The Classic 2006
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The Classic 2006
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 2005 to 2006 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
1 131 1 1 10645
~1~1iij1~1 r~~m11
[\~!i1i111 1 1 1 1
tremper h.s. 11 kenosha, wis. 11 53143
With a spin, seniors Jon Lamothe and Merissa
In full swing, senior Derrick Hartnell bowls
Modory dance at an Oriental Sub Deb formal. • Arm
through State in a second consecutive team championbandaged, senior Crystal Staker drops in one of 521 pints
ship. • Horn up high, junior Devon Armstrong_ marches
at March 9 Blood Drive. • Profiling the building just priin step at the Kenosha Civic Veterans' Parade. • Speckor to the June 5 construction shift, freshman Emily Wdulfe· . led with red and blue, seniors Nikki Moriarty and Nicky
and other Art 3 students sketch from the northwest lawn.
Middleton flash Trojan pride at the Homecoming game.
Tremper Classic 2006
No Damage
With a thrust of his fist, senior Pete
Russo cracks a joke at Battle of the
Bands March 19. A second Battle
unplugged to cancel May 6.
"At a Sign Club
lock-in, Andy
Thimmesch put
me in the garbage.
I couldn 't move,
laughing so hard,
so he tipped the
garbage can over
to get me out"
-soph. Brittany
8560 26th Ave.
Kenosha, Vv'I 53143
ph. (262) 942-2200
fax (262) 942-2178
Joe Antolik
Kurt Gosselin
Bryce Ulmer
Sam Zimany
Joe Antolik
Stefanie Dulak
Rebecca Freiberg
Sandy Jacoby
Sandy Kay Jacoby
f;;/ /'Jt ? ~
"My strategy was
running around
like a chicken
with its head cut
off and dodging
behind my teammates when we
faced The Moms,'
a parent team. "
- jr. Patric Garcia
"Because I shaved
my hair off for
Twelfth Night, I
carried a note everyday to class saying I could wear a
hat in school. No
hair was a really
big change!"
-sr. Adam Campbell
Stt'pping into yet another year. " ·e
shifted gears v.rith new school achninistration l d by Principal Ed Kl 1pka.
In step with changt'. " Te adjusted to
snriley-face, student-friendly policie!:l
and office nan1 s. \\ ithin Kenohha,
news of six teen deaths. the heated
\~ ' al-Mart debate and Prinie Outlet
gTowth intrigut>d t 1~ . In search of ~ta
bility. classic school ev nts offered a •
refuge frmn tht' ~hif i110- ' ·orl l.
Ashley Blise
shift within
'O~ I
\~' ith a
ity population
pushina 9-t,-±50, Keno·ha ranked as on of
the stat '· fastest gro ing. Tot only K-town but
abo · hool fac d grmvth
and a ~hift "'ithin. Over
200 e, tra bodi · packed
halls and portabl as we
stret h d 2,-±09.
We tri d to hold ur balance with Hon1econring
and p as ·emblies and
distracted our elves with
th un1rnerfe ·t Big Gig
and Kenosha County's
Country Thund r. We
plugg d-in to D ath Cab
for Cutie and The Vio1 nt F nm1 s and went
d ep country "''1th K ith
rban and Josh Gracin.
Holl; ood brewed controver y, thrilling us ·with
box office bonanzas like
'·Brokeba k Mountain."'
$83 nUllion, and 'The Da
· in i Code,., , '217 n lillion,
on Tinseltown's screen at
, outh Port Plaza.
\ hile \ isconsin shiftecl minimum wage from
, '5.15to , 5.70, the school
hiked-up parking fees to
, 50 and allowed Premier
Renaissance seniors to
park in the once-forbidden tea her parking lot.
etworking site invaded home as over 80 mil-
lion ventured to creative
heights within Myspace.
As we all posted pies and
blogs, local moms spiecd
on teens, and staff like social studies teachers \1ik
Orth and Dorlise Brown
profiled personab.
At 99 per song, iTunes
put us in control, deflating CD sale · by 12 percent. In-pocket control,
the innovativ<' iPod ~ ano
reduced size and stored
500 ongs for us. On-thego, over-the-top, we were
all about shifting culture
to fit Fridays, from rockhopping on Lake Michigan to hanging at Miraz.
coming with 1800
dents c mm
into the commons
nd the gym, the idea that Kenosha had
grown under the image of Chicago's
northern-most suburb slammed us like
the bricks to build a new athletic wing
A quick drive in the neighborhoods on
the south side revealed more new housing construction than the north . Pleasant
Prairie, whose teens attend Tremper,
shifted into overdrive as fastest growing
in Kenosha County at 17.69 percent.
Whispering Knoll, Meadowdale Estates,
Tobin Creek, Neumann Homes and
Harbor Park downtown with Strawberry
Creek west sprawled in mint condition .
Mayor John Antaramian projected Kenosha to overtake Green Bay to become
the state's third largest city by 2010.
I") .... "~···
~ Jukin' and jivin', '05 grad Aileen
Orr, freshman Jacqueleine Williams, senior
Andy Wells, '05 grad Stephanie Becker and
sophomores Paige Smith and Randi Schindler
party at "All That Jazz." D Decked out in
helmet and harness, freshman Emily Nyquist suits up with a Wisconsin Army National Guardsman. Four climbing levels
reminded P.E. students of army power
in Iraq. IJ In the swing of nets and tubes,
sophomores Cassie Jordan and Chad
Johnson goof-off in SeaWorld's play
area. Golden Strings drove to Florida to
entertain at SeaWorld and four country clubs. &l With a zoned-out stare at
6:30 a.m., junior Daniel Ragnow cracks
open notebooks and texts for Ms. Julie
Chase's Spanish 301 class. Sliding out of
bed an hour earlier, 41 students elected
and endured zero-hour lessons.
lnour::itruggle tobalan e
::ihifting benveen social
and academic schedu l ·,
we reluctantly tackled
tin1e managen1 nt. With
advisori , sliced by seven
n1inute ·. xtra passing
tin1e let us sneak into
class in the nick of time.
Those of us who fail d to
arrive on time tallied up
tardie ·, that warranted
a teacher-escort to clas ·.
Tot so cool to arrive ·with
a teacher in tow.
After ·weep relocated
from th auditorium, our
updated ·pace hou ·ed a
chi , n w curtain. carpet
and upholstered chairs.
clumging colors from oranae to Trojan blue in an
op ration over , '50,000.
ln !-ipite of budget cuts
threatening district payment of Advanced Placement osts for the second year in a ro" , KL D
pitched in 82 per test
with xtra monies. With
'22.68-t covered, 198 of
u took 310 exams.
"-Student Learning ~o
Matter What!.' echo d
in the halb with two
new administrators. Dr.
ue , avaglio-Jarvis and
Ms. Jody Bloyer nmrked
the frrst year since 198-t
that two fen1ale assistant
prin ipals cn1ised the iu::i
and out..., of the school.
Breaking from academic ', we grabbed the \l[etra
train to the Windy City,
braving frigid weather.
--\ricked·· at the Oriental wooed us away [rom
work, and Chicag~ sights
like Millenniun1 Park drew
u south of the border.
\\ ('lcmning th(' ::ihil't . we
saw dozers demoli ·h the
Original Outlet Mall and
fashion heaven ·hine for
Prime Outlets' 6.~store
addition just off 1-9-t. Ktmvn changed sites as we
nhiftcd within our school
to reshape Trojan life.
t.difting our ers
ing's sout end, specially for athletes,
Referendum Proposition 2 suggested a
revamped gym, locker rooms and girls
team room. To spread word in the community before election day Nov. 1, Keno
sha Unified held 28 school tours and six
public information nights. An additional
48 online documents in the public eye
bolstered support as the $6,965,000 referendum passed 14,995 to 8,749. With
the referendum construction in full swing
as school came to a close, west parking lot saw a shift with three portables
moved for the next school year. Other
sports changes included the district's
-~~:i7 decision to sell Bane Elementary School
for possession of Anderson Field, with a
sr. Niki Bohn
$550,000 artificial turf upgrade.
A ... ~
~ Hiking from Port 1 of six for
overcrowding, sophomore Cara Conway,
freshmen Lauren Mogensen, Rachel Westerm~yer and Joe Cook trek to the building. 0 "Everybody clap your hands! "
rings out as juniors Megan Steinmetz
and Britni Brown dance through the
Orient to the "Cha-Cha Slide." Despite
shifts, age-old traditions like "Cha-Cha"
and " Electric" slides survived change.
IA Finding first with '04 graduate Megan Brown's Nemo-painted bug, Girl 's
Swim and Dive dove into Homecoming parade's crazy car contest head-first.
With 40 swimmers tossing candy and
waving signs, they streamlined to Anderson. Ii Fresh ideas for student proficiency
and grad requirements shifted Principal
Ed Kupka 's school names, like Main office to the Office of Student Learning.
Posing for a final senior moment, seniors Melody Bartelson, Alyson Manthei
and Mark Mueller join arms and smile
for a camera at Graduation June 4. After
720 days of school over four years, 486
seniors capped off one last priceless hour
having collected $1.3 million in scholarships noted at Convocation.
Crowns and smiles in place, Prom
King and Queen juniors Andrea Gallo
and Scott Frost accept roses during "Cinderella's Ball" April 8. Votes at the door
ranked the 12 vying for the royal honor.
~ To celebrate one last hoorah, Class of
'06 dances to DJ Aaron K. They laughed
with 92 mock awards and reminisced
with a 26-minute slide show.
Unfazed forthe Oct. 15 "All That Jazz"
themed dance by a 6-14 Homecoming
loss to Muskego, spectators ventured
back. Shifting tradition , senior Sean
Flatley became the first elected Homecoming king separate from the queen.
Intermingling oriental with girl-ask-guy
traditions, Sub Deb brought "Chinese
Fortune" to life at Best Western Jan. 21.
In the breeze of winter's chi ll , 1,000 origami cranes, paper lanterns and fans with
calligraphy greeted 350 party-goers.
To shift into medieval fantasy, Prom's :l •.
"Cinderella's Ball" ushered teens to the)."~
Parkway Chateau. On April 8, 350 danc- ...
ers flowed into a star-studded ballroom. s •
In a spring fling, Prom debuted two
weeks early, set apart from May event'.$. """"'~~"!
Scheduled to compete in San Fran i et>
at the JEA Write-Offs over spring break,
15 yearbook veterans and eight adults
flew out of Colden Gate city with six Superiors, one Excellent and four Honorable Mentions. Best of Show third place
nationally reflected the '05 Test of Character and strengthened staff pride.
To march across the graduation stage
with Prinicipal Edward Kupka's traditional priceless speech, 486 seniors shifted
to Bradford's field house for a finale .
\l l•gu11 \11clro.,chko
\ . , h(p, Carleton
H elx~Ta Freibe r~
Kin; Charto
Kun C<k,.,cli.n
Bryn· l l111t>r
\ uron K nui-.t"
\in.,lt') \ 1r\h.b ter
Chief Editor
<:/1-r.l/lff.II d.rr
TI Inc
\..,hfe, BIL.,e
Jack Cumh
1-. t'n Subl.>t;r
~winging to the beat
Eyed Peas' "My Humps," sophomore
Amanda Lindquist grooves at "All That
Jazz." Over 1800 teens packed the gym
on Oct. 15 for clubbing on a Saturday
night. To decorate in jazz, Government
cut out silhouettes of musicians playing
saxophones and trumpets to off-set sunglasses, glow sticks and glittered mies.
waying to the :>eat of uc te111popacked,, a:, Rihanna·,,_ -Pon de
Replay:· junior" l\icole Comer and
Brinany Zifo.,ch celebrare among 1800
party-goer:. in the jammed 1n-m.
f11To celebrate rheir crown~. Ilomec'oming royalry ~eniolb Sean Flatlt>y
and hannon \'an C&ter relt>&e
balloon:. onto the dance floor. I\ominated by "enior, but voted for by the
"tudent body. the winner,, received
the ritle at the 0 t. 1-t football game
preceding the dance on Oct. 1.5.
(tiCheered on by fre,,hman Abby
Padlock and 'enior Bren \1etzger,
fre,,hman Rvon Schulz heacb facefir,,t into the.pie-eating portion of the
pirit Bell rela) race. The Cllli>, of
'06 dominated the race "~nnino the
coveted Spirit Bell, a firbt ever.
l·~ngulfed in smoke f rorn tht> "enior float
t<'l'jW<'. H orne om ing f stivities kicked off
with hundreds of people boastina south
bide 1~rid~ Oct. H . Featuring
toga I ro1ans. fac -i inted warrior.., and
bounds of DJ aron K blasting music. tht>
lass of ·06 won Be:-;t Float for the fin;t
time in their four-) ear tenure.
"C n'"Jid ring
w 've never
won anvthina
a,, a group. 1t wa · amazmg to he part of
our la,.,t chanc to re,.,tore honor and aloIY
to our class;· aid ..,1•nior Sarah Hage~. ·
Dc:-;pit<' spirit-fillc·d cn1 tion from the parade leading into the game against \1usk<'go. the football team fumbled and [alt ' red \vith a final sc·on• 6-1-t.
"Ewn though we lo,.,t. e didn't lPt th
game min our week nd. Although a few
of our best players wer hurt, Wi looked
espite loss
Friday night
football game, teens jive
and juke with 'All that Jazz'
forward to the dance and ·-\ ll that Jazz ....
'"Jaid freshman Brandon A nclen,on.
During halftime. Homecomina Kina
'an "' atley. via a .,tand-in. and Queen
, hannon Van Ca..,ter accepted crown;, undt>r the red and blue balloon arch. For the
fi ;t time, vott>fi'i cho-,, a King and Queen with
s parate ballot!:> ba-;ed on independent skit,,.
·T wa;,n't surpri'"Jed when thev announced
that , ' an and, 'hannon wen-· ·named Kina
and Queen. Their creatiYe skit::, and their
ability to po..,itively promot tlwrn;,elw,.,
convinced me to vote for them.·· "aid junior \1allorv \1arano.
ft r a w~ekend filled with crazy face
painting. a ..crowd am .. with cbc~ bal6.
inflated note" and guitar::o backt>d by '"Jilhouettes and sungla'"Jses for the d~nce.
students scattered .. ,\ Ll that Jazz·· "pirit .
.J~' /ff c/(
Focu~ed on arranging Barbie fi!rlire~
''~th outragemh huir~t) le~ o; the
float, junior \l elinda Dreger ~eh up
to '·, nd 'Em I lome Cl) in' ...
artners prefer ...
age to ask a date, like senior Marty Amacher
8 1Dance-goers opted for jamming with the girls, like sophomores
Kara Griffith & Megan lstvanek
(1 1Party-seekers chose to hang
with a mixed crowd,
like juniors Sarah Mastronardi,
Keith Hess & Abi Konitzer
lft>Teens danced the night away with
a long-term boyfriend/girlfriend,
like senior Rebecca Candee &
'04 grad Mykel Robinson
srs. elene leidlein & katie sleszynski
From Chicago to Cali, 15 vets
rock the national xearbook
competition, 11 in San Fran
Finger:-. roi,sed after days of touring an
Fran isco. 19 member" f the ~ <'arbook
staff breathlessly waited for the announcement. For the second year in a row, Classic claimed a nationai" third place Best of
how ward at th April 22 Journalism
Education \ i,i,ociation at ional , ho!astic Press :.!-JO iation pring Conference.
··);ot onl) did I feel the pressur of placing individually. but as a group we have a
reputation to uphold. -one of 11 expected
to place ai, well as we did. T ft>lt i,ick to my
stomach waiting for both the re;,ults,., said
senior ports Editor Sarah Da;,zczuk .
On top of the third place Be,,;t of Show
and 23rd consecutive A11-A nwri a n tatu:i.
15 ;,ta ff eri, competed individua l event ·.
Eleven cla imed JEA \~ rite-Dff honors.
--1 felt somewhat nervoui,. It was reassuring to know that l ople competing in my
category didn "t know as much;' said ·oph(
On the tra il. »ophmnore Stefanie Du·
lak ,,trolb through r<'dw()()(b at \1uir
\\ ood~ :\ational \lnnun wnt. &>fore
Parning a Supl'rior rncda l for Cop~ /
Caption· \ cadcnu"~· Dulak P plored
San Francll,co with utlt ·r trip·gon~,
including a "top at th e Golden Gate.
omore Ainsley McMaster, who re eiv
Excellent in Copy/Caption-Clubs. w
the judge::i granted no Superiors.
Prior to success on the Wei,t Coast. 11
experienced yearbookies ventured to the
Windy City for the JEA - PA Fall onfer- .
enc -Chicago. At the largest convention in
the history of JE • ·sp A, four edit ors ta llied three Excellents and a Superior.
"I wa · proud of my Pl asantviJle E ffect
photo because it ;;howed the most !'motion.
I was ecstatic tha t l received Excellent. but
I missed th awardb ceremony on unday. ··
said junior photo editor Ashley Blis .
One third place book, 32 staff members,
15 indiYidual awards. two cities, 10,000
ompetitors, 2.3 All-Americallb. lik Prin
pal Ed Kupka's local lists, PRICELES, .
Accepting hi,, medal from pre,,e nter»
at the JE \f0.SP \ \\ rite.Off awa rd,,
ceremony in San Francibco. "enior
Editor-in:Chief Joe \ ntolik tallie" one
of five Stq w ri o r~ ea rned by C/a,,,,ic.
\ ntolik ea rned a n Excellent in Computer De,,ign: \ dvert ll,ina in Chicago.
1250 ·05 Boob Sold
Con.-.ecut iw :"SP A
JEA \\ rite-Off Individual
J\ational Awardb
"After being on staff for four years,
I was finally allowed to let loose on
my design concepts this year."
T a ping a 16-book bo"< of 'O.S yearboob a t cove r camp, ~e ni o r;, Andrea
Savaglio a nd MPga n Godin gea r up
for <li;,tribution ·ov. :,n. \Vith a Live
DJ, <li;,tribution ;,ounded off.
•~I"/", 't'.11
Locked U[ be hind ca~t iron ba!'i, ;,enior Editor;,-in-Chief Kurt Go,,,,elin
a nd Bryce Ulmer e"<f.>erien e the Rock
fir;,t ha nd. On th!' San Franci....,ro trip,
13 teens Yentured by fer11· from Pier
39 to the l;,land pri..'> on Alcatraz to
lea rn about it ~ infa rnou;, incarcera ted
crimina b Like \I Cu1X>ne after the
hike to Lombard Street.
* Break dancina . ..,rreer 1.>erformen:.
a nd ;,hopping on &m Franci~co \ Pier
39 entertained tho,,e who did not go
to \lca traz pri;,on. '"l break-<la nced
after ;,ome 'o trert pt•rformep, \\~th two
little kid,,. l wa" awe;,ome, but the
little kid,, were better. \~ e a ll la ughed
a nd had a aoocl tim e,~ ;,aid sophomore reporte r Heberra Freiberg.
Renovations, exhilarations and
spontaneous onsumP,tions
bring 31 st Feaste to closure
Two nigh h of note-holding competitions
lwr.veen ;;;eninr , loists H eather Bobeck
u11d Sam l log<1n-;on during 'Th , Twelve
Da~ of Chri-;tnm ··· shocked n a rly -!:00
YtH.".,f;o '"hen Hogan on locked lips with sen ior [adrigal ::-linger Amanda Johru;ton.
..Sam told nw he might kiss someone
lurin his solo. hut I hought he wru, joking. I ittle did l krnm t at he was ,;eriou,;;
tl wrdore, l wasn ·t pn ·pared for a full dip
in t lw middle of his ·S<:n n Swans a wimm in_;?: solo," said John-,ton.
l n reve rse order from th e menu to accrnn m odate a pot ito mi-,h a p durin a th ,
four-day event. gre('ll l><'ans arrived with
--y !: > m all fov.Tle.'' and ··dill potato s·· accompanied "ye ro& te p~ "ge ...
·· -\ t , \ mday · s performance. the potatoes
weren 't ready to be '"'<'rT d., ,;o we brought
~~ , · (
Serenading gtlt'"h with rro mbo n~
entert a ins -+00 guesh ru, junior:, Devon .\rm,,rrong a nd Jared Fro,,t play
-o Come, \ll Ye Fa ithful.- Becau:,e
of brid r!'hea r-;a l. Bra-;~ opted not to
pla) ~. ilt>nt '\ight .. fo r the final three
pt•rforma ncc,,. Back-up nwntbt>r,, abo
,, ub~ ritw <>d for other bra,,,, membe r:,
due ro ,,cheduling problem:..
out the green heans. ~ o one noticed the
mix-up except for the Sing r a nd Je!::lte r,;
who knew the menu\ original order;· !::laid
sophom ore \\ en h Maureen \11.acCready .
ln the annual cushion da nce, \11.adrigal
Singers took a break from the tab le and
ent r cl !::l tage left to perform a gracdul
frolic, but Sunda) offered another surpri!::>e
as six je!::lter · a mbushed the stage and fell
to their kne !::>, puckering lip · to kiss.
··Because of Bradford senior Alli!::lon
Dahrs !: > m all ,.,tature, T ;;;tood at lll) full
6'5'' height. ;;;o !: > he couldn 't reach me. T
eventually knelt down lo kiss h er while
she rem ained !: >landing.'' said se nior Madrigal Singer Sean M Master.
Joyous ki!::lsing Dec. 15-18 rekindled the
holiday ,;eason for gue;;;ts a t the 31st \ nnual Olde Engli!::lhe Chri'itmas!::l e F ea;;;te.
a rms full of five-year-0ld, '>Ophomore Je,,ter ,\ in,ley Mci\1a:,ter ca rrie,,
Ye Lord Iligh Cham berla ine Bria n
Lyn c h· ~ ,,on Jack while he -:;wim,, a~ ,,enior Sam H oga ru,on ,,ing~ -&,·t' n Swa n.,, a , \vinuning.- \1cMa:,rer
s po nrnm·o u,, l ~ pulled Jack from hi.-.
~ca t a lo ng the a i.-.le to ,,ho\\ off wha t
Je:;ter,, ta ught him during rehear:;ab.
to a ('hu«kling audiPnn·.
nior Sarah Pallin ,.,111il1·,., ,.,ing ing -La.
La, La. Ji- 'w [; '"'' Din·.·· a Fn ·nd1
pi1·c1· inrnking fih of laughu·r from
(' horal -,1·nion,., within tlw nnhic.
Both Pall in and h1·r f \\in lirotlwr
b ·ik J)(Tfornwd t h Singc·r,., in h ·<hil' .
. 'To for«<' a forbidd1·n -, mil1· from
,.,opho11 1orc fcnccr Car·i,.,a \lack. ,.,,._
nior J1·,.,ter St1·phani1 · Bakula -- \ 1<-rn1tio .. -,kip,., in plan •. f'or tJw fiN tinlf'.
tlw l'\il lilack-{·<hllllll<'d h ·m·pr,., won
tl11· fight again,.,1 tlw brown.
~4 1t?tq /;u~/e
~~friends ~ommemorate friend
"\Vhen 1 found out
about n1y close
friend Matthew Fontenont 's car-accident r~«d 1 felt
it was only right
to r n1emb r hi1n
with a thino- he did
b st 1/;'f/;l'f/· His
juggling "\\rtth flan1ing fir tor h s really lighten d the
n10od of Fea 't . 1
designed a /«/c~
for the jugglers to wear on the front of
our costun1es. and our adviser even nmd
th 111. On it was his initials, .. 17. ~ .:#!.
and three juggler 's pins becau it repre, nts the group h was a part of. Th pms
were his favorite to juo-gle ..,
\long wirh 3')() danrer-., -.ophomorc
Lake,,hia LobdPll und junior Enm
Owen;, swa, undernt>ath colorful.
01icnr-in~pi~ed luntern;,. \\ ith the
prire of a '"Chine~c Fortun<"·· ;,urpa~,,ing . 1:)() wi1 h dr<'"" and I ickPI
included ;,1udcn1;, danced and ;,Ocialized from 8 to 11 p.rn. during the
Jan. 21 t'\'Pning <l1 llw Bt>st \\ C!:>lern.
* Captured up in dw mo men I, -.enior John Ke111en emhrure ;,enior
\[eri,,,.,a \lodory and junior Robt>t1
Pi,.,riotti while taking <1 quirk break
from the c.lance floor. \w<1' fron1
the hot crowcl ;,lllClenh cooled do\\.11
with 12 oz. wat<'r bottles.
Entering a world of dazzllno-b fan ·
LCate paper crane ·. 350 dancern aveled
lo the Orient with a $15 ticket for a ..Chinese Fortune." Sub Deb\ themed dance
<'l'lebrated the da' aft r sementf'r e'Xams.
·· 'ou a lways h e~r 'Mardi ras' or ·Wllihing on Sta~ as t he usual cli he id as. So,
r thought it as a ' ry uniquf' theme,
ratio~ " ere e'<cellem:' said
an<l the d
sophomore Melinda \fathiruo.
\\inter forma l tnditiondictaten that o- irb
ask !!lt~ · like junior Lianne O' Teal
'·T we11t with Jake. a ho I knew from Silver
l ~a kt· be au8e h i-, fri( nd8 with all f my
fri ml-,. fun to be with. and most importan tl~. he lov H to dance ., said O':\ al.
\\ ith df•<· r tionn and favor!> at, '?00. the
hall at S:20 0 and a DJ at , '250, dan ers
glim1hed H mag ica l hint>.., cu lture.
Under 1,000 origami er
dancers drift past winter
to celebrate Chinese Fortune
'T loved getting low with everybody there
and having a great night with my 'Fab
Four,"'' said junior Markie Hylinski about
her circle of close friend!>.
Decorating the Best \~ estern ballroom
on Sheridan Rd. with a Chinese flair 15
ub Deb committee members fashio,ned
200 fans for three houf!'> the mornino-0 of
th ~ dance Jan. 21. From the ceiling 1.000
era[ted origami crane · floated in flight.
"l thought th fans wer appropriate
s.i11ce the ha ll felt approximately eight million deo-rees," ::;aid junior Jared Frost.
Before the last hour of dancing. ub Deb
Prince and Princess titles crowned Riley
ngbusch and Amy Riccardi. ,\ fter fa~
ulty nominated eight, attendee!'> voted a::;
they entered.
ngbusch celebrated v:ith
clan ino- and singing to the crowd.
ln the micL..,t of ~1x·rtmor,.,. ,.,enior"
Rile) Sengbu;,rh. Jo,.,h McDaniel and
\nthon, Rivera te,.,t their ~kill ~
Chine,,e' acrobat~ in the fonnation of
"'The Bicycle.'' For three hour~ ~tudcnth ~pent time not onl) dancing
but performing Chinese ~tunt~ on
the dance noor to further C'i:tend the
mood of an Oriental night.
ec;7?:,~ (/f'~/
surviving those slippery slopes
"After looking at three different
stores, I finally found the perfect
shoes to match my brown ilk
dres at K HL'S. Thev were
strappy, bronze and me:.....dllP-.;:'- tallic, two-and-one-half
inch heels. I cha e
hoes \\'ith heels to
make me taller even
though it was icv."
- oph. Abby Jackson
During two months of pla nning, Prom
committee juniors sacrificed Wednesday advisori es and hours a ft er school
to ensur<' Prom success. MemJX> rs then
prepped for Prom on a pe rsonal level.
·The day was stre88ful. \t 8 a.m . 1 fineaving the rt'al world behind, teeru, ven- llihecl the King a nd Queen sashes. 1 a6o
tured far. far away reaching Cinderella\ did thn"'e girls' hair, lem~ng -tO minutes
ca.-.tle a t tlw Pm~ wu~ Chateau ju;;t ]")(:'~ one! for 111yst'lf," said junior Jaclyn Jensen.
I lwy. 50 two wet'b earlier tha n lw;t r ear. Befort' a night of dance a nd celebration,
Tee"ns forked over ,,':30 for seniors and $3.5 tel" ns scarfed a sit-down dinner at 6 p.m.,
for juniors but al-.o net'ded a parent-signed their choice of Prime Rm. Pasta Primavslip banning jacking., frt'aking era or ·Chicken Cordon Bleu.
··T had the Chicken Cordon Bleu and
a nd ,.,ucb inappropriate dance moves.
·The new dance penni..-;sion slip \Vlli> seen really enjoyed it. but I heard people compla ining about the food, and even the
a;, a complt'te joke by the whole school.
Tf a n~ thing. it at lrnsl gave us a good DJ,"' said junior Brian \\ iegcle.
\\ ith only a few teen.-; marked and then
laugh."" said junior Pamela Regalado.
\pparently. the list of inappropriate bounced ~t two-strik es-you ' re-out, the
dance moves did not halt promi-.cuous crowd thinned on its own two hours early.
acts. as junior Sam Sconzert ohsen·ecl.
· ·En· r~ thing was great. hut tlw dancing was terril)l . T smv p<,opl<' practically
hm~ng sex on the dance floor. That was
jsick.". said 8conzert.
650 party-goers st
into glass
slippers at Cin erella's Ball
for a fairy-tale Prom April 8
. 'la: m 17
r,; ,
\X ith a cfo~e emhrace. "enior Chri.~1 ina Iannone a nd Brncfford ~e nio r \I ike
Ge rlach ~ l ow-da n ce a l ··Cinderella\
Bair" \pril 8. J.D. Fountain Dkd dw
t>\ .(' fll \\ith a -tO-~ ('H r 111ix o f ttllhic.
~r.~/-/0r~ a( .4i'm I'
In f'O) al po,e. :;enior \ manda John~ton <'<·h·brnte" th<' ll<'\\h !'rowned
Prom King and Q1we;1, junior-.
Scott Fro-.t and \ndrea Gallo. Prom
Crnnmittt'<' nominated 1:2 nH•niber-.
ha-.l'd on hour-. d<'dical<'d. tit> To foll1m through ";th a dare to' · the
orchid 1h~t garni.-.lwd dinner plate,,.
-.cnior \1<''('1 llujik ('<lt1tiou-.I) plucb
th<' p<'laL~. tit> Spot ting friencl-. aero:;,,
the room. '' junior-. Sarah Frenner.
\1111 Ewen-.. \liclwlle Ternall and
Pm;l Fordwtte -.ra, do-.t· a-. the1
makt• \nl) through the crowd of 656.
niors attend
nquet May 19
ock awards set off
laughter in the hall
of iMovie
evive memories
·deo yearbooks
ighlight raffle
d«/l m1d- t/';,1,11N't~J
On the LCD camera screen, seniors
Matt Mahoney and Ellen Dietrich
view pictures taken at Banquet.
i« Sporting a blaze orange dress l:ihirt
and matching tie, senior Brandon
H err pours another glass of water.
Fashions at the semi-formal event
ranged from suits and corporate casual to jeans and short skirts.
e niors. I~ pica[ of the My Space ,
rat ion, <le la~ 1·d hu ying tickt·ts a.., la te as -t
p.m . the day of the Senior Banqu et. \1o!-ilacc ioli. 11watlntlh; a nd mashed pota toes
buffet met 1?6 senion; a t the ltalian
American ClLJ) \II ay 19, before an vening of a wa rck lai 1ghs a nd mem orie;;.
"Ove ra ll food wa"' pretty goocl hut more
importantl y, tlwn · \\'H!-i ple nty of it. The
Ita lian American 's mo!-itaccioli tasted rea lly good.'' said s('nior Frnnk Ko!->luche r.
s the teen;; e mptied wat<' r pitchers a nd
cleaned cake from th<'ir pla tes, Senior
Class President Kurt Go...,"'1·lin a nd Vice
President Kelly Wepking alt erna ted announcing mock a wa rd..,. lik1· Be!-il Dressed
and Class Clown, for 92 !-ieniors.
" -ot to sound cocky, h111 no two other
g irls are closer tha n me a nd Kay la Glas ·-
)inner: $12, Cake: $45, DJ:
$300, Five Hours of Senior
Suner ('pip r fn
man . r was ha rdly surprised when our
na mes were announced for 'Double T rouble ... , Ha id se nior Sarah Concannon.
Sel to ''Bitte n,w et Symphony'" a nd
'Time of our Lives" music, a 26-minute
slide..,how as well as the CD) earhook promo and rafOe highlighted the past four
years. Five lucky banquet-goer;; won Ds.
"I put over 300 photo;; into the slid show, a nd we e nded up having a technical
problem on Ba nquet day. I spe nt all of the
first three blocks in \llr. Roma no's office
to correct the proble m, and it was fin a lly
ready to go just before I had to run and
pick up the ca ke,'' said Gos;; lin.
For $15 pe r person and a n additiona l
, '1200 from Cla;;s of '06 coffe rs, 1?6 banquetec rs da nced into the night a nd cherished the fin al two week;; as T rojans .
-/t//;,,. ,/ ~j ,,/, 4
\ ft<•r '*'<'<' piing hi~ 111o<'k a wa rd for
··J Jrn<ling mil lo l l o llywoo< ~ ., ~<' ni o r
Gini.n Jacb o n deli,-e r-, an \ cade mv
\ wmcl~-~r' 11· rhank-vou. T wo w <·<'k-~
prio r to Bitnqu<'t. ~!' 1iior~ YOt<·d 10 det<' nnine th<· 9·2 moc k a ward winn!'r,.,.
. ~; /,. / )f/q/;
Filing down the bJ(fet table, ,.,t>nior,.,
Sa rah I lage n, l\arall<· Bl") dge,.,. \ ,., Ji.
le\' \ LL,.,,.,e. E rika E lmblad a nd Ka, la
Gicb,., man pile plate~ "ith mo~racc ioli .
n,.,.,~l' ll rollmwd \\i th a n •06 ma rbl!'
,., heet cake from P ole ntini·,, Ba ke!")·-
DEREK :\UERSON l nin•r-,iry of \\ i,.,cmbin \1ilwm1k t'1~ E11g-inct'ring ~·hnlor-.hi11 MEGAN ARENDT Kiwunis Club
of K°Pno-.ho ~:holnr-.hip. KE\ Scholur-.hip. Jone \'rrnon El<•111t'll1lH") Scholnr.... h1p. :-iam \\ult on Co11111n111if) Scholar
-.,}up ME.CHA~ BABCOCK l nivc• of \\ 1-.('0lbin J~n·,.,lrn1un Enf,?inc>t·ring Sd1olnr-.hip STE.PH i\1TE BAKULA
Jot• \.nlff \l e111nriul Sc:holaf'-.1111> KAR
BERGQUIST Prl'... idt•n11ul Sc-·hcllu1-...l111> frc1111 \l1gu ... tunu (:ollt'fW ROBERT
BE.SHEL \T&T 1-oun<lation ~holur-.hip MEGAN BROTHEI\ \\ onu.m\ Club of k eno.-. ha Seholar:ihip. \\ adl<wia
!"l<:holar.hip Program. L 111\ of \\ i.'<'01bin Park ... i(k~ \lumm Foundt•N Scholur-.h1p. HorN,YC'h Ele111PnU.lf") PTO
S.holur-,hip ITCHELLE BRUN'.\t:R Clara \1>1•>11 Foun<l1tton S.·holar-,hip '\ATALLE BRYDGES II hi11it•r Uerrn·ntun Pl.\ ~·h11lt1r.h111. I .Hln<'""-'"' S<-holur....hi1>. Eliznlx·1h \ln. . 1<'r Sc-·lu1lu"'h11> CA l BUTTS \111~ \1nrie 8'>.--11w11
\frmo nul ~···~: REBECCA CA.."\UEE L 111\t' of \\ 1~·011 ... in Churwdlor\ ~·holur \wurd ADAM CHA E
\\ i.....c."tHl.. . 111 \c·ac.k·m1<' J·: xt·ellenre ~holur.hip. kiwunb Clull of Kt·rn)'.hct Schc1lur..hi1> MICHAELA OOVELLI \1unn~
\lulu \11•monnl Sd1olar.hip CHANl'AL D~\fP[ER \lverno (;11l1•µt· Seholar.h1p TREi'\'ELL DARBY \lary Lm
\1 ahorw ' outh S..:holar \word KATIE DAVID\ illu De.,i(k•rotct Sc·holur...hi1> in rrwmnl") of Futht>r Eu:;zPne l ~utz.
Pt'H·r Plo. . kt• \lt"moriul Srholur-.hip SARAH DELA ;'\' \m) \1cu-ie B<>.--nu111 \1c111ori1\I SC'holar-.,hip. \\ omim·-, Club
of kt•m>-hu S.·holar-,h11• Tn·m1•'r fYT'S \ S.·holur.hip ELLEN DIETRICH J••· Goff \ll'morinl Scholur-,hip MATTI IEW DREJFKE For llw full tt11tum \thletir C..runh-ln- \id for no....... c·ou ntl") und 1rurk. &mk Scholur-,hip JO EPH
DURATINSKY Pl·arl Ruffolo Scholar-.hip. (.1am \bl)Ott Foundation Scholar-.hip. Community l111pact Scholur-.hip
DWYER" illium Ranbul \1 rmorial &holar-,hip MATTHEW EGGERT \.B. \1o<line &holarohip ERIKA
EL..'-ffiLAD 1on~ ~ult•k \k111orial Schola.r-ihip. Clara \hhott Foundation Sd1oluf"'>hip. Jam' \ "crnon Elemt>nlOI")
Sd10lur-.h1p WllLIAM FRAl\lJ.(Ll]'J Lnin'l""lit) of\\ i_-.("()11.,in-\\ hi1~ ·\\illl'r h1z:rnalcl Scholur-.hip NOAH GABRIEL
Ahana Tuition Grant CiffilSTINA GARCIA Cui1huge Collt'gr Oak.., Scholnr..h1p, \I ilwuukt't' Cluunht~r of Co11mwrcr.
\1\HC Bml Seholar-,hip Kl..'RT GO ELIN \mi \1arie B<..,mun \lemorial Sdtolu.-.hip, E~K Scholul'-hip, LniYl' of \X i.""('()1bin Hath Scholar-.hip. Lni''C'r-.,ity of\\ L...roni., in Knapp Scholar-..hip, '\ationol \1erit Fim:tli!)t Scholor... hip. SC John""°n S!:·holu~hip. Elk:-. \1t'hl \'aluahle Student \wurc~ Sm1i...u11g \n1ericnn L('g ion ScholaNhip. Shopko
S.·holw" \-..11r<l C•trgill S.·holar,hip. Lane<• PTO Scholm-.,hip. H<MN'' "" 1r ro Scholnr,hip. Culw•r, \IP Scholu...,hip
DERRICK GRIFF1N Srntt' of II t"'ni-in IX:FS S.·holur.hip AMUEL HOGA ;so J,., Coff \1et11oriul Scholm-..hip
ALEXA HUJIK •,d1olur..h11k! from Onerbei11 Collegt>, l ni\"t>Nily of \.1iu1111 l3<'rthu hh1Pr Srholur-,hip, Jo<" Goff \1e1110-riul Schola.-.hip TIMOTifY IPSEN Columbia College Pre,idential Seholu.-.hip. (;>lumbia College '1lbic Depart11tt'nt
Scholar-,hip. Pearl Ruffolo Scholar-hip JOEL JAHNKE \1il,"utkft' School of Engineering Schola...,hip VERONIKA
JERIKOV A C•in hage (;,11,,ge Oub Schola.-.hip PE1'ER JOHNSON \ t hie1t<' Grant in \ ide to the l niYer,ity of \\ i-,cori....111-.Cn~·nha~ AMAI\'DA JOHNSTO Jo<~ Goff \1<·111orial ~-holar...hip. Ba~ lor L ni\"f'~it} Prm·o...t \ &holu~h1p
GRIFFITI I JONES l:J.·Pmt-. l nin•....,iti Tnht<~-', Scholar-,hip KRISfA KARASTI Bn·n<h• \\ olf \lem<,riul S.·holur·
-htp CARL KENNEDY John PhillipSou..,a Band \ward P 'CER KERN lllinoh ltbttlttlrof \n Scholul'-hip. lllinrn,
l11.,1itute of \rt ,\ward RYAN KOESSL \1etta Tremper Scholar.hip, Curt huge College Scholal'-hipo and Granto.\\ i~
cnn.. . tn Energy Co11)()ratton Scholar.hip DANIELLE KRUEGER '\onlwrn \1ichigun l niYer...iry 2\ational AC"ademic
\ward Rt"('Ogniuon \wunl K en~ha County \.,...,0<:ia1ion for I lonu• & Cornrnuniry Education \\\11rd PRISCILLA
LEAL \1ori Lou \1uhmw Youth Scholar \ward ALEXIS LONG Kie \ S.·holur-,hip, Ken<.,.ha Junior\\ omen·, Cluh
~·.1dmlur-.lup. Food Sc:·it•m·t• \ward from tht~ l fll\t>T""lit") of \.1inrn.....,otu CINA MACARENO \n~t'line I lchntanek \1.f•·
moriul SC'holur-.lup ALYSO MANrHEI Lni,·ef""it)" of \\ 'i'>{_'<Hblll Colleµ:<' of \gricuhur<· & Life !xience:-. \ . . ..,L:,wnre·
Grant, Elizabeth \l<hi<'r Scholar.hip KASHFIA MASUD Elizabeth '1<>-irr Sd10la,....hip SEAN MCMASTER\~ i.-ron-,111 \emk·nm· 1-~X<''<'llern·e Scholur.hip. Ox·a-Cola Scholal""I Founda1ion St-holar.hip~ Lni,-pr,iry of\\ i....con,.,in Fre,hrnan
1·~'\'.t't• l\enct· \wan:L \111) \1arie Bc,.,111an \1rmorial Scholu ..... hip. Kt•rn)-..ha (:hoir Bo<kitl'N Scholar-;hip, Tre1n1X"r Renui._..,..
'1ln<1" Sdmlur-,hip. Shoplo Scholar h<trd D
ilEL MEINHARDT Clura \blM>tt Foundation Schola...,hip, Lawrt·tKP
l rnn•r-;it") Tru...,lt>t"'i Scholar-,hip AMANDA MERRITT \1t•tta Tremper Scholar.hip. Tri-<'ount") Grant~ Carthagt' Collep;e Endowed Sd1ola.-.hip TYLER MITCHELL '\ational SdH•>I Choral \, Kt•m... ha Choir Boo,,ten, Schola.-,,hip
MOLTER \lverno College "'hola.-,,hipo, 'vlarion College Prc,,,idential Schola...,hip TARA MULLIGAN
\\ tllia111 Rulli"'-') \1 pmonal Scholar,hip KATHLEEN 'OTTIJ\'GHAM Clara \ bbott Foundation Schola1"hip, l. II l:Uu C:luin· \1u,ic D1·1~trtment Scholar-,hip VTVI
A NUNEZ \1uri Lou VlnhonP \mnh Sd1olar ~ware! SEUNG
OH Elizal••th \•r Scholarohip. ~I I~'\\ l uition Crant CHRISTOPHER PAPPE I\ i,.conoin <\cademic E'
rellern·•· Schola,....hip, Ki-.1mi.,, Club of Kenooha Scholar-.hip, appointt11ent to the Lnite<l State, Coast Guard \ cadrm)
JULIA PASTOR Snap-On Incorporated Schola"hip BRIANNA PIENKOWSKI \1ari Zicarelli \1emorial Scholac,hip.
L niH·r-,it) of St. Thoma' Scholar-,hip MEGAN PISTORA JPnni Prrgancle '1<·moriul Scholur,hip, Clora \bbott Founclution Scholar-.hip. ~.PI Co111n1i11t:.e Sc-holar-.hip ALYSSA RALPH Carthufw Colleg'· Scholur.,hip for Out..,tun<ling
\ n.1dt~mic.... Cur1hage Coll,•gt· \ <·odemi<" \rhit".1'Tl1Pnt C..runl, L \\ of \1acli ...on Colh•gp of \gri<·uhure & Life ScienC'h
PPter \ oung Grant. Elh '\utional Foundation '1<r.t \ aluuble Student, L \\ \1adi."'" \\ illiam F. \ilia, Grant ROCK
R[l)()LFI \1ilwaukff Sch.IOI of Engineering Schola...,hip AMANDA ROBERTS \\ hittier Elemental) PT\ Scholar..,hip. Colurnbw. Collegf~ of Chka:zo Pre,idemial ~·holar.hip, Sam \X'ulton Founckuion Scholar-,hip. Tremper Sub Deb
S. hola.-.h11~ VI \RC 13<•.l Scholar.hip ANDREW ROBERTS J,.· Goff \fr111nriul Scholar-,hip ALYSSA RODRIGUEZ
l \\ Park ... ick· \ltti....u· D(' J>tlr1nwnt Sc:-holu"'hip JOSHUA ROSMA.NN l \\ Pnrk.,1dP Chancellor\ \chif',-f• rm~nt Scholur
,111p ELISE R
ELL S<'hulx·rt Club of Kmc>-ha Sd1olur-,hip PHILIP SCHMEI ER Carthage College Sd1olur
..,J11p~ Concordia LniYe.....,iry of\\ i..,col"lbin &holar.hip. \1SOE Sd10lar-.h1p. Concordia LniYer:i1ty of lllinob Scholur.h1p
KElLIE SCHNEIDER Lni,·er.ity of Kan.,,a, \thlc·tir Grunt in \idt• fnr Tra<'k & Field CRYSTAL STAKER '\ationnl
S.·h«>i Ord1htru \wurd KRlsTEN SfANGAS Canhugc· Colleg•· Oah Sd1olar-,hip BRYCE UL'vlER C:an0<lian
P1u·1fic Hmlwu) Sc·holur.htp UOOLE VELEZCundlud1 \11·morial Srholar-.hip AlLYSA WATRil\ G \111y \1ariP
l:l.i""'111an \11 •111orial S("holar-.hip. Tr<'m1x·r HPnai_.,.. m1c1· KE\ Sc·holu"'hip DEENA WEISS \\"i-.r01hin
\c·ude111ic l·~ '\'.('°('lln1ct• Sd1olar.lup. Kiv.-uni::t CluJJ or KPrn>'-ihu Sd1olur.hip. \\ OlllUll·., Cluh of Keno:,hu Scholur-ihip.
Ke n<*'lm \rt·u,.., \lliance Scholar,hip KEILY WEPKING \Xt-,('Ort-,in \radPmiC" E'\'. ct>llence Scholaf'lhi1>. LniYt· of \.1inrn.....,01<.1 \1hlf'1ic Grant in .\ide for Soccer KEN WIELE l . .1:.\\\TPn<·t> l ni'"eriil) Cofl!)Cntltory S.C-holar,hip.
1 .,~~uc·) ~·h,ll11 ....... l111J BRENT Y01'1TZ '\a1ionul \ruck~111y of 1-t·Jp,;.,ion \r1~ Schc,lur...hip. Columhio College of Chirap:''
l'n....,id<·111ial Sd1olar-;hip, l·~x,·t·llt>nce in LifP Scholal"hhip through IV' Sporl. Kf~noi.,ha Syr11phon) You1h Sc-holur.,hip.
)t-r1·11t) l'fPifrr \1e111orial Sdwlur,hip SAMAl\TllA ZIMANY llrt· ndu \I olf \11•11torinl Schnlu"hip.
Sean McMaster
Kelly W epking
Deena Weiss
Adam Chase
Chris Pappe
Sarah Pallin
Megan Arendt
Sarah Delany
Kurt Gosselin
Julie Crawford
Paul Stuckey
Matt Eggert
Allysa Watring
Joe Antolik
Alexis Long
Amanda Roberts
Julia Pastor
Sam Sinozich
Katie David
Emily Whitlock
n lronvocation
Robert Beshel
atalle Brydges
Casi Butts
Michaela Covelli
Matthew Dreifke
Matthew Eggert
Dana Fulton
Christina Garcia
Kurt Gosselin
Kamara Hall
Joel Jahnke
Veronika Jerikova
Matthew Mahoney
Sean McMaster
'icholas 'iles
Julia Pastor
Kristina Piehl
Daniel Remus
Samuel Sinozich
Andrew Valeri
Allysa Watring
Kelly W epking
Lnd r the K SD Fir·ldhous lights at
Bradford HS June -1:, -1:86 sf'niors did not
"expire" as noted on th Class of '06 ;;hirt
but rather, moved on tone\\ futures.
"Twa:o excited to finally walk across stage
and grncluat <> but I was scan·cl becaus 1
;;till hav the re t of my life ahead of me to
face,'' said senior Crystal Stakt>r.
Encouraging tht> Class of '06 to ·Do every act of life as thouo-h it is [their- last.··
Clas Pr sident Kurt Gosselin stn•ssf'd
hard work, determination and pPr;ievera nrt> in the Convocation ;;peech.
'The world continue,, to shift around us.
and our pa;;sions anda;ipirations may ·hift
within us: howeYer. :-iteadfast <let rmination will remain. Do not wait for D ;;tiny.
R ach out. oTa;;p fim1l~ and bring D stiny
to you. eyer surrendt>r~·- said Gosselin.
of '06 scholarships total
1.3 million for acaaemic
success and service
During the Tassle Ceremony, seniors
Alexa Hujik and Julie Crawford touched
on the efforts of support from other:,.
'"We owe many thanks to our famili s.
friends and, mo:,t importantly. teachers
who have dedicated so much of themselve · to ensure that we receive the best
education possible,"' said Hujik.
Only a week arlier. th Class of '06 received honor:, for academic. athletic and
ommunity service achievement.
"H onor · Convo at ion appropriately
honored de erving students. and 1 was
happ ·to ace pt th Gemmn Departmental Award"' said senior Karin Bergquist.
Convocation and graduation marked the
final for the Class of · 06. a;; -±86 hifted
gears for college and work world.
Proudly ~tanding before fellow graduate,,, family and
frienili, . eniors Kelly \X epking and Dana Fulton offer
their -Per>:>pective .. of the
la~t four years on June -t.
l[t1 haking hanili "irh Principal Ed Kupka. "enior Ken
\\ iele accept::> hi;, Band Department \ ward at J Iono~
Com·ocation & well & the
Kiwani;, Band Award.
Art............................. amuel Schlenker
Business Education........... Eric A hley
English............................. Kurt eo,,~eli~
Family/Cons Ed............ Jes~ica parb
French................. .. .. .. ........... Julia P&tor
German...................... .. Karin Bergqui;,t
Italian................................. [loll\ Sikora
Spanish ............. .. ......... Courtne)· Ehler,,
Math .......................... .... .. ...Aclam Cha~e
Band................................Kenneth \\ icle
Choir................................ Tyler ~litchcll
Orchestra ........ .. Kathleen ·'\orringham
Phy. Ed Female ........ "ich lie Brunner
Phy. Ed Male.............. .. \ndrcw \ alcri
Science.......... .. ................Kelly \\ epking
Social Studies .................... \dam Cha~e
Technology Ed................ Oa,·id Barber
Spencer Ke m
Phy Ed
Samuel Sinozich
"\mhan \II mand
1'un c,.,.,,.Jin
Business Ed
\Iorio \ a"il .,
Julia PlblOr
Family/Cons Ed
K"nclru Kn>I
Ellen Dit>1 rit"h
Sarah Haµ-en
Social Studies
Jn.,eph Dummbky
Technology Ed
Daniel Rt•nuL-Choral
Sean \lc\la,ier
". irah Pullin
Kathleen '\ottingham
\ ndrea &\\"H!!lio
Ch~tmn Gi.trC'tO
Jon:lan \\ otr
Cn oial Srnker
Sy~phonic Winds
\ fa-huelu C<welli
c~1r1 KennL"Ch
Ryan O,,,·er
Kelli \\ <'pking
Kenned1 \~ iele
g rach 1acjon/tonyocarion?
Bryce Ulmer
Standing as a silent sentry, the Kenosh
Veteran's Memorial Fountain reminded
90,000 Kenosha residents of the 53 r
Wisconsin Deaths in the Iraq War.
Sucking in 74 more
pints than last year,
teens proved that
msp1rpd ou s still
exist in their shifting world. Different
In tune with
groups sponsored
Trojan pride,
food drives and
fundraisers for
seniors finally
Katrina victims and claimed the
the 114,000 troops Homecoming
in Ira .
float and Spirit
Bell contests to salvage a year ending
in a spirit downshift,
confronting three
canceled events.
Facing three Tremper deaths and four
Indian Trails
headaches hit
home. Unified officials
In step Kenosha's
wants and needs,
calm grievthe area grew. On
ing teens.
Nov. 1, Voters
passed $21 million
school referendum,
also forced
Prime Outlets
increased to 65
reality check, more stores as two
"high-rises" dotted
the lakefront.
of teacher/student
sexual a sault.
Katrina, press
grads to military service.
Sister draws
grad back on
army leave.
Excess named
the style teens
sought for the
right image.
Inspired by
California-centered shows,
local fashionistas
Reflecting stresses flashed sequins,
and issues of teen stitching and massive sunglasses.
life, student art
allowed inner-expression and an
~Wi~~AS:J escape to fantasy.
Art also provided "
scholarship money, to the tune of
$50,000 for senior
Spencer Kern.
Blood, ::>w at and tear::> flowed a::> teem; aided
lo al chariti · with · rvi a tiv1t1 s ranging
from working with autistic children to ::>upportina Pl a:,ant Prairi poli e.
'The past four years I've been a part of the
\1idwe t Riding Program. When I first got invoh- cl, I worked with an autisti airl who would
fight, scream and wouldn 'r work with the horses. but just this year she was awarded rider of
th year:· said junior \shl y arl ton. from students into statisticians.
aint \1ary 's CCD lasse : > or d and tim d
ba ketball games for pecial Olympics.
'·\\'hile at pecial Olympics, it was very rewarding to see five-year-olds make baskets
and to ·e th ir fa s wh n I hanged th
::icore. The kids were very into the game, and I
Multiple Sclerosis
despite the freezing rain and wind
When I finished, I
Drop your perfected
two-step on the floor
along with senior dancers
at Senior Citizen's Prom
April 29. Learning to
waltz and foxtrot could
kick up your cool.
To help a donating parent, sophomores Ashley
Ewens and Abby Lucke draw
flowers with Marta Natorianni
in Kiddie Care during the Blood
Drive. Volunteers entertained
children with Disney movies,
board games and art projects.
With scoop in hand, junior
Brittany Dulak, freshman
Katie Wielgos and homeschooler Joe Stancato mix mint
ice cream at Coldstone March
29. During three shifts, St. Mary's
Catholic Church teens collected
for Catholic Heart Work Camp.
was com;tantly called out onto
the court to r~-ti their shoes, ..
said sophomore Kayle Siler.
To wrap the holiday season
for underpri,1.leged Kenosha
youth, 28 s\\1.mmen. and divers t amed with the Pleasant Prairie Police in
their annual. '· hop with a Cop" ev nt.
'·I was tou h d bv how much Christmas
meant for the kids ~,hile wrapping present .
One girl forgot a present I was wrapping. and
I had to cha::ie her down \~ ' al-\1art to give her
th last gift. .. said fr ::.hman J nnif r Kwas.
Faces beaming, hundreds of teens donated
countless hours of iru;pired en rgy, giving
back to the community and shifting the stereotype of the lazy, uninvolved teen.
Does traveling
tote your bag?
Garage sales
your giggle?
airy tales your
fave fantasy!
Venture to San Antonio,
Texas with St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran
Church, but don't forget
to raise money first at
the May 7 Harley-Davidson bike blessing.
Rummage your way
through goods at a S
17 Hurricane Katri
relief event held
Bradford. Canne food,
water and other ood
items collected o ship.
Volunteer for the
Cinderella Ball P m for
17 Special Needs ,stu
dents at the Every Child's
Place. Senior Natalle
Brydges master minded
the April 1 event.
To send a sense of normalcy
to hurricane-ravaged Metairie,
La., freshman Allison Johnston
fills cardboard boxes with gen·
tly-used formal wear May 1 in
the commons. Collected by all
three Girls Soccer teams, the
four boxes of Prom dresses and
suits shipped out to Grace King
High School in time for the
school's May 12 Prom.
"To help victims
drive and collected about 500
items. It felt great
to send tangible
items because
Constructi ng goodie bags
for troops al lows Sign Club
members sophomore Jacey
Coen and junior Katie Proca rion i to support Sgt. Rob
Thomas' company in Kuwa it. The club produced the
bags filled with DVDs, candy,
cards and letters for the social
studies teacher's company
during a Feb. 2 meeting.
you can imagine
the effect on
victims. We also
of Katrina, my
church made
over 1 50 flood
cleaning supplies,
toothbrushes and
food. I'm happy
that I have never
Watching over a local Boy .,..,,,..
Scout, senior Sean McMaster puts the final touches on
his Eagle Scout project. McMaster planned, built and installed nine wood cabinets for
bass in the Orchestra room.
Needle and line inserted,
senior Matt Haupt grips a
stress squeezer to pump
blood through his veins and
down his arm. Haupt, one
of nearly 200 students who
donated May 19, also braved
a hematocrit test during the
one-hour process. The oneday Blood Drive raised 2.3
percent of the 220,000 pints
distributed and needed annually by the Blood Centers
of Southeastern Wisconsin.
"On the day of the Student Governmenttribunal for termination,
Bryce Ulmer and I showed up in suits and had prepared letters to
appeal the decision on behalf of all evicted members."
, academic affairs committee member 5c kurt go55e[ia
total number of donor
cards submitted
p ints of blood filled to
the brim March 15
members who appealed
notices of membership termination
members kicked out of
Government after appeal
Without seven or more
donor cards/ you /re out
the Government door.
'piritb Oouribhed at th dawn of th year with
I Tom oming fe ·tivitie · and the back-to-school
bravado. Kicking off the new year, Freshm n
\\, l ome Tight, hobted by Fr bhm n Tranbition oaches, ent rtained in oming newbies.
'·I didn't go to Gear p, ·o the first time I got
to meet anyone from th other middle schools
was at \V elcom iaht. I also found my las ·es:' said fr hman tephanie Albr ht.
Homecoming roUed around 0 t. 1-t, and the
ophomores failed to r I at a float victory as
the la-, · of '06 claimed first place and the
spirit bell for the fir t tim in its four years.
'·It was disappointing to lo ·e the float contest after winning last year. We used the sam
structur and only mixed the words around,.,
·aid sophomore tephanie l Tagen.
Bashing away May 19,
VIXX drummer junior Dan
Pratt stays in tune with Diversity
Assembly events during A-B-C
assemblies. The annual event,
planned by Diversity Awareness,
featured a wide-array of acts
from rapping to dancing.
Decked out in red and blue,
juniors Markie Hylinski
and Elliott Rezny holler off
the junior class float during the
Homecoming parade. Despite
spirited efforts, juniors found
themselves at the bottom of the
float competition standings.
Trojan pride faltered at year
end as · hool cancelled three
vents like Powder Puff.
'The cancelation sucked; T really wanted to play. The ·eniors
already had a team, but no one
else signed up,·' said senior Sarah Twomey.
Despite the lack of participation in other
end-of-the-year event , ·enior Trojan spirit for
176 did not expire before June-± Graduation.
'·I went to Senior Banquet on crut he · and
tried to have a good time and clan e, whi h
was difficult;' said senior Megan Arendt.
With seniors leadina the charge, spirit soared
in spite of setba ks and student apathy.
''Hearing my name read off as Ms.
Tremper was surreal. People had to tell
me to go up to accept the sash because
I couldn't believe I'd won. -sr.JuliePastor
"Nobody can take Mr. Tremper
away from me. Winning the title
was the most exciting moment
Of high SChOOI. -sr. Matt Eggert
preparing for Mr.
Tremper, but the
dance numbers
were hard to
learn. The highlight of my evening
was dancing on
st.age with Riley. "
"Pete Russo was
by far the best
part of the whole
experience. That
kid is absolutely
hilarious. Backstage he kept it
show 'Made' and
included all of the
activities I was in.
In the end, everyone in my skit ran
out and started
----=:S:.- -1
~miling all the way, the Troian Man dukes it out with the
Bradford Red Devil during a
Boys Basketball home game
March 4. The impromptu
fight ended with the Trojan
Man pinning the Devil for a
three-count at mid-court.
"Before the
show, I brought
my bed in for my
skit and put it
together quickly.
The screws were
half-out, and I
thought it was
going to break.,,
-sr. Tre Darby
"I made sure that
everyone in my
'Breakfast Club'
th med skit knew
their lines and
what the movie
was about so that
they could play
their characters."
-sr. Dana Fulton
"My skit was all
about school
spirit. I practiced
a ton and had my
mom help with
props. Tieing
for Mr. Awesome
with Tre was the
best." -sr. Matt
most intelligent,
witty comedy in
American cinema.
I prepared
by watching
the movie
"I did an SNL skit
about Blue Oyster Cult. It was a
product of boredom and a movie
marathon. I'm
also musical so 1
thought the skit
"Preparation was
frustrating because of the date
change. I had to
make adjustments and find
new people for
my 'Cinderella
Story' skit." - sr.
Diana Woller
Off his donkey and on the
floor, junior David Haywood draws a number of
laughs at the Girls Soccer
donkey basketball fundraiser Feb. 11. Four games
pitted soccer girls, football
boys, student leaders and
staff against each other in
good-humored fun.
"I wasn't supposed to be in
the pageant so
I put my skit
together in a day.
My combined skit
with Pete Russo
ended in us singing Edelweiss."
"Waiting for the
winners to be
announced after
the tie was nerve
racking. It took
so long, but we
passed the time
by dancing to
The Profits." -sr.
- sr. Sam Sinozich
Andrea avaglio
Trudging through the court
yard May 25, sophomore
Walking Club members Katie Messenger, Christy Leach
and Kylene Henthorn cool
thirst with bottled water.
To gradually eliminate soda
sales at school, Kenosha Unified set plans to limit vending
machines to fewer-than-100calorie drinks by Fall 2007.
Check ~way
• yo ur pains
Are you a worry wart, cool as a cat
or just a plain old normal?
""/have panic attacks
while getting to class. 11
-sr. Sydn ee Davis
""I'm relaxed all the
time. Its so nice. 11
-jr. Ch eryl Overby
""Occasionally I get
stressed, but not easily. 11
-soph. Nick Barsuli
\ "
t.CO~ '\1la\
Y,t~ \, ~,\,~,\~,,.t.\\~
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"I Love Birth Control" shirts
sit for sale at Dem Jam 2006
March 10. Kenosha Democratic Youth Action held the
event to raise awareness ot
the Democratic platform.
The issue hit home with
Kenosha County ranking
higher than state and national averages in birth rates
among 15 to 19 year-olds.
J. "'""'
Within the mind of a troubled te n. a 1.>ermanent solution to temporary problems, suicide
dominated newspaper headlines and penetrated
hallway conversations. Four suicides in a tenmonth period three by Indian Trail students
and one by a Reuther student, plus three other
deaths shocked students and staff. unified officials took a pro-active position in schools and
in the community to prevent teen suicides.
"A lthough a lot of people couldn't get passes
for normal things. 1 was happy to see the counselors offering support to the students across
town," said sophomore Amanda Marzolf.
Opening the year with a trio of suicides at
Indian Trail. three counselors vacate<l offices
and took up temporary positions at IT A for
two weeks as part of a crisis prevention team.
To review a case in Teen
Court, sen iors Cassie Cul:.l ver and Nick Niles discuss proper punishments. With
parking lot fights escalating to an
April 5 lockdown, Teen Court
judges sentenced rule-breakers
to hallway cleaning duty.
With the privilege of staff
lot parking, Renaissance
seniors crashed in with tickets
for permit violations and accidents. As of April, 16 reported
accidents and 294 parking
warni ngs forced some to sh ift to
parking in other locations.
How much does it
bother you when
people use profanity 1-~----~
or swear words?
Margin of error ±3 percentage
points; 1,001 adults polled.
May not equal 100 percent
due to rounding.
suicide. It was
hard to do."
-sr bryce
"Knowing 1.>eople that ha'
thought of suicide but diC11 t
go through with it. 1 feel there
are better ways to deal with
problems like talkincr to ;,ome
one. There's no rea.:ion to r
that far, .. said freshman Ryan Schmidt.
Suicides hit home with the announcement of
a Trem[.>er senior boy's death in pril.
"When I learned that someone had committed suicide, 1 felt depressed. I wonder why a
person would take his life away just for a current problem," said junior Juli Rogers.
Resilience marked student attitudes as news
of another death, from a car accident. struck
hearts and minds a we k before graduation.
How often do you
encounter people
using profanity
or swear words
in public?
How often do you
use swear words
in conversation?
News, I designed tribute
ads to some
"In Teen Court, we
had over 20 cases
involving fout language . To deal with
swearing so often is a
real headache ."
- r.\·iceCai
Prt.. ident of Student Sen;ce-,
t\ ;,king th city for a conditional use pe m1it
to be let into the community, Wal-Mart made
plan:-. for a Southside Sup('rcenter on a lready
zonecl80th Street location mid- ovember. llowver, citizens and lo al government huffed-andpuffed the proposition a nd blew it down with an
east-of-1-9-t commercia l moratorium.
"'The is~me " as not to vote down Wa l-Mart;
the moratorium restri ts large comm 'rcial
bui1dings to locations better ·uited for them.
The property on 80t h , treet is large enough for
a Supercenter, but the traffic it would generate
isn't compatible with the area."' said District 13
City .\lderma n and teacher Chuck Bradley.
nother hot local issue, the :\ AA also fl xed
its muscle, forcing Carthage Coll ge to remove
"I really don't think
Kenosha needs
Civil War museum
No battles from
To protest "unnecessary
force" used to break up the
fifth annual Punk picnic, 150 concerned teens and parents demonstrate outside of the County
Courthouse Sept 6. Police broke
up the Sept 3 picnic after the
crowd reportedly became unruly.
Opened in 2003, Gateway's
faci lity for the non-profits
BioCATI and CATI fell into
controversy for how public funds
were used in construction. Audited by state government, the
case led to the early retirement
of Gateway's president.
all -ative-,\mcrican referen es
from it:; logo and nickname.
"Changing Carthage from the
Redmen to the Red Men wa:;
a good id a. I'm happy the
{\ A mad the college [Xllitically correct,., :;aid
senior Ken , abbar, a future Carthag student.
Reminding locals of the cost of Iraqi conflict,
L .. Army SPC. E--t Eric Clark 's death made
front page news. Clark, a 2001 grad of CTA , wrn>
the 53rd Wiscons in death.
'The mo;,t frightening thought of a family
member going to war is that he will not return
or that he will return scarred either physically
or mentall y;' said Mrs. Kathy Neururer, mother of Traq-deployed '98 grad Matt -eururer.
Local realitie;, canceled happily-eve r-after. l n
review, ·Q5-'06 shifted views beyond Friday fun.
IJtfJf,P,Pnr·~· llJSJft y«VP
meccas under o ma·or chan
worst mumps outbreak in
17 years worried administrators
who responded to 11 Milwaukee
schools cases with a parent letter.
of a cit - in tran"ition
Eight teen deaths, four from suicide,
forced the fonnation of crisis teams
at high schools. Local media ran stories detailing suicide warning signs.
A proposed
Street faced staunch resistance
from residents. A city ordinance
blocked construction.
Approved November 2004, Dairyland Casino stalled with opposition
from the Potowatomie nation
and Milwaukee County.
Reflecting downtown buildings, a new Veterans Memorial at Sixth Avenue and
52nd Street opened Nov. 12,
Veterans' Day. Topped with
a 7-feet-tall bronze soldier,
the monument, drew 200 for
its official dedication. Names
of Kenosha veterans killed in
action dating to the MexicanAmerican War appear on polished black granite panels.
Iraqi citizens, by a 78 percent
majority, established a new government with the adoption of a
permanent constitution Oct. 15.
Forcing the largest urban
dislocation in U.S. history,
Hurricane Katrina flooded
80 percent of New Orleans
and killed more than 1,300
people in five states. English
teacher Althea Chamber's
_ _ _ _ _ _'!::__ _ _ _ felt particular impact when
her mother's house in Biloxi, Miss. was complete ly
destroyed by the storm. Staff
and students responded with
fund raisers to send money to
assist Chambers' mother and
other Katrina victims.
Bent on global domination,
junior Dave Engwis argues a
troop loss during a campaign
in the game of Risk. Mirroring worldwide conflicts like
war in Iraq, Iran's nuclear
ambitions and North Korea's
short and long-range missile
testing, AP US History students played the game after
AP testin Ma 16.
_ _}'"··~
, 'trong. rough and wet. categm; four flurricane Katrina 1><1undt>d tht> Gulf Coa">t '\ug. 29.
bursting l<·we-. and flooding '\<·Yv Orlean-,_ T.a.
\\~th t2-foot waY<'"> of '·to-xic gumbo ...
·-Ont> of Ill\ fainil, mt>mher!-i liYed in PW Orlearu, and bin how;~ w& destro\ eel. Jw;t knowing he wa-, thert> during Katrin~ made it ht>ctic
in my howwhold;· '>aid junior Tony Fullt>r.
Detracting further from Presidt>nt Bu-;h\ -tS
per ent popularity (ac<'ordinrr to a Sept. 26
Gallup poll. npw-, of a L.S. dorne-,tic ;,pying
program irnolving eave...,droppina on ">ll">(){'Cted terrori;,t·s phone calls shook tht> nation. \ccording to tlw \\ hite Tiou.., . Prt>-;ident Bu..,h· :-.
action.s fell within his presi lential [XlW rs.
However, critics likt> Wiscon;;in St>nntor Rus1-i
Feingold called for presidential cen,...,ure.
Monitoring 52nd St., a
Secret Service Agent during a 2004 Kenosha presidential
visit reflected increased security
for terrorism. Bush's surveillance
program led to harsh CIA criticism and CIA Chief Porter Goss'
resignation April 28.
I --
Washing away $200 billion in assets and displacing over one million residents, Hurricane Katrina
slammed the Gulf Coast Aug. 29.
Amid controversy, conservative
Judges John Roberts and Samuel
~~to replaced Suprem
ourtJusL es Rehnquist and O'Conner.
-~oph. cara
·-_ 'pying on L., ·. citizeru,
and ">pying on terrori..,h are
completely different thina..,. r
agree with t'avesdropping on
terrori.sts becau;,e it is for our
own -,afety, hut 1 don't want
to IX' spied on:· ;,aid junior Kaylee, 'tefan..,ki.
Cartoon,-, of \f uhammad printed in Denmark
-,parked worldwide rioh. [n Pah-,tan, prol<'">tor-. ran-,a<'ked a KFC. boycotted Dani...,h goocb
and cau1-ied fiYe death.., ·within two day">.
.. Wht>n rioter1-i hoycott goods, they are not
hurting ju!-it the <'artoonish; they're hurting the
whole country,". said senior Ru.%ell, who
spent tlw 200-t-0;:) :-.<'hool year in D nrnark.
Dt>struction andcontroYen:iy ;,hifwd the fore('a.-,t
during a stom1y :-.ea-,on both hom and ahroad.
All smiles, freshman Emily Fox reunites with her
brother, alumni Brandon
Fox during his week-long Army
leave. Brandon, an Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle pilot, planned to
deploy in April for parachute
jump school in Italy.
Leaving for a one-year tour
of duty in Iraq left a void in
the Social Studies department
as Mr. Robert Thomas served
in the 1-120th Field Artillery.
With shifting spirits at home,
the conflict tallied the 2000th
casualty, fueling debate over
the war's longevity. With
ITA grad Army Specialist Eric
Clark's death, Wisconsin conronted over 50 war deaths.
"I think the whole
Iraq War situation
and a lot of the
other United States
problems are the
direct fa ult of
President Bush."
Demanding more rip:: i . more tears_ more glitter_ more of everything_ fashion fads a nd fa ux
pas flustered teens que::;ting for "cool. ··
''Dist res;;ed pants are my favorite fa'-; hi on trend
be ause people pay so much for something th<:>y
could make th mselves 1 [ find it pa theti th a t
someone would pay extra for damaged pants;·
said :::iophomore Ali B emsterboer.
Layered brightly-colored polo::; with popped
collar;; gave new height::; to the classic look.
'·I absolutely love lay ring! I think it 's super
cute, super comfy, and actually keeps you
somewhat wam1, ., said junior Sarah H endrix .
Glitter s quins cov red shoulder bags, belts,
sweater::;. details on jeans and ballet flats, ma king hallways and cla..,s rooms gleam with light.
"In the halls, you
definitely want
to be set apart. I
search for unique
belt buckles. trs
look that always .-.-=gets comment '
-sr. matt
e ggert
Over-Sized sunglasses
from Charlotte Russe
DIS!ressed Jeans from
Abercrombie & Frtch
Shi rt co llar popped high
• around his neck, sophomore Brandon Kopesky models
high style during a fashion show
in World History on Dec. 11 .
Raised co llars on dress shirts and
polos highlighted the unique
style of preppy punk.
..., Bright and bold, senior
' Paul Jackson sports a highlighte r ye llow T-shirt and
massive aviator glasses. Costing
an average of $30 at Racine
Regency Mal l Pac Sun, teens
reached with in wa llets, shelling
out big bucks to strut in style.
'The most popular fashion
styl on girls ·is probably anything like ;;hi1i;;, jeans and accessorieB tha t Bpa rkle. I gu<:>;,;,
they think guy::; a re attract<:> l
to them like sparkles on fishing lures,., said sophomore Keith Wart zenluft .
Harkina hac k to the golden age;; of the 50B
and 60s, gigantic sunglasses ma!-> ked faceB.
'The best ac essory has got to he big ;;unglasses. I definitely have to he wearing mine whenever I'm outside or in the car. l couldn"t live
without them;· said :::iophomore li Cnockaert .
To aive old favorites a new look. focus shifted
to the fashion of our parents' high ;;chool ~-ear;;.
whether they liked it or not. a nd through accessorie · we made their looks our own.
Sequined Bog from
Roclne's Dimples Boutique
Striped Flip-flops
from HOiiister
Pausing in line during registrati on Aug. 17, senior
Kayla once pcion saunters
thro ugh th e cafete ri a in layers of multi-colored tanks,
chunky jewelry and a flashy
hair scarf. Reminiscent of
the late 80s, neon co lor and
messy hair ca pped a chic
peasant look that gained
wide ac epta nce w ith th e
Bohemian fashion trend.
With a paisley
head scarf,
big beads and
bright colors,
sophomore Carisa Mack styles
80s mixed with
Bohemian look.
Cobanna pants
anda metallic
tee highlight
senior Ahmed
wardrobe at
Dem Jamon
March 9.
To create her
own look, senior
Carolyn Umfress
fashions a patterned pink skulland-cross bane
shirt and Van's
skater shoes.
Pink and Polka-dotted, se- , ',
niors Dan Meinhardt and.'.
Julie Pastor share an onstage
dance at Mr. and Ms. Tremper competition Jan 28. Pink
remained in vogue for guys
while vintage patterns, such
as polka dots and argyle, appeared nearly everywhere.
Decked in gloves, scarf and
pink jacket, senior Amanda
Johnston flaunts brand name
clothes from American Eagle,
Abercrombie & Fitch and
Hollister. The trio of popular
clothing brands remained a ,.__ _ _ _ _ ___,
closet staple. Teens, though,
personalized the store-bought
looks with atypical accessories forging a style to catch a
second look or quick smile.
During the fall and winter
months, fashion flew north
w ith clothes and accessories
covered in fur. Teens like
sophomore Nicole Bingham
braved chilly weather with
puffy jackets and fuzzy furs.
In addition to coats, fur infi ltrated mainstream fashion appearing on all things,
cropped sweaters to shoes.
Deep within discussion, senior Kashfia Masud motions
an opinion of a painting to
seniors Emily Whitlock and
AP artist Veronica Jerikova. -~~~J.
The March 23 library exhibit
displayed the works of 10 AP
Art students to visiting classes, parents and public.
i. . --
Dark and macabre, senior
Spencer Kern's "The Face
of War" started as a collage
of Vietnam related items but
shifted to a full compos ition.
"Each person gives a unique
interpretation of what each
item symbolizes," said Kern,
a 2006 Kiwanis Club Academic Art Award recipient.
A.., a lanauage. visual art allowed ;,tudenb to
<'Xf>r<''>" nwanina ;,ymbolicall) with line. color
and shape. By shouting in a loud Pxhibition of
emotion. \P Art ;,tudent;, dcfiPd th<· "iruoide
voicP., policy of thP library March 2'.3 .
.. All the work wruo exceptional. l wa;, ;,urpri..,,ed
at how talPntf'd the stud nh at Trempf'r are, ..
;,aid ;,ophomore Madeline Krau;,f'.
To accompany colorful canva'><''>. blue.., note;,
blared from banru, compo;,ed of i->tudPnts playing ;,abb) ;,ax and mellow baritone in both
melody, harmony and dL-;;,onancf'.
·The music made the art show have a · ru,e
met r and Line but to pen,onal
climem.ioru, of free verse.
'·I love po t f) be aw,e it is
very expre !:live. It can be anything and everything that l
want it to be at an) given moment in time... said ;,enior Viviana .:\ufi.ez.
, ' napping up !:>narJbhot" enabled photoaraphi
portfolio,, to expand with more than a thow,and
worru, ru, image!:> multiplied mleb of thirru,.
··Photography allow;, m to !:>peak without
words by capturing a mom nt to relive the event
or rem mber qualiti of an obj ct through vi..,ual thoughts,"' said ;,enior l x
Bru;,h !:>troke;,. ighth not , rhyme ch me ·
and ;,hurter speeds opened artistic creativity.
Feathering out edges in
colored pencil allowed
senior Sam Schlenker to
depict the effects of cigarettes.
Gaunt and ill, Schlenker's smoker passed an anti-smoking mes·
sage among 200 other socially
powerful pieces of AP artwork.
Entitled "Starshine," senior Brittany Stalker's
photo depicts a star made from
shadows of five hands. "To me,
it conveys a sense of simplicity
and unity. The star and twotoned color really give meaning
to the title," said Stalker.
There's a g"1ss of water on the table.
There's a glass of water-but don't touch it!
Do not drink from it or use it to wash your hands.
Do n1enrich it with fluoride or filter it for bacteria.
Do not pour it into a clear plastic bottle.
Do not label it in bold colors and jagged fonts.
Do not sell it for $1.99 per sixteen ounces at the gas station.
nd do not 7ver comment on its lack of carbohydrates.
The~e;s a glaH of water on 'the. table.
Do not inquire, "Half empty or half full?"
Do not compare its volume to this mythological full capacity.
Do not assume that more water means less thirst.
Do not research Freud 's interpreta,_tion of water in dreams.
Do not analyze the symbolism of W;;iter in "The Scarlet Letter."
Do not imagine billions of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen bonded at two-to-one ra 10.
Do not speculate about protons and neutrons and electrons made of quarks.
There is no health.
There is no money, no market, no writers, no metaphor.
There are no intellectuals, no scientist, no writers, no words.
~e" '' J glm or.,Jt" onJktJbfe.
~~~ate, adjust
In a change of pace, promoted Principal
Ed Kupka revamped office names and
initiated a fresh "Student Learning No
Matter What" motto. Shifting priorities,
Kupka and staff encouraged students to
enroll in at least one school organization.
To enforce the idea, 3 6 clubs advertised
at the Sept. 9 Activity Fair .
In fair format also, Career and College
Day shifted student plans with 60 careers
and 23 colleges represented .
Working block shifts, teachers escorted
late-comers to class for an alternative
tardy management. A database to track
tardies recorded names for Office of Student Leadership discipline.
Packed into a 120 by 105 foot gym,
2,409 physical education students and
22 varsity teams exercised during a 5
."m. to 10 p.m. time frame in makeshift
order. The referendum for a new gym
and girls' team room by August 2007
passed with 14,995 votes.
With 1 ,014 academic achievers in
Renaissance, the award system inducted 107 more members than last year.
Scholars devoured free pizza at the annual lunch party on May 25, costing over
$11 00 with money raised from the second Renaissance Craft Fair Oct. 8.
nduran e, freshman Leeanne
llison clings to the Wisconsin Army
National Guard rock climbing wall Nov.
1. Organized by Ms. Linda Larsen, the
National Guard presented four endurance level rock walls during fourth hour
physical education class to boost confidence and teamwork among students.
Dana Demske
\ ~ hi e, Carleton
Stefa~ie Dula k
Lvdia liuck
\a.ron Kra~
Brian \1lch
Chief Editor
Joe Antolik
Bryce Llmer
A ~ hl ey
Ken Sabbar
Jack Gand,·
Kllitena Orcr~co
fl ~~,/
cav(Jte portions of Baraboo
sandst0ne, senior Jenn ifer Scherr hammers while on Mr. James Jorsch's Geology Honors field trip Nov. 15. Students
also measured the strike and dip of rock
formations at Devil 's Lake. Offered as an
honors course for the first time, Geology
sparked interest with 46 students.
+ inscribing "Franc;ais" with metallic blue fabric paint, sophomore Jenny
Boesch decorates in Mme. Mary Towers'
Honors 202 class Jan. 17. New McDougal Littell textbooks and a name change
from Foreign to World Languages modernized sc_hool's langu ~e dep~rtme~t.
·~ Fo ll owing th
leader wh ile blindfo lded to de elop tru t, senior Benjamin
Kositzky trek aero the courtyard as senior R ry Wagn r offers instructions for
Mr. ichael Fied ler's Leadersh ip lass.
here is the bathroom?
/rD'rt'r;{, of nations
To repre::, nt her nctti\·e counrry during the Homecoming parade. German foreign e-.:change ::,tudent a::,k ia
Ide rote · the "trikinu black, red and
yellow of the erman flag along,,ide
International Club' · float. \\ ith a
globe con,,tructed out of chi ken
wire and ri,,~ue pa1x>r. 1.5 member,,
decorated \[r,,. Juli Cha::,e ·,, u-uck
ro ,,how global cooperation. Riding in
the back of rhe rrnck. Inrernarional
Club panici1 anh aL~o carried flag,, ro
link different counrrie,,.
/'/~yl/';/ experience
Celebrating Three King,,' Day in
\fr,,. Catherine VenTuch\ fow1h
hour Engli,,h
ond Language cl&:,.
\·eryn Jablon::,ki and "ophomore :'\e:.rnr Dominguez laugh while
waiting ro rake a bite out of their ::,ugar cookie,, and other treat:.. King:,·
Dav, celebrated in mam· Chri,,tian
coti.ntries, in::,pired \'ervt::ch to bake
a king cake with three bean,, in:.ide.
The ::,tudent who received ;slice with
a bean in::,ide became king for a day .
.Y"k6o.stri ngs
t~ :mg
to Italy, eight Racine
nosha violinists perform in a d explored relics
f t f' Rena· ance in Roni< .
-Th culture of Italy was really
l; peoP. e were more lik
family than stra ers. The trip
cost 1.500 plus n10 ey for hopping
in Siena. I bough de igner clothes
inclucfu. a Ver.· ce ace
ries. '' The
students also played two cone rt at a
piazza and chapel and toured Cosenza
before returning to th , tates.
soph. Kirsten Sherwood
'·I practice English by talking an
watching TV with caption r,; so 1 can :,ee
th word, and th n 1 learn how to write
and pronounce that partic ular word.''
-sr. Ste phanie Espinosa
~· /' ~y/lflavors
Grilling brats and sausages
and serving hungry customers, senior Aaron Spelling,
with the assistance of Frau
Jammie Orth, dress in German
garb during German Club's
annual Oktober Fest Oct. H 16. Money earned paid for
resources Orth used to teach
fourth and fifth graders German during her prep time.
stu n
horizons on diversity issues
ball, a nd we don't have a drama club,"'
said senior Danya Volosozhar.
Airfare as the only expense, three
exchange students from Tremper and
five from Lakeview traveled from the
Ukraine, P ortugal, Turkey, Germany
and Thailand. Exchange students left
one family for another.
"I've become extrem ly close with
my host family, especially my host
ister. When my sister and I went to
Great America, I hurt my hands from
clenching the seat on the Vertical Velocity ride," said senior Cagil Ciloglu.
Improved Engli ·h verbal skills and
knowledge of American culture also
motivated students in the English as a
econd Language program . They met
each day during block four.
"When I was in middle school, I tried
to speak English, but kids laughed at
me. I t hink the most difficult part of
English is reading. You have to learn
what sounds each of the letters make,.,
said junior Karla H errera.
H ost famili · and school shifted foreign students out of native homes into
American life 'vith a Wisconsin accent.
Referendum brings changes to school and di strict
)i/:i~~~~1~, ,S~~, ~.! ~ £,~ j~~~J:~ I~~~;a,!r~~ ~!~d~~~ ~ 6~,~~, 7nt~1ff
a shift in the future of dw building.
One day prior, Ken sha vot rs passed
Referendum Propo,,ition - to add a
lo k 'r room, girl.· twining room, ne~v
weight room and gym. Considering
that the buildin<r at 2-t09 bur ·t h
5-t9 people aJ "'e ma x capacil! . ,,tudent · broad ast ppo::;ing opinion-,.
'T he referendum is ridi ulou!->. \Ve
nt>t•d a n ' ::;chool, not athl tic fa ilitie::;:' said junior H anna Thornberg.
Originally built for eight var ·ity
sports, 22 shared the weight room .
-/r brarian
Librarian Ruth , tamm worh
a lone in tht> library, bt'lping
;,enior \1ike Kiczula. R ·ct>nt
budgets cut librariani:i from
both Tremper and Bradfor
frequently clo::;ing the librarie;,. Students waited until the
new ?:25 a.m. ope ning and
hu::itlecl to reach the libra l)
before its clo::iing at 3 p.m.
roolll for girls and in.'i uffici nt g) m
"Pa e, t ~ms practiced as early as 5
a.m. ending as late as 10 p.m .
'·I didn't hate 5 a. m. pra tices for volleyball, but I had to get up at -t to get
ready. I don 't think we were morning
people," ·aid junior Zach Burford.
Ref rendum cost rea hed, '6,965,000
for Bradford and Tremper high school
additi ns and , '1-t,950,000 for elementary school renovations. Promising no
raise in taxes, Ku D clipped the budaet. To ::;av on heating bills, tempera-
way!-> and 68 in d ai:isrooms. To ;,avt' in
personnel costs, the diHtrict eliminated
a full-time libra rian and hired a parttime librarian at senws ter in..,tead.
'·In add ition to librarian, the Board
also cnt an English teacher. Cuts a ffect
how much indivi Lual help stud nts receive:' said libra rian Ruth , 'tamm.
Combatting budget constraints and
six packed port ahle;,, Ku, D earned
enough votes to expa nd. With athletic
facilities in the works, students shifted
sights for future l reathing room .
.. ....
.. . ..........
.... ... ......
Leavina after second hour finab June
8, -,opl~omore BrencLrn \ ize walb to
hi.-, rar Jx-,ide reel Ca1110") coru,truC'rion barrier,.,. In place ill:> of lvl.onda) ,
June 5, 1lw barricfo marked the beginn ing of actual con-,truction of the
renovation.,. Slated to fini;,h before
the end of 200 7 . Camo;,y commenced
work after dw la-.t da) of ,.,chool.
With a jump ;;et agairu;t Bradford,
sophomore m lleyball pla) er Scort
Marita leacb the Trojan,-, to ,ic-to~
Sept. 20. \\ ith two rnlh ball team::.
compet ing for gym Ube, ix>ys volleyball brawd 5 a.111. prartic<'"· To a lleviate the crowded gym. Propo:oition 2
called for the con;,truction of a new
fielclhou"t' and other ath lt>t ic facilitie:o.
n-r{/ emotions
Shivering her way through lunch in
the common;,, sophomore Kelli Ponce
endure" the cold. To sa,·t' money on
heating bilb, KLSD kept hall~·ay:o
and cla:o:orooms at chilly temperature:o. Despite rules against ...i.nter apparel, -,tudent:o ;,ported roars. s an·e;,
and mitten;, at time,, during cla:o to
combat the 60 degree halb. Daily temperature romplainh did not change
the decision to keep the school an)
higher than 68 degree:, in cla.:--:oroom:o
a:o winter weather continued. Other
cut reduced library ;,taffing but financed \dvanced Placement exam:,.
Early repons informed ,.,tudent:o that
the di>:it rict would not fund \P tet>h.
followed by a reverse of policy. Budget
re:otmcturing permitted rhe cLi,,trict to
fund the te-,t;,. ;,aving 198 student::> a
total of $22.68-t for 3 10 exams.
)\-act icing at 5
a.m. wa!:ln·t worth
it , but I hancllecl
it pretty wdl.
glad the referendum pa,.;:-;ed :io
now we will have a
new fieldhouse. /1
- ,.,r. ' olle) ball pla) t'r
Joe Furlin
voters for
voters against
&br..+'.J//r.J//./SDC'h' a:?/7DC'/Zt/'
/r.J /nm/Y// ,,f;,no- fl/rk'ror,,;:.v:.. r.J/
,.,.Ocr /C'.!>/;,,fo//h
/Fffff.//of././// u;,6-_;
sou rce: "Referendum Notes" Kenosha
ews Nov. 3, 200
. .
With cam ras rolling, nior
Brent Yontz ·ound
prior to Bradford Theatre's
Edition. "
Credited with -±0 productions Yontz claim d th only
ational Acad my of
T levision Arts and Sciences
, '-±0 000 John Cannon Memorial Scholar hip. n 'Od to
Chaplin' among other films
propell d Yontz to Iew York
City to rec ive his award at the
Student Emmys on June 9.
/feltrn- pl'ospec :s
To learn about career opportunitie;,
in the , heriff\ office, jun ion; K ri-;tina Gutton1u;en and Shaun Brunner
interrogate Deputy Ray mond Rowe.
\\ ith 60 careen; and 23 college;, repre;,ented, ;,rudent"' circled the gy m
for Career Day and the cafeteria for
College Fair ·during i;econd period
Oct. 26. From co;,metie:> to welding,
2,-t09 explored job option;,.
~__,1~'~~1Z.....chi)~0 o.&.&-,,_~~~~
Dribbling down field again;,t a Bradford cl fender, ,,enior Capta in a nd
center midfielder K<·lly \~ epking
move;, in for a ;,hot at Sectionals.
\Vepking\ playing club ball a h;o for
FC Milwa ukee '\at io nal~ 18 earned
her the I lackheth M<> morial T roph),
a nd Gatorad named her \X il:>con;,in
Athlete of the Year. Recruited by athletics at the Univer;,ity of ~1inne;,ota Twin-Citie.~, Wepking with her ::.occer
,,kilb earned a full ride for five year;,.
II Tl focu1o on the quality of the programs
'l[f\•re<l in relation to my major, Art EduW]ahon. I especially like the art programs
'I offered at<;m ~nd W-\1il,Y~~k ee. I abo focus on finding the mo t
pr1fortable location, one that is not too
big or too small as a campus."
"When applying for college, I look me
at what it has to offer academically fo
the Bilingual Education major. I wan
go to Madison because of it1o acad m
program, ex iting atmo1ophere, arnou
of familiar Tremper students, and it'
perfect distance from home."
n your dreams
·,RI.I II D\\ /Sl1101 \INllPS
At the table, Mr. Tom Brand
fuels the minds of sophomores Austin Patty, Hector
Nava, Jacob Larsen and Raul
Garcia on the autotech industry. As representative from
Jay Bee Collision and Repair
Center, Brand re]ai.d the internal workings of automotive
repair and the pay and benefits offered by his cornpa:ny.
into the cafeteria, admissions
· represented 23 colleges durollege Fair on Oct. 26. Students
3bbed brochures and grilled reps for
info on prospective colleges.
"Representat ives from two schools 1
have considered were at College Fair.
The woman representing UW-Madison impressed me more than the Marquette representative, and she won me
over,'' said senior Sarah Concannon.
Entering UW-Madison as a Iational
it Finalllit, senior Kurt Goss lin
'th a 220 PSA T score earned $2500
which placed him in a select national
group of 15,000. lso, the Samsung
American Legion Scholarship awarded Gosselin $1000 as a State Selectee.
'The Samsung Scholarship required
that 1 attend Badger Boys State last
June and that 1 be a direct descendent
of an armed forces member active
during a period of conflict. My grandfather served in the Arn<y Air Corps
during World War IC' ·aid Gosselin.
Testing for money and rummaging for info, college-bound student
prepped for future careers.
Teen justices judge student trouble and arguments.
he ke l rs of the school, the protector - of student rights, the enforcers
of truth and justice. ,\re superheroes
running amuck in the halls?
··As peer m di tors, keeping the
s hool safe and promoting a no-conflict environment is our goal;' said senior m diator Kashfia Ma -ud.
tudent - underwent training at the
Kemper Center on conflict resolution
to ··facilitate ·tru tured conversations
among student:o·· tor duce conflict.
'·\\, e want to provide opportun:iti - for
·tudents to resolve conflict before thev
escalate to uncontrollable situations
where law enforcement is neces,.,ary ,"'
said junior mediator teve Horn.
Five tudents teamed with the Office
of tudent L adership to offer punishment other than uspension. Teen
Court examined cases thre days each
week bas d on notes and discussions
with teachers to reach a verdict.
\\hen not ~ inging in Concert Choir,
,.,enior '-"ikki Leibhan calmed a rgument between re n-.. ~r loved being
one of the mo;,t actiYe membt' N of
Peer '\llediation. It wa-. n' t th at hard
to get the ;,tudent,; to talk to each other. but the ;,tudent;, that kept oming
back for mediation OYer a nd m·er " ·ere
difficult to work with," >;aid Leibhon.
ta ti sties
'" A" and ~o " ;,tand out a,; the two
remaining choice;, during a Tobacco
Truth Tour game geared toward
) ounger "rudem ;,. Sophomore Abby
Lucke a nd i:> tudenr;, from other high
i:>Choob vis ited ;,ix elementa ry and
middle schoob . ""Fighting \ gain;,t
Corporate Tobacco" prize;, like air
fre;,hener;, and bouncy balb rewa rded student;, who aOi:>wered a smokingdanger;, que;,rion correctly.
'·We spend as nmch time as we ne ~d
the best solution to the students' problems within our capabilities," said senior judge Kick \les.
cording to tht' Foundation for a
\merica. 60 percent of
smokers begin b age 1-1: a nd 90 percent becom addicted by 19. To lower
these numbers and prevent another
800.000 children from picking up a
deadly habit annually. members of T obacco Truth Tour fired fa ts through
sho k-and-aw ac ti~ties to students at
six el mentary and ntiddl schools.
'· ,\ ll we want to do is g t the word out
about smoking and the effects it has.
\~ e did acti~ti es like the tar jar and
having th kids smell the butts of cigarettes,"' :;aid s nior Amber irna.
For fellow classmates and up-andcoming students. these role models
left their mark through tour - of tobacco awareness. one case at a time.
to pro,~d
D1·lilx·rnti11g during a<h i-.or).
till' fo11r-rw·1nbt>r T t><'ll Court
t<wkl1·d j...,.. , 111· from pro ·1nit
to di,.;rnpt in· d Qbs
havior .
.l11dgi11g :-x>ci: • b · F~h. 9.
T<·t·n :ow1 offere<l altt>rrn ti <' puni-.hrne nh likt> -;chuol . :
d1·a11i11g or lt>tter-. of apol<1g~ .
Student-. in trouble chob • to
<HT<'p1 tlw Court\ ch·i-;ion or
r nm for tradition· li.-; ·iplin<'.
TEEl\ O'.)URT Front) \ leli'"' Ca11·i.c ( :a--•· ( :ulwr
(bnck ('"' B111i-. /'..uch Burforcl '\i<l '\1b
I .1<11111 Zorn. ~aru Fro... 1 {back ['.;.1-.1 Bun-.. Jonlm
~1r11-.p:unl S11 'Yi' I lorn. "\icolc· Leihhan
\111oudt Bnu"" {Jxtt*! \ 11d:xT Sina, bnil\ i\ITTbL
"Law school started out as a joke because I was
good at arguing. When I found out about the
Teen Court, I began to take law school seriously.
I had to think of questions before meetings, as
well as during the meetings to get what we
wanted. I plan on attending University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities for pre-law, and
I would like to go to UW-Madi on
to get m y law degree. My goal is to
make it on to the Supreme Court. "
t"~m sweep
In blue pen, fres hman Michael
Parker signs in to sweeps as
juruor Janelle Ferguson waits
her turn. \ frs. Debra Wilson
typed late !:ltudents' names in
a tardy database set up in the
cafete ria. \ ccording to the
U.S. Education Commission.
16 states including ~ i;;con~in, require student:,; to attend ;;chool in order to hold
a clriYer\ licenc,e. In th e L.S ..
:)0.000 -,tudents missed dail) .
While staff attention to tar- were a nice blue instead of the gross
ancy and other critical aca- orange," said junior Rebecca Gann.
Revamping orange cushions set
es cut freshmen failure rate
cent, auditorium renovations sch ool back $-±7 ,000, and the new
curtain alone tallied $6,000.
up dating back to June 15.
"Through a Student Government
"T old orange auditorium looked
like ou stepped hack in time t o th e fundraiser, I donated $60 for a new
seat cover," said junior Andrea Gallo.
19 s,., said junior Oza n Kalan .
While local teens pitched in, Kenosh a
olors selected by staff, blue reupholtered cushions and gwy carpet flashed Unified p icked up the new carpet's tab
and approved zero-hour accounting
a 21st century look Sept. 20.
"Tfirst noticed when I went to the au- and Spanish 301, two -±5-minute classditorium during advisory for Student es held daily from 6:-!:5 until 7 :15 a.m.,
Government. Seats and the curtain to reduce overcrowding of 2,-±09.
~ 8
n yeur dreams
S\\ LLrs/Al DITOHll \l{ZEHO [ IOl H
J"¥1~-breakfast\l t11whi11g 011 ,of1-., h .. ll 1rn ·<h. j11nim,
Hog<'r Pnt ·z arnl \I ik1 · \\ ' "' iorka
f<»ht 011 \li'xi('al\ lm·akfiH di,lw,.
lib1< ·ad of llH'i'tin2 in Hrn>111 :20:2. :-.·norn .luli1· (.Im,,. : ~ z< 'r<>-hour ~pani-h
:3() I '1ud<'11h drmt • dm\11 60tl1 Strt'f't
Oil('<' a llHHllh and l\H't at Lupit<h b)
6 a.111. for a ln1ffi't that<l< ·d ..IH>rizo' and 'na1nhl1·d ' '/(/;'·
.)/"l'f·rcf reams
\ bl<l/ing bltw bad.drop ('(W>lt·d iiH'
audi1oriu111 ch junior s('Otl Fro,,
,!wk;•, Dr. S1w Smairlio-.lan i,· hand
during ilw '\atio11al I lo11or So!'i1·11
indu!'Jion . \ft t> r four 111rn11lb of rt>n«>'"' irnh to1alin2 m 1·r ~.-~HlOO. furtlH'r
i111prmi'11H'nh ,,.,11,·d \\ith a la!'k of
fu11di112. I lallt'd ..lmn;,w' inl'ludt·d
,ound '''lt' lll upgradt•, . rduriJi.,hing
ann n''''· rq>aiming Jilt' 1·1·11wm flrn>1·
and rt'j)airill!.( l < Wh( ' I~ llH>t"1! t•d 'f'Hh.
f4'1"ol/.)~tu dy
\\ ith
E'\prt•,,att• \\orkbook, and
1t·'\ilww1b 011 tht'ir dt•,I,.,, junior, .la111i1 · I lui11ill and \lik " l'\rn111ti f<wth 011
..C,"a' .. during zen>-hour Spani,h :3() I.
Bt·t\\l'i'n \I r. John \l at< ·rn·, \ 1·,·ou111ing and \I , . Juli" Ch<h< : , Spani,h. -+ I
,1udt'nh l<W>k adn1nlH!!<' of l'\:l.SI},
a111•111ph to alle' ialt' ' mt'1Trmwlin11
and 'tmti'd ,d1nol at (l::3<) ;1.111 .. gaining a n •h·u ... c durin!.! rt 'f.!lllHr hour... .
Re co
"I like the brand new carpet in
the auditorium . Unfortunately, the
renovation hasn't had a big effect on
play attendance. The seats were reupholstered, which cleaned up some
spilled soda from Homecoming, but
not fixed. The blue curtain almost looks
too blue. It should be red, the traditional theatre curtain color. "
sr. Drama Club Member
Adam Campbell
l',,{,l',..ti me
I .a11ghi11g <hiring <t l ll'id IHruk.
,_t•nior-, \In. j,., I .ong and \ lt•!!;Hll \n·11dt l'twl food ...,t •n i('<'..,
dmi11° C:nil't Fair. \ ft<•r ;111
1•arl~ 111or11i11g ..,tart. I .oil!!; mid
\n•1Hlt \\ork1·d for ...,i, hour-,
...,<'ni11~" pi/.za to n1-,to11wr-,.
01w dfl\ t·;irlit'I'. 1"'? \t'<t<hnil'
\ ffair... 11w11ilwr.., nwt aftt•r
..,<"11001 lo -,t •t 11p hootli-, and
book ... from 11 ;1.111. to:) p.111.
/4 11·111.
. !!: 11 ...,,·1t· 11t rnwt .ion. I>oo" ..,at'.
• /h1t1
food ..,,tit• rn1d !'J. nnfwr..,. tht• -,t·crnHl
ai11111al Ht ·11ui..,,.,<ltHT Craft Vi1ir rni-,(·d
mt•r :-,(>.000 to -.prn1-.or tlw m nnl ..,~ ..,_
tc111 in t Iw R1·1mi ..,~ lll('t' prngrc1111.
"\lorn·~ rui'it·d fr0111 Crnft l•'11ir f1111d1·d 11wd;tl-.. an1df·111i(' ll'ltcr"i and llw
~ t·url~ pizzct pmt~. n<'knmdt'dgi11g H1 ·11ai..,"i<t1H'(' . . t11d1·nh 11nd their un1d1·rni('
-,11t·1·t•..,..,, .. -.<1id -,<'11ior \!'<1<lt·111i!' \ fL1ir..,
\ i!'t' Prc,.,ich1t :-,cun \k\la,.,tcr.
Tlw d;1\ lwfon· tlw fair. I"'? \!'<1<h11i!'
11 w11 ii wr-, 11 wu . . 1m·d and ta p< ·d t lw 1--'! 111
floor for !'rc1ft booth.., and t n111'"'f<·1T1·d
Vn{e dream
H1 '"~''"I Cit\! I ,. \Ill
crafts rewardi
I" <' pallt •i.... of hook-, rn1d 111mt'd t<d>lt•...,
to ..,<•t up -,ilc•111 <tll!'t ion. book . . nit• ;111d
food table· in tlw n1fc•tt•ria.
"\\hil t' \n' \\ '('I'<' po,.,itioning tahlt•..., to
..,et up tlw hook ..,ale. 01w tuJ>lt• Jnwklt'd
1111der tlw \\'t•ight of h111Hln ·d.., of boob
and('ollap-.edonto 111, root. It "'"ellecl
t\\o 1i111t ·.., ih norn1<d ..,izt'. rn1d I lwd to
file an injur~ report with t lw ..,d10ol...
,.,uid ..,c11im 1(111·1 Co..,,.,t•li11.
\!thoug h Craft Fair opt•1wd to tlw
puJJli(' <It() a.111. Oil O('t. n. ('(Hlllllillt'('
11w111hcr-, <111dnaft<·r-, tn1clg<·d i11 thrt '('
ho111·-, (•mh "it h ~tarl)IH'k.., !'Off('t' in
hand to Iott · goo<k orgar1iz(' 9-h\-10
ft. booth.., and hook 11p dect ri('it~ .
"During tlw fair. I c·n'tllt'd ti real!~
f11n11y 'to11g11t·-in-dHTk . Po\\'npoint
on m~ laptop to pro111ott' tlw hook ..,ale
und food t;ihlt · "it h "ill~ 1•...:pn•..,,.,ion..,
likt· 'food good.· ·\.13.C ... 13uy ti hook
like me' nnd 'Fill ·n l p~ It \ clwa1wr
than ga..,,··· ,.,aid ..,t'nim 13ryct• l Imer.
Fi111dt'd I>\ Craft l•'uir. \('adt·rni('
\ff<1ir.., IHH cd a fn ·<· pizza and ,.,oda
part~ Oil \la~ :2:) and t'l'\\tll'dcd 101-+
<H '<Hlt•111i(' tl<'hi<'\t'r-, 111 a :2 ..) CP \ or
hig h('!''' itl1 11wclal-, rn1d l(' ltt•r-,.
Di-..<·u ... ""in~ dlf' lw ·"'\1 <1n·a to pu ...... Olli
His Time
i111'orn1111 i"· p:1111plil1·h. fn ·~l111w11 H
Ii•· \lc\IH~t•·r :n1d knm I·:"""' \\ork
at ( :raft 1:11ir a~ j1111ior ·i-::~ 11 ·1 \I"!!''''
n ·/.(i~11·r, food Hild drink onl<'I'~ l'ro111
-:':2 n111'11 · r~ . Shif1i11!! fro111 hhl \<'ar· ~
~lopp~ .l< w '"'HI\\ i..!1. ho1 dog~ and
pi .. kl"'· \1 ': 1<lt'111i(' \f'f'11ir, ~• · rl<'d m1..!uh. pi/z11. drn111h :111d liak1 ·d !!"ml~
to 111111!!1'\ 11·1ulor' and 1i,itor~ . In
il1H11k, ' r,;r iiHrd \\ork . 1'11ir \\ork• ·r,
drn11k a • ·0111pli11u · 11111r~ ,rnh1 and 1·11·
jo1 •·d fr, .,. pizzH Hnd .. liip~ .
having an acade111ic honor in
n1y record, for
jobs and college
applicatioru;. l
didn· t take all
honors classes.
so Renaissanct-\
Golden Strings
and St ndent
look good to
show lllY
.. b
c01nn11t n1ent.
'\\Tant to .g.o to
a con1pet1t1w~
like l \\ b
\1a<lison so Renmssance ls a
nice addition to
applications. lt
also n1akes n1e
keep up with
school work and
nu1intain good
grades for the
asse1nhly and
the end-of-year
p1zza pa
()11 ... 1ua:c to n·< ·ci\t · u11 cl\\anl. ..,t'nior
Sal11111i'ori11n ""lh \\ t'pkin!! ~hHk• ·~
ha11<L~ "iil1 \,~1. Pri11t ·ip11I .l<~I~ 13101 •·r "' \Ir. J<w h11111ing pn ·,1 ·111, di<'
I l:wkharth \l1 ·111orial Tropln HI I Ionor.., ( .(Hl\ocution ctnd Ht> nai-. ... HIH 't '
lfr<"ogni1i1111 \Im :2.) . \ fir,1. Pn·111i1·r
H1 · m;i~,rn1n • ~1;u!.·111, 11at('ht'd dw
<'t'l"t'llton~ nlon!! \\ilh ... t·nior pan·111-..
1 ·:
Chall ing and ..!H'\\ i11!!. j11nior~ \li~o11
Bro1•1111:111. ·1m lor \\ 'ild111Hn and l\. ;1iil~ 11 Zolpn rt'L'- dminu ilH' H1 · 11Hi~
''11w1· Pizza P11r11 \Im :2:). s.. n i11u
HBO ,11ul1 ·111, :nul ·1.'i<l ,1;1rr. \rnd1 ·111ic
\ITair, di,IH'd 1.-><>0 ~lin·, of ..l1t ·•'''"
1wp1wroni Hnd 'a1bagt' pi/za fn1111
l•rnnki1 · I)'~ l>izzt'l'ia. \..!1it·\l ·r, al~o
1 · 11jo~1 · d !OHO t'<llh t>I' P1 ·1hi prrnhwh.
Ln fro111 of a "'"'''t c[i.,plm of ;iu il H'n·
tic Fr\'lll'h d\'""t'rl,... junior Jonathan
Pen·ira 'i,, a I· rcnd1 caf1• in ( :hin1go. :-;oaking up the --c irnd1·1: H.011ia111i<" Helx-1 .. " "h ibit al tlw \r1 lrhti1u1< ·
ofChirngo. '\am·\ P1 ·n·/·,.. Fn•nl'h:hl J
.,1ud1·11h \' lljo) \'d. u ful l da\ I rip \pril
-t. I nflut·nn·d b1 Frl'lll'h H<',olution.
Ih\' d.rarnat ic ''"h ihit a,..,..,•nrhled ll Hll'l'
1han lOO \\ ork., of Girod\'!. Thl' ci<1",..
al,..o \ it'\\ t.'d \\ ork,.. h, fanHHh l111pr\',...,io11i,..1 pai1111•r,... \lalll'I and \l nnn.
Digging into dw .,\'n11np1 iou,.. ,..prend
of breakf<hl frnKk junim \licl uwl
f..:rnru1i t•n jo)" 1111 t•a rh 111orni11g trip
to Lupi1a·,.. \lc"in111 Ht•,..1aun1111 on
601 h ,..1ret't "it h Spa ni ,.. h :l01. B\'fon·
1rn1m ,..tud1•11h awak\'ned 10 k•me for
.,cho;il. \Jr,... Julit• C:ha,..t• and lwr 11
Zt•ro-1 lour ,..lll(lt·nh 1111•1 dwre one<' a
mo111h 10 l'at mid prnt·til'<' "i~'<tking
,..kill,.. 0111,..id1• of da,...,.
'" \ l~ favorit e part
of tlw fi1 ·ld trip
,,.a,., 1n i11g tlw
IH'\Y f0<id <.~t Don
~ Quiot e·,.., Span-
i-,h n·"'tw1ra11t
-~ and 1 • 11jo~ i11g it.
w I l!'a rn<'d a lot
.c about Spani-,h
§- cultim... 011 thi...,
trip. the -,tucl<'nh
'"'rt ' 1·0111 pk1< · I~
i11d<'p<'nd1·nt and
tnhtl'd ll\ tlw
tec.1che1< w1d
ch_aperorn·-, wl_~il e
Ill llllhl ' lllll.
, 52
1n your dreams
I II J .D ' fH if ><..,
.. , oting mi dif-
fen·111 n•-.olutiorh 0
to lw pw.,:-wd in tlw ~
Genera l \ -,-,emhh ~
for \\ i:-;co n :-; i n ·
f Tigh School \lod1·1 l nit1·cl :\at io11-,
W<h , ·1·n i11t e re,..,t -
\jy. 0<Yrou 1>
Be-.t Deleac.1.
lion. nwanr ng we
did ton-. of dehclling and rt'-.<'<1rch
011 Ye men. a lor1g
with "'pec.1ki11g our
rnind-. at th<-' G1 .. 11eral ' "''"'e111h l~ .··
Challenging a frif'nd to a duet
junior Michelle Sertich swings
her sword a1 Medieval Times.
a d inner theat er in llli nois. The
English department took 109
junior~ on a fi eld trip in \1arch
to learn W>out tlw Cod<' of Chi,,al ry and King Artlmr's Fra.
Besides a soup. chicke n and
vegctahle lunch. students \\'itrwssed a <'nC'hantcd display of
knig htly games. like jousting.
Ready to fall off a picnic table
into the arms of her classmates, senior Deena Weiss
trustingly participates in a
team-building activity. Mrs.
Jan Gorman transported her
AP Psychology classes to the
Woodhaven Challenge Course
May 15-16 to learn how to
work together respectfully,
stay emotionally healthy and
operate in times of stress.
Missing in-class instruction for field trips worries
some students and excites others
eed a '·get out of class free card?"'
Get on a bus and take a field trip! One
work-free lass was worth missing even hours of other instru tion.
''We made a difference with so many
kids in just one day. As a group, we
learned how to work tog th r and put
on a successful presentation. I really
lik d to
kids r actio~ when we
passed around the tar jar. They were
disgusted,"' said sophomor Abby
Lucke of Tobacco Truth Tour.
Shock cl by the ·maturity'' of her
freshmen student , ninth-grade Eng-
lish teacher Althea Chambers heard
complaints concerning their fie ld trip
to see "Romeo and Juliet. "
··1 was surprised to find out that my
students have class s so int nse that
they feel that they can't miss just one
day," said Chambers.
While rainy w ather rocked Baraboo,
Wis., 38 Geology Honors students
traveled nearly three hours to search
sandstone and query quartzite.
"I learn cl visually and used the
knowledge we gained in lass, especially at the natural bridge. I prefer
out-of- ·chool field trips only if the
destination is fitting to the class,·' said
senior Jennie herr.
Some field trip attendees bounc d
back in just a couple of hours of rnak up homework at night.
..Going on a field trip is worth it. but
it 's tough when you get home. I'd
probably just do all of my horn work
in a couple hours aft r school.., said
sophomore Teagan Keberlein.
Of the 98 field trips taken thi::, year.
stud nts pr ferred hands-on instead
of hands-up in discussion learning.
dt'<l ti 1. :--< ·11 ior
Iii· ... alop tlw hood
parkt·d i11
IH'\\ Ht·11<1i,.,,.,aiwt· park,.,< 't ·t io11 of t I H' \\ t·,.,1 . . 1, tl'f
~t111lt·11i.... ,,it11
,.,,1111·t· Pn·1111t·r . . u1111 . . <'nnwd
ti w pri\ ilt '!!< • to pmk i11 ti w
tt·ndlt'r lot \\itl1 tilt' p1m·lia-.t·
of a "'l't't'i:d Ht·11ai . . -.;11H't' \t'l'-.io11 of tlw ~.)() parki111! p:i.... .....
restore academic opport
(/" c-,p it< ' hrn <'t ('on-,t rni11i..... I( L SD
frn111d funding to n·pla ·t· foreign l<1ng11ng<· and cakulu . . t tlH ok ..... \f't er
1t· .... 1i11!.(' po i1iw to pd111i11g l<t,.,l ~car.
tlw di,.,1 ri<"t pur('hu-.t·d I>< 1ok,., for <'H<" h
of tlw fon ·ign lan!,!11a!,!t "·
..·1ht · IH'\\ Fn 1wl1 I>< ok . . \\t' got ddi1 itt·I~ l<'a<"h tlw '"< .. hular~ . l!nllllll1u r
<111d co111prel 11·1hiun I wt t<·r I han tlw old
oiw . . lx•<·mi....t· th(~ go 11H1n• in d<·pth ...
,.,aid ,.,op'10111t n · i(ir,.,1<·11 Slw1wood.
l ndl'r <'On-,tnwtion. tlw orclw-,tra
dt ·p:ir·111wnt l'<'C< 'i \t ·d a11 acl<li1 ion of 11
Lia-. <"ahi1wh. ~·11ior ~n111 \lc\l , ..... t<·r
crafted tlw clwrr~ -wood hw..,,., n1hi 1w1 -,
a,., <111 1-:agle prnj<'<'l for Bo~ Scout....
·Tlw 11<'\\ <'l1hl>i< ·. . 111<1k<· thi11g,., 11111ch
1110n· orgn11iz<·d <·rnnpared lo '' lw11
there wen• jti....l heh,., ,.,l <lll<l..... lwnni....<·
110\\ 1111i....ic. rocJ..-,.,101h. ro,.,in w1d bow,.,
<'HllllOl l><' lo,.,t. ,,hi('h 11wk<·. . it a le ... ,.,
. . 1n·-.-,f11I t''\.p('ri<'IH't' i11 orclw-.trn...
-,aid ,.,ophrn11or<' Ca,.,,.,ic Jordan.
T lw . . cl1ool pilot<·d -.itc -,1nitegic pla11ni11g. i111pl<·11 w1lli11g t<'llllh to fo<·1i.... rn1
"object in·,., of profici< ' ll<'~ . gradual io11
r<'q11in·11H'llh. n·,.,1wctf11l l><'hm ior and
t'<ln't'r-. for <'Y<'n -,11 1dt·n1...
"\\ <' etn• in a 11<'\\' ,.,t 11d<·11l -l<·w·ni ng cli11w1t·. and it·,., u I ><lw<·rhrn 1,.,<' of' <''cite11w111 . Thi-; ,.,h ift will giH· ('\<'I'~ ,.,l 11(k11t
1lw -,11p1><1rt to llH'<'t rn1r higlw-,1 exp<'<'tatirnh .. ,.,aid Princip<1I l·:d l\:11pka.
On I rnck to .... 1ud<·11t -<'<'lltcrcd ng<'lldn. of'f'i('<' n<111w . . upgrcuhl lo :--11u<h11
I ,1·<1 rning. L<'wl<·r. . hip <111d S<·n i('(· .....
"Co 11trnr~ to 1><1p11 lnr opinion. 1110-,t
l><'opl<' nre not f'oolt ·d I>~ tlw 109 e11plw111i . . 111. tlw of'f'it'<' <1('ti,i1i<· . . rn·<· ... till
I he "" 11 w.'' 'iel id ,.,en ior Cw 11 I ,t'OtH'.
Shifting foundation-, nnd offi<'t' nolaI io1h dmrg<·cl -.t11dt·111 lt ·<1 r11ing.
0 ' ,,,/
Ey<'ing an C\1' I..: photo in Pn•,i1·\\.
so11l1or111m· Cla..,..,ic rq1ortn I,) <lia
I luck work... with lwr si,.,11·r to dto1i...1·
a photo for ti H' gradual ion ;,pn •ad.
Computf'r lab :2:H pilot1·d tlw Ill''"'"'
11uwhi111·,., in tlw di..,trict. i\lac (;.'),,
<l<Tk1·d \\it h 17-in<'h 111011itor" and
:)1:2 nwgab) w ... of H \\I. 1 otal <'<hh
for t!H' lab rPaciwcl DP ... pit1·
s1·nrr and "''ntriti1·.., i-,..,u1·s. (:J,...,_
sic and T1·n11w ... 1 taught \Hiting and
cl<·... ign through y1·arlx1ok-purch;i...1·d
programs of \cloh1· iw Suit<'.
\irlx1rn1', fn'shman I lannah Oat<''>
s1·aif•.., a rnohilP nwk w;dl during
\Ir. John \\ ill1e·l111,.,on·,., fourth hlo<"k
~Ill class. \\ i;,1·on.-,in \rnt)
Guard 1·0111 m·t1·d s<"hool ancl \!1lun1!•1•rccl to t rnn,.,port t lw ,.,la b IO prolltOI!' sPr\ in· in tlw arml'd for<'!'.., and
;,imul<H<' 111ilitary training '''crci... es.
PPriodica lh t hrmwholll t lw \car.
1·ad1 bnuu.·h of tlw"arnu•d for<'t'~ 'isited to n·<Tuit n!'w mcmlwr,;.
1' .,,
\., ,.,l'nior ~""' \l<-\hi-,t1·r """"
thrrn1gh a two-b) -fo11r lo fonn tlw
foundation. lw laugh.., at a jokl'. h1r
b1gl ..... tat th in l.l01 ~ ·011i... . \k\la ... tn
1·on1pl.. wd an b1gl1· proj1·1·1. ,.,,·n1plif) in;r l1•acl1 ·1...,hip in a 1·on11111111ity ..,, .r
'i1 ·1· 1·ndl'arnr by buil1ling ha-. ... rnbiIH'h for tlw ordu•-,trn . 13<·"un ]111w
I. :20o:l. tlw proj1 ·1·t 1·os1 S1..)(n.:>:~
and 1·ml<·d Sqit. ,)_ :200:) with tlw a ... taIHT of '.2:~ ..,, ·ouh and ..,tud1 ·n1 .... \
!:2th dwrr\ -wood cahirn·t pro~ id,...,
mldi1 ional for ... IH'l'I llllhH' .
sr. Liz Anteramian
"I was surprised that
I earned honorable
mention for copy
writing in San Francisco, and it was an
honor to be recognized at Quill and
Scroll. I liked the
dining wear and
dessert foods too. I
ate 11 eclairs."
"I'm the youngest
of four children,
and the cord at
graduation proved
to my siblings that I
actually did something . Ifs one thing
that I earned that
they hadn't already
done. It was nice to
be recognized."
sr. Matt Beemsterboer
NA 110:\'AL HO:\'OR SOCIETY U\UUCTEES: front Briana Tallx·11. Jak1· Zalokar. S<mu"'I Pace1tc Tm lor Coch Candt'I.'- b11ih Rtl!!.
\l ichuel Dunmnt\ 2nd row Elene L4.'i<llci1L \ncln·a Gullo. \k'xumL·r Gemz. Hum D<'t'IPr. David Brn:hc·r. l3riai1 Schot•ttlt•r. l).j,;d \\ 1
erA>a. Erik \\ illi~;111 1.t>able 3rd row ~·rg-io Blarn·o. Ki111lx·rly \\ utrin~. Luke \l i;·h. Hol:>t·11 \\ r--.1. fon'<I hn.. 1. Jon111hun Pt•rpinL ~·,·ii
\rn t-.trong. \1 elc111iP Th\\inµ 'back 1 rm-L... Burle""m. \lutthcw K111i1'<·ik. B1iun \\ iepdr. Hu~n1ond Dt•\ ric-. I\. '\eil R11n1ttchik. \nc~
Ht·idenbach. Ian n \lichm•I Fulcon.
.\('\Dl\11< CtJ\1PET1101l~
d n a:;:;ociated with ;i11<·ce:;:; came a:;
:;t'cond naturt' with ch· ire:; to learn.
·· --\lthmicrh it -.e<'nwd 1 had to be eYet') where a t rnict', my driYe to learn
pushed me I o -.ttcce:oH a:o Yaledictorian
and a n•;i1wned nwml r of Tionor:;
Sor it>t\ .·· -.aid :;enior, ean \lc\la>iter.
Ba,,t>cl one ·ceptional journali>im. 2-±
;itudt> n,t:; from TempeHt and Yearbook
g<1in d Quill and Scroll l lonor:o.
·The be:;t part about Quill and , croll
i:; reflecting on all of th intere;iting
memorieH from KEMPA Camp to ·ational IBA '\\Tite-off. ·· :oaicl :;enior yearbook Editor-in-Chief Bryce Ume1:.
Born into :\"ational Honor Society
with four :;ymbolic candle:;. 131 in-
du tee:o proved them.-.t>IYe:o worthy by
maintaining GPA-, of :3.3 or bettt'r a:o
well a:; an e;i::,ay and rt>conmwndation.
··.\ational [1onors , ociety wa:; the
fir:ot time [ realized that ali my work
paid off. The ceremon~ remin~led me
to rnaintain my top fiYe :otatu:o:· aid
-tth ranked :;enior Adam Cha:;e.
\\ ith coll<:>ge a year away. :;enior-. who
did not ::,ncc1 tmb to :-.enioriti_..,_ worked
hard to maintain their :;tatu:o.
..1 wa:; intrin:;icall~ rnotiYat cl to end
up at the top of the clat>:o. :oo m·ercoming :;enioriti:, was not a total hindrance.
Thad ,.\ P Cakulu:;. AP P:-.ychology and
a Youth Option:; course at Carthage
which all took a lot of time:· :,aid 19th
ranked :oenior Katie Dmid.
\[anaging time between act1Y1t1e:;
and cla:;Hwork. academic competitor·
conquered ;;tres:; to pile up adrni:,:,ion:o
and 1.2 million dollars in scholar:-.hip:o
for post-high :;chool acad rnic:;.
QL1LL & SCROLL C\DLCrEES: front Dana O.·m-k1•. I{, 11· "1.irk·. \ik1
Bohn. \ .. hit•\ Carle1on. ~1t·fanit• Dulak. Rt•lll·n·a Fn•iht·I"!'.! 2ndrou· ~m Bluu·n.
\lid1at'i ~tl'~nu1. \rm Rwnanb. Pm1I ~1ud.. e\. \lutt Bt>t•nL.. terhoer. \le!!:an \r.
t'llth (3rd ro'"·l '\ictlli1u1 Btll~rn"<L '\tt.•nllt• k111. ·l .iz \111l·n1111ia1L '\a1alle Br~tb""'.
Laurl'n Pt'h'Nlll back I .,din I luck. \II~ \\ ,L..,..,tt'. Chn.... ~t ·atina. \in._
.. lt·~ \le.
\ltL..,ltT. Brt'nt 'ontz
QUILL & SCROLL \1E.'-IBERS: from B" ,.,. LIma Tra1~ I"'""'"· \.hh
BIL...c.•. hu11 (A:1::--.elin beck lot• \nwlik. ~1111a11tha Zinuun. \l1•gnn GodirL ~1mh
AL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS: front lliriu Jurzllh•:k. &~1, Lum•. 1'dl) \\ <'pkin~. Emih \I liitlork.
Cl11i-.1ina c:arcia. Liz \11tan1111iun 2nd row \111ancl1 JoluL... ltlll. \h-.<m \lmulwi. San1 Zi11U\Jl\. \liclwllt' ~llllt'11. \lt''i:L..
Lona. C:r, .. wl ~laker. \lnndj Holx·11-.. \l1duwlc1 ('. rnl'lli 3rdro,v• \h .. ~1 Hod.ri2111'z. l\t11hlet'n. '\011i11alu.u11. D~ma f.ulton..
Ro-... (.1)1lw1•1l. \lu11 l-.g~t·11. \lt1?an \n•ndt. H1·bx·l'U \hQuillcn. ~tr~1h O. t.. 1czuk. Bryce Llnwr bBck Dmid Barlx•r. ~Hll
"'imozwh. Hyan ~ot~ .. 1.
\ndn•w \\ ulk s..-an \k\'T. kw.• \ntnlil... ~c.m \lillt·r. h:"un (~-.elm. Carl kt•nnf'C~
Da-.zezul... ~an \lc\l cblt'r
+striking a posed . n
ing floor routine, senior Alyssa McQuestion finishes third all-around with a score
of 35.875 at Kenosha Invite Jan. 28. At
the Mar. 5 State Championships, Kenosha Combined gymnastics placed second with 142.3833, off by 1.22, and McQuestion's 9.467 on bars led the team.
-1-While searching for an open teammate, senior Captain center-midfielder
Kelly Wepking dribbles down the field.
On her path toward Wisconsin Gatorade Player of the Year honors, Wepking
scored 25 goals and nine assists, as the team
headed out of State verses Homestead.
+ Flying 40 feet 10 1/2 inches into Burlington's sand pit at Regionals May 22,
junior Jeman Howze qualifies to Sectionin the triple jump. After qualifying for
St e in the high jump, Howze cleared
six feet to secure 19th place.
Clinching the title of "Overall Athletic
Champions of the Southeast Conference," Trojans triumphed as eight teams
plus individual qualifiers pushed to State.
Girls Golf fired on the fairway as a fivegirl team with All-County honors. Senior
Sarah Pallin split the MVP title with her
sister, junior Rocco Pallin. Boys Golf, led
by senior medalist Charlie Pflug with a
2-over par 74, secured the SEC title and
a birdie putt to State.
Shifting into State championship style,
11-member boys bowling team claimed
first in the second consecutive season. In
their inaugural season, eight girl bowlers
pinned a second place finish.
Despite a season of injuries, in which
senior Allysa Watring broke her ankle,
the Kenosha combined gymnastics team
tumbled to second, only 1.22 points shy
of a second straight State championship.
On the individual front, junior swimmer Erin Wagner took third at State in
the 100 free. In power, senior Veronika
Jerikova earned the State title in shot put
and fell to second in discus, inches short
of defending last year's championship.
From the beam to the ally to the water,
State stars spiced school spirits, spurring
-~~....,sport success and athletic skills.
H1•lx-l'rn Freih<'rg
!-.. urt Co~~l'lin
\hut Bt·1·11h1t'rl)(wr
\I idwll1• 1-..nrndt·r
Chief Designe~
n"'' L "''"
.lt' nn' Croll
L\I Ii;, I I u!'k
\lutt 1' r;11ht '
Carril' I "l't '
\ 11, \ la~~i1·
\~hh Bli~1·
.luck (;;11Hh
l-..1•11 Sahhm
Jumping up to serve th ' aTI, res man
Abby Padlock scores against South Milwaukee, winning 3-0. To recognize Padlo ' earn-leading 221 digs and 283
as· s, she earned the All Skills Award
in iris vol leyball. Ending the seasons ·
-5, the team placed second at R
als behind Westosha Central.
\llakincr more of club sport - than an
activity. boys and girls bowlincr team;;
roll d into tat and, with strike;; to
spare, claimed two, 'tat titles. Th returning boys bowling team pinned a
onsecutive Championship while first
v r girl's t am won tat Runner-up.
"At the tate we beat Pulaski in the
first gam by a lot, ;;o in the s cond
game we only had to have a low score.
wound up over 100 pin;; ahead.
Once we got the points, the whole team
was anxiou;; for the crame to end and
to he crowned State champs;· said senior individual title holder Derek Hartnell with 1.-±86 pin...,.
nior Charlie Pflug finishPd seventh
individually with 1.-±01 pin;;. Facing 80
high school team~. the boy;; rolled a
2-±5 average in the last five games to
qualify for top see l in a 15-crame tournament serie;;. Th 'heridan Lanes!:>pon;;ored team won the two-game
champion;;hip -± 77-36-±.
Trailing in their first season only hy
taking ;; cond at .'tate, the crirb bowl-
Po ise at Premiu m
Posing elegantly at the Barrin!!ton Eque..,trian O•nter. '>Ophomore Madeline
Krau;,e and her hor;,e Maverick cli,,;play a fifth place
ribbon on \fay 19. In an
arena, tht>y c.ompett>d in
t>vent-, -,uch a dre-,-,ag1·.
cro..,,., country jumping and
..,how jumping. ~\1y favorite
b to haYe Maverick bov.~ it\
cool, and it make.-, u;, Loth
look gra eful;' said K rau,.,e.
Seco nd Cycle
~ aving to the crowd, junior
David Engv.,j,,, ,.,econd from
lt>ft. along with opponent»
celebrate medal placing at
thf> July 2005 Junior Track
l'\ationab. '·[ placed -.cconcl, and my current goab
are to qualify for \V orld.,
nt>xt year and then maybe
the 2008 Olympi ,.,,., -.,aid
Engwi,., who compete,., for
K<'no.,ha Velo.,port.
ing team encountered 29 teams at
the high !:>chool WHSBC tate bowling competition. , tephanie D Franco
finished fourth of 60 bowlers in the
individual event. With eight girb comhinincr to qualify as the top seed with
2,768 pins, they lost to second seed
Watertown 3: 2--±08.
'The atmo;;phere at , tate wa;; awesome; there were so many people out
to wat h. I wasn't nervous hecarn;e
everyone wa-, happy and pumped to
bowl.., said sophomor' Liz 'tanley.
While Kenosha bowling teams scored
an almost perf t record, teen;; found
their niche in self challenge;; through
other recreational activities like bnowmohiling and dirt hiking on Bong Recreational area trails, paint balling at
Promise Land , ports Park, and kite
boarding on Lake Michigan.
·· \s a kite boarder. I love the ntbh
of riding toe bide on a bide shore wind
that creates high waves. It's like surfing and took me four months to master:· !:>aid fre;;hman Riley Seebeck.
HIT the lanes
"Going into
State. we
weren· t
"ure how
act or how
we would
match up. A
Racine ,,chool
ni k named our
team · teroid girb.'
and my n ickname
·Bowling God"
:01nce we can1e into
, tat with a perfect
record a::i a new team.
\\ hen th team:o were
announced a:, qualifiers for TV final. eYeryone wa:, yelling and a
litt le sho ked after
we heard our name
::,eeded fir~t. Tn the final match we placed
"econd proudly."'
r . t phani
High Pin Dow n
To qua l i f~ for tl w fina l
J,, ,<·ming l.""'6il pin, in
I.) f!UTIH'.., and ctn Cl\t'l'Hg('
of ln-t 1x·r ga11H'. junior
I l 111111a Thornl ><·rg l><>\d,.,
"13akt'r St, I<· .. d11ring tlw
h'a 111 ·, Stat<' "I \ final. I n
an und<'f°l'ated 10-0 ,.,l·a,.,on.
tl w girl, quali fit'd for fir,., t
,.,<·t'd. going into tlw firn tl
111atch agairbl \\ utt'rtmYn.
\\ ith a :t32--tOH ,.,rnr<' tlw,
l'ini,l wd '('('ond in Di,t ri1:1
:l \ .,., oi rl , ])(m ling d i\ i,.,ion
fo r th~ ir inaugurnl ) cur.
BOYS BO\V1J:\ G, front} (,.u·h John Pt'tPr-.on. D,m Hmzbtir2.
fouu· .. i...:c ... -.in2er. Co<h C.irnn. Puul '-iuurz Jr .. \like· hlln1n !back
( A1<.u·l1 ·1 (Hll Kud<lll/, ( :1><.wh Bill \lun•...t·Hl<·o. ( ~..., •. , "'iw1•l~J(~l .
Dn1•I.. I l m1nt'll, Churli1· Pnua:. ~Yle Pl'll'r--on. Connor Ht't."Yt'-..
'\u1hnn Ho<'.
GIRLSBQ \'{'L['\'C.; fronc ,N\ra h~tt"rtnt>r. Km eh-n
(~>rnwn. Connit> \ ee. Hanna lllt)rnlx·rg. '\ikk1
Bin:.d1t1m 1back 1C.octrh Tom l\n( Co~wh Bill
\lun~..culco. (;<N.u.·h John Peter-.on. '\1cki Boh urd
Elizabeth ~tonlr~. ~tephanie D<-Franco.
Charge Down
Cutt in!-( ti It' t'orrwr. j1111inr
n11111i11!! ha<'k \lik l' :-;11·\\:1rt
!'arri1·~' to rt'a!'h fir~t elm, 11
('1'0 ....... 10" n
13rnclford 011 :-;cpL 1-t. \ m ~it \ ll'ad tht' all-1i11u• ~ni•·~
:~l~<l- 1 :t/.(ain~t tlw lkd I),., _
ii .... ,,ith H 1-:'-"'7 "in ut Ce:irtl '"/.((; ~ \rt 1-.t'lkr Fit•ld.
S. Milwaukee!
Case I
Oak Creekl
Burlington I
0 Captains - Jacob Gonnering, Offensive MVP -
110% - Jack Wepfer
Josh McDaniel, Robert Beshel,
Patrick Langston &
& Nick Niles
Danny Remus, Nick Niles,
Andy Valeri All -Conference Andy Valeri.
Defensive MVP Andy Valeri &
David Kelsch
Robert Beshel
FRESH\1E..'\ FOOTBALL :!-;Ca':iQn record -t -3:1: (front \rul~ Jol111-.rnL Hohl>, ll11l11w11. '\a1lia11 l...ifit'lll'~·r. Philip\\ 1MMllt-~. Ta) Im Pn\\lat"/) k. '\wliol;..., Co...d1)
'2nd ro"- ( :l1n-. lli·ll;_tirt'. f...) 11 • ~·IM·1ic. H)all ZolptT. \l.t11 I i111 ·l. kn·1H) '\1 ·1-.1111. H)all ~111id1. ,lo... li ( .ood1 •11011;:.d1. ~·rgio P1w1111 •. ( .. 111 \b1Zoli111 (3rd ro"'l
\\ edd1· L \lik1• ~liorl. B)a ll Sndl. \la11 f...ra ...C'. Jol111 f...ralo\\il'/. \ll 11·r1 \lc( :li111011. h -.. mk l:>t ·h ·; 1111 ·0. Jo-.t · \ illa111w\01 -Ith mwl ( .oadw . . Cn·!.!g- Pait\. Tino I ,11
nano. ~1 0 111 H11,ik. \l ao Brn\\11. \1110 ... l~·1· 1rn11k . Jir.h I .t'''"'· \orn1 \l1·ilo/\ k 5t.h row!To111 Barh~ · r. ();.l\JCI \11ld1·r. \111hom I -'"·1w1. '\it·k "11/wl. "ri-. l.t •111;n .
/ 1 P1u-t1. ( .l 1ri ... Brnbl11f. l)t ·,i11 \\ il ...011 6th ro\.\· \11·' '\1 ·\\l11·1n. '\iko /...;:~!,!<11111·. Bn an Pai1·lli. Sli:rnn \lill1·r. '\atl11111i1•I \\;...,....,_ lt1111h l·n·d1Tid... "1·11 /i!!lh ' L
J<11;d '-1rnlla11d ( 7th rou) 1);11111111 \\ ill1a111 .... Brn1ulo11\\1·i.... ·torn \1111111·111111111. \u ...ii11 Colo\\11i:1. D1·1011 ~·nrl1r1111!.!h. Bra11don \\ n!,!lll . Phil Jt-11 ... 1·11. H~<lll '\t'u
!&h nm: \J;111 I .ll!.!1'1111;11111. l .. \<111 I loff111a11. H11\11 ·r1 \Id .r1·;1. Joi• Co111-.u111011. Dal..111:1 ~-lrnoirl.1. Hilt·~ ~·t·h1•1l, I 1111~ Papp1·11f1i.... ( A11; \lorri ...1111
Throw-Th rough
Launching a pass, senior
quarterback Josh McDaniel
finishes the Sept. 16 game
with 167 passing yards to
defeat Case 17-15. In the
fourth quarter, McDaniel
connected a 40-yard pass
to give Varsity a first-andgoal at Case's 9-yard line.
After 1 7 straight victories
since 1987 against the Eagles, a game-winning field
goal by senior kicker Andy
Valeri continued the streak.
Against South Milwaukee in
the season's second game,
cornerback Valeri ran a punt
return 71 yards down the
sideline for a touchdown in
the 42-7 blow-out.
front I .111d ... ;i~ \ Ii·" 11il1·\. Brit1;111\ P<1rkn. Jw ·q1wli1w l~T!'Ort!.!. 1);111ii·ll1 • ""in HT hi. I 111<1 lk ... d1. I .aura \ 11n·h;1k. Di1111•
\l1{ ,\11111. \ ... 111011 htldu10. ht\\11 I L11i...1·11. ~,a~ lnr '.'---1111!11 '2 nd ron "11 ... 11 ·11 Bjorn ...011. "1·l ... ii · B<11n·11. '.'--.ant I l1·1111111di1·ld. \I~ ......a Hfl\ 1k. \111~ <~ r
l11d1. "i111 "n·i1·r. ( .o;.wli "'''in \ro11i11. "-io.trn I .1 •011;1nl. \ ... ltl1·\ ( .;irl1·11111. J;uwll1 · I rick-.1111. J;1111i•· ( :rn1·ll1 (3rd mn, Ha~ 111011d Cara~ . Hid1anl Pruth
\rn1rn110 ( .11rn. Bn·11 I .dM·1. " ' ' ' 111 lb-.cli. (Aj;w l1 .lai·k \111 ... ha. Co:wh Jan·d IY \11 ;.wlo. \· rnnk "w/nla. lh •Ill Bn\1111 ... 1111. J 1111 ( :nlan. \u..,1i11 P;HI~
-Ith row) 1 \ li."r I l 11jik. St•<111 lbrrdt. ~1 n·111 Bm/i1·k. 'I 1111~ 11 ill. 1);111 I• Ion·.... D11 ... 1a11 "I li11111a-.. I· 1ik \n1111~. D1•1111i... \\ w l1·. \aro11 Dt'\ 1w .... hh<Hl
\\ 1·i-.-. i5lh rrrn~l-ri" Lriffitli.... \wk Lri1·..,rn1. \rnh \lal..1. \\ t· ... 11·~ <.li.. 11Pr1011. \da111 Ddln·1-. hh,ard "olr110-.. lo\, 11· I i111·1. Hininlo Drn11i11!.!t'"'· \In
I la!,!1·Jl. ]\., 11· ....,1wll back) \11dn·\\ P\11\.tlll{'h. '.'--.1t·\1·11 '.'--.h;1q1. Ja ... 1111 '1111·. \lid1;wl \hCi1111. Hi·j't'I ' Dt ·l laa11 . Hc·c ·n· lt.1hk1 ·. H~ illl (A111w1. I .o!!lllL
\ll1·111ancl. Hn;m Bol\111. "-'lia111· ( .i11tt'I'
"During the Franklin game, I had two
long runs and carried
touchdowns. I felt like
I couldn't be touched
and bounced past the
defense. We lost by
five points, 23-28."
Rushing to opening victory. Varsity
tack led a 36-21 win under Anderson
Field lights against Horlick in the
opening game collecting -1:3-:I: yard-;.
..On the first play the quarterback
fa ked a running play and then threw it
to me. l got five yard-; a nd the offense
rolling. Later l ha uled in three passes
for about 30 yards. ln a momentum
change 1 tackled the quarterback and
stripped the ball out of his ha nds. We
ended up scoring on the fumble.·· said
senior Jake GDnnering.
Following three scoreless quarters
against Oak Creek. Varsity gave up a
30-yard punt return touchdown and
a 5+yard rushing score which turned
into all the points in 0-1-1: loss .
.. Until the fourth quarter. both
teams were tied at zero. \1y goal as
defensive tackle was to hustle. stay
down low a nd hold the offense to get
possession back. Giving up om first
punt return score of the season was
a litt le cfomppointing,'' said se nior defern;ive tackle Mike Kiczula.
Defensively slaughtering their crosstown rival;;, Varsity gave up three
yard-; and no first downs in the first
half. With a 10-point '>Vin over Brad-
the 16th time in the past 18 encounters at Bradford"s home field.
..During the seco nd h a lf of the Bradford game 1 tore my \1GL. but 1 kept
my mind on the game to continue playing through the pain. The tear cost me
two games. and 1 wa!::> anxiouo, to get
back out to help out the team.·· said
senior defensive end David Kelsch.
A crushing loss again;;t Burlington
on Oct. 19 knocked out playoff hopeo,.
Defeated by three TDs at 7-28. Varsity ran only 192 yards.
--In the last game of the season. all
of the senior::; were hyped and ready
to play. but from the beginning of the
game 1 suffered two injuries to my
fing rs. Later. 1 dislocated my shoulder by hitting it against the ball after
1 tried to block a 39-yard pass ... said
senior wide receiver Sean Flatley.
In spite of a + 5 record and .falling
short of playoffs. Varsity claimed ::;even
AU-Divis ion and two AU-SEC players.
••••llilm•• •lliZS;..adillii. . ford. Trojans beat the Red Devils for
Ready, Set, Hi ke
VARSITY FOOTBALL: (front) J;unic Cmelli_ I ,irnl...a~ \lcl\.inlt·~. Brit1:111~ P11rk1·r. J:wq11ilirn• l~Tn mg. Dunid le Sinx..·dl i. Dianl' \l eC linn. \ ... hion Fulduto.
I il\\11 I l mh1' 1i . ~Im lor S111i1l1 (2nd ron:) (A)i\d1 J:1n ·1 I IY \11 i.w lo. (A1;wJ1 Drn iii Dc111l)(1\\ .... ki_ ( ',o;_\('h l ..t.111u 1~ rn· I l:rnk~. Coaeh \lure I lujik. I leud C.oueh Frank
\lat ri..,1·. Jr.. (A11.u-l1 \lil.: 1• \kl\:m. Coad1 \\ik t·I (:lark. Coad1 Bill \Lik -.c n. (~1<wh 1\. 1·\ in \r1111 i11. Co:U'h Ja<'k \lu-;h o (3rd row) l·:ri<· I ldlqui-.1 . Ki111 i(reit>r. \m~
(;..,rlud1 . \I~ '"''"'ii B()\ ik. Sara I il';mindi1·ld. \.,> J... 1·~ lfanw11 . t( ir... 1e11 Bjorn . . 011. \..,hit·~ (~ 1rl1·11111 . J:lt'ki1· Boh11i1H!. Jww llt· Eri.cbon (--lch row) Hogf'r Le\\ nn(L Sam
Hmik. Patri<"k \ .a112:....1or 1. Bonald Orr. J:wk \\ q )ft•r. \lich:wl St1·\\;trl. I\.~ h· i...park-;. Jo... hua Sif1•rcl 1-.. l'\! 11 \lu .......a 11 i. P uul h1ldu10 (5th row) l ernell Durb~. \like
~il'1t1la. Zul'k l .mdor. l ·~ ri<" Chri . . tt· 11 ..,,•r1. Jnl.: 1• P1111tillo. I ,og;u1 I le\ d1·11. Chri-. Bnm 11. \nch \ nk ri. Brian Danid ... on. Senn Flu te!~ - Jo..,h \le Daniel. '\iek '\ilt•-.
.16t!i row) Dmid \In, ,, 00d. Cli:id I .HIM· ll. S;u11 S11111f1•l. J11-.1i11 B1wkn. lk 11ja111in l ·~ pping. Tl;rnm.-. \l 1·1Tdl. Da' id F~lg'\,; ..... Luk t• \lich. Zm.:l Cw nplX' ll, 01•1-riek
Cnffin. Dalin) lkn.Hh. Hick~ IJ<· ll (back) Jn . . li \lni...nr1. !)ii\ id l\.d . . d1. '\a1h1111 \lle111:111d. ( :hri ... \\ aho11. Dm·id S1rouf. J1wl ]almkt'. Dil\·id PC'trt•fli-\\ utring.
Hoblii1· 13t•..,ht'L Slw n11:1i 11 I l11n·i .... Jaco b Co11lllTill!!'.
Going head to head agaitlbt
Bradford· b defenoiYe line.
\ a rbitY line,, up for a half·
back diYc while co nnollina
the clock for 17 minute~
Red DeY-ib gained only
three yan.6 a nd no fibt
down,, · in rhe fir,,r half.
\\ irh -±:2 offe1lbiYe pla~·,, run
before ha lf. a 1+0 lead oecured \ a rsin· the 17 - ' \Yin.
r• .,.
Splitting even in match season, Volleyball
stur les as Central kills in tournamj nt play
-. T
J ·1 .
J. enm
r'r "'"""· j\. ' l~ ~t· r'4 "'DC
r--~ .t~ ,J , , .\ J ~ ~~,,..I. J ~ _:;~~'
\'olle)Jx111",, burnp) on nnd off -.ea··[low pla)ingag<i inst Ct'ntral. l'~Y<'ll
son netted fiYe " -in.-; and fiYe lo;;:-e" a:- though they \Yin. the) giH' u:- a great
South Division co-charnps. On for th e ir com1.wtition and lot;; of action," said
SEC opener Sept. 1 with a homl' court RomanmYski. rank ed:-econd \Yith 2-+8
adYmHage, \ 'ar;;it) grazed pnst Rncine ;;('nt's <llld-+ l <lC('s, cfficie11n .9().
I lorlick 1.)- 19.1;)..19and16-:2-t. Junior
·· t Le). Tremper! Show us .hm, you
Carl~ BrmYn tallied i:;ix kills and eight gigolo:· screamed \ ' arsit\ to a mi-x
block kills. and junior Brittan) Dulak CD before the SEC Tmu·r;ament Oct.
;;erYed 1-t-of- 16 with three aces.
I.). Trojans ;,t't pnst Frnnklin and
..Coach Starosta use;; me to s<'n (' Bradford hlll lo;;t to Burlington in th<'
" ·he n the middle blocker gm~,, to the third mat ch :21-2;) and 1:2-:2;).
hack. C011"i;;tent -.e cYing and de fen;;e
'-They beat us Jx-fore. \\'e wanted
win game;;. \\ e focu.-. on those main re,e1igt', but it ju,.,t didn ' t hap1.wn.
poinh a;; n tea m:· :-;iid Dulnk, who Rnnkcd nt ninth, thn wcr<' n rcalh
;;enwl 118 for a ;,('a..-.011 B91 <'fficienn.
good t('Hll~ ·, ,.,aid juni~w libero l·~ mil~
I fo,.,t ing the "eno:;ha h: ru..-;h Tourr~a- Lumle).
ment on Sept. 9. Trojan;; bru;;hed ])Y
\t Regional,., the ;;pirited ;,quad hu,.,Greenfield :2.)-1:3. :20-:2;) nnd t:-)-1;3 an~l tied to heat Bnidford :3:2-:30. 2;)..10, 1()'-t't t<mard \\ ilmot :2;).. I.). :z;-)-1:2 ])('- 2;). :28-:30 and 1:-)-9. Fnc<'d off agairht
fore a defeat h, \\ e;;to;;lm C<'ntraL nn H<'gionul \\-i111H'r C<'ntral, tlw, l<l'-t UeYentual State quarter-finalist. Senior 2.). 1-t-:23 and T?-29 on Oct. 2l.
our,,,ide hitter Je,,sica Ronuinmy-;ki
--1 w~b ptunped to face Central again.
went 19-:20 with four <1('('s and fr<'sh- They're our biggest ('Olllpetition~ \\ ('
man \hh~ Pacilo<"k led a te<1111-high of W<'re "o clos(' lo firnill) hn11 ing tlwm ...
:2:3 digs. They clinched second.
"aid senior J\atalle Br) dg(''-·
.---------1..' -r·ojans tied for third in the SEC.
Setting for Net
To defend naairht 13radford·,., HI 1acl... ',.,1·11ior "t'l lt' r
'\il..i Hohn and junior 111iddl1· hi111·r Lind:-\'\ h: 111iec
lrnp 10 block 011 ·St·p1 :2:2.
Bohn made :20 a,,i,.,i,.,.
co111rihu1ina 10 IH'r ,.,,.a,.,on
owrnll :l:26. Sopho111on· \Ilit• !'-ipaa~ rn111 he cm1r1 "it h
:2:2 dig". 10 !..ill,.,. 1-t a,.,,.,i,.,i,.,
and a .,cn~ng (.)('('. T'roj<tn~
\\1lll "i1h a tt·1·1h-denching
:l:2-:30. T:>-:20. IC:>-:2."i :2B-:30
and J.).<J 'icwn.
Bu mp up the Pass
Pa,,,,in,a fro111 a deep ,cl.
fn·,.,11111:111 ouhide hi111 ·r
Padlot"I.. n11·1ul,.,
lwr 'ron•<trllh 011 Sept. :2:2
ct~airhf cro .... ., to\\ 11 riYctl
Brndford. Padlock ,.,1•1-up
ilw allat'k fronr liw back
nm a' ,.,Ill' lead "i1 h a ,.,1·a'on n·1·ord :21. 1 di,a,.,. Junior
Li11d,,1 •\ K111i1 ·1 · aid1·d in
fi, .. 1~;i11h of ilw ·1rojan"
I\\ o Trojan
hlot"k,., w rd n·corcl1•d l\\O kilk \ ar,.,it\
ciai11H'd \ il'IOI'\ :}.J..
\ rtlh
rHi.,ccl. -,ophomon·
-,c·t1c·r \Ilic · ~paa~ po-,i1io11.,
lwr.,t'lf for a -,t•t a~ai1ht
Oak Cn·t·k 011 ~v1. '2:"1 . \IISEC: ~>lit h i)i, i.,ion Tcai11
11i;1clc· :2:2 ,..,.,i.,h.
1-:' di!!., "1JCI l:l kill-, \\hilt·
junior'. Curit·~ 13rm\ n ai<bl
\\ith four blrn-1.. kill., for a
I+[). :2:"°>-1<>. :2<>-T' and
Record Setting Digs
Poi-,c ·d al tlw rn·t. -,1·11ior
ou1-,icl1 · hitlt'r _J,.-,.,ica Hn111a11m,.,ki -,t;11HL., n ·ach
a~ai1ht Bradford 011 :--C·pi.
:2:2. Hrnt1'1!lfl\hki·., n·c-onl
of :20-:' di~., t'<tnlt'd an \II
SU . I lo11oral1ll' \lc ·111io11 .
"At The Warr en Blue Devil
Invite in Gurnee, I played setter and worked to outsmart
the middle blocker. We only
lost by two points and placed
second in the tournament.' '
-sr. Niki Bohn
Hlhll\11'\ \01.1.1,ll\l.I front l-. a1hn·11i<1 "l•i•1110u-1.
lil\lor Di1 ·1 111:u1. "Hiit' \l11rrn11. \lad<1h1111 "''u1·l1·1-k1 i2ud
rn" l-..i111 ....,, P1·h-r. \ni,1 ·1 <.1111n1-.n1~. \ )it Cot• ... I r111h
\\ ou lf1 '. Hach11t•I \\ t'1d11n back (:n;.wh \l.11"'1 H111d1il ,
\-.hi,., Hwhanl.... Hcht•cc•t "dh Brut•lll~ Par-.J;,tll
Oak Creek Muskego
Waterford South Milw. Case
11 -3
13- 1
Horlickl Franklinl Bradfordl
Parkl Burlington !
Waukesha West Invite - 4th
Kenosha Krush Invite - 2nd
Warren Blue Devil Invite - 2nd
Menominee Falls Invite - 3rd
Conference - 3rd
Regionals - 2nd
Unsung Hero Captains - Sarah Hagen. Coach's Award Megan Steinmetz
Lindsey Kmiec.
Natalie Brydges, Jessica
Brittany Dulak Most Improved Romanowski
Jessoca AuBuchon
Carly Brown Spirit Award Offensive Natalie Brydges Hustle Award Defensive - Emily Lumley
Sarah Hagen
All Skills - Abby Padlock
JV \ 'O LLEYB \ LL: front ' D;u1i1· \ nlo-.01'1nr. Lara ( :omHn. I .<Hint \ld)onultl
H1111di "-"-'liirnlln. Urw ( .aHt' 2nd ron I ,;111rn \I ilk it·- ...,11·ph<111ic I l•t!!t'll, \111a11d;1
-..,1"'1<1~ \\1 •li .....a \\ 1·dd1•I bttck ( :o;.1d 1 l..,11..,<111 \111in'<l 1ll J .;tun· n \( 0~1· 1 1--1·11. k11rn
( .rnli. h i111 \\ .11n11!,!". htud~ 11 P<.t(Uot'l . I .i11d..1·\ ~·lit·lw l a~ In I 11\11wr.
\'ARSll"l \ .O LLE\lHLL from \lh Padl.. ·l. Bri11<1m Du
\l q.!'U ll ....,11·11u111·11. \;1111111 · Bnd!!t·~ ':2ud rem \llit• ....,1,.10~
\il..1111 • llnhn. I rnil~ I .1111111·~ '.'-oarah I l.1 ~1·11 baci ( .n;_1d1 h.ui1·
....,t:tn)'-ota. k-. .. wa Hn111all11\\ C.irh Brm\11. I .uul-.c·\ 1'.1111·11
Ji·..... i,·a \11B11c hn11
Volleyball bounces back to down crosstown rival
~'Y otn S~~~i~:_ ._.~~
~ Jt.
l Lt )J_ i-i ll .t\' cl
~ , I'".> ~...j... ... , o~ !"'>
1 J~"'Ill
....J J ~ .... . ,.
k ''- . t.. l ,_L _'J . _c :>.J
Struggling through .) pract in.':-. dw.-- to <lll on:'HTO\Yd<'d g~ Ill
-,chedul<' "<'t ho~., 'ollt->~ h;1ll up for
a cli,,appointing 1-9 record. Team
tnrmoil. fuekd hy t->arl~ · practices
and change i11 training phil:-.o:-,phy.
r<'flected th(' :2:2 ganw lo:-.;-,e,.., h~ fi,e
point:; or fewer. ~Yen :-.enior:-. and
rn.-'w coach Jen \ luller led 11 pla~ ers.
..Dm,11 H-1:} to Ca:-.e. T -;erwd 10
cons('('Ut iY(' poi nh for a COlll I llH llding lead. \\ <' lo-,t tlw game :2?-"2.9 a:-.
the team lo,..,t focu'">. ·· ;,aid ;-,enior clefen;-,ive speciali-,t Kurt G<h,..,elin.
To highlight the •wason. <l -,ok· Yictor;, av<-'nged an earl~- ;-,ea;-,on lo,.,,., to
rival Bradford. the fir;,t in the program·,, hi,..,tor~. Opening the match
"'ith a ;-,olid "2.S-"2.1 YictorY. the team;-,
traded '"'<'h 11ntil the de<'idi11g thriller. a 1"?- 1:) conwhack ,-icton.
·The ball <'aught the net «rnd fell
on our ,.,id<' to <'nd the fourth game.
_ _, j ;_,v
which n: nlly deflated team mornle.
\\ <' ''<'IT down ::W~. hut tlwn <'' <'n thing clicked. So. \\'<' <'Hill<' from be- u,___,,........
hind to capture our onl) win.·· ;-,aid
senior micklle hitter Sean \11 cvlcis1 n.
\ 111id-sea,..,on tounw111ent at \\ e,..,t
\ II i,.., Ce 11 t ral ,..,ho\\'cd gli 111 mer,.., of i--..\--,1-~~r-~t---\--·'-"-Jrr"""'.
ho1x> for the ~ea,..,on when \ ar-,it ~
swept three rnatche'"' :2-0. Tlomestead
\Yit h <1 fa;-,ter. hard-hitting squad llwn
cut the win ;;treak wit h a 0-"2. loss.
""During the \\ e:,t \ Iii-, tourna11w11t.
\\'e pla~ ed harcl and teatmYork wa,..,
excellent for the fir,..,t three matchc,..,.
\\ hen we reached 1lw 1lonw,..,t<'<td
mat<'h though . we were a lreadr tired.
and once '"e were dm\'ll. we cou ldn · t
111011111 a comeback.·· ,.;aid junior lielwro Jordnn Ster1'"'g<1rd.
Regirnml p l a~ ag<1 in,..,1 B<·loit ~ eilded
a:).() win. The n the l!'Ulll ;-,kidded into
a 0-:3 Sectional again;;t \lukwonago.
lo,..,ing h;, a match total of nine poinh.
Heavy Hitters
After spiking the set, senior outside hitter Bryan Mogensen sees the
ball fly by two Bradford
defenders. Combined
efforts versus Bu rl ington, Bradford and Park
bui lt momentum and
teamwork before a
Regiona l 3-0 victory
over western riva l Beloit. "At Burlington,
we won two games in
extra points 30-28 and
31-29 . Even though
we lost, that was our
best played match,
said Mogensen.
Horlick Burlington
tourn aments
Racine Invite - Last Place
West Allis Central Invite - 4th Place
SEC Tournament -9th
Regional - l st
Captains- Biyan Mogenson &
Scott Marita
MVP - Scott Marita
Offensive MVP - Alex Young
Defensive MVP • Sean McMaster
Coaches Award - Sean McMaster
Most Improved - Kurt Gosselin
"As an outside hitter, I'm
supposed to get to set
the most My personal
goal was to improve my
hitting percentage My
194 attack attempts and
149 aces showed that
goal and earned
All Conference honors.' '
pole gar 1wpla11 for tlw ri , al
Ht·d D<" ik ' ww coadw-,
da~lwd al ti11lt'., "itl1 pla) ·
t•r-,. and two .,,·nior pla) t•r-,
dt·part< '< i. .. \I ) <·ntl 1thia-,111
o n tl w IX'11d1 t·arn<'d 11w
pla) ing Ii11w from coac h.··
.,a id .,< ·11ior m1t-,idt• hit l<'r
kff Cmr. Strugirlt·., dcm11playecl m r rnll athletic aliilil\ a nd lt·d to a 1-9 rf' rnr<L
tli« wor.,1 in tilt' progra111 ·..,
fi YC ) ('i ll" hi.,lO!") .
-sr. Alex Young
Pinpoint Passing
Tak ing off again.,t R<lC lllf'
Ca.,<·. junior lit·lx·rn Shaull
Brunne r leap-, to dig a clPep
.,t•t. Brunrlf'r 1it·d for tlw
tt•am lt·acl " -i1 h IBO dig a1 1<·111 ph. whill' IH' .,Jia~kt'< l
on h 1:3 ha ll., fo r error-,.
~ · 1~ior ouhidt· hit !f'r HrYUll \l oge1bt'n al-,n tall it:d
180 dig~ am·mph and '"L"
n·.,1xm-, ih l<' for :2 1 error.,.
During 1lw ' i r 1 or~ aga i1 hl
BradforcL pr<'ci.,t• dig-, b)
Brunne r and ··\t ngn ·· lt ·d
10 corb<'n ll i' <" ki ll~ (luring
tlw :2.').:21. :2:2-:2.) . :2Z>- l9. :3():3:2, I °"- ] ;) lllal("h.
Amazing Ace
l ~osla 111 a-.,t· n t·aga in !-i l Hu-
ci ne l lo rlick. -,(' nior 111idcllt'
hit l<' r Jo(' Furlin w,,.,< .., Cll H'
of hi-, :2.) n•gular t>l'U'=>Oll
acct>. !::iopho111ore sett er
Scot! \ larit n mh tmcc'CI I h
atta k ";t11 a n udditional
28 ace,.,. During tournam ent pin~ Fw·li11 rn cked
up fivP <"! HN '<' llliH· <H"<'" ·
\\-i1hou1 IHll) i11g H ll\ ('ITn r-,.
aga i1N \\ ""' \Jlj., Ct· 111 rn l
a~ th l' 1t•a 111 «luin lt'd fo11rt h
place. \ bright "JX>I of till'
.,('th nn. tilt' cla \ l' llcl<·d t•u r1 ~ \\ilh H l\\O g.H llH ' "°l \\ t'c' p
b) I l rn1 lt'~ t t•m l.
VA RSITY VOLLEYBALL, (front} :-..·011 \l aritu. '°'"""" \3r11n
'\ ick \li ll'ller '2nd rov.r) Ji-ff ( ~ HT. \ le'\ ' o llrl!!. Jordan
~1t · 11-.ganl. l\.11r1 (.o ... -.1•1111 . H~rnl \ 11dt •r--011 00ck 1 \ 11111 lli-1 ·111
.. 11·rhoc r. Hiln "-'t·n!!hll--l h. "'x•i tn \ k \ la ... 1t·r. Br: an \l o~1·n--t• n
111 •r .
j\' \ Ol U YB.\ ! L '> eNm RecorJ, 6-4 (front) Tonm Go\J. . mith. ~l'OU nJl·r . . on . .J.1111l'" l.urqu in. Tomnw i\ike1h (lnd row)
:\:non \\amd i n~. /t1:h l\urtord. D1.'Hlll \ rm..,tnm . Jon Pc.:r1.·1r1~
Kod\· .\1.m:h.1nt (back) K\"ll' P1.·t1.·r,011. -\11dr1.'\\ Rl·tJ1.·nb1d1. (1u
(.)Jtlriai. 0.Kk (;ourdtmx
Tn -.111<bh th1· hall dm\rt
the fair""~ · -.011l111111<m ·
Hon·o Palli11n·adw-.111u,i111u111 "'"·i11g n •lo<'it\ "hilt•
tc1•in;r off 1~11 ilw 11·1;t h hnl1•
ut lfoinlxl\\ ~pri11 ;r -. . \\ itl1
u -t.) -.t rok1· U\\'nt!.(t'. Pallin round1·d out t h1~ Troj;111
-.,·on· to -.ccond pluce at ilw
\I uk '"ma go Im it at ionul.
Varsity closes in on school record
Cun'(' r-lw-.l h~ -.ophrn11on• Hon·o
Pullin agaiti-.l Franklin on Sept. 19
Total mim1te" of two rain
dt>l<1y" during t lw S l,~C Tourney
\ ' ar,.;ity · h tt'am m ·erage
\ ll-SEC second temn members.
"(' nior Snrnh Pallin &.
~ophomore Hocco Pallin
~chool record for 18-holt'
co111"-.l' ..,con• ]), \ ar-,it\
Hel pfu l Hitter
( :0111 c 111 and hopeful. -.eninr
\111<111da \krritt wat('IH'-. a
driH· f'h elm' 11 1 lw <>1·1·1·n
\\ ith p<;r :{(i \I Prrill 1~1rd1 ·1i
-t.). \, dai11wcl 'icton
mer Fra1iklin \\ith a I-:' i.
1~ in/! the Trojan n •1·ord.
Green Gauge
''Playing at Bristol Oaks golf
course, I was prepared for the
sand traps on holes 2 and 6 that
other teams didn't see. I avoided
the traps to shoot 98, and t he
t eam took second at Regionals.' '
h·1·t "''"'. -.ophrn11ore \ll'li...-.a l•:lli-. put h out ()g to
aid -.hon-handl'd \\
"it h -.1·nior ~arnh Pall in ,;t
S.\T-.. llw~ pla('<'d I Ith at
t lw Ol'rnlrn 110\\ o< · Im it<-.
-soph. M elissa Christensen
GIRLS GOLF: front n, •.,.., P.. Uiro. \l .-li"" I l1ri-1. ·11-•·11. '"'"""" Pa llr11. l1111111da \l,·rritt.
'-Y<f""' · \l< ·li--a I .Iii-. '2nd
\lllq.!•111. L1111I~ \hlioff. \ .J. h.11"''· ( ~~ 1d1 'arw~ Ph1p1r.. h.;1111nt l\.( ' l"'lt' rl. Jn..rnna \oung (back J1 ·1111\ \loon-.
I l11 r11wh I .1·1· ( :oad1 h.1 ·itl1 ' 1· d1\ . lki11a11~ \ a11 Huq.!1 ·11. I rik u I .li11hlnd. \ .., 1111 ·\ \\ ollt•r. l31"1iJ11 \lnL.1. lr111I~ h1\.
IY)wl I 11111~
Varsity plays second to Bradford success
at County and Statewide competition s
} \ _J J- ....AO.........................
I ~ J J Ly
\Tnre1t~'.J \Tj '__,tror
Lih· playing a roundagain-,t \licht'll<·
\\ i<'. Var-,it) f<·ll within th<' -,hadow of
Bradford·~ State tournanwnt '~ct on
and senior ;,('n;,ation Carly \~ t'rnit'.
l n ;,pite of tlw Pntin· Var,,·it) na11wd
\ ll-County. girl;, golf facPd high;, and
lows during a ;,tormy ;,('ason.
..Pouring rain. thLmder and lightning
forced play to ;,top nvic<· during the
:¥(1~ijjfikt-4ll Confert'nce meet and made it tlw
longest met't of my high school career. \Vaiting for 30 or -t.S minute;,
mad<-' it rt'all ) hard to g<'t hack into
my ·groove.'·· said senior Sarah Pallin, who placed eighth \\~th a 92 '>vhi le
Var~itv took third with a :389.
Lt'd by ;,ophomore \ilt'llis;,a Ellis· 89.
var...,ity chargt•d down the faiCT\-a) in
hot pursuit of Bradford during Regiona l play on St'pt. 27-28. Despite carding a nnv 18-hole school record of ;~):3.
Var..,,ity failed to grab top honor~.
·· [ shot my J>e;,t round of 92 during
Regional-, at Bri-,tol Oab. F.wn with
tht' t<·am...,· -,coring incon...,i-,t<·nc).
breaking l he school record al Regional-, -,hmn·d how hard WP worke(L ··
-,aid-,<·nior \manda \l<'rrritl.
Con-,i-,tently ranked among ·Tht'
Top 20 Toughe;,l Co if Courv-. in
\\ i-,con-,in .. b~ Golf Digeo,l. FirPridge
confronted \'ar...,it' \\'ith ?0 hunker-.
and 11 holp., on which WCll<'r <'Olll<'..,
into ph.1) during Sectional-,.
··Playing Fireri(lgP in Grnfton wa.,
Yer\ difficult. Tlw <'OUN' had a lot of
difficult green-, and cutYed fairwa~ "'·In
111) round of 89. T pla) <'d pr<'l t) poorly
with Ill) iron;,. and Ill) putting " ·a;,
ju~t hml .. -,aid junior Rocco Pallin.
Falling he hind h) :28 ...,trokp.., al St'ctional;,. \ ar;,i~ fini-,hed -,ixth. failing
to qrn1 lify for the State tourn<1111ent.
De;,pil<' the abrupt finalit~ of tlw "<'a...,on. \ ar-,ity :::.hifted foClt;, to imprmincr
th<· team aY<'nt!?;P b,16 -,trok<•..,.
Hair blowing, senior Erika
Elm blad putts at 18 as she
and partner Amanda Merri tt shoot 83. Sarah and
Rocco Pall in shot 87 as Melissa Christe nsen and Melissa Ellis carded 91. "W e
took fourth of 15 in Case
Best Ball," said El mblad.
Putting Perfection
K1·qJing an e~ 1· on thc hall
a., it roll., to llw cup. .,,._
nior CaptHin Sarah I allin
pull» on tlw ninth g1T1·n
at Bri.,tol Oab. Pu lli n and
.,opho11 1on·., Ho<"co Pa ll in
and \l cli··Nt l·:lli., .,hot -+&.,
to IPad \ ar-,it\ to .,1·cond
plan· lwhind Bradford
at tlw l\\ '!Hlct\ Kcno., lw
County [ m·itat i(rnnl. \\ it ha
19:3_ \ ·ar.,it\ lo.,t to tlw H1·d
D1·,il., IJ\ ~•. ,,.11 .,trob.e.,. \
-1+.,troki· m·1·ragt• and a
"''<hOn-lw.,1 of -1:3 pacl'd
Pa lli n to tlH' \1\ l' award
for tlw thi rd) l'ar.
1379 - 368 1171 - 241
I Horlick
389 - 410
(!)193 - 250
Racine Park
Divine Savior Central
1183 - 230
Thomas More IBurlington
366 - 378
389 - 444 173 - 221
Mukwonago Invite - 5th
Trojan Match Play Invite - 2nd
Case Invite - 4th
Kenosha County Tourney - 2nd
Oconomowoc invite - l 0th
Conference - 3rd
Regionals - 2nd
Sectionals- 6th
Best Putter - Sarah Pallin
MVP - Sarah Pallin
JV MVP- Brittany VanBurgen
Coach's Award - Amanda Merritt
110% - Rachel Pallin
Most Improved - Melissa Christensen
Tallying up 66 points, Trojans land Sectional gold
and advance to Tearn State in Wisconsin Rapids
S::)atch ~1~am
Q-.j 1.,
t '- .1
LJ..1.J '
LJl. I:>.,~ ,'-J
\\ ith fiYe runner:o crossing L \\ -Parkside"s 5.000-meter Sectional course
finish line in the top 25. the Trojans
secured a fourth team appearance in
the past fiYe years at \\ I \ \ State.
"·Focusing on beating \\ 'hitefish Bay,
I ran my last meet as the hardest race
of my life. By the end of the course
when I rea hed the hilly se tion. I concentrated on just finishing. I was so tired
at the end that I coulcln 't eYen !::>\Yallow
water:· "'aid senior Dan LaBelle.
-\dvancing to The Ridges Golf Cour:,,e
at tate as individual qualifiers. senior
Kellie Schneider and junior Christine
\\ ielgos cruised through SectionaL'-l.
finishing fourth in 1-t:58 and eighth in
1:-: 19 re;;pectively for girls.
..I w& up:,, t that th girls tenm didn't
qualify for tate :,,ince that was our
goal all season. I couldn't run at State
last year due to an injury. :,,o running
at State was awe:,,ome:· :,,aid \\ ielgos.
Although \' arsity girls failed to secure a , 'tate team be1ih, Trojans landed fifth at Sectionals with 1~6 points.
"'Running at Sectionals at the Parkside course. I ran my penmnal best of
16:21. Knowing the course helped and
prepared me for the steep hill::i."' said
sophomore Brittany Lumley.
Conquering hill::i at the Burlington •
lrwite, Varsity boys tallied 60 point;; win.Iii(~
for team gold despite initial computer
chip timincr issue:; that placed the Trojans second behind J\ Conroe earlier.
'·I trained harder and was more mentally ready for this season. \ t Burlington, I got my best time of 16:30."' said
sophomore Jordan Baron.
After th Chocolate City Invite, Trojans '\\Tapped up th regular season
before racing at Grant Park in South
Milwaukee for Conferenc Oct. 15,
where \' arsity girls took silYer, and
\' ar:,,ity boys earned gold.
Chicken Run
boy, c ro'~ country reY~ up
w the ··Chicken Dance·· before the Keno,ha County
Champion;,,hip. Senior Keilie Schnrider claimed her
fourth coIL~ecut i,· •
at the n1eet, fir:,t
e,·em ·"' hi~tor~· .
-·-... 00
La dish
Dog Days
1lnvite l st
1Invite l st
1County 2nd 1City 3rd
Rebell Hilltoppers I
Spartan I
Invite 5th
Invite 6th
Invite 2nd
Conference - 2nd
Sectionals - 5th
Captain · Kellie Schneider
MVR - Kellie Schneider
Outstanding First Year Brittany Lumley
Most Improved - Christine Wlelgos
Garcia's Award - Gina Macareno
Skrlpski's Award - Katie Wlelgos
Coach's Award • Kristan Martin
GIRLS CRO OOlNI'RY: (front) \loll) \Ian in. \le;:~'itn Godin. l\n~1an \Jar1i11. \leJi ......a Carcia. Br) 1111 Jaqu1 ..h
(2nd row) Kl'lli '\iccolai. Ciu1111u \ cntura. Julia \lcPlu."' r...on. Cynthia Garcia. Sarah \l a-.1ro11urdi. C im1 \la·
cureno. Kuitl' \\ ielgos. Li11<.L.,i') \lle111H11d. \ pri l \l (.1<ire(Brdrow)(:oad1 Fn.•dd) Curciu. Bri11un) l . . w11l1')· K11)l.1
Bacewicz. ~ir.,H•n Sherwood. Dijanu Sm,ie. Kaitlin Gro1nurki. \l1•li .....u ~lhin. Hc·hrcnt Gann {bsck-)Coarh \\a11
Skrip... k). \ urn• ... .,3 Beckt>r. Je .. -.ica Ori. 1-\pllit• ~·hneide-r. I lunnah \luerhoff. J.\atu"' Enub. Chn:-.1i1w \\ iei!!iiSarah Dela11~. \lli ...on Car...on. Gmd1 Ch11<·k Brn<ll~~.
Dog Days
c 1Invite
1County l st
!Invite lst
m U)
Rebel I
Invite 2nd
Hilltoppers I
Invite 1st
Spartan I
Invite l st
Conference - 1st
Sec tionals - 1st
Sta te· 2nd
._ Captains - Matt Dreifke,
Sam Sinozich, Dan LaBelle Coach's Award - Dan LaBelle
MVRs · Matt Dreifke, Mathias Werve Outstanding First Year - Angel Gomez
Most Improved • Eric Madsen, Jordan Baron
Garcia 's Award - Sam Sinonzich
Fast Feet
Pulling ahead at Tremper·~
Dog Da),, of \ uuu~l Run
\ ug. 2?, fre:,hman Karit'
\\ ie lgo~ !:>tride!:> toward tht'
fin~h line at Lincoln Park.
Fin~hing in 17:31. \\ ielg<h
earned 7th in the field of
fre:,hmen girl,,. Trojan girl~
edged compel ition m Ea~t
Tro) on Sept. 8. ~ending
Ke llie Sehneich·
aero~., rhe fini~h line in b1
and \\ iPlgo., in -i:th. For the
boy,,. ~e nior \latt Dreifke
a ncl junior \ lathia~ \\ en ·e
ran in bt and 2nd at 16: 1-i:
and 16: 15, 27 ~eco n cL~
a head of the competition.
''At Dog Days I had to
prove I belonged on Varsity.
The race was at Lincoln Park.
I was familiar with the course
because we would practice
there before the meet."
Leaping Legends
\'I, arming up in a pack.
junior,., \ ane,,,,a Becker.
Katie Yalli and Chr~tine
\\ ielgo,., jog a lonu,,idP ,.,eninr Sarah Delany at the
K1·n0>.,ha County ·champion~h i p on Sept. 30. Trojan
l.J<1\ ~ cro,.,,.,ed the fini..,h line
,,;[h 2 1 poinh to ,.,ecur<'
team golcl while \ a~it)
girl, earnecl:,i h er. \\ ieluo~.
who n·ceiYed I Ionorahlt·
\l ention at State afte r her
1.):.)6 race. ,.,narched l hire!
ar CountY " i th 16:0-i:. "-hilP
,.,enior Kellie. hneider collected her fourrh cn1becutin, Counn title with 1.5: 16.
Racing the
Ridges Golf Course
at WIM Sta; e
"R nning at S ate was mors fu11
as a
, si c
racing against
teammates ke t me otivated."
jr. at ias W rve
CXJUNTRY: (front) Briun Kirk•·guu rcl Dw1it·l l..u lli.'llt\ " "'·in Hundl1-. S1cwn Lm'<'h. Joquin Gomrz {2nd row) Jordan
Buron, Bryan \\ il ...011. BNl Ori. \ It•, h·u11c·i.... S.u 11 I logu n...on. ~Int' I lorn. Ti111 I ha...... ler, \ ndy \\ t• ll-.. (~K.I) l.undt'C'. '\mlum Brand
'>lf'l lfT, \pri l \ loon· (3rd row) C:oa<"h l·n·dd) Curt'io, I lowun l \ lwurdt, Eri(' \ lml-,en, \ndn·w \\ ude, Griffith Jom· ..., John Prt'<lainu,
Con·y Donu·. Hichit· h-:; ,._ Dn11i1·l '\t"~~or><:L \11 ut hia ... \\ 1•rn· (back) Couch \ Ian Sk ri p,..,ky . S..1111 Schll'nk1•r, Sco11 13oyre, Dtm \ leinhurch. ( :hri ... '\i(·lu, 1 ru,,j.., l)1 1l·11ur. P1·11') Ht1-,-.o. ll\11 (~11-...<m. \1 lllt Dn·ifk1·. ~1 1 11 Siru>zit•h, J11hn \ lc1n·hou-.(·, Cnach (:huck Bm<llt>).
Fron(' ~hctnnnn \ anL.b1t'r. Dani·
cll1• " nw!?t'r /2nd rowl \l oraan H1•111er. \hi )\ l.11t-k1·. ~anu1111 l w
~h'\l'll--.. \111:111da \l urzolf i3rd row) \hi Ko;1i1.1er. bnil\ Hu!!!!.
\l;1n Bn n Co11C:...u111nn. \111and1.1 Hu·lno. Cina C:h n -.11•nhu~ hue~
u.·h \lilt• I .t·\\i-. \ll\ -.011 I l ou-.~1111an. Cairh n Callo. Lmii\ 1..ihan
non. " c·ri Fulhn. "a~ 1~· 11 Gcnh. Coach Trn11 1J~u·e111
J\ ~I I "\ "\l'."-i: front 1 m lor "\t'\\ ton. \\ l1111w\ I h•rdwm :111d nm "\11'11lt • \l11q )h ) . \ -.l \ lc·~ 1j1i-..1·. "\in)lt> lli· ll1n•at1~ \ ]~ ..... :.1 \l c1 rl") llak. I Ian
11:1h ~ .. 1!1hrennn. Lina \\ an uwlli :Jrrl rim \It'"\ \l anidt'\. C:ou n1w\
B111i.... "•IH I lc·n1a11dc1. I l1•c.ulwr I .upo. \(e, i-. I .011!,!. f.l'ah I l olli~.
I· 111ih \\ e\ k1·r. I la11 11ah \\ arn·n ~th nm 13."i·b Brntlwr.... \hh\
J,ul--.011. c:1m ilt· H11i\1, 1c. \ am·--.-a \1111101. Lrnii\ I .\ nd1. 1 ri ... h;1
( hri-11·11J1un. \h ..... a "·n·hbi1•I. Lina Bl11!.!i1·w. . l..1•. I .w....~·i"H1·11H'r had..
Bri110111i Bn1~\ll. " •lli1· \\ p.....t'll!!t'r. l c1,ic1 r Th1111w .... (A1ad1 Da11 \t
kin .... \l~ - ...;1 Hodriµuc·z. ~an.1 Griffith. Fl i1c.J>1.'th I L.tll
Q uick Backhand
Ba('khund to tlw ])ell!. junior K ri~t t' na Guttnrnbl'll
~<'t~ up a ~hot to dom inate
t lw rhwirw Park douhl e~
"hil<· plm ing "ith ~<'nior
\ 1111<1 I ,oui'-( ' s, ibe n at a
ho11H' rnatch . '\o. :2 dnuh l <·~
won 6-:2. 6- l in a 7-0 Trojan
\i('tOI"\. \\ inning tlw fir·~t
1wo ~<;h in all ~<~q · n f!ighh
"hutout tlw Pantlwr~ . '
Oak Creek
16- J
Case I S. Milwaukee'
Park I Muskeg o I
Nicolet Team • 5th
Brookfield 16 Team Invite - 4th
Nicole Sweet 19 Invite • 7th
Brookfield Team • 2nd
Conference • 1st
Sub-Sectional - 1st
Sectional - 1st
State - Top 8
Anna Louise Sviben,
Julie Crawford,
Megan Johnson
Mentally Tough·
Anna Louise Sviben
Most Improved Brittani Covelli
MVP - Amy Carswell
& Megan Johnson
11 0% - Ali Broerman
& Kate Broerman
VARSTTYTE."1\1\lS: (front} \ndn·a S-i1\a~lio. \1ichrwla Cm1·1l1. Juli1• Cnrnford. Bri11ani ('1'
<·Iii. \ 1<'f.(W l John...o n. \111~ Car.... \\1 •11 (back) \11 Brnc•nuan. \11dn•a Callo. "ri ... 111ia "\aidia.
( ;o;U'h loin Pacc1 1i. Co.wh \1ikc l .A·\\·i.... \111H1 f ,oui ...e s, .1.)(•11. "ri-..1i11a Cur1onlh(' ll, 1-.. atr
Bro<· n1 1u 11.
Tying a school record in dual nwet
win,, at 62-1 , :,weeping the Conference tourney in all seven flights and
winning the Sectional title looked like
a tennib !::ieason sprinkled with "uch
!::illCC<'s:-i until -o. 1 ranked Whitefish
Ba) wllilhed 011t the Trojan;, in Team
State quarterfinal play 1-6.
"\\ hitefish Ba) has the top ranked
pla) er" in the ::.late. I put up eno11gh
of a fight to go into two ti<:>-breakers."'
said ::.opho111ore '\o. ;3 single,, K rio.;t ina
aiclicz who lost 6-?, 6-?.
\\' ith Van-;ity at Team State in vlacL::.011 on a si'\.th trip and third con..,<'Cutive. only o. 2 double::. senior \nna
Loui-;e SviJX>n and junior Kristina Guttonmwn of ten Trojan::. stopped the
Blue Dukes in straight sets ?-6.?-6.
'·St·<'i ng them heat our frienrl-, fueled
our strateg) to win:· said f-3,·iben.
A week earlier. Varsit'I recorded the
largest n11111her of pla'~ er" at ..,e,·en
to qualif) for lncLlvidual State in five
flight..,. Junior ~o. 1 double-, Katt>
and t\ li Bnwrman daimed a . . ewnt h
seecl highest in !->chool hi..,tory. hut
bowed out aft er two v.·in.-,. s, ihen and
Gutt ornlben abo "on t>Yo matche-,.
Confronting cros!->tov.•n rival Red
Devil.-. fir::.t in five of -,even flighh in
the SEC tourney with Trojaru, winning all ::.ew•n. \' ar-,ity -,cored two
more point... than Bradf'orcr.., 22 to
clinch Sub-&ctionak I\o. 3 and -t
. . ingl<'.., and '\o. 2 and:~ double,., then
netted Sectional fir:-it::. for Trojan....
..During the final.., again!->t Bradforcl
I ju1111>t'd in for \ndrPa Smaglio because ..,he tore her \CL. \\ inning
the fir..,t two !->et!->. 6-2. 6-1. was big.
It 111eant that Julie Cnrn-ford ancl r
played Statt' together.·· :.aid junior
o. :3 doubles \ ndrea Gallo.
\ ictorr after ::>\\eel ,-ictory. onhbeing killed in St ate·,., quart~rfinais
flawed a near perfect :-.ea:.on. SeYPtll h
in icolet I1wite f<m;hadmwcl , 'tale.
Net Numeros
No. l Singles MVP leads Team State
Place earned b, Car:.well
in the sr,~c T OllJ:fl('Y
rnl -.core-. of ( :.11·-," cir-, "in
'r Brnclforcl' -, '\o. I -,i111de-,
~lnct' Car..,·well won in Sectional..,
' y pla~ ers who attended
~ ' 1 \ \ , rnte Team Tournament
SEC game~ won b~ Varsity
EC Conference tourne' mednl:-.
9 dominating win,-. , b~ .more than four point..,
onsecutiYe annual appen.rnce!::i
t ~ate Team Tournament
0 1wtch sweep cmried? to State
Back Slam
. lrerclting to a had.hand.
"<'nior '\(;, :1 doublt•-, pla) t' r
Julie Crnwforcl .,111<bhe-, llw
l11tll L111d. to '\icolt·t al llH'
S\\l't't )() 1mite. Douhl1·-,
parrner ~l'nior \ mL·ea Sm·aglio mid Cnrn ford heal
'\irnkt and \\ hitdi-,h Bm
to tall) :)- J for fift It.
O n the Line
"I o t ·or11 ol a Bn w1Uield l·..a~t
-,hm at the line. junior '\o.
:2 -,inglt·., Brittani Cowlli
clrnrg1•-, to a hat'l..l11111d 10
"in <>-:2.b-:~. ~lw 1~1-,tt'd a
-t-1 at the Brookfidcl Tour11a11w11t. Co\t·lli and ~enior
\lt-gan Jol111-,011 lt•d \
to place -,econd at +I.
Boys soccer notch 13 shutouts to snatch
ru nn r- up SEC tatu and dvan to R
Sl111t. ra1tt
h...;,.J~t--I I/~r""ll
I •~~----t I 41 UI
_) . ,
-~~- t
hrill whistle blow ;,liced the silence
over Carthage:; rt Keller field. Dt'adlo ked aft r 8-i scorel ·:; minute ·,
;,enior forward th Anglin diced his
way pa!::>t four Bradford defender · and
laun h d a low hot from the turf.
'·Anglin' - goal at Bradford didn't
seem to ao in. The ref ·aw our bench
;,tanding and cheering before calling it
a goal,., aid senior Ryan Koessl.
Before edging the Devils 1-0, the Trojans dominated the Franklin Saber;, 71 to net their fir;,t EC victory. In nonconference home play. the Trojan.-,
;,hutout , toughton with · ore;, in the
17th. 30th. -!:9th and ?1st minute:;.
··we knew that our so cer program
wa;, ;,uperior to Franklin·.,. Against
toughton, my favorite match, I
scor d my only goal of the st'ason off
of a cro;,-, from Billy \Xatson.. , ·aid junior Chribtopher \1artin.
Finibhing up tournament and , EC
... .,
play. Varsity Trojan;, netted a fir;,tround bye before hallenging the Demons in a Regional final at Parhide.
'·Against Burlington, we went, were
patient and work d the ball over the
field. I scor d two goals off of a;,si.-,t;,
from midfielder AJ. Llemancl, who
dribbl cl down the middle. We endt'd
tht' fir;,t half 3-0,"' ;,aid Anglin.
After edging Muskego 3-2 in a previou;, match, the EC runnt'r-up Trojan;, faced SEC champion Warriors at --...~
arthag in a Sectional semifinal.
'· ven though we beat Mu,.,kego ear-II••
lier, they won when it counted. Elliot
Dunn ;,howed up and played. It wa.,;
frustratina wat hing them advance to
the , 'tate final., aaaim;t Marqut'tte,"'
;,aid junior forward \ilichael Cronin.
!though three goals from Dunn prorwlled the :;eventh-ranked warrior
past the Trojan.,;, Varsity wrapped up
the sea;,on with 13 total shutouts.
Defe nsive Dribble
DU.rant from midfi<·ld action, '">cnior \j \ ll<>mand
walclw.., dw hall kicked by
..,ophornore Joey Zili-,d~.
\ a~ity uckanced \\ith 1.'3
'">hu1m 1h 10 fi<'<'tional '">t-'lllL'">.
Midfielder Magic
Holding his hreath, ~Pnior
\II-SEC South Di,·i..,ion <l<~
fend<·r Bilh \\ ahon d1>fend...
Trojan ru~f 5-0 again.-,t Oak
Cn·Pk on Oct. -t.
New Berlin
South Milw.
Oak Creek
11 -2
Milton - lst
Peoria Park - l st
Beaver Dam1 Muskego'
Conference - 2nd
Regional - l st
awardSSectionals - 2nd
Captain- Rock Ridolfi
Coach's Award- Adam Powell
Defensive MVP -Adam Kelsch, Offensive MVP - A.J. Allemand,
Rock Ridolfi
Mario Battellini
linutes before '3enior 'eth .\ nglin
scored the first goal against Bradford
Shutouts during reaular season
Guys on .\ll-SEC outh DiYi.:;ion
Point" ::;cored in the regular season
Goals '3cored by Mike Cronin
during the v1i.lton Tournament
Q uick Kicks
To propel
ball awm
fmm \ lilt on an acker". '-0phomore midfi<'kler Joe' Zili.,ch
launcl1e,,, the bali dm\nfidd. \t dw \ filton Tournanwnr. Zili"ch kio::ked orn·
goal&.\\ 1arkled rhrf't'
opponenr, ro rake fir>'!.
Start to Steal
fa·e:. locked on the ball, e-
n~or RYan Ko<•..,,e\ warche-.
junior. \ lario Batrellonni
'core a goal off a pa,;~ from
junior \ aron Grimmer.
J.::oe.....,[ and 'enior \.J. \1lemand aclclecl goab gi,·ing
1hc Trojan' n ;3-0 \\·in m·er
\\ hit nail Oct. :l
''During the first
game we played
against New Berlin
Eisenhower, one of the
best teams in Division
2. I scored one goal
and got two assists as
we won 5 -1.''
J\ OOY SOCCER: (lront l~)111i11ic Cor..o. \ lur"l'O-. Pen~;. l).1111i11ie Hidolfi
'2nd rol\'.) I lilclt'lm.111d1. \ It'\. I lya11. Brian Hobt.•11 ... Jo.. q)h Bilo11i.
Luk .. 1 ~1 13.•lle. Chri- Bornhrn·111·r. Jared Fn"I (back)C.xu·h C:hri- Tindall
\ruho11, Cmcll i. Trm L(·nmird. Jared P1n1n•. GJad1 kff 1.nun'lll. \lut·
th"" \l;111cln1\\·icka ... (:l1ri ... Bi .. (· lwff. (A)u<·h \ li(· luwl S1. Pt>l<'r.
FRESH"IL"\' BOY SOCCER (front}°'''""" "'-·hul,. ""'"'" \lnc·k.
Bryet• Prida~ (2nd ro"·) \like Fg~c11. \lurt E~!!t•r·1. \ml~ ~:hmid.1.
/ ..urko JnnkO\·it'. Joe\ I ..t·idlein. kdt"Cliah ~ . .wht'n (back Co..wh Chn ..
Tindall. Jon \\ 1111 .... \Jt., Hohin:--on. Coarh \lid11wl ~I Pein. Hoben
Em ... 1. Daniel ~pnrk-.. Coach Jeff l.t1un·111.
\ ARSm~ BOY SOCCER: from \dam Po,H·ll. \ ,min Crim11wr \id.. BdiL
\lnrit) l1.utt'lli111. \J \llt~ 111nml \lid1;.1t•I Cn)lllll 2nd n:m·' Joe, /ill.--<·h. E.ri(·
crConndl. BrcncLm \ izt>. Hod.. Ridolri. \ d,,1m "-t'l""·h. CIH"L.. toplwr \hinm. Dan
Follak. \ lidwal (h,t"n (beck Co;wh Jeff l·111. Bilh \\ ttt~lll. Chri .. I kin.
(~l<1d1 Clm... Ti11(bll. H~ ·i111 h.r1e.·..,..,J. ~'th \11!.!lin. (~).IWh \!iduwl ~I P1•1t•r.
On the count of thr e, hands flew
into the air screaming "Banzai.., Van;ity sought to defeat Cas at Conference
in a battle to prove , 'E ' dominance.
fter a 9.3-93 regular se~on tie, fourand-<me-half point ·ubmerged Case
to second below Trojan Varsity.
'·In the 500 free. the girl next to me
wru, seeded faster. sol used her to drop
seconcb. During the fir::it halL l concentrated on my arm and leg speed. I
tayed ~ close to her as possible. and
when he lost energy [came on stronger and overtook her. [ finished first
in my heat and ::;eventh overall with a
time of 5:50.21,'. said sophomore distance swimmer Katie \tlahoney.
Hosting a Trojan [nvite for the first
time in team history, Van;it) kicked
up 100 point · to earn 11th place. ationally ranked Arrowh ad and 18 additional team::; swam at Carthage\ 10
Ian Koenitzer quatic Center.
"Tn the 200 free, T swam my best hy
three scconcl-; to finish 1-tth with a time
of 2:0:3.68. I kept my turn'i powerful
when l saw swimmers on Ill) feet ,., said
fr shman freestyler Jenny Kwas.
Celebrating ::;enior and parent night
during the final dual meet against
i\1uskego, senior Captain-, . ich<·lle
Brunner and Sarah Oates acknmvledged the senior:,' combined four-year
meet record of . 2-3-1, along with two
Conferc~nce and three Sectional titles.
··J\gainst Muskego, my hack one-anda-half went in straight. \\ hen l climlwd
out of the pool, I could hear the crowd 11111"""..dlio.l;i
cheering. That meet was the first time
I broke 200 with 200.15 points,'' said
junior diver Michelle Kornder.
At Sectionab Varsity streamlined to
one swimmer and three <liven; at State.
Led by junior Erin Wagner third in 100
free and senior diver Allysa \Vat ring at
ninth, the team finished State 17th.
Suspended in mid-air,
senior Kristina Piehl
completes a high difficultyfront-double tuck
at Bradford. For six
combined dives Piehl
scored 170.6 points,
springing her into third
place. "At Sectionals
in our pool I scored
five-and-a-halves and
sixes on my reverse
one-and-a-half which
later qualified me for
State," said Piehl, an
additional qualifier.
S. Milwaukee
Case' Oak Creek l
Muskego I
to urnaments
Wauwatosa Invite - 2nd
Trojan Invite - 11th
Fondy Invite - 7th
Waukesha South - 5th
Conference - 2nd
Sectionals - 2nd
State - l 7th
Captains Nichelle Brunner.
Sarah Oates. Erin Wagner
MVP - Erin Wagner
Most Improved Katie Mahoney
Coaches award Megan Daoust.
A!lysa Watring
Fresh/Soph Jenny Kwas
110%Rebecca Freiberg.
Jenny Boesch
Rookie Hannah Oates.
Kristen Smick
Positive Attitude Sarah Oates
Grasp and Gl ide
Gripping tlw watPr. "''·nior
Captain Sandi OatP., pm·
1wl., IH"r">l lf to tlw fn·t'">I\ 11 ·
h·g of tlH" :WO l~t. St;,,,.
ping tlw l'i<wk at :2::31.6 I.
01111 ·.... a four-\ 1·ar n1r... it\
11w111lwr. plw·i°·d ...1·1·1111d t;,
rnliP<'t four point-. in t lw
T~I again.... 1 I lorli!'k.
Bou nce & Pike
To makP a 111ini1rnil "'Plcc~h.
\lly ... a
\\ at ring
wah-. a fronHlouhl1·-pik( ·
at thP Bradford dual 11wPt.
"lu·n· \ ill'">it) ">printNl to
dd1·at 13raclford with 108
poinh and nine fir-.t plal'h.
Scoring 198.-t point-. on
... i, di" '"· \\ atring "'"'''!>'
till' P\ Pnt. \ t Stall· for
lwr fourth ~Par. \\atring
fini ... lwd ninth and 1·arrwd
nirw poinh wnong 1:) -di,._
ing cornpn itor,,.
Double Take
two trips to podium
··f wa~ only ~eedt'd in the
'i<'cond lwat for both the
100 frep and 200 T\1. In
t hC' 100 f r<'t'. f r<'llWnUWrf'cl
"On my l 6th birthday, I
competed in the l 00 back
against Case rival Brianna
Chu, and I out-touched
her by .04 seconds. Later
at Sectionals, I swam my
personal best, l :04.94."
to have fun. but al~o to go
af'tC'r the' cmnp<'t it ion.
\ti) goal wa-; to get into
thC' top three. I placed
third! In tht' 200 T\1. I
ph.1ct'd fifth and made it to
the podium in the top "ix.'·
1r. rin -wa crner
front) "ri .. 1i11a Pidd. Coat'h l\i111 Bruun. Coc1d1 fot·kil' ~ · hnni. Jt>nnift•r Jurinu. \pril Gt'i1n. ""~uu I lnrri ... f...tHW Luth\I!.!.
( :n•wh .ldf \\ u-dt. Co,u-li Pw1wl11 C.a ..... \calw \\ nrd 2nd row! l\ n .. 1i11 ~mirk . \\ hi1nn I lurt. Ji-nm Bnt' ..d1. knnift·r ~:011 . l\imlw·rh C:h1uto,
~ 1 rn \ 11 h. \ ... hi,-~ l·_,wn .... '\idwlle Bnmnn "\it·olt> J\itt. \mllt'r Coopt•r. \mht:r G<-bl'(;i:.!lll' '3rd l'Ol\'• knn~ hwa.... \nzd;.l ChcU'iHl. l::llt> h·yt·.
D.l\ 11a J11111· .... I .ind...m Bn,nul \lh ... u \\ lllrHI!!. \lidwll1· h:orndt>r. BritnP Bm<llt·\ . \rnanda Bnrn-·tt . Rohin l~· thke. \11"!!1.m D1.h1u-,1 --Ith ro~·l l(°m la
11.miH·ll. \u·11lc ~l11t:t. \11ia111la ~··tin. Jal'h n \ 1·1.1r;. \lt·gan \lnhont·\ . C11Htlrt' l)a .. lHu ..lmtt'. ~um Thum .. t·n. Ht+it•n·a I n'il)t·rz. \lmmd.a Cd>t;l,1
( ri-.1ir11 • ( n-.11111111 l>ucL ~a1lil1·1·11 \1111in!.d1u111. I .o.ri Bt·1~1·1ti. kn ~-h;111idkonz. \11·;.: Hu .... t·ll. t\.u, );.1 ~l7\\iitk. l·'111111u ~1rr1 •ll. l\.t\lie \l,1hnn1'\ . -..1;.u·'
CIHl S '-I\\ 1\\\1('\(,
I l11d1111-.. l..,;1r,tl1 Oa11·-.. I rin -.,._.hor1 ..d\t'di.. I .rlll \\ ll!!rtn
Claiming t hree-pca t. :-. "immc rs wi I h
red and hlue lwir captured a third
Conference title. Switching hair dye
for razor:-.. \ ' " ·hipped to another
title. capwring their third Sectional.
Dominating the l l-1ee1111 Sectional
meet \\it h :~38 point-.. oiled and :-.hawd
\ emerged 66 point:-. ahead of
Case and qualified the :200-medle~ rela~ . -tOO-frec rela~ and four indi,idual
en'nh "ith ]X'..,t time;; for \fadi:-.on.
..For Sectional:-. l :-.hrn eel Ill\ head for
the fir:-.t time and u:-.ecl Co:ich \lcKay's oil called motion lotion . [felt \et:
:::imooth in the water and drop1.wcl ;;ix
::.econcl-; in the 100
to Ill\ be:-.t time
1:0:2. \:-. th<: third leg of the :200-free:-.tyle rela~. l :-.plit 111~ per,,onal l"lt'-.t at
:2:3. -tS. ·· se1 id ju 11 ior Eric Lund.
\ ' ar-,it~ ,,[um eel depth in all four
:-.troke:-. of the :200-medle\ relay at
Conference. \\ inning one ~''ent. .the~
finished :-30.:3 point:-. ahead of Ca;;e.
··\\ 'ith th<: intc' llt of gc'tting ahead and
then keeping the lc'<HL l raced Brad-
forcl"s \Ian Kelly at Conf('rencc in the
:200 free to two minutes flat . my personal best. During the la;;t :2:5 yanl-;
l relied on ::;trong arm pulls to drop
ten ,.,econcl-; from my hegi1111i11g :2: 10
and placed eighth:· said fre:-.hnwn di:-.tance swimmer H, an Schmidt.
Dualti at 9-0 blew other:-. out of the
water \\ith depth in all ew nb.
'To ''in the Case dual nwet. Ill\
-tOO-f ree rela, had to beat out Ca:-./s
:-.econd relay. Before the rncc-. \ ndn·w
Griffey reminded me tlwt it w<.h all up
to me. During m~ 100. all r thought
about what he tiaicl how to heal ca,_,e· s
relay. Our relay beat their:-. and took
third. Coach \kKay awarded nw thei.-_.._.,... .
Gatorn le s,,,irnmer of the \ke1.·· :-.aid
junior di,.,tance :-.\\inmwr forcd Fro,.,I.
Flutte ring to a flawless Sl,:C f'ini:-.h,
\ ' arsity dropped ;;econcl-; to complete
the sea;;on 1-tth at State with fiwflllll!l•li•-~·
swimmerti, including Gt>nnan :-.tudent
Pat rick I\eubauer who :-.wa 111 in the
;,ewnth place :200 nwdh.
Board Bounce
Spnngmg off tlw hoard
for a fro111 doubl!'. ,<•nior
\le" Sodrn ~('on·~ I.).+. I.)
poinh al tlw Franklin dual
llH'l'l. \ ar~in won 1:2-+-.->).
Pullin 1 Free
:-.\\·i11111wr to \\in dw .)00
free for all four year;; at
eel ional,.,.
crual ified
, tate in all of
The -,et of 1() ;)0., rn1 111~ pac1·
l irne of :29 -,econd-. hcl peel nw clt·fcncl 111~
To pl(l\\ d'm 11 tlw crn111wtition. fre,,lrn1an \mlr!'w
Criffe, ('hargt•,, w crn11plP11•
1lw ,,ernnd ll'g of 1ht' -+00free r<'la\ at ':-;<'!"I ionak \
1inw of .tlw :3.:.21.10 qualifit'd th!' rt'lm for S1aw.
Crilfr~ al~o «1111tlifi1·d in
100 back and :.200 nlt'dh.
title. T won the en•nt in a time of -t:38.86.".
~r. Pl'!(' .lol111~011
2 8. .
Streamline Stretch
Crucial Comments
\\ i1h lwad IU('kt•cl i><'l\\l't ' n
un11,,. f1r~l11rn111 \ndn·\\
Joh n~on di"'' off lilocb
in ilw 100 b11111 ·rfh during tlw Park dual. 11l!'<'I.
\1 Conferl'n('('. Jolrn,,on
pla('l'd !'igh1 h with 1:01.8(>.
\1 PrnL C:md1 l\w .loh11
,ml. lilt' fallwr of l\\o \ ar..,jf\
:-1<·~·1 io1111I~
di..,<'ll"-1""1( '""1
I Imel
CrnU'li \lik<· \kl\:11\ . "I rojw1;.do111in111!'d tilt' f l-1<»1111
111<'<'1. <'arni11µ; :il8 poinh.
score fi~ r dt
season record
Oak Creek
BOY SWIMMING: (front) Eric I .11n<l J1wk \lickl·l-rn. Jun ~I Fro-.1 Ril"l '°'""1»1-k.
Hol)(Tt ~ · l11111dk onz. Jha11 Srhnudr . \-.hit.·\ \\ 0111·1-. \It•'\ Sochu. Jucoh Lar-.t>n
(2nd row) (;""'" \lik1·
( ;ku-h krry Burnwi,r er. c,1t1d1 John \I UJPrcik .
'->u·phan \\ Pnza i. \ndn·\\' Crifrq. \1ut1 \1 ahonf-'y. foc:ob Cupodi:lrro (back C:oiu:h
P1·1n Jo hn.•.on. Prutd1uyq\\1I Pron1111unt>t'. Pu1riek \ e ubau rer. \ ndrrw John....on.
Bnid Jo/J11..,011. \nd) \\ orkn um . Pi· tt• John ...on. Joe \\ orkm un.
°''"' ")·
Flutter Freest le
1 o ~print tlw l a~I 15 ) arcb
of tlw 100 fr<'( '. junior \ n-
dn·" Paulau~ka~ pull~ to
l'l ' Hl'h tlw wa ll for fourth
pla('(' a1 Conf<·rcnc<·. \ ar~i1ook fiN at .i 61 poin
Rela Exchan e
During the 30 fr('t\ junior
l\11 rick '\(•uln11wr breachwal('r. B('for<' the
(",d inngc \('Hr '\<'uhmH'r
" '"Hiil r;)I. ,; C('rman chJ>.
( '~ 1lw
l 03
Conference - l st
Sectionals - l st
State - 14th
Captains - Matt Mahoney, Jared
Frost, Pete Johnson
MVP - Andrew Griffey
Coaches Award - Matt Mahoney
__,........._."-!!" roved - Eric Lund
Smilin 1 Stren6'1:h
Cit'llChi11g U fi,I \\hilt> fla,.,hill" a '111ilt' u1 ilw jud,gt',.
,,.~ior I lwmah Pit'1~011
patb<'' d11ri11g floor al ilw
I lrn11t',.,lt'ad Im i11'. Pier'<lll
Jl<bl l'd a ll.-t lo '''Cun• fir,.,1
i11 fl<l< ir a11d all-arn1111d.
'\a11wd 10 ilw \lil\\<Jllk ec
Journul ~ · 111 irwl°,., ht't't md
11·a 111. Pi1•r,.,011 1·arrwd a
9. J(J-:' a11d fo11r1h plac1• al
~1a1c lndi,idual,., \l arch J.
Preflight Pause
\rn,,., llUhln·1dwd for lilt'
Yauh . ,.,,•ninr \l~ ,.,,.,a \l cQu<',.,I io11 ,.,pring,., from the
l1<inrd al \\ mrk1•-,Jm Cnnft'rt'll<'<'. 1ht' ll11h dual In,.,,.,.
\I ii" Ht rk('< · .lrn rr;ml S<·111 irlt'I
11u11wd ht' r Dn·. :20
11111<,,.,1 of dw \\ eek.- She
Jl<hlt'd H.6 -:'.)on a hand-full
bdnn• a 11w1·1 -hi <rh lJ -+(),
011 har,., al ~lalt'. r
L\ \I'\\'.'-·;) IC...,: front \l\ ·...; 1 \k<,>w ·.. 11011 . h.n .. 1111 ....,111id... \lidwlk l\11rnd1 ·r.
\lh .. ;t \\ at nil!!. I la1111oth Pin-.011. ~1111a111ha lki11k111;111 ·2nd row! ( :o;wh
' I ri... 11 \\ t'\ \ 1·1w .. -.;1 U\l·tin. Ji •.,..,il':t Joul .. 01L 1); 111i1 ·lli · ~·\1111id1. I leidi
01·d1l1T. (;;.1 .. -.~ 0...11 ·nhoh . ( .oad1 Da\i ' ~·ha111 (3rd row/ Bianca Cn•n1. h°;uw
\l o1rr; 111 (back
0...; 1\l..;1 I ;1;:; 1n·' ic· I .rut Z1111111i ·n11<111. Br1111i· Br;ull1 ·\ . O....l11 ·i· 11a
~-lin. \l11r2a11 \\ n l..4 ·r
80 .
Had1d '11·11hoil
powdery chalk flaked down
onto the pale blue four-in h mat at
K rn·clwr 'vl ickUc School. \ fl<'r power
tapping her :-iecondgiant. senior \ Ilysa
\\ <llring n·lea:iecl 1he bar ,,k~ high and
stuck her fir·st dmJ)le back dis rnounl.
·· \t the Burlington dual. it felt great
10 hit m~ clouJJI(• hack uf1er practicing
them ever~ clay into the resi[pit . \\'hen
Tsl ood up tmd got a 9.2?;). all the practice \\'as ,,·orth\\'hile.'' said\\ utring.
Dominating. \'ar:iity edged Stme·-,
sixth-ranked Burling1on-8aclger-\\ ilrnol I)\ 2.:3:23 for second al l lome;-,teacl
and fir;-,! at Keno:iha Invite.
"On floor at f Iornc;-,t(•cicl. f aclclccl ne\\'
jumps and ;-,cort>d a 9.0. my per..,;onal
hcst. to place ninth. I ;-,too I up rny lsuk
on \'Hu lt and took fifth in a ll-around
\\it h :3.).:2:2;). my hight>:il total of the
year. .. said jun ior vfidw lle Korncler.
Entering Conference meet with a 6-1
dual record. K-Tmvn g~ mnasts opened
the rneet h~ [X>sting a :-3-t.? on first-rotation Yault befort' lo,.,ing \\ atring 10 a
broken ankll-' during warrn-LL[h.
.. , used my angl-'r at the fact that
we ju">t lost \ lly:-ia for the -,<·ason to
stick beam. Seeing the \\ aukesha girls
::.landing around the beam made me
clet<·rrninecL and T \\'Oil IX'alll with a
9 ..SS... ::iaid :-ienior If annah Pier::ion.
\fter ;-,ecuring Conference :-.iker \\ith
1-t 1.8:2.S. \' ~ rebounded f rorn a
: ')."?.'')bar at Sectional:i to ;-,natch -,econd and State-hound ;-,tat us.
"Going into J am at State. we decided to haw fun. Coming togl-'ther a:i a
tew n and getting second despite lo-,ing
one of our top competitors ff'lt great. ..
:-.aid :-.enior \ ks:-ia \fcQuestion.
\\rapping. up the -,ea:-.011 ,,;th
1-t 1.::38.3.3 point!:> and , tale team ::.ilwr.
K-Town P0 rnnast:-i notched top three
team ;-,landing;-, in three con;-,ecutiYe
\\ f A \ State tournament trip:i.
Graceful Glow
C:al111 and !'Olil'l'l('ll.. junior
\I ichell\' Kornd1·r loob
down hl'r arm at ilw ">THl1
of hl'r floor rnlll irw ut 1lw
11011w..,H·ad-l I igh la ndn
Cla..,~ic Im itatio~al on Jan.
H. Kornd1·r. "ho p<htt'd a
lJ.0. hrnd1·d h\'r "t'1ho11-h1•..,1
ll!'am ~core of lJ.11-:' at tlw
S1atc T1•11111 Conq)('tirion
in \\ i-.1·orhin Rnpill" 011
\lur!'h -t. K-T1m11 g-~111lllhh
in \ladi..,011 to ..,!'..
!'llrt' ilw 1111111b!'r 011t' ll'<llll
,('or('.&>. l:·n
season record
140. 15
Janesville Invite - 1st
Westosha Invite - 2nd
Arrowhead Invite - 1st
Kenosha Invite - 1st
Whitefish Bay Invite - 1st
Conference - 2nd
Sectionals - 2nd
State - 2nd
Captains .. Samantha Brinkman,
Allysa Watring, Alyssa McQuestion,
Hannah Pierson
MVP .. Jessica Jackson
Most Improved - Allysa Watring
110% - Michelle Kornder
JV Most Improved - Erin
JV 11 0% - Katie Marron
. 81
I·or ,1 first .1ppear,111ce in the Sectional
fi11,1ls, V,1rsit> b,mled p,lSl \\ 'ilmot 4739. Junior center Lindsey Kmiec crashed
the bo,1rds for 20 points, 13 rebounds,
eight offemi\e, "ith sophomore guard
I.indse\ Sebetic ill on the bench.
Mm ing on to fi\ ·e-time in si:-. \'e,ll's Sect ion,1! cl;,1m ps Jan es\ ii le \\ ith S~·betic sti II
sitting out, Trojans controlled the first
h,1lf 16-15. As the\ bc)\\'Cll to full-court
pressure \\ ith 29 turnm ers, the girls
struggled to a 49-33 loss. Vikings held
Kmiec to t\\'O points and si:-. rebounds.
The ro,1d to Sectio11,1ls he,1ded right
through Beloit 57-55.
"In Regio1uls l h,1d to step up my game
\\ith I indse\ Sebetic out sick. M, season high ol .13 points helped us ,~·in by
a b.1sket. I also added nine assists, Ci\·e
rebounds ,md three ste,1ls," said sophomore gu.1rd Kriq> I [anne ll.
As Varsity -,plit season games with Muskego, the first \Y in stood out. Catching
us keg
South Milwaukee
Oak Creek
Conference - l st
Regionals - l st
Sectionals - 2nd
,111 earh 7-0 lead, V,1rsit\ \\JS 15 points
ahead ;t the half, \Yith a 50-34
\ ictory. Se\·en points be lo\\' the teamhigh, senior Amy Ricciardi scored 12.
"Since our coach has newr won and
Varsity hadn't in fi,e years against Muskego, it \\'as e:-..citing to win against by
16 points. I shot t\\O 3-pointers early
and got the team-high of 19 points," said
Sebetic, All-State Honorable Mention.
Troubled by fouls, lead ing scorer Sebetic sat most of first half aga inst Bradford but still netted 21 points, with 18 of
the 21 in the .second h,1! L \\ 'ith a home
court ad\·antage, Varsity won 63-48.
"Playing tough gets my blood pumping,
and I'm excited to sho\\' our team means
bus iness . In our second g.1111e 1 scored
10 in the first half \\'ith two 3-pointe rs,"
s,1id jun ior guard Megan Steinmet:r.
With 15 \'ictories, Varsity hust led towards Regional champions and the SEC
Sponsmanshi p A \\'ard.
Captains - Lindsey Sebetic,
Amy Riccardi
MVP - Lindsey Kmiec
All State - Lind sey Sebetic
All Coaches - Samantha Peloq uin
Lady Trojan- Amy Riccardi
Passing Zone
13all ow r Iwad fo r ~ 1 K'!'< I.
junior gua rd \ l!'ga11 :-;11·i111 n(~ 1 z -,ca r(' he....
Troj an~ 1 h ed a
pa:-.. .....
1-:)- J zo rn •
' ' rn t1·"1 a nd fo n -.·cl 13rncl
'"· Im il h1 11irn· po i11 h
fo rd Jo
to 1•ml tl w fo urth qwm 1·1-.
To,lmor a ~!Tor rel fn ·1· Ihro".
j11nior Li 1 Hl~1·~ l-:111i1 ·1· ' II'! ,..,
lo tilt' lirn · aw1irb t I lo rlil' k.
Th!' 1·1•11tt•r , t·on ·d 11.
Drive U the Lane
Drll1lili11!!: lm\<1nl' rill' IHK>p
for n In~ 1qi. -.ophr1111on·
g11ard l-.:ri,1~ I larl11t' ll pa,-.,., I" a ll11rli11!!:1rn1 D1·1111111
for ;, .->()--+() 'if'I <>r\ . \\ i1 h
Ci.(1 m1·n1g1· 1x1i111~ 1wr a
ga11lf'. I larl1lf'll nnd ,1·11ior
Hif'f' iardi
~rnrrd 10 poi;11-. 1·1u:h. \1
ilw f1111rri1 111r;11·1<T. \ m,j,,
hi -+ 1-:H. IHllTO\\ I~ k1 ·1·1·>i11!!: dlf' lr·wl 11111il rill' l111u1·r. I 11 111id-~1 "<hOll \ ar,il\
\\'Oil fj\I ' of ..,j, gU llH "-..
Running B
T11 dri" · I'""' l311rli11!!1011.
'"l'l11111111n· !!11<1rd Lind,1·~
~·l)('f if' lwrnL, for rill' ii<hk1·t. -1fl \\ill 11~ Olli' 1x1i11I.
~·lw1 if' ,,·on·d a 11·am-hi!!:h
11f 11. ~ ·o rin!!: :).+I 1x1i11h
during rill' 'f"lhOll. ~·IJ<'lif'
H\t 'n tgl'd
poinh a f!t111w.
In tlw fir,1 <ruarwr. \ ·ar,il\
j111111• ·d 111 a ,j, 1x1i111 l1·wl.
in<-r1·a ... ing to -..1•\t'n ctl 1h1 ~
lwg innin~ of riw fo11r1l1.
How did a small er tea m affect the season?
"I loved having a smaller
team . We got more playing time. Also, with everyone involved in practices,
we won more."
jr. Kaleigh Fulmer
"With only l O on the team,
we didn't have a rea lly big
bench. Subbing without a
lot of available players
wears down the starters."
jr. Sam Peloquin
From Iii Jolu"''"'- f..11-11111 ·
l\11n·1·;. \h-. ... a \\ n!.!111\Lui.th1111 "-i11·;, ·l1 ·ck 1. /2nd 1"0\\ .li-1111if1·1
Bal.. ·01 -k. ~1 · l..,i·' \lwkrl-.1 ·11 . ( ~1;wh \lu-lwll1 · ( .nd1·-.. \l1"\t11Hlrn
D111anli11. 1 m l;ir 'I hoina ... ,back ~Im lor Di1·1111;111 . I L11111;d1
I rt '. \rn\ 1·1 (.11;1 r;1 ...ci11. (.int;m· Pa-.k1u1 ... k.111t'. I ka1h1·r Pn ..1·~
\l 1·li-. ... ;t ~1l1i 11 .
l·H I "li\11·\ ll\.,f..l .IB\11
8-\SKJ:...- rBALL: front \li ·l1 ... .,;:1 \\ 1-..ldd. "-i;:trah \\ orlman. Lnm·n
\log1 ·11 ...1111. 2nd ro" k11m Lrnh. Bri11 c1 m Bla1l\\001L Hon·o p,.i
li11 . \111a11d<1 Brnll1·111n11. \kli ..... ,, I ·_ Iii ... ( hahn •i•a ~Im Im bll<'k I 111
1h \lnlll". \kli ..... ;1 ('hri .. 11•11 .. 1·11. l .aurn \lillw. ( :o;_u-h lkn (:li11111rn· .. t'.
( .o;wh Dn11 ( h\1·11 .... I .111-la Jorn·... ...,1q1ha11i1· I (;1g1 ·1L
from k. , il1 · 1~h h1!1111·r, ~1111;111th;:1 P1·l
oqt1111. \l1 •g;111 ...,1t·i111111·1z 2nd rm~ · \l1n1w;1 Jorn--... ( .o.wh 13t·n ( :h.1111111~·
( ~1;w h ~th;lll \1ul1 'P·n ll. ( .o.1d1 Hod (.rn-.... Cn;wh \li..Jwll1 • C1•nl1·.... Coud1
D.111 (),,1·11 .... I .11nl..t·\ k.111iec back) ~ri .. 1111.. 1 Lu1111nn ...1·11. \n1~ Hil·nmli.
l\:n-.1~ I lar1 1·ndl. 1-.r·ila Ll111l1hul I .irnL..1·\ •·.,dt1·1i1·.
Dmt ing dc)\\11 hmne court in D narrow raet~ for Yictor~- _ \' arsity· bounced
fo-e points ahead \\1th three minutb
on the clock. \ s the SEC sen;;on opener. a -t? --t3 \\-in agai118t Racine ITorlick
launched\' arsity to an SEC four-game
success ::;treak in the 12-8 season.
"Tallying l-t points. seYen rebounds
and three steals_ T felt like e,·er~·thing
was corning in play. Eight of m~- points
came from the second half where l
\\·ent out more aggre::;siYe. T picked up
on ITorlick"s defen::;e:· ::mid senior forward ~athan .\llemand.
\\ ith a ten-point win over the Case
Eagles on Dec. 1-t. \' arsity hit fo·e of
six first shots \\-ilh four three-pointers
by guard seniors Derrick Griffin and
f~n~ard Joe Furlln. SEC Honorable
\lention. Starting the season 5-0 and
aYeraging 62.-t a game, Trojans held
opponents lo an awrage -t 7 .8 points.
·To stop a L \~ -Parkside recruit from
Case. I read the team well defen.siYely
and got inside the recruit's head. l had
to up my game to match hi;;. \\ ith the
three-pointers I scorecl l didn't airn
for the ha;;kt>t, but I felt the rhythm
of the ga me. l scored 12 points, my
1x>rsonal best:· said Furlin .
Topping the 90-point mark for the
first time s ince "9-t. Yarsit~· prevailed
pasl Park for the sixth time. \\ ith
three lead changes in -tO minute:; of
the regulation game ..5-t personal fouls
caused ;;ix players to leave the court.
··In douhle overtime against Park.
the game was close, and the crowd
\Ya::; crazy. Shooting fiYe three-pointers, my best shoL l felt like T was just
thro,, a rock into the lake. l was
able to score 2-t points:· said Griffin.
Regionnls tipped off the rebound
strength of Trojans a;; they squeezed
past Burlington -t8--t6 in the semi and
beat Bradford 3:3--t 7 . Tn finals senior
\ ll-SEC guard \ fatt Dreifke sank 20
points and pulled clown 11 rebounds.
\fter an m·ertime shoot-out ,,·in 6-t3? OYer Lake Geneva Badger. Yarsit~·
suffered a .)-t-69 benting at the Sectional final again.-;t Verona.
Poised to shoot
\\ ith kneh bent and C\ h
aheacl junior forward Sliarnwin I larri-, altt'lllph hi,
,,eeond free throw <igain,t
Oak Creek. Corning ,;ff tlte
bench. 1lani" -.;e~red 11
point,. In the fourth quarter. 1he bench came to 11:->e
\\ith three pla) er' entering
ilw gan I('. The -+1-6.) lo,h
lllarked Oak Creek-, fir,,t
" ·in again"t \ nr-,it) in the
pa:-ir ten incct 1n g~.
Varsity matches evenly to split seven
_ CJ.o nfen:nce regular se<lson game results
~t-~~ I lome court adYantage OYer Braclford
one a double to tally 91
ayers dunking ut Spe<'iu l Oly111pics
Polar Plunge on Feh. t.2 at Lake \ ndrca
' hn·e-pointer" "unk in four po"t season
<'gio rwl &. Sect ional gn nw" to ,~111 three
"''+..,,., \n1;111di1 Ho<.111h.u1 .. _ "'1111 "'n·i1 ·r 2ndroli- \lik 1·
Shi 1rt. \like \ a1101 •\ 1T. '\wk ~·\1011. \la11 \ :u1d1-rl'At1ld1 •11. I .ou H1d1 •au\ . l~·\Olll<lt' \\ 11li.:u11-.. lh illl '\1·11.
\lik4• Pa-.n1n·i (back I Dilrnh Jolm-.011. I . lc\\• · I~ 11 \kLuH·~. DJ Ha11-.d1. 1- .,an \11dt-r..011. \f;,111 \\ ahi·r.
(,riffin S4·11!!lni..d1. Ji111111~ ~I nK~ . i)a,id Bn111tl1 · ~ · \latt Bnitlwr-.
'D' for Defense
Bounce Back
Dt·f<'nding t Iw honw ba"kt·t. junior forward Hyan
Snw1 hlrn·b
~hot in tlw third q1iarwr
FPh. .'3. Guard \latt Dn·ifkt·
grabbed a -,pa-,on high 1:3
rel>0tmd-,. \\ ith a 16-J>Oint
vi('tOr\ mt·r Bradford. \ ar..,it' lxmnce<l from D<'c. P
lo;., of 1-t JX>inh. Low-intt·n..,it) d<·fen-,e e1 npha..,ize<l
honw court advantagP at
<'ctf'h of t hn·1· match-up....
The win ..,('[ up a thrt·P-way
tit· for SEC South Di,i-,ion
with I Lorli('k and Park.
To rl'trit' \'!' a lo~-, of 1>0"1·...... ion. ..,,·nior Brya n \log1·11"'' n c ha-,p.., rh1· hall drm n
f'OUrl. \ ar,,it~ p<htt ·d a
6-t--t8 "in. ..,inking <' ight
poinh during thi· la.,t fin·
minure-. of the fourth quarl<'r. Jumping out front fir ... t
quarte r b~ ..,[x on •r Brndforcl \ a r-,it\ cont rollPd tlw
game to thP final huzz!'r.
Mukw nogo
Ho . k
S. ilwauke
Oak Creek
Oak Creek
Conference - 3rd
Regionals - l st
Sectionals - 2nd
Captains - Danny Remus,
Matt Dreifke
MVP - Matt Driefke
Offesnsice MVP - Derek Griffin
Co Defensive MVP - Danny Remus,
Bryan Morgenson
NBA KETBALL:(fronr . l·,rw C..nffi1l1 .... Crun1 Jt1!11b•111. Bnt1HlfHl 1.)nn. St·n11 Barn·tt
(2nd row) Hi1d1if• Prudo. Kd-.1·y En~l111ul Kim Kri1T. Coarh Hundy \\ il.-.on. Couch Jim
Tho111u-.. \mund<1 Hounhau .. {back) D1·H1n11w \\ illinni-.. \Jr, I riclt• David l n... i11n, \nfln·w J>l,1\'Hnwh. \u ... cm Burµ1·r. \l<tlt Bo... 1ro111. \mh \tuk1.
VARSITY BASKCIBAlL (fra-tc Tmum Pflu,,. \1uu Sl1111•·- Daw 13t,i._ O.mrl) R"""" f..1·nh I lt-mn ~·nmllll·
G<xx·h (2ndrow,I \1mnd1 Rmnl>a1t.,, 01ri-. \\ 1Jton. o..·h ,,._, Rid:lJUX, ( i 1'1!.-h Run<~ \\ i1'n. O..-hJ.~111 \\ ilhem.w.
O.-·hHf Puklt 0.-h \fott \mx~·1ZnnrlertO••~dim 1l-.11a, R<>-,~~1!1'<111(1:eclc l f.:u11 l'rfrr Bt·n E1~:i11!!. O.·m-k
Gnffirt ·itt• \O. ·n•u•L~ .. huiirt Ri!.; '-<·111du·dt B" 1U1 \l1~·1N•1. RHm "''"'· Sl••m•un I lun-... \lun [)n·ill1·
En:· r~ athlete andewr~ coach ha,, ,,aid
tha t the right coac h cn n -.hape the :-it'a-.on. Both \\T< ·-.tling and hock<·, team-.
e"\'.pe rie ncecl that ~lifference fi·r,,tl1ancl
a,, coache,,. l hi rd-yea r and 11<'\\ mid,,etbon. worked to build progranh \\ith
\\Te,,tling at :i6 and hocke ~- at 8-9.
\ It hot1g h \\T<''-tli ng pl<H'<'d :,,ewnt h at
Regional,.,_ \ ar,,it~ claimed two champion-. wul '-<'nt four mon· to S<·ct iona6. Reg ional champ al 189. ,,ophomon· Joe Epping pinn<'d hi,, fir-,1 t\\·o
matclw,, and \\Oil 10-B \\'hilt' ,,ophornor<' champ Stt'W Sharp at :27:) parallel<·cl two pin-, in thn'<' wi1h one in
the champion:-ihip nu.ltch .
.. \t s('Ctional:-i l qunlifi('d for Stat<' a,,
-.e ond. ln \ladi-,on. rn~ opponent and
T cih<·nwu·d take dmYn,, to t> nd up in
douhl<' m e rtime. I trit>d to get him on
hi:-i h<:ick. hut lw <''-ca ped and e nded up
,,·ith more poinh ... ,,aid Sharp.
\\ ith a -,ccond ll<'\\ ('OHCh in D< 'Cl' llllX'r. Thunder hockey :-ikatecl hack to
fir-.L place in th<' Bald,,in Tournanwnl.
go ing :2-1. To \Yin 6-.") in m e rt ime
again:-it Baldwin. junior forward \lmio
Battellini scored in a hreak-a\\'U\ .
\,, Coa(' h C urt \ ' ergenz focu~ed ou
huikling charactn along ,,·it h a program. thr<'e more ''inti fo llowed.
"Coach \ 'ergenz int <'r<lC' t<'cl. wt>nt ot1t
to t>at \\-ith u::i and ca nw into locker
rooms for pep talb before <. tnd during
ga lll e-. ... -.aid junior Ju,,ti11 'onng.
To end SF:C nullche;, owr \\ auke,,lw
7--t. ,,('n ior forwarcl Tim Ceh ri '-<'On'cl
fom goa k R eg ional playoff-, reco rd<'d
a~-+ \Yin oYer \f<>no11101H'<' Fall,, <111d
a 0- 11 lo,,,, to L ni\'('r:-iity .
Waukesha West Tourney - 5th
Milw. Hamilton Tourney - 4th
Verona Tourney - 5th
Conference - 8th
Regionals - 7th
Sectionals - 4th
Captains - Mike Predaina,
Nate Symoens, Danny Hamilton,
Joe Epping, Jake Puntillo
MVP - Steve Sharp, Jake Puntillo
Most Improved - Mike Predaina,
Joe Epping
Rookie of the Year - James
Lehman, Dakota Schwartz
Hustle Awa rd - Tommy Evans,
Kevin Shuirmann
Wrist Factor
Geared for Goal
·1o ,< ·on• rn·w·-fall poinh
m!'r \J11-,h.·., f\, I<· C:11-,-
Dm, 11 and n•rn h. junior
1.. 1linn. jl11lior 1-: ri(' I l!'llq11i-,1
111 1: I \\ork-, <'m-,,f11n· 10
<'rncll1· rlw \\ arrior. t> ndin2
dw n1111('h 6-1:2. I l<-llqui-1
fir1i-,lwcl ilw -,1•11-,011 1:-:>-:ZO.
\hhou1d1 \lu-,k <>gc> clor11i11a1!'cl tlH• lllHtdl 1:2-ff:'.
-,ophornon· Su·"' Sharp m
and .,,•nior Jak1• P11n1illn at :2 J.) pinn!'cl in 11 •,,
than IWO 111i11tll<'"·
\ ncln·" \\ acl1· IJl1wb. 11
\\ ;11rkl'-,ha pr wk . Olll' of
l<I all!'rllph lw 1111cl goall<'
Dm id Trinidad l111<•r -,a\l'd.
~·nior '\ighr !!a lll<' <' ndt'd
n·~ 11h1r ..,<·11..,011 \\itl1 ct
\\ in. \ ft<"r Iwill!! dim 11 :2-0
and -+- 1. -,1·11ior Tinr C1·hri
-,l1111111wd four w1al- ;nul
lu1cl on<' a,.,j.,, "hil1• junior
\lurio Batl<'llirri '"on·cl
µou l a11d t hn·t · ,...,..,j..,1 ....
Players score more with new coaches
Total vi~·tori<·., <·anwdh) \\TP,,tling. 123
morP v.111-, than la-,t ,;pa-,on
re-,tler-, qua Ii fi t'd for Sect iona l-,
0') r
ew head hockt>y coache~ t hib seu~on
ar-,ity ho<'k<') pla) <·r., on tlw ire
1~ \Vn·-,· ll·e. r wc·ight clw;-,c.., a t Var-,~ty l'. ·wl
Iockey goab ~cored on SEC opponc·nt:;
ompared to 1:- goals last ~ea~o n
Sia Puck
f ,oac ling anu-,. junior 13.-n
l;<·<'kl<·r airn-, a ,fap ,hot
agairbl \I ilwauk1·1· Piu'
\I F1 ·b 1. h ·C'kicr u-,-,i,tPd
( :harlil' 1-~ rdall in a I hi rd p• ·riod 1x1w<·r-pla) goal. \ ft1 ·r
all 1·arh 1hn·1·-point<'it. Tirnnd1·r l1ht +-:'. but
-,fa11111wd :t2 -,hnh 011 gmtl.
\\ hil1· junior goali1· \ nclrPw
\\ ad1· -,topjH'd :2:).
\\ itli a half-.\1·!-,011. -,1·rnor
\\rf'-, tfl'r Jak1· Puntillo pin-,
hi-, \fu-,k1·go oppmwnt in
l::m. \, 1<,-,1 1:2-6-:' . \-,
\I\ P \\ith \Jo-,1 Pirh. Puntillo won :~3 of -t:2 matdw,
ill tfH' :2 J.) \Wight ..fa-,-,. tfH'
onh :m 11rn1d1 \\-inm·r.
Menomonee Falls
Menomonee Falls
Catholic Memorial
Fox Cities
Milwaukee Pius XI
Beaver Dam
WRESfLL\C: (front St ·ott O"'w<1I. Ju11w ... I .t' limun. \1ikt· Pnil.:1int1. Ho-. ... \1urk.
l:k11 \li1•l1 hz) k. '\1·-.1or Drn11i11g1wz. To111111~ l '. \Ulh. ·1rm h J1 1-.lin (2nd row} ( .lui.,
\\all .... Dm~d '\oldn. Kylt• l,.lul11n ·. Hobbi1• Boluwn. '\ati· s, 1111M · 1i--.. Lric I l1·llqui ... 1,
Dann, I luniihon. Dti-.IHll Tho111;h. \da111 l)t·Hn-.· (3rd row} Lclwunl ~ olmo....
1\1·\m Sd1111rn1<11111. /.-wha~ Holmi-.rn1. Jut• Lpp111g-. D.1L.01;.1 ~·hwurtz . fok1 ·
Pu11111l11. '\id;. \\ 1·ht·r. \\ 1· ... lt·\ Chi1111·rton. H1 ·t·n· Hiw1hk1· back C.o,;wh Jod Dul·
1011. Couc h Dan \lot11ng1·1-. · h S4:·011 Si•i1z ( :rnwh (.!in.., Pu-.-.1 •. ( ANw h '\wk
S11-.1udw. Coad1 JthOll Lml(L 01<.wh Cal>1· Lart'm. l3ri111111~ \fri1 ·r. I .111ih Hu~u!.
D.111i1 ·ll1· ~ nw.~w r
HOCKEY: front Dm·idTronidar. \min ·\\ \\ H<~· '2ndrowlJo-.h
~11·wunl \lull ·111ll11u111. l)·rril"k t\rnl1 ·11.lh a11 ~upn. \ luno
HHIH'lini. Zul'h Bilmwia {back} K(. \nd1 ·1...,011. HHHI B11ffunH111
fl '. Clnwk Lrdull. Bnan \dauhon. Coach (:uni.., \ 1·r;..w1u. Ju-.1111
'11u11~. ·1i111 C.1 ·lm. lli·n ITl"kl1·r. \pril ( .1·l1r1
Baldwin Tourney - 1st
Conference - 6th
Regionals - 8th
MVP - Charlie Erdall
Most Improved - Brian Adamson
Coach's Award - Andrew Wade
for a sixth straight State berth
For the first time since a 2-3 shoot
out \lay 2000, girls soccer suffered a
1-3 loss against crosstown rival Bradford at the UW'-Parkside Tournament
April 8. The loss previewed th competitive ' chedule in 11-3-2 season.
" \V took the loss pretty hard, because it was the first in so long. We
knew they had a lot of talent, and w
underestimated them,., said junior outside midfielder Gina Christia nbury.
\~ ' hen they met in season April 27.
leading Trojan scorer, junior forward
Kristi Laurenzi sat out with an injured
knee, and Red Devils slid by 1-3, scoring two goals in the last four minutes.
""It \YWi hard ·without Kristi since the
game was tied so long:' said senior
midfielder ~ felissa Christiansen.
Rebounding from Bradford's claim
to th e SEC title and soaring aft er a
5-0 \V aterford v.1.n, Varsity geared for
a rematch at Sectionals. Five goals in
the second half from four players, two
Rollin' Downfield
Sending the ball aero~., tht>
fidcl sopl10111ore d frnder
Gina \faninelh fire~ a pa.,.,
through H orlick.., dt>fen~e.
In the 5.5th minute. \lartinel li drme a ,;hot off the
cro,;,;bar. and junior forrd Gina Chri~tia nbury
followPd up ''it h the goai,
lwr fir~t of rwo. Sen ior center mi<lfielder a nd Gatorade
\\ i.-rnn-,in \ thlete of the
Year K llv \X epking assibred in 1he final three goals of
the -t-1 ,,jctmY.
" 1.thin -±6 seconds, set the 5-1 of the
third meeting between th e two rivals.
'·Since we had lost the la t two games
against Bradford, we were motivated
to play as a team . We put everything
into the game and followed our shots.
I even got kicked in the face," said senior defender Melinda Dreger.
Aft er Sectionals, girls soccer cruised
over a physical Janesville Craig 5-1 as
Laurenzi notched a hat trick. For a
sixth consecutive State bid, Varsity
cornbatted top-ranked H omestead i~
the 0-2 Quarterfinal loss.
"We shot well, and goalie Jessie Ori
made a bunch of awesome saves. She
was definitely our player of the game,
but H omestead played better,"' said
senior defender Alicia Jarzabek.
Losing for the first t irne to Bradford
since beginning their six-year State
streak, the Trojan eason ended two
games short of champion status in a
face-off against 15-0-2 H omestead.
Boxed Out
Fightinp: a Bradford ..,rriker
St>e tional~.
fe mkr
junior d1•\ cnt urn
snwuble,, for tlw ball. [n
tlw earli1·r \ lo nihan lourna 111l'nt lo-,, to P1u,, :i-t.
\' enlll ra "'' ·nred nff a rorn1 ·r
kic k in the -:'Jrd min1111·.
h11t Piu::. hit a goal i11 th
fin a I -tO ~cconcl"' t n un·al..
the Trojan <·orni·I rn-1...
Driving Force
Fa('t' full of dct1·n11inajunior f'on\ilrd K ri,ri
Laurc·nzi follow~ her pa''
again"' Jarn:·,yiilt' rllig in
the. ctiom1l Final. Trojmb
out~hot th1 · Cougars 2:~ 1-t
in the $.l \ictorY. Lmm·nzi
,cored in the · I Ith and
32ncl rninut , rwttin,g a
hat trick in tfw :><>th. Laun·nzi led th1· tcrnu with 2 7
goal,, and 10 a_.,,,i,,., during
the rt"'Ular "'a-,cm.
t ion.
(' '"'ason record
Union Grove
Oak Creek
South Milwaukee
Wauwatosa West
Wauwatosa East
Madison Memorial
UW-Parkside Tourney - 7th
Moynihan Tourney- 8th
Conference - 1st
Sectionals - 2nd
State - 5th
Captains - Kelly Wepking, Kristi
Laurenzi, Jessica Ori, Alicia Jarzabek
MVP - Kelly Wepking
Offensive MVP - Kristi Laurenzi
Defensive MVP - Jessie Ori
Most Dedicated - Jessie Ori
Most Improved - Kelli Ponce
Coaches ACE - Andrea Savaglio
I lllSIT\ (.IHl.f, '-.(JCLLH frp11r C.111a \ J;111indlt. ,\11gt•la \al1 ·ri. "- e lli
Ponn· f\ell~ \X l'J.Ainµ:. \..,h\1·t• \lnrclli. \ linu Jurzal)('k . Julit> Zarle111 :111d
1?01\ l\ul1·1,a:h Fulnu·r. Gi~11111u \ 1·1Ht1rn. \l t'lindu \laihia-.,, \kli-., ...a Chri~~
lt'll-..(oll. jc-..... il':t Ori. \lli ...011 JPl11i...11n1. Ci111t ( :hri-.11·nh11~ . \lt'lindn Drcgt'r. \l a
na ~a111dli hu:J. Lrnih \lohL ".ri1-;1\ I lar11wll. \ly ...... u I ..aw1 0 11 . C:oad1 'I (Hid
1lnnl~ . \1annger PJ 11,;rrnw11. ( :oach. B) an \k"'\l'<'i~. Coul'h St ·o11 Prod1.11tl\\ .
\111lrp;.1 s,.,,o~lio. \hi" Pucllock. l-..ri~u l .aurt'1ll:i
J\ CIHl.S SOCU·Jt (fronr) \ntml<lt l.indqui-t. Carn Pratt . Br: nn
J1u1ui... l1. E111il) l .111nle) . ha1ieGm111acki. \loll~ \lurtin. \111t111(Li \larzolf
(2nd row) ~tewn Olx·r~. ]t>11nu Sali ... bur~ . Ell)ll \luPller. 1'.i111 Crnµ:en.
lin Bn•11n;_lfl. Kara Thonbt'll (back Dana ':--.alimi.
Swnan1hu Sconze 11.
l\.n1it~ \luhnnn . \Ii Crn~·kttt' rt . \11umda Bridlrnum. \l t>Ji........a Fili:-.. Fl\ ......a
fo-.,kol-.,ki. CotH.:h Scnlt Pro<:know.
1:R1·:s1 l\ll·_'\ C.IHL.S "0CCl :H: front) s ,1111a111ha Friedl. \laka)l.t
Jenkin...... I AIUl"l' ll \11>,2'.t' ll:-(' ll. \ ... hit') \l organ. io-..rnil~n ~illanpa<l ;'2nd
rol\:) Tiffi11i \I Hrk . Ti\) lor Di(·t11u111. L .lrl) Hoininti-.. 1'.n-.1111e i..: on.>t.·z.
\mln•u \ a~norn . llt•c.ulwr P~ :-it' (back l \l t~Ji........a "'itlhin. \111amL1
Oµ-lt>. C.oach On·,, B.1itt•r. I humah \luerhoff. \k:.!all \l t1hon1·~
, tormina in from the east, like the
heavy rain clouds that caused an hour
d lay, the Trojans "ent 16 athlet s
to , ctional'l to reign over Janesville
May 25. At Regional.,, May 22, Varsity trampled Waterford the closest
ompetitor, by -1:5 points with 1-1:6.
•· t Regionals, I ran a solid race and
took second in the 110-meter hurdles.
I hit two or three hurdl s but fought it
out to finish. This was the third year I
made it to ' ctionals and my first year
at State,., said senior Robby Beshel.
With 8:0: .1-1:, the -l:x800 relav team
of "enior Dan LaBell , junior Vrathias
\\, rve, senior , 'am Sinozi h and senior Seth Anglin beat second place by
mor' than ? se ond-,.
'·Going into Sectionals. we knew that
we would be running ahead everyone.
and we set a school record earlier at
7 :58. But, our relay ran as hard as w
could owe would get a good ;,eed at
State.·' said senior · th Anglin.
season record
Lake Michigan Invite
Kenosha County
Red Devil Invite
Racine Invite
l 2th
l st
Rebel Noth Star Invite 3rd
Journal Times Relays
Marquette Invite
SEC Relays
l 1th
Kenosha County
l st
Janesville Parker Invite l st
Conference - 2nd
Regionals - 1st
Sectionals - 1st
Captains - Matt Dreifke, Mike
Kizula, Chris Walton
Top Point Scorer - Chris Walton
MV Fr. - Dean Scarbrough
MV Soph. - Erin O'Connell
MV Jr. - Chris Walton
MV Sr. - Matt Dreifke
Seconds Count the fini"h line,
,,enior ThadeLi-. ]Pnkin-.
take-. 10th in 100 prelim..-.
v.~th a time of 1:2.13 during Rt>gionab at Burlingion
Ma\ :2:2. ]t>nkin~ al-.o contril;uwcl to a -+3.81 ,,ecnnd
place in the -+" 100 rday.
Edging out in the
-tx:200. \\ awrford fini,,ht>d
thir<L .-+ -.ccond -.oorwr. De-.piu· tlw nudge into fourth,
Trojan" pre"ailed a.~ '~ctor-.
of tlw fidd, topping ,,econd plm·p \\ awrforcl b) -t.')
1xiinh and rirnl Brarlford
hy ()() at H<•crionak
Competing against teammates
the chance to go to State in the -1:00,
senior Kamara IIall edged out senior
Sam , ' hlenker by .01 se on(l'i to grab
th third and final spot.
'·I fell into a deep depression and contemplated killing Kamara. Truthfully,
I didn't mind. Our time· were do e all
year,., said, chlenker with a laugh.
Running away from Sectional,; with
90 team point;,, 10 more than becond
place Verona, Varsity catapulted 10
to , tate. Ther , the 3,200 relay team
landed the !->Ole place for Varsity with
fifth, three better than last year.
'·I broke my personal goal in the relay
by -1: seconds. and we broke our school
record from la.,t year. We didn 't get the
"econd we~ expected. hut we did ,,have
two ~econd'l off last year's time,., said
Sinozich about the 7:58 finish.
\\, ith Regional dominance and Sectional succeb!i bol-,tert'd by veteran seniors, 10 athletes shined for State.
Self Discipline~
Balon in '1111111 HI s1:'.c H>(. t
la~ .... junior \la1 ilia~ \\ nY•
of till' (>-t00-11wl!'r n·la1
11·Hn1 h11~ti1·-. 10 -.1m alH'<1il
of \l11-.l..1·go in hi-. l1:g of ilw
nwr . ...I rojc111 ru1u1(~r.... ('HI~
tun·d Yil'IOI"\ in 1B:T'.<i0.
\\ 1·rn·. -.1·11i;,.., \fall Dn·ifl1·. Sain Sinozid1 and Dan
Lal31·l11· ~1 · 1 a ..,,·hoof n ·l'ord
in till' -tx ](J()() HI lfH-:'.h.
High Hopes
Cl1·aring (> f1 ·1·t . junior k 111t1n
I (O\\/I' grab... n IC ' Hlll
1~1i111-. I" plal'ing -.pn1nd in
till' high jlll11p at S. ·1·1ionak \dding to tlw da1 of
.,IH'('t•...,~. lu'· -,oHn ·d to iak(·
-.i'\ th in till' t ripll' julllp -tO(i.00. I lm1 /I'. junior z ,l('h
Can1plwll and -.l'nior \IHtt
Drt>ifk<· al-.o lirok1· a -.dHM>I
1N·ord in th" high jump n•la1 Ht IH l°l'l'I.
B<n ~ ' I H \( l\. front} Joq11i11 <:111111·\. \nth John-.011 , Do111111ic Hulolf1. \11d~ ""·l11111ch J1M:· \\ Prl..111;111. D.111 I .nlli·ll1
I 111..1· I .odkll1·. Brad J11l111-.011. ~lt"\1'11 l 1t1Th j:!m/ mn1 \aron \lon!illl. \I, .., Hol1i11-.011, ( Im .. Burnl11w11n l\.1·\ 111 H 111
tll1 -. lkn·l l~·ll11ro. lic-11 On. J11nl111 lt.1rro11. lh <111 i-.r·-..l..1111· \la11 I .1111·1. l~-11 -...1r!.!1·111. ...,1t·\1· I lnrn '\1d.. \lonn 1:h/ rn•
Hobc•rl '."'it·hmidl..011.1_ ' (0111111\ \11..:1·11-.. (~l<td1 l\.1·11111"1h \\ah1111. (nH·h l\.1·\lll \n111in. (.11.:.11h .l.1wd IY\11!.!do. ( .o ach
\1.111 ...,\. ( :n;wh Chtwi. Brndl1·~ · ( Al<11·h \11tln•,, "'''"tlil_ C0:l<td1 h1'(l1h (.;1rn;1. Jn-.h \\ olf. I\, I·· I itt1·l. \1l1111
~11111h 1-lrh rem Ho1111i1· Orr. Pini Jt·11--1·11. l\.~ 11· '-ndl_ Dan \l1·inliomh. ""CT!.!IO Bl.1111-0. Tro~ I .t· ..... 1111 "'·hlt-nla.
.ln1• Crnwa11111111. l rnw \\ li11al1·1, ~-1\i \11!,.!li11 bacL ~h;1111 • Li111c·r • .lt-111;111 I lm\n. \ltlll D1rifl..1·. /;1d.. I Arnl11r .Ind
J;1h11l..1·. J11lm \llwm·huu-.1 · -....1111 ...,i1111.11ch. \lil1• l\.11·.11d;1 , '."'it ·o11 Bmn • l'lilwL ) Hwl..\ \l.tn1111·.1. John P1nb111. 1. \11d1nm
I .o\t'llH, Ian ( .. 1r...111t. \!("\ '."'itw·h;t. Chri-. \\ al11111. :-1d;111 \\ t·111.1d. )11-.1111 Bud.. 11. (;.111 \Lihoni ·. H11hl1' llt·-.hel
With four athletes in five events,
Varsity returns from La Crosse
to field State champ in discus
First plact> finishers flashed talents
indoors, forecasting the advance of
eight to Sectionab. Yar ·ity dominated
th :32nd annual County Indoor six
team m t, tallying :;ix first places.
'·When I ran th mile at Bradford
for ounty Indoor. I raced K Hie, hneider. I tried to k ep the distan e between m and Kelli :;mall and use her
to par . Running the mile is almost
comical because its so man~ laps. and
the l opl cheering know how hard
the race indoors i.-, mentally."· said junior hrist ine \X ielgo::;.
On \pril 15. Varsity opened the outdoor season with a ninth place finish
at Catholic \tf emoriars 12th annual
Crusadt>r Classic before hosting County Outdoor at Carthage \fay 8.
·· \t County Outdoor. I ran the open
-tOO. \\ h<:>n Treached the bacbtretch.
I thought about pumping my arms
and staying v.rith Jenny Boesch,"' said
f rt'shman Kayla Jozwiak.
Recrionab in Burlington markt'd the
next step for Trojan athletes. While senior Veronika Jerikova threw wins in
shot put and discus and senior Kelli<~
Schneider captur d the 1,600. younger athletes shot for per::;onal goa6.
"Last year. I was throwing in the 50;,
for discus. My goal was to improvt> Ill)
tance. At Regionals at Burlington, T
threw over 90 feet. my personal best;·
said junior Cristine Cristiano.
Looking for a repeat State perfor- • • • •
mance. Jerikova swapped standings.
Lru,t year, Jerikova captured gol l in
the discu::; and came up inches short
in shot put, but in a twist of fate. J rikova traded crold for silvt>r and silvt>r
for gold laiming the shot put title.
'·I knew the competition for discus
was greater than !-5hot-put even though
I threw 130 feet, a good throw. \v ith a
glide throw, I won shot at State to set
my personal record for all four years
at -t3 feet. 8 inche!-5 .., said Jeriko a.
sea so
Bradford Tri.
Park Indoor
Loke Michigan
Horlick Triangular
Racine Coed.
Crusader Classic
Journal Times
Franklin Saber
Lady Spartan
SEC Coed.
County Indoor - l st
County Outdoor - l st
Conference - 6th
Regionals - 3rd
Sectionals - 7th
State - 12th
Fr. Most Points - Ri'ana Johnson
Soph. Most Points - Rocco Paliin
Jr. Most Points - Michelle Kornder
Sr. Most Points - Veronika Jerikova
Hurdle Height
Stick Switch
Rea("hing down lwr left !Pg.
junior \lichelle Kornder
clear, a hurdl<• during the
100-meter high hurdle final~ at Rt·gional-,. Kornder
Pa nwd 1hird and -,hattt'red
the ~choo l record with a
1.5.76 ar Sect ional ~, landing a -,pol <H Stat e.
Thnbling tlw baton irno
fre;,h1uan Reh'cca K<>lh ·.,
hand junior Rebecca Ga.nn
run-, thP 1hird lt•g of the 800nwtPr r<>la). \1 Rt>gional.,.
tlw relay, with junior Jt·~~irn
l [an non-Smith and fre,,hman Tri.~h Chri~tenhury,
'>l'Cllrt>d fifl h with 1:c:D.01. ·
indu·-, IO Pam goi<l ~l'tti ng
a 111 .,, 1)l · r~rn1al and ~e h oo l
irnird. frri km n launC'h1·d
tlw ~ih P r di..~c u ,., 1:30 f1 •t·t
10 indw-, to ..,11utd1
Sa nd Pit Stare
Looking ar n"~ tlw pit to
( :oat"h \ l i· li~~a l·Jli". "''J!h<>111nn· Rix-co Pnllin pai bt'~
a ft Pr jwnpin~ ;}~ fpef. 9 1/2
inr lw~ to •·am Rt•gional ,.,ilYl'r. Pallin. a tat•· <ruali fit·r
in tlw tripl1 · 1w 11p. dean·d
:) f1·1 ·t. -t in C'hP~ in the high
j11111p at tl w Journal T in w~
H1 ·lm . That t i1·d a n·rnrd
..,,.t G, LakPi..~ha Chatman
in 1999 and led tlw high
1u mp n"' l a~ to fir-.,1 plac<'.
I u111l1·\ '2nd row' \111and.1-1 "Hr!!t'Tll. Brirunna Cl.lnt•. Je ..... in1 I lurmon-~m i th, ...,._Hrn:mthu I hinnon-...,mitll.
( lw! ..,.,, '-i1rud1an. k-. ... 1n1 '.'--1cilfi. knm Bot·-.t·h. Tiari.t I lunT\ '3rd row knm t,un-. Coadt \ lt·Jb ...a
Liii ... (A~ll" h Jan'(I o· \ n21·lo. Coach l·~t·dd~ Carcia. G).!wh "'it·i~n \ kl\im. CoiH. ·h.Lind~ \\ f: ... tphuL
f..:e,·in \ ron in. t\.ut it• \\ i1~l_go ... (+rh row) Cintan• Ptbkuu-.kuite. '"'ilruh Del<.m ~ . \1 url.:it> ll ylin..... k1. Ht'llt't.Tll
C<1nn. l\ uy lu Clo ...... man. Di1anu ~nir. I .ind...t·~ \ llc·mand rfxh row l \ bby fock-on. knifrr \ ndrt·\\ ... Kdlie
~· h 111·u l1-r. ( :liri ... 111w \\ wl!!;c1... ( :n.. 1int' ( :ri .. tiano. \ lli·..on {:ar-nn. \ h·li ....a ( hlllUUt.·r 'back km la J111"\\i.t1k.
Jan·y ( A1t·n. fh•l1t·1nt " di~ t\uylt1 l·ulln. \ nonika krikont. Roc:('o Pullin. l:k1h l ..cir-1·11. {.;.lit.lyn Ct1llo.
c. . .
Putting Power
\\ i1h puller in hand and
I"!..." ,,110uldn·-\\ idth apan_
"'<'lll!lt '\o. :l Bn ·11
\ l1·tz!!<'I'
1ak ..... ain1 on 1111 · frn1rll1
!.!rt't ' fl ~ti ~t · no . . ha
( .ou1Hn
<.l11ii \111\ 1 \1(' 1/!!t'I ,,hill
a -t:2 d1<1n1" <1 qu;ulrupl1 ·~·11ior '\ n. 1 { :011nnr !~''''" '"' hi1 11111 of l>llll ·
kn 1rrn1hl1·111 m11l a .l<l. ln11
\ ar-il\ ldl f1"' ,,, n>~•·- heh ind llradfonl \\ith a 1<>:2.
FORE! Swing
1)1 ·ck1·d •llll in hi ... lih ll'
... 1ri1x•d 1!olf 1x•ln. ..,,·111or
'\o. I Connor H1·1·n·~ It'!'"
off al "rueg,·r I la~kell
Coif Cini> in 1'tw Beloit In' i1a1 ional. H, ... , ,....... 1in1 -:-<)
;h \ ar... i1~ pla"'•d "'''"'>1 1d ;II
ilw :2:2-wan1. :2.)111 annual
t'\l'lll. ~·nior '\o. :l 13n·u
\l c1z"l'I' l1·d Trojan aolf.. •r...
\\ i1 h ;~ ;}..>wr -:':la nd ~>hwcd
1hin I mrrall. ~·nior '\o. :2
(harli<' Pflug follmwd "i1 h
a -:'Ci and junior '\o ..) Cort'\ Col<L... u·in "i1 h a -:'H.
sea so 13-1·eco d
Lake Country Invite - 18th
SEC Mini #2 - l st
SEC Mini #3 - 4th
Beloit Invite - 2nd
Janesville Invite - 4th
SEC Mini #4 - 2nd
Bradford Best Ball - 7th
Kenosha County Invite - 2nd
SEC Championship - l st
Regionals - l st
Sectionals - l st
State - 7th
Captains - Connor Reeves
MVP - Connor Reeves,
Charlie Pflug, Brett Metzger
Most Improved - Charlie Pflug
Trading win:-, with rival Bradford
ov<'r th<· course of thf' '><'w;on. Trojan
,............,.....~ golft'r:-, captured the Southeast Confer<·nc<· ti.ti<' hy 11 '>troke-,. :-,coring 313.
Yar..,it ~ rode the play of s<'nior rnedali:-,t Charlie PCTug with a 2-over ?-t.
··At the SEC tournam<'nt T nailed two
birdie:-, right awa) and '>Cored :3-t on
the front nine. On the fir..,t hole T sank
ct 20-foot<'r. and on the '><'coml hole. l
landed 111~ approach inche:-, from th
hole for an easy birdif'.". !:laid Pflug.
I ,e:,s than 2-t hour:-, hf'forf'.
f<'ll by two ;;trok<-':-, to the Red Devi.i..,
on the gr<-'ern; of Bri.ghtondal<-' in the
Keno-;ha Count} Tournament. S<~nior
Brett VI etzger carded a team f.x>st ?9
de-;pit<-' nn hour long hailstorm delay.
··1 :,hot a -tO on the front nine
a -tO-foot birdie on the ninth. but T
bogeyed th e last two holes of the clay.
\\ <' lo:,t h) two.·· :-,aid Vletzger.
On fire in Regional play, -o. l senior
Connor Reeves tallied a :~under 3.'3 on
Fourth-year stars nail
fairways and greens to
place seventh at State
the front nin<-' and a 1-under 3.5 on
the hack to card a :,chool record 68.
Senior '\o. 5 Ben Johnson earned the
team·-, :-,econd lowe'it :-,core with a ?9
a:-, Varsity claimed '~ctory with a :3t:..
··[ ;;hot. a had front ni~e. but when
coach Fennema ;;aid my :-,core would
count. l pla) ed better and :-,hot a l
over on the back nine.·· said Johru,on.
Dri,~ng to State. Yar..,i.ty ;,hot :312
and :309. 20 -,hob behind champion
I Iome!-:itead. Reeve..,. in a three-way
tie for !->eventh. led the Trojan!-:i with~
fir;;t round ?l. tearing up the greeru,
with 25 and 30-foot birdie putts. I l e
carded a !-:iecond round ?5.
··I Wa!:i ;;o focu!:ied at trying to "''in at
Stat and played coru,i..<;tently. I !:iank
a long putt on the l?th that ;;aved
my game. l thought I had a chance
at winning. but the other guy had too
t>tronO' a round... ..,aid Reeve..,.
Senior scorer;, and a tal nted depth
cardf'd Varsitv ;;event h at , 'tate.
On the Fair ay
l·r rn tlw fairnm 'Pnior
o. 5 B n "hn~on takeaim at RPginnal' . .l"hn-on
cardt•d a 7 9 at h· ., Cnl\t'
Col( Liuk, \l ay 2:1. l Iin ing
I.) 'I 18 "Tt't'CT~. '('llior Cl.
1 Connor Rtfl·e,, fint-lwd
\\ith a Hel!'ional fir~t plat·r·
\ W<'l'k later at
:ct 1ou-
GOLF (front \1ck \1udl..r. \uron \\ t'llle. Jukt• \\ erth. (<111110r Heew-.
Puul Zdnno""cz (2nd row! &n Johrbon, I\ niter I\ ell-. \rck \ orwuld. Brei!
\frtz~er, Cort') Golcl,tein. Charlie Pflug. Puul Jack-on. Col') f-:ibur (3rd
row' Joe Torcn-o, Corri lliltl Ju-tin frt><l<-rick. Cn<h Griffin. \l ull Hill.
'\i<·k Bd1l. '\it.·k ~mith (backJ CollC'h Puul l--t•1111t'nu1, \~uhon) Cmt"lli. [Yun
I loffnurn. \lurk Leiting. Rilt>y 1..ipebt.•tl. \lex John .. nn. \Je, \ oun!?. Coarh
Ju111t•.., l lerbredu .. n1eier.
sends four to Individual State
F,1lling ;;hort of T!'a111 Statt' as run1wr-up. \ fini:,-.lwcl with an <'Y<'11
:-.<.'a::-;011 record..->-;). and ::-;ent four to
lncli,·idual State. \ t l\o. I ::-;ingle:-. :-.enior Chri::-; Pappt' drop1wd in the :-.econcl-round 1mHch while '\o. 2 single:-.
pla~ <.'r sopho111ore Jorch.111 11 ildehnrnclt
and l\o. l dou.hlc:-. team junior\ I ichael
1'nuuti and :-.enior l'~ric Pallin lo:-.t in
fir:-.t round matche:-..
--\\ hen pla~ ing double-,_ T only concentnlle on 111~:-.elf. h11t I congratulate
Ill) partner when he 111ake:-. a good
::-;hot. \t State against Brookfield Cent rnl he couldn't hold any ;;erves and
clouhle-faulted. 1 clicln 't get frustrntecl
hec<lll::-it' \H' ha\(' to work a:-. a l('<.1111.
\\ e went dmrn :)-6 and tlwn 2-6 in the
fir...,t rouncl·· :-.aid Pallin.
To send four incLi,-idual,.., to Statt'. the
te<1111 took :it>co1Hl<1t Sectional:-.. \t '\o.
I :-.ingle:-. Papp<' hit lo :-.econcl place.
and at 00. 1 clouhle:-. i(mruti and P,111-
in :-.nwslwd H ,..,ecor1d. I11 '\o. 2 :-.ingk:-.
11 ildehnmdt pl<ict'd fi r,..,1.
.. \\ ith m~ experience. l felt prett~
conficlt>nt of qun Ii fy ing for a fourth
trip to Stntt'. T 'rnn 111~ fir,..,1 Sectional
match owr Ca:-.(' (}->3. (}-:2. \t Stnte
then. I lo:-.t -t-6. ;)..()
round to \latt i(l<'gg from Stewn:-.
Point. who T pla~· t'd thert' a:-. a ::-;ophomore. l had \YOLl Ill\ first nwtch ovt>r
1':m1 Claire (>-2. (}--t. ·· -,nid Papp<'Placing in fi\(' of the "<'Y('n flighh
<ll ConferetH't'. \\ rwtted a third.
\s team leader,.,. l\o. I and 2 singles
Pappt> and 11 ilcl(•lmrndt placed third.
·· \...,a baseline pla~ <'rt hat will crnrn'
to the llt't. I tr~ to hit ch·p. I forc'('C
my opponent hack. I lo:-.t -t-6 and :3-6.
hut l never lo:it focu,..,. ·· ,.,aid f re:-.hman
'\o. -+ single,.; Toma:-. Golcl-,mith.
Fo11r to State of 11 and :-.econcl at Sect ionnl:-. off('r('cl a ,..,trong('r
fi 11 i:-.h than the ;-}-;) record.
Follow Through
lkhiml tlw "''"in· line·.
'opl11J111on· Dil\ ul Godin
'" ing.. hi, n11·qw·t "hile
'l'f\ ing at I ,o('kwoo<l Park
ugain ..'i Park Panther .
o ;{ (;<Kli11 and fre~hman
Th, Hll<h Co!.L.. 111itl1 d,.frat"" Park (>-1. <>-0 \ 1a~ -t.
Quick Re urn
] _, eing the '"n 1•r. .. opho111ore \la11 T11lwf amicipatl'' tlw ...,pn" to begin a
ralh lwl1111d th l><ht·li1w
at lirn111• 111 t hl' 1 rojan/P<tl1111'11 'j IHll'll<llllt 'lll. \\ ith a
fifth plm'<' fi11i~h for :\o. :.Z
doulil1·, Tit hof and ,ophn11111n' Brian Boi' in. \ ar,it\
dni11wd fifth mt·nill at ii
poinh ai11011g I() tt 'a 111' .
11 '\ "'"'
\ \ ll'il'n
front ( "" h ( luuk \\ 1·1w.
l),1\1d Culi11. \111-ht·al l\.ruuu i 2nd rou) I .rn- \ .. hl1·~
JonL111 I lil·~·bran•h \\ ah1·rCLL-.... ·10111a-.C.uH.11111li
1.lackl-...1t·\1· \l11h1·r \1a11 l uh11r, (Im-. Pa11.11 B1i.. 111
Boi\111. \11,h \ .. It~-~
j\ Tl·'\'\(-..,: front /.;wlil.11:.?l111Hlllf·nl3.-uall1·.Ju.. 1111~111\\d\.J;1d, la(~t, . Jt.....-..4 . (lnl.
Co:h LuH~., . krHll\ ~11~·\\allT (2nd row) l\.1·\111 l\.1•~ ·rnL (A111 Pn1111.11w11n·. lki;111
~·.,d~; •. 11~·1. l>;111id•. '\1·111.i.uwr. P1·1c· h~·lcl-.. '-1111 110.!wL-.1111. Bna11 ~irkq!aanl (Itri ...
Banoli (back ( :0;1d1 \!;111' 11·\\ H1110. l)i·\011 \rn .... 1m11;.t. C;t\111 J;wk-.1111. JonL111 ~11·11 ...
2;.ml \tutlw\\ ~lllll'("ik . J1111ad1:.i11 Pnt·ira. I lo\\ ;trtl \l\\anh . ( A,.1d1 J;wkw \ al1Ti
a1wi11 ... 1
\lilton al , ct1onub, .,,._
nior "\o. 1 ... in!;lt"o Chnb
P11p1w "in... ()-:t ()-2 in tlw
fir ... t rnatclt. \t tfw Trojnn/Palnwn Irn it<'. Pap['<'
ow·q" l\Wred hi ... fir ... 1 rlin·•·
To ..,pnp
<>pjHHWllh to pl~we ..,•·coml
ln... ing <mh in tlu- chH111p1011,;hip ;natch
l-6. :2·(>
again:;t Ket ii<' \lorain ·.
Ra quet Reach
\oil ~ ing tire ball fm111
d(•t•p. jurnor •"t•·H· \loltN
~<·ort. at the Ikawr Da111
lmi11·. \t
I d1111hlt.,,.
\ loltt·r w1d p1111or \\ nlwr
f11t111 h going
1-:2. \\ ith 19 poi111,;, \ ar,il)
tool- a lt'Hlll frn1r1h .
Clas~ placf'd
Eau Claire
Trojan/Palmen invite .. 5th
Neenah Super Quad .. 4th
Conference .. 3rd
Sectionals .. 2nd
State .. 3rd
Captains .. Jordan Hildebrandt,
Chris Poppe
MVP· Chris Poppe
Most Improved · Daivid Godin
Coach Award - Matt Tithof
Most Dedicated 8r Mentally
Tough - Jordan Hildebrandt
. ilig 7
trike Thr e
an forcefu~ junior
'.rah Frenner
hurl~ a low-outbide i:,trike
against Ca~e i\lay 16 in a
-t-2 win. Ending the "ea.son
with a 2.20 ERr\ , Frenner
,;t retched her btrikeout:; to
-1.:3 a,; ::;he led the team's
pitching. Her 2.9-t batting
a\·erage uouLled her value
on both side:> of the plate.
Bow and Arro
Glove pointc'd. junior ~hort
:;top Sam ntha Peloquin
aims for fir" t ba, man
iumor Vlonica ]orn•s during an away game against
Bradford April -t. Defeated
1--t, Varsity ,;truggled on offen,;ive and grounded ont
11. While the Red Devi)
defense committed just one
error, Trojans faced two.
VARSITY SOFTBALL: (front) Stephanie Oatsval~ AohLlee Arreguin, l'\icole
Velez. /\lyson Manthei, K a telyn Gonnan, Kelli l'\iccolai, Sam Peloquin, Sa ra h
Frenner, Brinnei· Jasper (back} Jaymee Boslau, Carrie Lee, Monica Jone;, Coac h
Doug Towru.end, Lindsey Kmiec, Laura Milkie, Laura \ol cDona ld.
JV SOFTBA.LL: (front} Sara h IX ork nwn, ·lma nda Bruno. Emily Klop·
htein, \olcgan Ropp. Larren l lildret h (back) Coach I lo ll ) Gra f, \1 e lioba
\X 'eddel, Alissa \lt ogen.i.,en, Samantha Stapehon. Brianna Tob.otlsky.
;\icole Bingham. Sa ra h ll endrix. Coach \ili chelle Ruggles.
FRESl I\1 El\ SOF113 I LL (front) Stephunie Lip1w11. lh,
\\righ t. \1ada lynn ~1rze l1?cki (2nd ro,v) F1uil) \\ a lf(:. S.~~r-~:/
Sd1ofro, Ko1hrenia Trimmer. Kris1c11 \\ rig h1 . Brittan) P~
Arnanda Spaay (back) C.oach 111urk Sd1en k. I ra) el Cuaro'"'"
Kir~1c n Berge r, Kel:-.ey \.1 icke l-;Pn, Pa lo ma T rygar. Sarah [ l ulu~.
Chri" l Leac h.
Crazed farn; watched th higgest
game of th e ~ ear erupt at the May 23
Regional game again-;t Central. With
th e game knot te Lin th e seventh, Va rsity scored a go-ahead run in the top
of th e 10th to win 10-9. fTeavy hitt r
icole Velez, .-!:63, added two home
runs, one in the fifth to lead 5--1:.
·The victory over Cent ral was thrilling because they were the number
one seed, and we were th underdogs
in the game. seeded "eventh."' said ju. nior Monica Jones, whose sacrifice Oy
scored the winning run .
. Outscoring opponents 11 +96, Va r..=.e · ,..~ sity packed offensive power and won
_ ,,~,,.....,,...,•,._., ~. ... .~ a -t-1 mid-season victory over Wauwa.t
tosa East a t the Ceda rburg Invite. Se...,,~""""'" '~...~~ ~,; '•. nior Capta in Aly Manthei drive into
-· ··
:.. left field a two-RBT triple.
ft er being in a long slump, hitting
· ~ a n RBT triple against Tosa East add' :'~~~.~~_fii_.~ ed t \VO runs. That gave me the con fi7
'i-..!f~d~e~nce that 1 need to hit well the rest
the right foot,"' said McDonald.
Bowing out in the Regional finals 2-3,
Va rsity rallied in the ,,ixt:h with sophomore ·ikki Bingham 's double, junior
Sam P eloquin\ single and Velez's
RBT-single. They then left three
stranded on ba-;e as thre struck out.
Burlington retired the last hitters in order. They tallied a sea"ion 7 homeruns,
all by Velez, 9 triples a nd 2-t: doubles,
a nd the freshman-sophomore domina ted Va rsit) split a 7-6 SEC record
and an overall record 11-11.
Pop and Fir
un t he ball t the pitcher in s pi1 e of a n injur d ankl<' junior <>ta rting catcher
Lin(b<') Kmiec po[ up to
:,,ta ll two runnen,. l p 1 in
the bo tt om of th beventh1
~o phor 11ore bCcond b&ema n KPlli .\iccolai caught a
for the fir-,t OU1 and then
fi~!'d ho11 w ro the catch t
who put out t hl' rumwr
a tte mpting to ~co re . \\ ith
two o uh a nd two runn r:-.
o n ba,,l'. Burlington rh n
hit a thrP\'-run ho me r dee p
into left-fidd to :oqueeze out
the win -t-:3 \pril 27.
sea on record
~-r "T TH
tourn men
County Challa nge - 4th
Cedarburg nvita 'onal - 3rd
Conference - 6th
awar s
Captains - Nico Velez.
Ally Manthai, Sam Peloquin,
Lindsey Kimec
Defensive MVP - Sam Pel u·n
Offensive MVP - Nicole Velez
Most Improved - Laura McDonald
11 0 % • Kelli Niccolai
Spirit Award - Sarah Frenner
Player of the Yea r - Nicole Velez
Coaches Award - Sarah Frenner
and Lindsey Kmiec
Firs -seeded Trojans face Regional
de at from fourth-seeded Horlick
halt pitching streak to State bid
In s ight of Sta te, first-;,eeded Va r;;it)
fell s hort as R egio na l victory slipped
away ven;us l forlick 0-2 . Prior to R egion al -. T rojans dominated in a 1-1:-7
season . They beat Cru;e 12-2 in five innings pril 5. Sophom ore third basema n Andy \1aki '>'·ent 2-for-:3 with a
two-run double in the third a nd a bases-loaded ;,ingle in the fourth.
'·We lo;;t it in one inning, and they
t ook advantage of it. Their o ne solid hit
wa;, the gam e breaker;· said Maki .
For the third year, Trojans played in
the \1ilwauk e Brewers Tligh S hool
Ba;,eball , ries at Miller P a rk ~ av 9
against Tl orlick . The two, tied for fi.rst.
duked it out 9--t . Junior a tt Giane;;elli
s mas hed a triple in the 6th inning.
'·It wru; my second time at the plate,
a nd l was 2-for-2 before th e curve ba ll,
whi ch I hit for a triple. Tht> aanw gave
us Confe rt> nct> title, ·· said G ian eselli .
Pitching pru;t Bradford on May -t.
Watchful Eye
.\ wHit ing a change-up pit cit
front j11nior :\ick Rw1·.
j11r11or m1d1er Eri Fl!!t'r
"tav ~ low. wa1ching dw
call again~ l Rucin1• (:,,..,,.on
\pril 3. Rici· recorded fi,·1·
..,, rikeout" 1L-, El,gi·r-, dro\'t'
in lwo RBfs. Trojan-, dc·fl'all'd llw I .a!!l1·-. 1:2-1.
Bashing Through
Pu.., hing to the pl u1c>. junior fiNt IJ<L"'ma n \ ndn•w
()11ella ,,Ja m-, in1 0 I lmlick
1·a1clwr al \liller ParJ.. . The
'ictory runk Pd liw Trojarb
a.1 in the SJ·:C.
junior \ ndrt>w P a ula u;,ka;; threw 69
;,trikes of 10:3. 111 additi on to P a ula ushi;, "::; h ot hancl junior R oss Conwell
collect ed three of his tearn·s four hits
a nd drove in a ll three runs on a twornn singlt' in th e first inning nnd a
;,ing le in th e third.
·· [n th e bott om of the fiftk the re
were runne rs on ~wcond and third with
o ne out . The eighth I att er popped out
to cent e r. a nd T st ruc k out the ninth
to end tht> inning .. , ;,aid Pa ulau:-; ka».
t R egionals, Trojans faced a foe
seeking revenge. ,\fter a defeat a t \!fille r. fourt h-;,eeded l Torlick bla nked \' ar;, it) in a 2-0 one-hitt er . Ra nked ;;ixth
in Stat e. Troja ns ;,trandt>d seven.
--\\ e knew we we re the better team
going into the game, hl1t tha t 's the
h <':-> l thing a bout bast'ha ll. Any team
can ~vin any gn nw. Our ha h ca me up
colcl a nd their pit che r threw a g rt>at
game, ·· said Conwell.
Successful Slide
Dmrn and clir1\. fre~h
rrran \like Short ~licb into
horrw plat1· during tlw ,,ixth
inning again~t I lorlick at
\lilh Park S1adi11 111 on
Mm 9. Tlw cen1cr fielckr
~rn~ecl a run off a double
a~ Trojan~ 9--t rallied in a
::.e, en-run ::.ixth inning.
West Geauga
Westosha Central
Wisconsin Lutheran 1
Conference - 1st
Regionals - 2nd
Captains - Eric Elger, Drew Roberts
Most Improved - Matt Gianeselli.
Dan Krueger
Glue - Nick Lingvay
Nail - Eric Elger
Running Free
elebraring hi;, nm. ~opho
more ::.hort~rop :\iek Ling,·ay pa~~e~ home plate at
\Liller Park on \[ay 9. The
bor::. tallied fiYe hit~. three
walb and three ~rolen
b&e~. Lingvay receiYed .\ UQmferenc Second Team.
\U-Counn> Fir-,,t Team and
\U-Dbtricr Honorable \Cenrion a:, an infielder. Ling\'ay
hit .3-t8 on 1he ::.ea:,on.
\ \Rf.In· B \SEB ILL: (fronr) \1u11 Cian.,.,,lli. Eric Elgt•r. \like f.hnrt{2nd row) nd)
\lak1. Ho,..... Conwdl. Hyon Piwoui. DlHl Knieger. "ick Lin~-uy(hack Drt\\ Robt.•n-.. "\irk
Rice. C.>ach Rund) I loowr. C'.iach John \Int era. Coach Jack \lu,,ha. \nclrew Quella. \ndn:'\\ P,111lan~ku ...
Instated into a new school, 678 freshman joined 1731 high school pros who
shifted to pack 2409. With 51 clubs influencing membership at the Activity
Fair, students adjusted to new principal
Ed Kupka's group goals. The fresh Ad.....i:ninistration en couraged every student
4~ join at least one club.
In a change of hands, Assistant Principals Sue Savaglio-Jarvis and Jody Bloyer
replaced Kupka as Student Government
advisers. To inspire hallway clean Ii ness,
Student Services set up Adopt-A-Hallway. In kind, Community Relation 's Blood
Drive dripped in 521 pints March 9.
With best interests in mind, DECA raised
$3,300 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association with Battle of the Bands on
Nov. 11 . FBLA sent 15 members to State
in Green Bay April 6-8 and celebrated a
second and a third place.
Shifting states, Sign Club bused 763
miles to Washington D.C. April 16-23.
32 student signers visited Gallaudet
University for the Deaf to get the inside
scoop with a school tour and to enjoy a
signed rendition of Shakespeare's comedy "Much Ado About Nothing."
g "Burn the Witch, " junior Ian
arson rocks on stage at the first Dem
Jam hosted by Kenosha Democratic
Youth Action March 11 . Three bands,
Ahmed and Co., Metal Dreams and
Vi xx, played. Guest speaker Senator Bob
Wirch promoted the Grass Roots Theory
and denounced Wal-Mart. Young Dems
surfaced as the only new organization.
in the works
Kirn Chatto
Stefanie Dulak
Kurt Go~~el in
Airu,ley Mc "f ~ t er
Sean M cM ~ter
ean McMas ter
Brye lmer
\il egan Anclro~c hk o
"fatt Bee m~ t erboe r
Cfilii Butt~
D na D 1 n ~ k
Shocked, violi t es ica AuBuchon,
center, and vio linists Rebecca Gann and
Britney Hartnell, all juniors, jump back
as a Sea World dolphin emerges searching for free fish. During winter break, 36
Golden Strings musicians travelled 26
hours by coach bus to perform at Sea
World, Hammock Beach and lsleworth
Country Club in Florida Dec. 25-31.
+-with Tyrolean hats on head, juniors
George Becker, Ozan Kalan and Brent
Deutscher grill brats for German Club's
fund raiser that piled up $800. They also
sold potato salad made by Frau Jammie
Orth, kraut and authentic apple strudel.
Reclining as Sir Toby Belch, sophomore Troy Leonard acts in William
Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night or What
You Will." 17 cast and 24 crew entertained audiences March 10-11 and 1618 under Director J.D. Fountain Ill.
in the
m the inside
to shift
ting th rush of
dures, programs
re mped auditorium,
· GDvernment adjusted
to changeb within.
""Government Operations
raised enough money to begin
renovating the auditorium,
and we finall) got the referenclum to pasb·· said senior GO
VP Rocky Ridolfi.
A new look for GoYernment's
\1onday meeting bpot replaced
orange cushions with blue at
, '-l?,000, and the blue curtain
cor,t 6,000. Those mirrored
other chanaes. Adviber roles
passed to Asst. Principals
Sue Savaglio-Jarvis and Jody
Bloyer. and eight committees
·trove to pobitively affect stud nts with added activities.
'· tud nt ervices was r ally excited to start Adopt-AHallway at the start of second
semester. It was a great way
to teach responsibility for the
school environment while having fun at the sam time,
said junior Amanda Faint.
Commitment to the community demanded 15 service
hours, required committee work
and 10 blood donor sign-ups.
'"'\![y committee was hesitant
to h~lp at first , but I could
rely on them to come together
when they were really needed.
Once they were \\~Hing to h lp,
tho ·e members committed to
getting our service projects
done,., said senior Community Relations VP Joel Jahnke.
new '·two strikes·' method
for dealing with members who
failed to meet r quirements
and several cancelled spring
events challenged leadership
to reach government goals.
~any of the changes were enacted from the top
without full member consideration ; thus, I submitted a three-page document in hopes of promoting a
Student Government democracy." -sr. Kurt Gosselin
GOVER. M&'\T OPERATIO'\S, 'front) \11dw<1 """~ho. \luhada (.,,dli.
Dwu-t h1h1111. 'l 1111 Dnrr. ~;1111 1lani.. '2nd mv,,) \1arizza \1a11i1wz. l'ati•· Pm
,1ri11111· 1 nu·\ l..;tr...1·11. \l11ru:.1
H1·1JIL'l I ..a1m·11 P1·11·N1n. \11·zar1 J•1l111~111 '.ld
row) \l;ilt liill. l·Ji.zal11·1l1 lltll. \111\ (.hn-.1,11111. l\:,\1· !-.._tc-.t1·r. ( hri ... 1' 1..carh.
Do1uinic H11l11lfi. l-.:1+-.1·\ \tickd ...1·11 (beck,1 ( :liad Jol111.. 011 Paul ~1wk1·\ \
------------------------ ---------------------\Wllill · . · oiu,,W.lloJ.:R
FRESHMEN TRANSITION: (front) Sarah Vla,mmardi. Colette Ca,,cio. Gina Chrl,renbur) .
'\ichelle Brunner. ~manda Brun_,, Lianne O''-eal (2nd row) Vlichelle Korntl•'r. Sarah I lendri<. Sarah Hogen. Vl ork1e llyLln>ki. Koitli n Brundj. \ , hlei Corleron. Pa mela Regalado
(3rd row) Krl.,1ina Gunorn1..,en, Dan Pra ti , Emily Burden. An1ber Sima, Dave Beck, Kri:,ti
Laureiw i, \1egan Steinmeiz (back) \malia Pc,h~ Logan I leyden. Luke \1ich. Andrew R<"·
idenbach. :\le~ Socha. Hyan Koe-.-.l. Briun Schoett ler. \ .,h\f't" \\ ermeling.
1 V~' d ?J!~~£.J
Student Government
· LLh°""----~~-~
COMMUNITY RELATIO : (front) Cora Pratt. Dww Denbke, \lelinda Dreger. Samnnr ha lleck·
er. Linlliey Cn<M..: kart. hhley Ewt>n.... , \laria Santt·lli. Tm lor .\e\\1011 (2nd row) Sara \uh . Lauren
\1 ogen~n'_ I lannuh Pier-,on: Kwie David JuliP Cru\\forcl. Luke l..o B<·llt\ \ i.,hley \11.orgun. \leJi.,..;a
Sobln., Kri:,1011 \ lurtin (3rd row) Kuitit~ Cro11u1cki, Annu Kirchner, \bignil Lucke~\ une-..,u &>ck
Pr. Kylie Breiling, \bigail Stcn-n.-., Brill Dulak. \111und.u Lindqui:-it (back) J~ica AuBurhon., Oi"-'
Kwimkow•.,ki. Joel Jahnke Jr .. Chri_., Kreager. EriC' Griffi1h...... \nclrt'u Gullo. \111y RiC"Cllrdi.
1cvusing energy
•pump up an <"1:cited
c rowd at the I lomecorning
gw 1w, ">enior VP \1att ~~gg
ert bOuncb a bright rt>d ">pirit horn. ·Truman ddinPd
lPader::.hip a.-, the abili11
to get men to do what yo~1
want them to do and likf' it.
That wa:, the harde,,t: gt>tting e1·el') Ont' inmlwd and
in.-,piri~ them to be happ)
to lwlp, .,aid ~
1.~ining reality
On·r .97 ">tud1·m~ including
::.ophomore Brandon KoP<'"k) umkP ilw in11x"'~il>l1 ·
1.>0::..,ihle cb a gentle "umrncr rain in the auditorium
turn..., into a raging tl1unckr..,rorm of hand-clapping.
Government lPPrb followt>d
S1wrial Educ al ion reaclwr
\Ian Beauli<'ll in Divt' Circle Training during
founh hour '\m . 1.S .
.... '""~=,.
giv n after fir:;t quarter
...... -.,,; .'-).
members start d the year
ACADEMIC AFFAIR : (fronc, B<"thanil' I luu-< h. Kell) \\ q>kma. "'"funw
Dulak. knm Evan:-. Tnn·n TI1oma.... \lt'xan<lm ~·hoeck-r 12nd row! \lexi.-,
Long. Jarlyr~ Y t>Uf). Jurnh Lurquin. Bryer l lnwr. Cry:-.rnl ~tuker (back Bnmu.1 Tulbert. \inhlt') \k\la.. ter. J...un eo.,...elin. St~un \k\l u--tt·r. \l ego n \re ndt. \llOOn \k\ln.-.t e r.
SPECIAL EVEl'>'TS: (fronc) Ka) 1,... S1efmbki, Emily \lthoff. Day nu Jone-. ~-hley Bli,e. Kiml»rl) Cha110. Jenny !3o<·-d1 (2nd row) Jo•nn1 K""'· Jach n Jen.-en. Dm-id \older, Ht•Jx,·e.1 Prei·
btrg. Kini\\ orce-,ter. \i1egun \1 ahone), Ji1lit' Zarle11i (3rd row) Sarah Di:bzczuk . -\Ii Broern1an.
Chri.,1inc \\ ielgoe.... Katie \1ahone~ . Kaylyn G:·rth. \hnu·d Kolt_t('t'k, Kutie BJ"Of'rman (baclc)
Con·y Do111l'. Anthony Pup1x·11ru .... Tylt'r \1itt·hf'll. T1rn .... D11l·our. ~1q1hunie Bal.:ulu, \my Ger-
lach, Keloe) Bjorn...on.
r1u m piets up
- ---==;a..\ dcllng fa nfa re to the nwdi,.......__..--,,·,..I armo ph re, fre::.hmen
rad Eggert a nd Jake \\ iele
pla y an int ro<lucrory oong
on H e nai::;~a nce crumpets
~fol e gue"h fea::.r on a n
, • •,..._...,.....,• .i hr-cour::.e meal.
phlli.i.\il~. .
at ering prm~ded enough
ye fowle roa~ t e a nd fiagy
pudding to feed hunclrecb
of gue"t" for four nights.
I la ni.6 cla,.,ped a nd dre,.,,.,t>d
in mediernl ga rb. ~e ni o r
inge1b \manda J ohn.~ro n
a nd Drew Hoberh ~er
enadt> gut>,., ts '"it h •· t lere
\\ e Come \ \\ a ,.,,.,u iling·'
Dec. 16. & ,,icb practicing 120 h o ur~, 37 Singers
rehear::.ed 20 hour,., to ,.,ina
\ in 1ldi' ,., ~G lor i a .. \Yit h the
Krna:,ha S) mphon) & '. 10.
he best part of Feaste was fighting over water,
and it was fun wearing the weird Renaissance costumes that created atmosphere. We alternated
nights with Bradford to play holiday pieces that
most people recognized, like 'What Child Is This'
and 'We Three Kings."' -sr. violinist Crystal Staker
'The most memorable mom nts of Feaste
were singing the diffi uh and beautiful songs
like · ng lus Ad Pastores it" and Tritt Auf. '
P rforming the s ng 'B lle Qui Tiens Ma Vie·
was amazing because we marched up the aisle
dly nd kiss d at th end.''
1:1'.'1_~"----s-r-.-e~li-se~ru_s_s_e~ll4 .-.:
y ght, Madn
trans forn1ed
· to costumed medieval ensembles. During four nights
of the 31st annual Ye Olde
Englishe Christmasse Feaste,
the cafeteria morphed into a
medieval castle for 37 Singers,
eight Brass, six Recorders, six
Strings, and one Virginal.
'The Feaste came and went
in a heart beat. One moment
we were practicing 'Tritt Auf,'
the next we were singing 'Silent Tight' to close the final
show," said junior Bob West.
Rehearsal for the production
began months earlier. Madrigal Singers blended six hours
a week starting in September
and attended a weekend retreat Nov. 10-11 at Grand Geneva resort in Lake Geneva.
'·Retreat allowed us to bond
in ways that practicing in a
BRASS ENSEMBLE: (fronti Ryan °''1er, Emily De,eife. Ja ke
\\ iele, Brad Eggert (back) Jared F r<hl , Devon A m ~t rnng, \ hm Eggert, Da n \ll ei nharch.
SIRING CONSORT: (front Ele ne Leicllei n, Emil) II hitlock. Chrc,.ina Carcia (beck Dana Staoden, Kathleen :\oning hom, Dylan Riley.
choir room did not. We went
swimming in thf' water park.
ate gro::;s food from the caf'
and spent a lot of time together with more than 15 hours
of singing in practice room::> .,
said senior Sarah Pallin
Under Director John hoi,
eight band students rehearsed
weekly for Brass Ensemble.
·'M r. Choi put down rules,
and it was always Ryan Dwyer who broke them a nd
spoke out of turn. H e drove
Mr. Choi crazy, but he was
hilarious for us," said senior
tuba player Dan Meinhardt.
After hundreds of hours of
practice for songs like the
Recorders' ··P avanne,., musicians celebrated four shows
before reverting to modernday challenges of school life.
RECORDERS: (front) Julia \1 cPheNOn.
Sconzert , Brandi
Dion i~io
(oock) \1ichelle Scomert . .'.ancy lleyer,
Danielle Sowden.
Brian Schoet-
~ath9in jest
c-Shocifing tlw ~urroundincr
je;,ter,,, ~enior E llen Dietrich rabe:> her arm and
leg,, after falling in the imitation Fencer ,,k it. The l&t
two eYening,, of \ ladrigal
Fe&te, ,,even Je,,ren, ~hout
ec~ ..Bread. bread. bread
make~ the je>oter grow!~ in
mocker' of the Fencer<
--Bl()()(L .bl~ b l()()(! make,,
the green gra,,,, grow.~
cha \h C..•mz.
(;,,_ K ri-tm I\ ali;.<oru.
DRAMA PL.A YER : (front) Kira II ultrr-. Eli_.,.,,, Richurrcl--011 (back) Tiler
\litchell. \loll) Rin·ra. "\ick "\ebon.
Cebte \1ordini. 'vlutthe" [.o,etro. Lisa EclwurcL, (back) \1 ichael Gill. Jordan \loddes.
"When we start~Cl P.ractice, we only h ad
three dancers, so v;e had trouble g tting
group practi aG<!:ornplished. l\'o ::iooner
did we find a fo~h member than a fifth
member signed up, so if one of us couldn't
make it to practice, th r was an extra
~-r-p_l_a-ce_._·'~--,--~--.-...,..--~~ 1 /
~J_ '--'
ffi'"\.,.CER : (front) \llegan \\ .if' Ryann \\ ohlge-nuuh. JD Founwin Il l. l-,a Fritz,
Om.-ta HttlJ<'t17er (2nd row) Kate!) 11 I lan,t.-nL Chri-topher H-t. \1erc--a Swert... )IL Yvette'
S.·ben (3rd row)C,1rl,;.1 \laek. Kim D<t\ld--011. \1ike EL.. 1. Jo-huu ~\\»11.--0tl. Lmna Zonl. Alexc,
I ~mg (back) \1egu11 \rench. \da111 Cu111plx·IL \11dre" II alb. \ 11drPw Schulz!'. Keidi Fritz
-sr. dana fulton
Is the practice for f easte too
overwhelming or challenging?
~~~ n~~~~_._._
PACES & WE!\CHES: (front} HtJ~·n Prieto. Katelin Lauzo1l. E1111li Elmblad "\icole \1urph).
Suruh \la-tronanL (2ndrow)Jenifrr \ndrew... Subnna FurlonL Beeb Lang, \ll'"' \1un)'nillk,
\luuret•n \lac Crea<~ (3rd row) \fo11 Lmcl, ~""''''° &.,·ker. ~llc-.on \1c\la...irr, II hunei Cook'"'" [hzabrth I'< enneling. Ch.-bty Leath. \frharl ~ck· (back) Jame, Lurquirt Hoben Schmidkonz. \latt 8ee11L-terboer, Jo,.h \lat ..on. Jordan Sten.-.gard T roi Lronard Cody \1iller.
'"B caus I play both viola m Gold n
trings and head fencer m Madrigal
Feaste, I missed several Golden Strings
shows during the week of Feaste, including
two performances at Butterfield Country
Club Dec. 1 and 17 and one at Ivanho
Country Club D c. 15 ...,
Bits, trips and tricks played
for laugh-; and created a ten:,ion-free Feaste Dec. 15-18.
Jesters joked in Grand Geneva
Re:,ort's workout room at the
"ov. 10-1 1 Madrigal retreat
where mirrors allowed critiques of the --Twelw Days ..
dance. On break seven je:,ter:,
and three advisers soaked up
humor, jester therapy.
"We :,hared our worst for
20 minutes at jester therapy.
Whilt> all our momenh \Vere a
relative or pet cleat h. IT senior Ben Follensbee told w; he
forgot Pantene Pro-V for color
treated hair:· said sophomore
j stn Katie Wood.
With dres!:i rehear,,al on Dec.
12. paae::, an Lwenche-, did not
pra tice. They gathered in the
cafeteria only to sign pink half
slips to as::,ign tables.
"Prin e s Bride .. a, a ::, ript
model inspired four female
lead-, of five for fencers.
.. A,, Prince'>s Humperdink.
I fought Prince"" Buttercup.
lexis Long. During the fight
I flip her. but the fa..,t ft>w trie:,
failed. We landed it finally and
were so exc ited,"' :,aid ::,enior
captain fencer Y1egan \ rendt.
Fencing toaether four years,
even workina together ·with
Bradford and ITA i ed the
figgy pudding.
illowing beverage
~\.., [itt t>rlx·an·r-. 11urucl1· in
tht-' ai,,le. -,ophomnre-. Celt>-.[(' \[orclini and \l anht'\\
Lon·tro deliHT wu-.-.ail to
thir-.t) guhh. Due tn a
nt'\\ \\all in tlw rnfeu·ria.
the proce... -.ion e-.,;ited left of
rlw Kin ~ and QutTn ·.., 1ablt'
to arnid the Singn-.· tahlt'.
in ft•ar of th!'
great ogre. ju-.t a \\·in<lmill.
... enior,., T, lt•r
\ litchell.
Eli ... -.a Hich~1rcl-.on and junior l\lollv RiH'ra act out
a -.cene f;om ·The \Ian of
La \lancha.- \ .., a drama
fir-.t in nine ypar-.. the renminute ..,kit· ft•atun·cl rwo
:,ong,., from the play r ....
VARSITY CHEERLEADERS, front 1-""""' o·'\,•al. i.:,·Ih \1011rn~"'" "arah
l·n·nrlt'r .'2nd Row/Cori ......._, H<timondi. '\ H:olt• Comer, \lli·-on i larn-.. Jt,ilic • Hog-1-r....
Karit' Bori .... Bri11a11y Zih.. ch (back_i \11 1) !-.wen .... J....ri-.11.1 l\ 11nbl1. ll1·hc•cTa Hhod1·-..
Brook1• HemU1·r. \fruan l ...tYaiwk
FRESHMEN CHEERLEADERS, (front) Mdi"a Barne,, Addi"m KdIL·~· (2nd row) RKh.1cl \\.1:-,:ti:rmi:ycr, K.uhrcni,l Trimmer, Che\,l'.1 Str.1ch:rn, Tyler White (back) Kri!'itl·n \''(right, hnily ~yqui'it, Kcl.,L'y S;1tta,
K. le Cox, '>tcph.mic Albrecht.
~ To work the ~tag<\ ~enior
Diana \\ oiler t·omr~tt·~
at \1r. and \b. Trc m1~r
in her CindPrella ~kit \\~th
"'~tep ~i.~ter - '\icole \\ nuk .
{4f'heer camp
Lean ing backwanb, fre~h
man Kel~ey Satter
· to
a ba<'k hancl~ pri
a~ ~ophomore AIi
aert ~potb at the camp.
Dazzling divas battle butterflie ·
to come out among top comp titor ·
parkling Spirit
Anxiously anticipating their
tur n'> on the mat, varsity a nd
JV cheerleaders hyped ~p the
row<l at Madison Badger
Champioru,hip to win second.
Earlier 3.5 hee rleader;,, com~ted in H oliday Spirit, the
~VA CPC , tate Qualifier a nd
th e , 'tate Championship competitions placino- i:ieventh.
..Ri o-ht before th y announced awards, the teams danced
a nd mei:ii:ied around. One time
we eYen had a train going,.,
said sophomore Becki Lang.
At South ai:itern R giona ls a
three-minute routine featured
an elite stunt sequence where
a heel ·tretch moved into an
arabesque. They earned third.
"Our transitions between
stunt;,, were qui k whi h
, ~!1~0----r::..-~
·srl elly montague
T o raise ;;pirit throug hout the uudic n<'e at Badge r
C:hampion,hips. the \ a rsit\ dwcrkaders form a I leel
St reteh Pyramid to caprure
st'('Olld place.
in the ir foohleps, the J\'
t'heerleadt•rs dwe red to
sern ncl place and the freshmen t('aJll flt'\\ high "ith
their first place fini;;h.
Poms fl a~ hing, freshman
Ry en £Tutson a nd be nior
'\icole \\ nuk alona "ith
other Troja nert e,, dan ' ' to
a rock mi'< tha t they comp<'ted in the Hartfor(I Ene rg izer Competition and the
India n lnYite. For l\a tiona h; a r ·avy Pier, the dance
team with · four senior,, pt' rformed ''Grillz ."
proved to the judges the i:itrengt h
we had in our moves ... said junior Julie Rogers.
T rojanen e l eepovers at senior
·icole \\ nuk·b house strengthened the l:xmdi:i in their 12-girl
team 'i:i relationship.
"For good luck w all gather in
a circle, our arms around each
other, jump around and shout.
'T rojanetteb kick butt!..' ·aid senior AHyson Edmark.
Dance routinei:i uch as '·Lose
Control,'' cornbin d hip-hop with
a fast tempo r suhino- in '·awesome" dance moves as freshman
Emily Elmblad de;,,cribed.
Letting their inner sparkle
shine through, thei:ie i:ipunky
girls upheld an nero- tic pmt
that turned a dance routine or
i:itunt into something dazzling.
T o ·tudy or not to study? Aca demi competitors h ose to
tackle over 1.-0 rest;; out side
of sc hool para meters. L imited
preparation did not hinder
these a thletes in co mpetition .
--\\ ith busy sch edub it was
difficult fo~· Math T eam to
practice. \\hen we we nt to
\1ilwa ukee School of Engin ring. our team was one
IX'rson sh ort , putting us a t a
disadYa nt age. but three of Uti
scored 20. a team second,"
said ;;enior Kurt G-Osselin.
In a second round for \ cad rnic Decathlon , each dt>livered both a prepa red s1>eech
as well ru:, an impromptu.
They placed 11th in the 72sch ool R egiona l.
··Prep aring for m y fem a le circum cision spe ch was nearly
imposs ible. i\ly only prac tice
wa · in a ha ll full of people .. ,
.,,aid 'nior K a rin Be rgquist.
n .tn e hotseat
On-the-spot speech delivery
etch ed mem ories for those
who shined under the press ure;; of competitio n.
"·\1) m os t mem o rable moment in th e com1X'titio n wa;;
my impromptu speech o n the
CRAP m ethod. Consi ·ten cy,
R epetition , .\lignrnent and
P rox imity, which is b a;;ic in
graphic des ia n, '' said ;;enior
decathlete Bry e l lrner.
Although the !::ienior team
fell three points shy of Indian
Tra il Acade my, junior team
crui!::ied into the semifinab.
·· o ne of th e junior;; ha d ·
don t> KA SC before, and w
did better than the senio r;;. I
enjoyed the probl ~m solving,
becau se every one got inYolved
to solve real world problem s,''
;;aid junior Emily Lumley.
\ n.-,werina <1uestion-, until final
buzze r. :3.'3 co mpetit ors rac k ·d ~
bra im; and ;; hif ted gears.
~saic work
~Dnder 'lighh a nd came ra..,. e_Placin~ piece"> of g la..,., o n
senioN De(->na \\, e i...,..,, Sean
Mr· 'v[a...,ter a nd Bryce Llme r
jok1· l wfon~ tlw r;r..,1 round
Kcn o..,lta
\ cudPnii!'
Skill,, Ch a lle ngi·. I:;',aming 10
pninh pe r correct a n!:>'"\>1-'r,
the senio N misbed a m 0::otchCf"">t:-rnadc..,.,tate quebtion.
d. ~fr-7/.J
her Picas.,ie11 e in FrPnc h
302. "><' nio r ma thlete Julie
P a...,1o r n<'al<'"> a dm·<· a nd
o li,e branc h. O ne o f '><~ ' e n
rnmpc ting 111e111l)(->rs, ]ulle
traveled to MSOE fo r a l7ebra a nd calculus te:.t;,. The
tea m placed 16th.
enosha Academic Skills Challenge
To fo llow the steps of Leonardo Da i ci, ni e
students exited the classroom and entered a uropean exploration of academia. Themed in th
Renaissance, Academic Decathlon spanned topics from literature to anatomy through nine tests.
"Atthe first co mpetition I did better than most of
the team on the math part without a calculator,"
said senior Cam Leone. " I was surprised at winning third in art and science because I didn't do
well at Regionals," said senior Gavin Jackson.
While the senior team fell to Indian Trail by
three points, the junior team pressed on to the
second round of the Kenosha Academic Skills
Challenge. " I helped our team on the secon
day by answering two soccer questions correctly, " said junior Kristi Laurenzi. "Althougb
buzzed in too early, I still got a question ab u-"'""..0
King Kong right," said junior Michelle Kornder.
-~--~~- ~~~
~To cktail a program to
incrt'<be literan rate, in
Keno,ha Courin. ,,enior
Kell) \\ epking " :ritt',, on a
pre,enwtion board during
the problem-soking port ion of Keno, ha \ cadt•mie
Skills Cha llenge. "llw tt•u m
brnirbtonned idea- like
lihrnr. fe,,tini l days and
a n1<;ndmor, con~munin
~t· n ife grncl1.1Ht ion req11ir1:111ent. TI1i,,, e,·ent required
,,tudt>nt~ to tackle a local
issue and ,howca~t' oral
pn•sentation 'kills.
~Ii tp success
~g competition
e \t '\ational l lonors S<x·iet1 ---Slit·.:( of pepp<'roni pizza
\CADEMIC OECA1HLON: (front) (A1urt111·i
l-.hl1·r-.. C:rnn Lt·o1w. Bl)t't' l l111t'r. "-1·!1) \\ t•pk 111~
{back. Cliri'i l\ra1i11µ-. Cmin J1wk ...011. ~~u11 \l l'-
\la .. 11-r. "-11r1 Co-.-.din
Front} Juti1•
l\.11r1 Co-.-.c·li11 (back)
\ 1ki:-.(•r Ja111it' l\. ron ich, St•m1
\ lc\l1L-ll'r. \ chi-..•r Blake 1 opel.
lnduetion. junior Luke \lich
marclws toward tlw stage.
\lid1 bolstered the junior
K \ SC team on tlw wa) to
semifinal, where the) disetLs»ecl a lt crnat i\'P suppliers
for a Coocl11ill-t) 1x· store in
problem ,oh-ing.
~pecklt• rhe sl'Clll' a~ Deenthle1t' and K \SC junior
Chris 1-.:cu ting listt'lh during a 1·cmn•r,a t ion at tlw
Renai,..,,<mce picnic. The
onl) junior o n \ n1de111ic
Deca thlon , Kea ting trninecl
for ne"Xt year's competit ion.
.~d j)ft.,7i
Academic Decathlon/Math Team
..Pra ti e ma ke::; perfe t "'
) red throtl h the minds
f l and ::;tudt"nts as they
l >rq >med for co nce rt s and
>laying tests. Short practice
1uizz ' S aff ·ted crra l ::;. determirn' d ·h< ir ass ignnwnts and
sparl('<l s 'ct ion competition .
'·p ·rcu"ision r ks! T fec>l like
~·1• r n c
n . t h11g, and we
t caught , like pra ticsna res . ., ::;aid soph)lllOr
n r \tfarsha ll .
T o sue eecl in the mus ic pro!ITam .. band tudents
. endured
f · undreds of practice hours,
ostly privatt> lt>ssons, and
::;unnner mu::;ic procrranu;. Expanding mu::;ic options, playpr ,., lt>arned ext ra in-,truments
to ;,pa rk new enthusiw-, m .
'Tm learning to play guitar,
and l already play oboe and
ha;,soo n. I al-;o want to lt>arn
som e percussion so 1 can be in
m arching band,·· said freshm a n Sam H armon-Smith .
As mus i iaru; aspired to instrument ·. others connected
to a pt'r:-ional choice.
"·Mu;;ic is amaz ing. lt is a
m edium th at is alm o!->t magic
hecaust> it speaks to the h eart
a nd not to the mind in the
~ ay language does. T've wanted to play m any instrument ,
but de!->t iny determined that
I can only screech on a reed
in-;trument. ., said sophom ore
trumpeter K atrin a K.a lcic.
Summer traru;la ted into Band
of the Blackwatch to m arch.
Because band musician:-. loved
what they dicl tee n:-. po ured
t im , sweat a nd dedication
into im;truments.
"Sin e ixth grade, the only outside-a ool performance I did
was Solo and Ensemble. I like
learning the music with in private
lessons, but I don't particularly
like playing for the judges. Usual- llllllllii~
ly, I'm glad I did even though I get
extremely nervous before hand."
soph . Jenny Boesch
e.. Tr) ing out a fe"' note.,., o n
-.ophomore La urna \\ a rd·-.
trum1 x·t Hophornore K d-.e ~
Bu-.-.e mi-.c hien1u-.h -,((•al-.
a -. lwct o f 11111-.ic a nci pu-. IH•..,
a f1°\\' n 1hc;, to n·lic·\·c· pn..
conc·Prt hutwrflie,, before
th e Fall conct'rt '\oY. 2:2.
R t' rili' mhe ring 1he n11111.her
one rull': keqi P ~ C'~ on the
/!"""' co nduc t or. f n·-.hma n
'\a t ha n Dw\ t' r fo!' ll ~I'"
o n Dr. Paula ll o k m nJi a t
Ba nd.0-Ra ma F t'b. -f.:).
Concert/ rymphonic Bands
S1\llPI10'\IC: PEHC:L. ·s10'\, (front Cn·g 1laag. s,,1g,.
I lcrri<·k. Dan\\ il~m 2nd row'· l\i111 01a110. Lkrrk Delloro.. 011-i.-; Swc1t"l4:1n. \ndn·\\ \lar-.luJL Jot-.,ph \\ ork11m11.
'\athan Dwyer back Jomulit111 \\ .~111.-.. \\ <..,In Clu:111n1on. Kt-,in ~huinmurn. Hile) S"d.x"<k Colin Slwke111.
band performanceO-J:
percussion members
musicians in Symphonic Ba.;:Jl ' ),
C:O'\CEHT FLLTl·:s, I front S1q>hanie Lippen . II hi1nq I lcrcl1ian, '\irole Hilc·' 2nd row Sierrn Dari.
\pril \.loon·. \Ii \1ucha. \.l~· li."i'.-la Scg('r back \11pga n
S111ith. E.rnih Fo'< . Jadyn Year\. \licia \lharran.
Jmlt'lle E.ri<·k~on.
SY\llPI 10'\IC: FLLTES, front lle"m<ka SdirO{'drr. II hi111e'
I lcrchia11. Julia \kPhcr..;on. \ ndrt•,, \\ orkimln ·2nd row Brandi~·
Dioni..,io.•ah I lolli-;. \manda Lindqui:-.1. 13riP Gavre. Jc~ n11) IJoe..,f'i1
back Kel:;t:) Barnell. Elizal.>t:•1h Piela. Saruh \ ergt·1l7. \11)...,<m
&. I .l,u1N-rnwn. f.:m la Fuller. Jant'lle l~ri('k-;on. \manda Jacol:k-t'n.
O.usicians in Concert Band
CO'\CEHT S.I \OPI 10'\TJ.,, front T'" lor Pawlacz' k. 0.-r~k
Duka.... Brad John~on. \lli:-.on Car...on. · \ ndrea \ ag~oni 2nd
row &1111 Fiut·n, \fork Zura\\·..,ki. '\iC'k \ orwakl Ju;o,tin \1 orri~.
\1e\i.,...._l Sobin. Ben 01·i back \...,hlf'\ '\t-wdl ~1eve \1ack. Camf•ron Lyn('. K(•,1n \1illn. Bt·rt"ke1 Kin<'. '\irk Bartholouww.
SY\IPI 10'\IC: CL IHl'\ETS Ix 01301·~'i, front Kaylin Brmnan. lhi~ail
Lw.:k('. Cina \kQut''.->tion. Kir~11~11 Sherwoo(L \,.,hJif't' \rrr·guin. Kri.... ri
I la111iho11. Karina I. .<'Ont' 2nd row Taylor '\e,,1011. Jach n Yem,.. \lonica
Dalf'1..,ki. :\ir<)lt• Binghai11. Kd.'-'4.-') Bu-;-;('~ \l ega n S111i1h. ~··,~;U'it l lc11.A.i1b. \1wil
\loon·· back Erika J(nlt....,. k'.->..,i(·a \\ i\~)11. Jainiit· Crahm11. Kd:,,(•\ \lick«L-;(•11.
\111und.c1 BricUe111an. Chri:-- Bornhuc·1tcr. \...,hie~ HicharcL... , Kirn .St. P<·lf'r.
C:O:'\C:EHT ID" BH \SS, front K~i1h S111i1h. Sie'''~ Pop1x·.
Sania111hu I lar111on-..'-'111ith 2nd row '\ick D(:Ro:·.t". \lex:
Fi...;dwr. Jon Calun. Toma... GokL,.,111i1h. Culeb f.o1;tpodarco.
Le,·i Corck1nl back Sa!ll Krf"ro\\1cz. C:hrl... \ 1L..... ·h-Blox:ck-uf.
Kf"Yin \lich. \lirhad El:--1. Elizabt·th I !all. Kt•,·in Handle.
\II) \1ueha. I loll) \\ ojnicz. Tiffini \ lark. Carl) Hoinio1i:-- .back S1rpha11it· \lbre-ch1. Kirn S1. Pc1er. \..,hk·\ Hicharcl.... \\li.-,<>11 S1nbh, \lli-;<>n \k\hL..,lt'r. KC'L...C'\
\lil'kd~·n. \lonica '\athan Bn-mcl-;IC'lttr, \nna PoKirnica.
CO\CEHT THL \IPETS, front k"ica \1c\1uhn11. (\ndi lu-..,e. Ka1rina Kalr ic. Ka1if" \\ it>lgo~. Surnh \\ orkman. \lex BurfnrlL Tn~,.;.., Pol...o. S1eph OahYalL
E.\Lzahe1h Luhrn-..;ki 2nd row I.aura \hidi-;on. \nd~ Schmidt. \like Pt1-,cucci.
Jonathun Gough. \lat1 Kn1u ...e. 7. .ach Cruz. \111htm) Hegaz7i. \ndrt'\\ I htqntt~r
Brncl Egger! back) \llichael"'lt'. \1ikt· Eggert. Emil~ '\yqul... 1. \\ yau Dmi"
Brian Boi,·in. Tr<>) I ..(~onarcl \\ ill \la). Ian '\t•L..,on. Joe) I .eidit'in.
Sr\<IPI 10'\IC: TIU \IPETS, front Brad Egger!. Jncoh 11 iele. S1ephnnie Oa1,,.
\"all, Laurm1 \\ "arcLJN...,ka \1 c\llahon. Srn11a111ha Ste-,·en:-., Karri1m Kokic, Sarah
\\ ork111an, Lauren I lildrr1h (2nd row Joe C:o11('annon. l.a11ra \ludi ...on. Cillx-rt
Lunclgrf"n. Ian i\e6on. David 1lw,;d\\'under, \ndn·" I larrkllf'r, \like PcbC11<Ti,
Kt>lli \iccolai back: \ like F.ggPrl. Tro) 1.eonarcl Eric Criffi1h:-., John Cund).
\lid1ael Cha"iC', Brian Boiw1n. \\ yatt Dm-i:-., \1a11 Gallion. K"f'ith Krnlhl'.
SY\\PllO'\IC:Bl.'SOO\"S.Sl\F.'i.&FHL'\C:ll llOH'\S, front Kni1ieCromacki. Brad John:-.on. \aro11 Dt·Hie... Sa111 Fitten. \1nrk Zun.1w' Scu11an1ha
I l1:1n11on-..Srni1h, :'\icolt• lklliwa11 2nd roW Karla Ct.'(lelci. Jack Tadth. Bt•n Ori.
Tor111:1... Gold,.,n1i1h, Jonclthan (:alan. lkn 01:--z~"'~ki. Eri{· Schoor. lu1~ \lur"ihall.
Karn Tho111:-if'n back' Steve \hlCk , Trmi... Jo~-tin. TJ Fog k•num, \likt• I lamill.
KrYin \!tiller. \.,hlr) '.'\ewcll. K(•ll) C:ollill-;, Brook<' Hendler, \\illia111 Swa...... ing:.
CO\CERTCI~ \Hl'\ETS: front Joanna Young. Ka1ie \larnH1. focqudine Canada~·, \..,h]e) l ... her. \..,ma Kadri. \...,hliee \rregui11. 1-.'.a) lin Brrn11a11, 1-.'.arina Le..
one 2nd row Danif"llt• Sowd1·11. \ll-..-;a \logcn."'lf·n. I lead1cr Pt")-..:~.. Emil) \\ 'oulfe.
~x rnythm
~ S piraling through ,,i,tee nth
nm e" in .. \ frica .. cre,,ce ndo~ ,,enior Je,,,.,ica Ori a nd
"ophomore Sara Stettner
p l a~ a rich fina le. The \l a~
l 7 Spring conct•J'I ft'attm•d
the pit'<'C -c a "e" ,. direetecl
b, \ I,,. Hachael Dickman .
Ii' u1 ilized colorfu l lighting
eff<'<'h a nd a fog mac hin e
in a dark audiPnet• to enha nce 1he p iece·, lx·a ury.
-Raim1 "hen' high
,,chool,, pla~ collect in'h .
1un1or,, Pete l\: ;icz 11 ia n·L
Da, na Jone,, a nd \ nna
Ki1:ehncr harmonize a n
ope ning fa nfare "Flouri, h
for \\ incl Ba nd.. Feb. -t.
For the fir,,( t i11 w in ()\'('r :20
yParH, th e fe,.,t in 1l ho,tecl a
fema lc gue,.,l conduero r. Dr.
P a ula l loko mh fro m '\ '1 .
WI:-..'D E.;'\'SE\IBLE PERCLS.SlO:." Al\'D LOW BRASS. (front) 1 ,;k
Hi1J,.,. Dan Pratt H~ .m l}'C'lt;r. J\L... 1111 Brown /2nd row) 1'.1·11 \\ idi·. n~
lin ~11111111"1"-.. fakr P11111ill11. J;tn.'11 l:n.-.t , l i11l lfl'-'4'11{back : l)ot\id Bari MT,
,j,·k 1'.r.wllh'I' \win"'"· H1·11~·nh~t. la11(,.lf...011. ()t·,011 \n11 ... 1r111l!!.
d -'t/'/.J
SY\1Pl 10'\lC Wl'\Th':i LOW BRASS "'\l) PERCU:iSIO'\ (front
ick 13t·hl. ]10-1111 llr"'"1. I 11,., lla~··m fo111
'l'l-.011. Pat 1111!_!<111. lo-: ·111 I ;11·...1·11. Lrn I J!!.-r. Da\1d Hffl \HJ"IHl Hi ... hop '2nd raw ) 1'.1·11 \\ id1 <.liri .. Bi ...d1off Jrl(" l>u·
ra1in ... k) . ( .arl) Bro\\11. DaYid BarlM'I" , Colin '-iu11111wr.... I .rik Hipl1 ·) \In. ( .1·111z back D1·\111t \n1i...1ro11~. P1·11 Hu ......
Jo.woh ( .apo<Lirn1. I· llioll H1·z11) ,1d1a11\\1·irid;. l.m <.m... 011. ''"k Krnn111·r.
FLl.JI'E'S, {front} Leah \ lamw. Tim Do rr. Tara
\1ulligun. \lli -.on '\(·u111unn (back) Dan V1 1·in-
{front) ~ra h StPllnPr. \ H olw·1·h. \l uf!git· Srunno (2nd
harcl1. 13<•-;'.-i Yontz. \ ly.. ~n Hodriguez, Ada111 Jc·('p.
b11 il) K lo1 ~1 e in (back) Briun Srhot•11ler. \l<• x \l u riu n ~ i. \ l ull
V1 aho11Py. \ •l <•gan \n ·ndt. Du -..1in l..a 11n•11zi.
Wind Ensemble/Symphonic Winds
row) Kut i1• \ lahoney. je .. ..,ieu Ori. j(-.. .,int l.11111ley. l..iunu Zorn.
SYMPl 10 "'1C \Vll\'DS OBOES, CLARl!\i;:TS A\ll
FLUfES: ,front) \11 11.111d<1 Hol)(•11-... ~< llH I lurri.... l ar,
\lulliµa n. l .~·a h \l un·ot·( in i l .1 1111lc). \ J~ . . . . 1
Rodrig-w ·z. \d;1111 JPPp. 1-Jt•..,!-i \' 0111Z. Cloria Carn)
thing 1 put my whol
into,.., said Schoettler.
The ec!:itatic emotion urrounding .. Air .. did not diminish the accidental death of · n ior \tlatt Fontenot. To hon r
him. Dir ctor Ken \~ iele
dedicated '"Mandalen Land!:icapes .. to the trumpeter.
'·When we heard th news of
\tlatt's death. \tlr. \X,' iele had
us play a slow, emotional tune
that word;; couldn't describe.
'Land;;cape::,' was very hard,··
said senior Kaitlyn Crarnlet.
With over -lOO musiciam of
all band;; on !:itage. John Philip
Sousa Award winner Kennedy
conducted .. Sousa Harmonic
March" during the combined
pring concert \ fay 1?. The
Sousa award recognized excellence among the excellent.
'"Performing my piece at the
Fall concert !:ient chill!:i rushing
through my spine. rm glad
that everyone enjoyed some-
SY\!Pl!O'\IC \Hl\DS. OBOE.S \. ;!) C.1>·\Rf J;IS fnmt \l.i~gw "111n110..b'w" 1... ad1.
l 11fnm Pappcr1. \1unn Sa111dli. ""lwlh (H· Pam lkg.ilrnh1 .b;~il'u ( :u1111ingha111. \111arnla
Hol"-·11 ... 2ndrow)S11rhuni«· ~111i1h, "\icnll1· l\.i11 .lw~· \\ 111nt1,g, \l~.., ...a Hodnµ1wz 13.·...... \on!I ,
l .1a11.1 Zn111. \11u111da S·lin. I 111il~ "lnp··l1·i11. "•llllra 1'.1·t 11·11 1.bark ) Tun·n \11d11111d11. J1·11m
\fnc n \111a111Li Ja+-k ..011. 'I Oil) hilltT~ Chri .. "· ·~1111
f.\a1i1• \l lhrnw~. Hl1011d.1 Pi1n1l11.
·5 principal horn of WSMA State Honors Band,
was a privilege to meet other upstanding musicians.
Auditions were challenging, but th made
better musician, helping me earn
nd cha1
school's Wind Ensemble." -sr. ent
l..1·ali \lurnw.·. 1>u ul Si111rz. l ·~ri( · I ,ull(L \11ro11 "r;HL..{'. \1u11 s.. hl1·n·1h. Samh Sl('llll('I". Col('llt'
Ca·win (2nd row) / .•ud1 Burf11rd. l . . 11k1• \lidt. \1ni1iru Jom...,. Con') Donw. Dlhlin I.aurenzi.
Bn;i11 ~fow·11l1·r {blck)Trm·i., DuFour. \ In. S<W'hu. \lL1111 Ch1L--t'. &•11 Piclt'. \Ir' \ l arian~ i.
YMPHO ITC \VIJ\'DS FLurES: (front) Bri11uni Sm ·n "<ununi ha
1larri!">. Turu \ lulligun. \ talit' \\ urcl \ k li::i,-;U Curciu. Che1) I O\l'rb)
(2nd row) Clnrin Cum~. Je.,.,j \\ t•idt'. '\icolinll Bolyurd l\ a1i1.; Pr
nmone. f..:"u~ lt't' S1t> \ 1irhdlt• Sconzl'n (back) 1"·n.'rh ~mith. \ ldunie Thwing. \ driam.1 Ca.-.cio. K nl l ful 1
~In· ·J
Wind Ensemble/Symphonic Winds
Musicians jazz-up time with
extracurricular music programs
a sy listening
On the 26-hour bus ride
to Florida, Golden Strings
swapped stori s and smiles.
Boardincr th bus Dec. 25. 36
teens return d Dec. 31.
'·When we were at the oc an,
ome of us choreographed a
'water danc ,' and one of the
chaperones taped it,' said senior violinist Crystal Staker.
Directed by student teacher
Lindsay Demske, Chamber Orchestra played Corelli's '·Christmas Concerto .. at Winter concert. Later with few attending,
Dr. Robert Wells canceled the
after-school orche:.tra \tiarch 2?.
Learning extra instruments,
musicians faced new music.
'·I taught myself to play piano
for jazz. 'St. Thomas' doesn't
have a piano part, so I had to
figure out the chords,"' said
sophomore Alex Schroeder.
Playing calming classical
melodies or jiving jazz music,
teens amplified love of music.
ach's back
v: .
e_BOw at the frog for eighth
note:o, junior '~olinb1 Samantha Stancato petfom15
the '-Br-c1J1denbura G-incerro
:"wnber Three"' afrer ~trolling
in the audience at the "'1:ay 3
p1mg concen. Golden Sn.ffig.;
played the three movement
piece for Group G-inte:.1 and
received the highe:;t. superior.
Golden Stri~ member:, met
on Thlll'::>()ay night:> for t\'nhour pra · 'Cb.
a inus1c1an n10re
musical freedom.
At con erts l get
to play my guitar
and improv-IBe
audience interacts
at Golden Strings
sho . We got
the best respom;e
at lslesworth
Country Club."
RED JAZZ 1: (front) Kme Smith. D)lan Rii<·i· 1 rm·i., DuFour. "1idwlle Sc·onzi,rt. Luke Vlich. 8fll
Sc-hoenll'r. Core) Dome. \du in Cha. . . t' (2nd row) Colin Sw1111wr-.. \ncln·w Reidt ·nharh, KiN1e11 Slwrn·111•
(3rd row) Elliot Rrwy. ;\ick Bt'hl, 1-'. rik Hi pl!') . Jun Cur.,on, \In Gentz (back) Colin Calitz, Eric l lelk~n-1
Vli<'hael htlron. Erik Lea.bit'. Brian Cull<•n. Da~ nu Joru·-,. Siunanthu !-X·onzt'rl. \mandu Klabu11d1·.
1mpro'~" ing on ,,<1x. j11~ior Brian Shot'tt ler plays
wirh Blue fozz at the \1~1\
10 Jazz concPrt. '.\or <ml\
~winging witl1 the Blu(' Jaz;.
Shoett ler perfornwd a,, on('
of three kt·yboarders in tlw
Golden Str;ng,,. ThPir ,,IHI\\
opener introduced String,,.
~ZZ 2: (front) Sec.ip't' I h'rrid.:. Erir ~·hoor. \bigail I .11ck1·, \l(''\Hmlra S.C: hroedc.:r. Emih- hlop~·iH·in.. Jt>:-., l.umlty. Jon Lulan. \1ik~ Hurn·
111iL &~ r<·ke1 i.: int', KeYin \1illt~ r. 1-Jt·n On. Jot· \\ ork111an (2nd row) (:hri-. ~'w11-.on. ~till 1-..rl'nl\\W/. Stt·wy Poppt'. 1'.ni11 \lich. Um:-. \1i.. . d1 (back)
Sa111a111 hn S1t·w1b, Eric Criffi1h-.. Troy I ,t·orlltrd. \11dn~\\ I l1.1q)c-oitn l\:atrinu 1':"ull"i<'. l .mm·11 I Iildrt·1h. Elizabeth 1lnll. Ht'i>t"tTH \t"nrkmun.
GOLDEN STRINGS: (front) Dr. H.oh1.·11 \\ 1·!1 .... s._u11a111hu ~IUll('Ulo. Chri ..1ina
Carcin. \11m1ula Dit•l1 l. S..1ru Fn)'.-.1. io..'.Hlh~ Brc.•rnmn (2nd row) Hd>t·cra Ca nn.
~ara \uh . Cind~ CarTut. ~ ai d ) n Zolp1:r. h11il) \\ itlo('k. H1·l:it'('<'t\ Du~lHL
C:r;.-.1al S1ukt'r (3rd row} \11 ia11da (.;.111gl(·). St1·fu ni1• D1ilak . Cu-....,i(' J1m lw1.
l·Jrn1· I A· idl1·i11, Duna D1 ·11hk<·. \lc"Xi'i l . ong. \ldi11da Drq:wr, l3ri1tw•) I .u1 11l1·)
(-Ith rowJC~1lWllll'\ El1l('1.,. Ku1l1lre n '\111inglw111, Je. . -. i('H \11B1 whon. \ndrcu
Ce1!10. Dann S1aadu 11. l3rit1H·\ I lnr111dl. Jak1· i'..u lokur. l\. a11·h n S111i1 h back
Briannu Tulh1: n . Chuc! J oh 1b~m. \\ illiar11 1larolcl Kim \\ atn;1~. Lmw \\ hilu·
h·r. Brian Si·hot•11h•r. D, lun Hil1·y .
001\CERT CELLOS & BA : (front) Dana Denc-ke. l lannah . ·ilzbrenner. \ja Goe-.. C'.ara
Pratt (2nd row) Pm rick 11 ill man. Brinam Lumlci. C'.arrie Lee. Diane \lcGlinn. Hl'ilt'<·ca Kelli
(back) \hb) •·1evelb. Dan Spark... "ill l larolcl Chad John.><m. \leg Ru,,,ell.
SYMPHONIC WOOOW!l\'DS: (front) \manda Rohen-..
Samamha I larri.-.. Tara \folligan. Leah V\arroe bBCk
~manda Selin..\ly-.,a Rodri,.."Uez. \ dam Jee1~ &._, Yontz.
Gloria Garay.
\uBuchon. \nna Loul-.t• S'iben. \IPxi:i Long (2nd row)
Cu~.,ie Jordan. Ka, h n Ct-11h. Julie CrowforcL Danu Stauden.
Ryan Stich (backj l'i111 I1»en. Jennifer I lu...elwundcr. )CK' Tobal-.k") . Dylan Rill'). Joe \1ill..a1-"·
OONCERT F1RST VIOLINS: (front) \nna Ruiz. \lex \larudt•y. Eli,,ilx•th Stnm'. lh
Bt't'111 ... 1t•rbocr. Jru;le('ll Sin~h. Daniellr '\l'hl.... Stc-phanip l ~uku\\-..,ki (2nd row) D<um SalanL
Ku1t•lyn Smith, Slefanit• Dulak, Rel.x•ecu l·rf'iberg, Cow1rn') \\ ynia, Kim Crugt'n. Jenna
Sall-.bury (back) \nurncL-.i Krl'll!>er. Erin 01.-,hef..,k~ \in.... I(') \1 {'\1a.-,1n. Scmt Bitz. Lane
\\ hituker. Sheena Selin. \Ii Cnoch1t·n.
new bass cabinets built
OONCERT VIOLAS: (front) 1lannah " arren. \-.hie) Ewen.-., Hdx-cca
eoncert orchestra viola
Dugan (2nd row) Sarah ]ack ...on. Lauren Sale ... ki. \1urphy Tho1mb. '\uomi Ch" d., (back) \llloon \1ill.-,ap..,, ]u-,1in \\ 0111uC'k. \11011 \owuk , K<·l~f')
. \ly a H°';k.
SYMPHONIC SEOOND VIOLINS: (front) \<\aria 1~~k1lla. I lt·atlwr
Lupo. Stm<lra Hui? (2nd row) Taryn Thoma...... Kif'-IH'll Bjorn... on. 1'.u~
dy11 7. .o lper, \numdu Deihl (3rd row) Relx·eca Cann. Judyn kn~·1l.
Britnt') I lai1nell. \1l'li11da Dreger\ Shun11011 \llcBrick (btick) \ncha
Callo. Briona TuUx·11. Ki111 \\airing, Cliri.,1irw Betz, Chri .... 1ine 1lrrnll'
Jukt· 7.;.ilokar.
symphonic orchestra violaf)
student teacher in the fall
graduating senior)
SYMPHONIC FIRST VlOLINSc (front) Emil) \\ hitk•·k. Via') Jx;I «warut.-"fum Stancut<• (hri.-.1ina Cunii (2nd rooj ~-.1'J "-ulwr. C)Tithiu Gwi-iu. Oiri,,.
depo°Jed labels on cello lockers
d ·Jt)'L-'J
Symphonic/Concert Orchestra
(3droojkl) I lclgt.-'<'11. Kwhk'<'n
tina lam~~·~ bnma Reed.S..m \uh. S:im
'-<xtini,~wn S.u11 Zi111any. Sw11h Drlany, Elcnt· I;-i<lk·in (back) Hdx'i>1 \l<Qui~
le1L ]u.;cin Swink<.~ Becky Cancb>.., \111anda ~ki. 1.1:.ntrd Pikn;:t., k~i"u ~x.u-k.-..
& PERCUSSION: (front) f-.111ili l}·S.·ife. Enl
Hiplei , Ho,, \<\ark. \lidml'ia Cowlli (2nd row) Carl Kt·11ntxl). fol<
\\ urrrn. K<'n \\ i('le. Dt-'YOll \nn-,trong, J11-,1in Brown {back) Bn-111
Yon11:, 1'ick Krne11H·r. Jun C.ur"on, Pt·tc Hu-.~o, Dti,·id Hurhcr.
··J got :,,tuck in a bas:-i cabinet
Jt11111.>-:-itarting the ) ear. orche:-itra confronted new sur- for the whole JX'riod. Someone
ro undings. For the :,econd had -,tuck a pe ncil thro ugh the
time only, a student teacher lock, a nd T cudn 't g t out unjoined Dr. Robert \\ ells. co n- til th end of the period .. a id
du cting two songs at \~ inter fres hman cellist Aja Goe-,.
Shifting 115 mw;i co mpeticoncert . M:,. Lincbay Demske
tmwht Co nce rt and Symphon- tors to State. Solo and En!:>emble rewarded these vo al and
i during fir!":> t serne:,ter.
..It w ru, weird for nw because instrumenta l studenh with 1*
Lindsay is my sister, and l rankings on \farch 11.
'·[feel [ oulcl have performed
had a hard time calling her
M:-i. Dems ke. Tt wa:-i cool be- better at , tate had T received
cause during fin;t bloc k, I was more sleep more the night beDr. Welh;' teacher \,; aid :-io fore. but I had a ·Beauty and
L had the opport unity to :,ee the Beru:it' pe rforma nce. until
my s i.-;ter leach the Listener·s 10 p .m.:· :-iaid 1;enior violinist
Survey clas:,.·' said :,ophornore E mily \X hitloc k.
";\'m ing another director. ba!:>:-i
celli:-it Dana Dem.ske.
\\ ith 11 new bass abinet:-i to cabinets and Solo and Ensemstore th eight-foot ta ll instru- ble. the orchestras rehearsed
ments, safer cabinets for the new music a nd closed the
ba!-:>:,,e!:> remed a minor prob- :,how a l graduation v.~th 'The
Phantom of the Opera .. ,
lem for play ful students.
'"Phantom of the Opera' was fun at
Graduation because it was med ley from
the popul ar opera. It was my favor ite
piece to play because I always like
Andrew Lloyd W eber's music."
-sr. crystal staker
l!ISi cal melodies
11m·,.,:.-'on tlw ,.,tring and ~P. lud. ing in -sleigh Ri ('. ·
e\ ('~ on the mw;ic. "iolini.~h junio r ~l e linda Drege r
a nd -.ophomore Kate Smith
pe rro rm ~\ l <1 ri a ·· from a
'"\\ e,.,t Side Stor) ·• a rrangement. Sympho nic and Con("( ' M
Orcl w~ t ra~ comhim'd
to play the ,.,ix-page piece
for the \l ay :3 Spring conce rt a ft er " l l ig hl ig hr~ fro111
'\\ ickecr rep · ced it during
Ordw;-,tra Fes la rch :2:).
junior Dyla n Riley pe r fo rm~
in S) mpho nic O rche:;tra·,
\\ inter conce rt Dec. 7. Orclw~ t ra pla ) r.d \Yi th S) 111
pho nic Bancl harmonizing
re~ ll ·c holida1 mu~ic . \l ~o
boo~1 ing Chii~tma» »pint
with ·'S<1 nta or the s, mpho n) , - w tern n m u~ici",111,,
do nned brigh n·d Santa
har~ o n heacl, and t op~ of
ct> ll o~ and h<h~ .,,.
uperior rating,
ir sang "AmazGra e·' for three judges at
pril -t Larg Group ont st.
l ·o 1.)(>rformed at th prina
oncert, the ·- m rican VI lody.. featur d sophomores
Lizzie Storr , Alli paay and
Kelsey Barnett ru, soloists.
.. \ fr:-.. Amborn didn't pick
the oloist
for ·Amazing
Grace' until th· <lay of Larae
Group .ontest, so when I was
ho · ·n, I felt a littl unprepan·<l durina my solo,"' said
sophomore Kristi Hamilton.
During the May 2-t Spring
concert, Women's Choir perform d --Boogie \X' oogie Bugl
Boy,-' accompanied by seniors
Carl K nnedy and Ryan Dwyer on trumpet, Ken \Viele on
trombone and Dan Meinhardt
on alto saxophone.
--My favorite ·ong was 'Boogie Wooaie Bugle Boy ' be-
h orus
au::;e it wa::; an upbeat World
War II tune originally sung b~
th three Andrews sisters fo
over ·eas soldiers,·· ·aid sophomore Tayler Fulmer.
To ho~or Y1ozart's Jan. :... ?
birthday, Trebl and Women\ Choin; performed three
of '·Mozart Re ruiem'::;'' 15
movement -, titled 'Dies Irae . .,
'·Confutat i::; ·· and '·Lacrimo::;a .,
at horal Fe 't Feb 18.
'·I really liked ::;inging 'Die::;
Irae' from 'Y1ozart"s· Requiem· because it ·wa ·such a full
and eerie ::;ounding tone,"' ::;aid
fre ·hman Rebecca Kelly.
Whether soothing audiences 'ii
with las ·ical Mozart or belting battle melodies with accompanying brass, Treble and
Women·s Choirs [our performances.
My favorite song from Feb. 18 Choral Fest was our
Women's Choir solo song 'Duond Akuru' by Rollo
Dilworth because of its unique loud fortissimo and
soft piano dynamics. "
-soph. Christy Leach
r> ri ng sing
e. \\.it h melanchoh· tone for
--Three \fountain Ballad,,, TrPhle Choir and frc;,hman
\ rnanda . 1>aay dazzle th ·
audience with '·Barbara
\lien·· at tlw Spring concert May 2-t. Opening the
,.,how, the 6-t-membt>r choir
al... o ">ang •·[ [ow Can I Keep
From inging?,.
d j)(;,/£;
'~/etblefWomen's Choir
\1ou1,h,., open to bmg -Jubi1
late Dro,"' Women\, Choir
\X'ooden and Aiblinn Vega follow
DirPctor Polly \mborn at
the ov..30 \X intpr concert.
Choir performed four bong:,,
including "[law Your:,e]f \
\,forry LittlP Chri..,tma.,,
"Cantate! Sing.'" <md ·The
Firbt .'\oe~,. a traditional
carol accompaniPdby :,enior
Tara Mulligan on flute.
bophomor~ Rachel
sou rce: 20 ch
rt Requien1·'
· ficult, but once learned,
mm~:u classical and amazing. ft
-soph. Natalie Ju arez
s hard to hit the high alto
but it all meshed together.
-fr. Amber Gascoigne
Woogie Bugl &>y·'
/(, d all of the accompanying
instr ents in the song.
-soph. Rocco Pallin
,Conc_entrating on Director
John Choi. \\ omen·,. Choir
:,ophornore Jackie ~eu
mann and, abrina Furloni
project their mice;, in '·Die,,
lrae·' of the ""\lozart Requiem·· at Choral Fe,,t Feb.
18 to honor \lozart";, birthcla) on Jan. 27.
TREBL.E CHOIR : 'front) Lnu I ·L:i--r, \1-nn \\ ~111!_!. '1t>!!1m \\ inzd1nv. \lbu1e \\ 11lan h.111ih Llmhla1L J.wku 1lmL--on. lli•111t u ( :oiltt.Z'>. Pn-.cill.1 I lt·marnk-7 I 1w11 l lim..,t· n. Bnttar1' 8111->d1I
"n -.1111 lbnhol~ •llW\\ (2nd rm~) 1n1le lhlfl ~; tr;i 111'1111111.u• ·r D1..,1111y P11rn-.h. I nn Lnck-.011
11 \li1w1 ( .1na Bla/11 \\""k1 -, Unn .. ., ( .01m-r It 1.
\\ 1· . . tt-nt~) t·r~ l\1i-.1"' .11 ... wu '"'111lr1.
\ ... hJ1·~ ( .o lP. \I, .....a \1arl' rnaL. , \marnL.t '\II\ wk (3rd row) \ddi ...c111 i\cllc~ , l\a1hr ·ni.t l'llllTilf>f, ~mun• ltt ~f )<.l<I~ , \rH\ d Cuara ... 1·14 >, Hobin Bethkt ~tq1h11lllt: ll1retl11 . K11trl) 11 l:).·J1tt 1.... U) n kt u~t"'~
Bn11 a ll ) P11\\ 1·ll. \mh~-r Lu-.,coiµrw,, Sham1rn1 h i' \ ..,fifo I lwl-.,011 \IJi..,ort Joltthlon, l i111l-.m \kl\.iult'\ , Eli111h•·1h Pt·tn~on. Tn.,h ( hrl-.,1t·11bun , J·l Cot·~ lbaal Bnttwt~ Blaclv.0(11L \~ .. ,, l\rehliit·I
l\.n -.1 ~ Lrn-k ... 1111 \1111_ .tn "-ilu ·ppt:nl Lu1r( n '.°"'11111l il I .1111 11d ··~orrdl. l\..1tw I 111g1• k1·l.., "\ Sarti r Lt"t \11111· \llL.. ufl, I la1111ah l\. ~n \lrn:rlulf, Rt·l11· a Kelh , Flizal ·tli \\ nnt·lin!!. buih kd ion·k , \111 w
\\ alc.1... 11· l
l\ ,t) 11 •• "\ida . \111t 1a l iu.; 1lmm.ih I
CHOIR: (front} llt·c ki L.1.utµ:. Ho...nlmdu Sm1dwz. \i.,\11111 \ egu. "\icolt· \lurph), \1 uurt·en \l ocCrt•ud). C.uri .. ..u Ju..... -.o. Ju-.111irw \\ OO(ft·n. C:hundm C'..arl...(111. ~trah \kCinlt·y (2nd rowl Jaclit·
\em u 111.
11 Im lit·rro11~, Tu) lt·r F11l11lt'r. \111) l\.hl\'i•r. l\.ri.,1i 1 lwnih on, Lum Cairo. \ um· .. ~ Torre.... Kuylu Luz. Pulge ~·heuc. \ .. hit:) Lt"bn, \ mher Cooper. \II) \1, \n~d Price, ~tuq
11U. BriftHll) I .t·c.tb t. S..1ri1a Chtwon. Hudwl \\ oo(l(·n (3rd row) Sum Lronarcl l\u) In I lnnncll, Counney Bun ... l\) la Puvebki. Jenifer -\ndrc"--..., l\ melyn Lluzon. Sabnna Furloni. \ ..,hie) \\: oller. C.-l.ui...u
\I ck. ·1,1m u Dczrn11n. ~)Iii · U1111iff. \l1•lirnl11 \lmhiu ... Chn..,I) I . eud1. l\ri ...1en \\ t' IL..,. Jumit• Con•lli, K1•l:-it') Barnett. \!lit" Spauy {back.' S1ephanit> Couln. \\ hilllt>) C:ook...on. BriannH Je-, .. int
\\ )nu. ( .n\)1• I lul>1{ Li11i1· ~IC HU', "\a1ali1· J1111rez. \hult•line l\. n llhl'. \loll) l·l ooc.l L111< Ht•t•cl Kmlt' \1 e~...engl'r, Ericu \\ inh. l\.t'll) Collin.... \mber Drigo1, Rc)(.'CO Pullin, RtKhel Hick. l\. t-l...t") Bjorn..-.on.
<.mi <~ll · \
i~Tag liupit'lm. Liz Srn nl<~).
.fit d Jfn, ·;
TreblefWomen's Choir
memonze songs m
different languages,
like 'Ave Maria' and
'Requiem' which were
in Latin, but language
portrayed the mood
of the pieces.'
-sr. Elise Russell
qu ired tryouts forced st us to perform and ;,ight
in front of Choral Direcoll) mhorn.
ehow~l:,;. \ mbompush:-itudents to reach their
t nt ial by making
Chora e challenging_., said senior Brian na Pienkowski.
One in a choir, students
practiced to perform in front
of judges at t he Annual lo
and E11bemble \1arch 11.
"For men rYOl hnt':-i:-i doesn't
la t long be 'ttu:-ie once Chorale gt>t on stage, l 'm so
excited that l don't realize
T'rn nen·ous anymore,"' said
junior \tlegan \\ ibon.
To raise money for the
Florida trip taken over Spring
Break, Choral sold chocolate
bars, fruit and tX>insenias to
support student costs.
'"During the candy funch-aiser
Tim Hassler sold , '600 worth
of candy for the Florida trip:'
said senior Ell n Dietrich.
Over spring break, Chorale
choir members traveled to
Disney \V orld for five days to
perfm:m on the Epcot stt~ge.
"Singing at Epcot in 90-degree weather was exhausting.
but \Ye still had fun performing 'Ameri a the Beautiful."'
:mid junior Ernily Lumley.
Finishing Spring concert with
'·Disney Dazzle;' O:m ert and
Choral competed in Florida.
funcfrai-;ed to lower costs and
expanded lin!!uistic "tudies.
..:t~oble fest
~To lighten the m<)(XI during
·· l)i.,1w~ Dazzle,- 1wrfo rn 1-
ing Con<'ert and Choral<·
yrx·ali,,t,., blew bubble-, during '·LodPr the Sea.·· \\ ith
fiw tap clan<'Pr-, and nine
-,oloi.--,h. tlw pit>C<' cln-,<'cl
rhe \ht\ :.2-t corn·<'rt <tft<·r
-Tht>·mc·!b \ rt> T<'lling:· -Flander:., Fiekb .. and
-\ t u~i c In ilw \ ir."·
OONCERT CHOIR: front '\iL:L:i 1.i·ibhun. \frgun PL.. toru. \1i·gun \\ ht-"t•ln. Counm•t• S1uckhmL..t'. Samh \1a...1ronurclL jponifer Schultz. Bn1111i Clu.rk. f...t•ndra Thoma ... \nµelu.:a C1wrrern. J....~ h·~ \ lag:t'i'. Bri11<111~ Dulak !\:ate
Broem1e1n. Fkthunit• Bed.:) \ erge11z. Brenna H<.•\l ... \nianda Bn111!'<. \my Gur!'lwelL Hadwl I lenkt>... \numda Yankuru 2nd row Clwne-.... a Bnm11. f\ ri..,1t·1k1 Oro:zco. (;~·11·-.11· \lordi 111. 1...uuru \ld)onald. l\a1mu1 :-i1arL.
\nnit· \loon·. \1inrnda C1·hula. ChrL-.1ine \\ i1·~0~. \ ant.., Beck<•r. \1rlanir Tyre . Kri ....y \\ "aligorn. Jerica \lanfred . Sulxina S\\if1. Dar"ya \ olo~ozhur. l\ri .. 1i11 Stniebinµ-. Conni1• 't'f'. Jen11ift•r ~+1111idko11z. Lhri-.1i11a I lu1L..01L
\li...1>11 Bn-11:·nnan. Kiml*rh Krei1·r Bn·ll Lebn. Coch \1illt•r. Jordan \1o<klt..... \1ikP \dP. Lrik ('....-,rradini-\\ igi11101L Jo..,h I lnmn1. Hoht'rt Sch111idkonz. Ju-.1in 1--'""''ut·. Trn11111\ \111·11. \lull I .1w·I. Dmc· I lan....0 11. Jan1h bim...
1 n·\"or Jone... \1akom '\ip~·t..... ClirL.., Kwia1ko""...,l..i. \1atht'\l."Du11wald \htttlwv. l.o\t~1ro. "'il<'ffan Hicurd Ld\\<.1rd l·~h110\\ . Ian \hthom~. K1·\in Ct•111m·r
Chorale/Concert Choir
~ding voice {jJ~nwave
e.\V.inner of th e i'\ational ,.Friendly hands at the \ nnual Choral Feol involved
School Choral \ wa re~ seth e audience in KUSD
nior Ty lt>r \fo chcll bolo,,
Field ITmL~e Feb. 18. St uwitb a Chorale trio in ·The
dent,; pe rformed 22 songb.
li eaven~ \re Tt>lling.·'
diacritical mark (n.) l
Diacritical marks, or "railroad tracks," are distinctive mark;;
used to indicate a pause during a musical piece. Intended
for dramatic or emotional transition, the period of time
varies for the director's desired impression. Concert and
Chorale choirs used this technique in "Disney Dazzle."
~P.roj e.c ting
at Choral F
Feb. IR oenior Stephame
Bakula solo::. in --o Sifuli
\lungu:· '·[don't get ner\'Ous becmu;e we warm up
in the choir room bcfo
conce rt<' said Bakula.
CHORALE: (front) Kali(' Boris. C:hri ... 1i11a Corradini. \driana Ca."'icio, Brianna Pie11kow.. ki. \ k·,a I lujik . Sun1an1ha Becker, I'rl-;1i l__. atu"('nzi, Shunnon \ u11Ca..-.1er. 1-:m-.:• n H wvt~. Dana \m.k-r-... on, hri:-.m Knra.,1L Rhonda
Piccolo. Ja111it· I lai nill. \111a11du John!'l10n. Laun•11 Pe1er-.on 2nd row S1ephanie Pi:-.1 on1, (ll~i Bu11..;. E111il) Lurnle) . Jcnnirer Chri.-,1ian~n. S1ephunie Bakula. \-.hit') I ( ~-,efon. \1 ega n \\ il:.on. Ellt- DiC"11id1. \ma11da Falnt.
Brit1m'~ Ja-;1x·1._ \lt'li-..-.a I k g1•111ald, Ka1iP En.u b. Saruh Pallin, S~ 111hia \\ e.-.1. G iro!) n l 1nrn...,... , Lianne 0' '\t'aL K) lie B1Tiling 3rd rowJ Julie \l oon'. Cinvik Ruihy1 e. :\i(_'k \l tt)l'rs. \lieh1..•ul I lellqrn-..1. Jc-ff Sabbar, ~·un l legan
~11 1. \11•\ l\ nd11w. \nd) \\ cll-.. Kci1h I lerro11. Tim I la-.-.lcr. \11d1on) Den-.-, Cod) Brundlo. Tylt·r \li1dwlt &·01t Fro-.1. Eli~ RLL,..,<.'IL Paige l..aBargt>" back · Diana\\ oller. Cu:-;-;ie Jordan. Ky II? LineL l'.:<.klic Kol 111(~. Erle Pollin.
Dn·\\ Hol)(·rh. Cw nt'ron I.) ne. Jordan S1 en~gurcl Sean \\ c\l a'-itfr. Hohe11 K1·ll('r, \nd) l..t1dou...a. Paul Kagiul. Bob \\ ~t. Joe Ton.·a..;o, Jordan Baron, \da m De Bree, \h111ed Koloeek. \1ichelle Sco11inir1.
Chorale/Concert Choir
Walking through life boosts
'pirits and conmmnity service
ruise to self
1n the spirit of ex1 !oration.
m em ber::; of \\ alkina Club,
P oint of Vi<:> w a nd Soul'd Out
::;hed pounds, ventured to
l niver::;al , tudio::; and shared
spiritualit~· · At the ::;tart Walker::; ::;tuffed stockings with toys
an l boob for 12 needy children for di::;triliution D . 20.
'· \\ e wanted to do something beyond walking, ::;o we
pac ked three stockings each
for a t en J y, for a tee n girl,
for kid::; and for infant::;,·' said
sophom ore Kylene TTenthorn.
Across the country, four P oint
of Vi w m mhers trekk ed
a long the \\i alk of Fame at
Lniversal , tudiob. Stars of Jay
Leno a nd Chuck orris dotted
the path as teens xplor cl the
Ilollywood haven on a non
s hool-sponsor cl field trip.
·· l\t the Farmer's Market,
we ::;aw P aris Hilton shopping and later saw Casper
van Dan. \\ e ab o went to a
premier showing of Silent Hill
a nd wa t h d th movi actors
enter the theatre,~ ::;aid sophomore Lane \\'hita k<:> r.
Before th Spring Br<:'ak
G niversal trip, P oint of View
sponsor l M.0. V.T .E.S., a
program in which advisories
collected 1-1:0 D VD · to :::;encl
to soldier::; in Mn;. Laura Zajicek-Bagen.s ki\ hu::;band's unit
as part of Operation V-Day.
'·1 felt glad to su pport :::;oldier::;
with <>ntert ainment, e:::;p<>cially
be a u::;e they can ' t even :::;ee
th<:> ir families,'' said freshman
Ke' ri n Duffy.
Keepin()' :::;oldiers in their
pray r ·, Soul'd Out members
congregated for Wedne::;day
meeting:::; to ::;ha re their fa ith
and listen to les:::;ons involving
tef' n is:::;ues and religion.
--1 was home::;c hooled, and
it wa:::; hard to adapt to public :::;chool. A group like thi:;
h elp cl, because 1 could meet
people who ::;han·cl the sanw
belief:;; and talk about th em;·
said fre::;hma n Brynn Jaqui8
Soul'd teens arried fa it
bast>cl act iviti e!:i into the world
while Wa lker teens : :; tepped
up the mile::; to reach \1innea polis before the sta ff.
~ ~n ga r:y helpers
DVD collected for ol ·n .
~niver al Studios
hours of Homecoming float builc:lit('I
Po~ ing before t he lt a licin
Re na issance_,, t, le donw-, of
St. Pe te r\ B<L~il i rn, sopli o
mo re \ aron Co" a nd junio r
Jo rda n SH· rL~gard Ye nt 11n•
th roug h th!' o;t r< 't'h o f Budape,,1, l lungary, o n a mi ~
~ iorL~ trip. ('..," a nd Ste nsga rcl o f Fir-;t \ hh!' mbl) o f
God wo rk ed a t a •mfe hnuhe
wi th 11 other t C!'fl~, playing with a nd prca!' hin/! to
childre n
th rough P rojec t Sen e.
{front ) h11ih \l or:.i:a11, 1lanna Li ..1·11haun
row fa,nu·· Lri<"k ...on. K1·ym Duff"\. \IJi ...on
(1 l...u,,..,. \l it·h1.lf'l I maway ~;nth Gri ...v.old beck I .mu \\ hi1akn.
\1ft.ln·v. ~·hulzt'. \\ illiam 1lumld. \dn ..t·r \lf-tL., ..a \\ lu1ukt>r
'"·During the year. we set goals for walk·ng and filled out sheets to track our ~.
vrogress. \\('measured the number of fl
steps we took each day ·with pe<lom- - eters. I joined \\ alking Cl11h becau!->e I
·nnted to <lo a fun activitv
i h my [riend-, an<l get
re ph) ~ically fit.··
[ Ik
. lisa gagliardo
~~ing walkers
,, \.., toy..,. lx>ob and pt!7zlc.., ~ l nHt~r tlw lighh at Burla, out on cafl'teria tahJ<'..,.
ba nk ',, Studio One. \f..,.
";phnmon•.., Chri't) I .t'ach
I.aura Kantlathk<h junior
and Katie \lc"engt·r ,,CH\·
Budd Kmalau-ka.., and
<'Ill:<' to ..,tnff ..,tcwk;ng.., D!'c.
!:->pet ial blucatu1n tt•aclwr
1i To brighten JmlidH) \lt>li..,..,a \\ hitakn po,,<' ''ith
..,pirih for ..,i, teen .... t hrt'e
elPnwntary-agt•d kitL, and
rlm·t· infanb. \\ alking Club
play eel Sm1m with gifis. rnllected h) (.hiltlren\ H<hpi
··11 Keno.., · <'<'. :20.
·To11igl1t Slul\\ ·· h1hf la\
Leno ~ luring "Pring hreak .
\\ hilt• at L niwr..,al . rudio..,
[ lolhwrnl<L Point of \ iew•r... fo and nn·r attended a
iYt' ·Tonight Slum"' tuping.
Jro cn'<llc a human tree.
eight Chi"ic g11~.., fill a holl<m·ed rn11 :2:):2-foot giant at
\ l u ir \\ no<L, \ neien t Red\\ Ood Fore ... t on tlw ~<111
Franei..'">l'O competition trip
owr ... pring break.
~ \not ht'r
i..,,.,rn• g<X'" dm,·n
a ... junior Tc1111x»'C photographer Chri...., Keating flip..,
through the \larch 1><11x·r.
\\ ith hi..., '\ikon D.SO, 1'eating highlighted the \pril i;.'">U(' \\~th a mod. paparazzi
fe<1!lirt' article on junior rt'porter St t'\ e 11 orn.
t _t _.;..
T .V. CLUB: (:._t... i Bu11-.. \le,artcl<·r I lan1
brnck. Tit~ lor '\t ·\\1011
TE.\.fl>EST: front \ln.L... l'...t'H'll. l~'t·L., l.unL.... '\U'ollt• l\11t . Cu1hernw Bm\\11. Li.z \111ara1111c:111 2nd row Bt>n \lielo-.1:\ I...
wn· I lorn. ~l'ran l..c1r-.f• n. JoCli Bem·11i~ Carokn l 111frf:"_... ..,_ \mand.a Crawfonl l\a-.hfia \1 a ... ud 3rd row \J \ll('111amL \fil,:<'
~H·wan. 1lannah. \1uro. \aron \111cll1•r. I\) h: ~1><1rL.-.. '\ikol1• Boh11 back Bn·1 \J,·11:~wr. l.ogn n Fi ...dwr. ~·011 Boy<'t'. Pnul
r..,llll-kt·~. \1 1·w111 \n·ndt. Jordan \\ olf. Jon \1ick c·l ..011.
CLASSIC: {front) \-.hlf·~ Bli··f'. Kim ChatlO. l.J.turt"n Pt·tt·r-.on. \II~ \1a-. ... i(•. \1t·gu n \.AX li11 2nd row [)~·111-.,l..1 •. S1rf Dulak . \..,lilt·)
C.arl1·1on. Sam Ziman, . R(·lx•(·1·a Fn·ibrrµ:. \11·g-a11 \11clr0<··chko. \rnln·a ~t\"aglio 3rd row Bryer l liun. \11111 l\n-111 ...(•, C<hi Butt-.,, ~I nt\'i-.
Jo•.,(in. \in~I< ·\ \1("\1 :.blC'r. Currw LI•(•. Sarah Da-.zl"/llk . J\t·n Sal1har back \aro11 f\rnu ...1·. f\urt (;o... -.1·lin. foC"k Ga11ch. Jot• \nrolik . ~·w1
\11 \1u . . 1rr. \1au &·1·11L-.1Prl.J(M'r. TJ \1 PrrdL ~·<111 Blarn·o.
........,, ·~·,,•a tuaents e;x:plore llisues.
commend effort. expand ideas
Ln a new ~:30. 000 G.S Vl ac
kJ ). medi a st11denh expa ndPd
schoo l cow rage. Shifting to a
four-color hook. C/a.-;;;ic staff
brighte n<:> d ideas \\'ith colored
tints in photos a nd des ig ns.
-- r was excit <:> d wh e n r learned
o f th e a ll-color proposal. T was
\vary of ma king th ~ dec is io n
b<:'ca use of the extra wo rk.
but r think we owed it to the
student both ... said ,.,enior Edi1or-in-C hi1·f )op \ ntolik.
\X' ith trendy desigm; from
rn aga:zirn's. acls a nd clothing.
:)()staff modernized to a rnaxinwlis t book. They ma naged
16.000 photo:-; and 2.")6 pag(~s
\vith t\dohe CreatiYe, 'uile.
"\\'hen I fir:-;t e'q>e rien eel
nwxirnalisrn. l rea lly ha ted it ~
But l later realizf'd that th e
df',,ign trend allowed for more
cn·ativit-y and s tronge r ow n:i ll
layout ·· ,,aid senior Edit o r-inCl~ief Bryce Llnwr.
Cm· ·ring opinion. s po rts.
e ntert a inrn ent and features.
T l:' rnpesl re porter:-; puhli:-; hed
stori es. photos and interviews
of :-;tl1cle nts and sta ff.
--r \\Tote <:>clitorials on
cia l-aicl ah,,tin<:> ncP-<>nh· educatio n a nd othe r co nflict i__.,.-;ues.
Th ey· re s trenu ous })(>ca us<'
you nf'ed your article "ulr
po r1 f'd " 1th facts ... sa id :-;enio r
editor Ca roly n L mfres,.,.
To rccog ni:z<:> s u1w rio r at hlt>tes. T empet>t inte n1.ewed a
rn a le a nd fe ma le va rs it y pl a~·
<:> r fo r monthly is,., ues.
" l\,(y articles we re ma inh.
spo rt s relatecl ,.,uch as ·Jockin-the-Bo"X .· T was f<:>atmecl in
]am1a ry issu e ... said ,.,e nio r repo rter \my R icc ia rcli.
\I eet ing \\ ednesda ys during a ch1sory. T e levision ChJ)
produced video of s po rts. co ncerts a nd graduation to b roadcast on local channel 20.
··[\ l y focus was kcepi ng equi.1r
me nt s t ead~- while directing
crew toward the rn a in act ion
o f gan ws. [ knnw s pm1" ,;o r
s hot bas ketball a nd footba ll
ga rne,; a nd worked on g raphics betwee n cut s ... said junior
TV re porte r Kyle O'G uin.
Creating h i,,tory o n paper
a nd in film, Classic. Tempe
a nd Television sta ffs brought
st ories t o a headline .
l\pping on success
~liiling a pla ,ti(' ('O\ <' r o nto
"I don't remember exactly why I joined
yearbook, maybe it was the artistic freedom, but I've been a member si nce sixth
grade. Art and design is what I love to do,
and being a part of yearbook allowed me to
broaden my artistic range. I'm a traditional
artist, but through yearbook I was able to
pick up many computer/compositiona l skills
that I wouldn't have learned otherwise ."
sr. Classic
3 iJH711f
all(' \\ ·Q.) n »tri >ook in 'J W<'d
('Ont c,h . oopho rnow C1a.-, ic rqJo rte r' L\(lia I ltwk
and Da na De 111, k,· hdp a t
) t'a rbo ok t'O\'(' r ca111p. In
ju ~ t t " ·o a nd a lwlf hour,.
J7 ~ t 11d1' nt' ('O\'e red 1:200
lxx >b. \ 11nt i1l11nl 131',l of
Slul\\ third pL1c1· ,,i11rwr.
tlw lxlok ddnrtcd [\\O dm·,
lat er to ,) Q() ;r11xirn1, ,t·udc nto . Othe r' pickl'd 11p tlH'
lx>ok t hrn11g hout ti · ) \:i,l.r.
JJt~41 2 9
l:.\bl''-\ \IP1l0:\AL CLLB: 1fro11t} -l 1T1·~1 l...,,;111ft1nl. .l1111a1!11111 l\.l.q11~1. ~1da11i1 1)11
Jal 2nd n-1w "'h~J,.ir \L.1/1· \lilt·\1· \1a:!1t1n-,,. D.. 111id I L11111m 1 P1·t1•r I .ah111m\-.h
I· 1J1il~ ~1);wd1. \111-.ln \k\b-.. Ji-r 8rd ~'" \1111· \k\l.1-.11·1 I rnirt·n i....11;.d1·r /a1:k
\ i:!a11 ... \..\.
\;111 Ol-.1111. I .4'1:.!11 1\.11!.!lt-1 , \111;1111L1 \l.1, tT-.. \l.1\ \1-.11111
1111111"~ 0111. junior Oc1ago
C:h 1I1 \ P Cali Ii~ I Iopf prr rc I1< 1•1 ·.., H \1..l)onnld·.., ~lra111
rod, H1akc· al rlw \lal"<'h
17 Oc1agor1 Cl11h f1111cln1i..,,·r
"lwrc· liw .. luli nri.,,·d "-+00.
131·~rnHI 111onthl~ -1x111"oring
Broobicl1· ho1111· bingo ~:2.)
priz1 ..,_ (), ·t 11go11 don; ti 1·d to
Ju11i11r \.-l1i1·\1·11wnt and ro
Cl1ildl11x1d ( :11nc·1·1 W•l'arl'h. act
·111 -,wad~ h•T-<'lf atop tlw
Lrc·\\1°1111" plm ,!!n1111HI -pid1·r. ""l'l11111111n· ~td"w1i1·
D11lak lrolcl, 1i1d11 111 tl11·
11w1al l>ar-. "''' Cl11h 11w111
lx·r· a1n111!!c·d -dwd1il1·- 111
,j,j1 Cn·\\1'no\\ l·.l1·11w11li:lr\
011 ..,c·\·<·11
·r.w..,dt1, . . 10
""j' Ir d1ildr1·11 \\l1il1· ·1111·ir
l'ar·1·ni- al tl'ndl'd ( Jw1 '\ ·
~114'\\ ..,c.tfl't\ .... c•..,-.,i()rl .....
KPy. Octagon and F:xST \ v1Ptional
Cluh; donate ~ervi('c. titlH' arid 11101wy
ittle by little ·
ollwr,., in mincl thr<'<'
duh;, fonN ·d 011 fun pmjec h
that rai-,t ·d 111rnw\ to donau ·.
\\ i1 hin 1((·110:-ilrn <1nd ht '\ ond
to I( at rina vict i111:-i. 1rn·11uX' r..,
learned ..,t•n icT for -,uc ·t·(•..,..,.
arrang<'d i(c~ Cluh :-, date-
~-tca<'he r to rai,.,c morn '\ for
hungr~ · kick \Ir. R11ffalo \\Oil
for male,., \\·ith 8 :):)..):). I countt'd al1110,.,t S-+0 in jtbl coin;,.··
,.,aid ;,cnior \lc·gw1 \n· ndt.
Pairing with ;,pe cial-need-,
l~'XST \\IPtional tc·e1h othn
;,t udc· nb hnnd--;tampt>d g reeting c·arcl..... ;,tatirnmry. puzzle,.,
and n 111ch c·ontai1wr.... Sak-,
bought L1C' \\ -;tamp,., to d e,.,ig n
rn ·-,h produch ~ c·nrly .
·· \I~ favorit e g n ·t·ting card
'>Hl,., the ·just a not e " card.
decorated " ·ith 11111-,ic not e;,. I
,.,hcmr d I ,1111n·n I( ug ln wlww
to ,.,tamp <11Hl lwl1wd lwr t'\·en 1~ appl~ pn·..,,.,un·. ·· -,a id fn ·,.,hnwn \llit· \lc ·\1a,.,h·r.
\,., an ac tivit~ to i111prm e
dail~ liw-,. O ctag on Cluh \\·itl1
cit~ Opti111i..,h joi111I~ donat ed
. 1000 to Bm,., & Girl-, Cluh
from a Pizza Bak<·-Oll Tht'\
al-,o play<'d along for S:2.) pri;(':-, donat( •d to ,.,(•nior c itiz(' ll
bingo at Bmok,.,ide honw .
··it wa.., llHht import a nt for
n·t · r~ rnw to kc'(' (> ..,dwdulc·-,
fre t· for 111onthl~ hingo . The
nur,.,ing lionw cl(' (X:'lldt'd on 11,.,
to lw tlwn ·. ·· ..,,1id junior Octagon Pre,.,ich1t I( <ll ie E.Yai1" .
Sen in· duh,., work<·d collect iY( ' '~ to ,.,trnnp OLLI hung(' r.
g n ·eting and bingo card.., and
a nrnrk on tht' c·rn11m1111il\.
create a hand-stamped card
1 Cut cardstock to premeasur d size
2 Stamp light colors first, then apply dark
shades to provide depth and contra
Stamp envelope with matching design
-± Give completed card to special someone
~cin~g patience
~-;lac mid dw<',< ' in hand on e. (-;uiding ,ophomon' \l;h '\( '
D<'<'. 11. ,<•nior 1-.:< · ll~ \\ q>\laguin: ., ..l1tl >-logo ''""11'
pla1 ·1·m1 •111. 'opl10111ore 1-., _
kin o- p11h IO" <'tlwr n1re
pm 111;.w' of 111 ~11 wri,linhh · ST\\IP1io1111I 11w111lx·r \i
1 hi< '\ \ k \ 1a,t !'r work, on
food i11 ·11h ('(1il<'<'l< 'd I>\ 1'n
Cl11h rlw prior \\1'1·k. .Fro1;1
11 gr:P<'ling <"ard. \l<•111l x· r,
l'olll'l'I ion 111IJ, 'latirnwd in
<T<'<ll!'d '' am1wd ill ' llh ro
1·m·li wh i"on. 1:29 hag" of
rai"< ' 1111111!'~ for "IX'l'inl
rn ·nl, fi1·ld rrith and dui>
drnu11<·d f<x>«I \\arnwd 1:2.)
nl'l'<h fa111ili1 ·, during rlw
'upplic,. TIH'\ ,old prodll! 'h al l'o11fc n ·1w1·, and rlw
liolid;l\ "· \\inning wh i,1 >ri( ~:-oi w<.•ll dnugln111;~ .
H1·1rni,,11111 ·<· t'rnft fair.
ding ln1,.,i1H•,.,,., ,.,kill. FBL \
d Dl<=C\ L1H' ll1her.., joined c~,
11 fir..,t-lwnd e'q wri<·nc·c>.
n·quircd to join 1<'131 , \
der to participatt-> in the
ll<'"s co-op program. I
'\t'r <"\.j><'<'t<'d to pl.wt' in tlw
1op fi,c• Bu,.,i llt',.,,., Prncedw'l's.
but l took ,.,eco11cl... said ,.,e11ior \l ega n Brothen.
To pr act ice husi IH'"'s Ill<'! hod.., in a ;-,chool ,.,t'tting. rn-.:c \
nm TlonH' Cm 1rt to lt'arn ,.,kill:-;
from i1we11tor~ to ac·cou11ti11g.
--\I y rolt-> <l,., I Iome Comt retail 111anag<'r lwlpecl nw win a
nwdal in 111~ Rt'1<1il \krchandi,.,ing \lanagement t->Yellt at
Regionak.. said t-.<' ll ior \ ndrea Ro,.,t' IH'uttt'r.
\t-. futurt' philanthropic bu,.,ine,.,,., leader,.,. FBL \ rai,.,ed
lllOIH' \
for ti w \ 1" rch of
"I joined FBLA to
have fun with my
friends, but taking
classes and competing at State, where I
won third, led me to
choose Finance as my
college major."
-sr. Matt Beemsterboer
"Duri11g lunC'h at the l<'B I, \ R<·gionak ,.,ludt' Llh ht'ld wlwelharrow and rt> Im ran•,.,. \ft er
,.,011w p<·r,.,ua,.,ion fro111 l•: ric l\1lli11. Kati<' Hori-;
und l formt'd a" lwt·Un11To\\ tea11i."
-jr. nicole alia
\Vhat did y
the stress of
Dinws "hilc· Dl~C \ f'ont,.,t'd
efforts on helping the \ rw . cular Dy,.,t roph~ \ssocial ion .
"\\ ith rough!~ 600 paid c•ntrie,.,. Dl·=C\ rai,.,ed S:3_:300 for
\JD\ al the annual Battle of
the BamL.., crnnpet it ion ... ,.,aid
junior organizer Jon Pen·ira.
\fter qualifying :2:) for State.
,.,opho111ore ;\;11alit• .luan·z and
junior Brirn1 \\ ic·gelc graduated fro111 Career Leadership
\cade111~ at 1lw 1nternut ional
Ca n'er Dt·,·elop11w11t Crn 1fcr<'ll<'<'- the D~C \ Lntermitional.
-\lso. of :26 FBI , \ qtrnlifiers.
fiq · placed at Stat<'. Tlw~ al,.,o
dainwd l{egio11 \'I Ouhlanding Chapter fourth pla('e.
From compt't it iY<' <'Yt-'llt,., to
lei;-,urt'I) <H'li' it~. ~ oung hi1,.,ine,.,,., leader,., donated effort,.,
to <''qmnd cai·<'<'r opl io11,.,.
~l~llt'nl. 'opho111111·t• HtX'('O
Pidli11 ancl ,t·nior' l•: ri(' :incl
Sarni! P:olli11 \\lll('h 11 pn ·'l'llf 111 ion 111 FBI , \ Hq.(ional, l•'t'h. -+. l': ri(' and Sm11h
trn1k fir,1 plal ·t• in J311,i1u·,,
l·:1hi(', "hil1· Hrn·'"' ('lai1111·d
frnll'th in ln1ro. 10 Bu,i1w''
C:o111111unin1t io1h.
~dtCJtt peddling
To li1w up lwr approaC"h. ~ l)j-,, · a promotion
junior FBL \ hi-,torian Ka- id<·a. '<'nior-, Jn-,h \lcDant i1· Bori ... rai-,, ·-, tlw hall at
il'I and Crant \ pgar pla..,l<'r
tlw group lxmling part) at
procluct' "itl1 ···1<.ike \larCuttom1~<·n·~ \lmC'h 19.
kf't ing 1•• -,1 i1 · k< · r~ .
philanthropic (a
Philanthropic is goodwill to fellowmen, an active effort to promote human welfare by dispense or receipt of aid for humanitarian purposes.
FBLA and DECA donated time, efforts and money to philanthropic
organizations such as March of Dimes March 19 and Muscular Dystrophy Association. DECA's Miracle Minute in advisories raised $700 in
one minute with Ms. Mary Towers' advisory winning donuts at $29.51.
FBLA: (front) \1t'linda Dn:-µ1·r. Bmd Joh1bon. L..t·a GonLul•-.... \Ii \ludm. ku111 · llf,n... \·"' \l~ · 1L '\wol1· \ t·l1·J: 2nd l(X\
Stephani{" \U)l"(·eht. \1t·li.-..-.;;1 I lqi:t"\\akl Bryc't' Llrn{-r. \lt-gtudcJ1n-.1m. l\ri.... 1in.a '\~1iclwz. 1-.mi" Bun~ 'rl. \l.·x Brnfon l C.a mh n
l rnfn...._., 3rd row \lt~un Bn.tlwn. Hyun J):'1·trr. l\.1·L-..t·, ~111n. Tom Pc·ln'-'·TL \lik t· :"-i111nno. \m_
.. ~ ·~ \k\1 tt-i11 ·r \IJi..., •ll
\lr\la... 1rr. C:hn.. 11~~wr \lanm. Jo.,h t-:ck'-up bock l\.un (At"<~·lirt \n1hon~ Pup1)1 ·11fll"'. Jot · \nuJik . Paul ""'u("k t·~ , ~·.in
\lc\ta..,ter. Brucl I lolman. l\,.,;n \lich. \11an B:-'t·ni.. . 1nl•1t•r.
DEC\: (front) "11·1i-..--.i1 Vl<xh-y .. \l-.li1111 \ ·1~11 .. B1" 1111 Juqui.. . h.. 0)[) 011~ .... f2nd rOW' 1 uylor '\t·"inn, \rnund;.1 l}·virw. Cory Pi<'hl Puniela Htj'.!:1tl;1ch kuiH· Pmnuioitt.'. h·lici•t Jung,._ Han(h ~··;11:h1ndl<·r. \ll)"''°n \ta....... ""
\h; \1uru<~') . (JM.nine·~ \\ ynit.L l\.uyl.i:t \lil~·r. \kli.. . ....._1 ~~tT &cl row;! hn. . 1i L.u11n•1tzt. \uialit· Juanz.. Sam IJ'Ulun.l Lin<l...c~ ~Lt·tK\ I.JKi llin·1ti.. Ju ·~ /..i)i._••.dt. JctuHK' Cmll<Ult. H1~)1·r1 P1frr...... H~ ~ut Hc ~~1t-.01t. \ldt.......... 1
Clui.. wn_
. -.t·n..J1·1111H· F.lgc~lari Kri. .1lna "-.u<IX-z. LHW11 Honch. \ndn.·-a Ho-o(•!M 'Uttt·r, Till:llK~·lL"'l ,}t-nkir"t-. ~thrOW' Ln1i~ Hug_g. \malia Pit>hl \1Kln1 S~lejrtllllli.. rrro·c,L)flll(•lLJ1·n·11"H') P111.J1•. Brun<~111 l ~nm. Jat'f~~ (;n ull.
l)wid t\1~L""' ·lt. \j S"1uiz, \n1hor1\ Hrwm. J\ali .non. \mh•r Drigo1. \aron \\ c·rnc ·~ Jc~111 l\1·11wrt. \mlll·r~1111.<t. \ ...ltlt'C' \\ t·m"H·lli~ 5lh row Pu11I Jat-k"'(lfl.. \n<h. \\ t'IL Dyhn H4~. ... J1.t--on Ri11 l. Tn~ I fu!.!llf [);uu~
lknnl"'I.. \\ ah1·r \\~·IL, Jon P1·n·tnL \UJ) I .tt<"l<UU.. (,nu11 \1{!:ur. \dr.u11 l.A·Bn"·· 1 i111 ( .(·lui.. \1arl<>11 P111) , l~·n l·~1K1tµ:. Dm1d l 'rint<llc:I bock Yi.an11<1111 I lurri...... Ja"'l4'>n 'l1~ ·. (lwt- 1'11hi1... Uh1llt Ht·1n~ . I ..1..- l"'l I l11f1 ·1tkmn11..
Hi!.; S.·1ll(lu-< ·h, Jnk .. Conn<-rirll(, Bri.m 11 •-µ•·~ ' David '1tn~1L Joe E1~1U>g, [), ..,...k C..nffin
\.10DEL L~; front ( hri .. 1inn Larna. \l ;trt\ \111i1du·r ~1111;1111h;1 "'-t·111111·r1.
"'-t·111111·r1 /2nd l'OU'l \h ....a Hodn!.,'l.W/, ~a' la ....,,~t"t·rn·'. ~le\C" I lorn. ~ 1-11 ~J>h<ll
c...... -..fo1. J1 ..-.q1h \l jll ...<11>-.. \min•\\ ~-l11il1;·. "'-t·{tn \lili1 ·r. \11 "!.!<.lll \n ·ndt
fJ.ilze up
Blm\ in!!'. awm t IH' !'rowel.
l'.'.%en ior Carl 1-:°t·rnw<h rock,
tlw ~I Hf(t' <JI tlw f;r,l annual D1 ·111 .lalll l'\f'lll. TIH'ir
hand \h111('cl & CO 111w1wcl
dH· D1·1111><Tal <'011<'1 ·1·1 al (>
p.lll. \ ft l' r \ I\\ pla\ eel
\l et al Dn·anh d11,ed I he
\l a r!'h 11 ralh.
e. lnrr{)(ltf!'ill!!'. ~·natnr Bob
\\ ird1. ,,·nior I ladjt·r Bounanrn addn·--1·, 1lw D1 •111
]alll mHli1·111·1· 011 \lar<'h
11. B1 ·twf'P ll ba11d,,. Senator-. \\ ir<'h and I _1· na Tm lor. j1111ior s,,.,,. I lorn a1id
Coll1·f!•' D1 ·111onah of \\ j,_
c·orhin ( :lwir11u111 \ wai,
1':hal1·PI di,1·u,,1 •d lLJ>-< 'Ollljng ,1a11· d1·1·rion-. and n m di;la11 • 1arp;1·1 i-.,1"''·
Activism prepped students
for politiC"al futures and added
outsi<le-th<·-da;,sroom <'X[Jeriences at three VI ode I L nited
at iorn; C"onf<·n·nce.., and \\·itl1
Democratic campaign work .
·rY<' writ l<' n man~ r<'"olut iorn.,_ including on<' that called
for use of corpses to pro,·idc
·11 ·rgy a.., our Organization of
m rican Stale;, jok<•. ·· ;,aid
..,<·n ior dekgate Joe \1 ill..,ap..,.
D rnon..,trating llw rwgutiY<'
impact of \\ al-\1art on the
e<'ononn .. Kenosha D<' mocratic Youth Ac tion plannt'd
to campaign agai n:cil the :-,tor<>
p ri 1r to ih l lolida) ni ... h .
:ci r<>ally di,.,appointed
when he \\'al-Vlart prote:-,t
fell througl . The l'\"l'lll k<>pt
a<>tting put off cati...e of cli..,unt il it got to th<·
point wh<·re it d ul n"t hap1wn.
...aid ... enior \I~;-. a Hodrig11ez.
\ f ter D1·m Jam lt·ct ure,., and
prot e-,t... on wornan ·-, ri,,hh
and ahort ion w l \ \\ I,oC'al
?6. \IX\: rocked the -,1age.
Youth.., danct·d along. 1110-,hing in pih awaiting tlw cli..,cu..,sion of mon· iss1w:-,.
.. It wa.., lwct ic JwcatN' f organiz<'d D<·m Jam while al,.,o
pre pping with th<· hand. Owridl. w<' pill~ <'cl a good ... hm,
de-,pite th<· preparation cha<i...
and di..,appointing turnout of
about ?.)...... aid junior VIXX
drumme r Dan Pratt.
\lod<·I L '\ w011 Ouhtanding Delegation in \I ilwauke<'.
and KDY \ gairwd a gnhp
of' pmwr. Both pnwt ic<>d t H'gotiat im1'"' v.·it h delq1;at<>,., and
d<>mocrat iC' di!-><'ll'"''"'iori....
about Model UN?
'·1 enjoyed OA 8 a1 U\V- arkside because my \\ rldH<'althOrganization
101 rnnittP
a.-; srruill and everyone
was invol ed. BecalIBe of the inYolve1 l i , we nmde outstanding resoluions after productive debates.·'
~ diedrum
'l'o fin · up 1ht· crowd.. -,~·
Bo\( '(' dn1111-,
at Young [)pm(icrah .. fir-,t
Dt'm Jmn. \ l ptal Dnwth
an!'hon·d t hl' ('YCnt at <J
p.m., pla) ing after \ I\\
and \ lrn l('d &, Co. Tlw poli rical dub ('rtH'r~wd <h tlw
onl~ nc\\ organization.
'-f'r?Ve it up
\rnHI(• garn('-., p<w>L ping
1Klllf( and otht'r n·•· gairn·-.
frpp \l nd<·I L:\ ..,(·n ior Eri('
Pullin from tlwdm ·-.ddiatt·
-,tn·-.-,. h1llowing: lwo day-.
of 1wgotiating lioli<·) . p,;11 ..
in\ YP1ll<'n group \\Oil lw-.1
d<·il·ga1 ion at tlw \ 1ihniukt>('
('('r<'lllOll) \l arch 2-t.
d j)(,,,~~1
l UN
Pla) ing to grow group tolerance.
dubs t'"Xpand cult11rnl horizonh
ridging the ga
To t>xpand 011 culture immer-;ion. l;) German nwmher:-i rodc the \l etra to Chicago Dec. 1-t to tour the GoC'the
ln::-titute and Dah Plaza·:o
Ch ri,.,t klncU \ f arkt modeled af1er the :\euremhurg \ 1ark ct.
·The belmY-zero "indchill in
Chicago cut through eYery layer
of clothing. so WC' <llJ ,,·armed up
\\·ith German treat:o like white
chocolate-<'OYerecl gingerbread
hall-.. RlYarian roa... teclalmoncls.
apple and cherry ;,trudel and
hot apple cider.·· :-.aid -;enior
Pre:-.ident Ken Sabbar.
\1:-.o on tlw \kt ra·-. fast
track for Chicago·,., multi-cultural area-.. International Club
:-.bopped the ::-anw Chri,.,tkindl
\larkt Dec. :3. Riding the .. L ..
\la~ -!:. the~· \'isited l [i,.,1xmic
and Chine:-.e rwighhorhoocl'"i.
..On both trip,., to ethnic part
of Chicago \W bonded with six
foreign :-it udent:-1."· s<l id -;t>nior
Pre::-iclent Ka,.,hfia \ [a,.,ud.
Ttbte-te-;ting a uthent ic food
at meeting,., and pla~ ing bocce
on the ;,cl1ool lawn drew It alian member;,. To -;m·e for a
trip to Ital) . a nHbtacholi dinner held at the I.\ . Tla ll with
Bradford\; club earned S900.
..\\ e <'ooked pa:-.ta after meeting:-. and rno:-.trn·holi for the
\ pril :2 dinner."' ::;aid junior
ltalian nwmher .\ icolle Kit r.
Ewn Jap<lll Chu) broke from
the ordinary to talk anirne and
a ll thing-; Japane:-.e. \ ion high Iight. junio r Japan
Pre,.,ident R~ arm\\ ohlegemuth
met anirn~ Yoice Gre0rr \\Te:-..
···\[eglio morire con onore. cbe ,;Yere con Yergogna·
j_.., my faYorite. lt mean,; ·Ti i-; better to die \\ith honor
r p . s & cu lture
\ top tlw t'aft'IPria chair.,
and <'hocolatt• cook il'-. in
ha ml junior-, Ca-,.,i1· Cuh Pr
and Clwn I 0\t·rli\ 1·ncrniragP .lapa;l Clid> ;lll'rnlwr-.
to donatP I heir time to rai.,l·
morn•, for cancer n•.,pard1.
Japan"i·-.1· rrwrnlwr <li-,cu-,.,ion fn·qw·ml~ n·nrt·n·d 011
anirn<" and JX>p culr ure.
~~r)g ladies
-l'<("°plan tlw \pril :.2 rno-.racholli fumlrai-,pr. ""nior
Italian Clnh Pre-,id1·11t I lol~ikora and -,opltomon·
\ P '\ann R1 ·-.cncl1·z takt· a
witP. Th~ S<JOO profit fund1·d \lilwaukee trip-. to tlw
Flnn·nt inP Op«ra and I hi'
\l1r-.1·u111 \ atican '''-hil>it.
\l ore cultun· rollt·d in \Yith
IJO<'!'<' hall gmrw-..
~ ~eep in culture
1larnL, lo<'k1•d and 1·1lwm'
dcm 11. fre,lrnwn I1111·rna1io11al llH'llUK'r' \11·1 · \ nlad1·/ Hild Toma'
1.L,mi1 It
c ..
\H1·,tl1· in '\111·' o L1•011 n•,_
1a11rn111. To to111· Pil,1·11 11 ;,_
pani1· nnd ( :1tirnt1m\ 11 w·1·1b
Hild ,j,jl tfw \!1·''Wl h1H ·
j;\P.\!\" CLLlJ: front (.l1t·:"\ (),,·di\, Pri ...t·illa lkn10.1ml1·1 . \ ... 11!1·\ \111l1T-..illl. ""l1;111m111 \l1·Hrnl1• \-.hlt'l' \ll1·rt F111
ih \lon!llll. \!aria Di \l11tll~i; '2ud ra" 1-\1·,in (~1·111n1·r. lh.11111\\11hl:?1·muil1. \In. I Lunl1r11d.. . l...u11r.t Pikn,.., \d.1111
IJ.11· l·.lcrH' I .1·ull1·i11. -...1q1h;11111· Pi .. 11in1. '-Iha\\ Ila\\ Clrnn btwk ....i,., Jol111 .. to11 ..1111·~ l..t."1dlci11 . \1110.1111Lt "".1lc• ... k1
Jo... 1·11h \lill ...ap... \ruin·\\ Sd1ul11· '!0111 /"wkt·~
'JJ h1dt·111<111. \lur1111 \11wn1111ia11. \chbt·r J....11h\ llu11111hn· ...
"To convey emotions
in signing and acting,
I used face and hand
expressions in both
clubs. My Sign talent
show poem needed
artistic gestures to
get the point across."
-sr. Alyssa Rodriguez
Terrified, the ;,creaming
man ran from a bloody.
· in saw-wielding man. ot
cene from Si1w fl Drama
uh·;,, Haunted House called
ca-,h to finance fom
mPnu:>er prodllct ion-,.
--Brandon I Terr and I ran
set-up and arried walkie-talkie;, a;, wandering spirih in the
roach and demented fairy tale
room and -tO-foot m~zt':·
said ;,enior ,\darn Boesch.
Drama Club competed at
S<'ctional-, th one-act, joh-intervie\v parody. lfard Candy.
Building on a ting skills, senior;,, l cl in director and stage
manager role-, for tlw next
three product ion.-,.
·To replicate Shakespeare· s
work, my crew worked ;,,ix
Saturday-. . .\s -.tage manag-----,
"/ want to be a teacher for the deaf.
Sign Club allowed me to work with
deaf friends and learn their culture and
signing techniques. When we went
to Callaudet University and looked
around the campus, it was cool to see
every student signing.
er for Twelfth ight .' T also
.borrowed six, '150 Ren Faire
l:x> lices for COi'it ume;,."' said
senior Svdnee Davis.
ln a ~lifferent Shake;,pearean adventure, Sign Club
i-ihifted gears for a 15-hour
hw; ride to Washington D.C.
and the Gallaudet L niversit~
where they watched '·Much
Ado \bout ~othing.··
·Tht> play in sign was interei'iting. but I learned the mo;,t
fronr the interpreter who
guided our museum tour,"'
said -.ophomore ·icolt> Kloet .
Being vocal keyc~d up audience attention in Drama Club
procluctiorlb, ) et Sign Club
taught its member-, sian languag<-' to makf.. a differt'nce
in a \vhole new way: \\rithout
making a sound.
~~~ rk planning
\t Bu-.h Card<•n,., in \\ a-.h.
ington, Sign Club junior
Bri1tan~ Dulak and ,,opho111on•,, Lin<l-,ay Bo" rud and
Krni1· \\ oo<l~ ·clwf'k a 111ap.
D<>-.pit1· rain. t<'f 'th hit roll1 ·r
coa-.t<·r-. and a +I) C<xh<~
h111n1,.., mm~i<·. \1ajor f'Or·
poratirni_,., donat,·d all f1xKI
and n'ducl'cl admis,,ion f('<'"
through \<hi""'" \ng<>liqu< ·
S<·idl<·r and Kara Tho111H,.,.
& 1·
e Jea,se on twelfth
1lw k•l<'I'. •<'nior Brando11 I 1.-rr 111<wk...
\fah-olio. pla, ('d Ii, -.('11ior
\da111 wll . during
\ ct l of' "T,,<·lfd 1 l\i:.:'11."
19_:7'l~nearsa l
Pnw1 i<'i11g i11 Tlwal re Roo111
]2()_ f'o;.,.
Dra111a Club
11w111h·r-. rnn dm>111.(h li1w-.
for En:.:li-.h 11•udwr Dan
Shi111011 '-. 'Tlw St'lwr-..''
allaudet (n.)
unded in Washington D.C. in 1864, Gallaudet University is the only
un ersity that specifically accommodates deaf and hard of hearing
students. Gallaudet offers hearing impaired students more than 40 undergraduate majors and 26 graduate programs, with 41 percent of staff
either deaf or hard of hearing. Sign Club raised $10,000 for 32 students
to visit Gallaudet during Spring break. Student costs were $250.
SIG'\ CLLll /mnr \111htT h·nal•Hl. \111;.1111b '.'->;1rµ1·111 . \-.hl1·~ I _\\t'lh. "am~ lk-1·rnl1·/ Jad~ 11\1 .1~ "alw Proc.1r11111t· ( Hlfft1t1·~ \\ ~ n 1a. "- <-lilt'\\ <M)(l-. 2nd row ! \11drca Hwuw. "iml>c·rh ( h .111n. Bri11am Li11111IM·1t1. ""'la 1lartndl. "in1I~· l\:l11d_ D.111.1 l.X·111-.k1·~ I .irnl... 1\
Ro,nt<L \l111vh~ Thoina-.. Bnt1111·~ J;•r (3rd rowl \hh~ l AJt'\\1·11. ~hou11· \larrrwr. \11cln·~ Ht·nl.._ \lan ... -•.il :--1a\.11to\\ io. \111an1 Li Odt·
I .t' \nna m, .. l..i. "' lc·rw I l1·111hom. '" .... a Hodri!!lll'Z. ~.1i1h II ( '. rw11lt·1 hncJ.- \ch1-.1·r J...arn ·1 hoina-.. \It·!!
..11. ,,•. ,amlriol ( ln 1011.
Bn11 Dula!... ~I nw1·~ ·( .tu-111 Danit'! Dopkt•. '.'-iw11111tl P11l'l't1i. Bt:d.. ~ ( ~tndt't\ ""~ l.1 ...,,,t·t·rn·~ \1h i..n \n!!d1q1u- ~-idler
o. .
nu ....
front ( lwr,I O\t·rl1, t...;Jia1111011 \It-Bruit·. \llt-.011 '\n1111;11111 ( 1111-.fu H11h.·1un . I 1.111.t '/0111 \1 1·~.111 \ndn1..d1kn, \l t trl\ \111a._·ht·r. 1.\1r.1 Fro-..1. '"".. 1111
I lan1-.. ~' d1H't' Drn 1-.. Llene "1.(•ttUt'i11.· Jordan S1111!11 .:!nd ro1r Lmih \lnr!.!Hll. \11·,11 \\ tljci1·1·ho\\ i11. \ li1·h1·llt- ""- 01111-rt. I .;,1-.-.w ( :uhn • ...,h,t\\ 11.t\\ Llm1·r. Jul it· P1H1ll'
H~ anr1 \\ ·oldf!t'llll llh. \nm· \\ aki-.zt•k. J...t'n ~thhm. Ccl1•-.11• \lordi111. \\di11d;1 \\1u!11a-. :Jrdron_ Bm11do11 I l1·1T. I h·oulwr Ciann. kn Chn-.1i;11i..1·11. _\_.. hit·~ f lc-... -.don. \It·'
I la11il1rod... \do1111 lk 11 •...d1. H1·m· J;.w111111. I .;nu-11 Pikoa. Jon I .cidki11 ..... 11·pha11it· P1 .. 1ora. \lq.! l ;i...-.1. Da,i · ...,1t·\1·1i-. hocl.- \1h1-.n .ID 1·011111;1111 Ill. I 0111 Hnhl1111-.. ( n-..11111
Cri-..1ia110. c:.111h II (;,din.\\ illiollll I Imold. \d.1111 (..:1111pl:M.·ll. \11dn·\\ ~·li11ll't' I ..;HUil "1 wl11 11·. \\ill \11d1·r--011 I ro~ 1 .~·n11anL \ rnl~ I lt·n-111.11111. '\id.. ll.1r.. 11li
~1 r~ r~rr.
+ Rocking out to Blue Oyst;_er quit'
"Don't Fear the Reaper," senior Dan
Meinhardt, junior Dustin Laurenzi and
2005 graduate Bobby McDermott imitate a classic SNL skit. Meinhardt vied
for the title of Mr. Tremper during the
Jan. 28 Mr./Ms. Tremper competition.
+ Trumpet blaring, senior Niki Bohn
flaunts Trojan pride at the Oct. 14
Homecoming game against Muskego
Warriors. Despite the 6-14 loss, loyal
Trojan fans cheered until the end.
Re-mounting her burro after a
dropped pass, senior soccer player Kelly
Wepking looks up court. The girls soccer
team sponsored the donkey basketball
game on Feb. 11 in the gymnasium.
Fired up and flexing pride, our senior
class snatched the first place float award
at the Homecoming Parade. Spirit-filled
attitudes surged as we laughed when Mr.
Tremper introduced a Ms., celebrated
Prom and cheered Diversity Talent show.
To promote ranting and raving at the
Bradford basketball game, the crowd
witnessed Trojan Man decking Red Devil
while court fighting Feb. 3. In that frame
of mind, we paraded the Devil's head
around the bleachers, rousing spirit.
Sprucing up special events, Class of 2006
donated $2,500 to purchase wooden,
Tremper crest-embedded chairs for an
eloquent appeal at formal events.
As a downward shift, spirit stumbled
May 6 with the Battle of the Bands cance llation. Shifting further, May 12 Powder Puff game failed to launch due to
lack of sign-ups. Then the newly introduced freshman/sophomore dance repeated the phrase cancel led.
We re-captured our spirit at Senior Banquet when the slide show invoked four
years of memories. In the crowd on the
Italian American floor, we echoed the
dance moves flashing by during the slide
show. Within ourselves we witnessed the
SHIFT from freshman to senior .
. fi)dr-nNJ
!-: urt Co,,!'lin
i-ll·wn \k\lihlt'I'
Br\ n · l l11H'r
~c1;11 Zin1a11~
\l 1·µrn1 \11dro-.d1ko
Jrn ·k Crnuh
\l a 11 B1 ·1 · 11i-.11Tl~M · r
I .ydm I fiu ."k
Scan Blu111·0
Ca ... i B1111-\-.ldt ·\ ( .< 1rl1 ·10 11
l\i11.1 ( :ha ll o
\futt i...:-ru11-.1·
\in ... lc, \h ·\lih1t ·r
Brian \lwh
"-i11 · fill11t ' Dulak
Lmn·n P1 ·t 4' NHI
Dana Dt·111-.k1•
1\1·11 ~1l xwr
( ~ 1rrw I .t ·1·
\Ian lk·1·11hl c rboe r
S<trah Da-.1:cz11k
\1id wllt• l\. orndn
\ a ron I\ mu ~·
To pump up the crowd at the Feb. 10
boys basketball game against Park, Trojan Man stands tall among the hootie
fans' section. Between quarters, senior
Trojan Man Pete Russo jumped up to
start a rippling wave across bleachers.
With roarin pride, the Troja,ns defeated
the Panth rs 91-89 doubl over-time.
:\Ir. Edward Kupka, l'n11,·i1•il: ll11d,;:t'l. I a<"iluw-. PT-, \ I 1a1-1111. ~·l1<M1l l111111rn 1111. I t""I :-;..n . \l 1•d1a. ( :111111111111. (;11n·-1•1111l.. \d111i11. Co11111'il. " l "D \ d11 1i11 \ --t• Pn·- .. llh·k -,.. h.. d. S111C h . Crad. H1•q .. I .i1t·n1t·,
I 1·a111. '°"'1"\ l.l'arn. ( .11111111 .. ~·h1.,1 ·1 n11h. I t•;i 11 1. l\.fa. Jody Bloyer, \ --1 l'1·i1u·i1'1I: \ 11t•nda 1lt't'. Di-<"i pli 111-.
1-.;-, "-•t·111il\ ;o;af1•1\ Drill-. C11-1- l 1•rn11. ~111 . Crn1 l t•1•11 C:01 1r1. \l inonl\ ;-;111. S11 p1rn·1. \1 hl,.1i1· \l !.!111111 ..
"tall Dt·\ C:u111111. 1';11k111!!. -,111111111"1 -,..h1M1l 1'111 1t'lpal. \ d111i11. ( .u1111t'll. I la11<Uik. C:t1111111 .. \ d111i11. l11d1w1.
( 0111111. Mr. Kenith Dopke, \ --1 l'm1l'tJ•tl: \l a,lt'r '°"•ht•d11lt'. 1lt-ahh !'ot•n .. Cot11h1•1i11!! !-ot•n .. ""' 1111\'r\\'ll
111111 ·1,•rn11. \ thi-orit''· !'ot·hola1..,hip'. Collt•!!t' ~ C:.11·t•1•1 Cntr .. \ ( l(PS \ I \ S\ \B Tt·-1i11g. S111. Cmt. l'I .
\ d111111. C:011111"il. I .1111!! Ha11,;:1· Plan: Bh·k -,..1...d. o..;11 1d, . St;iffi11!! Prn1t·11h. Crud. <'.11111 11 1.. ( .111 11..,1• Dt·-1.,..
( .0111111.. ( 011111111t·r <'.0111111 . Ms. Sue Son1glio-lan -L-.
l'n11n1•tl: Prnf Dt•, .. "1•·c h i. 1IJ>,,( :,,_t. Load-.
Siu. Cm1., ' I 1·-1 ( ... m l I 1·;id11·1 I .'<II Bri1b·-. "\1·" "1aff. \1 1·111m-. \ d"'"'"''· \d 11 1111 Crn11w1I. Swff I),.,.
( .rn1111i.. l)i ... tr. B1td!!t'I C:oi1111t.. ""'rah'!..~ I\ C.0111111.. \ t•r1. I t·~ 111 1 I tM'll ... C rn11 p for ~tu .
\ b. Carolina \iello, /J/1-. hi. B11-. C.tH>p. Bu-. Pn•·1·d 11 n·-. Corn
p11i1T \ ppl. Dl'-kiop 1'111>1.. " '"' hrd11!!. \\ di l»1g1• Dt•-.; \ 1h i-l'rl·HI \ . \ d111i11 ( A111111·il Ms. Rolx·na \kalin. C:11id11u·,•: \ d\1-1'1·
"-.tqlpitt!! "'-lt1uw ... : h.1· 11u ... lw h1111 Conn .. l '.H' J1 i11 g "
Conni.. \ l111o r 11~ P 1H!! .. '1 11pn)\ ~H·t~r. Crn11111.. ' tllll li Op. P n1~.
\t r. Thonlllti Amacher, I 11!!: Fn!!. 10. H,.,,.,11rh \ lt-1h .. I-. D"I>"""
Drn111<1; \ d\1-1'1 S1a!!t' (rt'"' \ --1. 111111-t' \1 11,;:r Mn;. Polly Ambo·
m .. \l1i-u C:o111°t'rl llrn-. Cirl-. \ C:;ip1•·ll:1. ln·hl1• C:h11ir. \ 1h i-1'1'
\ L1dri!!al " 11 1gt•r,. ( :lu1-1111a--1 h·;i-11• Di n•t·111r. MN. Edith \m
broo,e..'YI. Biol.. ( :Ju·m Mr. Tom Anden;on, .o...w(( " 1••1. l·.d. 0. 1
\fn;. Debra \ndre"'" · ,o..;rilff: 1.ihrn n . Sta ff Dt" C:t1111 11 1. Mr. Kevin
\ ronin, -., •.,.hi. I I)-,., \l ".(.111hll s, , .. C:o:u·h.-,.1ph . I d " ll ..
C.1rl-· I \{,_ Gidget A>-011\\hll. ,o..;1;1(( 1)1'1 I .11· -,. h1•1I "\111,t':
\ 1hi-er: \\ a lk in!! Cl 11 h: Silt' Pla 11 .. Cri-i, (; m1111 .. Di-1ri1·1 I It-a h h
( .0111111.. \l t•d ic Fir-1 H1·-1M11ult ·r T c•a111 C:<H>rdi11a1m. Mr. Ronald
Bailey, "I"' l.rl. I IJ. Hc·-01111·1·. \I S: D1·p1 Chrpr-11. l nitt•d \\ m
Hq1. Mr .\Ian Beaulieu,-"!"'' h i. \ L11h. Ht"-0111n'. l " · I li-1.
\ I,;:. (.01111 .. \ d\1-t'r. S111 Cm1 S11 11 l1·111 !-ot·n11°t''· Mr. Robert Bel
kola.. S1;1ff: !-ot•C11ri1).
Ms. Joan Belmore, Sw(f. " '""' I lo11 r Spn-r
Mro. Diane Bilak, Swff \11 .. 111lt 11n· C:.t llt·1
M H. Diane Blackrnqn., \/;11/t: (;111 1p111 t·r P ro:z.
I. :l . :1. -t. \I !!. I.
Robert C Th
· ornas
"I tell my soldiers when
they complain about
their c urrent situation, 'Remember,
you gave up your freedom to defend it and to give it to others,"' said
Sergeant First Class Rob Thomas,
now stationed outside of Kuwait
City. Thomas' Field Artillery unit escorts bus convoys to the airport so
troops can go home or redeploy.
Thomas feels the terrorism threat in
Kuwait is sim ilar to that in the U.S.
and the "biggest danger is how Kuwa itis drive. Chicago drivers have
nothing on these people. "
Life in Kuwait requires Thomas and
troops to live in tents equipped with
electricity, heat and air conditioning . The day begins at 4:30 a.m .,
to work at 6 a .m .; 12 hours later for
dinner even McDonald's, KFC or Pizza Hut await on base. "Up at 0430
to do it all over again, its like being
Bill Murray in Groundhog Day," said
Thomas, the third generation in an
army war zone, grandfather in WWII
and father in Cold War Germany.
Mo. Debbie n, S1;1ff: S1»1-. l·:d. C:Ds.
Mrs. Erin Bo..ovich., \/;1th: \ lg. I \ . 1. \la1h
\ 111) '·' S1a l'f Dt•, . C:111 11111. Mr. Cha rles Bradley,
,-., •• '-o /.: l "·Cm I. Hc ·g .. \I': C:oad 1 llm -,"C id,
( :ro..,., (~ 111111r~ . Ho~., ·1rat·k.
Ms. Christina Bradley, :-.,·i.: lliol. Ht'!! .. 11111'..
111111 1<111 \11a10111\ & l'ln - iol. 11111. Ms. Dorl.ise
Brown, .-., . St.:. \\ orl<i I li, 1.. \\ orld l-- 111·-.
\ l'r. \II I. 11 i... 1.. Cm I. : C:rnwh c 1i.... r1r111g. Mr.
Matt Brown, /Jri<l!.!t'-,: \ .,1ro 110 111\ . l 111 g r . S(' i.:
,-., ·,.: l111:zr -,.. i.: \d,i-1·r· ~i ul"d ( >i11 . \\ 1·igl11
nrn11: ( '"""" · Fr. l·d • 1ll: Siu· Pla 11.
Ms. Audrey Bruneo, -"1•·1·. l~d. : ( ; 1111 11 11111.. .I oli
Skill-. '°" ·i. Ms. Linda Burch., I ./I!!.: l·:11g. 10.
~· 11 1< 1111i c, 11111'.. (n ·a ll\t" \\ r. I. :l. \l c·dia \11I) '·' Si1 <' 1'1:1 11. Mrs. Ma ryAnn Burkoth., Swff:
S1 """· l·:d. CDS.
Mr. Jerry Bum1eister, :·,,w. ,<.,r .: l .S. I li- 1.:
Coal" h· l)i, ing. Bm... Swi111 . Mrs. AIth a
Chambero, l:.;1g.: l ·~ r·l f!. C) HPg-.. 11 nr.: \ <h i.,1·1
l1111 •n 1< 11I. ( :l11h. l)j\l 'J'.,il\ \,,;in •111 •..,., Crn 11 1C' il:
I111prrn . Slt ·c· r. C:111 11111. Mrs. Julie Chase, l«ir.
l .<1/1!!.: S1 • 11 1i,h 101. :l01. :lOI : \chi,..,. 111
u·rn;nl. Chili. Sul> 1).. 1>. S111. Cm1.- Tn ·1111 •·r
Mr. John Cho~ \/",;,., \ . Cid .. Choir. Mrs.
Judy Clark, ,<.,w(f: \ 11 P111la 111 ·1'. Mr. Louis Covell~ \/1i-u \\ind l·.1h1·111l>l1-. \111, i1 · ·11 ....,n.
i'i) 111ph . \\ 11 11 !-. -.,, 111pl1. ll<111d. ( :111wc ·n lla11;1.
D1•111 . Chrpr-11. Din •1·1or llhw J;iu l·:1N· 111l>lc·.
lla 11d of 1ht· Black\\ <111-li: Di- 1r. \111, i< · Dq11.
ca s
v. ors1 · to gPt rhrou
n y they
won ' t ~ hon~e for a long time. We
have a pile of thing:; D a ddy need:; to
fi, .. , said Tnterpre ter K ara Thoma:;
about teacher/hu:;band Rob.
Eve n staff pare nt:; r e fl ected on the
\\'ar. ·93 graduate Matt .Keururer
deployed twice to Traq. the most
"\\ e got ldt "" from \latt that
lwcP <' • old. Th<' phone
r ng onf' night at 1 a.m. I [p wa-,
finally ('ailing from Bagdad. '\ow
though h(' ha.-, accc;,-, to <'ll1<..1il e\TT)
day ... -,aid :\eururn.
Sign Langunge cluh·-, Orwration
\\ ' hite Christ ma-, ;,ent to Thoma-,· 11201 h FA unit in Kuwait :3:2 -,uppl)
boxes from lip )Jalrn to heef jerky.
"Tho,.,<' men can· t leave. eat or
:;leep when the) want. do what they
want. S<'e tlwir families. U"i<' tlw
phone, hop on the net. or ki,_-, loved
ones. They do it for our f'ret'dom. "o
respect the rnen inside the uniform.
even if you can· t re-,pect the reason
we are at war ... :;aid Kara Thoma,.,.
Armed with a required M-16 and M-9
pistol, social studies teacher Rob Thomas tours the ruins of Babylon and palace
of Saddam Hussein. r. Matt Neururer,
son of Special Education teacher Kathy
Neururer, poses with fellow comrades
in safety equipment while on deployment. He spent two tours in Iraq.
Mn;. Helen Dahl, (;uidw"'e· \<hN·r- '\at1011al I 1111. So"i"t" Cn,i,
Co111111 .. Di,trirt Dt·\t•lnp. G11ida11<·e Stet'!'. Comm .. p-. \T. lpward
Bound Prog. Ms. Grace Dary, for. l-<t1>J[.: S1><1ni,h 10:2. :l01. :l0:2.
Spani,h Cultr. & C:i,·iliz.: \ch·i,ff- Sttt. Cm1. Di,. \war<·ru·--; "itt·
Plan .. Staff D1·'· Crn11111. Mrs. Jane DeCesaro, Sw(f: Olli'. Srndl'rn
\l11µ;1nnt.; \<hi,cr- '°i<Htl'rl 0111. Mo. '.'iatalia DeLaat, Frn-. l.w>.!!..
l·n·nch 101. 10:2. :201. J·n·n<'h Cttltr. & CiYiliz.: \<hN·r- lntt·rnatl.
Cl11h Mr. Greg Delahanty, '-'!C. Sr.:\\ oriel 1 li,t He!!. I lnr. Mr.
Dave Dembowski, Sw. St.: \rn. Socif't\. \\mid C1·11g .. "i<•·iol.. l ">.
Cm·t.: (;iad1 \ . Ftll<lll. i3thl'hall.: SitP Plan
Mr. Stephen Dollar, Brir/£!<• .. : \latl1 Skill ... l':,111h "lei .. \\ nrld (..'""'· l·:tTt•<'tiq• Co111111111i.. \111. "i<wil't\ Mo. Heide Dryer, ...,,cw/
\\ orkt•r. Mr. Rodger Dunn. "raff:
l:d. CD:-.. \1r. Ronald
Duros, "frd1. f~d: \11to Col[i,ion. Pre \1110 T1·d1.. P1uL \Ifµ;. S\ "·
Ms. Melissa E!Tu;, Bu ... DI.: \lrkt.. S111ull Bu•.: "i1e Plan. \ihs. Janet
Evans, '-,wff: \lain Offc .. B1K•H1'1'1wr.
!\fr. Joseph Fanning, /311.•. Lr/.: \lrkt.. :;1•>rta1111111·nt. \thleti•" Dir ..
"itC' Plan. Dr. Larry Fell, :·irnff: "<·hrn1I p,, ch.,I.: ( .n"'" Ctun111.
"itP Plan. Mr. Michael Fiedler, Bu•. 1-..,1.: Cwh. LL \lrkt.. \\ ord
Pn • .,.,..;n!!. Bti-. La"- l.A'Mdt'r<hip: \ DEC\. Mr. J.D. Fountain III, wff: Security: \ d,-i,er- Drania CltJ1. Fencing. Ms. Donna
Franke, Enw Eng. 11. Co111p. 12: Site Plan .. Ms. Patricia Fremarek, Guidance: C.ollege Fair C'.oorcl.. College Rep. Liai ...on. Cri.. j,
Teant. \ CT/S-\ T/Special Teoting C'.oord.
Mr. Q-iad Gagas, Tech. Ed.: P\\-r.fEnerl!'·ffrarb. Sr, .. Principle,
of Engineering. Sire Plan. Mr. Patrick Gazark:iewicz, Sci.: Chem.
Reg., I lnr. Ms. Michelle Gerdes, Sci.: Intgr. Sci. Ms. Janice Gorman, Sac. Sc.: P,ych. Reg .. 1-Tnr.. \ P: .\ chi.-er- Key Club. Stu.
Go,1.-l7r. Trarbirion. Keno. \ cademic Skill, Challenge. Sire Plan.
Mrs. Kimberly Gorman, Guidance: -\lumni Liai.-on. \P Te,ting.
Site Plan .. Staff De,·. Co111lll. Mr. John Gransee, f;ci.: Chem .. \latter & Energy.
Mr. Jeff Greathouse, Staff: Police Crc•L• Pre,emion Officer. Ms.
Lisa Guido, For /.,anz.: Italian 101. :201: \ chi,er- Tt alian Club. \'ls.
Deborah Hansen, \tach: \lg. Conn .. \ lg. :2.. Site Plan. \1r. Todd
Hardy, Spec. Ed/E.D.: L.S. 1 liot .. Resource. \\ orld J-li,1.: \d,-i"erStu. G0\1.- Co1nlllunin Helm ion:;: Coach· Girls Soccer. Site Plan ..
Mr. Troy Hardy, Spec. Ed.: \l ath. Reoource. l .S. Hi.-1.: \ chi,erSou l'd Out. Site Plan .. Ms. Ruth Harker, Staff: Spec. Ed.
crunch time
After a Dec. 21 rnll1;1on in the facultv
lot. a 'fweding senior\ Jeep Cherokee
spills a k.ia Optima's bumper across the
pa\ernent. Ii From his car in the west lot,
senior Rock Ridolfi avoids the student
lot's 15-minute gridlock after-school to
arri\ e early ,it soccer prac ttce.
\.1, Linda Hart,chuh, /Ju . . h/.· ll11-. \n 111nd \\mid. I .0·;1r11 a I .I\
"\.,1,·taki11;.:. "I akin!! (.an· 11f ll11-. \.! .... Sarah Harwick, ..,,,if{ ln10·1
pn·t• r Mr R>1y lit"iclt'm!UL ._,,.,{/ "111d) I !all \Ir,,. Sally I leicl1·
man. "'• ._, · l .S. 11 i-t Ht'!! .. I I111 .. I .. 1,., hio11: \1 hi"·' I 1·h 1
-inn., St;df I),., ( nn1111. :\fs. Deborah Hilker, .-p·r. led (,./).,..,
\ ot ~ P.1 ·~ l-1111c1io11;1I \1 .1dt·1nic .. ; \th1-.1·1 ....,irnpl~ 1.,:--;1ai11pti1mal
<·111h Ms. Diana I Jo,t, :-.,.,{(; Ht·•·111d-.
M,,. Domia Tnfu;,ino. lluth \I!!.:! lk!! .. I lnr.. 11111 \la1li \nh .....
._,11,· l'!.111. \fr. Rvan fri.... li_ B;ub·-: \k ( ;,nn. I I\. :!. Mr....
Sanclrafocoll\. r.;1!! L'/;i ...... 11·· 10 11111 .. , ,.,,,i.~1k 1'n.l1w1i1111
H··g.11111. ,,:,11l•"k l'l1 .. t11., \ ohi-n C1 ........ w.(h1ill&:--.n•ll:'-'d1ol
ar-lup ( Atllllll l\1r-;. Marilyn k1N'1t, .....w{(;···r (.,.,11,·r: Staff
I),., C 1111111. \fr Pt>tt>r Jofm.....on, ........ ."r.: L.-.111.. \\ orld I li-t Hq! .•
I Im <:11,wh: l'l<•)' ""in1; -,..1i.,lar-l11p l.•>111111 :\fr. &·on Jon.,..,.
I.II!!." I.II!!. 10.
l\fr.Jame.Jorsch.. ...,.,.. C.0·111 Hc!! .. 11111 .. \-1ru11rnm: '-'11•' Phu1. :vis.
Marie K8"per. "1• ..-11 1/11-r••f;,_, \ 1rs. Kim Ke. d • ..,,.,{{: s, •. ,._
l·:d. CDS. Mrs. Deborah King, \Jmh: l)j..,..,.,w \brli. \ I!! 2 11111 ·
Dq>1. C:<>Chair. li11prrn Sto·• ·r. (A1111111. Mr. Ru." U King, S.w. ,t..,r.:
l .S. I li-t Hq !. 11111 Mrs. l\1ary Lou Kinney. "1• ·1·. Ld COB.
DI _.., \l ath. C:an•t•r....
Mr. Peter Kollman. Irr : \11 :l. -+. ."ill. hll. Ms. Lisa Kope,,ky, Sw{(
Off<- St1ule111 Le,11lt·1,h1p; "\ur,,; .., Olfr. Ms. Jamie Kranich, \/,,rh:
\P <.1k .. Di-.-n·t1 · \la1h. C•·oi11 . I lnr.: \d,;,,.,._ \la1h "l••ai11: Sraff
I),., «•11>111. Mr. Paul Kresse, P/11 . /"!.: P.I·:. 1. I l1·alth: \ch j..,
Pr "t11 . Crnt. Fr. "I n11hiti1111: Sit<' l;IH11. . Staff!),., C:o111111. Ms.
Sally Krok, Sui{( \lain ()[fr \l11!!r .. l111p1rn . Si<'t'r C:rn11111. \cl111i11.
(,.t11wil. \'1!;. Mary KnN\ ·"1•·1 · I.ii. : \I.., \la1li
Ms. Ellen Kupfer, ..,,.,{{ \ttt •111I Offic ·•·r.. \1hi-n I .;11ino... in \1
!1<111: ~)-.; \1• ·111111 ( •rnd. l\1r. Jason Ladd,._,,.;.: Biol.: Coa.-h- \\ ,. ...,.
tlin!!. Mr. Kevin Larsen. \/;uh: \I_!!. CAJ1111.. \I!! I. C,,·0111.: S1tt·
Plan. Mrs. Linda Larsen, Phi. led.: l'.I.. :L :l. -+. ll•·alth: Dq>t.
Chrphn. Mrs. Lois Lawy, ,'-,1;1{{: '-••111 I lo11r Spn'' Mrs. Sharron
Lehnert, l .n!!.: I .11!! 10. 11. Si11· l'l,111
dri\ rs '' i ncsscJ '>t udcnts in
filtrati ng th eir lot fo r the fi rst ti! '
k h,111). To obuin t hi-. pri\ ilcge, 11 0
R ·n, iss.111ce senio s ncL·d ed at le.1-.t a
3.5 CP \,no rcfernls in he bst qu,1rtl'l" of their junior 'e,1r 111d the st.111dard 'b50 stlllk·nt p.u-king fee.
"As long .1s the tudcnh e.1rncd the
right .md ri:spl'Ct the lot, it\ line " ith
me th.n thL·. p.1rk there," s.1id U.'i.
hi stor\' te,Kher Salk I kidcrn,1n.
\\ '.th the Anderson lot p.1ckcd to th e
nu:-., .1dministr.nion opened up
rmn of the under utili1ed staff lot.
"There\\ as -.o much \\'asted space in
our lot. '>O it \\ ,1.., ,1 good idea to al lo\\'
studrnt'> to p.1rk there," s.1id Spanish
instructor Col ken Padlock.
\\'ith senior dri' ers migr,ning from
Anderson to the" est lot, staff beg,111
to question the s,1!cty of their cars.
"Witl st u ents in the lo t nO\\, I hi
· 1s ,n ,1 hi gher colli sion ri sk, but
not "orricd ,1bout \ ,1mblism,"
sa·d science teacher Ryan Zettle.
;...'ithin the first mo weeks of school,
sec rit) ticketed 54 people \\ho ille~.1 1! ) tried to utili1e the ne\\ Renaiss 1 cc p.1rking privilege. Although
only a '!i 15 fine accompanied the bb1c
)r<111ge ticket more serious mc,1surcs
,1\\'aited re ,1t 'iobtors.
"Afte ·the second violation ,1 police
offL r can ticket the car, and if th~
oblem persists '' e can ha\ e the c.1r
to\\'ed \\'ith the apprO\al of the administration," said security support
staff Doug To'' mend.
Of the 132 warnings issued, thl'
Kenosha Police ticketed eight as ol
Oct. 13. The administration stepped
up to these challenges to shift ,111 owrflo\\' and to reward desen in g drin~rs.
Mn;. Diane Leischow, b1µ.: big <). 11 : \rnrlc ·111ic \ffu1r-. C.0111111.
Ms. Linda Lemke, l·w11.jCorh. l~d.: l•a111. Cloth .. hm1. Fr•i<L,.
h1-.hio11 (;,,,.. .,.,..,. Ms. Judy Lenart, Ph_.. /~fl.: P.1-:. I. :2. I lf'a hh:
ln1ni11111rnl ... Mrs. Krista Lichtenheld, Hwh: \lg .. Con n.. I. :2.
\d,i.,<T .h1ggl" '"'· Mrs. Connie Llanas, ·"f li'<". Ed/1 .. 0 .: l.t·a rn
S1nit. \I S. Sci .. Rt·'"' """'' Dept. C:hrpr"'·· SitP Plu11. Mr. John
Majerick, Swff: Securit): \.,,t. CoaC"h- 13<1), Swi111 TPm11.
Ms. Kay Manderfeld, G ui<lam·1·: C:arf'Pr Cm11N·lor: Sc·holar..hip
\ <h. TPt1111. Sit1· Plan. Mr.
Cole Marshall, TP<"h /,d.: 131<1)(. ·1 rudt>... \lfg .. ·) '·· CrnN r. S) '··
I'" r.(l .n1•rg) f l nuh. S) '·' \ 1h \ IC.\ . Sitt· PIHn. Mr. John Ma
tera, IJ1h. Lil.: \ cen t.. \ 1h . \< Tilt.. (;i111puu·r \ppl.. K)l>r<l!!: \ cl' i..1·r- FBI. \ : (;iach- B<ht•hall: :-i<·holur,hip Co111111 .. In1prm . St1·Pr.
( '1111111 .. Si11· Plan. Mr. Frank Matrise, Dl'wt. Coach- \ . Ftl>i11l.:
\1h i.. cr- \\ t' igl11 Rm111 . Mr. Steve Maurer, Bri</µ1•,; big. I(). 11.
I .11g. Skilk l'1 ·r... [k, .. P. 1·:. Ms. Amy Mayer, Bri</µc': l·.ng. <J. 12.
Cn•atin• \\ r.
(; 1111111 .• Cri~i, ·1Pa111: Kl SD Co111hPlor
Ms. Betsy Mayer, I lmri11µ l1111 ~111wl. Mr. Mike McKay, "frch. 1-:d.:
{~11htr. Pla1111inµ-. Llt>c·tronic Co111111u11 .. Corhlr Sy ...... l ~ n.a::ine1:--rinu
De ... : DPpt. Chair: (;,,wh- \ . 13<')' S\\i111. F1ball.. Site Plan. Mr.
Sean McKim, .'-'<!I'. Sr: S.wiol. HPg.. 1lnr .. \fr. \ 111. I li_,1.. P-.ych.:
C:oaC"h- ·1rn<"k. Ms. Laura Meine~ .'-'<x·. St.: l .S. 11 i,t. R<"g .. 11nr ..
\ P. p.,) C"h. H1·g .. 11 nr.. Siu· Plan. Mr. Paul Mommaerts, L11!! ·
bi!!. 9. 10: \ Stu. CO\t.-Cm·t. 01M·rn1irnh Ms. Penny Mycon, Swff: Co111p11tt'r I.ah: Rt•nai..-ancf' Craft Fair Co111111.
Mr. Keith ·erby, B1h. 1.;<1.: \lrk1.. \d\. \lrkt.
HP1aiL S1xina i11111<·n1 : \chi,<'r· 1)1-J .. \ : C:<•ll"d.
I l1111w C:rn 1n. \lrk1 g. l11u·nbhip: \ "1. C:oach
Cirl., Coif. Mrs. Kathleen ·eururer, ·" 1n ·.
Lfl./ L.D.: H'"'°'"""''- Hdg .. Sci .. \l a1h: l111prm.
Si<'t'r. Co111111. Mrs. Sue Olson, \/wh: Cc11111.,
\ I!!. :2. Silt' Plan.
Mrs. Jammie Orth, hw. /.,,111!!.: C<·n11a11 101.
10:2. :201. :20:2. :JO I. :J0:2: \d,i.,Pr- Ccn11a11
Club: C \PP 1->,chan!!<' C1•>rd .. Swff I),.,.
C:o111111. Mr. Michael' Orth, ,...,,_,,._ S1.: \\ orld
11 i,1. R1 ·g .. I I11r .• \\ 11rlrl I""''' H<'g .. 11 nr.: \d' i, .. ,. \l 1K l1 ·l l "\: C:oach \ n 11IP111i1 · DPca1hl1111
Mrs. Sue Pacetti, /111, . Ed: K' hrcl)( .. C:o1h b I..
p,.,...,. Fin., Sill· Plan.
Mrs. CoUeen Padlock, Fur. /,;111!!.: Spani,h
:20 I. :20:2. :l0:2. \P: \ rh i,pr Sopl1. Cl""·' DPpt.
C:h'l"""· Mrs. Claudia Pastor, b1f!.: l·.ng. <J. 11
I lnr. Ms. Joyce Patton, Scaff: Sp<'<'. l·:d.
Mr. Gary Paulauskas, C11i<lw1ct': Dq>I.
C:hrp'""· \'-.\ \13 ·1, ..,, C.•1rrl .. \n11l'd :-;..,.
'in·-. l ~ia i..,on . \ 1Hi ... k Planning. ( :ri ... i... Crn1 111 L
"\C \ \ Contact. :-i<·hola r-.hip' <:0111 111. Chair.
S1 affi ng... Tc1•11 Joh.. ( ; 1111ac1. Crw I. Prq >. Ms.
'ancy Perez, For. I" '"!!·' h1•111·h I0:2. :20 I.
:lo I. Mrs. Cara Pfeiffer, .'-.·i. : ( 111·111. I I11r .• Or·
gan ic Clw111. 11 nr.: \ d, i't'r- :-i<·i. & ·1cch. ( :l11h
\ d, i,er: :-i<·i. C:l11h.
Mrs. ·ancy Bednarz Phipps, ,.., _ ·i.: l3iol.. I li11nan
llio.: Coach Cirl., Coif. Ms. Iva Plumley, hw
' """'"·' Fn·1wh IOI, 10:2. :201. :l0:2: \ chi-.t'r: Jr.
Clth~. Mr. Scott Procknow, ,<.;, •i.: l·:rnl.. Biol.
Mr. Daniel Prozansk~ Soc..... r. : l':con. I Im ..
L .S. Cm 1. H q.~ .. \ P: \ ch i_-,cr: Sr. C:la~-: Dcp1.
Chrpr,n.. Sill' Plan. Mrs. manda Pulda,
\huh: Ct'rn11 .. l)i_,cn'll' \ l<nh. Sill· Plan. Mrs.
Louise Redlin, Srllfr \ \ / \ J.>rlia. I1hlr. ·1Pch.:
\ n11 lc·111 ic \ ffair.. Co111111.
reasons seniors prefer west lot parking
Closer to the building
"I love not having to walk so far to get to
the building in the morning. It's so much
more convenient."
- sr. Katie David
Arrive late/still get a spot
" Last year, I had to arrive by 7:10 to get a
dece nt spot. Now I ca n arrive at 7:27 and
get the same spot everyday." _sr. Joe Antolik
Easier to get jn/o11t
"I love it. All you need to do is wait
about 15 minutes aher school, and you
never have traffic hassle."_ sr. Justin Brown
No worry /st11dent drivers
"Parking in the teachers' lot has been
pretty uninteresting, which is probably
a good thing. "
- sr. Alyson Manthei
Sec11rer than st11dent lot
" I saw my friend Stacy getting busted
for parking there without a pass, and I
just had to laugh. "
- sr. Tim Dorr
source: 35 of 61 Premier Renaissance seniors permitted to park in West taff lot
Ms . R obin R eif, S111•1·. Ed: \\ nrk ''-" tx-ri<' rn't'. Joh ·1 rni11in!(. Sil <'
Plan. Mrs. Diane Rhodes, Swff.: Spec. l·:d. CDS. Mr. Louis
Rideam:, \Jach: \lg. Conn., \ lg. I: \ <h i'Pr· So111'd 0111; C:onch:
B-ktlliill. Sitt> P la n. Mr. Charles R omano, \/edi<1: lii-1n1c1io11al
T 1'ch . Spt'ciali-1: \ <hi,<' r· Sill. ( ;ml.· \ n1<k111ic \ ffair, C:o111111 .. H<'·
nai ......nnce: Co111pu1er Co111111. ~ ~taff De, Crnrnn .. I 111pro\ . ~ l t 't ' r.
C:o111111. Ms . ~ary R omito, h1111., Cim. td. : Child Dcwl. . l·..a rl~
Ch ild [)(',el.. Fa111. Li, .. E"plor. I l1»1hh Occup .. ParP111in!(. Mr.
John Ruffolo, Eng. : En!(. 11. Co lllp. 12 Rt>g .. I l nr.: Kl SD Sport
\ <h . Comlll .. Si1e P lan .
M n;. Melissa Ruta, Swff: l n1<'rpn' t1' r. Mrs. Rosalva Santana, hw.
1.-Jn/!: Spa n i-h 10 I. 102. Mr. Dale Sax, Swff: Cti-todian. Mr. David Schan~ Pin. Ed : P .t·:. 1. I l!'ahh. \\ l'i!rhl Train.: Coach· (;, 111·
na,tic, . Ms. Margo
he nk, S111'c. /:'d / 1... 0 .: i..!'arn. Strm .. I·:;,!( ..
Sc i. M r. Mark
he nk, f)t 'wr: \ 1 Hi,k C:mrdinmor: Condi l· r.
Sha ll. l n1ni11H1rn l \\ tlif1.
M . Ann Schmid, S1 11 ~-. F.d/ 1:. 0 .: \I S. Lt'arn. S1ra1 .. Gm1 .. \ If!.
Conn .. RP,ource: Si1t• Plan . Mr. Man hnaare, \/mh: \If!. ( <11111..
\ lg. I. Mr. Mike Schroeder, \ rt : \ 11 :~. Mrs. Angelique Seidler,
Scaff: I nte rprPtPr: \ <h i,er· Sif!n Cluh ~s . Michelle Serpe, For.
1.-rnir.: Spanc-,h 101. 201. Mrs. Sarah Servais-Ruseck ~ Swff:
r.oun~~ lint!' CR nt~r.
Ms. Linda Sherfinsk~ Swff: \ u pndanr<'. Mr. Dan Shimon, !'; Ilg. :
l':n2. 9 Reg .. I Jnr .. Li1. 12 I ln r.: \ <h i-,e r- Dra 111a Club. Fenc ing.
\lls. usan Singer, Fm11/ G.ilh. /:(/.: \.hi ld DP\ .. Tt>xtile \rh . Fa111.
Clo1 h in:r. l rncrior Dh. I. 2; Dt' f>I . C:hrpr-.n . Mr. Alan kripsL.) ',
\/mh: \ lg. I. I\ . c,~1111 .; \ .,,1, Coach Cro" Countt'\ . ·1 rack: Si11·
P lan. M~. Mary nyder, /:'nf!.: l·.111! 11 \ P. Lit. ti. S1w·ech: \ d
,-i.,(' r- Quill & Scroll: Dt> pl. C:hrpr-,n .. \ c ki~(' t') Council. Di,t r. ·1 rm t'I
C'<m111 1. KLSD Gradt> Polic' C:o11 1111.. Enir. Ta..,k Foret'. Ms. Laurel
Sorensen, Scaff: Guidanct•, · \ t h l<'t ic,.
Ms. Jennifer pencer, .-.11'. Sr. : p.,) ch . Hef! .. 11 nr .. l S. 11 i-1.. \\ orld
I Jc,t.: \ c h·i~er: Soul'd 0 111. Mr. Michael St. P eter, S.11·. St. : \\ orld
I l c-,1. Re2 .. H n r.: Coach- S.K'Ct' r. Ms . Ruth Stamm, l .. ihrarian: Libra'! \J'{.dia S1x'cia 1L,1; \ ch i" ' r- l111<' rnatl. Cluh. la tl<Hl C:luh. l..ihrmy Cl uh: C'<>rn pu l<'r Co111m. M rs. Candace Stein, /on,a.: l·:n!(. 11.
Lit. 12. Colllp. 12; \ <h i.,<'r: St 11. Cm1. \ rnd1' 111 ic \ ffair-, ( A111 1111 ..
Hl'nai"ance: Dqi1. Chrp1..,n .. Sil<' Pla n. Ms. T ricia Steinbrink,
1'lla.(fr111p<'-1 : l~ n:r . 10. l ·: n~ . 11. Jrnl,111. I. 2: \ chi_,,,.. ' I 1·rn 1• •,1.
Suh Deb. Stu. Gon .-Tn•1111wr Spirit: Sit e Plan. M s. R enee Swiatko,
Scaff: \l ain Offic<>/Bu<i!(<>t /P11rf'ha-,ing.
Inner Child
Mr. William ymoncb, " wff <:11-11w lian: 1111prn' . St<'<' r. «1111111 . Ms. Valerie Taylor, .' v·i.:
I lu rnan \ na1111n1 & Pln, iol. I l nr .. \ P Biol..
Sit!' Pla n. Ms. Kara Thomas, ,<.,'raff: l111<•1prt>1Pr: \ c h · i~( · r- Sif!ll I .a n~ . Cl11 i>.
..T love t< sit n nw. front ya
. rd 0"lide r be nch to
r ad.
·irhlxm;. as ma ny a · -.,even or eig ht houses r p eH nt d. come over to visit.··
- Mrs. Rhonda Webb
·-r lbv to h qng 0111. \\~ th my wife. Slw is fun to
und a cl
lt;, a ;,mil
on rn, faC'e.°·
-Mr. Ryan Zettle
: Uii,i;i.g-out at Common Grouncl-; coffee shop ofWUU;.Ya heautiful outsidP deck, interes ting peo ple
to wmch a nd fri e nd-; to ta lk ...
- Mrs. Ruth Stanun
Ms. Melissa T homas, Briilal'-:Co\"I .. 0111-, . l~d ..
l .S. I fi.,1. \\ orld I fi,1 .. \\ o rld C<'o .. l'. I ... Mr.
Blake Tope~ \/111h: \ h11 h \ 111) ' · I Im .. Ceo111.
I l nr. M rs. Mary T owers, h 1r. l ..<111f!.: h·<'nch
202. :30:2. Spa ni-,h IO I. \ <h i,Pr: Soph. C:la'' ·
Mr. Doug Townse nd, Swff: St·c11rit): \d, i-erCuh rl. \ war<'.: Coac h Sha ll .: I111prm . Stt'Pr.
Co111111. Mr. Dave Tuttle, S6.: C:o11ccpt. Ph ~,.
ic,. Ph) ,ic·, I I1> r .. \ -,trorH ml): Dq >t. C:hrp1-,n.
\ chi""( '1'
C:or 1111 1. .
\u t• 11d. (A 111111 1.. H <~--.t n1 c t.
C:or 11111 ..· i)i,trict Sc i. Currie. Crn11 11 1.. Sch<K>I
l11 1prm. C:o111111 .. ~ ii <' Pl an . Ms. Jackie Vale~
Pin . /:(/.: P .1·... 2. :!. 11 .. a hh. I. ifPg11a rcling:
De p1. C:hrprs n.
ft r fl
n ,\dam \ !:;Urnmer wedding \\'it ha
beautiful~ r rsonCfl ('('ft' mony. T just rela xed . \t
the rece p1 ion w e hhared a 'icleo of specia l m<>rne nt. growing up with family and friend-;.°.
- Mr. Russ King
\ 1s. Susan Vanderpoe~ ·"111'< '- l:rl.jC O.S.: \ oc ..
P .L. Job Skill-: \ <h i-,e r: Si lllph l·: '\. Stamptional. Mr. Curt Ve rgenz, Swff: I lead C:tNO<lia n.
Ms. Catherine Vervisch, Spt'< '. /:( /.: l·: ng. :2nd
La n~.
/tff ~ /p)zjt??t
own children
lrn '-'(I mn nwnt · -;lal<".,(
y. '5eYen-y<:>u
·-old dn rr),,,....._,-,17
I lie in the h <'k) nnl · nd look
shape" in th drn1<L-,. ike th e se renity of blu -;k) \\. h puffy cloud-;, ..
s~id m· l t<'1wb er Jim Zuzirwc.
\ s , <'ial" udies teacher Sean \1cKu di< ' e n he fingerpainted with
hi.., t ree and one-year-old children.
acu it y found th eir childre n pavl'd
the pt~lh to their own inner child.
"\ti y daughte r challenged my olclt'r·
:;i:;ter and nw lo waler :;ki. Though
r·m much too old, the good new:;
is T can still do it !'' :;aid guidance
counselor Kay Manderfcld.
To bring out the inner child of another generation, :;pecial education
teacher Sue \\ at ring surpri:;ed her
· r;.,t for th<' W<'<'k<'nd. I\[~ morn was
o 1·xcited and m·<· rwlwl11wd thnt
she hrok1· into l<·ar-,. Of 2B fwnih
lllt'lllh1·r..;. 2-t from all ov\'r nt tern.led. \\ <' gm<' hn BO hhw gift-;. all
\\THppcd i11 hlu<' parx-r. lwr f'murit<'
('()[or. I ..,l ill g<:'t <I \\OndPrful. \\Urlll
fPcling wht'nL l n·call that da) . \I!
rnor 11. whom [ also <·onsid<'r 011c of
Ill) h<''il fri<·rnk d< •-,1•1-y1>.., tlw he-,t~ ..
said \\ at ring about the nw11mr).
A '<·ording to bot10111lin<'..,<'C r<'h.
com. doctors n·1·on1niend 15 minute:; of laughter l'ach day to fight
infect ions. rPd11c1· e motional sire..,..,
and help block pain. Guidarn·<· <'Ounselor Hoherta \kulin ;;ought flower-;.
surn;ets and sta r..; to hrt>ak rrn1line,.,
and connect with h<·r inn<'r l'hild.
travelers' touch
Visiting at work, Diana converses with
her dad_ She inspires teacher Dan
Shimon to dance with her to Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk_" r. Rubbin ' a roo,
ESL teacher Catherine Vervisch visits
Queensland, Australia, Koala Nature Reserve. "Birds, plants, environment were
exotic, and people were so welcoming_"
Ms. Annmarie Wacker. '-,,·i. · Biol I Im_ \ nuh·111i1· \frair, Co111111.
Mrs. Geri \Valls, h1111., (..,11,_ hi.: h1111 1-,xxk ( .u l Skilk Cun••·r
F1xxk \lt-dw. -I ,·rm '\1s. Karen Wambold \la1h \I!! Conn __ I,
:2. Ms_ SuzPtte Watring,
1-:rJ//"_ /)_: \ l'-i_ \t111h_ \I!!- Conn.:
\ cm l<'111i•· \ffai,.,_ Crn1111L. 'I ran,ition Crn11111. '\1s. Rhonda Webb.
lc117.: l.n!!- <l. 1-,n!!- 10 I Im. Mr_ David Wei,,er , ·"fff /-.1L :-,,-,__
H <'-.IHJrt•t'
i\llr. Damon Weiss, Dl'il11 ' \ ,.1i'- Dir_ \1hi-• ·r- 'i111 . Cmt.-Srx·<.
I .will'": l·11c- il. Plan. ( ·0111111 __ "i11· Crn111cil Co11111L ..,.·h11lar-.hip
Co11111L. Mrs. l\ancy Wells, lr1: \11 -t_ :; \ _ h \ _ \P "t1uho \11 .
Dr. Robert Wel6, \111-i1-C.on1·1-rt Orch __ \111,w C..,11r>c·\:
\dvi"·r Cold1·n S1 ring,; Staff I),.,_<:0111111. Ms_ Carol Wendorf,
Swff: \luin Olfr.: \1h ;_,.,., Soph. ('In'"' '"'it<' Plan. \Ifs_ Kathryn
Wepfer. /Ju,_ 1-.d: i--, lml!! .. I .1·art1. \ I .iL \\ md Pn• . '"'it!' Plan
Mr_ Charle; W'erve, ."?/i1(f: ~·1 urity; ( .oa..!1- 13' '' .. Tl'llllh.
Mo. Tri:,h \Veyker, S. U I .. \ ch-.-i•r '-> \ 1)1), Crnid1-( ., ic-:
S1t1· Plan. \1rs. Linda \\'eyrauch, ,'i1;1ff '-'••·mi1~ '\1,_ MeJis..;a
Whitaker, "!",-_ Ld_ 1 D: Lng_, \\ urld 11 i,t . Cun,_ Ld.. Staff De, _
Co111111. \1rs. Barbara Wiegele, Swrr- (,u11putr1 Lah Mr_ Ken
\Viele, '1 11,ic: s, 111ph . Bancl \ _ BancL S~ rnph. \\incl-: Din•ctorH<>cl Jazz ~~1N' 111ble . \\hit!' Jazz l ~11'e111hle. Jazz \I <'''<'"!!" '"- Mr.
John Wilhelrnson, Phi . lo(/.: PJ~. I: C:oach- Bci1, B-k1hall: Siw
Ms. Jennifer Willing, Sci.: Imgr_ Sci __ BioL Heg.. Mrs. Debra Wilson, ,<.;wrr: Sernrit~ _ Mr. tan Wilson, \Jmh: Trig/Proh/StaL \lg.
I. :2: \ chi,er- Sou l'cl 011L Mrs. Debra ~ roblewsk~ Swff: Securit1 _
Ms. Laura Zajicek-Bagenski, Soc. Sc.: L .S. I li-t. R<'g .. 11 nr_, \\ orid
I li,t. Mr_Ryan Zettle, Sci. : G!'oL. I mgr. Sci.
Mrs. Marianne ZiccareU~ For. /_.mi:::
Spani,h 10:2, :20 I. Mr. Les Zielsdorl,
Swff: Poli<'<' Liac"m Offin•r_ Ms_ Jill
Zuperz, Spec. /-';d : \I .· Eng.: Sitt• Plan.
Mr. James Zuzinec, \lmh: C'..t'o111., \ lg.
I, 2, S1x'<·- l-:d.
R if-Zuzine
Waiti ng fo r the throw, junior Sama
urn sets erself fur the tag at 'econ d-base. She snagged hard-hi t grounders
shortstop for the State ch,impi on Kenosha Cyclones l 6U Blue tea m. r.
0 the ball, fre,hman Allison M cMaster hi ts toward left center. She playeo
wit the RccPil'x Slow Pitch Coed softball tea m Partners in Design as th
righ cider. Although they did not win a game and we re the only team nc
to pla in Prairie Days on Aug. 5-6, they felt they had a fa ntasti c, fun season
During torrid, .'>oftball s dier" stood
at the ready on thl' fiekh o ·. ummer. To
sharpen glow skills \\hi!
rec and tr,nd tc,1m slugg
frnccs during nine-\\'l'C c.1gues.
"J>Li> ing RccPlcx c d sic)\\ pitch, l
to fa ll dmrn a lot. \'.ls luck> tklt o t t.:rs
g,n c me ad\ ice o 10\\ to play bctte , ' s iid
n,1h S,1lzbrenncr.
Compet· · n teams marched ound the
nation in pursuit of s. Kenosh,1
nes 14U Blue girls te n b,mlcd t ·
se,cn and ,1 half hours in \V ertm\n to e.1!
Susan \ hraha111
'\ i.. ko\w; \n·rbi
\1 ichat•l \ d1•
\ 11~tin \ i1•1lo
behind 'icton in
phyed fi\l' g:rn
heat," said soo.K;OftllOr,~
On the I
1 ah int \ la 111
\ lici;1 \U iarran
S1q>hani\' \lhrecht
Linds«y \ ll1·111and
En1ih \11 hoff
K« r11il'1h \ndl'r-.on
Ll'-,lil' \mlt·r..,on
Clwl..,<'ct \ rr 11-,tl'ad
\-,hli«e \r-r«guin
Crn1 hia \1i'..,t'
J1 ;1111ifl'r l3al~·1wk
•r Badalof
'·I played five game,, \\' ii h my
brother·,, tearn a-, u fill-in <',·en
though I never ,,igr wd up or paid
to play in the league ..,
soph. Ali Beemsterl:loer
··Cydorn'-, 1-+l Blu!.' w<·nt 10 Kan-,a-,
\lat thew Balrrl('-,
Thorna~ Barlx·r
\lcl[~..,a Barn<'-,
D«ont a~ Banw ...-Dm i~
Ci~ \ationab, in \u~t1-,1 wli<'r<' we
won one game out ol five. \ t center l
caught the final out in our only \vin ...
r. Jaymee Boslau
t.o1<uo.;;; 11.1.:;.,..._
\ rI IH nda Ba rrPll
K ry ... 1al Bart ho Ior IW\\'
'\ic· hola.~ Barrholornew
Chr i ~toplwr Barroli
K1·ith Bati..,te
Chri-,toplwr Bellair!'
Keith Bennett
Kir..,tcn Ber.,er
Robin Bethke
Dt'n·k Binninger
Con Bi.-,her
Britian) Blackwood
Gina Blaziew,,ke
Rollt'rt Bohnen
Ja, nwe Bo-,lau
Sliaullt't'ce Bower,,
Brandon Bo,·kin
Britne Bradiey
l\athan Brnnc.61etter
\ Lri.-.ha Brande)
Dm·id Brantley
\ latt lww Brother,,
T raYb Brown
Dylan Brudnv
Z~H'haf\ Bun. h
\ln.anckr Burford
A,,hh Burke
Jacoi:> Burle,,on
Dalla;, Burton
Brittan, But:,chli
Caleb (:cipodarco
\llL-,on Car..,on
\ ndre,, Ca:,a,,
Jo,,e Ca..,tulo
Sw-><tn Cato
\ ngcla Chacon
\ riel,,,,
'\ao111i Chilcb
Patricia Chrl,,tenbur-.,
Lincbey Cnockaert ·
\ ..,hb ·Cole
\ larit za Collazo
Clori..,..,a Comer
Jo,,t'ph Concannon
\nthon, Conti
Dm;cl Cook
Jo-,eph Cook
L1,,·i Cordon1
Shawn Corneliu,,
ea..,,,ie Coronado
Gabriel Cotto
\ ni hony Covelli
Ka, It' Cox
\ nch Cri.-,1 iano
Zacliaf\ Cruz
Evan .unningham
:\icol!' Cunningham
\ rmanio Cun,\lonica Dalet:,°ki
\ ntonio Daniel
Kandace Danko
[an Dart
Sierra Dart
Dann, Davi,,
Benja;nin Dawiec
.\ manda Dav
.\ mber Day ·
Frank Defranco
Karel) n Dejno
'\ ichola.., Dero~e
]ohnurhon De..,eife
Jame~ De\Tie,,
\ !aria Di \ [auro
Ta, lor Dicrman
\ ..,hi') Dodge
Richard Doerflinger
8t>fore scho tours and passing time srmu
_ . ...,. 1'1e first dav of 'C ool, freshmen Brittany and Lauren Mogensen chat and
LOmpare schedules while waiting in li ne for one of LifeTouch Photography
new lnsti-IDs on Aug. 12. r. Junior Freshmen Transition Coaches Megan
Steinmetz and Markie Hylinski scan a first-day bell schedule at Freshmen
Registration. With 60 FTCs guiding and assisting freshmen, registration and
welcome night, w eek on e we nt off w ithout a hitch, just a get-lost glitch.
Freshmen fumble to adjust within new walls
Filing through thf' hall;,. 68-t fn·,;hman
ndju;,ted to life in the ..big hou,;c .. of 2.-t09
,.,tuclent;-,. On the fir-.,t clav in rlw auditorium. coun-,elor,; and admini!-itration laid
clmnl the law in a 1.)..minute talk on dre,,,,.,
code and ,.,1 uclent polic) .
·That µre;,entation prohably hdped loh
of kid; eliminate prohlPnb. I 1wYn knt'\\
"\W couldn· r "t>"f'°"e· our midriff:;."" ,.,aid
f re:ohman Zm; Bunch with a grin.
To reduce openina day confu,.,ion and
('hao;, in th<.' hallway;,_ ()0 Fr . hm1·11 Tnm,.,it ion coaches guided about (l.) rwrct>nt
of the fn"'tihman dw;-., through ,..d11•cl11le;,
<luring Gt:>ar-l p clay-.,. Dt>:-.pit1' t ht> h ourlong tour,,. fre:-.hmen approadwcl the
fir-,t da} nf'rmu,;l~, fearing bad fin.,t imprP-,:-.ion!-i and that impact on the} ear .
..The fin-it day I wantPd to make ;,un· l
dicln· t do a nything ,.,tupid to look like a
fool. so T a,.,ked rnv i;,ter A inslt'Y ahont
rn<mb. ·· said{ian \ llllion \le\ la::-ter.
. 'tudent Government orientf'd fre,.,hmen
two day:; earl} for tlw fir;-.t ) ear of high
,.,cf10ol. SpPaker:-. cli,,cu,.,::ied jnh!-i. college
and extracurricular actiYitie,.,.
··Orient at ion helpt>cl me un<ler,,wncl the
importance of high -.,chool and m a king it
to class.·· :-.aid frebhnwn. l elllisa, eger.
Forming a coalition to assllit the Clasb
of ·09 before. on an d a fter the first day
o( la:;se , students a n d st aff t au ght th~
n west '·inmates·' the essentia ls for survival within the walls of high sch ool.
Honald Docrflingt'r
\\ illimn Dolwrt'
\1 Hln•\\ Drn1ah; • .
13.. , hamw Duff~
k.1•\ in Duff\
\ lt·,andra .D11jardit1
D1·rck Dukn"
\I at he\\ Durm aid
"\a th a n Dwye r
Kyfe Ea,,ter:
Jo~eph Edmark
Br<1dley Eggert
\ fa tt hew Egge rt
Pi1'rce Ekdahl
Pre::;ton Ekdahl
The FTCs were at every corner, constan
asking if students were in need of help,
even when the students knew where they
were going. For me, getting lost on the first
couple of days was nearly impossible with
the friendly FTCs and Gear-Up.
E mily Elrnhlad
Emil)· Ebt
\![ichael Ebt
\nthony Elvetici
Ve n !"~~a Elv ' ti i
Philip E ntlre
Matthew Eng(·lmann
ZaC'har> l:.n"lund
K ristY Ericbon
Rol:ie.n Ern,,1
R, an Er,,kirn·
]L;,,1in E.,,nre
I leather 1-;;,·ans
Jennifer Evan-,
Tomm\ E,·an,,
\,,htori Fuldulo
Jo»eph Farruggio
Brandon Fi>in>r
\ manda Fer kin
Da"id Fi,g;ui>roa
Samuel Fi1 wn
Kyle Flahin·
Tiffani Fknn
Shane Fo<·h,,
Shelli\ Follen,,bee
Karis~a ForrP»l
Zachan Fo-.hinder
Jacob r'ournipr
Emily Fox
Shannon Fox
Rand\· Frederick
Sama.mha F riecll
Braclley Fuhn·r
Erik F~rqua
\ mber Gascoiane
, 'ara Gauthier
\pril Gehri
Ke,in Gentner
\clam George
\my Gerlach
'te,:en Glom,,
, hawnaw Glo"er
\ja Goe,,
Toma,, Golcl,,mith
\w,tin Gol<m11ia
Cecilia Gonzale,,
\larih n Cordon
1'.atel;1n Gorman
'\icholas CAhcll\
Jonathan (',ougi1
\ ndrew Grifb
Cody Griffin ·
Gra;.it Griffin
Jeffet) Grun<Lnan
\rayel Guara,,cio
Bradley Gud111uncbon
Jo,,hua Guerrero
Richard Gutierrez
. arah Haith
\lexancler 1lambrock
Jo::.hua I Iam111
Daniel Ilammye
Zachan l lankcn
Fa\\11 Han,,en
Jackie Han,,on
Cameron I [anzalik
llea1 her l larcbo
amantha Harmon mith
\ [atthew TT arroll
Tiaria Har\!'~
Robert I Iawbakcr
Sara f felminger
T, ler l lt·ncL-~h
Kelli Henn·
Priscilla I lemandez
Diana Herr
Yuh I Ierrern
~ larthew l lill
Pat rick I Lill1m111
\ ndrt'\\ I l iml-,
C:anwrnn Tlnhb,.,
\l ,11tht'\\ l ln1·\
l·.Hrn I loff111a;1
Pmrict' I Lutchin,.,on
'\icho[a,., l Luhnn
R) en I luhon
\ nclro Jacob,.,
Zmko Jan km ic
Emih kchort'k
.'tt'\ t:n Jedk in..,
[,.,aiah Jenkin.-,
\l abn la knkin,.,
Philli1) lt·1bt'n
'\ irnle Jewell
\It' \. Jnhn,.,on
\ 11dn·" ]ohn.,.,011
BrmUt'\ Joh1N>11
Dariu,.,· ]oh11"on
1;:"111 ]ohn.,.,on
HelX'cca Joh1bon
Scott John.,.,on
\lli,.,011 John,.,1011
Sk \ lar John.-,ton
'11ri,.,rian Jone-,
. 'ara h ]one-,
Tn•n>r Jone-,
Ka\ la Joz\\~ak
T, ier Junkerman
D~·rek Kaden
\,.,ma Kadri
1 ~,.,tan Kang<h
Robt·rt Karne-.
Hdx·cca Kelh
\licha1·I Kent~HI)
Trm·i,., Kern
Berekt·t Kint·
Brian Kirkegaard
K) le Ki..,.,Lia
Courtne) Knapp
Kipp Knoke
'\ichnli.b Kohl'I
Kri.,.,tine Korecz
Drake Ko ter
I ll'ather Kouen
\I uttlww K rnu,.,P
\I) ,.,,.,a K rehhit>I
Kayci K ruC<b
Tir{101 h) Krueger
Cr,-,ial Kuhl
\ li•xandra Kth,.,
]!'nnifrr K wa,,
Katherine Lange
\nthony Lang,,ton
\,.,hit>) Lar-,en
Bethan\ LaN·n
\,.,hie\ °Lar,,en
R\an . L&,,
Ci1ri.-.ropher La) burn
\na L1·al
Katie Le<llm>
I lannah Lee
Brian Lehman
Ernih Lehman
]amP~,., Lehman
K\ 11· Lehrke
E~in Leker
Karina Leone
'\up Chen Li
f->t Pphuni1· Lippert
\1uttlww Lim·I
Between performance> ,lt the Nov. 19 Batlle o the
an s, VIXX drummer junior Dan Pratt and Shatter Day drummer junior
Andrew Reidenbach chat about performing. The Big M igaifers look first
place at the DECA-spo11sored comp titian. Ii ),1mming oul, guitarist juni_or
Dustin Laurenz1 shifts finger pos1t1on at Woof Stock at Veteran's Memorial
Park. To offset equipment costs, bands played to the tune of $5 per head
Jarnb L11111l<·,
Jame~ I .11rq1;in
I , 11r~hu n · I ,\ 111011
Emil) L 11('h
C:a1 rina \ lanm·no
Ste\'(' 11 \lack
I ,aura \ladi,,nn
l\:a1hll'l'll \l ae rzkt'
g11itari,.,1 junio D)lan R le~ .
Tht • grom dio en i-.ician-;. whilP oth( 'f' pa:o,..,ior
,.,urfac . \lil"iic' ngtlwrn·<l
re lat io11 hip• he \ 1·<·n I h1 · ~11y-, .
"\\ ' re all frlt ·ml-. through no,,,., c·otm1 r. and rnnw tog<·t lwr in 1 he fall of 2005.
1• • 11 lm t•d rrn·-;,..,ing nm1111d and hm ing
, good tinw ... -,uid \ktul Drt>Hllb drumrlH'I' ,. , c· nior Sl'11t t Bm <"<
!:'llll'l'<'"i,.., both on
and off 1lw main "t<lf?:l'- l nYl''"iting in rc1·mding c·q11ipnwnt. fn •,..,hman \ndrew
Griffc·~ tmrwd phi~ ing in a hand into a
1'1dl-1'11·dg1·d n1<1nug1·ahlc· h11;-,i1w""· For
~ lO nn hour charg1» he ,;aid lw hacla great
1inw ,,.ht ·n buncl-, <"a nw in to rt>corcl.
"Pc·opll' Ihink I' 111 naz~ ('di ting. c uttin11. l'Ollll>J'l"·i,.,ing for hour.., on e n(L but
tlw trut h i. . . I lo\!' ( ' \ r n 111inuH· of it. Tht·
key to ,;ucces. ib fill(ling !->Omething you
Joye and gett ing paid for it.
-,ure J't'cording i~ for me.'' ..,aid Griffe} .
l nt>pirc>d by creatiYe drive, fueled
f riencl..,hip and pLhhed hy cru,h, garage
bancl,., made noi,;e on the local ::;cene.
Ian \lahon('
\ Legan \l aho11c~
\ lat1he" \ la11,,ke
Tiffini \l ark
"The Big Migaffers started play ing
as a group in 2000, and we haven't
stopped since. We've gotten better
and won Battle of the Bands."
l\: alhl'\ 11 l\larran
\h ""'; 1\.larlyniak
Margaret !\lay
\\ ill iam \fay
Carl \l azzolini
LhH'h n \ lcC:larn\
\ Ux·n \ kClinton ·
\ ,,hleY \ kCnrmick
"My band plays ska, a type of fast,
peppy reggae. The Wisconsin ska
scene is so big that there is a festival
in Appleton called Skappleton."
t;oph. Tim Ba lteti
roud ly displayed among the 2
on t e H ollyw ood wal of fame, hu k Norris' star stands as a tributP to his
29 films and television sho . Poin t of View club visited the Walk of Fame
and oth er Ho llyw ood attracti ons during spring break. Ii Laughing at huck
Norris Facts one and six, freshmen Jak Fournier and Matt Engelmann take a
break between finals. Ii In response t a friend ly dare, junior Nate Weirick
performs a Chu ck Norri -inspir d round hou e kick during lunch on June 7.
~ction film star Chuck Norris needs no sub head
Springing from intnnet site:-. like or chucknorrisfact::-..corn
and Conan O"Brien· s .i\BC sho" in early
:2003. Chuck :\orris Facts hit hallways
"ith the fore<:> of a roundhouse kick.
··I don"t get who Chuck ~orris is and
don "t understand the jokes. fa en when
I 'opl<' tty to explain them, T just µret end 1hat I get the point and laugh."' said
sophornor Rebecca Frf'iberg.
The jokes <"xagg rn1e :\orris· toughness.
attitude. inti·lligence. Yirili(! and ma..,culini0 stated in an absurclly serious tone.
··\fy favorite Chuck "'.\orrib joke is that
·etmck .:\orris kno\Ys the exact vahw of
pi:·· said junior Core~ Dome.
The phenomena spread from the Internet to include a Chuck :\'orris appeararn· on the ··Best Damn Sµorts Shem Perio1l·· an S:\L mu:-.ic vidt>o spoof on Jan.
:21 and a special Korris-thernt>cl epis<xle
of ESP:\'·s ·'Pardon the Interrnµtion·· on
orri-.· hi11bdm. \larch 10.
··1 really like Chuck . orris. ancl l think
Ll1e joke ahout him will continue for a reall~ long ti111t>. On ·\\ <tlker Te"\:as Rang(•r." Chuck orri-. looks -.o 111ea11 tl1· t h
could gi\·e Frecld~ K reuger nightma res;·
jokf'd j1 mior Dm e l Ian.son.
'\1 >rri-.. quoted in Time· s \1arch 20
issu ·. said tha t Chuck ~orris facts are
·weird but wildly popular sayings·· and
that he doe;, not mind people poking a
little fun a t hi;, mac ho image.
Rob('rt \ lcCrm
Blak1· \frEJro,
Dian•·\!.-( .li11.11
l.i111l~.I\ \fl I' inl<')
Je~:;icu \k\1uhon
.\ lJi~Oll \[c\fu~ti>r
Sara \lertz
1.eYin \lich
Kebe, \li cke L~en
Coch \1ille r
Katr h n \liller
Shawn \fille r
1. Guns don 't kill people. Chuck Norris kills people.
2. Th ere is no theory of evolution. Just a list of
animals Chuck Norris allows to live.
3. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He wa its.
La ure n Vl ogc· n ~e n
En1il, \1ohr
Sergi.o \1olina
'\i c h o l ~~ Molinero
4. Th e chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain .
5. Th ere is no chin under Chuck Norris' beard.
Th ere is only another fist.
6. Chuck Norris has two speeds. Walk, and kill.
\pril \ 1oon·
:\icholw, \loon ·
\ shley Morga n
Ju;,t in "vl orr i ~
Cor\ \ 1orri....on
K., 1;. \I orri.... ~<'\
.\ fexandra \ ft;cha
\iC'hola::, \I ueller
I lannah \hw rhoff
Bradl'n \ a::,i
bamar \,a,·a
Cit>1Ta "\ebon
JcrPmiah \ eL,on
Ryan :\eu
\nthom \ ,~umann
\l< ·xancler \ ('wllf'rr\
\..,h[f.., :\ewell
Ka\ ll'l' ,\ icla
Ja 11.1i<·-Lee .\i!'tu1,,,ki
Kara '\oble
Dm·id '\older
\ le"'andra l\011011
\ man<la .\O\·ick
Emily '\yquist
Karlie O"Reilly
I lannah Oan·~
. 'teYen Oberg
\ rnanda Ogl1'
Lawrence Ouo
R..-an Pacetti
. ie..-en Pacheco
\bb, Padlock
Bn <;n Paielli
A rithony Pap1.>t>nrLb
\ ndrew Parker
K' le Parrl:,h
B~ittany Parohall
\I ichael Pa... cucci
Cintare Pa... kau ... kait<'
Jeff re\· Paura
Ta..-lor Pawlacz' k
\I anuel Pereiclc;
\ nt hon~ Perez
Ca h-in Perez
\ lmco... Pen'z
Zakka n Pen·z
Elizabeth Perer... on
K' le Peter... on
Din-id PierC'c
Elizabeth Plgnatclli
\nna P okimica
T rn,i.., Pol... o
Jared Ponce
\[ariah Prado
[ Iearher Pry~e
Con Pucin .
Sergio Pue nte
Zachary Puen
K ir,.ten. Rabenhor-...t
Eduardo Ramirez
Kc,·in RancUe
\farcu.., Ra tliff
\ nthony Regazzi
Carolann Rein
Zachary R c iner... man
Rachael Re~ udck
\ nt Imm· R eu... ..,
Steffan ·Ricard
\~hie\ Ri hartb
Kir~ren Richanb
l\iclai Richtnt\ re
R\ an RicUe, ·
Dominic Rii.lolri
'.\icole Riley
Conversing about German c:l'ia~,'!ft!~-rl
evrn and Bethann e Duffy share lunch in the cafeteria. With one of every
35 births in the United States re ulting in a multiple birth, twins formed a
mi nority of school siblings. The halls housed 34 sets of twins and only one set
of tripl ets. r. After ,i Student Government meeting, senior Treasurer Matt
M aho nev, soph omore 1-.atie Mahoney and freshman Megan Mahoney discuss Special Events' balloon drop for Homecoming's "All that Jazz" dance.
Teen siblings ba
In n crnht .tnt ...,. nigg le of emu pct it iori.
full ol' ) l'lli11p; mid \Prging on p1irwlw .....
-,ihli112> po1111dt·d the hall;, w1d tilt' papn.
Be~ <md po,.;itiYe l"w1wfit..., of -,haring ride,.,
and honwwork lwlp. -,tud ·nt ,.;ihli11g;, of'l<'n fl'lt the 1wgat iY<' frictinr1.
·· \ dm\ 11fall of hm ing a hrotlwr in th<'
;,anw ;,chool i., that if I <'YIT g<'t in trou.blt>.
h<· a lwm..., firnl-, Hit aliout it and tl'll:-; rm
pa('(·nt-;:·· ,.,aid :-iophornow l(elli '\iccolai.
0 11goi11g battle,., for grrnle-.. <'<llleitHnt
bickering and jt·al1111,.;~ pla. t>d role"' in
10\ <'-hate re ·lat ion..., hip,., <h '' e ll.
"\h lirndwr i-. l'l'alh im·o h ed in 11111-,i<'. a.1ul ...,011wti11w-, [ f;•t•I j<'alo11,.., of hi111
h.·c<11bl' lw i:-. a lot lwtte r. But. 1'111 n·alh
inYolYcd in "f><)l'h. ;..o t h at 1•n•1i;, 11,.., out.
Lw·kih. \\<;re abo ut the -,amt' an1demically :·· <1id -.ophrnnol'I' Cara Prnt l.
Hi a l,, co nfront ed <'<'ho1•-, of tlw otlwr·-,
,.,llC<'<':-;st',., to cocnbat tht' -.t ('('""'of upholdi11g th<' fmnil~ na11w acadcmica ll~ a nd in
e"Xt rn-n1rrinilar act i' iti<· .....
"[ ft'el lik <· I am under 111on· pres::iun·
''it h rnv ,..,ister in ,.;chool lx-nrn;;e I feel I
rn•t•d to. get tlw ...;;,mw grad<',., a:-; Tll\ -,i-.ter.
H ild I al~,a~..., haw to livt• 1qi to ht:r:· ;,aid
fr<'..,fm1a11 I ,incl..,<'\ Cnock;wrt.
St ri, ing to liYe t;p to family goal;, or ;,etting the bar hicrher for younger brother;;
and -.i!->1<'r:-. . . ibling;-, fpit a !Xl;, itiw push to
Eric Rinir,.,trnrn
\ 1i<'hael Rol><·rhon
\ln.and1·1 Rolnn;,on
fr-;;,e R.obin,,on
]es,.,icu Roediger
Elizahl'th Rnllfk
Carh Roinioti,.,
frnr{if<•r Ro~w lo
Eri<' Ho,,,,
\ h ""a R m~ k
\I a rk Ru ffo lo
Cha rle;, flupp-K ent
"LLC<'<'<'<l as h o nor ro ll o r <'' e n a;, e-xtra-cur-
ric ula r leader s . The Frost fa miliPs c learly
hit IXJth m a rb . It ran in 1he familieti.
frd<·diah Sacl w n
Isla Sa lerno
Jona tha n Salt·,, I.. i
Je,.,us Sama niego
soph. Tyler Hujik
'·\1 ~ t<'a<' hc r-, ofte n crnnparc
ol<le r :,i::ite r, a u<l [ fee l
l hm-e to be better tha n h er.
e;,1x·c ia lly in the c[a::,,.,e.., ;,h e took
be fo re and T <1111 ta king nmv...
111 <' 10 lll\
Rt>rw Sanchez
Ben ja rnin Sa rg1·nt
K else\ S<t tt er
D<·ion Sca rbroug h
··[ feel pres;,ure in 111y s i;,te r\;
ord w.,1ra IJt>c·aw,e I know the
.,tudc nh. a nd I wa nt to impn•.,,,
the11 1 rathe r tha n be re m e mbered a., a bad teacher. ..
student teacher
Lindsay Demske
Robert Sch111idkonz
\lexa ndra Sc hmidt
\ndrew Schmidt
R) a n S<'hmidt
Sarah ~ · hof ro
'\idiola, Sdrra11d1
SL<'wn R, on Sd1ulz
Dakota Sd1war1z
K, It · Sch<'t ic
n:h S<·t·lwd.
\l..t;~~a S<·g('r
\ 111 hon) S.·llcr,
Criffin SenglHbt'h
'\id1ol<b ~·'\1011
R) rw Shar11lwrg
l'A11ih Shannon
\lmian Shep1wrd
Philip Shierk
\I id rw·I Short
Jt·,,ini Sik id1
Kaith n Sillanprnt
l ~arrra ." iha
Dawn Simnh
\ irgi n ia Slrn1;1
\lrnn Smith
kn·n 11 ~111i1 h
Jorda~ Smith
Kt·ith Smith
\lcgan Smi1 h
'\idml<L' .'111i1h
R, an . "mith
T;I\ lor Srr1itl1
I~a~rrt'n Sr11olik
R\an . nt>ll
\frli,,a . >bin
E11111ia Sorr!'ll
P<'g10 South
Danit·lle Sowdt·n
\111anda .· paa)
r: mil) pael h
\nm1 Spanglt-r·
Dani('! Spw-k,
_'\at han , · penct>r
Kimlx·rly St. Pt•ter
\l ari"r Stmanm\icz
\bb, Stauder
Ridiard Steinke
Brittan) Stq>lwrNm
\higai l Stnt'rb
Jc" ica Srolfi
J1H in Stowell
C:lwJ,ea . ' 1rat'han
\lli,on Stnbh
Jal'\d Strickland
\li;dah nn Strz1·kt'ki
\I ichael Sturino
Jarrd Suidika~
\,hit·\ Sullirnn
l·:dwir; Sullirnn
Tiffam- Sweerw~
( :hri..,toplwr S1H'lhOll
Kenneth Tabili
Bre"anna Ta11•
RPl~·c<' H Tello
Jalc,~a Tennant
Ta\ lor Thormh
Ka.le Thornbormrgh
Spcnt'er Tthl rrul
Jn mh Trac,
Kai hrenia i'ri1111111•r
l-,: ellit• Trocio
Paloma Tn gar
Brandon T~r~·ncr
'\a1 hnn L pham
r-.tace l rbi
\~hi t'\ L ,her
\nna.,1a,,ia \ afia<li,.,
\ndn»I \ agnoni
\ lexandt'r \ a ladez
\ lichael \ an Oen•r
C .N11Hlrn \ an \\ ii'
\111, \ Ul'g<h
"\a 1hani\·l \ arnado
Cici h \ elazquez
\ larlenm' \ enega.,
\"'-'<I \ (' rt l('ZZ\ '
\~hi\', \ incent
John \ ineern
Bianca\ i1e
"\ichnla., \ orwa ld
\ lllll' \\ a la.,zek
\l a1 tl w" \\ a il 1•r
C'A)lirtm'\ \\ alron
\I a r) \\ ",mg
\ inhha \\ a ...,hing10 11
"\i<'hole \\ HI ki1i..,
John \\ aup<Kh\'
\ li1chell \\ a'Yiorla
K, le \\ eddel
R;wluwl \\ e idner
Brandon \\ \'L'
\ aron \\ ermeling
El izabet h \\ enneling
Ra ·haP I \\ e,,1erme, er
T, ler \\ hi1e
J,icob \\ il•I\'
Kad wri rw \\ ielg(h
\ lt'gan \\ ierzchow.,I.. i
\ manda \\ ilkin...,on
Damon \\ illianh
01•\ in \\ il.,on
11 nil) \\ ojnicz
Jo.,hua \\ o lf
R nm \\ olfe
Jcirdan \\ nod
Eddie \\ oodard
Philip \\ ()()die)·
Kimherh \\ o rce-,tPr
Emih \\. oulfe
\ ly.,~a \\ rig ht
K ri-,1en \\ righ1
\ lli.,on \\ \ nn
Ja<'I, n ',.;,"'
Joa11na '
@i1ll!uHI Paused in a brief moment of
reaxatiOn, senior Dana Fulton makes a humorous
statement with her tee, "New Jersey - Only the strong
survive." r. To stay hip, junior Aaron Grimmer sports
a ripped-style brown and grey Abercrombie & Fitch
T-shirt and a string of shell beads. r. Bright Tiffany
blue and pink polos and sweatshirts highlighted many
students wardrobes. r. Patterned w ith pea green and
orange stripes, senior Mladen Vladusic assembles a
French project. r. Chowing down during the Renaissance pizza party, juniors Christine Wielgos, Kaylee
Stefanski and Melinda Dreger display the California
style of maximalist floral design. r. Glitzy sequins and
bright colors wrapped up eye appeal in school halls.
Laughing as the swim team bus heads to
Kinosha, senio r =
elin listens to music while she rocks her trendy
sunglasses. Beyond Regency mall, Pac Sun planned to open 110 more stores
by 2007. r. To keep tabs on new arri va ls in October's Seventeen, sophomore Kara Th omsen flips through fashion pages. With ten million fans tunin
into MTV and catching celeb gossip in magazines, advertisers tapped tee
$170 billi on disposabl e inco me w ith 30-seco nd spots and glossy ads.
n·m i!'r of ·L1gu nu
no" i I' "ris11·n and
n1->hip would sta~. urn
contin1w to tru-;t .Ja-;o .,.
,.,aidJ'f~:®i(ln Kayle Co".
sft!.o-1J'51~ I<·-. of Cnli f'hnracter,.,
pdat<'< ·kh lo
111iC' dot hing and Hl't'es,.,q,r. id< '< h from
lh<·ir fm'Orite ...,how·-. c • acl<'r,.,.
l · r r'
l jei.m-. and I lolli-,tt'f
A.,,...,,.,._"c: het•n comparahl< · 111 tlwir~.
if tht')' \Vear something rt'all~ cute
likt>, I may try and rt'plirnte i1. ..
...,nid -,e11ior Jamie T,eo11ard.
lo i<rnore
the fri<Yid
tcmp<'rnlllI'('S or Lake \ f ichiga11 \, lllbllrfable watPrs. 1->llll loYer-. search<·d the 1wnrl'1->I C:ali-.,t~ I<· st on' "" for a fl'el of Lng111w
Beach· 1-> -:' 1-degree Septemlwr awrage.
- t IInlfo,ter. I feel a.-, if rw walh:<·d into
a surf shad.. I ]oyp 1->hopping for popular.
big sunglasses while hrow-;ing dot hing
for my unique style. a mi of' intag<' and
prep:· said ~ophomore \1egan lstnnwk.
De~igner deYotees sank hour:-> a week
into \X e;;t Coast drama and not-so-pe rfect celebs, pacing trends and sty le.
B<'ac h. ,.,o
St1vlw11 ·
if .l<'-;1->i
Jo-,hua Y11hw,
Laura \ urdu.i ·
'\ iko
Cha~c Zanin
J1di<' Zmlc11 i
\k xi-. Z<'y en
KP111w1h Zig1wr
Hyan Zolper
\lark Zunm-,,ki
Grab phone ro cnll be-.t friend
... :iil311i0i::lillill.miliC_.. Katie\\ ielgo about epoi::.ode.
Jn-.hua \ ceto
\laricclla \co... 111
\ lt•li-.-.a \dnm-.
l·:ric \ lgi<'r.,
Logan \llemand
To;11111, \lien
Daniel It>
\ lle11-Taglia1 >ie1 ra
H~ an \It reutlwr
\-.hit·, \ nder.,on
Jorda;1 \ nder...011
Haclwl \nd1•r...1111
Scotl \ nder..on
Jenifer \ndrt>w.,
I(' IP \ rchihald
H~ an \rnold
\ ;ulrc\\ \-.hie~
Camilll' \u.,-..·
1':awh nn \ u-.~e
I(' 11· i3akl'r In Bait e-,
Breann~1 Barker
Parri<'k Barnt•.,
1':cl..,t·, Barne11
.lorda;1 Baron
Scan Barrell
Tt>rrn Ban on
\11•,andra BePllhtnbot•r
Benjamin Begalle
'\ irnle Belheau
l,ori Bene11i
h'\ B1•ra
\ ;i-.tin Ber"Pr
Ja<'q11t>line Bnrong
K ri-.1 ina Be... ch
H11zica Bicanin
'\irnle Bingham
Scott Bitz
I( el..,c~ Bjorn-.on
Jennifer B<w.,cl1
EliaJ>cth Bolwnm1n
Brian Boi,in
Emily Bonnt>r
l3ria1i Borkcl\\..,ki
Ch ri..... 1opher Born I nwtr1•r
Trent Borziek
\I a11 lww Bo..,n·om
I ,ill(L-.a, Bo"rucl
I(' le· B;·a-.uell
Ka, lin Brennan
\ n;anda BricLit·nian
( :a1 lwrine Brown
Jo-,hua Brn,,·n
Siephanil' Brown
Jaki, a l3ro"·nlc•1•
Cod\ Bru1wllo
\ m~mda Bucht>r
\ liciu Bui,;.,
Ke!-. .. , Bu.,.,1·
Cour1.rn·, Bu11.,
Cina c:a;ro
K ri-.1en C<ijka
Jonathan C:alan
Chandra C:arl.,011
\lt-gan C:m1er
Chu cl Ct>n 11 i m1 ra
/ ..achar\ Cl11Jwla
\1 ichat:I Cha..,!'
\\ 1•.,l!'Y Cha11er·1on
Kirnl.>Crly Clrn110
Ryan Clit>nc·,
\ iicia Chiapjw11a
\lc-li.,.,a C:hri.,11·1N·n
bumps and bonus
for incoming students
\fo, i11g i,., tough. and ctlthrn 1gh t lt' \ -,1uf1·lt al01w. 1.(> 1.) -.111d<·11h joi1wd
l\. l '-ii} For the two rwrc1·11t I hat c·anw to
·1 n·mp<'r. all n,nwrnlwn·d a p<' rception of
i-.olat ion a-. tht> ..,111nll1·-.1 rni11orit, of tlw
-,chool. \\ ith 98..) rwn·1·nt of the population <.dn·ad) co111fort:1hlc. "'>tudenh hwl to
dig in to ("<mt· tlwir O\\ll nidw.
·TlH· 90-rnirmt<' d;h..,t'"> were harder. ,.,.,_
[XYiClll) L11g li..,h. r (' fljO) ('(!the Yari<'t) of
C'h th:, a11d got im ol,rd "ith :--lteppi11g
Strnw'-i ... -,uid -,ophomor<' Kiyana \1ilk
\\ lwn junior Dmid \lcClone lllO\'cd to
\\ i..,l'O thi11. lw 1· ' IW<'lt•d a -,chool at1no:-; plwn' likP hi-. old one. Didn· t hap[wn.
·-1 lik1'd my old -,chool lwtt t>r: it wa:, hi.~...,..,...,,,...
ger a11d had \.C. 1 I lowt'Y< ' r. it ·-. 11Hm
home) lwre :· -.aid I\ 1cClone.
Among th<he 1hat <'hang<>d ..,chool-.
\\'ithin tlH' di.,t rict.. -,ophomon• \1ar~
Bryn Co ncannon. tran-,ft>rr<>d from , 't.
Joe:,. Conca nnon look Pd for mort' cliY<'rs ity a 11d found it in hl'r 1ww fri<•ll(l-, .
..I don't hm·e a mold that I'm put into.
llert'. r don't haw to cl1·al with cliqu('o, and
a.-, much tt>t'll drama . ·· -,aid Con<'anno11.
The aYerage .\ nwrican famil~ rnoYed
<>wry t hn't' to :;ix ) 1·ar-.. B) t lw t inH' t ht·
average \ merican tt'l'll I urned 1;). lw had
· 1 , ady moYed at ]pa;-,t three t inw..,.
··r mowd fiYe time-,. It·.., gott1·n to tlw
[><lint tit. I don· t kno\\ Ill) ow11 phorw
m1nilwr... · · :oophomo re Adam Smith.
\\ lwtlwr ml1p1ing educational grnd-, i11
w di-,trict or joi11i.1,.. tlw Keno-.ha <·0111mit) . rn,,,. studt'nh · ·eel 1rial-, in -,hift " ithi11 tlw high -,d1ool.., TI<'.
ady and binder open for math class, sopho·
kman discusses homework. Wickrn,in, who
opinion about Kenosha, didn't mind the
Although he faced difficulties breaking
w friends guided him through the obEnglish during advisory, junior Kayla
rward to making new friends and a
ith her transfe r from Lakeview. A
less of a focus on technology motie swarming mass of almost 2500.
\ 111bn <.001 wr
Dm id Coo1 wr
\Jt ' '.illHitT
Corrndini \\ igilltoll
Drn11illi1 · Cor-.o
Ja1llit · ("'"'Iii
\aroll ( .()'\
( .la1 toll ( .111lnan
Bni"ndnll Dahl
Srntt Dain
\1 1•g11 n Da~11ht
\ 111anda Drnn1<·01t
N'otl Dm i-.
\\ \ <ll I Dm j,,
\l ;i rgan't Da~
\dai11 D1·i>n't'
1', I<' Dela n('~
So, whats go
bout being
"You're fresh, so everyone thinks
you're cool, even if you aren't;
then they are very accepting."
Samantha Stapleton
"For me, I enjoyed the chance to
meet new friends that I otherwise
wouldn't have gotten to know."
~ #fM:fd
~O'p ho m ~Iles
[),Ian D.. lmon •
D;111a D(·11i-k1·
Lmm·n Dt' rtht '
\ m<1 nda [), ., i111 ·
\a ron Dn rit •,
\ 11d1rnl\ D('Z(' ( '
Ton\ a f),.zomu
Bn11.1dit' Dio11i,io
!Yan Doming ut'/
\larn Dnmill!!lH'/
"\1 •,1or Drn11i11!,!u1•:1
:--11 •\1 •11 Dn nai,
"\ichola, Dnwg1 ·r
\ mli. ·r Drii!'°' '
R1·IM Tt'a Dugan
:--11·fani<' Dulak
I ,aurt'n Du1x · ~
~ ·an E('k111ann
Edwmd I·] 111m\
I lanna l·~ i,1 • nha1wr
l\.1·.. 1t·.. jn Eldt•r
\11 ·li''" Elli,
J ; hrnl Engt'llir<'dll
]<h<'ph Epping
( harl1·1 · l·~ ri( · k,nn
Jarwll .. I«rick 'on
Jth(' l•:,('obedn
Jacoh l·:nm'
~ ·on E\\·ald
\,hit·\ l·:\\('lh
\111lx:r h·rnllon
P1wr Fit'ld,
\ 11 ·,andt'r I :i,dwr
\Ill\ I· lad
\lolh l· lcxKI
Dan~t · I Finn•,
\It•, I· ranci,
I .. 1irt' llH Fnhc ~ r
.fu,1 i11 Fn·d1·ril'k
\a1l11 ·n i'n ·1·111an
C1111 hia Frei
H; ·lx·1·1 ·a Fn·ih<'l'f(
\l"'a11d1·r I•ri<'k1·
Holwrl h·if/
\aron h12a11·
\,hie•\ Fuga1<·
l\:m 1,; Full1•r
1 a~ l1 ·r h1l11wr
. ahrirw hrrlnni
\111a11da Fti-cn
Ht'IW<Ta Cat'rt 1wr
I ,i,a Cagliardn
\la11 lw" Call inn
John Candi
\aron Ca1~· n
Ra~ mond Carn~
& •l1 ·n Carn·,
OP.. na Carcia
Raul Carcia
Brid,g1·111· Carr<'n
Bril'rnlrn1 Cm re •
l\.m la Cl'dt ·l1·i
l\:a~ h 11 Crrth
~h;11 ;t' Ci mer
Bri11a111 Ci111nlw11i
\l1111i(';; Cl1 ·1 N1n
Dmid Codin
I,1·andrn Cnnzal"'
Sabrina Conni!(•,
I\. i111I x·rl~ Craw·n
Jai111i1· Craha111
l\:ara Criffit h
elephants, guitars GHi1 ~ust
plain junk populate
teen collections
l~row-,i ng 1Im111gh <'r< m decl ai..,[c;, nf S! ., _
1•11 \1il1· Fair. l•'<'Jh joirwd oth1·r C'oll1·1·tor-,
to 1·11g1· for priz1·d po..,..,e..,,.,irni-,. Gift;,
oreign urrencies, sophomore Kayla Hartnell
anadian, Mexican, Costa Rican, Australian,
nd Turkish money. Hartnell 's first and faa gift from her grandparents when they
tralia. r. Arranging horses on her shelf,
a Dugan admires her 25 hor<,e colleccollecting at age three, she favors .1
t her great-grandmother crafted t< •r
While visiting her grandma in Bos
co lt treasure as a gift.
Swplw11i1 · 1 lai(t'n
l·:lizall1·tl1 I lall
\li<"luwl I la111ill
t-.ri~ti I l :1111ihon
too firr11n·d ir110 tlw coll<Ttor·,., puzzh·.
·· 1<m 1 or w-f< >t 1rt h .lapmw..,1'. a11d I l ra\I · 1.)
jad1· 1·l1·plw11h. In. .In pan. jade t"l q1h:u1h
\\ilh tlwirtnrnk up j.., luc-k~. \1y gra11drna
gmr nw 111~ fir,..,t orn· at ag1· t \O. \\ lwn
111~ dad. ,,ho·-. a \larin\'. \\c.t'- d1vlo~ ed
fur -,i, mo111h..,. -,fw -,aid it \\ould e1·
lii111 ..,<t f't ·... ..,aid f'n •-,hrna11 .Ind~ n \P<t~.
\ccording to To[J JO 11/' f,'vc1 ythi1
200). llw 1110,.,t <''P<'ll..,j,,. guitar -,old <ll
a iwtion ''"'""' krr~ C:1r<'i<1· ·"] i!wr .. g11itar
whi('h -,old for SC).)-:' ..-.>00 on \lm 9. :200:2.
Gu i1ar<·<ill1·1·torTim Bait<'-,. a,..,11phomon·
bought hi.., fir-,1 guitm. u-.('d. for~ 1;).
··[ coll<'('I weircl rnn· or cheap guitar-,.
worth up to ~-tOO . \1~ fmoritt> i,.., rn~ fir-.t
h<~cau-.(' it".., the onl~ guitar r,e -,rna..,lwd.
It's an \riana ~tralo< '<hlt>r rip-off. and
llw bod) is -.itting atop rnw of rn~ -.rwaker nihirwls ... ,..,aid Balt1·-, \\ho owrh -,i,.
0Yer 100 haphaznrd itt>llb madt> up
freshman Sa nu1111 lw I larn10n-Smith·...,
collection of her farnrit<· "junk. ..
·· \~h en I '"as ten. rll\ mom told nw lo
put a ll of 111) c rap mm~. so 1 thrt'\\ it all
int o 111~ dr('sser clraw<'r. I coll1·ct rn11do111
ff Ii kt> Jones Soda hot tlc,.,. funn~ pi<'t u1 .. ., 1f friends. hilarioth mag<1zi1w-, or
ll C \\-,.., pc I ·,.., dipping,.., and ..,t upicl <'-mail
forward-. ... , ·cl Ifarmon-. 'mith.
\ .->-<'<'Ill J <):~
io n comi(' 1·rnm11a11chl
-t00.000. Quirk~
IT 111orn·y-11iakt'r-. a .
.lad.h n 1lmN·n
\\ illii1111 1lnrnld
\ndn·" I luqhter
Ho n:tld 1lmt
. Cassi
Sanwntha I l anlieh
Ka, la I lartn!'ll
Kri·, ,, 1 l art rwll
Ti11u;1 h) I lu-,-,it-r·
Stt•, en l l nwk ins
\ ict oria I La, 1H '~
\)i('ha!'l I l1 · ilqu i~t
K) lt•m• I lenthorn
aunt and uncle gave me a tea set
from New York to start my collection
when I was five. Now, I have over
20 tea sets from Italy, Japan, Jordan,
Australia and U.S. cities I've traveled
to. My favorite is a Chinese tea set
brought home by my ~;,,J
~ #Mfd~8phoITT ~lhS
jor companies
master new
technology products
compatihilit) and :-;ize gui<l<'d
gadget:; cn'att'cl hy \pplt>. \fotorola n11cl
\rcho,.,. \\ ith a four giga-h) te <lurnhl(·
fla,.,h memory in-,tead of the original
iPocl hard clri~·e. tlw .'':2-+9.99 iPod wH1.
relea:-;ed on ~ept. 12. rni11i111iz1·d tlw iPod
\lini·:-; dinwn-,irn1"' h) 62 [><'ff1•11t.
·· .\ fter recieving the iPod a no for Ill)
16th birthday. T found it-. -,111all ;;hape
t'<l") to car~. En·r~ thing \\ih aln•ad) inailed "'hen I hotwht it. including ga11w-,,
1oto" and mu:-.ic downloading capabilitie..., ... ;;aid :-;opho111ore Jack Tackly.
Son)·., :2-t9.99 Pia) Stat ion Port able
PSP. introduct>cl on March :2-t. :200:). alwed garner::; to play \Yith a :3-D cli-,play
creen on the go. Gurne,, like ··Dyna,.,t)·
\\ arrior-.·· co.,t ~:>O. and 111ovie-, like
··vtatri"X : RPYolution" rang<~d from. ' 1:5 to
. ':30. PSP included ht'adphont>:-;. -,oft case.
-,tick duo and -,crt'Pn cleaning cloth.
--\1y PSP wa,., a gift for Tll) l:)th birtht1a). \\ ith my giga-b) te--,ized memory
chip. 1 can pla) ganw,.,. li,.,ten to music
and watch ·Spidt>nnan 2· or 'ITellboy: ..
-,aid -,ophornore \nd) \far hall.
To ::;tore not onl) nm-,ic but al-;o TV ,,hmvB
and rnmie-.. tht' \rcho-, P ocket Video R ecorder at S3-t9.99 had a :20GB m emory, allnting BO hours of video recording;;.
"l purC'ha..,ed a ~;)0 F\1 tuner
· 11}
.\ rcho,., elt>ctronic which let n
itleo rt'corder phl) nu1..,ic out of .
-,aid -,ophrnnore Ja;;leer . 1 gh.
Trench technoloa·
ewilwionized l<'<' 1
TWt>fling up down lo l;;
dinwn;;ion-, to gamin~.
To pass advisory time, junior Evan Owens pla PlayStation
Portable. Whether to earn th high score r to show up
competitive friends, the PSP player switc ed easily from
games to music and movies. Owens pref rred cha llenging
games including "NBA Live 2006." He al o downloaded
his favorite song, "Fireman," by Lil Wa ne, from his CD. r.
With RAZR in hand, senior Josh Ros ann ca lls sen ior Joe
Tobalsky on his Motorola V3 razor hin cel l phone. Ros·
mann purchased the $499.99 pho c for better reception.
It offered a back light to illumina the number pad.
\\ hitney I l erchian
Sedge (I errick
\ ndn•w Tl(•rrman
Con•y 11 ild
~ara I [opkin~
\lh-~on l lou~a1111111
L1iJia I l11C'k
T;·q1 I l ugh< ''
T~ l1»r [ lujik
\ lexande r 11 \alt
'\icnle lngrn r; r
\kga n l~tYall <'k
\ IJigail Jacbon
stacked credit cards equal to the
thickness of an iPod Nano
running cost of Sony's PlayStation
Portable with bundled accessories
width of Motorola's RAZR in inches,
two times thicker than a Nano
\rnanda Jacoh~en
l IE>a ther Ja klln
Brynn Jaqui.~h
Ely~'a Ja,kol~ki
Jakob Ja,.,kol-,ki
Cari ...... a Ja.,~o
De Shaun J1·tt
Chad Jolm-on
Erika Jorn·-.
Patri!'k Jont'-,
ca.,~anclra Jordan
T rm i., Jr"lin
Katrina Kalr·ic·n Kav1·
Tt·agan Kt>l;·rl1·m
Ian Ke1·nt'
Fran!"i.., Ki!'zula
Dani1·I Kitt
Jonathon K lappa
'\ icole Klrwt
Emil) Klnp-.t1·in
Am\ Kluver
Ke"~n Kluwr
Ke;-in Kod1·r!"a
Edward KolrtHh
Brandon Kope"k)
Jo . . hua K rau-,e
Kt>ith Kra1ht·
\laddine K rau,,e
Shawna Kruu~t·
.\ manda K n·u-.Pr
Dani1·llt• Krueger
Ea-,ton K w·fm.,
Cr\ ,.,tal Laffredi
Charle-. Lahti
Rdx·cca Lang
Katelyn Lauzon
Ta\ l..;r Lawlor
Brittan\ Lt>alJlP
Chri.-.rina Lt'ach
\.,hb LdX'r
Brett Ldwr
Kelli Ldx·recht
Janlt',, Lechu-.z
Carrie Lt•f'
Troy Leonard
'\icl1ola.., Limbach
.\manda Linckrui-.t
'\ichola,, LingYa)
Deniallt> Linton
KYie Lind
L~h-hia Lobdell
Ro-a Lopez
.\bigail Lucke
Brittam Lumlev
Je:,,,, ica Lumley Gilbe rt Lundfin·n
Brandon LYnn
\Ca ureen \-lacCn·ud~·
Cari,,a \lack
Kat hr\ n \fahorn·,
\ ndre-w \la ki
.\lexandria \Ca radc,
Leah \Carcoe
Jo,,hua 'vCa rinelli
Scott \Ca rita
.\ aron \lartin
K atherine \Cartin
\lolly \Cartin
Gina \ Cartinelli
\ manda \larzolf
\ lh ,,on \ [a-. ... ie
\Celinda \ Carhia-.
a m a ntha \lHy-Da,·icbo n
Ama nda Mayer-.
\I ichael \ lcCormick
1':t·nclra \kDonnugh
Sarah \l cGinle,
\irble, i\k\la;ter
Julia \LcPlwr~on
Gina \fcQue,.,tion
l3rillan1 \l ercurio
Katie \.[e.,.,enger
Jonathan \lickel,.,en
Laura \I ilk ie
f.:a1 la l\lilll'r
Ke~ in \liller
1':i1ana \lil6
Sc(llt \liner
Jacqueline \lit chdl
\ li.,~a \ logen,,en
\I at the'' \ londrn,,·icka-,
\.,hlee \l orell i
l·~ 111ily \!organ
\.,hie\ l\lorri;,:,e'
Elh n\[ueller ·
'' \lurph)
J..: ri.,1 ina '\aidicz
l lector :\m a
Danielle '\ehL.,
l an '\el-,011
Daniel '\t•.,good
Jacqueline '\eumann
Tm !or 'wwton
J..:l·ili :\iccolai
\ mher '\ ichnL~
Brianna '\il•..,en
. 'arah :\izhtingall'
\I all he" '\owak
1..,a.Jx·I '-.u11ez
Eric O"Connell
Stephanit• Oat:,nill
Erin OL,.,hef,.,ki
Timorh1 OL.,on
B(·11 QL.,·ze''"'ki
&·njamin Ori
Danielle Ortiz
Jakt· Q..,IJorn
Lt·anna O,,ow:,ki
Brandon Otto
Kaitkn Padlock
Radit·l Pallin
\u-,tin Patt~
K1 la Pm<'l-,ki
\fari lu Pen·ida
]<hue Pen·z
Rol>ert Pet er,,
Thoma-, Peter:,en
knn1 PetrPlli
Ja11H;., Pettit
\I arlon Pt•tt)
\.,hlin Philip
Jonathan Picko,.,
C:or\ Pi1·hl Piela
Jacob Pii-,ch
\ n<lrew Plonmich
Kdli Ponct•
kn·ml') Pop1x·
SH'\'C~ Poppe
\1alina Poth
\dam Powt·ll
Richard Prado
Cara Prall
\ng<>I Price
Ht•t•<'f' l~af't hkt·
rowdy teens and
race for the cure
at Relay for Life
With a hu laugh, senior Michaela Covelli arres unsuspecting vo l
eers to raise money for the Relay For Life.
Family and
ds nominated jailbird,, who could not get
out of jail unt
ey raised bail of at least $5. r. Discussi ng
how Relay For
works to the new Relaye rs, Girls' Swim
and Dive team
set to wa lk the track. Swimmers set up
a campsite decor
red and blue and covered with swim
caps. Relay For Li
purple and white T-shirts prou dly
boasted the phrase
lebrating'20 yea rs of HOPE" as local tee ns and adults j
ed to fund research.
Radwl Ri!'k
Tailor Hinalcli
Ki-,,..,ing l~1otli.... and juilbird pan·nt-.(
l {,,Id at Bull,·n \liddlf• School th1· fir . . t
\Wl'kt>nd in \ ugu;,l. Rt·la~ For Liff' C(m<'ol't<·d CT<'<itin· mrn11·~ -making idt'a,., to
;,upport th,· \ nwrican CancPr SoC'iet ~.
··1 heliPv<· of'fin·r,., \I ich;wla Cm elli. Laur< 11 mid Kri-,tina Gultorm;,en am•,.,te<l
11w j1i....t to hwniliatl' 1111>. The~ f';,('OJ1t>d
nw off in hw1d cuff,., and threw rtH' behind bar:-.. For the rt'<'fH"<l. l wa,., fal,..,t>h
<HTt h<'d ·· :-.aid media <·o<mlinator Chu('
Hornano abrnll the hun1oro1i.... lo('k -up.
Homa no rni,..,,·d aronnd S60 b~ bt·gging.
dt'l1Ht11(ling. ha..;,.,ling. 1·u·n thn·atenin!!.
frif'rnl lf 1 gain n•lpa,..,e. 13<·~ ond jail. t<•anh
\Yalked or ran lap,., to rai . . t• mone~.
··J talki·d to fll\ fri<·1Hl. and ... aid I wa
going to run a maratho11 th a joke. But.
!-ihe ;;tmwd telling 1wople . ,.,o l had to
do it. T ra11 it in ..;i-x -,hift-.. r would run
the track. tlwn help tlw ki..;,..,ing booth.
and after ,.,en·n hour,.,. I fini..,hed the :26
mile:-.:· ;;a id junior S('ot t Fro,.,!.
Sporting purplP and '' hite T-,..,hi11 .....
Girl,.,· Swim and Diw lf'Hlll rni..;t>d around
," 1.000 in pledg ,. , for rt"··i·arch.
·· \ 200-!: ::;wimmer l'onght canrf'r. and
Coach \\ irch·,., wife \ndn·a al-,o :-.11ff1·n·cl
from cancer. \ndrea pa:-.,..,ed awa~. lmt
rown -,urYixt'd. \\ t' v.alk,·cl in
r~ ri°k Hipl"~
I "aura Hoad1
l3ra<lh Holwrh
Brian i{ol x·rh
Kcl~t'\ HolK · rt ~o n
Hyun. Rolii11~rn1
"My best-friend K Chatto and I
saw crazy balloon h
at the Relay,
nd we wanted to get
. You had
sing or dance to get on
g 'Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah."'
\riel Rodrigtu•z
'\at lw11 H<I('
Da\-id Hcht·nlx»·g
Carl R<h111wrn
\na Huiz
M argan•u Hussell
Jdfn·1 Sa hlmr
Jen·11;~ Sadt•w>tl<' r
"The best part of Relay For Life is
meeting the people and hearing
their stories. Also, we always eat donuts in the morning and watch the
jazzercise ladies work-out for cure."
Dana Salani
Laun•n Sal<·~ki
Jenna Sali.~lmn
Ro~alinda San(·hez
Cri,,ropher Santana
\ manda Sargent
Dijana Sm·ic
\ une ...... a sa,-ic
Jamie Schafer
Randi Schin<ller
Eric Schoor
\ lt'xandra Schroeder
KeYin huirmann
Teacran Schultz
Chloe Schutz
Lind,ey Sebetic
Paicre Sebetic
'heena Lin
, 'teYen Sharp
Chri;,topht'r Shawhan
Colin Shekc111
Kir::>ten hernood
Kayle iler
C'.a~lina ika
Chri.,tie Silnt
Jo:,eph Simpkin;
]a:,leen ingh
Danielle , irocchi
K ri...,rin Smick
\ngela Smith
Katekn Smith
'\ichol& Smith
Paige . mirh
Ronald Smith
Kyle nell
.\ iexandria paa~
Paul rancaro
Elizabeth Sranle~
Sarah . 'tenner
David te,·en:,
Samantha SteYen:,
Elizabeth , ron
Tyler '1Uar1
Eiaina Swan
\\, illiam wa:,:,ing
Jack Taddv
\legan Ta~~i
Dajuan Thame..,
Dw:.ran Thoma:,
\{urphy Thom&
Kara Thoni.:,en
Je~,,ica Thurber
Brianna T obabk,
\ ane,,,;a Torre" ·
Krle Tr,,on
David Ln..,inn
\ ngela \, aleri
\i;,linn \ ega
Sam Vega
Smah Vergenz
Brendan \'ize
Chri;,topher \, ollmer
.\ ngelia \\, ad
Chffiropher \\ alb
Lauma \\ ard
LLannah \\ arren
Keith \\ artzenluft
'\ichola:, \\ eber
\1p[i;,~a \\ eddd
\ mber \\ eiher
Ethan \\ ei.~~
K ri_.,ren \\ ell,,
sizzling summer cotii~erts
crank up fan base
at local venues
wboy hats, soph mor s Jenny Grob and
ic wait for Keith Urban to take ne sage
nder, a five-day cou ntry music festival in
. Temperatures soared each day reachdegrees. r. On Wednesday, July 20,
nd Saturday, July 23, thunde rous rain
mixed up mud all over the Country
sparate to escape scorching temps,
n resorted to the porcine method
cak ing themselves in mud.
I .ights di11111wd \\liil1· :->trolw-.
\-, th<· audi<'lll'<'·1unecl The Brawn
ap1wared 011 llw ,.,111oke-filled slag1· .
.. rt wa-. d 1:1<11 i... II H'n· Wl'r< ' mo..,h pit-.
and I • pit' k i1·k1 '<I out of ti It' a11cliPt1<·1· all
mpr.·· aid ,.,ophomore Jack Tadd~-- \\ho
uttt>11d1·d hi,., fir.,1 \ udio-.lme <'OIH't'rt.
B~ h~ pirw up <Tm\d-.. harnl-, q11il'kl!
tlmH·d an a11di1·1w1> of ~kt·ptil'al -.tmngu ... into a lo\ ul local fan ba.,e.
··f nu·rrmt ional '\oi-.P Crn1;-.pira"~.
Swt·cli-.h hand. martH'd all owl'. tlw -.tag
ttnd thF -.ing1·r <"Hiile into thP now<L 1\\ irlinl! hi,., minophorw.
hookt·cL·· :iaid
-,ophornon· I' air it· CrornaC'ki.
o mat l<·r dw hand. teens Im <·d goin
to concert-. to hmr fun \Yith fri<'Jl(l-. .
"The H!'d Big Fish and Cat<'h :2:2 <·oncert wa;, rn\. f;m1ritt>. l \\.<' Ill 011 Ill\. birthcl.av 01w of Ill\ do-.t>-.t frit·nck and
~k~ nm;,i i-. rm alholuw fmorif( ' ... -.aid
Hophomore l·~ rnil~ Klopstei11.
Although tlw chuot ic -.C'enc of cotlt'<'rh
appealed to te<·n,..,_ some prt>ferred <"aimer cla:o,;ical conc1•rrs to :.pend 1inH· \\ith
Da11iel \\ il ~on
J<·~,irn \\ il~on
\ lt>•rn \\ ojcit>chowicz
\ ~h l<·~ \\ oiler
fri nd.., and -,oak i11 th<· tmhi(' .
'·I went to a jazz concert dm' n at l ht•
lake; it wa;, oubidc and rt'alh calm. \\ t'
were walking along tlw l.x·ach.mosl of tlw
e•. , Hai l :;ophomore Liz l lall.
her a calm day on the l.wach or a
chaot 1 1
JarrPtl \\ <Hld
Ja~ 111in e \\ ooden
Hadwl \\ ooden
Ka ilwrirn· \\nod~
13<-,, 1 onrz
Ja;,nn \ ul«'
Sarah Yurchak
Jo:;eph ZiLL,ch
Jo~hua Zinrnwnnan
Thoma~ Z"i('l..t·~
~!El'i~~~~ tl/.{ Two."· junio r h:a~ It ·<· Stdarhkr
rrrrl.., a I)\ I) duri ng th ird hour n •l<·a-,f• at Blockhthl
•Ton HOth . treet. r. \\ ith lxx>k in hancL junior \ 1·il
H111wwltik -.1wnd-. fourth hour n· l<'<N' n•-,c·archinz
th• · 1Trntom ic and -.cX'ial condition.-. of Sou th \fric·:1
for \Ir-,. Sn~ tlcr·-, 1.;:ngli-.h 11 \ P cl1h'>.
Escaping 90 minutes
of pure pressure
s,,apping t lw caf Pt<·ria·.., ..,weltC'ring ..,ilenct'
and ..,urwn [..,or -.tan•.., for till hot1r and a half of
fret>dom. junior.., with 1-t total crcdii,., ditched
-.chool premi-.<';, for I he fir-.\ t inw a-. tlw ..,chc Kll
board attt' lll(>t<'d to alle\ i<lt<' m<'r<' rowding.
·· \ fter waking up <11 -+ a.rn. CH'~ da) for; ~
H . lll . \Oil<'! ball prnct ic<'. r ll1 I ir d. It." ni1·e (O
J-x; ahl to dri
1; mirmt<·,., t<> Ill\ hou-.t· and
ju..,t ..,[eep during and pa,.,t f urth .bloc ... -,aid
junior ]orclan St1'11-.gard.
Sat i-,f~ ing ..,[<·ep and ,.,tud) n·quiremr·nh. junim·.., and -.enior-. with ..,j mandatory credit-;
for tlw ~ <·m ,.,~wll<·d out extra cn-.h at th<· pump
to cm er n·l<'the ti me mileHg<-.
··S1wnding -.o much mone! on gn-. going hack
ancl forth from ;;chool hotlwr-. 11w. Sine<' I have
..,wi1n practic right after -.diool. it -.<'<'tlb poinL~=====-;::: I ..., tnwthte g;i.., going home fourth hour."' "aid
-.t>nior Stw·, l l1llchi11..,.
\no,.,.., K1'no-.ha and ha("k ugain. junior-, and
,.,enior,., ,,ith parent-... ign<'d pink perm.i:;,.,ion
-.lip.., and W cun1td11tiw credit-. du1ohed in a nd
out of tlw \ nd<·r;;on lot.
--During m~ third-ho ur r t>lt>w,e. rn e ither go
home. mt•r to Emil~ \X e~ ker·.., h o u0iP to ;;tudy
for fourth h our ,\ P Bio lo~. o r ru n e r ra nd):; Like
getting my h a ir cut becau ;;e fe we r people a r e
o ut d uring the d ay:· .,aid 1oe11io r \l e~i ;; L on g.
F r mn ~nooze;; to ~winuning to S upe rc ul b. jun ior,., a nd ..,Pnior;; r Pli;;h ed f rPPd o rn in do;;et> o f
o n P relt>a1oP p e r qua rt e r.
"\irnl<· \ li11
\ -,hit'(' \li<'n
\\ illiam \nd•·r,c~ n
"\cal \ nd•·l"'>on
\I ega n \ nd ro,c hko
De,·on .\ rn'btrong
Je,-, ica \uBuchon
Sara \ult
l,t>,,lie BaC lL'">
Bla ke Ba rnt'-,
Hoh· n Ba rtholmJU'\\
Chri,,topher Ba~ h a m
{ (J
Dre~s delighh at
St1•plwn \de
\ndn~a \icllo
Brian \l.gier.,,
\ liduwl \lf!i!'r,., .
l'vl ario Bai tellini
\lt>etga n Buutd1
cine·s Regency
Da ,-id Bec k
George Bec ke r
1:28 Pull out of Anderson in red Escort wagon
1:47 Swing into stall in front of JC Penny at Regency
2: 19 Drop $80 at Deb for teal Homecoming dress
2:&5 Slurp a Gold's strawberry banana smoothie
Jun lOrs
\[a ria Bedolla
'\"ichola" Behl
Ha ymond Bethke·
Ch ~i-.1 i111· Bi't z
Ja<'oli Bil-,k i
knnif1 ·r Bingha111
Cliri-,tnplwr BL.,<'hoff
\aron BL.,liop
Kir-,(( ·n Bjorn.... on
~ ·w l 131ur wn
\-,hit '\ Bli-,1 ·
Caitlin Bluma
\\ illiam Bogw·
'\icolina Bolyard
C:atlwrint• &mne,·
Kathn n Bori-, ·
C:.·drit: Brnnt h
K'• lit' Bn·ilin"
\ li-,on Bro('l"man
Kaw Bnwrman
l·:ric BrotlH'n
Clwrn·-,-,a Brm,·n
Jame., Bnm·n
K al it· Brown
Kaith n Brudm
Shau·n Bru nne.r
\ manda Brun.-,
Za<'har~ Burford
T rm i-, Burl,..,nn
Erica Burn-,
Tm lor C<xh Cande1·
Jm."oh C:ap<~Lm·o
\.,hln C:arlt·ton
Ian C~1Nm
\111\ Car-,well
\<L.-iana C:a-,('io
Colette Ca-,<'io
\liranda Cebula
Cina C:hri-,tt·nliun
Brit tll i Clark
Cahin Clark
Corn Clark
Tiffa·m C:lt'm t•r
I·:, w1 ( :1('11wn-,
. lwlh C:ot·
"\ i.. oft• Cornt'r
( .(Ill rt Ill'\ (:. H 1k
Lau rt'n C:oopt•r
l.izet1e Cort<'.,
Briuani Con·lli
Cri-,t i1w Cri-,1 iano
\ liduwl Cronin
Brirtni C:ruz
Brian C:ullt•n
C:a-,.,amlra Cuh-er
fr-,.,ica Cunningham
Demet riti... Dar~iel
Brian Daniel-,nn
Kilt•a Darn•ll
K i111berl~ DmicL... tm
C:ha nzt' Dm i.,
Daniel Dmi.,
Ta, lor Da,i._.,
\ hitthe" Dm,iee
R, 1111 Dct·1t·r
\ (lur11 Dcni...t•
E111ih De-,eife
Br\'ni Deuhdll'r
Ra\ mond Dcn-ie-,
\ n;<mda Diehl
Kt'llt'\ Dicier
fomit: Dit'ltmm
John l)i,011
Sarah Dtxlge
Corn Drn 1~e
\ kli;Hla Dr\'ger
B<:n jam in Du brm a
Brittan\ Dulak
Chri~t•;plwr Dunawa)
\liduwl Dun;ma\
\ latt hi'\\ l•:ckholt.11
Eric Elg1-r
Dm-icl Engwi..,.,
Ja) me I..: rick ... on
I-;: at hr\ 11 En11b
\Ill\ 1::\\(' lb
\ m;111da Faint
Ca,.;n Farrell
B<:nj~u ni n Fee kier
K ri..,.,t\'n Felt man
Jeffn'\ Fer!.. in
Joan1~e Figuerna
Karl Flore,,
Daniel Follak
I ,aquata Fond\'r
Oll"\ (•razer
Jah ~"e Frederick
I-;: ,·le Free
Clmd Fn'<'111an
~tnth Fn·rnwr
Jar<:>cl Fro:ot
Sara -Fro:;t
Scott Frost
DaYid Fuhrer
\ nthon\ Full1·r
Kaleigh. Fulmer
Colin Calitz
\ ndrea Callo
Cait h n Callo
Rel)(;,.,.a Cann
Gloria Carn\
Maffo Can.-ia
l\leli..,sa Carcia
PHI ri(' c;arcia
Porfirio Carcia
\lexamkr G<•ntz
l\1attht'\\ Cia1 Wsl'lli
kssirn Gibbons
l\lid1w·I Cil111rn"('
Corl'\ Cokl-,t<:in
Osca·r Collaz
'\ichoh-, Courcloux
]aC'obi Crnnt
Jo-.eph C reco
\aron Crimnwr
\pril C11staf,.,on
onna (;111 ierrez
I( ri..-,t ina C111torni--,<·n
Karn I lal)('I
T) ler 1lagert)
Jami<' 11 m11ill
l\lark I la1N'll
Dm id I larbon
Jacob I Iatbor1
l'hon I larPho
s;;111ant ha 1larris
Shan11ai11 1 larris
\\hittl<'\ llart
Brit11e\ "1 tart1wll
Jordan I IR..,sel
David I la~wood
RPl)('rt l•:ric 11<-llquist
M idiacl 11<-ndrick,,on
~rah I IPndrix
Rach<'I I l<·nk!'s
Christirn· 11<-nn<'
Z11I<') ka I krnandez
I( aria I l<-rrcra
£.m;Ji:':~:\l!i!5'f11nk Pi('lli(' fl·a tured 1:1 li:111d-,
1111 -,la"I' Sq>I. :1 at S1. Thl·n•,<· j1H lx·f<•r<' 1x1li1·1·
arrin·J 011 tlw 'Cl'IH'. Ii Fn1-,1ra1cd al polic ·1· Ix·
hm ior. 'opho111on·-, Cailwri1w Bro\\ n arn l \lc-li"'a l\:atz mHr('h in front of 1:)() protP-,t1· h ;11
(:i,il Libe rt) Park. Crowd-, \\<l\t'd ,ign" IX'ann;.:
-, 11 rh phnN'" <h ... 11·;11 dn111b. not kicl-, ...
Punks picket against
local pol ice action
Stonning g11i1<1r chord;,. c;npnr11i11g I~ ric-, w1d
;,olid dr11m ;,trik<·-, Jila t<>d from H ht11d..., HI
1lw -tth annwd P1111k Pin1i<-, until Kt' IHJ lia Polic<· ...,p(i11t<·n·d Scpl. :~ fp...,ti' it ie:-i 11ftcr ..,j, <·0111plninh of profanit~. Soon. 11 <1rr< ·;,h n·..,11lt<·c!.
"T~w fon·p of dw polin· \\Tb unrn·n·..,,.,w~. \\ 1·
jtht \\Hllt<'d to know \\hy W<' w<>rt> being ki('kt·d
off tlw fairarourul--. I n all~ bo1w th<·n:..; 11 pi('\.,hln I lc·rmll
11i<' IH"\t ~ear.'' ,..aid junior \kgan \\ IH·t-1<-r.
"-'1 ·itl1 I le ·~~
\~hi <'\ 111 ·~~..forr
\\ ith :3:~ urnwd offic<·r..; wii>lding a ... hotg11n
I .o/!mi 111 ·~ d.. 11
<llld [K'f>fX'I' "flra~. man~ of -tOO punk.., \oic·<·d
opi11i 11 i-. of tlu act ion a-, nothing ... ho rt of pol i<'t ·
brutalit\. \t>t. local nwdia lib· FO\ tt>l<•,i..,ion
and Kc·no,..,hH '\ew... I 1<i11 rn~ e<l tlw in<'idt·nt..; at
tlw a11n11al en·nt in a diffcn•nt 111anrwr.
\da 1n I li!!!!i1ilx1ttom
··;.illlll•.,...··1 I I1i11 k tlw lllt'< Iia '."lhmwc I t h<' fl<l Ii<'< ' ..;1<·I<' o I'
"-'a t ic I !ill
"-'m la I lnd.w·'
thing .... Tlwre ;,hould lime hcen mon· 1·m<'rng1·
Gttbri 11,, lop!'
fro111 otir Yiew. It W<h a big j,..,,..,llf' for th punk,., ...
"aid j1111 ior Ca itl~ 11 Callo.
I11 n·,.,p<Hhf' to 11wdia <'OY!'ntge. 11 di-,gthtt·d
punk rud-. fan.., marclwd to 1he Cit;. Coun<"il
nwet ing Sept. : for a prot ""t.
St1'\·1·11 I lorn
'·\\ e are not just ptmk kick Through t lw proI ,rn1rn I l1 kc-,
T hope to co nvey d ea r intt>ntiori-, of fl<'<H'< '
\ larki1· l h li1L">ki
\ l<">:andc1: Imhoff
between all people. whether they lx· [1<ili!'t' or
ci,·ilian ....... said ;,enior Kayla Conceix·ion.
Res ult:; of the prot e;,h eluded the ptJ)lic e~ e
and punk~ alike. hut hope-, remained high
among teen prote..;to r;,. e;,pecia lly in support
\ 111arn [,. Ja(' k.,on
of a future Punk Picnic.
'\at ha n Ju('bon
'\i kirn J;tcbon
\uro11 Jacob,,
·r. Brian
Lea~/t~(/)I£ 0 ntrove rsy
I\:) 11· focgt 'r
Jacl111 j('n.,<·n
Ro~·, Joh1Nm
Tn) lnr Joh11"nn
--1t \Hh:;\';Y(l'T\"""ffif.J.t.JLI.L I
T1•1Tica Johthon
Da11iPI Jor11 ·~
Dai na Jom•,,
\1 ,;nirn Jone,,
gen ing out«if liancl the 1x11n ,
·" hi ro do
what 1h1') did. It \Hh pu,,lwd a littk too fur.'
' _cc<o h
had 1he right to thl' the
did. Their ucnon~
'. · .. ionnl mid
c·o111pktt'I) 11n1wc1·""ar).
Pe11·r i(u('Zlllan·k
On111 i( ;tlan
\la1dw" 1--:appkhnff
B11dd l--:a,;tlau.,Lh
C:hri-,toplwr l--:1•a1 intr
Dmid 1--:d-,ch
Hirn "-emcn
i(;1111ra "-er-,ten
Johna! h;111
!--: i(·la-,-\ alcnzuela
Tiffam !--: ing
\lichael i(inzie
\ nna !--: irdrncr
'\ icoll,· "- itt
\n1 anda "-lahunde
l3c1hani<· l(lau-,ch
Cran• !--:ling
\111w "-lop-,1l'in
Dt·n·k "- 101 bl<'in
LimL.,,., "- 111i<'c
\l\'"11~d<• r !--: nu11er
\lid1ad i(nu111i
\11•" 1--:ochnl'
\higail l--:onitz1•r
\li(:lwll1· "-ornd1•r
\ aron I( rau ..,c
D11nif'I I( rueger
E111il) I( nwger
Paul I( uhiak
\l anlw 1--:uhirn
Chri-,wffl'r I( uhik
Pel<'r I ,al><1111l\\·.,b
Pail!e LaBml!l' ·
Luk<' LaBelle
BrmU1·, La111otlw
I(' lil' Cangcnbad1
";•,in l.Hr..,l'll
D11-,1 in I ,aurenzi
I( ri-,1 i La11n•nzi
l3n·111 L1·ahlc
Erik Lea.hie
l31·ian L1·ad1
\I~ --a Leipzig
Dm id I .1·k1•r
l'han L,.,.,
Pi1illip I .;melon
\J ,.li.,-,a I .ow
\ntl1rn1\ Lm1•1ro
l(a11·I, ,;n I ,u1·1i-,
Jonathan Lucltkt•
1-:ric I.uncl
Dali· Lundqui-,1
I leatlwr Lupo
Eric \lml-l'n
krirn \lm1fred
\lallon \larnno
Chri-,1i;111 \lanin
Chri.,toplwr \I an in
Kri-,tan \l artin
P1bqual1· \laninelli
\larina \lar1inl'z \ladH'\\
'\id1ola., \ht\<'r-.
Dm id \kCl<)nc
I( eL.,t •) \ !cCullough
Launt \ld)onald
\l1·1nlith \Jc-i(nitrhi
Thonra-, \l1·1T1•ll
I ,ind-,c\ \le1z
'\ichol;1., \1 iceli
Luke \1 id1
\li<fowl \1ick1·l-en
Jo.,,.ph \I ii<'! ta
Jun tors
<'. junior Paig1· I ,aBar;w ~i!.!'.n'
honw11111d<' Yal1·111 irn·, 10 pa'' 0111 10 frH'nd~ 011
ilw lm1·-,1nwk F1 ·I>. 1-t \ al<·ntirn:, Da) . r. I f'<hl
in" on a plal <' full of 'HHll') turk1•\ and 't ufl'ing.
jt1~ior !\")lie Bn ·iling <'<' ld muc, a 1rndi1in11al
\01. '.2-t Thank,gi' ing 1IH 'H I "it h lwr fu111i l).
fam i I1es and
¥le tradition
John \l01Th0tN'
K ri ,1<•11 \I nrfnrd
\111a11da \l nriarin
Caren \l m'T)
\ kgan \l 1wllcr
\ nt hon \ "\l'L,rm
Rnberr \<·L~on
Benjamin ""\e"
..\l en~ Chri-,trn a,,. . OO fh. can r "11) that!"' I
mean I la pp) I Tolida! ., .. I fil<'Utl : · \\ i111t·r holida~ "wa,,on brough t OC: PC. 011t-of-n111trol politicall) -1 ·orn·ct ne-,,.,. Trw rn· hHX:'r-t·orT('Ct IPt·,... . .
not-olfrnd-an! orH· aft it ude offend<·d lontl pridt·
in cultural tn.1ditio11,,; holidm flmor mixed and
c lebrat<'d cliYer-,it~. intriguii1g tet'n,.,.
Tet•n-.. lil-t· -,ophomort• Dijana Sm il'. celd>ralc<l hi,,toric holidm :;. Her Serhiun Orthodo"\.
famil) honon·d m~c· through <'Plehrating
tht>ir patron ....aint id1ola,, on Di·<'.(>.
·Th· 1·1·ldwati Hl \\ch p<N,ed down through
gene ration" for hundn·<i-, of~ ear,.,. On the <la~ .
w1· bake a bread. ~lm · Ko\a-,h. ancl hmr it
hl '"tied b. the prie-.t at churdi.·· ,.,aid Sm ic.
. nwrican t raclit irnh blendt'd \\it h other c11lt ures. , 'ophomOr<' "\ww) Rc-;cndc/ <'t·l1·hrat<'d
Chri. . tma'"' ith a mi"\. of I [i..,pnnit' and \nwrican cu .... tom;,. t>->pt'cia ll~ at nwalt ime.
··\(~ fo111il) thtl<lll) h th a trnditimwl JTi-,panil'
brea f~t of' tamalt"-.. made of nwat. cht ·t·-.t»
and saba i.nsi<le a dri<·d corn lt·af. and tfwn
a flat thin crispy br ·<id whi<'h i-. dt'' ' P fri<·d
and coated with .... ttgar. l' or cli111wr. wt· eat th< ·
American tradition of tttrkey. \\ e <lo both to
feel unit t>d as a famil) ,·' said R est> ndez.
To celebrat e a per,,<mal favorit e. junior Sarnh
H endrix gathered " 'ith family for Hanukkah·,,
foods and warmth. lt conmwmorated \{accnbee \; Yictorr and the miracle of burning oil.
··vty mom makes latke::i. potato p ancakes.
and it 's up to my grandma for the re"t. \\ e"w
been doing it since fort>wr~ ~ said I fe ndri"X .
Laura ""\ t•11111ann
\larilt't' ""\ichob
Chri"toplwr "\ ida
Zac h<H) l\ie"en
Elizabc1 h "\ or ri ~
Ka li "\on on
Eric "\)berg
Lianrw 0' '\1·al
my mom makt'-. ·harlx'l'Ut'. go
\ bee r and pm Im n. u meringue de-.ert.
read spirit to th!' hlt1d1·111 boch.
, rgn,, 1•11co11raged at hlt·tcs ,,uch "" football plnyi·r
Frnnk Ki<":wla lwfon' gw1ws. Clwerlead!'rs IT<'Hied
"11d 1111111-! tlwse signs to sharpen players" con 'lwti.
ti', ."' lg<'. r. Dern rating a locker for a friend· s hinh.
da~. 'l'nior \ rnalia Piehl brings color and fun lo
t Ii!' halhva) \Yit h bright slrea111c•rs.
Students show spi i:_· ---in tame a lways
Colorful nwguct,.,. cniz' po;;ter,.,. and picture,.,
of l:w,.,t friend-, -,ho\ · ,.,1 udt>nt charact t'r and
-;pie(' up hare bhw and re<l lockt>rH. Glirnp;,l'H of
picttm'" and 1wr,.;onal flair. lockt'r <b·orution-;
(kfint>d o\\ llt'n'; ch<.ln1cter" for pa,.,,.,cr,.,-h!.
··111 lll> locker I haw pidun•,.; of uw and my
fri1·11cl-, in fun fa c rna,.,k,., making ;;ill>· f LH't',., .. ,
-,aid junior Kir,.,tf'll Bjoni-,011.
~tud<·m,., c ho,.,(' not only to dccon.11c inside
the ir own lod.:er,.,. hut abo to decorate the outidt' of friend-,· lockt'r,., for ,.;pecial occa,.,ion,.,.
Decorating with balloon,.,. ,.,treanwr;;. po,.,ters.
and ewn carnty. buddie-; molded creatiYe idea,.,
for Lirthda.,., and to pay tribute to friend;,.
"One<' Wt: made a ,.,ign from little rlf'r,.,hey
ki,.;;,e,., and ,.;pellc·d out IIappy Birthday . It wa.-,
great. ·· said junior Emily DeSeife.
f:,.,[.lf'f'iall! during Homecoming week. ,.;port,.;
eYe nt::; cn•med another rt>11"on to clecorat t'.
Football player;, and S\vinm1er;; 1'011ncl their
locke r-. decorat ed before a hig ganw or meet
to encourage :,, piri1 and ,.,chool pride.
··Before big -,wirn meets. like the dual meet
""· \fuskego and JV Conference. T decorated
Britne Bradley· s. my 'little s ister\.' locker with
colorful sigru; and blue and red st reamers,''
said junior swimmer Michelle Kornder.
Between birthdays. spo rts games and moving-away decorations, teens creatively spiced
up lockers to express individuality. spike spirit
r··---~a~n;cl~c~e~le:brate [rit>ndshir~)._ _ _ _ _ _ _.......
~o tila~e
\111Wt1" 011iz
Clwl~<·a (),car,,on
.\min (),good
Clwr~ I (h crl >)
\ nthony Puielli
Tiffany ·Papper1
Tyler Pan-L~h
Ste phanie Parshall
Jo,,hua Pau l
\ n<h·ew Puulauska,,
Ja,,on Pecha
Jame~ Pekkarainen
am:: ma:: •t e•r-pi.e•c•e: : : : : - - - - - - - -.....
out of a lame looking locker...
step 1"First I found homecoming pictures of
my friends and taped them up in random order. I
finished it with putting in my mirror."
-jr. jackie bohning
step 2 "My friends and I like to cover all the
empty space up in our lockers. I used post its in
different colors that my friends wrote notes on."
-jr. chelsea magee
step 3 "For a birthday, have everything ready
so alfyou have to do early before school is put it
up. Have all of your friends sign the poster."
-sr. kari lendman
. ;) .?b
R<'hccrn Oahndl
\ 'in cPnt Odorizzi
Jart'cl Onan
!-: ri,,11-1w Orozny
Jun I 0 rs
Sa1nantha Peloquin
Jonathan Pereira
Roger Perez
Vanctisa P erez
Brandon Pes ik
Lauren PPterson
Rho nda Picco lo
,\ ntonio P ig notti
Hol wr1 Pi-('iott i
Lor<'! I a Pollo('!..
Dia Ila Pott r·r
\1Hi11 Pmwll
Da11ir ·I Pratt
f.:uti1· Pnwarirnw
\ 11dn '" ()1H'lla
Du11ir·I lbi(llO\\
( .orri-u Huimondi
f.:an ·n H1 ·1·'"'
Pa11H'la Hr·galudo
\11dn ·\\ Hr :id1·11l1ad1
Pa1ri!'k Hr·in
Br.. 1111a Hr•\ i,
Cn"' Hr ·" ·'
l·Jliotl H;·zm
Jakr · Hi .. hanL,
I), Ian Hih
Ti1011Hh R;1bhi1b
Za('han Hobin-on
'\rw Hr~fo1
.lulir · Hogr •r,
\l r•i(all Hopp
D~ Ian Ho,,
\I a rl" Hmw
Chri-1a H1tlx ·1w·r
Gim ilr · Huib' 11 ·
:-.andrn Hui;.;
'\r·il Hu111ad1ik
13rodir· Hurnllr·
Jr hcph Salt"rno
\lmia :-.a111dli
\lirfowl :-.ar11t·lli
\lt1rin ~a ... -.o
Jo-I 11 ra SatPr
Ja('h 11 Sauh,
f.:m.h n Scl;lr ·nk"r
.Ir wi Sch11wi,1·r
Da11i1·ll,. Sd11ni!'kr ·I
\lir-h<H'I ~·hnuck
l3ria11 '°"·luwttlr·r
1-.on•na :-,d11w11lr·r
l·.rin St·horhclwck
.knnil'<·r St·hultz
\11',ia St·lnntll
.knnifn St·on/t'rt
Sa111untlm St·rnvr.,·1
knnif1·r Scot!
f.:ri,1i11 St·mt
Tm It ·r ~ ·01 t
Ti(fam St·nnholz
'\ata,lia Slwllt'\
\,hi.-\ Sht'ppa;·d
kn•111, Shon
\latth" ·" ShujM '
l\. ul it• ~illllllOlh
Paul Si1arz
1-. irnl:M ·rll't' Sju""r·n11 I
lhar1 Snwt "''"'
l·:iintlwtl1 S1nitl1
f.:ailr •t• :-.rnith
Hadwl :-.lllit h
Shaun :-,111ith
1-., It' SparkDalllian Spenci'r
Sa111<1111 lw :-.1ancaro
Sar111wl Stnnfr·I
I-. at rirnr :-.wrk
\ 11"1.arn L.•r Stmrder
1-.m il't''fan-ki
·1il'i't11n :-.11·gllla11
\lt>~Hll ~1t · i~llltt'I/
I. •rn· I 111
1\1) Spa<"(' world. j1111ior Da11.
I II!.!\\ i-. -.11rf-. fricrnl-.· li-.h for an hour a-. a daih
1<'1•11 h11hit. r. \\ it h hlod:-. of red and hlal'k.
,.,oph111 11on· Jack C1111d) ·,., M) Sp<H"(' Sanla-<·a1,
phoro and profil1 · <"Oil\(') till' holid>t) . fri1·1uU 1
-.pint. To ..,pit·1· up hi-. profill'., CwHI) ad(hl H1
licnt I\: ',, --1 So I lat<' Con.-.cq1u·n<·e,.,·· 11111,.,ic dip.
On Jun. gal q:-H p.111.. \1~ Spn('<' i11"lantl)
conm•,·((·d ~i-> 111illion t(·c1h and :>:>0.000 ha1Hl'-'
" ·ith a11 t·-mail addr<•,..,,..,_ name and Yerifi('ai ion
cod(' µ; lobnll: 10 [X'<'I"'-' in mrr :200 <'otmtrie-,.
··\h. fri<·rnl-, li,.,t j,.,n -1 li111i1<·d to Ill\. do-,t • buddit•,.,. lull I don· t add friend-, I don.I k110\\. I
haw· 11 :2 rwople 011 111~ li-,t -,o I ('tin g!'t lo k IH m
rlwrn }wtte r."· -,aid --ophnmon· \lt•g Ru,.,,..,dl.
1-'' oundcd in .luh.
h,. Santa \lonirn. Calif.. n·-,id<·nt-- :2()_, <'Hr-old To111 \ndt·r,.,on and
:N-~·rn r-old Chri D!'\\ olf<·. \l~ ,'pace allowed
hloggcr-, to jazz up pugl' cle..,ign .. ingle-handc<Ll: or coll<·('( iYel: "it h h ·Ip from t•ditor-, -;uch
a,., Tho111<h. \1~ Sp<HT l 1~di1or at 1H1 drnrg<'.
'---==--·-01w of the thing-. rhat 1 likt• about \I: Space
mer otht'r inu·rnet hlog,., i-, ,.,e!'ing <'Yer~hod: ·,..,
p<'r,..,onalit: : rnl th<'ir <T< 'a li,i1~ . wlia1 other
people mi crn rn • up" ith w1d ho\\ 1rnwh 1inw
th e~ fHll into it. '" -.;iid jLLnior :-icott Frn,.,t.
\\ ii h teen,.,- l<·chnologin1l <Tt•ati,·it~ c·ont rih11 ing lo a ?:>:2 f><'H'<'lll incn·<h<' in 'i-,itor from
'\owmlwr :200-t lo '\owrnlwr :200.). \I~ Space'
lan<hl '-'<'crnul pl<H"< ' lwhind PhotoBuckt•t <b
the fa-.te-,t gn1wing web brand.
·'\I~ fmurite thing abmrt \lySpace is how
<fU i('k ly f C'<l ll llJe,.,;,agt• Ill~ friend-, ahout :-.Olll('t hi ng that i-;n·t \\'orth <'xlrn rnone~ on a phorw
call.·- said ,.,ophomore ~darn De Bree.
EYen after the July
,.,ale to Rupe rt \lurdoch·-, "\ews Corp. for S-x~O million . 111e111I X'r-,hip contintwd to ('<llapult al the rnle of owr
'' mernhen-, per 11~1~i1~H~l~te•.• • • • • •~
~?AJ'lJ~/tStc n!-iganl-Zorn
Jordan St1'1hg11rd
\I i1fowl ~l<"\~art
lhan '-,1ich
D;n id St rou f ·
\I id1:wl SIU ml
\ng1 ·l11 S11lliYa11
( :oiin ~111111111·rs
\\ illi11111 S1111d ·rland
I\:\ 11· S\\<'<'111'\
s.~brina s,,-ifi
Ca,.,1·1 S1rnboda
"\arl;an s, 11Hw1h
I\: i1 nlwrl) S) p•d1
Briana Tall>crl
\lidll'll1 · T1·rna ll
l\: e ndru Tho111w.,
l al'\ 11 "I lu111Hh
( .or;., T l11111hon
I lan;m ·1 hornlwrg
\ 111a11<la Thram"
\l 1·lani1· Tlrning
\l at'ara T<~ld
J< ' l'l ' l l l\ . , Ollb
\l id1;;1· I Toonw~
.I<"' ·ph . ., ()l'('}b(l
\J ,·lanie ·1 \rt-'
\l allol'\ \ ;,gnoni
\I a 11 1i,:" \ ~irga"
(,ianna \ t ~ ntura
Hl'IW('n t \ ,.. rgt> nz
\ ll([n·\\ \\ ad1·
l·~ rin \\ a g1wr
f.: ri"t in \\ ali!!ora
Chri,.toplwr \\ ah on
\ tali1 · \\ ard
\ ll(lrt ·\\ \\ arrt'n
fo('oh \\ arn·n
Jad1 · \\ airing
l-- i111hcr l ~ \\ airing
\I icluwl \\ ;m iorka
J• .,,i \\ t>iclt>
'\wlwn \\ 1·iri('k
\\ alter \\ elb
Joh n \\ <'pfe r
\ 11 u111da \\ 1·rnwli11g
\l a1h 1a" \\ 1•nt •
Hoben \\ ""r
\I iduwl \\ "'"rla nd
Brian \\ i1·gt>le
C:hri,1irn· \\ it>lgo"
l)a,·id \\ it ·rzlia
Tm !or \\ i ld111a n
\ , i1h \\ illianb
Ja(' h 1i \\ illiam"
\ d,;111 \\ ill ianbnll
\l 1·gan \\ il,o n
H, wrn \\ ohlg1·111111h
I i"a ib \\ olf '
\l a ttl;t'\\ \\ olf1·
Co n n ie Y<'<'
Ju,.t i11 ' 011 11g
Jake Zalokar
13ril1 Hll\ Zili ~ d1
h: a itl~ 1i Zolp1•r
I ,iw ut Zo rn
i\ge of founder, Chri::-i Dewolfe. "~th an \IB \ [n
nnrk eting a nd entrepreneria l "tudie:-; fro m L SC
nniversary party h eld at Dodger Stadium
§!.I:' of founder, Tom \ ndcr,.,011 . . who la unched the
ock/ hip-hop ba nd [ folly\Yood L ndead
00,()()(}' rie ncl-, on f folly"·ood L ndemr ,., \I~ Space page
M nilier~ connected to \lySpace . .
urth ktrge,.,1 site on the ~'eb
55(),(){)()3nll(L-, r ach[ng out to the \[~ Space conmumit~
"Placing two consecutive Superiors at journalism Conventions was an amazing experience. During spring break in San
Fran cisco, we explored Muir Woods and toured the city.
"/ new that I could rely on my Community Relations
Committee to come together to organize and set up Blood
Drive. With their help we collected 521 pints for the Wisconsin Blood Center, 74 pints more than last year.
Waiting for the bars, senior
Allysa Watring mentally runs
through her routine. At the
Southeast Conference
Watring's season
ended early
with a broken
ankle on the
vault. In the
State championship, gymnastics
by only 1.22
Wa- ~IU~ u.1!1
tring's season Standing at graduation, seaverages would niors Jarvis Avery, Ashley
have brought Ausse, Eric Ashley, Megan
home a second Arendt, Grant Apgar and
Joe Antol ik listen to Natalie
Brydges' invocation.
At Quill and Scroll, senior
Brent Yontz receives a
plaque noting the $40,000
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Scholarship, one in the nation.
With graduation June 4, 486 seniors recall
First crossing the threshold Aug. 28, memories and final
2002, 681 freshmen entered a new world d
of academics, athletics and associations.
ays 0 earning
Shifting out of middle school schedules
and summer timetables, we conquered
the block and our first summer reading
assignments. Instantly involved in clubs
like Future Business Leaders of America,
Key Club and Student Government, we
witnessed the beginning conflict in Iraq.
Sophomore year flowed in with a "Venetian Paradise" Homecoming. After
"Getting on the Eagles' Case," the Class
of '06 stole a year of sports success where
our own Kellie Schneider ran away with
a State second in cross country and girls
gymnastics, anchored by three sophomores, qualified for State for the first
time in over a decade.
Following resignation of Dr. Chester
Pulaski, junior year opened with Interim
Principal Ken Dopke and Asst. Principal
Jody Bloyer, the second female administrator in 30 years. In a Presidential election year, debate raged at full steam with
the new Kenosha Democratic Youth Action group and the tight race between
John Kerry and victor George Bush.
Near high school's end, the Class of '06
saw the onset of elections in Iraq and the
inaugural year of Principal Ed Kupka. For
the first time in four years, we reigned
victorious with the spirit bell and first
place float. Avoiding a teacher contract
crisis, we danced at an Oriental-themed
Sub Deb, twirled through "Cinderella's
Ball" Prom and relished memories with
a 25-minute senior slideshow at Senior
Banquet. June 4 marked our final day
in royal blue as 486 seniors crossed the
stage in view of academic success, 1 .2
million dollars in scholarships. Priceless!
To entertain guests at the
Madrigal Feaste, senior Ellen Dietrich, decked in
comic apparel, munches
on an apple slice. Jesters
joked in mime to lighten
the mood during dinner.
With his arms in support,
senior football player Robert Beshel directs a donkey
and young rider. During
girls soccer's Donkey Basketball intermission, players
gave rides to children.
\ nclrew \ llemand
'\athan \lkrnand
Fred ltergott Jr.
Tloward -\hn1rdt I\'
\I an in \ nwcher
Taren \ nchondo
Dana \ nder,,on
Derek -\ nder,,on
Ryan -\ncler,,on
Seth \nglin
\ ntararnian
\lartin \nt aramian
Jo,,eph \ ntolik
Grant -\ pgar
\ regan \re ndt
Eric \ ;;h i(')
\,,h[ey \u,;se
JaIYL".> -\WI)
\ f eghan Babcock
, ' t ephanie Bakula
Dmid Barh<>r
\l elic,sa Barnne
, amantha Becker
\l atthev»
Timothy Belanger
Tfeat her Bt>llaire
Jodi Benetti
Karin B rgqui,,t
Robert Be..,hel
I ,i;,a Black\\ood
'\ikole Bohn
Kathleen Bohnen
11 adjer Bou narna
Scott Bo\ <'('
'\icolt> Bracll>u ry
Vlegan Brothen
Justin Brown
'\ichelle Bnmnt>r
'\atallf' Br) dgp..,
Jti;,tin Bucko
Emily Burdt>n
\frghan Burkt>
./t .. ypJ!JtJ?l
Checking her gas gauge, senior Karin Bergquist makes
sure she can make a trip to
UW-Mi lwaukee to see her
boyfriend, 2005 grad Mike
Matye. "I see him five or six
times a wee k provided I'm
nol working," said Bergquist.
r. To check a text message
from her long-distance beau,
jun ior Ashley Hessefort responds, ignoring the 10-cen
fee for each message.
\darn Ca mpht>ll
E rik a Carolt'
]effrey Carr
Samantha Chambt• r-,
Adam Chase
Jes:; Christern,en
Jennifer Chri,-;tiam;en
Cahin Clark
fr-,se Clark
\ le"Xandri.a Clayton
Sarah Concannon
Aila Co nley
odwr. ·· "" {
t wnz<·r about lwr h->~ friend R~ an Thorn. a :200.) graduate.
\\ hPn -.Pparution thrcal<'rwd long-di,..,tance relation-.hip,,. t<' Illf>tat ion tnuntt·cl.
""\\ lwn I \\<h in ThailrnHL l Imel a girlfriend from Brazil. I enci<·d up cheating
on her with a (',.('rrnan girl. '\ow that r Ill
hack in \nwrica. we don 't talk mu<'h
an\• more. Tlw di-.tann· ll1ing
\Hb too difc
ficult. .. -,ai.d -.<·nior \ latt I-: m iecik.
From \fadi-.on aero-.-. 1lw globe. hig h
-,chool ..,,,.Petlwmh faced challenge-, of
-.qniration \\ lwn on<' partrn·r left to l'"\:fX'rience biggt·r. perhap,-, 1.x-tter. thing:..
~- Megan Pistora
""I don"t mind that Beth [Sirnp-,on" ~
goes to \\ -\lilwmrkee. because
she co me•-, home PY<'~ weekend...
sr. Josh Rosmann
Ro,.,,.., Conwl'll
Julie Cm elli
\ l i<'hnt'la Cm <'II i
1-::aithn Cran1let
De, i1~ Crawford
Julil' Crawford
Di ant' Crockett
Clwntal Dmnpit'r
Tfftlt'll Darh,
::-:;arah Da,..,zczuk
1-::atie David
s, d1wc Dm i...
~t<'phanit' DeFranco
~arah Ddnll\
\latthe" Delap
Ellen Diet rich
Bn an Dolnik
l'<'Yin Donai-.
Ti111otl1\ Dorr
\ latt hew Drcifke
TntYi::i D11Four
1-::eri Dulam'\
\fpgan Dull\nJld
Jo,..,eph Du nu in... ky
R~ an Dwyer
A lly::ion Edrnark
\ latt EggPrt
Courtn<'\ l]1l<·r..,
Jennie Elgohari
Erika Elmblad
Loui-,, Emen
K<' l,..,ey Englund
Benjamin Epping
\loni<'a Eri<'b.on
Stephanie E.,..,pino0ia
\lan Ewald
Paul Fakluto
fr-,-,ica Fil'ld..,
Ro ... a Figueroa
l I Pidi Filwr
Logan Fi..-,cht>r
&>an Flatb
ly easing the pump
no e into his Plymouth Acm tank Sept. 15, senior
an Rdtzburg pays d heavy
price $2.89 to fill up at PDQ
on 80th St. and 39th Ave.
r. Gazing as the numbers whiz
by to $40 at PDQ, senior
Ryan Anderson awaits the
total at an inflated $2.99 per
gallon for super unleacle
gas to fuel his Chrysler 6 0
convertible on Sept. 16.
Jo:-ieph Furlin
'\oah Gabriel
Ch ri:-it i1 la Gare in
..TIH· i1H'l'l'<ht' in ~a-. pri<"t'-. will -.tT1 t'
a.., a \\<lht' up n1ll for \111t"rinui-. l>t·t·m1-.t·
"lwn I '"1'"' iu Gret'('t' during dw ..,ummt·r.
ga-. \\a-, Ht SB p<'r gallon. -.o ['Ill nol ('0111j>IHining... -,aid ..,t•nior I\. ri-.1<'11 Stanga-..
\\ id1 a n·1·ord llltrrin1n1· ..,<'<Niil and
rntq~my fiw -.tornh nippling oil out pul.
tt'<'Jh lw1<•d high1·r ('o-.h hut ""iped d1·lii1
- ....................~1·~a~n~L:., ~1~n~o:
r<' oftt•n. dw f<'<' for fn·1·drn11.
C, nthia GarC' ia
Ti1noth) Gehri
\1 ichael Gerlach
S1nte imt·-.1icrntion of prit·t• iro1win"
laundwd on~ b) \\ i-.t'01hi1~, ·1·~1t. I
;y /) £)
f V.O e;)
1' m la Gin,,::; man
S11rn h Glea,,011
\kg1111 Godin
Rt'('Ot'd pri('t'. in l .S. dollar:-i.
of n barrel ol' oil Oil \ug. ;{()
:\umber of oil rig,, nnd plat form-. lo-.t
to <'Hlt'gor) fiH' I I urril'<lllt' l\. a1 rina
Percent of off..,hore oil producl ion
oul of <lClion in 1lw Gulf of \k,i<'o
Secretive modes of communication,
handshakes and ceremonies? Unusual
meeting attire? Sounds weird, huh?
'· m people fe l we are a cult, but
we are just a youth group for men 12 to
21. Dances, sports, and lock-ins are j
a few of the good times I have had th
DeMolay. 1 planned a Halo 2 T
ament with pizza and root beer fl Jal;; on
Aug. 26, ., said senior John Seo .
· ,
nic ~out
groups volunteered countl s hour;; o
Iisupport local charities.
cole Kloet, a member of ·eno.-,ha' Job\
Daughters Bethel #77 iecamt· tatewid
youth coordinator f r the earing Impaired Kids Endo ment
Aug. 21.
'· ~ e hold w
, collect change,
from businesses to
rough Job\ Daughters,
f' elped to raise nearly , 12. 000 for
H.T .K.E. thi,.., year."' ..,aid Kloet.
Community imohement coupled with
social activitie;, ;;trengthened relationships in..,idt> the organization;;.
'·After joinina DeMolay 1 bt'rnme more
outaoing and mad<j -,evf'ral more friend..,.··
said junior Col) Quinn.
Overlooking the negative image of a
;,ecret -,ociety, \1a..,onic youth..,· character flouri;;hed through public :,ervice. re-
Jacob Gonnering
Kurt Gosselin
David Gott
Derrick Griffin
Sarah Griswold
Sarah H agen
J nnifer H allgren
Daniel 1lamilton
. haney I lardin
0 00 00 0
spectful behaviors. lea;<lt:r;;:·h i:p f>r:):Ix> rt~u:n~i- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tieo and otrong f riend,;~il'"·
ic youth organization:.. '>LI(.>·
b) locul Ma-,onic l odge~, aim to
e elop n·-.1.)()n:.ihl<' youth etnd '>trengt hPn thP111 for challengP" of adult h ood.~
a lier i.-, the highP'>t honor an act ivP
1olay «an rPceiw. In F renc h, the
word mPar1" kn ight and i-. emblematic of
th!' high i<l<'ab Clwvali<·t'> arP lwld to .~
soph. Sarah Wo
I [1•ari ng Tmpa ired Kicb Endownt, [ !.l.K.E., i.-, et «harity that donatp-,
waring aid-, to childn·n who cannot
afford it on their own.~
r,:-) ./b ,.~~?b
Gonnering-Ki zula
sen 1ors
Allison 1Iarri8
Derek Hartnell
Jenn ifer Tlaselwancler
Melllisa 1Tegewal<l
Christopher H ein
Joy 1Ielgesen
I\: i111J wrh 11 <'rtutnd<·z
Branclrn 1 r I ('IT
Jonathan l l<'rr
I(~ I<· Tl<·rzog
Inn 11 ind:-.
Roi wrt 11 ogan
Sannwl l Iogan-,on
K·W<'ni-,lm I lolrrn:·-,
\-,hh 11 uhlmrd
\ 1!' "\.H 11 ujik
I\: ou rt ll<-'~ 11 u n l
StaC'~ l l utd1in-,
Chri-,1 inn Iannone
Ti moth~ I 1h<'n
\ ncln•\\ .la!'bon
Gm-in Jacbon
Paul .fnck-,on
J<wl .hil111kt· Jr.
\ <'lirnir Jw1kmi('
Jennifer farina
\licia forznhek
\<hi Ill kq)
\lt•"\.andra .knkin-,
Thaudeth Jenkin-,
\ ml)(:'r Jen-,en
Benjamin .lohri-,on
Corh<'tt Joi 111..,011
\lt>gan .lohrhon
Pt'tt'r JohrNm n
\ nwnda Jolm...,ton
Griffith .lmH'"
l<'elicici Jung<'
Ja ('(' Jll ll kl' I'll l<l ll
T,airw l\':<1lmn,ki
I( ri..,1<1 I( a nhl i
Ju:-.tin l\':eherlein
Robert l\':t·lln
John I( t•nwn
Carl l\':t•nrw<h
:-lpt'l]('('I" "('I'll
Con I( ih.1r
\ l iclwd I' iczt 1la
~~/ f/l.
sen 1or:.s
Kurt Kluver
Matthew mi ik
Ryan Koessl
Ahmed Kola ek
Frank Koslu h r
Jason Ko up
Joshua K osup
l'\icholas K raeuter
Leah Kraus
aron Krau
Chribtopher Kr aaer
Kimberly K reier
Kendra Krol
Dani 11 Krueger
ott Krueger
Daniel Labelle
Hayl y Lambert
manda Langley
Tra y Larsen
Zachary Lawlor
Jessica Leach
K ribta L h1nan
i'\'icole Leibhan
Elene Leicllein
Ryan Leigh
Mark Leit ing
Kari Lendman
Jamie L onard
Camillus Leone
Amanda Le::.niew ki
imet' Litt le
bby Loewen
Alexib Long
Matthew Lovet ro
Rebecca Luca::.
lbert Lu iani
manda Luther
Ticholas Ma alu::.o
Gina \i[acareno
my Mader
Matthew \1ahoney
Gary Mandernack
Personali ·
her brother's
an Allyssa Rovik
ardi Gras beads on
the earview mirror. The
ks met friends at the car
er school to listen to muic and catch up on gossip.
r. Eyes on the road, senior
Ashley Ausse maintains low
car insurance by squeezing
Play-Doh to avoid road rage .
The colorful stress release
also entertained passengers.
Terrenc \1athi-, Jr.
Shane Vf attner
Jo;,hua VlcDaniel
Zachary McDermott
Sean 1cMa;;ter
free to
e'<p<'n-,iYe. but true car--,ouYenir:, f>ermarn·ntl) pre-,en·ed memorie-,.
"\\ lwn T fir:,t got m~ car. I wa,, clriYing
through a con::.truct ion zone on , heridan Road and accidently ran over an
orange con::.truct ion cone. I jum1x'd out
and grabbed the con a,, a ,,ouYenir of
m, fir,.,t accident. and it i,, ::.till in my ar
to~la) .·· :-.aid -,enior \ rnancla Lang l e~ .
Decked-out cafo crammed clutter beyond a ir fre::.hener,, <1" two out of three
......................~te:e~n~cl:r:i,:·e:r-. per,,onalizecl ":,weer'· ride-..
Aly;;;;a McQuestion
Anthony \1cQue::.tion
Hebe a Vf cQuillen
What you should know
"My '97 neon has been in more than
10 accidents. Once they said my car
was beyond repair and gave me cash,
but I still drive my car to school."
- sr. Kristin Scott
- sr. Diane Crockett
Brittany l\1eier
Daniel \1 einhar lt
Sara Merke;;
"My friend and I keep everything we
need to get ready in the morning in my
car Korie, including food for breakfast,
makeup and clothing. "
about ~ea?-
\ ni<lll< hi \ lerrit t
Bn' ll \ktzgc' r
Bria n \I i<' h
'\ icole \I iddleto n
Bc njainin \I i e l o,.,z ~ k
S..' a n \lille r
Jo,. , eph \lill,.,a p,.,
\C att he" \Ii ner
Dijana \lirkmic
T, le r \I it clwll
\l eri:·N I \l odon
Br~ a 11 \I oge1N:' n
Che rih 11 \I nit er
l' e ll~ \l o11t ag1w
\ ndn'\\ \I ont ejo
Tirnoth) \lorri ~,.,l')
\ a ron \I uelle r
T a ra \l11lliga11
Jn 11 w-, \It ii r<I)
\ a rn•..,,.,<1 \I u noz
H a nnah \luro
Tar~ 11 '\eff
\lli,.,011 '\( ' lllll ct llll
1'a thlee11
"\otting ha m
\ j,·ia na '\unez
Sarah 0<11 c•,.,
Seung Oh
Con Olbn...,
\ nc"tn''' 0 ·1...,lwf,.,k i
EYan Ol...,rn1
Je-. . . ica Ori
]t>,.,.,irn o ,.,trowtiki
Sa muel Pacetti
John F:ric Pallin
Sarah Pallin
Chri-,toplwr Pappe
Julia P;htor
\,.,h[e\ P<'cller
Racha el Pc' rez
\,.,hie\ Pc•tc·r-,e n
P et rPtt i-\\ at ring
Charle-, Pflug
Beat Juggling
Cueing a second song to
beatmatch his blend, senior
Aaron Krause mixes at a
house party in Lake Geneva.
Owning House Arrested DJs
pocketed Krause thousands
of dollars through club an
party gigs. r. In the Ho
coming parade, soun
Krause spiced up a fir
senior float featurin
ing teepee and
"Gettin' Jiggy w· It."
Stephani Pistora
Ryan Piwoni
A~lam Pobo
Aaron Pr sterl
Jake Puntillo
Alyssa Ralph
Daniel Ratzburg
F:.mrna Reed
Connor Reeves
--1 work at a wedding reception in East
Troy that took place
beneath a tent on
a farm. As 1 played
-Mr. Dan Shimon 'Rockin' Robin,' a
young man and the bride's grandfather :,1arted a clan e-0ff. Th grandfather tried jumping and landing in th
-· ·on, and "hen he landed, his
)()~~S..i;w::._s1.:ieakers. --
\ ncln'\\ Hehlwrg
Hoherta Hein!'rt
Daniel Hc1m1,., Jr.
-,ocC<'l' for a -,o ·
of carh-, aud protein.
· t '"''-" I <'at t lwm for lll\ 11111ri1ior1. ··--aid j1111i;1r l\:l'll~ \\ qiking ..
\!'1"ordi11g lo \1>0111.<'0lll. <1 \<'\\ 'ork
Tinw-, crn11pa11~.
1wn·<·111 of \ nwri<'ath hul!!cd from <'"\.Ce._,., \\right. [o..,i11!!
the h;1tll1· for a11 ho11r of <'\.cn·i..,<· d.nih.
··[ ..,t11rl<·d ru1111i11g i11 -,i,111 grnd<· lo l<N'
wcigh1. I \\'th fat. a11d it \\<h lwrd for Ill<'
to n111 H 111il<'. '-m' Tam ahl1· lo ru11 ..,i, to
10 mil<·.., a da~ :·-.aid j1111ior ~I<'\!' l lorn.
\Jorgan H1·11tcr
\m~ Hicciardi
Rock Hidolfi
Jason Hipp
\nthon, RiYern
Phi wl w R i,era
\ t 1111110re
wd lt'<'lhforthan a lw<1l1 In dit•t or. ......................
fiuw-,,., <h an clit<· al hl<'te.
T <'HI rather 11nlwall In
e\:<>rl'i,.,e for at l1•a,.,t a.n ho11r.
\ 111anda Rolx-rh
\ ndn ·,,· Rolwrh
\shl1 ·~ Holwrh
B E\.<'JTi-.e i-, mrrrnlecl Tjthl ..,it
aro1111d and 1•at \\ h<it I \\'<llll.
C l <'Xt·rci,.,e daih and eat nutritiou-,
fo0<L-, ,,-ith 111~ · hody inwg<' in mind.
'' l('(' I !"Lill i11 <TO,.,,., ( 'Ol 111( r~ . I don· t pa~ much at-
r ('HI. lHtl I
mak<' -,un· I r1111 1 '\<'r~ dn~ .
w11t io11 to \\·hat
...,r. Dnn \l1 ·i11limd1
't~ ~Jf.J~ .II
sen iors
Ch;id Hohi1N>ll
\ I ~""" H1 >drig1wz
\dam Hohde
Je::,::,[ca Homanow-,ki
\ ndrC'a Ro.,pncuttn
Jo,,hua Ro.,mann
K ir-,t i 11 Ro.,.,
\latthe\\ Ro.,.,i
Sarrnwl Rm ik
Kala Ro\\'e
\ ndrea Ruane
l·~ mil~ Rllgg
\manda Ru-,::,e ll
E.l i,.,e R u,.,,.,t-l\
Peter Rth'>O
Kenneth SaJ)bar
\ manda , 'ale-,ki
\ l"H<'<'ii Sa111a11iego
\ 1elinda Sancler-;on
\ndrea S;.m1glio
\lattlw'' ~·lwrer
Jenn ife r Scherr
Sarnul'I Schlenker
\ lattlH'\\ Schlereth
Philip Schmeise r
Jennifer Sch m idk11nz
.knnifl'r S«hmidt
Kellie Sch neicler
\ Ila n Sch ll ll<' k
\ ndff\\ , 'chulzt·
\ liclwlk S«onzert
John Scott
.\ atali1· S<·ibel
\ mandn St-Jin
Ri,.,[wn S<·mko
R il e~ Srngh1...,ch
Jami<' Shambe rg
\ ml)(•r Sima
Erin Sirno
S·:unuel Sinozich
TeJTl'n Sk<·hon
Brittan, S111ith
Kandace Smith
Senrwt tu Smith
\ le-x Soclw
~~f4. 4
... /seni or.
]t-... ..,ica Spark...
D<ma Staad<'n
Cn :-ital , 'tak<:>r
Brittam Stalk<'r
K ri:-.l!' ll Stangtis
Ju:-.tin St<:>inkc
Kori St!·plwn:-.011
S11ra , 'toff<:>rahn
Daniel Stolling ...
Sara Strau;,s
'\icole Streit
Pau I Stuck!·,
\l argar<:>t • 'turino
\ 1ma I .ou i... !' • \ ihe 11
\Ian , 'wartz
Katlwrirw • \ya-,
Ka~ la s\\('(' IH'~
\ ll(ln·,, Thimm<:>,.,ch
J<N'ph Tohal:-.k~
l3n·11tl1'~ Todd
Cai la TunaYilk
Sarah T\nllll<:'\
.lir:-.t in l hlir
13r~ n· l Imer
Caroh n l 111fre:-.:-.
\ rH
ln'\\ \ al!'ri
Britt an~ \ an B<:>q:i;<:>n
Slia1111on \ an Ca-,ter
. 'taci \ arga ...
P<tt ri<'k \ erhod
Smah \ incent
\llad<~ n \ l<tdu,.,ic
D,11: , a Volo:-.ozhar
Ror~ \\ agn<:>r
\ ll(ln''' \\ all-,
\II~ ... a\\ at ring
.l<h<·ph \\ at ring
\\ illiam \\ at...011
D<·ena \\ ei-,,.,
\ 11dn·\\ \\ ell-.
Kt· ll~ \\ Ppki11g
\-,hl<·c· \\ c·rnwli11g
·~h ,. :fl}r_j(i /I
sen 1ors
Say Clwe~e for a post-graduation
photo, seniors Sarah Hage
Natalie Brydges, N,
All emand and Dan· I
mus gather with f
fri ends outside B adford 's
fi eldhouse Jun
. r. In furth er celebra 1 n, Hagen,
Brydges, Alie and and Paul
Jackson hos d a co mbined
party June 17
w ith a DJ a d dance fl oor set
up in th e c sed street.
·The burning of d1i-. tlwatrr '"') 11tl1< 1lizc.., tlw (' tHl of OL 1 · ( ' r; und llw d· n1
tlw 11"'..t ."" ..,aid <'llior ' 11rt Co... -. li11 <1 lw
and tlinT g · d ual• . ., -,111Totll d1·d
Brye(' l lm r·.. . Lngli...,h 9 Cini 1t · t wat rP
rnod( ·L .itd1iug it ignite
To ·1·ldw· (( ' in a diff1T1·111 ' cl\. -,(' nior
131 nt Y 11!z lHi....ted a n ·nd zn11t-. with
fri<·n<L-. aft ' .l111w
~.-c.;._ _ . ' our g11<'-,h ...,ta~ I until.-> .i.111.
l'~ n1il) \\ <'~ k<·r
··\\ c \\(Tl'...,, l'l"'d by tlw rnp-. Ht 1::3()
l~ mi l) \\ hillock
for curfP\\. and aft 1·r t at. we pla) ed YolPaul \\ icker:-.lwirn
leyhall. frn tliall and had a hack 11m-,-,c1ge
train."":-.· 11l ....1·11ior I< .., \1miar1\ i.
[lo t ing '·:-;. ., ·or Ba-,h :2006.". ..,<·nior
AJ Ill'111w 11 l irganized ··ttw real -,enior
h- 1q1wt 13ri<,...,P·.., Bn·\\ and G~ rn,.,-'\, H~ :26. Tlw ··for th. Ii~ 1...,·· part)
I· . ed from "? p. m. to 1:2 p. rn.
_..lllliii_ _...- ·Tlw bigg!'...,t and hadde...,1. mo,.,t unrPgnlated part) of our high ...,dwol <·an·<·r,.,."·
hoa-.t<·d tlw fh er for tlw C\t'llt.
Small g<'t-l<;getlwr-. and ro\\ d~ part ie-.
l6 gradual<'.., to <"<' lt·linll<' ...,uccp...,..,_
knnife r \\ ithrm\'
'\irnlc· \\ nuk
\hn. \\ ojnicz
-sr. Brion Mogensen
Jordw1 \\ ol f
Diana \\ oiler
\manda \ 'a nkun.1
··\\ ith Ill' lllO lll i.Uld i.llllll
catering ;ny party. l dichr
\\Dny a!xJut going thr
other JX'<l •
(XXL a nd
Oil la} Xll" t'O:-.(,_,:·
Bre nt Yontz
\It'"\ Young
Pn11I ZdanowiC'z
Samantha Zirmrn~·
500 ,.,elf-cater<'d
+ Adorned with the golden Burger
King crown, senior Stacy Hutchins joins
Tre Darby to savor a classic Whopper.
Burger King boasts as the second largest
burger restaurant chain with $11 billion
in annual sales and a worldwide enterprise of 11, 100 like the 80th St. store.
Doing the Dew, freshman Keith Bennett enjoys a ool Mountain Dew during lunch. Pepsi-Cola produced enough
soda for each person to consume 557
12-oz. cans of soda in 2005. A 12-oz.
can of Dew contains no vitamins and a
shocking 9.7 teaspoons of sugar.
With scrubbers in hand, juniors Andrew Reidenbach, Briana Talbert and
Jackie Jensen lounge and laugh in a
model tub at Dickow-Cyzak Tile Co.
(Q .. k-/
Need a little energy boost? Sip a $1.99
Red Bull energy drink, and let a favorite
song at 99 cents from iTunes music store
pump up personal power.
Spending an amazing $169 billio
year, high school students have smiftrpcJ
focus from that special $80 pair of ans
to the newest iPod, not to mention n
impressive music library.
We favored the dominator of radio
waves, Mariah Carey's The Emancipations of Mimi. With a whopping 5 million copies sold, she barely beat out 50
Cent's Massacre sales of 4.9 million.
In a downward shift, 2005 album sales
fell 7 percent, its lowest since 1996, with
only 619 million CDs due to competition
from both legal and illegal downloads.
The 194 percent increase in digital
downloads showed our dizzying obsession with downloading separate songs.
iTunes and Napster lured buyers with
the comfort of our own computers.
Sound surpassed movies as box office
grosses dropped despite the release of
"The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Harry
Potter and the Goblet of Fire" earning a
combined $577 million. With open arms
and wallets we shifted from fashion buys
to entertainment expenses .
Dana De 111~k1 ·
Megan Godin
Kurt eo,,,,t>lin
Andrea Savaglio
Sean Blanrn
Lydia I luck Pete~on
• 7.71r-
Chief Editor
\~hie\ Bli~t ·
Emih Fo'
Jack Gand)
With op n arms as Cu ver's Scoopi e
mciscot, senior Joe Antolik gr ets incoming customers. Waving in tra 1c from
Green Bay Rd., especially cars of families, Scoopie pals with kids to slurp up
some specialty frozen custard flavors of
the day. With two Culver's in Kenosha,
the chain boasted 300 nationwide.
in demand
-- -. =Josephine
-- .. --Chianello
--- -- =:=Berman, DDS
Family Dentistry
Congratulations Class of 2006!
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Kenosha, WI 53142
Phone: (262) 697-5444
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3612 Roosevelt Road
Kenosa, Wisconsin 53143
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5937 83rd St
Kenosha, WI 53142-4727
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6005-75TH STREET
The Tremper High School Octagon Club was started at Tremper High in 1993; it is a high school
volunteer service and leadership group Sponsored by the Kenosha Noon Optimist Club. It offers
students opportunities to get out in the Kenosha Community and not on ly participate in community
service activities, but organize these activities to benefit a multitude of organizations.
.o. positi~
'rf· ~"'O. ~01·~
~~- @l,xR'"
Top Left: Octagon Club rnernher.., with Senator Bob \~ irrh. volunteering at youth activity rally nt Kcnrn.;ha E"po. Top Right: Octagon Clu b
Sp01bort>d a te<.1111 at tlw 2006 Bowl-a-thon to benefit Junior \ hieYcmcnt program,,. Bottom Left to Right: l\.lentber,., help at the Boy:; and
Girb Club Tri- tar Babketball co111petition. Club member:; hold their 7th annual Shamrock hake ale at Tremper for Chi ldhood Cancer.
Octaaon Club fr, a ho,,t oraanization of the Keno ha Pizza Cook Off Event held yearly to benefit local charirie,.,. Acti,~tie,., not pictured: Bell
rinaing for Sahation \ nny. Bingo at Broobicle ".\'ur,,,ing TT01 11 c, and Toiletry Drive for ilw Chi ldren ':; afc Tlou,;c nnd \\ <Hllen's H orizon.-;.
1 9 8busine
s ads
in dem~nd
RPlax<'cl and
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11-6
Tuesday, Thursday 11-7
Saturday 10-5
Sunday 12-4
Leah Kumiszco
3929-80th Street
Friarswood Suite I
Kenosha, Wl53142
t unPd 0111 for a
carrying the
lm·ak in ,,111(h
hall. ""J!lHi111o~P
tune-, in to lwr
'\ano whi('h 1·01 tld
"ootlw lwr for 11 p
to I-+ hour" on a
bing lP ('hargi-.
convenience meets versatility
'\ vailabl1· in lila('k
and whiu· onh , th1·
"\ano f('anm·(1 a full
color .,n1·1 ·n to vi1·w
11p to :2:),000 phrJLo.,
or favoriu · alhum
cover,, whlle privately rockin' nut.
Scrol ling
an ex1en,,1ve llllibt<·
lil>ra!J ('Ould keep
Call(h bu,,,, a., the-+
CB r\ano "rnu ld hold
almo.,1 three day.,
worth of mu.,i('. ·
Con gr
Thin a.., a no. :2 JX'nciL tlw iPod "\ano
nwa.,un·d nnh .:2?
wPighPd 1.5 ounc·1·.,,
('011."> iderably
than a .,rac:k of
Portahllit\ 1·anw u., a
"ltl ndarcf feat 11 n•.
In the mood for Chamillionair<'. Ra-,cal Flatt~.
and maybe borne, 'inatra? Carrying all the CD..,
to ,;ati-,fy vaf") ing mood-, and ta-,te challenO'ed
the most brm<-' of music lm<-'r-.,.
'"I wanted the l\ano becau!:ie it can hold
,;ongs. pinures and games. It is much ea!:iier
than carry ing my CD,;. Plu;,. it's really
cute!" ;,aid frl-';,hman ,\ h -,~a Krehbiel.
The ano \, !:iize !:itu~nt>d ..,tudent~ and
raibed mncC'rns ahout ih durahilit\.
··1 don·! think it·.., t>a-,\ to hreak because [have dropped it ~o many time:,,.
and it hasn't been affected. Becau,,e
of it-, siz<-'. fve lost it twice a lready ...
said ,;enior E.lent> Leidlein.
The 1 GB holding 2-±0 -,ong~ ran
, ' 1-+9. a 2GB with capacit} for :-oo
-,ong-, cost . '199. and the -t GB tott>d 1000 ,;ong;, for .''2-±9. De pite
its small size. the iPod :'\ano hit
the market with a major impact.
7 600 - 7 5th !!trnet
!!uite 105
_ 5-?O.SO
Kenosha. WI 53142
262 92
• Complgfg Hair Carg
• !!pa Manicurg
• !!pa Pgdicurg
• !!pray Tanning
• Ma~~agg
C.llli;Y> o,;~
Famil~ Licensed Da~re & Prescflool
4505 85t~5t
Infant & Toddler CredeYltials
Care for C~ildren 6 We~ to 12
Yrs. of age
Jt'\fl.-lSit'\0 S
Pizze.t4ia &
ltalian and American Food
Jerry lnfusfno
Are englisb. i:;be's no good but are food and
pizza speaks more better/
6800 39th Ave
Kenosha, Wl
2623 30th Ave
Kenosha, Wl
2117 75TH ST.
(262) 654-92
(262) 657-SPO ~:-----~ir--____:;.
ipod nano
in demand
19 9
of 2006
2 0 (J3usiness ads
n d m nd
Congrats# 2006-g
,,,._,, "1flL,
for IJ.U. Md IJ.U. for CJff\L,<;
l i~
ftu.fut. f-Mr !l00.1 CAA d\AA~ ~ ~
b!l d\AA~I\~
A'llli lhldu'rMLi t-Mr wt.'rt. 1J.U. jv'r ~
To~t.rkt.t- wt. wt.u. l.IM.rt.
8012 39th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142-4940
Md IWl.ltt. ~ ''-~"'-r c.koi.u.
A'llli ft.~kr for t.dvc:Ar""",
u.""' ~ l\t.:xJ ~t-1\Uci.r"""·''
Family Dentistry
Alessandro J. Savaglio Jr., DDS
4039 - 30th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Gi(.,1get Aso11wha, school 11u1·se
A Mfitt'I. Wtt.S wa!ki~ a.ton0 the
bec;u:h 0 ~ ac;iy, wken k.e he c;irc;i c;i
voices~ . "Pick Up:J a.Uthe l!Jebklte.s
tnat you ca.11 c;ivu;t tomorrow ~ oi.t
will be both ha.~,,~ a.fll.d sa.ct ...
So k.e tl Leke Cit u.p c;i.few t'eb l? Les
an.~ I!' ut them i..i kis poc:~et. Tk.e
next Aa~ ke wi;is inrAeed ha.~~tf·
t~ ha.ti turned Lnto-
fe.~i.tLous jewels. l? k.e wa.s s~d
tkat he kGUtn.'t p ickeA. up more.
So it is witk e~c;ition-you c;ire
ha.~,,~ ..fDr WheiLt 1101A. ki:tve a...itt sad
tna yow. dLd.-i't 0et more.
Monday-Thursday 10AM-9PM
Friday 1 OAM-1 OPM
Saturday 7AM-1 OPM
Sunday 7 AM-9PM
-.- ~-=..FT
. ...
8028 22nd Avenue
e OS a,W 531 2
(262)652 005
(262) 302-0226
garµing systems
m dem,
2 Q1
3515-75th Street, (Hwy 50)
Kenosha, WI 53142
Telephone: (262)694-5858
6935 75th St.
•Every Effort To Minimize Waiting
•Crowns, Bridges & Many OtherRestoraJive Services
•Evening & Saturday Hours Available
•Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)
•New Pa1ients A /ways Welcome
•Member A DA , A GD & Wisconsin Dental A ssocia1ion
•Caring Staff
•Cosmetic Dentistry
•Apprehensive? We Understand
• Children A re Most Welcome
Kenosh~ WI
l 241 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, WI 531 40
(262) 883 ~ 9494
Luigi, Anthony & John Ziccarelli
Open at 4:30 p.m.
Dine-In • Pick-Up • Delivery
694-6565 694-6566
7531 - 39th A venue
Kenosha, WI 53142
Family owned
and operated
Customer Service (262) 694-7200
Pharmacy (262) 697-5744
Floral Department (262) 694-6878
Open 6 a.m.
to Midnight!
80th St. & 35th Ave.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Congratulations to George Nelson Tremper High School on
the Top 3 Nationally-Ranked Yearbook!
BOth Street & Sheridan Road
Located in front of Sheridan Lanes
2 0 2businin demand
Think of us for ml your storage needs:
cars, boats, household goods
Ph. 262-652-3033
Southeastern Wisconsin's
Sports Professionals
I Red Bull is so expensive that I had
never tried it. It smells like Pixie
Stiks and is so sickening swe .
Taurine or not, it's just pla· gross! I I
\\ ith caffeine. Laurine. '-llCrn:-.e and
gluco:;e. en rg) clrinb ..,uch a.., Red
Bull and \,fon..,tPr juiced up tee1b.
Contrm er..,~ doudcd the ingredienh.
""T thought taurine wa:; an herbal
product. I had no idt'a m~ $2 drink
contairwd chemical.., from anima1..,:·
..,aid fre:-.lunan \nd) Chri:-.tiano.
l rban legend had it that taurin
from bull '-<'men made ih wa\ in
popular t'rn'rg) clri nk "· ~'wral \\ >i:.itei:.. i:.uch a:-. an~ vitamin...,.com a..,_
'illred the concerned corl'iumer that
taurine wa,, a natural!) o<· un-ing
nece:Nll) amino H<'id that w adult
body could manufacture .
. . . JUST SAY
262-694 -9206
3206 80th St.
Kenosha , WI
Open Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Closed Sundays & Holidays
Thg BikQ !!hop@
Owm~r: Ralph Ruffolo
2926 75th f!tnmt. KQnosha. WI 53143
Qmail: Ralph@southport-rigging .l!om
1-800-877-7025. 262-652-2522. F262-652-3188
l'l·. RSO'.\ \I. l'.\.fl In <'I. \\Ol!Kl·. l!S'l "O\ll'l·. '.\S\"l IO'.\
LESIO'.\f.S l'l·.RSO'.\ \l.1-.S/("(Hll-.'.\S \l"IO'.\ I. \llOR \I.
Phone by Appointment
Licen ed in Illinoi & Wi con in
21l2-l/262nd Street
Keno ha, WI 53143
118 . Genesee t.
Waukegan, IL 60083
. energy drinks
m demand
2 oJ
"\ly dad did
not wa 111 111e
to get one. but
l didn' t do it
to def1 him. I
a lwa y,, · wa ntt•d a
rattffi>," ..,a id ..,enior Sam lkcker
about the blue bird
on her left a nkle.
John R. Crawford, D.D.S., M.S., S.C.
Lifting up hi.-. -.lcew ,
benior Kevin Donai~
b how~ off the dragon he got on hi-.
right upper bicep. " I
don' t need to drink
to ha\"e a good time,
o it ·~ not a n i-.-.ue
that I can ..,en ·e hut
not drink alcohol."
latching her pink
toenaib, ... enior K ribta Kara..,ti flaunt.,
her I Inwaiia n-,,tT lt·
flow ~ on her ·up·
per foot and ankle.
•· \\hen l turned 18,
l got my tatt oo a nd
did not come home
that night becaLN' I
had no urfew."'
celelmitt• lwr
Pightt•t•nth birthda~ ,
-.enior -\nclrea Sa,·aglio pit>rced her rook
a t Black Pt>arl along
with fri end ..,t·nior
]l".,..,e Ori.
Turning eio-hteen brought new responsibiliti s
options, privilege;, and fun for the newly l gal.
'·Sinct> ['m eight<-'en, we went to Potowatami
Bingo asino and played bingo with middle
ao-ed ladies. When we lo;,t, we shouted way
too loud,"' said senior Jo Tobabky .
Even at iaht t'<'n, compromising to accommodate parents' rul s k pt th peace.
'·My parents enforce the ·Our house, our
rule:-,' polic) ;'said senior Dana Fulton.
Privileges included the ability to vote,
buy lottery tickets, g t tattoos and piercina~,, buy ciaarett es and serve alcohol.
'The m le is mixed up. When someone is old enough to drink, then they
can sen-e it or buy cigarettes. The
age to s rve alcohol or hny cigaretteH ;,hould ])(-' 21. ., said senior
Sydnee Davis.
. \V ith new freedoms, :-,eniorH
te;,ted the waters of adulthood.
7851 Cooper Road
Kenosha, WI 53142
(262) 694-5272
330 Main Street
Twin Lakes, WI 53181
(262) 877-3378
Fax: (262) 694-3121
Gifts • H ome Accents
Cards • Candy • Cigars
Jack's Cafe
Kenosha :., Homelmrn tore Since 19 11
Broker / Owner
(262J 69-t--H-H X 102 BlJ, I ;ES,.
l262J 69-i-+i?-t FAX
L~chlater'g,re E-\1A IL
Ira Credit Union
\ 'orking Hard For \Vorking People
6809 Gref'n B~ Road
KPno;,ha, \\'I S:31-t2
" " . . _ . . . . . . . . . lto.OIO
............ c...-u.........,._
AU:!. ~
Instead of mistaking the birthday girl
to be a shirt size smaller than she really
was or buying an emo CD for a heavy
metal boy, teens played it safe and gave
gift cards instead, allowing the special
friend to pick out that might
be a better fit for taste. w· ith a reported
"1:5% increase of gift card usage over
the last year as reported by IMCA, the
practicality of a plastic card has risen.
"For one birthday, I received thr e of
the same CDs. The bad thing was that
all three of the people were really excited
about giving me the CD. I didn't tell any
of them that I had already gotten it from
someone else," said junior Josh Paul.
Sometimes 50 people long, the return
lines at stores the week after Chrib--tmas frustrated both giver and gi.vee.
"'Every year, I end up returning some
of my Christmas gifts. With gift cards, I
don't have to stand in the crazy return
lines," said senior Shannon Van Caster.
Tired of opening the ugly sweater
or set of socks each Christmas, a
majority condensed their mile-long
wish lists to the simple gift card.
"I am the worst person to shop for
because I am so picky. Now I ask for
gift cards to make it easier for people to
shop for me,., said junior Rita Kernen.
With the diverse availability of gift
cards, shoppers did not have to look
far to purchase one. Businesses ranging from American Eagle to Panera
to iTunes offered cards to lessen the
burden on gift seeking customers.
Don't Just Stand There
- Get Moving Bricks Are Selling Fast!
635 75th Street
Kenosha, WI 53143
I\ l a ny of o ur friencl-; a nd cust o mers
hi.n-e. alrendr re,,e n <.> d a spec ial s pol
for the nw~sage on our new bric k
patio. Creat e a lasting m emor~· for a
friend or family nwrnber.
\ cecl :.0111c idea::; for 11 /w1 w .~ii.\ . ju.~1 <1:. f.. !
Buy an engraved brick
and your name or logo
will "Stand Out" For
Years To Come!!!
4" x 8"
4 " x 8"
12" x 12"
Friends Brick .......... $30
Business Brick ........ $75
VIP Pavers .............. $200
Business Logos Available!
Stop by, have lzmch. and ask Joni for details
Try Our "Famous" Philly,Oiarbroiled Burgers, Awesome Hot Dogs & Sensational SaJads!
For Faster Service... CaB Ahead 65&-f776
Over 20 Sandwiches w;9 Grams Of CarlE Of Less!
Jane Lee
Home : 262-654-9543
Cell : 262-945-1141
·Gif1 card" 111ake
pa~ rr 1µ- i·a"wr.
You don" t I ww
to \\Orry ahout
c·arT~ ing n1"li
I or <'ottlll i11µd1a11ge.'·
jr. Col1·tt1· Cn"<'io
2 0 &ift
2913 Roosevelt Road
(262) 657-3448 ·Fax (262) 657-6216
Taking Expert Care Of All Your Floral Needs For Over 25 Years!
~ Tel e flora
www.slrobbe~/lowercarl .com
All Maj or Cred it
Card Accep ted
~amil~ & Restorative Dentistry
PADDOCK LAKE (262J 843-4643
24804-75TH ST.
(262J 697-8472
2909 Roosevelt Rd. FAX (262 657-5480
FAX (262 843-4645
Since 1938
Your Jeweler
Pershing Plaza (next to Sears)
7620 Pershing Blvd.
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142
(262) 697-0300
Fax: (262) 697-0889
Visit our web site at:
8501 75th Street Highway 50
Kenosha, \\7153142
262.694.4800 • Fax: 262.694.0904
© 2005 Jockey International, Inc. World Rights Reserved. JOCKEY and SWIRL ICON
are trademarks of Jockey International, Inc. 1-800-JOCKEY1
. business
m de .md
ads2 Q7
Ol llll\\l.1.11\HH l, .I \ \ 11>\l'<lH\ <.lllll I'
-t:-1~ \~ ' a ·hington Road
Kenosha" \rI ~31-t-t
(262) 637-0805
(262) 657-08-t9
secureretire11wnt aoldham
arnll H1rris.crn 11
Angelo's Sunn13side
Susan Cable, DDS
Class of 1978
3021 - 75th Street
Kenosha, WI 53142-4492
2621294-6700 8001997-5481
Key Club
"We Help People"
2 o8business ads ~
Weldcraft Inc.
Conventional Financing
100% Purchase or Cash Out
FHA Expert
VA Expert
Years of Experience Serving
my Neighbors in Kenosha
6835-28th Avenue • Kenosha, WI
(262) 652-5150
Sales Manager/Loan officer
Office: (262) 942-4900
Toll Free: (BOO) 793-1525
Fax: (262) 657-7952
Cell: (262) 945-7340
<O'AVON Bgauty C,gnfgr
• AWS Certified Welders
• Fabricating I Manufacturing
• Plasma Cutting
• Strudured Steel Supplier
• Portable Equipment
Opgn M-F 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
!!at 9 am.-5 p.m.
Phong 262-925-1031
Owngd & Opgrafod b~<!!!-C!!"llllz•rlli.;b._
Dodge Trucks
75th Street (Hwy 50)
Kenosha, WI
Dawn and Harold lancg
Sophomore Isabel Nunez glams up with make-up.
Bowling For Any Occasion:
X Children 's Birthday Parties
X Adult & Youth Leagues
X Company Outings
X Open Bowling
X Group Reservations
X Las Vegas Leagues
X Strike Zone Cocktail & Lounge
X Modern Banquet Facility
X 32 Brunswick Lanes
X Automatic Scoring
X Bumper Bowling for Kids
X Game Room
Independent ~alei: Reprni:entativei:
I I Once I tho ght I was instant messaging
a friend I et at camp, but I was actually talki g to an old lady. She acted
mad, an I felt so embarrassed.I
from the STOR
to E-sto e
1ving a;; a cheap :ohopping pree for
an e:otimated 50 million people. Ebay
ho,.,t cl mor than 200.000 onlin -.,tor ,.,
"·orld"~de. Some ::;tudent:o found thl,, option the most ucces ful way to :ohop.
..l u::; Ebay all the time to look at new
in::;truments for my band. I got outbid o
the bass of my. dreams. It wa an orancr
Danelectro ba::;s, just like th one F
Mike from l\'otx plays. l was really
apointed'' :oaid soph~more Tim Batie .
Although Ebay provided an easy o tlet
to shopping. out of the million:, of · ems
sold online around 6,000 of the were
fraudulent. This did not hault 1
lions of bidders from using Eb .-.
5411 Green Bay Rd.• Kenosha, WI 53144
Phone: 658-8191 • Business Office: 564-8396
in deman
\ 'tand up
booth awa ir,, ir,,
n ,,; 1 inhahitnnr.
Q, er a dozen ,a.
loTlb in Keno,,ha
adwrti.,ed in the
\ ellow Page,. offering brand up cap"ule:-. bed, and face
feeling the
fake bake markets tan tones
'·] \·e been going
lanning rwice a
week for l he [a,l two
year,,. The co,1 ro
·me i,,n · t that big of
a cb1l. although the
harmful effect:;, are.
Bur l think looking
good i_, '"or1h it."
-jr. \ [ichael Knuuti
\ rap~ule door
po,,b a 'ariery of
inteTlbir, b·eb '"irh
the wa;·nina, and in~truct inru,. \ 10-minute btand up :;,e,,,ion
ro,1 ~ 10. Graduated
package' racked up
ro 32 Euro Tan se;;,,ion.~ for S1.50.
"'Tanning ib addictiYe, ,o I onl) go on e
or twice a month.
Trnthfu lh.
l am
claustroj)hobic and
ll<'W'r clche the booth
far anyway."
-jr. Cl;ribta Rubenzer
In an ironic twi.!->t of fashion loaic. trenclv society
defined a dark !->kin tone a!-> detiirahle at~d refle. of a h althy lifestyle. Tanning bed-;' L V \
rays IX'netrate:-. cl eper than the :-.un. promoting premature skin aging and skin cancer.
Ea h booth targeted the 20 square feet of
::.kin of th average paying CU!->torner. The
\V orld Health Organization warned that e'Ces!-> l.J\' e-x:posure weakens the immune
syst m, increasing the risk for infec tious
diseases. Thouah light::i in tanning booths
gave off five ti.mes more l.J VR than the
sun, teens chose the booth anyway.
··Gett ing tan is harmful. but l only
ao to look good for special events and
summer. In my opinion. T newr go
often enough to harm myself," ::.aid
sophomore Rebe ca Lang.
In spit of public health organizations actively d iscouraging
any tanning. teen!-> opte l to take
chances on skin care.
Dickow-C yzak
Tile Co ~
The Quality You Deserve ...
Since 1968
Bath Remodeling · Vinyl · Laminate
Carpet · Wood · Tile · Marble
6403 7 5th St. (Hwy 50 & Green Bay Rd.)
Kenosha, ¥1153 142
make your next
21 Q t~emand
3404 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, WI 53142
262 652 7214
Fax: 262 652 2425
rQ utheasternWisconsin
()~ol~t~!n::vYsl ~RGERY
Jilated d!anda!iJ Jil.PlJ.
cr6/iiiol0-jihet Gll/eivi, Jil.PlJ.
General Surgery
Laparoscopic Surgery
Breast Care
Weight Loss Surgery
Phone Answered 24 Hours
•••••••••••••••••••• t
Diplomate American Board of Surgery
make your
junior,, A nclrew
and Briana Talbert have ;,ome
gorgeou;; bathroom option;; at
(262) 654-7002
6308 Eighth A venue, Suite 3050
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143
Located in the Kenosha Hospital
ai sKe ll a
56 7-7 Stree
1.262.ct 8.3870
business ads
in demand
Community service you can
take to the bank.
North Shore Bank knows the importance of lending support where we
live and work. After all , being North of Expected means more than
customer service, it also means community service.
PHO E-262-652-3984
KE OSHA, WI 53142
Custom systems built to your specifications
c (/)
<D "O <D
O.,~ign by r Joe Antolik
IEA Superior a ......-d
21 2
bus~ess ads
m demand
ca-, <
§_ @
Registered Inve tment Advisor
708 57th Street
Kenosha, WI 53 142
EmaiI: marc@
Phone: 262-657-5555 Mobile: 262-945-5505
To ll Free: 877-694-000 Fax: 262-657-8352
Open House Jewelry Parties
• Online Jewelry Parties
• Gift Certificates
for a gallery of beautiful jewelry
or call 262-654-1517
Nikki Platt-Agazzi, Owner/Instructor
812 50th Street · 3rd Floor
Kenosha, WI 53140
Paul Griffin Drum Studio
Drums / P rcussion
Live P rfomi.ance - ,\ U stvle ·
Recordings/ Drum Tracks
Drum set / nare Drum / H and P ercussion
Private and Group Lessons
Drumline Instruction / Composition
ph. 262-697-0325
"Educating Tomorrow's Drivers"
Classes Offered Monthly
Certified Driving School
3811 - 22nd Avenue Instructor I Owners
Kenosha, WI 53140
Nick Farfalla
(262) 652-4811
Frank Cerminara
Randy Ehlert
Gen ral VIanager
16801-?Sth t. (Hwy ~o)
Bristol_ \VI 5310-±
Phone : (262) 85?-2 02
e xt. 10
ax: (262) 85?-21?0
. private lessons
m demand
21 J
I I We were playing a Beach Boys CD
really loud in The Spot parking lot.
Some lady parked next to us starte
singing and dancing along with .I I
on tlie
General Dentistry
Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry
ffilcllael A. Walsh
D.D.S, S.C.
Where can you go when the cravin0
for a ta::;ty chee::.eburger strikes? \V ith
only four drive-ins in th e ity, including The Spot. Big Star and Andy\,
they ·erved a::; great teen hang-outs.
'·At Big Star my fri nd went to thro
gum away and forgot aJ:xiut the tra
on her window. There was wrapper. ,
napkin::; a nd soda ev rywh re,., s d
::.ophomore \l[elissa Ellis.
Takino- up two ::.lots out of the ur
drive-in::;. The 'pot·::. owner p .·::;ed
away in early March. Th fate The
Spot remained in question.
.. \\hen Yl arkie 1Iyliru;ki a
I went
to The Spot. we got burg s and we
decicl ' l to ra
our pi les. So we
threw pickles at the r window and who's pickles s id th e fast est. I
won.·' . · ·unior Sam Peloquin.
ummer serve up t e drive-ins'
prime bu::;iness s ason. In fa t, Big
Star opened in May and clo::;ed in early
September for the Wisconsin winter.
Carpet• Vinyl• Ceramic
Styling Studio and Day Spa
Where all Your
Beauty Needs To Begin!
Hair Treatments
Hair Extensions
Stone• Wood• Laminate
Residential & Commercial
Phone (262)658-1410
2600 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
10117 74th Street, Suite 150
Kenosha, \VI53142
Phone: (262) 697-7770
Fax: (262) 697-7771
21 4
in demand
5407 Green Bay Road• Kenosha, WI 53144
Phone (262) 654-6311 • Fax (262) 654-6371
Comprehensive Outpatient Radiology
Ultra High-Field 3T MRI
Open MRI• CT• Mammography •Bone Density
Ultrasound• X-Ray •Nuclear Medicine
Heart, Lung & Body Screening
Derek Brendel, CEO
Bill Weigel, COO
• Internet Security
• Spam Filtering
• Instant Response
• Project Management
• Full System Backup
• Disaster Recovery Planning
3709 80th Street
Kenosha, \\1153142
Bus (262) 694-8900
Fax (262) 694-8988
Like a good neighbor,
State Farm is there
066e>'lll(J tire 9-Lnest
/l'laelrlnes • J>>'c~uets • Suppcn
business ads
in demand
21 5
21 6bus~ess ads
m demand
"\Vhpn I'm
with the team,
my friend., and
I likf' to '>Witf'h
hand:, wh!'n we
\Ve look
really funny and
always get a good
laugh out of it."
-jr. Connie Ye<'
sparing the routine
"To counter <"<1111petitive pressure, l
like m;,mic bowling
at , 'heridan I·..,.
We even like to hik<'
our bowling balb
football-bty le!"
-fr. Kyle P<•fpn.on
An Exelon Company
"My friend.., and I
like to bowl both for
fun during tlw day
and cObmi<' at night.
Once I was w,ing
thi..., reall y light ball,
and it flew wa} in
the air. I'm
that ww,n't during a
tea m rnatch!"
~>J.>IL &1rah Stettner
Laurelli Vega
1500 Franklin Blvd.
Libertyville, IL 60048
"Out,.,ide the team,
I go co,,rn ic lx1wling with fr iend..,. We
don't w,e bumpers,
but we do li ke to
throw th<· ball under
our lpgb b<:>metimeb."
fr. Ryon Schulz
(847) -816-5208
With glowing Lights, blaring mw,ic and cascading fog, regular, cosmic or bumper bowling brokf' th routin ~ of channt'I surfing and
same-old-same-old on Friday nights.
"On my golden birthday, some friends and
I w<•nt bumper bowling. Out of three games
I didn'l win any, and it was my sweet 16,
too!" said sophomore Std Dulak.
Junior manda Bruns agreed bum r n,
d idn't guarantee a softened impact.
"I am so bad at bowling; even with bumpen;, it's embarra-;sing," said Brum,.
Reasons to st rike the Lanes varied
wi th each teen rx">wler.
"W henever I get a chance to throw
a heavy ball at something, I'm in,"
said junior Korena Schoettler.
Beyond fun with friencls, bowling
teams doubled the social n ight of
smoke and Lights with staying on
top of their competitive games.
Baltes-Se ls berg
Your savings federally insured to $100,000
National Credit Union Administration
a U.S. Government Agency
3000 80th Street
Kenosha, WI 53142
Tipperary Farm
at Clover Hill
5001 60th Street
Kenosha, WI 53144
3824 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, VVl53142
Business 262-694-5300 Sally Simpson
Ex 40
Cellular 262-945-8252
Fax 262-694-6078
RESTAURANT 262-654-9090
Congratulations Class of 2006
55 acres of property to enjoy!
17200 Winfield Road
Bristol, WI 531 04
(847) 337-3607
7517 - 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, W isconsin
in deman~21 7
·A four-year private college of th e arts
and sciences
•A "Top Tier" Midwest Regional University "U.S. News & World Report"
• More than 90 percent of the students
receive financial aid (FAFSA code: 003839)
•New $15 million library unites books,
periodicals, academic computing, and
multi-media resources
• New $23 million athletic and recreation
center welcomes all students
• More than 80 student organizations
·Within six months of graduation, 98% of
graduates report landing a satisfying career
position or enrollment in graduate school
· Professors, not teaching assistants, teach
all classes
· Ninety-five percent of Carthage graduates
earn their degrees in four years
· Carthage is affiliated with the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America
Lynda Orsburn
Helping you become a responsible driver!
Reserve your seat today!
7617 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, \1\1153143
Wisconsin's Largest Music Store
Come and see what a full-service Music
Center can offer you and your family
Orchestra & Band Instruments • Guitars • DJ
Amplifiers • Keyboards • Drums • Recording
Sound Systems • Stage & Theatrical Lighting
Lessons • Rentals • Accessories • Music Soft\l\fare
21 8bus~ess
m demand
7700 Green Bay Road Kenosha, WI 53142
697-9393 •Mon - Fri 11-8 Sat 10-5 Closed Sun
George B. Wedell, D.D.S ., S.C.
3910-85th Street Kenosha, W I 53142
Certified Public Accountants
(262) 694-6800
,_ ..,..._
Vern Kotten, CLU
James D. Tirabassi, CPA
Brian Pelland, CPA
Joseph Clark, CPA
Insurance & Financial Services
8035 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconin 53143
262-652-7000 Fax 262-652-7100
A Limited Liability Company
540 1 - 60th Street
Kenosha, 1,VJ 53144
office tel (262) 654-12 12
office fax (262) 925-6663
Annuities I Auto I Disability I Home I Life I Long Tenn Ca re
(847) 746-2020
Kitchen Hours
Monday - Thursday
Friday & Saturday
llam - lOpm
llam- llpm
llam - lOpm
From barbecue sandwiches to bean
burritos, new restaurant ventured beyond tantalizing teens' taste buds. Famous Dave's and Buffalo Wild Wings
sports bar atmospheres and friendly
service topped the list of re.....,1:aurants
ranked by 100 teens.
"The [Buffalo Wild Wings] waiter told
one of my friends he was boring for ordering just a burger, and he called him
boring the rest of the night! It was quite
funny," said junior Julie Moore.
Famous Dave's employee senior Keri
Dulaney lamented having to leave her
job for college because of working with
the lively staff.
''I love working at Famous Dave's; we
have a lot of fun. The people there are
awesome, and I'm really going to miss
working there," said Dulaney.
Sophomore Carrie Lee liked the added
entertainment that complemented dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings.
"You can play poker or sports games
on the screens they have all over. I order Caribbean Jerk," said Lee.
Sushi made its way to the bellies of
Kenoshans at both Soon's Sushi Cafe
and Honada's hibachi grill.
"At Honada, I celebrated my sixteenth
birthday. Vegetable sushi is my favorite.
The people treat you like friends," said
sophomore Kirsten Sherwood
For a good Mexican restaurant, Chipotle in Racine filled the bill According to
senior Kashfia Masud,.
"The colorful atm08phere made the
restaurant come alive," said Masud
A restaurant's popularity rose with
quality service and atmosphere.
\ l a rww \\ i-fi hob pot
,.;ophomort' \ 1urph~ Thoma,.; ,.;1·n e,.; up :--Waming
e.:;pn•,.,,.;o to fellow
<"Off<"t' ,.;hop fan,.;.
Tht· . ook of-
fered hot lattt~.
l'old :--lu,.;hit•,., and
n·getarian tn·ab
with a coz\ I' aft~
µew restaurants 2 1
m demand
I I Legal s rvices are easier to use.
With th new Napster I can fill my
20GB P3 player with all the mus·
I wan for just $15 a month.I I
on the LEGAL
side of song
·witching from illegal mu ·ic down·
loading to legal providers due to
threat · of possible fines and ·e urity
risks also lightened the load of home
computer problems and upkeep.
'·I have had viruses and Trojans due
to downloading music in the past from
Lirnewire and Kazaa. But, now I us
iTune , and I don 't get th m an more,., said senior Carolyn u mfress
Musi distributor · from -apste to
\Val-Mart offered legal downloa of
popular tracks. Usually o ·tin only
99 cents per song, favorite tun s populated MP3 players safely an legally.
3813 Roo evelt Road
Kenosha, WI 53142
PH. 262-694-6500
FAX 262-694-6523
Business • Auto • Home• Life • Hemth
5320 Green Bay Road
Kenosha, \VI53144
262-652-7963 •Fax 262-652-9146
Hats off
to you,
Our special congratulations to
the Class of 2006. You 've done
well already, and we 're here to
support you as you go further
still. We 're glad to have been a
part of your high school years
and part of your hometown.
We salute you.
Culver's of Kenosha
5220 Green Bay Road
Class of 2006!
<..4 U.S. Cellular
A Division of McTernan & Company, Inc.
2529 - 15th Street
Kenosha, WI 53143
2 2 ~wnloading
in demand
PH. 262/653-8002
Fax 2621653-0591
Brian J. McTernan
Orthopaedics, S.C.
Ors. James Shapiro, Rob Seipel, and Jon Main along with
Dr. Hardik Vashi are proud to announce the add ition of
two new orthopaedic surgeons to their practice to service
the orthopaedic needs of Kenosha and Racine counties,
northern Illinois, and surround ing community areas.
Joshua M. Gershtenson, MD
Michael Didinsky, DO
Hand & Orthopaedic Surgery
Spine & Orthopaedic Surgery
6308-8th Ave Suite 505
Kenosha,\NI 53143
(262) 656-8297
(262) 656-8508 Fax
Visit us Online!
. business
m de mand
ads2 21
Liquors & Wine
3203 52nd St.
Kenosha, WI 53142
'A Kenosha Tradition'
l 111t •n1a11rnml cht•t•--.t•.., tt'lllfll Jllllior ( :hn ... ~ t·at111µ- .
\t tlw !!rill Jllllior fall Car-.on -,iule, lunch .
Phone: 262-656-9902
Fax: 262-656-9904
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Attorney at Law
1207 - 55th STREET, UPPER
Auto Sales • Service • lmrx>rt Parts
4513 Green Bay Road
Kenosha, WI 53144
business ads
in demand
Fax: 262-657-6037
\\ a iling
(262) 694-4444 Office
(262) 694-4474 Fax
(262) 237-1055 Cell
tlw T rollt'\ . ::.t>n io r Ky It• Smith
a nd j t ;ni or~ Brian na Tu ll x·rt and
Jach 11 ] Pn~en chat
abo~1t I heir ride
fro 111 tl w \ fet ra :.tat io n to the Keno,, ha
\<Lu ~e um .
6809 Green Bay Rd.
Kenosha, \VI53142
tourists flock to top attractions
\lore I han a d ozen
n('w l:>tores OJX'nt·d
in the P rime O utle t l\l all. T lw 1ww
" t o re~ a re ilw fir~ t o f
;30 to o pen a~ pa rt o f
the P l ea~ant Pra irie
mall\ S:25 million,
1 50,000-~ qu a re- foo t
n·-, ta u ra nt b
ranking [n the number o ne ~1 xit . Qdoba
Mexica n C rill madt>
ib wa \ to R ac ine
o ne s;1111111er befo re
0 1x· ning in K e no~ h a.
'\(' xi
to l\: (' no~ h a 's
new Lowe· lo. Qdoba
fed hungry ~hoppe ~ .
\ ~ o ne I ranbfo n ned
from the old Ke no,,Jia Public \ rU"('lllll
10 the new Din o~a ur
\ 1tl'><' Ulll,
llllh!' lllll-,
in l\en o::. ha he ld the
number fo ur "Pot
o n th(' cou111dcm11 .
, 'pending a record , '11.81 billion ;,tatewidt'.
tourism sky-rockett>d in Keno-;ha. ri-,ing to
th e third larges t indw;try in .
'·My favorite place in Kenm,ha lli, tarbucb.
T go there every morning before -.chool
·ta rts and aet a mild halien fl avored coffee
for $-t,., said sophomore Andy H ermmnn.
While restaurants rest in the numhN
one spot, Outlet malls and the Jell)
Belly Factory come in close behind.
'-I ,-i., it Gurnee \ {ill-, Mall a t lea.,1
twice or ven thr e times a month.
I only recently sta rted shopping
at the Prime Outlet '\ilall as '"'ell.··
said sophomore Taylor ::\'ewton.
The outburst of t ouri~b proYided
the equivalent of -±,960 full time
job opportunitie ·. Up more than
:31% from th recent year::-.. tourism was expected to continue
to follow it::i thriving patt t>rn,
a boon for joh-~eeking tee1b.
Greenhouses & Garden Centers
Wholesale and Retail
Rick Anton
We're proud to upport Tremper
High School and to be adding to the
quality of life in our community.
For more than 30 years, we've
been helping individuals, families
and businesses achieve their longterm financial goals. To learn more,
please call us at 262.697.7500 or vi it
9140 Cooper Road
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53 158
(Fax) 262-694-7055
Gary Anton
1126 Pitner Avenue
Evanston, IL 60202
847-864- 11 34
(Fax) 847-864-0536
Dr. Jeffrey R. Thomas
2305 30th Ave.
Kenosha, WI
Compressed Air/Gas Dryers
Technologies Co., LLP
4909-?0th Ave.
Kenosha, 'NI 53144
A Pneumatech Inc. Company
Ph : 262-658-4300
Fax: 262-658-1945
~-town h ot spots 2
m demand
State Farm~
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington , Illinois 61710
24 Hour
6829 39th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53142
Bus. 262 654 1331 Fax 262 654 6561
Jewelry• Pottery• Artwork
Custom Framing •Art Glass
Rhonda Eidsor
General Manager/
Michael Hill
Executive Chef/
" st
Fine Art •Custom Framing
•Contetmporary Crafts•
7546 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, WI 53142
Pleasant Prairie Hwy 50 & 91 st Ave
Mon-Fri 10:00 - 5:30 Sat 10-4
'Taki! a liiiu
?Jil!Cl! tJ6 /itJJUl! Wii/i 'ftJU.
and stay up to date with local n ews
when you iUb3cribe to our n w Online llition.
nutri~on labels
m demand
~ f f Bf <H
. business ads
m demand
I I Brokeb ck Mountain is one of the
best m
trays r
ies I saw this year. It p9rI, controversial issues.I I
Dally Queen
\~ ith Tins ltown co::;ting .''7.7.') a ft c>r
Christopher Knapp
Patricia Knapp
Owners/ Operators
6 p.m., renting movies eYoh-ed into a
more popular trend.
'·Trent movies unless l here's a remake
T can 't wait for, like '·King Kong"' or
'" tar Wars., which mu::;t be seen on the
big screen,"' said senior Sean \[iller.
Remakes connected t n/parent generatioru; with ..Bewitched,·· ··n erbi
Fully Loaded,·· ··Dukes of Hazard·
and '·Bad ews Bears ...
Wheth r going early for a, '-±.50 s w
or wa iting to rent the DVD, ;,tu nts
got mor ~ for their movie buck.
Alessandro J.
Savaglio Sr. D.D.S
General Dentistry
3600 80th St.
Kenosha, WI 53142
Donna Gilligan-Arendt
Attorney at Law
22nd Avenue
2707 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
Business: 262-652-6524
Fax: 262-652-6279
San Luis
Grocery Store
1824-52nd Street
Kenosha, WI 53140
Tel. (262) 656-0855
Fax (262) 656-1076
Margaret A. Regner,
10715 75th tr et
Pl a ant Prairi , WI 53142
6020-39th Ave.
Kenosha, WI 53142
Phon : (262) 694-3100
Fax: (262) 694-3939
5712 Sixth Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
2 2 6movi<: rentals
phone 262.842.0333
m demand
fax 262.654.8696
Fax (262) 654-0848
IRA's · Life Insurance · Mutual Funds· Annuities
-<-'5P\ f 1.nancia} Cr:
Custom Designed T-Shirts
Jackets • Hats • Signs
One-of-a-kind Airbrush Designs
• aJ11.l1ucli011
• !ll.efai.. - 3 5
1/eau 't>yeiit11ce
• vflu•i• & ..91ue..01ie•
~ual5f,S ~t-f!lk·
'1'{9irts ~uaZ513 Vl"~rl\L
728-58th St.• Kenosha , WI• (262)653-1687
y Instruments
sories For
Band & Orchestra"
8795 - 136th Ave.
Kenosha, \NI 53142
(262) 85 7-9419/ Res.
(262) 945-5328/Cellular
Securities Offered through Coordinated
Capital Securities, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC
Mayor John D. Bilotti
8546-~ Av~u'- • fuo~A. \\JI 53142
PuoN~ (262) 94f>-3s66
Donna S. Sowden
Toll Free 877-240-2169
FAX 262-697-8530
signsbytomorrow. com/kenosha ~~~~==~==..:_..;..;....
DeMolay meets
the fir t and third
\~ ' edne day of every
month. 7 p.m.
at80761' 1 t.
Dial 1-800-D Molay or
visit \Y\\
De olay International, the world's largest fraternit) of
young men aal' 12 to 21. is an organization dedicated to
preµarin youno· 11wn to lead successful_ happy and productive live . Basing its approach on tin1eless principles
and pra tical, hand-;-on ex1 erience. DeMolay opern:J <loon;
for young men by developing the civic awareness. personal
re 'ponsibility and leadership ::1kills so vitally needed in society today. DeMolay combines this serious mi 'Sion ·with
a fun approach that builds important bonds of friend-;hip
among memb rs in more than 1,000 haµter , worldwide.
D('puty Stall' \lai,,wr Counci lor: -.r. Brye(' l. lnwr
S<·nior C:oun<'ilor: -,r. John S('(Jll
P<hl \la-.1n Councilor-.: -.r. \latt Be\'111-,1 e rlxwr.
-.r. Bryn• l111l!'r. -.oph. Joe \\ orknian
Job's Daughters
Bethel #30 meet the
second and last
, 'u nday of ach
1nonth. 6 p.m.
at 807 61" St.
Dial (262) 657-7631
or visit
2 2 8bus~ess ads
m demand
J ob' · Daughters. an organization of young women
between the ages of 10 and 20 who are related to
a Master Mason. share a conm1on bond. JD:-; havr
members worldwide in activities such as dances.
picnic , travel, and more. . s lPader , IDs p rform
comnmnity projects yearly, and actively support
the Hearing In1paired Kids Endowment Fund.
··\\ orkinl! at
tlw Hrn Fain·.
I had a patron
-.1·nd nw a ro~t·
wi1 h a 11011• I hat
c-rnnplinwmcd Ill)
1·y1•-.. \\ e·,l' lx·en
cG11 in!! t'\ 1·r<·<'
that night. l le ''orb
tlwr<> 110\\. loo."
-.,r. kn Chri-.tiarN·n
for par at the Ren
a1 re
peasants cash In with jobs
·· \ r tlw -.hop Coat
of \ mb. a ,gu) want
ed Frida\·,, date for
hi~ dad·-. birthd<r\
lxTmL-.<' \\t' autlw n·
1ica11·. like he didn"t
IJll) tilt' prt'-.t'nt (WO
day., late. l £al.,if\
dcinrment» for tip~'.''
--.oph. i\ick BHr;,uli
··&x-lit·1·-. an· Henai,-.-.arn·1· ,girl:-: tradt~
mark. lt \ not ti,,.hr
Pnough until you
rnn·1 l.m·mlw. l work
back archen . and
the\· n· \°t'r\ ·cliffinih
to 1.x:nd in· to pick up
patron-.' arrow-,."·
- 'i<11A1 111·.atlwr Cianci
··1 1wrform for free
Fain· a., a to\\n
crier becallie I love
-.haring .,torie-. and
i1111·racting with performer>:>. [ had to audit ion -.t•wral time;,.".
->:>r. Dm·e Barber
Of the Be\:>t Cru,e , nario gamer in Bri~tol.
about 20 Tremper teem, work d under J.D.
Fountain, allio Tremr r, curity. "'.\"ot allowed
to olicit for tip"'- gamer~ mad tip from, '6 to
. '9-i weekend day!:>. beyond th
t, ·:-o waae.
Running a game typically focu ed on hooting arrows or throwing kniv !:>.Other te ns
workt'd in food !:>ervice or bev raae that
paid,· .. -±0 an hour. Junior \.1eaan Andro-,,chko de cribed tip a ..amazinal) fant&tic:· At Three heet to The \\ ind
tip!-> of' '180 plit between four r.wople.
.. \'.hue not allowed to ~oli it for
tip . I make .'98 on aood day at the
archery fiekl other are Lucky to get
. '6 for dinn r;· aid \ ndro-,, hko.
Worker~ there more than a ea~on bought period
tum ~- !\ from Fair · \for a hop
cot n arly . 1-0. and hoe-,, ran
between $8.5 and , -±9:-. T eeru,
job'S Daughters ls an organlzatJ.on £or girls 1'etween the ages 0£10-20, who 1'eHeve ln God and the
teacblngs ol'the Holy Bible. As an organlzatJ.on we teach young girls leadership, charity, and respect,
through meetings, fun, service prq/ects, and so much more.
For more lnl'ormadon on bow you, or someone you JaJow, canjoln]ob's DaugfJt.ers, please contact:
Deborah Bradley: 262-694-8151, or Joyce Tenuta: 2'2-HS-1451,jt.enuW@wl.rr.eom
. Ren Faire
m demand
joh;2 2 9
~ P I a t i n u m S y s t e m s , I n c.
Your single source for computer networking,
website design and technical support.
(262) 652-6671
- FREE Estimates
on Installations
- Financing Available
- Home Comfort
Protection Plans
- Visit Our Showroom
Martin Petersen Company, Inc.
Heating & Cooling Specialists
''Quality Products and Service Since 1918.''
9625 55th Street - Kenosha, WI 53144
24-Hour Emergency
(262) 658-1326
(262) 657-5832
bus~ess ads
m demand
Building Trust Since 191 O
Phone: 262-552-9440
Fax: 262-552-0480
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 8 PM
Saturday 8 AM - 4 PM
8501 75th. Street, Willow Point
~-------~ CENTER~-------~
Give us a call to help you make your special
occasion perfect!
We specialize in colors, highlights, perms, and
much more!
Fitness: 262-654-8350
Tennis: 262-654-6020
Fax: 262-605-3421
Jay Ansari
Managing Director
Pools, Tenni Lessons, Leagues & Tourn aments,
Fitness, Weight Tra ining, Aerobics, Step Biking,
Rock Climbing, Pilates, Tae- Bo, Yoga & Juice Bar
Congratulations Class of '06
future Business Leaders of America
Local Executive Board:
President Kurt Gosselin
Vice President Bryce Ulmer
Secretary Sarah Pallin
Treasurer Scan McMaster
Historian Kat ie Boris
With flip flop sandals, over-sized sun
glasses and sparkling purses, a shifting
fashion trend permeated the halls. Top
places of buying clothes and acces ories
included American Eagle, Abercrombie
and Fitch, Aeropostale and Hollister.
"I always wear really cute earrings; I
e pecially like really big diamonds even
if they're fake! My favorite accessory is
my sparkly belt or just anything that
glitters" said sophomore Isabel unez.
Acces ories like everythffig else ro e in
price over the years. Pant prices ranged
from a $20 pair at Kohl's to a $60 and
up a pair at Abercrombie and Fitch.
''On pants I usually spend between
$3().40, and on shoes I would spend no
more than $20. I mostly wear sandals
and bigger purses from stores like Hollister and American Eagle," said sophomore Stephanie Brown.
One simple shopping spree filled out
simple acce ories for a daily routine.
"I wear a purse, shoes and a necklace
everyday. My all time favorite accessory
is my black purse with different colored
sequins dangling from it. I love wearing
it, and I always work it into my outfits.
That is the one accessory I wear everyday" said junior Jessica Cunningham.
Scarves or beaded
necklaces, purse or
shoes added individuality at a price of
both dollars and
time searchffig
for deals. Colorful and trendy,
matchffig accessories brought
back old fads
and added new
looks to the crowded halls.
\laking her own
tatement. -,opho-
more ,\ rnber \\ eiher
fla::.he-, an oYer"'ized
scarf and -,ungl.1-,-,e-,
over m er::.tre,.,::.ed jean."'.
m demand
2 31
BOYS BOWLING: lronr)Coad1 John Pe1c~on. Dan Ratzburµ. Jame~., KP.... ingPr. Cody Girrin. Puul Snur7
Jr.. \1ikf' l·alcon {b8clc) Coa .. h 10111 Kad<lalZ. Coal'h Bill \lari·-l'u lco. (~t-1') SwolxKut. D..n·k l lunn<' ll.
Ch<.1rliP Pfluµ. K)IP P1·rf>Nu1. Connor Het•\·c·-.. '\achun Hot•.
GIRLS BOWII\ G: (front,- '-i.urah Stt·ttner. Katt' lyn (..()rman. Connit· Yt't". I lunnct Thorrtl>1"rf?.
"\ikki Bin~hu111 (back) (;.id1 Tom KudcLuz. Coarh Bill \lar"-<·al,o. (A•11·h John P1·H·r-on. "\ick1
Bolyurcl·th Siun lt·~· ~1~·phunw Dt'Frurll'o.
Bumper Bowling• Birthday Parties• Group Outings
Adult & Youth Leagues • Sand Volleyball Leagues
80th Street & Sheridan Road · · (262) 654-0411
bus~ess ads
m demand
23 2
Your Financial Future
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US. Bank Student Ban.king products make
it easy to mBI1El{5e money while building a
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Loans to cover your college costs.
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Convenient banking products that make it
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• U.S. Bank Student Checking
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Carrying around cash is a thing
of the past. U.S. Bank Visa cards
provide a number of options to
fit your daily life.
For more information, stop
by your local U.S. Bank.
5401 - 60th Street
Kenosha, 'NI 53144
Bus.: (262) 657-61 27
Fax.: (262) 657-7282
Good Luck
"Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there"
Industrial Radiators • Industrial Heat Transfer Systems
PHONE: (262) 942-1414 f AX (262) 942-1410
business ads
in demand
Printing • Copying • Signs & Banners
10555 86th Ave. • Pleasant Prairie
Ph. 658-1303 Fax 658-3507
bus~ess ads
23 4
m demand
business ads
ir demand
Got Spirit?. . . It does the Student Bo
lnC'orporating ~tud('nt input
when -;etting ~chool direct ion.
deTeloping new program~.
hiring btaff lll('llllwrn and
ere at ing :o<'hoo\-,, idP act iYit ie:,,. Tremper\ Student GoYernment fu._,e..., 10% of the
o.;t udPnt bo(h . Get invoked.
Show off your bChool :opirit'.
Community Relatione:
Advisers: Asst. Principal Jody Bloyer
Asst. Principal Sue Savaglio-Jarvis
Student Body President: Dana Fulton
Exec. Vice President: Scott Frost
Academic Affairs: Sean McMaster
Secretary: Michaela Covelli
Community Relations: Joel Jahnke
Treasurer: Matt Mahoney
Diversity Awareness: Sam Sinozich
Freshmen Transition: Natalie Brydges
Government Operations: Rock Ridolfi
Special Events: Travis DuFour
Student Services: Casi Butts
Tremper Spirit: Matt Eggert
2 3 6bus~ess ads
m demand
m :r
e '
Government- Operatione:
Thank you
for your
to education!
tor academic excellence
and distinguished service
Top 20 Academic
Top 20 Outstanding
Top 20 Academic
I • •• ..
Top 20 Academic
Top 20 Academic
Top 20 Outstanding
Top 20 Academic
<( Top 20 Academic
I e
~ Top 20 Outstanding
Top 20 Academic
Top 20 Outstanding
Top 20 Academic
Top 20 Academic
•• I e • • •
• • •
Top 20 Academic
Top 20 Outstanding
~ Top 20 Outstanding
z Top 20 Outstanding
.retirees/t~ 20s
m deman
2J 7
bu ,44/ru'I
f;l-tJ1/N tluz 6ut!
11-dlfH #Ul~~ IU f"'OMI
~H 7>a~, ~--,Air~ a11~ l}d~
:Friends :f?orelJer. expiration J\(!,1'er
r:11~6'.p.JV5 f=!OR€Vt=R•••
!JG51'~1J6'.V TO POLLow
fJ-J;FFG1ZG1JT PATJ..15• ••
Amanda Merritt
Andrea Rosencutter
'fl2Vl->' 5Z5TG!l5 AT J..l~.4
\A1~ i.ov~ YOU 80Tu I
'I ou12 Mo>.ls
Alexis Long
Thanb for Jx'ing the be-,t!
You've achieved so much in academics, string,;,
fencing. tenni,;. -,rudent council a nd church.
~friend is one of the
H ave fun in college!
Love, your fa1nily
nicest things you can
ha1Je and one oft he /Jest
things you can /Je.
conorat-uLat-ions. sweecness.
we are so oroua oP uou. aooa Luch at,
oeneaict-ine next, uear we Loue uoul
Brian Mich
We are so proud of you for
completing another step
in your Ufe as you graduate
and move on to greater and
more rewarding challenges.
Mom, Dad and Kevin
We are so happy for you on
your graduation.
It was our privilege to see all your singing and dancing performances the past
years. You worked very hard to become the
best you can be. We admire your perseverance. Congratulations on becoming a
member of the National Honors Society
and your Honors Diploma. Diana, remember we love you very much and will
always be there for you. Congratulations
and the best of luck preparing to become
a Physical Therapist. Persevere in all these
things. Hold onto faith, patience and
steadfast hope in the face of all that Satan or Godless world might throw at you.
God is seeking you because he is God ...... .
and he knows you can't live without him.
Love you, Dad, Mom
and Marshall
in demand
in what you have aecompii Fle<!l llit ~·~ mr.
li:ool years that w can't wait to see what you have in stGre
in your college year and beyond.
Whatever you have set out to do, you have alway done
your very best and that is all we asked. Keep doing your
very best and alway stay true to your If and your
values. We could not be mar proud of the pen.on
you have become.
We love you very much and remember no matter
what you can always come home.
ii( m ·m1a:a1 u
Love: Dad, Mom, Nee- ee and Allison
Andy Valeri
Laura Pikna
We are so proud of all
the achievements you've
years at Tremper.
We wi h you all the be t
in college.
We love you,
Mom, Dad & Ang
Congratulations Congratulations Megctr!ct{
and Good Luck, Casi!
Keep Reaching For The Stars
Love, Mom, Rick and Courtney
24o gradads
in demand
Mom, Dad,
Brian & Kelly
CO G:RAT ((})
4 year
2 year
2004, 2005, 2006
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Varsity Letter Winner
100 yd. Ry Southeast Conference Champ.
500 yd. Free Southeast Conference Champ.
500 yd. Free WlAA Division One Sectional Champion
Megan Godin
Mom, Dad & Andy
in demand
Look out world- here come ~ Kurt Go ~ ~elin
Congratulation~ Kurt. we are very
proud of you! Love. Morn. Dad~ Julie
242 grad ads
in de mand
Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt.
Sing like nobody's listening; live like its Heaven on earth.
-Mark Twain
We ate .to ptoud of you and yout
aeeompli.thmenf.t. We ate looking
f otwatd to eelebtafing many mote.
Rebecca McQuillen
Alex Socha
All Our Love,
Mom & Dad Socha,
Mom & Dad Malsack,
We are So Proud!
Our Little Girl
is All Grown UP.
Good Luck!
Mom , Len,
Danielle, Ali,
Rebeeea and
(i°ur greatest fear
is not that we are
inadequate, but
rather, our deepest
fear is that we are
powerful beyond
imagination. It is
our light more than
our darkness which
scares us most.
We ask ourselves
- who are we to
be brilliant, beautiful, talented and
fabul ous? But honestly, who are you
to not be so?
-Marianne Williamstm
in demand
ads2 43
Putting '06 in print reminded us that shifts within
caused numbers to accumulate, recording the
change we faced From new Principal Ed Kupka's
"Student Learning - o Matter What" agenda to
Prom' "Cinderella' Ball," we centered on school in
an ever-connected world where shift happens.
letter break
aes1gn~~~ily Fox
team. Du la k
•x'H n
Abby Lucke
Da na
Airl8ley 1\1.cMa;;ter
Britta ny Dula k
\ faria a:o~o
RelX'cc'a Freilx-rg
buying land in Pl a:oant
Prairie ~ really good for
the local economy:·
-jr. Brian Algiers
::r.. 1-+8
\bra ha 111. f..u,an 105. 1
Academics Divider 38
Academic Competitors 56
Academic Decathlon 113
\ ce rbi . '\ic kola, HS
\ c1,w. Jthhua 160. 21-t
\ co,ta. \laric1,lla 160
\ dam,. \1 Pli.--a 160
\ cfam,on. Brian 86. 8-:'
\de. \lich ;wl 108. 12-+. 1-+8
\de. ~teplwn -:',-:'. 170
\ iello. \ ncln>a 170
\ iello. \ u,1 in 1-t8
\iello. Carolina H2
\iken,. T ornnn (1 7 • 91
\ i,mn. \fa,. 1:30
\ kalin. Roben a H2
\ lam. Tahirn 10.), 137. 1-+8
\Uxirran. \lieia 11.5. 1-t8
\lbred ll . . 'tephanie 26. 110. 1 J;),
1n. n.1 1-+8
\ lgier,. Brian 1?0
\ll!ie r,. Eric 10 I. 160. 2-+-+
\lia. '\icole .-><'> . 10.). 132, 1?0
\llema ncl \ ndrew 7-+. 7 .). 128.
18'2. 19.)
\llema nd. Lind-ey 70. 9.1 1-+8
\llema ncl Lol!an 62, 160
\llt·mancL '\atha n 21, 6.'l. ITT.
18"2. 195
\llt'n .. T o nrn11 12-+
\ llm. \~hl1 ·1, ·1:3:3, t.'37
\llPn. T onrn11 160
\ llen-Taglia p]1·tra. Danielle
l:B. 160
\lli~on, Lee \nne .38, 12.'l
Althoff. Em ily 68, 10.). 137. 1-+8
\hreutlwr. Rran 160
\lwardt. 1 lm;.ard 71. 96. 18"2
.\macher. \ilanin 9. 1.3-+, 139,
\ maclwr. Thoma~ 1-+2
\ mhorn , Poll) 1-+2
.\mbro,e. Edith 1-+2
ORI\ l'\G SC I IOOL 21.'3
\\1.EHI C \'\ C'D\f\1l '\I T \
CH.EDIT L.\LO '\ 20-t
.\:\'-\STOS \llOTOR S 222
-\ '\l3J Fl '\\ '\Cli\L C HOL P 227
\nr hondo. Taren 11?. 18"2
\ nder'-l'n. \\ illiam 1:39. I70
-\nde~on. .\,,h[ey 1.'37 . 160
.\ nde~on. Brandon 9
\ nder-,on. Dana 125. 18"2
\ nde r-,nn. De rek 20, 18"2
.\ nde1vm. Evan 8-+
.\ nd('r-,on. Jordan 160
\ nclei·-,on. KC 87
\ ncler">n. Kennerh 1-+8
.\ nder-,cm. Le,,lie 1-+8
.\nde r,,on. '\eal 170
:\ndt•r-,on . Rachel 160
\ncler-,o n, R1an 6?. 18"1. !ITT
\nder,on. sCm t 67. 160
,.\ ncler.,on. Su;,an 6.5. S:3
.\nden,on. Tom 1-+2. 1:8
\ '\DHFXS 20-+
\ ndreoli . K ry,,tina 10?
:\ ndrew'>. D1;bra 1-+2
;\ ndrew<,. Jenife r 9.3. 108. 12.'l.
\ndrchchko. \1. egan ?. 22. 102.
128. 139. 1-+ 1. 229
\nglin. St-th'-+. '3. 91. 18"2
\nraramian. Eli zabeth .)6..-?.
128. 18"2
\ntaramian. \ifartin 1:3?. 18"2
\n1 oli k. ]<N' ph 1, 10. 20, 22 . .38.
5 7 , 102. 128, 129, 1.30.
1.3.3, 1-+ 1. 1-+.). 180, 19?.
2.'3?. 2-t2
.\ YfOl\"S C HEE:\l lOl SF: &
C\RDE:\ CE.'\ll·:r~ 22:3
\pgar. Grant 1.3.3. 180. 18"2
\rchibald, Kyll" 160
\renclt, MPgan 20, 26, .)0, .)?,
103. 108. 109. 11<>. 128.
1.30, 1.31. 1.3-t. ]:3.), 180.
182, 2.37. 2-+0
\ rnNea(L Clw l,ea 1-+8
\rnN rong. DeY<m 12, .)(1. 67. <)(1.
107 • 11 6. 11 9, 120. l?O
•\rnold. Hya n 160
i\ronin. Ke,1n 62. 6:3, 9 1. 9.'3. 1-+2
\ rreguin, i\ ,,h lieP 98, 11.). 1-+8
Art and Expres ion 36
\ ,hln. \ ndrt' \\ 96. I (>0
\ .,hie\. Eric 21. %. 180. 182. 2:33
\ .,orn~iia, Cidgt'r 1-+2
\SO'\\\ 11 \ , G IOCET, SC I 1001,
'\ LRSE 20 1
\t kin..,, Dan 7 .3
\uBurhon. Je."'ica .)(), 6.5. t0.1
10-+. 11 9. 120. 170
\ ult, Sarn 57. 7 -:', 10-t, 11 9. 120.
i\u.,.,e, •\ Hhl ey 19. 180. 18"2. 189
\ w,.,I'. Ca mille 160
\u''''- C1 nthia 11 :',, 1-+8
\u.,-,e. Katelynn 160
,\ ven. Jarvlli. 180. 18"2
\ \O.'\ BE. \lffY CE.'\IER 209
\ zmLh. Erik 62
'"Beaners' menu lli
than , tarhucb '.
but it"s 50 cent:-; le:-;s. Bean-
ers cappuccino wasn·t
very good, though .. ,
-jr. Ashley Blise
Babcock . Jennifer S:3. 1-+8
Babcock. \ 1<'ghan 20. 18"2
Bact'\\icz. K cl\ la -:'O. 16 1
Bacu.,. Lebli"" ·r:o
Badalof. Chri.,topher 62. 1-+8
l3a ile1. Ronald 1-+2
Bai1<;r. Drl'w 89
Baker. K1 le 160
Bakula. Ste phanie
20. 10.S.
108, 12.). 182
Balnw,. \1.a tthl'\\ 1-+8
Bah e,. Timmh1 J.:>:3. 160. 16:3.
209 .
Barber. Dm1d 21. .56. ::i?. 116.
120. 18 1. 18"2. 229
Barbe r. Thoma-, 62. l-t8
Barkpr. Breanna 160
Ba rkow..,ki. Bria n 101
Barne,. Bla ke 170
Barnt·,. \1eli"a 1 LO. 1-+8
13a rnp,_ Patrick 160
Barne.,-Davi.s. Deomay 1-+8
Barnm. Kebey 63, 1 i:>. 122,
12.1 160
Baron. Jordan 71. 12.3. 160
Ba rrett . .\ma nda ??. 1-+8
BarrPtt. Kebie 62
Barrm. Sean 62. 8.), 160
Barron. Jordan 91
Bar~uli. 1'\ick 28. 139, 229
Bartel-,on. \ilelod1 6
Bar1 holomew. K 1~· .,ial 12:1 1-+8
Ba11holornew. '\i rhol~ 11;). 11 9,
Ba11holomew. Rohen 170
Bartoli. Chribtopher 96, 1-+8
Barton. T erra 160
Baseball 100
Ba-,ham. Chri.sropher 170
Basketball, Boys 84
Basketball, Gi.rls 82
Bati'h'- Keith 1-+9
Battellini. \1.ario 7 ;). 86, 8'
Bauth. Meagan 17 0
l:!arnrw. \frli"'""' l}t2
Bl·. \ DS. I '\C.. 1<JC)
l:!eauli\'u. \Ian 1-+2
B<'b('n, \'q·tt(' 108
lkck. Dtnid .)(>. fi). 10-+. 11<>. 170
lkc k<'r. G<'org!' !OJ, 170
13.,ckn. Sa111antlw 10-+. 12:',. 182.
13.·cker. \ am•.,..,a 70. 10-+. 108.
lkd narz-Ph ip]"· '\wl<') 68. !-+.)
B('dolla, Maria 120. PO
BPem,,terboer. \ l<'xanclra .3-t,
10.). 119, 120. 1-+8. 160
lk1·rn-,tPrl)(wr. \l att lww 10. 22.
2-t. 56..)? ..)9. 67. 102.
108. 128. 130. 1.32. 13.'l.
1-tl. 18"2, 186.228. 2-+3
lke rnink , \mo., 62
l:l.,galle. BPn ja 111i11 96. 160
lkhl. .\icho la.., '.). 9:). 11 6. 11 8.
Belanger. Timoth) 18"2
13.•lknla. Rol)('rl 1-+2
&,IL Hick1 6:3
B('lla ire. c:1i.-i.,ropher 62. 1-+9
Bella ire. l IPatlwr 18"2
lklliH•au . '\irnl1· ?:3. 11:). 160
l3el111nre. Joan 1-+2
Benett i. Jodi 128. 18"2
lk rwtti. Lori-:'?. 1:n 160
B<'nnt•11. K1·i1h 1:3'. 1-+9. 19(1
B<'rg. h! 160
Bergen. Brittan) Van 19-t
13<,rger. hhtin 160
l:l.·rge r. Kir.,tl'n 98. 1-+9
lkrw 1ui.,L Karin 20. 2 1. t 12.
18"2. 18:3
BER VI \:\. JO SEPI 11:\ E D.D.S.
13.•rrong. Jacq1wlin1· 62. <>:3. 12:3.
13.,,ch. Kribtina 62. 160
&•..,liel. Robe11 20. 62. 6:3. 9 1.
181. 18"2. 2:37
lk 1hke. Htl\ rnnncl 1'0
B('thke. Robin "7"7. 12:3. 1-+9
13.,tz. Chri,tint' 120. 1?0
Birnn in. Huzica 160
Bilak. Diam· 1-+2
Bila ncia. Zach 8-:'
Bilotti. Jch<'ph "':)
Bil,ki. Jacob 1-:'0
Bingham. frnnifpr I-:'O
Bingham. "'\icole :'!.). 98. 11;). 160
Binning1·r. Dt•rek 100. 1-+9
Bi,d1off. Chri.,1oplwr 7 ::i. l 16.
Bi.,lwr. Cori H9
Bi,ho p. \ a~on 116. I-:'O
Bit/. Srnrr ! ll). 120. 160
Bjorn>-on. Kel>-t') I().). 120. 12:3,
Bjorm,on, Ki,-.,rm 62. 6.'3. 120,
1?0. 1?(1
Blackmon. Dian" 1-+2
Blackwood Brittani S:l 12.3. 1-+9
Blackwood Li,a 1if2
Blag it'\\'bke. Ci na ?:3
Blanco. Sca n 22. -:,Ci ..)?. 91, 128.
1-+ L I? I. 201. 2-t-+
BlaziP\\o ke. Gina 12:3. 1-+9
Blise. \ shlc, I. '· 10. 22 ..38..)-:'.
;)9."?:l 102. LO.). 128.
1-+ 1. l7 I. 19?. 2-+-t
Bloye r. Jody -+ ..51, 5.5. 102. 1-+2,
181. 2.%
Bluma. Caitlin 17 I
Bobeck, ll eather 12. lO'
Boe,,ch. Adam 13?. 1:38. 1.39. 22-+
Boe-,ch. frnnif1·r :N. -:''. q:l. Hl.i
110. 11-+. 11.). lC>O
Bog ue. \\ illiwn 171
Bohannan. Elizabeth 160
Bohn. "'\ikok -+, ::i?. 6.5. 128. 1-tO.
18'2. 2:'!8
Bohnen. Kath l1 ·1·11 m2
Bohnen. Holx-rt 62. 87. I-ti)
Bohning. Jackie 6:3. l 76
Boi,in. Brian 62. <J6. 11.). !(>()
Bolyarcl '\icolina .)(1. :)?. <> I. 11 -:'.
t? I
Bonner. Emi h 160
Bonne\ . Catl{erine :',(). 171
Bori-,. Kathr1 n 110. i:n 12.).
t? t"
Borkow-,ki. Brian 160
Bornhuet1Pr. Chri.,roplwr ?:)_<J I,
11 5. 160
Borzick. Tn•nt 62. 101. 160
Bcblau. ]annee 98. 1-+8. l-+9
Bohman. Debbi1· 1-+2
Bo"m1ch. Erin 1-t2
Bo.,t rom. \1artl ww p,). HiO
l:!ounarna. I lacljcr !CJ. 1:3-+. 1 1~1
Bower,. Sha uneere 1-+9
Bowling 217
Bm:rucl. LincL,a1 7 -:'. 1:'!8. l:l<J.
Bo1 ce. &.·ott ? I. 9 l. 128. J::l.).
1;):3, 18"2
Bo, kin. Brandon 1-+9
Br;1cU>un. '\i('()I <· 18"2
Bradle1 ."Brit ne ?:. 80. H 9
Bra(Ue\. Cha rles :30. -:'O. 'I. 9 1.
. 1-+2. 2:37
Braclle1. C:hri, 1ina 1-+2. 180
Brand~t ctter. '\a1han 'I. I!.).
Brantle1 . \I )J·i.,ha 1-+9
Brnnrle\. Ced ric I' 1
Brantl1·;. Dm id H-+. 1-+9
Bra;,ueli. K' le I<>O
Braun. Kin.1 7 7
Brei ling. K) li1.,)(1. 10-+. 12.). !-:'I.
17 .). 22-+
Brennan. Ka1h1 llC)
Brennan. Ka i li.n 89. 1 [.). 160
Bridleman. \·rnancla S:l 89. 11 .).
13rinkrnan. Sw11antha 80
BH ISKVI \ '\ & BH ISK\I \ '\
\TTOH'\F:YS 20:l
Broerman. \li,on .) I. :-)('1. "':l. !().).
12-+. I? I
Broerman. Kat e .)(1. ::3. 10:). 12-t.
Bro1 hen. Eric I? I
Brotlwn. \l 1·ga n 20. 1:32. 1:n
Brorhe1-,,. B<·ck1 ':3
Bro1 he r.,. \lat iiw" 8-+. 1-+9
Brmm. Chern'"" 12-+
Brown. Brill an i :), ':l
Brown. Ca rh 65. 11 6
Brown. ('.atl;erine 128. 160. 1::l
Brmm. Dorli.,e 1-+2
Brown. Jami·., 171
Brown. Jo,hua 160
Brmm, hhtin 11 6, 120. 1-+.). 1m
Bro"',· \1.att 62. 1-+2
Brown. \ 11-gn n .). I(>?
Brown. Stephanie 160. 2:l 1
Brown. T rm-is 1-+9
Brmmlee. Jak i1 a 160
Brudn1 . D1 lar~ 1-+9
Brucln) . K ~1itli n LO-+. l? I
Brunello. Cody 12.S. 160
Bruneo. \ udrc1 1-+2
Brunne r. '\i c h ~lle 20. 21. .-iii.~~.
10-+. 16?. 18"2. 2:'!8
Brunner. Shaun -+-+. 6.,. 1: I
Bnmb, \mancla -+'. 98. 10-+. 12-+.
17 1, 2 1?
Bl) clgc,. '\a talk 1<J. 20. 2<>. :-Ji>.
.)"'. 65, 86. 105. IBO.
18"2. 195. 2:36. 2:p
Bucher, J\ manda 160
Bucko, Jw;tin 63. 91, 182
Buffamontt\ Ryan 87
Buivih. J\ licia 160
Bunch, Zachary H:9. 150
Burch. Linda 1:.i:2, 23
Burden. F:mily -t7, 10-t, 133, 18'2
BurforcL \ lexander 105, 115.
133, 1-t9
Burford, Zachary -t2, -+7, 67.
117, 171
Burger, Au,,tin 8.5
Burke. 1\ ,,hly H:9
Burke. Vlcghan 182
Burkoth. Vla ryAnn H:2
Burlebon, Jacob 1-+9
13urbon, Travi<; 56, 171
Burmelliter, Je rry 78, 1-+2
Burn;,, Erica 171
Burton, Dalla;, 1-+9
Bu,,h. George W. 181
Bll!o,,C, Ke6ey 11-t, 160, 167
13ut,,chli. Brittany 123, 1-t9
Bullo, Cw,i 20. 21, 29. -t7. 59.
102. 105, 125. 128. 1-t 1,
180. 182. 236, 237, 2-tO
Bullo. Courtney 73, 123. 160
formation about it."
-soph. Heather Cianci
C \BLE. SGSAl\, D.D.S. 208
Caem, Tracey 139
Cairo. Collin 18.3
Cairo. G ina 123, 160
Cajka. K rlliten 160
Calan. Jonathan 62. 115, 119,
Caliendo. Paul 173. 18.3
Cali Style 159
Campbell. Adam 1. -t9, 108, 137.
1.39, 18.3, 255
Campbell. Zack 63
Canaday, Jacqueline 115
Candee. Cody 56, 71. 96
Ca ndee. Hebecca 9, 20, 120. 139
Capodarco. Caleb 115, 1-+9
Capodarco. Jacob 78, 116. 171
Career Day 44
Ca rleton. A,,hley 7. 22. 2-t, 38.
57. 62, 63, 10-t, 128.
1-tl, 171
Car6on, Chandra 123, 160
Carole. Erika 18.3
Ca rr. Jeffrey 67, 116, 18.3
Caroon, Alli;;on 70, 93, 115, 119,
Caroon, Ian 56, 7 1, 91, 102, 116,
118. 120
Car,,well, Arny 57, 73, 12-t, 105,
Caner. Megan 160
Car Memorabilia 189
Ca,,ao, 1\ ndre" l-t9
Cw,c io, Adriana 117, 125. 171
Cru,cio, Colette 57, 10-t. 117, 206
Ca;;tanon , l !eher 56
Ca;,tulo, Jose H:9
CJ\ TlTY' S CAR F: 199
Cato, Suoan l-+9
Cebula, Miranda 77, 12-t
Cerminara, Chad 160
Cerva nteb, "vtarybell 120
Ceochin, Adam 107
Chabela, Zac hary 160
Chacon, Sarita 123
Chacon, Angela 7 7, 1-+9
Chamber,,, Althea 32, 53, 1-+2
Chambetb, Samantha 18.3
Chamber Orchestra 118
Chamneso. Ben 8.3
Chandler, Vleliooa 9.3
Cl !ARTER FU -otl\G 209
Cha;;e, Adam 20. 21, 57, 117.
118, 180. 18.3. 237
Cha;,e, Julie -tO. -t9, 52, 1-+2
Cha;,e. Michael 107, 115, 160
Chanerton, We;,ley 62, 87, 115,
Chano, Kimberly 7. 22. 77, 102,
105, 115, 128. 139, 1-t 1,
160, 167
Cheerleaders 110
Cheney, Rya n 160
Chiapperta. Alicia 160
Childreo,,, Ariel 1-t9
Chi lds. i\aomi 1-+9
Choi. John 107. 1-+2
Chorale 124
Chriotenbury Gina 73 88 89
10-t. '171 . ' , '
Chri;,tenbury, Patricia 73. 12.3,
li\SURA.'\CE 215
Chri;,ten;,en, ]e;,oica 18.3
Chrllitemen. \11.ellli;,a 68. 8.3. 88,
89, 133. 160
Chrllitemen, l\icole 161
Chri;,tiano. Andy 203
Chrlliriarn;en. Je nnifer 125, 139,
Chuck Norris Jokes 154
Cianci, [leather 139. 161 , 229.2-+5
Ciloglu. Cagi l -t 1
Clark, Brinni 12-t. 171
Clark. Cah~n 171. 18.3
Clark, Corey 171
Clark , Eric 3o
Clark , Je;,oe 96. 18.3
Clark, Judy 1-+2
Clark, \ll[kel 63
Classic 128
Clayton. \ lexandr[a 139. 18.3
Cleaver, Tiffany 17 1
Clemen;;, Evan.17 1
Club Scene 191
Cnockaert. \li;,o n 3-t, 89, 105.
110, 120. 1-+8. 161
Cnockaen. Linc6ey 10-t, 120,
1-t9, 156
Coe, Shelly 117
Coen, Jacer 25, 93, 161
Cole, i\;,hley 123, 1-t9
Collazo, Bianca 12
Collazo, Vlaritza 1-+9
Collin,;, Kelly 11 5, 123, 16 1
Corner, Clm·;,;sa 110, 123, 1-t9
Comer, l\'icole 8, 110, 111. 171,25-t
Comer, Ryan 62
Community Service 24
COVl ED COVfPJ\ :y 217
Concannon. Jo,cph 62, 91 , 115,
Concannon, Ma ry Bryn 73, 161
Concannon, Sarah 19, -+5
Concepcion. Kayla 3-t, 173
Concert Band 114
Concert Choir 124
Concert Orchestra 120
Conley. Aila 18.3
Conspiracy, International Noise
Cont[, Anthony 1-+9
Convocation 20
Conway. Cara 5, 65, 161
Conwell, Ross 57, 100. 101, 18.3
Cook. Courtney 171
Cook, David 1-t9
Cook, Joseph 5. 1-+9
Coobon, Whitney 108, 123, 161
Coope r, Amber 77, 110, 123, 161
Cooper, Dav[d 161
Cooper, Lauren 171
Cordova, Levi 115, 1-t9
Cornelius, Shawn 1-+9
Coronado, Ca;;sie 1-+9
Corraclin[,, Chriotina 125
Con·ad[ni-W [g[nton, Alexander
Corradini-W[g[nton, Erik 12-t
Corso, Dominic 75, 105, 115, 161
Corteb, Lizette 171
Corto. Gal)riel 1-t9
Couler. Stephanie 123
Covelli. Anthony 75, 95, 1-+9
Covelli, Brirtani 73, 171
Covell[, Jam[e 62. 63, 123, 161
Covelli, Julie 18.3
Covell[, Louis 1-t2
Covell[, M[chaela 20, 21, 57, 73,
105, 116, 117, 120, 167,
Cox, Aaron 115, 127, 161
Cox, Kayle 108, 110, 120, 1-+9,
Craft Fair 50
Cramlet, Kaitlyn 139, 18-t
Crawford, Amanda 128
Crawford, Devin 18-t
Crawford, Julle 20, 21, 73, 10-t,
120, 18-t, 237
M.S, S.G 20-t
Criot iano. A ncly 10-t, 1-t9
Cristiano, Cristine 77, 93. 139
Crockett, D[ane 18-t, 189
Cronin. Michael 56, 7-t, 75, 171
Cross Country 70
Cruz, Brtttni 171
Crnz, Zach 115, 119, 1-+9
Cu lle n, Br[an 116, 118
Cullnan, Clayton 16 1
Cultural Traditions 175
Culver, Ca;;sandra 29. 105, 108,
117, 136, 138, 139, 171
Cunningham, Evan 1-+9
Cunn[ngham, Jess[ca 117. 171,
Cunn[ngham, l\icole 1-+9
Curry, Arnian[o 62, 1-+9
Derose, Lauren 162
Derose, l\'[chola;,, 115. 1-+9
DeSeife, Emily 107, 116. 119,
120, 176
DeSeife, Johnathon 115. 1-+9
Deutsche r. Bre nt 103. 171
Devine, Amanda 13.3. 162
Devrieb, Aaron 62, 11.5. 162
Devrteb, Jameo 1-+9
Devr[eo, Raymond 56. 171
De Wolfe, Chrlli 178
Dezee, Anthony 125, 162
Dezoma, To nya 123, 162
Diehl, Amanda 57, 119. 171
Diete r, Kelley 171
Dietman, Jamie 171
D[etman, Taylor 65. 8.3. 89. 1-+9
Dietrich, Ellen 18, 20, 21, 108.
12-t, 125, 181, 18-t
Di Mauro. Vfa ria 119, 120, 137,
Dionibio, Brandie 107, 115, 162
Dixon. John 171
Dodge, Abhley 1-+9
Dodge, Sarah 171
Doerflinger, Richard 1-+9
Doerflinger, Ronald 150
Doherty, William 150
Dollar. Stephen 1-+3
Dolnik, Bryan 18-t
Dome, Corey 71. 105, 117, 118.
15-t, 171
Dom[nguez, Ivan 162
Dominguez, Mara 162
Dominguez, 'eotor -tO. 87. 162
Donahoe, Andrew 150
Donais, Kevin 18-t, 20-t
Donaio, Steven 162
Dopke, Daniel 139
Dopke, Ken 55, 1-+2, 181
Dorr, T[mothy 10-t, 116. 1-+5.
Draege r, 'ichola;,, 162
Drama Club 138
Dreger, v[elinda 9, 88. 89. 10-t.
119, 120. 121. 133. 137,
158, 171
Dreifke, Matthew 20, '1. 85, 91.
Drigot, Amber 123, 133. 162
Drive-Ins 214
Dryer, Heide 1-+3
Dubrava, Benjamin 171
Duffy, Bethanne 150, 156
Duffy, Kevin 127, 150, 156. 2-+5
DuFour, Travi<;71, 105. 117,
118, 18-t, 236
Dugan, Rebecca 119, 120, 162.
DeCeoarn, Jane 1-t3
Deeter, Ryan 56, 116, 119, 133,
DeFranco, Frank 62, 1-t9
DeFranco, Stephanie 60, 61, 18-t
DeHaan, Reece 62
Deihl, Amanda 120
Dejno, Katelyn 123, 1-+9
DeLaat, l\'atalia 1-t3
Delahanty, Greg 1-t3
Delaney, Kyle 161
Delany, Sarah 20, 27, 7 0, 93,
105, 120, 18-t, 192, 237
Delap, Marthew 18-t
Delloro, Derek 91, 115
Delmore, Dylan 162
Dembowsh David 63, 100, 1-+3
Dem;;ke, Dana 38, 57, 102, lO-t,
119, 120, 121, 128,
129, 138, 139, 1-tl, 162,
Demoke, Lindsay 118, 156
Derose, Adam 171
Dujarclin, Alexandra 8.3, 150
Duka;,, Derek 115. 150
Dulak, Brittany 2-t, 65. lO-t, 12-t,
130, 138, 139, 171. 2-t-t
Dulak, Stefanie 1, lO. 38. 57.
102, 105. 119. 120. 12&
130, 1-tl, 162, 217, 2-t-t
Dulaney, Keri 18-t, 219
Dunaway, Chriotopher 171
Dunaway. Vfichael 56. 127. 137,
Dunn, Rodger 1-+3
Dunwald, Mathew 12-t. 150
Dunwald, Vfegan 18-t
Dupey, Lauren 162
Duratinsky, }Obeph 20, 21. 116.
Duro.s, Ronald 1-+3
Dutton, Joel 87
Dwyer, Nathan 11-t, 115, 119.
Dwyer, Hyan 20. 21, 107, 116,
117' 119, 12:2, 18-t
faaru,, Jacob 12-t. 162
Ernrii,, Janet 1-+3
faaru,, Jennifer 51. 93. 105. 110.
faaru., Karie ?O, 105. 125. 1:30.
131. 171
faaru,, Tomrn) 8?. 151
Ewalcl Mari 1&+
EwakL Scon 162
Ew•ru,. \ml 17, 56. 110. 1? 1
Eweru,, A,hley 2-t, 7 7. 10-t, 1:20,
139. 162
ExSfAMPtional Qub 130
Ea,,eer, K' le 10-t, 150
E \ YT\'\ 201
Ebay 209
Eckholn~ \faeehew 116, l?l
Eckmann. Sean 162
Edmark. \IJy,on 5?. 110. 111.
Edmark, Jooeph 150
Edward,. Li.-a 108
Eggen. Braclle) 10-. 106. 10?.
115. 150
Eggen, l\1arrhew 20, 26, 3-t, 5?,
?5. 105, 10?, 117, 150.
180. 18-t. 236, 23?
Egf!;ert. \1ichael 7 5. 115. 150
Ehle!b. Counney 21. ll3. 119.
Ehlen. \aron 150
Ehlen. \1i hael 150
Ehnow. Edward 12-t. 162
Ei-enhauer. Hanna 12?. 162
Ekdahl. PiPrce 150
Ekdahl. Pre,,wn 150
Elder. K eleejo 162
Electronic Gadgets 164
El!(er. Eric 100, 101. 116. 1?1
Elgohari. Jennie 133. 18-t
Elli,,. \1eli.."a 68, 83. 89. 93, 1-+3.
162.2 1-t
Elmblacl Eruih 105. 108. 110.
111. 123. 150
Elmblad Erika 19. 20. 68. 83.
Ebr. Chri.,topher 108
Ebe. Emily 150
Ebe. \1ichael 108. 115. 150
Eh rici. \ nrhony 62. 150
Eherici. \ Pne--.a 80. 150
E\fER. PETEH L, O.D. 198
Emery. Loui.' 18-t
Endre. Philip 150
Energy Drinks 203
Engelbrecht. Jru,on 162
Engelmann. \farrhew 62, 151.
English as a Second Language 40
En!(lund Keber 8-t. 85. 18-t
En!(lund Za haw 96. 151. 2-+6
ngwi.-,, Da,-id 3'2. 60. 63, 1?1.
Epping. Benjamin 63. 85, 133,
Epping. Jo,eph 86. 8..,. 13.3. 162
Erdall. Charlie 86. 8..,
Erickson. Charlee 162
Erickson. Erin 123
Erickson, Janelle 62. 63, 115. 162
Erickson. Jayme 12?. 1?1
Erickson. K ;;,,rv 123. 151
Erickson. \fon;ca 18-t
Eria,on. '\ick 62
Ern,,,t. Roben 75. 1:-1
En,kine. Rran 91. 151
E.-,cobedo. J0;,e 162
E.-,cue. Ju-,tin 12-t. 151
E.,pino-a. tephanie -tO. 18-t
Evaru,. Heather 151
Fads and Trends 34
Faint. \manda 10-t. 125. l?l
Fal on, \1i hael 56, 61. 116. 118
Falduto, Abhton 62, 63. 9:3_ l.) I
Falduto. Paul 63. 18-t. 191
F .\ \1TLY & RESTOH.\Tl\ E
D · :\Tl.lTR\ 207
Family Ties to War in Iraq H3
Fanning, Joe 51, 1-+3
Farr ll. Ca,ey l? 1
Farruggio. Jo,eph 1.-1
Fashion Accessories 231
FBLA 132, 231
Fe kier, Ben 87. 171
FeiYor, Brandon 151
Fell. Larry 1-+3
Feltman, Kribten 1?1
Fennema. Paul 95
Fergu!:>on. JanPlle -+8
Ferkin, Amanda 151
Ferkin, Jeffrey 171
Ferraton. ..\nlber 127. 130. 1:39.
Fiecller. Jay 39
Fiecller, Michael 1-+3
Fi •ldb, ]eb,ica 137, 18-t
Fieldb, Pete 96. 137. 162
Field Trips 52
Figueroa. David 151. 2-+6
Figueroa, Joanne 172
Figueroa. Ro,a 18-t
Filter, Heidi 18-t
Fi,,cher, .\le" 115. 162
Fi,,ch r, Logan 128
Fi.,h, Reel Big 169
Fitten, Sam 115. 119, 151
FlacL Amy 162
Flahive, Kyle 87, 151
DAY PA 21-t
Flatley, Sean 7 , 8, 9, 63, 18-t
FloocL l\1olly 123, 162
FloocL Timoth) 18-t
Floreb. Dan 62, 101. 162
Floreb, Karl 172
Fluke, Tommy S:
Fh no, Tiffani 151
Fochb, hane 151
Fogleman. Terrance 115. 1.'37
Follak. Dan 75. 172
Folleru,bee, Ben 108, 109
Folleru,bee. helby 119. 120. 151
Fondt>r, Laquaw 172
Fonger. Chri,,toplwr I&+
Fomenom. \fanh w 13
Football 62
Fordwl! >,Paul 17
Foreign Exchange 40
Forrebt, Kari:,,,a 151
Fo-.binder, Zachar\ 15 l
Fountain, J.D. 16, ·103, 139, 1-+3,
Fournier, Jacob i-1, 1.5-t
Fo'<, ErniiY 33. -9, 68, 115, 119.
1-il, 151, 2·H
Fo'<, hannon 123, 151
Franci._,,, Ale'< 71, 162
Franke, Donna 1-+3
Franklin, \\ illiam 20. 18-t
Frru,er, Lurena 162
Frazer, Cory 172
Frederick, Jalybbe 172
Frederick, JLI!:>tin 95, 162
Frederick, Randy 62, 151
Free, Kl le 172
FREE00\1 V ;-QJ'\G
. ER VICE 215
Freeman, Chad 172
Fre man, i'\aehen 162
Frei, Cynthia 162
reiberg. Hebecca 1, 7, 11. 22.
57.59. 77. 10-. 120.
128. 1-tl, 15-t, 162.2-t-t,
Frernurek, Patri ·ia 1-+3
Frenner. Sarah 17, 5..,. 98, 99.
110. 172
Freshmen First Day 150
Fri kt', \lex 85, 162
Friecll, Samantha 89, 151
Fritz, Isa 108
Fritz, Keidi 108
Fritz, Hoben 162
Frobt, Jared 12, 15. 56, 7 5, ?8.
107, 116, 119. 172
Froot, Sara -+7, 57, IQ;), 119. 120.
139, 1?2, 2.).5
Fro,,t. Score 6, 17, -t9, 56, 10-t.
105, 10?, 1T. 167, 172,
178, 236
Ff\e, Elle ?7
Fr\e. Hichard 71, 18-t
Fu"aate. Aaron 162
Fugat \ A,,hley 162
Fugate. Jo,,hua 185
Fuhrer, Braclley 151
Fuhrer, David 172
Fuller, \nthony 172
Fuller. Karla 93, 115. 162
Fuller. Tony 33, 11?
Fullin, Ker; 73
Fulm r, Kaleigh 83. 86, 89, 1?2
Fulmer, Tayler 65, 10;), 110. 122.
123. 162
Fulton, Dana 20, 21. 27, 57, 10-t.
10-, 108, 158. l81, 185,
20-t, 236, 2:37
Fuqua, Erik 151
Furlin, Joe -+3.
Furloni., abrina 108, 123, 162.
FLI!:>co, Amanda -9, 102, Hl, 162
Gabriel, '\oah 20, 185
Gaerrn r. Rebecca 162
Gaga!:>, Chad H 3
Gagliardo, Liba 127. 162
Galiez, Colin 116, 118, 172
Gallion, \1arr 115, 162
Gallo, \ndrea 6, 17, -+8. 56, 73,
10-t. 119. 120. 1?2
Gallo. Caitlrn 73. 93, 137, 139.
1?2. 173
Gaming ysterns 201
Gandy, John 7, 22 ..30, 38, 59,
. 102. 115, 128. 1-tl, 162.
1?8. 199
Gann, Re!X'cca -+8..)6. 70, 93,
103. 105, 119. 120, 17 2
Gapen, Aaron 162
Garage Bandb 153
Garay, Gloria 116. 120. 117. 1?2
Garai. Haymond 62. 162
Carce,,, Be°len 162
Garcia, Cynthia ?0, 119, 120, 185
Garcia, Chri..-,tina 16. 20. 21, -+-+.
.)7, 10.5. 10?. 119, 120.
13-t. 185. 23..,
Garcia, Deena 162
Garcia, Freddy 70, 7 1. 91, 93
Garcia, Gabe 87
Garcia, Marco 172
Garcia, \1eli.."a -+ 7 , 70. 117. P2
Gar ia, Patric 1. 172
Garcia, Porfirio 1?2
Garcia, Haul -t5, 162
Garcia, Sandra 13?
Garren. Briclgme 162
Gru,coigne. \rnber 77. 123. 151
Ga,,,, Pamela 77
Ga!:> Price" 185
Gaurhier, Sura 151
Gavre, Brit' 6,). 115
Gavre, Brieanna 93. 162
Gazarkie"1cz. Parrick H3
Gedelei, Kayla 115, 162
Gehri, April 77, 87, 151
Gehri, Tim 86. 87, 133
DF~'-TlSTRY 202
Gentner, Kevin 12-t, 137, 151
Gentz, Ab 56, 108, 116, 118,
George, Adam 151
Gerdeb, Mi ·helle 83. H3
Gerla h, Amy 62, 63, 105, 151
Gerlach, Michael 16, 18.5
German Qub 136
Genh, Ka, h n 73, 105, 120, 162
Gianeselli,">vtarr 100, 101, 172
Gift Cards 206
Gill, \1ichael 108
GlLLTGAl\ .. ,\ RE!'<UT,
DON A. ATfOH. :EY 226
Gilmore, \1ichael 1?2
inter, Shane 62, 91. 162
iombeni, Briuan} 1, 139, 162
Girrin, Cod) 61
C Ja,,, \\ a ltl'r 96, CJ!
Cla~,,man. Ku) la 19. <>:3. 185
Cleabon, \1onica 162
Gleru,on, Sarah 185, 2-+6
C ioni!:>, Stewn 15 1
Gl(l\er, Shawnuw 137, 139, 151
Godin, Dm1d 96, 97. 105, 162
GODli'\, GER.\GHTY &
PL:\TILLO., .C. 198
Godin, Megan 11. ~7. 70, 10.).
128, 185, 197,2-tl
Goe,,, Aja 65, 105, 120. 121. 123,
15 1
Golden Strings 118
Goldbmith. Toma,, 67, 96. Ii-.
119, 137, 151
Goldbeein, Corey 56, 9-t, 95, 172
Golf, Boys 94
Golf, Girls 68
Gollaz, o,car 172
Golownia, ALI!:>tin 62. 1:-1
Gomez, Joquin 71, 91
Gonnering, Ja ob 62. 63, 133,
185. 189
Gonzale , ci lia 15 1
Gonzaleb, Isabel 86
Gonzales, Leandra 130, 133, 162
Gonzales, Sabrina 162
Goodenough. Jo.,h 62
Gordon, \1arilyn 151
Gorman, Janice 5.3, H3
Gorman. Katelyn 61. 98, 151
Gorn1an. Kimberly H 3
Go,,chy. '\"ichola!:> fJ2. 151
Go,,,,elin. Kurr 1. 7. 11, 19, 20,
21, 22, 25,38,-t5,50.
57, -9, 67. 102. 10-t,
10-. 112, 113. 128. 130.
13..1, 13-t, 1-t 1. 181. 185.
195. 2.37. 2-+2. 253
Gott David 86, 185
Couch, Jermain 85
Gough, Jonathan 115. 151
Gourclou'<, :\i holru, 67. 172
Graduation 20
Grad Parties 195
Graf, Holly 98
Gragen, Kirn 89, 120. 162
Graham. Jaimie 115. 133. 162
Graru,ee, John H3
Grant, Jacobi 133, 172
Greathow,e, Jeff H 3
Greco, Bianca 80
Griffey, .\ndrew 78, 151, 153
Griffin, GocJy 95. 151
Griffin, De~ick 20. 63. 85, 133.
Griffin, Grant 151
Griffith, Kara 9, 73, 162
Griffithb, Eric 62, 85. 101, 10-t,
1 i-, 119, 163
Grimmer, \aron 75. 158, 172
Gri,,wolcL Sarah 12 7 , 185
Grob, Jennifer ~9, 65, 83, 163,
Gromacki, Kairlin 7 0, 89, 10-t.
115, 163, 169
Gro,.,,,, Rocl83
Groups Divider 102
Grundman, Jeffe1y 151
Guara!:>cio. Arayel 65. 83, 98.
123. 151
Gucciardo, ~icole 163
Gudmuncbon, Braclley 151
Guerrero, Angelica 12-t, 163
Guerrero. Jotihua 151
Guido, Li:,a 1-+3
GLI!:>raf~,on, pril 1?2
Gutierrez, "ornm 172
Gutierrez, Ri hard l51
Guttornlben. Kri:, -+-+, 57 • ?3.
83, 10-t, 167, 172
Gunornii,en. Lauren 16?
CE.'\TEL'l 209
"The new highrise
Brindisi Apartment building website in Kenosha
is quite modern. It looks
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-soph. Lydia Huck
lTaag, Greg 115, 163
Habel, Cathe 123, 163
Habel, Kara 57, 108, 117, 172
Hagen. Alex 62, 163
Hagen, Sarah 9, 19, 2 1, 65, 10-t.
186, 195
Hagen. Stephanie 26, 65, 8.'3,
105, 163
Hagerty, Tyler 116, 172
Halas, Sarah 98, 151
Hall, Elizabeth 52, 73, 10-t, 11 5.
119, 163, 169
I Iall, Kamara 20, 137, 237
Hallgren, Jennifer 186
[ [ambroc k, Alexander 128, 137,
139, 151
llamill, Jamie -t9, 56, 125, 172
[[amill, \1ike 11 5, 163
[ [amilton, Daniel 87, 186
[Jamilton, Kristi 115, 122, 123.
163, 178
[Jamm, Josh 12-t, 151
[[ammil, Mike 119
Hammye, Daniel 130, 151
Hanken, Zachary 151
Hansen, Dave 15-t
llansen, Deborah 1-t3
Hansen, Fawn 62, 63, 123, 151
llansen, Jacklyn 123. 151. 163
Ilansen, Mark 172
Hanson, Dave 12-t, 127, 172
l lanson, Jacob 172
Hanzalik, Cameron 151
Hardin, Shaney 186
I lardy, Todd 89, 1-t3
Hardy, Troy 127, 1-t3
1-larebo, Heather 151
Harebo, Hyon 172
Harker, Huth 1-t3
Harmon- mith, Jessica 93
Harmon- mith, Samantha 93,
11-t, 115, 151, 163, 179
Harold, William 25, -t5, 105, 118,
119, 120, 127, 139, 163
Harpster, Andrew 115, 119, 163
Harris, Allison 110, 186
Harris, Sam 57, 77, 10-1, l 16,
117, 120, 139
Harris, Sharmain 63, 85, 13.'3,
llarroll, Matthew 151
Hart, Ronald 163
Hart, Whitney 77, 172
I lartenll, Kristy 83
liartlieb, Samantha 163
llartnell, Kayla 123
llartnell, Britney 56, 103, 119,
Hartnell, Derek 60, 61, 186
Hartnell, Kayla 77, 139, 163
Hartnell, Kristy 89, 163
1-lartschuh, Linda 1-t-t
l lurbtern. Katt i) n 108
l larvey, Tiaria 93. 15 1
l larwick. Sarah 1-t-t
I la:,elwa nder, David 115, 163
I la;,elwander, Jennifer 120, 186
I la:,sel, Jordan 172
I lassler, Ti111 7 1. 107. 125, 163
l [a upt, Ma ll 2:3
I lawbaker. Robert 1·1
H awk ins, Steven 163
I Lawley, La moy ne 63
I [ay nes, Victoria 163
I laywoocl, David 27, 63, 172
Healthy Routines 19'2
l 1egarn:>on, Sean 125
Tfegewalcl, Melisoa 12.5, 13.'3, 186
H eideman, Hay 1-t-t
H eideman, Sally 1-t-t
Tl ein, Chris 75, 186
[ l einke. Ricky 119
I lelgesen, Joy 120. 186
l l ellqueot, Micheal 125
l lellquist, Eric 63, 87, 116, 118
l lellquist, Michael 163
l lellquist, Robert Eric 172
[ [elminger, Sara 123, 151
[ [endrich, Tyler 15 1
[lendrichon, Michael 172
r lendrix , Sarah 3-t, 56, 98, 10-t
130, 172, 175
H enkes, Rachel 12-t, 172
H enne. Christine 120, 172
llenningfielcl, Sara 62, 63
1Ienry, Kelli 151
l lenthorn. Kylene 28, 127. 139
I lerbrechtorneier, James 95
!Ierchia n, Whitney 73, 10.5, 115,
l lernandez, Kayla 110, 137
I [ernandez, Kim 73, 186
H ernandez, Pris ilia 123, 137 ,
H ernandez, Zuley ka 172
llerr, Brandon 18. 138, 139, 186
H err, Diana 151
I !err, Jonathan 186
H errera, Karla -tl. 172
H errera, Luis 107
H errera, Yuly 15 1
H errick. Sedge 11.5. 118, 119,
I lerrma nn, Andy 139, 223. 16-t
H erron, Keith 85, 125
H erron, Aohley 172
Herzog, Kyle 186
H ess, Keith 9, 172
I [essefort, Aohley 107, 125, 139,
172, 183
l leyden, Logan 10-t. 172
!Iigginbonom, Adam 172
I lilcl, Corey 95, 16-t
I li ldebrandt, Jordan 75, 96, 97,
Hildreth, Lauren 98, 115, 119,
llilker, Deborah 1-t-t
llill, Katie 56, 172
llill, Matt 95, 10-t, 151
llill, Tony 62
Hillman, Patrick 11 9, 120, 152
[ linclo, Andrew 152
llinclo, Ian 186
lliroch, Alec 100
llobbo, Cameron 152
Hockey 86
llockney, Kayla 172
lloey, Jake 137 , 16-t
lloey, Matthew 152
Iloffenkamµ, Lucao 133, 16-t
Hoffman, Evan 62, 95, 152
lloffman, PJ 89
TIogan, Pat 116
[ Iogan, Robert 187
I loganson, Sa m 12, 20, 7 1, 96,
107, 187
llolcomb, Dr. Paula 11-t
Holl is, Leah 73. 115, 16-t
l lolma n, Brad 130, 133. 16-t
Holmes, K'wenisha 187
l foist, Chace 16-t
Homecoming 8
[!oover, Handy 101
l lopf. Gabby 130, 172
Hopkins, Sara l 15, 16-t
[ lorn, teve -t6, -17, 71, 91, 105,
128, 13-t, 172. 19'2
f.l ost, Dia na 1-t-1
IIousa ma n, Allyson 73, 115, 16-t
rIowze, Jeman 58, 91
Ilubbarcl, Ash ley 187
Huchins, Stacy 77
Huck, Lydia 38, 55, 57, 59. 129.
1-t 1, 16-t, 2-t 7
Hudson, 123
l ludson. Christina 12-t
Hughes, Troy 133. 16-t
llujik, Alexa 17, 20, 21, 105,
107, 125, 130, 187
Hujik, Marc 63
Hujik, Tyler 37, 62, 105, 156,
Ilumphres, Kathy 1.'37
Hunt, Kourtney 187
Hutchins, Stacy 170, 187, 196
I lutchinson, Patrice 120, 152
Ilutoon, icholas 152
Hutson, Ryen 110, 111, 120, 152
lfya tt, Alexander 75, 16-1
Hykes, La ura 172
Hylinski, Markie 15, 26, 56, 93,
10-t, 150, 172, 21-t
favorite jelly bean from
the Jelly Belly Factory, is
just so tasty!"
-sr. Joel Jahnke, Jr.
Jablonski. Severyn -tO
Jacinto, Rene 139
Jackson, Abiga il 15, 73, 93, 13-t,
Ja kson, Amanda 110, 117, 172
Jackson, Andrew 187
Jackson, Gavin 19, 96, 113, 13-t,
187, 192
Jackson, Jess ica 80
Jackson. l\athan 172
Jackson. '.\'ikita 172
Jackson, Paul 3-t, 95, 105, 132.
133. 187, 195
Jackson. Sarah 120
Jacobs. Aaron 172
Jacobo. Anclro 152
Jacobsen, Amanda 115, 16-t
Jacoby. Sandra 1, 1H
Jaeger, Kyle 172
Jahnke, Joel 20, 63. 91. 10-t, 105.
180, 187. 236,237,2-t7
Jaklin, H eather 16-t
\1.D. 210
Jankovic, Velirnir 187
Jankovic, Zarko 75, 152
Japan Club 136
Jaquish, Brynn 70, 89, 127, 133,
farina, Jennifer 77, 187
Jarzabek, Alicia 57, 88, 89. 105.
Jaskolski. Elyssa 89, 16-t
Jaskolski. Jakob 165
Jasper. Brinney 98. 125. 139
Jaoso. Carissa 123. 165
Jaz, Hugh 105
Jazz Band 118
Jechorek, Emily 123. 152. 173
Jeclkins, Steven 152
Jeep, Adam 116, 120, 187
Jenkins, Alexandra 187
Jenkins, Isaiah 152
Jenkins, Makayla 89, 1.52
Jenkins, Thaucleus 13.3, 187
Jensen. Amber 187
Jensen. Jaclyn 16, 56. 105. 119,
120. 1.'37, 172. 196.223
Jensen, Marilyn 1-t-t
Jensen, Phillip 62. 91. 1:-2
Jerikova. Veronika 20. 36, 59.
Jett, De Shaun 165
Jewell, 0icole 152
Johnson, Alex 95, 10-t, 152
Johnson_ Andrew 62. 78. 91. 152
Johnson_ Benjamin 95, 185. 187
Johnson, Braclley 78. 91. 115.
119, 133, 152
Johnson. Chad 3. 9. SL 101. 10-t.
119. 120, 165
Johnson_ Corbett 187
Johnson_ Darius 8-t. 152
Johnson_ Evan 152
Johnson, Grant 85
Johnson, V!egan 73, 10-t, 133.
Johnson. Peter 20, 78. 1-t-1, 187,
Johnson. Rebecca 152
Johnson, Hoss 85, 172
Johnson, Scott 152
Johnson, Skyla r 120
Johnson, Taylor 173
Johnson, Terrica 173
JOH!\SO'.\' BA:\l< 223
Johnston, Allison 2-t. 83. 89, 123,
Johnston, Amanda 12. 17, 20, 35.
57, 106. 107. 125. 187
Johnston. Skylar 137 , 152
Ranger. The insurance
can be expensive even after taking drivers ed. and
honors classe lowered
my starting rate. "
-sr. Timothy Ipsen
Iannone, Christina 16, 120, 187
Ide, askia -tO, 137
lEA , ING 233
Imhoff, Alexander 172
l nfusino, Donna 1-t-t
Ingram, Nicole 16-t
l STY-PH!i\'TS 23-t
International Club 136
International ews 32
iPod ano 199
Ipoen. Timothy 20, 36, 116, 119,
120, 187,2-t7
Irish, Ryan 1-t-t
Iotvanek, \1egan 9, 110, 159, 16-t
Italian Club 136
The lure of free music
sparked teens to join the 8.5
million illegally downloading
songs and videos.
'"I like Bubba SparHx'8 '\1 .
·ew Booty' because I h ave a
g hetto booty. ~
-soph. Sabrina Furloni
Haag - Johnsto
Jnnr,, Cha rli<• 1:36
Jonr,.., Chri,.,1ia n 1;) 2
Jone,.., Da niel 173
Jone,.., Dayna 77, 10-. 116. 118
Jonr,.,, Erika 83. 115, 16.:>
Jone,.,, C riffi1h 20, 7 1. 1:3-t, 187
Jone,.,, \ 1onica 8.3, 98, Cf..). 1 17,
Jone,.., Parrick 165
Jone,, Sarah 1::P. 152
Jone,.., Senti 1++
Jone», Tre,·or 12-t. 152
Jordan. Ca_,..,.,andra 3 ..5-t, l 19.
120. 125. 163. 163. 17.Jor-ch. Jamr' 3<l, 1-t-t
Jo,..lin. T ru' -i' 22. 87, 115, 128,
JoZ\\-iak, Ka, lu 93, 152
Juurrz, '\miilit• 1:23, 1.'3'2. 13.3
Junge. Felicia 1:3.3
Junkerma n., Jace 187
Junkerma n, T, ler 152
Jupp. \ ,,hie) i08
l\: a mlri, \ sma 1.37
Ka nga.,.,, Tri "tan 152
Ka pplehoff. \la ttht>" 173
Kara-,1i. K ri_sta 20. 110. 123, 20-t
l\: a rnp,.,, Rohe n 152
l\: a,,pt>r, \la rie H-t
Ka tz. \1 eli.,..,,a 17:3
Kmalaw,ka,,, Budd 127. 173
Karnlaw,ka,,,, Laura 127
!\:a, <'. KieNe n 16S
KDYA 134
Kea1ing, Chri,,topher 57. 113,
117, 128, 173
KE \Tl:\C. LO HE..' \ J..
\TIO H '\"El 222
TIO'\ 2:3:3
Kenosha Hot pots 223
K E;' \OSHA :\"EWS 22-t
POLI CE \ .'SO l \ T IO'\
mm [\C ' CH OO L
Kacz murPk. Pett'r 116. 17::3
Kaddutz. Tom 6 1
Kaden. Derek 87 . 152
Kadri. \ snm 115. 152
Kagiul. Pa ul 1:23
Kala n., Oza n -t8. 173
Kalcic. Karrina 1 H. 115. 119.
Kulow ki. La ine 187
CE." \TER 2 H
K E:\OSH \ TIH F... l:\ . 198
KPrn. Spen ·er 20. 2 1. 2.3, :36. 187
Kern. Trm~ 152
K rr, . John 18 1
Ker-ten. Ka rnru S?. 68, 117
Ke,.,,, inge r, Jame> 6 1
Kexel, Kim 1-t-t
Key Club 130, 208
Kibar. Cory 9.5
Kiczula. F~a nr is 62. 16.5, 176
Kiczula, Vlichael -t2. 63, 91. 187
K iela,,,-Va lenzuela, Johnatha n
Kine, Be reket 11.:i, 119, 1.37. 1.52
K-TO \~ :\
Kimee, Lincbe\ Cf.)
King. Debora Ii H-t
King. HLL,,,eu lH. H 6, 237
King. T iffany 17.3
Kinne1, \1an Lou H-t
Kinzi<:, \1 ichael 17;3
Kirduwr, \nm\ 10-t, I LO. 116,
Kirkegaard. Brian 7 1, 96, 152
Ki,,lia, K1 le 1.52
Kiu , Da nit'i 11:-, 165
Kiu , '\icolle 57. 77, 117, 128,
136, 137, 173
Klabunde, \ manda 11 6, 118. 17:3
Kl appa, Jona thon 130, 165
Klaw,ch, Betha nit> 56, !05, 12-t,
Kl<>gg. VJ.a n 96
Kling. C race 173
Kloct. '\irole 77, 1:38, 139. 165.
Klo1Hein, Anne 173
Klo1}otein, Derek 173
Klopstt>in, E mil) 98, 11 6, 11 7,
11 9. 16.:i. 169
Klu\'er, \my 12., 16.)
Kluver, Ke,,;n 16;)
Kluver, Ku11 187
Kmi!'c, Lind,,e) 56, 63. 8.3, 98,
99, 173
Kmiecik, Vl anhew .56. 96, 18.3
Kna pp, ourtne) 110, 152
Knoke, Kipp 1.52
Knutter, l\le..:a nd r 173
Knuuti. VJ.ichael -t9, .52, 96. 9 7 ,
17-t, 2 10
Kodnea, Kevin 96, 165
Koehne, Alex 107. 125, 17-t
Koe-;,,[, Ryan 20, .57, 7-t, 75, 10-t,
187. 2.38
KoheL '\ ichola.-, 6:2. 152
KolacPk, \hrned :3.3, 105, 12S.
175, 187
Kolan, Oza n 103
Kollma n. Peter H-t
KolnHh, F..dwa rd 62, 87. 105.
125. 16 Konitzer, \bigail 9. 73. 17-t.2-t8
Kollt'"ky . Brandon 3-+. 10-, 165
Kope" k) . Li,,a 1H
Km"cz. Krl,,tine 83, 89. 152
Kornder. \i[ichelle .57 ..- 9. 7 7. 80,
10-t, 11 3. Hl , 17-t. 176
Ko,,itzk) , B<>nja min 39, 191
Ko,,ludw r, Fra nk 19, 187
Ko,ter, Drake 11.5, 152
Ko,,up. Ja,,on 187
Ko,,up. Jrn,hua 1.'3.'3. 187
Kon <' n, I lt•a ther 152
KOTTI •:'.\, \ EH'.\, l'\SL H1\ '\CE
& Fl'\ \:\ Cl \ L SER\ ICE.' 2 19
Kraeut er. '\ichola" 116. 119, 120.
Kra nich, Ja111ie H-t
Kra,, ·• \1art 62
K rato" ·icz, John 62
K rau-,. I.eah 187
KrmN\ \ uron 7, 38, !02, l 17,
128. 1-tl, 17-t, 187, 19 1,
Krathl\ Jrhhua 165
KratN\ Kt>ith 115. 165
Kraw,e, \.1 adcl ine 37, 60, 123,
K raw,e, Ma tthew 59, 102, ll5,
128. 1-t 1, 1.)0, 1.) 2
K rau;,e, Shawna 38, 16.)
Kreager, Chrl,,topher 10-t, 188
Krehbd, i\ly;,sa 7.3, 123, 152,
Kreier, Kimberl) 62, 6:3. 8-t, 85,
12-t. 188
Krerowicz. Sam 115, 119
K re»;,e, Pa ul H-t
Kreu.,er, \ rna nda 120, 1<>5
Krok, Sall\ H-t
K rol, Kendra 2 1
Kruca>, Kayci 123. 152
Kruege r, Da niel LOI , 17-t
K rueger, Da nielle 20, 7:3, 87,
10.:>. 165, 188
Krueger, Emil) 17-t
K rueger, Srnn 188
Krueger, T imoth) 1.52
Krw,e, Vlat) 1-t-t
K ubia k. Pa ul 17-t
Kubica, l\il a nha 17-t
Kuehne, !~ ton 1.39, 16.)
Kua ler, La ure n 130. 13 1
Kugle r, Leigh 130
Kuhl, C')"ta l 152
Kulvik , Chri;,coffer 10.:>. 13.3, 17-t
Kunich, De,1n 17-t
Kuper. \ aron 107
Kupfer, Ellen l+t
Kupfer, R) a n 87
Kupka, Edwa rd- , 7, 10, 38. 5-t.
55, 102, H2. 181
K w,s, \ lexa ndra 68, 120. 152
K wa,,,. Jennifer 2-t, 77, 105, 120.
152, 1.-9
Kwia tk o" " ki., Chri,, 10-t. 12-t
G iving in to sweet s urre nde r a;,
obe:,ity ,,wept a third o f tee n,,
students nacked o n c hocola te
found in commo n;, mac hine;,.
'The fla vor of R ,e,,e\, Twix
a nd Kit Ka t a re mo,t ple&.urable to my t a;, t ebutl~.''
-jr. 'I on) '\ <'l~on
. . . . . .m11 . . . . Reese's
. . . . . . .g53
Lal.>C.1 nmv-,ky, P eter 1.30, 1.31, 17-t
La Barge, Pa ige 107, 123, 17-t,
LaBell, Chad 63
LaBelle, Da niel 71, 9 1, 2.56
LaBellt\ Luk e 75, 91, 10-t, 17-t
Ladd. Jaoon 87, H-t
Ladou;,a, \ ndy 125
I,aff recli, Cry,,tul 16.5
J ,u hti, C:lw rh 16.)
L.\K E\ IE\\ HECPLE \ :21.i
La rnhen. l la1 le\ 188
La mothe. Bra< UP1 17-t
Lung, Helx·crn 9;3_ 108, 11 0. 11 L
12:3, 163. 2 10
La nge. Kad wrine 123. 1.) 2
La ngenhaC'h. K) lie 17-t
La ngi<') . \rnnncla 11 9. 188. 189
La ng,, ton, \ nt hon) 1.):2
Latlg;,ton, Pa trick 62. 6:3
La r,,en. bhlt>y 152
Laroen. &·tl w n\ 93. 1.) 2
La r,cn. Jacob -t'.), "'8
La r;,en. Kev in 11 6. 137, 1-t-t. 17-t
La rsen, Linda .38, H-t
La roen. T rac) ;)?. 10-t, 128, 18 1.
La,,,,, RHtn 152
La urent, Jeff 75
Laurenz i, Du,, tin 116, 117. l 19.
1-tO, 153. 17-t
La un·nzi. Kri'>l i 16. 88. B<J. 10-t.
1 1:3, 12.5. 1::33. 17-t
Lauzon. Katelyn 108. 12:3. 16.5
Lavey, Loi,, 1-t-t
Lawlor, Ta) lor 16.)
La wlor, Zal' har, 9 1. 188
Lawton. \l y,~a·89
Layburn. 0 1ri, 1opher 1.)2
J,aza re\1('. s,I\ ka 80
Leable, Bre nt 17-t
Leable, Britta ny 123. 16.:>
Leable. Erik .56. 11 8. 17-t
Lt>ach. Bria n 17:3. 17-t
Leach. Chri -,tina 28. 98, 10-t.
108, 122, 123, 127, 16.S
Leach, Je"' ica 117. 188
Leal, \ na 152
I.<·al, Pri.,cilla 20
Leber. \ ,,hl1·1 12:3. 16.)
Leber, Brett ()2. 12-t, 165
Leberecht , Kelli 165
Lechw,z. Ja nw-, 165
Le<Uow, Katie 152
Lee, Carrie .39. 98. 10:2. 11 9. 1:20.
128. HI. 16.:i. 2 19
l,ec, 1lanna h 68, 8.'3, 12:3, 102
LPe. Jenn, 86
Lehma n, .Bria n 1.32
Lehma n, E mih 120. 1S2
Lehma n, ]a mt:, 87. 1.52
Lehma n, K ri-,w 110. 188
Lehnerl . Sha rron H-t
Lehrke. Kyle 152
Leibha n. '\il'ole -t6. -t 7 . 12-t. 188
LPidlein, r::i(' ll(> 9, .56. LO?. 11 9.
120, 1:37. t:39. 188, 199
Leicllein, Joey 75. 115. 1:37, 139
Leigh, Rya n 188
Lt> ipzig. \ly"a 17-t
Lei.-,chow. Dia m• H .)
I,citing, Vl urk 95, 188
Leker, Duvid 17-t
Leker, E rin 123, 152
Le rr ray , K ri;, 62
LEM\ Y \ LTO S. \LES :20:~
Lemke, Linda H .5
Lena rt, Judy H .)
GHI, SHl.;:S 20-t
Le ndma n, Ka ri 176. 188
Le no, Jay 127
Leona rcL; ]a rrrie 159, 188
Lt'onard, Sa ru 62, 12:3, I:l.'3
Leona rd, Tro) 75, 9 1, 1o:3. 108.
109. 115, 119. 1.39, 16.:>
Lt>one, Carnillu.., 5-t, 11:3, 188
Leone, Ka rina 11.5. 152
Le.., niew..,ki, Amanda 188
Le\\ a nd, Roger 63
Lewilo. Jo;,h 62
Lewi;,, VJ.ik P 7:3
Ley;,, R) a n 17-t
Li, Xue Ch •n -tO, 152
Lichtenheld, K ri-,ta H 5
Li111hac h. J\ ichola,, 101 , 165
Lindqui--,t, i\manda 7 , 89, 10-t,
11 5, 165
Lingvay, ;\ichola;, 101. 16
Linton. Denialle 165
Lip1x,rt, Stepha nie 98. 115, 152
Litt el. K1 le 62, 91, 125, 165
Littcl, viatthew 62, 9 1, 108, 12-t,
Little, i\ imee 188
Lit z, Kay la 123
Liu. \n tPlia 123. 153, 2-±8
Lian a~. Connie 1-+5
Lobdell, Lakesh ia 1-t, 165
Lobdell, Quane;;ha 153
Local ews 30
Locker Decorations 17 6
Loewen, Abby 139, 188
London. Phillip 175
Long, Alex i;; 20, 2 1, 50, 57, 73,
105, 108, 109, 119, 120,
130, 170, 188,237,238
Long Distance Relationships 183
Lopez, Hosa 165
Love. \1eli;;sa 175
Lovet ro. Anthony 91, 175
Lo1•e1ro, \ilatthew 108, 109. 12-t,
Lucas. Katelynn 175
Lucas, Rebecca 57, 128, 188
Luciani, \ lbert 133, 188
Lucia no. Tino 62
Lucke. \bigail 2-t, -+6, 53. 73,
10-t. ll5, 199, 13-t, 165.
203, 2 13, 2-t-t
Ludtke, Jonatha n 175
Ludwig, Ka tie 77, 153
Lukawski, Elizabeth 115. 153
Lukawski, Stepha nie 120. 165
Lumley, Brittany 70. 93, 105,
118. 119. 120, 165
Lumley, Emily 65, 89, 105, 107,
. 112. 12-t, 125
Lumley, Jacob 153
Lumle)·, Jess ica 116, 119, 165
Lund Eric 56, 7 8, 117, 175
Lundgren, Cilbert 115, 165
Lundquii;t, Dale 175
Lupo, [feat her 73, 120, 175
Lurquin. James 67, 105, 108. 153
Luther. Amanda 188
Ly mon, Lurshure 153
L\·nch, Brian 12
L)·nch. E mily 73, 105, 153
Lyne, Ca meron 115, 125
L)·nn. Brandon 85, 133, 16
\fac, Carioa 108
\1acalu;;o. 1icholas 188
\1acareno, Catrina 153
\1acareno, Gina 20, 70, 188, 226
"1acCready, \ila ureen 12, 108,
123, 165
"1ack. Carllia 13, 3.5. 123. 165
"1ack, teven 7.S, 115, 153
Made r, Amy 188
Madllion. Laura 103, 115, 153
Madrigal Feaste 12
Madrigal Musicians 106
Madrigal Performers 108
Madsen. Dani el -±0
\ fadsen. faic 71 , 175
\ilae rzke. Kathleen 153
\ilagee, Chelbea 17 6
\ilagee. Kyley 5 1, 12-t
Maguire, Maeve 130, 131
Mahone, Lan 91, 12-t, 153
\1a honey. Kathryn 77. 89. 105,
116, 117, 156, 165
Mahoney, Matthew 18, 20, 27,
78, 10-t, 105, 116 156,
Ma honey, \11.ega n 77, 89, 105,
115. 153, 156
Majerick, John 78, 1-+5
Mak i, Andrew 62, 85. 100, 101,
\ilaki, Brt in.i 68
Ma ksen, BiU 63
\ilander felcl, Kay 1-±5
\ila ndernack, Gary 188
\ila nfrecl, Jerica 56, 105, 110,
12-t, 175
\1anoke, Matthew 153
\ilanthei, Aly;;on. 6. 20, 57, 98,
99, 1-+5, 188
\ilaradey, Alexandria 7 3, 119,
120, 133, 165
\ilarano, Mallory 9, 175
\1archant, Kody 67
\1arcoe, Leah 11 6, 117, 120, 165
\1a rescalco, Bill 6 1
\ilarianyi, Alex 116, 117, 119,
\1 a rinelli. Joshua 165
\1a rita, Scott -±3, 67, 165
\1ark , RoSb 87, 116, 117. 120,
\1ark. Tiffini 89, 115, 137, 153
\1arran, Kathryn 65, 80, 115
\ilarshall, Andrew 1 H , 115, 16-t
\1a rs hall, Cole 1-+5
\1arshall, [an 115
\1artin, Aaron 165
\1a rtin, Chrii;tian 175
\1artin, Chrii;topher 56, 7-t, 75,
133, 175
\1anin, Katherine 165
\1artin, Kristan 7 0, 10-t, 173
\1artin, \1olly 70, 89, 165
\11.artinelli, Gina 73, 88, 89, 105,
"1artinelli, Pasquale 175
Martinez, Vlarizza 10-t, 175
\ilartinez, Ricardo 91, 188
\ila rtyniak, Alyssa 7 3, 108, 123,
\ilarzolf. Amanda 29, 7 3, 89, 165
Masonic Youth 186
\ila;;sie, Allyson 57, 59, 102, 123,
128, 133, 165
\1a;;tronarcli, Sarah 9, 70, 10-t,
108, 12-t
\ila;; ucl, K ashfia 20, 36, -±6, -+ 7,
105, 128, 136, 137' 188,
2 19, 239
\1atera, John -±9, 101, 1-+5
Mathew, Subin 175
\ila thia;;, Melinda 15, 89, 123,
139, 165
Math is Jr., Terrence 188
Math Team 113
\ila trioe, Frank 63, 1-+5
Matson, Josh 63, 108
Matt ner, Shane 139, 188
Matye, \!like 183
\ila urer, Steve 1-+5
Maxi-Mag Divider 22
May, Ma rgaret 153
May, William 115, 153
May-Davidson, Samantha 165
Mayer, Amy 1-tMayer, Betsy l-+5
"1ayers, Arnanda 130, 165
\fayers, ·icholas 125, 175
\!laze, Shabar 130
Mazzolin.i, Carl 62, 153
McBride, Sha nnon 57. 120, 137.
\1cCancy, Llewelyn 8-t, 153
McClinton, Albert 62. 153
\1cClo ne, David 16 1, 175
\1cConnick, Ashley 153
\ilcCormick, Michael 166
\ilcCrea, Robert 62, 100, 15-t
McCullough, Kelsey 175
\ilcDaniel, Joshua 15. 62. 133,
McDermott, Zachary 188
\ilcDonalcl, Laura 65, 98, 99,
12-t, 175
McDonough, Kendra 166
McElroy, Blake 15-t
McGinley, Sarah 123, 166
McGinn, Michael 62
\1cGlinn., Diane 62, 63, 120, 15-t
\1cGraw, Chris 10 1
\1cKay, \!like 63, 78. l-+5
\1cKim. Sean 93, 1-+5
McKinley, Lindsay 62. 63, 123,
\1cK night, \ilereclith 175
Mc\1ahon. Jess ica 115, 15-t
\1c\1a;;ter, Ains Ley 7. 10, 12, 22,
57, 102, 105, 108, 120.
128, 130, 131. 133, 1-t 1,
Mc\1aster, Allllion 51, 105, 108,
115. 130. 131, 133. 1-+8,
150, 15-t
Mc\1a;;ter, Sean 12, 20, 2 1, 25.
50,5-t, 55.57,67, 102,
105, 107, 112, 113, 125,
128, 130. 133, H 1, 181,
188, 236. 237, 2-tO
\1ci\"eely, Ryan 89
\1cPherson, Julia 70, 93, 107.
115. 166
McQuestion, Alyssa 58.80, 188,250
\1cQuestion. Anthony 188
\1cQuestion. Gina 115, 166
McQuillen, Rebecca 57, 120,
188, 2-±3
\lleier, Brittany 87, 188
\1eilozyk, Norm 62
Meinel, Laura 1-+5
Meinhardt, Daniel 20, 2 7 . 35. 71,
91, 105, 107, 116, 119,
122, 1-tO, 189, 192
\1ercurio, Brittany 166
\1erkes, Sara 189
Merrell, Thomas 63, 102. 128,
Merritt, Amanda 20, 68, 189, 238
\1ertz, Sara 15-t
Messenger, Katie 28, 73, 123.
12 7 , 166
Metz, Lindsey 175
\if etzger, Brett 8, 9-t, 95, 128, 189
Meyer, -a ncy !07
Miceli, Ni hola;; 175
Mich, Brian 38, 1-+1, 189, 239
Mich, Kevin 115, 119, 133, 15-t
Mich, Luke 56, 63, 10-t, l 13,
117, 118, 175
\1ickelsen, Jonathan 78, 128. 166
\1ickelsen, Kelsey 3.5, 83, 98,
10-t. 115, 15-t
Mickelsen, \1ichael 175
\1 idclleton, Nicole 189
MID\\ EST TT SOLLJ flO:\'S 2 1-
Mieloszyk, Benjamin 87, 128, 189
Miletta, Joseph 1T
\ililkie, Laura 65, 83, 98, 1-±8,
\ilill. Stacy 123
\ililler. Cody 100, 108, 12-t. 15-t
\1iller, Katelyn 15-t
\ililler, Kayla 133, 166
\1iller, Kevin 11 5, 119. 166
Miller, Paula 175
Miller, Sean 5 7 . 13-t. 185. 189,
\ililler, Shawn 62. 101. 15-t
Mills, Kiya na 161, 166
Millsap;,, Allison 105, 119. 120,
127 , 15-t
Millsaps, Joseph 119. 120, 13-t,
13.5. 137, 189
Miner, Matthew 189
Miner, Sam 123
Miner, Scott 166
Mink, Yfarian 15-t
Mirkovic, Dijana 189
\1isch-Bloxdorf, Chrllitopher
115. 119, 15-t
\1itchell. Tyler 20, 2 1, 105, 107,
108, 109, 125, 130, 189
\ilitchell, Ja queline 166
Moddes, Jordan 108, 12-t, 15-t
Model UN 134
Modory, \ilarllisa 175
Modoi)-, Yferllisa 1-t, 133, 189
Mouensen. Allli;,a 98, 115, 166
\ilogensen. Britta ny 150
\1ogensen, Bryan 67, 85, 181,
189, 195
\1ogenoen. Lauren 5. 65, 83, 89,
10-t. 150, 15-t
\1ohr, Emily 83. 89, 15-t
\!lo!ina, Sergio 15-t
\1olinaro, Bra xton 107
\ilolinaro, Jason 175
\ilolinero, Kicholas 15-t
Molter, Cherilyn 20, 189
\1olter, Steven %,97, 175
\1ommae1t;;, Paul 1-±5
\1ondrawickas, Matthew 75, 166
\1ontague, Kelly 110. 111, 190
\1ontejo, Andrew 190
\ilontemuno, Tom 62. 105. 137
\1oore. Annie 12-t
\iloore. April 7 0, 71. 115, 15-t
\1oore. Jenny 68, 117. 175
\iloore. Julie-107, 125. 175. 219
\1oore. Nichola;; 91, 15-t
\i!oore. u;;anna 175
\1ord.ini , Celeste 108. 109. 12-t,
139, 175
\ilorehouse, John 71, 9 1, 175
Morelli, Ashlee 89. 1 LO. 137. 166
Morford, Kri;;ten 175
\1organ, Aa ron 91
Morgan, Ashley 89, 10-t, 15-t
Morgan, Emily 68, 127, 13 7 .
139, 166
\1oriariry, !\ ma nda 175
Morrio, ju;;tin 100, 115, 15-t
\1orrioon, Cory 62, 155
\ilorrissey. Ashley 166
\1orri;;sey, John 28
\ilorrllise)·, Kyle 155
Mon-llisey, Timothy 190
Moses, Nathaniel 62
Mottinger, Dan 87
Movies Rentals 226
Mowry, Caren l 16, 175
Mucha, Alexandra 155
\1ucha, Ali 115, 133
Mueller, Aaron 128
Mueller, Ellyn 89, 166
Mueller, \1ark 6
Mueller, \1egan 175
Mueller, Kichola;; 67, 95, 155
Muerhoff, H annah 70, 89, 123,
\1ulligan, Tara 20, 116, 117, 120,
122, 190
\ilulroy, James 190
Munoz, Vanessa 73, 190
Murdoch, Rupert 178
Muro, [ !annah 127. 128. 190
Murph)', Andrew 107
Murph)-, '\'icole 73, 108, 123. 166
"1usha, Jack 62, 6.3. 101
\11.USl C CE.' \TER 2 18
Mussatti. Kevyn 63
Mycon, Penny 1-+5
MySpace 178
.:\aiclicz. K rllirina 7 3, 133. 166
.:\a;,i, Braden 155
:\atorianni, \ 1arta 2-t
Kava. H ector -±5. 166
I\ava. hamar 155
:\'eff, Taryn 190
Kehlb, Danielle 110. 120, 166
Nelson. Anthony 175
Nelbon. Ciena 155
:\'el.son. Ian 115, 166
,\"elson. Jeremiah 62. 155
Kelson. ;'\ick 107 . 108
i'\'elson. Robert 175
Nelson, Tony 116, 2-±8
:'\erbr. Keith 68, 1-+5
:\e;;gOocl Daniel 7 1. 166
:\ es~. Benja min 175
l\eu. Rran 62, 8-t. 100. 155
'eubauer. Patrick 78, %, 137
l\eumann, ,\llllion 116. 139. 190
i\eumann. \ nthony 155
:\eumann, JacqueU:ne 123. 166
.:\eumann, La ura 175
:\eururer. Kathleen 30. H 3, 1-+5
.:\ewberry, Alex 62. 100, 155
.:\e"·el~ Ashley 115, 155
Kewron, Taylor 7 3, 10-t, 115.
128, 133. 166.223
New Restaurants 2 19
New Students 161
Niccolai, Kelli 70. 98. 99. l 15.
156. 166
Kichol;;, mber 166
.:\ichols, Jacob 155
.:\ichols, \ 1arilee 175
:\icla, Chrllitopher 71 , 175
.:\icla, Kaylee 123. 55
:\ie~en , B;·ianna 166
.:\ie~e n, Zachary 17 5
;'\ietu[>bki. Jami"e-Lee 155
;'\ieve.,. \falcom 12-t
:'\ighringale, arah 127. 166
D.\i\CE TLDIO :2 13
Kiles, ;'\ichola;; 20,29, -±6, -±?. 62.
105, 237
Noble. Kara 155
Nolder. David 62. 8 7 . 105. 155
i\orri,,, Elizabeth 17 5
'ORTH SHOR E B-\:\"K 21:2
·on on, •\lexandra 155
'\orton. Kali 13.3, 175
'\or1ingha111, Ka1hleen 20, 21, 57,
T?, 107. l 19. 120, 190
'\o,;ck, \ ma nda 123, 155
'\owak. \1anhew 120, 166
unez. hallt'l 166, 231, 2-t9
'\unez. i,;ana 20, 37, 190
trition Food Labels 22-t
'\ybera, Eric 17'\) l£Ubt, Emily 3.68, 110, 115, 155
Owenh, Dan 8:1
Owt'nh, fa-an H , l6-t
stores to open..,
-jr. Lauren Peterson
names for , tudent Management are better because th y are mor profe ::.ional instead of the
bad rep from before ..,
-fr. H annah Oates
O'Connell, Eri T, 105. 13.3, 166
O"Guin, Kyle 129
O"'\eal, Lianne 15, 57, 10-t. 1 lO,
125. 173. 178
O"'\eaL ' mt 87
o·Reilly, Karlie 155
Oare,. l lannah .55, 120. 155. 250
Oar""· Sarah 77. 167. 190
Oatwall, Rebecca 127. 175
Oat,vall, Stephanie 98, 115, 166
Oberg. re,·en 89, 155
C.T \GO.:\ CLLB 198
Octagon Qub 130
Odd Collections 163
Odorizzi, Gus 6 7
Odorizzi, \ inc nt 175
Oechler, l leidi 80
Ogle. .\manda 89, 139, 155
Oh. Seung 190
Olhryo, Col) 13.3, 190
OU\ ER" B.\KERY 212
QL,hef;,ki, Erin 120, 166
QL,hefski, i\nclrew 105, 190
Obon.. Evan 130, 190
Obon. ue 1-+5
Obon. Timoihv 166
01,,z w,,ki, Beri 115, 166
Onan.. Jare<l 175
Ori.. Benjamin 71, 91, 115. 119.
Ori. Je,,,ica 70. 88, 89. 116. 190,
Orozco, K ribtena 38, 102, 12-t,
Orr. Ronald 6.3, 91
Orth. Jammie -+1. 1-+5
Orth, \1ichael 1-t.5
Ortiz, Annette 175
Ortiz, Danielle 166
0-bom, Jake 11 .5, 166
o-carson.. Cheloea 175
O,,o-oo<l, Xa,;er 175
O,,ow. ki. LeAnna 139, 166
o,,trow;ki, Jes,,ica 190
Otto. Brandon 166
Ono. Lawrence 155
o, erb) , Chery I 28, 117. 1.'36. 137,
1:39, 175
Owen, Micheal 75
Pa etti, Ryan 155
Pacetti, Samuel 56, 139. 190
Pacetti. ue 1-t Pa etti, Tom 73
Pacheco. teven 155
Padlock, Abby 8, 59. 65, 89, 155
PacUock, Colleen 1-t-t, 1-+5
Padlock, Kaitlyn 65, 166
Pai lli, Anthony 175
Paielli, Bryan 62, 15:Pallin, Eric 96, 107, 125, 13"2.
135, 190
Pallin.. Rachel 59, 68. 83, 93, 123.
132, 166
Pullin, Sarah 13, 20, 21, 68, 107,
125, 132, 180, 190,237
P •\LME.i"\"\10TOR 209
Pappe, Chri,,topher 20. 96, 97.
190, 19'2, 237
Pappenfus, Anthony 62, 105,
13.3. 155
Pappert, Tiffany 117, 137, 175
Parker, Andrew 155
Parker, Brittany 62, 63
Parrish, De;,riny 123
Parribh, Kyle 155
Pan.j;,h, Tyler 175
Parohal~ Brinany 65, 155
Parohall, tephanie 175
Paocucci, Mi hael 8-t, 100, 115,
Paskauskaite, Gintare 77, 83,
93. 155
Pas,,e, Chris 87
Paotor, Claudia 1-+5
Pa;,'tor, Julia 20, 21, 26. 35, 112,
113, 139, 190.237
Pathke, Reece 62
Patton, Joyce 1-+5
Patry, A~tin -+5, 62, 101, 166
Patty, Gregg 62
Pau~ Josh 175, 206
Paulauskas, Andrew 100, 101,
Paulauskao. Gary 1-+5
Paura, Jeffrey 155
Pavebki Kyla 123, 166
Pawlaczyk, Taylor 62, 115, 15:PDQ FOOD STORES, I
l\"C. 201
Pearson.. Capri 107
Pecha, Jason 175
PecUer, Ashley 190
Peer Mediation -+6
Pekkarainen, Jame,, 175
PelOC(Uin, Sa ma ntha 8.'3, 98. 99,
1-+8, 175. 21-t
People Divider 1-tO
pp 1225
Pereida. \1anuel 155
P reida. \l!arilu 166
Pereira, Jonathan 52, 56, 67, 96,
13'2, 13.3. 13-t, 175
P erez. \nthony 155
P r 'Z, C.alvin 155
Perez. ]o;,u 166
Perez, 'vlarcos 75, 155
Perez, '\ancy 52, 1-+5, 237
Perez, Rachael 190
Perez, Roger -t9, 175
Perez, \ ane;,sa 175
Perez, Zakkal)' 155
Perly, teve 105
Pe;, ik. Brandon 176
Petero, Robert 13.3, 166
Peteroen, Ashley 190
Petel'oen, Thomas 13.3, 166
Pet !'>On, Elizabeth 123, 155
Petel'oon, John 61
P etel'oon, Kyle 61, 67, 101. 155,
Petel'oon, Lauren 56, 102, 10-t,
107, 125, 128, 1-+1, 176,
Petrelli. Jenny 166
Petreni-\\ atring. Dm·id 63.190
Pert it. Jame, 166
Petty. \l!a rlon 13.3, 166
Pfeiffer, Cara 1-+5
Pflug. Charlie 59. 60, 61, 9-t. 9-,
Philip. \shlin 166
Piccolo. Rhonda 117, 125, 17 6
Picko,, Jonathan 166
Piehl, \malia 13.'3, 176, 190
Piehl, Cory 13.3, 166
Piehl. Kru:rina 20. 7 7 , 190, 237
Piela, Benjamin 117, 119, 190
Piela, Elizabeth 113, 166
Pienko\\ k~ Brianna 20, 12-t,
125, 130
Pierce. David 15.5
Pieroon, I lannah 80, 10-t, 190.256
Pietra. Taglia 123
Pignatelli, E lizabeth 10, 155
Pignoni. i\ntonio 176
Pikna. Laura 120. 1.37, 139, 190,
Pllic ion~ Robert 1-t. 176
Pishl, Amalia 10-t
Pi-,tora, Megan 20.12-t, 18.'3, 190.2.)1
Pllitora, .'tephanie 125, 137, 139,
Pitsch. Jacob 166
Pitt, Brad 192
Piwoni, Ryan 101 , 190
Plovanich, \ ndrew 62, 85, 166
P lumle). Iva 1-+5
Pl\'EUMATECH. I'.\"C. 223
Point of View Club 126
PoKimica, Anna 115, 155
Pollock. Lorena 176
Polso, Adam 190
Polso, Travis 115, 155
Ponce, Jared 75, 155
Ponce. Kt>lli -+3, 89, 110, 166
Poppe. Jeremey 13.3, 166
Poppe, Stevey 115, 119, 166
Potter, Diana 176
Pottb, Mali na 166
Powell, Brittany 123
Powell, Adam 75, 166
Powell, '\ustin 176
Powell, Brittany 98
Prado, Mariah 15.5
Prado, Richard 62. 166
Prado, Ritchie 85
Pratt, Cara .33, 89, 10-t, 120, 13-t,
156, 166
Pran, Duniel 26, 10-t, 116, 119,
13-t. 1.35, 15.'3. 176.2.53
Predaina, John 71, 91
Predaina, 'vlike 87
Pre;,terl, Aaron 190
Pri e, Angel 123, 166
Priday, Bryce 75
Prieto, Ruben 108
ons 2 13
Procarione. Katie 25..) l. 57, 10-t.
117. 13.3, 139, 176
Procknow, Scon 89, 1-+5
Prom 16
Prommanee, Pratchuy!.{', ;t -tO,
78, 96, 137
Prozan;,ki, Da niel 1-+5
Prozani, k~ Zachal)' 166
Pry;,e, l leather 83, 89, 115, 155
Pucin, Col)· 137, 155
Puente, •rgio 62, 155
Puett, Zachan,62, 155
Pulaski, Che;,cer 181
Pulda, Amanda 1-+5
Pulda, Jeff 8.)
Punk Picnic 173
Puntillo, Jake 86, 87, 116
en wrap I had at Qdoba,
but I prefer Qdoba over
El Serape mainly for their
better service.
-sr. Alyssa McQuestion
Quella, Andrew 100, 176
Quinn, Col)' 186
''The referendum
benefited the s hools really quite a bit. Ct\ pretty
cool t hat there was no
strain to taxpayer::;."
-jr. Christa Rubenzer
Rabenhorot , Kiroten 120. 155
Raethke, RPP ·e 87, 166
Ragnow, Daniel 3, 176
Raimondi, Corissa 110, 176
Ralph, Aly;,sa 20, 10.5. 190
Ramirez, Eduardo 1.5.5
RancUe, Kevin 71, 91, 11.S, 1 19,
Rangel, l\u;,tin 167
Ru,,ch, Kevin 62. 167
Rutliff. K, lie 12:3. 167
Ra tliff. vlarcu;, 155
Rarzburg. Dan 6 I. 18.5
Ra u;, h, Dougla;; 8-t, 115, 155
Recreational Sports 60
Redlin, Loullie 1-+5
Reed, Emma 120. 190
Reed, Lintl,ei 123, 167
Heeve;,, Connor 61, 9-t, 9.), 190
Reeve;,, Ka ren 125, 176
Reeve;,, Sandra 167
Referendum -t:3
Regalado. Pan1ela 16, 37, LO-t.
117, 13.3, 137, 176
Regazzi, Anthony 115, 155
CLl'\,lC 226
Rehberg, Andrew 190
R idenbach , Andrew 56, 67, 10-t.
116, 118, 153, 176, 196
Reif, Robin 1-+6
Rein, Carolann 155
Rein, Jacqueline 167
Rein. Patrick 176
Reineroman, Za haf) 15.3
Reinert, Roberta -tO, 110, 137,
Relay for Life 167
Release Time 170
Hemus, Jr., Daniel 20. 21, 62, 6.3.
85. 13.3, 191, 2.'37
Renaissance 50
R<'ndler, Brooke 110. 115, 167
Renk. Audrey 1:30. 139
Re;,endez. '\ancy 12 7 . 130. 136.
137, 139. 175
Res udek, Rachael 15.5
Retirees 237
Heuss, Amhony 1.5.5
Reuter, Lie;,I 73, 176
Reuter, Morgan 7.3, 10-t, 191
Revlli, Brenna 12-t, 176
Reyes, Cruz 176
Rezny, Elliott 26, 116. 118, 133.
176,220, rR hode;,, Diane H6
Rhode;,, Rebecca 110
Ricard, Steffan 12-t, 155
Ricciardi. \my 15. 5 7 . 83, 10-t.
129. 191
Rice, '\"ick 100, 101
Richards, i\;,hley 65, 115, 1.5.S
Richards, Jake 176
Richards. Kir,,ten 123, 155
Richardson, EJi,,sa 107. 108 109
Richio, Amanda 73. 167
Richtmyre, iclai 155
Rick, Ra hel 123, 167
Rideaux, Louis 8-t, 851-+6
Ridley, Ryan 120, 155
Ridolfi, Dominic 75. 91, 10-t. 155
Ridolfi, Rock 20. 7-t. 75,
10-t, 105, 1-t-t, 18 1, 191.
Riley, Dylan 107, 118, 119, 120.
121 , 153, 176
Riley, '\"icole 11:-, 123, 130, 1:F.
R inaldi, Tay lor 167
Ringstrom, Eric 156
Ripley, Erik 116, 118, 119. 120.
Ripp, Jason 13.3, 191
Hivera, Anrhony 15, 105, 1.'3:3,
Rivera, Molly 108, 109
Rivera, Phoebe 191
Rizzo, Manhew 96
Hoach, Laura 13.3, 167
Roanhaus, Amanda 8-t, 85
Robbino, Thomas 139, 176
Roberts. '\ manda 20, 116, 117.
120, 191, 2.'37
Robert;,, Andrew 20, 191
Robens, Ash ley 191
Roberts, Bradley 167
Roberts, Brian 75, 167
Roberts, Drew 101, 106, 107, 125
Robetts, Mandi 57
Robettson, Kelsey 167
Robettson, Michael 115, 156
Robik, Allyssa 189
Robinson, Alexander 75, 91, 156
Robinson, Chad 191
Robinson, Jesse 156
Robinson, Mykel 9
Robinson, Ryan 62, 13.3, 167
Robinson, Zachary 87, 177
Rocha, oe 177
Rodriguez, Alyssa 20, 57, 73,
116, 117, 120, 13-t, 135,
137, 138, 139, 191
Rodriguez, Ariel 167
Roe, Nathan 61, 167
Roediger, Jess ica 156
Rogers, Julie 29, 110, 111, 177
Rohde, Adam 117, 191
Rohde, Elizabeth 156
Roiniotis, Carly 89, 115, 156
Romano, Charles 1-t6, 167
Romanowsk~ Jessica 65, 191
Romito, Mary 1-t6
Ropp, Megan 98, 177
Rosado, Jennifer 156
Rosenberg, David 167
Rosencutter, Andrea 132, 13.3,
192, 238
Rosmann, Carl 167
Rosmann, Joshua 20, 16-t, 183,
Ross, Dylan 13.3, 177
Ross, Eric 156
Ross, Kirstin 1Cf2
Rossi, Matthew 192
Rovik, Alyssa 62, 63, 120, 156
Rovik, Samuel 63, 192
Rovik, Tom 62
Rowe, Kala 192
Rowe, Marla 177
Ruane, Andrea 139, 192
Rubenzer, Christa 108, 139, 177,
Ruffolo, Mark 105, 156
Ruffolo, John 1-t6
Rugg, Emily 56, 73, 87, 13.3, 192
Ruggles, Michelle 98
Ruibyte, Ginvile 73, 125, 177
Ruiz, Ana 120, 167
Ruiz, Sandra 57, 120, 177
Rumachik, Neil 56, 170, 177
Rundle, Brodie 177
Rupp-Kent, Charles 156
Russell, Elise 20, 3.3, 106, 107,
12-t, 125, 192,213
Russell, Amanda 192
Russell, Margarett 77, 120, 139,
167, 178
Russo, Peter 26, 71, 105, 116,
120, 1-tl, 192
Ruta, Melissa 1-t6
Rutchik, Mary 65
Instead of popping e nergy
pills, caffeine junkies downed
the most popular drug through
soda, coffee and e nergy drinks.
"I love a three-blend mix of
PDQ coffee and cappuccino. It
keeps your day going."
-~ r . l\legan Pi~tora
Dr Pepper
Mocha -j r. Maria Sasso
Sabbar, Jeffrey 167, 125, 137
Sabbar, Kenneth 7, 30, 38, 59,
102, 128, 13-t, 136, 137,
139, 1-t 1, 192, 201, 2-t2
Sachen, Jedediah 75, 120, 156
Sadewater, Jeremy 96, 167
Salani, Dana 89, 120, 168, 199
Salerno, Isla 156
Salerno, Joseph 177
aleski, Amanda 120, 137, 192
Salesk~ Jonathan 156
Salesk~ Lauren 120, 168
Salisbury, Jenna 89, 120, 168
Salzbrenner, Hannah 73, 120,
Samaniego, Araceli 192
Samaniego, Jesus 156
Sanchez, Rosalinda 123, 168
Sanchez, Rene 156
Sanderson, Melinda 1Cf2
Sanford, Tere a 130
Santana, Cristopher 168
Santana, Rosalva 1-t6
Santell, Sean 161
Santell~ Maria 89, 10-t, 117, 177
Sargent, Amanda 93, 139, 168
Sargent, Benjamin 91, 156
Sasso, Maria 177, 2-t-t, 251
Sater, Joshua 56, 177
Satter, Kelsey 110, 123, 13.3, 156
Saulys, Jaclyn 177
SR., D.D.S. 226
Savaglio, Andrea 11, 21, 27, 73,
89, 10-t, 128, 1-tl, 193,
197, 2-tl
Savaglio-Jarvis, Sue -t, 55, 102,
1-t2, 236
Savic, Dijana 70, 93, 105, 168,
Savic, Vanessa 168
Sax, Dale 1-t6
Scarbrough, Deion 62, 156
Schafer, Jamie 168
Schani, Dave 80, 1-t6
Scha~ Jackie 77
Schenk, Margo 1-t6
Schenk, Mark 98, 1-t6
Scherer, Matthew 193
Scherr, Jennifer 39, 53, 193
Schetic, Kyle 101
Schindler, Randi 3, 65, 13.3, 168
Schlenker, Kay lyn 177
Schlenker, Samuel 21, 37, 71,
91, 193
Schlereth, Matthew 117, 193
$chmeiser, Joel 177
Schmeiser, Philip 20, 193
Schmicke~ Danielle 177
Mt. Dew
•o. •a. -~ -
g. •a- •a. •a. ~%
Schmiel, Ann 1-t6
Schmidkonz, Jennifer 77, 12-t,
Schmidkonz, Robert 78, 108,
12-t, 156
Schmidt, Alexandra 156
Schmidt, Andrew 75, 91, 115,
Schmidt, Danielle 80
Schmidt, Jennifer 193
Schmidt, Ryan 29, 78, 156
Schnaare, Matt 1-t6
Schneider, Kellie 20, 70, 93, 181,
Schneider, Patrick 107
Schnuck, Allan 193
Schnuck, Michael 177
Schroeder, Alexandra 105, 115,
Schoettler, Brian 56, 96, 10-t,
107, 116, 117, 118, 119,
Schoettler, Korena 177, 217
Schofro, Sarah 98, 157
Scholarships -t-t
Schonscheck, Erin 77, 177
Schoor, Eric 115, 119, 168
Schrandt, icholas 157
Schroeder, Alexandra 118, 168
Schroeder, Mike 1-t6
Schuirn1ann, Kevin 87, 115, 168
Schultz, Jennifer 12-t, 137, 177
Schultz, Teagan 168
Schulz, Ryon 8, 217
Schulz, Steven 75, 157
Schulze, Andrew 108, 127, 13-t,
137, 139, 193
Schupe, Matt 85
Schutz, Chloe 168
Schwab, Alesia 177
Schwartz, Dakota 62, 86, 87, 157
Sconze1t, Jennifer 177
Sconzert, Michelle 57, 107, 117, 118,
125, 13-t, 137' 139, 193
Sconzert, Samantha 16, 52, 89,
107, 116, 118, 13-t, 137,
Scott, Jennifer 77, 177
Scott, John 186, 193, 228
Scott, Kristin 177, 189
Scott, Tayler 177
Seberic, Ky le 62, 157
Sebetic, Lindsey 65, 83, 86, 13.3,
168, 169
Sebetic, Paige 123, 168
Seebeck, Riley 60, 62, 78, 95,
115, 157
Seger, Melissa 105, 115, 13.3,
150, 157
Seibe~ Natalie 193
Seidler, Angelique 138, 139, 1-t6
Seitz, Scott 87
Selin, Amanda 77, 117, 120,
159, 193
Selin, Sheena 80, 120, 168
Sellers, Anthony 157
Sengbusch, Griffin 8-t, 100, 157
Sengbusch, Riley 15, 26, 67, 85,
105, 13.3, 181, 193
Senior Banquet 18
Senior Divider 180
Sennholz, Tiffany 177
Serpe, Michelle 1-t6
Sertich, Michelle 52
Servais-Rusecki, Sarah 1-t6
Sexton, Nicholas 8-t, 157
Shamberg, Jamie 193
Shanlberg, Ryne 100, 157
Shannon, Emily 73, 157, 209
Shared Parking Lot 1-t-t
Sharp, Steven 62, 115, 168
Shawhan, Christopher 168
Shekern, Colin 115, 168
Shelley, atasha 177
Sheppard, Ashley 177
Shepperd, Morgan 123, 157
Sherfinsk~ Linda 1-t6
Sherwood, Kirsten -tO, 5-t, 70,
105, 115, 118, 168, 219
hierk, Philip 157
Shimon, Dan 139, 1-t6, 1-t?, 191
Short, Jeremy 177
Short, Michael 62, 8-t, 101, 157
Shupe, Matthew 177 .
Sifercl, Joshua 63
Sign Club 138
Sikich, Jessica 157
Sikora, Holly 21, 136, 137
Siler, Kayle 2-t, 168
Sillanpaa, Kaitlyn 89, 157
Silva, Carlina 168
Silva, Christie 168
Silva, Laura 157
Sima, Amber -t6, -! 7, 10-t, 13.3,
Simerly, Dawn 157
Simmons, Katie 177
Simo, Erin 193
Simpkins, Joseph 168
Singer, Susan 1-t6
Singh, Jasleen 120, 16-t, 168
Sinozich, Samuel 20, 21, 27, 5-t,
57, 71, 91, 105, 193,
Sirocchi, Danielle 62, 63, 168
Sitarz, Paul 61, 117, 177
Sjuggerucl, Kimberlee 177
kelton, Terren 193
Skripsky, Alan 71, 91, 1-t6
Siana, Virginia 119, 120, 157
Sleszynsk~ Katie 9, 107
Smet, Ryan 85, 177
Smick, Kristin 77, 80, 168
Smith, Adam 91, 161
Smith, AIvan 157
Smith, Angela 168
Smith, Brittany 193
Smith, Elizabeth 117, 177
Smith, Jacob 107
Smith, Jeremy 157
Smith, Jordan 119, 120, 139, 157
Smith, Kailee 177
Smith, Kandace 193
Smith, Katelyn 119, 120, 168
mith, Keith 115, 119, 157
mith, Kyle 223
Smith, \1egan 115, 119, 157
Smith, Nicholas 157, 168
Smith, 'ick 95
Smith, Paige 3, 110, 168
Smith, Rachel 107, 177
mith, Ronald 168
Smith, Ryan 62, 157
Smith, Sennetta 193
Smith, Shaun 177
Smith, Stephanie 117
Smith, Taylor 62, 63, 157
Smolik, Lauren 123, 157
Snell, Kyle 62, 91, 168
Snell, Ryan 62, 157
Snyder, Mary 1-t6, 237
Sobin, Melissa 70, 83, 89, 10-t,
115, 119, 157
Soccer, Boys 7-t
Soccer, Girls 88
Socha, Alex 13, 37, 78, 91, 10-t,
108, 117, 193, 2-t3
Sorensen, Laurel l-t6
Sorrell, Emma 77, 123, 157
Sosinsk~ Michael 28
Soul'd Out 126
South, Peggy 157
UNTO ' 217
~)l Tl !PORT RIGGl'-G 2m
!--<i\\dt·n. Daniellt- 10"?. 115. 12?.
1:30. IS'. 157
S.lz\\iak. Kad a ??
~la). \lexandria 6.). 122. 12:3.
Sl~l<I~. \mancla ().). 98._ 122. 12:~,
Spaet h. Emil) 130. 15?
s,~lll!!lt'r. \nna 15?
Spark-. Dunid -:'.). 10.). 120. !.)?
Spark,. fr,,ica 21. 120. 193
Spark'. l\:de 56. 5-:'. 63. 128. 177
Spelling. \aron -t l
. [ll'llt't'r. Damian 17?
S[Jt'llt't'r. Jennifer l-t6
Spencer. :\athan 62. 15?
ports Divider ::.8
St. \larie-Cark Con \rm 130
St. Pett>r. \lichael 7 ~. 1-t6
. t. Pt>ter. Kimberh 6;), 11.5. l.')?
Staadan. Dana 10'?. l 19. 120,
ST \ C'El ST.\ '\l Cll WPR \I
.\L SER\ ICE. I'\C. 210
Stackhmhe. ('.our1nt'e 12-t
taff's Inner Child l-t 7
!:->takt>r. Cry,,ral 20. 21. 5?. 10.).
106. 118. 119. 120. 12 I.
Stalker. Brinan' :r. 11'. 19:3
Stamm. Ruth -t.2. l-t6
Stancato. Joe 2-t
Stancato. Paul H>8
Swrn·mo. Samantha 57. 11 8. 119.
120. 1-:'?
.>r \:\Ul'-G ROOvt 0'\'L\' 206
. 'tunfPl. Samuel (>:3, 177
Swnga,. Kri.,tt•n 20. 1&5. 19:3
Stanlt>,. Elizalx·th 60. 61. 12:3.
. 12?. 1(>8
Stapelton, Samantha 98. 161
. taran<micz. \1arLl,a 15?
. tarl. k.atrina l:l-t. 17-:'
Staroota. Katie(>.)
Stauder. \bbY 119. l.57
Stauder. \lex.antler 17?
Stan1111micz. \1ari"a 1.'39
Stt·..1L Paigt> 108
Stefan.,ki. Kaylee :3.3. 57. 10.5.
117. -1.58. 170
Stt·gman, Tiffan) 17?
Stt•in. Candace l-t6
Stt•inbr[nk. Tricia l-t6
Steinke. Jllirin 120. 193
SreinkP. Richard 2. 100. 157
Stt·innwtz. \1t·gan .). -><>. 6.). S:3,
10-t. 1."50. 1??
. tt'nhnlt. Ca,;, 80
. tt·nholt. Rachel 80
Stt·n-gal'(l -t?. 67. 96.
10.5. 108. 125, 126. 170.
Stt•plwn.,on. Brinani 15?
Sttvlwn.,on. Kori 1<);3
S1t·1tner. Sarah 61. (>8. 1116.
'tP\t'lb. \bigail 10-t. 119. 120.
Stt·wn,, Dm·id 1:39. 1<>8
StPwno, Samantha 73. 1 L). 119.
S1t·wa11. ]ooh 87
. tt'W<ll1. \1ichael 5?. 62. (>.). 128,
Srich. R) an 120
Sricke). Paul 10-t
Stofft•rnhn. Sara 193
. rolfi. J,.,,ica <J:3. 110. 12.'3. 1.)?
• tolling,. Daniel 193
• tOnt'. El izal.wt h 120. 122. 12.'3.
STO'\I·, CHEr,I\: CHILL 2]<)
!:->to,.1·11. ]1Nin 9(J. 15?
Strachan. Chel"'<l <H 10.). 110.
120. 1.)?
Strthh. \llioon 115, 1.)7
, trau''· Sara 193
Streit. \icnle 19;3
StricklnmL land 62. 15-:'
Strouf. Dmid 6.'3. 1:3:-3. 17-:'
Struebing. Kri,tin 12-t
Strzt'h·ki. \l adah nn 63. Kl. 98.
Snrart, l\lichael 17?
• tuart, 1\ ler 1(>8
Stucke,. 'Paul 20. ;)?. 128. 1:3:3.
. 193. 23?
STLDE-'\T GO\ ER'-\lE.'-T 2:?6
Student Government 10-t
Student Life Divider 6
Sturino. \fargarct 1 l(>. 117. 119.
Srurinn. \1ichael 1:3.3. 1.5?
uh Deb Dance 1-t
Suidika,, Jared 157
Sulko, \dam 10 l
, ulli,·ari. \ngela 177
Sullirnn. \,hie, l.)7
Sullinin. Ed"i~ 15?
SumnH:'ro. Col[n 116. 118. J.):3.
177. 256
Summer Concerts 169
Summer Softball l-t8
Sunderlancl. \\ [lliam I7 7
L '-'\ YSLDE CLl.JB &
RESf \LR \'-T 217
Stbtadw. '\ick 87
,·ihen, \nna Louioe ?3. 120. 1():3
Swan, Elaina 1(>8
• wal1z. \Ian t:).'3, 19:)
. W<t-,ing. Katlwrirw 193
. "'1"ing. \\ illiam l l.). 1(>8
weene), Kayla 1:3-t. 139. 193
" ·e ·m·v, K y[e 17?
S"·et'nt'\. T~ffan1 157
S\\·erbO!l, Jo:,hua 108
\\·enoon, \1eri.,,a 108
, \\l't1"ll1, Chriotopher :~). 11.),
119. 13?
"wetlik. \ndre" 91
wiatko. Renee 1-+6
• \\ift, SalJrina 12-t, 177
Swimming, Boys ? 8
wirnming, Girls 7 6
woboda. Ca,e1 61, 17":'
ylejmani . .\ndra 11.'3
Svmoen,. '\me 8?
S\ mon<L,, \\ illiarn l-t6
s)rmphonic Band 11-t
Symphonic Orchestra 120
Symphonic Winds 116
Sypult, Kiml:wrl) 177
dents' success in sports
and other achievements."
-soph. Kara Thomsen
Tahili. Kt·mlt'I h 1.)7
Tad<h. Jnck %. 11.). l<i-t. l<ill.
. 169
Tall.ll'rt. Briana ;)(i. 10.). 119. 120.
l-:'7. [9(\ 223
Tallman. \l atr 8?
Tanning 210
Ta,,i. \Legan t:N. I<>B
Tate, Brc·anna 157
Tailor, C:habret'H Rl
Ta\ lor. \ akrit· 1-t<i
Teen Court -+6
Teen iblings 156
Teen Turmoil 28
Tello. H1·lwcca 15?
Tempest 128
Tt>nnant. Jale,,a 157
Tennis, Boys 96
Tennis, Girls ?2
TE'\L T \ ·s Dl.:uc: \T1;:ss1·::\
Tt·nnill. \lichelle 17 . 177
Tha111t''· Dajuan 1(>8
Tl II·: SPOT DH l \ l·:-1\ 199
ll1i111111e-,d1. \ndn·" 19-t
ll1nrrnh. Tan n I0.). 120
ThollHh. Du;tan 62. &>. 87. l6H
TI 10\1 \S. JEFFHI·:' IL 0.D.
Thorna,. Jim &'i
llmmth. Kara t::l8. t:39. 1-t3. l-t(J
Thoma,. Katlwrint· 107
Thornth. l\:endrn 12-t. l-:'-:'
Thonta,. \1eli",a l-t6
Thoma-,. \lurph~ 2.). 120. 1.'39.
ll1or 11<h. Hoh('rt :l.'3. l-t2
Thomtb. lan 11 5?. 1-:'?
Tho"""' Tm·.lor ":3. S:3. 157
ThonN'n. K·ara 7 ?. 89. 115. 159.
l<">H. 2.)2
Thonhon. Cort'\ 1-:'7
Thorn. H, an 18:3
Thornb<'~g. l lanna -t2. .)7. 61.
Thornlrn·ough. Katt • :38. 1-t 1. 1.)?
Thrarth. \111anda 17?
llrnrber. ]e,,ica J::lO. 1(>8
Tilwing. \lelani<' :-xi. 117. 177
Tindall. C:hri., ?5
TIPPEH \H\ F\H\121 7
TIR \13 \ ,SI. FELL\ '\D &
CL \RK. C:.P. \ .~2 19
Tit hor. \la11 96. 9?
Tobac o Truth Tour -t(>
TnbaJ,,k,. Brianna 98. 12::3. 168
Tobal,,k;. J<heph 119. 120. 16-t.
19-t. 20-t
Todd. 13rt'lltlt•\ 19-t
Tod<L \lacara 17?
Toni-. Jercm1 17?
Toonw\. \I ic:hael 178
To1wl. i31akt• 1-t<i
Top20s 2:p
Torca,,n. J<beph 56. %. 12.5. 178
T orrc•,. \ a rn·--a 12:3. l (>8
T<htrucL Sp1•ncer 1.)7
Tower,, \1an :39. I:H. l-t6
Town"<·ncL Doug 98. l-t-t. 1-+6
Track, Boys 91
Track, Girls 9:3
Tran. Jarn1·,, 8-t. I.)?
Trebie Choir 122
Tremper Spirit 26
Trin111wr. Kathn•nia 6.). 98. 110.
12:3. 1.) 7
Trinidwl Dmid B?. 1:3:3
TrcK'io. Kc·llit' 15?
Trojanettes 110
Tro111•r. Jaimie 157
Trygar. Paloma 98. I.)?
TL PPl-,H\\ \Hl·rJmw L•·e 206
Turnt•r. Brandon 157
Turning 18. 20-t
l 111-Ym ill<» Caila 19-t
Tuttlt'. Daw 1-t(J
TVQub 12H
T\\ ISTl-J) CL l!-il'\I·, 2:2-t
-, \\OllW\. Sarah 2<i. l<)-t
"I\ rt'. \i1·lani!' 12-t. l'?B
T) ,,im. I\:~ le 168
lS 8\\1\ 2:3:3
Lhlir. Ju,tin 19-t
Llmcr. Bnce I. ?. 11. 20. 22. 2.).
2<1. :38..-JO..)? ..)9. 102.
10.). 112. I l:l. 128. 129.
1:n 1-t 1. t86. l<J-+. 19.'i.
228. 2-t:3. 2.)2
l mf,...,,. C:aroh n :i'i. 12.). 128.
129. 1:3:3. t:3-t. 19-t. 220
Ln.,inn. Dmid8.'i. I<>B
Lphmn. '\atlwn 100. l.)7
L rbi. \I act• 1.)7
l ,lwr. \,hi .., 11.). 1:-,g
L t1t·ch. Stt·, ,:n 71. <>I
Memorial i:; po"' ii ive :;o W<'
can remember t hoHe ~er
vicenwn \vho gave tht>ir
liw:;, hut WP don· t belong
in the war in l raq at all.
-sr. Andy Valeri
\ afiadi,. \nn<ht ,hia 1.->8
\'agnoni. \ndn'a 89. l 13, l 19
\'agnoni. \lall0t") 178
\ alacl<•z. \lcxandt •r 11.). 1:37. i.->8
\ alPri. \ndn·w 20. 21. (>2. 19-t.
2:P. 2-tO. 252
Valeri. \ ngPla 89. 110. 168
\'alt·ri. Jackie 96. 1-t(i
\ anC1N1·r. Shannon H. 9. ?:3.
10?. 125. 19-t. 206
\ andt'rp<ll'I. Su~an 1-t6
VandPrZandc•n, \tla11 8-t. &'i
\an l311rg1·n. Bri11an) (>8
\an 01·"·r. \11 idu1t·I 8-t. i.-xl
\an\\ it·. C.a,andra l::.8
\ argtb, \111y 1.)8
\ 'mg>h, Staci 19-t
Varnado. '\atha11i1·I 1.-><'l
\ w,,,L11•,. \\aria 21
\ EE'\STH \ . v1 \IH...
I'\SL H \ '-C :I. 207
\ ega. \i,,li1111 :38. 122. 12:1 t:n
\'ega. Sain 168
\ elazqtwz. Cicil) [.-><'l
\ t•lez. '\iml1· 20. 98. !JC), 1:!.'3
\ eneg:b. vlarlennt· 1.-xl
\ cntura. G ianna ?0. H<J. 178
\ ergcnz. Curti, &>.IP. l-t7
\ !'rg1·nz. H1·IX'crn 12-t. l-:'H
\ ergenz. Sarah 11.). l<>H
\ erh1X'L Patrick 19-t
Vern!'ZZ<'. \h .,.,a I.xi
\ !'n i,,d1. C:atherirn· -tO. l-t6. l-t7
\ igan,k). Zack t:lO
\ illalolxh. Jo' \On 1:37
Villanut·,·a. J<hC 62
\ incent. \,hit·\ 1:-xl
\'inn·nt. John L-xl
\ [ncent. Sarah 19-t
\ ize. Brendan -t:3. -:'.). l<xl
Yladu,iC'. \llladt'n i.-xl. 1<4
Volleyball, Boys 66
Volleyball, Girls 6-t
\ ollnwr. Chri,,roplwr l(xl
\ oi<N>zlwr. Dar· n1 -t 1. (>.). 12-t.
Vonhonakt•r. vlutt U?
\'orwalcL '\ichola., 9.). 11.). 119.
\\ ack<·r. \nn111arie l-t?
\\ adt•. \ndn·w .')(i.? l. fl(i. IP.
t:30. 178
\\ adt>. \ngdia 120. 168
\\ ad<>. Dt·nn io 62
\\ agrwr. l·:rin .)9. ?7. l?B
\\ ugnt·r. Hory :39. 19-t
\\ ala.,zek. \nne 105. 12:3. 1:39
\\ alfe. l·:111 ih 98
\\ aligora. K'ri,1i11 lOB. 12-t. 178
wal.king Qub 126
\\ allace. \ llante 12:3
\\ull,,. \ndn•w l2.57.101l. 117.
119. 19-t
\\ alk Chri,,1oplwr B-:'. 1(>8
\\ all;,. Ct·ri l-t 7
\\ alk Jonathan 7.). l 15. 119
\\\LSI l. \lllCI I \I·], \ .. D.D.S..
S.C. 2 l-t
\\alter. \latt 8-t
\\airer;,. Kira 107. 108
\\ alt<m. Chri.,topher 6:3. 8.). 91.
\\ alt<m. "-1·111wth 91
\\alum. Counnpy t::P. 1:-xl
\\ a111lx>lcL Karen l-t7
\\ a ng. \11 m) t2:3. 1.)8
\\ anL \talit• ??. l I?. [78
\\ artl 1..aurna 1 l-t. 1 \.). [(>8
\\ arn•n. \ndrt'w 178
\\ u1-rt·n. 1 lannah 7:3. 120. 168
\\ urn·n . .lamh 116. 11 7. 120. l78
\\ ur1zt·n l11f1. Keith:}+. I J.). [(>8
\\ thhingrnn. \ im>,Jm J.)8
\\ ntki1h. '\it'hoJp l :Xl
\\ atri11g. \lly"1 20 ..)CJ. 77 . 80.
180. 19-+. 2:n
\\ atring. Jade 11 '. 1'8
\\ atring. J<ht·ph 19-t
\\ at ring. Kim b<'rl) :Xi. 6.). 119.
120. 178
\\ airing, Suzette l-t7
\\ Uh011, J3iJ!\ 7-t. 7.)
\\ ahon. \\ illiam 19-t
\\ a11p<l<1,1•. John l.)8
\\ awiorka. \11 ichael -t9. 178
\\ awiorka. \11 itclw ll J.)8
\\ a\ nc. Lil I6-t
\\ ebb. 1-lhoncla 1-+6. 1-t 7
\\ <'b\'r. '\icholru, 87. 168
\\ <'ddel. K\ le 62. 1:)8
\\ eddel. vieJc,,;a 63. 8:3. 98. 168
S.C.2 19
\\ eidl'. k"i l 17. 17 8
\\ cidner. Rachael 6.). 1:-xi
\\ r il wr. \ 111bcr 168. 2:31
\~ eirit'k. '\athan l 16. 13-t. 178
\\ ri,. Brandon 62. 138
\\ ei,1·r. Dmid l-t 7
\\ ei". Dn 111on l-t.,
\\ ei". Deena 20..):1 11:2. 19-t.
\\ ei". J·:tlmn 6:2. 168
\\ ELDC:H \J>T I '\C:. :209
\\ cl J,. \ ndn·"· ::p 1. I2.) . I:3:3. 19-t
\\ elk K ri,1 I'll 12:1 168
\\elk '\anq l-+ 7
\\ ell,. Hol x·;., 11 8. 119, 1-+ 7
\\ elk \\ a ir e r 95. 1:n 1'8
\\ endorf. C:a rol 1-t7
\\ ente. \ aron 9.). t:n 169
\\ enlzt'll. Srefan 78. 9 1. IT'
\\ epfer. John 62. 6:3. 17 8
\\ epfer. Knthry n 1-t'
\\ epk ing. Kt'll) 19. 20. 2 1. -t-t.
.) I. .)7 .•)8, 88. 89. 103.
I 1:3. 11'. HO. 1:31. 1-tO.
18 1. 19'2, 19-t. 2:P. 2-t:3
\\ ennding. \ aron 67. JOO. 1.)8
\\ ern1eling. \mancL.1 l'B
\\ ern1eli11g. \ ,hit·(' 10-t. 1:n 19-t
\\ m11di11g. Elizalx-1h 108. 1:2:3.
1:n. 1.:>S
\\ erth . Jamb 9). 169
\\ en<'. Charil'., 96. 1-t;
\\ en1•. \la1hi tb 71. 1-:'8
\\ 1·,1. Roi x·n )6. IO'. I:2.). 1:8
\\ e,l. s, 111 hia 1:2.)
\\ h l<' n .lH'\ er. Raclwt' I 0. 110.
1:2:J. J.)8
\\Nlancl \lichael I'll
\\ Nphal. I .in(h 9:3
\\ <'I ker. J·: mih 7 :3. 170. 19-t
\\ r; kn. \Jorga n 80. 169
\\ t'\ kt'r. Tri,h 80. l-t 7
raucl1. Lindn l-+7
\\ h~elt·r. \legan 1:2-t. 17:3
\\ hitakPr. Lnnc 91. l 19. 1:20.
1:27. 169. 2 t:3
\\ hirakn. \1el i,;,a 1:2 7 • 1-+ 7
\\ hi1t·. Debra 169
\\ hi1('. T, it'r 110. l.)8
\\ hi1t•,izi·. Broc k -+8
I\ hillock. Emily 20. :36. -+-+ ..)'.
IO'. I i8. 11 9. 120. 1:2 1.
19-t. :237
\\ e;
\\ ickt'r,Jwi111. Paul I9-t
\\ ickl11111L Zak 169
\\ idrn1;rn. Kile 16 1
\\ idmar. E11;ih 19-t
\\ ieg1·l1·. Barlxtra 1-+7
\\ it'gcl1·. Brian 16. 56. 1:3'2. 1:n
n7. t78. 201
\\ it·le. Jamb 106. 107. 110. 119.
\\ right. \ Jy,.,a in 98. 138
\\ right. Brn11do11 62
\\ right. K,.;,, rn 98. 110. 1:Xl
\\ roblt'\\">ki. Dc·bra 1-t 7
\\ , nia . Co11r1n1"1 t 19. 120. 1:n
I:39. Ici<J. :2.'52
\\ ) nn. \Iii""' 1.)8
\\ ) nn. J1·,,ica 1:2:3. 169
\\ i1·le. Kt·nn1·1h 20. 21. 11 (>. 119.
120. 1:22. l-t'. 19-t
\\ iclgo,. Chri , 1ine 56. 70. <n.
10.). 12-t.
t70. 178
\\ idg<h. KadwrinP 2-t. 70. 9:3.
1().). I fa 1.)8
\\ ierzha. Dm·id :Xi. 178
\\ i1 ·rzcl1mV'>ki. \ilcgan 108. 12:3,
\\ ilchnan. Taylor 51. 178
\\ ilht>ln1,on. iohn 55. 8.). 1-+7
\\ ilkin•,on. \ mancL.t 1.)8
\\ ilkin,on. Patricia 19-t
\\ illl'nh. Jan·cl 169
\\ illia1m. \ ,hit·\ 178
\\ illia11 1,. Drnm;n 6:2. 1.-:>8
\\ illia11h. Dl'rnlllae 8)
\\ illi an1'. .lnC'h n 178
\\ illi am,. JaC't j1wline 3. l(>C)
\\ illi am,on. \dam 178
\\ illing. knnift•r 1-t'
\\ iJ,01\. 13n an 7 1
\\ iJ,on. o,;nid :l:'i. 115. 169
\\ iJ,on. Debra -t8. 1-t7
\\ ii'1JJl. J)<'vin 6:2. [.)8
\\ ii'1JJl. J,,,,ica I t.). 169
\\ il'1m. \l1·gan 1:2.'). 178
\\ iJ,on. Hanch 8.)
\\ iJ,on. Stan ·1-+7
Wind Ensemble 116
\\ ird1. Mf 77
\\ irth. J·: rica 1:2:3
\\ irhr<I\\. lt-nnift'r 19-t
\\ nuk. '\icolt' 1 LO. 111. 19-t
\\ ohlge111u1h. Hy a nn 108, 1:36.
t:P. 1:39. 17 8
\\ ojC'ied1owit'z. \lt'-xa 1:37. J:39.
' ontz. Brent 20. ·H, ;)7. 116.
117. 120. 180. 19-t. 193
Young. \le-x 67. 95. 19-t
I oung. Joanna (:>8. 11.). 158
loung. Ju;,cin Ph. 87. 178
I uha,. Joohua 1.58, 2.5.3
I ulc., Ja~on 62. 1::1:-3, 169
I urdiak. Laura 62, 1:)8
I urdiak. Sarah 169
tive like French zero hour
but not core academics. It
makes sense for early release for jobs and sports.
We should offer more
zero hour classes."
'anku ra. \ manda
12-t. 19-t
' an uzzi. Soph ia 169
Yearbook ationals 10
' '<·a n. Jach n "7"7. !05. l J.'5. 1:39.
. 138. 16:3
' ct•. (~mnit' (> I. 1:2-t. 178. :217
\ont z. Be" 11 6. 117. 1:20. 169
\\ ojnic-z. I loll) 11). 1.)8
\\ ojnit'z. \la-x 19-t
\\ olf. Jordan :2 1. 128. 19-t
\\ olf. J1hh11a CJ I. 1.)8
\\ olfe. \l a11h1·\\ 1-:'8
\\ ollt> r. \ , hJ 1·\ 6H. "78. 1:2:3. 169
\\ oile r. Dian,; :27. :Xi. l 10. 1:20.
19-t. 2:N. :2.56
\\ O lll >H"k. Jthtin 1:20
Women's Choir 122
\\ <XX L Jurrcll 1(JC)
\\ ocxL Jordan 110
\\ oodarc l l ~ddi t' t.)8
\\ <l<xlen. J;N nine 9:3. 110. 1:2:3.
\\ <Xldcn. Hachel 1:2:2. 12:3. l(fJ
\\ oodlel . Philip 62. I.xl
\\ o()([,, Kathe rine 108. !09. 1:38.
1:39. 169
\\ orcc,tcr. Kinilx,rh- IO). 119.
1:20. 1.-xi .
\\ nrkman. \ndrt'w 78. 11.) . [(JC)
\\ ork man. J<heph 7 8. 9 I. I 15.
t 19. 169. 186. :2:28
\\ orkman. Helx'cca 119
\\ orkman. Sarah 8.3. 98. 11.).
l(f). IPii
\\ OHU) OF 1\1\CES206
\\ ou lfe. Elllih (J.). I 1:). 158
Wrestling &5 ·
[cy ,, idC'walb and ~ li ck ha ll:,
forced t('\' Jb into tenni, ,hoe,,
until flip-flop:-. reappeared for
Spring/Su111111er f<lbhion .
'·[ Ion· wearing flip-flop,
lx·c<HN' 111\ feet nm bn·a the
and don' t f'<'<'I e nclo"ed ."
-soph. Hchecrn FrC'iberg
-fr. Alexis Zeyen
Zagame. .\iko 62, 158
Zajicl'k-Bagen.,ki. Laura 126, 1-+7
Zalokar. Jake 56. 11 9. 120. 178
Zanin. Chru,e 158
Zarleni. Julie 89. 10.). 158
Zdano\\·icz. Paul 9). 19-t
Zero Hour48
Zettle. R) an 1-t-t. 1-+6. 1-t7
Zeyen .. '\lexU, 128. 158. 25.3
Ziccarelli. \1arianne 1-+7
Ziebdorf. Le, 1-t7
Zigner. Kmneth 62. 158
Zili!->clt. Brinany 8. 110. 11 L l 7 8
Zili!->ch. Jn,1'ph '-t. 75. 13.1 169
Ziman\ . Sama Ill ha 1. 7 . 10. 20.
• .')"7_ 59. 102. 120. 128.
129. 1-t 1. l l'll. 19-t. 2-t 1
Zimmemian., Erin 80
Zimmerman. Jo,hua 12 7 • 169
Zolpn. Kaitlyn;) t. 119. 1:20. 1:8
Zolper. Hyan 62. 1.)8
Zorn. Lian.a -t7. 10.'J. 108. 116.
117, 139. 178
Zupetz. Jill 1-t"7
Zuraw;,ki. \1ark 11.'5. 119. 1.58
Zuzinec. Jame, 1-t 7
Zwickey. Thomru, 137. 169
pring rains chang d
wint r' gray to lush
gras green, we clung to
traditions to balan e our
~hifting world. Although
w fa ed London train
bombers, four local t en
-uicid and gas pri
peaked at 3.26 in the
wake of Hurricane Katrina, we fo used on
chool events that pulsed
with per onal po itiv ,
the be t of Trojan lives.
Tn"'t<.>ad of combating
evil tep-mother and ister or even ecretiv terrorist , 650 of us walked
into an enchanted paradis of Prom' "Cind r-
Ila' Ball." Tot gla
lipper but three-inch
pikes that w ripped-off
by third dance for parkly flip-flop how d off
our pink, glittering dr ses at Parkwa Chateau.
To ooth th a ad n1ic
load, pring break interYene<l. Yearbook taff, in
~earch of a national third
and Golden Gate bridge,
cruised to San Fran isco
Bay, and Choir e caped
to Orlando' Disne and
ea Worlds ignoring terror alerts that held us in
baggage e urity lines.
At UW-Parkside, 115
of us serenaded judge
at tate olo & Ens mble May 6. Budget cuts,
though, that hurt middle
school music programs,
tl med in to the trimmeddown r ferendum that
voters pas ed.
A May rolled in, we
could not count on tradition when event fizzled,
Powder Puff, Battle of
the Bands and Fresh-
e's Regency, Deb,
Buckle, A erica Eagle and Pac Sun
lured us to buy Prom dresses, distressed
jeans and screen tees, but local business
infi ltrated the retail market with outlets
that gave us more bang for the buc~"J ,/?,
Among the 65-store boom at Prime otr [/ 'i
1-94, Pac Sun, Coach and Guess joined
Gap, Banana Republic, J. Crew, Polo and
Nike to dress us in style and to add teen
sales jobs. Closer to Trojan turf, Indian
Trail Plaza popped up in front of Lowe's,
shifting us to a local Qdoba. It topped
the triad of Panera and Chile's off Hwy.
50 for Saturday night dates and groups
of friends. Taking into account new jolj
openings for our parents, Abbot's purchase of Pleasant Prairie land secured
our shopping and dining pleasures.
"/,, To avoid slipping off raised
wires, junior Elliot Rezny and senior Kurt
Gosselin shift balance in a trust-building
low-element at Woodhaven for AP Psychology. D In beat, junior VIXX drummer Dan Pratt slams the snare during
Battle of the Bands March 18. Shifting
sets with 1 0 teen bands, VIXX rocked
with "Swing Song" and "Addiction, Addiction." ~ Swaying with smiles, seniors
Adam Campbell and Syd nee Davis share
Ne-Yo's "So Sick" at "Chinese Fortune"
Sub Deb Jan. 21. Dancing among 350,
couples floated under 1,000 origami
cranes. IJ Intoxicated with music, junior
Sara Frost serenades with "Maria" from
"West Side Story" at the Spring concert
May 3. With a Broadway theme, strings
also fiddled in "Highlights from Wicked"
and "Phantom of the Opera."
w.11rcd.1{ rr'rcfiil/
Rafting down a shifting cyber river,
juniors Colin Summers and Taylor
Davis share free time on Black
Watch's trip to Vancouver.
"During AP Art we
were given a basic
assignment like
drawing a human
in a fish bowl that
we could exaggerate and change
to fit our liking. It
impro~·ed my art."
"I loved dancing
to 'Paradise City'
at Ms. Tremper.
I'm not a typical
teenager who only
dances to rap. I
despise it, and I'm
glad that I showed
I was different."
-sr. Diana Woller
-sr. Dan LaBelle
"After Allysa broke
her ankle, we realized that repeating
as State champs
would be tough.
I did receive my
personal bests
on balance beam
and all-around."
-sr. Hannah Pierson
ln a fla~h" the year passed us by.
Through z ro hour claHses "·Cind rella·' Prom, teacher insurance debates
and our last look at the building aH
we knew it. ·we urvived Meeting
1?6 friends \\ith OJX'n ann~ at Senior
Banquet May 19" ·\v relived our journey. t June 6 gr duation., ""±86 of us
n1et the end of high schoo~ ~hift ing
to fact> rt>al world challenges. Time to
inhal<·. After aR ...,hjft happ<~n:-i .
shift within '06 06
Within lhe 256-page
publication, all~.
layouts and oopy ~
ated by staff on 31 iMac
G5s and twelve 1BoolG
in In~ CS, Illustrator
cs and Phdo;hop cs.
Volume 42. Press run ol
1200 ropoes. Sold di r.1.
Walsworth Publishing
Company, Marceline,
Mo., on 100 lb. semiglossy enamel p.iper
trimmed to 9xl 2. Book
feature> full four-color,
Body copy: 1O pt.
Bodoni. Captions 8 pt.
!dents 6 pt. Section
Typography for Academics, Croups, Incle,,
Mdxi-Mdg, People,
Sports and Student
Life: Avant Guard,
Benjamin, Bodoni and
Optima fonts.
Color '<'paration mad<'
from digital. Photo>
taken by student photographers. Unckrda-s
and staff portrait> by
Life Touch 'tudio>.
Senior portraits taken
.it pref<>rred provider
Li fe Touch ' tud io ,ind
othPr vM i ou~ ~tu di os.
four-color ends.heels
and an embos*d
four <Olor cover
$60; after publlShi~ $80.
Inquiries: Tremper HS
a.ssK:t262i 942-2225 ()(
sj.lcob)@kusd edu
colophon and credits
With a warm smile, Advancea M th Analysis teacher Blake Topel h
is newly-adopted five-year-old
daughter Christina. In r ponse, the math d p r ent hosted a
welcoming shower M arch 11 in the cafeteria. To el took paternity leave for his adop ion o three Kenosha siblings.
In th
flesh for the 2 06 Govern r race, senior Sam
I nk r shouts
o Democrat Jim Doy1e at the March 10 Dem J
ld by
Kenosha Democratic Youth Action at the U W local 173 on
39th Ave. , Dem Jam offered andidate umper stickers an Tshirts supporting liberal causes. )I Intrigue with senior Sam
Zimany's muscle art, senior Kevin Donais pre n the .human
model on March 29. Along with gr up members Zimany and senior Alyssa Rodriguez, Donai demonstrated the inner-workings
of 37 muscles duri ng ift n-minute, fourth hour presentation
in Mr .
ri ina Bradl y's Anatomy and Physiology Honors.
Hammer in hand, senior Joe Tobalsky pounds a
roadside sandstone formation near Baraboo, Wis. on Nov. 15. As
part of the new Geology Honors class, 38 students visited four
areas of geologic interest including the shifted fau lts of Devi l's
Lake. II To rev up, seniors Gina Macareno and Kellie Schneider
defy gravity w hile stretching at the Parkside Invite. Schneider
shifted competition states by signing with NCAA Division 1 Kansas.
Ath lete scored a victory with passage of a $6.97 million referendum
on Nov. 1, w hich wil l add athletic faci lities and gi rls teamroom by
August 2007. II Strutting in a red robe before a cast of Egyptian
handmaidens, fashion-conscious Princess Am neris, played by
senior Alexa Hujik, si ngs "My Strongest Suit." For three months,
56 performers shifted schedules to prep the high school worldpremier of "Aida - School Edition" on Jan 17.
fr@Ji!Mt Loud and proud about sending Warri ors back to
Muskego, seniors drum up spirit during the O ct. 14 Homecoming parade. Seniors shifted to the fi rst-ever class victo ri es in spirit
bell and float competitions. Despite seniors' smokin g teepee an d
House Arrested DJ, Trojan triumph fizzled on the field 6-14.
SJ~Ml Between senior Matt Eggert's legs, senior Andrea
Savaglio recreates an "SNL" favorite during Mr. and MS. Tremper
contest Jan. 28. Held within the walls of the renovated auditorium,
Ms. Tremper joined Mr. Tremper festivities for the first time with
Eggert and senior Julie Pastor claiming crowns.