The Classic 2002
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The Classic 2002
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 2001 to 2002 school year.
116986419 bytes
Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
n9 U p
for sir
re ,C,
S Al . . . .
j ~~
Classic b002
Volume 38
G. N. Tremper
High School
8.560 26th AH'.
Keno ha. \\ l S.'31't3
Ph. '262 9-±2-2200
Fax. f262J. 9-t2~1?8
e-mail: tren18'26 {!.kw,
http:/fk'lli, choob/
tremper/trernper. html
\olume 38
A · · n1or · rul d
wearing '·four y ar
xperienc ., cla s T- hilts, .._______......
they ea ed fre hmen into high chool
as transition coache . 0 AIR PR SSl 'R E : In pr t t, the KE t ach r ·
work to ontra t, farcing fru trat d
'tud nts to t pup and 1 ad H m oming activiti . Lack of advisers and
academic upport triggered a whirlwind of contr ¥ rsy, lea'7ing tudent
and taff breathl
Cr I 1.1 ... and prt>pp) ....Pnior
· P >,.fanfrPd barLPd h\ ._p.
nior-. >,.tarri Gallo and &;nniP
FonL poinh in cfi._gthl at bad
Ix')" aero... ~ thP -,wgt·., l.:ih
highlimPd tlw I lonweoming 2 \fB a-. ... t>mhlie-. on
Ort. -t . \ r P• " at a
>,.[inneapoli~ re ... t -.10p.
junior Je...... ica \\ hirpfoot
and ... ophomorP \<lam
Socha pu... h Hong Kong
P"changp ... tude nt \Jpx
hun-\lan \an. leaming up for thP £lr-.t runt>
aftPr a KE\ ._ ettled contract. 'ign La°"''t.IUge Club
and lntt>rnational Club tm\ t>IPd to \[all of \ rnerica.
oiued} '<>
Ne Ccerae
Lauren Cooper
Jem Gouda
Cndy Gentz
ary ~u
Me ssa Lrgvay
m ng up •or al
nha lIn 9
rare air
~Her ouercom1
~each~b action an
staging ~o\ecoming,
we clear d the air,
torward and
ret used to get caught
in the middle as we
too~ ma Hers into our
own hands and we lcomed parent support.
("lli\n ~-..c; the guitar
~"and checking tht>
~ound equipment after
~chool on Jan. 26, ~enior
Kope~ky warrru, up
for \fr.Tremper laterthar
ni"hr. Kope ky walked
away with rhe ride after
overcoming a broken guitar
string while rocking out ro Led
Zepplin's '- tairway to Heaven."'
co mi n.g up. f or a r o
festivitie,., -,uch a'>
the muddy bonfire
and \1ardi Gras clan .e
flew by due to parents taking on chaperone dutj· a-,
teacher · worked to contract. OREA CH FOR TllE
ST\ RS: Even though teachers cancelled field trips,
the science department set up an in-school field trip
to the International Space, tat ion via ham radio
on ov. 6. DurinO' advisory and second block,
73 astronomy students piled into room 111
to talk with ru;tronaut Frank Culbertson
about the air up there in Earth's orbit.
OAIR CO:\TiffiO_J G: On _ ov. 16, stud nts filed out the door,., at 9:51 a.m. in
order to follow the football team to Camp
Randall. Kine coach buses hauled 500
red-and-blue fans with lunches provided
by the Home Court. O AIR FR SHK ~R:
Another breath came with the KlSS FM: Can
Crushing contest from ov. 7 through Dec. 3.
lthough four 16-foot l-Ilaul trucks crammed
with cans earned only si th place. we held our breath
while waiting for re~;ult-,. OBRE \THE DEEPLY:
The December d ath of -,pecial
edu ation teacher and girl.,
var itj· bask tball coach
Jeff \V illis brouO'ht us
dO\vn to earth to fa
reality. OG :\ SPl G
FOR :\ lR: Thr e
tables making up
the Ul::iually jamm d
Activity E po on
, ept. 1-i for hadowed the truggle at
the start. Pullina
through Feaste to~ inter Formal anyway, we
continued comin" up for air.
TI! "1lf1'\ ha!!, of cari,, in hand ,enior-. . ick
ez _·and Tre,·or \ 1cCallL"1:er pile tht> rnllf'<'tedcan,
r tht> 1'J:-;:-; F \ l come,t. Franklin. tht> winnin!!
chool t>amt>d a rnn ert from Chii~tina \ lilian and
:in 11 i!!h. 00\ ERUl\IE with emotion. -.ophomort>
-leather \~ elke ... how-, her ..,orrow owr the Trojan
N' at • tate while her friend ..,ophomore \1ek-~a
;&,tellano con..-.o\e, her. The Trojan,,, lo~t to the
[ar-.hfield Tiger-. 28-"7 on their trip to C'.amp Randall
n m . 16. O ~l 1.EZI G out the la:,,c drop. junior
"tt>Ye Goetz participat~ in tht> gowmment ..,ponred cookout on • pt. 12. \~ ith initial fipen,,,e, of
2?5. the -.ale earned the ..,enior cla~ S 150 profit
fter -.elling 1?5 brat:, and "75 hot dog~ .
the Trojan
n o the State football game was an incredible memory. The energy
level was as high as I've ever
experienced. Even though
we didn't~ the 13-1 season record was ,....+-&,~ rY'WV~
athletic accomplis
-sr. Jim ~onza les
@ [amp ~anda ll
om1n~ up_ I or air
("!:1\1111 \ donatt' tht> $.500 rai.-t>d for tht> v-ictim.~ of
~ Sub Deb ~enior~ l>v1ichelle Whalen, Gina
Lerdaht . tt>phanir Lituwr, Ja.~min Pollo<'k and
Janette \frhael~ give the chrck LO Philip \. Wattlr-.
Red Cro-~ Rt>pre~entatiw on Sept. 27. OL \l <,111 <.
up a btomL ~ophomorP Kaid) n Llnwr relaxe~ ht-fore .\ID. \\ alk begin.~ on Sept. 29. L1mer wa.~ orw
of eight Drama Club ~tudent~ to rai.'e money for
A IDS. Pre-wall aniv~tie indud<•d a motivational
bpeech from -Day~ of Our Li,e~ - actor Eric Benet.
\\.TIO al-o It'd the rnluntPt'~ in ~tretching.
ally glad I raised
or 9-11 "\\ Dran1a
Club. My two day of ·tanding in front of our building
before chool may not have
mad t n of mon y but I
f lt lik I had to
thing for my coun
- jr. ~ic~ Jones
@ circle driue
ming up lor a r o
3 Ir
up there
"~one of us will euer
forget this day, yet we
go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world." ended ~resident
dress to the nation and the ~~~~ ~oard room the night eptember 11.
OBRE.\TII OF RE\UTI: \~hile over
300 !:itud ntb gathered at the ducarional
upport Center to plea for contract bettlement, the nation al-;o collected to embrace
thf' day\, ewntb. Silf'ncf' :,ignaled the bolemn mcxx:I. of the Prf'..,ident ·b l>eech. "
the Board lllf'f'ting btopped for the 8 p.m.
tf'leYi.,ed adclre.,..,, Wf' mourned and temporaril) bm.,hf'd di.,trict turmoil a:;ide.
OTIO~'TILE \ IH: Retaliatina in defen.">f', our nation felt the aftf'rmath a., racial targetina
led to more Yiolence. Hitting home in our halb,
we e~peri n ed air pr
:,;ure when one of our
own 1ndian-A rnerican
:,tudent became the
'ictim of 'itereotypina
and blanw. Other btudf'nh quickly .,tepped up to
reinforce our no bull) ing. no
harabsing policy.
O. IGl I OF RELIEF: Joining the
ru!:>h to aid • ew
York City, Drama
Club, , tudf'nt Government and Ilome
Court rai:;<'d $8?00 for the
R d Cm,,.., Reli<>f. 0 \1 \CIC I TI IE \TR:
A:,; an e">cape. we broke from reality ·with
book-to-movie fantn!:iie'i Harn Potter and
the..., rcerer ~., , tone and Th~ Lord of the
Ring::,: The Fellmc-,hip of the Ring showina on multiple :,;creens at Tinseltown.
OBRE \THI G THE . .\\IE .\IR: To
cheer the Olympic torch throuah
Keno ha on, heridan Road Jan. 5. hundredb gathered in the cold and we j ined
th fev r. L nited by the, alt Lake competition, both the nation and world celebrated ideal., and trimnph.,
while crnuin" up for air.
11 I \I ..., on T\ -, in tlw C"nm-
du ring lun!'h. junior
""Parr. '*nior Ro·.t•man
llerr and junior Col! . mitli
. for rht> cominu~ updar~ on rht> re:-eue of
owr 3.000 rerrori.-m ,;ctim.~
ar ground zero. \'\ e remained
on 'edge well after the twin rower
and Pem~on armC"k• due co anrhra~ ram'pam in the mail. Four
<leach,, rec.ulrro fn m the C"hemical
rhreah before ""' \\t'rt' ablt' co ,afe
guard again-r them 0 \11< ROPllO l in
Crom 0£ her. junior . rudt>m Body \ ice-Prt'-idenc
Lei ah Godin "J>eaL-, rot lw -.dmol board on ht" half of
, n1dent Gmemnwnt at clw Edurnrional Suppon
C'.emer. EJt',en •nidrnh ~poke co bri~ do,..ure co
our comracr romro,er-.\ ar the Kt>no-ha nifit'd
• hool Di,,.rricr mt't'ring <.m Sepe. l l.
elebration o convocation
and I
troduced from a three-year lapse.
\' ariety how returned on Feb. l.
A mere ,;3 to enter the talent e~
travaganza bought us ten acts
·with 150 in prizes. OCOOL -\IR:
To enjoy the recently installed air
conditioning in the auditorium.
s nior-, and families attended the
fir t Thur-,day eYening Conrncation on \fay . . Clas of '02 record d ove; -.'800.000 in colleae
s holarships. O A IR QL \LIT\:
To keep achnaline high, we counted
down on onnnoru; posters from bia
event to eYent rarely n 1ming up f, 11 air.
a fantastic escort, and
our voices worked well tog ether. During "The
Twelve Days of Christmas," I had a solo for the
eighth day
maids a-..........................
- sr. ~a~i lapper
@madrigal teas~e
coming up for a r o
Sn gling to hancllt' the ht'afh of
llooru , '">t'nior-. Daw \X illiam~ and
t>rrin dt>rnratt' tht' ballroom of
Chatt'au for tht' annual , quN on \1a) 2-+. Dt...,pitt' tht'
- · mte -.lidt> ~how for -IIt>re ·.., to
tht' '\'ight. - tht' danc·p floor t>mptit>d h)
10:'30 p.rn. 0 Frizzt>d hair -.urrounding hn fact>. junior Jp .....,ica Sigman
tran-.form-, hn-.t>lf into I lt>'r tht•
l I orriblt> for '>pri ng -.h<rn. -Tlw
,ant1·~illr- Gho-.t..., rhr- final rnatint't' \\TU[>pt>d np tht' -.ix--.h<m nm on
\1arl'h :2-+. thP 18-nwml>t'r ca... t foll<m.-d -.tudPnt dirt><"tor Laura Haug.
aitin t hr- Prom ro\ a]ry anwm. unior-. Ka, h ~n ~'tt>in1ik . hf•kf'm. \~hi"' Bilil.:
· Sparl.:.., •milP aflf·r danc·in:..
l1·ritag1· ITmN' ballnw1111
on Im . 'llw 19 in coun. 1-+ girl-.
and fi,·1· ho\'· b11ih dPcoratiori... four
\\e1·b to r·o;1,l'n tlw Hth \\f·11t11• lon1tion to ··sprin;..11i111P 111 Pari .... - 0 RPCf'i\ing the maj1·-.ti1· rolM·. -.1·nior Jajaira
\1artirwz lll'CPph I lomf'l 'omi1~ ()u1·en
t id1>. IlPforp u -.t udt'nt horh 'Ott'.
\tanirwz and 1•-.cort -.1•nio.r f..., IP
JohrNm cor1111wn•d poll-. with rk1;1c1•
rontin1•.., to Billhoard hih including
C'..enuwirw ·.., ~Difft·n·nc1•-.. ·1
1 t ion da, . •enior \ le...ia
g al a hrPaih oui-idt> tlw
F" I lhoLbe on ]unt' 2. One
f tl1l op > Oui...tancling -.wdt>ni...
and a men x·r of ational l lonor So·
cief) . .\llt>n -.port-. her mt>dal and •tole.
0 To tak1· a brt>ak at the\\ imt>r formal. junior-. \rnlwr \ it>th and 1'.dl)
ZiP..,Pnwr (l<lcl in "ith (>.~ other-. m
tilt' \larina Shon·-. ballroom on fon.
19. Tlw - \h-.twal Dn·a rn - dann·
kickPd off a \~1 ·1·k of ani' iti1•-. during
thP fiN -\\ inlf•rft·•t. - 1•n<ling with \Ir
Tremper pag1•a111 tlwnwd - 1i ·~ Raining \ lt>n - on Jan. :1h.
n1'lg up 1 or a11
Ilie 1ml«-g ar(JI
With the teacher
What happens when -±0 day , 120 student and
. 7,7-± - mix together? 'Dne Wild Knight,"' with a 13work-to-contrad, a 8 vi tory over tate-ranked number one Oak r k,
a mile-long parade, a muddy bonfire and a ma;,querscare of no ad ball on a rainy Oct. 13. ;\ lthough temperature:.
Homecoming echoes durina Homecoming week dropped to :--1 degree,., and
rain filled the air, spirits didn"t dampen. -1 want d
through the halls, patriotism in the game, so Tom Christy, \ndy
but with the cooperation Cisko" ki., Joel \1eyer, Ryan Clark and I painted 100
pieces of po:>ter board to resemble the American flag.
of parents and During the Madrigals' Kational Anthem, the crowd
held up our signs,., aid senior Bruce Crane. 0 \~ hen
a. 1,3.50 bouncing boxing ring packed the commons
Homecoming week for five days, spirit games faced off competitors who
paid , 3 per pair to wail on the other with giant twoprevails as foot gloves. Although it was just fun, three bloody
"One Wild Knight· and one broken nose occurred from head-butts. 0
'-Government lost $500, but it was a good publicity
move. I refereed every match, even though l got hit a couple of tin1es,"' said senior
\ck Rezny. 0 After dancing in mud baths at the bonfire to "ew Voice DJs, coupl s
drifted toward the upcoming niaht. To celebrate -ew Orleans style with ~Mardi Gras
\1adne · '," 1.200 party-aoers stormed a transformed gym.
~1 worked on decorations, ·o the minute l walked in the gymnasium l was amazed. Everyone had school
pirit,"' aid sophomore Alyssa Covelli. \\ ith the departure of uperint ndent \1ichael
Johnson's latex ban, stud nt government a ces ·orized ·with 1.9'20 late balloons. ··1
hap n to be one of the few allerai to late", and ironically I'm the Vi e President of
pe ial Events. I tayed cl ar of the balloons," said senior nnie \\, ade.
The festivitie built to a game victory and th rowning of Jajaira \fartin z a-, Hom coming
qu n. Damp loth sand fi ry spirits mad Homecoming a ··da;,s-act.. elebration,
according to As t. Principal Ed Kupka.
Q slow dance slumber)
32 Members of Drama Club who participated in passirg
out candy to children durirg the Homecomirg parade
26 Number of parents and administrators
thot assisted in Homecomirg activities
952 Dotlars spent on security for the
game bonfire and dance
Compiled hou-s of all
Homecom1rg activities
soosce: Student Goverrvnent
. waying to the •ong '"llii.~ [ Promi.-e
You - b.,-. -S\ C. •enion. -\ rthur We-1
andfo~nna Riecke put a-ide thoughh
of ~port-, and homework for celebration.• ix-foot ma,,b and \lardi
Gr~ mural, decorated common, and
gym. Purple. turquoi~e and gold
balloon, dropµed from a 30-foot height.
8 spirit trouble for junior}
To hype up the night. •ophomore~
Elbe Kaber, \~hley O"Connell and
Jackie Fritz ride the -&-r Tailrrate
Ever. - Sophomore~ at play. carried
away. egged and de-troy eel the -enior
float at Kristen Jachon· hou-e. The
1-t identified ~pent a day in I. . . and
could not anend Homecoming event
other than the dance.
)ust another look-alike)
Every day j,, twin day £or .,ophomore
look-alikt',, Dani and manda De
Cp,aro. but not PVPf\ dav do the\
drP~~ idt'nticaJ)\-.• rrub: 80~ and
\~ e~tern Day al.,-o pumpP<l up 'Pirie
wPPk. ending in a 13-8 football win.
,mj)p,, whllP riding down
26th .\YPntW. ,pnior
Tiffan' RLIP, ,jh on
thP ~Pnior float.
DP,pitP a dP-,-
8'spirit town sheriff)
Riding hi,., 'cooter Ii.kt> a rnwlx>y on a
hoht'. junior Tony Cor.,o 1war-, up for
a -\\ ilrl K nil(ht - a" hP accomp<miP"
tllP junior cJa,., float. Tht• , w im
tPam·., t• tremt·h blut• car t<w>l fiht
plan• among a half-dozt·n rraL) car- .
e you a
• booty dcn::er,
~ate nig t groove bust)
• er mis c::Ken fer
\[akina mad mow-, to -Boon lici0tb bv De-,cirn -, Chikl -enioh Rebekah
Haak. J~nm· frlinek and Kerri
Capodarro dance at -\[ardi Gra-.Q,er 2.000 lit>ad~ and L-tOO 'Pquinned nJa,,-,e" dPcorated pa~ -croer".
·h ·I.. appropriatt• numlxr
• you imitat JLo and
L,,her".., air tiaht moYe
it your date he-ld you
captiY and made- you
arooYe ~Yen thouah ,-ou
onh- had one clan mo\
• you -,rood -,till and add d
an oc a,,ional h ad bob
But of Breath
Four weeks without computers to install a
new iMac lab, yearbook staff connects
to push deadlines, to produce Classic 2001.
At NSP A/ JEA National Convention in
Phoenix, Ariz., Always the One finished
fourth place in Best in Show competition.
tarting out with seven iM ac , ix crippled
PowerMacs from the '90s and 19 new editors in control, CLA I 2001's arrival had students getting
restless waiting for yearbooks. 0 '·After rotating
around among the old machines, we finally got the
fabulous iMacs in February, and my life was so much
easier. I didn't have to punch out teeth or pull hair
just to get at a keyboard," said senior Editor-in-Chief
Jennifer Gaudio. 0 Aside from the added eight pages
in Always the One, 1,200 students spent anywhere
from 10 minutes to a day scoping out the newest
book. 0 '"The first page I opened to was my mug
shot to see how bad I looked, and then I went to my
crush's picture to see how cute he looked," said sophomore Jessica Altergott. 0 \V ith A /ways the One arriving just hours before distribution on Dec. 20, 28
yearbook staff members shared shifts to cover 1,200
books, collect receipts and sell photos. 0 "I attempted
to wait in line until mobs of people showed up. l nstead, I checked out photos that the staff had for
sale. l was quite amused to see fellow student ,' react ions to pictures that they never realized had been
taken," said junior Matt Bla:ziewske. 0 Besides realizing that Always the One won ISPA All-American
competition for the 19th year, buyers reflected on its
memories. 0 '·As l came upon the homecoming
pages, I thought about the crowded stands from our
victory against Bradford. I snapped to a daze and
was reminded about all the fun l had at my first
homecoming," said sophomore Lisa Elliott. 0 With
the editors finishing proofs on ov. 27, just a month
after completing the index, the school managed to
get the book delivered mid-December. Students' reactions reinforced the value of coverage. 0 "I had
my school mug in the book, and l was also in the
Burger King ad. But, l wasn't surprised to see familiar faces of so many seniors," said junior Sarah
Treviso. 0 As distribution day passed, the yearbook
staff felt relief and pride to see their hard work in the
pages of Always thf' One, one never to forget.
_. \THT<\Kl G
}77Number of schools thot competed in contests ot the JEA/
NSPA Nationol Competition in Phoenix, Arizono
3 Write-Off f-b-ioroble Mention wimers,
Mellissa Ruiz Joe Sieber, Rachel Snyder
0 CLASSIC staff placed; l Write-Off
Excellent wimer, Karyi Rutchik
2 Write-Off Superior wimers,
Ky Jacoby Jessie Grewal
source: CLASSIC records
leader of the pack)
Guiding the rrroup to the ,\ rizona
Center, senior Mellissa Ruiz and
Karyi Rutchik and '-Ophomore Rachel
nyder hike to four cla'>ses dail) . AU
H also attended award ceremonies
and rocked at nightly danct'».
ready for snap shot)
with c1a~~ic ",, 3?th edition in hanc
"enior Patricia \lock surfs the photo
on cJi,play to see how friend,, hm<
changl:'d over the year. On an average
~even photo journalist;, and s-i:aff ~ho
10 roll,, of film weekly, totalling 360.
smiles with sighs of relief)
R.-.. or1 ing to dw hall. •ophomon·.,
\lanch Poth and Sarah I ft.i11z1·11
\\hipdm·w1h1<2:X>1~1g1-... mrh mo
~ra<l11at1•-. n·111rnt><I !:>.·, :.W ·
for boob. H1·... ting hi-.
arm,, 011 a pil t· of
boob. junior Jo-.h
\1atlww ... tak e,, a
lm·ak from ..,e rYing junior-, he·
l\\!'Pll -,hifi... during dl... trihution.
mernories by the page)
Ca-.u a ll~
flipping through page-. .
...o phom ore \tile Gla--man •t•arch~
to find recog nizahl t> fa r t>-. o n the
H o mt>eomin!? -.pri>a<l Gla.--ma n w ::i_,,
~me of 3? 1 •ophomore-. chm a ppt·ared
m One nf \fa'!) a nd be~an hiah "Ch• o l
rollenio n-. with ~/wa.1.., rlw Orw.
B_;tepping up to the job) a ..,J..ini. junior malit• Lind-.ev
•ees \\hm ,,he"ll he reporting "bile 0;1
.,iaff. &._idt'- Lind-t•\ . one fn,..,hmari.
e ight so phomo re-, "and 1:3 junior-.
..,rarted a., rt'pon e r.. for Peoplt• feaiurt'-.
celebration wa:-i more
meaninl7ful and fun to me
becam;e l ' pPrif'n('f' l th<-'
moment when the , 'P .\
dir tor aid 'and in fourth
place our friend:-i from
\\ i ·coru;in. · Both the taff
and tho e who competed at
Phoenix de rved th party .
·JT· Tick Turco
o pose. µu
sl-ows off hs · pose d.rrg
the wave-strler-gitl gcrre
Aside from tin _,,.,... o!
roe ·paper-scissors he
s off ployed h.snoo 1-.rots
ofter pozzo rnd soda to
leb-o e su:ce.>.
B:!dentified flying object)
~ ith juggling hall., in air, '>ophomore
Karl Burkoth entertairb Fea.,te gueot.,
as they enter in tlw front hall. ~ ithout
an advi;,er, the juggler", \\;th over 16
year., of combined experience among
the eiuht member.,, relied on indi,idual practice and .,etr di.,cipline to
tweak their act to performance.
n line for inspection)
Stone faced and at attent ion,
Bradford fre,,hman Anthony Schneider fa lls victim to freshman ndy
inger's jestering antic!>. Replacement jester coach Laura Bothe acted
as a jester during her years in the
Feaste and later married the
replacement for Lorde High Chamherlaine, Bryan Lynch.
never worri~
ca celle~
ty\y rec::ordh s b(c°ome
group was
so trdditional
by Mr.
thal\.people in
the comrounl!)t
daughter, so I
would have
was sure 1hat
stepped in to
we w
ensure it."
_ _........,_._e Feaste.
We were never bothered
by contract
ff sharing tl-e spotlight )
Taking her turn in the musical
rotation, .,enior Jenn Gaudio play.,
-, ilent '\ight- in the '>tring quartet.
Along with the string.,. the rotation
con.,i.,ted or a bra.,., band, harp,,ichorcl ,;rginal and a proce.,sional or
recorder player....
bearers of tf-.e l::x::iar)
To u..,her in the giant ceramic boar\
head. sophomore Felecia Ewald hoi,,b
the 30-pound platform on her
shouldeN for the car le. Litter Bearer:;
parade the roasted r plica as in"ers
perform -The Boar·,, Head Carole ...,
fter. jesters mimic as one \\;th apple
in mouth to portray the pi" rides atop
two others' !>houlders down center.
\t ith an ah,ence of sno"'. tht' \ifad.riO'al Ft'ru-itt' spread
as much Chri.trna-, cheer a-, it could. In ..,pite of nytribulations and snowless ing go,., ip. most prior Tarticipant':> I layed in th1, royal
"I couldn't imaO'ine tht>re not bt-ing a
nights t~ Feaste Fea-,te. although people gossiped of it. In -,pitt' of
sprinkled joyful noises and alterations . . the Fea-,te sparkled like usual;· said junior Michelle Leker.
11 even unpaid adviser, ch se
holiday antics into the work-to-contract and were ab!':>ent from rehearsals
hearts of the community and performances. That contract dispute also caused
the fencers not to appear.
'• ""ic Ci erale and I
fought in everT Feaste since our freshmen year. I was so upset when I found out that
I would never O'et the chance to he Head Fencer,·' said senior Mellissa Ruiz. 0 R tiring after 37 yearb of Christmasse tradition, Mr.Kurt Chalgren stepped in from backstage and sat in on performances. 0 '·I was happy to see him enjoying th easte. I le
is a great teacher, and his last Feaste showed it;' said sophomore Robyn Mussatti. 0
,'\.., \1r. Terry Lawler would not participate in his nomrnl role as Lorde High
Chamberlaine, Bry·an Lynch served.
"I think that Bry·an did a good job considering he had larO't' shew-, to fill," t->aid t->enior Bekah Salzbrenner. Juggler!':>, je..,ters and
!-linger-, remained on display for the entire two-and-half-hour performance. , ingen.,
cli..,appeared onl) briefl) for bathroom and water breab. '·Sometimes it can O't't t->O
hot in the co:;tume.., we haw to wear. Thank goodn t-> we can take hr aks and step
outside. . ·· :;aid junior Rita Torca-.o. :\lthough none of the niO'ht-, -.old out, th Feast '
ro~ al harmony wa-, a show that went on in knightly proportions.
Through trials
Tiptlw pointin~ with krn•p hi!(h in
traditional ln.,h da1H'I'. junior
"1iclwllt' Lt•kpr -pirb to tlw 1111i-.i('
Takin!( char!('" junior \\hitllt'\ \l('Ct•t• and ""nior
Cinch C1·nt,, t rain<'d
and ·rt>ht>ar.,ed the
'""a... -..ail [or 'Ttw ... 1-.•
.,ophomon· \\t>ndt
l\atie Ra-ch line'
up\\ith otlwr pa!!t''
and \\t'rtdw- .
~'ina ~even advu r in th
F a-,te du to ontra t
i u ~- 1 couldn· t fen
whi h rve
n for thr
y m . , till I w
in th bras ,
band -,o 1 uld parti ipat
in the F ast aft r all. 1 onlv
wbh nw f 11 ~-fen
hm·e d~ne th a~'
-sr. Lucas Dickinson
ecess into renaissance)
Tn appt•ar proud a- nobility. junior
.\ h --a Do"'" -mile- a., .,he -in!!,,
-neck rlw Hall-- ro bid o-ood cheer ro
Lorde High Chamherlaine. "ingergret>red and perfomwd for near!) -tOO
parron,, each of four !"\enc-.
8_ dance floor heat up )
To start off t lw t•\ ening '., w·t ioi 1,
junior Jeanette Crump and st•nior
\1 ike Bell clos(' in dt•spitP ri-,ing
\ ll -,milt,_, tb
thP\ n·s1. sPnior \latt
Ho; ct• and soph0111on•
K 111111t i hrPak from
tlw music \\ hich
onl) pau..,1·d to
announ<'e princt'
and princp..,..,_
u in the Air
'I think that
Sub Deb was
more creative
and beautiful
than Homecoming. I guess
it's because
Sub Deb isn't
held at school
that everyone
is so used to
1 really didn't
think that the
theme of the
dance stood
out as much as
compared to
Atleast the
there were all
around, as it
should be.'
last minute detail)
In prt>paration for ilw big night,
senior Kim \1aila <'arefull) pla<'t'., a
boutonniPrP on her date. graduate
Rul)t'n Ortiz. Datb <'ould <'Olllt' from
an) Kl SD s('hooL as long as tlw
proper forms \Wre fillt>d out.
time out breather]
To tale a breath. senior.., \ in cP
\fontt>murro and Kati Tapper <'ane
out ">OmP room in the <'rowd!'d
ballroom. '' ith a lack of .. pace,
m·nh!'ated >:>tudem~ could onh chill
in tht' bathroo~s. a .. the\ we~e not
allowed to (pm·p th!' top n()()r.
Q dancin' in the crowd )
Li,~n· it up. senior.. ·irnlt> \1anfrt>d
and Cn ..,ta( ~ ndre\\.., dan<'e their wa\
throu"h the <'rowded dan<'e floor.
pi<'ture perfect ni,,ht drew mer 600
,,rudents to the !'nchaming winter
formal ar Marina , hore~.
Winter W snderland
Taking charge and bringing fresh ideas
to the dance floor, Sub Deb members
expand one-night dance event to a week
of Winterfest to renew the spirit
of the entire student body
fter a long week of final examb. !-;tudenb received a much-deserved reward
on Jan. 19 from ?-11 p. m. The 2002 '·M: y tical
Dream .. , uh Deb dance screamed succe~s ·with 650
attendant!-;. which amounted to more than ever before. ew additions sprouted up not only in th
danct>, but also in the club. Due to lack of adviser,,. the club. which f orrnerly consisted of all females. welcomed male participants. 0 ··I loved being a guy in the , uh Deb club. l always wanted to
he involved in it, but when l used to try to go to
the meetings. the airls just kicked me out,"" said
:.enior K) le Johnson.
, weeping the large hall,
e-xtravagant purple, blue and silver de orations
that included twinkling liahts and six balloon
arches !-let the mood of dreamland.
·T thought
that the decorations made the atmosphere of the
dance complete. The lighb really brightened the
ballroom,., baid sophomore \manda Tijerina. 0
not hN new twist was , uh Deb· s '"\x; interfest;'
which sprung from the idea of October' Homecoming , pirit \\eek:· Events consisted of the
<lane on Jan. 19 at \farina hore followed by a
week of gear up activities, such as pie eating and
karaoke and ended ·with the victorious Tremper
Vb. Bradford basketball game.
'·V1idwinter is a
pretty dead time for school spirit. o \Vinterfe t
wa a nice addition to the dance and Bradford
game ., aid senior Briana orton. 0
new uh
Deb prince and princess also added to the fun.
l.,nlike l lomecoming court, teacher:, nominated
the , uh Deb court members, and the two royaltie., were cho!-ien at random. This new approa h
enjoyed wide student ac eptance. 0 '·I liked the
idea because it gave , uh Deb something new and
made the nominations less of a popularity contest;' said benior Gina Lerdahl.
While the
dance' cost exceeded, '7,000 for the hall rental,
decorations, invitations, party favors and DJ, the
e panded itinerary thawed midwinter blues.
~or th danc , the group
I was ·with w nt to dinn r at
d D bevic' to pi things
up. Th wait r kept on
taunting u · b au we
all dr
d up for th
n . It wru, all w ould
talk about durina th rid
horn n at th clan-~
Bus rg a goove before enl
the haft senor Rya-n Mor'a
polisl-es her bo oom en ry
Merrbers of 5..b Deb bu1
decora ions
ood torun and commons
area for weeks before
the dcrce even!
(wr.) crown of happiness )
Filled \\ith happine••. •enior tt>ph·
anie LinnPr t>mbra e, fello\\ court
member. •t>nior Gina Lt>rdahl after
"t'ninr Kt>lh Han_-.en. Linner and -.eninr
Dan 't'n~ accepted mmn• after l ing
-elected randoml) from a hat .
S~ringtime in Paris
Magical Paris skyline and park scenery
set the mood for a wonderful night
of dancing and fun in the multiple rooms
of the Heritage House Inn for prom
pring colors, park benches, flowered arches
and balloon tree set the Paris cenery for a magical prom night. 0 'The decorations were beautiful and complemented the theme very well. They
made the overall atmosphere pleasant and inviting much more than the castles , ., said junior Amber Lee. 0 To get that perfect group shot, many
prom-goers traveled around Kenosha looking for
the best setting, which was sometimes hidden in
their own backyards. 0 ''I loved taking tons of
pictures at Leigh Godin's house. My boyfriend,
who never smiles, made me happy and smiled for
all of the pictures," said junior Angela Biscardi. 0
Set in various banquet rooms of the Heritage
House Inn, the '"Springtime in Paris" decorations
cost about , 3,500. 0 "One night, Ashley Bilik,
Jackie LaJeunesse and I spent three hours constructing a, 50 tropical plant that wouldn't stand
on its own. It ended up being thrown in a corner,·'
said junior Katie Herrmann. 0 Several members
of the prom court were able to test the food choice
prior to the dance, which end d up costing over
, 2,-tOO. 0 ··E.B. Wamboldt and myself took extra
rolls and put them in our purses to take home.
Our friends were calling us old ladies, but those
rolls were tasty,., said senior Katherine Ilall. 0
The Ballroom dining seating became designated
specifically for the prom court members, their
dates and those in the junior class that worked on
building prom. 0 "Last year I didn't get to sit in
the ballroom because they sold too many tickets.
I was so mad when they told me that only juniors
would be sitting there,"' said senior Cindy Gentz.
0 From The Barn, a local bar, John Ham, also
known as DJ Bone, played for , 500. 0 'The DJ
hardly ever played any slow songs. We danced for
12 fast songs before we could finally take a break,.,
said senior Briana Scalzo. 0
s the junior class
pulled off their dance accompanied by 56 7 guest ,
prep hours and dollars bought a passport to Paris.
While waiting 1n
tre buffet line, you..
~aited patiently
• you made polite conYen,ation with the person next
to you
st.btly starved • you salivated at the
thought of eating for the
~r attacked the
fir t time that day
table like a
• you elbowed and pushed
ravenous beast?
e'rh!"<'k appropriate number
towards the front of the
line only to find the
chicken was gone
8: prom prep for dee)
Q stuck in a moment)
L-iru!: an air machine for balloon.-.
junior Katie Oben make, decoratiofl.5
for , aturday night. On the Friday
before prom. junior,, who helped were
allowed to mi,,., cla,,,, to fini:.h
decorating for the dance.
Romantically enhanced ~ the prom
~cene. -,enior., \fe,,an R eid an
George Orvi-, :.hare a :.low dance
Prom photo-, were taken in th
balcony o,·erlooking the dance £1001
of the Ballroom.
df'coratt> the photo
-.hoot arc·a with
j,). junior Celena K nifdll tape'
llw f..TJ"t'Pllt'f) for a
park a111111,plwn·.
enter in the spa light )
Hand in hand 'Pnior lt>nnift>r Juliani
and grad11atP Dan \ mhro,ini PntPr
throu!!h the promt>nad•· arch. Due to
technical difficultit•, the tape of rlw
prom-gopr, emerin!! wa, d.e,tro~ ed
and nen·r airPd.
(wiJ crowning
·harin!! a \-ieto~ cllrKP. junior' Jo,h
\lathe"' La.leum•'"t· 'l"'rt
their crow1b aftt•r coronation . \II lCJ
prom court mernlwr' lllt"t the
rt'quin·d minimum of 20 hour, of
'"'rk on prom to llt' eli!!ihle for cuun.
"Walking into
the Heritage
House's entrance and
seeing all the
set up was
awesome. I
felt like- l was
in a different
world with all
of that stuff·
,l lov&d spending prom with
my friends
Since prom
was the last
dance for us. I
-stretch Navigator to drive
around in; we
had a blast
just driving."
ts dim, a tiny elephant pa...,se, a ross
the lips of nervous actors awaiting the bright potlight up the stage li17ht. A tradition passed down for seven yean., kis ing the elephant brought luck to th '·Flower:::. for
with a mix of tragedy,
l"ernon"' ca:::.t. 0 •·If you work hard and "O above
is expected in crew, you get rewarded with
comedy and mystery
shows Jjke Flowers,., said freshman i\ manda Betz.
0 For a change of pace, two one-act shows were chosen. '·Rappaccini' Daughter.,
competed with other schools, as '"Lily Daw and the Three Ladies., met a public audien e. 0 "Doing two one-acts gives kids a better chance of being cast. That makes it
of a enior thing," said junior Justin Pr edit. 0 After being bumped ah ad two
w eks, th over 30 person cast of th Christmas show, '·The Life and dventure:::. of
anta Claus" performed special shows for Jane ernon tud nts. 0 '· 11th desi"ns
f r o turne had to be compl ted so quickly that we had to skip past small detail..,;'
aid enior Jean Golwitzer. 0 Aft r ar ful planning, the Drama board chose "The
antervill Ghost" for the spring program. ven with a witch of adviser from Mrs.
Angelica Barry to Mr. J.D. Fountain, the student , under the guidance of senior
Laura Haug, put on the two-hour performance. 0 '·Laura was a great student director. he always had us organized and rarely lost her contra~" said junior Kaylynn
teinmetz. 0 Because of time constraints, the planned senior show '"The Taming of
the hrew"' had to be cut in its seventh week of production. Although the final
was lo t, drama student taged a full year of play time.
Drama's seven shows
ter. You can
react to different -styles
of acting."'
s are runng around in
a big show1 it
gets very dif-
ficult~ get
as directed.
With fewer
voices, more
can be heard
and done.'
~nstrumental interlude)
\X ith her hancb on her guitar. 'enior
Bekah Salzbrenner leb out a rift to
entertain the crowd !\,, the ac1:> of the
variety ,,how tran,itioned the Drama
board member,, kept the audienC'e
appea!:>ed with mu.,iC'al and rnmedi
filler act ~mrrinrr rheni.-,eht>'.
audience pleaser)
Playing hi,, heart out. fre,hman !\nrl)
inger complne,, one of the thret'
songs hi!:> band, -Grillt>d fwe~e played durin" the variet}
F're.:.hman Katie \fr\1ahon won fir~t
place with her Tri,,h dancing routine.
('[c~posing with pride)
Gloating about her magical snow
powers, senior Jamie \V annall as "Jack
Frost" shows off to Santa Claus. Cast
members accepted donations to the
halom Center after performances.
~ncouraging deceit)
To paint a picture of choices that lie
ahead, junior Marie Martinez
prepares senior Bekah Salzbrenner to
meet her new husband ""Lily Daw and
the Three Ladies" shared its set walls
with "Rappaccini's Daughter" as the
set flipped around.
6 Number of Dr. Seuss stories revised by senior Bek.ah
Salzbrerrer for the production of 'Seuss 2!'
lO ArnoU1t of money spent on 'Flowers for
Algernon' props which included a rrouse
15 Total dollars donated to the Shalom
Center from the Christmas show
z5 Cast of 'Rappacc1ni's Daughter." he smallest ever
SO<Xce: Drama Club board
~open with anticipation)
To see ir imon· pre,;ent. eniors
Kara Raine> and Bryan Delfs.
fre hman Caitlin Hanntltan. senior
Jackie Kloet. juniolb Chad Ellerron
and Marie 1aninez. :,enior Jamie
\~ ' annall and
ophomore Josh
Grabo" ki lean into the treasur h st
filled with the maruion' fonune.
@:boogie night)
\laking tht' [a..,t lllOlllPllh lllPlllOnthlP.
-.enior~ \ nnp-.-.a Lawlonio and \aron
Retlick enjo) one of tlw Ja-,t dann·.,
"ith their cla-.-,11iau·-.. Laudonio and
Retlick rect>i' t•d tlw -~·t· 'nu at tlw
\ har .. award. one of tlw .);~ mock
tl\\unl., YOtt>d 011 and handed mu.
-,potlight -,hining on
him. -,pnior cla.,.,
prt>..,idt>nt John
Herrin remind-,
peer-, of accornpli-,hnwnr-. of the
Ja.,t four ) !'ar-, .
(mk] musical mementos)
\rm in arm. -.enior-. ]1hh Kaddatz.
Beeb S<xlt>n. T n·' or \kCalli.,tt•r and
ChaclBlattPr join rogt>tlwr in a mtbiml
perfonnancP. \\ irh the ahu11d.1nce of
karaoke reqw•.,1.,. the DJ
ro gt>t tlwm all b) tlw end of th1· nigln .
Are you
outta here,
slowly adaptirg
or afraid and
in denial of
• you packed for colle"e the
ni"ht aftt>r graduation
• you 'w .,;tartt>d realizin"
life i:, chan"ing and are
out bO"ood-bve~
• you haYe dun()" to your
mother\ le()" ;;ince the dav
f>chool end d in June
dw"l appropriatf' number
starting anew?
livid with laughter)
Owrconw lJ) laughter. -.1·11ior-. ).A...,Jit·
Pontillo and Briana onon clwt>rfulh
react ru. the, 'ie\\ tlw -.enior-.lide -.ho,~.
Compiled of ()\er :200 picllire-,. tlw
~ho" featured picture-, from a-, far
back a-, elememaf) -.chool. chronicling
a dt>cadf' of growth and d1angr., and
ernbarra-. ... ing the -,11hjech in f1111.
Chmrs to the Ni~ht
From mock awards to karaoke
chords, seniors make the most out
of their farewell banquet, marking
the first four-year class's career
ith the <:>chool yt"ar coming to a clo!:>t'. tht' Cla!:>s of 2002 ct'lt'br;ted tht'ir
la!->t chance to unite before graduating. Held at
the Parkwa) Chateau on V£a) 2~ at 7 p.rn .. the
'·H ere·s to th e ight'' Senior Banquet theme provoked a night of events to r emember. As the night
began, seniors crowded around each other, frantically flm,hing smiles at cameras. Once seniors secured keepsake . the buffet dinner began. At tables
of eight. seniorti enjoyed meals over conversation
with fellow classmate . 0 "It wab sad when I realized that 1 won't see most of the seniors for a long
time. rm ready for college. but it's hard baying
good-bye to everyone and everything that\ familiar.·· said senior Megan inger. 0 \\, ith silverware
in hand, seniors perked up to hear the mock award
announcenwnh. \\ hile some recipients found
tht>m to be flattering , others burprised cla!'ismate;,
with st>nior appeal. 0 \ onw of the awarcb were
hilariou-,. but the bt>!:>t mvard wa!:> df'finitdy '\fo-,t
Desirahlt' Date· giwn to Ted \frCann ... said senior Chad Laudonio. , eniors thr-n dean·d tlwir
plate.,, and crowded tcwethn in ordr-r to Yie"° a collect ion of pic.turr- featuring thr- Class of ·02.
Laughter filled the room as sr-niors lookr-d back
and remembered their younger days together. 0
"1 was o shocked to see my<:>elf in a cheerleader's
outfit on the screen. There were also pictures from
middle school. \\ e all looked so young ... said senior Tom Christy. 0 For the faithful remaining
attendants. the Banquet then gave way to karaoke,
song requests and dancing. 0 ·The Banquet was
supposed to last until 11:30 p.m., but a lot of people
ldt at 10. It wa:::. kind of disappointing;· said senior Tara Gename. 0 While the dance ended prematurely. the night for the seniors to remember
liwd up to it-,, theme. The tune to the Banquet ·s
thr-me faded awa). leaving the word<:> lingering to
-,ink in- '·Here's to tht> night wt> felt alive. Here's
to good-bye, tomorrow's gonna com<" too soon.''
8:merry memories)
\\hilt' waiting for their turn at the
buffet line. ~Pnio~ Brian o..c..e~aro.
Patricia \1ock and Da,-id \\ illiam~
rpflect on time~ ~pent togt'tht>r. \bout
30 member-, of the ~enior cla~~ ~plit
into committee., ~eYen week~ l>t'fore
th!-' , nior Banquet to complete f'\ t>t: ·
thin!! on the itinerar:·.
c!ose closure)
~harin!( ont> la.~t danct'. ~t>nior-. K, le
Johrr~on and Karla l ~in!(er ~mill: a~
tlw, rt>mini~ct' m t>r tlw la~t four
) t>ar~. , nior-, .,J>t'nt about two hour-.
dancing to ~on!?., pro' ickd b) both tht>
DJ and th!-' Yoice-, of tht•ir c la~~math .
convinced me
to sing karaoke. I had
never done if.
so 1was a little
jittery. We
sang and choreograpb_ed a
dance to the
'Copa Cobana song."'
won the
biggest mouth,
so I thought
that I would
thank everyone who put
n a vote for
me. I just grabbed the mic
and gave a
shout out."
~wards wrap up yea~
~ ith a look of ohock and joy on h r
fa e, oenior Katherine I fall acceph
the Pike Lodge #3.55 Scholan,hip
\ward from \1r. Dou" Moorhmbe. \.,
valeclictorian, I !all receiwd -.ewral
-.cholar~hi[h at ,onwX'ation.
Katherine Hall
Jeffrey Lange
Jennifer Gauclio
ynthia Gentz
Christy I Iutchins
Michelle Turco
Kristen ipsma
Dorothy Boyce
Joseph Ceile h
Christine Molter
Allison \V illems
Lauren Goldenstein
Jennifer DeBoer
Kara Rainey
Tracy Schlax
Lauren Cooper
Elizabeth Wamboldt
Steven hultz
Brian DeCesaro
Sarah hapiro
Alesia Allen
Brian DeCesaro
Nichole Drummond
Jennifer Gaudio
Lauren Goldenstein
Kelly H8D8en
John Herrin
Kara Houlihan
Gina Lerdahl
Cori Meyer
Oiristine Molter
Shiren Rattigan
Tiffany Riley
Keryi Rutchik
Jon Schenk
Karl Schenk
Megan Singer
Kristen Sipsma
Jennifer Walter
Mariah Wciss
Allison Willems
Carrie Belongia
out:;ta ncling
st ud ent
award at
convocation on
Mike Lmscheid
inal stretch with friend~
Aft r their walk in the ~po tli ght,
seniors Mike Behl and Rob Beach
casually hold their cliploma
cases. Dr. Joseph Hentges and members of
the school board,
accepted the ciaos
and awarded the
diplomas . 0 Hugging senior friend
Olivia cott after
graduation, senior
\1indy Ranta displayo
her pride by her smile.
ty cl W"""""'"Whtewot« Dorr. Trcho fuabeth Alon-Ocro Abbot Fcu-dotoon. Roy AJen.M.1wo.iee Sdiocl cl Eng.._ry Matthew Andrew•L<>"O!> Home crd Sd.ool As.odatoon. Co,.,.te ~·Stcderi Go-m.,,.; Brandi
crtd T<ioon: Dorothy Boyc:e-lhvw..ty cl W""""""' Ai..... CU, cl Kenool-a Roy PrmJh ""-"ad lhv.... ty cl g<>"'I Amondo BroggH.hv•nlity of W~oof, ~ G<9QO'Y Brothe.Kbo Abbott
Corrwo-G.rdodi ""-"ad 5.mno Cort.-Clcra Abbott FOllldotoon. Joseph Cetleth-Auoro Health Core l.h.....ty cl W - Wlion V1os; Noc Oc.,ole-Cloro Abbott Fardotton. Gn:crdio t..._,ny Preoidentd Treva Clark· atf>etic gC.V. L°""" Cooper-At, Merrord Mk:hoel Dovey-Ciera Abbott Fo.rdoton .J....fer o.Boer-C:bo Abbott li:iu>dotoon. Joel. &.ad Metrc<d Brion 0.C:..0.-o-louos Armstrong .Jazz Award Angel
~"" '"""'aql'lh-.oty cl W"""""'"Mlwo.iee Appioed Soence Kenool-a Ed..ccton A.oootoon Lucoo Dk:kimon-lhv8'11ty cl W«XXV>-l"NwWee MAie Oopa1men1 Tcient Award Ad A.oootoon For L.Jhera>s Join
Sc...o Scrod Award Co"'°
cl .lclnon Bah Claro Abbott Sd-olcnhp .lem Goud.,.St..,... Poo Alim 1-b-.n W""°'""' Acodemic ExceAence. Brenda Wolf ""-"ad Cindy Gentz Stevero Pod Ai......1-b-.n ~cl w.,,,,.., AgoJhse
W""°'""' Acodomo: Excellerce. George~ Memad Awad Oivlo Andreo·lhvnty cl Mn.rota Gold Wwy Gerlochlb Notoanol Fou-doton Mal Volcible Sh.don! Awad Amber G<1ffonW""'"*' Stat YOIJJ, Bowing
._"""--"' La<.<en Golden.t~enool-a w~, Bowl..g A.oootoon. Kenool-a Yang Arr.ocal Bowforg A-'once W""°'""' State Coo:>Cdo Youtf, Bow1rg Cav Awad Yang A-~ A11crice Rcrdy Jar- Metrod Kemefl, M Grocl
Frcroe Wervoe ""-"ad. Jeff WI/a Memad Rebekan HooH.h-..iy cl Woc:cnon-Pal.sodo Berl Ore crd Abbott L00oratones; Hol-Brcdey U.-..,. Presidortd. M.Nc De,,atmerl Whtts Bomerlory PTA. Wlicau. Acodemic Exce!len:e
Many Milo ""-"ad. Pie Lodge •355 Sd-olcnhp Award Kely Hor-.Stcderi Go...nnent Teran Horlow-&oor 0 ff lhventty Lym l-ielgeMn-Cloro Abbott F...-dotoon. Heather Herr-Rad, Jam""-ad Joi...~~ Pre=idonld
Jodyn Kftf·.lemy Pergcrde ""-"ad 0....ty Hutc:hn{.hvnty cl """-1Ao Gold Hary Koy Endowmenl W"""""" Acodomo: OCelerce R<7> Nooolozzt - d Eric loMoff&st"" ~ lheoter
"btlcnJI Sd.ool God Award 0..,.
Boo.ten Nicole .la.tram.feat Rdfolo ""-"ad Grcri Katie K>vOaro Abbott Fardotoon. .lodoe Kloet·SC .lclnon Inc Sen crd ~""' Brett K._·~t... E'emorlay P1A: Jeff Longe-C:bo Abbott Fordotion Ve<Ton Sd-oa Aaodotoon.
WflaJfV> Acodomo: Ocelience George~ - d Award Sa.tirood ""-"ad Ames.a Loudono-looep/l crd ~Br.._ Aleo Lawoon- Tr-~ Ja-ed Led-aaz~ ol WbcxroM' otHelie vcri Gm Lerdol-l-5.b
Deb Stephane Lltt-·5.b Deb Raymond Lcpez·Melody Slc*e l-traory Km Mdl<.a-Gro Ma .. Rooka Merrord at l.h_,.,y cl W-MJ:wa).- .ioiora Morhnez Melody Sk!e l1ororory Joel ~ ~ Cort Mey• Joe
Golf ""-"ad Potrido MocHJoortm Carol World Ywn Ccnmttee Lb l...dn M.roord Awad Brenda WoK Metre.a Jeremy Pfeil..- ""-"o'd Motto T - Awo-d Shozoy Moledo Gudod> Metrc<d On.tone Molt•~ 1nor
w~, Clb Award Kenool-a Ed.coton A.oooton Awad Kathy Anbo Meirc<d .iernl• Neioon-fr<>'"OS:l>"1 H... age ~om Cardno! Strttch U-..,, Pamela Nomon-Ca1l-oge Cdego Deen. on endowed~ Tr.C.:.,,..., Gr,..; Cc1oge
Award Man May Colege Award Nicole Norrt.-Sori Norbert Colege r-dortd Brtono Noriortfrat1C81 ~e Ed..ocoUord WJ1CX¥S1 Ai..... CU, cl Kenooln L_. Pont~ Cdege; Kora R.,...y obi~ Lcxies A.Jay T,..._
M...ot Mr.dy Ronto-George ~ Metrc<d Sandy R....dez-G.n:loch ""-"ad Ale• ~ Metre.a AliANA Pcrtd Tutoon. Ve<Ton Sd.d; Ceio Ridolf..u.-..ty cl w,,,,,,_ Ai..... Q.b cl ..,.,.ha A...t.. Rlghtler·
Joe Golf ""-oord Ttlfony ~y~Drysler Corpaaton Md Tony< M.roord. M-'-' Abbott Fcu-dotoon. Nor"-n Anzora u.-.tty Cotdi the 0i-eom. Aortdo r.t hie ol Tecmology Awards. Lhwnity ol W01Xn61 P~
Kor;t Rutchk·Sorl Norbert Colege Presodortd Dcmncan l.hver>ity Hau Car1hoge Cdego Deen C.:.,.ol Cdege Domlor<>ry.ler Corpaot'°" fad Dcmncan lliver>ily Hogon Metrc<tcl; Brandon Scdzo-Grdoch Meirc<d Briano Scolzo.
Ma~ e th.....ty Sari lgatu Acodomo: ~ X...tta. Sd..nk.CO-.... Colege Deen Inmon State Lhvenlty ConOOod Abtty Sdda"1<> G.n /Vld:oAoch Awad Kori Sd..nk·V~ Pr-i.&I ~ A.....d u.-..ty cl
W~ evie lnvest.....t Award T....., State Lhvenlty Pr..lemof. Dama Wdl St__,ldt/Mey lntomotoord Award Wah:gt.,,. l.tMnity n St Lo-. Peggy WodcW Metrc<d. Tracy ~ "°"'r W'*'-sl.
""-"ad Oivlo Scott·AHANA Pcrtd ·.;oon. Kn.ten Sipsmo.W......., Acodomo: ~ Mar~'''"e l.h-..ty St iglotu. w........ Colege cl &.g.-. Award Peggy WodcW Metrc<d. Laut Hare crd Sd.ool ~Stephanie Smart May
Lou /ohttxe Ywn Sdd:r Megan S.---Klwor-. Fanlotoon. Sd-olcnhp ~ Serv.c. Awad Kenool-a EcLccton Assoootoon. Joe Goll M...rod T,_ ~ Rebekan ~Ado Wcrt.n Clame-Drysler Corpaatoon Md
l b Ur.ctn Metre.a Kotortno Stef""°vo:-C:bo Abbott Fanlotoon. Sean Stok...51 CJouj Slate lhvsslty o!Hehc gcrl. Kott Toppe<·loe Goll ""-"ad O...tino ~·V<rderbift U-...., MJd.,J,. T..-co-Wioc:cn.. Acodomc boelorao Leo
Gebtoorl Metrc<d· Mh l.lntcl.eid-.lelf W Metrc<d. Arno WodeNwlody Std.e Horuory .lernler Wolt..--Oem.s Penza - d Jone Wemielng·Joe Golf Arlh..- We.t.f'rnce Hal Momc F°""""oon. Joe Golf - I d Dovtd
W.....\.hvondy cl W~ Oan:..b·, George~ Metrc<d Award Aloan W'-m· Tagef AJ.Arou-d. Chor Boosten. May'"" M...roorta Trio Wri<J>t-MJa;J., StcLt Hcrorory Zariet ~ State
At!Mtc Awad leodenhp .cholor+.p
ft er meetin" the challen"e.., of being the fir..,t fre hmen class, the senior;,' final walk on starre arrived
gradLKJtes wrap up four on June 2 in the Keno,.,ha Unified Fieldhou.,e. · ivfull years, seniors break ing a ;,pe ch at graduation and :,itting on stage were
honor.., that I will never for,,et. I. tudied man) hours
tradition with 22 honored to achi ve my po..,ition in my class, and I am proud
of my..,elf,"' said ;,enior Dottie Boyce. 0 During the
as outstan ding students two-and-a-half hour pre..,entation, .., nior member.., of
the Choir foian" the lma \fatter. the ational nthern and a medley from "The Lion
Drama presentation entertain d the audience with the Dr. , u% poem
'-Oh, the Place., You Will Go,"' while the Orche..,tra plaFd '·Highli,,ht"' from '"Harry
Pottn."' '·Playing at graduation wa.., ;,ad since- it wa-, tht> la-,t time I was under th
conduction of Mr. \\ells. It wa-, a weird feeling to st>P Ro.,., Ip pn itting fin.,t chair
after it had been my seat the entire year,., said senior frnn Gaudio. 0
fter th
rece..,;,ional where the ymphony Orche;,tra played '"Pomp and Circumstance,"' th
3?0 graduates Oed to either the Bradford commons or cafeteria to pick up diplomas.
0 '·I was worried that getting my diploma would mean fighting a hug line of studenb struggling to get out as fast as po;,sible. It only took me about five minute , "
said ;,enior Luca;, Dickinson. 0 At Conrncation, senior Tracy Schlax received a late
moment of fame as she was called up on stage when Assi..,tant Principal Kenith
Dopke recognized her eparately as the 15th in the Top 20 cad mic. lso a fir t,
plaques ;,ingled out to tudent;, who earned a 30 or higher on th CT or a 1200 or
"rearer on the , ATs. Senion, Karl henk, Kristen , ip..,ma and Michell Turco r ived ooth c rtificate for out;,tandin".., ore;,. '"I was ;,urprised to rec iv plalflle
since it wa..., th fir;,t time award-, were given out. I didn't even notic th crowd
hecau"e I ..,o wa:; Oatter cl_" ...aid , henk.
\~ alkin" awa} "ith ov r ,
0,000 in
-.cholar,.,hip m ney, th la-. of 2002 ended their four-year journe) walking on air.
As the 38th class of
(,,11nne' !l.wiol
Jennifn \\ ulu·r
B...... in
u1h1rn \j,., rr
. tt•"·n Schultz
Phy-ical Ed.-\ lli-on \\ illt>rn.Jeff Lan!!<"
Family Consumer Ed.- Phv•ical Ed.Tina ('.arroU
\trnun ~in!!cr
FrenchScienceJO'-e Ntlll<>"
\lid1t>llt> Turco
GermanSocial Studies-\ manda Bri!!!!'
pa.nishTechnologyPamdu 1man
Jonathan ~·hNU..
lo receive ai
oud lorll.m, C onvoco IDrl
lasted ai hcx.r-crd-a-00 I
Cone n Choir(;,,; \["'
\le!!an ~inger
-\Ui.,.m \\ ill..,n,
Orchestrafrnn Gaudio
-\manda Pt-te,,.,en
Chri,.1ina Thompoon
Symphonic WinclsLuca- Dick in,.on
Katherine Hall
Wind EnsemhleBnan 0.,(',....,aro
1..rr l..all!?e
Art................................... Rrlx·kuh S.x~·n
Band· - - - -·-··-- Kuth.-rin<' I lull
B......-ineso Ed. ........... Laurt•n Coldrn.-tt•m
Oloir....•·-·-··-·----Kri.-tin Brt>iling
English. ............................\licht>ll<" Tureo
Family Con.sumer Ed. .....•..Erin Eppm!!
French. ...................... ·-·-· Kara Ru~
Gennan. ...........................J!'un Co!,.;tze~
Spanish........................ ·-~- Hutehin.iath. ...............................- .....Jeff!!t>
Orchestra. ........................... Jt>nn Gaudio
Phy. Ed.fHeahh. .. &njamin Cha~Physcial Ed.fHeahh. ....- ... Jad<1t> Klot>t
Science.....................................J..ff Lall!?<>
Social Stuclies .................. Oi.,,-ia Folkt>rTechnology Educarion. .... Bnan t>L.,.111
B::gr"r.s go wit formality)
Turning her ta-~el ~enior Eli.~abeth
Bonanno continue- a tradition for
graduacion. • nior-. Katherine Hall
and Jeff Lan2e It'd the ceremony after
a ~pet>ch about finding tnie ·mi e~
through an aUu.- ion to -\fiUi \ anilli.-
T\. junior-,,
F ouad Elgohari
and \tan Guilford
record tht> DiYt>l':>it") Circle,, w orbhop
in tht> ESC. Channel 20 broadca,,t the
footage during -Eyt> on Tremper.~ and
the \la) l7 ffi,e~it") a,,-..embl) ,,howca-..ed the ,;c1<:-o. 0 In a circle off riend,,hip. fre-..hmen ]ocel) n .\lmazan, ]e,,'>ica .\lmazan. Sarah Galle\. -,enior
Gricelda .\ lmazan. junior Ro~a \
fre-..hman Elizabeth l lill and -..ophomore Felicia '\aranjo gather mn,.,ide
the office door-, during lunch hour.
Taking time to \t'lll with frieml-.. reduced ,,tre-..-.. and pre-.-..ure which otherwi-..e weiglwd th ckmn.
>ok ing at tlw field i11 cli.-,appoint-..ophomore Dun) elle knkin,,
d ~nior Bn·onna \\ebb ;,ilentl) take
1 the fina momPnh of the StalP foot' II gam a1 Camp Randall. \\ e
- """'""""..+-IWll>port b) wParing red and
bluP bandanna,, and face paint. 0
\\ hilP holding thP plea to donate, benior Shaza) "1ol1Pda ;,acrifice;, ;,lt>t>p
to f11ndrai-..t> at 7 a.m. for R<•d Cro;,;,.
Drama Club m<•ntlx•r-, -,hared morning dut") during the \Wek following the
9-11 attack in an effort to rai.~ $.S0,000.
1 ent.
wming in the '"ind, the
ool btb wail'> to bring blu1rn e after cJa..,,., at :3:05 p.m .
.. a ,,.~,. .,, ,Y nag.., l:><'camea regular <,ightculiar place-.. Local officiab
merloo ed federal regulation,., governing di-..pla) of the flag due to patrioti.-..m born of 9-11. 0 To prepare for hi.-,
donation. ,.,enior T reYor \kCalll-,ter
reacb the mandaton form for fir,,trime blood donor-.. ~hile -..enior Tara
Gename -,upport,., him. \X e e-.caped
cla-..-.. for one hour when we gme blood
and treated our-..ehp,., to 1110-..tacioll~
coolie.. and juice bt·fore heading hack.
w -,c
L\l HI
O:XJPI .ll
\ I\ D\ rnn-..\HO
Do\ I mn \HO
'-DH\ HI 11>1.
!.. \llF. 1IEHH\I \
~If I 1..-..\ 11"\G\ \'
Jl 11\...-Hll11 R
::11ng up lor
- rTrl- ml!J ...,..--,lrdim-
o 2J
un era1r ressure
Fads & Trends ( ~b
Blood Drive/Spirit ( ~~
Powder Puff /Humor < j~
Local News < j~
Firsts <jb
National/World News
Teen Turmoil ( j~
9-ll < 4~
Layen d in -,uffo('ating ,,moke
and on•rwlwlming patriotic rt''>JX>n.-,e to the cri-,i,-, of 9-11. e\\
York ahruptly connected to
K t>no-,ha and all other cit it>,, of the
country. l n :,u pport of • t'W
Yorh.1-> admirable t>ffort to ..,aye
'ictim-, at ground zno, we ">JX>rte<l
··T • ;y· T-;,hirt-, in notict'ahle
mmu>t'r-, and found a WU) to pn:,onall) contrihntt>. T--,hirt-,. creatiwly homf'ma<le. again 1->pread pa-,t our
city wht'n we -,howed off our color:, at tlw , tatt' football gamt> in \fadi...,on.
Tif'-dit'd red and hhw top-, lint'd the hlt>acht>r-, at Camp Randall, 'taclium a..,
oppo-,ing fan-, read "Trojan-,: tm;;tt>d for owr 1-t game;;"' on our ;,hirh.
OBRE \TH OF LIFE: At the annual largt';;t one-day blood drive in Southea-,tern \\ i:,con-,in. Student Govemmf'nt pullt>d in 665 donor:, on ~arch
13. ~ total of 5.35 unit-, of blood pa-,!-!ed through our g) mna-,ium to the
Blood Center. The 12-hour drive adopted the thmw ··How You Doin"?
Donate Blood·· from the number-one ranked T\ :,itcom Friend....
OP , YCHED ~IR: From bcrub da) to elm,., color,.,. we compt'ted durin"'
Homecoming"., ">pirit Wt>f'k .. tudent Gmt>rnmenf.., fir-,t -,pirit wet'k kickt>d
off with a blow-up fighting ring in tht' conunorb. \\ e roott>d on cla..,!-!matt>.,
who paid. 1 each to face off for two minute-, with gigantic innatal le glow-,.
OBLL BREA TH: In a wme of hlu nu. 6:3 teacher-, called in ...,ick Feb. 2?
after a board meeting the previmh ni~ht. \\ ith mer 200 in attendance and
more on picket line-, ouhide tlw E. C. teadwr-, 'oiced <li,.,ma) at lack of
negotiation-,. - \\I :-OED: Emling the "Hme 0-0. jrn1ior and '>enior Powder
Puff tt>anb froze in 30-degret• "ind., cluring Dr. Buel Bowl on \la) 1?. \..,
the ,..,cort'le:o,.., cramt> neart>d an eml argi.mwnh lwau·d tlw air mer the mliug to call it a tie due tot he frigid" 1·at her. De-.pite our comrwt it iwne-,-.. we
accepted tlw ref!-!. ruling. Our ~prin" ning-. forced lh to COlll up for air.
in tlw l lampton Inn l''"'L
f lol~..._.un·r, fre-hman Lind-a\
f n·-hman C.ull\ \\ ienJ.;.
111 for a ~\\;lll on th!' road
I \ nwri .i . I111Pmational
( luh and 1:,:n Cluh nwntl lt'r~ ~topped
off at \ladi-on tht• fir--i ni!!llt. \\ lwre
tht·~ t• plon·d t.1w tn•t•t. and then
tra\t'lt·d to \linrwa1Mili, tht> n.. t d;1~ .
0 \\ it h nwt.-hing lt·opard print~. ,,._
ninr- Kara Haint·\ and ( hri-ti1w
\loltt'r ln111dl1·d 1;p 111 20-dt·gree
"''atlwr. \nimnl 11<1111·ni- n1<1n·d on
tilt' ru-hion '('t'llt'. 1 (tl them.
junior \larit• ~lanint·z hrmt'-i tlw rnld
in a -1..i-jacl..t>t and 'ungh"e'.
<'H \\ hitt>foot.
riir.g up lor a
l----"''!><'-'..!Ll..!Ll>4....>l1'..t..·1L1J·_..J. Owing an unprecedented rise in profit to
center of attention:!
-.eeing an ad in the paper for
a hair fa-hion -ho\\_ junior Galen Reuter headed
up to Grand Gent>va
along with hundred:, of
Other gi rl~ and was
picked for the show the
next day. Dre.-.,ed in a
funky outfit and crazy
makeup_ Reuter .,at on
"rage while profe.-.sionaL-.
mohawked her hair.
'They cut my hair and dyed it
a burgundy color with blond
highlights. After the show all eight
of us girls received free Redken hair
products. It was great!'
-jr Colen Reuter
succ ss of the state-qualifying football team, th chool
store capitalized on sales of chool apparel. tud nts howed
off renewed school spirit. '-I bouo-ht a sweatshirt the day of
the tate game and couldn't believe how busy th store was,"
aid sophomore Laur n Kratowicz. The day of the first football game, the profit on apparel in the tore was a hocking
, 625, primarily du to tudents snatching up w at hirts at
. 2~ each. Even with the introduction of carv s, hats, mittens pant and T- hirt , the sweatshirts
wer still the number-one ell r. -1 would
only pend my money on a weat hirt. I
really like this year s de ign," aid ophomore Dawn David. Part of history, pi.rited teens showed true-blue support with
a rowdy red school apparel.
-sr. Alea Lawson in school sweotsfw-t
..,.L glasses on junior Ori.on South, pre cripti.on or not, polish his look.
Individuality wru, the key word. 2 As eni.or hiren Ratti.o-an waits in the hall before
class, her earring" clearly display the silver dominance in j welry. ilver hoopo held
reign for a :oecond year as the most popular earring. ~Sprawled out on a mat, juniors
Jackie LaJeunesse and Josh Mathew ' catch a breath during the Blood Drive. Baseball
tees with the slogan '--How ya <loin,' Donate Blood"' ran rampant as Governm nt
members wore them in support of the drive. 4 \Vhile sharing a few laughs at the pizza
party before the girls' tennis state tournament, seniors arah Shapiro and Megan
Reynolds show off their team spirit by sporting tennis gear. 5 \V ith XBox controllers
in hand, sophomores Adam hlax and Mike Chambers stick to the classics with
popular merican Eagle shirts while senior Matt Hansen brings back the Beatle with
a shaggy hairstyle to look laid-back . 6 Eyes shut as the pliers close, senior Kim Maika joins the rush of eyebrow piercings and wears a trendy shell necklace. In addition
to facial jewelry, belly button piercings hit big. E. Corning out of the IMAX theatre at
ix Flago Great merica on May 2-t, senior Kari. Groff braves the 50-degree weather
·with a hooded\~ isconsin sweatshirt and jeans from Old Iavy.
1 -_u;;Lilj,,,.l,.lj...<=...u Wide-framed glasses, bell bottoms and dusters lined the halls, bringing bock the look of the 60s.
"I think that some styles, like American Eagle shoes, long sweaters and low rise or copper wash jeans, ore really in
right now. The funny thing is how many times my mom soys she wishes she hod kept her clothes from when she was
young so she could save some money: said junior Karolyn Kratowicz. Though few people shopped at thrift-stores
for true vintage vestments, many mode o beeline to the clearance rocks in stores like Gap and Abercrombie &
Fitch, hoping to encounter cheap thrills. "I always borgoin shop! Classic styles remain popular from year to year.
They just become more affordable: said junior Andrea Algiers. As fashion remains one of the most popular
·fr Knst1 Gerber &
teenage preoccupations, it worked into all facets of life "Working in o clothes store, I tend to shop constantly. I
pick up things I like for my little brother all the time because he would wear the some
pair of pants every day if he could: said senior Lauren Cooper Whether by choice or
by force, teenagers set the trend of yesteryear revisited for the new millennium.
pt llll) ~U\
fJPlll ~
E I" 11-.t"; .,111 h a• ga-,
food tnd th1 latP l
BIL 1111 C'-' <0\11
\1 \LL PACK \GI·
Ii \\il• tht- littlt·
thin;.:" th< t n•,tII)
lh Tl He!)
\\ I 11le lwII
brai·t lei- from tht>
ne~1n-,;t \l><:n
OutlPt ut C.unw•·
rm 1gPd atl) \\ h1 re from
'-'IO to '-'1:i. a ~h<•pJK'r
.it l\oltl', in Srn11hpor1
Pl:iza ho112ht "terlmg
"'"er nng, for a
rpaqnnahlt' '-'10.
llldl tt·r('d.
- 1 think that
w·,., ..,,11ri1·, n·alh
muk1· an 0111 fit l;iok
1·omplrte. Srnnr of
111\ fa\'orite" art' -h..11
rn;r-kltu·h J,. Jt,,
hoop earnn::• and
bnw1·let• - -aid
b il
fa,ftiowi k1 pt ~111de11t~
'"" on 1110J1f")
Becatt•t' I pa' 'o
rmich fnr ga.. ind
irh'ltrnm "· I 11-11.ilh
barg nn ,hop. \tall
.,tore., I go 'tr.112'11 to
the ,,tit> rnck-" -aid
j1111ior Kim Ze,z111t k
I· rom Pri1111 Outl1·t"
to th1 ( )ril!inal 0111 lf'I
11 ,hopp< r'
'' arched mn d<>al-
I don t h 1w 1 (Ob
~o I don't re<1l!) IUl\t'
II IOJlt1 Jll~t t 0 gu
-hopping. I gu to thrift
-hol"' like, Co<)(h\111 or
\ .ilur \ill"!!''" 'id
'' 1phott1orr 1' 11 n
J, i-i·1 ·h-.
~low'\ didn't
prt>\Pnt ~111dt11t., from
< n·at 1112 u "t de,
per,;011<1! arni •'•)ol.
fresh air.
DRESSED AS A DROP:I (left to right) A walking advertisement for
blood donation. senior Jeff Kopesky raises publicity as a walking.
talking drop of blood. Kopesky wore the outfit the entire day.
m----------""-'='-'--'--'~...!....!!.-'"-'-'-=-=..!...=l: Spirit held high. seniors Carolyn Chatmon
and Erin Epping scream to spu- on the football team at the State
game at Canp Randall. The girls beefed up Trojan pride with braided
hair, all red spirit gear and prodding of peers to attend games.
Iara hoff
1vana sav1c
\ -111!!1•
111111 of
dor11tl• d bl<HHI ht'lpcd
thw1· or mnn pcoplt
•Ulf'f' •Ol llf'OIH' I 11 ffi, d
blood t'H I"\ t o
"' • 011d- \I o-t 11-t ful
m hl•••l tru1L-fu-10nblood 1111it- aid,.<J
ho-pr1<1l- durrrt!!
-urg-1·r1c-. \bout -t.3
11ullio11 pat1t•111- rt'f'< l\t
bto. id •·ac h \ ··~• r ~I
"""11't tcrrifii d .
Do11<11Ul!? blood L" <1
pn·tt) bllllfll< \\d\ to
clonat rr ill urtd
h1 Ip ot hC'r•. 'I hi- \\a•
fir•t \ • ~r !!l\111!!
hl•Kld ai;d I 0111,
\\311• d 20 lllllllti1·" hilt· dw c r<md built
up l)(•l1111d me.~
,. a111uwt1011 dtf'
\\bolt' proc•.,,.- 1...t-t• d
-t3-i10 rnimn• \ftf'r\\arcl- "ome
J.K'ople • J)( ri.-r11 !'d
mild trH mia. lo\\
bl1 H.KI count Dw to
tht d1 ... ·1chc.tntt.tgf ....
0111) -t 10 <)pen, nt of
th•'"' 1•h!!1hl1 actuJlh
dor 11t• I !!<ii a "1r!!e
bnihf' from dor1,1ti11g
I 1 011ld11 't bend Ill\
arm for t\\ o d<1\" 'I h1·1
, 011ldn 1 acct>pl Ill) I,1,.;..-><I
h1•1 ,m-•· th•\ <011ld11 't !!< t
fnt>11;:d1 0111 111 tmw 11·- ki11d of
, -h,mw 1hat I had "" much
trouble fur 11othm;:"
_ ,.--,----.
((I \Ul
\drf'naline m-,hed through student» fu> nef'dle.., approached arm and teams
raced toward-. playoff.,. EYt>n with almo;,t -1-0 ft>wt>r donor.., than the previom year.
665 donor.., contributed in the \ilarch 13 Blood Dri\·e. On pril 25. an assembly
pre;,ented by the Blood Cmter congratulated tho..,t' who organized the Blood Drive·
succes . --Fewer donor;, doe..,n 't d1"courage ll!:>. \\ t> are ;,till helping lots of people. ;,aid junior Leigh Godin. Despite the pain. an overwhelming number of student!>
offered ;,upport. ··1 wa.., pret:t) ..,cared. l had a trainf'f' pull the needle out for me. and
l squirted. Eww'.·· ... aid junior .\ nna \1arie Zorn. \ nothf'r spirit-filled succe"" revolved
around a demdf'-awaited trip to. tate. \1aking it to. tate for the fir:-it time since 1993.
attendance at th1• football gmnf' kickf'd from ;,C'hool ..,pirit. ·Then' wa-, a rivalry that
got ;,tart Pd on t lw road lwtwf't'n ll"> and tht' oth1'r tf•arn·.., fan-, of who f'ould play their
rnu:-iic loU<lf'r fro111 thf• car... \It hough we Jo..,t tlw gamt'. it WU'> an un}wlievable t':X[W.ri1·11ct' and a high on a -,pirit . . 1and1x1int. .. -,aid junior Jo..,h \1athew..,. Reprp..,entatiw,.,
of ,.,chool :-ipirit came from all gradt' level., wearing re(L blue. white and gray -,hirt..,
\\ith pride. ··1 can"t ewn Pxplain how it ff'lt the fir-.t tinw l tried on the Trojan man
unifonn. I fp]t like a ...,urw.rht'rn. ··-,aid -,f'nior Jim Gonzalf',.,. School '>pint fueled studt'nt ·..,
t'motion.,., to hPI ) both tho-,e in rn·f'd on the fiPld and in the Pmer 1enc · room.
~__,,........,........,"'--'-..._.........,..., left to rig
l To support tre blood flow !Lf1ior Ke1 Mon ague dona es is sh::ire o re
Blood Drive senior Jame WarrrJ I comforts senior JerY11 Nelson ord senior Lesl e Pont;llo serves refrestmen s for
donors As tre so e suppl er o 35 hospitals 1n Wiscorr; n he Blood Cen er collected 555 mi s from tre Blood
Drive 2 Red ord w e shr s onno.ncing "All-America Beefcakes" decoro e seniors Kori Pi Briano l\b- on.
Karo 1-b.ifihon ord Kris en .kx:kson os trey cheer o tre Sta e foo bo game n Mod son 'The r o en 1s o on
A -American level and re Beefcake' is because treyre so ro sod .kx:kson "I wor at Ruffolos Hor Sudo
so I med ore o re styl s s o dye red ord blue ro r ex ensJOOS or me. sod Hou! ron. 3 Watching ord
leornmg sophomore Soman ho Zesemer ord freshman Lz Mo rews s udy 0 seruor cit zens ee OS re eoches
hem re cho-cho o he Senior Citizens Prom on Moy 25 ~ Prom sa.nded reo ly h.n ord s nee I wosn old
enoug o go to too regular prom, this sa.nded I e re next bes t ng • sod Ziesemer
FOX-TROT. \\ ith a ,,•111nr. fn·-lunan \lari,,a Gallo dance,
dw f1l'l.-tro1. ::--1w11b111-..d Ii, "111dent (.<1\l·rmnt•nt. the • nior
Citt/t'Jb Prom 'h"'wd off Ill'\\ dance' in .. hulin!! the cha-drn
and hallnwnn dancin!! 1ha1 -uult•nh l1•arnt>d from recireh.
'The r dances were all more complico eel hon any of too dances
tho Ive done ot formals with my fr ends There were exact
steps lo follow which too senior ci izens would even soy out
loud w 1le dancing·
-fr. Morissa Gallo
_ _ fresh air d 2.9
tresh air
vi t
: vlt'hrating a win m·pr tht' -,ophornort'-.,
tht' £rt'shman Powdt'r Puff team take~ a victof) lap
around the socct'r fit'ld. -1 wa~ a kt'y player, ~o it
fplt grt'at co show tlw -,ophornorh we 're not a bunch
of frp-.h-meat!~ said fre-.hman Am) Black.
Way too many hormones! Tre game
got out of hand. Boys can keep their
cool. but the girls took everything too
personal and got really emotionally involved. Things got too for me;
in it to have fun- not get fut.'
jr Alyssa Molter
PL MPED LP: 'As the captain, I was trying to
keep our team pumped up and show the girls
that in a game there is no mercy! During the
second play of the game, I was blocking, and as
we contacted, the other girl just flew backward.
Then the seniors started to get mad. As I was
going for a tackle, I held out my arm, and the girl
just flipped over it and fell on her back. Later on
another girl threw our tailback, so in the next
play, I, along with the other
captain Jackie, doubleteamed and leveled her. The
game was really fun for me
since I was one of the most
violent players.'
- jr. Jessica Whitefoot
.J_ Performing a skit from '-Dirty Dancing"' for the talent contest, senior
Frank Montemurro e:ocort;; ::;enior contestant Jeff K opesky, who won judg '
votes. The duo reunited for a final dance on \1ay -t at Prom in a repeat of
their Jan. 26 performan e to delight of those circled around them. 2:- ~ ith
the ball in hands to break into full-stride, senior running back Alex Yule
heads toward the goal line, only to be flagged in her own backfield. 3 As
they clip for the final move, eniors Dan Owens, Mike Behl, Jin1 Gonzales
and Jeff Kope ky please the audience by strutting senior stuff in the opening dance. 4 To warm up for his band Ten Bass's d but performance,
senior guitarist Uen Russell rehearses backstage. Russell also took the
;;tage during the Diversity as ernbly where h switched to violin for a "Dav
\1atthews"' cover. 5 Ripping through the defen.-;ive line, senior running
back Tiffany Gwyn keeps the football in ::;enior possession in the 0-0 deadlock. 6 Th phy;;i al fitness portion made the candidates prove who'::; buff
and who's just stuff. l\tfw-;cle shirt and visor reversed. senior Dan Owens
;;trolb with junior escort Jenny Tabor to front and center.
Mr. Tremper, just a competition where a bunch of attention-craving guys get
together to battle it out, showed-off 10 contestants who shottered the stereotype. "Knowing thot my
friends In the audience hod to watch me try to dance made me nervous. I hope they never have to see
thot again," said senior Travis Clark, who captured Second Runner-up. Put on by the Special Events
Committee of Student Government, the pageant filled holf of the auditorium with audience, a better
turnout then expected The four sections of the competition, opening dance, physical fitness, talent,
evening wear and question/answer, tallied points toward the final score for the judges' decision "My
group practiced for four hours the day of the pageant. We were great, but the most memorable
moment was when Jeff Kopesky came out for the evening wear portion. His shirt was sticking out of
his fly. I'm glad he won," said senior Kyle Johnson, first Runner-up Whether they danced, sang or played
guitar, the contestants won the applause and hearts of the audience and judges.
ding dongs
JR. \ \f .\_;n /BECKER
"R \I CI \10 ·11 \IL RHO
-B,.1-.111-•• the tour g1rlcouldn't ;!Pl th m the
mud ut tlw p, trif, i11!!
'-'111i11!! ciiarno11•~ 'I rm.
1' \IP und I dt•ndt<l to
,1;,,w off 011r -lidmg
... ktll- from ha-eh.111 to
t'\t•n th" odd, for 011r
rrmd \\re-ti in" TI1t•
girl... neH r -tooil a
dww '" \\ P had H• !?• l
dirt\ -ome hn" It
neu•r \\Ould h l\t'
bt·1 n ,1m fun if 11~
!?II\~ di<ln't ('OllW Olli
of i h1•n• \\it It
ltlllt' dir·t Oil 0111'
< loth1
It \\1h a"")
to ltmt· f1111 \\ltho111
~()( lH ling tlfl~ lllfllH ~
\ ftt•r d11 1111•_,, fun
""' """r,' 1• -JM nt the
ne t hour w1d u half
cleani11µ our doth1
O\t'r and n't•r ug 1n 1n
1 \\1.tft r ... p1got ."'
( 011 ,J llt'"\t"I :.!'tl IHI
rm donke' who I
ruiuwd ( r~b!.) "-'• f)
tllllt' I tri1·d to ~et 1111
rt it \\1111ld -lt<I\\ rh
t1•f'tl1 and -t.i11 ht•1
h,miug .1t 1111• \ftf'r it
\\011ld hr1'-ha\\ I
n·f11-• d to zo 011
{ ruhh\ .l11h11 'I ~11111a
had" don le, t li.11 '"''
uliont 100 \; ,11 s 111< ~
rind''" ry tiu11• h1•
• mw· "it hin fiw f1••·t
of the donkn it
\\011ld -pnnt dw otht'r
'I\ fl\
I hr\ CTt lilt' m
third out or fom
J1igJ1 scnool
lt'.tnh. !\:..Iii La\\ ... on !?Of
~trnl \\Ith tltt• h1g"•"'t
donk•·). nnd ... 111' i... tl11· littl1·-t
JK r ... on t'\t r. ::-It .. '"t on If11
butt of !111• dor1kn, .111d
appan•ntl) donk1).., h<11t t lint
so II likt· kit l1•d IH r off \\ 11 h
hind lt'gs and -he 'l\tJll nprl!?
111 .1ir ~o 11111< It for our
dnnk··~ rckt'\ t .irrer.
McCallum denies
Menominee casino
Magru£1:1 fard
Pubiic smoking ban
2 in restaurants
Tremper, St. Josephs
dominate sports
7 guilty of seXLKJI
New Public Museum
by the lake
Super:ntendent John-
4 son departs KUSD
Work to contract
5 for KUSD teachers
B M nority popula-
I• II I. l P: "" ipit11! hi- , n·dit , .rn I
11111101 \ latt Lili-. u-1 .., a quick
-olut 1011 to p<1~ for !!:t-. at PIX).
Pm·1·-. f11wtua11•d 11• .ill, a-. 11111 .. h
a ... tPn c'f'rlt ... pt'I' !!(tllon "111 a :2-t-hour
1•-r11•I dw· '" tht 111i-.t.1bl1·
t~('flfHHtliC' f'(Hlflili()rt ....
tion boom
Road construction
slows Kenosha
lO l<:enosha 3.5-liter
Ergine Plant Addition
~Looking over the script, K \ F ~SI host/director Gary Stamm and junior
Tony Corso get ready bachtage before the United Way concert on Feb.
10. Professional attire and detailed preparation added a formal flare to the
fundraiser. The event kicked off a series of annual concerts. i] I Iead bowed
junior Krissy Falcon gathers around the flag with other students for a '·See
You at the Pole·' prayer. \1embers of Bible Club led in the 9-11 event. A
two-year law suit against the school grew from a dispute over the chill\
desire to paint a cross in a mural along the commons hallway. \sked to
remove it by Principal Bud two members brought the case which
they did not \Vin and then preceded to appeal. The suit clo::oed with the L .S.
Supreme Court.\ deci...,ion not to hear the cao.;e. leaving the lower court·..,
decision intact and ::oealed the -,chool\ allt.hority over the matter. 3 \\ hile
checking out a cu::,tomer, senior Luca.-, Dickinson worb hi.., pm1-time job
at SuperValu. \\ hile Dickim.on·., job survived the economic slump. the
community felt the impact when :2?1 job;; were eliminated with the clo!-iing
of Tri-Clover Inc . ...,4. ··SAY \PR~ YER .. i.-, e'l:actly what Keno-,harn, did a.,
they pa::osed the memorial for a Yictim of Sept. 11. In the second tower on
the 89th floor, Vane::o!-ia Kolpak'::o life wa::o taken by the fatal plane cra::oh.
I SAW Tl-E FLAME The morning of ]an. -+.
K eno-.ha e'i:perien<'e-d. a ta;,te of fame "hen
Brian Portillia. a former St. Joe ·~ ~rudem. ran
the OI) mpi<' mr<'h through town on Slwriclan
Road. Feeling-. of ~orro\\ lingering from
Sept. 11 arnpljfied pat rioti<' feeling-.. \ endor-.
walled the 'rreet-. to ~ell patrioti<' nwr<'handi-.e and gaw U\\ay free \ nwriC'an nag-.. Citizen-. of K e no-.ha wmincr Cole nag-. with the
phra-.e -1 Sa,, the Flame.- 1'iC'ked off tlw
\\inter game-, held in Salt Lal e City. Lta h .
'I was standing in front of the coffee
house Common Grounds when I saw
the torch pass. What a difference it is
to see it in person instead of on TV. It
was a pretty cool experience for me
and my friends.'
- fr. Riley Dowse
'~I live very n
ar to the
crime cen . and there
were p lie lining our
str ets for thr block
on eith r side of our
hou ~.If~ going to tak
whil for n1 to f l saf
in n1y n ighorhood.·
-Jr. nna Mari Zorn
t\fl Rf)ER 0 £)llERrD.\
RQAriJSh. mirg the citizens of Kenosf-o
two young men were murdered 1n December. With a history of drug
arrests on both of their records. the victims, 21-year-old Josi-La Kresse! and
20-year-old Darrel Stone were referred to as 'average teenage kids' by
Captain Michael McNamara the detective in charge of the case. Neighbors notified police of gunshots. and the suspects were reported to have
fled directly after the homicides. Glem Hodgie Hale and Robert Lee Jones
were later detained and kept in custody until trial. A benefit held by
Kressel's parents 1n the victims' names took place at the Boathouse on
Sunday, Feb. 10 This effort to collect money for Drug and Gang Unit of
Kenosf-o by the family was the only fundraiser held for members of the unit.
FOR THE BENEFIT _9F OTHERS: Patrioti,.,m rang through th<' au litorium on
Feb. 10 wlwn children. -.wdcnh and -.<·nior citizen-. canw together to put
on a conununi~ conce11 in rt>membrance of S<•pt. 11 Yictinh . .\ brain child
<>f junior Katie I l<'tT111ai1n and K .\ F .\,'I Kerni,..,ha A n•a Famil) and t\ging
Sen'ice-. Tnc. E'\<'<'11t iY<' Director Can Brmrn. tlw <'' <'llt rai,.,ed S 1.500 for
th<> l nited \\ a).··[ t wa-,11 • t a-, much of a financial :-.tH'<'<'..,.., :.l'i we had hope<L
hut we accompli-.lwd our main goal of -,pn•ading patrioti-.m ... ..,aid
I lt•mnann. Prm iding tlw llHL'iic. R. '\ P Senior Choni-.. Racirw Dair~ , 'tat<·-,rnan Chonr-. and .lo) Chonr.., came out for tht• lw1wfit in addition to -.<•nior
.\ lli,,on \\ illem-, and junior-. Laur<>n \ org<'rNm. \l1·gan L) rw. Li,,a \lader
and .\ ly..,,,a Dow..,1·. ot limit<·d to perfom1ing. -.t 11d<·11i... took part in tlw
entire production. --1 d<·1·orated the ..,tage. lwl1wd at t ht' cln·...,, and
put confetti on the "ta!!<' and table-.:· :,aid junior Trnl) .or,,o. From toddler-. to -,enim.... thi,, inter-generational conC<'rt brought citizt'th together to
pay r "lJe'Ch and c1•h•hrat1· with ..,ona-. ..,uch a-. ·· .\ nwrica the Beautiful. ..
··Hi. _ eighbor·· and ··\\ ind &•neath \[} \\ ing,-,_ ..
1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fresh air
l.O( \L :E\~ ~
'-'-'-"a=t~te='-'rs"'": 'I Cashing her paycheck, jmior Amber
Vieth feels the economic recession, starting in Mardi, whidi plagued
the nation as Enron and WorldCom stock pluiged amid scandal
clash of the teachers: I
in a chalkboard debate,
Mr. Chuck Bradley and Mr. Dan Prozanski debate partisan
issues in AP. Government and Politics. Students prompted
Prozanski to discuss Republican Governor Scott McCallum's
proposed budget to address the $1.1 billion deficit. 'Mr.
air ort a itation: D<" ipite their hurrit-'d int e n
tion..,. trawlt-'r!:> arrivt-'d two hour.,, earh for flight!:> to
cht-'ck through the ..,t-'cmit~ . St-curi~ }>roct-'dure., incr t>a..,efl prt'wnting pa..,..,Pngt-' r.., from bringing any
hladt-'-. aboard. Random 1wr,,onal -,eardw,, were conductt-'d to PINII'e ..,aft-'t~ of pa..,..,t> nge r-,. - \t O"Ilare
on lll\ "a, to \f ia1t1 i. tlw, took eve rn h ing out of
lll\ ..,1.1itca~e. totalh 1111foki<' d it. and c'ouldn"t get it
ali had. in. \h cl;>tlw,, w<·rp unorganized and my
dn.... .., for tlw c .:ui,,e·.., formal ni <rht wa.., niint'fl ··..,aid
junior KatiP ll<' rr111ar111. PriYat e. 1.wr,,onal a nd con,,1it11tional right... wPrP put a . . idt-'
in the na me o[ ..,a fPt) .
Prozanski lost badly to Mr. Bradley. He bosically wrote 'he's
Leaned against a wall. junior
Jessie Grewal relieves ex·
haustion with a quick nap at
O'Hare Airport. Due to
lightered sea.Tity, travellers
w aited hours
stupid' on the board,' said junior Ashley Jelinek. Others, however, had a different perspective. 'Prozanski won from the
beginning. Mr. Bradley started out on the defensive and pretty
much stayed there. Mr. Prozanski had a more student-friendly
philosophy regarding the issues,' said junior Ky Jacoby.
Sept. ll Attacks on WTC
and Pentagon
()) ~
War on terrorism
2 w;th the Mideast
..;+- ~
Anthrax attack
3 1n Congress mod
tconom1c recession
Timothy McVe1gh
6 e<ecution
7 Conflict escalates
Democrats gain
8 power 1n Sena•e
4 begins 1r March
Bush takes office
ower crisis· back11..Jts in Califorr a
5 amidst con'roversy
Bush passes $135
r Ilion tax cut
..... \101..:1.: \ 111t·d 111ia1111111111-I~
\_.,,. 1a1Pd Pw-- a- llH·
11111111 w·r u11e ''"" of du·\ 1·ar I h1·
~pt. 11 .11nd" ... in~!,!t'n·,i a \\dr 11n
I" 11
ff'JTflll..,llL c.llJ Pf'4tr1<1tt1i(' rf'('I ..... j4Hl
c:t11d an .11ullla dm :u
.\-, -,moke clear ed from the rubble of Sept. 11 t errori-,t attacb. eye.., of the world turned to thf' \Iiddlt> Ea-,t. Pn·,,idt>nt Gt>orgf' Bu-,h declared war on terrori,.,m to bring
j1 btict> tot ho-,e re,.,1x>n.-,ihle. Duhbt'd Ope ration: Enduri~ Freedom. thi,, war -.ent troop,;
to \ fghani..,tan to battlf' al QaPcla. the group headPd h} 0-.ama bin Laden. lncrpa..,Pd
intPlligPncP pffort-.. including a controwr-,ial llonwland .' curity a('t all( ming O'f<•at<'r
..,urwillance. attPrnpwd to reduce future ri-,b,. ·ThP tt>rrori-.h will umloubwdly ..,nik(•
again. lmt t ht>} " ·ill fail. \\ f•\ P lt>amt>d too big a }p...,...,on to IPt it happen again ... -.aid
junior Scott . ·hnu('kt>I. Bu-,h rt>ft>rrt>d to Iraq. Tran and orth Kowa durin" hi,., . tatP
of tlw L nion addn•...,.., a,., an "ax:i-. of t>Yil" ew>king \\orld ('ntici,..,m. ··Bu-.h llt>Pd.., tot hink
ahout hi-.'Pcht>,..,. lraq and Tran fought a war hut will all~ if onp i-. attil('ke<L .. said
junior Dt>Yin Ilt>mlrick-.. \..., \merica ..,nrfact>d from 9-11. \lidt>a,..,t wn-.ion rnntimwd
to boil. 1 In touch \\ith -,tudPnh. T\[J-t -,port-. an('hor ]P-...,it> Gar('ia -.peak-. to \Ir .
. aint Jinw1wz·.., L.' IIi,..,tory cla-.,, about minority n-·1x1rtPr-.. Gar<'ia ('O\Pn·d -.torif·-.
-.u('h a,., the ;B \ ·..., L \ Lakt>r-, blowout OYl'r .. PW }l'r-.P} :\Ph and thP P\\ England
Patriot< . ' upt>r Bowl up.,pt OYPr thl' . t. Loui,., Ram-.. 2 . ·~ mlx>lizing rdigion \\ith a
ro-.-.. -.ophon 1orl' JorgP Gamarro di-.nt-.-.h the Catholic Church·..., -.P-x:ual aJ >11-.1· -.candal-.
in l·~ ngli,.,h 10. \TilwaukPI' :\ rchhi-.hop RPml:>Pl1 \\ Pak land rt>-,ig1wd afwr a ~:)()_()()()
pa~ nwnt owr allegt>d alnhl' of a fomwr \1arq1wttP L niwr..,it~ "itudt'nt camP to light.
VO en ine: On Oct 19 US grcx.nd troops en ered Afghanistan to accompl obect1ves 1ha1 pnor or
,r es could ro Arrong he troops deployed on Jan. 10 was Cp Paul Schmd row a logstical officer responsible for 675
rren n Afghanis an. Trnx.g ~is paren s teachers Lnda and Jam 1994 gradoo e Sctrnid received a Va enltne head-shaped
box I ed w
he red w te and blue pa rio ic· herned hear s o gossarrer ve ve
and s fabrics from or eacher colee Teegar en who re red 1n 20CXJ Schmidt
replied w' a le er dscusslfl9 he war on errori
tie Afghanis an and his
appreciO ion. 'Of er when you do who I do you ge almos a sor o! Vision
on yar iob yo..r ti e and yo..r imned a e soc circle s a grea ee irg o krow
hat people core· sod Cp Paul Schm dt Wr'ten 'rom andaoor A eld on Feb.
24 Schmdts le ter come rorn he war zone "Ard yes my guardlOfl angel is
ge lfl9 a work ou· bu· Im beng so e a hirgs consdered' sad Schmd . Af er hts mark 1n A gro sta Schmid rehrred home early May.
HLC \HD" I HO\I 1'. \ ;n \IT \R : Cpr. Paul." hmidt ·.., l1·twr
r..rn .. r ft•a..lwr .....,,.,. Tt't'!!llrlt'll mnlinP- lift> in \f.
!!hani-1an and tlw amt\. Ju, mlt> 111 the \utr a - a ln!!i-tical
nftin·r .. ·luntth . a -<4 !(radume.... tall'fl lw a nd otlwr.... ro<'lht'd
Clll tloill!! tllt' 111iJi1 a r~ jnh \\ l' lJ [or tlw !!\I~ in dw 111''1.l fmholt'.
!Cl hi-
"As or I e here [Afghanislanl tike I sad it sucks. We stll havent
had any real food 11 s dusty and dr y· Ive had one shower ITT 45
doys. It happens" .. Cpt Paul Schmidt
fresh airq 35
\\ ORLD :E\\ ..
fresh air
J \ \.1 \.11 G \ \\ ,\ Y: In a central location between Milwai..l<ee and Chicago. concert-goers rusf-ed on-line for endless verues. "When Amanda and I
went to Milwat!ee for the John Mayer concert at the Rave. we waited a
TO THE TOP: Ski, dm1gling. •t>nior, Lt•,Lie Pontillo
and Brianna 011011 takt· tlw •ki lift to the top Lron
Mountain in l p1wr \I ichigun. St. \1 ar: \ ) outh
group took 8 1 tt>erh on the trip during \\inter break.
hou- and a half outside 1n the cold for him to come off his IOU" 00s r1e finally
did and we freaked out. It was the first lime we met a rock star," said
senior Jenn Gaudio. Meeting celebrities added even more excitement.
"I touched Chris Morena the lead singer when I saw Deftones f-1e's
'The night I turned 18, I went out to buy a
lottery ticket and cherry cigars at a gas
station just because I could. I had to go to
three different stations before I was
carded, and the lady wished me a happy
birthday. But I did win $1 on my first lottery
ticket.' - senior Amanda Petersen
my idol and I touched him!" said 1Ln1or Jeff Stacey New experiences
made lasting impressions. "The first lime I saw a Project 86 concert,
I was really excited Their
SOLnd and vocals blerded
perfectly and ii was
awesome seeing them
rock," said jLnior Jeremy
Cox. Keeping the concert
ONE IN 80089128: \\ ith tht> odcl, of "inning tht> lottery dt>cidt>cll) 'wckt><l rnan) pt'nple buy a ticket anyway a' a right of pa,;,agt>. I lowever , Jim the odd,, a few
gambler' hit it big; a \\ i,cor1'in player won the third large't jackpot, .. 111.2 rnillion to a ,inglt> ti cket "'inner.
scene alive, teens followed favorite groups
from Alpine Valley to
Tweeter Center.
-41 Filling her bottle with ground water_ senior Chri;,tine \folter pr<>pare;, for a day
long hike in the Swihs Alp:o on her fir;,t international trip. \folter lodged at the Girl
Scout \X orld Center chalet with 150 other Sc-out;,. J,. Fog, ba:o:o guitar and altt>rnative
rock :ourround :oinger John Cooper of Skillet. Living Life Church :opornmred the concert in the auditorium on Oct. 19. They performed ;,ong:o off the - \lien Youth Tour·'
CD. \bout 100 students attended. J;i To cover every-day expenses, junior Laura
Tomczak found her first job at the Chamber of Commerce answering phones. 4 Resting on an art sculpture in front of one of the oldest cathedrals in Paris, junior;, Vlatt
Jeranek and Alan Esser take a break Crom a French historic tour during npring
break. 5 In the yoga sessions organized for the fin-it time at school hy Mrn. Kim
Gorman, freshmen Iatasha Rutchik, Karan Smith and Kate Willerm; took tlw class
taught b) \1s. Lucy ~eunsc hwandcr. .6 At an authentic dinner while on tlwir first
trip to France, French language ;,tudent'i Sandy Re;,e ndez, \my\\ elter_ Ian Enner,
\fatt ]erane k and Ashley Borman take in th<' e~perie nce. J_ Guitari-,t Ethan Bickle
perform.., with '·Limit<>d Time."' an alt<'rnatiw rock hand at Keno;, ha 13ihle Church
on Frida). \fay ::3. The band al;,o pla) ed in the Lifeo,t conc<>rt Jul) 11-1-t in Q;,hko;,h.
f irstthingsf ·rst
\HIDE \OYAGE \"hilt" not all first trip,, endf'd as fatally as the Titanir. :otuclt~ nb choo">f' to travel across land and sea to experience other culture,., and rountrif'-,. ..\\hen we topped in \1exico during our cruise for Golden . trin"'"'· Ill)
frit>ncl,., and I bought ewrything the vendf'r-, -.howed u:,. , ince it was the first tinw
we lf'ft the rount~. we didn "t e,·<"n t~ to get a lower pricf' on the it1-"nb: wht>n
Lincl-,ey Gram unpacked after the trip. sht" couldn"t evf'n remember wh) :,hf'
bought -,orne of the som·enir,,:· "aid -,ophomorf' Amy Jambrek. After &-pt. 11.
ritizPn-. rhanged modt' of tran-,rx>rtation a-, well a-, cancf'lled vacation,.,. ··~It hough
man) pt~opl t> from T r<"mper rho-,t' not to go on the trip after the tPrrori,,t attack....
I wa.-. not llf-"rW>ll.., about trmt'ling to F ranee. I was a little '>Cared about n} ing owr
tht> <J<'1•an. h ut thl-" onl}' rf'al worry was the pick yx>ekeb once we arriwd in Puri-.:·
-.aid junior \ m) \\ t'lter. Ex1wrif'ncing forei"'n traw~ I for the
fir,,t tinw. -.tudent-. came home with more than ju..,t photo albums f ille<L hut a mind of mt'morie.-,.
J'f"l"Oll bt ll f' r ,,111 ~
lllW It t a.~11 T l111t
it I
iJ,,, 111~ t" \\om al• 1111
11 llll I ..., \ <.HO\\ D
\II HRll H
- 1 pn ft r tu • 0111
\\it h .l j!TOllP fot I
fn-.;t dat!' 1 h 11 \\ .t\
if\ ott do 1101 hk1
f11t nd~ ~• 111d I K t\\t t
ind ht r o t h<1t no
•>llf~ k1tO\\
ltlJ ..trt-
t11<'1 1111 r
I k110\\ frm11
Jltl l II« \ l~o \\ hf"ll
\Ott n alorn \Hlh 1
) 1111r 1u11t 11r
tunt~ nut to lw \\T'tnl
111 111 1k .. \ 0111
It< m I)(
k111g ~lllt' th ti
\Pl'Hlll e 11)
I p11 f r <me n11 nrl('
fi~1d.11,, ruhf"t th.111
.;1111 ~ out \\11 h 1 f;r1111p
"x1111. lilt
[II' £nPt1d,
fKu.ilh 1f
rlw datt h not wlmt) 1111
t 1f
p•~• d. F11t 111-I., • an
tnk• .t\\ " th 11 pre·,
-aid l' 1111or lh 111
[ ,t '-;!lll
<dll spi ml tllOff 41-1.tl11,
l)f lb
frwncb llf'< .. ,.,,. '1111
n1m \\1th that ~1• <'
•;oml"lK. " ' OU t Ill
Cl)lll t ntratt t)n g• t1111g
n kno\\ thP oth• r
! ( \ \U ; )
fresh air
matt rugg
lauren cooper
'-OPI 10\IORI·:
"+. IOH
1.\1 II I ' I _I I \\,l1." .1.. ill!! Ill Ill\
I 111 .1 111, di .. phohi•.
... o I\, .. ..., ... ., 1•·11-..t·
!!11lfri1·11d ( ~1;·1ui1
\lfa110 i11 tho
p; l ...... pf)!!PI' -.f"t If" it \\ d-.
-till "t1·w Kn·zm-ki·f.111lt. Ir lw \\ouldn't
ha"· -topr•·<L tlwu I
\\Ollldn I hm I' rt'i.Hl'tldl'd him .-
Thi• -t.111: _ :?r,ul11.111·d
lw1·11-1• pro!!n1111 i111pl1 nw1111·d th1• n·-tri1·tirn1 to
f111t• pa-. ... f'll!!t 1 r allo\\l·d
with rH'\\ dri\(·r-. Th1·
llt'\\ rnl1· i111t•111li·d to
low• r tlw 11111111.-r of
1et·rHl!!e H<"('idt·1u ... d11P 10
I f1 It 1~1d "h1·11 I
, arne h111w~ 1lio11!!h.
\h d ul lotalh ha11·d
\\ttllill!! for it to
II ,11111 did11 I ~1·1• \\Ji,
hal'l'''ll Plu- tlw !!II~
I h,u! tn !!t't ii.-
1hat '' (.... pit·n in!! rn~
-to111ai h \\.t- n·,1lh
fn ,11..' lo" ik Ill!!. _.,·that
did11°t 111 '" iltt·
-it 11a1 io11 .. itltt·"' I kqi1
rn\ '') t• ...... qut·t>zt·d
-11111 "hilt· lw did. '" I
did11"t f'\t'rl n·alizP
wh1·n It ,,,po. o\t r. It
didn't h1111 at all 11111il
lawr I hat 11i~ht. \dwn
II \\a-. 111 ... l ... ,.n•.
l l lt>lping with a fellow teannnatP bophornorP Efo,p K ai.ser \; hair l:x>fore the llonwcoming parade. bophomorP \shlPy O'Comwll P-xpre;;seH her
f riend-,hip to thobe around h er boon after tlw Pwnt:-. of SPpt. 11. , tude nt;;
turnPd to Pach other for support in confronting per;;onal and social preH:-.ure. 2 E-xhaw;ted after dancing the night away, frp;;hnwn Lind'lay
"\1elito and \fora , wartz hang out rather than drinking or using drugH.
\!though oYerall drug ru,e "'ho-wed a downward trpncL Ec:-.ta;;y at raye;;
made it \\ i:-.corl'iin":-. fru,te::it growing drug prohlPrn, anthoritie;; at the DiYi;,ion of :\arcotic:-. Enforcement "'aid. ln Januar~. 19 countie:-. reported ec:-.ta;,y a;, an increa;;ing problem. and tlw numher doubled in July. Labeled
a-, alcohol-free dance partie;:.. raYe:-. featured light bhow-, and techno mru,ic
and attracted mi many mi 8.000 teem, in major citie::i :-.uch mi \1ilwaukee
and Chicago. 3 On the comer of 8.')th , trePt and 26th AYenue before
bchool on \larch 8. ::iophomore:-. \1att Dulak. Samantha Zie:-.emer. laina
\nglin. fre:->hman Lauren Petrm'ic and junior ;\dam , mith educate the
pa.-,-,ing car:-. on the crisib between tlw teacher:-. and the ;;chool board. The
contract di;;pute finally ettled on \larch 10. freeing ;;tudent;; from the
pre-,bure-, of takin(J' OYer club,., and activi.tie:-..
DRl \ l.\G DlflTR \(~ 10.\:-;, \, a 11·,tbook ,,,_
amplt> or illf"l.(lPriPll('t•cl driwr' 11ti"•cl \\ith cJj,_
trartiOJb. -Pnior, DaniellP Dod!!t» Raduwl
Prol..o. Clain· 1 lan-Pn. \lmm•e11 I lan-Pn and
BonniP Fonk di-pla~ -•·nior ,pirit at th1· l l1111wroming Paracl1>. Tlw paraclP routP from l.inf'oln
Park to \nder-on -iaclium d1i-1·d 10 t•it\ traffi1·.
prt>\Pnting CWll~f'n>lb -ituatiotb ror thf;,p bur-ting \\;th -Pnior priclo>,
"'vVherever my friends and I go out. we a ways
make Sll"e he person in he front passenger sea
helps the driver watch far traffic and lights so the
rest of us can spaz out· · sr Ma..reen 1-bnsen
fresh airQ,,38
TEE Tl R\1011.
PERSONAL TRIUMPH: "After Sept 11 my whole life d-onged
wren I experienced prejud ce read on I learned two lessons ho I w II keep w1 me for the rest of my lifebravery and gereros1ty For he record 1t wasn't the
1rs t me I had exper enced pre1udice but for the first
tme I spoke out to the comrrrnily ids started asking
me about my religion. something they had never done
before About a week after he tragedy struck, five
students who thcx.ght I was Muslim suTomded ond horassed me. I was totally shocked because you always
th1rk these things will hoppen to others but never yourself,
especially because I'm Indian-American and Catholic Later thot
week, things took another h.rn for the worse. and I found myself 1n
another ho I confrontation Basico ly, a girl tried to trip me. After that, she
pushed me into the window and sod Move it, Muslim.' At first I didn t say anything since I was
scared and I had no idea how the s udent body would react. I wanted people to mderstand
that anti-Arab harassment was going on at school and hopefully to stop it. So with that I hrned
to my 1ournol1sm skills and passion I told my story o the Kenosha News and now 1n the yearbook
with the thcx.ght that pre1ud1ce didn t affect 1ust the people of New York but our whole world
I-laving the courage and bravery to stand up really paid off. Everyone from freshmen to staff
WQS incredibly supportive. They sent cards, walked me to class and just were there to listen. rwill
forever be in debt to those who sttx:k up for me and contirue to educate those who don't know
how to handle their emotions about the attacks On another note. I leave you with the following
points. One. be part of the solution not the problem. Two. if you have experienced assault or
harassment stand up and speak out because you cou d encourage others to do the same. Finolly,
I will never wa through the halls without a httle fear gong through me. So if you are I e me and
have dealt with smilar issues even youll be affected for a long lime it will get better!"
- soph Jewel Mtx:kl1n
. 'taging a -.ituation
with cigan-'ttp-._ junior-. .\ lll\ \\ t'ltt>r_
.\ manda Becker_
R, ann
\ Iarlar_ -.ophomore
. am Zip-.pmer_ junior-. l(p[]j Law-.on_
.\nlbt>r \ ieth and Kelly ZiP-.emer illu-.trate:> how to hancllt> peer
pr~::o.ure. Due to the tobacco company· -. -.ettlenwnL fund-. ~pent
on -.n1okincr ach-eni-.ement-. were reallocated to anti-,..moking
campaiglli. \~ ith th~ arou::ied awaren ~,.. of -.mnkin2 and ib
con.-.equence-._ the percentage of teen-. -.moking d crea:-.t>d. --1
think tt't'n -.mokincr h:i-. lo~t it-. popularity. l woukl llt'Yt'r try it
becmi.-.e my parent-. would kill me_·· -.aid -.ophomort' Ja~ . turycz .
. till. rough!~ ;).000 trit'd -.moking for the fiN timP whilt> undt'r
the age of 18 and more than 2.000 of them lwcame daily ~mok
eTh . .\._study publi..-.hed in the December i_,;,..ue of Pediat1ic,.:-.howed
the effe t::i of parent·.., acki.ce about . . moking on childi· n .. -ineteen percent of kid.-. -.uryeyed who-.e parent-. di-.couraged :.making -.tartt>cl Howewr. 2"'? percent of chil<lrt>n who,.,e parent:i were
lt>nient on the:> i-.-.ue:> became hooked on cicrare:>tte-.. Tlw pu.-.h to teen cam from all chrection...,.
united we stand
PH\ YER l I E \LS T l IE I lEART:JWith heads
bowed 1n sorrow jmiors Kendal Earr+ordt and LOll"a
Pieriowski join a group of students arOLroCI the flagpole to say a prayer for the victims of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. In religious contrast. Osama bin Laden, believed to have ordered the attack. called for a "jihad •
or holy war, against Americans and Jews Wing an
interview with ABC. bin Laden stated Muslim goals
were to establish a worldwide religious movement
and expel Westerners and non-Muslims from Islamic
lands. The '96 bomb of Saudi building in which 19 US.
military personnel were killed and the '98 bombing of
U.S. embossies in Tanzania and Kenya were linked to
bin-Laden and al-Qaeda, his terrorist network. In
2000, the suicide bombing of USS Cole, which binLaden praised killed 17 U.S. Naval personnel.
panic attack: RPacting to thP nnnor.., of' ga.., ..,hortagt>
d11e to \lidea..,t tie..,_ KPno..,ha re.., idenh ru~ l wd ga..,
..,tat iorh Sept. 11. creating hkx·k long lint>..,. ""l ht>ard
-.o lllUll) n1111or-, ahout era.., croincr up to S;) a gallon
that l c~dn-t know \\hat to ex pt'Ct. ..,o l wt>nt out to
fill 11p Ill) tank ju-,t lik t> the rt>-.t of Kt> no..,ha. l waited
in li1w for 20-:m minutb. - -.aid junior ,.\Ill) l l t>c kt>l.
PDQ. a fn·< rtientl) ,i..,ited ..,tat ion by 0itudt> nh, prowd
to the c ity- that tht>re wa.., nothincr
to worn- about b,0
onl~ C'hanging tlwir price,,, by a ft>w ct>nh . Tlowt>\ e r.
\larathon. \1obil and moco on ?:-th, trt>et
ran out of gru:. by 9 p.m. the chaotic
nicrht. Other ;,tat ion.., opted to clo..,e
in order to ;,m-e a ;,uµply for the
;,upposed upcoming drought.
The rw:,h invoked an inve;,tigation by the ;,tate of service
;,tation price-gou ging.
-sr. Amanda Bnggs I.ti rg cp on Sept 11
ross ipsen
- \\ 111•11 I l1w1k1•d JI tlw
1 \ tll dw .... 1111non"I
~ \t fir,t ] tfio11!!ht I t " " ' jlH ,J
fn'<tk .11·1 idt•ttt. tlwn I found out
that t\\11 plant>- h,1d hu the
hnilclin::- and th,11 "d' "h,.11 I
... 1a11t>d In !!t"l .... ,·.tn·d
11l\ 111111l•·•ht1t•· n·. . u tion
\\,;, lo lilau11 0-am.i
Bi11 I ukn lw ru11-1 of
t Ire mu" .J<:>,I nH llnn
t he h.o- .-.m-~l on
tfr1• l .-.. 1111fr., p.:H.
,111 h ,1, th1• \\ orld
'I r.ul<" (,prner homlnn!!'
jillian o'keefe
( >B
I h.i"· ,, ""u-in in t h1• \nm
HP-t"r\"- u11<l if lw h,ul to l1·~t\t'
to fod11 in tlu l"d J•• \\onied
"'•Hit him ,111d In- rww w1f1• ,md
kid a- Wl'll It would l1t· lik1· lo,ill"
.i J.notl wr.
\ ),.,, rm f ri•·rnl \\ Intr It'\
\1.{,.·e·, .i;,d j, a pilot for l 11itt•d
\idnu·-, and II w~h a n·li1 f to llt'ar
that ht•'''" 11111 fl~ ill;! ti oar <LI)
in l<J<rl 11111111,u k 1111
tl11• l > • 111l1a"' 111
tlw \li<ldh· Li:H ·.rnd
tlw rmnmin!! nf tl11
l .-...:--.Coli• \, -i1 k a,
Bin I Aul1·n i-. I m • r
tho11!!'l1t am one wnrdd
takt· mh.mta::• of tltt•
l ::- lik·· thlll -
I Ii I\•' <111 ,111111""' 'llJl(IO•ed 10 111· 011 .o pl.lilt' trom
\. l1ut lwr fli;.:ht ""' rl• l.l\1•d. \h \\lrol1 f,uuih
""' i11 a !!rt al .0111otm1 of -ir•·" tlw "1;,,1,. dm lwt:!llt-• \\<'did
11111 k11ow ,1,.. did 11(11 !!'•'t ••tt tlutt phn•. and"'' all felt
111 lpl1·" """ ,, .......,1.
:-X11111· 1•·opl1 1hink rh.H \\P -h•nrld j11-1 l•Hllh tlw \\hol•·
\lorldl" b1-1, IHll \\ould j1H -rnn a 1111..te,ir holnc.i1H \,
Bo-t•Hl to I
1011µ: n ... \\1· pull to!!t•tlwr d~ a 11atHHL '\\t• .... fu1tild not h . nt• tu lw111~
l•wk du dmf1 -
resb ai
~ Rt>d white and blue l:>prt>ad to the l:>pirit rock. Freshman Ben \1ichaelis notice::, the
paint·l:> bleed that reflected the community· emotions. Ironicall). bumper l:>ticken,
around town read ·The.,e color,, don· t run:· .2 'Dur thoughtl:> are with you.. ~Tote
junior .\my\\ elter on ht>r cut-out hand in \tr. Bernard Englund·s advisory. The patriotic hanili dt>corated tht> conm1oruo for weeh in memory of the "-ictim;,. 3 ifting
through mhhlt> at "ground zt>ro:· • -ew York poli e and firt>-fiahter-,. the heroe,, of 911. -,earch for -,un-ivor-, . .\l:> of Dec. 3. approximately 3.300 citizens in the \\TC,
Pentagon and fatal flighb diecl including. :\"-, finest. Keno. ha Police and Fire Fighter
Lnion.-, rai.-,t>d. 93.000 for 9-11 Fund. The local Red ro-,l:>. covering Racine. Keno,,ha
and\\ alworth countie,, collected. 2?3.000. 4 In a standing room only. junior,, John
Meier. Dan Jewell. Frank \farano. Chuck \frldahl and Jayme Inman crowd together
to watch ewntl:> unfold liw on C1 . a-, -,oon a-, the story brokt> 5 .\fter the smoke
clearecl the Pentagon in\\ a-,hin!!ton D.C. expo-,t>d ib horrendou;, damage . .\lumni
.\darn Collin,., took thi.-, picture tht> da~ after tht> attack. aftt>r dri"-in"' eiaht -,traiaht
hour,, from Bowling Grt>en.. KPntucky. Collin-,. majoring in Photoaraphy at \\ e-,tern
K<'ntucky. rac·ed to D.C. immediatt>l) to catch per..,onal images in the media nbh.
Terrorism, before thought to hoppen only in other countries. hit home, herd. With a fresh
feeling of uneasiness. the first step back onto a plane was not an easy one 'I was
shocked because, first of all, I thought our airport security was better, and second because people could sacrifice innocent lives so ruthlessly. I am glad that I went to New
York with Chorale last year, because I wil never be able to fly there again." said senior
Rebekah Haak. Even though they had no say in the actual decision, Kenoshans expressed
strong feelings on whether or not to strike back. 'We should defend our rights and
freedoms. Maybe we all need to raise up daily and say the pledge." said special educa·
lion teacher Ronald Bailey. After the attack, the pledge became a daily ritual during
advisories; previously recited only on Tuesdays With a new morning routine, we pledged
not only our loyalty but also resources as our school collected $8700.
~- \11ad..i.r n .. 111 fn-hmPn Brt>mli
\\ it·~plt•. HPnPt' Thra-lwr and •11phomon· kan
Elh 11 l.,1t·11i-t•if1·r 1' t'llll•lw t'\\ • [ 1 ra- \\t'rt'
hu;HlPd otll in tlw comn1111i- to all •tudt>nb
prompt!~ aftt·r ,.f11M1l on
•pt 11.
read all abOUt
"At d-eer!ead ng thot same day we heard a plane
go overhead and 11 made us realize how lucky we
are to all be together ·
-fr Brenda Wiegele
, EPTE\tBER 11
lwt·rirw lr acadt>mic., . .,enior... Cori
I •"•r ar~I H, aru1 \1arlar lt'ad tlw
11 <ht•rn·t• in 1.:.-i I'll Da\., of \cadt•mic
·f>llt·rn·.. · at tlw a.,~•·mhh -cauw
'. .. \1 ..\f·r. \in· f>.-...,id1·111
of \<·ad1·111i<· \ffa~r--. planrwd tlw :b.,emhl) to I"') du· .,tudPnh up for .,tai1dardizt'd "''ting. 0 \\ ith a grin from
1•ar to Par. •ophomore Ha hrf) an~wer., a qut•.,tion from Corhin \\hut·
in -Carne Shel\\ l ... \ .- h111r .,wd1·nifrom t'tH'h gradt• com1wtPd in a ]t•o1>ard) -likP ganw to .,hmn·a-,p quicl
thinling. \\ imwr., rpcpiwd a long•IPt'W'<"l T-.,hin from tlw '><'11001 •tore.
n tht>
r in \f-,. \fan . n\·der\
Engli..,h 1 , junior Jam~., COurley
1 co,·eragt>.. upt>ri.ntentche-. St'J
t \Iicha ohm.on temporarily cut
t · able t
t' -..chool to preYent cJa.,,,..
<lea:.<.,, infuriating teacher,.,
and -,wdem,.,. 0 Inflating lung,, of their
fetal pig,, during di..,-,ection let junior:,
K ri.•-,·y Falcon and \fr[i..,-,a I Iumphre::,
e'!:plort' anatomy. Thi,, one .\natom)
& Phy-,iolog) cla.,., alone u.-t>d 1-t pig,,.
for my AP Art
Portfolio, which included five works
and 24 slides. Our
class of eight displayed our AP pieces
at a show Mrs.
a ed
in the
-sr. ~ec y~oden
@ar~ show
no ime fo
mid 1111·1· 1 t"W Gowrnment program...,. tt>acher joh action;, and national d •H•·1 wt> madt> time for acadPmic lifP. OFRE. TT BRE \TIT:
Kupka\ '"( ,1111 ha Cow reef' program pa..,Pd high ;,chool lwginning;,
11;,in<Y -+2 · w~l 11 wn Tran;, it ion Coachh. The..,p ;,enior Yoluntppr-, vi;,1tPd re;, 11 1.111 "' ,'i,.,oriP.., handing out advicP on ;,mart ;,tnd) hahit;,
and a..,..,i..,t II!.! 1 Pm to fill out ;,tudt>nt portfolio..,. O DO "T
1 lYPER \E
E: For our ..,choor.., fir;,t tinw, TP<'n Cmn1 offPrPd
btudPnt.., alt en 11 i' • wt hod-, of puni.-,hnwnt. Fiw judg(';, clPcidPd guilt)
peer;,· fat
11 11• ·1 rr t lwm to window wa..,hing or \\Titing lt>ttt>r-, of
a1X)lOg). 0 .\ IR"ITH\1ETIC: Rolt>.., rPYt>r..,e<l a;, ational Tlonor, >Ciel:) ;,t>nior;, and jimior.., be ame tPacht>t.,.," hile tutoring JX'er.... \\ e ;,che<luled time in our hectic liYe.., for aftPr-;,d1ool a..,;,l;,tanct> in all c<>rt' -;ubject . 0 , \10THERED: Ewn da..,.., failed to e;,cape Sept. 11. \\ t' lwld
our breath a-. ..,cx:ial -;tudie-, teadwr-. turned on T\.., to \\atch hi.-,ton
in the making on C.
in;,tead of -,tud) in()' old new..,. O BRE.\ THE
\\ITH \IE: The ne" l~ rt>fre,.,hed Pet>r \lpdiation program empowered 12 diplomatic -,tiidt>nb to :,ettle di.-.pute-,. ThrPe from Pach gradP.
mediator-. receiYed training during weekl) me tin()',., and a work-,hop
at L \~ -Park-,ide. O~KYS THE U\lIT: .\L-,o trawling to Park-.ide.
Carthage or Gatewa~. 150 ..,tudt>nh optt>d for\ outh Option.-. Program
to e-x:perience the rigor of college. 0 IR TIGHT: ln -,pitt' of un...ettled
teacher contract-, and blue nus. we banded together and perfonned
inoo'idually for honor,., and rank to continu c• n nin~ up or • ir
nd1ina in rht> lihrarT. junior \like
111 Ii,1t·n, w and lt>am.~ from a tra< 1 111al \ frican ~con . llw \ frican
1"1imn ·ad-ln I r;lu!!hr 2:'l ~1lt'ak1•
in fn 1111 r -tO cla"t"' on Ft>h. 3 and
f1111111 '( ' • ) papt>r-linl.. chain or rt'aclt•r, and Ji,1t>rlf'r-.. 0 To illtbtratt' rht>
plo1 p) nurnd or Tht> Fo11nwin/w[J(L
't>11111r C1·lia Ridolfi rill, in tlw ~lf:'J),,
foll.I\\ in!! dw charaelt>r Gail\\' nand
Li1t·ra1tm· 12 Honor, ,p[i1 inro ri"·
!!Tl 1111.., I< H"\ pin rt' dw major characwr-..
ming up lor
:xki:s- 31' Jl'eSSU"ll
18 students run teen court and
conflict resolution programs
C: the
"Don't I late, \.1ediate"' neon flier lined rnent and keep ::.ituation.., confidt>ntial.
halb_ ru, 1-t µeer mediator::. :,et out to
change hve::. and the chool. ~ - \~ e haYe a
•........ cript-like ::.he t to follow to make ::;ure we
......... touch on all the bru,e when mediating
between ::;tudent::.. It' aood for training
purpo::.e , but I think kid:; would feel more
•........ comfortable if we were more cru,ual and
not reading word for word from the ::.heet, :;aid ::.enior Jen Juliani. 1:9 Peer mediator::.
,,erYed a-. an option to -.tud nh and teacher-. encountering problem.-. "ith other::. and
needina coun.:-i<>lina to vent emotion,-.. Befort> the procedure could takt> place, ::.tu<lent~ had to agrt>t> to ::.ix ba,.,ic ground
rule,,: ::.olw the problem, tell the truth, libten without intt>rmpting, be re::.pectf ul,
take re"JJOnt.ibility for carrying out agree-
-EYen though I had done -.eYeral hour.., of
trainina my '=>Ophomore year. the harde:-.t
part wru, applying eYerything I had learned
to the actual proce..,,,. - ..,aid junior Je..,..,ie
Grewal. (9 Excu;,ed from du;,,, "ith a
phone call from tht> office. fiYe ,,enior
mediator::. had priori~ to cho::.e who the1
"ihhed to work "ith during the mediation.
L --EYen though I wa-, nt>nou::. ahout doing the right thing. it " -a-, a wonderful f'Xperience, and I beliP\e that wt> -.hould
bring thib proce":-. to the communit1 :·-.aid
frt>::.hman Emily Juliani. • \\ ith intf-'11'-if'
training frorn ~lict> liai..-,on offict>r" Dt>ni,.,e
Rattigan and Felicia Moort> heforehaml
peer mediator;, re,,nrrected the program
to en;,ure µeaceful hallway,,.
>> 11 conflicts resulted in
mediation contracts
>> Teen court w;th five
udges handled 18 cases
>> Mediators trained seven
hours with police laisons
"-. -.enior-,
ir CicPralP and Kara RainP)
ecathered for a mediator meeting in the cafeteria, -.ophornorP \1au
Dulak and frP-.hrnan
R, an Timrn brain-tonn
n~" goal,. Educational
a"i.-.1anh had fiw hours
of truinin« on conflict
rholution to familiamP
tlw ,.,raff \\ith the operation of tlw program.
• Lau,,hin« and relaxed liern':.en ~a-e•. junior
F.rik \ igan.•L) talb "ith
other judge,., before tht•
nPxt ~e;,-ion. lf ,.,tudPnt~
cho-e not to complete
a.-.-.i!!lled ta.-L-.. Office of
• tudent \lanagernPnt
;r JLUGE.S, frorn ) <•·I.-,., f.:111"li1 , f>•·lh
I lan~n. Jt"9.t--I \h,. Llin lbacL: J-.n• L \ 1g-a 1L.. L., I· .~
PEER \fEDl.\TOR. front J•·11i I .1111(L ~111u1ntlu1
/..--...·nwr, J1· ..... ie (~n-v.<.11 'bade) ",.(h 11.nL--t·rL \la11
DuL1L i• C..K·t·rnle., 'iun·n Hmtt~.m
• Recording the information during the coun
trial. -,enior Kelh
ffan.,t'n It'd the Tee~
r.oun in ih ca~e and
pr<K'Klur~. The • tudent
C'Lmrt \\1b mad!' up of
two '"nior-.. two junior->
and onP -ophomore.
"ith Han~n making the
d,.('irlin!! YIJlP in aU th!'
murt ca-"'.&,,id"°" guide
ing thP judgp,.; of. tudPnt
C'£1un. I [an-Pn al-o tool
pan in Pt>Pr \ lt>diation.
# of students assigned punishment
In work oreos as of
Morch 13, 2002
Sta rting second semester, court offered
students a voluntary alternative discipline
Rt>adin!! from lwr
!!uidt>lirw -lwn. junior
jud!!t> .t>lt>na K ni!!ht
'tatt'' h .h ic rt>mindt>r'
and tlw prin.-rplt> of mnfirlt>mialin to tht> !!uih"\
jli.U1). \ ll°hut orw of IS
-t ll(l•'Tlh had no rept>tll
o fini.-h the
j><ljlt'r work of a nw<liat ion -1·--ion. -ophomort'
am Zi~t'lllt'r prepare,,
a cont rnct w l"lt' -igned
h~ both lli.lnit'-..
Joining the rnnh of 500 teen court,; in -!-- <itate,, and
\\ a-,hington. D.C.. fiYe new judge-, e;;tahlThhed an alternati,·e for .,tudenb dealing with .,u.,pen..-,ion..-, and
referrab. 1: -·1 hoped that tht' • tudent Court would
haw happPned <iooner. but wlwn making -,uch a
monunwntal rhange. it L., diffiru lt to get eve!! one·.,
apprornl. . cm that it ha-, finally ,,tartecl we hm
bad the mw-.orne impart that l hoped for.·· -.aid -.enior KPll) I larht'Il. a-. -.he took charrre of her new
!Xhition and mad<' the final cleri-.ion-. in tlw court
ca-,e-,. .'tarting out fre..,h. tlw court fir..,t d<·alt with
hall -,weep-. and e-,tabli,-.lwd con-.i-.tenc~ and faime..,..,.
(" ··Before Pach trial. we n·ad tlw right,, of the peNm
on trial. e -plained to tlw lX'r-.on how we handle each
ca-.e and then an-,wert'cl an~ <.[lie..,tion-. the~ had. -.aid -,enior Eric Imhoff. • Juc_lge,., heard 18 ca-.e..,
throughout the~ ear. admini-.terir~ puffi..,lunent-. that
ranrred from wa-.hing window. . to cleaning the !ITaffiti on bathroom .,tall.... G -·Before hearirnr..,. I rrot
nerrnu..., and wa.., afrai l that I would ...crew up. But.
during the ca;-.e e' el! thing jLht flowe(l and it wa.-,
like inten-iewing -.( mwont' fc
earho< 1k. It rrc >t ea,.,ier
a-, we had more and more c~-.e ... :· -.aid -.ophomore
Jewel \{uc:klin. G Pm-ing the road to ju-,tice. the . . e
fo·e judge,., laid tlw foundation for the . ., hoor., fir..,t
-;tudent court where teen.-. felt fairly repr ;-.ented.
As graduation day
draws near, senior
minorities anticipate walking
across the stage
failure rate,., of 18.9 percent. tht'
an cla,.,,., caught tlw attention of
or Roberta \kalin., he completed
t ion rebearch project to dett'rmine
what affected the J:>uccebb of ninth grade
minority J:>tudentb. 7t '"\X, hy are borne
J:>tud nts bucces,.,ful and others not? 1 attribute achieYement to at1endance, people
haYe to be preJ:>ent to learn, and economics, the less people haYe, the less they are
able to aspire to their highest potential;'
said Roberta Akalin. 7t With the minority numbers incr asing about two percent
since 1991, many made graduation an
important goal to keep success in sight
for the future. 7t '·Graduating remains
really important to me hecaust' my par·
ntb cLcln 't f[nish school. Knowing that
help::. keep me motiYatecl t o a good job
before and after graduation to
better l[fe.·· ::.aid junior Francisco Ro;;ale;;.
n \\ ith 23 LmiYersity of \~ ibcon;;in
::.choob offering OYer 200 pre-college prograrni, for minorities ranging from English
as a becond language to math and science emphaJ:>is, some took advantage of
the priceleJ:>s opportunity. 7t ··rve gone
to \~ Green Bay's summer math and
science program for hYo years in a row.
1t was a great experience and 1 feel well
prepared to go full time there next year,"'
said senior Olivia Scott. 7t From pounding the boob to taking a glimpse at college life. J:>trenuous mind e~erci"ies truly
advanc<:>d abpiratiollb for graduation and
made future plans tangible.
r{32 days
.-{20 days
.-{14 days
•e •e
Of72_.,,_,mnorlly students who fa'8d
one or more dasses,
Ille average rurbef' of
absences increased
over three years.
ell .\ t Lincoln Park on 0 \7t>nrb in haml jun, ept. 8. junior Emiko
hrkem chrcb in \\ith
.\ .P. art teachrr '\a ne>
\~ elb to find that hr"r
metallic rackli-h painting
recei'ed an award in the
Fe~ri,·a l of .\n, and
Flowe~ at Lincoln park.
ior TTC \ 1idwllt> Caban
nwt'h \k Cr. -ial
bor. llw -t:2 ·F n•,hman
T ran.,ition CAmdw, 1•ncourarrpd th e 11hi111ai P
goal of graduati on b~
making tlw nt'\\ 'tudenh fPPI wt'lconw.
0 On thP 'tPp-. of thP O. IPcting a donor buthridgP. Pight frp..,hman
lounge after the FTC dim·tpd tour of tlw building thP f[r,t morning of
'chool. Gt>aring up for
graduation focu..,pd not
on!~ on thP Ki6 pn<'Pnt
"hite majori~. but aL..,o
On thP 6.8 [.lf>ff"Pnt blacb.
and 5.8 pPr<·Pnt 1--Jj..,.
pani<" minoritif'..,.
ton. ..,enior~
Ratigan and Frank
\1nntPmurro giw blood
at thP StudPnt Govemnwm Blood Driw that
rai...,Pd 66:) pinb: :38 ]p..,~
than JHP\ iou~ drive~ .
\ oltrntPPr activitip.., incrpa..,pd chancp.., of rerf'i\ing ..,rholar,hip., for
min<m~ 'tudPnt,.
om petition runs fierce
eshener 1
Pen in hand, sophomore Coty
Roberts notes facts in A.P.
History. Roberts a/so took AP.
Psychology to prep for c o l '
In the counseling center, senior Melissa Brown dlecks out
the 87 scholarships available
Thrilled to wear cap and gown,
senior Casey Cousin celebrates the spotlight of graduation exercises on June 2. _/
··Scholar-,hip new-, from the coun-,eling center .. ."' a
familiar phra,,e that -,ounded more frequentl) w,
graduation da) approached. Daily announcementb
('()ntinuall) t'mpha-,izf'<l the availahilit} of collf'"t" 3!>,_,i-,tance to :PO ...enior.., '\\ho comr.>t'tt'd for the reward..,
f 600.000 ... d1olar-,hip-, offned on wPh -,iw.., like
l• t,.,twt>h.rnni. Th -,tn1ggle for e cellPnce in any a-,f>P ·t of high ...d1ool ma) dt>tf'r from the fun factor.
I Im wr. tlw Ch..,.., of 2002"...,
0.000 in ..,cholar..,hip,., 1 twPighed any inmnwniPncP-.. 7t ·-Gettina my
artwork < ·arclt>d in the PT,'\ Rt'Rection-. Con t
dt>li2htt>d m )(:'Cau-,e m~ ypar-. of drawina · ally
paid off.·· -.aid-.(:' · Greg \\ idmar. 7t
ipetino- in
the PT.·\ Reflection-. .on f'.., rf'mained on of the
man~ rt>wanl-, for excellenct> di..,per... ed to promote
diwr. . it' . Good aradf'-. and :-.tandardized te,.;t cor
a[..,o -.h«mPd the fmit-. of tlwir lahor,, in th fom1 of
!!nmt-. and inancial aid. 7t ·-rn~ applied for a lot of
..,cl10lar. . bip,., and gram-, for academic,, and mu;,i
ht>cau..,e. hopefull~. m~ accom1 li.-.lm1enb and work
will pay off.·· -.aid -.t>nior Kara Ra int>~ . 7t fa ntually,
tough cla... -.e-. and Pxtra-curricular activiti ,, offered
gre~tf'r rewarcl-; than the time -,pent in -,en"ic .
>> AP Economics permitted
students to toke two AP
exams instead of 1ust one
>> ruso paid for the AP
tests if students took the
respective AP course
>> KUSD funded 11 AP courses
-.t'nior Jo<' Gullo in \ P Economic.,
eon tht' \ pe'I: welliite
preparing for \1acroeconomic and \hcroeconomic \P tt'.,b. junior
Ky It' :\<'.,good worb
"ith \ P ro>nonOC,., tt>acher Dan for \a.,t
minute info. '\ <',good
and nine otlwr \P Economic •n1dt'nh lt'arnt'd
through tlw internet.
KL .·o paid for th<'
wdkiite that prmidt>d tutorial-.. practic<-' tt>;,h and
other material to prt>pare for the 1\-fay e'l:am.
'"Since we lea
about the hrai and itio
functionl:> , I t ink AP
Psychology " ll rPally
help me when hm-e to
learn about thib tuff in
college or \led , hool.-·
jr. Katie Bonk
'-I wal:> one of two
p<'ople who took both
AP Econ and P..,ych.
n1 remember \lr.
·· ince I couldn·t understand Cal uhb. it h lped
me to take PrP l ulu-.
at Parhidf'. but with the
new r . triction.., thi!:>
l:>pring I couldn't hm·e:·
new AP courses
aid 32 to pursue
college credit but
also limit Youth
Options choices
at local colleges
ncr r professioru, spanning doccorporate lawyer . the two new
d,anced Placement classes, Economics
nd P;,ychology, applied to students' ambitions. 1: '·AP Psychology cover some
biolo:n related matnial, which is very
hdpful for me since I am very interec.,ted
in nwdicim• and ..,ci<'nce.., said junior Tom
Keegan. who also took ,\ P Biology. 1:
L nlik<· Ke<'ga°' other students simply tmk
adrnnced da-,sec., for challeng s different
from other social studie:, cla-;ses. 0"By taking P ych. I am more aware of how the
mind worb. so my people skills improve ..,
!->aid junior Kim Zeszutek. i: Including current evenh in the classroom which ranged
from Sept. 11 to '·Harry Potter·· encouraged -;tudent participation. 1: '·I love when
we hme di-,cu siorb. It's amazing how
much material we study is currently r 1-
evant, like foreign policy and human reactions,., said sophomore Coty Roberts,
the only underclassman taking both APs.
0 Being in P Economi s offer d th option of taking both a Macroe onomics and
Microeconomic.., P exam. 1: I am planning on takincr both exmm because it is a
no-lose situation,"' said junior Bill
ndrichik, who aims to enter corporate
la\\'. 1:i
dvanced Placement classes,
though, prevented students from taking
similar cotm;es through Youth Options at
a local college. The district tightened options to cut down the , 350,000 spent on
the program. 1: '"I wanted to take a Psychology course at Carthage to get a head
start on my college credits, so 1 was upset
when I found out I couldn't,., said nior
Tiffany Riley. L Ironically, the new P
cours restricted Y-OP choice.,.
How have
•\\ irh Denm-. rhe cifb,
motL-,t>in .\PBiol<Y.Z\·, ~
nior frnn\· Jelinek. !!CL
ri>ac~ ro pur him in~hi_,
P'l:t'n ·j,,.. hall. Denny wa::.
rlllmt'<i a fr er t lw \p Bi"'"!!\ tt>adwr. \Ir. Denm' (lath.
1rin!! \Ir-.
·ult'\ \\ p(l,· \P "rudio
\rt <'k-'. -.t'nior \ !iranda
Cairo paint, for the in'l'hool lihra~ an ,Jio\\.
• Cra111uwd 101.wtlwr.
junior.., John Tt· nuta.
\an•n O"Comwll and
1 Oil) Saarnio co111pan·
-.dwdu)p., in tlw t'Ol 11 t-1•) .
ing n•ntt·r. • To 111ak1·
-.e1N• of lwr .,cJwdult·.
fn•-,h111an Clwn I C<wlz
tHl\ igate..,
ht:r wa~
around llw p111pl) hall.,
011 \ug. :29, the da) IM·fore fir-.,1 -.t·11w-11•r.
>> 12 points possible in each
new graduation category
>> One hour average spent
waiting to fix schedules
>> 30 percent of students
with schedule problems
junior-. \i-,ha Bri-,.,t'trt' and Ht>1w-,ha John.-,on
•Quizzically peering at
f rt>-,hman Jacob \lonte-,
Dt-Oca \ ;,chedule, frp..,h.
man Cody \foore look..,
for problem-,. \loore
-,pent two and a half
hour;, with hi,, coulbelor
in an attempt to rearrange his own ;,chedule.
Registration conflicts file
students into lines
at guidance
office each
Piling into tht' ..,chool on regi...,tration d.a~.
~-~ · 30 percent of tlw !:>tudent.., ended up with
a rt'd -·p·· on their ..,chedult'..,. Thi.., fort'..,hadowed waitina in the guidance center
while coun-,elor.., trit'd their harde-,t to keep
up with the ..,tud nt dt'mand..,. • ""\\ ith a
huge line of people in the coun..,elm< office. I waited for an hour and a half to
talk to \Ir!:>. \fanderfeld for 20 mi.nute,,.
Changing my four ::itudy hall., into math
and pani:,h da.,
made my -,chf'dule
more rea::ionahle. ·· ..,aid junior K ri ten
parh. ,-y:, \\ ith two orche.,tra.,. four
band:,. four choir!:> and ight ,\ P cour..,e
that met ewry. other clav.
. :,tud.t>nh found
it (lifficult to wemt' other da..,..,f'., around
them. L ·Tlwre wt'n'n·t t>nough \ or Bda~ cJa,.,..,f'., to fill in oppo..,ite choir and
orchf'.,tra. I had no choict> but to beconw
a ..,n1df'nt aiclt' for \1 r. \\ ell.., and takf' ConCf'rt Orcht':,tra. ·· . . aid junior Lauren
\ orgnben. (L Ewn whf'n taking a foreign
language two con-,en1tiYe) ear:,. stud nt::i
rt>alizt>d they could haw up to two !:>elllf''>ter-, between cour::ie::i due to block. " ··now
much the teacher re~iewt>d with me dt'tennined how long it took me to rt>memberthf' language:· ,,aid junior . -i olt' King.
" , hedule problem,, meant long line:, and
tirina hour:, spent waitina for coun...,elor-,.
soph. Ryne
PRO: A schedule with
CO N: Because of
ass t
t would
fit opposi e AP English
was study hall. What
before was my last
choice became my one
and only choice.
jr. Jessica
, tepping up a lewl. graduation took a
wholf' n ew turn.• taiiing with thf' Cla-.-. of
:200-t. Kl , D requirt>d -,tudt>nt-. to t>arn
poinb through academic 1.wrforrnan<"t>.
te,,t .,core,, and tt>achf'r reconm1Pnd.ation.
" ith 36 po-.,.,iblt> poinb. 'itudPnh had to
t>arn at lpa,.,t 2-t poinb unle-.-. tlwir pare nt-. cho,.,e to '\'.cu-,e t lwm from tlw gradual ion tt>-.t. in "~hi ch ca-,<· t hP\" rwPdc,d onlv
16 of tlw po-.-.ihlf' (X>inb. (9:·I don"t think
:itudt>nh :ihould hm e tlw opt ion of taking
tht> final te-,t . . tudent-, wi ll think. ·If it·.,
not require<L "h) -,hou lcl 1 haw to do itf' "'
-.aid -,ophomort> \ 1t>ghan Brown. " Studenb al.,o had thf' option to takt> the math.
language m1-,. -,cience and '">O<'ial -,tu<he,.,
te0>b in 10th. 11th or 12th gradt'. \\ ith
the ultimate goal of em;uring a hf'tter education. the new te::,t-, and requirenwnt-, :;et
a higher 0>tandard for gradu ation.
Enjo) in~ tlw no~l1 ·
gn·1· \\ <'<ttlll'r on tlu • fir-.1
da) of -.d1<111L -.11pl1<1·
rnon • Sha\\ 11 K1 •ll) . JI HJ·
if' l
Joni·., and
-.ophomon·-. Dan Snm 1•h and ·1on, \lf'tz 1·on1-
1mrt' -.dwrli;i...... ·nw four
\\1litt··d out-.idP rlw -.rl1ool
for tlw door.. to opt>n d1 I('
10 thf' law -tan or da.-.-,p..,
for -.ophomore-.. junior-.
and '>t'nior-. \\ho llt'gan
at 10 t i.Ill . on \ ug. :29.
senior Helen
Lowie works as an aide. Here,
Lowie received her first taste
of the catalog system.
meetings in the library, senior
Jakob Fabian entertains himself and fellow foreigners.
Statistics, senior Willi Desens
from Germany tries his hand
at American mathematics.
eTo dissect a fetal pig,
"'1erle Reher and Lorena
Soares form a lab t am
during M;;. Fribch's Human Anatomy & Phy;;iology class. For over rwo
months, Reher and
Soares worked together
to study four different
body systemi; in the pig,
from the skeletal to the
nervous in a language
not their own.
.._~.,.j • 1 exchange
/"'-.1<1 N ~
a .
of flights it took
~ to get to K-town
" ' Brazil
f) Germany
-+ace oder·\
.\dmirin!! Gingerbread hou-es created m
the German cla--e-.. ,f...
ni<JN, imone \Im er and
There-ia \tem·n~ de<·id;-•
which hou-i>., to \Ott' for.
Both fro1110'm1Un\. the
two were lihran aide-,
and formed
frieml-,hip b~ sharing
their e"J*riences about
lJein"' oui-.idPrs.
\X ith -miles on their
fac~ and hab on their
head-,_ fi,·e forei;i:n e'l:change -i:udem-, "'0 olll
for a fareweU rlinrwr at
Ed Debe,;c., in i\1 il"1111lee June 1. \1r-.. Huth
Stamm and \1r-,. Julie
Cl1ase. advi.-er and a"t.
arh;,er of International
Club. brought tlwm for
the unique e'l:J>f'riPnce.
adjusting to cold
temperatures, big
cities and new
languages, exchange students
find their niche
confusion, feelino::. of doubt
hange ">tudent . 0 '-1 brought a big,
l ·winter jacket because everyone told
me it wa::. cold here. It hasn't snowed or
even gotten cold yet, so 1 feel people were
teru;ing me," said senior Merle Reher from
Germany. -i: Each student brought two
..,uitca">e filled "'~th clothes and picture::.
of friencb and family from home. 1: '"My
fir::.t impression of Tremper wa::. '\tow...
\X> hat a huge school! I'm lost.' 1 eventually found my way around, though,., said
senior \t illi D ;;ens from Gem1any. <9 FiTh1:
impres::.ion::. led to longing for home, but
time gm-e way to becoming part of a
group. -i: .. ,~ hen I got off the plane in Chicago. my ::.uitca::.e was lost, I didn't like
the area. and I wanted to go home. -ow 1
hm·e mad new friencb through choir and
the Bradford e~change ::.tudent prooram, ··
...,aid ...,enior Helen Loewie from Genuany.
" Programs like the Educational \1erit
-~WJ~....,_,·e.-, of relief ::.urrounded th
Foundation, the Youth for nder;;tanding
International Exchange, th Coun il for
and the Rotary
Educational Travel U
Youth Exchange helped fulfill the dream
of corning to m rica. 0 "- inc 1 was ten,
I wanted to come to the . . to see how
people act and to increa::.e my undeTutanding of the language,.., said senior imone
Mayer from G m1any. 0 ll the exchange
::.tudents spoke two or more languaae::.
which includ d EnglIBh and th ir native
tongue. G'The big cities like L.A. and ·ew
York are just like Hong Kong, but
Kenosha is e~tremely different. It i::. very
peaceful and quiet with no rush,.., said
senior le~ Yan from China. 0 While
adjustment::. were necessary, the newcomeTu found po;;itiv . c:;··1 do mis my friencb
and family. but the language benefit;; exceed any negative::. ... ;;aid s nior Jakob
Fabian from Gemmny. 1: E change student returned home to old friencb leaving new one..., behind.
coming here
changed or
affected you?.
Upperclassmen secure
so/id academic
and social start
ing. ju:ot a full agenda_., 1:>aid Kupla. 1: ln
order to learn new way" of conmumicating with fre1:>hmen. Tran;,,ition Coache"
completed the \'\ oodhaven Girl , cout
enter·" challenge coul'be on two :,eparate
day1:>. By learning how to relate with each
other. the coach~ could dibcuJ:i1:> fre-.hmen
ib1:>ue with eru,e. ..\'\ e couldn·t complete
any ob:otacle;,, without working together.
1 came not knowing :,ome of the other
coaches, but mo:ot of u1:> left laughing with
each other,"' ;,,aid junior Katie Bonk. 1:
The :;ite counbel thought that if fre-.hmen
felt welcome, the) would J:x> likel) to ;,,ta)
until graduation. 1: ~1 e'{]Jerienced what
it felt like going to a new 1:>chool without
kno\\1ng anyone, and T wanted to make
them feel more comfortable,"' :-;aid ;,,t>nior
E:;ther Cowie. 1: Tran...,ition coache,, a1>proachecl their goal., with confidence in
ea1:>ing the leap from middle :-;chool to high
school onto more 1:>olid ground.
men got a ta...,te of what high ..,chool wru,
about with the ree1:>tabli..,h cl Fre hmen
Tran...,ition Coache;,, right hy their 1:>ide1:>.
In the hour and a half l:x>fore uppt'rclru,;,,men arriYed on tlw fir;,,t day of ;,,choot
Fre;,,hmen Tran...,ition Coach~" led tour;,,,
introduced ;,,chool official;,, and ran
throu"h a mock ;,,chednle. c ..The coache;,,
made me feel 1:>ecure that everyone wru,
on our ;,,ide and e'{cited for u:o to aITive,"
;,,aid fre;,,hman, amantha Schulte. ·c \;,,;,,l,-;tant Principal Ed Kupka rekindled a
tn1clitionh) recruiting-+:2 Frt>..,hnwn Tran;,,ition Coadw.., to a;,,;,i_..,t the Cla;,,;, of 2005.
To promote involvement and cliYer:-.ity,
Kupka ;,ent out letter;,, t>'{plaining the program and a;,ked ach1;,,or') teaclwr;,, for input on who they thought would he good
leader;,,. L '·T t \; impre;,,;,,ive how the
coache;,, ;,,tepped into the role of a friend
and coun;,,elor without any forma l train-
sr. Cori M eyer
jr. M ichelle Gaban
• \., tlwy go m-pr the
la-.t math problem. junior" l lemlwr Dm~cbon
and Kim Kre.,al end
their tutoring -,e.,.,ion.
'\II. approached top
academicall~ ranked
-.tudem to ht> llltor".
" I remember thinking
talking to freshmen
couldn't be that bad.
Twru,n·t that nervous
until T :-;tood in front
of 500 of them. Then
1 almo;,,t choked:'
8Ht>aching out to ht'lp.
-,enior., Liz I lallgrt'n.
E.,tlwr C:(rn ie and
Jajaira \1artinez lead
.,t>nior l\ic C:icerale
1hrough a web. C'.oache"
cornplt>t<'d two challenge., at \\ 00fil1m en.
'The be1:>t thing about
coaching wa1:> knowing 1 made a difference in the new cla1:>1:>.
T walk clown the hall.,
now and ..,ee conf ident fre..,hmen."
eTo <li~cowr hi" fn..,hrnen awi-.i~n1nenh. ~ .. ni,>r
T~ lt>r Slaugh1 ~earcht>"
for hi.~ folder and ,cfwd1111><1 ach-i" H"\ _Tran~i1 ion
coaclw-. CU 1111' in t \\ O
da,' lwfore 'chool to
pl,in Olli tlw fi r"t <LI\ _
I n1,.-.11\11 _ 1R\ "1110 (;()\(Ill~-., 4fronrl J<•Jalala_ LL-a
l\ruu~~. Janw~ \\aim.all R1·l.w'("'.:t Currna. ~hanr}( "1 ~···•.l 12nd row)
L-thf"r (:."'"-i1; Cdia HitL~fL knnirn Dt'l3ot·r. l\mit>- s .. u.. i..;;ruum
\1olJ.,Ja_ \hia \U.·n(bock!Kam RairlP) . Tenilil \\ ri!!h1. • - M't'r.U.:.
I 1Ka-, H)Ull \\ nuk. farwttt" \lwh.wJi...
PIT.R Tl TOR'- from IJ1-...I \lw llir~ Bri.11t1,.. .1lm. J, __ .,. (,r,-,..iL
1'.im \1ail.a (2nd~~ l\.ll11 K.... J111·lwr. \11·Ui...... 1 Rmz. Pam..l-.1 munl.
l\Pll} I lan..~n ('.baci J ~mh ~i.aptro. l iffam Rilt . Cori \1t"\n. "'aro
I loulil\llrl. '\illi om•
011 a <'ni-.ade to <'ducate -.tudenh. a peer
tutoring program aro,.,e on Oct. 9. \l atching up ..,tmggling -,tudenh with helpful
peer-.. t lw pro rram "'ll[>plemenwd tlw lack
of ill(fo·idual attt-'nt ion re<'t-'iwd diw to tlw
teacher <'mltract di-,pnte. L ··~tudt-'nh
hancUPd tilt-' -.ituation well. Tlw, ·w a ... ked
<ftH'-.tion-. during da-,., and -.ho~Yn lt>adt>r-.hip.·· -.aid hi,.,tol! tt>acher Jan ...orman.
(;) -.-.i-.tant Principal Ed K"upka dt>-,ignecl
a program in "hich . at ional Honor-. , ' }('ien mt'llU)t-'r.., had a ch<.mct' to demon...tra.te the four pillar-, or" hich the -,ocit'n -.t< >d. Through tutm;ng -.tudt>nb they
di~pla~ eel their -.cholar-.hip. lt>aclt>r-.hip.
characwr and k rnm lt'<b» <S ..Tutrning " ·a.-,
fni,.,trating at time .... lt·.., hard tl!·ing to
-,lo" h· e plain e<ruat irni... that an' ea~y to
me. But. I ('an realh help ... ouwone:· ...aid
... enior Sarah , lmp~ro. l \l ot iYated -.tudenh "J>ellt timt' in the ('afeteria aftt>r-.chool
ancl making frienck
Motivational speaker Reggie
Dabbs explains how everyone
needs love during an assembly in the auditorium Oct. 1
While "raising the roof' with
fellow students, senior Briana
Norton shows her support with
an "I agree with Reggie" T-shirt.
With a gigantic grin, junior
Natalie Lindsey cracks up at a
joke. Dabbs used humor to
relay his serious me~
""'- T~t~Cax>J~5
becoming a
pressure all
over again
ut the future creat d panic
arted plannina for the future.
dent realized<leci..,ioru:. to find
olle e or univen,it:) bebt suited to peronal aoals were diffi ult, but colleges lined
up to h lp. (9 "Receiving mail and vibiting
colleges gaye me a per onal vi w into what
they had to off r,., said !:>enior Carrie
Belongia. (9 \'\ ith sLx £y nllg!:> with the
Counselor arranged !:>pecifi ally for seniors, rudents found comfort r adily available even at school. (9 '·My mother didn't
know eYerything about coll ae admissions,
so it was nice to meet with my couru:.elor
jW::it to check up on things;' said benior
John Herrin. ~ To beek out an .arly start
on the college life tyle, borne 100 students
opted for the Youth Option;, Program.
KL D' !:>Ybtern
college our!:>es without havina
a for
tuition or boob. (9 '·I liked tht' fact that T
could take more exciting courses that our
school would n ver have. My Latin course
had more btudents in it than l wa., ewr
ubed to seeing,'' said senior rfichelle
Turco. "i Excused from clas ' e!:>, btud nt!:>
met with the 16 college representative!:>
that visited the Career Center in the fir!:>t
three months. (9'·1 really got a feel for th
college with the reps. I could ask them specific questions, like about their band programs,., ·aid nior Mindy Ranta. " Seniors sacrificed personal and class time to
inYe!::itiaate campuse , programs, admi..,sion requirements and CO!:>ts before taking the big plunge into higher education.
• \\ hile waiting fortlwir
l \\ -\lilwaukee \outh
Jazz Band praCTiC'e. ~e
niof'> Dm·e \X illiam.~ and
Brian DeCe,.,aro C'heC'L:
out aYailable program.~
for fre~hmen in band.
O&iob in hand 'enior.-.
\1ike Behl Dom Zarleni
and T rmi:. Clark di-iCU.'~
the specific drtaib of
whv certain ~choob attracr them. The Career
Center featured coUege
repre,entative,, from aU
over the \1idw~1:. including four L\\ college.;.
~I am receiving free
tuition to Carthage,
but I hope to trans{ r to Brown. LCL
or li
after just
sr. Nick Rezny
'~B ing a trainer
for fo tball asured me that a
major in ports
medicine is right
for me.·'
sr. Jon Schenk
'·I plan to live in i ew
York next year. My
main goal i:, to leave
the midwel::lt and to
live in a bi a city ..,
Prepare to sue
To t·ompli-tt• dw rn<1th
ponion or hi- pranin·
\ CT. junior Jami-on
I h lin-ki 11tilize, hi, caln;laror. ont' of tlw onh
pit'ce~ of Pquipmt'nt ailo\\t'<L on \la~ J.).
T al in!! aclntnta!!t' of
\-OP and ,\ P da-.-e-- for
a jump on p<ht-hi!!h
.,..h, Mll education. -,enior
\leli--a Brown gain,
!! from C'.oun::-elor Ga~ Paulau-la..-..
Predicting what the future mi t Pntail ~parkt>d fear
for .,tudt>nh who didn"t join e 370 to "raduat . CollegP preparation wa., ha ) on top of the priority
li.,t. Otlwr-.. thm1"h. ut ii' .Pd .,chool program., and talenh to l>t'gin plan-,. <9" n order to pur~ue Ill) (ITt'anlb
of l>t'ing a profe..,-,io l 1mhician. l had to delicate
hour-. of daily practi< , that prt>pared me for the competitiYP auditirnb.'. id .,enior Chri.,tina Thom(hOll.
For a nwre. 7. -.tudenb took the \CTiveprep
te,,t in rnmputer lt :2~0 to prqmre tlwm for the
actual CT. Coun-,e or Km ~1anderft>ld .,taffed the
tt>-,t after -,chool on four .,t>parate date., in Ma}.
G ·· CT -,core..., are re 1ired for almo,.,t e'en colle"
application. l want to
a-, prepart>d a-, }Xb..,ible for
the t~t:· .,aid junior J , Grewal. "[ \\ hil ~ome
focu-,ed on tt>-.t prep at -.c >ol. other .,tud nt looked
beyond to "ene the conmm ·t), a., an aclYantageoru,
(Xbtimt>. G ·-1 fe 1better" hen · 1 giYing ha k to the
comnmni~ and tho.,e that actua . · n ed help. The
fact that 1 can l ut -.en-ic time on ..,c
hi and
collt>rre entry fornb i,, -.impl~ an add perk.'' .,ai
"enior Chri.-,tine \loiter. " \lulti1 le adYbOr) fil> emblie-, took place for uppercla-.....inen to ready them for
college choice..... tud nt.., utilized a "amut of ;,chool-.upplied e.'l:perience-, to help them can- out a future.
filling the shoes of absent
advisers, students step up
to the new controversy
and undertake more
~\ ill I Iomecoming. Prom and F ru:.t happen? Thib quest1on lingered on the mincb
of tudent as they entered the buildinO'
walking alongt:iide the parade of tea her::>
at 7:25 a.m. Emotioru, flared and role
r versed, forcing student to take on leadership while the teachers worked only contracted hours to protest stalled negotiations and eight years without a salary increase. ':9 "It's so hard to iun International Club without \1s. tamm. • h wru:.
the glue that ke1 t us toO'ether. _-ow it\,
all tudenb with my dad a-, adviber. lt"s
really hard to get anything going .., -,aid
sophomore Alyssa 0\-elli. L Emphasi»
quickly shifted from e tra <'mTi<'ular-, lo
academics as grades and re<'ornmendatioru, were in jeopardy. 1:1 ··\if) first day
of class our teacher announced that he
would not be writing any recommendation letters because he wasn't getting paid
to write them. I realized the huge impact
th situation was going to have on me
personally,"' said senior Mike Leanna. L
Adding to distress, parents were frust rated '\\rtth pass or fail grades in.'>tead of
usual letter grades for progress reports.
Ad,risory's 18 minutes allowed for help.
but frequently it wasn"t enough for oneon-one attention. 0 --1 had to drop Caku-
lus because I coukln "t get Pnrn1gh out-of-,chool help. I tried getting tutor-.. but our
t acher had different method-.. The worst
part was that I knew that my teacher
wanted to help me. but ..,he didn't want
to go againbt the contract and job action,"'
said senior Allison \\ illerns. L Standing
together, over 300 student-, jammed into
board chamber;, as fell ow clas;,mates
spoke to the Kenosha L nified. hool District Board of Education a-,king for a resolution on ept. 11. Cro>istown rivalries
evaporated as high "<'hool -,tudenb di-,trict-wide donned a uniting red color.
, '1.)('akers made it eYident that tlw <'Onfli<'t '">pread past the negotiation room. -i:
"People are upset that our dirP<'tor ha-,n 't
canceled our Golden , tring shows, but
there is no way he can. ThP) were lx>0ked
months in advance, and just like any other
business, we can't just hack out. -ot everything is cut and dry when it comes to
working to contract;' said jtmior ]essi<'a
\\alls. -i: , Relief finally came when thf'
KEA and KLSD reached a 'iettlement
\farch 10, which union members apµrowd by vote on \1arch 20. Tradition>.
hung in limbo, e~tra a'isistan<'f'. chapt>rone and adviser ::>en-ice::> remained ho,.,tage until an agreement ~oh-ed ten.-,ionb.
>> 11 spoke at the school board
meeting about job action
>> 52 parents chaperoned the
Homecoming dance
>> 8 clubs stopped function·ng
due to lack of an adviser
~Pnior John llPrrin ~1JPakin~ to ~chool hoard
• Brm-in~ thP wPathf'r.
junior Katif' Herrmann
and-.Pnior Kara Houb"han
takf' pan in thf' protf".t.
DuP to thf' rain . tht>
marlwr on thP ~igr"b had
to bP mn.~1:ant~ reapplied
•.\~-,ht> pickeh for rhe
of rhe contract. '>enior , hiren
Rarrigan inten-it>" "-ith
a DJ from rhe radio '>ration 95 WILL RO K.
Ratri<>an organizffi rhe
prore,l: held on \larch 8.
sr. Christy
PRO: Teachers have
CON: 'Its very difficult
to make up wo
ter being ou
1ck be-
cause teac ers can t
time for y u to
make u
e ts and
quizzes and teach you
the new material.'
soph. Cory
• ln a flnal pu~uit ro
,,me rlw .\cti,-iry E-..:po
aftt>r l.1cl of ,,upport.
junior,, Jeff Dahl and
John Burgt>r ti') to attract ,,tudt>nh to get in\ Oh t>d h~ "t'tting up a
promotional table durin!! lundw,, \-D.
Has your perception of
sdioo/ chang
plugging into college
courses, students
bypass downtime
for added credits
niors de erv it." aid enior Karla
U inger. <9 Seniors earned free periods
by taking college classes or meeting the
required 28 credits to graduate. The
Youth Options Program allowed eniors
and junior who were free of discipline
problems to enroll in course that had less
than 80 percent content similar to a clas
offered at the high school. Evenly spread
between Gateway Tech, ~ -Parkside
and Carthage College, the approximate
100 Y-OP students consistently opted to
take ourses such as welding, criminal law
or graphic design. <9 "As a senior, I took
all honors and six Y-OP classes, which
ount as honors. During my release I appli d what I have learned and used it for
college cours ,., aid enior l a Lawson.
<9The program offered Oexibilit) with few
restrictions. Per seme ter, tudent;; could
to take two cour;;es at Parhide and 11
credit at Carthage, while Gateway remained unlimited. ':> -rve taken Y-OP
courses ince junior year, so I already haYe
about 33 college credits. \~ ith all those
credits, I'll be able to enter \~ -LaCrosse
as a sophomore next year,.., said benior
Kari Groff. <9 Expenses ranged from, ?O
per credit at Gateway, , 150 at Parhide
and, 300 a credit at Carthage. Q:)'-1 saved
, 1200 by taking Intro to Geography at
Carthage since the di.-;trict covered it,"' said
junior Aaren O'Connell. 1: With freedom
at their fingertips, uppercla-;smen received
a tabte of what awaiwd them and a ht>ad
tart at college through the Y-OP program.
8 Deep in thought, !>enior Vince Montemurro
reviews hIB notes while
waiting for hIB World Religioru; course to begin.
He had the Carthage YOP class twice a week
and received four college
creditb from it. KUSD
paid for all boob and
fees for the approximate
800 coun;es taken by YOP studentb. The co:;t,;
to the di;,trict totaled
OYer $350,000.
SOU"ce: '!ll"Vey
of 100 seoors
senior free
GC)NE:_ ~llH ~
THE:_ ~INC) [_
8\~ ith care. 'enior Jennifer Jelinek a,,i..,r;, at
Grande Prairie l lt>alth
C-enrer. Jelinek fini..,hro
a C-ertified '.\"ur;,ing .\ .,_
,i..,l:ant program offered
by Gateway Tech.
0 \\ rapping a -.andwirh
at Ht>aYPnh
I [am. ..,,,_
nior ]a m;n Pollorl.:
lt>t'p-. hand-, and product dt'an. PoU()('k ..,,_anro
hf'r ... hift at :2 p.nL during fourth hour rPlf'a-,f'.
'"Playing the guitar is
like breathing; one
breath and you're
hooked. It' something I love. and my
relea:oe give · me a
chance to practice."'
tu dent
Partner::ihip, I've
learned how hard
it i::i to be a teacher.
l"ve had a glimp;,e
of how much work
t acher::i have ...,
"\~ orking at Pleasant
Prairie ' s Lakeview
Rec Plex is an awesome way to meet
new people. I come in
during my fourth
hour release ..,
Whether teaching kid,, learnina a trade or picking
up extra hour::i at work, teens put -±00 release, to
m,e. lru;tead of taking a break and relaxing, Hudent
demom;trated re:opon::iibility by taking a tudent Partner-,hip our::ie. joining
P prorrrarn or simply workinO" during release. C9 ·Du to th t acher shortage. I
worked through 1 -ational Honor Society as a tutor.
I u.,ed my fourth hour release to prepare for tutorinO". Mr. Kupkaaskedl\1t, to tutor the kid, who are
unable to aet e"<tra h lp from teach r . - said enior
Pamela iman. c. \b. CI] -,taL iO"hbor. head of , tud nt Partn r-.hip. requir d nior::. and junior::. who
elect< d to take the cour-,e to hm·e no truanci ., or
cli-.cipline problems. The parti ipant abo nlll.,t ham
obtained 11 credit::. prior to the da..,.,. i: -\~ h n I found
out about, tud nt Partnen,hip. I ouldn"t ·wait. I kn w
riO"ht awa1 this would be an e cellent way to practi e
peakinO" , panish with the kid:, at K. .... O.L. where
the kid-, are bilingual.·· "aid -.enior Tiffany Rile1. C9
To becom part of the GOP program a enior must
have completed Keyboarding. "ord Proce::i:oing or
Computer pplication::i and BU!:>ine-. Procedur .
On e a cepted the apprenti e had to put in a minium
of 10 hour a week. <9-I learn d -.o much from being a ::imall engine mechanic for Hilbide True\ alue
hardwar ::itore. The on-the-job training has given m
a ell!:>e of di,.,ciplin and a hobby to pursue later in
life."· -.aid -,enior Georg Onb. c " hile the r t of
the -.tudent body was bll!:>·y ·with ., hool work. th
teelli headed out the door~ for fir;;t-hand e"<perienc
throucrh tud nt partner hip. GOP or jobs.
e Sectional
~---lllY coach pulled me out for a breather. I told him I had to go
in to score. I ran in to kick
a goal, giving us a 1-0 victory to go to State. Earning All-State honors and
scoring the
highlighted my aso
- sr. meg3n ~eyno ds
@soccer us. ~urling~on
in ht>r bright ) t>llll\\. puff~
nior Lt>,lie Pomillo ,i.i,
ad \ fountain on the \\t>t>kend
· To takt> mh amagt> of a da)
t \ lan Lutlwran, outh traY~11.4.fl'F-l\lichigan for ,onw ~'inter fun.
0 Back,,troking to a ,-ictol'). junior
Lauren Fennema '"im:. ht>r 100 yar(l,
of che -t00-1 \ [ re la\. On Oct. :20 at cht>
\\ auke~ha South i mitationaL tlw rela, ceam of Ft>nnema. \ 111\ Black.
A ily-on _ eu and Liz " t>iricl plact>d
-econd The Trojan,,, callit'd a -t>rnnd
out of nine team,, \\ith :266 poinc, IJt'hind \ fadi.,.on \~ t''t.
T • -ed · hi:, follow-through. -t>nior
ain Kevin Pincer ,(am_, tlw ball
a 1 ' ' Bradford on Oct. 17. Pincer
I nine kilb co lead cht> Trojan, co
a '."" - . 15-8- and 3-15 victon on Red
erritol')... .\ccorcling ci> a ct>am
\ote. Pinter receiwd \fo,c \ aluable
Plawr. Offen.,iYe and Defen.-in.• Pim er
of che Year. Ont' of [WO inaugtiral
-pon,, chi:, -ea-on. bo) ~ 'olle~ ball and
hockey offered malt> achlt>teo, rnrit'ti~
in the . fall and "-inrt>r -t>a-..on.-.
(62 comng~plorar Q
sirrls- arcurll
s s es t 1m1
ir quality
I a• k ng State tournamenb \\ith seven of our 22 teams, we estab·..,1i, • a pre::.ence in the Southea-,t Conference \\ith seven, E cham111111~. 0 \ lR , TRIKE: To prioritize the national crisis. admini::.tra' ''"I >'>tponed fiw -,porting ewnb on Sept. 11 a.-, \Ve put life or death
1m1t• ..., before the game..,. 0 \IH. BOR ;E: \-, :3() male athlete,., walked
•Ill•• 1 w volle) hall court for the fir,.,t tinw on \ug. 20. Tremper and
J1 .idt
ame the ht..,t Divi,.,ion-1 high school-, in the -,tate to add
>O).., rn t') )all. \s \\int<'r quick I) approached onl) six Trojan, played
on tlw al-,o fin,t Kenosha ))(>) s hockey team. O BH.E.\ Tl IT\ Kl G:
Trmeling to Camp Handall Stadium at L \\-i\ilacli..,on \\.ith a perfect
1:-3-0 n-'<'orcl the football team ..,11ffered a . tat<· Champion,.,hip defeat
from \1ar-,hfiekl. To ..,uppor1 Trojan red and hlue. we loaded nine
l>1h<',.,forthe120-miletrektothestatecapital. O HL
l GO \TR:
Be..,t in :3() year..,. ho\.., <T<h.., <'mmtry fini-,hed 8th out of 16 at the
State \feet in\\ i-,co1~-,in Hapid-,. \rn;ther fall ..,port at the tate -,emifinal-, in \fodi..,on. girl,., tenni,., lo-,t to, 'mi.or.- 2. 0 \IR B.\LL:
T<.. t'ing up. girls golf Y<·ntim..d to \\ iscon..,in Rapicl-. with foe of our
bt•..,t golfPrs to fini,.,h Uth at .'tate. \l..,o \\ith fi,e of our finest to
. 'tat<» Ix>) s golf plact•d..,t>wnth. O SECO D BH.E \Tl I: Glme-, in haml
ho).., khehall switclwd from ..,tmmwr to ..,pring a.., bah lX'"an to wing
in tlw t-'! m on \larch 11. O BIU. \Tl l OF FIU:SI I \ IH: From doubleda) pra<'t i<"e,., in the <X)-dt·~n·<· lwat to ..,hart'd g) m time.., that dda) ed
pla) until 8:10 p.m .. our
hwah rnoti,att·d th to <·nmt• up for J.H'
iann_ "n midair. junior \m) \\el"t<L, or the -and pit during thf:'
o fini-h fourth in the ewnt.
~ 1·ltt-·r not Kl a 1.'f3-1 '-t- jump at the
o-ha .ount' Outdoor \leet on
\ a\
Tn banlr. for thf:' rebound.
-emor fornar<l Ben Chamnf!" rnllic:Ie,,
\\ith a Racin<> C'a-f! pla) er on Feb. 8.
Chamnt"-.~ lt'(l the Trojan, to a 66-6-t
,ino~ \\ith g3 point- and tf:'am-high
of ,j, a--L~h . The 6·2- captain. who i.,,
a three·\ ear ~tartf:'r. w:b namf:'d E
pla) t>r ;;f tlw year. The Trojan:, fini.-hed the -ea-on 16-6 and two game,,
'h) of a "cate tournament repeat.
ming up for
r 63~
' ' Playing soccer
on the off season
enhances my skills
and allows me to
play better for the
school team. ' '
- ~. rlkty FJiey
111 To hone soccer skills at a Hf:'c Plex
clinic, junior Kelly Zie..~f:'mer concentrates on pointen, from a pro. L.S. ~oc
cer team memberb travf:'lf:'d to
Keno~ha to run the se,,,ion. m For
fun and flexibility through ballet and
jazz, junior KatherineOL,en dan<'f:'' in
Guy inger's cJa.,~ at the l Iealth and
Fitness center. This studio w~ one or
five dance academies in town.
ITone and F1ex} Driven b) visions of
bun,., of steel and rock hard ab,.,. teens
\\Te;,tlf'd with bw,;T ;,chedules to work in
··I once out-skated m, oldP;,t brother which wa.., the fir t tirrn: I did
anything better than him. - <,aid sophomore
Jennifer A ndn,.,on.
For name,., such
as Elt>ment. Dark tar. Alien \'V orhhop,
Black Label. Bird House and ZPro. ;,kat<·board enthlliiilli:ib ;,pent between . 90-!'' 1-tO
on boarcl-,.
\1arrial arts as a recn•ational
!->JX>rt racked up cost!:> through duh fee;, averaging . 5 per month at the si""" -,chools
in town.
- At my fir-,t T ae Kwon Do
tournanwnt. I got fir,.,t place even though
I was the -,hortest."" said junior Adam
• ('Ziro;,ki. m A 10-, ear veteran. Pziro,.,ki
practict•d high. spi~ning kick!->, in th<· art
of fi..,t and foot. m Taking it off th<· mat
and onto the golf com..,<\ t<'<'tb te<'d off at
Petrif; ing Springs, Bristol Oak.., and
Brightondale. l } "\1y grandparenh golf
and watch it on T \ a lot. l htart<·d watching it. and my grandparents got nw stari<·cl
in lb on;,. [ just took it from there. - said
frt.~..,hman franna \k\1ahon.
and fri<•nd.., often introduced athletes to ~
m :\\ ..,port. Emhu,.,t•d parent;, forked over
."100-. 500 for a ... no\\hoard. l } ··I
o.;n<mlx>ard with ..\ n<h Hill. Ju-;tin Ewen;;,
Lc·rm) . anchick. and \lark Tews. I got
startt·d h; Ryan Luf'khardt takina mf' to
\lpine \ allt>~ for fn·e . [ renwd a lxmrd
from Alpine\ alle; until I had sawd. 125
form; O\\TL •• ;,aidfre,.,hman David . orton.
Dacb e;,pecially coached their kids into
shape according to fre;,hrnan bowler
Len\\id , 'a ndvick and junior vollf'yball
pla; er Danielle Reynokls.
'·\1y dad,
who·s a paintball nut. introduced me to it
and-;tn et hocke,. . Ht• ba-;ically. bouaht
gear. O\\ l pla) on a \Xinthrop Harbor
t<•am with frit•ncl.., and cou-;i n,.,:· said fre-;hman \Ill) Hamilton. lTJ . 'tudents turned
to r< <' -;ports a-; an outlet from the :-;trt'"iS
and ew11 (la} 1xes:-;un•:-; of :-;chool. ccording to H<>alth ruaaazine \1ay 2002, t'X<'rci-.<• ,.,tinurlate,., creatiw mind and mtL-;des.
Catch a Breath
" /play tennis be-
cause many in
my family enjoy
the sport. I started lessons and
it, so
Joined the
team my
year. I've
Protecting the goal, -.t'nior .\aron
\ourl!!: lt't'f>- tht' ·ortll\\1:"-l J1araer...
frorn-.corirw:onDee.8. \oung pl~t'd
with the Kern,.,ha Komeh for 10 war-..
llw Komt'b pla~ ed a -1::>.game -.~a.-.on.
Dut' to tlw -.ucce---. of the Konwt-.. onh·
fin• -.tudt'nh wem out for tht' ne~
1'. t'no-.ha Combined hocke, tt'am.
To imprcm~ her strok duriilg the summer, junior Li-.a :\fader -.wam thret'
tim~ a wt'ek ar the T rt'mpt'r pool.
since seventh
At tf-e Kenosha Att-le re Center wf-ere
sl-e WC)( ed over tl-e sunmer se-.or
S efcne Grcfcrn buys~ o rodet
to prepcre h ems season. Grcfcrn
plo~ed on N Red Tecr'l mode '-" of
p.nors and seroa-s w 1e Blue Tecm
consisted of lresfmen and sophomores.
grade. With all
the running , ifs
a great workout
ITI Eyes on the prize, 'enior Gary
Garcia end, hi.~ run 22 ~ernnd, ahead
of hi.~ do-,t'»t competitor ~;th a 17:0-t.
Four ~cond, 'h) of tlw mu ('-,e record,
Garcia 'ecured fi~t on the 5-1..ilometer cou~e a~ the ho,~ team fini,hed
-ernnd at the Ladi.-h !mite in Em.t
Troy on Sept. 6.
Pacing herself for
the long haul, frhhman .\ laina Zanin
heacb for 16th place at the Burlington
Chocolate City Im;1mional on Sept. 29,
\X ith the highe"t Trojan fini,hed,
Zanin clocked a 16: 10 in the +
kilmometer leading the girl, to a eighth
place fini:,h with 20-l poinh
"Just after the mile mark,
a deer smashed into my
hip; I spun off and
grabbed another runner.
Realizing an impact like
that can turn a sport upside-down, I gave everything I had in the race. It
was like a thing you would
see as a sport blooper ..,
Tremper Invite
Ilorlick Invite
East Troy Invite
M.arquette Invite
o~hko~h l\orth [m;te ?th
County Champion.,hip 3rd
Burlington [m;te
W'e.,i:o,,ha Im;te
COilference - 6th
Sectional- 9th
Captaill - Dottie Boyce
Coach V. Award- EB\~ arnboldt
MVP and Best First Year Alaina Zanin
Most Improved- Kibten Seidl
GIRLS CROSS COL.'ITRY: froa \lau., Zwiin. [)•1 .. B.~ .-.; Kelli
L,..,,.., 12nd""°11 '"'! 1),.,,-11. \l:lnll R1ddt'.""1th \\
T mo: '"<hh~
'bedr)Oo..hOiarhllrrJ.'\. LB. \\andxU. '"" ~ r....Nen~a
\udr~ lkL.m), \-..."i_..tant G~t1:h f'_..un_l"'I..., \ t'lj!f"flZ . •
OOUNTRY: front l [·rft.kJiP C..adiz. CJ. Ric.:·lardi.. Brandon Da,i.... \h·· Dv.,t-r. D.m
f-"L··on. C..1n Can-la.. John Dt:l\i.... ""'•.m1
Kaczmart-1.: l2nd row} \1iL t' \ t>Olura.. Dan \\ f" IL... ( hri.., [·.,an... Tril \1,{'..ann. \<.Lun h:~,al.ubL.1 ... Tf1m ~r;«lt·r.... (.a~ C..-irrn·'· Karl
Burloth (3rd row) Dmt- Condon.. Tim Lindg-rt>n.. Brandon Blattt>r. \Ian Lwhtt-nht-1'1 EriL La\1otlw. Jot• (A-ilt.-h.. f·ranL. P~trt·ui.\\.atrin::r.
Bmndun Bruce {badc) Coach Otarlt-,, Bradlt'). Brf"m l\:ohlt->r. \dam Srhla . \1au llarL~11.. Lro (:,,,Iv.ill R11h Bt-ad1. JaLP (~111z. Tom
Bov.-ma.11.. K~lt> [·rf~t. DaH• llamilton.. \ ..... i.... tam Coach Cunt~., \t-rgt-112.
IRunning wildJ \~ ith th boy.., earning
a -.<'cond place Southea-,t ConferPnce ;,tatu-.. \ ,oach Ch nck Bracll(•y a-,-.i.-,wd 3.'3 male
athl<·t<>-. on th(• fine detail-. of mnning. lTl
··Placing fiw athlete-. in the top 23 at
~·ctional-, on Oct. 19. W<' fini-.h,·d '\ith 69
point-.. Rankt>d ninth we had to prove• our
-.tatu-. wa-, correct.·· 'iaid fre,.,hman Ca-.ey
Carnt•y. ITI Returning to the ladie'i" lineup
after mi;,,.,ing fiw meeh . ..,enior Dottie
Bo, ce fini.-,hed ,,ixth in 15:-1:5 at the SEC
;\[~et while fre-.hman .\ laina Zanin placed
ninth in her fir-.t race under 16 minute.-,.
m --Dottie ha-, taken nw under ht>r wing
the entire "ea;,on. , he ..,howed me th<•
rop<•:-. of cr<h'"> count11 and gm<' nw tip..,
that hi me to he nam<'d .\ lk EC fir-.t
tc·ain. ·· -,aid Zanin. who earrn·d team Be;:;t
f· ir..t \ t·ar and \1\ P. l J Si Trojan rnak
athlt>te-, conquered th<' top 11 at the
County \teet on the L \\ -Park,.,idt> r.ouN'
on Sept. 28. rn --Fini...hing riO"ht lwhind
th<' .bl·..,t of our team, l k<'pt up with th,•rn
and fini-.hPd in 11th place• with a 17:04
which wa-, barely O\W a minute· behind
Ga11 Garcia. - said sopho111<m· Brandon
\~ ith an eighth place· fini-.h at
tht> Sept. 29 Burlington Chocolate· City
ImitationaL the girl.., team totaled three
runner:-. in the top 50.
--1 alwa~.., kt>ep
m~ 'iight::. on Alaina. If l can ..,<'e ht>r I
keeping up with the lX':-it. I fini-.h,·d 28 -.econd.., behind her with a 16:38.
which i.., not too bad·· -.aid junior K(•ll i
Law.. on. ( J s sevf'n male runner-.
brought back an eight h place, 'tat(' fini..,h
afwr a traditional Chick<·n Dane,:· for
good luck. thf' 11 girl-, kt·pt t inw-. falling.
Catch a Breath
"As one of six
four -year run -
ners, I en1oyed
sharing my wis
dam with young
runners. Directing
sidelines, I
BOY-, ( Ho-,-, C<H
gets frustrated
I In
1 n ·111per lm"itt'
l lorlid; I milt'
Eu..,t Trm
\ larqut>tte lm"itt'
Q.,hko.,h lm;te
•tmt) Champion.,hip 1,..t
Burlinirton [m;w
\\ P"-to,..ha [m;tt'
Conference - 2nd
Sectionals - \,..t
tate - 8th
Captains - Ga~ Garcia.
Lt>o ,.ih,ill
iVP - Ga n Ga rcia
fost Improved ·- .\lt>'I: Dwyer
Best First Year - C'~'l..-t'~ C'.ame~
fellow r.roc<s rouid1119 too
bend serior Cop 0111 Dot•ie Boyce cools
down ofter ploc:ing Int 1n too 'Dog Days
ol A.up.I
o iOrd Aug 25 ot Lr>cot> Pa Sprwrg oo ccuse 111 15 33
Boyce bcal out 53 seniors roang
her Hof way 0
season. Boyce $0
he sk:leline wit 0 sl<roch "VY
Pointing to
fu,..hed to hi5 limit. .,e niur Lt>o
o l\\ill rwur,.. tlw fini,..h at tlw Murqu Ile [ m1tal11111a l !lt'fon• pla.-in!! ,..j·\lh
111 l~ :Olnn.....,pt. I:>.
the ra , ,..t•mor l :B \\ a mh1.1ldt ,..w1·ab
out th1• ),i-,t miuntt' of tlw Rdlt'I [m;tt'
on pt. 1. \,.. \\ amholdt ran the ract'
m l7;-t2. tlw 1 rnjun.., fini.,hed Pi!!hth.
sometimes. I just
want to run for
them , but in -
stead rve tried to
mold them."
sc~,;~b-~~ rd
...ea....on record 8 - 1
Racine (',a_..,e
ill Anticipating the serve, Ouhide hitlt'r Captain niurtnP) Sebetic [pad, tlw
clt>fPrbP again.~t \\ e"to"ha C,entral on
Oct. 26. Four-) ear yar,;jl) pla) ef". ~
nio~. llPtic and l\ichole Drummond
lchl. to C.emral in a Regional final fl:e-ihrnPn war and a Sectional ~mifinal
"ophc;rnore year.
Racine Park
Racine I Iorlick
Oak Cret·k
Keno-.ha Bradford 3
South \tilwaukee
\~ auk~ha Tournament - h.1.
Keno~ha Knc,h - h.1.
\'t arren Tournament - 2nd
\lenomonee Tournament - 3rd
SEC Tournament - 1st
Conference - 1st
Regional - h1.
Captains- :\ichole Drummoncl
Courtney Sebetic, Tiffany Rile).
Kaf)i Rutchik, lloUy Marita
MVP - I IoUy Marita
Hustle Award - Erin Epping
Most Improved - Le~lie Pontillo
Defensive Player of the Year Erin Epping
Spirit Award- Kim Sherfin.,ki
Unsung Hero AwardKaf) i Hutchik
Offensive Player of the Year '\;ichole DrurnmoncL
Courtney Sebetic
All-Skills - Tiffany Hiley
Catch a Breath
"After winning
matches of the
day, we entered
the finals with
too much confidence_ As we
Warren ,
up on us in the
To ready herself for her serve senior &in
Eppng dr;bbles the ba before she to es
43 out of her 44 serves at the Ble Dev I
lnv1tot10rOi 1n Warren Townshp 111 F1111sh1ng the season with 96 percent serving
Eppng also added 22 aces. Alter a team
vote. Eppng earned tl-e t-Lstle Award
and Defensive Player of the Year
third game_ Winning 9-5, they
tied it up at 10-
1 O and took the
game 15-11.
VARSl1Y GIRLS\ OU.EYBALL: front) JHlllrlte Crunq• Erin f.pftil2. Le-lie Puntilh n Cliatn..,l.
ihl~ !:of~rla \-Id.; Lt-l>e<lL, (becld '""'h Cath} Korth. Holl~ \lanta. Cnunrle) SebPI•·. l.:un SI ..rfuL-ki.
l.:a~ i Rutd1il. k-l..i.- Drummon<i Tifrarl) Ri!.; . Bn>nna Pru!el
FRESH\fE VOLLEYB~LL (season record 8-1): /front \l);,.,n """I,..· :--1<·01••
Br ilin2 ~ 1it' (.,..,....(. (2nd row} Juli 0.Jv.t'! l-.. m~ Juliani \l1<l1 1.- \\t-Jl.... J;h·l~n
Lmrh 'beck) J.lmit' l..ol.-r!!t-r. \1r~an CA-ruimt'
Sum,..;tf"r C.n-."'·IL Coa.. h \1af) Hutd1iL
· m ~ lauJu~ \ntHnda Djund.:o\i•
Tro Jans lose the upper hand in fhe fina I rounds
ITip killl St>Ping dPfeat only four time~
in thP ..,ea-,on. the girl-, volleyball team fli..,_
cowred Central to be too motivated in the
final match of the ..,ea..,on. l } -\~ e "re
friend.., with about half of C'_.entral"s team.
\\ f'·ve alway-, had a friendly riYalry .• plitting twice in the -,t>a..,on. match-up,., became intPn..,e. They watclwd game tape,.,
of mat<'he.., and ;,tudiPd PY<'ry thina ahout
t h \ \ " did not preparP '"Pll and -,uff<·n·d
th<· lo,.,..,:· ,,aid;,t-niorTiffany Rilt-y. J Arriving at an 1mant i<'ipatt-d c·ondu;-.ion with
a 29--t-2 reconl t lw Falcon.., d1•ft•att·d t hf'
Trojan., 8-1.S. 9-1.S and 8-1;) in S.·ctional..,
on Oct. :26 at \\ ilmot.
} ·· ftPr [o,.,ing in
tht> final,., or ..,t-mifina].., for tht> pa..,t thrt-t'
year;,. we conqut>rt>d tht> \\ auke,.,ha \\ t'..,t
tournament b) beating . tatt>-rankPd
\\ atertown t\\~ct':· ;,aid '>t'nior '-ichole
Drummond. lTJ Before dominating
Rt>gionaL.,. tht> Trojan!'> placed .,econd in
tlw Southf>a'>l Conff>rt'nce. m ··_\waiting
one of the top threab in thf' conforenct>.
Burlington. on Parenh · iaht. we found
out their bu.., got in an accid<>nt and the
girb went to tht> h<hpital. \\ <> ended up
playing tht> JV team in front of our part-nb. \\ e dominatt-d th<> rourt and tried
omP n<>w play.., and lineuyh ·· ..,aid senior
Carolyn Chatmon.
Before creating lin ups and designing pla~ ..,_ t ht- "irls d voted
:30 hour!:> to pract ic·ing for tht> first week.
{D ·Three-hour pnH'I i<·1·s i11 the morning
and thP aftl'rnoon could not 1·wn compare
to onP-fou r hour pract ic1· la-,1 ;,f>a'>on. \\ t'
were "printing. jumping, conditioning and
'i\Veating more a.., the tnnperature incrt>a..,ecl"' .,aid '><>nior L1•,.,lie Pontillo. I J
.\..,. EC South Divi..,ion champion., for tht>
ninth con!->t>Cutiw year, tht> \Ollt>ybali team
broke four !:>Chool milt-!->t<Hlf>!'> '>t'tting
record-, ''~th a ..,erve ]Jt'rct-ntage of 9-±.6. a
pa-.,.,ing awrage of 2.27, a kill efficiency
of 0.:2"? and 8-t8 -,et a..,..,i..,t;,.
Fcxr-year starters earnirg
All-Confererce f-b-as
First place finisl-es
trn:x,grout tre seasa1
''Gallergrg Ire
boys we beat Item
every lime on tf-e1r
net whc:h is a!:out
8 irde; higf-er. ' '
;IOR \.\R:o-TTI \011.F.\lHU, ...- """ n-.•>ni ~2
.:J111 ll•·o:~
\1,.,.... Rnd ..I ~wJU1'·r 2nd n"' } \~ I r<.oondl. \malllLt lh· , r, \I)
0..1 l·nuh ~lur•lltt, \nn
'ith her eye.; intent on the flight
of the ball, junior llolly \larita -...b w
ht>r ouhide hitter. \larita hrol.t' a
'"hwl rt'cord a, -he chipJJt>d in -:2-:
a"i't' with C)8 pt•n·t'nt -ettinir t>ffieit>ncy. TI1e captain t'amrd tilt' tt'am
\I\ P. \ll-C'.onfrrt>nct' "t'<"Ond tt'arn and
\ll~~tate Honorablt- \lt'mion.
a \lanm.
Jt .. u-n(l&at1non,\ .. ilt'1IJ.w•mrr l:li_~
h:'~ti"'(_.r, Coad1 Cl1n ..... ) \1
Girls Volleyool t;_J
S core oar
..,t>m:;nn recnrd 8 - 1
Racirw I !orlick
Bt>loit \frmorial
South \lilwaukee
\\ auk~ha orth
'\orrh Invitational - 6th
\\ tst ,\][i,, Invitational - 6th
llomtstead lmitational - 3rd
Kt>no~ha Kru~h - 2nd
SEC Invitational - 7th
Conference - 7th
Regional - ht
Sectional - 2nd
Captains - \tan '\ehk Ke,in
Pinter. Erick \ igan.. b. ~
Defensive, Offensive & MVP Ke,·in Pinter
ost Improved - \le, \ igurbk \
Playoffs began
with a
screeching halt as two of the
team's six starters sat on the
bench for health reasons In a
basketball game, junior Cap
tain Erick Vrgansky injured his
soph_ Ryan Clark
fingers and would watch the
remainder of the games. Sidelined by a
throat infection, sophomore setter Ryan
Clark fell out of play by doctor's orders.
Despite these minor setbacks and an early
season loss to Mukwonago, the boys defeated the Indians 15-13, 15-9 and 15-13 in
the Sectional semifinals
rn Soaring above the floor boards, -enior C..aptain KP\in PintPr .,ma-hh tlw
ball at Bradford on Oct. 1-:'. \fter a
t1•arn \Ott'. Pint1·r n·n·iH·d \1\ P. Offt>n-.iw Pim t>r and D1•f1·1i-iH' Plawr of
th1· \t>ar. ilw mrt-id,. hiw·r firii.,lwd
\\ith a !Pam high of I++ kill-,.
keep team spirit and momentum high,
tlw team gatlwr-, for a ,;,1011 cht't'r
at tht> SEC Tmitational in Burlington
on On . 20. \ftPr fini-.hing the (]a) 2-t. tht> Trojan-, 1•nt1•re<l tlw po-.1 *a-.on
.,ff<lP<f .,ffond in a -,ix-team fiekl
Jl.i. JOR VARSITY: fmm Jot·ton l·" n... J<ff 'ta1d•·· ,.;,."" ( -lo,.·lc h.euh C.11rr.11
Julian P~utl... ·n '2nd ro,,.. C~n"'!! r~)f"r. John Bntt·mum. \11tl1om l.uutlorno. \\ ill"m
J.anl~ lbsck (A.1rn h iieole l·n.,Jt.ncL ... Pt'U·r \furn Rlle\ )).19. ...c, \hlt• .. mo9.-L\
\nd~ I lawi1nd.... r, l .. unar ""111•1-.n
lSmack downl . haring gym time,, with
thn'e girl-, team.,_ two boy volleyball
tl-~anb worked into the Trojan scht>dule
and tht>. uthea-,t Conference.
-·Challengin" la-,t } ear· s • tate semifinali,.,t. we
gme llorlick an intense match on .\ug.
30. our first match of the sea-,on. They
came out 'i toriou 15-10, 1+16 and 1..:
10. but it seemed to be an even matchup:· !-laid junior middle hittt>r Peter
St>hetic. lTl The Trojans claimed tht> fir,,t
"\ictorv over cro;,stown rival Bradford.
·- .\ fte; two tight defeats against Horlick
and \tlukwonago. we ea-,ily bt'at tht> Rt>d
De\ii., 15-5. 15-7 and 3-15. That"!'> \\ ht>n
we like to -,tart our record evt>n though
we pla) ed better in the fir,.;t two matclw01. ··
-,aid !-ienior onhide hitter Ke,in Curran.
lTl Two week,, away from the p<bt -,pa!->On, the bo).., rf"gi-,tered a second place
fini,...,h at thf" Keno,,ha K msh triangular
on Oct 5. ITJ '·Lo,.;ing to Wauke-,ha South
in our own tournament was difficult. l fin-
i-,hf'd the da) wdl. adding fiYP kill,,. two
ace-, and conn·rting all 25 of Ill) -,ene
attPmph_-- ..,aid ..,ophomore our..ide hitter
K) le \\ amock.
\\ ith one Jo..,.., for the
cla). the Trojan,., mrnpwred tlw Red DeYil-, once again to fini ... h ii-, nmnPr-up.
··\fatched up a"ain-.t Braclford for a ...econd time. \W won again 15-11 and 15-.-.
\\ f" faced them twict> again in the next
two weeb.. al\\a)" n·..,ulting in a \ictory
for 11..,_-· ,;aid junior Captain Matt • ehl-,.
{ ) Regi....tering in tlw record hooh. 30
he>)" -,teppt>d on the court for the fir t time
in Trojan hi...,tory on \ ug. 20. l ··I newr
realized thi,, !->port hPcame ;,o popular
among gu) "· I had no idea that 50 other
!->Choo].., in the -,tatP offPn~d Yolled>all to
male._,_-- -,aid ;,pnior d<>ft•n"i' e "'l~·ciali.,,t
!\nd) Ci-,k<m01ki.
Ending with a ;,ea;,on record of 16- 16-;} and a Regional
Champion-,hip. the 1.5-nwmher -,quad e-,tabli-, lwd thern;,elve,.; in the SEC tallying
a (H record placing ,.,ewntb among 10.
Catch a Breath
Whenever we
scrimmaged the
girls at practice, I
workout. They
aeated a strong
team chemistry
from playto -
years that we
m Arms fully above the net, fre,,hman \le" \ i!!an.,.l.x blocb the ball
bock on the ~id!> or' Beloit Memorial.
On !:--ept. 18. the T rojarb defeated
13.>loit 15-8. 15-8 and -:'-15. \ i!!mbh
l'hippt•d in with four blod. kill~.
6.-:' .. fre,hman
Yoted ~[o,t lrnprowd Playrr l~ ht~ teammat~. m
Doubling up for a wall, junior Eri<'I.:
\ i!!;arbk) and ~nphornore R) an Clari.:
pt•rw<rate the net to allo" the deferbe
to place tht>ni-ehe-. a!!;airbt Burlininon
on ' •pt. :m. Clark addKI rn -et lb~i-i..
"'hilt> Captain \ i!!;an-k) tallied nint>
kilt, and t>i!!lll hlod, kill~ de,pite a IOI;)_ I~ t :~ and l l-1.) dt•ft>at.
\ ~R~!T\ BOYS \OU.F.YIHU, fnonr lh n llarl lo.1·\IJI ( umm l>n~ H 1uc11~~
lik \il'h ( 1.. L.u\\ .. L.1 2nd ro• II 1m II 1'1 1.:1 'lorn IJ.~111 l\:,le \\ 1n1111.·l
~ \e \n~lrf'-4111 'btk:.l t\:r,111P1ntt-r l:.ntl \U?all"i ,, \k \1!Wn .. L., p,, r"""l•IM fod
\11 1·r, Coachl .. 1m h·IL
Sfrugged shoulders d reeled at tf.e
se er sophorrore Joel M.e er cnl10·
pates a poss from Sout
"'l-e TroplS dorunoted re cout Wlfl'
end 15-12 00 Oct 9
Meyer led the serving no lJl19 6-for-6
end oddrng 2 oces.
ning 15-4 ~5-4
from .
And they a.ways
us. we aH know
the truth though."
girls golf team ma~es tirst appearance at State
IFore! Drive of Champions} To et
record; and qualify for tate, girls golf
chipped to a nearly undefeated dual meet
record, blemished only by Racine Park
who finished third in the state. m '"Mentally and physically tough, the varsit:y
team set the goal of going to tat and
achi ved it without hesitation,., said Coach
I\ancy Bednarz-Phipps, in her 16th year
of ouching. lTl In a sweet victory. the
girls defeated crosstown rival Bradford
with a record score of 171 to th<:> Red
Devil\ 211. lTJ ''My best score for nine
hol<:>s was a -1:2 against Bradford. I imprO\·ed three strokes from last year\ -1:5,.,
said junior shley Zander. ITJ Tean1 tournamentb peaked at the County Open
where they took the title with a meet
record for iargest margin of victory \vith
a 182 topping Central's 199. Medaling
with a -!: 1, senior Kristen ipsma became
y /'"
the first Trojan to ever win the County
Open. m ""I didn't realize we won until
the end Competing against a girl who always beats me I wa shocked."' said
Sipsma. lTJ ~ ith the first trip to , tate at
their fingertips, the girls placed second at
the Sectional behind Park.
Central by only one stroke capped off the
season. \Vith that victory, we clinched our
position in th<:> , tate tournament,"' said
senior Laurt>n Goldenstein. m TWO 'ieniors and three juniors traveled to the univers ity Ridge Golf Course in Madllion to
compete in the l+tearn tournan1ent. lTJ
'-State did not conclude the \vay we \vi.shed,
but we had the goal early in the eason to
at least get to tate. We definitely proved
ourselves among the best in the area., said
junior Laura Tomczak. m Finishing with
a 798, the Trojans sealed the season with
a 13th place finish at State.
'I've played golf for about five
years, and I made a personal
goal to shoot under 90. I shot
an 88 at the Oconomowoc tournament. We took 9th in a field
of the state's toughest. I also acc om p Ii shed
my own goal
of achieving
first Tearn.'
-sr. Lauren
7,.,(ro mo
~~Girts Golf
Aiming for the green, junior .\~hlP)
ZandPr linP~ up hn ~hot al!ain~t
Burlinl!l<>n at Bri.~tol Oab 0111mry
Club. 7.zndn ~corP<l the wam })t>-.t of
-t 7 to win 19-t-226 on SPpt. 6 .. ZandPr
PamNI .\IJ..(}mmy Fir-i: TPam hono~.
Places received in
Sectionais and Regionals
Conference duo· meets
lost during the season
I Momentarily stuck in a qand trap,
j11ni<1r I ..:11m1 ·1,111wza1. wt>clgt>~ IHT\\U~
0111 at H1u-in•· C:ountn ( l11h Tonwzal..
l!"lfMI a -H> IPading ,;, tlw Yi<1o~ oYn
Hw·inP I l<1rlid, l'l'.3-:2-tO on . pt 1:3.
m Gripping her 5-iron, •Pnior I\: n-1n1
• ip-ma nail.. 1h1· baU to tlw (nh ;.!rt't>n.
• l1mk1• thP -.d1oof rt·n1nl ror
ninP hol1·.., },, a ~i<) d~.tln-.t
Bradrord in th•· 1~1-211 "in
of tf-e banquet, all
tf-e captains snuck
out and toilet-papered
Phipps' car ' '
-sopf1 ~elsey rnson
C 1H I s CO I.I
..,t•<i-.011 rt><'ord (J I
OPPO I . ·1
1 I I'-, OPP
H.tu-1111· Parl..
'.200 :! 1~
H.wiuP I lorlicl..
Thoma-. \low
mg :! \;)
Harnw Ctt-P
Coulll) Opt·n - 1-.1
\\ all·nmrn Invitational - 10th
\1t1k\\1111ogo lmitational 1Ith
Trojan \latch Pia~ - :kd
On11u11110\\1~· lm;tational - 91h
!--I: • Toumanwnt - :2nd
Conference - 2nd
Regional - :2nd
'onal - :!nd
tate - l:Xh
Captain - I\: n-.'tt'Il . ip·-ma
1VP - k:li,ten, ip.. ma
JV fVP - k:t>L•f'Y Ol-on
110% - Laura T;>mczal..
Coach s v.'llrd- Tran \l1·11t·n
1061: Imprmm - , am ·zw-• nwr
I rnnczul 1 rw-..
t. \ni.;Ull.L-il-ranl..,J, .. ml:l\l(\lal111111'2ndnl'WI l\'.rl .. 1en'."-o1f"'"m;,\.
\h .. 1 P 1ce111. ~t·l.. t"' ()(.. on. I mrcn (-4.dd~n .. tnn hB•'il ...,am
mer,( IK·nl<••1;<.nod1 .un O.•lnarzl'ln11~. \prilt)..,ln,
\ ... 11J,., Zand, r
mumtha Olhn
..,ea..,on rt>cord 9- 0
OPPO_ E.: :--r
Racine Ca_,,.
Racine I Iorlick
South \1 ilwaulPt'
-+ 1
Racine (',a_,p
Oak Creek
\1 ilwaukee Bayww -+2
Oak Creek
" ParLPr
SEC Champions
State Qualified
State Runner-Up
Captains - Frank \fonwmurro.
Jon Schenk. \1ikt> l 11bchei(l
~1an " if'rzbicki. Jo..,h \\ in11•r,_
Dorn Zarlt>tt i
Offensive MVP - Jon Sdwnk
Defensive MVP - \I att
\\ ierzhick i
Scout Team Player - Jot> Brt'(lPk
Coaches Award - DPrek
~lillhou... e. Dan ]t'well
110% - Jot> \hrt>go
Most Hustle - \rchiP I leath.
Jo..,h \taginn
Lead by the tail, Trojan success
owed much to all State senior
running back Jon Schenk. In the
second half against Horlick the
SEC Offensive Player of the
year gave the TroJans the lead
with a four-yard touch down
followed by the extra point Ending the
season with 1,600+ yards rushing and
27 touchdowns, Schenk, leading the
team to steamroll Janesville Parker in
the State Semifinal, carried 37 times
for a school record 205 yards and
three touchdowns. The tailback also
picked up First Tearn All Area and All
ITI hoving a Marshfield player out
of tlw way . ..,,.nior t(llHliPrback ~1ikP
l rnschPid blcJ<'b for ..,pnior running
bark Chad Blattpr to .,<'Ort' a touchdown Late in the State gamP. Blattt'r
ran the ball four time., for 21 \ ard,_
whilf' L llbheid ran fiw 1i111p.., ro~ 't'Yt'n
) arcl-. !TI After a safe reception, junior wide receiwr \rchit' I IPath. \II Di,i,ion on tlw fir ...1 tPam. pi<'!,., up 1~
) ard, on \hbkt>go. TrPlllJlt'f -.1·orPd on
thrPP of ih fiNt four 1xi--,e-.-,ion.., LO w~n
:28- n in the Statp <[IW.rtt'rfinal. Dt'-,pitt'
thP \~ arrion; ~coring on a fir,t JX>""'e""
..,ion in 18play,, tJw deft>n-.e. which had
not allowed a fir"t quartf'r TD in 11
games. adju,ted 10 allow only 1? yar(l,
in tlw rPmaining half. B) tlw half Trojan, PnjoyPd a 21-7 lead.
andwiching a Franklin pl.I\ 1•r
l~·tw1·1·n 1hP111 ..,.,nior lirwhad;n \1att
\\ iPrzhicLi and junior linPh:.11-k1·r \Ian
b-Pr 'top hjm out-idP. \\ iPrzbicki wa.,
tlw Trojan·,, aU-time leadn in tarklt'..,
with hi~ total of 121 . I [p w1b namt'(l
to thP -.pcond tt>am \lk tatP.
&lPH0\10RE FOOTBAlL: front) \1f1lllnt lrn·lan.., Pat" it'nkt'. Gian h11a... \lanm ~ih ..t. DtL.. tinGN"i< Phillip\\: i_..prup
(2nd row) \lam ~\\art1:. \m;.mda I L.1rt-(•Jt. Coach l\:t>\in .\ronin. Oiad1 Brt·tt \\ t'pkin2. C.oadt \lilt' \lfKa). ('.oach Ke,in
~-.1u.., C.alt>n Rt'utPr (3rd row) \1Plt....a ( .a... 1t· ~ra \lt'nteL.. H) an b12ll.. h. 1 ro) 13m) It·.... \Ian K" mer. Jen>m) \X aldo"-.
Tt'ron l-larl<1\\ '-:Ith row) \lt·h......a l lumphn....... \tllt> Gl.<L.... man. \1ikt' Richmon<L ~lt'\t' l..1.u ... L )t'ff Bt-mhardt. (11rl.. Smith.
Sitra :\t>l-..111... l-lt-·a1hn \'\ t·lL.t' (5th'°":) llf-h"\ 11 ilL )of•\'\ t>pfer. l)f .i.1g Pt·tt'N'll. \aron \lillt·r, \lario \1alan1ra. K) It' Cramlt't.
Ra\ llk)(l(l I lt'rntlJ!hau-..·1L !"-t:q~1..1nit· D.1,i .. (6th
'-'IPH' IJurfo·lcl 11111I·111lt·\, ( ... t""'·~ \pln. ( 11ri ... Ba~ If"· J1.-.h Gnt.l10\\ ... k1.
Brrlt ~ ..u1·nui. \m;ut4"Ll \\ lu11·f1•tt ~1m Cunrn·nn:! (back) :--tt·H· 1':011·r-L.t h.t·\lll lo..,tu1 L1·\, \1Li.m ~··ha. Com h,· ... t.,
H11lv-n Ca.~r-
I ,meU \l,,..J,"
\ .\R~TYFOOTB.\.LL: front J("n.·11 Ht!l1lll'"r-n1a1L, \lmt \l~ ... Z\ L.. l':\k- ~rurlt, I .nt rl~J • ..-• \ln":11. \11d I ""1nul1., \1L1111h:rtttll,1ra1neD\\11li::11ri- J.•11 '.'-11 lten '2ndT(n..:
C.1.u<h onuan\l1f>11,..7\L. , Luach~1" PL1t11.(..iia1hh:n1n \;.u11in.(,1 .iad1ht"\111""f .. .m1 , L•,...-h\hL.1 Clt-11wn1- (..i'81h\l1iha1l<.t1rk (.ooclilnmk\h.t1n--t· ("'O"hl..t""t·llL1\L.1
C..i.1ud1 \tLL1• \11 K..1~, (.1JQ1hBn·ll\\1·1.L..11~. (,.. uh Jolin\\ anl Dr. r-r~~l l r1111t ( ..iJB( h \1arl. ~ llf'nL. C.. 1lr·n Hruti--r (3rd row \111.aH11t 1lnn--<"n., \rtl111r \\ p ..1, ClWtJ Bla1t1·r, llt·n·L.
\1t U11111 ., Du. . 1111 hi"\:'\\ortl Jnc \\ 1llnL0.1n. J.1~~1 lh L.hau-. l\arl ~-lwnL.. J,,...Ji '••Irr -frh f'01Pt. \1rn111·1t \lam~ trt7 , \1,111 llLutt·\\-lt• Dan\\ l11pt~ T ri... 1.111 Borz~ L. , Jo-h
B.anae ... J\:~ k ~ilrr, H~un I .1· .. ru1-v.-L.i.. Pt·tr 1lt"l!'t"'f.altl Dan 0..nL-- \fil.t" l 111~ llf"'lfl ira d-.11111. 1 t·ran I ladov. (St.h row \11 li--a (.u· ~ra \1t·1ui--L.. \1il,.. l.16\1tt1t1v.1clL
\n fur I lrath. \ f:. . ~r. l·mnl \1ontrmum•. 0l8t1 UJrn-<n \lilt> Bt-hl \11tlK~ \1111111·n1um1, Jot• Bf}dg,....... Dan Jt"\\dl "-.tq~i.:mw D.1\l-... 11 d1t·r \\ t"llt- '6ch TO'flV) S--t-~ 1lill,
\1t-li.. ~ I lum1~lff-. \fan \\ irrLIJ1.c-lL ~t"\f• h.'.rr7irt-Li. Tn.n i... Clarl. Jo-h \\ mtt-r-. Ja.·(d> Orlnv.-Li. (.a~~ C.tM.J.-i.rL C•~in Zalul 1r. l\i--U n"r, \m.anda \\ hnt-(1.--c 11Jocld Ju-h
\1 !!tnfl. \fikf> \ti.lock. Jot• Bn...-k·L., Dom l'.. trlf"'1ti. Robt-n Pn:--tit-l!!t\ J.,..h' ~Ul :-,.,,L,.... 1 rt·\<1r \k( lli ... 1rr. \ntl o~ R1rnen-.
113-0 rush to State) :\ Uabout the physical
five tumowr,, wh ilP the T rojalb had none .
Mikt> &hl and \fatt Blazie"\\. ke. combin d
"\\ith 16 fumble.,. the boy-, ">eized ewry
ganw to force turnovt>r~. ( J ··• o on~
thourrht we would heat Oak Creel. \\ ith
O\f'r -t.000 lX'Ople in tlw ">tand-. for 1 Ionwcoming. [ wa-, ptmlJX'd for my be.,t <rame
of tlw sea-,on where I had three -,ach.""
-,aid senior clefen-,ive end ~an . 'toke-.. fT}
Prior to their defeat. the number one
ranked Knights had dominated the Trojan., for five games .,;traight with a combined score of 1-t-180. fT} ·-There are no
word-, that can e~plain what it felt like
after heating Oak Creek. Forty -,econ(l-,
into it. I caught an &'">-yard pa-.s for a
I ouch down which gavP w., a ?-0 l<'a<L .. -,aid
\]•wnior running-hack Chad Blatt<'r. l
though when the tPam-, mPt again in the
-.i'<·ond round of th<' pla) off-, tlw Knights
had 10 more po-.,se<;-.ion mim1te..,. tlw~ had
off... and ])Pat Oak CrPek. \'. e handed
them tht'ir fir-,t lo-,-, and then crpanwd
thPm again:· -,aid :-it'nior receiwr \tik1·
&hi. J Entt·ring tlw . 'tatt' final-. at J:>.
0. the T roja11 ... fan·d a dt·ft·at to 12-1
\lar-.hfit>l<l at tlwir fir-.t Statt> pla~<,ff..,'e 199:). m ··\\ t• playt'd Wf) lOll~h.
hut it wa-. like qui('k..,and. OnP after anothPr. our pla).., failPd. \\ e kept our head-.
in it. but wt> couldn·t punch into the Pnd
zone or brt>ak their 125 game "\\~nning
;,treak. ·· -.,aid -.enior Captain Dom Zarlett i.
rn \lar-,hfiPld held Tremper to 121 yard-.,
in thP fir-.t -t6 minutes. The Trojan-. finall~ scorPd when senior quarterback
\1ikP l m-,clwid pa-.-.,ed the ball to junior
widt' n·<'t'iYPr :\ rchie I (path to ;,corp in tlw
la-.t -.1·<·011d of tlw fm111h quar1Pr. Short
of tlw ultimalt' prizP. Trojan ... newrtlwle..,.., had their he-.t 'lt>thon ;.,in<"P 199;).
..o:· \\ ith 19 interception':>. ">ix each by m -Tue team goal wa-., to get to the play-
ITI To holdFranldin at '"'t'\1'11 !•>lllb.
'"'t'nior lint'mPn !:'t'an . 1ok1·... and kilrl
'-.clwnk o\t'rpo\\ er l ht• otlH ·r luw to
hrin2 down tht' hall 1·arri1·r ..,toke
Pndt'd hi.-. ..Pa-on \\ith ()() 1. ill··-. thrt>t'
... ark .... thrPP knrnldo\\tb awl l\\o
forct'd fumhlP• .. ·lwnk. \U. >uth1•,i.,,1
ConfPrPn<'P '°"mth DiH-i1111 fini-hed
\\ith -:-: 1acll1·... and ..,j ...... 1 ... ~111L•·
alon2 wi1h ... Pnio~ J1 ... h K.1<H.11z \lmt
\\ iPrzhicLi and \liLP lk-hl. """named
fir... 1 tPam \\ F .,\ and ~luine T1·am
\l emht'r. tlw lari:P•t i:roup '"'"named
in ~chcK>I hi.•tol") .
we've said to our-
selves that we are
going to state and
we finally did it.''
- sr. ITTi~e Umscheid
(Storming to State} PowerPCl by a
r cord breaking 100 girb, ar.,ity and JV
went undefeated in tht', EC to fini..,h with
a record six girb going to individual, tate.
'·My main goal during tennis is to
make it to, tat every year. So far we've
managed to accomµfo,h thi.-,. Ten nib kept
mt' motivated and gaw me the diHcipline
that I couldn't 1 am anywh re t'L..,t>:' Haid
junior shley Lane. ( } The girl.., Hwept
the round ·with 2-t JX>inh and advanct>d
to Sectionab. J '·\\ e kept our head-, in
the game at HlllrHect ional!-! and didn't allow diHtra tion to get in our \Hl). \\ e
played .-,oliclJy and cut J ack on a lot of
mistakes that we normal!) would hm·e
made,., .-,aid senior Captain Megan
Reynolds. ITJ For the fourth con..,ecutive
year, the girls conquered the \~ lA \ D-1
Sectional Conference title. The players
rounded up -t7 points overall, 8 points
ahead of second place Verona. Winning
the SEC title guaranteed a spot at team
, tate on Oct. 19 and 20. { l •-\~ lwu an
overhead wa-. hit to me, I al\\·ay.., fn..akt'd
out. During the la..,t point at ,· ctional..,,
111) opponent hit one to me. -\t fir-,t l almost choked but then something came
m·er me. and l ..,lammed it mt>r the nt>t.
\\ e won the point and the game:· ...aid
'->enior \ Ui,-,on \\ illems. lTI The girl,, al..,o
Yoll ye l to Hemifinal-, at , tatt>. a fir-,t in
'ichool ht">tOl). Falling .,hort of tlw final..,
to Di .. int>, m~or llol) Angek tht'y plact'd
third owrall. ( 1 ··&-fore adYancing to tht'
'->t>ccmd round at , tate, tht' coadw!-1 gmt>
u" an t'ncouraging pep tall. The Ht>nior:-.
cried becau..,e they knew it '->Oon would he
owr. l knew tlwn how much I would mi,-;..,
playing "''it h th is group,.., Haid Henior Sarah . hapiro. ITl While the girl-, remained
undeft>ated in SEC dual meet:,,, they swept
four flights to capture the , EC Tournament. Tht>y al..,o won four Sectional championships en route to State where they lm;t
only to the eventual State champs .
"Megan Reynolds picks me up.
We won our State match
against OSHA in straight sets."
m Hanunering an overhead shot, ~P
soph. ~arah Heinzen
"For luck I don't put my skirt on
until right before I play, and I
take it off right after the match."
nior M{>gan Reynold~ ~end~ tlw hall
to BradfonL, Jenm \1anderfeld and
Chri.-.,) \ nder~on. Reynokl~ and panner -.ophmnore Sarah Pappe dt>featt'(l
tlw pair 6-2. 6-2.
'We won Sectionals by eight
points. We killed all the other
teams to qualify for State."
sr. ffiegan Reynolds
J\ REDTE'1 iIS: 'front) l.rig-h C.-.:li1L \1nl .. ·r D•·illJ. . ~un 1'.:n 11.
•·1~..arue l .1111Yr. ~·:·ott·farue C,mham, Ht-l•·L:ah ~M'l'ruW"r. Ja.. . min p,~]1x L'.
(2.ndrow) J.\athf"ri.tlf' I laJl Jt"flll\ Talw1r. Bnana or1ftll. Jt• ..... tn1 llt· .. IH·L \l1·li.....J (~nug, .....J.ft/.t~ \1ol1--clt. :-:4t..•trlfll.rt ~...a lbaclrJCo-1IHid0Jlflt h
\1il.t- lP\\1..... (lui..... tina Ktru?. J('nnif'f"r Jd1nt-l . h.'.an.1 I l• ·1 i1ui l}1nt, l\_ri_.. 11·n Jai Ji;..,.,n. \-.IJ ) l1'1mlltn )l:lnf'ttf": \11(-hatli... E\nri CuprwJan-.1,
c, . . 1ft-ad \..l.l(h·h Tom Pa..·rltL
ill With a forehand stroke, senior
\lli.~on \~ illem.,, ,.,huffle» to the net and
return., the baU to her opponenr Kim
Braun from Racine Prairie. \~ iUem~
fell short of a w;n w;th 0-6. -+-6 on
Sept. 20. I Arm outstretched in h er
folio"' through. sophomorP Karlee
SchnPidPr lob-, the ball to the cornpetition .. hneidPr dPfeated \lu~k Pgo·,.,
. taC\ \\ ozniak on . pt.--+. • hnPidn
had 6-0. 6-0 ,;MO~ .
::,ea-,on record 8 - 0
South \lilwaukl'!' ?
Oak Creek
Racine GcbP
Racine l lorlick
va s ty tennis team swept
pa t the second round and
flew to th rd at the W AA
D Tearn tote Tournamen
At the f
Bradford lmitational .. 2nd
icolPt Quad .. -+1 h
BnK>kfit•ld I 11vi1atio11al .. 61h
Brookfit>ld Tt•ar11 · :kd
imlt·1 , WPt>l H> .. Bth
Conference - 1st
Regional .. 1st
Secti nal - 1st
Team State - 3rd
Captain 1' ri-,1 in ]t·fft•l) . Ct•lt•na
Kni!-(ht. \lt>!-(at1 Ht·) 11ol<L.,
MVP \l1·/.(ar1 Ht•) nol<L.,
Most Improved - Sarah Pappt·
Mo..1: Dedicated C.-lt-11a 1' 11ii(lll
Mentally Tough .. 1'1Ni11 Jdft·l) ·
Karlt·e Sduwidt>r
Coach ' ward - \lli~n11
\\ iJIPllh
m To connect on her powerful serve,
'ophnmorp. ·trah Papp•• rt>adw~ high
and \\UiL, tlw ball at"m.,., 1h1· rwt. Pappt>
tbP<l her bul'-t of n mfidl"'llt"P to nm<Jllt'r \lpgan 1-..rakan fmrn \ftt.,kt•goon
S.-pt. --+. Papp" lt>ft wi1h a ,1·1irp of~
and a tie breaker-:'.,).
J\ BLUE TF- ;Js fronr l~r•l-" \lt·lrtu, \r•lrm IJl.-.zr•-..-L, \-h
11 J ~in on, \l an--.1 (.11
\I, ..., (<~1·lh. \\ lu10t·\
Hi.. t Ill "2nd n:n.. J ~t:"phame l\n-"'tli. l..aun-n (.llltonn--ert. \ll\~•n Bun . L'ncL l.lllllJlNl. 1na llr'(l ( :utlM"rinr• hilr, Trac)
h.irL.1~ianl l:a:! J( .ood1 \\ It~ I l1~m.m. J...: .m·n Pt•aN1n., ~1·1.I lit-" l..R:St
\h Sr I 1~li)ll~i.. l\ un·n \\ utrin!!'. l\a1i~ Ro...h..
t\.11 .... lnin:: \ .. h~ TohaL.. L) , l uwl- _ Huffnlo
\ \RSITY G[Rl..S TE: '1S fronr \11 rn H1'\ t••i<l-. Saruh I lemzcrL ~liz il-••rh En r -nd ro.. \lit~••
\\ ill.·m-, \-hi.-\ l•u•;C.·lcm l-;ru"I~. t.: ..rl<e!:;.h1v·•h(bocl (',.1 1,.,,. 1C. ocl1 \I• had(.,.,.,. !.:rm H•·nl.a·1rnh Pap1~ "-n.. tm Jdfe~ . Hadtel Jolm.··on... imh Shapim, Co-I I ~IC{ K.h ·10111 Pact·tti
Trojans slip up in the final rounds
lTough and Talentedl Heading into
the season ranked tenth in the ;,tate, the
boys soccer team poi:;ted a rei:;pectable 13?-2 record overall.
agaillit the be"t the
state had to offer, the i:;occer team faced
five of its toughe;,t opponent;, in -.ea.,on.
ITJ '-\" ith the mo;,t challengina .,chedule
in i:;chool hi,.,tory, we held our own and
played with an elevated lewl of nair:· .,aid
benior Captain, tew, hultz.
On, ' Pt.
19. the .,quad regi;,t<'red an underdog ,ictory OYer -,tate-rankcd \hL.,kego. On a -,tide
kick to the lower right corner of tlw net,
junior Kevin Grob >icored the game winning goal fiye minute;, into mertimc. lTJ
--1 had a huge adrenaline rn-,h when I
;,cored two goab again;,t \1u;,kego. l got a
little carried away; l took off my >ihirt and
my coach i:;creamed at me. That took
a~·ay some of the e citernent, but l wai:;
IFigh<ing Forwurd to M\'PI
·1., f1•11cl off Iii, "1'1"'"'"111. j1111i11r \la\ Zl1il111 i11d11 ·- ,.i.,,, .r 111
n ... 11111 f11r llw ... 1·1 ·1111d ;.!1 •til. Tiit'
T r11j:o11• 1·111 lo ·d 'i.-111ri1111- "irl 1a
:~:!\\ill i1111wr1i11w. Zl1il111 lo·d
rlu· 11 ·1 1111 \\illi 11 µoal- a11cl ,j,
., ...... j... 1.... tnll~ i11~ :!:; pni111 ... uf dw
J:\'l 1••i111- ,,·.,n·cl f,, rlw 11 ·a111.
( ;.,.,,.i ..., 11\\:onlo·d Zl1il111. \\lio
I" ,,,,.cl 11·a111 lii;.d1I"1i111-. <llT.-11,j". Phi\ 1·r of rlw \1·ar.
;,till thrilled,., >iaid forward Grob. lTJ EYen
though the Trojan;, outi:;hot Bradfor<l 233 on Oct. 20, the Red DeYib. too hot to
handle, defeated the Trojan:, 0-1 in the
Regional Final. l } ·Dur downfaU was our
individuality. \\ e played ai:; i:;eparate individuak not a;, teammate~ working together to a common goal·' !-'aid junior Jo-.h
\.fat hew:,;. ITJ The offen;,e knocked in 50
.,ea..,on goal-,, while the defen...,e notched
.,e, en >ihutouh. m --Playing defen,,c' 1110,,t
of the 'ear.
coach moYNl me to
midfiel~l after halftime of the Oconomowoc game. \\ e were down 0-.'3, and ~ith
a goal and two a;,;,llits, l chipped in a1-> we
came on top +3:' ;,aid i:;enior Captain
Mike Ruffolo. lTJ Finishing ?-2 in the
Southeai:;t Conference, the Trojan;, capped
off the regular i:;eai:;on with a second place
finish in the SEC on four shut-outs.
Center \1idfielder
Fascinating Fact:
The Lechu;,z duo of Jo,,h
and Jared Ledm-.z haw·
been midfield >itarwr-. -.ince
fre,,hmen year. The brother both c~rrwd .\11-Conf<·rcnce Fir-.t T<•am honor-..
Memorable Moment:
'·Pia) ing Bradford at
Carthag<>, l had m~ J)('-,t
aamc of the -.ea-.on. l had
an una-.;,i-,tcd aoaL and I
a..,;,i;,ted my brother Jared
on anothe~ goal.··
lTI Poised to kick against t .
Catherine's on Sept. 14, •ophornon•
\dam \X Pntt> wa~ ont> of thrt't' ~opho
morh on . Ending in a 1-1 t iP.
• t. Cat·~ \\Tu handF<l their onh hlPmi_,h on rPcord during the ~ea.,,0;1.
\ ~RSTTY BOY8 9:XX::ER: front
I• L \ hl•·n. Bn·tt Knit~ r. Jo. . h \l at fwv.~. \ (h11
Rad'"" 2nd rQW) D.111 (.irn• hoL1. \flam\\ t-11U• Juan Pt·rrz. Bill \ndrvhi.L. t\:f•\lJ
\1 c-Dorwll Jo··h l.n:hu-/. \1a11 {) ..1n l.3rd row \I rut!!rr Cmt ~.r;Jta. \1ana~n Ja.Lol
bJ.Um. \1 .111.a,.!;f·r .nhan B.1l,h\i1L \l a /J.tlin. ~t"'\~~·ludtz. \ an>11 Rf"llid.:. \1anai;!t·1
\ <1l Ru.arl beck Coa• h ~lt·\r ~·ndldwb h. \ .... i ..tarn G11 .. h 1,1 ~nc.Jrll.Jfb·h.. Tom
(..i~•. 1' nm Cn1b, \1.111 UL-. \1ilt Hufroln. \ .... (..1.ltll h TM~ FU.humo .
Catch a Breath
" Competing
Brookfield Central, ranked in
five ,
turned the out-
look of a season
rn a positive way.
We real ized
had the talent
L001;1rg for the
Mt:IJore was t.nable o score be-
with any top -
as the teom suffered the loss 0-1. After o
cootraversio co the gome-w1m111g goo
come on o peno ty kick
the state."
.,,.,,...1111 rl'cord 7-2
OPPO I. -1
Hanru· Park
Harnlt' I lorlr<'l
111th \Iii" .u1lt·"
Oak Cret·k
(,rafton Toun1anwm - 1-t
k t>no-.ha lm-itatinnal - 1-.t
Ligluhou-..- Tourn,unt'nt - J.,1
Conference - 2nd
1\'P \lik.- Huffnln
Coa h . Award J,m·d I .t·dni-z
""' \I rl J, r.
l """" /
I· , l-.. •• ~.u
. th.
fmnr hlnllerdunn, \r>m 0-1 r Dnan"""2" ~ \r•ln.,,. llJ.l \I n ~•1•m 2nd
l \bn kr.ur. :-.. ., ~ lmuclel \I n' ~at., . H 1 Fun \I rl \l.1'•·r. \cl1m \ to ba.:.l:c
ld.r: .di
-. .. ~ ll tdi, \ ·~•1 , !-<JJd.1 ·- ~u.H'"ll
ud ....ltf' t·ni. \latt \I 1ver (,..- h 1 om f-8.h..'lno
I l~·lnil. , Jdl Dald., \ ,...n
ity to compete
fore slttorg oo tho bench w1lh on rved
ork~ on Aug 31 ogo nst Brookfied Centrol Mc:Oonen watched from the sideline
BO)..., "'0(( LH
1' ~
and the mental-
Offen::;iv f\'P- \la 7J1il111
iidfi Id f\'P Jn-.h I ..-.. hu-.z
Defen::;ive fYP Ton\ Cnr...n
Hust! A :ard Bill \ i'11 lrichik
fost Imp ;-ed. kt>\111 \kDorwl
ranked team in
I I In a sprint to th goal, 't't1ior
111idfit>ld1•r Jawd L1•ch1hz .,<·on•., tlw
.,,,.·011dg1~1l of tilt' .,t'('ond half on \ug .
28 wr-ir- Ha.-i1w Parl. \\ ith a "'('Ort'!.·-.., fir-i half. I...ch1i-z udrl.,.l u "Oal
and a--L•t to bring tlw Trojan- on top
:~) . \ddin:.: four goal- and thrt't' :i,..,H.,. Lt>dm.,z lt>ad tht' tt'am u,.. \lltutt' I lonorable \lt'ntion. \U-Counn
Fir-i T1·a111 und \LI-( mlft>renn>.
m Embracing her teammate, ...enior
Megan , inger offer, a smile to senior
Captain Jackie l(1oet. Kloet edged out
, inger by .00.5 ..,econd at the dual meet
win 132-5-t over Racine Ca:,e, lTI To
glide through the water, ~ophornore
Danyelle Jenkin~ back...troke... to a fir:;t
place fini ...h in the 200 I.\L relay on
Sept. 18 again ... t South \1ilwaukee.
]enkirb ""am a pef"'Onal he-.t \\;th a
ti111e of :2::2.5.7-t.
After competing at the UW
Natatori m in Madison, nine
swimmers concluded the season wit a team finish of 24th
place at
ate Finishing ninth
in the 100
1:01.78, sophom
troke with soph_ Brittany Watring
Watring swam to
finish for the Trojans
meet, Watring ea
award from her c
lied a team high o
Cl RL'-, '-,\\ l\I \1T'\G
-.ea.-.on record 9 - 0
OPPO ~ ;-r
South \1ilwaukee
I lorli<'k
\111... Lego
Oal.. Creek
Shorew<w>d Jm;te :3rd Place
'\icolet Sprint ... Jm;te 2nd Plaee
Conference - l .,t
Sectionals - ht
tate- 2-tth
Captain-Jackie Kloet
MVP - Brittan) \~ atring
110% - Jackie , .hani
Most Improved - Iusteen Dmi.,
1\f\fl'.\C: from \••m (].,.... Clon-1' I lu1chir..... Reb..cca \\ ar<l \-hi.-) "'lumL \n~ Bh L, :--.,~ •. "< hnu.Jl ...u . \ll)·<>n ru. Ke.-.Jra Kan 2nd row) Bnttan,
\\ lnrl.!?'. \1~an.._u~er, O.m~rlL-J··rtL.m.... J\:a1l~ "'°~ · ~·~u·plu:rnlt> B~ar-. ~ i~t.a · nU"t"ILt·~l \\ lut~ \1,{~"t".,J.)d,,;k" ~loet . Jad~n S.. hanL l..11n:-na~11t1~(3nlrow 1t"f•l•· l\J,~1.
Lauren llanu, , \nn.11 \1.1r1'· Zorn. ~un·n Rau~an_ Gina Roniano. Lm.lff>n h·ruie-nui. \n<lrt-a Daott.. t , D.1n1t·U·· Dod~w. Danidlf" Pout-r. \rnbf-r \iMh 0.-nL..f' Pa~1lt' (4th I'()1\.
H.i.u:l1M Jal1nL.t".., K tie Ilt"m11.1nn. l\.ri...ti Gnl•·r. LauN"n Kmt<J9.--icz. \t~han Bn"'n. Jac11u1·lin.- Eri. . L~,n_ \11<ln-a l.:r--.. in;?t-r. \m) \ ot·lz. Kf'U~ KcJn .. ,..,. Jt-nun~ l\'.1dn1,,..,. \Ui.~111
/x .. ztitt· Bn.k~ \1..._{ .. ill (haclr; \ .... L.. 1an1 G1ac-h a~ le) a . . ntf>rtt... \1anag... r l.J:"--1" \\ 1~nt , D.1na °'Jnrvzi. Sanwmha ~-Tiz. Kri..1f'n Bt>rlf'ttL Kanlm 7...arlf'tti.. .\I) ... ~ o.,.,. .... (.i7
\\ elfl(L, Hndoad Pnol.o, l.:n·•~n
l.:ara !..ratowir-.t. )tNf'<·n Oa\l•. Coech l··ff \\in h.
Diving into State rankings
lOn your mark. .. get set .. J. tanding
on thP familiar platfonn waitina for tlw
huzz to !->Ound to ... tart the 100 frep,,t\ 11>.
..,1·nior \legan. 'ing<'r n<'rYOl!!:ily antiri1~t1·d
the rart'. hoping her l1·g,., would kick fa...,t
to qualify . Thi· &·rtional on . O\. :3 ,,,·nt
Singt•r at :- ).08 and <'ight oth<·r.., to l .\\ .
atatorimn for th<·. 'tat<' rornp<•tition.
··S<'ttina my per!->onal b<•,,t at S<·rtional.... I
fini-,ht>donlv milli-,<·rond-, !->hort of rm Jx·,,t
at Stat<·. I r~nnot a-.k rnon· of rny;wlf than
""imming my best."- !->aid Sing<'r.
Following a third con-,ecutiw· &~ctional 'ictory. the Trojan-. focu-.ed on the rw'l:t
daunting ta-,k. Stat<·. ITJ '"\'\ ith Laun·n
Fenrn·ma on rtl\ heel,, tlw <·ntirP nl('('. I
pu lhl off an 18th plac<• finish in tlw 100
hutt<·rfly with 1:0-t.-t 1. Laim·n fini..,lwd
1·ight-hundn·tl1" of a ,,1·c·ond lwhind Ill<' to
pla('(· 19th. \ t . · .,·tionak the· ranh wl'r<'
n·wr-,e·d a.., l·d 1hird and -.h1· wa.-,
th<' runner-up. - ... aid -,ophomorl' KPlly
Finaling th1· -,pa_..,on with a 90 dual mPf't n·ror<l th1· ""i111 tl'arn placed
fir-,t in th<' . outhPa,,1 .onf1·n·nc1·.
- orn· of our dual rrn·1·b w1•n· l'\l'n do-,<•.
Tlw first match-up 11f t lw ..,<·ason \\it h Park
wa.., tlw do ...e-.t :o-i<·on· of 11:)..71 on ug.
:30. I fini... lwd ,,pcond in tlw 500 fre<·"t} l<'
with a tinw of ;)::36.18: hy t lw <·nd of tlw
,,ea-.on I dropp<'d 10 ...econcl... ."" ,,aid fn·..,hrnan Dana Odorizzi. J \ ft<·r winning :36
corN·<·utive· SEC dual nw<·t,,. tlw girl-.
-;wim te·ar11 ente·n·d 10 indi, idual e•ye·nh
and thn·<· rday-. at State· on m. 10 fini..,hing ,.;(•ye•n <'Y<'nh in tlw top 20.
Catch a Breath
'Thee yeatS ago,
I saw my dad h-
stn..Jding a dass,
ard it sparked my
interest. At that
tine, I woc..kJ have
never inagh3d a
19th place
firish in the
State meet
..o leflly no
µn- .rr>.J[} ==en
hr 1oes no bv.ud 2 V2 d-.e d Sedtrds
3 W. Int JXx:e. Sdrri !Cil"ed a
pOO rea:rd
'°335 p:rl$ SaJ.rrg
lh-d o:neo.Jil.e Sedod ~ 11-e
Trq:n; a:rrdeled rreet
2m5 fXrl$
n-e stde-q.dfyrg d'9- eared t1-e rm
owcrd ch::an by hr ccxxres.
Points. ReceMng
an 8. 7 score on
my 2 112 tu:X. re-
q.ied heiift ard
plenty of spin to
get me crot.n:i"
CD tretched forward to loosen up,
,,ophomore Bridaet \lcGill wamb her
mtL~cle-- before the dual meet Yer,u,,,
\lu,kt'!!o on Oct. -1. MeGill markffi a
1:2L5l in dw 100 hack~i.mke and a
:3: 1:100 in the 200 I.\L wla~. m Up
for a breath, --enior Jackie' Kloet ~"'\\Tin~
w a fiN pk'ln"' fini,h tl!!ain~t Bradford.
Klot·t dockt><l a :26.:36 a..~ the T mjan.~
clrft>att><l tht> RN! °"'-il~ l l&i8 on,· pl.
6. Ea.min!! a trip to Nate in tht> 200
frtt-.l\ le rt>la\ and 200 mt><llt>\ rt>lm.
1'lclt't\ tt'arn..~ fini.,hed 2bi. an(! 15<11.
BOYS S \~ l\f\H:\G
sf'a:: >on record 6 - 3
OPP0"1F. iT
Rar inr Park
Racinr I lorlick
\ftbk t>go
South Milwa uk t't'
Racinr C'..a~e
Oak Crt>ek
7 '
'\icolet Sprint lrwitational - 5th
\1arqur tt r [m;tational - 10th
Shorr wood (m;tational - -tth
\v auwato•a lmitational - ht
Conference - 3rd
Sectional - -tth
State - .1-tth
Captains - Ryan Metzler,
MfDa hl
MVP - Ry a n '>1etzler
Most Improved - Ky It> :\e ...good
Catch a Breath
"As captain, I felt
it was my re sponsibility to
guide the guys
to victory. The
best advice I
could give for
shave our
threw a pasta
Ima ng dmng s b-eos strol<e SE!fllOf"
Captain Ryon N.e zler speeds to a 21271
200 md1v1duol med ey I n·s a he
Slnewood Inv tot1000I on Jen 12 Wt
240 points tl-e Trojals fa.rd fouih place
among 12 teams. As tl-e TrotanS MVP
/11-.etzler s 200 medley relay fnshed thrd
and he added two-fOU"th places
0 ,.,(
~~ys Swmrnng
party, then we
busted out the
razors and began balding at
an early age."
m Pointed toes first to enter, ..., •ph r~
morr John Kaddatz diYe. into dw pool
at the \larqur n e lmirntional on Jan.5.
\\ ith a ... eventh place fini_... h_ Kadda tz
mffialt>d aft Pr t>arning 28-t.60 point-,.
!Tl Tucked in midair, ... r nior rli\r r
lrred ReineNman glanch at the pool
l>t'low him at th!' dual nwet again-,t
Oak Creek on Jan. 22. Rr iner.,ma n
ta lli r d a ~t'co nd plact' fini -, h wi t h
H:i:l-t.') a-, the T rojan., won HIB-7-t.
Record bests just miss State
lBanzail Chanting that Trojan call be-
fre,,hman .\ nd~ . inger. m Entering the
fore ewry meet. boyb wimming firlliihed
third in the Southea!::lt Conference and
1·arnt>d fourth plaf'e in the , ctional. lTl
..To fini-.h fir'."lt in the 200 fr<'t'"t) le again,..,t
Ra<'itw Park. I ..,warn th1· he..,t time out of
1·ight oth<•r ..,winuner..,. \\ ith a 1:S7.77. l
dropped owr fiw ..,t•cond.., b) tlw 1•nd of
th1· -.t•a..,<m:· .,,aid junior Captain Jeff Dahl.
ITJ \ fter hanging onto third place for
m<ht of the meet. the Trojan.., ..,warn to
fifth in the . -icolet Invitational on Dec. 1.
ITJ ··Cl()('king in three fourth-place fini..,he.., kept us in third, but two faL..,e !:>tart-,
and tio-ht race.,, bent u!::I down to fifth
place.~ junior Chad Ellerhon. ITl One
we1•k hefon• &ct ional" the Trojan" found
J.><'r..,onal ht,"t t ime!::I and a fir..,t place fini-.h at the \\ au\vato!::la \\<'!:It Invitational
on Jan. 26. lTJ "I earned two third plac<,
award.., to giw U!::> our firbt champion"hip
finllih. Both of my tin1e!::I were acceptable
but not clo;,e to my per;,onal h<,..,r-,:' ;,aid
JX> t bea-,on Sectional at Racint> Parl on
Feb. 10. the Trojan,., camp up<~ " ·ithout
an~ autornatif' . tall' qualifil'r..... m ·-our
:200 nwdlt') n·la) failPd to Pam a trip to
, tatt> \\ith a 1:-t?.<~2. \\< 'haw '"itH'h a con-.i..,tt·nt team that it i.., di . . appointing to,.,,.,.
"uch a good hlc·n<l of guy.., 1101 qualify to
be among th1• ]w,,t.·· -,aid f n•,.,h111an ll<·n
Robbifib. lTl " tlw lmw Trojan to ,i,,it
\1adi"on· ~ natatorium on Ft>b. 1:- -16,
':>Ophomore diwr John Kaddatz fini,,h<'d
fiw,, !:>pot!::> higher than hi,, '"it>ed. ITl ··1
entered the tournament extremely m•rvou!::I . .\ fter l madt> tht> fir ... t cut. [ n·la..:(•d
and focu..,t>d on m~ di,ing -.kill-, and not
the butt<'rni,•.., in
!::ltornach. \\ ith :311.'?';)
1x1i111:i, I talkd a· 1';,t h pla<'e out of :2-t
diwr.... " "aid Kaddatz. ITJ Concluding
with a (>-;3 SEC conf<,r<'ll<'t' n'<'orcl the hoy..,
,,pa..,on focu;,e<l on r<'huilding a ..,tror~g
team. Only two ;,enior.., anchored tht·
young team \\1th experience.
UP, IN &
'When we challenged FrarMin in a dual
meet on Jan. 24, I had the most success of the season. I finished with a
personal best in the ::A) freestyle with
a 25.43. My 2CX) freestyle relay fin-
ished with a 1:56.95 as we came in
almost 10 seconds before our other
team Both tines
earned me first
Pulling himself through th pool
at Racine Park, junior Captain Jeff
Dahl free-.~ b to a founh pl.we fini-h
at the Sectional final, on Feb. 9. In
the 500 frt' 'TI-le. Dahl condudffi \\ ith
5:0-:'.-:'6. a per-onal -ea-on be-1 b~·
thrt>e -,econd-. \\ ith a 1:52.26. Dahl
placed fifth in the 200 free·t~ le. and
hi,, 200 medle, relm with had
Ellen-,on. R, a.=. \let;ler and Ben
Robbin-, fini-liffi fourth w;th a time of
1:-t:°:'.<}2. Fini-hin!! fourth. the Trojan-,
eamffi 239 poim-.
place victories
feated Franklin
in their home
waters 64-38.'
Gymnas~ics and ~oc~ey combine wi~h o~her ~USO schools
lJoint Competition) \X hizzing aero-.-. the
ice, th<> la..,t .,hot in overtime hit::, the cro-.-.har and bounc<'"> out of the goal. Keno!->ha
L nifi<:'d l Iock<:'y came back from 0-3 to
tie 3-3 "ith, t. John 's \!iilitary Academy,
a triumph in a no-win ::,eason. lTJ A n<:'w
addition to the winter sports program,
hockey hf'gan it::, inaugural year w-ith
three-quarter::, of its players new to the
sport. Gym na..,tics, a second nified combined team, al'io ::,truggled except for personal he::,t::, in events. Tine Trojans competed on the gymnastics team, and si
Trojan.-, took the ice for the hockey team.
m "D<'">pite the fact that three-fourth:-. of
the team w<'re fir..,t-year ice hocke) pla)en-,, W<' had good coache:-,," said freshman
Rnlc•an Dai1. C
TI Dominated by -;even
fr;•..,hman, the team built a progr~m ''ith
four sophomore:-., :-,["\'. juniors and one• -.enior ''ith practice four times a we<>k at
the Kenoi:,ha County lee Arena. C l '·At
times it got fnlbtrating trying to teach others th game, but the season turned into
a learning experience for us all. That allowed us to create new friendships. Th<:'
chance.., of mc·c·ting different -;tudent..,
from hot h Bradford and IT\ wa.., far mon'
valued than our record.., ::,aid junior T) l<:'r
Jon !:'>. J \X ith a -;i"\'.th at the rrowhead
Invite. the gymna::,t:-, highest at an imitational, individual gymna'it!:> ..,enior
Kristin Breiling claimed eighth on mult
and junior Jackie Schani placed fourth
on uneven parallel bars at the \'{ hitefo;h Bay Invite. lTJ'·On my bar :-,cores I
improved a full point from last year. I'm
making an inverted-handstand, halftwi:-,t fly-away to get my best :-,core::,,..,
.,aid Schani. m Ten girls teamed up "ith
Bradford at Sectional.., to take eighth place.
m ··S<·ctional-., our lai:,t meet, wa-. our bigge:-.t. I got lll) penmnal hio-h 1->corc on tlw
floor, ..,o [ felt really happy about Ill) -.elf.
l love• thi" !->port,"' said senior Captain
Patricia \tock. CTJ In i:,pite of the new
hcX'k<') team, Kenosha Komet:-, continued
to dominate local hockey, drawing mo..,t
"ea-.01wd playc'r:-. away. Chih g) mnn:-.tic-.
at Scamp:-. al-.o drew most advanced competitors. [ l igh ">rhool opened team., for tf'en.-.
with a ta-.te for the :-.1xnts.
1:>eason record 0 - 6
Franklin tu~kePgo 118
Burl.fBacl/\\ ii.
Kt>ttle MorainP 108
\\ aukP->ha\\
White Fish Bay Invite - &h
Candy Cane Invite - 12th
Falcon Invite- 8th
Arrowhead Invite - 6th
Varsity Conference - ?th
Sectional - 9th
C.S.ptain - Patri<'ia \lock
& Jach n S<·hani
MVP - Jach n S<·hani
Most Improved :K ri.~tin Brt>iling
110% - ]Pnn) \1andt>deld
ITI Toes pointed for form on beam,
~Pnior Rt>lwffa \\ ard ('Omplt·tP~ a
~traddle harnL~iand. \ L.rwP injury
knod;t'(l lwr out of tlw <"ompt>tition for
two nwPh and orw im itt'. On ,·ault
prior to tlw inju~. \\ arcl onP of two
all-aroun<L~ on \Ur,it). ,,·ort>d a t>Pr'onal ))ht of 8.:~ at the Falcon I m;tt>.
HOCKEY: front/J.,n:lw Rf1lttn.··on. \It'.'( B-l(·ttc·hn. \11thon) Sc·lmut. \1ilf-' ~lanL Hilt') tilnn11f1. (2nd row) H)fL·an Dan.
T) lf"r Jorn--.. athan Bnl\\"lL 1 un l~1f)fl~.m·n. Stuart BL-.cht'L I\) If' \..o.rnigt"llo. (beck_J C'A.IOl·h Clwd D.ihll.:. JaLf-' ~ n·inL Jarm-..,
Summerfi,Al•i \1i]...-.., f lt'\.I. \1il1· IM,rut1., BrN Dd.rn.·a.. John &hrn-id1·r, Dan Po··tud'k1'lt. \ ...... 1. (...: idl C.1'1 l·..lL~
~Gy1T1rC1Stics & Hockey
m Diving for the puck, •ophomorp
JakP . 1 rPini •aw-, hi., rwt "hilP Catholi<" \1 ..;norial trip., to si'orP on Ft•h. ;).
~) rPini had 1:{{) goal., again-,1 und -t:{()
.,aw-, for a •an· 1wn-.·111agt· of .71:1 . In
21 ganw-, - ) n·ini pl<t)t·d for <>12 mintllh.
To rock 'n roll musi on th
floor, •Pnror Captain Pa1ri1 •ia \1 0,.k
pirrnwltf·., l.11·fon· rnakin!! lwr pa..,., of
rournH>ff. hul-haml-1mni?:. l1;ul -111d.:
for J•·r-onal I .11·-1 of 11.0 at "'·n ionak
If()((.; f<'.)
-,e;h1 Ill ren 1rd 0 - 1-5-1
OPPO I .. ~I
l:Wloit \l1•111onal
l. John·., \lilital")
0f"OllOllH>\\IM "
Zion l:Wnton
Kt•lllt· :\.lorairw/
\1 il\\airkt·t· Piu.,
Zion Bi ·nwn
\\ hiw Fi.,h B.l\
( ~11holi1 • \11•n1;Hial
\\ a11k1·-ha
\1 il11a11k1·1· Piu.,
Kt•ttl1· \lonrirw/
\\ u11khha
(~ti holic 1\1 t'111oriul
1'. l I I OPP
\\ aupaca To11rnanwn1 - -+th of -I
Captain \filb If Pxt
MVP - Rih Starn·ato
Most lmpr<Ned - famp,,
Student Athlete - Tim Lincl;:CT-Pn
Photo.. Ide ,111d bdo\\ I~ t\f·\ I .1..::ht
\\ -.kill,, ki<'ked in_
Breiling wa-., a<'t i,·e in tlw
'ault and heam area.,_ Iler
-.core,, ranged from 6.15 to
8.6 on the YaulL and -l:.3.') to
8.:2 on the:> l)t'am out of 10.
Memorable Moment:
\m . .
from ll tert•... '" ' \l ( r1 e ll... \ ... h(,., ~ la.1111 I 11l'li Ht11 ITT., I 1ff m Par- ~ I nma Puri... h~ ( n ... 1.11 ( .on111.a<~1 \1 tgM Huarl I rmh ~ 111 '\14. ·pl<'"
Bn~lmg, 1cole l\:lnt'I ( AlllC·liD.l\ e '.'-"llt.uu IA1d•
lfrlw!C'11\\ nlBnttam \\ fm .... 51 -. .k· Br101 h· IJl/.J1eth\\ a 1nn~, h.n.. unBniling~ h. alt'hn...,"t. . ht·r,
Pmnt 1 \lot I.. , Je.n.rufr·r \l 8f11 ~·rfrl1l l ,,1mn"11Il.1r11 , fa... ~"""' ham.. K Ur Ht h Tm .an.
··Durin~ one of the home
n1e:>eh. ~onwone from the
Ke:>no,.,ha ew.., took a photo
of me on the balance:> beam.
That wa-., the fir,.;t time I
t'Yt'r had a picture in the
ne''""l >aper.
G ymnastics & H:rl.eyt;_}
"/ d"lipped in a personal ga/11f'r
high of 13 points on Dec. 4 when
we a-earned Horlick 63-42."
''Agailst Gase on Dec. 20, vve got
aggessNe with 52 and 66
free 1tTo.ivs lead1g to a 71-53wil."
'With a 53- 42 loss, the undefeated Franklin, ranked No. 5 ,
showed no mercy on Jan. 15."
sr. Gina Lerdahl
"In the game against Horlick on
Jan. 22, I dominated the court
with 13 points to a 55-48 victory."
sr. Jennifer Waller
ITI Wrestling for the ball, junior Captain Omaira Martinez banle., "ith a
l\1m;kego player during a -t?-2? win.
Martinez. a fX>int guard. ,,Lepped up
in the final Conference ganw n'r--Ub
Franklin while team 1\1 \ P ichole
Drummond ,,at the bench injured.
Martinez added 20 JX>inh, six lb-;i,;h
and five relxiunili in a 69-6? defeat.
She earned the \U-Cnnference South
Divi... ion Fir-;t Team honors. !Tl At the
line for free throw, -.e nior guard
'\ ichole Dnunmon<l drihhle-. the hall
at tlw 1\11 hkego game on Jan. 29. Sin l ing a teurn high of 98 of her t:n free
throws, Dn1111111oncl fini.-.hecl tlw -.eason with ?2 1wrcent of her free tlml\\s
through tlw hex>]>.
J. • BASKEIB~LL (_..,nrecotd 1<>3,. from \1u11ae•·rBn111111) I'•·~ \h--.i{,."llL I' rl•• "''"""'"'"
Hadwl l·n·rnlt--r, l\t·l--t·, Jolui_-.on.. buih ·1,'"'41fl. \larut!!t--r P.,un lfM1h1·' 'bac!- \1ana!!:er \n:!'f'L.i \IMh,
\mandc.1 l·mnL. .J•·nnift·r l~.Jt- .... ica(]uun1on. \nw1HlaDp1ri.L.mi<.· LIL--t·~111-t·r, \lttli lkl lll:!'f": (Atath
S1t·\f• Pl.1to.
FllESH,ff.'\BASKETB~lL (ae&onreonrd 126~ front, \tarw:·rl3ntt.lm P..t. \!hH1n~on. \Ui~·n
""lntpt•. \11d:wu BlazM- t\ \lnna_n Pam loullt"\ 2nd rotV L11ll1) Juliaru. Jarcl'w~n Dup11r \11·lL-~
'-' \1<tll•1n I If"\ rL.. '*n.... Kat it-(;,,,.._., {backJ \1ana:rf"r \netla \11' h.. \nl\ 134:·th Sliulti..-. \l1elre l>.:la11'.
\..,fJ~ Cl1w11..1dhl. ~mantha S. huhr~ \It ..,.m (;nanw, \I) ""4-'! l...oUfJortif,, (~*·h I lt'ft1J...-r ~uh1·r
front_, Carrie IJ..~•1l!!Ul. l\:nvlra O.<n>), \1.,
•-r Brit1tlll) P..t. BtxL, -.,, rl•L l..lluren
\1an.Ulf'"'"I' (2ndrow) l\"n-.1t·n~itl.(A-,.1n1tt ~·l1PtK,Tt-nila\\rizl1t. \h--.iP~1~"'f'·11L (,U:ialrnlahl. mtC~11utt"n11.! ()nu.urn
\lartmt-Z {back) \lu1~rr \11~wla \Ju h, \--1-1.:rnt ( ,...., h ~f"\f" PL:1to. Tara (~· J.,.muft.-r \'t lu·r. ( .16 h Hod(,,...,.. ..
J...:ri.-tm Jt>frt-f1. 1d111li Dm1nn1e11»fl \--i-.tar1t (.11,;u 11 ( ~ ...1al 1:?hl.11~, \lan&!!t·r Pa111 T1-..d~ .
Trojans fail to rebound from slump
IState slips early I Anybody. any team.
on any giwn night. a motto «Yirl-, ha-,kethall adopted to place second in the Southf"a,.,t Conference "ith a 13-5 recorcl lTl
·-. t. }Of'· s gavf" us a nm for our mont>y in
the Turke) , hoot-out on m. 25. Out-..,coring them in thf" final sevf"n rninutf"'> and
ninP .,econd-, 22-R we pulled out a M-1-6
Yi<'ton·:· ..,aicl...enior center Tenika \\ right.
m \fith a ..,haken spirit. tht> Trojan-, dedicated the Racine Ca-,e on De<'. 19 to
former Coach Jeff \\ illi.-,. who died thrf"f"
cla,.., earlier. m '·\\ e defeated Ca..,t> -t ?2?~ hut it didn't "eem to matter. r\ftt>r re!->igning. Coach \\ illi!-> contirnwd to give
him-.elf to the team by chatting with U!->. .,aid junior forward -\ly,.,-.a Pact>tti. m Fini...,hing the se3"on with hack-to-hack lo,,-.e!->,
thf" Trojan-; fell to Oak Crt>t>k and Franklin
&fore entering Re«Yional competition. m
·The Franklin game ,,lippt•d away in the
final '1f"<'oncb. \\ ith ;n_5 ..,t•mnd., lf'ft. the
-,core wlb tied at 6 ! apiP1"P. Though l had
addt>d -,ewn 1x1int... in thP gamP. t ht> ba-,kf't had it in for mt' a,, rnv frpp throw
jum1.>Pd out, giving t ht>lll a 69"'-<->? win:· -.aid
'>Pnior guard arrie &longia. l J \\ ith a
fir-,t round bye. thf" tt>a111 entt>n•d tlw tournament aftf"~ a -,ewn-dav rP,.,t. } ··Placed
in the o. 1 seed WP wp~t in again-;t Lake
Gt>ne,·a to impre,.,..,. In thf" pa-.t dt>cadt>.
wt>·w had only one fXht--.ea-.on ,-i<'tory.
hut we couldn't break the trend "ith a
59-5.3 defeat. - ,,aid junior guard Kendra
Dorey. m Sent home early from Rt>gional
Finab. the girls captured thf" , EC South
Divi,ion champion-, under nt>w <'oache.,
Crp;tal "ighbor and Rod Gro-.-..
.-.ea..,on record 1.3-S
HacinP Park
Hw·irw I lorlick
\111 ... kego
South \lilwaukeP
HacinP Ca.... e
Oak CrPPl
Haf'irw Park
Ha!'irw I lorli<"k
...,.nuh \1ilwaukPP
Hacirw C·1.. . ~
Oak Cn·1·k
Tll .
;) l
Thanksgiving Tournament - [..,t
Conferen e - :2nd
uth Do.-bion - 1-t
Captains . irholt> Dnnnmornl
Omaira \laninez
1\'P - 1eho!P Drummond
110%- Laurt>n \laninn
1ost Improved· K ri.-tin Jeffn~
Coaches' Award - Gina L..rdahl
Following through to the basket,
-ophomorP forward K ri-tPn t>idl
... wi-lw, a t wo-poim ,hot a!!ain-t
Bradfonl \~ ith a ;)Cl-f8 ,;cton. tlw Tm·
jan.... notclwd a 13-.'> . 'EC rt>corcl
rms ·wide to guard the hoop, '"nior
<'t'lltt'r I\: ri.... t in Jefft>n dPfend... lwr tPrritm~ again....t Harine Park on m . :'!O.
Park handPd tlw Trojan, the fi['"'t lo... ,
of tlw ,t•a....on "ith a -cort> of (>-t, ):2 .
Sf [ record improues as passion deue lops
ILove and basketballl Sup1x>'>t>(U) in ..,arne corni a.., BA pla) er..,:· said junior
a ..rebuilding year,~ the Trojan.., did not
anticipate falling one game ..,h) of a, 'tate
repeat. { J -At the llolicla) Hoopla on
Dec. :21 and :2:2, I realized we could make
it to , 'tate. \\ e dominated tht' rnurt deff'ating \\ ehto..,ha 50--±5 and St. Joe\ 695.5. It wa.., ohvious wf' had the he,,;t skilb
from Keno..,ha,"' said Henior forward
Trf'wk .'engbu..,ch. I J Opc>ning for
Michael Jordan, the Trojan,.., challengc>d
Franklin at the Bradlf') Cf'ntt>r on Jan. 11
prior to a match-up hf'twf'en the Milwaukef' Buck.., and \X a..,hington \\, izanl.... ITJ
'·Coach \\ illwlm;;on rnade hUr<' t'\t'r)
pla) 1•r got the opportuni1) to plct) on tlw
Hanw floor as Jordan. l nailed t\vo f ref'
throw., "ith 39 ;;econd-, of play remaining. \\ inning the game .5.1--t8 hecanw an
in;;piration to the team. \Ve playt>d on the
point !ruard \1att Blazie\\-.,ke. m Finii::ihing ;;f'coml in the Southea-,t Confert'nce.,
the boy.., notched 13 victorie,, \\ith onl)
five lrn.,he.., in the , EC. { J --Rankt'd .. o.
1-i in tlw :-,tall', llorlick could not handlt'
an i nnwlihlf' fir:-,t half lead of :29- l? on
Jan. 23. \Ve flmwd as a coh<>;;in• unit to
·win the game -H--t 1 following a 1-t-6 fir...t
quarter leacl·' said ;;enior forward ick
Rezn,. [ J ln the &ctional final., tlw Trojan.-, ~lippt'd up and would not 'i;;it 1adi;;on in hack-to-hack year;;. l J -\\ t' gan'
eYel') la..,1 h it of dfmi in tlw final ganw
again:,t \\ il111ot on Mar. 9. \X <' pu.,lwd it
into ovt'riinw, hut I hey heat u;; ();}.()() a"
the ganw Hl ip1wd away,"' said ,.,t'nior Dan
Q,ven,-,. ITJ \\ ith a 16-6 overall n•coffl
the Trojan.., finislwd ,.,t'cond in &ctional;;
after l1f'corning Regional Champion.....
"Breaking the record for most points
scored in a game since 1992, I nailed
36 points versus Racine Case. I added
six assists as we won 72-65 on Feb. 8.
I earned All-County Player of the
Year and SEC
Player of the
Year, leading
the team with
434 points, 61
assists in my 22
m Ready to swipe the ball for a fast
break, sPnior forward Trm'i..., Clark follow-, tlw hall into hi., hanrl, again,t
South i\til\\a11kt•t•. \ftPr a first quartPr 10-10 dPa<D<wb.. dw Trojan, pullt>d
off a :)? .:'H \;110r. on f•pb. 1. Clarl
IPad thP garrw \\ith 11 point- and 10
rPboun<l,. I Ii., CJ? point.., and 10:-3 rt>hou:nd., PamPd him tlw C'.oach·,, \ward
\\ith senior \1 iLr l nbdwicl ,\-, a ;,uJlf'l'-"tition. Clark "iX>rtPd a bluP band
on hi..., IPft knPP at Pach ganw.
FRESH\fE BA.'il\.'ETBALL 1sea:;onreron±1+4 lronr l.krn\1,l~a.kk-L . \11dn·\\ Di1111trir·\1 Jo··ln1
\ndn-"\\ () .. tt·r t2nd row~ kt·1t!'bl \\ t· ... 1. J ""''" .,J,,.,. .. Ll. \arrn1 BL.tun. '"'itt·1.l1,·n I J"\olt11\\idi. I).
BarL• ·r{bacL J (.i1i;11hJu11Hit·~. \.1n1n , .... C.t-ik-h, h·lt \m~o. \I,· \1~ubL) ll.L-."""-.... Banp11·n
J,-·ph \l1111lt-111urru., J11...1in f\OJJt"·l~ . Coa h P.ud ~n:-.. ""(~
s core oar d
o.,pa-,on record 13-S
I lorlic-k
S<1uth \filwaukf"t>
Ha.. irw Ca~,.
Oak Cn·1•k
Ra<"inl' Park
l lorlirk
\f 11,kf•g-o
Srnuh \1il\\<1uk""
Rw·inf> l.<bf'
Oak (:n·1·k
Hw·ine Park
a career high of 26
points with 10 of 12
free trrows, defeating Muskego 70-
52 on Jan. 'B. ' '
-t 1
Conference - 2nd
Regional- J,t
Captain - Bi·n Cha111111-.,
MVP 13.·n Charnrn·~,
1100/o - \hut Blazit>,bkt>
Most Improved - T rP\t'l Sengbu,,ch
The Award - Dan Owt>rb
Coach's Award- Tra'-i' Clark.
Mikt• L m~dwid
lTI To pass the ball, junior Erick
\ igarbk) ..,pardw, for Ih1· 01 •·11 man
at [ lorlick on !);·1·. -t 01~·11illf! tlw "'l'a..,on on the road "~th a lo,,~. 1lw Trojan~ fpJI to l lorlick .).).,):2 a.... \ i!(an"k)
addt•d 11 poinh. \lali11!( onl) 10 of 21
fn·p thrmh. tlw 1.,,.., ..,11ffn1·d 11n1· of
fj,,. . L( lo ... ..,.·~. lTI Bo ing out a
Muskego oppon nt, 'ophomorP I{) )p
Jeffe11 c[pfpncl.., tlw hoop. \.., \lu~kt>go
out-..,f'ort'd tlw Trojan~ 2:2-<l in tlw
fourth quartt' r. kfft>r: .. hipped in \\ith
.., i' rl'l>ou n<l.., du ri 11!( tlw 6.~> l d,•f1'al.
\ \RSllT B\ ::KlllU.L front \l.u••=er -..,rah Duc.ui. \l-.ih 06"'• D.m Ov. '"'· \Lm b...-r. \l,m
Bl.t71t"\\ .. Lt\ \lilt· l m···d~·i•L \lan..'l!!e-r I\ 1Ml--1 l·mnctH..., ~2nd 101'J \lana.!t"r 1'..tml•·rh /r-.zutt·L. . R, nn
Ml Ht·Lm , 1 r..t\t-- ( l.u·L, IJ.~n (h.:mn....., .. Hilh J<Jm-..1n. \l,111a:n ~11·1~u11ue I l11•lr·n. \
Jt-.... ~, \\all... (beclJ<.1oa<h John\\ ill1em ..•lft.. Brum I ule., 1\:1·,in (.n•h 1') f,. Jr·ffr~, J H C~L..ton. Ln~l
PH0\10REB\ :EI'll\U.. -.record: 171 . from \In Fmnllin. Bnun l·-·~·li<·r. \lm•'>I FI...,m.,,
"2ndl'O'P.j \!rr I.~ 1ttl.. 1 l·nu ...,.,.... Tt1mlr.. Grifrin.. \hm Hu!!'!?. \bn J _j,-l;tt·nhel.L ll..1\lll( n:"\\t; Pt·h%
Clw·mt~ (bec.tJ John (.ump,. H\an \ld ,onntt· . 1d11J._t-- \X ad,-.. Jdfrq
• U"M~'NHl. Hnitth JoluL~11t. (.AIR( Ii R.ulfh \\ il-..ui
\\ altt·r. \111oruo \iello, RK hanl
\ 1ga1l.... L.\, 1·n"\t·L: ~·11..:bu.....,·h, (Alw·h Jrfr Pul•la
m Pinning his opponent quickly in the
first period, .,enior Brett Krueger
coa.,h to a .,econd place ar Regional-,.
\\ ith a :29-: record. Krueger JXbed a.,
a challenging contender at rhe N>ctional meet. Due large!) in part to two
undefeated wre.,tler~ in hi., cla,,.,.
K nwger foilP<l to ad,ance to . tare.
\\ RE~TU'>G
..,t>a.,nn record 2-?
OPPO'\'E. ;-r
Oak C:rPPk
I lorlick
nllh \1ilwaukPP -+0
Port \\ a-hington, - 6th
Tremper Dual, - 3rd
Conference - :2nd
Regional - 3rd
Sectional - 3rd
ITI With a grab at his opponent, 'l'nior f·aptain Ke,;n PintPr mow., in to
1fw ]pg for a rake dmrn. l n tfw 1-+5
pound wPight cla--. Pimn won all
thrPP matdu-,, in RPmonaL., to comimw
hi, uml.,feawd ,.,a.,on. PimPr, namPd.
\II l•Hmt\ . fini... hPd with fi,e all-tinw
career record-. including fir.,1 for all
time carrerwin., ar 98and fmmh place
for all-tinw carePr pin., at -+6.
ITI Contintring to dominate the :2"75
weight da--. .,enior Karl '-. ·lwnl.. wfil.,
thrt't' of hi, four matcht..... mcluding a
wTe,.,tleback. in the \\ l \ \ RPgional on
Feb. 9. • hPnk grabbed -1·rnnd place.
wt1ich advancl'<l hi., record to :28-0.
Schenk continued on to the Sf>ctional
meet where he won thP champion..,hip.
Cl'menring a trip 10 , tat!'. I Ii., :25 "l'a..,on pin., led the tPam.
Three matmen pin State berth
{Pins and Losses} Injurie,, plam1t>d the
\\Tf'-,tling team. hut tht>} -.till -.,ent -.,ix to
·1·tional-.. Thrt>t' tht>n madt> the inaugural trip to \fadi-,on for . 'tatt>. { l ··\t}
l Jrot lwr ]on -.,prained hi,-, an kit'. and we Jo-.,t
our 119-ixnmdt>r. which hurt tht• t1·ai11
pretty hadl~ :· -.aichenior Karl &h!'nk. m
Dt>,,pite the,,e -,t>tbacb. tht> tt>am placed
..,t>cond in. 'E Conft>renct'. Taking third at
tlw Trt>lllJ-*r Dual. Karl S<·ht>nk claimed
the tournament'-, \ 1\ P. lTJ "] a l-.,o think
I \\Tt',,t lt>d bt•!':>t at tht> T rem1wr Dual..,. Tlw
homt• crowd rt>all} helr-*<L .. -.,aid junior
\l ikt• . 'ara1wr. { } ext at Conf1·re111·1·
Tournament. ;,t>nior-. Sdwnk and K1·,·in
Pintt>r and junior-., Dan \\ hipplt• and\ ictor K ni-.,e won titlf'.., with a :-it>cond plttcf'
from ..,enior Brett Kniegt>r. lTJ ··M) goal
wa-., to "~n Conft>rence. and I reall) 1N•d
nn head out on the mah in ont' of Ill\ Jx•,,t
to;1rru.unenh Con.-,idering I ca11w fro.111 J\ .
l did 1•xcellt>nt on rnr:-iit} :·-.,aid \\ hipplt'.
lTl .\t Regional-., on Ff'b. 9. i;i - q1ialifi1•d
for St>ctional-.. placing Trl'mpt>r third m1•rall with 1:26. lTJ ··\ t) attitude going into
Sectional-. wa-. j1i-.,t to conct>nt mt!' 011 ont•
match at a time and let "hate\ er hap--
I-*nPCL happen... -.aid Kn wgPr. { Continuing an und1,f1·awcl Pintf•r at
1~.~pound-. won hi,, 1·la-.-, and ac!Yarn·pd
to tlw. tate t0111"llai1H·11t. along with\\ hippl1' at 189 and Sdwnk at :27:l. l I .. \ t
StatP. I didn't \Ht'"tlP \wll in lll~ fir~t
match. but in the la-.t fp\\ 111atdw,, I met
h<'lter people. -,o I \HP,,tl1·d lwttPr. I lo..,t
h~ ont> fXJint to \h1kwo11ago. \\ Pw1·n· tit>d
in thP fir!':>t half. hnt I gm P 11p a n•yer,,al
and couldn't get tlw takP-down. So. I
enchl up in fifth plact> owrall. .. -,aid Pinter.
lTJ 0-,hk<hh \\ e-.t pi111wd Sdwnk in the
fir..,1 round" hen h1• lo-.1 tlw t hnm and got
caught with -.hould1•r,, to tlw Jllat. \\ hipplt'. though. affianced to quartt'r final-. hut
then lo..,t to_ ttnah. m ··\I~ farnrite ewnt
wa,, watching guy-. go to . tatt>. hut my
fayorite tournament had to lw Prn1 \\ a-.,hint.rton Dual-.,. I won;')..()... -.,aid -.,ophomore
ick Su..,tacht>. lTJ \ 2 ""7 rp1·ord rf'fll'ctt'd
the f m-.,tration of going fiw 111atdw-., hefon• a 'icton. But. t lint n•cord didn· t rewal t ht> -.,i-x. ;warl~ half tlu · ;,q11a<L that in
indi' idual wt>ight chb;,1•-., -.,1ad:1·d up
among the })t'-.t "re-,tlPr-. at S<·1·t ional-., or
t lw three who battled to Stat!'.
Catch a Breath
" After State ,
just sat back
made it to State.'
Only a few select people do
that, and I
my hear t
out just to
\itRfSTIL',G, from ho~lit-C.adiz (.rt'!!l>un.i .-L """'"ii' l..w
\I nl• \h r"1ruuer Put Uter
i..,-i.,p.,IJocl 2ndn.,. Te)k><
mt • J...1rl -.1. r \n<.- Km
Knab \\ - llnn 1-.rtieg•'I'. J.•· l~mJei Jon ~·henl \I sn \lirk>-2) . ""' (,...,, 1>..,er, JP
· ~arr. K..U.-11Barlwr, (:at.<.a1"C1&,lolmllow;ml().m\\lllfV<- had llro>l "'h.-rd. <..xKh "l omPinter, R\ n
( "'''"• blwnBrc i., l>nmPmtrr, ( m-Bnmo,l·• Bm:~ \l.m Hn•lsm. \I e<.ci-uano, Cooch\I c \Oen, \•hb Ld.'<'k
move up to varsity halfway into
the season. I did
want it. to w in ,
more than the
other two."
lT I To regain possession of the ball,
~nior Sarah Shapiro trap" tlw Hacirw
C:.N· oppor11 •111 011 \pr. :i() on 'I rojan
wrf. Shapiro a,,i,tt>d tt>a111111at1•
Kri,1in kff1•1" i11tlw-t2nd111inutt>. and
fi,·p 111im111< la1er a,,i,11><1 frp,hman
Jenn) (,pp to bring tlw girl, to a ;}.()
,-ictor') . ITl Dribbling down field, junior La11n·n FP111w111a Iwad, to tlw goal
again.•! M11-l..1·goon \pr. 19. r~PnnPllltl
'<'On"<I a goal and acldPd an a_,,j,t th
tht> Tmja11' dd1·utt>d ~11hl..1·go 6-1.
Catch a Breath
Waterlon:f to fj./e
Coach Hardy hs
1 OOth victory, I
kre.1111 hadtoha.le
a huge game. I
shut down top
He deseNed the
CEOOy Egy rrcre.Mn aurd 11-e Wotafa-d
deform m fllut 25 As
Trq:n; o.H-d
Wctafa-d 24·1Egy s:rred a g:d m 11-e ere
rrni 52 seo:rd nnk crd lord
l:xrl ol
rel o;µ'l d Kl rTW'Ue<. 43 sea:n:k Wr 0
7-0 vctay G:xxn Todd 1-trdy a:rred hs
IDh wn with o areer- recrrd ol J0'.).32-7
record win be-
cause he is a
geat c:::uad1 who
has g.idedteams
to many victories.''
J\ !'OCUJl ..........,.,reoord8.Q.l ~ frootl\\ lull•~ P.• 1.,~, \rnarw~l ~ lonr>• 1). .,.11 [)"'"L II,, I ·I l·n·ru.-r,
l•J.Val111h l....1111Pr (2nd row) uru I l1·1t~·, Jt·1mir1·r t\0L1to... Ji--ruUin /.olr•·r "Ah \n·n•h \no.!rL.t &... ·.tnli.
J.1111t·U.~ l.>.w1't...TTodd l\n.,1!rr (badr) <1in .. ti1w \\ hr11\ \ma1lfJa l·mnL. Ln~ '°'Ill hnlflt·r, "-rll\ Zi.--·ntit·r.
\1d.i .. ~1 "41~un. ~n1h J\.mu--<' \it·L....i1 ... lm ~1·(._utU\w. (.ltrnl (.o(it:IJ' , (..,,)II h lh 1 \l4 .... ~
VA1t.c;m· cm1..s~, front \I rr••:=<-d Jrn-•11• \\ '"'"· K..t...._ J.J .. ,~.,. I), IJ, '"'"· i.. ... 1ni l). 0n1
\11n•-.... 1 l.111k~11Ut1. J\:itr~"'' "'II hnr...-li r \ ... li),·l!!h J.-~111....-n \lt""'.!an Ht"\ nr.&rl.... \1.1na::1·r Clm.... \U•·rt f2nd
ro.· ) \1una:?"•·r J\:n... t1·n ~·ht·n·r. 11-ra Toluf ... ).;,
mh ~ pmi.. ~ ra ilouJihan. I .mm·n h·nnr·11uL J1-... ic.
BL..... 111/(1 \fa111~ \\ U9tlt1rL..L \fm.g1·r PJ I f,J(man fl:a:L ) \laiia::,..r Jaimtt• \\ t--11t11·r. (Au h H) 811 \k ,,.h.
J1·1Ul\ 1..-"t'",, , Hacluttl \\arlr•. l\.UU.I 1\M • l.u \\110.L, f\:n... 1mJ··frr~. \l)-.t.·l ..rua<L1flk•. ·1uL1.1 l}1r,i..(.11Q("l1
i •• ~i 11 ..... i..
Girls reenter the elite eight
fKiller Crossbars I \\ it h a 1-1 tie <·ntf'ring o\C'rtinw. th<• girl.., "if)('f'<'r team l<ht to
c·onf1•rprn·1· ri,a!..,. l lorlick. in a -.hootout
a ... the ganw pa..,-.< d tlw 100-minute mark
on J11111· 6. ITJ ··_\ftt•r \frgan Rt•ynol<l..,
..,1•11t tlw hall over th<· cro..,..,Jmr. [ krn·w I
had to ;wnd the ganw into ..,udden d<·ath.
Th1·n· \Ya!"! no doubt in my mind. I jtl!"!t
kick1·d it.·· -.aid ;,ophomow Rachael \\ ad<>.
{ l Tlw -.cor<· tied at +·+. Horlick 111ad1·
th1· fir,,t ;,hot of ;,udden d1•ath a.., ;,1•11ior
.\nrn·,,-.a Laudonio "i<'nt tlw ball incfo·,,
m 1·r th,. ITl '·\1egan and I had
the ..,ai1w problem, wt> practict>d that
at l<•ti....t 10 time-. th<' prc•\iou-. fla). \\ c· 'wn·
right on tlw rnont>). but -.l~htl) high."" ..,aid
Laudonio. ITJ Befon• a Stalf' rt>hirth. tlw
Trojan;, c·o11q1wrf'd Ja111·-.\ il11• Craig in tlw
S.•ctional final on J111w 1. ITJ '"\1) mal'h
thought I 1w1·ded a hrc·at lwr. l thought l
1wf'd1·d to -.l'on· th<· '\inning goal. \t (>:.2
minutf·-.. :36 !"!t't'<111d.... l·d the ball to
th<· up1wr corrn·r right o\C'r tlw finw·rtip..,
of tht• goal it>.". ..,aid C.aptain R1·y nokl..,. 1
Fini,..,hing tlw n·gular 'W<bOll "ith a rPcord
of 8-0-1 and rankf•d t•igl1th in t~H· -.tat<·.
the Trojan ... ti1·d for tlw ~Hll~wa... t Conf,·renc<· titl1· \\ith Ra"irw Park. ff} -·For
four~ t•ar!"! wt· haw fini..,lwd n111rn·r-up in
the. EC. It i.., a littl<· di..,appointing we are
not tht• champion,, alorw. but it i.., hdtt·r
than }wing -.1·cond for fiw y1·ar,,_-· -.aid
junior Tina Dora. ITJ \\ itl1 a two-yt•ar<'ak in th<•, 'tat<' quart<·rfinaL..,, th<'
T rojart.., 1·11<hl in the -.tat1··.., !'lite eight with
an SEC charnpion..,hip and 21-:-H on•rall.
Equall) ;,1wc1·..,..,f ul off th1· fielcl the girl..,
<'ornpleted an academic hat trick a.., tlw
ational S. )('<·1·r Coach<•,, of \ nwrica \ ..,..
'>Ociation nanwd the team ;\('ad<·rnic All.\merican for tlw third y1·ar· in a row, accurn1ilating a l<'alll g.p.a. of :3.:-:>:3.
Lllll 'i <;OU LR
.-.en:-.011 record 8 -0- l
Hacirw CiN·
:\lu ... L.t•O'o
Ra.. irw Purl
Hat'int> I lorlil'k
Oak Cn·ek
Kt·no.. ha Bradford
"c1uth \lilwaukt·1·
(~tnha!!t• Tournanwn< - J,t
\le1111wial 'I 1111rname111 ·2nd
\lourn I lon•h Tournanwlll - :kd
Conf r n e -bl
Regional · J..,t
lTI triding toward the goal juni• ir
Captain Je-, . . ica Bi.-..·hoff ,,...t ... up for lwr
!!Oal after a "('On'I ......... ~1 minuie-. 12
-enmd.... .\fter a -hot to the far (!oal
1xr.t. Bi,,choff adclt-<l mo as ... i.... t... in tht>
"t°cond half a(!airt-t Bradford on \lm
9. Bi..;choff ,:lainwd both Offt>ri-i, 'P
\l\ p and \CE H\\.lf(L m Tangled
with a Horii k opponent. fn-,,hman
frnn\ lRt> an(!le.. ht•r-.t>lf for her "H"
oncl-italf rroal. Lt>t• "l'Ort><l in tht• -t~rd
minutt> th tlw 1 rojan... pulled off a,;, •.
to~ 2-1 on \l a~ 1-t.
Sectional· [,.,1
Captains Jt....... ,rn Bi... d10fL
\nrw......a I .audo1110. \lc·gar1
Ht·\ nolcL.... hdna ..•, u
t::."tMding \lc·gtm RP~ nol1L...
fo,"t Dedi ated 1'\ara I loulrhan
fost Improved - Liz \\ eiricl.
Had1ael \\ ude
Offensive MVP - Je..... iea Bi...choff
Defen:;ive 1VP - hana. · ,;,.
ACE ward - Je--.. ica Bi,,d10ff
19 3
lPhoto Finishl Racing to Rt gional and
Sectional champion..,hip,,. the boy., track
team broke meet and ..,chool records in
rela) "· hurdle.... 1.600 and the 3.200-rneter
run...,. Senior Gary Garcia took ..,i~th in the
1,600, hn'aking a per.,onal and .,chool
record ·with +17.T? at the \1emorial, tadiurn tate meet in La Cro..,..,e. ITJ ·· ,\ t
State, we ;,tarted out pretty fru:;t. By the
third lap, I began to feel weak. In the
fourth lap I wru:; in Pighth. Then I made
up ground because I had medaled both
yeart> ht'fore and I wanted to move up to
grall a medal;' ..,aid Garcia. lTI ,\ .,erit'..,
of tra<'k and fit>ld highlighh built up to
Regional and Sectional champion...., hip..,.
Competing with 39 otlwr ..,cbool..... ..,enior
\ rthur \\ e..,t conqut'r<'<l .,hot put with a
di.,tanc<' of -+7 feet, 11 ind1<'.., at the Racint'
Invitational. lTI '·Brookfield Ct'ntral wa...,
hard competition l:wcau..,<' of Joe Thoma..,
in .,hot put. He';, a rt'ally good competitor, t''"JfX'Cially for a tt'nth grader, and he
1:;urt' put mt' in gear to do my be"t to take
honw a fir,,t;' \v e.,t .,aid. ITI At the SEC
RelayH Henion:; Leo Colwill, Matt Han,,cn
and junior darn Kmalau..,ka..., raced to
fir.,t place in the 3.200 at 8: 10.:-. ln the
6.-tOO at 19:-t0.6, Kavalau.,ka.,, ...,ophomore \lan Lichtenheld, DaYe C,ondon and
fre;,hman Cru:;e) Carney placed third. ITJ
-£yen though [ didn't go to tate, practice paid off when l broke fre.,hmen
records in the 800, 1600 and 3200 relay..,:'
;,aid Carney. lTJ To claim the Regional
title, the team hit four fir..,t-place finL...,he;,.
ln addition to Garcia's rule of the 1,600and 3.200-meter, ;,enior Trevor McCalli,.,,ter hurdling :15.1 in 110-meter and the
3.200 relay running 8:10.-t, with .,enior
Roh &ach rt>placing Garcia. walkt>d away
champion...... ITI E.dging Jane..,\·i.lle Parker
7-t-72, the Trojan..., won Sectional..... Garcia
again led the team with a douhlt' win, ht'ating the clo._,e.,t mnner in the 3,200 hy 22
.,econds. The 3,200 relay qualified for
, tate in 8:08.6. ITJ '-ThP -t~800 got evt'rybo<ly togethn Adam and Roh ran per..,< mal be..,r-,. Ewrybody "-a;, proud of t'Yt'ryhocly eL. . e:' said Cohvill. However, at tate
a di:opped baton knocked the rday down
to ninth leading the field.
Catch a Breath
At SEC Confer-
ence I took second with a personal record of
1 : 59.1
open BOO-meter.
But I took third
at Sectionals, miss-
ing State
by only 1
second. What
Strid ng down the trock senior Motl
Hansen works for o win with o I "le o
8237 at the SEC Outdoor N\eet f-ek:I
at Roone Cose s Hormies Field 1re relay
of seniors 1-bisen. Rob Beach. Leo Cotw!U
and jlS>or Adam Kovob.isl<os liod one of
the top 3 200 relay • "'leS on the state
sucked was that
I had beaten that
Bradford runner
every other time
au season
m Arms back for momentum, .,, lphomort' Brandon \\ imnli· pu.,lw., him.,elf to tlw limib for a triplt> jump -,cort'
of :iS ft.. 2 in.\\ intt'rle jumpt>d farthe:-1
in tlw -.ewn Trojan t'Vt'nt. took -.ewmh
at Rt>gionak and follmw·d that b) taking fir,,t in tht' J\ Conft'rt'n<'t' rnt'et.
m Driven by a desire to win, junior
\rchit' llt'ath leap,, O\t'r anotht>r
hurdlt' at tht' Counn COED Omdoor
ht>ld at Canhage. IIi-ath won tlw 110
hurcllt':i in 15.73.
Ra<"ine COED Cm.
Bradford lm·iti3
I lorlid.; I m-itP.
l lorli<"l '\. tar [nvite 3
Brookfii-ld l·..a,t lm-ite 3
Journal Tinw, Relay, :
Franklin lm-itP
l~'lkP lA'nP\a lm-itP.
\1arqut>llP l ni,. lm-it<> -t
. EC COl·:l) Rt>lay,
Jam·~,-illt> Parl1·r.l m·iti- 3
Captain Ga11 Gar<"ia
MVP - '"" Garcia
Most Improved \latt I lmN!n
rniddl<· di-,1arn ·1· runrn·r
Fascinating Fact.
Brandon \\ inlf•rl1•
Rookie of the Year- Ca,f'\ C..amP\
C.OUches' Award- I Yo t:olwill ·
Dan (hw11,
Trojan Award Bill \ndrid1ik
Ran tlw di-,tancP m1•(U1·y
\\it h ..,1·11ior-, Rob Beach,
Gar) Gar('ia and [A•o Col\\ill
to break a SEC R1•la) m<'<'t
and 1-t ) 1·ar old 'ichool
n·cord with 10:-t 1.28.
Memorable Moment:
Om· lll<'<'I that ..,tick,., out
wa.., th<' R1•d DPYil Imit<>
at Carthag<'. That [nvite
wa-, m\ comeback after
being ;>ut becau,.,e of
t<>nc~niti-, in my knee. I
never expt•cted to do ru,
well a'i [ did., eYen before
lll) ll1Jlll).
m "earing the finish line, ~enior Rob
Bt•ach 'Print' for anotht>r ,;cto11 for
hi~ tPam in tlw -t x P,00 n·lm. &ach
and tPam 11w11Ulf' "' \tan l lari.~n.. I,eo
Colwill. and Gall Garcia broke tlw
'chool n•cord 011. a 16-lap track "-it h
8::2-:'.1 al tlw Rw ·irw lnvite"here tht>,
n1pt11n·d ,1·c1111d plact'.
co mo
Boys Trcxl":.J
m Racing to the line, frp-,lmwn \laina
/Amin won the l.600 in 5:.)8.1 at tlw
Kt>no-.ha C.1unt) Outdoor Mt't>t. Zanin
aL~o ran tlw :3.:200 in 1:2: 15.8 for fiN
plact>. Slw latt>r ))t'('anw th<> C'.onft>rt>nce
c hamp in I ht> 1.600.
'Competing in the 3200 meter relay with three other girls was tons
of fun. We practiced together, sang
songs; it was like we were our own
mini-team. We could all bond together through our bus trips singing Tm a little
striped skunk'
to bring the
team morale
together, and
remind us that
track is fun.'
('fl Leaping into the sand, junior \ 111)
\\ t> h er rl y~ through 1he air a t tlw
Ken<bha Outdoor Meet with a j111111>ing le ngth of 1:3 feet, ;3 1/-+ inche~. \V elter al-,o ht'lped the tea111 with a ~ u c
<'eh~ful perfonmrnce in the -+ x 100
relay l<•arn , placing third a t the
Kenohha C'.-1unt y Outdoor l\1et't.
G IHLS Ml,:E'l'S
Hacine I mite
11th 2.'3
Cn 1,.;acler Cla-.., ic
22nd :38
Lad) Spartan Im . 6th
? th
Journal Tirnh
Franklin Saher
Badg<'r Inv.
SEC rela)"
~( u.,l..ego Inv.
Conference - 9th
Reginal- 71h
Sectional - 1lt h
Captain - Sara Go1111ering,
\1ichelle Caban_ and Jackie Schani
MVP - Jackie Schani
110% - ElizaJ><·th Brothen
Roo.k:ie Award - \ •hh . a .. i
Most Improved - f->arah \\ ielgo.,
Coach Award- • ara
Comwring_ \1idwlle Caban
GffiLS lRACK TEAM~ front Jl\:ri.-1,...n Sf-i,Jl. J--k ·a Bt-ht-l Jf'nnifn \1af"rz1'f", l..aun--n I l.1rat~ \tJC.f:rt. Dt-lm1' (2nd rvw) \11• lu·ll1• ( ,ul.i:1n.. \11H1k"1t lrll L11L :-X1ml1 I lt"i1v1·rL \111\
I lantiltftCL l..aun-n (,utt,•n1L~·1L \1ar..t. ~anz I lt·<Jt~wr L.u\111t}w_ Solm.amha 1lartwm. \lauld Za1tuL Lmil~ ~I~ ""'n (3rd row) Gw1( h J.utu•· ~ lwtlfl Juli,. J},\\t ; \1lf1rt-..t L>.1,~u.-..t ,
"-.m .. 11w \1a~ t·r. Oanu·Ut> PfJttf'r. Ra<·ht-1 J~lltril t'. Bn..uma l·reckric:I.;. U1rt'11a S«1t.1n--... Jad:lt'" ~·laanL Cutlwriilf• \ult> (bedd lr\..-lh ~1~1110··, \milr'HJa 'I 1r·rina., Sar.Ji \\ tt·4z•
a_.,i_ \1t'rW Ht'l1rr.
ra (;.,-,n1lt'nn2. Thrn-ia \1t'nf'n-.. Liz Jam.if' Li•IJt>rgn. \m~ \\ t-ltn.
Team relies on underclassmen for success
IThe young and the restles I The track
team '"itarted fre,,h. fn•,.,hmen. that i,.,. FiYe
frp,,hme n girl-, pawd the ·way to indf\idual
\iCtoriP,,. m ··\\ f' are a ) OUn<t team with
no ;,e nior-,: we lo,,t a lot of <·-.:yx· ri1·nced
girl-,: · '"iaid Coach Jamie Sdwnd. I l In
lat<' \1arch. fn·,,hman di-.1arn·1• nmner
\laina Zanin left all h<·r c<1r111wtition in
the du-,t with 13.05.8 wlwn winnin" the
:~.200-mNer race during tlw Girl-. County
Indoor Track and Fi<· ld \fr<·t at the
Bradford FieldhmN'. l ] Two months
later Zanin repeated win.-, in the 1.600 and
3.200 at the K e no;,,ha County Outdoor.
.\nothPr reliable fre-,hman . .\-,hf<>\ " a-,i
plact>d ..,<'cond in tlw di'"iCU'> with 93 feet-9
inclw-,. -,econd in -,hotp11t "it h :52-9 and
third in tht> 100-nwt<·r h11rdf<·.., at the
County Outdoor on \1a~ ?. Slw al-.o ad'anct·d to Sectional-. ''ith a '>t'cond in di-,<'lh tlmming 107 f<•et. lTl Co1111wting in
..,hort('r t'Yenh, .'.\a'"ii t<·anwd with -tOO-rela~ &•ctional qualifit•r-, . ..,ophomon· Sarah
11t•inzt·n and junior... Jackie S<·hani and Jc,.,_
,,ica l:k-,lwl. mnning ;):-t-t.H at Ht>gional,.,.
l J --1 like doing tlw -t
100 bt·cmi-.<' I
don·t like mnning long di:,tance,.,. It !'it ink;,,
that f'Yeryont> nt><•cb to run three mile,, at
practict>. <'Y<'n the ;,,hmt fli,,tance nmner;,,.
It wa-. reall) cool to IJP a Sectional qualifi1·r:· ;,,aid 13e-.h1•l. m \\ h<•n frirl-. COlll[X't( d
in multiplP ew·nt-.. fati!rlw factorNl into
fini-.h< ·,, likf' ..,Pcond in th<· 3.200-nwt<·r
relay at tlw County Outdoor. l } ..Running tlw -t -t rPlay. -t~8 and :"300-nH·ter
hurdl<·-. all in a row rt>ally take,, a toll on
you. 1t i-. hard to compett> your lX'-,t when
you·w donf' a race right bt>forf' anothn
onf'.·· ,,aid -,ophomorf' K ri-,tt>n Seidl. lTJ
\\ hf'n all wa;,, nm and done. -.ucce..,..,.
rath<·r than rnnning a fiw-mil<· practice
1x·r day . mold<'d memorif'">. lTl ··vt y fir..,t
nwdal <'Wr wa.., a -,pcond place in th<· -tOOnwter da-,h at the Keno-.ha County Outdoor:· -.aid -.ophornore Emily Ty 'ion about
lwr 1:00 fini-,h. ITJ ThrPe of tlw -,i, Sectional qualifier.., were fre-,h11wn. At
Jane·-., illt> ·.., \1onterey , 'taclium, only asi
and junior Lumen Harary plac<'d third.
:\tL-.i to-.-.ed tlw di-,cm 109-10. and l !araty
high-jumped;) feet . ..,howca-,ing inchidual
...ucce-.-. of a y oung temn.
Catch a Breath
"I normally run
the hurdles, but
when some of
our 4x400 relay
girls got hurt,
three of us had
the ir
spots _
put two
sprinters and a
printing down the track, -opho·
111on• Emih Ty-on Cini-he.. tlw 800lllP!l' r -prini 111~Ue) placing fifth lit tht>
, EC CO ED Rela) . !:'lw al-o ('om1 )(' lt><i
m t lw -h-tOO re la) tea 111. m
ith leg
out-stretched over the bar, fre-hmen
\-hie, a_,i breeze, through tlw IOO
nwi er.hurdl(',., placing third \\;th 18:;)().
Flying over re JOO.Me er
frestrnoo Laren Gut onnsen recxl-es 11-e
peci of ire ba
•CXJr19 at G:rthoge
in ire Ca.nty Outdoo- COfTllEl IOll on
May 1 She 00i;, COfTllEl ed "' re 300me er low fu
Fas Foo wale. demcnded a lh-ee-step pcxe a c,irave I-er
times "' Ire tu-dies.
discus thrower
in. I was one of
them . We did
our best given
the situation."
Catch a Breath
"About half way
ttTcx.Jgi the Brad-
ford Best Bal, the
rah started to fat
U::x::h1g off ii the
caug-,t a girpse
lightning .
With metal in Ot.T
hards, Vire reatzsd
Stuck in tf-e scrd trap senor Arxoo Ycxrg
wedges his way toward the seventh hale
at the Blue COLrse On May 11. Ycx.rg
shat a 46 despite same unexpected
weather Giving 1n ta rain an the green,
tf-e caod-es called it a day after r11ne hales
At Sectionals oo May 28. Ycxrg shat a
7 4 ta earn a third place metal
the attraction of
ig1lring to metal
1he coaches a greed nine holes
was en:xJfti."
season record 2- 2
SEC \1ini #~ - 3rd
EC \1ini #'2 - 2nd
Lake County Imitarional - 6th
EC \fini #3 - -Ith
Beloit Invitational - 8th
Jane,,>ille lmitational - 2nd
Keno,ha Count\ - 2nd
Bradford Be·t Ball - 9th
EC \Cini t-1- bt
Conference- 3rd
Regional,- 2nd
Sectionab- 2nd
MVP- \latt O~ter
Most Improved- Peter Cherne)
To put the ball in the cup, junior
\Catt Elli,, guide, the ball into the
fourth hole on \(ay -I at the Beloit
Imitational on the Kreuger ~ fini Golf
Cour-.e on \lay 3. Placing e~hth out
of 19 team,,. the Trojan,, fini,,hed "ith
a 320. Later named , EC .\II- uth
Divi..ion. Elli,, fini.,hed "ith a 79.
OOYSGOLF: front! \ndrM\ O.. ter. Ju_--un Ev.-(""n... Ja\ R)I Lt r, (A i.11 Paul h.·nnt·rlla 2nd rowl C.1J3f·h (....-..ffn·\ \an Ht·mm1·1L Pc·H·r Cht>rtlP\. Br. an I-i-.d11·r
\Iott Jer.uwl. Rol:w"rt ~<x·h. h.Min 7...Rf"Cl. Zad1 Pt-~, Ja.~•n \1tf1:•·1L...,.n (3n:lroa Dan IJt..-l. :-.C.f"\P l..l"\oOo\\tdt., \lilt• \11·rriu. \Ian (.ullt--n. l•~m·Bro:=mwn. R,an
"nuk . .\~ 1lild \1au 0-ter {.bBcl_1 Brand JO) fllllJl!?. \an1n 'fJUJ . R,an Dn-ifl.-. ~f"\t" C4-of'lz. \Ian (<]Ji.. Ja~~• Rat71111rµ Lril Pt-U·N-n. T,,O) Saami1), \latt
IUp to Par) , licing through the competition. ho~.., golf earn cl a trip to, tatt> for
tlw fir,.,t timt> in fin~ year-,,. m ·t nfortunatc'I~ .. 'tatP Pnded early due to t lw
\watlwr. and we did not haYP tlw C'han('t'
WP 1wedPd to rpde1' m our,.,t>he,.,:· ...aid 'it'nior \aron "\ oung. m "Or a peak 'ieC'Olld
plact> fini-,h of 2-± team;, at the Jane..,, illt'
lmitP. the golfer;, £X> ted a ;,core of :311
on \lay -±. ITJ ··I enjoy playinO' 18 hole..,
rather than only nine. It ~·e,, me a chance
to redeem rny;,elf a;, I did at thi-, pre-,t igiou;, tournament. \\ ith ?5 38-3? l
playt>d better at the hack nine ewn though
it wa.., onl~ by one -,troke:· ,,aid \1\ 'P junior \latt O;,ter ITJ Dropping 31 -,troke,,
from tlw RPgional performancP to a ..,<·orp
of :306. the ,,q1md gai1wd a ,,tellar ,,1·<·ond
place fini-,h at Sectional;,. ;,endinO' five
pla} er,, to \lmli-,on to compete at , tate.
m .. \-, tlw • tale tournanwnt emlPd U da}
earl~. we clid not capitaliz1· on thf' fir.,,t ninf'
hol1·-,. I "a'"' -,ati,.,fi1·d "ith rll} fini.-.h. -,hootin~??.'. -,aid -,ophornore KP\in Z1·1•('k. ( J
\\ ith thw1· .'EC \II-South DiYi,,ion pla} er-. and one third-ti111t> \II-. tatf' pla} Pr. tlw
golfer;, made a mark on the ;,tate. m ··1
wa-, P~tremely honored to be awarded
, EC ~ll-South DiYi;;ion. l feel people have
noticPd lll} -,kilb. :\ fte r year of practicing on thP mini-green my dad made in the
backyarcL 1 workPd my way up golfing:·
-,aid junior \1att Elli.-,. ITJ On the wa) to
\1adi-,on. the he>\., "<>lf team finl;,ht>d becond in tlw Soutl~ea-,t Conference. :.econcl
in H1·gional-, and :.econd in , ctional-,.
"At the Kenosha COl.nty Tounoment
early n the season. I shot a 41 whch
ecrned me a rnec:ld on May 9. Pb::iig
frst n front of al of the clifficJt teams n
o..r oonference was extremely rewcrd-
ilg. Tre wnd was blowrg ad the oold
temperahres runbed my frgers, I
stood p-o..dy fcr
my first place
rnedd I accompbhed my goal
of beoomng one
of the best JV
golfers in the
rn Squared up to the hole at the
Keno-ha Coumi: Club. junior \Ian
0-ter putt' to the 't'cond hole again.-t
Horlid.. 0-tt'r earned team \[\ P and
-..EC \ll-. 1uth DP.i-ion. m Follo"'ing
hi, drive on the 11th hole at the
Keno-ha Cmm£! Champion-hip. -t'nior R~ an \\ nul goired a fl() a- dw
1t•am rini.-hNl -econd wirh ~~9.
co mo
Boys Golf';_)
"In a match I'd won the first two
6-3, 6 - 1, my opponent was up
7-4, I came back to win 10- 8 ."
soph. Hdam Oelhueau
'To return a lob, I climbed a
fence and returned the ball in
my doubles match at Warren."
jr. Tony Corso
"In the final points, I tell in my
No. 3 sing/es SEC match with
a Case player 7 - 5 , 0-6, 7-6."
sr. Jose ~anlos
"At Sectionals in Janesville, I
beat a Janesville Craig player
6-0, 6 - 3 to earn third place."
fr. ITiaH ~ha iro
BOYS ~Ei\l'iI S
season record 8 - 1
South Milwaukee
Racine Case
Oak Creek
Racine Horlick
Racine Park
Libertyville Invitational - 5th
Trojan Invitational - 5th
Janesville Tournament - 6th
SEC Tournament - ht
Conference - 2nd
Sul>- Sectionals - 1st
Sectionals - 3rd
Captains - Alex \~ ente, Ted
McCann Chad Laudonio
MVP - A lex Wente
110% - Jordan Robinson
Most Improved - Jame_,, Cra~ford
Coaches' Award- Jose Santo"
m warming up ground strokes, -.enior Doug Da,zczuk Yolley" with hib
-o. 1 double,, partner, "enior Patrick
Touhey. at the Burlington Quad on
\pr. 27. \fter winning the Quad, the
J\ team took -.econd in the Conference ~ith a record of ?-1 and a ~
~on record of 11-1. With 30 male athlete.-.. the J\ team broke up into two
teams. a red and blue.
lV. TE..'1\...""'\18 'se&an record 7-1): front R~an '-'tadton. CJ. Hin··1arvli. Doug Da-zczul. PatricL Trniht>) , Dan Of*L JfJm
Tenuta Keith Cumm.. ~ 1~<1?illl""'" (2nd row) \li.Lf" Trnuta. \~ illi ~-en_... _ \1art) [ahf'). \nth«•n) Sr<•tt. Dan\\ hitt-r, ...t.
\dam Belfueau. R,an [.;-ru.-..-lL D.nid \ndrr•on, Jeff I lall 'bac./cl(;..,d1 \like l.RV.i•. Dan \ltau-. Danaruan 1 m lor. \like
LahontJV.-k). Ton) G:1r····O. Tnl) '.\atnadl. Bmndon Blad...lrr. \1aL., Zin:·W.L:. C."1<·h Tom Pw:·Mti.
Second to one in SEC
lWelcome racquet} , mashing to a secon 1place in tht> Southeru;t nference and
advancing -,ix of '>t'Vf'n £1ighb to Sectionab
whilP winnina thf', ub,,ectional the lx""
tPnni-, team wt>komed back Coach To'in
Pacetti \vho had taken a year off. With
-±0 athlete-,, Pa etti enco~tered hi:, largt'!ot tt>am in 13 sea-,om. lTJ ··Coach Pacetti
tweaked my skills, and I could pull off
longer tournament clays like the Trojan
Tournament. In l\o. 3 doubles, my partner Adam Aceto and I lost only four
games in our first two matches. \\ e defeated the Bradford duo in a tie-breaker
to advanct> to the final,., said junior Jeff
Dahl. lTJ Cross-town rivalry repeatedly
sparked Tremper flare. First in \priL the
Trojans handily defeatt>d Bradford Devib
in th ref' of four single-, and both double-,.
Then Tremper qualifiPd four !oingle-, and
two double team" while Bradford advanced t hrt>e singles players at tht>
, ub-,ect ion al ht>ld at Bradford To repeat
an t>arlit>r Ma) \\in at +3, Tremper again
edged Burlin!!lon 22-20 for tht> , ub,.,ectional first. lTJ t the , ectional o. 1
double., match, senior Captain lex
\'\ ente and sophomore James Crawford
do\\ned the Janesville duo to move on to
Individual tate. On varsity since his
sophomore year, \'\ ente earned the team
\1\P. lTJ '·At State James and I played
well the first clay as we defeated conference rival Racine Case, 6-3, 6-2. lJp against
Brookfield East, we lo t in the secondround 6-1, 6-2,., said Wente. ITI For T earn
, tate.Trojans faced disappointment at
, ctionals with third place. State-qualifying \ erona at 30 points slipped past Monroe at 29 and Tremper at 28.
man year. Crawford -,hot
up to . ·o. 1 by sophomore
Memorable Moment:
\ .\RSITI' 00\ .. TE: ;I
{roar JonLm Rohm.··ofl., \I 11 -...f~pi.n• 2nd ""' H~ an
l\ni~ht , ( h._ul l..zm1~u11t\ J._m ... Lr'm\fonl \ k, \\ ti11~ Brian .li1lit I Dael) Cotwh
\lilt>l .t-\\l-.Tt"ll \l ({:_uui.Dn-v. R;utt'IJUl..~~
Ullt)'oo \(1.uu \t·rt1!.,(~ohl1lf11Pt.ltttti
·To qualify for tate. we
challenged Jane-,-Yille. \\ ith
,,core-, of 6-2. 3-6. !-5. my
partner .\le'\: \\ ente and I
had to pu..,h the final two
gamt>.., after beina tied at
fiw apiece.··
m After his follo"~through. -t>nior
C'..apatin T ro \k{:ann 't'h hi- l'4>,iti1m
to rt'turn tlw baU to hi., Fond du Lac.
oppont'nt at tlw &a,t'r Dam lmimtional. \le .unn won in the fir-r round
6-1. 6- l and lo-t 6-:~. 6--0 in the •emifinal on \(a, l l. The tournanwm
Pndt-'(l earl) 1-iecmi-P of rain.
simply smashing soHball supers~ars
lPop flyl Four niru, -,hort of the fir-.t
tate Ylliit in 16 yearb. th boft] all t am
fell to \ erona who ruled the softball diamond in the ,., Yenth inning of the , ctional final. ITl ··Ab \ erona btepped into
a four-run rally, our defefib committed
three errol'b. \f e jw,t broke do"\\n & they
won -1:- L.., !:>aid sophomore \1 ichell Lange.
C 1 B fore meetina \ erona, the Trojalli
conquered \\ ilrnot in the , ctional b mifinal only hourb before the final lob~. ITJ
··carrying momentum from the pre,iow,
game, 1 allowed only one-hit during my
four inningb againbt \ erona while 1
!:it randed fiYe n mnerb on ba-,e:' ~aid frt':-ihman pitcher Kiryl, hada. C 1 Convinced
that State was clobe at hand the girls
quickly elim inated \\ ilmot -I:-2 on \fay 28
at Kreuger Park in Beloit. rr1··1 began the
game dominating with no hitb for the firbt
four inningb. 1 only allowed two earned
mru, on fo·e hit in the fifth inning while
:;triking out fo-e and walking four:· :;aid
fre hman pitcher ·hhley T obal-,l·y. ITJ
tarting practice in the middle of \ larch.
a work ethic produced re:;ult:; & the :;oftball team finllihed 16-6. ITl ··\\ ith freezing hanili during :;pring break. we played
at le&t 10 hour a week eYen when :;now
coYered the ground After breaking my
elbow in the fall I worked to build up my
:;trengt h again to make :;ure 1 played once
1 fully recoYered \fr coache:; watched me
trying hard and they gaye me the 110%
award., said junior fir:;t babeman ,\my
, al&. ITJ Out-scoring opponent:; 12-±-56.
the Trojans finished as undefeated South
Division chan1pions in the EC, Regional
charnpiolli and Sectional runner-up while
fo·e players earned All-Conference honors.
In the championship game
of the Milwaukee South
Invitational, senior JoAnna
Riecke slid into second
base on a close play .
H earing
a ca II o f so f e, sr.JoAnna Rie
Riecke jumped up and hugged the umpire. 'It seemed like a nice gesture, and he
looked like he needed a hug However, it
became one
the most embarrassing mo-
ments of my life.' said Captain Riecke. The
four-year pitcher struck out 10 in six innings
and slammed three hits.
sim, we played a
ITI To send the ball to left field, -enior
C..aptain ~ari Piehl -ma-hh a -ingle
agani-r Racint> Horlick on Ma~ 1. The
girl, cHeared Horljck H--0 in fiw inning,. C.Rntf'r fit>lclt>r Pit>hl harrt>d -f·for-f in fiw inlling, a, th;- Trojan_, fini,hed
wirh 20 hih. Awarded All-Conft>rence
f~t 1;-am.. Piehl t>amt><l \ 1\ 'P w;th a
r;-am hjgh of 38 hih and 19 RBb.
competitive game
against Bradford.
We cane out vic-
tcria.s of ccuse. ' '
-sr. Leslie ran!illo
FRESHMEN FIBALL(se&00reoord:84r. frontlToni~11fu.m. I'm;..(;,""'· \IKIY·I··
\\ rll-. lt--wa J,.,.,),...>11. l.uvl..a) \11·1110 (2nd row) CoUin.-. Hacfo·I StnR1f. Owl-<·a
O..hahn. fad) n [;1wl) (bade) \IJI) \1aur.-r, (';..,,-h '1arL .,..h,.nl. \ ,hi'") Oua1~•·na.
Sam Sc:hultt>, Jt-1111) Colmn. l.irnl··f') Rufrolo.
m Ripping a hit down the third base
line, ..,Pnior Karla L -ingPr ..,Ph off for
fir..,t ha-.P. The third ba"P captain
rhip1wd in two hit-. a_.., tlw Trojan..., <lf'fPat.-d Rarinl' C'..a•P 10-2 on \1a\ 13.
ITJ Crouched in her prote~tive
catcher's gear, juniorOmaira \1aninf'z
-ignal. for a ftH ball £ro111 lwr pitcher
<•n \fa) 7 again.•t Bradford. \laninn
rt'l"Piwd \11-Confpn·nn·:: ·cone! 1 Pam
and tlw D1·£1·1t-i\I' \ \\.Jrd.
CIRl.'i !--Ol'lB\U
:-.e:.hon re<'ord 10-:-J
OPPO l•:!\l
Tll'i OPP
Ral'irn· Park
South \1ilwaub.eP
Oak Crt>Pk
Racirw I lorlicb.
Ral'ine I lorlick
Racirw C:.bP
Racine ON·
Racirw Park
C.Cmference - :~rd
Regional - 1..,1
Sectional - 2 ncl
Captains l.t•..,fit· Pomillo.
f..ari Pit·hL Jo \rum Rit•ckt•.
h.arla l ... 1nµ:t·r
MVP Kari Pi1·hl
Most Improved - \ ..,hJ") 1,k)
~ he,,' ward l.t"~li" Pontillo.
Jo\n11a Hio·<'kP
Offeru:.iv A"''llrd \Ii lwll.. IAmi:t·
Deferu:.ive ward -0111a1ra \lartinn
110% - \rm "'ala-
J\ ~FilHll..
"''" rt'roni 13-.1 fn,,,r l I la: ,J.1h (,JIJn-ll" '"" I• l1·r, \\ hiu•~
ll•on 1.. \n::rl.l\nudm 2ndf'(J'fA J...1·l~(Aff'-41.IJt h~1uw·r,J....m·11\\.11n11g.ll1·rnht:r
J.1d.~•1L (.11\<l \\ ridu ,OOcl:. J ( ,..._1di John Huffol11, ·1mn Du\\rlt Ro111.l1J.1 \ un:.L...
""'qlfiame l.ekl, \ttl~·~ I It·\ rt..... c.:n... , (~.wh J\:1·i1h ·111ll;tl.. i..)
\ .\R~TfY SOFTB.\LL: frond I in1b.1~ l·t.. ~'t11M·~tr, ( ...,~ na f.\111_li1 , J.1mM• ·1 rechrp 2.nd n:m) \l..!.uu••
\\ t·nh. l\.Hn PH·hl I r .. Ji~ Pon111lo. \-lilt:·, 1 uliuJ .. ' Omn1m \I intnt'I', J.\urla l _t>r h.11"\ 1....,lw•Ll 'bod•.
(A.._u·hD•lll:,!T11\\""fL--t'll•l.BnM1lt'::-i..-lienl \m\
1)~ ... J11\mMRif'llt; \lk:lw l~ · I IU?'f": (, ...,.·hl .. nl'h tt·m.
Catch a Breath
season with a
pitching record of
6-1 , I didn't disappoint myself or
my coadles. My
only blemishcameat
the most inopportune time.
Even though I
struck out seven
On a knee 1n a worm·up game co 'ed
'flip" senior pitcher Travis Clark tosses the
bo Iorou-d with f0<r teammates to loosen
up before the motch·up against mid
at Simmons field Clark th-ew 84 pitches
1n seven im1ngs on Apr. 23. As copto n of
the 18·member team. Clark attained All·
Conference First Tearn honors
batters against
Bradford, I let four
wild pitches go
which was four
too many."
season record 13-1
Racine Case
Racine Park
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Racine Park
Racine I Iorlick
Racine IIorlick
Racine Ca;,e
Conference - 1st
Regionals - 3rd
Captains- Mike Umscheid,
Travis Clark
MVP - \ ndrew Jarzabek
Hustle Award- Brandon Ergi,,h
Most Improved \ 'ince >\llonternurro
CTI To hold the Racine Case runner
from advancing, ~enior Kyle John..,on
~tay, clo-.e to hi..., ba..e while he watches
the force out at home plate during the
May 10 game at Simmon,; Field The
Trojan.., connected with only five
pitche-. but that wa:. enough for a 5--i
viCTory. m Rounding the thlrd base
corner, junior Bill} Johru,on heacb for
home to ~core the final run in the ~ev
enth inning agailb-r Bradford On \fay
17 at Simmon,; Field the Trojan;; conquered the Red Devib 8-5 for the third
match-up of the cro,,,,-rown rivab.
">.RSITY BASEB>\IL: front ( "'"" R\llll J.Ju·~·· Bruni.., ~,.._,._,L '"""" Jarza!.·l. ci..1 tll11t1·r. \fil.e
l n><hei<i PtUl-.lir.u • .k.C,.. h 1,..-1""" ,..,., l)mam• \fil.••l.HJ. i.;,~·J.Ju..,n \J \lanplillYk.
T ri"lan Borzkl. \lutt 'Y·hl, {bocl< ) \1.u• !!''f \ldi·~• (.<•1•·11.rn R'"" \11u•l•'I. llilh H"'"'"- Trm-i, (lirl..
Jo..h t\aidatz. Tn:"\~·L:: Si·fl!!h..t...c~"L Jun(,uu.atli-. \ 1.nn• \101Uf·muml. \1,mA!!t·rlt'nul I larliM
104(00 mo
Rival rules out Trojans in Regional
(Double Play-off} , pringing into baseball two months earlier than the la-,t t>ight
summer sea..,oTui. 59 male athlett>::. ">tepped
into the g) m on \tar. 11. lTJ --1 enjoyed
pla) ing in the :.prina more. It i,.., not nearly
a'> ">Corrhing. and it give.., u;, a rhance to
pla) summer ball. So, we play for almo t
half of the year:' ..,aid .,enior Srott
Demarm. lTJ Ranked tenth in the '>late,
18 Trojan athlt>te-, won 12 gamf's before
an introduction to defeat. lTl "'Hitting a
three-nm homt>r to right field in the seventh inning of the \1ilwaukee Lutheran
game. \W dominated with beven double::.
and 1~;) '~ctory:· ">aid ..,enior Brandon
Ergi..,h . lTl Sneaking up in statu..,. the
ba;.,ehall team movt>d into , tale fourth
rank h) Ma) 1 in a wet>k of four game.,,
in four ([ay..,. lTJ ..l n our ..,erond ganw in
two <Ul) ..,_ l showt>d no e,·idenre of heing
tired. l Jwlted the hull to left field and
nailed a two-run honwr in the bottom of
the third. \\ ith 10 hit">. we heat . t.
Catherine· 6-t. -- said junior first baseman
Tri..,tan Borzick. m Two day" later, Park
stepJX'd on to , immom, Fif'ld to challenge
the undefeatt>d Trojans at 7-6. m '·Allowing eiaht hit..,, l had my bf>..,t game of
tht> st>ru:.on walking only two and >:,triking
out 10: said st>nior right-handed pitcher
Trm~.., Clark. m Ranked , tatt> econdentering post-st>ason, the Trojan-, fell + 13
to Bradford in the Regional , mifinal after only one rt>gular season loss. lTJ '"\V ith
only t>ight hits the entire game, our offense
did not capitalize at key rnomt>nts as the
Rt>d DeY1].., took tht> game 5-3. \\ e got
caught up in tht> ranking and didn't focus
on playing tht> game:· baid st>nior Vince
Mont<>murro. lTJ '· fter our final h;s, l
felt terrihle. \\ e were ..,econd ">eed and lost
to tlw 13th ..,eed. -\dcling in;,ult to inju11 ,
it wa.., our rrfhsl<l\vn rival:· added junior
Matt ehl;,. lTJ As six players earned AllConference award..,, the 17-2 teanu,ettled
for Southea">l Conferenre champ'>.
"Handing No. 3 ranked Central their
first loss, I turned up my play on April
20. After beginning the game at second base, my coach sent me to pitch.
I made a diving catch 10 feet in front
of the plate, and I raced to third to
notch an unassisted double play. At
the mound, I had
four strike-outs
and picked off
three base runners. When I was
at the plate, I
went 2-for-2 on
the day."
Pumped back to whip out his fast
ball junior R~ an ~lamlw1 pitche~ to
Burlinmon on \pr. 12 at . 'inunon,
Fii·l<l. ~trikin::i out four. ~l,mtlwi ml!'<{
tl11· mound for the fir~t four innin::i~.
le,1< lin!! the Trojan~ to a 12--:' comt'hw l ,;,·tor, after Burlin21on lt><l (>--t
in tlw ~i ti{ innin!!.
J_\ B.\SEBAIL.: fro,11 \ll.m""t hnu'llk , Bn;.m(.tiam.""'11\ l>.1nl "1nn. "' ~· 1': tl.ut--L:.L...,
H1ll.M:rt \l ai.,...h. (Hi.•·h Jt~m \l.11t-r.1 ~raa: \'f' \1t ·h.,~1 ( ... 1..1o·l1.u"111. 1-\, le I nuvul
\hL. t· (.la..... na;.m. J.m"'"" (,ourlt II , Ju• \lontt ·numu., \ .man BlatH·r 1-..i } \11tltom
\l untf'llRUTil. Jot•\\ q
r. 1t1.:l l~uc:: H~ .u1 \l1{A1fll 0.l ll.u'll~ Jt~ut-<ll\. \,ITT lfl n•n
·" ' 105
g3sp1 gfor 31r
clubs ome to a halt
r breath, 23 clubs and organizations refused to succumb
cause of the teacher::.' work-to-contract job action,
to function. OBRK\ THL G H \RD: Pullmg together.
ment sunived with 96 member:,, Ix-cause
Principal E ' ard Kupka advised tht> organization for meetings during ::-ichool 1 ur:,,. Clubs ::-iuch U8 the music groupn. y<>arbook
and ne
aper endured a.., clW:ibt'n. O DO \\ TO E \RTl f:
\ +.-a:li:Ji0i7!al Feabte continued with no fencern. Gymna..,tn CTipped
down the ai...,le::-i \vhile the feet of lri...,h dancer::. mmed to the
beat of the llll lbic without :,,evt>n t acher adviser::.. OBRE \ Tl T
Of< FHE. 11 \IR: Ranging from pajama day to decade da).
\\ interfent beO'an on Jan. 19 with the, ub Deb winter fonnal
··\fy::.tical Dreams, .. selling 6:-0 ticket::-i, and ended on Jan. 26
with the annual Mr. Tremper ··It\, R aining \len."' 0 . ;-E\\
\ T\tOSPI TERE: , tarting a boo:,,tt>r ::-iociety. Drama Cluh·::-i
parent::, donated -;upplien and kept the auditorium clean. w·hile
the -;tudt>nh e:,,tabli:,,hed the -ational The..,bian , ociet\.
O LO\ EL 1 TI IE-\ TR: \\ ith 2.- mt>mher:,,., iO'n Club made
, 3-±0 in their annual Valentine sale. They abo combined for
the fir:,,t time with International Cluh f~r the ..,pring trip to
\1adibon and \1inneapolib. Ol 'P 1 THE \lH: \ :,, the year
progre::.:,,ed activitie were cancelled left and right until \1arch. when
a new contract finally returned advi...,er-, to their organization-,. \ t an
ewning induction, Quill and, roll braved technical difficult it>,., to produce a five-minute lide -;how of yearbook and new..,paper -,1aff..,, , pring
breathed new life mto O'roup ab they c 111 .. up for air.
mir.g up lor a r o
lraill-e uilLr
lwr opinion at tlw Diwr~it)
it>ldtrip on \1ar ..). junior
·I Caban aniwl~ par1iripa11·~ in
l1·ar :i, hem to l><·crnni> a facilitator.
\\ ith w thPmP -R1~1><·rt Rt>\Ol111ion. 11() p.-Pr~ atH·ncl1·d thi~ fi1·ldtrip at
Ca11·\\a~ Tt>rhniral CollP"P to lw·gin
~ohin" problrm~ among tlw CU\f·r~P
~11Hlf'nt bod~. O To~afPl~ parlagt- thP
Golden :rring,· :30th anni,·rr·ar') CD,
for mailing. •Prtior Kari Groff takP,
owr ruttifif! and taping' rp,,pon~ihiliti•~.
Dtw to a thrPP-month ,hipnwnt dela~
at tlw fart Or\. Cl), \~Prt' not U\ ailaJ>(p
for p11rrha~P umil latP Dfft>ntl><·r.
o my hear.. I
went with other Sign
Club members to watch
'Harry Potter' with captioning. It made it so
much easier to understand,
even though I already
knew the story
I read the book
@ burnee mils Cnema
i autlwntir Hrin appart>l donated ~
l ·wrt>nd John -\ ri!!nimon. junior Li-.a
lader -.olo-. at the \lay JC) cmnhirwd
I oir concl'rt. :-;in!!in!! :. .an \ ou 1-'t>t'I' Toni!!lll - -.ophomorp
R\ an Clark. \ladt>r and 10 odwr -.oloi-i-. \llcalizt-'(l Di.-ni: ·, -Tiw Lion"'- ing...,
\Titit • dm\~l tlw -.eort':-' for
I Ill Pthall m tht> C\ _ junF· t·on P'i:plairb to a child
't• lwr !!<llllt'. Thmu!!h tlw
Oc1. on uh. mt>mht•"' participmrtl
in tlw C\ C pro!!ram for ci~ childrt>n
"ho rt>quin·d aftt>r -.ehool cart'. 0
P111whin!! 0111 burron., in tht> ~ m. ~111ior ]ad. it• Lafr1111t'"t' prepare-. a
than!.:-\ 011 !!ift for dnnor-, \\ho comrih·
Ill Pd t;i tlw Scudt>nt Go, t>rnnwm ·-.
-110\\ \ot11loin"-Blood Ori,t'. Donor-.
nmgina in U!!P from r:' ro 2-t mllit>d
22-t pt>oplt>. In total. 665 donol'- donawd ;).).") unit-. of blood.
)) Putting together balloon columns.
'ophomore~ K im Jo,eplli and .\ I~ ,,a
Covelli work together to trallifonn the
auditorium for Mr. Tremper. Tleld on
Jan. 26, the event con::>l:,1:ed of 10 participanb competing for the crown. \ tr.
Tremper fini,hed off \~ interfe~t that
began \\;th the uh Deb fomial.
o promote school sp1d ,,·ninr'
Tre ·or \k('.;1Jli,tt>r and id, H1-zm
nrrf\- l · u~ of cn1-lwd .-an, for th; ,
h.t,<;. 1· [ l'llfl((•,t that Pllrtrll l)t>c ;~.
Trt>m1wr alon;.r with tlw f, ... d,•r
middlt• -cl1t•ll, and Bradford 1w11t•
in ri.!dll I whind \\ himall 11 i;!h
~chnol. wi1111111g ,j,1h plat'<'. Col
1.... 11•t! aft,.r ,cf1t•il •m Friday,. 1·, 11h
ni-fwd 0111 for d1arin .
What's lhe mosl
imporlanl lhing
you accomplished in gouernmenP
· front) Jn.l"l \1ud.. lin., Jt:--.. 1t> Grewal Kt'll~ "Ilw·n . (.an~~ n ""tra... h.. Gina R1111-...1110. \lan... -.J Callo. (Jui... t~ C,,~ 1. Jt'nt I .uncl \UL~111 \\: emwlin~. (.ar111i4•
\lfano. .\urf'ha \1,~r /2nd rowJ Jt>nnifer Juliani. \..,IJ•-t.!h J•Jut-.on.. \larL Jrr..inrl... John Tt'n111a. "am I loulihan. Tiffam Ril'"'. l\:~-in \ 1d)onc>U. Liz \ lathf•'\\ ...
I was really disappointed when
the Board turned down the remodeling of the Bradford and Tremper
cafeteria project because they refused to borrow $500,000 to do
both schools. '
-sr ~elly ~ansen
\~ E,·ait....~ Sarrn::m1ha Zit'"--.t'"mt'"r. \manda T11i--rinc.t (3rd,,,_. \ ... l-Ui--~ O'Connell. ( .hri ... tina King. Kmarina ~t'fLHlfni( \;Jnin ..L-..111. Court1w~ Ko7iol. K"mit·
I lf"mnann. \legan l..t'rwnw. Sluren Rnttl:?"aIL .\Ui.~ 111 \\ 11J,.111 ... L1111I~ Jullani (Dad) i\ ~ faeol~. l\.n-.11·11 SparL.. .... Bt-n \lidmr-li..... John I lf·rnn. ' i<·hoh., Ht-'"711~ . Jf-'ff
Dahl Tara Genanw. [n, Imhoff. Kopt-l~ , l\;tm~ n l\rut11"',•·z. \tau Dulak. l\:u11>n P1·UN111.
)) Adding another pin to the ho.. _junior Jackie Lafrunp,,,. and ~enior
Ryann \ 1arlartal.:e tum, pre,-ing buttoTb de--0ned
Gmemmem member;, to giw to th~ blood donor'. ,\frmbn'i workt'(l in t>ight difft>rem area, induding Kiddit> C'..are and check in. Tht>
night leading imo the communit~
blood drive, G<l\·Pmmt>m called all (>6.)
donor' that re:,ulted in recei,ing ;).~)
unib of blood from the 12-hour eYent.
>>CDn ro
Student Government reorganizes and gets
dovvn to
to expand
services and
events to be the core of the student body
» Brand spa
n re , tudent Govemnwnt -.tartt'd off ib function-, with the
ht·lp of ih 130 mernlX'r-,. » '-Our goal
wa-. to n·all~ t>~pand and makt• Govt"mnwnt powPrful ~ith the h<·lp of the new· -.aid junior h-ana . 'mir . .,rht>dulin<Y rc>-<·hair for thf' annual Blood Drive.
» .\ftf'r .\-,;,,i-.tant Principal Edward
Kupka took charge, thf' f'ntire manner
of doing thing-. took a .,haiv turn. Empha!-iizing communit) st>n'ict>, Governnwnt required 15 hour., from St-nate and
10 from Hou-,t>. >> --It was -;trt>-,-.ful a::,
tlw "P<'aker hecatN' I had to makf' !-lure
that nont> of the .,enator-. .,[arkt•d frorn
"<'ttin<Y their hour-. of comm1min .,er' in·.·· -.aid ..,pnior , p<'akt•r of tlw Senatf'
Briana orton. >> Tht• intriratt• Student
l:>(>\ t•rnnwnt network focu.,ed on five art'a" of e'l.pan-.ion: Gmt>mnwnt Operation-,. Communi~ Relation.,. ,\cadt>mic
\ff air-.. St udt>nt Sen ict•.., and Special
Ewnt-.. >> ··Ewn though tlw nwnu)(•r-,hip
of m t•r 100 madt• it 'it't'lll like we wen•
too decentralizt>d to function. it turn d out
okay with the organization we had.,"' -,aid
senior, tu&·nt ..OYf'rnment PrP-,idt>nt Carrie Belongia. >> ln ordt>r to promote er''ice. ..,t•nior .\ lli-,on \\ illenh ~Tote hundred., of lt'tt<·r-, to aaf'ncie., throughout the
ci~ a.-.king if the) were in nf'ed of help.»
--\\ e want Tn·m1X'r to})(' invoked in th!"
community and for people to come to llil
for ht>lp.". .,aid\\ illenlb. \ ice-Pn,.,ident of
Community Relations. »Setting in motion other turning points in the scl1oors
function. Student Government reestabJi..,ht>d the Rt>naissance Academic Program and Pet>r \1ediation and initiated tht'
Fn·-.hmt'n Tran.,ition Coache-. and Teen
Court. >> ··[ wa-; surpri.,t'd h(m Gowrnment accompli.,lwd !-iO much in onl} one
year; l <"<p<'Ct'd that much change to take
clt>cadt·-.," !-iaid junior Jessie Grewal. >>
cadem ic \ffair:; a6o spotlighted a new
game !-ih<m to promote t'-xcellence. \\ ith
changt•., IPft and ri"ht. Gowrnuwnt tackled conflict.'dewnb and ralliPcbpirit.
:\TE: front l.t·l::::h(,,,dm. \1.1rn (.oUo. ( ...L~
....,trt"( ( .t·lt·n.a Jr\mdu , l.num h1lrnn, ( :0.u-n~
IJ. lon_tol. )o..:t'(li l . o1.1\\-t •IL J -nun P11llul (2nd row)
~1111 J1-ph.. \l~-~1 ( J1\t·l11 , \mlw·r \I• th. lhann
\l.1rL1r. ~tqdutrul" I .utrlf"r, h.t·lh I lurL--1·11. \lr~ lHl
'-,11uwr Bri11um ( lui-.1 •, \lun \lt·t11·n (3rd rmv)
J.w L.11 l .... J1·urk· ... ~· Ht11-ht·I J.ihnL.t• t\t·ll\ t\olmo·•.
he Ponullo. ( .ori \1t·, t·r, \101111 1 1 \ 1l~11l.l.
\\ d1t·r. Jt
.. jt. l B1 ..., hoff, Bn.111,1
\ 111\
BrooL.1• ~_. h nl , D,111wll1 DuL..1 .. , Ju.. h \1utllf'\\ .. ,
h,111a ....,.t, 1 • I om (or o Jt-11 \\ 11l1t·r, I-.rul
\I/,! lll-h Jt-ff Jr\01w•... L,, , f\~1lt-r ~·rtghU"'4 h, Ho.. .,
11..w lL
' Being a judge was a real
honor, as I was the only underclassman on the exec board. At first,
I was quiet dtiing cases by Jme.
I stepped up and took over.'
» Wa ing aloog Ire parade -.opho·
m.. r,. K.-11~ Kolmo-. ...
l>ltw and rrtl
f, .. t" -.ho" that .. 1w·, a tnlt' bhw
Trojan. \.., a (,mrrrunent nwmher.
Kolmo-. t'l1m1· t11 ,,.h,M1l to dt'<'orate for
th.- <L11ic1· uftt-r 11 .. mrt·oming en•nt-..
>> During a fundrai-er -.pon..ored b~
C.m rrnm1·111. -.rnior \ ince \ lontt'·
n mno and jun~'"' John Burgrr and Jim
CA•["' flip hot <lo!.:-. and brat-. making
m t'r IOO for tlw group·., 1i-r.
'Pulling Mr Tremper off last minute
was a miracle. Communication was
lost between committees and cl-oir
people. We almost called it off
two days before.'
on stage
or in the
close aisles,
))Preluding Ye Olde English Christmasse
mus1c1ans Feaste. trumpet::, ::,ounded a clarion call a;,
inger::, enter d the hall. Bra::, chamber.
toast the ::,inger::,, harp::,ich rd and virginal player::,.
a ::,tring and an ensemble of re-
enthusiastic corder player::, all contributed over three
month!:> of rehear al time to the annual
audience \1adrigal Fea;,te. » ~Becau..,e there wa::,
»Parading down the
red caq.iet during dre~b
reheafoa!, ~enior Kati
Tapper pame~ between
,·er-.e~ of - .\ Great and
<\1 ight) \~ onder. -
no fencincr. \1aclricral Bra;,::, allowed me to ::,tay invoh-ed in
th F a::,te and play an inbtrument that l don"t u::,ually
play ... ::,ai<l b<:'nior niba player
Lu a::, Dickin::,on. » The mu::, iciam, unit cl di::,trict high
::,chool . working under the
::,am onductor::, and teacher::,.
\1r. Bradley \1ann, the choir
conductor Crom Bradford. and
\fr. Kurt halgren. the principal choir conductor and director of the Fea::,t , took the Madrigal ingers away from school to learn the 16th
century mu::,i . » "-The be.,t e perience
of i\1adrigals ~definitely going to retreat.
\~ e go up to a r ::,mi. for a weekend and
>>Performing w th passion ... enior
\fegan ~inaer 'ocalize~ along to the
Chri..-tma:; carol - ii m ·i{:(ht. - \\ ith
almo-t -1:0 membn.... Director Kun
Chal,,aren alternated -.[naer-. night!~ -.o
eYeryone would get a chanc~ to perform during the four ....
::,ing for fifteen h ur a day. That\ when
you get to know people th
::,t;' ::,aid
::,ophomore Joel \leyer. » .\fter 2? year::,
of directing the \1adrigal Fea::,te, Chalgren
drew hit> F ea-,te career to a close through
retirement. >> '· \~ orking with Mr.
Chalgren wa::, very rewarding. 1 am worried about how the F<:'a::,te ~going to be
run. .. ::,aid ::,ophomore Keiler. ngbusch.
>>However. there wa::, no time for sadne::,;, once th<:' -,how began. \\ ith th<:' e-x:citement around them. perform r;, had to
remain on their toe.,. >> --. inct' all th<:' in::,t1umental grou.1::, play one right after the
other. we alway.., had to keeµ an open ear
on which group fini.-,hed playing. lt was
hard trying to ignore everything that was
happening ;,o we wOLJdn 't be late:· said
senior ceUTht ,\my Dibble. » The event
caught even the. performers in a spell.
» ··when you fir::,t enter, the lights hit you
and what wa::, one the Tremper cafeteria
is now a vibrant and elecrant banquet hall.
Everything ju-,t comes aliv ,'' :iaid junior
Rita Torca::,o. »Enchanted i\1adrigal perfom1ers themsekes enchantt>d the gut>;;t:i.
;-.;GERS, front \-IJ.-. Lrlft·h- C..ahm Inn-. Dana l~nar-li f2nd
Rita Ton·n-..•, Carn-tt ~ih. l\a.11 Tnpj..-r. Jim HadJ.tinh, Lizann \ illaton1. Jnm~ f .f'flarL-Lt (3rd row)
Gam-n \lrR<~ .. n-. Jul,.. -.unrz. \lli~>n \~ i!J.-m-. \lileGa.-tal<b 'lrh r01V (~tni~ l\t-hh
R<W hf.U.. O~DianL R,an (lark. \1f"!!an b..,.. (5rh row R<~ie Zura<l Owd E.D.-n~•n. BnanrUl \ unCa.-ter,
R)anf,...n;:'. \h·-a·o.,..
\LL-tinRighiJ..r. Ja..,..\\ern,..liru!. DanT ....lf \fe;an\\,;.i.. ..nh '6r.hrow)
F.ric lmhnff fl~atlwr Bnl'<TI. I\) IP Tenino:. J, ..1 \11') •r. LL-a \1..,J..r. l'eih ..,.,.,lu-<h (becHCnn \111 er.
k·l Paulnru. Dan hitt>(ooL Rk L: Donall-..•TL Liz Ranurn .
SI'RI!SGS: front .\rnanda Pt-tt-r-...-n. \un DilJ,Jt
Jt·rm Gaudio. Kari Groff
)) W ith lingers poised
for pla) in". -.Pnior
Jajaira \fartinn hannonize,, wirh thP othPr rPcorder pla) Pr-.. To thP
bear of a ramborirn·. thf'
rPcordP.r-. prar·rir·pd
marching do" n tfw
caff'rtPria ai_-.lh and in
rhP common-. arPa for
tlwir pf'rformanrP on
thP rPd <"UfJWI .
)) PiggybcxXing orcuid
thf~ ('Orrunorh. -.pnior..,
\1 irh:wl HoP-.t and
I . 1wa-. Diclui-on -.1 n·trh
out tfwir l1·g-. aftn -.ining
on tlw bra..,.., lwndw-..
Tht· 1·1111111uiri... an·a
douhlt1'1 :b liark-.tagi· for
any p1•rforrrwr-. that
wpn· not prht•ntl) on.
exciting event that
Tremper has to offer
for all students who
enjoy both singing
and acting. ' '
jr. Rick Donalcbon
time to watch everything. but we had to
pay attention to
when we were sup-
posed to play '
"'r. Patri ia \1ock
The audience
was very receptive
to what we were
doing around them.
When they enjoy the
RECXlRDER-. fmnr l. ns.. , I loon, ( n-" I lut• Inn- \\ ri•h
hat.-1 \)1 .. •1n ti• h. Kt· ll, \l t·H-r, l\: .111e
(.t"l'lac h., 1'. nrlra I\. tt
Pio' nidi.. J.1 1ra \l.annlr?.
Feaste I enjoy •t '
jr. Lauren \ orcren.... en
[irdy benb _____,
' I will miss the huge crowd clapping in time to our music. I love
when the crowd gets into it, and
Feaste is the largest number of
people we ever perform for.'
' I am glad that I got to participate
in the Feaste as a page. The trays
were heavy but beyond the work,
the benefits of being a part of
such an event were awesome.'
)) Prancir-yg down the aisle in mockery of the Lorde I Iigh Charnberlaine.
"enior \fichelle Turco li>ad:, her fellow
je;,1:er-, to the head rablt>. Beside~ preparing tlwir 0\\11 act,,. th je;,-ten, took
rinw to help ne\\ Lordi> Brian L) nch
learn hi., role. » In t lw common;, "it h
senior Cind) G•mz. junior \\ hitne)
\1cgee waih for the lri.,h dancers· turn
on stage. '\ot hm~ing an>r forced
the girls to be more incle1X'ndent with
their skills and sdwd11le,, for practi<'e.
: fronr) Rf>ht"('('U C..l:-lt>r. :'\wolf' \ f"rlm-L:. . Brt'<1nna \\ t'hh \rthur \\ ,. .. t . Bt·th
. unp·-on.. \lt'fL.....a C1art-lli /2nd rowJCJui.-LM hmn111g. l.L..a Ht-<·~rt10. \ndrt"a Glt-a··nn.. \lt·IL.. ~ On .. 1r,
Dani,.llt- DonHL f\:m la llu-t-lkt'l<l Kartf.h Graff. l':uthn n Pt·rn . I lf-'atlwr I I err. l\ri_.. 1111 Huffalo~ llt·th;.11n
John. .on (3rd n:nv) i\f-' 11~ \n·nch. Sumh 1 orho"· \lor~<~ Kut~·lt, Ka~ n Blnt"<iom. LL--<J l.J·blf·r, Cornn~
L11Jfm. fo<Lw· \1orn... 1111,;jntha \1t"('um.. Kt-U, \'\oocl... HL1dwllt> Pn"'"l~ i.:fth row} \11 .. t\ Ro•.!t · ~ . \1t-:•m
LJ,n• Co-.t>'\ ""trt-1-lt·r, 1 J. Jank·-. \dam K~a.:. f~IL... Jw·th Bom:m1lf1;'n Zim1m·n;1<.m (5th row: ln1
Lt--1.W, ( hri_.. I lnM·i.u, m Koz11l \an in ldc..bng: ... Brian \n·rMh , Gn,z ~·hmit7. Ton' I lall Juan ( 1m m
(hsckJGN"":.! Rt-naw:l Oin.. Camwr. fa.Loh hll.wn. t\"n.. Pol11nL Jt"rt-111~ l..1Nt0. 1-...rit-L. c.-.lrr)t'".. L;.i. \lt-·
Tu\fBLER : (fronc ) Cind)
1101111 'hack / JJ... ·l~ ard. Bntt~
BEEFEATER . R~ · l.ard Rk·f\;~ :"'11·ffn1 fnu1t'l.~•.
\uthon~ ~-hnt"i.Jrr. T) lrrTt-.... man.
JFSfER : \111 l1t·ll·· 1·urc'f1. .ualit- l .i11•l~ . \Ill.I) ...,i11_t·r, \li .. lut
~u·. \n.:1) fri\ t"rr. I lall::?l't'n. llt-L.ah ~Jlfl"mlt"r
JLGGLER : from / D.m (,ra n~• · r
cir/ \lar
l ..k htrnhr li:i R, an \l t1zlrr, RHm En!!li.. h.. R,ar
f· ranl~.
>> e su1or
Peer performers take charge to fill the void
of advisers, as students adopt the-shovvmust-go-on attitude to produce Feaste
)) ..fl h banners wavering above, a multitud<' of 200 perfornwr.., jc..,tt·cl juggle<L
marched dan<'<'d and tumhlt'd dmvn th<'
rt'd <'arpt•t for ovt•r 100 Feast<'-goers a
night. Obpite the }.>f'r..,f'veran<'<' and f'ncouragemf'nt from p<"<"r-., nPe led b) perfornwrs to pull the \fadrigal Ft•a.-,tf' tog<"ther becalli:ie of thf' tf'acher contract job
action. mo~t inmlved thought it wa." worth
it. » ·-1 ft>lt reall) upst>t on tht• la.-,t night.
l finally rf'alized the thrill now that it-.,
m·er. I:m glad that l participatt•d but [
wish I had gotten inrnked soorwr:· -,aid
~wnior wt>nch Brf'onna \\ f'bh. » Du<> to
contract obligation..,_ Engfo.,h tt•acher
Terry Lawler"s role as Lorde High
hamberlaine was played in..,tead b) Brian
L) n<'h through audition.'>.\\ ithout the aid
of Lawlt>r. jf'stf'r::, turned for direct ion to a
past jt>stf'r. Laura Both<>-L) nch. » '·\t{r.
Lawler \VOnkl haw bt>en proud of 11-; and
Laura for all that -;hp taught u-;:· ;,aid 'it'nior Liz Hallgren. >> .\ll tlw troupes from
fonner year.., return Pd<' ~r.<'pt th1· 20 fenr.n-.. ah-.ent bt>cmN· r.ontract m·gotiations
kf'pt the advi-,er out. Hm\i'Yf'r. \\itb a part•nt bl'coming the nl'\\ lri-;h Dane<•r adviser. a fre,,,h routinP took plact• of tradition.>> ··\~ e made up a new dance working \\ith thf' six of u.., from la':>t ) ear. It
was fairly easy became even one added
piece.,_ - ~aid funior Lara H~ff. » The
tumbler-,- tudent director. junior Jackie
Schani. worked \\ith the group to improw
routine;,. » ··It wa., hard at fir t to hP
confident. but aftf'r a few prac.ticf'-;_ l wa-;
-;ure that we would he okay:· said,' hani.
»Trying to keep Ff'&.,tf' \ traditional aire.
mo~t performen., wanted thing;, to stay the
;,ame for the sake of the audience.» '·I
am really glad most group;, got to participate. The atmosphen• wa.-, difft>rent. but
still fun:· said sophomore jug"ler .\Ian
Lichtt>nht>ld. » In ;,pit<> of liabilit) and
t"xp<>rti,.,<' ~~ues, ;,tudent-; tried to -;tf"pped
in wht>re facult) adYL'it>rs 'il<'p[)('d out.
Seven Irish dancers choreographed completely new and original
dances in the band room.
For the first time in five years. not
one performance night sold all the
tickets and seats available.
Student advisers directed both
tumblers and jugglers because of
teacher work to contract
ng f~ rncx:k. fPJl('in!! fi!!ht ht•tw P<'n "l'fXNll!! je-tt·r-.
f n·-lun~n .\no h ..,lll!!Pr and Indian
Trail -.ophrnnor~ \11<~ Kt>rrno1wh in
ancicipation to ">t't' who w;rc-. Thi- j.--t·
er-- oftt'n enwnaim·d !!lW-h l Jt>tw t't'n
course.; of the thrt't'-hour dinnt'r. >> \,
the pageo- and wencht>- linl'd up aftt'r
.,en-iTl!! tht>ir a--i!!rlt'd tahl~-- -.ophomore Jenni ~ !acia.- and frt"'hman Eli..,..
Brorhen tale in tlw num of aeti,it\
around them. includin~· troupe ..
rn1biciarb and ju!!!!lt'~.
)) Nervously
IRISH D>.: CER , from \h ..... (,"dli. \IKhelle
I .. ·lrr {bedrl \m.u•li [,,..,._ir<l \\ l11tnt'\ \t..(;....,
l..Hrn I loH, (till~ (ot·ntL , l\ri_....) f<ulcon.
W;th extra tirre fran absent fercers
iesters perfooned rrore routires. lik.e a
h.tx:i renditicn of 'Jirgle Bells.'
» Ge irg
0 runrg
s at down 11-e aisle
senior Becky Word
builds speed for f-a
turblrg p:iss, T~
trorred n tl-e &cx:llcrd
f eld house with the
gyrm::istic teems.
))Sitting at the intersection of 7!1th
Stn•et and P•·"'hin~ Blvd., junior Orion
South adwni~e~ the Dnuna Cl11h car
wa.~h at Md)ormJd,. To climb out of
an mer . ~.000 dd>t, Drama Cluh held
fiw car wa.~lu~ over the bUlllmer.
11L J J ~
~ 'J~ . . "
«~eep ~res th>>
Dollars Orama Club raised from
the six participating members
for AIDS Walk Wisconsin.
Morey dorated from eight Orama
members for Relay for Life held at
Bullen Middle School.
Drama members participated in
the 9th annual Haunted House
of horrors Oct. 25- 27.
Cblbs rared from five p:rlcmrnces
at haunted house over three days
to buy SL.pplies for future plays.
))To catdi her breath.
Korbas pa.res to re-
b..rild strength at one
of the rest stops on
AIDS Wa W'occn;in
Sept. 29 on the
5..mnerfest gra.nds.
'liG'.\'f:fV· front ) ...., r ..... 1 fJ_.~u•n. f.n• n.. 1. ... \I II
2nd row) \.J_ \f.1nru1nla , J.-ronlt" I lmt..,.·rt (,.1rr1·l aullL
\ L.. hal Pru..... 1d{bed-)J.1~1n I lollauclJ•'1rul\ (,.m·i.1, Pali Bnn\,11.Jo.. h
\1ugum. \1un Cun
DRA\{A CLL:ll front l\au· \\ ifit.-111 .... Kt-lbf' 11..ffnuuul. \1tr.mda <.wro l\dl~ <lM1rhon.. (,,..,..,.~ ""'•n-. ln, \ft-_::? Ddl·nut>. J1t.. 1inr Pn.,...lt1 \nf\ Hamilt11rL llt-luh
tlzhrriuaer, a.. lirtt'n l\adri. ht"I \1Uflhn (2nd rowl r.1h Phelf"'· \11u:mda l..t:<•nani J.11111 \\ ouuuill. J.w L.i Klu·I. l:>iar\ll \1ortir'¥'1' \manda f3t.t7, \Lui'"
\foni1w7. J m c,,...J,,.117 ...r J•·nnift-r t-l-..un.. \un·lia \1,~r. Ilf"ullwr \1a1a Laun·n Pt-tri"1• (3rd row) \<hl""f·r JD h111ntHul.. <11n.. 11r.,. \1•,ht·r, 1 ..a \1,,...n . JacL.i•
Duprir. J um ( A~nw-r, Br\ an Di·lf... wf1l~ fo. . tri:,nL.Jt·1u1 \ra<L·N•n. \1t'h... 1 :--...,an I\ m·n P1 .. Jl'f•ll.i l\anm ...,11111h.Jt·.... ica Lr1nrif,n (backJCrlW"t' I.) nant, \t1dwll1~l urn1 t\ani R11Ult~. f~· Funni~. \)) ....a \1,~ttt. Jo-h CraLr"' .. Ll. l<' (
ru]t• \nd) \11'lt-·N1Tl. 1 om l\t-.l\'Hll.. Ctui...una n.oma.., K'auh n l rrn:·r, I .tfl(l""6\
u, ... t
The power of personal skills on the
stage a
behind the camera
dra s students to service
) ) Scaring people. acting up and record-
ing .,,chool ev< nh defined Drama club and
\\ G. ;T-T\. \fter the September 11 traaed) . Drama club with help from , tudent
Gowrnment ,.,pon..,ore<l the Red Cro..,.,,
harit) Drive. Durina the ..,ummer.
Drama mf'nlher.., took part in ID, \\ alk
\\ i...,con...,in and the overniaht Relay for
Life. a fundrai..,er for people :mff~rina
from ancer. » "'Onl~ a few people ..,ta) ed
up all night at the Relay for Life. Later in
the ewning l got .,,ick from ..,ome hot dog..,
we ate and ended throwing up in the
Bullen hathroom'>. l won't forget that,''
..,aid junior .\li...,ha:\iette. »To rfil-,e fund-,
for the Chr~tma'i ..,how, Drama member,,,
ran the 9th annual Haunted Hou,.,e. »
·The Haunted Ho~e act.., & a trainina
ground. Th re we can ..,ee kiili ·work ethic.
which reflect!-> on their tanding in the
club.'. ;,aid ..,enior Kara Rainev. Drama
chili trea..,urer. >> \\ ith eff~rt.., from
Drama board memben,.lnternational
The-,pian Society honored ..,tudenb who
fulfilled the requirement..,. To meet th<'
;,tandard-, for induction, tud nh earned
60 fX>int..,, with each point n·pn·-,<·nting
ten hour.., of theatre work. >> ··1 joint'd
The,.,piam, beca~e it',., welkonnected with
big nam<'d ..,tar,, like John Goodman and
Julia Robert..,. That' pre~ darn cool. ..
..,aid ..,ophomore De..,irae \\ eber. »In another communication cla-;-, that demamled extra tin1e for extra-curricular,
\\ G'-T-T\ ..,tudent.,, rt'cordt>d Homecomina. ba..,ketball and ':>OCCer aame..,. choral
and hand concert.., and Convocation. Th<·y
ain·d 16 hour.., of Channel 20 programing, the mo..,t of any high ..,chool. »'·I directed the Homecoming ev nh. which wa..,
a lot of work. I got to ;,it in on both the
a-,..,emblie::;. - i:iaid ophomor Jin1 Pt>llizzi.
» To connect the ..,chool with tht' activitit',, takina place at the Div r-:;it) Circle..,.
\\ G ;T-T\ recorded the da) and later
pla) t>d it at the \fB Diver it) \-,,.,embly.
» -\\ ht>n we weren·t re ordina Diver:.ity
ewnh. we could do them. I ..,poke out and
creat< d an uproar:· said junior Ja-,on Holland. >> Ewn with fir-,t -,em ;,ter work-tocontract. both Drama lub and\\ G. ;TT\ accompli...,hecl ..,crvice a tivitie-,.
~~ really enjoyed recording the Diversity Circles at Gateway. At first I
looked at it as just a way to get out of
school, but la er on, people started
making some really gocx::l points. I put
down the camera sometimes just to listen to what the people in the groups
were saying about the different topics
soph. ms HCuri
that were discussed. I fel the video we made
and showed really covered the event well. ' '
D.TEIL. 'TIO. .\L lliESPL\.: . SOCIETY: Eronc !.:anh n Litner,
.r. o..r.. \lanin=. JtL"lme
P"""ht. \manJa l"'w""l J..:dJit. Hoffmann. \let! 0.-!Frat~ Be ah Salzlrenoer bad
...-.-raJ... Oe.irae
J.,-uum, \ht hdl T1m:o, Kara Ram.'\ . \l l'k· \lan1nn. Jean Goiwnzrr, Chn-une \loiter.
' ' At most football and basketball
games, we sold candy, tattoos, porn-pons
megaprones and keychains. We earned
enough money to buy cheerleading mats,
which cost about $1,300. We had been
rehearsing on wrestling mats which proved
dangerous for the stunting and tumbling we
practiced. Wrestling mats weren't even
Jr. Rmber
available the winter wrestling season. We practice
non-stop year round. Competitive cheerleadir:ii is
a real sport and needs it own equipment. '
)) Balarcirg on their toes. junior., A my
\\ elter and Lauren Perry rehear.,e a
dan<'e routine for an upcoming competition. T rojanette~ receiYed an invitation to perfom1 at the Sugar Bo"'~
after competing at the Marching .\uxiliarie,; dance camp held at Beloit C.01lege. )) \\ ith a •mile for the crowd•
.,enior • tephanie \ le'l:ander offeTh her
..,upport for the ba.,kethall team on enemy turf at the Bradford Fieldhollie .
• portina the recently purcha•ed unifornb. the C'het-rleader.., fundrai...,ed
O\" r . 1.000 for nt-w outfib.
.\le'l:ander. Katie Ko-lu<'her. Andrea Carroll Emily , "ikora. Kelh
Thiery (back) Sonja , imonovich. Patricia Mock, ·Beth \1ad,,eri_
Mariah \\ eb,. Holly lohllion. hiller Lee.
nja, imonovich 2nd row Karie Ko-lucher. .\ndrea Carroll, \fariah \'\ ei,.., back \ mher Lee.
tephanie le'l:ander, Holly John-on, Corin \1artin.
\1andy Pott..,. Briana Knuuti 2nd row) Renee
Thra-her. \lli.-on \~ emeling. Candice Daniebon
back Amanda Tijrrina. \..,hley • a..,i.. Brenda
\\ iegele. Brianna Fn·derick .
>> mouemen
After devoting summer to pyramids and
dance moves, cheerleaders and T rojanettes
shovv stunts, skills and earn competition spots
)) Appearing at every home football and
basi-'.etba I game, the Trojan tte:; and che r-
lead r:;' work nev r finished. hipping in
over. 3,000 for unifom . mat and megaphones from fundraising. che rlead r:;
worked to raise mon y and bolster chool
spirit. » •·\"t e are the one at every gam •
even when it is freezing or pouring rain, said sophomore \fandy Pott:;.» To polbh routin~, cheerleade~ and T rojanett~
pent an average of SL'\: hour:; pra ticing
weekly. t summer dance and cheer
camp , teams learned n wtricks and routine that urprised ople who und r timated the athletic kill r quired. » 'TU
never forget when I couldn't tumble. I
looked like a boxer getting beat up while
doing ·tunts at camp;· aid junior Kati
Koi:lluch r, who spent 12 houri:> weekly
cheering for competitiolli:l and sporting
events. >> Camp, otherwise known as
'"boot camp,., lasted four laborious day
and yield d th k~ ne :;"ary to perfom1
for an audienc . >> ··Puttina toaether our
O'\\.n stunt team gave U:::i Jler,onal :;ucc ,,e:;
we could take credit for. A a team. we
earn d four first place fini-,he on our O'\\.TI.
I had my cmn a hievemf'nt b) placina
fifth in the Individual Cheer Competition
at the Badger Cheerleading Championhip:· :;aid ophomore lli:::ion \'\ ermeling.
»The Baclgerette Pom-pon Competition
at the\\ i:::iconsin tate Fair welcomed the
tean1 for the first time in three year:; where
the girls howed off. »'This summer·s
competition helped us realize we needed
every bit of effort. \'t e wanted to show
how much work it tak s, ., said junior Cocaptain Jacki LaJeune:;se. »The leaderhip of individual member:; spurred the
dance team as th y adju ted to a new
c ach at the changing of sports easolli:l.
» '· b a n w member, the other girb
trained m well, even without a stable
coach,"' aid junior Ashley Bilik. »Per.
. .
spmng m sunlITler sun or screanung m
pouring rain, cheerleader:; and Trojantt compet d and rallied competitor .
~ow did your energy impact the
attitudes of the team~
' '
My ability to lead the squad
strengthened over the year which
made t e girls listen to me and respect me. They learned to keep quiet
and stay focused. The team acquired
a more professional outlook. '
»Chanting 'V-!-C-T-0-R-Y ' ~opho
rROJAA'ETfE : front -\~hie, Bilik. i\legan Lrne. Shanda
":ebula. \larie \laninez. Caitli~ Hanraha~ 2nd row Rrnnn
larlar. ,\1i helle Dora. -\nn \~ elcer. Danielle Duka~. Jacki
_aJeune~., . Jenny \lercurio ·bad: \IL,, y Humphre~. mrm )
!orris. Counney Kozi L Cori ,\{eyer. :\'icol Manfred Mae Randle.
more -\ manda Tijerina and ~enior
\lariah "ei:,,, joined \'an:.icy and J\
ceaITu> ac Homecomina ,.er-illi> Oak
Creek ac -\ nd I'On Field Tijerina w&
a m mber of the rrunc ream which
pla ed third ac che t.: -\ ,\lilwauk:ee
'piric Open and the Badger eerleading and Dance Champion,,hip.
-sr. Courlney ~oziol
and VICA
build funds >>Whether trave11ng across too country or \ P of ciYic cons iou!->ne-.-.. onl) I conldn't
jm.t a ro::;s town., DECA and l
and elect th hurcll f work-to-contra t that lim- do mu h. I Yolunteert'(l and wa-, re ponit d unpaid achiber upervlliion. By ::;prina ::;ible for :iettina fundinrr a-.ide fort he camnational D C saw campaign winning r ult and paign, .. -.aid ::;enior Dom Zarletti. » \\ hile
both raised money. » 'T chnically, the DECA team claimed a national office,
ICA al-.o took a proactive ;,tance.
officer DE A is an A ociation of Marketing, but Throuah
con::;truction da::;::;e , \ lC.'\ pro!':>O
)) Poised to persuade
com;umers to buy his
cell phone holder in Marketing, sophomore Aaron Miller. DECA president elect, ~pent 10
hou~ on~ final project.
\1 r
form , it's a way to pr par
for a career in bu::;iness;' said
1senior Gina Lerdahl. »
though work-to-contract delayed DECA' activities like
tate and Regional competition::;, 55 students started with
a trip to the Camp Officer
\t orkshop over the summer.
»Finally in May, DECAwent
into action. Chanting the slogan '·Pick -ick, ., campaign
team members Frank Montemurro Kelly Hansen and dviser ue
Bringe took \t lliconsin DECA tate President -ick Rezny to victory in alt Lake
City. All DECA members, though, made
some contribution to Rezny '::; winning
duced i'{ ::;hed::; ranrring in price from
, 700 to , 1500 in raw materiab. » ··Guiding the ::;tudent mad chicken farming
look better~ Ju::;t kidding. It did, though,
teach me a lot about my-.elf;' ::;aid Adviser
David Hob-son. » , pending -t0-60 hours
per shed and working not only at school
but on actual job sites sharpened future
goals. »'·It took us a month to build bigger and better sheds. I plan on going into
the construction field, so this project definitely gave me real-world experience," said
junior Corey Brown. »Out of the $-±5,000
needed to fund a Computer Aided Drafting Lab, VICA raised, 609.98. Between
the financial start and the technical experience, VICA realized ::;uh;tantial profits.
Kitzmillt>r, \1i..L: e Saraut>r. Dan
Ward (2nd row) Ju,un
Po..,kit>wirz. Joe Guz\. Scott\. Ja--<m ~·hm1(.h. \1au
Schulz ihackJC:A'<..:~e Orn-. (;,le
1lan•on. John !--<-hultz. \1att
\: lt'rzhicki. j[b(1n Brum:~
)) In the commons during 0-hmch on
May 3, ~enior Kyle Johru,on and .\dvi.-,t>r , u Bringt> ct>lt>brate tht> t-lt>Ction
of the fif'it DE , \ ational Pre,idt>nt
from \\ i:ocon..,in., "('ruor _·ick Rnny .
» \\ i.,con,in reprt>~entatiYt>~ hold .;p
'ign., to promott' the \\ bcon..-,in DECA
cleleaation at tht> "\ational competition
in Salt Lake City.
fk]]y ~ansen - - - -
Managing finances
Home Court and a national campaign have given me some of too
best experiences that I will be able
to use in my career.
'I was estatic wren trey announced
that I was elected National President of DECA My campaign team
was by my side too entire time
for this historic event.'
)) Ta 1ng a swing at tf-e nail, junior
Calvin \dam" exerci"e~ le;,8ons
leamf"d in COTbl:ruction cla~, to help
build a ,,hed. \IC.\ corbi»ted of 17
memhf•r,, working for the C.\DD lab.
whiC'h taught architectural mechaniral and de,,ign -kilk
Fundraising by
bui1ding sheds taught
me a lot about construction through the
hands-on experiences
at real sites. '
jr. \fatt i\1aurt>r
' ' By working in the
school store, I learned
responsibility in dealing with customers,
how to run a good
business. ' '
~r. Rob Beach
Even though it
was raining , we
chase to work on the
shed at the site. It
was a good learning
experience '
ick Beclt>r
DEC\ · front \chi.-r~ueBnn!:"t' l\t>U, ll1tt·f). \ltdwlle\1 n1n.. JohnBu~r, (·r,lJ1l. l\~k· Jnhn. . . •ll. 1 hula._
... Rt•zn~ 1 n1(..t·rw11tt>., Dn111/.1rkllL \u!!eL1B1 unh I\ .1llnnhhan. Jr..'.rtl~ ll.nL..•'IL 111 n ... 1~zaho, l..a1on~aSharp..
)._mrl11•( Phil ~: hmrllh , ~Lant' \·l 'ndl'O'fl4.~ Joi .1tl m ~·ht·nl J n \\ ._\hn Tn"
~11!.!bu ·h.. Bt"n (h.rnuk· ..... D.u1 Ov.~·n.. , Jun Cr4J1Ui._tk·.... ( rl Hoh Ilt h., J,•ffrt") \\ dltt'r. ~"Un ~olt· ... Carrie Bt>lo1u:ria. Jo··h l\odd.a1z,
[,1le Orln\\•li (3rd l"01<" R\ann \l.1rLir, Brar•~•n Rt><I. Brum d-<•IL \I ll d1L-, \i.lcn. Cal.J.· \.in·n O" «•nll<'ll kl B.-<·ln, \lil~ &·hi, In~ an••rl1, J.nnc- ( nt\\fnnl R r.h J,Ju.,..~L Bntn.~•n ~ ·alw. Ju-nn Pov.ell (beclr!Cori
lt'~t"r~ l...unnm Pt'fl") , Jellll\ 1 alur f·nml.: \lontt"mumi., (1·kna l\n~lt1 1 fr.:nUl \ld~1rlf·IL Ruc·hel Jalm.Lt' ~t:pharu~ [.A-it· 111.U, \L.tnlil. Bnm1i.m Hl-~ 1nl h ~ma l\k"" \ k'tor lo\'ru_... Odil Je\\ IL J•·rt"nl\ l\ ( ~up.
performances, sections piled in tl--e same
spot with friends
squishing everxone
into tl--e middle. '
fr. Tara Zapp
' Dr. Ehly revealed
tl--e meaning behind
each song making it
easier to understand
the music and sing
with emotion., '
fr. Ashl y
' ' t\b cre expected
/l/IJ. Mro-rn to retun,
but as he marched
down tl--e aisle, we all
started to bugh, gasp
cry.' '
tephani \ nd r on
)) To keep Lp with the director·~ waving hand,, sophomore Sam Zie.emer
sing,,~ith fOCl.b for \fr. Kurt 01algren·,,
second co last concert . .\t the concert·,,
midpoint.. four student pre.emedgift~
and flowers to the pia!lb< and director.
TREBLE CHOIR: (front! "\irnle Lippen. Lind-a) \ldit<• OliYUl Cruldt-lana. \lalo') Dunwald \loni•·u Langlei. Kate illent•. \-hlfj Ger-tner, Steplwnie
lbler. \1) ..-a II; illiam.•. Jillwn 1lenthom. Tri.-ha
ler (2nd row) \1'1!.m INc Tina Brul1on. \urt'lia \tc~n. °\1«•1• Brt'ilmo, Rell<'<' Thra-her. Rachel Beeler.
"\ichole SandeN•n. Kat .. \rdul.wlld \•hlP) SchanL \-hlt-i•h John.•on. Beth "•mp•on, Cmtlin I lanralUln (3ro row) \rn) I lamilton. Julie°''""· \lk·helle 0.>heni .
Fd.,...ia !'tein, Lioa R..,..·iirnn, \ndrt'a Glt>a.-,on, h:n-tle
Katehn TrmJrrir. \ubn \lcKinle>. Pam Toulu-.. \oirela \lidl. Kri,ten \oder-en, '"'"'
Clau._,.n (4th row) \nl) !'<•ren.-n. atahe P~na.,llL \h,.helle Ox•per. Emih Juliaru. Roc•' \1e1ia. \manda ZarlettL \tek-a '"\\im. Elizabeth Brothen. Jennifer
Kolm<~. Danielle LaJeu,.... ..... Lmd.4 Ruffolo. Gon.-tar..e \ lolleda (bsck) \U.~"' Zt-zutek. Tara Zapp. ~handa Cdiula Dupor. \•h!P) Cluappetta. \legan
Genarne, SanUlntha Srhulte. \-hlf>) Tobakk). Dani<"a c;tein....,.ifer. \leghan Kon. \lli_...-,n -.u1... \manda Dauto-ki. Abby \laurer.
WO\.fE.1\"SCHOIR: front, KerT) Btnnt"tt, Katil> Pi!k:r, UindiL:e Daniebon, Feletia E..ald. Ruth Harnrnie,
Lara Bet-er (2nd row) \1oruca Pij!nOtt~ Jeanellyn Stem•..eifer, :-.icolf> Kloet , Linda Laiti&n, Bndget \1rCill,
lady n Fritz, Lori JohlliOn (2tsol:} KeUy Kolinn<;, Ka11e ln"U1j{, Fallon \illup, ~~ II
fort, Stacy .\1on..on,
~ lyKaro.-,ti.
W0'1L"'"S CHOffi: from \noelica f"\urn. lleather t.,e,., ~ ... .i.- !-i<-lu11iclt, KON~\ n Koehn•. Kel~e
H<.ffmann '2nd row) Oin-tma Kan....... Kelli Kreh·. UitlJf'nne \uJ... Heather La\lothe. l\n-tin Ruffalo
e-termeyer. Jenrl) \laci&.. :-<e1~umie \ndt:r-<Kl. Je-·IC8 \hergott, Stephani G") n.
\1ek-a Castellano (4th nnv} Ti.,ha Yancey. Rachel
a. \1"!(han Bro•m. Carin Gunorrtl*n, Kalla
Threlkeld~) Brtttami Elb-..nnh. \manda Brittney Bach. \rnanda \\ a.."iork.a.
(!Jrd row) Brinnee
Listening attentively to all
voices keeps women's
choirs bound
)) Prac 1ce ma es per!ect that thought
continuou..,ly ran through head of
\\ omen·.., and Treble choir ..,inger.., during and after rehear-.ak Girl.., in the two
choir:-. quickly realizt>d that thi.., cla..,., was
not an ea">y cour-.t' a-, it fir-.t appean~d in
the couN"' ..,election book. rigorou:-. full
year ..,chedule and fir-,t cla..,.., mu:iic. uch
a"> tht> 32-pagt> Howard Han..,on compo::.ition ··, ong of D rnocracy :· kept ">inger,,
on tm,k through thref' month;, of Choral
F ;,tival preparation.» --Last y ar I loved
in11in11 "Phantom of th Opera· in Chicaao, but inaing in choir for two year..,
hru:. taught me to depend less on girls in
my ection. Each individual tud nt must
l arn the music,., t-:iaid sophomore Kristin
Ruffalo. » D pite a change in director
during the h cti months prec dina horal F ;,t, Treble choir girb adju'::ited to the
fin;t f male dire tor in the history of the
choral departm nt. » " lthough the
·witch add n cl the choir for fr. haw.
i\1 . Young tauaht us many valuable le ons in her fir ·t month. Learnina intona-
tion. pitch
pect for the director
helpt"'d u.., pr
ithin ea h choir:· ..,aid
fre,,hman Lind.,ay \telito. »
., ,horal
Ft>:itival ended. Trt>hle choir reached
;,traight for ..,pring nuL..,ic in-,tead of the
tbual conte:it peic('"> older choir:-. worked
on for the annual trip. >> ·· ompetition
require::-i maturity of tht' old r group., . ..,o
I don·t mind being excluded in thi., trip
a.., a fre..,hman. lt give,, me a goal to look
forward to:· ">aid fr~hman Emih Juliani.
»\\om n·.., Choir. on the oth r hand prepared for -ational mpetition in Florida
with meti ulolll:> care.»'-\\ e started workin(l' on our conte..,t pi ce the fir-,t month
of schoo~ and even thouah orne airb did
not compete in Florida, th entire choir
eem cl motivated to cl v lop ea h -;ona
to it highe t potential, .. aid ophomore
Brittney Bach. » \\ ith a y ar of performance-; and demanding reh ar ab under
their '::iequined belts, the girls -;tretched
ranae as well as ver atility und r s veral
dir ctor and fine tun d a pas ion for perfonning in national competitions.
' While singing 'God Bless America'
at Choral Festival the meaning of the
words sunk in and symbolized the events
of Sept 11 perfectly Loyalty to the Lhted
States and the unity of everyone even in
times of disaster filed the air as two-thousand singers swayed and clapped to the
rhythm of the gospel-style song. Choral
Fest jo ned sh.den s from free 19 schools
across town o md:.e wonderful rrusic oge her wi hout rivalry or fee11ngs of competition. '
one las+ brea+h
)) S eppirg to the front of the 'rage to
~ing her 'olo. :,ophomore Jenny \[acia,,
ponray,, the beauty of loYe through
-:-.toming"s Innocent.-To audition for
th 'olo. \la ia,, ~ang for the n w director. \b. Jennifer Young. only fiye
days prior to the con en.
1 soaking
1n success<<
While Concert choir vvelcomes tvvo nevv
directors and Chorale intensifies rehearsal
for fall competition, choirs keep vocal focus
»As Concert choir began in fall, reviewing the syllabu and warming up with
the national anthem, Mr.Kurt Chalgren
hand d horale five compositions and
began a tediou rehear al for th Oct.
26 p rformance at th Wiscon in
Teacher' Convention. >> ""Befor chool
even started, Mr. Chalgren ent in our
audition, which included a recording, a
resume of the horale and Madrigals
and professional picture of the two
groups. I wa shocked that everything
was set up already," aid junior Rita
Torca o. >> Concert choir, in contrast,
faced adjustment to two new directors.
» '·We had just gotten used to working
with th first dir ctor when all of a udden we had to start anew. \Ve had horal Fest two months after Ms. Young
tarted working with us. We worked
twice a · hard to adju t to each other,.,
aid junior Amy Welter. » Knowing
that M ·.Jennifer Young came only as a
temporary director created conflicting
feelings. »"Many students started Ms.
Young's first day feeling apath ti
about th re t of the year. Only aft r
five days did the inger realize they
ne <led to treat her as if she planned on
staying,., said fre hman Alex tile . >>
To prepare to combine with Bradford
for a competitive performance in
Florida, the women of both choirs began work on three new songs. >> "Even
if they wer not participating in the trip,
every girl learned the songs. Although
ome singers stayina behind felt learning the extra pieces wasted their time,
the experien e actually furthered their
knowledge of music,., said senior
Michelle \~ halen. » '\ hether it came
in the form of an w dir ctor, an honored convention or a national competition in Florida, the Chorale and Concert faced the challenges of b ing nationally recognized ·inging groups.
What made the
trip to Florida
' With a hole in the door, only one
lamp and a nonexistent maid we
were almost happy when our room
flooded after flushing the toilet. We
switched rooms on the third daY. to a
clean room w ith a whole door.'
-sr. ~ebecca ~itacca
CHORAIB front) Kau Taf'P'"r. L....i~h Godin. \11d1eU.. Cabon (2nd l"01V) RebH·m Rna,...a. Jennifn Juliani. Helen l,..,.;, Rim Torrn... 1. \le t• Rwhmnn<i 1'au•
QL.,..n. \•h!P) Lebe<·h·. ._-nu• Philli1" (3rd TO"'.ICA<h Oa!c-. Teran Harl.,.., Emilo Sh..lm>. lackie 1'),.,t. Kn-tin B....~. Pmnna \lock. \fan• \1anmn. Jeni
Lw..L \legan
4th .rmv) Jao: k.. S. hani. \lh.....n•, '-luren Rauii?an. \rma \tar.- 7.J•n>. \1elli.--a Rwz. Kara Raint-) . Jn\nua Ri<..-ke, J,tfl<' \t erm.-llilJ!.
Lauren Yorgerc_,.n. Cami' Ki.-hline, Bn-<onna \\doh \1.-,,an L~ r.. '5th row) Tera Tohel.·k) . T ma Dnra. \foni«a Pud.-r. Oiri.-tina TI1oma -. V•ri \11') er. \I) ·-a
De,.. • >\l~·"" \frdter. Dana O•trurn, L""1 \ladt-r. Lrnd"') U.-~. Kun Renkas (6th row) Jam..,, FoJmrc \nhur \\ e-t. Jam"' Pov. el~ \dam Rut chik. Enr lmhoff.
RyanOark, Jared Baron. Tom Leber(book) Oiad E.llen-orc 1'eiler 'ienp;bu,ch, Rock Donald-01>. Dan~ hnefont, E.ruk \~arL•k} . Jc,..) \1f')er, \n<l) l lebior.
<~eep ~re a th>
Number of years Kurt Chalgren
taught award-winning choirs
1r Number of senior members of the
j b Concert and Chorale Choirs
22 114
Songs sung by Chorale May
at the final spring concert
11n nIAmount of scholarship money
L Li Li awarded to Chorale rrembers
)) l".eeprg focused
freshrai Mie Cu-tin
surmons i..p hs erergy
as the Corcert cl-oir
SCJ19 six SO"gS fa- the
sprirg ca-cert. Songs
rorged fran baroque
to dassicol to modern.
»With mouths open wide. junior~ Li,a
\1ader. \1 egan Lyne, amt "enior,
Jamie \\ an.nail and Chri-;tina Thoma:;
end the 'ipring concert with a farnrite
"ong of both choir and director. ~A Jubilant Song."' h award, and -,cholar"hip.. took up more tinw than planned
\lr. Kun ChaJ,.,oren cut --0 Da) Full of
Gra1·e - to fini,h ht>fore 10 p.m.
CD_ -CERT CHOIB !roar l\~ .. tal ~lmJt11k·r~ \l1dwllt> l.t>l..t"r, Tran'\ \n•Jr.r--en 2nd l'01V D~mirlle Rnno~L.... ...,lt·pharue Bun 0.:-tlll~ \tllalol-r-. 1 J,
"4: hnudL.onz~ TunuiJ.i.. 1 DaH.. , Tilf".n·-...1 ...,za.1 ... Elai1lf• \lilnr., (A1rin \lan1n. J.lf\tt" Koft· ... Lt"., \lk·ht>llt• \lanm (3rd ro.· ~t"~ llurn Rachel {ltrl Jr . . -.1 •• 1
Jt·1u~ \ldrn.l~ Bt-. l~ \t,m. . Racht"I (11n...1nwn. J"'nn) .amill J.t,
l.toi~ , ~t Tarb) . Tiffom Cw~1L K n p,..., IL kar~ttc ( n1111p -ith ~T \rn1
1lt"(lt-l \m\ \ c'"·lz. \n~da I la"i'"' . \lk · llf·ll.~ \\ha.I n.. l\:m1 Sh rfm... i.. Juli.- Bt , Ht>- tlwr Bt:lan!!n. \Ofln•a fr..'.t>-.... u _n, \m, \\ t>ht·r, l..a1m-n Prm , '1n1 Bt·tl1
Pt>tt"l""•fllt (slh row Dan l...a\lnllW""~ .\.
JiKl"'41fL To~ I lull T,I~r Jo1r-.. Krntlri.: \\ t. Fouad f]gohari. Jo.. hua Jr..'..trumL l\t'ncLI \\ t"4-t , \11'ln-v. ~in!?n, Brinn
s1-Z) (bed s 1p \lmhia.... T4•ld(Jin1nii~t·r. \tile C.unin. \dam Brennan. J oh h.J.Ji&.1L \llt>n Ru-. IL\\ ilh..m1 lllll'"ll..t:l.L Bnu11:Jun Z1rr Shaun Kmutt·r
)) Wo
ted hands ~mior Jeni
Lund \\ear~ a multi-<'olored \\Tap and
tank top!! to the ,afari armo-phere of the ma~- perfonnance of
-Tue Linn Kin!!. - \ fter a Ynte Crom
the choil'- and principal. "The Lion
l\:ing- -electtorh hi,,hli!!hted June
!!raduation ceremonie~ .
pressed extra personality durirg rehearsals with jokes easirg
the tension of playirg
to perfection.' '
fr. -ick Hansen
turned touching because Chorale sarg
along when we
played 'Hymn To The
Fallen' for Sept. 11., '
fr. Alaina Zanin
' ' Practicing techniques like flutter
torguing on clarinet
prepared me for
band, full orchestra,
and playirg tests., '
soph. Melodie Conde
\laina Zarun. T """n Griff111.
John Davb. Bf) an llerg {2nd row) David Ca4 CaTOe\. Jlnt \I; amboldo.. Cam.. run
Behl, Rydeen Dan (hick] Jo• \tomemurro. \tile Cnotiano. !'ha..-n Kelli. Dan '-'""'ell .
Jacob Zimmerman. Ben \1ichaeli....
O'.), "CERT SAXOPHO, iES: 1fronrl \Ian \kPh.-r-on.
CO. "CERT WI'.\'DS: /front} \ .. hie. ;;,·ott , \I; hitnei Parhe o.
Senl80tha llanung (2nd row) Bnn~ BremlBll. Efue R•nrlln. \•hi.)
Kreu....,.r. Ian Parham ( \n<lrt-a Daou..•t. Gma Romano. \pril
'()pckt-r. Sara. el-on.
SYMPHO:'\IC FLurES: 11roat,1 F•krlB Stein. \manda Rau, ·h.
rah Rinke. Samantha Han~ (back) Kaitlyn Ulmer. \pril Decker.
Leah ~ht. Gina Romano. \1egao Oinde.
ON: from ) Radv-1 Frenner. Dmn illian
Ja-on \orgen....,.n. Brian \tiletta. Emil) Cnlhrb '2ndrowj\1ile(namber<, \clam • om;. Joel \tauncio. Bri·an Rull<'Ca (1-;ic) Ryan Engli.-,h. Fallon \ illup, Dartaoian Ta) k.r, . ) re Page~ K ri.;1en llenetti.
SY\fPHOXIC LOW BRASS: froat) Fredd) Cadu. Brandon Dm-b,
. tewn \lauricio. \pril ~;_, (2nd row) Brian . cler<. Jerem)
\ emuriru. J°'" Ha--1<-r. MC Hall. RU= .. rll'rlilcer (back) Kl le La..-rence,
\clam Socha. Dan ."navel). \won Kreroo.-icz
and symphonic bands perform in four
concerts, missing out on cancelled events
» Ta 1ng a deep breath. band member~
f''<haled preti ures through mu-,ic. >>
··Band i., alxmt patien<'e. You need to take
the time to practice until } our part i., perfi·ct. no matter h(m nlany time..., vou nWtiS
up or h(m fru.,tratina it hecon;1,..,:· .,aid
.,ophornore Rachel , n} der. >> T<>arhing
8? freshmen and sophomore ...,tudent.., in
Concert Band. Director Janws Firchow
took the challenge of motivating rnu...,icianb
to work to stretch abilitie-,. » 'To improve
Ill} drum playing skill.:, l competed aaainst
my..,elf in \~ S\1A Solo and Ensemble conte.,t. and with \fr. Firchow·., dirf'ction
aainf'<l greater interest in all Lrbtnunenb. ..
.,aid -;ophomore Ryan Engli.,h. » Rea<'hina goal-; through self detem1ination did
not preYent outtake during rehear..,aL..,. >>
··M} favorite memory of l and wa;, whf'n
Mr. Covelli accidently flung hi.., baton during an emotional .,ong. .\.., he <'Onducted
a cn·.,cendo, the baton ended up n} ing
into the f'halkboard. \\ e all stopped playing and laughed ... -,aid sophomorP
manda Balrne-,. » Band-0-Rama featured a brand nf'" pie<'<'. "'Grand f e::;tival
\1usi . ·- commis-,icin<>d ">f-Wcifically for the
city-\vide con ert. ..ornpo-.t•r Tim Broeae
did not attend th<· com·t>rt but recorded a
vocal me-;sage to the BOR audience which
gave an oveniew of each of th<' five mowments. » '·\1) favorite pie<'e wa-; "Grand
Febtival Music.' The titlb of the movementb took me to a maaical place. like a
mystical forest with dragons and fairies."'
said frebhman Je sica \1artin. » \~ orking to contract temporarily topped music when directors cancelled the \'\ \1
Large Group Contest. » ~It really di;,appointed me that thf') cancPlled Group
Contest becau;,e it allmwd us to <'Omparf'
ourselves to other -;chool-, and be in th<'
spotlight,'' said fre-;hrnan franna
McMahon. » Faced "ith contract mntroversif's, cubtom mu;,i<' and cancelled
concert-,, hand student"> tackled piece-, like
~Lola Flore..,, ~ or ··Hill Country Flouri-,he-, ... earning lx)th ..,kill and plea-,ure.
t•. i
"! ..
... ,,,
•" f. :_·. , . ..,,.
K .,·.
I. • . . . .
l ·.·,
·1 "'.:.
'. t". Hf
. ~·
CO. CERT TRO\UlO. ;F_<; ~ - iD TLll~. • front
1-..... ~h ( II/ \1n1 I""""" Brm•~"' D.l\L• (bodl
h·lla--kr,J.ffll I j,ffp,.,1 ...1 i.;,~ lm•n·1n•
00. CERT CLARI ;f;T.
. SIO. from \!au Shnp1m
Bnun Rn
'Bn 11 \l 2ndro..-1Emn \\ illia~n~ l\n~l 11 Br:nettL Ja~on ' org-... n_~rn (badr
"" Pa_el Jc,...Lm(..-nh, Danaman Ta-. ~.r. Kl
from Tun \luml\, !.: --1 I la~ m· \find,
Rnnt~t, l\,lt. \\ 41n .. 1t·r '2nd~ Rac·ltt-1 .... mt~·r, \I e Banoli, \I . rl l·n ... t ('..;nn~,nn
\\'ma. Tro.. (),,..di (beet l•-- 1 l)e-...if \ mm•la Djt'"' ow: Dan Fn~1 \I ~
I liltln-11, Juu P•lluzi. "'-<"'<n 1..mL
·; frontJJ,·ff \l uow. I..::' le\\ on ·-h·r, \lu¥h R UJl.t, R 'mr. \\ htte
2nd row Can.I\ 1m \\ Hiia, bmh Collin-.. 1 un \I urn\\, l\ a.... 1 llu'9. UL'-- ba....·.ld R\an
Chat1t·n1111. Dan f·nH~·Ju.. 1in L\\ · n...
music program
will you miss lhe mosl and why~
I will have the most memories
of my friends and the conductors; I
give them a lot of credit for all of my
successes. After four years in the program, the conductors havelJ.rown to
be my second family.
7 '
-sr. ~alherine ~all
SYMPHONCWINJSHOR.'\ , front) \111arKl1 l)..(,._,m._;...e1hmw
.\lt> andn. Dam Ot{'~m. \1in<h Rantu (2nd row) Tim I .md.:..Tft-'n.
Cin<h vntz. Lri• Critter. l\;aren i>ea1-..on. lo;endal bimlwnlt 'bacld
S..·ott Sc.·hnud.;t>L \1 iL t> Bor-.t. J\' It> I· n,...t, '\ath<ln Kt'n11t"(h , L12
\\ h11nn \1"(.t,. \1w had Tt·nuta. i..;;;t,..."· J\;.1ufm.. 111. ~mih \\ 1t·f,..o....
13.-l ..h ~"1·nrwr (2nd row \1 ike "111nh. l• .. B" rl;:i-. l}·n·l (,~"ill.
\dam '-'<Ida . \ml<"r \ldml;:e (back ) J.1l.- (,..·ntz, \dam l~·l!~ t'l.llL
D.m \\ h1tt-Cu•t . \aron J.:r,··wz~ Dunonwn Tu) lor
WV.TI E'\SE.\IBLE PERCUlffiO. -, front) Da,id
\\ill.tam-. \\ hn"'") \l r{',..... \dam S. hLn (Dack)
0.·r't'l G.l.v.Ul J,~ \1v..ldlt-"H1n. Brian
t-"L~1n.. J1M"I
'\{PHO. JC WC\l:>S F1.L'TF.S, front . 1.t~1 Kra1<~ ; <lui.-" 11111< lmL-. Ju-111ie Pn...,Lt
Cl1n.. ttf)I· \1ohn. J\t·1t'lru l\.itt. Jc· .... i. ·a ""•zman "2ndro- 1\1111 \t iL.~1 \k·.. L0.1 \llt·ll En11
l.1nd1pu... 1, rnhl) \ll.-.,j1n~tdl. \1t"µ:anGo._ 'back J\n .. -~ hdrrnl.,C..1tmel\:L.. lil11
\nu.uMLi 131-c:lt"r. Robin 1la.~·l'f. an<J,·r, Li.~ \fadr-r, D.ullt"llr DuLa.-
Wl"l> E:"i E\fBLE FLUTE , jlront} Erin
l.rn<kpu-t , l··-i:ima n. Had1"1 Pam-h (beck)
Pulnt·ia \11• l , \Ii~~~ .. h. \1Mi1tt"Z. ( .Im:
lU ll' \1 f ~lt· r
front ) Lo ra
I !off, T rt! \1 <{' m. 13.-lah :;,.w,....,..,..r {becl-JJ.:1 I••
\dam Bi~ll1H·u 11 . Jt-H L.arn.w. Brifi n
:\r-.. goo<i
S\'.'\fPHO:-.lC \H. ;os SAXOPH0'-1':.S "-'-TI DOUBLE REEDR
from BruuJ.<I ~ . 11/11. 1'..1tl11·ru .. · I l< C....u, c~m·a \ ...}~ C..zanlfJ\\-li.
\h--.1 (,"··Iii r2ndrow ~-nn Bum-. Hei.-..·rn ..,.etflt'r. Brian \ren<h .
\~hl1"\ Jdl1wl.:, Jt-n Ill"\ (.Al tba&- tf.,\ i... ~.irr. J.mLL~,n I h lin... li. LlH-a...
l.>11-lut-or~ Brum \tmal:...i, \ntl~ \nd1·r...on
, from(.,~, Hc.tien-. Pam E"al<l
( .1 •h H-al•·th Bonanll< 1 (back. Lou ,.,; llaUJ?. TIW\ '-'<hla .
:\il(1 t\:111.:!. t\:n-l1 n 11 ... ma, ( n ~ru..-h
Symphonic Winds joins Wind
Ensemble as they put a mark
on music in a premiere of
Grande Festival
) ) ~ automatic p11ots. gang. When the
51 \~ ind Ensemble mw;icians didn't follow th conductor·· tempo, Mr. Jam s
Firchow came ha k with this infamous
catch-phrase to capture their attention.
Taking pla e on Feb. 2-3 in Bradford'
Fieldhom;e. the Band-0-Rama musicians
performed an . .000 piece called ''Grand
Fe;;tival Music.~ compo ed by Tin10thy
Broeae. >> '·It was an honor to know that
we were the fir:ot musicians to premiere
'Grand Fe:otival' in the Lnited tates and
our name;; will be on this music for ver;'
said junior ndy nd r:oon. » Other:, had
different id a:o about music overall. »
'"'Each rformance hould be played to
our be:ot abilit) and treated like a premier ;
there are many c;ong:o out there that people
have nev r heard,.., said junior Lara Hoff.
» Practi in<Y ev ry other day in class and
durin<Y dress rehearsab the night before
concerts, students reflected on the contri-
'Playing 1n
bution th y made to the group.» '"'It i:o
an honor being fin;t chair because during
ol s I get to showcase my talent. It give
m an in entive to stay first chair and continu to do well,'' ·aid junior Jamison
Hylinski.» lo w ren't the only thing
which d ignated fin;t chair musi iaru..
Dedication w nt on behind the curtain.
Pla) ing excerpts from music such as ·Refle tions of arth'' and "October," musicians improved in ymphonic Winds.»
'-I've looked forward to being fin;t chair
sine I was a fre hman. I've enjoyed my
sol s, and giving the other horns advic
has ho"'n me how mu h I've l arned in
this band pro<Yram, ., said senior Cindy
Gentz. >> Favorit concerts surfac d.
hristmas concert meant holiday spirit;
, olo Ensemble meant awards. With fall
through bpring concerts, ymphoni
\V in(l-, and ~ ind Ensemble evoked emotion at con rt as talents ham10nized.
the higher
bands is only
'Katherine Hall
Christine Molter
and I call OLCSelves
the Pants Posse;
in the fact that you
» With her bass clariret 1n hand ~e
get challenged
nior K ri.,ten SiJhma focu.,,e, all ht>r attention on her sheet mu,,ic.. ip.,ma v.1b
on of three bass clarineti,t . Tht>
\~ ind En~mble performed in the \~ inter ron rt with ymphonic \\ ind, and
ymponi Orch ma on Dec. 11.
more musically.
The people usoolly
have larger egos
fur her on up."
\\ l. ;o E "E.\tBLE FRE 'CH HOR':'.' AND
TRli\!PET . front \lmd\ Rama. \manda
Dd ··~uo 1-:1< Tun Lin<.bt-n. 0..-m Hendncl-.
than Kf'!nnn~ , \1
Dt>( e~aro. l\attP Bonl. C~nd\ Gentz. Dani
we Ii e to wear
black pants instead of dresses to the
\\' l'.'.l> E. E.\tBLE AXOPHO. ;ES:
K,le,,.arr, \ru...-\\0<k., \nnahC. ..~~n.
an extra
comm1 men <<
From the Brat Stop to Norweigan Sea, jazz
bands and Golden Strings take to the road
and ocean vvith their unique styles of music
)) Bringing music to th peopl
howed th
ommunity and world what Jazz Band
and Gold n trinas could do. \~ hil beina in these aroups requir d weekly
evening r hearsals, the 29 membec of
, trings and 50 m mbers of the jazz bands
willingly made the ::;acrifice. »... lthough
l miss a lot of my favorit TV programs
like 'That 70,, Show' to attend rehear;,a6, I'm ::;till glad to be a part of Blue Jazz
camw it gives me a chance to play my
Les Paul guitar with others,"' said senior
Chris Kuhlman. » \V ith five p rformances, Red and Blue Jazz bands stepped
out of school for a debut at the Parkvi w
Banqu t Hall/Brat top for '"Taste of leganc ." Also perfonning for the community, the Golden Strings put on th annual Mother's Day Brunch at the Heritage House on May 12. » '"Brunch shows
are difficult to stroll because the tables
are so close together. But, they have to
be to fit everyone in the ballroom, espe-
cially ::;ince a lot of the audience ib our
famili , ::;aid ::;ophomore Bridget McGill.
» trings also performed on a -orwegian
ruiseline hip over ::;pring break. l n luding stops in Key \Vest and Mexico, the
five-day ruise featur d performances in
an on-board lounge and on deck. » '"Th
pool d ck performance was awesome beauhe we got to wear T-shirt , shorts and
unglasses instead of the m;ual formal
attire. But th string players' bows were
flying off their strings and my piano mui wa::; blowing around because it was so
windy outside,., aid junior Lauren
Yorgensen. » Combining talents, Golden
Strings and Blue Jazz Band entertained
for the Homecoming Assembly.» "I expected students to act rud and boo loudly
at us, but they ended up cheering because
of our awesome performance,., said senior Ted \1cCann. »To feature their talents, these groups embraced audiences
with music both locally and globally.
» Bouncing to the beat of the music
Number of Golden Strings
shows during the school year
In Total number of musicians in the
J LJ Red and Blue Jazz Bands
Hours Strings members spent
each week in rehearsal
N.mber of
4 IRed
and Blue Jazz Bands
L, J
on the deck of oweigan Sea, Golden
Strings members perfom1 poobide on
,\ pril -i:. Crowding around the ~tudent
musicians, pa:;sengers as well as crew
membe~ applauded the group "s pr<>fe,,ionaJj,m. ln addition to the pool
deck, the musicians perfom1ed twice
in the tardust Lounge. Between performance,,. 29 ,,tudents basked in the
~-un and enjoyed an unlimited amount
of food and beverages. Experiencing
Mexican culture firsthand students
viewed a folklore ,,how and ,,trolled
through ancient \fayan ruin,, on
Cozumel. In Key \\ est. student tourl,i:b 'ampled local culture by exploring the ~hops and re5taurant;,.
performarces by the
» Vioilfl h::rd sq:to111
more Lindsey Gram
strolls tre aisles of Sir
per Vcl.i oo Dec. 15
Entertollirg omers
trey sl-cpped iJ-.e
ga.p rc:i92d O./ff $XD
fcr tre spnrg tr"p.
GOIDE:\~ from , Kat .. Hemnann.knruf..,.Ga1•li<>. \man.Ja p..,,,_,.n. O,,,.TI Omi<i 0..-L-a Rd..,. Ln•l...-- Crum, \nn JanohreL
Liz Ciarelli. -.;U<" JaLala. \Ir--. Katin Brennan 2nd row) !\:ell) Fulton. Sara Parler, Brid!:f'l \lr{;ill. uia Bt.. ·L. Clori-1;.;ia TI••lll('··;•n. Tiffaov
Kre,al Re Hall Re,.,, ljH'n. \latt Duhl. Lauren \ O')!rn-n. \noan.Ja Romam.. -li. Kan-n v; atml!?. \I- Traci
i.., (beck) \fr. Roh.-r
V.rll.-. \l•uh \,erbedc. \Ir. Joel BL-hop, RinP lkhman. j,.....,,.a V.all-. atloan l'rnn<>h . \U..n RtL·-IL H)an Tioom. Ja, ~tll)CZ. )are•
Brelll1"n. Qui, Kuhlman. Otri Bai k><. !-<irah Papp•
Strings has been
a great experience,
helping me become a
better performer and
giving me more stage
-,r. Chri-,tina
' While it's easy to
get nervous when
playing a saxophone
solo in front of a
audience, I still enjoy
the opportunity ' '
fr. Cameron B<'h l
student reception, I
was wary about
playing the Homecoming Assembly but
it turned out well. ' '
-,oph . \ 1att Dulak
)) Holding drumsticks and music in
ham L ,,·nim Dm ,. \\ illiam, nmwhP.->
do\\11 to chn with hi, fami~ aftPr play111!! -B<10!!i1· \\•~•!!it• Bu!!IP Bo\ - at the
....,.,uth-iclt> kvz 1- ...,1 at Lincolfi ~liddle
. ·hool 1111 \hi\ r:'. » Pretendina to
introduce Dirffi or Loui., Cm·elli. fre,,hman Ja-on \or!!erben ham::- it up at
the Brat !:-top on \lurch J<). Blue and
Re<IJ<1zz baml- -htl\\t>doff their ,kill,
at tlw \\ onwn·, Club -T::i.-te of Elt'/!an.-.... - tlw fir-t puhlic perfommnre.
Pia) in!! pi1•n•, likt> -Federal Blue, Expre-' - and -Blue. lie,.- tht' hrnd t'ntenairwd "'H''h as tilt'\' sm·ored
re-trauranh· bht at the fl.;ndrai,,er.
R£DJ.\ZL frondle,1ruu1 \lr\1,11••11. !..\le\\ on-c-tt·r. \pru Ln. 1• R"~ ·an D"n. l·n ~h ('.adv. \h-,1
(,,."t·lli. l·n Pt·tnJ\1r '2nd l'(}'R: lkff 11 . .~ll :\,1\it"r \l«lrML...•·r:.. . \l.rr l·n-,..t , l\.utie H.1 .. l1 1 (.~ it-~ (.._unrn)(l
11..lil R1L" -., ...,i.lrr (bec1-I \Ill~ I lildn·11L !; 'k I· m-1. Brum \lud•.1 JJ. J,JuL~ L \.m•n !.. n·n•""" Dan
r:r, . . . t . f.:)k-Narr.
' ' Music has been such a huge part
of my life, so its going to be really hard
not playing my violin constantly next year.
Between orchestra. Golden Strings and
private lessons. I haven t taken a break
from performing in years. Even though I'm
not continuing in music. I definitely don t regret investing so much time into it through
sr. jenniter
high school. I've made some of my closest friends
because of my involvement with music. '
»Fingers down and ready junior
Tere-,a R:bmt.,.,en awaih the downh'at for the final -,ong at Spring C'.onren. llw ro111hi1wd concert and .,, mphonic ordw-,1nL.,1x·rfornwd .. I mn.thP
Storm~ to fini.-.h the night full of 111m'ietlwmed ;,ong-, "·ith an e'citing pierP.
Before the finale lx'gan_ howe,er, the
ten -,pnior mt•mlwr-, of the .. iring ord1e..tra receiYPd a red r<he a., a farewell from Conductor Rolwrt \\elk
Tiie) in turn pre.,t'ntt>d \\ ell-, with a
gift Cl.'rtificate and balloorb to -,how
him appreciation for four year-,.
00. 'CERT VIOLAS, front <.a--undra '-'loku1.
Kri.... ti Ct>rber. Chri... tinf" Kt.trpu .... Chri-1~ C.or...o
back Laurt>n 'or~t>rl--f'n. Jt>nn \nclf'r-.on.
~tt>phanif' \\ ~l. Ll-.a Elliott
00. 'CERT CELLO ' front, \lari--aGallo. \nzeli \11d1. \l,..eGnm·
nwr, Counn~
olan (baclc l Kt-U~ Bnt-m·IL l\aren \\ uuirl!!. Dana
Odorini. J.\t-11) l·uJton. R~ nP 1...t"hman
SY\1PH0:'\1C "'OODWV\08, fronr)Pam hut.l
Coffi Oil!.: ... Brian.1 "'-·~1lzo '2nd row Chn-ti11t\lolle-r. "'-ulwrirw I fall Lrin I i11tL:p.1i.·t. J,~.... ff.~ a
~unnan {badr ) \lt·l.wltt> Cut)(~· I .ura... Di1-l11L-.•n.
Brinn \n-rach. \li.-..n ~Ith
~1PH0:'\1C VIOLA & CELLO & BA , front Jare<I Brnuien. \nn Dil~~• :, Ton,
0>NJ. Tt-n·"'i.l Ha.. mu.. -.f'n.. Corf>) \if'tup··Li (2nd row) \dam i...mith.. \~m:L.l Pt"tt-1"'-l·~
R1~' I lull Jal .. \1erfeld (beck) \le~an I.) ne, Lour1·11 'or~r1N·11. Sara Parler, \frhurl
\if'llo. l\0tiP llf'mnann
~f PHO. ~c BRA
front \\ '"""'' \1<{',....
i.:: .. ndal LonJianh. \1u•h RunllL IJ. Lah 1t,.l.,..1u• r 2nd
Pt-ar'on. \ t.l\'it·r \ldrid.2~. l.17 \\ t>Jn1 L 1ruh \\ },.(~,,... C111'h (,,..11tz
(bacl, l\')lt r·n ... t. Df.rt"'L (..,~ .. Jl \an•n lo\rnm\1C'z \dam ·~.. hla"t.
'\athan ~t-1u1f"f~ . DananianTu~J,,r
00. CJ::RT fTR IT \10LIX . front) I dl•h~ (,mnL i-;,11•1\rm J..1111l1ftL 2nd~ \H11•· ..... , l..i11tdono: \m'l"·1h 1..ihuh1... k .... 1,
Baul. .. (Jwl--t u ltll~
.l:- D.twn D.wi«l R\\1· ... Sarah Pap1if
\lutt DubL , \m.mda Hrn1utno9t-.L1.
time for
>>rsns1 ions
Playing music of a different tune, both
concert and symphonic orchestras adjust
repertoires to make music together
» From Bach Nozcrt and BeethoYen to
contemporary mm-1.e theme,,. the orche!:>tra.., ,,tepped out of the boundarie,, of da-,..,ical mu-,ic. \'\ ith the unusually large ..,ize
of Concert Orche-,tra. the ;-3 -.tudenb
worked around it. » ··1 like the larger
group ..,ize becau,,e it ha-. a much rounder
sound and we are able to perform d) namic.., better as well.·· said freshman \fori-;sa
Gallo. » Half the size of the younger
group. 25 members in ~-mphonic Orchestra took adrnntage of their small size. Playing student-directed chamber mu-,ic. the
orche..,tra performed ··Christma;, Conce110·· at the Dec. 11 concert. The piece
featmed two ,-1_olini-.ts. a cellist and a harpsichord player. It challenged the group to
stay together without the direction of \tr.
Robert\\ ells. »'"While Twa:, a little worried about the idea at fin;t, l liked performing a piece by ourselws since we had
never clone it before. lt forced u.., to fo.,ten
more clo..,eh· to each other. which im-
prm·e<l our ,.,cmnd grPatl~ . ·· -.aid -.enior
\manda PetPr-,en. » .\t tlw \Ia~ 8, pring
Omcert. the mtl'"lician-. opted for a change
of pace again "ht'n the~ put on a ;,pecial
concert containing nwclle~-.. from mmi.e-,
··Jami"'> Bon<1·· .. \rn.L-.t<bia·· and ··[lam•
Potter."· Both orclw,,tra-. 1.wrfonnPd ;,pp~
rateh earh- in the en~nin<r and then later
joine~l tog~ther for three combined piece,,.
» ··1 was really nerrntb before going on
;,tage becau-.e 1 heard the stage lighb
weren· t working and the ho1L-.e light'> were
up. lt wa.., nerW-"\\Tacking to be able to
..,ee the audience,) ut after a few minutes
1 got u-.ecl to it,"' baid -.enior, ' Jakala.
>>In addition to the da-. .... orche-;tra member;, pm1icipated in three concert.., as well
the annual Orchestra Fe..,tiYal on March
16 and Solo & En;,emhle contestb on
\1arch 2. Handling -.ize i;,sues. -.tudent
conductors and technical difficulties, the
mu-,ician.., looked past minor -,etbacks an<l
change.., to grow with the mmic.
Playing violin is
like therapy. When I
play I forget about
the world around me
and just let the music
take me away '
llen RtL-.,,ell
front ( 1roh nn \\ uua, J n
'or_en-. n. D.n"4l \\ 1lliam- Jo.,:, It \\ orn· 12nd ro• Jrrf'nl\
\ nttunru. i.:n-ten Brnetti, \I ,.,L, J,.ff 1lall Ru" "r..Jiker becl
Juu PdlU;i., \manda Dpiriii l1J\--k ' \unrn lr\rrn1v.1<'7 Dan ftn ... 1 \lil:e
feel that music
he1ps people w ith
their focus determination responsibility
and their drive to be
, h. J•-·1<'8 o.,-.. r~
su::cessful. '
jr. Lauren Yoraellien
have a lot of fm
dLrirV9 orchestra. get
ro, Ju-.tiu.a \\ tll1.1111 ...
from D.m•·lh·
\1{nan.a H1Nll ...
2nd 1"01\ \la11n71a RuHoln. \mlrt·..t \\ n~n it r
I It hedJl.Uut.... ...~ Jr\ultlman la:! \o.n•n t·L.... lfl..
R~ an ' llton~ J,..rmift"r \1 Lu: \l.nt~ .. ,
SY\fi>HO. JC \lOLD.s front 1 iffam i.:n-at
\lam(~allo 2nd~ ( 1n~nnnTI10111p··;)(LJt-nmfer C:an•lio \Ion \lt1h n 'heel \llt·n Ru .......Jl
<lm:-t11.f»t"r Kuhlman. Jt...... k •\\all-, R, .... .., lp-.... n
ro..CERT \"l'.OOD"ln:\TI , from \I .... n Cool.·
~ RinL e
\ma(l(lt l .•·orwnl Laun-11 Pt:1n:1\lC
bad l\:aith n l lmt•r. l\ara ....,mall \ldudie (Alflll1r·
Gina Romano.
o sit in the back of
the room and joke
around with the rest
of the basses. '
soph. Chris Baylor
~~:P~ln~8& ~1:c~rtr Or1~J
124 new
into NHS,
29 into
» Passing the mic off to
Quill & &roll officer,,,
Dr. Cht>-,tt'r Pula,,ki finihhe,; a welcomt' for part'nt,, and recogniz<',, ,,._
nior-, ]t>nn Gaudio. K an i
Rutchik and .1\ic Cic;rale at tlw opening.
) ) So1emn students in the background of
burning candle;,, a climly lit stage; delicate
image;, that build a familiar scene for
meniben, of .. ·ational Honor Society and
Quill and roll. » ~1 anticipated the off er to " J1 because l kept my grades up,
volunteered and was active outside of
;,chool. rm proud to be recognized for my
achievements,., said junior
Lara Hoff. » Eagerne s for
. -ational Honor Society induction on \1arch 26 held
juniono' interest as ;,eniors anticipated purcha;,ing ;,toles
for graduation. » '·A 11 of my
friends talked about getting
their stole;,, so when l received the application to become inducted this year, l
jun1ped at the chance to get
mine," said senior Jean Golwitzer. >>
Golwitzer along with 88 other seniors ordered ;,toles to display proudly on graduation day. Quill and Scroll also held seniors in ;,u;,pense for 16 honor cords distributed on \fay 16. » ··1 felt honored to
get the im-itation to Quill and , roll becau;,e l did not realize that l could be a
part of it.·· aid ;,enior Jennifer Juliani. »
\\ ith the mood et at the Park·way Chateau. the grace of the evening pau;,ed for
a moment with the inauguration of a slide
show in the prograni.. » --\~ orking on the
slide show with \{ellibsa Ruiz made me
feel ini.portant but nervou;, that night because l was afraid the computer would
freeze during the show. but it turned out
awesome," said junior Je..<;:;ie Grewal. » Initiation abo broke ;,ome tension during the
evening \\-ith each ad,-iser personally recognizing each member. » '·I arrived late
to the induction, and as I can1e in, Ms.
Steinbrink was talking about me. It was
funny because she thought I wasn't
there,., said junior I'\atalie Lindsey. »
NHS and Q&S not only commended members, as national organizations they also
helped open doors. » 'The recognition is
ini.portant, and ~ looks good on applications;' said junior Ross lp;,en. >>
Through deadlines or study sessions, ;,tudents rose to meet standards of e~cellence.
Gratefu1iy receiving his honor cord
nwntlx•rhhip C"ard arn l pi11aftt'ra111··
tailo·d de.cript11111 I>) T"lllf"''-l \d' i.•f'r Tricia Stei11lwi11k. s1·11ior John
l lerrin and J.) ot h.-r -.e11ior nwrnhi·r-,
und i11d1 wk1·, of ()uill a11d ~Toll ulso
W'<'l'(lfl'd my,m)-. fro111 their wki.1·rs.
»At the National Honor Society Induc-
tion '<'nior• Jenn Gaudio and '.\ic
Cicerale accompany the proce::.:,ional
and rece~;,ional with tune,, of Em·a.
- w atermark~ introduced the new
member,, through proce-;,,ional and
-\h,.,,, Claire Remember,,~ -,et the
~cene for rece .... ional. >> .\ fter reading
through a de·cription of character to
'.\IL inductee . -,enior Chri;,ty
Hutchin.,, light:, the candle symbolizing character. Hutchin,, ar;d three
other "enior members. cho~en hY \{rs.
Helen Dahl -,poke about each ·of the
characteri.~tic teneh of • ;} IS.
Whal made lhe
induc lion of
~alional ~onor
~ociely sland ouP
' As I was walking off the stage
ofter receiving my award packet I
tripped down the stairs and fell while
I was returning to my seat. It was
really embarassing at the moment but
now I just laugh with the rest of my
family at how funny it looked. '
-jr. Hmanda 9ec~er
Ni\110. "i\L HO~R SOCIEIY lniriates: front \1t-"h.. . --a limn a) . \m.l-:M'"r J..,..,... Kmit> Ol~n. Lauro TontnaL.. Jt"ni Luncl f.nn Ltrt<l«fHL->l \Ii... in ....,ii h. \1t·:!.lfl
Lynt>. .\1m \\ t-lttt. Luun-n \1oc~. Sarah T rt"\i..... 1. \ ... hl_t"\ 7...andrr. \\ ltiule'\ \1«{"'A"f"". J,-.. ra ....,i::mwn. Rita Thn-a""'- J1Muw Pn-""'t'fbt. Jt·nnll ....,,d. . Li '2nd l"01V)
\ ~ntma .Ruarl. lr\a1arina ~f'fanrl\il·. R...,+~l ~- ~f"(li.a~ Ru. . ""•· \~ nuth. L1~ \fadrr. Jo\nna Rih: Lt'. \1i.Lt" Tt-mrta.. Tt·ru 1 . . L., . Ht l)f·nu
~f"i.nt-r. H~ Rn~ . Kim Zt-zuu·L:. F..nllL:o c:Jw·lt-m. Trari Lt-~f"bt-r. C"' ...., Laura Pi.nilo~ ... 1.:1 (3rd row) ~aitlm 7...urlt""tti. ~-luu1• Lt-l. D.111 1.ul"l\:im ~rf'in.. L;i. J,-.. i_ra \\alb, \h-.,,a \1oltt"r, :\athan Kt-llf'IMk . l\"n.. lrn ""perl ..., \ ... ~ 8'•m1.l.m. \loru. ·a Puc:Jt.r. l..._mrt-n \,,~t-n"-'·11. J(,n 0 lLt l 1111 l.J1t11.r!n:-n.
J<>-h \la1f,,...., (1iocl) Tor~ ~" '-•l Tun·"· ...,,.p1..,m.. vhuli~. \arrn O"C,,rmdl ·.. L Lntinj!. Gdm 7,,.J., Eril D•·iri. h, Lritl \ 1:<·m-L, , <ltn• Pa,~.. I..
"'"'" Go.!z. Lmfrr-·. Rian \larnf,..i. hana ""'"" \lat! rhl.-. I..:' k ·-~" .J.
' ' As I tried to light
the candle of integrity, the match
wouldn't light, and
then I just ended up
using a candle '
-,r. Karyi Rut hik
' ' When I found out
I was to light the
candle of service at
the NHS Induction, I
realized that all my
volunteering pgid off
in recognition. ' '
sr. Jennifer \~ alter
be invited to Ouill &
Scroll's induction even
though I was surprised when my parents
got the letter .. ' '
..,r. .\ laina \\ eddel
QL1LL \: J) SCROLL \lenibero from ( u•h (..-nlL, \l..ti--.1 I "'m. i....,u, I [ n n,
Ju-.u···n D._l\L.. '2nd rem:- l..•mn·n C.unp·r, Jn··h \lath'""""· tm Parlt-r. knn
Jf ..... j,. (.rt:\\U.I. Jant>llt> \lt,·hat-h... h: ,uie t\:~·-ludwr back: \ltd1rllt> 1 urt; ~ \ mn•
\lomrmum l, :\1cCK·t'mlt". kn~ i Rutd1il.. t\, J,Jc·oll\, l ... 1urt-n Ft'rnlt'llU.L \ft·Ol_... ..._1 Rua
QllLL .\..: ;n SCROLL lniriateb: franc \l .. ·h · \lanm., J""rn l..tm4L (}1n... 11na 1\:.111_ \mruMla Pete~n l\:nlt" I lt"muann.
E-1izah·th·r. Jt•,wl \flkllin.. Lia ~paulth11_. \nU1t·r \ tt·th. Brarwh Tt>m. \ ._J,·ntma lluarl J [,Jh Jol:m...._)fl 2ndll)'W \Ian
J nm... L. \ma1t<la Dt<."*-"'<lm. O..ina 0..1\\t'. or..1 I lr1,lt· I .L...._l \tulf-r. \lama\\ Nlt~·L Jt'rnufn JuliartL t\:.uil tlf1'1t'r (beck )Dani
l)t{..t'"..._1m. R.wllf'I ~11' ck-r~ \m\ I lt"C:Lt"LJ1.l10 I lt·mn. <ltali~ L.m1L-'~ "\11l Turn1. 1-\an-n Pt"~tN.Hl. l.\ tMl.. j Fmt1t't•~ .\dam
...,n111h. Jamr... Pt>llizzi·.
))Comfortable and relaxed ~t>nior
\ nnit> \\ adt> or tht> Tt>mfJt>'t ~tarr
\\Ork~ awa\ on intt>rnet re,earch dur-
ing "t>rnncl block on B day~. The
tremper/tempe,t, ~howed online rt>ade~ all ten Tempe"t b,,ue;,. Tempe.,t
editor" {Xb1:ed their i_~,,ues on ~ire.
f· Rd3m ~mi~h
'My favorite issue was the post
September 11 issue. We were
able to delve into the issues the rest
of the country was dealirg with and
relate our opinions.·
'This years staff was really fun because all the editors and E-in-Cs are
very good friends. It makes everythirg easier when you can joke
around and laugh together.'
- - - - 9"'.
Jenn G3udio
YEARBOOK EDITORS, front) \l..Ji-,1 I .ing\.11. )!-.. ;, Cn·v.,1L f.:1111 \la1L11, 1-:elh I la1c-<·n {2nd'°".
h.atiP h.o-.ludwr. Jt>nn Gaudto. l...111m·n h·nn1·111 ..~ ( 11111) (,(:Ill/ Juliu ~-h1Un (3rd tUwl lr\am I lnulihan.
\1idwllc Tuffo. Jo.. h \t..nlw·" ... \1f'lh.. -...t Huiz. farn·ttP \lidw.f>IL.. Ju.. tPt·n D.1n., {bad) K~ Jc.u·oh) . Jot•
St-il>t·r. \ i1wP \1ontt--mum•. l\a~ 1 Hutchil
1c C1n·rah . Hd<·hrl ~rt)d"-·r .
YEARBOOK REPORTERS, from I 11 "!JUl•hn~, Hof~ 11 \1u--~lt~ l~u.'llo·th I J1 .. r, J,... ,.1 \ln<llin. \dam
··nn,.,L.1 t2nd row) Lv \1atllt"'l'o... oru I lt·id, \-hi··~ BiJi_L Jat L.11 1..nJ urw..... ., 1ru ParLn. J.:a1~ TapP''f, \mlw·r \ it·th (3rd row} \marw1.1 (}{~·-•m•. I},,..
I· rurw·oL-. Dani o.--<r...iru (l:Jadc) I .L..a \1~ttL·r, \1.111 kmm·L ,
I lt·mnann.. \-hi.-) Jdin,.l
arnlie 1.uKl-it"\, \n&arKlJ. Pt·11·r-t·1l. l.\1wl-1
k L Turro. Bm; .. ~,n h1\'. . Jun Pt·Ui77i.. k:mk•
TEM.PEST lfront \11<l1t JI, • \1unn~ \L:uno.i \\ t'(kL l I l1·U~ J1)h1L-..•ll. Jrm I .111wl J, muf1 r, \alt 111ina
Rt rl 2nd 1'(}1':-) \,f..1-..·rl rit:an ~1 ·11JJCi11 • Br,uwli lt·m . :\a1alw l .irML-..t'\ , l~lrr J,n,. ... )\.u111 • )\.ulml11 ,
l\n.. 11na Ddl·m11• IJt·th \k( . omncl IJ:Jad- ) (]1ri..1ina Kin:z Kan·n Pt .. 1r...-J11., \nntt· \\ 1L • J1Jm ll1·mn
\fLun ""nutl \f,.ji.. 1 Bro'\\n
Journalism serves student body
with skills, products and pride
in regional and national awards
>> w ·th pencils f flrg and camerru. shooting. the journali.;,m cla.., e:o of Classic yearbook and Tt>mpe..,t newbpaper de ktop
puhli.-,hed hour-, beyond block 3 and block
2 to complPte one book and ten new.,paT*r i ;,up-,_ »··[work after ;,chooL during
lunchp-, and at home. l haw to budget
Ill) time well with drama and ot h<•r art ivit ie-,. ~-,aid benior . ic Cicerale. CJa...,_..,ic Editor-in-Chief. » For Pach i-.!:>ut>. Tei11pe..,1
'itaff wTote thrt>e -,torie,,. and yt>arbook re[X>rtPr-, and editor complett>d one full layout per quarter. Ewn the nt>w i\1a lab.
nwPting dt>adlinp-, prowd quite a chalIPngP. >> '-SinrP i'>!-illt'!-i come out monthly,
we haw• to fini-,h draft-,. edit and layout
within a thrPPweek period. Finally -,eeing
t lw puhli-,hed i..,..,,w felt great:· ..,aid junior
kni Luncl Tempest Editor-in-Chipf. » \-,
tlw ) ear wore on. d<>adline!:> became only
orw oh..,tade. >> ·· \ lack of morn'' ·wtL'> a
problem at t inw.., for the pa1*r.. \ 1-,o, a
few problems aro:.e " our printer.·· ::-.aid
senior John Herrin.» Both Tempe:ot and
Gas:,ic ':>1aff improved wTiting. de~ign and
photo<Yraphy kills at the Oct. 19 Fall
K \1P .\ Journalibm Conference at L \\ Whitewater.
nior Editor-in-Chief Jenn
Gaudio placed fir-,t in th<> On-the-. pot
) earhook competition.>> "l'vt> learned -,o
man) nt>w skills in page d<>-,ign and cop}
writing that wi.ll keep my career option-,
open:· !:>aid frebhman Liz i\1athew-,. »
Cfa...,::,ic abo traveled to Phoeni-..::. ,\ riz .. for
the annual
.\ • -SP\ ational Joumalibm Conference. where tht> 2001 CJa-,-,ic
placed fourth in Be-,t of Show. » -\fter
sixth place we all hung our ht>acl-, and
thought we were 0111 of the mnning. Onct'
they ..,aid -Our friend-, from \\ i-,c<m-,in."
wt> al I j111111 *d up and j11.-,t :icreamecl ·· -,aid
junior Dana Dowe. » Cowring national
ih.,ue-., and celebrating !-iucce'>'>P'> energized
both j0t1rnali..,m staff:-..
<~ 8 8 p
Weeks it takes to produce a
complete issue of Tempest
r N.mber of JEA Write-Off awards
b won by Yearbook in Arizona
Students who attended the JEA/
NSPA competition in Phoenix
l~ Iawcrds won Yearbcx* staff
N.mber of NSPA All American
)) To each PageMoker to hPr rP1m·
1•r, ·•·nior Editor-in-Chier irnh ,pmz
a--i-1- •ophomon• Roll) n \hL~•<.llli on
lwr Bo), Track la) t1lll quart Pr t\\ ti .
Editor- 1>airPd \\ith rt•portPr' tou.--un•
quali" \\Titin!!. d1·-i!!n and photo!!raph). ) ) Fill in!! lwr plaw. -ophomorP
Hadwl n\ (I.•r rhtMht'' lunch ar 1hP
n·,t1lnn!! (ornf><.b' RP-taurant ut th1·
I h au Re!!t'nt artt•r ilw .IE \ ti\\ ardn :n ·1111 m' . , ri., der '' t1n l lonorahlP
c;1mp111er Th·-i!!n-1-fradlirw clurin!! the Phot>ni" eo1111><.•ririon.
Muc n e n o ys
pcrty fa- wmrg 4
1n Bes
S ow
e•perienced reporter
a f-er sea:rd ecr.
3n s<<
Without advisers for nearly three quarters,
service organizations continue to brighten
spirits vvith old and nevv committments
)) While most groups halted events du
to th t a h r contract, , ub D b, 0 tagon Club and Key Club worked through
obstacles and continued to erY the
community. >> '·\\ e had a lot of quest ions about money and purchasing
power that no one could arn,\ver because
we functioned without an ach-i..,er to direct us:' ;,aid ..,enior , tephanie Littner
about , uh Deb. >> Keepina up the annual schedule and introducing new activities to th lineup, 0 tagon Club and
Key Club function d with non-teacher
advisers. >>'·As Vanna \\ hite presenting names, I helped out the Chamber
of Commerce at the annual Business
Expo \vlth their raffle and hmdraiser for
the Kiwanis , cholarships,"' said junior
Adrienne Broomfield. » As Key Club
hauled awa) ;)0 bo~es of nonperishable
good.., during their annual w1nter food
drive, a new collection wa;., introduced
Mar. 11. » ..Placing donation bo~es at
the library,, outhport Book Center, The
-ew r Ending, tory and, uper\ alu, we
opened our inaugural children·,., book
collection to thi> entiri> comm unit) . \\ ith
over 300 boob, the result was betti>r
than anticipated for the Girls and Boy 's
Club,'' ;,aid junior Julia, chiller.» Spirit
game..,, dre..,;.,-up day.., and the random
.,elect ion of a prince and princi>..,s created a week of fun-fill d acti' itie;.,
themed .. \\ interfe;.,t." The ;,now) e~
travaganza began Jan.19 "~th MMystical Dreams·' in the Marina Shores ballroom. >> '·Involvina more , uh Deb
m mbers "\\ interfe:,t · offered variety to
the dullest season. \\ ith teachPrs nominating ten candidates for wintn court,
the ;.,election became less of a popularity contest,'' i:iaid ;.,enior President Gina
Lerdahl. » \\ hether serving thP comnrn nit:y or easing the pressure off .,t res:,ful finals. Octagon Club. , uh DPh and
Key Club plowed through barrin.,.
laa Gemme----
To raise fmds for the Children's
Cancer Fund, Octagon Club ran
a competition between classes dur·
ing the lunch hours collecting pennies
for two weeks in March.'
'After they kicked me out of the allgirls club as an underclassman, Sub
Deb finally accepted my assistance
with decorations when few
younger girls joine;, ~k
1'..'EY CLL:ll front l ... mni \lci1: ·r. ~q~> Ru.. ·-o. Jt'._ .. j,·a "-;nlf't. Juli.a ~·hilln. D~mit-U,.. Dula... , llriuun) Cha.-t>. \ml>t>r
f ..l"t"l2nd ro-. (·I~ 11 ~m .. h.., Ian Parll<un.. \cllm ""nu1h. Jt1t> B~ <lg-t.... l3n.1Jn \n·n1h. l\aitt> !3'11ll... Jt>11ni(t-r Dt1L:a..... l\aiht>rirw
I lall: fback Jon (),.( t·. \ .. Jilt•\ 8'1mian. f\rl-!t·n :-.parL. .... \I~ -.-.a \l(~lt"r. C• 1lin /.Ltl1 olar. J~-.inl \\ all.... Kuni.I~ n I\ ratO\\WZ.
(.,,.. t\ ~ J.11 ulJ\
))Spendng lirre wi elemen ory and
middle "-Chool .,tudent.,_ junjor jpnn~
\1aerzke oph to \Olumeer at the C\C
after 'chool. In \larch from 3 to 3
p.m.. th<> CYC T ti tar Ba..,ketball game
anracred 100 middle and elernentan
-.chool kid.,. \ olumeer-. from Octagon
Ouh interacted with the children a.,
they worked athletic and tean1 'kill.,.
OCfAGO:'<CLLll front(',.)\ Oah. Jo.:ri_._, l·aJ....11.lmm \1 a~rzlt
2nd row) '\ ... -L \ al1·n. l·.nc ""'"a1L""'•tl. \lf-<r?an'c'·~·11.an11·. Ha l·u~ (baclr
j, ..... i_c·a Bi."'·ho((, I lt·mhn S...langt>r. \driPnm· BnM"1mfit>lcl Taru
\A•t1<1ffiP. hana "l"\i•·
)) Adding silver paint to her bru;,h, ~e
nior Kari PiPhl 'fJPnd~ thP Jan. 18 afternoon painting moon;, for the annual
uh Deb wintPr fomml. . uh Deb membf.r, cluttPrPd thP commons a,; thPY
worL.Pd for four hour,, t>ach dav on 16
balloon archh and :3() tablr. co~·ering,
follo"fog final Pxanb.
' ' Because the cups
were all drippy, we
made a mess on the
table and floors at
the Shamrock Shake
Sales on Mar 15. ' '
i<'k \ aleri
' ' After three years
of packing boxes, I
got to be the delivery girl. I saw faces
light up when I
brought a meal. '
sr. Katherine IIall
' ' Getting to know
the dOOr foks opered
my eyes. Monthly, I
played Bingo w ith
them and saw them
have a good time. ' '
fr. Caitlin Kugler
To organize ood junior Danielle
Duka- ,pparatP• ho,ed item.' from
u.llmt'CI !!t•l(i-. \ftPr rnUecrina from
De.:. 10-20 from fir-.r hlocL.,. Ke, Club
rnll ..nt>d mer .")() h
to donate to
undt>r pri,ilP!!Hl familie,.
i1e sh.Ming ITo...g 2-t hoxt>;-. of
batlmM1m pnl(lttc'h rai.,p(ll~ a<ki.-..1rie-..
junior-. 1' ri-,~ Falrnn_ frnn~ \ laerzke.
Laura Tomczak and \dri1·nne
Broomfield Ji,ten a' \\ onwn ·,
I lorn on -' rnlunteer r. nn \rm ~I. \ larit>
C'.arl, direch the Toilet~ Dri,e.
)) Listening to peer opinion after viewing a Dateline documentary, senior;,
Tiffany Gwyn and Tenika \~ri ght
weigh argument,,. The ,-i.deo foc:u.~ed
on racial di,,nimination between a
Cauca~ian and an
fri<'an-A meri<'an
in ~imilar ~ituation.~ .. tudenh broke
into group,, of 10 at the beginning to
clk,clli.> belief,, going into the program
and at the end to ,,hare thought,, of
acriviti~ held throughout tht> day.
' In September I couldn't help but get
excited as ideas for planning activities as
co-president clouded my t~ughts. When
I realized Mrs. Stamm would need to step
down as adviser, my disappointment grew.
Our first meeting ended before it began.
Nevertheless, with help from custodian Bill
Symonds and the end of the contract dis-
jr. ~atie
pute in March, I still managed to plan a few excit-
ing events before time ran out. '
L'VfER.."IATIO. AL CLUB: 1Fronr.l J,...;,. Cr..,.al. Painna \1«1. Jwlw lo.:h·t, Bnna"' <lm..... Otri·l\
I lutdun-.. I w ~paulcLng. Jf"'\\t·I \111,-Llm {2nd row !'-i11n1111'· \1a)n. t\atif· t\c,..J11d1er. \manrla 0.-('*"""<ln-;,
1-~ nda l...aitirn·n., Cin<l) GPntz, R) r11· I ,d111'"1.n. Hadwl l.J-"t._.... {boclr_ \ntlM·r(~riffin., \11WJ¥.la\\-.ll.
\1au Dula.I... K) If" Fro-.1.~ Adam ~Ui,t-uu. Brian 0...{ Kat it" Ra... h. kan·n Pt-ar•·on
DrVERSfll' CIRCLES: jlront) Do11:;,!1 • \\ illi Ill
llr) a11 ll.·lf.. , L1.n1l~1 \\
t, \11tl1om 1lnll Bra1t1L10 Bmc· · Kd~ Jr\,~""
Jt·.... i, .. 1 Donner. Lnun·n h·nn1 ma, fl:nm I loul1Jum 2nd
row l 11-....-·rn. \ndr~ \..,1111th.. Jo. .h \11111 .. "91..,~ Kar,..· I lf"rnn.urm. (A,n \1f.~1·r, ~~It· ~11111h. \1au!onl H1 11.N·n. J.11.11m \1aniurJ' h"li."1 I l~1~1.11ri., I omm,·1· <. nffirL
ll11111i..'l:-. ~Jr·r-. (3rd row) Jli....tin Pina.t>ll I.ultlf'I) a Slwri1. 0-trat" \\ t-1,, r, \Ian I~ C..11ri. T1~ (~·~·- \ L-lull Pm-.3fl 1c ( in·nil1; Cam1 .mta. l initpit' \1, [) tnlt"L I lt"<.1.0r
\ 1·nturu. frn•n•· I lan-rn. Ln< [l<, ·ka {bod< 1..- \n<lnl Bn11 h11l \rthur \\ <-t, 1 mil.a\\ riglu. Ra) 1_,'I,...,· Brian I .ink. J1·ff Dahl \1idia~I \\) nn. R<obt·n Pn-tidge Om, Padh·l.
Ja.-<•n llt~lan<l \liL ~. mnh. OJ.•• ;,. II ill \td1- Brt,..n. R)an TI••rn.
On hold by the teacher contract,
International Club slows activities
Diversity Circles membership races forward
» ['Pressing frusrrahon throuah la k of attendance. International Jub. himlnedb)
the teacher work-to-contract job action.
held onh a l :IC "'..F funclrai..,er. I Ionwmming float. a \1adi...,on finne-.ota trip
and a lock-in. >> --\\ e were unahlt! to find
a room to nwet in or find enough chaperone-. fort lw Chicago trip:· ..,aid '-><>phomore
\1att Dulak. » The m. 2 l TCEF collt>cted mone) to aid children
in .\fghani..,tan. but with: ?50 le,.,-, rai...,t>d
than the previouc, year. tlw total onl) camt'
to S5-50. »--Part of the rea..,on L '\lCEF
did not collt>cl a-, much mont>y w::h . pt.
11. Pc•ople l>t'canw ..,o gent'r<>th gi,-ing to
Yicti1m • familit>~ that tlwy :;top1.wd giving
to otht'r cau::it'...,:· ..,aid \chi..,er Ruth
Stamm. >> Rart' gat lwring.., lwld in tht>
Band room allo"t'cl cu..,toclian Bill
•') moncl-, to act a-, t1•mporaf) mki..,t'r. >>
.. e" lllt'HU)('r:; and <''.:change -,tudt>nh
mi-,;,ed the opport unit ie~ to t• p<'rit'nct'
lntt'rnational Club to it;, full t''\'.tent of trip-,
and ...,ighbt>t>ing. - -,aid junior Je-.-,ie Grewal.
>>For a different -,ort of experiPncP. A..,..,i....,tant Prirwipal Ed Kupka organizPd Diwr:,,ity Circle..., wlwre 116 ..,tuclPnh attf•nchl a fit>ld trip to Catt!way T1•chnical
College on \tar ..- .. tll([Pnh broke up into
gn n1r.r.i to di..,c·ti...,.., race. <li-,criminat i1 m and
lt•arned how to beconw a facililator or a
mediator. >> ..\1y group·.., topic got o
lwated that I wa:o accidPntally hit in the
eye by a pt't'rwhile dl-,ctt--..,ing ..,cholar-ihip:o
and minoritie::.;· said ..,ophomort' Jewel
Vlucklin. »Out of thi.., training came
Rt'"iJ.>eCt Rt'rnlution that brought a diwr;,ity a..,..,emhl) to the '->Indent bod) . >> ··Jn
t be middlt' of \ a...,..,emhly. the microphone;, kt'pt fading in and out and
...,creeching during the 1.wrforrnance..,. ...,o I
had to imprmi,e and tf) to calm tlw audience,"" ..,aid '->t'nior Chri..,tint' \1olter. »
Triumph mer contract i...,...,ue..., finally
graced International Chili a..., Di,t'r:;ity
Circle.., empowered minority Yoice-..
»On a Cooch bus ht>adil1!( 111 the \tall
of \nwrirn in \linneapoli.-. \1inn .. •t'nior foreign e,diange ... 111d•'nt .'imone
\la\ er lt•artb hem to ... ii::n from memb1·r~ of the . 'ign Club. "ho acrnmpanit·d lntt>rnational Club.
How W3S
mosl inleresl
genersled sl ~iuersdy [ircles ~
'Going to Gateway for the Diversity Circles field trip opened my
eyes to discrimination st" present in
our society. The day after we wore
our shirts and decorated the caf eteria orange to Respect Revolution. '
Dl\"ERSITI"ClRCLESo from Bnuw -,..a1z.,. \hdw·U,.Co.burL J..,oh(~whn, T1ffan1 huncn )<\\el \hKllrn. Belnh "1lzbr.-nrK·r.JtL•llr1" P"""ht, \It-,:: DdFnth',
.aum \ltlr r '2nd l'VW' Jt_.,on \l. ·,;:andt·r. ~an TmL.rr, !'->tt·pharut· ...,ma~ \mho~ ""mirh., "'"~ HLUL~.,~ C..urrie Bt-~•tl!..~ Dion Rilf' \hm;:Mi F\enun!:'. Jamie
\\&mall '3-d l'QW. :-Olt'\t> Pule-ra. \l ant \lanull 7, I .u \lutht-v. .... Jt.-.. ie (.n~ ii. f:.. 1her (.11~lt"., Bnana nnon. \lli.··on \\ ill.-m ... l\utk· l\o.. h~:her, Brandi Tt-~,
.l1n.-tine \lob.-r, Km ie B..,J. bed Tiflatl) G"' n. -.r.irvn Ram_. n, l•M T"'1tlta. [}.m \ ""' \man<la B.u, \Ian Pil'J"'L• Gno:eLla \huaz n. \min\ ietl~
""fq,JWJm• I llI'M:r, l\n...tina OrlFrat~ (:Un•~ n ~nL-.h.
-soph. Helly Holmos
culture or
a future,
communication ties
)) Gently tying a
-Your· rt> • weet ·• mt>~
~age to a 25 cent cane!)
filled rnlentine. junior
,\ nd\ \ nder,,on fill~ a
box." \ndi>r~on di~trih
utt>d tlw tiny packi>h
during thting brt>ah.
~rstanding different cultures within
ety cl pend, on communication ,,kin..,.
Within the walls of the building, conmmnication ranged from slang to foreign language,.,. >> ··Althourrh we communicate
with our hand,, ign Club remained a
good way to meet people and under..,tancl
th lan!ruage and culture of hearing impaired becau..,e hanrring out
with deaf students teache::.' ou
both,., "aid sophomore C~th
erine I Iansen. » \vh ile , ign
Club conYersed with hand,. the
Tobacco Truth Tour Yerbally
and dramatically tran,,late~l
the negative effect" of hmoking
a.., well a.., prewntion to four elementary chook » '·\~ e preI ared three different skit.., incorporating gameH and prize..,
so that they would be open to
the po,,itive a"pe t · of htaying tobacco
free,., said junior Katie Herrmann. »
Pas ·ing along positive messages about the
hazard, of tobacco use l'\ov. 11, the Truth
Tour influenced young mind,. Meanwhile.
tepping tone" charted a course for new
and old member,,. » -\~ e '-bited •· ll " ,,
and attended worhhop,., on the coll 0 application process during "Pring break. The
rest of the year we rai...,ed fund.., to organize a ..,cholar,,hip to help hOmeone pay
for college," said ..,enior ;\le..,ia Hen. »
\1eml r.., appreciatPd the extra encouragement and help with conf11-,ing po..,thigh ..,chool realit). »··\fr::.. ,.\klin took
ve11 good care of lL'i. , he ..,et up ..,o man)
opportunities to vi-,it ..,chool-, and learn
about life afier collerre. l'dbe lo..,t ifl never
joined tepping tone.., .., ,,aid "enior Olivia
Scott.» \s, tepping, tone,, looked ahead,
, ign Language Chm looked to Milwaukee
to see closed captioned ··HatT) Potter."
··It wa.., interebting to nee Tom On -,igning
to the midd1e school hearing impaired kid-;.
I le talkPd to them a lot fa-;ter than he talks
to us," :;aid junior \dam eziro-,ki. »SigneTh al..,o -,old valentine-, in break-, of :;tanclardizt>d testing. \\ ith the mo:;t treat" going to :;enim'!:l, over l.300 valentine::. :;old,
netting $3?0. » ~ amjng youth about dangeTh. finding the step., to college and learning a ~ilent language. -,tudenb recognizPd
conununity in communication.
' '
Stepping stones really helped me
get ready for college. We took five trips
to visit colleges from UW-Parkside to lNVGreen Bay. We tried to incorporate some
new activities like donating school supplies
to the Shalom Center and building dinner
etiquette for success at Ray Radigans. It
turned out well, and it was fun to dress up
sr. fsther
for an evening talking and dining with friends in a
sophisticated environment. '
~st he wi lh me
onas/Tobocco Truth Tour1S1gn Club
) ) Hands on ps undt•f\\ Par on tlw
ow-.idP of lwr pant~. junior . am
Parln H<'h a~ -~u1!t'r girl.- t>nti>rtaining a rnfPtt·ria full of Jdfn·) Elenwn1an ~tudPnh "hilt> ~tatin" ham1ful
fart~ ahout tobacco. )) Co~nting out
i>ach ach-i.~orih. tri>at~. ~t>nior Chri..,(\
l lmchin~ douhlt> chi>cb rnli>ntin~
quantitiP-. in tht> cari>i>r ci>nti>r.
1 lutchin.~ cami> in i>arl) during Io\\a
T bting to di~trihmt> tht> tin) pacL.agf'-i.
<~ e e p ~reath>
Number of schools the Tooocco
Truth TOtI visited in one day
Sign Club members who at-
LJ tended movie and play outings
Dollars raised by Stepping Stones
to create a scholarship fund
valentires sold fa- Sigi Lcr-g..age
11j n~ rbIClub
fl.l"d-aiser 1n February
)) Pleased to receive
a valenhre. jlrior Sa-
rdi Gornerirg
off her "I love yo.1 sigl
a, Feb 12 Sig\ Gb
delivered fundra1ser
valentines 1n between
standardized teslirg
)) At the Precol ege Banquet in \ pril
at l \\ Parbidt>. ~Pnior ]ot>I \lauricio.
:tt>\t> \fa11ri('io and
\11'lodif' Condt> an<l ~•'nior Sandy
Ht'~t'ndt'z Pa1.wrl) t1\\<1it a f1·1ht. Stt'I~
ping Stmw~ t•njo) t>d a frt'P nwal "hilP.
li~tf'ning to thf' llf'rlf'fih of noing on to
.. 0111'!.(<' aftt>r f(rad11atirn1.
\mhn \ tt·th. ;italit- lintb-.f'\ , 1".t"lli Lav.-10 2nd
\man.tu S. .. lr-r, \1m \\ rh:e-r 1': 1(1t I lr·mnan~ J1--•1cu 0.- llOIT,
RHum \larlar 'bed ) R,,;hd Jalu ~ (.,n \(..,er, \kn F -~ r Tom
( ..·,~·. hllna '' 1".t'll\ Zi, mer
~un-n R. tu_arL
-\GE 0...Lll fn»11r \,h, ... -:r Jill P.1~.. j ........ I 11t1l \1m1e I la:z1 h11rL \4L_m '/lnt--1..L (Jm..1' I lutt·lmL..~ '\11·(~•
'·"1JtmMIL1M1Z (' tltemw \\ 11·11L1 "- ft \\ dkm ... (.1J(~ Holien-. 2nd""" \1h1 r \n..:• li1p1t """ Ot·r J• 1ullf'rr ,.[.•on. 1'.~mm
...,tmth., ( 11herint• I hm-i•rt. \-.Iii.\ Burdr·ri, 1cule ( ru"t·ll, J.i1 L· l\:kw-t P 11nt:t.ot \lu1. L, J•• ( lu-ndo l..lfk:l \dn--.·r ~am
Ilion ... J lrl) llut--1111. \1t1h \nd, lfl.. \hlt·I Hohm""'1n, ·I urn Ou Jr l\:\J. :--.inrr, \ ... J.I,·~ J,..luwl \mllt'r(.riffm
"-ilG L.\.
OU of
f relief
, PERlEl'ICK'class shirts declared st>nior
loan from .\ctr.'itie:, Dirt>ctor Damon\\ ei...,,..,. T ram1 ling all otlwr cla..,-,t'..,.
th ~ ,.,old OYer 200 cla...,,.., ,..,hirb to coyer tlw loan. , llina 120 cla-,-,
,..,hirt,.,. ,..,ophomores earned. '100 profit. Th<> wealthit>:,t tunwd 011t to
be junior,,. ppro imat ly : 3000 in their account -,et the ,.,ta at' for
Prom\ .. pringtime in Par~."' Juniors rai1->ed another ,'' 1000 :,t>lling
bpirit bumper ·tickefo. prm-ing the '·JL JOR Tl\IE"'
T- hirt motto. 0 , PTRlT L . THE .\TR: , nior,,
captur dour only pirit bell -,hout-0ut of the~ t>ar
and of their high chool day . Pumped up for the
"\\m aft r other clas de-.erted the pep rally early.
enior" found it paid to ;,tay. OEXHAU G \ T
LAST: Winded after the four-year journey. the
Cla;, of ·02 earned 1? CT/ AT award;, at Con'" tion on Thur:,day night m, we carnt' up for air.
142 com1nguplor
~e lrealk lk !3-e
ro 2J
u rrou dt•d b, a -.ea of .,rarlet stu,., at . tatP. j\ CheerlPader;, ~opho
rah l lPinzen and Brianna
e' up rro\\d .,pirit for 1.&J3
•f'n<hh "· 0 \ t tllf' top of her lung-..
i_.,.,) llumphre. rh!'t'r-. for thf'
pla) pr-, at tllf' . taw Football game at
Camp Randall tadium on Frida).
'\m . 16. Taking on doublt> dury.
11 urnphn.-, dan('t'(I at halftime with rh!'
TrojanPCth. 0 " hilP -.f'lling donarPd
food during lunrh. junior K) Jamb)
aid., '-iturlt·nt C..mPrnnlf'nt in
S 1:.W. llw mom•\ wPnt coward-, R1·nai'P U('ti\ iti;_..., in thP ~pring.
Botan) and Z1~1lo1-~. fw-,hrnan
·hw·I <.;alani -,1n1g-irl1·-. to 'ta) awakP
< fr ·r l11nl'h. \\hili- hi,., <·i:i..-,matP-, di..' 1 ., t h1· rn·' t "1·1·1.: ·., di-.-.t·l't ion of a
' '· 0 To -,ho" off dar11·1· talf'nt-. on
, r . ~1-. . 1 ri<·ia . lt•inlirinl.. and \fr.
Todd I lard) pani"ipat1· at tlu • 11101i' al ional R1·<miP Oafib., \ -,.,1·111hlv on
O"t. 10. \-, D~1J,J,.., picl..Pd om· I~>). and
0111• girl frorn 1·arh grad1·. tlw) in turn
-.p(pcu·d ll»tdwr-. to join tlw fun.
·ndinir a hPlpinl! hand. -,opho1 n•-, Eli-.i- Kai-.n. K 1rn Jo-.qih,., and
.,,.,a Cowlli <'TPate dt·roratir1n-. for
I . Tn·1111 •r. -.lottf'd for Jan . :2<>. Tlw
< ·orat ion for thP P"·nt rang up
, . _()(Hl! . Studf'nl Gov-
5 people piled onto the
senior class float, so
many that before we
even got to Lincoln
Park one of the tires
went flat. We had no
way of fixing it last
minute, but it turned
out we still .....-... .
~ 2 ~-blfe lfe
ming up for air
ml! .
143 J
Dr Olester Pulaski, Principal S11t• C:oun.. il ( hrpr-n . \ dmn-tr. {All11lJ·il
!'\\ "'itaff &. Pm< ..
ttt·~ 1 f-'"Ui lwr (;, ....rd
\ tf.. L-fl~ (~tflllU. 9 ( l.tfll(Jlllt"r( AllllllL, { .rL.. L-. (1.,llUH .. ·1 ~. \ \ l ( l.•W (1.,11\lll.
Mr Kennh Oopke, A'''· PrincipBL \tl\l.... r· ,.,. ""~·111 (,11•~·-; ( hri.-n lll•I;! "•affinu
(Alfrntl, \( (1.tt11k.: il, ( ri.-L-. (1.111un Mr James Ipsen, Ai.-..r. PnncipBL \fbnn.-tr. C.ou11
•·il ( rL-L... (, t\.11 Co11ummi,·1110~ t"t'tl.nrl.; :--X·hn1l Si"·unt) , Saft"t~ . DL...:·i1~111..., i....umlt1t"r S. hu•I DL-tr. Comm., !-tu11m r S..·llf•~ PmK·1pul. ~1-r. Ech."'81'Cl Kupka,
t . Principal.:
\fl-.t-t-r·~U,L·111 r.m1·mnu-11t
\tbHIL-tr C:otulJ·iL i....1~1rr I)·\ . (1.1mm. l.r~1fi.-·r; l·rt-h. TrurL..
ulf·r. Tt"-tlllJl (;, ... ,nlina1or Ms. c.arotina Aiello, Bus. Ed· \\ uni Pmn--u~ Btt..
Pn•1,.l11rr. (.1•111ptm·r \pf~-, PuH ., Hu.. Ckn1p. CO-OP, J...: ..... t ...inh1l!!; \thL-t-rl· Bl \ , \cbnn.. tr. (1.M.11h 11 \ls. Roberta Akolin, Guidance: lr\t"1lf1-olw l·am. (1.tft11 .., Lwning: \\
C.1.tutL-t·lor-. Conni , \ 1111ont' PnJ2".., Ht·mu:l.·lm2 ~t.... nl\g" (1.1mm 1 r. \•ht...:•n (,1.1mm ..,
\\ \C \C (,1.1nh.l11 , '1ll1th
Proit.t \dH'"'f'"r-l \\ Parl .. H~· St1·p1>11l!Z Sto1.,....
CAtflllll. I
\lr. lhomasAmocher, EngJ.Ji: l:>.-!.111• hll? 10 Ht-g, H,·... -.trdc \<h,... r.< lon-1rn&.•"'' h·.t-w
\-.1 11,.,..,. \lrll?r \ lrs Sharon Andre<>li, StaH "1•wh ll,..m1•-r \{,,. Debra Andre.. ,
aH· I .tbnt') St-c..:. H1·1l.Lll-... utre G•nun. \ lr. Kevin Aronin. pec..Ec:L (.1.o·h- ~1ph. F1bl.:
T \.GI> . Kothy Baas, Bu.. Ed: f;,..,l ..1nlillj!. "mall Bu- ().,.,,..r-hr1> Bu- [_,.,. '"etal.rn;z.
\\ onl Pnll(·t· .... 1n~: Co-Dq11 ( hrpr-n .; \dmn-1r C.Hnk·il ~1-r. John Babe~ StaH· C1btodi..m:
T \ (~ Ht'run..... •Hlf"t' Comm.
Mr Ronald Bailey, pee. Ed Tr. l nrtHl \\ "' Rep. Mr Lorry Bellard, Dn. Ed: 0..1•· Chair;
CrnnputerComm .. Dt.,ci1~uwConun.., D\..1r I lt"..tlth CurnculumConun... ~T\ .. ~··~xl<.ll (A11tun.•
RerUIL• ·10<·e (;mun Ms. Angelica Barry, Dramn/Englhh LrlJ,! JO. Omma :l. :l Orama
Coad1' Renai-...m·p (';urm1 \ frs. Anne Bergquist, Engfufr Dq• . Charr. Er'!' 10 Heµ. , 11
R~ .• I lnr., \ P.~ P11Hic R~I Ht-'JtlTn'" l.t>ntt'"r Coon:l... l .•aniz. \n-. \<hm"L~1r. (AH.mcll.. L•.trl!?.
\n-. DL...1r. O>mm., R~mll.. ·uK·t' Comm. ~{rs. Diane Bilak, StaH: \t1t'rnbnce \..aUt•r. Ms.
Diane Blaclnnon. Bus.Ed: ('1.)lllfAl1t>r Pr,~ranu111ng: 1. 2. :I., -t
Mr. Warren Blough.. Science \ -.troi1om\. l nt~..!nttt'fl ~·wrwt'. Palt'"on1olo~'. Brid!!t".. !\{rs. Erin Bosovich, ~1nth \h!. 1. \lg. :t \I~ .
(;mn.; \lath \en Team. Mr. Charles Bradley, Soc. St.: l S. Cm1.
Ht'g.~ \ P ... l . ~.I IH.; Co<l<'h-Bo).,Cirl-. C'ro-.... Count~
take my breath
M.s. Susan Bringe, Bus. Ed: \ lrk1.. \ <h. \ \rl.1.. Hetail \ lrch. and \ lnw ..
\ 1rkt. lntern.-hip: \\ . f;,J, D<>b.;;.. (la,~ The I lorne G)lJrt.
Mr. Bruoe Brown, Staff: Cu.,,1odian. M.s. Dorlise Brown, Soc. Sr.: L.S.
I li-1., P,) .. f'X>e .. \\ orld Geography; Cooch-J. \ .. \ ar.0-rleading.
Mr. Matt Brtn\<n, Science: I ntf'"gr. ~it-1l<'t'. \ ..tnmom): I Id ConrhFrt'-h. hH Mrs. MaryAnn Burkot:h, Staff: E.<l \ -.1.-Spt'<'. L.:l Mr.
Jerry Burmeister, Soc. Sc.: l .S. 11 i-t. He~ .. 11 nr.
Percert of overoge amuo W scons n teacher pay •a se f. ori
993 01997
• of omuo W&
n pc
Ms. °'8rlotte
Spec. Ed: l:>.-1•. ( kur. ( DB \ fr. Kun Oialgren,
ft.1usic: (A•fl("t'"n Choir-. Chorult', \\ 0111~11'., Choir-: Prodtwn/Dlrt"C'l(•r·C·hn-tma.-~ h·a.. t~: \1rnlri2al S11!!t"r-: \fhi""4·r-i....1._i2~(:rt"\\ , !-itagP
\ l w.: h~1thuU C.....m1~ \nnounct'r. Mrs. Ahhea Oiambeni, Englkh:
Lrl!!. 9 Heg .. 11 nr
cap ta ncome nc ease
Percer• ol ave age
!\tr. Julie Oia,,e, For. Lmg.: '-1..ani,h 10 t. Ht.!. :lO I. '.!(Y.!; C" \th i..,.r
I ntematronal ChJ>. Ms. \lary O:rri.tenoen, For.Lmg: I· rer> h JO 1.
alf:bl \--1- \trenda11<-...
•eacher pa lo
•ate pay
:l01.20'1.!-j"111L-h 101 \fodudyOark,
::>f teacher <'or :ig pa
Ila· or
l\lr. Looi. Corelli, Uusic: 0..1• . Ouur, ~ m.J E.n-nJ'1r, '-' m1~K•nk'
\\:ind_... ~nrplaorU.· BarK.L 01rknt Bantl Di-1r. \--~nwnt 1 n:urw-r:
f:AA.CT<M'-He.J.lazzEn.-ml.k llandd1l .. Bla< ... udc \clnm.-tr. GOIJfr
ril Dt-1r. \lu.-i. · Ot;• .; S.andanl- ll<-11<hmarl- ~...-rin= G•JUn. \lrs.
Helen Dahl. Guidance: (:ri_.. j_., Conu11 .. R,'t' Gonu11 .., \<hi'""""rPt'f'r Help•<- l\lr. Richard Darula, \fath: 0..1• Owtr. \!,,. 2 R11? ..
~lnr: .\drrm..;fr. GllUilC.i.LO•ntpu1nG1nmt.. ~·l .. itar-lllpGK1ll1l- \1cnh
(',urnruh1m IX-tr ('.onun , \lath ~andani-/Jlendunarl, IX-or l.A•11m.
teachers band to take a stand
!CANDLES ex 1.>rf',.., fnb-
tration \\ith the .,chool
hoard and .,upport fello" teacher ... \1ath
teacher-. Kri.,ta Lichtenheld and Jamie
Sdwnd ">land ouhi<le
the Educational Su1>port Ct•ntn on m . 1;3
in the mid.,t of growing contract ten... ion.
corrPct-; a'-\-;ignn1Prll'i
"hilt• in the lab.
Gerlach ii-.,i.,ted Organic Chemi.,t~ ">tu·
dt>nh \\ith lah-. during
a<h i.,on to off.,pt
\\orl.:-to_:;·ontran. no
aft Pr-.,chool lwlp.
f a p umber wor s overt :ne he ge s pod do e e wo ' to oe pod o
vo unteer or ove~ f"'le A I I war• s as Are+ho Frank r soys a
f ,..... ~,
Sof'let mes you "nust s•ard up for yourse f or peop e w
, parb of red flashed through the halb
\Xedn sday mornings ac; tt>achers showed
'>Olidarity b) donning red clothing. Tht>
unit) resulted from a contract &;pute
})('tM't>n Kt>nosha Education .\-;.,ociation
and Kenosha nifiedSchool District. Di!-:>trict teacher.,, had been work ing "'ithout
a contract since June 30, when the disagreement over salarit>'> began. 0 •·If one
wants to attract quality in education. then
one should be prepared to pay for qualit) :· said Enc:rlish teacher Anne Bergqui;;t.
0 The KE.\ requested a pay increase of
3.-± percent to match tht> currt>nt cost of
li,ing. To t>1':pre'>s buildinc:r frmtration.
teacher took up a ··work to Contract··
policy which ensured teachen, would work
onl) during their paid work (Ja) • from
7:2.S a.m. to 2:~5 p.m. 0 ·vt) .,tudent!:>
com< in during adviSOf) for help. It"s the
!-:>anw amount of time thev· cl n ceiw if I
helped them before scho~L ·· said math
teacher Jamie hend. 0 Out of breath
from the dispute, the KEA and KL-SD
finally rt>ached a settlement Vlarch 10,
which union members approved by vote
on Vlarch 20. The new contract included
a 2.8.':> and 2.5 percent oalary increa!:>e for
fin,t and bf'Cond year teachers res1x-ctiwl)
and increa!:>ed benefib.
Ms. Gra e Dary, For. Lang" pnm... h :-JO I. :nl; Bldg. \1f>ntor~ Enu·nu111111t·111 C:o111111 . .M.r
Angelo Debartolo, Staff: (.u.. t1J(lic_ln. Mrs. Jane DeCesaro, Stall: St111L·1u \111g1111u . ~ ... .,
\<hi•.n·.Soph (.la ....; Ht·nal.......uwt> (;0111111. Mr. Art Deford, Staff: C1L... tod1an M.s. Lori
Deui.cher, taff. S.nint). Mr. Rodger Dunn, Swff: E.<l '"' Spec bl I .D
Mrs. Mary Eggeb<echt, MathC""",.''l • \II(. I. Mrs. Kathryn Ellis, imoe; \1k11'1w [),.".(
op11u-ntul Ph) . bl ( AHlllll ,. \cltnrL... lr Counnt Blooc:ll"M111rrn· Path. Comm .. cn.. t.., Comm ..
Ht·11.;u....... m,·1• ( :,1111111., l)i... 1r 1lt·dhh (A1mm. Mr Bernard Englund, Afath (A,,.1111. I lnr., \I~.
2 Ht"f.\' ; l>L.. tr \thlf·ll< I lull 11( 1:umt· (A1nun .~ fAJill'h ~TrurL. ~{rs . Jllflf"t EVlll'l8, Staff; \luin
Offr St·t •., ()(,.,LL.t1·1M·r Mr Frank Falchito, Bridges: \lu-.i1 -; En~ .• Journ., Pho1oa:ruph) ~fr
Ja.eph Fanning, Bus. &L \lrlt , \1hle11 DirN·tor
Ms. P ula Fekhtner, ulff (,( \-.1 - SJ"'" l·'.<l 01. Dr Larry Fell, Staff· S.h••~ l'·id1oh
~L.. t; Lnu h \ ollt") hull C'n Comm_ ~'lr. Paul Fennema, Soc. St.:\\ orld 1..... ,teff Ht~ ,. I lnr.,
l <.,_I ft..t :1 .., \1hL'"t·r: Jr (la-. lntnunuml \\ t·~htliftirl!!' · Coad)-}~" .. <... ~r
trii DdJorah
Filipp<-lli \fs1Ji. \I~. ( """
\I~. I II•·"· Mr Jomes Fm:how. Mu,,;;; ""'' n""'" \\ n•I
Co1lCt'rt llm,l_..;; \<h1...c·r-Blue J,v, l n 1J~, . PqJ Bancl Com
M_r Dennis Flath. Sdt•:r·~: I luman B1•~ , \.P. Btol ~ ( lt0\alt·1 \t'1Ml.:·m~ ( .omm., C,nttln •Poli• Couun .., ~:i on ll Comm
f.n.,..·ml~t · ~ mphorrn:
p1nn( Hflllll
Mr JD Fountain fll, .__.caH; bl \ ..... L--1 .- I ss IA· 1.u11r, ~ 11rit' , \du r-Dh1m; 1 C111.h Ms.
Donna Franke, Engh.ill: f· 11.g. <>) bi,z. I 1, Comp. 1:2., lh·na1 .. -..11t<·1• ( A1111m. J\1s. Patricia
Fremarek, G~: (A1l11~t· l•utr C.ounhnmor, Collft!t" RqJ. LLi..n...011, ('n.. b ~I nun, l)i... tr
·1 ra1L.. 1ti11n ~t ·rin:::: Comm.,
~\T ~1..-c · ialTt"".-tul!!: (,JOnl1n.utor, l)i... tr. ~ \ ll \du.....-~
{..i»nllll. M.s. J\targatt[ Frbch, Science: Biol.. I luman \1Lal1>m~ an1J Ph~ .. k>ltl!!\ , Rt-1li.1L.. ~Ut1""t"
Comm. 'b. Tracy Gauctio. ~ \..,tn•llf•lll~ , lhmmn Biol.., CoL.len ~nu...... : ( AiOl·h-Cirl..
J.\ . (~M. Mr Douj!las Cemnd, ~Cllt'OL
Ms. DianeGttloc~~(]1 llL llnr~ (lr.!aruf· (llt'"m.; Ri--nai_.. u11C"eGJ11ml ... E.n" G>1rn11.
~ts. Janice Corman, Soc St. l ., I It-tor. I'-) . ..... \fs. Kim Corman, GuJclance: s. f•• ~
\Ut·Jlfl{.omm... \hmmi L&aL...on. \P Tt-lm..:. Bl~l!.!. C..•>n.L \outltOp. Pn~ .• T.\C'Conun..
(,.m....tmi: .-..-L·ttn (mil '· \\ '-\'-1TI.D T.-tu1" \Ir. Jeff Greailiou.e Stall Pnlire
( n·<- l'n"\.-ntion Ofl.-r. \Ir R
I Hall. Scaff:
mr. \fr Todd Hardy, 'f'«'. &L: ED;
\dn~·r·' uf•· ~ G .fl.Girl- "icttr
DIB~ 14~
saying goodbye, welcoming new faces
Of course I ve Seel"' lots of changes n stuoer•s over +he years
rechno ogy ets
studerts keep r tou& I go+ an erra1I receri+ y from a former •wdent who 1s '"CW
1n college n Florida. He asked me to proofread a paper for ~ m and send t oockl I
s new teacher"i ">tepped in to play the
role of mentor, friend and teacher, they
watched 10 expe rienced educator;, ;,ay
farewelb to coll<'ague.., and career;,. 0
'"Mr. halgr<:>n i.-, one in a million. Hi.., pa;,si.on for hi.., !".>tudentb and directing motivated me to become a better mu;;i.cian:'
said junior Megan L) 1w alxmt hi.., reti.rem<:>nt. 0 Onl) ;-o percent of i.ncomi.n"
teachers stuck ,vith their profeH!".>ion pa!-.>t
the fir1-it five) <'ar1-i. Rt'tiring math teacher
Dick Darnla, 1-itudieH teacher Kay
K ranse and math teach<'r Buzz Englund
heat the ()(kl"> and la-,t< d over three decadeti. 0 '·A ft er 3."5 year,, of teaching, you
get the -,ame ft>eling from retiring that o.;enior.., get when "raduating... ">aid Hi.,tory
teacher Do n P<'rgan<le. 0 \\ ith po-,itiori;,
openi.n". newt a her-, joined the ">taff. To
meet requi.rt>ment.., of the KL , D. pro-,p<'<"tive teacher., had to have at l<'a..,t a
Bachelor·.., degree, a \\ 1-,con...,in c<•rti.fication to l<'ac h, a 2.7;) GP .\ and a lnmdedge of tt>c hnolo~ . 0 ·Tue m1L-,ic departnwnt would draw an) mu!".>ic educator to
teach lwre. The program i!".> ouhtanding,
a nd I'm luck) to have been cho..,e n:' -,aid
incoming Dirt>ct or Sha hz on' Shah. 0
l ,o..,ing 10 cher1-,ht>d teacher-, and wt·koming new face., tqxlated the ;,taff.
ALO G "-ith incoming fre~hnwn. En!(li~h
1ead1e r Rhonda\\ ehh
-.tan.., her fir-.t <Ja\ at a
ne" ">chool. \\ ebi1 had
taught at Indian Trail
for two) ear-..
L:rn lt•r n•rnained ut
orn· -.chrn1I for tlw Pll·
tin· ''retch of hi, :3.1) ear teaching can•er,
in,piring -.Pniors in
Comp. 12 I lonor' and
\ .P. En!(li,h 12.
Ms. Linda Hamtchuh., Bus Ed: ~ t"' })(~1r<hng-. \\ (lr<I PnM·t---... in~. Taki~ \.cln-- ••f Bl ...... BlL-\mund \\oriel Mr. Ray HeidemM, Staff: ~~l \,,c-1.- S1ud) I lull. Mrs. Sally Heideman.,
Engllih: Hadio. T\ I, 2: S.x·. Sc l S. I I i-1 l. 2: \dn.,..r-:-.,, \ oire H.uLo. \I GY1: 1 \ Ms.
Deborah Hilker, pee. Ed: ( D.S. Mr. David Hobson, Tech. Ed: Con.·<r Te<·h. Ms. Amy
Hoffman, Bridges/A L English.
Ms. Diana Host, Staff: Hegi..-.1rnr Se<-. Ms. Donna lnfusino, Math: \lg. 2 Hf·~-· I lnr.~ \1mh
Ven. Team. Mrs. Sandra Jacoby, Engllih/Qnssic: ~:ng. 10 Heg., 11 nr., ) earlx»L Pr«lw··
1ion, ) earlx10k Ph<M<1!,•ra1~'l : \ch L"-r-Oa... ic\ Quill &ScmlL \1adrigal Fencer-. Jr{la..., ~id1ol
ur-hip Comm., Eng. ·1R·k l·orw. Mrs. Marilyn Jensen, Staff: Eel \.-t.· ('.,.,,.r C<·nt<·r. Mr.
Santos fu:nenez, Soc. St.: l S. I IL•I 2, \frin111/l le.panic I lc•t. Mrs. Sharon Jimenez, Staff:
Ed \.., ...... Comrxuer Computn Comm.
Mr. Oiff Johnson, BridgesfSoc. St.; l S. 11 L•L \lr. Peter John,;on, Soc.&.: Ee-on Hq? .. \I orld
I IL-.l. l lnr.. Rt-g .. L .S. I ll-.1 . Hrµ.; S«i·holilr-.hi1J(Amu1L, ~h«1lar-.hip [ndrnnnt'nt l·tmd01nm1 ~
\ . . . . , IX').., .Swi_m Coowh. J\1r Jamee Jorsch, SciPnce: Ph) ... Le.... Tt><"tonic... ~ Computn Tt"-·h
\ ...... 1 ;\fr. Jerry Kaber, Staff: Polin· Cn-.L-. Prt"\Pnl ion OHice-r. Mrs. Rita Kauffman, For.
Lang.: French t0-2, 201, :JCrL Mrs. Kirn Kexe~ Staff: E.c:L \-.1.-Spec. E.c:L
\fr. Fred Keyse II, taff: C.tL•llKL..111. \1rs. Deborah King, Math: Di....cN1e \la1h. \lg. 2 . Mr
R""""1 King, Soc. St.: l '-. I IH 1 Hf1<. I lnr \lr. Greg Kirzmiller, Tech. Ed/Auto: \mo.
Oen1p.. \outh \pflN"ntin• \uwC.ofli.. ion. Tmn-..~ ...: .\ch""L.-.Pr·\l('.\;\outh \ppn:ntk~Gd
li_.. iflfl Conun .. Catn.a~ ·t'IM,...ha l nif.,....J Liai.'""111_ \fr. Paul~ Phy. Ed: Ph~ Ed.
11.-J.lth. C..a<h-1-r lb, Ba-Lell.tlL \fs. Sally Krok, taff: \lain Offc_ \lgr.1~·
\fs. \iary Kruse, Math: \lg 1. \lg ( ""n"~;,.,~•. \fs. Ellen Kupfer, Staff: \nend<ln<·e Offer.:
\dn...-r-P...-r I ldper-. ( .n,,, C<>rnrn. Mra. Linda Larsen, Phy. Ed.: Dt-pt. Chair. Ph) EJl l. :1.
I lt"a.1th:. ~ .. r .-lntramural-.~ \dnm_.. tr. 01tulf·il. Lois Lavey, StaH: u·1n I lour ~J\ .. r
\fr. Terry Lmrler, Eng/i,,h: 11 Hei?, Co11•p. 12 !for. i\1rs. Diane LeW:how, Eng/i,,h:
Ll~ . 9 Reg .. Hnr .. Log. 11 Rt-~.: Rt'nat--.,;,lnn·· Comm .
.ll~a" ing
l4b A~/
Retiring Teachers
st a.f.f
Ms. Linda Lemke, Fam.1Co11o. Ed: I urn. Clot lung.. f·am. foo1w-l..... Fa-.lllon \.i.t~·r-. .. Intro.
11 LRO. ls. Juliet Lena_ Bri<t;e«' I.ff" ( "m11L & ( \\ L E.i~. 'I. ErlJ!. 11 i\ls. Judy Lenart,
Phy. &J.: Phi E1l.1. :.!. I l1 ~Jtl< lntnm111r,1I- M.... Krista Lichtenhekl, Math: Proh./"'•1t.,
\huh \nJ) ... Trig:onomf"t~ t'Ht-!! .. \d\l-r-Juz,.!kr.... ~1*1- (1.l...... \irs. Connie Llanas, pee.
\1~. Fra.nces Lueck. taff E-..11 \ .. ·+ Computt>r Luh: Co111putl·r
Ed.jLD: \ 01wwil Jayne Maclrey, taff: f,L \ •• , Pan 1111•· I
il \lr. John \lajrrick .'iraff, s..~...,nt"
\ ..... t Coc"+t-BI'\ .. Sv.un Tt"tun.. \t~. Kav \.tanderf Id Guidance: Ca~r ( Alllll--t lor DHl1f'1
C.111<L1r•"" Rm;•lrline <;.,nm. \1.., parri._,.. \18lljli. For Lang: f'Oru-h t<r2. :.!01 :.!<r2 :Jill
Douai L-tt·r ( t' I-. 'h.a~f" ttlf~ nl Cnmm; \ n lf'31n-I or La~. \lr John \tatera.. Bu.,
Ed.: \1m1, \1h: \c..-111.,c,.,,,.,, r \1,j.,(,Jn- bl \o.hw·r-!·131 \.(,.,.l,J\ ll-1 JV·d·~·
ar-hip «•nm. \lr Frank \latn.e,. taff l).,m •1. C..noch-1 hi.all.
M . Jeunin.Mc.\lahon, taftl· \ ..,..,,.,., \1 .I.Jnda\1 \lnnLL•.F..n,trli.-h..,.·1nu1"1 llnr
I If 11 \I' ( rmtiw \\ rtu'lt, I •II? to. \1 . Bn-nda \1,..,~r. Staff, bl \ t P.. n 11111e Cleri
"11 Mr Uirry Meyn, Staff 11.:a.J (,..,,.1,an. \ln1. &rbara Meyod1,.,.<;,-;,.,..,.c l• 111 D··t•
( "~ lu.11r \f Karen Millrr. &:-;,..,....,... I t'\11 hJ1w
M.s. \iclci M.oore, Fam.;Con.~. &:L: h1111. 1-f,..,..L.... l·.url) (lul,Uu...-1 bl ..,
Culman Sl..1JL... , <..nn r hnl-. hun. Linng; \du-~-r-1-r. (.l;t........M.s.
June Moreland, Staff, '"'"I lour s1~·r. Ms. Felicia Morrow, Staff.
Poli .,. frL... t... Pn·H·nttort Offi<"t·r. Pet•r \lt~hator.
1r. Rynn. achtigal. ~fath \I;; (,.11n., \I~ I; \1hi... ·r·"'•1~1. Cl •.
~frs. Ko.thWn r\eururer, . pee. Ed./LD; RnLLll.. UKt• Comm
\tichelle IPL....n, For Lang:C~·mum 101, Hr2. :.!01, :.l<r2
take my breath
Ms. Cry.qnl Lghbor• ._ taff. '"'>\IL; ~tudrnt \ ..... i. . wnce Coun-.1·lor,
\ ch1 ... ·r-Jr Ch c,..1,1-r .... .r,1.,11 \--1. (;JO<h-Cirl.. u.,.kf.11 .. 11 \fr
Lynn Obertin, Art: Dq• Clu11r, \n i. ;;n. ;;(, 6B. """l"1t·rC••n1111 .•
Em. Comm. ~1"" &J,r.O
n, i\fath:C~1m. Rt"!!'., \lg:!
Mr. Michael Orth, Soc. "t: l "· I lt-1 :.!. Mro Sue Pacetti, 8"". &J.:
l\:1·i l•l, ( i•n•. bl [,Ir-hp.,\\ uni Pr. i\1r. Todd Padgett, tsff, ( u-·
\lr< Collttn Padh·k, For. Lang: "peni-h 101, Hr2. :11t2: De1•
o,.,,,..n., R ,.~i-~mn (,Jnun. \ls. Jill Page. H~ Imp.: lchL-<r·
....,l!:n l..an2'1~e ( uh~ ~ff Ot-\t"LlfJOJt·nt ComnL \.{rq_ Claudie P
tor, En!';~ bl!! Cl. R'>'• llnr
\lr. Cary Peulau.Ji:a., Guidance: 0..p a.air. \rmrtl fon.,._, LiaL... >n.
~hola,...liip(A>mJIL Clmr, afflll!t'-. \1-Ri,,. Planniru!. Cri-" Gmmi.
\6... : Pcm, For,ir:Fn- ·Ii IOI. l<r.?. :.!!!.?. =-it \lr Donald
Pergande. Soc. St: l .., C'"'., DMr ...., •. -... G•mm.
HartschulrPerg~f 14l
Ma. <Ath1een Petersen, Art: 1\11 :1 l·r . .\11, \dn.~•r) Co11u11., Her\UL......unn· Conun .. Stuff
Ont'k1pnwnt Comm .• l•r. Su·1~ to ""lwte--... Fr. Tnm... ition (A->t.wlw.... Cera Pfeiffer,
&;,,nee: lntegm1ed Seit'nee. Mrs. 'ancy Bednarz-Phipps,
: Bo1uni/L.ool<'!() R'"I( .•
b-,~,.,_.... lluman BocJ.; (;>0d1-(,irl,(.<M
fr. Daniel Prozan.k:i, Soc. St.: &1•n llnr, \ P ..
l .s H·.,1.. L.S. Gm. R•g .• \ P.; G>U<·h-h Girb £1.,ktLulJ Mrs. Loui...e Redlin, Stsff: W
\.., .. t.~ \ \ tedia, Ht>nui ... -.cmrt" Comm. Ms. Robin Reif, Staff: ~or!.: L~prrieon".
c, ..
l\ir Julius Rhodes, Staff: fouth Out ..a,·h Lia.i.-<•n: \t ri.-k
,n....~•r. fr. Louis Rideaux,
fath: \12. I Rey .. \I~ Conn.; \dn.... r· Bibi• Quh: \ ..1 Coud>{;irl, B-ktOOll.. Mrs. Joanna
Perez-Rizzotto, Bridges/Englkh:!L-h <). (:\'\ E/P<'N•<W O,.,t'lo1•11f'nt: \mi..,.r-i..:t; (],J,
Br.-!;:..., 0.-pt. Chair. ~fr. Ouirle8
Staff ln-1run1unal Tt'd1. S1,...-iak1:
Co1ru1L, Rt'nai.•-all<'t' (Aornm., \chnn.•lr Camcil l\ir. lolm Ruffolo, English: En;!. 11 Rel( ..
(',,mp. 12 Reg .. Lit. 12 I lnr., \ chi.,..r- l.nt' p,,...; S.x·iet). \ar-iti Ou!.>; ('.ooch-J.\. SoftOOIJ
l\ir. Owrles Senders, Swf: Seruriti
o ..
l\ir. David Schani, Pby. Ed: I lealth. Phi. Ed 1. 2:
ch.(.irl, Ci mna..'1ic-. Ms. Jamie
Schend,Math: \chanced \lath \1>a1,.,, Hnr. \ .P C.ak .. Di...·rett' \1mh. \--1.Coo.·h-Trad:
'itaff De-·elopment Comm Mr. MMk Schenk, Staff: \t-Rbk On-dinuwrfDean; Gat..,.'B)
\dult I LS. Liabon: I ISEO Lone""" ITED Te,t. for Gmduauon C1.,rdinaw'" Cri,i.,, G.mnL
Diocipline Comm: Giach-\ ar-11) Footbo.11. Fr. Softbull lrnemmml \\ eightlifting Cooch. Mrs.
Ann Schmid, Sp. EdfED. Mrs. Angelique Seidler, Staff Sign Lung. Interpreter; \dn..,.rSign Qub. Ms. Michelle Serpe, For. Spani.-h 101, 10'1, 20 1, Art: .\rt 3.
" One of my favorite
jobs has been working
at a dolphin training
center in Cancun for
three months. Everyday we had to bucket
fish, work the interaotive programs with
Mrs. Sarah Servais-Ru.eclci, taff: C,.m..,.lul!( (',.111n S..-. l\fr
Dan Shimon, English: Erut. lJ. Ms. Su,,an Singer, Fam/Cons. Ed:
Part>111/CJuld l111erior O....ian. I l•alth O....up.. CJ1ild o,.,.
Mrs. Mary Snyder, English: 0.-1• (;>{Jm<r. l:'.11!(. 11 Reg .. 1 lnr ..
\ .P .. Lu. 12 Reg.. Speech: \mi.,.r-Qrnll & Scroll \ck-L..o., '"'""
l"il OL•tr. Tm-elCA>m1n. KE\ Board of Directol'o, \\ E \ Board of
Director;. Ms. Laurel Sorensen, Staff: W \'-t..Cuiclance: Stu·
de111 \1ngm111. "\un,e·, OffiCT. Ms. Rmh Stamm, Staff-Librnl):
De1•· Clmir, Librari \ledia Spociali.•t; \ch i_._.,r-1 ntemational ClulL
Llbrnl) Club~ Engli:,h Fe-tival (A-m11.M.1tt>r Comm.
Mrs. Candace Stein, English: f.:n~. 11 Ht>µ: .. Lit. 12 Reg; Co<Kh·
Swll. Ms. Tricia Steinbrink, Eng/k,h(fempest: En!(. 10 Heir.
Jrnl-111 I. 2: \m-i.-er-Tem1x--1. "r (:la.... Student Gon.; l<><1<·hTm1anme Dance Team Mrs. Renee Swiatko, Staff: Sec. \lam
totrrists, and have train-
ing sessions with the 11
dolphins we had They
were really long days,
but well worth it. "
- ms. tracy gaudio
Mr. William Symonds, &aff:CAc-1.-lian. Ms. Kara Thomas, Staff:
Sign Lung:. Interpreter. :\chi.--Pr-Surn l..<.Utfr. (Jub. ~fr. Robert 1h>
mas, Soc.&.: L.S. I li.-t 1 R<!! .. I lnr .. l -.. 11.,,, \ P.
Mr. Blake Topel, Mam \la1h \nl)- Reg .. 1lnr .. Geomtll) I lnr.:
\lath \ t'rtK"al TeanL :\fr. Doug Tov.,,,,.,nd, Stsff: s.ruri.1i Mr.
Ouis Trottier, Bridges: \latlL Pl1i. b<l
Mr. Dave Tuttle, &ience l).i• Clwir Ph} ·l.-. lNL. 11 nr.• \ .P~
:\chi...-1n Conun.. Re-1runurirl!!; (A111u1t., lli..1rict ~i. Curricubm1
Conm1. \ts. l\.fartu Tzomes, AIS; \fath; \ ..1 \mi..... r-:\at•"""
1lnr '-<1C1M'). Renai.-"1fk.,. (',,nirn: ~ts. Jackie Valeri, Pby. Ed:
O..p1. Charr, Ph). Ed. H..al1h. Lift'!!lUlf'(ling
s t.a.f.f
life off school grounds
temal pride.• parlli,h
teacher Julie Chase
-.mile,, while holding
her -,on Ben. For his
third birthda) party.
Cha-.f" took a break
from her -.chool work
to celPlxatf" "ith her
famih- at Churk E.
ChPP.:P rP-.taurant.
1110\P. Engli-h tt•adwr
Thoma-. \ madwr
look-. ovpr hi, hand in
a ganw of Sfwq1,fwad
at -.ocial -,111di .. ,
tPaclwr Paul FPnnP111a·-. ho11-.p. \ collP<"tion of -,pvpn tPadwr•
111Pt for 1nont hi) ganw
of canl-. at Parh 111 hPr~ · hrnnp,_
After compe•ing 1n the Mad son Triatha on short course, I was jokingly encouraged to
strive for a world competition ca ed the ronman which consists of on athlet c endurance
course That was not going to liappen· ·nstead I des gned my owri lronman."
Ring! , tudents rushed through the
crowded halls, anxiou-, to pass through
thf' common doort> on their way to freedom. Ldt in the dust of the hurrit>d students, teachers cherished their own '>pace
a;, the air cleared. \ enturing all owr the
'"·orld during vacations, tt>acht>rt> smored
ne"' experience-, and fre;,h surpri-;e-,. 0
"Traveling is Ill) favoritf' thina to do because it\ exciting and cultural. Once
when l was in Pt>ru, we plannt>d to go to
the top of Machu Picchu. \\ e were
shocked to discover that there wa" a landslide so we couldn't go up on a rai lroad.
Instead we went in a helicopter. It was
awe;,omet· aid . panish teacher Grace
DaT). 0 Bet>ide-, the bn~athtaking arkenture-,. teacher:-. took up hobbie-,. While
mo-,t teacher:-. had limited free time, many
still searched for stimulating outlets to
plug into. 0 ""T enjoy riding rH) I larle)
and seeing pla) s at Lake..,idt> P la) t>r;-, and
Milwaukee Rep. ext spring I will direct
« teel Magnolia-,· for Lake;,ide Player..,;'
-,aid Engli-,h teacher Terry Lawler. 0 Integrating ;-,tories of their hobbies into their
regular curriculums, teachers tL-;ed social
e-x:peditions to bring the excitement of the
outside world into the cla..,sroom through
per~onal experiences.
Mr Geo({ Yan Remmen, pee. &J/LD; \-.t. Corn·h·ll<1l' (,oLr Mr. Bill Y""'°", Adapt:v.
P.~ Coac·h-Soph. hhaU Ms. Jodif" Vena, tafl: \upn(i,_
u wr Ofri<·n~ Ht'tlUL-.,..,ann• f,on1111.
Ms. Denioe Villalobos, raff, \ttt·ndam·e "<-<· Ms. Annmarie Wecker, &ience, Biol. Reg. ,
I lnr .~ Rt>llllUL->..._mn• C11mm. Mr. John Wallcer, Staff: S.:,c-lal ~ orkn.
Mr. C.arl Waker, Science: \fo.uer/Enerf?}. Botan)[Loolog) . Rt>µ; .. l [nr.~ Comp. (~mun. Ms.
Suzette ~·atring,Spec.Ed: \ISCnnun .. Re1lili......~rv-el.1111mL, Tr.:tn...1ti(lnOmun. Ms. Rhonda
Webb, Engfuk Eng. 'l. f.fll(. 10 I lnr Mr. Damon Weiss, Staff 0.-an/ \cti, . Dtrt"<'lor.; \c~
Yi-..t>r-!'-ir. (Ja......., Pf1w<ler Puff Ftholl., \loming .\ru1ounc·emenh;, Scholar-.hip ConUTI., Rt>naLT
"-il1Y·t> Comm. h{rs. Nancy Wells, A.ct: \n 'i. 5a. 6..~ 7a \P;, \n~ and l•lowl:"l"'-i \rt Sl10w
Gmun .. Ol... tr. \n ~ho" Conun.~ P~- l\t'111:~ha .\thlt'tic Sf'holar-.hip Foundation. Mr. Robert Wells, A-tusk: s) rnphon.i, -. f .oiwt-n, Chaml>t'r Orfht-otra-.~ \<',olden Strinµ;~.
Ms. Carol Wendorf, Sraff: E1l \-.t - \lam Offe Mr Clurrles Werve, Staff, Serunt) Mrs.
Linda Weyrauch, &aff, E1l \••t. -..nml\ . Meh.oa Whitaker, pee. &l./ LD. Ms.
Sherry Whne, Staff· I !~ad (ml Mr. John Wilhelmoon, Phy. &J., Ph) . Ed. I; I lmhh, It mer
~fl\. 1111 ( ,... ·h-13.~' &c-lt•lh.tll.
Mr. Jeff WillS, pee. &J.t<
(;.,.·l~.1rl, \ . B.ltl.ull Mrs. Debi Wibon, raff. f:,l \-.1."<-..1mt1 \tr Randy Wibon, Sraff p,.i;...., S.·I .. ~ R.-..urn·Offnr. (;.,.·li-S.1~1 13.~, B.ltbull.
\tr an V.ibon. \fBilr \Ii:. I 2· \Ii:. Conn M .... Delra Wroblev. lri, Staff, F,,L \,,, , !'.is.
Jennifer Young, \fusic: Trd*- u.,;r, <,., .....-n O"'" John Zahn, Tech Ed T nm- "''·• (;"''" -.,, '··\If~ ~ -.: Oq• U1rpr-.n. Marianne
ZM:carelli. For ~ ~ ru-h 102.. :!(JI, :!Ct1. \fs. Rach.-1 Zuffa, taff: Ltbro" \lnlia . ,,....
1i..rli-to '-<illf o.~ <••mn \{r J""'°"' Zuzinec, \fsthC""'"'' R~~ .. \II(. 1 R,.,, .. \I,<: :!. R<1(.
Lile After
H~ 14~
breaf brind
teens eat
what they
want, when
they want,
ith Keno..,ha Coun~ wPighino- in a-, the rno-,t ol1t'.,t' in tht' -,tate.
food a-, a topic w~ on ew11 bod)\ plate. Three "lflJare.., fell to the
way;,ide in farnr of convenit'nce and peri':lonal ..,~ lt'. 0 ·-1 put Cheerio.., in
my yoo-urt becau;,e l don't like the te ture of plain) oo-un:· -,aid ..,ophomore Debby Egly. 0 Even compatibility hinged on eating hahih. 0 'Td
he ann<)) ed if my date didn't eat what ..,he ordered unle-.-. it wa.., good and
l got it in...,tead:' said fre;,hman CJ. Ricciardi. 0 \fort' than flt'er inCTuence-,, long la..,tino- ta..,te.., !'>tarted at home. 0 --\1y ..,i..,ter introduc cl m to
chee..,ebalb and ..,trawberry jelly on bread. It\, better than frie., <lipped in
Fnhtie..,~-- ..,aid ..,enior Chri...,tina Thoma..,_ 0 A.., for more ..,tandar 1 fare,
guy.., and girb differed. 0 ··1 munch on ·o-rindao-e' from all food o-roup-,."'
;,ophomore Ra Fmy naicl. 0 Tipping the ..,cal in the other clirt'ction. fear
of ohe-,ity <lrow teen.., away from food. 0 '·A clo..,e friend "a., angry when
Ill) farnily fir-,t got her help for a ;;erim1:-> eating di:->ordt'r. , 'he wa-, clo"e to
dt'ath. \\ e· re ;;till helping her becau:->e it'.., not a problem that ju;;t got'i':l
awa) : · naid nophomort' ]e..,nica Chatmon. 0 De;;pite the waif look revt>red
in pop culture, ;;orne ate a-, oftt n a.., po..,l'>ihle. 0 --1 eat fin• meal-, a day:·
-,aid junior Jenny Tabor. 0 Defined by home and developed through the
media, peer" and perbonal ta-,tel'>, tfl1irky eating habih madt> indiYiduak
Eric \it>llo
• amuel \ i.ston
Laura -\Ider
\nthony -\lho
fr.,-,ica Almazan
K ri.sten \ ndt>rst>n
\ ni;,hia \ nclt>r,on
Ian Anderson
Tdt>r Andrt>a
\iaina \nglin
Benjamin \maramian
Prince,, -\ nt hom
Katie -\ rchibald ·
Kt>lh- -\ rendt
\manda \ugu,tine
Katrina Au.,,t>
Dm;d Balmiz
Jason Barber
l Ji..,.,e., Barquero
\tichat>I Bartoli
Dm;d Banon
Laura Bate-,
Daniel Beck
Rachel Becker
, tt>phanit> Becker
Cameron Behl
\bha Behme
Bn-an Bercr
-\~mnda &rz
Ethan Bickle
Joyee Bilal.:
Cliere Billin!!~
Eric Binningt>r
. tephanit> Binninger
\my Black
-\ h<~a Blanco
\aron Blaner
-\ ndrea BlaziPw,kt>
Kun Boehlein
Kt>nneth Bohning
I -
~II "3
l~~At~ Habits
lad for a prt>tzPI
trt>at after p;) m
cla.''· 'opho111orp '\ora
I leide ~1bpencl, lwr normal clit>t to 'ltpport tlw
Octawm Cluh fundrai,,_
Pr. 0 Opting for a
bratlp.,, bun. junior Julia
• hillt>r lwlp, 0111 at the
brat 'ale. ''lh~ brat 'alt·
\\lb fun. hut 'in('P [",p
IJl't>n a 'ep;t>tarian 'incl'
[ \\"lb picrht. I onh atP
tht> bun. It \\U' ki;1cl of
-.talt>. but it wa-, lwttPr
than t>ating 11wa1.-
Sharlt>t>n B<hman
T1i.,ha Bimler
Ri<·hard &,, It>
I,at 1ra Bran.<l-.!Pltf-'r
Ha, Hranth
Kt>ih Bra-.u~ll
L1·i,: HrP .. kPnf,.ld
\1 irhu·I Br...ckt·nf... ld
wolP Bn·iling
\ 1all h1·" Bn·nd,.111ihl
Brill a1n B1n111an
J;i.on lln·1ma11
\lar-.haun Bril'P
\I•· Bnf'-.1·
John Brt•·nnan
I lnl"'rt Bnw1k-.
\111·11 Broo111£i1•ld
l~fi ... 1• Brntlu·n
l·Jizal.·1h B111d1t•11
l)p..,..,01-rw• Bn"' 11
J1·n·111\ Bro\\ll
1 ina l~rnlport
\I i1dwl Bn11tf'll1·
Chri-.111pl1t·r Bnu10
KP,-in Br. ant
Eri(' BurlP
C',ollPPn Burrb
Eri(' Burt
Stt>phaniP B) ar-.
Rnm C'..ahlP
\\.ilfrPdo Cadiz
Ti111otln Cairo
Olivia Candelaria
Jo-.hua Ca1xxlarco
'\larco C'.arrp~a
Rt>bt'('('a Carter C'..anham
\ iy..,..,a l.Urt\\Tight
Weight loss products hyped get-thin-quick promises.
Om-id ('.:i,,1t>t>I
. handa Ct>hula
Janw-. Ct>ilt>-.h
\lt>gan Chamne-.-.
Ryan Chat!Prton
\ uclre'
\-.hle~· Chiappena
.\ -,hley Chri:,topher
KeYin Ci,,kow..,ki
Reginald Clarke
h~rian Clan
oelle Clau-.en
Claudia C''°lin
f.r.e.s hm e n
\.,hlee \.olmer
Jennifer \,olmt'r
\1ichael \,olmer
. athaniel Coh~n
Daniel \,ooper
Midwlle \,ooper
Janie Omwll
Crptal \,oronado
Chri...,tina \,or,o
Katie \,or,o
Brittan) Covington
\1ichael Cri~tiano
Summer Cri.,well
• amantha Crockt'r
Laticia Curry
Michael Cunin
]hsica Dal)
\ndrea Daou-,t
Rydean Dart
\ manda Dauto.,ki
Brandon Dm·id.,on
John Davi!'>
Gregory Day
\nthony De Ro.,t'
\tichael Dt>cker
Chel,ea Dehahn
Handall Delane,
\ ll(lre Delan, \1elanie Dek;ra
ltNin Delfrate
I leather Deperte
Je,.;;ica Dt'.,eift'
Anthony Di
foremy Dibia;,e
waiting tc
]t'ff re, Di..., Imo
which do
Eric Docka
H)an Dodg<'
you have
sr. Waukesha
or prefer .... ,....,=""•..,.__~
\1 ichellt' Doht'rty
Bradle, Dolnik \1icht'ilt' Dora
Ernn Dowdell
Julie Dowe
to use
Rilt', Dow-.e
Tho;na, Dryer
St'rhij Duford
Jennifer Duka;,
a ing
\.arolyn Dumez
Malo;.y Dunwald
Jacqu~lyn Dupor
I leatht'r Eckholm
\ pril Engwi..,
o complt>te homPwork and re-,earch
college,. -.enior ,\ \p.,ia
,\ llt>n acct>-,e-, tht' nn
during -,tudy hall in
Room 2-tO. 0 Pointing
to a .,olution. st>nior-.
Brandi Bt>njamin and
Tiffan,· Gwyn surf for
re.,Parch du~ing a tutoring .,p.,.,ion. ,\It hough Pnmil and in.-,tant mes.,age;ce., were offlimih to .,tudt>nt., . .,taff
u-,Pd e-mail for -,chool
com rnunicar ion.
~igning ~n fo~ound ~H
.\1. Road Runner. Twenry yean, ago. I.\1. meant intramural and
Road Runner wru, just a charactt>r who ahm);, ;,tayed ahead of
Coyote. Toda). however, both are computer agt> term.-, for an Instant
Mt>.,.,t>nger and a rahle internet sen-ict> prm'i.der. From ..twice a week .. for
junior Tom>r. to '-ever) day .. for fre.-,hman \~ hitney Thoma.,. to .. two
time'."> a fll). 'ieWn rmy;, a week .. for fre'."lhman Jim Ceile'."lh. 'it11denb u-,ed
the inll'niet more and more. 0 ·The main reason l go on i:-i to talL hnt l
often go on for homework and information. too."· -.aid CPile'."lh. 0 Talking
011 the internet rneant rhoo-,ing .ht>tween ln-,tant l\fp.,-,en 11 Pr-,. rhatroorn-,
or l'-mail. Of the;,e three, ;,tudenh opted for l\le-,.,enger a;, the choice of
('Ollllllllllication. 0 "T prefer In-,tant \1t-'-isenger 1-wratN') OU are talking
to 1.woplP ) ou krnm and not a whole room of JX'Ople."· :iaid -,ophomorp
Amanda Frank. 0 A rnerira On-line. \ ahoo and 1icro-,oft Pt work all
prm id<'d the Me..,..,enger ;,prvice, and although in..,tant me-,..,aging wa-, frt>t>,
tlw monthh co.,t to bf' a menlber of AOL wa-, S2:3.90. l\1S'.'\·.., co,-,t wa..,
. ·2 1.% ami°Road Run1wr wa-,, '·+-l .93. Both \ OL and M. l\ included Mt>..,-,pnger. hut Road Runner did not haYe it... own I n-,tant ~tp.,..,pnger feature.
Altho11gh not yH prPferrP<l ovn cell and othPr phmw-.,. 9·2 1.w rrent of frt>.,h11w11 -,11n P~ Pd :iig1wd in on-line to talk or P.\ en to :it 11d) .
chatting and
speeds up
teens' ability
to download
and surf
JacquelinP Ericbon
Elia,, F.., ,trada
\ ndrew En1n,,
Ju,,tin Ewen'
Kart>n Falcon
Eric Fanning
;\ nna,,ta,ia Fa,,ci
Scott Faulknt>r
\nn Ft>cklt>r
Jacob Ft>dt>rlllt'\t'r
Rick Fergtbon ·
Brian Flort's
Katrina Foch,,
"icolt> Frt>i
Danid Fro-,t
Marl Fro-,t
icola,, Gat>dP
Sarah Ga\lp,
l\fari_..,..,a Gallo
Jern Garcia
l\lPgan Genanw
K ri-,tina Genip-,..,e
Danielle Gennaccaro
k ri-,t i C..erber
Elliot Genninaro
Jordan Genh
Rachel GilmorP
. hawn Gim annoni
\ ndrea Glt>a-on
Du-tin Glt>nn
Bryan Gloria
Chen I Goetz
]1i-t'l;h Gonzale.,
\.,hh >i">dw;n
k' le (;,",dwin
\ ;1drew Gordon
\.,hit>, Gm,
Irena -Gn·ni
Jennifer Grt>t'nt'
f.r.e.s.h.m e n
-~~nin 9
~nnecri~ l~ j
Wanf ~ome [oo~ies ~
of urban
skills and
keep high
in Girl and
Boy Scouts
hin mints., moa.,, Trefoil-,, Do--,i-Do,, and Tagalong;, n1led a;, deli) ciow, ookies sold b) elementaf) school Girl. ouh . .\Ithough largely
financed h) O"rade school cookie.,. gu)., and girb kept actiw in Bo) and
Girl , oub in high school. From helping in soup kitchen.., to mentoring
young Brownies, Scouts enjoyed community service and fun. 0 --EYen
though we have meetings rather ;,poradically, we go campinO". and we
w nt out to eat once at an Indian re::;taurant followed by a Comedy portz
show,"' ::;aid ::;enior Cindy Gentz. 0 long with ::;eparate agenda;,. both Girl
and Boy, oub combined annually in a regional camping trip. 0 -EYef)year the older Girl Senice "Lnit goes to Devif s Lake for a hiking weekend.
It is really cool because you meet new people from all oYer. and after
hiking and camping, there is a dance for the older kicb. lt ·., dt>finitely the
highlight,"' aid junior Lara Hoff. 0 Be;,ides learning how to '">nniw in the
wilderne;,s, Scouts also honed valuable life skills. 0 ·-r,·t' learnt>d leader::;hip, speaking and organizational skills I've already u.,ed in high ::;chool.
Tht> Eagle rank, let alone tht> e perit>nct' with it, "ill me get into college
and a job,"' .,aid junior Erik Dit>trich. 0 \\hilt> ~ome t>nchl with Scouh t>arly
on., otht>1-.., likt> st>nior Chri..,tuw Molter, who Scoutt>d in S\\itzerland la.,t .,ummer, reaped the })t'nefit~ of continuing st>nice to troop and connmmit).
Brigitte Grego!")
Jo,hua Griffey
Ja~on Griffin ·
Rondelle Griffin
Trernn Griffin
\lice Grimmer
"ina Grom
Ryan Grm·e..,
Brian Guara,cio
Carin Gunomhen
Lauren Gunomben
'\athaniel Haak
Chad Ilaebig
]f'ffrey Hafferkamp
,\nrhony Hall
Jeffrey Hall
\1itchell Hall
\my Hamilton
Caitlin Hanrahan
'.\ichol& Hruben
,\ ndrew Ham.on
Daniel Han,,on
J<bhua l lam1on
Daniel Harri,
• lwrri Harri,
Samantha l Iartung
Jo,t>ph l la"ler
Ka,,andra I Iawkin,
\ndrt>a Hazt>lwn
Danit>! I leek
\,hJt>y I frnklt>
Ji Uian· I I f'nt horn
Danif'l l lerolt
Micht>llf' Herr
Ff'mando l lerrf'ra
R, land Herrick
\(allon lit>, n"f'n,
. lwt>na Hickev
.\ndrewHild ·
Elizabeth Hill
I '"B
1~4AtlfBoy Scouting
hil1· rf'lllllll,('lllg
uhout tlw a111111al
Bad~1·r Trail~\\ e1·k1·1l(I
in ~f'j)lf'111lwr. junior~
Erik DiNrich a11d Lara
I Ioff di,cu'' the l+milt·
hike that took tl11· 111
through forl'~h and
hilk 0 \ Girl ~• · out
,ince fir~t grade. junior
\\ hitm·, \(..\,.•e. talk,
about tlie mh.inta"'e' or
long-t<'nll ,, ·outing including ~k iing. hor~t>
back riding and ca111pi11~
tri1.i,, ";th tlw Ek>) ~·rn1i-..
:\manda Ilille,,land
Eric l !illesland
GarrPn I Iolley
Janw-, !!ood
.\ ndre\\ I h att
\latthev. I-ivlin.-ki
Chri-,tophe~ Inman
]P.,.,ica Jacolr;on
Chri.,tophPr Jame-,
\ a-,kr-,ijP Janko,·ic
\\ 11liarn Jarvi-,
JnPlll) knning-,
\lark )!'ranek
Pat ri-,ha Jrwrn.-,
\ ngt·la John-,on
\-,hlPiith John-,on
Eddii· Johrbon
J1·n·111\ Johrhon
Jo-,t'pli Johrhon
K1·l.,t•\ Johrhon
Lori iohri-on
Ho.,-, Johrhorl
\1 ichai·I Jona-,
Richard Jwlt>il..a
Emih Juliani
Danif-1 Julin
Catrina Jurik
How have the
Scouts Influenced YoLf?
'\a-,hrPPll 1-.adri
\manda Kalino-,l1
J<hhua Kannin
\dam Kapaun
K)IP Kmalathka-,
Tve gone lots
of places, met
the mayor and
Tommy Thomp-
Daniel KPating
Shawn Kelh
Jo·.,pph Keogh
jp.,-,ica Killgon•
Sarah Kinzl!'r
\ -,hln 1-. lt>P-,
Kt>lh ·i-..1 .. inmarl..
R)ai1 1-.night
JPnnift•r l-.ol11u1.,
J1Hlll 1-.op~·-,k)
in 111· 1-. ornd1·r
\lt>i:han 1-.on
Jnt>lll\ 1-. orzPc
son all through
bowing tnt <(
rief list of
is first aid.
outdoor survival,
sense of civic
Jo,hua Kracht'\
\I" am lt>r K
l\:arhn n Krau.,.,
duty, wind surf-
\ ndrt•\\ 1-. rPI,.,
cultural diversity,
"'1rah ·r-. rati-t•
ing responsibility,
LOTS more!'
f.r.e .s.h.m e.n
p~ f 19
Gregory-Kr~ l~ ~
Jo,.,t>ph K rP~al
, tt>phanie K rt>-al
:\ pril K n.,.,ton
I loU) KruegPr
A)pxandt>r K nht'
Caitlin Kugler
'\;id1ola,., Kuhlman
Jame,., Kutz
Adam Kwa,.,
Jonathan K wiatkow;,ki
D1.btin Lacas,.,e
DanieUe LaJeune,.,;,e
j(){'I Lalgee
Daniel Lamothe
Erik Lamothe
]e,.,,.,ica Land
l\fartin Landree
Jaden Landwehr
i\fonica Langley
Latrice Lang~ton
AJy,.,e Laudonio
:\nthony Laudonio
Ryan Lauf
David Lawlor
"My horse's name is
Scat Man, but I call
him Moe. He is a tenyear-old bay thoroughbred gelding.
The really interesting
part about Moe is that
he was born and
raised on a bucking
farm and was trained
to buck, but I've never
fallen off of him.
K' )p La\\Tt'll<'P
'\athan Leach
11 t>atlwr Lt>P
Jnmifn Lt>P
K1111 I .t>l1rkP
\ ndrt>\\ I ,eon
r.illin LP\\i,.,
'\i('())p J,ippert
RPinaldo Lira
Samantha LittnPr
Jamie Loberger
fr,.,~ica J,ondon
Ricardo Lopez
Jadyn Lon•)y
Britian, Lo~·en·
Kn·,.,tle. Lowen:
Sh~lley Lo\\Ta;,_ce
Ryan Luckhardt
]P.rPlll' Lukaw-k i
Su-an· 1.und
Sarah \1acdonald
Grant \lanfrpd
Je,.,,.,ica \t ani<>ro
• a1111wl \1arct>lain
Katrina \far-hall
Luca, \fanh
\ aron \1artin
l~ bAf_esal-Morton
grt>PTit'l"). -,ophomorP Dani Dt>Ct>-.aro
giw.., ht>r mare DouhlP
\tint ,\fj,,.., an afft>rtionatt' pat on tht> nPck. 0
To cool off on a hot
-.u mmn da,. '\ lli,,on
l\tahon and S.-mm take
a rPfrP..,hing dir.i in a
pond. 0 \\ ith look., of
anticipation -.ophornon~
tart'' \~ illi-. and
Pate-hf.., nwntalh prPparP for a jump. ·
..____~o ~3~ Rbouf lf
fC \ ome de cribed a hor:oe as an animal that bite:-, at om: t'ml and kir.h
'9'at the othf'r_ but other loved them for their rwr..,onalit} and heaut}.
To keep hor,.,e-, healthy and gorgeous_ hor e fancier-, took on the dail~
re...,pon-,ihilitie" of feeding. grooming and exerci.;,ing. 0 ·-Grooming i-, relaxing after a bad day.·· said sophomore Lyncbi F ran<'oi-,. 0 Aft er bru;,hing and grooming for 30 minute . students saddled up for a ridf'. ome
<'hoosing to prartice for competition. 0
-\.1y favorite event i-, riding
\~ f'stem Plea-,urf' .. ot many hor:oe are natural at that. but mine is . ..,o Wt'
excel "hilf' sho"ing:· said junior Allison \1ahon who -,howed at event!">
throughout thf' summer including at the <'Oltnt} fair. 0 Entt·rinO' in dre-,agP. jumping and hunting competitions. rider-, -,har<'d tht• beaut} "ith
non-owner-,. 0 ··1 like watching all of the different hor._,e..., and event-, at
show:-,. Engli.-,h '">t} le is so elpgant:· said sophomore Chel-,<'a Rilf'). 0 For
more experit'nce. horse lover-, attt>nded hor e camp-, offt'rinO' irbtruction
in training. riding and grooming. Even "ith her experience. sophomore
Rachel , nyder di.;,covered hon,e could be unpredictable. 0 -·1 was riding
in a group down a trail. and all of a sudden my honw ju-,t -,topped and sat
down. Complett>ly down "ith me on it! I was like. what .\RE you doing? It
wa-; -,o weircl .. said Snyder. 0 Despite school. homework. and hor::>t>'s
sometime-, baffling behavior. student-, invested time in their love for horses.
"My h o rse
Zans loves
Coke and
trench fries
He'll lick the
soda right
out of the
-jr. Allison
Danit>lle Martin
j('-,-,ica Martin
Diana Martinez
Ja~rnin Martinn
Ricardo Martint>z
ChrL~toplwr l\1w,on
I leatht>r Mata
Elizabeth l\1atht>w-.
Eugene Mathia-.
\hh\ Maurer Mc \1ahon
Quinton McCra,
\'hit>\ l\lcCune.
Robt'rt M edt>rmott
Ton\ l\lcKillen
\uh[) McKinlt>)
Catlwrint> l\k\lahon
K ri-.1 in l\lcPhaul
\lanlww \kPlwr-.on
Ro<'io l\lt>jia
Lincl-.m l\frlito
km1ifr.r \lt>rnirio
Lane<:' \It>\ pr
\ ngt>la \l;d1
&njamin \1id1at>li-.
KYlt' \lila,
B~ an \lilt>tta
]o~hua \ lilk it>
LawTt'IWP \litcht>ll
Eric \Lohr
Jennifer \(ohr
Con.,.tan<"e \lolleda
HoU,annt> \lon.,.un
]o-.(:'i)h \!ontt'TllUITO
Jacob \(ome-. Dt> Oca
c(l(h \(oore
kff~t>' \loort'
Rand~ \lorin
Jt;...t>ph \lorton
f r e s.h.m.e.n
JI ng
rfv! I~ l
~ouf hsf Wor~
to referee,
first jobs fill
time and
eyes to a
\-.hley \1orzft>ld
\ urel;a \fo..,er
Li...,a \fowry
\dam Mu~ller
Kerri Mullaly
Timothy M~rray
Brian '.\aidicz
Felicia Naranjo
\-.hie) '\ru,i
Ray t>al
\a~on el-.on
G!'offrt>\ '\t>L,on
Sara ~1-,on
\lh -,on . t>u
Lo~i t>wl..irl..
Kri...,tin ·ichi
\aron '\icl..t>I
\dam it>-t>n
\fil..hail it>w..,
, ·hmm w,·t>-,
\dam orn..,
Rt>ina onlwrn
Da,-id onon
Diana o ·Rt>ill)
Dana Odorizzi
.\ndrat> Oli,er
T t>rt>-a OJi,n
John Onan
\hit>.., Ort>ar
.\rlt>nt> Orr
ichola.., Onh
.\ndrP\\ 0-tt>r
\\ hitnt>\ Pacht>co
, a\ rt> PagPI
Bt>i-J Pano-ian
Ian Parham
Chri...,tina Parker
Todd Par-.~ gnat
Danit>! Pa,tt>
Dono,an Payeur
~ Jl..e~ll r
eed ...,ome extra ca-,h!' G-0 aet a job! That·., what ;-.omt' "i"t' -,tudt'nb
did to put money in th<>ir pockt't.,. 0 -1 wanted to make mon<') for a
car. I wru, reall) nt'rYOlb at the intenit'w for Congo Ri,·er. tryina to concentrate on what to "ay, not knowing "hat to expect, - .,aid fre,.,hman ]t'rt'm~
JohTibon. 0 "hilt' earnina money wru, a huap factor, perk:-. came into pla),
from free ice cream to larger !:->Cale honu.-,e-,. 0 ··1 clean corporate jeh. I
get to work on, 50 million plane,,r' .,aid bOphomore Chri-, Baylor. 0 Re!:>pect was another plllli. 0
'·I am actually treated a.-, on<> of th<' older
people at KFC. -o one lookH down on me unles1::> they· re taller,~ .,aid fre.,hman Jason Jorgensen. 0 \\ ith all the different type::-. of job,.,, wag<>,, rnried
as \vell. Payment ranged from, 5.15, the minimum wage. to ,htO per hour.
The age to officially get a working permit was 1-±, and to receive one. i:>tudent needed proof of birth, a social security card a letter from the employer, parent .,ignature and, ·;-. 0 'Td gone to the .,hop with m~ mom
bince I was five to help dean up .• mv that I'm an ernplo) ee. rm the only
teenager. Everyone ebe i-, between 30 and-tO;' baid fre,_,hman Tara Zapp.
0 \s !:>tudentb entered into the real world some \\ith btomach.-, filled with
butterflie.,. they liYed the true meaning of the infamou,, phra.-,e parent,.,
loved to feed them, '·vtoney doebn 't grow on tree., .. ,
hrowing tht> flag
on a pla). frt>-,h 111an Chri,t\ Cor-,o rd.,
a ''K'Ct>r gai;w at \mlt>r-,on Fit>ld in lwr fir-,t job
for 'l~wnding mont>) . 0
B11ilcling towt>r-, with
lt>go-. f n'-hman \1t>gan
Gt>nanw hah\ -'>ih lwr
rwicrhhor. Darin\ Kunr,;lla. a-, lwr \'<l). of gnting t>\tra e<bh . \\hilt>
filling in for part>nt' who
wt>rt> out to t>at or at a
mmit> . .,he madt> :~;)
l)('r hour for two,.
Toma, Perez
-\ nthon\- Peter-en
Erik Petr~en
Lauren Petrmic
• arah Phelp~
\lPli."a Pia,
frnna Pickhardt
Brittan) PiPl
aralie Pignatelli
\lonir·a Pignotti
Ec1" urd PiYm ar
Erir · Pi\11\ar
K\ lr• Polloc·k
K\ lP Pollocoff
TairPrn Pomp)
\,hliP Po-picht>I
Danit>! Po-1
frffrt>\ Ponha-t
tPwn Puli>ra
Zachan Pulera
H)an Qui>lla
Chn-tophrr Quinn
\dam Rado\ic
~p, up and sway
\lt·ghan Rt•cllin
\ manda HPP'e
Tina Rt>id
1-:li,t• R1·1ullPr
I . . i..,a RP..,<'igno
Thomtt- Hicchio
C'.arlo lfoTiarcli
Trmi, HicharcL,
Fast Food
Movie Usher
l7 0 •
Newspaper Route
Ja\ Hicker
Jennifer Riggen
Bn an Hitacrn
_ ia Ri,PraZuganeli,
Bf>n Rohhin-
knnifPr Holwrt'
Jordan Roliiri-011
Jche Ro<lri;,:1wz
,ina Homann
Dani1•I Hcht•nhPr"
Du-tin Ro"
Carrie Rudd
\'o-ef Rude
Liml-e\ Ruffolo
\[au~ia Ruffolo
C'.arl Rurnachil
, on Ru-Pcki
ara-ha Rwchil
Ja,.on. ado"'ki
\[icharl alani
111 enjoy working
at KFC because I
get to be responsible and its fun to
work with kids my
own age'I
- fr. Emily Juliani
sarce: srvey c:J 1CX) esrtra>
fop fen feen jobs___.
f.r es hmen
Morrlel~ ls~
bnih Sala,
K ri.,topht>r Sam1N1n
'\icholP Sandpr-,on
f ,pnwid Samhick
Tt>rt'.,a Sanford
\clam Satt>r
\.,hh Sdmni
\arm; Schmidt
Chri.,toplwr Schmitz
R\ an . · ·hm•icler
\ ;.rnancl . ·hon.,cJwd:
\llan . ·hranclt
Smnamha Schuftp
\.,hf Pt' Scoll
Paul • 011
\ndrew St>nnholz
Jci-t'ph ~nnholz
Ka1Ph n St>rpt'
Kir\ 1·shada
\taitlww Shapiro
\ manda Slwt'f)
athanit'I Slwkem
\ 111\ Shulti.,
\ lli~on ShupP
Which parent
are you closer to?
\\ hth Sikich
Rollt'rt. , ·ikor.,b
ichola-, Simo ·
Bt>t h SilllJhOTI
\ nclrew Singer
'My dad and I
both live for
sports. Last summer we took a
Janet , kehon
ea.,,andra Skokut
Brian , Je.,zynski
Je.,.,ira Smet
Andrew Smith
road trip to Detroit and Cincinnati to watch
baseball go
and bond.
blowing hot <t'
spend more time
together, like going to lunch or
J<ht'Jlh Srnith
Karan Smith
KPgan Srnith
\1auhew Smith
Sa111antlm Smith
\\ illiam Smith
Ru,,plf Snecliker
R1·lw<·ca Soli,
\1111 S<iren-en
\ m; Spratlin!!;
Lace1 • tanler
\ ,hl~e Stami111
kfree Staple.,
Denni., Stead
shopping. It s the
best time to talk
and be close.
Felecia . tein
Patricia deiner
Danie-a • tein-eifer
Jame- • tender
I lt>atlwr Stepler
hile :,howing off
his piano ~kill,,.
frt>~hman \1ark ]erant>l
dazzlt>~ hi~ mom. Lill).
frrant>k -.till pra<'ti<'t>d
pit><'!'~ for t>ither his
morn or the r!'~t of his
Carnih. 0 To finaliu
paint ~ork on a Hallowt>t>n de<'oration. frt>~h
man Brt>nda \~ iegt>le
and ht>r father Dalt> pull
tognhn. \~ it>"elt> and
ht>r father worked on
the project four rimt>~ a
\Wt>k for si"'I: weeb.
~ir ~ef ween ~s
ere relation.-.hip,, between parenb and adole,,cent.., open enough to
~alk about chtching the ne\\ Ja-,on Bigg.., movie to "top by the hngt'
blowout pa~ with frienili. or "o d.U,tant that parenh did not ewn know
about the movie pla~? 0 --vty dad and l have an open relationc;hip. hut
my morn goe-, nut.., over anything. \\hen l was caught toilet papering. ,,he
'>pent the night '>Creaming at me. and my dad ju...t thmiaht ·boy-, \\ill tw
hoy-,.·- -,aid -,ophomore ~1att Curi. 0 While parent'> looked to kid., for
imide info. kid-. lookt•d hack to parent-, for upport 1•ven in academic-,. 0
'·Vfy mom help.., me a oTeat deal with rl'port.., and t>s!'>ay-,,. She "pell chl'rk-.
and correct!"> grammar, but ..,he ran· t help nw with lg1•hra IL becau-,e dw
math program ha-, rhanged -,o much from what she can remt>niber:· ..,aid
frt>...,hrnan B1·th Simp-,on. 0 \\ heth<'r getting that n<'w ,ideo <Yame or
cheering on tlw football team. part>nt!:i came through a.., great -,upporter,,.
0 --\\hen I dicln· t makt> the 'ar-,ity hockey team. I wanted to quit. but my
mom and dad woukln.t lt>t mt>. Tht>y took me to practice. -,aying ,,tuff like
·You're a-, good a" anyone t>l..,e." Tiw) kept my hopt>..., up. Thi." year I
worked hard<'r and madt> the teamr' ..,aid junior Jim Cope. 0 From memorit>;, of the p~bt to th<' trial.., and trihnlatiorn; of teen life. parent.., eag<'rl)
watcht>d a.., tlwir -.tud1'nb ventured into adulthood.
with a solid
teens team
with parents
to build
as young
\1t>gan Stt•wrb
\ft>li,,a Stt>wart
Chri~tit>-1,t>t> Stt>\ n
\lt>'(andt•r Stilt>~
Sarah. tilt•,
Radwl Stro11f
Janw,.. Swddard
C) mlt>I Suidila~
\Iii-on Suk
\ntoint>llt' S111Ji,an
Brian . ·\\an~on
Lt>t>annt> Swart;,,
\tara S\\artz
Gn·gol) Tait
\lark Tt''''
1' ri-tt>n Thinmw~ch
Dain Thrn111h
\\ hit 11n Thoma'
RH111 l.horn
I .iu1ra 'I hrn11h
Rt·rwt' 'I hra~lwr
wolt> Tlm•lkt•ld
\,)i)t.\ 'I olial~J,.,
Dalil ;,r1,a Tomic
\Ill hom 'I ornho
Ro~•·m;;n Torr!',.
bnih ·1,;th
Pam~la 'I ouht>\
Katt'I) 11 l ranl;.,rg
\ 11dn'a Tre,-i~o
R, an Tud1oll
Dawn L rl><m
\dam l -ingt>r
Courtllt>) \ un O\t>rh"'P
ha1ura \ amt>ll
\ alnrt>t! \ a-q1iez
\ nthon\ \ t>ntura
\11'"1. \ i~art-b
\ngt>la \ itt> ·
Jo~t"ph \ ojta
Relations~ lb 1
~oub le ~musemenf
t the \\, tate Fair, l have many farnrite:i, hut especially the
food: corn, cream puff;,, lamb gyros and che He-on-a-stick. I love
America, 26 tho'->t' pig races, too,"' said st>nior Liz Hal lgren. 0 \X ith animal attractions
and cheap price;,, many ;,tudents were drawn to the \\ i:iconsin, tate Fair
years old, where adult:, paid,? for entry. Crossing the border, , i'.: Flag;, Great
America adi1lli,sion-, pulled. '3? from fair-goer;,. 0 ..I don't mind paying; I
goes up gt>t a ;,ea-,on pa-;H for near ..'60, which payi:, off :iince I go four timeH:· said
against 150 senior Kerri Capodarco. 0 Introducing two new ride-, to ih 11 big roller
coaster;,, Great America\ Vertical \ elo ity :ihot up a-; an iru:.tant hit, but
years of Deja Vu remained clo1:>ed until Fright Fe;,t due to technical problem:,. Regardles1:> of the new ride,,, old favorites held strong. 0 --1 170 to Great \ merica
tradition at around 10 time;, a year; my favorite part L'> the water ride,,. On hot days,
it's the be;,t way to cool off;' :-.aid sophomore Jo::.h Graho"":,ki. 0 ~ ith
Wisconsin over -tO attraction:-., Great America di·ew in crowds from May to October.
State Fair ln contrru,t. the, tate Fair :,ta) ed open only 11 day:, in \ ugu;,t. 0 '·I enjoy
going to the , tate Fair each year. i\1y family uses that time for bonding,
which we rarely do."' i:,aid senior Jennifer Jelinek. 0 \~ hether enjoying the
commercial draw of Great ,\ merica or the family tradition::. of the State
Fair studenb filled ::.mnmer with family, friencb.and fun.
Great !'
Timothy \\ ade
.\ndrea-\\ agner
Kathleen \\ ·aligora
Jame::. \\ amholdt
Ryan \X atkirn;
early \X eek::.
\1ichele \\ elb
Kendal \\est
Kendrick \\Psi
Stephanit- \\ t>~L
Ra,me \\ hitP
Magen\\ hitrock
Colleen \\ 11\ tt>
Brt>n(la \\ it>g1·lt>
DaniPI \\ iPgPrt
lblie \\ iPgPrt
CatlwrinP \\ iPnkP
Katt' \X illPlllS
Brandon \\ illiams
Dm~na \\ illia11h
F,nin \\ illianh
\him \\ illiam"
Danit-I \\ illman
Jordan \\ olr
\1eghan \\ olr
Sarah \\ olford
\ ndrPw \\ ood
Kvie \\ t>r<'P,tt•r
Je~-e \ arn·P.
Danit-! \t>P
Ja~on Yorgpn,pn
Dmid \orL
Chri.,topht-r \ult>
Thoma~ Zaionc
\1anut'l Zamora
, rew Zander
.\laina Zanin
Tara Zapp
.\ manda Zarlt-tti
Erik Zane!
~a; "Y
lb~ A1~Zurcher
otton cand) to
,,pun·. "t'nior 1-.:ari
Groff ~tarted ,,1111111wr
run earh at Gn·at
\merica 0;1 \la\ :2-t. ~ht'
optKl £or tht' WlHL-.(-'llWnt
purl mt'r '-.t>nior Banquet. 0 !11 a fight owr
the cm t>tt'd ~nake prizt>
from tlw Gold Ru~h targt-t ,,quirt gamP. ·o 1
graduatt> . arah Lauf
and "enior \ manda f>pter,,en rt'tllliH· at GrPat
\ nwrica to kick off tlw
~um11wr \\~th lauf(h".
S oaking
in the sun· s rays
and water drop;, rro~11
her spla;,hing pab, junior
Emiko Shekem celebrate,,
sumnwr freedom at junior
A[y.,,a Molter\ house Juh
16·. 0 In the stands enjo):_
ing a hot dog. "ophomore
Dllitin Heyden watche,, the
12-year-0lCb" .\ ll . car Little
Le:i.gue game in mid-July.
Beside,, participating in
.,ports rhern.,.,eh-es. students
also i;upportt'd their siblings· endem ors.
"With extra
rime at year-
book camp,
we went into
search of pictures.
After discovering a cherry farm, we
took lots of pictures there and then
picked about 10 pounds of ch erries. But when we brought them
back to the dorm room, they spilled
all over the floor! "
- sr. lauren [ooper
\ lli.,on ze.,zutek
Jacob Zicc-arelli
Jacob Zimmennan
Jennifer Zolper
\1egan Zorc
\ nclrew Zumwalt
Craig Zurcher
A ILitrle
,., League the\ ll
an wnpi:re for
, tar Game. junior Ton)
\ lontemurro follo" '" the
gmne with a watchful eye.
0 Leaning m-er course
choices. senior Kim
\laika. sophomore Rachel , nwkr and ·-eniors
Jenn Gaudio. 1' an i
Rutchik and \lichelie
Turco -elt'<'t, 1J('(i.u Interest ~-irnb "ith achice
from i1i-t nwtor !<h
foml.J) m " E\IP \ ("<Ullf~·
I A "' "the :-ichool year drew to a clo;,e and the temperature ro e. ;,ummer
~ fun di' erted teen..., from academic,., to farawa) place,., and ne"\\ face;,.
0 -~went to many place;, thi;, ;,ununer including. weden and Denmark.
-\l:-io. l "lx>nt three weeh backpacking in \ 1ontana and four weeb at
French Camp.". -.,aid ophomore Kara mall. 0 In addition to trm·eling
and ;,ummer camp,.,. ome tudent;, u;,ed the ..,ummer to pla) ;,port;, and
get in -.,hape while taying in town. 0 --During the -;ununer l played Yolleyball 2+?. In a gym or in the yard l alway had a rnlleyball with me. - -.,aid
-.,enior Carolyn Chatmon. 0 ~ ~ot eYeryone wa;, im·olYed in team ..,port-,. -.,o
-.,ome opted for individual ;,port::, ;,uch a;, biking or working out in a gym.
0 ··1 go rollerblacling by the harbor eYery week becau::ie it".., really pretty
down there. That way l can e~erci;,e and enjoy my;,elf. ·· ::.aid -,enior Abbe~ l lbert. 0 ~lthough ;,port::, were ex:citing. work camp,., -.,tarred a;, another "·ay to learn valuable ;,kilb along with helping other-,. 0 ··1 worked
at a religiou,, work can1p in \ irginia. It wa;, a lot of fun becau,,e l enjoy
Yolunteering and I learned about people and religion.·· ;,aid -.,enior lli.-,on
\\ illent..-,. 0 Although ugu;,t 29 loomed and ;,tudenh found them:oeke::.
huniedl) fini:,hing ;,ummer reading and buying t-chool sup1 li~. the~ basked
in the :-.un until ba;,king in rnernorie!:> wa;, all that wa:-. left of the ,.,ummer.
trees time,
stress and
heats up
no pool and no patience
'I'm excited that they
redid the pool filter beFour months and 17 dap of waiting and work
pa)ed off ''ith the completion of the renovationb
cause swimming in gym
done to the pool. The oriainal 1965 filter system
class is such a nice break
jrn,t coukln ·t cut it anymore. so the Kl D Board
from the other sports. I
am·e the "0 ahead and work<>rs from Kaelber Plumbing Co. ripped out the
old and in.-,talled th<' rn•w. EYen with montlli of work and , 150,000. swimcould tell last year that
mer-, -;till -;aw room for irnprowment. 0 ·-It\ not that I don·t appreciate
the pool was in desperwhat the) did l jtL">t think they could have cleaned the tiles better. It still
ate need of re ir.
feeb gro-;s to -;"\vim in the pool because the bottom !:>till looks old and
grimy.~ said sophomore Danielle Potter. 0 De pite the complaints. the
swim team celebrated getting back into their own pool. After practicing in
Bradford·s pool, the swinmring and di'ing team agreed that the district made the right decision
in funding the pool renovation. 0 ·-1 10\·e being back in our home pool becau-,e of the comfortable feeling it aives all of our team members, not to mention the fact that we alway-, get the
faste t times in our own pool,"' said sophomore K ri-;ten Benetti. 0 Practice at Bradford presented multiple problems for member-, of the swimming and diving team. especially tho-.;e v.ithout cars. 0 '·I didn t like travellina so far to get to Bradford. Abo, our practice-.; were too late at
night, and their pool seems dirty,"' said Brazilian foreign exchange senior Lorena Soares. 0
Though the swim team was happy to haYe their pool back, many students in gym class regU:itered complaint::. that weren't as new as the pool. 0 ·-I had hope::. that they woul<ln ·t fr" the pool
in time so that we "\vouldn't have to sv.-im in gym. In Gym III we are required to snorkel and [
don't want to use that snorkeling equipment that everyone shares," said junior Katie Briggs. 0
Even with the mixture of opposing opinion.-,, the inve::.tment made toward the pool renovation
presented advantages for both gym classes and team;,.
\clam \ceto
Tonia \dkin.s
Antoruo Aiello
Chri;;topher !\ lbert
Xavier Aldridge
Je\'on Ale~ander
Carmelina \lfano
\ njelica !\Lien
Iebbica \ ltergott
David \ nder;;on
Jennifer \ nder;;on
Ky le ,\ nder~on
StPphanie \ nderson
Tara \ nder~on
\1elinda \ntaramian
KeL~havakia \nthony
Ca;;ey \pker
Brian \ rendt
\1icah :\\erbeck
Brittne\ Bach
athari Bald"in
\1atthew Bale
\ manda Balrnh
Je"ica Bank~
Jo~hua Banb
Ju.~tin Bareika
Jared Baron
Teodora Barma
Denni, Baumgarten
Chri~topher Ba) lor
• te\'en Bebo
ina Beck
Lara Bei~er
\darn Belheau
K ri.~ten Benetti
Kem Bennett
Jeffri-, Bernhardt
. "helh. Bid Lie
Thori1a~ Bierdz
l.p~. ~y
hind lwr team·,
opped up goa lie'
box, ,ophomore Ka)la TI1relkeld enjo)' a
game of water polo in
her gym 11 c l a~'· 0
Preparing to thro;-· a
pa''· fre,hman E\) le
Goodwin geh in a
little football during
hi~ free time after being 1e,1ed on the four I
ha,ic 'troke,.
Shant> Blanklf'y
Brandon Blatt; r
Britni'\ Bort>.,ch
Danit>ilt> Borlanrl
c:;,,an Braun-,hau-,pn
Janw-, Brinl man
\ 1atthf'\\ Brothf'n
\ 1t>ghan Bro\\ n
Tro\ Bro\ It•.,
wi11 >Uh ·Brnmhack
\ -,hh Burclf'n
tP\f';t Burfit·ld
i-- ,1rl Burkoth
R\an Bu.,.,,.
1.;11ir,.n B11t.,d1li
Jandl·· n1iro
John n1111p
Joa1111 Campolo
Da11i1·I 011whola
Janw-, Carn·on
Jo-,hua Car\ Pr
Holwn C;har-,a
l\11·li.,.,.1 t· lla110
1\1 ic·h:wl ChamlM·r-,
KPlh Charlton
Brit ia11\ Cha-,t•
fr-,-,in1 ·Clm1111on
\ mJwr Clwnf'\
Pf'tf'r Clwrnt').
"Not getting home
until 9:30 p.m. from
'\ ichola-, Chovan
Jon Chri-,1111a11
Todd Chro11i11;wr
l~ l izalwt h Ciart>lli
\Ian Ci-,1wro-,
practice every night
caused me to have a
new cold each week.
Also, Bradford tried to
R, an Clark
break our team down
Tri-,ha Ct.1Uwrt
I [pm-., Colt>man
by hanging signs all
c;;)(h Cla,
Edga~ r~1lin
over, but now that we
are back at Tremper,
\l t>ga11 Comlt>
\lt>hlit> (.omit>
\\ illia111 Coo1wr
\I) .,.,a Cowlli
we can have dual
meets with our colors
surrounding us.
soph. ~ri~bny W3tr ng
.\ Lli.-011 Cm;ngton
\ma nc la Cm,
K\ \p ramlf't
Ja.nw., Crawford
Dm;d Crt>\\t'
i!'ole Crmwll
\ [an\w\\ Curi
Kt>ith Curran
Clwl.,pa Dalt>\
Acet~D!! lb~
Camli('t' Danit•l,on
Dawn David
Brandon Dm i,
Stt·phanit• Dm·i,
\ manda Dt>Cesaro
DaniPllt• [)p(',p,aro
\pril Dt•('kPr
frnnift>r [)peter
'\i('holas Deh1c·c·a
~a111antha Dc·"itz
l lannah Did.i11,011
I .aun·n Dit>hl
\1atthP\\ Diehl
fr,,in1 Donrwr
Dmid Dople
Trac) Dmwll
\1a-.i111 Duford
\1attht>\\ Dula!.
\ lt>umdt>r Dw, pr
Jacob ~:dmark ·
frrmaine Edward,
DPl)(1rah Egl)
Lisa Elliott
Brittain) l·:llsworth
take my breath
Senior Janette Michaelis navigates to Dave Matthews concert.
Cort>y EngeU>recht
Sarah Eniwlhardt
H) an Engli,h
Felicia Espinosa
Felecia Ewald
Martin Fahey
Chri,ti Falbo
Jame, Falcon
\ farisha Falk
0-1re' Fet>st
Stephanie FeUo\\-b
\ higail>in
Timothy Finley
Bryan Fi,cher ·
\l;chael Flatley
\ hmad Fleming
Ht>ctor Flore,
• andra Flore,
Gian Dofft>l Foja,
Brandon Fonk
C:h~ Formicola
Oanirl Fountain
Brandon Fo"
Tiffani Franco
Lind't>' Francoi,
\manda Frank
Ryan Frankl'
lb bALelson-Herchian
[o cerf ~ab
To gPt in dw Counlr)
( 1;.rnmdPr
rrnw><l "oph.\aron \1ill1•r
li.-tPn,., w a CD IJ\ \Ian
JacJ.,.,on lwfon; lwarlinl? out of \ndt•r,.,on
lot. ThundPr 1.wrformance,., wok plact> in
mid-Juh· in Twin
Lakt',., arid bt>gan dail)
at 11 a.m. and \Wnl
pa.,.,t 11 p.m. 0 Tip·
ping hi..,, hat to ('OllrllT) 'Pirit. •t>nior Chad
Blattt>r ~--·agg"r" off to
cla,,.•e,, in dw courtyard in late 'via).
keeping the music alive
''I woutd definitely go to
Country Thunder again. I
Crowd, cheering, people dancing. muhad such a great time
sic blasting. Expect this when entering
ummerfe:ot or Country Thunder sumwhen I went, and it was
mer mmic fe tivab. 0 -Tue Alan Jacbon concert
wonderful to be around
was like one big party. It was so cool to st"e all the
all the country music, and
people jamming to the mmic. ·· said ;,enior Dm-id
Granger. 0 A rri,-ing at the concert was somewhat
ai. of those people who
of an adYenture: the siO'Tb weren· t alway;, ob,-iou,,.
love it as much as I do
0 ··\\ e decided to use the ·park and ride· route to
~ 11 :nJ I~ 'eS31
get to the actual ummerfest ground.,. but because
of the poor signs. it was really confu-,inO'. and we
ended up dri,-ing all owr before wt" eventually got there:· ...aid junior Carolyn , trash.
0 Dri,-in 17 to hear altematiYe. zydt"co. count~. R&B. hlrn_..,_ regga<-'. pop. Latin and
rO<'k ·n roll. music lover,, flocked to , ununerfe-,t ·s B .,tage:o for 11 da~ .,_ while Countn Thunder featured mer -iO artish. 0 ··1 saw Tim \1cGraw and Kf•nnv Che-,ne\.
r~-e ne,·er :oeen them before and reall} wanted to. Count!'} i.:, great~-- ... aid ~enior ~l~a
Law on. 0 The concert attracted more than 150.000 fans a day for the four day., it
ran. although music wasn·t the only attraction. 0 "One night at Count!'}' Thunder it
started raining, so Chad Blatter and 1 decided to join in on mud 'nestling. It" s not
Ye~- often that you get to ghetto mud \\Te:otle "-ith a bunch of good looking count~·
girb. ·· said enior T rernr McCallister. 0 Count!'}· fan,., could unite rn-ice a year at
Count~· Thunder. while ummerfest wa:, an annual eYent. 0 ··I spent 3 days at
Sunnnerfest; I would sleep there if I could .. .,aid senior ~ick Rezny. 0 Fam, !:>aYored
the .,ound., and then ..,ettled in to wait until next summer to do it all again.
]o,.,hua Frazn
Brianna F rt>deri<'k
Racht'I Frt'nnt>r
Jach n Fritz
i.;:, Ii- Fro,,1
Ki-lh Fulton
Ra Fur.Jorgt' Gamarro
(:, nthia Garcia
E~cla Gar<"ia
\latthew Garofalo
fr,.,,.,ica Catt>"
Jacob Gentz
Ca.-~andra Giglioui
Brian Gimannoni
\lichat>l Gla..,.,man
\ nnah Goergt>n
]1hhua Gralxm-ki
Sanuuantha Graham
Linll•e\ Cram
1 orrant't' Griffin
Rohen Grow-,
Jo-Ima Gnmdman
'-tt>phanie Cw~ n
'-arah I laag
Da,;<l Hamihon
Ruth Hamm\e
\ manda Ha~·Pn
.mherine Hari-Pn
\ndrew Ha\\hakt>r
Joanne Ha\\haker
John Ha\\baler
ora I leidr
\h--a Ht'in
!:-a.rah I lt>inzen
Rm mond I !ennighau-en
Tyier I Ierchian
Thun~ lb l
in the act after hours
ighf Rrresf
. ?-t.20 for a latf' night walk(
It bOuncb like a practical joke,
'I hardly ever come
home on time or before
curfew. My parents
but curfew consequence:, were
don't really mind all that
a reality for kid.., out pru:it 11
much, as long as they
p.m. week niO'hf">. late \Valk or midnight tnL">Chief rebulted in 36? adolebknow who I'm with becenb rec iving curfew tickeb in 2001. 0 '-\1) friend.., and I U">ually have
hike rac b. , metime., we are out pa'">t curfew, but we 'vc neYer been
fore I leave the house. I
cau11ht;' baid b<>phomore Keith urran. 0 EYen though '">Onw got away,
have a lot of freedom.'
luck ran out for other curfew challengerb. 0 "My friend.., and I were out
prf'tty late walking near the lake. A policeman ru:iked llb if we were with an
~ ~ll1nw
adult. When we ,,aid no, we all had to get into hib car, and he took LI">
home. Ile talked to my mom, and we all got curfew ticket-,:' ..,aid fre-,hman Jenny Colmer. 0
Poli e officer Jerry Kait>er baid t>tudent'"> weren't being targeted and that lllO'it arre,;b re!:iulted
frorn complaint!:'.! about vandali..,m. 0
'·\\ e do not go to movie,, or re,,tauranh looking for
people. If we bee kid.., out walking, we'll 'itop them;' !-laid Kai... er. 0 Of the curfew arre'ih,
officer;i also charged ::31 with theft, andali:;m or burglary. Mo,,t kid-, who oheyt>d curfew wert>
not ;icared of getting a ticket, hut of dibplea..,ing parent;i. 0 '-l obey curfew -.o l get a good
reputation with my parent">. That mean;, in the future thf') "ill give lllP a later curfew," .,aid
bophomore R) an Clark. 0 either gt>ndt>r could f''"><'ape the rf'flt'rCLL">'">ion-. of nirfew. Femalp..,
receiwd 117 curfew ticket-.. and rnalp-, collt>ctt'd 2:-0 tickeh. \lthough the o.,tat<' law required
adole,,centt> under l8 to he in b) 12 a.111. on weekend..,, Home ki<L.., -,aid that pan'nh '"><'t hour-.. 0
'·I'm a good kid; I don't get into trouhlt>. M) parent;i don't rt>ally care about curf<'w. Tht> cit)
u">ually enforce., it,"' ..,aid Hophomort> knn Ander;,on. 0 Curft>w had teen"> thinking about what
IPt them breathe ea;iily, plea::,ing part>ntb, tht> cit) law t>nforcenwnt official"> or tlwir own whim..,.
\ ]y~t> 11 t>~~t>fort
Di.i.~tin I lt>ydt>n
Randi I ligginlx>ttom
Michat>I I liklrt'th
Kel[je 1loffmann
Danit>llt' l lokan;,on
Ryan I lolvick
David l lotchkis~
K atht>rirw 11 uck
Tim I lutchirb
\llt>n I lutchinson
\1arC't') lpsPn
,\ mher lsal:>t'll
\le"< Jacb.on
Dennis Jacbon
\1egan Jacbon
Deborah Jakala
\,hley Jab.ob
,\m, iamhrt>k
Kyle Mft>r,
Dan, t>llt' Jenkin.~
Kenrwth Jt>nnings
Lisa Johanst'n
Erik John-on
RachPI Johrbon
Ramh- John-on
Tatia;ma JohrN>n
:\ichoJa, Jont>~
Kimlwrl~ ]<ht>phs
John Kaddatz
Zacha'! Kaddatz
Eli.~P Kai-t>r
,\ft>hlika Kalan
-\h-~a Kara.. ti
Rhianna Karl~
Chri.-tina Karnt>s
Para-kt>~; Kaisi,;
Joshua Kaw
Sarah Kt>ll)
fu l .. ·ng
lb~ Atnsiderffig Curfew
\ tlw snacb. bar IM'-fttn• tlw 9:-+:J p.m. Tin,.,,.1 Town -.l10\\i11g that
k t>pl kid~ Olli U ft t'f
cit) curft>\\, sophornort' k~sica Chat111011 grah.. a stra\\ . 0
Cup in hand at tlw
~1111shi1w restaurant ,
sophomort' \~hit')
O'Connell 1><c111-,<·s l j
fort' ~t'IPcting an 11
p.111. snack .
Gary Kern
\dam King
.\manda King
Katharinr Kirby
TraC) Kirk i-gaard
Kiml')Prh· Kleinmark
icolP KIOf't
\1atthf'w Kluwr
\aron KnoU
'hmm K nuttf'r
Briana K nuuti
Brandon Koch
K<1.roh n K<lf'hm~
KPll\ -Kolmo.,{,. Korba,
JPrPrn) K<hup
StP\c•n Kozpr.,ki
l,aurt>n Kratowicz
Kf'lh KrPb,
\ar: m K rPm\\icz
\ ,hJP\ K ff'lbf'T
M idu;t>I K rP11.,t"r
knn\ Kroll
Todci K nwiwr
\ ndrf'\\ K rnpp
\ ictor Kn ht'
l\1 ichaf'I K111zlPr
Jul ir 1 ~'1in
Lynda Laitinen
Sara I,amac ·<'hia
I (patfwr I ,a111otlw
fitpwn I.and
~p. up and away
Q 0 •
l\.licht>lle I ,anw·
Kri,tin LanllO)I'
0 •
OrMng Arourd
Q 0 •
Clw[,pa I .ari-do" n
Dmid Lar.,t•n
JamP,on I .ar.. on
l\1atthP" I ,a,.,
Jo,J111a I ,t•chthz
Sporting Events
knnift•r H. LP«>
l'h tit' l...!11111111
Stt·phanit· I ... wk
\Ill\ I .t'l.:t·r
\ m:111da I .t·miard
wolt• Lt ·to
\ latt ht '" 1.t·\ .,
\Lan I .id11t·;1hdd
\ arn·--a Londono
\ ll!(Pla l.11:,:0
Frierr/'s House
I I 1 play Cruisin'
World after midnight while waiting
for my parents to
pick me up at
Tinseltown. I I
- jr. Radle/ Frenner
nrce: SU' ey of 100 sophorncxes
..___---4top mpbces to go ____.
n I
He55efort-\1~ lb~
Moli"ia \fanin
\ ,hlP\ Martirbon
C',(>r\ \taurPr
Stp;en \1auricio
lh an \lcCormick
B~andon \frgihan)
Bric~n \l c·Gill
Dana \1prkp,
icho[a, \1Prrill
'>1 ichat>I \lt>rritt
\tichat>L \1 t>rtz
\ mhom \1 etz
Joel \t e\ Pr
Keli \ti;.11.. e
\ mancla \tielchZ\ k
\ aron \lillPr
Brian \1inalga
frnnifor \1onnier
StaC\ \fon.,on
Kri,(inf' \1ontague
Tanya l\.fontf'ith
Sergio \fora
l ,m plJ \fo,IP\
\ njuli \1 uckiin
PHn \1uro
Gam't '\auta
Danit>I el,on
DaniPI oPI
Court nP) '\olan
Grrgof) '\omk
\ ,.,hlt>y o·Connell
Bryan 01,.,en
KPL,f'y OL-.on
\ m) Orlo"~"ki
Cathy Oniz
Ja,01~ Our
Sarah Pappe
l ,ara Parkt>r
Raclwl Parri,h
Pa ng >paces "
on o+
o erflow
frff Panpr,on
Dt>ni,f' Payne
Karm Pear,on
Danielle Pecha
Jame-, Peder-on
Pe cen+ ot rione
·~t o MO e
h good g ode<> con save or o
year of
once coverage ;
Joanna Pet>t
Jame., Pt>llizzi
Zachan Pern
K, It> P~rroni
K) If' Peter-en
Ryan Pi-tit
PPtrerti- \~ atring
ichola;, Pt>tt'
Danji-J Pfarr
K athf'rine Piller
crd wwwcbt.state.wi
n II.
Im Alartin~ounIB
s.o.p.h.o.m.o.r.e .s
on the road to freedom
t'1· r tI rJ tr0p
,1<11111g IH·hind tlw
wf11·1•l. junior K ri-.t)
\1' Kirt' -.milt•., a-. -.lw
l1•a\f•., thf' \ndPr-.1111
lot aru·r :2:.->-) p.111. 0
To cel1·brau· tfw -.u n
through th1· roof< ,r hi-.
rt'd Olcl-,111ohil1· Cutia.,., • uprt'mf'. -.ophomorf' Mau Di... hl oftf'n
dri\e-. with fri1·11<l
-.ophon11m· Ra hrr:.
Di ... hl paid
the car up front and
pay-. hi-. parf'nt~ !ii 100
monltll\ for t hf' otlwr
re~ bl~lf\
"I only have my temps
so far, but it will be
Old or new.
of all kind-, motigreat to get my license
Yated prospectIYe
in awe of the long
anticipated freedom of obtaining a licen..,e. For
because I won't have to
man) hopeful driwr,,. the long-dreaded road te.,t
bt.g my fXJrents for rides
cau-,edcolliiderable apprehelliion. 0 ··\1) body filled
anymore and I know
with all ,,orb of emotion-, when I went for nw road
te-,t. I didn"t prepare a lot. -,o I wa">n·t expecting to
they are looking fordo Yery well. When I pa..,..,ed it w~ like a huge weight
ward to that!'
lifted off my ..,houldn..,:· .,aid junior Jenn) Carroll.
0 \ lthough \\ i.,con-,in·.., D\1\ li:;ted -t. 798.0;)6 regi,.,terPd \f'hiclf'., in 2000. andonh 3.5.'5?.-t9? licf'n..,pd
dri\ t•r,.,. pa,.,..,ing tlw te,,t <Lidn· t ~lwa),., mt·an a Of'\\ <rriYer had a car to hi., or hc·r,.,elf.
0 ··I ,.,pend all my morw) on ga.., hecaiN' I ..,harf' Ill) car \\ith Ill) oldc•r hrotlwr \\ho.
"ht>n lw conw-, horm~ f rorn collt'ge. th<'" tlw <'ar and won· t fill it 11p:· ..,aid junior Joe
Lum It•) . 0 To rook if' drivf'r-, frf'edom wa.., worth . 1.89 a gallon in DPt'Pmlwr and
. l.;)2 O\f'r M morial Da) Wf'Pkend. 0 .. lt ·.., ~Jbolutel) awe-,011w <m ning a car\\ lw11
) ou hmPyour licen,-,e. l ju..,t hop<.. I don"t get into an accident i11 my maroon \ta ima:·
.,aid junior Bryan Bata..,..,a. 0 Be..,ide., a<'cidenh. frf'edom al..,o nwant pa) ing up to
&TSO ewr:: two month,., for in..,urancf'. 0 --Bf'cau..,p the tran-,mi-,-,ion i..., getting ripped
apart in Ill) 1996 Dodgt> mini-Yan. I havf' to takf' t hf' hth for two wt>ek-,. It \\ill f'nd up
co-,ting me. 550:· -,aid junior fr-,-,ica \\ hitf'foot. 0 ,\ fortunatf' few took adYanta"'P
of parPnt< genero..,it). 0 ..\1y parenh pay for ga.., and in..,urancP, and lll) grandpart•nh bought my '91 Cutia.,.., for me. I haYe the re">t of TH) life to pa) debt..,:· ..,aid junior
\fonica Puder. 0 Ont'f' pa..,t tht> co-,b . .,llrdt·nh ract>d toward ne" found f reedorn.
Danif'llf' Po1tt'r
\ rnancL Poth
\1icluwl Pmwll
]f'ffrt'\ Quaintanct'
'\i<'ol1; Quinihy
\ manda Rat'tlwr
Katit' Ra-.h
Ja-,on Rmzburg
Zacl1a11 Ratzhurg
\ rnanda
Raclwl R ... ,.., ,...,
\\ illiam Richarcb
\lidiaf'I Richmond
Chel-ea Rilr,
\mlwr Rin~·a ld
. arah Rinkt'
\\ hitllf'\ Ri-.tau
\\ illian; Robhitt-.
Co1' Rolit·ri.-.
\h lt·I Robirhon
1_,;j., R1wlrig1wz
().,car Hod~igun
\ 111,111da
1 hom:i- H1 • •lt')
\dmuw Ho-alt'.,
1d10l.r., Ho-t·nnmer
\lh -,on Ho.,.,r
\n~t·la Huark
K ri-1 in Huffalo
\cL.11u H11td1il..
krt'lll\ """'"' .,l;j
H.idwl ·1lat,1
K.11i1· ~1mU,..rii
Hi..J1anl '-.andrr-.on
\Ill in·\\
knna "liam;mi.,
more than time re uired
ITT ne~ ITTaHers
"Once I got in trouble
for drawing pictures and
Pt'nciJ..,, pf'n..,, "piral nott'boob,
passing them around,
hicrhlightt'rh flf'w off the
which is weird, since I
..,hek"" of local hu;,int>...,...,f'.., a..,
was in art class when it
the ..,chool y<-'ar lwgan. Clru;;.e.., dt'manclt'cl not on!) ei.:tra tinw for honwwork out..,id of cla.-,", but aL...,o t>i.:tra mont') for ..,npplit'..,. 0 In l lonor-,
happened and we're
English 10, ;,tudt>nt.., who lo ta\\ ritt>r-, Inc. from ninth grad<-' paid, 1-t for
required to have extra
a new copy or, 10 for a lL..,ed Yer,, ion. long with tht> fi,-t> rt'tfuirt'd noYt>l"
er to do drawi
came clrn;e-rt>ading dutie<i that incor1x>ratt>d many highlightt'rH and po..,t-it
note . 0 '·For about $-tO inHonor<> Engli..,h 10, l U<>ed highlightt'r.., to mark
my books, pobt-it note.., to identify tht> pagt>.., and a hind<>r to ket'p all my
ru, icrnment.., in order.., ;,aid ophornore Kara mith. 0 \\ ith nt>ce..,..,af) lah matt'rial..,. ;,cience
offered an interactive environment at a larger regi..,tration fee. Organic Ch<·mi try topped
the charts with a $-t8 fee. 0 'Tm glad we haYe all th<> chemirah, and <-'quipmPnt to Ubf' for
Organic Chem, and I don't mind the fpe hinct' my parent;, paid for the course:· said junior Devin
Hendricks. 0 Spanish classes required Engli..,h to Spanish dictionarieH, ..,piral notebooks, folders and theme papt>r, in addition to the tei.:tbook and workbook co..,t;,. ln an \lgehra 2 clru;..,, it
wru, common to have to luy a 1:>cientific calculator, and latt'r a graphing calculator wa., needed
for Calculus. O '·Becau;,e I haw to pay for the additional ..,upplie..,, rm a littl<-' more cautiou.,
about what I huy;' ... aid ;,ophomore Shane Blanklt>y. 0 \!though thert' were plt'nty of fpe.., at
registration, i:,ome btudenti:, opted to get all th<-' fep.., out of th<-' \vay at onc<>. 0 ··rd ratht>r get tlw
list when we register bo we can have it on the fir..,t day of Hchool;' ... aid ;,ophomore Joann
Campolo. 0 To prepare, studentb forkt>d over ei.:tra ca.,h for organizational tools teachers taught
them to use, plus special supplieH n<:>eded for clru,1:>eb from driver's ed to art.
Brooke Scht>nk
Taran Scheppa
Emily Schindler
Adam Schlax
Amanda Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt
·icole Schmidt
Scott Schmidt
Karlee Schnt>ider
April Schultz
K rilsten Seidl
Keiler Sengbu~ch
A nibt'r Sennholz
eal Slwforgen
Brett Siel,ki
Martin Silva
Aaron Si 111on
icole Si morben
Lamar Simp-.on
Lt>ah Slaght
Kara , mall
\~ illia111 Sman
, 1ephani1• Smick
Chri~topher, mith
Daniel , mith
\fattlww , '111i1h
Renee , mit h
Timmh, Smith
Daniel Snmeiy
Rachel , 'n) de~
Adam Socha
Jonathon Sonwnt>k
;\mire" , paet h
Lia , pauknng
Chri... topher Sr>t>ncf:'r
Kenneth , 1.wncer
R' an , 1achon
B~andon , tark
Brett , talema
franellyn, tt>in-.t'ifer
emph1bizt> ,·ariel),
phomort> l\ icole
<)uimh) highlighh
lwr 'emence opening
-.lwe1 in green during
her Engli.,h 10 Regular da-.,. 0 \\ailing
for tlwir [D and da... ,
pict11n•., to ht- talen,
junior, Ben Bonare11i
and Lara Hoff hold
photo order em elope'
and fee card~.
Casey Strecker
Kevin Stuckey
Jay Sturycz
• arah StylP~
:\icholas ·. ustache
Eric , wan~on
Richard Symonlli
Jacob , yr;ini
Eric Tarbox
Jamie Tarro
eal T Prnpleton
Ka,·la Threlkeld
.\n~anda Tijerina
St-an Tinker
arah Tolliver
\lark T rt>nO<'i
]amit> TrPdup
Jamh TrPnt
Emily Ty~on
Jo,,h1~a Lhlir
Kaithn Llmer
Jo-,eph Urich
Brian L.,inger
Ricke) L~ingPr
'\ichola., \ aleri
i\1elissa \ andehei
\ngela \aughn
Jerern) \ enturini
Fallon\ illup
Jacqelin \ 11ketich
'\ichola-; \\ ade
Rachael \\ ade
Jeffrey \\ alter
K) lP. \\ arnock
Brittany \\ atring
Karen \\atring
\ manda \\ awiorka
Jerih nn \\ emN
De-,[rae \\ t<her
Elizabeth \\ eirick
I leather \\ elke
Daniel \\ell.,
\Ill} \\ enger
\darn \\ i>nte
Jo-,eph \\ epfer
\lli-,on \\ ermeling
Brittnee \\ i>-,tern1e) er
• arah \\ i>-,tplate
\ manda \\ hitef<x>t
Danit>! \\ hitl'f<x>t
Patrick \\ iPnkP
[)panna \\ illard
Dawntavia \\ illiam-,
Sta('e\ \\ i Iii.,
Brall(1on \\ intPrle
Phillip \\ i-ecup
Ju-tin \\ olrP
Cina \\ ri!!ln
Caroh nn \\ 'nia
\li<"hat>l \\ vnn
Ti-ha Yam:P,
Rii:k\ Yme-, ·
Bran.don \ oung
Kandace \oung
KPvin ZPt>Ck
\lak., Zieciak
.'amantha Zie-emer
.~tephanie Zie,·er;,
Ethan Ziman\
Chri.,rine 7_.,anihoki
Donata Zura" ka
Schenk-Zura~! l~
Da\\11 \alto
, tanle, \braha111
Cah-in. \clam"
\tichael \ idlo
\ ndrt'a \lgier"
\Ill hon\ \ llt'n
Danit'I \hhatL"
T ral't') \ ndt'r~en
\ ndre\\ \ nder~on
Caitlin \ nder,on
Dane \ nder~on
Jami:', ;\ ndt'r~on
. teYen \ nder"on
Dt'bra \ ndrt'a
\\ illiam \ ndrichik
\1ariam ;\ maramian
\lanhe\\ \ mrim
]t'rt'mt' \ rndt
Ron \uch
Ja,on Backhau~
'\ichola' Badha111
Chri~toplwr Baker
Efrt'n Baldera'
Jchhua Barnes
What was your
favorite concert memory?
I,P ro\ Barrt'ra
\ nt 11ony Barrie rt'
Brian Barter
Bf) an Bata~~a
Julie Beck
"I loved playing
the night of Mr.
Tremper; I love
playing my music
\ manda Bt'cker
'\ichola;, Bt'cker
I leather Belanger
Chri-;topher Berner
Je~:,ica Be:,hel
for people who
enjoy hearing it.
good vibe.
blowing tnt <(
\ ;,hie, Bilik
Angela Bi:,cardi
fr~,,ica Bi-;choff
\1anhew Blaziew;;ke
\ iolN Bot>rner
Jenni[er BoiYin
Ben Bonarelli
Katherine Bonk
\lichael Bonney
,\,hley Borman
Tri,1an Borzick
Thoma~ Bowman
, hirle\ BoYd
.\dan1 Bre;.man
\;;hley Bri~e
concert, a guy
ran out on the
stage and then
Kathryn Brigg"
;\ i..~ha Bri"ene
;\drienne Broomfield
Corey Bro"\\11
Brandon Bruce
started dancing
in a pink., sparkly
l/lt A~crDelFrate
• .m1111i11!! \\11 Ii 111~
l1a11d B1·~1 h101
L jurnor ._,,,., 1·
1" u11f111a11 pla~" hi"
lnunJ>nllP fora lar!.!P
ITtl\\d I ,r f,llb. ~ \\ 1·
1.ik1• .. \ t r \ pt•rfor·
11t<t1wt· ... ,·nou ... I\. \\ •.
plan 011 ~ta~
ot·tht•r for a long
111111' - "aid Ka11f111a11.
grilled chee::ie sandwich. a room full of laughtn or an
influt'ntial song caused local garag<" band:, to invent
name.-, that in,,,pired both tht''r,,, and their audience::,.
0 -Andy , ingn came up with the name Grilled
Cheest'. He thought the name fit well ::iince
he was in the middle of a seYere grilled
cheese addiction.·· ..,aid freshman Jo,,,h
Griffey. 0 Bonded bv the admiration
of th~ audience:-;. band member,,, found
pride in the talent they -,hared with
whatt'ver crowd was willing to listen.
0 --There· often a common ::itereotype of people that attend local concerts: the concerts create a mixture
of JX"ople who come out for the -.ame
good time: to enjo) music:· said junior , tPve GDetz of Bt>':>t Foot Forward.
0 .\-,Pach band dP\ <'loped it"' mrn "'tyle
of mu-,ic. they also df'Yeloped their own
"!°)le of handling conOict;,. 0 ··After "'houting in th< microphont>-, to try to get 1woplP to
li-,tPn. we often -,ettle our differPncp.., over a hot fudg<' ..,unc1at' at DaiT) Queen.·' ..,aid fre-,hman Singer of GrillC'd Chee::ie.
0 \~ hPth<'r plea-,ing audience,, or plea;iing them-,elw,,. musician-, found tlwy gained from the talentt>d f.><'ople around them.
0 ·ThP lwst part of our hand i,.., the brotherhoodlX'tw<'<'n e\ery
nwni.l:wr."" ;.aid ..,,•nior frff Kopt'-,ky of Tlw Stonehinge,..,.
"We're an eightpiece rock-androll extra value
Behnd the
meal from a
town called
We play
a happy,
blend of pop
rock and ska."
jr. ~IP\P (,(~·tz
Be"I Frn11 Fornarcl Cn'''
Brandon Bnuwr
Jo-eph 13~ d1r1·"
\ndrew B11nd1
John Burg1·r
l·: rin Burn'
• IPplia11i1• Burt
Brandon Brhch
\lidwll1' Cahan
\ndn·w C:Jilt·
Timolh~ Cajka
'\icolt• Caldwt>ll
nlia Candi·laria
\ ;nundu Carlino
'\ icolt' Carl,
Chri"toplwr Carnwr
Jennifer Carroll
forwll1· Chri"I ia1i-Pn
. tt>phani1· Ch11nh
Hadwl ('j"J..1·
Hadwl Clark
Kri-1 in ( l.t\
I lt>atlll'r C."illirh
( ·1wl~1·a ( .1 ol" ill
Janw' Cope
\ mhon1 <.or-o
Kt>lh ( ..N.
\lic:,1 Cmin!!lon
frrenl\ (,.
l:ric (riwr
franet 1.. Cnunp
\,h[e\ Czarn11w-ki
Mfr..~ Dahl
J1t-tm Darwl..
I It>m lwr [),ffi< l-011
hr-let'n Da, i"
Tamuli-r Dmi,
\ mlwr D1•:111
Core\ Dt>lane\
K ri-iina Dell·~ate
\lt>(!an Ot·IFraw
•r aH ing
"We tape the
guys' ankles and
set up the field,
but at game
time we
have to
have all
the equipment ready
and not forget
jr. f-.ara Mentt"k
Danielle Deut~cher
lknjamin Diamon
Erik Dietrich
Chad Diment
Ste,·en Dimitrije,ic
Stuart Dodge
Richard Donald,on
C',hristina Dora
Kendra Dore)
Dana Dowe
\I) ssa Dow-,e
Rus-,ell Drt"gne
R\ an DrPifkP
Sarah Dugan
Danit"llt> DuhL-,
Juli!' Durling
Elizabeth DI IPw-,ki
Kt"ndal Earnhardt
Kt"mwth Ech1ian
\ bh) EldridgP
Fouad Elgohari
Chad Eiiertson
~1attlww EllL"
'\athaniel Entt"rlint"
\Ian E..-~er
Chri"topht"r Ernrb
Pamela Ewald
Kristina Falcon
Celia Falk
C'.olin Fanning
Lind,ay F edt"rme\ er
Laureri' Fennpma·
Danit"] Fi,,her
ichola;; Finen
Carl) Fraid
Rohert Frankfourth
Chad Franz
Kyle Franzen
JU:"on Free
Laura Fulmer
l~ A~rts Managers
t a practice, l ran through the rope., whi h camed nw to
fall in front of all the O'uys, an~ of cour.,e, l had a skirt
on,., -,aid junior Sara Gonnerincr. 0 \X hNlwr trippin()' up in front of tlw football playc•r,., or on
the deck 'Joakin()' wet at a -.wim rnet't, .,port-,
managpr., .,upportt'd t'Wl')·thing tlwir
team-, -,et out to do. 0 -·[ wa;, unahlt'
to he on tlw team thi.,) ear. A:, a manager I could still ht> inrnhed. I O'et to
chec r and .,upport the -.w-immer-,
which make-, me f<:>el likt' one of th
team,., 'iaid fre hman Le.,Jie \~ iegert.
0 \V orking longer hour., than the athletes, managers found tlw t' tra time
put a cramp in their lifc•--.tyl<>,.,. 0 '"Its
rough getting up on a Sanll'day mornin cr after a Friday night crame,., said
sophomore \!Celi.,,,a ,a;it<>llano. 0 Preparing the athlete;, for competition and recording successes didn't go without a few perks. Senior managen:. earned a Yarsity letter and manager's pin. 0
'-.\U of the swimmer., -,howed respect toward me and the other
managers. I can tell th<>) appreciate our help:· said .,ophomore
="icole Crowell. \ olunteering for behind-the-.,cene action, managers missed the gl011 on the field but shared team successes
and disappointment., right along with coaches and teammates.
t llllt',.
L1·,li1· \\ ic1.wr1 and
Cr1"' •·II a-.,ht tlw
-.win1 t•~a1n \\ith ... tat~.
l'PPli112 tlw -.pla-,h.
llH.lllH!!t~r... al~o chi1~
1wd in f11r c1111ip11wnt
\lidlPllP Furlin
Tht>w-..a Gagliardo
.':->tqihanit> Gallo
Joh1111\ Garcia
\t .. li-.. ... a Ct·rnig
Bntn· Cnor... ki
L1•12h LtKli11
l"f1h1·11 (,11t·1z
:-iant (,.onrwnll!?
Ja111.-... Co11rl1·\
\pril Co\\1'1b.
Km ;tt--et Gn·",tl
i;:,.,i11 Crol1
Jo ... 1•plt ( :uzy
lha11 ll,ll'l1i!!
H;,,.,,., 1lall
J1 •1111ifn I l,1111111, ck
]Pn11111 • I larr..... 11
l..a11n·11 I lantl\
\\ a11k1·-..ha 11 a·n ly
]1•... -..11"1 I larn11111
Da11a 11 arri-..
Jo ... pph 11 arri-..
Hobin I la ...1·h'111td1·1
\n!!•·la I l:ml1·\
\rd1i1· I l1·mh ·
\ruin·" l l1·l11or
\ 111y I I1·1-k1·I
PPtt'r I IP"P\\ald
Le,.,lif' ll1~m1I
l)p,·in [ l1·1ulrick,.,
Shauna I IPmlril'b
!\lark I IPntsdwl
take my breath
Stt.. pha11i1·
I lerlired11,.,111Pi1·r
Ja111p,., llerr
'\icholth I IPrr
Katherine I IPrr111ann
Eric 11 t'\\~tt
<.;1ppha11i1· I l1·y d1·11
( .a-..-..i(-' I !ill
Ja-..on I lolland
R, an I ludJrlPr
\it>Li-..-..a l lumphrf-'-..
Jami-..on H,
Amber lhendahl
\[onica Inclan
Jayme Inman
Ro-..-.. 11,,,en
Jennifer Jacka
Ht>ather Jacbon
Deutscher-Jactl~l l~
I\.' Jarnh,
R~dwl Jul111kp
\ ndn·" Jarzulwl..
\,.,)i)p, klirwl..
\1a11 lie" J1·n11wk
Dani<·I frw<·ll
Rerw,.,ha Jolm,.,011
\\ illia111 John-on
Torn Jone'
\.hri°-1i1w h:ai-er
Du,.,1i11 Kana,
Kt>ndra Kau
, lt'\·pn Kaufrnan
\dam Kavalau-ka,
Thoma' Ke1•gan
at han Kn11wd~
.\ndrea Kt>"ingpr
Chri,tina King
'\icolt' King
C'.arri<• Ki,hlint'
Li.-a Kleinmark
C'.t•Jpna Knight
Brandon KOt'Lling
\1icht'L1P Koe,.,-,)
Brent Kohler
]anit' Kolt',ke
Erin Konz
Brian Kooyman
Katie Ko;,lucher
If you
jr. Kelly Zeisemer
you wanted,
K aralyn Kratowicz
Kimberly Kresal
Stephen K rezinski
Karl Krienke
Adam Krimpelbein
Paul Kribton
Kevin Krueger
Yolanda K ru;,e
Steven Kupfer
\1ichael Labanow;,ky
with no
lines or
on line,
Jr. Ivana Savic
adyn Laleunt'~::;t'
Sea~ Lamneck
R, an Lamothe
\~hley Lane
\1ichael Lawler
would it
fr. Andrew Oster
K t'lli Law.,,on
.\ ,.,h]ey Lebecki.,.,
Thon{a, Leber
\mber Lee
Rachel Lee-e
{ 0
Brvan Lealer
T r~ci Leineweber
:\'ichola;, Leiring
\lichelle Leker
Ryan Le;,niew ki
Uls/' ..
S eeking a quicker, easier life-style. early savers found the "When I do not
best way to manage money matters. 0 --\\hen l was 12,
my parents started a savings account so l could make interest
on the little money l had,~ said sophomore Eric, cwanson. 0
'"A ft er l began my first job at Sht>pht>rd·s Crook
Golf course. l tarted a smmgs account. Tht>
intt'rest builds toward a car... said junior
Ryan Drt>ifke. OProtecting money. credit
card-, shielded new mont>y maker·s
hard earned ca-,h whilt> offering buying power. , tore-, including Gap .
.:\merican Eaglt> and Target offered
tht>ir own cards to arnid the ha-,slt>s
of major companies likt' \1a'">tt'rrard
aml \ i,.,a. 0 --Almost ew11 month I
s1wnd mon<') on Ill) A nwrican Eagle
Card. Carn in" monn i-, not tlw -,afC'st thing: I fe<'I more ..,;,nm· holding a
crC'dit canL .. -,aid junior Angela Bi...,carcli.
0 To <''">Cape long clwckout lini>s and '">trp-,-,ig11i11gl" du x.
f 11 I c11...,tonwr '">t'rvire. -,tudent-, found the
{1111111r \ 111 lwr ._.=_.:;::::;::r
\wt Ii ll\\ ait' lwr
internet superhighwa) to CntL'"><' through ...,hopping
hard-Parm·d m111W\
the shirt I n'alh wanted wa..., not aYailahlt> at
at '-<nnhpon Bank 11;1
the store, I ordered it from ga1~.rom. The) ...,hip1.w d the ;,hirt
LrP•'n Bm Hoad.
Ot hPr bank-, for ,111right to my front door:' -,aid junior \1egan Lyne. 0 \\hether
dPllb indudt·d TC I .
saving for colleg<' or paying for ga...,. option-, nmlt iplied in a
\ l &I. and :-;1111th1·n1
Lak1·, C1nlit l 11i11n.
more cash-free world for both '">[.X'nding and saYing mon<').
have any money
for gas, I bor-
row my moms
credit card.
Then I can
get the gas
I need without
any of
own money.
jr. \1att O,tpr
\1ichal:'I I.t'\·onowich
LPah Ll:'\\i,
Ti moth) I.indgren
Erin Lind<rni,1
"\ataliP Lincl-.t'\
\ 1Pl i,,a Lint," >i"y
Brian Li1tlt>
Juan Lopez
\I ichellt> Lot he-.
J<i-<•ph LumlP)
frnnif Pr Lund
Danit'! Lupi
Graci:' L, nam
\lpgan l.) nl:'
Li-.a \ladPr
frnnif Pr \1aerzk!'
Jo,lma \1azinn
\lli,on \lahon
\lichael \lan-.kl:'
lhan \lanthei
F~ank \larano
I !olh \larita
\LI~ \lar411ardt
Corin \lanin
\li1hl:'lle \lanin
Lauren \[aninez
\loi,p-. \laninn
\ ir!!inia ~ lartinez
Yuri \ laninPz
Jo-.hua \lathe"'
\lanhl:'\\ \laurer
Donald \la)
\ !ar!!aret \le Comrick
\X hitn<'' \ kGel:'
Brand11n \kPh er-on
llmma, \fcQue-.tion
Ro'l:anne ~tech
John \lf:'il:'r
Charif:'-. \leldahl
• ara \lf:'mek
"I have to always
I'd be a bad kid,
but anything I
do reflects
have to be
that my dad
,r_ \lariah \\ pj,,
]acoh \11·rft>ld
\1ar.,--Elizabt>th \1t>ttt>n
Trac, \11·uen
Ehrt>;l \I id1aplj..,
Bt>njar11in \1 ikol
Kaz '.tilth
K ri..,t' \1 ilia rd
Elai1ie '.1ilne
\1 ichtwl \1 ilocl
Preciou~ \1 itclwll
La11rPn \1oddh
'\ajua \1 oh a mad
\ 111111\ \1olinaro
\h -~~1 \loltPr
K1;ith \1ontag1w
\nthon~ \1ontt>11111rro
K ri't\ \l<Hlrt'
R, a1i \11Hlrt>
]e.nnift>r \lorehou-t>
'\icolt> \lort>hmi-t>
Co11nnt>\ \1orri,
Ruth ~l(i-le,
\ mlrt>\\ \I 1;llah
, 'arah \luro ·
Tro, ammh
\ laitllt'\\ '\t>hl,
K' ]p P•!!;Ood
\clam niro-ki
Tiffan\ iclt>I
\ li-ha· it>ttt'
\art>n 0 Connt>ll
(',o<h Oak..,
Jon ()pike
\L~al,o Qlj,·er
KadwrinP OL-en
Crai!!; 01-on
\nw Orricl
\1aitlww O,tt>r
ll1oma, Ott
a .. ·,g
rn~ALchers' Kids
looks good."
magine living ·with an English teacher. For studt>nts with
parents who staff Tremper, that imarre screamed reality.
These inclividuab found minor &mdvantages to
the situation, but most enjoyed its perb.. 0
··fr·., more of an ad, antarre he ause [ can
alway ask for lunch mone) and sometun .., I get to take her car on my release,·· -,aid senior Breonna \\. ebb. 0
Daurrhter of newly tran"ferred ,nO'li.-,h teacht'r Rhonda \~ ebb. BrPonna
w komed the pre-,ence of her mom.
total of 18 faculty mt>nlher.., had
chi.kb-en checking up on tht'm at their
jobs. 0 --It's nice hminO' a pan•nt
in the building becau-,e l can get a pa.-,,.,
when 1 need it and l alway.., hm·e -.omeone lookinrr out for me:· "aid junior
Lauren Fennema. 0 Like Fennt>ma. llHht
found having parent" around an achantag<\
yet "orne -,tumbled on -,mall do"11fal1..,. 0 -rm at
a cfomdvantage becau"e my dad ha" !-ilWh <'a") ace<'"" to 111)
grades. Sometimes [ wi"h lll) dad would just wait lil<• all the
other parents to talk to Ill) tt'acher-, at conf<'r<'llC<'", - "aid junior Ro,,.., Ipsen. whose father ,,-a..., "isistant Principal. 0 \\ ith
fo·e clad,., and 13 mom.s superYi.-,ing their cm n chikk<•n, <'WI) cla)
was a '·Bring Your Son/Daughter To\\ ork"' cla) for these duos.
\\ill?.:, j1111111r ( hri,
l'adl11d. l111p1·· Jij,
11111tl11·r. C11lll'1'11 l'ad·
liM-k. ha• a 1·1111pl1· 11f
1•xtra dollar• th.11 ,IH'
l'Hll •pan• for l1111di.
\ h --a PacPtt i
D~ina Padjt•n
Chri,toplwr Padlock
Bn•rma Pa1wl
Diarw Parl..t·r
. arn Parkt>r
Chadt>-. Parr
Brit tan~ Par-~ ~nat
Julian Pa11l-e11
]t•n •111\ Pt· rnlwr
Jua11 1>1-n•z
I.aun-n P1·m
'""'ar.t Pt tt~ r... ,;n
wol•· Phillip-.
I .a11r.t Pi1•11k1m-ki
\tid11111· PirLI
\la,.i1·j Pohwz~ k
Jar111 ·, Prnwll
Kari Prnwll
JrHim · Pn•1·dit
Holwn Pn·-tid!!t'
1t"\I ' Pro-l i11
Hadwll1• Pn •t ·
Co11nn<') P~wi11
\lonica PudPr
DPyanira PuPntP
Jamp, Rami,i
T Pre,a Ra,mu.,,pn
Drew Raucina
Different or not with
parent as faculty member?
Brandon Reck
\1anhew RPdig
\1arc RPcilin
Kimberly Renka:,
Calen Reuter
·Having my mom
doesn 't
make me ad any
differently because I hang out
Holl) Revoy
Danielle Reynolds
\m) Rodgefo
Franci,co Ro,ale.,
\ alentina Ruark
that behaves.
\,a_.,,andra Ruffolo
\larin RuhlP
I IPatlwr Runn< ~
. tPphaniP Ru--o
\nthon~ Saarnio
\nn ~la,
haria m-ic
with a crowd
blowing hot ~
mom does
worry about my
performance beJulia ,' hiller
Franci-co . hlenker
. ~icole • hmidkonz
.\ngela , hmin
~n · hnuckel
cause I have always done my
best in my studies and extracurricular activities.
Merfel~hn~~I rn 1
Gri..,ch Schoen
Kimber!\ Schon,dwck
Phillip s<-hran<lt
Jo,t>ph Schwt>nk
.\ nthom Scott
Laura ~·ott
Pt'ter Sehetic
Emilo Shekem
Kimberl\ •'herfin,k i
frnna, i(>L,ki
Je,,ica Sigman
Sonja Slmonm;ch
Sheena Slater
Derek Small
.\dam Smith
Cory, 1nith
Kyle, mith
\tichael Smith
, tephanit' Smith
\ eronica So,a
Orion South
Kri.,tt'n Sparks
Cara, pata
Tri..,ha Spratling
~p. ~p and Rwa~
I Love NY shrts
0 •
. . Photographs
0 •
Foakley sunglasses
0 •
"Blasf' CD
..s .
Pirated movies
Cs 0 •
Mini Statue of Liberty
Fake ID
Hooters shirt
llRifles were a
new addition to
the colorguard 's
repertoire, and
we had to learn
them fast. II
-jr. Amy Voelz
SOLrce '!llVey of 18 Blod·watch rrerrbers
L----~ top ten souuenirs
'\ichola, Stuni,,
K, It> Starr
\fichelle Statema
Hehecca Steiner
\li,on Stich
Carolyn Stra-,h
knnifer Strehlow
\nthony Suk
\ 111anda Sutt>r
Hamh Swar1 z
Tht>rP.,a Szabo
Hobert Tabaka
knnifer Tahor
Stt>phanie Takaha,hi
Durtunian Ta, lor
John Tenuta ·
\lichael Tt'nuta
Bramli T erl)
Kelh Thief\
\liciiat>l ll1~nna'
T t>ra Tohal,b.'
Laura To11J('z.ak
Hita Torca-o
, arah T re,·i-,o
, 'haron T uhh,
'\ichola-, Turco
Hobert L mf rt''~
\ndrea \ akerde
1' H"\ plm -:-;1a r, a 11d
:--t rqw' hin·y1·r- ;11
tilt' J11h :w OfH'lllllf!
.. r th1· .i.-1" l'lt·lh ra,..
1111~ i11 l'~ .. ~... un 1>min...
usic wa'> CTying everywhere at South Street seaport in
-ew York. People were scrambling around. One penmn
would run get hi.., music while the other played. Luckily.
!-itudents had mru;ic m morized., - aid Blackwatch
Director Loui!:> Covelli. 0 After four day'> of
band camp at aroll College. mu..,icians
practiced rnLL':>ic or colorguard routin s
until the) could perform in their .,Jeep.
0 -- At hand camp. we played '>O much
that by the end of the day my mouth
wa.., read) to fall of L ·· '>aid ..,enior
Brian De 't>;,a:ro. 0 D pite th(' three
ni"hh of rehear-,ab aw ek. the hand
..,till contendt>d with fainting . ..,p:rained
anklt>.., and a lack of uniform.., that
]a.,,tt>d unt ii the fir-,t performanre.
, >phomore manda De eo.aro nuro.ed
three blood) no'>e!-> including one at a Jul)
Fourth parade. 0 ~1 had to ride in a car
follo\\ing the hand whilt> holdin" Ill) no..,e. I
got blood all over lll) whitP unifom1. Ynckr' 0
During practice!"> and performance':>. Blarkwatch dealt with 90··1 wa.., o.o hot at tht> Bri..,tol parade that I
degree day'>. 0
turned purple like a plum."· '"iaid '>ophomore Annah Go rgen.
0 Cooler in ew York City. the band toured Elli'> I..,Jam~ the
Statue of Lihert), the Em1;ire State Building and China Town.
<'nding an award-winning -;tmmwr in ..,l) le.
"The Festival of
Arts and Flowers was a senti-
Forwa d
mental experience for
because it
was my last
performance and
the final time
I would put
my uniform."
"\ icolP \ am 11·1·1
\ i<'PntP \ lMjlWZ
\[ichrn·I \ 1·111ura
Ro,a \ jp,ca
\mlwr \ iPth
F:rick \ igari-k)
DP,tin\ \ illalol><h
Tiara\ In·!.:
\Ill\ \
Kun \ ogt
Jp"ica \\ all,
Dan\\ ard
\mlwr \\atkirh
\m\ \\eltPr
DariiPI \\ hipplt>
Je,,ica \\ hitdoot
[.,, ri~tina \\ hitPfoot
Jarnh \\ hll roe k
J(hPph \\ i1·kpr-.lwim
, arah \\ i1·lwh
frnnift•r \\ iPrzhick i
\ mamla \\ ilhium
Li,a \!ari1· \\ ilb.P\
Tramell\\ illiam~·
Jo,t>ph \\ illrnan
Rollt'n \\ j,man
Jacq11PIPnP \\ itlmm
fo,hua \\ olford
\!iranda \\ 'an
]o,lrna '(Hl~r
Lmrrpn 'nrgen-.en
Colin /
\~hie, Zandt>r
Chrisropher Zapp
Kaitlin Zarlt>ni
\(a"\:imilian Zbllut
Kimberh- Ze~zutt>k
Kelh Zi~,t>mer
Lorika Zimmemmn
Brandon Zorc
\nna Zorn
l·U·n· l· O· r·S
>> 38 senior Fres~men Transition
Coaches rnd 563 freshmen.
>> 2 seniors with 100 more
train at D1vers1ty Circles day
>> 02 spl·ts Student Govern·
eming ''ith ~Par.., of frit>nd-,hip,.,. hard-,hip..,
ment into three branches.
1d mernorit>.., 1111dt>r our heh..,, the Cla..,.., of
· ha-, ..,o much to ))(' proud of. Ru-,hing
out of junior high and bning l"X'hind midcDt>
..,chool, \Vt' hard!~ k rww ''hat wt' had gotten
our..,t>he.., into. Our d~N. walkt'd into Frt>:-.h11wn/St>nior Buddie-.. and originatt>d Frt>-..hnwn Tran..,ition CoachP-... Building a ··Dmninate tlw Dt>111011-..·· frt>-..h111an float, we came
back "ith a thir-..t for rnon>. Block -..cheduling
for four yt>ar.., and Powder Puff at tlw Fre-..hmen/Sophomore It>, el debuted a-, 50? fre-,hmen poured into hall.., that lackt>d air conditioning. ince tho..,e fir:-.t few day..,, we won a
:-.pirit bell, tran.-,formed TTt>ritage I lou:,e for
a '·Once L pon a Time·' prom and re:-.tructured Student Gowrnrnent. ln mu;,ic. "02 seniors have performed in over 20 band. 17
choral and 12 orche..,tra concert:-., and Golden
trings has traveled to three different counnie!::>. Battling through an unsettled teacht>r
contract, frozen L \\ acbni.-..:-.ion and the catru;trophe of Sept. 11. we ha,·e grown up and
grown together a-, a da..,..,. A.., we \\Tap up
four year-, at Senior Banquet \lay :2-t. we 'iO
quickly emhract' graduation June 2.
ON Tl-E WAY 2 STATE top left!
SPIRIT OF Tl-E 02 TROJAN ltop r9:itt
TolPad, f<K>1halJ", 1:'1-1 "inflo,,
\louth "idt• op••n \\ith '<'n'Wlh of joi.
tiP of ...,<'hool rt"'C'or<l -.tnmrr -.aft->t\ ""f'°-
-.enior Jin1 Gonzalt-'., C'Plehrate"I a
touchdo"11 durirn:( tlw , tat•· champi-
mor \lik .- S..hl tallil" 12 pa~...... ro; 179
~ ar<l-.. 3? -..olo twllf~.... ..,j, imt~rn·p
tiorb and one fumhlt> .. ,..,,...,. Fall
and "';nte-r tf"ani-, \\Oil thn·.-: tinw ...
rnorf" matdu·.... than tht; i.~t
St>nior E,t lwr Co" it• fill, ot tt a Diwr-..if\ 'ur. t'~.
orbhip :iamp at Camp RandaU Sta<lium on Frida,. "\m . 16. \ \\inrltl(hl
the Tmjaih 1,;,t Gorvaln prnn1•~lthr
C'nm<L proud of a ~late ~--c:·orl(l
\\ ith a --stairway to
H eaYen ~performance at
the Jan. 26 eYent. -,enior
Jeff Kopebky beat out
the nine other nominee.,,
for the \fr.Tremper title.
sr. J eff Ko
Putting final touche::.
on an acrylic. Greg
Brothen and -.i,'{ other
::,enior e'{hibit at the
Parr .,how in the
library on \far. 21.
sr. Alesia Allen
re,,h air and hotdoa.,.
what could be better? ,
nior .\le::.ia Allen -.har d
the ::,ame entiment
when benior., held a
lunch cookout Oct. 10.
SPORT NG SPIRIT FOR QA iS OF 02 'top leftl:
\\ tth -hrnrh of-l(n<><l out tlw I\ rn~h1 .. ; '-t·nio,-., 11-cl ll)
Caroh n Clwtmon. Gina I .t·r<Lihl. 'Jnra C•·nanw anti
1iffarl, Hiln ('t•l,~hr.Jtt• a "imung I lorHt'('OllliH!?' noal
on th1• "'" io \n<L.,...on ht·ld. Thn nhLilt it from a
pilL' of nrf,J~,. that H -ophon1on._ ·),•ft "lwn d,t-, ri'alr. mt·rno"t~L hw>tl Lil dainwd •it'lm~ owr "iwtt·runh·d 0,Ll <.n..-l.
2 EXCrED FOR WOliDS op c:1r
F 1·it1·11wrn owrv.h..Lm- '-''"'""' \l1·1li..-a Huv arwl l(u,-., i
Hwd1il and parallel.. th·· )") of H ) 1·,1rl•••L. -taf£ ;,
Phot·n" for aunnal ~:hof;_t--tk Pn·...... \..,..,,M·i.uinn Bt·
,.(~him f'tm11w--11ticm. -
arlfl m ft>lu1h l~·u·t•.., (•t1rfri1· ...
from \\,.., ... ,~.. in. - -a1cl th.. ...,p \ f,,t:<:utf.,. Dir or
ahnut tlu· hi!!he... t~t·r u\\·..tnl.
corup1:·titor--. · dud-
in!! Huiz and Rutc-hil, at-.. ""n 111 tht" Jouma m l~h1f'4t(1nn \ ....... "-·iation \\rite-off co1111,..-tition
· "hi- Ii 1 in antici
-mior T, lt>r, la::ht C'ri...., to
n·l,1 on ''' a"" c· mir o,,. the K.. n,;..ha Blo.d Center
m1,..... prt'Jl'1rt'- to dra" hi.- H··~L \\ ith '-l'lllnr Karla
l -m::t·r II) hi.., .. j.J,., ~la:ht u1Lhl to tht> 670-pim tal~
l't>ll.-cted from •tudrm-. fomilie-, and fri,.rMl'. "mciem
e;owmment -1 .. n--0r...d the annual blood dm ·.
went wel
sr. LLJcas
..,., !:'tu.Jent Project compl··t• ·lb)· Yemlx>0L. Journali:.-m
cJa,, under \d.,i, "' K~g Jacob). John Littrell and Sandy Jacob)·
bot om le l
To , ..,J.. brate ubout tJ,.. DEC\ at tonal Pre,1dent in
• tit 1..uL.t> Cit}. T rt>mpn and Bradford", tt>um fla,.h "'lllni~ ... ,nilL-..., ~nior '\icl Rt"ZO\ ·., -.ucct---., hotton1 . ~
nior .. Kt'lh Han-en center middle and Frank
\lontt>murr~> topri!!ht k<ltht>teamtocreate3"i00parnphlt't'. 7.') ea..-eb and 52 caucu-.e... Rnn) will delay collt"gt~ to -.en·e ont" year.
With the city
focusing on
mutliple road
sites before
the onset of
winter freeze,
students find
caught in the
here \Vlli> a big cont> that \\a;, tipped m<>r in tlw roac~ and I
wa" driving towar<L.., it. I didn't know\\ hat to do ;,o l jn..,t hit
tlw cont>. l wa-, worrit>d that -ionwone ;,aw. hut then I didn't care:·
-,aid '1Pnior Rob Bt>ach. 0 Con.-,truction tort> up ,'ht>ridan Roa<L
?3th, 'treet and Crepn Ba. Roacl fm-itrating "tudt>nt driH'r.., for
O\Pr two year;,. 0 ··Road con;,truction ;,uck"~ It \\a..,tp.., !-10 much
tinw. you can neYer go through it, and it takp.., P\ en lonrrer to rro
arounc~·· -,aid ;,enior \1ike Bor..,t. 0 \\hat ..,tndenh did not realize
wa.., that the month.., of work wa;, part of a -tO-y par plan. Time
prmt>d to he the bigge..,t factor that fm trated '>t11denb in dealing
\\~th road con;,tmction. 0 ~lt take-, nw more time to go pla et.,
and l get angry when I hmt> to wait in road co1btmction for a
long time. I hm·e to lean' earlier to get to work. I don·t under;,tand why they tore up all the big roacl.., at "ame time, - aid ;,enior
Jeff Lange. 0 "bile con;,tmction aimed at rt>ducing the American Traffic afety
rvice;, ,\-,;,ociation\ 1.09:3 fatality tally in
2000, constmction !:lite;, added confu!:>ion to congp;,tion. 0 '·Over
by \fr Donald's on Pertihing. the light turned green, and it was my
turn to go. I planned on turninrr left. The lane-, were all screwed
up. and I ended up going ]~tween the orangt> cone;,. which w& a
turning lane for car,, coming the oppo;,ite way. I quickly tiped up
and got into my lane becau-,e there wa.., a car coming at me:· ;,aid
junior Chebea Colwill . 0 The \~ iticon;,in Depai1 111ent of Tran-,portation 1->pent an e,,timated 8 10 million on road constru ction,
1->imult aneou.-,ly crt>ati ng and curing problem;, in ;,tudt>nt;;' liYeH.
To takt' turn' through
1-.: t'nchha'~ btL,it',t inwr~t'ct ion. car~ line up at
tlw corrwr of ? .'>th
, 'tn'Pt. R0<ht'\'Plt Road
and :39th \,·pnut'. Inching through road con'truction loo11wd daily for
dri\er-.. 0 Facing a cio-.Pd
road. junior Tim Lindgren
cu r-,p-, con-.1 ruction . which
-,crNclwd S..ptemht>r through Dt•cember and 'tarwd a!win in \larch.
Jo;,eph Cei.le-,h
Carokn Chatmon
Tho~a;, Chri;,r,
l"icolm. Ci.cerale
Andrew Cibkow-,ki.
Travis Clark
Leo Col"ul
Andrea Conforti
Heather Conforti.
Lauren Cooper
Carlton Cowie
Catherine Cowie
Chrutopher Crowell
Kevin Curran
Douglm. Da.-;zrzuk
\1i.chael Dme,
Brian DeCe-.a~o
, arah Deau
Jrnnifer DeBoer
Bryan Delf,.,
Lucfr:> Dicki.n.~on
Danielle Dodge
• i.chole Drunm1ond
Gre.,.on °'''er
Rebekah Elii.,
Erin Eppin.,.
Brandon Ergi;,h
""~~J' ng
I ~l~
lA)n... truction
Jo,,eph .\brego
. trphanie Ale..::ander
.\ ]e;,ia \Hen
G Ra\ mond .\ llen
GricPfrla .\ lmazan
Jainw .\ mbro-.ini
\1atthe,, Andrews
\1atclw'' .\ ntrim
\fa·hat-'l &>hl
Rachat>I Bellair<'
C.arrie Belonaia
Brandi Bf'njamin
·ott &·th
\f1·li.,.,a Blad;:
f-Ji.,al ><'th Bonanno
\fiduwl Bonne\
Grego!") Bor-,t
\liduwl Bor-,t
Dorotln Bo, <'e
Kri-,tin 'Breiiing
\ manda Brigg;,
'-.ikki Brnak
Gn•gm) Brothen
\.[<'li..,,,a Brown
. ' wplwn BurkP
Colin B, ar-,
\mlwr °Cain
\.1iranda Cairo
Kt•rri Capodarco
Rat>ann Carbon
R<>lwca Carrera
Tina Carroll
When driving through
areas of road construction,
how do you change your
driving technique?
\brego -
E~L~ illlJ
Jakob FaJ ian
· -,ia FolkPr:.
Bonnie Fonk
Du-,tin Foxworth
Cah-in GaJxiel
\farci Gallo
Prardo Garcia
linuniP Ga;,ton
Jennifer audio
rairr Gehweiler
ynthia Gt'ntz
\( endy Gerla h
\1elinda Gigliotti
Lauren Goldenstein
Jean Golwitzer
Jame Gonzale:.
tefanie Graham
David Gran9 r
r Griftin
Kari Groff
Robert Guttornu,en
Tiffiny Guzy
Tiffany Gwyn
Rebekah Haak
Katherine Hall
Elizabeth Hallgren
Christina Hansen
Claire Hansen
Kelly Hansen
Matthew Hansen
"One day, being movie-star inspired, I took
a big safety pin, cleansed it with alcohol
and began to pierce my nose. Unnumbed,
the pain was no more than a slight pinch.
After seven minutes, the pin popped
through the other side of my nose. It was
swollen for the rest of
that day, but I was
able to show it off
the day after.
- senior Rlexis Richmond
]"1'31 '"3
illillk~~o and Tattoo
want to be an old biddy with a bunch of piercing..,: it"ll .b<•
great:· '->aid junior , tephanie Gallo. 0 , arching for new
way.., to expre-..., t hem..,elw..,. teen-, eYentuall) ~covered new piercing and tattoo t<·chnique . Gauged pi1·rcing u..,ed a needle that
nwasured thn·e inche-. in length and three-f'ighth, of an inch in
diametn 0 ··r haH' twenty piercing .... eight of which I did rny-,1·lf.
l do my own hecau ... e ) ou know when thf' needl pierce.... ·· ..,aid
Gallo. 0 \\ ith hell) button piercing.., requiring up to a p•ar to
heal. ri..,l and (L-.cornfort weighed in a"ain..,t ima"e and atitud1·. 0
··1 think ea..,il) cml'rl'd piercing.... lik1• hell) button..,. arf' trend-..
.\ nythin" morp ,'1..,ihlP art' per...onal -.tatpmenh. ·· :;aid junior kni
Lund. 0 .\ vari1·t: of o,ource,, aro-,e to -,tudenh looking for a tattoo de-.i"n. 01·-.ign.., found in hook-.. magazine:-:. or ..,plf-mad<' picturf'-, in-.pired bod) art. 0 ··1 ..,aw a de-.ign I liked at an airbru-.h
..,tand in \11..,tralia . ..,o r had them draw it for me. I took it to th1·
tattoo ... hop:· '->aid junior frnny Carroll. 0 \\ i,-,con-,in law dictated
the minimum age n·q11irenwnt of 18 to g<·t a tattoo. \ n: minor
\\ho want1·d a tattoo had to have prior wTitt<>n con-,ent from a
parent or [!uardian. 0 ··\{) dad krn·w the artt-,t. ..,o he didn"t mind
me ht-ing und1·ruge:· '->aid junior Tlwrp-,a , 'zaho. 0 Tattoo.., and
piercing... add1·d to thi,., generation·;; n ht-lliou-, outleb. which ranged
from mu..,ic to hair. 0 ··1 heard :;tori<•:; of teen:, getting tattoo.., or
piercin<Y.., to reht-1. I f<>el I can do wor..,e than put a hole in my
body:· -;aid junior Amy Heckel ahout her .b<>lly-button piercf'. 0
E~treme mea..,ure.., 'iati..,fied thi.., generation·.., need for expres..,ion.
Take a
deep breath,
count to ten,
then exhale
through the
pain ofa
sharp needle
your body for
a new look.
For one of hi-. 7.000
pirrcinf?'· Body , hop·..,
arti,t Jonathan the-. £orCPf>' to clamp -.enior
Kim \taika·-. e\ ebro\\ .
0 Sparkin!! a cl~ .. irr for
more tattoo ... -.enior l\1att
\\ ierzhicki -.ho\\-. off hi-.
tribal sun. I larvard l\fedical
warned remm-al took up to 1:2
la-n tn•atmPnh. and,.,onw tano<h
mm not be n·mm rd.
\1aurPPn I Ian.-.en
Colp I Ian-.on
Teran I larlm\
Jp-.-,ica Tlart
Laura r laug
L~ rm I [
[ IPatlwr [ [prr
Ro-.t'rnar\ I l1•rr
John I !er:rin
K, le I I,., rb,,<' ri:-.
Eiizalw1i1 I !ill
\dam l lorn'\
Darwll1· I fo1;ki1i,,
Kara I loulihan
Jach n I luff
hr.i-.ty Hutchin..,
It-nnift·r IIm-.on
, arah I h ke
Thoma-. I -.abell
K n-.ten Jacbon
, Jakala
. icol~ Ja-.trom
K ri-.tin JeffenJennif«:>r Jelinek
Holh John,,on
Joli, ·John-.on
Jenni£ r Juliani
{,-; cping up with the late'>t ne''" and dramati<' go..,;,ip about
\\ho i;, goinrr out with whom took a;, mu<'h t>ffort a., ;,oap
opera drama;, dominatin" day-time televlliion. l LoweYer. \\·hen did
tlw rt>lation hip::. go too far( I lad personal vah.1e8 dimini;,hed complete'!), or did n'Lation..,hip;, .,till require a ro k-;,olid connection(
0 ··Datin" i,, fun. don·t rret me wronrr, hut Lwonl l mu<'h ratlwr
hm f' ..,ompone I reall) care ahout and pour lll) heart out to them
-,ol<:>I) : ·-,aid juni r John Burger. 0 ccordinrr to the Kai..,er Famil) Fmmdation, ?:- percent of teen::. belieYed that mo;,t teeru, had
..,exual inter<'our.., . ln realit). only 39 percent -;aid th<:>y were ;,e uall) active, and more than 50 percent of tet>nagen:. remained virgin;, until at Leru,t the a"e of 1?. lntercour-,f' wa;., neither a prerequi-;itf' for nor a guarantef' of -;tahility. Tet>n..., who dated multiple
people kf'pt per.,,onal optiono. op<'n. 0 ~ct\ hard not to flirt with
othf'r 1.wople while in a relatioru,hip. Then· arf' ..,o many people
that can offer you bO man) thin"!::>. Pluo., thf' other perbon alway!::>
getb jealou::i, which lead!::> to argument!::>,"' baid '">f'nior Kari Piehl. 0
Exclu;,i,·e Joye inter bts, \\ith or "'~thout intimacy, abo served a..,
important ;,ocial webs for frif'nd.., and conne tect"relation8hips. 0
'·[[you both have the same friends, thf're i:, no problem in sacrificing friend time. But there :-.hould still be an ·aloof' time,,., said
junior \1 ichelle Caban. 0 . o matter what level of clo"'enebb, interacting with guyb and gi rib opened a learning exp<•rience. Dating
long-term cru..,heb or hWf'ating multiple lX'opl<:>, tf'ens kept eyeb
open to balancing fun with becurity in a :-.eriou;, relatioru,hip.
Loeking arm' anda place in line,
~ophomore., Dawn DaYid an<l
Tom Bierdz di.-,play their affection
while in line for the Home Omrt.
0 , nuggling clo.,e during their
lunch_.,ophomore-, Adam Belliwau
and Karen \~ atring ~hare ~mile~
before heading back to cla_,,,. Dating
ouhi<le the cla.,., pre.,ented a real problem that the-,t' 'ophomore couple., didn't
e~perience when Prom rolled around.
Fre~hmen coul<ln 't attend Prom, .,eparating
different-da.,., couple-, to their di.,ma).
'.'\icole \fanfred
Rvann Marlar
fr-nni(er \1ar::,h
Jajaira \fortinez
K ri;.,tal \lahon
Beth Matt::,on
, imone Mayer
Tre,·or \1cGalli..,ter
Edward \frCann
Kevin \1cDonell
David \1cLuckie
Ro.... anne \<fech
Cori Meyer
·athan Meyer
Janette \1ichaeli...,
Jo,.,eph \1idclleton
\1athew \1ielo::.z' k
Derek \1illhou-.ePatricia \1ock
, hazay \folleda
Chri.,tine \folter
\1ickenzie \foru,on
Frank \fomemurro
\ incem \fontemurro
, antiago \fora
Rebecca \forri
Brian . ·ebon
U"l'a' ~o
~ &J~ion Connection
Emily• Juncr0
Jo~hua Kaddatz
KatiP Kinp;
Laura Kinzif'
Kirnht-rh Kirb,
Jarkii> K·lrwt ·
clam K no\1
Rol>Prt Ko<"h
Jpffre) K 01.w-.l)
Prinn Ko-.ln
\Anirtnt'\ Kc;ziol
Li-.a K rau.,t·
Tiffam 1'n·... al
Brt't t Knwgt·r
Chri-.toplwr Kuhlr11an
Kat it> 1-: ulmlt·)
frffrt>) Lungt·
Tiffan\ I ,ar-,i·11
Ja-.011 i ,:i-,-.
\ nne-.-.a Laudonio
Chad Lall(lonio
Sarah I.m\Tt·rn ·t·
\lt'a Law-.on
\1irhad Lt·arma
Jart>d l .t>rhu-.z
Gina Lerdahl
\ dam Lt·\.,
Stt'phanit: l . itt 1wr
ll elt·n LtW\\ it·
Ra) mond Lopez
Ja-,on [,nclhardt
Kimberl) \faika
How do you feel about
ving classes with each other?
'Having some classes together makes it
easier to see each other everyday. Lunch
is a nice time for us to get together.'
0 r schedules have overlaps. which help
or us to talk. If we cant go out later,
we ve already seen each other.'
blo\Ning hot
Jung -
I ~9
~~~~ lillJ
Jennifer • el-,011
ichola-, t'm1wnn
, Ott .\ ie'iell
Pamela '.\iman
irole "'\orri-,
Briana . orton
Carrie Obon
Jacob Orlow-,ki
George OrYi-,
Robert On~
Daniel Owen;,
.\ mancla Peter.,en
Kari Piehl
KeYin Pinter
Ja,,rnin Pollock
Le,,lie Pontillo
Rachael Proko
Karie Raether
Kara RainP)
\fat' Randle
\[ind, Ranta
• hire;1 Rattigan
\Carie Reher
\[egan RPid
Jered Reiner-,man
, anch Re.,endez
Aaron Retlick
Meaan Reynold;,
·icholas Rezny
Alexis Richmond
Celia Ridolfi
Joanna Riecke
~p. up and away
Weekend Entertainment
Car Insurance
Gas Money
Dating Costs
School Events
I IEven though I spend a lot of
on clothes. I usually try
. . . 0 7J money
to conserve my money for the
As much as I try though,
most of my money goes toward
. . .
buying jurk food and otrer ran·
. . . v10' dam things on my 15-minute
brea at work just because it's
fop fEm expenses
so convenient.I I
- sr. A manda Petersen
so.rc:e 'HVey of 240 sh.dents.
g-odes. n odv1sc1"1es
s.e.n 1.0 r.s
fT"\ he final bell rang out. and fourth hour ended. Time for "hop-
\.!.)ping. hangina out and... working? \\ ith a determined foe~.
"tudenb made room in their packed academic and athletic "chedule to work part-time job,.,. £yen though typical hiah "chool !::>tudent" did not haw a mortgage or utility bill to pay. other expen-;e"
accumulated 0 -\{~ dad pap for upkeep on my car. but 1 "till
haYe to pay aa-, and insurance.·· -,aid '>enior Briana . orton. 0
Though !:>Orne needed the job for the car and the car for the job.
other "tudenb reached for greater aoal-,. uch as collegt> t'Xf~n,.,e,.,.
Junior Je ;,ica , igman. who worked a:o a receptioni!::>t at a hair -,a.
Ion. foc~ed on financing her education. 0 -1 5ave a lot of money
from my checb for college. ~ fter 1 graduate. 1 hope to attend
La~Tence Lniver,.,ity to major in mu-,ical performancf'.·· aid
, iaman. 0 Lookina hevond education to future career.... "tudt>nb
gained work f' -pt>rienc~ a-, well a-, ex1.wn-.e mone~ from thPir job,,.
0 ··1 want to }w. a pharmaci-,t. -,o workinrr in thf' pharmacy help,,
me -,ee the profe,.,,.,ion fir,.,t hand hefort> T make my final dPci-,ion. ··
!:>aid enior CPlia Ridolfi. 0 \\ ith nearl~ 58 perct>nt of 2-tO teen-,
">UITe~ ed ·working <luring the week. the t>~periencf' inrnlwd t>ntertaimnf'nt and t>njo~ nwnt a" well a':i the re">mne. o ··T lmPd my job!
I met -,uch great people. and a lot of my friend-, workt>d tht>rf'. It
abo gave nw mone~ to afford what I lme-mu,.,ic. I bought a CD
almo;,t ew~ week.·· -,aid .,enior Shiren Rattigan. 0 Job.., did preempt . tate-bound fan-bu,., celebration-,: however. re-,1.><m-,ibili~ and
at-the-job frit>ncl-,hip,., balancPd thing-. the working ere~ gave up.
teens save
for cars and
college while
they gain
for careers
in real world
as adults
\~ hi IP working an awragt' of ~•·' t'll hour, on
Saw rda) morning,. ~e
nior Lu .. a' Di .. k in,on
lwlp, 'opho111or•• KPll)
Kol mo," ith lwr famih \
\\ Pt'b.I) gn W•'I) ,hoppi°ng.
0 To t>arn lwr,1·lf a litt l•·
e-...tra ('a~h. ~enior Stt>fanie
Graham a1hw1·r~ phon•·~.
fil•·, n'<·orcL, and a"i'h nwmlwr, of a l<M'til lwalth 1·lt1h for fi,1·
hour' on Sunda~ morning'.
\ 11-,t in Right l1•r
Tifft111\ Rile,
HYlwcc·a Ritttcca
\lattht'\\ Ro111111t>lfang1•r
R,an Ro-,e
\fattht·,, R°' <'<'
\I iduwl Ruffolo
\lt·lli,~a Rui7
\ ll<'n Rth~t'll
1'.an i Rutchil
Rt·b;·lah . alzhn·111wr
Thoma-, Sa11d1·r-,
Tm lor . 'ant1·lli
.l1h; . . auto-,
John Sauh .,
Brandon : ·alzo
Briana 'X'alzo
Jonathan .~ ·lwnk
l>.:arl .' henl
Tran . ·hla-...:
Erik ". ·hlicl
I( •• 11, .~ ·lrnncL.
tq;hani.e ,' hultt>
Eric Schultz
Johnathon. ·lmltz
. tewn • hultz
\ latthe" , hulz
'\ebon -
&~1l1~ illJJ
s tress and a
few little,
white lies
multiple j obs,
a nd, fo r the
lucky, a
social life
ow could anyont' mi'i'i the riYal eY nt of Bradford Y'i. Tr mper fcx>thall aame( 0 ~it driYe me nuh when all rn) fricnd'i
are having fun and I haw to 'vork at on of Ill) joh,, "' ..,aid junior
Dan I ,upi. 0 Lupi worke l at , hirl\, Drive-In and Tintl:wrlanc~
cml'iincr him ancl otlwr :.tu lenh with multiplt> job,, to haw conflictincr work and play.., hedult>..,. 0 '-I don't f<'el it·.., worth it. You
don't want to look back on the'ie year and only think of your joh,,
while other;, are thinking about that b~ketball crame you mi ;,ed
because you were at work. - ..,aid ;,enior Jant>tte \1ichaellli who
worked at both hirl's Drivt>-In and at Heavenly Ham. 0 ~ ith
uch a hu">y life, Michaeli:. admitted to tellincr ht>r boss at hirl..,
that sh had to work at I [eavenly Ham ju t ..,o -,he could attend a
b~kt>thall game. 0 Work frequently equaled fun, but not when
workeTh' joh, kicked in a ;,tr~" they couldn't handle. 0 -At amps
I can play with kids, which lli a lot of fun yet tiring. - said senior
Ryann \1arlar, who put in 15 hour::o at amp:. and five at ooch'..,
Ice Cream per week. 0 \\ ith work owr::ihadowing daily schedules, meshing homework and job emerged ~ it::o own challenge,
with social events a rar luxury. o ··Don't become a work-a-holic.
~ake time for the more important thing-, in life. You are only a
teenager once, and then you have to work for life,"' said senior
\1ecran Reid, Rogan's employet> during the week and food court
employt>e at Thunderhawk GDlf Cour"e on tht> wPekends. 0 Like
Reid\ experience, the challenge of juggling multiple job;, with high
;,chool careen, forced tough choice;, and fo,,tt'recl responsibility.
Fini.,hing up paper
work at tlw front dt>.,k
of ht>r famil} '" realty
lm,int>"' · "ophomore
L) nd~i Frarn;·oi" pace"
ht>r ti11w IJt'twet>n ht>r job
and ho11wwork. 0 Organizing tht> Ba~' ,hoe bo"t>"
"enior Celia Ridolfi htraighteru. out ,lwlw., at Target on a
Friday night. Ridolfi ah,o held
a job at \\ algreen" Pharmacy "o
"ht> could pay for ht>r O\\TI t''<:l)('n"t''.
Anne \i1arie \\ ade
Jemrifer \\ agner
Jennifer \\alter
Elizabeth \\ arnboldt
Jamie Wannall
Rebecca ~ ard
Julia \V arren
Breanna Webb
laina Weddel
\fariah Welli::.
Jane Wermeling
Melanie Werth
Arthur \~e::.t
Lincbey We::.t
Mi helle Whalen
Crea \\ idmar
\i1atthew \\ ierzbi ki
, ara " ilkin::.on
Uison \\ illems
David William.::.
Jo.,hua \\ inter::o
Ryan \\nuk
T enika Wright
Chun Yan
aron Youna
Dominic Zarletti
&!Bpte Jobi
s.e.n.1.0.r. s
Erica, ott
Olivia ott
Courtney , betic
Trevek · ngbu-;ch
Darrell . nnholz
, arah hapiro
Thoma;, , huemate
. hannon . · >.,a
Katarina. 'tpfanovic
Berk) • tPrba
Brenda StPrba
• an Stolt·-.
• irhola-. Tappa
Catherine Tapper
, arah T arhm:
Jamit> Ta, lor
Bradle\ Thimme,.,ch Thomru,
Chri-.tina Thomp,.,on
Patrick Tinkt>r
Patrick T011he,
Midwllt· Tun·«>
\bb<·, L!hf'rt
Mirh~wl L m,.,rht>id
Karla L .,inger
Monica \ ilona
Fix rg corPputers se:iior Brian l\Jelson
earns hs pay as a eC'l at bah MDC.
Compu ers and Bane l\Je soc nc.
l(y ocoby
eneral mant e school store I
sure everything runs
smoothly, from customer satisfaction to checking if orders are
placed correctly and in the right
amount. It's a big responsibility,
but the experience is
the heavy work load.
-sr. ~ob ~each @the school store
s or of res
hitP and bhw fl~ ing high.
loral join, our l'it~ and na1r.wu.."'"'1riot i1• 1h·ora1irnh lining tht>
I ·1•f'h I tfw 1L_1~' rollrn\ ill/! S.·pt. 11.
u· ~lo i .. l nit<"I \\ ,. '-'iarnr quirk I~
"td t
,im·"'"'· b1unp1•r ~tirkp~
and bilU1oar1l, <h our 1wr,mial cit~
mollo. En1·011rag1·d f,~ Pn·-,idt>nt
7f'or:r1· \\. B1hh. n-,id1·nh lirwd th1•
.,rrP<>h holding li:rlllf·d rnmU1·~ a~ a ,igiJ
for thP virtim~ tlw night or Sept. 1:3.
•• ag;,, our economy took a cfo·e during the rece,.;;,ion
h 2001. Local bu.;,ines;,e::. e""{{X'rienced decline. and
broke int • he employment world through service and !:>ale;,.
: \1ajor corporation.-, like .\bbott and hrysler adj1 ;,ted locally to the economic decline. On a smaller bcale, , tar &
:--- ripe:.. a popular late-night hang-out due to its 3 a.m. clo;,ing, offi. Uy ;,hut down. Omega also went out of business at the infamou-,
~ th , treet location, where three previon"> restaurants failed.
--=-.---..-=•'.-l l \IR: \~ ith Omega out. King Buffet stormed in, offering a
lunch buffet for , 5.95, carry out for .. .S and a cultural choice. Our
optioru, expanded to III OP, International Tlou-,e of Pancakes, which
bprang ib door;, for the fi.r;,t time Dec.-!-. Late-night breakfast fit our
budgeh for a midnight :mack. To sati.-,fy our caffeine craze, Starhurh
joined the ranks of Common Ground-.. Bel,. ah·.., Cafe and Southp011
Book Center Coffee Tlmlbe a;, a rool s1x)t for hot drinh or hot for
cool. OOL 1 OJ BRI-.. \ 11 I Putting our own \ nclerson Field on the
map. the von Brea::.t Cancer \\ alk rallied at the stadium. The thn•ecla~ ewnt spanned 60 mile-. to Chicago and broke record-, with 6.:2:36
walker-, from -!-6 tare..,. 0 \IR I<'\ H L \-, reali~ set in, bu;,ine-.,., felt
the economic impact of the attach and rece.,-,ion. Hitting home.
\bbott and Keno::,ha . ew:. in-,talled hiring freeze-. while Blue , 'tar
hut down. 0-Hare and \1itchell irporb , more of u-, waitina in
curity checks and fewer of th waiting at all. Ewn with
family vacation::. on hold_ Kl, D -.till apprm ed our fliaht::, to Phoeni
and \liami that went without a hitch . .\-.our ci.~· kept growing. we
waited table-.. baaged grocerie,., and rang up outlet purcha-.e,.,. Pa)check in hand w hit K-Tmn1 and Tin-.eltown to come up for ui1
,charl!!· "lwr ,ki_, for a ~mm boa.rel
mor 1' ari Pi hl rail,' ro 'raff ar the
Ht>ad Rt>,ort in rht> pper
il'hi!!an P1·nin,11la. Lead b' rhe
11Ith !!r< pat t \la~·, Luriwran
. lur<' t. r w ,kt mp -1ximwd Ft>h. 22
ro Ft•h. 2-t. and 1wlt1<!.·cl 81 ~kttn!! t>nrhu,i<bh. 0 \ 'mile romplim 1th ~1·r
'-in• a' -•·nior Tn·\or \II .alli.,11•r \\Ork,
tlw c·orn·.."ion -rand at tlw Plt>tbant
Prairi1· R1·1·P!t· . \lcCal!i,r1·r tire!!uar<l• ·d mornm!!' <1ncl aftt•rn1 Kl!l.,. ritt itl!! -dHKll in rlw micl<llt>. \Ion!! with
tlw ~tancl lifeguard, -une~ ed rhe pool
and taught ~wim le"rnb for chiklren.
" in g up lor a1
f.mss- ai' l:re
Leader in Industrial Water Pollution Control
6900 46th Street· Kenosha, WI 53144
(262) 656-7680 • Fax (262) 656-7699
1509001 Registered World Wide Locations
Art Fedrigon, Owner /President
3515 - 75th Street, (Hwy. 50)
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now on the internet:
Pizzeria and Restaurant
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jerry lnfusino
Are E:nglisl) e!Je;'s no good but are food
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6800 39th Ave
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Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140-3929
Tel: (847) 623-6070 Bus.
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kenosha • wisconsin • 53144
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Private Insurance Accepted
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Show Them You Love Them
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We dhave
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Girls who still beheve
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Cherish.00. Tfrldies
Boys &
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E-MAIL re-one
WEBSIT'E www.re1
"When I need to
freshen my breat'1
·ake out my tic-toes
I don t care abou•
rmed with a favorite breath freshener
in hand students waited for a close up
with that special someone. According
to a survey conducted by Colgate 1n
fall of 2001 54 percent of people used
cost because ts a
trendsett ng
presence they hove
wher offer •herr
to •rends.
breath fresheners Most students pre-
-ir Michael
ferred gum over mints because Irie fla-
vor lasted longer. "I chew 8 hou-s a
day. Gum 1s addicting and
ar1 ad-
dicted· said sophomore Kara Small n
a list by lnforma ion Resources
Altoids sold 27.8 percent of the market share. Cool Mn Lis erine Pocket
Pa s Strips stormed on o t\.ie scene t n
starch-based paper wit~ Listerine ingre-
God Bless our Graduates.
The al ation Arm
dients A pock of 16 strips ran about
$' 40 Tongue scrapers cleaned away
the 130 bac eria on a tongue. C orophy in p1 Is widened choices. From gum
3116 75th St., Keno ha, WI 53142
trey are so mucl,
s•ronger o rrio e a
fres.lier breo h
and mints •o scrapers and pills brea
- r Jessca
fresheners yielded halfos1s for teens
Making life a little richer.
Today we helped prepare
students for college.
Class of 2002!
But we are not teachers.
5703 8th Ave Kenosha, WI 53140
(262) 654-2668
We are First Midwest Bank. We 're the bank for school boards,
colleges, and universities across the state. Any bank can promise you
a bright future. By investing in our community, First Midwest can help
provide one for everybody.
First Midwest Bank
American Association of
•J @
Zion, IL (847) 764-3011
The Cherry Corporation
3600 Sunset Avenue
z 6 z _6
4 _ 1 5 O O
www. lemayautog rou
~u~gan,lllinois60087 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(847) 662-9200
*Precision Switches
*Plasma Displays
*Integrated Circuits
*Keyboards & Keyswitches
*Automotive Products
Carpet• Vinyl• Ceramic
Stone • Wood • Laminate
Residential & Commercial
5407 Green Bay Road• Kenosha, WI 53144
Phone (262) 654-6311 •Fax (262) 654-6371
Selecting Marquette wasn't automatic to Katie. Yes, her mother was a graduate.
But Katie, a sophomore, says a campus visit sold her on the school.
"Marquette makes you feel welcome like no other
school. Theres a lot to get involved in right away,
so that helps you meet people,"
she says. What about academics?
Katie's Marquette experience ranges from playing on
the school's softball squad to taking design classes at
a neighboring college to working at a day care center.
As for Milwaukee, she jogs downtown with friends,
which is how she got to know the city.
Katie is ready for more than just her first job. She's
prepared to think critically and act responsibly for
the rest of her life.
Is there a Marquette experience for you?
"Marquettes hard, but manageable. Everyone professors, advisors, fellow students - is so helpful."
e: admissions @Marquette .edu
www .Marquette .edu
Annette M. Mucklin
8831 33rd Ave.
Kenosha, W153142
(262) 697-9386
Swimwear Year 'Round
For the Entire Family
Home Classes & Workshops • Photo-safe Albums & upplies
Group Presentations • Business Opportunities
On Rt. 173 in Zion, Illinois
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~T~il.4 lff
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c -· {.
the mensroom
6833 twenty fourth avenue
Kenosha, \f\/153142
Tel: (262) 654-2350
!'!!Miss You Karyi
"We Keep Kenosha Rolling"
(262) 694-3332
6005 - 75th STREET
"I read Teen People
· >
mong teenagers 80 percent of respon-
dents reported that they had read
magazines during the previous month.
In comparison. only 44 percent used the
internet according to Market Profoe.
An icon since 1944 Seventeen magazine pioneered the young womens market It featured the latest on styles. guys
Bus.: (262) 656-1414
1225 75th Street
Fax: (262) 656-1275 Kenosha, WI 53143
3805-SOth Street, Kenosha, WI 53142
. ,rmed on w~o s
who and what s
what 1n the enterta nrnen+ industry
plus all of t'1e juicy
gossip that the n-
de p h
articles on real-1ife issues· said junior Jeni
~und Golf Digest the number one golf
ers. From he dicey 60-yard burizer shot
from the worlds top payers to its read- ....,......,_
to he shxk-in-tf-e-trees special op PGA
pros ins rue
to improve games wit
proper echn1que. 'Gol Digest hos elite
players giving insigi-, to improve my
game· said junior Mat Oster. Wt~
freedom at their f ingert1ps teenagers
1 Hour Photo
art c es
and hot tips on beauty and fashion 'Sev-
' .
enteen 1s my favorite magazine. It hos
publicafon brings exclusive instruc•ion
The Pharmacy America Trusts.
1-800-Walgreens (1-800-925-4733)
~eep me
teen ept me i..p
to date with a
f-e goss p about
tf-e op ce ebr es
and I read star es
about new peop e
cut Olt
p c•ures of ce ebs
and post +hem rl
chose from an array of different maga-
my room
- r Asr.ey
zines depending on t e1r n erests.
Custom Components & Systems
For "Your" anitary Process Requirements
"The action-thriller game
Halo was the killerapp that
Process Pipe & Valve
sold me on getting Xbox."
-soph. Adam Sch/ax
6841 - 46th Street, Kenosha, WI 53144
"My friends and I love challenging each other in NHL
(262) 653-2070
Fax (262) 653-2072
Hitz for Gamecube."
-sr. Matt Hansen
uper intendo, Sega, Playstation,
64 ... Stop living in the 90s. This is
the year of the Xbox and Gamecube.
For the first time since 1996 Nintendo
launched a new system called Gamecube.
To make its mark on the gaming world,
Microsoft came out with its first ever system called Xbox. 'Tm a fan of the
Gamecube because it's from intendo. I
only buy their systems," said senior Jean
Golwitzer. Over 700,000 Gamecubes and
about 600,000 Xbox consoles arrived in
stores nationally throughout late ovem-
ber. "Sometimes I can't concentrate c:::::;--J
because all I am thinking about is cu
playing m) Xbox," said sophomore
Adam Wente. During introduction, :::J
consumers dished out 100 morcu::::J
for the 'box; howe\'er, around ---c::::J
April Microsoft lowered the cost, J
matching (,amecube at 199. Both ~
S) stems have rumbling controllers, CD
four player action, and share cer- ~
tain games like Tony Hawk :::J
ProSkater 3. Choosing became a 0
matter of consumer taste.
3601 30th Ave. Suite 201 A
Kenosha WI, 53140
By Appointment
~;;;:l,. acatlemy
A mcui WliLS WliLLkiVLg liLLOVLg tlie
be liLCli o VLe lilliL!d, w lie VL lie lie liLrvl liL
voice SliL!1, "Pick up liLLL tlie pebMes
tliliLt !10U CliLVL liLVLliL tomorrow !10U
wiLL be botli liliLPP!d liLVLCiL sliLvl."
So lie pickevl up iiLfew pebbLes
liLVLliL put tlie m iVL liis pocket. Tlie
VLext lilliL!d lie WliLS iVLvleevL liliLp p!1tlie peb b Les liliLvl turvi,evL iVLtojliLbuLous jeweLs, but lie WliLS SliLCil
tliliLt lie liliLliLVL't p ickevl up mo re.
So it is witli evlucliLtiovi,-11ou liLre
liiiLpp11Jor wliliLt !10U liliLve liLVLliL sliLvl
tliliLt !10U vliliLVL't get more.
Class of 2002
CALL 654 1430
7!i07-7tlt i4¥ell4'e
Kencs/ta, Wis-3143
OPEN "1.m. to S-: IS- p.m. )t?N-F!?I
Good Luck!!!
CAIL 654 14'.lO FOR
Karl B. Scheidt, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Sports Injuries and Fracture Care
Arthroscopic Surgery
Joint Replacement Surgery
Osteoporosis Screening & Treatment
Fax: 262-658-3617
Licensed Massage Therapist
Greenhouses & Garden Centers
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1400 75th Street
Kenosha, WI 53144
Rick Anton
9140 Cooper Road
Pleasant Prarie, WI 53158
{Fax) 262-694-7055
Gary Anton
1126 Pitner Avenue
Evanston, IL 60202
{Fax) 847-864-0536
VT .-:. . . . . . . :\.1.1.,
HEAT@ Radiant Saunas
8028 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142
(262 )652-8005
Come Play
with Us!
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round source
for Swimwear,
Shoes, In-line
Skates and
more! 2926-75th St. KENOSHA
FLoWERS 'Witb £ove
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Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143
Phone 262-657-1118
Auto Sales • Service • Import Parts
Kenosha, WI (262) 694-1818
Illinois (847) 746-1844
Silver Lake, WI (262) 889-2099
4513 Green Bay Road
262-65 7-6020
Fax: 262-65 7-603 7
24-Hour Roadside Towing
Off Road Recovery • Flat Bed • Wheel
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Service Light and Heavy Duty
"To Give A Flower Is A Symbol Of Love"
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~ (262) 8 94 7200
• J.lhanmlcy (282) 894-9797
• Ftonl Depuotment (262) 894-8818
3535 30th Avenue, Suite 204
Kenosha WI 53144
Southeastern Wisconsin 's
Sports Professionals
Technologies Co. LLP
4909-70th Ave.
A Pneumatech®lnc. Company Ph: 262-658-4300
Ke nos h ~ WI 53 144
Fax: 262-658-1945
Children's Vision, "Eyestrain" Evaluations
Contacts - Tinted, Bifocal, Astigmatism
Laser Surgery
National Scouting Report
"The World'.s' Leading Recruiting Authority"
3206 80th St.
Kenosha, WI
Open Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Closed Sundays & Holidays
(262) 697-9556
Tom Vieth
Area Director
Peter L. Emer, Optometrist
3612 Roosevelt Rd. , Kenosha, WI 53142
Open 6 days -Tues., Fri. PMs, Sat. til 12
Telephone: (262) 652-1689
Fax: (262) 652-4345
Cl a s s
2 0 0 2
Since 1750
G. Leblanc Corporation
7001 Leblanc Boulevard
P.O. Box 1415
Kenosha, WI 53141-1415 USA
Class cf lOOlt
(262) 551-7272
2404 - 18th st. 12162 37th Ave• Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
(262) 942-1900
Kenosha, WI 5314
Linear Rubber Products, Inc.
5416 46th Street
Kenosha, VVl53144
P & L of Kenosha, Inc.
d/b/a Payless Car Rental
3825 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, VVl53142
Telephone: (262) 694-4600
Fax: (262) 694-4489
Fax: 262-657-6705
Linear Rubber Products Inc.
When doing a play
h 1r FFAIR
® 'n
the out-of-sty~
stay off
we have to use a
variety of hair styles.
but we always
student consumers cleared the store
shelves of products to keep their hair
under control. "I buy LA Looks at Target
8012 39th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142-4940
because 1t works well and I can buy it
for about $5 · said sophomore Steven
seem to use the
same products For
what we '1eed
Aquane~ wort<s best
under tt-ie extref'1ely
1-iot stage ligh•.
Mauricio. The range of product costs de-
- jr Mane
terred some students from their favorite
hair care items but others bit the bullet.
' Aveda works and smells better than
Jazz · Tap · Ballet
Professional Instruction
anyt ing else but the cost of $25 can
get pricey." said freshman Danielle
oecouse t'ley
Genooccaro. On a hairdo by hairdo ba-
advertise as oe :g
sis students decided which met od
al noturo and a
worked best for eac unique style. "I put
complete y organ c
mousse on of er I s ower and then
experience W1-e her
hairspray to keep my hair in place · said
hat s true or not
freshman Katelyn Tranberg who buys
don t know W. they
4 l 3-6th Street
Hwy 50 & 57th Ave.
(262) 697-6330
(262) 632-441 7
Choreography - Shows - Studio Rentals
hairspray and mousse once a month_ The
tacular and expensive do.
choice was left for students: risk a fashion don t or pay maximum for a spec-
work. we
- sr L ndsey
freedom food
Tom Gagliardi
Philip Gagliardi
President I ME 1859
Vice President I ME1860
"I like eating at fast food restaurants because I can eat
with my friends once in a
while, not just my family."
- jr. A m ber V ieth
[lechic Company. lnc.
~14-1'.;th ~bel ·"enosha.W
"I enjoy eating the Nacho
Belle Grande - no beanswhile chillin with my homies."
- jr. J e ff D ahl
!though teens loved mom's home
cooking, when on the run or hanging out, students enjoyed fast food
diners. "I enjo)ed the laid back atmosphere whi le consuming wallet friendly
food," said senior Leo Colwill. Dominating the Mexican food market, Taco Bell
had over 70(~ of customers. Pizza Hut
was on top of the pizza market with 209(
of the market share. "TacoHut has
transformed into the high school hangout spot because so man) kids go there.
Between p izza and tacos, everyo ne is
happy," said sophomore Sara
La~facchia. Whi le TacoHut was
popular, l\lcDonalds dominated
market in sheer quantity. In
Kenosha alone, eight \ lcDonalds
restaurants sen eel \I cfa\ orites.
"The fact that nobod" is at Wendy's
on weekends is kind of calming,"
said sophomore Amanda Frank.
With freedom at their fingertips,
teens chose an array of fast food restaurants for e\erything from speed
to atmosp here, food to budget.
c.Xait CWaue
1316-8otb cJtreet
r(_enosba, W:J 53143
'Phone: (262) 658-8100
S uscz;i M Ccz!l!e. V .V .S
Corporation of Southeastern Wisconsin
(Class of '78)
~ ...... ~-1...:1
Con_grciCulxCz'onJ CtciJJ
if .200.21
D.&--- TD
..a. ..1..a....1....1.., )..&.'-•
Fax 262-857-3268
19733-86th Street P.O. Box 275 Bristol, Wisconsin 53104
2227 60th Street Kenosha, Wisconsin
5707 75TH STREET
(262) 697-0321
flaker Street
Ph: (262) 657-7888
Fx: (262) 657-7 67
(Formerly Oage Thomsen's)
Phone: (262)657-9314 Fax (262)657-7935
"Weekly All U Can Eat Specials"
Monday- Deep-Fried or Boiled Shrimp
Tuesday - Alaskan Snow Crab Special
Wednesday- Baby Back Ribs (Cajun* BBQ* Sweet & Sour)
Thursday - Prime Rib Au Jus ( Kenosha's Best)
Friday - Louie's Fish Fry: Lake Perch - Deep fried Haddock
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Call For Details
• \1onday- Crab Leg Special
• Thur day· Bab Back Rib
• Tue day- Piua Special 2 Toppings • Friday- Fish Fry (walleye & cod)
•Wednesday- AYCE Pasta Special
• aturday· Prime Rib & Turke Buffet
• aturday & Sunday· Breakfast Buffet 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
(Omelets made to order)
FRIDAY & SATURDAY KARAOKE 9:00 p.m. TO 1 :00 a.m.
6208 Greenbay Rd. Keno ha, Wi c.
Deininger & Co. Inc.
Frank Deininger
Phone: (262) 694-9541
4721 15th Street, Kenosha
Certified Finandal Planner
Congratulations to
Lynn Helgesen, Sarah Shapiro,
Allison Willems
our Merit Scholars
Armitage Academy
where learnin be ins
Since 1911
Gifts· Cards· Cami~
Cafe • Cigars
2401 60th st.
• Computerized Layout & Design •
• \\'edding Jmiutions •
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,1rds • r.nvelopes •
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Kenosha's Union Printer
6618 - T!th hennt' • Keno,.,ha. \\ i~cmi-,in ;):~1-+2 • Pbont' 262 6:)-t-80-+2 • Fax '262 6;)?-?-t68
The Creative Application of Preventive, Corrective,
Restorative, Cosmetic Dental Technologies
Terrence K. Franta/,
Colleen Realty, Inc.
"VVhen you're ready for your first home,
we'll be waiting here for you."
4721 - 75th Street
Kenosha, WI 53142
9020 76th Street
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
(262) 697-2950
6032 Eighth Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53143
Class of 2002!
FAX 262-694-1703
Pershing Professional Building
7601 Pershing Boulevard
Kenosha, Vl/153142
2621694-1100 Fax 2621694-1103
~_!_~Class of 2002
2627-75th Street
Keno ha, WI 53142
Phone: 262-654-8808
Fax: 262-654-1577
Best wishes class of 2002 !
2913 Roosevelt Road · Fax (262) 657-6216
(262) 657-3448
Taking Expert Care Of All Your Floral Needs
All Major Credit
For Over 20 Years!
2930 - 751h Street
Kenosha, isconsin 53143
Cards Accepted
3 404 R oosevelt R oad
K enosha, WI 5 3 142
Ph: 262 6 52 7 2 14
F ax: 2 6 2 6 52 2 4 25
Dr. Jeffery R.. Th.ornas
2305 30th Ave.
Ken o h a WI
Dine in or Carry out
2207 Lathrop Avenue
Racine, Wisconsin
Phone 632-6340
Racine Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday 11·9
Friday 11 -10
Saturday 12-10
Sunday 12-9
2000 Birch Road
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Phone 551 -0970
Kenosha Hours:
Tuesday-Friday 11 -1O
Saturday and Sunday 12-10
Closed Mondays
Af•er volleybau
· radice espeal y I like to
·ake care of my
ever the facial 1mperfedion the f 1g t-
sk n I use tlie
C rnque line of
ing power against these dreaded skin
products mainly
imple. Zit. Acne Boils.
problems mushroomed under the facial
ther soap
cream industry. Brands includ ng
astringent and
Neutrogena Clearas.' Noxzema and
Shdex all headed an industry revolv-
- fr Summer
ing around teenagers and their fac1a
needs. Qffenng products tailored for
individual prob ems from dry skin to o y ,_.....,;_
sk n to allerg es or sens ve sbr sk 1n care
sports and of•er
~. Christmas Tree Farm ~
compones cap· a·zed on the urque-
wards I a ways
ness of ~ nd·v dual. >-lowever whe~e
wash my face
over-the-counter produc s failed
Mato1og s s s•epped n. I ve used
Paul & Virglnia Fennema
3579 West Ridge Road
Granton WI 54436
(715) 238-7224
Accutane for a year a d a half t oug
pay a lo of
wt Cleon and
C ear It keeps
fresh leov ~ t
MY dermato og1st. Ive got•en 100 percent 1rrprovement a d its covered by
MY nsurance so d senior Sarah Sh::ip ro
While facia creafl' coMpar es led
charge •awards facial c or +y
to1ogists bat ed cleanup.
now 1t worKS.
-soof-. Em y
ake Shore inc.
"I wear clothes to match my
personality. I buy GAP and
American Eagle mostly."
-soph. Karen Pearson
"The clothes I wear show
"Shining new light on cleaning carpet"
who I am. Because I care
about myself, I care about
the way I dress."
-sr. Travis Clark
round 70 percent of teenagers will- jeans, between 30 and 70 per
ingly admitted that brand names were pair. and roughly 31 percent of it
important to them when it came to bought tops. 10 to 4-0 each on a\'- c::::I:=J
clothes. Brand lo) alt; dictated some erage. Girls spent more of their
\\ ardrobes. '·Ten years ago I Reebok shopping mone; on clothing than ::::I::J
commercials with bnmit ';mith for foot- anything else, and the boys had :::::I::J
ball to become an Olympic sport. ~ince clothing at number three on their c-r--J
then l'\'e worn onh Reebok ~hirts every list of things to bu;. "I like Tommy
da; for ten years," said senior Brian Hilfiger, American Eagle and GAP. c-r--J
DeCesaro. 1\1aga1ine Publishers of Their styles haye a comfortable fit." :::::t:::J
America found nearl; 20 percent of all said sophomore David Crewe. Fash- :::::I::J
teenagers sa\ing mone; for clothing. ion-focused consumers met the cost
About 45 percent of that mone; went for of keeping up with changing fads.
Good Luck
Mike & Jamie Johnson
605 - 1290
7609 Sheridan Rd. Kenosha
T() l-:r t\.T '() t\.T
) '-'.I. J.J. "t.J'-' J. "
Member FDIC
2117 75'IH ST.
(262) 654-92
(262) 657-SPO
........._.llA.m • EVENT MANAGEMENT
Class Of 2002!!
The Crossings Office Building
8500 75th Street Suite 106
Kenosha, WI 531 42
6809 Greenbay Rd.
Kenosha, WI 53142
Nancy Groff, AB R
CLASS OF 2002!
Real Estate Consultant
CH._ (E)
TEL 262-694-4444-ext. 25
FAX 262-694-4474
CELIJV.M. 262-818-1778
RES. 262-652-0222
5727 75th Street
MFG co.
WLIP AM 1050
Kenosha's Radio tation
Patty Hoff
Marketing Consultant
Phone: 262-694-7800 ext. 156
Fax: 262-694-7767
NextMedia Group L.L.C.
8500 Green Bay Road
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
Mario Garretto, M.D.
Ashwani K. Sethi, M.D., M.S.
W. Harley Sobin, M.D.
~~ U.S. Cellular
Brian J. McTernan
2601 - 15th Street • Kenosha, WI 53143
A Division of McTernan & Company, Inc.
Digestive Disease
Consultants, S.C.
PH. 2621653-8002
Fax 262/653-0591
Cernak-Bruns Foot and Ankle Clinic, 5. C.
Physician and Surgeon of the Foot and Ankle
Cynthia R. Cernak, D.P.M.
Board Certified in Foot and Ankle Orthopedics by the American Board of
Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric Medicine
Board Certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery
10400 75th Street
Suite 300
Kenosha, WI 53142
(262) 948-6700
Fax (262) 948-6701
3803 Spring Street
Racine, WI 53405
(262) 687-5250
Fax (262) 687-5258
6308-Sth Ave., Suite 202
Kenosha, WI 53143
Fax 262-653-5346
Lake Geneva
1048 Hwy. H North
P.O. Box846
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
(262) 248-9565
Fax (262) 248-0065
24804-75TH ST.
(262) 843-4643
Fax (262) 843-4645
2909 Roosevelt Rd.
(262) 657 -5408
Fax (262) 657-5480
When your old beater is finally beat, get the best rate on
your next new or used vehicle loan. It can be the difference between driving what you want or settling for less.
~ ~
COM Union
Green Bay Road Office:
6715 Green Bay Rd.
Uptown Keno ha
Northside Kenosha
6218 26th Ave.
2707 30th Ave.
Or visit u on the web at
1313 High Street
Red Bull is a
-leansh soorkly
weet- maybe
Christopher D. Stone, M.D.
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Survei:J
Kenosha Medical Center Campus
6308 Eighth Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53143
Telephone (262) 656-2011
ven too sweetenergy drink
rawn to a scene of extreme sports, stu-
My friends gave
dents saw energy drinks as another way
1• to "1e once
to jump higher, kick harder and run
and now we
Red Bull claimed to increase
physical endurance. improve reaction
speed and corcentrahon raise alertness.
dr nK 11 W'le'l we
hang out
- sr.
and st mulate metabl1srn w le boosting
A Service of United Hospital System
st am no.
use Red Bu I +o get ready
for a TaeK won-Do demo or ust when
m hang ng out 1 s good stuff said junior Ky Jacoby however bus nesses like
SuperValu didn t seil Red Bull to customers under 18. Guarana no urale addressed a·lmen s sue~ as stress and nervous tension we1g t con ro headaches
Distinctively Local Publications, LLC
and even menstrual pain
Guarana to he1p me rel·eve my headac es and stress
Congratulations Class of 2002
3323 85th St Unit D Kenosha 53142
I used
Us nger. Wit
said senior Kar a
the r"se n popu only of
energy drinks students lo nd more options for quenching and k1ck1ng thirst
school store so
tree! t ddn•
e 1t sextremely sour
prefer regu or
Mountan Dew
has plenty ot
-r Scott
Heating and
Since 1918
Just ~riue
'When I got my license, my
friends and I drove around
all night. It was fabulous."
-soph. Mike Chambers
"I practically live in my '96
Saturn. I can't find the trunk
or even the back seat."
-sr. Amanda Briggs
ars in Anderson lot ranged from
sport} or compact to larger jeeps and
trucks. ~1ovies like "Fast and the Furious'' fueled teenagers' needs to personalize cars. ''I wanted m} Sunfire to stand
out, so I installed a new body kit, a spoiler
and an aftermarket hood for $4000," said
junior Robert Cmfress. Both sexes liked
customizing. "My dad picked out my '94
Saturn for ITI) grandma, but nO\\ it's
mine. I love its sunroof, and it has a performance button to hear gears shift. ~1y
dad and I installed two ten-inch In- ~
finity sub woofers," said ophomore CD
Da" n Da' id. Cars were the stuff ::::J
dreams were made of. "I pay install- en
ments to 111) parents form\ red '93 ~
Olds Cutlass Supreme SL. When I -+-get enough money, I'll accessorize. cu
I'd love to own a '70 Olds 442 or a ::::J
'65 Pontiac GTO," said sophomore o _
Matt Diehl. The Holy Grail of the CU
. c::::r-teen experience,
a teen 'scar\\ as JO),
debt and place to call home.
FREE Estimates
24-hour Emergency Service
We Service All Brands
Visit Our Showroom
Maintenance Agreements
No Payments, No Interest for Six
Congrats to the
Class of '02!
:=-- <c ~ :a> ::::
9625 55th Street
Innovations in Restorative & Implant Dentistry
Located in the Business Park
PH0NE(262)654-2423, FAX (262) 654-3371
Roda's Camera & Photo
of Kenosha
(262) 697-0188
FAX (26
Ji,t'«tfjr ._ fr/ !dram/i(y
/.97 cf' - .JVJJ
Processing on C41 Color Films Only
Serving the Professional and Amateur
Photographer for Over 80 Years
OPEN M-F 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
SAT 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
FAX 654-4570
2204 Roosevelt RD. KENOSHA
t eet
Kenosha, \NI 53142
Fax (262) 694-5284
3806 - Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, VVl53142
Above: Melissa
Lingvay places an
entry in the Just Say
No barrel.
Above right:
Members of
during the
Above: Ivana Savic & Jessica
Bischoff placing tattoos on kids
attending the Just Say No Rally.
Right: Krissy
Falcon works
.______ during the
Toiletry Drive.
Above: Kevin
Zeeck donates his
change during the
Penny Wars between classes for
Ra Fury
plays Bingo
at Brookside
Home with
..-..;-.....--.....-- '------' the elderly.
Center: Laura Tomczak &
Melissa Lingvay M.C. the
Just Say No Rally. Both were
Co-Chairs of the kids activities.
1202 - 60th Street
P.O. BOX 10
Keno ha, WI 53141
657-7733 • 553-9559
FAX 262-657-0153
· 5~-
(262) 694-8011
7727-60th St.
Kenosha, VVl53142
Family Practice Associates
3535 - 30th Ave
Kenosha, WI
Ph: 656-8600
Board Certified Physicians
Care for the Entire Family
C1999 Jockey International, Inc. 2300 60lh St., P.O. Box 1417, Kenosha, WI 53141-1417
JOCKEY and JOCKEY FIGURE are registered trademarks of Jockey International Inc.
Kenosha Frame
Axle Service, Inc.
6835 - 30th AVENUE
PHONE 654-2480
Although I wear
rliniaue Yappy I
~ver have to pay
uxurious scents wafting through the hat,
ways spoke out for their wearers.
usually wear Candies for Men to t-y
and get the ladies attention' said 1L.Jrl1or Ryan Manther
Teens spent up to
79.6% of heir money on scents corripared with clothing and accessories. I
• •.• • •
61 2 59th St.
Kenosha, WI 531 40
(262) 653-006 7
(262) 653-0071 (Fax)
usual.y buy 1t for
me anyways.
that way I save
my money ard
Sl"1ell very pretty
you only ~ve to use one spray 1t lasts
awhile I don t have to buy ,t as mu&
Moddes To help w1 h •he cost of perfumes and •he speed 1n w'11c
Kenosha Lake Shore
1t because people
use perfume all the t me but because
as I do clot es· said 1unior Lauren
Dr. Kamran M. Khan DVM
1-)8 h1gr pr ce for
away layering 1t with lo ions and body
washes kep the cost down by ma ng
it last longer
'Wnen my dad boug t
me America
Eag es AL VE it came
with body wasr lotion and a cand e
which I use all the time. The sme I lasts
all day· said sop omore Afllanda
l=ragrance fees some 1mes
forced a decision between smell rig
good or looking good.
I usua y wear a
'ragrance so tho•
sme good and so
Chlorine s.rrie •ram
swirnrn ng Con ary
•o be ef oo mud' of
a fragrance s no
tt e goes
a ong way 'or "le
- 1r
a •In
? aretli
"Feeling comfortable and
looking good help get you
through the day. "
-soph. Kevin Stuckey
"Shopping at the Buckle in
Regency gets me comfortable shoes at great prices."
-soph. Amy Leker
ude! weet styles, fabulous fads, and total!} cool trends always stacked up important to students. Hot spots filled
Gurnee, Prime and Original Factor}
Outlet Mall including The Gap, ]Crew,
American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch,
Banana Republic plus diverse brands
such as Hurle} or Pacific Sunwear. "On
average I spend at least 50 to 100
when I shop," said sophomore Tracy
Dowell. Market Profile stated that shoes
were the mo t widely purchased item.
With busier fashion schedules than boys,
girls cared more about the \\a)
they looked. In addition to
clothes, lip care, perfume, CJJ
makeup and hair care items\\ ere -+-a girl's best friend. Besides wear- n
ing cologne, boys didn't have to ~
care about cosmetics. "\\'omen __,
care too much about little things:
I just throw on the first com- - 0
fortable clothing that I can CD
find," said sophomore Jeff CU
Bernhardt. Comfortable \\as ~
the look teens era\ ed.
• 7 523-22nd A VE.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
{262) 654-7274
Lee 0. Christiansen, Sr.
E timator & Co-Owner
Phone (262) 652-1802 FAX (262) 652-1870
2718 50th St.
Kenosha WI 53140
Christiansen Heating & Sheet Metal Inc.
-Serving Keno ha Since 1938All of us at Christiansen Heating
congratulate the class of 2002 and wish
you all success and best wishes
4015 - 80th Street
Kenosha, WI
In Friarswood
PI! ( 262) 697- 0300
FAX ( 262) 697- 0089
4::_.215......,~ - • 4::ft:
Office Hour By Appointment
t!S._. ~-- ~c:• • . . . . . . 4:: aw~• ... a
General Dentistry
Windsor Court Office Centre Phase II
495 N. Riverside Dr. (Rt. 21), Suite 211
Gurnee, IL 60031
5906- 39THAVENUE 654- 4070
Telephone: (847) 336-3770
Delicatessen · Liquors & Wines
3203 52nd St.
Kenosha, WI 5 314 2
A Kenosha Tradition
Attorneys at Law
Warren Law Building
1100 56th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 ........._ . -
(262) 654-5900
Merrick R. Domnitz
Anthony J. Skemp
Robert L. Jaskulski
Brian P. Mularski
Cindi M. Hornik, Paralegal
Accident Cases
Automobile, Motorcycle, Premises Liability Medical Malpractice,
Defective Products, Work-Place
A Division of Domnitz, Mawicke & Goisman, S.C.
"I read Great
i::xpectat ons n
buster I decided
jfuneral J!}omes
· ·eshmen Eng Sh
lass. A+ Black not her record-breaking year for the
to see 1i tfie
movie industry launched from books like
DVD lived up to
the boa< s repu-
You Know Us ..... We Can Help
Lord of the Rings · "Harry Pot~er •
Proud To Be Locally Owned and
Operated Since 1931
Beautiful Mind' and Sp1derman.'
tat·on. They re so
thought that Spiderman was 1ust OK
dfferent 1t s hard
because when t~ move turned to ani-
3720 39th Ave & 2002 52nd St
Kenosha, Wisconsin
ma ion for the special effec s you could
to corrioore
- jr. Saro
te I 1t wasn t the real thing
said freshman Sean Brink Spidermans $14 r'l1l1·on n its first seven days brOKe the
record. 'A Beautiful Mind · based on
t~ book about John Nos s life earned
Custom Printed Apparel
$168.5 million overall. Released on December 26 2001 Lord of The ngs
earned $307 m lion in he LiS. r VO 1ng
Harry Potter' a $317 2 million. Before
Harry Potter" the movie came out the
262.942.9828 Fax- 262.942.9868
book was a 6-month best-seller u+eard
of for a c 1ldren s book Orchestra "Onored seniors at graduation w1
from the motion picture.
M~+ peaoe
be eve read ng
tfie booK b ngs
'1owever moves
are be er ior
'00 because
read :19
Pe zz
I can
llllPtTS PLUf
"Every day at lunch I buy a
honey bun for 50 cents. The
cinnamon swirl hypnotizes
me. It completes my day."
-soph. Nick Valeri
"I always have to bug my
2027 - 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, \Nl53140
[262] 551-5577
brother Josh for money to
go to the Home Court to buy
things for lunch."
-soph. Zach Kaddatz
ranola Bars, Goldfish, Pop Tarts.
Popcorn . Students turned to snacks
to get an energ: boost on Monda)
mornings or as a quick hit before practice. ''M) box of Mini Wheats keeps me
going while trying to sta\ awake in school
and with 111} cross-c0t111tr) after," said
junior Marin Ruhle. As kids needed energy for practice or just school, the} influenced parents' purchases. The number one teen request was snacks when
shopping for groceries; in fact, 46.2 percent of teens shopped at grocery stores
in the last month. "t; uall . I tr) to
go to the grocer) ~tore with my par- --r--,
ent became I ha\ e to haYe m) mint ~
chocolate chip ice cream and I hate ::::r::::J
. ,,.h en m: parents iorget
. " sa1"d r
junior Amanda Suter. Snack rnlories c._r--J
burned the budget. "I bm BBQ ::=:::J
Krunchers or Doritos Cool Ranch ::r:::J
for a dollar twice a week. I just run r - J
it off," said three-year State track ~
cross countI") runner senior Gar) ~
Garcia. Filling empty energ: or crazy _ ---:i
craYings, snacks ruled the teen scene.
Jazz erc1se®
fresh moves. new music.
pure motivation.
Heather Palermo
Owner/Certified Instructor
Phone: 262-859-2548
Fax: 262-859-2554
support comes
natural when
you're a
6906 Green &y Road
. 1crrlu
gfndio 75
Aveda Salon & Day Spa
401 7 80th Street, Kenosha, VVI (262)~~
Parkside: 1 170 22nd Ave. Kenosha, VVI (262)552-2805
Conveniently located
at Prairie Plaza
5733 75th Street
Kenosha WI 53142
Salon (262) 697-1400
Day Spa (262) 697-1200
Tremper High School
Class of 2002
Ors. Fullin, Manda,
Kreager, & Abbo
6308 - 8th Ave.
Suite 3060
Kenosha, Wl53143
Kenosha, WI 53144
(262) 652-7963
. . - - - -.\ ~ 11
RACINE, WI 53406
Your 1st Choice For Health Care
Master Certification in Whiplash Treatment
Dr. Janet L Jeranek
Mon Wed Fri
9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
9-11 a.m. & 3-S p.m.
Work Related Injuries Auto Accidents Complete Family Care
Headaches Arm/Shoulder Pain Low Back Pain Leg/Knee Pain
Sports Performance Enhancement Hydrotherapy
Centrally Located On 7 Sth Street Convenient Parking
Industrial Radiators• Industrial Heat Transfer Systems
PHONE: (262) 942-1414 • f AX (262) 942-1410
I boug~· t"ie
f)ove Ma•hews
D Al Along
·'le Water
+he cover song
odds were you knew someone who
so 'Tiuch I leorried
was able to go mon hs without buy-
+he SOX part by
ing a CD. Nevertheless music produds remained the number two item
on lists of things to buy for bot"i girls
and guys. Burning CDs off the nternet
I oved
hanks to burning music off the internet
is so much cheaper plus you get the
ear and :"'lp"ovsed +he res+
songs you like minus all the ones you
don t said freshman Mork Frost Even
w + l\Jopster shut down Kazzocom
Grokster.corn. GnuTel and other
favor· es tes st; I offered free music for
down oodng. A prerecorded CD cost
DU onageo
anywhere trorn $12 o $18 a Bes Buy
show a COU"'try
Tl-under WJ..o ever rriy mood
Target or CD Warerouse w e buying a pock of 50 b a CDs ran as
low as $999 m aways s enng to
music- at home in my car at work
(262) 652-7222
us• burr 11y owr
CDs o•f the net
even during study hall at school said
- r
sophomore Kelly Fulton.
J mmy
Vern Kotten, CLU
~3re or ~cruH
WI Lie: 374678
"Having a baby face is pretty
good because the ladies
love a smooth face."
-soph. Adam Aceto
"I started growing out my faMutual Service Insurance Companies
cial hair after I saw a character on one of Jackie
BUS: 262-654-1212
Chan's Kung Fu movies."
- jr. Matthew Redig
Stop By For Our Weekly Specials!
ike it or not, male students began
growing hairs on their faces during
their high chool years. Those who
desired the bare look often found themsehes in unusual situations. "\\'hen I
was dri\ ing, a lady pulled up to Ill} car
and asked hem old I was, probably because of my face," said sophomore
Daniel Canchola. When searching for
a reliable product, students turned to
brand names such as Gilette, \\ho sells
enough products that everyda} l billion people use a Gileue product. In
the Cnited States, about .4 millimeters of hair grows on the average
male's face in a 24 hour period. ::::;Those that held onto their facial CD
hair, discovered unusual ways to c::::::::J
utilize the perk. ''The reason I G.J
grow my goatee is not only for the~
looks, but also to protect my face
from the elements of a Wisconsin
winter," said junior Max Zbilut.
Students used the growth, or lack
there of, to their greatest St} listic
or co mfort advantages.
Specializing in Meats & Cheese
Ph: (262) 657-3103 Fax: (262) 657-3112
2327 54th St. , Kenosha, WI 53140
OUR 13th YEAR '•
Custom Systems to meet Everyone's needs
6201 - 22nd Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53143 (262) 654-5501
fax: (262) 654-6882
([ LP I·Facto~
Dr. William Jeranek,
Laminated Products, Inc.
board certified
5718, 52nd Street
Kenosha, WI 53144
Kenosha 262.-658'4114
1,S00.-657-0821, Ext. 3018
Fax: 262.-658,1530
Family Practice
3535 - 30th Ave.
Kenosha/ WI 53144
Phone: 656-8600
Manufacturers of:
Mariam Cultured Marble
Ultra Lam O:mnter Tops
Euro Dezine Cabinetry
Cardio Kickboxing
Step Classes
Free Weights
Kenosha Hospital
St. Catherine's Hospital
Steve F redriksson
General Manager
Fax 697-5477
Toll Free 877-VFJ-5678
Greenwich Place
10320-75th Street
Keno ha, WI 53142
• Call For The Rate Plans & Accessories that
Are Right For You
Family Denti tr
3103 - 75th treet
Keno ha, WI 53142
2 Locations
Our Staff is Friend! To The Core.
2621 30th Ave
400 North Pine St
Your Local Cingular Wireless Dealer
The Quality You Deserve • • •
Dicko\A/-C yzak
6403 75th St. (Hwy 50 & Green Bay Rd.)
Kenosha, \IVl53142
(262) 694-9777
•Bath Remodeling• Color Coordination• Vinyl•
• Laminate Carpet • \Nood • Tile • Marble •
Students, make your home UNFORGETTABLE.
Make your next party unforgettable, too.
The Kenosha Professional Fire Fighters Union
625 - 52nd Street• Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
Affiliated with International Association of Fire Fighters • Profe sional Fire Fighters of Wi con in
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO and Keno ha AFL-CIO Council
True or False: Fazoli's offers free soft drink refills when
you dine in? If you said true, good for you.
Pop in for unlimited Freshly Baked Breadsticks, too.
Real Italian. Real Fast.
Kenosha: 6930 75th Street/Phone(262) 942-0122
ew Berlin: 3800 So.Moorland/Phone(262) 796-8545
Pewaukee: 1900 Silvernail Rd./Phone(414) 650-6550
We tAlli : 10833 Wet Greenfield/Phone(414) 258-3411
10330 Prairie Ridge Boulevard • Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158
Tel: (262) 612-2800
Grande Prairie offers a wide range of healthcare services for older adults and their families
Healthy Living Options Recuperative Stays
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Social \ cti\itit-',,
For a to11r or to pick up an applicalion. ..,top h_r or call 26:2-612-2807 or :26:2-612-:2865
Cong 1~atulations
Cla~ of 2 0 0 2 !
Kenosha Police
Supervisory Officers
ARY'S Cart'
,\~ Pri\ ate Roo111-, \\ ailahle
"Nothing is impossible
with God"
Health and Rehabilitation Center
,\~Short Tt>nn Rt>cow11 Stay-.
,\~(',ompn•hen.-.iw Rt>h~hilit ~t ion
.1~\,ft>clicall) (',omple'I': Capahilitih
Lutheran Church
2001 80th Street 262-658-3555
KENOSHA, Wl.-53142
The Ultimate in:
Tae Kwon Do • Women's Self Defense • Hapkido
Men's Self Defen e • Cardiovascular Kick Boxing
Children Are Our Specialty
One week free
lessons when
you bring this
book in.
Mon - Fri. • 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Saturday • 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Chief Instructor Dion Ferrori & Master Dennis Nelson
2221 63rd Street (upstairs) Kenosha, WI 53143 • (262) 657-8397
commi·nnent toed cation
nf fr n 1 . and Mrs. Pulaski and Administrators
!),, Ht'1Hlll"'f
"6 /l't1'. l)e66 t-Oillis, wlr11 JteJ
"" 7>euHt6e1' 16, 2002.
/I'll'. t-Otllis HJ4S 4
speel4l eJueatl1111 U4&h'11' 4t selr1111l 411J 4
Hte11tc1' 6111' Ht4111( stuJe11ts. ;4lll11(J wltlr
/I'll'. t-Oillis e114efreJ tire t-011Hte11's
°V41'Sltl( 134sfut64ll ~4Ht.
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Principal 's Award
• Principal's Award
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Academic
•Top 20 Outstandi ng
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Academic
• Top ~8 Academic
• Top .!.. Outstandmg
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
J ore
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Outstanding
• Top 20 Academic
• Top 20 Outstanding
(7e?L7lt eT
" P ·re "" proud of ) ou- ,113 in ) <mr
cla-.-,. Concertn1i...,tre-..., .• ational
. hool Orclw..,tra \warcl Kiwani-.
\warcl (',.olden String.,. &-.t of Sh<m
Yt>arbook. Top 20 Ouhtancling ...
and # 1 in our ht·art,,. Keep -making
mu,,ic - in all area.., of\ mir lift>. i\fay
thP Lord <'Ontimw to guidt> and hit·~.,
) Ol l at ('Ollt•gt»
\\ ith all om Low.
\1o111. Dael TraC) & Brian
Tracy Schlax
Good luck in Madison
You are truly a pecial person and we
are so very proud of you! May God ble s
you always, and may all your dreams
come true! You have a smile that light
up a room, Keep on Shining!!!
Mom, Dad and Katharine
f?JJU ffJl_,
\Y.! e're proud of YouKeep God fir t in everything.
Love vou
manda, Dani,
and Ja}
It·.., ..,o hard to llt'lit>\t• that tlw tinlt' ha., t·onw for\ 011 to
araduatt• l l i!.dl ·hool. Tiwn· aw -.11 man) 11wn1o;·i1·-.. I am The Gang: Mike, Mike, josh, Frank, Tara
WI") proud of tlw man you haw ht·conw. You hm t· gairwd inwanl) ,11 an 1·arl) -.ta!!t• in ) rnir
life. Don· t P\ er lo-.e that. ]o-.h. \ l) pra) t'r or) oil i-. that ) ou "ill allm\ God to lt•a< l) 1111 tb ) ou
head off to .olle!!P and !?O fon, ard \\ith) our lift·. "hatP\ Pr TIt· ha-. pla111wd for) Oil. Contimw to
-.ta) focu,.,e<L di-.cplint>d and he a lt>adt>r that ) ou t'an l>P proud of.
\\ t' rt' goin!? to mi..,., you \\hilt> ) awa). l kmm )OU \\ill do \\t ll.
Cannot ,..,.ait to \\utch your .olhre game-.. I Inn. . ) ou. Ill) huh) . Yo11 will r-,;~lii¥.:~~ti
alway., l)t' 111\ ~un~hine.
1st Base
· God Ble~.., and lm e ~ ou.
Nie Ocerole
Cindy Gentz
'-'11n j,' ..-... ,md for
-our µood frll'11d-.
Koryt Rutchik
.lem Goudie
lo n·111iml
Ii-. of' a ll
ti IP good
t i11 IC'.., ,
Coming UP for Air
And we all became friends.
Congratulations Staff of 2002! Continuing th , ·, P High hool Pre:,~ Hall of Fame 1992 tradition of exc llence, our 2001
Clru, i . .\lway the bne. captured a 19th .\11-.\merican award from .. -SP.\ and placed Fourth in Be t of how ompetition inPhoemx. ~
abo raked in individual awarili with Jenn Gaudio winning Fir t place in KE\ fP .\ · On-the- pot Yearbook mpetition in Whitewater and
nationally with \1 lli!:>~a Ruiz. J
i.ber and Ra hel nyd r arning Honorable \1entioru,. K aryi Rutchik taking an Exe 11 nt. and Je:-; ie
Gr wal and Ky Ja oby capturing top uperior awarili for their JEA \~rite-Off competitions.
Congratulations on completing a fun-filled high school career.
Remember you can accomplish anything if you put forth your
best effort.
Mom. Dad, Sarah& Ryne
Leslie, on all your
academic and
athletic accomplishments. We're really
proud of you! Good
luck at Carthage.
Mom, Dad
and Chris
• Sign Language Club
• Kind • ~riendly
• Understanding
• Affectionate
•Loving •Caring
•Generous• Nice
•Therapist s
e .;[, 1J o e
were never tpoken - and ~o
many time~ when we <hould
have <aid thank you. we :et
tho<e time< go by. Today we
want to let you know JU<t
how tpecia you are to u<. and
that we 'II alway< be grateful
for everything you've done.
d9 o a!!!
"Each nriend !tep!teMttt.& a wo!tld in
Jil, ll WO!tld po.Ur
bly not bohft nntil
titey ll!f!fiue, and it
iA only by f1tiA
meeting titat a new
WO!tld iA OO!fll
-.AnaiA Nin
Proud to team in Salt Lake City with Bradford
DECA to elect senior Nick Rezny,
President DECA International 2002-2003
Words cannot
express how proud
we are of you.
Mom & Dad
You have turned out to be a beautiful young lady and achieved things we
could only dream of. We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. We wish you all the best in your future and all that life has to offer.
We love you more than words can say.
Mom and Dad
C.r-ad \cl.,
Senior Girls Soccer
C.ongratulabons on four years success
Nie Cicerale
- - -....Mfhatever role you c oose top ay ...
we know it will be your way.
GREAT job!
The best is yet to come.
<;£0-V-t 1 Mom, Dad, Tony,
Grann &Grandma
Cindy r;fentz
(on grat11/ at ions
(ind y-C/3i11dy! 'We
{1zew you co11/ d, we
{new you wo11/ d !
L:o'Ve, JJ( om,
'Dad, Jof:_,e ~
Mom Mike,
We have
watched you
grow from our
precious little
bright-eyed girl
to a beautiful
Y•u a.Ire tf,, J•J 111 •ulr fl/e, a11J MW J•U a.Ire
m•11l11J •11 f-. acc• J•Ulr J.1reaml.. Y•ulr l.ucctU /11
J•Ulr fr11fr 1.cfrul J«ttlrl. will alwaJI. J, lrtmem.&e.1re/. We
ft11•w ru will J, a fruJ« 1.ucctU /11 J•ulr fl/e. <ju/ lucft
affle U11111e.1r1.1fj •! M11111e,..ta. W, a.1re,.. r•uJ •! ru
al. a Jau1frf-t.1r. 1.11."tt..1r, 1.f"u/e11t a11J .8e1.f"/Jr1e11J.
Wdt. l.u. t11.1tl %<&ref".
at the
University of
.M.m. :l>a.l·C8%l«1t
We look forward to many
fun weekends with you there.
Love, Mom, Dad, Ryan, Kelly
Kara. lfve qour dreamsf Ffll qour tfme
and space wfth Joq. We know qou'n
succeed. Staq posltfve-staq happq.
Bless qour lfttle lrfsh heart and everq other lrfsh partf
Qood luck next qear at Minnesota.
Mom. Dad. KeJleq.
Katie. & Caseq
Ke via
"/ can do all things
through Christ who
strengthens me."
Philippians 4: 13
God has blessed you with an awesorne
year and we knowJ le has ei;en greater
things planned for you in the future!
• Volleyball Team Captain
• Mast Valuable Offense
• Mast Valuable Defense
• Wrestling Team Captain
• Mast 2pt Near Falls - 12
• Mast 3pt Near Falls - 19
• Mast Take Dawns - 107
• Undefeated Regular Season
• Mast Win in a Season - 39
• Mast Wins in a Caraar - 98
• All County 3 Years
lt\ ~e lor-e you and are i·ery proud of you!
JCeep God first in your life and be blessed!
• Scholar Athlet
• National Honors Society
Morn :fJad, Jin1 :r'hn Canie, · helly Cassi
DrcR11u R1u:/' I-I /K "''
u.r t
;;!r;/t'llflo rto!c
.. SaJ'U t11if_(R1 r /
y (!/'c,
f){ R(f. )CJ
flt<: /Rt!urc/I
S,tKRk It/I.UH 11u;!~ ..Latm URT(t!fl R11a!. 1 c d2cd(/- .r. 1vfl'mc r
~Gf(_aryi 'RJ!,se 'l<..!ftcbif(~
j'r ~.r rcr1!I(/ dl. t urll mr fl" 7U't:.r 1
Thank you so much for all the cherished memories that fill our minds
and hearts. Each day I am more
proud to be your mom. I watch in
wonder as you continue to learn
and grow from your life experiences. I admire the way you vigorously and positively follow your chosen path while holding strong to
your faith and values. What I hope
most though, is that you will always
know that Dad lives on within you
and that no matter where your
dreams may take you, you are
dearly loved. Sweetie, may you always know genuine happiness.
~ and God ~ you, "N6ttl6."
Never say goodbye: say remember when...
Sandwiches, cacti., dancing, shamrock
shakes, jello, and toasts; they all lead
back to Oassic unforgettable memories.
W6 at6 proui:I of yoor ~ and tM
f1l16 youne wOtt1611 yoo hav6 1'eoom6. Wat.oh out
l..ov6 Dad, Mom, ~. f'at;, 66n, Myl&i, and Rita
JX!,col e <:.5t(anfred
'We are so proud of you and o//
tbat you accomplisbed.'
:A{j,lll, all you btt'Ve to do is
open any door you 'Tl!ant 'Tllitb
tbe {ey tbat you bold.'
~[0111 &9 Vad
• C.hggrlgading
• Oancg
• Track
Index [dilor:
~ Rdam ~eziros~i
~ Hssl. lndex [dilor:
Rshley Jeline~
aiting to f'~hale., 380 :-,enior;, o,-ercame the challenge of being the first gracluatina clru,:-i to stick it out for four years. •Our priYate world, were shakf'n
up by the t rrori.-,t attach on Sept. 11, ru, Kenosha I'\e"-" heaclline::i flooded our
halb with a fref' special edition about the Pentagon in Wru,hington D.C. and\~ orld
Tradf' Center Tower:-, in ew York City. ·We ht'ld our brt'ath., while the teacher;,
and ;,chool hoard battled out a contract lJf'fore group!:> and club,, could get back on
track. The contract settlf'd jtL"lt in time for CLASSIC Yearbook 8taff and DEC\
chm lO get in tht' air tony to national COmpetitiOOb., both returning with \Vinner8. •
ln effort-, to turn it around and dt'liver thf' Yf>arhook on time., the 8taff pmhed for
a month aftt'r the June ? la;,t-day-of-8chool and pulled together to compile 256
pages "1th 2?>00-pltL"l names squished air tightly into thi:, inde~. '"G-Otcha CoYf'recl"'
turned out to apply to editors and reporters even more than Freshmen Trallbition
Coaches who s1xnif'd the phrast' on gret'n T-shirts. • \ye burned air time to deliwr
a book and an indt'x that re,~ews from Aug. 29 first day to the final State golf
match and ]une 2 graduation under one cover. Take One Last Breath and check
out the people and event8 gathered here for ea8y air traffic control of the quote8
and photos in the page8 of '02: Coming Cp For Air. Time to Breathe Easy.
\lrnazan, J.,,,im 2-t. 150
.\ lmazan. Jocc>I\ n :2-t
\ltau-., Dan 100
\hergott, Jp-.-.ica 10. 1:20, 16-t
\lrhau-.. Danit•I 17-t
\111adwr, Tho111a-, 1-t-t. H9
\ mhm-.ini. Dan 17
\ rnbro-.ini. Jairrw 187
\alto. Da"" 17-t
A bra ham. Stan]P\ 17-t
\ brr~o. Jo-.Pph ;:+. J8'.'
-\ceto. \dain 79. 101. 16-t. :2:28
\cL.trn-. \.akin 119. 17-t
\dlin.-.. Tonia 16-t
\przle. knn\ %
\it'llo. -\ntoriio SCJ. 16-t
-\idlo. Carolina ltt
\ it'llo. Eric 1:)()
\irllo. \lid1arl -t.'l 1~). 1:n J'.'-t
-\t-tort. ~mud ),'j()
\kalin. Rol>t>rta H-t
\[b(>rt. Chn-toplwr 91. 16-t
\kh. Laura 1.'~6. H<J. 1:)()
.\ldridgc'. '\avic•r 1:2(>. 1:29.
I. 16-t
.\le,am.J..r. Jc-.on 9.). 1.19. 1<>-t
\IP"andPr. Stc•phaniP 116. 1:27.
-\lfano. C'.amwlina .'38. 108. 16-t
!~""'· nclrra :27, 17-t
.\u10. \nthon' 1.)0
\llc>rt. \11-ia 7. 22. :>-+. 1:26. HO.
H 1. 1:;:~. 1&1. 18-t. 187. 23-t
\llc·rt. \njc>lica 1:2.). 16-t
\llt'rt. \nthon' 17-t
\llrrt. C Ra, 1i1ond :2:2. 13.1. 187
\ llrn. Elizabnh :2:2
\ll1· n. \like· 91
\lma7an. Gnc·Plda :2-t. l.'N. 187
Q nlex One Last Breath
:....-t6 ;mi
\rndr, J!'reme 17-t
\ronin, Ke,in 7-t. 95, 1-t-t
\rringtort. John 107. 1:2.'i
.\ rroyo. Felix 88
\uch. Ron 17-t
.\u~L1:--i1int>~ \rnanda 1.SO
.\1L--e. Katrina 150
\wrheck. \1icah 129. 16-t
\ ndPr-.c•n, K ri-.1 pn 120. 1:)()
\nder-.en, Trace\ 1:2.'~. 17-t
.\ndt'r-.on. \ndn:"' 1 H. 1:26. 127,
HO. HI. I'-+
\nder..<Hl. .\nt-.hia 1.)0
\ndt'r-.rm. \.airlin 17-t
\ D,111p l?-t
\nder-.on. Dmid 100. 16-t
-\nder-.on. Ian 1.)0
-\nder-.ort. lamh 17-t
\ndpr-.ori.. Jennifer 6.3. I H . 130.
l<rt. 168
\ndt'NHl. K1 IP 16-t
.\nder-.on. ~iephanie 1:20. 16-t
\ ndPr-.Ort. ~U'H'n 7 J. 12:2. 17-t
\ nder-.ort. Tara 1(rt
\ndrea. Debra ltt. 17-t
.\ndrea. Oli,ia 2:2
\ ndrc·a. T' ler 1.)0
\ ndrf'oli. ·harem 1tt
-\ndrl'\\•. Cn -.tal 10
-\ndre"'· \lattlw" :22. 187
\ ndrichik. \X illiam -t9. 78. 79. 9-t.
%. 13.'3. P-t
.\ 11!!1irt. .\ laina :38. 123. 150
A"'\: A 'S HAIB WA VE 208
.\ ntan:uniart. BPnjamin 1.:;o
\ntaramian. \1ariam 13.'3. 17-t
.\maranuan. \lelinda 16-t
.\nthon,. Krl-hmalia 16-t
\nthon\. Prin1·r .... \.)0
Antrim. \latthP\\ 17-t. 18"
\P CL\SSES& H)P-t8.-t9
.\pkc>r. Ca"" 7-t. 16-t
-\rchibakl KatiP 1:20. 1.'j()
\ rPndt. Brian S:l. 11:2. 1:26. 130.
1~>. 1<>-t
Art>mlt. Kc>ll) ~1. 11:2. J.)O
BarPika. Ju-.tin l<>-t
Bark...-. 0.·p 88
Bame>-.. Jn-.hua 7-t. 17-t
Barort. Jan><l 1:2:2. 16-t
Burma. TPo<kira l(>-t
Barq11Pro. Lli...-.c..., gg_ l:~g_ 1.)0
BarrPra.\ l?-t
Barric·rc'. \mlion\ 7-t. 17-t
Bam, \n!!elira i8. H-t. 2)-t
Barti·r. B~an l'-t
Banoli. \licharl 1:2.). J:ll. 1;)()
Banmi.. Dm-id 1.) 0
B.\<.;r:B \LL 10-t. 1().)
B \<.;Kf.TB-\LL BOY~ ll8. 89
B.\<.;1'.ET13.\IL GIRL Pi>. 8"
Bata--a. Bn an % . 1.''1:3. 171. I ?-t
Batc.... l..aura 1.')(l
Baum~artrrt. Denni.-. 16-t
Ba~ lor. C11n-ropher 7-t. 1:29.
J:il. H>-t. :216
&acli.. Rohert :2.'3. 66. 9-1. 9.'). 119.
186. 196
Beh1. ~tP\en l(>-t
Il\-c 198
Beel. Dani!'l 98. I:)()
&•ck. Julie 1:2:t 17-t
Beel. '\ina '77. 1:29. 1 .'~I. l(>-t
B<·cker, \manda .'i1. :39. 69. 1:26.
l.'3'1. ni. H 1. 17-t
Bt>cker. '\ichoh-. 119, 17-t
Bt>ckt'r, Raclwl 120. 1:)()
B<·ckPr. Srqihanic• 1:20. 1:)()
B<•dnarz-Phipp,. '\ann 7:2. 7:t Hn
Behl. \.anwron 1:2-t. 129. I:)()
lkhl. \,,n I (J-t
Behl. \lichael :2.'3. .')'.'. 7-t, 7.). IO-t.
119. 18-t. 187. :2-t7
B<·hnw, \li.-ha 1.) 0
B<•i._,,,., Lara I:20. I(J-t
Belang!'r, I lt'atlwr 1:2." t l:J<>. 17-t
Bell. \fidwal I.')
&>llairP. Rachael lll7
&lfo·eau, \dam IOO. 126. 1:27, 1.'38,
\(rt, 190
Belongia, C:arrit> 20. :2:2. 06, 86. 87.
109. 119. 137, 139. 11P., :2.'3-t.
:2-t2. :2-t.')
&neni. Kri.-.ten 80. 1:2-t, 1:2.). 1;~1 .
&nja111in, Brandi :2:2, 1:;.1. 187
B<•nnetl, Kern 1:20. H>-t
13...rg, Bryan 12-t, 1:)()
B<•rgqui.-.t. \nnr H-t. H.). 2.)-t
&' mer. Chrt,toplwr 17-t
&mhardr. Jeff re>\ '.'-+. 16-t. :2:20
&m hill, LP \ndra %. 1:'!8
Bc•,1{,..1. ]f,._..ica 76. % . 97, 1:-i:t 17-t
f3<>1h. &ott JS'.'
B<>tz. Amanda 18. 1 H . 1.'N. I:;()
Bezotrc•. '\icolt' ~~)
Bickle. Ethan 36. 7.'). 91 . 1:;()
BidcU1>. Shelh H>-t
Birhl. \1ik .. :3()
Birrdz. Thoma, 16-t. 190
Bilal. Diane H-t
Bilal. Joi cc• 1:)()
Bilil. "'hh 7 . 16. 6:2. 117. 1:3-t.
H 'J 'p-t 1%
Billing... Chere
Binnin~rr. Eric 1.)0
Binnin"n. ~rrplwniP 1.)0
Bt-cardi. \niwla 16. <r2. 119. 17-t•
Bi,.,.lwl. ruart p,)
Bt-choff. Jc'--iC"a <~1. 9.'3. 1()9, 1:3<>.
HI. 17-t. :217
Bi-hop. Joel 1:29
Bla<L .\1111 :JO. 6:2. 80. 1,) 0
BlaC"l. \fpl~-...a 187
Blackmon_ Dianr H-t
Blan<"o. \h --a 1:;()
Blank le\ , ~hanP !(,)
Blanrr.· \aron 88. 10.). 1:)()
Blann. Brandon 66. 100. !(,)
Blatter. Chad 20. 7.) . 10-t. 16'.'. :2-t9
Blazi<"'-kr. .\mlrl'a 7 . P..CJ. J.)O
Blazit'\\-LP. \latthc"' 10. 7-t. '.'.). 88.
89. 17-t
Bl1>Pdorn. K Ur\ n 11 :2
BLOOD DRl\'E :28. :29
Blou!!ll. \X arren 1tt
BoelilPirt. Kurt 1.) 0
Boemt>r. \ ioln 69. 17-t
Bohn. ToO\ '.'1 . :2.')1
B<rhnin~- Rr nnnh 1:)()
J3oi,irt. Jennifer P-t
Baa... Kath\ H-t
Bal>PL Jolui 1tt
Bach. Brittne•\ 1:20. 1:21, Hrt
Backhau.-. la.:.,rn 7-t. 17-t
Badhani.. '\ic-hola, 17-t
Bail"'. Ronald -t 1. ltt
Bakr~. Cl1n-tophc>r , , -t
Bakl.-n.1.-. Efrrn 17-t
Baldwin. athan 78. 16-t
Bale, \1anh<"' 16-t
Ballard Lam 1-t-t
Balme-. .\manda 12.3. 16-t
Balmiz. Dmid 7.3. 1.:;o
B.\'.\U. CO:\CERT 1:2-t. 125
B-\ '\TI. J-\ZZ 128. 129
B-\'.\U. SY\fPHO'\lC 1:2-t. 1:25
Banl-.. J,...... ica 130. 16-t
Banl-.. Jo-hua 16-t
Barbrr. Ja-.on 1:)()
Barbt'r. Kellen 91
00.\1BA Y WLIE'S 208
Bonanno. 1-Ji,al•·rh :2:2, I I:.!, 1:27.
Bc1nar..r11. Ben 17-t
Bcrnk. Katlwri1w -tR :->-1 , 1:2,. 1 :~i.
l.'l6. l:l<J. 17-t
Bon111·1. \lufowl 1,-t. Ur
Bc1rc...d1. Bntnc'\ I:.!.). l<•i
&rrlan<L Danipfl1· I<•>
Bonnarl. \-.hh .'J(i. 7h. l.'tl. J.'J(>.
17-t. l<)(i
Bor...1. Cre"rn' 1B-:'
Bcrr-.r. \licl1ao;I 1r, Hll>, Hr.'
Bor?icl. 1 ri-.ran 7-t. 10-t, I().). 17-t
Be ... nwn. <.;harlt·en I.') I
&i..m;('h. l·:rin ltt
Botlw-1., nc-h. !..aura n. 1U
13<1Lwrai;w \"hdafrn1 ».-J-t
Bcrnlt>r. T~i .. l~a l'..!O. 1~1
B<""nan. Thoma-. ()(). I?-t
Bc1\CC'. Dororl11 :2:2. :2:t 6h. <>7. Hr?.
. :2.'3-t
Bcrnl . hirh 17-t
Bci\ IP. Hich,;rd 1.) I
Bra<lle,. C11arb :3-t. 66. 67. lH
Bn1ncl S.11na111ha :P.
Brancli,,.. l<L-011 1 HI
Brarnl-rPttt'r. Laura 1:2.) . 1.) I
Branth . Ha1 l.')I
Bra-.1wll. Kc-lh ?.). l.'30. l.')1. 177
Brau1bhmc-Pi1. St-an l(:r.)
Brc·ckenfPl<l Erir I,) I
BrPC'kPnfelcL \lichaPI s:i. 1.)1
Brc·dPk . Ic1<' 7-t. 91
Breilin~. Kri-.tin :2:2. &). 1:2:2. 187
BrPiling. '\ic-ole Nl. 8.). 1:20. 1.') I
ATIY. 209
Brende111ihl. \latthP\\ '.'.'). I.) I
Brc·nnan. \dam 1:2.' i, 17-t
Brennan. Bri1ttlll\ 1:2-t. 1.) I
Brc· rrnan, Jared 129. 1.'lO
Brennan. Jru,on 75, J;) 1
Brennan. Karhy 1:29
BoicP, 1\lar..,haun 10 I
Bric>-.P, \Ip" 1.'il
BriP-.P, \,hit') 17-t
Brigg,. \manda 2:2. -tO. 187, :216
Brigg-., Kathryn 1:27, 1:3.'3, l(>-t. 17-t
Brinf(e, S11,an 119, 137. H-t, 18)
Brink. Sean :2:2:i
Brinlnian. Jame' 1(•)
Bri..,PllP, \i-.ha :)(). 17-t
Brnak. '\ikki 187
Broerman. John 70. S:~. 98. 1.) I
Brmb. I 1Prl>t>r1 1.')1
Brmmfield, \clrit'nne l:'l:~. 1:J6,
17-t. :217
Brc1<1mfic•lcl. \lien 1.') I
Brothen. ~:li-.e
11.'3. 1.')1
Brotlwn. Elizabeth%. 9<>. 1:20. 1:; 1
Brotlwn. Crc·µc•n :2:2, 18-t. 187
Brotlwn. \1atthc;" 91 . HJ.)
Br<l\\11- BmC'e H-t
Bro\\n. Core' \ 118. 17-t
Brown. D<' ....(rrrar I.) I
Brn\\11. Dorli__,, H-t
Bro" n. I lrarher 110
Brmn1. JPn'lll\ I,') 1
Brmrn. \latt ".'.). H-t
Br<l\\n. \1r.,han ,')I. 80. 1:20. l(J.)
Brcm11. \kfi...-.a :20. -t7, .°)7 • 1.'tt.
l.'31t 187
Bnl\\-n. '\athan &)
Bro\\·rt. Paki 113
Br<" 1,.... Tr<l\ ?-t. IC•)
Bmi-c.. Bn111(~111 66. 9-t. % . 1:38. 17-t
Bmlport. Tina 1:20. 1.')I
BmmhacL '\irhola-. H•)
Bmner. Brai1c~111 17.)
Bnult'ttc>. \litclwl \.)1
Bnmo. C11ri-toplwr 7.'). 91. l.'i 1
Bn ant . Kr,in 1.') I
B~ clgc::,!o..,.ph 7-t. 1:2<>. nt l:iei.
1.. >
BunC"h. \n<lrc>\\ \,,)
BurdPrl. \-.hh HI. HJ.)
Burfic>l<L . tP, .,-n 7-t. 1(,)
Burirer. fohr~·!9. !o<l. 119. 17.'). l<J()
Bur~c>. Ln<' .. >.
Burle>. ~tc>plwn 187
Burloth. l\arl l:i. 66. 9-t. % . l<•)
Bnrl..oth. \1an Ann ltt
Bum11•t,tt'r. J.:m ltt. H.). 2tt
Burn.-.. \ .ollc>c·n f.) 1
Burn.-.. [rin 1:26. 1:-i:t 170. :!"T
Burt. \Lil .,,111 77
Burt. En'c 101
Burt. Ste phanie 1:2.'l. 17.)
BtL-<'h. Brandon 17.')
BtL•"'- R, an 1(,)
Bur .,,-hli.'l..aurt'll HJ.)
B, ""'· Colin Hr'
al". <;11·phani1· no. 1.) 1
Chm arL whola, H>l
01ri-.tnL-.nL \Ian l+t
1fE.ET \.fETAL ISC. 220
( hn.-.ttarH·rL l<orll'lll' 1-:;
( lm-.1111arL Jon ((,)
01ri-.11narL Hadwl (>I. 1:n. n:~
01ri-.10pfwr. \-.hi•: l."il
("Jori.-.t\. Thoma' I~ 21. lll6. :.!:l:l
CJ1ronln!!t·r. 1.-id l:.!:l H>i
tt·phanii> 17.)
Crrnwll Chri.,topher 186
Crov.t>IL \irolP HI. 10.i. 176
Crump. kar11•1tt> 1.i. 68. 12.3. 17.)
Cullt>n. \latt 98
Curi. \latth"" 98. 1 fa 1::18. 161.
Styling new swim suits to go with a new pool?
Curmn. l\:1·i1h 70. 100. 10.l. 168
CurmrL 1\ I. 93. ll'i>
Cum. Latwia 1.12
Cun;n. \1ichat>I IZl. 1.)2
Czarno"-.h \.,hit·) 126. 1:n 1-.;
..1 don't likt> the !-iwim..,uih in grrn cla"'"':
tht>\ arP t>ithPr too
-,rnall or too hig. T
would 111akc· tlwrn -,o
t ht>\ "011 Id 1w !'olor
!'odt>d h\ tlwir -,izi> -,o
il would }w 1·a-.ier to
find~ our -,izP.··
( ian·lli, Uizal•·th IO:l. 12<J. f(,)
(~•on·lli, \l,.li-...1 I I:.!
Cin·ral•· ,..o(a, I .~.
(' tl•111, \li• h..JI,• ;-rl '~>, llki. 1:.!:.!.
11'1, 1--.. 1 1 ~)
( al>l1, \111ln·" 11'1. 1-:;
·n, DD
( •1cl11. \\ 1lfr,.,~, t~> <JI, 12-t, l:.!."i.
12<1. J:il
Cuin, \111l)l·r ur
Cairn. Ja111·ll1· I l'l, 11>)
Cairn. \lirwult -t•l, I H , llr
Cairo. 1 i111otll\ l."i I
Caj"ka. T1111otli, 1-.-;
Ca 1kwll. "\imf1· 1-.1
Cali1·rnlo. Jo-.q1h I-ti
Cwnp. John H<J. 11>1
C:.11111x1lo. J..inn 10:.!. l!>l, 1-2
Can('hola. Darrn·I -ig_ lh.). 22B
C.:all(ll'lana. """ 1-:;
(:.1111~·laria. Ofi,ia 120. I.I 1
C:.11x•ltrrn.Jo-.lwa 12.1. 1:;1
c:.., •• i.1rrn. 1'1·rn CJ. -h lh:.!. 1117
C:arlM>n. Hrn·ar111 IB7
\rnanda 1-,-t, 17;)
Carl ... "\1rnll' 17:;
C.1nrn·r. Chri ..1oph1·r 112 1-.1
Carrw\, c;..,,., hi>. 14. 'l.). l:.!-t. 1.)1
( Jtr!!~•· llo. 1') II' l~i
Uirrmn. ).11111·-. 11>1
U11TPra. Juan I I:.!
C.1rn·ru. Murrn 1:;1
C:a1T1Ta, H1 ·l"'·a :.!2 ..-rl. H 1. 1H7
Carroll. \mln·a I lh
( :arroll. knniff"I" 12:~. 171. 1-.1. 18<J
Carroll. ·1ina 2:~. llr
Can1-r. llt-1•·....a l.i I
( :ant•r, St•rinna 2:2
Canham. l..a"l1a l:ll
(;an" riµln. \ h -.~a I) I
c,_,,.,,.r. Charl,;ttt• l+I
Cmt>r. J1 ... lwa 11>1
C,t-.aNt. Hol•·n - .. 11>1
Ca-.t('t·I. D,11id l."il
Ca-.1 .. llano. \lt-li-.-.a - .. IO-t, 10."i,
1:.!0. 11>1. 1-1>'r. R..t•·1n1 112
( .d1ula. <;Jiarnl<t 117. l:.!O. l."i I
L•·il.·-.h. J,mu..., m. Ill, 1;;:1
C>·ilt·-.h. Jo-•·ph 2'2. <xi <1."i. 11:6. 2:tt
CELLLL4. R CI71229
CE."'\TR4.L CXJ.'\TR 1CI'OR 208
CE.VTLRl' Tif E\TI 0.\E 209
CER.\4.K, DR Cl'"'\THT4. 2H
( hal!!n·1L l\:un l.l I IO. 120, 12'2..
12:l H-t, Hh. :.!:H
Ch.mtl>t',..... \ hh••a H-t
( ·1ia11u•'"'· \lo• lw.-1 :.!h 12-t H>i.
( h.1mrn-.., lknj.u11in 2'2, Ci\ 81~ l~l
1l<l. l.'l:l
( hamrn·-... \lt'!!IHI l."i I
( harlton. I\:l'lh 1 H ((>)
Cha.-.<>. Britt'"'' 109. l~ih, l;)R )(,)
<.ha.. . J1tlit> .'i1. l+t. H<l
<l1atn••n. \.amh n 28. <xt h<l. I0.1
l&i. 18t>.
( hmmon. J.-.. ir.i (>Cl. ll6. 1."iO. I<>).
(h,mt>non. R, an:;;. <ll, !:.!.). 13 I
CllEERLT·. \DER.., I lo. 11< lwn,..,. \ nJ,..r I(,)
( .lwm~'. Pm·r 8'1. (J8_ l<>'i
( ht-.nt'\. l\:t>nm Hi( hn\. \1Klr..\ 80. 13 I
Chi''l'I"'""- \-hit") f'ii. 10'2. 120.
( h1e1ppett1L Cawli1m I.) 1
(I IOIR . CHOR \l.E 122. l:.!:l
< I IOlR. COVERT 12'2. 12:l
<I IOIR. TREBLE 1:.!0. l:.!1
CllOIR. \\ O\IF~Y" l:.!O. I:.! I
U. l<J. :.!O.
2'2. -t l -t-t ..->-1. HX>, 1 H . 11."i.
n2, J:l:l n-1. 1:i>. 1:l8. H2.
II~>. I'~>. :.!:l:l, 2-t 1
C:i-.L1· Radwl 1-:;
Ci-.L1"'-.Li \ndn·" ll. 71. 11l6
<.i-.Lo"-l' h:1·,in -o, m. l."il
C.1-rwn,., \Ian f(>)
Cl,1rL, lu•k 1-t-t
Cl.1rL, \li, :1i .... 1-..
( larl, Hadod l:.!:I. 1-:;
Cl.irk, lh1111 H. -o, 71, lt2. l'>l. 110.
1'.Z:.! 11>1. IW
Cl.trk, I nl\b 2"2. :H. :>""'. ""'~. l~t lN.
10:; ll<l, 1 ~,:l_ ll~l. :.! 12 '.!-t I
( l.1rL1 lk!!inalcl 7:;_ l."il
(Ian \\t"rr.111 l:ll
( I \1.,..,1( l:H 1:i1
( "Jau.,.·n. t•·ll1 120 l:ll
("la,,''"" 11>1
(l.o;, J...n.,'1111 17.i
( l1·i111·n1 .. lli·1l, I~)
( l1·nw111-. \lilt:-..
Coll •·n. 1 ri.-.ha l<>i
( A1lt·111a11. I lt·nn 1(,1
Colin. Claudia f."il
Colin. l·'.il!!ar 11>1
COi i ILL< 1101( 1·-, ."it'>.•17
Collin-, \ -t I
Collin-., hnih 102. 12-t. I:.!.). 131
Collin-., 11 ..adH-r 1:10, 17.1
Colnlf"r. \.,hit·• · I.I:.!
Colnwr. knnif..,. Hr2. I H , l.i2. Hxl
Colnu·r. \I wh;wl -.1. l."i:.!
Col,in. '\athwoid l."i:.!
Col\\ ill. (;1,..1 .. t·a 1-.1. 11:6
Coh, ill. Dt·n·l 12h. 12'. J:l 1. IC>i
Col" ill. l.1·0 lxl. 11:;_ llh :.!OB
(X)\fP/JI'ER A lJ\I El\TL RE 228
Com~·- \lt·i:an 12-t. 12(1. UI. I(,)
('..111<~·, \lo-1t•lw l:.!-t I:.!.>. 1:.!7. J:lO.
I.~ I, 1-t I, l<>i
Cm"~"'- D."icl hi.>. q1
Dahl. I !.·lt·n l:l'2. H-t
Dahl, Jdfn·\ .1<>. 7•>. :n. IOI. IOll,
1:11t 17.i. IBI. :.!OH
Dahll. (:had Iii
Dalt'\ . Owl-.1•a I(,)
Dai\~ J,.--.ira 1."i2
D\ cr-:TJ-:\\! 116. 11:
Dmwk. Jn.. t in 17.)
DaniPl ..1111. Candirl' 116. 11-. 120.
Darn ht. \ndn·a no.<~>. 12-t. l."i2
Dan. lhtb111 ll-t. l~I. 12-t. 129. l.i:.!
Danola.'Rirhard l+t. 1-t6. 2:tt
Dar, , Cra .. t· H.>. H9
Da .. ~1 wk. Do111(kh 100. llll>. 2:3."l
Da11to,ki. \rnanda 120. 1.)2
\li1fowl :.!2. lllll
Dmicl Dmrn 2<>. 92. l:.!9. 1:Jo. lh6.
171. j()()
Dm i<L..on. Brandon 1.)2
Dmi1L-.011, I ll'atht·r.->-1. l:.!7, 17.1
Dm·i,, Brandon(>(), (17. 9.). 12-t.
12."i. 1(>()
Dm i,. John (>(). 12-t. l:l:.!
Dmi-. J•H•·•·n 2-t. 80. 1:n 1:tt.
H2. 17.i. llH
Dm c-.. Stqlhani1· :-t. I(>()
l);l\1 ... Tamuli.-.1 12:l. 17;)
Confoni. \rnln ·a IH6
Da) _Greg< ,f) 1;)2
Confoni. I lt·athn Hlh
CO \CX:\TIO 2:.!. 2:l
(;••1•·r. Danwl l."i:.!
(Aw1p1·r, l ... um·n I, 7. :!:!, :!-.+. 27 .. ;1g..
-t:l h:.!, IOI.>. 1:3."l. H2. IC~l
11:.t. llh 1 1 ~) 2:tt. 2-t-t
Cmp... r, \li.-11..JI, · l:.!O. 1."i2
c;,.,, •. r, \\ illia111 1(,1
("I"'• Jame-. Hl'l, lh I. 17.1
( 11rw·ll Janw 12.1, l."i:.!
C.oronm~t ( r\"'tal ~il~ 112
Cor-.o. \mhoin <), <:-i.,, <17, ....,R 7<>,
100 Hl'i, 1.11'.J, l.H l:l:t HI.
Cur... ,, C:hri.-.11n.t IOR 130, 13:.!, 1;;r.
Co .....o. h:.tti•· 611, 81> Ht2, 132
o,....,._ !\ HJ:l, l.'H 1-.;
G"'""'L (,,.,~,., 111 <>I, 2-tll
Co"~ll1, \I, .. :._. l~ .llt --:-, Bh, 108.,
Hl'l; t t:l l:.!h. IT. 1:.!<l. t:J<J,
H .. 11,1
c:.",·lli, !..'-"""' l:.!<>. l+t. l~l
C11nm.'l orL \ liria 17,)
('..l\m!!tnrL \Iii-on ll>i
De\ n!wlo. Jan>< I 9.)
Dt•au. \ml••r 76. 17.)
Demo. -.,,rah 126. lllll
Ddiunolo. \n"t>lo H.)
Dt·B<•·r. JPnnift·r 22 . .'>--!. 1:n ll'il.
(~1,l1~01L Brittan\
C•"'ie. Carlton 186
Co"ie Cmh.. rin•· ;)-t_ t:l.1. 1'.l"l. HI.
IUil. 23.)
01x. \marMl.a \(>)
Cm, J,.mm :>Al, 03_ 126. 17:)
( .mntlet. I\:; 1., - ... l<u
rane.. Bm;.., 8
CR-t l>'FORD. DR. !OHS 200
Cm\\ion L Jam.,.. 100. 10 I. 11 <l. [(>)
CREA IB'E \1E.\.10RIFS 20'2
(n"'•'· Da, id 8<1. l<>i. 212
( ri.-tiano. \1 idw·I -;;. ()I. 12-t. t.):.!
Cri.." <;1mu11er b& 1~1. l:l2. 211
Cmer. Lru· lT. 1-;;
l"n•·ln. ·unamha 132
C:RO:-...,COL :TR\. fK)Yl.,h6.h7
CR0:-.1., COL :TR\. GIRi-.; 66. 67
Cm-. .. , 1't>ll1 I<>>
..Tdon"t likP tlw "'"im
-,uih. \ 011 -,hould lw
DEG\ 118. 119
Dt·C1·-.aro. \rnam!.1 7. 9. :.!-t. -t:l <>2.
106. 1:.!7. l:N. 1 :~t l:H. !:lit
H2. lhh. mt 1%
Dt·(.1-.aro. Brian 21. 22. 2:l. -th..)(1.
126. 1:.!<J. ni 1:i11. 1m. Uh
IA·C•-aro. Danidle 7. CJ. :.!-t, -t:l 62,
IOo. IT, 12<J 1:n t:tt. H2
137. 166. 1%
Dt·G...,aro. Jam· H;)
0... 1 ..... \pril 7:l !2-t. 166
Dt.. ·lt>r. \!o<·hat>l [.J2
Dt>t:tt'r. Jnmift'r 16()
0..fonl \n l-t3
D.-Grun•. \lilt>&>
O,..hahn. Cf1PL-t'a 10'2. 1.)2
DEE\L\'GER & 00. E\-C 209
O...lant'\. (',,rt'\ tl."l 1-:-.')
Delann. Randall 152
0..lam: \ m:lre 66. 86. %. 1.)2
Delani. \ le(ani,. 132
Delfmte. Ju,,.rin 152
0,..l[ratt'. I\: ri.-.1:ina 13-t. 139. C.5
O...lFmte. \lt'!!an 1H , 115. 139. 1-5
0..lf... Bn an 18. I H . 1:38. 186
O...Lu.-a. 'Bn-1 &'i
O...hwl"H. \i,·hola.-. 83. 166
Demarco., :-on 10... 105
De1lt'nt'. Headwr 1~-'i 152
IA•RtN'. \nthom 1<>2
O.-.. ir... J..., .. i<"a i2.">. 131. t.">2
illt .')2. 5.1. 100
O..ut-rher. Danielle 1-:-6
Deut-.cher. Lori 1-t.')
O.."itz. Sam,1ntha 80. 166
°""""""· \\
ahlP to 1'1100-.P fmr11 :>
differc•nt kind-, and
hm e a IH'\V mat Prial
-,o it doe-,n · t gt>t biggt>r in tlw watc·r. 1
think that P\Pf! one
.,,hould Jw ablt> to
hring th1'ir own:·
DiD01111·11in 1. \ nt hom l.i:.!
D1a111011. lknjamin 17()
Dihl.11 -, \ n" I IO. J:lO
Dihia-.«. J.-ri·nl\ l."i2
Di1lirb1111. I lai111ah Hx>
Di .. lin-.011. 1.,,..,,_ l:l, :.!:.!, 2:t <~1 ..>-t.
110. 111. 12-t. l:.!h. 127. 129.
uo. 1:n m>. llll>. 1•H 2.-x)
Di1·hL I .aur«ll l<Xl
Di1·hl. \latth"" Hx>. 1-1
D,..trid1. l•.ri k IT. 1:t2, 1.->--1. 17h
D11rn·nt, Chad 1-h
D111111rij•·\11. \ndn·\\ l'.lt 1."i:.!
Din111 rl]t'\ If'. ~tt·,t•n r'6
D1-.hno. kffn-\ I.I:.!
DI\ LINT\ ( IRCU.., J:llt l:N
D]uri Lo\ It". \mamli bH. Ill!. 12."i.
n1, 1:;2
D1wla. 1-.rit• 11."i, 1:\ll, l:i2
I). wl!!I', D,111idl·· 11~ m lllll
l).wb •, lhun l."i:.!
l).wb • luan 17h
l:>.1ht·n-. \lid1<·l1 .. 120. l."i:.!
Dt1l11il. BnuU•'\ -q_ l."i:.!
DO\C\TIZ & :\H If ICKE 223
[).1rntl•l-011. lhhanl I fO l:.!"2. 1-(l
l:>.1ruM·r, 1·--i•·.t I. t l<xl
l:>.1pkt· D,1\lfl l<xl
[),,pkt• l\:~nith :.!:\ l+t
Dora ( hri-tim -h, (t2, <>:1 12'2, 1-h
[).1ra. \hd1dl· · 11-. l."i:.!
[).,mtL Danidk 11:.!
[).1rn. 1'nMlra l'.tl, Ir', <t2 1-C>
[).," kll ban I,):.!
[)."'"·Dam 2-t, -t. I. 13-t. H:.!.
Do""· Juli,. 68. <lb. l:.!O. [;):.!
[)."'"IL Tm.-.. 66. l(l.1. 12:>. 166.
2"20 .
f.17, 00. 110, 12'2.
(. { 176
D""""'• Riln %. -o. 132
DR\\I\ li;.1 1.>.20Dre.!!flt>. R1L--~n 1-6
Dre1fh. Rnm fl<J. (~t 1:n 1-h. 1-q
1d1ol~ 22. Oft 60. Bh,
l&:i. :.!:tt
Drct>r. TI1oma.-. l:l2,.....eirL Dana l."i2
Oto• ·a.... Jallt'llt> 92
Do.tfonl \laxim <>3. Hxl
Do.1fonl ..,..rhij I3:.!
Do.l!.!an. "arah IN. 1:n 1-<>
Duka.-. Dani ..11.. HJ<>. I 17. 12h. 1:n
l&l. t:ri, 17h. 2-t<l
D11k,L-.. J1·n1111'Pr 12.1 1:l<1. I.):.!
Dulak . \la1tl11·" :lit -t-t. 1011, 129,
1:10. I.lit 1:N, 111'>
D11ll11«. \fil1!.1 :.!.) I
Du111:1. Crq: II I
D1111wz. C:1roi\ 11 I:.!:;. 1.12
D1111\\al1L \lafrn, l:.!O. I.I:.!
Doq•w, Janpwl~ ii Ill>, I H . 1:.!0. 1:l2
D11rli11!!, J11l11· 17<>
Dw\1-r. \lnand1·r hh. 11."i, lhh
J~, · t•r. Cn·r,o~ """(), <ll. IB<>
I}, lt·\\,li. Hml•·1h 1-<>
l:.urnh onb h:11•ltl -tO, I:.!-, UI,
l·'..lhnlm, I lt .11her l:.!."i. 1:>2
bLk Iii
bbn.nL h: t1111<·tl1 1-h
bb1uirL J.t<"oh l(J()
r-~i-... nl-. knruune [(Ji)
E!!!!t•hn.:-ht, \ H3
[!!f,, fXh1rah (JI>. <t2. O:l
Lldii.t"' \I~" n)
L. 1~
U!!.. hari. l·1•1ail :.!-t. I l:l. 1:.!:l 1:i8.
Ulen-01L (had 18. 7-t. In 110.
l:.!'2. 1 .~i. 17h
F.111011, I i-..1 10. 130. 166
Fiii- h:mhn n H:l. :.!:H
Lili-. \lanh;~" on. -g_ (~t_ (Jl). 1-6
Elli-, R.. J.lah 186
FJ[.,"onlL Bntmim l l<l. 120. 166
E.\fER, PETER, 0.D. 206 [lizalk'th b2. -7. 92. 10().
1:n 13-t. H2. 166
En!!t'll>n~·ht. Corl') 166
One Last Breath nb ()
;mi 2-i.
Engrlhan It. '-,arah I6b
l·.n::dt-h. Hyan 7-t. 112. 12-t. 12.).
l ~n!!lull(l lkmard -t 1. 1-t.). l-t6. 2:l-+
Eni."'i... \pril 19. 12-t. l'.fi. 129.
b1u·rlin<., athaniPI ~-t.176
Epping. Lrin 22. 28. h8. 69. t:J:l.
186. 2>\:l
Errrt.. h. Bmndon 10-t. 10.). 1Pi6
l·'.ncl.,,111. Ja..q11rli1w 1.):l
Ericl.,..m. Jacq1wlirw 80. lb6
L-p1rn ....a.. h·Li .. iu 166
1-~.. ...,r. \Ian :Ji>. 7-t. 89. %. n:l 1-t 1.
172. 176
btrada. Elia... 1.):l
1-:,mb. \ndn•\\ 108. 1.):l
E\aib. Chri-wplwr 66. t:i:l. 1"'6
E, aic-. Jarwt 1-t.)
E"alcl Ft>IPciu rl. 120. 166
E"ul<l Panwla 127. r!O. 176
E"a... L<l\\itz. Jennifrr 166. :1)2
EwPr>--. J1c-tin 70. 98. 12.). 1.):l
F\D &THI~ DS26.27
Fahn. \l,ll'lin (~). 79. 100. 166
Faux;. Chn.. u lh6
Falcon. famp, 12"1. 166
Falcon. l\art'n 1.):l
Falcon. J... l'L-tina -t2. 107. 111. 11 ~.
12h. 1:Jc1. 1:r.. 176. 217
Falduto. hunk 1-t.)
Fall. C.·lia 176
l·all... \lal'L-ha 166
Fa1111in!!. C11ri-ina 112
Fannin!!. Colin 176
Fannin!!. Erie 11-t. 1.):l
Fannin!!. Jo-Pi J1 1-t:'i
f a..,,·i. .\ nna.-w... ia t.).'3
Faull.. nPr. '-'<·ott 1:);l
FAZflU 231
FE BA TO, MARIA , D.D.S. 222
Fed 1Pr. .\rm 12:>. 1.):l
FedennP\ er. Jacob 1:31. 15.'3
Ft>dermt>\ Pr, Lin(l..a, 10'.l. 176
Fet>.. t.
7-t. 166
Ft>ichtner. Paula 1-t.)
Ft>ll. Lam 71. 1-15
Fello"'· Stephanit> 166
Ft>nrwma. r.Jmren .)(). 62. 80. <)1.
n1. 1~ .
1-t2. 176. 180
Ft'nnt>ma.. Paul 98. 1-t.3, 1-19
Fergii...rn1.. Hicl 1.):l
Ft~rraro. Cod\ 7.)
Filippelli. O.·horah 1-t.)
Fin!..el-tein. \li~ail 166
Finle1. Timotl1\ 7-t. 9.). 166
Fircl-io\\. Jarnt'..; 12.). 127. 1-t.)
Fl RSTS :l6. '.l7
l'L..dwr. Brrnn 166. 89. (18
Fi .. lwr. Bryan 89. 98
Ft.. lwr. Danit>I \'76
fiw.•n. :'\ichokb P6
Flath. [knnt.. -t9, 1-t'>
how does the school store spend mone• · on fast food
during A B C and D lunches for students<'
Number of times P'zzo Hut delivered the orders
Furlin., \1ichelle P""
Fur\. Ra -t2. 79. 1%. 1.)(). 167.
. Pl. P2. 217
~chool ~fore ~rof if
Franz. Chacl 176
Franzen. K1 le IQ.'). 13'3. 176
Fnizt>r, Jo,fum 167
Frederick, Brianna%. 116. 1-13.
Frederick,, icolt> 70
Fret>. Ja.,on 176
F rt>i.. '\icole 153
Fremarek, Patricia 1-t.')
Frt>ng. Ryan 110
Frenrwr. Rachel 69. 86. 1}2, 12-t,
167. 169
FR ESHl\1 El\' 150 1\fargaret 1-15
Fritz. Jaclyn 9, 1-t. 69. 120. 16"
Fro,-r, Da;1iel 125. 129. 131. 153
Fro..1.. Kyle 66, 95. 111 . 12". 129,
131 . 133, 16"'
Fro..t. \1ark &'3. 125. 129. 1.3.'3, 22"'!
FR. TH.\ '\SITTO'\ CO.\CHES .'>-t
Fulnwr, Laura 109. 1.3.'3. 176
Fulton. Kelly 129. 130. 167. 171.
Fabian, Jakob .')2, .):J. 78. 112. 12:l.
Fabiano, Ton) 78. 79
Hatlt·\. \I ichael 166
11.·mi;J!!. \hmad 89. l:J<l. 166
Hirt>-. Briun l:>:l
[•lore-. 1 lt.>CTor 166
Flort>-. Sandra 166
Foch.... Katrina 15.'3
Foju.... Gian 7-t. 166
Foll..!'I". Clb .. ia 22. 188
Fon!... Bonnit.> 1. '.l& 188
fonk. Brandon 166
FOOTB \LL "-t. "".)
FOREIC'\ E\CH .\'\CE .)2. 3:3
Fom1irola. Chri... topher 17. &'3. 166
Fournain. Daniel 166
Fow1tau1.. I.D. Ill 18. 11-t. 1-t:'i
Fox. Brandon 62. I~. 1-12. 166.
Foxworth. Th.Hin 7-t. 188
Fraid Carh 176
FranCL-<'<>. :·teffen 112
Franco. Tiffani 1'.~J. 166
Francot... Lind-e\ -t~. 89. 13'3. 1~.
1-t2. 157 ..166. lC)..i. 1()()
Frank. \mane la 73. 86. <)1. 1.):3,
Frank!'. Donna 1-t.)
Fran!..P. Rian 112. 166
Frankfounh. Hobert 17b
Franklin, .\Ip,. 89
in a day· once before A lunch and once right
before C lunch food was fresh for all lunches.
Amount of money spent on Pizza Hut orders for
a month including 9 extra long Big New Yorkers
cheese pizzas along with other orders delivered
Amount of money the school store spent daily on
Subway Pizza H~t and Burger King fast food
Number o' different subs the school store ordered
from Subway Their order consisted of 45 turkey
'5 fiam 5 veggie 20 bit 5 Vo 25 spicy and 5
tuna wli1ch were sold for $3 do y
Amount of money spent on Burger IC1ng wh ch
consisted of 60 c~·cken Tenders and 60 Whop-
pers de! vered once a week on Wednesdays
Q nb One Last Breath
--i8 ;JIQ
Gaudio. k1mi.ft'r 1. 7. 10. 1'.l. 22.
:n. 2-t, '.le). -t:l. 106. 110. 129.
l'.l l. l:l2. 1'.i:l. l;l-f. 1-t2. lb:l
18-t. 188.. 2:3:l. 2:H. 2:J.)
Gaudio. Tra<'\ 129. 1-t.). 1-18
Geh"riler. C~ai!! 128
Cemig. \1elt....a 76. 1:i:J. 177
Gemnwll 0. m;:la... 1-t.)
Genanw. \lr!!an 68.. ll6. 108. 120.
1:36. l:>:l 1.)3
Genrune. Tara 20. 21. 2-t ..)9. 3b.
108. 119. 1%. 18.'>. 138.. 217
Genie-..... K ri-t ina 15.'3
Gt'nnacc-aro. Danit>Ue no. 15.1 20'
Gentz. Crnthia 1. 16. 22. 62. 107.
111. I t3. 127. n I. l:i:l. 1:l-+.
l'.J.'>. ns. 1-12. 1.3-t. 188. 2~.
2-tl. 236
Gentz. Jacob 66. %. 126. 167
Gerber. K ri... ti 27. 30. J:lO. t.').'l
Gerlach. Diane 1-t.')
Gt'rlach. \~ t>n(I-, 22. 111 . 13.'3. 188
Genninaro. Elliot l:);l
Ge .... iner. \,hie, 120. l:>:l
Gen h. Jordan ll.). 1.).'3
andra 167
Gir,limi. \lf'linda 188
Gill.. Samuel 188
Gilmore. Radwl 1.).'3
GiO\ann<mi. Brian 167
Giornnnoni. Sha\\11 1.):J
Gla.--mm1.. \1ichael 11 . 7-t, 10.). 167
Glea...011.. \ndrPa 112. 120. 1.).'3
Glt>nn. Du.. tin l.).'3
Gloria.. Bryan 1.):3
Gnol"ki. Brnc-e P"
Godin, Leigh 16, 29, 76, 103. 122.
133. 139. 177
Got'rgen. .\nnah 126. 129, 167. 1&'3
Goetz. Chel'\·I 2". 50. 73, 1}2, 1:).'3
Goetz. Steplit>n 98, 132. 175, P7
Colden,tein, Lauren 22. 72, 7~.
188. 23-t. 2-t9
GOLDE..'\ SIBI:'\GS 123. 129
GOLF. BOYS 93., 99
GOLF. GIHLS "2. 73
Col"itzer. Jean 18. 22, 11-t. 1 t.:>.
13'1. 133. 138. 20-t
Connering. Sara 7-t, 86, %, 1-t 1. 176
Gonzale... Jame,, 3. 29, 30. 10-t. 119.
1.'37. 13-t. 188. 22"'!
Conzalt>... Jo,t>ph l.):l
Good\\in. \,hit>\ 15.'3
Goocmin. "'le i.>:l. 16-t
Gordon. .\ n(irt>w 1;;'.l
Com1an. Janie!';').). 1-t.)
Gonnan.. Kim .'36. 1-t'>
Gourh. Janw.. -t2, 10.'>. P7
Cowen.~. \pril 177
Grabow-.Li. ]o..lma 13, 7-t. 3:3. 11-t.
162. 167
GR.\DL .\TIO'\ 22. 2.'l
Graff. Kand-, 112
Grahan1.. Sarnmantha 167
Grahan1.. Stefanie 6-t. 76. 188. 19:3.
on Tuesdays and Thursdays
products to feed hungry students.
Ga-um.. J.H. 88. 89
Cuu-.. fr·..... ica 16-:'
GabriPL Cahin 188. 23.3
Gaedt'. '\irola., 129. 2:'i. 1.3.'3
Ga!!liardo. Therf"-.a C7
Galle'\. Nu-ah 2-t. 15.'3
Gallo: \1arci 1. 109. 131. 188. 2-t3
Gallo. \fari,,..a 29. ""7, 108. 130.
131. 153. 161
Gallo. , tephani!' 1 ..,. 139
Galster. Emilie C7
Ganiarro. Jorge 35. 167
Garcia. Cynthia 16-:Garcia.. Encka 167
Garcia. Gabl> 91
Garcia. Gerardo 66. 95. 126. 188.
22-t. 2S3
Garcia. Jern 15.'3
Garcia. Je....~e 33
Garcia. Johnny 115. C'"
Garcia. Omar.177
Garofalo. \fanhew 167
Ga-1.aldi. \1ike 110
Ga...1:011. Oimmie 188
Grant. Lind-e, 129. 1~. 167
Granger. Dan 112
Grall!!er. Dmid-t8. 16". 188
Gra"""· Bern.. 177
Gray, .\ .. hJ,.\· 15.'3
Greathou-e.' Jeff 1-t.3
Greco. Irena 15.'3
Greene. Jennifer 15.'3
Grt'gol'} . Bri!!ine 15-t
Gmdanu.-. Dt.....icin 7-t. 167
Grewal Karneet 7, 10. ~. -t3. -1-t.
.')-!. 57. 106. 109. 13.'3. 1~.
139. 1-12. 177. 13-t
Grifff"\'. Jo-hua 1.'>-t. 175
GriffUi.. \mbt>r :n. 138. 1-t 1. 138
Griffin. Ja..-on 15-t
Griffin. RondeUe 15-t
Griffln. Torrance 89. 138. 167
Griffin. T rernn 7:'i. 95. 12-t. 15-t
Grimmer. .\lice 130. 15-t
Grob. KP\in 78. 89. 177
Groff. Kari 26. 62. 106. 110. 1-12.
Gronl.. "'\ina 15-t
Gro.. ... Rod 86
Grm c-. Rob!'rt 167
Grm ...... Ryan 1~. 13-t
Grundmafl.. Jc ... hua 167 Brian lO:'i. 13-t
Cuilfonl \1au 2-t. 11.). I:lll
Cullo. Jo..eph -tB
C111tornhen. Carin 120. 1:-tt
Guuonn.~·1t.. l ..aun~n 7..,., <l(). <f:.
C.u11om1-<·n. Hol•·n Wa
CUZ). l<N·ph 118. 177
Gu71. Tiffin, IB8
c"~·"' _'wpliani1· 120. 167
G\\~ fl. Tiffarl\ :io. 12:3. 1:JR 1:N.
.. l.):l. 11~1
GY\1'\ \<.,!I( "·dk. P»
1 laa!!. Sarah 167
I laal , '\athanit>I 1.)-t
I laal. Ht>hekah 9. 22. -t I. 1:n 188
I larkharth. Jim 110
1-lrn•hi!(. Chad l;">-t
H1whig. H1an 1'.n 177
I lafferbnip. Jeffrt>\ 1.)-t
l lall. .\ mhon1 l:l8. 13-t
I Lall Jeffrt>y iOO. 12-t. 125. 129,
1.'ll, 1:>-t
TlalL Katlwrine 16. 20. 22. 76, 126,
127, l'.lO. 13'3, 136, 137. 188,
1lalL l\.fochell 15-t
I lall, Ro" 129, 130. 177
Hall H>c-sel 1-t5
Hall, Toni ".\ 112, 123
I lallgrcn. 'E.lizabt>th 5-t. 112, 113,
162, 188
! lam. John 16
I lamihon, \1111 6.), 96. 11-t, 120.
Hamilton, Dmid 66, &'3. 167
1-1 amrn. I\: oii 177
Hammack, Jennifer 177
I lamrn1 t'. Huth 120. 167
1lanralian., Caitlin 18. 117. 120.
I lan.·wn. .\manda "-t. 167
I lan-t>n, Cath!'rinf' 1-tO. 1-t t. 167
Han.-en. Chri,tina 133
Hruc..t>n. Clair!' :l8.. 188. 196. 2::i:J.
l la1b!"n. Jeromf' 115. 138. P7
I lan...en. Kelly 22. -t3. -t.)..)-1. 106.
109. 1 i9. 13'3. 1~. 1'.P.. 1.'39,
1-12. 1&3. 188. 2.3-t. 2.'37
Han...en_ l\.fanhew 26. 66. 95. 188.
Ha1t.-.en. \laureen 38. 139
llan... t'n. '\ichola.. 12-t. 1:>-t
H an.-on. .\ ndr!'w 15-t
Han.-on. Cole 118. 189
I Ian.-on. Danit'I 1.)-t
Harat\ . Lauren 80. &3. %. q;. 177
Harm:. Todd 1}2. 9:3. 1-13. 1-t.)
Han:!\-. \\ au!..e,.ha 15.1. 1~7
Harlo" . Teran 22..'56. 7-t. 10-t.
122. 189
Harmon. Je.... ica 177
Harmon. Jr .... hua 1:>-t
Harri... Dana 177
Harri.... Dani Pl 15-t
Harri... Jo--eph 16. 1~,
Harri... Shmi 1:>-t
Han. Jp.. .. ica 12.'3. 189
Han-chuh. Lmda 1-16
Hanuni:. Samantha Qf). 12-t. 13-t
Hartull!!. Thoma... 167
Ha..... lwander. Hohm 126. 1 7
Ha--ler. Joe 12-t. 12.3. 1.)-t
Haug. Laura"". 18. 127. 189
Haupt. Katherine 167
llmilko. Harri 71
Hawbal..n. .\ndrt'\\ ~o. 16'
Hawl..aker, Joann" lb~
Hawl..akPr. John 16'
Hawkin... JP..-ira 1-16
I la"liri.-. Ka --andra 1:2.l. l;":H
lla"lt·i. \niwla 1:2:t 1'7
11 ,w ·lton. \ ndn·a 1-t I. 1.-:H
I lt·ath. \rc hit> '-t. 1'7
HEA VEl\LY HA 1\.1209
I lt-b111r. \ndr"" 12"2. 17 '
11 t·cL Dani,.I 1.>-t
11 .,d t·L .\1111 -tO. 12:t 1:tt 1'7.
llN .
I lt-<•t•\\alcl Pn <"r 7-t. 1-7
I lt·r<L·. ora :2-t. -f.l, h'.2. 1><>. lt2.
HJ<>. 1:n 1:J-t. H2. 1:-,0 . lh7.
I lt ·i<hnan.. Ra1 Hh
I lt·i<hnan.. Salh Hh
11t-ir1•. ,... H·phw1i· ·
I It-in. \h "" 16'
1lt-irw·n: ~rah 11. '(>, ' ', ' lt:>, 117.
H t lo'
11i- nal. 1 ~-1 ... n :i. u ·, 17 l lt·1:it·.,,·n.. 1., 1111 2'2,
I lt·nrlri<l-. (}·rn1 :i) , 12'. 12'1.
1':2. I''
I lt-nrlri<·l-. Sha111~1 1-'
I ln1klt ·. \,hi..., l;":H
I krmig-hau Ha~ rnond 7-+, lh7
I 1t-111r,t·- . J<,.,t·ph '.!:l
I lt •nt iorn. Jillian l'.!0. I;"..+
I lt-111-dwl. \lark I ' , '.!;":H
Humphn-. \11·lc--a -t2. (>-t. c-t. 117.
J:tl. H:l. 177
Hutchin.•, Chri ..11 22 . .)9. 80. B:i.
111. 12h. l:H 1:l8. HI. HN.
H111d1i1b. ' I 11n l~l. 12-t. 1h8
I lu1t ·h11L... llL \llt>ll llil\
I lw.,,111. Jt>11nift>r H 1, lll'-J
~hau . \n<kt·\\ I .) .)
H\ <L·rL Du-tin l<~l
11\ kt- .• 1rah 1m
I l\ lirt-ki. \tlun l~I
H\ lin-1..i. Jami.,,m .)7, 1 ~1. 126. 127.
1111. I "
I Ii lin-k1. \laul11·\\ 1;-,;
I loffman.. \rm Hh
I Ioffman.. P J <r2
I lnffmann.. K.-llie 11.l. 120. 168
I It 'r'arL... 111.. . Ill HXJ
I lo~an-on.. Danielle 108
I lt•llan<l Ja.... 1n o:;. 11.l. 1:18. 1-7
l It ,IJ,.., . Garn-n -;;. 13.)
Holni. .. .-nl.. J.';.')
I lnlman. "e-1..., -Hohid.. R'an io8
HO\!ECD\fL G 8. o
I lont"\. \darn llN
l long: Cinch· l n
H rwwl Jam,.:_ 1.".') Da11Pll<' 18'1
l lt,.,t. Diana H6
lforchl..b-. Dmi<l 168
l lmlihan.. Kara :2'2. ~- :>-!. :Jr, h2.
7 6. O:l 108. l lO. I:t\ l:H.
1.T.'. l~ H2. 1&). HN. :tH.
2-t2. 2-t.)
1111\\ard John 01
I lmciar. Qrri._, l 12
I h...L.. Kathe rin<> 168
I l11t•hn<>r. Rrnn 177
l luff. ladyri 22. 18'>
\ n~t·la 1.).)
Johrt-on, \,ltlt·rgh '' .I~>. <t2. 101\
120. 1:-~)
.'\ BAl\'K 212
lllt·n1l1hl. \mh·r 1-'
l1Hn!:'· \aron 112
lEA ll\C. 227
lgmtr-k 1. Dann 110
1;nhoff, l ~ ri .. 22. ·H, IOB. 110. 12:2
lndan. \Ionic-a c-t. <)(). 177
lnf11-mo. l).111na Hh
Inman. Chri-toplu·r 1;">)
I nn1<11L Jct\ nw -+ 1. 1...,7
l'\TER'\ \ '110'\\I CLl B l:lll.
l:N. :21B
OJ. 23'3
11,.,1·11. Janw .. H-t
lp-.t'n. \larcq llil\
11>-1·11. [{o.,., -tO. I()<). 1:2(). l:l 1. 1:i"2.
1:n 1:llt 1:-1 • 1no
lnini:. i.;aiw 77. 110. Hill
1-ah·ll. \mh•r lhH
l-al.·11. Thom<i- H~I
Johrt-rn~ lktham 112
J11h11.,,111 Cliff H .h
John.,.•n, E<Ht· 1..).)
John-on, lcril.. Hill
John... 11L I loll\ 1 lh, 1 ;~1. J:H. I!~)
John.,,11L J.J. I~)
John.,.111. Jt-n·rm -.;. i.-~). l;"il{
John.,,>rt. Jolh fll'-1
Johrt-orL Jo.,.-_ph I.).)
Jollll•OIL J.;:<'L.,1•1 f,(). <t2. J;-,.)
Joh11.,,1n. Krrn i).)
John.,,1n. r.;:, It•'. J.) . 21. :ll. 10-t.
lllt'llll. J:l(J, 111-t. :2:-,()
Johri-on, l..ori 120. i.-,;
Joh rt-on, \I icha<'I -t:2
Jolm-on. Pt·t.-r ll:l. Hb
John-ort. Hach·I -..,_ llill
Jolm•orL Hanrh IN. 10.). 11'1. Hill
Jolm-on, R1·11t·~ha .-,(), 1-8
Joh1bon. Ho... .., 7;). I .) .)
Joh1t-.on, T:u1anna 168
Jorn·.... '\i"hola... -t . .) 1. lhB
Jorn·-. Tnm 1-g
Jorn·-. T, h 8-t. I~). 1:2:l. 1:J-t
Jor-d1, farnt..., Hb
fo.,q1l1-. KirnJ,..rl~ 27. 108. Hl'l.
I'.!.), 1-t:l. 168
J1ukib. Ri!'hard 1.).)
Juliani.. I:mih +I. (ill. I~>. IOR. 110.
121. !;).). 1.).'l
Juliani. J.-1111ift>r 17. -f-f. 1011. 122.
1:i"2. J:tl. !:H. Ill<>. :2.):2
Julin. D.111wl I.).)
Jun:i. Emil\ 1<>1
Jl IOR~ i7-t
Jurik . ( .u rir~t 1.).)
lat·ktt. knniftT 1''
laf'brnt. \Ian lh7
Ja.. k-ort. \11· l:tl. lhH
]ilf· bon, [),.nni... Hill
Jacl..•on. I lt ·.ulwr HJ:t 1'7
Jac k-on.. Kri..-tt>n ll. :N. 76. ls<l.
1-t1. 1-t.l
Jacl.. •nn.. \ lt'!:!an I h8
}acol....on.. J.---i,·a Hr2. l;).)
Jacoll\. K rt>:!!! 18.')
Jacob\ . J.,., 2-t. :J.t. 108. 1:n
. 1:3(). H:.!. H3. 178. 18-t. 18.3.
1%. :21.). 2:)-f
Jacob-, . Nndm I. H6. 16.'l 18.')
Jahnkt>. Radwl 80. %. !()<). l IQ.
13'1 1-t I. 178
Jakala. DdJnrah 108
Jakala. . lb'111 .'>-t. 1:20. 13 l. 180
Jak ob. \-hln 168
Jambre\... \m) :r.. l:N.
Jam.--. Chri.-tophe r !.').)
Jam.--. T.J 112
/4..~ALI, \HJED, l'.f.D. 205
Jankml<'. \ a.-kr-.rJ<' !.).)
Jam.- . \\ illiam 70. !;).">
Jarzah•l... \ nflrt>" 10-t. 133.. 1'8
fo.-tnmt. '\icolt> 22. I H . 11.). 18ll
lAZZERCI, E 22-1
KE.'\08HA POUGE PRr m-·.
KE.'\V 'HA TAE KW O.'\ DO 23'2
KE.'\V 'HA TIRE l.'\C 203
"•·tdt. Jt,.,t•ph ' .) . 1:-~)
"•·nL Can Hill
1-.t·rr. \ml\ 112, I l:l
1-.t·-.-uw·r.· \nrln·a BO. 12:l. 1'8
i.;t ..,<'I. Kim Hh
1-.U CUB 1:l<>. l:P
i.;,.,.,<'11. Fn ·d Hh
Killgort·~ Jt·~~wa t.).)
""'!?· \dalll 1h9
King. \manclt lbl)
King. Chri-1irw 76. lOR J:tl. 1:J-t.
Kini:. Dt'l•irah H6
Kati,.22, 1'11
Kini:. '\icolt> :;o. 12'?. 178
Kini:. Ru--1·1 Hb
Kirvit'. Laurn 1()1
i.;imlt'r. Sarah 1.).)
i.;irl" . Kmharin,. 80. 16()
Kiri,\ . Kim.h-rl l<Jl. :2:i)
i.;irk~gaartl Tran 77. lb<J
i.;i,hlirw. Carrw 110. 122. 1:26, 1:tt
1-. rtzmilln. C:n·i: 1111. Hh
i-:1 ...... \,hit•\ 1.).)
f.:leinmark . Kelh 1 .-~)
i.; leinmark . Kinih·rh 169
i.; leinmarl... Li.-a 178
i.;1clt'l. Jacki1· 18. 22. 80, 81. l 1-t.
122. J:lR HI. 1()1
1-. lc•'l. '\wolt· 80. I~). 1:20. 16()
f.:luwr. \lauh1·" '-t Hill
Knight. (;..l1·na 1'. -f-f, -t.>. -b, ..,..,
to:l. HN. 11(), 1-g
Kni!!lll , Rian 101. 1:2-t, 13.)
"noll . .\aron 16()
Knoll. \dam'-t.1111
Krnmt"r.. "'""' 12:!., lhfl
Kmnrti. Briana I.>. I lb. l(>f)
K<x·h. Brandon Hill
K,.·h. Rollt"n <iit 1111
Koehne. Karoh n 120. lb()
Ko.·llin!!. Bran;lon 1' 8
Ko.-... -L M ... hdl.- 171l
Kohle r. Brent b6. 0). 1-g
Kol..lamm1L-. Bl,1uw I.).)
Kobkt>. Janie l:.!J. 178
Kolmo.... Je num 80
Kolmo•. lt>nnifer q2. 120. 1;).')
Kohn< .... Kelh 80. 81. CJi>. l()l). 120.
138. 1611. J();}
Konz. Erin 178
K0<>1man.. Bnan 12-. 1-8
"" 1 ;.,k~ . J... rrrt") 1. 1& :n :i t. bt.
l()l}_ 17."i. 18-t. 1111
1'01..--k). h<-tin -;;. 8R 108. 15.">
Korba-. Kari,.. 11-1. lh1l
1'.onJ<i.>r. 1cole 1.).)
Konh. Catll\ <ill
Kon . \lt>!!lian 120. 13.)
1' <,,.z.._._ lt>rt'm1 I.).)
Kt>-11\ . Prin•·, . l<ll
i.;,,.,1..:. John ....)
l\:o-.luclwr. "'"'" 7. -t3. :>-t. b'.2. 106.
l 17. J:tl. 1:J-t. J:¥l. H2. 178
Ko-.up. ] t>rt'lll) 11 ll. I6ll
John...rnL lh an 10-t
Joh1N111. \\ illiarn IN. 10-t. 1:n
Jona-.. \I wha.-1 1.).)
K1·:u1ng. D.11111 ·1 1::-». lflH
Kt·t·gan. TI1111na- -fl) 1 H . I. l. 1-11
Kt·lh , a rah lhfl
Kt·ll\. ha" 11 12-t. 1:-,-,
K1·11;·ah. i.., It· 1.- ,;
Kt·nrwch . athan 111 12' 1:.!<J.
1'.l 1. n2. i-11
KE.'\V H.4 ()'.)[ TI' ICE AREX4
J.."E.\O HA FRA \fE & A X:LE
K£'1,V HA OP&'\ \fRI 213
Jt •·m-, Pat ri-.IM 1:-~)
Johmt-t·n. I 1-.a lhll
OJ. LLT.4..'\T2H
IE.'\ EV TO \f'L\C 205
JERA.'\EK, \f'/LLHM, 1.D. 229
Ji.ran•·!.. \lark -9. IOlt 1:-~). lh 1
kran•-1.. , \1auh1·" :l6, -t:l. 7'1. 1ll't
l.H 1:J-t. H2. 171 ~ I'~'
Karl-. Rhianna trill
Karn..,,. Chri-1i1u1 1:20. Hill
1'arptb. Chri-.t111f' 1:10
Kai-i.-. Para-1..t·\ i J:lO. lhll
Kall. KPrlllra m. 111. Uh. J:tl. I'll
i.;auffnmrt. R11a Hh, 2:J-t. 1.-rl
Kaufman. '-.11·\f·n 121> 1-.;. 1'8
Km.tlau-ka.- \1l1111 (JI'>. <4, O.). 1-8
Km.tlau-ka.- K1 I· · 10.), 1:-,;
Ka, P , Jo~hua 16a
JOCKE'r' 219
I l1~ rbn~d11 ... mt·i1·r.. lf•phanw 177
I lt-rd11an. T, 1.-r 7<1 lti'
11 t·rolt. [),1111.-1 1:-..+
I lr·rr. 11 ..atlwr '.!:2, 11:.!, m>
I lt•rr. Janu"'.-1 17...,
knl..irt-. D.111, .-ll,. 2-t. HO. Hill
krmin!!-. Jni-m, 1.) .)
J1 ·nniu;.! .... Kt·nru:th }(~ ~
krL-.-rL \laril' n H<>. :2;"~)
lt--..t·ll, D.uiit ·I -t I. --t. 11'1. 1'8
Ji,,,..,,,.,, . 1111t,., : ~>. Hh
Jinu-n,• 7,. haron lih
I lt•rr. \lidwllt> I;"..+
I IPrr. '\ichol<b J:tl, 17'
I IPrr. Rt,.,f"nmn .>. :.!7, 11~1
111•m ·ru. Ft>rnan< ~ 1 i.-..+
111·rrick. R 1 land I:-..+
I IPrrin.. Jolin'. '.!0. '.!:.! -th ..-JI'> , .-,g_
1011. n t 1:J-t. n;, un 1:J-t
1lt•mnann.. Katlwrirn· ' , lh. 2-t.
•n. :H. -t:t :-i1t 1>2. m. 101>.
108. 1:29. 1:10. 1:H J:l-t. 1:l:l.
HO. Hl . H2. 1''
I l1 ·--1·fnn. \h -.· 120. lhl:
I l1·\\1tt . Lric <1.;. 17'
I l1•x1. \Iii,.,&>
1 lnden. DtHin 1ti:l. lhH
I lt·)·clen... tf'J~hanil' 177
11 t'\ rL--t' rb. J.;: 1 It• II~ I
11,.; rL--1· 11.-. \iallon fo, l<J:t l;":H
I lid.. ...,. Sht'<' na 1:->-t
I li!!g1ruJottont. Run.Ji lh8
lllCll ~HOOL 1 ll \IOR :10 . :1 1
I lil<L \n1lrf"" -q. 'lll., l:>-t
11 il<lrnh.. \li<"ha..I 12.l. 129, 1:1 1.
11 ilkt>r. [).>borah Hh
I Iii!. \.a.--ie 1:n 1711 ill. l·.lizaheth :2-t, l.>-t
I lilL l•..lizaheth Rtr-t· 7-t, H~I
I lillt... lan1l \man<L.t 1:-~;
1 lillt-lan<l Eric 1;-~)
111.l\ka.. 1. - '-t. 10-t
I lc•ir. Roben 1-l lol ...ort. Dmid 111'~ Hh
llOC1'E\ Bi. I'»
I lnff. Bnan 1-'
I lnff, Lam 111. 1 n. 127, 1'.!<I. l:i"2.
i:n 1:)-f. I-'
JPfft·n . Kri.. 1in '?6. 7'. ll6 . 87. <t2.
• 11:i. 1m
Jt•ffpn . 1' 1 It• 8<>. 168
Jt•lirwl. \~hit'\ :1-t. 62. Hl<>. 12<>.
J:tl. 1 :~. HI. H:2. 178. :2:l7.
klirn·l.. . knnifn CJ. -t<J. 60. 76. Hi:2.
K.i.-zmart'k . samu.-l 6h. !.).)
Ka<~Lttz. John~. M. 1<>8
K.i<Hm, Jo-.hua 20. --f. -.). 10-t.
110. 1:r., lOl. 2.').1, :2.)6
Kad.Lttz. Zad1an 108. :2'2-t
1.a•lrt. a.-hnx n ·11-1. 12.>. !.).)
Kai-.-r. Chri.-rine 1-3
Kai...-r. FlL....- Q. . (fl. Pi6 . 1:r.. H t
Kai.- ··r. J ·m H6. 1<>8
K.1lan.. \l,.lilika 168
K.1lino-li.. \manda !.';.)
Kana.-. Dt<-rin 1-3
Kanmn.. ]o-.lma 12:1 l.).)
i...,11,.11111.. \dam lZ»
l\:am•tL .\~--a 120. 168
l\'1w·r-kL . l t'\ f' ll '-t. 169
Koziol. Counnt'\ :.!:l 108. 11:. 137.
Kowl. Sant 112
f.:P:'.<l \ 2:t2
K n1fh"' , Jo-hua J.) .)
KraL...ul~ \ 11·gan T""'
K rarv. \l .. ,a11<~·r I.) .)
K nrlo\\1• z n 1-. l'iO. 108.
Ul. J:lh. 1-3
Krmo\\io, l..wrn·n 2h. 80. Hi9
Krart-t• K.rthnn 1;,;
K ran • Km 1'.th. :,!:J-t
r.;: ra1t.., I t•a :-:H, 1:2fJ, l<Jl
~ rau".tt , ~.1n1h <tL 1:).)
Kn·! .... \n<kt ·\\ 1 :-~>
Kn 1,... Kt·lh 1:20. lh9
K n·ro-.. i , · \anrn 12-t, 116 1:29.
1.11 Jh')
f.: n ·-.rl Jo-.·ph ];'°Jl'J
Kn ·~rl , KunJ.·rl, :-..+. -<>. 1.H l'B
Kn·-.rl, 11·/'• _.., _ ];":rC'>
f.:n··d Trf '"" 12'1 1:11 , 1<>7. 191
r.;: n·--•· l'illrl IUt Hh
K n·u-.-r, \-hit·\ l:.!-t, Hi<J
Kn·1t-n. \l1tfo;t·I Ifill
tt-pl11·11 :~t """-+~ 1...,H
Krit·nk1·. l\arl I'll
K ri1111N'llw·111, \1L1111 1'8
K ri-wn, \pril 1:-Jl'i
Kri ... 1111t Paul , .... g
Krok , ·111, Hh
1'roll, Jt·nn1 Hi<>
Knu-«t·r Bn·ll ->-> 'II <I() 91 191
Knw~ ....: I lolh -l~:r6 • . '
Knw~t·r, Kt·\ln 1'""8
i.;m .. "t·r T<•~I <~> lb9
Knr1:i'- \ ndn·" l(Jll
Knht'. \l,."mdt·r l).)_ 1.->6
Km•t'. \Ian Hh
Knr-t'. \ i<"ltlr 91 , 119. 169
K nr.,,._ 'olarnlr I'll
"""In. C~1idin 1:r.. 1.x>
Kuhlman. C.hri-topht•r 128. 129.
l:l I 1111
Kuhlman. whol•b S:t t:30. 1:-x>
Kuhnln . l-.i111t· 1:J-t. 191
Kupft·r Ellt·n Hh
Kupft•r.. 11·\f·n 178
Kupka. Ed\\urd B. -t.>. .l-t. ,) .). 106.
I()<). l:N. 1-t-t. 1-tlJ
K unrvilla. Dar1111 1:;g
Ku1d1. \larnh fl:.!
Kutz. Jarm· .. 1.-:iC>
1"11tzlt'r. \lwhat ·I 169
K "•h \tlun 112. J.)(i
K"iatl..n\\•ki. Jonathan 7 .>. J.)()
Lui •11111\\ -k, , \I,. l1<tf'I 70. 100. 178
l ..aea-- , D1i-1i11 I:)(>
Laffin, ( rnmi 112
Lum, Juli.- lb<I
Laitin•·rt. I., rul.t --, 120. 1:2.). t:llt
I.arnw-- , Da ni.,,Ue 120. l.)(l
l ..a11'11tlf'•-. • Jad~ 11 - . 16. 1', 26.
!Oh, 10-. 108. I()<). l C . 131.
L)-1. 1-12. r~s
CLE.-l.'\TIC &
l b ,...J..··11.)6
l..arnun-hia. 'xlru llll. 160. 208
I..amnnl. -..,.an 178
l..amorlw. Daru.-1 12:1 l .' )6
l..anK~h · Eril.. hh. %. 156
I..anK1the. I lt-.uhe r <l(,_ 120. l6Q
l..ank1tlw. RH1n 1-s
T~u•l k--i ;, HI. 1'16
Lm1<l Stt·\t'll '-t. 12.>. 169
l ~uidn't'. \lanin 1'16
I..arn hwhr. Jad..-n 1.)6
Lan<>. \.,hit>) 76. 77. 12-:'. 178
One Last Breath nb ij)
m 2-i:
. er. .
............... , L .....
I enjo~ O'Oin<T to
water parb
becarn.,p it i"l
something you
can do with a
large group of
people, your
family or jm;t
ont> otht>r friend.
p rks
water skiing
I .it11wr. StqJhaniP -t. J:>. 22. 7h.
ICl'l. J:J<>. J:P.. J:fl. JC) I
l.1urdl. John m>
I Jana.... Connie 1-t"?
l..ol•·rgoT, Ja111w <>il 96. 12.). 1.-J()
LOC \L '\I·,\\ s :l'2. :J:J
1..••• \\iP, 111.J..n :>2. :;:J, 122. I'll
l..011do11. J1·"irn I 1-t, I:X>
I,ondono. \ ""'"''" 1:JO. 16<>
l..01•·z. J11a11 1'79
l;•1•·z. lb)1111uul2:.1. J:JR 191
l.01•., Hie.min 1.-J()
Lor('. ~fq.:an 112
J;>th1·-. ~lidwllo· 179
I.<•wh. Ja .. )\ 11 l>R 10-2. l:X>
I;"' .. ;-, . Brluain I :-x>
1 ,"'"'~ • i......, ,11,: 120. Lx>
I""' rn.11..1·. ';Ji,·lh J.x>
l.111·a-. Ja11"ll l:X>
I .1wk hardt. l<i-on 191
l.wlhanlt. lhan l:X>
L1w.. L l-r.1111·i·, H'7
Lwro. \nµ:t·la )()()
Lula\\,ki. kn·1111 12.). );'"J(>
L11111l1·) . J,,., .. ph (ii. I., I. 17<>
L11111L k1111if1·r -t-t. 108. 1:.12. 12:J.
J:l'2. J.J:J. J:H. J:i). 17<>. IH9.
L1m1L Sthan J.x>
Lupi. Dw1iPI J:l'2. P<>. 19-t
L111arn. Crac1• 19. 1 H . 17()
Li nd1, Brian l:J. 11:.1. J J:J
Li 1w. \11 ·~an 9'7. 110. 11.,. 122.
12:\. I.JO. 1:3'2. H6. I.,<>. 21<>
w~ polo
~IC'fani<· Graham
Source: Survey of 118 students
~ang<'. kffrt'6 22. 2.1, 1:.17, llJ:l,
11',6, I )J, 2:3-t
l..angP. \1idwllf' &'>. 102. 10:-J. 169··~. \1onica 120. I.xi
l..ant''"ll(Hl~ l..atrice 1.X>
I..a11110\ t'. Kri-tin 169•d<-,\\TI, Cht'L,t'a 169
l..a~""· Dmid 12-t. 169. 2-t7
Lar..,.n. l.incli H6
Lar..,·n. Tiffani 191 . 20:l
l..a1-..on. Ja11w,;Jn 169
1-".tNHl, len•1111 112
i -".I", JtNHl )<)1
l "'L". \luuhe" 1(19
l..a11donio. \)\,,• 77. 86. <~2. 1.x>
l ..a11donio. \ rirn·"a 9, 20. 22. (~2.
9:J. )-t;J_ 191
l..audonio. \nthon1 70. ).)()
Lu11donio. Chad 2 i. 100. I0 I. 191
l..auf. H1un 1.X>
l..a11g<'<'.' l1••1"'9
l..aw1 , 1_,," H6
I..a\\ h. \I ichat'I I '78
1..a"lt•r. Tt'rr-, 13. 11.'3. H6. H9,
2:3-t .
l..;m lor. Dm id IJ:l 156
J..a\\Tt'nCI'. K\ )p 12-t. 12). ):}()
J..a\\TPnC<'. '-..irah 191. 2:J:J
1..a"'°''- \l,·a 22. 60. 167. 191 . 2-tO
l..a\\-on. K<·lli :l l. 3<J, 66. 67, %.
Hl'l. J:i'3. H l. 178
L<·ad1. '\athan 1.)6
Leanna. \1idiael .'i8, 127. 191
1.Ratlwnnan. Deann!' 1:X>
Ld~'<·Ll-. \,hJ,., <>8. 91. 110. 122.
1.Rll<'r. Thonui.- 110. 122. 12:J. 1.'):l.
l.RChti-z. Jared 2'1. 78. 79. 191
l.RCIUL-z. ]<,.,hua 78. 7Q. 16Q
!.R<lan.-ki. JPnm 110
Lt'f'• .\nibf.r 16: 116. 132. 1:36. 178
LEE, RAJ\D A., D.D.. 229
Lt'<'. I IPather 120, 1.'56
l..t'f'. frnnif<'r &'>. ~1. 12.'). 1.')6, 169
1....,....e, Rach!'I 13'1. 138. 1:8
l.R"lf'r, Br-,·an 178
L·hman. fh ne :)1. 129, 130. t:lll.
Hl. .169
l.Rhrkt'. Kurt 1:)0
Q~ One Last Breath
l\lartim..z. \lm-.t·., 17()
\la11rrwz. 01mnra lli>. IO:l
\lartinPZ Hicardo 1.)7
\1art11u-z, \ iri?inia IR 19. 2:>. 11-L
11:>. 11"'. 12:.1. 1.l'l. I"'<>. :.107
\1a111nl'z. \ 11n 1"'9
\1a11i1N>n. \•hh 1"'0
\1 tc-on. Chri-toplil'r J.)7
\1atu. I l1·atlwr I H . 1:)7
\1atera. John 10:>. H"
\1a1hPw•. Eliza!.·tl1 29, -t:J. -t-t. 62.
10<>. 1011. l:JO. J:H. 1:i>. 119.
l-t2. 1:-;7
\latlww-. Jo..hua 11 . 1'7. 2<>. 29. '78.
ICl'l. 1:l'2. J:J:J. n+. 1:J1t H2.
179. 1<)(1
\1athia.-. E11g1·111· J2:l. 1:>7
\latri-t\ Frank 7-t. H7
\1aho1i, K n.,ta) 190
\1athon. lkth J<XJ
\lmrn·r. \bJ,, m2. 120. 1:)7
\laurer. Con. 2.)..)9. 170
\laurPr. \laitlww 119. 179
\lauricio. ]<J<•) 22. %. 12-t. 127. H 1
\lauricio. Stewn 12-t. 1-t 1. 1'70.
\ht\ . Donald 179
water volleyball
sailing I
\la11111. k--im 12). ),).,
\1a11111. \1ichtwl 170
\la11i11. \lidlf'llo· 119. J2:l. J:J.'l. J:H.
\1anin. \1oli--ia 170. 2-t7
\lal111lf'z, Dia11a I H. 11:>. 1;)'7
\1arti1wz, Ji1jair~1 7. H. 20~ 2:L :->"+.
111. 1:.17. J:P. J:lll. l&t. J(X)
\1a11i1wz. Ja,rnin J;)7
\la11rrl<'z. I ;11rn•11 Ill>. 179
Leick. StPphaniP 77, lO:J. 119, 169
l..<>in!'wdx-r. Traci 1:t2. 178
IRL•chow. Dianp H6
IRi,ter. Li,a 112
Lt'iting. '\icholtb )().). l:l'2. 178
l.RkPr. \m\ IO:J. 16<>. 2:.10
LekPr. \liclwl11· 11:J. 12:l. 178
L!'mke. Lin<Lt l-t'7
L<'na. Julw1 H7
l..t'nar1, Ju<h H7
L<'< >rl., \ndr(•\\ J.)(J
i..!'onar<l \111a111L1 I J:l. I H . 11:>.
12.). 1:J 1. )()9
l..t•r<lihl. Cina -t. I:>. 22. :X>. &i.
1 lll. 11<>. 1:J6. 1:P. m>. 191.
L1... Jie. Ira 112
i ... ·,Ji.. \\ i....,.,, m
1 .....,ni;w,Li~ H1 an :P., 7-t. 100, 178
LPto. '\icol1• li>9
l..t'\OllOWich. \1idiw·l 7-t. 179
1..t•,onowich. Stl'phen 7:>. 88, 98,
IR\\i,. Cahin 110
l..t•wc•. Colli!'r l:X>
l.Rwt•. I.Rah 179
L1•wi.-. .\lidia..177. 101
1_.. ,,. \ clim 191
I.;·\'· \lauh1"' 169
LichtPnhf'itl \Ian <x>. 89. 9:>. 112.
11 :i. 169. r~>
Liduenlwkl Kn.-ta H.). H7
Linclgren. Tirnmh1 <><>. 8). 127.
129. 1:J"2. 1°'.'9. 186
Lindqui.-t. Cnn 1:.16. 127. 130. 13'2.
Lind'*". '\atali1· 7. 11. Y>. :>9. 106.
i 12. 12:J. 1.1'2. l:J:l. 13-t. H 1.
ll\·c. 207
Lillf('-a). \l f'lc--a I. 7. 2-t. -t3. 62,
106. 1:3'2. J:J:3. J:H. H2, 1:9.
1&+. 196. 217
Lippert. 'iicolP 120. ).')()
Lira. Reinaldo 1.xi
Linle. Brian 89. 1.18. 179
Littner, Samantha 1.)6
\lacD011al1L Sarah l:X1
\lal't'<lo. Holw·11 10;)
\lad1an Den·k 120
\lacill'. k11nif1•r 1l:J. 120. 121. 1()9
\lacil. D1miPllP 169
\lack1·1 . Ja1 "" H7
\lmh: 1,;,;, (>-). 97. -t:l. Hl7. 110,
12:i_ 126. J:l'2. J:H. l-t2. J7<J
\1 \DHIC\J , l · l~ \f>TE 12. J:J
\1 \DHIC \L \IL SICI \ '\S 110, 111
\1 \DHIC \L PEHFOH\IJ•:Hs 112.
) J;J
\lacl•<'ll. lkth 11()
\hwrzk1·. knnifl'r 9(). 12:J. J:Jh.
J:r?. 179
\faf,"illll. Jo,)111a '7-t. 11 .). 179
\la 1011. \Iii-on 1:>'7. 179
\l aika. Kunl~· rh 7, I:>. 22. 2b. -t:l.
.->-+. 1:.1<>. i:J:l. 13-t. H2. H~l.
11\<l. 191. 2-tO
\la1···rid . John m. H'7
\1a tll'ant. \lario 7-t
\1all"l"i. Shaza1 119
\lan<L•rfp)<L k11nifPr B-+. i'.)
\1 and1·rfp)1L h:a1 .)(). H7
\l anfn'<L Crant.l:X1
\lanfn'IL '\woll' I. I:>. 11"'. 190.
\langi. Pa1rina 1~?
\htni1·ro. \n~1' la 169
\1anwro. k--il'a 1.x>
\1an.-k1·. ~lid1aPI 179
\1antlwi. HH111 10-t. 10.). 1:3'2. 179.
21.). 219
\larano. P'rank-tl. 179
\1am·l1.1i1i. ~nnwl 1.)6
\1arita. Holh 68. 69. 119. 1~9
\larlar. H, arm 1:>. 39. -t2. 10'>. 117,
11 (( H 1. !()(). 19-+. 2:f'
\farquardt . .\lh n 10-t. 11:>. 1"'9
\1a,-..h, Jt'nnif!'r i<JO
\fa~hall Katrina 1.'56
\1a11h. Luca, 7.'). 91. l:X>
\fartin, \aron 156
\1anin. \)\,_., 69. 169
\1a11in. r,)rin 116. 121. 1"'9
\1a11in. DaniPll<' 1.')7
\la\ Pr, \1arL 79
\1a,er. 1\1au 79
\1a\Pr, Simoni' .)2. ;):J. 96. JM. 1;f),
. 190
\la) Pw. Chri") 69
\1rCa1Ji.,tn, Tn»or :.10. 2-t ..x>. 61.
""-t. 108. 167. l&t. 190. 19"
\lrC'.ann, Edward 21. 66, 100. 101.
127. 1:.18. 129. l(XJ
\kCormick. Bt'th 11-+
\lcConnick . \largart't 1:9
\lcOmnicL. Hrnn 89. 10.). 170
\lcCrar. Quinion 7.). 157
\frCune. \,hJ1•1 1.)7
\1 r Daniel, Tini(j"" 1:J11
\leDermou. Ho J<•11 ).)"
l\lcDont"lt Kp,·in 78. 7<>. 108, 119.
J:J:l. 1()()
\11-G!'e. \\ hiuw1 -t<>. BO. 1 J:l. 127.
1:J1. J:l'2.' J.)-t, 179
\kGiham. Brandon 1"'0
\l<Cill. Bridg<'t HI. 1:.10. 128. 1'70
\l<Gnl\\ . Ti111 lh7
\!cKa,. \lik1· "'-t. !~l
\1cKiil1·n. 1'0111 J.i7
\1cKinl1·1. \11f,.-, 1:.10. 1:>7
\lcl..11ckl1 -. Dmi(J J<)()
\lc\1ahon. Cadwnrw Ill. 12:>. 1.)7.
\k\lahon. J1•t111i111• h). 7:l. 1:.1;).
129. H7. !.)"
\k\1am1-. I .irnli H7
\1c'\l'<'h . lh a11 (~2
\kPhm.11. i...·ri-un J;)""
\kPht•N>n. Brandon 12"'. 179
\lcPh .. r-011. \lmtl11 ·w 1:.1-t. 1.)7
\1<'Qrn~., 1 ion. ll1nma ... I79
\lcHolJ<•11,. Cam•n 110
\l1·di. Ho,an111• 17(). l<>O
\l t'l'llm. S..111H.1t11ha 112
\lt'il'r. John -t 1. 179
\l p1·1a. H<no 1:.10. 1:)7
\I p dahl. C:harl1·, -t 1. 1"'9
\l ,·lito.<l-<11 2.i.. J8. 7"". 10'1.
120. 12i. 1:)7
\1 Pnt<'L. ·1ra "'-t. H2. 176. 1:9
\1Prn1rio. k1111if<·r 117. 1.)'7
\ft>rfPi<L Jacoh J:JO. WO
\I PrkP-. Dana 170
\11•rrilL id10Ja, 170
\t .. rrin. \lid1w·I (Jlt 170
\ 1Prtt'n.... 1lu·n--...ia ~>:1. ~i>. %
\lntz. \lid1a1·l 1"'0
\lntt'11.. \Ian Eli71u•·th 109. 131.
100 .
\1mer1.. Tran 7:J. 180
\lnz . .\mhori, :)1. %. 170
\1 ptz1Pr. R1a1i 8'2. IJ:l, 112
\!eyer. Bn;n<li H7
\1 eyer. Cori 9. 22. 21. 2Q. -t2. 5-t.
109. 110. 111. 1p. 119. 122.
131. l:P., 1:38. H 1, l<JO. 23-+.
\l<jPr. Joel 8. 71. ln. 110. 122. 170
\l1·11·r i>...Jl1 111
\l1·\1 ·r. La11i·1· J;)'
\11·11 ·r. I.arr-, H7
\11·\n. adiun 2:J_ J(X)
\11·i1xl•. Barham H7. 2H
\1if'.h. \11g..Ja B<>. 120. J:JO. 1:>""
\I ichw•J1,. B1·n1a111in -t I. IOlt 12-t.
\11d1a..Ji,. J•,hn·n IHO
\lichw·li,. Jarwll1• -t. 7. -t:l. -t9..)-t.
h2. "'<>. IO<>. J :~J. J:J.t, 1:J7,
H2. IC><>. )()(). 19-t. 2-t-t
\lul1U1·tort. J•,..q>h 1:.1 , l<>O
\lwlk K.. Ji 170
\1wlo-.r1 l. \111anda 1"'0
\lu·lo-.ri k. \luthPw 7-t. 91. JOO
\1,..i.,.,,, L '\onmrn "';)
\1 ikol. i'!.·111am111 180
\)jJa,. J...a7 180
\l1Ja,, J...1 I<· ).)7
\lil1·t1a. l3r-, [Jll 12-t. 12:>. 1.)7
\1i1Lw. Jo,f111a 7:>. SR 1.)7
\lill.inl J... ri-1, 180
\lillff. \aron .7-t. 1lfl. lff". 1'70. 2.)1
\I ill1·r. J... arPn H.,
\lillho11-1'. Dm·k '7-t. )()()
\lil111-. Elanw 12:J. 180
\1il<M'L . \lichtwl ""-t. 119. 180
\1inalga . Brian 1:.1-t. 12<>. 129. 170
\ll'\OHITIJ•:S -t6, -t7
\1itdwlJ. )..11\\Tl' nCf' 1.)7
\1itdu·ll. Prl'rirnh 180
\11 x-k. Patricia 11, 21. 22. 8-t. 8),
111. 116. 122. 127. 1:n 1:J1i.
Hl. J<)()
\1o<l<h. l-".Htrt'n 1.3'2. 180. 219
\loham~l(_L '\!'~ua 180
\lohr. l·.nc fa.
'>lohr, knnifn 130, 1:)7
Molinaro, \1111ni 180
\1ollt'da. O>n.,tance 120, HI . 1."i7
~lollt'da, Shaza1 22. 2-t, -t7, 76,
Hl. 1()().
\loltt'r, \h"a30. -tll. lH, 122.
n2: J:J6. 16.'3. 180
\1oltt'r. Chri.,tine 19. 22. 2.'), :36. :)7,
11.). 127. 130. 13:3. 1:.J<J. 15-t.
1.)). 190, 23-t. 2:).1
\1onnier. Jt"nnifer PO
\1niN>n. I lollyanne 125, 1.)7
'>1orbon, \1 irkt'nzie l<JO
\1orbon, Stuc) 120. 170
\lontagu<'. Keit h 180
\1onlttf!lH'. Kri-.tine 1?0
\lom< ·1th. Tania 1""0
\lontt·11111rro. \mhon1 7-t, 10.).
IC~l. lllO
\lo11t1•11111rro. Frank :JO. -t'7. 7-t.
1111. 119. 18). 1()()
\1011tP11111rro. )<h<'ph 7:>. 88. 10;),
12-t. 1:)7
\1olll<'11111rro. \ incent J.), :3 1. 60,
10-t. 10:>. 109. J:J:l. l:J.t. H2.
)()(). )(~> . 2:J7
\lonu•, l:J.• Oca. Jacob :>O. J;)7
\lmn '. C<•h .)0. 1:)7
\lmn•. l·di1"ia -t-t
\lmn·. kffn•\ 12.). 1,)7
\lmn '. Kri,ti (f). 180
\lmn·. H1ari Ja()
\l<M>n·. \ ;,li H""
\loorhou-.e_ Drn1~ :2:2
\loru ~ Sc:mtiago 190
\lorn. Sngio 170
\1on•hrnht", Jp1111ift'r 180
\lon·hrnht'. \icol1· ll',()
\lort'lan< L Jurn· H7
\lori11.. Hanch 1.)7
\1orin. H1a11·l.)7
\lorri-. C~11111n"' 6-t. 117. mo
\1orri-. lwlil' 1·12
\lorn-. Helw·c"a 1:.1:3. )(~)
\1ornl\\ . Ft>l1cia H'7
\1011on. J•"''\'h i.;7
\lor1f1·l<L \, ih 1.)8
\l1N'r. \ur<'lia i08. 1 H . 120. 1.xl
\lo-11·,.·ll 7-t. 170
\11hl1·i. Huth HlO
\1 fl\\n. Le-a I H. 12."i. 1:)8
~t I {JI, URAJ'l'CE 228
\lu .. Llin, \njuli .,_ 10. :¥>. -t-t. -t:>.
-t6. 5-t. 62. 109. 1H . 1:n
1.1-t. 13). 1.'3Q. 1-t2. 170. 1&+
\1ut'ilt'r, .\dam 1.)8
\1ullah . \ndn>\\ 180
\1 ullali • K f'rri !.'JS
\luro."Pt'ter 70. 170
\1uro. Sarah 180
\1urra,. Timoth\ 12:>. J:->8
\I u.--ait~ Holl) n. 1.1. 6:.1. n>. H2
0 ..11...._ J<>n i:t2. l:l6. 180. 2."i-t
a.-lllif!al. Rian l·C
airhcz. Brian 10 I. 1.)8
'\~4.IL5 BY UBBY 203
arnath. T ro, IOO. 119. WO
aranjo. h·li;·ia 2-t. l:Xl
a.-L \,hln <~>- <r. 116. 1.->ll
\TIO \L 110 OH '.'iOUl:ll
n2. n:i
\TlO'\\I I.\\ J-tXi
'\auta. (,am·r 11:;. l:l:l. 1-0
ML Hm 1.->1:
1~lm1·-l1. l.ri1·l 11'.!
1·hl-. \lauh1·" -o. - I, <JI, 10-t.
11q_ 1:E 1m
Pil-. Dionta <r;
!'I-on. \aron -q_l~I. <1:;. IOH. 1:lO.
'\1-l-<11L Brian 22. -tO. 11'). 127. 190.
t·l,,.m. Danit·I :r.. hi>.<>.). 1"'0
'\PL-< ore (,.-off rt'\ I;)ll
'\1-l-<11L knnir.. ,: 22. 2'1. 11-t. HO.
1-t 1. 1<r2
'\el-on. Sara 7-t. 12-t. 1.-i11. r'7
'\(-...guoc:L K~ 1,~ 12. -+B, :t2. :~~- 111.
IT. Ll'2. IBO
'\eLL .\II, -<>11 62. llO. 1.->ll
'\e11111arirL '\whol<h 1•r2
'\punirt'r. 1-.athl•~·n 1-t.,
'\t"arez. \n:!'.t•loca 120
'""kirk. Lori l;)ll
'\eziro-ki. \darn(>-). IOh. 127. 1:tt.
1-t I. l-t2. IBO, 211. 2:l7. 2-+6
'\ichi. Krl-..t in l.)B
'\ickt'L \anon 1-->ll
"\i<"k<'L "I iffan' IHO
'\wl-<•ll. \fwhi·llt• 1-t-:'
'\w-..t~n. \clam J:)B
if~ ...en. S-:·ott 1<)'2
wu1·. \li-.ha 112. 11;;. Im
'\i1· C:on·i 1:11) Im
it'w-., \l 11..hail 1:;g
lt'\t~ .... ~hatlll
'•id1h..--,c~-•a!;f:><>1:.1:". 1-t-<
nnan. I anwla --· _.l.• >-t 61, I ~1
<M·I. D.1ni..1 100, 1-0
'\ola1L (Allin rn·\ l"lO, 1-0
01Ti.... \dam 1'.l-t. 1-w~
wolP :2:2 .
.-tt 10"2
ortlwnL Ht·tna 1.->g
VRTH HORE B4 \K 22-t
orton. Brian.t 1:). ~O. ~:2~ ~<>, :il1
:).). hO, -:'h. H~l 1.l:l. Ll'),
Jlr2. JO"J 2-t:)
onorL Dm1<I m"i. 1:-,:t lhl
mak. C.n·!!ol"\ 1-0
011 >I"\'· '-'anHtrUha -:i
Oldfiam H1w-ht·llf' 110
Oliwr, \l-aho IJ'). IHO
Oli\f·r, \ndr.11· 1.->11
Oli"·r. T.-r""' 1:;g
Ol-.t·n. Bnan 1-0
Ol-•·n. Ka1hmn•· 1-. C>-t. 12"2. l:l'2.
OI... nL Currio· J<~2
Ol-.orL Crao:? mo
01....n. K..1...., -2, -:-:l 1-0
01-.orL. lit' I'.+-:'
Onan. John 1:->11
OHCllf'....;fR \.co CERT no.
OR( HE.;rn \ . '-'Y\IPHO'\lC 1.10.
On·ar. \ldi-.-a 112
OrPar. \h 1..-. 1:->11
O·R,.;11,. 1:->ll
Orlo"-.l.i. \rm 1-0
Orlo" Jar·1;h --t. 11!)_ 1<~2
Orr. \rl1·n" 1:->11
Orri.. l. \rm lllO
Onh. \ltd"'d HOnh. whola-. 12:;. i:-kl
Onu. ( "'"" 1-0
Oni, H11I.:n I.)
01"\i-., c;.w~•· 17. hi. I la. 1<r2
01"\i-., Holw·n JIJI , 1''2
O-.l.1n11', c,,J., ... 11..·r. \ndn-" -<J. BB. <Jg_ 1.->lt 17B
0-.t.-r. \lattht'\\ -g_ <Jlt '~'- 1-1)_
0-.1n11n. 122
011. ThonHL-. ltl. w-. 1-t 1. lllO
011r-.. Ja-.on 1-0
0"1·r1-.. Danit·! 13. :lO. 7-t. llll. ll<J.
<):)_ I Ill. 11~2
I Ill. n-2. 11"1
<rConrwlL \-hln <l a:t ol), IOR
lh8. 1-0 ,
cri-. .... r... Jillian -+0
Oal-. Coh 12"2. lT, 1:-Jll. nh. 180
Ol,..nirc L\ nn 1-t-
CX:T .\GO\ CUB 1:*i. tr.
0<1•nzzL D.tna no. 81. 1:10. 1.)8
Pia-.. \! .. Ic--a 1:)9
Pi<-khar<h. knnH J.)9
l'it·hl. 1-.:ari 29. 1()"2. J();l. l:l?. JI)().
1<r2. 197. 2-+:>
Pi .. I. Brirtam Ph. 1:)9
Pi1·nko\\"l..a11ra -tO. 127. 1:l'2.
Pif(nawllo. '\,naliP 120. 1.)9
Pi[i"no1t1. \lonira 120. 1.)9
P1 l1·r. l-.atl1Pnnl' 120.171
in 62. -o. 7 L 90. 91.
Pint!'r. Tom 91
Pippi '"- \Ian LN
Pirkl. \lll"ht>llt' llll
Pi, mar. Eel" arcl 1:)9
Pi,mar. Erir 1:)9
Plato. l..,1e\f~ ...,.). 86
Pl \Y IR 19
Plm,uw·h. Katw 111
P."\Ec.:\fA TECH Il\C. 206
Polal"r\ k. \lal"iPj Ill I
Poll.. ·l. Ja-.nun -+, hO. 76. 1()1). J:l7,
Pan·11i,"lrn11-h. --. HX>, IOI
PadHTo \\ liitnt·\ <J-2, 1:2-+, 1.l:;
P"'b·tt, ·r .. Id 1.+Padj .. n. D.111a lBI
P,uUocl. ( hri-toplu-r <1:;. l.t2, l:lH.
Im, 1111, 2-tll
Prnll<wl. C.11lt·1·n H-. Ill()
Pa!:i- Joli HI , 1-t-,2:l7
Pa~t·I. Bn·nna h:t IHI
Pa:?..!. ·" n· 12-+, 12.). l:Xl
Polh·k. K, 1.. -.;. 91. J.)9
l'oll1w·off. f.:, 11· 1.)9
Pol11m, f.:ri,· 112
Porn I" , l ain·\.t I.ill
1'01111110, l.t·-.lie 20, 22. 29. :lb. b2.
hll. (JC)_ I02. l();l_ 1()1). 127.
1<r2. ~:l7. 2-+:;. 2-+<>
l'on1lli<L Brian 'lti
Po-.pid1..I. \,hli•' 1-"i9
Po-.t, Danit-I I:)9
\l, ...... a 72. ~:l. Ht>. lP. 1BI
Pan·ui, ~ue 1-+7
Ptrn1r.lan~ Ben I:)::~
Pap1•·, ~arah -:'Cl.--:-, 12(), t:lO, 1-0
Parham. l.111 12-t, J:l()_ 1:)1)
Pari-.h. ·1ania li"i
ParlPr, ( hri-.tin.1 J.)8
Parl...r. Diarw 181
l'arln. Lara 170
ParkPr, ~ra 2-t. 129. no. 1:n 1:tt.
HO. I-+ I. 1-t2. 181. 22:J
Parr, Chari..-. 11\1
Parri-IL Ra<"h.. I IT. 1-0
Par-<•rL-. Tiffam ii-;
Par-...~ !!1\0.ll. Briti'an\ 181
cn .... ruwll. \,m·n ;;o_ (>(). -q_ <4.
PF:EH \I l·:DI \TIO'\+-+. -t.)
Pt·t·t. Joa11na 1-0
PPllizzi. J.un..,, 11.). 12.). J:ll. nl.
J:tt. 1-+2. I,()_ 1%. 22:l
Pt·rnllf'r. kn·rm 181
P1•rn. Jarnp., HP1·n•z. J11an -:'ll. 1111
P1·rn. a11C\ H-:'
P.. n-z. Toma- 1."i9
Pnn. 7-"•·hal"\ <>& 170
Pl'rn-Hizzom;. Joanna 1-+8
Pt•r!!an<L·. O..n.1ld 1-+6. 1-+7. 1-+8.
Pt•rroni. K,1,. 170
PPm. 1'achn·n l 12
P...-r\. Laur!'n 116. 119. 12:3. 1111
PnPr..,.n. \manda 2:3. :36. 106. 110.
tN. 1:30. m. 1:n n+. 192
Pnt·r-<•rL \nthom 109
P.. t..N·IL Cathlwn 1-+8
PnPr..,.n. Eril 98. 1:)9
PnPr..,.n. 1'YIP 1-0
Pt·lt'NHL. ara 12:l 181
PPtit. lh.m 170
Pnn·tti~\\ atnn2. f-ranklin 66. <).).
P1·1 rmir·. [ •IUrPn :J8. l H . 12:). 129.
l:l 1. J:)I)
Pt·lt-. id1ola-. 1-0
Pfarr. Danid 170
Pfr.iff..... Cara 1-+H
Plwlf"· O.,ar.ih 11-t. I.)<)
iml1· 122. 1111
Par-; :?nat. T1w~I 1:-;g'""icz. J1Hin I 111
P<t-tPr-lL D.rni..I 1:)11
Pa.-tor. ( Lw ba I-tPA 7Hlr AF <XJ.
LTL\G 227
Pa111·NHL J.-ff 1-0
Pa11l.1u-la-.. Gal"\ .)-:'. 1-+7
PaulonL ..-l I fO
P.111l-·1L Juli.m -o. 181
Pm.-1ir. [)."~".m l;)ll
Pa' rw. O.·ni..,.. 00. 1-0
Pt·aNHl.. l-. .1n·n -:'-:', 10& 11-t. 127.
l:l L i:n 1:tt. us. 170. 212
Pt-. ·h;L D.mwl!.- 1-0
Pt"<lrN •IL fam...-. CO
Po-.. 111cho\\, Dan 8.)
Pottn. llO. 11\1. 1f>-t, 171
Potth<L•l , J ·ffn·, 12:). l:i9
Pou-.. \111arul.t. I I. I lb. I I,_ I 1
P1mt'IL Jam,.,, 12"2. llll
P1m ..1L Jtbtin I llJ. 1:l8
Pmwll. 12:l 181
P1mo·IL \hdia.-1 l-:' 1
Pm-a• l h-hal I fa 1:38
Prrtl..-r. "amh J:)ll Ju-.1il1!' 18. I H . 11-). 126.
l:l'2. Ll"l. 11\1 . 2-t8
p,...,ttd!!!"'. Rof••n --t. 1.18. 181
Pmlo. Rad1a.. I :~t llO. 1'}2
PRO\! lb. 17
Pn ... l11L '-u·w 181
Prozan-ki. D,111 :tt. 1-+8
Pn '"· RudwU.- 112. 181
P1i ·irL Counrlt'\ 181
Puolrr. \loru<"l.I 12"2. 1:'1'2. 171. 181
Pm·ru ... D..·,anim 181
Pu!.l1.. ].-ff 8
P1J.-n1.. tnt'n %. 1:3<">. 15CJ
Pult•r.L 7..a.·ha~ 1.)C)
Rid1111on<l \IP,i-. 22. 12"2. Ill& Jl~2
Richmo111l \lichat·I --t. PI
Ri1l1·r. Ja, I~~ 1.)9
Hit~'"' "- i ''"'' HI\
Hi1~.lfi, <•·lia Z2. -t:l. :>-+. 11~2. Nl.
Hi"'"'"· J•Wlllll<l <). Hr2. l():J. 122.
l.t2. 1<t2
Hidl1• Hwhanl 112
Rj, ....,., Jim gg
Riz!!nL Jrnnift·r t:;q
Qua1111arn ·p_ J..ffn·\ 1-1
Q1wlL.1. R, an -:>. 1:)9
Ql ILL &'-/'HOLL 1:l'2. J:l:l
C)uinJ". """I•· 1-1
Quinn.·( hri-toph•·r J,)l)
Hi2lnl1·r. \u-un 2"2. 1Hl. 10;~
Ril..,. Chd-.ea 12". l:lO, 1.;-. 1-1
Hilt,;. Tiffam <J. Z2. -tlJ. :>-+. 61. <>It
· 1><J wit i:n n7. m>. 1<r.t
Rin!!"alil \rrJw·r 171
HinlP. '-arah 12-t. J:ll. 171
Hi-.taoL \\ hitn•"\ --. 1-1
Hira'"'~'- Bl"\an .12-+. 12:>. 1:)9
Hitan .t. Ht;lll'(·<.1 122. Jl);j
oa 1.-f)
Hiw-. Dion J:l'J
Hohhin-., B··n m. 1."i'I
Hohhin- \\ illi.1111 1-1
Hofw·n-.,(,.1, -+1) 1'.!-:', 1-+1. 171
Hol •·n-.. Jt-1111ifn 1)'I
Hohirho11. J1 •rthin g:;_ HM>. 10 I, 1."i<J
Hohin-.on. \h k1·I I-+ 1 1-1
RODE' . C4. i\.fERA & PHOTO 216
llo,4.!1·~. \11" IBI
Hodn:,r111·/ •.1,;..,. -.~l~ ):)()
Hi.ln~111·, I .11r- 1-1
Ro<lri:!'.111"/ 0-<11r P 1
Hrx•-.t. \lidwd 111
Hofit"'· \li-.1~ 112
Hoonano. Chari..., 1-+B
Romano. Cina HO. IOH. 12-t. l:l 1.
Rado\i<, \<Luu ..,B, ];)()
Ra.. tlwr. \ 111arl<lt 17 I
lfoNlwr. Kari1· 1'~2
Haint•\. Kara 111. 22. 2.). -t-t. -+7 ..>-+.
· 1H. 11.). 122. nit 1q2. 2:tt
Ranun·z, Liz I IO. 111
Hand.It•. \lat' 117. 11r2
Ra11ta. \li11<h 22. 21. :-xi. 8:~. 12."i.
12 .
1:i:1. 11~2
Ranti-i. Jam..-. 1111 D,mit•I 7:>, J:)l)
Ra-h. Katit· 7-, 12-+. 12lJ. J:lll. 171
Ha-.ntu-. ...t~n. \rub-f~"\\ );)()
Ra-.nuh-.t'rL T1·n·-.a J:lO. 1111
Ratti!(all. l:>t·ni-.t · -+-+
lfoui2ao1. hin·n 22, 26. -+-+. -+7 ..)9.
m. l()g_ 122. 1:J<J. 1-+ I. 11~2 .
1ll:l. 2:tt. 2:r. 2.-,i
Raul>11rfi. Ja-.on lllt 171
Haulnirf(. 7..a.-lia~ 1-1
lfo1w11"1. Dn·" -1. IO I. 1B I
l{au-.d1. \ma111L.1 12-t. 1-1
11'.ISOJ.\ L\ 199, 213
Ht•t·l. Brandon 11<1. 181
RECIU \TIO \I O.,l'ORT'i Cl-+. <~"i
R<·d•!! \laulw" llll 22B
Rt·<Um. I .om .. t~ 1-t:B
RKU11L \Ian· l!ll
RtiUir1 \lt•_han 12.). l.)<J
R"~'" \ rn.m• Lt 1.-;q
Ht·t·w-.. Hachcl 1-1
R..lwr. \lari•• l't2
Rdwr. \lt·rl.. ,):l <l(i
Rl'i<l \lei:an 17. 127. 192. 114
R.-icl l ma 1.)9
Relf, Robin 1-+8
R.. in.-NllalL Jt-rt:d --t. l\'2. 8:l JIU
ReitPnnan. Kutit> g,)
Renawl GTt'!! 112
HernO.·r. Eli.-e 12-t. l:)ll
HPnla.-. h:inJ,..rh --:-. 12"2. 181. l~l
R<'--<-i!!lln. Li-a I i2. 120. l:)ll
R.....,.•ndn. ~n<h 2"2 . •lo. I-+ I. lq2
HPtli1-l . .\aron 10. -R 11r2
RmirL l.11 .. la lil
RPtllt'r C'.alen 2h. --+. 181
R"'"'. I lolh 1:-t2. 181
Hn ru•lcl-. Danidl.. 12:'1, lBl
R..\ n<>H-.. \f=.i.n '.2h. bl. -6. 77.
• 1~2. ll;J. 11t2. '.2-tRnm . u·hoh-. 8. ,-)(1. 8<> IOR 1 l<l,
. 16-. IP». 11r2
Hh••"-- Julill-. 1-+8
Hiechi•l. ll1on1< - l:ill
Ril"c·ianb. \.trio 66. 100. 130. l:)<l
Hie!'. \Ian !.)
Ri, han:L-. Tra,i- J,)ll
Rid1<ml-.. \X illi,1111 171
Ridianl--orc frrt'lll) -:'.)
Ho111anrm-ki. \111aol<L.1 129. 1:JO.
l:lH. 1- 1
Rononwlfang..r. \latthr·" Jll;l
R,.,,,.,. Thoon<c- 171
Rlhalt.:,. \driana 1:l0. 171
Ro·.. ale.... Frarwi~·o -i6~ IB 1
Ho-.i·. H"'n 19:l
Ro-.enllt;rf(. DaniPI J.)9
H1N·1111 1ttt·r. '\whola-. 1,1
Ho-.i1c-li. l..aun·11 1-1
Ro-.-.. Du-.tin 1:)9
Ho-.-.i. \lh-.on 1-1
Ro""'· \J:1uh1·" Jl);J
Rui.trL \n!.wla li"i. 1-1
HuarL \ al1·mina -g_ 1:t2. 1:n J:tt.
Hud<L (;orril' 1:;1)
Hud1-. ,,,....r 1:-fJ
Huffalo. 1-.r...ton II'.!, 120, 121 , 1,1
Huffolo. C.a--a111lra Ill I
Ruffolo. John HJ:l. Hll
H11ffolo. I i111l--n --. 102. 120. I:)()
Ruffolo. \lauri;ia i:JO. l:)IJ
H11ffolo. \Ii hrn·I -g_ -:''), l'l:l
H11!:~- \latth"" :lit ll!J, 171
Huh1" J1,..1·ph 1-1
Huhlt•. \larin (J(i, l!ll, 22-+
Hui,., \l .. lli-...a J:l. Z2. -t:l, :i-t Hl<i.
122 13'2, 1:i:i. 1:l-t. l-t2, 18."i,
1o:J. 2-t-t
Ru111ad1il. Carl l:ilJ
Hunn••·. I lt·atlwr 1111
Hu-<Tll. O.,.·ott J:;()
HtL-. ... -11. \11.-n :'.IJ, 1~:l. 121>, HI.
17-t JO:J
Ru-. ... 1, '-tP[~ianw 1.l'2, l:l6, 181
\f4 4.GE 2D-l
R11td1il \1l.trn 12"2, 1-1
Ruu-hiL Kan i 1. - • 10. l I. 2"2. -t:l
h2 hll. 1()(). t:l'2. 1. l 1:J.t.
1-+2. 11~ 18.). 10:1 2:tt. 2-t-t
H11td1il. \l.11"\ bB
H11td1il, ar:-1..., :l6, 1:;q
I p
One Last Breath nb
_ ;:>
'-aarnio. \ mhon' 50. 98., 132. 181
Sadcm h Ja.-.on ila 159
. dc>w-ki. Jerenn 1' 1
, lani. \lichael "'.75. 8-+. &3. H3. 159
Sa!fu. \nn 69. 102. 103. 181
Sala,.. Emily 160
Salata. Rac'hel 120. 1' l
Salzbrenner. Rebekah 13. 18. 19.
-:'6. 193. 112. 1 H. 11.'i 126.
127. 131. 13:3. 139. 193
Samp--on. I\ ri.-topher 160
SandiJ!'rg. l\atit' 171
Sander-, Brian 12-t. 171
San~r-. Charle> HS
Sander-. Thoma.' 66. 1.18, 193
Sandel'>on. '\ichol!' 120. 160
Sandt'r-on. Richard 89. 171
San(hirk. LPn\\i 188. %, 160
Sanford T t'rt'-a 160
Santelli. Tailor 91. 19.'3
Samo-. Jc,,.; 2.'3. -tO, 100, 101, 19.'3
Sarauer, \1icha!'l 91, 118
Sater. \dam 160
Sauh-. John 193
Smic. lYana 28. 92, 109, 119 13"2.
136, 1-t 1. 178, 181, 217. 2-t7
Sawyer, \ndre" 171
Sbaffiuni.,,, Jenna 172
Scalzo, Brandon 22, 119, 193
Scalzo, Briana 16, 22, 5-t, 126, 130,
139, 193
Schaefer, teven 181
Schan~ A,hJey 80, 85, 120, 160
Schani, Da~id H8
Schani, Jaclyn 80, 81, 8-t, 85, 96,
113, 122, 181
50, 51
Schend. Jamie 96, 97, 1-t5, l-t8
, henk, Brooke 91, 103, 109, 172
Schenk, Jonathan 22, 23, 56, 7-t,
91. 119, 19.'3, 23-t
Schenk, Karl 22. 23, 7-t, 75. 90, 91,
95. 193, 23-t
Schenk, \fork 7-t, 102, l-t8
Scheppa. Taran 172
Scherer, K ri.,ten <i2
Schim-i. Jo-.eph 181
Schiller. Julia 7. 2-t, -t3, 62. 106,
1.'3-t. 136, l-t2. 150, 181. 18-t.
187. 196
Schindler, Emih 69. 92. 172. 211
Schlm:. \dam 26. 66. 95, 126. 127.
129. 131. 172, 20-t
Schla<. Tm<'\ 22. 2.'3. 66. 127, 19.'3.
23-t. 2::1.;
Schlenkt>r. F ranci..-co 181
Schlick. Eri.k l ci;3
hmicl \nn l-t8
hmidkonz. :'\i olt> 80, 123, 1-t 1.
• hm.idt. \aron 160
Schmidt . .\manda 92, 121 , 172,
hmidt. Daniel 172
hmidt. Ja.-<m 1 lS
"ichmidt. '\icole 120, 172
"<-hmidt. Paul 33
Schmi(h .• ·ott 1'2
S.·hmit .\mhom &)
hmitt . .\ ngela' 181
· hmitz. Chri.-topher 75. 160
"ichm.itz. Greg 112
'-irhneidPr. \ mhoO\ 13. 112
Schn<>idn. John &3'
· hn<>ider, l\arlee 76, 77. 86, 92.
·hnrider. Ryan 160
"<-hnuck. KeU, 193
hnuckel. r1tt 3.3, 79, 127, 13"2.
181. 215
hoen. Gri.-ch 182
hon.-ched: • .\miand 160
'ichon.-.check. Kimberly 18'2
Q~ One Last Breath
"chrandt. \Uan 7.). 103. 160
-,..hrurnh. Phillip 10-t. 119. 182
!:i<·hnK·cwr. Kn -tal 12:3
Schuh<'. Samantha .'>-t. 68. 86. 10'2.
120. 160
Schulte., tephanie 16. 132. 19:3.
SC"hultz. .\pril 172
Schultz. Eric 19:3
Schultz. Johnathon 118. 193
Schultz. Stt'\ en 22. 23. 78. 193. 2.'3-t
Schulz. \1auhe" 118. 193
Schwenk. Jo-eph 18'2
Scott. .\nthon1 100. 182
Scon. .\'hlee i2-t, 160
Scon. Erica 195
• on. K<!'in 7-t
on. Olivia 22. 23. -t6. HO. H 1.
Scon. Paul 160
Seberic. Counne, 68. 86. 195
beric. Peter 7 i, 18'2
Seiber. Jo-eph 13-t. 18-t, 196
Seidl Kri.-ten 66. 80, 86. 8:, 96. 97.
Seidler. .\ngeli4ue H 1, H8. 23:
Seirz. Em.ih &3
Sen~lbach. '\ick 78. -:'9
Sendlebach. Stew '"8. 79
Sengbtbch, Keiler 109, 110, 122.
SengbLbch, TreYek 88, 89. 10-t. 119.
SF_'\lOR BA'\QLET 20. 21
SE..'\lORS 186
Sennholz. \mher 172
Sennholz, .\ndrew 160
Se1mholz. Darrell 195
Sennholz. Jo,,eph 160
SEfYf. 11 TERRORIS\1 -tO. -t I
Serpe. Katel) n 160
Serpe. \1ichellt> l-t8
Sernii..,..Ru.-ecki. Sarah l-t8
hada. Kiryl 102, 103. 125. 156.
Shah, Shahzore 1-16
Shapiro, \fanhew 79, 100, 101,
107, 125, 160
Shapiro, Sarah 22, 26, 5-t, 55, 76,
77,92, 195,209,23-t
Sharp, Laton) a 119, 138
heehan, A lex 112
Sheeh-, Amanda 160
Sheforgen, 1\eal 172
Shekem, Emiko 7, -t6, 122, 132,
16.'3. 1S2
Shekem.. '\arhaniel 79, 95, 160
Slwrfin.-ki, Kimberl) 68. 12.'3, 13'2.
Shi<>rk. \\ il-.on 1-tS
Shilrer. Ht'ather 86
Shimon.. Dan HS
Shuemate, Thoma.' 19.)
Shulti.-• .\1111 66. 86. 130. 160
Shupe. .\ lli.-iH1 68. 86, 160
SieL.. ki. Bren 172
Siel-ki. Jenna 13'2, 18'2
Sigman. Jp-. .. ica 7. lS, 51. 126. 12'".
130. 13'2, 18'2. 193
• TC;>. L \:\Cl -\GE CU 13 1-tO. 1-t 1
Sikich. \\ e-.ile1 160
c;ikora. Emih 't 16
, iJ..o,_k1, Rciben 160
• ikor-ki. Ott 118
Sil,a. \fonin 7-t, 172
imo. '\ichola.-. 160
, imon.. .\aron 105, 172
. imonm~ch. Sonja 116, 18'1. 2-t6
imon-en. :\icole 172
imp-on. 112. 120. 160. 161
Simp-on. Lamar -:'O. 1-:'2
inger. .\mh\\ 1:3. 18. &3. 112. 1n
123. 160, 17.')
ingt'r. \ft'gan 21. 22. 23. 80. 81.
109. 110. 122. 12:3. 193. 2:3-t
·inger. Su.-an 1-t8
inozich. \ ndrt>a 19.)
·iJ'."'ma. I\ ri.-ten 22. 2.'3. 72. 7:3.
127. 13.'3. 23-t. 2-t9
. elron. Janet 160
J..ihba. \~ enth 193
'-1..okut. Ca--andra 130. 160
. laaht. Leah 12-t. 172
"laght. Tyler 5-t, 1&3
later. Sheena 182
Sle-.Z1 n-ki. Brian 79. 12.'3. 160
c;rnaJL Derek 18'2
c;ma.Il.. Kara 125, 131. 163. 172. 199
<;man.• tephanie 22. 139. 1-t 1. 195
Smart,\\ illia111 172
SmN. j('--... ic<i 1:36. 160
Smick. StPphanie 172
Smith• .\dam 38. 129. 1'.30. t:3'2.
13:3. 13-t. 1:36. 182
Smith• .\ndre" 75. 12-t. 1:33, 160
Smith. A mhon, 139
Smith. Chri.-toiJher 7-t. 95. 1-:'2
Smith. Con 3. 18"1
Smith. Daniel 172
Smith. Jo-eph 160
Smith. Ka.ran 36. 11-t. H 1. 160.
Smith. Ke"an '":'>. 160
, mirh. K1 le 7-t. 138. 18'2. 2.3.3
~ \fanhew 160. l72
Smith. \lichael -:'-t, 126. 138. 18'2
Smith. Renee 172
Smith. Samantha 160
Smith... tephanie 18'1
Smith. Timothy 172
Smith. \\ illiarri 160
, nawh·. Daniel :', 1. 12-t. 1:2
Snediler, Ru... -ell 8.3. 12-t. 129. 131.
Snider, \fan -t2. l-t8. 2:',-t
Sni·der. Rachel 62. 125. t::l:3. t::l.).
H2. 157. 163. 1'2. 181. 25.'3
Soart>-. Lore1ia :'>2 ..').'3. %. 16-t, 19.)
OOCCER. BOYS 78. -:'9
OOCCER. CTR LS 91. 9.'3
Socha, .\dam 1, 7-t. 8.3. 12-t. 1-:'2
Soden. Rehekah 20, 22. -t2. 1%
OOFTR\LL 10'2. 103
Soli.-. Rebecca 160
Som!'nt>k. Jonathon 1'2
Sooue .. , Lorena 80
Soreoo,en, \my 120, 160
Soren,,en. Lat;rel l-t8
So.. a. Shannon 5-t. 76. 193
So-a, \ ero11ica 182
South, Orion 26, 11-t. 18'2. 25-t
Spaeth, Andrew 125, l72
Sparb, Kri>ten '", 50, 108. 13"2,
136, 18'2
Spata, C.ara 78, 13"2. 16-t, 182
Spauldi';!l(• Lia 2-t, 106. 13.'3, 13-t,
I.Jo, 1-t2, 172, 196
Spencer, Chri.,,topher 172
Spencer, Kenneth 172
SPTRTT 28. 29
Spratling, .\my 160
Spratlin9, Tri..;ha 18'2
. tace1 • Jeff re, 36, 18'1
Stachon. Ryan 100, 12-t. 172
. tadtlander, Richard 18'2
ST\FF 1-t-t
Stamm, Ruth 52, 139. H8
Stancato. Rile1 85
Stani.,, '\ichola., 18'2
Stanle, • Lace' 160
Stanuin, .\ -hlee 160
Staple-. lefree 70. 160
Stark. Brandon 172
Starr, Kyle 7-t. 91, 126. 129. 1-t 1.
Statema, Brett 7-t. 17.'3
Statenia.. \tidwlle 18'2
Stt'at~ Denni,, 160
Steagall Ju,,tin l-t8
, teranmic. -\lebandra <i2. 160
Sterano,ic. K atarina 9. 22. 108.
13'2. 195
Stein. Candace 103. H8
, tein.. Felecia 120. 12-t. 160
• teinbrink. Tricia 13"1. 13.'3. 1.'3-t.
H3. HS
c;teiner. Patricia 160
Stt'iner. Rebecca 103. 126. 1.'3'2. 18'2
Steinmetz. Kayh nn :. 18. 127
tein.-eifer. Dan:ca 120. 160
. tein-<>irer. Jeanell1n-t1. 120. 1-:'3
tender, Jame,, :5: 160
'tepler. Heather 160
ITEPPI. G STO'\"E. HO. 1-t l
terba. Beck, 68. 86. 195
• terba. BrenCla 19.')
Steven.... \1e«an 161
tewan. \1eR~-a 86. 91. 1 H. 120.
161. 2-tS
. tt'\n. Chri..-tiP-Lee 161
tib. Garren 110
Stich. .\Li-on 12, 111. 126. 12 • 130.
132. 18'2
1ile-. \lexan~r 122. 161
'rile-. Sarah 161
Siok..-. Sean 22. -:'-!. -:'.). 119. 19:)
, tra-h, C.aroh n 108. 12-:', 1:36. 1:'1'>.
167. 132
Str!'Ckn. Ca.-.-, 109. 112. I H . 173
Strehlo\\. lenniler 18'2
."trouf. Raclwl l<r2. 161
Stucke,. K<"'in -:'-t. %. t:.'3. 220
tuckl:1rd lam!'- -:"9. 91. 161
STLDE..'\T COl RT -t-t. -t3
STL DE.'\T GO\ ERS\lE ~ 108.
STUDIO 75 22-i
• tun cz. Jay 39. 129. 131. 173
Sruri·cz, Julie 110
Sn l~. Sarah 173
SLB DEB D \'\CE 1-t. 1.3. 136. 137
Su.idika>, Cynde! 161
Suk. \lli.-ori 120. 161
Suk. Anthon, 18'2
SuJli,an, \ntoinene 102. 161
Swnmerfield lame- &)
Slbtache. '\ichola> 91. 17.'3
Suter, \manda 18'2. 22-t
S"an-.on. Brian 161
Swan..on. Eric 136. 1'3. 1:9
Swanz, Leeanne 161
Swanz, \1ara 38. -:'-t. 96. 161
S"artz. Rand\ 18'2
SWERDLIN, ·H., M.D. 205
S\\iatko. Renet' HS
S\\ l\l\tl'\G, BOYS 8'2, &'3
S\\l\I \H'\G, GTRLS 80. Sl
Swi.-her, l\ateh n &)
Symond.,, Ricl1ard 173
Symoncl.,, \\ illiam 139. H8
S\'\1PH0'\1C \\ l'\US 126. 127
Syreini. Jacob &3. 15.'3. t:.'3
Szabo, There-a 119. 123. 182, 189
Tahaka. Hoben 18'2
Tabor, Jmnirer 30. -:'6. 119. 150,
Tait, Cregon 75. 161
Takaha.,hi. Stephanie 18'1
Tappa, '\ichoJa., 19.)
Tapper, Catlwrine .'), 6. 7. 1.'3. 1.),
22, 106. 110. 122. 13.'3. 13-t.
l-t2. 195. 237. 2-t 1
Tarbo'<, Eric 17:3
Tarbox, Sarah 112. 123. 1%
Tatro, Jamie 17:3
Ta, lor, Dananian 100. 12-t. 12.)•
126. 131. 18'2
Tailor, Jamie 195
TE.\Cl !ER CO. :rn \CT 59. lH
Tee_g~men. '\icolee 33
TEt..'\ TLR\10lL 38. 39
TE\ fPEST 13-t. 13.)
Templ<>t'.>n., eal P3
TE.'\-:\lS. BO) S 100. 101
TE.'\'"\lS. GIRLS ..,6. '-:'
Tenuta. Fred -:'-t
Tenuta. John 31. 50. 100. 108. 139.
Tenuta. \1ichael 100. 126. 1.'3'2.
18'2. 199
TE!W.!I'A' DELI 222
Tem. Branili 13.'3. 13-t. 139. 18'1
Te.. .. ;,ian. T, ler 112
Tetting. l\yfe 110
Tew-.. '\turk 7.5. 93. 161
Thien. Kell' 27. 108. 116. 119.
. 12.'3. i8'2 Bradl<"' 193
Tiummt--ch. Kri.--ien 161
Thoona-. Clm-tina I H. 122. 12:3,
UR l:JO. 1%
Thrnna-. Dain lb I
TH0\1AS, JEFFERY R., O.D. 211
Thoma-. Kam H 1. 1-tB. 2:).'
ll10ma-. \ 1idia..-1 18'2
Thoma-. Rob HB
ll1oma.-. \\ hitnt·' lo:3. 1:-:.:t lb I
ll10mp-<111. Chri.~tin<i !"". 22. 2:l
5:. 129. 1'.31. l<l:)
Thom. Rian H. 129. t:-!O. t:i8. 161
Thram.-. L..ura lbl
Thra-ht>r, Rt>nw -t 1. 1 lb. 120. 161
Threll..elcl l\a\ la BO. 112. 120. lb-+.
17;3 .
Threlkeld. :\icole 161
111 rell..ekl \\ illiam 12:3
Tijerina. .\nmnda 1:'>. %. 10<'1. 116.
11-:'. 120. 1~3. 219
Tinkt'r. Patrick 1%
Tinker. ',ean 115. 139. 173
Toll3L-k\ . .\-hi<"' -:'7. 10'1. 103.
t:20. 161.
Toll3L-k,. Keith 1m
Toll3L-l i. Tera ~2. 122. 13'2, 18'2
Tolliwr.'Sarah 1-:'3
Tomczak. Lmora :36. 72. -:'3, 13'2,
1.'37. 18'1. 21'
Toonie. Dalihorka 161
Topel Bia k<' HS
Torca-.<>. .\mhon1 161
Torca-<>. Rita
110, 122, 12.'3.
13'1. 1S2
Torr!'-.. Ho..pnuin 161
Toth, Emih 161
Touht"1. Pamela 86, 120. 161
Touhei. Panick 100, 195
Town-encl Doug 103. HS
TR \CK. BOYS 9-t, 95
TR \CK, GTRLS 96, 97
Tranberg. Katelyn 120, 161, 207
Trecroci., '\1ark 173
Tredup, Jamie 103, 173
Trelfo, Dan 110
Trent, Jame., 173
Tre\TuO, .\ ndrea 161
Tre'i~o. Sarah 10, 13"2, 18'1
Trottier. Chri.,, H8
Tuhh.. Sharon 18'1
Tucholl R,an 161
Turco. \tichelle 1, 13, 22, .56, 112,
115. 13.'3. 13-t, 1-t2, 16.'3, 195,
2.'3-t. 25.'3
Turco. '\ichola, 11, 2-t, -t.'l, 62, 13"2,
1.'3.'3. 13-t. l-t2, 18'2
Turtle, DaYe HS
T"on, Emih 86, 96, 97, 173
Tzome-.. \tanu H9
Lhlir. J<•-hua 1-:'.'3
Llbt>n • .\bU..-. 1().'3. 1%
Llnw. Kaith'n 1 H. 11:). 12-t. 131.
t:.'3 .
L lrich. Jo-.<•ph 173
l mfrr--. Rohen 1.'3'2. 18'2. 216
l m-cheicl \file 22 . ..,-t. ~.). 89.
10-t. 10.'). 1%. 2:3-t
l rll3n. Dawn 161
L-inger. .\dam 7.'). 161
L-inger. Brian 173
L:-ingt>r. Karla 21. 60. 10-2. 103.
1&3. 1%. 215
L\inger. Rick~ 173
\ al1·ri.. Ja1li.. H9
\ aleri.. :\whol..i- 78. H6. l:r.'. 171.
\ ah1·rrl1·. \ruln·a 11~2
\ a11C:c-11•r. Bn an11a I 10
\ a11d1•ht·i. \1..f<.. .,., l"':i
\ ariOwrl•••J>. C:o11nn<') 161
\ m" lt·f·t. '\l('olt· U~2
\ arµa... Ro111w1a HH
\ \Hlf·:n -.110\\ Ill. 19
\ anwll. ha1 ,1ra lh I
\ ""!"'.,, \ .1lon'· Ill I
\ a-.c pwz. \ iH·ntt" U~l
\a......... Bill H<l
\ mdrn. \11!!d.1 HJ:l. l"':i
\ l ' ll<L J1•U1• J-t()
\t•n111ra. \nthom 161
\ t•111Un1. I r..c1or ·ng
\ e11111ra. \lid1.wl 66. 9-t. <J.>. 1r;i
\ Plllllrilll. J1•1Plll\ 12-t. J:ll. 17:i
\ .. rhick. wol .. i 12
\ t·r1wrv. C:11no-.. ll6
\I('\ I lit 1 l<l
\ i...,.-.L R1 ...a 2-t. U~l
\ it ·lh. \111].-r "'. :i.t. :l'I, 62. 109.
1:n 1:i.t. 1:l'>. I-ti. H2.
17<l, 1m, 20n
\ iµait-k\ . \h "'O. - I, llB. lf> 1
\ iµmi-l) . l·.ri.. k -t-t. -t:;. "'O. 7 1.
m. o:;, H>'I, 122 1:t2. 1m
\ illalolw .... D1·ni-t· H<l
\ illaloJ ..... r:>.-.1im 12:l. m l
\ illatom. Li,.11111 ·110
\ illt1p. Fallo11 120. 12-t. l"':i
\ ilona. \lonwa J()<I. 19:;
\111·. \11µ1 ·la lhl
\ 1.-.1. Tiani ml
\ 1 •·lz. \ "" m. 12:t m2. un
\ o~t , Kur1r U~i
\ oj1a, Jo-q•h Ill I
\ 01 I L \ B \I r., Bm ~ 70. - 1
\ OLLL\ B \I.I ., C.IHI c.::. <>9
\ 11k1·1id1 J;wq<·li11 r:-.l
\\ a111h1ldt. Jam,... 12-t. 162
\\ anru1ll. Jami<' 18. 19. 29. .>-t. 1 H .
12:3. 1:N. 19-t
\\ arrl Dan 11& 18:i
\\ arrl John -:;
\\ anl H1·lw.,·1·a m. Pr+.&>. 11.1. 19-1
\i anuM-k. Kd .. 71. 173
\\ arn·1L J11li;1 19-t
\\ a1kirt... \mh· r 18:3
\\ atkirt-. R, an 162
\\ at rinµ . B,'.;uam 80. &-;. 1 n. H~>.
\\ mrin!!. l ~lizaJ, &>
\\ mrin!!. Karpn 77. lO:l 1211. no.
l"':t l<JO
\\ atri11~_1m·u .. H9
WAUKl'.h ' ORIE.,TAL 1<;8
\\ " " iorla. \rnan<la <J:l 120. 1-:i
\\ f'aklan1L R..111},..n 3.)
\\ ..H\l' r. J1·rih nn P .'3
\\ 1·bh. Bn• 11ina 2-t. 112. 1 n. 122.
lllO. 19-1
\\ 1·hl1. Hho11<L1 H6. H<J
\\ 1·1.-r. r:>.-.. inu · 11:;, 12:i. 1:l8. i-:3
\\ •~ lct..I. \laina J :~t 1:H. 1'4
\\ <'< ·k... Ca rh 1b2
\\ t·~r.wr. ~1_11~ R lhH
\\ 1·1rnl. Llwuw·1h h2. 1:0. •~2. •r.t
127. t:ll. 17:i
\\ 1·i..... Damo11 H9
\\ 1·i..-.. \lariah 22. 116. 1P . 1:l6.
1:r.. 1m. 1•4, 2:i-t
\\ 1·lk1 •, I Jt.adwr :t -:'-t. 17:3
\\ ... lhni1·l <><i. % . t::i
\\ .. 11 ... \ltclwl1· c.:t ur2. 1f>2
\\ 1·11... '\arn; Hll
\\<·II-. Holx·n 1:i. -th. :;o. 1111. J:lO.
\\ .. 11..r. '"" :~,. :r , :i<J. -t 1. <~t <lfi.
l()IJ. i II>. 11-. 12"2. 12:l. 1:3'2.
\\ 1·111lorf. Carol HlJ
\\ l'rl!.Wr. \ IH\
\\ 1·n11-. \cL11i1 -p~ t7:t 20-t
\\ 1·1111·. \),., 100, 101
\\ ql1·r. Jo.. q1h ~-t I().), P :3
\\ q1kin!!. Bn·lf "'-t. •>:;
\\ m1u-l111!(. \lli-<111 10lt 111>. 1-;1
\\ t·rnwlill!!. Jarn • 22. :;o. 110, 122,
\\ 1·11h. \Jt.la11i1 · HH, 114
\\ 1n1•. Charlt·.. HIJ
\\ 1·.. 1. \11h11r <>. 22. "'-t, q:;. 112,
11 :1. 122, t:ll~ 1'4. 2:tl, 2:i.t
\\ 1·.. 1. J...1·rnltl -::;. Bil. 12:1. 1h2
\\ 1·-1 . J...1·11drick 7.) . ()1. o:;. 12:1. lh2
\\ 1·.. 1. I 1111L_,., 1 H . 122, 1 : 1: ~ 114 ,
20- .
\\ •·-1 , "11·pha1111 · 130 11>2
\\ 1·..11·nn1 ·" ·r, Brinn<·•' 120. l"';i
\\ 1·..1pla11.; ~irah 17:3
\\"' nuwh. I ind,, Hll
\\ C I\ J.l-t t.i>
\\ hal1·11. \I" -t 122. t2:l. 1 ; ~,.
\\ h1tt foot , h:n... tin.a IH.1
\\ a•L · u hola.. l~I 1-:i
\\ mL' Ha• h.wl •~2. •n, 1-:i
\\ 1uL ·, Tnn•~h\ 1h2
\\ !!IHT, '"'"' •• no. 162
\\ a!!rn r J•·nmf..r 1' 4
\\ nJ,L," · J•·n·rm --t
If .U..CREE . .203
\\ 11l1!!ora. J... .11hl•···n lh2
\\ nlkrr, John Hll. 2:l-t
\\ •• 11 .. k--in l 31~ l:<I. 12'>. n I.
1.t2, l'lll, 18:t Jll<)
\\ .1lt..r, C 1rl H<l
\\ alt. ·r Jdln·, l\<1. 1111. 17:i
\\ .1lt1-r. J.·nni(er 2"2. 2:t [',(>. 10ll.
I Ill. t:i:l. 114 . 2:i.t. 2-tll
\\ .1ltt·r-. 1 t·m 1-:i
\\ amJ.,Jd1 . Elizal•·th 16. 22. 66.
h7. 1'4. 2:H
I~ \Tt l Lrik 162
711il11r. \fa,1r11ili.111 -: ~ 7(), Uti, ~2B
·L.., J\t~~n -q_ o:~ <)(), l""':l 21 . . . ,
7..•-wt<·k. \lli..on llO, 120. l<~i
Z•-wu·L f\ iml··rl~ 2-. -t1J. in J:t2.
\\ hlln• k, Jamir ll~l
\\ hlln•l . \l .tll• ·n 12.) lh2
\\ ll\ 11', Coll<·1·n 1h2
\\ i1 ."J..1·r... Ju·im Jo-.cph U ~ J
\\ idrnar, Ln'!!of\ 'i .... , 1"4
\\ iL'!:1·l•' Bn·n•Lt -11 I lh. lh I, 11>2,
\\ i<"..!1 ·n , D.mi~l Ill2
\\ it"!!1·n , I , •.. Ji,· 12.>. lh2. 1-h
\\id!! ...., 1r 1h hh. 1 ~>. 12h. l.ll ,
\\ 1·nk1• <:11h<·nrw 2."). H 1. 1h2
\\ ienk1-. P.11ri<l 7-t. lll. %. 1-3
\\ i<·rzJ.ickr. Jemtifn 1&1
\\ i<·rzlii 11. \l.111lw" --t 7.). 118.
H;t>, JO;
\\ ill ..urn \ numd,1 18:l
\\ ilh ·Im-on John BR Hll
\\ ilk 1n.. on. :X1r.1 11 4
\\ 1llanl i:>.·ann,, r:-.l
\\ illt'llb. \ lli-.on ~~- :1:\ ~R :-~t ""'h,
-~ . lrnl. 1()1)_ 110. 111. 12"2.
l:l<I, l(,;l, 114 . 20<1. 2;l-t. 2:r:
\\ ilJ..m... Katt • :l/1, I H . 120. H 1,
H~i. ~-l:l
rnSCO.\ 'SIN CXJSST. 207
FIT.\ESS CEl''ffER 229
\\ i-< ·n1p. Phillip ..,-t. <1:;. 1-·i
\\ 1-man. H1>lx·n ll'.:l
\\ i-111»r. J;umit • <~2
\\ uhrm\ . J,..-,~1 .. t1·n<· Un
\\ 1111k. HHlll ->-1. (~~. <J<J, 1'4
\\ • .tf. JoriL111 -:":;. lh2
\\ olf. \11 ·ghan 162
\\ otr... J11-1in 17:l
\\ olfor<l Jo... hua ll~i
\\ olfon L Sarah 162
\\ <MKL \min·" 162
\\ ... 1. . . J... .. 11, 112
\\ '"• h\011 h.' \I t•ga n 110
\\orn-.11·r. 1\:,1 .. 12:;. 12<1. l:ll.
11>2 .
\\ n·. Bra11do11 <J:;
\\ HIXll I C <~). 91
\\ n!(hl. Cina H>:l. l"':i
\\ n!!lll. Tt·niLa ~:1 . .-tt . gh. :r ,
1:i::. 1'4. 2:i:l
\\ rolil1 ·\\ .. ki. lkhra H<I
\\\all. \liramk1 ll~l
\\ 'nia. Caroh 1111 12:;. l:l 1. l"':l
\\) 1111. \lwh.i..t t:l:l t..,;l
l..1n .m·lli. Jarol. lf~l
/..wrnn·lli. \lariw1ne J.t<I
z,,, ·iak , \lak .. IW. 1-:';l
/i ......111,·r. F\ 1•11, - , :l' I, h-1 '~2 HI
Zi """Ille r. ".u11.i1uha 2(). ~ lB. .J>, ++
-t.>. - :i. Hiil 120, HI , 1-;l
Zit·\i 'r-. ~tt·1·haru1 • 1-":i
Zahn. John 1-1-t. H'I
/ ..airn1 .. Thoma-. lh2
/ ..alokar, Colin J:i'l. l:il>. Ht{
/.wnora. \larnwl 1()2
Zai11h. \.,hh "'2. 7:l. t:t2. ll~l
Zarn t.. r. ~1<·w · u,1
Za11i11. \lai11a 66. <l"'. 12-t. 11>2. 2:; I
Z<tpp. Chri .. toplwr Un
Zapp. Ta1.i 120. 162
l..arl1·11i, \111all(L1 120. 1<>2
IAtrldti. Domini(' :2:2. ,)...,. '""'!~ . 7.) ,
llH. llll. 1<4
/ 1rJ..ui, Kaiilin 1-t. m. 1;t2. tm,
/..mu1m . b 1an 11:;, 17:l
7..i1111111:mui11. Ja.. ol. 12-t, u ,;1
Zinmwnuan. l.... um·n 112
Zl11111wnnan. I.orila U~i
/~ 1l1w · r. J..nnift.r 1 r2. H~l
Zorc. Bran<LHI 12:1. ll~l
/~m ·. \11·gan 120. l<il
Zorn. \nn;l \lari" 121. HI. Utl
Z..ainh1k1. Chri ..1ir1» l"':l
Z11rra. Hadwl HlJ
Z11111" .1h. \mb·1·\\ lfil
Znnul Ro.. i1· 110
Znra" .. ka. f:>.>11i11a 17:l
Z11rd1t·r. Crai!! Hi:l
/11.1:irwc Janu-... 1~<)
-=- (§
\\ h1ppl1-, Da11i..t "'-t, ()J , ml
\\ hi1ak1-r. \l..11..-.a H9
\\ hi11 · ( hri-1i111· •~2
\\ 1111.- <~·d>1n -t2
\\ h111 · Ha, m•· 12.l. lh2
\\ hi11 · "lwm H<I
\\ h11.·r...1. \in.111<lt ---1, 1-.1
\\ hitt·f..,1 , D.mi..J 100. I IO 12"2,
12h. 1-:i
\\ h11 ,.f...1, J ·--i .1 I 2:;, ,lO, 1-1 .
\\ ... l1·r, \ 1111111ari•· 1-tll
\\ a•L ', \ruw I ~ 22, 12h, 12(). 1:i.t,
\\ illiarn ... Brandon 162
\\ illiam... Da,id 7. 21. 22. -t6.
.)(). 12-t. 127. 12ll. J:i l.
11:3. 1<4
\\ illiam... Da,ina 162
\\ illiam... Dawnrmia 173
\\ illiarn ... t;:ni.n 12:;. J:i8. 161
\\ illiam ... Ju.. tina 1.10
\\ illiam .., \him 120. 11>2
\\ illiant-.. T r..tmPll "'-t. lS:l
\\ illi ... Mf 87. H<J. 2:H
\\ illi... Sw""' 1:)7. r:-:3
\\ illman. o.ini..1-:;. 162
\\ illnu111. Jo.,,·ph 7-t. % . 1m
\\ iL..on. J:>.·bi H 9
\\ii-on. Han1h 89. l-19
\\ it ... 111. tan i-t<J
\\ l'D t_ -.r:\IBLE 126. lT
\\ 1n1nl!'. Brandon 9:;. 1-:i
\\ in11·r... Jo... hua -:'-t. 1'4
\\ inh. kff m
\an. ( l11m \Ian I, ;-,;i. 1'4
\ ann\ J, ....... 11>2
\ aw1" . ' I i.. ha 120, t"':l
'.111· .. ·n•. k' 1-:i
H \Hll'Xli\ Dl. ' l HIBi 110
\ 1~-. D.mi.-1 J:l'I, lh2
'1wl r, Jo... h11a "'-t, lltl
\ OP Ix C0-01' <>0, h I
'orgt· rt-.t·n , Ja-.on ("' ~ 12~ , 12;). I:...>< >.
1:11 l<i'.1
\ or..::;t· n~ · n, I ..aun·n ;j(), 111 11'2.
IW, l.lO, t:ll , t:t2, lltl
\ orl , 1),1\ id I61
\ Ollll!!. \ ._troll h.). <>: ~ (~)~ ll)..f
oa. l""':l
\ olllt!! knnif1·r 121. 122. H<I
\nun!!. l\..uulan· 1-..l
\ ul•·. \le a1wlrn :Jo
\ ul • Ca therin•· -7, % . 120
'11le, Chn-toph"r 162
'Ollll!!', Bram lnn
\qua ..,fiould I w t lw
It \\otrld
IW'-.t <'olor.
lw tlw ('oolt·.,t 11<111w
for tlw rw I \lc·\1
t'harat 'tt·r. Think
ahout it- \qua tlw
dc·tc·<'tiw or .\qua tlw
<'t m ho\ '. 'i t•t>li<rn '.'.'.
3nd 3W3~
Future torec3sts
tor loc31 s~ies in the
tirst wee~ ot June consist ot thunderstorms 3nd he3uy r3in with
the mid b~s, it luc~y, possib ]y up to l~ degrees.
temper3 tur
HlllllllH'r '1nuck
up, \1otlwr :\ature made up for
our mild winter
with unw;uall) low
tempH, ere at ing comfortable dao.;Hroom:; in our
non-air conditioned ,.,chool.
>\ l
\ si
' \\ hile we
cooled down, Special £yent-; GoYernment
Conunittee heated up \fay 13-1? \\ith the
third t-:ipirit \'\ eek. Kicking off the week
with a fre,,hmen "pollbored '1tudent/faculty
tug-of-war. \W then challenged the clock
in PlayStation2 game,,, dre,,,,ed a-; our favorite celebritie!::> and fini-,hed the week attending a DiYer,,ity :\!::>sernhly and pep
:\lthough HeniorH '1UCce,.,,.,fully :-i}JOllbored a pie-{'ating conte-,t on \fay 16, they coulchl 't
pull of{ -·Tami~g of the
C.EA R on at Jarn• \ Prnon
' lenwntar). junior,, \lark
I lt>11t~dwl and Orion South
from \f,,. \ ngPI Bari') ·~ Drama
:3 da'" PlllPnain fmmh gradPr~.
~ F\R.
\ghdafna Bougrai1w. a
Fulbright ~·holar. n·acL, f, 1r t lw
fi~t annual \lulticultural Headin in <'Plebration of tlw '\ational
1:.du<"ational '"'wiati'm·, Head
\l'nr.,, \nwrica Ca111pail!n \larch.').
1111-tt>d h\ French wadwr Hita Kauffman. lw -pt>ni ,j,. WPPk,, -haring hi,, n1h11n•
in P'<changP for knowlt>dge about our-. FIGIITT:'IC
for tlw pizza "patula. junior~ Jon Ot>lle and K)
Ja<'oh) enjo) a rt>ward aftt>r thP \P EngJi,h Languagt> t''<am. EIP,·t'n ,,tudt>nh joint>d \1,,. \1al')
:n)<IPr and \f,,. \nnP BPrgqui"t in tht' tradition of
cPIPhrating ('()ur-e <'nmplt>tion at Her1Zo·,, on \la) 9.
coming up lor , r
exhJ~ arr-
0 2J
Shrew~ for S<'nior Show due to low r<'hear,.,al attendance and incomplete "eh.
\la, al,.,o ,.,ent tL.o.; to the
COlll1.o.;t>ling center to ~hoose Youth Option;.,
Program da-;;.,es. \\ ith Y-OP CO':>ting about
$3.S0,000 for 800 courses, KLSD placed
tighter restriction:; on choice;,.
l \
\ B To reward 800 '1tudentH and 170
Htaff. Renai.-;sance ho,.,ted our firHt outdoor
pizza picnic. and ,\ cademic AffairH Committee put together 170 teaching ':>tir'~Yal kits, '1upport ing Teacht>r :\ ppreciation \\eek.
Seniors stretched toward the final final;, after four year-, of
block ,,cl1eduling. lloweYer,
junior;, taking GT;., on June 8,
had a prolonged la,.,t week. Battling an un-,ettled teacher contract. cat~tropbic ewnt.., of Sept.
11 and frozen l \\ admi,.,,.,iollb, we
hit -;umnwr coming up for air.
, Pl\.Kl • 11p fwr cap and gown from \I~.
· yn krt..i•n during :JC lunch. ""nior ~:-tlwr (,11w;e
prt>p<.lrf>, for dw wall ano" dw -tal!t' for t ht> up·
corning graduation <kl). Each t•ap and go\\11 ordt>r
from Jthtt·rh indudi·d two t<i.-,t>k rnw a 1 rnjan and
tht> other an ·01 chann. Lon TIH
I , Tiit •.
,pnior Kylt•. ·mith hamnwr, a ,j,[,. pmwl at tht> C"'.ar
. ma,hing durin!! Sprin:;r flinir. \ pan of tht> ,,.nior
fundrai.,n ht>ld on \lm 13. tlw da., rai,,.d l.J8.
allow;ng -tudt>nh to talt> thrPP hit- for 1. ll1t> donatt'(l car nfft>rt>d paintt>d facult~ nanu-' u' 1.irgPh.
"T ath r at
out oor p1 n1 lidn~t
b th r n . It "ras "\\TOIi h it
tohav Dr. P·ula ki and N[r.
Roi lano serve free pizza
and soda to is. There "'a~
plen1! to go around for th
hun h· tl:; "Tho att n . . ._"4.'
- jr. Rian lich tenhe ld
@~enaissance picnic
coming u
f or
\ST l3 F Tl I:
Rushing th do r
May 29, senior avored a one-w ek arly
r lea ·e, only to return to th KUl D
i ld House the n xt day for a 1 p.n1.
graduation r hearsal. Th 380 grads,
a record low, turned tassels to a '·Milli
Vanilli. sp ech, whi h pushed then1
to find their own voice as th y left
the confin s of high school and look d
to a sun11ner of last hurrahs.
10 \IED.\L in hand and anot lwr mn
I ad ..,t'nior I "uca.., Dickin;,on aC<'<'ph
ht'lp to rt'dt'coratt' \\~th hi,, r<'gali a for picttirt'.., aftt'r tlw ccrt'mon, . C!tt-..,matt' ..,t'nior Cin("
Gt>mi pull, hi..., Kiwani.., Bamf
.\ward in plact'. ~]t'w·n o.,tudt'nh rt'Ct'iYt'd \1usi c
Kiwani.., .\ wanl, at final
conct'rh. SPOTl.IGHT on
karaokt' at - 11 <'r<'".., to tht'
ight - fit'nior Banquet.
..,t'nior-, Jo-h Kaddatz and
Clair!' l lai1.,t'11 ..,hart'd a
mic with tlw Cltt-" of -02
for fa, oritt' .,, mg.., o.,uch a.,
-Lad\ \l arma ladt'.- - \lwa\ ..,- B<' \h Bab\ - and
-r.<ipa Cabana.- -
Classic 12002
Volume 38
BO .. . . . . NE
OFRESH A IR As they lounge on the cement slopes
of th e courtyard. freshmen Lisa VT owry, Ange la
Mich a nd Jessica DeSeife ta ke advantage of the free
pizza a nd soda provided o n May 23. R ain and 55degree weather could n ot keep Renaissa nce me mbers from th e recognition picnic. O ATH STRIKE:
Wet a nd co ld under a n umbrella, juni o r K a ti e
H errmann a nd senior Kara H ouliha n picket against
the unsettl ed contract o n March 8. Organized b y
Student Government, the protest took place o n the
east side of the sch ool at 6:-t5 a. m. The turn-out
dwindled from 200 anti c ipated t o 30 marching
against being in the middle. O \~ ' ALKl~G O.K ArR:
T o block t he punt from Muskego keeper, junior defensive back Bill Andr ich ik goes up to head the ball
bac k to the goal. With th e 3-2 vi ctory, the Varsity
fini shed 13- 7 -2. The golde n goa l by junior Kevin
Grob clinched the win five minutes into ove1t ime.
O LP IS SMOKE: Reviewing the day 's catastrophic
eve nts. sophom ores Kyle Jeffery a nd Mike K utzler
scan the Kenosha .Kews E xtra after school on Sept.
11. T o kee p sch ools informed, the Kews delivered
the sp ecia l edition s during fourth bl ock , free of
ch arge. Giving students a ch an ce to b reat he, a ll
sports and group activit ies were postpon ed until
lat er in the week . O BLOWI~G HOT AIR: Whil e
nibbling on fellow jester junior Alisha ~iette' s horned
cap , senior Michelle Turco gets into
character during dress rehearsal
for th e M a drigal Feast e.
h e ld Dec. 13- 16. Runt
a nd Bee lz ebubble ,
their respective a lter
egos , s p e nt four
nights improvising
a nd tri c kin g 6 0
juggler s, pa ges
a nd we n c h es.