The Classic 2008
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The Classic 2008
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 2007 to 2008 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
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#THS0708 ****
George N. Tremper
8560 26th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53143
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190-191 Aca Competition &
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192-193 Renaissance, Craft
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Volume 44
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down 85th street to
arking lots· our eyes scan
full of books as we
and tardy
competition is neck and neck as we challenge our rivals
Division I titles and the honor of being recogn ze
Expectations build with heavy courseloads and
Zangle grading system.
our veins
3 0645 11528051
as voices are
calling out
thundering as the last
hundreds of musicians
the audience
roaring with applause.
A.M and
all expectations in athletics ,
life in the fast lane
Bruises, trips to the ER, fractured fingers: words typically not associated with
a school spirit event. But as 124 feisty females faced off at the powder puff
game on October 8, barbaric rivalry rocketed between the teams.
Before the junlo"'88nlor game, we drank Red Bull before
taking a 'wamHJp' lap around the jun ors as they were
stretching. lnUmldatlng, I kn1nun-6r. Kelli Ponce
A girt <ll'88hed Into me du ng the game and gave me a
ooncusslon. Whtie I was waJttng In 1he ER, I saw the same
girt with a knee Injury!
-fr. Emlly Lynch
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Botti, are named in honor
of Principal Ken Dopke's
smashing characteristics:
' 'he heat of the game,
one of the senior girls
tried to grab my flag but
she had totally missed and
ripped my shorts! Since I
couldn't wear the ripped
shorts anymore, I put on
an extra pair but the " '
thing happened to th ~
-jr. Makayla Jenkins
Going into the game with an undefeated record,
the Trojans were convinced that winning the
game would be a walk in the "Park". Along with
other devoted fans, enior Tim Hassler was trying
to pump up the crowd to get the team running.
"Me and some of the guy painted our bodies to
TREMPER before the game. I think our
nd cheering helped to fire up the
ding off the energy from the crowd,
all team was able to pull ahead, carrying
tradition of the Homecoming game.
ng with many new rules made throughout
school year, the Homecoming festivities
al o altered. After years of the traditional
ation ceremony during halftime on the
field, this year it took place in the
·um during the pe1>-assembly. Receivg he crowns before the , King Adam Smith
and Queen Rocco Pallin flaunted their titles
during the parade for the first time in years.
Bombarded with floats and crazy cars, the Homecoming Parade filled the street with Tremper spirit and was primed lo kick off
the nail biting game. On October 13, after the parade, nearly 60 guys
lore up Ameche Field's turf and proved that Friday the 13th should no
longer be considered "unlucky." Equipped with mouth guards, cleats,
and a sea of royal blue helmets, the varsity football team destroyed the
Park Panthers, continuing the Homecoming festivities. The tands were
packed and the announcer, Mr. King, blasted his rowdy encouragement
over the stadium sound system. A score of 14-21 concluded the first
half and suggested adjustments needed to be made. In pirational words from the coaching staff, and enthusiastic Tremper fans, sparked the fire to
send the team to win with a
score of 26-21.
o pumped up a we walked
onto the field and prepared to put
on a how for our fan . During half
time, our coaches said some motiational things to help us fire up.
ltimately, I felt us come together
as a tea.m ~ ~ did what \'\e do
be t-wm .•
- r. Reece OeHaan
~~ ,
ting in line for security was annoying because I was cold
and had to wait for 45 minutes before we were allowed into
the school. Still, it was well worth the cd\because it was
one of the best dances I've ever been t
- jr. Katie Marran
l'49UUll&Jcoming was the best dance I have been to in all four
yars. The DJ chose really upbeat music and none of my
the moment I
friends made bad decisions. I dance
arrived until the moment I
-sr. Kelli Ponce
JT R~MP~rz
To the tune of music from the 50's, ten talented seniors
competed for the Mr. and Ms. Tremper crowns. A panel of
teachers judged each candidate in formal-wear, question and
answer, dance and skit categories. The audience roared as
Mr. Tremper winner Brandon Kopesky used Miss Teen South
Carolina's incoherent 2007 ramble to answer his onstage
question. "I didn't answer my question, I just said what
she said like 'Some people can't afford maps, such as the
Iraq and such as' and people loved it," said Kopesky. With
creative skits, old-fashioned dance move and dazzling formal wear, the candidates put on
a fantastic display of Tremper
I was attempting to do a quick costume change
out of my formal wear into my nerdy outfit. However, because I am so buff, I ripped my dress
shirt as I was trying to take it off. I had to wear
the dress shirt I wore under my sweater-vest
and bow-tie. For my skit, I used a giant flip pad
with pictures to 'enhance' my jokes, like Demetri
Martin's comedy act. My favorite joke was when I
showed how cool I was on a graph. My coolness
level was really high when I'm in football and
baseball, but really low when I actually made a
graph to show my coolness. ' '
-sr. Candidate Eric Griffiths
(Left) Strumming at their guitars, seniors Rocco
Pallin and her e cort Eric O'Connell perform the
skit that helped Pallin win the Ms. Tremper crown.
"The song was called 'Jenny,' but we changed it
to 'Rocco,' said O'Connell. (Below) Mr. Tremper
Brandon Kopesky catches enior Gina Martinelli
after flipping her in the pageant's open ing dance
number. (Bottom) eniors Kim Chatto and Troy
Leonard preform a "Gadgets of the Future" talk
show skit. (Left bottom) In 50's co tume , enior
Brandon Kope ky, Eric Griffiths, Nick Barsuli, and
Chad Johnson show off their dance skills.
' 'To prepare, Eric and I had to practice our
skit a lot because I didn't even have it memorized until that night. Flight of the Concords are comedians that sing awkward
conversations; our skit was based one of
their songs but we changed some names.
I was kind of surprised I won because I
didn't feel like I put as much effort into it
as I think the winner should have, but the
group of us that did it had a good time. ' '
- Ms. Tremper, sr. Rocco Pallin
cro\\ded , hot an t stuffy area caused
~tr<11~ht dllianre ( GSA) held a day
tensions to rise and 00nr11sion to
of silence. GSA studerts wore black
ocnlr. \Vjth t\\O da
left ol sf'hool
stkkers on thf'r mouths for the ~6nH~ .s es no one 1H1s quite
f ,,
ur« 11hat the big clr<1I was.
'! l
• or
· cay,
1 not <;pea k.111g at "a1·r. TI1 ' 1 1
1\l1.1t it fs likP for students who
from the 11orld. Their silence representPcl the \1ay 111<1n~ students feel
tlwir true 1oice is ne~er heard.
middle cl<1'>s, stop the unfundrcl manclal!', \o
Child l('fl lwhind, in< rrase lclX 1.ut'> for ttw
• poor, and dNrease tax cuts for the wealthy.
The. Bratstop \\els orw ol Hillar) 's man~ sto1>s
Seniors nominated clas mates for over 45 mock
awards. The night of the banquet, sr. Jordan Hildebrant presented 94 eniors with their silly superlatives.
Here are some of the results:
1. Tim Baltes - Most Likely to Become a Rock Star (boy)
ell - Best Hair (boy) 3. Melinda Mathias
2. Eric O'
in Drama (girl) 4 . Andrew Plovanich
1ty 5. Jake Werth and Brandon Kopesky
ble 6. Tim Hassler - Class Clown (boy) 7 .
r - Most Musically Talented (boy)
{t ... '• ~-·
.t-'.: '
To climax the finale of four years of high school, seniors flocked to Parkway
Chateau Friday, May 16 for a night of reflections and shared memorie . The banquet, organized by class officers Brandon Kopesky, Jenna Salisbury, Gina Martinelli and Melissa Ellis, featured dinner, a slideshow showcasing pictures of the cla s
of '08 and fun in the form of class mock awards.
BEST: Perso , : Andrew Plovanich •Mi sy Ellis • Dressed: Cody Brunello • Dijana Savic • Car:
Corey Hild• MaryBryn Concannon • Dancer: Trent Borzick • Rebecca Gaertner • Hair: Eric O'Connell
•Ashlee 'vlorelli • Pearly Whites: Mike McCormick• Dana Salani • Eyes: Reece DeHaan •Kelly Niccolai • Chuckle: Logan Allemand• Lauren Hildreth BIGGEST: Flirt: Andy Maki• Laura Milki e •
kworm : am KrerO\\iCz •R ebecca Dugan • Airhead: Tyler Hujik •Paige Smith • Go ip: Keith
Wal1Zenluft •Melissa Christensen • Party Animal : Ju tin Frederick• Randi Schindler • Workaholic:
Kayle Siler • Sleepyhead: Adam Powell• Angie Valeri e • Scrub: te\ e Rasch• Kati e Mahon ey •
les: Andrew PIO\Onich • Kendra McDonough • Text-a-holic: Ritchi e Prado• Steph Hagen • Sweetearts: Nick Ung\ ay •Gina Martin elli • Schmoozer: Mike Hellquist •Alex Schroder • Class Clown: Tim
Hassler •Dana Salani MOST: Likely to Succeed: Rocco Pall in• Jordan Hildebrant • Likely to trip at
Graduation: Abby Jackson• Jason Yule • Likely to become President: Cara Pratt• David Godin • Likely
to become a Rock Star: Heath er Cianci• Tim Baltes • Likely to be seen on ESPN: Lind ey ebeti c •'lick
Lingvay • Likely to be seen in the Moives: Tayler Fulm er• Nick Barsuli • Likely to be seen in 109:
Randi Schindler• Patri ck Jones • Likely to become a Tremper Teacher: Katlyn Padlock • Will Harold
• Intelligent: Kaylin Brennan •Jordan Hildebrant • Athletic: Rocco Palin• Eric Griffiths • Talented in
Orama: Melinda Mathias • ick Barssuli • Musically Talented: Kate Smith• Eric choor • Arti tic: Beth
Yontz• Ben Smith • Active: Katie Mahon ey • Brandon Kopesky • School Spirit: Kelli Ponce • Brandon
Kopesky • Desirable to Date: Tyler Hujik •Paige mith • Dramatic: Melissa Weddel· Kyle
Snell • Innocent: Molly Matin• Erik Ripley • Full or themselves : Kim Chatto •Kyle
Snell • Pr rt re tioni~t: Josh Aceto• Alec chroeder • 3 Peas in a Pod:
Nick Erickson, Al Hagen and Logan Allemand • Double
Trouble: Brandon Kopesky and Jake Werth
• See you at the Altar: Andy
Ashley and Maggie
8. Nick fr; 'A.Ro GOfs To
son - M Ckson, Al H
ost Like/
agen and Lo
1. Dana Sa/an/ to Trip at Grad g~n Allemand - 3
- Class Clown (g;~~t1011 (gil'/) 10. Pa;:a~ in_ a Pod 9. Abby J
m1th _ Bigg
ackest Airhead
~- ......
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OF 2008
Scholar'>hip•LI DSA Y BOXRU
Merit Scholarships•KA YUN B>ru"'"'"'°"u'~.i:cu:. u-""""' -" '""-'ll.UJl'l-m;,; uui.1....u:1;_:,<.:n1==1P
Marquette University Academic Distinction Scholarship and the $2.250 renewable Academic Excellence Scholarship• OURTNEY BUTTS For the $600 Pleasant Prairie Woman's Club Scholarship. the
$400 Jane Karow ursing Scholarship. the $1,000 Woman's Club of Kenosha Scholarship and the
$2,000 Joseph and Angela Bruneo Scholarship•JO ATHAN CALAN For the S500 B.G. Crowe Memorial Scholarship•MICllAEL CHASE For the $28.000 Carthage College Mu;ic Scholarship and the
$24,000 Carthage College Theatre Scholarship•KIMBERLY CIIATTO For the $1,500 Kenosha Education Association Scholarship, the $13.000 in scholarships and grants from Carthage College. and the
$11.000 renewable Presidential Scholarship from Drake University•MELISSA CHRISTENSEN For
the $15.000 per year combined athletic grant-in-aid and academic scholarships from Colorado State
Univer>ity-Pueblo for the sport of soccer•TREVOR CLAYTON For the $6.000 to $12,000 Michigan
Technological University ational Distinction Scholarship•ALISON CNOCKAERT For the $5,500
renewable University of Missouri-Columbia Mark Twain Scholarship•MARY CONCAN ON For the
$44,000 University of Portland President's Scholarship and the $2.500 Santa Clara University Preferred
Scholar.,hip•AARO COX For the $1.500 Univer>ity of Wisconsin Parkside Guy Family Memorial
Scholar>hip•REECE DEHAA For the Four year - Full tuition Quest Bridge ational College cholarship at the University of Chicago and the $500 Peggy Waddell Memorial Scholarship•DANA DEMSKE
For the $6.000 Future Educators Scholarship and the $1,000 Sign Language Club Scholarship•STEFANIE
DULAK For the $1,000 Woman's Club of Kenosha Scholarship. the $2.250 renewable Academic Excellence SchoJar,,hip. the $500 American Association of Univer,,ity Women Scholarship. the $400 Vilas Equity Scholaf'>hip, the $2.500 KABA Foundation Scholarship and the $300 David Schienbrood
Memorial Scholarship•AMBER FERRA TON For $I 5.400 in scholarships and grants from Carthage
College•REBECCA FREIBERG For the $1.500 Amy Marie Bosman Memorial Scholarship, the $28.000
Purdue University Presidential Scholaf'>hip, the $36.000 Marquette University Academic Di;tinction
Scholarship. the $12.000 Magis Enhancement, the $8,500 DePaul University Scholars Award, the $8.000
Indiana Univen,ity Recognition Scholarship. the $500 Whittier PTA Scholarship. and the $500 American A;sociation of University Women Scholarship•JOHN GANDY For the $1.500 Kansas State University Flight Wi ldcat Scholarship and the $3.000 Kansas State University Leadership Award• REBECCA
GAERTNER For the $7,000 renewable St. orbert College John F. Kennedy Scholarship. the $22.400
Univcr;ity of Saint Thomas Academic Scholar.,hip and an additional $14. 600 award•RAYMO D GARAY For the $500 nivef'>ity of Wisconsin Stevens Point Katz Family Scholarship•DA YID GODI
For the $2,500 KABA Foundation Tuition Scholarship• KARA GR IFFITH For the $36,000 Marquette
University St. Ignatius Distinction Scholarship•ERIC GR IFFITHS For the $1.500 Amy Marie Bosman
Memorial Scholarship•KAITLIN GROMACKI For the $2,500 KABA Foundation Tuition Scholarship
and the $1,500 Keno'>ha Education Association Scholar;hip•STEPHA IE HAGE For the $500 Italian
American Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship and the $500 Italian American Men's Society
Scholarship•ELIZABETH HALL For the $36.000 Marquette University Academic Di;tinction Scholarship. the $3,000 Magis Enhancement, and the $2.250 renewable Academ ic Excellence Scholarship•KRISTI
HAMILTON For the $20.000 Carthage College Mu<,ic Scholarship and the $300 Jeremy Pfeifer Memorial Scholarship•A DREW HARPSTER For the $15.000 renewable Augu'>tana College Pre'>idential Scholarship•WHITNEY HERCHIA For the $9.000 renewable St. orbert College Presidential
Scholarship•JORDA HILDEBRA DT For the $1.000 National Merit Walgreen Co. Scholarship,
the $84.000 Wittenberg University Provost. the $ 1.000 Comprehensive Orthopaedics Scholarship. the
$98.000 College of Wooster Scholar Award, the $48.000 Guilford College Presidential Award. the $8.000
Deans Award. the $I 0.000 Honors Award. the $250 Roosevelt Elementary School PTO Scholarship
and the $1.500 Keno'>ha Education Association Scholarship•LAURE HILDRETH For the $250 Scott
Procknow atural. Environmental & Natural Resource Scholarship and the $7,000 renewable St. orbert Co llege John F. Kennedy Scho larsh ip•TYLER HUJlK For the Glen McCulloch Scholar,,hip and
the $9,500 renewable Deans' Scholarship from the University of Dayton•AB IGAIL JACKSO For the
$1.000 renewable Jelly Belly Candy Company Scholan,hip and the $900 Gina Marie Rosko Memorial
Scholar;hip•AMA DA JACOBSE For the $180,000 Navy Reserve Officer Training Corp,, Scholarship to Marquette University-CASSANDRA JORDA For the $56,000 Illinoi> Wesleyan Fine A11s
Award• KATR INA KALC IC For the $750 Racine Elks Lodge Scholan,hip• BRANDON KOPESKY For
the $500 Whinier Elementary PT A Scho larship•NICOLE KLOET For the $I 0,000 Bloom>burg Univer'>lty Trustee Scholarship. the $500 Job's Dauohter'> Memorial Foundation Scholar.,hip and the Grand
Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of Wisconsi~ Scholarship•AMANDA KREUSER For the $416.66
AHANA Partial Tuition Grant Scholar;hip•CARRIE LEE For the $54.000 combined Presidential Academic Scholarship and Softba ll Scholarship from Trinity Internationa l Univers ity• ARR IE LEE For
the_ $54.000_ combined Presidential Academic Scholar;hip and Softball Scholarship from Trinity Internat10nal UniversitrAMA DA KR USER For the $416.66 AHA A Partial Tuition Grant cholar>hip•
•CARRIE LEE For the 54.000 combined Presidential Academic Scholar,,hip and Softball Scholarship from Trinity International University•AMA DA KREUSER For the $416.66 AHANA Partial
Tuition Grant Scholarship•CARRIE LEE For the $54.000 combined Presidential Academic Scholarship and Softball Scholarship from Trinity International Univer>ity• ICK LING VAY For the University of Wi,,consin-Milwaukee grant-in-aid for the sport of baseball. the $4.000 Univef'>ity of Wisconsin-Whitewater Chancellor's Scholarship. and the $500 Andy Smith Memorial Scholarship• KYLE
LITTEL For the $500 University of Wiscon,,in- Platteville Grace Johnson Award•LAKESHIA
LOBDELL For the $416.66 AHANA Partial Tuition Grant Scholarship•ABIGAIL LUCKE For the
$400 University of Wisconsin Vilas Equity Scholarship and the Marquette niver>ity Academic
Distinction Scholarship •JESSICA LUMLEY For the $350 Manny Mitka Scholar>hip• KATIE MAHO EY For the $500 Amy Marie Bosman Memorial Scholar>hip. the $2,000 Kenosha Junior Women's Club Scholarship. the $500 Metta Tremper Scholarship. the $2,500 Kenosha Area Chamber of
Commerce Foundation Scholarship. the S 1.000 Kiwanis Foundation of Metropolitan Kenosha. the
$7.200 renewable Ohio State University Buckeye Award. the $8.400 Ohio State University Provo;! Scholar>hip. the $1,250 Catholic Order of Forestef'> Scholaf'>hip. the $500 Johnson Financial
Group Scholarship and the $5.000 renewable Children's Oncology Services. Inc. Scholarship•JUL!A
MCPHERSO For the $1,000 Woman's Club of Kenosha Scholar>hip. the $32.000 Indiana University Di;tinction Scholarship. the 3.000 Sister Rose Marie Pint Scholar>hip. the $2.000 Joseph and
Angela Bruneo Scholarship and the 1.500 Kenosha Education Association Scholarship•ASHLEE
MORELLI For the $1,000 Brenda Wolf Memorial Scholar>hip• KRISTI A AIDICZ For the
$750 U.S. Bank Scholar;hip, the $1.000 Univer>ity of Wisconsin Oshkosh Chancellors Academic
Scholarship and the 500 Women's Sports Advocate<, of Wisconsin Scholar>hip•TA YLOR EWTO For the $1.000 Gundlach Memorial Scholarship•KELLI ICCOLAI For the $600 Plea;ant
Prairie Woman's Club Scholarship. the 1.000 Kenosha Professional Police Association Scholarship and the $1.000 Sam Walton Community Scholar>hip•TIM OLSO For the $1.000 Gundlach
Memorial Scholarship•RACHEL PALL!N For the $500 Peggy Waddell Memorial Scholarship. the
$2,250 renewable Academic Excellence Scholarship and the $24.000 Dean's Scholarship from Tulane University•KELLI PO CE For the $416.66 AHANA Partial Tuition Grant Scholarship•CARA
PRATT For the $12.000 renewable Drake Univef'>ity Pre;idential Scholarship. the 3.000 Drake
University Trustee Scholarship. the 8.000 renewable Indiana nivef'>ity Di;tinction Scholarship.
the $3.000 renewable Indiana niversity Hutton Honors Scholarship. the $3.020 renewable University of Iowa ational Scholars Award. the 400 University of Wisconsin Vilas Equity Scholarship.
the $500 Amy Marie Bosman Memorial Scholarship and the $1.500 Kenosha Education Association
Scholarship•KYLIE RATLIFF For the $500 Univer>ity of Wisconsin-Parkside Music Department
Scholaf'>hip and the the 416.66 AHA A Partial Tuition Grant Scholar>hip •ERlK RIPLEY For the
$250 Louis Armwong Jazz Awarcl•DAVID ROSE BURG For the $68.000 Carthage College Modem Language Scholarship•HANNAH SALZBREN ER For the $125 Delta Kappa Gamma GrantOn-Aid•DIJANA SA VIC For the $1.500 Kenosha Education Association Scholarship•JASLEE
SI GH For the 416.66 AHANA Partial Tuition Grant Scholar,hip•ERIC SCHOOR For the 20.600
renewable University of Wiscon.,in-Milwaukee Academic Achievement Leader,hip Award. the
$500 John Philip Sousa Band Award. the 3.000 for the Sister Rose Marie Pint Scholarship. the
$1,000 for the W-M Music Talent Award. the $600 for the Woody Hennan Jazz Soloi'>l Award.
and the 2,250 renewable Academic Excellence cholarship•Ll DSEY SEBETIC For the Loyola
University 100% Athletic Grant-in-Aid for the sport of basketball • KYLES ELL For the S 106.000
Carthage College Kenosha Oaks Scholarship•ALEXA DRIA SPAA Y For the Athletic Grant-In-Aid
covering tuition. room and board. plus books from the University of Maryland. Baltimore County
for the sport of Volleyball .'KARA TI IOMSEN For the I 06.000 Caithage College Kenosha Fire &
Police Scholan,hip•MA TTHEW TITH OF For the 6.000 to $12.000 Michigan Technological niversity ational Distinction Scholarship• KEITH WARTZE LUFT For the 500 Tremper Marketing
Group Scholan.hip and the 500 Moose Lodge #859 Women's Scholarship•AMBER WEIHER For
the $13.600 Carthage College Art Scholarship•LA E WHITAKER For the $12.000 Carthage College Music Scholarship and the 500 Steve Hagan Memorial Scholar,,hip•ALEXA WOJCIECHOWICZ For the I.000 Kiwani,, Foundation of Metropolitan Kenosha Scholar>hip and the 1.000
Cargill Community Program Scholaf'>hip•SARAH WORKMA For the 500 American Association of Univer>ity Women Scholarship. the 500 Job's Daughter Scholarship. the 200 World of
Youth Scholarship and the $5.000 Slippery Rock UniYer<,ity Academic cholar>hip•CO RTNEY
WYNIA For the $500 Tremper Marketing Group cholarship• BESS YONTZ For the $1.000 Indiana Wesleyan University Division of Art Scholarship and the 30.000 Olivet Nazarene University cholar>hip•JOSEPH ZILISCH For the 106.000 Carthage College Kenosha Oaks Scholar>hip
Junior Rebecca Kelly acts out the emotions of a story book to her first grade
reading buddy from Jane Vernon Elementy.
Several first grade classes
took turns walking over in the spring to
participate in a reading buddy program
with the high school students.
"I was so surprised and honored when
I won, I will never forget Junior Prom,"
said Prom King Mike Short just after the
crowning. "The night turned out perfect
and I was so proud to be his date when
everyone was cheering for him," said Junior Julie Zarletti as she escorted Mike
aero s the sage at the Parkway Chatue.
From Los Angele to Kenosha, the stars that work at Tremper ...
Mr. Rizzo & Freddie Prinze Jr.
r. Matrise & Danny Devito
Mr. Prozanski & James Gandolfini
Mr. King & Kevin Jame
Diana Hirsig
ocial tudies
Angelina Holling worth
Hearing Imp.
Eric Hopkins
Special Ed.
Diana Host
Donna lnfusino
Ryan Irish
Bridges Math
Marilyn Jensen
Ed. Asst.
Colleen Padlock
Claudia Pastor
Gary Paulauskas
Jennifer Peterson
pecial Ed.
Louis Rideaux
Cara Pfeiffer
Rina Pignone
At right, Kristin Hollendonner struts in the
junior varsity cheerleading performance at
the Jan. 11 pep assembly. Far right, Dayna
Rodriguez introduces herself before competing in the pep assembly's game of musical
chairs basketball.
ley Anderson
Holly Anderson
Tyler Anderson
Cody Andrew
Russell Anthony
Shelbiee Arreguin
Oa A ma
Sa antha Atkielski
Josh a Ault
Amber ain
K rice Banks
Zachary Bernh rd
Rebecca Beth e
Allison Bisch ff
Thaer Bitar
Sandra Blakest e
Samantha Browder
Dylan Brown
Katie Brown
Elizabeth Bruno
Jeffrey Buchanan
Karlton Budd
Holly Burgess
Ryan Burke
Jeri Burmeiste
Michael Cassity
Annemari Castaneda
Sarah Chase
Megan Chatterton
Britne Chike
Matthew Christensen
Allen Ciesielski
Jenna Ciszewski
Lukas Davies
Zachary Dawiec
Matthew De Leon
Ignazio Debartolo
Anthony DeGrazia
.... . :
Reed DeHaan
Cody Delaney
Chris Delgado
Malory Dellisse
Hailey Deluca
Amber DeMarr
Keri Dennison
Kyle Dennison
Tyler Derginer
Christopher Derose
Alyx Dever
obert Devries
Desiree Diamond
Carlos Di kerson
Maxwell Di an
Dominique Dixon
Briana Doherty
Michael Dolnik
Anthony Donahoe
Alexander Doss
Cameron Douma
Erin Dreger
Alexis Drennen
Sharon DuJardin
Stephanie Dunham
D'Anthony Early-Riley
eah Ebener
Kaycee Galitz
Johanna Galvan
Sara Gaona
Gabriela Garcia
Marilu Garcia
Katherine Gentner
Michael Gianeselli
Laura Gildenstern
Monae Gillespie
Taylor Glenn
Clarissa Goldsmith
Oscar Gomez
Veronica Gomez
Sabrina Gonzalez
Amanda Goodman
Julie Gosselin
Chelsie Gossett
Nolan Gottlieb
Tori Govro
Jessica Gradney
Alexandria Green
Holly Greene
Mark Greene-Powell
Nicholas Griffith
Amanda Grom
Alex Hade
Claire Haggarty
Brandie Hagglund
Garrett Hamilton
Jesse Hanley
Bergen Hanson
Holly Harebo
Chelsea Harris
Kyle Hartnell
Luis Hayar
Kyle Henry
Carolyn Hutchinson
Kenneth Hyde
Nicole Insko
Jarrett Ivy
Sebastian Jacinto
Alexander Jackson
Kianna Jacobs
Jade Jarina
Tyler Jass
Todd Jensen
Anthony Jones
James Jones
Lexxus Jones
Zachary Jones
Olivia Jorgensen
Alyssa Jozwiak
Ladarryel Keels
Emily Kenney
Addey Kifle
Arnold Kim
Shawn King
Michelle Kirk
Stephanie Kirk
Kari Kirkegaard
Amanda Klausch
Haley Klinkhammer
Joel Klopstein
lliott Knoke
imberly Kohler
yler Kohler
ndrew Korecz
ss Kotten
Zackary Krueger
Elena Kuehne
John Kugler
Kallie Kuhagen
Zachary Lalonde
Joseph Landgraf
Heather Lang
Chelsea Langenbach
Aubrey Langley
Mia Langston
Jacob Larsen
Joseph Latham
Jessie Laurenzi
Tori Lavey
Chelsea Lawell
Branden Leffelman
Jason Leindecker
Phillip Leipzig
Corey Lenegar
Joshio Leon
Samuel Mahar
rles Marcoe
Stephanie Marinelli
Jenn· r May
a Mccormic
Kiernan McCoy
Amber McCune
Peter McGinn
Riley McKay
Joseph M · ley
.~.......m McKinney
hur McSparran
Courtney Mercurio
Kaitlyn Merritt
Jakob Michaelis
Jason Miletta
Aaron Miller
Cody Miller
Marissa Miller
Michelle Miller
Nicholas Miller
Brooke Mleko
Peter Mohr
Nicole Molinaro
Laura Morgan
y Morris
ric Morrissey
kime Murati
Erick Nava
Erica Nelson
Peter Nelson
Adam Nickl
Adam Niedzwiecki
Melissa Niesen
Danie Nieves
Danielle Norwood-Shaw
essica O'Do nell
Stefani Olla keto
Kelsey Ison
Bry n Otto
ani Overman
ry Owen
ha Pack
r Padilla
ltzabeth Parsons
Mikael Paschal
aute Paskauskaite
Meiranda Patterson
Drake Peet
Jenni er Peter on
Ryan Peterson
Shannon Piekos
Ethan Piela
Lauren Pietkiewicz
Kenneth Pincombe
Dominic Pisciotti
Megan Plenewicz
Sarah Pobloski
Evan Pofahl
Jordan Poland
Kellen Pottorff
Laken Poupart
Malcolm Powell
Giuseppina Pozzi
mie Procarione
Sydney Puntillo
Katie Quimby-Love
sandra Rabenhorst
Britnee Range
even Rasch
Scott Raymond
Sarah Reed
Alexander Reiman
Jessica Reindl
Casey Resendez
Adam Reyes
Karina R
Mallory Robinson
Por ia
yna Rodriguez
lizabeth R
Luis Rodriguez
Alyssa Roe
Jessica Roemer
Torria Rolack
Alexander Rosales
ael Rucinski
gel Rugamas
Sam Saalfeld
Tia Saarnio
Cassandra Sanchez
Anabertha Santos
Ronald Schaefer
Nicholas Scherer
Steven Schmaling
Tyler Schmidt
Tanner Schroeder
Megan Schuirmann
Kayla Schultz
Samuel Schwalm
Gina Schwandt
Kristen Sebetic
it ey Seliga-Regel
ly Semenas
a Sepanski
ry Skanron
Alysha Smith
Emily Smith
Jessica Smith
Jodi Smi
Brian Steinbrink
Tori Stevens
William Stevens
Wendy Stic
Kai ti
~f'.~ ~
'Jf .f""lf;,i;
• \'-~
,,. .... •....»
"•~ r
·".iJI~ ~
. '"'
,..!: :)
, ~,.
; ~11:_,..
Brittany Stokes
Kailey Stone
Katelyn Stover
Lindsey Strachan
Cole Summers
Lauren Sutter
Jackie Swade
Morgan Swade
Brandon Swier
Tyler Symoens
Rachel Tankersley
Adrian Tassotti
Erika Teddy
Alexis Thompson
Arin Thompson
Christina Torchia
Marielena Torres
Brian Tredup
James Trotter
Dylan Tuohy
Christopher Valenta
Kevin Van Oever
Emily VanBergen
Matthew Vecchitto
Chance Wachter
Adriana Wade
Kayla Walden
Nicole Wallace
Christopher Walter
las Wiegert
Courtney Wildman
Ariele Williams
Floyd Williams
Marcus Williams
Mark Wilson
Jessica Wing
Jensen Wohlgemuth
Jalen Woodley
James Woodley
Edmond Woulfe
Andrew Wright
Omar Yata
Alexander Yokoi
Patrick Young
Brian Zalar
Rachel Zalaznik
Anthony Zeeveld
_...., '
, -<~'i:1z~·
. <f·'
Merissa Acerbi
Kaitlyn Aceto
Kayla Ackerman
Kevin Adkins
Sabrina Aiello
Victor Aiello
Kathryn Aikens
Seth Akins
Dana Alia
ley Alley
Stephanie Alvarez-Rivera
Lurlena Anderson
Rebecca An
Gabino Arias
Lauren Armstrong
ldis Arroyo
Martin Babcock
Molly Bacus
Asha Bailey
Kyle Bakkil
Sharina Barnes
Nazario Barrera
Alicia Battellini
ngela Becker
, hary Beckman
Raymond Bee
Sha non Behme
Mi ran a ~n~tz~-=:::::ll!!~iill'
Raey Berhanu
Lindsey Bernhardt
Sabrina Bolyard
Megan Bonner
Jacob Boresch
Stephanie Bostrom
Sarah Bozarth
Samuel Brantley
Quayshaun Breckenfeld
Ashley Brockm
Julia B
Randy Brown
Kelsey Brunner
Kaitlyn Bryniarski-Little
Lisa Brzozowski
Nicholas Brzozowski
Anthony Celebre
Alejandra Cervantes
Kevin Chike
Cayla Childers
[!· ,. . •
~· f'•
. · ·. •
, .. :i;·l .
'· . 'f
·~ .·--.
errick Collins
Anthony Conforti
Justin Conklin
Patrick Conway
Zachary Cooper
Nicholas Corrigall
Antonio Covelli
Garrett Cox
Ramon Cruz
Christopher Cunningham
Kaylee Cutler
Kyle Dahl
Mariah Daniel
Hannah Davidson
Jayson DeCesaro
Andrew Doherty
Diana Dominguez
David Dove
Patrick Draeger
Ariel Dubrava
Elizabeth DuMez
Katherine DuMez
Brittany Durkee
Matthew Durkee
Dylan Dwyer
Brittney Dzbinski
Victoria Eckert
Nikkiya Edwards
Kayla Endresen
Elizabeth Engwis
Jordan Enwrigh
Dillon Epping
Zachary Epping
Robert Espinosa
Nicole Espinoza
Emilia Evangelista
Diane Ewens
Brianna Faint
Alex Feige
Andrew Fields
Jesse Gallegos
Jennifer Gallion
hala Garcia
Samantha Geniesse
Joseph ilbert
Rebecca Gleason
Laken GOl""9,.lll!
Lindsay Goddard
Jose Gomez
Samara Gomez
Kiersten Gonzales
Patricia Gonzales
Austin Gordon
Ernesto Gordon
Andrew Gray
Sara Griffiths
Samantha Grimmer
Zachary Gripko
Brandon Guarascio
Kara Gucciardo
Dylan Gunter
Brian Haag
Connor Hagerty
Clayton Haggarty
Kadiara Hall-Powell
Lavera Hampton
Mackenzie a
Matthew Haub i h
atelyn Hegewald
Ethan Heinrichsmeyer
Matthew Heiring
Matthew Henry
Ryan Herzog
Kaela Hoecherl
Nicholas Hollendonner
Kayla Holmes
Tasha Holst
Joseph Jensen
Zackery Jessen
Charles Johnson
Kimberly Johnson
Kurk Johnson
Sebastian Jones
Serena Jones
Timothy Jurgens
Carla Kaiser
William Kamm
Michael Kammer
Brittany Kanowske
Harley Karaway
Lauren Keating
Jared Keckeisen
Kevin Kirykowicz
Abigail Klabunde
Kathryn Klausegger
Michael Kloiber
Jennifer Kluver
Nicholas Knebel
Alexandra Kohel
Adam Kok
Alex Kollman
Courtney Konitzer
Katerina Konstantinoff
Krystiana Kozlowski
Rhonda Kramer
Nevin Kreuser
Jennifer Kuss
Amanda Kutzke
Brandon Labonne
Jasmine Lakvold
Kelsey Lawler
Michael Lawlor
Tiegen Leable
Daniel Leal
Carrie Lee
Shane Leipzig
Rebecca Lenegar
Hannah Leonard
Sydney Leonard
Jacob Leslie
Nicholas Leslie
Brianna Lettsome
Mason Lindemann
Jacob Lindstrom
Ethan Littel
Jack Little
Ashley Litz
Joseph Loef
Darius Longmire
Alexandra Love
Gabrielle Lundgren
lex Lynch
Alec achak
Kelci ader
·' ·-<··.···
Ashley Ma i
Angelo Martin
Cameron Martinez
Edwin Martinez
Adrienne Mata
Brandon Matley
Brittany Matley
Cody Mattner
Jamie Mattson
Ivonne Matute
Nicole Mazzolini
Robert McCain
Undre McCall
Shannon McClamy
revean McClinton
Rachel McClone
K drick McComb
Laura Mcluckie
John McMahon
Meghan McNeely
Devin Meitzen
Nicholas Melito
Robert Messenger
Steven Metallo
Bianca Miceli
Marco Miceli
Aleksandar Milankovic
~-Ifft} Moorhouse
Emily Morehouse
Maria Morel
Cortez Mullins
Montez Mullins
Shannon Mulroy
Leah Muro
Allison Nickel
Jonathon Nicla
Daniel Nicolo
Joshua Niesen
Jonathan Norris
Jessica Noto
Kelsey Nottingham
Joseph Novotny
Ryan Nowa
Faustino Ochoa
Jacob Oechler
Jesus Oseguera
Nathan Oster
Evelyn Padilla
Brandon Page
Adeola Palmer
Lindsay Pappenfus
Najee Parker
Zachary Patterson
Emily Paulauskas
Rachael Pavelski
Kevin Pearson
Joshua Pecha
Mitchell Pedersen
Nathan Peet
Ivan Perez
Rachel Petersen
Rachel Petersen
Tyler Petersen
Elizabeth Petrelli
Erin Piccolo
Maxwell Pierson
Samantha Powers
Aaron Primmer
Gabriel Puterbaugh
dre Reyes
Megan Reynolds
Tyler Rhey
Anthony Ricciardi
Caitlyn Richter
Alexander Ridolfi
Tyler Rigney
Annie Riley
Jacob Riley
Aaron Ringstrom
Reba Rintoul
Logan Rivelli
Jesse Rivera
Nicole Rivera
Joseph obaidek
tlarlie Robb
L,aron Robinson
Samantha Robinson
Anabel Rocha
arr tt Ro ers
onte Rogers
kolas Roiniotis
Arielle Romano
T r sa Romano
· el Romero
Wili m
Shane Rose
Alex Rosencutter
Cheyanne Roushia
Stephanie Rozzoni
Mariah Sauceda
Samuel Savaglio
Andrew Schendl
Priscilla Schiavi
Monique Schmitt
Alan Schmitz
Daniel Schoettler
Katie Schoor
Cody Schroeder
Katherine Schroeder
Brooke Schurr
Joshua Schwandt
Devonte Scott
Alexis Sears
Ashle entieri
Laena Serpe
Rachel Shapiro
Ashleigh Shepherd
Cortez Sherrod
Joshua Shilhavy
Stephanie Short
Austin Siferd
Elona Shane Sigler
Cody Sikorski
Ryan Sillanpaa
Haley Sima
Erik Sipsma
Vincent Sirocchi
Casey Skalbeck
Joseph Skarda
Roxolana Sklepova
Chelsea Sladek
Jonathan Small
Caitlin Smith
Edward Smith
Gavin Smith
Lindsey Smith
Robert Smith
Stacy Smith
Jake Snell
Chelsea Snowden-Smith
Devin Soler
Nicholas Sposito
Brandon St Peter
Angela Stancato
Tristin Standridge
Ariel Stantel
Alixandra Stangas
Alexander Stauff
Amanda Steagall
. ·...
"'' ·.
Kristin Stefanski
Brittany Steinke
Matthew Steinmetz
Chelsy Stevens
Rebecca Stoebe
Megan Stoebig
Andrew Strouf
Erin Stummer
Megan Stummer
Katherine Sturino
Michelle Sturino
Alexandra Sturycz
Chenoa Suits
Olivia Taber
Steven Tainter
Hannah Taylor
Alyssa Thomas
Avery Thomas
Logan Thomas
Robert Thomas
e pright
t phanie Usher
Sharon Vi
Kayla Vite
Michaela Vite
Victoria Vlach
Kelsey Wagner
Alexander Walczak
Ashley Walden
Alannah Walker
ax Wawiorka
Brylee Webb
Carly Webb
Nicholas Whitten
Shannon Whitten
Brittany Wightman
Wayne Wiginton
Brandon Wilcox
Ladarius Wilder
Breonna Williams
Chelsey Williams
Haley Williams
Porshica Willi
Courtney Wolf
Benjamin Yelton-Stanley
Ashley Yuenkel
Jacob Yuhas
Katherine Yule
' .
Preparing for the kick-off, sophomore Sara Griffths punts the ball
to the freshmen team during
the Powder Puff Triple B-Bowl
football game.
~·~ ~
~;, ,..
Focusing on the win, sophomore
Julie Randle paces herself during
the Kenosha County Championship at Parkside.
' ' Some of the best times I have had this year was going out for
lunch or dinner with some of the girls from the swim team after
a meet. At competitions we would always listen to music to
pump ourselves up for a race, and have intense locker room
talks. After the Relay Invite we talked our coaches into stopping
at Mayfair for lunch.
soph. Geena DeGrazia
£i) -
' ' Homecoming was so much fun and everything turned out perfectly. My dress was pretty, it was black with sparkly gems around
my waist. I got my hair curled and got my nails painted witti a
white and silver trench tip. Before the dance my friends and I
got together to finish getting all ready and take pictures before
we left.
soph. Jen
£i) -
game of the sophmore foo
t memorrallle to me. It wa
n becaus e I had had two
on starte d. In the second
ut for a pass. I was so
s floatin g as I realed it in
My favorite memory was the first Tremper vs. Bradford basketball
game. Seeing how many people actually come to support their
team amazes me. Before the game my friends and I got together
to get ready for the night. We ordered chinese and jammed out
to music while we did each others hair and make-up.
- soph. Diane Ewens
I've really enjoyed being involved in Golden Strings. Each performace we have had has brought the group closer together,
it's almost like I have a new family. The trip that stood out the
most to me is when we went to Butterfield. The show was great!
I played really well and the crowd was interactive making this
such a fun experience.
- soph. Kevin Latham
Alejandro Avila
Jennifer Bab ock
Aman a Barrett
icholas Bartholomew
Chri topher B toli
Christopher Bellair
Derek Bin · ge
Cory Bisher
Brittany Blackwood
Gina Blaziewsk
Robert Bohne
Jaymee Bosl u
Shauneece B wers
Britne Bradley
Brittany Butschli
Jacqueline Canaday
Caleb Capodarco
Zakei us Carr
Allison Carson
ar er
Mike Carver
Noah Cascio
Naomi Childs
Patricia Christenbury
Keisha Clark
Lindsey Cnockaert
Ashley Cole
Clorissa Comer
Joseph Concannon
Anthony Conti
Joseph Cook
Alyssa Coopwood
Evan Cunningham
Nicole Cunni gham
Monica Dale
Tread ell Oard
Ian Dart
Johnathon DeSeife
James DeVries
Taylor Dietman
Ashley Dodge
Richard Doerflinger
Mathew Dunwa
Nathan Dwyer
Kyle Easter
Bradley Eggert
Matthew Eggert
Venessa Elvetic
Philip Endr
Matt Engelman
Zachary Englu
amantha Friedl
Bradley Fuhrer
Erik Fuqua
Dylan Gallagher
Nathaniel Gardner
Amber Gascoigne
April Gehri
Kevin Gentner
Amy Gerlach
Samantha Gibson
Shawnaw Glover
Aja Goes
Tomas Goldsmith
Austin Golownia
Ma Kaya Gordon
Marilyn Gordon
Katelyn Gorman
Nicholas Goschy
Jonathan Gough
Grant Griffin
Jeffery Grundman
Arayel Guarascio
Richard Gutierrez
Melissa Guzman
Heather Har bo
Samantha Harmon-Smith
Nick Harris
Matthew Harroll
Tiaria Harvey
Robert Hawbaker
Diana Herr
Yuly Herrera
Matthew Hill
Patrick Hillman
Andrew Hinds
Bradley Johnson
Evan Johnson
would definitely ha\<e to
ay that the biggest celebrity slip-up was when Brittany Spears sha\<ed her
head. he also lost custody
of her kids, and went to
drug rehab. That girl is ·
a mess.
-jr. Danielle Sowden
hout a doubt, Brett Favre. He is a good father and
works a lot with the Make-a.
Wish Foundation as \\.ell as
his own 4-ward Foundation.
He i al o an outstanding
quarter back and I was upset to hear that he retired
thi year.
-jr. Ryan Ridley
e ·t Karnes
' -·. \·~;~~: ,:'
S';: "
Trisha Klade
Cour ney Knapp
Kipp noke
Kri tine Korecz
Drake Koster
Alyssa Krehbi
Krista Kreuscher
Kayci Krucas
Timothy Krueger
Alexandra Kuss
Jennifer Kwas
Katherine Lange
Ashley Larsen
Bethany Larsen
Anthony Laurenzi
Timothy Laurie
Ana Leal
Katie Ledlow
ke Lefevre
Joseph Leidlein
Erin Leker
Kristopher Lemay
Karina Leone
Stephanie Lippert
Matthew Littel
Amelia Liu
Samantha Ludke
Katie Ludwig
Elizabeth Lukawski
Robert Lundgren
Jacquelyn Lundskow
James Lurquin
Emily Lynch
Steven Mack
Laura Madison
Ian Mahone
Megan Mahoney
Matthew Manske
Tiffini Mark
hryn Marran
rgaret May
William May
Shabar Maze
Carl Mazzolini
Albert McClinton
Ashley McCormick
Robert McCrea
Blake McElroy
Julian McKenzie
Lindsay McKinley
Je sica McMahon
Allison McMaster
Marquise McNeal
Sara Mertz
Kevin Mich
Kelsey Mickelsen
Cody Miller
Jordan Miller
Katelyn Miller
Mary Miller
Shawn Miller
Allison Millsaps
mantha Miner
Marian Mink
Christopher Misch-Bloxdorf
Jordan Moddes
Lauren Mogensen
Emily Mohr
Sergio Molina
Nicholas Molinaro
Thomas Montemurro
April Moore
Nicholas Moore
Ashley Morgan
Justin Morris
Kyle Morrissey
Nathaniel Moses
Nicholas Mueller
Hannah Muerhoff
Jeremiah Nelson
Ryan Neu
Anthony Neumann
_,. . r H ,< , 1-1.
Alexander Newberry
Jacob Nichols
Kaylee Nicla
Derek Niedzwiecki
Kara Noble
David Nolder
Alexandra Norton
Amanda Novick
Sean Nyary
Dan Nyquist
Emily Nyquist
Scott O'Neal
Karlie O'Reilly
Hannah Oates
Steven Oberg
Amanda Ogle
Tad Oldham
Yvette Ortega
Yvonne Ortega
Ryan 1:J>;11~tu--
Brittany Parshall
Michael Pascucci
Gintare Paskauskaite
Taylor Pawlaczyk
Marcos Perez
typical high school schedule is known to be quite
, students were still finding ways to cope with the overwhelming heat of their classes. Releases, not offered to freshman or
sophomores, were always a good alternative to an assiduous agenda.
"I have 3rd hour release and I love it. Working in the school store is
a huge part of my senior year and having a release allows me to do so.
Plus if I have homework for fourth period that I didnt finish the night
before, I have time to get it done," said senior Alex Hyatt.
In order to lift the intensity of classes even more, multible releases
were taken by students. Mainly seniors, haven taken most of their required classes during their junior year had the opportunity to take more
than one release within the same quarter.
"I have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hour release on B-days. Having this many
releases is really nice and a huge advantage. It gives me time to work
on homework for my A-day classes, and sometimes I even hangout with
my friends who also have releases." said senior Reece DeHaan.
Whether the spare time of a release was spent hanging out with
friends or doing homework, free periods were without a doubt an ideal
way for classmates to escape the pressure.
I tiave second hour release and it's a huge advantage. It's is a good
time to do homework and
catch up on sleeR that I
usually never get.
Zakkary Perez
Elizabeth Peterson
Kyle Peterson
Thomas Pflug
David Pierce
Matthew Pietkiewicz
Elizabeth Pignatelli
Travis Polso
Jared Ponce
Tyler Powers
Mariah Prado
Richard Preston
Bobby Price
Heather Pryse
Cory Pucin
J smine Qu imby
ary Raben
a enhorst
Douglas Rausch
Anthony Regazzi
Carolann Rein
Anthony Reuss
Steffan Ricard
Ashley Richards
Kir n Richard
Zachary i hardson
Ryan Ridley
Dominic Ridolfi
Nicole Riley
James Roberts
Alexander Robinson
Jesse Robinson
Jessica Roediger
Elizabeth Rohde
Carly Roiniotis
Anthony Romano
Ashley Rosenberg
Alyssa Rovik
Mark Ruffolo
Jedediah Sachen
Jonathan Saleski
Jeremi Salinas
Kelsey Satter
Deion Scarbrough
Dawn Schiller
Robert Schmidkonz
Alexandra Schmidt
Andrew Schmidt
Ryan Schmidt
Sarah Schofro
Ryon Schulz
Dakota Schwartz
Kyle Sebetic
Emily Shanno
Morgan Shepp rd
Philip Shierk
Michael Shor
Dawn Si erly
Virginia I a
Jeremy S h
Jordan sm·
Keith Smith
Megan Smith
Nicholas Smith
Ryan Smith
Taylor Smith
Lauren Smolik
Chelsea Strachan
Allison Strash
Jaryd Strickland
Madalynn Strzelecki
Michael Sturino
Jared Suidikas
Ashley Sullivan
Edwin Sullivan
Christopher Swenson
Kenneth Tabili
Paloma Trygar
athan Upham
Ashley Usher
Stev n Uttech
Andrea V gnoni
Alexander a dez
Michael Van Oever
Casandra Van Wie
riska VanDenBergh
Nate Varnado
Cicily Velazquez
Marlenne Venegas
Alyssa Vernezze
Ashley Vincent
John Vincent
Bianca Vite
Matthew Von Honaker.
Nicholas Vorwal
Anne Walaszek
Matth w Walter
Cou ney alton
Ma Wan
Kyle Weddel
Rachael Weidner
Brandon Weis
Bradley Weisner
Aaron Wermeling
Elizabeth Wermeling
Rachael Westermeyer
Jacob Wiele
Katherine Wielgos
Amanda Wilkinson
Brittany Williams
Damon Williams
Gene Williams
Devin Wilson
Holly Wojnicz
,-_ ,_ ---t·~;;,.
· ,;
Jordan Wood
Eddie Woodard
Philip Woodley
Christina Woolman
Kimberly Worcester
a Wright
risten Wright
Jaclyn Yeary
Chantel Young
Joanna Young
Jo hua Yuhas
Laura Yurchak
Julie Zar tti
K nneth Zign
an Zolper
rk Zuraws
,0. . - O C'
'I''-·.- ....
Tim Baltes
Jordan Baron
Austin Berger
Jacqueline Berrong
Ruzica Bicainin
Nicole Bingham
Trent Borzick
Lindsay Boxrud
Kaylin Brennan
Cody Brunello
Courtney Butts
Gina Cairo
Kirsten Cajka
Michael Chase
Wesley Chatterton
Whitney Cookson
Wyatt Davis
• ,,,1,. ~,,
™. ~
• "' • ,•
~~!£~~ .~·
,., .t>~1;:i.' :.~· '
Jose Escobedo
Terrance Fogleman
Alex Francis
Justin Frederick
Nathen Freeman
Cathe Habel
Whitney Herchian
Alex Hagen
Stephanie Hagen
Elizabeth Hall
Mike Hamill
Jacklyn Hansen
William Harold
Andrew Harpster
Samantha Hartlieb
Corey Hild
"1-he ACT is the only universal
test I've taken that I can compare
my performance to other people's
scores. Even though I only took it
once, I was familiar with the question types because I took hours of
prep tests. Practice helps pre
for everything, from sports to t
Jakob Jaskolski
Corissa Jasso
Chad Johnson
Erica Jones
Some people are brilliant but do
poorly when placed in a testing environment they find stressful. For
me, the ACT is a great way to sum
up what I've learned in school. My
personal goal was a 32, which I was
lucky enough to achieve, even th
I didn't really prepare for it very m
e first time I took the ACT I hadn't
had a math course for a semester
and it definitely hurt my score. The
second time I took the test I felt
way more relaxed : I didn't stress,
ate breakfast, and wore comfortable clothes - but not anything
I raised my score from a 28 to a
-sr. Katie Mahoney
idn't have money for a prep class,
so I opted to take a practice test - which
apparently didn't help because my
score dropped by one point. The ACT
is just a measure of how quickly you
can answer questions. It's important
to colleges because they can use low
scores as an excuse to deny admissi
-sr. Dennis Polzin
Travis Joslin
Alex Maradey
Carrie Lee
Troy Leonard
Amanda Lindquist
Nicholas Lingvay
Ryan Loewen
Stephanie Lukawski
Abigail Luke
Brittany Lumley
Kathryn Mes enger
Jonathan Mickelsen
m voting for John McCain because he has the
experience and the steadfast dedication that is
worthy of my vote. For the first time in my life,
my voice can be heard, not only by my family
members, but by tho wealthy 'suites' attempting to lead our nation
-sr. ~am H
f)lan to vote for Barack
Obama. Although he is
'inexperienced', he has
good ideas and brings a
genuine quality to the race.
He is really passionate
about chan e and people
Obama \\as really
inspiring, but I liked
Clinton's speech better because she had
great strategies and
really talked about
the specifics and the
policies. I volunteered for Clinton,
and I will also vol-
Kristina Naidicz
ersonally like
Huckabee's original
beliefs. However, he
hanged his ideals
n his campaign to
win more support,
which lost my v
I voted for McCain
Ashley Morrissey
Makeeta Motgomery
Tom Peter on
James Pettit
Cashlin Phillip
Stevey Poppe
Malina Potts
Cara Pratt
Alex Preston
Zach Prozanski
Reece Raethke
Kevin Rasch
Stephen Rasch
Kylie Ratliff
Lindsey Reed
Sandra Reeves
Taylor Rinaldi
Amanda Richio
Joseph Simpkins
Jasleen Singh
Danielle Sirocchi
Kristin Smick
Ashley Woller
Christopher Walls
Laurna Ward
Sarah Warren
Keith Wartzenluft
Melissa Weddel
Amber Weiher
Kristen Wells
Jacob Werth
Sarah Worman
e are so prou o
your achievements
that you've made
throughout your
years at Tremper.
We wish you all the
as you begin the
next chapter
of your life at UWM.
We love you,
Mom, Dad & Andy
15eootigo£ &
l~ eh l fl ow ...
Quote from: David Cook, American Idol 2008
We are so protAd of otAr .bea1Atif1AI, sweet,
lvitelllgevit glrl. Wit~ ~otAr evidless dedlcatlovi avid determlviatiovi, we are covifldevit
~olA will accomplls~ all of ~olA dreams.
Mom avid Dad
' ~$'":''.'..
Pumping with adreneline
and slapping hands, Senior wide·
receiver Sean Barret, number 2,
and Senior quaterback Kyle Snell,
number 4 explode as the starting
offense is introduced to the rowdy
crowd at the 2007 Homecoming
game against the Park Panthers.
\JOW\'-1, St.T,H1'K.c
(above) The Trojan defensive lines
up to stop anyone who rises to the
challenge. A few essential defenders
who contributed to this year's per·
feet season include Steve Sharp,
Trent Borzick ,and defensive back
Shawn Miller.
FRESHME FOOTBALL: (front) Jose Ecavile, Ty ymons, Darrell Thorton,
Alex Jackson, Sam Bently, Justin Sheppard (2nd row) Cody Powell, Tom
Johnson, Dominique Dixon, Matt Deleon, Jacob Horndik, Jalen Tolefree,
Jacob Kryer, Benny Well , (3rd row) Seve Shamelling, Coach Tom Rovik,
Coach Amos Beernink, Coach Matt Brown, Caoch Justin Kopesky, Coach
Gregg Patty, Brody Chaimberlin (4th row) Antoine Cleavlend, Pealer Mcginn, Tyler Ooghere, Ross Cotton, Peter More, James Woodley (5th row)
Tanner Shroder, Jacob Leasley, Gino Hernandez, Travis Holman, Bergen
Hanson, Mather Winddrof, Jack Kugler (6th row) Daniel ieves, Andrew
Vortes, Kyle Worosik, Carlos Dicker on,m Jo h Ault, Camrin Hiden, Tyler
Jazz (7th row) Marcos Willimas, Marchinne, Matt Harris aba ion Ja hto,
Chris Oarose, Zak Erickson, Kevin Bendover (back) Eirthmer, Mike Cutlisy, Mike Oolnick, Brain tinebrink, David Palmtire, Kyle Denison, David
All brick
VARSITY FOOTBALL: (front) Fawn Han en, Lindsay McKinley, Sydney Hujik,
Mariah Prado, Josh Goodenough, Jo h Walner, Andrew Johnson, Jamie
Covelli, Janelle Erickson, Rachel Gaitan, Shelby Hawley (2nd row) Trainer
ikki Kaddatz, teve Rasch, Frank OeFranco, lsacc Cortez, Ryan Snell, Mike
Short, Brandon Feivor, Ryan Robinson, Anthony Romano, Richie Prado,
Aaron OeVrie , Jeremy elson, Taylor Smith (3rd Row) ick Hutsen, Ken
Zigner, Brandon Rinaldo, John Waupoose, Gabe Henrickson, Kyle Weddell,
David older, Ou tan Thomas, Ryan Smith, Jaryd Strickland, Alex Hagen,
Randy Frederick (4th row) Coach Bill Macksen, Austin Patty, Coach Justin
Kope ky, Josh Correa, Coach Jared O'Angelo, Coach David Dembowski,
Coach Mick McKay, Coach Frank Matri e, Jr., Coach Mark Hujik, Coach
Lamoyne Hawley, Coach Matt Riuo, Coach Fred Tenuta, Carl Mauolini,
Coach Kevin Aronin, Ryan Zolper, Coach Matt Brown (5th row) Tyler Hujik,
Robert McCrea, Patrick Jones, Kyle Sebetic, Ryan ue, Shawn Miller, Oeion
Scarbrough, Kyle nell, Phil Jensen, Ryan Arnold, ean Barrett (6th row)
Alex ewberry, Griffin Sengbusch, We ley Chatterton, Trent Borzick, Kyle
Flahive, Adam OeBree, Eric Giffiths, Evan Hoffman, Austin Golownia, Tony
Pappenfus (back) Andrew Plovanich, teve harp, Reece Reathke, Jason
Yule, ick Erikson, Wade elson, Damon Williams, Reece OeHaan, Joe Epping, Mike McGinn, Logan Allemand
OPHOMORE FOOTBALL: (front) Jamie Covelli,
dney Hujik, Rachel Gaitan, Taylor Smith, Steven Tainter, Fawn Hansen, Lin ey McKinely, Janelle
Erikson, Mariah Prado (2nd row) Johnny Hernandez, Jordan Colbert,
ick Melito, Rob Espino a, Josh Landmark, oah Johnson, Mike Kernen,
Najee Parker, Andre Reye (3rd row) Jon Lang, Vinny Fonk, Brandon
Gracio, Coach Jared O'Angelo, Coach Kevin Aronin, Dom Brown, Ethan
Little, Cody Colbert (4th row) Randy Brown, Alex Avilia, Zack Hutson,
Tyler Thomp on, Phillip Mock, Randy Kimball, Bradon Retlick, Alex Stoutt
(5th row) Andy Doherty, Matt Heiring, Jordan Enright,, Kevin Atkins, T
Petersen, Andrew Gray, coll Forchette, Tory Ty on (back) Zac Epping,
Tyler Pland, Mike Kammer, Anthony Celebre, Zack Tonic, Zack Beckman,
Martin Torre , Jake nell
TROJANETTE DA CE TEAM: (front) Emily Elmblad, Brooke Bleadorn, Rebecca
Andraschko, Ryen Hutson, Tayler Fulmer (2nd Row) Roxolana SklepO\a, Elise
Elmblad, Kaykee Cutler, Elizabeth Tindall, Sydney Puntillo, Alley Mucha (3rd
Row) Areyal Guarascio, Haley Egle, Brittany Black11ood, hel ey te1en ,
Paige Smith
"At the sidelines, my
mom taped our halftime routine we performed with the girls
from the cheer-clinic.
Looking back on the
tape it was fun because the kids looked
adorable and so excited to be cheering
VARSTIY CHEERLEADERS: (front) Liz Pignatelli, Ashley Morelli, Ellie Marran,
icole Mazzolini, Rebecca Lang, Dana Alia, Kayle Cox, Stephanie Albrecht,
Jenny Evans, Corri a Comer, Megan I tvanek (3rd Row) Ali Cnockaert, Shannon Vize, Kelsey Statler, Jordan Wood , Courtney Knapp
JUNIOR VARSTIY CHEERLEADERS: (front) Lindse} Smith, Kim emenas,
Kiersten Gonzoles, Melissa Barnes, Co urtney Mercurio (2 nd Row) S}dney
Leonard, Haley Kraymer, Lauren Darby, Heather Lang, Kri ten Hollendoner,
Shannon Whitten (3rd R011) Margie Lesofsl.} , Rachel Westerme1er, Keri
Denison, Jenii Klmer, Michelle Kirk
play defensive specialist,
job is to pass and play
CJe ense. Going to state was
awesome, it was my first
time on a varsity sport and
we actually made it, for the
first time in 13 years. To
get to state we beat Greenfield in Waterford. We were
so excited eve one ran off
the bench and tackled each
her in the middle of the
rt! I broke my thumb in
der puff I couldn't play
state so Beth Larsen and
were the dance captains
on the bench. Every time
we scored we jumped up
and did random dances.
-jr. Taylor Dielman ,
Varsity Girls' Volleyball: (front) Lauren 1ogensen, Amanda Spaay, Cara Conway
(2nd row) Lindsay Sebetic, Abby Padlock, Allie paay, Ashley Richards, Taylor
Dielman (back) Kaitlyn Padlock, Mariska VanDenBergh, Coach Katie tarosta,
Rebecc,a Kelly, Beth Larsen
"I am the Libero; I \\ea r a different je r~ey
and run in for the taller players, mostly to
play defense in th e back. Going to state was
on e of the best accomplishments of my high
school experience. Th e most exciting gam e
was Burlington at home, because I was in
the front page of th e paper \\ilh Lind ey and
Allie, which shO\\ed how happy \\e \\ ere aft er
we \\On ." -jr. Amanda Spaay
"I play outsid e hitter and left bar k. My job
is to get kills. The outsid e is su11posed to be
able to make smart shots, be athletic, and
play \\ell under pressure. I feel I played
pretty good O\erall thi year. To pre11are for
the up-<-oming season, I play club/ tra\ eling
\Olleyball , \\Orkout and run ."
- jr. Abby Paddlock
JV Girls' Volleyball : (front) Diane fo en , Emily Verbos (2nd) Kelsey Brunner, Brittany Steinke, Vicki Vlach, Brianne Cole, Taylor Nelson (back) Katelyn Hege,, aid, Kelci
Mader , Caitlyn Ri chter .Jenny Peterson , Kathrenia Trimm er, Coach Deanna Dourlain
Freshmen Girls' Volleyball: (front) Carl y Corradini (2nd) tephanie Althoff, Kayla
Palmer , Elena Kuehn e, ara Skarda, arah Thornborough (back) Kaycee Galitz,
Mallory Robinson , Cassie Frederick, Libby lana, Ann Lee, Coach Mary Rutchik
(Top) Staring down the opposing team, senior Scott Marita
waits for the serve while fans
watched in tense anticipation.
Co-captain with senior Adam
Smith, Marita was a Second
Team All-State selection and
a First Team All-SEC selection
as well as the team MVP. (Top
Right) With a smile, junior
Nick Mueller stands at the net
ready to block a serve. Mueller
and junior Tomas Gold mith
played a large role in securing
the team's sucess for the year
and both earned Second Team
All-SEC honors. (Right) Leaping
to the top of the net with arms
outstretched, sophomore Kyle
Bakkila and Scott Martia block
the ball.
w n
emorable moment of the season for me was after we got done
at state and I realized that me and one of my best
friends, Scott Marita, weren't ever going to play
together again. So I was sad." - Jr. Nick Mueller
"The . . . chemistry was great. Everbody could
count on everyone else, and we could all . . . . .
off the court. We hung out a lot, had a couple of
o ake · to
I . '- J .
Varsity Boys Volleyball : (Front) Kyle Bakkila, coll Anderson , Adam Smith, Kyle Quinn
(BACK) ick Mu eller , Ben Dawi ec, Coach Rebecca Tiribassi, Coach Curtis Madson ,
Scott Marita, Tomas Goldsmith.
In my first year at the helm of the Tremper boys Volleyball team, they put together a great run to repeat
as 8111111111 0
],._ and moved on to their second straight WIM State Tournament birth. The Trojans also had one of the program's most sucessful
ns on record, capped off with e p gram's
n o
s'lll rosters in the state, with 9 players.
- Coach Curt Madson
JV Boy Volleyball: (Front) Anthony Regazzi, (Second Ro\\ ) Taylor Pa11ldCZ)-k, Jake
Fornier, Al ex Burford (Back) Kyle Quinn , Josh Schrandt, Justin Morris, Chris Blo,..dore,
Coach Rebecc.a Tirabassi.
With the top four varsity golfers from 2006 returning for the 2007 season, the girls golf team set
out to have a successful run. The team average
of 182.3, was one of the lowest Tremper has ever
seen, and plenty of individual and team records
were set. Rocco Pallin, the team's number one
varsity golfer, set three school records with a 41.5
nine-hole season average, a 75 for 18 holes of play,
and a 34 for nine holes. The varsity team, consisting
of Rocco Pallin, Melissa Ellis, Melissa Christiansen,
Ashley Woller, and Joanna Young, also set a team
record of 349 strokes for nine holes at the Appleton
Invite where the team took first place. Both the varsity and junior varsity teams were Southeast Conference Champions and both teams had undefeated
dual records. After Rocco Pallin qualified for State
and ended up in a two-way tie for 12th, Tremper
Girls Golf's successful season came to an end.
~~·:l:i: ,·
GIRLS GOLF: (front) Kristin Sebetic, Emily Van Burgen, Ashley Woller, Carly Webb (2nd row)
Sarah Medina, Rachel Zalaznick , Abby Stauder, Laura Morgan, Emily Morgan, Joanna Young,
Emily Althoff, Samantha Atkielski (back) Meghan McNeely, Melissa Ellis, Rocco Pallin , Melissa
Christiansen, Coach Nancy Phipps, Coach Keith Nerby, Caitlyn Cairo, Emily Nyquist, Jennifer
Kuss , AJ Kuss
Girls' Golf
vs. Horlick
vs. Case
vs. Muskego
vs. Park
vs. Thomas Moore
\S. Bradfor
vs Franklin
win or loss
GIRLS' CROSS COUNTRY: (front) Lindsey Allemand, Julie Randle, Asma
Kadri, Sarah Conwell, Brynn Jaquish (2nd) Allison Carson, Naomi Childs,
Kate Ausse, Aisha Lyons, Heather Kollen, Sarah Stettner, Kaitlyn Bryniarkski, Kaylin Brennan (3rd) Coach Garcia, Kelsey Wagner, Samantha
Friedl, Leah Muro, Molly Martin, Rebecca Stoebe (4th) Coach Skripsky,
Melissa Sobin, Katie Wielgos, Anna Werve, Sarah Ball, Brittany Lumley,
Rachel Dalton, Coach Bradley
girls'/boys' cross country
Horlick Invite
East Troy Invite
North Park Invite
Marquette Invite
Oshkosh Invite
Kenosha County
Burlington Invite
BOYS' CROSS COUNTRY: (front) Collin Flasch, Ethan Whitaker, Joe Concannon, Brian Kirkegaard, Karl Budd (2nd) Sam Mahar, Kevin Chike,
Cody Moreland, Tim Hassler, Chris Bornhuetter, Sam Carlson, Troy Leonard (3rd) Tommy Aikens, Jake Wawiorka, Mike Eggert, Daniel Sparks,
Nick Eggert, Joe Robaidek, Casey Skalbeck, Adam Kok (4111) Coach Garcia, Levi Horton, Kyle Henry, Nestor Dominguez, Brian Lehman, Ke1in
Gann, Michael Bornhuetter, Willy Horn, Asma Kadri (S/11) Coach Skripsky, Steven Uttech, Alex Francis, Jordan Baron, Mike Vanoe~er, Ben Ori,
Kevin Randle, Philip Woodley, Coach Bradley
Back Row: Coach Mike Lewis, Kara Griffith, Abigail Lucke, Emily Shannon,
Allyson Housaman, Kristina Naidicz, and Coach Tom Pacetti 2nd Row:
Amanda Marzolf, Amanda Richio, Taylor Thomas, and Mary Bryn Concannon Front Row: Gina Martinelli and Rachel Shapiro
Back Row: Coach Mike Lei~is, Megan toebig, Kerianne Fullin, Emily
Lynch, Mary Bryn Concannon, Kathryn Mes enger, and Coach Tom Pacetti 2nd Row: Gina Blazie\~Ske, Alyssa Krehbiel , Cassie Housaman, Brooke
Dickow, Abby Jackson, and Trish Christenbury Front Row: Brooke Bloedorn, Hollie White, Trisha Camosy, icole Murphy, and Julia Broesch
Back Row: Coach Holman, Vytaute Pa kau kaite, Euriah Pope, Kari Kirkegaard, Michelle Hinz, Alyssa Rovik, Elizabeth Hall, Brittany Matley, Emily
Fisher, Dana A ma, Coach Atkins 3rd Row: Aj'oni Taylor, Elise Ehnbald,
Beth Engwis, Megan Web ter, Becky Brothers, Sonja Johnson, Melissa iesen, Emily Kenney, and Jessica Daletski 2nd Row: Sierra herrod, Lexxu
Jones, Isabella Del Frate, Leah Ebeller, Megan Chatterton, Alex Marade},
Jackie Mack, Kenna Kione, Hannah Salzbrenner, and Clari sa Losey Front
Row: Quashae Taylor, Mackenzie Hartnell, Holly Wojnicz, Andrea Buckley,
Katie Schoer, Carla Kaiser, and Whitney Herchian
Girls Swim & Dive: (front) Sarah Chase, Alyssa Jozwiak, Robin Bethke, Stephaine Rozzoni, Amber Rodgers, Megan Daoust, Jenna Ciszeski, Addey Kifle (2nd row) Taylor Eggert, Megan Lindquist, Nicole Kloet, Kayla Hartnell, Ashely Ewens, Gintare Paskauskaite,
Jackie Yeary, Sierra Dart, Kristin Smick, Megan Mahoney, Teresa Romano (3rd row)
Amber Bain, Jenny Kwas, Rebecca Freiberg, Kara Thompsen , Katie Aikens, Amanda
Barrell, Katie Mahoney, Amiee Wirth , Megan Knapp, Kayla Jozwiak, Hollie Anderson,
Brittany Wer'Ve, Olivia Jorgensen (back) Coach Pam Dombkowski, Coach Jackie Schani,
Coach Joe Kosman, Lindsey Bernhardt, Priscilla Schiavi, Lauren Armstrong, Geena
DeGrazia, Hannah Oates, Jenny Boesch , Kim Chatto, Jessie Stolfi, Amber Gascoinge,
Kristen Stefanski, Chelsea Lawell , Brittany Durkee
BOYS SWIM &DIVE: (front) Andrew Johnson (2nd row) te\e Uttech, Joe Martinez (3rd row) Brad Johnson, Joseph Workman (4th row) Andy Workman, Aubrey Langley(5th row) Jacob Fournier, Tim Hassler
(6th row), Jedediah Sachen, Caleb Matachiny, Ryan Schmidt (back) Tony Pappenfu , Andrew Griffey,
ick Knebel , athan McGrath, Riley eebeck, Cole Summers, Robert Schmidkonz, Drake Koster
''This }ffiJ' \\08 the roost oompetiti\e }ffiJ' 1\e had on T1m1IH ~mming. Kid<ing off the
season "1th ha\iing a perfect
rerord for so many }ffiJ'S \\08
intimidating, but \\€ had many
great athletes out and \\€ did
our best. I did a lot in the off
season and personally, had a
prime }ml"' -jr. Riley Seebeck
South Milwaukee
Oak Creek
(front) Asst. Coach Paskiewiez, Ellie Marran,
Melissa Olson, Katie Marran, Coach Weyker
(back) Sydney Palermo, Venessa Elveti ci,
Kendra McDonough, Elizabeth Piqn atelli
"My most memorable competition
was conference because I did my
best on all four events and scored
a 37.0 all around."
-sr. Kendra McDonough
In a game at Horlick on Feburary 9th, I was going in for a layup on the left side and I planted
my foot and my knee gave out.
Turned out I tore my ACL, MCL,
and meniscus as a result, the
injury ended my senior season
and basketball career at Tremper. But I indend to play basketball at Loyola University ChiMf!m
next year, 0-1.
sey Sebetic
, 4 year Varsity Player)
Varsity Girls' Basketetball: (front) Taylor Dielman,
Lauren Mogenson, Lauren Sailsbury. (2nd Row) Lindsey Sebetic, Coach Nichole Drummond, Coach Ben
Chamnese, Coach Rod Gross, Coach Susan Anderson, Coach Michelle George, Laura Milkie. (back) Alix
Stangas, Alexandra Dujardin, Kristy Hartnell, Amanda
Bridleman, Caitlyn Richter, Rocco Palin, Sara Griffiths,
Melissa Ellis, Rachel Jones.
JV Girls' Basketball: (front) Porsha Renvil, Ashlie
Kunich, Sierra Sherrod. (2nd Row) Amber Deman',
Jessie Laurenzi, Carolyn Hutshinson, Tayla Crump.
(back) Elli DuJardin, Coach Nicole Drummond, Porsha Rinvil.
Freshmen Girls' Basketball: (front) Shannon Piekos,
Rachel Zaliznick, Kayla Palmer, Torria Rolack. (2nd)
Ariele Williams, Kristen Sebetic, Brittney Dzbinski.
(back) Jessica Reindl, Emily Vanbergen, Maddy Alsabbah, Coach Michelle George.
(front) Vinny Fonk, Victor Ai ello, Brandon Gu arascio, David Car \lell (2nd row) Tim Martin , Devante Patrick, Ethan Hemrichsmeyer, Mark Podskarbi , Kevin Adkins, Raey Berhanu, Terrence Anderson (back) Coach Rideaux, Alex Rosencutl , Martin Torres, Jake
Yuhas, Mike Uencis, Coach Thomas
JV Hockey (front) i\ic \\fl'..(', Sierr,1 O.trl, John Carlos (2nd row)
Brandon DorM'y, B)an Burke, Mike J.&Saic, Br;l<'t' \\.eb, Adam Kok.
Alex Rodre~u., (3rd row) KaliP Ldngr. Ka}cl Kruccts, Cody Krol. Ale'>
Addm.,on, K.t}I<' Ni< kla, Jackie Han.,on (back) Phil \V,1d{', Ca .. ey Scalbeck. Mike Skolcul, Rol>erl Me.,-.e-ng('r, Cody Shoi..rnan. 7.ick O.mi.ic,
Curti'.t \.C'l"gPnz
V81'8lty Hockey (front) i\ick Hollc>1Hlo111wr, Anthony Sell.11-., (2nd row) Brme
Pt;cC' , Mall T.lllnhtn, T.C Tramor. Br;IC'€' \-\f'bb, Ian 0drl, S.1m Spar (3rd t'OM')
Coac h Waclf', Kalif' L.m~e. Kalir~h r-..iu l.t, M.111 Hill, Chm k Marrne. Rol>C'rt
rhomo:is. Carl Mi11loni .K.l)-Ci Kruca..o:., J.tckit• llan<>f'll, C<Mch C.trlo,011 (back)
Zack Moloni<', Oe\ln Oor-.,e), K)'lt' [."L.<tlf'r, Ben OJ\\if'c, OC'rf'k C..1cle n. Df'l'l'k
r-..('l~on, Zach Hudo,on, Cody MorlJncl
Wreslllng (front) JO(') Mckinle), Mall rrf'l'llMll, C.1111<'ron Marlinez. Trf' \Or Mondego, Cod}'
Po\\rll , !,1rptwn Mchol'i, I e\I Horton , Andl'l' '" Mormic-h 1st ro\\ : [d Sulll\ .m,Cla\ Monson
,K)lt• Kl<.,l.i , Jo-.h KOJ'{IJ , Phil Moc:k, Mlkr PrC', Tomm\ (\all~. T) lt"r b)lllPOn<.,, Brl.111
Ll'hm,111 (2nd row) Chrl'i Duro..,, I r.i\.I.., llolm.m, r\,1jf'l' P.trkl'r, J,une~ Ll'lnn.m , C...llt'b
Mcbeth, James \\ood ~. Dan r\ie\e (3rd row) Brian Steinbrmk. Ke\.ln Shurmann, \id. \\etr
ber, Ad.1111 ",mill1, JOt' Cp1>111g, Dakot.1 Sctm.1ru , Oa\id \older. Z.:icll Tomi(, J,1ke H.unmock
(back) Co.1chrs Dutton. H.1t1'>£'nj.u1g£'r, L.1dd, (\lromC', G..1rcia, OaniellC' SO\Hf('n,Sdrah
(front) Noelle Robaidek, Kaitlyn Merritt, Haley Klinkhammer, Jessica Roemer, Emily
Coopland (2nd) Sarah Chase, Courtney Wildman, Megan Lindquist, Amanda Klausch ,
Sandra Blakeslee, Chelsea Langenbach (3rd) Coach Stephanie Coulis, Jennifer Peterson, Samantha Browder, Gabrielle Moore, Kelsey Olson, Coach Jeff Laurent, Coach
Jennifer Schlie
(front) Kristine Korecz, Andrea Vagnoni, MaKayla Jenkins, Ashley Morgan (2nd)
Samantha Clayton, Jackie Jones, Ariel Dubrava, Melissa Sobin (3rd) Monica Santelli,
Chantel Young, Bianca Miceli, Gisel Romero, Shelby Hawley (back) C ac Drew Baker,
Heather Pryse, Sarah Griffiths, Amanda Ogle, Priscilla Coffman.Mana
(front) Carly Roiniotis, Rachel Dalton, Allison Johnston, Sam Robinson, Alix De\er
(2nd) Coach Jeff Laurent, Lauren Salisbury, Katie Mahoney, Kara Thomsen, Alix
Stangas, Dana Salani, Melinda Mathias, Coach Todd Hardy (3rd) Coach Alyssa
Lawton, Coach Stephanie Coulis, Jenna Salisbury, Sam Friedl, Kayla Hoecherl,
Kelli Ponce, Angela Valeri, Lisa Welch , Julie Zarletti , Coach BLA K (back) Coach
Drew Baker, Melissa Christensen, Emily Mohr, Kristy Hartnell, Sydney Hujik,
Mana er P.J. Hoffman
BOYS TRACK: (front) Coach Garcia, Jacob Deshler, Nester Dominquez, Steve Uttech, Mike Bornhuetter, Vince Sirocchi, Johnny Hernandez, Ryan
Snell, Brandon Guarascio, David Hood , Kevin Gann, Ben Coopland, John McMahon , Kevin Randle, Joe Martinez (2nd row) Coach DeAngel o, Sebastian Jacinto, ick Leslie, Jim Lehman, Brian Kirkegaard, Tommy Aikens, Phil Woodley, Chris BornHuetter, Rob Schnidkonz, ick Moore. Austin
Patty, Dustin Thomas, Doug Carlson, Ty Powers, Rob Espinosa, Coach Bradley (3rd row) Coach Aronin, Alec Hirsch , Josh Ault, Ryan Arnold, Damon
Willcamr, Deion Scarbrough, Joe Concannon, Tony Pappenfus, Anthony Celebre, Jordan Baron, Eric O'Connell , Kyle Littel, Adam Smith, Alex Francis,
Matty Cortright, Cameron Hayden, Coach Swetlik (back) Coach Walton , Zach Backmen, Zack Tomic, Isaiah Jenkins, Mike Vanover, Shane Ginter,
Andro Jacobs, Nick Corrigall, Joe Landgraf, Mike Kammer, Tyler Poland, Brody Chamerlain, Kyle Dennison,
rez, Coach Skri psky.
ate Moses, Brian Stein brick, Matt Tor-
(front) Clarissa Losey, Jenna Ralph, Diana Dominguez, Elona Sigler, Sierra Sherrod (2nd
row) Coach Freddy Garcia, Rebecca Stoebe, Julie Randle, Ashton Falduto, Leah Marcoe, Tori
Eckert, Julie McPherson, Tricia Christenbury, Makeeta Montgomery, Katerina Konstantinoff,
Coach Bornhuetter (3rd row) Coach D'Angelo, Vicki Vlach, Kaitlyn Bryniarski, Emily Althoff,
Alice Wei, Ri'ana Johnson, Ajoni Taylor, Calen Nelson, Tiffini Mark, Samantha Harmon-Smith,
Rachel McClone, Coach Bradley (4th row) Coach Aronin, Shannon Whitten, Jenna Ciszewski, Emily Kenny, Alyssa Jozwiak, Katie Wielgos, Allison Carson, Cassie Frederick, Beth Enguis,
Brittany Lumley, Taylor Eggert, Sara Knapp, Coach Swetlik (back) Coach Walton , Euriah
Pope, Stephanie Althoff, Kayla Jozwiak, Anna Kulvik, Jasmine Braithwaite, Amanda Bridleman, Rocco Pallin, Kayla Fuller, Anna Werve, Sarah Ball, Jessica Reindl, Coach Scripsky
3/ 11
3/ 17
4/ 19
4/ 29
SCO'R EC-/\ 'R '0
Lake Michigan Invite
Park Invite
CountY. Indoor
Crusatler Classic
Racine Invite
4 - 10
1 - 15
Brookfield E. Invite
Journal Times Relay
SEC Conf. Relays
County Outdoor
Muskego Invite
SEC Conference
WIAA Regionals
WIAA Sectionals
5 - 13
Ri'ana Johnson
Sarah Ball
Captain's Star
Kayla Fuller
Samantha Harmon-Smith
Kayla Jozwiak
Brittany Lumley
Rocco Pallin
Most Improved Athlete
Kelsey Wagner
Amanda Br1dleman
Outstanding 1st Year Athlete
Jenna Ciszewski
Most Dedecated Athlete
Rebecca Stoebe
State Qualifiers
Katie Wielgos
Sarah Ball
Kayla Jozwiak Julie McPherson
Brittany Lumley Kelsey Wagner
VARSITY: (front) Jake Riley, Conner Hildebrandt, Adam Gagliardi (2nd row)
David Godin, David Carswell, Pete Fields, Jack Taddy (back) Coach Wer'l>e,
Brian Boivin, Matthew Tithof, Tomas Goldsmith, Andrev. Fields, Jordan Hildebrandt, Coach Brett Johnson
JV: (front) Justin Stm\ell, Brian Haag, Gm in Smith, Zachar') Englund (2nd
row) Pre ton Erdahl, William Horn, Joel Klopstein , Jo eph harde, Ke1in
Koderca, Jonathon Lang, Zachary Cooper, icky Corso (back) Coach Brett
Johnson, Alex Robinson , Andre11 Dohert) , Pierce Erdahl, con Bitz, Michael Babcock, Coach Chuck Wel'le
(front) Ashliee Arreguin, Kelli Niccolai, Sara Skarda, Diane E\1-ens, and Ashl ey Kunich.
(2nd row) Brittany Steinke, Sarah Thournbrough , Samantha Stapelton, Jaymee
Boslau, Laura Milkie, and Katelyn Gorman. (back) Coach Doug Townsend, Carrie Lee,
Ellie Dujardin , Kelsey Mickelsen, and Coach Mark Skarda.
(front) Wes Morris, Collin Flasch, Zak Bernh ardt , Jake Wawiorka, Jacob Hornik, Rob
DeVri es (2nd row) Tyler Kohler , Andrew Korecz, Brian Tredup, Tyler Anderson, Jack
Kugler , Jake Boxrud (back) Jimmy Jones, Joe Kiser , Peter elson, Coach Schmidt,
Tony Zeeveld, Karlton Budd, Sam Carlson
(front) Andrew Dillow, Nick Roininotis, Brandon St. Peter , Tre~or Mongeau (2nd
row) Brandon Page, Eth an Littel, Shane Rose, Kyle Dahl, Cody Colbert , Vinny Fonk
(back) Tyler Thompson, Kevin Adkins, Kevin Chike, Coach Sulko, Kyle Bakkila, Austin
Wermeling, Jacob Boresch
(front) Trent Borzick, Kyle Sebetic, Ricky Steinke, Ryan Neu, Sam Mahar , Ryne Shamberg (2nd row) Mike Short, Brandon Dahl, Kyle Peterson , Derek Binninger , Alex
ewber ry, Aaron Werm elin g, Austin Golownia, Sha\1n Miller (back) ick Ungvay,
Cody Miller, Coach Musha, Coach Matera, Coach Hoo~ er , Eric Griffiths, Andy Maki
Senior Nick Barsuli admires the work displayed in the AP Art Show. The exhibit showcased the work of eight students, instructed by
Mrs. Nancy Wells.
'T&p J..f&MfH•&" 12th AMMtml'
~kil'I'& l!hal'l'e1tqe
At the sound of the new bell system, students
race to their classes to avoid being swept
while flashing ID's on lanyards or suffering
the $5 fee of a new one. At the sight of a
"wardrobe malfunction," trips to the Student Leadership Office enforced the new dress
code. With the new Zangle grading system, attendance and academic schedules were right at
staffs fingertips. With intervention's elimination,
advisory became a daily matter. AP Tests boasted
a record of 131 trojan test-takers from May 5th-13th
following our academic drive for excellence.
, seniors Tina Boesc:~~g;•~l19J~
cky laugh it off with ivi'l;:t;~:l.!'.f.
ness and Personal Law.
History Teacher, Greg D...,,....,_,.'f\u.
off his whimsical chilcllioo
ports the famous red and whi e
Dr. Seuss's "Cat in the Hat" to~~i<l\EW
rary Week in April.
r inning with enthusiasm~~1n
·ersten Gonzales warms
oodnight God."
-Changing Lanes - Inner construction required many road blocks and detours to keep traffic
moving this year, including a stricter dress code and new administrators.
I Clon't understand the point of
wearing an ID because anyone
can just walk into Tremper and
look like a student. The ID policy
doesn't seem very effective because many studentS'don't wear
their IDs anyway. \>)
-soph. Stephanie Rozzoni
lhe dress code has created uniformity within our school and
made Tremper a better learning
environment for students. The
IDs have also contribute~d(tb a
safer place for us to he.
- jr. Tony Pappenfus
(front) Kimberly Chatto, Lauren Hildreth, Chelsea Strachan, Carly Roinioti , ,Melinda ,Mathias, manda arzolf, Rebecca Gaertner, Emily
Althoff (2nd row) Lauren Dupey, Clorissa Comer, Kate Ausse, Kelsey
Mickel en, tephanie Hagen, Angel Price, Alexi Zeyen (3rd row) Advisor Tricia Steinbrink, Amber Drigot, Jack Mickelsen, Eric Griffiths, Tim
Baltes, Abby Jackson, Keith Wartzenloft (back) Daniel Thompson, Scott
Marita, Andrew Plovanich, Andrew Griffey, Andrew Herrmann
(front) Hannah Freiberg, Kimberly Chatto, Emily Althoff, Rebecca Gaertner,
Kir ten Richard (2nd Row) Tanya Cleaver, tephani Rozzonni , Melissa
Sobin, Mrs. Trost (hack) Lydia Huck, Emily Shannon, Tony Pappenfus, Aisha
Lyon , Audrey Rank
Natonal Honors Society: (front) Hannah Oates, Marisa Stara110\1icz,
Brad Johnson, Zach Englund, LKimberly I.Peter, Andrea Vagnoni,
Molly Raben, aomi Childs, Britlan Parshall, Heather Pryse, Amber Ferraton, Kirsten Richards, Jennifer Evans (second) Kirsten
Ral>en horst, Kyle Weddel, Paloma Tr)'gar, Tommy faans, Ashley
Richards, herin Dominic, Clorissa Comer, Mallhew Eggert, Taylor
Thomas, Abby Padlock (third) Kyle Easter, Ke\in Duffy, Jeff Sal>bar, Elizabeth Peterson, Allison Millsaps, Jeremy elson. Jennifer
Babcock, Gintare Paskauskaite, Ginny lana, ick VOl'\~ald, Heather
Cianci (back) Brad Eggert, Zachary Fosbinder, Alexander Robinson,
athan pham, Jonathan Wall , Pierce Ekdahl, Mike Eggert, Mariska Van Den Bergh, Ryan Ridle}, Randy Frederick, Joe Concannon
Natonal Honors Society: (front) Julie Zarletti, Elizabeth Lukm~ski ,
Allie chmidl , A hley Morgan, Bethanne Duffy, Maggie Day, Kelli
Henry, Shelby Follensbee (second) Anna pangler, te\en ttech,
Emily Althoff, u an Abraham, Elyssa Ja kol ki, Ashliee Arreguin ,
Stephanie Albrecht, Olivia Cro\1ell, Stephanie Lippert, Tahiya Alam,
Meli a obin, Abby lauder, Emily Elmblad, Laura Madison (third)
Emil Lynch , Lindsey Cnockaert, Taylor Dielman, Brian Kirkeguard,
Kevin Randle, Jacob Burleson, Mall Lillel, Ian Dartt, Ryan Schmidt,
Rebecca Kelly, Matt Krause, Annie Walaszek, Courtney Knapp, Amanda Spaay, Kim Worcester, Chel ea trachan (back) Mike hort, Mike
Elst, Kyle Peterson , Tony Pappenfus, Amy Gerlach, Bereket Kifle,
Kevin Miller, Ian Mahone, Emily hannon, Daniel Sparks, Matt Tithof,
Brandon Kope ky, Alli on Ira h, Jaclyn Yeary, Patrice Hutchinson
Academic Affairs rewards conscientious students
for their hard work with a free pizza party.
After the Honors Con\Ocation Ceremony, Seniors Julia McPherson and Eric Schoor
(abo\e) and Junior Amy Gerlach (right) headed to the Renai ance Pizza Party. The party was one of the many incenti\es to the one-thousand member organization. Members had the opportunity to earn medals and an academic letter for
their letter jackets, parking privileges, and a uni\ersal hall pass to use for the year.
Senior Stephanie Dulak, Vice Pres ident of the Academic Affairs Committee, prepares
meatballs for a meatball bomber . Th e committee sold food at th e craft fair to raise
money for activities throughout th e year. The money from the fair bought medals for
Premier-statu s Renaissance tudents and sup1>lies for th e end-of-the-year piua party.
Vendors at the Fourth Annual Craft and Gift Fair se ll their 1\ares to Keno ha community
members. The Craft Fair is held as a fundrai er by the Academi c Affairs Committee e1ery
October. The merchandi e ranged from holiday decorations and scar'\ e to scrapboo king
supplies and 1\ooden signs.
ust SING.
For both the fre hmen and sophomore
women, the new school year brought change.
Freshmen women joined the Treble Choir,
directed b John Choi. Sophomore girls
moved to the Women's choir, directed by
Polly Amborn.
Immediately, both choirs launched into
rehearsals for the annual winter concert,
making both music and friend . From sightreading to rehear als, auditions and exams,
over a hundred girls grew significantly as
better, stronger musicians.
To close the year, many sophomore ingers
endured nerve wracking auditions in hopes
of making it into Chorale. Mrs. Amborn also
invited her father to play ukulele for the
piece "Dream a Little Dream of Me"at the
spring concert.
Women's Choir: (front) Ashley entieri, Allie Andrea, Andrea Buckley, Brittany Bible, ophie Fulmer, Rebecca Andraschko, Reba Rintoul, Laena Serpe, Aeriel
Thompson , Taylor Bingaman, Rachel Pavel ki, Brianna Lettsome, tephanie Carter, Courtney Wolf (2nd row) Kelsey Brunner, Kiersten Gonzales, Megan tummer, Elizabeth Tindall, icole Blise, Amy-Rae Hanley, Carla Kaiser, Kaylee Cutler, A hley Kannin, Diane Ewens, Cayla Childers, Kayla lover, Stephanie Short,
Samantha Willis (3rd row) Alannah Walker, Chelbie Neeve, Tasha Holst, Elona igler, Rebekah Wil on, Rebecca Gleason, Ashley Yuenkel , Angelica Delgado,
Kaela Giorno, Vicki Vlach, Adrienne Mata, I abella DelFrate, amantha PO\\<ers, Gabby Lundgren , Chelsea Williams (4th row) Brylee Webb, Caitlin Carmody,
Kelly Bohning, Hale Sima, harina Barnes, Erin Slummer, amara Gomez, Shaina Tolefree, Ashleigh Sheppard, Brianna Faint, Ashley Alley, icole Mazzolini,
Chelsey te\ens, Carly Webb, ataley Carter, Jenii Kluver (back) Dana Alia, Ashley Walden , amantha Ramsdell, Stephanie Miller, Mariah Daniel, Lindsey Pa11penfuss, Rachel Peter en, Isabelle Zamora, Stephanie Bostrom, Tiegen Leable, Cr)' tal Fu co, Quanita Cleveland, Khala Garcia, Haley Williams, Evelyn Padilla,
Anna Kulvik
sophomores Kelly Bohning, Elizabeth Tindall , and Kiersten Gonzales
''I sipg in choir because
the effect a
harmony has in 111usie.
It's somet1n2. you can't get
when omy one person
is singing. ' '
- freshman Haley Egle
''I've been in choir since 4th grade,
played pianQ for 11 y~ars,
ana am planning OJl bemg a
a music teacher.
Music is, and always has been
a huge part of my u6e. ' '
- sophomore Anna Kulvik
Treble Choir: (front) Olivia Jorgensen, Julie Gosselin, Aprill elon, Mette Iversen, Dayna Rodriguez, Carly Corradini, Elizabelh Rodriguez, Jodi Smilh,
Brillani Sewell, Nicole Molinaro, Brooke Bloedorn , Lisa Welch , Kaillyn Merrilt, Caillin Cairo, Courtney Wildman , Chel ea Langenbach (2nd rO\\) Karley
Stone, Alexandria Orliz, Shelbiee Arreguin , icole Wallace, Emilie Cosenza, Alyssa Roe, Haley Klinkhammer, Claire Haggar1y, icole Insko, Emily Smilh,
Mia Langston , Annemari Ca laneda (3rd row) Bashkime Murali, Kallie Kuhagen, Jennifer Ba ham, Desiree Diamond , Morgan Swade, Erika Teddy, Lauren
Darby, Jenna Ciszewski, Sabrina Gonzalez, Stephanie Kirk, Bryllanee Ambrosini , Jessie Laurenzi, Heather Lang (41h row) Sarah Cha e, Kayla Knighl,
Veronica Gomez, Calen elson, Ashley Ander on , Katelyn Slover, Amanda Klavsch , Michelle Kirk, Tabetha Llama-Berry, Alexis Thomp on, Tia Saarnio,
Catherine Bridenhagen , Emily Kenney, Katelyn Piirlo, (back) Je ica Reindl, tephanie Ollanketo, Ki ernan McCoy, lexi Drennen, )'dney Punlillo, nnie
Riley, Kallynn Widmar, Holly Anderson, Kaycee Galilz, Haley Egle, Elise Elmblad, Marissa Miller, Jennifer Pelerson, amantha Brm\der.
The chool year took off at a rapid pace solo and ensemble. At the end of March,
of rehearsals as Chorale and Concert Choir Chorale packed their bags and traveled on
singers prepared to record an album of tour in YC, competing in the Festival of
Mu ic Competition
holiday carols. Selected
held in ewark, J.
by Delta Record ba ed
on performances la t
Meanwhile, Concert
chool year, the two
to compete in the
group recorded three
- Hans Christian Andersen
combined songs, seven
WSMA large group
Chorale numbers, and
To celebrate the
two Madrigal piece at
20th anniversary of Phantom of the Opera
St. John' cathedral in Milwaukee.
With the winter month came the on Broadway, the two choirs performed the
traditional winter choral concert, the 43rd medley at the Spring concert on May 21st
annual Kenosha Choral Fe tival, and to close the year.
CHORALE: (fro11/) Aislinn lega, Rachel l\ooden, Jamie CO\elli. Maul't'en MacCl't'ady, K)lie Ralliff, All"" RO\ik,
arah Jackson , Berki L.rng, Kri'1i Hamillon,
(2nd ro1>) Jeff Sabbar, Emil) Elmblad, Jess1<J Slolfie, Elizabelh lone, Chrisly Le.tch, Kirslen Richard\, Sleph.mie Carter, ~ .11.llie Juarez. Kaila Hartnell, Paige
Snuth, Tre\.or Jonei, (3rd roH) Cody Miller, Aja Goei,, Rouo Pc111in, TJ)'ler fu1mer, Belh \\.ermeling, Allison John~ton , Ro~d Sclll(.hez, t1ra Leo1Mrd, Melindd
\talhias, Al)SSJ Kl't'hbiel, Gina Blazoe"ske, Jordan Baron (4111 ro11 ) Breu Leber, Cassie Jordan , K)le Lillel, Amber Drigol, Amy Gerlach , Kelly Collins, Allie
paay, Kelsey Saner, Amber Cooper, l~hitney Cookson, SE~IOR , Belh Larsen. Rebecca Kelly, Ian Mahone, Steffan Ricard (bach) Michael Chase, Mich.lei Ade,
Jacob f\ans, Ciody Baron, Michael Hellqmsl , Josh Hamm, Lane \\11itaher, Eddie Kolmo~. Mall Ullel, Tim Hasslf'r, Mallhe" Drnmald, Tommy Allen . Ed\\ ard
EhnO\\', Adam DeBn:oe, Phillip BiJnan.
OONCERT CHOIR: (front) Bntlany But~chli , Amber Gascoigne, Susdn Abraham , Sara Helminger, Addison Kelley, Counney, Jackie Hanson (211<1 roH) i\icole
Murphy, Ashly Bur"e. Sarita Chacon, Samantha Miner, Katel}n Smilh, Whitney Dmis, Amelia Liu, Amanda Spaay, Amy KIU\er, Stephanie Albrecht, Amanda i\O\ik
(3rd row) Jacqueline Berrong, ArJ)el Gu<, Clorissa Comer, Kri51en \\ells, Briltany Black\\OOd, Emma Sorrel, Kalie Lange, Lindsey Reed, Elizabt'th Peler\on,
Rae hdel \\.e.-.,1ernu'}er, Kalel)n Oejno, Angel Price (4111 row) Kat1ee \1tltl, Liz Stdnley, Mik(1el Pclf;Chal, Ktlr Henry, Chri,lian Delg.tdo, Josh L<rndmark, Dtlan
Bro\\11, '>coll O'~ eal , Ian Mc~pdrran , llen Zorc, Jose CJ'1ollo, Allison McMaster, Hannah Muerhoff (bach) Allison M1ll'><!I"· Robert Schmiclkonz, Au,lin Pally, Michael
Hellquisl , Alex Doss, Max Dinan, Jordan [mHigh1 , Tony Conforti, Cortez Sherrod, l\an Abreu , i\athanial Hedges-Goettl, r\1aris"a VanOenBergh.
Concert Choir member Jr. Amber
Gascoigne rehearses last minute before th e start of the winter concert.
Rehearsing separately all year , the
men and women joined as one group
to sing for the concert.
"Choir ha been the best experience
of high school. You meet o many
talented people, but they all have the
love of singing in common. The best
part is that everyone in Chorale care~
about making amazing music! It's the
one thing about Tremper that I will
always love and cherish. I'm going to
miss it.
-Sr. Cassie Jordan
"Our trip to NYC was fast-paced and exhausting, but very worth every hour of rehearsal.
Becau e we're singers, v.e had opportunities
to do things few other people get to. We sang
in what i oon to be the large t ath oral in
the world. We sang the national anthem on
the tep of Elli
tand nd hared our mu ic
in the church at Ground Zero.
memorie together that I will never f
I. '
-Jr. Kirsten Richards
' ';Uu.sie has a way of ~
and connecting people in such a way
lili1Il1tr(2 else taught in school
ever could. It~
words and @ID]ffimJo
It t"uelres and NUllAU.S
-Sr. Michael Chase
Jr. Chorale singer Matthew Dunwald sings "Obey the Spirit of the Lord", soloing with Sr. Kristi Hamilton. The gospel piece showcases individual talent as
the choir echoes in response. Sung as a competition piece in NYC, the song
was one of two that earned Chorale excellent ratings.
Underclassmen Band
Students Perform
Musical Masterpieces
SYMPHONIC FLUTES: (front) Angela Stancato, Rebecca Balme ,
Hannah Freiberg, Lindsey Smith, Monica antelli (2nd row) Samantha Molinaro, Brandy St.Peter, Leah Ebener, Rachel Petersen,
Mackenzie Hartnell (back) Haley Cramer, Caitlyn Richter, Annie
MaerLke, Kelly Bohning, Jennifer Gallion, Brinda ewton
CONCERT HORNS & LOW BRASS: (f/'0111) Wendy Stich, Den O~er
man, Gabby Moore, Taylor Eggert, Daniel hoettler, Tyler Berg
(2nd row) Colin Flasch, Bergen Hanson, Casey calbeck, John McMahon (back) Joel Klo1>stein, Kyle Bakkila, Grant Prester!, Chuck
CONCERT SAXOPHONES: (frolll) Julia Broesch , olan Gottlies,
Alex Jackson, Holly Greene, Sarah Gray (2nd row) Ariele Williams, Maddie Alsabbah, Craig Shel'\~ood, Lindsey trachan
(back) Kelle Pottort, K~le Hartnell, Robert Mc.ick Leslie, Jake Larsen
CONCERT FLUTES: (front) Brinda ewton, Kristin HollenSYMPHONIC PERCUSSION: (front) Nick Roiniotis, Alex Koll·
donner, Megan Chatterton, Brandy I.Peter, Dana Asma
man, Jpnathon Small, David Sater, Dylan Dwyer (2rd ro11)
(2nd row) Haley Cramer, Megan Franklin, Sara Knapp ,
Mitch)P.ederse~~ Eddie Smith, Cody Mor~land, Mark Pods·
Amber McCune (back) athaniel Hedges-Goettl , Megan~·~'(back) Kevmfch1ke, Jayson DeCesaio
Jenna Ralph (2nd /'OW) Samantha Grimmer, Victoria Ecker1,
Allison Decker, Kelsey othingham, Jayme OatS\all (3rd /'011)
Stephanie Richards, Kristen Campen, Jackie Mack, Rachel M(}
Clone (back) Hailey Deluca, Emily Fisher, Alejandra Cer'\antes,
Sonja Johnson, Elizabeth Eng1\iS
CONCERT PERCUSSION: (fro/JI) Casey Resendez, ick Miller,
Liz Parsons, Shannon Behme, Todd Jensen (2nd row) Sarah
Reed, Mark Podskarbi, Gino Hernandez, Dai id Sater (back)
Alex Yokoi, Cory Lenegar, Jayson DeCes
COJ\URT a.ARl\ETS & OBOES: (front) Camila Lopez, Teresa Romano,
Lauren Keating, Erika Teddy, Clalissa Casey (2trf /'0\1) Gas.sie Mourhouse, Jackie Mack, Lauren Pielkiel1icz, Elizabeth Eng11is (/Jdd;) Haik)
Deluca, E.r11ily Frshcr
SYMPHONIC LOW BRASS: (f/'0111) Ali,andra tangas, a)1or
Egger1, l\ic Wiegert, Daniel Schoettler, T1ler Berg (2nd
Phillip MocJ<, Case}
:albecl-, Matthe11 Fol'S)the. John
Mahon (bacl<) T1ler Petersen, l\)1e Ba"'-ila, Joel
llle~~O·"What I love most about being in Orchestra is
just listening to the music becaus 1t make$
me eel 'tranquil when we all -play ogether. "
-soph. Laken Goddard
" Entert ainment
e x tre me l y fun fie ld and
I p l an on pursing music
t h roug out m_y l ife.
belie v e in h ard work
and I like to dedicate
at l east thirty minutes
a day towards practice. .A.l though I wil l
miss the trips I went
on with Golden StringsJ
I ' l l not miss the furn ace that we h ave to
sit in during rehearsa l s. It ' s like a hot
and steamy sauna! In
December we ha"Ve, on
a v erage, 20 s hows ov er
22 days and it ' s a time
wh ere you get to meet
a ll of the coo l people
t h at are a art of this
wor l d famous group."
-sr. William Harold
CONCERT VIOLAS: (front) Rachel Zalaznik, Brittne Seliga-Regel , Jennifer May, Kathlyn Regel, Elizabeth Tindall, Rebecca
Stoebe (2nd row) Lindsey Brandes, Ariel Hundertmark, Jenith KikuGhi (bac,k)
n ~ olllgemuth Mandy clember,
on Eklund , Kayla Vite, Ethan Whitaker,
Laura Gildenstern
CONCERT SECOND VIOLINS: (front) Elizabeth OuM ez, Katllerin DuM ez, arall Warren, Kay! Palm " Juli Go eli (2nd
row) Carolyn Hutchinson , Rachel Dalton, Alice Wei, Erica Nelon, Sarah Com\ell (3rd row) Addey Kifle, Michael Sepanski ,
arah Bozarth , Dana Dem l<e (back)
ndra Hou man, amantha Atkielski , Thaer Bitar, Gabri el Sostre, Kari Kirkegaard
CONCERT ARST VIOLINS: (front) Yesenia Marin , amara Gomez, Patri i Gonzal , llaina Tolefree Kath·
erine Schroeder (2nd row)
ikkiya Edwards, Laken
Goddard , Rebecca Gleason, Kathryn Klauseggar, Laena erpe (3rd row) Jade varge ,
vin l tham, t uren Salisbury, Rachael Malsack (back) Caroline Jones,
uzi Bicanin, .Austin Gordon, ara Griffith s, Ethan Littel
Martens, Jennifer May, Kendall Sypult, Brittney eliga-Reget, Dana
Demske Rebecca Stoebe (2nd row) Lindse Brand es Keith Kikuchi, Aaron Eklund , Jensen Wohlgemuth, Rebecca Dugan (back)
Laura Giidenstern , Daniel Sparks, Ethan Whitaker, Alliso n Millsaps
leen ingh, Kim Gragen, Rebe&
ca Freiberg, Dana Salani , Alexandria Maradey, Jenna Salisbury (2nd
row) Courtney Wynia, Katelyn Smith, Alison Cnockaert, Erin Olshefski
(ljackTL ne
ltaker , ott Bitz, A1n
M Ma
, Stefanie u
CHAMBER ORCHESTRA VIOLINS: (front) Elizabeth DuMez, Katberine DuMez,
arah Warren , Juli
Gos elin,
Chelsea Strachan (2nd row) Shelby Follensbee, Abby
Stauder, Graciela Burroughs, Alice Wei, Kathryn Klausegger (3rd row) Ben Yelton- tanley, arah BoLarth , atelyn
mith, Michael epanski (back) Kimberly Worcester, Lane
Wh itak r, coll Bitz, u Lin Gordon
uanlha lkielski
tolfi ,
Kir ten Rabenhor t, Ryan Ridl y, Ka J Co , Sbelb
Follensbee (2nd row) Jennifer Kwas, Lindsey Cnockaert , Virginia Siana, Alexandra Kuss (back) Emily Lehman, Kimberly Worcester, Patrice Hutchinson
SYMPHONIC VIOLAS: (front) Glenna Holm (2nd row) Rebecc.aDugm1, Naomi Child Lauren al ki, arahJa son (back) Alyssa R o~ik , Matt O\~ack , Alli on Millsap
SYMPHONIC WINDS TRUMPETS: (front) Sarah Workman,
Alex Burford, Anthony Regazzi, tephanie Oatsvall, Elizabeth
Gough (2nd row) Travis Polso, Matt Krause, Emily yquist,
Laura Madison , Zach Cruz (3nd row) Katie Wielgos, Jake
Wiele, Will May, David Haselwander, Brad Eggert, Jes ica
McMahon (back) Troy Leonard, Jon Gough, Michael Chase,
Mike Egger1, Eric Griffiths
WIND ENSEMBL.f LOW BRASS: (front) Alex Fisher, Molly Raben, Kelli iccolai, Katie turino (2nd row) Kevin Randle,
Elizabeth Hall, Chris Misch- Bloxdorf, Keith Smith, Erik Ripley (back) Kevin Mich, Robert Me senger, Aaron Cox, Caleb
SYMPHONIC WINDS SAXOPHONES: (front) arah Stettner,
Brad Johnson, Mark Zurawski, Andrea Vagnoni, Allsion
Carson (2nd row) Ben OI zew ki, Will Swassing, ick
Bartholomew, Mi hael El t, Taylor Paulasek, ick Vorwald
(bdck) Justin Morris, Ste\en Mack, Toma Goldsmith, Bereket Kifle, Mike Hamill
WIND ENSEMBL.f TRUMPETS & FRENCH HORNS: (fro/JI) Lauren Hildreth, Katrina Kalcic, Smantha Stevens, Katie Sturino (2rd row) Brad Eggert, Jack Taddy, Andrew Harp ter,
Kelli iccolai, Kimberly David on (back) Wyatt Davis, Robert
Messenger, Jake Wiele, Troy Leonard
WIND ENSEMBLE PERCUSSION: (fmnt) athan DW)'er, Kim
Chatto, Jon Calan (2ncl row) Joseph Workman, edge Herrick
(back) Colin hekem, Jon Wall , Chri \\-en on
Leah Marcoe, Brandie Dioni io, Alex chroeder (2rd row)
Kirsten het'\\-OOd, Lauren Armstrong, Amanda Jacob on, Julie McPherson (back) Kara Thom en, Emil Fox, B
Abby Lucke, mantha Harmon- mith
SYMPHONIC WINDS CLARINETS: (front) Kaylin Brennan, Carl
Roiniotis, Taylor ewton, Joanna Young (2nd mw) tephanie
Usher, Tiffini Mark, Sara Hopkins, Holl Wojnicz, Jacqueline
Canaday (3rd row) Emily Klop tein, Oliva CrO\\-ell, Kelsey
Mickelsen, A hley Richards, tephaine Albrecht, Jes ica
Lumley (back) Monica Daiei ki, All ion Ira h, Ryan owak,
All ion M Ma ter, Kim t. Peter
SYMPHONIC WINDS FLUTES, BASSOONS, OBOES: (fmnt) Lauren Armstrong, Whitney Herchian, Sierra Dart, tephanie
Schroeder, Brandie Dionisio, Samantha Harmon- mith (2rd
mw) Andrew Workman, Amanda Lindquist, Jenny Boesch,
Meli sa eger (back) A11ril Moore, Brittany Par hall, Jaclyn
Yeary Chris Bornhuetter Megan Smith i ole Riley
athan Dwyer (2nd Rmi) Ian Dart, John De eife, John Calan
(back) Jon Walls, Chris \\enson
~ ~ ""'"""'""~~ ........ ~
. ...
Saving lives, promoting diversity and increasing school
spirit, Student Government members shine at school.
Senior Tim Hassler, chief blood drop mascot, takes an hour out of his
12-hour day of cheering up donors to donate blood himself. "I recruited 100 people for the drive by looking them in the eyes and saying,
'Image ourself in a com chair with a slice of pizza in one hand and
·uice in the other - well that's all it takes to be a hero."
COMMUNITY RELATIONS: (front) Jenna Ralph , Asha Bailey, Liz Tindall , Ashley Ewens, Rachel
Tankersle , K le Hen , Kelli Niccolai, Lauren Pi etki e\~i cz , Moll Martin (2nd row Shaina
olefree, ayla ckerman, alie Wi efgos,
ra Pratt, Megan Lindqui t, aitie romacki ,
Amanda Lindqui t, Abby lauder (3rd row) Melissa obin, Kevin Gann , Elise Elmblad,
ming, Brook Oicilow, e1)h llhor rin Thom1lSon (back) Heathe1 Konen, K11yla
Fuller, Jared Keckeisen, Emily Shannon , Caitlyn Richter, Ali Cnockaert , Erin Stummer
EXECUTIVE BOARD: (front) Rebecca Gaertner, Whitney Herchian, Kaitie Gromacki (2nd
bb Lil(,~ Rebeooa Fr·ei
(back) liz belh Hall
Eric O'Connell, Tony Pappenfus, Brand on Kopesky, Kalie Mahoney
row) tefanie Dulak, L dia Hue!\
~~~~iljls tantinoff, Ka}lin Brennan,
l;J,j~~!};J.iclf!!e Kloet. Dana Dem k Gilllar
Stefanie Dulak, Michael Babcock,
ri Demison, A lli~ o n Mr \1 aster, Ain -
Point of View: (front) Mrs. Whitaker, Brittany
Stevenson, LeAnna Osowski, Lane Whitaker,
Allison McMaster (back) Morgan Shepperd,
Brad Gudmundson, William Harold, Ethan
Whitaker, Ryan Nowak
~ADD (front) Cara Pratt, Molly Martin (back) Me-
lissa Sobin, Katie Mahoney, Tomas Goldsmith,
Rebecca Freiberg
International Club: (front) Tahiya Alam, uan Abraham, Lotle
tuael, erena Jones, Marlenne Venegas, and Lexxi Jones
(2nd row) Asma Kadri, Lauren Westerrnseyer, Alejandra
Cel'\antes, ergio Molina, Diana Herr, Lashe' Zalar, Advisor
Julie Chase (3rd row) Brian Zalar, Dylan Valadez, Phillip
Bianan, Megan Webster, Alex Doss, and Jensen Wohlenath
(back) Joe Eho\v, Alec Valadez, Alex Quijano, Ian Mahone,
Josh Hom
Cla Hagga t
German Club: (front) Amanda l\o\ik, arah Hunter, Bethanne Duffy, and advisor Frau Jammie Orth (2nd row) Alexa
Wojciecho\vicz, Jeff Subbar, Molly Rlood, Gintare Paskauskaite, Lauren Saleski, and Kassy Robentorst (3rd row) Joe
Concannon, Ben Olsze\vSki, Elizabeth Piela, Daniel Schoetter, David Sater, and Lotte tuizel (back) Ke\in Duffy, Laura
Gildensern, Jake Hoey, Emily Fox, and Kirsten Rabenhorst
Action : (front) Marielena Torres, Aemel Thom1i~on,
acha, Anai Rocha, Mrs. Kupfer, and Sharon \iillan2nd row) icole Espinoza, Patricia Gonzales, Maria Cruz.
erine Yule, and Diana Dominguez (3rd row) Gabriela Gar·
ci , te\en Marin, Manuel Peredia, Victor Zambrano, Jo'h
Landmark, and Britnee Range (back) eal Jones, Ivan Perez
Milton Al\arado, Joshua Garay, and Faustino Ochoa
Simply ExSTAMPtional is
an organization founded
by students, benefiting the
CDS Exceptional Education
classes. Simply ExSTAMPtional sells gift bags greeting cards and candy with
decorative labels. All of the
items are produced, marketed and sold by the students in the program. With
no labor costs, the prices
are very competitive, and
the profits are to benefit
the students.
DRAMA: (front) Sarah Hunter, Chelsea trachan, Chelsea
nO\\den- mith, Ra\en pencer, Jensen Wohlgemuth,
Amanda orick, ick po ito, Erica elson (2nd row) J.D.
Fountain, Alexandra Beemsterboer, abrina Furloni, Melinda 1athias, Laura Gilden tern , hawnaw Glover, Emily Kenney, Lauren We termeyer (3rd row) Emma Sorrell, Andrew
Workman, Anne Walaszek, Heather Cianci, Jeffrey Sabbar,
Oa\id te\en , Oa\id Rosenberg, ic Cicerale (back) Scott
1azmanian, Chris Walls, Jon Walls, And Herrmann, Michael ~1athias, Chri topher Bornhuetter Kevin Duffy
"There are so many things that I could
say about being in Tremper Orama
Club. I could say how I love it and how
devoted I am, but there is a perfect
word to describe it all- 'family.' The
stage is my home, and the members
are like my relatives. In Orama, you can
be who you want to be and at the same
time do something that you love. The
structure of the club doesn't rely on the
work that we do, it's the relationships
between the people in the club that
contributes to the magic that I personally feel from the club. The plays that
I have been in have become some of
the best experiences that I have had in
my life. The rehearsals and the shO\\S
themselves, all the inside jokes that
come out of them , and the fun, ii is
what keeps me going."
-soph. Clari sa Goldsmith
"I love to act! This was J.D.'s
last year. I think the entire
drama club will miss his jokes.
I believe Mr. C has stepped up
to fill J.D.'s place. Everyone is
still adjusting to his new way
of directing, but I think he is
great! New to this year, scenes
have been broken up during
the week, instead of coming
everyday to rehersal to participate in a small scene and
wait for hours until rehersal
is finished. In one of my roles,
I had to add a waddle to my
walk like a pregnant women."
-soph. Addrienne Mata
COMEDY IMPROV: (front) Molly Martian, Tim Baltes, Eric Ripley,
Cara Pra tt (back) Jordan Hildebrandt, Chad Johnson, William Harold, amu el Kre rO\~i cz, Christopher Bornhuetter.
SIGN CWB: (front) Mr . Kara Thomas, Casey Resendez, Brinda Ne\1-ton, ara Kna1>p, Stacy Smith, Britt any Giombetti , Alli e Andrea, Mrs.
Angelique eidler (2nd row) Rachael Malsack, amantha Clayton,
Lind ay Boxrud , Nico le Kloet, Dana Demske, Jamie Procarion e (3ro
row) Kri sta Kreuscher, Courtney Wynia, Cassie Moorhouse, Taylor
Glenn, Katie Woods, Mandy Lyn Zember (back) Samantha Ludke,
~I~;:~:~:~ J~l> O
YM'f, K"'k Joho<O&ra~ ®~ ~~
"/ am in Sign Language Club
because communication is so
important to under land people
and where they come fmm_ During a typical meeting in Sign
Language Club, we learn sign
that pertain to topics we would
talk about with a deaf teen that
we might meet We also plan trips
and get together often. One of my
favorite times with Sign Language
Club was when Dana Demske and
I preformed the song "I Can Only
Imagine." At practice we would
goof around and dance wl1ile we
signed. My favorite trip I spent
with the Sign Language Club was
the deaf retreat at Timber Ridge.
It is always a great way to make
friends and team sings. We do so
many deaf imulations during the
day, but at night we get to party
and hang out with ow· friends."
-soph. Rachael Ma/sack
"My friend Cara Pratt and I
rehearse our cello improv every
chance we get. Before we go on
stage, we like to make strange
faces at each other to get out
all of our giggles. My favorite
act I participated in was Debbie Downer with Cara. We took
a SNL skit and used it to poke
fun at graduation speeches.
The money raised was donated
to Margaret Ann's Place for the
first show and Leukemia Lymphoma Society for the second
show." -sr. Brittany Lumley
SIGN CLUB: (front) M'"'-. KJra Thomas, Ca' ey Resendn, Bnnda i\e\\1011, Sara Knapp ,
St•q Srn11h , Brittany Giorn 1Jett1 , Alhe Andrea, Mr\. A n ~e hque Seidler (2nd row) R.i< hel
M.1lsM k, Sdmantha ( ld)1on, Lmd,,ty Boxrud , r\1colf' Kloel , o ,111 c1 Of' m~ k e, J,1n11r Proc.arione (3rd row) Krista Kreusc.her , Courtney W} ni a, Gassie Moorhouse. Ta)'lor Gl(l nn, Katie
l\ oods, Mandy L>n Zember (back) Sa mantha Ludke, Keith Kikuchi, JJ< l>n ~ eary, Kurk
Joh n..,on, Marsha\\ 11 Fi~u rroa, Flo) d \\illiJrns
"/ am in Sign Language Club
because communication is so
important to understand people
and where they come from. During a typical meeting in Sign
Language Club, we learn signs
that pertain to topics we would
talk about with a deaf teen that
we might meet. We also plan trips
and get together often. One of my
favorite times with Sign Language
Club was when Dana Demske and
I preformed the song "I Can Only
Imagine." At practice we would
goof around and dance while we
signed. My favorite trip I spent
with the Sign Language Club was
the deaf retreat at Timber Ridge.
It is always a great way to make
friends and team sings. We do so
many deaf simulations during the
day, but at night we get to party
and hang out with our friends."
-soph. Rachael Ma/sack
'!1®?~(1 ~
"My friend Cara Pratt and I
rehearse our cello improv every
chance we get. Before we go on
stage, we like to make strange
faces at each other to get out
all of our giggles. My favorite
act I participated in was Debbie Downer with Cara. We took
a SNL skit and used it to poke
fun at graduation speeches.
The money raised was donated
to Margaret Ann's Place for the
first show and Leukemia Lymphoma Society for the second
show." -sr. Brittany Lumley
(front) Garisa Mack, Alexa Wojciec.ho\\icz (back) Jessi<a Thurber, Will
Adrienne Mata, Kim Lagunas, Michael Dst, Alex Maradey
Krissy \Ve1ligora, Paige Steed, Ka}'le Cox
(front) K}'le imo1u, Adron Mann, Kalie Woods (b.u k) Jenn\ Kn JS.
Stephanie, Ainsley Mc~1(LSler . Matl Ragalie
"I was not really able to look at the audience since I had to concentrate on
not dropping the liter. My friends even said I looked focused."
- sr. Maureen MacCready
ike jazz be
1 speaks to me, I've al
ways been passionate about music, but I d
get the same feeling about other music as I
do with jazz. People don't realize that jazz
really evolved from the 1920's. I guess it's
cool to listen to someone who plays improv
tional material, because un less it's recorde ,
it will never be exactly the same. I chose
the trombone because because back in fifth
grade, Mr. Wie le sabotaged the Sax making t
so that the notes wouldn't play and then he
handed me a trombone which is convenient!
the in
ys. r.
Thank you to all of our
- The 2007-2008 Yearbook staff -
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b.empe1.'d W f of fame
Ashle). Andrew 22
Asma. Dana 35. 149. 198
Abraham, Susan 82. 188. 196. 204, 215
Abreu. Ivan 196
Acerbi. Kale) 34
Acerbi. Merissa 56. 185. 205
Aceto. Joshua I 04
Aceto. Kaili) n 56
Ackerman. Ka) la 56, 204
Acosta, Maricella 104
Acosta. Rene 34
Ade, Michael 82
Adkins, Kevin 56, 161. 177
Aguilar. Victor 34
Aiello, Austin 82
Aiello. Maxwell 34. 171. 205
Aiello, Sabrina 56
Aiello. ictor 56, 161, 171. 205
Aikens. Kathryn 56
Aikens. Thomas 82
Akins, Seth 56
Alam, Tahiya 82. 188, 204. 214
Albarran. Alicia 82
Albrecht. David 34, 204
Albrecht, tephanie 82, 188. 196, 204, 208,
Aldridge. Emily 34
Algiers. Eric 121. 208
Alia, Dana 56
Allemand, Lindsey 82. 147
Allemand. Logan 4, 11. 104, 137
Allen, Sheldon 34, 151
Allen, Tommy 196
Alley. Ashley 56
Alsabbah. Madleen 34. 159, 215, 228
Althoff, Emily 81. 82, 145, 169, 186, 187, 188
Althoff. Stephanie 34. 141. 169, 204
Altreuther. Ryan I 04
Alvarado, Milton 214
Alvarez, Stephanie 56, 175
Amacher, Thomas 27
Amann, Chad 82
Ambrosini. Bryttanee 34, 195
Anderson. Ashley {3) 34, 104. 195
Anderson. Holly 34. 195
Anderson, Kenneth 82
Anderson, Lurlena 56
Anderson, Scott 104
Anderson. Terrence 82, 161
Anderson, Tyler 34. 161, 177
Andraschko, Rebecca 56, 194, 199
Andrea, Alexandra 56. 194
Andreoli, Linda 27
Andrew, Cody 34
Andrews. Debra 27
Andrews, Jenifer 104
Angelo, Amanda 56
Anthony, Russell 35
Archibald, Kyle 104
Arias, Gabino 57, 151
Armstrong. Lauren 57, 153, 203, 228
Arnold, Ryan I 04, 137
Aronin, Kevm 27, 137
Arreguin. Ashliee 82. 174, 175. 188
Arreguin, Shelbiee 35, 175, 195
Arroyo, !dis 57
Aneaga, Janeth 35
Asonwha. Gidget 27
Atkielski. amantha 35, 145
Ault. Joshua 35. 137. 205
usse. Camille 104
Ausse, Cynthia 82
Ausse. Katelynn 104
Avila, Alejandro 83
Babcock, Jennifer 83, 188. 204, 213
Babcock. Manin 57. 192. 205
Bacus, Molly 57
Bailey, Asha 57, 204
Bain, Amber 35, 153
Bain, Justin 179
Bakkila, Kyle 57. 142, 177. 198, 199
Ball. Justin 57
Ball, Sarah 57, 147. 169
Balmes. Rebecca 57, 198
Banks, Karice 35
Banks, Sharice 35
Barajas, Jesus 35
Barber. Thomas 83
Barnes. Melissa 83
Barnes. Sharina 57
Baron. Jordan 104. 146. 147. 196
Barrera, azario 57
Barrett, Amanda 83, 153
Barrett, Sean 9. 19, 21, 104, 137. 160. 161
Barsuli. icholas 13, 22, 180
Bartholomew, icholas 83, 228
Bartoli, Christopher 83
Basham, Jennifer 35, 195
Battellini, Alicia 57
Becker, Adam 35
Becker, Angela 57
Beckman, Zachary 57, 137, 190
Bedolla, Maria (3) 35
Beecher. Raymond 57
Beemsterboer, Alexandra 20, I 04, 216,
Behme, Shannon 57, 199
Behme. Stephanie 35
Bellaire, Christopher 83
Belliveau, Nicole 104
Benetti, Lori 11, 87, 104, 131, 204
Bentz, Miranda 57
Berg, Tyler 35, 198, 199
Berger, Austin 105
Berger, Kirsten 83
Bernhardt, Lindsey 57, 152, 153
Bernhardt, Zachary 35
Berrong, Jacqueline 105, 196
Bethke. Rebecca 35
Bethke, Robin 83, 153
Bianan, Phillip 57. 196, 214
Bible, Brittany 57, 194
Bicanin, Ru1ica 205
B icanin, Suzana 57
Bilak, Diane 27
Bilotti, Joseph 151
Bingaman, Taylor 57, 194
Bingham. icole 105
Binninger, Derek 83, 176, 177
Bischoff, Allison 35, 53
Bisher. Cory 83
Bitar, Thaer 35
Bitl. Devin 57
Bitz. Scott 105. 173, 201, 226, 227
Bjornson, Kelsey 10, 105
Blackwood, Brittany 9, 15, 83, 196
Blakeslee, Sandra 35, 165
Blank, Jared 35, 200
Blazie\\ske, Gina 83. 149. 196
Blise. icole 57. 194
Bloedorn, Brooke 35. 149, 195
Bloxdorf, Chri'>topher 57, 171
Blo\dorf. Ju stine 57
Blume, Kira 184. 185
Bodrner, Alex 57
Boesch, Jennifer 204
Bohnen. Roben 83
Bohning, Kelly 57. 195. 198, 204
Boivin. Brian 105, 173
Bolyard, Sabrina 58, 179
Bonner, Emily 105
Bonner. Megan 58
Boresch, Jacob 5 , 177
Borkowsk i, Brian I 05, 131
Bornhuetter. Christopher 216, 220
Bornhuetter, Michael 35. 147
Borzick, Trent 106, 137. 177
Boslau, Jaymee 83. 175
Boslau, Kyle 35
Bosovich, Erin 27
Bostrom, Stephanie 58
Bothern, Counney 35
Bowers, Shauneece 83
Boxrud, Jake 35, 177
Boxrud, Lindsay 106, 220
Boyd, Rashadda 35
Boyer, Clayton 35
Bozanh, Sarah 58
Bradley, Britne 83
Bradley. Christina 27
Braithwaite, Jasmine 169
Brandes, Lindsey 35, 200, 20 I
Brandstetter. athan 83
Brantley, David 83
Brantley, Samuel 58
Braya, Staci 27
Breckenfeld, Quayshaun 58
Breitenbach, Helen 27
Brennan, Kaylin 20, 22. 106, 147, 192, 202,
Burgess. Holl y 36
Burgess, Sara 58
Burke, Ashly 83, 196
Burke. Ryan 15, 36, 162
Burkoth, Maryann 27
Burleson, Jacob 83, 208
Burmeister, Jeri 36
Burroughs, Graciela 36, 200
Bun. Clint 58
Bury, Alexis 36
Bury, Emily 36
Busse, Cassandra 36
Busse, Kelsey 121, 208
Butschli, Brittany 84, 196
Butts. Counney 20, 106
Cairo, Caitlin 36, 5
Cairo, Gina 106
Cajka, Kristen I 06
Catan, Jonathan 228
Camosy, Trisha 36. 149
Campen, Kristen 58, 199
Canaday, Jacqueline 84, 203
Cannon, Michelle 36
Cantwell, Dillon 58
Capodarco, Caleb 84
Capps. Giovanni 36
Cardoso, Gaspar 36
Cardon, Jesus 58
Carleton, Sean 36, 161
Carlson, Chandra I 06, 162
Carlson, Samuel 36
Carmody, Caitlin 58
Carney, Timothy 36
Carr, Zakeius 84
Carroll, John 58
Carson, Allison 84, 147, 169, 228
Carswell, David 58, 151 , 161, 172
Caner. Amanda 84
Carter, Megan I 06
Caner. Stephanie 194, 196
Carver, Counney 196
Cascio, oah 84
Cass, Matthew 36
Cassity, Michael 36
Castaneda, Annemari 36
Castillo, Jose 196, 215
Castro, Ana 106
Cavin, Rodney 58
Cechini, Michelle 58
Celebre, Anthony 58, 137
Cervantes, Alejandra 58, 199, 214
Cervantes, Fernando 84
Chacon, arita I 06, 196
Chase, Julie 27, 204, 214
Chase, Michael I 06, 113, 196, 197, 202
Chase, Sarah 36, 153, 165, 195
Chatterton, Megan 36. 149, 198
Chatterton, Wesley 106, 137
Chatto, Kimberly 12, 13, 106, 121, 131, 186.
Brewton, Dontrell 83
Bridenhagen, Catherine 35. 195
Bridleman,Amanda 106, 133, 159, 169
Brockman, Ashley 58
Broesch, Julia 58, 149, 198. 199, 205, 228
Brothers, Matthew 83
Browder, Samantha 36, 165, 195
Brown, Dominic 58, 137
Brown, Dorlise 27
Brown, Dylan 36. 196
Brown, Katie 36
Brown, Matt 27, 137
Brown, Randy 58, 137
Brown, Stephanie I 06
Brown, Travis 83
Brudny, Dylan 83
Brunello, Cody 106, 171
Brunner, Kelsey 58, 141 , 194
Bruno, Elizabeth 36, 204
Brzo10wski, Lisa 58
Brzo1owski, Nicholas 58
Buchanan, Jeffrey 36
Buckley, Andrea 58, 149, 194
Buckley, Susan 27
Budd, Karlton 36, 177
Bunch, Zachary 83
Burford, Alexander 83, 228
Cheney, Ryan I 06
Chiappetta, Alicia 106
Chike, Britne 36
Chike. Kevin 58, 147. 198
hilders. Cayla 58
Childs, Naomi 84, 147, 188, 213, 226
. ,,,
:<>!1 '; .
. "~
Choi, John 27
Christenbury, Patricia 84, 90
Christensen, Matthew 36, 151
Christensen, Melissa 106, 130, 164. 165, 208
Christensen, Nicole I06
Cianci, Alan 59
Cianci, Heather 107, 188, 215, 216
Cicerale. Nie 216
Ciesielski, Allen 36
Ciszewsk i, Jenna 36, 169, 195
Clark, Keisha 84
Clark, Shenae 59
Clark, William 27
Clarke, Brittany 59, 175
Clayton, Samantha 59, 165, 220
Clayton, Trevor I07
Cleaver, Tanya 187
Cleveland, Antoine 37
Cleveland, Quanita 59
Cnockaert, A Iison 22, 20 I , 204
Cnockaert, Lindsey 84, 188, 226
Cabe. Brandi 59
Coen. Jacey I07, 121, 208
Coffman, Priscilla 59, 165
Cohoon, Micky 59
Colbert, Jonathan 59
Colbert, Jordan 59, 137
Cole. Ashley 84
Cole. Brianne 59, 141
Colgrove, Megan 59
Collar, Amanda 59
Collazo, Krystal 37
Collins, Derrick 59
Collins, Kelly 15, 107, 196
Collins, Travail 37
Colp, Jacob 37
Comer, Clorissa 84, 186, 188, 196
Concannon, Joseph 84
Concannon, MaryBrynn 190
Conforti, Anthony 59
Conklin, Justin 59
Conti, Anthony 84
Conway, Cara 107, 140, 141
Conway, Patrick 59
Conwell, Sarah 37, 147, 175
Cook, Joseph 84
Cook, Robert 37
Cookson, Whitney I 07, 196
Cooper, Amber I07, 196
Cooper, Zachary 59, 173
Coopland, Emily 37, 165
Coopwood, Alyssa 84
Coronado, Cassie 84
Corradini, Carly 37, 141, 195
Correa, Joshua 137
Corrigall, Nicholas 59, 205
Corso, Dominic 107
Cortez, lsacc 84. 137
Cosenza, Emilie 37, 195
Cotto, Gabriel 84
Covelli, Anthony 84, 171
Covelli, Antonio 59
Covelli, Jamie 107, 137, 196
Covelli, Louis 27
Cox, Aaron I 07, 202
Cox, Garrett 59
Cox, Kayle 5, 84, 224
Cramer, Haley 37, 198
Cristiano, Andy 84
Crocker, Stacy 84
Crowell, Olivia 84, 87, 188, 208
Crump, Tyla 159
Cru,, Maria 84, 214
Cruz, Ramon 59
Cruz, Zachary 85
Cunningham, Christopher 59
Cunningham, Evan 85
Cunningham, Nicole 85
Cutler, Kaylee 59, 194
Dahl , Brandon 107, 177
Dahl , Kyle 59, 177
Daletski , Jessica 37, 149
Daletski, Monica 85, 199, 203
Dalton , Rachel 37, 147, 165
Daniel, Mariah 59
Daoust, Megan 107, 153
Darby, Lauren 37, 195
Darden , Treadell 85
Dart, Jan 85, 162, 203
Dart, Sierra 85, 153, 162, 203
Dary, Grace 27
Davidson, Hannah 59, 199
Davies, Lukas 37
Davi s, Scott I07
Davi s, Whitney 196
Davis, Wyatt 107 , 190, 203, 228
Dawiec, Benjamin 85, 162
Dawiec, Zachary 37, 151
Day, Margaret I07
Debartolo, Ignazio 37
Debree, Adam 107
DeCesaro, Jane 27
DeCesaro, Jayson 59, 198, 199
Decker, Alixandra 60
Defranco, Frank 85, 137
Degrazia, Anthony 37, 151
DeGrazia, Geena 60, 79, 153
DeHaan, Reece 9, 12, 20, 22, 103, 124, 137,
Draeger, Patrick 60
Dreger, Erin 38, 192, 205
Drennen, Alexis 38
Drigot, Amber 186, 196
Dubrava, Ariel 60, 165
Duffy, Bethanne 85, 188, 214
Duffy, Kevin 85, 188, 214, 216
Dugan, Ashley 85
Dugan , Rebecca I08
DuJardin, Alexandra 85, 159
Dujardin, Sharon 38
Dukas, Derek 85
Dulak, Stefanie 20, I08, 192, 20 I, 205, 227
Dulaney, Ju stin 85
DuMez, Elizabeth 60
DuMez, Katherine 60
Dunham, Stephanie 38
Dunn , Rodger 27
Dunwald, Mathew 85
Dupey, Lauren I08, 131, 186
Durkee, Brittany 60, 153, 175
Durkee, Matthew 60
Duros, Ronald 27
Dwyer, Dylan 60, 198
Dwyer, athan 85, 203
Dzbinski, Brittney 60, 159
DeHaan , Reed 37
Dejno, David 60, 151, 208
Dejno. Katelyn 85, 196
DeLaat, Natalia 27
Delahanty. Greg 181
Delaney, Cody 37
Delaney, Kyle 108
Delgado, Christian 33. 196
Dellisse, Malory 37
Delloro, Derek 108, 204
Deluca, Hailey 37
Del Frate, Isabella 60, 149
DeMarr, Amber 37
Dembowski, David 27, 137
Demske, Dana I08, 133, 192, 20 I, 205, 207,
Dennison, Keri 34, 37, 192
Dennison, Kyle 37, 192
Derginer, Tyler 37
Derose, Christopher 37
De Rose, Lauren I 08
Derrough, Ryan 38
Deschler, Jacob 38
DeSeife, Johnathon 85
Desei fe, Randall 60
Dever, Alyx 38
Devine, Jacob 60
De Vries, Aaron I 08 , 137
De Vries, James 85
Devries, Robert 38
De Leon, Matthew 37
Diamond, Desiree 38, 195
Diaz, Quenca 60
Dickerson, Carlos 38, 137
Dickow, Brooke 60, 149, 204
Dietman, Taylor 85, 140, 141. 158, 159. 188
Dillow, Andrew 60, 177
Dinan, Maxwell 38
Dionisio, Brandie 191, 203, 229
Dixon, Dominique 38, 137, 161
Dodge, Ashley 85
Doerninger, Richard 85
DoerOinger, Ronald 85
Doherty. Andrew 60, 137, 173
Doherty, Briana 38
Doherty, William 85
Dollar, Stephen 27
Dolnik, Michael 38
Dominguez, Diana 60, 64, 169, 214. 215
Dominguez, Nestor 147
Dominic, Sherin 85, 188
Donahoe, Andrew 85
Donahoe, Anthony 38
Doss, Alexander 38
Douma, Cameron 38
Dourlain, Deanna 27, 141
Dove, David 60
Early-Riley, D' Anthony 38
Easter, Ky le 85, 162, I 88
Ebener, Leah 38, 175, 198
Eckert, Victoria 60, 199
Edwards, John 38
Edwards, ikkiya 60
Eggert, Bradley 85, 205, 228
Eggert, Matthew 85, 188
Eggert, Michael 86, 204
Eggert, icholas 38, 171 , 228
Eggert, Taylor 38, 153, 169, 198, 199, 228
Egle, Haley 38, 195
Egly, Henrik 38, 151 , 167
Ehlert, Michael 86
Ehnow, Edward 196
Eisenhauer, Hanna I08
Ekdahl, Pierce 86. 188
Ekdah I, Preston 86
Eklund , Aaron 38, 200, 20 I
Ekstrom, Steve 27
Ellis, Melissa 21. 22, 105, 108, 144, 145, 159
Elmblad , Elise 5, 34, 38. 195, 204
Elmblad. Emily 4, 86, 188, 196, 205, 207
Elmore, Shanice 38
El st, Michael 86, 202, 224, 225
Elvetici, Venessa 86, 157
Endre, Philip 86
Endresen , Kayla 60
Englund, Zachary 86, 173
Engwis, Elizabeth 60, 199
Enwright, Jordan 60, 196
Epping, Dillon 60, 208
Epping, Joseph 108, 133, 137, 163
Epping. Zachary 60, 137
Erdmann, Jordyn 38
Erickson, Janelle 108, 137
Erickson, Kristy 86
Erickson, Zak 38. 137
Ernst, Robert 86
Erskine, Ryan 86
Escobedo, Jose l 08
Escue, Justin 86
Espinosa. Robert 60, 137
Espinoza. Nicole 60, 64, 214
Esquivel. Jose 38
Evangelista, Emilia 61
Evangelista, Melissa 86
Evans. Jacob I08, 196
Evans, Jennifer 4, 86, 188
Evans, Tommy 86. 163. 188
Evans. Tyler 39. 163
Ewens, Ashley 108, 204
Ewens, Diane 61, 79, 141, 175
Faint, Brianna 6 l
Falduto, Ashton 86, 169
Farmer, James 39
Feige, Alex 61
Feivor, Brandon 86, 137
Fell, Larry 27
Fe! lows, J us tin 39
Ferkin, Amanda 86, 208
Ferraton, Amber J88
Ferraton, Cory 39
Fiedler, Michael 27, 181
Fields, Andrew 61, l 73, l 99
Fields, Peter 11, I 08
Figueroa, David 86
Figueroa, Marshawn 6 I, 220
Figueroa, Nelson 39
Finnigan, Bradley 86
Finnigan, Tess 39
First, Nathan 39
Fischer, Alexander 108
Fisher, Emily 39. 149, 199
Fisher, Justin (3) 39, 171
Flahive, Kyle 86, 137
Flasch. Collin 39, 147, 177
Flesch, Zachary 39
Flood, Molly 108, 215
Flores, Aaron 86
Flores, Brian 61
Flores, Gustavo 86
Fogleman, Terrance I09
Follak, Michael 61
Follensbee, Shelby 86, 188
Fonk. Jonathon I 37
Forchette, Scott 61, 137
Ford, Gabriel 86
Forster, Kristen 61
Forsythe, Matthew 61. 199, 228
Fosbinder. Zachary 86. I 88
Fountain, J.D. 27, 216
Fournier, Jacob 86. 155
Fox. Emily 87, 203, 214
Fox, Shannon 87
Francis, Alex 3, 109. 131, 147
Franke, Donna 27
Franklin, Meagan 39
Frederick, Cassie 39. 141, 169
Frederick, Justin 15, 109, 171
Frederick, Randy 87. 137, 188
Free, Nicholas 61
Freeman, Matthew 163
Freeman, Nathen l 09
Freiberg, Hannah 61, 187. l 98, 205
Freiberg. Rebecca 20. I 09. 152. 153, 20 I.
Fremarek, Patricia 28
Fricke, Alexander I09
Friedl, Samantha 87, 147, 164
Fugate, Ashley I09
Fuhrer. Bradley 87
Fuhrer. Ryan 39
Fuller, Kayla 109. 125. 169, 204
Fulmer, Sophie 61, 194
Fulmer, Tayler 109, 131. 196
Fuqua. Erik 87
Furloni. Sabrina 216
Fusco. Amanda 109
Fusco. Crystal 6 I
Gaertner. Rebecca 14. 109. 186. 187. 204, 205
Gagliardi. Adam 39. 151 , 172, 173
Gagliardo, Lisa 22. 110
Galitz, Kaycee 40. 141. 195
Gallagher. D) Ian 87
Gallegos. Jesse 62
Gallion. Jennifer 62. 198
Gallion. Matthew 110
Galvan. Johanna 40
Gand). John (Jack) 117
Gann, Kevin 62. 147. 204
Gaona. ara 40
Gapen. Aaron 110
Garay. Joshua 62. 214
Garcia. Gabriela 40. 214
Garcia. Ka) la 62
Garcia. Marilu 40
Gardner. athaniel 87
Garren. Bridgette 110
Gasc01gne. Amber 87. 196
Gauthier. ara 110
Gavre. Brieanna 110
Gazarkiewicz, Patrick 28
Gehri. April 87, 193
Genies e, Samantha 62
Gentner, Katherine 40
Gentner, Kevin 87
Gerlach, Amy 87. 188, 192, 196, 205
Gianeselli, Michael 40. 171
Gibbons. John 28
Gibson. amantha 87
Gilben. Joseph 62
Gildenstern. Laura 40. 200. 20 I, 216
Gille pie. Monae 40
Ginter. hane 110
Giombetti. Brittany 208. 220
Giorno. Kaela 62. 72
Gleason, Monica 22. 110. 192, 205
Gleason. Rebecca 62. 226
Glenn. Taylor 40. 220
Glover. hawnaw 87. 190. 216
Goddard, Laken 62, 200
Goddard, Lindsay 62. 199
Godin, David 8. II, 15, 18, 109, 110, 173, 188,
Goes.Aja 87, 196
Goldsmith, Clarissa 40, 216
Goldsmith. Tomas 8 . 124. 142. 143, 173, 190,
Golownia. Austin 88, 137
Gomez, Jose 62
Gomez, Oscar 40
Gomez, Samara 62
Gomez. Veronica 40. 195
Gonzales, Kiersten 62. 181, 194, 195
Gonzales. Leandra I I0
Gonzales. Patricia 62. 64, 214
Gonzalez. Sabrina 40, 195
Goodman, Amanda 40
Gordon. Austin 62. 226
Gordon, Ernesto 62
Gordon, Marilyn 88
Gorman, Janice 28
Gorman, Katelyn 88, 175
Goschy, icholas 88
Gosselin, Julie 40, 195
Gossen. Chelsie 40
Gottlieb, Nolan 40, 228
Gough, Jonathan 88
Gradney, Jessica 40
Gragen, Kimberly 201
Graham. Gavin 40
Gransee, John 28
Grasser, Julieanna 88
Gray, Andrew 62, 137
Gray. Sarah 40, 198, 199
Graziani, Andrew 40
Green. Alexandria 40
Greene, Holly 40. 198. 199
Griffey. Andrew 88, 155, I 6
Gnffin. Cody 88, 179
Griffin, Grant 88
Griffith, Kara 110, 149
Griffith. icholas 40, 151
Griffiths, Eric 12, 13, 21, 22, I09. 110. 137,
177, 186. 190.202
Griffiths, Sara 7. 62, 159
Grimmer, Samantha 62. 199
Gnpko, Zachary 62
Grom, Amanda 40
Gromack1. Kaitlin 10. 14, 20, 124, 204. 205
Grundman, Jeffery 88
Guarascio. Arayel 88, 196
Guarascio. Brandon 54. 62. 161
Gucciardo. Kara 62, 175
Gucciardo, icole 15
Gunter. Dylan 62
GutierreL. Richard 88
Guzman, Melissa 88
Haag. Brian 62. 173
Haag, Gregory 110
Habel, athe 111
Hade. Alex 40, 161
Haebig, Caroline 28
Hagen, Alexander 137
Hagen. tephame 7, 111, 186
Hagen), Connor 62
Haggany. Claire 32. 40. 195
Haggarty. Clayton 62
Hagglund, Brandie 41
Halas. Sarah 88
Hall, Elizabeth 20, 22, 111, 149, 202, 203, 205
Hambrock, Alexander 88, 190
Hamill, Michael 202, 228
Hamilton, Garrett 41
Hamilton, Kristi 111, 196, 197
Hamm, Joshua 88
Hammye, Daniel 88
Hampton, La'Vera 61
Hanken. Zachary 88
Hanley. Amy-Rae 63, 194
Hanley, Jesse 41
Hansen, April 88
Hansen. Deborah 28
Hansen, Fawn 88, 137
Hansen, Jacklyn 111, 162
Hanson, Bergen 41, 137. 198
Hanson. Jackie 88, 162, 196
Hanzalik, Cameron 88
Hardy, Todd 28, 165
Hardy. Troy 28
Harebo. Heather 88
Harebo, Holly 41
Harmon- mith, amantha 169
Harold, William 111, 117. 201. 210, 220, 226
Harpster, Andrew 111, 190, 203, 228
Harris, Chelsea 41
Harris, Mathew 63, 137
Harroll, Matthew 88
Hanlieb, John 63
Hanlieb. Samantha 111
Hartnell, Kayla 111, 153, 196
Hannell. Kristy 111, 159, 164, 165, 179
Hannell, Kyle 41, 198, 228
Hannell, Mackenzie 63, 149. 198, 205
Han chuh. Linda 28
Harvey, Tiaria 88
Haselwander, David 111, 202
Hassler, Timothy 3, 8, 18, 125, 204
Haubrich, Matthew 63
Hawbaker, Roben 88
Hawley, Shelby 63, 137, 165
Hayar, Luis 41
Heather, Jeremy 89
Hedges-Goettl, Nathaniel 198
Hegewald, Katelyn 63, 141
Heideman, Raymond 28
Heideman, Sally 28, 191
Heinrichsmeyer, Ethan 63
Heiring, Matthew 63, 137
Hellquist, Michael 111, 196
Helminger, ara 89, 196
Henrikson, Gabriel 89
Henry, Kelli 89, 188, 204
Henry.Kyle 34,41, 147, 196,204
Henry, Lydia 89
Henry, Matthew 63
Henthorn, Kylene 111
Herchian, Whitney 111, 149, 203, 205
Hernandez, Geeno 41
Hernandez, Johnny 137
Herr, Diana 89. 214
Herrera, Yuly 89
Herrick, edge 111, 130, 190. 203. 228
Herrmann. Andrew I09. 186
Herron, Princeton 41
Herzog, Ryan 63
Heyden, Cameron 41
llild,Corey Ill. 171
Hildebrandt. Connor 41, 151
Hildebrandt. Jordan 20, 98, 151, 172. 173, 190
Hildreth. Lauren 112. 186. 190. 203. 213, 228
Hilker, Deborah 28
Hill. Matthew 89. 162
Hillman, Patrick 89
Hinds. Andrew 9
Hinz, Michelle 41. 149
Hirsig. Diana 28
Hobbs, Cameron 89
Hobson, Randy 41
Hoecherl, Kaela 63
Hoey, Jake 112. 214
Hoffman, van 89. 137
Hollendonner. Kristin 41, 198
Hollendonner. Nicholas 63, 162, 171
Hollis, Leah 112
Holman. Travis 41, 137, 163
Holmes. Kayla 63
Holst, Tasha 63
Hopkins, Eric 28
Hopkins. Kyle 41
Hopkin , Sara 112, 203
Horn, Jessica 89
Horn, William 63, 172, 173, 204
Hornik, Jacob 41
Horswell, Brandon 41
Honon. Levi 41, 147, 163
Host, Diana 28
Housaman. Allyson 149
Housaman, Cassandra 41
Houston, Victoria 41
Howard, Derek 41
Howard, Hannah 63
Howard, Seth 41
Huck, Lydia 112. 182, 187, 204. 205
Huckabone, Tyler 41
Hudson, Zachary 162
Huebscher, Sara 63
Hughes, Charlotte 41
Hughes, Richard 63
Hughes. Troy 4, 14, 151, 167
Hujik, ydney 63. 137, 165
Hujik, Tyler 4, 9, 14, 19, 21, 102, 112, 137
Hundertmark, Ariel 41. 200
Hunter, Sarah 63, 213, 214, 216
Hurst, William 63
Hutchinson, Carolyn 41, 175
Hutchinson, Patrice 89, 188, 204, 226, 227
Hutson, icholas 89
Hutson. Ryen 89
Hyatt, Alexander 121
Hyde, Kenneth 41
lnfusino, Donna 28
Ingram, icole 112
Insko. icole 42, 195
Irish, Ryan 28
lstvanek, Megan 22. 112
Ivy, Jarrett 42
Jacinto, Sebastian 42
Jackson, Abigail 117, 205
Jackson, Alexander 42, 137, 228
Jackson. Cody 89
Jackson, Sarah 89. 196. 224
Jacobs, Andro 89
Jacobs, Kianna 42, 175
Jacobsen, Amanda 112
Jacobsen. Andrew 89
Jacobsen, ric 63
Jaklin. Heather 112
Janie, Adam 63, 151
Jankovic, Zarko 89
Jaquish, Brynn 112, 147
Jarina. Jade 42
Jaskolski, Elyssa 188
Jaskolski, Jakob 113
Jass. Tyler 42
Jenkins, Isaiah 166
Jenkins, Makayla 6. 7, 89
Jensen, Joseph 63
Jensen. Marilyn 28
Jensen, Phillip 89, 137
Jensen. Todd 42
Jessen, Zackery 63
Johnson, Alex 89. 171, 173
Johnson, Andrew 137. 155
Johnson, Bradley 89
Johnson, Chad 13, 98. 113, 20 I, 220. 227
Johnson, Charles 63
Johnson. Evan 89. 161
Johnson, Kimberly 63
Johnson, Kurk 63. 220
Johnson, Kyle 64
Johnson, Rebecca 89
Johnson, Sarah 42
Johnson. Scott 89
Johnson, Sonja 64, 149, 199
Johnson. Thomas 42, 137
Johnston, Allison 15, 89, 165, 196
Jones. Anthony 42
Jones, Caroline 64
Jones, Jaclyn 64
Jones, James 42, 151
Jones, Lexxus 42, 149
Jones, eal 90, 214
Jones, Patrick 113. 137
Jones, Rachel 64, 159
Jones, Sebastian 64
Jones, erena 64, 179. 214
Jones, Trevor 90, 196
Jones, Zachary 42
Jordan, Cassandra 113, 20 I. 228
Jorgensen. Olivia 42. 153, 195
Jorsch, James 28
Joslin, Travis 113
Jozwiak, Alyssa 43, 153, 169
Jozwiak, Kayla 90, 153, 168, 169
Juarez, Natalie 121, 196, 208
Junkerman. Tyler 90
Jurgens, Timothy 64
Kaden, Derek 90
Kadri.Asma 15,90.147,204,205,214
Kaiser, Carla 64, 194
Kalcic, Katrina 113, 190, 203, 228
Kamm, William 64
Kammer, Michael 64. 137
Kanowske, Brittany 64
Karaway, Harley 64
Karaway, James 90
Karnes. Roben 90
Kasper, Marie 28
Kaye, Kiersten 113
Keating, Lauren 64, 175, 199
Keberlein, Teagan 113
Keckeisen, Jared 64. 171, 204
Keel, Sarah 28
Kegg, John 65
Kelley, Addison 90. 196
Kelley, Taylor 65
Kelly, Rebecca 24, 90, 141, 188, 196
Kernen, Michael 65, 137
,enealy, Michael 90
,enney, Emily 43 , 149, 195,205 , 216
,en1, Travi s 90
,ern. Travi s (3 ) 65, 90
,essler, Karen 28
,exel , Kim 28
\ifle. Addey 43 , 153
,ifle, Bereket 90, 188, 190, 202, 207, 228
iikuchi , Keith 65 , 200 , 20 I, 220
;im. Arnold 43
;imball, Randy 65 , 137
King, Adam 28
King. Amber 65
Kmg, Christine 28
~mg, Katie 65
l\ing, Shawn 43
;ingfisher, Steven 65
Kirk, Michelle 43, 195
Kirk, Stephanie 43, 195
Kirkegaard , Brian 90, 147
Kirkegaard, Kari 43, 149
Kirkley, Richard 65
Kirykowicz, Kevin 65
Kislia. Kyle 90
Klabunde, Abigail 65
Klade, Trisha 91
Klausch, Amanda 43, 195
Klausegger, Kathryn 65
Klinkhammer, Haley 43 , 165, 195
Kloet, Nicole 114, 126, 153, 192, 205 , 220
Kloiber, Michael 65
Klopstein, Emily 114, 190, 202, 203 , 228
Klopstein, Joel 43, 173, 198, 199, 228
Kluver, Amy 114, 196
Kluver, Jennifer 65
Kluver, Kevin 114
Knapp, Courtney 91 , 188
Knapp, Meagan 43
Knapp, Sara 43 , 169, 198, 220
Knebel, Nicholas 65
Knight, Kayla 43, 195
Knockart, Alison 20
Knoke. Elliott 43
Knoke, Kipp 91
Koderca, Kevin 114, 173
Kohel, Alexandra 65
Kohler, Kimberly 43
Kohler, Tyler 43 , 177
Kok, Adam 65, 147, l 62
Kollman, Alex 65, 151 , 198, 228
Kollman, Peter 28
Kolmos, Edward 13, 114, 121, 131
Konitzer, Courtney 65
Konstantinoff, Katerina 56, 65 , 169, 192
Kopesky, Brandon I l, 12, 13, 21, 22, 105, 121,
130, 188,204,205, 207 , 208
Korecz, Andrew 43, 161, 177
Korecz, Kristine 91, 165
Koster, Drake 91, 155
Katten, Heather 91, 147, 204
Katten , Ross 43, 171
Kowalsky, Martin 43
Kozlowski, Krystiana 65, 69
Kramer, Kayla 43
Kramer, Rhonda 65
Kraus, Alex 43, 151
Krause, Joshua 3, 114
Krause, Keith 114
Krause, Matthew 91
Krause, Shawna 114
Krehbiel , Alyssa 91, 149, 196
Kreier, Jacob 43
Krerowicz, Samuel 20, 220, 228
Kresse, Pau I 28
Kreuscher, Krista 9 l , 220
Kreuser,Amanda 114, 121 , 208
Kreuser, Nevin 65
Kreuser, Pau J 65
Krier, Plinky 43
Kroetz, Josh 28
Krok, Sally 28
Krol, Cody 65, 162
Krone, Kenna 65
Krucas, Kayci 91, 162
Krueger, Ashley l 14
Krueger, Timothy 91
Kruse, Mary 28
Kuehne, Elena 43, 141
Ku gler, John 43
Kuhagen , Kallie 43 , 195
Kulvik , Anna 65 , 169, 206
Kumorkiewi cz, Rachael 65
Kunich, Ashlie 65 , 69, 159, 175, 200
Kupfer, Ellen 28
Ku ss, Alexandra 91
Ku ss , Jennifer 66 , 79, 145, 205
KutLke, Amanda 66
Kwas, Jennifer 11 , 12, 14, 15, 91 , 224
Labonne, Brandon 66
Ladd , Jason 28 , 163
Lagunas, Kimberly 224
Lakvold , Jasmine 66
Lalonde, Zachary 43
Landgraf, Joseph 44 , 151
Landmark, Joshua 137
Landwehr, Derek 66
Lang, Heather 44, 195
Lang, Jonathon 66 , 137, 173
Lang, Rebecca 114, 204, 224
Lange, Katherine 91 , 162
Langenbach. Chelsea 44, 165, 195
Langley, Aubrey 44
Langston, Mia 44
Larsen , Ashley 91 , 190
Larsen, Bethany 91, 140, l 41
Larsen, Jacob I0, 44, 114, 151 , 228
Larsen , Kevin 28
Larsen , Linda 28
Larsen, Nicholas 66
Larson , Blake 66
Latham , Joseph 44
Latham, Kevin 66, 79 , 226, 227
Laubenstein , Cassie 66
Laurent, Jeff 165
Laurenzi, Anthony 91
Laurenzi, Jessie 34, 44, 159, 195, 205
Laurie, Timothy 91
Lavey, Tori 44
Lawell , Chelsea 44, 153
Lawler, Kelsey 66
Lawlor, Michael 66
Lawlor, Taylor 114, 131
Leable, Brittany 114
Leable, Tiegen 66, 72, 175
Leach , Christina 114, 182
Leal, Ana 91
Leal. Daniel 66
Leber, Ashley 114
Leber, Brett l 14, 196
Lechusz, Carol 28
Lechusz, James 115 , 150. 151 , 166, 167
Ledlow, Katie 91
Lee, Carrie 66, 115, 131 , 175, 192, 201, 205
Lefevre, Brooke 91
Leffelman , Branden 44
Lehman, Brian 91, 147, 163
Lehman , Emily 91, 226
Lehman, James 9 l , l 63
Lehrke, Kyle 91
Leidlein, Joseph 91
Leindecker, Jason 44
Leipzig, Phillip 44
Leipzig, Shane 66
Lek er. Erin 9 I
Lemay, Kristopher 91
Lemke, Linda 28
Lenegar, Corey 44, 199
Lenegar, Rebecca 66
Leon, Joshio 44
Leon, Omar 44
Leonard, Hannah 66
Leonard, Sara 196
Leonard, Sydney 66
Leonard, Troy 13, 115, 147, 190, 202, 203, 228
Leonard, Tyler 44
Leone. Daniela 44
Leslie, Dionne 29
Leslie, Jacob 32, 66
Leslie, Nicholas 66, 228
Lesofsky, Marjorie 44
Lettsome, Brianna 66 , 194
Leys, Steven 44
Lindemann , Mason 66
Lindquist, Amanda 115, 165, 203, 204, 205
Lindquist, Megan 44, 153, 165, 200, 204
Lindstrom, Jacob 66
Lin gvay, Nicholas 20, 115 , 190
Lippert, Stephanie 91 , 188
Littel, Ethan 66, 177, 226
Littel , Kyle 115 , 196
Littel , Matthew 92
Little, Jack 66
LitL, Ashley 66
Liu , Amelia 92 , 196
Llama-Berry, Tabetha 44, 195
Loef, Joseph 66
Loewen , Ryan 115
Long, Turando 44
Longmire, Darius 66
Lopez, Camila 44 , 199
Losey, Clarissa 44, 149, 169
Love, Alexandra 66
Lucke, Abigail 131, 149, 188, 205 , 228
Ludke, Samantha 92, 220
Ludwig, Katie 92
Lukawski, Elizabeth 92, 188
Lukawski, Stephanie 115
Lumley, Brittany 20, 115, 147, 169, 201 , 221 ,
Lumley, Jessica 190, 202, 203, 228
Lumley, Tyler 44
Lundgren. Gabrielle 67
Lundgren, Robert 92
Lundskow, Jacquelyn 92
Lurquin, James 92
Ly, Ann 44, 161
Lynch , Alex 67
Lynch, Emil y 6, 14, 15, 82, 92, 149, 182, 188
Lynn , Brandon 115, 161
Lyons , Aisha 92, 147, 186, 187
MacCready, Maureen 115, 196
Machak, Alec 67
Macik, Tiffany 44
Mack, Carisa 115, 216, 224
Mack, Jaclyn 44
Mack, Steven 92, 190, 202, 228
Mader, Kelci 67 , 141
Madison, Laura 11, 92, 188, 202, 205 , 228
Madrigrano, Anna 67
Maerzke, Annie 67
Maerzke, Benjamin 44
Mahar. Samuel 45
Mahon , Ashley 67
Mahone, Ian 92 , 185, 188, 196
Mahoney, Kathryn 11, 14, 115, 205
Mahoney, Megan 20,92, 152. 153,203,205
Majercik, John 29
Maki, Andrew 115. 160
1alsack. Rachael 67, 220
Malsch, Daniel 67
Mandetfeld , Kay 29
Manske, Matthew 92
Maraccini, Kaleb 45
Maradey, Alexandria 115, 20 I. 224. 225
Marchant , Kody 115
Marcoe, Charles 45 , 162
Marcoe, Leah 115. 169. 203
Maricic, Aleksandar 67
Marin. Steven 67 , 214
Marin, Yesenia 67
Marinelli, Stephanie 45
Mark, Tiffini 92. 169, 203
Marran, Kathryn 92 , 156, 157
Marshall , Col e 29
Martens, Shawn 67 , 200, 20 I
Martin, Ashley 67
Martin , Hailey 45
Martin , Moll y 22, 115, 147, 204, 210
Martin , Samantha 67
Martinelli, Angelo 67
Martinelli , Gina 12, 13, 21 , 105, 109, 116,
130, 149
Martinez, Cameron 67 , 163
Martinez, Edwin 67
Martinez, Joseph 92
Marzolf. Amanda 116.117, 149, 186
Masi, Joseph 45, 151
Mass ie, Allyson 116
Mata, Adrienne 67 , 224
Matera, John 29
Mathias, Melinda 12, 13, 21 , 109, 116, 131 ,
165. 186, 196, 216
Mathias. Michael 45, 216, 228
Matley, Brandon 67
Matley, Brittany 67 , 149
Matrise, Frank 29, 137, 177
Manner, Cody 67
Mattson , Jamie 67
Matute, Ivonne 67
May, Jennifer 45 , 200, 20 I
May, Margaret 92
May, William 92
Mayer, Betsy 29
Maze, Shabar 92
Mazmanian , Scott 116, 216
Mazzolini, Carl 92, 137, 163
Mazzolini , Nicole 67 , 69
McCain. Robert 67 , 198, 228
McCall, Undre 67
McClamy, Shannon 67
McCJinton , Albert 92
McClinton , Trevean 68
McClone, Rachel 68 , 169. 199
McComb, Kendrick 68
McCormick, Ashley 92
McCormick , Michael 116
McCormick, Zachary 45
McCoy, Kiernan 45, 195
McCrea. Robert 92, 137
McCune, Amber 45 , 198
Mc Donough, Kendra 116, 156, 157
McElroy, Blake 92
McEvilla, Jessica 68
McGinley, Sarah 116
McGinn, Michael 116, 137
McGinn , Peter 45
McGrath, Nathan 116. 155
McKay. Mike 137
McKay, Riley 45 , 151
McKenna, Jordan 68. 208
McKenzie, Julian 92
McKinley, Joseph 45
McKinley. Lindsay 92. 137
McKinney, Adam 45
McLuckie, Laura 68
McMahon, Jessica 92, 202
McMahon, John 68. 198. 199, 228
Mc Master. Ainsley 21. 116. 181 , 192, 20 I.
205,224, 225
McMaster. Allison 92, 192. 193. 196. 205. 210
Mc ea!, Marquise 93
McNeely, Meghan 68. 145. 175
McPherson. Julia 190. 192, 213
McSparran, Arthur 45
McSparran, Ian 45, 196
Medina. Sarah 145, 175
Meitzen, Devin 68
Melito. Nicholas 68. 137. 171
Mercurio, Courtney 45
Merritt. Kaitlyn 45, 165. 195
Mertz, Sara 93
Messenger, Kathryn 116. 125, 149
Messenger, Robert 68 , 78, 162, 202, 203
Metallo, Steven 68
Meyer. Brenda 29
Miceli. Bianca 68, 165
Miceli. Marco 68
Mich. Kevin 93. 190. 202. 203. 228
Michaelis. Jakob 45. 200
M id.elsen. Jonaihan 116
Mickelsen. Kelsey 93. 175. 186. 203
Milanko' ic. Alek. andar 68
Milena, Jason 45
Milk1e. Laura 116. 132. 159, 175
Miller, Aaron 45
Miller. Cierra 68. 228
Miller, Cod) 177
Miller. Cody (3) 45. 93. 196
Miller, Jordan 93
Miller, Katelyn 93
Miller, Kayla 116
Miller. Ke,in 116. 188, 190. 202. 203, 228
Miller, Mari ssa 45, 195
Miller, Mary 93
Miller, Matthew 68
Miller, Michelle 45
Miller, Nicholas 45. 151
Miller, hawn 93. 137, 177
Miller. Stephanie 68
Miller. Teresa 68
Millholland. Dillon 6
Millsaps. Allison 93. 18 , 196. 226
Miner. amantha 93, 196
Mink , Marian 93
Misch-Bloxdorf. Christopher 93
Mitchell, Jacqueline 116
Mleko. Brooke 45
Mod.. Phillip 68. 137, 163. 199
Moddes, Jordan 93
Mogensen. Alissa 116
Mogensen, Amanda 68. 141
Mogensen. Lauren 14, 15, 93, 140, 141, 204
Mohr. Emily 14. 93, 164. 165
Mohr. Peter 45
Molina, Sergio 93. 214
Molinaro, icholas 93
Molinaro, icole 45, 195
Molinaro, Samantha 68. 198
Mondrawickas, Matthew 116
Mongeau, Trevor 68, 177
Montejo, Ashley 68
Montemurro, Thomas 93, 204
Montgomery, Makeeta 169
Moore. April 93, 203
Moore, Gabrielle 68, 165
Moore, icholas 93
Moorhouse, Catherine 68
Morehouse, Emily 68
Morel. Maria 68
Moreland , Cody 68. 147, 171, 198
Morelli, Ashlee 117, 132. 204
Morgan, Ashley 15, 93, 165, 188
Morgan.Emily 117.145
Morgan, Laura 45. 145, 192, 205
Morris, Justin 93, 171, 202
Morris, Wesley 46
Morrissey, Ashley 117
Morrissey, Eric 46
Morrissey, Kyle 93
Moses, athaniel 93
Mueller, Ellyn 117, 121, 131
Mueller, icholas 93, 171
Muerhoff, Hannah 93, 196
Mulroy. Shannon 69
Murati, Bashkime 46. 195
Muro, Leah 69, 147
Murphy, Johnathan 69
Murphy, icole 117, 149, 196
Murray, Lisa 29
Musselman, Ellsworth 46
aidicz, Kristina 77, 117, 149, 171
ava, Erick 46
ava, Hector 121, 208, 215
eeve, Chelbie 69
'ehls, Alyssa 46
ehls, Danielle 117
ehls. Katelynn 69
elson. Aprill 46. 195
1 elson, Calen 46, 169, 195
elson, Erica 46, 216
Nelson. Ian 117
Nelson. Jeremiah 93, 137
Nelson, Peter 46, 177
elson, Taylor 69, 141
elson, Wade 137
erby, Keith 29. 145
eu, Ryan 93. 177
eumann, Anthony 93
eururer, Kathleen 29
ewberr), Ale\ander 94. 137
Newton, Deanna 69
ewton, Taylor 117, 121. 203, 204, 208
iccolai , Kelli 117, 124, 175, 202, 203, 204,
ichols. Amber 118
ichols. Jacob 94
ichols. tephen 69. 163
ickel, Allison 69
ickl , Adam 46
icla. Jonathon 69
icla, Kaylee 196, 204
Nicolo, Daniel 69
iedzwiecki. Adam 46
Niedzwiecki. Derek 94
iesen, Brianna 118. 121
Niesen, Joshua 69
iesen. Melissa 46, 149
ieves, Daniel 46, 137
Noble, Kara 94
older, David 94, 137, 163
orris, Jonathan 69
orton, Alexandra 94
orwood-Shaw, Danielle 46
oto, Jessica 70
oningham, Kelsey 70
ovick. Amanda 94
ovotny, Joseph 70
owak, Ryan 70, 203
unez, Isabel 118, 121. 208
yary, Sean 94
yquist, Emily 94, 145, 202, 208
O'Brien, Nathaniel 55, 70
O'Connell, Eric 10, 13, 14, 20. 21, 109, 118,
130, 150, 151, 167, 190. 204, 205
O'Donnell, Jessica 46
O' eal, Scon 94, 196
O'Reilly, Karlie 94
Oates, Hannah 94, 152, 153, 188
Oatsvall, Jayme 70, 199
Oatsvall , Stephanie 118, 202
Oberg, Richard 70
Oberg, Steven 94
Ochoa, Faustino 70, 214
Oechler, Jacob 70
Ogle, Amanda 94, 165
Oldehoff, Ryan 118
Oldham, Tad 94
Ollanketo, tefani 46, 195
Olshefski, Erin , 11, 15, 18, 118, 20 I
Olson, Kelsey 46, 165, 205
Ori, Benjamin 118, 228
Ortega, Yvene 94
Ortega, Yvonne 94
Orth, Jammie 29, 214
Orth, Michael 17, 29
Oseguera, Jesus 70, 151
Osowski, Leanna 118
Oster, Nathan 70, 151, 170, 171
Otto, Bryan 46
Ono, ils 184
Overman, Daniel 46
Pacetti, Ryan 94
Pacheco, teven 94
Pack, Teisha 46
Padilla, Evelyn 70
Padilla, Peter 46
Padlock. Abby 82, 94, 141, 188, 204
Padlock, Colleen 29
Padlock, Kaitlyn 77, 113, 141
Page. Brandon 70, 177
Pallin, Rachel 4, 8, 11. 13, 18, 20, 22, 118,
130, 132, 158, 190
Palmer, Adeola 70
Palmer, Kayla 46, 141. 159, 175
Pappenfus, Anthony 15, 94, 137, 183, 190,
191 , 205
Pappenfu , Lindsay 54, 70
Parker, Andrew 94
Parker, ajee 70, 137, 163
Parmentier, David 46
Parrish. Kyle 94
Parshall , Brittany 94. 188, 203. 205
Parsons, Elizabeth 46, 228
Paschal, Mikael 46, 196
Pascucci, Michael 94, 171
Paskauskaite, Gintare 94, 153, 188. 192, 213,
Paskauskaite, Vytaute 46, 149, 212
Pastor, Claudia 29
Panerson, Meiranda 46
Panerson, Zachary 70
Patty, Austin 118, 137, 196
Paulauskas, Emily 70
Paulauskas, Gary 29
Pavel ki. Rachael 70, 194
Pawlaczyk, Taylor 94
Pearson, Kevin 70
Pecha, Joshua 70
Pedersen, Mitchell 70
Peet, Drake 46
Peet, Nathan 70
Perez. Ivan 70, 214
Perez, Josue 215
Perez, Marcos 94. 151, 167
Perez, Zakkary 95
Petersen, Rachel (3) 70, 198
Petersen, Tyler 70, 79, 137, 199
Peter,,on, Eli1.abeth 95, 188, 196
Peterson, Jennifer 29, 195
Peterson , Jennifer (3) 32, 47, 141, 165
Peterson, Kyle 95, 179, 188
Peterson. Ryan 47
Petrelli, Elizabeth 70
Pettit, James 118
Pfeiffer, Cara 29
Pflug, Thomas 95
Piccolo. Erin 70
Piekos, Shannon 47, 159, 175
Piela, Elizabeth 118, 214, 2 15
Piela, Ethan 47, 199
Pierce, David 95
Pierson, Maxwell 70
Pietkiewicz, Lauren 47, 199, 204
Pietkiewicz, Manhew 95
Pignatelli, Elizabeth 95
Pignone, Rina 29
Piirto, Katelyn 71, 195
Pincombe, Kenneth 47
Piscioni, Dominic 47, 151
Pitsch, Jacob 118, 186
Plenewicz, Megan 47
Plovanich,Andrew 13, 21, 118, 132, 137, 161,
186, 204
Pobloski, Sarah 47. 179
Podskarbi, Mark 71, 161 , 198, 199
Pofahl, Evan 47
Poland, Jordan 47
Poland, Tyler 71
Polso, Travis 95, 202
Pol1in, Dennis 113, 118
Ponce, Jared 95
Ponce, Kelli 6, 7, 10, 12, 102, 118, 132, 165,
Poppe, tevey 119
Ponorff, Kellen 47, 151
Pons, Malina 119
Poupart, Laken 47
Powell, Adam 151, 160, 167
Powell. Andrew 71, 151
Powell, Malcolm 47
Powell, Manhew 7 1
Powers, Samantha 71
Powers, Tyler 95
Poui, Giuseppina 47
Prado, Mariah 6, 95, 137
Prado, Richard 137
Prall, Cara 20, 119, 188, 190, 20 I, 204, 205.
Prester!, Grant 48, 198
Preston, Alexander 119
Preston, Peter 48, 151
Preston, Richard 95
Price, Angel 186, 196
Price, Bobby 95
Primmer, Aaron 71
Primmer, Stephanie 48
Procarione, Jamie 48, 200, 220
Prozanski, Zachary 119
Pryse, Heather 6, 95, 165, 188
Pucin, Cory 95
Puntillo, ydney 48, 195
Puterbaugh, Gabriel 71, 151
Quijano. Alex 184
Quimby, Jasmine 96
Quinn, Kyle 71
Raben , Mary 96
Rabenhorst , Kassandra 48, 200
Rabenhorst, Kirsten 96. 214
Raethke, Reece 119
Ralph, Jenna 71, 169, 199, 204
Ramsdell, Samantha 71
Randle , Julie 71, 78, 147, 169, 199
Randle, Kevin 11 , 15, 96, 146, 147, 188, 202,
Range, Britnee 48, 214
Rasch, Benjamin 71
Rasch , Kevin 119
Rasch, Stephen 119, 137
Rasch, teven 48
Ratliff, Dulonden 48
Ratliff, Kylie 119, 196
Ratzburg, Scon 7 1, 171
Rausch, Douglas 96
Raymond, Scon 48
Redlin , Louise 29
Reed, Lindsey 119, 196
Reed, Sarah 42,48, 199,213
Reeves, Sandra 119
Regani, Anthony 96, 202
Reget, Kathlyn 71, 200
Rehm , Alyssa 119
Reid, Samantha 29
Reiman , Alexander 48
Rein, Carolann 96
Reindl, Jessica 48, 159, 169, 195
Rende, Michael 71
Rendler, Brooke 119
Renk, Audrey 119
Resendez, Casey 48, 199, 220
Resendez, Nancy 22
Retlick, Brandon 137
Reuss, Anthony 96
Reyes, Adam 48, 50
Reyes, Andre 71, 137
Reynolds, Megan 71
Rhey, Tyler 71
Rhodes, Diane 29
Ricard, Steffan 96, 196
Ricciardi, Anthony 71, 151, 171
Richards, Ashley 96, 141, 188, 203
Richards, Kirsten 96, 98, 182, 187, 188, 196,
Richardson, Zachary 96
Richio, Amanda 119, 148, 149
Richter, Caitlyn 54, 71, 141, 159, 198, 204
Ridley, Ryan 96, 188
Ridolfi, Alexander 71, 151
Ridolfi , Dominic 96, 151
Rigney, Tyler 71
Riley, Annie 71, 195
Riley, Jacob 71
Riley, icole 96
Rinaldi, Taylor 119
Rinaldo, Brandon 119, 137
Ringstrom, Aaron 71
Rintoul, Reba 71, 194
Rinvil, Porsha 159
Ripley, Erik 190, 202, 203, 228
Ripley, Jacinda 48, 175, 228
Rivecco, Rocco 48
Rivelli, Logan 71
Rivera. Jesse 71
Rivera, Nicole 71
Rizzo. Matt 137
Robaidek, Joseph 72
Robaidek, oelle 48, 165
Roberts, Bradley 119
Roberts, Brian 3, 119
Roberts, James 96
Robertson, Kelsey 120
Robinson, Alexander 96, 188
Robinson, Je se 96
Robinson, Laron 72
Robinson, Lenell 48
Robinson, Mallory 48, 141
Robinson, Portia 48
Robinson, Ryan 120, 137
Robinson, Samantha 72
Rocha, Anabel 72
Rocha, Anais 214
Rodgers, Amber 153
Rodriguez, Dayna 32, 48, 195, 217
Rodriguez, Elizabeth 48, 195
Rodriguez, Luis 48, 151
Roe, Alyssa 48. 195
Roe, Nathan 120, 179
Roediger, Jessica 96
Roemer, Jessica 48, 165
Rogers, Barrett 72
Rogers, Devonte 72
Rohde, Elizabeth 96
Roiniotis, Carly 96, 165, 186, 203
Roiniotis, Nickolas 72
Rolack, Torria 48, 159
Romano, Anthony 96, 137
Romano, Arielle 72
Romano, Charles 29
Romano, Teresa 56, 72, 153, 199, 205
Romero, Gi el 72, 165
Rosa, William 72
Rosales, Alexander 48, 151
Rose, Shane 72, 177,200
Rosenberg, Ashley 96
Rosenberg, David 120, 125
Rosencutter, Alex 72, 151, 161
Roushia, Cheyanne 72
Rovik, Alyssa 96, 149, 196
Rozzoni, Stephanie 73, 183, 228
Rucinski, Michael 49
Ruffolo, Isabella 73
Ruffolo, John 29
Ruffolo, Mark 97
Rugamas, Angel 49
Russell. Ashley 73
Russo, Brittnee 73
Ruta, Melissa 29
Rutherford , Shane
Saalfeld, Sam 49
Saarnio, Tia 49, 195
Sabaj, Emily 120
Sabbar, Jeffrey 125, 216
Sablan, Michael 73
Sachen, Jedediah 97, 155, 204
Salani, Dana 120, 165, 20 I
Saleski, Jonathan 97
Saleski, Lauren 214
Salinas, Jeremi 97
Salisbury, Jenna 14, 105, 120, 133, 165, 201,
Salisbury, Lauren 54, 73, 165
Salzbrenner, Hannah 120, 149, 201
Sanchez, Cassandra 49
Sanchez, Rosalinda 120
Santa. Brooke 29
Santana, David 73
Santelli, Monica 73, 165, 198, 205
Santiago, Marangely 73
Santos, A nabertha 49
Sater, David 73, 198, 199, 214, 228
Satter, Kelsey 97, 196
Sauceda, Mariah 73
Savaglio, Samuel 73
Savic, Dijana I 09, 120, 132, 213
Scarbrough, Deion 97, 136, 137, 166
Schaefer, Ronald 49
Schendl, Andrew 73
Schenk, Margo 29
Schenk, Mark 29
Scherer, Nicholas 49
Schiavi, Pri cilia 73, 153
Schiller, Dawn 97
Schindler, Randi 120
Schlie, Jennifer 29, 165
Schmaling, Steven 49
Schmid, Ann 29
Schmidkonz, Robert 97, 155, 190, 196
Schmidt, Alexandra 97
Schmidt, Andrew 97
Schmidt, Mike 30
Schmidt, Ryan 97, 155, 188
Schmidt, Tyler 49
Schmitt, Monique 73
Schmitz, Alan 73. 208
Schoettler, Daniel 73. 199
Schofro, Sarah 97
Schoor, Eric 20, 22, 120, 132, 188, 189, 190,
Schoor, Katie 73
Schroeder, Alexandra 20, 120, 192, 205, 213
Schroeder, Cody 73
Schroeder, Katherine 73, 205
Schroeder, Michael 30, 30
Schroeder, Tanner 49
Schuirmann, Kevin 120
Schuirmann, Megan 49, 204
Schultz, Kay la 49
Schurr, Brooke 73
Schutz, Faye 30, 30
Schwalm, Samuel 49
Schwandt, Gina 49
Schwandt, Joshua 73
Schwartz, Dakota 97, 163
Scott, Devonte 73
Sears. Alexis 73
Sebetic, Kristen 49, 159
Sebetic, Kyle 97, 137, 177
Sebetic, Lindsey 7, 21, 24, 103, 141, 158, 159
Seebeck, Riley 155, 171
Seger, Melissa 97. 203, 205
Seidler, Angelique 30, 30, 220
Sekitoya, Kento 184
Seliga-Regel, Brittney 49, 200. 20 I
Selin. Sheena 120
Semenas, Cathy 30
Semenas, Kimberly 49
Sengbusch, Griffin 97, 137
Sentieri, Ashley 73, 194, 208
Sepanski, Michael 49, 151
Serpe, Laena 73, 175, 194, 226
Sewell, Brittani 49, 195
Sexton, icholas 97
Shamberg, Ryne 97, 177
Shannon, Emily 97, 149, 186, 187, 188, 204,
Shapiro, Elika 30, 30
Shapiro, Rachel 73, 149
Sharp, Steven 137
Shaw, Johnny 49
Shekem, Colin 181, 190, 203, 228
Shepherd, Ashleigh 73
Shepherd, Justin 49
Shepperd, Morgan 97, 210
Sherrod, Clevonte 49
Sherrod, Cortez 73, 196
Sherrod, Sierra 149, 159. 169
Sherwood, Craig 49, 198. 228
Sherwood, Kirsten 120, 121 , 125, 190, 203,
Shierk, Kyle 49
Shierk, Philip 97
Shilhavy, Joshua 73
Shimon, Dan 30
Short, Michael 15, 97, 137
Short, Stephanie 74
Shutz, Raul 49
Siferd, Austin 74
Sigler, Elona 169
Sikorski, Cody 74
Siler, Kayle 120
Sillanpaa, Kaitlyn 97
Sillanpaa, Ryan 74
Sima, Haley 74
Simerly, Dawn 97
Simo, Erik 49
Simpkins, Joseph 121
Singer, Susan 30, 30
Singh, Jasleen 121, 201, 204, 208
Sipsma, Erik 74, 228
Sirocchi, Danielle 121
Sirocchi. Vincent 74
Skalbeck, Casey 74, 147, 228
Skanron. Zachary 49, 151
Skarda, Joseph 74, 151
Skarda, Sara 49, 141, 175
Sklepova, Roxolana 74
Skripsky, Alan 30, 30
Sladek, Chel ea 74
Siana, Elizabeth 49, 141
Siana, Virginia 97
Small, Jonathan 74, 205
Smick. Kristin 121, 153
Smith,Adam 4,8, II , 18, 105, 121, 133, 142,
Smith, Alysha 50
Smith, Caitlin 74, 228
Smith. Edward 74
Smith, Emily 50, 195
Smith, Gavin 74, 173
Smith, Jaymee 121
Smith, Jeremy (3) 97
Smith, Jessica 50. 175
Smith, Jodi 50, 195
Smith, Jordan (3) 97
Smith, Kacee 50
Smith. Katelyn 22, 121 , 196, 201
Smith, Keith 97. 190. 202. 203. 228
Smith, Lindsey 74, 198
Smith, Megan 181. 203
Smith, Nicholas 121 , 171
Smith, Paige 9, 121, 132, 196. 213
Smith. Robert 74
Smith, Ronald 121
Smith, Ryan 137
Smith , Shawnna 50
Smith. Stacy 74, 220
mith, Taylor 137
Snell, Jacob 137. 204
Snell , Kyle 136, 137, 204
Snell. Ryan 98, 137
Snowden-S mith, Chelsea 74
Sobin, Melissa 82. 98. 147, 165, 187. 188, 189.
190,204. 210
Soler, Devin 74
Sorensen, Laurel 30. 30
Sorrell, Emma 98, 216
Sostre, Gabriel 50
Sowden, Danielle 90. 98, 163, 204
Spaay,Alexandria 11, 121, 133, 141
Spaay,Amanda 80, 87, 98, 140, 141, 188, 196
Spaeth, Emily 98
Spangler, Anna 98, 188
Sparks, Daniel 98, 147, 188, 201
Sparks, Myling 50
Spencer, Raven 50, 216
Sposito, Nicholas 74
Sproul, Jennifer 30, 30
St. Peter, Michael 30, 30, 151
Stahl, Lucas 122
Stamm, Ruth 30, 30
Stancato, Angela 74, 198
Stancato, Paul 122
Standridge, Tristin 74
Stanfel, Ariel 74
Stangas, Alixandra 54, 74. 159, 199
Stanley, Elizabeth 179
Staranowicz, Marisa 98, 188
Stauder, Abby 82, 98, 145, 181, 188, 204,
Stauff, Alexander 74
Steagall, Amanda 74
Stefanski, Kristin 75
Stein, Candace 30, 30
Steinbrink, Brian 50. 163
Steinbrink, Michael 122
Steinbrink, Tricia 30, 30, 186
Steinke, Brittany 75, 141, 175
Steinke, Richard 14, 15, 98
Steinmetz, Matthew 75, 151
Stephenson, Brittany 98
Stettner, Sarah 122, 147, 179, 202
Stevens, Chelsy 75
Stevens, David 216
Stevens, Samantha 20, 109, 122, 213, 228
Stevens, Tori 50
Stevens, William 50
Stich, Wendy 50, 198
Stidd, Kaitlyn 50
Stoebe. Rebecca 75. 147, 169, 192. 200. 201,
Stoebig, Megan 75, 149, 192, 199, 205
Stokes, Brittany 51
Stolfi, Jessica 98, 152. 153
Stone. Elizabeth 122, 196
Stone, Kailey 51, 195
Stover, Katelyn 51, 195
Stowell, Justin 98. 173
Strachan. Chel ea 90, 99, 186. 188, 216, 224
Strachan, Lindsey 51, 198
Strash, Allison 99, 188
Strickland, Jaryd 99, 137
Strouf, Andrew 75
trzelecki, Madalynn 87, 99, 175. 179
Stummer, Erin 75, 204
Stummer, Megan 75, 194
Sturino, Katherine 75, 228
Sturino, Michael 99
Sturino, Michelle 75
Sturycz, Alexandra 75
St Peter. Brandi 50
St Peter, Brandon 74
St Peter. Kimberly 98
Suidikas. Jared 99
Suits, Chenoa 75
Sulko, Adam 30. 30
Sullivan, Ashley 99
Sullivan, Edwin 99, 163
Summers. Cole 51
utter. Lauren 51
Swade. Jackie 51, 175
Swade, Morgan 51. 175. 195
Swas ing. William 215. , 224. 228
Swenson. Christopher 99. 228. 229
Swiatko. Renee 30. 30
Swier. Brandon 51
Syrnoens. Tyler 51, 205
Sypult. Kendall 20 I
Taber. Olivia 75
Tabili. Kenneth 99
Tainter. Ste\en 75. 137
Tamsen. Michelle 30, 30
Tanke,-,,Iey, Rachel 51, 204
Tassoni . Adrian 51
Tate, Bre 'anna 99
Ta) tor. Hannah 75
Ta) lor. Valerie 30. 30
Tedd). Erika 51. 195. 199
Terr}. Laquanda 99
Tha)er. Tescha 30. 30
Thomas. Alyssa 75
Thomas. A'ery 75
Thomas. Dustan 122. 137
Thomas. Kara 30, 30, 220
Thomas. Logan 75. 171
Thomas. Melissa 30. 30
Thomas, Robert 30. 30. 75
Thomas, Taylor 99, 149, 188
Thompson, Aeriel 75, 194
Thompson. Alexis 51. 195
Thompson, Arin 51, 204
Thompson. Daniel 122. 186
Thompson, Matthew 75
Thomsen. Kara 122. 165. 203
Thornborough, Kate 99
Thornborough, Sarah 51. 141
Thornton. Darryl 51
Thrasher, Sara 75
Thurber, Jessica 122, 224, 225
Tindall. Elizabeth 75, 194. 195. 200, 204
Tithof. Matthew 122. 173
Tobalskj, Brianna 122
Tocci, tefano 51. 151
Tolefree. Jalen 51, 137
Tolefree, Shaina 75. 204, 227
Tomic, Zachary 163
Tomkins, Cameron 51
Toomey. Matthew 99
Topel. Blake 30, 30
Torchia, Chri tina 51
Torres. Marielena 51. 214
Torres, Martin 137, 161
Tostrud, Spencer 99
Tover, Ka) la 75, 194
Towers, Mary 30, 30
Townsend. Doug 30, 175
TraC). James 99
Trainor. Thomas 75, 162. 163
Tredup. Brian 51, 161, 177
Trimmer, Kathrenia 99. 141, 175
Tristan, Benjamin 99
Trocio. Kellie 99
Tronvig, Debra 30, 30
Trost, Sarah 7, 30, 30
Trotter. James 51
Trygar, Paloma 99, 188
Tuohy. Dylan 51, 199
Tuttle, David 30, 30
Tyson, Kyle 122
Uhlir, Jared 75
Upham, athan 99, 188
Usher, Ashley 99, 204
Usher, tephanie 75, 203
Uttech, Steven 99, 147, 188
Vagno111, Andrea 99. 165. 188, 202
Valadet. Alexander 99. 204. 215
Valadez, D)lan 76. 199. 214
Valenta, Christopher 51
Valeri, Angela 122. 165
Valeri. Jackie 30, 30
VanBergen, Emily 51. 175
VanDenBergh. Mariska 141. 185, 188, 196
Vanderford, Heather 30. 30
Vanderpoel. usan 30, 30
Van Dreese, Haley 76
Van Oever. Kevin 51
Van Oever, Michael 99
Van Wie , Casandra 99
Vargas. Jade 76
Vargas, ean 76
Vecchitto. Matthew 51. 151
Vega. Aislinn 122, 196
Velardo, Vince 76
Venegas, Marlenne 214
Verbos, Emily 76, 141
Vergenz, Curt 162
Vergenz, arah 122
Verhoef, Lee 76
Vervisch, Catherine 30. 30
Villanueva, haron 64, 76
Vite, Kayla-Marie 200
Vite. Michaela 76
Vlach, Victoria 76, 141
Vollmer, Russell 51
Wachter, Chance 52
Wacker, Annmarie 30, 30
Wade. Adriana 52, 162
Wade, Angelia 123
Wagner, Kelsey 76, 147. 169
Walaszek, Anne
Walczak, Alexander 76
Walden, Ashley 76
Walden, Kayla 52
Walker. Alannah 76
Wallace, icole 52, 195
Walls, Chnstopher 123
Walls, Geri 30
Walls, Jonathan 188, 206
Walter, Christopher 52
Wailers, Shekeniah 52
Walther, Eric 52
Ward, Jeffrey 52
Ward, Laurna 123
Warford. Alana 52
Warren, Sarah 52, 123
Warrington, abrina 76
Wartzenluft. Keith 121, 123, 130, 187
Washington, akita 76
Wasurick, Kyle 52
Wathen, Alyssa 52
Watring, Sue 30
Waupoose, John 137
Wawiorka. Jacob 52, 177
Wawiorka, Max 76
Webb, Brylee 76, 162
Webb, Carly 76, 145
Webb, Rhonda 30, 30
Weber, icholas 123
Webster, Megan 76, 149, 214
Weddel, Kyle 14, 188
Weddel. Melissa 123
Wedge, athan 76
Wei.Alice 52, 169,205
Weidig, David 52
Weiher, Amber 123
Weiser, David 30, 30
Weiss. Damon 30. 30
Welch. Lisa 52, 53. 165. 195
Wells, Benedetto 76, 137
Wells. David 76
Wells, Kristen 123, 196
Wei Is, Nancy 31, 30, 180
Wenberg. Danielle 76
Wendorf. arol 31, 31
Wendtorf, Matthew 76
Wente, Aaron 170, 171
Wepfer. Kathryn 31, 31
Wermeling, Aaron 177
Wermeling, Austin 76, 177
Wermcling. James 52
Wc11h. Jacob 123, 130, 204
Werve. Anna 52, 147, 169
Werve, Brittany 52. 153
Westermeyer, Lauren 52, 205, 216
Westermeyer, Rachael 196
Weyker, Morgan 123
Whitaker, Ethan 76, 147. 200, 201. 210, 226
Whitaker, Lane 123, 192, 196, 201. 205, 210,
Whitaker, Melissa 31, 31, 204
White, Breize 61, 76
White, Hollie 76. 149
White, Melanie 31
Whiteside, Matthew 52
Whitten, icholas 77
Whitten, Shannon 77, 169, 228
Wicklund, Zak 123
Wickman, Kyle 123
Widmar, Katlynn 52, 195
Wiegele, Barbara 31, 31
Wiegert, icholas 52
Wiele, Jacob 228, 229
Wiele, Ken 31, 31
Wielgos, Katherine 204
Wightman, Brittany 77
Wiginton. Wayne 77
Wilcox, Brandon 77
Wilder, Ladarius 77
Wildman , Cou11ney 52, 165, 195
Wilhelmson, John 31, 31
Williams, Ariele 52, 159
Williams, Breonna 77
Williams, Chelsey 77
Williams, Damon 137
Williams, Floyd 52, 220
Williams, Haley 77
Williams, Marcus 52
Williams, Porshica 77
Williams, Preston 77
Williams, Ruben 77, 78, 161
Willis, Samantha 56, 77, 175, 204
Wilson, Debra 31. 31
Wilson, Mark 52
Wilson, Rebekah 77
Wilson, Stan 31
Wing, Jessica 52
Wirth, Aimee 77
Wisniewski, Mark 31, 31
Woh lgemuth. Jensen 52, 200, 20 I. 216
Wojciechowicz, Alexa 22, 123, 214, 215, 224
Wojnicz, Holly 149, 203
Wolf, Courtney 78, 179, 194
Woller, Ashley 123, 144, 145
Wood , Jordan 77
Wooden, Rachel 196
Woodley, Jalen 53
Woodley, James 53, 137
Woodley, Philip 14, 15, 147
Woods, Katherine 21, 123, 224, 225
Workman, Andrew 123, 203, 216
Workman, Joseph 20, 22, 123, 155, 203
Workman, Sarah 202
Woulfe, Edmond 53
Wright, Alyssa 175
Wright, Andrew 53
Wynia, Courtney 121, 130, 20 I, 208, 220
... -·'-
~Z..:! ..
Yata. Omar 53
Yeary. Jaclyn 188, 190. 203. 204, 220
Yelton-Stanley, Benjamin 78
Yokoi, Alexander 53, 199
Yontz, Bess 22, 203
Young, Chantel 165
Young, Joanna 144, 145. 203
Young, Patrick 53
Yuenkel. Ashley 78
Yuhas, Jacob 78
Yule, Jason 137
Yule, Katherine 78. 214
Zajicek-Bagenski, Laura 31, 31
Zalar, Brian 53, 214
Zalar, Lashe 78, 214
Zalaznik, Rachel 53, 200
Zalokar, Colin 31. 31
Zambrano, Victor 214
Zarletti, Julie 7, 24, 165, 188
Zazula, Alysha 78
Zeeveld, Anthony 53
Zematis, Jeff 3 I
Zember, Mandy 53. 200
Zettle, Ryan 31, 31
Zeyen, Alexis 186
Ziccarelli, Marianne 31, 31
Zielsdorf. Vicki 31, 31
Zilisch, Joseph 151
Zolper, Ryan 137
Zorc, Benjamin 78
Zuluaga, Michael 53
Zurawski, Mark 202, 228
Zuzinec. James , 31
Zwickey, Sarah 78