The Classic 1973
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The Classic 1973
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 1972 to 1973 school year.
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Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
"Yesterday a child came out to wonder,
Caught a dragonfly Inside a Jar. . ."
Games begin with children, as life begins
with children. From the first time we
play patty-cake with our parents we are
conditioned by games. . . and as a child
they make up the whole sum of our life.
We learn by games, we amuse ourselves
with games, we hurt someone with games.
A simple Birthday party Is alive with
these; follow-the-leader will follow
us all of our lives and Musical chairs
is nothing more than "survival of the
fittest" In melodic form. Is It any
wonder these rules and feelings come
with us as we grow up? And who made the
games up In the first place
{upper right) Homecoming Queen runner-up Cheryl
Van Dyke and her campaign manager John
Delany proceed to the coronation platform.
(mlddle right) Dan Meltzer cracks a Joke to
Homecoming candidate Laurie Vincent
to ease her nervousness.
(lower right) Flnallet Peggy
Pitts le accompanied by her campaign
manager Roxie Vlctoreon.
(below) Smlllng her victory emlle Queen
Debbie DeAngelle and Tom Van Caster
enjoy the crowning moment of glory.
(below left) Cheryl Fonk, arm In arm
with her campaign manager John Ivy,
remains cool before the crowning decision.
celebration turned out to be somewhat of
an un-vlctory dance as the Trojans were
defeated by 12 points against Horlick.
Nonetheless, students attending the
dance enjoyed the music and the ceremony of
Debbie De' Angella as she reigned
over the evening's festivities.
(above) A bend Intermission provides en
opportunity for alumni end students to recall
old memories.
(left) Alumnus Tim Cross end senior Beth Johnson
share a funny moment In the commons
during the Homecoming dance "Victory In the Stars."
Friday, August 25, this year's Classic
Dance was postponed because of a delay in
the delivery of the yearbooks.
The "annual affair" was rescheduled for the
following Thursday; because of curfew
regulations the dance began and ended an
hour earlier with book distribution
beginning at 5 o'clock rather than 8.
Approximately 1350 books were handed out
and traded for signatures In between
songs played by "Line's End."
(right) Classlc staff member Betsy Schlndler
checks a name off the master llst
at the Classic dance.
(middle) Seniors Linda Krueser, Joanna Dodge and
Mike Belsky page through the lndlvldual
photos In the Claeees section of the Classlc.
(below right) Lora Petravlclus and Mary Gehring
exchange compliments and memories as they
sign each other's year books.
(below) Joanna Dodge, Linda Krueser and
Kathy Adelson enjoy the rhythm of Line's End as
they dance In the courtyard at the Classic Dance.
(above) Ellen Berquist and Bob Reilly
check out the senior portraits
and remember old friends.
(left) Former Tempest editor Byron Dowse
reflects Ironically on the carefree activities
of clvlllan llfe during the Claeslc dance.
(upper right) Sub Deb officer Kathy Anderson
emllee happily as she enjoys the music
of her last winter formal.
(mlddle right) Resting a moment, seniors Terri
Conforti and Jim Sunday alt and Just lleten
to the music of Five Way Street.
(lower right) Tom Carlson and Cindy Rampart are
caught up In the dreamy mood
of "Imagine."
(bottom right) A silver punch fountain
In the commons provides Jim Johnson with
refreshments for hlmeelf and hie date.
(below) Junior Sue Eisenhauer gives escort Marc
Tolgo an affectionate hug
during a band break at Sub Deb.
(bottom) Seniors Rick Swartz and Sheryll Dieter
relax In the commons between
numbers at the winter formal.
"I mag1n
. e"
was the theme of
this year's annual winter formal. A
traditionally girl's choice affair, this
year's dance was held on December 28 from
8-11 :30. Christmas trees, glittering
garland and a punch fountain were among
the festive sights to be seen In both
the commons and the darkened cafeteria
as gaily dressed couples In formals and
suits danced to the music of
Five Way Street.
(left) Senior Leslle Larson dlsplays
a dress of creative handiwork as she moves to
the rhythms of "Saturday In the Park."
(upper right) A slow song rocks the many
Sub Deb couples Into a world
of their own Imagination.
(above) Junior Ellle Hough and escort
add their names to those already In the Sub Deb
A "January
proved the downfall of many of the ice
sculptures entered in this years Winterama
Frozen Statue contest. A coordinated
effort of the three classes, this year's
Winterama combined the usual seasonal
activities with the indoor games and
events of Spring Festival. The sophomores
this year were placed in charge of all of
the games In the commons, including such
favorites as Tip the Cat, Lollipop Tree
and 200 Dip. The Junior class sponsored
the cartoons and old-time movies in the
auditorium and refreshments; Seniors took
charge of the traditional Rama's House
and Cafe. This year's Donkey Basketball drew
record crowds, and was followed by the
Blizzard Dance where Tremper
students danced to the music of "Black
Water Gold".
(right) Following Wlnterama'a donkey basketball
game, students who attended the Blizzard Dance
llaten attentively to "Black Water Gold".
(below) During the flnal momenta of one of the donkey
basketball competitions, Senior Jane McPhaul and
Junior Jackie Grasser scramble for the ball.
(lower left) "America, You're beautlful" adorns
the sweatshirt of Classlc Staff member Kathy Becker,
an avid Peanuts fan.
(lower right) At the keyboard Is senior Mac Huff,
one of the featured attractions at "Dan and Scott's
Joint", the senior class sponsored cafe.
(left) Several underclassmen test their
aim and dart-throwing ablllty at the Classic Board,
featuring pictures of both faculty and students.
(below) Sophomores Pat Wirch and Donna
Posselt find the antics of both donkeys and riders
amusing at the Donkey Basketball Game.
(above) Balanclng the weight of
the satin sells In "Sallboata" proved a tricky but
worthwhlle maneuver for this group of Aquettea.
(mlddle right) Senior emcee Ron Carmlchael
e'htertalna hie "shipmates" with yarns of
hie early seafaring days.
(mlddle tar right) Sophomore Barbara Rothrock
plays the retreating bull In her duet with
Jane Cowen, a Spanish matador.
(below right) Barb Rothrock, one of
tour Aquettea who visited the Orient as one of their
"ports", performs a tan dance.
(below tar right) Performing their Russian
Duet are seniors Alan Edwards and
Kathy Becker; It was the only boy-glrl number.
An all-boy
featured In the '73 Aquettes Show, along
with 16 other numbers. This year's theme
was "Ports of Call", with emcee Ron
Carmichael accompanying us on a voyage to
many foreign harbors Including a Scotch
Loch and an Italian fishing VIiiage.
The show was previewed on April 6, 7 and 8,
with an approximate total of 500 people
In attendance.
Following Aquette President Terry Wermellng
In her Presidential solo, the 27 member
group performed a finale to "America,.
the Beautiful". Tremper senior Marilyn
Nelsen, who attended the opening night
performance of the show commented "It was
the first Aquette's show I ever attended;
I was surprised at the professionalism
the swimmers possessed."
(above left) In the all-boy number entltled
"Pirates" senior Al Edwards performs a
back fllp at the opening of the number.
(left) Followlng a bit of a Jig on the pool
deck, seniors Jan Dunham and Kathy Becker
extend tartaned legs In unison.
(below) Jane McPhaul, Linda Chatterton, Vicki
Kalclc and Liz Mancuso splash provocatlvely In
a Parisian can-can number.
Apes, Witches,
and Butterflies were among the sights to
be seen at Tramper's annual variety show,
"Kalldlescope". Sponsored by the two
stage bands, this year's show was centered
around two separate themes, "Haunted House"
and "Nostalgia". Emcees for the evening
were seniors Mac Huff and Scott Dekok.
Among the outstanding performances were
the Girl's Klckllne, solo's by Becky Quick
and Gary Taft, the Chorallers and Brian
lsetts with his outstanding group of
walk-on numbers. The show was held on two
separate weekends, March 9, 10, 16 and 17.
(right) "Button Up Your Overcoat" was one of the
nostalgic hits Included In the medly per1ormed by
this year's Glrl's Klckllne.
(below) "Are You Goin' to Scarborough Fair?" asked
Lorrie Larson and Lit Hansen In
their duet In the '73 Variety Show.
(above far left) Senior Becky Quick
singe her rendition of "Someone Who Cares";
The theme song from the movie "Fools".
(above left) After a quick change, emcee
Mac Huff Introduces the second act with
the Stage Band.
(above) Scott MacPhereon makes a
very vlrlle Flash Gordon as he fights off
the men of Ming the Merclleee.
(above right) Brian leetts and Company
present a very funny group of walk-on numbers
ranging from a mad scientist to a cowboy.
(left) The traditional Boy's Klckllne
took the garb of llghtwlnged butterfllee this year
In their number entitled "Lepldopteroue Leapers".
A situation
comedy with
Mr. Terry Lawler starring as Sheridan
Whiteside was the first school play of
this year. It was the first time a
theatrical production at Tremper was opened
to the faculty. The name of the Play
was "The Man Who Came to Dinner" and its
production was characterized by unique and
innovative technique and staging. One of
these was the "open directorship" method
employed by Mr. Lawler, who stated
"I'm the director, in that everybody
answers finally to me, but I'm not the
director because everybody has a hand in
directing the play or at least the
opportunity to do so." The play was
presented on November 9.
Mr. Wee Holman and faculty members air
their talents In our first student-faculty
play "The Man Who Came to Dinner".
(right) Mr. Whiteside allae, Mr. Terry Lawler,
admires hie collectlon of cockroaches
ae he ehowe them to the rest of the house.
(left) Mies Mary Erickson who portrayed a
secretary, hands Mr. Whiteside
a long distance telephone call.
(below) Mies Frances Werve, a secret
ctdmlrer of Mr. Whiteside, presents him
with a epeclal gift.
Almost 50
participated in Tremper's first musical,
"George M", presented March 29, 30 and 31.
The plot revolved around the life of the
famous American show business personality,
George M. Cohan. Mr. Terry Lawler, the
drama Co-ordinator was the director of the
musical. Miss Karen Fahrenbach handled all
of the choreography. Senior Kieth
Anderson played George M, with the female
leads held by Debbie Garra and Linda
(opposite left) Josie, portrayed by Linda Vanderpool
as George M .'s sister, expresses her feelings
as she sings a meaningful tune.
(opposite right) George M. played by
Keith Anderson, makes his desires known by
putting them to music.
(top) A barbershop quartet from " George M ."
give their side of the story
through a song.
(left) Joan, Ann, and Jean display their dancing talents
as they help tell the
story of George M. Cohan.
(lower left) Instrumental students from Tremper put In
long and hard hours to supply the background
music for the songs In " George M ."
(below left) The George M. Cohan Family, together on stage
polish one of the acts they used In
the show that night.
(below) Janet Krauser and Sue Milliken bring back
memories to George M. of the old
time Vaude-vllle days.
(above) Thia year's Sadie Hawkins dance was one
of the beat In recent years; everyone seemed to
enjoy It, from haystacks to these matching shirts.
(right) Delay Mae Candidate Cheryl Fonk and
her escort Jim Sulke make their way to the stage
for the announcement of this year's Daley Mae.
Pickles and
Strawberry licorice flavored the breath
of many couples attending Tremper Teen's
annual Sadie Hawkins Dance, "Haymow
Hootnanny". Daisies and vegetable corsages
festooned the costumes of students who
took part in the traditionally girl's
choice affair, several of which were
eaten by the evening's finish. Senior
Teresa Lanza, the AFS Exchange Student from
Bolivia, was crowned Daisy Mae;_runners-up
included Nancy Gebhardt, Terry Conforti,
Cheryl Fonk and Barb Norcross. Music
was provided by Fussion.
(above left) Cathy Petersen and Riiey
Fulmer share a quiet moment resting on the stage for
Coronation prior to the ceremony.
(mlddle left) In a sudden burst of energy
Senior Larry Nolen attempts to remove the sneakers
of his date, Deb Strand.
(bottom left) Ae Fuaelon plays "Color
My World" Cheryl Dieter le swept Into a dance by
emlllng Ricky Schwartz.
(below) Teresa Lanza and her date Chip Miiihoiiand
catch their breath on a nearby haystack after
being chosen ae the '73 Daley Mae and Llttle Abner.
(right) Carolyn Schiller and her escort
Eric Anderson, dance a happy two-step to
the tones of the Mumford Orchestra.
(below) Signing In for herself and her escort
Rick Schwartz, Cheryl Dieter
awaits an evening In "Atlantis."
(below middle) Surrendering her shawl
and purse to one of the cloak room attendants,
Denise Johnstone looks forward to a fun evening.
(bottom) A senior couple, tired from all
that dancing, relax and enjoy
a quiet moment alone, sitting In the gym.
sunken ships,
pearl-bearing oysters and glittering
seahorses were only a few of the sights
that greeted the eyes of those who attended
the 1973 Junior Prom.
Couples began arriving shortly after eight
o'clock, to dance to the music of the
Mumford Orchestra; the Coronation ceremony
began at ten o'clock. Following the
crowning of King Dave Aiello and his Queen
Teresa Neu, students promenaded across the
stage. Parents and friends were welcome
to attend, and once again Promenade drew a
full house.
Afterglow began with a ham and beef dinner
complete with relishes and Pepsi.
Promgoers, thankful for time in
which to catch a few moments of welcome
sleep or for a chance to take off a pair
of new and somewhat confining shoes, then
migrated to the auditorium for several
short cartoons. Music from one to five
was provided by "Rufus" and the fairy-tale
evening was concluded with a breakfast of
rolls and coffee.
(top) Dave Larson and date, along with Kevin
Gibson and hie date, enjoy a conversation
during Intermission at prom.
(left mlddle) Terri Dletmen and her escort Keith
LeMay, parade up the alele to help form the court for
the crowning of Prom King and Queen.
(lower left) Jr. Clase officer Wendy Quick and
escort Scott Johnson, follow behind Terri and Keith
as they also await the Coronation Ceremonies.
The exchange
this year were Teresa Lanza from La Paz,
Bollvla and Hashem Rachld of Rabat,
Morocco. "I found many differences",
said Teresa. "We have to take 16 subjects
In my school, here only six. The students
stay In class at my school and the teachers
walk around." Haschem also noticed
differences. "Tremper is twice as large
as my school. It is difficult for me to
find my way around." Teresa was chosen
Daisy Mae at the annual Sadie Hawkins
dance; she also gave a speech at this years
honor's Convocation. "I llke It all" said
Foreign Exchange students, Teresa Lanza and Hashem
Rachld, sit In the courtyard and discuss
plans for AFS money raising projects.
(below) Teresa Lanza looks and smiles at all her
Tremper friends before saying goodbye at the
Senior Banquet on May 31 , at the Elk's Club.
A dinner
at the Elk's Club took the place of the
traditional Senior Banquet buffet at
St. Terese this year. The menu featured a
sltdown dinner of turkey, rolls, potatoes,
salad and tarts. Senior Awards went to
Betsy Schindler, who took Most Intelligent,
Most Llkely to Succeed and Most Active;
Larry laqulnta with Most Llkely to Succeed
and Most Intelligent; Tom Ceschln won the
Best All Around and Friendliest Awards;
Cheryl Fonk was awarded the Friendliest
and Funniest; Dan Meltzer was also given
the Funniest and Most Active Awards; Deb
DeAngells took the Best All Around girl;
Most Talented were Becky Quick and Mac
Huff; Best Dancers were Keith Anderson
and Michelle Ellsworth; Best Dressed were
Tami Benik and Brad Young; and the Most
Athletic awards went to Rade Dlmltrljevlc
and Gwen Cornell. A record turnout
Illustrated the success of the banquet;
nearly 400 seniors ate, danced and
compared notes laughlngly about three years
now come to an end.
(top right) M. C. Tom Macak, presents Mr. Kranen with
an enscrlbed toilet seat for recognition of his
work with the "Potty Patrol" .
(right) Seniors Keith Loss and Ron Carmicheal
enjoy some of Dan Meltzer's
humor at Senior Banquet.
(below) Senior Class President, Dan Meltzer, exhibits
fashion trends as he replaces the usual tennis
shoes with army boots.
HELlO .. . )
(above) Resting against a vase of Illies of the valley,
the Class of ' 73 flower, Is a Senior Banquet
Program with several awards trophies.
(far left) Lit Hansen listens to
Scott Johnson as he presents several mock
awards to graduating seniors.
(middle left) Al Padlock relaxes with a cup of coffee
after a turkey and gravy
dinner at the Kenosha Elk 's Club.
(left) Becky ·autck entertains her classmates
by singing a Beatles song, " The Long
and Winding Road" .
(middle} Dueling violinists, John Trendon and Tom
Macak, present a musical skit for students
who attended Senior Banquet.
(below left) Winner of the " Best All Around " and
" Friendliest" awards, Tom Ceschln
accepts a trophy.
(below) Brad Young smites as he hears the announcement naming him as the "Best-Dressed"
guy In the Class of ' 73.
(below right) Laurie Vincent whispers a punch
tine for one of Dan Meltzer's Jokes to
Lori Kittel during Senior Banquet activities.
(above) Vice President of the senior class, Scott Johnson
the best all around guy, seems
to be watching someone or something attentively.
(right) On a very hot and sticky Friday morning,
the Juniors and sophomores fill the bleachers,
to bid farewell to the departing seniors.
A hot
June morning
and a gymnasium full of gowned seniors
and underclass sporting shorts and tank
tops provided an Interesting background
for this years Honors Convocation.
As traditions dictate; both the top
20 Distinguished Service recipients and
the top 20 In the class as ranked
academically were named, along with
the 16 who held perfect attendance
records for all three years at Tremper.
Scholarship winners and other special
awards were also named.
(above left) The orchestra plays away
for the rest of the school as the
Senior's Convocation Ceremony takes place.
(middle left) Biii Briggs and Jamee Ott receive their
award from Mr. Farmakee
for perfect attendance all three years.
(below left) Robert Stuckey and Glen Fitch look on
as indicated as some of their fellow classmates
receive awards at Convocation ceremonies.
(below) As she walks to her seat, Marilyn
Nelsen keeps thinking, "what
will my scholarship to Carthage bring?"
(below right) For all hie service to Tremper,
Scott DeKok waits anxiously for hie
Distinguished Service Award.
More than
were involved in the Fine Arts Festival
held here on May 1 2 and 1 3. The
Festival featured an array of student
works including artwork, creative
stitchery, modern dance, graphics and
ceramics. "The purpose of the festival
was to go beyond classroom art, music
and darma, affording students a greater
opportunity to display their talents",
said Mr. Lynn Obertin, festival
Chairman. " Puss in Boots", a
dramatization of the children's fairy
tale, was also featured at the
festival . The play was directed by
Mr. Terry Lawler and was performed at
various elementary schools.
(right) Junior Joel Ogrln
demonstrates his pottery-shaping talents In
an exhibit at the Fine Arts Festival.
(below) Junior Therese Robillard
was one of the featured artists whose
work Included murals, photos and paintings.
(left) Brandishing an ax,
junior Bev White accents her words In an
Important scene of "Puss In Boots".
(above right) King Phil Dekok speaks with Queen
Monica Myers and Ladles Jody Flrchow and Char
Wickert In a drama presentation at the Festival.
(above) Mias Nlcolee Teegarden, member of the
Festival co-ordinating committee, samples
the punch and cookies served In the commons.
This year's
ceremony again contended with a sultry
early summer night and high temperatures.
Beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday,
June 7, with a musical prelude by the
orchestra, commencement exercises followed
previous traditions; Graduation messages
were given by Lori Kittel and Dan Meltzer,
the Perspective by Debbie DeAngelis.
So now we have reached the end of the game
or rather a temporary stopover; for
" Graduation " is not really an end, or a
beginning as the term " Commencement"
implies. Our time spent here and the
memories we take with us are only a brief
whirl on life's endless merry-go-round.
" Softly, softly now I leave you " , one
senior girl whispered as the tassles were
switched from left to right, then, sadly,
" hello, we must be going".
(above right) Senior Scott DeKok acts as student director
and leads the Tremper A Cappella Choir
In their farewell number.
(middle right) The Class of ' 73 received red covers
on their official diplomas instead of the
previously customary blue.
(below right) Doris Grimes receives a diploma and
a handshake from School Board member,
Mrs. Jackie Ball, who assisted at Commencement.
(below) The Class of ' 73 motto, " Hello We Must Be
Going" expressed the seniors attitude about
their high school days.
CLRSS Of 1513
(above) Tom Ledansky and Vickie Leltlng change the
tassels from left to right after graduating
from Tremper High School on June 7, 1973.
(left) Lori Klffel delivers a parting message
to her classmates, "Follow the Path With
Heart" at commencement ceremonies.
(above right) Following graduation exercises, Senior Al
Padlock and friends breathe a sigh of rellef
as they collect their diplomas.
"Then the child moved ten times round the
seasons, skated over ten clear frozen
streams. . ."
From follow-the Leader we graduate, to
Red Rover, then Tag, then Football.
Children learn to compete from the games
they play . . . always be on the winning
side, always play your best if
you do get beat. Competition and a drive
to succeed; does it sound familiar?
Get ahead and win, win, win. Team spirit
and loyalties develop, then school
spirit and It's a whole new ball game.
Someone Is always there to cheer for and
something unmistakable whispers,
"we WILL winl"
'arren Township-North
Madi9on Weet Inv.
Kenosha Bradford
Blackhawk Inv.
County Ouadr<>ngular
Fort Atkinson Inv.
South Shore Conferen~
Racine Case Sophomore Inv.
Delavan-Darien Reglonal
Janesvllle Parker
Belolt 21
Chicago Fenger 23
Appl ton East 0
Janesvllli Craig
Racine Park
Racine Case 0
Kenosha Bradford
St. Catherine 6
Racine Horllck
Kenosha St. Joseph 14
Racine Case 8
Racine Park
Salem 6
Kenosha Bradford 0
Tremp r
Union Grove 48
Janesville Craig
Racine Park
Kenosha Bradford
Milwaukee Lincoln
eno a St. Joseph
Racine Case
Racine Horllck
Jan svlll Parker 61
Miiwaukee Marsh II 62
Racine Park
Milwaukee Pula kl 61
Keno ha Bradford 65
aclneCase 53
Racine t<iorllck
Tremp r
Waterford 66
Burlington 57
S<ilem 63
acln Horllck' 69
Racine Case 60
Raclr:ie Hor)lck 62
Kenosha Bradford
Union Grove 52
Wate ord
Racine Case 62
Janesvllle Parker
New Beriln West
Horllck Scarlet 0
HorllckGray 6
Case Gold
Case Green 0
Park Blue 6
Park Orange 26
New Berlin West
Case Green
Case Gold
Bradford Black
Bradford Red 0
Fox Lake 5
Racine Case 24
Salem 9
Racine Park
WeetAllls 2
Racine Horllck
SunP,ralrle 9
Plus 11
Kenosha Bradford 8
Westbend Inv.
Racl11e Case Inv.
Harland Arrowtiead Inv.
(of 364) St~te Meet
Union Grove 48
Janesville Craig 77
Lake Geneva
Racine Park
Kenosha Bradford 46
Miiwaukee Lincoln
Kenosha St. Joseph
Racine Case 58
Racine Horllck
Janesvllle Parker 65
Miiwaukee Marshall
Racine Park
Milwaukee Pulanskl 58
Kenoeha Bradford
Racine Case
Racine Horllck
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Case
Racine Park
Racine Horllck
Racine Case 55
Delavan 32
Racine Horlick 65
Racine Park
Kenosha Bradford 36
4th Conference
6th Sectionals
Racine Park 0
Racine Case 2
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Park
Racine Horllck
Racine Case 3
Racine Horllck
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Case
Kenoah Bradford 41.15
Racine Park
3rd Conference
2nd Sectionals
8th State
Tramp r
Tramp r
Racine Park 62
Cudahy 68
Badger 50
Greenfield 67
Brookfield Central
Racine Horllck
Racine Case 82
Kenosha Bradford
6th (of8) Rocket Inv.
6th (of 8) Lake Shore Inv.
1 Oth (of 11) Rebel Inv.
4th Conference
Racine Case
Racine Park
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Case
Racine Horllck
Kenosha Bradford
Milwaukee HamUton
2nd Janesville Inv.
16 h Horllck Peppermint Inv.
4th Green Bay Preble Inv.
1 st Conference
3rd Sectionals
1 1th State Meet
Racine Park 8
Racine Case 0
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Horllck
Waupun 6
Fon du Lac 2
Racine Park
RaclneC- 2
Kenoeha Bradford
ctn Hortlck
Salem 1
se, Kenosha
Racln Park, Homestead
Rebel Relays
Madison West Relays
Eagle lr)vltatlonal
aclne Horllek, Kenosha
St. Joseph 48
Tremper 3rd
1 h
L t
Tremper 87
Tremper Lost
Tremper 41
Tremper 5th
Tremper 42
Tremper Lost
Tremper 48
Tremper 2nd
Tremper Lost
Racine St. Catherine 82
Tremper lnvltatlonal
Racine Park
Madison Memorial Relays
Racine Hortlck
Sophorno e Meet
Kenosha Bradford
Kenosha Bradford
71 O
Racine Horllck
~a lne Case
Racine Park 697
Racine Horllck 678
Racine Park 697
t<enosha Bradford
Racine Case 689
11th(of31) Janesvlllelnv.
4th (of 18) Whitefish Bay Inv.
1st (of 5) Lakeshore 555
1st Janesville Parker, Craig,
2nd South Shore Conference
Racine Case 4
South Milwaukee 4
Kenosha Bradford
Reel e Park
Rae\ Horllck 6
Kenosha Bra ford
Racine Park 4
Racine Hor k
th Llbertyv{Ue,Ouadrangular
5th Janesvllle Inv.
(tie) Sub-Sectionals
h (tle)Sec on•
3rd Conference
(upper right) Mark Crawford smlles after
his 4th place finish In the meet
against Bradford at Kennedy Park.
(lower left) During the meet against Bradford
sophomore Greg Turco runs the 2.5 mlle
course at Kennedy Park for the J. V . team.
Before the meet against Bradford the Crose Country
team studies the diagram drawn by Coach
Bradley of the Kennedy Park course.
Fourteen of
the eighteen man cross
country team were out for the first time this year.
A lack of seniors opened varsity positions
to Sophomores, one being Steve Spizzirri,
who was voted the most valuable player.
Coach Bradley organized a Frostbite program
with an objective of 500 miles for each
runner between November first and February
CROSS COUNTRY (kneeling) Tony Turco, Greg Turco, Bob
Colllns, Jim Holton, Jim Klffel, Larry Heg, Dean
Slvley. (standing) Coach Bradley, Steve Spizzirri,
Bob Heyden, Dave Chase, Mark Crawford, Ron Sebetlc,
Brad Falduto, Rich Mlchelson, Craig Koessl, Jeff
Schoor, Brian Althoff and manager Rom Stevens.
(mlddle left) Sophomore Craig Koessl runs for the
varsity team In the South Shore
Conference meet at Llncoln Park.
(lower left) Steve Spizzirri runs the 2.5 mlle
course at Llncoln Park during the South Shore
Conference meet for the varsity team.
After three
losses the Trojan offense recovered with
a victory over Appleton East.
Other outstanding games Included a second
half comeback resulting in a 16-13
upset over tenth ranked Janesville Craig
and a 26-0 victory over Racine
Case which highlighted not only a high
scoring offensive line, but a hard
hitting defense. Linebacker Bob Reilly and
defensive back Dan Skurski made the
All Conference Defensive team.
(upper right) Linebackers Bob (35) and Dick Rellly
(48) rest whlle the Trojan offense takes
over In the game against Bradford.
(lower right) Senior Offensive End Dave Thomae
concentrates on the Homecoming game
against Racine Horllck.
(lower left) Larry Chaput (34) rune a
dive Into the left side
of the Bradford llne.
VARSITY FOOTBALL (front row) Jim Miiier, Jeff
Acerbl, Greg Schaeffer, Dave Thomae, Jim Johnson,
Mike Mattner, Matt Bleclglla, Larry Chaput, Todd
Schmale, Al Padlock, Greg Patty, Mark Tolgo.
(second row) George Georno, Dave Kunath, Dick
Rellly, Al Amadio, Bob Rellly, Paul Sockneee, Don
Kloet, Dan Skurski, Dave Dorn, Biii Briggs, Dave
Boehm, Roger Queen, Jeff Pechura. (third row) Tom
Grabot, Jerry Steele, Tim Aker, Dave Hammond, Ricky
Hamllton, Mark Llttel, Mike Engelman, Ruse Gename,
Steve Klopeteln, Pat Conwell, Dean Langer, Jamie
Robers. (fourth row) Ted Johnson, Randy Smith, Dan
Miikent, John Bernacchi, Bob Ogle, Steve Malko, Gary
Slpema, Randy Donale, Larry Keating, Doug Haney,
John VanDyke. (fifth row) Jim Hiii, Dave Sokol,
Coach Apple, Fllllpelll, Brandt, Bletrlck, Davies,
and Schmale.
(mlddle) The Trojan defensive unit evaluates
the effectiveness of an offensive sweep
against Chicago Fenger.
(lower) Safety George Georno stops an
end run play against Chicago
Fenger with a croee body block.
SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL (front row) Gene Schmidt,
Richard Fistler, Mark Last, Tom Strobbe, Ed
Robinson, Larry Pacetti, Gary Boehm, Tom Keckler,
Jim Roemer, Gene Scales. (second row) John Ward,
Paul Vagnonl, Bruce Fredericksen, Biii Stoeblg,
Mickey Johnson, ~oy Qulllce, John Rende, Tom
Capodarco, Brian Hart. (third row) Jim Kopesky,
Gregg Ollla, Lenny Rizzo, Jeff Nelson, Ken Robers,
Mike Hebert, Bob Bauer, Biii Young, Dan Fletcher,
Jeff Hughes. (fourth row) Bob Dytuka, Bob Schnelder,
Gregg Akin, Scott Sodllnk, Mike Moody, Mike Graham,
Mike Batton, Don Dltthardt. (last row) Coach Apple,
Charles Morris, Stuart Topping, Steve Kublskl, Mark
Putrow, Peter laqulnta, Mark Isett&, Alex Petkovlc,
Coach Fllllpelll.
(lower right) Temporarily out of downs, Gary
" Stork" Slpsma makes a 42 yard
punt In the Tremper St. Joseph game.
(lower left pg. 59) Quarterback Steve Malko
runs the 20 power play as Russ
Gename blocks St. Joseph players.
The J. V. team
six straight victories after tying
their first game. The highlighting game
of the season was a 14-0 victory
over a strong Racine Horlick team assuring
Tremper of a South Shore Conference
Championship. The outstanding
backs for the J. V. team were Steve Malko
and Ricky Hamilton. John Bernacchi
anchored the offensive line and was a
standout as a defensive linebacker.
The most
victory of the sophomore '72 season came
In the 20-6 win over Racine Park, the
first in 6 years. The Scarlet team
finished first In the conference with a
8-1 record, followed by the blue squad
with a 7-2 tally. Outstanding performers
included Jeff Hughes, Tom Strobbe, Roy Oullice
and Lenny Rizzo.
(upper left) Quarterback Steve Malko runs
back a kick return In
the game against St. Joea.
(lower left) Coach Davies beckons quarterback
Steve Malko to call a time out
In the Trojan-Blue Angel game.
"The boys
quit. They played hard to the end of
every game" says Coach Joe Brittelli of
his varsity basketball team. The squad
was led In scoring by Rade Dimitrijevic,
the 6'6 center and only returning
letterman. The Trojans finished with an
important 73-65 win over Racine Horlick.
"It was because of the teamwork," Britelll
said, "It was the best game they ever
played." Thirteen returning lettermen
will be back for next year's squad.
(right) Rade Dlmltrljevlc tips In a
missed shot to score 2 points for Tremper against
crosstown rlval Bradford.
(lower left) Larry Jackson
demonstrates fine defensive form as he
guards an opposing guard.
(upper left) Jim Miiier Is about
to begin an outlet pass to Jeff Acerbl as a
fast break Is about to unfold.
(upper middle) Russ Arneson shoots a close-In
pivot shot against Bradford while Rade Dlmltrljevlc
follows In for a posslble rebound.
(upper right) Tom Nelson blocks
a shot against Grey Christensen of Lake
Geneva Badger High School.
(lower left) Willie Joe Davis
attempts to drive down the right side of the
free throw llne for a possible shot.
The J. V.
team beat Racine Park for the first time
In four years this season, with a 62-56
win. Leading scorers for this year were
Ethan Moore, Larry Jackson and Ken Dezee.
"The outstanding game of the year was
against Bradford" said Coach Len Apple,
"the boys played well together as a tea111
and we had lost to Bradford by one point
earner In the season."
VARSITY BASKETBALL Wlllle Joe Davie, Ethan Moore,
Joe Korbel, Ricky Davie, Phll Smith, Ruse Arneson,
Rade DlmltrlJevlc, Ruse Gename, Tom Nelson,
Kevin Mllolae, Jim Miiier, Jeff Acerbl,
Glen Jones, Larry Jackson, (kneellng) Joe Brlttelll,
Dave Sokol, Len Apple.
(lower right) Jim McGlbany and
Scott Scholey go up for a rebound In the game
against Racine Park.
For the first
in Tramper's history the sophomore team
finished at the top of the conference
with a 13-5 record. Entering the
mid-season game against Racine Horllck,
the Sophomores played their best game
of the season, winning 73-65. "This
game marked their peak," remarked Coach
Ray Thomas, "they played great defense
and shot well." Larry Pacetti, voted
most valuable player, scored a total
of 314 points during the season and
broke the record of most points in one
season by an individual.
(upper left) In the game against Racine
Park, Robin Bonn drives for the basket with
Parks players In hot pursuit.
(mlddle left) During the 2nd quarter
Tom Strobbe was tied up by a Racine Park
opponent and a Jump ball resulted.
SOPHOMORE BASKETBALL Asst. Coach; Mr. Schmidt, Mark
Bernhoft, Rod Fllnt, Lonny Allen, Scot Scholey,
Larry Pacetti, Jim McGlbany, Gary Ludlow,
Head Coach Ray Thomas.
(kneellng) Manager: Mike Graham, Roy Oulllce,
Gene Scales, Dean Slvley, Tom Strobbe, Dan Fletcher,
Robin Bonn, Greg Royce, Scott Tuska, manager:
Chuck Fato.
66 pins
made by this year's wrestling team,
with Ralph Zlgner holding the record of
16 seconds for the fastest pin. In
the sectional meet, the Trojans finished
3rd out of 48 teams, with seniors Dave
Singer and Tom Grabot going on to State
competition In Madison. Grabot finished
2nd In the 138 pound class; Dave Singer
finished 3rd in the 119 pound class.
The grappler& finished 6th out of 364
schools in the state.
The J. V. and sophomore teams were also
undefeated during the season.
VARSITY WRESTLERS (kneellng) Roxie Vlctorson, Gregg
Katt, Dave Singer, Jim Sunday, Dave Meler, Steve
Barber (standing) John Davis, Tom Grabot, Glenn
Fitch, Ralph Zlgner, Dave Pfeiffer, Greg Schaeffer.
(lower right) Heavyweight wrestler
Ralph Zlgner waits for an encounter with his
opponent against Racine Case.
(upper left) Terry Tiffany wreetllng
In the 112 pound class tries to get behind
hie opponent In the meet against Racine Case.
(mlddle left) 119 pound Marc Suave
le awarded points by the referee as he tries
to gain control of hie opponent.
(lower left) Varsity wrestler
Steve Barber tries to turn hie man over for a pin
or nearfall points against Racine Case.
(lower right) Tom Grabot, 138 pound varsity
wrestler receives awards for hie first place finish
In the regional meets held at Tremper.
J.V. WRESTLERS (front row) Tom Mogeneon, Dwight
lrvlng, Jeff Novelen, Steve Ennis, Brian Altoff,
Jerry Glaneeelll (back row) Jamie King, John Van
Dyke, Mark Last, Jim Kopeeky, Stuart Topping,
Craig Kewenlg.
(upper right) J. V. swimmer Mike Napper
swims the 100 yard breaststroke In the meet
against Racine Park.
(lower right) In the meet against
Bradford, Eric Adelson completes a stroke In the
100 yard breaststroke competition.
VARSITY SWIM TEAM (front) Allan Edwards, manager Greg
Kruchko, Bob Hoganson, John Crawford, Jay Lehman,
Jim Lehman, (back) Bob Kock, Steve Olufs, Keith Loss,
Mark Pollard, Matt Frost, Gregg Guttormsen, Chip
Miihoiiand, Dave Lauren.
8 firs ts
out of
11 were captured by the Trojan Bullfrogs
in the meet against Bradford. "The
best meet of the season", stated coach
Burmeister. Al Edwards, outstanding
swimmer of the season, placed 3rd in the
1 oo yd. butterfly at the WIAA sectional
meet. Finishing eighth out of 15 teams the
Varsity Swimmers gathered a total of 60
points in sectionals. "Lack of depth and
continual Illness hindered this year's swim
team", said coach Burmeister. 7 lettermen
will be returning to help next year's squad.
J.V. SWIM TEAM (sitting) Peter Hybert, Steve
Walkowskl, Kirk Topel, Tom Sulllvan, Kevin Nelson,
Dan Passarelll, Biii Vincent, (standing) Eric Adelson,
Ron Frei, Mike Napper, Rick Dart, Paul Calllet,
Rom Stevens, Biii Bridges, Mike Hennessy.
(upper right) As time draws near the
beginning of the 100 yard butterfly competition,
Allan Edwards approaches the starting block.
(lower left) Varsity diver Jerry Grimmer
executes a forward dive layout at the trl-school
meet held at Tremper.
115 pointSwere
scored by the Flyers in the Southshore
Conference meet held at Bradford this
year. Tremper finished with 5 out of
7 firsts, and a team scoring high.
Ranked 3rd In the state, and holding an
outstanding 10-1 record, the gymnasts
were represented at State by Senior
Marc Skurski, who took a 5th in all-around
and an 8th in free exercise. It was
his third trip to State. Tom Ceschin,
Steve Carney and Gary Kadonsky also
turned in outstanding performances.
(upper right) Sophomore Jim Kadonsky
shows perfect form as he executes an L press on
the stlll rings In a meet against Bradford.
VARSITY GYMNASTICS (sitting) Steve Meler, Tom
Ceschln, Mark Alglers, Lee Huff, Marc Skurski,
standing, Coach Wes Holman, Steve Massie, Scott
McNab, Rick Meler, (kneellng) Gary Kadonsky, Steve
Camey, Tim Block, Jeff McNab, Chuck Gebhardt.
J.V. GYMNASTICS (kneeling) Robert Gangler, Phll
Thompson, John Plutchak, Jim Klffel, Robert Gregory
(back row) Paul Rizzo, Mike Kelly, Reid Andresen,
Dave Hoffmann, Jim Hiii, Jeff Ewens, Dan Plutchak,
Jim Kadonsky, Tom Klffel.
(far left) Junior Captain Steve Carney
performs on the parallel bars an L-press In the
meet against Bradford.
(left) Executing a handstand on
the stlll rings during the meet against Bradford
Is senior Scott McNab.
(above right) Tom Ceschln performs
a n d L-straddle receiving a first place on the
still rings against Bradford.
"Th. year '
S team
I felt was better than average. The team
was devoted and It was a good squad to
work with," says Coach Andy Smith. The
team won the Subregional tournament
against Wiimont 6-5. Tim Lange led this
years baseball team In hitting with a
.440 batting average and starting pitcher
Jeff Kaeppeler had a pitching record of
5 wins and 1 loss. 3 outstanding Juniors
on the varsity squad this year were Dan
Skurski, Jeff Martinek and George
Georno. Dan Skurski has a .333 batting
average and Jeff Martinek had a 4 win
O loss pitching record. 1 4 letters wlll
be given out to outstanding Varsity
(upper left) George Georno lays down
a bunt In the Fourth Annual Booster
Baseball game against Bradford.
VARSITY BASEBALL (sitting) Don Kloet, Mark lrleh,
Dan Skurski, Dave Meler, Larry Keating, Jeff
Martinek (kneeling) Randy Donale, Mark Ebener,
Tom Wood, Mike McClenaghan, Jim Johnson, George
Georno, Biii Buege (standing) Tim Lange, Jeff
Kaeppeler, Brian leette, Rade Dlmltrl)evlc, Phll
Smith, Ken Kaeppeler, John Stewart, Coach Andy
(upper left) In the game against Bradford Jett
Kaeppeler stepped up to the plate and smashed a
slngle Into right tleld.
(lower left) As a Bradford player slldes Into 3rd
base, Jim Johnson awaits with the ball to
tag him out.
(upper right) Tim Lange on the pitching mound hurls
his fast ball as a Bradford player steps
up to bat.
(upper left) 2nd baseman Tom Klffel has
hie arm cocked back ready to fire the ball to
the first baseman.
(lower left) As the first Bradford
player steps to the plate, pitcher Rod Fllnt
begins hie windup.
(right) Pitcher Rod Fllnt
throws a curve ball to an opposing
Bradford player.
The 6-3
of the Sophomore baseball team placed
them In a tie for first place In the
South Shore Conference. Coach Virgili
said, "I felt this years team has great
potential and It has been the best
outstanding performances were shown by
players: Dan Valeri, Jeff Hughes, Larry
Pacetti, Tom Kittel, and Rod Flint.
(upper left) Mark lsetts with a
powerful swing hits a line drive Into
right field.
SOPHOMORE BASEBALL (kneeling) Rod Flint,
Scott Brummel, Gary Ludlow, Mickey Johnson, Larry
Pacetti, Mike Graham, Dean Slvley, Eddy Robinson,
Jeff Hughes, Bruce Fredrickson (standing) Coach E.
Vlrglll, Asst. Coach E. Cannaday, Dan Valeri, Mark
Algiers, Jeffrey Gascoigne, Felix Gallo, Tom
Klffel, Dan Hartl, Mark lsetts, Brad Falduto, Alex
track team was composed mainly of
sophomores, with only two returning
lettermen. "This group of sophomores Is
probably the best and most talented I have
seen" says Coach Zimmerman. Outstanding
track members were: Byron Dunn, Steve
Klopsteln, Doug Maedke, Jeff Plkna, and
Jeff Acerbl. 23 letters were given out
and there wlll be 19 returning lettermen.
(lower left) Sophomore Ken Wvrzer pole
vaults during the meet against
St. Joseph's.
(upper right) Jeff McNab takes a first
place In the 440 yd.
(mlddle right) In the meet against St. Joseph's
Jeff Acerbl runs the 180 yd.
low hurdles.
(lower right) Byron Dunn takes a
first place In the 100 yd. dash against
St. Joseph's.
VARSITY TRACK (Sitting) John Rende, Tom Strobbe,
Dan Fletcher, Rich Mlchelaon, Dwight lrvlng, Don
Landre, Ron Bittner, Byron Dunn, Dale Gamberini,
Jeff McNab (kneeling) John Stancoto, Steve
Klopateln, Mark Last, Stuart Topping, Rick Hamllton,
Jeff Plkna, Lenny Rizzo, Rom Stevena, Steve
Spizzirri, Carl Franz (standing) Jeff Acerbl, Matt
Blaclglla, Tim Aker, Kevin Petrie, Doug Maedke,
Steve Young, Rich HeBBefort, Dave Chose, Ron
Sebetlc, Mitch Schmerllng.
J.V. TRACK (sitting) Dave Conalantlneao, Winston
Slater, Kevin Nelson, Mark Sauve, Ken Wvrzer, Bob
Colllna (kneeling) Tim Easer, Jeff Schoor, Tom
Veith, Steve Stanton, Gary Hall, Dean Muller, Jim
Hiii (standing) Dale Andersen, Tom Tewa, Jeff
Rlondorf, Mlle Bruno, Roy Qullllce, Biii Young,
Mitch Schmerllng.
(upper left) Rick Brandes practices
his golf stroke before the meet against
(mlddle) During the meet against
Park Jim Lehman contemplates on how to
llne up his shot.
(upper right) In the sand trap
Dave Wente attempts to hit the ball
back onto the green.
(lower right) Sinking a putt during
the meet against Park Is Jay
"The best
of the season was the South Shore
Conference meet where the team had its
top score of 318" says Mr. Short, coach
of the golf team. The team placed 3rd in
the conference and team captain Rick
Brandes qualified for sectionals.
Outstanding players were Rick Brandes,
Mark Kuyawa, Dave Wente and Jim Lehman.
Awards were given out and most valuable
went to Rick Brandes and the 11 0% award was
given to Jim Lehman.
(upper left) Mark Kuyawa drives the ball
onto the green during the meet
against Park.
GOLF (kneellng) Dave Wente, Ray Zuzlnec, Jeff Smith,
Jeff Ewens, Craig Thomsen, Rick Brandes, (standing)
Mr. Short, Malcolm Garren, John Frese, Jim Lehman,
Tim Block, Ken Anderson, Jay Lehman, Jeff
Christensen, Mark Kuyawa.
"Only one
team In 7 years of teaching has worked
as hard together and kept a competitive
attitude under adverse conditions as this
years tennis team" says Coach Holman.
Dave Davis, the teams key player won 1 4
of his 18 matches and he qualified for
state sectionals. The team placed 3rd
In Conference and tied for 2nd place in
TENNIS (sitting) Matt Frost, Ron Frei, Dave
Knlchrehm, Jim Holton, Mark Dlamon, Dave Davie,
(kneeling) Dave Horsley, Robert Gangler, John
Lukoealtle, Bob Kivi, Ron Andro, Jeff Ewald, Dave
Hoffmann (standing) Tim Ironside, Bob Hoganson, Rick
Talley, Mike Nepper, Richard Baker, Rick Meler,
Coach Holman.
(upper right) Mat Frost trounces on the ball ae
he serves It to hie opponent on the
opposite court.
(left) As the sun begins to set Dave
Davia continues to practice on
his serve.
(below) Coach Holman concentrates on the match
between the equally akllled
Dave Davia and Bradford's Steve Leff.
11 out
of the 17
members of the girls swim team received
letters for their outstanding performances
throughout the season this year. The
girls swim team qualified In four events
In the finals. Jane Cowen, taking a third
place In the 50 yd. freestyle, qualified
for the state meet and she placed fourth
In freestyle at state. Three members
received special awards voted for by
fellow teammates. Most valuable went to
Jane Cowen, Most improved Jane Slpsma, and
Most team spirit Julie Hoganson.
GIRLS SWIM TEAM (sitting) Allleon Belongla, Sandy
Flesh, Shella Vlgnerle, Julle Hoganson, Rita
Roberta, Jann Dunham, Barb Rothrock, Pat Berner,
(back) Jeanne Palmer, Ellen Hammond, Mary Jean
Warren, Jane Slpema, Sue Oberprlller, Jane Cowen,
Nancy Nelson, Sue Wick
(right) In the 200 yd. medley relay event
Julle Hoganson takes off from the starting block
In the meet against Bradford.
(lower right) In the meet against
Bradford, Barb Rothrock demonstrates her
style In the 100 yd. backstroke.
"Th. years
has been the best group in four years, not
only in skill but in spirit" says Miss
Redlin, coach of the girls track team.
The team took 4th place in the conference
and the 440 yd. relay team of Debra
Molinaro, Alma Garza, Gerri Cornell, and
Lyndi Galdonik qualified for the state
meet. 21 girls received letters which
were given out at the Girls Track Banquet
on May 24 , 1973.
(upper left) Jann Dunham runs In the 440 yd. dash
in the first meet of the season
against Bradford.
(middle left) During the meet
against Bradford, Doris Grimes thrust
the shotput 29 5 3/ • •
(lower left) A first place was taken by Gerri
Cornell when she Jumped a distance of
13' 1 '12" In the long Jump.
GIRLS TRACK TEAM (sitting) Linda Johnson, Denise
Cummings, Gerri Cornell, Elalne Wiison, Linda
Metallo, Linda Mollnaro, Alma Garza, Rae Tuska
(row 2) Jann Dunham, Lorie Hansen, Chris Callahan,
Sue Ernst, Sue Padlock, Pat Wlllkomm, Sonja Baker,
Mary Ann Wiison, Sandy Carr (row 3) Miss Hanser,
Ramona Dunn, June Dunwald, Debra Molinaro, Pam
Donals, Kathy White, Lyndl Galdonlk, Mel Curio,
Pam Neumann, M188 Redlln (row 4) Chris DlmltrlJevlc,
Doris Grimes, Jane Slpsma, Marsha Werve, Andrea
Nelson, Karen Chiappetta, Renee Whitt, Nancy Beck
was good, the team was young and the
future looks bright" says Miss Cotton,
coach of the girls gymnastics team. The
team won 3 out of Its 4 dual conference
meets and In sectionals the team placed
2nd out of 11 schools. This qualified the
team for the state meet in Green Bay.
Gerri Cornell took 2nd place in vaulting
at state and the team placed 8th.
GIRLS GYMNASTICS JV (sitting) Vicki Bruno, Barb
Durbin, Laura Flesch, LeAnne Pedersen, Ann Girman,
Sue Torris (kneeling) Kim Whitmer, Trudy Hautzlnger,
Ann Slnkule, Terri Sorensen, Kathy Kavanaugh, Tami
Zeh ms.
(upper right) Nancy Nelson performs a handstand
quarter turn dismount on
the balance beam.
(middle right) In the meet against Racine Horllck
Jane Cowen displays fine form as
she executes a spllt leap.
(lower right) Performing on the balance beam Is
Jane Slpema as she starts a wolf turn during the
meet against Racine Horllck.
(upper left) On the uneven parallel bars
Teresa Neu performs a back
sole clrcle underawlng.
(lower left) Teresa Neu executes a back hip
clrcle to a eagle grip on the uneven
parallel bare.
GIRLS GYMNASTICS VARSITY (sitting) Nancy Lubnlewekl,
Rita Ennis, Nancy Nelson, Jane Slpema, Jane Cowen,
Teresa Neu, Janice Morgan (kneellng) Jeanne Taff&,
Laurie Larose, Donna Poeeelt, Carta Selander, Chris
Callahan (standing) Terri Ramaccl, Gerri Cornell,
Darlene Petrelli, Diane Solovey, Lisa Glordana.
They say it doesn't really matter
whether you win or lose; that it's
how you play the game. There it
goes again . . . the old circle game;
and like we said nobody ever REALLY
wins. But what are we learning
about life in the meantime?
"We're captured on a carousel of time . . ."
Sometimes people question why we HAVE to
follow the rules, and more often people
question the authority of who dictates
them to us. But don't the leaders have
to follow a set of rules too? They are
just as much a part of the intricacy of
the game as we are. As children we play
follow the leader and sometimes it seems
that the leader can do anything he wants
and we must follow, but a leader can't do
something which would cause trouble to
one of the players . . . he is subject to the
domain of the word "NO" as we all are.
Three little boys want to play Three
Musketeers and fight for a good cause;
they are subject to the rules of the cause
and cannot break them. Leader or follower,
we are all in this game together.
\~ '
The executivepower
has taken a giant step to unleash the
feelings of the students and teachers.
With the elimination of hall monitors and
detentions, Tremper has devised a new
attendance procedure. Non-attendance in
second hour will alter grading in all
classes. Principal swapping was set up
this year to develop understanding in
Elementary, Junior and Senior High Schools
in Kenosha. The continuation and
enlargement of this program is expected.
The Tri-School
Exchange program has been expanded in
order to "bridge the gap" between
Bradford, St. Joseph and Tremper.
Branching into the Music and Art
departments developed the possibility of a
Tri-School dance in the fall. Parents
and students are working alongside
members of many of the N.C.A. committees.
"Tremendous" Is the way Mr. Clarence
Kobishop feels about the 1972-1973 school
year. "Both students and teachers were
eager to get back and this provided for an
exceptional start. Cooperation between
all parties involved is much better.
Elimination of the monitor-detention
system was the best change made in a long
time, and the position exchange of Mr.
Kranen and Mr. Draeger has worked out
excellently and has fulfilled all
expectations." Mr. Kranen and Mr. Draeger
are both assistant principals at Tremper.
(above right) PRINCIPAL Mr. C. Koblehop carefully
reads over the Invitation to Kenosha school prlnclpale
before adding hie signature.
(right) At a Student-Faculty Curriculum Advisory
Committee meeting Mr. C. Koblehop listens with concern
to a presentation of a possible new course.
(left) ASSIST ANT PRINCIPAL Mr. E. Kranen appears
pleased with afternoon attendance as the result of
Initiation of the second hour attendance procedure.
(lower left) ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL. After locating a
missing student and returning him to hie proper
place, Mr. E. Kranen marches on.
(mlddle) ASSIST ANT PRINCIPAL Mr. R. Draeger comments
to hie wife on a coronet solo at the Tremper
Symphonic Band concert.
(lower) In the quietness of hie office,
Mr. R. Draeger checks Into a student's schedule to
make a new class assignment.
(front row) Dave Earnest, Kim Graeser, Laurie
Vincent, Lori Klffel, Dan Meltzer (back row) Kathi
Anderson, Jane McPhaul, Betsy Schindler, Mary
Gehring, Jodi Phllllpeon.
(below) STUDENT COUNCIL (front row)
Judy Hlavata, Linda Johnson, Bev White, Terri
Sorensen, Debbie Kelley, Jodi Phllllpeon, Becky
Quick, Shelley Ladd, Cindy Dezoma, Betsy Schindler
(second row) Jean Pellegrino, Mary Gehring, Geoff
Welch, Cathy Andreuccl, Anne Dlamon, Jae Peterson
Sue Mllllken, Kathy Engelmann, Kim Graeser, Ron
Carmichael (third row) Dan Meltzer, Pat Crump, Beth
Kennedy, Sandy Olson, Carolyn Schlller, Leisa Gla88,
Karen Flccadentl, Jane McPhaul, Dave Earnest (fourth
row) David Singer, Brad Mccrorey, Lori Klffel,
Laurie Vincent, Brian leeette, Janet Fonk, Mary
Petersen, Kathi Anderson, Jim DeFurlo, Bob Rellly.
Student council
reduced In size this year with homeroom representatives replaced by ten
elected members from each class and the
Executive Board. One of Council's major
successes was the passing of the trial
open noon hour program for those seniors
with parent permission. Reactions to and
results of the program were evaluated
after the four week trial program and
will be used as a basis for whether or
not the program will be continued.
(opposite page lower left) STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT
Betsy Schindler entertains fellow councll members
at one of their school meetings.
Black history,a
course which the Black Advisory Board
designed last year, became a reality
this year and proved successful. The
possibility of getting a Black counselor
and coach for Tremper was also worked on
by the board.
Curriculum Advisory Committee was the
group responsible for suggesting
and designing new courses for the 1973-74
school year. Some of the courses under
consideration included Anthropology,
Geography of Urban Settlement, Advanced
Driver's Ed., and Literature of the
Brenda Jeffries, Terry Tolefree, Doris Grimes,
Rickey Davis, Kathy Marks, Jerold Wright, Jacquelyn
COMMITTEE (sitting) Mr. J. Musser,
Mr. G. Krueger, Mr. W. Farmakes, Mr. J. Farnham,
Andrea Nelson, Barb Nelson (standing) Mrs. M.
Rothrock, Miss D. Hanser, Mr. R. Draeger, Mr. H.
Huetten, Mrs. M. Sharmach, Jane Hosmanek, Becky
Wllllams, Mr. C. Koblshop.
op1n1ons and
making recommendations on school changes
are the main objectives of the Parent
Advisory Board and the Faculty Advisory
Board. Both groups were Involved with
the "Literature of the Supernatural" debate,
which the School Board proposed as an
acceptable course for next year.
(above) SCHOOL BOARD Mrs. E. Boyer, Mrs. J. Ball and
Mr. R. Peltier weigh out the advantages and
disadvantages before making any kind of a decision.
(mlddle) SCHOOL BOARD Mr. J. Gerlach, Mr. C. Rlkll
and Mr. R. Loee lleten attentively as an Important
Issue Involving the Unified School District le
(right) SCHOOL BOARD Mr. H. Lepp, although totally
engrossed In a lletenlng experience, finds a bit of
humor In a School Board meeting.
(left) A dlsplay was set up to
exempllfy one of the new courses suggested for next
year, "Literature of the Supernatural."
(mlddle) FACULTY ADVISORY BOARD (sitting)
Mr. J. Blankley, Mr. F. Hadler, Miss K. Fahrenbach,
Mrs. K. Negri, Mrs. B. McKenzie, Mrs. E. McKay, Miss
M. Horn (standing) Mr. E. Kranen, Mr. W. Farmakes,
Mr. C. Koblshop, Mr. R. Draeger, Mrs. J. Murphy, Mr.
J. Bussard, Mrs. J. Houghton, Mrs. V. Murphy, Mr. J.
Schmidt, Miss A. Lee, Mr. A. Harris.
(lower) PARENT ADVISORY BOARD (lower) Mr. N.
Hughes, Mrs. N. Andreuccl, Mrs. P. Johnson, Mr. W.
Farmakes, Mr. H. Gladdlng, Mr. C. Koblshop, Mr. E.
Schlndler, Mr. V. Alello, Mr. R. Zarlettl, Mr. R.
Draeger, Mr. J. Dunn, Mr. M. Bishop.
Plans are
being made
for next year to allow each counselor to
deal with students In the manner they do
best. The responsibility of class
schedullng has been shifted to the
Engllsh teachers, allowing the counselors
more time to spend with their students.
Mrs. Mary Sharmach has joined the
counselor staff and Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer
was selected as Kenosha's 18th Annual
Woman of the Year.
(above right) GUIDANCE COUNSELOR Mrs. M. Bauer, who
was elected Kenosha's 1973 Woman of the Year, always
has her office door wide open for students.
(mlddle) GUIDANCE COUNSELORS Mrs. M. Sharmach, Mr.
F. Hadler and Mies M . Horn can offer advice which
wlll greatly help In times of need.
(lower) GUIDANCE COUNSELORS Mr. G. Slavlk, Mies
N. Donovan and Mr. A. Fennema know and use their
couneellng knowledge to benefit others.
On the
average, 107
phone calls are answered by a Tremper
secretary ,each day, excluding outgoing
calls. Included in the paperwork,
bookkeeping and budget management are
helping with attendance, the processing
and repair of books, student withdrawals
and determination of athletic eligibility.
They also have the fun of trying to
determine If Kathy Becker and Kathleen
Becker are one and the same ... or not.
(above left) OFFICE SECRET ARIES Mrs. J. Newhouse,
Mrs. S. Buchanan, Mrs. M. Ledanskl and Mrs. F.
Lebeckls find humor In their day and share It.
(above right) GUIDANCE
SECRETARY Miss C. Totts sheeplshly gives
a grin to an Incoming student.
SECRET ARY Mrs. H. Mercoe maintains vigil at her
attendance window, eager to help all.
(mlddle left) GUIDANCE SECRETARY startled
by the photographer, Mrs. M. Burmeister hastily
clears her desk for the picture.
Mrs. J. Peters dlllgently alphabetizes the
attendance cards of students at Tremper.
Each custodian
approximately twenty-eight rooms each day
In addition to hallways, offices and the
Commons. They also enjoy working along
with dance committees on rearranging the
cafeteria ''furniture." On vacation days,
the custodians return to scrub desks and
wax floors throughout the building. Their
usual snowplowing duties were light this
year, due to a lack of snow; but the early
spring brought out field markers and
lawnmowers to keep the custodians busy.
No one
puts up with
more moans, groans and pseudo Illnesses
than Miss Kupferschmidt, the school nurse.
Among her usual duties are supervising
vision and hearing tests, notification
of parents when a student leaves school
and records of schedules and emergency
information on each student.
(above) CUSTODIANS Mrs. J. Wood,
Mr. E. Smith, Mr. V. Sellga, Mr. G. Nudl, Mr.
H. Hulssen, Mr. J. Baraull.
(right) NURSE Miss Kupferachmldt
pauses whlle waiting for a return telephone
call from an Ill student's mother.
students are
seeing new faces In the library this year.
A reshuffling of library and secretarial
staff was done. The "charge card " method
for checking out books is now in its
second year. It is an efficient method
and makes the student feel like more than
just a student number. The system
involves giving a plastic card which looks
like a credit card, to every student.
These must be presented when checking out
Few of us
imagine baking 6,000 peanut butter
cookies or bolling 112 gallons of water
for jello. These tasks and many more
are daily performed by the Tremper
kitchen staff. This year Tremper
participated in National Lunch Week,
during which time, the cooks prepare the
same meal all over the United States.
(above left) LIBRARIANS Mrs. B.
Meyers, Mrs. E. Delcorps (left) Mrs. E . Campbell
(below right) Mrs. H. Cox.
(below left) COOKS (front row) Mrs. J. Carlson,
Mrs. E. Conrad, Mrs. H. Grohs, Mrs. M. Russo,
Mrs. A. Rogstad (back row) Mrs. J. White,
Mrs. J. Nelson, Mrs. F. Zalatorls, Mrs. M. Huxhold.
Mrs. V. Pontlllo, Mrs. M . Reeves.
"Words like, 'when you're older', must
appease him and promises of someday
make his dreams . . ."
Often the games grownups play confuse a
child . . . the "Walt til You Are Older Game"
and that magical mystical game of pretend,
"Someday" is a frequent pastime of a
child trapped In the confines of a
schoolroom. Don't children learn from the
game, though? They learn to be grownups
themselves, they learn the rules to our
game. An educational system teaches
more than two plus two, it teaches us
to get along with the rules and bend
them If we can, but not to break them.
Lesson One, how to beat the system.
- ..c:==...__.
"The English courses at Tremper
are continually being revised
to meet the needs and Interests
of the students."
Herbert Gladding
thousand one hundred students from day and
night school take English and have a total
of two hundred eighteen sections of
English to choose from. Students must
first complete the required sophomore
English and American Perspectives. An
English Resource Center Is available to
the student body and has full time para-
professionals who help find recordings,
film strips, paperbacks, teacher resource
materials, and a series of supplemental
texts for all English classes. The Engllsh
Department presented six major films thrs
year as It has In the past several years.
The English Department strives to perfect
the curriculum to make every type of
literature, communications, speech,
Mr. G. Hamre
Mr. I. Hansen
Mies A . Lee
Mr. T. Lawler
Mr. R. Hendrickson
Mies K. Fahrenbach
Mr. D. Hensey
Mrs. E. McKay
Mr. H. Gladding
1 o. Mr. J. laqulnta
11. Mr. M. Feldman
12. Miss L. Hagen
"Literature of the Supernatural
was devised to acquaint students
with classic and contemporary
writings which Illustrate great
Terry Lawler
dramatics and college prep courses
available to the students. The new course
for next year, Literature of the
Supernatural, studies American and English
literature dealing with the various
aspects of supernatural phenomena. The
main objective of the course Is to gain
knowledge of the ideas and philosophies
contained in the literature to be studied.
The course, originated by some of Tramper's
English teachers, was recommended by
the Student Faculty Curriculum Committee.
It met some opposition when it was
presented before the school board. Despite
the petition objecting to the course as
"the spreading of Satanism" the board
voted In favor of the course and it will
begin in the fall of 1973.
11 .
Mrs. F. Hoeft
Mrs. N. Walkowskl
Mrs. B. McKenzie
Mrs. K. Negri
Mr. A. Romano
Mr. H. Huetten
Miss F. Werve
Miss M. Sundlle
Miss J. Schultz
Mr. J. Schmidt
Mrs. J. Murphy
Mrs. V. Murphy
"Foreign language helps to
develop an attitude which
will lead to understanding and
Gerald Krueger
for next year called Foreign Language for
Travel Is for students planning to travel
aboard and wish to be exposed to the basic
language. Foreign Language courses
Increase a student's Interest and understanding of another culture and its
people, breaking down many barriers of
prejudice and misunderstanding.
A new course
Six hundredandfttty
new drivers are on the road this year
after successfully passing the Drivers
Education four-phase program which
includes classroom, simulators, behind
the wheel and multiple car range. This
year, evening, parachlol and day students
who have schedullng conflicts can
complete the entire program after school.
1. Miss L. Covelli
2. Mrs. S. Urena
3. Mrs. M. Gamache
4. Mr. G . Krueger
5. Mrs. H. Dahl
8. Mr. R. Sikora
7. Mr. J. Swart
8. Mr. L. Ballard
9. Mr. R. Warren
10. Mr. J. Palmer
"The Mathematics Department
Is continually updating materials
and curriculum to keep the
subject vibrant and exciting, as
well as meaningful."
G. C. Fowler
The "heart"
of the
Math Department Is the Math Resource and
Computer Center where students and
teachers can find updated and improved
materials which do the complicated
advanced math problems with speed and
accuracy by using electronic calculators
and computers. Film strips and teaching
aids are also available. Still some
students continue to struggle In Algebra,
Geometry and Advanced Math, never
realizing how math Is made easy by the
Resource Center. Algebra and Geometry
continue to teach the basic principles
while more advanced courses, such as
Advanced Math and Computer Math, offer
a challenge to students with an exploring
Mr. J. Brlttelll
Mr. J. Bussard
Mr. R. Darula
Mr. R. Nye
5. Mr. C. Fowler
6. Mr. J. Musser
7. Miss B. Kral
8. Mr. E. Adams
9. Mr. C. Short
1 O. Mrs. R. Henoch
11. Mr. S. Wiison
"The Science Department
endeavors to offer a wide variety
of courses In both physical
and life sciences, Including
varied experiences In classroom
and laboratory work."
Dennis Glynn
of laboratory equipment were broken this
year by the future scientists of the world.
Never lacking In self esteem these
dedicated young scientists Infested the
labs, expanding their interests In the
various scientific fields. Chemistry
classes experimented with the concepts of
molecular shapes. Physics classes conquered
new horizons and discovered the secret to
the complicated world of electrlclty,
while the Biology classes swarmed with an
estimated ten thousand drosophllla, cultured
and examined by the students. A new course
introduced this year was Geology, using
local area as a prime resource to teach
students basic concepts of geography and
geographic relationships between communities.
1. Mrs. B. Beyer
2. Mr. R. Flllppelll
3. Mrs. E. Burokas
4. Mr. D. Glynn
5. Mr. W. Cordlner
6. Mr. D. Gemmell
7. Mr. G. Snyder
8. Mr. A. Smith
9. Mr. R. Pozza
1 o. Miss D. Gerlach
11 . Miss L. Needham
12. Mr. B. Thomas
~"The purpose of the social studies program l!!J
Is to help students identify permanent @I
meanings In the face of constant [ID
Joe Anderson [ID
The social
Department strived to give students a
better perspective of themselves through
history and world patterns and helps to
create pride. The American Government
classes studied the court system and then
took a field trip to Kenosha County Court
House to view the democratic system In
action. The Black History course just
finished Its first year and proved to be a
very interesting and relevant course.
Anthropology, a new semester course for
next year, is the study of society and
man's adaptations to his environment. A
possiblility for next year Is breaking down
the World History courses into semester
electives, giving students more selection
and variety in their history course.
Mr. J. Burmeister
Mr. C. Bradley
Mr. J. Blankley
Mr. R. Klug
Mr. R. Thomas
Mr. J. Monk
Mr. A. Zimmerman
Mr. J. Trotter
1 o.
Miss K. Krause
Mr. L. Negri
Mr. S. Rltacca
Mr. J. Anderson
Mr. E. Cannady
Mr. M. Bair
Mr. S. Case
the recipients of more than fifteen awards
and trophies from the different
marching contests they have
attended. The new Wind Ensemble Is a small
ellte ensemble with the emphasis on the
Individual. The bands appeared at
Minneapolis Aquatenlal and Cheyenne
Frontier Days this past year.
JAZZ ENSEMBLE I (Front row) Chip Miiihoiiand, Erik
Andersen, Wayne Weetplate, Rick Dart, Dwight lrvlng
(row 2) Mark Tlllack, Peter Hybert, Steve Hagen, Joe
Ludwig, Bob Meyer (row 3) John Furno, Craig Ebert,
Neil Harmon, Jim Zuhlke, Scott MacPhereon, Bob
Hadler, Ed Tutas, Ruse Borchardt, Rom Stevens, Scott
Deerwester JAZZ ENSEMBLE II (Front row) Dennie
1 12
Frame, Wayne Westplate, Tom Goodhall, Keith Dreger,
Glenn Schelllnger (row 2) Ward Hammond, Mike Graham,
Lee Huff, Chrla Verblck, Jeff Harrie (row 3) Phll
DeKok, Paul Callllet, Dave Kramer, Gary Barnes, Ray
Kontoff, Dale Gamberini, Dan Laraon, Dale Pierce,
Mike Murray.
The Orchestra
under the direction of Mr. Stanley Nosal
highlighted the year with a concert
featuring guest soloist and Chicago Cubs
long ball hitter Carmen Fanzone. Golden
Strings, a new honors orchestra, appeared
this year. Tramper's orchestra performed
at State and National conventions through
out the year.
1. Mr. A. Harris
2. Mr. J. Flrehow
3 . Mr. S. Nosal
GOLDEN STRINGS*(front row) Ken Frei, Peter Hybert.
(second row) Mike Sedlaff. (third row) Tom Macak ,
Kay Pruett, Brian Barber. (fourth row) Nick Seeger,
Becky Proulx, John Tredon. (fifth row) Tom Roiniotis,
Debbie Hansmlre, Albert Cortese, Lora DeManche.
................ ..
"Each Choir has its own identity and
-Kurt Chalgren
CHORALIERS (Clockwise from drums) Joe Ludwig, Carol
Kreuscher, Scott DeKok , Liz Devine, Becky Quick, Jim
McGough, Janet Wynstra, Rick Rothrock , Pam Kelly,
Tom Scuglik , Lisa Gourley, J im Zuhlke, Kathy
Lechner, Dan McDermott, Sue Mllllken , Mike Freeborn,
The four
choirs were involved In performances in
Kenosha and accepted invitations for
performances in State and National
clinics. The A Cappella Choir was the
most select while Mixed Choir was an
opportunity for musical experience. The
Chora llers specialized in entertainment
t ype swing music.
Michele Ellsworth, Tim Block , Diane Evans, Gary
Taft, Laurie Vincent, Mac Huff, Lori Schuck , Tony
Zarletti, Honor Stephens, Keith Andersen, Paula
Staude, Mike Cassity, Diane Braun, Jeff Smith,
Laurie Larson, Vicki Chatterton.
In keeping
the Men's Liberation Movement, the
previously female dominated Home
Economics Department initiated a new
course this year, Bachelor Foods. It was
designed to teach young men the basic
skills of food cookery. Creative Stitchery
continues to attract a large number of
students who produce a variety of work.
Mr. K. Chalgren
Mrs. E. Palntln
Mrs. M. Rothrock
Miss M. Erickson
Mrs. K. Sukel
Mrs. D. Noseck
"Business Education continues to
supply about one-third of Tremper's
student body each year with
knowledge and skills they will
use the rest of their lives."
Arnold Stuyvesant
With more
twenty different types of office and
business machines, the Business Education
Department, continues to add and up date
their machines to keep in line with local
businesses. Courses are geared to prepare
and train students for office jobs which
require knowledge in operating modern
The college-bound student can enroll In
typing or notehand courses and the consumerminded student can learn about his legal
rights. Distributive Education Students
learn, earn and receive credit for
securing jobs with local businesses In
which they apply the knowledge they
have acquired In their business
DIS. ED. (front row) George Yurchak, Betty Kersting,
Vicki Gunnlaugson, Debbie Cairns, Leslle Jensen,
Dave Hegyera (row 2) Mike Wiiiiams, Debbie George,
JoAnna Dodge, Terri Lanctot, Judy Atkinson, Debbie
1. Mr. R . Davies
2. Mr. C. Glaesar
Mr. V. Schmale
Mr. A. Stuyvesant
Mr. T. Petterson
Mrs. J. Terrill
Mr. R. Prlmuth
Krohn, Mark Welch (row 3) Tom VanCaster, Keith
LeMay, Tom Peterson, Patrick McOuestlon, Scott
Ladwig, Gregg Swanson, Wayne Dutton, Jerry Moholley,
Gene Renzoni
"A. V. is an extremely necessary
department for Tremper to
function efficiently, considering
the changing ideas about schools
and education."
Ron Nicolazzi
on the
average of fifteen pieces of equipment
and more than thirty films a day, the
A. V. department, directed by Mr. Ronald
Nlcolazzi, is responsible for serving the
entire Tremper faculty with audio-visual
equipment and services. Mr. Frank Perri
directs the T. V. and film making section
of A. V.
A.V. AIDS (sitting) Sonja Baker, Peg Pezdlr, Rhonda
Bahlr, Sharon McOuestlon, Kathy Stolllng, Debbie
Richardson, John Messersmith, Lou Chapek (kneellng)
Kyle Reiman, Lynn Ewer, Kim Simpkins, (standing)
Janis Clark, Ken Meidinger, Terri Zelhen, Theo
Bedford, Mike Meyer, Brad Swanson, Eric Carpenter,
Jon Leohardt, Mlchael Wegman, Ross Thompson, Jim
Zlelsdorf, Kevin Green
In an ettortto
maintain student interest the Art
Department has followed the popular trends
and offered crafts, ceramics and filmmaking.
Artists were given a chance to exhibit
their art work to the publlc at a fine
arts show which was held in the Spring
and attracted a large number of art
Mr. F. Perri
Mr. R. Nlcolazzl
Mr. J. Farnham
Mr. L. Obertln
Mrs. N. Teegarden
"The Industrial Arts program at
Tremper Includes seven varied areas.
The department Is comprehensive and
designed to meet the needs of
-Mr. O. Carlson
The Industrial
department offered a wide variety of
courses including printing, power mechanics
and sheet metal. The purpose of these
courses was to prepare students for
college and expose them to job
opportunities and aid them In their
hobbies. The new course Home Appliance
repairs helps students by teaching how to
do simple household repairs. New equipment
in the Industrial Arts department includes
a wood uclder used to glue wood. The Awto
M echanics class entered the stock car they
built at the Lake Geneva Speedway this
past year. The 1967 Ford Custom, also
known as 'W- 30" was built by the Auto Club
a n d Auto mechanics classes.
1. Mr. O. Carlson
2. Mr. G. Kitzmlller
3. Mr. H . Dehart
4. Mr. R. Carver
5. Mr. C. Fuenflnger
6. Mr. D. Schuldt
7. Mr. I. Panzica
8. Mr. D. Jensen
GRAPHIC ARTS-(Front row) Jim Brown, Mark Hosmanek.
(second row) Lyndl Galdonlk, Jim Whitmire (third row)
Brian Wllllams, Randy Donal&, Keith Panasewlcz.
(fourth row) Dan Ehlert, Mark LaBuy, Mike Nepper.
"The coeducational program is
reasonably successful by virtue
of the fact that the more men
and women learn about each other
the better they will relate."
Glen McCulloch
and interest the Physical Education
Department stressed a co-educational
program this year. The boys and girls
gym classes often found themselves in the
same gym confronted with a volleyball net
or music to foxtrot by. The Physical
Education classes continue to teach the
basic skills of gymnastics, tumbling,
wrestling, dancing and the Importance of
cooperation in team sports. With spring
comes a choice of tennis, archery, field
hockey, soccer and baseball. The pool
continues to offer deep-water excitement
and competition In zero hour water polo,
skindiving and lifesaving. Gym classes
teach the skills of a physical education
Mr. G . McCulloch
Mr. W. Holman
Mr. G. Brand
Mr. C. Maltech
Mr. E. Vlrglll
Mies D. Hanser
Mies L. Cotton
Mies S. Redlin
Mrs. C. Houtz
Miss P. Waddell
"We can't return, we can only look behind
from where we came . . . and go round and round
and round In the circle game . . ."
Sometimes these rules and boundaries are
confining; we are only allowed to travel
forward In our journey and looking back
doesn't seem to help matters. But the
rules give us security too . . . a feeling of
belonging. There are others who have to
play the game the same way we do and
that makes us all apples In the same
basket. Competition strikes home again
as "our clubhouse is better than your
clubhouse" and "let's go get the rest
of the Snipers" seem to resound through
the air on a hot summer's evening. '
700 lbs.
of popcorn
was sold to students this year by the
Student Activities Board. SAB was
in charge of all activities
sponsored by the Student Council, which
included dances, the recreation night,
noon hour movies, music in the commons
area at noon, pop and popcorn
sales and the supervision of
SAB (above) )Row 1) Melanie Britt, Marsha Lubecke,
Colleen Riley, Jane Seavitte, Rae Kevek , Jenny
Schultz, Mimi Madrigrano, Diane Singer, Jackie
Grasser, Carol Lasky, Judy Hlavata, Donna
Batassa, Lynn Nelson, Debbie Weener, Linda Falduto,
Ellen Pedraza, Jean Lang, Karen Gosnell, Barbara
Moore, (Row 2) Pat Hansen, Loretta Springer, Viki
Kalcic, Sandy Olsen, Besty Ulrich, Andrea Becker,
Karen Gerlach, Carole Morrison, Linda Welch, Jane
Hosmanek, Eileen Chaput, Laura Strand, Kim Tizi,
Kathy Kaiser, Francis Jones, Shelley Ladd, Jean
Camosy, Michele Rothman, Peggy DeWitt, (Row 3)
Diane Hulce, Lisa Rohrer, Leigh Feifer, Terrie
Dietman, Doug Haney, Scott Northard, Laurie Goff,
Diane Guttormsen, Cincy Winams, Kim Davenport,
John Laurin , Karen Jorgensen, David Sokol , Roxann
Radtke, Jane Cowen , Nancy Nelson, Wendy Quick ,
Mary Petersen, Karen Cicchini , (Row 4) Amy
O 'Connor, Jane Burgess, Diann Stuckey, Doris
Grimes, Bob Stuckey , John Delany, Carolyn Schiller,
Mary Siepler , Lynn George, Carla Fistler, Carol
Meiers, Kathy Neitzel, Randy Donais, Ros Andreucci ,
Gary Preston, Ron Carmichael , Kathy Taminger, Mary
Jo Gerum , Ami Schutz .
(above right) A group of Donkey Basketball
participants reach and zero in on the ball during a
game of Donkey Basketball at Wlnterama.
(middle right) Laurie Goff and Terrie Dietman,
SAB members, try to manhandle Mr. Cass at
the SAB sponsored Winterama .
(below right) A group of avid Winterama participants
heartly use all available muscles to
win in the tug of war contest.
(above) Tom Macak, of The George, and Kathy
Kavanaugh ride through the commons area on a rented
donkey to be used at the Donkey Basketball game.
(left} Junior Mark Tolgo hobbles over to a
local commons table during a SAB sponsored Recreation
Night, as Tom Woods casually steals his wheelchair.
Club consists of Senior, Junior, and
Sophomore students who have lettered in
a sport. This year they sponsored a
dance and the profits were used to buy
new sports' equipment.
Greg Schaeffer, Sue Wick, Sue Oberprlller, Julle
Hoganson, Dave Thomas, Craig Thompson, Biii
Briggs, (Row 2) Jim Bullock, Tom Grabot, Bob
Rellly, Steve Massi, Steve Olufs, Keith Loss,
Allan Edwards, Rogar Queen, Jeff Kaeppeler,
(Row 3) Allan Padlock, Tim Lange, Bob Whltefoot,
Phll Smith, Rade Dlmltrejevlc, Tom Nelson, Tim
Aker, Jeff Acerbl, Matt Blscllgla.
(middle lower) Junior Letterman Bob Levonowlch
leans against a column In the commons
resting for a football game.
(upper right) Senior Letterman Biii Briggs rubs
his forehead and worries about
final exams.
(middle right) Senior Swimming Letterman Keith
Loss hurriedly puts his jacket on In the
cafeteria to go out for lunch.
JUNIORS (Row 1) Robert Gregory, Brian Althoff,
Sandy Flesch, Marsha Werve, Shella Vlgnerle, Wendy
Flesch, Richard Rellly, Dave Meiers, (Row 2)
Dave Kunath, Steve Klopsteln, Ron Sebetlc, Carl
Franz, Don Kloet, George Georno, Craig Kewenlg,
John Stancato, (Row 3) Jay Lehman, Jeff Pechura,
Rue Gename, Paul Sockness, Jerry Steel, Dave Dorn.
SOPHOMORES (Row 1) Craig Koessl, Stuart Topping,
Steve Spizzirri, (Row 2) Jim Lehman, Brad
Falduto, (Row 3) Mark Algiers, Barb Rothrock,
Doug Maedke, (Row 4) Dave Chase, Jeff Plkna,
(Row 5) Chuck Gehart, Jeff McNab, Tom Strobbe.
(left) Sophomore Letterman Tom Strobbe Is watchful
as he bounces his way to the basket
during a Sophomore Basketball game.
(above right) Sophomore Golf Letterman Jim Lehman
gets into full swing as he drives the ball to
the ninth hole at the Kenosha Country Club.
of popcorn were sold by our
cheerleaders this year. Other
projects were a carwash, Christmas card
selling, rummage and bake sales,
and the traditional Big Brute contest.
Profits were used for uniforms,
traveling and camp expense.
(Below) VARSITY CHEERLEADERS (Row 1) Deb Stebbins
Donna Bata88a, Cathy Eloefson, Kim Peterson (Row 2)
Pam Sorensen, Debbie Kelly, Peggy Pitts,
Karen Roseth (Row 3) Jan Lettrlch, Wendy Quick,
Cheryl Vandyke, Cheryl Dieter
Brandt, Brenda Vandyke, Linda Dlbble, Kerry Lettrlch
Shelley Gibson, Pat Wirch.
(middle) Senior Captain, Karen Roseth cheers
the Varsity Basketball team to a victory
over Racine Case.
(middle right) Sophomore cheerleader, Susie Brandt,
cheers excitedly as Quarterback, Steve Malko,
makes his third touchdown.
(lower right) Varsity cheerleader, Cheryl Dieter watches
as Senior, Rade Dimitrijevic, makes a basket in
the Bradford-Tremper game.
(bottom) Sophomore Captain, Pat Wirch, Linda Dibble and
Shelly Gibson chant "Big G, Little 0"
in an afternoon football game.
A 39
march highlighted the Trojanette's
participation in this year's homecoming festivities, along with a
pom-pom dance at the Coronation
Assembly. The 12 member squad
earned money for a banquet and
uniforms by a car wash and candy sales;
the group also participated in the
sectional pom-pom competition.
Trojanettes (Row 1) Peggy Schalk, Sue DeRouchey,
Kathy Marks, Renee Rasico, Denise Sadowski, Terry
Conforti, Lorrie Oechler, Jolie Harris, Colleen
Colter, Cindy Johnson, (front) Jean Serpe
(middle) Trojanette Officers Terry Conforti, Captain; and
Cindy Johnson, co-captain; help make plans for the
annual end of the year banquet.
(left) Trojanette Kim Gascoigne and friends cheer for a
victory during a football game
at Lakefront Stadium.
National Honor
was involved in two main projects, this
year, the organization of the Honor
Society Initiation and plans for Graduation
and the Honors Convocation. Because of
the increased size of the group, the gold
stoles from the Music department could not
be used for the graduation ceremony so
graduating Honor Society members wore stoles
made by the Sewing classes.
Stephanie Baker, Jean Banas, Kathy Becker, Ellen
Bergqlst, Michael Cassity, Lori Chapek, Terry
Contorti, Scott Dekok, Deborha Dowse, Allan Edwards,
Rita Ennis, Nancy Fishcher, Cindy Ford, Karen Gardner,
Gina Garramone, Malcolm Garren, Claudia Goergen,
Nancy Gray, Doris Grimes, Ellen Hammond, Harvey
Hedden, Julie Hoganson, Karen Holland, Joan Hosmanek
Lawrence laqulnta, Scott Johnson, Thomas Jorgenson,
Judith Jurkoska, Sue Kalvonjian, Paul Kaneh, Debra
Kelly, Lori Klffel, Kurt Kolmos, Debra Koroscik, John
Laurin, Keith Loss, Thomas Macak, Elizabeth Mancuso,
Daniel Meltzer, Steve Myhre, Larry Neitzel,
Marllyn Nelson, Constance Newberry, Lousie Newman,
James Ott, Alan Padlock, Robert Reily, Sherry
Richter, Braden Roach, Mary Beth Robers, Denise
Romano, Karen Roseth, Carolyn Schiller, Elizabeth
Schindler, Sus Schlecht, Rita Schultz, Barb
Schwaiger, Nicholas Seeger, Sharon Sennholz, Mark
Shaffas, Barb Sobotowlcz, Ann Speaker,, Debra Stebbins
Susan Swartz, Trina Tiffany, Steven Torcaso, John
Tredon, Nanvy Vender, Lauren Vincent, Sharon Weber,
Therese Wermeling, Janine Wimmer, Bradley Young, Linda
York .
A field
trip to
St. Luke's Hospital in Milwaukee
highlighted this year's
Caduceus Club.
Projects included a jelly bean and taffy
apple sale. Profits went to Project
Hope, Red Cross Friendship Kits and
a Scholarship Fund.
CADUCEUS CLUB (row 1) Candy Garcia, Barbara
Fraser (row 2) Joyce Reinhard, Susan Briggs,
Debbie Borggren (row 3) Lynn Proko, Carol LaPolka,
Jean Bromstead, Cynthia Brennan (row 4) Tina
An outstanding
meeting was held at the gateway
Technical Institute for the Library
Club this year. Other activities included
a Christmas party, a Christmas tree with
presents, ornaments and food for a
needy Kenosha family and a Spring Banquet.
LIBRARY CLUB (L-R) Debbie Uslnger, Nancy
Krauser, Patricia Gutche, Sherry Rlchtee, Alan
Lane, Susan Swartz, Jane Burgess, Mary Beth Robers,
Bonnylu Meler
Firchow, Cathy Ellefson, Linda Falduto, Ellen
Pedraza, Jane Williams, Jennifer Schultz, Donna
Batassa, Jolie Harris, Sandy Ogren, Loretta
Springer, Rae Kevek. (row 2) Diane Jensen, Janice
Kronkolm, Lynn Rosen, Monica Meyers, Lori Schuck,
Kim Tizi, Michele Linderman, Linda Jensin, Heather
Reed, Colleen Riley, Jean Brandt, Brian Althoff,
(row 3) June Lubnlewskl, Diane Hulce. Barb Cords,
Viki Kalclc, Karen Clcchlni, Amy O'Connor, Beth
Kennedy, Pam Neumann, Jane Nolting, Anne Pedersen,
Sheila Vignerie, Jane Hosmanek, Mark Tillack, (row
4) Richard Reily, Donna Leys, Barb Schubert, Jackie
Young, Dianne McGrogan, Lynn Tenuta, Linda
Vanderpoel, Jane Meyers, Barb Burgess, Stephanie
Kendall, Lori Ventura, Kathy Neitzel, Byrne Zajic,
(row 5) John VanDyke, Bill Jaeger, Dave Beckmann,
Kermit Hovey, Rich Herrmann, Andrew Pias, Steve
Lacki, Winston Slater, Rom Stevens, Kurt Koesser,
Scott Derwester, Warren Robinson, John Marddian,
Bob Collins.
Quill and
Scroll, an
honors organization for students involved
in Journalism at Tremper, held an
Initiation banquet at Villa D'Carlo this
year. President Marilyn Nelsen and Vice
President Ann Speaker presided over a
candlelight ceremony honoring new members;
Secretary Doris Grimes took charge of
membership cards. Members in the club are
active in Classic, Tempest, Squall and
(front) Joy Rafter, Ellen Pedraza, Joan Hosmanke,
(sitting) Kurmlt Hovey, Marilyn Nelson, Denise
Johnstone, Ann Speaker, Lori Chapek, (standing)
Jackie Grasser, Debbie Dowse, Brian Wllllams,
Chuck Wiiioughby, Diana Oury, Alan Morris,
Gina Garramone, Lynn George, Carol Mlsurelll,
Dorris Grimes.
(right) Quill and Scroll members Ann Speaker and
Marilyn Nelson play
games in the Classic Office.
Stock Car
is an organization which has re-built
a 1967 Ford Custom into a stock car.
Various drivers race # 30 In Union Grove,
including Mr. Hosmanek and Mr. Koblshop.
Several unfortunate Incidents occurred
in last year's season, however,
the future looks promising.
STOCK CAR CLUB (Front Row) John Malkmus, Blalne
McClurg, Paul Timmerman, Skip Lindquist, Vicki~
Woefler, Jim Earl, Dave Hackbarth, Steve Brougham,
and Rich Pawllck, (Back Row) Pete Gray, Mark
Bose, Robert Stuckey, and Tom Barter.
(left) Oulll and Scroll member Brian Wiiiiams,
Classic photographer, looks at the
latest prom pictures.
A trip
Topographical Center was one of the main
events this year for the Black Culture
Club. During the Annual Black History
Week they presented a play to the Student
Body on the history of Blacks. Candy,
bake sales, dances and an end of the year
banquet were also among many of their
BLACK CULTURE CLUB (front row) Terry Tolefree,
Mlchelle McGee, Diann Brownlee, Bruce Dunn, (row 2)
Fred Jackson, Marlene Hamllton, Marlena Jackson,
Regina Tolefree (standing) Mona Dunn, Kathy Marke,
Brenda Jeffries, Diane Marke, Jarry Write, Dorie
Grimes, Jackie Turner.
(right) Black Culture Club members Mona Dunn and
Bruce Dunn dance to the SAB
sponsored music during the noon hour.
is a non-political program of the American
Legion that gives eligible students a
knowledge of the fundamental principles
of the American government. The students
were chosen on the basis of leadership,
courage, loyalty, honor, and service.
(below) BADGER ST ATE (sitting) Jane Noltlng, George
Georno, Doug Haney (standing) Kermit Hovey,
Amy O 'Connor.
(left) George Georno, Badger State candidate talks
with Coach Andy Smith during
baseball practice.
(lower left) Badger State alternate Amy O 'Connor
talks w ith Senior Kip Johnson duri ng the
lunch hour in the commons.
An Easter
Party was given for needy Spanish children
sponsored by the Sub Deb Club. Among
their projects they held an end of the
year banquet, a sleep-over, an Easter
Party, and gave a Christmas and Thanksgiving basket. They also sponsored the Sub
Deb formal dance.
(above) SUB DEB (front row) Cathy Ellefson, Pam
Sorensen, Kathy Kavanaugh, Lisa Glass, Joan Ferraro,
Betty Plehl, Lynn Peterson, Judy Hlavata, Jackie
Graeser, Diane Menden, Monica Myers, Jean Tenuta,
Jean Pelllgrlno, (row 2) Lorrie Oechler, Lisa
Gourley, Kris Van Kamman, Mary Johnson, Pam Acker,
Carolyn Schlller, Dana Nall, Karen Clcchlnl, Diane
Solovey, Karen Ellefson, Joan Pitts, Peggy Pitts,
Yvonne LeTart, Laura Falduto, (row 3) Rita Ennis,
Shirley Laughtl, Shaun McKeon, Cathy Hyllnskl,
Karen Gerlach, Jan Frederick, Terri Sorensen, Sue
Gentlle, April Myers, Roxane Wlersum, Renee Swatco,
Mary Ironside, Nancy Kasputls.
(middle) SUB DEB OFFICERS Liz Vogler; president;
Kathy Anderson; Vice President; Terry Wermellng,
Rec. Sec; Cindy Tradup, Cor. Sec; Ellen Kavanaugh,
(below) Senior Kathy Anderson and her friend
stop to smlle after making a basket
during the Donkey Basketball Game at Wlnterama.
and crafts as gifts for Senior Citizens
was one of the many activities that the
Servettes Club performed. Among these
were visits to hospitals and the Senior
Citizens Home, caroling at both, and dihner
at the Windjammer. An Initiation Party
took place as one of their outstanding
meetings this year.
(front row) SERVETTES Sheri Shymanskl, Debi Erdman, Debbie
Weener, Carla Buratti, Sandy Zwarycz, (back row)
Lynn Brewer, Barb Johnson, Sandy Carr, Barb Roach,
Liz Mancuso.
(lower right) Jackie Grasser and friend enjoy
a conversation at the SAB sponsered
recreation night.
members of Tremper Teens decorated
St. Mary's locker rooms for a football
game. Other projects included rummage and
bake sales, car washes, float building,
and sponsoring Sadie Hawkins. They also
held a progressive dinner and the Senior
TREMPER TEENS (Row 1) Diane LeMay, Nancy York,
Jolle Harris, Ellen Bergquist, Nancy Fischer, Jody
Flrchow, Jane Wllllams, Sandy Ogren, Cathy DelFrate,
Brenda Le May, Lynda York (Row 2) Pam Anderson,
Denise Romano, Sandy Mantuano, Janet Whltefoot, Lori
Gulbransen, Mary Jo Gerum, Debbie Frame, Leslle
Larson, Lori Schuck, Cindy Chatterton (Row 3) Kim
Davenport, Rita Schultz, Jean Brandt, Donna Leys,
Debi Brandt, Bonnie Muller, Char Mlchelson, Mary
Gehring, Diane Hulce, Karen Derwae (Row 4) Cathy
Slobodlanuk, Heidi Pratzer, Denise Smallwood, Nancy
Nelson, Sue Kazell, Jane Slpsma, Roxane Wojcehowlcz,
Claudla Goergen, Barb Schwalger, Judi Gregory
TREMPER TEENS OFFICERS (standing) Sandy Mantuano,
President, (sitting row 1) Bonnie Muller, Vice
President, Barb Schalger, Treasurer, (row 2) Debbie
Frame, Recording Secretary, Cathy Slobodlanuk,
Corresponding Secretary
(mlddle right) Junior Jim McGough and his date
enjoy a llttle bit of corn during the
Tremper Teens sponsored Sadie Hawkins.
(below right) Seniors' Justice of the Peace,
Ralph Zlgner, presides over a Sadie
Hawkins' wedding, terminating at midnight.
A "Jerry
Slagoski raffle fund" was one
of the many projects that highlighted
Key Club's year. Other events included a
food drive, tuxedo raffle, school calendar,
dances, peanut brittle sales, and a
money drive for muscular dystrophy. Jim
Grove, a Kiwanis member, came and spoke
for the benefit of the food drive.
(above left) Key Club members perform
for each other and check over their appearances
In preparation for the Key Club picture.
(middle left) Seniors, Jim De Furia and Mary
Gehring seem to be enjoying the music of the
band at a Key Club sponsored dance.
KEY CLUB (row 1) (sitting) Bob Heyden, Tom Van Caster
Jim DeFurlo, Tom Garcia, Dave Chase, Chadd Chatterton,
Todd Heyden, Bob Bauer, Kevin Nelson, Mike Hebert,
(row 2) (standing) Roy Oulllce, Jay Lehman, Scott
Johnson, Gregg Guttormeen, John Delany, Bob Colline,
John Crawford, John Rende, Dean Sivley, John Van Dyke,
(row 3) Den Wlereum, Brad Falduto, Tony Turco, Jim
Lehman, Jeff Schoor, Tom Wood, Ron Sebetlc, Jim
Kopeeky, John Stancato.
14 1
Project Love
is an organization that does volunteer
work mostly at Jane Vernon School.
Their club members aid teachers in
tutoring individual children and help in
the pool area. All members are given a
school certificate of merit for
participation within the club.
PROJECT LOVE (Row 1) Mary Strange, Deborah
Foreman, Kathleen Glronlml, Linda Wasurick,
Nancy Kreuser, Debbie Uslnger, (Row 2) David
Sokol, Dawn Etzelmuller, Barb Schulz, Karen
Detienne, Kim Meyer, Sandy Carr, (Row 3)
Roxann Radtke, Carol Meiers, Judy Gregory, Jan
Frederick, Kris Van Kammen, Denise DuPont,
(Row 4) Terri Grund, Sue Lawler, Jean
Houtslnger, Jane Burgess, Janet Wynstra, Karen
Gardner, Lori Anderson.
(right) Project Love member Linda Wasurick and friend
Melody wave at passing friends during the Tremper
vs. Bradford game at the Lakefront Stadium.
A Homecoming
float entitled "Put Horlick on It's
Celestial Can" highlighted this year's
Ecology Club. Other projects included a
grade school presentation and paper drive.
They are also affiliated with the National
Wildlife Federation and Smithsonian
ECOLOGY CLUB (standing) Lisa Borggren, Patti Boyce,
Sue Martin, Carol Berenson, Stuart Moore, Pam
Madison, Bruce Sedloff, Sue KalvonJlan, Cheryl
Merten (sitting) Barb Hanson.
(mlddle left) The Ecology Club's float was a protest
against Horllck and pollutlon. All materlals used
were blo-degradable and recycled.
(left) "Put Horllck on It's Celestlal Can" was the
theme of the Ecology Club entry In this years
Homecoming Parade.
The Playboy
Lake Geneva, and Wilmot were sites of Ski Club
excursions this year. Projects included the sale
of brownies and movies at noon. The melting snows
brought spring officer elections and a spring picnic.
Ski Club was enlarged this year despite the warm
weather; a record membership made more trips
(above right) Ski Club member Jackie Grasser
participates In the Donkey Basketball Game as she
tries to get the donkey to move.
(middle right) Another Ski Club member
Leigh Felter has trouble getting her donkey to stop
at a Wlnterama event.
SKI CLUB (Row 1) Kim Benik, Lois Thiem, Jackie
Pfeiffer, Cathy Andreuccl, Eiieen Chaput, Jackie
Grasser, Ellen Pedraza, Melanie Britt, Carol
Berenson, Debbie Weaner. (Row 2) Leigh Felter,
Stuart Moore, Mary Becker, Janice Morgan, David
Wente, Cindy Wlnas, Joan Pitts, Kathy Tredon,
Colleen Colter, Chris Finch, Pepple Rizzo, Vicky
Bruno. (Row 3) Julie Kruss, Don Bass, Mike
McClenaghan, Jeff Hughes, John Crawford, Mary
Blauser, Michele Linderman, Lisa Nyberg, Deb
Dowse, Kathleen Becker. (Row 4) Matt Frost, Jerry
Kalbfell, Dave Schmitt, Johnny Tredon, Craig
Anderson, Jerry Tranberg, Marcia Chulew, Jiii
Hartnell, Mark Hatherly, Joan Ferraro, Diane Jensen,
Karen Ellefson.
The mostactiveclub
in Tremper is Tremper's own Stage Crew.
Stage Crew with it's bright lights,
props, and perfect timing made
possible the Varle_ty Show, Aquette Shows,
school plays, Sadie Hawkins, all
dances and assemblies, Prom, Graduation,
and all school activities in general.
Projects include candy and bake
sales with profits used for auditorium
STAGE CREW (Right Ladder, T·B) Tony Zarlettl,
Dave Hackbarth, Gary Knorn, Peter Gray, Brad
Swanson, (Left Ladder, T -B) Ron Rasch, Bob
Bauer, Jim Zlelsdorf, Pat Pearcy, Ml~e Meyer.
(below) Stage Crew members are preparing
and setting up the eight system used for bands at
dances to give a special effect.
A big sister
campaign highlighted one of the many
projects presented by the American Field
Service. AFS was also involved in
bringing two foreign exchange students to
Tremper this year. Social events
included fieldtrips to Milwaukee and
AFS (Row 1) Barb Spieker, Diane Freeman, Laurie
Kelly, (Row 2) Linda Vanderpoel, Linda Laurenzl,
Debbie Mcconathy, Ava Martinez, (Row 3) Jeff
Myers, Steven Mosher, Bonnie Muller.
(right) Senior Larry Nolan wears a ballerina
skirt around his neck and wins one of the prizes
given at the AFS sponsored Halloween Costume Dance.
Club spent this year touring Photography schools and studios and experimenting at dances. Profits were used
for darkroom equipment and film for
pictures taken at Sadie Hawkins. Many
of the club members are active in
taking pictures for Tempest and Classic.
Camera Club Don Bass, Steve Booth, Brent Warren,
Jim McGough, Brian Wllllams, John Vagnonl,
and Paul Little.
(above left) AFS Foreign Exchange Students, Teresa
Lanza and Hachem Rachld, spoke at the Key
Club Christmas assembly.
A 30 lb.
basket this year, was given to an
eleven member family, chosen by
Spanish Club. Use of Profits by bake
sales and dues went to Field trips and the
making of a 1st prize Ice Sculpture.
Among other activities they held a Foreign
Language Christmas Party.
(above) SPANISH CLUB (sitting) Jody Flrchow, Kathy
Becker, Carol Mlsurelll. (standing) Lynn Aikens,
Alma Glarza, Sue Swartz, Lorrie Burgess, Trina
Tiffany, Cindy Duban, Diane Becker, Sue Lawler,
Jean Houtzlnger, Eva Harza.
(mlddle) GERMAN CLUB (Row 1) Dorie Mueller, Sally
Johnson, Sherre Becker, Debbie Erdmann, Kathy
Engelmann. (Row 2) Kathy Albert, Linda Rlkll, Mary
Jane Archer, Laura Lachenschmldt, Connie Newberry,
Rose Puhr. (Row 3) (sitting) Sue DeRouchey, Gall
Sexton. (Row 4) Mark Hatherly, Charles Elftmann,
Jim Maurer, Joe Desrls, Kevin McDonald, Rom Stevens,
Kurt Koesser.
(right) Spanish Club continues Its
winning streak of first place
with their entry of lnvleno-Rama '73.
Hachem Rachid,
speaker, spoke of his native country to
French Club members this year. Other
Projects include fieldtrips and sponsoring
an Activities Night with volleyball,
pingpong and various other games.
German festivals
at Milwaukee and Whitewater were special
events attended by German Club.
Activities included a Christmas party
preceded by caroling, a Spring picnic at
Pets and a Spring banquet held at a
German Restaurant.
(above left) Spanish Club celebrated their Christmas
Party spanlsh-style here at Tremper
with a home-made pli'tata surrounded with gifts.
(middle Left) A Spanish Club member tries
her talent at swinging a bat
at the pli'tata and misses.
(left) Thereas Lanza, a guest member at the party
hits it! The pinata was filled with little
pieces of candy and toys.
(below) FRENCH CLUB (front row) Barbara Moore,
Debbie Roberts, Debora Joreman, Jolie Harris,
Monica Myers, Paula Hollman, Pat Shore, Peggy Burdit,
Jean Tenuta, Pat Berber. (row 2) Lori Chapek , Jean
Bromstead, Paula Laurezl, Carolyn Brownell, Janice
Kronholm, Kim Lasco, Jeanne Taffs, Liz Albert, Lori
Schuck. (row 3) Bob Gregory, Sandy Frei, Barb Cords,
Marcia Chulew, Kris Vankannen, Ellen Dutton, Andrea
Nelson, Connie Newberry, Peggy Pezdir. (row 4) Cathy
Andreucci, Andrea Becker, Mona Curio, Don Bass ,
Louis Lanv, Mark Petit, Bill Becker, Karen Holland,
Linda Vanderpoel.
wrestlers, coaches and judges dominated
the activities of Wrestling Pride members
this year. It was a newly organized
group, and food sales at "Regionals,"
new uniforms and the "Georgeous George"
award which went to Greg Schaeffer, kept
Wrestling Pride active.
WRESTLING PRIDE (across) Rita Roberta, Debbie
Cantwell, Anna Marie Warrender, Sue Oberplllar,
Cindy Gentlle, Cathy Slobodlanuk, Vicki Pfeifer,
Joyce Dyutka (down) Jenny Schultz, Lisa Tutlewekl,
Dorie Mueller, Pam Madison, Melanle Britt, Diane
Singer, Carol Meiers, Mary Jean Warrender, Lynn
Nelson, Mary Metten, Pam Anderson.
(right) Senior, Rita Roberta, president of
Wrestling Pride, presents the "Georgeoue George"
award to Greg Schaeffer.
(below right) Wrestler Jim Sunday competes
against hie opponent at a
home meet with Racine Case.
Variety Show, concerts, and school
plays were seated to a smooth
start with help from the Ushers
Club. Profits and dues went to the
cleaning of all jackets and the
purchase of flashlights.
USHERS (Row 1) (sitting) Janet Whitefoot, Catherine Petersen, Rita DeBettlgnles,
Denise Smallwood, (Row 2) (Sitting) Janine
Wimmer, Mary Petersen, John Rende, Betty
Collins, Bonita Smallwood, (Row 3) (standing)
Roxanne Wojcehowlcz, Rexanna Smallwood,
Diane Anderson, Jane Burgess.
(above left) Wrestling Pride members, Joyce Dyutka,
Lisa Tutlewskl, Cindy Gentlle, and Pam Anderson
cheer during a home wrestling meet.
Symphonic Band (row 1) Jean Brandt, Kathy Slob,
Betsy Vogel, Debbie Riggle, Kim Davenport, Lisa
Rohrer, Laura George, Louise Newman, Janice
Kronholm, Nancy Gray, Jane Wllllams (row 2) Nancy
Fischer, Sandra Ogren, Barb Schweiger, Kathy
Tredon, Linda Gunnell, Dee McDavld, Donna Posselt,
Judy Hlavata, Joyce Dyutka, Karen Johnson, Rae
Kevek, Barb Burgess, Susan Duchae, Nancy Kasputls,
Karen Putman, Barb Kolstad (row 3) Cindy Winans,
Julle Bruneau, Denise Crump, Colleen Riiey, Jane
Slpsma, Vicki Pfeifer, Debbie Cantwell, Sandy Olsen,
Lori Lueck, Barb Hagen, Sue Podella, Honor Stephens,
Beth Kennedy, Jane Hosmanek, Dan Plutehak, Steve
Torcaso, Barb Nelson, Leslye Larson, Karen Derwae,
Liz Slpple, Wayne Westplate, Terri Ironside, Mary
Johnson, Beth Mackey. (row 4) Jay Serpe, Debbie Frame,
Bob Meyer, Paul Callllet, John Furno, Jim Zuhlke,
Mike Belsky, Jeff Kaeppeler, Scott Davenport (row 5)
Kevin Freeman, Ken Kaeppeler, Mike McClenaghan,
Dale Gamberini, Bob Hadler, Barb Norcross, Dan Larson,
Peter Best (row 6) Jack Henoch, Tom VanCaster, Ward
Hammond, Tom Duller, (row 7) Doug Haney, Steve Hagen,
Dave Bromstead.
Both Symphonic
Concert Bands went to Florida for the
Lyon's Parade this summer. They have
organized block parties, candy and
bake sales and also a pizza sale, in
order to make money to pay for the trip.
Concert Band (row 1) Karen Paul, Mary Ulick,
Leann Peterson, Janet Frese, Sheree Becher, Diane
Barnes, Karen Frederick, Lisa Tutlewskl, Helen
Thom, Linda Rlkll, Lynn Kuessow (row 2) Joann Lepp,
Andy Becker, Paula Kollman, Terri Sorensen, Tami
Zehms, Sue Torris, Beth Hackbarth, John Plutchak,
Luann Merten, Kim Covert, Jean Schultz, Lorrie Engles,
Mona Curio, Cebble Roberts, Chris Dlmltrl)lvlch,
Janet Lane (row 3) Barb Pemske, Liz Lulewlcm, Sue
Kolomann, Jackie Faulkner, Elizabeth Ulrlck, Pat
Wirch, Teresa Belke, Kathy O'Hara, Amy Standrlge, Bert
Wllllams, Jeff Harris, Katie Werve, Jerry Molette,
Cindy Duban, Charlene Schultz, Lynn Aikens, Cheryl
Miiier, Glen Schllllnger, Dwight lrvlng, Keith Drager,
Liz Slpple, Tom Goodhall (row 4) Ron Markese, Doug
Brandt, Steve Maurer, Paula Laurenzl, Dale
Pierce, Phll DeKok, Mike Murray, Scott Wiison, Kathy
Byom, Steve Bedforf, Mark Anderson, Ray Becker (row 5)
Bob Dyutha, Greg Olllla, Ray Knotof, Gary Barnes, Chris
Verblck, Jim Hough, Jerry Grimmer (row 6) Mike
Schmidt, Gary Schmidt, Geoff Welch, Lee Huff, Rick
Meler, Dale DeFord, Dean Muller, Richard Gruman, Tim
Tremper'& co1orguard
performed in the Band-0-Rama, Round
Up, The State Fair, the 4th of July
Parade and several parades out of State.
They also attended band camp in Delfield,
Wisconsin and will go to Florida In
June to represent the Lions International
Club. Projects included an Ice Cream
Social, a car wash, candy sales, and
band boosters.
COLOR GUARD (standing) Mimi Madrlgane, Carole
Morrison, Kim Chiodo, Debbie DeAngelle, Beth
Bellaver, Peggy Morrie, Jenny Schultz, Kristi
Sorensen, Pam Kelly, Julle Brummel, Margaret Hansen,
(kneeling) Terri Ramaccl, Jeanne Palmer, Julie
Anderson, Jane Johnson, Eiieen Chaput, Vicki Kalclc,
Kim Gerlack, Betty Plehl, Allee Ambro, Lori Smith,
Diane Solovey, (sergeants) Debbie Picken, Jane
ORCHESTRA (Row 1) Nick Seeger, Robert Welle, Claudla
Goergen. Denise Romano, Mike Sedloff, Phllllp Hansen
(Row 2) John Tredon, Tom Macak, Laura DeManche, Nick
Campolo, Liz Vogler, Nancy GeHart, Dorie Grimes,
Jamee Ott, Chester Sanders, Anna Marie Warrender,
Albert Cortese, Robert Gregory, John Laurin, Eric
Ebeling (Row 3) Lynn Tenuta, Becky Proulx, Carol
Kreueher, Tom Rolnlotle, Richard Leys, Marcia
Chelew, Dee McDavld, Donna Poeeelt, Pat Hansen,
Carolyn Schlller, Pat Hennlngfeld, Jean Brandt,
Cathy Slobodlanuk, David Harrie, Leisa Glass, Linda
Chatterton, Frances Bedford, Phyllle Albrecht, Cindy
Chatterton (Row 4) Kay Pruett, Carol Berenson, Ann
Krulatz, Bonnie Frederick, Heather Reed, Beth
Johnson, Jiii Wlerelg, Janice Drlgot, Nancy Gann,
Dolerle Muller, Jeff Settalo, Jeanne Taffe, Linda
Brown, Eiieen Wiison, Chip Miiihoiiand, Sandy Ogren,
Lynda Gunnell, Cindy Ford, Rita Schultz, Joyce
Dyutka, Cheryl Rocko, Marie Thomae, Ava Martinez,
Rita Ramaccl, John Laurin, Peter Hyberg (Row 5) Jeff
Myers, Rita Roberts, Debbie Hanemlre, Nancy York,
Kathy Shehan, Sharl Lyons, Jiii Metallo, Bert
Wllllame, Jeff Harrie, Sue Podella, Beth Kennedy,
Scott Deerweeter, Jim Zuhlke, Paul Callllate, Scott
MacPhereon, John Fumo, Nell Harmon. (Row 8) Tom
Duller, Ward Hammond, Jack Henoch, Mark Tlllack,
Mr. Nosal, Rom Stevens, Ruse Borchardt, Barb
Norcross, Ed Tutas, Scott Davenport, Steve Hagan,
Richard Burke, Al Dimeo, Mike Graham, Jim Roemer,
Brian Barber, David Schmitt, Jim Nolan, Jim Hiii,
Mike Henneeeey, Jim Maurer, Greg Snlnatynekl, Cindy
At the
mid winter concert this year the Tremper
Orchestra presented Carmen Fanzone of
the Chicago Cubs along with Tremper's
Golden Strings. The orchestra was featured
at the Music Educators National Conference
in Miiwaukee this spring, where they also
participated In a workshop with Dr. Samuel
Jones, conductor of the Rochester Philharmonic
of New York. The orchestra also presented
two concerts at Ripon College and at
Nathan Hale High School in West Allis.
A total
number of 37 boys and girls participated
in the Tremper Evening High School String
Chamber Ensemble. It gives each member
a highly professional Ensemble experience
beyond the regular daytime Orchestra
EVENING STRINGS (Row 1) Marsha Chulew, Carol
Berenson (Row 2) Tom Macak, Nancy York, Phylls
Albrecht, Kay Pruett, John Tredon (Row 3) Nick
Seeger, Denise Romano, Eric Ebeling, Claudia
Goergen, Robert Wells, (Row 4) James Ott, Lynn
Tenuta, Becky Proux, Albert Cortese (Row 5) Phllllp
Hansen, Debbie Hansmlre, Scott Paterson, Laura
DeManche, Chester Sanders (Row 6) Mike Sedloff,
Anne Marie Warresnder, Cindy Chatterton, Linda
Chatterton, John Laurin (Row 7) Kathy Sheehan, Jim
Nolan, Brian Barber, Mike Hennessey.
Choir is composed of junior and
senior girls. They presented a Spring
concert in May and have performed at
various clubs this school year in
Kenosha and out of state.
GIRL'S CHOIR (Row 1) Carol Lechman, Peggy Cassity,
Lisa Riccio, Candy Garcia, Lynette Strunk, Eva Garza,
Debbie Wyosnlck, Mlchelle Rondeau, Debi Llttlken,
Nancy Hackworthy, (Row 2) Nancy Kreuser, Sue Briggs,
Margie Tetzlaff, Betty Ortiz, Linda Zarlettl, Mary
Pollock, Bea Molltor, Cathy Schockley, Delorle Blel,
Marllyn Fechner, Joi Rafter, (Row 3) Vickie Butterl,
Ellen Berquist, Jean Bromstead, Laurie Thornberg,
Marla Zarlettl, Sheree Miiihouse, Linda Kreuser,
Barb Durbin, Sue Jenkins, Jiii LllJestrom, Ellen
Kavanaugh, Robbie Allen, (Row 4) Janet Vogelman, Sue
Oberprlller, Andrea Nelson, Barb Dorff, Debbie Wllllams,
Janet Rovlk, Judy Orlowski, Mary Pritchard, Kathy
Scharf, Beth Wallace, Joanne Hassllnger, Vickie Leltlng.
(right) The Girl 's Choir stand to sing Christmas carols
at the annual Tremper
Christmas Concert.
(lower right) The Girl's Choir show their appreciation of the
Tremper A Cappella Choir
during the annual Christmas Concert.
VARSITY MIXED CHOIR (Row 1) Rae Tuska, Sue Jeranek,
Linda Amadio, Mary Tercek, Mary Anne Wiison, Pat
Shore, Alma Garza, Darla Farrington, Delaura Morley,
Carla Buratti, Debi Koehler, Sue Harvey, (Row 2)
Kathy Rafter, Cheryl Forbes, Kristi Martin, Diane
Graf, Sharon Davey, Shelley Ladd, Lu Scott, Debbie
Sanders, Lynn Merten, Ann Jensen, Carol Duller,
Jennifer Olsen, Cheryl Barker, (Row 3) Ann Kuessow,
Lori Gulbransen, Debbie Gardinier, Diana Burgy, Dee
McDavld, Janice Hagberg, Maureen Tammlnger, Pat
Terwall, Cheri Bernhardt, Laure Goff, Vickie Woeffer,
Lori Hlmmeleln, Patti Blel, Tina Tutlewskl, (Row 4)
Tom Johnston, Jeff Ciotti, Gene Schmidt, Gene Aker,
Dennis Fltzgerald, Dave Schmitt, Biii Thomas, Dave
Harris, Mark Schalk, Ron Bittner.
The Varsity
Choir entered into Class B session
of the district contest and it also
was awarded a superior rating. They
have performed at civic functions in
Kenosha this year.
The A
Cappella Choir
Is highly competitive and Is challenged
both in the difficulty and quantity
of the choral music literature. The
A Cappella Choir entered the Class A
section of the district contests' and
received a superior rating; also they
produced the annual record album.
A CAPPELLA CHOIR (Row 1) Diane Braun, Honor Stephens,
Lori Schuck, Janet Westerman, Sue Duchac, Karen
Putman, Aprll Flschback, Bev White, Sue Mllllken,
Laurie Vincent, Lori Klffel, Debbie Kelley, Pam
Sorensen, Peggy Maedke, Liz Vogler, Margaret Hansen,
Laurie Larsen, (Row 2) Anne Pedersen, Cindy Ford,
Mlchele Ellsworth, Jodie Phllllpson, Becky Quick,
Beth Mackey, Debi Brandt, Linda Vanderpoel, Sally
Schmit, Liz Devine, Carol Kreuscher, Jane Meyer, Jane
Noltlng, Roxanne Radtke, Pam Kelly, Diane Evans,
Cheryl Fonk, (Row 3) Vicki Chatterton, Paula Staude,
Tom Ceschln, Jeff Smith, Steve Booth, Keith Andersen,
Jim Ballard, Tim Block, Larry Fish, Mac Huff, Denise
Hoff, Tony Zarlettl, Rory Mllllgan, Mike Cassity,
Wayne Westplate, Dave Laurin, Jolle Harris, (Row 4)
Lisa Gourley, Steve Schwartz, Gary Taft, Mike Freeborn,
Tom Scugllk, Dave Olsen, Tom Jorgensen, Jim McGough,
Scott DeKok, Jeff Gray, Richard Rothrock, Jim Zuhlke,
Art Leccese, Dan McDernott, Dave Hoffmann, Ron
Carmlchael, Ruth Brunner.
(right) Senior Choir and Choraller singer Gary Taft
performed as a soloist in the
A Cappella Christmas Concert.
SOPHOMORE CHOIR (Row 1) Pam Anderson, Karen Gosnell,
Tami Zehma, Lynn Strickland, Gerri Cornell, Debbie
Behl, Cathy Savaglio, Cheryl Kuahman, Kathy Lechner,
Lori Klees, Linda Totta, Carolyn Seeger, Theo Bedford,
Barb Rothrock, Marietta Seeger, Mollie Clarke, Leah
Cayo, Anna Principe, Pat Berner, (Row 2) Kim
Carleen, Charlene Schultz, Lealle Wolfe, Donna Poaaelt,
Lorrie Oechler, Terry Marino, Anna Helmes, Leah
Conklin, Roa Andreuccl, Betsy Rosa, Sue Padlock,
Mary Olson, Dawn Heaa, Karen Flccadentl, Dolly
Phllllpa, Carol Mlckewlcz, Sheri Shymanakl, (Row 3)
Terri Sorensen, Brad Swanson, Bob Bauer, Tom Sullivan,
Kevin Nelson, Gary Schmitt, Jeff Waluch, Mike Moody,
Greg Lllaeatrom, Terry Tolefree, David Hinda, Richard
Wleraum, Jeff Nelson, Kirk Topel, Biii Rolnlotla,
Laura Falduto, (Row 4) Keith Sexton, Don Basa, Doug
Maedke, Kevin Rommelfanger, Dean Sivley, Don Dltthardt,
Dave Proeber, Greg Akin, Dave Chase, John Van Dyke,
Bob Koch, Ken Wleraum, Tom Capodarco, Chuck Fato,
Jim Whitmire.
The Sophomore
Mixed Choir contains members who have
been auditioned at their junior high
schools while In the ninth grade.
They entered the Class A session at
the district contests and received
superior ratings.
and blsmarks are some of the donuts sold
by Tramper's Tempest during zero hour this
year. Among other projects they sponsor
dances, movies and Rock at Noon. Along
with publishing The Tempest and Squall
they won the Wisconsin High School
Newspaper Award with an All-Wisconsin
TEMPEST (sitting) Scott Deerweater, Joan Hoamanek,
Gina Garramone, O. J. Howard, Steve Wender, Debbie
Kelly, Al Morris, Dave Engels (Row 2) Barbara
Moore, Judy Person, Debbie Weener, Ellen Pedraza,
Joi Rafter, Jean Tenuta, Carol Berenson, Linda
Johnson, Stephanie Baker, (Row 3) Marilyn Nelsen,
Joan Ferraro, Shlrley Weber, Debbie Dowse, Diane
Broomfield, Marie Thomas, Ginger Gomaz, Jean Brandea
(Row 4) Linda Schwarts, Jean Bromatead, Frances
Jones, Jane Hoamanek, Diane Burgy, Lynn George,
Sue Schwartz, Sharon Senholt, Vicki Reckaecker,
Lori Chapul, (Row 5) Charles Wiiioughby, Dorla
Grimes, Terry Tolfree, Darryl Ford, Paul Little,
Kermit Hovey, John Vagnlnl, Karen Bernhoft,
Steven Schwartz.
(right) Tempest members show
how they really act during
deadline hours.
(below right) Tempest Staff members, Al Morris and Joan
Hoamanek sell the Senior Class wllla during
the lunch hours.
A pizza
party was held after the publication of
Driftwood, Tremper's Literary magazine,
published and written totally by students.
This year the magazine was updated and
enlarged to accommodate increased interest
in student writing. Projects included
candy and bake sales and a subscription
drive for the magazine.
DRIFTWOOD (Row 1) Lori Chapek, Jean Bromstead,
Stephanie Kendall, Sherry Richter, (Row 2) Trina
Tiffany, Stephanie Baker, Judy Person, Linda
Swartz, Mary Beth Robers, (Row 3) Debbie Dowse,
Diane Broomfield, Karen Gardner, Karen Bernhoft,
Cheri Bernhardt.
(left) Driftwood President, Lori Chapek, and staff
member recopy a poem used In
their literary magazine.
Under the
of Editor Ann Speaker the Classic took on
a new format this year. A change in type,
layout and Indexing styles gave the yearbook
a new look and style. Earning money was
one of the staff's main pastimes
baking brownies, selling basketball
buttons and holding dance after dance were
only a few ways the staff augmented
their deficient treasury. A progressive
dinner finished their active year.
CLASSIC Dana Nall, Diane Hulce, Carol
Mleurelll, Sue Padlock, Gall Thomae,
Denise Johnstone, Leigh Felter, Diane
Simon, Ann Speaker, Mark Becker, Kim
Benik, Pam Schmitt, Jan Glelae, Barb
Dorff, Kathy Becker, Shelly Ladd, Jim
(right) Claeelc Editor Ann Speaker and next year's
Editor Carol Mleurelll have fun behind a
bush In the courtyard.
The "Golden
award was given to New Voice Radio for the
second year in a row. The club was a course first
semester and branched into a workshop later in the
year. Students wrote, directed and taped
several radio shows which were broadcast on WLIP.
Jr. High
students participated in speech activities
presented by Debate and Forensics. Also
presented was an end of the year banquet
for graduating team members. Awards won
at the District Regional and State contest
were Speech ribbons, trophies, and a plaque
of achievement.
NEW VOICE (row 1) Peggy Pezdlr, Rhonda Baker, Diane
Werwle, (row 2) Mike Messina, Ron Carmlchael, (row
3) Ken Meidinger, Dave Larson.
DEBATE AND FORENSICS (lylng) Brad McCrorey,
(Row 1) Bill Jaegen, Carol Berenson, Scott
Deerwester, (Row 2) Mary Anderson, Barb Schubert,
Art Leccese, Andrew Plas (Row 3) Harvey Hedden,
Pat Berner, Kermit Hovey.
(left) New Voice member Ron Carmichael has his makeup put on for his performance
In George M.
(lower left) Debate and Forensics member Art Leccese
and his date enjoy
the Homecoming Dance this year.
The Wheel
of Fortune
displayed at Wlnterrama was the main
concern of the Electronics Club.
Funds were used for new equipment, Ham
Radios and a radio station; they also
repaired equipment. Future plans include a license for a Ham radio station.
ELECTRONICS CLUB (kneeling) Dave Padlock, Mike
Bellke (standing) Dale Andreeon, Tom
Ledanskl, John Nlelson, Kllndt Lindquist.
{right) The Electronics Club displayed "Wheel-ofFortune" at this years Winterama. Prizes were
given to those who came closest to their number.
who have
an interest in flying and other
related activities could be members
of Tremper'a Aviation Club.
They were given the opportunity to
extend their knowledge and experience
outside of the classroom.
TREMPER AVIATION CLUB Jeff Shuler, David Harris,
Ned Harper, Craig Kewenlg.
(above left) Mike Bellke and Dave Padlock take
time to examine an Interesting piece of
equipment during Electronics class.
largest number of girls participating
In It. Girls competed In both district,
regional and state meets. Dinners were
held after each intramural sport and
an end of the year banquet was held
honoring all members who received awards
and honors during the school year. Dues,
candy and pop sales were projects whose
profits were used to buy equipment
needed for different sports.
SENIOR GAA (Row 1 ) Shirley Lahti, Rita Ennis,
Lisa Nyberg, Barbara Stollings, Teresa Lanza,
Louise Newman, Kathy McBride, (Row 2) Penny
Caulk, Faye Vergenz, Mary Gehring, Jane Seavltte,
Darlene Petrelli, Kathy Becker, Susan Swartz,
Rita Roberts, Ellen Bergquest, (Row 3) Dabble
Korosclk, Janet Vogelman, Jean Bromstead, Sue
Oberpriller, Sue Wick, Ellen Hammond, Sue KalvonJlan,
June Dunwald, Char Michelson, (Row 4) Janice
Taylor, Jane Burgess, Connie Newberry, Kathi
Anderson, Jane McPhaul, Barb Schwalger, Heidi
Pretzer, Doris Grimes, Claudia Goerges, Carolyn
Schiller, Cathy Hawes.
GAA members Jan Glelas, Michelle Rondeau, and
Sheree Hall congregate
after school In the commons.
Sophomore GAA members Rae Tuska, Lori Smith,
Terri Rampart and Kathy lsermann wait for
the Sophomore Basketball game.
SOPHOMORE GAA (Row 1} Marcia Chulew, Anne Dlamon,
Katy lsermann, Diane Solovey, Terri Ramaccl, Linda
Molinaro, Rae Tusks, Lisa Glordana, Kathy Strolllngs,
Pat Berner, Karen Gosnell, Pam Anderson, Barb Moore,
Mary Strange, Pam Maclk, Pat Shore, Sue Ernst,
(Row 2) Ann Jensen, Julie Brumeau, Ann Girman,
Laurie LaRose, Christy Finch, Kathy Tredon, Gall
Clcchlnl, Pat Wirch, Paulette Rizzo, Cathy Savaglio,
Kathy Kavanaugh, Gerri Cornell, Sheree Becker,
Kathy Byom, Joanne Lepp, Laurie Engels, Tami Zehms,
Alma Garza, Cathy DelFrate, (Row 3) Helen Thom,
Carolyn Brownell, Diane Barnes, Allee Ambro, Pam
Donals, Carol Cummings, Linda Dibble, Frances Jones,
Carol Mlckewlcz, Kim Meyer, Sonja Baker, Elaine
Wiison, Allison Belongia, Cindy Dezoma, Julie
Anderson, Lynn Peterson, Sue Bergren, (Row 4)
Pam Aker, Andrea Becker, Barb Demske, Ann Slnkule,
Liz Sipple, Jan Frederick, Cathy Hyllnskl, Gall
Sexton, Sue Torris, Terri Sorensen, Jean Schultz,
Jean Tenuta, Leslie Wolfe, Terri Zelhen, Yvonne
LeTart, Betsy Chemerow, Sandy Carr, Theo Bedford,
(Row 5) Chris Dlmltrljevlch, Jeanne Palmer, LeAnn
Pedersen, Susie Brandt, Ros Andreuccl, Mona Curio,
Betsy Ulrich, Betsy Ross, Mary Jean Warrender,
Terri Grunel, Linda Bosman, Nancy Beck, Chris
Doerflinger, Nancy Nelson, Diane Simon, Trudy
Hautzlnger, Laura Flesch, Carla Selander, Kimi
JUNIOR GAA (Row 1} Jane Wiiiiams, Sandy Ogren,
Carol Berenson, Ann Krulatz, Linda Welch, Jean
Pellegrino, Amy Northard, Missy Kobrow, Kay Pruett,
Donna Batassa, Jackie Grasser, Linda Johnson,
Rhonda Baker, Debbie Riggle, Ellen Pedraza, Mary
Anne Wiison, (Row 2) Jeanne Taffe, Barb Durbin,
Diane Singer, Eva Garza, Michelle Rondeau, Jan
Glelas, Sheree Hall, Denise Johnstone, Janet Fonk,
Janet Kleln, Tonie Greene, Pam Neumann, Debbie
Molinaro, Peggy DeWitt, Laura Strand, Kimberly
Llegakos, Kimberly Gascoigne, Chris Callahan,
Julle Brummel, (Row 3) Sue Meyer, Jean Brandt,
Patty Wlllkomm, Marsha Miiier, Kim Lasco, Jean
Lang, Sue Bullock, Barb Nelson, Sue Duchac, Renee
Whitt, Lyndl Galdonlk, Lorie Hansen, Mona Dunn,
Mel Curio, Debby Wyosnlck, Wendy Flesch, Teresa
Neu, Sandy Flesch. (Row 4) Donna Leys, Linda
VanTubbergen, Mary Terrien, Nancy Collins, Mary
Johnson, Kathleen Becker, Cindy Winans, Jenny
Schultz, Mimi Madrlgrano, Diane McGrogan, Kathy
White, Linda Herr, Linda Jensen, Linda Wasurick,
Leigh Felter, (Row 5) Jane Slpsma, Barbara
Burgess, Andrea Nelson, Karen Chiappetta, Joanne
Hassllnger, Renee Swlatko, Kathy Tamlnger, Roxann
Radtke, Amy Schutz, Wendy Quick, Nancy Nelson,
Jane Cowen, Shella Vlgnerle, Cathy Pocius, Cindy
Perez, Beth Wallace, Barb Dorf, Becky Wllllams,
Marsha Werve.
Aides help with setting up films for
simulators, typing and writing up sheets
used In classroom sessions. There are
students working every hour and help
all Instructors whenever needed.
DRIVER ED AIDES Karen Holland, Char Mlcheleon,
Sandy Mantuano, Mike Lehman, Ed Robinson, Mark
Hampton, Tina Bonoflgllo, Carol Lasky.
(right) Driver Ed Aides Carol Lasky and Tina
Bonoflgllo check the list of films to be shown
the first day of school.
tardy slips, evaluating and screening
notes brought In for excused and unexcused
absence passes and giving out bus tickets
during the lunch hours are some of the Jobs
performed by students who work as aides in
the attendance office. The aides pick up
absentee cards from second hour classrooms
and distribute absence lists during third
ATTENDANCE AIDS (Row 1) Carla Flstler, Terri Dletman,
(Row 2) Linda Dlbble, Judy Hlavata, Ruth Henderlelter,
(Row 3) Betsy Earley, Becky Wllllams, David Sokol.
(left) Judy Hlavata, Attendance Office Aide, looks
over the absence list
during a slow third hour.
(below) Attendance Aide Terry Dletman
is caught washing dishes after the Junior
Class Spaghetti Supper.
"and they tell him, take your time, It
won't be long now, tll you drag your
feet to slow the circles down . . ."
We are all lndlvlduals, right? We all want
to do things our way, and yet stay In
the realm of the game. So how do we
know which dot, or which emotion or
direction to connect with which?
How do we follow the rules and stlll be
an lndlvldual?
Time passes and as It does we seem to
lose our power to control what small
portion of each of us Is not under the
strlck boundaries of the game . . . perhaps
If we worked a llttle harder now whlle
we stlll have the timemaybe we could give ourselves a purpose
to keep us from becoming just another
llttle dot, a part of the game, with
just an Identity number Instead of
a name.
class found their treasury to be lacking
at the start of the 72· 73 flscal year,
due to expenses from their Prom. By
taking Inventory at Topps Department
Store, the senior class earned $1,064.40
on January 27, clearing their debt and
putting them over $400 towards their
successful Senior Banquet, held at the Elks
Club on May 31. "I'll have to admit that
we were lucky to get a chance to make this
much money", said Dan Meltzer, Senior
Class President, "but credit Is due to the
people who spent their day working unselfishly for the class."
Senior Class Officers (opposite page, from top)
Ann Speaker, Corresponding secretary; Sue Mllllken,
Recording secretary; Dan Meltzer, President; Scott
Johnson; Vice President. Senior ClaBB Advisory
Board, (top, from left) Mary Gehring, Dave Earnest,
Scott Johnson, Ann Speaker, Tom Macek, Brady Roach,
Kathy Anderson, Rita Ramaccl, Laurie Vincent, Sue
Mllllken, Dan Meltzer, Dave Singer, Lori Klffel.
Acerbl, Jeffrey
Aceto, David
Adams, Jacelyn
Adamson, Gina
Adelsen, Cathy
Aiello, Joe
Aiello, Nancy
Aker, Gene
Aker, Timothy
Albert, Ellzabeth
Albert, Peggy
Albrecht, Phyllis
Keith Thomsen, Sue Martin, Pat Boyce,
Deb Phllllps and Dawn Smith soclallze at one of
Tramper's dances.
Allx, Michele
Alleman, Kathleen
Allen, Dale
Allen, Roberta
Althoff, Duane
Amadio, Allan
Andersen, Dale
Andersen, Diane
Andersen, Doreen
Andersen, June
Anderson, David
Anderson, Diane
Anderson, Kathryn
Anderson, Keith
Anderllon, Richard
Anderson, Wllllam
Andreuccl, Ronda
Angelo, John
Arneson, Russell
Atkinson, Judy
Baero, Merri
Baker, John
Baker, Stephanie
Ball, Jackie
Ball, Tod
Ballard, James
Banas, Jean
Banney, Edward
Barrows, Susan
Barter, Thomas
Baternlck, Wiiiiam
Batt, Brian
Baumeister, Barbara
Becker, Kathy
Becker, Paul
Becker, Shelly
Bedford, Frances
Bella, Rudolph
Bellaver, Beth
Belongia, Daniel
Belsky, Mlcheal
Benik, Tamara
Bergquist, Ellen
Bernhardt, Cheryl
Bernhoft, Karen
Blel, Delorle
Blnnlnger, Douglas
Birch, Richard
Blsclglla, Matthew
Blasl, Fellcla
Boehm, David
Bogdals, Robert
Bonney, Jiii
Borchardt, RuBSell
Borggren, Lisa
Borneman, Linda
Borst, Edward
Boyce, Patricia
Boyle, Nancy
Brand, Rosalie
Brandes, Fred
Brandt, Deborah
Breach, Andrew
Brehm, Ken
Brennan, Cynthia
Brettlngen, Cynthia
Briggs, Wllllam
Bromstead, Jean
Proud sculptors, O. J. and friend,
add finishing touches to Tempest's Ice sculpture
for Wlnterama.
Brookhouse, Bob
Broomfleld, Diane
Broomfleld, Ron
Broughman, Steven
Brown, Connie
Brown, Donald
Brown, Patrica
Brownlee, Diane
Brummel, Gregory
Brunner, Ruth
Buckman, Danette
Buechner, Linda
Buechner, Roland
Burgees, Jane
Burke, David
Burkoth, Ive
Busse, Kenneth
Buttari, Victoria
Byrnes, Larry
Caape, Dorsey
Cairns, Deborah
Caldwell, Lee
Campolo, Jon
Cantrell, Judy
Cantwell, Paula
Carlson, Thomas
Carmlchael, Ronald
Carpenter, Eric
Carr, Christina
Carr, Larry
Cassity, Mlchael
Cate, Curtis
Caulk, Penny
Ceschln, Thomas
Chadde, Steve
Chapek, Lori
Chaput, Larry
Chatterson, Cynthia
Chatterson, Vicki
Christian, Paul
Ciotti, Janine
Clark, Dan
Clement, Deborah
Coleman, Minor
Collins, Betty
Conforti, Terry
Cooper, David
Cooper, Donna
Cornell, Gwen
Cortese, Albert
Coetablle, Lori
Contreras, Jamee
Covelll, Rita
Cox, Peggy
Crane, Judy
Creighton, Susan
Crowe, Cheryl
Crump, Margaret
Crump, Patricia
Dase, Mary
Datlllo, Dan
Davie, John
Davie, Ricky
Davie, Wlllle
Dawm, Collette
DeAngelle, Debbie
DeBettlgnlee, Rita
DeBoer, Ruse
Delaney, Barb
Delany, John
DeMarco, Mike
Derwae, Karen
Devine, Elizabeth
Dieter, Sheryl
Dletman, Debbie
Dlmltrljevlc, Radovan
Dobbs, Richard
Dodge, Joanna
Dorey, Keith
Dowse, Debbie
Sandy Swartz catches up on
some of her homework during one of her free
periods In the commons.
Duller, Tom
Dumke, John
Dunham, Jann
Dunn, Bruce
Dunn, Byron
Dunwald, June
Durbin, Steve
Dutton, Wayne
DeFurlo, Jim
Earley, Betsy
Earnest, Dave
Ebener, Mark
Ebert, Mark
Edwards, Alan
Ehlert, Dan
Ellefson, Gay
Ellsworth, Michelle
Elmer, Janet
Engelhardt, Peter
Ennis, Rita
Eternlcka, Francie
Evans, Biii
Everson, Deborah
Four discontented seniors
struggle with their pizza from ala carte line
despite new open noon hour freedoms.
Ewald, Mlcheal
Farrell, Steven
Fechner, Marllyn
Feeney, Darlene
Flschback, Aprll
Flecher, Linda
Flecher, Nancy
Fish, Pamela
Fitch, Glenn
Flatley, Mlchele
Fonk, Cheryl
Ford, Cindy
Frame, Debra
Franz, Craig
Frederich, Bonnie
Freeborn, Micheal
Freeman, Diane
Frei, Kenneth
Freitag, Debbie
Frese, John
Frieman, Kevin
Fulmer, Riiey
Gagllordl, Linda
Gamberini, Diana
Gann, Nancy
Garcia, Candice
Garcia, Tom
Gardner, Karen
Gardner, Karen
Garramone, Gina
Garren, Malcolm
Gebhart, Nancy
Gehring, Mary
Gehrke, Paul
Gentile, Janet
Gentz, Joan
George, Daniel
George, Debra
George, Diane
Gerlach, Laurie
Germinaro, June
Gerum, Mary Jo
Gesler, Debra
Gibson, Kevin
Glldenstern, Randy
Glronlml, Kathie
Girsh, Robert
Gittens, Denise
Goergen, Claudia
Goff, Brenda
Goff, Nancy
Gogola, Susan
Gonzalez, Paul
Gourley, Lisa
Grabot, Tom
Gram, Linda
Grams, Ronald
Grasser, Kim
Gray, Jeff
Gray, Nancy
Grayson, Richard
Green, Kevin
Grimes, Doris
Grimmer, Jerome
Ginder, David
Grissom, Dan
Gross, David
Gulbransen, Lori
Guttormsen, Greg
Haag, Charlene
Haag, Cheryl
Hackbarth, David
Hackworthy, Clement
Hagen, Peter
Halmo, David
Hamachek, Kathi
Hamers, Mlcheal
Hammond, David
Hammond, Ellen
Hampton, Mark
Hanna, Kevin
Hansen, Gregory
Hansen, Lori
Hansen, Margaret
Hanson, Barbara
Harper, Ned
Harper, Suzanne
Hartl, John
Haubrich, Marianne
Havranek, Mark
Hawes, Cathy
Hawkins, Diane
Hebert, Wllllam
Heckel, Jane
Hedden, Harvey
Hegyera, David
Herman, Jiii
Hermans, David
Hessefort, Richard
Hessefort, Thomas
Heyden, Wllllam
Hiii, Richard
Hiii, Susan
Hock, Christine
Gay Ellefson studies
In the commons during a free
Hodal, Scott
Hoff, Dennis
Hoff, Jeffrey
Hoganson, Julla
18 7
Holland, Karen
Hosmanek, Joan
Houston, Daniel
Houtslnger, Jean
Howard, Orrick
Hubbard, Bruce
Hubbard, Marsha
Huff, Malcolm
Hunt, Darlene
Hunt, Jocele
laqulnta, Larry
lrvlng, Catherine
lsetts, Brian
lstvanek, Elizabeth
Ivy, John
lwanlklw, Anna
Jackson, Annie
Jackson, Debra
Jackson, Douglas
Jackson, Faye
Jackson, Fred
Jass, Wayne
Jenison, Terry
Jenkins, Susan
Jennine&, Nancy
Jensen, Leslie
Johnson, Barbara
Johnson, Beth
Johnson, Karen
Johnson, Kenneth
Johnson, Linda
Johnson, Nancie
Johnson, Scott
Johnston, Tom
Jones, Sandra
Jordan, Patricia
Jorgenson, Tom
Josephson, Gary
Jurksaltls, Sltha
Kaeppeler, Jeff
Kalvonjlan, Sue
Kanehl, Paul
Kapper&, Jane
Katt, Gregory
Katt, Janet
Kavalauskas, Deborah
Kavalauskas, Ricky
Kavanaugh, Ellen
Kehl, Donald
Keller, Wendy
Kelley, Debra
Kelly, Laurel
Kelly, Pamela
Kemp, BUiie
Kersting, Betty
Klffel, Lori
Kitchens, Sherry
Kllnkerfuss, Robert
Kloet, Jeffery
Knautz, Ronald
Knickrehm, David
Knudsen, Nancy
Liz Devine and Pat Basco keep In
time with the music at Tremper's Key Club
Koessl, Bruce
Kolmoe, Kurt
Kopp, Ricky
Koroeclk, Debra
Koe, Debra
Kralee, Sue
Kreueer, Janet
Kreueer, Linda
Kreueer, Terry
Krough, David
Krohn, Debra
Krueger, Theodore
Kuchclnekl, Beverly
Kuessow, Ann
Kuyawa, Mark
Kuzmlch, Karla
Labell, Kathleen
Lachman, Carol
Ladwig, Scott
Lahti, Shlrley
Lampoe, Tina
Lanctot, Terri
Lane, Alan
Lange, Tim
Lanza, Teresa
Larson, Dolores
Larson, Leslle
Laurin, John
Lawler, Susan
Lechner, Margaret
Ledanskl, Judith
Ledanskl, Thomas
Leltlng, Vickie
LeMay, Keith
Lenllne, Deb
Letterlch, Janet
Lindquist, Kurt
Llttlken, Debra
Londo, Mike
London, Shella
Lootens, Paulette
Loss, Keith
Luckey, Patricia
Ludlow, Beth
Maas, Cynthia
Macek, Thomas
Mackay, Cheryl
Majewski, Joseph
Malko, Gina
Mancuso, Elizabeth
Manllck, Deborah
Manson, Kenneth
Mantuano, Sandra
Markee, David
Marks, Diane
Marks, Richard
Martin, Kristi
Martin, Richard
Martin, Susan
Kip Johnson and Sid Simo
get together after school In the
Martlnelll, Angela
Massie, Steven
Mastronardi, Lori
Mathis, Michael
Mattner, Mlchael
Mattox, Marvin
Maurer, James
McArthur, Samuel
McBride, Kathy
McBride, Luann
Mccarron, Kevin
McConnell, Sara
Mccrary, Robert
McCrorey, Bradley
McDonald, Sandra
McGee, Mlchael
McKeon, Shawn
Mclean, Sherry
McMlllen, Gregory
McNab, Scott
McPhaul, Jane
Meidinger, Kenneth
Meler, Steven
Meltesen, Cindy
Meltzer, Danie!
Menden, Russell
Mercier, Connie
Mercier, Mark
Merriam, Thomae
Merten, Lynn
Metten, Linda
Meyer, Jamee
Meyer, John
Mlchaelle, Glenn
Michelson, Charlene
Mlekueh, Jan
Miiier, Jamee
Miiier, Jamee
Miiier, Mary
Miiier, Mary
Miiiigan, Rory
Miiiiken, Susan
Mockus, Micheal
Moeller, Jim
Molitor, Beatrix
Moreland, Debra
Morrie, Allen
Morrie, Peggy
Mueller, Dorethea
Muller, Bonnie
Murray, John
Mutchler, Gary
During the Homecoming Queen Assembly,
John Delany, Kip Johnson and Dave Singer take
part In a skit.
Myers, April
Myhre, Steven
Nation, Julie
Neitzel, Larry
Nelsen, Marilyn
Nelson, Pamela
Nelson, Rozanne
Nelson, Steven
Nelson, Thomas
Nelson, Timothy
Nev, Mike
Newberry, Constance
Newman, Louise
Nichols, Lori
Noel, Terry
Nolen, Larry
Norcross, Barb
Northam, Scott
Nussbaum, Barb
Nyberg, Lisa
Oberpriller, Susan
O'Connor, Susan
O'Hara, Wllllam
Olson, Agnes
Olson, Cindy
Olson, Fred
Olson, Ronald
Olufs, Steven
Orrison, Jerry
Ortiz, Betty
Ostlund, Clifford
Ott, Jamee
Ott, Mary Kim
Owelchek, Ellen
Packard, Karen
Padlock, Alan
Paellanl, Linda
Pallk, Gordon
Parker, Barbara
Parker, Kathy
Paterson, Scott
Patrick, Thomas
Paul, Karen
Pearcy, Patrick
Pederson, James
Pederson, Marcia
Petersen, Catherine
Petersen, David
Peterson, Kim
Peterson, Tom
Petrelli, Darlene
Phllllps, Debra
Phllllpson, Jodi
Plela, Sherry
Pierce, Carol
Pierce, Kevin
Plleskl, Robert
Plntaramlan, John
Pitts, Peggy
Podella, Sue
Podskarbl, John
Polkonen, Todd
Pollard, James
Post, Phllllp
Pratzer, Heidi
Preston, Sharon
Proko, Lynn
Queen, Roger
Quick, Becky
Rachld, Hachem
Ralph, Darlene
Ramaccl, Rita
Ramer, Judy
Rasch, Alan
Rasico, Renee
Reilly, Robert
Reinhard, Joyce
Renzoni, Gene
Repp, John
Ricciardi, Lisa
Richter, Sherry
Ripp, Patti
Roach, Braden
Robers, Mary Beth
Roberts, Deborah
Roberts, Rita
Roberts, Robin
Robin, Tina
Robinson, Carolyn
Romano, Denise
Rose, Kathy
Rose, Ralph
Roseth, Karen
Rothrock, Richard
Rovlk, Linda
Ruffalo, Tom
Ruffalo, Toni
Ruffolo, Jomary
Ruleford, Jeff
Sallture, Stuart
Sarauer, Tom
Schaeffer, Greg
Schiller, Carolyn
Schindler, Betsy
Schlecht, Sue
Schlitz, Richard
Schmale, Todd
Schmidt, Kie
Schmidt, Sandra
Schmit, Sally
Schmitt, David
Schmitz, Tony
Schoepke, Kris
Scholey, Robert
Schouten, Lee
Schuetz, Robert
Schultz, Rita
Schulz, Sandra
Schuster, Lawrence
Schwalger, Barb
Schwartz, Steve
Scuffham, Debbie
Scugllk, Tom
Seavltte, Jane
Seavltte, Jean
During an English field trip to Topp's
Department store, Gary Taft and Kim Grasser take
time out to buy an Ice cream cone.
20 1
Seeger, Nicholas
Semrau, Mary Jane
Sennholz, Sharon
Serpe, Jay
Servais, Mark
Serzant, Carla
Settano, Jeff
Sexton, Kevin
Sexton, Nancy
Shaffer, Mark
Sharpe, Mark
Shuler, Jeffery
Shuttlesworth, Ted
Siebert, Connie
Slegel, Debra
Slepler, Mary
Sikora, Steven
Simo, Gregory
Simpson, Timothy
Singer, David
Singleton, Barb
Sisson, Diane
Skurski, Marc
Slobodlanuk, Cathy
Smallwood, Denise
Smallwood, Rexanna
Smith , Dawn
Sm ith , Jeffrey
Snilth, Phllllp
Smith , Susan
Smith, Teresa
Snider, Dennis
Sobotowtcz, Barbara
Sommer, Jeff
Sorensen, Pam
Sorenson, Kim
Speaker, •Ann
Spencer, Kenneth
Spencer, Phyllis
Spieker, ·Barbara
Stafford, Ann
Stebbins, Debra
Stebbins, Larry
Steele, Marie
Stein, Cheryl
Steinmetz, Kevin
Stephens, Honor
Steponltls, David
Stetson, Lorrie
Stewart, John
Stlchert, Donald
Stiles, Renee
Stollings, Barbara
Strand, Debra
Strangberg, Todd
Stuckey, Robert
Suazo, Anna
Sulll, Kathi
Sunday, James
Swanson, Gregory
Swartz, Linda
Swartz, Richard
Swartz, Susan
Szekely, Nancy
Taft, Gary
Taleronlk, Ron
Talley, Kathleen
Taylor, Janice
Telgen, Cindy
Tenuta, Daniel
Tessln, Mary
Thomas, David
Gorgeous George candidates
applaud winner, Greg Schaeffer,
(fourth from right) at State Wrestling
send off.
Thomae, Mike
Thomae, Wiiiiam
Thomsen, Craig
Tiffany, Trina
Timmerman, Paul
Tinker, Don
Tome, Jane
Torcaeo, Steven
Torclvla, Barbara
Torkelson, Chris
Tredon, John
Tradup, Cynthia
Trottier, Penny
Uttech, Kim
Utterbach, Glen
VanBoven, Thomae
Van Caster, Thomae
Vanderford, Patty
VanDyke, Cheryl
Vankammen, Gary
Varnell, Lawrence
Vedder, Nancy
Vena, Catherine
Vena, Mary
Vergenz, Faye
Veecova, Sandra
Vlctoreon, Roxie
Vidas, Paula
Vincent, Lauren
Vogelman, Janet
Vogler, Elizabeth
Voight, Bruce
Walllg, Mary
Wallle, Gary
Wasurick, Susan
Weber, Sharon
Webster, Louie
Welch, Mark
Wenger, Stephen
Wermellng, Therese
Previous to refereeing the Nut Squad-naturalists
Intramural basketball game, Kevin Pierce surrenders
equipment room keys to Mr." Glaeser.
Werner, Peggy
Werwle, Diane
Westerman, Janet
Westland, Richard
Westplate, Mark
Westplate, Wayne
White, Donovan
White, Kelly
Whltefoot, Janet
Whltefoot, Robert
Wick, Susan
Wlemelt, Morna
Wlersum, Roxane
Wleske, Bonnie
Wiikinson, Keith
Wiikinson, Kevin
Wiiiems, Debra
Wllllams, Debra
Wllllams, Mike
Wiison, Bruce
Wimmer, Janine
Wojchehowlcz, Rozane
Woodworth, Julie
Wright, Jerold
Wurzer, Barb
York, Lynda
Young, Brad
Young, Steve
Yurchak, George
ZaJlc, Rita
Zanotti, Theresa
Zarlettl, Marla
Zlccarelll, Robert
Zebrawskl, David
Zlelsdorf, James
Zlgner, Ralph
Zlmany, Grant
Zorn, Edward
Zwarycz, Sandra
Members of
Class of '73 entered Tremper as sophomores
usually do . . . somewhat starry-eyed and not
quite sure what the protocol requires.
Under the direction of Betsy Schindler,
Rich Rothrock and Scott Dekok they
overcame the usual junior high "sticktogetherness" and built an imaginative
float sporting the only Jolly Green
Giant in the Homecoming Parade. Money
was raised by selling flowers, baked
goods and dance tickets.
As Juniors they found themselves faced with
a Prom and extreme money problems. A
winterama raffle, another dance and
more bake sales provided them with a
base bankroll and work on Prom began.
One of the most spectacular ever put on
at Tremper, "On the Threshold of a
Dream" was a Prom that will long be
remembered for its dreamy forest and
castle walls. Other projects undertaken
by the Juniors that year included a
"porky caricature" of Class President
Dan Meltzer and a Trojan float in
the Homecoming Parade.
As Seniors, they cleared the deficiency
in their treasury by a day spent
taking inventory at Topps; 180 seniors
earned $1 064 and some odd cents. Prior
to that, the Class of '73 found themselves
"Penniless but not Worthless" which
became the slogan of the senior class
"un-float" consisting of a truck decorated
with chicken wire and a sign. The final
project of their high school was the
Senior banquet; held at the Elks Club
360 Seniors attended.
(upper left) Senior Tim Aker sports both
crutches and a smile as the Trojans
score a TD.
(middle left) Honor Society President Larry
laqulnta found In one of his less Intellectual
moods discusses the significance of a hot dog.
(lower left) Senior defensive block
Al Padlock watches Intently the plays of the
Fenger-Trojan game.
(below) "Seniors, what's your battle cry?"
shout senior cheerleaders Cheryl VanDyke, Sheryll
Dieter and Jan Lettrlch.
The Junior class
made 90% of their profits by sponsoring
a spaghetti dinner. The spaghetti was
donated by Kathy Covelli, proprietor of
Kathy's Restaurant. Money was also raised
from two bake sales and from candy sales,
in the Commons. All funds went
toward financing a successful Prom.
Prom Chairman, Kathy Tamlnger, says, "I
feel Prom was a success and was very
pleased to see so many juniors and
seniors help out with construction, also
the sophomores who helped with cleaning
up afterwards. Although Prom was a lot
of hard work, the class was satisfied
with the turn out."
Junior Class Officers (opposite page, from bottom)
Sandy Flesch, Treasurer; Amy Northard, Recording
secretary; Mimi Madrlgrano, Corresponding secretary;
Terri Dletman, Vice President; David Alello,
President. Junior Class Advisory Board, (sitting,
row 1) Kathy Tamlnger, Renee Swlatko, Missy Kobrow,
Jean Pelllgrlno (Row 2) Dave Miikent, Gary Slpsma,
Gregg Patty, Lynn Servais (Row 3) Carla Flstler,
Wendy Quick, Amy O'Connor, Karen Clcchlnl (Row 4)
Jenny Schultz, Jean Camosy, Laure Goff, Dave Sokol.
(standing) Wendy Flesch, Sue Gentz, Mary Peterson,
Teresa Neu, Dave Alello, Sandy Flesch, Terri Dletman
Mimi Madrlgrano, Pam Madison.
Adam, Mark
Adelsen, Erik
Aderman, Greg
Adler, Catherine
Aiello, David
Aker, Roxann
Albert, Kathleen
Allen, Leigh
Altoff, Brian
Andersen, Erik
Anderson, Arne
Anderson, Craig
Anderson, Giibert
Anderson, Jeffrey
Anderson, Kenneth
Anderson, Kim
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Wiiiiam
Andre, Mark
Andro, Ronald
Angotti, Don
Antes, Wanda
Apker, Carol
Backmann, David
Bagnall, Katherine
Balley, Leslie
Baker, Rhonda
Ball, Jackie
Banas, John
Bankhead, Kenneth
Barks, Bonny
Barnes, Susan
Barribeau, LuAnn
Bartee, Stanley
Barter, Robert
Barth, Mark
Basham, Susan
Batassa, Donna
Baumeister, Sandra
Beck, Catherine
Becker, Christine
Becker, Delores
Becker, Jan
Becker, Janice
Becker, Kathleen
Becker, Kenneth
Becker, Mary
Beddow, Darryl
Beecher, Wayne
Behr, Michael
Belke, Mlchael
Belsky, Mark
Benik, Kimberly
Berenson, Carol
Juniors Rae Kevek, Leigh Felter
and Ellen Pedraza are discussing the
turnout of the AFS Dance.
Bernacchi, John
Bernett, Jamee
Berry, Eugene
Beech, Wiiiiam
Birkholz, Patricia
Bishop, Sherry
Blauser, Mary
Blazewlcz, David
Block, Tim
Boardman, Tom
Boblllard, Therese
Boniface, Nell
Bonney, Daniel
Bonofigllo, Tina
Booth, Steven
Borggren, Debra
Bose, Mark
Brandes, Jean
Brandt, Jean
Braun, Diane
Brennan, Thomas
Brenneman, Sandra
Brennen, Robin
Brevitz, Larry
Brewer, Lynn
Briese, Michael
Briggs, Susan
Bringsosen, Diane
Britt, Melanie
Broker, Tamara
Bromstead, David
Broomfield, Diane
Brothen, Robert
Brown, James
Brown, Linda
Brummel, Julie
Bruzas, Dale
Bryant, Florinda
Bryant, Wiiiiam
Brydges, Wiiiiam
Bucher, David
Buege, Wiiiiam
21 3
Bulik, Kurt
Bullock, Susan
Burditt, Peggy
Burgees, Barbara
Burgy, Diana
Burkee, Jamee
Burkoth, Mlchael
Burkoth, Sandra
Buskirk, Steve
Buttera, Florence
Callllet, Paul
Caln, Jeff
Caldwell, Rich
Callahan, Chris
Camoay, Jean
Campolo, Nick
Cantwell, Debera
Carney, Steven
Carpenter, Elsa
Cassity, Peggy
Chapman, Jerry
Chaput, Eiieen
Chatterton, Linda
Chlanelll, Kathy
Chiappetta, Karen
Chiodo, Jamee
Chiodo, Kim
Christensen, Jeffery
Christiansen, Glenn
Christiansen, Ruse
Christy, Peter
Clcchlnl, Karen
Clark, Crlt
Clark, Jania
Clarke, Wllllam
Coleman, Lester
Colllna, Nancy
Colllna, Robert
Colmer, Rick
Colter, Danlel
Contreras, Mary
Conwell, Patrick
Petra Schmelz, Mlchelle Tarsltano,
Denise Drelfke and Don Stlchart search for
famlllar faces In the "72" Claaalc.
Cooper, Bobby
Cords, Barbara
Corso, Duane
Covell!, Rose Ann
Cowen, Jane
Cucunato, Theresa
Curio, Melody
Dade, Susan
Danke, David
Dart, Richard
Davenport, Kimberly
Davenport, Scott
Davis, David
Davis, Sue
Decesaro, Catherine
Decesaro, Paul
Deerwester, Scott
Dehaan, Roger
Delcorps, Marcia
Delmore, Leah
Demske, Joseph
Denio, Luann
Denio, Rae
Desotel!, Kimberly
Devine, Debi
Devine, Robert
Devries, John
Dewitt, Margaret
Dezee, Kenneth
Dezee, Deborah
Dibble, Karen
Dibble, Katie
Dletman, Terrie
Dockter, Sharon
Dodge, Kevin
Doerfler, Alvln
Donals, Randy
Dorff, Barbara
Dorn, David
Dow, Robert
Dowdy, Debra
Drelfke, Denise
Dubois, Charles
Dunn, Mona
Dunow, Dawn
Earl, James
Ebeling, Eric
Ebert, Craig
Ebener, Jeff
Edmark, Zachery
Edwards, James
Edwards, Michael
Ellefson, Gay
Eisenhauer, Sue
Ellefson, Cathy
Engelmann, Michael
Engles, David
Erickson, Vicki
Esser, Timothy
Etzelmuller, Dawn
Evans, Diane
Ewald, Jeffery
Falduto, Linda
Fanke, Katherine
Felter, Leigh
Fellows, Clarence
Fiers, Duwayne
Flfarek, Teresa
Findling, Allen
Flrchow, Jody
Fish, Lawrence
Fistler, Carla
Flesch, Sandy
Flesch, Wendy
Follansbee, Kenneth
Fonk, Janet
Foster, Joann
Fraley, Debbie
Frame, Dennis
Franz, Karl
Franzen, Ricki
Frederick, Suzanne
Fredrickson, Donald
Frei, Ronald
Frieman, David
Frost, Matthew
Fulmer, Thomas
Galdonlk, Lynda
Gamberini, Dale
Gangler, Robert
Gann, Charles
Gardner, Robert
Garza, Eva
Gascoigne, Kimberly
Gehring, Charles
Gename, Russell
Gentlle, Sue
Gentz, Donna
George, Lynn
Georno, George
Gerlach, Karen
Gibson, Pamela
Glelas, Janice
Glordano, Gene
Gittens, Mark
Glass, Leisa
Goergen, Gall
Goff, Laure
Gomez, Ginger
Gonnerlng, Jon
Gorra, Debby
Graham, Charles
Graham, Steven
Graeser, Jackie
Gray, Peter
Gregory, Judy
Gregory, Robert
Greldanue, Dave
Gretzinger, Chuck
Griffin, Christopher
Griffin, Cynthia
Grimmer, Gerald
Grose, Linda
Grund, Susan
Gutche, Pat
Guttormeen, Diane
Guttormeen, Lee
Hackworthy, Nancy
Hadler, Rob
Hagan, Steve
Hagen, Barb
Hall, Sheree
Halvorsen, Mark
Halvorsen, Rich
Hamachek, Kathy
Hamann, Theresa
Hamilton, Ricky
Hamm, Mike
Hammond, Dave
Haney, Doug
Hanna, Kevin
Hannes, Charles
Hansen, Doug
Hansen, Lorie
Hansen, Patricia
Harmon, Nell
Harper, Dorian
Harrie, David
Leigh Felter clowns around
with Rae Kevek at the AFS sponsored
Halloween Dance
Russ Gename, after being splattered
with egg, helps clean up after one of the
Big Brute Homecoming Contests.
Harris, Jolie
Harris, Scott
Hartnell, Jiii
Hartnell, Ricky
Hartnell, Theresa
Hassllnger, Joanne
Hathcock, Pamela
Hawkins, Linda
Hawkins, Margaret
Hawkins, Steven
Hawley, Scott
Hazelton, James
Helf, Lisa
Henderlelter, Ruth
Hennessy, Mike
Hennlngfeld, Patti
Henrikson, Sharon
Hermann, Cheryl
Herr, Charles
Herr, Linda
Herrmann, Rick
Hermann, Cheryl
Hessefort, Steven
Heyden, Robert
High, Cheryl
Hiii, Jimmie
Hillesland, Richard
Hitt, Sue
Hlavata, Judy
Hoff, Gregory
Hoffmann, David
Holiday, Biii
Holton, James
Honey, Scott
Hopkins, Jeanne
Hornby, Deborah
Hosmanek, Jane
Hovey, Kermit
Hubbard, Sue
Hulce, Diane
lnfuslno, Pat
Ingraham, Robert
Irish, Mark
Ironside, Mary
Jabs, Thomas
Jackson, Eugene
Jackson, Faye
Jackson, Larina
Jacobs, Cheryl
Jaeger, Wllllam
Jahnke, Alfred
Janas, Pamela
Jeffries, Brenda
Jensen, Diane
Jensen, Jack
Jensen, Linda
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, Cynthia
Johnson, Linda
Johnson, Mary
Johnson, Theodore
Johnson, Thomas
Johnstone, Denise
Jorgensen, Karin
Kadonsky, Gary
Kadonsky, Kerry
Kaeppeler, Kenneth
Kalbfell, Jerry
Kalclc, Vicki
Kamara, David
Kanlos, Mike
Kaprellan, Laura
Karls, Biii
Kasputls, Nancy
Kauffman, Wendy
Kazell, Susan
Keating, Loren
Keefner, Jeanne
Kamen, Kevin
Kenaga, Maryrlta
Kendall, Stephanie
Kennedy, Beth
Kessler, Ruth
Kewenlg, Craig
King, James
Kivi, Robert
Collaborating over antics of last
year, Juniors Paul Sockness, Dave Miikent,
Marc Tolgo and Gary Slpsma page thru the classic.
Kloet, Donald
Knight, Debra
Knorn, Gary
Knutter, Charles
Kobrow, Mellssa
Koesser, Kurt
Kolstad, Barb
Kopp, Edgar
Korbel, Joseph
Kortlang, Luis
Kosman, Ronald
Koster, Debra
Kovacevlch, Karen
Kramer, David
Krebs, James
Kreuscher, Carol
Krauser, Marcia
Krauser, Nancy
Krlmpelbeln, Antoinette
Krlnker, Ronald
Kronholm, Janice
Krulatz, Ann
Krumm, Kurt
Kuhn, Laurie
Kunath, David
Kunzman, Joe
Kuryanowlcz, Dave
LaBuy, Mark
Lachenschmldt, Laura
Lacki, Stephen
Lamphere, Vicki
Landre, James
Lang, Jean
Langer, Dean
LaPolnt, Robert
Klawitter, Terry
Larsen, Diane
Larson, Daniel
Larson, David
Larson, Laureen
Lasco, Kimberly
Lasky, Carol
Klees, Alan
Laurenzl, Linda
Laurin, David
Layton, Gaylen
Leanna, Jeffery
Leccese, Arthur
Lechner, Sue
Klein, Janet
Lehman, Jay
Lelbhan, Richard
Leltlng, James
Lemay, Brenda
Leslie, Allen
Lessman, Suzette
Levonowlch, Bob
Leys, Donna
Llegakos, Kimberly
Llghthlzer, James
Llljestrom, Jill
Linderman, Michele
Lindstrom, Kurt
Lindquist, Klindt
Llttel, Mark
Little, Paul
Livingston, Steven
Lois, Paula
Loux, Jeffery
Lubeck, Laura
Lubecke, Marsha
Lubnlewskl, June
Lubnlewskl, Nancy
Lucky, Jenny
Ludwig, Joseph
Luebke, Jon
Lueck, Lori
Lultze, Vernon
Lupi, Debi
Lupi, Dorothy
Lyons, Sharl
MacDonald, Patrick
Mackey, Beth
MacPherson, Scott
Maddox, Laurie
Madison, Pamela
Madrlgrano, Mimi
Maedke, Peggy
Malko, Steve
Malzahn, Gerald
Manllck, Constance
Marano, Mark
Marano, Sue
Marciniak, Anthony
Mardon, John
Marks, Richard
Marquardt, David
Martin, Barbara
Martin, Debra
Martinek, Jeff
Martlnelll, Domenick
Martinez, Ava
Masters, Richard
Mateja, Pamela
Matlc, George
Mattson, Douglas
Maurer, Kathleen
McBride, Vickie
McClenaghan, Michael
McClure, Deborah
MCCiurg, Blaine
Mcconathy, Deborah
McCormick, Colleen
Mccrossen, Lonnie
McDermott, Daniel
McDonald, Kevin
McDowell, Rosetta
McGee, Michelle
McGlnley, Carol
McGough, James
McGrogan, Diane
McManus, Richard
McPaul, David
Meler, David
Meiers, Carol
Meiers, Norma
Menden, Diane
Mango, David
Meo, Tina
Merten, Cheryl
Messina, Michael
Metallo, Linda
Matten, David
Matten, Mary
Meyer, Gary
Meyer, Jane
Meyer, Keith
Meyer, Michael
Meyer, Robert
Meyer, Suzanne
Meyers, Monica
Mickelson, John
Mlkolas, Kevin
Miikent, Daniel
Miiier, Lesley
Miiier, Marsha
Miiier, Paul
Miiihoiiand, Raymond
Miiihouse, Sheree
Mlsurelll, Carol
Modica, T om
Moehrke, Don
Moeller, Cheryl
Moerl, Peter
Molgaard, Lois
Molinaro, Debra
Moore, Deborah
Moore, Elizabeth
Morgan, Lynn
Morrison, Carol
Moses, Brenda
Mosher, Steven
Mueller, Ernest
Myers, Jeffrey
Myrvold, Michael
Neitzel, Kathy
Nelson, Andrea
Nelson, Barbara
Nelson, Dale
Nelson, Douglas
Nelson, Jeffrey
Nelson, Lynn
Nelson, Nancy
Nemeth, Richard
Napper, Mlchael
Netzer, Raymond
Neu, Teresa
Neumann, Pamela
Nichols, Pamela
Nolen, Jim
Nolting, Jane
Norris, David
The commons Is the likely place
for friendly gossip,
for these Junior girls.
Northard, Amy
Norton, Brad
Novelen, Jeffery
O'Connor, Amy
Ogle, Robert
Ogren, Sandra
Olsen, David
Olson, Sandra
Olson, Starr
Olson, Warren
O'Neal, Dan
Orlowskl, Judith
Ortiz, Laura
Ott, Kevin
Paasch, Patricia
Padlock, David
Pataska, Gregg
Pate, Lonnie
Patty, Gregg
Pawlik, Richard
Pechura, Jeffery
Pedersen, Anne
Pedraza, Ellen
Pellegrino, Jean
Perez, Cynthia
Person, Judy
Peterman, Tom
Petersen, Mary
Peterson, Mlchael
Petit, Mark
Petrausky, Donald
Petravlclus, Lora
Petri, Paul
Pezdlr, Peggy
Pfeiffer, Beth
Pfeiffer, Dave
Pfeiffer, Jackie
Pfeifer, Vicki
Pflueger, George
Phillips, Charles
Pies, Andrew
Picken, Debra
22 4
Piela, Kevin
Pierce, Richard
Pierce, Terry
Pierson, Jami
Pitsch, Robert
Pleet, Gary
" Anyone for a stake? " Diane Menden
and Linda Welch as they prepare the
coffin at the SAB dance.
Pleet, Marla
Plutchak, Daniel
Pocius, Catherine
Polanski, Karin
Pollard, Mark
Pollock, Mary
Poppe, Ken
Porter, Launette
Powell, Vaughn
Preston, Gary
Pritchard, Mary
Proud, James
Proulx, Rebecca
Pruett, Kay
Putman, Karen
Quick, Wendy
Racine, Jay
Radtke, Roxann
Rafter, Joi
Rampart, Cynthia
Rasmussen, Harry
Rath, William
Redmond, Susan
Reed, Heather
Rehfeldt, Laura
Reilly, Richard
Renne, Debra
Revoy, David
Rheaume, Patricia
Riccio, Lisa
Richards, Dale
Richards, James
Ricksecker, Vicki
Rieschl, Michael
Riggle, Debra
Riley, Colleen
Riley, Mike
Roach, Marilyn
Robers, James
Roberts, Sandra
Robinson, Catherine
Robinson, Warren
Rocco, Debra
Rohde, Lori
Rohde, Richard
Rohrer, Lisa
Rolnlotls, Thomas
Rondeau, Michelle
Roscloll, Robert
Rosen, Lynn
Rosko, Jiii
Rotunda, Diana
Rovlk, Janet
Rovlk, Jeffery
Ruetz, Debbie
Runge, Linda
Rutchlk, Gregory
Safago, Joseph
Sandberg, Karin
Santiago, Daisy
Santiago, Edward
Sarauer, Daniel
Schaafsman, Jeanne
Schael, Cynthia
Schalk , Mark
Scharf, Kathryn
Schaumberg, Gary
Schmelz, Petra
Schmidt, Pam
Schmidt, James
Schneeberger, Dale
Schnelder, Cheryl
Scholey, Carol
Schoor, Jeff
Schoor, Mark
Schubert, Barbara
Schuck, Lori
Schultz, Jenny
Schutz, Amy
Scott, Jeff
Studdard, Bob
Studrawa, Laura
Sturino, Tim
Sebetic, Ronald
Sedloff, Bruce
Sellers, Donald
Servais, Lynn
Sheehan, Kathleen
Shilts, Mark
Swlatko, Renee
Taffs, Jeanne
Tait, Gregory
Shockley, Catherine
Shuttlesworth, Timothy
Sikora, Sally
Simpkins, Kim
Singer, Diane
Slpsma, Gary
Tamlnger, Kathy
Tanking, Robert
Tarsltano, Michele
Slpsma, Jane
Strzypchak, Cheryl
Skurski, Daniel
Slater, Winston
Smallwood, Bonita
Smith, John
Taylor, Darlene
Tenuta, Lynn
Terrien, Mary
Smith, Randy
Smith, Richard
Socha, Charles
Sockness, Paul
Soens, Wllllam
Sokol, David
Sorensen, Julle
Speaker, Beth
Speaker, James
Spencer, Jane
Splltek, Karen
Springer, Loretta
Stancato, Gary
Stancato, John
Staude, Paula
Stebbins, Gall
Stebbins, Tina
Steckbauer, Dawn
Steele, Jerry
Stehllk, Wesley
Stein, Sandra
Stevens; Rom
Stevens, Susan
Stlchert, Douglas
Strand, Laura
Streck, Nancy
Strunk, Lynette
Stubbs, Don
Stubbs, Joseph
Stuckey, Diane
Sandy Olson and Mary Petersen select
music with Lance Becker to be played
at SAB recreation night.
Scott McNab, Amy Northard, Missy
Kobrow and Janet Klein express mixed emotions
over the Tremper-Bradford Basketball Game.
Thornberg, Laurie
Tlllack, Mark
Tiiiman, Marie
Timm, Jeannie
Tlrabasso, Kim
Tolgo, Marc
Tolefree, Regina
Tomlln, John
Tranberg, Jerald
Tredup, Jeffrey
Trottier, Clayton
Trottier, Clifford
Turgeon, Carolyn
Turner, Jacquelyn
Tutas, Edward
Tutlewskl, Phyllis
Tuttle, Melody
Ulrich, Marc
Uslnger, Debbie
Uslnger, Michael
Vagnonl, John
Vanderpoel, Linda
VanDyke, John
Vantubbergen, Linda
Vaughn, Agnes
Vaughn, Timothy
Ventura, Lori
Victoria, RoseAnna
Vlgnerle, Shella
Vlkmyhr, Susan
Vogel, Betsy
Von Neumann, Alex
Wade, Paul
Wade, Tom
Tetzlaff, Margarethe
Waldo, Dorothy
Walker, David
Wallace, Beth
Wallace, Jeffery
Walters, Mark
Wambolt, Debbie
Thiem, Lois
Warren, Judy
Wasurick, Linda
Weber, Shirley
Welner, Debra
Welch, Linda
Wells, Darla
Thomas, Gair
Wells, Robert
Wember, Randal
Werve, Marsha
Westplate, Myron
Westwood, Maria
White, Bev
White, Daniel
White, Kathy
Whitt, Renee
Wlercinskl, David
Wierslg, Jiii
Wierzbicki, Joan
Wiiiiams, Becky
Williams, Brian
Wiiiiams, Jane
Williams, Vaughn
Wiiiiamson, Sheree
Wlllkomm, Patricia
Wiiioughby, Charles
Wiison, Bob
Wilson, MaryAnne
Winans, Cindy
Wojciechowski, Sherry
Wolf, Gary
Wood, Thomas
Woods, Glenn
Wynstra, Janet
Wyosnick, Debra
Yde, Peter
Yoder, Joellen
Young, Jacalyn
Young, Luellen
Yurchak, Charles
Zalonc, Larry
Zajlc, Byrno
Zamsky, Mary
Zarlettl, Anthony
Zarletti, Linda
Zasada, Mark
Ziccarelli, Julie
Zorn, Jeffery
Zuchowski, Raymond
The Class
of ·74
was very much Involved this year in many
activities. "We did take 1st in this
year's Homecoming float," said John
Crawford, president, "and we're very proud
of itl" They also entered Winterama's Ice
Sculpture, and came out winning the
contest with a carving of an owl. The
class was also responsible for the
successful carnival at Winterama's festivities. The sophomores sponsored the Mr.
Tremper dance where Tom Ceschln was voted
the title. The newest students at Tremper
helped the Junior class clean up Senior
Prom. They also had several bake sales to
raise money.
Sophomore Class Officers (from left) John Rende,
Vice President; Terri Sorenson, Recording secretary;
John Crawford, President; Ros Andreuccl, Corresponding secretary; Kathy Andreuccl, Treasurer. Sophmore Class Advisory Board (from front, Row 1)
Colleen Colter, Jeanne Palmer, Anne Diamond, Shelly
Ladd. (Row 2) Chris Finch, Peppy Rizzo, Le Anne
Pderson, Diane Solovey. (Row 3) Terri Sorenson,
Ros Andreuccl, Kathy Andreuccl, Kathy Tredon.
(standing) Lori Oechler, Gall Clcchlnl, Terri
Ramacchl, Betty Piehl, John Crawford, John Rende,
Joan Pitts, Vicki Bruno, Patty Blehl, Diane Barnes,
Jean Tenuta.
Adams, Rickie
Aikens, Lynn
Aikens, Monica
Aker, Pamela
Akin, Gregory
Algiers, Mark
Allen, Lonny
Amadio, Linda
Ambro, Allee
Ambrosini, Nickolas
Ancevlc, David
Andersen, Linda
Anderson, Bob
Anderson, Julie
Anderson, Lorinda
Anderson, Mark
Anderson, Pamela
Anderson, Paul
Anderson, Ronald
Anderson, Steve
Andresen, Reid
Andreuccl, Cathy
Andreuccl, Rosalyn
Applegate, Bryan
Archer, MaryJane
Aull, Gary
Aull, Raymond
Baas, Tim
Baker, Richard
Baker, Sonja
Bakke, Kathryn
Balk, Maureen
Bambrough, Bruce
Bammer, Robin
Bankhead, Kenneth
Barber, Brian
Barber, Steven
Barker, Cheryl
Barlow, Russell
Barnes, Diane
Barnes, Gary
Barrett, Kevin
Basham, Karen
Basham, Sharen
Bass, Don
Batton, Michael
Bauer, Robert
Beck, Nancy
Becker, Andrea
Becker, Diane
Becker, Duane
Becker, Raymond
Becker, Sheree
Becker, Stephanie
Becker, Wiiiiam
Bedford, Steve
Bedford, Theonlta
Behling, Richard
Beilke, Theresa
Bellmore, Linda
Belongia, Allison
Belongia, Barbara
Benflet, Debra
Bennett, Pamela
Bennett, Susan
Bergren, Gayle
Bergren, Sue
Berner, Patricia
Bernhoft, Mark
Bezotte, Brian
Biel, Patti
Bllak, Christine
Birch, Kimberlyn
Birkholz, David
Birkholz, Kathy
Bittle, David
Bittner, Ronald
Bloner, John
Bloxdorf, Jeff
Bloxdorf, Stephanie
Boardman, Terry
Boehm, Gary
Bohn, Robert
Bollnt, Steven
Bolyard, Colleen
Bonn, Robin
Bosman, Linda
Bosten, James
Bothe, Mark
Bowen, Brian
"Working In the cloakroom Is one
of the more "Interesting" duties of
sponsoring a dance," says Lynn Peterson.
Brandee, Daniel
Brandt, Douglas
Brandt, Rick
Brandt, Susan
Brandt, Thomae
Breach, Gerald
Brelllng, Glenda
Brockway, Edwin
Broeech, Char
Brown, Christopher
Brown, Danlel
Brown, Julie
Brown, Norma
Brown, Sherry
Brownell, Carolyn
Brummel, Scott
Bruneau, Julle
Bruno, Mike
Bruno, Victoria
Brute, Danlel
Bucher, Mark
Budd, Ronald
Bufton, Debbie
Bundles, Todd
Buratti, Carla
Burke, John
Burke, Richard
Burt, Rebecca
Byom, Kathy
Calbaloeal, Gary
Sophomore Cheerleaders Pat Wirch
and Brenda VanDyke ask the J. V. squad to
"Big G llttle 0, GO, GOI"
Cairns, Margaret
Callahan, Patrick
Calley, Robert
Cantwell, Terry
Capodarco, Thomas
Caputo, Gary
Cardlnall, Julie
Carey, Elizabeth
Carlsen, Kimberly
Carlson, Brain
Carney, David
Carr, Sandra
Cashmore, Kathleen
Cassity, Matthew
Cate, Pamela
Cayo, Leah
Cebolskl, Linda
Chase, David
Chatterton, Chad
Chemerow, Betsy
Cheney, Michael
Chlanelll, ·James
Childers, Charles
Chora, Kathleen
Chulew, Marcia
Clcchlnl, Gall
Cina, Jackie
Ciotti, Jeffrey
Clrtls, Tom
Claeys, Penny
Clark, Michael
Clarke, Mollie
Clarke, Wendy
Clay, Cynthia
Cole, Julle
Coleman, Jerry
Coleman, Minor
Colmer, John
Colter, Colleen
Colwell, Richard
Conklin, Leah
Conradt, Harold
Constantineau, David
Contreras, Estella
Contreras, Ester
Contreras, MaryEstell
Contreras, MaryEster
Contreras, MaryJessle
Cock, Maryann
Coolidge, Michael
Cornell, Gerri
Coshenet, Ricky
Contrlll, Deborah
Covert, Kimberly
Crawford, John
Crump, Denise
Cummings, Carol
Cummings, Debbie
Cummings, Denise
Cundarl, Mike
Cunningham, Larry
Curio, Mona
Curtis, Thomas
Culter, Caryn
Dahgelo, Brian
Darrin, Gary
Greg Royce, Mark Malzahn, Roy Oulllce
and Biii Mlchaells seem to "Hold up the
Wall" while relaxing In the commons.
Davenport, Eric
Davey, Sharon
Davis, Bonnie
Day, Debra
Debusman, Susan
Deford, Dale
Dehamer, Michael
Deluca, Frank
Demanche, Lora
Demske, Barbara
DePaoll, Jeffrey
DeRose, Marlo
DeRouchey, Susan
Desrls, Joseph
Detienne, Karen
Dezoma, Cindy
Dlamon, Ann
Dibble, Kim
Dibble, Linda
Dibble, Sandra
Diener, Scott
Dimeo, Albert
Dlmltrljevlc, Christine
Dltthardt, Donald
Doerflinger, Chris
Donals, Pamela
Donavon, Lauren
Dreger, Keith
Drlgot, Janis
Duban, Cindy
Duller, Carol
Dunwald, James
Dupont, Denise
Durbin, Mary
Dutton, Ellen
Dyutka , Joyce
Dyutka , Robert
Eckhardt, Chris
Ecklor, Mary
Edwards, Kim
Ehmke, Yvonne
Elftmann, Charles
Ellefson, Karen
Ellls, Clyde
Elmer, Mary
Engelmann, Kathryn
Engels, Laura
Ennis , Steven
Erdmann, Debbie
Erickson, Bradley
Erickson , Susan
Ernst, Susan
Evenson, Glenn
Ewens, Jeffrey
Ewer, Lynn
Ewing, James
Falduto, Bradley
Falduto, Laura
Fanning , Dan
Farrington , Darla
Fato, Charles
Faulkner, Jackie
Faulkner, Rock
Fay , Barbara
Feckler, Thomas
Fedyzkowskl, Susan
Fenn, Richard
Ferraro, Joan
Flccadentl, Karen
Finch, Christy
Fischer, Lorre
Fish, Peggy
Fistler, Richard
Flatley, Wllllam
Flesch, Laura
Fletcher, Danny
Fllnt, Rodney
Fllppo, Biiiy
Flood, Sherwin
Flores, Tony
Fonk, Donald
Fonk, Kurt
Forbes, Cheryl
Ford, Daryll
Foreman, Deborah
Fortney, Dianne
Fraley, Sharon
Frank, Kathleen
Franklin, Ronald
Franz, Janet
Fraser, Barbara
Frederick, Jan
Frederick, Karen
Frederickson, Bruce
Fredoamo, Kim
Freeman, Gary
Freerklng, Kristi
Frei, Sandra
Frese, Janet
Friedrich, Deborah
Fries, Mary
Fulmer, John
Fumo, John
Gallman, Bonnie
Gallo, Felix
Gardner, Debra
Gardner, Susan
Garza, Alma
Gascoigne, Jeffrey
Gates, Donna
Gebhart, Chuck
Gehrke, Annette
Gentile, Cynthia
George, Laura
Gerard, Ken
Gerlach, Kim
Gerolmo, Jeffrey
Gerth, Vernon
Glaneselll, Gerald
Gibson, Shelly
Gibson, Thomas
Giibert, Garth
Glordana, Lisa
Glordano, John
Girman, Ann
Gittens, Mary
Godlewski, Paul
Goergen, Bonnie
Goff, Susan
Goodhall, Thomas
Gosnell, Karen
Graf, Dianne
Graham, Michael
Gram, Thomas
Cathy Savaglio, Kathy Lechner, Gall
Clcchlnl a nd C hris Finch gather around a common s
table piled wi t h purees during 7th hour.
Granger, Catherine
Granger, Mellea
Graumann, Richard
G r ay , Roxy
Greenwald, Ellen
Greenwood, Kerri
Gregory, Debra
Griffen , John
Grimes, Timothy
Grisham ,. Tom
Grund , Terri
Guerra, Gary
Gunnell, Linda
Gunnlaugeon, Jon
Hackbarth, Beth
Hacker, Janet
Hagberg, Janice
Half, Barbara
Hall, Gary
Halmo, Susan
Halvorsen, Kathleen
Hamby, Kurt
Hamilton, Marlene
Hammelev, Paul
Hammond, Ward
Haney, Carol
Haney, Penny
Hanemlre, Debbie
Hanzallk, Reid
Hanzallk, Scott
Harrie, Jeff
Hart, Brian
Hartl, Daniel
Harvey, Susan
Hatherly, Mark
Haugen, John
Hautzlnger, Trudy
Hayden, Robert
Haye, Michael
Hebert, Michael
Heblor, Joe
Heg , Larry
Helmes, Anne
Helf, Janet
Helgesen, Micheal
Henoch, Jack
Herde, Debra
Hermann, Cheryl
Hernandez, Janie
Heroux, Mary
Herrmann, Jeffrey
Hess, Dawn
Heyden, Todd
Hiii, Barb
Hlmmeleln, Lori
Hinds, David
Hoard, David
Hoefert, Dean
Hogan, Mike
Hoganson, Robert
Holman, Jeffrey
Homes, Daniel
Horsley, David
Hosmanek, Mark
Houch, James
Howard, Robert
Howe, Spencer
Hoyer, Karen
Hudson, Richard
Huff, Lee
Hughes, Jeffrey
Huntley, Wllllam
Hybert, Peter
Hyde, David
Hyllnske, Cathleen
laqulnta, Pete
Ironside, Timothy
Irving, Dwight
lsermann, Catherine
Isett&, Mark
(right) Laurie LaRose practices
a handspring vault for the girls
gymnastics meet with Bradford.
(opposite) Sophomore gymnasts Terry Sorensen
and Tami Zehms relax and study before the
Bradford-Tremper meet.
Jackson, Bobby
Jackson, Debbie
Jackson, Joe
Jackson, Larlena
Jackson, Larry
Jackson, Marsha
James, Kelvin
James, Kevin
Janis, Gary
Janis, Vickie
Jasper, Raymond
Jenison, Lori
Jensen, Ann
Jeranek, Susan
Jessen, Susan
Jezierski, Frank
Johnston, Barbara
Johnson, Gary
Johnson, Glenn
Johnson, Jane
Johnson, Mickey
Johnson, Sally
Johnson, Soren
Jones, Frances
Jones, Kim
Jones, Randy
Jorgenson, Bruce
Juga, Bruce
Jung, Ronald
Jurevlclus, Raymond
Kadonsky, James
Kaiser, Kathy
Kammer, Ronald
Kanas, Lori
Kanocz, Mary Kay
Kauten, Marla
Kavalauskas, John
Kavanaugh, Kathleen
Kazell, Alan
Kehl, Linda
Kellehner, Mic heal
Kelly, Micheal
24 1
Kemp, Margaret
Kent, Mike
Kersten, Lynnette
Ketchum, David
Klees, Judy
Klees, Lori
Klemm, Patricia
Kllnkerfuee, Patricia
Klffel, Jamee
Kiffe!, Tom
Knotts, Pamela
Kober, Danny
Koch, Robert
Koehler, Debra
Koeeel, Craig
Kohout, Karen
Kolkmann, Susan
Kollman, Lloyd
Kollman, Paula
Kollman, Wllllam
Kondrad, Grant
Kontof, Ray
Kopeeky, Jamee
Kozerskl, Cindy
Krahn, Ronald
Krause, Llnnlea
Kreth, Debra
Kreueer, Bernadine
Kreueer, Janice
Kreueer, Nancy
Krlmpelbeln, Diane
Kruchko, Greg
Krueger, Paula
Kubart, Mark
Kueeeow, Lynn
Kulblekl, Stephen
Kunath, David
Kuehman, Cheryl
Ladd, Shelly
Ladewig, Keith
Lambrecht, Cheryl
Lamothe, Connie
Landre, Donald
Lane, Janet
Lang, Louie
Lapotka, Carol
LaRoee, Laurie
Larsen, Cheryal
Larson, Wllllam
Last, Mark
Lauer, Steven
Laut, Heinz
Laurenzl, Paula
Lauzon, Glen
Lawler, Scott
Lawrence, Larry
Lawrence, Richard
Lawrence, William
Lechner, Kathy
Leech, Jerry
Leek, John
Lehman, James
Lelbhan, Janet
Leisner, Jeffrey
LeMay, Diane
Lenzlng, James
Leonhardt, John
Leonhardt, Joni
Lepp, Joanne
Leslie, Bonnie
Leslie, Debra
Leslie, M,yrna
LeTart, Yvonne
Letsom, Jeanne
Lettrlch, Kerry
Leys, Richard
Llegakos, Karen
Llljestrom, Greg
Lindsey, Margaret
Llanas, John
Londo, Robert
Londo, Tom
Lori, Joseph
Lough, Terri
Lovegrove, Vicki
Lubecke, Miles
Ludlow, Gary
Lultze, Tina
Lukosaltls, John
Lulewicz, Elizabeth
Lynch, Kathleen
Maas, Deborah
MacDonald, Mlchael
Enjoying one of Tramper's 18
drinking fountains, Nancy Weise and Andie Becker
relax at the SAB dance.
24 3
A group of sophomores
Intently llsten to the band at their
first Tremper dance .
Maclk, Pamela
Mackey, Gregg
Maddux, Christopher
Maedke, Douglas
Mahan, Dennis
Majewski, Barbara
Malzahn, Mark
Marciniak, Mary
Marlk, Thomas
Markese, Ronald
Marks, Katherine
Martell, Catherine
Martin, Mary
Mason, Cynthia
Maurer, Steve
May, Michael
Mazzei, Diane
McArthur, Nancy
McCloskey, Debra
Mccloskey, Vickie
Mccrary, Michael
McCune, Barbara
McDavld, Dee
McGlbany, James
McMahon, Terry
McNab, Jeffrey
McOuestlon, Karen
McOuestlon, Sharon
Meler, Bonnylu
Meler, Rick
Merten, Luanne
Messersmith, John
Metallo, Jiii
Mete Iver, Clifford
Meyer, Kim
Meyer, Larry
Meyers, Bruce
Michaelis, Wiiiiam
Michelson, Richard
Mickewlcz, Carol
Miikent, Mary
Miiier, Cheryl
Miiier, Randy
Miiihouse, Biii
Mlnkowskl, Bob
Mitchell, Steve
Mockus, Jeffrey
Moeller, Cheryl
Mogensen, David
Mogensen, Tom
Mohr, Danette
Molette, Dawn
Molette, Jerry
Molinaro, Linda
Montoya, Gloria
Moody, Michael
Moore, Barbara
Moore, Stuart
Morgan, Donna
Morgan, Donna
Morgan, Janice
Morley, Delaura
Morris, Charles
Mukka, Ruth
Muller, Dean
Murray, Brian
Murray, Michael
Nall, Dana
Nelder, Jeff
Nelson, James
Nelson, Jeffrey
Nelson, Kevin
Nelson, Nancy
Nelson, Robert
Newstrom, Pat
Newhouse, Mike
Nickles, Larry
Nlelsen, Debra
Nielson, John
Nies, Cynthia
Nicoll, Wiiiiam
Nighbor, Bart
Noel, Michele
Nolen, Sue
Odelberg, Jon
Oechler, Lorrie
Ogrln, Joel
O'Hara, Kathleen
Oleksy, Gwynne
Olllla, Greg
Olson, April
Olson, Jennifer
Olson, Mary
Olson, Mary
Orrison, Margery
Orrison, Vada
Ortiz, Blanca
Osten, Arthur
Otto, Lynn
Owens, Kathy
Paasch, Ricky
Pacetti, Larry
Packard, John
Padlock, Susan
Padovano, Frank
Pagel, Cheryl
Palmer, Jeanne
Panasewlcz, Keith
Parker, Russell
Passarelli, Danny
Patrick, Robert
Paul, Karen
Paupa, Cindy
Pedersen, LeAnn
Peet, Alan
Peet, Cindy
Peters, Cathy
Peters, John
Pfeiffer, Debra
Peters, Michael
Petersen, Jane
Peterson, Christy
Peterson, Jae
Peterson, Lynn
Petkovlc, Alexander
Pettey, Cynthia
Pfeiffer, Debra
Phllllps, Dolores
Phllllps, Marc
Plehl, Betty
Pierce, Dale
Pletluck, Debra
Pignotti, Jean
Plkna, Jeffery
Pitsch, Thomas
Pitts, Joan
Plutchak, John
Poikonen, Mandi
Polzin, Carol
Principe, Anna
Proeber, David
Prostko, Larry
Proud, Lynn
Puhr, Rosemarie
Putrow, Mark
Qulllce, Roy
Raddatz, Rick
Reiman, Kyle
Ralph, Jeanette
Ramaccl, Terri
Ramer, Dianna
Randle, Anne
Rasch, Judith
Rasch, Ronald
Rasico, Ricky
Ratelle, Mary
Reidenbach, John
Rende, John
Resclgno, Anthony
Richards, Frank
Rlkll, Linda
Riiey, Barbara
Rltacca, Kathryn
Rizzo, Lenny
Rizzo, Paul
Rizzo, Peppy
Roach, Barbara
Robers, Kenneth
Roberts, Debra
Robinson, Linda
Robinson, Mike
Rock, Matthew
Roder, Bob
Sophomores Gary Ludlow, Ann
Dlamon, Kathy Kaiser discuss the Tremper-Park
basketball game at the S.A.B. dance.
Rodgers, Elizabeth
Roemer, James
Rohde, David
Rolnlotls, Biii
Rohas, Dolores
Rommelfanger, Kevin
Rondeau, Suzanne
Ross, Betsy
Rothman, Michele
Rothrock, Barbara
Rovlk, Mark
Royce, Greg
Ruleford, Debra
Rumachlk, Debra
Ruseckl, Bruce
Sabby, Mike
Sadowski, Denise
Saldivar, Loreta
Salerno, Richard
Sanders, Debbie
Sandt, Timothy
Santiago, Tom
Sauve, Marc
Scales, Gene
Schaefer, Joan
Schalk, Peggy
Schelllnger, Glenn
Schlater, Kim
Schlosser, Pamela
Schmerllng, Mitchell
Schmidt, Gene
Schmidt, Joellen
Schmidt, Michael
Schmidt, Theresa
Schmidt, Tom
Schmitt, Gary
Schmitz, Maureen
Schmitz, Tim
Schneeberger, Jeffrey
Schnelder, Margo
Schnelder, Robert
Schnuck, Jeffrey
Scholey, Scot
Scholtz, Barbara
Schouten, Larry
Schroder, Greg
Schultheis, Diane
Schultz, Charlene
Schultz, Jean
Schultz, Terry
Schuster, Lawrence
Scott, Lu
Scott, Robin
Sedloff, Michael
Seeger, Carolyn
Seeger, Marietta
Selberllch, Paul
Using one of the many pieces of
equipment available In the English resource center,
Carla Sealaueler and Ellen Guenwald review a fllmstrlp.
Selander, Carla
Sennholz, Robert
Serpe, George
Serpe, Jean
Serzant, Joseph
Sexton, Gall
Sexton, Keith
Sexton, Robert
Shable, Andy
Shlffra, Carol
Shlpley, Robert
Schockley, Stephen
Shore, Patricia
Shulskl, Mark
Shymanskl, Sheri
Sikora, Dennis
Simon, Diane
Slnkule, Ann
Sipple, Liz
Sivley, Dean
Skrzypchak, David
Smith, Chris
Smith, Lisa
Smith, Lori
Snlatynskl, Greg
Solovey, Diane
Sorensen, Terri
Spencer, Brenda
Spencer, Keith
Spitzer, Russell
Spizzirri, Steve
Springer, Carol
Stamm, Terri
Standridge, Amy
Stanton, Stephen
24 9
Starks, Kelly
Starr, Lori
Stauder, Leroy
Stavlo, Mike
Stebbins, Frank
Steckbauer, Jeannie
Steen, Jessie
Steinhoff, Peter
Stern, Roy
Stewart, Jody
Stoebe, Susan
Stoeblg, Biii
Stolllngs, Kathy
Strange, Mary
Strasser, John
Strout, Mary
Strobbe, Tom
Strickland, Linda
Suazo, Lorenzo
Suggar, Loretta
Sulllvan, Tom
Swanson, Brad
Swanson, Dale
Swartz, Chris
Swentesky, Gall
Szurovecz, Helen
Talley, Rick
Tallman, Rick
Tamlnger, Maureen
Tenuta, Jean
"VICTORY!" A group of sophomores
chant a rowdy rendition of Battle Cry during a Football
pep assembly.
Thomas, Wiiiiam
Thompson, Gregg
Thompson, Phllllp
Thompson, Ross
Thompson, Russel
Thornton, Debra
Thrasher, Cindy
Thurn, William
Tiffany, Terry
Tlshuk, Glen
Tlthof, Robert
Tolefree, Terence
Toms, Robert
Topel, Kirk
Topping, Sturart
Torris, Suzanne
Totts, Linda
Tredon, Kathy
Trempt, Paul
Trotter, Nancy
Turco, Anthony
Turco, Gregory
Tutlewskl, Lisa
Tutlewskl, Tina
Uhlich, Mary
Ulrich, Betsy
Vagonl, Paul
Valeri, Daniel
Tercek, Frank
Tercek, Mary
Terry, Linda
VanDahm, Ruth
VanDyke, Brenda
VanKammen, Kristine
Vanlanduyt, Jacques
VanWle, Connie
Veith, Dawn
Terwall, Patricia
Tessln, Richard
Tews, Tom
Verblck, Christopher
Victoria, Roseanna
Vieth, Thomas
Vincent, Wiiiiam
Vix, Patrick
Wagner, Jeffrey
Thlele, Jeffrey
Thom, Helen
Thomas, Cheryl
Waites, Rodney
Waites, Ronald
Wakefield, Scott
Walkowski, Stephen
Walllg, Barbara
Waluch, Jeffrey
Thomas, David
Thomas, Marie
Thomas, Scott
Ward, John
Warner, Jim
Warnock, Cheryl
Warren, Brent
Warrender, Annamarie
Warrender, Maryjean
Wasurick , Wiiiiam
Wates, Sharon
Webb, Kimberly
Wegmann, Micheal
Weise, Nancy
Welch, Geoff
Wente, David
Werve, Katie
Westplate, Joanne
Westplate, Renee
Weyrauch, Melody
Wheeler, Kathleen
Whlmery, Walter
Whltefoot, David
Whitmer, Kimi
Whitmire, James
Whitworth, Mark
Widmar, Randy
Wlersum, Kenneth
Wlersum, Richard
Wiiiiams, Hubert
Wiiiiams, Ricky
Wiiie, Colleen
Wiison, Elaine
Wiison, Joan
Wiison, Scott
Wirch, Patricia
Witt, Dale
Woelffer, Vickie
Wolfe, Leslie
Woods, Pat
Wozney, Mark
Wollert, Karen
Wright, Mike
Wurzer, Kenneth
Yde, Nell
York, Nancy
Young, Bernard
Young, Wiiiiam
Yezenga, Cindy
Yszenga, Denise
Yurchak, Dan
Zamsky, Robert
Zanotti, Charles
Zapenckl, Christine
Zehms, Tamara
Zelhen, Terri
Zlelsdorf, James
Zlgner, Ruth
Zirbel, Randy
Zuzlnec, Raymond
Antarmaln, Keith Barber, Lance Becker,
David Boehm, Edward Bonney, Jamee Bullock,
Chris Burgan, George Ciotti, Bradley
Clarke, Michael Conforti, Debra DeBruln,
Mark Dlamon, Paul Dupuis, Darryl Edwards,
Carol Eloff, Joseph Gigliotti, Vicki
Gunnlaugson, Rex Hammes, Paul Hartlaub,
Dan Hautzlnger, Helde Hlldewlg, Jim
Johnson, Karen Kunzler, Susan Laughlin,
Peter Luebke, Patrick McOueetlon, Jan
Mlekueh, Jeremiah Mohalley, Robert Oster,
Irene Oueetard, Dan Revoy, Ralph Selander,
Thomae Shelley, Walter Shockley, Wiiiiam
Singh, Craig Smith, Dawn Smith, Kristi
Sorensen, Sheree Teschler, Robin Thiel,
Jean Tryban, George Volpenteata, David
Warmann, David Witt, Mark Zuberbuehler.
Peter Beet, Robert Bllllnge, Terry Burt,
Ralph Conley, Mark Crawford, Vicki
Dedecker, Robert Du pin, Noel Dupont,
Barbara Durbin, Penny Durst, Leroy Fox,
Dorothy Garcia, Darryl Grose, Mark Hamby,
Roberta Hermann, Patricia Hollatz, Teresa
Holllday, Lown le Johnston, Wllllam Jones,
Steven Klopeteln, Mike Lehman, Jeffrey
Llttner, John Nlcolazzl, Jeffrey Nie Ison,
Kathie Parker, Jamee Pederson, Goerge
Plnzger, Charles Poindexter, Dale
Robertson, Theresa Robillard, Cheater
Sanders, Mary Smith, Brian Spitz, Guy
Tappa, Ricky Taylor, Raymond Turner, Marvin
Varnell, Bernard Vlkmyhr, Morna Wlemelt,
Eldred Woodman, Jamee Zuelke.
Deborah Bradley, Jamee Bryan, Robert
Coolidge, Ronald Costabile, Catherine
Delfrate, John Diaz, Dale Gaddy, Debby
Gardinier, Marla Gomez, Toinette Greene,
Walter Griffin, John Griffins, Robert
Grulke, Wiiiiam Hansen, Gerald Helton,
Elizabeth Herr, Franklin Hunt, Jackie
Hunt, Ira Jackson, Dennie Kammerzelt,
Kent Kauten, Kathy Lamphere, Gary Lamphere,
Joanne Llnzmaler, Margaret Lunewlcz, George
Mattie, Judy Mazzula, David Miikent, Don
Moehrke, Richard Murray, Joyce Nedweekl,
Paul Nielsen, Robert Nudl, Wllllam Nurmi,
Barbara Nuttal, Sharon Olson, Roy Pataky,
George Pflueger, Kathy Rafter, Terri
Rampart, Debbie Richardson, Joe Ripp,
Corrin Robinson, Ed Robinson, Cheryl Rocco,
Kevin Rogers, Kurt Streck, Don Strlech,
Tom Tennant, Ruse Tetzlaff, Carl Vines,
Cindy Wehrman, Matt West, Mark Wlllle, Jan
"Look alive, we're all in this together."
Student Index
Acerbl, Jeffery 57,61,62,
Aceto, David 174
Adam, Mark 212
Adams, Rickie 232
Adelsen, Cathy 20, 174
Adelsen, Erik 66,67,212
Aderman, Greg 212
Adler, Catherine 212
Aiello, David 38,211 ,212
Aiello, Joseph 174
Aikens, Lynn 48,232
Aker, Gene 157,174
Aker, Pamela 167,232
Aker, Roxann 212
Aker, Timothy 57,75,128,
Akin, Gregory 58,159,232
Albert, Elizabeth 49, 174
Albert, Kathleen 48,212
Albert, Peggy 174
Albrecht, Phy Ills 154, 155,
Algiers, Mark 68,73, 129,232
Allx, Michele 174
Alleman, Kathleen 174
Allen, Dale 174
Allen, Lonny 63,232
Allen, Roberta 156,174
Althoff, Brian 55,65, 129,212
Althoff, Duane 175
Amadio, Allan 57, 175
Amadio, Linda 157,232
Ambro, Allee 167,232
Ambrosini, Nickolas 232
Ancevlc, David 232
Andersen, Doreen 175
Andersen, Erik 36, 112,212
Andersen, June 175
Andersen, Keith 33, 114, 158
Andersen, Linda 232
Anderson, Arne 212
Anderson, Bob 232
Anderson, Craig 44,212
Anderson, David 175
Anderson, Diane 151, 175
Anderson, Giibert 212
Anderson, Jeffrey 212
Anderson, Julie 167,232
Anderson, Kathryn 90, 132,
166, 173,175
Anderson, Kenneth 77,212
Anderson, Kim 212
Anderson, Lorinda 142,232
Anderson, Mark 232
Anderson, Mary 163,212
Anderson, Pamela 140,
Anderson, Paul 232
Anderson, Richard 175
Anderson, Ronald 232
Anderson, Steven 232
Anderson, Susan
Anderson, Wiiiiam 212
Anderson, Wiiiiam
Andre, Mark 212
Andresen, Dale 75, 164
Andresen, Reid 69,232
Andreuccl, Cathy 44,49,
90, 138,231 ,232
Andreuccl, Ronda 1 75
Andreuccl, Rosalyn 26, 159,
Andro, Ronald 78,212
Angelo, John 175
Antaramlan, John
Antes, Wanda 212
Apker, Carol 212
Applegate, Bryan 232
Archer, MaryJane 48,232
Arneson, Russell 61,62, 175
Arrloha, Benny
Atkinson, Judy 117,175
Aull, Gary 232
Aull, Raymond 232
Baas, Tim 232
Backmann, David 212
Bagnall, Katherine 212
Balley, Leslie 212
Baker, John 175
Baker, Rhonda 163,167,212
Baker, Richard 78,232
Baker, Sonja 81,118,167,
Baker, Stephanie 132,160,
Bakke, Kathryn 232
Balk, Maureen 232
Ball, Jackie 175
Ball,Tod 175
Ballard, James 158, 175
Bambrough, Bruce 232
Banas, Jean 132, 1 75
Banas, John 212
Bankhead, Kenneth 212,232
Barber, Brian 113,154,
Barber, Clifford
Barber, Keith
Barber, Steven 64,65,232
Barker, Cheryl 157,232
Barks, Bonny 212
Barlow, Russell 232
Barnes, Diane 167,231,232
Barnes, Gary 112,232
Barnes, Susan 212
Barrett, Kevin 232
Barribeau, Luann 212
Barrows, Susan 1 76
Barter, Robert 212
Barter, Thomas 135, 176
Barth, Mark 212
Basham, Karen 232
Basham, Sharon 232
Basham, Susan 212
Bass, Don 44,49,147,159,
Batassa, Donna 26, 130,
Baternlk, Wiiiiam 176
Batt, Brian 176
Batton, Michael 58,232
Bauer, Robert 45,58, 141,
Baumeister, Barbara 176
Baumeister, Sandra 212
Beck, Catherine 212
Beck, Nancy 81,167,232
Becker, Andrea 26,49,167,
Becker, Christine 212
Becker, Delores 212
Becker, Diane 48,232
Becker,Duane 232
Becker, Jan 212
Becker, Janice 212
Becker, Kathleen 25,44,
48,162, 167,212
Becker, Kathy 27,132,
Becker, Kenneth 212
Becker, Lance
Becker, Mary 44,162,212
Becker, Paul 176
Becker, Raymond 232
Becker, Shelly 176
Becker, Sheree 48,167,232
Becker, Stephanie 232
Becker, Wiiiiam 49,233
Beddow, Darryl 212
Bedford, Frances 154, 176
Bedford, Steven 233
Bedford, Theonlta 118,
Beecher, Wayne 212
Behling, Richard 233
Behr, Michael 212
Beilke, Michael 164, 165,
Beilke, Michael 164, 165,
Beilke, Theresa 233
Bellaver, Beth 176
Bellmore, Linda 233
Belongia, Allison 80,167,
Belongia, Barbara 233
Belongia, Daniel 176
Belsky, Mark 212
Belsky, Michael 20,176
Benflet, Debra 233
Benik, Kimberly 44,162,
Benik, Tamara 1 76
Benko, Jeffrey
Benko, Joanne
Bennett, Pamela 233
Bennett, Susan 233
Berenson, Carol 44,143,
154,155,160, 163,167,212
Berquist, Ellen 21, 132,
Bergren, Gayle 233
Bergren, Sue 167,233
Bernacchi, Bridget
Bernacchi, John 57,59,213
Berner, Patricia 80,159,
163, 167 ,233
Bernett, James 213
Bernhardt, Cheryl 157,176
Bernhoft, Karen 161, 176
Bernhoft, Mark 63,233
Berry, Eugene 213
Besch, Wiiiiam 213
Best, Peter
Bezotte, Brian 233
Biel, Delorle 156, 176
Biel, Patti 157,231,233
Bllak, Christine 233
Biiiings, Robert
Blnnlnger, Douglas 176
Birch, Kimberlyn 233
Birch, Richard 176
Birkholz, David 233
Birkholz, Patricia 213
Blsclglia, Matthew 57,75,
Bishop, Sherry 213
Blttls, David 233
Bittner, Ronald 75,157,233
Blasl, Felicia 176
Blauser, Mary 44,213
Blazewlcz, David 213
Block, Tim 68,114,158,213
Bloner, John 233
Bloxdore, Jeffrey 233
Bloxdorf, Stephanie 233
Boardman, Tom 213
Boehm, David 57,176
Boehm, Gary 58,233
Boehme, Linda
Bohn, Robert 233
Bollnl, Steven 233
Bolyard, Coleen 233
Boniface, Nell 213
Bonn, Robin 63,233
Bonney, Daniel 213
Bonney, Edward
Bonney, Jiii 177
Bonoflgllo, Tina 68,213
Booth, Steven 147,158,213
Borchardt, Russell 112,
Borggren, Debra 213
Borggren, Lisa 143, 1 77
Borneman, Linda 177
Borst, Edward 1 77
Bose, Mark 135,213
Boseman, Linda 167,233
Boston, James 233
Bothe, Mark 233
Bowen, Brian 233
Boyce, Patricia 143, 177
Boyle, Nancy 177
Bradley, Deborah
Brand, Rosalie 177
Brandes, Daniel 234
Brandes, Frederick 76,77,
Brandes, Jean 160,213
Brandt, Deborah 140, 158,
Brandt, Douglas 234
Brandt, Jean 140, 154, 167,
Brandt, Richard 234
Brandt, Steven
Brandt, Susan 130,167,234
Brandt, Thomas 234
Braun, Diane 114, 158,213
Breach, Andrew 177
Breach, Gerald 234
Brehm, Kendall 177
Breiling, Glenda 234
Brennan, Cynthia 177
Brennan, Thomas 213
Brenneman, Sandra 213
Brennen, Robin 213
Brettlngen, Cynthia 177
Brevitz, Larry 213
Brewer, Lynn 139,213
Briese, Michael 213
Briggs, Susan 156,213
Briggs, Wiiiiam 57,128,
Brlngsosen, Diane 213
Britt, Melanie 26,44,150,
Brockway, Edwin 234
Broesch, Charlotte 234
Broker, Tamara 213
Bromstead, David 213
Bromstead, Jean 49,
156, 160,161, 166,177
Brookhouse, Robert 178
Broomfield, Diane 160,
Broomfield, Ronald 1 78
Brothen, Robert 213
Broughman, Steven 135,
Brown, Christophe 234
Brown, Constance 178
Brown, Daniel 234
Brown, Donald 178
Brown, James 121,213
Brown, Julie 234
Brown, Linda 154,213
Brown, Norma 234
Brown, Patricia 1 78
Brown, Sherry 234
Brownell, Carolyn 49,167,
Brownlee, Diane 136, 178
Brummel, Gregory 178
Brummel, Julie 167,213
Brummel, Scott 73,234
Brumeau, Julie 167,234
Brunner, Ruth 158, 1 78
Bruno, Michael 75,234
Bruno, Victoria 44,82,
Bruzas, Dale 213
Bryan, James
Bryant, William 213
Brydges, Wiiiiam 67,213
Bucher, David 213
Bucher, Mark 234
Buchman, Danette 178
Budd, Ronald 234
Buechner, Linda 178
Buechner, Roland 178
Buege, Wiiiiam 70,213
Bulik, Kurt 214
Bullock, James 128
Bullock, Susan 167,214
Bundles, Todd 234
Buratti, Carla 139,157,234
Burditt, Peggy 49,214
Burgan, Chris
Burgess, Barbara 167, 124
Burgess, Jane 26, 133,
Burgy, Diana 157,160,214
Burke, David 178
Burke, John 234
Burke, Richard 154,234
Burkee, James 214
Burkoth, Michael 214
Burkoth, Sandra 214
Burt, Rebecca 234
Burt, Terry
Busse, Kenneth 1 78
Buttera, Florence 214
Butterl, Victoria 156, 178
Byom, Kathy 167,234
Byrnes, Larry 178
Calbalosal, Gary 234
Callliet, Paul 67, 112, 154,
Caln, Jeff 214
Cairns, Deborah 11 7, 1 78
Cairns, Margaret 235
Caldwell, Lester 1 78
Callahan, Christine 81,83,
Callahan, Patrick 235
Calley, Robert 235
Camosy, Jean 26,211,214
Campolo, Jon 178
Campolo, Nick 154,214
Cantrell, Judith 1 78
Cantwell, Debra 150,214
Cantwell, Paula 179
Cantwell, Terry 235
Capodarco, Thomas 58,
Caputo, Gary 235
Cardinali, Julie 235
Carey, Elisabeth 235
Carlsen, Kimberly 159,235
Carolson, Brian 235
Carlson, Thomas 22, 179
Carmichael, Ronald 26,
Carney, David 235
Carney, Steven 68,69,214
Carpenter, Elsa 214
Carpenter, Eric 118, 179
Carr, Sandra 81,139,142,
Cashmore, Kathleen 235
Cassity, Matthew 235
Cassity, Michael 114,132,
Cassity, Peggy 1 56,214
Cate, Curtis 179
Cate, Pamela 235
Caulk, Penny 166,179
Cayo, Leah 159,235
Cebolskl, Linda 235
Ceschln, Thomas 69,88,
Chadde, Steve 179
Chapek, Lori 11, 16,49, 118,
Chaput, Eiieen 26,44,214
Chaput, Lawrence 56,57,
Chase, David 55, 75, 129,
Chatterton, Chadd 1 41 ,235
Chatterton, Cynthia 140,
Chatterton, Linda 27,155,
Chatterton, Vicki 114,158,
Chemerow, Betsy 167,235
Cheney, Michael 235
Chlanelll, James 235
Chlanelll, Kathy 214
Chiappetta, Karen 81,167,
Childers, Charles 235
Chiodo, James 214
Chiodo, Kim 214
Christensen, Jeffrey 77,
Christian, Paul 179
Christiansen, Glenn 214
Christiansen, Russell 214
Christy, Peter 214
Chulew, Marcia 44,49,
155, 167,235
Cicchini, Gall 167,231,235
Cicchinl, Karen 26,211,
Cina, Jackie 235
Ciotti, George
Ciotti, Janine 179
Ciotti, Jeffrey 15 7 ,235
Claeys, Penny 235
Clark, Danny 179
Clark, Janis 118,214
Clark, Michael 235
Clarke, Bradley
Clarke, Mollie 159,235
Clarke, Wendy 235
Clarke, William 214
Clay, Cynthia 235
Clement, Deborah 1 79
Cole, David
Cole, Julie 235
Coleman, Jerry 235
Coleman, Lester 214
Coleman, Minor 179
Collins, Betty 151, 179
Collins, Nancy 167,214
Collins, Robert 55,75,141,
Colmer, John 235
Colter, Colleen 44,231,
Colter, Daniel 214
Colwell, Richard 235
Conforti, Michael
Conforti, Terry 22, 131 ,
Conklin, Leah 159,235
Conley, Ralph
Conradt, Harold 235
Constantineau, David 75,
Contreras, Maryestell 235
Contreras, Maryester 235
Contreras, Maryjessle 235
Conwell, Patrick 57,214
Cook, Maryann 235
Coolidge, Michael 235
Coolidge, Robert
Cooper, Bobby 215
Cooper, David 179
Cords, Barbara 49,215
Cornell, Gerri 81,83,
Cornell, Gwendolyn 180
Corso, Duane 215
Cortese, Albert 154,155,
Coshenet, Ricky 235
Costabile, Lori 180
Costabile, Ronald
Cottrill, Deborah 235
Covelli, Rita 180
Covelli, Rose 215
Covert, Kimberly 235
Cowen, Jane 26,80,82,83,
Cox,Peggy 180
Crane, Judy 180
Crawford, John 44,66,
141,231 ,235
Crawford, Mark 54,55
Creighton, Susan 180
Crump, Denise 235
Crump, Margaret 180
Crump, Patricia 90, 180
Cucunato, Therese 215
Cummings, Carol 167,235
Cummings, Debra 235
Cummings, Denise 81,235
Cundari, Michael 235
Cunningham, Larry 235
Curio, Melody 81,167,215
Curio, Ramona 49,167,235
Curtis, Gladstone
Cutler, Caryn 235
Dade, Susan 215
Dangelo, Brian 235
Danke, David 215
Darrin, Gary 235
Dart, Richard 67, 112,215
Davenport, Eric 236
Davenport, Kim 26, 140,215
Davenport, Scott 156,215
Davey, Sharon 157,236
Davis, Bonnie 236
Davis, David 78,215
Davis, John 64,180
Davis, Ricky 62,91,180
Davis, Sue 215
Davis, Willie 61,180
Day, Debra 236
DeAngells, Debra 18, 180
Debettignies, Rita 151, 180
Deboer, Russell 180
Debruin, Debra
Debusman, Susan 236
Decesare, Catherine 215
Decesare, Paul 215
Dedecker, Vicki
Deerwester, Scott 16,112,
Deford, Dale 236
Defurio, James 90, 141 ,182
Dehaan.Rodger 215
Dehamer, Michael 236
Dekok, Philip 112,236
Dekok, Scott 47,114,132,
Delany, John 18,26,141,180
Delcorps, Marcia 215
Delfrate, Catherine 140, 167
Delmore, Leah 215
Deloughary, Cheri
Deluca, Frank 236
Demanche, Lora 113, 154,
Demarco, Michael 180
Demske, Barbara 167,236
Demske, Joseph 215
Denio, Luann 215
Denio, Rae 215
Depaoli, Jeffrey 236
Derose, Marlo 236
Derouchey, Susan 48,236
Derwae, Karen 1 40, 180
Desotell, Kimberly 215
Desrls, Joseph 48,236
Detienne, Karen 142,236
Detienne, Karen 142,236
Devine, Deborah 215
Devine, Elizabeth 114, 158,
Devine, Robert 215
Devries, John 215
Dewitt, Margaret 26,167,
Dezee, Deborah 215
Dezee, Kenneth 215
Dezoma, Cynthia 90,167,
Dlamon, Ann 90,167,231,
Diamon, Mark 78
Diaz, John
Dibble, Karen 215
Dibble, Katie 215
Dibble, Kim 236
Dibble, Linda 130,167,169,
Dibble, Sandra 236
Diener, Scott 236
Dieter, Sheryll 22, 130,
Dletman, Debra 181
Dietman, Terri 26,37,169,
Dimeo, Albert 154,236
Dlmitrljevlc, Christine
Dlmltrljevlc, Radovan 30,
60,61,62,70, 181
Ditthardt, Donald 58,236
Dobbs, Richard 181
Dockter, Sharon 215
Dodge, Joanna 20,117,181
Dodge, Kevin 215
Doerfler, Alvin 215
Doerflinger, Chris 161,236
Donais, Pamela 81,167,
Donals, Randy 26,57,70,
Donovan, Lauren 236
Dorey, Keith 1 81
Dorff, Barbara 156,162,
Dorn, David 57,129,215
Dow, Robert 215
Dowdy, Debra 215
Dowse, Deborah 44, 132,
Dreger, Keith 112,236
Drelfke, Denise 215
Drigot, Janis 154,236
Duban, Cindy 48,236
Dubois, Charles 215
Dudchac, Susan 158, 167,
Duller, Carol 157,236
Duller, Thomas 156,181
Dumke, John 181
Dunham, Jann 27,80,81,181
Dunn, Bruce 136,181
Dunn, Bryon 75,181
Dunn, Ramona 81, 136,
Dunow, Dawn 215
Dunwald, James 236
Dunwald, June 81, 166, 181
Dupln, Robert
Dupont, Denise 142,237
Dupont, Noel
Dupuis, Paul
Durbin, Barbara 82 ,156,
Durbin, Mary 237
Durst, Penny
Dutton, Ellen 49,237
Dutton, Wayne 117,181
Dyutka, Joyce 150,151,
Dyutka, Robert 58,237
Earl, James 135,215
Earley, Elizabeth 169, 182
Earnest, David 90, 173,182
Ebeling, Eric 154,155,215
Ebener, Jeffrey 215
Ebener, Mark 70,182
Ebert, Craig 112,215
Ebert, Mark 182
Eckhardt, Christophe 237
Eckler, Mary 237
Edmark, Zachery 215
Edwards, Allan 66,67,128,
Edwards, Darryl
Edwards, Helen 237
Edwards, James 215
Edwards, Michael 215
Ehlert, Daniel 121, 182
Ehmke, Yvonne 237
Eisenhauer, Susan 216
Elftmann, Charles 48,237
Ellefson, Cathy 130,216
Ellefson, Gay 182,215
Ellefson, Karen 44,237
Ellis, Clyde 237
Ellsworth, Michele 114,
Elmer, Janet 182
Elmer, Mary 237
Eloff, Carol
Engelhardt, Peter 182
Engelmann, Kathryn 48,
Engelmann, Michael 57,216
Engels, Laura 167,237
Engles, David 160,216
Ennis, Rita 83, 132, 166, 182
Ennis, Steven 65,237
Erdmann, Debbie 48,139 ,
Erickson, Bradley 237
Erickson, Susan 237
Erickson, Vicki 216
Ernst, Susan 81,167,237
Esser, Tlmonthy 75,216
Eternlcka, Frances 182
Etzelmuller, Dawn 142,216
Evans, Biiiy 182
Evans, Diane 114,158,216
Evenson, Glenn 237
Evenson.Deborah 182
Ewald, Jeffrey 78,216
Ewald, Michael 183
Ewens, Jeffrey 69,77,237
Ewer, Lynn 118,237
Ewing, James 237
Falduto, Bradley 55,73,
129, 141,237
Falduto, Laura 159,237
Falduto, Linda 26, 133,
Fanke, Katherine 216
Fanning, Daniel 237
Farrell, Steven 183
Farrington, Darla 157,237
Fasci, Mark
Fate, Charles 63,159,237
Faulkner, Jackie 237
Fay, Barbara 237
Fechner, Marllyn 156,183
Fackler, Thomas 58,237
Fedyzkowskl, Susan 237
Felter, Leigh 26,44,162,
Fellows, Clarence 216
Fenn, Richard 237
Ferraro, Joan 44, 138, 160,
Flccadentl, Karen 90, 159,
Fiers, DuWayne 216
Flfarek, Teresa 216
Finch, Christy 44,167,231,
Findling, Allen 216
Flrchow, Jody 47,48,133,
Fisch back, Apr II 158, 183
Fischer, Linda 183
Fischer, Lorre 237
Fischer, Nancy 132, 140,
Fish, Larry 158,216
Fish, Pamela 183
Fish, Peggy 237
Fistler, Carla 26,169,211,
Fistler, Richard 58,237
Fitch, Glenn 183
Fitzgerald, Dennis 157
Flatley, Michele 183
Flatley, Wiiiiam 237
Flesch, Laura 82,167,237
Flesch, Sandy 80,129,167,
Flesch, Wendy 129,167,211,
Fletcher, Danny 58,63,75,
Flippo, Biiiy 237
Flood, Sherwin 237
Flores, Antonio 237
Follansbee, Kenneth 216
Fonk, Cheryl 18,183
Fonk, Donald 237
Fonk, Janet 90, 167,216
Fonk, Janet 90,167,216
Fonk, Kurt 237
Forbes, Cheryl 157,158,
Ford, Cindy 132,154, 158,
Ford, Darryl 160,237
Foreman, Deborah 142,237
Fortney, Dianne 237
Foster, Joann 216
Fox, Leroy
Fraley, Debbie 216
Fraley, Sharon 238
Frame, Debra 140,152,183
Frame, Dennis 112,216
Frank, Kathleen 238
Franklin, Ronald 238
Franz, Craig 183
Franz, Janet 238
Franz, Karl 75, 129,216
Franzen, Ricki 216
Fraser, Barbara 133,238
Frederich, Bonnie 154,183
Frederick, Jan 138, 142,
Frederick, Karen 238
Frederick, Suzanne 216
Fredericksen, Bruce 58,
Frediani, Kim 238
Fredrickson, Donald 216
Freeborn, Michael 114,
Freeman, Diane 83, 146
Freeman, Gary 238
Freerklng, Kristi 238
Frei, Cheryl
Frei, Kenneth 113, 183
Frei, Ronald 67,78,216
Frei, Sandra 49,238
Freitag, Debra 183
Frese, Janet 238
Frese, John 77,183
Friedrich, Deborah 238
Freiman, David 216
Freiman, Kevin 184
Fries, Mary 238
Frost, Matthew 44,66,78,
Fulmer, John 238
Fulmer, Riiey 184
Fulmer, Thomas 126
Furno, John 112,152,154,
Gaddy, Dale
Galdonlk, Lynda 81,121,
Gallo, Felix 73,238
Gamberini, Dale 75, 112,
Gamberini, Diana 184
Gangler, Robert 69,78,216
Gann, Charles 216
Gann, Nancy 154, 184
Garcia, Candice 133, 156,
Garcia, Thomas 141,184
Gardinier, Deborah 157
Gardner, Debra 238
Gardner, Karen 132, 142,
Gardner, Karen 184
Gardner, Karen 132, 142,
Gardner, Karen 184
Gardner, Robert 216
Garramone, Gina 16, 132,
Garren, Malcolm 77,132,
Garza, Alma 48,81,157,
Garza, Eva 48, 156, 167,
Gascogne, Jeffery 73,238
Gascoigne, Kimberly 131,
Gates, Donna 238
Gebhart, Charles 68, 129,
Gebhart, Nancy 154,184
Gehring, Charles 216
Gehring, Mary 20,90, 140,
Gehrke, Annette 238
Gename, Russell 57,58,
Gentile, Cynthia 150,151,
Gentile, Janet 184
Gentile, Sue 138,211,216
Gentz, Donna 216
George, Daniel 184
George, Debra 117,184
George, Laura 152,238
George, Lynn 26, 134, 160,
Georno, George 57,70,129,
Gerard, Kent 238
Gerlach, Karen 26, 138,216
Gerlach, Kim 238
Gerlach, Laurie 184
Gerolmo, Jeffrey 238
Gerth, Vernon 238
Gerum, MaryJo 26, 140,
Gaster, Debra 184
Glaneselll, Gerald 65,238
Gibson, Kevin 37,184
Gibson, Michelle 130,238
Gibson, Pamela 216
Gibson, Thomas 238
Glelas, Jan 162,167,216
Gigliotti, Joseph
Giibert, Garth 238
Glldenstern, Randy 185
Giombetti, Dave
Glordana, Lisa 83,167,238
Glordano, Gene
Glordano, John 238
Girman, Ann 82, 167 ,238
Glronlml, Kathleen 142,
Girsh, Robert 185
Gittens, Denise 185
Gittens, Mark 216
Gittens, Mary 238
Glass, Leisa 90, 138, 154,
Godlewski, Paul 238
Goergen, Bonnie 238
Goergen, Claudia 132, 140,
Goergen, Gall 216
Goff, Brenda 1 85
Goff, Laure 26,157,211,217
Goff, Nancy 185
Goff, Susan 238
Gogola, Susan 185
Gomaz, Ginger 160,21 7
Gomez, Marla
Goodhall, Thomas 112,238
Gorra, Debra 217
Gosnell, Karen 26,159,
Gourley, Lisa 114,138,
Grabot, Thomas 28,64,65,
Graf, Dianne 157,238
Graham, Charles 217
Graham, Michael 58,63,
11 2, 1 54,238
Graham, Steven 217
Gram, Linda 185
Gram, Thomas 238
Grams, Ronald 185
Granger, Catherine 239
Granger, Melisa 239
Grasser, Jacqueline 26,
44,134,138, 167,217
Grasser, Paula 90,185
Graumann, Richard 239
Gray, Jeffery 158, 1 85
Gray, Nancy 132,152,185
Gray, Peter 45, 135,217
Gray, Roxy 239
Grayson, Richard 185
Green, Kevin 118, 185
Greene, Toinette
Greenwald, Ellen 239
Greenwood, Kerri 239
Gregory, Debra 239
Gregory, Judy 140,142,217
Gregory, Robert 49,69,154,
Greldanus, David 217
Gretzinger, Charles 217
Griffin, Christopher 217
Griffin, Cynthia 217
Griffin, John 239
Griffin, Walter
Griffiths, John
Grimes, Doris 26,40,81,
91,134,136, 166,185
Grimes, Timothy 239
Grimmer, Gerald 211
Grimmer, Jerome 67,185
Grinder, David 185
Grisham, Thomas 239
Grissom, Danny 185
Gross, Darryl
Gross, Linda 217
Grulke, Robert
Grund, Susan 217
Grund, Terri 142, 167 ,239
Guerra, Gary 239
Gulbransen, Lori 140,157,
Gunnell, Linda 152, 154,
Gunnlaugson, Jon 239
Gunnlaugson, Vicki 117
Gutche, Patricia 133,217
Guttormsen, Diane 86,217
Guttormsen, Gregg 66, 141,
Guttormsen, Lee 217
Haag, Charlene 186
Haag, Cheryl 186
Hackbarth, Beth 239
Hackbarth, David 45,135,
Hacker,Janet 239
Hackworthy, Clement 186
Hackworthy, Nancy 112,217
Hadler, Robert 112,217
Hagan, Steven 112,154,216
Hagberg, Janice 157,239
Hagen, Barbara 152,217
Hagen, Peter 186
Half, Barbara 239
Half, Gary
Hall, Gary 75,239
Hall, Sheree 167,217
Halmo, David 186
Halmo, Susan 239
Halverson, Mark 217
Halvorsen, Kathleen 239
Halvorsen, Richard 217
Hamachek, Kathi 186
Hamann, Theresa 217
Hamby, Kurt 239
Hamby, Mark
Hamers, Michael 186
Hamilton, Marleen 136,239
Hamilton, Ricky 57,59,75,
Hamm, Michael 217
Hammelev, Paul 239
Hammes, Rex
Hammond, David 217
Hammond, David 57,186
Hammond, Ellen 80, 132,
Hammond Ward 112, 154,
Hampton, Mark 168, 186
Haney, Carol 239
Haney, Douglas 26,57,137,
Haney, Penelope 236
Hannes, Charles 217
Hansen, Douglas 217
Hansen, Gregory 186
Hansen, Lori 186
Hansen, Lorie 81, 167,217
Hansen, Margaret 158, 186
Hansen, Patricia 26, 154,
Hansen, Philip 154, 155,217
Hansen, William 154, 155,
Hansmlre, Debbie 154,155,
Hanson, Barbara 143, 186
Hanzalik, Reid 239
Hanzallk, Scott 239
Harmon, Nell 112,154,217
Harper, Dorian 217
Harper, Ned 165,186
Harper, Suzanne 186
Harris, David 154,157,
Harris, Jeff 112,154,239
Harris, Jolie 49, 133, 140,
Harris, Scott 218
Hart, Brian 58,239
Hartl, Daniel 73,239
Hartl, John 186
Hartlaub, Paul
Hartnell, Jiii 44,218
Hartnell, Ricky 218
Hartnell, Theresa 218
Harvey, Susan 157,239
Hasslinger, Joanne 156,
Hathcock, Pamela 218
Hatherly, Mark 44,48,239
Haubrich, Marianne 186
Haugen,John 239
Hautzlnger, Daniel
Hautzlnger, Trudy 82,167,
Havarnek, Mark 186
Hawes, Cathy 166, 186
Hawkins, Diane 186
Hawkins, Linda 218
Hawkins, Margaret 218
Hawkins, Steven 218
Hawley, Scott 218
Hayden,Robert 239
Haye, Michael 239
Hazelton, James 218
Hebert, Michael 58, 141 ,239
Hebert, William 187
Heblor, Joseph 239
Heckel, Jane 187
Hedden, Harvey 132, 163,
Hees, Joan 218
Heg, Larry 55,239
Hegyera, David 117,187
Helmes, Anne 159,239
Helf, Janet 239
Helf, Lisa 218
Helgesen, Michael 240
Helton, Gerald
Henderlelther, Ruth 169,
Hennessy, Mike 67,154,
Hennlngfeld, Patti 154,218
Henoch, Jack 154,240
Henrikson, Sharon 218
Harde, Debra 240
Herman, Jill 187
Hermann, Cheryl 218
Hermans, David 187
Hernandez, Janie 240
Heroux, Mary 240
Herr, Charles 218
Herr, Elizabeth
Herr, Linda 167,218
Herrmann, Jeffrey 240
Hermann, Rick 133,218
Herrmann, Roberta
Hess, Dawn 159,240
Hessefort, Richard 75, 187
Hessefort, Steven 218
Hessefort, Thomas 187
Heyden, Robert 55,141 ,218
Heyden, Todd 141 ,240
Heyden, William 187
High, Cheryl 218
Hildewlg, Heide
Hill, Barbara 240
Hill, Duane
Hill, Jimmie 57,69,75,
Hiii, Richard 187
Hill, Susan 187
Hillesland, Richard 218
Himmelein, Lori 157,240
Hinds, David 159,240
Hitt, Susan 218
Hlavata, Judy 26,90, 138,
152, 169,218
Hoard, David 240
Hock, Christine 187
Hodal, Scott 187
Hoefert, Dean 240
Hoff, Dennis 158,187
Hoff, Gregory 218
Hoff, Jeffrey 187
Hoffmann, David 69,78,
Hogan, Michael 240
Hoganson, Julie 80,128,
Hoganson, Robert 66, 176,
Holland, Karen 49,132,
Hoilatz, Patricia
Holliday, Teresa
Holman, Jeffrey 240
Holton, Jim 55,78,218
Homes, Daniel 240
Honey, Scott 218
Hopklna, Jeanne 218
Hornby, Deborah 219
Horsley, David 78,240
Hosmanek, Jane 26,91
133, 152, 160,219
Hosmanek, Joan 132,134,
Hosmanek, Mark 121,240
Houch, James 240
Hough, Elli 23,219
Houston, Daniel 188
Houtsinger, Jean 48, 142,
Hovey, Kermit 133, 134,
Howard, Orrick 160,188
Howard, Robert 240
Hoyer, Karen 240
Hubbard, Marsha 188
Hubbard, Sue 219
Hudson, Richard 240
Huff, Lee 68,112,240
Huff, Malcolm 25,29,114,
Hughes, Jeffrey 44,58,59,
Hulce, Diane 26,133,140,
Hunt, Darlene 188
Hunt, Franklin
Hunt, Jacqueline
Hunt, Jocele 188
Huntley, William 240
Hybert, Peter 67, 112,154,
Hyde, David 240
Hylinski, Cathleen 138,
laquinta, Lawrence 132,
laquinta, Peter 58,240
lnfusino, Patricia 219
Irish, Mark 70,219
ironside , Mary 138, 152,
ironside , Timothy 78 ,240
Irving, Catherine 188
Irving, Dwight 65 ,75 ,112,
lsermann , Catherine 167,
lsetts, Brian 29,70,90,188
lsetts, Mark 58,73,240
lstvanek , Elizabeth 188
Ivy, John 18,188
lwanikiw, Anna 188
Jabs, Thomas 219
Jackson, Annie 188
Jackson , Bobby 241
Jackson, Debra 188
Jackson, Debra 241
Jackson , Douglas 188
Jackson, Faye 188
Jackson , Frederick 136, 188
Jackson , Ira
Jackson , Joseph 241
Jackson, Larina 219,241
Jackson , Larry 60,62 ,241
Jackson, Marsha 241
Jacobs, Cheryl 219
Jaeger , William 133,163,
James, Kelvin 241
James, Kevin 241
Janas, Pamela 219
Janis , Vickie 241
Jass, Wayne 188
Jaster, Raymond 241
Jeffries, Brenda 91 ,1 36,
Jenison, Lori 241
Jenison, Terry 188
Jenkins, Susan 156, 188
Jensen, Ann 157,167,241
Jensen , Diane 44,219
Jensen.Jack 219
Jensen, Leslie 117,189
Jensen, Linda 133,167,219
Jeranek, Susan 157,241
Jessen , Susan 241
Jezierski, Frank 241
Johnson , Barbara 139, 189
Johnson, Beth 19,154,189
Johnson, Brian 219
Johnson, Brian 219
Johnson, Cynthia 131,219
Johnson, Gary 241
Johnson, Glenn 241
Johnson, James 22,57,70
Johnson, Jane 241
Johnson, Karen 152, 189
Johnson, Kenneth 189
Johnson, Linda 81,90,160,
Johnson, Linda 160, 189
Johnson, Mary 138, 152,
Johnson, Michael 58,73,241
Johnson, Salley 48,241
Johnson, Scott 37,38,141,
Johnson, Soren 241
Johnson , Theodore 57,219
Johnson, Thomas 157,189
Johnston, Barbara 241
Johnston, Lownle
Johnston, Thomas
Johnstone, Denise 36,134,
Jones, Frances 26, 160,
Jones, Glen 62
Jones, Kim
Jones, Randy 241
Jones,Sandra 189
Jones, William
Jorgensen, Karin 26,219
Jorgenson, Bruce 241
jorgenson, Thomas 132,
Josephson,Gary 189
Juga, Bruce 241
Jung, Ronald 241
Jurevlclus, Raymond 241
Jurkoska, Judith 132, 189
Jurksait is, Sltha 1 89
Kadonsky , Gary 68 ,219
Kadonsky , James 68,69,
Kaeppeler, Jeffrey 70 ,
128, 152,189
Kaeppeler, Kenneth 70 ,
Kaiser, Kathleen 26,241
Kaiser, Raymond
Kalbfeli, Jerry 44,219
Kalcic, Vicki 26,27 ,133,
Kalvonjian , Susan 122,
Kammer , Rona ld 241
Kammerzelt, Dennis
Kanas, Lori 241
Kanehl, Paul 132,189
Kanios, Michael 219
Kanocz, Marykay 241
Kappers , Jane 189
Kaprelian, Laura 219
Karls, William 219
Kasputls , Nancy 138, 152,
Katt, Gregory 64,189
Katt, Janet 189
Kauffman , Wendy 219
Kausalik, Lance 189
Kauten , Kent
Kavaiauskas, Deborah 189
Kavaiauskas, John 241
Kavalauskas , Ricky 190
Kavanaugh, Ellen 138, 156,
Kavanaugh, Kathleen 27,
82,138, 167,241
Kazeli , Alan 241
Kazeli, Susan 140,219
Keating, Loren 57 ,219
Keefner , Jeanne 219
Kehl , Donald 190
Kehl , Linda 241
Kelleher, Michael 241
Keller, Wendy 196
Kelley, Debra 90, 130, 158,
Kelly , Laurel 146,190
Kelly , Michael 60,241
Kelly , Pamela 114, 158, 190
Kernen, Kevin 219
Kemp, Billie 190
Kemp, Marfaret 242
Kenaga, Maryrita 219
Kendall, Stephanie 133,
Kennedy, Beth 90,133 ,152,
Kent, Michael 242
Kersten , Lynnette 242
Kersting, Betty 117, 190
Kessler, Ruth 219
Ketchum, David 242
Kevek , Rae 26,133,152,219
Kewenig, Craig 65,129,219
Kittel, James 55,69,242
Kittel, Lori 132,158,173,
Kittel, Thomas 69,72,73,242
King, James 65,219
Kivi, Robert 78,219
Klawitter, Terry 221
Klees, Alan 221
Klees , Judy 242
Klees, Lori 159,242
Klein, Janet 167,221
Klemm, Patricia 242
Klinkerfuss, Patricia 242
Klinkerfuss, Robert 190
Kloet , Donald 57,70,129,
Kloet, Jeffery 190
Kiopstein, Steven 57,75 ,129
Knautz, Ronald 190
Knickrehm , David 78,190
Knight, Debra 220
Knorn, Gary 45,220
Knotts, Pamela 242
Knudsen, Nancy 190
Knutter, Charles 220
Kober, Danny 242
Kobow, Melissa 167,211,
Koch , Robert 66,159,242
Koehler , Debra 157,242
Koesser, Jurt 48, 133,220
Koessl, Bruce 191
Koessl , Craig 55, 129,242
Kohout , Karen 242
Kolkmann , Susan 242
Kollman , Lloyd 242
Kollman , Paula 242
Koilmsn , William 242
Koimos , Kurt 132,191
Kolstad , Barbara 152
Kondrad, Grant 242
Kontof, Raymond 112,242
Kopesky, James 58 ,65 ,
141 ,242
Kopp , Edgar 220
Kopp , Ricky 191
Korbel , Joseph 62 ,220
Kordscik , Debra 1 32, 166,
Kortlang , Luis 220
Kos, Debra 191
Kosman , Ronald 220
Koster, Debra 220
Kovacevich , Karen 220
Kozerski , Cindy 242
Krahn , Ronald 242
Kraiss, Sue 191
Kramer, David 112,220
Krause , Linnea 242
Krebs , James 220
Kreth , Debr~ 242
Kreuscher , Carol 114,
Krauser, Bernadine 242
Krauser , Janet 33 ,191
Krauser , Janice 242
Krauser , Linda 20,156,191
Krauser , Marcia 220
Krauser , Nancy 142,156,
220 ,242
Krauser, Terry
Krlmpelbein , Antoinette
Krlmpelbeln , Dianne 242
Krinker , Ronald 220
Krogh , David 191
Krohn, Debra 117
Kronholm, Janice 49 ,133,
Krunchko , Gregory 66,242
Krueger, Paula 242
Krueger, Theodore 191
Krulatz, Ann 154,167,220
Krumm , Kurt 220
Krusa , Julie 44 ,220
Kubart , Mark 242
Kuchclmskl , Beverly 191
Kuessow, Ann 157,191
Kuessow , Lynn 242
Kuhn , Laurie 220
Kulbiskl, Steph;m 242
Kunath, David 57 ,129,220,
Kunzler, Karen
Kunzman , Joseph 220
Kuryanowlcz, David 220
Kushman, Cheryl 159,242
Kuyawa, Mark 77,191
Kuzmlch, Karla 191
Labeli, Kathleen 191
Labuy , Mark 121,220
Lachenschmidt, Laura 48,220
Lachman, Carol 156, 191
Lack I, Stephen 1 33, 1 5 7 ,220
Ladd, Shelley 26,90 ,162,
Ladewig, Keith 242
Ladwig, Scott 116, 191
Lahti, Shirley 138, 166,191
Lamothe, Connie 242
Lamphere, Kathy
Lamphere, Vicki 220
Lampos , Tina 191
Lanctot, Terri 117, 191
Landers, Gary
Landre, Donald 75 ,242
Landre, James 220
Lane , Alan 133, 191
Lane,Janet 242
Lang , Jean 26,167,220
Lang, Louis 49,242
Lange, Tim 70,128,191
Langer, Dean 57,220
Lanza, Teresa 49,147,166,
Lapoint, Robert 220
Lapotka, Carol 133,242
Larose, Laurie 83,167,242
Larsen, Cheryl 242
Larsen, Diane 221
Larson, Daniel 112,221
Larson, David 37, 163,221
Larson, Dolores 192
Larson, Laureen 28, 114,221
Larson, Leslie 23, 140,
Larson, William 242
Lasco, Kimberly 49,167,
Lasky, Carol 26, 168,221
Last, Mark 58,65, 75,242
Lauer, Steven 242
Lauf, Heinz 242
Laughlin, Sue
Laurenzl, Linda 146,221
Laurenzl, Paula 48,242
Laurin, David 66, 158,221
Laurin, John 26,54, 155, 192
Lauzon, Glen 243
Lawler, Scott 242
Lawler, Susan 48,142,192
Lawrence, Larry 243
Lawrence, Richard 243
Lawrence, William 243
Layton, Gaylen 221
Leanna,Jeffrey 221
Leceese, Arthur 158, 163,
Lechner, Kathy 114, 159,
Lechner, Margaret 192
Lechner, Susan 221
Ledanskl, Judith 192
Ledanskl, Thomas 164, 192
Leech, Jerry 243
Leech, Phyllis 192
Lehman, James 66,76,77,
Lehman, Jay 66,129,141,
Lehman, Mike 168
Lelbhan, Janet 243
Lelbhan, Richard 221
Leisner, Jeffery 243
Leltlng, James 221
Leltlng, Vickie 156,192
Lemay, Brenda 140,221
Lemay, Diane 140,243
Lemay, Keith 37,117,192
Lenzlng, Deborah 192
Lenzlng, James 243
Leonhardt, Jon 118,243
Leonhardt, Joni 243
Lepp, Joanne 167,243
Leslie, Allen 221
Leslie, Bonnie 243
Leslie, Debra 243
Leslie, Myrna 243
Lessman, Suzette 221
Letart, Yvonne 138, 167,243
Letsom, Jeanne 243
Lettrlch, Janet 130, 192,
Lettrlch, Kerry 130,243
Levonowlch, Robert 128,
Leys, Donna 133,140,167,
Leys, Richard 154,243
Llegakos, Karen 243
Llegakos, Kim 167,221
Llghthlzer, James 221
Llljestrom, Greg 159,243
Llfjestrom, Jill 156,221
Linderman, Michele 133,
Lindquist, Klindt 164,221
Lindquist, Kurt 135, 192
Lindsey, Margaret 243
Lindstrom, Kurt 221
Llnzmaler, Joanne
Llttel, Mark 57,221
Llttlk en, Debra 1 56, 1 92
Little, Paul 147,221
Llttner, Edward
Livingston, Steven 221
Llanas, John 243
Lois, Paula 221
Londo, Bob 243
London, Shella 192
Lootans, Paulette 192
Lori, Joseph 243
Loss, Keith 66,128,132,192
Lough, Terri 243
Loux, Jeffrey 221
Lovegrove, Vickie 243
Lubeck, Laura 221
Lubecke, Marsha 26,221
Lubecke, Miies 243
Lubnlewskl, June 133,221
Lubnlewskl, Nancy 83,221
Luckey, Patricia 192
Ludlow, Beth 192
Ludlow, Gary 63,73,243
Ludwig, Joseph 112, 114,
Luebke, Jon 221
Luebke, Peter
Lueck, Lori 152,221
Luitze, Tina 243
Lultze, Vernon 221
Lukosaltis, John 78,243
Lulewicz, Elizabeth 243
Lulewicz, Margaret
Lupi, Deborah 221
Lupi, Dorothy 221
Lynch, Kathleen 243
Lyons, Shari 154,221
Maas, Cynthia 192
Maas, Deborah 243
Macak, Thomas 27,154,
MacDonald, Michael 243
MacDonald, Patrick 221
Macik, Pamela 167,244
Mack, Susan
Mackay, Cheryl 192
Mackey, Beth 152,158,221
Mackey,Gregg 244
MacPherson, Scott 29, 154,
Maddox, Laurie 221
Maddux, Christopher 244
Madison, Pamela 143, 150,
Madrigrano, Mimi 26,167,
Maedke, Douglas 75,129,
Maedke, Peggy 158,221
Mahan, Dennis 244
Majewski, Barbara 244
Majewski, Joseph 193
Malko, Gina 193
Malko, Steve 57,58,130,221
Malzah, Gerald 221
Malzahn, Mark 244
Mancuso, Elizabeth 27,
Manllck, Constance 221
Manllck, Deborah 193
Manson, Kenneth 193
Mantuano, Sandra 140, 168,
Marano, Mark 221
Marano, Susan 222
Marciniak, Anthony 222
Marciniak, Mary 244
Mardolan, John 133,222
Marik, Thomas 244
Marino, Teresa 159
Markee, David 193
Markese, Ronald 244
Marks, Diane 136, 193
Marks, Katherine 91, 136,
Marks, Ricky 222
Marquardt, David 222
Martell, Catherine 244
Martin, Debra 222
Martin, Kristi 157,193
Martin, Mary 244
Martin, Richard 193
Martin, Susan 143, 193
Martinek, Jeff 70,222
Martinelli, Angela 193
Martinelli, Domenick 222
Martinez, Ava 154, 146,222
Mason, Cynthia 154,244
Massie, Steven 68, 128, 193
Masters, Richard 222
Mastronardi, Lori 193
Matarrese, Paula
Mateja, Pamela 222
Mathis, Michael 193
Matlc, George 222
Mattner, Michael 57,194
Mattox, Marvin 194
Mattson, Douglas 222
Maurer, James 48,154,194
Maurer, Kathleen 222
Maurer, Steven 244
May, Michael 244
Mazzei, Diane 244
Mazzuia, Judy
McArthur, Nancy 244
McArthur, Samuel 194
McBride, Kathy 166, 194
McBride, Vickie 222
Mccarron, Kevin 194
Mcclenaghan, Michael 44,
Mccloskey, Debra 244
McCloskey, Vickie 244
McClure, Deborah 222
McCiurg, Blain 135,222
Mcconathy, Deborah 146,
McConnell, Sara 194
McCormick, Colleen 222
Mccrary, Michael 244
Mccrary, Robert 194
Mccrorey, Bradley 90,
McCune, Barbara 244
McDavld, Dee 152,154,157,
McDermott, Daniel 114,
McDavitt, Scott
McDonald, Kevin 48,222
McDonald, Sandra 194
McDowell, Rosetta 222
McGee, Michelle 136, 194
McGibany, James 62,63,
McGinley, Carol 222
McGough, James 114,
McGrogran, Dianne 133,
McKean, Shawn 138, 194
Mclean, Sherry 194
McMahon, Terry 244
McManus, Richard 222
McMillan, Gregory 194
McNab, Jeffrey 68,75, 129,
McNab, Scott 68,69, 194
McPhaul, David 222
McPhaul, Jane 24,27 ,90,
McOuestlon, Karen 244
McOuestlon, Patrick 117
McOuestlon, Sharon 118,244
Meidinger, Kenneth 118,
Meler, Bonnylu 133,244
Meier, David 64, 70, 129,222
Meler, Richard 68, 78,244
Meler, Steven 68, 194
Meiers, Carol 26, 142, 150,
Meiers, Norma 222
Meitesen, Cindy 194
Meltzer, Daniel 18,90, 173,
Menden, Diane 138,222
Menge, Dave 222
Meo, Tina 222
Mercier, Connie 194
Mercier, Mark 194
Merriam, Thomas 195
Merten, Cheryl 143,222
Merten,Luanne 245
Merten, Lynn 157,195
Messersmith, John 118,245
Messina, Michael 163,222
Metallo, Jiii 154,245
Metallo, Linda 81,222
Matten, David 222
Matten, Linda 195
Matten, Mary 150,222
Meyer, Gary 222
Meyer, Jane 133, 158,222
Meyer, John 195
Meyer, Keith 222
Meyer, Kim 142,167,245
Meyer, Larry 245
Meyer, Michael 45, 118,222
Meyer, Robert 112, 152,222
Meyer, Susan 167
Meyer, Suzanne 222
Meyers, Bruce 245
Meyers, Monica 47 ,133,
Michaelis, Glenn 195
Michaelis, William 245
Michelson, Charlene 149,
Michelson, Richard 55,75,
Mickelson, John 222
Mlckewlcz, Carol 159,167,
Mikolas, Kevin 62,222
Milkent, Daniel 57,222
Milkent, David 211
Milkent, Mary 245
Miller, Cheryl 245
Miller, James 57,61,62,195
Miller, Lesley 222
Miller, Marsha 167,222
Miller, Mary 195
Miller, Mary 195
Miller, Paul 223
Miller, Randy 245
Millholland, Raymond 66,
Millhouse, Sheree 156,223
Millhouse, William 245
Milligan, Rory 158,195
Milliken, Susan 33,90, 114,
Mlnkowski, Robert 245
Misurelli, Carol 48, 134,
Mitchell, Steve 245
Mlekush, Jan 195
Mockus, Jeffrey 245
Mockus, Michael 195
Modica, Tom 223
Moehrke, Donald
Moeller, Cheryl 245
Moerl, Peter 223
Mogensen, David 245
Mogensen, Thomas 65,245
Mohalley, Jeremiah 117
Mohr, Danette 245
Molette, Dawn 245
Molette, Jerry 245
Melgaard, Lois 223
Molinaro, Debra 81 , 167,
Molinaro, Linda 81,167,
Molitor, Beatrix 156,195
Montoya, Gloria 245
Moody, Michael 58,159,245
Moore, Barbara 26,49,
160, 167,223,245
Moore, Deborah
Moore, Eathen 62
Moore, Elizabeth 223
Moore, Stuart 44, 143,245
Moreland, Debra 195
Morgan, Donna 245
Morgan, Janice 44,83,245
Morgan, Lynn 223
Morley, Delaura 157,245
Morris, Allen 134,160,195
Morris, Edward
Morris, Peggy 190
Morrison, Carol 26,223
Moses, Brenda 223
Mosher, Steven 146,223
Mueller, Dorethea 48,150,
Mueller, Ernest 223
Mukka, Ruth 245
Muller, Bonnie 140,146,
Muller, Dean 75,245
Murray, Brian 245
Murray, Michael 112,245
Murray, Richard
Mutchler, Gary 195
Myers, Aprll 138, 196
Myers, Jeffrey 146, 154,223
Myhre, Steven 132,196
Nall , Dana 138, 162,245
Nedwesk l, Joyce
Nelder, Jeffrey 245
Neitzel, Kat hy 26, 133,223
Neitzel, L arry 132,196
Nelsen , Marllyn 132,134,
Nelson , Andrea 49 ,8 1 ,91 ,
152, 156,223
Nelson , Barbara 91 ,1 52,
Nelson, Dale 223
Nelson, Douglas 223
Nelson, James 245
Nelson, Jeffrey
Nelson, Jeffrey 58, 1 59,245
Nelson, Kevin 67,75,141,
Nelson, Lynn 26 ,150,223
Nelson, Nancy 26,82,167 ,223
Nelson, Nancy 83,140,167,
Nelson, Pamela 196
Nelson , Robert 245
Nelson, Rozanne 196
Nelson, Steven 196
Nelson, Thomas 62,81 ,
Nelson, Timothy 196
Nemeth, Richard 223
Nepper, Michael 66,67,78,
Netzer, Raymond 223
Neu, Teresa 83,167,211,223
Neumann, Pamela 81,133,
Newberry, Constance 48,49,
Newhouse, Mike 245
Newman, Louise 132, 152,
Newstrom, Patricia 245
Nichols, Larry 245
Nichols, Lorri 196
Nichols, Pamela 223
Nicolazzl, John
Nicoll, Wiiiiam 245
Nielsen, Debra 245
Nielsen, Jeffrey
Nielson, John 167,245
Nies, Cynthia 245
Niesen, Paul
Nighbor, Bartholome 245
Noel, Michael
Noel, Michelle 245
Nolen, James 155,223
Nolen, Larry 146, 196
Nolen, Susan 245
Nolting, Jane 133,137,158,
Norcross, Barbara 154, 197
Norris, David 223
Northard, Amy 167,211,224
Northard, Scott 26
Norton, Brad 224
Novelen, Jeffrey 65,224
Nudl, Robert
Nurmi, Wiiiiam
Nussbaum, Barbara 197
Nuttall, Barbara
Nyberg, Jeffrey 245
Nybert, Lisa 44, 166
Oberpriller, Susan BO,
150,156,166, 197
Oconnor, Amy 26,133,137,
Oconnor, Jody 245
Oconnor,Susan 197
Oday, Michael 245
Odelberg, Jon 246
Oechler, Lorrie 138,159,
Ogle, Robert 57,224
Ogren, Sandra 140, 152,
1 54, 166 ,224
Ogren, Joel 46,246
Ohara, William 197
Ohora, Kathleen 246
Oksa, Marie
Oleksy, Gwynne 246
O llila, Greg 58,246
Olsen, David 158,224
O lson, Agnes 197
Olson, Ap r il 246
Olson , C y nthia
O lso n, Jennifer 157,246
O ls on, Ma ry 159,246
Ols o n , M ary 246
O lson , Ron ald 1 97
Olson, Sandra 26,90, 152 ,
Ols on , Sharon
Ols on , Starr 224
Olson , Warr en 224
Oluf s , Steven 66,1 28 ,1 9 7
Oneal, Dan iel 224
Orlowski , Jud ith 1 56,224
Orrison, Jer ry 197
Orrison, Margaret 246
Orrison, Vada 246
Ortiz, Betty 1 56,197
Ortiz, Laura 224
Osten, Arthur 246
Oster , Robert
Ostlund , Cllfford 197
Ott, James 132,154, 155,
Ott, Kevin 224
Ott, Marykim 197
Otto, Lynn 246
Owens, Kathy 246
Owsichek , Ellen 197
Paasch, Patricia 224
Paasch, Ricky 246
Pacetti, Larry 58,63 73
Packard, John 246
Packard, Karen 197
Padlock, Alan 57 ,128,132,
Padlock, David 164 165
Padlock, Susan 81 ,159,
Padovano, Frank 246
Pagel, Cheryl 246
Pallk, Gordon 197
Palmer, Jeanne 80 ,167,
Panasewicz, Keith 121,246
Parker, Kathie
Parker, Russell 246
Passarelli, Danny 67,246
Pataky, Roy
Paraska, Gregg 224
Pate, Lonnie 224
Paterson, Scott 155, 198
Partlck, Robert 246
Patrick, Thomas 198
Patty, Gregg 57,211,224
Paul, Karen 198
Paul, Karen 246
Paupa, Cindy 246
Pawlik, Richard 135,224
Pearcy, Patrick 45 , 198
Pechura, Jeffrey 57 129
Pedersen, Anne 133,158
Pedersen, Leann 82,167,
Pederson, James
Pedraza, Ellen 26,44, 134,
160, 167 ,224
Peet, Cindy 246
Pellegrino, Jean 90, 138,
Perez, Cynthia 167,224
Person, Judy 160,161,224
Peterman, Thomas 224
Peters, John 246
Petersen, Catherine 151
Petersen, David 198
Petersen, Jane 246
Petersen, Mary 26,90,
Peterson, Christy 246
Peterson, Jae 90,246
Peterson, Kim 130, 198
Peterson, Lynn 138, 167
Peterson, Michael 224
Peterson, Tommy 117, 198
Petit, Mark 49,224
Petkovic, Alexander 49,
Petrausky, Donald 224
Petravicius, Lora 20,224
Petrelli, Darlene 83, 166 ,
Petri, Paul 2 24
Pezd ir , Peg g y 4 9,11 0 ,163
22 4
Pfeifer, V ick i 150 ,152,224
Pfeiffer, Beth 224
Pfe iffer , D a v id 64 ,224
Pfeiffer , Debra 246
Pfeiffer, Jack ie 44 ,224
Pflueger , George 224
Phillips, Charles 224
Phillips, Debra 198
Ph illips, Dolores 159,246
Phillipson , Jodi 90,158,198
Plas, Andrew 133, 1 63,224
Plas, James 188
Picken, Debra 224
P iehl , Betty 138,231 ,246
Piela , Kevin 224
Piela , Sherry 198
Pierce , Carol 198
Pierce , Dale 112,246
Pierce , Richard 224
Pierce, Terry 224
Pierson , Jami 224
Pietluck , Debra 246
Pignotti , Jean 246
Pikna , Jeffrey 75 , 129,246
Pileskl , Robert 198
Pinzger, George
Pitsch, Robert 224
Pitsch , Thomas 246
Pitts, Joan 44 ,138,246,331
Pitts, Peggy 18,130, 138,
Pleet, Gary 224
Pleet , Maria 225
Plutchak , Daniel 69,152,
Plutchak , John 69,246
Pocius, Catherine 167,225
Pode Ila , Suzanne 1 52, 1 54,
Podskarbi, John 198
Poikonen, Mandi 246
Poindexter, Charles
Pollard, James 198
Pollard, Mark 66 ,225
Pollock, Mary 156,225
Polzin, Carol 24 7
Poppe , Kenneth 225
Porter, Launette 225
Posselt, Donna 83 ,152,
Posselt, Jane 199
Post , Phillip 199
Powell, Vaughn 225
Pratzer , Heide 140, 166,
Preston, Gary 26,225
Preston, Shar9n 199
Principe, Anna 159,24 7
Pritchard , Mary 156,225
Proeber , David 159,247
Proko, Lynn 133, 199
Prostko, Larry 24 7
Proud , James 225
Proud, Lynn 24 7
Proulx , Rebecca 154,155,
Pruett, Kay 113, 154, 155,
Puhr, Rosemarie 48,247
Putman, Karen 152,158,
Pu trow, Mark 58,24 7
Queen, Rodger , 57,128,
Questard, Irene
Quick, Becky 29 ,90, 114,
Quick, Wendy 26,37,38,
Qullice, Roy 58,59,63,75,
Rachid , Mac h em 1 47 ,1 99
Racin e , Jay 225
Rad datz, R ic hard 24 7
Radtke , Ro x ann 26 ,142,
1 58, 167 ,225
Rafter, J o i 1 34 ,1 56 ,160
Rafter, Kathleen 157
Ra iman , Kyle 118,24 7
Ra lph , D arlene 199,247
Ralph , Jeanette
Ramacc l, Rita 154, 173,199
Ra m acc i, Theresa 83 ,167
231 ,247
Rampart , Cynthia 22,225
Rampart, Ter ri
Randle, Anne 247
Rasch , Alan 199
Rasch , Jufith 247
Rasch , Ronald 45 ,24 7
Rasico , Renee 199
Rasico , Ricky 247
Rasmussen , Harry 225
Ratelle, Mary 24 7
Rath , Wiiiiam 225
Redmond , Susan 225
Reed, Heather 133, 154,225
Rehfeldt, Laura 225
Reidenbach, John 247
Re illy , Richard 56,57,
129, 133,225
Reilly, Robert 21 ,56 ,57,
Reinhard , Joyce 133, 199
Rende , John 58,75 ,141,
Renne , Debra 225
Renzon I, Gene 11 7 ,1 99
Repp , John 199
Rescigno, Anthony 24 7
Revoy , Dan
Revoy,Dave 225
Rheaume , Patricia 225
Ricciardi , Lisa 199
R iccio, Lisa 156,225
R ichards, Dale 225
R ichards, James 225
Richardson , Deborah 118
Richter, Sherry 132,161 ,
Rickseker, Vicki 225
Rieschl, Michael 225
Riggle , Debra 152,167,225
Rikll, Linda 48,247
Riley, Barbara 24 7
Riley, Colleen 26 ,133,152,
Riley , Michael 225
Ripp, Joseph
Ripp, Patti 199
Ritacca, Kathryn 24 7
Rizzo, Cynthia
Rizzo, Lenny 57,58,59,247
Rizzo, Paul 69,24 7
Rizzo, Paulette 44 ,167,231 ,
Roach , Barbara 139,24 7
Roach, Braden 132,173,199
Roach, Marllyn 225
Robers , James 57,225
Robers, Kenneth 58,24 7
Robers, Marybeth 132, 133,
Roberts, Deborah 49,199
Roberts, Debra 24 7
Roberts, Rita 80, 150, 154,
Roberts , Robin 200
Roberts, Sandra 225
Robertson , Dale
Robillard , Therese 46
Robin , Tina 200
Robinson , Catherine 225
Robinson, Corrin
Robinson, Edward 58,73,
Robinson, Linda 24 7
Robinson, Warren 133,225
Robison , Carolyn 200
Robison, Michael 247
Rocco, Cheryle 154
Rocco, Debra 225
Rock, Matthew 24 7
Rodgers, Elizabeth 248
Rodgers, Kevin
Roemer, James 58 ,154,
Rohde, David 248
Rohde, Lori 225
Rohde, Richard 226
Rohrer, Lisa 26 ,1 52 ,226
Rolnlotls, Thomas 113,
Rolnlotls, Wiiiiam 159,248
Rojas, Delores 248
Romano, Denise 132, 140,
154, 155,200
Rommelfanger, Kevin 159,
Rondeau, Michelle 156,
Rondeau , Suzanne 248
Roscioli, Robert 226
Rose, Ralph 200
Rosen , Lynn 133~26
Roseth, Karen 130,132,200
Rosko, Jiii 226
Ross, Elizabeth 159,167,
Rothman, Michele 26,248
Rothrock, Barbara 26,80,
Rothrock, Richard 114,200
Rotunda, Diane 226
Rovlk , Janet 156,226
Rovlk, Jeffrey 226
Rovlk, Linda 206
Rovlk, Mark 248
Royce, Greg 63,248
Ruetz, Debbie 226
Ruffolo, Jomary 200
Ruffalo, Thomas 200
Ruleford, Debra 248
Ruleford, Jeffrey 200
Rumachlk, Debra 248
Runger, Linda 226
Ruseckl, Bruce 248
Rutchlk, Gregory 226
Ryshkus, John 200
Sabby,Mlchael 248
Sadowski, Denise 248
Safago, Joseph 226
Saldivar, Loreta 248
Salerno, Richard 248
Sallturo, Stuart 200
Sanders, Chester 154, 155
Sanders, Debbie 157,248
Sandt, Timothy 248
Santiago, Daisy 226
Santiago, Edward 226
Santiago, Thomas 248
Sarauer, Thomas 226
Sauve, Marc 75,248
Savaglio, Cathy 159, 167
Scales, Gene 58,63,248
Schaafsman, Jeanne 226
Schaefer, Joan 248
Schaeffer, Gregory 57, 150,
Schael, Cynthia 226
Schalk, Margaret 248
Schalk, Mark 157,226
Scharf, Katheryn 156,226
Schaumberg, Gary 226
Schelllnger, Glenn 112,248
Schiller, Carolyn 26,90,
138, 154, 166,200
Schiller, Richard
Schindler, Elizabeth 20,
Schlater, Kim 248
Schlecht, Susan 132,200
Schlosser, Pamela 248
Schmale, Todd 57,200
Schmelz, Petra 226
Schmerllng, Mitchell 75,248
Schmidt, Gene 58,157,248
Schmidt, JoEllen 248
Schmidt, Kie 200
Schmidt, Michael 248
Schmidt, Pamela 162,226
Schmidt, Therese 248
Schmidt, Thomas 248
Schmit, James 226
Schmit, Sally 158,201
Schmitt, David 44, 154, 157,
Schmitt, Gary 159,248
Schmitz, Anthony 201
Schmitz, Maureen 248
Schmitz, Timothy 248
Schneeberger, Dale 226
Schneeberger , Jeffrey 248
Schnelder, Cheryl 226
Schnelder, Margo 248
Schnelder, Robert 58,248
Schnuck, Jeffrey 248
Schoepke, Kristina 201
Scholey, Robert 201
Scholey, Scot 62,63,248
Scholfield , Karen
Schoor, Jeff 55,75,141 ,226
Schoor, Mark 226
Schouten , Larry 248
Schouten, Lee 201
Schroeder, Gregory 248
Schubert, Barbara 133,
Schuck, Lori 49,114,140,
Schuetz, Robert 201
Schultheis, Diane 248
Schultz, Charlene 159,248
Schultz, Jean 167,248
Schultz, Jenny 26,150,167,
Schultz, Rita 132, 140, 154,
Schultz, Theresa 248
Schulz, Barbara 142
Schluz, Sandra 201
Schuster, Lawrence 201
Schutz, Amy 26,167,223
Schwalger, Barbara 140,
Schwartz, Stephan 158,201
Scott, Jeffrey 226
Scott, Lugenla 157,248
Scott, Robin 248
Schuffham, Deborah 201
Scugllk, Thomas 114,158,
Seavltte, Jane 26, 166,201
Seavltte, Jean 201
Sebetlc, Ronald 55,75,141,
Sedloff, Bruce 143,226
Sedloff, Michael 154,155,
Seeger, Carolyn 159,248
Seeger, Marietta 159,248
Seeger, Nicholas 113,
132, 154, 155,202
Seiberlich, Paul 248
Selander, Carla 83,167,
Selander, Ralph
Sellers, Donald 226
Semrau, Maryjane 202
Sennholz, Robert 249
Serpe, George 249
Serpe, Jay 152,202
Serpe, Jean 249
Servais, Lynne 211 ,226
Serzant, Carla 202
Serzant, Joseph 249
Settano, Jeffrey 154,202
Sexton, Gall 48,167,249
Sexton, Keith 159,249
Sexton, Kevin 202
Sexton , Nancy 202
Sexton, Robert 249
Shable, Andrew 249
Shaffar, Mark 132,202
Sharpe, Mark 202
Sheehan, Kathleen 155,
Shelley, Thomas
Shlffra, Carol 249
Shilts, Mack 226
Shipley, Robert 249
Shockley, Catherine 156,
Shockley, Stephan 249
Shockley, Walter
Shore, Patricia 49,157,167,
Shuler, Jeffrey 165,202
Shulskl, Mark 249
Shuttlesworth, Timothy 226
Shymanskl, Sheri 139, 159,
Siebert, Connie 202
Siegel, Debra 202
Slepler, Mary 26,202
Sikora , Dennis 249
Sikora, Sally 226
Sikora, Steven 202
Simo, Gregory 202
Simon , Diane 162,1 67,249
Simpkins, Kim 118,226
Simpson, Timothy 202
Singer, David 64 ,90, 173,
Singer, Diane 26,1 50,167,
Singh , Wiiiiam
Singleton, Barb 202
Slnkule, Ann 82,167,249
Sipp le, Elizabeth 152, 167,
Slpsma, Gary 57,58,211 ,
Slpsma, Jane 81,82,83,
Sisson , Diane 202
Sivley, Dean 55,63,73 ,141,
Skrzypchak, Cheryl 266
Skrzypchak, David 249
Skurski, Daniel 56,57,70,
Skurski, Marc 68,202
Slater, Henry 75, 133,226
Slobodlanuk, Kathy 140,
150, 152,202
Smallwood , Bonita 151,226
Smallwood, Denise 140,203
Smallwood, Roxanna 151,20:3
Smith, Christine 249
Smith, Craig
Smith, Dawn 203
Smith, Dawn
Smith, Jeffrey 77,114,158,
Smith, John 226
Smith, Lisa 249
Smith, Lori 249
Smith, Mary
Smith, Phlllp 62,70, 128,
Smith, Randy 57,227
Smith, Richard 227
Smith, Susan 203
Smith, Teresa 203
Snlatynskl, Greg 154,249
Sobotowlcz, Barbara 132,
Socha,Chuck 227
Sockness, Paul 57,129,227
Sodllnk, Scott 58,249
Soens, Wiiiiam 227
Sokol, David 26,57,62,142,
169,211 ,227
Solovey, Diane 83,138,167,
Sommer, Jeffrey 203
Sorensen, Julie 227
Sorensen, Kristi
Sorensen, Pamela 130,138,
Sorensen, Terri 82,90, 138,
159, 167,231,249
Sorenson, Kim 203
Speaker, Ann 4,5,132,134,
162, 173,203
Speaker, Elizabeth 227
Speaker, James 162,227
Spence, Kenneth 203
Spencer, Brenda 249
Spencer, Jane 227
Spencer, Keith 249
Spencer, Phyllis 203
Spieker, Barbara 146,203
Spitz, Brian
Spitzer, Russell 249
Spizzirri, Steven 55,75,
Splltek, Karen 227
Springer, Carol 249
Springer, Loretta 26, 133,
Stafford, Ann 203
Stamm, Terri 249
Stancato, Gary 227
Stancato, John 75, 129, 141,
Standridge, Amy 249
Stanton, Stephan 75,249
Starks, Kelly 250
Starr, Lori 250
Statema, Jeff
Staude, Paula 114, 158,227
Stauder, Leroy 250
Stavlo, Mike 250
Stebbins, Debra 130, 132,
Stebbins, Frank 250
Stebbins , Gall 227
Stebbins, Larry 203
Stebbins , Tina 227
Steckbauer, Dawn 227
Steckbauer, Jeanie 250
Steele, Jerry 57 ,129 ,227
Steele, Marie 203
Steen, Jesse 250
Stehlik, Wesley 227
Stein, Cheryl 203
Stein, Sandra 227
Steinhoff, Peter 250
Steinmetz, Kevin 203
Stephens, Honor 114, 152,
Steponltls, David 203
Stern, Roy 250
Stevens, Rom 26,48,55,75,
133, 154,227
Stevens, Susan 227
Stewart, Jody 250
Stewart, John 70,204
Stlchert, Donald 204
Stichert, Douglas 227
Stiles, Renee 204
Stoebe, Susan 250
Stoeblg, Wiiiiam 58,250
Stollings, Barbara 166,204
Stollings, Kathy 118, 167,
Strand, Debra 204
Strand, Laura 26,167,227
Strange, Mary 142,167,
Strasser, John 250
Streck, Kurt
Streck, Nancy 227
Streich, Donald
Strickland, Dennla 159
Strobbe, Thomas 58,59,
63, 75, 129,250
Strout, Mary 250
Strunk, Lynnette 156,227
Stubbs, Don 227
Stubbs, Joseph 227
Stuckey, Diann 26,227
Stuckey, Robert 26, 135,204
Studdard, Bobby 226
Studrawa, Laura 226
Sturino, Timothy 226
Suazo,Lorenzo 250
Suggar, Lorletta 250
Sullivan, Thomas 67,159,
Sunday, James 22,64,128,
Swanson, Brad 45, 118, 1 59,
Swanson , Dale 250
Swanson, Gregory 117,204
Swartz, Chris 250
Swartz, Linda 161,204
Swartz, Richard 22,36,204
Swartz, Susan 48, 132, 133,
Swentesky, Gall 250
Swlatko, Renee 1 38, 16 7,
Szekely, Nancy 204
Szurovecz, Helen 250
Taffs, Jeanne 49,83, 154,
Taft, Gary 114, 158,204
Tait, Gregory 226
Talley, Kathleen 204
Talley, Richard 78,250
Tallman, Richard 250
Tam Inger, Kathleen 26, 167,
Tamlnger, Maureen 157,
Tank~g.Robert 226
Tappa, Guy
Tarlsltano, Michele 226
Taylor , Darlene 226
Taylor , Janice 116,204
Taylor , Ricky
Tennant, Tom
Tenuta , Daniel 204
Tenuta , Jean 49, 138,160,
Tenuta , Lynn 133, 154, 155,
Tercek, Frank 251
Tercek , Mary 157,251
Terrien, Mary 167,206
Terry , Linda 251
Terwall, Patricia 157,251
Teschler, Sheree
Tetzlaff, Margarethe 156,
Tetzlaff, Russell
Tews, Tom 75,251
Thiel, Robin
Thiele , Jeffrey 251
Thiem, Lois 44,229
Thom, Helen 167,251
Thomas, Cheryl 251
Thomas, David 56,57 ,128,
Thomas, David 251
Thomas, Gall 162,229
Thomas, Marie 156, 160,
Thomas, Scott 251
Thomas, Wiiiiam 251
Thomas, Wiiiiam 157,205
Thompson, Gregg 251
Thompson, Phillip 69,251
Thompson, Ross 118,251
Thompson , Russell 251
Thomsen, Craig 128,205
Thornberg, Laurie 156,228
Thornton, Debra 251
Thrasher, Cindy 251
Thurn, William 251
Tiffany, Terry 65,251
Tiffany, Trina 48,132,161 ,
Tlllack , Mar k 112, 133, 154,
Tillman, Marie 228
Timm , Jeannie 228
Timmerman, Paul 135,205
Tinker, Don 205
Tlrabasso, Kim 228
Tlshuk, Glen 251
Tlthof, Robert 251
Tlzi, Kim 26, 133,228
Tolgo, Marc 22,27,57,228
Tolefree, Regina 136,228
Tolefree, Terry 91 ,136,
159, 160,251
Tolllver, Edward
Tomlin, John 228
Toms, Jane 205
Toms, Robert 251
Topel, Kirk 67,159,251
Topping, Stuart 58,65,75,
Torcaso , Steven 132, 152,
Torclvla, Barbara 205
Torkelson, Chris 205
Torris, Suzanne 82,167,251
Totts,Dan 228
Totts, Linda 159,251
Tranberg, Jerald 44,228
Tredon, John 44, 154, 155,
Tredon, Kathy 44,152,167,
Tredup, Cynthia 138,205
Tradup, Jeffrey 228
Trempt, Paul 251
Trotter, Nancy 251
Trottier, Clayton 224
Trottier, Clifford 228
Trottier, Penny 205
Tryban, Jean
Turco, Anthony 55, 141,251
Turco, Gregory 54,55,251
Turgeon, Carolyn 228
Turner, Jacquelyn 91, 136,
Turner, Raymond
Tuska, Raeellen 81,157,
Tuska, Scott 63,251
Tutat, Edwa rd 112, 154 ,228
Tut lewskl, Lisa 150 ,1 5 1,
2 51
T utlewskl, Phyll is 228
T utlewsk l, Tin a 157,25 1
T uttle, Melody 228
Uhlich , Marykay 251
Ulrich , Elizabeth 26 ,1 67 ,
25 1
Ulr ich , Mark 228
Uslnger, Debra 133, 142,
Uslnger, Michael 228
Uttech , Kimberly 205
Vagnonl , John 58 ,147,228
Vagnonl , Paul 251
Valeri , Daniel 73,251
VanBoven , Thomas 205
VanCaster, Thomas 18,117,
141 ,206
Vandahm , Ruth 251
Vanderford , Pattu 206
Vanderpoel, Linda 33 ,49 ,
133, 146,158,228
VanDyke Brenda 130,251
Van Dyke, Cheryl 18, 130,
VanDyke, John 57,65 ,133,
Vankammen , Gerrlt 206
Vankammen, Kristine 49,
138, 142,251
Vanlanduyt, Jacques 251
Vantubbergen, Linda 167,
Vanwie, Connie 251
Varnell, Lawrence 206
Varnell, Marvin
Vaughn,Agnes 228
Vaughn , Tlmlothy 228
Veith, Dawn 251
Vena, Catherine 206
Vena , Mary 206
Ventura, Lori 133,228
Verblck, Christopher 112,
Vergenz, Faye 166,206
Vernon, Peter
Vescova,Sandra 206
Victoria , Roseanna 251
Vlctorson, Roxie 18,64,206
Vidas, Paula 206
Vieth, Thomas 75,251
Vlgnerle, Shella 80, 129,
Vlkmyhr, Bernard
Vlkmyhr, Susan 228
Vincent, Lauren 18,90, 114,
158, 1 73 ,206
Vincent, Wiiiiam 67,251
Vines, Carl
Vix, Patrick 251
Vogel, Betsy 152
Vogelman, Janet 156, 166,
Vogler, Elizabeth 156,166,
Volpentesta, George
Von Neumann, Alex
Wade, Paul
Wade, Thomas
Wagner, Jeffrey 251
Waites, Rodney 251
Wakefield, Scott 251
Waldo, Dorothy
Walker, David
Walkowski, Stephan 67,251
Wallace, Beth 156,167
Wallace, Jeffery
Walllg, Barbara 251
Walllg, Mary 206
Wallls, Gary 206
Walters, Mark 229
Waluch, Jeffrey 159,251
Wamboldt, Debbie 229
Ward, John 58,251
W armann, David
W a r ren, B rent 147,2 51
W arren, Judy 229
W arrender, Anna 150, 154 ,
1 55 ,25 1
W arre n de r, Mary 8 0, 1 5 0,
1 6 7,251
W asu rick , Lin da 142, 167
Wasu ri ck, Wiiiiam 252
Wates , Sharon 252
Webb , Kimberly 252
Weber , Sharon 132,206
Weber , Sh ir ley 160,229
Webster, Louis 206
Wegmann , Michael 118,252
Wehrman , Cindy
Welner , Debra 26 ,44 ,139,
Weise, Nancy 252
Welch , Geoffrey 90 ,252
Welch , Linda 26,167,229
Welch , Mark 117,206
Wells, Dar la 229
Wells, Robert 154, 155,229
Wember, Randal 229
Wenger, Stephan 206
Wente, David 44 ,76 ,77 ,252
Wermellng , Therese 132,
Werner , Peggy 207
Werve, Katie 252
Werve , Marsha 81 , 129,
Werwie, Diane 163,207
West, Matthew
Westerman, Janet 158,207
Westland , Richard 207
Westplate, Joanne 252
Westplate, Mark 207
Westplate, Myron 299
Westplate, Renee 252
Westplate , Wayne 112, 152,
Westwood, Marie 229
Weyrauch , Melody 252
Wheeler, Kathleen 252
Whinery, Walter 252
White, Beverly 47 ,90 ,158,
White , Daniel 229
White, Kathleen 81 ,167,229
White, Kelly 207
Whltefoot, David 252
Whltefoot, Janet 140,151 ,
Whltefoot , Robert 128,207
Whitmer, Kim i 82 ,167,252
Whitt, Renee 81, 167,229
Whlttworth, Mark 252
Wick , Susan 80,128,166,
Widmar, Randy 252
Wlemelt, Morna 207
Wierclnskl , David 229
Wlerslg, Jill 154,229
Wlersum, Kenneth 141 , 159,
Wlersum, Richard 159,252
Wlersum, Roxane 138,207
Wierzbicki, Joan 229
Wleske, Bonnie 207
Wiikinson, Keith 207
Wiikinson, Kevin 207
Willems, Debra 208
Wiiiiams, Brian 121, 134,
Wllllams, Debra 156,208
Wllllams, Hubert 154,252
Wiiiiams, Jane 133, 140,
Wiiiiams, Michael 117,208
Wllllams, Rebecca 91,167,
Williams, Ricky 252
Wiiiiams, Vaughn 229
Wiiiiamson, Sheree 229
Wiiiie, Colleen 252
Willis, Mark
Wlllkomm, Patricia 81, 167,
Wiiioughby, Charles 134,
Wiison, Bobby 229
Wiison, Bruce 208
Wiison, Elaine 81,154 ,167,
W iison, J o an 2 52
W iison , M aryanne 8 1,157,
167 ,229
W iison, S c o tt 252
W immer, Ja n ice 132 ,1 5 1,
W in ans , Cin d y 26,44 ,152 ,
W inn , Jan ice
W irch , Patricia 25 , 1 30 ,
W itt, Dale 225
W itt , Dav id
Woelffer, V ick ie 135,1 57 ,
Wojcehow lcz , Roxane 140,
Wolf, Gary 229
Wolfe, Leslie 159,167,252
Wickert , Charlene 47
Wollert, Karen 252
Wood , Thomas 27 ,70 ,14 1,
Woodman , Eldred
Woods, Dan
Woods, Glenn 229
Woods, Pat 252
Woodworth , Julie 208
Wozney, Mark 252
Wright, Jerold 91 , 136,208
Wright , Mike 252
Wright , Tom
Wurzer , Barbara 208
Wurzer , Kenneth 75 ,252
Wynstra , Janet 114, 142,
Wyosnlck , Debra 156, 167,
Yde , Nell 252
Yde , Peter 229
Yoder , Joellen 229
York , Lynda 132,140,208
York , Nancy 140,154,155,
Young, Bernard 252
Young , Bradley 132,208
Young , Jacalyn 133,229
Young , Luellen 229
Young, Steven 75,208
Young , Wiii iam 58 ,75 ,252
Yszenga , Cindy 252
Yszenga , Denise 252
Yurchak, Charles 229
Yurchak, Daniel 252
Yurchak , George 117,208
Zalonc , Larry 229
Zajlc , Byrno 133,229
Zajlc , R ita 208
Zamsky, Mary 229
Zamsky, Robert 252
Zanotti, Charles 252
Zanotti, Theresa 208
Zapenckl, Christine 252
Zarlettl, Anthony 45 ,114,
Zarlettl, Linda 156,229
Zarlettl , Marla 156,208
Zasada, Mark 229
Zehms, Tamara 82 ,159,
Zelhen, Terri 118,167,252
Zlccarelli, JuUe 229
Zlccarelll, Robert 208
Zlelsdorf, James 45 ,118,
Zlgner, Ralph 64,140 ,208
Zlgner, Ruth 252
Zlmany , Grant 208
Zorn, Edmund 208
Zorn, Jeffrey 229
Zueberbuehler, Mark
Zuchowski , Raymond 229
Zuhlke , James 112,114,
Zuzlnec, Raymond 77 ,252
Zwarycz, Sandra 139,208
ALBERT, PEGG Y L.-Peg-Lance-Glrls Bowling 2,3;
G irls Track 2 .
ALBRECHT, PHYLLIS-Lincol n -Symphonic Orchestra
1 ,2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 3 .
ALLEMAN . KATHLEEN M.-Kathy-Llncoln.
ANDERSEN , KEITH J .-Llncoln -Local and State Music
Awards 1 ,2 ; Sophomore M ix ed Choir 1 ; A
Cappella 2 ,3 ; Chorallers 2 ,3 ; Aquettes Water
Show 2.
ANDERSON, DAVID A .-St. Joseph 's-Advisory Board
2 ,3 ; Sophomore Mixed Choir 1 ; Boys Track 1,2;
Hall Monitor 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ;
S.A.B . 2 ,3 ; Football 2 .
ANDERSON, JUNE A .-Junle-Llncoln-Tremper Teens
2 ; A.F.S. 3 .
ANDERSON, KATHRYN C.-Kath l-Llncoln·Advlsory
Board 1 ,2 ,3 ; Badger State Candidate 2 ; Concert
Band 1; Student Council 3 ; Sub Deb 1,2,3; Honor
Roll 2 ,3 ; G .A .A. Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor
Society 2 ,3 .
ANDERSON, WILLIAM P.-Wllll e-Lance-Stock Car
Club 1.
ANDRESEN, DALE R.-Goodrlch H igh (Fond du Lac,
Wlsconsin)-Debate & Forensics 3 ; Boys Track
2 ,3 ; Electronics 3 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramural&
2 ,3 .
ANDREUCCI , RONDA L.-Ron-Lance-Glrls Choir 1,2;
Girls Track 1; Intramural& 1 ,2 ; Girls Gymnastics
BAKER, JOHN J .-Llncoln-Avlatlon 1 ,2; Athletic Award
2 ; Student Council 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ; Intramural&
1,2,3; Letterman 2; Football 1,2 ; Boys Swim
Team 1 ,2; National Honor Society 2 .
BAKER, STEPHANIE D .-Lance-Language, Lab Aide 3 ;
Athletic Awards 1 ; Scholarship 3 ; Bible Study
Club 2; Tempest 3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3; National
Honor Society 2 ,3; Driftwood 3.
BALL, TOD L.-Lance.
BANAS, JEAN M.-Lance-Tremper Teens 1 ,2; Honor
Roll 1,2 ,3 ; H.R. Coordinating 1 ,2,3.
BARKER, CHERYL A.·McKlnley-Varslty Mixed Choir
BARROWS, SUE E .-Lance-G .A .A . Bowling 1,2.
BECKER , KATHY J.+ Lance-Athletic Award 2,
Scholarship 3 ; Student Council 1,2; Tempest 2;
Honor Roll 1 ,2,3; Letterman 3; National Honor
Society 2,3; Aquettes 1 ,2 ,3 ; Girls Swim Team 1,·
2 ,3 ; G .A.A. 1 ,2.
BECKER, PAUL M .-Beck-Lance-Advlsory Board 1 ,2;
Math Resource Center Aide 2 ; Athletic Awards
2 ,3; Spanish Club 1; Honor Roll 2,3; Intramural&
BELONGIA, DAN L.-Baloney-St. Joseph's-Perfect
Attendance 1,2,3; Honor Roll 2,3; Boys Swim
Team 1,2.
BENIK , TAMARA A .-Taml-Lance-Classlc 2; Club
Coordinator 3; German Club 1; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3.
BERNHARDT, CHERYL 1.-Berny Babes-Frieden ' &
Lutheran-Gym Aide 3; Varsity Mixed Choir 3;
Girls Track 2; Stage Crew 1,2; Usher 1; Driftwood
3; Honor Roll 3; H.R. Coordinating 2.
BERNHOFT, KAREN P .-Bullen-Advlsory Board 1;
Girls Track 1; Stage Crew 2; Tempest 1 ;
Driftwood 1; G.A.A. 2 .
BEROOUIST, ELLEN K .-Elll-Lance-Badger State Candidate 2 ; Girls Choir 1 ,2 ,3 ; Daisy Mae Candidate
3 ; Tremper Teens 3; French Club 2; Honor Roll
2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 3; Servettes 1 ,2 .
BIEL, DELORIE S.-Dolly-Llncoln-A.F.S . 2; Language
Lab Aid 2; Kiwanis Choir Award 3 ; Sophomore
Mixed Choir 1 ; Girls Choir 2,3; German Club 2;
H .R. Coordinating 2; S .A .B . 2 .
BISCIGLIA , MATTHIAS E . -Robot-St. Joseph ' sAthletlc Award 2,3; All-Conference Honorable
Mention Football 3; Sophomore Mixed Choir 1;
Class Officer 1; Boys Track Team 1 ,2 ,3; Hall
Monitor 2; Big Brute Candidate 3; Intramural&
2 ,3; Letterman 2,3; New Voice Radio 3; Basketball 1 ; Football 1,2,3.
BLASI , FELICIA B.-Kemper Hall-Girls Choir 1; Attendance Aide 1,2,3; Ecology Club 1 ,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Political Science Club 2,3; Project Love 1,2.
BONNEY , JILL L.-Sycamore Canyon , Santee,
Californla·French Club 1 ,2 ; Honor Roll 1,2;
National Honor Society 2,3 .
BORCHARDT, RUSS L.-Pankow, Roach, Bozo-LanceGym Aide 3 ; Concert Band 1 ; Jazz Ensemble 1,2,3 ; Stage Band 1,2,3 ; Symphonic Band 2;
Symphonic Orchestra 2,3 ; WGNT - TV 2 ; Boys
Swim Team 1,2.
BORGGREN, LISA P .-Lance-Sophomore Mixed Choir
1; All-School Musical 3; Ecology Club 3;
Aquettes 2 .
BOYCE, PATRICIA M .- Pattl-Lance-Glrls Choir 2;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Ecology Club 3.
BOYLE, NANCY E.-Nance-McKlnley-French Club 1 ,2;
Girls Swim Team ; Advisory Board 1.
BRAND, ROSALIE J.-Ro-McKlnley-Honor Roll 3 .
BRANDES, FREDRICK C.-McKlnley-Athletlc Awards
1,2 ,3; lntramurale 1 ,2,3; Golf 1 ,2,3.
BREACH, ANDREW F .-Llncoln-Concert Band 1; Wind
Ensemble 3 ; Symphonic Band 2; Honor Roll 1 ,2,·
BRENNAN, CYNTHIA A.-Llncoln-Cllnlc A ide 3;
Caduces 3; Symphonic Orchestra 1,2; Honor
Roll 3.
BROMSTEAD, JEAN M.-La nce-Caduces 1,3; Girls
Choir 1,2,3; Tempest 3; Driftwood 3; French Club
2,3; lntramurals 3.
BROOKHOUSE, ROBERT J.-Llncoln-Boys Track 1,2;
Hall Monitor 2; Intramural& 1; Key Club 1,2;
Letterman 1,2,3.
BROOMFIELD, DIANE M.-D l- Bullen-Advlsory Board
Alternate 1 i Math and Science Resource Center
Aide 2 ; Gym Aide 3; Tempest 3 ; Driftwood 3 ;
Honor Roll 1 ,3.
BROWN , DONALD A .-Llncoln-Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; National
Honor Society 3 .
BROWNLEE, DIANN-Dotty-Lincoln-Advisory Board
1 ,2 ,3 ; Clinic A ides 1 ; Black Culture Club 1,2,3 ;
Booster Club 1,2; Girls Choir 1,2; Tempest 1;
Echo 1 ; lntramurals 1,2; S .A .B . 1 .
BUCHMAN, DANETTE M .-Bush-Lance-Sub-Deb 1,2;
All -School Musical 3; French Club 3 .
BUECHNER, LINDA-Beaner-Bullen-Tremper Teens
3 ; Ecology Club 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3 ; National
Honor Society 1,2,3 .
BUECHNER , ROLAND A .- Ron - Bullen -Language
Ass istant 2 .
BULLOCK, JERRY D .-Bo-Llncoln-Wrestllng 1 ; French
Club 1 .
BURGESS, JANE E .-Bullen-Llbrary Aide 3 ; Ushers 2 ;
Driftwood 1; Spanish Club 3 ; F .T .A . 1 ; Intramural&
1; Library Club 3 ; H .R. Coordinator 1; Project
Love 1; S.A.B . 1.
BUTTER! , VICTORIA E.-Vlck le-Washlngton -Badger
State Delegate 2 ; Math and Science Resource
Center Aide 2 ,3 ; Girls Choir 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,·
3 ; National Honor Society 2,3.
BREHN , KENDAN -Hall Monitors 2.
CAMPOLO, JON-Lance-A.V . 1 ,2 ; Gymnastics 1 .
CANTRELL, JUDITH A .-Judy-Llncoln-A .V . 1 ; Clinic
Aide 2 .
CANTWELL, PAULA N .-Llncoln-Honor Roll 1,2.
CARMICHAEL , RON J . -Lance-A Cappella 3 ;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Varsity Mixed 2 ; Student
Council 1,2,3; New Voice Radio 3 ; S .A .B . 3 .
CARPENTER, ERIC H .-Carple-Northwood-Hlghland
Park High School, Highland Park, 111 .-Attendance
Aide 2,3; French Club 2; Honor Roll 3; Math Club
CASSITY, MICHAEL D .-Mlke-Lance-A Cappella 2,3;
Sophomore Mixed 1 ; Student Council 1 ,2;
Cho railers 2,3; Ecology Club 1 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3;
Key Club 2; National Honor Society 2,3.
CATE, CURTIS F .-Frledens.
CAULK , PENNY C .-Llncoln-Glrls Track 1,2; Spanish
Club 1 ; Honor Roll 1,3; Intramural& 1 ,2,3.
CESCHIN, THOMAS M .-Sklp-Lance-Athletlc Awards
1 ,2 ,3; A Cap pelf a 2 ,3; Sophomore Mixed 1 ; Honor
Roll 1,3; Key Club 1,2,3; Gymnastics 1,2,3.
CHADDE, STEVE W.-Lance-Boys Track 1 .
CHAPEK, LORI L.-Bulle-A .V . Aide 1,2,3; G.A.A. 1 ,2 ,3;
Tempest 3; Driftwood 3; Fencing 2 ,3; French
Club 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3; H .R. Coordinating
2 ,3; Quill & Scroll 3 .
CHAPUT, LARRY W .-Lance-lntramurals 1,2,3; Letter-
man 1; Football 1,2,3.
CHATTERTON, VIC1<1 L.-Chatt-Lance-Guldance Office Aide 1; A Cappella 2 ,3; Sophomore M ix ed
Choir 1 ; Student Council 1; Chorallers 2,3; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Girls Swim Team 1 .
CIOTTI, JANINE T.-Jan-Lance-A.F.S. 2; Clinic Aide
1,2; D istributive Ed. 3.
CLEMENT, DEBBIE A .·McKlnley-Advlsory Board 1 ,2 ;
Attendance Aide 2 .
CONFORTI, TERRY A .-Lance-Drlvers Ed . Aide 3 ;
Daisy Mae Candidate 3 ; Trojanettes 1,2,3; Honor
Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 3 .
COOPER, DAVID C .-Coop-Bullen-Hall Monitor 1.
CORTESE, ALBERT R .-Balada-McKlnley-Klwanls
Music Award 1 ; Evening Chamber Orchestra 2,3 ;
Sterling Strings Quintet 2 ,3; Student Council 1;
Symphonic Orchestra 1,2,3; Electronics 1;
Golden Strings 3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3; National
Honor Society 2 ,3 .
CREIGHTON , SUE T .-Suzle 0 -Lance-Attendance
Aide 1 ,2 ,3 .
CRUMP, PATRICIA A .-Patty-Llncoln· Advlsory Board
1; Clinic Aide 2 ; Student Council 3 ; Honor Roll 1.
CRUMP, MARGARET J .-Peggy-Llncoln-Drlvers Ed.
Aide 3 ; Athletic Award 1; Girls Track 1; Stage
Crew 1 ,2 .
DAVIS, RICKEY L.-Sllck-Llncoln-A .V . Aide 3; Black
Culture Club 1 ,2,3; Spanish Club 1; Intramural&
2 ; Basketball 1,2,3.
DEANGELIS , DEBRA M .-Debble-Llncoln-Advlsory
Board 1,2; Color Guard 1 ,2,3; Sub-Deb 1; Hall
Monitor 1; Homecoming Queen 3; Honor Roll 3 ;
S .A .B . 3 .
DEBETTIGNIES, RITA J .-Mldget -Lance-Tremper
Teens 3; Ushers 3 ; French Club 1; Language Lab
Aide 1,2.
DEBRUIN, DEBRA L.-Debble-Bullen-Cllnlc Aide 1 .
DEFURIO, JAMES R .-Jlm-Lance-Boys Track 1 ; Student Council 1,3; Ecology Club 1; Intramural& 1,2,3; Key Club 1,2,3.
DEKOK, SCOTT J .-Hefl-Lance-Klwanls Music Award
3 ; Jazz Ensemble 2,3 ; Stage Band 2 , 3;
Symphonic Band 1; A Cappella Choir 1 ,2,3;
Chorallers 1 ,2 ,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor
Society 2,3.
DELANY, JOHN R.-Super-Llncoln-lntramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Key Club 3; S .A.B. 3.
DEMARCO, MIKE A .-Llncoln-lntramurals 1,2,3.
DERWAE, KAREN R . -Lance-Concert Band 1;
Symphonic Band 2,3; Tremper Teens 3 ; French
Club 1; G.A.A. 3 ; Servettes 1.
DIETMAN, DEBRA L.-Dlts-Lance-Advlsory Board 1 ;
Sabres 1,2.
RADOV AN-Screech-Lincoln-Letter
Winner 2,3; S.A.B. 1 ; Basketball 1,2,3; Baseball
1,2; Football 1 .
DOBBS, RICHARD K.-Rlch-Llncoln.
DOWSE, DEBORAH M .-Debble-Bullen-DAR Candidate 3; Advisory Board 2; Tempest 2,3;
Driftwood 3; Fencing 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; G.A.A.
1,2; National Honor Society 2,3; Quill & Scroll 2,3;
Ski Club 3.
DULLER , THOMAS F .-Llncoln-Concert Band 1,2;
Track 1,2 ; H o nor Roll 3 ; In tramural& 2,3; Cross
C o untry Track 2
FECHNER , M A RIL YN D .·Bu llen -G lrls Choir 1,3; Varsit y M ixed 2.
FESCH H A CK, APRI L J. -L a n c e -Sopho m ore M ixed
Choir 1, G irls C hoir 2 ; A C a ppell a 3 ; Honor Roll 3 .
FISCH E R , LI NDA S .· La n c e -Adv lso ry B oa r d 1; A tten d ance Aide 3 ; Poli t ic a l Science C l ub 2 ; G .A .A . 2 .
FISCHER , NANC Y J .-Lan c e -Symph on lc B a nd 1,2 ,3 ;
Tre mper Te e ns 3 ; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3 ; N a t ional
Honor Societ y 2 ,3 .
FLATL E Y , MICHELE A .-La nce-F r ench C l ub 1; Clas sic
1 ; G .A .A . Bowling 1 ,2 .
FONK , CHERYL A .-Lance -Advlsory Boa r d 1 ; G i rls
Choir 1 ; A Cappella 2 ,3 ; Da isy Mae Candida te 3 ;
Driver s Ed. A ide 2 ; Tremper Teens 1; Home com i ng Court 3 ; Honor Roll 1 ; Intramural& 3 ; S .A .B . 3 ;
Aquettes 1 ,2 ,3.
FORD, CINDY L. -Lance-K lwanls Symphony Music
Awa r d 3 ; Badger State Candidate 2 ; Symphonic
Band 1,2 ; Wind Ensemble 3 ; A Capella 2 ,3 ;
Sophomore M i xed Cho i r 1 ; Symphon i c
Orchestra 1 ,2 ,3 ; German Club 1 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ;
National Honor Society 2 ,3 .
FRAME, DEBRA L .- Debble- Bullen-Guldance Office
Aide 1 ; Symphonic Band 1,2,3 ; Student Council
1; Tremper Teens 1,2 ,3 ; F .T.A. 1 ,2 ; Honor Roll 3 .
FREDERICH , BONNIE J .·Llncoln-Advlsory Board 1 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 1 ,2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 3 ; S .A .B .
FREEMAN, DIANE M .-Llncoln-A.F.S. 2 ,3 ; G .A .A . 2 .
FREI, SANDRA K .-Sandy-Bullen -French Club 1 ;
Honor Roll 1 .
FRESE, JOHN H .-Sln City-Lance -Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Golf 1 ,2,3.
Symphonic Band 3 ; Symphonic Orchestra 3 ;
New Voice Radio 3 .
DUMKE, JOHN Z .-JD-Llncoln-Concert Band 1 ,2 ; Student Council 2 : Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Baseball 1 .
DUNHAM, JANN E.-Polack-Lance-Athletlc Awards
2 ,3; Girls Track 1,2,3; Aquettes 1 ,2 ,3 ; Girls Swim
Team 2 ,3 .
DUNN , BYRON A .-Super B .A .D .-Llncoln-Athletlc
Awards 1,2,3; Gym Aide 3 ; Concert Band 1 ,2 ;
Symphonic Band 3 ; Black Culture Club 1,2 ,3 ;
Booster Club 3; Boys Track 1 ,2,3; Wrestling 2;
WGNT - TV 3 ; Spanish Club 1 ,2 ; Intramural& 1,2,3 ; Letterman 1 ,2 ,3 ; Math Club 3 ; Football 1 ;
Basketball 1 .
DUPUIS, PAUL S .-Llncoln-Hall Monitor 2 ; Intramural&
EARNEST, J . DAVID-Dave-Lincoln-Advisory Board
1,2,3; Helen Farnsworth Art Society Award 1 ;
Classic 1 ; Class Officer 1 ; Wrestling 1 ; Student
Counci l/ Officer 1 ,2,3; Tempest 1 ,2 ; Spanish
Club 1; Hall Monitor 1 ,2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ; H .R. Coordinating 2 ; S .A .B. 3 ;
Football 1 ,2.
EBENER, MARK-Lance-Intramural& 2 ,3 ; Letterman 3;
Baseball 1 ,2,3; Basketball 1.
EDWARDS, ALLAN D .-Al-Llncoln-Athletlc Awards 1,·
2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 2,3; National Honor Society 3 ; Baseball 2 ,3 ;
Boys Swim Team 1 ,2 ,3.
ELLEFSON, GAY L.·Lance-Tremper Teens 2 ; Honor
Roll 3.
ELOFF, CAROL A .-Helen Keller. Royal Oak , MichiganHonor Roll 3 .
ENNIS, RITA R .-St. Joseph"s-Athletlc Awards 1,2,3;
Sub-Deb 2 ,3 ; French Club 1 ;Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Girls
Gymnastics 1 ,2 ,3 .
G .-Ferry-St.
Joseph "s-Boys
GARCIA , CANDICE A .-Candy-Llncoln-Caduces 3 ;
Girls Choir 1,2,3 ; H .R. Coordinating 2 ; Political
Scienc:e Club 2 ; S .A.B. 3 .
GARDNER, KAREN L .- Frledens Lutheran Attendance Aide 3 ; Badger State Candidate 2 ;
Stage Crew 1 ,2 ; Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; National Honor
Society 3 ; Project Love 3 ; G.A .A . 2 ; Driftwood 3 .
GARDNER, KAREN M .-Lance-French Club 1 ,2 .
GARRAMONE, GINA M .-Ll ncoln-Nat lona l Qui ll &
Scroll Writing Award 2,3 ; Tempest 1 ,2 ,3 ; Honor
Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 2 ,3 ; Quill &
Scroll 2,3 .
GARREN , MALCOLM C .·Llncoln-Concert Band 1 ;
Jazz Ensemble 2 ; Stage Band 2 ; Symphonic
Band 2 i Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ;
National Honor Society 2 ,3; Golf 1 ,2 ,3.
GEBHART, NANCY M .-Nanc-Lance-Drlvers Ed. Aide
2 ; Daisy Mae Candidate 3 ; Student Council 1 ,2 ;
Sub-Deb 1 ; Symphonic Orchestar 1 ,2 ,3 ; F.T .A. 2 ;
S .A.B. 2 .
GEHRING , MARY W .- Meatball - Lance-Adv l sory
Board 2 ,3 ; Student Council 1 ,2 ,3 ; Tremper
Teens 1 ,2 ,3 ; French Club 1 ; Graphic Arts 2 .
GERLACH, LAURIE A.-Lance-Wlnd Ensemble 3;
Symphonic Band 2 , 3 ; Concert Band 1 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ;
G.A.A . 1 ,2 .
GEORGE, DEBRA L.-George-Llncoln-Blble Study
Club 1 ; Distributive Ed. 3; Honor Roll 2 .
GERUM, MARY JO-Jo-Lance-Advisory Board 1 ,2 ;
Tremper Teens 2 ,3 ; Hall Monitor 2 ; S .A .B. 3 ;
Sabres 1 .
GIRONIMI , KATHLEEN C .-Kathle-St. Joseph ' sProject Love 3 .
GITTENS, DENISE C .-DeeDee-McKlnley.
GOERGEN , CLAUDIA M .-Lance-Llbrary Aide 2 ,3 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 1 ,2,3; Tremper Teens 3 ;
German Club 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2,3; National Honor Society 1 ,2 ,3 ; Servettes 1 .
GOFF, NANCY L.-Ll ncoln-Tremper Teens 3 ; Honor
Roll 3 .
GOURLEY, LISA A.-Lance-Athletlc Award 3; Booster
Club 1 ; A Capella Choir 2 ,3 ; Sophomore Mixed
Choir 1 ; Sub-Deb 1 ,2 ,3 ; Chorallers 3 ; Aquettes 1 .
GRABOT, THOMAS A .-Tommy-Lance-Concert Band
1; Symphonic Band 2; Wrestling 1 ,2 ,3 ; Honor Roll
3; lntramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 2,3; Football 1 1 2 1 3.
GRAMS, RONALD 0 .-Llttle Ronny-Lance-Stock Car
Club 3 .
GRASSER, KIM-Grass -Lincoln-Student Council/ Of·
fleer 1,2,3; Hall Monitor 1,2; Honor Roll 2,3.
GRAY, JEFFREY W .-Llncoln-A Capella Choir 2 ,3 ;
Sophomore Mixed Choir 1 ; Honor Roll 3 ;
Baseball 1.
GRAY , NANCY L.-Llncoln-Concert Band 1 ;
Symphonic Band 2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3 ; National
Honor Society 3 .
GRAYSON, RICHARD A .-Dlck-Llncoln.
GREEN, KEVIN L.-Lincoln - Bible Study Club 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Sophomore Mixed Choir 1 ; Classic 1 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 1 ; Boys Swim Team 2 .
GRIMMER, JEROME W .-Jerry-Homstead , Mequon,
Wisconsin-Athletic Awards 1 ,2 ; Concert Band
1,2; Symphonic Band 3; Boys Swim Team 1 ,2 .
GRISSOM, DANNY L.-Dan , Gris-Lance-Graphic Arts
1 , Honor Roll 3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ; Football 1 .
GULBRANSEN , LORI K .-Bransen-Bullen·Varslty Mixed Choir 3; Tremper Teens 2,3; Ecology Club 2;
Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 3.
H AAG, CHER YL L.-Lance.
H ACKWOR T H Y, CLEM R. -C .R.-Llncoln-ln tr am u rals
1,2 ,3 ; Golf 1 ; Boy s Swim Tea m 1.
HAMMOND , E LLEN · El · L l ncol n -Lette r W i nner 2 ,3 ;
G ir ls Tra ck 1 ; Sub-Deb 1 ,2 ; Tempest 1,2 ; Honor
Roll 1,2 ,3 ; Intra mural& 1; Letterm an 3 ; National
H o nor Society 2 ,3 ; Aqu e ttes 2 ,3 ; G.A .A 1 ,2 ,3 ;
G irls Swim Te a m 1,2 ,3 .
H AMPT ON, MARK W .- Llncoln -D rl v ers Ed. A ide 3 ;
Athlet ic Award 3 ; Football 2 ,3 .
HANSEN , MARGARET A .-Llt-Llncoln -Concert Band
1 ; A Capell a Choi r 3 ; G irls Choir 2 ; C lass Officer
2 ; Color Guard 3 ; Sub-Deb 2 ; P r om Court 2 ;
S.A.B . 2 .
HAUTZINGER, DAN G .-Hutz-Ll ncoln-Boys Track 1 ,2 ;
Intramura l& 2 ,3; Cross Country Track 1,2 .
HAMMES, REX M .·Llncoln.
HARPER, NED K .-Lance -Avlat lon 1,2 ,3 ; Ushers 2 ,3 ;
Fencing 1 ,2 ; Intramural& 1,2 ,3 .
HAVRANEK , MARK R .-Llncoln -Athlet lc Award 2 ;
Boys Track 1 ; Project Love 1; Boys Gymnastics
HAWKINS , DIANE L. - D l- Bu ll en-L l brary A i de 1 ;
Caduces 3 .
HECKEL, JANE E .-Ll ncoln-Tempest 1 ,2 ; Honor Ro ll 3 ;
Quill & Scroll 1 ,2 .
HEDDEN, HARVEY V .-Bullen-A .F .S . 1 ,2 ,3 ; Av iatio n 1,2 ,3 ; Debate & Forensics 1 ,2 ,3 ; Student Council 3 ;
Driftwood 1; Ecology Club 1 ; Honor Roll 3 ; In tramural& 1 ; National Honor Soc iety 3 ; Morn ing
Announcements Crew 2 ,3 ; Young Repub licans
2 ,3 ; Political Science 1 ,2 ,3 .
HEGYERA, DAVID E .-HI gear-Lance-Stage Crew 1 ;
D istributive Ed . 1 .
HERMANS, DAVE R .-Herman-McKlnley.
HILL, RICHARD C .-Buck -Bullen-Stage Crew 2 ; Fenc i ng 1; Hall Monitor 2 ; New Voice Radio 1.
HILL, SUSAN D.-Bay View, Mllwauk9e-Ecology Club
2 ; Honor Roll 2 ,3 .
HODAL , SCOTT A .-Hondo· Lance-Athletlc Awards
1,2; Classic 2 ; Boys Track Team 1 ,2 ; Honor Roll
2 ,3 ; lntramu,als 1,2 ,3 ; Letterman 1 ,2 ,3.
HOFF , DENNIS A .-Lance-Sophomore M i xed Choir 1 ;
A Capella 2 ,3 ; Hall Monitor 1 .
HOFF, JEFF H .-Lance-Boys Track Team 1 ; Football
1 ,2 .
HOGANSON, JULIA L. -Julle-L lncoln- Athletlc Awards
2 ,3 ; Badger State Candidate 2 ; Concert Band 1 ;
Stage Band 2 ; Symphonic Band 3 ; W i nd Ensem ble 3 ; Pep Band 1 ,2 ,3 ; Tremper Teens 1 ; Honor
Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 3 ; Nat i ons ~ Honor Society
2 ,3 ; Aquettes 2 ,3 ; Girls Swim Team 1 ,2 ,3 ; G .A.A.
1 ,2 ,3.
HOLLAND, KAREN R.-Lance-Drlvers Ed. A ide 2 ,3 ;
Guidance Office A i de 2 ; Concert Band 1;
Symphonic Band 2 ; W ind Emsemble 3 ; Pep
Band 1,2 ,3 ; French Club 1 ,2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 2 ,3 ;
National Honor Society 3 .
HOSMANEK, JOAN-Lincoln-Quill & Scroll National
Writing Award 2 ; School Musical Set Design 3 ;
Stage Crew 3; Sub-Deb 1 ; Tempest 1 ,2 ,3 ; Honor
Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 3 ; Quill & Scroll
·" 3
HOUTSINGER , JEAN M .-L a nce-T r empe r Teens 3 ;
Spanish C l ub 3 ; Project Love 3 .
HOWARD, ORRICK J .-0 . J .-Llncoln -Tempest 3 ; Fenc i ng 1 ,2 ; lntramurals 1 ,2 ,3.
HUBBARD, MARSHA L.-Macha-Llncoln-Llbrary A ide
2 ,3 ; Pool A ide 2 ,3 ; Girls Choir 2 ,3 ; G i rls Track 1 ;
Echo 1 ; French Club 1 ,2 ; Project Love 1 ; G i rls
Swim Team 1 ; Tenn is 2 .
HUFF, MAC L. -F lngers, Washington-K iwanis Music
Award 3 ; Sophomore M i xed Choir 1 ; A Capella
Choi r 2 ,3 ; Chorallers 2 , 3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Nationa l Honor Society 3 .
HUNT , DARLENE A .-Dar-Lance-Blble Study C l ub 2 ·
German Club 2; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ; G .A .A . 1 ,2 .
HUNT , JOCELE M .-Jo-Bullen .
IAOUINTA , LAWRENCE J.-Larry - Lance - Student
Council 1, 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Key Club 2 ; Letterman 2 ,3 ; National Honor Socie ty 1 ,2 ,3 ; Physics Club 2 ,3 ; Politica l Science C l ub
2 ,3 ; Baseball 1 ,2 .
IRVING , CA THY M .·Lance-Cllnlc Aide 2 ; Intramural&
1 ; S.A .B . 1,2.
!SETTS, BRIAN J .-Acapulco-Llncoln-Advlsory Board
1 ,2 ,3 ; Athlet ic Awards 2 ,3 ; Concert Band 1 ; Jazz
Ensemble 2 ; W i nd Ensemble 3 ; Symphonic Band
2 ; Student Council 3 ; Spanish Club 2 ; Honor Roll
1,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ; Key C l ub 2 ; Lette r man 3 ;
Baseball 1 ,2 ,3 ; Basketball 3 ; Football 1 .
ISTV ANEK , ELIZABETH M .-Beth -McK l nley-Honor
Roll 3 .
I VY , JOHN D .-Crazy Hor se -Lincoln - Baseba ll 1 ,2 ;
Basketba ll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Football 1 .
JACKSON, DEBBIE L.-Ducky Leroy -Bullen-C lassic
1 ,2 .
JACKSON, FAYE D.- Poe-Llncoln-A .V . A ide 1 ; Black
Culture Club 1 ,2 ,3 ; G irls Choir 1 ; Sophomore
M i xed 1 ; Girls Track 1 ; Tempest 1 ; Trojanettes 1 ;
Echo 1 ; Ecology C l ub 1 ; French Club 1 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ; S.A .B . 1 ; Baseball 1 .
JENKINS, SUSAN C.-Washlngton-Junlor Achievement Awards 1 ,2 ,3 ; G irls Choir 1,2 ,3 ; Honor Roll
JENSEN , LESLIE L.-Lance-Attendance 2 ,3 ; Student
Council 1 ,2 ; Trojanettes 1 ,2 ; Distributive Ed . 3 .
JOHNSON , BARBARA M .- Barb-Lance-Servettes 2 ,3 .
JOHNSON , BETH-Lincoln - Advisory Board 1 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 1 ,2 ,3 ; Echo 1 ; S .A .B . 1 .
JOHNSON , KAREN R. - Lance - Concert Band 1 ;
Symphonic Band 2 ,3 ; Sub -Deb 3 ; F.T .A . 2 ; Honor
Roll 2,3 ; Intramural& 1,2 ,3 ; Servettes 1 .
JOHNSON , SCOTT R .-L lncoln-Advlsory Board 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Gym A ide 2 ; Concert Band 1 ; Jazz Ensemble 2 ;
Stage Band 2 ; Symphonic Band 2 ; W i nd Ensem ble 3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ; Key
Club 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 2 ,3; Prom
Court 3 ; S .A .B. 3 ; Boys Swim Team 1 ; S .C . Officers.
JOHNSTON , THOMAS G .-Tom -Lance -Varslty M i xed
Choir 2 .
JONES, SANDRA R.-Sandy-Lance-Honor Roll 3 ; Project Love 3 ; Sabres 2 ; Sk i Club 3 .
Choir 2 ,3 ; Sophomore Mixed Choir 1 ; National
Honor Soc iety 2 ,3 ; Baseball 1 .
JURKSAITIS, SITHA B.-McKlnley-Attendance Award
KAEPPELER , JEFFREY W . -Jeff - Llncoln - Ath l et l c
Awards 2 ,3; Concert Band 1 ; Jazz Ensemble 2 ;
Stage Band 2 ; Symphonic Band 2 ,3 ; Intramural&
1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 2 ,3 ; Baseball 1 ,2 ,3 .
KALVONJIAN, SUSAN L.-Sue -Llncoln-Badger State
Candidate 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3; Intramural& 2 ,3 ;
National Honor Society 2,3.
KATT, GREGORY D .-Greg-Lance-Athletlc Awards 1 ,2 ,3 ; Cross Country 1,2; Wrestling 1,2,3.
KAUEHL , PAUL D.-Lance-Honor Roll 1 , 2 , 3 ; lntramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 2 ,3 .
KAUSALIK , LANCE E .-Llncoln-Boys Gymnastics
Team 1 .
KAVALAUSKAS, RICK A .-Blg Dick -Lincoln -Honor
Roll 1 ,2 ,3 .
KAVANAUGH , ELLEN J .-Llncoln-Glrls Choir 1,2,3 ;
Sub-Deb 1 ,2,3.
KELLEY , DEBRA S.- Debble-Llncoln-Advlsory Board
1 ,2 ; Athletic Award 1 ; Varsity Cheerleader 2 ,3 ; A
Capella Choir 2 ,3 ; Girls Choir 1 ; Daisy Mae Candidate 3 ; Student Council 1 ,2 ,3 ; Tempest 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Variety Show 3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor
Society 3 ; Quill & Scroll 3 .
KELLY , LAURIE A .-Kelly-Llncoln -A .F.S. 3 ; Concert
Band 1 ; Echo 1 ; Project Love 1 .
KERSTING , BETTY J.-Lance-Sophomore Mixed
Choir 1 ; Distributive Ed. 3; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 .
KIFFEL , LORI A. - Lance-A Capella Choir 2 , 3 ;
Sophomore Mixed 1 ; Student Council 3 ;
Chorallers 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; G .A .A . 3 ; National
Honor Society 2,3.
KNICKREHM , DAVID P.-Knlck-Llncoln-lntramurals
1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 3 ; Tennis 1 ,2 ,3 .
KNUDSEN, NANCY M .-Nance-Lance-Sabres 1 ,2 .
KOLMOS , KURT E .-Bullen-Honor Roll 3 ; National
Honor Society 2 .
KOPP, RICKY A .-Rlck-Lance-A.V. Aide 1 ,2 ; Track
Team 1 ; Intramural& 2; Math Club 1 ; Football 1 ;
Tennis 2 .
KOROSICK , DEBRA A.-Debble-Lance-Concert Band
1 ; Symphonic Band 2; Symphonic Orchestra 2 ;
French Club 1 ; Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; National Honor
Society 3 .
KRAISS, SUE A .-Bullen-S.A .B . 1 .
KRUESER , LINDA J.-Lance-Gym Aide; Girls Choir 1 ,2 ,3; Honor Roll 2 ; Intramural& 1 .
KUESSOW, ANN M.-AnneLlncoln-Varslty Mixed
Choir 1 1 2 ,3 ; Tremper Teens 1 ,2 ,3 .
KUYAWA , MARK K.-Lance-Athletlc Award 1 ,2 ,3 ; lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 2 ,3 ; Gulf 1 ,2 ,3 .
LASELL , KATHLEEN A.-Kathy-McKlnley-Gym Aide 3 ;
Stock Car Club 3.
LACHMAN, CAROL L .-Brat-Llncoln-Glrls Choir 2 ,3 .
LAHTI , SHIRLEY A . -Lance-Student Council 1;
Tremper Teens 1 ; G .A .A . 3 .
LAMPOS , TINA A . -Greek-McKlnley-A .F . S . 2;
Tempest Salesman 2; Homeroom Stringer 2 ;
H .R . Coordinating 2 ; Project Love 1 ; S.A .B . 2 .
LANCTOT, TERRI M.-Lance-A.F .S . 2 ; Nurses Aide
1 , 2 ; Clinic Aide 1 , 2 ; Student Council 2 ;
Distributive Ed 3 ; S .A .B . 1 ,2.
LANGE, TIM R.-Llncoln -Athletlc Awards 2 ,3 ; Perfect
Attendance Award 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3; In tramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 2 ,3 ; Baseball 1,2,3.
LARSON, DOLORES J .-Bullen-S.A .B. 1 ,2 .
LAUGHLIN , SUE E .-Susl- Bullen-Honor Roll 3 .
LEDANSKI, JUDITH A .-Judy-Bullen-Trojanettes 2 .
LEECH , PHYLLIS G.- Phll-McKlnley-Llbrary Aide 2 ;
Hall Monitor 2 ; S .A .B. 2 ,3 .
LEITING, VICKIE L.-Llncoln-Glrls Choir 1,2,3.
LEMAY , KEITH-Auto Club.
LETTRICH, JANET M .-Jan-Llncoln-Athletlc Award
1 , 2 ; Varsity Cheerleader 3 ; Symphon i c
Orchestra 1,2; Letterman 2 ; Girls Gymnastics
1,2; Girls Swim Team 1 .
LITTIKEN, DEBRA B .-Debl-Lance-Black Culture Club
1 ; Booster Club 1,2; Girls Choir 1 ,2,3 ; Student
Council 1 ; S .A .B . 3.
LOOTANS, PAULA-Llncoln - A.V . 1 .
LOSS, KEITH R.-Lance-Advlsory Board 2 ; Athletic
Award 2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 2 ,3;
National Honor Society 2,3; Aquettes 3 ; Swim
Team 1 ,2 ,3 .
LUCKEY , PATRICIA-P.J .-St. Joseph's .
LUDLOW , BETH M .-Bulfy-Llncoln-Guldance Office
Aide 2 ; Honor Roll 3 .
MACKAY , CHERYL A .- Mac - McKln l ey-Athletlc
Awards 1,3; S.A.B. 2 .
MALKO, GINA M .-Llncoln-Student Council 1 ; Intra murals 1 .
MANCUSO, ELIZABETH A .-Llz-Lance-Math Aide 2 ;
Science Aide 2 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor
Society 2,3; Servettes 1 ,2 ,3 ; Aquettes 2 ,3 .
MANTUANO, SANDRA J .-Sandy-McKlnley-Drlvers
Ed. Aide 3 ; Guidance Office Aide 3 ; Concert Band
1 ; Wind Ensemble 3 ; Symphonic Band 2 ;
Sophomore Cheerleader; Tremper Teens 1,2,3.
MARKS, DIANE-Lincoln-Advisory Board 2 ,3 ; Black
Culture Club 3 ; Sophomore Cheerleader; A
Capella 1 ,2 .
MARTIN, KRISTI S .-Crlsco-Llncoln-Sophomore Mix ed Choir 1 ; Vat slty Mixed 2,3; Tempest 2,3 .
MARTIN, RICHARD M .-Rlck-Lance-Hall Monitor 2;
Boys Swim Team 1 .
MARTIN , SUSAN L.-Sue -Lance-Ecology Club 3 .
MASSIE, STEVEN A .-Steve-Lance-Athletlc Award 3 ;
Honor Roll 2 ; lntramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 3:
Boys Gymnastics 1 ,2 ,3 .
MATTOX, MARVIN J .-Llncoln .
MAURER , JAMES E .-Jlm-Lance-A .F .S . 3; Language
Lab Aide 1 ,2 ; Student Council 1,2; Symphonic
Orchestra 1 ,2 ,3 ; Ecology Club 1 ,2 ; German Club
1 ,2 ,3; Tremper Trojan 3 ; S.A .B . 1.
MAZZEI, JAMES L.-Maze -Lance-Advlsory Board 1 ;
Class President 1 ; Student Council 1 ; Prom
Court 3 ; S.A .B . 1 ,2 ,3 .
MCCONNELL , SARA J .-Twlnkle-St. Joseph ' sAdvisory Board 2 ; Drivers Ed. Aide 2 .
MCLEAN , SHERRI A .-McKlnley -Cllnlc Aide 1 ,2;
Caduces 1 ; Project Love 1 .
MCNAB, SCOTT M .-Scoot-McKlnley-A .V . Aide 1 ;
Athletic Awards 2 ,3 ; lntramurals 1,2; Letterman
2 ,3; Boys Gymnastics 1 ,2,3.
MCPHAUL, JANE A. -L i ncoln-Cllnlc A ide 1 ,2 ; Student
Counci l/ Off icer 1 ,2 ,3; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; ln tr a rnurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; Aquettes 2 ,3 ; Language Lab A id e
1 ,2 .
MCOUESTION , PATRICK A .- Mac - St . Joseph "s Adv lsory Boa rd 1 ; D istributive Ed . 3 .
MEIDINGER , KEN P .-Dinger-Llncoln - A.V . Aide 3 ; Jazz
Ensemble 2 ; Boys Track 1 ; lntramurals 2 ; New
Voice Radio 3 ; Boys Swim Team 1,2.
MERTEN , LYNN M .-Llncoln -A .V . Aide 1,2; Varsity
Mixed Choir 3 ; Tempest 2 ,3 .
METTEN, LINDA M .-Llncoln -Honor Roll 1,2,3 ; SubDeb 3 ; National Honor Society 2,3 ; G .A.A. 1 ,2 .
MEYER , JOHN W ., Jr .-Lance - Honor Roll 1 ,3 ; In tramural& 1 ,2 ,3 ; H .R. Coordinating 2 .
MICHELSON, CHARLENE A.-Char-Llncoln -Advlsory
Board 1 ; Drivers Ed. Aide 3 ; Booster Club 1 ; Girls
Choir 1,2,3; Tremper Teens 2 ,3; Honor Roll 2 ;
G .A .A . 2 ,3 .
MILLER , MARY A .-Shorty -McKlnley-Guldance Office
Aide 1 ; Athletic Award 2 ,3 ; Girls Track 1,2 ; German Club 1 ,2 ; Letterman 1 ; Quill & Scroll 3 .
MLEKUSH, JAN R. -Lance -Attendance Aide 2; Hall
Monitor 2 .
MOHALLEY , JEREMIAH J .-Jerry-Llncoln-Dlstrlbutlve
Ed. 3 .
MOLITOR , BEATRIX-Bea-Lincoln-Booster Club 1 ;
Girls Choir 1 ,2 ,3 ; Hall Monitor 1 ; G .A .A . 1 .
MORELAND, DEBRA J .-Debble-Llncoln-Wrestllng 3.
MORRIS, ALLEN P .-Al-Llncoln-Debate & Forensics 1 ;
Tempest 2,3 ; Quill & Scroll 3.
MORRIS, PEGGY L.-Pergl-Lance-Color Guard 1 ,2,3 ;
Sub-Deb 1 ; French Club 1; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Intramural& 2 ,3 ; S.A.B. 3 .
MUELLER, DOROTHEA-Hunky Dorie-McKinley-Bible
Study Club 1,2; Symphonic Orchestra 1,2,3;
Wrestlers Pride 1; German Club 1,2,3.
MULLER, BONNIE L.-Bullen- A .F.S . 3; Tremper Teens
2,3; French Club 1 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3 ; Intramural&
1 ,2; National Honor Society 3 ; Girls Swim Team
MYERS, APRIL A .-Llncoln-Student Council 1 ,2,3;
Sub-Deb 3 ; Hall Monitor 1 ; Honor Roll 2; S.A.B. 3 .
MYHRE, STEVEN W .-Lance-Language Lab 3; Honor
Roll 2 ,3; lntramurals 3; National Honor Society 3 .
NELSEN, MARILYN C.-Lynn-Llncoln-Ternpest 1,2,3 ;
Honor Roll 1,2,3i National Honor Society 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Quill & Scroll 2 ,3 .
NELSON, TOM J .-Lance-Cllnlc Aide 2 ; Athletic
Awards 2 ,3; Honor Roll 2 ; lntramurals 1 , 2 ;
Baseball 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2.
NEWMAN , LOUIS C . -Llncoln-Concert Band 1 ;
Symphonic Band 2,3; Echo 1 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ;
lntrarnurals 3; National Honor Society 3 ;
Servettes 1 .
NOLEN, LARRY P .-Snlckers-Lance-Wrestllng 1 ,2.
NORTHARD, SCOTT D.-Square-Cadlllac-Advlsory
Board 1; Student Council 2; S .A.B. 1,2,3.
NUSSBAUM, BARBARA J.-Barb-Oak Creast, Zion,
Illinois-Library Aide 1 ,2; G.A.A. Bowling 1 ; Project
Love 3.
NYBERG, LISA A .-Llncoln-Hall Monitor 1,2; Girls
Gymnastics 1; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Ski Club 3 .
PETERSON , KIM M.-Lance-Sophornore Cheerlea der
1 ; V arsity Cheerleader 2 ,3 ; S .A .B . 2 .
PETRELLI, DARLENE F. -Lance -Troj a nettes 2 ; Honor
Roll 3 ; G irls Gymna st ics Team 1,2 ,3 .
PEZDIR , PEGGY A .-Peg-Lance -A .V . A ide 2 ; French
Club 2 ; Honor Roll 2 ; New Volco R a d io 2 .
PHILLIPS , DEBBIE K .-Llncoln -Guldance Office A ide 2 ;
Sophomore Mixed Choir 1 ; G .A .A . 2 .
PIAS, JAMES M .-Jlm -Lance - Badger State Candidate
2 ; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3 ; lntrarnurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; Key Club 2 ;
Political Science Club 2 ,3 ; B a sk e tball 1 .
PIELA , SHERRY L .-Bullen .
PODELLA , SUZANNE J. -Sue-Lance-Concert Band 1 ;
Symphonic Band 2 ,3 ; Sub-Deb 2 ,3 ; Symphonic
Orchestra 3 ; lntramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; Servettee 1 .
POLLARD , JIM F .- Llncoln - Concert Band 1 ;
Symphonic Band 2 ; Classic 1 ; Tempest 1 ,2 ;
Honor Roll 1 ; lntrarnurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; Photography 1 ,2 ,3 ; Boys Swim Team 1 ,2 .
POSSEL T , JANE E.-Possurn-Lance-Sophornore Mixed Choir 1 ; Color Guard 1 ,2,3; Tremper Teens 1;
Honor Roll 3 ; lntrarnurals 2 ,3 ; S .A .B . 3 ; Girls Gymnastics 2 ,3 .
PRATZER , HEIDI A . -Lance-Concert Band 1;
Symphonic Band 2 ; Chamber Orchestra 2,3;
Wind Ensemble 3 ; Symphonic Orchestra 2,3;
Girls Track 1 i Student Council 1 ; Tremper Teens
2 ,3 ; Echo 1 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; lntrarnurals 1 ,2,3.
PROKO, LYNN M .-Lance-Betty Crocker Award 3 ;
Caduces 1 ,3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,3 .
ROACH, BRADY L.-Cll p -La nce-Adv lsory Board 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Science Dept . A ide 2 ,3 ; Symphon ic Orchestra 1,2 ,3 ; WGNT - TV 3 ; Electronics 2 ,3 ; Fenc ing 3 ;
Honor Ro ll 1, 2 ,3 ; Intramura l & 1 , 2 , 3 ; Na ti on al
Honor Society 2 ,3 ; New Voice Rad io 3 ; Football 1
ROBERS , MARY BETH - Bullen - L i b ra ry A i de 1 ;
Driftwood 3 ; Span ish Club 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ,
Library C l ub 3 ; National Honor Society 2 ,3 .
ROBERTS, ROBIN L. -Blg Bird- Bullen -Auto Club 1
ROBERTS, RITA A. -McK l nley -Advlsory Board 3 ; A .V
A ide 1 ,2 ; C li n ic A i de 3; Athletic Award 3 ; Da ley
Mae Candidate 3 ; Symphonic Orchestra 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Wrestlers ' Pride 3 ; Letterman 3 ; Aquettes 2 ; G i rls
Swim Team 1 ,2 ,3 .
ROBIN , TINA-Lance-Library Aide 2 .
ROMANO, DENISE R .-Dee-Lance -Ternpeet 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Tremper Teens 2 ,3 ; Trojanettee 1 ,2 ; Honor Roll
1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor Soc iety 2 ,3 .
ROSE , RALPH S.-Ralphy-Bullen-Wrestl i ng 1 ;
Distributive Ed. 3 ; Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; lntrarnurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; Baseball 1 ; Football 1; Basketball 1,2.
ROSETH, KAREN L.-Lance-Sophomore Cheerleader
1 ; Varsity Cheerleader 2 ,3 ; Sub-Deb 1 ; French
Club 1 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Nation al Honor Soci ety
RYSHKUS, JOHN W .-Lance-Sophomore M i xed Choir
1; A Capella 2 ; Hall Monitor 2.
ROTHROCK , RICHARD E.-Lance-Sophornore M i xed
Choir 1 ; A Capella 2 ,3; Advisory Board 2 ,3 ;
Chorallers 3 ; Honor Roll 3 ; lntrarnurals 1 ,2 ,3 .
QUEEN , ROGER B.-Lance-Athletlc Award 3 ; Wrestling 2,3; Intramural& 1 ; Letterman 3 ; Baseball 1 ;
Football 1 ,2,3 .
QUICK, BECKY L .-Bee-Lance-Sophornore Mixed
Choir 1; A Capella 2,3; Student Council 3;
Chorallers 2 ,3 ; Variety Show 2 ,3 ; Madrigal 1 ;
Honor Roll 1 ,3 .
SCHAEFFER, GREGORY B .-Greg-Llncoln -Athlet lc
Award 3 ; Wrestling 1 ,2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 2 ; Gorgeous
George 3 ; Letterman 3 ; Football 1 1 2 ,3 .
SCHILLER, CAROLYN E .-Lance-Elk 's Leadership and
Most Valuable Student Awards 1,2,3 ; Honors
Orchestra & Band Awards 2 ,3; Concert Bant 1 ;
Pep Band 3 ; Symphonic Band 2 ; Wind Ensemble
3 ; Student Council 1 , 3 ; Sub - Deb 1 , 2 , 3 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 2,3; Chamber Orchestra
2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 2 ,3 ;
S .A .B . 3 ; Aquettes 1,2; G .A.A . 3 ; Pool Aide 3 .
Board 1 ,2 ,3 ; DAR Award ; Bible Study Club 1 ;
Classic 1 ,2 ,3 ; Claes Ottlcer 2; Debate & Forensics
1 ; Student Councl l/ OHlcer 1 ,2 ,3 ; Tempest 2;
Echo 2 ; Fencing 3 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3 ; National
Honor Society 2 ,3 ; New Voice Radio 1; Quill &
Scroll 2 ,3 .
SCHLECHT, SUSAN L .-Sue-Bullen-Perfect Attendance Awards 1 ,2 ; Student Council 2 ; Sub-Deb
1,2; Trojanettes 2 ; F .T .A. 1,2; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ;
National Honor Society 2,3.
SCHMIDT, KIE E.-McKlnley-Club Coordinator 2 ;
Track 1 ; Tempest 2; Tennie 1 .
SCHUETZ, ROBERT F.-Bob-Lance-Syrnphonlc Band
2 ; Wind Ensemble 1 ; Symphonic Orchestra 1 .
RAMA CCI , RITA M.-Llncoln-Advlsory Board 1 ,2,3;
Guidance Office Aide 2; Class Officer 2 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 1 ,2 ,3 ; Fencing 3 ; Prom
Court 2 ; S.A.B. 1 ; Girls Swim Gearn 1,2.
REILLY, ROBERT K .-Bob-Lance-Athletlc Awards 1,2,3; Student Council 1 ,2 ,3; Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; lntramurals 2,3; Letterman 1,2,3; National Honor
Society 3 ; Baseball 1 ; Basketball 1 ,2; Football 1 ,2 ,3 .
REINHARD, JOYCE K .-Llncoln-Caduces 3.
RENZONI , GENE V .-Geno-McKlnley-Dlstrlbutlve Ed.
RICCIARDI , LISA J.-Sarge-Lance-Booster Club 1;
Student Council 2 .
RIPP, PATTI J .-Llncoln-Servettes 2 ; S .A .B. 2 ; Ecology
Club 2.
OBERPRILLER, SUSAN J .-Sue-Lance-Gym & Pool
Aide 3; Girls Choir 1,2,3; Girls Track 2; Letter
winner 2,3; G.A.A. Board 3; Ushers 2; Waltonlan
3; Wrestling Pride 3 ; Driftwood 2; Echo 1 ; Honor
Roll 2; lntrarnurals 1,2,3; Letterman 3; Project
Love 1; Girls Swim Team 3.
O 'CONNOR, SUSAN M .-Sue-Lance -Trernper Teens
1,2; Hall Monitor 1.
OLSON, CYNTHIA M.-Clndy-Lance-Project Love 3 ;
Sabres 1,2.
ORRISON , JERRY L. , Jr.-Canary-Fontana High
School, Fontana , California.
ORTIZ, BETTY -Lincoln-Girls Choir 1 ,3; Varsity Mixed
Choir 2.
OTT, JAMES A.-Jlrn-Lance-Badger State Candidate
2; Symphonic Orchestra 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
National Honor Society 2 ,3 .
OWSICHEK, ELLEN J .-Lance-Glrls Choir 1.
PADLOCK , ALAN M .-Al-Lance-Athletlc Awards 2,3;
Badger State Candidate 2; Wrestling 1 ; Honor
Roll 2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 3; Baseball
1; Football 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3 .
PALIK, GORDON R.-Flash-Lance-Athletlc Award 1 ;
Honor Roll 1 ,2,3.
PEARCY, PATRICK K .-Pat-Llncoln-A.V. Aide 1,2;
Stage Crew 1,2,3; WGNT - TV 1,2; Electronics
1,3; S.A.B. 3.
PEDERSON, JAMES W.-Llncoln-Sophornore Mixed
Choir 1; Classic 1,2.
PETERSEN, CATHERINE F.-Lance-Advlsory Board 2 ;
Gym Aide 2; Tremper Teens 3; Trojanettes 1 ,2,3;
tntramurals 1,2.
& S croll 3.
SWARTZ, SU S AN L.-S u e-McKlnley-llbrary Aide 1;
B a d ger State Candidate 2; Bible Study Club 1,2;
T empest 3; S p a n ish Cl u b 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Le tt e r ma n 3 ; N ational H on o r Society 2,3.
TA YLER , JANIC E M .-Stlcks-llncoln -Gy m Aide 2, Int ramu r al& 1,2; H. R . Coord inat ing 1,2; G .A .A B o w li ng 3 .
TENUTA , DAN -H o n or R oll 3; Intramural& 1,2,3;
B aseba ll 1 .
THOMSEN , CRAIG A .-Smlley-La n ce-S t o ck Car C lub;
Boye T rack 1; Le tterma n 3; Goll 3 .
TIFFANY , TR I NA J .-Ll n c o l n -ll b rary A i d e 1, 2 ;
Tre mper Teens 2 ; Driftwo od 3 ; E cho 1 ; S panis h
Club 3 ; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3; L ibrary C lub 3 ; National
Honor Society 2 ,3; Politic a l Science Club 2 ,3 .
TORCASO, STEVEN R.-L a nce -Concert B a nd 1 ;
Symphonic Band 2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3 ; N a t iona l
Honor Society 2,3.
TREDON , J OHN E .-S a t c h - S t. T hom a e A q u l n aeChamber O rc hestra 2 ,3 ; S t e rli n g Strings Qu inte t
3 ; Symphonic Orchestra 1,2 ,3 ; Golden Stri ngs 3 ;
H .R. Coordinating 2 ; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3 ; lntra mura le
1 ,2 ,3 ; National Ho n o r Soc iet y 2 ,3 ; Poli t ica l
Science Club 2 ,3 .
TRYBAN , JEAN M .- Muekego H i gh , Musk e go ,
W isconsi n-Guidance Office A ide 3 .
SCHULTZ, RITA A.-Llncoln-Badger State Candidate
2 ; Concert Band 1 ; Symphonic Band 2; Wind
Ensemble 3 ; Girls Choir 2; Sophomore Mixed
Choir 1; Triple Trio 2 ; Madrigal 1 ; Pep Band 2 ,3 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 2 ,3 ; Tremper Teens 2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2 ,3 ; Intramural& 3 ; National Honor
Society 3 .
SCUGLIK , THOMAS E .·Tom-Lance-Sophomore Mix·
ed Choir 1 ; A Capella 2 ,3 ; Chorallers 2 ,3 ; Variety
Show 2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; lntramurals 1 ; Key Club
1 ,2 ,3 ; Swim Team 1 ; Madrigal 1 .
SCHWAIGER, BARBARA A .-Barb-St. Joseph ' s.
Badger State Candidate 2 ; Concert Band 1 ;
Symphon i c Band 2,3 ; Student Council 2 ;
Tremper Teens 2 ,3 ; French Club 1 ; Honor Roll 1 ,·
2 ,3 ; G.A .A . 2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 2 ,3 .
SEEGER, NICHOLAS E .-Nlck-Lance-Sophomore Mixed Choir 1 ; Symphonic Orchestra 2 ,3 ; Chamber
Ensemble 2 ,3 ; Sterling Strings 2 ,3 ; Gol den
Strings 2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor
Society 2 ,3 .
SELANDER, RALPH P.-Lance-Tempeet 1.
SENNHOLZ , SHARON R.-Bullen-Llbrary Aide 1;
Tempest 1 ,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3 ; library Club 1 ;
National Honor Society 2 ,3 ; Quill & Scroll 3 ; Math·
Science Resource Center Aide 3 ; Language Lab
3 ; All-School Play 2 ,3 ; Book Store Manager 3 .
SEMRAU, MARY JANE-Lincoln-Sabres 1 .
SERZANT, CARLA E.-llncoln-Stage Crew 2 .
SETTANO, JEFFREY J . -Lance-Symphonlc
Orchestra Violin & Electronic Engineer 1 ,2,3;
Honor Roll 3 .
SEXTON, NANCY M .·Torch-Llncoln-Drlvere Ed . Aide
2; Athletic Awards 1 ,2 ; Track 1 ; Sub-Deb 1 ,2 ,3;
Intramural& 1,2.
SHAFF AR, MARK R.-Bullen-Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; National
Honor Society 2,3.
SIEPLER, MARY K.-Slsey-lance-Gym Aide 3 ; Hall
Monitor 2 ; Honor Roll 3; S .A .B . 2,3.
SIKORA, STEVEN J .-Buzz-Llncoln-Honor Roll 3 ; lntramurale 1,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 3 .
SIMO, GREG S.-Sld-St. Joseph 's-Hall Monitor 2 ; lntramurals 3.
SINGH, WILLIAM-McKinley-Aviation 1,2,3; Electronics 1,2,3 ; Fencing 1 ,2,3 ; Graphic Arte 2 ;
Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; lntramurale 1 ,2,3; Letterman 1 ;
Math Club 1 ,2,3 ; National Honor Society 1 ,2 ,3;
Camera Club 1 ,2 ,3 .
SKURSKI, MARC A .-Skl-St. Joeeph'e-Cllnlc Aide 2 ;
Athletic Awards 1,2,3; Stage Band 2 ; Boye Track
1 ,2 ; Ushers 3 ; French Club 1,2; Hall Monitor 1 ,2;
Honor Roll 1 ,2,3; Intramural& 2 ,3; Letterman 1 ,2 ;
S .A .B . 2 ,3 ; Boys Gymnastics 1 ,2 ,3 ; Boys Swim
Team 1 ,2 ; Tennis 1 .
SLOBODIANUK, CATHY M .-llncoln-Concert Band 1 ;
Symphonic Band 2 ,3 ; Symphonic Orchestra 3 ;
Tremper Teens 1 ,2 ,3 ; Wrestling Pride 3; Honor
Roll 2 ; G .A .A . 3 ; S .A .B . 3 .
SMALLWOOD, DENISE D.-McKlnley-Tremper Teens
3 ; Ushers 3 .
SMALL WOOD, REXANNA-Rex -McKlnley-Ushers 1,·
2 ,3 .
SMITH , DAWN l .- Red-St. Joseph 's-Girls Choir 2;
Classic 1; Ecology Club 3 ; Hall Monitor 2.
SMITH, PHILLIP M.·Fill-Llncoln-Advlsory Board 1,2,3;
Athletic Awards 1 ,2 , 3 ; Student Council 1 ,2;
Spanish Club 1 ,2 ; Hall Monitor 1; Honor Roll 2 ; Intramural& 1,2,3 i Key Club 3 ; Letterman 1 ,2,3;
Baseball 1 ,2 ,3; Basketball 1 ,2,3; Football 1 ,2;
Goll1 .
SMITH , TERESA A. -Terrl-Bullen-Athletlc Award 2 ;
Spanish Aide 2 ; Club Coordinator 2; Student
Council 2 ; Ecology Club 1 ; lntramurale 2 ,3; S.A .B.
SOBOTOWICZ, BARBARA A .- Barb-St. Joseph ' sSub-Deb 1,2 ,3 ; French Club 1,2; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ;
National Honor Society 2,3.
SORENSEN, KRISTI A .-Krls-Lance-Color Guard 1 ,2 ,3 .
SORENSEN, PAMELA A .-Pam-Lance-Advlsory Board
1 ; Booster Club 2 ; Varsity Cheerleader 2 ,3 ;
Sophomore M i xed Choir 1 ; A Capella 2 ,3 ; Daisy
Mae Candidate 3 ; Sub-Deb 1 ,2,3 .
SPEAKER, ANN M .·Sklpper-Lance-Advlsory Board
1 ,3 ; Badger State Candidate 2 ; Girls Choir 1 ,2 ;
Classic 2 ,3 Editor In Chief; Class Officer 3 ; SubDeb 1; Trojanettee 2 ; Spanish Club 1 ; Honor Roll
1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 2 ,3 ; Prom Court 3 ;
Quill & Scroll 2 ,3.
SPENCER, PHYLLIS M .-Phyl-Bullen-Gym Aide 3 ; Intramural& 2 ; G .A .A . 2 .
ST AFFORD, ANN D .-Staff-Bullen-Attendance A ide
2,3 ; Hall Monitor 2 ; Honor Roll 3; S.A.B. 1 ,2 ,3 .
STEBBINS, DEBRA S .-Deb-llncoln-Concert Band 1 ;
Varsity Cheerleader 3; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3; Advisory
Board 1 ,2 ; Prom Queen 2 ; National Honor Society 3 ; S .A .B . 2 ; G.A .A . 1 ,2 .
STEPHENS, HONOR K .-Lance-Concert Band 1 ;
Stage Band 2 ,3 ; Girls Choir 1 ,2 ; A Capella 3 ;
Chorallers 3; Honor Roll 2 .
STEPONITIS, DAVID S .-Llncoln -Perlect Attendance
Award 2 ; S.A .B. 2 .
STICHERT, DONALD C .-Waehlngton, Manitowoc,
Wisconsin-Library Aide 1 .
STRAND , DEBRA J .-Chlcago, llllnols-Blble Study
Club 1 ; Echo 1 ; Ecology Club 1 ,2,3 ; Honor Roll
1 ,2 ; Math Club 2 ; National Honor Society 1 ,2 .
STUCKEY, ROBERT L.-Bob-McKlnley-A.V . Aide 1;
Athletic Award 1 ; Graphic Arts 1,2,3; Hall Monitor
1 ; Intramural& 1 ,2 ; S.A.B . 2,3.
SWARTZ, LINDA K .-McKlnley-Tempest 3; Driftwood
3 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Political Science Club 2; Quill
UTTECH , KIM J .-Bullen -Quill a nd Scr oll 2 ,3 .
VAN BOVEN, THOMAS J .-Tom -Lance-Concert Band
1 ; Symphonic Band 2 ; Wind Ensemble 3 ;
Symphonic Orchestra 2.
VAN CASTER, THOMAS R. - Van -Li ncoln-Concert
Band 1 ; Symphonic Band 2 ,3 ; Adv isor y Boar d
1 , 2 ; Student Counc il 1, 2 ; Honor Roll 3 ;
Distributive Ed. 3 ; Homecomi ng K i ng 3 ; Hall
Monitor 1,2 ; lntramura le 1 ,2 ,3 ; Key Club 1 ,2 ,3 ;
Baseball 1 ; Basketball 1 .
VENA, CA THERINE M .-Cathy-Lance-T r o j anettee 1,2 .
VERGENZ, FAYE A .-Fergl-llncoln-Athletlc Awards
1 ,2 ; Girls Track 1 ,2,3 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2; lntramurale
1 ,2 ,3 ; Aquettee 2 ; Tennie 1 ,2 ,3 .
VICTORSON , ROXIE P. -Lance - Athlet l c Award 3 ;
Boye Track 1; Wrestling 1 ,2 ,3 ; Crose Country
1,2; Honor Roll 2 ; lntramurale 1,2 ,3 ; Key Club 1 ,2 ,3; Letterman 3 .
VOGELMAN , JANET L .-Lance-Caducee 1 ; Girls Choir
2 ,3 ; Girls Track 2 ; Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; lntramurale 1,2 ,3 .
VOGLER, ELIZABETH L .-L lz -Lance- Adv leory Board
1 ,2 ; Booster Club 1 ; Sophomore Mixed Choir 1 ; A
Capella 2 ,3 ; Student Council 2 ; Sub-Deb 1 ,2 ,3;
Symphonic Orchestra 1 ,2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 2 ,3 .
VOLPENTESTA, GEORGE A .-Bullen-Athletlc Awards
1 ,2 ; Ecology Club 1 ; German Club 2 ,3 ; Hall
Monitor 1 ,2 ; Tremper Teens 1 ,2 ,3.
WEBER, SHARON M .-Sunehlne-Bullen-Glrle Track 2 ;
German Club 2 ; Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3 ; National Honor
Society 2 ,3 .
WEBSTER , LOUIS E.-Fred-Mamaroneck High
School, Mamaroneck , New York-Varsity Mixed
Choir 2 ,3 ; A .F.S. 1,2 ,3; Tempest 1; WGNT • TV
1 ,2; Electronics 1 ; Political Science Club 2 ,3 .
WELCH, MARK A .· Bullen·Dlstrlbutlve Ed. 3 ; Atten·
dance Award 2.
WERMELING , TERRY J.-St. Joseph' s-Badger State
Candidate 2 ; Sub-Deb 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3 ;
National Honor Society 2 , 3 ; Aquettes 1 ,2 ,3 ;
G.A.A. 1 .
WESTERMAN , JAN R.·Bullen - Gym Aide 3 ;
Sophomore Mixed Choir 1 ; Girls Choir 2 ; A
Capella 3 ; Tempest 1 ,2; Waltonlan 1,2; French
Club 1 ,2 .
WESTPLATE, WAYNE J.-Lance-Concert Band 1 ;
Symphonic Band 2,3; Jazz Ensemble 3; Stage
Band 3; Sophomore Mixed Choir 1; A Capella 2 ,3;
Chorallers 2 ; Goll 2.
WHITE, KELLY P .-St. Joseph 's - Athletic Awards 2,3;
Honor Roll 1 ,2 ,3; Intramural& 1 ,2 ,3.
WHITEFOOT, ROBERT C.-Chell-Lance-Adv l sory
Board 2 ,3 ; Honor Roll 1,2,3 ; lntramurals 1,2,3;
Letterman 2 ,3 ; National Honor Society 2,3 ; S .A .B .
3 ; Football 1,2; Boys Swim Team 1 .2 .
WHITEFOOT , JANET L.-Jan-McKlnley-Drlvers Ed.
Aide 2 ; Tremper Teens 2,3; Ushers 1,2,3 .
WICK , SUSAN L.-Sue-Lance-A .F .S . 2 ; Pool Aide 3 ;
Athletic Awards 2 ,3 ; WGNT • TV 1,2; G.A.A . In·
tramurals 1 ,2 ,3 ; Letterman 3 ; Aquettes 2 ,3 ; G irls
Swim Team 1 ,2 ,3 .
WIERSUM, ROXANE • Rox-Lance-French Club 1 ,2 ;
Sub-Deb 1,2,3.
WILLIAMS, DEBRA J .- Debble-Bullen-Llbrary Aide 1,·
2 ,3 ; Girls Choir 1,2,3; Honor Roll 3 ; Library Club 3 .
WILLIAMS, MIKE J .- Lance-Drlvers Ed. Aide 1 ;
Distributive Ed . 3 .
WIMMER, JANINE A .- Nene-Lance-Tremper Teens 2 ;
Trojanettes 1 ,2 ,3 ; F.T.A. 2 ; Honor Roll 2,3; H .R .
Coordinating 3 .
WITT, DAVID E .- W l tt-Llncoln·Key Club 1 ;
Distributive Ed. 3 .
WOJCEHOWICZ, ROXANE -St. Joseph's-Trsmper
Teens 3 ; Trojanettes 2,3; Ushers 1,2,3; Frenc h
Club 1,2 .
WURZER, BARBARA M .·Barb-Bullen-Tempest 3 ; In·
tramurals 1 ,2 .
YORK, LYNDA R .-Ll ncoln - Adv l sory Board 3 ;
Tempest 1,2; Tremper Teens 3 ; Spanish Club 1 ;
Honor Roll 2 ,3 ; Intramural& 3 ; National Honor
Society 3 .
ZANOTTI , THERESA A .-Terry -Lance-Student Council 1; Trojanettes 2 ; Girls Gymnastics Team 1.
ZARLETTI , MARIA C .-Lance-Glrls Choir 1 ,2 ,3 .
ZUZINEC , RA y R.-Lance-Goll 1 .
ZWARYCZ , SANDRA L .·Sandy-Lance-Servettes 2 ,3 .
ADAMS, MR. E . - Math - Mathematica Club - uw
Oshkosh; Western Michigan.
ANDERSON, MR. J . - History - Dept. Chairman; Honor
Society ; Political Science Club - Tulsa ; Kansas
State U; UW Milwaukee; Carthage .
APPLE, MR. L. - Boys Phy. Ed. - Basketball J .V.;
Sophomore Football.
BAIR, MR. M. - History - Faculty Advisory Committee.
BALLARD, MR. L. - Drivers Education - Ski Club ;
Photography Club ; Weight Training Club - N.E.
Missouri State U; Centerville Committee.
BAUER , MRS. M . L.-Counaelor-Amerlcan Field Service ; Girls Special Referrals; Council Planning
Committee; President of Kenosha 's Counselors
Association; "Woman of the Year " 1972 - Eau
Claire; UW Madison; UW Milwaukee.
BEYER, MRS. B . - Science - Cheerleaders ; UNC
Chapel Hill; Duke U .
BISTRICK , MR. F. - E.M.R. - Faculty Advisory Committee; Varsity Football Line Coach.
BLANKLEY , MR. J . - History - Stamp Club; Faculty
Advisory Committee.
BRADLEY , MR. C . - History - Key Club; Political
Selene:; '> Club; Croaa Country; Track; Frostbite
500 - San Bernadina College; Barstow College;
UW Oshkosh.
BRAND, MR. G . - Boys Phy. Ed . - Girls Swim Team;
Football Trainer - Winona State U; Fort Dodge
Committee; Fort Dodge, Iowa.
BRITTELLI, MR. J . - Math - Varsity Basketball Coach Lacrosse State U ; UW Madison.
BURMEISTER, MR. J . - History - Varsity Swim Coach ;
KYF Swim Coach - Elgin Communlgy; Carthage.
BUROKAS, MRS. E. - Science Ski Club; Junior Clase Marywood College; Northwestern College.
BUSSARD, MR. D . - Math - Faculty Advisory Committee - Indiana State U ; Bloomington.
CANNADAY, MR. E. - History - American Field Service - East Los Angeles Junior College; Cameron
State U; Tulsa .
CARLSON, MR. 0. - Industrial Arts - Dept. Chairman .
CARVER, MR. R. - Industrial Arts.
CASS, MR. S . History - Student Activities Director;
Stage Crew; Faculty Advisory Committee ; Stage
Manager - Carthage; DePaul ; UW Milwaukee.
CHALGREN, MR. K . - Choir - Chorallers; National
Honor Society - Clinton College; Northern Iowa;
UW Milwaukee.
CORDINER, MR. W . - Science - Photography Club Iowa State College; St. Cloud State College;
South Dakota.
COTTON , MISS L. - Girls Phy. Ed. - Aquettes; Gymnastics ; G .A .A .
COVELLI , MISS L. - French - French Club; Sub Deb ;
Sophomore Class - UW Parkside.
UW M a dison ; UW Milwaukee.
HENDRICKSON, MR . R. - English - Float Burning ,
Homecoming - Geneva College ; Purdue.
HENOCH , MRS. A. - Math - Ushers Club - UW
Parkside; Carthage; Hunter College.
HENSEY , MR. D.-Engllsh - Homecoming Floats Carthage; UW Madison.
HOEFT, MRS. F .-Engllsh - lntermedla ; Quill & Scroll ;
Tempest - North Central College; UW Madison;
UW Parkside.
HOLMAN, MR. W . - Boys Phy. Ed. - B .A .A. ; Gymnastics - Mankato State College .
HOLTON, MRS. N . - Special Education.
HORN, MISS M . - Counselor - Faculty Advisory Committee; American Field Service - Kent State;
Marshall U .
HOUGHTON, MRS. J . - Business Education - Faculty
Advisory Committee.
HOUTZ, MRS. C . - Girls Phy. Ed. - Swim Team; G .A .A .
HUETTEN, MR. H . - English.
DAHL, MRS. H . - Spanish - Spanish Club - UW
DARULA, MR. A. - Math - Science-Math Coordinator UW Whitewater; Roosevelt College.
DAVIES, MR. A. - History - Letterman's Club; Weight
Training Club; J.V. Football Coach - St. Thomas
College; St. Norbert; UW Whitewater.
DEHART, MR. H. - Industrial Arts - Graphic Arts Club;
Stock car Club; Printing Production.
DONOVAN, MRS. N. - Counselor - Research & Follow
Up Studies - Illinois State College; Millikin;
Colorado State College.
DRAEGER, MR. A. - Assistant Principal - ALL Activities - UW Oshkosh; UW Milwaukee ; UW
Madison .
DUESTERBECK, MR. B . - Geography - Eau Claire;
lnwa, Minnesota.
ERICKSON , MISS M . - Home Economics
Homemakers Club - North Dakota State.
FAHRENBACH , MISS K. - English - New Voice Radio
Broadcasts; WGNT TV: Faculty Advisory Committee; Morning Announcements - UW Madison;
UW Parkside; Utah; Carthage.
FARMAKES, MR. W. - Assistant Principal Night
School UW Superior.
FARNHAM, MR. J. - Art - Creative Arts Group; Student Faculty Advisory Committee.
FELDHAM, MR. M. - English - Film Society.
FENNEMA, MR. A . - Counselor - School testing; Boys
Special Referrals; Student Employment Opportunities - UW Madison.
FILIPPELLI, MR. A. - Science - Science Club; Assistant Sophomore Football Coach - Indiana U .
FIRCHOW, MR. J. - Music - Colorguard; Marching
Bands; Stage Bands - UW Milwaukee; Vandercook College.
FOWLER, MR. C . - Math - Dept. Chairman; Math Club;
Math-Science Coordinator - Langston Oklahoma
State College; Tulsa; San Diego.
FUENFFINGER, MR. C. - Industrial Arts - Aviation
Club - Mankato State College.
IAOUINTA, MR. J . - English - Drama Activities Carthage.
JENSEN , MR. D . - Industrial Arts - Electronlc'a Club UW Platteville.
KITZMILLER, MR. G . - Industrial Arts - UW Platteville.
KLUG , MR. A. - History - National Honor Society - UW
Madison ; Carthage.
KOBISHOP, MR. C . - Principal - ALL Activities - WSU
Stevens Point; WSU Superior; Marquette U.
KRAL, MISS B. - Math - Cheerleaders - UW Parkside.
KRANEN, MR. E . - Assistant Principal - ALL Activities U of Michigan; UW Milwaukee.
KRAUSE, MISS K. - History - Student Council;
Wrestling Pride - UW Whitewater.
KRUEGER, MR. G. German - Dept. Chairman; German Club; Foreign Language Coordinator - Hope
College; Roosevelt U .
KUPFERSCHMIDT, MISS D. - Nurse - Caduceus Club;
GAMACHE, MRS. M. - French - French Club; Girls
Service Club; Student-Faculty Advisory Committee; Sophomore Class - Northern Iowa, UW
GEMMELL, MR. D. - Science - Photography Club.
GERLACH, MISS D. - Science - Science Club - UW
Racine ; UW Parkside; UW Madison; UW
GLADDING, MR. H. - English - Dept. Chairman;
Language Arts Coordinator - North Western U;
GLAESER , MR. C. - Business Education - Boye lntramurals - U of Wisconsin.
GLYNN, MR. D. - Science - Dept. Chairman;
Photography Club; Student-Faculty Advisory
Committee; Science-Math Coordinator.
HADLER, MR. F. - Counselor - Faculty Advisory Committee; Scholarahlpa-Awards; Research &
Follow Up's - Lacross; UW Madison.
HAGEN, MISS L. - English - Servette'a; TroJanettes UW Whitewater.
HAMRE, MR. G. - English - Debate & Forensics; Student Counclli Morning Announcements · UW
Madison; UW Milwaukee.
HANSEN, MR. I. - English - Business Supervisor
Sport Events - UW Milwaukee; UW Oshkosh.
HANSER, MISS D. - Girls Phy. Ed. - Dept. Chairman;
Project Love; Student-Faculty Advisory Committee; G.A.A . - LaCroase; Holy Redeemer
HARRIS, MR. A. - Band Colorguard; Stage Band;
Marching Bands; Faculty Advisory Committee -
R e d C r oss R e presentative - St. Luke'e Hospit a l
S c hool of Nursing.
LAWLER , MR . T . · English • Drama Club · UW
Whitewat e r .
LEE, MISS A . - Englleh • Black Adv isory Board ; Faculty Advisory Committee • LaCroeee ; V lterbo
MCCULLOCH , MR. G . • Boye Phy. Ed. • Dept. Chair man ; Student -Faculty Advisory Comm i ttee ;
Athletic Ticket Salee ; lntramurals • UW
LaCroese; UW Madison; U of Nevada.
MCKAY, MRS. E . - English · Faculty Advisory Com mittee ; Junior Claes • UW Madison ; U of
MCKENZIE, MRS. B . - English • Student Council;
Faculty Adv i sory Comm i ttee LaCroeee ; UW
Madison; Marquette.
MAL TSCH , MR. C . · Boys Phy. Ed. - Letterman 's Club;
Varsity Wrestling Coach ; Track · New Berlin ;
UW Oshkosh
MONK , MR. J . · History • Future Teachers Aeeoc la·
t lon .
MURPHY , MRS. J . English - National Honor Society ;
Faculty Adv isory Committee - U of Illinois ;
MURPHY , MRS. V . - English - Student Counc il;
Tremper Teens; Faculty Adv isory Comm ittee Z ion Benton ; C a rthage .
MUSSER , MR. J . - Math - United Fund Represen tatives; Stock car Club; Faculty Advisory Com mittee; Student-Faculty Advisory Committee
Midland College ; Fremont, Nebraska.
NEEDHAM, MISS L . - Science · Cheerleaders Carthage .
NEGRI , MR. L. - Hletory - Junior Claes ; Political
Science Club - WSU Superior; UW Parkside ; UW
NEGRI , MRS. K . - English - Sub Deb; Glrle Service
Club ; Faculty Advisory Committee - U of
Northern Iowa ; U of Wyoming.
NICOLAZZI , MR. R. - Audio -Visual - Dept. Chairman ;
A .V. Aides; Audio-Visual Coordinator - U of Ill ;
UW Madison; UW Miiwaukee.
NOSAL, MR. S . - Orchestra - Dept. Chairman ;
Student-Faculty Advisory Committee .
NOSECK , MRS. D . - Home Economlce - Homemakers
Club; Trojanettee - U of Arizona ; Tulsa.
NYE, MR. R . - Math . Mathematics Club; Scholarship
Committee - UW Madison ; UW Milwaukee; UW
OBERTIN , MR. L. - Art - Dept. Chairman ; Art Club UW Parkside; UW Miiwaukee.
PAINTIN, MRS. E . - Home Economics - Dept. Chair-
man ; Student-Faculty Advisory Committee · U of
Wyom ing ; UW Stout.
PALMER , MR. J. - Dri vers Education - Letterman 's
Club; Student Council ; Assletant Varsity Swim
Coa ch - Ill. Sta te U .
PANZICA , MR. J . - Industrial Arts - Stock car Club;
Wrestli ng - U of Ill.
PERRI , MR. F . - Audlo-V leual Dept. Chairman .
PETTERSON , MR . T . • Busi ness Education - Dept.
Cha irman .
POZZA , MR. R. - Science - Ecology Club ; Defensive
Football Coordinator - U of Michigan ; St. Norbert
PRIMUTH , MR. R . - Busl neee Education.
REDLIN, MISS S . - Girls Phy. Ed . - Girls Track ; G.A.A. uw Lacrosse; Northwestern U .
RIT ACCA , MR. S . - History American F ield Service;
Student- Faculty Adv isory Committee.
ROMANO, MR. A . - English .
ROTHROCK , MRS. M . - Home Economics • Project
Love; Tremper Teens; Student-Faculty Advisory
STUYVESANT, MR. A . - Busi ness Educ o t lon · Dept.
Chai rman ; Distribut ive Education • UW Madison ;
UW Whitewater.
SUKSI , MRS. K . - Home Economics - Homemakers
Club; Faculty Advisory Committee · UW Stout.
SUNDLIE, MISS M. - Englleh · Classic ; Forenelc Ac tivities - Abilene Christian College .
SWART, MR. J . - Drivers Education - Dept. Chairman
TEEGARDEN, MRS. N . - Art - Faculty Adv isory Comm ittee - U .C .L.A.; UW Parkside; UW Miiwaukee.
TERRILL, MRS . J . - Business Educat ion - National
Honor Society · UW Madison.
THOMAS, MR. B . - Science - Ecology Club - Iowa
State u .
THOMAS , MR . R . - H i story - Letterman ' s Club ;
Sophomore Basketball Coach . Dakota State
College ; Dakota State u .
TROTTER , MR . R. . History - Black Culture Club.
URENA, MRS. S . - Span ish - Spanish Club ; Servettes
- Dominican College; Racine College .
SCHMALE, MR . V . - Business Education · Letterman 's Club; Weight Training; Varsity Football
Coach - UW Madison; UW Whitewater.
SCHMIDT, MR. J. - English - Letterman' s Club ; Faculty Advisory Committee.
SCHULTZ, MISS J . English · Fencing ; Tremper
Teens - Carthage; UW Miiwaukee.
SHARMACH, MRS. M . - Counselor • Student-Faculty
Advisory Committee - St. Bonaventure; UW
SHORT, MR. C . - Math · Goll - Indiana State U .
SIKORA, MR. R. - Drivers Education - Photography
Club ; Bicycling Trips - Tampa ; UW Whitewater ;
UW Parkside.
SLAVIK , MR. G . - Counselor - Alumn i Association;
Student Employment Opportunities - Appleton;
Wheaton .
SMITH , MR. A . - Science - Baseball; Basketball clock
timer - Northwestern U ; UW Madison.
SNYDER , MR. G . - Science · Science Club - llllnole
State U .
VIRGILI , MR. E . - Boys Phy. Ed . - Sophomore Baseball
Coach; Boye lntramurals.
WADDELL, MISS P . - G irls Phy. Ed. · Swim Team ;
G .A .A . - Towson State College .
WALKOWSKI, MRS. N . - English Sub Deb ; Junior
Class - Carthage ; Marquette ; Domin ican College.
WARREN, MR. R. - Drivers Education - Ass istant
Houseman .
WEAVE, MISS F . · English - Junior Clase ; Softball ;
Literary Club - UW Mad ison ; U of Illinois .
WILSON , MR . S . · Math - Black Advisory Board.
WUOLO, MRS. M . - Sociology.
ZIMMERMAN, MR. A. - History - Letterman 's Club;
Track Coach · UW Parkside; South Dakota
2 9
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Kenosha, Wis.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
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726-58th Street
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Herff Jones Co.
.Paul Clarkson
Box 556
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066
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Lake Geneva Office
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Bode Brother's
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
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Sheridan Lanes
"Try it ... you 'II like it"
G.A.A. & B.A.A. Bowlers
11 20-80th Street
Maret: lint:, Mo ., U.S.A.
Two, Foor, Six.
Lmt ··Whodo
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iSS .. u lie