f u ure use of math, 'Tm larming 1 being an An,
esthesiologi t, where I need math tom
urc all th h1edicati01 "
Bubbli g up new c ncoc · ns
"It's so cool how eolo
mixes in with our other
classes like biology and
hemistry, it even relates to
"She said zt was kaolinite
and I was like, no way its
totall talc. An.)Ol'le with
eyes could see t11L1t, arul I
enjoy all of the
t weget to do,
they re very interesting and
a lot offun."
1. Mr. Jorsch explains to hi class the importance of paying attention in clas to avoid any accidents that may occur during a lab. 1
· r
ate Upham carefully examines his experiment
making sure he does not forget to include any important detail in his report. 3. Senior Emily
Lehman look over her equipment and listens to her partner before they tart their experiment. It
wa very important for her to make sure that she had checked her materials to make ure that nothing was damaged and that it all worked pro crly.
, · Oistanedo, looks
at her cards studying the elements of the periodic table to lee m ah.)Ut a )Ut th effects of mixing
unstable compounds. 5. Senior Lindsey Cnockaert, in her g )logy lass wac· w rking tediou ly on
her time line so he could ac ura cly mar d \.\11 the en · e Earth's g lo ·c hist ry.
h bin
' ' I like my German
class, it makes me
feel like a little
kid again! ' '
.. jr. Doug Carlson
No Longer Lost in Translation!
'te sa i1 in
e amo be
I love you
baby. It sounds smooth."
1. Sophomore Haley Cramer pour over her workbook during her 3rd block Italian World Language cla . 2
uren Sutter and her partner Kri ten Sebetic work on learning the pani h language by practicing with note cards. "I picked the Spanish language becau e it seemed like it would be
the most useful in my future, plus I've been in panish ince 6th grade." 3. Sophomore Jacob Deschler contemplates the note cards as hi partner, soph. Adam gliardi reads them out loud. "I really
like my World Language Spanish class because it gives me a chance to experience another culture
without having to be there." 4. Freshman Terry Price it and r ds out of hist tbook in front
of his class during a Mardi Gras party. He said, "I wanted to lean). French I: au it's different and it'
Pierson, Tara Lar on, d Taylor Schultz
their colorful beads during the French Mardi Gras
ty. "I like
cause the class is like one big family! We alw ys hav un leamiI
e f r a pi ture together to show off
y W orld Lanauage French cla be1'
claimed freshman Tara Larson.
Painting Our Way Into the Future
r. Kollman
1. Junior Brianne Cole chalks up a picture of a woman in vast detail. She was nearly f ini hed with
the complex color and structure of the whole project. Getting the picture from an artist' mind to
a piece of paper i the most important step to becoming a great artist.
heen, fr hman,
works on his shading and shapes. From brown to tan to copper and finally green. He till ha a lot
to learn, but he i on hi way to learning what color work together and how to blend them.
Sketching out his masterpiece, Jeffrey Buchanon miles in satisfaction. Once he is done sketching
he will oon be done with this finely tructurcd wall . •
·or Adam Kok paints a figure black
with the trained hand of a true artist. 5. Ashley Beecher works carefully on h r color blendina
during her art class.
It's all about the money in these classes!
a out of c
be5t way to
class is to do the work and
''.The trips and games are
the best part of the class,
the secmul best t)art is the
teacher and the third best
pa is the
likely go again !"
Smart attends the cla trip to Chicago's Money Mu eum. Here he look at the Fed hred,
where they shred millions of unfit currency everyday, issue new bills, send them out to the Secret
Service and recirculate the fit currency. 2. Katie Ledlow & Thoma Barber participate in the tru t
fall. Here Thomas is trusting Katie to catch him as he closes his eyes and falls back into her am1S.
1'..1tcl)11 Hegewald goes on the blindfold walk with her class. he mu t be blindfolded and she mu t
tru t her partner to guide her through the hallways safely.
Santiago takes a look at the
history of Chicago' Money Museum. In 1789, Alexander Hmnilton, SecretaI) of the U. . Treasury
argued for the creation of a central bank. By 1791 Hamiliton's view had prevailed.
al o participates in the blindfold walk. He was blindfolded by hi partner and guided through the
Trojan hall unable to ee.
( ach Br0wn and jr. Wayne
Wiginton jokln around
·th their handball goggles.
They are sure to play a good
game with that kind of
Hungry For Sports?
1. Justin Farruggio, a junior, mixes his batter before he pours it into the cupcake pan. ext, he'll put
those delicious treats in the oven to cook.
Carpenter put her tasty batter into the cupcake
pan before putting her treats into the oven to bake for the cl . 3 So ho o
Michelle Kirk figures out how to u e the high tech egg beaters to mix her tempting cupcake batter before she places them
in the oven. She has almost got it figured out. 4.
g t mea ure ingredients, Derek Duka
starts to put together hi first batch of cupcakes in con umer education. It tak patience to get the right
amount of each ingredient in the bowl, and it eems as though heh that pa ·encc. 5. Sophomore
Darius Lonqmire reads and follow directi ns on ho ·to mak a batch of curcakcs after collecting all
the ingredients said to be used in the making.
Building with Creativity
"I enj&y building things in
· lass. I like working
use I like
"My f avonte project in
Tech class u.tts the cement
because it was dirty!"
~fr. Joe &ratta
1. As Julie Parrish puts together wcxx:l to pour her concrete, he is worried because" I really liked
working on the concrete, but it was hard and I think Im eel it up." 2 A
ianci, drawing
an excellent straight line tells us, "I like being in Tech Ed because I will be able to u e this stuff in
real life and I enjoy being in this cla so the easiest thing v,:ould be working on the project but the
hardest thing to do i the math."
Adam Salinas mak
a perfect measurement, he tells why
he chose to be in Tech Ed. "I chose to be in tech e I can l
valuble thing that might help
me in the future and my favorite thing was making the ill) all modul because I learned thing
about drywall that I would have never kn :i; n.
mon ruz is snlliing bccau e he likes Tech
clas "I enjoy being in Tech cla becau e it i an a tual clas that te chcs thin you will need in life
out ide of school." 5. Miguel Lopez meticulous , uses a jew
to be in Tech Ed to have fun, I like w rking on th rojects."
r saw to create his roject, "I chose
ight reading, memorization, key and time signatures, beats, measures, and'pitch are all things that the treble and women's choir
must keep in mind while singing. Though at first for the treble choir it might be difficult, they eventually !cam to do all these
things with ease like the women' choir. All female choir members start their freshmen year in treble choir, taught by Mr. hoi
and eventually move up their sophomore year to women' choir, taught by Mrs. Amb.)m. Though the teachers may be tough at
times, they do have one thing in common, a great sense of humor. Mr. Choi and Mrs. Aml:-om are all alnut having fun with their
students but it all comes after a hard working and accompli hcd class. inging is the top priority in choir, but there arc also tests
that are taken that may be written or sung alxmt all the different elements of music you learn in class. All these rehear als arc in
preparation for important performances such as: the winter choir concert, Madrigal Feaste, Choral Fest, Solo and Ensemble, tate
C.ompetition and the spring choir concert. Here they can show off their hard work and dedication to the audiences.
"I enjoy performing better because I find it
extremely exciting! You are able to show the au-
Treble choir, under the conduction of John Choi, sings "Still, till, Still"
with Angela Stancato (flute) and Greg Berg (piano) as accompanists.
l •Yfavorite experience was during our last choral festival, where we sang an amazing,
~at song as our solo piece. I felt so happy to be part of such a great group."
-soph. Julie Gos.5elin
I "My most memorable concert moment was when our student teacher, Ms. Barnes, conducted one
of ur pieces. We were all really proud of the work we put into making the song sound great!"
-soph. Haley Egle
ove it when Mrs. Amoom makes a funny face or does something silly. It just makes
c hole choir smile."
-soph. Kieman McCoy
"My favorite part of concerts is listening to Olorale perfom1. TI1ey are a great choir, and
have a lot of energy in their voices."
-soph. Elise Emblad
e alto section is like the base of our choir. Our parts are often rich and strong, and
-soph. Calen elson
Thi year's Concert Choir and Chorale started out the year with the traditional \.\'inter concert followed by the 44th annual Kenosha
choral festival held in the Bradford High School field house. "I love choral fest. Everybody sings so well together and it'' fun to look back
at your middle school choir and see how much you have progressed," tatcs junior Aeriel Thompson. After their perfom1ance both choirs
started working toward receiving a high score at large group competition at Lance Middle School. Both choirs performed very difficult sonL
that pushed them to work extremely hard <luring the weeks prior to the big event. TI1e Concert Choir performed a soulful piece called "A
City Called Heaven," which worked the choir drnamically, the soloists were juniors Kayla Tover, Angelica Delgado and Carleton Childs
blowing the judges away, they helped the choir \\ma one from the judges, the highest score possible. Chorale also <li<l extremely well recei1
ing a one. Ending the year with the annual spring concert, the choir sang multiple upbeat tw1es from the hit musical Mary Poppins, that
the choirs atten<led early this spring.
... ·
, cs...,1ca
d ,
Srunantha Willi>. Stepharue Short, Carly Webb, Kir>ten Richard, (2nd row) Rachel Pcter'ffi, Amanda N<Mck, c;>harue Al~c-cht, Kelly &!ming,
KiLNcn Gmalc.,,, El1za~th Wenndmg, Alli"ll1 Johnstrn, Gma Bla21L'\\'ke, Sarah Jacbrn, Aly"' Krchhicl, Al; "'' Rmik, Kathrcrua TnnmJL..-,
Brylc>c Webb (3rd row) Cody Miller, Aja G_,._,,, &many BlacbmJ, Amy Gerlach, Hmmah Muc'Thoff, RchL-cca Glca,,,111, Allism McMa;tt'f, All1«111
Millsaps, Man,ka v,mDcnBcrgh, Anna Kulvik, llccca Kelly, Beth LaNen, Emma Sorrell, Elizabeth Petc'Nin, Kel"'Y Satter, Trevor Jme, (back) Ryan
Nowak, Matthew Littcl, Michael Ade, Mathe"'' Dunwald, Rolut Schnuduaru, )<.-Jan Enwright, Gene Wilham,, )<>Sh Hanun, M~x Dinan, Ke'm
or Ashley Walden and Cayla Childers and senior Brittany Butschli ing along with the
Im.cert choir altos in the Mary Poppins medley.
homore Carleton Childs performs his solo in "A City Called Heaven" at the spring
·or Josh Landmark sing along with the chorale men to a piece they performed at
lar. e group competition.
Juniors Nicole Blisc and Megan tummer ing along with the soprano ones in the fun
tune "Supercalifragilisticexpialidociou ," popular in the hit musical Mary Poppins, a
play that the choirs went to sec in Chicago.
orale soprano ones sing in unison with the soprano twos to get themselves ready for
large group competition.
(front) \lr-'l &. •J, 1 1-.olc Hl"rrJ Ali.., Huett, Niwk t ,1lloS.1mmtha 'nhm1-<."'fl, ·1man.ha fumL l\i1wle
\Vcxx.~,, t~t sie \loorhou<c ( imt '' Daltrn1, Ror.__rt l ht-;e
(back) ~tC\'ctl llohs, Bnanna R1lt,·, Rdx-kan NL'lkl, k nctte
" i y (2nd row)
([rant) HoL\ lir,>cnc Nick Lu·,d, Fr mb lii:unpcnro, Arr
lx-r AllmrJ1', \lee \X e1sncr WL r Th rl-cr (2nd row) Jaret
)<~'es, p ,.nLk ~ N~1. l're;np J K , Kyk Andm>chk, . Bhm
der :,mgh.
(front) C:r ndra Bu. se, Kclh, Mcl'an lol .1ux1 (2nd row) Knsr n (front) ;\ndaw Ro11110t s, Nan:ll! First. Dylan, /\lavna I'lohmttr.,
B1,uuli St. l'c•c•' 1-.r:ul\ L.umrL:. L1ylor rOlllC!'lk, lvkgm1 ch:d Bomhu~ttcr icin L1v•y (back) Sam C:irlscon, Nkk l~igm, T
l '1:ittcn>n, I.uh Ehicr (back) ~iara KP<ipp, \k igan Franklin Meg:m C.amL·'i, Joe LnhLIT'
Scti111Mtum, r\!'ID..- :-..IL( un~. H ~~ \1ohoPL"I.
(front) Rachel Rodriguez, Andre Gooden, Jake Wilkomm, Tyler Berg, Ian Shpley, Wendy Stich (2nd row) Lauren Boatwright,
Michael Sobin, Grant Prester!, Joel Klopstein, Jess Thomas, Kellen Pottorff.
(front) Andrew Roiniotis, Jake Oster, Tim Harris, Ouistina Spaeth
(2nd row) Taylor Dwyer, Aamir Kadri, Alayna Dohrman, Sarah
Mahoney, Marisa Lucke (back) Ouis Hambrock, teph Behme,
Chuck Marco, Dustin Webber, Hans Freisheim, Ga Moore.
(front) Sarah Reed (2nd row) Mary Workman, Brandon
Creason, Jason O'Neil, Sierra Regaz:i (back) Liz Parsons, John
Stuino, Isaac Quinn, Alex Chase, Zach Lawell.
"The thing that inspires me the most aoout music, is that all the very different instruments
come together to make one unique song." - Kristin Hollendonner
"I ijoy how close you get with the people in your section. It's a tightly knit family that I
wil plan to stay in touch with outside of high school." - Sarah Reed
(front) Holly Greene, Lindsey Strachen, Nolen
\Xleisner. (2nd row) Aricle Willian1S, Samant
Bnanna Riley, Maddy Alsabbah, Nicole WUU<."'1",~,,,,
Moorhouse. (back) Craig hcrwooJ, T rcstin Jones, M
Mathais, Kyle Hartncl Tyler Loomis, Jake L'l
(front) "-'.ith,m r>.we1. Keith "m1th, Nil W!ey~rt, Mcg·m
Mlhoncv (back) Om '-"'11.<m, K~>1n \heh. Imo L\irt.
(front) Lmra \1adison, l.1kc Rile;·, lolm Mc\1:1.hon, Kc\1n R mdk,
R1plcv (back) Bnd Eggert, ( lm, \11sch. "-iitk ( ~'ng:JI, Jake Wide. l
Junior Lauren Annstrong enjoys
herself while perfonning in a
"The best times in band class always
seem to occur when Mr. Covelli or Mr.
·s Misch-Bloxdorf calmly practices his dru1ns during class before a concert.
rant) Julia Broesch, Katie Sturino, Molly Rabm, Nie
'orwakl, Allison 01rson, Llml'<-y Bcmhar<lr (back) Ste
en Mack, Rolx.n McCain, Rorert Mcs'<.11gcr, Bcrckct
ifle, Nick Leslie.
CONCERT Zl'ol) \ lOLI; S: (frrmt) C "''" . brwl,
Sus;um<.i Rkcin, l""\m
J ms, Aml"\:'r Ketchum, Kc1tdv l
Zigm.::r, Svmcl(}cj;,Kksc1n, Patrice Bw\\11, Anastasi:
(2nd row) A\11 ~hock, l'ri><:illa G>hm, Pterrc Rollct,
Junge, Kmten l-larpstc~, Jcrnufcr Pe::Jir (3rd row) :>. \cga11'f, ~k·lis.•.a l.::Sikl)rta.,, 01ardlc Bro\\11, ~are ~\qui..;r,
Kc;;;.·llc;c'-'Rmch Carle
CONCERT \ lOIAS: (frcmt) Rachd Stod-c, Kvlc St•k
lxr<', I !ar,·e>r Tmcbll (2nd row) Britmc~· S<liga-Rcgct, Jen
nifc1 \1av, Jensen Wohlgemuth, Rcchd Z,1h:rnk (3rd row)
Arid HunJenm1rk, (J.>nnor Gnchen, [~HIT' Gildcmtcn·
\lie had CL'°\ , Lmcky Brande'>.
CONCERT CELLO & BASS: (front) lo Kiel.. &ir
rt)Ugh.-.. K~sandra Rah..11horst,
Elise Va1en. ~it.-gan
Lindquist, l\ugc !Vfhomc (2nd row) Ad:u11 :V1rJqun
Ah Bir., Benpmin L.:c, Jakoh '.\1tchach>. I T.mJ [ tm
mer, Austm Gordm (3rd row) Kmdall S;vulr, ':rroo
Bhu1k, i\lcx;mdrn \X'dlmm, :>.fax Z·1hlkc, Jamte p,.
Gros.,, Amelio Bemis. freshmen and knowledgeable sophomores are the members of concert orchestra. These students have been in orchestra for
roughly five years. With their experience, the younger members get caught up to the same level of know-how as the older members. In
concert orchestra violins I are made up sophomores, violins II are made up of freshmen, Violas and Celli are made of both freshmen
and sophomores. These members eventually move up into symphonic orchestra which is made up of highly advanced musicians. Symphonic orchestra performs more difficult class A mu ic. These students have been playing in orchestra for about seven years by the time
they get there. With this much experience, symphonic members are expected to know how to play in all positions, know pitches of their
strings, and be able to blend and play perfectly balanced with all the different parts of the orchestra, including full orchestra, which is
made up of advanced band students. In this orchestra violins I are made up of seniors, violins II are made up of juniors, Violas and Celli
are made up of both seniors and jwuors.
SYMPHONIC VIOIA, CELLO, & BA : (front) Rd-..'Cca Stoche. EJ1zahoth Tindall, Alh'<» Milbaps, Sarah jacksun, Jennifer May
(back) Shcme R,,,.,, [\mid Sparks, Keith Kikudu, Etrum WhitakL'I",
Kencl1ll Spult.
SYMPHONIC ZND VIOLIN: (front) Katie Schweder, ::amara
G.mie:, Shama Tulefree (2nd row) Katie Klau:;cgger, RLttcca Gleason,
Raebel Malsack, Lacna Serpe (3rd row) Ke'in Latruun, Etrum Littd,
Sam Gnffith>, AtNm Gordm, Jade Vargas.
SYMPHONIC IST VIOLIN: (front) O, Stmcrum, jenny K"<b, Shdb.,. Fulleml-ec (2nd row) Emily Lchm.m, Lind'<-; Gwckac'ft, Kimh..,-lr \'(',.-ce.tL'f, Al:-h,
auJL'I" (3rd row) Virginia Siana, Patrice Hutch1rt'<'1, R1.m RiJk;, Kir.tcn Raf-mhoN, Kayle Cox.
J •1e11 I was yow1ger I used to see ballets wit.h my family, from then on I fcU in love with mu;ic. l
l i m 'ys liked to take a peek at the orchestra pit, and I alway' fow1d the mus1c1ans so amusmg. That
convinced me to want to l::.e in orchestra whm I was of age."
--sr. Virginia Slana
I "Taking responsibility to practice is probably the hardest part aoout being in orchestra.
Practice is needed to give each piece of mu ic a fuller and overall well blended sound."
--fr. Benjamin Lee
was always interested in music, so when I was young I knew I ·wanted to eventually be
i valved it. But I wanted to be in something other than band. I ultimately chose orchestra, not only because I really liked the violin but because my ister was also in it."
--soph. arah Warren
"I chose my instrument, the string bass, because no one else in my 6th grade cl wanted
t play it. So I felt that it made me more original and unique than m1yone else
--jr. hane Rose
really enjoy orchestra because I'm alway meeting new people, and making new friends.
~here i also benefits to it, for example learning thing others might never learn."
--soph. Jakob Michaelis
1 Ii h Madrigal Feaste was held in December
right · · re the holiday . The cafeteria was transfom1ed
mto a medieval castle. "I alway dreamed of being part
of tuming the cafeteria into the lord's hall," aid senior
Allison McMa ter, who was a wench for the Fea te.
ii verware and fancy decorations were placed on each
table and tl1e food was prepared in the kitchen. Much
time and effort was put forth to make this event suc-
"It' a huge conunitrnent, but the jester have a blast"
aid.senior tephanie Albrecht, who participated in the
t as a jester. "We rehearse once a week for ninety
minut for a ut three months. TI1ere is a retreat at the
end of ovcml: r where the jesters and Madrigal singers
vee end."
Jc;tcr-· playL'tl a huge part in entertaining the audience
throughout the Feastc. However, they were not the only
ones wh -put on a show. Throughout this three hour
, t r wa! a gr t deal of entertainment. This entcrtairn11cnt includL'tl jousting, Iri h dancing, juggler ,
bag pipers as well as music provided by the band and the
Golden 'trings.
ddition, die mama department put on a "Fifteen
Minute 'hak~ re" how where male and female
r 1 in the play Romeo and Juliet were reow was very high-energy, fun, and exciting," recalled senior Chelsea trachan. "It was fun being
a guy; we drew beards and moustaches with our eyeliner.
We looked silly."
"Even though the feaste i to howcase the spectacular Madrigal ingers, several people would top to take
our picture, ask questions, and just be amused," recalled
senior Abby Stauder. "So it was cool to feel like a 'rock
star' (medieval rockstar)."
(Top) The brass and percussion musicians, directed by Ken Wiele, played throughout the
how. (Above) Senior Abby tauder and Ginny
lana play Greensleeves. "I loved the people who
did it with me, and the music we played and the
singers' music, and the whole 'medieval back in
time' atrn0-5phere!" said Abby about her Madrigal Feaste experience. (Right) The Irish dancers,
senior Sarah Jackson and Patrice Hutchinson
performed an "Opening Reel" for the Madrigal
Feaste while an Iri h musician, Mathew Jones,
provided the music for their dance.
One on top of another, the
Jester form a pyramid to
entertain the audience during
the Madrigal Feaste how.
was prepared for Ye Olde English
nsisted of Sallade Greenes, Smokyd
.J:1.<;JI<>~l..wr~l:Se Mousse, Beefe Barleye Soupe, Roastc
Pygge, Roaste Potatoc in Creame Dille Sauce, Cheeses
and Fruits, and Ran1yng Puddyung with Custard Vanylla. Each course \Vas delivered to each table by serving
pages and wenches. While the audience ate, they were
entertained by the Madrigal ingers. The Feaste would
not be complete without these ingers who were a great
part of the Feaste.
"It is a high honor to be chosen as a singer," said senior
lsey Satter. "I was looking for a challenge and being a
Madrigal singer definitely fulfilled that."
fore ch how, all the ingcr met in the choir
room and practiced. "TI1e one thing we always did was
made a · circle, hold hands, and 'send the love' by
sending a chain or hand squeezes to everyone," recalled
Madrigal singer Kelsey ·1tter. "It was cute and helped
te. It
---"l"'f"ieck the Hall, laucestershire Wassail, Jay to The
Warid, and Silent · ht were some of the compositions
t t th M dri 1 ingers perfonned. The Twelve Days
of 01ristmas ended on a high note with an incredible
m senior Aja Goes.
After all the oonding during the Feaste, all the ingers came t ether and it was hard to say goodbye. "the
ome another family" said sophomore
Max Dioan.
Senior singer Jessica Stolfi remember the closing night,
"We all talked in a big circle aoout our most memorable
moments and what we would mi . It was really touching seeing everyone' reactions."
Junior Phillip Bianan looks back on this experience,
"The singing, the food, the atmosphere, and every little
thing that went wrong - loved it all."
(Top) Madrigal singers start the feaste by raising
their Wa ail cups and singing Here We Come
A-Wassailing. It means "Be in good health" and
it was cu tomary to drink wassail to the lord of
the house. (Above) A group of Tremper and
Bradford students sing together for the Ye Olde
Engli he Ouistmasse Feaste. These Madrigal
singers provided entertainment through out
the entire event. (Right) inging The fbard's
Head Carol, senior Mat Dunwall enter the
Great Hall as part of the royal court.
"I liked eating the fcxx:I and
meeting new people," said
senior Madrigal singer Cody
Miller who, together with
senior Jessica tolfi, lights
candles in preparation for the
final song.
bkxxl drive was once again a success for the
~ in a row. Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on March
, 2009, over 6 0 potential donors came through the gym
to donate blood. It was a big year, because it was the first
time 16 year olds were able to donate, which really allowed a
lot more students to come through and help with the cause.
Seniors Ashley Morgan and Sobin co-chaired the
event through the tudent Government Conununity Services conunittee, with teachers Mr. Hardy and Ms. Hujik
as advi rs. The event was put together by many helping
hands, as student government tudents spent weeks publicizing th blood drive throughout Kenosha, recruiting donors,
i kiI up f
and supplies, checking in all the donor ,
turning the g)111 into a blood center within itself, serving
an re l1111ents, providing child care, and cleaning
e\'erything up before the night was over.
According to Melissa Sobin, "The blood drive is uch an
ot only do we involve the whole commum .'•we love empowering the youth at Tremper. What
\\'e'\'e been doir is ettir1g people excited about the blood
·ve, .and the get other people excited to donate. It' a
domino chair1. We really tried to recruit as many people as (Top) Junior Tony Ricciardi tares down as
we co
A goal for the bkxxl drive this year was breaking the event'
f 63 on rs. Even though so many people came
were turned away for having low iron or
for other health precautions. By the end of the night, 517
was the count of units collected. But after the next week,
during which the Blood Center of Wisconsir1 allowed people
to come donate at the local center in the name of the blood
drive, the official count was 523.
Looking back, the blood drive was definitely a day full of
emotion and passion, reaching high goals, and working for
a good cause.
a nurse prepares his arm.
(Above) 1hroughout the day, many kids
signed their names in the "I saved 3 lives"
heart after fini hing donating.
(Right) Local Mrs. Shultz and Dr. (})ncannon chit chat and catch up a they prepare
to donate blcxx:I.
(Right) Senior Ryan Zolpcr
prepares to give blood as
senior Asma Kadri holds
hi · hand in her blood drop
ent how was a huge ucc . Diver ity
, a corrunittee of Student Government,
ran the event. They planned the how a few
months before, holding American ldol-esqe auditions and rehearsals. The overall ucc wa greater
than imaginable. Twelve acts were featured in
the show total, with a few side acts during transitions. They consisted of the band O:iurt Date, a
Bollywood dance, a Whitney Houston cover by amantha Boris, the band Wing of teel, an original
song by Haley Klinkhammer, a Hip-Hop dance, a
Taylor Swift c ver by Amanda Spaay, two comedy
ki , b
twirlers, a bass guitar solo, and a vocal
<luet. The three asscmbli held these truly talented
tudents, passionate in their brave performances.
'ere the acts original, but they showcased
the variety of cultur and enthu iasm of our large
school. The idea reminds us of our spirit and reassun~ us o t e amt
ts of diversity and ingenuity in
c uragement from the crowd helped
cverc participants mentioned faces hinti faction of their performances. The
ction by Alec Valadez, VP of Diversity Awareness and creative input by the committee
ible. Participants arc looking
made the event
forward to the show next year.
(Top) The band Court Date played during
the how. The band consisted of Mike Eggert, Mark Zurawski, Dom, and Joey
Ouimet. (Above) Phil Bianan chats with Mr.
proul between acts. He and Allie McMaster
cohosted the show. He mentions hi dancing,
"The overwhelming chanting of the audience
encouraged me to light up a smile and dance
on tage like a mad man." (Right) Liz Bruno,
Marisa Staranowicz, and Samantha Atkiel ki
performed a baton routine. Their team also
recently won World Champions in a baton
competition in Belgium.
(Left) Haley Klinkhanuner
perfonns. She is not only a
Tremper tudent, but also
a well-known YouT ubc star
and was featured in USA
Today in August 2008.
Our very own Hip Hop dance team, Troupe Tremper, has been improving rapidly ever since they fir t
joined together in 2007. With performances at pep assemblies and at middle schools in the area, the group
gains encouragement from a wide range of fans.
One of their best performances was at the spring
pep assembly. They had audiences up on their feet
dancing and singing along to a
clever mix of song including
Diva by Beyonce and Stanky
Leg by the GS Boyz. Troupe
Tremper is especially popular at Bullen and Lincoln
middle schools. During a
performance at Bullen, students could not get enough.
The gym was filled with the
sounds of screanung fans
cheering the girls on.
It's official, these girl can
dance and it's no surprise they
know how to get the er v m ing. It would be impossib e not
excited for next years
the girls improving ev
Shaw Get
=--=- - - - - -
TROUPE TREMPER: (frant) Heather Harel-o, Shcnae Oark, Jasmine Taylor, Oiarlesha Mayes.
(back) D.izia Ellis, Breonna Williams, Kirnrerly Woodsde, Quanita Oe"eland, Kiarma Holland.
"One of the best parts of being part of Troupe Tremper is that you get to
do what you want to do and add your mm flavor to the moves" -jr. Kianna
The ilence of a settled gym, a heavy breath, shoe squeaks dmm the hard wood floor,
>.'eat drop dmm the face of a f tN.xl girl wishaken by a basketOOll's decisive boom, th~
are the sounds of true athletes. \ tl-Uetes that are not afraid to face hardships. Through
their 6 a.m. interise sununer workouts, teatn leagues, camp and individual kill work, the
girl 'Varsity basketbal tum took their dedication to a new level, day in and day out. Depite a tough season with ups and dmms they never set their ights low and kept aiming
for a better play wi each game. A fier e ra e \\'< within head coach Rod Gross to ha\'e
another tar bound · 1son · s the prior year. Although for this particular season the destination was not what really mattered, but the journey of improvcn 1t \\ith each day that
came along. With a two senior team, there was a competitive chase for Varsity jw1iors to
hine, such as 1Ia Griffiths ;md Gitlyn Richter. Even with an almost all jw1ior starting
line up, capt '15 Taylor ·erman and Lauren Mogensen affim1ed their spots as leader\
Along with their junior captain R;iche Jones, who was writing the definition of roller tlm
year \\ith some mna::mg mon .."i to the h 1p. A scast highlight was an intense up coun
battle with the Horlick Rd~ls for a win at home. om the moments of pressure at the
free thr w and three pomt lines to the extreme 11101 ents of exhau tion and tested limits
the battle raged through the sc1sm. 1l1e girls had rrrengtlis from ierra Sherrod's agilit\
to Al'
t<mg ' wnoppal le dcfcnsc. 111 te.m1 p lied each other through every tough
ituati in they f .KL\.I ,md newr had bri\ i g 1p in their minds. The teain' record does nor
at all ('<.:ak for the girls talent or cffm .
lugh t e ball did not roll the way the Trojan
ladies \n1ulJ ha\'C \\"dlltL\.I, the\' prll\· tha there more to the game than winning. It
is about what you do with the expenences you have faced.To face defeat
in the eyes and walk from it wirnout
scratches and carry on shows what
true atl1letes these girls are.
VAR ITY BASKETBALL: (front) Taylor Oietman, Sierra Sherrod (2nd row) Lauren Salibury, Cooch Nicole Drumman<l, Sara Griffiths, Caitlyn Richter, Keri Dennison, Coach Michelle
George, Rachel Dalton (back) Lauren Mogensoo, Alix Stangas, G:>ach &n lli'lmnlli, Head G:>ach
Rod Gra;s, Rachel Jones, Jessie Laurcnzi.
JV BASKETBALL: (front) Patrice Brown, Haley Cdebre (2nd row) Kayla Palmer, An-
FRESHMEN BASKETBALL: (front) Shannon Parmentier ,Ovistina Dal too, Emma Patton
nmarie Riva, Carley Gross, Tori Bowman, Cunesia Robinson, Macie Wright (back) arolyn Hutchinson, Elise Valeri, Oxich Nicole Drummand, Mal1Cigony Banks, Tara Larson.
(2nd row) Ale..xandra Sargent, Aly= Wicks, Oxich Michelle George, Dana Jar05, S,mone
Jackson (back) Hannah Alfredsoo, Ashley Debree, Ally Wellman, Counney Robinsrn, Brianna Riely, Morgan Johnson.
When you hear "HOOTIE WHOO!" you know your in the Trojan house and will
get an amazing game, with bleacher gripping moments and
filled chants. Sprinting the court and pulling off a run at
receiving a regional championship, the boys' Varsity
basketball team proved to own a successful year.
T11ey had an abundant team with seven seniors,
five juniors and three sophomores. One who
really lit the flame, was a new up and coming sophomore Darrell Longstreet. Along
with Darrell there were other amazing
players who shined such as Sam Savaglio
and the unforgettable Zach Bunch. T11e
team had many great victories, including the stomp out of cros.s town rivals
the Bradford Red Devil in an embarrassing defeat. 111fough the season the
boys worked as a well oiled machine and
never doubted their love for the game.
The Trojan Varsity team stuck together
even when they faced a hard loss at a big
game at the Bradley center against the Demons. With amazing dunks and quick post
moves, these regional chan1ps represented us in
true Trojan Fashion as the team to beat, as a team
to watch.
VARSITY BASKETBALL: (front) Managers - Anna Mac.lrigrano, Mark Poc.lskarbi, Ann Ly
(2nd row) Alex Rosencutter, Terrence Anderson, Tom Pflug, Sam Savaglio, Earnest Hayes, Oxly
Jackson, Victor Aiello, Ruben Williams (back) 0.>ach Thomas, Darell Longstreet, Evan Johru.on,
Alex Hade, Jim Tracy, 0.>ach Wilhelmson, Zach Bunch, Man Walter, Brian Quum, Matt Brothers, 0.>ach Wilson.
JV BASKETBALL:(front) Brandon Williams, Reginald Jackson, Max Aiello, DeVante Shaw,
Tyler Anderson, Tyler Kohler, Dominque Dixon, Darryl Thomron (back) Coach VanderZanden,
Sheldon Allen, Dexter Molinaro, Peter Nelson, Joe Landgraf, Thaer Bitar, Justin Farruggio, Mike
Gianeselli, Coach Irish.
FRESHMEN BASKETBALL: (front) Qui, Oopuch, Jake Humphreys, Jacob Birch, AJmn
Landgraf, Oinnor Parry, Rob Degra:io, Marr Bible, Xa,ier Longmire, Nate ivquisr (back) Coach
Rideaux, e\in O>rtrighr, Log<m Hartnell, Jordan Shulski, I.saac Quinn, Tony Her:og-Brucc,
Brian Dickow, Marcus Laodford, Coach Atkii"!>.
GYMNASTICS: (front) Meli!sa Alson, Emily Miller, Katie
Marran (back) Crnch ]<mine Paskiewicz, Ellie Marran, Lexus Gilbep1e,
Ulach KcnJm McDunough, Megan Laccmni, yJncy Palermo,
Giach Tnsh Weyker.
· M~
®m~~~~~~ -@Ml~~M~(§fil[@
Thunderl Ice Lightningl
Kenosha Thunder i proof that the elements of winter arc not a factor, since they arc the only sport that can walk on water. Kenosha'
combined KU D hockey team had a low tart in the beginning of the
season with a lack of focu . Despite this they skated past the issues with
their sights full of goals for this season. This year they had a wise team
with many seniors. This made the tcam a much trongcr competitor
and when the boys were willing to kick it up a notch, they found themselves having made the first WIAA playoff game in hist01y With this
the team brought with them the best offensive game of their season.
To achieve this feat they used the Power Play. "We came out
flying" Carl'iOn stated, as the tcam embarrassed
their opponents. For Kenosha Thunder they
truly play with fire in their hearts and ice
in their veins.
Kenosha gy111.11astics had a season
full of improvements and great team
pirit. A season highlight was when
yow1g freshman Emily Miller took
fourth on balance beam at Q)nference.
Also, leader Ellie Marran ky rocketed
to the top achieving higher ranks in the
gymnastic tandings. She took first in beam,
leaving the competition in the dust at Sectionals, and achieving eleventh on beam going to State. Ellie aid the trip to State was
amazing and even more amazing was that the
whole team traveled up together to watch her perform on her "A" game.
Ju tin Sheperd
nails his
challenger to
the ground.
WRESILING: (front) ·1rb, M<l)'a, Alex RL~n1'm, Cameron Martines, [\immic Garcia, Oxly Powell C'lrk-,;
Molma, Broe Fulmer (2nd row) J<»h Lmdmark, J<x)' McKiniL')', Stqihcn 1icols, !'>.\\'id H<xxl, Lc"i Horton,
Trevor Mmgcau, Brian h1hcr, J<>hn LoffrL'llo, LmTci1cc Hobt, J<"h (3rd row) Tyler S\111oeru;, '1)L'C
Parker, James Woodley, Tommy h <ms, Doug Carlsm, 0:1\~d Nolder, Jusan Shepherd, Qxly Matnier, Andre
Gammaro (4th row) Kmncth Hyde, Dame! Nic,·cs, Kyle Kilsia, Dakota · hmm:, Brim1 tcinbrink, Jake Hmnmock, James Lehman, Phi l Mock, Cileb McBcth, Kyle Andrascho (5th row) Gx1ch Joel Dutton, A%t. Q>ach
Ja.1<~1 Ladd, Oiach Steve Ecbmim, l>.m1ellc · iwdcn, Sabnna Miner, Stephmuc Frc'Cman, Kamna Piersc»,
April Matute, Kayla Schultz, Katd\11 G1yhcart, Kathy Ccldirc, at<t,ha lfobt.
This was another f anta tic eason for the Trojan wrestling team. The Varsity team had an impressive 32-7 season with a record of 6-3 in the EC. Tremper' JV squad
had an equally impressive season of 12-2 and 9-0 in the
EC. Three out of the nine Varsity wrestler qualified for
tate: Dominic Garcia, David Hood, and James Lehman.
Joel Dutton, with a fantastic coaching record of 109-87,
and his team of veteran assistant coaches, directed the
team to another amazing season. The Trojans worked extremely hard to maintain their impres ive reputation.
All the diet plans, protein hakes, miles run, weights
lifted, hours spent practicing, and keeping up in school
made all the difference to the Trojan wrestlers. Their
hard work paid off, as they became the EC South Diviion Duel Champions, and had one of the best records
in the tate of Wisconsin. Surely this season will be one
to look back upon, and draw inspiration from for next
eason and the following seasons.
next move.
Facin· tho
·sion Duel
Carl Bud coming
up for a breath
during an intense
BOY ' WIMMING: (fran t) Adam Peterson, Mack Boudrean, Brian Hcmck (2nd row)
Clt)ng)': Belekov, Ron Scaefer, Rvan Schmior, Brad Bloxdorf, Aubrey Langley, Alex Lope:
(3rd row) Coach Bermeister, Riley Sceback, Karl Budd,
ick Knebel, Andrew Griffey, Cole
ummers, Drake Koster, Kaleb Maraccini, Marko Poldroos, Coach Majcrci. (back) Coach
McKay, Mitchell Kranz, Max "~fr. Andrew Johnson, Reggie Kranz, Joe Martinez, Brian Hohs.
The Trojan boys' swim and dive team has continued with their
victory streak in the chool year of 2008-2009. Our Trojan swimmers splashed to second place in Sectionals which gave
the steam to get to State. Victoriously making it to
state thi year, we dried off with 28th place for the
econd year in a row.
A few of our swimmers and divers follow
special diet during the season, like eating only
meats and other high energy foods to keep them
focused and determined to hear our
team in the top scores. One of our
dedicated team members is Andrew Griffey, who has earned
our "Jock in the Box" title in the
Tempest multiple times throughout this year. Andrew also tates
that before chool weight training puts the most strain on the
team., but it also helps build up
their trength. We are very proud
of our boy' wim and dive team,
they have splashed, kicked, pulled, and
glided their way to victory.
Our boy take great ride in what
they do and love to do t.
Keep up the good w rk boys!
"Every meet we cheer
each otl er to
get the team pumped u and rea to
jump!" aid enior An ew Griffe . Th
cheer of th
r ably hcl
75°/o of our Ea
The team working together to set the diving board. All hands
were needed to help on thi one.
Ron Schaefer in lane S and Riley Seebeck in lane 3 coming off
the starting block for the 100 freestyle.
With doubt in the rninds of faculty, students and even parents, Student Government was going down a bumpy path prior to
elections. Committing to a year long task of improving the school and emphasizing academic excellence, twelve new executive
board member headed the year in strong force. tarting by raising over $2 ,700 for the American Cancer Society at the Relay for
Life, the members and officers displayed true character. They continued the year with events including Mr. and Mi Tremper,
Battle of the Bands, Homecoming, the annual Blood Drive and many other community service activities. "There was an incredible
wealth of opportunities for tudent Government members and all students to jump in and help our community. From ' pread the
Spirit' during the holiday season or aiding with the Special Olympics, I'm ecstatic with the progress we've made thi year," remarked
Student &xly President Tony Pappenfus. Overcoming obitacles, Student Government accomplished more than everyone thought
was possible.
FRESHMAN TRANSITION COAOU.Si (front) jcrui:i R...1lph, Alletri;u'll.I, Tahma Al 111
(2nd !'OW) Ellie \fan;: Ar.ha 1\ulC"t·, ltumah Oato, jf.'luw Ev;n\, Kom~ Kia~, H1tl.ic \'(1utc,
Lindsa Snuth, Julie Zan 'ttl, K.1ue ~t.UTan, Willi;un Hm (Jn:l row) SAhin.'l \t'arn~'tm, Scq•h.imc
Alt::m:ht, T:wkT lln11a1, Philhr Rian.Yi.Jake Rilev. ,Pclm Ye.If)·, Laum \td.11, Emih Paul.-u.l ,
l.&ndi:1y Pan,cnfl.J! (4<.h row) \hke ~n, Ethan \X1u1u:O.C"l', E.nuly L~n:h, [Wia Alia, (lleby ~L~,
Alli<an ).ffi<.1.lU, jaroj N:ckwm, \iclt.'C" Aiello (back) C'.athn RJducr, Ttm \~wcnuro, Em·
dy ~WllUl, A.nthi.ny l.aun:t\%1, )·k~ Snell, \11kc ~. Aiu1<1 Kuhik, ~llt'(-.h G.•'llAD.n, Patnu.•
GOVERNMENT OPERATION : (front) Emily Miller, Taylor
Schulz, Kelsey Scraf, Lauren &irchardt (2nd row) Lauren Westenneycr,
jo.h Ault, Kelsey Olson, Brnuma Helms, Rel-ecca Scoebe (back) M""'"1
Mahoney, Brad Eggert, Tony Paprouus, Au,tin Gordm, Ally Wcllm<m,
STUDENT SERVICES: (front) Katherine Ziels<lorf, Alex Sargent, Gabrielle Oliappetta, Merissa Acerbi (back) Lauren Boresch,
Matthew Miceli, Andrew Mc air, Kelley Roach, Melissa Segar.
'ick Eggert.
ents enjoy pizza at the Renaissance Pi:za Luncheon. The Academic Affairs commitrganized and served pizza during the lunch hour .
DIVERSITY AWARENES& (from) Kiernan Mc:Coy, Alec Valadez, Jennifer Babcock,
Samantha Willis (back) Megan Schwnnann, Alex Qui]8ll0, Uz Bruno.
In 1990, when librarian Mrs. Stamm founded International Club With Maria, a rotary exchange student from Spain, she
may not have known how large the club would become. On the club's 18th birthday, though, the year started off great with
a turnout of over 90 people at the first meeting. The group, which is still led by Mrs. Stamm along with Mrs. Chase and Mr.
Haebig, retained more than 60 of those members, making it one of the largest clubs our school has to offer. With frequent
trip to Chicago, Kenosha's own cultural areas, foreign markets, restaurants, and plenty more, the club never had a dull
moment. They even held an all night lock-in here at school and went skiing at Wilmot Mountain. Their meetings often
consist of activities such as learning about a country and its customs, eating plenty of foreign food, celebrating international holidays, and/or doing a fun activity to learn about cultures and fellow club members' heritages and backgrounds.
gn exchange senior Olyngyz Belekov catches up on some well needed rest after a
exciting night at the International Club lock-in which took place between Novemr 7-8.
Exchange tudents (from left) junior ico pettel and senior Marko Polclr
give a
quic smile to the camera before strapping up their snowooards and heading down
Wilmot Mountain during International Club' ski trip.
C~ International Club meeting in February, senior Tahiya Alam gives Marko a henna
im° in preparation for the club's trip to Devon in Chicago. Henna is a form of OOdy
art used in southeast Asia for special occasions such as wedding .
Nico gets his face painted with royal blue paint by senior usan Abraham in preparation
for the big homecoming parade.
o discusses his home country of Estonia with junior Robert Messenger as he points
on a map in the library.
German Club is all about promoting the German culture through language, music, fcxxl, films, and more! They do many things,
like Oktoberfest and Wurstfest, where they sell German sausages, potato salad, pretzels, strudel and root beer. They go to Chicago
in the winter to visit the Christkindl market. This year many of the members competed in taking the AATG national exams and
German speaking competitions. German Club also has a potluck/dance at the end of the year to say farewell to the seniors. Each
year Japan Club has a trip to Honada, a Japanese restaurant with Hibachi grills or Mitsuwa the Japanese market. Every member
takes part in presentations on Japanese culture. Each person picks a topic to do their presentation on and they show it to the whole
group during club meetings. Italian Club has bake sales and cook outs, every year they sell yummy Italian dishes at lunch. They also
have their annual Mostaccioli luncheon at the Italian American Club. German and Italian club have a dodge ball game every year.
It is a great competition.
Seniors Sarah Jackson, Gintarc Paskauskaite, and Ashley Newell,
on the bus on their way to Madiscn for Gennan Day. "111is year
Ashley Newell <md I made it to the AATG ' rate Speaking wm·
petitim. I rcci,·cu second place and Ashley got first." -sr. Gintare
Paskauskai tc.
Part of the Japan club tradition is having each member create a
presentation of different Japanese traditions. These traditions
are a great way for the club to experience the Japanese culture.
The above presentation is about Pocky, a Japane:;e snack.
Having a blast getting ready for their Ma;taccioli Lunchern, Italian Oub
takes a goofy picture. "We experience the Italian culture by cooking Italian food, watching Italian films, and Pla}mg Italian game.." -jr. Michaela
I • rman and Italian clubs play their annual game of dodge ball after school in the upper
limn· Genrnn Club won, getting out as many Italian club members as they could. "It
was so much fun. I had a great rime." -jr. David Sater
Angela tancato serves up spaghetti at the Italian Club annual cook out during lunch.
Italian Club serves real traditional Italian food every year. " I love working at Italian Club
cook outs. We alway have a lot of fun and it's a great way to make money for our club."
19n Club celebrates the holiday season with a yununy Italian flag cake. "Eating i Ital~lub's favorite past time." says the Italian Club' advisor Ms. Pignone.
Junior Adriane Mata and Senior kylar Johnston (President) talk about their trip to
Mistsuwa, a Japanese marketplace, "One of my favorite activities we do in Japan Club is
go to Mi tsuwa." -sr. Skylar Johnston
ors Alex Sturycz , Michaela Vite, Angela tancato, and Marco and Matthew Miceli
or thelraliau
's annual fund-raiser.
African American Alliance, Latinos in Action and the Cultural Awareness Leadership Q)uncil arc all club; that work tirelessly to
promote the awareness of our diverse student lxx:fy. The groups meet regularly throughout the year to discuss important issues pertaining to our school, but they also have a lot of fun in the process. There is never any animosity between members of these club;
because they need to work together to accomplish their goals of unifying the school and making it a more peaceful and accepting
place. Whether these students are planning and putting together delicious cookouts consisting of mouth-watering tacos, meeting in
the cafeteria as a group, or simply spending quality time with their friends, they do their best to be role models for other students.
Although some of these club; are relatively new, they wi.11 continue to grow and expand their horizons so they will have an impact
on even more people.
LATINOS IN ACTIO ' (from) M•.nclcm Tm,., 9\.•m Villan""'~· Lmy Ort'~"
J1i.;ua rbningue:.i., A..t\lc._y MutLp (2nd row) LlUrn Silva, Inna Jm-.,lC:, ]t-..h LmJrnark,
R.u..di Buttem, Cuncnn Mamnez, l\ l::'.<:.pinuz:a (3rd row) lvoone Matute, Mm<l Cruz,
Viaor AgUtL'>', Ju;c Elquovd, C'lmila Lc"cz, lchs Am'\'<>. Gdricl Gucia (4<h row) 1\.-unrn
Gu:,C'>'h ~<a.ja<J> Tol-•b,ju;cC>SOllo, Omar Yara, Knsten
F..~rrada, Mike 5Ur..bla. Rote Aa.:.;ra, h~ Pere:, jeilqe Gemmen, ~1 Ccrvanres
Ivonne Matute and Ashley Montejo get excited
aoout contributing ideas to their Latinos in Action meeting.
Edward, Calen Nelson, Advisor Mr. TOMlSend, Porsha Rmvil, Sierra Sherrod.
o members of Latinos in Action wait patiently for their meeting to begin.
~ Ci
· la Lopez tries to keep a traight face and be serious during a Latinos in Action
meeting in the cafeteria.
IWOOrMs. Kupfer discusses the important details of an upcoming cook-out with memim of Latinos in Action.
~ Members of Latinos in Action fill out paperwork and finish some schoolwork right
before their meeting begins.
a Dominguez and Leny Ortega are deeply engrossed in what their advisor, Ms.
fer · t
Getting down to business is what DECA and FBLA are all about. They both help students get involved in the corrununity by getting hands on experience about business and how the real world works. FBLA grew from last year's sixteen members to an astounding
ninety-one members this year by putting their heads together and setting up meetings and activities that appealed to the majorities.
"One of the best things about these clubs is that they allow students to apply what they leam in real world situations and that they
provide those opportunities."-sr. Lydia Henry. On the other hand, DECA allows its members to be a part of the school store, as a
result, they leam how tores are run. Some tudents are even put into manager po itions including General Manager and Assistant
Manager. They both participate in competitions where their street smarts and classroom knowledge are put rigorously to the test. Not
only are these clubs a great way to better oneself, help a college applicant, and to get an in-depth look at the business world, but they
are also great ways to make long-lasting friendships and connections.
Junior Robert McCain hrn1cb a 'tudcnt her chrn1gc as he works
hard to maintain a fast-pace to get the seemingly ncver-;."Ilding
wave of studcn~ in IDd out of the school store.
OECA: (front) A.Jmu ht!Juto, M.1ris1<U'V.M1c, Alice \X'li, Anna M.lllrii;rano, Jackie
}.uc"'. I t1k-v Stn1;1, Ar.ll...,.· Kitle, \.1d1...;;1 H.1n"1CS, Kmt.a Kri..'ltiCllt.T (2nd row) C.irl,· Rlitruuos,
Jnnfan Mn.JJr-,..,, Kaylee ~chi, Andn.-w Dilk"M, ~ &;"K:<Ullll, Br.uU.1l l\r,:kin, Ju.: ~iarti
nc:, ~fa:hdlt!' Kur: (advt.•.nr) (3rd 'l'OW) C.iul--c Hc!nilc.'it11, Zakk Pere:. Tri,ha, Hannah
Mucr... .ff(G.~1.), Olru l\m &Mn,. · tth:1n \'('~ (4dt row) Ty Pcs:corn, U..:::111
lhcrna~.Alcc VabJc:, ~lU R.u:lhu~. ~1.itr •lo.nng,Arul<! Kuh.1k {badt)Tttn ~fc:Cltem.ImJ
fn(Ji..igh, E\-:lll l lc(fman,Gnllu1 ~~h. ~de Um~ill. KcsulY 7.1.f!P:f,.J<U'C\..I P..we
(frant) Krista Kreuschcr , Carly Romtotis, Alhtcm Falduto, Di<mtel Young,
Lydia Henry (back) 'ick Gmigall, Griffin Sengbusch, Anna Kulvik, HIDnal1 :vluerhoff, EvID Hoff1U<U1, Alec Valade:, Zakk Pere:, Su:ie BicC<U1in
p<»e at DECA state 1:-cforc the award ceremon}.
Imshman Emily Alfano and junior Katelyn Page l:elp out at an FBLA cookout while
. .. Mona Wilkinson, help support FBLA by buymg a lunch.
lough each event proved competitive and drainino, seniors A hley Morgan and Tony
us rise not only above but beyond the judges high expectations and were awarded
vell-deserved first in Wisconsin FBLA regional .
tel Young, Arma Kulvik and uzie Bicanin pose after winning medals for various
ts at DECA State. "Exceeding at DECA tate is what got me interested in business
now, as a result, I am the Assi tant Manager of the school tore."- jr. uzie Bicanin
- ~unior ick Oxrigall eagerly waits on tage as he is about to receive his hard-earned medal at DECA state. "I never expected my name to be called, I was excited and nervous."
·or Joe Robaidek works hard ringing up tudents orders in the school store after the
ors graduate, using thi time to prepare himself for the upcoming year.
SADD is a club that has consistently worked on bettering our corrununity. They strive to bring awareness to high-schoolers about
the consequences ood decisions can have, and how to avoid making them. SADD is run by Ms. Bradley and this year's president
was senior Hannah Oates. The members hope to help students make lifetime positive decisions. Science Oub is run by chemi try
teacher Ms. P£eiffer. Students compete either individually or with a partner, and a few teams this year made it to both Regionals
and State. This year, State was held in Stout, Wisconsin, and many competed in events uch as ''Write it, Do it", Forensics, and
Remote Sensing. Students study the subjects of chemistry, physics, biology, and many other science-related topics. They must
sometimes build, or figure out complex problems with the help of their partners. Bible Oub, or Soul'd Out, changed its name this
year to Campus Life United. It still participates in the same activities and this year sponsored an event called March 9th, which
featured live music and other activities.
CAMPUS LIFE UNITED: Ovistina Spaeth, Nicky,Jonathan Small,
Katy Reget.
SCIENCE CLUB: (front) Alice Wei, Jenna Oszewski, Emily Fisher, Mrs. Pfeiffer
(2nd row) icholas Milles, Zach Da"iec, Emily Kenney.
homores Alice Wei and Emily Fi her pose for a picture after a long and eventful
of science competitions.
~ Sophomores Emily Kenney and Zach Dawiec placed third this year at science state,
whi h was held in tout, WI.
Freshman Haley Celebry with Sara Mahoney who said, "Our ADD chapter was formed
tly after Scott's death. We encourage everyone to make good decisions," from her
ch during halftime at the ott Procknow Memorial Soccer T oumament.
r.. The SADD sign hung high at the Scott Procknow Memorial Soccer Toumament held
this pring.
the sched-
were aHe to wrurrucc che
only four Saturday>.
Under the new ad\fair, Mr. , :ic Gcerale, the drama lxiard put in many hours over the sununer planning for the year's five productions <md
many activities. Aside from scheduling, the b.iard also restructured the format of the club, splitting its members into committees to more
efficiently complete the workload. "The conunittre; required a lot more help from the students in order for the club to function. Everyone
in Drama is required to be on a committee and there 1 one for just about everyone," aid sophomore Raven Spencer. Although the One-Act
play Conspicuous did not advance to the state level of competition, drama member attended the WHSFA Theatre Festival held in LaCrosse.
Traveling to the festival with the Bradford One-Act team, tudents attended workshops and watched performances from schools around the
state. "The state festival offers many specialized workshops in areas like costuming, make-up, dance, tage fighting, and improv. Attending
workshops like these really helped me realize just how much I want to continue v.ith technical theatre after high school," said senior Jordan
S1nith. After eight years of dormancy, drama members decided to bring back the Tremper chapter of the International Thespian &x:iety, an
honor society for tudents involved \\ith theatre. tudents receive pins, honor chords, and scholar hip opportunities through their membership. "It's important that we take time to recognize the high achieving students in Drama. Membership in the ITS makes you fccl like the
work you do is important and recognized," said junior Amber Shinn. With a tearful farewell at the annual banquet, drama members said
goodbye to the graduates and looked back on a year of hard work with pride.
Greeting each other for the first time since the year before,
sophomores Nathaniel Hedges-Goetll, Erica Nelson, and senior
Eddie Woodard poke fun during the firH Drama Oub meeting
held in the Studio Theatre, the new meeting location.
l.NrERNATIO AL THESPIAN SOCIETY: {frmr) &~hanne Duffy,
Men >.1 Acero, Enn Stumm.or, Raven Spencer, Dayna RoJn~e:. Amber
Shmn {2nd) O.elsea Strnchan, Wohlgemuth, Lauren Wesrermeyer,
J<»h Porrhasr,jordan Snurh, Oarissa Goldsnurh, Emily Leooard {l:ock)Annie
Walaszek, Jacl}n Yeary, Leah Orr, Jm Walls, Kaycee Gaht:, Alex Ham-
bn k, Kevm Duffy.
Olecking over the banquet agenda, advisor Mr. :Nie Ocerale, )Unior Zac
Oioper, and senior Joo Walls review the mock awards listing. Department awards for top actors, supporting actors and crew members were also
awarded to graduating students.
tching for the win, senior Joey Leidlein and sophomore Jensen Wohlgemuth play
·ster at the drama winter party. The Activities committee planned several parties
uring the year, as well as a field trip to see A Oiristmas C.arol in Milwaukee.
· ed to the spot, senior Julieanne Grasser torments patrons in the Haunted House.
" Pro 'ts from the house fund the majority of the productions for the season.
tmg at opposing ends, senior Amanda Novick and
phom re Raven pencer rehearse
ene from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being ~mest . .Drama Club members were
ted to perform short scenes for the PTA Founder s Day dinner.
"lling in the top plank of a passage, senior Alex Hambrock completes a portion of the
Haunted House. Hambrock designed the entire house with advisement from the technical director , Mr. Daniel himon.
I love the feeling of acting in a show-:"::':~~~iliiiiiiooiiliiiiiioi-,_J!
l:x..'Uluse when you are on stage
so scared and in front of people; but you
feel so comfortable because you're with
-jr. Megan Reynolds
it a new rector an two a no p ays, t e t eatre program prepar or a usy an exciting season.
, two one-act p ays
were produced over the same weekend. Gieck Please, a comedy about blind dating, was performed fir t, followed by the drama Omspicuaus,
which focused on the positives and negatives of interracial adoption. Chilly winter brought the classic childhood story of The Emperor's Nett'
Ootlies, written by local artist Amy Cundari. Guest director Josh Janetzke led the largest cast of the year in several perfonnances including inschool matinees for elementary students. Switching from the largest cast to the smallest, eight actresses toiled away at Robert Harling' Steel
Magnolias for which the Racine Theatre Guild generously donated all of the furniture and prop. Aside from line and blocking memorization, the actresses were trained by the Professional Hair Academy for realistic 80's hairdos and received dialect work from Mrs. Dary. The
final production, Oedipus Tyrannos by Timberlake W ertenbaker, was presented in the stu<lio theatre, a fir t in over nine years. To update the
classic tragedy, original music was written by composer Paul Spaeth. Additionally, costumes received a more modem look including choral
masks created by senior Jordan Smith.After closing five productions, the theatre program happily ended a successful year.
With a spla h to the face, junior Alex Walczak
gets doused by junior Arielle Romano after a blind
date gone bad. Walczak played two roles in Oieck
Telling secrets in the background, sophomores
Sandra Blakeslee, athaniel Hedges-Goettl, and
ITA freshman Jaymina Hardy plot together
the tailors in The Emperor's New Ootlies.
haring a mile and a word of encouragement, Bradford
senior Danielle Wright, sophomore Lauren Westermeyer
and senior Gllmy Siana celebrate new of a new baby during
Steel Magnolias.
e townspeople in The Emperor's New Oothes gather as they discu how they can
t teach their emperor a lesson in humility. tage managers tie-dyed T-shirts for the
townspeople to complete the costum .
e Oedipus Chorus, standing behind junior Austin Gordon, sing of their sorrows.
u t artist Amelia Kamholz choreographed the choral odes including one completely in
the dark.
ICWhorus members surround, junior Au tin Gordon pray to the gods. Each choru
~r represented a personality type that if uncontrolled, could ruin a leader.
~ Looking over recipe car<ls, Bradford senior Dcmielle Wright and senior Gllmy lana talk
of the upcoming wedding in Steel Magnolias.
My favorite part of
Environmental Club is
getting together every
\\'eek at our meeting.
\X'c ah\·a ' have fun,
me able to catch up
\\'ith friends and discus
ne\\' ways to help the
~~~ environment. Meetings are very informal
anJ our events let
From fashion shows, to dances, to bake sales, to recycling competitio~, Environmental Club does it all. During spirit week
Environmental Club holds a recycling competition between the classes. This really gets the student body involved in saving the
earth. Of course having plenty of bake ales to save an acre of the rainforest at a time does not hurt either. "Saving the world",
is what junior Michael Babcock says the main goal of the club is. Being environmentally friendly may be harder than it looks
but there was never a time when it was more fashionable than today. One factor of this could be Environmental Club's Fashion
Show that is held every spring. "We have the fashion show, where we recycle material to make outfits, it i a fun environment
that help Tremper bands get some publicity," senior Emily Fox describes her outlook on the show. Some other events that
Environmental Club has held are the invasive species removal at Pringle Nature Center, the beginning of the year mixer, and
the winter now Ball. All of these events have proceeds that go toward saving the rainforest or just helping the environment in
Pnngle ature Center is the perfect place to act like a kid again.
Invasive species removal has its l"Cnefits and so Jocs being the
wp person on the sliJc ''hen pt.xiple start to pile up!
Hot off the runway, models for the Environmental Oubstanc.l
together to take pictures in their recyclable fashions. lh:sc
clothes were made out of rt.'Cyclable materials only and \\"JS
one of the three categories of the annual fashion show.
Tie dye all over' Environmental Oub 1s busy getting PL'Ppcd up for the
parade, anJ face painnng peace signs all over their face. is a must! The
parade was a success for the club who chose to walk instead of having a car
for a flc:rat. The hu!Tkm flc:rat was defirutely a unique sight.
'" l•iruc \!!"'~hi.
t• ·on ~ lv ful.
lcn..J:\.."'C, Mch"-"1 S:.X·4.n, Alc.'(11. Zt..-.,·cn. ( n.i ruu.) Kcl""-1 ~11cK1 l<.c. 'Sl ( u y R1 nk · ~.~\~int.:
Hujlk, Bn,-._ik_e D1ck<.1w, Emily Paubu
-avkr "'h_'lfl\..lS, Am.:
1 \.;:\:ck (3rd rou•)
Oc1rt.-..-.aG•1u,Srencc...'t'To..cruJ,jacl ~ l...:.m fr1'h(ffi mh,,. \lud..:.\ 'Y.- R1Jk,
At>.m· Gnffo\'. Aum Wenndmg,
1\-iciifus, -rulv l11
TEMPESf: (front) O>c~"'" Scrachai
Together, the Tremper Oassi.c and Tempest staff are in charge of recording every event, story, and memorable moment that happens throughout the halls. Over 60 kids make up both the newspaper and yearbook staff to create a work of art of remembrance for
the school. For yearbook, the three Editors-in-Chief are seniors Tony Pappenfus, Emily Lynch, and Emily Shannon. Together, the
E-in..Cs and the rest of the yearbook taff work throughout the year collecting ads, capturing pictures, conducting interviews, and
designing layouts to create the entire yearbook. In the spring, the E-in..Cs traveled to Phoenix to attend workshops and compete in
yearbook competitions. On the other hand, the Tempest staff spent the year revamping the new paper. They changed the style of
the newspaper to resemble more of a magazine layout and added more character throughout the pages. With the new fw1 pages of
"Tremperopoly," "Who's That Teacher?," and "What's on your Tivo?" the Tempest really came alive this year. Adding in the latest
graphics and fresh original designs, both the Oassi.c Yearbook and Tempest newspaper were rein v.igorated.
md it was fun to recogrn:c other
groups of people."
The Official "Yearbook UM]o"
Plea-unit of measurement used in yemlxx)k production.
6 picas=1 inch
doMiNaNt pioto-photo which is 2 to 2 1/2 times larger
than ~my other picture
gutter-crease in the center of the book between two
la::Jder: the overall map which shows the placement of
e\·e 'b ·out in the ·eartxx)k
tors-in..Chief for the Yearlx>ok Emily Lynch, Emily hannon, and Tony Pappenfus
~ to pose for a quick picture while in Phoenix for the ]EA Convention.
Scni rs from the Tempest staff Ashley Morgan and Andrew Griffey go over drafts and
edit them for the ne\\ paper to decide which articles make the cut.
IC~t taff member Amanda Novak sits at her computer as he works on her "Oub
im1eMonth" article for the paper.
T cm.pest taff Trisha Christenbury and Aaron Wemtling take a snap hot for their article
DO' and DONTS in the paper.
bin, and Taylor Thomas olance at the
1V Club played a significant part this year in our daily lives at school. Not only did they broadcast television, but they also distributed delicious glazed and cyclops donuts! They provided us with great broadcasts to keep us updated on recent and past events.
Battle of the fuoks really takes time, dedication, and hard work. This is one of the reasons why the Battle of the fuoks team did
so well. They fought hard and at the same time displayed their effort. They finished with a first place title.
Drawing, painting, sculpting, and observing consumes the lives of Art Club students. Within the Art Club, students learned to
perfect all of these kills and learned a few new techniques as well. Some seriou talent was definitely shown in the Art Club this
year. T11ey might be a small club, but their art makes all the difference.
What makes a movie good? What makes a movie bad? When it comes to a film what' your point of view? In the Point of View
Club student discuss their different perspectives after watching various movies.
~ib 1 l1 •y
p ... i•t
You can actually see the process that goes into the The library was closed during the AP art show, but many An example of the many diverse works that were
art work of these pieces. It takes more than one classes and individual student took field trip to look at all chosen to be included in the AP art show.
piece of paper to get the final product.
the impressive works.
I~ 1V lub crew takes action and records and broadcasts the Honors O:invocation,
. .ted by the Renaissance program.
One of the many great and unique art pieces of the AP Art show. This, like many other
art pieces, ·was elected to be put in the how.
g were a little different this time around in Battle of the Books. The actual compen was held on the computer instead of in person.
The advisors over look students as they compete in the on.line Battle of the Books
en you're looking for something to eat in the moming and you see Mrs. H. ju t
ding time with her cart, he looks like a donut godd !" -soph. Katie Genther
OCTAGON CT.UR: (fnmr) k<h Kok . Ekh-th, R>rhd Pete"'-"• llnt• mv Btllt
'St.1.-pi~Ul1l: ~hcY'f (2nd TCl\l!) l.Juren L\.1rbv. t_,aitlin Sinith, (A' t Bla7:-\\1ikc. ft ll:!', ; kl Jl.:a
(back) \\y,)_•.a Rt ~ k . mv r .·: xnf \L'i, ' )erci;. La: --;Wi!hr SI~ ne Rc:t>C' .mn.:· Kone -ID
Octagon Club and Key Club are both service clubs that help out in our community. Key Club has become more well-known this
year because of its strong leaders. Alice Wei was elected Lieutenant Govemor on the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan district board.
This allowed Emily Kenney to be promoted to president. Brittany Reger was the secretary and Addey Kiefle was in charge of writing the newsletters. With this strong team and the help of Mr. Zematis they were able to have a very successful school year. One
of the many successful events was the Flick n' Float for Jane Vernon Elementary school students. A few of the students involved
in Key Club went to the District Convention, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where they took workshops to leam about new service
ideas and meet other Key club members from all over Wisconsin. Ex-Stamp is a club designed to allow students to show off their
creativity. The students decorated items, usually using stamps, that they would then sell. The profits went to help buy educational
supplies for the students.
Club Lea:Jers S
(@ r=;
the di trict convention, new district officers were elected, members of Key Club
. .m all over Wisconsin took part in workshop to gain knowledge about new service
ideas, and were able to attend a formal dinner and dance at the end of their trip!
"I love being in Key lub because it is such a great way for high school students to be
involved in both their community and school. The WlUM di trier convention, flick and
float, and other activities really made thi year memorable!"
-Rachel Zalaznik
Maze show off her creativity by coloring one of the projects that he made.
~ Oc gon Club members Caitlin mith, Cody ikorski, Justine Bloxdorf, and Jc hua
Pecha bell-ring to collect donations from Piggly Wiggly shopper for the Salvation Army.
tamp members work on coloring projects that they will sell.
This year our outstanding scholastic groups have been tediously working and striving for academic sucess. National Honor Society
students were working diligently all year long and were rewarded with a big ceremony. At the ceremony, all the students were recognized for the hard work and had a blast! Quill & Scroll is an honor society for journalism members. It consists of students from both
the Tempest and the yearbook staff. Quill & Scroll had a great initiation to honor their new and current members. Each member was
recognized for their outstanding work. Afterward the Quill & Scroll students had gathered to watch slideshows and eat sandwiches,
chips, and the most fantastic potato salad. As the ceremony was nearing an end the senior Quill & Scroll members and said their good
byes and wished well for their new members who would take their place. The Academic Skills Challenge students also had a great year.
&th teams participated in an academic competition against other schools and both placed near the top.
QUILL AND SCROLL: (front) Megan Schumnann, Sara Knapp, Mcir.m<la Parrerson, Kaitl\11 Aceto, Taylor Thomas, Ashley Morgan, Melissa Sobin, Samara Come::, Shelby Follcnslx.'C (2nd row) Jared Blank, Gintarc
Paskauskaitc, bnily L\nch, Emily Althoff, Stephanie Albrecht, Ooris."1 Comer, Alexis Zcycn, Aman<la Novick
(back) Keri Dennison, Jacl\11 Ycary, Ryan Rid!C), Andrew Griffcy Anthony Pappenfus.
ACADEMIC KILLS CHALLENGE: ([rant) Alex Kollman, KatL'lina Km,t;mtmoff,
Meli~'<! Sohin, Jacl\n Ycaf), RcllL·cca Scoe~, bik SiJ1'ma (2nd row) Jake Riley, Da~iJ
Carswell, Anne Walaszelz, KcV111 Ran<lle, Zac U.xipcr (back) Ty Pctc~11. Anthony Pappenfus, Daniel Sparks, Joe Concannon .
the Quill & roll Ceremony, Ms. Jurgensen hands club member Samara Gome: her
recognizing her achievement, cooperation, and all of her hard work in yearbook.
his trumpet while at the !H Ceremony, he put on quite an
or Melissa bin presented her fell ow NH members a very touching peech thankhem for all of their hard work and dedication this past year.
'' While at the banquet, the Quill and Scroll members were introduced and received
awards for their joumali tic achievements.
students read along together during their ceremony and were then quickly
ted to continue their day· festivities.
Freshman Bailey Sundstrom s .1 dc'Clicak.J suprx.irtcr of Sign Clulo.
She participates in many ac · ·itic'>, like wh<:11 the gwup tra1·chl to
Prairie Lane for the Deaf Si md Dance Crew. She \l'l'rks hard Pn
learning all the new signs th t <lfc taught <lt the mc>etings <md is a
SIGN LANGUAGE CLU'B: (front) :--;,wlc Cie1gc:r, LmJ,,._-v Allemand, }c'Ssicct Z
(2nd row) S.unamha Joh•m"'-'" favlor !'ope, Bailey Suncbtrom, Allie Andrea, Juhe
R;mdk (3rd row) Admc>r :--;icole L1for.~e. ~leirnnda PattetS<.111, Summtha Clanon,
RcKhnd MakKk, D:ma Jaros, Ad1isor \\'illiam Oark (back) Marsha"'' Fi1"!11errn,
KurkHm'Un. bn :..talu.e. \1arqu1"' \1cncal, Am1nda G1Ilar
Junior Allie Andrc>a is .m dficcr of '-,ign l..angmge Ouh
;md likes to help thnS<: struggling 11ith the sii.,'11s. She is very
active 11ith the club in all the actiYities they do, incluillnQ
fundrais1ng <-U1Li pr0111otion.
love all the different
ways of saying words.
I've learned so many
different words to
describe myself. ' '
~sr. Ian Mahone
'Throughout the year, Sign Language Club participates in many activities. In March, the club took a bus to Prairie Lane Elementary to see the Deaf Sign and Dance Crew from the Wisconsin School for the Deaf in Delavan, WI. Other than activities like
participating in the talent show, the leaders, Nicole Laforge and Bill Clark, stay after school every Thursday aftemoon from 3:10 to
4:10, to teach students signs and how to use them correctly. Many students, both hearing and partial, participate and make up
ever growing club.
The Gay Straight Alliance also participates in many fun and serious school activities, like the Day of Silence and Day of the
Dead after Prom. They see it as a way to raise awareness of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual community and how the population is
ever growing. They hope to bring enl.ighteM1ent for peers and a place of sanction for those struggling with their sexuality.
"We (G A) had an open mic poetry slam, where people
could share pertinent stories, poems, songs, etc. and that
was fun. We also hope to c.lo some community service."
-soph. Lauren Boatwright.
GSA: (front) l<ry>t1<ma Ko:b"k1, Cassi M<xirhou>e, Karly A'runu>,
Cmic El<.lcr (2nd row) Eddie Wm.lard, Nicole Insko, Am;mda &rren, Elizabeth Peterson, Erica 1 Ism (back) Lauren &xitwright, Max
Dinan, 'athanicl Hedges-Gott!, Stephanie Behme.
&:iph(ll11<irc Came Elder worb hard to bring awarenc"s to the GSA
club. She does many promotional acti,ities, like finding fam and statistics to place on colorful pu;ters. She participates in other acti,ines
like Day of the Dead tmJ Day of Silence.
a group, we hope to bring a different outlook on life and a chance to make the lives
lm>rruggling peers easier." -soph. icole Insko
"I love the feeling after we complete a big project, like urveys or Day of ilence. It feel
lik we are accompli !ling somedling." -soph. Max Dinan
ing a part of G A has helped me see how hard it i to be gay, lesbian or bisexual in
ools and in everyday life." -soph. athaniel Hedges-Gott!
" I love facial expressions because they convey 70% of the message <md I love to watch
hm a story can be conveyed through someone' eyes and facial expressions."-Sign Oub
Instructor Nicole Laforge
vant to expose students to different ways of looking at things and how them a differway of expressing themselves. " i!m Oub Instructor William Clark
der Kollman, Ouistopher w
Oui topher ML<;<;h-Bloxdorf,
Parsons, Kristen Campen, Jae
Becoming Jazz Band members takes much dedication and time commitment. Jazz Messengers, for example, memorize music and
work on their personal improvisations for their solos. The Messengers are the top and most skilled jazz members. There are also
ensemble groups that consist of larger amounts of people to create a fuller and well blended sound. Golden Strings i made up of
advanced orchestra students who audition and dedicate a large amount of time to memorizing songs, enduring long and intense
rehearsal , and pending nights away from home traveling to perform for many people around the world, in places like: Mexico,
Europe, and Hawaii. Though there are many tedious things to accomplish, member always make room in their buy schedules to
have fun and pend time with others. Chamber Orchestra consists of after school rehearsals, where members leam and practice
pieces on their own. In contrast to class orchestra, chamber normally plays more well known and very entertaining songs like "Sweet
Home Alabama".
- jr. Laena Serpe
(frant) Erin Dreger, Jenni(er May, Llndsey
Brandes, Lacna Serpe (back) Patrice Hutchinson, Kevm Latham, Lindsey G-.ockaert, Graciela Burroughs.
(frant) Sarah Warren, Relx.'Cca toebe, Alice
Wei, (back) Emily Lehman, Laura Gildenstem,
Abby tauder.
(frant) Allison Millsaps, Shaina Tolefree, Katie Schroeder, Samara Gome: (back) Echan
Whitaker, Daniel Sparks, Austin Gordon,
Sarah Jackson.
(frant) Rebecca Gleason, Naomi 01.ilds, Addey Kifle (back) Kimberly Worcester, Ethan
Llrtel, Keith Kikuchi.
Jllnainly joined chamber because I thought it would be fun to play different kinds of
l!misic. But I also really enjoy the casual atm phere."
--jr. Au tin Gordon
"I' e always been very dedicated to band and music in general, so joining jazz was a very
ex ted decision. The fact that it is something I enjoy and have fun doing i a plus."
--sr. Chri topher wenson
"Qunp is really intense! We usually practice between 10 to 12 hours each day. But there
is always time for a good game of Catch Phrase or a dance party in the hall before bed."
--jr. Katherine Schroeder
l'Jamber of the Tremper Golden trings playing "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" for an
lm.1ual Valentine's Day performance in Lake Geneva.
ild Wild West Mr. and Mis.s. Tremper Show
eel of dancing, acts anywhere from making fun of
ah Palin to reenacting the past 4 years of high school
in 5 minutes, and a question and answer section. The
show started off with the contestants doing do-si-dos
and Texas two-steps to country westem music. A couple
of acts used the prop of an Edward Cullen cardboard cut
out, a character from the popular Twilight series. Several
skit ideas were taken from YouTube, others were completely original. Abby Padlock, who looks somewhat like
Sarah Palin, added some and adopted her accent.
Ab 's escort was Deion Scarbrough, who looks remarkably like Barack Obama. So "Palin" and "Oban13" had a
humorous political debate, which received lots of laughter. The w thearts Andrew Griffey and Sobin
perfonnCd a physical comedy ending in Griffey drinking
poison and Sobin (photo on the right) pulling his wallet
from hi pocket filter he passes out from the poison.
eterson and Brittany Parshall sang a witty song;
"One Semester of Spanish Love Song". Jenny Kwas and
Chris Misch ended their skit with Chris playing Ron
Burgundy from Anchorman, with a cardboard box over
hi0 cl, yelling, I'm in a cardboard box of emotion!
The contestants came up with the questions that the
judg were going to ask the other contestants. As Andre\ ' Griff contemplated an answer to the question
he was asked, "What have you done to make Tremper a
better place" he was fidgeting and fumbling wet splashes
appeared on the front of his pants, at which point the
audience was in tears from laughing. As it turns out he
had put a water bottle with holes in his pocket, he was
not given permis.sion to do so, so he got a stem talking
to, but definitely well worth it.
As the votes from all the judges were being
cow1ted the contestants and tl1eir escorts
did the wave on stage. TI1e judges, who were
referred to as Deputies and Sheriffs, Mr. Cicerale, Mr. Wisniewski, Mr. King, Mr. Shimon, Mr. Cummins, and Ms. Steinbrink, said
that the votes were very close, but it came
down to Kyle Peterson, and Abby Padlock
winning tl1e titles of Mr. and Ms. Tremper.
Top: [he Mr. Tremper comesrant:s at the end of their
country western dance.
Right: Sweethearts and Mr. and Mis.s.
Tremper candidates Melissa Sobin
and Andrew Griffey
Left: Mi . Tremper Abby
Padlock and Mr. Tremper
Kyle Peterson right after they
were crowned.
his year pring break, the majority
of the student lxxly found ways to
enjoy their week off in the sun, with friends,
or their ignificant others. In a urvey given
once they all returned from their vacations the
average amount of time spent in the sun came
out to be between 10-40 hour ! From staying
at home to going out of state, everyone found
something to do. Some people even had the
rtunity to go on trips for choir, band, athh r club.5.
Budgeting asn't exactly on anylxxlys mind
gain ome people don't
during br , th
have an eye for ales r shopping in general,
i w
a i r f r th e who didn't hop to
tc y on a simple b dget. Most tudents spent
, not including the expenses
or gas and p <me tickets.
1A-,~w·r-$H:Jf"-lrhf" junior clas rated their vacatlon between 5-9, making them the highest
rat class in terms of how much fun they
ha ver break. "The only downside to my
spring break was that it ended way too soon"
ays junior Miranda Bentz. "Doesn't time alway fly by when you're having fun?"
From Vegas to France, Tremper tudcnts
packed their bags during spring break and hit
the airports! (Top) Choir enjoying thernsel ves in
Disney World. (Above) Tremper senior Gabe
Henrikson and friends enjoying an easy break
in Florida. (Right) Sophomore Tyler Symoens
having a laugh while taking a fast-paced ride
on a donkey.
"I was more than ready to take
off my winter coat and put on
my flipflops for pring break!"
- jr. yclney Leonard
(Right) Queen Kara Gucciardo
and King Vinny Funk in an infamous prom pose. (Below) Senior
Gabe Hendricks dances with date
Amanda Goodman
rom is a jungle of fir t . It' where the freshies are
out and the juniors, eniors, and few lucky ophomores
are in and have the night to hine and show who truly
are the ones to remember. It's a night of miling to the
point of pain for every parental unit with a camera, of
wearing the heels that kill your feet, and adjusting the
tie you pent hours finding to perfectly match her dress.
It's night to taste test the food that's rumored so much
about and in this year's case battling the weather in a tsunami of rain. This year's enchanted jungle theme brought
to the Parkway Chateau and crawled them
out on the dance floor. It was a night for hiding in the
middle of the clan fl r to avoid the chaperones wrath.
w th voting for your king and queen out of the
mass \m le of att dees. This year with an impressi vcly
r m urt it was do e call for who would take
the crown. The man of the night was prom king and footb
d r Vinny Funk. As for the queen it went out to
well d -crved Kara Gucciardo.
It '
night to just take in and enjoy those memories
with a date and friends, never taying till the end, going out afterward, or even taying in. It was a night to
Did you pay for
you and your date'
-65 % said yes
-35% said no
How long did it take
you to find a tie
and vest/shirt that
matched your date's
-46% 30min or less
-19 % 2hr or more
If you rented a tux,
how much did it cost?
-$0-100 -63%
-$101-200 -31 %
-More -6%
peeding toward the fini h line at Burlington, junior Mike Kammer
jumps over hi last hurdle and sprints towards the end. He f ini hes
\\' a en»e of accomplishment and jog toward hi coach. 46:10 was
his time; a new per )nal best for thi track member.
"The track team thi year i different than any other year," say
Mike. "We are a young team with a lot of talent." When Mike aid a
lot of talent, he meant it. On the distance ide, three freshmen broke
five minute miles. The team has a pirited group of freshmen that will
keep getting more and more skilled with each ea on. Along with the
skill of the freshmen, the seniors have quite a few accomplishments
to brag of.
Kevin Randle ran a 4:38 mile, which ended up being a personal best
for him. A school record for the four by two meter relay was broken
by Tommy Evans, Deion Scarbrough, ate Mo es, and David Hood.
At conference, the team took third place with two points more than
their rivals, and fourth place at regional . At Sectional and tate,
we received places at 9th and 53rd. Despite the harsh season, the
track member did a fantastic job on becoming a tronger team
that can endure almost anything.
Leaping across the
hurdles in the 300'<>.
junior Michael Kammer attempts to beat his
personal record of 45.50
Tommy Evans races past hi competitor and tries to keep hi pace as fast as
pos.sible. The Eagle' runner i close behind, and so Evans tries to keep in the
game and tay away from getting behind hi rival.
Racing his way past hi
opponent, enior Ste\'e
Uttech continues charging
toward victory. Being on
the Varsity team, teve has
a lot expected out of him
and docs his best to give a
good name to the team.
BOYS' TRACK: (front) Steven Uttoch, Vinnie Sirocchi, J<x.'Y Mlfrinez, &n Riter, Le" Hurtm, [);"id Hood, Bramku Sc. Peter, Kyle N.1mngham (2nd
mw) Ethan Schwalbc, Jm Mcalli;ter, &luarJo Rivera, Ryan Ox, D.J. Rl'YJ1l~d,, R)<m Snell, [)a,·ey Lanng Jr., hchol<l.'i Mtller, Lance )t~mson (3rd row) Mu:h.1d
&mhuener, Michael )art-.;, Kevin Randle, Adam Kok, Tc.nm1y Evans, Ben Lee, Mike Sepanski, Luis Ro:.lrigue::, Daniel Ball, ilranckxl Zigner, Aaron En,,oelmann,
Gerardo M,tldmado, Zach Hansen (4r.h row) Alec Hi&h, Mike Hunt, Andrew Fricke, Andrew McNav, Eth.-u1 Littcl,john Mdvtahon, Sam C'll'lson, Matt Litre!,
kk lel1c, BenQ1oplanJ,
te~'l-erry,ja;h Ault,jercmy Troup (5r.h row) K -le De!
·m, Tm
us, G>llu
, Oxich
u, NickQirrig-.tll,OlrisQ11.lfCI', Androjacch,joeQuamrlln, Ktleb
·e Kmuner, Matt Engelmann (back)Qxich
h De
h Freddy Garcia, Q...,ch Eintl ~"' h:iuse.
Joe ())ncannon oolts past hi competitors, keeping
up his pace as fast as possible. With the Horlick and
Franklin rurmers close behind, he works harder and
: ; , :~~~he rivfil ro he cm got a g=l
TI1i season the t • ck and field team ha:; had a tremendous amount of team spirit. At
c,·cry meet, lx1th the Varsity <md JV, the athletes would suprxirt ca h other no matter
if the un wa.-; shining or it ''-"'"!!. p..iuring rain. The la:;t race of cv ry meet is the four hy
four and all the athletes from Tremper would go m1d ·tm1d at the h;t tum. Every nme
a rurn1l:r would go l~ they would cheer m1d scream for them. At one meet the schools
w •re competing to sec who could scream louder for their team. The cheering must hm·e
helped because the Varsity girls' four by four team, cOI i ting of fresh1mm harn10n Parmentier, sophomore Jenna iszc' ki, junior arah Ball, m1d senior Karie Wielgos, made
it to tate. The four by four came in fir t at sectionals so that they could go
to tate the next week. While at state they tied for 11th with a time o f
4:06:17. 1phomorc Jenna is:cw. ki also made it to ·tate for the
300 meter hurdles. Jc1ma came in 17th \~ith a time of 48:24.
Also for the 100 meter hurdles was Senior Ri'ana Johnson.
Ri\ma came in 15th with a time of 16.2 .
ral1 Ball
made it to tatc for the 00 meter rw1. he came in
seventh with a time of 2:1 :21. This year, Ball
broke the 400 meter dash record \\ith a time
of 59:6 m1d the 00 meter run record with a
time of 2:16:64. Jenna Ci :cwski broke the 300
meter hurdle record with a time of 46:84. TI1e
4x1600 meter relay broke the record with 23:43:05. "Track
is like a frito. T11ey don't ta te that good but you keep
going back for more. It's a love/hate relationship. It's all
for that feeling of accomplislm1cnt after a hard workout."
said sophomore Alice Wei
Jw1iors ierra Sherrod and Tori Eckert, and frcsrun<m Carly Epping \\-am1 up
for long jwnp at Burlington High School.
Freshinan Courmey Robinson runs the 1600 meter relay at the track meet in
111e soccer season started out trong as our girl did their best to represent us on
the field. D,uly pra ticcs ,md facing challenging opponents kept these girls bus, this
past ·
n. The team worked hard to not only win their games but to raise money
for breast C.'UKer. The teams had a Go Pink game to help this C.'lusc and to make it
knrnm throughout the schml. 111e school was littered with pink
soccer hirts that di played the cause of fighting against breast
cancer. At this game they even had a special guest, LeRoy
Butler. During the game all of the girls got to wear
pink uniforms for the cau and show the other team
what our schml i all al-out. Hard work was put in
by all of the girl thi past season and it paid off.
"We are a pretty self-disciplined team and the captains do a great job pu hing us to ftx:u · and give
110%," junior ydney Hujik describes the team's
challenging practices. Our girls showed their kill
all over the field while facing challenging opponents. Winning their first three games the girls
started out the season in great hapc. Even when
the girls lost to one of the bigger rivals, Bradford,
they found a way to rally their pirits and to continue
to win other games to make it all the way to Regional . Against W estosha they won three to nothing and then
they won aaainst Racine allowing them to go to Sectionals. One
tribute that touched everyone's hear thi season was the tournament
that the team played in coach Scott
Pnx:know' memory. Our girls truh
have heart and pirit!
"1l1is year \\~ls my first year
as a mi<lfic!Jer, I really like It
l-x..·c.1usc of the ~t-up you create. Our team is more united
thru1 it's l:x..'Cn in the 3 year'
I've l:x..'Cn on Varsity, we all get
along work harJ cu1d gi vc it
our all, while still having fun,
I love it!"
-jr. ydney Hujik
FRESHMEN: (front) Kelly Hagrcn, Carly Knight, Destiny YilJirim (2nd row) Patrice BrO\m,
Alc.x Sargent, Kathy Cclcbre, Johnoson, Austin \X'hit<.:>iJe(MA) (back) JcnruJcr Schlie,
Anna Oincannon, Maria Rodrigue:, Taylor Dur..en, Lauren Konchan, Brooke Snider, Tara Larson, Ali.son Iglehart.
Kaela Hcx...'Cherl nms to
retain the ball from the
oppo ing team to help bring
home victory. Facing fierce
opponent':> and trying to do
her best, Kaela continues to
put pride in our team!
JUNIOR VARSITY: (front) Gisel Romero, Haley Klinkhammer, Jaime Elsen, Kianna Holland
(2nd row) Haley Cclcbre, Bianca Miccl1, Megan l.hxlqutst, S:m1'mtha Rol:msllfl, Sarah Ota.-e,
Shelby Mogensen (back) Gmch Baker, Sara Mahoney, Holly Mahoney, Elise Valeri, Emily Alfano,
Paige Schult:, Samantha Browder.
VAR ITY: (front) :.fonica Santelli, Li'a \X'elch, Shdh\· Hawley, Julie Zarlem, ' m1'mtha FnL'lil,
Kaela Hocchcrl (2nd row) Ol<mtd Young, Alyx D.!ver, Andrea \'agnoru, Rachel Dulwn, AllisonJohnstm, Heather Pry-e, Lauren Salbbury, Sydney Hujik, C'lrl\' Roiniotis (back) LC \X'euick,
To..ld Hardy.Jennifer Schlie,Je:;.,ie Lauren::i, Emily :--.fohr, Sara Griffiths, Meg,m Mahoney, Alison
c.w Baker, Aly" 1 Sigman, P.). Hoffman.
"Bu tin ours to kick yours" was this years team motto for the Trojan Varsity softball team. This was 1 excellent motto because it made the team pu h themselves
and thrive to win 12 of their 19 games of the season giving them a 12-7 record and
a 9-4 conference record. Even with just two pitcher , junior Tiegen Leable and
sophomore ra karda the Trojans were able to pull off thi record and keep up the
gocx:I pitching. What's spectacular about these two pitcher i that they were both
injured and still won ball games. Sara kardas injury came at the end of the season,
leaving Tiegen to pitch an entire week traight right before pitching for Sectionals
as well. Most of the players thi year agree that the overall best game of the season
was the game against Oak Creek. "It was a gocx:I game because it showed how much
we needed to come together as a team and work hard against gocx:I competition"
says freshrnan Lauren Boresch. Senior Katelyn Gorman was excited about the win
because "The last four year Oak Creek has beaten u and now this year we beat
them, my senior year!" The softball season tu med out to be a bond-building season.
"My tearrumtes this year were AMAZING! Even with my injury they all made me
feel like I as a part of the team even though I could not play" -jr. Ashlie Kunich.
Players on the team hosted pasta parties for all of the tean1 members to attend, play
games, and ultimately have fun together.
There was also another change this year. The Varsity team was very young. At
the top are the four seniors, three juniors, four sophomores, and four freshmen.
Freshman Jessica Werbie claims that "along with hitting the ball to the fence to get
a triple in the game against Muskego, my biggest acheivement this year was actually
making the Varity team as a freshie!" Saral1 Omwell also feel proud to come up
from the freshman team last year to the Varsity team. "111is softball season was a
great season but moments that I will never forget are tl1ings like our water balloon
fight during practice, deciding
who's going to get a foul ball
("nose-goes") and watcl1ing Sarah ())nwell plop on the ground
for a ball, or what she calls 'diving"' - r. Aly a Wright.
( To the left: senior
Katelyn Gonnan leading off at third base
after getting a double
and stealing third base
against Case.
VARSITY SOFTBALL: (front) Alys.XI Wright, Ashliee Arreguin (2nd row) Sarah Qmwell,
Gabriel Garcia, Diane Ewens, Ticgcn Lcable, Ashlie Kunich, J~sica Werbie (back) Qiach Mark
Skarda, Sara Skarda, Lauren Boresch, Kathrenia Tnnmicr, haron DuJardin, Sarah Thornbrough,
Katelyn Gonnan, Emily Woller, O:iach Doug To\\nsend.
JUNIOR VARSITY SOFTBALL: (front) Shannon Piekos, Brittany Durkee, Shelbiee Arreguin (2nd row) Oirolyn Hutchinson, Kayla Palmer, Laena Serpe, Sarah Medina, Alyssa Wicks,
Leah Ebener (back) Coach Brooke Schenk, Jennifer Ku , C'lfrie Lee, tephanie Alvare::-Rivera,
Samantha Oibb, Emily Vanergen, Kathryn Aikens, Brittany Oarke, Coach Man<ly Lyn Zember.
To the left: sophomore Sara
Skarda "My favorite part
of hitting is when we have
base runners and I hit the
gap to dri\'e them home"
FRESHMAN SOFTBALL: (front) AlexaRae Pouncy, Emily Boak (2nd row) 1mara Q15.
trn1eda, Srnnamha Barsuli, Srnnantha B)me, Katel\11 Zigner, lm<mtha Johansen (back) Coach
Mark henk, Brrn1<li Gon::ales, Gabrielle 01.iapetta, Alyssa Giner, Tori Bmm1an, Brcoke Z1j.1c,
Al) a Morris, Amanda Rugg.
Get p! Get out of here! It's gone! If fub Uecker would have been
there, even he would have been impressed by Varsity ba eball's performance at Miller Park. They blew the Horlick Rebel out of the water
with a score of 14 to 2. ot many high school tudent can say that
they played where major league teams play. Of cour e, contributing
to each and every one of their victories was pitcher am Mahar, who
is only a phomore, but made his way to Varity with that powerful
left arm of hi . Outfielder hawn Miller, who wa said to be "Gcxi
of baseball", fir t ba eman Derek Binninger, 3rd ba eman/pitchcr
Ryan eu, pitcher
Alex ewberry and outfielder Mike hort
always bring excitement to the field with their amazing doubles and
homeruns. The team pulled off one exciting win against their crmtown rival, Bradford during the season, and ended the year with a
winning record. The season was definitely unforgettable.
together to celebrate
right after a big win.
VAR ITY BASEBALL: (front) Rran ' u, Kyle &kkila, Jake Borcsh, Cody Colbert, Mike Shon, Ru,c (2nd row) Sha"n Miller, Kyle Dahl, Au;tin G>lownia,
Kyle Petersen, Ricky
Anthony Lau
Hcxwer, Cooch
L,nke, un Mahar (back) Cooch Matera, Aaron Wcnncling,
mger, Al
, Co.I
JV BA EBALL: (front) Trc,·or Mohgeau, Wesley ~foms, Andrew Dillow (2nd row) Jake
\X 1111• •rka, Zak Bernhardt, Andrew Korec:, Brandoo Page, Rol:b.e Devries, Bnan T redup, Jake
Hornick (back) lli1ch Suiko, Tyler Kohler, Jake fuxrud, Karl Budd, Amhmy ZeeYdd, Perer
Joe Kiser, Jimmy Jones, Jake Kugler.
FRESHMEN BASEBALL: (front) Ktxlv Gorman, Jaroo Kehl, OJiwn ~kkL>t!, Darren 0-ha,
~1itch ~. R\ ll1 Kehl. Rol:V,. Salani, Adam Lan,baii, Broe FulmCNI (back) Brand..Ti
ue!d,Jay Trimmer. Bnan Dick~"'· Q-och • lunidc, Bn<1n Page, l.ogcm Harmdl.
Overall the Boys Golf team did really well thi school year. Before
every match Coach Fennema gave his boys a little pep talk. He told
them to: think, play mart, relax, and have some fun. "That rah rah
kind of stuff doesn't work to well for our kind of sport" states Coach
Fennema. o one went to State this year but two players participated
individually in Sectionals. One of the players, Victor Aiello placed
4th and missed the advancement to State by just one place. The other
individual that advanced, Chris Bloxdorf, shot an 87, while Victor
hot a 78. The last two matches of their eason the team did not do
nearly as well as they could have which was a slight dissapoint:ment.
But despite that the coaches were till proud of all the boys and enjoyed watching them improve and come a long way from the beginning of the season. Everyone can not wait until next year and they all
hope to have a better finish.
Terms you need to know.
Ace-A tee shot is hit and it goes into the hole.
Birdie-A score of one under par on a hole.
Bogey-A score of one over par on a hole.
Eagle-A score of two under par on a hole.
Green-A putting surface on the golf cour e.
BOY GOLF: (front) Taylor Ra-:ko\\iak, ~m \'\'oiler, Cn.h \ford:md, \'icror 1ello, Oms Bloxdorf, ott Rmoburg, Kurt Riemer, Mike Gr.meselli, Ab Yoko1, N:l[C N;quLst (2nd row) Danny
Kupfer, Matt OuistenSffl, \fatr Bible, OUp 'mreler,Jtie Meier, Nick \!elm>, 1'.~ck Rl1iniotis,
Peterson, Andy Roinioris (back) Oxich Fetmema, Jared Keckcisen Ra;; Kotten, \fatt Home, Logan
Thomas, '1ck Mow, ick Takala, 'ick Eggen, \1rc O,rer, \fax A1cllo, Q·och
Although everyone lov to win, the boys on the tennis team take
on another view. They love the game and would much rather be out
there h ving fun than worrying about the core, and that tends to
way in their favor anyway. The boys are also very dedicated, practicing all the time and never complaining. Junior Jake Riley describes
practices as, "Awesome. We u ually run in the beginning and end
of each practice, but in between these runs, we play games of tenni..
With a gr up of thirty people it becomes a little complicated, but we
all see a fair amount of play time, despite the large number, but someone usually get hit with the ball." With all the people it i amazing
the boys don't fight, but with all the practices, twelve hour tournaments, and being at rate for a couple of day , these boy really get
to know each other and get along. They all love the camaraderie they
have with each other and how fun they are to be around. Another
thing all the boys love is that no one i trying to compete for top position, they all love the game and enjoy just playing it and not trying
to prove anything to anyone. With dedicated players and caring
friends, there i nothing that can top this team from achieving
their dreams and aspirations.
These boy do not waste
time. While waiting to
play, they mess around
with each other to get
hyped up for their tum on
the court, and it alwa)
help their game.
JV TENNI : (back) Hea<l Qx1ch Omck Werve, Michael &ibcock, Andrew Doheny, Pierce
Ekdahl, Roberr Messenger, Ryan Miller, ichola~ Spettel, Alex Rohinsm, Marko Poldnx.,,, Assistant Head Oiach Maredda Magnus (3rd row) Kyle Wasurick, Brian Kirkegaard, Craig Sherwood,
Joel Hopstein, Alex tauff, Kyle Quum, Jon Lang, Anthony Ricciardi, Tyler Evans, Tom Barber
(2nd row) 01ase Junge,
, Zach
Smith, Ken tares, Kevm
Will Hurst, Travis Kem,
Sophomore Jacob Larson is on
fire on and off the court. With
his wicked erve and all the
homework he gets, it i amazing
he keeps going. His per everance
sure shows through in hi school
work and when he tep out on
the court.
Although the team members are not always on the court, they stay and watch
the gan1e intently hoping to learn their opponents mo~es ~d enh~ce their
own playing styles. Along with the learning, they also en.JOY JU t chillmg on the
VARSI1Y TENNIS: (back) Associate Head Cooch Dave Riley, G.1nnor Hildebrandt, Zach Cooper, Thomas Goldsmith, Head Cooch Ornck Werve, Andrew Fields, Adam Gagliardi, William
Hom, Arsistant Cooch ~faredda ~fagnus (front) Jake Riley, Da\1d Cmwell, Jake Humphreo,,.
(})ming into the se·1son ,1s the defending rate champions, the ooys' oowling
team had e. pc'Ctations. Returning five seniors (six memlX'r overall) from
it. championship team, they e>..'J1CCted nothing lcs.5 than a tate title with arguabl)
one of the most talented te<m1S to come from Wisconsin. The te<un finished with
a 16-4 record, which was excellent for second in tl1e conference. The season
had its ups and dmms with occasional trugglcs including two rough losses to
Horlick, the numl-x:r one team in the conference.
The team has a long history at the state tournament. In the eight previous
years that the program has exiswd, the tecun always has finished in the top five,
including three championships. This teain wa detemuned to carry on the tra<lition. After opening the 15 game qualifying et \vi th a l 4, (season average was
204) the guys knew they net.'X:lcd to rebow1d quickly. Games 4 through 14 were
a big part of that, only once in that stretch was there a gan1e under 200. Going
into the last game, the Trojans needed a 239 to take the top spot in qualifying.
After a trike in the fir t <md a ·pare in the second, they pow1ded ten strikes in
a row to fini h with a 2 0 game to take the top qualifying si.x)t for the television
Qualifying fir t in the stepladder final meant they were guaranteed either fir t
or second place in the state. Eventually, they faced off against Menomonee Falls
in a two-game match for the title. After the first game, Tremper had a two pin
lead. The second game went back and forth, but Tremper ended up shooting a
l 0 game and losing the state title by two pins and finished 2nd out of 59 teams
at the rate T oumament. It was a devastating loo , but the guys had a great season
and we enjoyed every minute of practice, competition, and hanging out together.
singles competition at state.
Jake oowlcd well but fini hcxl ju t shy of making the
cut. Kyle oowled very well
on the first day shooting a
73 series of 70 l , which
jumped him to second place.
BOYS' BOWLING: (front) Jake foresch, Ryon hul:, Joey
!'v1e1er, Cody Griffin. (back) 0.-.JCh Peterson, Justin Bain, Kyle
PeteN.~1, Gxi\ ~tiller, O.x1ch !'viarascalw.
Gffi.LS' BOWLING: (front) Ja1nu \Y/aNTI, Katelin Zigner, O.iurmey
\"\'olf, ~fa<lal11m Str..clecki, Bntt<m\ Durkee, .\mlxr Bnm. (back) 0.1nch '.\far,&aJco, :iibrina folvar<l, Emily Waw<>rika, 0.iach K.1J<lac:, '.\le-ag<m Knapp,
Sarah PoHe><ki, Gxich PeteN.TI.
For the fourth year in a row, a new cheerleacling coach was brought into the picture. As the new coach Mr . Trost brought the team up to new level . "She really
pu hed us to do everything perfect," said jr. Ellie Marran. TI1eir new and improved
routines and cheer astonished rhe rudent body at pep assemblies and games. By
bringing'. in sharper motions, more complex rumbling and innovative dances, they
gained the respect from other tudents that they were longing for in the last two
years. At the fall pep assembly their competition routine made the crowd scream
louder then ever. With a tighter team they were able to pull off harder runts and
tumbling passes.
The new cheer standards allowed them to pump up the parade crowd for the
homecoming game all the way to Ameche field. During half time they howed off
to the community with a combined routine. futh the JV and Varsity teams can1e
together to make a large competition squad and create an outstanding half time
show. " o one laughed at us and actually thought the team got a lot better so that
made al( of u really happy to be on the team ," jr. Anna Maclrigrano. Everyone in
the rands was urely on their feet after seeing the new improvements to the team.
"Cheering at the basketball games with Hannah was my favorite part of the whole
year. We alway found a way to have fun. We had so many inside jokes which
helped us tay miling throughout the games ince we were alway laughing."
aid - r. Jenny Evans. Although
at the end of the year Mrs. TrCl.5t
had to leave Wisconsin, the season was a uccess. A new coach
was once again to follow as ikki
Kaddatz took the coaching posi-
JV CHEERLEADING: (front) Taylor Schultz, Margie Lesofsky, Carolin Becker (2nd row) Sara
Murray, Grace Riecllinder, Kristen Holandoner, Kimberly
manas (back) Jessica Jensen, Melissa
VARSIIT CHEERLEADING: (front) Hannah Oates, Kayle Cox, Jenn) Evans (back) OliV1a
Jorgensen, Anna Madrigrano, Jessica Stolfi, Keri Dennison, Lindsey mi th.
( ,111.::
Miss (})ngeniality:
Spirit Award:
Most Improved:
(})aches Award:
"G-11eo.t do.nWl.4 QJ!e not gJteo.t
rf tltei11 tecltniq.ue... tlte~ QJfe gJteo.t
-Martha Graham
phomore Eli e Elmblad and senior Ryan Zolper
The T rojanettes started their year off on the right
foot in July with a ummer dance camp held in the
Tremper cafeteria. At this camp, they learned a porn
routine that was of competition standards and a hip
hop routine that was sure to pump up the crowd. "We
attend dance camp not only to learn new dances and
technique, but also to bond with the new team," explained sophomore Sydney Puntillo. Other than these
dances, the girl came up with most of the dances
One of the highlights of the year had to have been
dancing at the Bradley Center for a boy's basketball
game against Burlington. Captain Emily Elmblad choreographed their dance to the song "Circus" by Britney
pears. They also performed at a boy's playoff game in
Janesville against Beloit. For this performance, co-captain Chelsy tevens choreographed a routine to Chri
Brown's "Freeze." Although the game was lost, the
girls went out on the court at half time
gave an energetic and fun performance! "Even the crowd from the
other team cheered for u , and s I
think we accomplished our goal
of entertaini the crowd" said
phomore H ey Egle.
Dancel Dance
The Trojanettes Pump up the Volume
Guys and Dolls
"It was hilarious to see all the guy dancing and always
asking, 'What count is the spin on?' l still remember
Dorlise Brown
Social Studies
Julie Chase
Spani h
John Choi
Nicolas Cicerale
William Clark Jr
Heather Collum
Special Ed.
Louis Covelli
Stephen Dollar
Bridges Math
Kenith Dopke
Asst. Principal
Ronald Duros
Tech. Ed.
Steven Ek trom
Susan Elmblad
Larry Fell
School Psych.
Bu ine
Raymond Heideman Sally Heideman
Ed. A i tant
Social tudie
Ryan Irish
Bridges Math
Linda Larsen
Physical Ed.
Linda Lemke
Fam/Con . Ed.
Judith Lenart
Physical Ed.
Dionne Leslie
Engli h
Krista Lichtenheld Constance Llanas
Special Ed.
John Majercik
Ed. A istant
Asst. Principal
Matthew Rizzo
Special Ed.
Susan Singer
Family/Cons. Ed
Alan Skripsky
Tricia Steinbrink
Jennifer Sproul
Michael St. Peter
Social Studies
Social Studies
Renee Swiatko
Ruth Stamm
Michael Stanislawski Candace Stein
Tech. Ed.
Melissa Thomas
William Thompkins
Special Ed.
Douglas Town end
Ed. Assi tant
Debra Tronvig
David Tuttle
Jackie Valeri
Physical Ed.
Gerardine Walls
Fam/Cons. Ed
Suzette Watring
Special Ed.
Heather Vanderford Susan Vanderpoel Catherine Vervisch Annmarie Wacker
Special Ed.
Rhonda Webb
David Weiser
Special Ed.
Damon Weiss
Dean/Ac ti vi ties
Nancy Wells
Meli sa Whitaker
Special Ed.
Chuck Wolber Laura Zajicek-Bagen ki
Work Experience
Social Studie
Colin Zalokar
Jeffrey Zematis
Marianne Ziccarelli
Spani h
Jam es Zuzinec
Hanl:a Abujad
hia Agnew
Taylor Agnew
Amber Albarran
Emily Alfano
Hannah Alfredson
"i\s ,m officer I hope to bnng 11L'\\ and interc ting ideas that \\ill make thl! student hxl) h8vc·
Kry tin Allen
Kyle Andraschko
Jeffery Andrews
Jacqueline Applegate
Andrea Aquino
Karly Ashmus A tlcins
Tiyana Baiyewu
Daniel Ball
Sean Baltes
Samantha Barsuli
Angela Bart:
Rhyen Bart:
Aerial Beard
Carolin Becker
Jacob Beckman
Ashley Beecher
Lauren &ll
Alison <ran
Eric &rry
Mara &rtog
Andrew Bia.nan
Matthew Bible
Rebecca Biggs
Samantha Bingham
Jacob Birch
Alec Birz
Amanda Bloomer
Emily Boak-Nyberg
Lauren Borchardt
Lauren Boresch
Samantha Boris
Mark Boudreau
Victoria Bowman
Rashadda Boyd
Kantrell Boyson
"I \\\Ultc<l to make sure the fr~hman class had
thdr first yl!ar in high <chcd to 11<! unforgt.:ttahle
:md mc:morable."
tephanie Brecheisen
Thomas Bridenhagen
Nicholas Brown
Patrice Brown
Kevin Bruce
Tiffani Bruce
Aaron Buban
Jamey Burns
Randi Bu ttera
Samantha B)me
Rafael CaOOllero
Tyler Calloway
Aly a Carter
Ryan Cascarano
Lauren Casey
Michael Casey
Samara Castaneda
Moises Castillo
Haley Celebre
Kathy Celebre
Taylor Cenninara
Chri topher Chae
Alexander hase
Robert Chase
Gabrielle Chiappetta
Carleton Childs
Arma Christenbury
O:irey Clark
Jazzmen O:ilbert
Amanda O:ile
Sara O:ile
Priscilla O:ilon
Arma O:incannon
Dariu O:ioks
evin O:irtright
Tyler G.lstello
icole O:ix
Ryan O:ix
Daniel Crawley
Brandon reason
Juan ru:
Meli a Csikortas
Emmacait .ullnan
Kyle Cunmuns
Zackary Curtiss
hilpa yria
Christina Dalton
Kennedy Davenport
A hley De Bree
Robert Oegra:io
hannon Delany
Blake Delf
Paige Dethome
Alisia Dexter
Brian Dickow
Tyler Dixon
Alayna Dohrmann
Hugo Domingue:
Christopher Dopuch
!icholas Drucks
Elise Dubrava
David Dununer
Brandi Du tan
Taylor Dwyer
Kayla Earley
Bryanna Ehmke
Jaime Elsen
Aaron Engelmann
Carly Epping
Hayley Erickson
Alejandro Farnam
Boyce Farrar
Rebecca Fau t
Jordyn Favre
Robin Feltman
Benjamin Filter
Kyle Rood
Paul Hores
TI1omas Follensbcc
Dominic Fonk
icholas Freeman
tephanie Freeman
Hans Frei heim
Andrew Fricke
Patrick Friedrich
Bryan Fuhrer
Carly Fuhrman
Broc Fulmer
Rose Gagliardo
Andres Gamarra
Demetrio Garces
Cesar Garcia
Dominic Garcia
Rorencio Garcia
Gabriela Garcia
Kelsey Garcia
Nayeli Garcia
Kala Gardner
Katelyn Gayheart
Nicole Geiger
Adam Gent:
Garette Gcs.scrt
Frankie Giampietro
Gene Glaze
Anna Gleason
Kody Gorman
Hannah Gourdoux
Qinnor Grachen
Michael Green
Brandon Gross
C-arley Gross
Robert Gross
Kelly Hagren
Morgan Halstead
Kristopher Hambrock
Zachary Hansen
Kristen Harpster
Timothy Harris Hartnell
Zorin Hayden
icole Heard
Brianna Helms
Anthony Her..og-Bruce
Brian Hettrick
Amber Hill
Mitchell Hilliard
Kiera Hodges
teven Hohs
Brandon Holdsworth
Lawrence Holst
Matthew Horne
Anthony Huber
Abigail Huck
Monica Hudson
Stephanie Huel::scher
Jenna Humphreys
John Humphreys
Alexandria Hunziker
Meghan lacconi
Redo Ianni
hpetim Iclri;:i
Thomas Irwin
Robin I tvanek
David I wen
Stacee Jackson
ymone Jackson
Casey Jaeger
Christopher Jakala
Dana Jaros
Jessica J
Jonathm1 John~m
Kclscv Johnson
Lance Jolmson
Megan Johnson
Morgan Jolmson
Jared Jones
Maken:ie Jon
icholas Jones
Zachary Jon
Sarahlynn Joyner
Amber Judeika
hase JW1ge
Aamir Kadri
Jovin Kalappurackal
Jared Kehl
Ryan Kehl
Kristen Kelly
Kayla Kessen
Gina K inger
Amber Ketchum
haan Khan
icholas Kirk
Morgan Ki lia
Erik Klade
Aly a Klausegger
Jessica Kluver
Emily Kmiec
Orrly Knight
Gavin Knight
Michael Knoke
Garett Koch
Molly Kok
Alex Kolacek
Lauren Konchan
Hayley Konitzer
Aurora Kosloske
Rocky Kramer
Brittany Kretschmer
Rhenajean Krier
'kolas Kuhnley
Daniel Kupfer
Adam Landgraf
Caitlin Langsdorf
William Langston
Lukas Larsen
Faith Larson
Kelsey Larson
Patrick Larson
Tara Larson
Jordyn Leadingham
Marcus Ledford
Lacey Ledlow
Lucas Ledlow
Benjamin Lee
David Lciting
Adam Lenegar
Emily Leonard
Morgan Lesperance
Welton Lewis
Jacob Lichter
Ciara Lindsey
Justin Lippert
Sarah Lizama
Jonathan Loffredo
Brietta Logan
Kry ta! Lohner
Miguel Lopez
Richard Lopez
ick Lucas
Joseph Lucente
Marisa Lucke
icholas Lund
Adam Lupia
Taylor Lurquin
Kayla Luska
Amanda Lynch
tephen Madsen
Holly Mahoney
Sara Mahoney
Gerardo Maldonado
Willian1 Malicki
Melissa Manske
Errm1a Marlar
Joseph Marlotty
Cassandra Martin
Morgan Martinez
Haley Mar:olf
raig Mata
Joseph McCarmey
Grant McOinton
Emily McDonald
Kaylee McGinley
())!in McGraw
())!ton McKee
Andrew Mc air
())ry Metallo
Jacob Meurer
Matthew Miceli
Karina Milbauer
Emili Miller
Ry;m Miller
Ehlnnna Mills
abrma iner
Rowen Misch
Amy Mitchell
Ja:elle Mitchell
Brock Mogensen
Kyle Molette
Carlos Molina
Dexter Molinaro
Nichola Moro
Nyssa Morris
Tori Mosley
Lirijeta Murati
Sara Murray
Megan Mutchler
Rebekah edd
athaniel Newberry
Ryley Newberry
Kayla ickel
Zachary Niles
Treonna i,xon
Adam Nordqui t
Jeanette 1orris
Kyle Nottingham
athaniel ·qui t
Brianna O' 1eal
Jason O' leal
Lauren Oechler
Kamrin Ohlson
Robcrio Oliveira
Kevin Ollanketo
Michael Opal
Leah Orr
Leny Ortega
Zayra Oscguera-Vega
Jake Oster
Andrew Owens
Payton Padilla
Bryan Page
Brandon Palumlx>
hannon Pannentier
Julie Parrish
Emma Patton
Connor Patty
Sara Paz
Bryanci Perdomo
Nexis Perez
Andrea Perrault
Leah Perri
Grant Peterson
Nexander Petrakis
Joseph Pettit
Jennifer Pczdir
Angelique P£eiffer
Christopher Pham
Katrina Pierson
Martin Pitts
Glance Poling
Joshua Potthast
Dylan Prozanski
Alexandria Pulera
Scott Pulera
Ryan Quilling
Isaac Quinn
Donna Ramer
Tyler Range
Leah Rasch
Brandon Ratliff
Sierra Regazzi
Ouistina Rende
Derrick Reynolds
Kaitlyn Rhey
usanna Riccio
Kurtis Riemer
Brianna Riley
Annmarie Riva
Eduardo Rivera
Michael Rixie
Kelley Roach
Jessica Robb
Samuel Robinson
Maria Rcxlriguez
Rachel Rcxlriguez
Zachary Rcxlriguez
Andrew Roiniotis
Pierre Rollet
Benjamin Roman
Daniel Romero
atalie Romero
rgio Romero
Oxly Ropp
Jose Rosales
Taylor Ros:kowiak
Michael Ruffolo
Amanda Rugg
Tyler Saaski
Robert Salani
Adam Salinas
Danielle Salva
Erik Sanson
Alexandra Sargent
Jake Schat:
Sydney Schatz
Nicole Schiavi
Nii 11
Brandon Schuebel
Kate ~hannon
Lucas hccn
Kel y Shepperd
Ian hipley
Jordan hulski
Sabre hulski
·cholas i.moncls
Joshua kanron
Joshua karda
Zachary ladek
Logan mith
Brooke ruder
Michael Sobin
Chri tina paeth
Kyle Stal berg
Dominique tangas
Jonathan Steinsclorfer
Carrie tephens
Rachel toebe
Bailey undstrom
icholas Swanson
Maxwell wift
Jasmine Taylor
Jashea Terrell
Elliott Thomas
Jacquelyn Thomas
Jessica Thomas
Mitchell Thomas
Ryan Thomas
Austin Thompson
Laura Thomsen
Nicole Thomsen
Jessica Thrasher
Laura Thurber
Harvest Tindall
Taylor Tomczak
Marissa Torrlic
tephanie Tortoriello
Kelsey T over
Jay Trimmer
Jeremy Troup
Alexis Turman
Jordan Turvaville
Colin Valadez
Elise Valeri
Amanda Vargas
Latchezar Vassilev
icholas Vaughn
icholas Vecchitto
Anne! Venegas
Kaylyn Vensor
Matthew Vorwald
Eric Walden
Hannah Walsh
Kendra Wartzenluft
haquielle Watkins
Jaymi Watson
Samantha Watson
Alexandria Watts-Thames
Emily Wawiorka
Brodie Webb
Dustin Webber
Amber Wedge
Katelyn Weiher
Matthew Weiher
Alexandra Wellman
Jessica Werbie
Austin Whiteside
Rocky Whiteside
Alyssa Wicks
Kalyn Wilkinson
Jessie Williams
Lauren Williams
Cory Willi
Jakob Willkonun
Emily Woller
Marshall Woiler
Nicole Woods
Derrick Wright
Brooklyn Yankunas
brina Yepe:
Brooke Zajac
Dariu Zarate
Abby Zenner
Timothy Zes:utek
Jessica :Zielinski
Katherine :Zielsdorf
Brandon :Zigner
Katelyn Zigner
David Albrecht
Deontae Allen
Sheldon Allen
Cody Allen-Tagliapietra
Madleen Alsabbah
tephanie Althoff
Bryttanee Ambrosini
Ashley Anderson
Tyler Anderson
Samantha Andrews
Jasmine Applegate
helbiee Arreguin
Janeth Arteaga
Dana Asma
Samantha Atkielski
Joshua Ault
Amber Bain
Joseph Baker
Kierra Banks
Mahogany Banks
Adam Becker
Maria Bedolla
tephanie Behme
Tyler Berg
Zachary Bernhardt
Rebecca Bethke
Allison Bischoff
Sandra Blakeslee
Jared Blank
Brooke Bloedom
Bradley Bloxdorf
Michael fumhuetter
Kyle fuslau
Jake fuxrud
Clayton Poyer
Trisha Poyer
Austin Brady
Lindsey Brandes
Catherine Bridenhagcn
Samantha Browder
Calvin Brown
Dylan BrO\m
Jeffrey Buchanan
Karlton Budd
Holly Burg
Ryan Burke
"I had the instructor everyone calls 'No
Pass Patty.' At one point I accidentaJly
u:RW!!lii went into a construction zone, and she
;~~~-=- started yelling at me. It really
freaked me out, but
I still managed to
. .J
pass," Jared Blank
Jeri Bum1eister
Graciela Burroughs
Cassandra Bu
Caitlin 'lir
Sean Carleton
Samuel C'lrlson
Timothy Carney
Annemari Castaneda
Brody Chamberlin
Stephen hambers
Sarah Chase
Megan Chatterton
Matthew Christensen
Antoine Cleveland
Jacob OJlp
Sarah OJnwell
Robert OJok
Emily OJopland
Kayla OJrnwell
Carly Qmadini
Emilie OJsen:a
Haley Cramer
Destin Dallia
Rachel Dalton
Ariel Damas
Lauren Darby
Lukas Davies
Zachary Dawiec
Reed De Haan
Matthew De Leon
Ignazio Debartolo
Anthony Degra:ia
Cody Delaney
Hailey Deluca
Amber Demarr
Keri Dennison
Kyle Dennison
Tyler Derginer
Christopher Derose
Ryan Derrough
Jacob Deschler
Alyx Dever
Robert Devries
Maxwell Dinan
Dominique Dixon
Michael Dolnik
Anthony Donahoe
Alexander Doss
Cameron Douma
Erin Dreger
Alexis Drennen
Sharon Dujardin
Elizabeth Dumez
Katherine Dumez
tephanie Dunham
Britmey Dzbinski
D'Anthony Early-Riley
Leah Ebener
icholas Eggert
Taylor Eggert
Haley Egle
Henrik Egly
Elise Elmblad
hanice Elmore
Jose Esquivel
Tyler Evans
elson Figueroa
athan Fir t
Emily Fi her
Collin Rasch
Zachary Flesch
Meagan Franklin
Cassie Frederick
Ryan Fuhrer
Adam Gagliardi
Kaycee Galitz
Sara Gaona
Gabriela Garcia
Michael Gianeselli
Laura Gildenstern
Oari a Goldsmith
Oscar Gomez
Sabrina Gonzalez
Amanda Goodman
Julie Go&selin
Oielsie Go&sett
olan Gottlieb
Andrew Graziani
Holly Greene
Cody Greene-Powell
Ryan Griffin
An1anda Grom
Dylan Gunter
Alex Hade
Claire Haggarty
Brandie Hagglund
James Hall
Garrett Han1ilton
Jesse Hanley
Bergen Hanson
Oielsea Harri
Mathew Harri
Co1mor Hildebr, ldt
1 ICbdle Hin:
T ravi Holman
Kyle Hopkins
Jacob Hornik
Brandon Horswell
Levi Horton
Cassandra Housanlan
Victoria Hou ton
Tyler Huckabone
Charlotte Hughes
Carol)n Hutchinson
Nicole Insko
Sebastian Jacinto
Kiarma Jacob>
Jade Jarina
Tyler Jass
Todd Jensen
Kyle Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Anthony Jones
James Jones
Lexxus Jones
Olivia Jorgensen
,AJyssa Jozwiak
Ashley Kannin
Brandon Kanowske
Harley Karaway
l \..../
Emily Kermey
Addey Kifle
Arnold Kim
Shawn King
Michelle Kirk
tephanie Kirk
Kari Kirkegaard
Amanda Klausch
Haley Klinkhammer
Joel Klop tein
Meagan Knapp
Sara Knapp
Kayla Knight
Elliott Knoke
Tyler Kohler
Andrew Korecz
Ross Katten
Kayla Kramer
Alex Krau
Kevin Kreft
Jacob Kreier
Plinky Krier
Ox:ly Krol
Elena Kuehne
John Kugler
Amanda Kutzke
Joseph Landgraf
Heather Lang
Chelsea Langenbach
Aubrey Langley
Mia Langston
Joseph Latham
Jessie Laurenzi
Tori Lavey
Carrie Lee
Branden Leffelman
Jason Leindecker
Phillip Leip:ig
Corey Lenegar
Tyler Leonard
Daniela Leone
Marjorie Lesofsky
teven Ley
Mason Lindemann
Megan Lindqui t
heona Little
Tabetl1a Llama-Berry
Andrew Land
T uranclo Long
Lum.le '
Kale Maraccini
hades Marccic
tephanic Marinelli
Breanna Martin
Angelo Martinelli
Joseph Masi
Michael Mathia~
April Matute
Jennifer May
Kiernan Mc )y
Amlx:r McCw1e
Derrick McGlom
Riley McKay
Joseph McKinley
Ian Mc parran
ydnee Meland
Courmey Mercurio
Kaitlyn Merritt
Jakob Michaeli
Jason Milena
Aaron Miller
Oxly Miller
Mari a Miller
Michelle Miller
icholas Miller
Brooke Mleko
Nicole Molinaro
Gabrielle Moore
Laura Morgan
Wesley Morri
Bashkime Murati
Ellsworili Musselman
Aly a lehl
Calen Nelson
Erica elson
Peter Nelson
Adam ickl
Melissa iescn
Da Vante wmery
Jessica O'Donnell
Jason Ogren
Stefani Ollanketo
Evan Olsen
Kirsten Olsen
Kelsey Olson
Daniel Overman
Zachary Owen
Desarae Owens
Peter Padilla
Kayla Palmer
David Parmentier
Elizalx:th Parsons
Vytaute Paskau kaite
Meiranda Patterson
Jennifer Peterson
Ryan Peterson
Elizabeth Petrelli
hannon Piekos
Ethan Piela
Lauren Pietkiewicz
Katelyn Piirto
Kenneth Pincombe
Dominic Pisciotti
Megan Plenewicz
Sarah Pobloski
Evan Pofahl
Jordan Poland
Kellen Pottorff
Laken Poupart
Giuseppina Po::i
Grant Prester!
Peter Preston
Jamie Procarione
ydney Puntillo
Brian Quinn
Kassandra Rabenhor t
Britnee Range
Benjamin Rasch
Sarah Rasch
teven Rasch
Scott Raymond
Sarah Reed
Alexander Reiman
J ica Reindl
Casey Resende:
Adam Reyes
Itsamar Reyes
Annie Riley
Jacinda Ripley
Rocco Rivecco
oelle Robaidek
Mallory Robinson
Anabel Rocha
Dayna Rodriguez
Elizabeth Rodrigue:
Lui Rodrigue:
Aly&Sa Roe
Jessica Roemer
Michael Rucinski
Michael Sablan
Ronald haefer
Raul hutz
Erik Simo
Zachary Skanron
Sara karda
Elizabeth Siana
Devon Smart
Shawnna Smith
Myling Sparks
Anthony Stewart
Wendy Stich
Kaitlyn Stidd
Brittany Stokes
Kailey tone
Katelyn rover
Brandi StPeter
Lindsey trachan
Aijalon Stringer
Cole urruner
Lauren utter
Brandon wier
Tyler ymoens
icholas Takala
Rachel Tanker ley
Adrian T assotti
Erika Teddy
Alexis Thompson
Arin Thomp n
Sarah Thornborough
Darryl Thornton
Jesus Tobias
Jalen Tolefree
Cameron Tomkins
Marielena Torres
Brian Tredup
James Trotter
Dylan Tuohy
Dylan Valadez
Emily VanBergen
Kevin VanOever
Matthew Vccchitto
Russell Vollmer
Kayla Walden
hekcniah Walters
Eric Walther
Jeffrey Ward
Alana Warford
Sarah Warren
Kyle Wasurick
Jacob Wawiorka
Alice Wei
David Weidig
Lisa Welch
Benedetto Wells
Matthew W endtorf
James Wermeling
Anna Werve
Brittany Werve
Lauren Westermeyer
Katlynn Widmar
icholas Wiegert
Q)urtney Wildman
Mark Wilson
Jensen Wohlgemuth
Jalen Woodley
Andrew Wright
Alexander Yokoi
Rachel Zalaznik
Anthony Zeeveld
Mandy Lin Zember
Michael Zuluaga
Kevin Adkins
brina Aiello
Victor Aiello
Kathryn Aikens
"I wanted to be a
·unior class officer so that
could leave tny tnark on
re1nper High School and
tilize tny hard,working
bilities for the gcxx.i."
,San1311tha Willis
Dana Aha
Stephanie Alvare::
Lurlena Anderson
Terrence Anderson
Rebecca Andraschko
Alexandra Andrea
Lauren Annstrong
Martin Babcock
Molly Bacu
Asha Bailey
Kyle Bakkila
Justin Ball
Sarah Ball
Rebecca Balmes
Alicia Battellini
Zachary Beckman
Shannon Behme
Miranda Bentz
Lindsey Bernhardt
Phillip Bianan
Brittany Bible
Suzana Bicanin
Taylor Bingaman
Devin Bitz
·cole Blise
"A goal of mine this
ear as vice president was
o have a great protn. I
lanned a lot of prom and
ut a lot of hard work into
·t. In the end I think we
ccomplished our goal."
,Dana Alia
Christopher Bloxdorf
Justine Bloxdorf
Kelly oohning
Sabrina oolyard
Jacob ooresch
Stephanie Bostrom
Ashley Brockman
Julia Broesch
Dominic Brown
Randy Brown
Kelsey Brunner
Kaitlyn Bryniar ki-Little
Lisa Br:o-L.Owski
Nicholas Brzozow ki
Andrea Buckley
Sara Burgess
Kri ten Campen
Jacqueline Canaday
Caitlin Carmody
John Carroll
Kayla Carroll
David Carswell
Jose Castillo
Jose Castula
Michelle Cechini
Anthony Celebre
Alejandra Cervantes
Kevin Chike
Cayla Childers
Tara Christianson
Alan ·
San anth.1 layton
Quanita Cleveland
Brandi Cobe
Priscilla Coffman
Jonathan Colbert
Jordan Colbert
Briarme Cole
Megan Colgrove
Amanda Collar
Anthony Conforti
Patrick Conway
Christopher Cooper
Zachary Cooper
Nicholas Corrigall
Ramon Cruz
Clui topher Curmingham
Kaylee Cutler
Kyle Dahl
Mariah Daniel
Harmah Davidson
Jayson Decesaro
Alixandra Decker
Geena Degrazia
David Dejno
Isabella Del Frate
Amanda Desotell
Quenca Diaz
Brooke Dickow
Joshua Dirk
Andrew Doherty
Diana Dominguez
David Dove
Patrick Draeger
Ariel Dubrava
Matthew Durkee
Dylan Dwyer
Victoria Eckert
ikkiya Edwards
Jordarl Enwright
Dillon Epping
Zachary Epping
Craig Erickson
Kristy Erickson
icole Espinoza
Diane Ewens
Briarma Faint
Alex Feige
Andrew Fields
Michael Follak
Vincent Fonk
Scott Forchette
Matthew Forsythe
Adriarma Fox
Hannah Freiberg
Tamara Fritz
Sophie Fulmer
Jesse Gallegos
Jennifer Gallion
Kevin Gann
Joshua Garay
Kaela Giorno
Rebecca Gleason
Laken Goddard
Lindsay Goddard
Elizabeth Gomez
Jose Gomez
Samara Gomez
Kiersten Gonzales
Patricia Gonzales
Richard Gonzales-Bernhardt
Austin Gordon
Ernesto Gordon
Sara Griffiths
Samantha Grimmer
Zachary Gripko
Kara Gucciardo
Brian Haag
Connor Hagerty
Oayton Haggarty
Kadiara Hall-Powell
Amy-Rae Hanley
John Hartlieb
Mackenzie Harmell
Matthew Haubrich
Dylan Havrilak
helby Hawley
Ernest Haynes
Katelyn Hegewald
Ethan Heinrichsmeyer
Matthew Heiring
Meghane Hernande:
Ryan Her..og
Tasha Holt
William Hom
Hannah Howard
Zachary Hudson
Sara Huehscher
Richard Hugh
ydney Hujik
William Hurst
Eric Jacobsen
Adam Janie
Joseph Jensen
Zackel") ,
Kimberly Jol-u n
Kurk ohn'<.m
Michael Kanm1er
Lauren Keating
Jared Keckeisen
John Kegg
Michael Kernen
Travis Kem
Keith Kikuchi
Randy Kimball
Amber King
Katie King
Steven Kingfisher
Kevin Kirykowicz
Abigail Klabunde
Kathryn Klausegger
Michael Kloiber
Jennifer Kluver
Nicholas Knebel
Robert Knight
Alexandra Kohel
Adam Kok
Alex Kollman
Courmey Konitzer
Katerina Konstantinoff
Krystiana Kozlowski
Rhonda Kramer
Kenna Krone
Anna Kulvik
Rachael Kumorkiewicz
Ashlie Kunich
Jennifer Ku
Derek Landwehr
Jonathon Lang
Nicholas Larsen
Adam Larson
Blake Larson
Kevin Latham
Kelsey Lawler
Michael Lawlor
Ti.egen Leable
Rebecca Lenegar
Harmah Leonard
ydney Leonard
Mallory Lepouce
Briarma Lettsome
Ethan Littel
Ashley Litz
Tyler Lobdell
Darius Longmire
Alexandra Love
Jacquelyn Lunclskow
Alex Lynch
Devon Lynn
Alec Machak
Kelci Mader
Anna Madrigrano
Ashley Mahon
i.cholas Maier-Larsen
Rachael Malsack
Steven Marin
Elizabeth Marran
Sarnantha Martin
Timothy Martin
Cameron Martinez
Adrienne Mata
Brandon Matley
Brittany Matley
Oxly Manner
Ivonne Matute
·cole Ma:::olini
Robert Mccain
Rachel Mcclane
Kendrick Mccomb
Jessica Mcevi.lla
Jordan Mckenna
Laura Mcluckie
John Mcmahon
Devin Mei.t:en
Amanda Mogensen
Shelby Mogensen
Samantha Molinaro
Trevor Monacau
Emily Morehouse
Shannon Mulroy
Leah Muro
Johnathan Murphy
Chelbie Neeve
Katelynn eh.I
Joshua eu
Dearma ewton
tephen Nichols
Allison Nickel
Daniel icolo
Joshua iesen
Jonathan Norri
Jessica Toto
Kelsey Nottinaharn
Joseph ovomy
Ryan owak
athaniel O'brien
Jayme Oatsvall
Richard Oberg
Faustino Ochoa
Jacob Oechler
teven Olson
Jesus Oseguera
athan Oster
Brandon Page
Lindsay Pappenfu
Davonte Patrick
Zachary Patterson
Emily Paulau kas
Kevin Pearson
Joshua Pecha
Mitchell Pedersen
Justin Peltier
Ivan Perez
Rachel Petersen
Rachel Petersen
Tyler Petersen
Erin Piccolo
Maxwell Pierson
Mark Podskarbi
Tyler Poland
Andrew Powell
Samantha Powers
Gabriel Puterbaugh
Kyle Quinn
Jenna Ralph
Samantha Ramsdell
Juhe Randle
Scott Ratzburg
Kathlyn Reger
Michael Rende
Megan Reynolds
Tyler Rhey
Anthony Ricciardi
Caitlyn Richter
Alexander Ridolfi
Jacob Riley
Reba Rintoul
Jesse Rivera
Joseph Robaidek
Charles Robb
Samantha Robinson
Amber Rodgers
Devonte Rogers
Nickolas Roinioti
Arielle Romano
Teresa Romano
Ncx Rosencutter
Stephanie Rozzoni
Dylan Ruffalo
Brittnee Russo
Mohammed Aki! Saiyad
Lauren Sali bury
Christopher Santeler
Ethan Santeler
Monica Santelli
David Sater
Samuel Savaglio
Andrew Schendl
Priscilla Schiavi
Monique Sclunitt
Daniel Schoettler
Katie Schaar
Katherine Schroeder
Brooke Schurr
Joshua hwandt
Ashley Sentieri
Laena Serpe
Rachel Shapiro
Joshua Shilhavy
Amber hinn
Katrina hope
tephanie hort
Elona igler
Oxly ikorski
Ryan illanpaa
Haley ima
Angela tancato
Ariel tanfel
Megan toebig
Rachel Stollings
Zachary tover
Brandon tPeter
Andrew trouf
Michelle turino
Alexandra turycz
Olivia Taber
Steven Tainter
Raquel Tenuta
Alyssa Thomas
A very Thomas
Keith Thomas
Logan Thomas
Robert Thomas
Matthew Thompson
Sara Thrasher
Michael Thresher
Elizabeth Tindall
Shaina Tolefree
Zachary Tornic
Kayla Tover
Thomas Trainor
Jared Uhlir
Stephanie Usher
Haley VanDresse
Jade Vargas
Sean Vargas
Emily Verbos
Miguel Verdiguel
Kayla-marie Vite
Michaela Vite
Victoria Vlach
Kelsey Wagner
Alexander Walczak
Ashley Walden
Alannah Walker
Sabrina Warrington
Max Wawiorka
Brylec Webb
Carly Webb
Megan W el::6ter
Nathan Wedge
David Well
Austin W ermcling
Ethan Whitaker
Hollie White
Nicholas Whitten
Shannon Whitten
Brittany Wighanan
Wayne Wiginton
Chelsey Williams
Haley Williams
Kyle Williams
Samantha Willis
Rebekah Wilson
Courtney Wolf
Ashley Yuenkel
Jacob Yuhas
Katherine Yule
We asked a couple
of our fell ow juniors to
describe their ideal summer job. Then the fun
part comes in when they
describe their actual job.
Alysha Za:ula
Benjamin Zorc
"My ideal sununer job would be
working outside at a smoothie shack,
catching rays and enjoying waves"
"My actual sununer job is at
Wcxxlman's. I'm bununed that there
are no smoothies."-Rebecca Lenegar
. ···.
... ,~
Susan Abraham
Michael Ade
Tommy Aikens
Tahiya Alam
Alicia Albarran
Emily Althoff
Brandon Anderson
Ashlee Arreguin
Jennifer Babcock
Chris Badalof
Justin Bain
Mariah Balcom
Melissa Barnes
Amanda Barrell
Kirsten Berger
Robin Bethke
Stephanie Albrecht
Christopher Bartoli
Derek Binninger
Cory Bisher
Gina Blaziewske
Jarrid Boykin
Jardin Boykin
Britne Bradley
Nathan Brandstetter
Matthew Brothers
Dylan Brudny
Zachary Bunch
Alexander Burford
Ash ly Burke
Jacob Burleson
Brittany Butschli
Allison Carson
Jacqueline Canaday
Caleb Capodarco
Zakeius Carr
Fernando Cervantes
Trish Christenbury
Keisha Clark
Lindsey Cnockae1t
Bianca Collazo
Joseph Concannon
Anthony Conti
Joseph Cook
Alyssa Coopwood
Samantha Coppola
Martin Cortright
Gabriel Cotto
Kayle Cox
Olivia Crowell
Adalberto Cruz
Maria Cruz
Zachary Cruz
Evan Cunningham
Monica Daletski
Treadell Darden
Ian Dart
Sierra Dart
Ben Dawiec
Frank Defranco
Katelyn Dejno
Johnathon DeSei fe
James DeY ries
Taylor Dielm an
Ashl ey Dodge
Ri chard Doerfli nger
Ronald Doerflinger
Andrew Donahoe
Bethanne Duffy
Kev in Du ffy
Will iam Doherty
Alex Dujardin
Dere k Dukas
Matt Dun wa ld
Brad Eggert
Matt Eggert
Michael Eggert
Pierce Ekdahl
Preston Ekdahl
Emily Elmblad
Michael Elst
Vanessa Elvetici
Matt Engelmann
Zach Englund
Kristy Erickson
Robert Ernst
Ryan Erskine
Jennifer Evans
Tommy Evans
Ashton Falduto
Joseph Farruggio
Brandon Feivor
Amanda Ferkin
David Figueroa
Kyle Flahive
Shane Fochs
Shelby Follensbee
Gabriel Ford
~·~.· ~
. . .. .
Zachary Fosbinder
Emily Fox
Shannon Fox
Randy Frederick
Samantha Friedl
Bradley Fuhrer
Nathaniel Gardner
April Gehri
Kevin Gentner
Amy Gerlach
Samantha Gibson
Daniel Giovanelli
Aja Goes
Tomas Goldsmith
Austin Golownia
Makaya Gordon
Mari Iyn Gordon
Katelyn Gorman
Nicholas Goschy
.'· .
..... . . . "··
Jonathan Gough
Andrew Griffey
Grant Griffin
Arayel Guarascio
Alexander Hambrock
Josh Hamm
Zak Hanken
April Hansen
Fawn Hansen
Jackie Hanson
Samantha Harmon-Smith
Tiaria Harvey
Robert Hawbaker
Sara Helminger
Gabriel Henrikson
Kelli Henry
Diana Herr
Matthew Hill
Andrew Hinds
Cameron Hobbs
Evan Hoffman
Patrice Hutchinson
Nicholas Hutson
Ryen Hutson
Cody Jackson
Sarah Jackson
Zarko Jankovic
Makayla Jenkins
Phillip Jensen
Alex Johnson
Andrew Johnson
Evan Johnson
Rebecca Johnson
All ison Johnston
Trevor Jones
Kayla Jozwiak
Asma Kadri
James Karaway
Robert Karnes
Rebecca Kelly
Travis Kern
Bereket Kifle
Brian Kirkegaard
Kyle Kislia
Trisha Klade
Courtney Knapp
Kipp Knoke
Kristine Korecz
Heather Katten
Matthew Krause
Alyssa Krehbiel
Krista Kreuscher
Kayci Krucas
Alexandra Kuss
Jennifer Kwas
Ashley Larsen
Bethany Larsen
Ryan Lass
Anthony Laurenzi
Katie Ledlow
Erin Leker
Stephanie Lippert
Amelia Liu
Katie Ludwig
Emily Lehman
James Lurquin
Emily Lynch
Aisha Lyons
Steven Mack
Laura Madison
Ian Mahone
Megan Mahoney
Tiffini Mark
Katie Marran
Joseph Martinez
Margaret May
William May
Carl Mazzolini
Robert McCrea
Blake McElroy
Lindsay McKinley
Jessica McMahon
Allison McMaster
Sara Mertz
Kevin Mich
John Miller
Katelyn Miller
Shawn Miller
Allison Millsaps
Samantha Miner
Christopher Misch-Boxdorf
Jordan Moddes
Lauren Mogensen
Emily Mohr
Sergio Molina
Thomas Montemurro
April Moore
Ashley Morgan
Justin Morri s
Kyle Morri ssey
Ali Mucha
Katelyn Nehl s
Jeremiah Nelson
Kaylee Nicla
David Nolder
Hannah Muerhoff
David O'Brien
Karlie O'Reilly
Hannah Oates
Steven Oberg
Amanda Ogle
Yvette Ortega
Yvonne Ortega
Ryan Pacetti
Steven Pacheco
Abby Padlock
Anthony Pappenfus
Brittany Parshall
Michael Pascucci
Gintare Paskauskaite
Taylor Pawlaczyk
Anthony Perez
Marcos Perez
Zakkary Perez
Elizabeth Peterson
Thomas Pflug
David Pierce
Matthew Pietkiewicz
Elizabeth Pignatelli
Travis Polso
Tyler Powers
Richard Preston
Bryce Priday
Cory Pucin
Morgan Quijano
Jasmine Quimby
Mary Raben
Kirsten Rabenhorst
Kevin Randle
Doug Rausch
Anthony Regazzi
Carolann Rein
Ashley Richards
Kirsten Richards
Ryan Ridley
Dominic Ridolfi
icole Riley
Sally Rivera
Alexander Robinson
Jesse Robinson
Jessica Roediger
Elizabeth Rohde
Carly Roiniotis
Anthony Romano
Maribel Romero
Jeremi Salinas
Kelsey Satter
Deion Scarbrough
~. .:c.~.,
~.. •
·•- .
-1 ' . . :
. 1
.·., ·'
Jedediah Sachen
Dawn Schiller
Robe1t Schmidkonz
Alexandra Schmidt
Andrew Schmidt
Ryan Schmidt
Nicholas Schrandt
Steven(ryon) Schulz
Dakota Schwartz
Kyle Sebetic
Riley Seebeck
Melissa Seger
Griffin Sengbu ch
Ryne Shamberg
Emily Shannon
Morgan Shepperd
Michael Short
Laura Silva
Virginia Siana
Jeremy Smith
Jordan Smith
Keith Smith
Megan Smith
ichola Smith
Lauren Smolik
Ryan Snell
Melissa Sobin
Emma Sorrel
Danielle Sowden
Amanda Spaay
Emily Spaeth
Anna Spangler
Daniel Sparks
Kimberly St Peter
Marisa Staranowicz
Abby Stauder
Richard Steinke
Jessica Stolfi
Justin Stowell
Chelsea Strachan
Allison Strash
Madalynn Strzelecki
Michael Sturino
Taylor Thomas
Kate Thornborough
Matthew Toomey
Spencer Tostrud
James Tracy
Kathrenia Trimmer
Kellie Trocio
Jaimie Trotter
Paloma Trygar
Nathan Upham
• .,. ••.•
·· ~
, _
. \.
·' ..,,
Steven Uttech
Andrea Yagnoni
Alexander Valadez
Michael Yan Oever
Casandra Yan Wie
Mariska YanDenBergh
Cicily Velazquez
Marlenne Venegas
Alyssa Yernezze
Bianca Vite
Matthew Yon Honaker
Courtney Walton
Anne Walaszek
Matthew Walter
Mary Wang
Kyle Weddell
Rachael Weidner
Richard Wence
Elizabeth Wermeling
Rachael Westermeyer
Jake Wiele
Katie Wielgos
Amanda Wilkinson
Damon Williams
Gene Williams
Devin Wilson
Jordan Wood
Philip Woodley
Kimberly Worcester
Emily Woulfe
Kristen Wright
Jaclyn Yeary
Justin Yore
Amber Young
Joanna Young
Joshua Yuhas
Laura Yurchak
Alexis Zeyen
Kenneth Zigner
Ryan Zolper
Holly Wojnicz
Chantel Young
Julie Zarletti
:-.HGIAEL A[)I:: For the $200 Jcreph Goff
holarship*TAHlYA ALA:V1 For the $1,500 Universi·
ty of Wisconsm Ruth and Orrl Miller Academic Merit Award A.SllUH A.RREGL~. For the $600 Pleasant
Prairie Woman's Oub Scholan;hip, the $500 O:immunity Trust Gedit Union Scholarship, the $500 Tremper
High School PTSA Scholan;hip, the SJ ,000 Sam Waltm O:immunity Scholan;hip, the $2 ,000 Rmald McDonald House Olarities Scholarship, the JOO Tony Soulek Men10nal Scholarship, $3,760 University of Wiscmsin Gram-In-Nd and the $400 AHANA Partial Tuition Grant*JEJ'.:. '!FER BABCDCK For the $600 Sub Deb
Scholarship*A\1A,'\DA l3ARR£IT For the $5,200 combined scholan;hips to Truman State University ru1d
the $32,000 Milwaukee School of Engineering Scholarship 'CHRIS :-.n~H-BLOX[)ORf' For the $250 Louis
Ann.5trong J= Award"Cl.ORISSA CDMER For the $2 ,400 Marquette UnivITTity renewable Ignatius/Magi;;
A"-ard*TAYLOR Dll::TMAl\ For the $2,400 renewable Marquette Lhuversity lgnatius/Magis Scholarslup,
the $7 ,100 Marquette University Freshirllln Grant and the $500 Tremper Renaissru1ce Scholarship BRADLEY
Eli_iERI For the $14 ,000 UW-Mih,-aukee Engineering Excellence Scholarship ru1d the $1 ,000 Society of
Mru10facturing Engineers Racine Ompter T"o Scholarship*EMILY EL\IBLAD For the $1 ,000 Brenda
Wolf Memorial Scholarship, the $500 Tremper Athletic Booster Oub Scholan;hip, the $200 Kenosha 010ir
Boosters Schola1'hip ru1d the $250 Jane Vernon Elementary School VSA Scholarslup*)DJN1FER EVANS For
the SJ0,000 Amona State University Sun Devil Scholarship':RAl\DY FREDER!Ll<. For the $400 AHANA
Partial T u1tion Grant'A.\lA.: :nA '-.'O\1CK For the Keno;ha Oak> Scholarship· Full 4 year tuition to Orrthage O:illege ru1d the $3,500 Oara Abl:ott Foundation Scholarship*AJA GOES For the $500 National School
Oloral A"-ard ru1d the $15,500 in Academic Grants-h1-Aid from Ro=velt University*THO:V1AS GOLDS\1ITH For the $9 ,000 Wisconsm Acadenuc Excellence Scholarship, the $150 Jeremy l'feifer Memorial
Scholarship and the $750 Glen McCulloch Scholarship*JOSHUA HA\IM For the $200 Jo;eph Goff Memo1-oMl.Mli.M~·p*SARA HEL\11"-'GER For the $9,000 renewable Heritage Scholarship from Orrdinal Stritch
l.~Hl rTCHI. SO'-. For the $500 Johnson Financial Group Scholarship and $700 Youth
10 ars p ARAH JACKS)N For the $200 Keno;ha 01oir Boosters Scholarship*BRADLEY
•-"°"""""~~"""'i+ll'*M~iversity of North Dakota Freshinan Scholarship and the $13,500 from Orrthage
hips ru1d grants ALU:D"- JOH. 'Sf()]\ For the $14,000 Baylor University
l-~a!!lu.iuil1~ll.llil~jjl::,;;.,;jV\A KADIU For the $16,000 University of Iowa National Scholar.; Award, the
1-.iw;i.;ii"'-U.lli~-6'~..u;ll-IO~~~!li;l..'Wd granrs, the $5,000 Baylor University Acadenuc Merit Schol.300 AHANA Partial T 'tion Grant*REBECx::A KELLY For the UW-Parkside VolleyAid fer Twooo and Fees
n-10:--,•y LAURE ZI For the $500 Jenny Pergru1de Memorial
l:o~WRW:~Il:J~;:J'..J.Al~~liut.,ths;~ ,000 Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarslup and the $200
Scholarship*EMILY LYl\'CH For the $30,396 Auguscana O:illege Tuition Exchange
Fo.-.;ljiJ..'l~lt!ll:W...,l;lljjllil'l""""':..l,l,.""41~·a1 Scholan;hip·JA:--.; M-\HOl\1: For the $54,000 Eastem Michigru1
Scholars A"ard, e $6,000 Eastem Michigan University Eagle Scholarship, the $8,000
F~..,.....-~,.y""".,.;"""iGR4"""8'1ii~he $2,500 KABA Scholarslup and the $750 Mayor's Youth O>nmus•-~~~.,..~~
;...,J\RAJ'-; For the Keno;ha Scholarship Fow1dation Award*ALLISON MlLL10rial Scholar.;hip and the $1,000 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
l-.lllllllll;i,,ll~;&::!!;bgiillil~~ EY \!ORG/1, For the $1,000 Marone Youth Scholan;hip, the renewable
o Acaden1ic Scholarship, the $1,000 UNICD Foundation Scholarship, the $400 Americru1 As·
" en, the $1,000 Best Buy Scholarship, the $12,000 Acadenuc Grant from Loyola
ewable Education Foundation All Mapr Scholarship*A\1A,'IDA l\'OVILl<
I-+.=;,.;;;;~,;,;;;~;..;.;:;;;;;,- tim Schoalrship*ABBY PADLOCK For the $7 50 KUSD Hall of Fame Scholar• -_........,_..,.._._..,........,.. re Lhuversity Academic Excellence Recognition and the $20,000 Missouri State
University Renewable Athletic Grant-h1-Aid '\'.\fn-10~I PA.PPE'-.H ") For the $9 ,000 Wisconsin Academic
Excellence Scholarship, the $47 ,000 Pnnceton University Granrs and Scholarships, and the $250 Daughters of
the Nnericru1 Revolution Scholarship*G!NfARE PASKAUSKAITE For the SI ,000 Woman's Oub Scholarship, the $1,500 !Ceno;ha Education Association Scholarship, the $500 Victoria Jones Memorial Scholarship, the $400 Nnerican Association of University Women Scholarship, the renewable $10,000 University of
Franklin O:illege-Switzerland Scholar Award, the renewable $9,000 Marquette University Ignatius Acadenuc
Distinction Scholarship, the rene\•-able $1,500 Marquette University Ignatius Magnis Scholarship, the $3,000
Marquette University College of Business Administration Scholarslup, the renewable $16,000 A. J. Drexel
Scholan;hip ru1d the 500 Tremper Renaissance Scholarship
(Right) Class of 2009
senior Valedictorian,
Tomas Goldsmith,
gives a speech that had
everyone listenin .
KYU. PETERSON For the $350 Lhuted States Bowling O:ingress Scholarship, the $500 Lance Middle School
P1D Scholarship and the $500 Randy Jones Memorial Scholarship*HEA THER PRYSE For the $1,000 Kenosha O:iw1ty Association for Home ru1d Qimmunity Education Family Member Scholarship and the $2 ,000
Jo;eph ru1d Allgela Bruneo Scholarship \!OILY RABEN For the $300 Kenneth W. Wiele Memorial Scholarship
*KEVLlsJ RANDLE For the $9 ,000 Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship, the $22 ,590 renewable St. Ambrcre University Presidential Scholarslup, the $13,000 renewable Milwaukee School of Engineerirlg Scholarship,
the $15,000 rei10\vable St. Louis Lhuversity Provost Scholarslup, the $10,000 rene\vable Marquette Lhuversity
Ignatius Academic Excellence, the $500 Aurora Health Care Scholarship and the $1,000 Keno;ha Ruru1ing Oub
Scholan;hip*l'OMIN!C Rl[OLl-1 For the $16,000 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Lh1iversity Scholarship, the
$44 ,000 Milwaukee School of Engineeritlg Scholarship, the $8 ,160 Milwaukee School of Engineering Academic
Grant-In-Aid, the $7 ,000 rci1e"-able Marquette Lhuversity St. lgnatius/Magis Scholar.;hip, the $3,200 Freshn1a11 Grant, the $4,300 rene\\-able Rcre-Hulman Institute of Techt1ology Grru1t and the $10,000 Merit Scholar
Award*ALYS5A ROVIK For the $200 Jo;eph Goff Memorial Scholarslup ')EDEDWI 'iACHE.'s For the
$1,000 Adrun Gundlach Memorial Scholarship ru1d the Powers-Knapp Scholarship from UW -Madison covering
Full Tuition and Book *Al\DREW SO-IMlDT For the $1,000 Adam Gundlach Memorial Scholarship KYL!SEBEilC. For the $36,000 University of Dayton Deans' Merit Scholarslup*E.'vllLY SHAl\'l\'ON For the
$1,000 Mal1one Youth Scholarslup, the $400 AHANA Partial Tuition Grant ru1d the $1,500 Keno;ha Education Association Scholarship "\l!CHAEL SI !ORT For the $500 Peggy Waddell Memorial Scholarship, $250
Greater Keno;ha Area Youth Baseball & SoftOOll Scholarslup ru1d the $500 Tremper Athletic Booster Oub
Scholarship*VIRGl.1'1A SLA.l\A For the $500Western Kiwrulis Scholarslup and the $250 Ro=velt Elen1C11tary
School Alunuu Scholarship*:vlELis.5A SOBIN For the $9 ,000 Wisconsin Academic E.xcellence Scholarslup, the
$1,500 renewable Wisconsin All-State Scholar Robert Byrd Scholarship, the $300 David Shici1brood Memorial Scholarship, the $1500 AMB Fow1dation Scholarship and the $5,000 renewable University of Mirmesota
Bentson Fan'lily Scholarship' DAl\1FL SPARKS For the $1,000 UW-Madison O:illege of Engineering Merit
Scholarship*JESSlCA SJDLl-1 For the $4,000 Roma Lodge Scholarslup and the University of Wisconsin-Green
Bay Grru1t-ln-Aid for d1e sport of swinu11ing*CHRISTOPHER SWENSON For the $350 Manny Mitka Scholarship and the $1,000 Mil"-aukee Talent Scholarship '1A YLOR TI lO\l;\S For the $2 ,500 Keno;ha Area Olrunber of O:immerce Scholarship*KATE THORNBOROUGH For the $36,000 St. Norbert O:illege Presidential
Scholarship ru1d the $8 ,000 St. Norbert O:illege Norbertine Scholars Award *KATHREN!A TRL'vlMER For the
$200 Delta Kappa Grumm Society Scholarslup, the $2 ,000 Military Ex-Prisoners of War Foundation Educational
Scholarship and the $2,000 AI1geline Ho;1nanek Memorial Scholarship' :VIORGAl\ QrnJANO For the $42,480
mternational National Hispanic Scholarship *Al\DREA VAGNONI For the $500 Peggy Waddell Men10rial
Scholarship, the $9 ,500 Carthage O:illege Academic Honm Scholarship, the Cartlmge O:illege $1,000 Endowed Scholan;hip, the 2 ,000 Orrthage O:illege O:imbir1ed Grants, the renewable $9 ,000 Marquette University
lgnatius/Magis Scholarslup, the rci1ewable $15,000 Lawrence Lhuversity Richard Warch Scholarship, the $500
Lance PTO Scholarship ru1d the $1,000 Lawrence University Grru1t*MARISKA VANDl::NBERGH For the
annual $10,000 lllinois Tech Grru1t-ln-Aid for volleyOOll, the 4 year $78,800 Illinois Institute of Teclmology
Heald Scholarslup and the !IT Lhuversity Scholan;hip ')Ol\A Til:\1'\ \X ALLS Foe the $150 Jeremy l'feifer
Memorial Scholarship*ELIZABETH \XIERMEL!l\'G For the $1 ,000 Mahone Youch Scholarship and the $200
Jo;eph Goff Men10rial Scholarship*JACDB WIELE For the $500 Johi1 Philip Sousa Band A,vard, d1e $12,000
rene,vable Lawrence Lh1iversity Oinservatory Trustee Scholarship ru1d the $8000 rene\vable Lawrence University
Grant. •10\'Il-lERNI WIELGOS For the $1,000 Kenosha Rum1ing Oub Scholarship*AMANDA WILKINSON For the $600 Herbert Sack Memorial Scholan;hip to d1e Lhuversity of Wisconsin-Eau Oaire and the
$500 Italian Ainerican Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship*HOLLY WOJN!CZ For the $250 Jru1e Vemon Elementary
School VSA Scholarship, the $250 Scott Procknow Memorial Science Scholarslup and the $10,000 Lhliversity of
Wisconsin Milwaukee Compass Scholarship JORDAl\ \X!OOD For the $7 50 Gina Ro;ko Men10rial Scholarship
to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the $500 University of Wisconsin-Mihvaukee Scholarslup
*KIMBERLY WOROoSTER For the $1,500 UW-Whttewater Deimis Troha Scholarship and the $500 LJW.
Wlute,vater Genetal Merit Scholarship*ALYS5A WRIGHT For the $1,000 Lhuversity of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Johi1 Rose Scholarship JULI!:- ZA.RUTTI For the $2,000 jo;eph ru1d Angela Bruneo Scholarship*KENNETH
ZIGJ\.'ER $1 ,500 Lh1iversity of Wisconsin Wlute\vater Deiuus Troha Scholar.;hip and the $1,000 Lhuv ·'Y of
Whtte\vater King Olavez Scholan;hip '
r ,,,..... r;I ., !()!J
/ r1>a,1{uu.,,1 •
Brittany Parshall . A,,,,,.,,, . . <''~1,,, ,.,,,,.,.,,, Scott ]ohnon r"uytlih- Tomas Gnldsmitl•. 7.,,,,,,,1'/ & f' r.,, ...,,,,n .r~1
JamfS Lurquzn . // allinnahr•- 1 ony Pappenfus . //u.11r*Band - Jacob Wiele, *Chuir A1a Gues *( >rchestra- Allison
Millsaps . /,liy. .r ,1. *Bm- Ian Dart, *Girl I fannah C>ates
/rlrnrr·- Andrea Vagnoni . hrlal .//,,,ft;..,_ Melissa Sobin
kr/mr-try'/ ,r~1. Alexander Hambrock 'ffnr!rl ~ rm71mrr
*French Aja ( loes, *Ciennan-Kirsten Rabmhorst, *Italian~--lenniferBabvx k *S anish- [ omas ( 10ldsmith
nior Salutatorian Meli. sa )bin gave an inspiring
speech to fellow graduates on
the canvas they have painted
into a masterpiece that is
their futures lives.
nior Tony Pappcnfus
gi\'C~ a witty spt.'L'Ch that
had the whole g)111 filled
with chuckle \\1th crack
about fnend Riler
Best Pers•.'nahty: Kyle Peterson - Abby Stauder rot 11·~"-'-I:
Kyle Weddel - Jennifer Bal:x:ock Rest C1.r: Tommy Pjlug - Tricia
Tirabassi Best Hair: Jimmy Tracy - Kelsey Satter !ht r> 'Ker:
Julian McKenzie - Emily Elmblad Pearly Whites: Andro Jacob;
- Amber Gascoigne Best Eyes: David Nolder - Emily Lynch rot
C1 JCkk: Mike Pascucci - Krista Kreuscher Biggest Rirr: Joe
Martinez - Emily Althoff Biggest &1obmm1: Dan Sparks -Jaclyn
Yeary Rif :c A1rhc.1d: hawn Miller - Amanda Spaay Biggest
G sip: Ryan Pacetti - Carly Roinioti Biggest Party Animal: D.J.
Rausch - Brittany Blackwood Big_..(<.::"t Workaht1lic: Ryan Pasetti
- Amanda Ogle Biggest Sleepyhead: Andrew Griffey - Stacy Crochcr Biggest Scrub: Oxly Griffen - Lauren Mogensen Ri."•:c'St
C3u11s: Andy Johnson - Abby Padlock Biggest Tcxt-a-Htiltc: Justin Stowell - Amanda Ferkin Biggest Sweethearts: Kyle Peterson
•- - -Mlr'r Thomas Tc:ichcr's Pct: Tony Pappcnfus - Tahiya Alam
· Riley Seebeck - Abby taudcr Mt,,;t Likely to uc• --.u.:1.:1.1,;,....u.ll.llio-i;i~'<l'lfu - Melissa Sobin .\fost Like!) to Tnp at
Mat Walter - Maddie Strzelecki Most Likely to
1--~....,""'"'""""'~..:.:.;..1 • omas Goldsmith - Asma Kadri Next AmcriC...c Y<lll tin ESPN: Dcion Scar1 in the M0\1es: Matt Dw1wald
Zarko Jankovic - Melissa Chan1-.i:~r;,---,.-~::"'"n-.:·1n1--x:-,r~T~c.-ac"T""e-r:-., Montemurro - Julie Zarletti
1---1~,..M~~--- t.>): Tomas Goldsmith - Allie Schmidt
ity Show: Robert McCrea - Chantel
• .--...----......-...i-1,-tr_u_n-1e_n_t ~
, \ T1krn1,; .I: Jake Wiele - Jenny Kwas
1-_,,,,""'ll!P"mr"'11""""ilrfl!:rftlrl"lt.lo\vina - Brittany Parshall Watch you on
1--~!!l~LJ~$.!~~~s -Aja Goes Mtist Acti\'c: Tony Pap•----!:..Z::~.::..;..:
As::.:.hley Morgan .\1ost Scho0l Spirit: Griffin Sengbusch
t1't Desirable to D,1tc: Derck Kaden -Andrea
..--~jAl,jw-._--.una, ,L Ian Malione - Fam1 Hansen Most
•~-+,,,-,,...,..,.,,.--1'.+i-t."""hort - Patrice Hutchinson The Guumcss Bmk
of World Records: Ian Dart - ierra Dart Per'L'Ctimist: Kevin
Randle - Ashley Morgan Sc'C you at the Altar: Mike hon - Julie
Zarletti Douhlc Trouhlc: Kenny Zigncr & Jared Ponce - Allie
Johnston & Emily Mohr 3 Peas ir 1 Ptxl: Ryan Zolper, Kyle
Sebetic, & Phil Johnson - Beth Larson, Andrea Vagnoni, & Becca
Kelly Biggest Prank.~t..:r: Marcos Pere: - Emily Mohr Workaholic:
Bcrkct Kiflc - Kaylee Nida w, 1rk.Jh, c Alex Johnson F1Cel:xx1ka-h0lic: Evan Hoffman - Mariali Prado
Above: Andrew Griffey demonstrates the skill
that won him a mock award. He was voted biggest sleepyhead by his graduating class. Top:
Ryan Zolper, Kyle Seoctic, and Phil Jensen are
always together, so they were voted the 111Iee
Peas in a Pod. Right: Jenny Evans and Jaclyn
Yeary pose together during the banquet.
.,l.u1f111 CR-c>lc>wtiio 011d1i'~rtto11~
'PouRol: Tnc>1t .,1.~foifc
Emily Althoff was voted as
the biggest flirt of her graduating class of 2009.
Marching their way through the surruner
the Black W atch had an anIB:ing group of
icians during the surruner of 200 . The season
\\~th the band practicing in the band room and the
color guard working out their routines as well. Following the release of school, director Ken Wiele packed up
the band and traveled out to Carroll College for a vigorou three-day camp. While at band camp, the student
intensely rehearsed for approximately eight hours a day,
including marching around the campus and neighboring
treets. Free time consi ted of pick-up football, swimming, exercising, fierce basketball games, or imply hang•--~.,, t with friends. The main reason for the majority of
1-~"""'!:m:!~~< Independence Day. T11e Fourth of July it, testing the endurance of the group
and memories. For many,
l - ---t:fie.-tW:'tilfl'o"t:ll'lffil'.2eEfftl31.e-ilii
. 1es were during the final trip
Disney World m lando, Rorida. The entire
u....-.......~·Ot on three buses and drove
e ...:.h:;;:
wn to Rorida. Once they arrived,
1 _ __:;~.-:r;...:..:..:.v.::.
• ....-....a:: llunts and
rones stayed at the New Orleans
ey property for three day . Every mom'"***'iWil!IP'mlmll.,meet at the buses and ride over to
~tie!l&~ldents would have the whole day to
1 - --eil'(ie\r-fAetfl!iek;,ei. When not at the parks the kids enjoyed
e pool. On the third day they marched
l:=::::!~?:!~~ded Main treet with people from around
the world cheering and experiencing their perfomkmce.
hortly before the parade, rain poured on the humid park,
leaving the air sticky and sweaty. "It never rains on the
Band of the Black Watch," Mr. Wiele ritually proclaimed
before each parade. It held true for every performance
that summer. Everyone was very sad to leave Disney as
they dreaded the twenty-five hour ride home.
(top) The Band of the Black Watch had a
group photo taken \\'hi.le in Orlando, Rorida.
(above) While at band camp, the tudents enjoyed themselves at the party on the final night.
(right) The Black Watch color guard led the
band at every parade they marched in.
"At fir t, the thought of the Fourth of July
parades i intinudating and three in a row definitely tires you out. The heat also makes for an
interesting experience." r. Laura Madison
' ' I dmdcd to pm Black Watch
1:-ccause I love mUSic ,md I
wanted to do -..>mcthing with
mu 1c over the summer. Plus tt
sounded hke so much fun.
-soph. Li: Parsons
(Left) The Band of the
Black Watch marched
in three parades on the
Fourth of July including
the Geneva Parade.
ear featured many popular thing
to clothing to technology. "Going
ea phenomenon, marketing the sale
eusable hopping bags and fuel-efficient cars
and celebrating Earth Hour and Earth Day. Earth
Hour was an attempt to ave power for one hour,
simply by turning off all lights, in order to ave
surprisingly vast amounts of energy. In February,
Barack Obama was elected as the nation's 44th
(and our fir t African American) president, ap1-i:ll@al,ffiB largely to the younger population. Students
cVC1:1 viewed his inauguration during school. The
this year was hand.held devices
l~OO:i..u:l{€1~~QIU ection, holding "your computer
'~E!\.J\..1\.•et .
the most popular were
touch, iPhone, and Blackberry. Musi.of the favored artists were Pink, Kanye
. .............~~-:.-.0..................-~
d MGMT. ovie hits were "The Dark
e urious Case of Benjamin Button",
. _......,......._,....__ _ _.,.. naire". On the fashion front (W/J) seniors Jennifer Balxock, Tahiya Alam,
.d b .els' and Stephanie Albrecht stylishly tand proudly
•~~.:r:z: s ents s rteel h eadbanels and Sl e rat ' at the Honors Convocation. (above) jrs. Rebecca
'le on their eet they were wearing gladiator Anclroschko and Elizabeth Tindall wear the
•~-~~!RA-Al)()ts. UGG-style boots experienced fashions of the year. Rebecca is wearing a scarf
a major comeback among the female population. and gladiator andals while Elizabeth wear skin- 1
Many people wore kinny jeans or leggings with ny jeans. (right) This year with ri ing gas prices,
h · dr
L h ·h
many people switched to smaller, more fuel-eft err esses. tg tweig t scarves were so very ficient cars. Many car buyers have decided to go
trendy thi chool year. During lunch thi year the with the mart Car or the Toyota Priu , which
Home Court began elling Arizona tea, which was were both all the rage among celebrities and conhigh-in-demand during the school year.
cemed consumers.
' ' Obama is the hope that
this country nccckJ. I was
definitely surpriscJ of the
result, hut I w;mtL'l.l him
to win the election even
though all of my friends are
Republicans. I think he's ;m
inspiration to the rx.·ople. ' '
-soph. Kiernan McCoy
Sophomore Sara Knapp wear
a blue bubble dress, leggings,
and a pendant necklace.
These items were among
the more popular trends this
school year.
'}:Pe ate 60 pwud of yoai
arcomplioh nwilo
and Mruo6 .
..JCave f1111 in rolle5e lhio
Th~ youngfl.SI has ii th~ hard(Z.SI.
1.Jou had lo l~arn pali~ne~, and wail your lurn
'(Ill lh~ whil~, you w~r~ ~ag~r lo l~am.
1.Jou hav~ mad~ us all proud,
l)our siblings and I say ii quik loud.
Congrats and bfl.SI Wishfl.S lo you,
Music Center Inc. would like to
congratulate Amanda Wilkinson and the
class of 2009.
Amanda, we are so proud of you and all
you have accomplished. We are blessed to
have you in our lives. Good luck at UW
Eau Claire.
Love,-Uncle Jim, Auntie Cook,
Jennifer, Julian, Mom, and Kalyn.
Asma Kadri
Fo1· every e11c1i11g the1·e's
a 11ew l"egi1111i11g; fo1· eve1·y
111e11101·y, the1·e's a "·frea111
ahea"1. ll1e happy times
you've ha'-1 so fa1·, the
people you have 111et will al-
ways l7 e a ~,a1·t of you1· life
you'll 11eve1· quite fo1·get ...
But eve1· bette1·, L71·ighte1·
,Jays a1·e waiti11g just
fo1· you, so "11·ea111 you1·
"11·ea111s... a11"1 sta1·t 11ow to
make them all come hue!
Mom, Dad, Nash. Aamir
SVlel~ - YPlAr life is JtAst startiviq....
Cpv} atlA latlOflS OVl _l,jOlA r accOl.YJP.lhs~ evits.~o tar. w-e wqtc~ wit~
ove & pr1 e as ~olA COJ!tlVllAe to
1earvi & o11 ow-tAolAr ,'rf reams.
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Abraham, Su an 85, 176
Abujad, Hamza 146
Acerbi, Merissa 56, 83, 94, 95,
106, 166
Aceto, Kaitlyn 35, 98, 99, JOO ,
107, 166
Ackerman, Kayla 122, 156
Acosta, Rene 89
Ade, Michael 53, 176
Adkins, Kevin 166
Agnew, Olivia l 46
Agnew, Taylor 146
Aguilar, Victor 89
Aiello, Maxwell 75, 82, 130, 131,
Aiello, Sabrina 82, 106, 166
Aiello, Victor 74, 83, 130, 131,
Aikens, Kathryn 20, 21, 127, 166
Aikens, Thoma 121, 176
Akins, Seth l 8
Alam, Tahiya 83, 85, 106, 176,
Alan, Skrip ky 22
Albarran, Alicia 176
Albarran, Amber 54, 94, 146
Albrecht, David 19, 156
Albrecht, Stephanie 53, 56, 62, 83,
90, 100, 107, 139, 176,200,
201, 206
Alfano, Emily 82, 90, 91, 125, 146
Alfredson, Hannah 73, 122, 146
Alia, Dana 83, 106, 138, 139, 166
Allemand, Lindsey 22, 83, 108,
Allen, Deontae 156
Allen, Sheldon 26, 75, 156
Allen-Tagliapietra, Cody 156
Alley, Ashley 52
Alsabbah, Madleen 55, 156
Althoff, Emily 8, 14, 15, 90, 176,
Althoff, Stephanie 82, 83, 107,
122, 156
Alvarez, Stephanie 17, 106, 127,
Amborn, Polly 140, 193
Ambro ini, Bryttanee 156
Anderson, Ashley 156
Anderson, Brandon 176
Ande~on,Lurlena 166
Anderson, Terrence 88, 166
Ander on, Tyler 75, 156
Andraschko, Kyle 19, 54, l 46
Andra chko, Rebecca 166
Andrea, Alexandra 98, 106, l 08,
Andreoli, Linda 140
Andrews, Debra l 40
Andrews, Jeffery 146
Applegate, Jacqueline l 46
Applegate, Jasmine 156
Aquino, Andrea 146
Armstrong, Lauren 20, 21, 56, 57,
106, 166
Aronin, Kevin 140
Arreguin, Ashliee 126, 127, l 76
Arreguin,Shelbiee 127, 156
Arroyo, !dis 52, 89
Arteaga, Janeth 156
Ashmus, Karly 94, 109, 146
Asma, Dana 156
Asonwha, Gidget 140
Atkiel ki, Samantha 14, 15, 68, 69,
104, 156
Atkin , Jesse 102, 146
Ault, Joshua 24, 83, 121 , 156
Ausse, Cynthia 176
Austin, Dannielle 52
Babcock, Jennifer 83, 98, 99, 176,
Babcock, Martin 166
Bacu , Molly 166
Badalof, Christopher 176
Bailey, Asha 83, 98, l 66
Bain, Amber 20, 134, 135, 156
Bain, Ju tin 135, 176
Baiyewu, Tiyana 146
Baker, Joseph 156
Bakkila, Kyle 31, 57, 128, 166
Balcom, Mariah 176
Ball, Daniel 24, 90, 121, 146
Ball, Justin 166
Ball, Sarah 22, 23, 122, 123, 166
Balmes, Rebecca l 66
Baltes, Sean 146
Banks, Kierra 156
Banks, Mahogany 73, 88, 156
Baratta, Joseph 49
Barber, Thomas 45, 132, 176
Barne , Meli a 91, 176
Barrett, Amanda 69, 94, 109, 176
Barsuli, Samantha 82, 127, 146
Bartholomew, Nicholas 176, 200
Bartoli, Christopher 176
Bartz, Angela 146
Bartz, Rhyen 29, l46
Basham, Jennifer 94
Battellini, Alicia 166
Beam, Clint 140
Beard, Aerial 54, 88, 90, 146
Becker, Adam 156
Becker, Carolin 137, 146
Beckman, Jacob 19, 52, 90, 106,
Beckman, Zachary 18, 121, 166
Bedolla, Maria 156
Beecher, A hley 43, 90, 139, 146
Behme, Shannon 166
Behme, Stephanie 55, 109, 156
Beine, Amber 146
Belekov, Chyngyz 80, 85
Bell, Lauren 90, 146
Bellaire, Christopher 176
Beltran, Alison 146
Bemis, Amelia 146
Bentz, Miranda 116, 166
Berg, Tyler 55, 156
Berger, Kirsten 176
Bernhardt, Lindsey 20, 21, 33, 57,
Bernhardt, Zachary 129, 157
Berry, Eric 146
Bertog, Mara 16, 146
Bethke, Rebecca 139, 157
Bethke, Robin 176
Bianan , Andrew 19, 52, 146
Bianan, Phillip 53, 64, 68, 83, 166
Bible, Brittany 53, 104, 106, 166
Bible, Matthew 27, 75, 131, 146
Bicanin,Suzana 86,91, 166
Biggs,Rebecca 146
Bilak, Diane 140
Bilotti, Joseph 26
Bingaman, Taylor 52, 166
Bingham, Samantha 29, 54, 146
Binninger, Derek 128, 176
Birch, Jacob 27, 52, 75, 146
Birz, Alec 31, 146
Bischoff, Allison 157
Bisher, Cory 176
Bitar, Thaer 24, 75
Bitz, Devin 166
Blackwood, Brittany 53, 202
Blake lee, Sandra 94, 97, 157
Blank, Jared 24, 100, 107, 157
Blaziewske, Gina 17, 53, 104, 177
Blise, icole 52, 53, 82, 166
Bloedorn,Brooke 16, 139, 157
Bloomer, Amanda 90, 146
Bloxdorf, Bradley 80, 157
Bloxdorf, Chri topher 91, 110,
130, 131, 167
Bloxdorf, Justine 105, 167
Boak- yberg, Emily 20, 146
Boatwright, Lauren 55, 109
Bohning, Kelly 53, 82, 85, 106,
Bolyard, Sabrina 134, 135, 167
Borchardt, Lauren 20, 83, 146
Boresch, Jacob 134, 135, 167
Boresch, Lauren 83, 126, 146
Bori , Samantha 68, 146
Bornhuetter, Michael 54, 121, 157
Bo !au, Kyle 157
Bosovich, Erin 140
Bo trom, Stephanie 167
Botello, Vane a 98
Boudreau, Mark 146
Bowman, Victoria 29, 73, 127, 146
Boxrud, Jake 129, 157
Boyd, Rashadda 146
Boyer, Clayton 19, 157
Boyer, Trisha 157
Boykin, Brandon 89, 91
Boykin, Jarrid 177
Boykin, Jordin 177
Boy on, Kantrell 19, 146
Bozarth, Sarah 102
Bradley, Britne l 77
Bradley, Christina 140
Brady, Austin 157
Brandes, Lindsey 82, 104, 111, 157
Brandstetter, athan 177
Brantley, Samuel 88
Braya, Staci 140
Brecheisen, Stephanie 147
Breitenbach, Helen I l I, 140
Bridenhagen, Catherine 157
Bridenhagen, Thoma 147
Brockman, Ashley l 67
Broe ch, Julia 16,56,57,82, 106,
Brothers, Matthew 74, 177
Browder, Samantha 125, 157
Brown , Calvin 157
Brown, Charelle 88
Brown, Dominic 18, 9 l, l 67
Brown, Dorlise 140
Brown, Dylan 157
Brown , Matt 140
Brown, icholas 27, 147
Brown, Patrice 73, 124, 139, 147
Brown, Randy 18, 82, l 67
Bruce, Kevin 27, 147
Bruce, Tiffani 90, 147
Brudny, Dylan 177
Brunner, Kelsey 52, 92, 167
Bruno, Elizabeth 68, 83, 90
Bryniarski-Little, Kaitlyn 167
Brzozow ki, Lisa 167
Brzozowski, ichola 93, 167
Buban, Aaron 90, 147
Buchanan, Jeffrey 157
Buckley, Andrea 17, 52, 167
Buckley, Su an 140
Budd, Karlton 80, 129, 157
Bunch, Zachary 74, 88, 177
Burford, Alexander 31, 177
Burgess, Holly 157
Burke, A hly 177
Burke, Ryan 157
Burkoth, Maryann 104, 140
Burleson, Jacob 178
Burmei ter, Jeri 157
Burn , Jamey 20, 147
Burroughs, Graciela 111, 157
Busse, Cassandra 54, 157
But chli, Brittany 53, 178
Buttera, Randi 89, 147
Byrne, Samantha 54, 82, 127, 147
Caballero, Rafael 147
Caban, David 26, 27
Cairo, Caitlin 14, 157
Callender, Chyanne 88, 158
Calloway, Tyler 147
Camo y, Trisha 17, 15
Campen, Kri ten 56, 57, 106, 110,
Canada . Jacqueline 167. 178
Candee. Mackenzie 158
Capodarco. Caleb 178
Carleton. Sean 158
arl on, Dougla 18, 40, 78
Carl on. amuel 54. 121, 158
Carne). Timothy 54. 158
Carpenter, Je ica 47
Carr. Zakeius 178
Carroll. John 167
Carroll. Kayla 167
Car on, Allison 22, 57. 122, 178
Car \ ell. David 82, 106, 107, 133,
Carter. Alyssa 29, 127, 147
Ca carano, Ryan 147
Ca ey. Lauren 147
Casey, Michael 147
Ca taneda, Annemari 158
Ca taneda, Samara 127, 147
Castillo. Joe 53, 89. 167
Castillo, Moi es 147
Cechini, Michelle 167
Celebre.Anthony 18, 121, 167
Celebre, Haley 73, 125, 147
Celebre, Kathy 78, 124, 147
Cerminara, Taylor 147
Cervantes, Alejandra 100, 101, 167
Cervantes, Fernando 89, 178
Chacon. Jeremy 45
Chae, Christopher 147
Chamberlin, Brody 158
Chamber , Stephen 158
Chandler, Meli a 202
Chase, Alexander 55, 147
Cha e, Julie 140
Chase, Robert 27, 54, 132, 147
Chase, Sarah 20, 104, 125, 158
Chatterton, Megan 17, 54, 158
Chiappetta, Gabrielle 83, 86, 147
Chike, Britne 158
Chike, Kevin 24, 57, 167
Childer • Cayla 53, 167
Child , Carleton 19, 52, 53, 147
Childs, aomi 111, 178
Choi, John 140
Chri tenbury, Anna 147
Christenbury, Patricia 16, 100,
101, 178
Chri ten en, Matthew 131, 158
Chri tianson, Tara 167
Cianci, Alan 168
Cicerale, ic 94, 95, 140
Ci zew ki, Jenna 20, 92, 93, 104,
122, 123
Clark, Corey 147
Clark,Shenae 70, 71, 168
Clark, William 108, 109, 140
Clarke, Brittany 127, 168
Clayton, Samantha 108, 168
Cleveland, Antoine 158
Cleveland, Quanita 42, 70, 71, 88,
Cnockaert, Lind ey 39, 67, 82,
111, 178
Cobb, Harold 88
Cobb, Samantha 127
Cobe. Brandi 168
Coe, Matthew 26. 27, 168
Coe, athan 26
Coffman. Priscilla 22, 168
Colbe11, Jazzmen 88, 147
Colbert, Jonathan 168
Colbert, Jordan 88, 168
Cole, Amanda 22, 122, 147
Cole, Brianne 43, 168
Cole, Sara 147
Colgrove, Megan 168
Colin, Zalokar 18, 19
Collar, Amanda 108, 168
Collazo, Bianca 178
Collum, Heather 140
Colon, Priscilla 122, 123, 147
Colp, Jacob 158
Comer, Clori sa 100, 107, 17 8
Concannon, Anna 17, 82, 124, 147
Concannon,Joseph 10,83,86,
107, 121, 178, 189, 201
Conforti, Anthony 168
Conti, Anthony l 78
Conway, Patrick 168
Conwell, Sarah 22, 126, 127, 158
Cook, Joseph 178
Cook, Matthew 56
Cook, Robert 158
Cooks, Darius 147
Cooper, Christopher 18, 121, 168
Cooper, Zachary 94, 95, 96, 97,
107, 133, 168
Coopland, Benjamin 121
Coopland, Emily 158
Coopwood, Alyssa 178
Coppola, Samantha 178
Cornwell, Kayla 158
Corradini, Carly 158
Corrigall, icholas 91, 121, 168,
Cortez, I ace 18
Cortright, Martin 178
Cortright, evin 75, 147
Cosenza, Emilie 158
Costello, Tyler 147
Cotto, Gabriel 178
Covelli, Anthony 178
Covelli, Louis 57, 140
Cox, Garrett 158
Cox, Kayle 136, 137, 178
Cox, icole 98, 147
Cox, Ryan 19, 147
Cramer, Haley 41, 56, 57, 158
Crawley, Daniel 147
Creason, Brandon 19, 55, 147
Crowell, Olivia 56, 82, 90, 178
Cruz, Adalberto 178
Cruz, Juan 147
Cruz, Maria 89, 178
Cruz, Ramon 49, 89, 168
Cruz, Zachary 57, 179
Csikortas, Meli sa 122, 147
Cullnan, Emmacait 147
Cummins, Kyle 147
Cunningham, Christopher 168
Cunningham, Evan 179
Curtiss. Zachary l 48
Cutler, Kaylee 9, 52, 139, 168
Cyriac. Shilpa 90. 148
Dahl, Kyle 128, 168
Dalet ki, Monica 56, 179
Dallia, Destin 158
Dalton, Christina 22, 23, 54, 73,
82, 122, J48
Dalton, Rachel 72, 73, 82, 104,
Damas, Ariel 158
Daniel, Mariah 52, 168
Daniels, Porsha 88
Darby, Lauren l 04, 158
Darden, Treadell 179
Dart, Ian 56, 76, 77, 179, 198, 202
Dart, Sierra 20, 21, 56, 179, 202
Dary, Grace 96, 98, 99, 141
Davenport,Kennedy 148
Davidson, Hannah 56, 168
Davie , Lukas 158
Dawiec, Benjamin 30, 31, 179
Dawiec, Zachary 31, 93, 104, 158
Debartolo, Ignazio 158
Decker, Alixandra 102, 106, 168
Defranco, Frank 179
Degrazia, Anthony 158
DeGrazia, Geena 20, 168
Degrazio, Robert 19, 75, 148
Dejno, David 27, 168
Dejno, Katelyn 179
DeLaat, Natalia 141
Delahanty, Greg 141
Delaney, Cody 158
Delany, Shannon 148
Delfs, Blake 148
Delgado, Angelica 52
Delgado, Christian 53
Deluca, Hailey 20, 158
Del Frate, Isabella 86, 87, 168
Dembowski, David 141
Denni on, Keri 72, 82, 100, 102,
107, 122, 137, 157, 158
Dennison, Kyle 121, 158
Derginer, Tyler 19, 158
Dero e, Christopher 158
Derrough, Ryan 158
Deschler, Jacob 41, 158
DeSeife, Johnathon 179
Desotell, Amanda 168
DeThorne, Paige 94
Dever, Aly~ 125, 158
De Vries, Jame 179
Dexter, Alisia 86, 148
De Bree, Ashley 148
De Leon, Matthew 158
Diaz, Quenca 45, 168
Dickow, Brian 75, 90, 129, 148
Dickow, Brooke 17, 100, 168
Dietman, Taylor 9, 28, 66, 72, 73,
82, 179, 201
Dillow, Andrew 91, 129
Dinan, Maxwell 53, 109, 158
Dirk, Joshua 168
Dixon, Dominique 19, 75. 158
Dixon, Tyler 148
Dodge, A hley l 79
Doerflinger, Richard 179
Doerflinger, Ronald 179
Doherty, Andrew 18, 132, 168
Doherty, William 132, 179
Dohrmann, Alayna 94, 148
Dollar, Stephen 141
Dolnik, Michael 158
Dominguez, Diana 89, 122. 168
Dominguez, Hugo 148
Dominic, Sherin 179
Donahoe, Andrew 179
Donahoe, Anthony 158
Dopuch, Christopher 31, 75, 148
Do , Alexander 52, 158
Doug, Townsend 126
Douma, Cameron 158
Dove, David 168
Draeger, Patrick 168
Dreger, Erin 82, 111, 158
Drucks, icholas 148
Dubrava, Ariel 168
Dubrava, Elise 148
Duffy, Bethanne 33, 86, 95, 179,
Duffy, Kevin 86, 94, 95, 96, 97,
DuJardin, Alexandra 179
Dujardin, Sharon 126, 158
Dukas, Derek 179
DuMez, Elizabeth 86
DuMez, Katherine 86
Dummer, David 148
Dunham, Stephanie 159
Dunwald, Mathew 53, J79, 202
Durkee, Brittany 20, 127, 134, 135
Durkee, Matthew 168
Duro , Ronald 141
Dustan, Brandi 17, 148
Dwyer, Dylan 57, 168
Dwyer, Nathan 56, 179
Dwyer, Taylor 55, 148
Dzbinski, Brittney 159
Earley, Kayla J 48
Early-Riley, D'Anthony 88, 159
Ea ter, Kyle 8, 39, 76, 77, 179
Ebener, Leah 17,54, 127, 159
Eckert, Victoria 56, 122, 168
Edwards, ikkiya 88, 168
Eggert, Bradley 56, 83, 180. 200
Eggert, Matthew 180
Eggert, Michael 24, 57, 68, 83.
Eggert, Nicholas 54, 83, 131, J 59
Eggert, Taylor 20, 55, 82, 122, 159
Egle, Haley 82, 100, 139, 159
Egly, Henrik 26, 27, 159
Ehmke,Bryanna 148
Ekdahl, Pierce 132, 180
Ekdahl, Preston 132, 180
Ek trom, Steve 141
Elder, Carrie 94, 109
Ellis, Dazia 71
Elmblad, Elise 17, 82, 138, 139,
Elmblad, Emily 11, 53, 64, 82,
138, 139, 180,200,201,202
Elmblad, Su an 141
Elmore, Shanice 159
Elsen, Jaime 14, 15, 125, 148
Elst, Michael 180
Elvetici, Venessa 180
Engelmann, Aaron 121, 148
Engelmann, Matthew 31, 49, 121,
Englund, Zachary 180
Engwis, Elizabeth 17, 56, 57
Enwright, Jordan 18, 53, 90, 168
Epping, Carly 122, 123, 148
Epping, Dillon 90, 168
Epping, Zachary 18, 168
Erick on, Craig 168
Erickson, Hayley 148
Erickson, Kristy 168, 180
Ernst, Robert 180
Er kine, Ryan 180
Espinoza, Carlos 89
Espinoza, Nicole 89, 168
Esquivel, Jo e 89, 159
Estrada, Javier 89
Evans, Jennifer 83, 136, 137, 180,
Evans, Tommy 78, 120, 121, 180
Evans, Tyler 132, 159
Ewens, Diane 28, 29, 52, 106, 126,
127, 168
Faint, Brianna 52, 98, 106, 168
Falduto, Ashton 91, 180
Farmer, James 88
Farnam, Alejandro 31, 148
Farrar, Boyce 148
Farruggio, Joseph 41, 86, 180
Farruggio, Justin 47, 75
Faust, Rebecca 148
Favre, Jordyn 94, 148
Feige, Alex 168
Feivor, Brandon 18, 180
Fell, Larry 141
Feltman, Robin 94, 97, 148
Ferkin, Amanda 180, 202
Fiedler, Michael 14 l
Fields, Andrew 133, 168
Figueroa, David 180
Figueroa, Marshawn 108
Figueroa, elson 159
Filter, Benjamin 121, 148
Finnigan, Bradley 180
First, athan 54, 159
Fisher, Emily 56, 57, 82, 93, 104,
Fishman, Kaleigh 29
Flahive, Kyle 180
Flasch, Collin 24, 121, 159
Flesch, Zachary 159
Flood, Kyle 94, 148
Flores, Paul 148
Fochs, Shane 180
Follak, Michael 168
Follensbee, Shelby 100, 107, 180
Follensbee, Thomas 27, 148
Fonk, Dominic 148
Fonk, Vincent l 8, 168
Forchette, Scott 18, 168
Ford, Gabriel 180
For ter, Kri ten 89
Forsythe, Matthew 45, 57, 168
Fosbinder, Zachary 36, 181
Fox, Adrianna 169
Fox, Emily 56, 57, 98, 181
Fox,Shannon 181
Frank, Matrise 18
Franke, Donna 141
Franklin, Meagan 54, 159
Frederick, Cassie 29, 122, 159
Frederick, Randy 18, 181
Freeman, icholas 148
Freeman, Stephanie 29, 78, 148
Freiberg, Hannah 20, 56, 82, 106,
Freisheim, Hans 55, 102, 148
Fremarek, Patricia 141
Fricke, Andrew 31, 121, 148
Friedl, Samantha 22, 125, 181
Friedrich, Patrick 104, 148
Fritz, Tamara 169
Fuhrer, Bradley 67, 181
Fuhrer, Bryan 148
Fuhrer, Ryan 159
Fuhrman, Carly 148
Fulmer, Broe 52, 78, 90, 148
Fulmer, Sophie 169
Gagliardi, Adam 41, 133, 159
Gagliardo, Rose 148
Galitz, Kaycee 29, 94, 95, 159
Gallegos, Jesse 104, 169
Gallion, Jennifer 56, 102, 104,
106, 169
Gamarro, Andres 148
Gann, Kevin 24, 169
Gaona, Sara 159
Garay, Joshua 106, 169
Garces, Demetrio 19, 148
Garcia, Cesar 148
Garcia, Dominic 78, 79, 148
Garcia, Florencio 148
Garcia, Gabriela 90
Garcia, Gabriela (3) 126, 148, 159
Garcia, Kayla 22
Garcia, Kel ey 148
Garcia, ayeli 148
Gardner, Kala 148
Gardner, athaniel 181
Gascoigne, Amber 181, 202
Gattshall, Joshua 49
Gayheart, Katelyn 78, 90, 148
Gazarkiewicz, Patrick 141
Gehri, April 181
Geiger, icole 14, 108, 109, 148
Gentner, Kevin 52, 181
Gentz, Adam 149
Gerlach, Amy 53, 82, 182
Gessert, Garette 17, 54, 149
Giampietro, Frankie 149
Giane elli,Michael 75, 131, 159
Gibbons,John 141
Gibson, Samantha 56, 57, 182
Gildenstern, Laura 86, 87, 111, 159
Gillespie, Monae 88
Giorno, Kaela 169
Giovanelli, Daniel 182
Glaze, Gene 149
Gleason, Anna 149
Gleason, Rebecca 53, 111, 169
Glover, Shawnaw 86, 94, 102
Goddard, Laken 169
Goddard, Lind ay 169
Goes, Aja 53, 64, 82, 182, 198,
Goldsmith, Clari a 94, 95, 96,
Gold mi th, Thomas 30, 31, 57,
82, 133, 177, 182, 198, 200,
201, 202
Golownia, Au tin 8, 18, 128, 182
Gomez, Jo e 169
Gomez, Oscar 159
Gomez, Samara 100, 107, 111, 169
Gonzales, Brandi 127
Gonzales, Kiersten 53, 82, 106,
116, 139, 169
Gonzale , Patricia 169
Gonzales-Bernhardt, Richard 169
Gonzalez, Sabrina 159
Gooden, Andre 55, 90
Goodman, Amanda 35, 118, 159
Gordon, Austin 83, 97, 111, 169
Gordon, Ernesto 169
Gordon, Makaya 182
Gordon, Marilyn 182
Gorman, Janice 141
Gorman, Katelyn 126, 127, 182
Gorman, Kody 129, 149
Go chy, icholas 182
Gosselin, Julie 159
Gos ett, Chelsie 90, 92, 159
Gottlieb, olan 159
Gough, Jonathan 57, 91, 182
Gourdoux, Hannah 149
Grachen, Connor 149
Ora er, Julieanna 95
Graziani, Andrew 159
Green, Michael 19, 149
Greene, Holly 54, 55, 159
Griffey, Andrew I 0, 80, 81, 82,
100, 101, 107, 182, 189, 202
Griffin, Cody 134, 135
Griffin, Grant 182
Griffiths, Sara 33, 72, 73, 106,
125, 169
Grimmer, Samantha 82, 169
Gripko, Zachary l 06, 132, 169
Grom, Amanda 159
Gross, Brandon 149
Gross, Carley 29, 73, 149
Gross, Kevin 19, 88
Gross, Robert 149
Guarascio, Arayel 182
Gucciardo, Kara 8, 106, 118, 169
Gunter, Dylan 159
Haag, Brian 169
Hade, Alex 74, 159
Hagerty, Connor 169
Haggarty, Claire 159
Haggarty, Clayton 132, 169
Hagglund, Brandie 159
Hagren, Kelly 54, 90, 124, 149
Hall, James 159
Hall-Powell, Kadiara 106, 169
Halstead, Morgan 149
Hambrock, Alexander 63, 86, 94,
95, 102, 106, 182, 198
Hambrock, Kristopher 55, 149
Hamilton, Garrett 159
Hamm, Jo hua 53, 182
Hammye, Daniel 104
Hanken, Zachary 182
Hanken, Zoe 149
Hanley, Amy-Rae l 69
Hanley, Jesse 159
Han en, April 182
Han en, Deborah 141
Hansen, Fawn 18, 52, 182, 202
Han en, Zachary 121, 149
Hanson, Bergen 19, 55, 159
Hanson, Jackie 182
Hardy, Todd 66, 125, 141
Hardy, Troy 141
Harebo, Heather 71, 182
Harebo, Holly 104
Harmon-Smith, Samantha 11, 22,
24, 57, 122, 182
Harp ter, Kristen 20, 21, 98, 149
Harris, Che! ea 159
Harri , Mathew 19, 159
Harri , Timothy 55, 149
Hartlieb, John 169
Hartnell, Kyle 159
Hartnell, Mackenzie 17, 56, 106,
Hartnell, Meli a 56. 137, 149
Hart chuh, Linda 141
Harvey, Tiaria 182
Haubrich, Matthew 169
Hawbaker, Robert 182
Hawley, Shelby 18, 106, 125, 169
Hayden, Zorin 149
Haye , Earnest 74
Haynes, Brandi 88, 159
Haynes, Erne t l 69
Heard, icole 54, 149
Hedge -Goettl, athaniel 33. 53.
94.97. 159
Hegewald. Katelyn 28, 45. 169
Heideman, Raymond 141
Heideman. Sally 141
Heil, Stephen 159
Heinrichsmeyer, Ethan 169
Heiring, Matthew 8, 91, 169
Helminger, Sara 52, 182
Helm , Brianna 83, 149
Henrikson. Gabriel 47, 116, 183,
1 9
Henry, Kelli 90, 183, 200
Henry. Kyle 24, 52, 82, 156. 159
Henry. Lydia 90, 91
Hernandez. Gabriel 159
Hernandez. Geeno I 9, 159
Hernandez, Johnny 18
Hernandez,Meghane 86, 169
Herr, Diana 183
Herzog, Ryan I 69
Herzog-Bruce, Anthony 149
Hettrick, Brian 149
Heyden, Cameron 19, 160
Hildebrandt. Connor 26, 27, 132,
133. 160
Hill, Amber 149
Hill. Matthew 77, 183
Hilliard, Mitchell 19, 149
Hind , Andrew 183
Hinz, Michelle 160
Hir ig, Diana 141
Hobbs, Cameron 183
Hodge , Kiera 149
Hoecherl, Kaela 125
Hoffman, Evan 18, 91, 183, 202
Hohs, Steven 54, 149
Hold worth, Brandon 149
Holland, Kianna 52, 71, 125
Hollendonner, Kri tin 54, 55
Hollendonner, icholas 77, 106
Holman, Travi 160
Holmes, Kayla 86
Holst, Lawrence 78, 149
Ho! t, Ta ha 52, 78, 169
Hood, David 78, 79, 120, 121
Hopkins, Eric 141
Hopkin , Kyle 160
Horn, William 24, 57, 83, 106,
132, 133, 169
Horne, Matthew 104, 131, 149
Hornik, Jacob 19, 160
Horswell, Brandon I 60
Horton, Levi 24, 78, 160
Hou aman, Cassandra 17, 160
Houston, Victoria l 60
Howard, Hannah 90, 169
Huber, Anthony 24, 149
Huck, Abigail 22, 54, 149
Huckabone, Tyler I 60
Hud on, Monica 149
Hudson, Zachary 77, I 69
Hueb cher, Sara 169
Huebscher. Stephanie 149
Hughe , Charlotte 160
Hughes. Richard 169
Hujik, ydney 18.82,100,101,
106, 124, 125, 169
Humphre , Kathy 142
Humphreys, Jenna 16, 17, 149
Humphreys. John 149
Hundertmark, Ariel l 60
Hunter, Sarah 98
Hunter, Traya 88
Hunziker, Alexandria 149
Hurst, William 132, 169
Hutchinson, Carolyn 73, 104, 127,
Hutchin on. Patrice 41, 62, 83,
111, 183, 200, 202
Hutson, ichola 183
Hutson, Ryen 138, 139, 183
Hyde, Kenneth 78
Iacconi, Meghan 149
Ianni, Redo 149
Idrizi, Shpetim (Tim) 149
Infusino, Donna 37, 142
In ko, icole 109, 160
Iri h, Ryan 142
Irwin, Thomas 149
lstvanek, Robin 149
lwen, David 149
Jacinto, Seba tian 160
Jackie, Valeri 15
Jackson, Alexander 19
Jackson, Cody 74, 88, 183
Jackson,Mercede 88
Jackson, Sarah 53, 62, 87, 111, 183
Jackson, Stacee 149
Jackson, Stephon 18, 88
Jackson, Symone 73, 149
Jacobs, Andro 120, 121, 202
Jacobsen, Andrew l 8
Jacobsen, Eric 169
Jaeger, Casey 149
Jaime , ancy 90
Jakala, Christopher 149
Janie, Adam 26, 169
Jankovic, Zarko 183, 202
Jarina, Jade 102, 160
Jaros, Dana 73, 108, 147, 149
Ja , Tyler 19, 160
Jenkins, Isaiah 121, 181
Jenkins, Makayla 183
Jen en, Jesica 137, 149, 154
Jensen, Joseph 169
Jen en, Marilyn 142
Jen en, Phillip 11, 18, 183, 202
Jensen, Todd 160
Jeranek, Peter 149
Jessen, Tyler 149
Jessen. Zackery 169
Jimenez, Irma 89. 149
Johansen, Samantha 54, 55 , 108,
127, 149
Johnson, Alex 8, 74, 183, 202
Johnson, Alexander 160. 202
Johnson, Andrew 18, 183
Johnson, Bradley 56, 90, 183
John on, Dana 82, 150
Johnson, Darius 88
John on, Evan 74, 183
Johnson, Jonathan 150
Johnson, Kelsey l 50
Johnson, Kimberly 104, 105, 169
Johnson, Kurk 106, 108, 169
Johnson, Kyle 104, 160
Johnson, Lance 121, 150
Johnson, Megan 54,90, 150
John on, Morgan 73, 150
Johnson,Rebecca 183
Johnson, Sarah 160
Johnson, Scott 198
Johnson, Sonja 56, 169
John on, Thomas 19, 160
Johnston, Allison JO, 11, 53, 83,
106, 124, 125, 183,202
John ton, Skylar 39, 86, 87
Jones, Anthony 160
Jones, Jaclyn 91, 170
Jone , Jame 26, 37, 128, 129, 160
Jones, Jared 19, 54, 150
Jones,Lexxus 17, 160
Jones, Makenzie 22, 122, 150
Jone , icholas 150
Jones, Rachel 72, 73, 106, 170
Jones, Serena 18, 19
Jone , Tre tin 54, 55
Jones, Trevor 53, 183
Jone , Zachary 150
Jorgensen, Olivia 104, 137, 160
Jor ch, James 142
Joyner, Sarahlynn 150
Jozwiak, Alyssa 20, 122, 160
Jozwiak, Kayla 20, JOO, 122, 183
Judeika, Amber 150
Junge, Chase 27, 132, 150
Junkerman, Tyler 183
Kaden, Derek 86, 106, 183, 202
Kadri, Aamir 19, 55, 82, 146, 150
Kadri, A ma 66, 90, 184, 202
Kaiser, Carla 52, 170
Kalappurackal, Jovin 150
Kamm, William 170
Kammer, Michael 24, J06, 120,
Karaway, Harley 161
Karaway, James 184
Kame , Robert 184
Kasper, Marie 142
Keating, Lauren 56, 57, 170, 204
Keckei en, Jared 131, 170
Keel, Sarah l 42
Kegg, John 170
Kehl, Jared 129, 150
Kehl, Ryan 129, 150
Kelly. Kristen 29, 150
Kelly. Rebecca 28, 29, 53, 184
Kemen, Michael l 32, l 70
Ken, Wiele 204
Kenney, Emily 17, 82, 92, 93, 94,
104, 161
Kern, Travi (3) 132, 170, 184
Kessen, Kayla l 50
Kessinger, Gina 150
Kessler, Karen 142
Ketchum, Amber 150
Kevin, Aronin 18, 19
Khan, Shaan 150
Kifie,Addey 20,91, 104, 111.161
Kifle, Bereket 57, 110, 184, 202,
Kikuchi. Keith 86, 111, 170
Kim, Arnold 161
Kimball, Randy l 70
King, Adam 142
King, Amber 170
King, Chri tine 37, 142
King, Debbie 142
King, Katie 170
Kingfisher, Steven 170
Kirk, Michelle 46, 47, 161
Kirk, icholas 19, 150
Kirk, Stephanie 161
Kirkegaard, Brian 24, 132, 184
Kirkegaard, Kari 17, 161
Kirykowicz, Kevin l 70
Kislia, Kyle 184
Kislia, Morgan 19, 150
Klabunde, Abigail 106, 170
Klade, Erik 19, J02, 150
Klade, Trisha 91, 184
Klausch, Amanda 161
Klau egger, Alyssa 150
Klausegger, Kathryn 83, J06, 170
Klinkhammer, Haley 22, 68, J04,
Kloiber, Michael 170
Klopstein, Joel 55, 161
Kluver, Jennifer 52, 170
Kluver, Jessica 150
Kmiec, Emily 29, 150
Knapp, Courtney 184
Knapp, Meagan 134, 135, 161
Knapp, Sara 54, JOO, 107, 122,
123, 161, 207
Knebel, ichola 80, 170
Knight, Carly 19, 124, 150
Knight, Gavin 150
Knight, Kayla 22, 161
Knight, Robe1t l 70
Knoke, Elliott 161
Knoke, Kipp 184
Knoke, Michael 150
Koch, Garett 27, l 50
Kohel, Alexandra 170
Kohler, Tyler 75, 129, 161
Kok, Adam 24, 43, 106, 121, 170
Kok, Molly 90, J04, l 50
Kolacek, Alex 27, 150
Kollman, Alex 27, 57, l 07, l JO.
Kollman, Peter 43, 142
Konchan, Lauren 104, 124, 150
Konitzer, Courtney 170
Konitzer, Hayley J 50
Konstantinoff, Katerina 106, 107,
Korecz, Andrew 19, 129, 161
Korecz, Kristine 11, 184
Kosloske, Aurora 150
Koster, Drake 80, 106, 184
Kotten, Heather 184
Kotten, Ross 19, 131, 161
Kozlowski, Krystiana 100, 109,
Kramer, Kayla 161
Kramer, Rhonda 170
Kramer, Rocky 150
Kraus, A lex J 61
Krause, Matthew 57, 184
Kreft, Kevin 161
Krehbiel, Alyssa 17, 53, 184
Kreier, Jacob 161
Kresse, Paul 142
Kretschmer, Brittany 150
Kreuscher, Krista 91, 184, 202
Krier, Plinky 161
Krier, Rhena 150
Krok, Sally J42
Krol, Cody 161
Krone, Kenna 39, 94, 106, 170
Krucas, Kayci 52, J 84
Kruse, Mary 142
Kuehne, Elena 82, 90, 104, 161
Kugler, John 161
KuhnJey, Nikolas 150
Kulvik, Anna 53, 83, 91, 122, 170
Kumorkiewicz, Rachael 171
Kunich, Ashlie 126, 171
Ku pfer, Daniel 131 , 150
Kupfer, Ellen 89, 142
Kuss, Alexandra 184
Kuss, Jennifer 56, 127, 171
Kutzke, Amanda 161
Kwas, Jennifer 65, 82, 83, 184,
201, 202
Ladd, Jason 78, 142
Landgraf, Adam 31, 75, 82, 150
Landgraf, Joseph 75, 90, 104, 161
Landmark, Joshua 53, 78, 89
Landwehr, Derek 104, 106, 171
Lang, Heather 122, 160, 161
Lang, Jonathon 132, 171
Lange, Katherine 52, 184
Langenbach, Chelsea 161
Langley, Aubrey 80, 161
Langsdorf, Caitlin 150
Langston, Mia 136, 161
Langston, William 150
Larsen, Ashley 102, 184
Larsen, Bethany 28, 53, 184
Larsen, Jacob 27
Larsen, Kevin 142
Larsen, Linda 142
Larsen, Lukas 150
Larsen, icholas 162, 171
Larson, Blake 171
Larson, Faith 150
Larson, Kelsey 150
Larson, Patrick 19, 54, 150
Larson, Tara 41, 73, 82, 92, 124,
146, 150
Lass, Ryan 184
Latham, Joseph 161
Latham, Kevin 32, Ill, 132, 171
Laurent, Jeff 26, 27, 142
Laurenzi, Anthony 83, 128, 177,
Laurenzi, Jessie 72, 82, 125, 156,
Lavey, Tori 35, 54, 161
Lawell, Chelsea 20, 104
Lawell, Zachary 55, 102
Lawler, Kelsey 17 J
Lawlor, Michael 17 J
Leable, Tiegen 52, 100, J 26, 170,
Leadingham, Jordyn 150
Lechusz, Carol 142
Ledford, Marcus 150
Ledlow, Katie 45, 185
Ledlow, Lacey 150
Ledlow, Lucas 150
Lee, Benjamin 121 , 150
Lee, Carrie 127, 161
Leffelman, Branden 161
Lehman, Emily 39, 106, 111, 185
Lehman, Jame 24, 25, 78, 79
Leidlein, Joseph 86, 94, 95, 97
Leindecker, Jason 161
Leipzig, Phillip 161
Leiting, David 19, 52, 121 , 150
Leker, Erin 185
Lemke, Linda 142
Lenart, Judy 142
Lenegar, Adam 151
Lenegar, Corey 161
Lenegar, Rebecca 67, 100, 17 l,
Leonard, Emily 54, 82, 94, 95, 98,
Leonard, Sydney 106, 117, 171
Leonard, Tyler 161
Leone, Karina 185
Lepouce, Mallory 33, 171
Leslie, Dionne 142
Leslie, Jacob 19
Leslie, Nicholas 56, 57, 121
Lesofsky, Marjorie 137, 160, 161
Lesperance, Morgan J 51
Lettsome, Brianna 52, J71
Leys, Steven 161
Lichter, Jacob 151
Lindemann, Mason 161
Lindquist, Megan 20, 104, 161
Lindsey, Ciara 151
Li ppett, J us tin 151
Lippert, Stephanie 56, 185, 200
Littel, Ethan 18, 106, 111, 121, 171
Littel, Matthew 53, 121, 185
Little, Kianna 88
Little, Sheona 102, 161
Litz, Ashley 171
Lizama, Joshua 185
Lizama, Sarah 151
Llanas, Connie 142
Lobdell, Tyler 171
Loef, Matthew 19
Loffredo, Jonathan 78, J51
Logan,Brietta 151
Lohner, Krystal 151
Lond, Andrew 161
Long,Turando 88, 102, 161
Longmire, Darius 171
Longmire, Kaivon J 9
Longmire, Xavier 75
Longstreet, Darell 74, 161
Loomis, Tyler 55, 161
Lopez, Camila 89, 90, 161
Lopez, Miguel 27, 49, 151
Lopez, Richard 151
Love, Alexandra 106, 171
Lucas, Nicholas 19
Lucente, Joseph 151
Lucente, Nicholas 161
Lucke, Marisa 17, 55, 151
Ludwig, Katie 185
Lukawski, Elizabeth 185
Lumley, Tyler 161
Lund, Nicholas 27, 54, 151
Lundskow, Jacquelyn 171
Lupia, Adam 151
Lurquin, James 186, 198
Lurquin, Taylor 151
Luska, Kayla 151
Ly, Ann 29,37, 74, 161
Lyke, Kenya 88
Lynch, Alex 171
Lynch, Amanda 82, 151
Lynch, Emily 10, 16, 83, 100, 101,
J07, 186, 189,202
Lynn, Devon 171
Lyons, Aisha 22, 100, 186
Machak, Alec 171
Macik, Tiffany 162
Mack, Jaclyn 17 , 56, 57, 82, 156,
Mack, Steven 57, 186
Mader, Kelci 90, 171
Madison, Laura 56, 83, 90, 186,
Madrigrano, Anna 74, 91, 136,
137, 171
Madsen,Stephen 151
Maerzke, Annie 56, 100, 104
Mahar, Samuel 128, 129, 162
Mahon, Ashley 171
Mahone, Ian 9, 64, 98, J08, 186,
201, 202
Mahoney, Holly 20, 54, 82, 125,
Mahoney, Megan 20, 21, 56, 83,
92, 125, 186
Mahoney, Sara 20,55,82,92,93,
125, 146, 151
Maier-Larsen, Nicholas 162, 171
Majercik, John 80, 142
Maldonado, Gerardo 121, 151
Malsack, Rachael 108, 171
Manderfeld, Kay 143
Manske, Melis a J 51
Maraccini, Kaleb 80, 121, 162
Marcoe, Charles 77, 162
Marin, Steven 171
Marinelli, Stephanie 162
Mark, Schenk 127
Mark, Tiffini 56, 186
Marlar, Emma 138, 139, 151
Marlotty, Joseph J 51
Marran, Elizabeth 76, 77, 83, 136,
166, 171
Marran, Kathryn 76, 83, 186
MarshaJJ, Cole 143
Martin, Ashley 86
Martin, Cassandra 147, 151
Martin, Samantha 171
Martin, Timothy 171
Martinelli, Angelo 162
Martinez, Cameron 89, 171
Martinez, Joseph 31, 91, 121, 186,
Martinez, Morgan 151
Marzolf, Haley 17, 151
Masi, Joseph 27, 162
Mata, Adrienne 53, 87, 171
Mata, Craig J 51
Matera, John 128, 143
Mathias, Michael 94, 162
Matley, Brandon 171
Matley, Brittany 17, 171
Matrise, Frank 143
Matt, Brown 19
Mattner, Cody 78, 171
Matute, April 78, 162
Matute, Ivonne 89, 171
Maurer, Steven 143
Maxwell, Jaremey 86
May, Jennifer 111, 162
May, William 186
Mayes, Charlesha 70, 71, 88
Maze, Shabar 104, 105
Mazzolini, Carl 18, 77, 186
Mazzolini, icole 137, 171
McCain, Robert 56, 57, 91
McCartney, Jo eph J5 J
McClinton, Grant 151
McClone, Rachel 82, 106
McCoy, Kiernan 83, 162, 206
McCrea, Robert 18, 186, 202
McCune, Amber 162
McDonald, Emily 90, 151
McElroy, Blake 186
McGinley, Kaylee 90, 151
McGraw, Colin 151
McKay, Mike 143
McKay, Riley 27, 162
McKee, Colton 151
McKenzie, Julian 202
McKinley, Joseph 31, 78, 162
McKinley, Lind ay 19, 186
McMahon, Jes ica 57, 186
McMahon, John 24,56,57, 121
McMa ter, Alli on 53, 62, 68, 2,
Mc air, Andre' 52, 83, 151
Mc ea!, Marqui e 18
Meier, Jo eph 131, 135, 171
Meitzen, Devin 171
Meland, Sydnee 162
Melito, icholas 18, 131, 171
Mercurio, Courtney 162
Merritt, Kaitlyn 10, JOO, 160, 162
Mertz, Sara 90, 186
Me enger, Robert 25, 57, 85, 106,
132, 171
Metallo, Cory 151
Metallo, Steven 171
Meurer, Jacob 151
Meyer, Brenda 143
Miceli, Bianca 18, 106, 125, 171
Miceli, Marco 106, 171
Miceli, Matthew 83, 87, 151
Mich, Kevin 56, 186
Michaelis, Jakob 162
Mickelsen, Kelsey 100, 186
Mike, McKay 18
Milankovic, Alek andar 172
Milbauer, Karina 90, 151
Miletta, Jason 162
Miller, Aaron 162
Miller, Cierra 56
Miller, Cody 53
Miller, Cody (3) 30, 31, 65, 128,
135, 162, 186,202
Miller, Emily 20, 76, 77, 83, 152
Miller, Katelyn 186
Miller. Marissa 162
Miller Matthew 172
Miller, Michelle 162
Miller, Nicholas 35, 55, 121, 132,
Miller, Ryan 31, 132, 152
Miller, Shawn 18, 128, 186, 189,
201, 202
Miller, Stephanie 33, 52, 86, 172
Miller, Teresa 172
Mills, Ehlonna 152
Mill , Keith 19
Mill aps, Allison 53, 98, 99, 111,
187, 198
Miner, Sabrina 78, 152
Miner, Samantha 187
Misch, Rowan 152
Misch-Bloxdorf, Chri topher 57,
Mitchell, Amy 152
Mitchell, Jazelle 152
Mleko, Brooke 100, 162
Mock, Phillip 57, 78, 106, 172
Moddes,Jordan 91, 187
Mogensen, Amanda 172
Mogen en, Brock 27, 152
Mogensen, Lauren 28, 29, 72, 73,
Mogen en, Shelby 125, 172
Mohr, Emily 11, 124, 125, 187,
Molette, Kyle 104, 152
Molina, Carlo 78, 152
Molina, Sergio 187
Molinaro, Dexter 19, 75, 152
Molinaro. icole 162
Molinaro, Samantha 56, 57, 106,
Mongeau, Trevor 78, 172
Montejo, Ashley 89
Montemurro, Thoma 83, 91, 187,
Moore, April 187
Moore, Gabrielle 55, 162
Morehouse, Emily 172
Morel, Maria I06
Moreland, Cody 24, 77, 130, 131
Morgan, A hley 8, 66, 67, 83, 90,
91, 100, 101, 107, 187, 201,
Morgan, Laura 14, 37, 82, 162
Morgan, Siva 94
Moro, ichola 19, 131, 152
Morri , Alysa 14, 127, 152
Morris, Justin 30, 31, 45, 187
Morris, Wesley 129, 162
Morri sey, Kyle 187
Mose , athaniel 30, 31, 52, 120,
Mosley, Tori 152
Moya, Carlo 78
Mucha, Alexandra 56, 57, 90, 138,
139, 187
Mueller, icholas 30, 31, 187
Muerhoff, Hannah 53, 91, 187
Mulroy, Shannon 172
Murati, Bashkime 162
Murati, Lirijeta 152
Muro, Leah 22,23, 172
Murphy, Johnathan 102, 172
Murray, Li a 143
Murray, Sara 54, 137, 152
Musselman, Ellsworth 162
Mutchler, Megan 152
edd,Rebekah 54,82, 152
eeve, Chelbie 172
ehls, Alys a 162
ehls, Katelynn 172, 187
elson, Calen 35, 88, 89, 162
elson, Erica 94, 95, 109, 162
elson, Jeremiah 18, 187
el on, Peter 35, 75, 129, 162
erby, Keith 143
eu,Joshua 90, 172
eu, Ryan 18, 128, 187
ewberry, Alexander 18, 128, 187
ewberry, athaniel 35, 121, 152
ewberry, Ryley 152
cwell, Ashley 87, 98, 187
ewton, Deanna 172
ichols, Stephen 172
Nickel, Allison 172
ickel, Kayla 152
icla, Jonathon 170
icla, Kaylee 52, 77, 91, 187, 202
icolo, Daniel 172
iedzwiecki, Adam 48
iesen, Joshua 172
iesen, Melis a 17, 162
ieves, Daniel 19, 78
iles, Zachary 19, 152
ixon, Treonna 152
older, David 9, 18, 74, 78, 187,
ordqui t, Adam 19, 152
orri , Jeanette 54, 152
orris, Jonathan 172
orton, Alexandra 187
oto, Jessica 172
ottingham, Kelsey 122, 172
ottingham, Kyle 24, 121, 152
ovick, Amanda 53, 94, 95, 100,
107, 187
ovotny, Jo eph 172
owak, Ryan 53, 56, 172
yquist, Emily 14, 15, 57, 90, 187
yqui t, athaniel 19, 75, 131,
O'Brien, David 188
O'Donnell, Je ica 90, 162
O' eal, Brianna 90, 152
O' eal, Jason 132, 152
O'Reilly, Karlie 188
Oate , Hannah 20, 21, 83, 92, 93,
136, 137, 188, 198
Oat vall, Jayme 172
Oberg, Richard 172
Oberg, Steven 90, 102, 188
Ochoa, Faustino 172
Oechler, Jacob 172
Oechler, Lauren 20, 92, 152
Ogle, Amanda 188, 202
Ogren, Jason 162
Ohl on, Kamrin 152
Oliveira, Roberio 152
Ollanketo, Kevin 152
Ollanketo, Stefani 162
Olsen, Evan 162
Olson, Kelsey 83, 90, 162
Olson, Steven 172
Olson, Sue 143
Opal, Michael 152
Orr, Leah ·20, 94, 95, 152
Ortega, Leny 89, 152
Ortega, Yvette 188, 189
Ortega, Yvonne 188, 189
Orth, Jammie 86, 143
Orth, Michael 143
Oseguera, Jesus 26, 172
0 eguera-Yega, Zayra 152
0 ter, Jake 27, 55, 86, 152
Oster, Nathan 26, I06, 130, 131,
Overman, Daniel 55, 162
Owen, Arthur Zachary 162
Owen , Andrew 152
Owens, Desarae 162
Pacetti, Ryan 188, 202
Pacetti, Sue 143
Pacheco,Steven 188
Padilla, Evelyn 52
Padilla, Payton 152
Padilla, Peter 162
Padlock, Abby 28, 29, 188, 193,
Padlock, Colleen 143, 193
Page, Brandon 90, 129, 172
Page, Bryan 19, 129, 152
Palmer, Kayla 29, 73, 127, 162
Palumbo, Brandon 152
Pappenfus, Anthony 18, 82, 83, 90,
91, 100, JO], 104, 107, 120,
121, 188, 189, 198, 199,
Pappenfus, Lind ay 47, 83, 90,
138, 139, 172
Parker, ajee 18, 78
Parmentier, David 19, 162
Parmentier, Shannon 29, 54, 73,
122, 123, 152
Parrish, Julie 17, 49, 152
Parshall, Brittany 43, 82, 188, 198,
Parsons, Elizabeth 55, 110, 162,
Pa cucci, Michael 188, 202
Paskauskaite, Gintare 20, 21, 82,
83,86,87,98, 100, 107,
Paskauskaite, Yytaute 17, 82, 98,
Pastor, Claudia 143
Pate, Gregory 52
Patterson, Meiranda 100, 107, 108,
Patter on, Zachary 172
Patton, Emma 29, 73, 82, 122, 152
Patty, Connor 19, 75, 152
Paulau kas, Emily 83, 100, 106,
Paulau ka , Gary 143
Paura, Nicholas 128, 188
Pavelski, Rachael 52
Pawlaczyk, Taylor 188
Paz, Sara 152
Pearson, Kevin 172
Pecha, Jonathon 19
Pecha, Joshua 105, 172
Peder en, Mitchell 57, 172
Peltier, Justin 172
Perdomo, Bryancis 152
Perez, Alexis 152
Perez, Anthony 188
Perez, I van 89, 172
Perez, Marcos 9, 26, l 88, 202
Perez, Zakkary 91, 188
Perrault, Andrea 152
Perri, Leah 29, 122, 152
Petersen, Rachel 53, 172
Peter en, Rachel (3) 56, 104, 172
Petersen, Tyler l 07. l 72
Peterson, Elizabeth 53, J09, 188,
Peterson, Grant 131, 152
Peterson, Jennifer (3) 29, 163
Peterson, Kyle 3 l, l 35, 188, 202
Peterson, Ryan 163
Petrakis, Alexander 152
Petrelli, Elizabeth l 63
Pettit, Jo eph 52, 94, 96, l 52
Pezdir, Jennifer 152
Pfeiffer, Angelique 54, 152
Pfeiffer, Cara 92, 93, 143
Pflug, Thoma 74, 188
Pham, Christopher l 53
Piccolo, Erin JOO, 101, 172
Piekos, Shannon 90, 127, 163
Piela, Ethan 163
Pierce, David 188
Pierson, Katrina 20, 41, 78, 90,
Pierson, Maxwell 8, 172
Pietkiewicz, Lauren 82, 163
Pietkiewicz, Matthew 188
Pignatelli, Elizabeth 137, l 88
Rina 87, 143
Pincombe, Kenneth l 63
Pisciotti, Dominic 26, 27, 163
Pitts, Martin 19, 153
Plenewicz, Megan 163
Pobloski, Sarah 134, 135, 163
Podskarbi, Mark 57, 74, 172
Pofahl, Evan 163
Poland, Jordan l 63
Poland, Tyler 18, 172
Poldroos, Marko 31, 80, 85, l 32
Poling, Chance 153
Palso, Travi l 89
Ponce, Jared 189, 202
Post, Nicole 22, 82, 90, 92
Potthast, Joshua 94, 95, 153
Pottorff, Kellen 55, 163
Pou part, Laken l 63
Powell, Andrew I 0, l 72
Powers, Samantha 52, 53, 172
Powers, Tyler l 89
Pozzi, Giuseppina 163
Prado, Mariah 189, 202
Prester!, Grant 55, 163
Preston, Peter 27, 163
Preston, Richard 189
Price, Bobby 189
Price, Terry 19, 41
Procarione, Jamie 163
Prozanski, Dan l 43
Prozan ki, Dylan 19, 153
Pryse, Heather 18, l 25, l 89
Pucin, Cory 189
Pulera, Alexandria 153
Pulera, Scott l 53
Puntillo, Sydney 82, 139, 163
Puterbaugh, Gabriel 26, I 06, 172
Quijano, Morgan 68, 83, 84, l 89
Quilling, Ryan 153
Quimby, Jasmine 44, 88, l 90
Quinn, Brian 19, 74, 163
Quinn, Isaac l 9, 55, 75, 153
Quinn, Kyle 31, 132, 172
Raben, Mary 190
Rabenhorst, Ka sandra 86, 163
Rabenhorst, Kirsten 86, 190, 198
Rabin, Emily l 7
Ralph,Jenna 22,56,83,92,98,
122, 172
Ramer, Donna 153
Ramsdell, Samantha 52, 173
Randle, Julie 22, 23, 56, J06, 108,
Randle, Kevin 24, 25, 56, 57, 107,
l JO, 120, l 21, 190, 200, 202
Range, Britnee l 63
Range, Tyler 100, 153
Rasch, Benjamin 163
Rasch, Leah l 53
Ra ch, Sarah 163
Rasch, Steven 19, 163
Ratliff, Brandon 153
Ratzburg, Scott 91, 131, 173
Rausch, Douglas 190, 202
Raymond, Scott 163
Reed, Sarah 55, 98, J02, 163
Regazzi, Anthony 57, 190
Regazzi, Sierra 55, 86, 98, 153
Reget, Kathlyn 93, 173
Reid, Samantha 143
Reiman, Alexander 78, 163
Rein, Carolann l 90
Reindl, Jessica 122, 163
Rende, Christina 86, 153
Rende, Michael 173
Resendez, Casey 86, l 63
Reye , Adam 163
Reyes, Andre 18
Reye , It amar l 63
Reynolds, Derrick 121, 153, 154
Reynolds, Megan 94, 96, l 73
Rhey, Kaitlyn 82, 139, l 53
Rhey, Tyler 173
Rhode , Diane 104
Ricciardi, Anthony 27, 66, 132,
Riccio, Susanna l 53
Richards, Ashley 56, 57, 190
Richards, Kirsten 53, 65, l 90
Richter, Caitlyn 28, 29, 72, 83,
106, 173
Ridley, Ryan 90, 100, J07, 190
Ridolfi, Alexander 26, J06, 173
Ridolfi, Dominic 26, 27, 106, 190
Riemer, Kurtis 31, 131, 153
Riley, Annie 35, 56, 86, 163
Riley, Brianna 16, 54, 55, 82, l 53
Riley, Jacob 57, 173
Riley, icole 56, 57, 190
Rintoul, Reba 94, 173
Rinvil, Porsha 88, 89
Ripley, Jacinda 56, 57, l 04, 163
Riva, Annmarie 22, 54, 73, 82,
122, 153
Ri vecco, Rocco 163
Rivera, Eduardo 121, 153
Rivera, Sally 190
Rixie, Michael 153
Rizzo, Matt 143
Roach , Kelley 83. 153
Robaidek, Jo eph 91, l 06, 132,
Robaidek, oelle 163
Robb, Charles 173
Robb, Jessica 153
Robin on, Alexander 132, 190
Robinson, Mallory 28, 82, 90, 104,
Robinson, Samantha l 25, 173
Robinson, Samuel l 53
Rocha, Anabel 163
Rodriguez, Dayna 68, 94, 95, 98,
Rodriguez, Luis 121, 163
Rodriguez, Maria 124, 153
Rodriguez, Rachel 55, l 53
Rodriguez, Zachary 94, 95, l 53
Roe, Alyssa 163
Roediger, Jes ica 190
Roemer, Jessica 163
Rogers, Devonte 173
Rohde, Elizabeth 190
Roiniotis, Andrew 54, 55, 13 l · 153
Roiniotis, Carly 11, 91, JOO, 125,
Roiniotis, ickolas 57, 131, 173
Rolack, Torria 88
Rollet, Pierre 27, 153
Roman, Benjamin 153
Romano, Anthony 18, 190
Romano, Arielle 97, 173
Romano, Charles 143
Romano, Tere a 20, 56, 57, 82,
106, 173
Romero, Gi el 106, 125
Romero, Natalie 153
Romero, Sergio 19, 90, 153
Ropp, Cody 153
Rosales, Jose 153
Rose, Shane I04, l 11, 128
Rosencutter,Alex 41, 74. 106, 173
Roszkowiak, Taylor 131, 153
Rovik,Alyssa JO, 17,53.104, 190
Rozzoni, Stephanie 20, JOO, 173
Rucinski, Michael 163
Ruffalo, Dylan 173
Ruffolo, Michael 153
Ru 00'
"" Amanda 127, 153
Ru o, Brittnee 173
Ruta, Meli a 144
Saalfeld, Sam l 63
Saaski, Tyler 153
Sablan, Michael 163
Sachen, Jedediah 26, 190
said sr. Jenny Evans. l 36
Saiyad, Mohammed Aki! l 73
Salani, Robert 19, 129, 153
Saldana, Michael 89
Salina , Adam 49, 153
Salinas, Jeremi l 90
alisbury, Lauren 73, l 24, 125,
Salva, Danielle 153
Sanson, Erik 82, 90, 132, 153
Santeler, Christopher I 06, 131,
Santeler, Ethan 26, I 06, 173
Santelli, Monica 56, 82, I 06, 125,
Santiago, Marangely 45
Sargent, Alexandra 73, 83, 92, 124,
Sater, David 86, 87, 106, 173
Satter, Kelsey 53, 64, 65, 90, 190,
Savaglio, Samuel 74, 173
Scarbrough, Deion 8, 18. l 9, 120,
121, 189, 190, 193,202
Schaefer, Ronald 31, 81, 163
Schatz, Jake 153
Schatz, Sydney 153
Schendl, Andrew l 73
Schenk, Margo 144
Schenk, Mark l 44
Schiavi, icole 153
Schiavi, Priscilla l 73
Schiller, Dawn 191
Schlie, Jennifer 124, 125, 144
Schlitz.Lauren 17, 153
Schmaling, Steven 163
Schmid, Ann 144
Schmidkonz, Robert 191
Schmidt, Alexandra 82, 98, 191.
Schmidt, Andrew 26, l 91
chmidt, Mike 47, 129, 144
chmidt, Ryan 19 l
Schmidt, Tyler 163
Schmitt, Monique 173
Schmitz, Alan 90
Schock, Alli on 20. 153
Schoettler, Daniel 57. 173
Schoor, Katie 17, 57, 100. 173
Schrandt, icholas 191
Schroeder, Cody 104, 163
chroeder, Katherine 82, 106, l 11,
Schroeder, Michael 144
chroeder, Tanner 163
Schuebel, Brandon l 29. 153
Schuirmann, Megan 54, 83, 92,
JOO, 104, J07, 122, 163
Schultz, Kayla 78, l 63
Schultz, icole 29
Schultz, Paige 82, 92, 125, l 53
Schulz, teven(ryon) l 34, l 35,
Schulz, Taylor 83, 153
Schur~ Brooke 173
Schutz, Faye 144
Sch\ albe, Ethan 121, 153
chwalm, Samuel 164
Schwandt, Gina 92, 164
Schwandt, Joshua 31, J73
Schwartz, Dakota 78, 191
Scott, Jordan 90
ebetic, Kri ten 14, 41, J64
Sebetic, Kyle 18, 19, 191, 202
Seebeck, Jon(Riley) 81, 191, 199,
Seger, Melissa 56, 83, J 91
Seliga-Reget, Brittney I 04, 164
Semenas, Cathy J 44
Semena , Kimberly 164
Sengbu ch, Griffin 18,91, 191,
Sentieri, A hley 173
Sepanski, Michael 86, 121, 164
Serpe,Laena 53, J06, Ill, 127,
Serrano, Heidi J54
Sexton, Nicholas 191
Shamberg, Ryne 191
Shannon, Emily JO, 16, 17,83,
JOO, JOl, 189, 191
Shannon, Kate 17, 122, 154
Shapiro, Rachel 16, 17, 106, 173
Shaw, DeVante 75
Sheen, Luca 19, 43, 154
Shepherd, J us tin 78, 164
Shepperd, Kelsey 90, 154
Shepperd, Morgan J02, 191
Sherrod, Sierra 72, 88, 89, 122,
Sherwood, Craig 55, 132, J64
Shilhavy, Joshua J 73
Shimon, Dan 95, 144
Shinn, Amber 94, 95, 173
Shipley, Ian 154
Short, Michael 18, 83, J28, J 77,
191, 20 I , 202
Short, Stephanie 53, 104, 173
Shu I ki, Jordan 19, 75, J54
Shu I ki, Sabre 19, 154
Shutz. Raul 164
Sigler, Elona 52, 122, 173
Sikor ki, Cody J05, 173
Sillanpaa, Ryan 173
Silva, Laura 89, 191
Sima, Haley 91, 173
Simo, Erik 164
Simonds, icholas 154
Singer, Susan 144
Singh, Bhinder 54
Sipsma, Erik 57, 106, 107, 173
Sirocchi, Vincent 121, 173
Skalbeck, Ca ey 24, 77, 106, 173
Skanron,Joshua 27, 154
kanron, Zachary 27, 90, 164
karda, Joseph 173
Skarda, Jo hua 19, 78, 154
Skarda.Sara 29, 126, 127, 164
Sklepova, Roxolana 173
Skripsky, Alan 144
Sladek. Chelsea 174
Sladek, Zachary 154
Siana, Elizabeth 29, 164
Siana, Virginia 62, 97, 99, l 91
Small, Jonathan 57, 93, 174
Smart, Devon 45, J64
Smith, Caitlin J04, 105, 106, 174
Smith, Edward 57, 174
Smith, Emily 164
Smith, Gavin 132, 164
Smith, Jeremy 88, 191
Smith, Jessica 88, 164
Smith, Jodi 164
Smith, Jordan 94, 95, 96, 191
Smith, Keith 56, 57, 191
Smith, Lindsey 56, 83, 92, 106,
137, 174
Smith, Logan 154
Smith, Megan 56, 57, 191
Smith, Ryan 18, 191
Smith, Shawnna 164
Smith, Stacy 164
Smolik, Lauren J 92
Snell, Jacob 8, 18, 83, 86, 106, 174
Snell, Ryan 18, 121, 192
Snider, Brooke 124, 154
Snowden-Smith, Chelsea 94
Sobin, Melissa 9, 10, 22, 23, 66,
82,83,92, 100, 107, 189,
192, 198, 199,200,201,202
Sobin, Michael 55, 154
Soler, Devin 174
Sorrell, Emma 53
So tre, Gabriel 164
Sowden, Danielle 78, 192
Spaay, Amanda 10, 28, 29, 53, 68,
82, 177, 192, 201
Spaeth, Christina 55, 86, 93, 102,
Spaeth, Emily 104, 192
Spangler, Anna 192
Sparks, Daniel 24, 107, 111, 192,
Sparks, Myling 164
Spencer, Raven 94, 95, 164
Spettel, icolas 27, 84, 85, 132
Sposito, icholas (3) 94, 164
Sproul, Jennifer 68, 144
St. Peter, Brandi 54, 55
St. Peter, Brandon 121
St. Peter, Kimberly 56, 57
St. Peter, Michael 26, 27, 144
Stalsberg, Kyle 154
Stamm, Ruth 103, 144
Stancato, Angela 56, 57, 86, 87,
106, 174
Standridge, Tristin 164
Stanfel, Ariel 174
Stangas, Alixandra 72, 73, 106,
Stangas, Dominique 17, 154
Stanislawski, Michael 144
Staranowicz, Marisa 68, 91, 192
States, Kenneth 132
Stauder, Abigail 14, 15, 62, 111,
Stauff, Alexander 132, 170, 174
Stefanski, Kri tin 174
Stein, Candace 144
Steinbrink, Brian 19, 164
Steinbrink, Tricia J 44
Steinke, Brittany 106, 167, 174
Steinke, Richard 30, 31, 128, 192
Steinmetz, Matthew 26, 174
Steinsdorfer, Jonathan 154
Stephens, Carrie 154
Steven , Chelsy 83, 106, 138, 139,
Stevens, Tori 164
Stevens, William 164
Stewart, Anthony 164
Stich, Wendy 55, 164
Stidd, Kaitlyn 164
Stoebe, Rachel 20, 82, 122, 154
Stoebe,Rebecca 22,23,83, 107,
111, 174
Stoebig, Megan 16, 100, 106, 174
Stoesslein, Tyler 154
Stokes, Brittany 164
Stolfi, Jessica 20, 21, 53, 64, 65,
136, 137, 192
Stollings, Rachel 174
Stone, Kailey 164
Stover, Katelyn 164
Stover, Zachary 174
Stowell, Justin 192, 202
Strachan, Chelsea 62, 94, 95, 100,
Strachan, Lindsey 164
Strash, Allison 56, 192
Strickland, Jaryd 18, 192
Stringer, Aijalon 164
Strouf, Andrew 174
Strouf, Kelsey 20, 154
Strzelecki, Madalynn 9, 135, 192,
Stummer, Erin 52, 95, 106, 174
Stummer, Megan 52, 53, I 06, 174
Sturino, John 55, 110, 154
Sturino, Katherine 17, 57, 174
Sturino, Mary 154
Sturino, Michael 192
Sturino, Michelle 174
Sturycz, Alexandra 57, 86, 87,
106, 174
Sulko, Adam 144
Sullivan, Edwin 90
Summers, Cole 80, 164
Sundstrom, Bailey l 08, 154
Sutter, Lauren 41, 90, 98, I 04, 164
Swanson, Nicho la 102, 154
Swenson, Christopher 56, 57, 110,
Ill, 192
Swiatko, Renee 144
Swier, Brandon 164
Swift, Maxwell 154
Symoens, Tyler 38, 78, 90, 116,
Taber, Olivia 56, 106, 174
Tainter, Steven 18, 174
Takala, icholas 90, 131, 164
Tam en, Michelle l 44
Tankersley, Rachel 18, 82, 122,
Tassotti, Adrian 164
Taylor, Jasmine 71, 154
Taylor, Valerie 144
Teddy, Erika 164
Thayer, Tescha 144
Thomas, Alyssa 52, 174
Thoma , Avery 106, 174
Thoma , Elliott 17, 82, 92, J 54
Thomas, Jacquelyn 154
Thomas, Jessica 55, J54
Thomas, Keith 174
Thomas, Logan 91, 130, 131, 174
Thoma , Melissa 83, 144
Thomas, Mitchell 154
Thoma , Rob 77
Thoma , Robert 106, 174
Thomas, Ryan 129, 154
Thomas, Taylor 16, 17, 83, JOO,
107, 192, 201, 202
Thompson, Aeriel 52
Thomp on, Alexis 90, 164
Thompson, Arin 90, 164
Thompson, Au tin 19, 154
Thompson, Matthew 174
Thom en, Laura 20, 82, 154
Thomsen, icole 34, 154
Thornborough, Kate 33, 192
Thornborough, Sarah 164
Thornton, Darryl 75, 164
Thrasher, Je ica 18, 19, 154
Thrasher, Sara 174
Thre her, Michael 174
Tindall, Elizabeth 53, 82, 106, 174,
Tindall, Harvest 154
Tirabassi, Tricia 28, 29, 192, 202
Tobia , Jesus 89, 164
Tolefree, Shaina 53, J 1J, 174
Tom, Anderson 74
Tomczak, Taylor 54, J 54
Tomic, Marissa 154
Tomic, Zachary 174
Tomkins, Cameron 157, 164
Toomey, Matthew 192
Topel, Blake 37, 144
Torres, Marielena 89, 164
Tortoriello, Stephanie 90, 154
Tostrud, Spencer I 00, 193
Tover, Kayla 52, 174
Tover, Kelsey 82, 92, 154
Townsend, Doug 89, 144
Tracy, James 74, 193, 202
Trainor, Thomas 174
Tredup, Brian 27, 129, 164
Trimmer, Jay 31, 129, 155
Trimmer, Kathrenia 53, 193
Triplett, Jasmine 88
Trocio, Kellie 193
Tronvig, Debra 144
Trost, Sarah 136, 137, 144
Trotter, Jaimie 193
Trotter, James 164
Troup, Jeremy 24, 121, 155
Trygar, Paloma 193
Tuohy, Dylan J64
Turman, Alexis 155
Turvaville, Jordan 155
Tuttle, David 145
Uhlir, Jared 174
Upham, Nathan 39, J93
Usher, Ashley 193
Usher, Stephanie I 06, 174
Uttech, Steven 24, 121, 193
Vafiadis, Annastasia 193
Yagnoni, Andrea 125, 194, 198,
Valadez, Alexander 68, 69, 83, 85,
91, 194
Valadez, Colin 155
Valadez, Dylan 84, 85. 165
Valeri, Eli e 14, 73, 82, 125, 155
Valeri, Jackie 145
YanBergen, Emily 14, 90, 165
YanDenBergh, Mariska 28, 29, 53,
Vanderford, Heather 145
Vanderpoel, Susan 104, 145
Yan Oever, Michael l 94
Vargas, Amanda 155
Vargas, Jade 174
Vargas, Sean 174
Yassilev, Latchezar 155
Vaughn, icholas 155
Yecchitto, Matthew 26, 82, 165
Yecchitto, Nicholas 27, l 55
Velazquez, Cicily 194
Venegas, Anne! 155
Venegas, Marlenne 194
Yensor, Kaylyn 155
Yerbo , Emily 106, 174
Verdiguel, Miguel 174
Yernezzc, Alyssa 194
Yervisch, Catherine 145
Villanueva, Sharon 89
Vite, Bianca 194
Vite, Michaela 86, 87, 174
Vlach, Victoria 22, 52, 167, 174
Voll mer, Ru sell 165
Yon Honaker, Matthew 194
Vorwald, Matthew 155
Vorwald, icholas 57, 194
Wacker, Annmarie 145
Wagner, Kelsey 22, 106, 122, 174
Walaszek, Anne 94, 95, 194, 201,
Walczak, Alexander 52, 94, 97,
100, 175
Walden, Ashley 52, 53, 174
Walden, Eric 155
Walden, Kayla 102, 165
Walker, Alannah 52, 175
Walker, Nathan 19
Wall , Geri 145
Walls, Jonathan 57, 94, 95, 194
Walsh, Hannah 54, 155
Walter, Matthew 74, 194, 202
Walters, Shekeniah 165
Walther, Eric 165
Walton, Courtney 194
Wang, Mary 194
Ward, Jeffrey 165
Warford, Alana 165
Warren, Sarah 111, 165
Warrington, Sabrina 56, 83, 106,
Wartzenluft, Kendra 155
Wasurick, Kyle 132. 165
Watkins, Shaquille 155
Watring, Sue 145
Watson, Jaymi 20, 134, 135, 155
Wat on, Samantha 20, 155
Watts-Thames, Alexandria 155
Wawiorka, Emily 155
Wawiorka, Jacob 129, 165
Wawiorka, Max 175
Webb, Brodie 155
Webb, Brylee 53, 77, 175
Webb, Carly 53, 175
Webb,Rhonda 145
Webber, Du tin 55, 155
Webster, Megan 17, 175
Weddel, Kyle 18, 202
Wedge, Amber 155
Wedge, Nathan 91, 175
Wei, Alice 17,82,91,92,93, 104,
105, 111, 122, 165
Weidig, David 165
Weidner, Rachael 194
Weiher, Katelyn 155
Weiher, Matthew 155
Weiser, David 145
Wei ner, Alec 54, 55
Weiss, Damon 145
Welch, Lisa 125, 165
Wellman, Alexandra 73, 83, 147,
Wells, Benedetto 90, 165
Wells, David J 75
Wells, ancy 43, 145
Wence, Richard 194
Wendtorf, Matthew 165
Wepfer, Kathryn 145
Werbie, Jesica 17, 126. 127, 155
Wermeling, Aaron 100, 128, 194
Wermeling, Austin 128, 175
Wermeling, Elizabeth 53, l 94
Wermeling, James 165
Werve, Anna 22, 122, 165
Werve, Brittany 165
Werve, Charles 132, l 33, 145
Westermeyer, Lauren 83, 94, 95,
96, 97, 156, 165
Westermeyer, Rachael 52, 194
Whitaker, Ethan 83, l 02, 110, l ll,
Whitaker, Melissa 102, 145
White, Hollie 17, 83, 106, 175
White, Melvin 145
Whiteside, Austin 124, 155
Whiteside, Rocky 155
Whitten, icholas 175
Whitten, Shannon 22, l 22, 175
Wick , Alyssa 73, 90, 127, 155
Widmar, Katlynn 165
Wiegele, Barbara 145
Wiegert, Nicholas 56, 57, 165
Wiele, Jacob 56, 57, 107, 110. 194,
Wiele, Ken 57, 62, 145
Wielgos, Katherine 22, 57, 82,
122, 181, 194
Wightman, Brittany 175
Wiginton, Wayne 46, l 75
Wildman, Courtney 165
Wilhelmson, John 145
Wilkinson, Amanda 195
Wilkinson, Kalyn 155
Wilkinson, Mona 91
Williams, Ariele 55, 88, 89
William , Breonna 70, 71, 88
Williams, Che! ey 175
Williams, Damon 18, 88, 195
Williams, Darius 88
Williams, Derreck 88, 90
Williams, Floyd 88
Williams, Gene 53, 195
Williams, Haley 175
Williams, Jes ie 94, 155
Williams, Kyle 175
Williams, Lauren 155
William , Ruben 74, 88
Willis, Cory 155
Willis, Samantha 53, 83, 98, 106,
166, 175
Willkomm, Jakob 19, 155
Wilson, Mark 145, 165
Wilson, Rebekah 175
Wilson, Stan 145
Wirth, Aimee 20
Wi niewski, Mark 33. 145
Wohlgemuth, Jensen 94, 95, 165
Wojnicz, Holly 17, 56, 98, 106,
Wolf, Courtney 37, 52, 134, 135,
Woller, Emily 29, 126, 155
Woller, Mar hall 155
Wood, Jordan 195
Woodard, Eddie 86, 95, I09
Woodley. Jalen 88, 165
Woodley, Jame 78. 88
Woodley, Philip 195
Woods, icole 54, 55, 94, 155
Worcester, Kimberly 82, 111, 195
Workman, Mary 55, 94
Woulfe, Emily 195
Wright, Alyssa 100, 126, 195
Wright, Andrew 165
Wright, Derrick 19, 155
Wright, Kristen 195
Yankuna , Brooklyn 155
Yata, Omar 89, 165
Yeary, Jaclyn 20, 56, 62, 83, 94,
95, 100, 107, 195,200,201,
Yepez, Sabrina l 55
Yildirim, Destiny 90, 124
Yokoi, Alexander 55, 131, 165
Yore, Justin 86, 195
Young, Amber 195
Young, Chantel 91, 125, 195, 202
Young, Joanna 14, 15,56, 195
Yuenkel, A hley 52, 175
Yuha , Jacob 175
Yuhas, Joshua 189, 195
Yule, Katherine 175
Yurchak, Laura 195
Zagame, Niko 195
Zajac, Brooke 127, 155
Zajicek-Bagenski, Laura 35. 145
Zalar, Lashe 86
Zalaznik, Rachel 14, 104. 105. 165
Zalokar, Colin 145
Zamudio, Jordan 27
Zarate, Dariu 155
Zarletti, Julie 11, 83, 125. 195.
201, 202
Zazula, Alysha 104, 175
Zeeveld, Anthony 129, 165
Zemati , Jeff I 04, 121, 145
Zember, Mandy Lyn 127, 165
Zenner, Abby 82, 155
Ze zutek. Timothy 155
Zeyen, Alexis 100, 107, 195
Ziccarelli, Marianne 145
Zie linski, Je sica 155
Ziel dorf, Katherine 83, 155
Zigne~Brandon 19, 121, 155
Zigner, Katelyn 20, 127, 134. 135,
146, 155
Zigner, Kenneth 18, 91, 195. 202
Zolper, Ryan 18. 66. 138, 139,
189, 195, 202
Zorc, Benjamin 175
Zuluaga, Michael 165
Zurawski, Mark 56. 68, 195
Zuzinec, James 145