The Classic 1974
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The Classic 1974
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 1973 to 1974 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
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Student life at Tremper can be exciting
£rom the moment we walk through the
doors. We observe people studying or taking
some time out to talk to their £riends in the
commons. What really makes li£e so exciting are
the individual students themselves. We have a
multitude 0£ personalities which make each and
every day unique. These personalities are also
re£1ected as students become involved and
interested in activities outside of school. Our
education will grow and develop as our range of
experiences grows.
Sophomore Cheerleaders
Kathy Mourouti
Exchange Student irom: Greece
Class: Sr.
Height: 4 '11 "
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Activities a Ambitions: Giving speeches at Jr. a Sr. High Schools, Private Schools,
and Girl Scout meetings describing her country and comparing our liiestyle to that
oi a Greek. She is a Volunteer worker at the Kenosha Memorial Hospital on Saturdays. She enjoys traveling more than anything else. While in Kenosha she traveled to Racine, Chicago, Ohio and other nearby places. She hopes to someday travel
to India.
Meredith Gresham
Exchange Student irom: Australia
Class: Sr.
Height: S 7"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Light Brown
Activities ~ Ambitions: Participated in 2 plays; the Student-Faculty Play, and a
Lakeside Players Play. She is a member oi band, and she is an Honorary member
oi Sub-Deb. She is a Candy Striper at the Kenosha Memorial Hospital also. She
does a lot oi speaking ior schools and social meetings along with Kathy. The
biggest diiierence she noticed about American people is their readiness and
willingness to help others. She too loves to travel and someday hopes to see the
or the 1911
yearbooks began at 6:00 with a crowd or
approximately 700 students. The "Courtyard
Classic Dance" began at 8:00 on Friday,
August 24. Many students said their last
good-byes to returning graduates and Hrst
hellos to Tremper with "Black Water Gold"
setting the mood at Tremper's only outdoor
(lower left) Yearbooks, pens, purses, concentration and
interest are some or the things surrounding Kathy
Tredon, Lori Smith, Terri Rampart, and Kati Isermann.
(upper right) For the lirst time in Tremper's history
students enjoyed going through the lunch line as
staH member, Dana Nall, distributed the yearbooks.
(middle) Seniors Amy Northard and Joe Korbel take a
quiet moment to look over memories or the year gone by
belore going to the dance in the courtyard.
(lower middle) Denise Dreilke and friends look through
the yearbook, reminiscing about the past year and
commenting on how certain people change.
(lower right) Junior Sue Ernst and Senior
Carol Misurelli write down compliments and memories
or the past in each other's yearbooks.
(upper) Faculty members Mr. Schmidt and
Mr. Lawler seem to be just as interested in the 1973
yearbook as the students are.
(upper le£t) Kathy Mourouti, Foreign Exchange Student,
looks with Debbie Weiner at some 0£ the things she is
about to become a part 0£ in the £ollowing year.
(le£t) Exchange Student £rom Australia, Meredith
Gresham, is interested in the people around her while
hostess Nancy Hackworthy pages through her yearbook.
(above) Students gather in the courtyard
to talk about the summer,
the past year, and the year ahead.
(middle le£t) Greg Royce and his date sit by and watch
other couples dance while listening to the band play
their iavorite song.
(bottom) Bill Jaeger, Janet Wynstra, Anne Pedersen and
Andy Pias enjoy conversation in the commons during Sub-Deb
while other couples enjoyed dancing in the caieterla.
Friday, December 28, 1973
was a night to remember ior all couples
attending the annual winter iormal. Sponsored
by Sub-Deb Service Club, "Just You and Me" was
held irom 8 to 11 :30 PM on a snowy holiday
Christmas trees, Gingerbread cookies, snow
on windows, a mistletoe, and candles which
couldn't be lit brought out the spirit oi
Familiar iaces were slightly uniamiliar
because oi the suits and iormals ... a big change
irom the old and iamiliar blue jeans. No
gooiing oii and acting like kids, it was strictly
young ladies and gentlemen.
"Scatter" knew just the music to help even
the clumsiest dancers seem graceiul.
(le£t) Debbie Roberts and Mike Killingsworth typHy
Sub-Deb's theme "Just You and Me" with a nice dreamy
dance to the music or "Scatter."
necessity to make Winterama a true winter
iestival. But too much snow turned this
year's iestivities, scheduled ior
February 22, into snow-covered ice sculptures
and caused a late donkey basketball game on
Tuesday evening, February 26. The games,
old-time band, cotton candy and dance were
cancelled completely.
Awards went to the Sophomore Class ior
their Class A Ice Sculpture. Spanish Club
took the Class B Sculpture with their Mexican
sleeping on the cactus.
The turn out ior the Donkey Basketball
Game was good considering it was a Tuesday
night. Everybody enjoys this sport, be it
participant or spectator. The players have a
great time trying to stay on the donkeys and
getting the stubborn asses to move. At the
same time spectators just sit and wait ior
someone to iall oii in a most peculiar way . . .
. once the donkey starts moving. There's
rarely a straight iace seen.
(upper right) Seniors Carol Lasky and Rae Kevek put their
creativity, ice picks and chisels into a block 0£ ice
turning it into a captivating SAB Ice Sculpture.
(lower leH to right) Sue Grund, Christy Finch, and Greg
Aderman display their ability to handle a donkey
during the Donkey Basketball game.
The Tri-School
Exchange Program has been going on almost every
Wednesday £or the past 3 years.
Tremper, Brad£ord and St. Joe's Student
Councils coordinated it in hopes 0£ bettering
the 3 schools' relations. Recently Kemper Hall
was added to the program.
On Friday, March 8, 1974, the three schools
put on a Tri-School Dance irom s-11:30.
Tremper hosted the other schools, including
Kemper. The dance was held in the gym and
re£reshments were sold in the commons.
The event turned out to be a success
considering many Brad£ord students were in
Beloit supporting their team £or the Regional
Basketball Tournament.
"Gregory James" played a variety 0£ music.
There were more people dancing at this dance
than ever be£ore.
(upper) Bradford student Rick Cecerio and his date enjoy
dancing to the music or "Gregory James" and seeing
friends rrom the other schools.
(lert) Dan Valeri and Julie Ludwig dance to "Colour
My World" in the Tremper High School gym on Friday,
March 8, 1974.
''Medieval Enchantment"
was held in the pool balcony on March 14, IS,
16, 1974 at 8:00 PM. Emcees Jane Cowen and
Nancy Nelson took the audience through all
aspects oi liie with such acts as "Cathedral
Reverie," "Royal Welcome," "Field Maiden's
Waltz" and "Aces Wild."
The 28 girls, most oi which were new this
year, provided entertainment through their
skilliul synchronized swimming or water ballet.
Unlike previous years there were no guys in
the Aquettes show. It turned out very well
according to advisor Miss Cotton, who was
pleased with the girls' periormances.
(opposite page left) After the knight was jousted the
casket bearers held her funeral which
was entitled the "Last Tribute."
(opposite page right) Wizards Janis
Clark, Jane Nolting and Barb Demske mix-up
a batch of a magic potion.
(opposite page bottom) Emcees Jane
Cowen and Nancy Nelson
introduce "Aces Wild."
(above) These 7 Reindeer swim across the
pool during the "Flight of the Deer", Barb Schubert
was the chairman.
Tremper Bands
"Love-A-Fair", the 1974 Variety Show on March 22,
23, 29, 30. Emcees were Diane Evans and Jim
Zulke. Pat Henningield was Student Producer,
Betsy Ulrich was her Co-Producer.
The house was iull all £our evenings, even
with Bradiord's Variety Show the iirst weekend
and St. Joseph's Musical the second weekend.
At intermission there was a side show with
Richard Shoemaker as Ringmaster. There was a
hali man-hali woman, extra tall midget, wild man,
£at lady, a magic act ... all the ingredients
to make Variety Show '74 a real £air!
Blue Jazz Ensemble played throughout the
iirst act and the Red Jazz Ensemble did an
excellent job during the second act.
As £or the annual grande iinale ... girls
kickline really stole the show. They presented
a completely diiierent kickline than ever
beiore and did an exceptionally good job.
They were cowgirls with both jazz bands playing
a medley oi Bonanza, Maverick, Rebel, Bat
Masterson and Gunsmoke themes.
(top right) "Chop Su" was a take-oH irom the program
Kung-Fu periormed by Doug Haney, Eric Ebeling, and
Doug Larson.
(lower middle) Heather Reed displays her ability and
grace in a dance to the Channel I Suite played by
the Blue Jazz Band.
(opposite page top right) Janet Wynstra, Anne Pedersen,
and Beth Mackey sing "Matchmaker" irom the movie
"Fiddler on the Rooi."
"The Torch-Bearers"
was a comedy about a would be actress
and her critic husband written in the 1920's
by George Kelly. There were many things
happening all at once on the stage during
the iirst act. The entire second act took
place backstage oi a play.
Student-Faculty plays give all
participants the chance to know each other
as people; instead oi the regular teacherstudent relationship. Everyone has to
work together to achieve their iinal goal.
It's a new look on Student-Teacher relations
and it really brings those who participate
closer to one another.
Mr. Terry Lawler, director oi the
second annual Student-Faculty play announced
his resignation shortly aiter the
periormances which were held on April 18,
19, and 20.
(opposite page top) Ms. Mary Sundlie tells Mr. Doug Ketchum
that she will have the lead female part simply because she
is such a tremendous actress.
(opposite page middle left) Playing the role of a critic
husband Mr. Doug Ketchum faints from the appalling shock
of his wHe's dreadful acting.
(opposite page middle right) Bruce Johnson, portrayed as
a gay fellow makes his entry with happiness
and delight.
(middle leH) Student Mike Carolan and faculty member
Mr. C. Paul FuenHinger carry on a private conversation
during the iirst act of "The Torch-Bearers".
(below) senior Dave Norris crowns Rae Kevek
1974 Daisy Mae with a royal crown oi
(upper right) Lucile Puidokas U Brad Falduto, Dana
Nall U Mike Graham sit back, relax and listen to the
music oi "Bus Stop".
(middle right) Daryl Malaney U Eric Ebeling listen intently
as Chip Millholland recites the marriage vows explaining
that the marriage would be annulled at midnight.
(bottom right) Jackie Cina and Marie Thomas use a
little iorceiul persuasion in bringing the empty pocketed
Richard Grayson to the Jail during the Sadie Hawkins dance.
(opposite page middle right) Mike Droesch and Jean
Lang square dance with class to the music
oi "Bus Stop".
On April S, 1974 at
s:oo PM couple a£ter couple piled into the
commons and gym £or the big "Raytown
Hoedown." Tremper Teens sponsors the
once a year event, a girl ask guy a££air.
Most attendants were dressed in overalls,
blue jeans U £lannel shirts, red U white
gingham peasant blouses and bows.
Rae Kevek was elected Daisy Mae and Tom
Wood was her Lil Abner. Others on the court
included Lorie Hanson U Pat MacDonald, Heather
Reed a Bob Collins, Jolie Harris a Scott Rodal,
and Pam Madison a Kevin McDonald.
the yellow
brick road to Emerald City, Munchkin Land, the
romantic dark £orest, the poppy £ield, or even
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow".
Junior Class 0£ 1974 presented a diHerent
type 0£ prom by taking a childhood £antasy
memory, and turning it into a romantic Land 0£ Oz.
On Friday evening, May Third, Nineteen Hund·
red and Seventy-Four at s:oo PM approximately
250 couples began signing the attendance book.
Girls received remembrance necklaces and began
hanging up shawls and purses. Then to the
commons, ca£eteria, gym, or courtyard everyone
went £or socializing, dancing, and eating.
(above) Teress Toigo U Kirk Topel romantically smile at
each other as they enjoy their environment in
Munchkin Land.
(right) Marc Skurski silently watches Judy Hlavata
as she dreams about their li£e "Somewhere Over the
(opposite page upper le£t) Sue Bergren and Greg Ho££ take a
quiet moment to relax and converse during a band break
in the commons.
(opposite page middle le£t) Lynn Tenuta giggles at the
£unny experience that happened to her escort Jim Plas on
his way to the dance.
(opposite page lower le£t) Sue DeRouchey and Dale Bruzas
watch other couples dance while they listen to the
music 0£ "Skyway".
(opposite page upper right) Sue Vlkmyhr and Gary Smith
take a quiet moment to sit back, converse and watch
other couples dance.
(opposite page lower right) Foreign Exchange Student
Merry Gresham enjoys one 0£ the many activities she
attended at Tremper with Pete Hansen.
at 9:4s. Court consisted oi the iollowing class
oiiicers: Dave Aiello B Teresa Neu, John
Davis B Ann Krulatz, Jim McGough B Terri
Sorensen, Rom Stevens B Michele Bruneau,
Queen Betsy Ross B King Mike Hebert, Prom
Chairman Joan Ferraro B Dan Milkent, Lori
Smith B GeoH Welch, Julie Anderson B Neil
Harmon, Mimi Madrigrano B Dave Norris.
Aiter coronation was Promenade. Previously
open to the entire public, this year it was
changed to admittance only by ticket. The
parents oi each couple were sent tickets and any
student wishing to attend had to obtain one irom
the main oHice.
Midnite supper was served aiter the
Promenade. Aiter the meal, there were 3 things
lined-up ior prom-goers. "Tales irom the Crypt"
was the movie playing in the auditorium, "Geneva
Convention" was in the gym, and "Morris Creek"
was in the caieteria ior dancing.
From 2:30 to 4:30 AM Superjock Larry Lujack
oi WCFL Radio was the entertainer. He gave out
over 30 albums, 2 Super CFL t-shirts, bumper
stickers, and pictures oi himseli. During his appearance he encouraged anyone who thought they
had a special talent to periorm on the band stand.
There were approximately 11 acts. The
audience picked Sr. Ed Tutas as having the
dumbest talent-running into the bleachers at
iull speed. He won IS albums and a Super
CFL t-shirt.
Breakiast was served and the cloakroom
began to empty. It was a long night but it
seemed short; already it was morning. All
along the lakeshore cars pulled in waiting to
watch the sun rise and take one last glance
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow".
(upper right) Sr. Class Corresponding Secretary Ann
Krulatz and her escort John Davis follow the Yellow
Brick Road to Emerald City during Coronation.
(middle right) Jr. Class Recording Secretary Terri
Sorenson and her escort Jim McGough proceed to the
coronation platform lor crowning ol Prom King and Queen.
(opposite page lower lelt) Michele Bruneau
crowns Jr. Class President
Mike Hebert 1974 Prom King.
(opposite page lower right) Prom King Mike
Hebert and Queen Betsy Ross give thanks to all the
patrons who helped make 1974 Prom a big success.
cotton candy,
teddy bears, sno-cones, game stands and people
iilled the commons on May 17, 1974. Both Jazz
Bands played a variety oi popular tunes in the
caieteria. Basketball and volleyball games
were held in the gym and the children's play
"Go Jump in the Lake" was held in the auditorium.
Spring Festival had been dropped irom the extra
activities list 3 years ago, but was reorganized
this spring since the annual winterama was
snowed out. Fine Arts Festival was held at the
same time and art work was on display in the
At s:30 the commons was cleared out and
students began listening to the music oi "Beau
Geste". The ten Mr. Tremper candidates were
picked the previous Friday by the Senior girls
and the Student Body ballots were in and
by 10:4s Senior Steve Klopstein was crowned
Mr. Tremper 1974 by Homecoming Queen Kay
Pruett. Other candidates ior Mr. Tremper were:
Ricky Hamilton, Joe Korbel, Jay Lehman, Dave
Norris, Gregg Patty, JeH Pechura, Dan Skurski,
Don Kloet and Rom Stevens.
(opposite page top right) After much ridicule about his
name, Ferdinad, played by Robert Gregory, fights the knights
as other cast members wait on the sides for their cues.
(opposite page middle left) During the 1974 Mr. Tremper
Dance which was combined with the Fine Arts Festival U
Spring Festival, Linda Dibble U Bill Stoebig listen to Beau
(opposite page middle right) Jazz band member Dale
Gamberini tests his aim at the game booths sponsored by
Junior Class after the band's performance in the cafeteria.
(opposite page lower left) Marti Nall examines the balloon
as Dotti Kostreva holds it, making sure it won't pop
while Lori Brummel and Gail Wallig manage the sno-cones.
(opposite page lower right) Sophomore Jeff Cohen
anxiously waits for someone to hit him in the nose with the
powder puff during Spring Festival.
(above) 1974 Mr. Tremper, Steve Klopstein, receives
handshakes from other candidates before receiving a
note telling him about his plaque.
(left) Senior Doug Haney turns a bratwurst for the brat
sale sponsored by the Student Council at the Spring
Festival activities.
The Class 011974
presented the eleventh annual Senior Banquet
"We May Never Pass This Way Again" on May 29.
At S:30 Tremper seniors began entering the
Elks Ball Room where dinner began at 6:00.
Senior Class Vice President Rom Stevens
was Master oi Ceremonies. Following the
invocation given by Bill Buege, Diane Evans
and Jim Zulke sang the 1974 theme song.
There were skits bringing back some oi
the highlights oi the past 3 years.
Subsequently awards were presented by Ann
Krulatz, Jay Lehman, Mimi Madrigrano and
Dave Norris.
Music ior the dance was provided by
"The Union".
Most Intelligent
Most Likely to Succeed
Most Active
Most Talented
Best Dancer
Best Dressed
Most Athletic
Best All Around
Jane Nolting, Andy Pias
Beth Kennedy, Rom Stevens
Kathy Taminger, Rom Stevens
Mimi Madrigrano, Dave Norris
Marc Toigo, Linda Welch
Jim Zulke, Diane Evans
Heather Reed, Jim Zulke
Kim Benik, Dave Norris
Dan Skurski, Jane Cowen
Kathy Tamlnger, Rom Stevens
(opposite page middle right) Bob Ogle, Paul Sockness, Bob
Levonowich, and Marc Toigo decide its time to celebrate
their upcoming graduation with a friendly smoke.
(opposite page lower right) A group of senior girls
seem to be having a diHicult time deciding which
salad would be the most ilavorful.
(top left) Jay Lehman, voted "King of the
Commons" and Diane Evans, Most Talented Girl
announce the mock awards.
(middle left) Ed Tutas reminisces his past 3
years as a Tremper student in his Farewell Address
at the Elks Club on May 29, 1974.
(lower left) Beth Kennedy happily accepts the
award her classmates voted her asMost Likely to Succeed.
(middle) Mimi Madrigrano presents Rom Stevens,
Most Active Guy in the Class of '74 his
second Gold Cup.
(lower middle) "The Great (Chuck) DuBois" performs lor
the last time before his classmates his mysterious
magical powers.
(lower right) Shelly Rondeau and Mark "Boozy" Halvorsen
take a break on the patio to reminisce and dream
about the future.
) (
Honors Convocation
was held in the gym as in previous years. Unlike
previous years the gym was only warm instead 0£
the usual hot. In regard to this Mr. Clarence
Kobishop, Principal stated that this years
class must have done something right.
Seniors began £iling into the gym in caps
and gowns at 9:30. The pledge was said and
awards began. Twenty-one students were
honored £or their high scholastic abilities,
instead 0£ the usual twenty. The top 20
distinguished seniors was also changed to
twenty-one this year due to the excessive amount
0£ citizenship, leadership, service and
participation 0£ the senior class.
The athletic trophy which has been
Tremper's since its existence was taken away
£rom us last year. Our senior class regained
this trophy this year.
A£ter the scholarships and awards were
given the gym was £illed with many happy and
many sad students and £acuity members singing
"Alma Mater".
(upper right) Mr. Kobishop proudly smiles at the
accomplishment of regaining the trophy and asks that it
stay here.
(bottom) Beth PfeiHer, Lora Petravicius, and Dave
PfeiHer listen to the awards while they subconsciously
think back on their experiences of the past 3 years.
(opposite page upper left) Foreign Exchange Students Merry
Gresham and Kathy Mourouti tally their year as they bid
thanks and farewells to all of the new friends they've made.
(opposite page lower left) Mr. Potter, Chamber of Commerce
representative presents Orchestra member Mike Hennessy a
National Award for his outstanding music ability.
(opposite page upper right) Senior class President David
Aiello and Vice President Rom Stevens lead the entire senior
class to the Honors Convocation.
Jane Cowen, Jackie Grasser, Robert Gregory, Meredith
Gresham, Patti Henningleld, Jane Hosmanek, Kermit Hovey,
William Jaeger, Beth Kennedy, Rae Kevek, Mimi Madrigrano, Jane Nolting, Amy Northard, JeHrey Pechura, Peggy
Pezdir, Andrew Pias, Heather Reed, Richard Reilly, Daniel
Skurski, Rom Stevens, Kathy Taminger.
Philip Hansen, Linda Jensen, Lynn Rosen, Jane Nolting, Rom
Stevens, Amy O'Connor, Andrew Pias, Beth Kennedy, Jane
Meyer, Cathy Ellefson, Robert Gregory, Lori Schuck, Jane
Williams, Loretta Springer, William Jaeger, Kermit Hovey,
June Lubniewski, Daniel Skurski, Winston Slater, Jean
Brandt, Kurt Koesser.
Commencement ceremonies
began promptly at s:oo on Wednesday, June S
with a welcome from Mr. Kobishop. With the
orchestra playing the Grand March, the
seniors began filing in. Ethan Moore led
the Pledge 0£ Allegiance. Amy Northard
gave the invocation and Perspective was
given by Kathy Taminger. She announced the
£act that this class took the record with
660 students attending the annual Senior
Banquet. She also mentioned that this class
got the Open Lunch Program on a trial
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road" and
don't turn back except £or memories was
the commencement message given by Beth
Kennedy, class member.
Diplomas were awarded by Superintendent
0£ Schools Mr. Otto Buettner and Mr. James
Gerlach, Vice President 0£ the Board 0£
The graduates sang the Alma Mater,
switched their tassles, and Jackie Grasser
gave the Benediction.
The Class 0£ 1974 may never pass this
way again but they will still be learning
and discovering, and meeting and knowing
more people and experiences. They'll be on
their way and on their own, but not
completely alone £or wherever we may pass
there will always be someone beside us to
be our guide and teach us and tell us what
to do. And even though their high school
life is over, each graduate's life still
goes on.
(opposite page top) Seniors change the tassels from left
to right as their IHestyles wlll change alter this stepping
stone of graduation.
(opposite page bottom left) Perspective, given by Kathy
Tamlnger, most active senior girl, brought out some of the
unusual happenings that made this class dlHerent than
(opposite page bottom right) Alter diplomas were given out,
tassels turned, and the Alma Mater sung, class member
Jackie Grasser gave the Benediction.
(top left) 1974 Senior Class President David Aiello receives
his diploma from School Board Vice President Mr. James
Gerlach on Wednesday, Junes, 1974.
(bottom left) Don Kloet smiles a sigh of relief with
his cap and diploma In hand just alter
graduation ceremonies.
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The joy oi victory and
the agony of defeat are emotions felt
by all athletes. These experiences teach us
that we can't always be on the winning side.
They say:"lt doesn't really matter who wins or
loses its how you play the game," and whether
running, throwing a football, hitting a baseball
or swimming a 100 yards we are developing
body and mind through discipline.
Mr. Verne Schmale
been coaching iootball in Kenosha since 1951.
He became Tremper's head iootball coach in 1964,
when the school iirst opened. AHer his iirst
season at Tremper he was named Big 8 Coach oi
the year in the Conierence. During his ten-year
span as Varsity iootball coach, he has produced
a record oi 34 wins, 45 deieats and 5 ties. His
teams have won 3 oi the 4 South Shore
Championships since the new Conierence was
iormed. Mr. Schmale ended his ten-year coaching
career with a victorious season. His team won
the South Shore Conierence Championship and
iinished with an undeieated 5-0-2 record.
Tremper was ranked 9th in the state, a iirst in
Tremper history. November 13th was announced
by Mayor Wallace Durkee as "Verne Schmale
Day" and he was honored by his team and the
student body at a surprise assembly.
Alter 20 years 0£
coaching Kenosha high school baseball
teams, Mr. Andy Smith retired at the end 0£
the 1973 season. Throughout his baseball career
his coaching ability helped send two high school
teams on to win the State championships and
£our others took second places in state. As
part 0£ the summer recreation program Mr. Smith
helped coach Cadet and Cub Leagues £or many
years. This past summer he also coached a
championship American Legion team.
Major League pitcher Dick Bosman 0£ the
Cleveland Indians was coached by Andy Smith,
along with Mr. Ernest Virgili who has replaced
Mr. Smith as Varsity baseball coach. Andy
Smith's accomplishments were acknowledged by
the city 0£ Kenosha and Mayor Wallace Durkee
when he presented him with a plaque on May 14th
which has been designated as "Andy Smith Day."
The Cross Countr:v
improved considerably throughout the
season. The absence oi a coach, because
0£ the teacher's strike, caused the team to
miss their iirst meet. The team had only
three returning seniors, yet the quality 0£
the underclassmen was excellent. Through
hard work they won the County Quadrangular
and qualiiied £or Sectionals. Ron Sebetic
was named this year's captain and won the
Coaches Award. Steve Spizzirri was voted
the most valuable player.
(lower leH) Senior Cross Country Captain
Ron Sebetic runs the
course at a local meet.
(upper right) Sophomore Randy Conforti finishes
the course at a Salem Central
Cross Country meet.
(middle right) Salem Athletic Director,
Dorm Grams, presents Captain
Ron Sebetic, with the Cross Country Award.
CROSS COUNTRY (kneeling) Richard Towle, Peter Northard,
JeH Schoor, Dave Chase, Tony Turco, Scott AlthoH,
Randy Conforti. (standing) Coach Bradley, Brad
Calduto, Rom Stevens, Jerry Maurer, Ron Sebetic, Steve
Spizzirri, Rich Michelson, and Craig Koessl.
(upper left) Coach Bradley and his victorious
Cross Country Team proudly display
their Golden Cup Award.
(lower left) Junior Cross Country runner
Steve Spizzirri crosses the
finish line at a Salem Central meet.
VARSITY FOOTBALL (front row) JeH Ewens,
Dan Milkent, Mark Last, Russ Gename, John
Bernacchi, Dave Dorn, Marc Toigo, Randy
Smith, Jim Robers, Paul Sockness, Coach
Schmale. (second row) Coach Davies, Trainer
Schani, Steve Klopstein, Dick Reilly, JeH
Pechura, Dave Kunath, Don Kloet, Bob
Levonowich, JeH Nelson, Ricky Hamilton, Doug
Haney, Randy Donais, Dean Langer, Dave
Sokol. (third row) Reid Andresen, Tom
Feckler, Jerry Steele, Jimmy Hill, John
Rende, Tom Strobbe, JeH Hughes, Dan
Fletcher, Bill Stoebig, Bob Schneider, Gregg
Akin, Ken Robers, Larry Keating, Coach
Bistrick. (fourth row) Eddy Robinson,
Steve Kulbiski, Jim Kopesky, Gregg Patty,
Bill Young, Lennie Rizzo, George Georno,
Dan Skurski, Roy Quillce, Mike Graham,
Gene Schmidt, Randy Meyer, Mike Sabby, Mark
Putrow, Coach Pozza.
(middle right) Senior Hallback
Dan Skurski tackles a Case Eagle to
stop a first down attempt.
(lower right) Coach Schmale
talks to senior halfback Gregg Patty
about pass receptions.
Finishing undefeated, Trem-
per's £ootball team ranked 9th in the state's
Top Ten. This is the iirst time in Trojan
history that Tremper has ranked at all in
the state. The Trojans won the South Shore
Con£erence Championship with a 3-0-1 record.
Gregg Patty was named outstanding back and
John Bernacchi was outstanding lineman.
Coach Verne Schmale resigned aiter ten years
as Tremper's head £ootball coach. Coach
Schmale says, "It's becoming harder and
harder each year to get in the saddle. I
think it's time to step down and allow
someone with new enthusiasm to take over."
The o££ense made outstanding plays all
year, including a 77 yard run by Ricky
Hamilton in a Janesville Parker game and
an 88 yard kick-0££ return by Dan Skurski
at a Tremper-Brad£ord game.
(upper left) Tremper Trojans huddle
around senior JeH Pechura
who injured his arm.
(middle left) Junior quarterback
JeH Hughes completes a pass
to senior halfback Gregg Patty.
(lower left) Referees' along with
John Rende (36) declare
a Trojan touchdown.
(lower right) Senior end George Georno
receives one of JeH Pechura•s many completed
passes throughout the homecoming game.
Winning live
consecutive games
including three shutouts in the South Shore
Conierence and a deieat against Bradiord,
the J. V. team ended their season with a
s-0-1 record. The outstanding back and
leading point producer oi the season was Danny
Fletcher who made 42 points ior the team.
Other outstanding backs were Steve Kulbiski,
Bill Young, Stuart Topping, Gene Schmidt, Ed
Robinson, Randy Meyer, and Roy Quilice. Lenny
Rizzo was the leading pass receiver while JeU
Nelson and Marc Putrow anchored the oHensive
line. Strong periormers on the deiensive
line were Mickey Johnson, Bill Stoebig, Bob
Schneider, and Greg Akin.
(lower leH) Junior Stuart Topping hands
oH the ball to number
42, John Rende.
(upper right) Junior Steve Kulbiski trys to break
through £or a £irst down as two
Case players rush in.
(middle right) Randy Meyer number 14 hands oH
to Danny Fletcher number 27 while
Tremper's oHense blocks Racine Case tacklers.
(lower right) Junior Steve Kulbiski number 38
carrying the ball, runs through an open hole while
Randy Meyer and Bill Stoebig block Park players.
A 4-0-1 record in the South
Shore Conierence completed the Sophomore
Football Team's season. The Teacher Strike
reduced the game schedule to only iive
Trojan conierence games. The leading
sophomore haUback was Dean Williams with a
total oi six touchdowns. Other oHensive
standouts were Ray Collins, Neal Connelly and
Scott Newhouse. Newhouse was led by J.C.
Bussard, Sam Coan and Gary Vsinger. Mike
Sorensen and Mike McGough did outstanding jobs
both oHensively and deiensively.
SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL (£ront row) Kevin Basham, Larry
Robers, Tom Miller, Sam Loar, Rick Stevens, Dave
KJoet, Mike Sorensen, J. C. Bussard, Richie Peek, Bob
May, Dave Rommel. (Row 2) Coach Porich, Jim Coshun,
Brian Ringdahl, Tom Miller, Herbie Kolmos, Ken Davis,
Rick Tarsitaro, Gary Usinger, Tim Pepke, Tom Meeker.
(Row 3) Mike Dzurick, Kurt Betz, John Nepper, Rusty
Straky, Gary Spruill, Kim Layton, Frank Salituro,
Scott Newhouse, Neal Connelly, Bob Dumke. (Row 4)
Coach Filippelli, Dean Williams, Mike McGough, Ray
Singer, Steve Mattner, Bruce Hammond, Ray Collins,
Steve Pruett, Joel Guelzow, Mike York, Coach Apple.
(Row 5) Bill Roberts, manager.
(middle le£t) Sophomore Scott Newhouse
releases the ball during a
Tremper-Bradford game.
(lower le£t) Joel Guelzow hands oH the
ball to Mike McGough while
Tremper Trojans block Racine Case.
Coach Brittelli stated,
"This year's team was composed 0£ a £ine group
0£ guys, a lot 0£ desire, excellent character
and good ball players. We had a lack 0£
experience which was re£lected on our record."
Strong guards were Larry Jackson, Joe Korbel
and Ethan Moore. The £irst game against Brad£ord was the toughest and showed how well the
team could play. Joe Korbel was awarded Most
Valuable Player and Ethan Moore was Honorary
Captain. The season was ended with a 6·13·0
(lower lelt) Junior Larry Jackson dribbles
past an opponent during a
game with Milwaukee Washington.
(upper right) Junior Scott Scholey
displays the hardships ol basketball alter
he has just louled out ol a home game with Bradlord.
(lower right) Senior Ethan Moore waits lor a
break In the Milwaukee Lincoln delense belore passing
the ball to one ol his teammates.
(leH) Junior Robin Bonn dribbles along the
outside lines, keeping eyes open to
pass to a teammate.
(lower right) Senior Russell Gename releases
the ball, making a basket during the
Tremper-Bradford game held at Parkside.
(upper right) Junior Scott Scholey
tosses the ball into the basket
during the Tremper-Bradford game.
VARSITY BASKETBALL (Row 1) Dean Williams, Greg Royce,
Scott Tuska, Robin Bonn, Vernon Gerth, Ron Bittner, (Row 2)
Ethan Moore, Larry Jackson, Glenn Jones, JeH Bloxdorf, Joe
Korbel, (Row 3) Coach Brlttelli, Dean Sivley, Scott Scholey,
Russ Gename, Mark BernhoH, Jim McGlbany, Coach Apple.
(middle left) Sophomore Dean Williams gets two free
throw shots and makes both
baskets during a Tremper-Bradford game.
(right) Sophomore Scott Newhouse jumps
and releases the ball while
teammates look on during a Tremper-Park game.
(le£t) Junior Mark Bernho£t and a
Brad£ord opponent struggle £or a basket
which gave Tremper two points.
(middle right) Junior Vern Gerth
watches the ball as it went
in £or two points.
J.V. BASKETBALL TEAM (Row 1) Manager Kevin HuH, Joe
Capadarco, Mike Young, Gary Usinger, Craig Baker, Al
Braun, Mike Dzurick, (Row 2) Coach Thomas, Paul Myers,
Mike McGough, Lee Carr, Randy Meyer, Tony Carton,
Pete Bruno, John Steen, Coach Schmidt.
Tremper placed 2nd
intheHart1and Arrowhead Tournament and 3rd in the West
Bend Tournament. The Wrestling Team also won
the last meet against Brad£ord with a score 0£
31-1s. The outstanding Wrestler award went to
Brian Altho££ who was also Regional Champion.
Team captain was Craig Kewenig and John Gale
was named West Bend Champion. John VanDyke,
Craig Kewenig, Brian Altho££ and John Gale
competed in the Sectional Tournament. The
wrestling team £inished with a S-1·7
season record.
VARSITY WRESTLING (kneeling) Greg Sauve, Bill Roberts,
Richie Peek, Matt West, Brian AlthoH, Dwight Irving,
JeH Novelen, (standing) Coach Freeman, Kevin Rodgers,
Dave PrieHer, John VanDyke, Craig Kewenig, John Gale,
Jim Kopesky, Gary Knorn, manager.
(middle right) Craig Kewenig, senior captain,
holds his opponent
from Case In a head lock.
(lower right) Senior JeH Novelen pulls
the leg or his opponent from
Park as he tries to push him into a pin.
(middle leH) Sophomore Dan Willkomm
holds a Park opponent
in the Hnal seconds of his meet.
(middle right) Sophomore Scott Sodlink
holds a Park opponent
in a straddle for two points.
J. V. Wrestling (kneeling) Dick Kendall, Bob
Bauer, Dan Willkomm, Marc Sauve, Jeff Niemi,
Kimber Layton, Bill Roiniotis, Ray Singer,
(standing) Mike Hebert, Pat Callahan, Mike
Devine, Doug Mathis, Stuart Topping, Chad
Chatterton, Scott Irving, Dave Skrzypchak,
Scott Sodlink, Coach Panzica.
19 members
received letters £or their outstanding
job on the Boys Swim Team. A new record
£or the 1 oo yd. Butterily was set by Mark
Pollard, team captain, with a time 0£
S9-4- He was also given the Most
Valuable Award along with Kevin Nelson
who received the Most Improved Award.
The Bullirogs ended their season taking
a 9th out 0£ tS schools at the Racine
Park Sectional meet. 10 lettermen will
return to help next year's team.
BOYS SWIM TEAM (lying) Manager, Jae Petersen.
(Row 1) John Crawford, Bob Hoganson, Mark Pollard,
Jim Lehman, Bob Koch, manager, Greg Kruchko.
(Row 2) Mr. Palmer, Bruce Laken, Kevin Nelson,
Richard Baker, Kirk Topel, Blll Brydges, Matt
Frost, Dan Passerelll, Dave Laurin, Coach
(left) Junior Richard Baker
performs the
so yd. Butterfly Freestyle.
(middle left) Matt Frost, Mark Pollard and John
Crawford dive at the sound of the gun to
perform the 100 yd. Butterfly.
BOYS JV SWIM TEAM (front) Marty Ells, Brad Brothers,
Brad Jansen, Kent Englund, Steve Tredup, Karl Olufs,
Peter Hybert, Mark Griffin, Terry Brennan, Richard
Margetson, Randy Ortloff, Kurt Carmichael, (back)
Coach Palmer.
A 3·3·0 record unishedthe
season £or the Girl's Swim Team.
Tremper placed 4th out 0£ 14 schools at
the Madison sectionals and Jane Cowen
placed 11th in SO yd. £reestyle and 100 yd.
£reestyle. 14 out 0£ 30 members 0£ the swim
team received letters £or their
outstanding per£ormances. Mary Titho£ was
voted Most Dedicated and Jane Cowen was
voted Most Valuable.
GIRLS SWIM TEAM (standing) Mary Titho£, Racheal Rodgers,
Laurie LaRose, Kimi Whitmer, Cathy Mancuso, Marcia
Chulew, Sue Whitmer, Debbie Erickson, Donna Sorensen, Jane
Sipsma, JoAnn McGrogan, Lynn Peterson, Amy Lubeck, Rae
Tuska, Nancy Landre, Kris Nyberg, Jeanne Palmer, (sitting)
Denise Sadowski, Ann Girman, Nancy Nelson, Jane Cowen,
Barbara Nelson, Ann Sinkule, Donna Ells, Linda Rikli, Diane
McGrogan, Barb Rothrock, Carol McPhaul, Julie Gerum, Jane
(right) Jeanne Palmer and Jane Sipsma
are in the position £or the soo yd.
£reestyle at the Tremper·Bradiord meet.
(lower right) Jane Slpsma In mid-air dives
oH £or the 200 yd. Medley Relay
during the Tremper-Bradiord meet.
(upper le£t) Sophomore Julie Gerum
balances hersel£ and concentrates on
her back dive.
(le£t) Linda Rikli portrays
excellent position in
her back dive.
(upper right) Nancy Nelson, Jane Cowen,
and Linda Rikli relax and discuss
the scores 0£ the 200 yd. Medley Relay.
Tremper placed 4th
in the con£erence meet and 6th in Sectionals.
State quali£iers were senior Steve Carney
on parallel bars, placing 19th, and junior JeH
McNab on the high bar, tieing £or 10th place.
The Boys' Gymnastic team had 10 wins and 1 loss,
which was to Racine Case. Their meet with
Racine Horlick was the best because it was the
£irst time we de£eated them in 2 years. JeH
Ewens was voted the Most Valuable Gymnast
Award, Tom KiHel the Most Improved, Dave
HoHmann the 110% Award and Jim Hill the
Best Attitude.
Steve Carney, Tim Block, Mark Algiers, Lee HuH, Brian
Kadonsky, (Row 2) Phil Thompson, Coach Shani, Dave
HoHman, Jim Kadonsky, JeH Ewens, John Plutchak, Bob
May, Dan Plutchak, DuHy McNab, Mike Kelly, Coach Holman.
(middle right) Junior JeH Ewens,
all-around performer, displays a single-leg
transfer downhill on the side horse.
(lower right) Junior DuHy McNab
performs a handspring vault oH the
long horse during the January Invitational.
(upper leH) Junior Paul Rizzo
finishes his routine with a
loop dismount on the side horse.
(middle leH) Senior Dan Plutchak
performs the L - press on the
still rings during the Tremper-Bradford meet.
(middle right) Senior Steve Carney
displays the L - press on the parallel
bars on which he placed 19th in state.
BOYS J.V. GYMNASTICS (Row I) Keith Legler, Mike Mowery,
Roger Rothrock, Dan Valeri, Gary Gerlach, (Row 2) Coach,
Shani, John Nepper, Jim Hill, Mark Hackbarth, Alan Gerlach,
Dave Smith, Tom Sullivan, Coach Holman.
placed 1st
in Con£erence and Regionals and took 3rd in
Sectionals and 9th in State. Con£erence Medal
Winners were Gerri Cornell, 1st in Optional
all-around, Mary Pautz, 1st in Intermediate
£1oor exercise, and Teresa Neu, 1st in Optional
Unevens. Seven girls quali£ied £or Sectionals.
Gerri Cornell took a 1st in all-around, balance
beam, and £Joor exercise. Theresa Neu also
quali£ied with a 1st on the unevens, both quali£ying £or state. Jane Cowen was voted Team Spirit
at the Gymnastics Banquet. Gerri Cornell was
voted Most Valuable and Teresa Neu Outstanding Optional. The Girls Gymnastics Team £inished
their season with Beginners winning £our meets
and taking a second out 0£ 12 schools, Intermediate and Optional winning two and losing one
and at the Invitational Intermediate took a third
out 0£ 17 schools and Optional took a £irst out 0£
10 schools.
GIRLS J.V. GYMNASTICS (opposite page) (Row 1) Lori
Shiltz, Lisa Tenuta, Teress Toigo, Cindy Rehfeldt,
(Row 2) Wendy Drissel, Barb Durbin, Jan Busche, Peggy
Neu, Marilee Zievers, Sharon Ewer.
(opposite page middle) Jeanne Servais
displays excellent form as she performs the
Intermediate routine on the uneven parallel bars.
(opposite page lower) Gerri Cornell
is momentarily weightless as she performs
an aerial front walk-over in the meet against Case.
(upper left) Ann Girman smiles
as she knows her routine has gone well
in the meet against Horlick.
(middle left) Gwynne Oleskl displays
her talent as she performs a layout
squat in the meet against Park.
GIRLS VARSITY GYMNASTICS (Row 1) Diane Nelson, Gwynne
Oleskl, Jennifer Harris, Diane Solovey, Gerri Cornell, Terri
Ramacci, (Row 2) Nancy Johnson, Laura Riggle, Mary Tlthof,
Jeanne Servais, Julie Roemer, Chris Callahan, Betsy Chemerow
(Row 3) Jeanne Tafts, Laurie LaRose, Teresa Neu, Carla
Selander, Ann Girman, Nancy Nelson, Jane Louise Cowen,
(Row 4) Paula Kivi, Joan Regnery, Mary Pautz.
Senior Jell Martinek was
voted Most Valuable Player along with
Dan Skurski who was voted Best Attitude.
There were IS letter winners this year
and among them were J eH MartinekBullworker, George Georno-Mr. Whirlpool,
Bill Buege-Late Commer, Brad FaldutoFlat Footed Leity, and Dan SkurskiBig Man. This year's team won 10 out 0£
IS games with 66 runs. They won their
game against Brad£ord 2-1 with JeH
Martinek pitching a 2 hitter. Then went
out and won over Salem 9-1, Brad£ord 8-1,
Wilmot 3-0 using their trick play, and
Delevan 11-1. The team average was .242,
hits 88-SS, and errors 41-38. Coach
Virgili was quoted as saying, "The juniors
and sophomores coming back prove to make up
a good team next year."
Skurski, JeH Martinek, George Georno, Mark Algiers, JeH
Gascoigne, Dave Meier, (Row 2) Bruce Fredericks, Randy
Donais, Brad Falduto, Tom Wood, Greg Royce, JeH Hughes,
Don Kloet, Tom KiHel, (Row 3) Coach Virgili, Dean Sivley,
Ed Robinson, Bill Buege, Ken Kaeppler, Mike Graham,
Mike McClenaghan, Gary Knorn, Jacques VanLanduyt,
(opposite page middle right) Senior George Georno
concentrates as he waits for his next pitch to hit
and fill the bases during the Tremper-Bradford game.
(opposite page lower right) Senior Dan Skurski
comes home leaving the bases filled scoring
a run for Tremper during the Tremper-Park game.
(upper left) Senior JeH Martinek
comes in from the pitcher's mound to talk
with Coach Virgm during the Tremper-Bradford game.
(lower left) Senior Bill Buege
is caught blowing bubbles while
the coaches and umpire call time out.
(lower right) Left hand batter and catcher Bill
Buege steps up to the plate as he waits for the first
pitch to be thrown.
SOPHOMORE BASEBALL (above) (Row 1) Greg Minix,
Todd Bichsel, Duane Stipek, Kurt Carmichael, Dan
Darracott, Rene Bruno (Row 2) Joe Capodarco,
Herb Kolmos, Al Braun, Glen Marescalco, Jim
Coshun, Dave Kloet, Mark Osten (Row 3) manager
John Llanas, Mark Hackbarth, Brad Jansen, Paul
Myers, Bruce Hammond, Coach Ed Cannaday.
(above) Dave Kloet, pitcher, checks to make sure
Paul Myers has everything under control
at £1rst base.
(middle right) Sophomore out£1elder Herb Kolmos
Intensely watches the batter, ready to catch
a Hy or ground ball.
(lower right) Duane Stipek hits a
home run In the Horllck-Tremper game
at Red Arrow Park.
The Sophomore
baseball team started out their season with a
no-hitter pitched by Paul Myers in the game
against Wilmot. The team had close, overtime
games and a 10 inning loss to Brad£ord was the
turning point according to Coach Ed Cannady.
They ended the season with a 3·6 record which
does not begin to re£lect the ability 0£
the team.
(upper left) Dave Kloet pitched a
no-hitter during the iourth inning in the
Tremper vs. Park sophomore game.
(middle left) Al Braun catches the ball
just in time to make another
out against Bradford.
(lower left) Catcher Rene Bruno keeps
his eye on the ball to make sure
they bring in another win.
(middle right) Park catcher ls ready to
strike Tremper's Paul Myers out as he prepares
to steal second base.
Senior Steve Klopstein quau-
ned in the Sectionals £or the State Tournament.
Steve was also voted Most Valuable and was a
letter winner. Tom Tews was voted Most Dedicated and Mike McGough Outstanding Sophomore.
This Year's Track Team consisted 0£ only iive
seniors, Team Captain Ron Sebetic, Rom Stevens,
JeH Schoor, Steve Klopstein, and Jimmy Hill. This
year the team scored more points than in last
year's season. Tremper placed 4th in the Tremper
Invitational, Sth in Regionals and 3rd in the Sophomore Conierence. Emphasis was placed on
individual pride and periormance. With the
juniors and sophomore's ability in this area
they should have a good season next year. The
coaching staH consisted 0£ Coach Bradley, Coach
Englund, and Coach Shani with a new volunteer
club made up 0£ girls to record and time, The
Tremper Track Assettes.
BOYS VARSITY TRACK TEAM (Row 1) Craig Koessl, Dave
Constantineau, JeH Pikna, Don Landre, Lenny Rizzo, Ron
Sebetic, Jimmy Hill, Rom Stevens, ( Row 2) Scott Scholey,
Steve Spizzirri, Ron Bittner, Steve Bollnt, Felix Gallo,
Dave Smith, Dwight Irving, Steve Klopsteln, (Row 3) DuHy
McNab, Ray Colllns, Jim KIHel, Scott Newhouse, Dan
Johnson, Dave Chase, Tom Tews, Mark Last, (Row 4) Tom
Strobbe, Roy Quilice, Pete Bruno, Rick Tarsltano, Mike
McGough, Stuart Topping, Gerry Maurer, Rich Michelson.
(lower right ) Junior Steve Spizzirri
top 2-miler, stays with the crowd In the
2-mile run during the Tremper Invitational meet.
(upper le£t) Junior Tom Strobbe
glides over the high hurdles finishing first
Jn his heat during the Tremper Invitational meet.
(middle le£t) The Motley Crew consisting 0£ Lennie Rizzo,
JeH Pikna, Dave Constantineau, and replacement Ron
Sebetic show the joy and disappointment 0£ winning and
then being disqualified.
BOYS J.V. TRACK TEAM (Row 1) Al Kazell, Tony Turco,
Scott Irving, Mark Koski, Ray Brennen, John Bloner, (Row
2) Coach Buzz Englund, Paul Finn, Craig Schlller, JeH
Cohen, Chuck Brennen, Coach C. W. Bradley, Coach
Dave Shani, (Row 3) Mike Sorenson, Richard Towle, JeH
Schoor, Randy Conforti, Rick Stevens, Jon McCarthy.
(middle right) Senior Steve Klopstein concentrates
as he throws a shot put £or a
first place medal at the Tremper Invitational meet.
(above) (Row 1) Rae Tuska, Alma Garza, Sandra Williams, Sue
Wallis, Kimi Whitmer, Irene Kemen, Sonja Baker, Gerri
Cornell (Row 2) Debbie Kivi, Lori Hansen, Mel Curio, Pat
Wlllkomm, Mary Gemegnanl, Debbie Molinaro, Diane
Nelson, Rose Place, Pat Baron (Row 3) Sue Johnson,
Theresa Popp, Yvonne Holtz, Cindy Winans, Cindy Dunford, Mng. Karen Nachreiner, Mng. Robin Davis, Pam
Donais, Sandy Scherr, Mary Tithoi (Row 4) Mng. Sharon
Pope, Asst. Coach Miss Hanser, Carol McPhaul, Nancy
Beck, Marsha, Werve, Terri Jaeger, Michele Adamson,
Debbie Erickson, Marie Mathis, Mona Curio, Mng. Linda
(middle right) Sandra Williams crosses the finish
line in the 880 relay
with her best time yet.
(bottom right) Rae Tuska, Alma Garza and
Kimi Whitmer relax on the track
alter a hard meet at home against Wilmot.
This was an exceptiona1
year £or the girls track team. Thirteen letters
were awarded, six school records were broken
and they only lost two 0£ their dual meets.
Gerri Cornell placed second in the state in
long jump with a distance 0£ 17 £eet 1 inch and
6th in the 80 yd. hurdles. Diane Nelson went to
state also to run in the 100 yd. dash but did
not qualiiy £or £inals.
Special Awards were given to Michele Adamson
£or most improved, Mona Curio team spirit, and
Gerri Cornell most valuable.
(upper leit) Lorie Hansen gets oH to
an excellent start in her relay at the meet
against Wilmot.
(middle lelt) Sandy Scherr clears the bar
at 4 1 ' as she practices
lor a home meet.
(lower leit) Mary Tlthol sets a new
school record lor discus
with a throw ol 3S 8"
(lower right) Kimi Whitmer
takes the hurdle while watching the finish line in a race
against Park.
Team captains
and second
year letter winners £or this year's Gol£
Team were Jay Lehman and Dave Wente. Jim
Lehman and Dave Wente were voted Most
Valuable Players and Ray Zuzinec was voted
110% Award. The Gol£ Team took 14th out
0£ 31 schools at the Janesville Tournament
and placed 3rd out 0£ 8 schools at Regionals.
Ray Zuzinec tied £or a medalist but lost it
in the play oH. The total varsity record
was 2s-32.
GOLF TEAM (Row 1) Ken Gartnu, Asst. Coach, Bruce
Rusecki, Jay Lehman, Ray Zuzinec, Scott Tuska, Jim
Short, (Row 2) Robert Kl'anz, Rick Hudson, Dave Preiss,
Peter Northard, Tom Haubrick, Kevin Owens, Mark
Paskiewicz, Gregg Thompson, Ed Lawler.
(opposite page middle right) Juniors Ray Zuzinec
and Dave Wente measure Dave's next putt
during the Tremper-Park game at the Kenosha Country Club.
(opposite page lower right) Junior Dave Wente
swings easy as he tees oH on Par 3
in the 8th hole at Kenosha Country Club.
(upper lelt) Junior Bruce Rusecki
concentrates as he chips to the green lor
a hole in one at the Tremper-Case meet.
(lower lelt) Junior JeH Ewens tees it high
lor a mighty swing against a Case partner
during the Tremper-Case meet.
(lower right) Junior Jim Lehman
putts lor an easy birdie
during the Tremper-Horlick meet.
Dave Davis
was voted
Most Valuable Player £or the third consecutive
year. He also lettered all three years and
compiled a record 0£ 42 wins against 14 losses.
Craig Baker was voted Most Improved Player
with 9 wins against 3 losses and Bob Gangler
was voted Best Attitude. Coach Holman was
quoted as saying, "This year's squad had a
£ine team record. They £inished second in
con£erence with a 6 and 2 record, they £inished
second 0£ eight teams in our sub-sectional
and £inally, they £inished in third
place at the Sectional tennis meet just
£ailing a £ew points short 0£ quali£ying
as a team £or the State meet."
TENNIS TEAM (Row 1) Craig Baker, Jim Holton, Dave
Davis, Ron Frei, Matt Frost, Bob Kivi (Row 2) Len Eells,
Dave HoHmann, Ron Andro, JeH Ewald, John Lukosaltis,
David Horsley, Bill Holton, (Row 3) Coach Holman, Jim
Ewald, Ed Rothman, Larry Long, Steve Pryett, Bill
(opposite page, middle right) Senior Jim Holton
uses his backhand drive
against Case during a Tremper-Case tennis meet.
(opposite page, lower right) Senior Ron Frei
watches his serve drop in for a winning score
at the Tremper-Park meet.
(upper left) Senior Matt Frost
performs his power serve against a
Bradford player during a Tremper-Bradford meet.
(middle left) Senior Bob Kivi
returns a forehand drive
at a Tremper-Park Meet.
(lower left) Senior Dave Davis
concentrates on a service return on his
way to victory over Horlick's number one player.
INTRAMURALS BOWLING (Row 1) Kim Meyer, Carol
Mickewicz, Lynn George, Linda Jensen, Debbie Ruetz, Lynn
Peterson, Linda Amadio, Cathy Savaglio, Paulette Rizzo, Patty
Biel, Kathy Stollings, Pam Anderson, Scott Larsen, Louis Lang,
JeH Myers, Mark LaBuy, Larry Seibel, Dick Rohde, Andy GrHiin, Ron Anderson, (Row 2) Sue Meyer, Karen Detienne, Linda
Metallo, Annette Gehrke, Ruth Mukka, Darla Farrington, Peggy
DeWitt, Debbie Molinaro, Lori Anderson, Lucinda Anderson,
Janet Klein, Dale Polzin, Garth Gilbert, Reid Hanzalik, Mike
Meyer, Rick Nemeth, Jim Coshun, Mike Tonis, Jim Ewing, Donald
Lewis, (Row 3) Jean Schaafsman, Jan Cayo, Pam Maclk, Sue
Ern t, Debbie Koessl, Kim Tizi, Leslee Keyes, Dorothy Waldo,
Cindy Dunow, Barb Bergren, Pam Donais, Dave Wente, John
PfeHfer, Duane Stipek, Ken Peterson, Dave Rohde, Tom Meeker,
John Llanas, (Row 4) Liz Sipple, Leah Frederick, Linda Dibble,
Lisa Wood, Mary Garves, Carol Krupinski, JUI Hartnell, Linda
Wasurick, Jackie Young, Ed Brockway, Glen Morescalco, Randy
GrHiin, Scott Hanzalik, Frank Weber, Bryan Thomas, Bob Pitsch,
Larry Meyer, Thom Pitsch, David Proeber, Todd Bundles.
Participating in sports
ior enjoyment, keeping in shape, and competing
iniormally are just some oi the reasons students
join the intramurals program. The Intramural
Bowling program was well attended this year.
"It was the best attendance we've ever had the
iirst night oi activity," said Ms. Delores Hanser,
bowling advisor. Winter and spring basketball
were very popular and were attended by the boys.
The spring 3 on 3 basketball tourney division
had 90 to 100 boys participating in it. The
Intramural program consisted oi such sports as:
bowling, volleyball, gymnastics, soccer, water
polo, basketball, handball, paddleball, wrestling,
and soitball. Activities are sponsored only ii
popular with the students. Some activities
are dropped or added depending upon current
interest. Coach Glen McCulloch and Ms. Delores
Hanser were the head directors ior the
Intramural program.
0£ the classroom there
are many opportunities to learn and develop new
skills. Our education does not stop
when the bell rings at three o'clock. We can
become involved in numerous clubs or
organizations. They oHer a chance to make
new iriends, to learn cooperation and
become truly involved in school activities.
Music highlighted
our hours in school when
Student Activities Board bought a jukebox
£or the commons and provided a
"Free Fare" assembly and evening concert.
S.A.B. provided £urther studying space
£or students by replacing the £our
sad looking trees in the commons with
carpet padding and less work £or the custodians
in the gi£t 0£ a £ertilizer-salter
machine. In£o Day was appreciated by
many and Design Your Own button
sales provided £unds £or the all around hard
working Student Activities Board.
(upper right) Dan Larson waits eagerly while Dean
Sivley searches in his pockets for the money that will
enable him to attend the S.A.B. sponsored dance.
(lower left) After selling tickets to the "Free Fair"
concert, Debbie Molinaro sneaks a rest on
the couch in the S.A.B. office.
(lower right) Many energetic students enjoy the music
of "Free Fair" during a concert sponsored by S.A.B.
in an attempt to raise money.
S.A.B. (above) (Row l) Jackie Grasser, Rae Kevek, Carla
Fistler, Leigh Feiler, Jane Hosmanek, (Row 2) Terri
Deerwester, Anita Llanas, Sheree Becker, Kathy Byom,
Julie Bruneau, Cindy Duban, Jim Godlewski,
(Row 3) Karin Jorgensen, Toni Johnson,
Judy Westerman, Sally Kevek, LuAnne Johnson, Lisa
Rasmussen, (Row 4) Kim Tizi, Linda Herr, Debbie Molinaro,
Peggy Dewitt, Janet Wynstra, Carol Lasky, Tina
Bono£iglio, Caryn Cutler, (Row S) Dave Wiercinski,
Debbie Wiercinski, Doug Haney, Ann Krulatz, Diane Larsen,
Colleen Riley, Eric Ebeling, Mary Ironside, (Row 6) Lori
Anderson, Debi Piela, Lucinda Anderson.
(lower lert) S.A.B. is glad that students £ind the new
remodeled commons area chairs comrortable
and perrect £or leisure studying.
Members of the laculty
and student body participated in an AllStar Intramural Basketball Game sponsored by
Lettermen's Club. The iaculty came out on
top with a score oi 47.42. By sponsoring
the game, the dub earned a proiit oi $34.00.
The money they acquired by dances, dues,
and car washes was used ior donations and
operating expenses. They donated $7S.OO this
year to buy new barbells ior the gym classes.
Hard work is required to achieve membership in
Lettermen's Club. Members are all varsity
letter winners, in which they have earned
in one way or another a certain amount oi
points in an active sport which enabled them to
obtain their letter.
LETTERMAN'S CLUB (above) (Row 1) Gregg Patty, Rom
Stevens, Sheila Vignerie, Ron Sebetic, Diane McGrogan, Tom
Wood, Lorie Hansen, Johnny Stancato (Row 2) Ricky
Hamilton, Steve Spizzirri, Marc Toigo, Doug Haney, Karl
Franz (Row 3) John Bernacchi, Jay Lehman, Ron
Frei, Gerry Maurer (Row 4) Jim Kopesky, Richard Reilly,
Russ Gename, Dan Milkent, Cathy Mancuso, Bob
Levonowich (Row S) Jeanne Palmer, John Rende, Marsha
Werve, Linda Johnson, Carol McPhaul, Julie Gerum,
Mitchell Schmerling (Row 6) Jim Holton, Paul Sockness,
Don Kloet, Dave Meier, JeH Pechura.
(middle right) While sitting on the bench Doug
Haney, member or Lettermen' s, plans out his
next move before going on the field.
(lower right) Heavy weight wrestler, Jim Kopesky
holds his opponent in the
position or a head lock.
(upper leH) Linda Johnson and Lorie Hansen, secretary
oi Lettermen's Club, are in charge oi taking
tickets at the dance they sponsored.
(lower leH) Karl Franz, member oi Lettermen's dances
with his date, Janet Klein
to "Colour My World."
(lower right) Spending a little time in the coat
room, Paul Sockness, a member oi Lettermen's Club, tries
to £ind space on the coat rack.
Tremper spirit
is the
business 0£ our cheerleaders and their endless
enthusiasm provides plenty. Attending
camps at Carthage and in Illinois was
£ollowed by an outstanding tst at U.W.
Milwaukee. This year the Varsity squad was
dropped to eight members, but the Sophomore
still maintains six. Early morning breakiast
sales and candy sales at noon provided needed
£unds £or both squads to get new uniiorms and
still leit the girls with enough energy to
practice seventh hour.
VARSITY CHEERLEADERS (above top) (Row 1) Kati lsermann, Wendy Quick (Row 2) Kerry Lettrich, LeAnn Pedersen
(Row 3) Linda Dibble, Daryl Malaney (Row 4) Donna
Batassa, Pat Wirch.
Gibson, SteHi Pierson, Sue Whiteside (Row 2) Janet
Pruett, Cindy Welch, Julie Ludwig.
(upper right) With a look ol victory, Varsity
cheerleader Leann Pedersen cheers the team at the 1974
Homecoming football game down at Lake Front Stadium.
(middle right) Hoping and cheering to win, Kerry Lettrich
and Linda Dibble watch as Ron Sebetic,
a cross-country runner, linishes.
(lower right) Without too much worry, SteHi Pierson,
Janet Pruett, and Julie Ludwig keep Tremper spirit while
cheering a close match between wrestlers.
Tro janettes with their
21 girl squad, worked together to learn the
many pom pom routines that were periormed
ior the student body. Resulting irom
their hard work they entered into competition
ior the iirst time and came out with a
third place trophy at Regionals. In
anticipation beiore competition they decided
to raise money ior new uniiorms by selling
stationery, candy and holding a car wash.
TROJANETTES (below) (Row 1) Kim Webb, Cindy Johnson,
Sue Ernst (Row 2) Sue Vagnoni, Linda Amadio,
Barb Guttormsen, Mary Medina (Row 3) Sue Spizzirri,
Maria Stader, Cathy Christian, Joanie Judeika, Joy Merten,
Sue DeRouchey (Row 4) Rosemary Banski, Dawn Bruzas,
Pam Sommer (Row S) Sharon Ciesielski, Nancy Metten,
Bev DeRouchey, Tierney McMahon, Phyllis Ancevic,
Kathy Engels.
(upper left) While sitting and watching a
basketball game the Trojanettes wait
anxiously before going on.
(lower right) Worrying about her hair, Sue
Spizzirri wears curlers in order to look nice for
her Trojanette organization picture.
Quill and Scroll
is an honor society ior high school journalists
with one semester oi outstanding work in
journalism. Members oi Quill and Scroll are
involved with Tempest News Center, Classic, New
Voice Radio, or Amaranth Literary Magazine.
An outstanding event this year was the
initiation banquet which was held in honor
ior the acceptance oi new members. In
aiiiliation with International Quill and
Scroll Society oi Iowa City, Iowa they received publications oi the International
QUILL U SCROLL (below) (Row 1) Kim Benik, Diane Simon,
Dana Nall, Denise .Johnstone, Peg Pezdir,
Rhonda Baker, Dave Larson (Row 2) Diane Hulce,
Kathy Becker (Row 3) .John Vagnoni, Dave Engels, Robert
Gregory (Row 4) .Jane Hosmanek, Diana Burgy,
Heather Reed, .Jean Tenuta, .Joi Ra£ter, Carol Duller,
Carol Mickewicz, Laura Studrawa (Row S) Charles
Willoughby, Lynn Rosen, Greg Rutchik, Kermit Hovey,
Brian Williams, Carol Misurelli, Leigh Feiier.
(upper right) .James Hazelton types up his story
£or the issue 0£ the
next Tempest.
(middle right) Editor 0£ Classic, Carol Misurelli
checks over the
layouts turned in to her.
(lower right) Heather Reed listens attentively
to the Editor 0£ Tempest as he reads a
story £or her approval.
Students helping as
teacher's aids in swim and gym activities
are the Boys Gym Aides. It is not a £ormal
club, only a group 0£ boys who volunteer to
assist in teaching. They help as chairmen in
intramural activities by keeping statistics,
league standings and other data that is
important £or the records 0£ the gym teachers.
It is a very tedious job but they don't seem to
mind it and continue their good work.
In aililiation with
the International Rotary-West Club, the Interact
Club has come into existence this year. This new
club under its own rules and regulations must
per£orm a community and service act each year.
To £ul£ill these requirements, the Interact Club
at Tremper decided to clean up the unsightly
areas around 26th Avenue, and sponsor an
activity's night £or the less £ortunate
disabled. As means to raise money they
held a paper drive, car wash and recycled
glass. Their highlights 0£ the year were
a chanter night with Rotary-West International
and a game 0£ basketball played between
Interact and Key Club.
BOYS P.E. AIDS (upper leH) (kneeling) Glenn Woods,
Jim Hill (standing) Bill Jaeger, Chester Sanders, Bob
Koch, Jerry Tranberg, Mark Adam.
INTERACT (upper right) (Row 1) David Kloet, John
Crawford, Bill Nurmi, Craig Koessl (Row 2) Tom Feckler,
Ron Bittner, JeH Nelson, Felix Gallo, Tom Miller,
Mike Dzurick (Row 3) JeH Hughes, Dan Fletcher,
Scot Scholey, Tom Strobbe.
(middle leH) Bill Jaeger distributes
swim suits before the
beginning of class.
(lower leH) Members of Interact
discuss the plans of
their future community project.
Lack ol interest
the lack oi gasoline curtailed many oi the
ski outings originally planned by the
Ski Club. Membership in the club dropped
irom 90 last year to 20 and J el co buses proved
hard to get. This year the club pre-arranged
ski events way back in July and the calendar in
the main oHice showed many excursions to
Alpine Mountain, Wilmot, Indianhead and the
Playboy Club. Mother Nature provided
excellent skiing conditions, but the club's
organization was poor and many iormed car pools
and went on their own.
SKI CLUB (above) (Row 1) Janet Pruett, Cathy Andreucci,
Karen Ellefson, Daryl Malaney, Joan Ferraro, Patti, Biel
Janice Morgan, Mike McClenaghan, Leslee Keyes,
Julie Bernett, Dick Reilly, Steve Klopstein, Karen
Nachreiner (Row 2) Chris Dimitrijevich, Susie Brandt,
Cindy Welch, Mia Pierson, Kathy Tredon, Paulette Rizzo,
John Lukosaitis, John Rende, Chris Finch,
Ron Jung, Erle Ebeling, John Crawford, Wendy Quick,
Craig Anderson, Jean Camosy, Mary Ferraro, Greg Aderman.
(middle right) Ski Club members load the bus for
the departure to Wilmot on their
first ski trip of the season.
(lower right) Taking a break from
skiing, Gene Schmidt heads into the lodge
to warm up with a drink of hot chocolate.
(lower left) Joan Ferraro looks down
to check her binding
before attempting to ski.
In existence £or three
years Stock Car Club has made £ine progress.
The membership has gone up £rom 6 to 30
members and is still increasing. Competing this
year in summer races they took many thirds,
but came out with a £irst in the race at Wilmot.
They receive special "pit passes" which enables
them to obtain needed parts £rom various
junk yards. They render their services by
repairing other cars. An added attraction this
year was guest speaker, T. C. Christions,
world's £astest motor cycle champion. To help
£inance their needs Stock Car Club sold candy
and candles and held a dance. Highlighting the
dance was a go-cart race in which many students
STOCK CAR CLUB (below) (Row 1) Kim Lindquist, Peter
Gray, John Fulmer, Ray Becker, Dianne Gra£,
Bill Bryant (Row 2) Tim Ironside, William Anderson,
Vickie WoelHer, Mike Haye, Roxann Aker, Dale Polzin.
(upper leH) Stock Car #38 returns alter
a race, battered and damaged,
needing repairs.
(lower leU) Students stop to watch as Susie Brandt
and Bill Anderson race down the hall in their go-carts
at the Stock Car Club dance.
equipment is brought to the Tremper £acuity
by the services 0£ the AV Aides. They help
in splicing £ilms, making art drawings,
running errands, in the actual £ilmmaking,
and delivering the extra equipment the £acuity
may need. In preparing £or a good presentation,
AV Aides act as an essential part.
Badger eirls
Badger Boys are chosen £rom Junior Class
students who completed the school year and
will be entering the Senior Class in the £all.
They are chosen by local high school authorities
and meet special quali£ications, such as good
leadership, and high scholarship ranking. They
went to Madison to participate in a program in
Americanism and in understanding government.
The purpose 0£ Badger State boys and girls is
to prepare young people in Wisconsin £or
citizenship in a modern world.
AV AIDES (above) (Row 1) Janis Clark, Peggy Pezdir, Mike
Kohn (Row 2) Theo Bedford, John Messersmith, Sandra
Williams, (Row 3) Debbie Hansmire, Sally Fechner,
Margaret Berger, (Row 4) Richard Towle, Tim Pepke, Rick
Flasch, Donna Leys (Row S) Rick Goergen, Fred Anderson,
Tom Schwuchow.
BAGDER STATE (middle right) Richard Baker, Jeff Hughes,
Joan Ferrarro, Kevin Nelson.
(lower right) Peggy Pezdir, a AV Aide helps during her
free hour to splice a film which
a teacher needed for Sth hour.
Ushers area1ways
ready to be 0£ assistance when music events,
plays, National Honor Society Induction,
graduation or any event occurs in the
auditorium. Consisting 0£ 10 members they
all do their best in aiding the public. The
only source 0£ money is their dues which
helped them out in cleaning their uni£orms.
USHERS (below) Debbie Wynoick, Maureen Balk, Linda Johnson,
Marie Oksa, Karen Detienne.
(upper left) Maureen Balk, an usher, gives change to
a student alter purchasing her
ticket to the "Free Fair" concert.
(middle left) Handing out programs is one
0£ the duties that Nancy
Metten per£orms as an usher.
(middle right) An usher hands a program to one 0£
the many persons who attended
the National Honor Society Induction.
Tremper Teens
membership was cut down to a smaller number
this year so the girls could become closer and
to allow the club to £unction more eHiciently.
Initiation £or new members was held in the £orm
0£ a picnic. Other events included a
progressive dinner, iloat building, ice
sculpturing £or Winter Rama, a banquet and their
annual Sadie Hawkins dance where "Bus Stop"
provided the music. Bake sales, and the selling
0£ candy canes and candy hearts were all money
raising projects held in order to help support
Sadie Hawkins.
TREMPER TEENS (Row 1) Donna Leys, Jane Williams,
Sandy Ogren, Jean Brandt (Row 2) Glenda Breiling,
Julie Cardinali, Jolie Harris, Ellen Doerner,
Peggy Stubbs, Nancy Schwaiger, Nancy Metten (Row 3)
Dawn Veith, Kathy Halvorsen, Kim Davenport, Diane
Hulce, Paula Antonacci, Ava Martinez, Debbie Koessl
(Row 4) Lisa Wood, Mary Brandt, Ellen Dutton, Diane
Girsh, Jane Sipsma, Karen Nachrelner.
(upper right) Sue Gentry and Dave Rommel at Sadie Hawkins,
enjoy themselves In the commons as
the band takes a break.
(middle right) Jane Williams and Donna Leys, members or
Tremper Teens, have a friendly conversation with their
customers at their bake sale.
(lower right) Relaxing against the bales or hay, Dave
Meler and Diane Solovey enjoy a quiet
moment together.
During the winter
recess, Sub Deb presented its annual winter
£ormal. This activity is their major project
and this year it was entitled "Just You and
Me", with the band "Scatter" providing the
music. Another event which is associated with
Sub Deb, is their progressive dinner, which
£ormally initiates their new members. To
help the spirit 0£ Homecoming, Sub Deb, together
with Key Club, Tremper Teens and Lettermen's
Club built a £1oat and decorated the commons
area and the £ootball team's locker room. With
an accent on serving the community they provided
a Christmas basket, Thanksgiving basket and held
an Easter party £or the elderly. The club also
was inspired to volunteer their services in
cleaning the commons area trophy case.
SUB DEB (below) (Row 1) Lucile Puidokas, Rosanne Hartnell,
Anita Llanas, Mary Ironside, Renee Swiatko, Nancy
Kasputis, Sue Gentile, Cathy Ellelson, Joan Pitts,
Lynn Brookhouse, Christy Finch (Row 2) Diane Solovey,
Terri Ramaccl, Tracy Klopstein, Nancy Ledanski, Patty
Walkowski, Jean Tenuta (Row 3) Joan Ferraro, Betty Piehl,
Noreen Kavanaugh, Nancy Christy, Mary Uhlich, Missy
Kobrow, Ann Krulatz, Mary Martin (Row 4) Lynn Peterson,
Karen Frederick, Dawn Bruzas, Eileen Kavanaugh, Sue
Schultz, Becky Panzlau, Laura Schmitt, Marilee Zievers,
Jan Frederick, Julie Bruneau, Pam Aker, Barb Nelson,
Kathy Kavanaugh, Terri Sorensen, Frances Jones, Pat
Henningleld (Row S) (standing) Rae Kevek, Dawn Acerbi,
Janet Fulmer, Janet Smith, Carol Haney, Cathy Hylinski,
Gall Sexton, RoseAnn Covelli, Kathy Taminger, Diane
Larsen, Leigh Feiler, Mary Ferraro, Terri Deerwester,
Betty Lasky, Janice Kronholm, Mary Johnson, Sandy Krahn.
(upper lelt) James Whitmire contributes to Sub Deb's
money raising by purchasing a carnation lor his
sweetheart on Valentine's Day.
(middle lelt) Dancing to the music, Gary Preston
does his best to make Sub Deb night an
enjoyable one.
Stage Guild,
known as the Stage Crew, is behind
the scene £or every production at Tremper
involving lights and sound. This club,
most active in the stage and screen production
area, has now gone co-ed. All activities
in the auditorium and gym such as
dances, our school play, Homecoming coronation
and the Aquette's show are impossible without
the Stage Guild. The new "seats" in the
commons were built by the Stage Guild
and their many popcorn and candy sales buy
the necessary light and sound equipment.
STAGE GUILD (above) (Row 1) Jim Zlelsdor£,
John Van Dyke, Mike Meyer, Gary Knorn, Bruce Laken,
Martin Larson, Peter Gray, Brad Swanson,
Tony Zarlettl (Row 2) Bob Rath,
Tim Pepke, Ron Rasch, Tom Schwuchow, Mary Tercek,
Ricky Usinger, Dan Rasico, Scott Thornberg
(middle leH) Camera-shy Tim Pepke tries to
hide £rom the Stage Guild organizational picture,
but he gets caught in the act.
(lower leH) The lunch line ls not the only source
£or £ood during the lunch hour. Tony Zarlettl
or Stage Guild helps sell candy at the candy counter.
Working toeether with
Kiwanis Club, Key ~ub helped to make a
more enjoyable Christmas season ior the
needy people oi Kenosha when they
gathered iood irom the student body in their
annual iood drive. Other services to
the community included a muscular dystrophy
drive and in the iuture a goal oi $1SOO ior a
Peace Corps School. Reilecting on the golden
years oi the so's, Key Club sponsored a
"SO's Craze" dance; one oi the notable dances
oi the season.
KEY CLUB (above) (Row 1) JeH Schoor, John Crawford,
Marc Sauve, Chadd Chatterton, Steve Spizzirri, Dean
Sivley, (Row 2) Kirk Topel, Greg Kruchko, Bob Bauer,
Jerry Maurer, Dan McDermott, Kevin Nelson, (Row 3)
Mike Hebert, Mike Bruno, Jim Lehman, Ron Sebetic,
Jay Lehman, Dave Chase, Tony Turco, John Stancato.
(middle left) No, Jim Godlewski is not trying out
for choir, he is doing one of the many
requirements needed for Key Club initiation.
(lower le£t) Pam Aker and Bob Cooper dance to a
exciting so's finish as they
win the Key Club dance title.
National Honor Society
has 137 members this year and is strictly an
honorary organization. Membership is regulated
on the basis 0£ the students grades. They must
be on the honor roll consecutively £or three
quarters. Their main event 0£ the year is the
annual Spring induction service. They collect
$1 per new initiate and this money helps to
provide a scholarship £und. This club is
identiHed with the National Headquarters in
Washington D.C. where the names 0£ all members
are on record.
Brandt, Sandy Ogren, Jody Firchow, Lori Schuck, Linda Vanderpoel, Lynn Rosen, Sue Eisenhauer, Kim Chiodo, Lois Mol·
gaard, Lynn Tenuta, Jackie Young, Colleen Riley, Diane Larsen, Vicki Kalcic (Row 2) Jolie Harris, Loretta Springer,
Monica Meyers, Diana Burgy, Beth Kennedy, Pat Henningreld,
Donna Batassa, Linda Falduto, Michele Linderman, Janice
Kronholm, Cathy Ellerson, June Lubniewski, Linda Chatterton,
Sheila Vignerie, Kim Tizi, Peggy Pezdir, Ellen Pedraza
(Row 3) Heather Reed, Shari Lyons, Kathy Scharr, Barb
Schubert, Warren Robinson, Scott Deerwester, Brain AlthoH,
Rick Hartnell, Dick Reilly, Amy O'Connor, Brian Johnson,
Kathy Neitzel, Rae Kevek, Jane Williams, Diane Hulce
(Row 4) Phil Hansen, Jane Sipsma, Diane McGrogan, Bob
Hadler, Steve Mosher, Kermit Hovey, Dick Rohde, Bob Pitsch,
Steve Hesserort, Robert Gregory, Robert Collins, Tom Wood,
Carol Misurelli, Barb Cords, Donna Leys (Row S) Byrno
Zajic, Jaent Wynstra, Bill Jaeger, Kurt Koesser, Andrew
Pias, Winston Slater, Charles Gehring, James Holton, Rom
Stevens, Mark Tillack.
(middle) President or National Honor Society, Rom
Stevens leads the old members
in reciting their pledge.
(below) Kurt Koesser oHicer or National Honor Society,
lights the candle symbolizing wisdom In the
ceremony or Initiating new members.
Taking pictures is
Camera Club's main aim. Students interested
in learning about the camera, how to take
pictures, and just general camera bugs join
camera club £or the enjoyment 0£ taking
pictures. Pictures taken 0£ individuals at
Sadie Hawkins were sold and the proiits went
to the purchase 0£ £ilm and processing
solutions. Basically Camera Club provides
entertainment £or the person who indulges in
Merten, Cindy Duban, Sheree Becker, Terri Zeihen,
Allison Belongia, Karen Gosnell, Joanne Lepp, Lori
Jenison, Elizabeth Lulewicz, Julie Cardinali, (Row 2)
Peggy Fish, Susan Debusman, Lynn Aikens, Karen
Frederick, Ros Andreuccl, Betsy Ulrich, Pam Andersen,
Leah Cayo, Barbara Hall, Theo Bedford, Joan Ferraro,
Ellen Dutton (Row 3) Pat Terwall, Jeanne Palmer, Dan
Alexanian, John Rende, Dwight Irving, Michael SedloH,
John Crawford, Ken Wlersum, Soren Johnson, Jean Tenuta
(Row 4) Larry Keating, Sandy Frei, Dwane Becker, Jim
McGibany, JeH Hughes, Don Bass, Charles EHtmann, Sue
DeRouchey, B.T. Johnson, Mollie Clarke.
CAMERA CLVB (middle left) Don Bass, John Vagnoni, Rich
Wiersum, Rick Williams, Brent Warren.
(lower left) Rich Wiersum, a member or Camera Club seems
to enjoy taking pictures In the commons area or
the couples at Sadie Hawkins.
(lower right) Don Bass, member or Camera Club counts
their profits earned in taking
pictures at Sadie Hawkins.
A new addition
to the Kenosha area was the construction oi
an ice arena oii oi 60th avenue. This
brought about new interests and enthusiasm
to Tremper students resulting in the
organization oi this year's Hockey Club.
Hockey members play against each other in
games on their own time and with their
own money. Hockey Club challenged the
iaculty to a hockey game on March 8, at the
arena. Being on ice ior the iirst time
the iaculty was aided by some members oi
Hockey Club, making the sides equal. The
iaculty came out on top with the score oi
6-S. Earnings they received irom the selling
oi tickets to the Student Faculty game was
put in their treasury in an eHort to raise
money to sponsor a dance.
HOCKEY (upper right) (Top standing) Rusty Straley, Steve
Walkowski, Jerry Malsack, Terry McMahon, Steven Spizzirri
(Top sitting) John Craw£ord, Vern Cummings, Bob Bauer,
Ron Andro (Bottom back) Brian Hart, Bob Gangler, JeH
Pechura, Marc Toigo, Dave Dorn, Keith Taylor (Bottom
£ront) Ernie Mueller, JeH Schoor, Ron Sebetic.
(lower right) Teammates carry Bob Bauer oH the
ice a£ter his £all during the StudentFaculty Hockey game.
(upper le£t) Steve Spizzirri, member 0£ Hockey
Club, goes £or a goal
in helping out the Faculty.
(lower le£t) Hockey member, Ron Sebetic, waits
£or his teammate to pass him the puck
be£ore making a goal.
Hard work payed oll
ior New Voice Radio this year. They received
the National U State Golden Mike Award. A trip
to Indianapolis was made to accept the award,
which was judged in Hawaii as the best student
youth recording. "Voice oi Democracy" a
broadcast by Peggy Pezdir was awarded $100.00.
Another exciting experience was when Lt. Gov.
Shreiber held a press conierence in our
recording studio on February 27, 1974, entitled
"Youth, Government and the Energy Crisis". To
encourage publicity and sponsorship ior the
local radio program, New Voice broadcasts at
2:30 every Saturday aiternoon on WLIP. Ending
a very interesting and eventiul year was a
iield trip to WRKR, radio broadcasting studio.
NEW VOICE RADIO (above) Patty Willkomm, Peggy
Pezdir, Rhonda Baher, Bruce Fredericksen, Mike
Messina, Dave Larson, John Haugen.
(middle lelt) Patty Wlllkomm plays a record on
her broadcast, which she will present
on New Voice Radio, Saturday.
(lower lelt) Dave Larson previews his tape
on a New Voice Radio show beiore
sending It to WLIP.
AFS stands for
Field Service. In aHiliation with AFS
international, they sponsor the Foreign Exchange
Program at Tremper. They bring students
irom many parts oi the world to Kenosha and
provide homes £or them during the school year,
and, in general acquaint them with the many
aspects oi the American way oi living.
In addition to Foreign Exchange students, this
year Leslie Miller was elected to become a
ioreigner herseli and go abroad. Without the
proiits oi iruit cake and sucker sales this
world wide exchange oi students would not
be possible.
AFS (below) (Row 1) Ava Martinez, Janet Wynstra, Nancy
Hackwarthy, Meredith Gresham, Kathy Mourouti (Row 2)
LuAnne Johnson, Lisa Rasmussen, Lesley Miller (Row 3)
Sue Kazell, Becky Williams (bottom), Laurie Edwards (top),
Leisa Glass (bottom), Linda Laurenzi (top), Linda
Vanderpoel (bottom), Lori Schuck (top), Kim Davenport
(bottom), Marsha Miller (top), Mark Hatherly, Marsha
Werve (bottom), Jody Firchow (top).
(upper right) Meredith Gresham, Foreign Exchange Student
and her sister £or the year, Nancy Hackwarthy, talk about
Meredith's home land, Australia, during an assembly.
(middle right) AFS members, during their meeting,
decide on their candidate
£or Daisy Mae.
Spanish Club adopted
a Mexican £amily this year. The £amily
which consists 0£ £ive children ranging in age
£rom nine months to 21 years moved to Kenosha
£rom Mexico and £ound the adoption a new
experience. To make their holiday
more enjoyable, Spanish Club provided a turkey
£or Thanksgiving, home made clothes £or
Christmas and a £ruit basket £or Easter. The
selling 0£ cards, bake sales and winning
the Class B ice sculpture enabled the club
to sponsor such a worthwhile project. This
act 0£ goodness proved to be very rewarding and
was their main achievement. But they also
indulged in a little £un themselves as they
celebrated Valentine's Day and went on a
tobogganning outing.
SPANISH CLUB (Above) (Row 1) Susie Whiteside, Kathy
Fato, Mary Miller, Tami Nelson (Row 2) Mary Froeber, Sue
Rognstad, Nancy Metten, Karen Baker, Joan Judeika,
Janine Wentzek (Row 3) JeH Cohen, Cathy Christian,
Karen Smith.
(middle le£t) Cathy Christian, sitting with
her £riends, enjoys her lunch snack
in the commons.
(lower le£t) Karen Smith, President, and Kathy Fato,
Vice President 0£ Spanish Club, display their pii\ata
which they made £or the Christmas Party.
An active
German Club started oH the
Christmas season by singing German Christmas
carols and bringing joy to the people in the Old
Folk's Home and hospitals. German Club, together
with the other Foreign Language Clubs, had a
Christmas party, banquet, and built a Homecoming iloat, entitled "Running Out 0£ Time". German
Club is in contact with NFSG, National
Federations 0£ Students 0£ Germany and subscribes to their international magazine. Their
chiei means 0£ earning money was by sponsoring
many bake sales.
GERMAN CLUB (below) Mark Hatherly, Joe Desris, Kevin
McDonald, Doug Hansen, Rom Stevens, Kathy Engelmann,
Kurt Koesser, Shelley Ladd, Dee McDavid, Kathy Albert,
Heidi Feld, Joanne Westplate, Renee Westplate, Sally
Johnson, Susan DeBusman, Nancy Nelson, Maryjane
Archer, Sheree Becker, Kevin McDonald, Katie Werve,
Colleen Bolyard, Sue DeRouchey.
(upper right) Doug Hansen enjoys a quiet
study hour during third period
in preparation lor a test.
(middle right) While reviewing a test, Sally
Johnson and classmates look to see what
corrections need to be made.
French Club traveled
to Chicago's Art Institute to observe French
Culture. They viewed French Impressionist
Paintings and they ate at a French Restaurant,
which inspired them to create their own
French meal prepared in the Home Economics
kitchen. To iurther their appreciation oi
the French society, guest speaker, Soren
Johnson, gave a visual presentation oi
France. The clubs dues, bake sales, and
an "Activity's Night" that the French Club
sponsored, help to iinance their activities
expanding their knowledge oi French culture.
FRENCH CLUB (upper left) (Row 1) Jean Tenuta, Sue
Vagnoni (Row 2) Barbara Moore, Don Bass (Row 3) Mona
Curio, Allison Belongia (Row 4) Lori Schuck, Jolie
Harris, Paula Laurenzi, Jeanne Tans, Jackie
Young (Row 5) Mary Uhlich, Janet Fulmer (Row 6)
Deborah Foreman, Louis Lang (Row 7) Donna Myers,
Susan Schultz, Jill Metallo, Carolyn Brownell,
Rosemary Banski, Gayle Nimmerguth.
(upper right) Carolyn Brownell, a French Club
member also finds time to assist at a
wrestling meet.
(middle left) French Club members listen attentively
to their guest speaker, Soren Johnson, as
he tells of his travels to Europe.
(lower left) Carolyn Brownell, a French Club member
and her friend, Pam Aker get into the swing of
the SO's era during the noon hour.
not just pertain to boys. Girls
contribute to the success 0£ the team
as Wrestling Pride proves. As the 20 girls
assist the coaches, judges, and in the scoring
at meets they help to make up the backbone
0£ the team. Wrestling Pride showed their
appreciation to the coaches and oHicials by
buying a lunch £or them at the Sophomore
Invitational. They also held a parent's night
£or the wrestlers. Working with the
cheerleaders, Wrestling Pride sponsored the
annual Gorgeous George contest held £or the
senior wrestlers. Money £or uni£orms, £ood £or
coaches at special events, trophies and medals
were obtained by numerous bake sales, candy
sales, and the serving 0£ £ood at the
Gymnastics Sectional. They started this year out
with sso.oo and ended it with a grand total 0£
WRESTLING PRIDE (above) (Row 1) Debbie Cantwell,
Joyce Dyutka, Pam Anderson, Pam Madison, Lisa Tutlewski
( Row 2) Rhonda Baker, Chris Studtmann, Linda Banerdt,
Betty Knudsen, Lynn Peterson, Carolyn Brownell (Row 3)
Yvonne LeTart, Rachael Rodgers, Frances Jones, Terri
Zeihen, Pam Aker (Row 4) Vicki P£eHer, Carol Meiers,
Lesley Miller.
( middle) Starting oH the meet, Wrestling Pride
hopes £or the best in gaining points £or their
wrestlers at the Sophomore Invitational.
(lower le£t) Lisa Tutlewski, member 0£ Wrestling Pride,
waits anxiously to £ind out the results 0£ the match
between Tremper member, Jim Kopesky, and his opponent.
(lower right) Be£ore wrestling, Debbie Cantwell,
member 0£ Wrestling Pride, announces the members
that qualHy their weight.
Black Culture Club
made Christmas a little more enjoyable this
year £or a needy £amily by providing them with
a £ood basket. They also sponsored the
annual Black History Week. This year guest
speakers, Mr. Rovelle Munstin, and Mr.
Clarence Munstin exhibited specimens £rom the
DuSable Museum 0£ A£rican History, Chicago,
Ill. Malnutrition in A£rican countries such as
Mali, Niger, and Mauritania attracted the
attention 0£ Black Culture Club. By holding
bake sales, an activity night and a Halloween
party they raised money to send to un£ortunate
countries in A£rica.
BLACK CULTURE CLUB (below) (Row 1) Mike York,
Kathy Marks, Leo Turner, Leon Thomas Turner (Row 2)
Sandra Williams, Jackie Turner, Anita Bell, Ricky
Hamilton, Carolyn Varnell (Row 3) Rena Tolefree,
Charlene Bedford, Darryl Ford, Regina Tolefree,
Bonnie Davis, Jacqueline Phillips, Millicent Brantley.
(upper left) Charlene Bedford, a member or Black Culture
Club, shares a snack with her friend while discussing H
they should participate in the fashion show.
(middle left) Jacqueline Phillips, a member or Black
Culture Club, laughs with her friends between classes at
what had happened in llrst hour.
An Amateur radio
was taken by all the boys in the Electronics
club. This gave them the privileges to
operate Citizen Band Radio receivers and
transmitters. Two members, John Haugen and
Rick Usinger, built Linear Amplifiers which
were used on their transmitters. Most oi the
club's work consisted oi repairing and
overhauling televisions, radios and smaller
equipment. Future plans ior the club
include making money to build up their
Amateur station.
(upper right) Mr. Ostman, advisor or Electronics club,
and members John Haugen and Rick Uslnger work
on perfecting the Amateur radio station.
(lower right) During a meeting or the Electronics
club the members work together to produce an
outstanding project.
ELECTRONICS CLUB (upper left) John Haugen,
Rick Uslnger, Ray Jensen, Mike Hamm,
Bill Thurn.
Tremper Aviation c1ub
works on construction projects ranging
£rom scale plastic model AircraH to more
advanced model AircraH and Rockets.
U-Control planes were built and Hown by
all the boys in the club. This was not
only £un, but a learning experience none
were to £orget. Future plans include
increasing the membership and building up
"Bombsight" £or upcoming uses.
AVIATION CLUB (lower) Mike Hebert, Dave Rohde, Barry
Kondrad, David Harris, Steve Ennis, William Anderson,
Mike Hamm, Blll Thurn.
(upper leH) Mike Hebert, a member ol Aviation club, and
his lriends stop to chat with Mr. Kranen belore
going out to Lunch.
(middle leH) William Anderson, a member ol Aviation
club, takes out a lew minutes ol the day to
just relax.
The numerous duties
0£ the Driver Education teachers are
made easier by the energetic Driver's Ed Aides.
The aides are responsible £or the preparation
0£ classes, attendance taking, errand running,
and some are even allowed to pick up the
drivers education cars £rom new car dealers.
These volunteers are very help£ul to the
teachers but more than that they are always
available to students £or in£ormation.
DRIVER'S ED AIDES (lower right) (front) Dana Nall, Mary
Ferraro (back) Tina BonHigllo, Carol Lasky.
(middle right) Carol Lasky, Driver's Ed Aide, checks over
the driving schedule before announcing
who goes in which car.
(lower leH) Tina BonHiglio fills out a parking
permit £or a student while
the teacher is holding a class.
Students volunteer
their aid in helping Tremper's eHicient
attendance department. Receiving phone calls,
tracing parents, typing excused absences and
iiling are many oi the chores that the
helpiul students engage in. They greet
students with a iriendly smile at the
"Attendance Window" and they provide the
students with bus tickets, tardy slips, and
readmittance slips.
ATTENDANCE AIDS (upper left) (standing) Kim Moore, Debbie
Behl, Brenda Moses (sitting) Debbie Fraley, Tim Peters,
Judy Hlvata.
(upper right) Helping to aid the students, Brenda Moses
hands out bus tickets during her
second hour study hall.
(lower left) Debbie Fraley's daily chore ol the day ls
receiving the envelopes which are to be typed up lor the
distributing ol the absentee list third hour.
Tempest News Center stands
£or the Squall, Trojan, and TNC iilms.
Tempest worked every iirst hour in publishing
these school media products. This was the
iirst year £or the publication 0£ a sports
paper, The Trojan, which was distributed every
Thursday. Their hard work was rewarded by
receiving the National Quill ~ Scroll Writing
Award, Gallup International Honor Award, and
an All Wisconsin Award. Aside irom working
on the Tempest, Diana Burgy received the
position 0£ Teen Page Editor on the Kenosha
News. Heather Reed, Art Leccese, and James
Hazelton attended journalism workshops at the
University 0£ Wisconsin-Madison and Whitewater
where they learned new methods 0£ writing. To
raise money, £or the printing 0£ three papers
and class wills, Tempest sponsored rock-atnoon, dances, had subscription sales and
sold advertizing to local businesses.
TEMPEST (above) (Row 1) Margo Schneider, Ginger Gomaz,
Kimberly Schari, Susan Jeranek, Jean Tenuta (Row 2) Pat
Berner, Carol Duller, Laura Studrawa, Jean Brandes,
Marie Oksa, Doug Haney (Row 3) Mollie Clarke, Carol
Mickewicz, Scott Deerwester, Bruce Johnson, Karen
Deitienne, Kathy Bakke (Row 4) Rick Flasch, Dave Engels,
Jane Hosmanek, Heather Reed, James Hazelton, Greg
Rutchik (Row S) Charles Willoughby, Barb Schbert, Joi
Rafter, John Vagnoni (Row 6) Bob Wisman, Doug Brunner,
Kermit Hovey, Terry Toleiree, Art Leccese.
( upper left) Greg Rutchik, member oi Tempest StaH,
shares some oi the responsibilities in
sponsoring a dance.
(middle right) Tempest members wait to
see ii anymore people plan
to attend their dance.
(lower right) Kermit Hovey, lntermedia Director £or
the Tempest News Center, works hard to iinish
the Squall, in time £or the deadline.
The old Drampers Club
came to liie this year again aiter being
tucked away in a closet. While being
reborn, the club also became connected with
the National Thespians. This revival is more
or less a learning club in which the students
participate in expressive readings. The proiits
irom the selling oi spiritual sky incense went
ior the payment oi excursions to the theatre.
Since it was newly reorganized this year,
Drampers plans are mostly in the iuture. The
club wants to, as Mr. Iaquinta puts it, "keep
moving, and bring live theatre experiences
to Tremper students and vice versa."
DRAMPERS (above) (Row 1) Soren Johnson, Kathryn Scharf,
Joe Safago, Bruce Johnson, Paulette Rizzo, Kimberly
Scharf (Row 2) Diane Evans, Kathy Tredon (Row 3) J.C.
Bussard, Mike Carolan, Leah Conklin, Sheila Vignerie,
Laura Riggle, Kathy Lechner.
(upper left) Bruce Johnson, member of Drampers, and his
classmates find humor in the
pantomime given to the class.
(lower left) Peppy Rizzo and Kathy Scharf, members of
Drampers rehearse in 120 for their production of
the play "Torch-Bearers."
What does the Classic
StaH do? In answer to this question, ask
what doesn't it do? It provides Tremper with
an extraordinary yearbook and the work behind
it is great, which means the meeting oi
deadlines, and money raising campaigns.
Subscriptions are the main income. The selling
oi cotton candy, buttons, bake sales, and dances
also helps with the money problem, and this year
was the iirst time they seemed to come out oi
the red in debts. Supplying the school with
the yearbook is not their only interest. They
donated a Homecoming Float and an ice sculpture
ior the canceled Winter Rama. The Classic
staH also is responsible ior the handing out
oi prom pictures, senior pictures and ID's.
All in all the Classic staH operates as one
big happy iamily donating its time and skills
to the service oi Tremper High.
CLASSIC (below) (Row 1) Denise Johnstone, Dana Nall,
Paulette Rizzo, Kim Benik, Leigh FeU:er (Row 2) Jackie
Grasser, Diane Hulce, Kris Finch, Diane Simon, Steve
Walkowski, Amy O'Connor, Brian Williams, Carol Musurelll,
Kathy Becker, Janet Wynstra.
(upper lert) Editor Carol Mlsurelll, checks a layout lor
Co-Editor ol the knowledge
section, Diane Hulce.
(upper right) Photographer, Brain Williams, walks
happily through the snow
during 4th hour lunch.
(middle right) Kathy Becker, classic member, runs
the cotton candy machine
at the Spring Festival.
Debate and Forensics
Club enjoyed one 0£ their most productive
years. Many 0£ the members received honors
including Kermit Hovey £or extemporaneous
speaking, Douglas Haney £or a £our minute
speech, and Soren Johnson £or a eight minute
oratory. Doug and Soren received a £irst
rating at the State Forensics Contest.
Tournaments were held on Saturdays throughout
the year. Participating in the District Debate
Tournament were Mary Anderson, Barb Schubert,
Andy Pias, and Bill Jaeger. The-V Debate
Team, won a 2nd place trophy at the Southern
Lakes Invitational Debate Tournament. Funds
received £rom their district budget went to
pay £or trips and resource material.
DEBATE AND FORENSICS (below) (Row 1) Doug Haney, Pat
Berner, Soren Johnson, Greg Turco (Row 2) Kermit Hovey,
Barb Schubert, Bill Jaeger, Andy Pias.
(middle left) Mary Anderson, also a member of Debate
and Forensics, is pictured here in the Student
Faculty play, "Torchbearers".
(lower left) Pat Berner, member of Debate and
Forensics, also active in Tempest, helps at
activities night.
CONCERT BAND (middle) (Row 1) Maureen Louks, Lori Meyer,
Noreen Kavanaugh, Nita Nichi, Wendy Drissel, Carol Meyer,
Cathie Jones, Linda Rikli, Debbie Roberts (Row 2) Terri
Deerwester, Steve Cascio, Craig Schiller, Cindy Gregory,
Keith Manna, John Plutchak, Kim Christensen, Rob Hawkins,
Laura Schmitt, Carrie Papa, Robert Anderson, Chris
Dimitrijevich, Marti Nall, Lynn Kuessow, Helen Thom,
Jeanine Hanrahan, Lisa Tutlewski, Nancy Christy (Row 3)
Nancy Ledanski, Colleen Meyer, Judy Westerman, Ann Maurer,
Georgia Argyrls, Sue Johnson, Tim Miller, Mike Mowry,
Steve Schneider, Bob May, Jim LaHaye, Greg Minix, Len
Eells, Sally Fechner, Vince laqulnta, Sandy Ogle, Sue
Wallis, Debbie Erickson, Amy Maurer, Mary Garves, Tom
Tenuta, Bob Landgren, Mark Paielll (Row 4) Cheryl
Deinlger, Kim Gallup, John DorH, Paula Antonacci, Sue
Suchowski, Cathy Parham, Jim Godlewski, Alan Gerlach,
Brian Smith, Howard Strunk, Brian Ringdahl, Bob Dyutka,
Mark Hackbarth, Jan Ebert (Row S) Mike Schmidt, Travis
Hackworthy, Bob Dumke, Jim Coshun
SYMPHONIC BAND (upper) (Row 1) Debbie Riggle, Betsy Vogel,
Janice Kronholm, Lisa Rohrer, Laura George, Karen Paul,
Sheree Becker, Mary Uhlich, Diane Barnes, Kim Davenport,
Karen Putman (Row 2) Joanne Lepp, Lucile Puidokas, Terri
Sorensen, Denise Crump, Linda Gunnell, Chris Studtmann,
Dee McDavid, Donna Posselt, Tracy Klopstein, Jean Schultz,
Nancy Kasputis, Meredith Gresham, Janet Frese, Jane
Williams, Karen Frederick (Row 3) Kathy Tredon, Tami Zehms,
Paula Kollman, Colleen Riley, Jane Sipsma, Debbie Cantwell,
Lynn Procarione, Katie Werve, JeH Harris, Bert Williams,
Jerry Molette, Charlene Schultz, Lynn Aikens, Cindy Duban,
Barbara Burgess, Laura Engels, Mona Curio, Barbara Nelson,
Kathy Ohora, Amy Standridge (Row 4) Liz Lulewicz, Cindy
Winans, Eliszbeth Ulrich, Vickie PieHer, Jackie Faulkner,
Sue Torris, Sue Kolkman, Andrea Becker, Jim Zuhlke, Mark
Belsky, Scott Wilson, Kathy Byom, Gary Gerlach, Mike
Henning£eld, Mike Murray, Robert Meyer, Dale Pierce,
Glenn Schellinger, Den Seiler, Liz Sipple, David
Zuberbuehler, Dwight Irving (row S) Mike Mcclenaghan,
Dale Gamberini, Dan Larson, Robert Hadler, John Nepper,
Gary Barnes, Chris Verbick, Jay Harris, Greg Ollila,
Peter Best (Row 6) Tim Ironside, Doug Larson, Steve
Hagen, Dave Bromstead, Gary Schmitt, Ward Hammond,
Lee HuH, Rick Meier, Rick Anderson
Unity helued
the Concert andSymphonic bands to win the
Wisconsin State Lions Championship. This
enabled them to make a trip to Miami, Florida
and per£orm in a parade in Miami Beach.
Although they combine their eHorts, during
the summer they present concerts separately.
Both bands have busy schedules and their
per£ormances contain many diHerent compositions
0£ music. January 17 was the date 0£ Concert
band's per£ormance and on December 18 Symphonic
band £eatured Hutist, Mr. Gary Sigurdson.
Their exceptional per£ormances were well
received and enjoyed by vast audiences.
sounds oi such big name bands as Buddy Rich
and Stan Kenton, Tremper Stage Bands began an
active year with September tryouts. The
two Stage Bands have been nicknamed Blue Jazz
Ensemble and Red Jazz Ensemble. This year,
Blue Jazz Ensemble played ior the Marquette
Invitational while Red Jazz Ensemble traveled
to Milton, Wisconsin, to periorm ior Milton
College. Both Stage Bands attended the
Regional Contest at Bullen Jr. High here in
Kenosha and received 1st and 2nd place. Music
was provided by the Stage Bands ior the
Variety Show, Spring Festival, Mr. Tremper
Assembly and various pep rallies. The talent
oi these two iine ensembles added to the
success oi many events.
STAGE BAND (upper) Row 1) Raymond Millholland, Erik
Andersen, Tom Goodhall, Rick Dart, Keith Dreger, Dwight
Irving, JeH Harris, Peter Hybert, Gary Schmitt, Joe
Ludwig, Don Sellers (Row 2) Neil Harmon, Craig Ebert,
Scott MacPherson, Paul Cailliet, David Kramer, Scott
Deerwester, Dan Larson, Robert Hadler, Dale Gamberini,
Rom Stevens, Ed Tutas, Scott Davenport.
STAGE BAND (middle) (Row 1) Bob Landgren, Steve Cascio,
David Zuberbuehler, Mark Paielli, Glenn Schnelllnger,
Doug Larson, Steve Schneider, Mike Graham, Ward Hammond,
Lee HuH, Chris Verbick, John Giordano (Row 2) Gary
Gerlach, Dale Pierce, Mlke Murray, Mike Henningleld,
Greg Minix, Mlke Mowry, Bob Anderson, John Nepper,
Brian Smith, Ray Kontor, Gary Barnes, Jay Harris, Alan
Both Colorguards
and bands plan to combine and participate
in the "Frontier Days" celebration in
Cheyenne, Wyoming in July. In the past
both guards have gone to St. John's
Military Academy, band camp in Del£ield,
and per£ormed in various parades
throughout the states. Car washes, jewelry
sale, and candy selling were a £ew 0£ the
ways the guards and bands earned money to
pay their travel expenses.
COLORGUARD (middle) Julie Brummel, Alice Ambro, Jane
Johnson, Eileen Chaput, Terry Ramacci, Carol Morrison,
Diane Solovey, Vickie Kalcic, Mimi Madrigrano, Debbie
Picken, Nancy Weise, Kim Chiodo.
COLORGUARD (lower) Anita Llanas, Laurie Van Dyke, Lori
Brummel, Kim Gerlach, Tami Nelson, Dorothy Kostreva, Julie
Anderson, Tami Bauer, Gwen Schaefer, Betty Piehl, Jean
Palmer, Joanne Mcginley, Lori Smith.
(upper left) Julie Brummel marches to "Our
United States" in the Symphonic Band
Concert on December 18.
holding many concerts made this year's Tremper
Symphony Orchestra very exciting and productive. The Spring Tour took the Orchestra to the
Minneapolis area where they periormed in several
colleges, universities and High Schools. The
climax oi the trip was the periormance oi the
"Tremper Golden Strings" at the Minnesota State
Music Educators Convention. During the year
Tremper High School Symphony Orchestra
presented a dedication concert on January 29
proclaiming "Ralph J. Houghton Day" ieaturing
guest artist, Stephen Swedish. They also
presented a Spring Concert highlighting ior
the iirst time Heather Reed, dancing in a
Wisconsin Premiere composition, and eight
ieatured soloists and the Tremper Evening
Chamber Ensemble.
(middle right) Tremper Symphony Orchestra members
per£orm in the Tenth Annual Spring Concert a
"Concerto No. 3 in G Major £or Violin and Orchestra.
(lower right) Eric Ebeling and Mike SedloH members
0£ the Symphony Orchestra per£orm in a composition
designated £or the cellos.
ORCHESTRA (above) (Row 1) Robert Wells, Lynn Tenuta, Dan
Alexanian, JeH Cohn, Linda Chatterton, Robert Gregory,
Eric Ebeling, Mike SedloH (Row 2) Becky Proulx, Kay
Pruett, Heather Reed, Leslie Leonard, Linda Brown, Jean
TaHs, John Giordano, Chet Sanders, Peter Hybert, Greg
Sniatynski (Row 3) JeH Myers, Tom Roiniotis, Kathy
Shelley, Nancy York, Julie GriHin, Gay Oechler, Marlene
Gosnell, Pat Henningfeld, Lisa Rohrer, Jean Brandt, Janice
Kronholm, Donna Ells, Ava Martinez, David Harris, Lisa
Glass, Donna Myers, Cyndy Mason (Row 4) Lora DeManche,
Ann Krulatz, Carol Kreuscher, Nick Campolo, Rick Carpenter,
Barbara Guttormsen, Charlene Tunkieicz, Jan Drigot, Dee
McDavid, Diana Larsen, Donna Posselt, Pat llansen, Ray
Millholland, June Lubniewski, Linda Gunnell, Joanne Lepp,
Dennis Frame, Amy Standridge, Joyce Dyutka, Jean Schultz,
Nancy Kasputls, Martin Ells, Kenneth Peterson, Susan Schultz.
Sally Kevek (Row S) Jean Kuczenski, Sue Rarick, Eliane
Wilson, Jill Metallo, Mary Medina, Alice Schlosser, Richard
Green, Virginia Moore, JeH Harris, Katie Werve, Renee
Whitt, Scott Deerwester, Lynn Procarione, Beth Kennedy
(Row 6) Paul Cailliet, Scott MacPherson, Neil Harmon,
John Fumo, Craig Ebert, Rom Stevens, Ed Tutas, Scott
Davenport, Jay Harris, Dale Deford, James Roemer, Mike
Graham, Pete Hansen, Mike Hennessy, Brian Barber, Steven
Mosher (Row 7) Mark Tillack, Ward Hammond, Joe Ludwig.
(middle leit) Robert Wells, Lynn Tenuta, and Mike
SedloH take a bow after performing their solos in
"Concerto Grosso Op. 3, No. 11" at the Spring Concert.
(lower leit) Performing in the dedication concert
proclaiming "Ralph J. Houghton Day" are Becky Proulx,
and Robert Wells on violins.
In adding
to their appearance this year Girl's Choir made
beautiiul pink evening dresses. Together with
the other choirs, they per£ormed at the All
City Choral Festival at Tremper High and the
Christmas concert. The Girl's Choir provided
a reception in the commons area £ollowing the
concert. They entered in a group contest on
March 16, at Lance Junior High and received a
(I) Superior rating. "In the Mood" a £avorite
old song, loved by many was sung by the Girl's
Choir in their Spring concert 0£ the year.
GIRL'S CHOIR (above) (Row 1) Rae Tuska, Sue Jeranek,
Linda Amadio, Anna Principe, Alma Garza, Mary Anne Wilson,
Sue Briggs, Lisa Riccio, Mary Tercek, Nancy Hack worthy,
Debbie Koehler, Pam Anderson (Row 2) Carla Buratti, Pat
Shore, Lynnette Strunk, Margie TetzlaH, Kathi Karter,
Mollie Clarke, Cathy Savaglio, Sue Ernst, Eva Garza, Ann
Jensen, Yvonne LeTart, Leah Cayo, Nancy Kreuser (Row 3)
Cathy Shockley, Linda Zarletti, Jenifer Olson, Kathy
Kavanaugh, Karin Jorgensen, Shelley Ladd, Kathy Kaiser,
Linda Totts, Kim Lasco, Lu Scott, Jill Liljestrom, Carol
Duller, Cheryl Kushman, Barb Durbin (Row 4) Carol
Mickewicz, Lori Klees, Lori Klees, Lori Himmelein, Diana
Burgy, Linda Bosman, Kathy Scharr, Becky Williams, Judy
Orlowski, Janice Hagberg, Pat Terwall, Sandy Frei, Ann
Nelson, Patti Biel, Charlene Schultz, Joan Schadler, Lori
SOPHOMORE CHOIR (middle) (Row 1) Diana Rose, Anita
Liana, Cheryl StJohn, Sue Hamilton, Donna Behr, Cindy
Bolyard, Sue Tait, Sue Andre, Phyllis Bedford, Marlene
Gosnell, Cathy Mach, Lisa Tenuta, Nancy Metten, Rose
Colwell (Row 2) Yvonne Holtz, Robbie Stukel, Marilee Zlevers,
Sheila Batton, Marcia Gosnell, Sue Gentry, Brenda Gorr a,
Peggy Warren, Paula Antonacci, Kathy Vedder, Cindy
Dunford, Cindy Gregory, Amy Jacobson, Laura Schmitt, Jan
Ebert (Row 3) Kit Carlson, Joe Diblase, Bruce Johnson,
Tom Schwuchow, Dan Rasico, Eddie Thiem, Terri Deerwester,
Mary Meyers, Debbie Piela, Margaret Berger, Karen Nachreiner,
Mark Schuch, John Joyce, Jack Metallo, Roger Rothrock, Buzz
Merrick (Row 4) Tom Schuler, Dan Darracot, Joe Lehman, Ron
Brudny, Dan Christiansen, Ben Schmelz, Steve Brandt, Mike
Bruno, Pete Hansen, Jonathan Bussard, Brad Jansen, Steve
Grisham, Gale Aderman, John P£eiHer, Steve Pedersen.
The Sophomore Mixed
Choir also helped in the periormance 0£ both
the Christmas concert, and the All City Choir
Festival held on February 16. The guest
director at the All City Choir Festival was
Proiessor Joe Noble, University oi Iowa. The
eHort oi each individual in the group helped
and they received (I) Superior rating in the
group contest at Lance Junior High.
(opposite page, middle right) Girl's Choir waits lor
their turn as the Sophomore Choir sings their
part in the Christmas concert.
(opposite page, lower right) Girl's Choir under the
direction ol Mr. Chaigren perform at
their Tenth Annual Spring Concert.
(lower lelt) The audience enjoys the music provided
by the Choraliers during intermission in the
commons area at the Christmas concert.
and making appearances,
the A Cappella '"'fhoir had a very successiul year.
Along with the Christmas concert and All City
Choral Festival where all the choirs sang
together, A Cappella had their own Spring
concert. With the help oi Bradiord 's and
Tremper's A Cappella Choirs and the Kenosha
Symphony "Brahms Requiem" was presented
on March 6. The choir periormed in Minnesota at
the Augsburg College Choir Festival, J. F.
Kennedy High School in Bloomington Minnesota,
and made their last periormance at the
University at Platteville Middle School.
A CAPPELLA CHOIR (above) (Row 1) Tami Zehms, Paula
Staude, Peggy Maedke, Theo Bed£ord, Lori Schuck, Terri
Sorensen, Dolly Phillips, Donna Posselt, Laurie Thornberg,
Karen Putman, Sue Duchac, Mary Bong, Carolyn Seeger,
Marietta Seeger, Diane Braun, Jolie Harris, Karen Gosnell,
(Row 2) Anne Pedersen, Bev White, Debbie Gorra, Lorrie
Oechler, Betsy Ross, Jane Meyer, Beth Mackey, Ros Andreuc·
ci, Linda Vanderpoel, Carol Kreuscher, Janet Wynstra, Jane
Cowen, Roxanne Radtke, Jane Nolting, Anne Helmes, Diane
Evans (Row 3) Kim Carlson, Barba Rothrock, Dave Laurin,
Bill Roiniotis, Dave HoHman, Tony Zarletti, Greg Liljestrom,
Mike Moody, Larry Fish, Dave Hinds, Kirk Topel, Bob Bauer,
Steve Booth, Dee McDavid, Sue Padlock, (Row 4) Gary
Schmitt, Dan McDermott, Keith Sexton, Jim Zuhlke, John Van
Dyke, Dave Proeber, Phil Dekok, Jim McGough, Greg Akin,
Dave Chase, Don Ditthardt, Kevin RommeHanger, Chuck Fato,
Don Bass, Dave Harris, Jim Whitmire.
VARSITY CHOIR (middle) (Row 1) Brenda LeMay, Karen
Walter, Debbie Rose, Diana George, Diane Gra£, Janet Clay,
Debbie Sharpe, Darla Farrington, Barb Roach (Row 2) Lynn
Baxter, Angie Metallo, LuAnn Duberstine, Janet Foote, Rene
Filter, Vickie WoelHer, Brenda Cary, Carrie McMannus, Sue
Vagnoni, Karen Wollert (Row 3) Marlene August, Kathy
Donovan, Joy Merten, Kelly Menges, Mary Brandt, Diane
Girsch, Debbie Elrod, Robin Davis, Karen Smith, Janine
Wentzek, Faye Schutz (Row 4) Ken Hampshire, Bill Roberts,
Jim Slater, Dave Smith, Mark Schalk, Tom Capodarco, JeH
Waluch, JeH Ciotti, Ron Bittner, Eugene Colter, Rich
Auditioning is not
required. Both boys and girls who wish to
participate join the Varisty Mixed Choir. They
per£ormed in the Christmas concert on December
8 where soloists, Dan Sass, Drake Erbe, Deborah
Holmes, and Mary Ann Lackovich, a talented
harpsichordist, sang in "Uns ist ein Kind
geboren." Varsity Choir helped in making
the Spring Concert and the All City Choral
Festival a success.
(opposite page) A Cappella Choir and Varsity
Choir per£orm at the Annual Christmas
Concert on December s.
(lower le£t) Soloists, Dan Sass, Drake Erbe,
Deborah Holmes, and Mary Ann Lackovich sing
with the audience in their £1nale 0£ carols.
Actively perlorming
this year Choraliers attended the National
Convention 0£ National Association 0£ Jazz
Educators. In Stoughton, Wisconsin they were
asked to join in at the Con£erence Choir
Festival. They traveled in Wisconsin and
Minnesota per£orming on an A Cappella Choir tour.
Helping out Wisconsin School Music Association
they held a demonstration clinic in Spring
Green, Wisconsin. The concerts and donations
all help in enabling them to pay their travel
and uni£orm expenses. To honor the parents a
pot-luck Spring Banquet was held at the end 0£
the year. A per£ormance by the Choraliers, a
gi£t exchange, and the handing out 0£ awards
they received £or their £ine eHort throughout
the year was presented at this banquet.
CHORALIERS (below) (Row 1) Tony Zarlettl, Jolie Harris,
Paula Staude, Larry Fish (Row 2) Jim Zuhlke, Diane Evans,
Terry Sorensen, Greg Lllsestrom (Row 3) Karen Putman, Bob
Meyer, Carolyn Seeger, Lori Schuck, Mike Moody, Barb
Rothrock (Row 4) Jim McGough, Linda Vanderpoel, Don Bass,
Leah Conklin, Keith Sexton, Sue Duchac, Debbie Gorra,
Lori Thornberg, Sue Padlock, Gary Schmitt, Carol Kreuscher,
Dan McDermott, Ros Andreuccl, Greg Akin (Row S) John Van
Dyke, Lori Oechler, Tim Block, Betsy Ross, Phil Dekok.
(upper left) Chorallers sing "Hello Dolly" while
performing In this year's
Variety Show "Love A Fair."
(upper right) Lori Thornberg and Lori Oechler try to
persuade Terry Tolefree to "Put On A Happy Face" In
their musical number.
(middle right) Gary Schmitt and Jolie Harris listen to
the solo performed by Leah Conklin before joining
In to the "Curtain Time Medley.''
Aquettes, the
synchronized swim club, presented their annual
water show this year, entitled "Medieval
Enchantment." Their hard work and great eHort
produced another iantastic display oi water
ballet. Earnings they received irom the show
went into the costumes, underwater speakers,
sound equipment and a scholarship iund. A
iormal initiation was held to induct the new
members at the beginning oi this year. Three
instructors irom Water World were the guest
speakers this year who spent iour weeks with
the club teaching them scuba diving techniques.
The Seniors were honored at a banquet held ior
them at the end oi the year.
AQUETTES (above) (Row 1) Lyndell Brookhouse, Cathy
Mancuso, Nancy Ledanski, Nancy York, Kimi Whitmer,
Diane Barnes, Nancy Landre, Chris Studtmann, Pam
Anderson (Row 2) Gwynne Oleksy, Cindy Dezoma, Carla
Selander, Colleen Colter, Barb Rothrock, Colleen
Riley, Donna Sorensen, Janet Stein, Linda Chatterton,
Jeanne Hopkins (Row 3) Barb Schubert, Diane Larsen,
Amy Standridge, Carol McPhaul, Janis Clark, Jan
Nolting, Julie Gerum, Kim Gallup, Cathy Pollock,
Barb Demske.
AQUETTES OFFICERS (Middle left) (Row 1) Jan Nolting,
Colleen Riley (Row 2) Jeanne Hopkins, Linda Chatterton,
Kim Whitmer, Diane Barnes.
(lower left) Aquettes dress up in a number as Chess
pieces during their water
ballet, "Medieval Enchantment."
(below) Displaying their talent, Aquettes search for
a buried treasure sunken at the bottom ol the
pool in one ol their numbers.
People influence our education.
The principals, counselors and teachers
play an important role. They try
to guide us, and teach us, using all their
knowledge and ability to enable students
to receive the best education possible. U we
have problems they try to help us solve them
and everyday we beneZit by their assistance
and guidance.
Established communication
lines are open and operating due primarily to the
eiiorts oi the administrators. The principals
oiten join the students £or lunch or converse in the
commons. Numerous meetings are always in
progress between administrators, teachers,
parents, students, and the staH in an eiiort to
maintain good relations. Time and work was
spent in preparing and organizing £or the visit by
the North Central Association. The review team's
purpose was to evaluate the quality oi an
educational institution. The report by the NCA
will be used as a basis £or maintaining and improving the quality oi education. One recommendation made by the NCA was to consider hiring an
additional administrator to share the responsibilities. The jobs oi the administrators have
remained unchanged though the eHectiveness
has improved since the relocation oi the OHice oi
Student Management. This has helped to
eliminate some oi the conjestion in the main oHice
and given the disciplinarian more operating
(top right) Mr. c. Kobishop on his daily rounds
during the noon hour takes time out for a drink
of water.
(bottom left) As head of the administration at
Tremper the paper work oHen keeps Mr. Kobishop
busy in his oHice.
(bottom right) Mr. E. Kranen, as disciplinarian,
is in charge of the newly relocated OHice of
Student Management.
(top le£t) Dr. R. Draeger, in charge ol scheduling
and guidance, greets students who enter his oHice
with a welcoming smile.
(top right) In an eHort to establish his
authority Dr. Draeger emphasizes his role as
an administrator.
(bottom le£t) Another familiar lace at Tremper is
Mr. W. Farmakes, who is the assistant principal
in charge ol night school.
(bottom right) Mr. Farmakes' responsibilities
extend lar into the night as he participates at
a dance.
and supervision
are the key £unctions 0£ the Student Activities
Director, Mr. S. Cass. He is responsible £or a
variety 0£ activities including Homecoming,
Prom, dances, assemblies and Winterama.
The purpose 0£ the Student-Faculty Curriculum
Committee is to review the present curriculum
and preview any new courses proposed. Teachers
£rom the supernatural course, which began last
year, gave a presentation on their progress.
The Black Advisory Board's £unction is to
relay £eelings 0£ the black students, advise and
make proposals to the Student Council and the
Student Council consists 0£ elected
representatives and deals with signi£icant
school issues. The Council coordinated
homecoming this year and evaluated the present
open noonhour policy. The Student Council
Executive Board consists 0£ elected o££icers
and appointed chairmen.
(upper right) Responsible for the smooth operation
of school activities, Mr. S. Cass accepts his job
with a smile.
Mrs. S. Chernak, Debbie Foreman, Miss D. Hanser,
Mrs. M. Rothrock, Diane Evans, Doug Haney, Mrs.
M. Sharmach, Mrs. M. Gamache. (standing) Mr. W.
Farmakes, Mr. J. Farnham, Mr. J. Musser, Jim
Hazelton, Mr. C. Kobishop.
Charlene Bedford, Kathy Marks, Jackie Turner,
Darryl Ford, Anita Bell, Regina Tolefree, Bonnie
STUDENT COUNCIL (above) (front row) Amy Northard,
Kathy Taminger. (row 2) Jae Peterson, Jackie
Grasser, Bev White, John Van Dyke, Shelly Ladd.
(row 3) Julie Ludwig, Jeanne Servais, Marilee
Zievers, Vince laquinta, Diane Evans, Colleen
Colter, Cindy Dezoma. (sitting at left) Linda
Welch, Sue Gentile, Patty Biel, Gail Cicchini.
(row 4) Doug Haney, Carla Fistler, Terri
Deerwester, Anita Llanas, Jeanne Palmer, Kathy
Kaiser. (row S) GeoH Welch, Bill Jaeger, John
Crawford, Marcia Gosnell, Terri Sorenson, Beth
Kennedy, Jane Hosmanek, Linda Johnson. (row 6)
Rae Kevek, Jim Holton, Peter Northard, Jim
Godlewski, Luann Johnson, Leisa Glass, Eric
Beth Kennedy, Kathy Taminger, Amy Northard, Sue
Gentile. (standing) John Van Dyke, Jackie Grasser
Linda Johnson, Bev White.
Student Discioline
and school busing were two 0£ the probfems that
were discussed by the School Board which
attracted large crowds 0£ parents and students.
Suggestions and recommendations £or an
alternative high school were debated in hopes
0£ solving the overcrowding at Tremper. In
February the Tri School Committee made a
presentation iniorming the School Board 0£
their progress this past year in improving the
relationships between the high schools and
their plans £or the £uture.
(top right) School Board President Mrs. J. Ball listens
Intently to presentations by parents who opposed the
boundary changes.
(center) Mr. J. Gerlach studies his notes £rom the last
meeting while Mr. C. Rlkll reconsiders a motion that was
voted upon.
(bottom) School Board members present at the meeting
include Mr. H. Lepp, Mr. E. Ryshkus and Mr. F. Falduto.
Not pictured ls Mr. G. Plnzger.
Referred to asthe
"pulse" 0£ the £acuity the Faculty Advisory
Board is concerned with relating ideas,
recommendations, and opinions to the
Administration. The Faculty Advisory's purpose
is to open the lines 0£ communication. The
Parent Advisory Board is also concerned with
communication as they expressed opinions and
discussed such topics as student discipline
and sophomore registration.
FACULTY ADVISORY BOARD (top center) Mr.F. Hadler,Mr.J.
Blankley, Mrs. K. Suksl, Mrs. J. Houghton. (Row two) Mr. S.
Cass, Mr. E. Kranen, Miss. M. Horn, Mr. F. Bistrlck, Mr.
J. Bussard, Mr. C. Koblshop.
PARENT ADVISORY BOARD (bottom center) Mr. C. Koblshop, Mr. E.
Johnson, Mrs. M. Johnson, Mr. R. Zarlettl, Mrs. C. Dunford,
Mr. C. Dunford, Mrs. N. Andreucci.
(top leit) Representing the administrators Mr. W. Farmakes
and Dr. R. Draeger take time out from a meeting to
converse in the hall.
A school day
in the liie
0£ a cook begins at 6 AM when the £irst shiit
comes in to begin the process 0£ cooking lunch
£or 2,s30 Tremper students. The 18 member staH
under the direction 0£ the head cook, Rose
Hawkins, has never £ailed to meet their 11 AM
deadline when the £irst shiit 0£ hungry students
invade the caieteria.
Attempting to maintain a clean and organized
environment the custodian's work is never done.
The day begins with unlocking doors and
progresses to mopping £loors and unloading
supplies. The day ends when every classroom has
been cleaned. Aiter hours you can still see a
custodian helping clean up aiter a dance.
(top right) The first tray of homemade buns for
hamburgers is pulled from the oven and is ready to
be served to the hungry student body.
(right) Following the first big snow fall of the year
the custodians acquire another responsibility of
clearing the sidewalks of snow.
COOKS (center) Mrs. P. Springer, Mrs. D. Foote, Mrs. A.
Rogmsted, Mrs. R. Dielmann, Mrs. R. Tait, Mrs. M. Russo,
Mrs. F. Zaltoris. (Row two) Mrs. J. Deveres, Mrs. H. Grohs,
Mrs. J. Nelson, Mrs. E. Conrad, Mrs. M. Huxhold, Mrs. B.
Dubaniewicz, Mrs. E. Bloner, Mrs V. Pontlllo.
CUSTODIANS (clockwise) Mrs. J. Wood, Mrs. M. Burditt, Mr. V.
Seliga, Mr. J. Preston, Mr. J. Barsuli, Mr. H. Hulssen.
Policy chanees
were initiated in the 'library to accommodate
the needs oi the students. The east and west
wings were designated as quiet study areas
while the center section could be used ior
discussion. Reierence books and periodicals are
restricted to library use only and microiilms
oi periodicals are available. Plans ior next
year include a sophomore library instruction
session to iniorm the students on how to use
the library materials.
The Resource Centers are available to iurther
the educational resources 0£ the £acuity and
the students. Well-in£ormed aides are in these
centers, always ready to locate a material
vital to a class project or speci£ic subject.
The Nurse's duties and responsibilities vary
according to the type oi ailments oi the
students. Having several options open to her
she can administer £irst aid, send the student
home, or rely on outside medical assistance.
(top leH) A student finds the quiet study area policy
that began this year to her advantage as she completes
her assignment without distractions.
(leH center) A new lace in the library this past
year belongs to Mrs. S. Chernik, the new head librarian,
who replaced Mrs. Campbell following her retirement.
(bottom leH) Mrs. L. Hammond's duties as an aid in the
Resource Center for the English department include
checking out books and locating class materials.
(bottom center) Students who enter the Social Studies
Resource Center are greeted by a smlllng Mrs. P.
Poikonen who is ready to assist them.
(bottom right) Confronted with students with different
ailments everyday Miss. D. Kuplerschmidt nurses them
back to health.
oi the guidance department £or more eHicient
handling oi the heavy student load
was a new development. Individual counselors
were given work responsibilities in
specialized areas.
Resource persons in the areas oi career
iniormation, vocational and educational
counseling, testing, college admissions and
scholarships were designated. As these
counselors specialized in speciiic areas, other
counselors took on additional students to
allow them more time.
Almost sixty students entered the guidance
oHice daily, needing everything irom test
results or help with a personal problem to
the loan oi some lunch money. It is hoped
that the new reorganization will help all
concerned more quickly and eHiciently.
1. Mrs. M. Sharmach
2. Miss. N. Donovan
3. Miss. M. Horn
4. Mr. A. Fennema
s. Mr. G. Slavik
6. Mrs. M. Bauer
7. Mr. F. Hadler
New attendance
procedures placed an added weight
on the responsibilities or our secretaries.
Parental calls on the day or the absence
have replaced notes brought lrom home
and have required accurate listings or excused
and unexcused students. These eight
women have successlully accomplished
everything lrom organizing school bus
transportation to issuing building permits and
assembling the laculty bulletin.
The new Quad-School Student Exchange Program
also involved the secretaries. Among other
things they phoned all schools ahead or
time to conlirm who the guests would be
lor the day and kept a complete rile or all who
had participated in the program.
Daily student records were updated, conlerence
dates set, phones answered and passes
written to accompany the last-paced
curriculum at Tremper.
(above center) Main OHice Secretaries Mrs. J.
Newhouse, Mrs. A. Lewis, Mrs. M. Ledan~ki,
Mrs. F. Lebeckis, Mrs. J. Henningfeld.
(above left) Using the 2,530 member student Index,
Mrs. J. Peters verifies the spelllng of names which she
receives when parents call the Attendance OHice.
(left) Mrs. H. Mercoe and Miss R. Goetluch, Guidance
OHice secretaries, recognize a familiar face while
bringing the Tremper student population up to date.
~ ~~ ~~"'~ e.(@M~ e.(@..I~ e.(@lll~~IM~e.(@IM~ ~
"English courses are revised
each year to satis£y the demands 0£ a
changing world."
Herbert Gladding
~A@'>~M@l'>~lll@l'>~•©I'>~~~ ~111@1'>~111@).~
1. Mr. I. Hansen
2. Miss L. Hagen
3. Mr. D. Ketchum
4. Mr. H. Huetten
Mrs. E. McKay
6. Mr. D. Hensey
7. Mr. T. Lawler
s. Mr. J. laquinta
9. Miss P. Urbanski
10. Miss M. Sundlie
11. Mr. A. Romano
740 StUdefttS took Literature
0£ the Supernatural as an English elective.
This number is expected to decrease next year
because student curiousity has diminished.
Among the £orms 0£ media used in this course,
as well as in other courses, were £ilms
videotaped £rom television. They ranged £rom
"Moon 0£ the Wol£" to "Frankenstein."
The independent seminar courses were
received by the students with acclamation.
They provided a greater sense 0£ £reedom.
Long range assignments were o£ten used to enable
the students to utilize their own initiative. Some
0£ these courses were Great Ideas Seminar,
Seminar in Independent Study, and Mass
Communications Seminar.
Within the next £ew years a new item on
the agenda will be a humanities course. Some
possibilities within this course will be music,
art, and literature. Team teaching may be
n> Y'Cy.:YCy.:YCy.:YCy.:YCy.:YCy:f-~
"English iilms provide opportunities
ior students to develop critical taste and t.dl
appreciation oi what is signiiicant and 0
valid in human experience." ~
Ferne Hoeit 0
~ ·xyxy:x.yxy:YG.y:x.y:Je, ~
1. Miss J. Schultz
2. Miss L. Behling
3. Mr. J. Schmidt
4. Mrs. V. Murphy
s. Mrs. K. Negri
6. Mr. M. Feldman
7. Mrs. F. HoeH
8. Miss F. Werve
9. Mrs. B. McKenzie
10. Mrs. N. Walkowski
11. Mr. H. Gladding
12. Miss A. Lee
13. Mr. R. Hendrickson
"Two reasons Americans should study a :
Foreign Language are: 1) We will have to+
deal more with £oreign countries in the+
£uture. 2) Americans need to study other:
cultures and other points 0£ view so that+
we do not look down upon people who are+
di££erent £rom us."+
Mary Gamache
- ·+tttttttttttttttttttttttt+++
A new course this year was
Foreign Language £or Travel. It involved the
study and use 0£ about 250 di££erent words
and phrases in French, German, and Spanish.
There is a possibility that Italian may be
added to the course next year. Film strips,
as well as slides 0£ Europe are shown. Guest
speakers £rom places such as Travel Agencies
also come to talk to the students.
Much 0£ a £oreign language student's
time is spent in the language lab listening
to tapes. Paperbacks, magazines, records
and travel books are available for those
students who wish to expand their interest
past the limitations 0£ the classroom.
I. Mrs. S. Urena
2. Mrs. L. Mattioli
3. Mrs. M. Gamache
4. Mr. G. Krueger
;. Mrs. H. Dahl
6. Mr. J. Swartz
7. Mr. J. Palmer
8. Mr. R. Warren
9. Mr. R. Sikora
10. Mr. L. Ballard
Films varying £rom
accident scenes to driving in hazardous
weather conditions were shown to the drivers
education students to improve their sharpness
in driving conditions.
A recently new course £or Drivers
Education was devised, Advanced Drivers
Education. This course was created to expand
the young driver's skill and knowledge. The
noon hour was reserved £or class. It was open
to any student who had a license.
"The dedicated math iaculty at
Tremper realizes that math is important
in all aspects oi liie, and tries to convey
this to the students."
1. Mr. C. Short
2. Mr. S. Wilson
3. Mr. J. Musser
4. Mr. E. Adams
5. Mr. R. Nye
6. Mr. J. Brittelli
7. Mr. C. Fowler
8. Mr. R. Darula
9. Mr. D. Bussard
10. Mr. B. Englund
11. Miss B. Kral
The Math Resource center is
open to all students, not only those taking
math. All £acuity members also have £ree
access to it. The Resource Center o££ers a
multitude 0£ opportunities. These include
games 0£ logic, puzzles, slides, £ilms, and a
numerous variety 0£ books. Tutoring services
are available as well.
The big attractions 0£ the Math Resource
Center are its two computors Daisy and Waldo,
valued at 4,000 dollars each. Besides being
able to add, subtract, multiply and divide all
at once, they can make mathmatical decisions,
and also have memory recall. For the less
complicated problems students may use any one
0£ the £ive electronic calculators £ound in the
Resource Center.
"The Science Department oHers a wide
selection oi courses ior students oi varied
interests and abilities. Most provide a
variety oi activities including laboratory
work, iield studies, and iield trips."
D enn1s
• GI ynn
1. Mr. R. Filippelli
2. Mr. A. Smith
3. Mr. D. Glynn
4. Mrs. E. Burokas
s. Mr. R. Pozza
6. Mr. B. Thomas
7. Mr. W. Cordiner
8. Mrs. B. Beyer
9. Miss L. Needham
10. Mr. D. Gemmell
11. Mr. G. Snyder
12. Miss D. Gerlach
$6,000 was spent this year
to replace science equipment and supplies
that was either broken or lost.
The Science Department never lacks
initiative in obtaining new materials £or
their students. Physical Science and
Chemistry-Physics Survey were the courses
which received new texts.
The Science curriculum included two
years 0£ Biology, two and a haH years 0£
Physics, three and a haH years 0£ Chemistry,
and one year each 0£ Physical Science,
Earth Science, and Geology.
!:> ~~~~~--...,.~~--...,.~
"Education should be relevant, but ~
and where one envisions going are often ~
iar more important to eHective decision- !.?
making than present descriptions oi ~
transient iact. The true educational ~
nightmare is to be trapped and limited in ~
the present."
~ not in a narrow sense. Where one has been ~J
Joe Anderson ~
1. Mr. J. Burmeister
2. Mr. L. Negri
3. Mr. E. Cannaday
4. Miss K. Krause
Mr. J. Monk
6. Mr. R. Klug
7. Mr. J. Blankley
8. Mr. J. Anderson
9. Mr. A. Zimmerman
10. Mr. B. Duesterbeck
11. Mr. J. Trotter
12. Mr. c. Bradley
13. Mr. 5. Ritacca
14. Mrs. M. Wuolo
Mr. M. Bair
16. Mr. R. Thomas
Anthropology was a big hit
with Tremper students. This year only one class
was held, but due to student interest additional
classes were scheduled £or next year.
Field trips were widely used in Social
Studies courses. American Government classes
go to observe jury trials, while other classes
visit Hull House and various churches.
Mr. Bradley received the Outstanding Young
Educator 0£ the Year Award. Judging was based
on pro£essional background and skills, as well
as service contributions to the community,
state, and nation.
"Students at Tremper are £ortunate
~ to have music oHerings in depth, in so
many areas. Not only are the groups
exceptional but there is also an
exceptional music staH."
Allan Harris
This past year
the sands
successiully brought home 18 trophies. They
also presented £our concerts to the public.
The Tremper bands include three ensembles,
one symphonic band, and one concert band.
Within the next two years there will be
two additional courses in the curriculum.
One 0£ these will involve a music £or living
approach in which £olk music will be the major
iniluence. The other course will be Music
History and Appreciation.
WIND ENSEMBLE (Row 1) Chip Mlllholland, June Lubnlewskl,
Linda Gunnell, Pat Hennlngleld, Jean Brandt, Leann Pederson,
Diane Larsen, Pat Hansen, Barb Cords (Row 2) Donna Leys,
Cathy Ellerson, Julie Bruneau, Sandy Ogren, Rae Kevek,
Erik Andersen, Tom Goodhall (Row 3) Jane Hosmanek, Scott
Deerwester, Joyce Dyutka, Terri Ironside, Dennis Frame,
Rick Dart, Keith Dreger (Row 4) Renee Whitt, Beth Kennedy,
Scott MacPherson, Nell Harmon, Craig Ebert, John Fumo,
Paul Callllet, Dave Kramer (Row S) Director Mr. Harris,
Ray Kontor, Ed Tutas, Rom Stevens, Scott Davenport, Lynn
Nelson, Dale DeFord, Klindt Lindquist (Row 6) Joe Ludwig,
Mark Tlllack, Ward Hammond.
1. Mr. A. Harris
2. Mr. J. Firchow
3. Mr. S. Nosal
Shinichi Suzuki's philosophy
has been a guide to the growth 0£ Tremper and
Kenosha's orchestra program. His inspiring
thoughts were developed into a unique learning
concept. "Unfortunately," according to
Mr. Nosal, "This is not the case in many areas
throughout the country because so many people
misinterpret the basic tenets 0£ Suzuki's
The orchestra acquired one new string bass
this year. They also received a new set 0£ books
based on the teachings 0£ Sevcik.
Golden Strings was invited by Governor Lucy
to perform in Minneapolis. They also performed
at the State convention in Madison.
Since the orchestra received the highest
ratings possible in Competition in previous
years, this year they concentrated on
performing £or the sake 0£ music and student
(upper right) The sounds oi Tremper•s
Orchestra please Mr. Nosal, the director, as they prepare
ior a concert.
GOLDEN STRINGS (clockwise) Peter Hybert, Robert Gregory,
JeH Cohen, JeH Myers, Robert Wells, Tom Rolniotis, Eric
Ebeling, Mike SedloH, Jean Brandt, Greg Sniatynski, Lynn
Tenuta, Lora DeManche, Gay Oechler, Becky Proulx, Kathy
Shelley, Nancy York, Kay Pruett, Linda Chatterton.
~ <,(@fll~ <,(@Iii~ <,(@M~ <,(@l•I~ <,(@flt~ <,(@!Iii~ c.(@fll~ <,(@"I~ j
" Every year the Home Economics Department
evaluates its course oiierings in order ~
to better meet the needs 0£ the students. ~
'J' Right now we are looking into career education."=:
Elizabeth Paintin ~
~ <"®flt@?> <"®14@))'> <"®1111@1"> "~l"l@n °'~I @I"> ~I @I"> <"®111@)'> <"®~ ~
Thirteen choices
Home Economics courses were available
£or girls as well as boys. They beneiit
the student by enabling him to be more
seli reliant now, and also in £uture years.
For the iirst time at Tremper High
School advanced clothing was oiiered.
This course was designed with the creative,
responsible sewing student in mind.
Because it was experimental, it was held
only seventh hour.
1. Mrs. E. Paintin
2. Mrs. K. Suski
3. Mrs. M. Rothrock
4. Mrs. M. Saarela
s. Miss M. Petterman
6. Mr. K. Chalgren
The wide range oichoirs
at Tremper enabled many students to
participate in vocal music. The choirs
included Varsity Mixed, Girls', Sophomore
Mixed, and A Cappella. The Choraliers were
chosen by audition and periormed popular
song and dance routines.
The Tremper and Bradiord A Cappella
Choirs presented Brahn's "Requiem" with the
Symphony Orchestra. This was a highlight
oi the year.
An outstanding periormance was given
by the Tremper Choirs at the All City
Choral Festival. Other choirs represented
Bradiord and ninth grade junior high groups.
(upper right) In preparation for class,
Mr. Chalgren looks over a musical selection
which will be rehearsed with the choir.
(lower left) Mr. Chalgren, director ol
Tremper choirs, applies concentration as he works out
a musical number on the piano.
"The Business Education Department
never £ails to keep up with the times. They
introduce students to the latest equipment
used in business."
Arnold Stuyvesant
1. Mr. T. Petterson
2. Mrs. J. Terrill
3. Mr. C. Glaeser
4. Mr. V. Schmale
s. Mr. R. Davies
6. Mr. A. Stuyvesant
7. Mr. R. Primuth
8. Mrs. J. Houghton
A snoopy dog was given
to one lucky Tremper student £rom the
Distributive Education classes. Any student
could buy valentines £rom the school store or
bring them irom home. The winner was chosen
by drawing one valentine irom among all those
submitted. The money to pay £or the dog was
raised by selling suckers and candy hearts.
The Business Education Department's
display window was changed every three to
iour weeks. Any department was permitted to
use the display case upon request.
Thanks to the Distributive Education
classes, no student at Tremper ever had to
be without pen or pencil. The school store
sold all materials necessary ior use in
school. Students volunt~ered to open the store
at 7:4s each morning.
For those students wishing to become
secretaries, the Tremper Business Department
provided excellent training.
Monotony was not likely since the
Business Education Department oiiered iield
trips, guest speakers, modern equipment, and a
well trained staii, all oi whom continue to
experiment with new teaching techniques.
"There are many students who take
art, not £or an easy credit, but because
they are talented and dedicated art
Lynn Obertln
Five Tremper Art
received special recognition at The Scholastic
Art Awards, presented in the Gimbels store,
downtown Milwaukee.
The Art Department supplied all necessary
materials. These ranged £rom ink pens and
paints, to photography equipment.
A dark room was added to the Tremper Art
Department this year. The new addition was
essential since so much photography was being
done, especially in The Art 0£ Design classes.
The Art Department has made use 0£ the
multiple display cases throughout the school
in an e££ort to extend their image past the
1. Mrs. N. Teegarden
2. Mr. L. Obertin
3. Mr. J. Farnham
4. Mr. R. Nicolazzi
s. Mr. F. Perri
The tasks provided by
the Audio-Visual Department £or the teachers at
Tremper include lamenating and dry mounting,
as well as preparation 0£ dry photo copies,
spirit masters and transparencies. For a
small cost students were also able to receive
these services. Tape recorders, phonographs
and all other £orms 0£ A. V. equipment could
be £ound in the A. V. Department.
Through the Television Department
it was possible £or teachers to have network
television presentations taped £or class
viewing. This was done only upon request 0£
the teacher.
Television classes represent only a small
amount 0£ those students having access to the
T.V. equipment. Under supervision, any student
could use the equipment.
(lower left) Mr. Perri monitors controls
in the T. V. studio, one oi his many responsibilities
as television coordinator.
~ y 't y :JC .f:JC y :JC y :JC y .,t y :JC-:f ~
" Student enrollment in Industrial Arts ~
is at an all time high. Due to this, all t.dJ
~ students that signed up £or these courses next ~
year will not have the opportunity to 'O)
participate in them." (.!J
Mr. Carlson ~
'jru ~:JC y
.:JCy:JC y :JC y :JC y :YC y x .-"!.f "~
1. Mr. H. DeHart
2. Mr. G. Kitzmiller
3. Mr. R. Carver
4- Mr. C. FuenHinger
;. Mr. J. Lawson
6. Mr. R. Ostman
7. Mr. 0. Carlson
8. Mr. J. Panzica
A record number oicourses
was oHered by the Industrial Arts Department
this year. These 21 courses ranged irom Cabinet
Making and Machine Shop to Architectural
Drawing and Advanced Aviation.
New equipment this year included two new
draHing machines valued at $1,SOO. A $1,000
airbrush was ordered £or next year.
One 0£ the new courses in the planning
is Architectural DraHing 12. It will be a iull
year course involving complete house plans. The
other course is Home Construction. This will
also be a iull year course in which the actual
construction 0£ a house will take place.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ';!,
must keep in mind the £acilities available and »
thereiore particular activities cannot be »
incorporated. Ii students honestly evaluate ?~
"Keeping the myriad 0£ students in mind,
the Woman's Physical Education program is
¢~ annually analyzed and updated. In doing so, we
the present program, they will conclude it is
second to none!" ~
Miss D. Hanser ~
1. Mr. G. Brand
2. Miss. D. Hanser
3. Mr. G. McCulloch
4. Mr. W. Holman
s. Miss. S. Redlin
6. Mr. D. Schani
7. Miss. J. Lorentz
8. Mr. E. Virgili
9. Mrs. C. Houtz
10. Mr. A. Freeman
11. Mr. L. Apple
12. Miss. L. Cotton
The Athletic
has canceled the independent study program
£or next year. This is because SO% 0£ the
students that signed up £or it did not live up
to their responsibilities.
New equipment £or next year includes a
$2,SOO weight training machine. Twenty diHerent
exercises can be periormed simultaneously on
this machine. It will be used £or the girls and
boys adaptive, as well as developmental classes.
Both the boys and girls Gym classes are
being revamped to give students not just new
activities but more elective and selective ones.
Throughout our lives,
many phases 0£ learning
are presented to us. In some cases,
we £eel that we leave a class just as we came.
But it would be almost impossible to advance
£rom one class to the next with absolutely
nothing learned, gained or experienced. Our
emotions, personalities and opinions are being
developed, sharpened and constantly maturing
with each new day. To achieve whatever level
possible in every aspect 0£ growth and education
is our goal and responsibility.
The Class oi 74
began the year with a deiicit oi
$2SO.OO. Seniors paid their Homecoming
expenses by a "Sweetest Day" carnations sale
and shares coming irom the Junior-Senior
girls iootball game. "Although the
Senior class iloat, 'Let's Cage the Eagles',
did not win iirst place, our 'Trojan iootball
player' will always be part oi our memories,"
says Senior Vice president, Rom Stevens.
Money was raised by selling iootlong hot dogs
during March and also a Valentine's Day
carnation sale. The big break came when
the class cleared s1,os3.20 by taking
inventory at Topp's Department Store. This
year's senior week iound Seniors selling
watermelon, bratwurst, and balloons. The
highlight oi the week was the annual
Senior Banquet held again at the Elk's Ball
Room. A $3SO.OO class giit was donated
to purchase a color T. V. monitor £or the
AV Department. All in all the class oi '74
iound this year to be the best oi their
years at Tremper.
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS (opposite page, from leH)
Ann Krulatz, Corresponding secretary; Dave Aiello,
President; Linda Chatterton, Treasurer; Rom Stevens,
Vice president; Mimi Madrigrano, Recording secretary.
SENIOR CLASS ADVISORY BOARD (below, left; from back)
Wendy Quick, David Aiello, Jane Cowen, Eric Ebeling,
Sheila Vignerie, Bill Jaeger, Mary Becker,
Carla Fistler, Mark Halverson, Amy O'Connor,
Kathy Taminger, and Rom Stevens.
Doug Haney, Sheree Hall, Beth Kennedy, Linda
Chatterton, Dick Reilly, Heather Reed, Daryl Malaney,
and Ann Krulatz. Rae Kevek, Dave Meier, Jean Camosy,
Mimi Madrigrano, Mary Metten, and Sue Bullock.
During the school year Junior class
took iirst in 74's Homecoming Uoat contest,
the second year in a row that they have
won. The class raised money £or Prom by
holding a £ew bake sales, bratwurst sales,
selling 0£ light bulbs, £irst aid kits
and also a very success£ul bike raHle.
Juniors sold roughly 1300 tickets, and Diane
Menden was the lucky winner 0£ the ten-speed
Peugot bike. "The time and eHort put in
by the student body made Prom the best this
school has ever had," says Junior class
president, Mike Hebert. "With special thanks
going to Mr. Draeger, Mr. Cass, Stage Crew,
and our great advisor, Mr. Burmeister."
Julie Anderson, Corresponding secretary; GeoH
Welch, Vice president; Mike Hebert, President;
Diane Solovey, Treasurer; Terri Sorensen,
Recording secretary.
(Row 1) Jean Tenuta, Leah Cayo, Yvonne LeTart,
Diane Barnes, Terri Zelhen, Shelley Ladd,
Jeanne Palmer, Chris Dlmltrejevlc, Janice Morgan,
Caryn Cutler, Cathy Savaglio, Kathy Tredon,
John Crawford, Mike Hebert, GeoH Welch, Terri
Sorenson, Julie Anderson, Diane Solovey,
Leann Pedersen, Peggy Schalk, Jean Serpe, Laura
Falduto, Jae Peterson, Barb Demske, and
Alice Ambro. (Row 2) Janet Frese, Lori Jenison,
Cathy Andreucci, Andrea Becker, Nancy Weise,
Terri Ramaccl, Betty Piehl, Vicki Bruno, Patty Biel,
Diane Simon, and Cindy Dezoma. (Row 3) Paulette
Rizzo, Carolyn Brownell, Lynn Peterson, Pam Aker,
Carla Selander, Lisa Giordana, and Kathy Kavanau1h.
(Row 4) Susie Brandt, Dana Nall, Kim Gerlach,
Christy Finch, and Joan Ferraro.
Aikens, Lynn
Aker, Pam
Akin, Greg
Alexanian, Daniel
Algiers, Mark
Amadio, Linda
Ambro, Alice
Ambrosini, Nickolas
Ancevlc, David
Andersen, Linda
Anderson, Bob
Anderson, Julie
Anderson, Lorinda
Anderson, Mark
Anderson, Pamela
Anderson, Paul
Anderson, Ron
Anderson, Steve
Andresen, Reid
Andreuccl, Cathy
Andreuccl, Ros
Applegate, Bryan
Archer, Mary Jane
Arriola, Benny
Aull, Gary
Aull, Raymond
Baas, Tim
Baker, Richard
Baker, Sonja
Bakke, Kathryn
Balk, Maureen
Bambrough, Bruce
Barber, Brian
Barber, Robert
Barber, Steve
Barker, Cheryl
Barlow, Ru ell
Barnes, Diane
JeH Hughes enjoys a lollipop that
he purchased In support 0£ a Gorgeous George
wrestling candidate.
Barnes, Gary
Basham, Karen
Bass, Don
Batton, Mike
Bauer, Bob
Beck, Nancy
Becker, Andrea
Becker, Diane
Becker, Duane
Becker, Ray
Becker, Sheree
Becker, Stephanie
Becker, William
Bedford, Steven
Bedford, Theo
Behl, Debra
Behling, Richard
Beilke, Theresa
Bellmore, Linda
Belongia, Allison
Belongia, Barbara
BenUet, Debra
Bennett, Susan
Bergren, Gayle
Bergren, Sue
Berner, Patricia
Bernhort, Mark
Bezotte, Brian
Biel, Patti
Bittner, Ronald
Blazewlcz, Dave
Bloner, John
Bloxdorf, JeH
Bloxdorf, Stephanie
Boehm, Gary
Bohn, Robert
Bollnt, Steven
Bolyard, Colleen
Bong, Mary
Bonn, Robin
Bosman, Linda
Bothe, Mark
Bowen, Brian
Brandes, Dan
Brandt, Douglas
Brandt, Richard
Brandt, Susie
Brandt, Thomas
Breach, Gerald
Breiling, Glenda
Brockway, Ed
Brown, Christopher
Brown, Dan
Brown, Norma
Brownell, Carolyn
Brummel, Scott
Bruneau, Julie
Bruno, Mike
Bruno, Victoria
Bryan, Jim
Bucher, Mark
Budd, Ron
Buhr, Rosemary
Bundles, Todd
Buratti, Carla
Burke, Richard
Burt, Rebecca
Byom, Kathy
Cairns, Margaret
Callahan, Patrick
Calley, Robert
Capodarco, Tom
Caputo, Gary
Cardinali, Julie
Carey, Elisabeth
Carlsen, Kim
Carolan, Mike
Carr, Sandy
Cashmore, Kathy
Cassity, Matt
Cate, Pamela
Cayo, Leah
Cebolskl, Linda
Chase, Dave
Chatterton, Chadd
Chemerow, Betsy
Cheney, Mike
Chlanelll, James
Christensen, Jerry
Christensen, Kim
Chulew, Marcia
Cicchlni, Gall
Cina, Jackie
Ciotti, JeHrey
Claeys, Penny
Clark, Michael
Clark, Moille
Clarke, Wendy
Cole, Julie
Colter, Colleen
Conklin, Leah
Conradt, Harold
Constantineau, David
Contreras, Mary Jessie
Coolidge, Robert
Cornell, Gerri
Cottrlll, Deborah
Crause, Linnea
Crawlord, John
Crump, Denise
Cummings, Carol
Cummings, Denise
Cundari, Mike
Cunningham, Larry
Curio, Ramona
Cutler, Caryn
Dangelo, Brian
Darrin, Gary
Davenport, Erle
Davey, Sharon
Davis, Bonnie
Day, Debbie
DeBushman, Susan
Delord, Dale
DeHammer, Mike
DeHrate, Cathy
Demanche, Lora
Demske, Barb
Depaoli, JeHrey
DeRose, Mario
DeRouchey, Sue
Desris, Joe
Detienne, Karen
Dezoma, Cindy
Diamon, Ann
Diaz, John
Dibble, Linda
Dibble, Sandra
Diener, Scott
Dimeo, Al
Dimitrijevlch, Chris
Ditthardt, Don
Doerlllnger, Chris
Donals, Pam
Donovan, Lauren
Dreger, Keith
Drlgot, Janis
Junior Laurie LaRose and Gerry Maurer £Ind It
easier to talk on the outskirts
0£ the commons.
John Crawford takes a break from his studies to
share a private joke with Chris Dimitrijevic
and Colleen Colter.
Duban, Cindy
Duller, Carol
Dunwald, James
Dupont, Denise
Durbin, Mary
Dutton, Ellen
Dyutka, Joyce
Dyutka, Robert
Eckhardt, Chris
Ecklor, Mary
Edwards, Kim
Ehmke, Yvonne
EHtmann, Charles
Ellefson, Karen
Eimer, Mary
Engelmann, Kathy
Engels, Laurie
Ennis, Steve
Erdmann, Debbie
Erickson, Bradley
Erickson, Sue
Ernst, Sue
Erten, Luanne
Eternicka, Roger
Evenson, Glenn
Ewens, JeH
Ewer, Lynn
Ewing, Jim
Falduto, Brad
Falduto, Laura
Farrington, Darla
Fato, Chuck
Faulkner, Jackie
Fay, Barbara
Fedyzkowski, Sue
Fenn, Richard
Ferraro, Joan
Ficcadenti, Karen
Finch, Christy
Fischer, Lorre
Fish, Peggy
Fisher, Yvonne
Fistler, Richard
Flesch, Laura
Fletcher, Dan
Flint, Rodney
Flippo, Bill
Flood, Sherwin
Forbes, Cheryl
Ford, Darryl
Foreman, Deborah
Fonk, Don
Fonk, Kurt
Fortney, Dianne
Frederick, Jan
Frederick, Karen
Fredericksen, Bruce
Freeman, Gary
Frei, Cheryl
Frei, Sandy
Frese, Janet
Franklin, Ron
Franz, Janet
Fraser, Barb
Frazier, Karen
Friedrich, Debbie
Fries, Mary
Fulmer, John
Fumo, John
Gale, John
Gallo, Felix
Gardinier, Debra
Garza, Alma
Gascoigne, JeH
Gebhart, Chuck
Gehrke, Annette
Gentile, Cynthia
George, Laura
Gerlach, Kim
Gerolmo, JeHery
Gerth, Vernon
Gianeselli, Jerry
Gibson, Michelle
Gibson, Thomas
Gilbert, Garth
Giordana, Lisa
Giordano, John
Girman, Ann
Godlewski, Paul
GoH, Susan
Golwitzer, Ramona
Golwltzer, Steven
Gomez, Marla
Goodhall, Tom
Gordon, Mark
Gorecki, Kristin
Gosnell, Karen
Grar, Dianne
Graham, Mike
Gram, Tom
Graumann, Richard
Gray, Roxy
Greenwald, Ellen
Greenwood, Kerri
Gregory, Debra
GrlHln, John
GrlHln, Walter
Grimes, Tim
Grisham, Tom
Grulke, Robert
Grund, Terri
Guerra, Gary
Gunnell, Linda
Gunnlaugson, Jon
Hackbarth, Beth
Hacker, Janet
Hagberg, Janice
HaH, Barbara
Hall, Gary
Halmo, Sue
Halvorsen, Kathleen
Hamby, Kurt
Hammelev, Paul
Hammond, Ward
Haney, Carol
Haney, Penny
Hansmire, Debbi
Hanzalik, Reid
Hanzalik, Scott
Harris, JeH
Hart, Brian
Hartl, Dan
Hatherly, Mark
Haugen, John
Hautzinger, Trudy
Hayden, Robert
Haye, Michael
Hebert, Mike
Hebior, Joseph
Heg, Larry
Helmes, Anne
Heir, Janet
Helgesen, Mike
Helton, Gerald
Herde, Debra
Heroux, Mary
Herr, Elizabeth
Herrmann, JeHrey
Hess, Dawn
Heyden, Todd
Hill, Barb
Himmelein, Lori
Hinds, David
Hoard, David
Rodal, Donald
Hoefert, Dean.
Hoganson, Robert
Holman, JeH
Homes, Dan
Horsley, David
Houch, Jim
Howard, Robert
Hoyer, Karen
HuH, Lee
Hughes, JeH
Hunt, Jackie
Hybert, Peter
Hyde, Dave
Hylinski, Cathy
laquinta, Peter
Ironside, Tim
Irving, Dwight
lsermann, Katy
Jackson, Bobby
Jackson, Debra
Jackson, Joe
Jackson, Larina
Jackson, Marsha
James, Kelvin
James, Kevin
Denise Dupont works on crocheting
a shawl to complete
her project lor Creative Stitchery.
Janis, Vickie
Jaster, Ray
Jenison, Lori
Jensen, Ann
Jessen, Susan
Jezierski, Frank
Johnson, Gary
Johnson, Glenn
Johnson, Jane
Johnson, Michael
Johnson, Sally
Johnson, Soren
Johnston, Barb
Jones, Frances
Jones, Kim
Jones, Randy
Juga, Bruce
Jung, Ronald
Jurevicius, Ray
Kadonsky, Jim
Kaiser, Kathleen
Kammer, Ron
Kanocz, Mary Kay
Kavalauskas, John
Kavanaugh, Kathy
Kazell, Alan
Kehl, Linda
Kelly, Michael
Kemp, Margaret
Kersten, Lynnette
KiHel, James
KiHel, Tom
Klees, Judy
Klees, Lori
Knotts, Pam
Kober, Danny
Koch, Robert
Koehler, Debbie
Koessl, Craig
Kohout, Karen
Kolkmann, Susan
Kollman, Bill
Kollman, Lloyd
Kollman, Paula
Kondrad, Grant
Konto£, Ray
Kopesky, Jim
Kozerski, Cindy
Krahn, Ronald
Krause, Linnea
Kreth, Debra
Kreuser, Janice
Krueger, Paula
Kubart, Mark
Junior guys display their spirit acting as
cheerleaders at the junior and senior
girls' football game.
Kuessow, Lynn
Kushman, Cheryl
Ladd, Shelley
Ladewig, Keith
LaHaye, James
Lamothe, Connie
Landre, Don
Lane, Janet
Lang, Louis
Lapotka, Carol
LaRose, Laurie
Larson, Wllllam
Last, Mark
Lauer, Steve
Laurenzi, Paula
Lauzon, Glen
Lawler, Scott
Lawrence, Richard
Lawrence, WOilam
Lechner, Kathy
Leech, Jerry
Lehman, James
Lelbhan, Janet
LeMay, Diane
Lenzlng, James
Leonhardt, Joni
Lepp, Joanne
Leslie, Bonnie
Leslie, Debbie
Leslie, Myrna
LeTart, Yvonne
Letsom, Jeanne
Lettrlch, Kerry
Leys, Richard
Llegakos, Karen
Llljestrom, Greg
Lindsey, Margaret
Llanas, John
Londo, Robert
Lori, Joe
Lough, Terri
Lovegrove, Vickie
Lubecke, Miles
Ludlow, Gary
Lukosaitls, John
Lulewicz, Elizabeth
Lulewicz, Margaret
Lynch, Kathleen
Maas, Deborah
MacDonald, Mike
Maclk, Pamela
Maddux, Chris
Maedke, Doug
Mahan, Dennis
Majewski, Barbara
Malzahn, Mark
Marciniak, Mary
Marik, Thomas
Marino, Teresa
Markese, Ron
Marks, Kathy
Martell, Catherine
Martin, Janine
Martin, Mary
Mason, Cynthia
Matlc, Dusan
Maurer, Steve
May, Michael
Mazzei, Diane
Mazzula, Judy
McCloskey, Debbie
McCloskey, Vickie
Mccrary, Mike
During lunch hour Matt Cassity and
Gary Boehm are on their best behavior as
Mr. Kobishop has lunch nearby.
McCune, Barb
McDavld, Dee
McGibany, Jim
McMahon, Terry
McNab, JeH
McQuestion, Karen
Meier, BonnyLu
Meier, Rick
Messersmith, John
Metallo, Jill
Meyer, Kim
Meyer, Larry
Meyers, Bruce
Michaelis, Bill
Michelson, Rich
Mickewicz, Carol
Milkent, Mary
Miller, Randy
Millhouse, Bill
Mlnkowski, Bob
Mitchell, Steve
Mockus, JeH
Moehrke, Donald
Moeller, Cheryl
Mogensen, Dave
Mogensen, Tom
Mohr, Dee Dee
Molette, Dawn
Molette, Jerry
Molinaro, Linda
Moody, Mike
Moore, Barb
Moore, Stuart
Morgan, Janice
Mr. Draeger asks Mona Curio
to run an errand, while he helps students
register £or next year's classes.
Morley, Delaura
Morris, Edward
Mukka, Ruth
Muller, Dean
Murray, Brian
Murray, Mike
Murray, Rick
Nall, Dana
Neider, Jell
Nelson, Jell
Nelson, Jim
Nelson, Kevin
Nelson, Nancy
Nelson, Robert
Newstrom, Patricia
Nichols, Larry
Nicoll, Bill
Nielsen, Debbie
Nielson, John
Nies, Cynthia
Nighbor, Bart
Nolen, Sue
Nurmi, Bill
Nuttall, Barbara
Nyberg, Jell
O'Connor, Jody
O'Day, Mike
Odelberg, Jon
Oechler, Lorrie
Ogrin, Joel
O'Hora, Kathy
Oksa, Marie
Oleksy, Gwynne
Ollnt, Steve
Ollila, Greg
Olson, April
Olson, Jennifer
Olson, Mary
Orrison, Margery
Orrison, Vada
Osten, Art
Otto, Lynn
Paasch, Ricky
Padlock, Sue
Pagel, Cheryl
Palmer, Jeanne
Panasewlcz, Keith
Parker, Russ
During study ball hour Paula Laurenzi shows
Helen Thom the right way to
solve a geometry problem.
Passarelli, Dan
Pataky, Roy
Patrick, Bob
Paul, Karen
Paupa, Cindy
Pedersen, Leann
Petersen, Jane
Peterson, Jae
Peterson, Lynn
Petkovic, Alex
P£eiHer, Debbie
Phillips, Dolores
Phillips, Marc
Pickut, Bonnie
Piehl, Betty
Pierce, Dale
Pietluck, Debra
Pignotti, Jean
Pikna, JeH
Pitsch, Tom
Pitts, Joan
Plutcbak, John
Poikonen, Mandi
Polzin, Carol
Posselt, Donna
Principe, Anna
Proeber, Dave
Proud, Lynn
Puhr, Rosemarie
Putrow, Mark
Qulllce, Roy
Raddatz, Rick
Ra£ter, Kathy
Ralman, Kyle
Ralph, .:eanette
Ramacci, Terri
Rampart, Terri
Rasch, Judy
Rasch, Ronald
Rasico, Rick
Ratells, Mary
Reidenbach, John
Rende, John
Richardson, Debbie
Rlkli, Linda
Riley, Barbara
Ripp, Joe
Rltacca, Kathryn
Rizzo, Lenny
Rizzo, Paul
Rizzo, Paulette
Roach, Barb
Robers, Ken
Roberts, Debra
Robinson, Edwin
Rock, Matthew
Rodgers, Elizabeth
Rodgers, Kevin
Roemer, Jim
Rohde, David
Rolnlotls, Bill
RommeHanger, Kevin
Rondeau, Sue
Rongholt, Wayne
Ross, Betsy
Rothman, Michele
Rothrock, Barb
Rovik, Mark
Royce, Greg
Ruhle, Darlene
Rulelord, Debra
Rumachlk, Debbie
Sabby, Michael
Sadowski, Denise
Saldivar, Loreta
Salerno, Richard
Sandt, Timothy
Santiago, Tom
Sauve, Marc
Savaglio, Cathy
Scales, Gene
Schaefer, Joan
Schalk, Peggy
Schellinger, Glenn
Schlater, Kim
Schlosser, Pam
Schmidt, Gene
Schmidt, Joellen
Schmidt, Michael
Schmidt, Therese
Schmidt, Thomas
Schmitt, Gary
Schmitz, Maureen
Schmitz, Tim
Schneeberger, Jell
Schnelder, Margo
Schnelder, Robert
Schnuck, JeH
Debbie Friedrich
finishes up her business work on the
printing calculator during her free hour.
Schoepke, Fred
Scholey, Scot
Schouten, Larry
Schultheis, Diane
Schultz, Charlene
Schultz, Jean
Schultz, Theresa
Schulz, Barbara
Scott, LugenJa
Scott, Robin
SedloH, Michael
Seeger, Carolyn
Seeger, Marietta
Seiberlich, Paul
Selander, Carla
Sennholz, Robert
Serpe, George
Serpe, Jean
Serzant, Joe
Sexton, Gail
Sexton, Keith
Sexton, Robert
Shable, Andy
ShHlra, Carol
Shipley, Robert
Shockley, Stephen
Shore, Pat
Shymanski, Sheri
Simon, Diane
Sinkule, Ann
Sipple, Elizabeth
Skrzypchak, David
Skrzypchak, Dean
Smith, Lisa
Smith, Lori
Snlatynskl, Greg
Snowtala, Dawn
Sodllnk, Scott
Solovey, Diane
Sorensen, Terri
Spencer, Keith
Spitzer, Russ
Philip Hansen and his little £riend
work together in a
plot to bring a smile to Beth Hackbarth' s £ace.
Spizzirri, Steve
Sprague, Bud
Springer, Carol
Stamm, Terri
Standridge, Amy
Stan£leld, Elaine
Stanton, Steve
Starr, Lori
Statema, JeH
Stebbins, Frank
Steckbauer, Jeanie
Steen, Jesse
Stewart, Jody
Stoebe, Sue
Stoeblg, Biil
Stolllngs, Kathy
Strange, Mary
Strasser, John
Streck, Kurt
Streich, Donald
Strobbe, Thomas
Strou£, Mary
Suggar, Loretta
Sulllvan, Thomas
Swanson, Brad
Swartz, Mark
Swentesky, Gall
Talley, Richard
Tallman, Rick
Tamlnger, Maureen
Tenuta, Jean
Tercek, Frank
Tercek, Mary
Terry, Linda
Terwall, Pat
TetzlaH, Russell
Tews, Tom
Thiele, JeHrey
Thom, Helen
Thomas, Cheryl
Thomas, David
Thomas, Marie
Thomas, Scott
Thompson, Gregg
Thompson, Phil
Thompson, Russell
Thornton, Debra
Thrasher, Cindy
Thurn, William
Tishuk, Glenn
Tithoi, Bob
Tolefree, Terry
Topel, Kirk
Topping, Stuart
Torris, Suzanne
Totts, Linda
Tredon, Kathy
Trempt, Paul
Turco, Greg
Turco, Tony
Tuska, Rae
Tuska, Scott
Tutlewski, Lisa
Tutlewski, Tina
Uhlich, Mary
Ulrich, Betsy
Vagnonl, Paul
Valeri, Dan
VanKammen, Kris
Vanwie, Connie
Veith, Dawn
Verbick, Chris
Victoria, Roseann
Vieth, Tom
Vincent, Bill
Vix, Patrick
Wagner, JeHrey
Wakeiield, Scott
Walkowski, Steve
Wallig, Barbara
Waluch, JeH
Ward, John
Warren, Brent
Wasurick, Bill
Webb, Kimberly
Wegman, Mike
Wehrman, Cindy
Weise, Nancy
Welch, GeoH
Wente, Dave
Werve, Katie
West, Matthew
Westplate, Joanne
Westplate, Renee
Weyrauch, Melody
Wheeler, Kathy
Whiteloot, David
Whitmer, Kim
Whitmire, James
Whitworth, Mark
Wiersum, Ken
Wlersum, Richard
Wilkin, Julie
Williams, Bert
Williams, Charles
Williams, Ricky
Willie, Colleen
Wilson, Elaine
Wilson, Joan
Wilson, Scott
Wirch, Pat
Witt, Dale
WoelHer, Vickie
Wolle, Leslie
Wollert, Karen
Woods, Dan
Woods, Pat
Wozney, Mark
Wright, Mike
Wurzer, Ken
Yde, Neil
York, Nancy
Young, Bernard
Young, Bill
Yszenga, Cindy
Yszenga, Denise
Zamsky, Bob
Zanotti, Chuck
Zapenckl, Christine
Zehms, Tami
Zelhen, Terri
Zlelsdorl, James
Zuzinec, Ray
The 1973·74 Sophomoreclass
participated in building a Hoat £or
Homecoming. They took £irst place in an
ice sculpture or a hickory-dickory-dock
clock. Due to bad weather conditions,
though, Winterama was canceled and replaced
by a Spring Festival which was held in May.
Money raising projects were sponsored
throughout the year, including bake sales,
Christmas caroling, a Valentine's Day dance,
entitled "Cupids Caper," and selling or
balloons and sno cones during Spring
Festival. Sophomore members also planned
out a visitation day £or those Junior High
students who will attend Tremper the
next school year.
SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS (opposite page, from
left) Tami Nelson, Treasurer; Laura Riggle,
Corresponding secretary; Nancy Christy,
Recording secretary; Donna Sorensen, Vice
president; Lori Brummel, President.
left) (Row 1) Jonathan Bussard, John Nepper,
Laura Riggle, Donna Sorensen, Nancy Christy,
Tami Nelson, Gary Usinger, and Ray Collins.
(Row 2) Debbie Erickson, Diane Klein,
Janet Fulmer, Lynn Brookhouse, Sue Whiteside,
Kris Nyberg, Sue Hamilton, and Anita Llanas.
(Row 3) Gail Wallig, Joann McGinley, Dotti
Kostreva, Sandy Scherr, Gwen Schaeffer,
Marti Nall, Lindy Banerdt, Lynn Speaker,
Lynne Procarione, and Lori Brummel (standing)
Acerbl, Dawn
Adamson, Michele
Aderman, Gale
Ahlefeldt, Susan
Aiello, Jeanine
Akerlund, Cynthia
Albert, Paul
Alexanian, Joann
AlthoH, Scott
Ancevlc, Phyllis
Anderson, Candis
Anderson, Craig
Anderson, Fred
Anderson, Jane
Anderson, Lucinda
Anderson, Lynn
Anderson, Ricky
Anderson, Robert
Andrade, Kenneth
Andre, Susan
Andrews, Mark
Anger, Mary Kay
Antonacci, Paula
Apker, Larry
Arglrls, Georgia
Armes, Sherry
Bagnall, Mary
Baker, Cheryl
Baker, Craig
Baker, Karen
Baldwin, Wayde
Ball, Jerry
Banerdt, Linda
Bankhead, Ken
Banskl, Rosemary
Barnhill, Marianne
Baron, Patricia
Basham, Kevin
Batton, Shella
Baude, Kris
Bauer, Tamara
Baxter, Lynn
Becker, Dianne
Becker, Douglas
Becker, Keith
Beckstrom, Robert
Bedford, Charlene
Bedford, Phyllis
Behling, Steven
Behr, Donna
Beilke, David
Bell, Anita
Bella, Cherie
Benoit, Susan
Berger, Margaret
Bergren, Barbara
Bernett, Julie
BernhoH, Connie
Betterton, Terry
Betz, Kurt
Bezotte, Dennis
Bichsel, Todd
Biggs, Linda
Bilancia, Suzanne
Bilger, Bryne
Bilger, Lisa
Bittis, Keith
Black, Eva
Blasi, Bill
Blatter, Lynne
Blatter, Michael
Blauser, Carol
Bolding, Larry
Bonn, Tracy
Bowker, David
Brandes, Darla
Brandt, Mary
Brandt, Steven
Brannan, Patricia
Brantley, Milllcent
Braun, Alan
Brennan, Charles
Brennan, Patrick
Brennan, Raymond
Briscoe, Mark
Brookhouse, Lyndell
Brothen, Deanlse
Brothers, Bradley
Brown, Pamela
Brudny, Ronald
Alter completing registration, Dawn
Acerbi describes her next year's classes
to Betty Laski.
Brummel, Lori
Brunner, Douglas
Bruno, Peter
Bruno, Rene
Bruzas, Dawn
Bufton, Patrick
Buratti, Mark
Burke, Barbara
Burrow, Kathleen
Burt, Kevin
Busche, Donald
Busche, Janice
Bussard, Jonathan
Caldwell, Sally
Cantrell, Tom
Cantwell, Roseann
Capodarco, Joseph
Carey, Brenda
Carlsen, Kit
Carmichael, Kurt
Carolan, Mark
Carpenter, Cynthia
Carpenter, Ricky
Carr, Leroy
Carr, Orlando
Cascio, Steven
Catron, Tony
Caviezel, Linda
Cespuglio, Marc
Chiodo, Lori
Choske, Glen
Christian, Cathy
Christiansen, Daniel
Christy, Nancy
Chroninger, Jerry
Chulew, Natalie
Ciesielski, Sharon
Clay, Janet
Clayes, Vicki
Cleveland, Rodney
Coan, Patricia
Coan, Samuel
Kim and Kit Carlson eat good old
homemade sandwiches £rom
home during Sa lunch shi£t.
Cochran, Terry
Cohen, JeHrey
Collins, Michael
Collins, Myrtle
Collins, Raymond
Collins, Steven
Colter, Eugene
Colwell, Rose
Conlorti, Randall
Connelly, Neal
Contreras, Vasilia
Cooper, Denise
Cooper, Gerald
Cords, Alan
Coshun, James
Crane, Hovt
Crump, Diane
Cucunato, Robert
Cummings, Vernon
Curnow, James
Dandurand, Christina
Darracott, Daniel
Darrell, Julie
Davey, Ronald
Davis, Ken
Davis, Marvin
Davis, Pamela
Davis, Robin
Davis, Theresa
DeBruin, Susan
Dechiara, Patricia
Decker, Deborah
Deerwester, Terri
Deininger, Cheryl
DeHrate, Anthony
Delmore, Jay
Denio, Barbara
Denio, Robert
DeRouchey, Beverly
Devine, Michael
Dibiase, Joe
Diestrelkamp, Becky
Dillon, Mark
Doan, John
Docter, Wesley
Dodge, James
Doerller, Ellen
Donovan, Kathie
DorH, John
Douglas, Danny
Drissel, Wendy
Duberstine, Luann
Dumke, Robert
Dunlord, Cynthia
Although the cafeteria is used as a
luncheon area, Richard Towle seems to lind that
playing cards is more appetizing than the lood.
Dunow, Cindy
Dvorak, Helen
Dwyer, Mary
Dyutka, James
Dzurick, Michael
Ebert, Jan
Eckert, Jane
Eckert, Judy
Edwards, John
Edwards, Laurie
Eells, Lenthel
Ehlert, John
Ells, Donna
Ells, Martin
Elrod, Debra
Engels, Katherine
Englund, Kent
Erickson, Debra
Evans, Vieva
Ewald, Janes
Ewer, Sharon
Falcon, Darrell
Falk, Vicki
Fanning, Denise
Fato, Kathleen
Fechner, Sally
Feld, Heidi
Fellows, Glenn
Ferguson, Todd
Ferraro, Mary Ann
Filter, Rene
Fllz, Vicki
Finn, Paul
Fitch, Paula
Flannery, Pamela
Flasch, Richard
Foote, Janet
Forbes, Terry
Fosbinder, Nick
Fox, Steven
Fraser, Vicki
Frazier, Barbara
Frederick, Sheryl
Frederick, William
Fredricks~n, Steven
Freitag, Brian
Fritz, Richard
Froeber, Mary
Fulmer, Janet
Gale, Patricia
Gallo, Patricia
Gallup, Kimberly
Galvin, Cathy
Garcia, Jackie
Garves, Mary
Gemegnani, Mary
Gentile, Theresa
Gentry, Suzette
Gentz, Barbara
Gentz, Sandra
George, Diana
Gerlach, Alan
Gerlach, Gary
Germinaro, Angela
Gerum, Julie
Gianeselli, JeH
Gibson, Jody
Gilbert, Carlene
Gildenstern, Michael
Gillentine, Debora
Girsh, Diane
Godlewski, James
Goergen, Richard
Goos, Diane
Gorra, Brenda
Gosnell, Marcia
Gosnell, Marlene
Gotsche, Nancy
Graham, Lori
Gray, Michael
Graziani, James
Greco, JeHery
Green, Richard
Gregory, Cynthia
Gregory, Patricia
Greiner, Dale
Gresham, Cathy
GriHin, Julie
GriHiths, Terry
Grimm, Corey
Grisham, Steven
Gross, Deborah
Grund, Randall
Guanajuato, Rudy
Guelzow, Joel
ruerra, Debbie
Gutche, William
Guttormsen, Barbara
Hackbarth, Mark
Hackworthy, Travis
Hale, David
Hallmark, Pam
Halverson, Karen
Hamann, Janet
Hamby, Rita
Hamers, Robert
Hamilton, Susann
Hammelev, Michael
Hammond, Bruce
Hand, Douglas
Hanrahan, Jeanine
Hansen, Peter
Hanson, Jerome
Harper, Judy
Harris, Jay
Harris, Jenni£er
Hartnell, Roxanne
Haubrich, Susan
Haubrich, Thomas
Hawkins, Rob
Hawkins, Sherri
Hawkins, Vicki
Hawley, Shawn
Beg, Frederick
Helton, Lawrence
Hennessy, Thomas
Henningfeld, Michael
Heppner, Douglas
Heroux, Terry
Herrmann, Susan
Herrmann, Terri
Hill, Carol
Hinds, Alan
Hinz, John
Rodal, John
HoH, Kevin
Holman, Randal
Holton, William
Holtz, Yvonne
Hovey, Stephen
Howard, June
Howell, Linda
Huggins, Elizabeth
Hulce, Frank
Huntley, Debra
Hyatt, Dirk
laquinta, Vincent
Imbrogno, Yvonne
ln£usino, Marianne
Ingram, Mark
Irving, Scott
Irwin, Linda
lstvanek, Albert
Jackman, Edna
Jacobs, William
Jacobson, Amy
Jaeger, Teresa
Jakielski, Laura
Jalensky, Kathy
Jambrek, Mark
Janis, Denise
Jansen, Bradley
Jass, Gary
Jaster, Kevin
Jensen, Margaret
Jensen, Raymond
Jerome, Karen
Jiardine, Susan
Johns, Ronald
Johnson, Bruce
Johnson, Daniel
Johnson, Luanne
Johnson, Mark
Johnson, Nancy
Johnson, Peter
Johnson, Susan
Johnson, Toni
Jolly, Vicki
Jones, Cathie
Jones, James
Jones, Joseph
Joyce, John
Judeika, Joanie
Jurgens, Keith
Kadonsky, Brian
Mike Soens finds the auditorium steps
a quiet place to read a note
without being disturbed.
24 3
Karasti, Randy
Kavalauskas, Timothy
Kavanaugh, Eileen
Kavanaugh, Noreen
Keating, Bruce
Keepers, Delorise
Kehl, Lori
Kemble, Kelly
Kemen, Irene
Kemp, Pam
Kendall, Richard
Kessler, Richard
Kevek, Sally
Keyes, Leslee
Kinsey, Donna
Kivi, Debra
Kivi, Paula
Klein, Diane
Klennert, Anthony
Kloet, David
Klopstein, Tracy
Kloster, Cheri
Knight, Peggy
Knudsen, Betty
Knudtson, Katherine
Knuuti, Don
Kobs, Scott
Koessl, Debra
Kohn, Michael
Kolmos, Herbert
Koski, Mark
Kostreva, Dorothy
Kovacevich, Joseph
Kozerski, Nan
Krahn, Sandra
Kramer, Jolene
Krantz, Robert
Krause, Wayne
Krebs, Kenneth
Kreuser, JeHrey
Kreuser, Patrick
Krogh, Sharyl
Krome, Lonora
Kronholm, Patricia
Krupinski, Carol
Kruse, Debra
Kuczenski, Jean
Lachman, Brian
Lachman, Camille
Laken, Bruce
Lamothe, Steven
Landgren, Robert
Landre, Nancy
Lang, Cathy
Luann Duberstine, Lori Misch, and
Sue Van Tubbergen llnd it hard to wake up
to face another long school day.
Lansdown, Kathy
Larsen, Scott
Larson, Arden
Larson, Douglas
Larson, Martin
Larson, Susan
Larson, William
Lasky, Elizabeth
Lauer, Bruce
Lawler, Edward
Lawrence, Laura
Layton, Kimber
Leanna, Brian
Ledanski, Nancy
Legler, Kevin
Lehman, Joseph
Leipzig, Martin
Leiting, Cheryl
Leiting, James
Lentz, Mark
Leonard, Leslie
Lessman, Jane
Leto, Nancy
Lewis, Donald
Leys, Janet
Lienau, Jaclyn
Lighthizer, Ellen
Lill, Kathleen
Lindas, Charles
Lindquist, Kim
Lindstrom, William
Litewski, Rose
Livingston, James
Llanas, Anita
Long, Larry
Lopez, Alex
Louks, Maureen
Lubeck, Amy
Ludwig, Julie
Luebke, Vicki
Luska, William
Mach, Catherine
Macias, Rita
Macpherson, Judy
Maki, Scott
Malsack, Jerome
Mancuso, Catherine
Mandernack, Michelle
Mann, John
Manna, Al
Manna, Keith
Marabelli, Gerald
Marcinkus, JeH
Marescalco, Glenn
Margetson, Rich
Markwald, Terry
Massie, Pamela
Mateja, Katherine
Mathes, Marie
Mathis, Douglas
Mattner, Steven
Maurer, Amy
Maurer, Ann
Maurer, Gerald
Maurer, William
May, Christopher
May, Robert
McBride, Lori
McCarthy, Jonathon
McColl, Rick
Mccrary, Cindy
McDowell, Rhonda
McGinley, Joanne
McGough, Michael
Mcintyre, Donald
McMahon, Tierney
McManus, Carrie
McManus, Larry
McPhaul, Carol
Medina, Mary
Meeker, Thomas
Menges, Kelly
Mengo, Dale
Merrick, Byron
Merten, Joy
Metallo, Angeline
Metallo, Jack
Metallo, Patricia
Meteiver, CliHord
Metten, Nancy
Meyer, Carol
Meyer, Colleen
Meyer, Lori
Meyer, Randy
Meyers, Mary
Mielke, Joyce
Mielke, Lee
Millar, Dale
Miller, Mary
Miller, Patricia
Miller, Ricky
Miller, Thomas
Miller, Thomas
Miller, Timothy
Minix, Gregory
Misch, Lori
Monroe, Bradley
Monroe, Julie
Moore, Kim
Moore, Virginia
Moses, Karen
Moss, Craig
Mowry, Michael
Muetze, Peggy
Mutchler, Rickey
Myers, Donna
Myers, Paul
Nachreiner, Karen
Nall, Marti
Nelson, Barbara
Nelson, Billy
Nelson, Diane
Nelson, Kevin
Nelson, Tamera
Neu, JeHrey
Neu, Margaret
Newhouse, Scott
Nichi, Nita
Nielson, Jody
Niemi, JeHrey
Vicki Hawkins Hlls out one
oi the required iorms in the Driver
Education course.
Nimmerguth, Gayle
Noel, Santhy
Nolen, Teresa
Norcross, Sue
Northard, Peter
Nurmi, Michael
Nyberg, Kristin
O'Callaghan, Patrick
Odland, Rebecca
Oechler, Gay
Ogle, Sandy
Olkives, Iva
Ollila, Timothy
Olsen, Carla
Olson, Heidi
Ommodt, Mark
Opitz, Ed
OrtloH, Randy
Osten, Mark
Ostlund, Joy
Oswalt, Cynthia
Owens, David
Owens, Kevin
Packard, Steve
Palelll, Mark
Palermo, Louis
Pallk, Mark
Palmer, Vickie
Panzlau, Rebecca
Papa, Carolyn
Parcenka, Michael
Parham, Cathy
Parker, Rebecca
Paskiewicz, Mark
PateHeld, Christine
Patterson, JeHery
Pautz, Mary
Pederson, Steven
Peek, Riehle
Pelllzzl, Cindy
Pepke, Timothy
Perez, David
Peters, Richard
Peters, Timothy
Petersen, Keith
Peterson, Debra
Peterson, Ken
Petrausky, Ronald
Pettey, Patricia
Peura, Karl
PfelHer, Dawn
Pfeiffer, John
Pflug, Charles
Phillips, Ernest
Plas, Elaine
Piela, Debra
Piela, Terry
Pierce, Janis
Pierson, Mia
PUiizzi, Gerald
Place, Rosemarie
Polentini, Joseph
Pollock, Catherine
Pollock, Kevin
Polzin, Dale
Pope, Sharon
Popp, Julie
Popp, Theresa
Porras, Joe
Powers, Karen
Powers, Kathy
Preiss, David
Pritchard, Genevieve
Procarione, Lynne
Pruett, Janet
Pruett, Stephen
Puidokas, Lucile
Pulera, Dawn
Racine, James
Ramer, Juanita
Randall, Thomas
Ranik, Sue
Rasico, Daniel
Rasico, Stefenie
Rasmussen, Lisa
Rath, Robert
Ratzburg, Paul
Ray, Kurt
Redmond, Verne
Reed, John
Rehfeldt, Cynthia
Noon hour Is just abOut over lor
Janet Hamann as she places change in her
pocket, left from a McDonald's lunch.
Reinhold, Paul
Repka, JeH
During lunch hour Julie Ludwig and
Jeanne Servais share a lunch and discuss what's
to £ollow in their aHernoon classes.
Rice, James
Richards, David
Richter, Robin
Richtmyer, Erven
Ridley, William
Riggle, Laura
Ringdahl, Brian
Robers, Lawrence
Roberts, Bill
Roberts, William
Robillard, Mary
Robinson, David
Robison, Elizabeth
Rodgers, Rachael
Roemer, Julie
Roeseler, Heidi
Rognstad, Susan
Romano, Rhonda
Rommel, David
Rose, Deborah
Rose, Dianna
Rose, Donald
Roskres, Martin
Rothman, Edward
Rothrock, Roger
Rovlk, Steve
Rudolph, Laurie
Ruetten, Brandon
RuHolo, John
Ruhle, Julie
Runge, John
Rutchlk, Debra
Salerno, Dana
Salerno, Jeanine
Salituro, Frank
Sampson, Kathy
Sanders, Carole
Santopoalo, Mary
Sauve, Gregg
Scarlato, Kim
Schaa£sman, Gail
SchaeHer, Gwen
Scharr, Kimberly
Scherr, Sandra
Schiller, Craig
Schlect, Mary
Schmelz, Bernard
Schmidt, Debra
Schmidt, Mark
Schmidt, Pamela
Schmitt, Laura
Schneeberger, Jill
Schouten, Lonnie
Schrandt, Douglas
Schuch, Margie
Schuch, Mark
Schultz, Susan
Schuster, Dale
Schutz, Faye
Schwaiger, Nancy
Schwuchow, Tammie
Schwuchow, Thomas
Scoon, Michael
Scoon, Robert
Scott, Roxanne
Seibel, Larry
Seiler, Ken
Selin, Jacqueline
Servais, Jeanne
Sevick, Steven
Sharp, Deborah
Shelley, Kathleen
Shienbrood, David
Shilts, Lori
Shipley, Donald
Shoemaker, Richard
Shuler, Thomas
Shumway, Timothy
Sikich, Daniel
Simpkins, Scott
Singer, Raymond
Slater, James
Slye, Cathleen
Smallwood, Rex
Smaniotto, Deena
Smith, Brian
Smith, David
Smith, Elaine
Smith, Janet
Smith, Mary
Smith, Tina
Sniatynski, Lorie
Soens, Michael
Sommer, Pamela
Sorensen, Donna
Sorensen, Michael
Spaulding, Mark
Speaker, Lynn
Spizzirri, Suzanne
Spruill, Gary
Stachon, Steven
Stader, Maria
Stancato, Therese
Steen, John
Stehlik, John
Stein, Cindy
Stein, Janet
Stevens, Mark
Stevens, Richard
Stewart, Wendy
Stipek, Duane
StJohn, Cheryl
Straley, Russell
Strand, Lynn
Strangberg, Linda
Stroik, Je££
Strou£, Jean
Strunk, Howard
Stubbs, Margaret
Studtmann, Chris
Stukel, Roberta
Sturycz, Roger
Suazo, Alita
Sunderland, Mark
Swartz, Sandra
Swartz, Thomas
Tait, Susan
Tanking, Matt
Taristano, Richard
Taylor, Keith
Tenuta, Lisa
Tenuta, Thomas
Thiem, Eddie
Thomas, Daniel
Thomas, Pamela
Thomas, Richard
Thompson, Carla
Thornberg, Scott
Tirabasso, Karen
Tltho£, Mary
Toigo, Teress
Tolefree, Rena
Topper, Donna
Torcaso, Raymond
Torkelson, Joy
Torris, Michael
Totts, Lori
Towle, Richard
Tredup, James
Trottier, Robert
In art class Mary Kay Anger works hard on
etching a design to complete
another project.
Tunkieicz, Charlene
Turner, Leo
Turner, Leon
Tyson, David
Usinger, Gary
Usinger, Ricky
Vagnoni, Michael
Vagnoni, Susan
Vandenberg, Cory
VanDyke, Laurie
Vanwie, Cathy
Varnell, Carolyn
Vaux, Michael
Vedder, Kathryn
Vestino, Lori
Villani, Perry
Vlahovlc, Michael
Voight, Roger
Wachs, Helen
Wade, Dennis
Wagner, JeH
Walkowski, Patricia
Walllg, Gall
Wallis, Susan
Walters, Karen
Walton, Anthony
Warren, Peggy
Wasurick, Nancy
Waters, Catherine
Weisl, Sharon
Welch, Cindy
Wells, Kathy
Wells, Stephen
Wentzek, Janine
Westerman, Judith
White£oot, John
Whiteside, Suzette
Whitmer, Sue
Wick, Lori
Wickert, Dennis
Widmar, Rickey
Wiercinski, Debra
Wildenberg, Cindy
Wilkin, Jamie
Willems, Dennis
Williams, Clonna
Williams, Jacqueline
Williams, Sandra
Willkomm, Daniel
Wilson, Steven
Wilson, William
Wincek, Scott
Wisman, Robert
Wisniawski, Laurie
Wisniewski, Lori
Wollert, JeHrey
Wood, Lisa
Wright, Karen
Wright, Rick
Wurzer, Ronald
Yantorni, Allen
Yeager, John
York, Mike
Young, Jeralyn
Young, Michael
Young, Patrick
Yurchak, Ronald
Zanotti, Thomas
Zarletti, Maryann
Zekor, Michael
Zievers, Marilee
Zuberbuehler, David
Zuchowski, Susanne
Zwaga, Dorothy
SENIORS NOT PICTURED: Mark Adam, Kenneth, Becker,
John Bernacchi, Mark Bose, Michael Briese,
Robert Brothen, William Clarke, Roger Dehaan,
Clarence Fellows, Duwayne Fiers, Linda Foley,
Terry Klawitter, Raymond Millholland, Bradford Norton,
Sandra Roberts, Cheryl Sheldon, Wesley Stehlik,
Mark Ulrich, and Judy Warren.
JUNIORS NOT PICTURED: Charles Bigham, Julie Brown,
Virginia Brunet, Lester Coleman, Michael Connelly,
MaryAnn Cook, Debbie Davis, Guillerma Delagaza, Helen
Edwards, Carol Frink, Melisa Granger, Ken Hamshire,
Mark Hosmanek, Richard Hudson, Glen Jones,
Dennis Kammerzelt, David Ketchum, Greg Kruchko,
Stephen Kylbiski, Cheryal Larsen, Heinz Laur, Tina
Luitze, Barbara Major, Sharon McQuestion, Luanne Merten,
Allan Peet, Thomas Ribar, Bruce Rusecki, Mitchell
Schmerling, Karen SchoHield, Tony Schuld,
David Sheldon, Marita Spivek, Kelly Starks, Dale
Swanson, Melvin Turner, and Randy Widmar.
SOPHOMORES NOT PICTURED: Daniel Archer, Marlene August,
Cynthia Bolyard, Terry Brennan, Al Buttera,
Gary Caibaidsai, Richard Clark, Rose Anne Conway,
Darlene Davies, Deborah Eppers, Christine Erickson,
Margaret Espinosa, Mark Fasci, Gary Foster,
Bernell Frederick, Mary Gittens, Mark GriHin,
Scott Humberg, Ira Jackson, Larry Jackson,
McHenry Jackson, Sherri Jacob, James Jourdan, Mike Kent,
Karen Ko£roth, Connie Lamothe, Thomas Lango, JeHrey
Leisner, Veronica Lovelace, David Milkent, Pam Miller,
Carol Newell, Veronica Norville, Karl Olu£s, Joe Paura,
Susan Rarick, JeH Rumachik, Kathryn Ryan,
Richard Santiago, Alice Schlosser, Hans Schneider,
Steven Schneider, Greg Schroeder, Karen Smith,
Thomas Bryan, Glen Tishuk, Steven Tredup, Dorothy Trosser,
Curt Vergenz, Linda Wells, Andrea Winn, and Wyatt Witt.
2 55
The business world attempts
to grasp the interest 0£ today's youth
through advertising. Buying power is in the
hands 0£ both the young and old. We, as
students and consumers, experience the
di££iculties 0£ making decisions to buy; and as
employees, experience di££iculty in
persuading others to buy. These experiences
bene£it us as we become a part 0£ the
business world. This segment 0£ our education
cannot be learned at school through books,
but only through personal contact with others.
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S160-6th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
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Congratulations to
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Let's start with a brie£ description 0£ the Hero 0£ your Success
He or she can be a machine operator, a housewi£e, a store
clerk, a teacher, a clergyman, a union oHicial, or engaged in any
activity you may select. To write a truly success£ul story,
however, you must endow the Hero with £our essential
The Hero 0£ a Success Story has a willingness to learn. For the
Hero there is no £inal graduation - only a series 0£
Commencements that bring with them new lessons to be mastered.
The Hero 0£ a Success Story has an unending desire to
succeed in whatever he undertakes. The phrase "just as good" is
not in his vocabulary. "Better than" are his £avorite words and
the yardstick by which he measures his work.
The Hero 0£ a Success Story welcomes responsibility. For just
as exercise develops muscles, so responsibility develops the man
or woman. The degree 0£ your Hero's success will be governed by
the responsibility he or she is willing to shoulder.
The Hero 0£ a Success Story always gives more than he gets.
He is too busy with important things to measure accurately his
own worth. His greatest satis£action comes £rom being 0£ real service to his £ellow men.
It is never too early nor too late to begin your Success Story.
Writing it will not be easy because success is never easily captured. But your chances 0£ authoring your own Success Story are
greater in the United States than they would be in any other country in the world.
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Senior Activities
ADERMAN, GREG S. "Pear", McKinley,
Hockey Club 3; Intramurals 2,3; Ski
Club 3.
Library Aide 1; German Club 1,2,3;
Baseball 2; Gym and Language Lab
Aide 3; Variety Show 3.
ALTHOFF, BRIAN J. Lance, Honor Roll
1,2,3; Letterman 1,2,3; Cross Country
2; Wrestling 1,2,3; MVP· Wrestling 3;
Language Lab Aide 1.
BAKER, RHONDA L. Bullen, AV 2;
Library Aide 2; Honor Roll 2,3; In·
tramurals 2; N'tl Honor Society 3;
New Voice Radio 2,3; Quill and Scroll
3; Track 2; Wrestling Pride 3.
BECK, CATHERINE A. Lincoln, Honor
BECKER, DELORES J. "Dee", Lance,
Caduces 2; Homecoming Parade 1,2,
3, German Club 1.
BECKER, JAN A. Lance, Gym award 3.
BECKER, JANICE A. Lance, Attendance
award 1, Hall Monitor 1;.
Classic 2,3; co-editor 3; Spanish Club,
secretary 2; Hall Monitor 1; In·
tramurals 1,2,3; Quill and Scroll 2,3;
GAA and President ol GAA Bowling
3; Ski Club 2.
BECKER, MARY C. "Mair", Lance, Ad·
visory Board 3; Art Club 2,3; Classic
2; Intramural 1,2,3; Track 2; GAA 1,·
BENIK, KIMBERLY S. "Beak", Lance,
Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Quill
and Scroll 3; GAA Bowling 1; Ski
Club 2. Classic 2,3.
BERNACCHI, JOHN L. Lance, Athletic
Award 3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3.
Bus. Ed. Aide 2.
BLAUSER, MARY Lincoln, Classic 3;
Ski Club 2.
BLOCK, TIMOTHY L. Lance, Athletic
2,3; A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Intramurals 1,2,3; Variety
Show 2,3; George M. 2, Choraliers 3.
BONOFIGLIO, TINA L. Lance, Drivers
Ed Aide 2,3; Caduces 2,3; SAB 3;
Homecoming Parade.
BOOTH, STEVEN P. Lincoln, Chess
Club 3; A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore
Mixed 1; Photo. Club 2.
M. Lance,
Scholarship 3; Concert 1; Evening
Strings 3; Symphonic 2; Wind
Ensemble 3; Daisy Mae Candidate 3;
French Club 1,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; In·
tramurals 1,2,3; National Honor
Society 2,3; Orchestra 2,3; Tremper
Teens, Treasurer 1,2,3; Golden
Strings 2,3.
BRAUN, DIANE M. Lance, Adv. Board 1;
Concert 1; A Cappella 2,3;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Class OHicer 1;
Honor Roll 2,3; Nat'l Honor Society
3; SAB 1; Student Council 1;
Choraliers 2.
BRIGGS, SUSAN K. "Susie", Lincoln,
Kiwanis Music Award 3; Caduces 2,3;
Girls Choir 1,2,3; Honor Roll 3; Project Love 1; WGNT·TV 2.
BUEGE, WILLIAM W. "Dollar Bill",
Bullen, Intramurals 1,2,3; Baseball
1,2,3; Football 1; Student Council 1.
Concert 1.
CALLAHAN, CHRIS A. Bullen, Track
Letter, Most Improved Gymnast 1,2;
Intramurals 1,2,3; Gymnastics 1,2,3;
Track 12,3.
CAMOSY, JEAN E. Lance, Adv. Bd.
2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Honor Roll
2,3; Kickline 1,2,3; SAB 2; Ski Club
2,3; GAA 1,2.
Concert 1; Symphonic 2,3; Honor Roll
1; Wrestling Pride 2,3.
CASSITY, PEGGY S. Lance, Girls
Choir 2; Varsity Mixed 1.
CHIODO, KIM L. "Chit", Lance, Color
Guard 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; In·
tramurals 2; Kickline 1,2; National
Honor Society 2,3.
CICCHINI, KAREN J. Lance, Adv. Bd.
2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Socie·
ty 2,3; SAB 2; Student Council 1; Sub
Deb 1,2,3.
CLARK, JANIS L. Lance. AV 1,2,3; New
Voice Radio 2; Aquettes 1,2,3.
COLLINS, NANCY J. Lincoln, Adv. Bd.1;
Honor Roll 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3;
SAB 1,2; Track 2; Sub Deb 1.
CORDS, BARBARA J. Lance, Concert
1, Wind Ensemble 2,3; French Club
1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramurals 1;
N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Project Love
2; Aquettes 2; Gymnastics 1.
coin, Adv. Bd. 2; Sub Deb 1,2,].
COWEN, JANEL. Lance, Adv. Bd.1,2,
3; Pool Aide 1; Athletic Award 2,3;
Cheerleader 1; A Cappella 3; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2; SAB 1,2;
Aquettes 2; Gymnastics 2,3; Swim
Team 2,].
DADE, SUSAN E. "Susie", Lincoln,
Project Love 2.
1; Symphonic 2,3; Honor Roll 3; In·
tramurals 3; SAB 2; Tremper Teens
Lincoln, Intramurals 1.
DE CESARO, PAUL M. "Taco", Lin·
coin, WGNT·TV 1,3.
DENIO, RAE L. Lincoln.
Bd. 1; Project Love 1; SAB 1; George
M 2.
DIVINE, ROBERT A. Lincoln, French
Club 1,2; Intramurals 1; Math Club 1;
Basketball 1; Driftwood 2.
Ecology 1; Spanish Club 1,2; SAB. 2,3;
GAA Bowling 2,3.
Honor Roll 1,3; Intramurals 1; Student Council 1.
DIETMAN, TERRIE R. "Dit", Lance,
Adv. Bd. 2; Attendance 2; Gym Aide
2; Class OHicer 2; Hall Monitor 1;
Homeroom Co-ordinator 1; Honor
Roll]; Project Love 1; Court 2; SAB 2;
Sabres 1.
DONAIS, RANDY B. "Ark in the Park"
Lance, Attendance 1,2; Graphic Arts
1,2; Honor Roll 2; Intramurals 1;
Kickline 2; Letterman 3; SAB 2;
Baseball 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3;
Graphic Arts Aide 3.
McKinley, Morning announcements
3; GAA 2; Assistant in Track 2, Soph.
Mixed 1; Girls Choir 2; Honor Roll 3.
DREIFKE, DENISE A. "Dee", Lance,
Attendance 1; Library Aide 2,3.
Roll 2,3; Intramurals 2; Orchestra, 1;
Variety Show 3.
DUCHAC, SUSAN P. Lincoln, Concert
1; Symphonic 2; A Cappella 2,3;
Sophomore Mixed 1; lntramurals 2;
Choraliers 3; Band 1,2,3.
Bd.1; Athletic Award 1,3; Girls Choir
2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Honor Roll
2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Gymnastics
DURST, PENNY L. Lance, Attendance
3; Honor Roll 2,].
EBELING, ERIC D. "Butler", Adv. Bd.
3; Evening Strings 2,3; Honor Roll 1,
2,3; SAB 3; Ski Club 3; Student Council 3; Orchestra 1,2,3; Golden Strings
3; Variety Show 3.
ELLEFSON, CATHY Lincoln, Concert
1; Wind Ensemble 2,3; Cheerleaders
1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor
Society 2,3; Sub Deb 1,2,3; Treasurer
Sub-Deb 3.
Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2;
SAD 1,2; Aquettes 1,2; Student Council 1,2; Orchestra 1,2; Honor Soc. 3.
ENGELS, DAVID F. Lincoln, In·
tramurals 2,3; Quill and Scroll 2,3;
Tempest, Sports Editor 1,2,3; Varie·
ty Show 1.
Athletic Award 1; Track 1.
EV ANS, DIANE D. Lance, A Capella
2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Drampers
3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Aquettes 2; Stu·
dent Council 3; Choraliers 2,3;
Student-Faculty Curriculum Comm.
3; Variety Show 2,3; George M 2;
Puss-n-Boots 2.
Sophomore Mixed 1; Honor Roll 1,2,
3; Nat'l Honor Society 2,3; Tremper
Teens 1; SAD 2.
FEIFER, LEIGH M. E. "Feil", Lance,
Classic, 2,3; Section Head 2; Business
Manager 2,3; lntramurals 2,3; Quill
and Scroll 3; SAD 3, secretary 2,3;
Student Council 1; Sub Deb 3; Trojanettes 1; Language Lab Aide 1;
"The Man Who Came To Dinner" 2.
Drampers 3, Spanish Club 2; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Nat'I Honor Society 2,3;
Tremper Teens 2,3.
FISH, LA WREN CE F. Lincoln, A
Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
Choraliers 3.
coin, SAD 1,2,3.
FRALEY, DEBRA A. "Teddy", Bullen,
Attendance Aide 3; Library Aide 2,3.
Language Lab Aide 1; Home room
Co-ordinator 1.
GARZA, EV A "Taco", Library Aide 2;
Girls Choir 2,3; Varsity Mixed 1;
Spanish Club 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,
3; Track 1,2,3; Choir Council 1,2,3.
GEHRING, CHARLES J. "Charlie", St.
Joe's, Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals
2,3; Male cheerleader at "Beat Bradford Assembly" 3.
Athletic Award 1,2,3; Letterman 2,3;
Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3; Trk.
1; "Basketball Jones" contest 3.
GEORGE, LYNN M. "George", Bullen,
Guidance OHice Aide 3; Honor Roll
3; lntramurals 1; Quill and Scroll 2;
SAD 2; Tempest 1,2; Variety Show
2,3; GAA 1,2,3; Donkey Basketball 2.
GEORNO, GEORGE A. "Jaun Valdez",
Lance, Athletic Award 1,2,3; Badger
State Candidate 2, Booster Club 1,2,
3; Big Brute Cand. 3; Honor Roll 2,3;
Intramural 2,3; Letterman 2,3;
Baseball 2,3; Football 1,2,3; Track 1,
Key Club 1.
GIBSON, PAMELA S. "Queenie",
Lance Hall Monitor 1; GAA 2,3.
GIELAS, JAN P. Lance, lntramurals
1,2,3; SAD 3; Baseball 3; Football 3;
Basketball 3; Track 1, Classic 2.
GORRA, DEBRA C. Washington, A
Cappella 3; Girls Choir 2; Sophomore
Mixed 1; Track 1; George M 2; Varie·
ty Show 3.
Athletic Award 2,3; Scholarship 3;
Evening Strings 1,3; French Club 2;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,3;
Letterman 2; Nat'I Honor Society 2,3;
Photo Club 1; Quill and Scroll 3;
Gymnastics 1,2,3; Tennis 1,2;
Orchestra 1,2,3; Tempest 3; PE Aide
2,3, WGNT·TV 2.
Adv. Bd. 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Quill
and Scroll 2,3; SAD, oHicer 1,2,3;
Student Council oHicer 3; Sub Deb
1,2,3; Parade Chairman 3; Classic, 1,·
GRAY, PETER M. Athletic Award 3;
Stage Crew 2,3; Stock Car Club 2,3.
Sophomore Mixed 1; Distr. Ed 3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society
3; Stock Car Club 2.
GROSS, LINDA M. "Reimer", Lance,
Honor Roll 3.
Lincoln, Honor Roll 1,2,3; SAD 2,3;
Sub Deb 1; GAA 2.
HADLER, ROBERT F. "Bob", Concert
1; Jazz Ensemble 1,2,3; Stage Band
1,2,3; Symphonic 2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,
3; lntramurals 1; N'tl Honor Society
HAGEN, BARBARA J. Lance, Concert
1; Symphonic 2; Classic 3.
HALL, SHEREE ANN Lance, Adv. Bd.
3; Attendance Aide 1; lntramurals
1,2,3; Baseball}; Ftball 3; Basketball
Bd. 2,3; lntramurals 3.
HAMM, MIKE Lincoln Aviation 3;
Electronics 3.
HANEY, DOUGLAS C. Lance, Adv. Bd.
1,3; Ath. Award 1,2,3; Stage Band 1;
Symph. 1,2; Class OH. 1; Debate 3;
Ecol. 3; Honor Roll 1,3; Intra. 1;
Klckline 1,2,3; Letterman 3; Qulll
and Scroll 3; SAD 1,2,3; Ftball 1,2,3;
Tempest 3; SAD 1,2,3; Band 1,2; N'tl
Mer. Letter/Commendation 3;
Student-Faculty Curr. Comm 3;
Variety Show 1,2,3; Badger St. 2.
HANSEN, PAT A. Lincoln, Symphonic
1; Wind Ensemble 2,3; Honor Roll 1,
2,3; SAD 2,3; Orchestra 1,2,3;
Tremper Teens 1; Ushers 3; Wisc.
Honors Orch. 3; Pep Band 1,2; Variety Show 2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3.
Barron", Lance, Aviation 1,2,3; A
Cappella 3; Varsity Mixed 1,2;
Orchestra 1,2,3.
HARRIS, JOLIE S. Lance, A Cappella
2,3; Sophomores Mixed 1; French
Club 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Nat'I
Honor Society 2,3; Student Council 1;
Tremper Teens 2,3; Trojanettes 1,2;
Choralier 3; Daisy Mae Cand. 3.
HARTNELL, JILL A. Lance, Library
Aide 1,2,3; Honor Roll 3; Library
Club 3; Photo Club 1; Tennis 1; Gaa 3.
Concert 1; Symphonic 2; Driftwood
1,2,3; Echo 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Quill and Scroll 3; Tempest 1,2,3;
Waltonian 1,2,3; WGNT·TV 1;
Student-Faculty Cur. Comm.
Lance, Evening Strings 1,2,3; Swim
Team 1,2; Orchestra 1,2,3; Wisc.
Honors Orchestra 2,3.
Badger St. Can. 2; Concert 1; Wind
Ensemble 2,3; French Club 1; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3;
Sub Deb 3; Orchestra 2,3; Co·
Producer Variety Show 2; Producer
Variety Show 3; Band Comm. OHicer
3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Pep Band 1,
2,3; Kiwanis Symphony Music
Award 3.
HERR, LINDA J. Lance, Library Aide
1,2; Honor Roll 2,3; SAD 3; Stage
Crew 3; Gym Aide 2.
HLAVATA, JUDY A. Lincoln, Attendance Aide 2,3; Symphonic 1,2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; SAD 1,2; Student
Council 1,2; Sub Deb 1,2.
HOFFMAN, DA YID A. Lance, Athletic
Award 3; A Cappella 3; Hockey Club
3; Gymnastics 3; Tennis 3.
Aide 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Aquettes
1,2,3; Swim Team 1; Sub Deb 1;
Ushers 2; Sgt. at Arms, Vice
President· Aquettes 2,3; Gaa 1.
Badger St. Candidate 2; Concert 1;
Symphonic 2; Wind Ensemble 3;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Honor Roll 1,2,
3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Qulll and
Scroll 3; SAD 1,2,3; Treas., Info Day
Comm. 2,3; Student Council 1,3;
Tempest 1,2,3; Editor, lntermedia 3;
Variety Show, walk-on chmn. 1,2,3;
Stu.-Fac. Curr. Comm. 2; DAR
Finalist 3.
Scholarship 3; Badger St. Finalist 2;
Bible St. Club 1; Debate 1,2,3; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Math Club 1; N'tl Honor
Society 2,3; New Voice Radio 1,2;
Quill and Scroll 2,3; Tempest 1,2,3;
HULCE, DIANE M. Lincoln, Classic 2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society
2,3; Quill and Scroll 3; SAB 2;
Tremper Teens 1,2,3.
IRISH, MARK S. "Buck", St. Joe's,
Baseball 1,2,3.
IRONSIDE, MARY T. "Terri", Lincoln,
Concert 1; Symphonic 2; Wind
Ensemble 3; Honor Roll 3; Project
Love 2; SAB 3; Sub Deb 1,2,3; Variety
Show 2,3; Marching Band 1,3; Pep
Band 1,2.
JAEGER, WILLIAM P. Lance, Adv. Bd.
3; Badger St. Can. 2; Debate 1,2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; Math Club 1; N'tl
Hon. Soc. 2,3; Student Council 3.
JENSON, LINDA M. Bullen, Wisc.
Honorary Scholarship 3; In·
tramurals 1; N'tl Honor Society 2,3;
Track 1; Student Council 1; GAA 1,2,
3; Spanish Club 1.
JOHNSON, BRIAN T. "B.T.", Lance,
Athletic Award 1,2,3; Chess Club 1;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramurals 1 2 3·
N'tl Honor Society 3; Golf '1:2;
Basketball 1; Perfect Attendance
Roll 3; Trojanettes, co-captain and
captain 1,2,3.
JOHNSON, LINDA J. Bullen, AV 1; In·
tramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 3; Track
1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3; Tempest
2; Ushers 3.
JOHNSON, ~ARY A. Lance, Concert 1;
Symphonic 2; Intramurals 1,2; Sub
Deb 2,3.
Lance, Editor Award 2,3; Classic 2,3;
Intramurals 1,2; Quill and Scroll 2 3·
Lance, Girls Choir 1,2,3; SAB 1,2,3.
KALCIC, VICKI L. "Vik", Lance, Color
Guard 2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl
Honor Society 2,3; SAB 1,2; Aquettes
2; Student Council 1; Variety Show
KASPUTIS, NANCY A. Lance, Concert
1; Symphonic 2,3; Honor Roll 3; Sub
Deb 2,3; Orchestra 3; Variety Show
1,2,3; Pep Band 1; Marching Band 1,
KEMEN, KEVIN T. "Kip", Lance,
Track 2.
Lance, Adv. Bd. 3; Scholarship 3;
Concert 1; Symphonic 2; Wind
Ensemble 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl
Honor Society 2,3; SAB 2; Student
Council 1,2,3; Orchestra 2,3;
Tremper Teens 1; Stu. Coun.
Parliamentarian 3; Variety Show 1,
KEVEK, RAE A. "Farmer", Bullen,
Adv. Bd. 3; Concert 1; Symphonic 2;
Wind Ensemble 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Sab 2,3; Stu.
Council 3; Sub Deb 3; Marching Band
1,3; Pep Band 1,2; Variety Show 1,2,
3; Daisy Mae 3.
KLOET, DON A. "Hoss", McKinley,
Clinic Aide 1,2,3; Athletic Award 1,2,
3; Scholarship 3; Athletic Big Brute
3; Booster Club 1,2,3; Hall Monitor
1; Intramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 2,3;
Baseball 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3.
Lance, Athletic Award 1,2,3; In·
tramurals 1,2; Letterman 1,2,3; Foot·
ball 1,2,3; Track 1,2,3; Ski Club 3.
Bd. 1,2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; SAB
1,2; Baseball 3; Football 3; Swim
Team 1; Sub Deb 3; Ushers 1.
KOESSER, KURT H. Lance, German
Club 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; In·
tramurals 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society
2,3; Language Lab. Aide 2;
Homecoming Parade Co-ord. 2.
KORBEL, JOE C. McKinley, Athletic
Award 1,2,3; Honor Roll 2,3; Prom
Court 2; Basketball 1,2,3.
KRAMER, DAVID V. Lance, Aviation
2,3; Concert 1; Jazz Ensemble 2,3;
Stage Band 2,3; Wind Ensemble 2,3;
Intramurals 2.
Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
Orchestra 1,2,3; Choraliers 2,3.
Bullen, Concert 1.
KREUSER, NANCY M. "Jesse" Lance
Library Aide 2; Girls Ch~ir 2,3;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Project Love 2.
Concert 1; Symphonic 2,3; French
Club 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor
Society 2,3; Sub Deb 3; Orchestra 3;
Treas. Fr. Club 2.
KRULATZ, ANN Lincoln, Adv. Bd.1,3;
Evening Strings 1; Class OHicer 3;
H?no~ Roll 3; Intramurals 1,2,3;
K1ckhne 3; SAB 1,2,3; Gymn. 1; Swim
Team 1; Sub Deb 3; Orchestra 1,2,3;
"George M" 2.
LANG, JEAN E. Lincoln, Honor Roll 3;
Intramurals 1,2; SAB 1,2; Track 2·
Spanish Cl. 1.
LARSON, DANIEL L. Lance, Concert 1;
Jazz Ensemble 2,3; Stage Band 2,3;
Symphonic 2,3; Honor Roll 2,3; In·
tramurals 3; Variety Show 2,3; Pep
Band 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3.
LARSON, DIANE K. Lincoln, Concert
1; Wind Ensemble 2,3; Fencing 1;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society
3; SAB 2,3; Aquettes 2,3; Sub Deb 3;
Orchestra 1,3; Tremper Teens 1 •
Variety Show 2,3; Pep Band 1 2!
Marching Band 1,2,3.
' '
LAS CO, KIMBERLY A. "Kai", Lance,
French Club 2; Gaa 2; Girls Choir 3.
LASKY, CAROL A. Lance, Dr. Ed. Aide
2,3; Honor Roll 3; Sab 1,2,3.
2,3; Concert 1; Symphonic 2; Honor
Roll 3; Intramurals 2,3; SAB 3; Sub
Deb 1.
LAURIN, DAVID W. Lance, Athletic 1,
2,3; A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Fencing 2; Honor Roll 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 3; Swim
Team 2,3.
LEHMAN, JAY R. Lance, Athletic
Award 1,2,3; Gym Aide 1,2; Club Coordinator 1,2,3; Hall Monitor 1;
Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Key
Club 1,2,3; Letterman 2,3; Golf 1,2,3;
Swim Team 1,2,3; Basketball 1.
McKinley, Athletic Award 1,2; Honor
Roll 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3.
Lance, Athletic Award 1,2,3;
Scholarship 3; Booster club 1,2,3;
Hall Monitor 1,2; Big Brute 3; In·
tramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 2,3; Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2; Track 3.
LEYS, DONNA M. Lance, AV 3; Concert
1; Wind Ensemble 2,3; Honor Roll 1,
2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; N'tl Honor
Society 1,2,3; Tremper Teens 1 2 3·
Pres. 3.
' ' '
lntramurals 2; Servettes 1; Track 2.
LILJESTROM, JILL A. Lincoln, Girls
choir 1,2,3; Honor Roll 2.
3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Student
Council 1; Ski Club 2,3.
LUBECK, LAURA J. Lincoln, Honor
Roll 1,2,3.
MACKEY, BETH E. "Mac", Lance,
Concert 1; Symphonic 2; A Cappella
2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Ecology 1;
Swim Team 1; Track 1; Variety Show
Lance, Concert 1; Jazz Ensemble 1,
2,3; Stage Band 1,2,3; Wind Ensemble 2,3; lntramurals 2; Kickline 1,
Orchestra 2,3; Variety Show 1,2,3;
Marching Band 1,2,3.
MADISON, PAMELA J. Lincoln, Adv.
Bd. 1,2; Ecology 1,2; Hall Monitor 1;
Honor Roll 2,3; Swim Team 1;
Wrestling Pride 2,3; GAA 1.
Bd. 2,3; Class OHicer 2,3; Color
Guard 1,2,3; Homecoming Court 3;
Honor Roll 3; lntramurals 2;
Kickline, Head, 2,3; Project Love
vol. 3; Prom Court, worker 2,3; SAB
2; Stu. Council 1; Tremper Teens 1;
Marching Band 1,2,3; George M 2.
Cappella; 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
Hall Monitor 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3.
MALANEY, DARYL M. Advisory Bd. 3;
Cheerleader 3.
Wrestling 2.
MARTINEZ, AVA S. "Ada", Lincoln,
A£s 1,2,3; Library Aide 1; Evening
Strings 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Orchestra 1,2,3; Tremper Teens 3;
Pres. AFS 3.
MATEJA, PAMELA M. Neal, Chicago.
Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
lntramurals 1,2,3; Key Club 3;
Choraliers 2,3MC DONALD KEVIN L. "Big Mac'',
Lance, Concert 1; Symphonic 2; German Club 2,3; Intramurals 2,3; N'tl
Honor Society 1; Basketball
Manager 1; Lang. Lab Aide 2; Parade
Co-ord. 2; BAA 1.
MC GOUGH, JAMES A. Lance, Athletic
1; A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed
1; Spanish Club 1; Honor Roll 2; In·
tramurals 1,2,3; Photo Club 1,2,3;
Football 1; Tempest 1,2; Choraliers
1,2,3MC GROGEN, DIANE Lance, Athletic
Award 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals; Letterman 3; N'tl Honor
Society 2,3; Swim Team 1,3; Basketball 3.
MEIERS, CAROL L. "Dumplin'", Lin·
coin, Project Love 1,2; SAB 1,2;
Wrestling Pride 2,3MENDON, DIANE K. Lance, Adv Bd.1;
Girls Choir 1; SAB 2; Sub Deb 2;
Tremper Teens 1.
MEO, TINA M. "Tens", Lance, Adv. Bd.
2; Distr. Ed 3; Hall Monitor 1.
MERTEN, CHERYL K. Lance, Library
Aide 1,2,3; Ecology 2; Honor Roll 1,2,
3; Photo Club 1,2.
MESSINA, MIKE T. "Messy", Lincoln,
lntramurals 3; New Voice Radio 2,3;
Quill and Scroll 3; Track 1; Cross
Country 1.
Resource Center Aide 3; lntramurals
1,2,3; Track 1,2,3; GAA Track and
Field Team 1,2,3.
METTEN, MARY M. Lincoln, Adv. Bd.
3; Wrestling Pride 2.
MEYER, GARY A. St. Joe's. Honor Roll
1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3; Track 1.
MEYER, JANE C. Lance, A Cappella
2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Honor Roll
1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Trojanettes 1.
MEYER, KEITH H. "Henry", Lincoln,
Honor Roll 3; lntramurals 1,2;
Baseball 1.
MEYER, MICHAEL T. Lance, AV 1,2,3;
Stage Crew 1,2,3; Tempest 2.
Bowling 1,2,3.
MEYERS, MONICA M. Lincoln, French
Club 1,2,3; Homeroom Co-ordinator
1; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Socie·
ty 2,3; Project Love 2; Sub Deb 1,2,3;
"Puss-n-Boots" 2; Badger State Candidate 2.
1,2,3; AFS candidate 3; Honor Roll 1,
2,3; Student Council 1; Sub Deb 1;
Wrestling Pride 3.
MILLER, MARSHA M. Lance, lntramurals 2,3- AFS 3.
Lance, Adv. Bd. 1,2; Athletic Award
3; Sophomore Mixd 1; Hall Monitor 1;
lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 3;
Football 1,2,3; Prom chmn. 2.
Classic 2,3; Spanish Club 1,2; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals 3; Quill and
Scroll 2,3; Editor Classic 3; N'tl Hon.
Soc. 3.
Athletic Award 1,2,3; lntramurals 3;
Letterman 2; SAB 3; Track 1,2,3; GAA
Lance Color Guard 1,2,3; Honor Roll
2,3; SAB 2,3; Tremper Teens 1;
Variety Show 1,2,3.
1,2; Honor Roll 2,3; lntramurals 1;
N'tl Honor Society 3; Orchestra 1,2,3.
NEITZEL, KATHY E. Lance, Badger
State Girls Can. 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
N'tl Honor Society 2,3; SAB 2; Ushers
1; GAA 2.
NELSON, ANDREA S. "Ann", Lance,
Girls Choir 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
French Club 1,2; Honor Roll 2; In·
tramurals 1,2; Project Love 1; Track
2; Stu.-Faculty Curr. Comm. 1,2.
Concert 1; Symphonic 2,3; Honor Roll
1,3; lntramurals 1,2; Gaa 1,2; Stu.·
Faculty Curr. Comm. 1,2; Sub Deb 3.
NELSON, DOUG G. Lincoln, Athletic
Award 1; Honor Roll 2; lntramurals
NELSON, NANCY A. "Donald Duck",
Lance, Adv. Bd. 1; Athletic Award 1,
2,3; Cheerleaders 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
lntramurals 2,3; Letterman 2,3;
Prom worker 2; SAB 1,2; Aquettes 2;
Gymnastics 1,2,3; Swim Team 2,3.
NOLTING, JANE M. Lance, Scholarship
3; Badger State Winner 2; A
Cappella 2,3; Girls Choir 1; French
Club 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor
Society 2,3; Aquettes 1,2,3.
NORTHARD, AMY J. Lance Ad. Bd.
1,2; Class OHicer 1,2; Honor Roll 2,3;
Prom Court 2; SAB 1,2,3; Student
Council 1,2,3; Sub Deb 1,2,3; Tro·
janettes 1; GAA 1,2,3; Student Council OH. 3.
tramurals 2,3; Sab 2; Baseball 3;
Football 3; Basketball 3; Student
Coun. 2,3; Sub Deb 1,2,3PETERMAN, THOMAS J. Lance,
Spanish Club 1; Kickline 2,3; Variety
Show Walk-ons 2,3.
Lance, Adv. Bd. 1; Sub Deb
Decorations 1; Prom worker 2; Foot·
ball 3.
PEZDIR, PEGGY A. Lance, AV 2,3;
Library Aide 1; Voice of Democracy
Award 3; French Club 2; Honor Roll
1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society 3; New Voice
Radio 2,3; Quill and Scroll 3;
Aquettes Aide 1,2,3; Student Council
PFEIFFER, BETH E. Lance, Atten·
dance Aide 1,2; Swim Team 1; Sub
Deb 1,2; George M 2.
PIAS, ANDREW Lance, Scholarship 3;
Debate 1,2,3; Ecology 1; Honor Roll
1,2,3; Math Club 1; N'tl Honor Society
2,3PICKEN, DEBRA L. Lincoln, Girls
Choir 1; Color Guard 2,3; In·
tramurals 1.
Guidance OHice Aide 3; Girls Choir
PRESTON, GARY D. "Lukaroek",
Lance Hall Monitor 1,2; Honor Roll 3;
Kickline 2,3; Announcement music 3;
SAB 1,2.
PUTMAN, KAREN L. Lance, Concert 1;
Symphonic 2,3; A Cappella 2,3;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Band 1,2,3;
Choraliers 3.
Lance, Adv. Bd.
O'CONNOR AMY L. Lance, Adv. Bd.
2,3; Scholarships 3; Elk's "Most
Valuable Student", 3; Badger State
Cand. 2; Classic 3; Homeroom Co·
ordinator 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Kickline 2,3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3;
Project Love Vol. 1,3; Prom Comm.
Chmn. 2; SAB 2; Student Council 1;
Tremper Teens 1; Wisconsin state
Scholar 3.
OGREN, SANDY L. Lance, Concert 1;
Symphonic 2; Wind Ensemble 3;
French Club 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3; In·
tramurals 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society
2,3; Stu. Council 1; Orchestra 2;
Tremper Teens 2,3; Secretary Tr.
Teens 3.
McKinley, Kiwanis Choir Award 3;
Fencing 1,2,3; Honor Roll 2; Student
Council 1; Girls Choir 2,3; Soph. Mixed 1.
PATTY, GREGG D. "Meat Hooks",
Lance, Adv. Bd. 2; lntramurals 1;
Letterman 3; Football 1,2,3; Prom
worker, 2.
PECHURA, JEFF M. "Pooch", Lance,
Athletic Award 2,3; Scholarship 3;
Hockey Club 3; Intramurals 3;
Letterman 2,3; Football 1,2,3; Weight
Lifting 1; Big Brute 3.
PEDRAZA, ELLEN J. "Taco", Lance,
Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society
2,3; Quill and Scroll 2; SAB 2;
Tempest 1,2; Tremper Teens 1;
George M 2; Puss-n-Boots 2; Ski Club
1,2; Fine Arts Exhibit 1,2.
PELLIGRINO, JEAN L. "Little Pudge"
Adv. Bd. 1,2; Booster Club 2; Club Co·
ordinator 3; Hall Monitor 1; In·
1,2,3; Cheerleaders 1,2,3; Kickline 1,
2,3; Prom Court 1,2; SAB 2.
RADTKE, ROXANN M. "Rockette",
Lance, Attendance 1; A Cappella 2,3;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Project Love 2;
Student Council 1; SAB 1,2.
REED, HEATHER McKinley, Adv. Bd.
3; DAR winner 3; Quill and Scroll
winner 3; Badger State candidate 2;
Fencing 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl
Honor Society 2,3; Quill and Scroll
2,3; Orch. 1,2,3; Tempest, editor 2,3;
Variety Show and director, performer 3.
REILLY, RICHARD J. "Dick", Lance,
Adv. Bd. 3; Athletic 1; Honor Roll 1,
2,3; Letterman 2,3; N'tl Honor Socie·
ty 2,3; Football 1,2,3; Tennis 3;
Wrestling 1.
Concert 1; Track 1,2.
RICCIO, LISA B. "Ralph", Lincoln,
Girls Choir 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
Football 3; Bsktball 1,3.
RIGGLE, DEBBIE L. Lance, Adv. Bd. 2;
Concert 1; Symphonic 2,3; Homecoming Court 3; Honor Roll 3; In·
tramurals 2,3; Kickline 1,2,3; Stu·
dent Council 1.
RILEY, COLLEEN D. Lincoln, Adv. Bd.
1; Concert 1; Symphonic 2,3; Fencing
1; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3; SAB 2,3; Aquettes 2,3;
Tremper Teens 1.
Library Aide 1; GAA 3.
Honor Roll 1; Library Aide 3.
ROHRER, LISA M. Lincoln, Concert 1;
Symphonic 2,3; Fencing 1; Honor
Roll 1,3; SAB 1,2; Sub Deb 1;
Orchestra 3; Variety Show 1,2,3; Pep
Band 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3.
Lance, Intramurals 1,2,3; Baseball 3;
Football 3; Basketball 3; George M 2.
Varsity Mixed 1, Girls 2.
ROSEN, LYNN R. Scholarship 3; German Club 1; Honor/Roll 1,2,3; N'tl
Honor Society 2,3; Quill and Scroll 3;
Tempest 2,3.
ROVIK, JANET B. "Martha", Lincoln,
Girls Choir 2; Sophomore Mixed 1;
Honor Roll 3; Project Love 2; George
M 2.
SCHARF, KATHRYNE. "Tigger", Lincoln, Nurses OHice Aide 2; Awards
and Scholarships 3; Drampers 3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Soc. 3;
"Torchbearer" cast 3.
SCHMIDT, PAMELA S. Lance, Classic
2; Honor Roll 3.
tramurals 1,2,3.
SCHOOR, JEFF R.F. "Dina", Lincoln,
Hockey Club 3; Key Club 1,2,3; Track
1,2,3; Cross Country 1,2,3.
Debate 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; In·
tramurals 1; N'tl Honor Society 2,3;
Pol. Sc. Club 1,2,3; Aquettes 3;
Tempest 3; Announcement Assistant
1,2,3; Spanish Club 1.
SCHUCK, LORI D. "Deatrice", Lance,
AFS 3; Badger State 2; A Cappella
2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; French Club
1,2,3; Spanish Club 2; Honor Roll 1,2,·
3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Tremper
Teen 2,3; Trojanettes 1; Choraliers
2,3; Variety Show 2,3; George M 2.
SCHUTZ, AMYE. "Ame", Lincoln, In·
tramurals, 1,2,3; Tr. 1; Stu. Coun 3;
SAB 1,2.
SEBETIC, RONALD P. "Bets", Lance,
Key Club Sgt. at Arms 2; Hockey
Club 3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Key Club
1,2,3; Frostbite soo 2,3; Letterman
2,3; Cross Country 1,2,3; Capt. 3;
Track 1,2,3; Capt. 2,3; Vice Pres. ol
Letterman's Club 3; "Lakeshore
Olympic Track Team" 3.
Buick Lance, Orchestra 1,2;
Chamber Orchestra 2.
SIPSMA, JANE L. Lance, Athletic
Award 1,3; Concert 1; Symphonic 2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3;
Kickline 3; N. Honor Society 3;
Gymn. 1,2; Swim Team 2,3; Track 1,·
2,3; Tremper Teens 1,2,3.
SLATER, H. WINSTON Lance, Clinic
Aide 1; Aviation 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Intramurals 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society
2,3; Track 2.
McKinley, Ushers 1,2; Track 1.
SOCKNESS, PAUL J. "Gus", Lance, Big
Brute Candidate 3; Intramurals 1,2;
Letterman 2,3; Football 1,2,3;
Wrestling 1.
STANCATO, JOHN A. "Stanley",
Lance Art Club 3; Athletic Award 2,3;
Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 1,3; Key
Club 2,3; Letterman 2,3; Baseball 1;
Track 2,3.
Lincoln, Honor Roll 2; SAB 1,2; GAA
STRECK, NANCY M. "Walter", Lance,
AFS 1,2; AV 1; Project Love 1.
STRUNK, LYNETTE C. Lincoln, Girls
Choir 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2;
GAA 1,2; George M 2.
STUDRA WA, LAURA M. Honor Roll 3;
Quill and Scroll 3; Tempest 3.
TAFFS, JEANNE T. Bullen, Athletic
Award 3; French Club 1,2,3; Honor
Roll 3; Gymn. 1,2,3; Orchestra 1,2,3;
Fr. Club Seer., President 2,3; GAA
1,2; Lang. Lab Aide 3.
Bd. 1,2; Clinic Aide 1; Homecoming
Ct. 3; Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 2,3;
Kickline 1,2,3; SAB 2,3; Football 3;
Student Council 2,3; Sub Deb 3; Trojanettes 2; Pres. Stu. Coun. 3; Stu.
Parent Fae. Comm. 3; Prom Chmn. 2;
DAR Finalist 3; Classic 1, Class 01·
Heer 1.
TENUTA, LYNN M. Lance, Evening
Strings 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; N'tl
Honor Society 2,3; Aquet. 1,2;
Orchestra 1,2,3; Golden Strings 2,3;
OHicer, Aqu. 2.
Cappella 3; Girls Choir 2; Sophomore
Mixed 1; George M 2; Variety Show 3.
TIZI, KIMBERLY A. St. Joe's, Honor
Roll 1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3;
SAB 1,2,3; GAA 3.
TOIGO, MARC A. "Abe", Lance,
Athletic Award 1,2,3; Concert 1; Club
Co-ordinator 3; Hockey Club 3;
Honor Roll 1,2; Kickline 1; Letterman 3; Football 1,2,3; Weight Lilting
Club 1,2.
TOTTS, DAN O. Lincoln, Stock Car
Club 2.
TUTTLE, MELODY L. Lance, Atten·
dance Aide 2; Girls Choir 3; In·
tramurals 1; Student Council 1.
ULRICH, MARY K. "Mar", Lance,
Concert 1; Symphonic 2; Honor Roll
1; French Club 2; SAB 1; Sub Deb 2.
USINGER, DEBRA A. Lance, Library
Aide 1,2,3; Honor Roll 2; Library
Club 1,2; Project Love 2.
VAGNONI, JOHN D. "Vag", Lance,
Photo Club 1,2,3; Quill and Scroll 3;
Tempest 2,3; BAA 1.
2,3; A Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; French Club 1,2; Honor Roll 1,
2,3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Tremper
Teen 1,2; Trojanettes 1,2; Choraliers
3; Variety Show 3; George M 2.
Cappella 3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
Honor Roll 1,2; Key Club 2; Letter·
man 3; N'tl Honor Society 2; Football
1,2; Tr. 1; Wrestling 1,2,3; Stu. Con. 3;
Choraliers 3; Gorgeous George 3; St.
Girls Choir 1; Ecology 1; Track 1.
VIKMYHR, SUE M. "Malibu" Lance,
Homeroom Co-ordinator 1; Student
Council 1; Orch. 1; Gaa 1.
VOGEL, BETSY J. "Berts", Lance,
Kiwanis Award 3; Concert 1;
Marching Band 1,2,3; Symp. 2,3; Pep
Band 1,2,3; Honor Roll 3; Tremper
Teens 1.
WALDO, DOROTHY A. Lance, Honor
J. Lance, Honor Roll 2,3; lntramurals 2,3; Project Love 2.
WEINER, DEBRA R. "Shasta", Lincoln, Adv. Bd. 1,2; AFS 2,3; AFS Candidate 2,3; Art Club 1; Athletic
Award 2,3; Ecology 1,2; Hall Monitor
1,2; lntramurals 1; Swim team 1,2;
Servet 2; Trojanettes 1; Basketball
2,3; Homeroom Co-or. 1.
WELCH, LINDA "Mutha", Lincoln,
Adv. Bd. 1,2; Art Club 1; Concert 1,2;
Jazz Ensemble 1,2; Stage Band 1;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3;
Girls Football, Bsktbl, Baseball 3;
Stu. Coun. 3.
WELLS, ROBERT B. Lincoln, Athletic
3; Evening Strings 1,2,3; Swim Team
1; Orchestra 1,2,3.
WERVIE, MARSHA G. "Peaches",
McKinley, AFS 3; Athletic Award 1,2;
Fencing 1; lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 2,3; Track 1,2,3; Music, PA 3.
Cappella 2,3; Girls Choir 1; Honor
Roll 2,3; Kickline 3; Student Council
2,3; Ex. Bd. Rec. Sec. 3; George M 2;
Puss-n-Boots 2.
WHITT, RENEE M. "Benea",
McKinley, Concert 1; Wind Ensemble
2,3; Honor Roll 2,3; lntramurals 2;
Track 2; Orchestra 3; Props Manager
2,3; Band 1,2,3WlERCINSKI,
E. Lincoln
AFS 3; Badger State 2; lntramurals
1,2; Project Love 1; SAB 3; Track 1;
Tempest 3; Tri-Sch, Exchange 3.
WILLIAMS, BECKY A. "WinniePooh", Lincoln, AFS 3; AFS Cand. 3;
Attendance Aide 2; Girls Choir 2,3;
Varsity Mixed 1; Classic 2; GAA 1,2,3;
Music PA 3.
WILLIAMS, BRIAN L. Lance, Graphic
Arts 1,2; Classic 2,3; Photo Club 1,2;
Quill and Scroll 2,3.
WILLIAMS, JANE E. Lance, Badger
State Cand. 2; Concert 1; Symphonic
2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals
2,3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Stu. Council 1; Tremper Teens 1,2,3; Vice Pres.
Honor Roll 1,2,3; SAB 2; GAA 1,
Spanish Club 1.
Quill and Scroll 2,3; Tempest 2,3.
WINANS, CINDY M. Lincoln, Concert
1; Symphonic 2,3; Honor Roll 3; lntramurals 2,3; SAB 2; Track 3;
Marching Band 1,2,3; Ski Club 1,2.
WOLF, GARY E. Lance, lntramurals 3.
WOOD, THOMAS W. "Woody", Lance,
Athletic Award 1,2,3; Badger State
Cand. 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Key Club 1,2,3;
Letterman 2,3; N'tl Honor Society
2,3; Baseball 1,2,3; Student Council 1.
A Cappella 2,3; Soph. Mixed 1;
Classic 3; Spanish Club 1; Honor Roll
1,2,3; N'tl Honor Society 2,3; Project
Love 2; SAB 3; Choraliers 2; Young
Republicans 2.
WYO SNICK, DEBRA "Blondie", Bullen,
Girls Choir 2; Varisty Mixed 1;
Spanish Club 1; lntramurals 1,2; Student Council 1, Ushers 3.
Lincoln, French Club 2,3; Honor Roll
1,2,3; lntramurals 3; N'tl Honor
Society 2,3; Lang. Lab Aide 3; GAA 3.
Cappella 2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1;
Honor Roll 3; St. Crew 1,2,3;
Choraliers 2,3.
Choir 2,3; Varsity Mixed 1.
ZUELKE, JIM R. "Rex", Lance,
Concert 1; Jazz Ensemble 1,2; Stage
Band 1,2; Symphonic 2,3; A Cappella
2,3; Sophomore Mixed 1; Orch. 2;
Band 1,2,3; Drum Major 2,3; Variety
Show, MC, 1,2,3; Homecoming
Assemblies 1,2,3-
Academics 136
A Cappella Choir 132
Adams, Mr. E. lSS
Advertising 2S6
American Field Service
Anderson, Mr. J. 1S9
Apple, Mr. L. S9,62,171
Aquettes 135
Attendance Aides 119
Attendance Office Secretary
AV Aides 100
Aviation Club 117
Badger State Candidates
Bair, Mr. M. 1S9
Ballard, Mr. L. 1S3
Bauer, Mrs. M. 1<16
Behling, Miss L. lSl
Beyer, Mrs. B. 1S7
Bistrick, Mr. F. S6,143
Black Advisory Board 1<10
Black Culture Club US
Blankley, Mr. J. 1<13,1S9
Boy's Physical Education
Aides 97
Bradley, Mr. C. SS,79,1S9
Brand, Mr. G. 171
Brittelli, Mr. J. 63,lSS
Burmeister, Mr. J. 66,1S9
Burokas, Mrs. E. lSS
Bussard, Mr. J. 143,lSS
Camera Club 107
Cannaday, Mr. E. 76,1S9
Carlson, Mr. O. 169
Carver, Mr. R. 169
Cass, Mrs. S.,143
Chalgren, Mr. K. 131,163
Cheerleaders 94
Chernak, Mrs. S. 140,14s
Chorallers 13<1
Classes 172
Classic 122
Color Guards 127
Concert Band 12.a
Cooks 1<1<1
Cordiner, Mr. W. 1S7
Cotton, Miss L. 171
Cross Country SS
Custodians 1<1<1
Dahl, Mrs. H. 11,1S3
Darula, Mr. R. lSS
Davies, Mr. R. S6,16S
Debate and Forensics 123
Dehart, Mr. H. 169
Donovan, Miss N. 1<16
Draeger, Mr. R. 139,143,
Drampers 121
Driver's Education Aides
Duesterbeck, Mr. B. 1S9
Electronics Club 116
Englund, Mr. B. 79,lSS
Faculty Advisory Board
Farmakes, Mr. W. 139,,143
Farnham, Mr. J. 1<10,167
Feldman, Mr. M. 1s1
Fennema, Mr. A. 1<16
Filippelli, Mr. R. S9,1S7
Firchow, Mr. J. 161
Foreign Exchange Students
Fowler, Mr. C. lSS
Freeman, Mr. A. 64,171
French Club 113
Fuenffinger, Mr. C. 29,169
Gamache, Mrs. M.,153
Gemmell, Mr. D. 1S7
Gerlach, Miss D. 1S7
Gerlach, Mr. J. 43
German Club 112
Girl's Choir 130
Gladding, Mr. H. lSl
Glaeser, Mr. C. 16S
Glynn, Mr. D. 1S7
Golden Strings 1s1
Goll 82
Guidance Office Secretaries
Gymnastics • Boys 70, 71
Gymnastics· Girls 72,73
Hadler, Mr. F. 143,1<16
Hagen, Miss L. 149
Hansen, Mr. I. 149
Hanser, Miss D. 80,140,171
Harris, Mr. A. 160,161
Hendrickson, Mr. R. 1s1
Kensey, Mr. D. 149
Hockey Club 108
Hoeft, Mrs. F. lSl
Holman, Mr. W. 70,71,8.a,171
Horn, Miss M. 1"3,146
Houghton, Mrs. J. 143,l6S
Houtz, Mrs. C. 171
Huetten, Mrs. H . 149
laquinta, Mr. J. 1<19
Interact 97
lntramurals • Boys 86,87
lntramurals • Girls 86,87
Junior Class Advisory Board
Junior Class Officers 213
JV Basketball 63
Ketchum, Mr. D. 29,149
Key Club lOS
Kitzmiller, Mr. G. 169
Klug, Mr. R. 1S9
Kobishop, Mr. C. 40,138,l<IO,
Kral, Miss B. lSS
Kranen, Mr. E. 117,138,143
Krause, Miss K. 1S9
Krueger, Mr. G. 1S3
Kuplerschmidt, Miss D.
Lawler, Mr. T. 19,1<19
Lawson, Mr. J. 169
Lee, Miss A. lSl
Letterman's Club 92
Lorentz, Miss J. 171
Main OUice Secretaries 147
McCulloch, Mr. G. 11,171
McKay, Mrs. E. 1"9
McKenzie, Mrs. B. 1s1
Mattioli, Mrs. L. 1S3
Monk, Mr. J. 1S9
Murphy, Mrs. V. lSl
Musser, Mr. J.,1ss
National Honor Society
Juniors 107
National Honor Society
Seniors 106
Needham, Miss L. 1S7
Negri, Mr. L. 1S9
Negri, Mrs. K. 1s1
New Voice Radio 109
Nicolazzi, Mr. R. 167
Nosal, Mr. S. 161
Nye, Mr. R. lSS
Obertin, Mr. L. 167
Orchestra 129
Organizations 88
Ostman, Mr. R. 116,169
Paintin, Mrs. E. 163
Palmer, Mr. J. 66,67,1S3
Panzica, Mr. I. 6S,169
Parent Advisory Board 143
Perri, Mr. F. 167
Peterman, Miss M. 163
Petterson, Mr. T. 16S
Potter, Mr . .ao
Pozza, Mr. R. S6,1S7
Primuth, Mr. R. 16S
Quill and Scroll 96
Redlin, Miss S. 171
Resource Center Aides 14S
Ritacca, Mr. S. 1S9
Romano, Mr. A. 149
Rothrock, Mrs. M. 140,163
Saarela, Mrs. M. 163
Schani, Mr. D. S6,70,71,79,171
Schmale, Mr. V. 11,S6,16S
Schmidt, Mr. J. 19,631Sl
School Board 1<12
Schultz, Miss J. lSl
Senior Activities 268
Senior Class Advisory Board
Senior Class OUlcers 17S
Sharmach, Mrs. M.,1<16
Short, Mr. C. 82,lSS
Sikora, Mr. R. 1S3
Ski Club 98
Slavik, Mr. G. 1<16
Smith, Mr. A. 1S7
Snyder, Mr. G. 1S7
Sophomore Baseball 76
Sophomore Choir 130
Sophomore Class Advisory
Board 23S
Sophomore Class OUicers
Sophomore Football S9
Spanish Club 111
Sports so
Sports Honors S2
Stage Bands 126
Stage Guild 104
Stock Car Club 99
Student Activities Board 91
Student Council 1<11
Student Council Executive
Board l<ll
Student-Faculty Curriculum
Student Lile 8
Stuyvesant, Mr. A. 16S
Sub Deb Service Club 103
Suksi, Mrs. K. 143,163
Sundlle, Miss M. 29,149
Swart, Mr. J. 1S3
Swimming - Boys 66,67
Swimming • Girls 68
Symphonic Band 124
Teegarden, Mrs. N. 167
Tempest News Center 120
Tennis 8<1
Terrill, Mrs. J . 16S
Thomas, Mr. B. 1S7
Thomas, Mr. R. 63,1S9
Track • Boys 78,79
Track • Girls 80
Tremper Teens Service Club
Trojanettes 9S
Trotter, Mr. J . 1S9
Urbanski, Miss P. 149
Urena, Mrs. S. 153
Ushers 101
Varsity Baseball 74
Varsity Basketball 62
Varsity Football S6
Varsity Mixed Choir 132
Virgili, Mr. E. 74,7s,171
Walkowski, Mrs. N. 1s1
Warren, Mr. R. 1S3
Werve, Miss F . lSl
Wilson, Mr. S. lSS
Wind Ensemble 160
Wrestling 64,6S
Wrestling Pride 114
Wuolo, Mrs. M. 1S9
Zimmerman, Mr. A. 1S9
Acerbi, Dawn 103,236,237
Adam, Mark 97
Adamson, Michele 80,236
Adelsen, Erik 176
Aderman, Gale 130,236
Aderman, Greg 22,98,176
Adler, Catherine 176
Adovano, Frank 21<1
Ahleleldt, Susan 236
Aiello, David .ao,43,17s,176
Aiello, Jeanine 236
Aikens, Lynn 107,124,21.a
Aker, Pamela 103,1os,113,11.a,
Aker, Roxann 99,176
Akerlund, Cynthia 236
Akin, Gregory S6,132,13.a,21.a
Albert, Kathleen 112,176
Albert, Paul 236
Alexanian, Daniel 107,129,21<1
Alexanian, Joann 236
Algiers, Mark 70,7.a,21.a
Althoff, Brian 64,106,176
Althoff, Scott SS,236
Amadio, Linda 86,9S,130,21<1
Ambro, Alice 127,213,21.a
Ambrosini, Nickolas 214
Ancevic, David 214
Ancevic, Phyllis 9S,236
• Andersen, Erik 126,160,176
Andersen, Linda 21<1
Anderson, Arne 176
Anderson, Bob 126,21<1
Anderson, Candis 236
Anderson, Craig 98,176
Anderson, Craig 98,236
Anderson, Fred 100,236
Anderson, Gilbert 176
Anderson, Jane 68,236
Anderson, JeUrey 176
Anderson, Julie 127,213,21.a
Anderson, Kenneth 176
Anderson, Kim 176
Anderson, Lorinda 86,91,214
Anderson, Lucinda 86,91,236
Anderson, Lynn 236
Anderson, Mark 21.a
Anderson, Mary 123,176
Anderson, Pamela 86,107,11.a
Anderson, Paul 214
Anderson, Ricky 124,236
Anderson, Robert 124,236
Anderson, Ronald 86,21<1
Anderson, Steven 214
Anderson, William 99,117,176
Andrade, Kenneth 236
Andre, Ronald 177
Andre, Susan 130,236
Andresen, Reid S6,21<1
Andreuccl, Cathy 98,213,21<1
Andreuccl, Rosalyn 107,132,134,214
Andrews, Mark 236
Andro, Ronald 84,108
Anger, Marykay 236,2S3
Antes, Wanda 177
Antonacci, Paula 102,124,130,236
Apker, Carol 177
Apker, Larry 236
Applegate, Bryan 21.a
Archer, Maryjane 112,21.a
Argiris, Georgia 124,236
Armes, Sherry 236
Arriola, Benny 214
August, Marlene 132
Aull, Gary 21<1
Aull, Raymond 21<1
Baas, Tim 21<1
Backman, David 177
Bagnall, Mary 236
Bailey, Leslie 177
Baker, Cheryl 236
Baker, Craig 63,84,236
Baker, Karen 111,236
Baker, Rhonda 96,109114,177
Baker, Richard 67,100,214
Baker, Sonja 80,214
Bakke, Kathryn 120,21.a
Baldwin, Wayde 236
Balk, Maureen 101,21.a
Ball, Jerry 236
Bambrough, Bruce 21.a
Banas, John 177
Banerdt, Linda 114,23S,236
Bankhead, Ken 236
Banskl, Rosemary 9S,113,236
Barber, Brian 129,21<1
Barber, Robert 214
Barber, Steven 21.a
Barker, Cheryl 21<1
Barks, Bonny 177
Barlow, Russell 21<1
Barnes, Diane 124,13S,21J,214
Barnes, Gary 12.a,126,21s
Barnhill, Marianne 236
Baron, Patricia 80,236
Barribeau, Luann 177
Basham, Karen 21s
Basham, Kevin S9,236
Basham, Susan 177
Bass, Don 107,113,132,134,21S
Batassa, Donna 94,106,177
Batton, Michael 21S
Batton, Shella 130,236
Baude, Kris 236
Bauer, Robert 6S,1os,1os,132,21s
Bauer, Tamara 127,236
Baumeister, Sandra 177
Baxter, Lynn 132,236
Beck, Catherine 177
Beck, Nancy 80,21S
Becker, Andrea 12.a,213,21s
Becker, Christine 177
Becker, Delores 177
Becker, Diane 21s
Becker, Dianne 236
Becker, Douglas 236
Becker, Duane 107,21s
Becker, Jan 177
Becker, Janice 177
Becker, Kathleen 96,122,177,284
Becker, Keith 236
Becker, Mary 17s,177
Becker, Raymond 99,21S
Becker, Sheree 91 , 107,112,124,
Becker, Stephanie 21s
Becker, William 21s
Beckstrom, Robert 236
Beddow, Darryl 177
Bedford, Charlene us,140,236
Bedford, Phyllis 130,236
Bedford, Steven 21S
Bedford, Theonita 100,107, 132,
Behl, Debra 119,21s
Behling, Richard 21S
Behling, Steven 236
Behr, Donna 130,236
Behr, Michael 177
Beilke, David 236
Beilke, Michael 177
Beilke, Theresa 21S
Bell, A.Uta llS,140,236
Bella, Cherie 236
Bellmore, Linda 21S
Belongia, Allison 107,113,21s
Belongia, Barbara 21S
Belsky, Mark 124,177
BenUet, Debra 21S
Benik, Kimberly 96,122,177,2114
Bennett, Susan 21S
Benoit, Susan 236
Berenson, Carol 178
Berger, Margaret 100,130,237
Bergren, Barbara 86,237
Bergren, Gayle 21s
Bergren, Sue 32,21s
Bernacchi, John 56,92
Berner, Patricia 120,123,21s
Bernett, James 178
Bernett, Julie 98,237
Bernhoit, Connie 237
Bernhoit, Mark 62,63,21s
Berry, Eugene 178
Besch, William 178
Best, Peter 124,178
Betterton, Terry 237
Betz, Kurt S9,237
Bezotte, Brian 21S
Bezotte, Dennis 237
Bichsel, Todd 237
Biel, Patti 86,98,130,141,213,21S
Biggs, Linda 237
Bilancla, Suzanne 237
Bilger, Bryne, 237
Bilger, Lisa 237
Bishop, Sherry 178
Bittis, Keith 237
Bittner, Ronald 62,78,97,132,21s
Black, Eva 237
Blasi, William 237
Blatter, Lynne 237
Blatter, Michael 237
Blauser, Carol 237
Blauser, Mary 178
Blazewicz, David 21S
Block, Tim 70,134,178
Bloner, John 79,21s
Bloxdorr, JeHrey 62,21S
Bloxdorr, Stephanie 21S
Boehm, Gary 21S,224
Bohn, Robert 21S
Bolding, Larry 237
Bolint, Steven 78,21S
Bolyard, Colleen 112,21s
Bolyard, Cynthia 130
Bong, Mary 132,21s
Boniface, Neil 178
Bonn, Robin 61,62,llS
Bonn, Tracy 237
Bonoliglio, Tina 91,118,178
Booth, Steven 132,178
Borggren, Debra 178
Bosman, Linda 130,21S
Bothe, Mark 21s
Bowen, Brian 21S
Bowker, David 237
Brandes, Daniel 21S
Brandes, Darla 237
Brandes, Jean 120,178
Brandt, Douglas 21S
Brandt, Jean 102,106,129,160,
Brandt, Mary 102,132,237
Brandt, Richard 21S
Brandt, Steven 130,237
Brandt, Susan ll,98,99,213,21S
Brandt, Thomas 21S
Brannan, Patricia 237
Brantley, Millicent llS, 237
Braun, Alan 63,76,77,237
Braun, Diane 132,178
Breach, Gerald 21S
Breiling, Glenda 102,21S
Brennan, Charles 79,237
Brennan, Patrick 237
Brennan, Raymond 79,237
Brennan, Terry 67
Brennan, Thomas 178
Brenneman, Sandra 178
Brennen, Robin 178,203
Brevitz, Larry 178
Brewer, Lynn 178
Briggs, Susan 130,178
Bringsosen, Diane 178
Briscoe, Mark 237
Britt, Melanie 178
Brockway, Edwin 86,21S
Broesch, Mike 30
Bromstead, David 124,178
Brookhouse, Lyndell 103,13S,23S,
Brothen, Deanise 237
Brothers, Bradley 67,237
Brown, Christopher 21S
Brown, Daniel 21S
Brown, James 179
Brown, Linda 129,179
Brown, Norma 21S
Brown, Pamela 237
Brownell, Carolyn 113,114,213,
Brudny, Ronald 130,237
Brummel, Julie 127,179
Brummel, Lori 37,127,23S,238
Brummel, Scott 216
Bruneau, Julie 91,103,160,216
Brunner, Douglas 120,238
Bruneau, Michele 34
Bruno, Michael ios,130,216
Bruno, Peter 63,78,238
Bruno, Rene 76,77,238
Bruno, Victoria 21J,216
Bruzas, Dale 32,179
Bruzas, Dawn 9s,103,238
Bryan, Jim 216
Bryant, William 99,179
Brydges, William 66,179
Bucher, Mark 216
Budd, Ronald 216
Buege, William 12,74,7S,179
Burton, Patrick 238
Buhr, Rosemary 216
Bulik, Kurt 179
Bullock, Susan l 7S,l 79
Bundles, Todd 86,216
Buratti, Carla 130,216
Bruattl, Mark 238
Burditt, Peggy 179
Burgess, Barbara 124,179
Burgy, Diana 96,106,130,170
Burke, Barbara 238
Burke, Richard 216
Durkee, James 179
Burkoth, Sandra 179
Burrow, Kathleen 238
Burt, Kevin 238
Burt, Rebecca 216
Busche, Donald 238
Busche, Janice 72,238
Bussard, Jonathan s9,121,130,
Carr, Sandy 216
Cascio, Steven 124,126,238
Cashmore, Kathleen 216
Cassity, Matthew 216,224
Cassity, Peggy 179
Cate, Pamela 216
Catron, Tony 63,238
Caviezel, Linda 238
Cayo, Jan 86
Cayo, Leah 107,130,213,216
Cebolski, Linda 216
Cespuglio, Marc 238
Chaput, Eileen 127,179
Chase, David SS,78,lOS,132,216
Chatterton, Chadd 6S,lOS,216
Chatterton, Linda 106,129,13S,
Chemerow, Betsy 73,216
Cheney, Michael 216
Chianelli, James 216
Chianelli, Kathy 180
Chiappetta, Karen 180
Chiodo, Kim 106,127,180
Chiodo, Lori 238
Choske, Glen 238
Christensen, JeUrey 180
Christensen, Jerry 216
Christensen, Kimberly 124,216
Christian, Cathy 9S,lll,238
Christiansen, Daniel 130,238
Christiansen, Russell 180
Christy, Nancy 103,124,23s,238
Christy, Peter 180
Chroninger, Jerry 238
Chulew, Marcia 68,216
Chulew, Natalie 238
Cicchinl, Gail 141,216
Cicchinl, Karen 180
Ciesielski, Sharon 9S,238
Cina, Jackie 30,216
Ciotti, JeUrey 132, 216
Claeys, Penhy 216
Claeys, Vicki 238
Clark, Janis 2s,100,13s,180
Clark, Michael 216
Clarke, Mollie 107,120,130,216
Clarke, Wendy 216
Clay, Janet 132,238
Cleveland, Rodney 238
Coan, Patricia 238
Coan, Samuel 238
Cochran, Terry 239
Cohen, JeUrey 37, 79,111,129,
Cole, Julie 216
Collins, Michael 239
Collins, Myrtle 239
Collins, Raymond 59, 78,23S, 239
Collins, Robert 106,180
Collins, Steven 239
Colter, Colleen 13s,141,216,218
Colter, Eugene 132,239
Colwell, Rose 130,239
Conforti, Randall S4,SS, 79,239
Conklin, Leah 121,134,216
Connelly, Neal 59,239
Conradt, Harold 216
Constantineau, David 78,79,216
Contreras, Maryjessie 216
Contreras, Vasilia 239
Conwell, Patrick 180
Coolidge, Robert 180,216
Cooper, Bobby lOS,180
Cooper, Denise 239
Cooper, Gerald 239
Cords, Alan 239
Cords, Barbara 106,160,180
Cornell, Gerri 72,73,80,216
Corso, Duane 180
Coshun, James S9,76,86,124,
Cottrill, Deborah 216
Byom, Kathy 91,124,216
Cailliet, Paul 126,129,160,179
Cain, JeU 179
Cairns, Margaret 216
Caldwell, Sally 238
Callahan, Christine 73,179
Callahan, Patrick 6S, 216
Calley, Robert 216
Camosy, Jean 98,17S,179
Campolo, Nick 129,179
Cantrell, Tom 238
Cantwell, Debra 114,124,179
Cantwell, Roseann 238
Capodarco, Joseph 63,76,238
Capodarco, Thomas 132,216
Caputo, Gary 216
Cardinali, Julie 102,107,216
Carey, Brenda 132, 238
Carey, Elisabeth 216
Carlsen, Kimberly 132,216,238
Carlsen, Kit 130,238
Carmichael, Kurt 67,76,238
Carney, Steven 70,71,179
Carolan, Mark 238
Carolan, Mike 29,121,216
Carpenter, Cynthia 238
Carpenter, Elsa 179
Carpenter, Ricky 129,238
Carr, Leroy 63,238
Carr, Orlando 238
Covelli, Rose 103,180
Cowen, Jane 25,68,69,7J ,132,
Crane, Hovt 239
Crawford, John 66,67,97,98,105,
Crawford, Mark 15,180
Crump, Denise 124,217
Crump, Diane 239
Cucunato, Robert 239
Cucunato, Therese 180
Cummings, Carol 217
Cummings, Debra 180
Cummings, Denise 217
Cummings, Vernon 108,239
Cundari, Michael 217
Cunningham, Larry 217
Curio, Melody 80,180
Curio, Ramona 80, llJ,124,217,225
Curnow, James 239
Cutler, Caryn 91 ,213,217
Dade, Susan 180
Dandurand, Christina 239
Dangelo, Brian 217
Darracott, Daniel 76,130,239
Darrell, Julie 239
Darrin, Gary 217
Dart, Richard 126,160,180
Davenport, Eric 217
Davenport, Kimberly 102,110,
Davenport, Scott 126,129,160,181
Davey, Ronald 239
Davey, Sharon 217
Davis, Bonnie 115,140,217
Davis, David 84,85,181
Davis, John 34
Davis, Kenneth 59,239
Davis, Marvin 239
Davis, Pamela 239
Davis, Robin 80,132,239
Davis, Theresa 239
Day, Debra 217
Debruin, Susan 239
Debusman, Susan 107,112,217
Decesaro, Catherine 181
Decesaro, Paul 181
Dechlara, Patricia 239
Decker, Deborah 239
Deerwester, Scott 106,120,126,
Deerwester, Terri 91,103,124,130
Deford, Dale 129,160,217
Dehamer, Michael 217
Deininger, Cheryl 124,239
Dekok, Philip 132,134,217
Delcorps, Marcia 181
Dellrate, Anthony 239
Dellrate, Catherine 217
Delmore, Jay 239
Demanche, Lora 129,161,217
Demske, Barbara 25,135,213,217
Demske, Joseph 181
Denlor, Barbara 239
Denio, Rae 181
Denio, Robert 239
Depaoli, JeUrey 217
Derose, Marlo 217
Derouchey, Beverly 95,239
Derouchey, Susan 32,95,107,112,
Desotell, Kimberly 181
Desris, Joseph 112, 217
Detienne, Karen 86,101,120,217
Devine, Deborah 181
Devine, Michael 65,239
Devine, Robert 181
Devries, John 181
Dewitt, Margaret 86,91 ,182
Dezoma, Cynthia 135,141,213,217
Diamante, Elizabeth 182
Dlamon, Ann 217
Diaz, John 217
Dibble, Karen 182
Dibble, Katie 182
Dibble, Linda 37,86,94,21 7
Dibble, Sandra 217
Diblase, Joseph 130, 239
Diener, Scott 217
Dlestelkamp, Becky 239
Dletman, Terrie 182
Diilon, Mark 239
Dimeo, Albert 217
Dimltrljevlc, Christine 98,124,
Dltthardt, Donald 132,217
Doan, John 239
Dockter, Sharon 182
Dockter, Westley 239
Dodge, James 239
Doerller, Alvin 182
Doe rne r , Ellen 102,239
Doerflinger, Chris 217
Donals , Pamela 80,86,217
Donals, Randy 56,74,182
Donovan, Kathie 132,239
Donovan , Lauren 217
DorH, Barbara 182
DorU, John 124,239
2 78
Dorn, David 56,108,182
Douglas, Danny 239
Dow, Robert 182
Dowdy, Debra 182
Dreger, Keith 126,160,217
Drelike, Denise 18,182
Drigot, Janis 129,217
Drissel, Wendy 72,124,239
Duban, Cindy 91 ,107,124,218
Duberstine, Luann 132,239,245
Dubois, Charles 39,182
Duchac, Susan 132,134,182
Duller, Carol 96,120,130,218
Dumke, Robert 59,124,239
Dunford, Cynthia 80,130,239
Dunow, Cindy 86,240
Dunwald, James 218
Dupont, Denise 218,221
Dupont, Noel 182
Durbin, Barbara 72,130,182
Durbin, Mary 218
Durst, Penny 182
Dutton, Ellen 102,107,218
Dvorak, Helen 240
Dwyer, Mary 240
Dyutka, James 240
Dyutka, Joyce 114,129,160,218
Dyutka, Robert 124,218
Dzurlck, Michael 59,63,97,240
Ebeling, Eric 26,30,91 ,98,129,141,
Ebert, Craig 126,129,160,182
Ebert, Jan 124,130,240
Eckert, Jane 240
Eckert, Judy 240
Eckhardt, Christopher 21 8
Ecklor, Mary 21 8
Edwards, James 182
Edwards, John 240
Edwards, Kim 218
Edwards, Laurie 110,240
Ee lls, Lenthel 84,124,240
Ehle rt, John 240
Ehmke, Yvonne 21 8
Ells, Donna 68,119,240
Ells, Martin 67,129,240
Elshenhauer, Susan 106,182
EHtmann, Charles 107,21 8
Elle£son, Ca thy 103,106,160,181
Ellefson, Karen 98,21 8
Elmer, Mary 218
Elrod, Debra 132,240
Engelmann, Kathryn 112,218
Engelmann, Michael 182
Engels, David 96,120,183
Engels, Kathryn 95,240
Engels, Laura 124,218
Englund, Kent 67,240
Ennis, Steven 117,218
Erbe, Drake 133
Erdmann, Debbie 218
Erickson, Bradley 218
Erickson, Debra 68,80,124,235,240
Erickson, Sue 218
Erickson, Vicki 183,201
Ernst, Susan 18,86,95,130,218
Erten, Luanne 218
Esser, Timothy 183
Eternicka, Roger 218
Etzelmuller, Dawn 183
Evans, Diane 39,121,132,134,140,
Evans, Vleva 240
Evenson, Glenn 218
Ewald, James 84,240
Ewald, JeUrey 84,183
Ewens, JeUrey 56,70,82,83,218
Ewer, Lynn 218
Ewer, Sharon 72,240
Ewing, James 86,218
Falcon, Darrell 240
Falduto, Bradley 30,55,74,21 8
Falduto, Laura 213,218
Falduto, Unda 106,183
Falk, Vicki 240
Fanke, Katherine 183
Fanning, Denise 240
Farrington, Darla 86,132,218
Fato, Charles 132,218
Fato, Kathleen 111,240
Faulkner, Jackie 124,21 8
Fay, Barbara 218
Fe chner, Sally 100,124,240
Fe ckler, Thomas 56,97
Fedyz kowskl, Susan 21 8
Feller, Leigh 91 ,96,103,112,183
F e ld, Heidi 112,240
F e llows, Glenn 240
Fe nn, Richard 218
F e rguson, Todd 240
F e rraro, Joan 98,100,103,107,213,
Ferraro, Maryann 98,102,118,240
Flccadentl, Karen 219
Filter, Rene 132, 240
Fllz, Vicki 240
Finch, Christy 22,98,103,122,213,
Finn, Paul 79,240
Flrchow, Jody 106,110,183
Fischer, Lorre 219
Fish, Lawrence 132,134,183
Fish, Peggy 107,219
Fisher, Yvonne 219
Fistler, Carla 91 ,141,175,183
:Fistler, Richard 219
Fitch, Paula 240
Fitzgerald, Dennis 183
Flannery, Pamela 240
Flasch, Richard 100,120,240
Flesch, Laura 219
Flesch, Sandy 183
Flesch, Wendy 183,197
Fletcher, Danny 56,58,97,219
Flint, Rodney 219
Flippo, Biily 219
Flood, Sherwin 219
Fonk, Don 219
Fonk, Janet 15,183
Fonk, Kurt 219
Foote, Janet 132,241
Forbes, Cheryl219
Forbes, Terry 241
Ford , Darryl 115,140,219
Foreman, Deborah 113,140,219
Fortney, Dianne 219
Fosblnder, Nick 241
Fox, Leroy 183
Fox, Steven 241
Frale y , Debbie 119,183
Frame, Dennis 129,160,113,207
Franklin, Ronald 219
Franz, Janet 219
Franz, Karl 92,93,183
Franze n, Ricki 183
Fr aser, Barbara 219
Fraser, Vicki 241
Fra zier, Barbara 241
Fra zier, Karen 219
Frederick, Jan 103,219
Frederick, Karen 103,107,124,
Frederick , Le ah 86
Frederick, Sher y l 241
Frederick, Suzanne 183
Frederick, Wllllam 241
Fredericksen, Bruce 109,219
Frederickson, Donald 183
Frederickson, Steven 241
Freeman, Gary 219
Frei, Cheryl 219
Frei, Ronald 84,8S,92,183
Frei, Sandra 107,130,219
Freitag, Brian 241
Frese, Janet 124,213,219
Friedrich, Deborah 219,229
Frieman, David 184
Fries, Mary 219
Fritz, Richard 241
Froeber, Mary 111,241
Frost, Matthew 66,67,84,85,184
Fulmer, Janet 10J,113,23S,241
Fulmer, John 99,219
Fulmer, Thomas 184
Fumo, John 129,160,219
Gale, John 64,219
Gale, Patricia 241
Gallo, Felix 78,97,219
Gallo, Patricia 241
Gallup, Kimberly 124,13s,241
Galvin, Cathy 241
Gamberini, Dale 37,124,126,184
Gangler, Robert 108,184
Gann, Charles 184
Garcia, Dorothy 184
Garcia, Jackie 241
Gardinier, Deborah 219
Garves, Mary 86,124,241
Garza, Alma 80,130,219
Garza, Eva 130,184
Gascoigne, JeHery 74,219
Gascoigne Kimberly, 184
Gebhart, Charles 219
Gehring, Charles 106,184
Gehrke, Annette 86,219
Gemegnanl, Mary 80,241
Gename, Russell S6,61,62,92,184
Gentile, Cynthia 219
Gentile, Sue 103,141,184
Gentile, Theresa 241
Gentry, Suzette 102,130,241
Gentz, Barbara 241
Gentz, Donna 184
Gentz, Sandra 241
George, Diana 132,241
George, Laura 124,219
George, Lynn 86, 184
Georno, George 56,57,74,75,184
Gerlach, Alan 71,124,126,241
Gerlach, Gary 71,124,126,241
Gerlach, Karen 184
Gerlach, Kim 127,213,219
Germinaro, Angela 241
Gerolmo, Jeffrey 219
Gerth, Vernon 62,63,219
Gerum, Julie 68,69,92,135,241
Gianeselll, Gerald 219
Glaneselll, Jeff 76,241
Gibson, Jerrilyn 94, 241
Gibson, Michelle 219
Gibson, Pamela 185
Gibson, Thomas 219
Glelas, Janice 185
Gilbert, Carlene 241
Gilbert, Garth 86,219
Glldenstern, Michael 241
Gillentine, Debora 241
Girodana, Lisa 213,219
Girodano, Gene 185
Glordano, John 126,129,219
Girman, Ann 68,73,219
Girsh, Diane 102,132,241
Glass, Leisa 110,129,141,185
Godlewski, James 91,105,124,
Godlewski, Paul 219
Goergen, Richard 100,241
GoH, Laure 185,203
GoH, Susan 219
Golwltzer, Ramona 220
Golwltzer, Steve 220
Gomaz, Ginger 120,185
Gomez, Marla 220
Goodhall, Thomas 126,160,220
Goos, Diane 241
Gordon, Mark 220
Gorecki, Kristin 220
Gorra, Brenda 130,241
Gorra, Debra 132,134,185
Gosnell, Karen 107,132,220
Gosnell, Marcia 130,141,241
Gosnell, Marlene 129,130,241
Gotsche, Nancy 241
Gourdan, Jim 241
Graf, Dianne 99,132,220
Graham, Charles 18S
Graham, Lori 241
Graham, Michael 30,56,74,126,
Graham, Steven 185
Gram, Thomas 220
Grasser, Jacqueline 43,91,122,141,
Graumann, Richard 220
Gray, Michael 241
Gray, Peter 99,104,l8S
Gray, Roxy 220
Grayson, Richard 30
Graziani, .James 241
Greco, JeHery 241
Green, Richard 129,241
Greene, Toinette 18S
Greenwald, Ellen 220
Greenwood, Kerri 220
Gregory, Cynthia 124,130,241
Gregory, Debra 220
Gregory, Patricia 241
Gregory, Robert 37,96,106,129,
Greidanus, David 18S
Greiner, Dale 241
Gresham, Cathy 241
Gresham, Meredith 17,19,32,40,
Gretzinger, Charles 18S
GriHln, Andy 86
GriHln, Cynthia 18S
GriHln, John 220
GriHln, Julie 129,241
GriHln, Mark 67
Griffin, Randy 86
GriHin, Walter 220
GriHlths, Terry 241
Grimes, Timothy 220
Grimm, Corey 242
Grisham, Steven 130,242
Grisham, Thomas 220
Gross, Deborah 242
Gross, Linda 18S
Grulke, Robert 220
Grund, Randall 242
Grund, Susan 22, 18S
Grund, Terri 220
Guanajuato, Rudy 242
Guelzow, Joel S9,242
Guerra, Debbie 242
Guerra, Gary 220
Gunnell, Linda 124,129,160,220
Gunnlaugson, Jon 220
Gutche, Patricia 18S
Gutche, William 242
Guttormsen, Barbara 95,129,242
Guttormsen, Diane 18S
Guttormsen, Lee 18S
Hackbarth, Beth 220,230
Hackbarth, Mark 71,76,124,242
Hacker, Janet 220
Hackworthy, Nancy 19,110,130,18S
Hackworthy, Travis 124,242
Hadler, Robert 106,124,126,185
Hagan, Steven 124,186
Hagberg, Janice 130,220
Hagen, Barbara 186
Hale, David 242
Half, Barbara 107,220
Hall, Gary 220
Hall, Sheree I 7S,186
Hallmark, Pam 242
Raimo, Susan 220
Halverson, Karen 242
Halverson, Mark 39,17S,186
Halvorsen, Kathleen 102,220
Halvorsen, Richard 186
Hamann, Janet 242,249
Hamby, Kurt 220
Hamby, Rita 242
Hamers, Robert 242
Hamilton, Ricky S6,92,115,186,
Hartl, Daniel 220
Hartnell, Jill 86,186
Hartnell, Rick 106,186
Hartnell, Rosanne 103,242
Hartnell, Theresa 186
Hasslinger, Joanne 186
Hathcock, Pamela 186
Hatherly, Mark 110,112,220
Haubrich, Susan 242
Haubrich, Thomas 82,242
Haugen, John 109,116,220
Hautzinger, Trudy 220
Hawkins, Linda 186
Hawkins, Rob 124.242
Hawkins, Sherri 242
Hawkins, Steven 186
Hawkins, Vicki 242,247
Hawley, Scott 187
Hawley, Shawn 242
Hayden, Robert 220
Haye, Michael 99,220
Hazelton, James 96,120,140,187
Hebert, Michael 34,6s,1os,117,
Hebior, Joseph 220
Keg, Frederick 242
Keg, Larry 220
Heimes, Anne 132,220
Helf, Janet 220
Helgesen, Michael 220
Helton, Gerald 220
Helton, Lawrence 242
Henderlelter, Ruth 187
Hennessy, Mike 40,129,187
Hennessy, Thomas 242
Henningfeld, Michael 124,126,242
Henningfeld, Pat 103,106,129,160,
Heppner, Douglas 242
Herde, Debra 221
Hermann, Cheryl 187
Heroux, Mary 221
Heroux, Terry 242
Herr, Elizabeth 221
Herr, Linda 91,187
Herrmann, Jeffrey 221
Herrmann, Rick 187
Herrmann, Roberta 187
Herrmann, Susan 242
Herrmann, Terri 242
Hess, Dawn 221
Hessefort, Steven 106,187
Heyden, Robert 187
Heyden, Todd 221
High, Cheryl 187
Hill, Barbara 221
Hill, Carol 242
Hill, Jim S6, 71, 78,97,187
Hillesland, Richard 187
Himmelein, Lori 130,221
Hinds, Alan 242
Hinds, David 132,221
Hinz, John 242
Hlavata, Judith 32,119,187
Hoard, David 221
Rodal, Donald 221
Rodal, John 242
Hoefert, Dean 221
HoH, Gregory 32,187
HoH, Kevin 242
HoHmann, David 70,84,132,187
Hoganson, Robert 66,221
Hollatz, Patricia 187
Holliday, Teresa 187
Holman, JeHrey 221
Holman, Randal 242
Holmes, Deborah 133
Holton, James 84,8S,92,106,141
Holton, William 84,242
Holtz, Yvonne 80,130,242
Homes, Daniel 221
Hopkins, Jeanne 13S,187
Horsley, David 84,221
Hosmanek, Jane 91,96,120,141,160,
Houch, James 221
Hough, Elli 187
Hovey, Kermit 96,106,120,123,187
Hovey, Stephen 242
Howard, June 242
Howard, Robert 221
Howell, Linda 242
Hoyer, Karen 221
Hubbard, Sue 188
Hudson, Richard 82
HuH, Kevin 63
HuH, Lee 70,124,126,221
Huggins, Elizabeth 242
Hughes, Jeffrey S6,S7,74,97,100,
Hulce, Diane 96,102,106,122,188,
Hulce, Frank 243
Hunt, Jacqueline 221
Huntley, Debra 243
Hyatt, Dirk 243
Hybert, Peter 67,126,129,161,221
Hyde, David 221
Hylinski, Cathleen 103,221
laqulnta, Peter 221
laqulnta, Vincent 124,141,243
Imbrogno, Yvonne 243
lnfuslno, Marianne 243
lnfuslno, Patricia 188
Ingram, Mark 243
Hamilton, Susann 130,23s,242
Hamm, Michael 116,117,186
Hammelev, Michael 242
Hammelev, Paul 220
Hammond, Bruce 59,76,242
Hammond, David 186
Hammond, Ward 124,126,129,160,
Hampshire, Kenneth 132
Hand, Douglas 242
Haney, Carol 103,220
Haney, Douglas 26,37,56,91,92,120,
Haney, Penelope 220
Hanrahan, Jeanine 124,242
Hansen, Douglas 112,186
Hansen, Lori 92,93,80,81,186
Hansen, Patricia 129,160,186
Hansen, Peter 32,129,130,242
Hansen, Philip 106,186,230
Hansmire, Debbie 100,220
Hanson, Jerome 242
Hanzallk, Reid 86,220
Hanzallk, Scott 86,220
Harmon, Nell 126,129,160,186
Harper, Judy 242
Harris, David 117,129,132,186
Harris, Jay 124,126,129,242
Harris, JeH 124,126,129,220
Harris, Jennifer 73,242
Harris, Jolie 102,106,113,132,134,
Harris, Scott 186
Hart, Brian 108,220
Irish, Mark 188
Ironside, Mary 91,103,160,188
Ironside, Timothy 99,124,221
Irving, Dwight 64,78,124,126,107,
Irving, Scott 6S, 79,243
Irwin, Linda 243
Iserman, Catherine 11,18,94,221
lstvanek, Albert 243
Jackman, Edna 243
Jackson, Bobby 221
Jackson, Debra 221
Jackson, Joe 221
Jackson, Larina 221
Jackson, Larry 60,62
Jackson, Marsha 221
Jacobs, Cheryl 188
Jacobs, William 243
Jacobson, Amy 130,243
Jaeger, Teresa 80,243
Jaeger, William 20,97,106,123,141,
Jakielski, Laura 243
Jalensky, Kathy 243
Jambrek, Mark 243
James, Kelvin 221
James, Kevin 221
Janas, Pamela 188
Janis, Denise 243
Janis, Vickie 222
Jansen, Bradley 67,130,243
Jass, Gary 243
Jaster, Kevin 243
Jaster, Raymond 222
JeUries, Brenda 188
Jenison, Lori 107,213,222
.Jensen, Ann 130,222
Jensen, Diane 188
Jensen, Linda 86,188
Jensen, Margaret 243
Jensen, Raymond 116,243
Jeranek, Susan 120,130,222
Jerome, Karen 243
Jessen, Susan 222
Jezierski, Frank 222
Jiardine, Susan 243
Johns, Ronald 243
Johnson, Brian A. 188
Johnson, Brian T. 106,188
Johnson, Bruce 29,107,120,121,
Johnson, Cynthia 9S,188
Johnson, Daniel 78,243
Johnson, Gary 222
Johnson, Glenn 222
Johnson, Jane 127,222
Johnson, Linda 80,92,93,101,141
Johnson, Luanne 91,110,141,243
Johnson, Mark 243
Johnson, Mary 103,188
Johnson, Michael 222
Johnson, Nancy 73,243
Johnson, Peter 243
Johnson, Sally 112,222
Johnson, Soren 107,113,121,123,
Johnson, Susan 80,124,243
Johnson, Theodore 188
Johnson, Thomas 188
Johnson, Toni 91,243
Johnston, Barbara 222
Johnstone, Denise 96,122,188,284
Jolly, Vicki 243
Jones, Cathie 124,243
Jones, Frances 103,114,222
Jones, Glen 62
Jones, James 243
Jones, Joseph 243
Jones, Kim 222
Jones, Randy 222
Jorgensen, Karin 91,130,188
Joyce, John 130,243
Judeika, Joanie 9S,111,243
Juga, Bruce 222
Jung, Ronald 98,222
Jurevlclus, Raymond 222
Jurgens, Keith 243
Kadonsky, Brian 70,243
Kadonsky, Gary 188
Kadonsky, James 70,222
Kaeppeler, Kenneth 74,188
Kaiser, Kathleen 130,141,222
Kalbiell, Jerry 188
Kalcic, Vicki 106,127,176,188
Kammer, Ronald 222
Kanocz, Mary Kay 222
Karasti, Randy 244
Kaspulis, Nancy 103,124,129,189
KauUman, Wendy 189
Kavalauskas, John 222
Kavalauskas, Timothy 244
Kavanaugh, Eileen 103,244
Kavanaugh, Kathleen 103,130,213,
Kavanaugh, Noreen 103,124,244
Kazell, Alan 79,222
Kazell, Susan 110,189
Keating, Bruce 76,244
Keating, Loren S6,107,189
Keeiner, Jeanne 189
Keepers, Detorlse 244
Kehl, Linda 222
Kehl, Lori 244
Kelly, Michael 70,222
Kemble, Kelly 244
Kemen, Irene 80,244
Kemen, Kevin 189
Kemp, Margaret 222
Kemp, Pam 244
Kenaga, Mary Rita 189
Kendall, Richard 6S,244
Kennedy, Elizabeth 39,106,129,141,
Kersten, Lynnette 222
Kessler, Richard 244
Kessler, Ruth 189
Kevek, Rae 22,30,91,103,106,141,
Kevek, Sally 91,129,244
Kewenig, Craig 64,189
Keyes, Leslee 86,98,244
KIUel, James 78,222
KlHel, Thomas 70,74,222
Killingsworth, Mike 21
King, James 189
Kinsey, Donna 244
Kivi, Debra 80,244
Kivi, Paula 73,244
Kivi, Robert 84,8S,189
Klees, Judy 222
Klees, Lori 130,222
Klein, Diane 23S,244
Klein, Janet 86,93,189
Klennert, Anthony 244
Kloet, David S9,76,77,97,244
Kloet, Donald 11,43,s6,74,92,1s9
Klopsteln, Steven 37.S6,78,79,98,
Klopstein, Tracy 103,124,244
Kloster, Cheri 244
Knight, Debra 190
Knight, Peggy 244
Knorn, Gary 64, 74,104,190
Knotts, Pamela 222
Knudsen, Betty 114,244
Knudtson, Katherine 244
Knutter, Charles 190
Knuuli, Don 244
Kober, Danny 222
Kobrow, Melissa 103,190
Kobs, Scott 244
Koch, Robert 66,82,97,222
Koehler, Debra 130,222
Koesser, Kurt 106,112,190
Koessl, Craig SS, 78,97,222
Koessl, Debra 86,102,244
Kohn, Michael 100,244
Kohout, Karen 222
Kolkmann, Susan 124,222
Kollman, Lloyd 222
Kollman, Paula 124,222
Kollman, William 222
Kolmos, Herbert S9,76,244
Kolstad, Barbara 190
Kondrad, Barry 117
Kondrad, Grant 222
Kontoi, Raymond 126,160,222
Kopesky, James S6,64,92,222
Korbel, Joseph 18,62,190
Koski, Mark 79,244
Koster, Debra 190
Kostreva, Dorothy 37,127,23s,244
Kovacevich, Joseph 244
Kovacevich, Karen 190
Kozerskl, Cindy 222
Kozerski, Nan 244
Krahn, Ronald 222
Krahn, Sandra 103,244
Kramer, David 126,160,190
Kramer, Jolene 244
Krantz, Robert 82,244
Krause, Linnea 216,222
Krause, Wayne 244
Krebs, James 190
Krebs, Kenneth 244
Kreth, Debra 222
Kreuscher, Carol 129,132,134,190
Kreuser, Bernadine 222
Kreuser, Janice 222
Kreuser, JeUrey 244
Kreuser, Marcia 190
Kreuser, Nancy 130,190
Kreuser, Patrick 244
Krinker, Ronald 190
Krogh, Sharyl 244
Krome, Lonora 244
Kronholm, Janice 103,106,124,
Kronholm, Patricia 244
Kruchko, Gregory 66,lOS
Krueger, Paula 223
Krulatz, Ann 34,91,103,129,17s,190
Krumm, Kurt 190
Krupinski, Carol 86,244
Krusa, Julie 190
Kruse, Debra 244
Kubart, Mark 223
Kuczenski, Jean 129,244
Kuessow, Lynn 124,223
Kulbiskl, Stephen S6,SS
Kunath, David S6,190
Kunzman, Joseph 190
Kuryanowicz, David 190
Kushman, Cheryl 130,223
Labuy, Mark 86,190
Lachenschmidt, Laura 190
Lachman, Brian 244
Lachman, Camille 244
Lackovlch, Maryann 133
Ladd, Shelley 112,130,141,213,223
Ladewig, Keith 223
Lahaye, James 124,223
Laken, Bruce 66,104,244
Lamothe, Connie 223
Lamothe, Steven 244
Landgren, Robert 124,126,244
Landre, Donald 78,223
Landre, Nancy 68,13S,244
Lane, Janet 223
Lang, Cathy 244
Lang, Jean 30,191
Lang, Louis 86,113,223
Langer, Dean S6,191
Lansdown, Kathy 24S
Lapoint, Robert 191
Lapotka, Carol 223
Larose, Laurie 68,73,217,223
Larsen, Diane 91,103,106,129,llS,
Larsen, Scott 86,24S
Larson, Arden 24S
Larson, Daniel 90,124,126,191
Larson, David 96,109,191
Larson, Douglas 26,124,126,24S
Larson, Laureen 191
Larson, Martin 104,24S
Larson, Susan 24S
Larson, William 24S
Larson, William 223
Lasco, Kimberly 130,191
Lasky, Carol 22,91,118,191
Lasky, Elizabeth 103,237,24s
Last, Mark S6,78,223
Lauer, Bruce 24S
Lauer, Steven 223
Laurenzl, Linda 110,191
Laurenzi, Paul 113,223,227
Laurin, David lS,66,132,191
Lauzon, Glen 223
Lawler, Edward 82,24s
Lawler, Scott 223
Lawrence, Laura 24S
Lawrence, Richard 223
Lawrence, William 223
Layton, Gaylen 191
Layton, Kimber S9,6S,24S
Leanna, Brian 24S
Leanna, JeHrey 191
Leccese, Arthur 120,191
Lechner, Kathy 121,223
Lechner, Susan 191
Ledanskl, Nancy 103,124,13S,24S
Leech, Jerry 223
Legler, Kevin 71,24S
Lehman, James 66,82,83,lOS,223
Lehman, Jay 39,82,92,lOS,191
Lehman, Joseph 130,24s
Leibhan, Janet 223
Leibhan, Richard 191
Leipzig, Martin 24S
Leiting, Cheryl 24S
Leltlng, James 191,24S
Lemay, Brenda 132,191
Lemay, Diane 223
Lentz, Mark 24S
Lenzlng, James 223
Leonard, Leslie 129,24S
Leonhardt, Joni 223
Lepp, Joanne 107,124,129,133
Leslie, Allen 191
Leslie, Bonnie 223
Leslie, Debra 223
Leslie, Myrna 223
Lessman, Jane 24S
Lessman, Suzette 191
Letart, Yvonne 114,130,213,223
Leto, Nancy 24S
Letson, Jeanne 223
Lettrlch, Kerry 94,223
Levonowlch, Robert 39,S6,92,191
Lewis, Donald 86,24S
f,eys, Donna 100,102,106,160,191
Leys, Janet 24S
Leys, Richard 223
Liegakos, Karen 223
Liegakos, Kimberly 191
Lienau, Jaclyn 24S
Lighthizer, Ellen 24S
Liljestrom Greg 132,134,223
Liljestrom, Jill 130,192
Lill, Kathleen 24S
Lindas, Charles 24S
Linderman, Michele 106,192
Lindquist, Kim 99,24S
Lindquist, Klindt 160,192
Lindsey, Margaret 223
Lindstrom, William 24S
Litewski, Rose 24S
Littel, Mark 192
Little, Paul 192
Livingston, James 24S
Livingston, Steven 192
Llanas, Anita 91,103,127,130,141,
Llanas, John 86,224
Loar, Sam S9
Lois, Paula 192
Londo, Robert 224
Long, Larry 84,24S
Lopez, Alex 24S
Lori, Joseph 224
Lough, Terri 224
Louks, Maureen 124,24S
Loux, JeHrey 192
Lovegrove, Vickie 224
Lubeck, Amy 68,24S
Lubeck, Laura 192
Lubecke, Marsha 192
Lubecke, Miles 224
Lubniewski, June 106,129,160,192
Lubniewskl, Nancy 192
Ludlow, Gary 224
Ludwig, Joseph 126,129,160,192
Ludwig, Julie 23,94,141,24s,2so
Luebke, Vicki 24S
Lueck, Lori 192
Lukosaltls, John 84,98,224
Lulewicz, Elizabeth 107,124,224
Lulewicz, Margaret 224
Luska, William 24S
Lynch, Kathleen 224
Lyons, Shari 106,192
Maas, Deborah 224
Macdonald, Michael 224
Macdonald, Patrick 192
Mach, Catherine 130,24s
Macias, Rita 246
Macik, Pamela 86,224
Mackey, Beth 26,132,192,193
Macpherson, Judy 246
Macpherson, Scott 126,129,160,193
Maddox, Laurie 193
Maddux, Christopher 224
Madison, Pamela 114,193
Madrigrano, Mimi 14,39,127,175,193
Maedke, Douglas 224
Maedke, Peggy 132,193
Mahan, Dennis 224
Majewski, Barbara 224
Maki, Scott 246
Malaney, Daryl 30,94,98,175,193
Malko, Steve 15,193
Malsack, Jerome 108,246
Malzahn, Gerald 193
Malzahn, Mark 224
Mancuso, Catherine 68,92,135,246
Mandernack, Michelle 246
Manlick, Constance 193
Mann, John 246
Manna, Albert 246
Manna, Keith 124,246
Marabelli, Gerald 246
Marano, Mark 193
Marano, Sue 193
Marciniak, Anthony 193
Marciniak, Mary 224
Marclnkus, JeH 246
Mardolan, John 193
Marescatco, Glen 76,86,246
Margetson, Richard 67,245
Maril<, Thomas 224
Marino, Teresa 224
Markese, Ronald 224
Marks, Katherine 115,140,224
Markwald, Terry 246
Marquardt, David 193
Martell, Catherine 224
Martin, Janine 224
Martin, Mary 103,224
Martinek, Jell 74,75,193
Martinelli, Domenick 193
Martinez, Ava 102,110,129,193
Mason, Cynthia 129,224
Massie, Pamela 246
Mateja, Katherine 246
Mateja, Pamela 193
Mathes, Marie 80,246
Mathis, Douglas 65,246
Matic, Dusan 224
Mattner, Steven 59,246
Mattson, Douglas 193
Maurer, Amy 124,246
Maurer, Ann 124,246
Maurer, Gerald 55,78,92,105,217,
Maurer, Kathleen 193
Maurer, Steven 224
Maurer, Wllllam 246
May, Christopher 246
May, Michael 224
May, Robert 59,70,124,246
Mazzei, Diane 224
Mazzula, Judy 224
Mcbride, Lori 246
Mcbride, Vickie 193
Mccarthy, Jonathon 79,246
Mcclenaghan, Michael 74,98,124,
Mccloskey, Debra 224
Mccloskey, Vickie 224
Mcclure, Deborah 193
Mccoll, Rick 246
Mcconathy, Deborah 194
Mccormick, Colleen 194
Mccrary, Cindy 246
Mccrary, Michael 224
Mccune, Barbara 225
Mcdavid, Dee 112,124,129,132,225
Mcdermott, Daniel 105,132,134,
Mcdonald, Kevin 112,194
Mcdowell, Rhonda 246
Mcdowell, Rosetta 194
Mcglbany, James 62,107,225
Mcginley, Carol 194
Mcginley, Joanne 127,235,246
Mcgough, James 34,132,134,194,
Mcgough, Michael 59,63,78,246
Mcgrogan, Dianne 68,92,106,194
Mcgrogan, Joanne 68,246
Mcintyre, Donald 246
Mcmahon, Terry 108,225
Mcmahon, Tierney 95,246
Mcmanus, Carrie 132,246
Mcmanus, Larry 246
Mcnab, JeUrey 70,78,225
Mcphaul, Carol 68,80,92,135,246
Mcphaul, David 194
Mcquestlon, Karen 225
Medina, Mary 95,129,246
Meeker, Thomas 59,86,246
Meier, Bonnylu 225
Meier, David 74,92,102,175,194
Meier, Richard 124,225
Meiers, Carol 114,194
Meiers, Norma 194
Menden, Diane 194,205
Menges, Kelly 132,246
Mengo, Dale 246
Mengo, David 194
Meo, Tina 194
Merrick, Byron 130,246
Merten, Cheryl 194
Merten, Joy 95,132,246
Merten, Luanne 107
Messersmith, John 100,225
Messina, Michael 109,195
Metallo, Angeline 132,246
Metallo, Jack 76,130,246
Metallo, Jill 113,129,225
Metallo, Linda 86,195
Metallo, Patricia 246
Meteiver, CllUord 246
Metten, David 195
Metten, Mary 175,195
Metten, Nancy 95,101,102,111,
Meyer, Carol 124,246
Meyer, Colleen 124,246
Meyer, Gary 195
Meyer, Jane 132,195
Meyer, Keith 195
Meyer, Kim 86,225
Meyer, Larry 86, 225
Meyer, Lori 124,246
Meyer, Michael 86,104,195
Meyer, Randy 56,58,63,246
Meyer, Robert 124,134,195
Meyer, Susan 86
Meyer, Suzanne 86,195
Meyers, Bruce 225
Meyers, Mary 130,246
Meyers, Monica 106,195
Michaelis, William 225
Michelson, Richard 55,78,225
Mickelson, John 195
Mickewlcz, Carol 86,96,120,130,
Mielke, Joyce 247
Mielke, Lee 247
Mlkolas, Kevin 195
Miikent, Daniel 56,92,195
Milkent, Mary 225
Millar, Dale 247
Miller, Lesley 110,114,195
Miller, Marsha 110,195
Miller, Mary 111,247
Miller, Patricia 247
Miller, Paul 195
Miller, Randy 225
Miller, Ricky 247
Miiier, Thomas 59,97,247
Miiier, Thomas 59,97,247
Miller, Timothy 124,247
Millholland, Raymond 30,126,129,
Millhouse, Sheree 195
Millhouse, William 225
Minix, Gregory 76,124,126,247
Mlnkowskl, Robert 225
Misch, Lori 245,247
Misurelll, Carol 18,96,106,122,
Mitchell, Steve 225
Mockus, JeUrey 225
Moehrke, Donald 225
Moeller, Cheryl 225
Moeri, Peter 195
Mogensen, David 225
Mogensen, Thomas 225
Mohr, Dee 225
Molette, Dawn 225
Molette, Jerry 124,225
Molgaard, Lois 106,195
Molinaro, Debra 80,86,90,91,195
Molinaro, Linda 225
Monroe, Bradley 247
Monroe, Julie 247
Moody, Michael 132,134,225
Moore, Barbara 113,225
Moore, Deborah 195
Moore, Eathen 60,62,195
Moore, Kim 119,247
Moore, Stuart 225
Moore, Virginia 129,247
Morgan, Janice 98,213,225
Morgan, Lynn 196
Morley, Delaura 226
Morris, Edward 226
Morrison, Carole 127,196
Moses, Brenda 119,196
Moses, Karen 247
Mosher, Steven 106,129,196
Moss, Craig 247
Mouroutl, Kathy 16,19,40,110,196
Mowry, Michael 71,124,126,247
Mueller, Ernie 108,196
Muetze, Peggy 247
Mukka, Ruth 86,226
Muller, Dean 226
Murray, Brian 226
Murray, Michael 124,126,226
Murray, Richard 226
Mutchler, Rickey 247
Myers, Donna 113,129,247
Myers, Jeffrey 86,129,161,196
Myers, Paul 63,76,77,247
Nachreiner, Karen 80,98,102,130,
Nall, Dana 18,30,96,118,122,213,
Nall, Marti 37,124,235,247
Neider, Jell 226
Neitzel, Kathy 106,196
Nelson, Andrea 130,196
Nelson, Barbara 68,103,124,196
Nelson, Barbara 68,103,124,247
Nelson, Billy 247
Nelson, Dale 196
Nelson, Diane 73,80,247
Nelson, Douglas 196
Nelson, JeUrey 196
Nelson, JeUrey 56,97,226
Nelson, Jim 226
Nelson, Kevin 66,105,247
Nelson, Kevin 66,100,105,226
Nelson, Lynn 160,196
Nelson, Nancy 25,68,69,73,112,196
Nelson, Nancy 73,112,226
Nelson, Robert 226
Nelson, Tamera 111,127,235,247
Nemeth, Richard 86,196
Nepper, John 59,71,124,126,235,
Nepper, Michael 196
Netzer, Raymond 196
Neu, JeUrey 247
Neu, Margaret 72, 247
Neu, Teresa 73,196
Newhouse, Scott 59,62,78,247
Newstrom, Patricia 226
Nichi, Nita 124,247
Nichols, Larry 226
Nichols, Pamela 196
Nicotazzi, John 196
Nicoll, William 226
Nielsen, Debra 226
Nielsen, JeUrey 196
Nielson, Jody 247
Nielson, John 226
Niemi, JeUrey 65,247
Nies, Cynthia 226
Nighbor, Bartholomew 226
Nimmerguth, Gayle 113,247
Noel, Santhy 247
Nolen, Susan 226
Nolen, Teresa 248
Nolting, Jane 25,132,135,196
Norcross, Sue 248
Norris, David 30,196
Northard, Amy 18,141,197
Northard, Peter 55,82,141,248
Novelen, JeUrey 64,197
Nurmi, Michael 248
Nurmi, William 97,226
Nuttall, Barbara 226
Nyberg, JeUery 226
Nyberg, Kristin 68,235,248
Ocallaghan, Patrick 248
Oconnor, Amy 106,122,175,197,284
Oconnor, Jody 226
Oday, Michael 226
Odetberg, Jon 226
Odland, Rebecca 248
Oechler, Gay 129,161,248
Oechler, Lorrie 132,134,226
Ogle, Robert 39,197
Ogle, Sandra 124,248
Ogren, Sandra 102,106,160,197
Ogrin, Joel 226
Ohora, Kathleen 124,226
Oksa, Marie 101,120,226
Oleksy, Gwynne 73,135,226
Olint, Steve 226
Olklves, Iva 248
Olklves, Suann 197
Olllla, Grea 124,226
Ollila, Timothy 248
Olsen, Carla 248
Olsen, David 197
Olson, April 226
Olson, Heidi 248
Olson, Jennifer 130,226
Olson, Mary 226
Olson, Sandra 197
Olson, Starr 197
Olson, Warren 197
Oluls, Karl 67
OmmocV~ Mark 248
Oneal, Daniel 197
Opitz, Ed 248
Orlowski, Judith 130,192,197
Orrison, Margery 226
Orrison, Vada 226
Oritz, Laura 197
OrlloU, Randy 67,248
Osten, Arthur 226
Osten, Mark 76,248
Ostlund, Joy 248
Oswalt, Cynthia 248
Otis, Pam 197
Ott, Kevin 197
Otto, Lynn 226
Ownes, David 248
Owens, Kevin 82,248
Paasch, Ricky 226
Packard, Steve 248
Padlock, David 197
Padlock, Susan 132,134,226
Pagel, Cheryl 226
Paielli, Mark 124,126,248
Palermo, Louis 248
Patik, Mark 248
Palmer, Jeanne 68,92,107,127,141,
Palmer, Vickie 248
Panasewlcz, Keith 226
Panzlau, Rebecca 103,248
Papa, Carolyn 124,248
Parcenka, Michael 248
Parham, Cathy 124,248
Parker, Russ 226
Parker, Rebecca 248
Paskiewicz, Mark 82,248
Passarelll, Dan 66,227
Pataky, Roy 227
Pataska, Gregg 198
Patelield, Christine 248
Patrick, Robert 227
Patterson, JeUery 248
Patty, Gregg 56,57,92,198
Paul, Karen 124,227
Paupa, Cindy 227
Pautz, Mary 73,248
Pawlik, Richard 198
Pechura, JeUrey 56,57,92,108,198
Pedersen, Anne 20,26,132,198
Pedersen, Leann 94,160,213,227
Pederson, Steven 130,248
Pedraza, Ellen 106,198,201
Peek, Richard 59,64,248
Pellegrino, Jean 198
Pellizzl, Cindy 248
Pepke, Timothy 59,100,104,248
Perez, Cynthia 198
Perez, David 248
Person, Judy 198
Peterman, Thomas 198
Peters, Richard 248
Peters, Timothy 119,248
Petersen, Jane 227
Petersen, Keith 248
Petersen, Mary 198
Peterson, Debra 248
Peterson, Jae 66,J.41,213,227
Peterson, Ken 86,129,248
Peterson, Lynn 68,86,103,114,213,
Peterson, Michael 198
Petit, Mark 198
Petkovic, Alexander 227
Petrausky, Donald 198
Petrausky, Ronald 248
Petravicius, Lora 40,198
Petri, Paul 198
Peney, Patricia 248
Peura, Karl 248
Pezdil', Peggy 96,100,106,109,198
Plei£er, Vicki 114,124,198
PleiUer, Beth 40,199
PleiHer, David 40,64,198
PleiUer, Dawn 248
PleiHer, Debra 227
PleiHer, Jackie 198
PleiHer, John 86,130,248
Pllug, Charles 248
Phillips, Dolores 132,227
Phillips, Ernest 248
Phillips, Jacqueline US
Phillips, Marc 227
Pias, Andrew 20,106,123,189,198
Pias, Elaine 248
Plas, Jim 32
Picken, Debra 127,198
Plckut, Bonnie 227
Piehl, Beny 103,127,213,227
Piela, Debra 91,130,248
Piela, Kevin 198
Piela, Terry 249
Pierce, Dale 124,126,227
Pierce, Janis 249
Pierce, Terry 199
Pierson, Jami 199
Pierson, Stelli 94,98,249
Pietluck, Debra 227
Pignotti, Jean 227
Plkna, JeHery 78,79,227
Plllizzl, Gerald 249
Pinzger, George 199
Pitsch, Robert 86,106,199
Pitsch, Thomas 86,227
Pitts, Joan 103,227
Place, Rosemarie 80,249
Pleet, Gary 199
Pleet, Maria 199
Plutchak, Daniel 70,71,199
Plutchak, John 70,124,227
Pocius, Catherine 199
Polkonen, Mandi 227
Polentlnl, Joseph 249
Pollard, Mark 66,67,199
Pollock, Catherine 135,249
Pollock, Kevin 249
Pollock, Mary 199
Polzin, Carol 227
Polzin, Dale 86,99,249
Pope, Sharon 80,249
Popp, Julie 249
Popp, Theresa 80,249
Poppe, Kenneth 199
Porras, Joseph 249
Posselt, Donna 124,129,132,227
Powers, Karen 249
Powers, Kathy 249
Preiss, David 82,249
Preston, Gary 103,199
Principe, Anna 130,227
Pritchard, Genevieve 249
Pritchard, Mary 199
Procarlone, Lynne 124,129,235,249
Proeber, David 86,132,227
Proud, Lynn 227
Proulx, Rebecca 129,161,199
Pruett, Janet 94,98,249
Pruett, Kay 15,129,161,199
Pruett, Stephen 59,84,249
Puhr, Rosemarie 227
Puidokas, Luelle 30,103,124,249
Pulera, Dawn 249
Putman, Karen 124,132,134,199
Putrow, Mark S6,227
Quick, Wendy 94,98,175,199
Quilice, Roy 56,78,227
Racine, James 249
Racine, Jay 199
Raddatz, Richard 227
Radtke, Roxann 132,199
Rauer, Joi 96,120,199
Rauer, Kathleen 130,227
Ralman, Kyle 227
Ralph, Jeanette 227
Ramacci, Theresa 73,103,127,213,
Ramer, Juanita 249
Rampart, Cynthia 199
Rampart, Terri 18,227
Randall, Thomas 249
Ranik, Sue 249
Rarick, Susan 129
Rasch, Judith 227
Rasch, Ronald 104,227
Rasico, Daniel 104,130,249
Rasico, Ricky 227
Rasico, Stelenie 249
Rasmussen, Lisa 91,110,249
Ratelis, Mary 227
Rath, Robert 104,249
Rath, William 199
Ratzburg, Paul 249
Ray, Kurt 249
Redmond, Susan 199
Redmond, Verne 249
Reed, Heather 26,96,106,120,129,
Reed, John 249
Regnery, Joan 73, 249
Rehleldt, Cynthia 72,249
Reidenbach, John 227
Reilly, Richard S6,92,98,106,17S,
Reinhold, Paul 250
Rende, John S6,S7,S8,92,98,107,
Repka, JeU 250
Reninger, Lois 200
Revoy, David 200
Rheaume, Patricia 200
Riccio, Lisa 130,200
Rice, James 250
Richards, Dale 200
Richards, David 250
Richards, James 200
Richardson, Deborah 227
Richter, Robin 250
Rlchtmyer, Erven 250
Rlckseker, Vicki 200
Ridley, William 84,250
Rieschl, Michael 200
Riggle, Debra 15,124,200
Riggle, Laura 73,121,235,250
Rikll, Linda 68,69,124,228
Riley, Barbara 228
Rlley, Colleen 91,106,124,135,200
Riley, Michael 200
Ringdahl, Brian 59,124,250
Ripp, Joseph 228
Ritacca, Kathryn 228
Rizzo, Lenny 56,78,79,228
Rizzo, Paul 70,71,228
Rizzo, Paulette 86,98,121,122,
Roach, Barbara 132,228
Robers, James S6,200
Robers, Kenneth S6,228
Robers, Lawrence S9,2SO
Roberts, Bill 59,64,132,250
Roberts, Debbie 21,124,228
Roberts, William S9,64,132,2so
Robillard, Mary 250
Robillard, Therese 200
Robinson, Catherine 200
Robinson, David 2SO
Robinson, Edwin S6,74,228
Robinson, Warren 106,200
Robison, Elizabeth 250
Rock, Matthew 228
Rodgers, Elizabeth 228
Rodgers, Kevin 64,228
Rodgers, Racheal 68,114,250
Roemer, James 129,228
Roemer, Julie 73,250
Roeseler, Heidi 250
Rognstad, Susan 111,250
Rohde, David 86,117,228
Rohde, Richard 86,106,200
Rohrer, Lisa 124,129,200
Roinlotls, Thomas 129,161,200
Roiniotis, William 65,132,228
Romano, Rhonda 250
Rommel, David 59,102,250
RommeHanger, Kevin 132,228
Rondeau, Michelle 39,200
Rondeau, Suzanne 228
Rongholt, Wayne 228
Rose, Deborah 132,250
Rose, Dianna 130,250
Rose, Donald 250
Rosen, Lynn 96,106,200
Rosko, Jlll 200
Roskres, Martin 250
Ross, Elizabeth 34,132,134,228
Rothman, Edward 84,250
Rothman, Michele 228
Rothrock, Barbara 68,132,134,135,
Rothrock, Roger 71,130,250
Rovlk, Janet 200
Rovlk, JeUrey 200
Rovlk, Mark 228
Rovlk, Steven 250
Royce, Greg 20,62,74,228
Rudolph, Laury! 250
Ruetten, Brandon, 2SO
Ruetz, Debbie 86,201
RuHolo, John 250
Ruhle, Darlene 228
Ruhle, Julie 250
Rulelord, Debra 228
Rumachlk, Debra 228
Runge, John 250
Rusecki, Bruce 82,83
Rutchik, Debra 250
Rutchlk, Gregory 96,120,201
Sabby, Michael S6,228
Sadowski, Denise 68,228
Salago, Joseph 121,201
Saldivar, Loreta 228
Salerno, Dana 250
Salerno, Jeanine 2so
Salerno, Richard 228
Salituro, Frank S9,2SO
Sampson, Kathy 250
Sanders, Carole 250
Sanders, Chester 97,n9,201
Sandt, Timothy 228
Santiago, Edward 201
Santiago, Thomas 228
Santopoalo, Mary 251
Sauve, Gregg 64,251
Sauve, Marc 6S,10S,228
Savaglio, Cathy 86,130,213,228
Scales, Gene 228
Scarlato, Kim 251
Schaalsman, Gall 251
Schaalsman, Jeanne 86,201
Schaeler, Joan 130,228
Schadler, Gwen 127,235,251
Schalk, Margaret 213,228
Schalk, Mark 132,201
Scharl, Kathryn 106,121,130,201
Scharl, Kimberly 120,121,251
Schaumberg, Gary 201
Schellinger, Glenn 124,126,228
Scherr, Sandra 80,81,235,251
Schiller, Craig 79,124,251
Schiller, Richard 201
Schlater, Kim 228
Schlect, Mary 2Sl
Schlosser, Alice 129
Schlosser, Pamela 228
Schmelz, Ben 130,251
Schmelz, Petra 201
Schmerllng, Mitchell 92
Schmidt, Debra 251
Schmidt, Gene S6,98,228
Schmidt, Joellen 228
Schmidt, Mark 251
Schmidt, Michael 124,228
Schmidt, Pamela 201
Schmidt, Pamela 251
Schmidt, Therese 228
Schmidt, Thomas 228
Schmit, James 201
Schmitt, Gary 124,126,132,134,228
Schmitt, Laura 103,124,130,251
Schmitz, Maureen 228
Schmitz, Timothy 228
Schneeberger, Dale 201
Schneeberger, JeUrey 228
Schneeberger, Jill 251
Schnelder, Cheryl 201
Schnelder, Margo 120,228
Schnelder, Robert S6,228
Schnelder, Steven 124,126
Schnuck, JeHrey 228
Schoepke, Fred 229
Scholey, Scot 60,61,62,78,97,229
Schoor, JeU SS,79,lOS,108,202
Schouten, Larry 229
Schouten, Lonnie 251
Schrandt, Douglas 251
Schubert, Barbara 2S,106,120,123,
Schuch, Margaret 251
Schuch, Mark 130,251
Schuck, Lori 106,110,113,132,134,
Schuler, Tom 130
Schultheis, Diane 229
Schultz, Charlene 124,130,229
Schultz, Jean 124,129,229
Schultz, Jennller 202
Schultz, Susan 103,113,129,251
Schultz, Theresa 229
Schulz, Barbara 229
Schuster, Dale 251
Schutz, Amy 202
Schutz, Faye 132, 251
Schawiger, Nancy 102,251
Schneider, Steven 124,126
Schnuck, JeUrey 228
Schoepke, Fred 229
Scholey, Scot 60,61,62,71,97,229
Schoor, JeH SS,79,lOS,19 ,202
Schouten, Larry 229
Schouten, Lonnie 2Sl
Schrandt, Douglas 251
6schubert, Barbara 25,106,120,123,
Schuch, Margaret 251
Schuch, Mark 130,251
Schuck, Lori 106,110,113,132,134,
Schuler, Tom 130
Schultheis, Diane 229
Schultz, Charlene 124,130,229
Schultz, Jean 124,129,229
Schultz, Jennller 202
Schultz, Susan 103,113,129,251
Schultz, Theresa 229
Schulz, Barbara 229
Schuster, Dale 251
Schutz, Amy 202
Schutz, Faye 132,251
Schwaiger, Nancy 102,251
Schwuchow, Tammie 251
Schwuchow, Thomas 100,104,130,
Scoon, Michael 251
Scoon, Robert 251
Scott, Lugenla 130,229
Scott, Robin 229
Scott, Roxanne 2Sl
Sebetic, Ronald S4,SS,78,79,92,94,
SedloH, Bruce 202
SedloH, Michael 107,129,161,229
Seeger, Carolyn 132,134,229
Seeger, Marietta 132,229
Seiberlich, Paul 229
Seibel, Larry 86,251
Seiler, Ken 124,251
Selander, Carla 73,135,213,229
Selin, Jacqueline 251
Sellers, Donald 126,202
Sennholz, Robert 229
Serpe, George 229
Serpe, Jean 213,229
Servais, Jeanne 72,73,141,250,251
Servais, Lynne 202
Serzant, Joseph 229
Sevick, Steven 251
Sexton, Gall 103,229
Sexton, Keith 132,134,229
Sexton, Robert 229
Shable, Andrew 229
Sharp, Deborah 132,251
Sheehan, Kathleen 202
Shelley, Kathleen 129,161,251
Shienbrood, David 251
ShlUra, Carol 229
Shilts, Lori 72,251
Shilts, Mark 202
Shipley, Donald 251
Shipley, Robert 229
Shockley, Catherine 130,202
Shockley, Stephen 229
Shoemaker, Richard 132,251
Shore, Patricia 130,229
Shuler, Thomas 251
Shumway, Timothy 251
Shymanskl, Sheri 229
Slklch, Daniel 251
Sikora, Sally 202
Simon, Diana 96,122,213,229,284
Simpkins, Kim 202
Simpkins, Scott 251
Singer, Diane 202
Singer, Raymond S9,6S,2Sl
Slnkule, Ann 68,229
Sipple, Elizabeth 86,124,229
Slpsma, Gary 202
Sipsma, Jane 68,102,106,124,202
Sivley, Dean 62,74,90,105
Skrzypchak, Cheryl 202
Skrzypchak, David 65,229
Skrzypchak, Deane 229
Skurski, Daniel 56,74,75,202
Skurski, Mark 32
Slater, James 132,251
Slater, Winston 106,202
Slye, Cathleen 251
Smallwood, Bonita 203
Smallwood, Rex 2Sl
Smaniotto, Deena 251
Smith, Brian 124,126,251
Smith, David 71,78,132,251
Smith, Elaine 251
Smith, Gary 32
Smith, Janet 103,251
Smith, Karen 111,132
Smith, Lisa 229
Smith, Lori 18,127,229
Smith, Mary 2Sl
Smith, Randy 56,203
Smith, Richard 203
Smith, Tina 2Sl
Sniatynski, Greg 129,161,229
Sniatynskl, Lorie 252
Snowtala, Dawn 229
Socha, Charles 203
Sockness, Paul 39,S6,92,93,203
Sodllnk, Scott 6S,229
Soens, Michael 243,252
Soens, William 203
Sokol, David S6,203
Solovey, Diane 73,102,103,127,
Sommer, Pamela 9S,2S2
Sorensen, Donna 68,135,235,252
Sorensen, Julie 203
Sorensen, Michael S9, 79,252
Sorensen, Terri 34,103,124,132,134,
Spaulding, Mark 252
Speaker, Elizabeth 203
Speaker, James 203
Speaker, Lynn 23S,2'"2
Spencer, Keith 229
$pltzer, Russet 229
Spizzirri, Steven SS,78,92,lOS,108,
Spizzirri, Suzanne 9S,2S2
Splltek, Karen 203
Sprague, Bud 230
Springer, Carol 230
Springer, Loretta 106,203
Spruill, Cary S9,2S2
Stachon, Steven 2S2
Stader, Maria 9S,2S2
Stamm, Terri 230
Stancato, John 92,lOS,203
Stancato, Therese 2s2
Standridge, Amy 124,129,13s,230
Stanfield, Elaine 230
Stanton, Stephen 230
Starr, Lori 130,230
Statema, Jeff 230
Staude, Paula 132,134.203
Stebbins, Frank 230
Stebbins, Call 203
Stebbins, Tina 203
Steckbauer, Dawn 203
Steckbauer, Jeanie 194.230
Steele, Jerry 56,203
Steen, Jesse 230
Steen, John 63,2S2
Stehlik, John 2S2
Stein, Cindy 2S2
Stein, Janet 13s,2s2
Stein, Sandra 204
Stevens, Mark 2s2
Stevens, Richard S9, 79,2s2
Stevens, Rom 14,39,40,SS,78,92,
Stevens, Susan 204
Stewart, Jody 230
Stewart, Wendy 2s2
Stlchert, Douglas 204
Stipek, Duane 76,86,2S2
Stjohn, Cheryl 130,2s2
Stoebe, Susan 230
Stoeblg, Wltllam 37,56,SS,230
Stollings, Kathy 86,230
Straley, Russell S9,108,2S2
Strand, Laura 204
Strand, Lynn 2S2
Strangberg, Linda 2s2
Strange, Mary 230
Strasser, John 230
Streck, Kurt 230
Streck, Nancy 204
Streich, Donald 230
Strobbe, Thomas S6,78,79,97,230
Stroik, JeH 2s2
Strour, Jean 2s2
Strour, Mary 230
Strunk, Howard 124,2s2
Strunk, Lynette 130,204
Stubbs, Donald 204
Stubbs, Joseph 204
Stubbs, Margaret 102,2s2
Stuckey, Diann 204
Studrawa, Laura 96,120,204
Studtmann, Christine 114,124,135,
Stukel, Roberta 130,2s2
Sturino, Timothy 204
Sturycz, Roger 2S2
Suazo, Allto 252
Suchowskl, Sue 124
Suggar, Loretta 230
Sullivan, Thomas 71,230
Sunderland, Mark 2S2
Swanson, Brad 104,230
Swartz, Mark 230
Swartz, Sandra 2S2
Swartz, Thomas 2S2
Swentesky, Call 230
Swlatko, Renee 103,204
Taus, Jeanne 73,113,129,204
Tait, Gregory 204
Tait, Susan 130,2s2
Talley, Richard 230
Tallman, Richard 230
Tamlnger, Kathleen 14,43,103,141,
Tamlnger, Maureen 230
Tanking, Matt 2s2
Tanking, Robert 204
Tarsltano, Michele 204
Tarsltano, Richard S9,78,2S2
Taylor, Darlene 204
Taylor, Keith 108,2S2
Tenuta, Jean 96,103,107,113,120,
Tenuta, Lisa 72,130,2s2
Tenuta, Lynn 32,106,129,161,204
Tenuta, Thomas 124,2Sl
Tercek, Frank 230
Tercek, Mary 104,130,230
Terrien, Mary 204
Terry, Linda 230
Terwau, Patricia 107,130,230
Tetzlaff, Margarethe 130,204
Tetzlaff, Russell 230
Tews, Tom 78,231
Thiele, Jeffrey 231
Thiem, Eddie 130,2s2
Thiem, Lois 204
Thom, Helen 124,227,231
Thomas, Bryan 86
Thomas, Cheryl 231
Thomas, Daniel 2S2
Thomas, David 231
Thomas, Cail 204
Thomas, Marie 30,231
Thomas, Pamela 2S2
Thomas, Richard 2S2
Thomas, Scott 231
Thompson, Carta 2S2
Thompson, Gregg 82,231
Thompson, Phllllp 70,231
Thompson, Russell 231
Thornberg, Laurie 132,134,2os
Thornberg, Scott 104,2s2
Thornton, Debra 231
Thrasher, Cindy 231
Thurn, William 116,117,231
Tlllack, Mark 106,129,160,205
Tillman, Marie 205
Timm, Jeannie 20s
Tirabasso, Karen 2s2
Tlshuk, Glen 231
Tlthof, Mary 68,73,so,81,2s2
Tlthof, Robert 231
Tlzl, Kim 86,91,I06,20S
Tolgo, Marc 11,39,S6,92,108,20S
Tolgo, Teress 32, 72,2s2
Tolefree, Regina 115,140,2os
Tolefree, Rena 11s,2s2
Tolefree, Terry 120,134,231
Tomlin, John 20s
Topel, Kirk 32,66,IOS,132,231
Topper, Donna 2s2
Topping, Stuart 58,6S,78,231
Torcaso, Raymond 2S2
Torkelson, Joy 2S2
Torris, Michael 2S3
Torris, Suzanne 124,231
Totts, Dan 20s
Totts, Linda 130,231
Totts, Lori 2S3
Towle, Richard ss,79,100,240,2s3
Tranberg, Jerald, 97,2os
Tredon, Kathy 18,98,121,124,213,
Tredup, James 2S3
Tredup, Steven 67
Trempt, Paul 231
Trottier, Clayton 20S
Trottier, Clifford 20S
Trottier, Robert 2S3
Tryban, Judy 2S3
Tunklelcz, Charlene 129,2S3
Turco, Anthony SS, 79,1os,231
Turco, Gregory 123,231
Turgeon, Carolyn 20S
Turner, Jacquelyn 11s,140,2os
Turner, Leo 11S,2S3
Torris, Suzanne 124,231
Totts, Dan 20S
Totts, Linda 130,231
Totts, Lori 2S3
Towle, Richard SS,79,l00,240,2S3
Tranberg, Jerald 97,2os
Tredon, Kathy 18,98,121,124,213,
Tredup, James 253
Tredup, Steven 67
Trempt, Paul 231
Trottier, Clayton 20s
Trottier, CllHord 20s
Trottier, Robert 2S3
Tryban, Judy 2S3
Tunkielcz, Charlene 129,2S3
Turco, Anthony SS,79,lOS,231
Turco, Gregory 123,231
Turgeon, Carolyn 20S
Turner, Jacquelyn 11s,140,2os
Turner, Leo 11S,2S3
Turner, Leon 11S,2S3
Tuska, Raeellen 68,69,80,130,231
Tuska, Scott 62,82,231
Tutas, Edward 14,39,126,129,160,
Tutlewski, Lisa 114,124,231
Tutlewski, Phyllis 205
Tutlewskl, Tina 231
Tuttle, Melody 206
Tyson, David 2S3
Uhlich, Marykay 103,113,124,231
Ulrich, Elizabeth 107,124,231
Usinger, Debra 206
Usinger, Gary S9,63,23S,2S3
Uslnger, Michael 206
Usinger, Ricky 104,116,2S3
Yagnonl, John 96,107,120,206
Yagnonl, Michael 2S3
Yagnonl, Paul 231
Yagnoni, Susan 9S,113,132,2S3
Valeri, Daniel 23,71,74,231
Vandenberg, Cory 2S3
Vanderpoel, Linda 106,110,132,
Vandyke, Brenda 231
Vandyke, John 64,104,132,134,
Vandyke, Laurie 127,2S3
Vankammen, Kristine 231
Yanlanduyt, Jacques 74,231
Yantubberben, Linda 206
Yantubbergen, Susan 24S,2S3
Vanwie, Cathy 2S3
Vanwie, Connie 231
Yarnell, Carolyn 11S,2S3
Vaughn, Agnes 206
Vaux, Michael 2S3
Vedder, Kathryn 130,2s3
Yelgh, Dawn 102,231
Ventura, Lori 206
Yerblck, Christopher 124,126,231
Yerbruggen, Debra 2S3
Yestlno, Lori 2S3
Victoria, Roseann 231
Vieth, Thomas 231
Ylgnerle, Shella 92,106,121,17S,
Ylkmyhr, Susan 32,206
Villani, Perry 2S3
Vincent, William 231
Vix, Patrick 231
Ylahovlc, Michael 253
Vogel, Betsy 124,206
Voight, Roger 2S3
Yon Neumann, Alex 206
Wachs, Helen 253
Wade, Dennis 253
Wade, Paul 206
Wade, Thomas 206
Wanger, Jeffrey 231
Wagner, JeU 2S3
Wakefield, Scott 231
Waldo, Dorothy 86,206
Walker, W. David 207
Walkowski, Patricia 103,2s3
Walkowski, Stephen 108,122,231
Walllg, Barbara 231
Walllg, Call 37,23s,2s3
Wallis, Susan 80,124,2s3
Walters, Karen 132,2s3
Walton, Anthony 2S3
Watuch, Jeffrey 132,231
Wamboldt, Debbie 207
Ward, John 231
Warren, Brent 107,231
Warren, Peggy 130,2s3
Wasurick, Linda 86,206,207
Wasurick, Nancy 2S3
Wasurick, William 231
Waters, Catherine 2S3
Webb, Kimberly 9S,231
Weber, Shirley 207
Weber, Frank 86
Wegmann, Michael 231
Wehrman, Cindy 231
Welner, Debra 19,207
Weise, Nancy 127,213,231
Weisel, Sharon 2S3
Welch, Cynthia 94,98,2S4
Welch, Geoffrey 141,213,232
Welch, Linda 141,207
Wells, Darla 207
Wells, Kathy 2S4
Wells, Robert 129,161,207
Wells, Stephen 2S4
Wente, David 82,83,86,232
Wentzek, Janine 111,132,254
Werve, Katie 112,124,129,232
Werve, Marsha 80,92,110,207
West, Matthew 64,232
Westerman, Judith 91,124,254
Westplate, Joanne 112,232
Westplate, Myron 207
Westplate, Renee 112,232
Westwood, Marla 207
Weyrach, Melody 232
Wheeler, Kathleen 232
White, Beverly 132,141,207
White, Daniel 207
White, Kathleen 207
Whltefoot, David 232
Whltefoot, John 254
Whiteside, Suzette 94,111,23s,254
Whitmer, Kimi 68,80,81,13S,232
Whitmer, Susan 68,254
Whitmire, James 103,132,232
Whitt, Renee 129,160,207
Whitworth, Mark 232
Wick, Lori 2S4
Wickert, Dennis 2S4
Widmar, Rickey 254
Wlerclnskl, David 91,207
Wlerclnskl, Debara 91,2S4
Wlerslg, Jill 208
Wlersum, Kenneth 107,232
Wlersum, Richard 107,232
Wierzbicki, Joan 208
Wildenberg, Cindy 254
Wilkin, Jamie 2S4
Wilkin, Julie 232
Willems, Dennis 2S4
WllUams, Bert 124,232
WllUams, Brian 96,122,208,284
Wllllams, Charles 232
Williams, Ctonna 254
Williams, Dean S9,62
WllUams, Jacqueline 254
Williams, Jane 102,106,124,208
Williams, Rebecca 110,130,208
Williams, Ricky 107,232
Williams, Sandra 80,100,11s,254
Williams, Vaughn 208
Williamson, Sheree 208
Willie, Colleen 232
Wlllkomm, Daniel 6S,2S4
Willkomm, Patricia 80,109,208
Willoughby, Charles 96,120,208
Wilson, Elaine 129,232
Wilson, Joan 232
Wilson, Maryanne 130,208
Wilson, Scott 124,232
Wilson, Steven 254
Wilson, William 2S4
Winans, Cindy 80,124,208
Wlncek, Scott 2S4
Wirch, Patricia 94,232
Wisman, Robert 120,254
Wisniewski, Lori 2S4
Witt, Dale 232
WoelUer, Vickie 99,132,232
WoU, Gary 208
WoUe, Leslie 232
Wollert, Jeffrey 254
Wollert, Karen 132,232
Wood, Lisa 86,102,254
Wood, Thomas 74,92,106,209
Woodman, Eldred 209
Woods, Dan 232
Woods, Glenn 97,194,209
Woods, Pat 232
Wozney, Mark 232
Wright, Karen 2S4
Wright, Mike 232
Wright, Rickey 2S4
Wurzer, Kenneth 232
Wurzer, Ronald 2S4
Wynstra, Janet 20,26,91,106,110,
Wyosnlck, Debra 101,209
Yantornl, Allen 254
Yde, Nell 232
Yeager, John 254
Yoder, Joellen 209
York, Mike S9,11S,254
York, Nancy 129,13s,161,232
Young, Bernard 232
Young, Jacalyn 86,106,113,209
Young, Jeratyn 2S4
Young, Luellen 209
Young, Michael 63,2S4
Young, Patrick 2S4
Young, William S6,232
Yszenga, Cindy 232
Yszenga, Denise 232
Yurchak, Ronald 254
Zalonc, Larry 209
Zajlc, Byrno 106,209
Zamsky, Robert 232
Zanotti, Charles 232
:Zanotti, Thomas 2S4
Zapenckl, Christine 232
Zarlettl, Anthony 104,132,134,209
Zarlettl, Linda 130,209
Zarlettl, Maryann 254
Zasada, Mark 210
Zehms, Tamara 124,132,232
Zelhen, Terri 107,114,213,232
Zekor, Michael 254
Zlccarelll, Julie 210
Zlelsdorf, James 104,232
Zlevers, Marilee 72,10J,130,141,
Zuberbuehter, David 124,126,254
Zuchowski, Raymond 210
Zuchowski, Susanne 254
Zuhlke, James 124,132,134,210
Zuzlnec, Raymond 82,83,232
Zwaga, Dorothy 254
Marceline, Mo., l! .S.A.