The Classic 1972
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The Classic 1972
George Nelson Tremper High School yearbook, The Classic, for the 1971 to 1972 school year.
150227750 bytes
Tremper High School Yearbook Club
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
Activities Begin
Busy Week
Though few people actually
know what genius came up
with the idea of floats,
around Tremper they have
become a cherished tradition during the annual Homecoming festivities. It all begins about two weeks before
the game, when the theme is
picked and sketchy ideas for
float design are hastily
mapped out. Upon securing
such as staples, hammers,
an empty garage, two-byfours, and, with much bargaining,
enough float paper to complete the endless stuffing, an
eager herd of floatbuilders
descend upon an unsuspecting set of parents and hammers start flying. First
built is a skeleton of plywood and rusted nails, followed by a chicken-wire
form, and finally stuffed,
hole upon hole with colorful
wisps of pomp and even
kleenex, if necessary. This
is float building. But while
some of Tremper's Homecoming
frowning at weather reports
of showers and high winds,
others are promoting spirit
inside the school, with assemblies to introduce and
promote the Queen candidates. Students are apt to
see anything from a burlap
cow to a handful of jocks
running around in towels and
talcum powder.
(Left top) Two Trojanettes play
chicken with wire. (Bottom left)
Charlene Tillman works to finish
the Classic float . (Center top) We
use Arrid Extra-Dry every day
. . . To be sure! (Center bottom)
Seniors, what's your battle cry?
Seniors? Hey Seniors, stand up
and answer the lady! (Top right)
". . .and he asked me if my name
was Henny Penny and I told him of
course not that it was Kentucky
Fried. . ." (Bottom right) Big
Brute Craig Stewart grins wickedly
with Lynn Fox. Don't you wonder
what they are thinking?
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paign speech. (top right) Jill Giordana hugs new Queen Kathy
Collins. (top center) Trojan Dave
Tenuta crowns Kathy Collins. (top
left) Kathy and her campaign manager Rich Heyden watch the assembly proceedings. (bottom right)
Jill Giordana, Mary Robinson,
Kathy Collins, Sandy Dzian and
Laura Kivi as the 1971 Homecoming Court. (bottom left) Queen
Kathy sits on throne. (far left)
Kathy Collins smiles happily.
Red Velvet
When I was a little girl, I
used to sit on my
merry-go-round and
dream of castles and
white horses.
always wanted to
dress up in a gown
and wear a cape of
red velvet
anda crown.
I always wanted to be a
queen (or at least
a princess).
after countless seasons'
passing, (the carnival
has come and gone)
these dreams return.
I am a candidate for
Homecoming Queen.
I could be one of royalty,
and dress up in a gown,
and wear a cape of
red velvet
and a crown.
I always wanted to be a
queen (or at least
a princess ... )
and I think I can hear
faint whisperings
of merry-go-round music.
Page 16-(top left) Candidate Kathy
Collins and her campaign manager Richard Heyden. (top center)
Candidate Sandy Dzian and her
campaign manager Dave Lange.
(top right) Candidate Jill Giordana
and her campaign manager Tom
Gehring. (center left) Candidate
Kathy Collins. (center middle)
Candidate Sandy Dzian . (Center
right) Candidate Jill Giordana.
(bottom left) Candidate Laura
Kivi and her campaign manager
Jim Splitek. (bottom center) Candidate Mary Robinson and her
campaign manager Rob Hansen.
(bottom right) Candidate Mary
Robinson. Page 16A-(top) Kathy
Homecoming assembly . (bottom)
Mary Robinson makes her cam-
Game and
Hey, this is some game!. . .
I'm freezing and they just
ran out of hot chocolate and
I really can't stand coffee
... Ha, I bet the Bands and
the Trojanettes sure have
got sore feet after walking
all the way down to the stadium from Tremper.
some parade, wasn't it? . . .
referees sure do know a
touchdown when they see
one. . . We'd better beat
Park, I have a five dollar
bet on this game . . . my feet
are freezing.
.are you
going to the Afterburn? . . .
I'm gonna cry when they
burn our float. . .Pete says
that they have three six
packs if we want them after
the game . . . hey, what does
he mean penalty?. . .that
ref is blind.
.what's a
penalty? ... I just don't know
much about football. .. Yea,
ooooh, my feet hurt! . . . I
want some more punch. . .
those flowers aren't going to
last much longer ... did you
see who Sandy was with? ...
I thought she was going with
. . .if you step on my toe
one more time I swear I'll
kill you. . .Some one has
their shoes off, I can smell
feet . . . Hey, Pete says that
they have three six packs if
we want them after the
dance. . .not on your life,
you are taking me out to
dinner for once!. . .I hate
wearing a tie. . .I hate getting my hair done . . . this is
fun, isn't it?
(far left top) The Coach and Holly
keep an eye on the field. (left top)
Anyone for Red Rover? (left bottom) Okay all you Park Panthers,
FREEZE! (right top) Boy, is this
exciting. (right bottom) My girdle
is killing me! (far right bottom)
Kathy Anderson looks absorbed in
the music.
"Omigosh, what an awful
picture! I'll never live this
one down!''
"I thought the school colors
were red and blue!"
"Hey, c'mere and sign my
"Oh, HI! Hey, I haven't
seen you since ... "
"Why are the Classic's
green and yellow if the
school colors are red and
"To be different, I guess."
"I'll say they are different!"
The air is electrified with
excited shouts of welcome;
old friends call to companions no longer separated by
summer's passing. Green
and yellow yearbooks are
handed out, paged through,
and traded to collect signatures and remembrances of
a high school year just past
and committed to memory.
(top left) John Nowell, that pose
does not resemble the "Thinker"
in any way! (bottom left) Is this
the Dream, or a Nightmare? (center top) Mike and Vito size each
other up. (center middle) Have a
seat, Bob Vanderpool! (center
bottom) Pam, Vicki and Terry
check out their Classics. (right)
Barb Speiker smiles for the
Magic Invades
Winter Formal
Why does Sub Deb have to
be a girl-ask-boy formal?
Why? I just know that if I do
ask him that he'll say no, if
he hasn't already been asked
by someone else, which he
probably has since he has
got to be the cutest guy in
school. Well, maybe not the
cutest, but he sure is nice
and I don't want to miss another formal. If he says no,
well, tough luck. I refuse to
chicken out. But he'll say
no! "Al?" Nothing. I must
be crazy to be doing this.
"Al?" "Yeah?" "Um, Al,
would you go to Sub Deb with
me?" "Sure." "You will??"
Girls. They wait till practically the last possible
moment before asking you.
I actually was beginning to
think that she was not going
to ask me after all. But I
guess the old charm won
out again. Can I help it if
I'm irresistible? Hey, I
wonder who pays for the
(left top) Kathy Collins and Dan
Batassa sign in please! (far left
bottom) Connie Mercier always
talks to paper cups, don't you
Connie? (left bottom) Fred Astaire
and Ginger Rogers? (middle top)
You silly savage, you say the most
adorable things! (top right) Carrie Chiodo and date pose naturally for our photographer. (bottom
middle) Do you get the feeling that
we are being watched? (bottom
right) They sure look like they
are having fun, don't they? (bottom far right) Lisa Borggren
sneaks a glass of punch.
Ice Sparkles
What do frosty snowflakes,
a collection of pale bratwurst, mangey donkeys and
sweating riders, snowmobiles, and iced pig, Rama's
House, hamburgers, a case
of empty Ripple bottles, ice
hockey, cotton candy, popcorn, a Blizzard Dance, a
magic show, spilled pop, lots
and lots of people, Mr.
Dreager, damp clothes, a
frozen faces and an icy
replica of Daniel Meltzer
all have in common?
Winterama 1972!!
(top left) Jan Kreuser, Jane Seavitte, and Liz Devine recline
lazily in an old rubber tire. (bottom
must be crazy to be eating a bratwurst cooked by Bill Hebert and
doing it so happily! (middle top)
This little piggy won first prize.
(top right) "Moon River. . ."
(bottom right) Debbie Krohn seems
to be having a few problems with
her valiant steed!
Fun Highlights
Have you ever been to a sex
assembly? Or a drug assembly? Or per haps a student
council assembly? Or one for
Christmas, exchange students,
Homecoming, Crimson Bridge,
Black History Week, pep assemblies, Choraliers, or a registration orientation assembly?
If you haven't, then you have
either been skipping (but no one
skips, right?) Or attending a lot
of empty 2nd hour classes!
(top) Crimson Bridge singer contemplates the dark. (left) Juniors take
part in Class Elections.
Who Knows?
The hot lights burned; the
audience, instructed by the
"applause" sign, cheered;
Mr. Tony Karr, Moderator,
reading from the yellow cue
sheet, welcomed the panels;
and round one of the WITITV quiz show, "Who Knows"
began. With it came frustration of not being able to
think of an answer you
should know, having your
hand slip while pushing your
buzzer and relief when you
correctly answered something you guessed at. A buzzer light failed to work on
Tony Karr's panel. This is
(top) Lord Everette Wilson III
who?? (left) Trempcr's team, Bozidar Molitor, Tom Berner, and
Katie Burnett.
Storyteller is a
Big Splash
(The following are segments
from the Aquette's Show emcee's comments. The emcees
were Lorrie Laken and Dale
Drigot) Come on, Dale you
don't have to tell any stories.
There are 33 girls standing
in the shower waiting to tell
stories of their own. . .now
what has that got to do with
swimming?. . .have you ever
tried skating in nine feet of
water? ... hello, madam, I'm
from the Fuller brush company and this is one of my
new models, "Sweep and Sassy". . .I hope you enjoyed
the first half of the show. . .
A magic lamp!. .. Aladdin's
wish?. . .you want something, toots? . . . Ya want ta
hear sometin' about my son,
Peter? Peter Pan. . .Boy,
Dale and I were watchin' the
couples in the next number,
the Boy-Girl. Twos in Tales,
and they look like real classic couples like Cleopatra
and Antony, Jack and Jill,
Raggedy Ann and Andy ... I
don't see you out there showing off your bod, Dale. . .a
solo, she's doing a solo. . .
and for their final number
the Aquettes present Galley
(top left) Al Edwards contemplates
keeping his partner in the air in a
couples number. (bottom left) Denise Romano is acting money taker
at the Aquettes Show. (center top)
Emcees Dale Drigot and Lorrie
Laken use comedy as a light spot
to highlight activities. (bottom center) Senior Jan Christensen in her
solo number. (right) no, no, don't
throw me in, I can't swim!
Comedy Spices
Variety Show
"Step right up, Ladies and
Gentlemen, step right up!
I have for you today one of
the greatest little variety
shows in the Midwest,
Tremper High's "A Breath
of French Air" . And I'm
gonna offer it to you at an
absolutely amazing price of
one dollar. Yes, friends, for
one dollar you will receive
nearly two full hours of
glorious entertainment that
is yours to see on the stage
directly behind this podium.
Listen, good people, to what
we will show you. Picture,
if you will, a lazy backwoods cabin and two handsome emcees for the ladies.
For our menfolk in the audience we have enough beautiful girls to keep anyone
happy! You say you like music? We have the Stage
Band and the Choraliers.
We have solos, duets, trios,
and quartets. You say you
like dancing? We have not
one but two fabulous kicklines to choose from. For the
animal lovers we have apes,
caterpillars, fish, and yes,
even frogs. You say you
like comedy? Friends, you
have never laughed as hard
as you surely will tonight!
So take advantage of this
grandiose chance of a lifetime. Just pay the man your
money and step right on
(top left) Mr. Lawler and friends
like to monkey around. (bottom
far left) Tremper's Odd couple.
(bottom left) Trempers other Odd
Couple. (top right) We represent
the lolly pop kids. . . (middle
right) Typical Tremper Seniors!
(bottom right) Sorry, Charlie.
(top far right) Mary Robinson,
Keith Anderson and Kris Reuter
let the sunshine in. (bottom far
here comes the
Turnabout for
Howdy feller.
.look at
everyone in overhauls, every one is wearing overalls!
. . . I don't like turnips . . . I
feel like a fool sitting here
in this crazy getup ... I hope
Char wins for Daisy Mae ...
wouldn't it be funny if that
hay caught on fire? .. .let's
get married .. .let's not!. ..
Fred makes an awful justice
of the peace . . . wanna go
over to the pig sty and mess
around? . . . no . . . where is
everyone getting the corn
cob pipes?.
.daisies are
better than mums .. .if you
don't stop tramping on my
toes with those army boots I
swear I'll murder you right
here ... I wanna go for a ride
in the wagon . . . we are not
going out to eat after this
dance . . . because I refuse to
go in a public place dressed
like a fool. . .I want my picture taken ... ham ... mmmm,
cookies and pop! ... I thought
that they were going to sell
pickles . . . who else is up for
Daisy Mae? ... Char Studman, Kris Reuter, Diane
Kiffel, Jill Giordana and
Mary Robinson. . .I hope
Kris Wins. . .ha ha she
didn't, Char Studman did ...
she makes a cute one.
can't we go out to eat?
(top far left) Char Studman is 1972
Daisy Mae. (top left) Virginia Reel
or Dogpatch Stomp? (bottom left)
0.J. Howard reclines in a comfortable position. (What are you looking at, O.J.?) (top center) two hillbillies seem to be planning an
amazing scheme to overthrow the
ceremony. (top right) Preacher
Fred Tenuta performs the solemn
ceremony. (center bottom) Get the
Hint? (center right) Mike Englund
waits outside of the Tremper
Teens jail. (bottom right) Kathy
Petersen and Riley Fulmer are
alone in the cell.
TEE~J Jft!l
5¢ ~SMIN.
Spiral Staircase
Draws Crowd
Act One-late afternoon, a day
in early spring... what is it
constable, is anything wrong?
.. .it's her day off. .. such
a nice young man, I'm sure
he will be rich one day. . .
there's been another murder
.. .it's just as well. I haven't
liked his attitude from the
start and I don't think he's
been a good influence here
... you took the ether, Nurse
Barker!. . .now remember
to keep the door bolted and
not let anyone in til I get
.back before you
came here one of the maids
was found drowned in the
.there's something
wrong with this house. . .
there's safety in numbers,
Helen. . .there's been another murder, hasn't there?
. . .I asked you not to tell
(top far left) Scott Meltzer and
Debbie Moreland wring their hands
together. (top left) Mommy, I'm a
big boy now. I'm going to run away
and seek my fortune. (bottom left)
Debbie Mooreland, Darlene Nelson,
and Joe Banadinovic contemplate
on the murderer. (center top) Just
one little drink, Jackie Ball? (center middle) Scott Meltzer and Rick
Hill seem to be arguing! (center
bottom) do these feet look like the
feet of a murderer? (right) who
turned out the lights?
Find Their
Own Thing
Would you like to know what
to do at Do Your Own Thing
Night? Well, for starters,
how about ... asking what it
says on a squirt bottle and
then when they say "squirt",
letting them have it with an
icy flash from your trusty
water pistol. . .playing funnybones ... kissy kissy in the
corner. . .Groucho, Harpo
and Chico in the auditorium
. . .stuffing fifty thousand
campfire Jet Puffs into your
mouth at one time ...bombing your favorite teacher
with water balloons. . .and
just generally doing your own
thing! (Don't forget the swimming, ping pong, volleyball
and basketball for the sportsminded!)
(top left) Kim Grasser swallows
two, three, fifteen, forty-seven. . .
more, Kim, more! Keep those
marshmallows coming! (bottom
left) Debbie Brandt and Bea Molitor
begrudgingly surrender money and
hand. (top center) ping pong, anyone? I'll take you on! (center middle) all right, guys, reach for the
sky! (bottom center) Ray Gross
might be yelling "look out below!"
(top right) Betsy Schindler takes
careful aim for a putt, but it seems
that she is not aiming to hit the
ball! (bottom right) Comfy??
Find Fun at
"I like everything ... I don't
like war. I don't want a revolution; it's too bad . . .you
use too much the color of the
flag such as in clothing. . .
after knowing you I can see
you are like me ... the problem is sometime when I can't
understand . . .a whopper, it
is very big to eat!. . .school
is very big and I have to run
but now I have a map. . .I
like it here!"
"I wanted to see a new country. . .you feel you have to
be ahead of everybody else
. . .a yumbo is ham and
cheese, correct?. . .in America it is much more common
to go steady with someone ...
school is just a job ... Kenosha is a little place with a
lot of houses and big advertising. . .in Sweden we can
talk openly about sex without
being shocked ... I think it's
going to be fun here!"
(left) Exchange students Ebba Horn
(left, from Sweden) and Giovanna
Benedusi (Italy) pose together for
a photographer. (right) Ebba and
Giovanna give their farewell
speeches at the Senior Honors Convocation.
Noted for
Wow, is it hot in here!. ..
these robes look like they
were sat on by some giant
elephant. . .I should have
gone to 255. . .numerous
awards will be presented
here today. . .if you will all
take a seat in the bleachers
. . .I pledge allegience to the
flag of the United States of
America ... amen ... now we
would like to honor the most
outstanding seniors in each
department. .. the outstanding senior of the Math Department is Darko Molitor
. . . the 20 top seniors academically are Katie Burnett,
Tom Berner, Sandy Dart,
Bozidar Molitor. . .if they
sing the alma mater I just
know I'll start crying. . .
Kathy McFadden, David
Tait, Terry Richter. . . I
never heard of half of these
guys ... I'm hungry, I wish it
was lunch time ... Chuck Salituro got a scholarship from
the Milwaukee Braves?. . .
Sue Johnson, Jane Milliken,
Kal Kostreva, Sue Cibrario,
Jan Christensen, Steve Johnson ... hey, that's Ron Fink,
the track guy . . . they sure
know how to make a mess out
of a guy's name, don't they?
... Jackie Kollman, Marilyn
Schubert, Linda Tutas, Alan
Thomas, Cindy Mathews,
Steve Timm and Marita Feld
. . .I wish I was smart . . . I
wish this was over!
(top left) Mr. Kranen begins the
ceremony with the purpose of the
Honors Convocation. (bottom left)
Mr. Draeger congratulates the top
scholars. (center) Senior President Rob Hansen returns to his
seat. (top right) Mr. Kobishop presents the too 20 Seniors ranked
according to service. (right bottom) Senior olhcers uave Tenuta
and Bruce Pederson lead in the
graduates. (right far bottom) Katie
Burnett receives an award.
Sports Buffet
Hey, what's for dinner?.
yum, I hear the ham and turkey is good.
.hey, Mr.
Draeger, this is your life. . .
Louie Mattioli and Melanie
Hansen may even show up
Fred and Ginger ... I'm hungry. . .hey get your napkin
out of my milk. . .get your
milk out of my coffee ... how
do you like Sue's dress?. . .
Olives! I love olives . . . Tom
and Katie even look intelligent ... Darko most certainly
will succeed. . .Roger Gename and Kim Simonson got
most athletic . . . I'm hungry
... Bruce Pederson and Kathy
Johns got Funniest . . . pass
me a carrot, will you?. . .
I'm gonna miss Tremper ...
Splitek looks like an idiot up
there . . . John Nowell and
Mary Robinson got most active .. .I'm just as active as
she is . . .says who? . . . Hollingsworth looks like he's
had a few too many ... write
me next year, will you?
(top left) Chocolate cake finishes
off a delicious meal at St. Terese
Hall. (bottom far left) Jim Splitek
portrays Mr. Draeger's "life" in
a hilariously funny skit. (bottom
left) "Most Friendly" Award winner Diane Halpin smiles her friendly smile. (center) Senior class
president Rob Hansen gives his
farewell speech to his very own
senior class. (right) Sue Cibrario
looks peeved about something.
maybe she has indigestion!
Class of '72
we go our separate ways,
to return only in fleeting
of a time well spent,
and a moment of
Questioningwhere now?
Where do we find our future?
Who can we turn to?
What do we seek?
Is there an answer?
From forgotten caverns
come whisperings of
darkened halls,
barren classrooms,
deepening shadows,
a screeching fire drill,
buzzing cafeteria,
faint strains of
soft orchestration at Prom,
morning announcements
the Alma Mater.
These are remembrances of
our high school years,
bringing good-times
to mindBut there is no answer here.
look to yourself.
Look onward,
look inward.
Question your heart.
There you will find
your answer.
For we
are all wanderers,
who stop to dream
then wake ...
To find ourselves
in cap and gown.
Faculty Switches
Study Hall Style
This year the Administration was extremly concerned about Tremper's growing
apathy problem. "Two years ago", recalled Assistant Principal, Russell Draeger, "there was a great feeling of belonging
here at Tremper. The kids would really
come out for activities. Since then there
has been a complete reversal. Kids could
care less. They attend less and there is
no longer an enthusiasm for organizing
school functions." Out of this concern, the
administration began a campaign to discover the cause of student apathy. After
an extensive student and faculty survey,
several programs were begun that could
possibly lead to the solution to this problem. "It took two years for this situation
to evolve and it will probably take an additional two years for the solutions to take
effect. It's a serious problem and it's not
going to be solved overnight," added Mr.
Another problem examined by the administration this year, was the study hall
system and in the fall a major change took
place. Under a new program, students had
a choice of how they wanted to spend their
free periods. They could attend either
room 255 or the library if they had studying to do, or they could go to the 144 study
hall where a more relaxed atmosphere
prevailed. Students met the program with
enthusiasm for now they had a place where
they could take a break and talk to their
friends openly during their study hall
(opposite page, top) Mr. Kobishop is met with many
problems during the school day. (opposite page,
bottom) Mr. Kobishop presides over one of his
many meetings. (above) Mr. Kranen takes a break
from his grueling work to talk to an associate.
{top) Mr. Draeger instructs Karen Thiele on
Tremper procedures.
Board Introduces
Course Changes
Several committees served as communication links with the administration. The
Student-Faculty Curriculum Committee
proposed five new courses which were
okayed by the School Board. The reason
why the enrollment dropped drastically in
some classes was then discussed. The
Black Advisory Board was composed of
two representatives from each class. They
proposed a Black History course and
worked with the Black Culture Club during
Black History Week. The Voluntary Parent
Advisory Committee was a communicative
sounding board between parents and the
school. The committee made recommendations to the administration.
Student-Faculty Advisory Board (opposite page,
top from front) Debbie Krohn, Barb Nelson, Sherry
Nelson, Andrea Nelson, JoAnna Dodge (row 2) Mrs.
Gamache, Mrs. Rothrock, Mr. Kobishop, Mr. Farnham, Mr. Musser, Tom Berner. Black Advisory
Board (opposite page, left from front) Faye Jackson, JoAnn Bedford, Sheila London (row 2) Diane
Brown, Diane Marks, Brenda Jetfenes (row 3)
Curtis Tolefree, Doris Grimes, Ricky Davis. Parent-Faculty Board (top from front) Mrs. N. Andreucci, Rev. M. Oechler, Mrs. P. Johnson, Mr. C.
Kobishop, Mr. V. Aiello, Mrs. C. Spraker, Mrs. L.
Turner, Mr. M. Bishop, Mrs. J. Dunn, Mr. W. Formakes, Mr. R. Draeger, Mr. R. Zarletti, Mr. E.
Schindler. (right) Ricky Schiller gets it all together
during the lunch hour dance session. (above) Mr.
Farmakes sits with his Coke bottles during a Parent-1' acuny meetmg.
Board Organizes
Imaginative Events
Student Activity Board membership grew
this year as the board's responsibilities
increased. In October, SAB organized a
well attended Crow Concert for the public
and an all school assembly featuring the
Crimson Bridge.
"A lot of our time was spent in compiling
a survey analyzing the growing apathy
Student Activities Board (top from left) Jackie
Grasser, Debbie Stebbins, Sue Stevens, LuAnn
Denio, Carol Lasky, Phyllis Thaxter, Robin Thiel,
Margaret Hansen, Maria Pleet, (row 2) Kathy Weber, Delorie Biel, Jim Mazzie, Doug Haney, Dan
Hobson, Ken Tizi, Laura Strand (row 3) Jane Hosmanek, Barb Torcivia, Patty Ripp, Terry Smith,
Keith Barber, Kathy Hawes, Nancy Gebhart, Laurie
Vincent (row 4) Margaret Lechner, Mary Siepler,
problem at Tremper," explained one board
member. On March 10th, a new event,
Hawaiian Day, resulted from that survey.
Students responded enthusiastically to the
SAB attempt to provide new and different
activities by wearing colorful Hawaiian
costumes to classes all day and attending
the dance that evening.
Ann Stanford, Marty Petersen, Mike Vernon, Bob
Stuckey, Ken Reed, Dave Steponitis, Jackie Greb.
(above from left) Tina Lapas, Ruby Flores, Faye
Jackson, Sherry Meltesen, Nadine Turner, Debbie
Barnett (row 2) Janine Ciotti, Terri Lanctot, Kim
Uttech, Cheryl MacKay, Jane Seavitte, Delores
Larson, Cathy Irving (row 3) Kim Peterson, Amelia
Pierce, Phyllis Leech, Diane Gary, Scott Northard,
Carolyn Carruthers, Dave Sokol, Karen Jorgenson.
Mrs. M . Bauer
Miss N. Donovan
Mr. A. Fennema
Mr. G. Slavik
Mr. F. Hadler
MissM. Horn
Mr. R. Sowders
Counselors Offer
Guide to Future
The Guidance Counselors' purpose is to
offer every student a program of services
that will help him to develop his unique potential. Every student is assigned to one of
seven counselors so that even in such a
large school, every student has someone
he can always turn to for help. Counselors
help students with scheduling as well as
personal problems. The Counseling program this year administered several
standardized tests and handled the Career
Program. They also were responsible for
the College Admissions Program and an
occasional Job Placement Program:
(above) Mr. Slavik advises Sharon Koehler on what
to do after graduation . (left) Mrs . Bauer takes a
break from her busy schedule to talk on the phone.
Cheerful Faces
Help School Hum
Perhaps many students dream of the day
when they could be a librarian, nurse or
secretary. They long to say, "Shut-up,
be quiet, this is a library!" Or be the
office secretaries who chirp, "Good
morning, G.N. Tremper High School,"
over the phone, or maybe even be a comforting nurse, who insists on asking if
you're really sick as you faint on the floor.
Yes, as students watch our nurse, secretaries, and librarians they anxiously
await the day when they can fulfill these
necessary tasks with a smiling face.
Mrs. Buchanan works feverishly to take care of
anxious students quickly and efficiently.
Mrs . M . Burmeister
Mrs . E . Campbell
Miss D. Kupferschmidt
Mrs. F . Lebeckis
Mrs. M. Ladanski
Mrs. A. Lewis
Mrs . H . Mercoe
Mrs . B . Meyers
Mrs. J. Newhouse
Mrs. J . Peters
Mrs. G. Streek
Mrs. E. Wrobleski
Mr. L . Albano
Mrs. J. Carlson
Mrs. E. Conrad
Mrs. H.Cox
Mrs. H. Grohs
Mr. H. Huissen
Mrs. M . Huxhold
Mr. T . Matteucci
Mr. E. Monnier
Mrs. J . Nelson
Mrs. C. Polansky
Mrs. V. Pontillo
Mr. J. Preston
Mrs. A. Rogstad
Mrs. M. Russo
Mr. V. Seliga
Mrs. J. White
Mrs. F . Zalatoris
Trash Clears as
a Janitor Nears
What is a janitor? A janitor is brave, as
he enters the washrooms after 4th and
5th hours. A janitor is friendly when he
willingly opens locked doors and helps
clean up after dances. A janitor is cheerful when you ask him for a broom and
dustpan to clean up broken glass. A janitor
is a smiling face?
The kitchen help eagerly awaits 4th and
5th hours, when the starving faces of students enter the endless lunch lines. They
keep the snack bar stocked up and gladly
answer frequent inquiries such as, "What
the heck is that?"
Mr. Barsuli completes one more of the many tasks
demanded of him to keep the school running.
Revised Courses
Generate Interest
This year it was apparent that the English
teachers of Tremper High School had a
genuine desire to keep their classes interesting and appealing to their students.
The major change the Department initiated last fall was evidence of that concern.
The plans for the rev1s10n all started in
September of 1970. At this time there
was a general feeling among teachers
and administration that the high school
language program did not adequately prepare students for the demands of college.
In addition there were increasing complaints on the part of students of boredom
and lack of interest in their required
English courses. Hence, after a year of
preparation, writing up courses and setting graduation requirements, the new
semester English courses were offered
in the fall of '71. (continued on page 74.)
(upper right) Dan Meltzer and Scott Johnson, in
the library study to obtain facts . (below) Miss K.
Fahrenbach, Mr. H . Gladding, Miss L . Hagen,
Mrs. Hammond, Mr. G. Hamre, Mr. I. Hansen.
(right) Miss Covelli looks at her students wondering whether she should believe them or not.
(upper left) Mrs. Hoeft's days run into nights and
never end. (above) Mr. R. Hendrickson, Mr. D .
Hensey, Mrs. F. Hoeft, Mr. H. Huetten, Mr. J .
laquinta, Mr. T. Lawler. (lower left) Allan Padlock gives a lecture in Speech class. (below) Mr.
Schmidt relaxes as he turns his class over to a
"Half-year courses are attractive in
several ways," explained Mr. Gladding
when the project began. "The concentration of a body of material into the shorter
period of study permits an impact which
would be lost by extenuation over a full
year. Moreover, the many-faceted nature
of the language arts strongly suggests
half-year treatment of its various aspects. It is hoped that students will find
themselves capable of maintaining interest and performance at a higher level for
the shorter period of time. Finally, the
offering of half-year courses presents
the student with an increased range of
The Fall change was only a beginning.
Throughout the year the department held
regular meetings to revise and improve
upon the new system. One can easily
predict that alterations in the English
program will continue for many years to
come as the department strives for
(uoper ril!'ht) Kav watches her tear.her with
suppressed humor. (right) Mrs. Walkowski finds
the question amusing. (below) Mrs. E. McKay, Mrs.
B. McKenzie, (bottom) A full class creates a more
interesting and enlighting discussion in English.
(above) The English Resource Center is always
open to students. (left) Da-ah, which way did they
go? (below) Mrs. J. Murphy, Mrs. V. Murphy,
Mrs. K. Negri, Mr. A. Romano, Mr. J. Schmidt,
Miss J. Schultz, Miss M. Sundlie, Mr. Thiel, Miss
F. Werve.
Foreign Culture,
Language Studied
French, Spanish, German and Latin are the
foreign languages offered at Tremper. Except in Latin, the emphasis is on learning
to speak the language, using the language
lab for practice. The French students
studied the French people, their customs,
hobbies, foods and education, as well as
their language. French students also
learned more about French culture, as they
ate at the French restaurant, Jacques, in
Chicago and visited the Art Museum. About
ten fourth-year Spanish students used their
free time to tutor Spanish-speaking families
in English. German students, too, extended
what they learned by singing German
Christmas Carols at the nursing homes.
But Latin, the fore runner of them all,
continues to hold its position on the list of
Language courses offered. Miss Meier
said, "This year the students enjoyed the
philosophical aspects of studying the great
literature and noting the comparison between ancient times and contemporary
(upper right) Bob Scholey takes dictation in French
class. (right) Language Lab aide adjusts the volume of tapes for students. (lower left) Mrs. Urena's
class is spellbound in a discussion group.
(above) Miss L. Covelli, Mrs. H. Dahl, Mrs. M.
Gamache, Mr. G. Krueger, Mrs. S. Urena, Mrs.
A. Zaehring. (left) Mrs. Gamache gives her students an oral test. (below) Miss Covelli assists
Mimi in independent study. (bottom from front)
Debbie Jensen, Brian Althoff, Marita Felds, Delorie
Biel (row 1) Peggy DeWitt, Doug Stichert, Vickie
Althoff, Judy Hagberg, Carla Larson, Sue Clausen,
Luann Boehme (row 2) Debbie Larson, Linda Johnson, Deb Darracott, Laurie Jorgenson, Sandy Raddatz, Connie Hylinski, Jane McPhaul, Mark Zsada
(row 3) Cheryl Petersen, Joanna Dodge, Debbie
Krohn, Jim Maurer, Ronald Broomfield, Claudia
Georgen, Roland Buechner, Pam Olson, Cheryl
More Machines
Help with Math
The Math Department concentrated on doing more to benefit students as individuals. Sophomores were allowed to enroll
in Algebra II before they took geometry.
As a result they were found to have an
easier time in geometry. Students tutored
each other and were also tutored by their
The Math Resource Center in Room 118
was open to even more students than in the
past. They used a new electronic calculator, which was faster and more efficient
than the old ones. Nevertheless, Daisy and
Waldo continue to multiply, add, subtract,
and divide, as most other computers do.
(upper left) Students demand much of Mr. Wilson.
(upper right) Students find out that Mathematics
requires their full attention. (above) Mr. E. Adams,
Mr. D. Bussard. (right) Mr. Brittelli smiles as
his class jokes around.
(upper left) Mr. Musser explains to his students
the secret in solving their mathematical problems.
(above) Mr. Short's favorite pastime is working
out problems on the board for his geometry class.
(lower left) Teachers and students work on the
computers. (below) Mr. R. Darula, Mr. C. Fowler,
Mrs. R. Henoch, Mr. A. Hooper, Miss B . Kral, Mr.
J . Musser, Mr. R . Nye, Mr. S. Wilson.
Young Scientists
are Encouraged
"The labs are most always open and we
encourage students to do any extra work
that they want to," said Mr. Glynn, head
of the Tremper Science Department. He
exemplified the Department's extreme desire to give the students every opportunity
to expand their interest in the various scientific fields. A new course, Organic
Chemistry, was offered this fall for all
advanced chemistry students. Moreover,
the biology department continued to stimulate student interest with new and provocative class experiments. These classes
participated in many field trips, highlighted
by a trek to Southern Colony in Union
Grove on April 5th.
(upper right) Mr. Smith gives his class instructions
for their next assignment. (lower right) Bruce
Pedersen, Dennis Ruhle, Earl Cowan, and Jim
Splitek poke a little fun before disecting the fetus .
(below) Mrs. B. Beyer, Mrs. E. Burokas, Mr. W.
Cordiner, Mr. R. Filippelli, Mr. D . Gemmell, Miss
(upper left) Mr. Snyder lectures his class on earth
science in room 111. (left) Chemistry. (upper right)
Full attention is required by all in science, but
occasionally . . . (center right) Physics is hard and
tiring. (above) Mr. D. Glynn, Miss Needham, Mr. R.
Pozza, Mr. G. Synder, Mr. B. Thomas.
History Plans to
Expand Courses
The social studies department involved
students in the study of man. One new semester course, World Religions, taught
by Mr. Klug, was offered to seniors. Mr.
Cannaday took a delegation to the Wisconsin State High Schools Model United Nations for Tremper's second visit. In addition the department helped to sponsor the
Political Science Organization and gave
legal advice to the students who wanted to
develop a Students' Bill of Rights and involved the students in the April 4th primary election and registered students to
vote. The social studies department is
expanding next year, and Black History
will be introduced as a full semester
course to students.
(right) Mr. Blankley takes a relaxing pose during
his history class. (below) Mr. C. Bradley, Mr. E.
Cannaday, Mr. S. Cass, Mr. B. Duesterbeck, Mr.
R. Klug, Miss K. Krause. (bottom right) In the
Social Studies Resource Center, Mrs. Poikonen
helps students.
(upper left) Mr. Monk outlines and explains to his
Economics class. (middle left) History students
find classes interesting. (bottom left) Mr. Anderson works hard while the students do their assignments. (upper right) Mr. L. Negri, Miss M. Platt,
Mrs. P. Poikonen, Mr. S. Ritacca, Mr. J. Trotter,
Mr. A. Zimmerman. (above) Mr. Fischer sits on
the air vents during a discussion in class.
Tremper Music
Benefits Students
There was a new look to the orchestra
this year. At their many concert engagements the girl members were clad in new
pant formals. In February the orchestra,
conducted by Dr. Lucien Cailliet, played
the world premier of his orchestration of
the Mlynarski "Mazurka." After working
diligently at various fund raising projects,
they then were able to journey to Decorah,
Iowa, to play in the Four State Invitational,
Dorian Orchestra Festival on April 15.
Enroute, they gave a concert performance
in Dubuque, Iowa, and at Viterbo College
in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, as well as numerous clinic demonstrations on the "Suzuki Inspired" techniques for full orchestra.
Meanwhile, across the hall, the two bands
were occupying themselves with an equal
number of engagements. Various band
groups participated in five football games,
six pep rallies, eleven basketball games,
three major concerts and organized the
annual Variety Show. In addition, individual Band members came into the limelight
on two new Recital Nights. These programs, consisting only of solo performances, were held on February 10th and
April 13th.
(upper right) Mr. Harris works out a part with a
student. (lower right) Band plays for Winterama .
(below) Colorguard practices outside.
(upper left) Orchestra students take practice seriously. (upper right) Dr. Lucien Cailliet receives
applause. (left) Professor James Latimer gives a
performance. (lower right) Mr. Nosal conducts.
(above) Mr. A. Harris, Mr. S. Nosal.
Choirs Perform
for Enjoyment
"If a person can't read, he is illiterate.
If a person can't read or sight read music,
he is musically illiterate," states Mr.
Chalgren as he summed up his philosophy
of music education. As a result of Mr.
Chalgren's high standards for all his
choirs, this year's Sophomore Choir took
part in a new three year pilot program.
The program was designed to acquaint the
students with the methods of sight singing
and to give them the necessary technical
skills to develop their musical ability.
At the spring district contests when the
program's effectiveness was put to the
test, the sophomore group was the only
choir to receive a superior rating.
As in years past, the other Tremper choirs
were very busy. The varsity mixed choir
worked all year to prepare for their annual
Christmas and spring concert engagements
and for a part in a Christmas record. The
A Capella's year of work was highlighted
by a four day trip to Northern Wisconsin,
Moorehead, Minnesota, and Clinton, Iowa.
Now a credited class, the Choraliers also
took part in the spring choir tour and performed for approximately 60 engagements
throughout the year.
(upper right) Kris Reuter and Jeff Smith of the
Choraliers sing and dance. (right) A Cappella Choir
performs at a concert. (below) Mr. K. Chalgren.
(bottom) The sophomore choir practices in the auditorium for the Spring concert.
A.V. Serves the
Staff and Pupils
Considering the need for more movie projectors, film viewers, tape recorders,
overhead projectors, and record players
in the school, it is easy to see the AudioVisual department had a huge task of preparing and coordinating materials. About
forty students spent their free time delivering, operating, and making minor repairs
on the equipment. Others did art-work for
visual aids of general secretarial work for
the department. Many students appreciated
and were pleased with their assistance to
the school. The aids were given certification of recognition at the end of the year.
(upper left) A student operates the control board.
(lower left) Classes use the T .V. cameras frequently. (below) Mr. R. Nicolazzi, Mr. F . Perri.
(lower right) Bonita signs out the A.V. equipment
for students and teachers.
Artwork Displays
Ecology Concern
"Try it . . . You'll like it," was definitely
the mood set for this year's art classes
as instructors strove to introduce their
students to a wide variety of techniques
and media. The curriculum included
something for everyone. Students could
work in the areas of painting, sculpturing,
drawing, ceramics, and creative filmmaking. Creative sculptors even transformed old bottles, toothpicks and other
junk into pieces of art, displayed in the
Business Office window. "A lot of kids
don't even know that Tremper has an
Art department," and Mr. Lynn Obertin,
"We'd like to make them aware that a
lot is happening way down in 123."
(top) Art Students use imagination in this montage.
(right) So that's what happens to kids who try to
see Mr. Draeger. (below) Mr. J. Farnham, Mr. L.
Obertin, Mrs. N. Teegarden.
(upper left) Sculptured by one of the art students,
our fearless leader, Caesar, "Who made the
salad." (lower left) Pottery is still a favorite way
of expression. (above) Joanne Momper prefers
painting to the other media offered.
Students Prepare
for Office Jobs
The Business Education Department takes
pride in its wide variety of modern business equipment. The department's facilities combined with the diversity of the
classes' activities earned the department
its high reputation in this community and
in the state colleges. Business Education
Award Night in the spring honored students who made outstanding accomplishments by presenting them with certificates
and trophies. Distributive Education students entertained their employers at the
Employers' Appreciation Banquet held in
May. A large number of students who
trained at Tremper have secured fine jobs
because of their training.
(upper right) Students learn to use electronic adding machines for accuracy and speed. (above) Mrs.
R. Edmark, Mr. C. Glaesar, Mrs. J. Houghton, Mr.
R. Primuth, Mr. V. Schmale, Mr. A. Stuyvesant.
(right) Mr. Petterson looks on as one of his students types.
(above) Mrs. J. Terrill, Mrs. C. Wintermote. (left)
Business Education includes bookkeeping, where
students strive hard. (lower left) Students work to
accomplish their goals. (bottom) Typing classes
are full, for almost everyone needs to know how to
type. (below) Mr. Glaesar corrects papers as Karen
and Nancy hand theirs in.
Home Economics
is for Everyone
Home Economics covers many areas and
has many different courses. Mrs. Rothrock
says that for the first time next year they
will have five teachers for Home Ee. Clothing has a beginning and advanced course.
The students start out with basic projects
then they start to work at their own levels.
They work on an individual basis and
choose their own projects. They make childrens clothes as well as clothes for their
boyfriends. In Basic Tailoring and High
Fashion students go on to harder projects
such as coats and capes. They also make
other fashionable clothes of their own
choice. The classes visited Marshall Field
for a fashion show. Home Management, Interior Design, Child Living, and Child Development are also of interest to many
students. Foods also has a beginning and
advanced course for students. Boys were
welcomed in these courses as well as
others. The boys made a complete chicken
dinner for the faculty. In the winter the
Foods classes had a Christmas buffet for
the staff. They also had their annual
Spring Buffet for the Faculty. This year
the classes tried foreign cookery and had
a Thanksgiving dinner with some unusual
foods. The classes made their annual trip
to Jane Vernon. Some of the Classes went
to the Sara Lee kitchens. The popular
creative stitchery course continued to
grow rapidly. Creative Stitchery is a semester course, and has an appealing, relaxed atmosphere. The girls meet in room
139 (the living room) and are allowed to
talk, play records, or gossip while they
work on their projects. Needlepoint, Applique, crue work, knitting, and crocheting are among some of the areas introduced to students. "Creative Stitchery,
gives the girls an opportunity to work with
their hands and at the same time make
something beautiful for themselves or to
sell," remarked Mrs. Rothrock, Chairman
of the Home Economics Department.
(upper right) Students are relaxed and make themselves at home in stitchery class. (below) Miss
Sundlie sneaks in and cooks while the l''oods class
attention is elsewhere.
(upper left) Mrs. Rothrock sits with her class in
the courtyard. (upper right) The boys prepare food
for the faculty dinner. (left) Cooking classes try
new recipes. (above) Miss M . Erickson , Mrs. D .
Noseck, Mrs. M . Rothrock, Mrs. K. Suksi.
Useful Skills for
Industry Learned
Industrial arts courses taught the basic
skills of practical industry. Students got
accustomed to the machinery and techniques by making useful products. Students
made items such as footstools, bookends,
tables, book cases, and cabinets for stereos. A boy in woodworking class built a
canoe. Electronics classes were adapted
by the introduction of solid state electronics. Classes were taught simple wiring.
Aviation classes spent up to three and a
half hours flying and visited the Amlique
Aircraft Museum m Hales Corners.
Teachers are working on a new course in
Home Appliance repair for fall 1972. The
printing department received an automatic
Heidelberg during the school year. This
addition saves much valuable time and
aids efficiency. This is Tremper's first.
Before printing students had to transfer
the paper onto the printing block by hand,
and now the paper is transfered automatically by the machine.
(upper right) A student is grinding a piece of metal
for his project. (lower right) Students are reassembling the Volkswagen after dissecting it. (below)
Rae Sniatynski sets the print.
(left) Mr. Carver examines Mike's progress on his
miniature building. (above) Mr. 0 . Carlson, Mr. C.
Fuenffinger, Mr. R. Jacobsen, Mr. D . Jensen, Mr.
G. Kitzmiller, Mr. D . Schuldt. (below) Mr. Dehart
and a student go over a layout.
(upper right) Mr. Sikora demonstrates by use of
the road models how to turn corners. (above) Mr.
L. Ballard, Miss S. Luedke, Mr. R. Sikora. (below)
Students new to the simulators take their manuals
along with them.
Driver's Ed Dept.
Makes Progress
In the Driver's Education program, a new
teacher was added to the staff. Miss Sara
Luedke was the first woman to teach in
the Kenosha Driver's Education program.
In order for seniors to graduate, they
must at sometime pass the classroom
tests in a Driver's Education course. This
is usually done in the sophomore or junior
year. Then if they wish to continue in the
program they are tested on the simulator.
Upon successfully completing a simulation
test, students receive their temporary
license and go on the road with their
teachers. They usually drive to the busy
sections of town, out in the country, and on
the interstate. Students must still pass
state administrated driving tests to receive a valid driver's license. Students
who found it hard to schedule Driver's
Education during the day were given the
opportunity to enroll in a new after-school
program. The program was offered to St.
Joseph's and Racine Lutheran high school
pupils, too. Driver's Education was also
available during the summer for those
who were over 16 or would be 16 by August.
Phy. Ed. Offers
Boys a Variety
The boy's physical education department
offered a selection of activities for the
first time. Boys were given several choices
between team sports or the newly emphasized lifetime sports such as handball,
badminton, and golf. In swimming classes,
seniors chose between a skindiving and a
water polo unit. Juniors had the opportunity
to take Senior Lifesaving. Another new
event was a unit of coed classes for seniors with a wide choice of activities. One
girl took a boy's gym class when the girls
class didn't meet her needs. Fitness tests
were given once in the spring instead of
in the fall. Fitness was given more attention through appropriate warmups for the
particular unit study.
(top from left) Craig Stewart, Darryll Pickerign,
Jon Strecker, Richard Heyden, John Malkmus, Ron
Frei, Roger Queen. (right) Soccer requires precision. (below) Mr. L. Apple, Mr. G. Barr.
(left) Mr. W. Holman, Mr. J. House. (lower left)
Students play paddle ball for enjoyment. (below)
Mr. G. McCulloch, Mr. E. Virgili. (lower right)
Badminton keeps student alert. (bottom from left)
Bob Reilly, Roger Queen, Ron Frei, Dave Knickrehm, Jon Strecker, Darryll Pickerign (row 2)
Keith Loss, Scott Johnson, John Malkmus, Ken
Meidinger, Craig Stewart, Richard Heyden, Jeff
New Coed Unit
Starts ID
The Physical Education program took on
a new look this year as the divider in the
gym separated the senior guys and girls.
During seven class periods in a new coed
unit, students played Volleyball, Pingpong, and other recreational sports. The
popular Slimnastics course also highlighted the year's activities for many girls.
Not only do the girls know how to keep fit
and attractive during the nine class sessions but also how to build and condition
their bodies.
The Junior class had a choice between
Tennis or Hockey in the fall and Track or
Archery in the spring. The Junior class
also pulled down the division in the upper
gym and learned the Fox trot and the Polka.
This year junior girls' gym classes offered
a chance to take co-ed swimming on Fridays during study halls or free periods.
Both Seniors and Juniors participated in
these units with much enthusiasm and
found them worthwhile.
(above from left) Shirley Patterson, Donna Schrandt,
Jan Meyers, Grace Wilson, Sherry Meltesen. Diane Kiffe! (row 2) Kathy Petersen, Sharon Koehler,
JoMary Ruffalo, Melanie Hansen, Debbie Ives (row
3) Laurie Jorgenson, Bonnie Wieske, Martha Berger, Debbie Larson, Barbara Hayes, Norma Steele.
(upper right) Mr. Virgili instructs juniors in the
Fox Trot. (right) Miss L. Cotton, Mrs. C. Houtz.
(ah,ove) Miss S. Redlin, Miss P. Waddell. (left from
front) Sherry Meltesen, LuAnn Stipanuk, Gwen
Cornell (row 2) Grace Wilson, Sharon Koehler
(row 3) Chris Paschall, Jan Meyers, Nancy Andrews. (below) Janice Robinson warms up. (bottom)
Sherry Meltesen, Diane Gary, Kathy Collins and
Sharon Koehler race for the bananas.
-- -- ---
.. -. -
Council Encourages
Student Involvement
Q. As President, how would you summarize your year of work with the Council
and the Student Body?
A. Some people think Student Council is
a farce and has no voice, but I feel
Student Council does play an important
part in the affairs of this school. A
lot of things happen within the Council
that nobody hears about because they
could not be called "crucial matters,"
but they do matter to the well being of
the school. This is what caused a lot
of dissatisfaction with the Council.
But, as a member, I feel it was effective this year. Besides sponsoring a
highly successful Homecoming and
Winterama, this Council initiated
many things within the school, such
as: Open Noon Hour Possibilities,
Exchange Days and structural changes
with the council itself. I wish the dissatisfied faction of the student body
would begin to realize the Council is
for their benefit and that if they have
ideas on how to change council they
should come to the council and voice
them instead of promoting ill feeling
towards Student Council.
External Affairs (far right from front) George
Joanis (row 2) Jenny Schultz, Jon Strecker, Garrie
Cummings, Mimi Madrigrano (row 3) Linda Jensen, Debbie Roberts, Char Studtman, Linda Tutas
(row 4) Janet Lettrich, Bill Buege (row 5) Larry
laquinta, Leslie Czarnowski (row 6) Nancy Gebhart, Joel Bishop (row 7) Rom Woods. School
Spirit (far right from front) Debra Wyosnick,
Kathy Johns, Laurie Larson (2 row) Mel Curio,
Jill Giordana, LuAnn Anderson, Corrine Nelson
(row 3) Terri Lanctot, Caryn Cross, Mary Gehring, Eileen Chaput, Roxanne Radtke (row 4) Dave
Earnest, Nancy Andrews, Doug Hanson (row 5)
Darko Molitor, Kal Kostreva. Executive Board
(right from front) John St. Peter, Nancy Rovik,
John Hollingsworth, Gay Phillipson, Corrine Nelson, Garrie Cummings (row 2) Jacy Davidson,
George Joanis, John Nowell, Sue Olson. Social Direction (center from front) Liz Vogler, Sandy
Dzian, LuAnn Anderson, Debbie Kelley (row 2)
John St. Peter, Bill Hebert, John Hollingsworth,
Tom Speaker, Mike Cassity, Ron Carmichael,
Scott Northard (row 3) Mary Peterson, Karen Cicchini, Judy Gosnell, Gay Phillipson, Janet Fonk,
Beth Speaker, Sara Koos, Cynthia Perez, Gerri
Muller, Bonny Barks. Club Coordinating (bottom
from front) Terry Smith, Leigh Feifer, Sue Olson,
Barb Schaiger, Sue Schlect, Jane Williams, Sandy
Ogren (row 2) Eileen Tyson, Beth Kennedy, Jane
McPhaul, Laura Boniface, Kim Grasser, Diane
Bauer, Debbie Riggle (row 3) Ken Reed, John
Welch, Tom Wade, Dan Meltzer.
Honor Groups
Continue Growth
Q. What does Honor Society do?
A. Honor Society isn't really a "doing"
type club. It's simply an honor. Like
the rest of the members I was happy to
get in it for the brownie point on my
record and especially for the Honor
Society pass. I don't think that the Society should be knocked because it
doesn't do that much. Most of the kids
in it do enough in other organizations,
so there's really no need for Honor
Society to be active as such.
Q. How important is Honor Society to your
A. I think it means quite a bit. The colleges look for that sort of thing in their
applicants and I'm sure all the kids in
it are trying to get into college. Besides, I was proud to get in to Honor
Society. It's hard work to keep a 3.5
grade average and I really appreciate
those individuals who organized Honor
Society functions. It's a nice thing.
National Honor Society (top from left) Loren Woodman, Kathy Grota, Marla Kazell, Pam King, Sue
McDonald, Kris Reuter, Sherry Meltesen, Linda
Manning (row 2) Jim Siepler, Jack Louks, John
Nowell, Ron Fink, Mike Kuba, Bob Trapp, Steve
Timm (row 3) John Malkmus, Jackie Kollman, Rob
Hansen, Roger Modess, Cheryl Pfleuger, Sue Cibrario, Linda Tutas, Melanie lgnjatovic (row 4)
Jackie Westplate, Pam Grimmer, Jane Milliken,
Janis Robinson, Brenda Mancuso, Nyla Hanson,
Jeanne Vedder, Cindy Mathews, Mike Banerdt.
(above from left) Carolyn Schiller, Brad Young,
Debbie Ives, Tom Berner, Lou Molitor, Joe Furno,
Sandy Dart, Mark Shaffar, Barb Schwaiger (row 2)
Keith Loss, Cheryl Pfleuger, Debi Burman, Linda
Metten, Doris Grimes, Fred Tenuta, Terry Wormeling, Kathy Anderson, Barb Sobotowicz, Jodell
Grandow (row 3) Kai Kostreva, Rich Birch, Bill
Irving, John Clarke, Gail Strebolw, Louis Mattioli,
Bill Heppner, Malcolm Garren, Bruce Hammond,
Tom Rutchik, Steve Johnson (row 4) Mary Robers,
Kathy McFadden, John Frost, Dan Meltzer, Jim
Hammond, Jim Ott, Scott DeKok, Jeff Nebr, Terry
Richter, Kim Lawler, Scott Johnson, Bob Whitefoot,
Marilyn Schubert. Honor Society (opposite page,
bottom from left) Terri Woods, JoAnn Momper,
Stephanie Baker, Linda Fisher, Lorrie Laken, Lori
Kiffel, Janice Mengo, Rich Berenson, Linda Buechner, Margaret Jensen, Kathy Becker, Lori Chapek,
Debbie Dowse, Debbie Byom, Shirley Patterson
(row 2) Debbie Strand, Janice Helwig, Laura Boniface, Rita Ennis, Peady Covelli, Judy Jurkoska,
Karen Warner, Sue Schlect, Sue Kalvonjian, Liz
Mancuso, Marilyn Nelson, Marla Kazell, Trina
Tiffany, Linda Buechner, Denise Romano, Marita
Feld, LuAnn Stipanuk (row 3) Renee Baker, Julie
Hoganson, Susan Swartz, Sue Johnson, Carla Larson, Marian Olson, Ann Speaker, Gerri Muller,
Cindy Ford, Katie Burnett, Ellen Hammond, Melanie
lgnjatovic, Dave Tait, Gina Caputo, Judy Gosnell,
Connie Hylinski, Sandy Dzian, Liz Smith (row 4)
Vicki Butteri, Eleanor Wilcox, Betsy Schindler,
John Tredon, Lester Zirbel, Larry Neitzel, Brad
Tenuta, David Klees, Tim Simpson, John Baker,
Dave Slobodianuk, Jerry MacDonald, Chuck Salituro,
Brady Roach, Carol Knudsen, Peggy Smith, Sara
Quill and Scroll (top from left) Jane Heckel, Mary
Cotton, Marilyn Nelson, Ann Speaker, Gina Garramone, Rich Berenson, Charlene Tillman, Debbie
Dowse (row 2) Joan Hosmanek, Viv Borst, Chuck
Salituro, Jim Baternik, Katie Burnett, Debbie Burman, Tom Berner, Byron Dowse, Tom Aiello (row
3) Betsy Schindler, Jim Singer, Pat Brown, Joe
Furno, Steve Timm, Tom Speaker, Doris Grimes,
Roger Young, Pat Becker.
Involvement Leads
to Understanding
Q. Why did you like Debate and Forensics?
A. By speaking competitively at different
schools I got a variety of criticism
from people other than my teachers.
A. We had such good controversial discussions on the bus that I learned as
much there as at the meets.
Q. Every summer Badger State offers the
opportunity to high school students to
learn about politics by direct involvement. In one week hundreds of students
create a model of a state government.
What did you as alumnae get out of
Badger State?
A. I learned that politicians are not super
people. It is the people who work behind them who are dynamic and intelligent.
Q . You'll be going to Badger State this
summer. How were you chosen?
A. We were nominated by the American
History teachers on the basis of leadership, character, health and loyalty.
Badger State Boys 1972 (opposite page, top from
left) Brad Young, Jim Ott, Rich Birch. Badger State
1971 (opposite page, above from left) Darko Moli·
tor, Melanie lgnjatovic, Tom Speaker. Badger State
Girls 1972 (top) Vicki Butteri. Debate (center from
left) Brad McCrorey, Tom Berner, Barb Schubert,
Sue Johnson, Bill Yaeger, Bob Trapp, Chris Pasch-
all, Marilyn Schubert (standing) Art Leccese, Andy
Pias, Harvey Hedden. Forensics (opposite page,
bottom from left) Andy Pias, Tom Berner, Renee
Baker, Chris Paschall, Eleanor Wilcox (row 2)
Harvey Hedden, Kermit Hovey, Sue Johnson, Brad
McCrorey, Katie Burnett (row 3) Duane Corso, Bob
Trapp, Barb Schubert, Martilyn Schubert.
Sub Deb Brings
Joy to Marytown
Q. What did Sub Deb do this year?
A. Of course, the Winter Formal was our
biggest event of the year. That was a
lot of fun to put on. In the fall we had
a progressive dinner for our members. That was a good idea, but there
wasn't enough food. We also threw an
Easter party for the little kids at
Q. How do you like being a member of
Sub Deb?
A. I like being in it when we're doing
things, like around formal time. All
the bake sales aren't really thrilling.
And the meetings are one chaotic
mess! With all the attendance sheets
flying around we never seem to get
down to business.
Q. What stand does Sub Deb take on the
Women's Lib issue?
A. On the whole, we all wear our bras.
Except for one Friday night in March
when some of us Sub Deb members
were riding around and we strung our
bras out on the car antenna. We were
protesting the senior men and their
big fat mouths.
Sub-Deb (opposite page top from front) Monica
Meyers, Cindy Ramoart, Linda Laurenzi, Joan St.
Peter, Joan Salituro, Nancy Mann, Leslie Miller,
Cheri Weber, Lynn Greco, Luann Boehme, Cathy
Ellefson, Amy Northard, Liz Vogber, Jackie
Grasser (row 2) Judy Hlavata, Pam Sorenson,
Ellen Kavanaugh, Deb Darracott, Ann Kavanaugh,
Diane Guttormsen, Kathy Anderson, Mary Ironside, Cathy Pocius, Sandy Burkoth, Terry Wermeling, Debbie Ives, Debbie Larson, Ann Hartnell,
Laura Bagnall (row 3) Joan Marschner, Margaret
Hansen, Rosanne Covelli, Sue Podella, Rita Ennis,
Diane Halpin, Roxane Wiersum, Cindy Tredup,
Janet Katt, Lisa Gourley, Jeanne Hopkins, Jeanne
Keefner, Janet Kruser, Sue Schlect, Laurie Vincent, Jeanne Tredup, Jeanne Pelligrino (row 4)
Jackie Kollman, Paula Vidas, Sue Olson, Allison
Poltrock, Barb Sobotowicz, Jill Wiersig, Lisa
Glass, Ellen Hammond, Carole Weiss, JoAnn Hasslinger, Mary Robinson, Pam Olson, Connie Hylinski, Karen Gerlach, Carla Rampart, Nancy
Collins, Irva Behncke. Sub-Deb Officers (opposite
page center from front) Luann Boehme, Connie
Hylinski, Allison Poltrock, Jeanne Tredup, Joan
Marschner. Servettes (top from front) Sue Stevens,
Kim Liegakos (row 2) Bonny Barks, Marla Jensen,
Diane Englund, Elaine Klemens (row 3) Luann DeNio, Sandy Zurarycz, Ursula Schmidt, Barb Johnson, Cathy Hawes, Kathy Johns, Kathy Weber (row
4) Ellen Bergquist, Brenda Mancuso, Debbie Larson, Liz Mancuso. (above from front) Two SubDeb members help check coats and purses at their
Kids Take Pride
in Annual Events
Q. What did you get out of being a Key
Club member this year?
A. Key Club was a fun club this year. The
major activity of the year was our annual Christmas Food Basket Drive.
That was really successful this year.
We collected over three tons of food
for the needy families of Kenosha and
the Key Club members delivered the
baskets themselves.
Q. How does the student interest in sports
compare with years past?
A. I think that the student turn-out at
games is directly related to the team's
performance. This year the Basketball
team's record was much better; they
were playing good ball and that's
probably why the attendance improved
this year.
Q. What was it like putting on the April
7th Sadie Hawkins?
A. It was one big headache but even so it
was a lot of fun. Like once, Laurie
was assigned to get paper cups for
Sadie Hawkins refreshments. So she
picked them up one afternoon at Phillip Brothers' not even thinking to look
at them. When she had just about gotten to the car the bottom of the box
fell out and one of the cups popped out.
On each one there was a little man
with his hand out saying, "STOP
Booster Club (opposite page top from left) Becky
Netzer, Corky Nelson, Nancy Mann, Luann Anderson, Joan Bailey (row 2) Peggy Smith, Debi Burman, Allison Poltrock, Luann Kreuscher, Pam
Olson, Marty Berger (row 3) Jeri Bennett, Anne
Kavanaugh, Gay Phillipson, Judy Gosnell, Connie
Hylinski, Nancy Bloner. Key Club (opposite page
center from front) Bob Harper, Rick Kavalauskas,
Jay Lehman, Deve Merritt (row 2) Craig Kewining,
Jim DeFurio, Tom Carlson, Tim Nelson, Robert
Brookhouse, Rich Heyden, Tom VanCaster (row 3)
Bob Scholey, Ron Sebetic, Jeff Nebr, Scott Johnson, Mark Crawford, Bill Heyeden (row 4) Greg
Tremper Teens (top from front) Jenny Schultz,
Ellen Pedraza, Jill Duban, Diane England, Trina
Tiffany, Debbie Jensen, Char Studtman, Diane Kiffe!, Lynn Nelson (row 2) Pam King, Mary Gehring,
Pat Hansen, Ann Kuessow, Mimi Madrigrano,
Cindy Mathews, Diane Resch, Debbie Jensen,
Peady Covelli, Denise Romano, Rita Schultz, Colleen Riley, Jane Williams, Janet Whitefoot (row
3) Carol Morrison, Sandy Mantuano, Debbie Frame,
Lori Gulbransen, Diane Hulce, Kim Davenport,
Jean Brandt, Beth Kennedy, Renee Swiatko, Janet
Fonk, Cathy Slobodianuk, Leslie Czarnowski, Jodi
Phillipson (row 4) Gay Ellefson, Jean Banas, Diane
Larson, June Anderson, Laurie Jorgenson, Jane
Sipsma, JoAnn Dodge, Debbie Krohn, Sue Brandes,
Carol Knudsen, Mary Nieptupski, Donna Leys,
Gay Phillipson, Judy Gosnell. Tremper Teens
Officers (above, from front) Peady Covelli, Char
Studtman, Laura Boniface (row 2) Debbie Jensen,
Judy Gosnell, Leslie Czarnowski. (opposite page
bottom right) Diane Werwie thanks the Student
Body for their contributions to Key Club's Food
HCC Promotes
Student Interest
Q. Is F.T.A. a worthwhile club for anyone interested in becoming a teacher?
A. Yes. It serves it's purpose very well.
It helps you decide if you really want
to go into teaching.
Q. Is Sabres worthwhile?
A. Oh yea! It's a lot of fun. This year we
had lots of bakesales, a dance and a
raffle in the Spring. With money we
raised we adopted a child in India. We
sent 12 dollars a month to a little girl.
Q. What do you think about the general
concept of A.F .S. and its purpose?
A. It's a cool idea! Personally, I've had
a lot of fun trying to communicate with
our exchange students. They're funny.
Q. What did Homeroom Coordinating
Council do this year?
A. We held a checker tournament, a
turkey and pumpkin contest and a
Betty Crocker coupon drive to buy a
hydrolic lift bus for the Kenosha
Achievement Center.
Sabres (opposite page, top from left) Sandy Jones,
Cindy Brettingen, Marcia Pederson, Lori Lieneau,
Donna Cooper (row 2) Denise Blazewicz, Katie
Dibble, Cindy Olson, Linda Galdonik, Terry Dietman (row 3) Barbara Hayes, Peggy Lechner, Debbie Dietman, Diane Gamberini, Sallie Behnke.
FTA (opposite page, center from front) Betty Collins, Lori Gulbranson, Linda Buechner, Roxan
Wiersum (row 2) Sue Schlect, Debbie Frame, Janine Wimmer, Nancy Gebhart, (row 3) Jane Burgess, Judy Gregory, Sheryl Reuter, Cheryl Dieter,
Shawn McKuen. Homeroom Coordinating Council
(opposite page, left from front) Nancy Streck,
Monica Meyers, Candy Garcia, Debra Weiner,
Barb Durbin, Debbie Cummings, Gina Hansen, Tina
Lampos, Brenda Moses, Mary Owens (row 2)
Sherri Hall, Sue Frederickson, Jane Burgess,
Steve Hawkins, Sharon Docktor, Shirley Lahti,
Theresa Cuccanato, Cindy Meltesen (row 3) Tom
Aiello, Julie Krusa, Dale Drigot, Laurie Jorgenson,
Terrie Dietman, Carla Fisteler, Kathy Talley,
MaryJo Gerum, Barb Verbick (row 4) Janice Taylor, Jeff Sexton, Jeff Kofroth, Fred Tenuta, Joe
Orlowski, Bob Whitefoot, Tom Nolan, Joe Murphy,
Cary Rothman, Amy O'Connor. AFS (top from
left) Barb Spieker, Karen Paul (row 2) Jan
Christensen, Steve Mosher, Louis Webster, Hans
Ebert, Katie Burnett, Ebba Hom (row 3) Janine
Ciotti, Mary Cotton, Sue Wick, Tom Bemer, Diane
Werwie, Rita Pollock (row 4) Ava Martinez, Lisa
Glass, Leslie Miller, Diane Freeman, Giovanna
Benadusi, Terry Lanctot. Ebba and Giovanna share
a joke at the AFS picnic.
Many Join Club
and Spread Love
Q. Why did you join the Usher's Organi-
A. I just like ushering. It's cool to meet
all the people at the concerts we work
at. I guess you just have to be that
kind of person to take part in this
type of club.
Q. How do the kids at Jane Vernon as well
as the teachers respond to the efforts
of Project Love members?
A. The teachers seem to like the help.
They are very helpful and cooperative
with any ideas we may have in teaching a child. The kids are just fantastic!
They even look forward to our coming.
It's really rewarding to see a child
progressing. I work as a pool aide
and it just makes me feel good to help
a little kid who can't even walk or
swim across the pool.
Q. How is your organization doing?
A. Project Love is going very well and
attendance is growing. This year we
even had too many Tremper students
willing to join.
Q. What do you do as a Clinic Aide?
A. When patients come in we have them
fill out yellow sheets and have them
wait in the waiting room until the
nurse is ready to see them.
Q. How do you like being a Clinic Aide?
A. I like it because you get to meet a lot
of different people with a lot of different alibis about why they are sick.
Stage Crew (top from front) Cheryl Bernhardt,
Karen Barnhoft, Karen Gardner, Carla Serzant,
Pat Pearcy, Toni Zarletti, Mark Mercier (row 2)
Tim Reedy, Joel Bishop, Gary Knorn, Mike Meyer,
Rich Leccese, Dave Hackbarth, Jerry Tranburg,
Mark Adams, John Malkmus. Ushers (center from
front) Rexanne Smallwood, Margaret Jensen, Jean
Dunlap, Cathy Petersen, Janet Whitefoot (row 2)
Janice Whimmer, Cathy Neitzel, Sue Oberpriller,
Jane Burgess (row 3) Judy Gregory, Roxane
Wojcehowicz, Debi Burman (row 4) Ned Harper,
Mark Mercier.
Project Love (top from left) Debbie Huff, Lillian
Jensen, Barb Cheney, Jeanne Lubiewski, Anna
Jackson, Mary Freeman (bottom row) Dave Wiercinski, Phylis Grimes, Louise Lawler, Kathy Stanton, Dave Freeman. Project Love (center from
left) Kim Lawler, Debbie Krohn, (row 1) Kim
Gascoigne, Carol Meir, Debbie Koster (row 2)
Debbie Devine, Dawn Etzermuler, Bill Hebert,
Steve Durbin. Clinic Aides (right from left) Terri
Lanctot, Wanda Cooper, Cathy Irving (row 1)
Janice Ciotti, Sherry McLean, Sally Angelici.
Enthusiastic Girls
Lead Battle Cries
Q. What was new with the Cheerleaders
this year?
A. Not much was different, actually. We
were really busy though. All three of
our squads were cheering every week
at one sport event or another. At
times this year it got pretty discouraging to yell your lungs out to a crowd
that just wouldn't cheer.
Q. How well do you cheerleaders get along
with each other?
A. Really great. We've had a lot of fun
times together.
Q. How much do the cheerleaders know
about the various sports they cheer at?
A. Oh we've got to have a basic understanding of all the sports. We know
that in football it doesn't sound to
great to yell, "First and ten; Do it
again," when the defensive has the
Sophomore Cheerleaders (opposite page; top, from
front) Cathy Ellefson (row 2) Wendy Quick, Jane
Cowen, Nancy Nelson (row 3) Kay Pruett, Donna
Batassa. Varsity Cheerleaders (opposite page,
bottom, from front) Lynn Fox, Jill Giorderno (row
1) Cheryl Dieter, Kathy Collins, Debbie Kelley,
(row 2) Karen Roseth. Varsity Cheerleaders (top,
from front) Peggy Pitts, Sherry Meltesen (row 2)
Kim Peterson, Pam Sorenson (row 3) Cheryl Van
Dyke, Pam Kelly.
Clubs Supply and
Help School Spirit
Q. How do you like Trojanettes?
A. It's nice to get to know so many girls
you would not of known otherwise. At
times I feel that we work real hard
and no one even appreciates it. The
students just laugh.
Q. Do you do anything else in Trojanettes
as a group besides routines?
A. We had a sleepover at Debbie Darracott's, in the fall and we made a float
with the lettermen.
Q. How do you like being in Lettermen's?
A. I like it fine. You get into all the
games free and you get a free steak
dinner at the end of the year.
A. Well, Lettermen's Club is really something like the Honor Society for Jocks.
It's an honorary thing. We don't do all
that much at meetings. This year we
sponsored a dance in October for the
school and built a float with Trojanettes.
Trojanette Officers (opposite page center) Cheryl
Pfleuger and Terry Conforti. Trojanettes (opposite
page top from front) Cathy Vena, Linda Vanderpool,
Mary Vena, Roxane Wojcehowicz, Pat Brown, Denise Romano, Cheryl Pfleuger, Leigh Pheiffer,
Deb Darracott, Janine Wimmer, Jill Duban, Nancy
Andrews (row 2) Theresa Zanotti, Val Adams,
Ann Speaker, Judy Ledanski, Bonnie Wieski, Lori
Schuck, Amy Northard, Diane Halpin, Darlene Petrelli, Cindy Johnson (row 3) Sue Schlect, Jolie
Harris, Vickie Althoff, Loretta Springer, Cindy
Holland, Renee Rasico, Faye Jackson, Betty Collins (row 4) Diane Kiffe!, Terry Conforti. Lettermen (top from front) Rico Savaglio, Joe Landers,
Bob Saftig, Mike Nelson, Jeff Rathjen, Cary Rothman, Jon Strecker, Rich Heyden, Darrell Pickerign, Ray Maki (row 2) Lester Zirbel, Tom Palmer,
John Malkmus, Rob Hansen, Gary Pellegrino,
Steve Whitt, Bill Martell, Tom Nolan, Keith Johnson, Fred Tenuta, John Strange, Bill Heppner.
(center from front) Shaun McConnell, Tom Rutchik, Jeff Sexton, Tom Rutchik, Dave Merritt,
Steve Johnson, Ron Fink, Dennis Ruhle, Bill Gately,
Anthony Davis, Dave Slobodianuk, Tom Baljeshil,
Scott Haarbauer. (row 2) Ray Gross, Tom Beth,
Kim Lawler, Rich Baron, Paul Robertson, Craig
Stewart, Bob Norcross, Dave Johnson, Paul Nelson,
Tom Hopkins, Bill Irving, Tom Klappa (row 3)
Mike Englund, Robin Spitzer, John Guelzow, Dick
Feckler, Bill Johnson, Curtis Tolfree, John Lehman, Roger Gename, Gary Larson, John Nowell,
Jim Hacker, Bob Baron, John Hollingsworth, Steve
Robers. (above from front) Brian Althoff, Jim
Sunday, Byron Dunn, Scott Hoda!, Bob Brookhouse,
Tom Grabot, Dave Singer, Tim Nelson (row 2) Joe
Ludwig, Keith Loss, John Ivy, Jim Bullock, Mike
Mattner, Bob Reiley, John Baker, (row 3) Allen
Edwards, Bob Whitefoot, Jim Miller, Rade Dimeittrejevic, Tim Aker, Matt Bisciglia, Scott McNab,
Steve Olufs.
Concert Band (top from left) Jean Brandt, Pat Henningfeld, Lisa Rohrer, Debbie Riggle, Betsy Vogel,
Carol Warner, Diane Braun, Janis Kroholm, Tim
Davenport, Nancy Kasputis, Judy Hlavata, Beth
Mackey (row 2) Eric Anderson, Sandy Ogren, Cindy
Winans, Linda Welch, Mark Toigo, Rae Ann Kevek,
Diane Larsen, Barb Kolstead, Jane Williams, Karen
Putman, Mary Ironside, Kim Simpkins, Mary Johnson, Richard Dart, Linda Laurenzi, Jeannie Timm
(row 3) Vicki Pfeifer, Karen Gerlach, Debbie Cantwell, Colleen Riley, Jane Sipsma, Dan Plutchak,
Beth Kennedy, Scott Deerwester, Jane Hosmanek,
Renee Whitt, Lynn Nelson, Jerry Grimmer, Dan
Larsen, Dale Gamberini, Ed Tutas, Bob Hadler,
Ken Kaeppler, Ron Stevens (row 4) Barb Nelson,
Teresa Neu, Sandy Burkoth, Sandy Olsen, Debbie
Massa, Mike Mathis, Barb Hagen, Pat Reems,
Philip Post, David Kramer, James Zuhlcke, Robert
Meyers, Paul Cailliet, Scott McPherson, Neil Harmon, John Dumke (row 5) David Bromstead, Thomas
VanCaster, Byron Dunn, Mark Tillack, Joe Ludwig.
Music Enthusiasm
Strikes Tremper
Q. Why is Band so important to you?
A. It's great to be able to be involved and
see everyone else around you so involved, too.
Q. Well, what have you done in Band this
A. In July, we went on a trip to Windsor,
Canada. After a concert there we went
to Niagara Falls. We also played at the
Wisconsin State Fair in August and attended Band Camp at St. John's Military Academy in Oconomowac. In addition we performed in the annual
Tremper Band concerts and produced
the spring Variety Show, "A Breath
of French Air.''
Symphonic Band (above from left) Carolyn Schiller,
Mary Robinson, Laura Bagnall, Cathy Slobodianuk,
Debbie Wollert, Mary Miller, Mary Nietupski,
Charlotte Studtmann, Karen Becker, Julie Hoganson,
Pam King, Louise Newman, Nancy Gray, Rita Pollock (row 2)
Jackie Kollman, Sandy Dart, Laurie Gerlach, Bruce Hammond,
Nancy Fischer, Pam Hansen, Andy Davis, Tom VanBoven,
Heidi Pratzer, Kathy Cords, Sue Podella, Honor Stephens,
Randy Ollila, Loren Woodman, Rick Misch, Doreen Andersen,
Karen Johnson, Debbie Koroscki, Rita Schultz, Steve Timm
(row 3) Karen Holland, Sandy Mantuano, Mike Banerdt, Jan
Christensen, Barb Schwaiger, Brian !setts, Tom Hopkins, Jeff
Kaeppler, Paul Rugg, John Welch, John Johnson, Jack Louks,
Rick Smith, Jay Serpe, Scott Johnson, Malcolm Garren, Andy
Breach, Jeff Kolkmann, Steve Whitt, Gary Josephson, Steve
Torcaso, Karen Derwae, Sue Olson, Laura Boniface, Cindy
Ford (row 4) Leslie Larson, June Lubniewski, Wayne Westplate, Ray Millholland, Joan Marschner, Sherry Nelson,
Thomas Grabot, Doug Haney, Klindt Lindquist, Steve Hagen,
Doug Jackson, Jeff Bulik, Don Hanson, Louis Mattioli, Jim
Pollard, Tim Reedy, Keven Frieman, Robert Trapp, Tom Dahl,
Rick Leccese, Barb Norcross, Dave Slobodianuk, Tony Mantuano, Russell Borchardt (row 5) Robert Schuetz, Ken Reed,
Vic Puidokas, Rob Hansen, Dave Lang. Stage Band (opposite
page, center left from front) Erik Andersen, Scott Dekok,
Nancy Kasputas, Linda Welch, Dennis Frame (row 2) Scott
Davenport, Ron Stevens, Bob Hadler, Ken Meidinger, Ken Frie
(row 3) Jim Zuhlkee, Tom Hopkins, Scott Johnson, Brian Issetts, Joe Ludwig, Mark Tillack. Colorguard (opposite page,
bottom from left) Mimi Madrigrano, Carole Morrison, Jacy
Davidson, Beth Bellaver, Jenny Schultz, Jane Posselt, Debbie
Wallig, Peggy Morris, Eileen Vaux, Julie Brummel, Debbie
DeAngelis, Kim Chiodo, Kristy Sorensen, Gaye Belliveau, Sergeant, Jazz Ensemble (center right from front) Ray Millholland,
Jeff Kolkman, Rick Dart, Don Hanson, Dave Schmidt (row 2)
Bruce Hammond, Dave Slobodianuk, Tony Mantuano, Russ
Borchardt, Bob Trapp, Klindt Lindquist (row 3) Paul Rugg, Jack
Louks, Rick Smith.
Students Express
Musical Talent
Q. How do you like Orchestra?
A. Orchestra is enjoyment. I don't really
like the concert itself but there's a
certain satisfaction in knowing you can
play Tchaikovsky's Fourth.
A. Orchestra is a lot of hard work and
drudgery. It takes a lot of patience to
sit and listen to the basses trying to
get their part.
A. I love it. It gives me a real good feeling
to perform before people.
Q. What is the spirit like in Orchestra?
A. Everyone loves and has pride in their
A. 99% of all the people in Orchestra
really like it and are dedicated. They
get their whole selves into it.
Q. Has anything embarrasing ever happened to you?
A. Once in the middle of a number my
bridges collapsed. I mean my violin
bridge just popped!
(right) Joel Bishop speaks for the entire Orchestra
when he thanks Dr. Lucien Cailliet for guest directing this year's Winter concert. (opposite page)
Violinists finally get a chance to show their talents
after long hours of practice.
Symphonic Orchestra (above from left) Joel Bishop,
Jane Milliken, Kay Pruett, Kathy Sheehan, James
Ott, Albert Cortese, Kris Reuter, Kathy Grota (row
2) Nick Seeger, Linda Tutas, Becky Netzer, Heather
Reed, Bonnie Frederich, Claudia Goergen, Leisa
Glass, Doris Grimes, Robert Gregory, Ken Scharneck, Phillip Hansen, Janice Westplate (row 3) Marita Feld, John Tredon, Jeff Myers, Lynn Tenuta,
Beth Johnson, Janet Lettrich, Jeanne Taffs, Amy
Werve, Denise Romano, Carol Kreuscher, Carolyn
Schiller, Laura Bagnall, Debra Wollert, Mary Nietupski, Ava Martinez, Linda Chatterton, David Harris, Rita Ramacci, Chester Sanders, Renee Bedford,
John Laurin, Scott Patterson (row 4) Tom Macak,
Richard Burden, Kevin Green, Lucy Simpkins, Carol
Berenson, Tom Roiniotis, Julie Sorensen, Elizabeth
Vogler, Nancy Gebhart, Nick Campolo, Nancy Gann,
Dorie Mueller, Diane Larson, Pat Hansen, Sandra
Dart, Jackie Kollman, Mike Banerdt, Laurie Gerlach, Cindy Ford, Steve Timm, Debbie Koroscick,
Rita Schultz, Jim Maurer, Charles DuBois, Eric
Ebeling, Cindy Chatterton, Phyllis Albrecht (row 5)
Roger Young, Robert Wells, Becky Proulx, Kathy
Reuter, James Zaubowlski, Ann Krulatz, Jeff Settano, Jill Wiersig, Susan Eisenhauer, Susan Vikmyhr, Linda Brown, Andrew Davis, Tom VanBoven,
Loren Woodman, Heidi Pratzer, Kathy Cords, Jack
Louks, John Welch, John Johnson, Paul Rugg, Russ
Borchart, Tony Mantuano, Barb Norcross, Robert
Trapp, Steven Hagen, Karen Warner, Kim Anderson (row 6) Rita Roberts, Werner Kant, Shari
Lyons, Mark McDonald, Karen Noel, Cindy Brennan, Bob Schuetz, Vic Puidokas, Dave Lang, John
Welch, Rob Hansen, Ken Reed, Mr. Nosal, Jim Hill,
Jim Martin, Jim Nolen, Steve Mosher, Dave
Schmidt, Mike Hennessy, Jan Christensen.
Bowlers (top from front) Scott McPherson, Mike
Meyer, Fred Pastorek, Lester Zirbel, Kevin McDonald, John Vagnoni, (row 2) Kenneth Medinger,
John Stewart, Tom Jones, Rich Wirch, Craig Stewart, (row 3) Kai Kostreva, Jim Hammond, William Soens, Hans Ebert, Steve Johnson, Lou Molitor. CAA Bowlers (center from front) Barb McBride, Barb Stollings, Peggy Albert, Sherie Williams, Shirley Patterson, Debbie McConothy, Lynette Strunk, Janice Gielas, Linda Johnson, Rosemary Savaglio (row 2) Mary Ann Wilson, Pam
Gorra, Diann Jensen, Amy Northard, Lynn Servias,
Sue Clausen, Linda Boehme, Michele Flatley,
Elizabeth Moore, Denise Johnstone, Debbie Molinaro, Julie Humphrey, Cindy Schal (row 3) Sue
Barrows, Mary Schuch, Delorie Biehl, Grace Wilson, Linda Jensen, Kim Benik, Jackie Pfieffer,
Mary Miller, Kathy Becker, Laura Ortiz, Roberta
Young, Debbie Manlick, Lee Ann Dibble, April
Faulkner, Phillis Tutlewsky, (row 4) Joanne Hasslinger, Kathy Hawes, Patty Ripp, Pam Nelson,
Terry Smith, Lynn George, Jeanne Schaafsman,
Mary Becker, Darlene Nelson, Mary Siepler,
Kathy Sinule, Jan Roemer, Carla Larson, Pat
Becker, Kathy Weber. Sophomore CAA (opposite
page, top from front) Lynn Nelson, Linda Johnson,
Donna Batassa, Debbie Riggle, Rhoda Backer (row
2) Sandy Ogran, Pat Rheaume, Eva Garza, Kaye
Pruitt, Amy Morthard, Jan Gielas, Phyllis Tutlewski, Debbie McConathy, Vickie McBride, Sherre
Williams, Debra Wyosnick (row 3) Ann Krulatz,
Linda Matella, Jean Camosy, Barb Cords, Linda
Jensen, Jean Brandt, Diane Jensen, Nancy Collins,
Kathy Becker, Barb Colstan, Jeanne Tafts, Mary
Smith, Jenny Schultz, Cindy Schale (row 4) Maria
Guitterez, Denis Johnstone, Shelia Reignerie,
Lynne Servais, Sandy Flesch, Jill Hartnell, Jackie
Pfeiffer, Cathy Pocius, Mary Petersen, Sue Clausen, Karen Chiapetta, Sue Grund, Joanne Hasslinger, Elizabeth Moore, Debra Wiener, Lynette
Strunk (row 5) Chris Callahan, Jeanne Hopkins,
Theresa Neu, Kim Benik, Jane Cowen, Nancy
Jeanne Schaafsman, Barb Schubert, Mary Vecker,
Jane Sipsma, Donna Leys, Lynn George, Diane
McGragon, Karen Cicchini, Cheryl Merten. Junior
CAA (opposite page, center from front) Debra
Stebbins, Margaret Hansen, Peggy Morris, Rita
Ramacchi, Karen Paul, Barb Speiker, Darlene
Hunt, Linda Fisher, Barb Stollings (row 2) Mary
Kim Ott, Kie Schmidt, Dorrie Thompson, Rita
Roberts, Kathy McBride, Kathy Becker, Beatrice
Molitor, Phyllis Spenser, Jane Posselt, Darlene
Petrelli (row 3) Lori Gerlach, Cindy Chatterton,
Sue Kalvonjan, Sue Wick, Julie Hoganson, Ellen
Hammond, Jane Seavitte, Michele Flatley, Sue
Barrows, Ellen Bergquist, Delorie Biel, Regina
Tolfree, Lori Chapek (row 4) Linda Buechner,
Charlene Michelson, Janet Vogelman, Faye Vergenz, Marsha Hubbard, Debbie Phillips, Jane
Kapers, Patty Ripp, Tami Benik, Gwen Cornell,
Rita Ennis, Diane Freeman, Barb Wurzer, Anne
Jackson. Senior CAA (opposite page, bottom from
front) Shirley Patterson, Jan Meyers, Kathy Cords,
Kim Simonsen (row 2) Mary Schuck, Amy Werve,
Lynn Greco, Judy Hagberg, LuAnn Boehme, Corrine Nelson (row 3) Debbie Larson, Marty Wade,
Pam Olson, Chris Paschall, Ebba Horn, Jan
Roemer, Jerelyn Bennett (row 4) Gerri Mueller,
Kathy Sinkule, Jackie Kollman, LuAnn Kreuscher,
Marilyn Shubert, Darlene Nelson, Connie Hylinski,
Diane Gary.
Club Works for
European Holiday
Q. How do you like French Club?
A. Not very much. There are only two
guys that belong.
Q. Why did you join Spanish Club?
A. It's interesting, the members are fun
to get along with and it's an outlet for
my energy.
Q. What did you do this year in German
A. In March we started sponsoring cartoons in the auditorium at noon. They
went over really well. With the money
we earned from the cartoons and
monthly bake sales, we hope to take a
trip to Germany in the summer of '73.
Q. What do you get out of French Club?
A. Through it you learn alot more of the
customs. French Club is just something additional to classroom studies.
I think it's very beneficial to me because I plan to take French in college.
Q. What was the best thing you did in
German Club this year?
A. Towards the beginning of the year we
adopted a 93 year old gentlemen at the
Washington Nursing Home. He seemed
very lonely; because he couldn't speak
anything but German. We were able to
talk to him and he really enjoyed our
visits. For us it was a lot of fun hearing him talk about how Hitler was a
Spanish Club (top right from left) Eva Garza,
Marie Gutierrez, Pam Neuman (row 2) Peggy DeWitt, Diane Jensen, Sherree Williamson (row 3)
Janet Wynstra, Cathy Pocius, Jackie Pfeiffer,
Anne Pedersen, Linda Jensen, Carol Misurelli
(row 4) Jeanne Schaafsman, Jane Burgess, Barb
Burgess, Barb Schubert. German Club (right from
front) Marita Feld, Laura Lachenschmidt, Sharon
Weber (row 2) Dorrie Muller, Kathy Grota, Darlene Hunt, Nita Bitter (row 3) Sue Johnson, Claudia
Goergen, Delores Becker, Cathy Albert (row 4)
Bob Erdmann, Sharon Koehler, Scott Ladwig,
Sandy Dart, Randy Koch (row 5) Jim Maurer, Jim
Stavlo, Hans Ebert, David Tate. French Club (opposite page top from left) Monica Meyers, Sandy
Ogren, Elaine Klemens, Debbie Byom, Jolie Harris (row 2) Jean Brandt, Janet Westermen, Cindy
Chatterton, Sue Coshun, Kathy Kalcic, Ellen Bergquist, Laurie Schuck, Patricia Heningfeld (row 3)
Karen Holland, Jean Taffs, Debbie Ives, Nancy
Boyle, Jane Nolting, Jill Bonney, Linda Curtis,
Marla Kazell, Melanie Hansen, Lori Chapek (row
4) Mary Nietupski, Eleanor Wilcox, JoAnn Dodge,
Linda Vanderpool, Bob Huckstep, Jim Hacker,
Roxane Wojcehowicz, Cheryl Pflueger, Debbie
Krohn, Connie Newberry, Gina Caputo. (opposite
page right) Miss Covelli makes use of the Language Lab to aid one of her students. (opposite
page left) French Club's contribution to Winterama
was a wine bottle.
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Clubs Investigate
New Techniques
Q. What's Math Club like?
A. It's just a group of kids interested in
Mathematics, who want to spend more
time working on math than spent in a
'class. You know, in a class you touch
over many different areas but if one
particular thing, like solving equations,
or graphing interests you, you miss out.
Through math club you can pick up these
points and explore them.
Q. Why did you start an Art Club?
A. Through Art Club we can do things we
wouldn't normally do in class. We decide what we want to do and do it for
the sake of fun in a relaxed atmosphere.
Q. What's Art Club like?
A. Well it's pretty small and very friendly. This year we planned a lot of projects and a trip to the Chicago Art
Institute. At winterama we sponsored
the Body Painting booth.
Art Club (top from left) Jeff Schmidt. Jim Siepler,
Mike Hamers, Armin Kelly (row 2) Cheri Weber,
Mary Cotton, Giovanna Benadusi, Diane Zanotti,
Louise Lawler (row 3) Georganna Landa, Connie
Hylinski, Jan Roemer, Ruby Flores, Terri Woods,
JoAnne Momper, Mr. Obertin. Math Club (right
from left) Eric Carpenter, Debra Strand, Les
Zirbel (row 2) Jerry MacDonald, Jeanne Vedder,
Tom Berner (row 3) Mark Havranek, Rick Kopp,
Bob Devine.
Political Science
Attracts Interest
Q. This year more students got involved
in club projects outside of school. What
did you do?
A.' The Political Science Organization was
formed in January. It was a great opportunity for students to become involved in politics. About fifty students
campaigned in the presidential primaries and arranged for some of the
candidates representatives to speak
Q. What Did Ecology Club do this year?
A. Ecology Club cleaned up the environment. We collected paper for recycling.
Our homecoming float was built of recyclable paper, cans and bottles. We
collected Christmas trees for windbreaks at Bong Air Base. In the spring
we planted legumes there to control
Political Science Club (top from left) Candy Garcia, Trina Tiffany, Lorrie Laken, Felicia Blasi,
Giovanna Benadusi, Peggy Burditt, Linda Manning
(row 2) Gwen Clark, Tom Berner, Gilbert Millholland, Larry laquinta, Pete Shearer, John Tredon,
Wayne Shisler, Debbie Siegel (row 3) Marilyn
Schubert, Bob Fay, Kai Nall, Jim Pias, Terry Richter, Louis Webster, Kathy McFadden. Ecology Club
(above from left) Debbie Strand, William Noble,
Gwen Clark, Rich Berenson, Linda Manning, Kathy
Clubs Encourage
Student Activities
Q. How
well is the school darkroom
A. We're pretty well stocked with quite a
few different kinds of paper. The school
also has a "Pentax", that members of
the club can use.
Q. Fencing is a relatively new interest at
Tremper. What is it about fencing that
appeals to you?
A. It's a fight and it's competitive. You
can relieve all your tensions by fencing.
A. Fencing is a brain sport. There are
very few sports that demand more
brains than brawn. In a sense it's more
of an art than a sport.
Q. What is Weight Training?
A. Weight Training is an Intramural program offered to boys not out for a winter sport. After enduring rigorous
training for six weeks, including a lot
of lifting, calisthenics and speed
sprints, the boys were rewarded with
bigger and stronger muscles and a better all-around physical condition.
Fencing (opposite page, top from left) Debbie
Dowse, Lori Chapek, Michele Linderman, Kathy
Yore (row :l) tlyron Dowse, Judy Orlowski, Tim
Simpson (row 3) Colleen Riley, Ned Harper, Lisa
Rohr (row 4) Carol Warner, Diane Larson. Weight
Training (opposite page, center from left) Pete
Morey, Don Kloet, Mike Noel, Dale Gamberini,
Mike Beilke, Jamie King (row 2) Kelly White, John
Hartle, Bill Buege, Jerry Steele, Marc Toigo, John
Bernacchi, Dan Milkent, Dave Dorn (row 3) David
Kunnath, Ron Andro, Bob Stuckey, Jerry Steele,
Ray Gross, Jeff Pechura, Greg Patti, Don Tinker.
Aviation (opposite page, bottom from left) David
Harris, Pam Gorra, Ken Frei (row 2) John Baker,
Dave Bernhoft, Ned Harper, Harvey Hedden.
Graphic Arts (above from left) Mike Behr, Rae
Sniatynski, Mark LaBuy, Mr. DeHart (row 2) Brian
Williams, Randy Donais, Tim Reedy, Ray Maki
(row 3) Bob Pileski, Dan Ehlert, Jim Brown (row
4) Bill Soens, Mike Mockus, Rick Pace, Tony
Marciniak. Photography Club (above from left)
Brian Williams, Jill Hartnell, John Vagnoni, Scott
Deerwester, Cheryl Merten, Bob Gregory (row 2)
Jim McGough, Jim Baternik, Jim Singer, Paul
Common Interest
Unites Members
Q . Why did you get involved with the Bible
Study Club at Tremper?
A. I liked the idea of getting together with
my classmates and having meaningful
and open discussions about this subject,
discussions without a form of leader or
speaker standing before you and handing out his bdiefs.
Q. As a member of Black Culture Club, do
you feel the club is worthwhile?
A. Yes I do! It's one way of letting peoplewhite people know what we black kids
are doing.
Q. What events did the Black Culture Club
sponsor this year?
A. We looked into the possibilities of obtaining a black counselor and coach for
the school next year and investigated
the scholarship opportunities available
to deserving black students.
Q. How well did the Aquette show go this
A . Our show "The Storyteller" went
pretty well. We spent months preparing
for the show and we had to practice
just about every night from 6:00-10:00.
It was a lot of hard work but it was
worth it.
Aquettes (opposite page, top from left) Jeanne Vedder, Jean Seavitte, Kathy Cords, Gayle Wallig, Pam
Gorra, Char Studtman, Jann Dunham (row 2) JoAnne
Haslinger, Giovanna Benadusi, Lisa Borggren,
Kathy Becker, Rita Pollock, Sue Wick, Julie Hoganson, Cheryl Fonk, Jeanne Hopkins (row 3) Carolyn
Shiller, Ellen Hammond, Linda Chatterton, Janis
Clark, Jane McPhaul, Liz Mancuso, Debbie Robinson, Janice Helwig (row 4) Fay Bergens, Ebba
Horn, Terry Wermeling, Katie Burnett, Lynn Tenuta, Alison Poltrock, Jan Christensen. Aquettes
Officers (opposite page, right from front) Terry
Wermeling, Katie Burnett, Jan Christensen (row 2)
Janice Helwig, Jeanne Vedder, Jann Dunham.
Bible Study Club (top from left) Jocele Hunt, Darlene Hunt, Kathy Grota, Loren Woodman, ::sue
Swartz, Stephanie Baker (row 2) Alan Bolyard,
Kevin Green, Kai Kostreva. Black Culture Club
(above from left) Jackie Turner, Diane Brownlee,
Diane Marks, Fya Jackson, Brenda Jefferies, Nadine Turner (row 2) Regina Tolfree, Bruce Dunn,
Pat Varnell, Diane Gary, Florinda Bryant, Doug
Jackson, Ramona Dunn (row 3) Annie Jackson, Lawrence Varnell, Mimlor Coleman, Ricky Davis, Curt
Tolefree, Doris Grimes.
A Capella (top from front) Sue McDonald, Becky
Netzer, Kathy Reuter, Debbie Kelley, Lori Kiffel,
Renee Baker, Debbie Ives, Cindy Ford (row 2) Ramona Knapp, Lisa Gourley, Mary Robinson, Michele Ellsworth, Becky Quick, Gay Phillipson,
Sandy Raddatz, Kris Goff, Carole Weiss (row 3) Liz
Vogler, Julie Rovik, Wayne Westplate, Jeff Smith,
Mike Cassity, Rory Milligan, Jim Ballard, Gary
Taft (row 4) Glen Reimer, Louie Mattioli, Richard
Rothrock, Tom Jorgenson, John Ryshkus, Ken
Holmes, Mike Levonowich, Scott DeKok. (top from
front) Pam Kelly, Cheryl Fonk, Giovanna Benadusi,
Melanie Hansen, Pam Sorensen, Kris Reuter, Chris
Coates, Rosemary Savaglio (row 2) Cheryl Pflueger,
Melanie lgnjatovic, Ebba Horn, Jodi Phillipson,
Judy Gosnell, Janis Robinson, Nyla Hanson, Camille
Warrender (row 3) Mark Holt, Steve Schwartz,
Dennis Hoff, Keith Andersen, Andy Knickrehm, Tom
Ceschin, Liz Vogler, Vicki Chatterton (row 4) Bob
Scholey, Jeff Gray, George Joanis, Mike Pfeiffer,
Tom Scuglik, Keven Kalcic, Mac Huff. Choraliers
(center from front) George Joanis, Carole Weiss,
Wayne Westplate, Rosemary Savaglio, Chris
Coates, Jeff Smith, Kris Reuter, Andy Knickrehm,
Lori Kiffel, Gary Taft (row 2) Melanie lgnjatovic,
Keith Anderson, Mary Robinson, Louis Mattioli,
Melanie Hansen, Mark Holt, Vicki Chatterton, Keven
Kalcic, Michele Ellsworth, Mike Cassity, Jodi Phillipson, Jim Ballard, Ramona Knapp, Tom Scuglik,
Becky Quick, Scott DeKok. (opposite page, left)
Mark Holt introduces the Choraliers next summer.
(opposite page, right) Mac Huff provides accompaniment for the A Capella Choir.
Choirs Maintain
Hectic Schedule
Q. How busy were the Choraliers this
A. For about a 3 week period before
Christmas we had on the average of 4
concerts per week. We maintained this
schedule right up to the 23rd of December. We continued to have engagements afterwards along with the weekly
three hour practices.
Q. How much work is required for A Cappella?
A. We attend our daily class periods and
are expected to practice on our time.
The work always picked up before concerts. For three weeks before our
spring tour to Northern Wisconsin,
Minnesota, and Iowa, we practiced over
ten hours a week.
Choirs Struggle
to Learn Melodia
Q. What do you think makes a good choir?
A. The director makes a big difference.
Our director is pretty good. The choirs
at Tremper wouldn't be much without
him. He's always telling those sick
jokes. At times he can be very temperamental and demanding. But he still
knows what he is doing and is able to
get a great song to be proud of.
Q. Do you enjoy singing?
A. Oh yeah, I really love singing. And besides, through choir you get a chance
to meet new kids by going to the contest in February and at the Spring Festival.
A. Those Melodia classes are for the
birds. We have to give up our homerooms just to go and get nervous singing in front of Mr. Chalgren.
Girls Choir (top from front) Sandy McDonald, Debbie Picken, Pam Gorra, Robin Thiel, Diane Menden,
Debbie Littiken, Nancy Hackworthy, Mary Ann
Childers (row 2) Jill Liljestrom, Anne Kavanaugh,
Ellen Kavanaugh, Diane Brownlee, Sue Harper, Sue
Hill, Mary Pollock, Terri Formella (row 3) Charlene Michelson, Marie Zarletti, Marsha Hubbard,
Sue Milliken, Jean Bromstead, Karin Jorgensen,
Rita Schultz, Paula Vidas (row 4) Sally Schmit,
Debi Brandt, Debbie Williams, Beth Speaker, Patti
Boyce, Sharon Flippo, Connie Newberry, Ann
Speaker (absent) Delorie Biel, Carol Lachman, April
Fischback, Cheri Weber, Ronda Andreucci. Girls
Choir (opposite page, top from front) Mary Ann
Owens, Margaret Hansen, Sue Briggs, Candy Garcia, Terri Woods, Faye Jackson, Debbie Hebior
(row 2) Beatrix Molitor, Debbie Brockway, Barb
Hanson, Dianne Marks, Ellen Bergquist, Honor
Stephens, Vickie Butteri, Laurie Vincent (row 3)
Janet Westerman, Debbie Robinson, Jane Nolting,
Sue Jenkins, Ruth Brunner, Linda VanTubbergen,
Vickie Leiting (row 4) Linda Kreuser, Jan Vogelman, Sue Oberpriller, Beth Wallace, Dawn Smith,
Kathy Scharp, Robin Brennen, Kim Desotell. Varsity Mixed Choir (opposite page, center from front)
Peggy Cassity, Debbie Wyosnick, Marilyn Fechner,
Betty Oritz, Cathy Schockley, Janice Mengo, Eva
Garza, Mary Ann Wilson, Michele Rondeau, Judy
Putnam (row 2) Caryn Cross, Roberta Young, Ann
Keussow, Sharon Koehler, Mary Pritchard, Becky
Williams, Annie Jackson, Joanne Hasslinger, Sheree
Millhouse, Carol Kerner, Linda Zarletti (row 3)
Tom Johnston, Jim Speaker, Kai Kostreva, Dennis
FitzGerald, Tom Speaker, Jeff Jacobs, Bill Thomas,
Dave Harris, Gene Aker, Clayton Trottier (absent)
Bob Studdard, Dennis Wegeman, Willie Davis, Kris
Martin, Dave Schmitt. (above) Sophomore Choir
waits patiently to begin their next number.
Sophomore Choir (above from front) Debbie Gorra,
Andrea Nelson, Janet Wynstra, Beth Mackey, Carol
Kreuscher, Cindy Griffin, Linda Vanderpoel, Judy
Orlouski, Janet Rovik, Jane Meyer, Barb Dorff, Judi
Gregory, Ann Pedersen (row 2) Joi Rafter, Linda
Falduto, Paula Staude, Missy Kobrow, Linda Runge,
Cindy Rampart, Peggy Maekde, Diane Brown, Margie Tetzlaff, Julie Harris, Nancy Kreuser, Laurie
Larson (row 3) Lisa Riccio, Lori Schuck, Mel
Curio, Eileen Chaput, Laurie Thornberg, Jane Hosmanek, Bev White, Roxann Radtke, Sandy Spiers,
Karen Putman, Barb Durbin, Sue Duchac, Lynette
Strunk (row 4) Jean Camosy, Tony Zarletti, Steve
Booth, Dan McDermott, Ron Carmicheal, Dave Mengo, Dave Bachmann, Mark Schalk, Larry Fish, Dave
Olsen, Gary Stancato, Dave Laurin (row 5) Robin
Nyquist, Jeff Louks, Tim Block, Steve Lacki, Mike
Petersen, Erik Adelsen, Jim McGough, Dough Hansen, George Pflueger, Art Leccese, Dan Milkent,
Jim Zuhlke, Mark Adam (absent) Scott Harris, Diane Evans, Dave Hoffman, Mark Gittens, Mark
Media Stimulates
Student Interest
Q. Waltonian was formerly called Echo.
Why did you change the name of your
A. With interest dwindling in the literary
magazine, there were only a few dedicated workers to put it together. That's
why we changed the name. We hoped to
stimulate more interest even though
many of us liked the name Echo just
as well.
Q. What kinds of programs did Radio produce this year?
A. Once a month we aired a show entitled,
"Album on the Way UP.! On this show
we would play and analyze an album
that was either new or was going to be
a big hit.
Q. What is the difference between the
Squall and the Tempest?
A. The Squall gave the news of the week in
a hurry. The Tempest was changed to
a magazine type style with less "hard
news" and more features.
Q. What would you say was the most successful show you produced this year?
A. The "Verne Schmale Show". It was
aired every Wednesday and through an
interview with Coach Schmale it would
review each Friday night football game.
Tempest (below from left) Judy SantoPaolo, Rich
Berensen, Diane Werwie, Janet Westerman, Marilyn Nelsen, Jane Hosmanek, Jocele Hunt, Vickie
Ricksecker, Mary Cotton, Jackie Turner, Debbie
Dowse (row 2) Jean Brandes, Gina Garramone,
Ellen Hammond, Jane Heckel, Joan Hosmanek,
Ebba Horn, Ron Taleronik, Linda Rende, Viv Borst,
Tom Aiello, Byron Dowse, Kathy Becker. Linda
Manning (row 3) Lynn George, Pat Brown, Jim
Pederson, Dan George, Pete Vernon, Dave Zebrowski, John Hollingsworth, Doris Grimes, Jim Singer,
Chuck Salituro, Ralph Selander.
Classic (opposite page, top from front) Sue Sniatynski, Charlene Tillman (row 2) Gail Thomas, Marie
Tillman (row 3) Ann Speaker, Diane Gary, Michele
Flatley (row 4) Jane Kappers, Cindy Meltesen, Rozanne Nelson (row 5) Louis Webster, Jim Pedersen,
Jim Singer (row 6) Pete Vernon, Betsy Schindler,
Dave Zebrowski (on top} Jackie Grasser, Tami
Benik. WGNT-TV (top from left) Diane Werwie,
Paul DeCesaro, David Engles, Sue Wick (row 2)
Kermit Hovey, Jim Hazelton, Jim Stavlo, George
Matic, Louis Webster. Waltonian (center from left)
Renee Baker, Debi Burman, Joe Furno (row 2) Tom
Berner, Sue Oberpriller, Peggy Smith (row 3)
Margaret Jensen, Marty Berger, Kai Kostreva
(row 4) Jean Dunlap. New Voice Radio (above from
left) Kermit Hovey, Tom Speaker, Diane Werwie,
Mark Shilts, Roger Young, Jim Stavlo.
Aides Prefer Job
to Free Periods
Q. Why did you become a hall monitor?
A. It's a lot better than staying in study
hall. I was pretty lucky because my
post was way down by the girls' gym.
When nobody was around I could go into the gym, and get the shuffleboard or
ping-pong equipment and play with the
monitor down the hall.
Q. Why did you become a Guidance Office
aide and what do you do?
A. We are there to alphabetize, staple,
and generally help out the secretaries
all that we can. I became a Guidance
Office aide because I like meeting all
the kids that come in.
Q. How do you like being a library aide?
A. I don't like coming in because we
never get to work behind the desk. You
have to shelve or dust. The best thing
about it is when I have overdue books
I don't have to pay fines and whenever
I do a paper I can get all the information I need.
Hall Monitors (top, from front) Debbie Moreland,
Kathy Yore, Marie Steele, Mark Skurski, Cindy
Tredup, Jane Seavitte, (row 2) Caryn Cross, Lorie
Vincent, Kathy Becker, Sue Lechner, Janet Katt,
Mary Gehring, JoMary Ruffalo (row 3) Linda Johnson, Randy Koch, Gary Taft, Anne Jackson, Greg
Patty, Terry Dietman, Dan Hobson. Hall Monitors
(center, from front) Tom Nolen, Larry Neitzel,
Dawn Smith, Leslie Czarnowski, Jim Sullivan,
Nancy Andrews, Peggy Lechner, Steve Whitt, Vic
Puidokas, Greg Simo (row 2) Matt Basiglia, Ray
Gross, Tom Beth, Craig Stewart, John Lehman,
Dave Johnson, Keith Johnson, Ken Reed, Willie
Davis, Shawn McConnell (row 3) Tony Mantuano,
Bob Stuckey, Curt Tolefree, Gary Sipsma, Robert
Pias, Mark Moganson, Russell Gename, Mark
Brewer, Bob Levonowicz, John Resykrs, Jeff Cantwell, Curt Waterstradt. A . V. Aides (bottom, from
front) Karen Nowell, Janis Clark, Mark Meyer,
Louise Lawler, Bonita Cochran, Chris Torkelson,
Mark Schak (row 2) Kevin Ott, Jim Stavlo, Bill
Jalensky, Bob Studdard, Rick Kopp, Scott Deerwester, Bruse Wilson, Dan O'Neil, Arnie Anderson,
Dennis Wegamen, Eric Carpenter, Sue Hill, Jon
Campolo, Lynn Merten, Faith Hartnell, Lori
Chapek, Mary Miller, Tim Reedy, Pat Pearcy,
Bill Bach. Library Aides (opposite page, top,
from front) Sheryll Merten, Kathy Albert, Debbie
McConathy, Nancy Kreuser, Debbie Usinger, Mary
Wallig (row 2) Jill Hartnell, Jane Burgess, Debbie
Koster, Debbie Williams, Kathy Bowen, Mary
Zamsky, Jackie Ball, (row 3) Jill Hartnell, Karen
Werner, Alan Lane, Renee Dreikfe, Don Hansen,
Linda Herr, Clifford Trottier, Peggy Pezdir, Sandy
Baumeister. Guidance Office Aides (opposite page
center, from front) Debbie Hebior, Sandy McDonald, Vickie Chatterton, Judy Ciotti, Sue McDonald
(row 2) Karen Holland, Sue Olson, Debbie Phillips,
Sue Sniatynski, Rita Ramacci, Pam King.
Course Initiates
Career Planning
Q. What is Distributive Education?
A. It's a two credit course where you
learn the skills required in a retailing
job. It's a darn good course. You have
a little pull with stores in the community if you've taken it and you pick
up a lot of handy information for making it in business. It is a course but in
a way it's a club with elected officers
and a relaxed atmosphere.
Q. Why did you take Distributive Ed?
A. I'm not one to sit around in study
halls. In Distributive Ed. I can get my
required credits and leave at noon.
Besides, like most of the kids I plan
to go into business someday. I have
big plans to start my own little business.
Distributive Ed. (top from left) Lynd! Dow, Gayle
Robertson, Beth Schofield, Mike Goetsch, Bruce
Bennett, Marta Kuczenski, Cathy Brown, Judy
Ciotti, Lynda Mutchler, Jim Tyson, James Brown,
JoAnn Swanson, Cheryl Nevoraski (row 2) Bill
Burke, Mark Kober, Curt Petri, Dave Becker,
Chuck Olson. (bottom) Debbie Krohn waits patiently for her blue readmit slip.
Driver's Ed. Aides (top from left) Cindy Mathews,
Bonita Cochran, Jane Hanna (row 2) Debbie Byom,
Janet Whitefoot, Gina Caputo, Pat Crump, Sara
McConell (row 3) Peady Covelli, Karen Holland,
Nancy Sexton, Nancy Gebhart (row 4) Sue Brandes,
Cheryl Fonk. Attendance Office Aides (above from
front) Diane Gary, Ann Stafford, Carol Knudson,
Felicia Blasi, Norma Steele, Leslie Jensen, Terry
Kellman, Debbie Thomas, Diane Englund, Ronda
Coss, Betsy Early, Jackie Greb, Lynn Fox, Sherry
Hall, Beth Pfeiffer, Dianne Marks.
Seniors Introduce
New Taste Treat
Q. What new projects did the Senior Class
initiate this year?
A. Of all the new activities introduced, the
spaghetti dinner was the most successful. We had a fantastic turnout, even
though the spaghetti lacked flavor. In
addition, our class decided that instead
of leaving behind a gift of no real value,
we would set a new precedent to follow.
Our gift this year was a donation of
$125.00 to the library and the same
amount to the stage crew. We felt these
gestures would benefit more people
than any of the previous senior gifts,
such as fountains, trees, monuments,
Q . How would you sum up your year with
the senior class?
A. The year was a good one even with all
its ups and downs; but that was to be
expected as everyone started branching
out into individually different interests
and activities.
Senior Class Officers (opposite page, from left)
Dave Tenuta, treasurer; Rob Hansen, president;
Linda Tutas, corresponding secretary; Tom Gehring, recording secretary; Bruce Pedersen, vice
president. Senior class advisory board (below,
from front) Tom Gehring, Mary Robinson, Melanie
lgnajotvic, Deb Darracott, Bruce Hammond (row 2)
Dave Tenuta, Carole Weiss, Gwen Clark, Mark
Mogensen (row 3) Steve Timm, Debbie Ives, Anne
Kavanaugh, Linda Tutas, Rob Hansen (row 4) Dale
Drigot, Marilyn Schubert, Cheryl Pfleuger, John
Nowell (row 5) Dino Gallo, Fred Tenuta.
~- " "'- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Adam, Valerie
Aiello, Thomas
Aldridge, Cheryl
Althoff, Vicki
In the End, the Little Things
Ancevic, Susan
Anderson, Kathleen
Anderson, Luann
Andrews, Nancy
Angelici, Sally
Antes, Irene
Atkinson, Sheila
Baas, Jeff
Babel, Melvin
Babino, Daniel
Bach, William
Bagnell, Laura
Bailey, Joan
Baker, Renee
Bammer, Benjamin
Banadinovic, Joseph
Banerdt, Michael
Bankhead, Diane
Barnes, Bruce
Barnett, Deborah
Meant More to Seniors
Barnett, Mark
Baron, Richard
Baron, Robert
Barton, Lars
Batassa, Daniel
Baternik, James
Bauer, John
Bauers, Debra
Baumeister, Deborah
Beck, Susan
Becker, David
Becker, Kent
Becker, Maren
Becker, Melanie
Becker, Patricia
Beecher, Carol
Five senior girls find the Cross Country meet a
good time to relax.
Bedford, Joann
Behling, Marie
Behncke, Irva
Behnke, Sarah
Belliveau, Gaye
Benadusi, Giovanna
Bennett, Jerelyn
Bennett, Vicki
Berenson, Richard
Berger, Martha
Berner, Thomas
Bernhoft, David
Overcrowding Strains Facilities
On the count of three start painting, Giovanna and
Beth Thomas
Betz, Jack
Bishop, Joel
Bittis, Michael
Blazewicz, Denise
Blaziewske, Thomas
Bloner, Nancy
Boehme, Luann
Bolyard, Alan
Boniface, Laura
Bonn, Randy
Booker, Edna
Bowen, Kathleen
Brandes, Dale
Brandes, Susan
Brewer, Mark
But Still No 3rd High School
Brockway, Deborah
Brothen, Michael
Brown, Bruce
Brown, Cathy
Brown, James
Brown, Thomas
Brudny, Robert
Brulport, Steven
Bryant, Vivian
Buchman, Jeffrey
Buckelew, Earl
Bulik, Jeffery
Bullock, Jerry
Burden, Richard
Burditt, Michael
Burke, William
Burman, Debra
Burnett, Katie
Butts, Ricky
Cantwell, Colleen
Cantwell, Jeffrey
Caputo, Gina
Carravetta, Micheal
Case, Wanda
Cheney, Barbara
Chiappetta, Deborah
Childers, Mary Ann
Chiodo, Carrie
Christensen, Jan
Churchill, William
Cibrario, Susan
Kathy Reigns Over Drive
Cigallio, David
Ciotti, Judith
Clark, Gwen
Clarke, John
Cline, Tony
Coates, Chris
Cobb, David
Conforti, Frank
Tremper seniors, Tom Gehring and Mike Banerdt,
are studying as usual.
Cooper, Wanda
Cords, Kathy
Coshun, Susan
Coss, Ronda
Costigan, John
Cotton, Mary
Coulter, Denia
Covelli, Geraldine
to "Put Park in Reverse''
Cowen, Earl
Cross, Timothy
Curnes, Carmalyn
Curtis, Linda
Pam . King and Marty Berger think this is almost
good enough to eat!
Cummings, Garrie
Czarnowski, Leslie
Dahl, Thomas
Daniels, Janice
Fink and Merritt Excel
Darracott, Deborah
Dart, Sandra
Davidson, Jacquin
David, Andrew
Davis, Anthony
Demoe, Deborah
Desideri, Cathy
Dezee, William
Dibble, LeeAnn
Diener, Todd
Desmonie, Patricia
Dow, Lyn di
Downey, Marlene
Drigot, Dale
Duban, Jill
Duerr, Luann
Dunlap, Jean
Dupont, Deborah
Dzian, Sandra
Ebert, Hans
Ecklor, Laura
Elmer, Ann
England, Diane
Englund, Michael
in Cross Country Competition
Enhoff, James
Erdmann, Robert
Faulkner, April
Fay, Robert
Feckler, Richard
Fedyzkowski, Elaine
Feld, Marita
Fenski, Donna
Fink, Ronald
Fitzgerald, June
Flad, Elizabeth
Flannery, Lucille
Flippo, Sharon
Flores, Ruby
Fonk, Martha
Formella, Stephen
Fox, Lynn
Fredericksen, Tim
Frost, John
Furno, Joseph
Furlin, David
Gary, Diane
Gately, William
Gehring, Thomas
Gehrke, David
Gename, Roger
Gentz, Mark
Gesler, Donald
Senior Week and Senior Wills:
Gigliotti, Nino
Gildenstern, Ruth
Gildenstern, Thomas
Gildenstern, Thomas
Gimpl, Joellyn
Giordana, Jill
Giordano, Jodi
Gitzlaff, John
Goetsch, Michael
Goff, Kristine
Gonnering, David
Gonzalez, Judy
Gora, Pamela
Gosnell, Judith
Gosselin, Robert
Gott, Frank
Graham, Christopher
Granger, Richard
Greco, James
Greco, Lynn
Grevenow, Jean
Griffin, Patrick
Grimes, Phyllis
Grimmer, Pamela
the Beginning of the End
Gross, Raymond
Grota, Kathleen
Guelzow, John
Gutche, James
Haag, Randall
Haarbauer, Scott
Hacker, James
Hagberg, Judy
Hagerty, Susan
Hall, Debra
Halpin, Diane
Hamann, Cynthia
Hammelev, John
Hammond, Bruce
Hammond, James
Hammond, Richard
European Exchange Students
Hanna, Jayne
Hannes, Paul
Hansen, Melanie
Hanson, Donald
Hanson, Nyla
Hanson, Robert
Harris, Glen
Hartnell, Faith
Melanie Becker asks Randy Ibsen, "Shall I deal
you in?"
Hartnell, Janet
Haubrich, Don
Hawkins, Laura
Hayes, Barbara
Hebior, Deborah
Helgesen, Timothy
Helwig, Janice
Heppner, William
Participate with Open Minds
Hess, Terry
Heyden, Richard
Hill, John
Hill, Susan
Hillesland, Cheryl
Hobson, Daniel
Hoff, Debra
Hogue, Cinda
Hollingsworth, John
Holmes, Kenneth
Holt, Mark
Holtman, Sally
Hopkins, Thomas
Hopkins, Thomas
Horn, Ebba
Hornby, Robert
Houle, Bradley
Huckstep, Robert
Huff, Debra
Huff, James
Humphrey, Julie
Hylinski, Constance
laquinta, James
Ibsen, Randy
Ide, Margaret
lgnjatovic, Melanie
Imbregno, Charles
Irving, William
China Trip Stimulates
Isermann, Mark
Ives, Debra
Jacobs, Jeffrey
J alensky, William
Jensen, Deborah
Jensen, Deborah
Jensen, Margaret
Jensen, Marla
Jensen, Ron
Jenson, Leo
Jenson, Lillian
Jessen, Rick
Joanis, George
Johns, Kathleen
Johnson, Carol
Johnson, David
Johnson, John
Johnson, Julie
Johnson, Keith
Johnson, Steven
Johnson, Susan
Johnson, William
Jonas, Richard
Student Interest in the Orient
The end is near and it hurts.
Jordan, William
Jorgensen, Laurie
Kadonsky, Alan
Kaiser, Donald
Kalcic, Kathleen
Kalcic, Kevin
Kavanaugh, Anne
Kazell, Marla
Keitel, Debra
Keller, Kim
Kelley, Patricia
Kellman, Terry
Aggravating Blue Slips
Kerner, Carol
Kessler, Judy
Kessro, Karen
Ketelhut, Janice
Kewenig, Linda
Kiffe!, Diane
King, Pamela
Kivi, Laura
Carole Weiss and Bruce Pedersen both wonder
what Bill Hebert is up to now.
Klappa, Tom
Klees, David
Klemens, Elaine
Kloster, Jane
Kluka, James
Knapp, Ramona
Knickrehm, Andrew
Knotts, Robert
Foil Senior Skippers
Knudson, Carol
Kober, Mark
Koch, Randall
Koehler, Sharon
Kolkmann, Jeffrey
Kollman, Jacqueline
Kollman, Laurie
Kollman, Peter
Kondrad, Robert
Koos, Sara
Kostreva, Kalvin
Kostrewa, Gerald
Kreuscher, Luann
Krinker, Randall
Krueger, Edward
Kuba, Michael
Students Seek Methods to
Kuczenski, Marta
Ladd, Michael
Landa, Georgianna
Landers, Joseph
Lang, Dave
Larson, Carla
Larson, Debra
Larson, Gary
Lasky, Raynale
Lawler, Kim
Lawler, Louise
Leccese, Richard
Ledanski, Mary
Lehman, John
Leibhan, Michael
Lester, Lynda
Levonowich, Michael
Lienau, Debra
Lienau, Lori
Littel, Cparles
Louks, Jack
Lubniewski, Jeanne
Ludlow, Laurel
Luitze, Janet
Streamline Student Council
Lulewicz, Sandra
Lundin, Mary
Lowrance, Larry
Lupi, Eugene
Lyons, Jeffrey
MacDonald, Gerald
Maki, Raymond
Malkmus, John
Mancuso, Brenda
Mann, Nancy
Manning, Linda
Mantuano, Anthony
Marano, Peter
Marschner, Joan
Martell, William
Martin, William
Martinelli, Pasquale
Mateja, Deborah
Mathews, Cynthia
Mattioli, Louis
Mattox, Richard
McBride, Barbara
McConnell, Shaun
McCormick, Kevin
McDonald, Brenda
McDonald, Mark
McFadden, Kathleen
McNab, Mark
Meimar, Theodore
Meltesen, Sherry
Meltzer, Scott
Menges, Randall
Mengo, Janice
Merideth, Connie
Merritt, David
Meyer, Pamela
Michael, Randall
Miller, Sue
Millholland, Gilbert
Milliken, Jane
Night School Offers New
16 8
Milosh, Mary
Mink, Virginia
Minkowski, Gary
Misch, Richard
Moddes, Roger
Mogensen, Mark
Molgaard, Rhoda
Molinaro, Marilyn
Molitor, Bozidar
Momper, Joanne
Mongreig, Constance
Morgan, Robert
Scott Haarbauer is the first boy with dishwater
Morris, Patrick
Muller, Geraldine
Murphy, Frank
Mutchler, Karen
Opportunities for Seniors
Mutchler, Lynda
Myers, Janice
Nall, Kai
Nelson, Corrine
Debbie Robinson, Joyce Taylor and Martha Fonk
start crocheting again!
Nelson, Darlene
Nelson, Michael
Nelson, Paul
Nelson, Sherry
Netzer, Becky
Netzer, Gail
Neu, Gregory
Nevoraski, Cheryl
Council Investigates Ash
Nickel, Ralph
Nielson, Rick
Nietupski, Mary
Noel, Karen
1 70
Nolen, Thomas
Norcross, Robert
Nowell, John
Nyquist, William
Nudi, Julia
Olsen, Charles
Olson, Marian
Olson, Pamela
Olson, Steven
Olson, Susan
Orlowski, Joseph
Ortiz, Aida
Owens, Mary Ann
Pace, Ricky
Pacetti, Linda
Pagliaroni, Mark
Palmer, Thomas
Parrish, John
Paschall, Christine
Paskiewicz, Carol
Trays for Washroom Butts
Pasquali, John
Pastorek, Fred
Patefield, Toni
Patterson, Shirley
Pedersen, Bruce
Pellizzi, Thomas
Peltz, Timothy
Perry, George
Petersen, Cheryl
Petersen, Martin
Petravicius, Judith
Petri, Curtis
Pfarr, Jeff
Pfeiffer, Jeff
Pfeiffer, Michael
Pflueger, Cheryl
Phillipson, Gay
Pickerign, Darrell
Pierce, Amelia
Kim Simonsen Participates
Pieronek, Ronald
Plutchak, Larry
Polimeni, JoAnn
Pollock, Rita
Poltrock, Allison
Powers, Patricia
Proud, Ann
Preston, Julie
1 72
Pucci, James
Puidokas, Stanley
Raddatz, Sandy
Rampart, Carla
Joe Banadinovic always wanted a model imaged
after himself.
Randle, Edward
Rasch, Linda
Rasico, Tim
Rathjen, Jeffrey
in State Gymnastics Meet
Reedy, Timothy
Reed, Ken
Reeves, Robert
Reimer, Glen
Reindl , Bruce
Rende, Linda
Resch, Diane
Reuter, Kathryn
Reuter, Kristine
Rheaume, Sandra
Richards, Gwen
Richter, Terry
Rizzotto, Sharlene
Robers, Donald
Robers, Stephen
Robertson, Gayle
Robertson, Paul
Robinson, Deborah
Robinson, Janis
Robinson, Mary
Students Exercise New
Roemer, Janice
Rock, Daniel
Rognstad, Bruce
Romano, Joseph
Roskres, Paul
Rothman, Cary
Rovik, Julie
Rovik, Nancy
Roxinski, Marianne
Rugg, Paul
Ruhle, Mary
Ruhle, David
Russo, Mary
Rutchik, Thomas
Saftig, Robert
Salituro, Charles
Salituro, Joan
Santopoalo, Judith
Santapoalo, Terry
Sarin, Peter
Savaglio, Richard
Savaglio, Rosemary
Scenters, Debbie
Scharneck, Kenneth
Voting Privilege with Pride
Schaumberg, Richard
Schmidt, Faron
Schmidt, Jeff
Schmidt, Kathy
Schmidt, Linnea
Schmidt, Thomas
Schmidt, Ursula
Schmidt, Vickie
Scholfield, Elizabeth
Schubert, Marilyn
Schuch, Gerald
Schuch, Mary
Schultz, Steve
Scott, Patrick
Scott, Thomas
Scoville, Terry
Sennholz, Darrell
Sexton, Jeffrey
Shearer, Peter
Shisler, Wayne
Shulski, Joann
Siepler, James
Simonson, Kimberley
Simpkins, Lucille
Singer, James
Sinkule, Kathryn
Slobodianuk, David
Smith, Gail
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Peggy
Smith, Richard
Smith, Ronnie
Rock at Noon Concerts Add
Sniatynski, Rae Ellen
Sniatynski, Susan
Soens, Patricia
Sorensen, Susan
Speaker, Thomas
Spehar, Cynthia
Spiller, Bradley
Spitzer, Robin
Rae Sniatynski seems to enjoy being in a boy's
printing class.
Splitek, James
Springer, Bruce
St. Peter, Joan
St. Peter, John
Stanford, Lanny
Stanton, Kathryn
Starks, Joyce
Stavlo, James
Variety to Daily Routine
Steckbauer, Joyce
Steele, Norma
Stewart, Craig
Stipanuk, Luann
Stoebe, Nancy
Strand, Dawn
Strange, John
Strehlow, Gail
Strecker, Jon
Strouf, Clinton
Studtmann, Charlotte
Sturino, Christine
Sullivan, Jim
Swanlind, Ava
Swanson, Joann
Swartz, Robert
Szantor, Kevin
Tait, David
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Joyce
Tenuta, Brad
Tenuta, David
Tenuta, Fred
Terrien, Daniel
Thiele, Karen
Thiem, Stephen
Thomas, Allen
Thomas, Debra
Italians Infiltrate Senior Ranks
l 78
Thomas, Jeffrey
Thompson, Paula
Thrasher, Susan
Tillman, Charlene
Timm, Steve
Tinker, Joseph
Tolefree, Curtis
Torkelson, Donald
Trapp, Robert
Tredup, Jeanne
Trottier, Sylvia
Turco, Patricia
Turner, Nadine
Tutas, Linda
Tyson, Eileen
Tyson, James
VanderWall, Gretchen
VanTubbergen, Larry
Vaux, Eileen
Vedder, Jeanne
Vena, Gene
Verbick, Barbara
Vlahovic, David
Vogt, Hans
to Sponsor Spaghetti Dinner
Wade, Marcia
Wallig, Debra
Wallig, Gayle
Wallig, Marsha
Warrender, Camille
Waters, Jeffrey
Waterstradt, Curtis
Weber, Cheri
Seniors Reminisce as
Wegmann, Dennis
Weise, Thomas
Weiss, Carol
Welch, John
Westland, David
Weston, Joseph
Westplate, Janice
Whitt, Steven
Widmar, Toni
Wightman, Louie
Whitman, Susan
Wilcox, Eleanor
Willems, Jay
Wilson, Grace
Wirch, Richard
Wollert, Debra
Woodman, Loren
Woods, Terri
Woodworth, Susan
Wright, Judy
Yszenga, Kim
Young, Roger
Young, Roberta
Young, Barbara
Final Days Dwindle
Yorton, Jacqueline
Yore, Kathy
Zalubowski, James
Zanotti, Diana
Ziccarelli, John
Ziccarelli, Kathleen
Zimmer, Mark
Zirble, Lester
Seniors Not Pictured
Anderson, Keith
Banta, Joseph
Barber, Robert
Bartel, Michael
Borst, George
Borst, Vivian
Brekeller, John
Cardinal, Ramona
Cespuglio, Deborah
Cudahy, James
Davenport, Lorraine
DiCello, Michael
Dickman, Clinton
Doerflinger, Sharon
Dowse, Byron
Ebeling, Jonathan
Elfering, Sharon
England, Mary
Fennell, Jan
Frank, William
Gentz, Nancy
Gitzlaff, John
Goff, Roger
Gray, Gary
Graziani, Judith
Groenke, Patricia
Hansen, Darlene
Hastings, Sarah
Hayden, Terry
Jecevicus, Michael
Jiardine, Dawn
Joling, Nancy
Kelly, Armin
Kempin, Donald
Kent, Marilyn
Kirsh, Randall
Klawitter, Michael
Korays, Steven
Logan, Martha
Lubinski, George
Mantuano, Anthony
Marciniak, Steven
Mason, Pamela
McCormick, Stanley
Melander, Marsha
Nehls, Delthea
Ollila, Randy
Ortiz, Emiliand
Parrish, John
Pascucci, Cheryl
Pellegrino, Gary
Peters, Joyce
Pocius, William
Pollock, Michael
Preston, Scott
Ramer, Susann
Rescigno, Theodore
Rizzato, Antinesca
Roberts, Keith
Robinson, Steve
Rosenfeldt, Randy
Sattler, Richard
Scheve, Terrence
Schmoldt, Penny
Schrandt, Donna
Schumacher, Keith
Servais, Mark
Shannon, James
Stauder, Margaret
Thomas, Arlene
Thompson, Allen
Thompson, Cheryl
Timms, Clarence
Toth, Robert
Truax, Robert
Wagnitz, Bruce
Warmann, David.
Wasmundt, Stephen
Wiginton, Rodney
Willie, Elizabeth
Woods, Janet
Voight, Debra
Voight, Fred
Zarletti, Dominic
Zembrowski, Mary
Zimany, Grant
Zuberbuehler, Debra
Prom Requires
Year of Planning
Q. Besides Prom what other activities was
the Junior Class involved in this year?
A. Prom was a huge responsibility and
took up practically all of our time. However, in the fall we assembled a really
great float for Homecoming and later
took charge of publicity for Winterama.
Most of our other activities were fund
raising efforts for the Prom budget. For
this cause we sponsored two bakesales,
candy sales and a raffle.
Q. How smoothly did Prom come off this
A. I don't think you could use the word
"smoothly" to describe how Prom
building went. I was somewhat disappointed in a lot of the kids, in that so
few showed up to work. Prom night
really went OK. The program and decorations turned out just fine, but it was
a relatively small number of people
that worked to make it come off. It was
working with these students and those
who worked on our other projects that
made this year one that I shall never
N~ t I
Junior Class Officers (opposite page, from front)
Rita Ramacci, corresponding secretary; Margaret
Hansen, treasurer; Betsy Schindler, vice president;
Dan Meltzer, president; Sue Milliken, recording secretary. Junior class advisory board (below, from
front) Sheryl Dieter, Lori Kiffe!, Rita Ramacci, Betsy
Schindler, Margaret Hansen, Debbie Stebbins, Paula
Vidas, Robin Thiel (row 2) Dan Meltzer, Debbie DeAngelis, Debbie Clement, Kathy Anderson, Richard
Rothrock, Braden Roach, Laurie Vincent, MaryJo
Gerum, Gary Taft (row 3) Kathy Talley, Pam Kelley,
Debbie Dowse, Sara McConnell, David Anderson,
Steve Meier, Phil Smith, Peggy Pitts (row 4) Jodi
Phillipson, Rick Kavalauskas, John Ivy, Janet
Janet Elmer is wondering if she should take a test
Acerbi, Jeffrey
Aceto, David
Adams, Jacalyn
Adelson, Cathy
Aiello, Joseph
Aker, Charles
Aker, Gene
Aker, Timothy
Albert, Elizabeth
Albert, Peggy
Albrecht, Phyllis
Alix, Michele
Alleman, Kathleen
Allen, Dale
Allen, Roberta
Althoff, Duane
Amadio, Allan
Andersen, Dale
Andersen, Doreen
Andersen, June
Andersen, Keith
Anderson, David
Anderson, Diane
Anderson, Kathryn
Anderson, Michael
Anderson, Paul
Anderson, Richard
Anderson, William
Andreucci, Ronda
Angelo, John
Antaramian, John
Arneson, Russell
Atkinson, Judy
Aulozzi, David
Bailey, Cindy
Baker, John
Baker, Stephanie
Ball, Tod
Ballard, James
Banas, Jean
Barber, Keith
Barber, Virginia
Barnes, Robin
Barrows, Susan
Bartee, Sandra
Barter, Thomas
Baternick, William
Batt, Brian
Baumeister, Barbara
Becker, Kathy
Becker, Lance
Becker, Paul
Becker, Shelly
Bedford, Frances
Bella, Rudolph
Bellaver, Beth
Belongia, Daniel
Belsky, Michael
Benik, Tamara
Berquist, Ellen
Bernhardt, Cheryl
Bernhoft, Karen
Biddle, Steven
Biel, Delorie
Binninger, Douglas
Birch, Richard
Bisciglia, Matthew
Blasi, Felicia
Boehm, David
Boehme, Linda
Bogard, Dale
Bogdala, Robert
Bonney, Edward
Bonney, Jill
Borchardt, Russell
Borggren, Lisa
Borneman, Linda
Borst, Edward
Boyce, Patricia
Boyle, Nancy
Brand, Rosalie
Brandes, Fredrick
Brandt, Deborah
Breach, Andrew
Brennan, Cynthia
Brettingen, Cynthia
Briggs, William
Bromstead, Jean
Brookhouse, Robert
Broomfield, Diane
Broomfield, Ronald
Broughman, Steven
Brown, Constance
Brown, Debra
Brown, Donald
Brown, Patricia
Brownlee, Diane
Brummel, Gregory
Brunner, Ruth
Buchman, Danette
Buechner, Linda
Buechner, Roland
Bullock, James
Burgess, Jane
Burke, David
Burkoth, Susan
Butteri, Victoria
Byrnes, Larry
Cairns, Deborah
Caldwell, George
Campolo, Jon
Cantrell, Judith
Cantwell, Paula
Carlson, Thomas
Carpenter, Charles
Carpenter, Eric
Carr, Christine
Cassity, Michael
Cate, Curtis
Caulk, Penny
Ceschin, Thomas
Chadde, Steven
Chapek, Lori
Chaput, Lawrence
Chatterton, Cynthia
Chatterton, Victoria
Childers, Orlon
Christian, Paul
Ciotti, George
Ciotti, Janine
Clark, Danny
Clement, Deborah
Cochran, Bonita
Collins, Betty
Colson, Robert
Conforti, Terry
Cooper, David
Cooper, Donna
Cornell, Gwendolyn
Cortese, Albert
Costabile, Lori
Covelli, Rita
Cowick, Danny
Cox, Peggy
Crane, Judith
Crump, Patricia
Dase, !Vlary
Dattilo, Daniel
Davis, John
Davis, Joseph
Davis, Rickey
Davis, Willie
DeAngelis, Debra
DeBettignies, Rita
DeBoer, Russell
DeBruin, Debra
DeFurio, James
DeKok, Scott
Delaney, Barbara
Delaney, Darrell
Delany, John
De!Vlarco, !Vlichael
De!Vloss, Thomas
Derwae, Karen
Devine, Elizabeth
Diamon, !Vlark
Diaz, Jaime
Dieter, Sheryll
Dietman, Debra
Dimitrijevic, Radovan
Dobbs, Richard
Dodge, JoAnna
Dorey, Keith
Dowse, Deborah
Duller, Thomas
Dumke, John
Dunham, Jann
Dunn, Byron
Dunwald, June
Dupuis, Paul
Durbin, Lawrence
Durbin, Steven
Dutton, Wayne
Earley, Elizabeth
Earnest, David
Hansel and Gretel's moment alone at Winterama.
Ebener, Mark
Ebert, Mark
Edwards, Allan
Edwards, Darryl
Ellefson, Gay
Ellsworth, Michele
Elmer, Janet
Engelhardt, Peter
Ennis, Rita
Eternicka, Francis
Evans, Billy
Everson, Deborah
Ewald, Michael
Farnham, Stuart
Farrell, Steven
Fechner, Marilyn
Fenn, Thomas
Fischback, April
Fischer, Linda
Fischer, Nancy
Fish, Pamela
Fitch, Glenn
Fitzgerald, Dennis
Flatley, Michele
Fonk, Cheryl
Fonk, Leona
Ford, Cindy
Formella, Theresa
Frame, Debra
Franz, Craig
Frederich, Bonnie
Freeman, Diane
Frei, Kenneth
Freitag, Debra
Frese, John
Frieman, Kevin
Fulmer, Riley
Gagliardi, Linda
Galvin, Danny
Gamberini, Diana
Gann, Nancy
Garcia, Candice
Is Matt Bisciglia listening to his teacher or is he
really reading love notes on his desk?
Gardner, Karen
Gardner, Karen
Garramone, Gina
Garren, Malcolm
Gebhart, Nancy
Gehring, Mary
Gehrke, Paul
Gentile, Janet
Gentz, Joan
George, Daniel
George, Debra
George, Diane
Gerlach, Laurie
Gerum, Mary Jo
Gibson, Kevin
Gigliotti, Joseph
Gildenstern, Randy
Girsh, Robert
Gittens, Denise
Goergen, Claudia
Goff, Brenda
Goff, Nancy
Gogola, Susan
Gourley, Lisa
Grabot, Thomas
Grams, Ronald
Grandow, J odell
Grasser, Kim
Gray, Jeffery
Gray, Nancy
Grayson, Richard
Greb, Jacalyn
Green, Kevin
Griffin, Mark
Grimes, Doris
Grimmer, Jerome
Grinder, David
Grissom, Danny
Gulbransen, Lori
Gunnison, Robert
Gunnlaugson, Vicki
Guttormsen, Gregg
Haag, Charlene
Haag, Cheryl
Hackbarth, David
Hackworthy, Clement
Hall, Jackie
Halmo, David
Hamachek, Kathi
Hamers, Michael
Hamm, Mark
Hammes, Rex
Hammond, David
Hammond, Ellen
Hampton, Mark
Handy, Timothy
Hansen, Dennis
Hansen, Gregory
Hansen, Lori
Hansen, Margaret
Hanson, Barbara
Harper, Ned
Harper, Suzanne
Hartl, John
Haubrich, Marianne
Hautzinger, Daniel
Hawes, Cathy
Hawkins, Diane
Hebert, William
Heckel, Jane
Hedden, Harvey
Hegyera, David
Herman, Jill
Hermans, David
Hessefort, Richard
Hessefort, Thomas
Heyden, William
Hildewig, Heide
Hill, Richard
Hill, Susan
Hock, Christine
Hoda!, Scott
Hoff, Dennis
Hoff, Jeffrey
Hoganson, Julia
Holland, Cindy
Holland, Karen
Hosmanek, Joan
Houston, Daniel
Houtsinger, Jean
Howard, Orrick
Howe, Susan
Hubbard, Bruce
Hubbard, Marsha
Huck, Janice
Huff, Malcolm
Hunt, Darlene
Hunt, Jocele
laquinta, Lawrence
Irving, Catherine
lsetts, Brian
lstvanek, Elizabeth
Jackson, Annie
Jackson, Douglas
Jackson, Faye
Jackson, Fredrick
Cindy Meltesen working? What's the occasion?
Jass, Wayne
Jenkins, Susan
Jenson, Leslie
Johnson, Barbara
Johnson, Beth
Johnson, James
Johnson, Karen
Johnson, Kenneth
Johnson, Linda
Johnson, Nancie
Johnson, Scott
Johnston, Thomas
Jones, Sandra
Jones, William
Jorgenson, Thomas
Josephson, Gary
Jurkoska, Judith
Jurksaitis, Sitha
Kaeppeler, Jeffrey
Kalvonjian, Susan
Kanehl, Paul
Kappers, Jane
Karls, Kathryn
Katt, Gregory
Katt, Janet
Kausalik, Lance
Kavalauskas, Deborah
Kavalauskas, Rick
Kavanaugh, Ellen
Kehl, Donald
Keller, Wendy
Kelley, Debra
Kelly, Laurel
Kelly, Pamela
Kemp, Billie
Kersting, Betty
Kiffe!, Lori
Klinkerfuss, Robert
Kloet, Jeffrey
Knapp, David
Knautz, Ronald
Knickrehm, David
Knudsen, Nancy
Koessl, Bruce
Kolmos, Kurt
Kopp, Ricky
Koroscik, Debra
Kosloske, Clifford
Krueser, Janet
Krueser, Linda
Krueser, Terry
Krogh, David
Krohn, Debra
Krueger, Theodore
Kuchcinski, Beverly
Kuessow, Ann
Kuyawa, Mark
Kuzmich, Karla
LaBell, Kathleen
Ladwig, Scott
Lahti, Shirley
Laken, Lorrie
Lampos, Tina
Lanctot, Terri
Lane, Alan
Lange, Tim
Langeland, Craig
Larson, Delores
Larson, Leslie
Laughlin, Susan
Launderville, Christine
Laurent, David
Laurin, John
Lawler, Kathleen
Lawler, Susan
Lechner, Margaret
Ledanski, Judith
Ledanski, Thomas
Leech, Phyllis
Leigh, Michael
Leiting, Vickie
LeMay, Keith
Lenzing, Deborah
Lettrich, Janet
Janet Kreuser and Liz Devine present their talent
at Winterama.
Lindquist, Kurt
Littiken, Debra
Londo, Michael
London, Sheila
Lootans, Paulette
Loss, Keith
Ludlow, Beth
Luebke, Peter
Maas, Cynthia
Macak, Thomas
MacKay, Cheryl
Majewski, Joseph
Mancuso, Elizabeth
Manlick, Deborah
Manson, Kenneth
Mantuano, Sandra
Markee, David
Marks, Dianne
Marks, Rick
Martin, Kristi
Martin, Richard
Martin, Susan
Martinelli, Angela
Massie, Steven
Mastronardi, Lori
Mathis, Michael
Mattner, Michael
Mattox, Marvin
Maurer, James
Mazzie, James
McArthur, Samuel
McBride, Kathy
McBride, Luann
McCarron, Kevin
McConnell, Sara
McCrary, Robert
McCrorey, Bradley
McDonald, Sandra
McGough, Barbara
McKeon, Shawn
McLean, Sherry
McMillen, Gregory
McNab, Scott
McPhaul, Jane
McQuestion, Patrick
Bakermen, bakermen, bake us a cake. (Bakermen,
alias, Dave Knickehm, Dave Boehm and Dave Heg).
Meidinger, Kenneth
Meier, Steven
Meltesen, Cindy
Meltzer, Daniel
Menden, Russell
Mercier, Connie
Merten, Lynn
Metten, Linda
Meyer, John
Michaelis, Glenn
Michelson, Charlene
Miholic, David
Miller, James
Miller, Mary
Miller, Mary
Milligan, Rory
Milliken, Susan
Mink, Virginia
Mockus, Michael
Moeller, James
Moeller, Raymond
Mohalley, Jeremiah
Molitor, Beatrix
Moore, Steven
Moreland, Debra
Morris, Allen
Morris, Peggy
Mueller, Dorethea
Muller, Bonnie
Mutchler, Gary
Myers, April
Myhre, Steven
Nation, Julie
Nebr, Jeffrey
Neitzel, Larry
Nelson, Pamela
Nelson, Rozanne
Nelson, Steven
Nelson, Thomas
Nelson, Timothy
Nelson, William
Neu, Michael
Newberry, Constance
Newman, Louise
Nichols, Lorri
Nighsonger, Thomas
Noel, Terry
Nolen, Larry
Norcross, Barbara
Northard, Scott
Nussbaum, Barbara
Nyberg, Lisa
Oberpriller, Susan
O'Connor, Susan
O'Hara, William
Olson, Agnes
Olson, Cynthia
Olson, Fred
Olufs, Steven
Ortiz, Betty
Oster, Robert
Ostlund, Clifford
Ott, James
Ott, Mary Kim
Owsichek, Ellen
Packard, Karen
Paczowski, Daniel
Padlock, Alan
Palik, Gordon
Pappas, Claudia
Parker, Barbara
Paterson, Scott
Paul, Karen
Pearcy, Patrick
Pederson, James
Pederson, Marcia
Petersen, Catherine
Petersen, David
Peterson, Kim
Peterson, Thomas
Petrelli, Darlene
Phillips, Debra
Phillipson, Jodi
Pias, James
Pickerign, Keith
Piela, Sherry
Pierce, Carol
Pierce, Kevin
Pileski, Robert
Pitts, Peggy
Podella, Suzanne
Poikonen, Todd
Pollard, James
Posselt, Jane
Post, Phillip
Pratzer, Heidi
Preston, Sharon
Pritchard, William
Queen, Roger
Questard, Irene
Quick, Becky
Raddatz, Denise
Ralph, Darlene
Ramacci, Rita
Ramer, Judy
Rasch, Alan
Rasico, Renee
Reilly, Robert
Reinhard, Joyce
Renzoni, Gene
Repp, John
Ricciardi, Lisa
Richter, Sherry
Riley, James
Ripp, Patti
Robers, Marybeth
Roberts, Deborah
Roberts, Rita
Roberts, Robin
Robin, Tina
Robison, Carolyn
Romano, Denise
Rose, Katherine
Rose, Ralph
Roseth, Karen
Rothrock, Richard
Rovik, Linda
Ruetten, Benjamin
Ruffalo, Thomas
Ruffolo, Jomary
Ruleford, Jeffrey
Ryshkus, John
Sarauer, Thomas
Scenters, Delinda
Schaeffer, Gregory
Schiller, Carolyn
Schindler, Elizabeth
Schlecht, Susan
Schlitz, Richard
Schmale, Todd
Schmidt, Kie
Schmidt, Robert
Schmit, Sally
Schmitt, David
Schmitz, Anthony
Schnaare, Carol
Schoepke, Kristina
Scholey, Robert
Schouten, Lee
Schuetz, Robert
Schultz, Rita
Schultz, Patricia
Schultz, Sandra
Schuster, Lawrence
Schwaiger, Barbara
Schwartz, Stephen
Scuffbam, Deborah
Scuglik, Thomas
Seavitte, Jane
Seavitte, Jean
Seeger, Nicholas
Selander, Ralph
Semrau, Mary Jane
Sennholz, Sharon
Serpe, Jay
Serzant, Carla
Settano, Jeffrey
Sexton, Kevin
Sexton, Nancy
Shaffar, Mark
Shockley, Douglas
Shuler, Jeffrey
Shuttlesworth, Ted
Siegel, Debra
Siepler, Mary
Sikora, Steven
Simo, Gregory
Simpson, Timothy
Singer, David
Singh, William
Singleton, Barbara
After Bob McCrory is through, he'll be able to
make another vase with the clay on his pants.
Skurski, Marc
Slobodianuk, Cathy
Smallwood, Denise
Smallwood, Rexanna
Smith, Dawn
Smith, Dawn
Smith, Jeffery
Smith, Phillip
Smith, Susan
Smith, Teresa
Smith, Thomas
Snider, Dennis
Sobotowicz, Barbara
Sommer, Jeffrey
Sordahl, Fredrick
Sorensen, Kristi
Sorensen, Pamela
Sorenson, Kim
Speaker, Ann
Spence, Kenneth
Spencer, Phyllis
Spieker, Barbara
Spitz, Brian
Stafford, Ann
Staples, Jeffery
Stebbins, Debra
Steele, Marie
Stein, Cheryl
Steinmetz, Kevin
Stephens, Honor
Steponitis, David
Stetson, Lorrie
Stewart, John
Stichert, Donald
Stiles, Renee
St. John, Michelle
Stollings, Barbara
Strand, Debra
Strangberg, Todd
Stuckey, Robert
Studdard, Ronald
Sunday, James
Swanson, Darcy
Swanson, Gregory
Swartz, Linda
Swartz, Richard
Swartz, Susan
Szekely, Nancy
Ebba and her escort attend Tremper's Sub-Deb.
Taft, Gary
Taleronik, Ronald
Talley, Kathleen
Taylor, Janice
Teigen, Cynthia
Teler, Patricia
Tenuta, Daniel
Terry, Douglas
Teschler, Sheree
Tessin, Mary
Thiel, Robin
Thomas, David
Thomas, Michael
Thomas, William
Thompson, Keith
Thomsen, Craig
Tiffany, Trina
Timmerman, Paul
Tinker, Don
Toms, Jane
Torcaso, Steven
Torcivia, Barbara
Torkelson, Chris
Tredup, Cynthia
Trottier, Penny
Turner, Raymond
Uttech, Kimberly
Utterback, Glenn
VanBeckum, Donald
VanBoven, Thomas
VanCaster, Thomas
Vanderford, Janet
Vanderford, Patty
VanDyke, Cheryl
VanKammen, Gerrit
Varnell, Lawrence
Vedder, Nancy
Vena, Catherine
Vena, Mary
Vergenz, Faye
Vernon, Michael
Vernon, Peter
Vescova, Sandra
Victorson, Roxie
Vidas, Paula
Vincent, Laura
Vogelman, Janet
Vogler, Elizabeth
Voight, Bruce
Volpentesta, George
Wallig, Mary
Wallis, Gary
Warner, Karen
Wasurick, Susan
Waterstradt, Curtis
Weber, Sharon
Webster, Louis
Wegrzyn, Stanley
Welch, Mark
Wells, Janice
Wenger, Stephen
Wermeling, Theresa
Werner, Peggy
Werwie, Diane
Westerman, Janet
Westland, Richard
Westplate, Wayne
White, Donovan
White, Kelly
Whitefoot, Janet
Whitefoot, Robert
Wick, Susan
Wiemelt, Morna
Wiersum, Roxane
Wieske, Bonnie
Wilkinson, Keith
Wilkinson, Kevin
Willems, Debra
Williams, Archie
Williams, Debra
Williams, Michael
Wilson, Bruce
Wimmer, Janine
Witt, David
Wojcehowicz, Rozane
Woodworth, Julie
Wurzer, Barbara
York, Lynda
Young, Bradley
Young, Steven
Yurchak, George
Zanotti, Therese
Zarletti, Maria
Zebrowski, David
Zigner, Ralph
Zimany, Grant
Zoromskis, Stanley
Zorn, Edmund
Zwarycz, Sandra
Debra Stebbins lends Margaret Hansen a hand in
helping to keep the commons beautiful.
Juniors Not Pictured
Andersen, Dale
Arneson, Russell
Banadinovic, Joseph
Barber, Robert
Boone, Joyce
Brehm, Kendall
Brother, Mary
Bryant, Vivian
Campbell, Jimmie
Carmichael, Ronald
Carney, Danney
Chiapetta, Deborah
Conley, Ralph
Cowick, Danny
Creighton, Susan
Cummings, John
Deangelis, Vito
DeZee, William
Diaz, Luis
Ehlert, Daniel
Elloff, Carol
Farrar, Kim
Fralye, Thomas
Gadsby, Peter
Garcia, Thomas
Gesler, Debra
Gross, Marilyn
Gross, Raymond
Hamby, Michael
Hobson, Daniel
Kaddatz, Thomas
Knapp, Delores
Lachman, Carol
Ladwig, Keith
Littel, Charles
Meimar, Theodore
Mercier, Mark
Mlekush, Jan
Murray, John
Nelson, Marilyn
Noble, William
Owens, Marvin
Pagel, Thomas
Parker, Kathie
Roach, Braden
Russell, Larry
Salituro, Stuart
Schwartz, Janice
Schwartz, Susan
Shelley, Thomas
Siebert, Connie
Sisson, Diane
Stanford, Larry
Stebbins, Larry
Tappa, Guy
Taylor, Ricki
Tredon, John
Truax, Patrick
Vaux, Julie
Whitney, Philip
Willie, Elizabeth
Zajic, Rita
Class Investigates
School Problems
Q. In your opinion, how much spirit did
the Sophomore Class display this year?
A. It seemed as though there was a lot
more willingness to work in our class
than in the other classes. The sophomores were more aware of the activities at Tremper and got involved.
There was a high attendance of sophomores at dances, games and other
Q. What activities did the Sophomore
Class sponsor?
A. As the other two classes, we constructed a float and worked on Winterama. In April we distributed a questionaire to all sophomores concerning
Tremper's problems and hosted 52
Junior High School students during
visitation week in May. All in all, it
was worthwhile year and refreshing to
represent a class that got involved.
Sophomore Class Officers (opposite page, from '
front) Amy Northard, recording secretary; Diane
Braun, treasurer; Lynn Servais, vice president;
Doug Haney, president; Cathy Taminger, corresponding secretary. (below) Sophomore class advisory board (bottom from front) Pam Madison,
Debbie Borggren, Diane Braun, Nancy Streck, Mike
Burk (row 2) Doug Haney, Ann Krulatz, Barbara
Kolstad, Nancy Collins, Deb Devine (row 3) Mary
Petersen, Amy Northard, Linda Welch (row 4) Lynn
Servais, Wendy Quick, Steve Malko, David Sokol
(row 5) Cathy Taminger, Kim Simpkins, LuEllen
Young, Dave Freeman, Mike Beilke.
Acord, Deborah
Adam, Mark
Adelson, Erik
Aderman, Greg
Adler, Catherine
Aiello, David
Aker, Roxann
Albert, Kathleen
Altoff, Brian
Anderson, Arne
Anderson, Craig
Anderson, Erik
Anderson, Gilbert
Anderson, Jeffery
Anderson, Kenneth
Anderson, Kim
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Pamela
Anderson, William
Andre, Mark
Andre, Ronald
Angelo, Gina
Anger, Leanette
Angotti, Don
Antes, Wanda
Apker, Carol
Arndt, Debra
Hackmann, David
Bagnall, Katherine
Bailey, Leslie
Baker, Rhonda
Ball, Jackie
Banas, John
Barks, Bonny
Barnes, Susan
Barribeau, Luann
Barb Schubert has to eat her Wheaties to lug that
pile around.
Bartee, Stanley
Barth, Mark
Basham, Susan
Batassa, Donna
Baumeister, Sandra
Beaudet, David
Beck, Catherine
Becker, Christina
Becker, Delores
Becker, Jan
Becker, Janice
Becker, Kathleen
Becker, Kenneth
Becker, Mary
Beddow, Darryl
Beecher, Wayne
Behr, Michael
Beilke, Michael
Bell, Wayne
Belliveau, David
Belsky, Mark
Benik, Kimberley
Benton, Jeffery
Berenson, Carol
Bernacchi, John
Besch, William
Best, Peter
Billings, Robert
Birkholz, Patricia
Bishop, Sherry
Bitter, Nita
Blauser, Mary
Blazewicz, David
Block, Tim
Bode, Carol
Boniface, Neil
Bonney, Daniel
Bonofiglio, Tina
Booth, Steven
Borggren, Debra
Borzyskowski, William
Bose, Mark
Bowen, Doreen
Brandes, Jean
Brandt, Jean
Brandt, Thomas
Braun, Diane
Brennan, Thomas
Brenneman, Sandra
Brennen, Robin
Brevitz, Larry
Brewer, Lynn
Brieses, Michael
Briggs, Susan
Bringsosen, Diane
Broker, Tamara
Brothen, Robert
Brown, James
Brown, Linda
Brummel, Julie
Bruno, Peter
Bruzas, Dale
Bryant, Florinda
Bryant, William
Brydges, William
Bucher, David
Buege, William
Bulik, Kurt
Bullock, Perry
Bullock, Susan
Burditt, Peggy
Burgess, Barbara
Burkee, James
Burkoth, Michael
Burkoth, Sandy
Burns, Darrel
Burt, Terry
Buskirk, Steve
Buttera, Florence
Cailliant, Paul
Cain, Jeff
Callahan, Christine
Camosy, Jean
Campolo, Nick
Cantwell, Debbie
Carney, Steven
Carpenter, Charles
Cassity, Peggy
Chapman, Jerry
Chaput, Eileen
Chatterton, Linda
Chesack, Deborah
Cheske, Denise
Chiappetta, Karen
Chiodo, James
Chiodo, Kim
Chmielewski, Steven
Christensen, Jeffrey
Christiansen, Glenn
Christiansen, Russell
Christy, Peter
Cicchini, Karen
Clarke, William
Clausen, Suzanne
Cline, Randy
Cogswell, Karen
Collins, Nancy
Collins, Robert
Colmer, Ricky
Colson, Faith
Colter, Daniel
Conforti, Thomas
Constantine, Robert
Conwell, Patrick
Coolidge, Robert
Cords, Barbara
Corso, Duane
Costabile, Ronald
Covelli, Rose
Cowen, Jane
Crank, Richard
Crawford, Mark
Cross, Caryn
Cucunato, Therese
Cummings, Debra
Curio, Melody
Curst, Penny
Danke, David
Dart, Richard
Dase, Christine
Davenport, Kimberly
Davenport, Scott
Davis, David
Davis, Sue
DeCesaro, Catherine
DeCesaro, Paul
Deerwester, Scott
DeHaan, Roger
Delcorps, Marcia
Delmore, Leah
Demske, Joseph
Denio, Luann
Denio, Rae
Desotell, Kimberly
Devine, Deborah
Devine, Robert
DeWitt, Margaret
DeZee, Deborah
DeZee, Kenneth
Diamonte, Elizabeth
Dibble, Karen
Dibble, Katie
Dietman, Terrie
Dockter, Sharon
Dodge, Kevin
Donias, Randy
Julie Sorenson needs one more card for "gin" as Jean Pelligrino and Laura
Lockenschmidt look on.
Dorff, Barbara
Dorn, David
Dow, Robert
Dowdy, Debra
Droifke, Denise
Dubois, Charles
Duchac, Susan
Dunn, Bruce
Dunn, Ramona
Dupont, Noel
Durbin, Barbara
Dwyer, Daniel
Earl, James
Ebener, Jeffrey
Ebert, Craig
Edward, James
Edwards, Mike
Eisenhauer, Susan
Ellefson, Cathy
Engdahl, Darla
Engleman, Michael
Engles, David
Erickson, Vicki
Esser, Timothy
Etzelmuller, Dawn
Evans, Diane
Ewald, Jeffrey
Fair, Michael
Falduto, Linda
"Oh no, now what does he want!" says Sue Briggs.
Fanke, Katherine
Feifer, Leigh
Fellows, Clarence
Fiers, Duwayne
Findling, Allan
Firchow, Jody
Fish, Lawrence
Fistler, Carla
Flesch, Sandy
Flesch, Wendy
Flores, Irene
Follensbee, Kenneth
Fosbinder, Joe
Foster, Joann
Fox, Leroy
Fraley, Debbie
Frame, Dennis
Franz, Karl
Franzen, Ricki
Fredrick, Suzanne
Fredrickson, Donald
Freerking, Anthony
Frei, Ronald
Frieman, David
Frost, Matthew
Fulmer, Thomas
Galdonik, Lynda
Gallman, William
Gamberini, Dale
Gangler, Robert
Gann, Charles
Garcia, Dorothy
Garski, Maryann
Garza, Eva
Gascoigne, Kimberly
Gehring, Charles
Gename, Russell
Gentile, Sue
Gentz, Donna
George, Allen
George, Lynn
Georno, George
Gerlach, Karen
Germinaro, Patricia
Gibson, Pamela
Gielas, Janice
Giombetti, Dave
Giordano, Gene
Gittens, Mark
Glass, Leisa
Goergen, Gail
Goff, Laure
Gomaz, Ginger
Gonnering, John
Gonzales, Irma
Goos, Dana
Gorra, Debbie
Graham, Charles
Graham, Jackie
Graham, Steve
Grasser, Jacqueline
Gray, Peter
Grayson, Krista
Greene, Toinette
Gregory, Debra
Gregory, Judy
Gregory, Robert
Gregory, William
Gretzinger, Charles
Griffin, Cynthia
Griffin, Christopher
Grimmer, Gerald
Gross, Darryl
Gross, Linda
Grund, Susan
Gutche, Patricia
Gutierrez, Mary
Guttormsen, Diane
Guttormsen, James
Guttormsen, Lee
Hackworthy, Nancy
Hadler, Robert
Hagen, Barbara
Hagan, Steven
Hall, Sheree
Halverson, Mark
Halvorson, Richard
Hamann, Theresa
Hamblin, John
Hamby, Mark
Hamilton, Ricky
Hamm, Michael
Hammes, Tod
Hammond, David
Haney, Douglas
Hannes, Charles
Hansen, Douglas
Hansen, Gary
Hansen, Gina
Hansen, Lorie
Hansen, Patricia
Hansen, Philip
Harmon, Neil
Harper, Dorian
Harper, Robert
Harris, David
Harris, Jolie
Harris, Scott
Hartnell, Jill
Hartnell, Ricky
Hartnell, Theresa
Hasslinger, Joanne
Hathcock, Pamela
Hawkins, Linda
Hawkins, Steven
Hawley. Scott
Hayes, Myron
Hayes, Robin
Hayward, Lorrie
Hazelton, James
Heal, Kathaleen
Hees, Joann
Helf, Lisa
Hendrix, Ted
Hennessy, Mike
Henningfeld, Patti
Henrikson, Sharon
Hertle, Robert
Hermann, Cheryl
Herr, Charles
Herr, Linda
Herrmann, Rick
Herrmann, Roberta
Hessefort, Steven
Heyden, Robert
High, Cheryl
Hill, Jimmie
Hilliard, Michael
Hillesland, Richard
Hlavata, Judith
Hoff, Gregory
Hoffman, David
Holland, Debra
Hollatz, Patrica
Holliday, Teresa
Holton, James
Honey, Scott
Hopkins, Jeanne
Hopkins, Micheal
Hornby, Deborah
Hosmanek, Jane
Leah Delmore makes a remark about her class
picture in last year's book.
Hotson, Kimberly
Hough, Elli
Hovey, Kermit
Hubbard, Sue
Hulce, Diane
Humphres, Lawrence
Ingraham, Robert
Ingram, Debbie
Inman, Debra
Irish, Mark
Ironside, Mary
lwanikiw, Anna
Jabs, Thomas
Jackson, Debbie
Jackson, Eugene
Jackson, Ira
Jacobs, Cheryl
Jacobson, Teresa
Jaeger, William
Jahnke, Alfred
Janas, Pamela
Jasiuna, Thomas
Jeffries, Brenda
Jensen, Allen
Jensen, Diane
Jensen, Jack
Jensen, Linda
Jensen, William
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, Cynthia
Johnson, Linda
Johnson, Mary
Johnson, Rickey
Johnson, Terry
Johnson, Theodore
Johnson, Thomas
Johnstone, Denise
Jorgensen, Barbara
Jorgenson, Karin
June, Vicki
Kaddatz, Susan
Kadonsky, Gary
Kaeppeler, Kenneth
Kalbfell, Jerry
Kalcic, Vicki
Kaldenberg, Edward
Kanios, Michael
Kappers, William
Kaprelian, Laura
Karls, William
Kasputis, Nancy
Kauffman, Wendy
Kavalauskas, Renee
Keating, Loren
Keefner, Jean
Keller, Linda
Kernen, Kevin
Kendall, Stephanie
Kenaga, Rita
Kennedy, Beth
Kessler, Ruth
Kevek, Rae
Kewenig, Craig
Kivi, Robert
Klawitter, Terry
Klees, Alan
Klein, Janet
Mary Lawler and Mr. Romano have a real swinging time at a Tremper dance.
Kloet, Donald
Klopstein, Steven
Knorn, Gary
Knutter, Charles
Kobrow, Melissa
Koesser, Kurt
Kolstad, Barbara
Kopp, Edgar
Korbel, Joseph
Kos, Debra
Kosman, Ronald
Koster, Debra
Kovacevich, Karen
Kramer, David
Krebs, James
Kreuscher, Carol
Kreuser, Marcia
Kreuser, Nancy
Krinker, Ronald
Kronholm, Janice
Krulatz, Ann
Krumm, Kurt
Krusa, Julie
Kunath, David
Kunzman, Joseph
Kuryanowicz, David
Labanow, Mary
Lachenschmidt, Laura
Lacki, Stephen
Laduke, Patrick
Landers, Gary
Landre, James
Lang, Jean
Langeland, Michael
Langer, Dean
Lapoint, Robert
Larson, Daniel
Larson, David
Larsen, Diane
Larson, Laureen
Lasky, Carol
Laurenzi, Linda
Laurin, David
Leanna, Jeff
Leccese, Arthur
Lechner, Susan
Lehman, Jay
Leibhan, Richard
Leiting, James
Lemay, Brenda
Leslie, Allen
Lessman, Suzette
Levonowich, Robert
Leys, Donna
Liegakos, Kimberly
Lighthizer, James
Liljestrom, Jill
Linderman, Michele
George Georno challenges the well known card
shark, Debbie Holland, to a little game of chance.
Lindquist, Klind
Lindstrom, Kurt
Littel, Mark
Little, Paul
Livingston, Steven
Loux, Jeffery
Lubeck, Laura
Luebecke, Marsha
Lubniewski, June
Lubniewski, Nancy
Ludwig, Joseph
Luebke, Jon
Lueck, Lori
Luitze, Vernon
Lupi, Deborah
Lupi, Dorothy
Lyons, Shari
MacDonald, Patrick
Mackey, Beth
MacPherson, Scott
Maddox, Laurie
Madison, Pamela
Madrigrano, Mimi
Maedke, Peggy
Malko, Steven
Malzahn, Gerald
Manlick, Constance
Manlick, Deborah
Manthei, Alan
Marano, Mark
Marano, Susan
Marciniak, Anthony
Mardoian, John
Martin, Barbara
Martin, Debra
Martinek, Jeff
Martinelli, Domenick
Martinez, Ava
Massa, Debra
Masters, Colleen
Masters, Richard
Mateja, Pamela
Matic, George
Mattson, Douglas
Maurer, Kathleen
Mawacke, Lee
McBride, Vickie
McClure, Deborah
McClurg, Blaine
McConathy, Deborah
McCormick, Colleen
McCrossen, Lonnie
McCumber, James
McDermott, Daniel
McDonald, Kevin
McDowell, Rosetta
McGinley, Carol
McGough, James
McGrogan, Dianne
McManus, Richard
McPhaul, David
Meier, David
Meiers, Carol
Meiers, Norma
Menden, Diane
Mengo, David
Meo, Tina
Merrick, David
Merten, Cheryl
Messina, Michael
Metallo, Linda
Metten, David
Metten, Mary
Meyer, Gary
Meyer, Jane
Meyer, Keith
Meyer, Michael
Meyer, Robert
Meyer, Susan
Meyers, Monica
Mickelson, John
Mikolas, Kevin
Milkent, Daniel
Miller, Lesley
Miller, Marsha
Miller, Paul
Millholland, Raymond
Millhouse, Sheree
Misurelli, Carol
Misurelli, Santo
Mitchell, Diane
Modica, Thomas
Moeller, Sandra
Moeri, Peter
Molgaard, Lois
Molinaro, Debra
Moore, Alan
Moore, Deborah
Moore, Eathen
Moore, Elizabeth
Moore, Timothy
Morrison, Carol
Moses, Brenda
Mosher, Steven
Mueller, Ernest
Myers, Jeffrey
Neal, Daniel
Nedweski, Joyce
Neitzel, Kathleen
Nelson, Andrea
Nelson, Barbara
Nelson, Dale
Nelson, Douglas
Nelson, Jeffrey
Nelson, Lynn
Nelson, Nancy
Nemeth, Richard
Nepper, Michael
Netzer, Raymond
Neu, Teresa
Neumann, Pamela
Nichols, Lorri
Nichols, Pamela
Nicolazzi, John
Nielsen, Gilbert
Nielsen, Jeffrey
Noel, Michael
Noel, Richard
Nolen, James
Nolting, Jane
Norris, David
Norris, Janice
Northard, Amy
Norton, Bradford
Novelen, Jeffrey
Nyquist, Robin
O'Connor, Amy
Ogle, Robert
Ogren, Sandra
Olsen, David
Olson, Sandra
Olson, Starr
Olson, Warren
O'Neal, Daniel
Orlowski, Judith
Ortiz, Laura
Ott, Kevin
Owens, Michael
Paasch, Patricia
Padlock, David
Pappas, Thomas
Pataska, Gregg
Pate, Lonnie
Patty, Gregg
Pawlik, Richard
Payson, Dennis
Payson, Timothy
Pechura, Jeffrey
Pederson, Anne
Pedraza, Ellen
Sophomores form a clique in a corner of the gym.
Pelligrino, Jean
Perez, Cindy
Person, Judy
Peterman, Thomas
Peters, Susan
Petersen, Mary
Peterson, Michael
Petit, Mark
Petrausky, Donald
Petravicius, Lora
Petri, Paul
Petrin, David
Pezdir, Peggy
Pfeiffer, Beth
Pfeiffer, David
Pfeiffer, Jackie
Pfeifer, Vicki
Pflueger, George
Pias, Andrew
Picken, Debra
Pickerign, Kathy
Piela, Kevin
Pierce, Richard
Pierce, Terry
Pierson, Jami
Pillizzi, Gina
Pitsch, Robert
Pleet, Gary
Pleet, Maria
Plutchak, Daniel
Pocius, Catherine
Podskarbi, John
Poindexter, Charles
Pollard, Mark
Pollock, Mary
Popp, Aaron
Daniel Milkent and Gary Sipsma find a convenient
spot to do some last minute cramming.
Poppe, Kenneth
Porter, Launette
Powell, Vaughn
Preston, Gary
Principe, Jeffrey
Pritchard, Mary
Proud, James
Proulx, Rebecca
Pruett, Kay
Putman, Karen
Quick, Wendy
Racine, Jay
Radtke, Roxann
Rafter, Joi
Rampart, Cynthia
Rasmussen, Ranae
Rath, William
Redmond, Susan
Reed, Heather
Rehfeldt, Laura
Reilly, Richard
Renne, Debra
Revoy, David
Rheaume, Patricia
Riccio, Lisa
Richards, Dale
Richards, James
Richards, Kim
Rickseker, Vicki
Rieschl, Michael
Riggle, Debra
Riley, Colleen
Riley, Michael
Roach, Marilyn
Robers, James
Roberts, Sandra
Robillard, Theresa
Robinson, Catherine
Robinson, Warren
Rocco, Debra
Roell, Martin
Rohde, Richard
Rohrer, Lisa
Roiniotis, Thomas
Rondeau, Michelle
Roscioli, Robert
Rosko, Jill
Rotunda, Diane
Rovik, Janet
Rovik, Jeffery
Ruetten, Bryon
Ruetz, Deborah
Ruffalo, Toni
Runge, Linda
Rusecki, Brian
Rutchik, Greg
Safago, Joseph
Sandberg, Karin
Sanders, Chester
Santiago, Daisy
Santiago, Edward
Sarauer, Daniel
Schaafsman, Jeanne
Schael, Cynthia
Schalk, Mark
Scharf, Kathleen
Schaumberg, Gary
Schiller, Richard
Schlitz, Diane
Schmelz, Petra
Schmidt, Pamela
Schneeberger, Dale
Schneider, Cheryl
Schnuck, Barrett
Schoor, Jeff
Schoor, Mark
Schroeder, Greg
Schubert, Barbara
Schuck, Lori
Schultz, Jenny
Schutz, Amy
Scott, Jeff
Sebetic, Ronald
Sedloff, Bruce
Mrs. Owens points out the difference between the
squiggles and the curly-cues to JoAnne Crowly.
Senart, Rodger
Servais, Lynne
Sevries, John
Sheehan, Kathleen
Shilts, Mark
Shockley, Cathy
Shrzypchak, Cheryl
Shuttlesworth, Timothy
Sikora, Sally
Simpkins, Kim
Singer, Diane
Sipsma, Gary
Sipsma, Jane
Siltala, Marlene
Skender, Charles
Skurski, Daniel
Slater, Henry
Smallwood, Bonita
Smith, Brenda
Smith, James
Smith, John
Smith, Randy
Smith, Richard
Soens, William
Socha, Charles
Sockness, Paul
Sokol, David
Solomon, Cindy
Sorensen, Douglas
Sorenson, Allen
Sorenson, Julie
Speaker, Elizabeth
Speaker, James
Spencer, Daniel
Spiers, Sandra
Splitek, Karen
Springer, Loretta
Staples, Thomas
Stancato, Gary
Stancato, John
Staude, Paula
Stebbins, Gail
Stebbins, Tina
Steckbauer, Dawn
Steele, Jerry
Stehlik, Welsey
Stein, Fred
Stein, Sandra
Steinke, Gregory
Stevens, Rom
Stevens, Susan
Stichert, Douglas
Stipanuk, Daniel
Strand, Laura
Streck, Nancy
Strunk, Lynette
Stubbs, Donald
Amy Schutz maps out her escape route to South
Stubbs, Joseph
Stuckey, Diann
Studdard, Bobby
Sturino, Timothy
Swanson, Mona
Swiatko, Renee
Szurovecz, Paul
Taffs, Jeanne
Tait, Gregory
Taminger, Kathy
Tanking, Robert
Tarsitano, Michele
Taylor, Darlene
Taylor, Mary
Tennant, Thomas
Tenuta, Lynn
Terrien, Mary
Thiem, Lois
Thomas, Gail
Thomas, Pamela
Thornberg, Laurie
Tillack, Mark
Tillman, Marie
Timm, Jeannie
Tolefree, Regina
Tomlin, John
Totts, Daniel
Trenberg, Jerald
Tredup, Jeffrey
Trottier, Clayton
Trottier, Clifford
Truax, Colleen
Tullis, Linda
Turner, Jackie
Turner, Paul
Tutas, Edward
Tutlewski, Phyllis
Ulrich, Mark
Usinger, Debra
Usinger, Michael
Utterback, Paul
Vagnoni, John
Vanderpool, Linda
VanDyke, John
Vantubbergen, L.
Varnell, Pat
Vaughn, Agnes
Vaughn, Timothy
Vaughn, William
Vena, Debra
Ventura, Lori
Vignerie, Shelia
Vikmyhr, Susan
Vogel, Betsy
Von Neumann, Alex
Wade, Thomas
Waldo, Dorothy
Waldo, Thomas
Walker, David
Wallace, Beth
Wallace, Jeffery
Walters, Mark
Wamboldt, Debbie
Warner, Carole
Warren, Judy
Wasurick, Linda
Wates, Cindy
Weber, Kathy
Weber, Shirley
Wegizyn, Richard
Weiner, Debra
Welch, Linda
Wells, Darla
Wells, Mark
Wells, Robert
Wember, Randal
Wember, Rodney
Werve, Marsha
Westwood, Maria
White, Beverly
White, Renee
White, Kathleen
White, Daniel
Wickert, Charlene
Wiercinski, David
Wiersig, Jill
Wierzbicki, Joan
Williams, Becky
Williams, Brian
Williams, Jane
Williams, Vaughn
Williamson, Sheree
Willie, James
Willis, Mark
Willkomm, Patricia
Willoughby, Charles
Wilson, Bob
Wilson, Maryanne
Wilson, Ronald
Winaus, Cynthia
Witt, Ronnie
Wojiechowski, S.
Wolf, Gary
Wood, Thomas
Woodman, Eldred
Woods, Glenn
Wright, Barbara
Wynstra, Janet
Wyosnick, Debra
Yde, Peter
Yoder, Joeellen
Young, Gary
Young, Jacalyn
Young, Lullen
Yurchak, Charles
Zainoc, Larry
Zamsky, Mary
Zarletti, Anthony
Zarletti, Linda
Zasada, Mark
Zeitler, Philip
Ziccarelli, Julie
Ziccarelli, Robert
Zorn, Jeffrey
Zuchowski, Raymond
Zuhlke, James
Ellen Pedraza's and Karen Splitek's skilled hands,
believe it or not, can transform paper into a head.
The photographer makes Judy Gregory drop a
Sophomores Not Pictured
Almo, Russell
Anderson, Nancy
Aulozzi, David
Barber, Clifford
Behr, Vicki
Berry, Eugene
Berry, Loretta
Boardman, Tom
Brehm, Karla
Caldwell, Christine
Cameron, David
Carpenter, Elsa
Casson, Rosemarie
Charlton, Barbara
Chianelli, Kathy
Ciabatti, Mark
Clark, Crit
Clark, Janis
Cooper, Bobby
Couick, Danny
Cross, Randy
Dade, Susan
Darracott, Purvis
Defruin, Gary
Dechiara, Randy
Demoss, Thomas
Devries, John
Doerfler, Alvin
Dowse, Margaret
Durst, Penny
Dyess, Annette
Famous, Arthur
Fenski, Fred
Fisher, Andrew
Forest, Elnora
Gaddy, John
Gerber, Steven
German, Patricia
Hammock, Mary
Hansen, Doug
Hawkins, Margaret
Henderleiter, Ruth
Herold, Cathy
Herr, Michael
Hlavata, Judith
Hollister, Sandra
Holtz, Steve
Hopkins, Deborah
Housman, Susan
Huard, Christine
Jacob, Deborah
Jenson, Leo
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, David
Jordan, Kathy
Kazell, Susan
Keepers, Denise
Kent, Marilyn
King, James
Knight, Debra
Kofrath, Jeffrey
Labanow, Yvonne
Laurent, Pamela
MacDonald, Ronald
Machinnery, Clinton
Madison, James
Maruca, Ruth
Mason, Timothy
Mink, Virginia
Molinaro, Margo
Murray, James
O'Connor, Colleen
Pate, Lonnie
Paulsen, Robyn
Pierce, Terry
Quinn, Daniel
Riley, James
Roberts, Deborah
Robinson, Corrine
Robinson, Terry
Rohde, Lorraine
Roiniotts, Thomas
Schmit, James
Starks, Richard
Tappa, Joseph
Taylor, Debbra
Taylor, Ricky
Thomas, Aaron
Truax, Michael
Tuttle, Melody
Uhlig, Janet
Ungemach, Laura
Utterback, Glenn
Varnell, Lawrence
Vaux, Dan
White, Shawn
Williamson, Patricia
Zoromskies, Daniel
Zoromskies, Stanley
Zuberbuehler, Mark
Harriers Finish Undefeated;
Team Captures State Crown
This year's Tremper Cross-Country team
went through their season undefeated and
went on to capture the State Championship
which was held at Kettle Moraine.
In all, the Trojans beat 63 teams enroute
to winning three duo meets, six invitationals, Conference, Regionals, Sectionals,
and State.
Leading the way for the Trojans was senior Ron Fink. His season record showed
that he totaled 12 firsts and one second.
Ron attributes his success to year round
Running right on the heels of Fink for
most of the season was another senior,
Dave Merritt. His success comes from
his tremendous desire to win.
Another valuable asset to this year's
team was senior, Bill Martell. Bill was
the team leader. Because of him, many
runners pushed harder in practice and in
Dennis Ruhle, a senior, was another
runner who helped his team go all the
way. Coach Bradley once said, "Dennis
is the strong silent type who enters a
race and gets the job done."
Rounding out the top five runners on this
years squad is Bob Brookhouse, a junior.
He has made a rapid improvement from
last year and could become one of the
best next year.
(right) Here we have Ron Fink running to yet another victory.
1st (of 12)
1st (of 10)
1st (of 10)
1st (of 4)
1st (of 11)
1st (of 5)
1st (of 8)
1st (of 9)
1st (of 8)
Racine Horlick
Spartan Invitational
Madison West Invitational
Fort Atkinson Invitational
County Quadrangular
Blackhawk Invitational
Warren, Ill.
(top left to right) Bob Heyden, Dave Merritt, Ron
Fink, Dennis Ruhle, Tom Johnson, Coach Chuck
Bradley, (bottom row) Dan Hautzinger, Nino Gigliotti, Bob Brookhouse, Bill Martell, Mark Crawford, (not shown) Tom Palmer, Duane Althoff,
Greg Katt, Roxie Victorson, Ron Sebetic, Byron
Dowse, Tom Wood, and Rich Heyden (manager) .
(left) Dave Merritt seems to be content to run
along with the rest of the pack. (below) Dave now
concentrates on staying ahead of a Bradford
Gridders Capture
First Place Again
The football team won the South Shore
Conference title for the second consecutive year. Coach Verne Schmale called
the squad "the finest team in Tremper's
eight year history" as it compiled a final
conference record of 4-0-0. The overall
record was 6-2-1.
The Trojans, stocked with an abundance
of quality players on offense and defense,
averaged 19.7 points per game offensively, while allowing just 10.9 points
per game to opponents. All-Conference
honors went to ends Roger Gename and
Tom Beth, guard Jeff Rathjen, and backs
Paul Nelson and Tom Weise on offense.
On defense, All-Conference honors went
to ends Mike Levonowich and Craig Stewart, interior lineman Dick Feckler,
linebacker Bob Reilly, and back Dave
Johnson. Jon Strecker and Bob Norcross
made honorable mention. Feckler was
named the Outstanding Lineman of the
conference, and Weise was chosen as the
Outstanding Back. Both were picked on
the State's second team. Paul Nelson,
who led the conference in rushing with
649 yards, was recognized by his teammates as the best on offense, while
Feckler was chosen as the best on
Though there were many key injuries,
the team came on strong to win five of
their last six games, including a 20-0
homecoming victory over Park to win the
title again. The Trojans also put down
crosstown rival Bradford 25-7, and won
an exciting game over Case 27-20.
(top) All-Conference end Roger Gename makes a
leaping catch of a Tom Weise pass. Gename led
the conference with 20 receptions for 378 yards.
(bottom) Assistant Coach Pozza points out an opponent's weakness to All-Conference defensive
end Mike Levonowich. Levonowich headed the
Trojan defense with three fumble recoveries.
Season Scoreboard
Tremper Opponents
Janesville Craig
Madison East
Beloit Memorial
Sheboygan North
Racine Horlick
Madison LaFollette
Racine Park
Racine Case
Kenosha Bradford
Final Record: 6 wins 2 losses 1 tie
(top) Varsity Football (front) Andy Davis, Robert
Saftig, Dave Johnson, Bob Norcross, John Strange,
Tom Weise, Mike Levonowich, Dave Slobodianuk,
Jeff Rathjen, Bill Hepner, Jim Bullock (row 2) Al
Padlock, Kim Lawler, John Guelzow, Mark Hampton, Darrell Pickerign, David Bain, Jon Strecker,
Ray Macki, Dan Batassa, Al Amidio, Greg Schaeffer (row 3) Coach Verne Schmale, Coach Andy
Smith, Mike Englund, Paul Nelson, Tom Beth,
Larry Chaput, John Frost, Bill Irving, Todd
Schmale, Tom Grabot, Garry Peligrino, John Hollingsworth, Dave Earnest, Bill Bock, Bob Whitefoot, Cary Rothman, Coach Bob Pozza, Coach
Fred Bistrick (row 4) Rob Spitzer, Roger Gename,
Dick Feckler, Roger Queen, Mike Matner, Craig
Stewart, Jim Johnson, Mike Langeland, Bob Riley,
Bill Briggs (row 5) Tim Aker, Jim Miller, Steve
Robers, Jim Haker, Tom Nelson , Kurt Kolmos,
Dave Anderson, Ray Gross, Dave Hammond, John
Hartl, Jeff Acerbi, Bob Baron. (left photo) The
powerful Trojan defense closes in on the scampering Beloit quarterback.
(top) Mike Levonowich, also seeing some action as
a receiver, lunges forward for extra yardage as
he is tackled. (right) Head Coach Schmale illustrates some of the game's fine points during a
practice session. (opposite page, top) The Trojan
bench anxiously watches the play, waiting for a
crack at the action. The bench strength was an
integral part of the team's success. (opposite
page, left) Another All-Conference end, Tom Beth,
is all alone after one of his 11 receptions. Beth
finished fourth in South Shore Conference receiving, although he missed plenty of playing time with
a serious leg injury. (opposite page, right) John
Guelzow pulls down a Beloit ball carrier with other
defenders ready to help out.
Sophomores Split
into Two Teams
The sophomore football team was split
into two teams, the Scarlet and the Blues,
for South Shore Conference play this year
after beating Janesville Craig 15-0, and
New Berlin 14-6, as one unit in nonconference play. The Scarlet squad finished
conference action with a 4-1-1 record and
first place. The Blues ended with a 4-2-0
conference record and tied for second
The Scarlett squad compiled three shutouts at the close of the season, including
a 0-0 struggle against Horlick, and a 140 win over Bradford. The Blues were
beaten by Bradford 16-0.
Both units were led by strong defensive
play-the Blues giving up 13.7 points per
game, the Scarlet averaging 8.7 points
per game defensively with an equally
good offense-the Blues scored 19.3 a
game, the Scarlet got 17 .3.
(top) Coach Apple discusses strategy with Bob
Brohen. (bottom) Dick Reilly sweeps around an
opponent on his way to a big gain. Sophomore
Team (opposite page, top, left to right, row 1)
Dan Skurski, Rick Smith, Gregg Kewenig, Dom
Martinelli, Stan Bartee, Mark Littel, Dick Reilly,
Bill Karls, Gregg Hoff, Tim Esser; (row 2) Ed
Santiago, Mike Beilke, Dan Melkent, Brad Norton,
Mark Marano, Doug Haney, Pat Conwell, Joe Kunzman, Mike Riechl, Paul Sockness, Bill Buege,
George Pfluger, Mark Toigo, Steve Hawkins, John
Van Dyke, Duane Fiers; (row 3) Ed Tutas, John
Bernacchi, Randy Donais, Steve Klopstein, Don
Kloet, Dave Dorn, Dave Kunath, Jeff Nielsen, Bob
Brothen; (row 4) Coach Filippelli, Jim Robers,
Dean Langer, Jim Holton, Ron Andro, Bob Wilson,
Tom Johnson, Randy Smith, Jim McGough, John
Banas, Bob Ogle, Russ Gename, Gary Sipsma,
Dale Gambrini, Manager Dave Sokol, Coach Apple.
(Not shown) Tom Wade, Steve Malko, Manager
Jim Hill, Rick Hamilton, Mike Engelmann, Jeff
Pechura, Greg Patty, Bob Levonowich, Mike Noel,
Doug Jackson. (Opposite page, bottom) Two Trojan
defenders wrestle down a Case ball carrier.
Blue's Season
Tremper Opponents
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Racine Park
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Kenosha Bradford
Sophomore Blues: 6 wins 2 losses 0 ties
Scarlets' Season
Tremper Opponents
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Racine Park
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Kenosha Bradford
Sophomore Scarlet: 6 wins 1 loss 1 tie
Combined Scoreboard
Janesville Craig
New Berlin
Varsity Basketball Posts a Winning Season
For the first time in Tremper's history,
the basketball team was able to finish
above the .500 mark.
The Cagers did this by posting a 16-4
record enroute to placing second in the
South Shore Conference.
This year's team also pulled a few surprises. One of these such surprises was
when they defeated defending State Champ,
Janesville Parker. They also took the
season's edge over Bradford by beating
them two games to one.
Leading the way in both scoring and rebounding for the Trojans was Curtis Tolefree. Curtis played forward and was
named the team's Most Valuable player.
Roger Gename was presented with the 110
per cent award for his dedication to the
It was Dave Johnson and Tom Palmer who
were awarded the Honorary Captains
trophy. Both did an excellent job this year
in helping the team have the kind of season it did.
The Most Improved Player award was
given to Gary Larson. His contributions
on and off the court make him a valuable
asset to both his team and his school.
It was Tim Fredricksen who won the
Best Free Throw Shooting award. He
finished the season with a 73 per cent
completion mark.
(below) Dave Johnson starts his drive towards the
basket. (right) Roger Gename fights for a rebound
after a missed free throw.
(Varsity players; top row, left to right) Coach
Joe Brittelli, Paul Nelson, Roger Gename, Bill
Johnson, Tim Frederickson, Rade Dimtrijevic,
Gary Larson, Curtis Tolefree, Dave Johnson, Tom
Palmer, Coach Len Apple, (bottom) Manager Fred
Tenuta, Ricky Marks, Willie Joe Davis, Jim
Miller, Tom Nelson, Russ Arneson, Phil Smith,
Fred Jackson, Jeff Acerbi, John Ivy. (left) Bill
Johnson goes in for an easy basket.
Season Scoreboard
Union Grove
Milwaukee North
Lake Geneva Badger
Racine Horlick
Antioch, Illinois
Racine Case
Janesville Craig
Kenosha Bradford
Racine Park
Janesville Parker
Racine Horlick
Racine Case
Milwaukee Pulaski
Kenosha Bradford
Salem Central
Racine Park
West Bend East
Salem Central
Kenosha Bradford
(above) Curtis Tolefree shoots a baseline jumpshot . (top right) Tolefree tries to tip the ball to
teammate Rade Dimtrijevic. (right) Gename and
Tolefree apply pressure to their opponent.
Sophomores (top row, left to right) Coach Ray
Thomas, Manager Kevin McDonald, Brian Johnson,
Gary Sipsma, Russ Gename, Kevin Mikolas, Bob
Levonowich, Ken Dezee, Manager Dave Sokol,
(bottom) George Georno, Jeff Martinek, Eathen
Moore, Brian Johnson, Joe Korbel, Karl Franz.
(left) Roger Gename drives in for a basket as team
mate Curtis Tolefree watches. (below) Tom
Palmer displays his ball handling ability.
Grapplers Obtain
Near Supremacy
The wrestling team completed its finest
season ever this year with a second place
finish at State. The success of the squad
was due mainly to talent and a great deal
of desire, according to coach Jerry Barr.
The grapplers won all three of their tournaments, and were ranked second in the
state before being beaten by a high-ranking
Sun Prairie team. The Trojans finished
fifth in the state. They won the conference
championship and finished 10-1 in dual
meets. First team All-Conference selections were Rich Schaumberg, Rico Savaglio, Joe Landers, Rich Baron, and Jon
Six wrestlers qualified for the Sectionals
as the Trojans swept through the Regionals, taking first place. Another first place
in the Sectionals was the result of four
first place finishers. At Madison the team
finished second. Baron (23-4) was defeated in the first round. But Savaglio
(26-3-1) took fifth place, and Joe Landers
and Jon Strecker (26-2) got to the finals
and finished second to make the trip to
State a big success. The Sophomores and
J.V.'s were also very successful again
this year.
Season Scoreboard
Fox Lake
Tremper 28
Tremper 43
Tremper 41
Racine Case
Tremper 34
Tremper 37
Eagle Invitational
Tremper 1st
Racine Park
Tremper 26
Hale Invitational
Tremper 1st
Racine Horlick
Tremper 35
Tremper 1st
West Bend Invitational
Lake Mills
Tremper 27
Tremper 27
Sun Prairie
Tremper 21
Tremper 53
Tremper 1st
Tremper 1st
Tremper 2nd
Dual Meet Record:
10 wins 1 loss
4 wins 0 losses
Conference Record:
(right) Joe Landers, 29-1-1, has his man's back
going to the mat as he moves for one of his many
(opposite page, top) Dave Slobodianuk (19-3) starts
a take-down on his opponent. Varsity Wrestlers
(top from front) Craig Langeland, Rich Schaumberg,
Joe Landers, Dave Singer, Tom Grabot, Rico Savaglio, Tim Nelson, Brian Althoff (row 2) Coach Barr,
manager Gary Knorn, Mike Mattner, Jim Sunday,
Roxie Victorson, Anthony Davis, Dave Slobodianuk,
Jon Strecker, Armin Kelly, Rich Baron, Ralph
Zigner, Greg Katt, Tom Nolen, John Hollingsworth.
J. V. Wrestlers (above from left) Dom Martinelli,
Jim Krebs, Bob Meyer, Dick Reilly, Craig Kewenig, Dave Meier, Billy Besch, Bob Gangler, Glenn
Fitch (row 2) Dave Pfeiffer, Mark Hamby, Byron
Dunn, Tom Wade, Doug Mattson, Ed Tutas, Tim
Esser, Arne Anderson, Greg Schaeffer (row 3) John
Davis, Ricky Hamilton, John VanDyke, Bill Clarke,
Paul Sockness, Roger Queen, Todd Schmale, Dennis
Frame, Larry Nolen, Coach Vitgili. (left) Rico
Savaglio (26-3-1) takes charge over his Bradford
opponent. Rico went on to finish with fifth place in
Bullfrogs Finish
Shallow Season
The swimming team got fine performances
from some good individuals this season,
but they lacked the depth needed to become
championship caliber. The team finished
with a 3-4 dual meet record, including a
76-19 victory over crosstown rival Bradford. Co-captain Earl Cowen, coming back
after having a broken wrist, led the swimmers all year. He broke the school record
in the 200 yd. Individual Medley with a
2:12.3 clocking. John Nowell, co-captain
Allan Edwards, Bill Gately, and Mark
Pollard made valuable contributions also.
Other school records set this year were
Allan Edwards in the 100 yd. Butterfly
with 1:01.3; Pollard, Cowen, Edwards, and
Nowell in the 200 yd. Medley Relay with a
1:52.3; and Gately, Shaun McConnell, Edwards, and Nowell in the 400 yd. Freestyle
Relay with a 3:42.0.
Cowen, a senior, went to State for the second time. Things fell apart in the backstroke, but he finished in 11th place in the
Individual Medley to score the only points
for the Trojans. Nowell also qualified for
State for the second time. He qualified for
the 100 yd. freestyle, and missed by .1
second of qualifying for the 50 yd. freestyle. Nowell was seeded 11th and had
high hopes, but things didn't pop for him
that weekend, according to Coach Jerry
House. The Most Valuable swimmer award
went to Cowen. Nowell got the 110%
Award, and Keith Loss was the Most Improved swimmer.
Tremper 55
Oak Creek Relays
(12 schools)
So. Milw. "Rocket"
(9 schools)
(6 schools)
Rebel Invitational
(11 schools)
(5 schools)
(14 schools)
WIAA State Meet
(opposite page, top) John Malkmus heads toward the
finish in the backstroke event. (opposite page, middle) Shaun McConnel dives into another race, as the
timers look on. (opposite page, bottom) Bob Harper
competes in the butterfly. (right) Earl Cowen takes
a breather after one of his many wins. Swimmers
(above from left) Matt Frost, Todd Hammes, Ron
Frei (row 2) Paul Calliet, Kevin Ott, Mike Nepper
(row 3) Mike Hennessy, Richard Dart, Dan Skurski
(row 4) Jim Burke, Steve Hawkins, Bob Harper
(row 5) Jay Lehman, Ray Millholland, Mark Pollard (row 6) Shawn McConnel, Steve Olufs, Greg
Guttormsen, Jerry Grimmer, Ken Johnson, Jeff
Kloet, John Baker, Dan Belongia, Tom Rutchik,
Gib Millholland, John Malkmus (row 7) Earl Cowen, Mike Englund, Bob Whitefoot, Duane Althoff,
Ray Gross, John Nowell, Al Edwards, Keith Loss,
Bill Gately, John Frost. (left) Todd Hammes shows
good form in the backstroke.
Three Gymnasts
Compete at State
The Gymnastics season was highlighted by
the fact that three Trojan's advanced to
the state meet.
Mark Skurski qualified to go to state by
placing third in Long Horse Vaulting and
fourth in Floor Exercise. At the state
meet he was sixteenth in Long Horse
Vaulting and sixth in Floor Exercise.
Scott McNab placed fifth in Long Horse
Vaulting in the sectionals and went on to
finish eleventh in the state.
Tom Ceschin also went to the state meet
by placing fifth on the Still Rings in the
sectionals and ended up thirteenth in the
state meet.
During the season, the Trojans posted a
6-4 record in dual meets. They also placed
second in both the Conference meet and
in the Janesville Invitational. And in the
Horlick Invitational, Tremper finished a
strong sixth out of a nineteen team field.
(right) Mark Skurski shows his form as he does his
routine on the parallel bars. (below) Gary Kadonsky
prepares to do a routine on the high bar as Coach
Wes Holman looks on .
(top row, left to right) Steve Hagen, Dan Plutchak,
Steve Massie, Manager Tom Dahl, Coach Wes Holman, Mark Havranek, Steve Meirs, Eric Anderson
(middle row) Chester Sanders, Steve Whitt, Jim
Splitek, Joe Ludwig, Rob Hansen, Tim Block, Ed
Santiago (bottom row) Gary Kadonsky, Harvey
Flake, Mark Skurski, Scott McNab, Alan Kadonsky,
Tom Ceschin (not in picture) Dave Hoffman, Rob
Greggory, Steve Carney. (left) Steve Whitt displays
perfect concentration as he performs in floor exercise.
Tremper 102
Tremper 102
Tremper 107
Tremper 111
Tremper 102
Tremper 101
Tremper 108
Tremper 104
Tremper 105
Tremper 101
6th of 19
2nd of 12
5th of 14
Racine Park 103
Racine Case 105
Kenosha Bradford 81
Racine Case 109
Janesville Craig 91
Janesville Parker 87
Racine Horlick 110
Kenosha Bradford 94
Milwaukee Whitnall 104
Milwaukee Hamilton 105
Horlick Invitational
Janesville Invitational
Trojan '9' Pitch
Successful Year
The Trojan baseball team had an excellent
season come to an end at the hands of Wilmot 8-5. Before the sub-regional loss the
team had gone through the season with a
15-0 record, and swept the South Shore
Conference title with ease.
Throughout most of the year the team had
very powerful hitting and surprise pitching
performances. The team defense was excellent as the Trojans featured one of the
state's best infields. Not many balls got
by Tom Beth, Tom Blaziewski, Les Zirbel,
Tom Weiss, or Tom Klappa. Also showing
a lot of talent were Scott Haarbauer, John
Guelzow, Jeff Sexton, Keith Johnson, Jeff
Kaeppeler, and Tim Lange.
Among the major accomplishments were
three victories over arch-rival Bradford,
including a 12-0 win in the annual night
game at Simmons Field. In that game Sexton pitched a no-hitter, as the batters
staked him out to a big early lead. The
squad also won the Fon du Lac Tournament, getting two shutout pitching performances.
Fon du Lac
(opposite page top) Jeff Sexton zips the ball past an
opposing batter. (opposite page bottom) Tom Weiss
talces a hard swing, but this time the ball gets by
him. Varsity Baseball (top from front) Jeff Sexton,
Tom Beth, Tom Weise, Tom Blaziewski, Tom
Klappa, Les Zirbel (row 2) Randy Kirsh, John Ivy,
Phil Smith, Scott Haarbauer, John Guelzow, Keith
Johnson (row 3) manager Ralph Zigner, Mark Ebner, Tim Lange, Jeff Kaeppeler, Larry laquinta,
John Stewart, Jim Johnson, manager Gary Larson,
Coach Andy Smith. (left) Tom Blaziewski has his
eyes fixed on home plate, as the Trojans score
another run. (above) Off goes the cap and mask as
Tom Klappa gets set to catch the opponents' foul
Sophomore Bats
Silent in Clutch
The sophomore baseball team flirted with
success time and again this season, but
ended up with a modest 7 -6 record. After
sweeping through their first three contests,
including a 19-2 win over Case, the Trojans hit a losing skid in which they lost
five of six one-run ballgames. Two of
those losses were to crosstown nemesis
Bradford. Then the squad put together
three more convincing victories, with
Bradford being a 2-0 shutout victim.
Despite the so-so record, many of the
boys showed a lot of promise for the next
two years. The hitting attack was led by
Dan Skurski, Jeff Martinek, Mark Irish,
Bill Buege, and lead-off man Dave Meier.
The sure glove of Skurski at second base
looked promising, and Martinek and Ken
Keappeler headed up the pitching duties.
(top) Jeff Martinek kicks his leg up as he unleashes
his delivery, while the opposing runner behind him
heads for second. (bottom) Larry Keating fields a
ground ball with ease. Sophomore Baseball (opposite page top, top row) coach Ed Cannaday, Kevin
Mikolas, Bill Buege, Jeff Leanna, Rick Hartnell,
Mark Irish, manager Jim Krebs, coach Ernie Virgili (row 2) Jeff Martinek, Greg Hoff, Dan Skurski,
Don Kloet, Gerry Malzahn, Keith Meyer, Tom
Wood (row 3) Dave Meier, Mark Littel, Steve Malko, Stan Bartee, Larry Keating, Randy Donais.
(opposite page, left) Dave Meier connects for a
base hit. (opposite page, right) Perched on third,
Dan Skurski watches Coach Virgili give signs to
the batter.
Trackmen Race
to a Good Year
The track team finished their dual meet
season with a 4-4 record. They placed
third in their own Tremper Invitational.
Heading the squad were distance runners
Ron Fink, Dave Merritt, and Bob Brookhouse; hurdlers, Roger Gename and Jeff
Acerbi; pole-vaulters, Dennis Ruhle and
Steve Remaro, and weightmen, Dick Feckler and Jon Strecker. But the team was
very weak in sprinters. The relay teams
were strong sometimes and, at other
times, they were outclassed by their opponents. School records for the year include Fink's 9:10.1 two-mile and Ruhle's
13' 9Y2" pole-vault. The outfit qualified
seven members for the sectionals. At the
sectionals, Fink and Merrit ran 1-2 in the
two-mile event to qualify for State. In the
State meet Fink, who was invited to the
All-American Tournament in California,
took a disappointing fifth, and Merritt
came in seventh. The sophomores took
fifth in their meet, and the J.V.'s had a
fairly good year.
(right) Ron Fink runs by a timer as he completes
another race. Fink ran a 9:10.1 two-mile, which
was eighth best in the country. Varsity Track (below from bottom) Jerry Kostreva, Carl Franz, Kai
Kostreva, Byron Dunn, Jeff Rathjen, Steve Klopstein, Dave Gambrini, George Georno. (row 2)
Mark Crawford, Rich Heydon, Gary Sipma, Matt
Biseglia, Jon Strecker, Nino Gigliotti, Scott Hoda!,
Ray Gross, Steve Youn. (row 3) manager Kevin
Pierce, Ron Sebetic, Ron Fink, Bob Brookhouse,
Bill Martell, Dan Houtzinger, Roger Gename, Jeff
Acerbi, Dave Merritt, Dennis Ruhle. (opposite page
bottom) Bob Brookhouse passes by a Zion-Benton
Tremper 2nd
Tremper lost
Tremper 7th
no recorded
Tremper 8th
Tremper 2nd
Tremper won
Tremper won
Tremper won
Tremper 3rd
Tremper lost
Tremper 6th
Tremper lost
no recorded
Tremper 5th
Tremper lost
Tremper 4th
Tremper 4th
Tremper 6th
Tremper 1 point
Case and
Rebel Relays
Madison West
Eagle Invitational
Horlick and
St. Joseph
St. Catherine
Memorial Relays
Monona Grove
Sophomore Meet
"Big 5"
State Meet
J . V. Track (above from bottom) Kevin Otto, Jeff
Anderson, Dave Larson, Russ Gename, Tom Collins (row 2) Bob Heyden, Kevin Shoor, Rom Stevens,
Ben Wilson, Ed Sandiago, John Clarke, Steve Farrel (row 3) Coach Bradley, Kevin Piece, John Van
Dyke, Tom Johnson, Dave Wiercinski, Kevin Pola,
Dave Kunith, Mr. Zimmerman.
Victorious Season
for the Golfers
This year's golf team went into their first
meet without any practice. This was due to
the bad weather conditions. But even with
this handicap they still played well enough
to end up with a winning season.
The Trojans placed first in the Janesville
Invitational. This was probably the teams
best effort because there were 28 teams
entered. They also placed third in the
Whitefish Bay Invitational.
The top five golfers on this years squad
were Steve Johnson, Bill Johnson, John
Lehman, Bob Norcross, and Rick Brandes.
The combined effort of these boys enabled
Tremper to finish second in Regionals and
fifth in Sectionals.
(left) Steve Johnson sinks a long putt.
Trojans 3rd
Trojans 351
Trojans 705
Trojans 332
Trojans 343
Trojans 1st
Trojans 687
Trojans 312
Trojans 1st
Trojans 689
Trojans 2nd
Trojans 329
Trojans 3rd
Trojans 674
Trojans 4th
Trojans 2nd
Trojans 5th
Zion Benton, St. Joseph
Horlick 342
Case 739
Bradford 341
Park 319
Salem, Case, Bradford
Horlick 664
New Berlin 350
Janesville Invitational
Park 691
Wilmot, St. Joseph
Bradford 341
Whitefish Bay Invitational
Case 657
(top row, left to right) John Lehman, Bill Johnson,
Steve Johnson, Bob Norcross, Jay Lehman, Coach
Charles Short (middle row) Mark Pollard, Mark
Kuyawa, Brian Johnson, Rick Brandes, Todd Schmale (bottom row) Ken Anderson, Tim Block, Steve
Nelson, Rick Wirch, Craig Thomson, Jeff Smith.
(left) Rick Brandes chips towards the green. (bottom) Craig Thomsen lines up a long putt.
Tennis Team Has
Bright Season
After a slow start, the Tremper Tennis
Team rebounded and ended up .500 in dual
meets for the season.
Dave Davis led the way in singles as he
posted a 14-6 record. Cary Rothman, Fred
Pastorek, Tom Palmer, and Tom Hopkins
also played well for the Trojans.
In doubles, the team of John Hollingworth
and Tom Hopkins, finished the season with
a 5-3 record in varsity action.
Trempers strongest finish was when they
placed 4th in the Janesville Invitational.
This placing was a fine team effort.
The J.V. squad had several players who
showed promise as they posted winning
In singles, Mike Ewald was 6-1, John
Frost 6-3, and Dave Knickrehm 3-0.
The team of Hans Ebert and John Frost
posted a 5-1 record in doubles. Also competing in doubles were Mike Ewald and
Kenneth Frei. They finished the season unbeaten at 3-0.
(right) Tom Hopkins warms-up before a set.
S. Milwaukee
Tennis (top from left) Coach Wes Holman, John
Frost, Hans Ebert, Manager Mike Hagen, Ron Andro, John Hollingsworth, Bill Gately, Mark Diamond,
Fred Pastorek, Tom Palmer (row 2) Tom Dahl,
Dave Davis, Dave Hoffman, Cary Rothman, Dino
Gallo, Dave Knickrehm, Tom Hopkins, Matt Frost,
Jay Willems (bottom row) Charles Yurchak, Kenneth Frei, Jim Holton, Bob Gregory, Mike Ewald,
Scott Davenport, Jeff Davenport. (left) Bill Gately
practices before a match. (below) Cary Rothman
jumps for joy as Coach Wes Holman echoes the
results of the set.
Thirty Competed
in Girls Track
This years girls Track season can be summed up as being one of experience. Most
of the thirty who came out were sophomores. When the season started, most of
the girls were still trying to find the right
event in which they could compete. But
towards the latter part of the year, things
started to jell. Many new records were set
and if these girls continue in this sport,
they could give the boys a run for their
money. Kay Pruett, a sophomore, went to
State in the discus because of her second
place finish in the Sectionals. While competing in the Sectional Meet, Kay hurled
the discus ninety-nine feet, six inches.
(first row) Linda Metallo, Era Garza, Mary Anne
Wilson, Faye Jackson, Chris Callahan, Mary Gutierrez, Kay Pruett (second row) Lanette Anger,
Shirley Weber, Lorie Hansen, Linda Jensen, Kathy
Weber, Sharon Weber, Deb Molinaro, Bonnie Smallwood (third row) Pat Willkomm, Wendy Flesh, Sandy
Flesh, Karen Chiappetta, Carla Fistler, Debra Gorra, Vickie Erickson (fourth row) Sue Oberpriller,
Annie Jackson, Marsha Werve, Doris Grimes, Jane
Sipsma, Faye Vergenz, Beth Speaker, Penny Caulk.
(right) Faye Jackson times her leap over the bar
on the high jump.
Girl's Gymnastics
Awarded Letters
The Girl's Gymnastics team won letters
for the first time this year. Earning letters were Kathy Cords, Kim Simonsen,
Gwen Cornell, Rita Ennis, Janet Lettrich,
Jane Pt>sselt, Donna Batassa, Deb Holland, and Teresa Neu. The team beat Case
and Bradford in dual meets, but lost to
Horlick and Park. They also placed first
at the conference meet, and second in the
Waukesha sectional. Cornell, Simonsen,
Posselt, and Neu also did well at state.
Special awards went to Kim Simonsen and
Nancy Lubniewski for Team Spirit, Gwen
Cornell as Most Valuable, Teresa Neu was
the Most Improved, and Barb Durbin was
picked as the Outstanding Beginner.
Girl's Gymnastics Team (below from bottom) Kim
Simonson, Donna Batassa, Cincy Brettingen, Jane
Posselt, Anne Krulatz, Chris Callahan, Kathy
Cords (row 2) Barb Durbin, Jeanne Lofts, Rita
Ennis, Gwen Cornell, Darlene Petrelli, Kim Peterson, Mary Peterson, Sue Bullock (row 3) Jane
Sipsma, Janet Lettrich, Debbie Holland, Sandy
Flesh, Teresa Neu, Wendy Flesh. Cheryl VanDyke,
Nancy Lubniewski, Barb Norcross. (right) Kim
Simonson performs gracefully on the unevens.
Girls Swim Team
Post Fine Season
This year swimming was added to the program in which girls could compete. Seventeen girls came out for this sport.
These girls competed against Bradford,
and the three Racine High Schools. Tremper posted a 2-2 dual record enroute to
placing third in the conference meet.
Those who competed in the State Meet
which was held in Beloit were Sue Wick
in the 50-yard freestyle and the 200-yard
relay team which was composed of Julie
Hoganson, Shelia Vignerie, Sue Oberpriller, and Sue Wick.
Sue finished fifteenth in Beloit and she
earned her trip there by placing second
in the Sectionals. The 200-yard relay
team placed tenth in State competition
and they also got to go because of their
second place finish in the Sectionals.
(top row, left to right) Julia Hoganson, Ellen Hammond, Suzan Oberpriller, Bonnie Muller, JoAnn
Hasslinger, Dianne McGrogan, Suzan Wick, Jann
Dunham (bottom row) Rita Ramacci, Rita Roberts,
Jeanne Hopkins, Wendy Flesh, Sandy Flesh, Kathy
Becker, Shelia Vignerie, Pamela Madison, Debra
Weiner. (right) Kathy Becker swims to another
Tremper win.
(above) Sue Wick swims in the State Meet which was
held in Beloit. (left) Kay Pruett shows excellent
form as she goes over a hurdle. (below) High stepping Karen Bernhoft wins another race for
Abron, Cheri
Adrian, Paul
Adsit, Robert
Ahlgren, Eno
Aiello, Nancy
Albert, Bruce
Allen, Roger
Andereggen, Vicki
Anderson, Brian
Anderson, Michael
Anderson, Scott
Aulozzi, Mark
Baken, Terry
Barnes, Bruce
Beaudet, David
Benhoff, Ronald
Benton, Jeffrey
Betchel, Robyn
I sure hope this pottery turns out right!
Burnette, Jean
Cabin, Jose
Capps, Dorsey
Cantrell, Margaret
Carr, Larry
Champion, Jeane
Chapman, Jerry
Christensen, Eric
Clarke, Brad
Comer, William
Conforti, Michael
Contreras, Jim
Cory, David
Dandurand, George
Daniel, Rhian
Daum, Collette
Delmore, Kelly
Denny, David
Dickinson, Lief
Domes, Marvin
Dugan, Gerald
Edmark, Diane
Ebentraut, Elmer
Ernst, Paul
Evans, Jeff
Ferguson, Brenda
Flake, Harvey
Forsberg, John
Foster, Robert
Blise, Ronald
Bodven, Craig
Fredericks, John
Fumich, John
Garcia, Israel
Germinaro, June
Glassman, Larry
Gullo, Michael
Borzsyskowski, Robert
Bouldin, Jeffrey
Gunn, Diane
Gunn, Kathleen
Haling, Delmar
Hanrahan, James
Hansen, Dennis
Hartnell, Kenneth
Brennan, Rick
Brofka, Vicki
Harvey, Thomas
Haye, Barbara
Hedge, Maria
Hernandez, Fred
Hernandez, Gullermo
Higgins, Aliete
Bruno, Kathleen
Burgess, Robert
Hilber, Rick
Hinds, Larry
Hobson, Daniel
Holimon, Wilson
Houle, Brad
Houlette, Christine
Houston, Laymona
Huard, Christine
Imbrogno, Charles
Jacobsen, Guy
Jennings, Nancy
Jenson, Leonard
Johnson, Dave
Jones, Dan
Jordon, Bill
Kant, Werner
Kappers, Dave
Kelly, Dana
Klawitter, Mike
Kraning, Raymond
Klemp, Paul
Labanow, Dale
LaBarre, Sherri
LaDuke, Robert
LaMacchia, Mark
LaPoint, Mike
Larson, Steven
Laurenzi, Tom
Lawson, Glenn
Lettsome, Debra
Lura, Gerald
MacPherson, Linda
Marescalco, Bobetts
Marescalco, Peter
Martin, Jim
Massie, Carmen
Matus, Keith
McClure, Daniel
McCumber, Nadina
McQuestion, William
Meyer, James
Meyer, Steve
Michetti, Anita
Morgan, Lynn
Morgan, Marla
Murray, George
Murray, James
Nelson, Marie
Nicholls, Jeanette
Pagliaroni, Gary
Pagliaroni, Linda
Patrick, Thomas
Potts, Mitchell
Powell, Adrian
Powell, Donald
Prescott, Robert
Pritchard, William
Prostko, Richard
Pulera, Mary
Raiman, Kimberly
Reau, Thomas
Rescigno, Debbie
Rescigno, Ted
Reynolds, Jill
Rhian, Daniel
Roberts, Daniel
Robertson, Dale
Rogers, Ellie
Sanchez, Rebecca
Sandberg, Elizabeth
Schaefer, Roy
Schlevensky, Ann
Schiller, Janice
Schmidt, Kathy
Schmitz, Dorothy
Schmidt, Sandy
Schlitz, David
Sentieri, Patricia
Servais, Mark
Shada, Elizabeth
Shear, Rodney
Sloan, Helen
Smith, Barry
Smith, Diane
Soderburg, James
Solovey, Robin
Sorenson, Neil
Soto, Willy
Spitzer, Keith
Spitzer, Kevin
Stanfield, JoAnn
Steinmetz, Mike
Suazo, Anna
Suazo, Timoteo
Summers, Cathy
Tawwater, Joanna
Taylor, Debbie
Trepanier, Cindy
Treu, Faye
Truax, Linda
Truax, Paris
Vikmyhr, Ronald
Jon Zielsdorf is willing to work side by side with
Kathy Bruno.
Wade, David
Wagnitz, Bruce
Wergzyn, Stanley
Werner, Peggy
Wiginton, Rodney
Wright, Tom
Yankovich, Dietra
Yielding, Dave
Zabel, Lori
Zielsdorf, Jon
Zimmaneck, Debra
Zorn, Curt
(right) Richard Hilber explains the technical disadvantages of drinking milk from a carton to Mrs.
Bauer. (below) Mark Wavro doesn't look to be sure
that Miss Mischler knows what she is talking about.
Mr. Jensen explains the wiring system of the oscilliscope.
Not Pictured
Ahlgren, Arthur
Aker, Sheryl
Anderson, Dan
Anderson, Linda
Andrea, Carmen
Arendt, Edith
Arendt, John
Babel, Melvin
Barber, Richard
Becker, Mark
Belliveau, Dawn
Bierda, Patrick
Binnie, Karen
Bonney, Michael
Briese, Heide
Brothen, David
Brother, Michael
Bruso, Dean
Buchman, Jeff
Cardinali, Douglas
Carpenter, Jerry
Carr, Dale
Cauthern, Randy
Chiapetta, Deborah
Church, Kevin
Cobern, William
Cole, Robert
Collins, James
Conforti, Thomas
Cook, Steven
Costabile, Anna
Crowley, JoAnna
Curtiss, Stephen
Demoe, Debbie
Demoe, Paula
DeRose, Danny
Desmonie, David
Diaz, Louis
Dvorak, Diane
Edell, Charles
Engdahl, Kim
Falcone, Gary
Farmer, Joe
Flynn, Russell
Fortner, Gary
Frye, LeeAnn
Galdonik, Joseph
Gallo, Barbara
Gehrke, David
Giordana, Roberta
Gonzales, Paul
Gregory, Jean
Griffin, Mark
Gross, Marilyn
Gross, Raymond
Guzman, Jesse
Giombetti, David
Geiger, Terry
Hadley, Darlene
Hadley, Denise
Hansen, James
Hardman, Michael
Harig, Debra
Hayes, Robbie
Heerey, James
Hilgesen, Gary
Hill, Jerry
Hinds, Robert
Hodge, Maria
Hoff, Gerald
Holimon, Wilson
Imbrogno, John
Ingram, Debbie
Jablonski, Michael
Jahnke, Joan
Jahnke, Randy
Jensen, Ronald
Johnson, Cameron
Kleinschmidt, Daniel
Knight, Daniel
Koening, Bruce
Kraiss, Sue
Kramsvogel, Thomas
Kreuser, Steven
Labanow, Yvonne
Langenbach, Holly
Latta, Alan
Lawrence, Sharon
Leach, Lori
Leisner, George
Leo, Jacqueline
Littel, Charles
Martin, David
Martinez, Gonzalo
Meimar, Ted
Miller, John
Miller, Robert
Momper, Robert
Monnier, Kenneth
Moore, David
Nelson, Terry
Niesen, Mark
O'Conner, Michael
Ott, Lawrence
Paskiewicz, David
Patty, Karen
Paupa, Linda
Perry, Donald
Perry, George
Petit, Janet
Rains, William
Robbins, Andrea
Rhode, Matthew
Ruetten, Bernard
Ruffalo, Toni
Rutchik, Thomas
Salas, David
Salerno, Diane
Santa Poalo, Terry
Sauceda, Rogelio
Schaefer, Roy
Schmidt, Linnea
Schnieder, Dorothy
Schultz, Gene
Scott, John
Smalley, Larry
Smith, Gail
Steinhoff, James
Stettner, Rick
Strouf, Clint
Sulli, Kathy
Szelenski, Dave
Talbert, Lance
Tallon, Keith
Taylor, James
Terrill, Wanda
Toler, Particia
Thompson, Cheryl
Tuska, Reed
Vanderwall, Gretchen
Vignieri, Richard
Whitehead, Genise
Wiercinski, Robert
Woods, Janet
Young, Mark
Yszenga, John
Zoechi, Peter
Zoromskis, Stanley
Director Creates
Positive Attitude
When Mr. William Farmakes took the job
last fall as Assistant Principal in charge
of Evening School, he was already acquainted with experimental teaching programs. He had previously been a federal
programs counselor in Superior. He identified potential junior high school dropouts
and got them out of school to work in other
programs, such as building cabins. "I took
this job because it is slightly similar, with
similar kids," said Mr. Farmakes. "I
want to create a positive attitude in students so they'll like school." Mr. Farmakes
is also Student Activities Director. This
involves scheduling all the activities and
coordinating dates and room assignments.
"It's a big job," he said, "but I'm a
pretty easy-going guy."
Secretaries Like
Calm Atmosphere
Why would a secretary choose to work at
night? Is it insomnia? Well, according to
Mrs. Delcorps, the Kenosha Evening School
secretary, it is the relaxed atmosphere
that makes her job enjoyable. "Before I
started in the fall, I thought I'd be afraid
of the kids. But really, due to the fewer
rules and a less formal schedule, I have
found the kids much more friendly coming
to evening classes." Assisting Mrs. Delcorps in the front office are two clerk
aids who act as receptionists, answer the
phones and work on scheduling. Two additional instructional aides assist in the office and supervise the halls.
(opposite page, left) Mrs. Bauer stares in amazement at a frog in her chair. (opposite page, right)
Mr. Farmakes surveys his kingdom. (above) Mr. J .
Barsuli, Mrs. B. Bridges, Mr. J . Dagon, Mrs. E .
Delcorps, Mrs. G. Dobbs, Miss S . Tredup, Mr. P .
Young. (left) Busy hands prepare food for evening
school. (below) Joe Barsuli plays with his chemistry
Instructors Alter
Teaching Habits
Just as the Kenosha Evening School Program appeals to a certain type of student,
so does it appeal to a unique breed of
teacher. To discover why these teachers
got involved with the plan and their
thoughts about it, the Classic Staff interviewed a number of the Evening School
teachers and ended up with these results:
Q. What changes did you have to make in
your teaching style when you became
an evening school instructor?
A. I found that I had to be a little less
formal in my approach. A night school
teacher must also be more lax in regards to tardiness and behavior.
A. At night my classes run for two hours
straight. Through this type of schedule
you get to know the students a little
better and you can give them more individualized instruction.
Q. Why did you get involved in this program?
A. I dropped out of school myself in my
sophomore year and returned five
years later. I felt I'd be very interested
in such a program and could possibly
identify with these kids.
Q. How successful has the program been
this year?
A. I think it has a way to go yet. I don't
think the kids realize the benefits they
could get from this type of a program.
(top left) Mr. Schmidt consults his notes before the
start of class. (below) Mr. Glaeser talks to his
General Business class. (above from top) Mr. J .
Kuffel, Mrs. L. LaPorte, Miss C. Leys, Mr. S.
Nosal, Mr. R. Payne, Mr. S. Ritacca, Mrs. S. Shepaneck, Mr. T. Tiber, Mrs. M. Westplate. (opposite page, top) Mr. Hoferitza works with two of his
Biology students. (opposite page, right from top)
Mr. L. Arentz, Mrs. K. Baas, Mr. E . Cannaday, Mr.
K. Chalgren, Mr. J . Farnham, Mr. C. Glaesar, Mr.
A. Harris, Mr. R. Hendrickson, Mr. D . Hoferitza,
Mr. J . laquinta, Mrs. P . Johnson, Mr. P . Kafer.
Make Bowling
Your Thing!
Swing at
Sheridan Lanes
Janice Roemer
GAA Bowlers Secretary
on South Sheridan Road in Kenosha 654-0411
Lou Molitor
BAA Bowlers Secretary
Win a Bowling
Past Tremper Winners
1969-Sharon Jahnke
1970-Patty Forbes
1971-Alison Barth
Kenosha, Wisconsin
2311 Roosevelt Road
All Your Travel Needs
Compliments of a Friend
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
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5000-7th Avenue
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2529-75th Street
6017-Sheridan Road
Kenosha, Wisconsin 652-6353
Downtown Kenosha
302-75th Street
"Your Neighborhood Florist"
2929 Roosevelt Road
626 56th Street
5810-7th Avenue
Downtown Kenosha
Young Fashions
58th Street and 7th A venue
Downtown Kenosha
6206-22nd Avenue
"The Store Where Service Counts"
Main Office
5935-Seventh Avenue
West Side Office
7535 Pershing Boulevard
Adler Typewriters
7516-39th Avenue
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Locally owned and operated
Glass and Glazing Contractors
6901 -39th Avenue 654-7560
5901 -6th Avenue
14th Avenue at 62nd Street
654-5984 654-9920
3625 Roosevelt Road
Sheridan at Forty-Third Street
Telephone 652-2220
Pershing Plaza
Steak Round-up
5425-6th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Party and
Accomoda tions
"Finest Brand in the Land"
1800-60th St. Kenosha, Wisconsin
2 11
When Only the Best Will Do
When you're developing a talent, the best is never too good. That's why we
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G. Leblanc Corporation , Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141
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Any student sounds
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Key of Bb, fork Ab/Eb,
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715 56th Street
Phone: 657-7194
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
_ _ KAELBER ..._
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to the
Kenosha, Wisconsin
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See us for class rings
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2011 63rd Street
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5160 6th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Manufacturers of
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
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Kenosha, Wis.
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Student Index
Acerbi, Jeffrey 184,231,237,250
Aceto, David 184
Acord, Deborah 204
Adam, Mark 116,139,204
Adam, Valerie 121,150
Adams, Jacalyn 184
Adams, Mr. 78
Adelsen, Cathy 184
Adelsen, Erik 139,204
Aderman, Greg 204
Adler, Cathrine 204
AFS 115
Aiello, David 204
Aiello, Joseph 184
Aiello, Thomas 107,115,140,150
Aker, Charles 184
Aker, Gene 138,184
Aker, Roxann 204
Aker, Timothy 121,184,231
Albert, Elizabeth 184
Albert, Kathleen 142,204
Albert, Peggy 126,!'84
Albrecht, Phyllis 125,184
Aldridge, Cheryl 150
Alix, Michele 184
Alleman, Kathleen- 184
Allen, Dale 184
Allen, Roberta 184
Almo, Russell '
Althoff, Brian '77,121,140,204,241
Althoff, Duane 184,243
Althoff, Vickie ·77,150
Amadio, Allan 184,231
Ancevic, Susan 150
Andersen, Dale 11!4
Andersen, Doreen 123,184
Andersen, Eric i22,123,204,245
Andersen, June 113,184
Andersen, Keitl\ ·34,136,184
Anderson, Arne 142,204,241
Anderson, Craig. 204
Anderson, Davit! 183,184,231
Anderson, Diane 184
Anderson, Gilbert 204
Anderson, Jeffrey 204,251
Anderson, Kathleen 18,106,150
Anderson, Kathryn 18,110,183,184
Anderson, Keith·
Anderson, Kenneth 204,253
Anderson, Kim · 125,204
Anderson, Luann 105,113,150
Anderson, Mary 204
Anderson, Michael 184
Anderson, Mr. 83
Anderson, Pamela 204
Anderson, Paul 184
Anderson, Richard 184
Anderson, William 10 204
Anderson, William 11 184
Andre, Mark 204,
Andresen, Daltt
Andreucci, Ronda, 184
Andrews, Nancy 101,105,l21,142,150
Andro, Ronald 133,204,234,255
Angelici, Sally 117 ,150
Angelo, Gina -~04
Angelo, John 184
Anger, Leanet.te 204,256
Angotti, Don 204
Antaramian, John 184
Antes, Irene 150
Antes, Wanda 204
Apker, Carol 204
Apple, Mr. 98,234,237
Arndt, Debra 204
Arneson, Russell 184,237
Atkinson, Judy 184
Atkinson, Sheila 150
A. V. AIDS 142
Aulozzi, David 184
B.A.A. 126
Baas, Jeff 150
Babel, Melvin 150
Babino, Daniel 150
Bach, William .142,150
Backmann, David 139,204
Bagnall, Anne
Bagnall, Katherine 204
Bagnall, Laura 110,123,125,150
Bailey, Cindy 184
Bailey, Joan 113,150
Bailey, Leslie 204
Bain, David 231
Bair, Mr.
Baker, John 106,121,133,184,243
Baker, Renee 106,109,136,141,150
Baker, Rhonda 126,204
Baker, Stephanie 106,135,185
Baker, Todd
Ball, Jackie 142,204
Ball, Tod 185
Ballard, James, 136,185
Ballard, Mr. 96
Baljeshil, Thomas 121
Bammer, Benjamin 150
Banadinovic, Joseph 40,150,173
Banas, Jean 113,185
Banas, John 204,234
Banerdt, Michael 106,123,125,150,155
Bankhead, Diane 150
Banta, Joseph
Barber, Clifford
Barber, Keith 66,185
Barber, Robert 12
Barber, Robert 11
Barber, Virginia 185
Barks, Bonnie 105,110,204
Barnes, Bruce 150
Barnes, Robin 185
Barnes, Susan 204
Barnett, Debor@h 66,150
Barnett, Mark 151
Baron, Richard 121,151,241
Baron, Robert 121,151,231
Barr, Mr. 9S,241
Barribeau, Luam) 204
Barrows, Susan 126,185
Bartee, Sandra 185
Bartee, Stanley 205,234,248
Bartel, Robin
Barter, Thomas 185
Barth, Mark 205
Barton, Lars 151
Basham, Susan 205
Basiglia, Mathe'w 142
Batassa, Daniel 22,151,231
Batassa, Donna 119,126,205,257
Baternik, James 107 ,133,151
Baternik, William 185
Batt, Brian 185
Bauer, John 151
Bauer, Mary 105
Bauer, Mrs. 61
Baumeister, Barbara 185
Baumeister, Deborah 151
Baumeister, Sandra 142,205
Beasley, James
Beaudet, David 205
Beck, Catherine 205
Beck, Susan 151
Becker, Christine 205
Becker, David 144,151
Becker, Delores 205
Becker, Jan 205
Becker, Janice 205
Becker, Kathleen 140,142,185,205
Becker, Kathy 106,126,135,258
Becker, Kenneth 205
Becker, Kent 151
Becker, Lance 185
Becker, Maren 123,151
Becker, Mary 126,205
Becker, Melanie 151,160
Becker, Patricia 107,126,151
Becker, Paul 185
Becker, Shelly 185
Beddow, Darryl 205
Bedford, Frances 125,185
Bedford, JoAnn 65,152
Beecher, Carol 151
Beecher, Wayne 205
Behling, Marie 152
Behncke, lrva 110,152
Behnke, Sarah 115,152
Behr, Michael 133,205
Beilke, Michael 133,203,205,234
Bell, Wayne 205
Bella, Rudolph 185
Bellaver, Beth 123,185
Belliveau, David 205
Belliveau, Gay 123,152
Belongia, Daniel 185,243
Belsky, Mark 185,205
Belsky, Michael
Benadusi, Giovanna 115,130,131,135,
Benik, Kimberly 126,205
Benik, Tamara 126,141,185
Bennett, Bruce 144
Bennett, Jerelyn 113,126,152
Bennett, Vicki 152
Benton, Jeffery 205
Berenson, Carol 126,205
Berenson, Richard 106,107,131,140,152
Berger, Martha 100,113,141,152
Berquist, Ellen 110,126,138,185
Bernacchi, John 133,205,234
Berner, Thomas 31,65,106,107,115,130,
Bernett, James
Bernhardt, Cheryl 116,185
Bernhoft, David 133,152
Bernhoft, Karen 185,259
Berry, Eugene
Berry, Loretta
Besch, William 205,241
Best, Peter 205
Beth, Thomas 121,142,152,231,232,247
Betz, Jack 152
Beyer, Mrs. 80
Biddle, Steven 185
Biel, Deloris 66,77,126,185
Billings, Robert 205
Binninger, Douglas 185
Birch, Richard 106,109,185
Birkholz, Patricia 205
Bisciglia, Matthew 121,185,188,250
Bishop, Joel 105,116,124,125,152
Bishop, Sherry 205
Bistrick, Mr. 231
Bitter, Nita 205
Bittis, Michael 152
Blankley, Mr. 82
Blasi, Felicia 131,145,185
Blauser, Mary 205
Blazewicx, David 205
Blazewicz, Denise 115,153
Blaziewske, Thomas 153,247
Block, Tim 139,205,245,253
Bloner, Nancy 153
Boardman, Tom
Bock, Bill 231
Bode, Carol 205
Boehm, David 185,194
Boehme, Linda 126,185
Boehme, Luann 77 ,110,126,153
Bogard, Dale 185
Bogdala, Robert 185
Bolyard, Alan 135,153
Boniface, Laura 105,106,113,123,153
Boniface, Neil 205
Bonn, Randy 152
Bonney, Daniel 185,205
Bonney, Edward
Bonney, Jill 185
Bonofiglio, Tina 205
Booker, Edna 153
Boone, Joyce
Booth, Steven 139,205
Borchardt, Russell 123,125,185
Borggren, Debra 203,205
Borggren, Lisa 22,135,185
Borneman, Linda 185
Bont, Edward 185
Borst, George
Borst, Vivian 107,140
Borths, Sherri
Borzyskowski, William 205
Bose, Mark 205
Bowen, Doreen 205
Bowen, Kathleen 142,153
Boyce, Patricia 138,185
Boyle, Nancy 185
Bradley, Mr. 82,229,251
Brand, Rosalie 185
Brandes, Dale 153
Brandes, Fredrick 185,253
Brandes, Jean 140,205
Brandes, Susan 113,145,153
Brandt, Deborah 43,138,185
Brandt, Jean 113,123,126,205
Brandt, Steven
Brandt, Thomas 205
Braun, Diane 123,139,203,205
Breach, Andrew 123,185
Brehm, Karla
Brehm, Kendall
Brekeller, John
Brennan, Cynthia 125,185
Brennan, Thomas 205
Brenneman, Sandra 205
Brennen, Robin 138,205
Brettinger, Cynthia 115,185,257
Brevitz, Larry 205
Brewer, Lynn 205
Brewer, Mark 142,153
Briese, Michael 205
Briggs, Susan 138,205,208
Briggs, William 185,231
Bringsosen, Diane 205
Brillelli, Mr. 78,237
Brockway, Deborah 138,153
Broker, Tamara 205
Bromstead, David 122
Bromstead, Jean 138,185
Brookhouse, Robert 113,121,185,229,
Broomfield, Diane 185
Broomfield, Ronald 77,186
Brothen, Mary
Brothen, Michael 153
Brothen, Robert 205,234
Broughman, Steven 186
Brown, Bruce 153
Brown, Catherine 144,153
Brown, Constance 186
Brown, Debra 186
Brown, Donald 186
Brown, James 12 133,142,153
Brown, James 10 205
Brown, Linda 125,205
Brown, Patricia 107,121,140,186
Brown, Thomas 153
Brownlee, Diane 65,135,138,186
Brundy, Robert 153
Brulport, Steven 153
Brummel, Gregory 186
Brummel, Julie 123,205
Brunner, Ruth 138,186
Bruno, Peter 206
Bruzas, Dale 206
Bryant, Florinda 135,206
Bryant, Vivian 153
Bryant, William 206
Brydges, William 206
Bucher, David 206
Buchman, Danette 186
Buchman, Jeffrey 153
Buckelew, Earl 153
Buechner, Linda 106,115,126,186
Buechner, Roland 77,186
Buege, William 105,133,206,234,248
Bulik, Jeffery 123,153
Bulik, Kurt 206
Bullock, James 121,186,231
Bullock, Jerry 154
Bullock, Perry 206
Bullock, Susan 206,257
Burden, Richard 126,154
Burditt, Michael 154
Burditt, Peggy 131,206
Burgess, Barbara 206
Burgess, Jane 115,116,142,186
Burke, David 186
Burke, William 142,154
Burkee, James 206,243
Burkoth, Michael 206
Burkoth, Sandra 110,122,206
Burkoth, Susan 186
Burman, Debra 106,107,113,116,141,
Burnett, Katie 31,54,106,107 ,109,115,
Burns, Darrell 206
Burokas, Mrs. 80
Burt, Terry 206
Buskirk, Steve 206
Bussard, Mr. 78
Butters, Florence 206
Butteri, Victoria- 106,109,138,186
Butts, Ricky 154·
Byom, Debra 106,145,154
Byrnes, Larry 186
Cailliet, Paul 122,206,243
Cain, Jeff 206
Cairns, Deborah 186
Caldwell, George 186
Caldwell, Richard
Callahan, Christine 126,206,256,257
Camosy, Jeart· 126,139,206
Campbell, Jimmie
Campbell, M~.
Campolo, Jon, 142,186
Campolo, Nick 125,206
Cannady, Mr. 82,248,271
Cantrell, Judith 186
Cantwell, Colleeh 154
Cantwell, Debra·, 122,206
Cantwell, Jeffrey 142,154
Cantwell, Paula 186
Caputo, Gina '106,145,154
Cardinali, Ramona
Carlson, Mr. 95
Carlson, Thomas -113,186
Carmichael, Ronald 105,139
Carney, Danny
Carney, Steven 206
Carpenter, Charles 186,206
Carpenter, Elsa
Carpenter, Eric 130,142,186
Carr, Christine 186
Carravetta, Michael 154
Carruthen, Carolyn 66
Carver, Mr. 91j
Cass, Mr. 82
Cassity, Michael 105,136,186
Cassity, Peggy 138,206
Cate, Curtis 186
Caulk, Penny 186,256
Ceschin, Tomas 136,186,245
Cespuglio, Debyra
Chadde, Steve · lsS
Chalgren, Mr. 86,271
Chapek, Lori , 106,126,133,142
Chapman, Jerry 206
Chaput. Eileen· 105,139,206
Chaput, Lawrence 186,231
Chatterton, Cynthia 125,126,186
Chatterton, Linda• 125,135,206
Chatterton, Vicki 136,142,186
Cheney, Barbara 117,154
Chesack, Deborah- 206
Chesack, Denise ;206
Chianelli, Kathy
Chiappetta, Deborah 154
Chiappetta, Kare11 126,206,256
Childers. Marvan'h 138,154
Childers, Orlon 186
Chiodo, Carrie 22,154
Chiodo, James 206
Chiodo, Kim 123,206
Chmielewski. Steven 206
Christensen, Jan 32,115,123 ,125,135,
Christensen, Jeffrey 206
Christian, Paul 186
Chrisiansen, Glenn 206
Christiansen, RQssell 206
Christy, Peter 206
Churchill, William 154
Cibrario, Susan °106,154
Cicchini, Karen 105,126,206
Cigallio, David 154
Ciotti, George, 186
Ciotti, Janie~ 66,115,117,186
Ciotti, Judith 142,144,154
Clark, Crit
Clark, Danny 186
Clark, Gwen 131,149,154
Clark, Janis 135,142
Clarke, John 106,154,251
Clarke, William. 206,241
Clausen, Suzanne 77 ,126,206
Clement, DeboralJ 183,186
Cline, Harral
Cline, Randy 206
Cline, Tony 155
Coates, Anne
Coates, Chris . 136,155
Cobb, David· 155
Cobern, William
Cochran, Bonita 87,142,145,186
Cogswell, Karen 206
Cole, Patricia
Coleman, Lester
Coleman, Minor 135
Collins, Betty 115,121,186
Collins, Kathy 22,16,101,119,162,163
Collins, Nancy. 110,126,203,206
Collins, Robert 186,206
Colmer, Rich:t 206
Colstan, Barbara
Crawford, Mark 113,206,229,250
Creighton, Susan
Cross, Caryn 105,138,142,206
Cross, Timothy 155
Crowley, Joann 220
Crump, Margaret 187
Crump, Patricia 145,187
Cucunato, Theresa 115,206
Cudahy , James
Cummings, Deb(a 115,206
Cummings, Gerrie 105,156
Curio, Melody 105,139,206
Curnes, Carmalyn 155
Curst, Penny 207
Curtis, Linda 155
Czarnowski, Leslie 105,113,142,156
Dade, Susan
Dahl, Mrs. 77
Dahl, Thomas 123,156,245,255
Daniels, Jani5 156
Danke, David 207
Darracott, Deborah 77,110,121,149,156
Darracott, Purvi&
Dart, Richer~ 122,123,207 ,243
Dart, Sandra . 106,123,125,156
Darula , Mr. 19
Dase, Christine 207
Dase, Mary 187
Dattilo, Daniel 187
Davenport, Kimberly 113,123,207
Davenport, Lorraine
Davenport, Scot~ 123,207,255
Davidson, Jacquin 105,123,156
Davis, Andrew · 123,125,156,231
David , Anthony 121,156,241
Davis, David 207 ,255
Davis, John '187 ,241
Davis, Joseph 187
Davis, Ricky 65,135,187
Davis, Sue 207
Davis, Willil! 138,142,187 ,237
Deangelis, Debra 123,183,187
Deangelis, Vito
Debettignies, Rita
Deboer, Russell 187
Debruin, Debra 187
Decesaro, Catherine 207
Decesaro. Paul. i41,207
Deerwester, Scott 122,133,142,207
Defurio, James 113,187
Dehaan, Roger 207
DeHart, Mr . .95,133
Dekok, Scott 106,123,136,187
Delaney, Barbara 187
Delaney, Darrell 187
Delany, John 187
Delcorps, Marcia 207
Delmore, Leah 207,211
Demarco, Michael 187
Demoe, Debora'h 156
Demoss, Thomas 187
Demske, Joseph 207
Denio, Luann 66,110,207
Denio, Rae 207
Derwae, Karen 123,187
Desideri, Cathy 156
Desmonie, Patricia
Desotell, Kimberly 138,207
Detlor, Lois
Devine, Deborah 117 ,203 ,207
Devine, Elizabeth 27 ,187 ,192
Devine, Robert 130,207
Devries, John .
Dewitt, Marg11ret 77 ,207
Dezee, Kenneth 207 ,239
Dezee, William 156
Diamante, Elizabeth 207
Diamon, Mark 187 ,255
Diaz. Jaime 187
Diaz. Luis
Dibble, Karen 207
Dibble, Katie 115,207
Dibble, Lee, 126,156
Dicello, Michael
Dickman, Clinton
Diener. Todd 156
Dieter, Sheryll 115,119,183,187
Dietman, Debra 115,187
Dietman, Terrie 115,142,207
Dimitrijevic, Radovan 121,187,237,238
Dobbs, Richard 187
Dockter, Sharoq 115,207
Dodge, Joanna65,77 ,113,187
Dodge, Kevin 207
Doerfler, Alvin
Doerflinger. Sharon
Donais, Randy 133,207 ,234 ,248
Donavan, Miss 61
Dorey. Keith 187
Dorff, Barbara 208
Dorn, David 133,208,234
Dosmonie, Patricia 156
Dow, Lynd! 144,156
Dow, Robert 208
Dowdy, Debra 208
Downey. Marlene 157
Dowse, Byron 107 ,133 ,140
Dowse, Deborah 106,107 ,133,140,183,
Draeger, Mr. 27 ,54 ,63,65
Dreifke, Denise 208
Dreifke, Renee 142
Drigot, Dale 32,115,149,157
Duban, Jill 113,121,157
Dubois, Charles · 125,208
Duchac, Susan 139,208
Duerr, Luann 157
Duesterbeck, Mr. 82
Duller, Thomas 187
Dumke, John 122,187
Dunham, Jann 135,187,258
Dunlap, Jean 116,141,157
Dunn, Bruce 135,208
Dunn, Bryon 121,122,187,241 ,250
Dunn , Ramona 135,208
Dunow , Dawn 208
Dunwald; June 187
Dunpin, Robert
Dupont, Debdrah 157
Dupont, Noe~ 208
Dupuis, Paul\ 187
Durbin, Barblwa 115,139,208,257
Durbin , Lawerence 187
Durbin , Steven 117 ,187
Durst, Peniw
Dutton, Wayl)e 187
Dwyer, Daniel 208
Dyess, Annette
Dzian , Sandra 16,16A,16B,105,106,157
Earl, James 208
Earley , Elizabeth 145,187
Earnest, J . David 105,187,231
El>eling, Eric 125
Ebeling, Jonathan
Ebener, Jeffrey 208
Ebener, Mark 188,247
El>ert, Craig ' 208
El>ert, Hans 115,126,157,255
Ebert, Mark 188
Ecklar. Laur' 157
Edmark, Mrs. 90'
Edmark, Zachery
Edwards. Alla11 32 ,121 ,188,243
Edwards, Darryl 188
Edwards, Jamea 208
Edwards, Michael 208
Ehlert , Daniel, 133
Eisenhauer, Susan 125,208
Elfering, Sharon
Ellefson, Cathi 110,119,208
Ellefson , Gay 113,188
Ellsworth, Michele 27 ,136,188
Elmer, Ann 157
Elmer, Jane~ 184,188
Eloff, Carol
Engdahl, Darla 208
Engelhardt, Peter 188
Engelmann, Michael 208
England, Diane 113,157
England, Maty
Engles , Dav~d 141 ,208
Englund, Diane 110,145
Englund, Michael 36,121,157,231 ,243
Enhoff, James 157
Ennis, Rita 106,1110,126,188,257
Erdmann, Robert 157
Erickson, Miss 93
Erickson, Vicki 208 ,256
Esser, Timothy 208,234,241
Eternicka, Francis 188
Etzelmuller, Dawn 117 ,208
Evans , Billy 188
Evans, Diane 208
Everson, Deborah 188
Ewald, Jeffrey 99,208
Ewald, Michael 188,255
Fahrenbach, Miss 72
Fair, Michael. 208
Falduto, Linda 139,208
Famous, Arthur
Fanke, Katherine 209
Colter, Daniel 206
Conforti, Frank 155
Conforti, Terri 121,186
Conforti, Thomas 206
Conley, Ralph
Constantine, Robert 206
Conwell, Patrick 206,234
Coolidge, Robert 206
Cooper, Bobby
Cooper, David 186
Cooper, Donna 115,186
Cooper, Wanda. 117,155
Cordiner, Mr. ·80
Cords, Barbara· 126,206
Cords, Kathy '123,125,135,155,257
Cornell, Gwendolyn 101,126,186,257
Corso, Duane , 109,206
Cortese, Albert· 125,186
Coshun, Susan· 155
Coss, Ronda 145,lbb
Costabile, Lori 186
Costabile, Ronald 206
Costigan, John 155
Cotton, Mary 107 ,115,130,140,155
Cotton, Miss 72,77
Coulter, Denis 155
Corelli, Geraldine 106,145,155
Covell, Miss 72, 77
Covelli, Rita 110,186
Covelli, Rose 206
Cowen, Earl 80,155,243
Cowen, Jane , 119,126,206
Cowick, Daniel 186
Cox, Peggy 186
Crane, Judy 187
Crank, Richard 206
Farnham, M" 65,88,271
Farnham, Stuart 188
Farrar, Kim .
Farrell, Steven. 188,251
Faulkner, April .126,157
Fay, Robert. 131,157
Fechner. Marilyrr 138,188
Feckler, Richard 121,157,231
Feldman, Mr.
Fedyzkowski, Elaine 157
Feifer, Leigh 105,121,209
Fled. Marita 77 ,106,125,157
Fellows, Clarence 209
Fenn, Thomas 188
Fennema, Mr. 67
Fennel, Jan
Fenski, Donna 157
Fenski, Fred
Fiers, Duwayne 209,234
Fifarek, Sandra
Filippelli, Mr. 80,234
Findling, Allen 209
Fink, Ronald 106,121,156,157,228,229,
Firchow, Jody 209
Fisch back, April 188
Fischer. Linda 106,126,188
Fischer, Mr. 83
Fischer. Nan~y 123,188
Fish, Lawrenoe 139,209
Fish, Pamela 188
Fistler, Carla 115,209,256
Fitch, Glenn· 188,241
Fitzgerald, Dennis 138,188
Fitzgerald, June 157
Flad, Elizabeth 157
Flake, Harvey· 245
Flannery, L11cille 157
Flatley, Michele 126,141,188
Flesch, Sandy 126,209,256,257,258
Flesch. Wen<~ 209,256,257,258
Flippo, Sharon 138,158
Flores, Irene 209
Flores, Ruby 66,130,158
Follensbee, Kenneth 209
Fonk, Cheryl 135,136,188
~~~~: f':~~ 110;/13.145.209
Fonk, Martha 158,170
Ford. Cindy 106,123,125,136,188
Forest, Elnora
Formakus, Mr.
Formella. Stephen 158
Formella. Theresa 138,188
Fosbinder, Joseph 209
Foster, Joann Z09
Fowler, Mr. 79
Fox. Leroy 209
Fox. Lynn· 15.119,145,158
Fraley. Debbie 209
Fraley, Thomes
Frame, Debra 113,115,188
Frame, Dennis 123,209,241
Frank, William
Franz. Crait 188
Franz, Karl 209,239,250
Franzen. Ricki 209
Frederich, Bonnie 125,188
Frederickson, Suzanne 115,209
Fredricksen, Tim 158,237
Fredrickson, Donald 209
Freeman, Diane 115,126,188
Freeman, Mae 117
Freerking, Anthony 209
Frei, Kenneth 123,133,188,255
Frei, Ronald 98,99,209,243
Freitag, Debfa 188
Frese, John t88
Frieman, David 117 ,203,209
Frieman, Kevin 123,188
Frost, John 106,158,231,243,255
Frost, Matthew 209,243,255
F.T.A. 115
Fueh{fingef, Mr. 95
Fulmer, Riley 36,188
Fulmer, Thomas 209
Furno, Joseph 106,107,141,158
Furlin, David 158
G.A.A. 126
Gadsby. Peter
Gagliardi, Linda ~88
Galdonik, Lynda 115,209
Gallman. William 209
Gallo, Dino 149,255
Galvin, Danny .188
Gamache, Mrs. 65,77
Gamberini, Dale 122,133,209,234
Gamberini, David 250
Gamberini, Diana 115,188
Gangler, Robert 209,241
Gann. Charles 209
Gann, Nancy -125,188
Garcia, Candice 115,131,138,188
Garcia, Dorothy 209
Garcia, Thomah
Gardner, Karen 116,189
Gardner, Karen 189
Garramone, Gina 107 ,140,189
Garren, Malcolm 106,123,189
Gary, Diane 66,101,126,135,141,145,158
Garza, Eva 126,138,209,256
Gascoigne, Kimberly 209
Gately, William 121,158,243,255
Gebhart, Nancy 66,105,115,125,145,189
Gehring, Charles 209
Gehring, Mary 105,113,142,189
Gehring, Thoma 16,16A,149,155,158
Gehrke, David 158
Gehrke, Paul 189
Gemmell, Mr. 80
Gename, Roger 121,158,230,231,237,
Gename, Russell 142,209,234,239,251
Gentile, Janet 189
Gentile, Sue 209
Gentz, Donna 209
Gentz. Joan 189
Gentz, Mark 158
Gentz. Nancy
George, Allen 209
George, Daniel 140,189
George, Debra 189
George, DianJ 189
George, Lynn i26,140,209
Georno, George 209,214,239,250
Gerlach, Karell 110,122,209
Gerlach, Laurie 123,125,126,189
Gerlach, Miss 80
Germinaro, Patricia 209
Gerum, MaryJo 115,183,189
Gescoigne, Kim 117
Gesler. Debra
Gesler, Donald 158
Gibson. Kevin 189
Gibson, Pamela 209
Gielas, Janic;.e 126,209
Gigliotti, Jos~ph 189
Gigliotti, Nino 158,229,250
Gildenstern, ~andy 189
Gildenstern. Ruth 158
Gildenstern, Thomas 158
Giombetti, Dave 209
Giordana, Jill ·16,16A,16A,105,119,158
Giordane, Gene 209
Giordano, Jodi. 158
Girsh, Robert 189
Gittens, Denise 189
Gittens, Mark 209
Gitzlaff, John 158
Gladding, Mr. 72
Glaeser, Mr. 90,91,271
Glass, Lisa 100,115,125,209
Glynn, Mr.· 81
Goergen, Claudia 77,125,189
Goergen, Gail ·209
Goetsch, Michael 142,159
Goff, Brenda. 189
Goff, Kristine 136,159
Goff, Laure 209
Goff, Nanct 189
Goff, Roger
Gogola, Susan 189
Gomaz, Gingl!r 209
Gonnering, Dll'Vid 159
Gonnering, Jon 209
Gonzales, Fredrico
Gonzales, Irma 209
Gonzalez. Judy· 159
Goos, Dana 209
Gorra, Debra ·139,209,256
Gorra, Pamela 126,133,135,138,159
Gosnell, Judith• 105,106,113,136,159
Gosse Ii n, Robert 159
Gott, Frank 159
Gourley, Lisa 110,136,189
Grabot, Thomas 121,123,189,231,241
Graham, Charle8 209
Graham, Christophe 159
Graham, Jackie 209
Graham, SteveJ\ 209
Gram, Linda
Grams, Ronalll 189
Grandow, Jodefi, 106,189
Granger, Richard 159
Grasser, Jackie 66,110,141,209
Grasser, Kim, 43,105,189
Gray, Gary
Gray, Jeffery 136,189
Gray, Nancy 123,189
Gray, Peter •210
Grayson, Krista 210
Grayson, Richard 189
Graziani, Judith
Greb, Jacalyn 66,145,189
Greco, James 159
Greco, Lynn 110,126,159
Green, Kevin 125,135,189
Greene, Toinette 210
Gregor, Mary
Greirory, Debra 210
Gregory Judy 115,116,139,210,225
Gregory, Robj!rt 125,133,210,255
Gregory, William 210
Gretzinger, Charles 210
Grevenow. Jean 159
Griffin, Christophe 210
Griffin, Cynthia 139,210
Griffin, Mark 189
Griffin, Patrick 159
Grimes, Doris 65,106,107,125,135,140,
Grimes, Phyllis 117.159
Grimmer, Gerald 122,210,243
Grimmer, Jerome 189
Grimmer, Pamela 106,159
Grinder, David· 189
Grissom, Danny 189
Groemke, Patricia
Gross, Darryl 210
Gross, Linda 210
Gross, Marilyn
Gross, Raymond 43,121,133,142,159,
231,243,250 •
Grota, Kathleen 106,125,135,159
Grund, Susan 126,210
Guelzow, John 121,159,231,232,247
Gulbransen, Lori 113,115,189
Gunnison, Robert 189
Gunnlaugson, Vicki 189
Gutshe, James 159
Gutche, Patricia 210
Gutierrez Mary 210,256
Guttormsen, Diane 110,210
Guttormsen, Gregg 113,189,243
Guttomsen, James 210
Guttormsen, Lee 210
Haag, Charlene 159,189
Haag, Cheryl 189
Haag, Randall
Haarbauer, Scott 121,159,169,247
Hackbarth, Da~id 116,189
Hacker, James 121,159,231
Hackworthy, Clement 189
Hackworthy, Nancy 138,210
Hadler, Mr. 67
Hadler, Robert 122,123,210
Hagan, Steven 123,125,210,245
Hagen, Barbara 210
Hagberg, Judy 77 ,126,159
Hagen, Barbara 122
Hagen, Miss 72
Hagerty, Susan 160
Hall, Debra 160
Hall, Jackie 189
Hall. Sheree 115,145,210
Halmo, David 189
Halpin, Diane 110,121,160
Halverson, Mark 210
Halverson, Richard 210
Hamachek, Kathi 189
Hamann, Cynthia 160
Hamann, Theresa 210
Hamblin, John 210
Hamby, Mark 210,241
Hamby, Michael
Hamers, Michael 130,189
Hamilton, Ricky 210,241
Hamm, Mark 189
Hamm, Michael 210
Hammelev, John 160
Hammes, Rex 189
Hammes, Tod 210,243
Hammond, Bruce 106,123,149,160
Hammond, David 189,231
Hammond, David 210
Hammond, Ellen 106,110,126,135,140,
Hammond, James 106,126,160
Hammond, Richard 160
Hammond, Mrs. 72
Hampton, Mark 190,231
Hamre, Mr. 72
Handy, Tim 190
Haney, Douglas 66,123,203,210,234
Hanna, Jayne 145,160
Hannes, Charles 210
Hannes, Paul 160
Hansen, Darlene
Hansen, Dennis 190
Hansen, Douglas 210
Hansen, Gary 210
Hansen, Gina 115,210
Hansen, Gregory 190
Hansen, Lori 190,210
Hansen, Lorie 256
Hansen, Margaret 66,110,126,138,183,
Hansen, Melanie 100,136,160
Hansen, Mr. 72
Hansen, Patricia 113,123,125,210
Hansen, Philip 125,210
Hansen, Robert 16,16A,54,106,121,123,
Hansen, Miss
Hanson, Barbara 138,190
Hanson, Donald 123,139,142,160
Hanson, Douglas 139
Hanson, Nyla 106,136,160
Harmon, Neil 122,210
Harper, Dorian 210
Harper, Ned 116,133,190
Harper, Robert 113,210,243
Harper, Suzanne 138,190
Harris, David 125,133,138,210
Harris, Glerl 160
Harris, Jolie 121,139,210
Harris, Mr. 84,85,271
Harris, Scott 210
Hartl, John 133,190,231
Hartnell, Faith 160
Hartnell, Janet 161
Hartnell, Jill' 126,133,142,210
Hartnell, Ricky 210,248
Hartnell, Theresa 210
Hasslinger, Joanne 110,126,135,138,
Hastings, Sarah
Hathcock, Pamela 210
Haubrich, Don 161
Haubrich, Marianne 190
Hautzinger, Daniel 130,190,229
Havranek, Mark 190,245
Hawes, Cathy 66,110,126,190
Hawkins, Diane 190
Hawkins, Laura 161
Hawkins, Linda 210
Hawk.ins, Margaret
Hawkins, Steven 115,210,234,243
Hawley, Scott 211
Hayden, Terry
Hayes, Barbara 100,115,161
Hayes, Myron 211
Hayes, Robin 211
Hayward, Lorrie 211
Hazelton, James 141,211
Heal, Kathaleen 211
Hebert, William 27 ,105,117 ,164,190
Hebior, Debora'h 138,142,161
Heckel, Jane 107,140,190
Hedden, Ha~ey 109,133,190
Hees, Joanne 211
Heg, David 194
Hegyera, David 190
Helf, Lisa .2ll
Helgesen, Timothy 161
Helwig, Janice 106,135,161
Hendericksen, Mr. 73,271
Hendrix, Ted 211
Hennessy, Mike 125,211,243
Henningfeld, Patti 123,211
Henoch, Mrs. 79
Henrikson, Sharon 211
Hensey, Mr. 73
Heppner, William 106,161,231
Herde, Robert 211
Herman, Jill 190
Hermann, Cheryl
Hermans, David 190
Herr, Charles 211
Herr, Linda 142,211
Herrmann, Rick 211
Hermann, Roberta 211
Hess, Terry 161
Hessefort, Richard 190
Hessefort, Steven 211
Hessefort, Thomas 190
Heyden, Richard 16,16A,16B,98,99,113,
Heyden, Robert 211,229,251
Heyeden, William 113,190
High, Cheryl 211
Hildewig, Heide 190
Hill, Duane
Hill, Jimmie 125,211
Hill, John 161
Hill, Richard 40,190
Hill, Susan 138,142,161,190
Hill, Susan
Hillesland, Cheryl 161
Hillesland, Richard 211
Helliard, Michael 211
Hitt, Susan · ·
Hlavata, Judy 110,122,211
Hobson, Daniel 66,142,161
Hock, Christine 190
Hoda!, Scot~ 121,190,250
Hoeft, Mrs. 73
Hoff, Deborah 161
Hoff, DenniA 136,190
Hoff, Gregory 211,234,248
Hoff, Jeffrey 190
Hoffmann, David 211,255
Hoganson, Julia 106,123,126,135,190,
Hogue, Cinda 161
Holland, Cindy 121,190
Holland, Debra 211,214,257
Holland, Karen 123,142,145,190
Hollatz, Patricia 211
Holliday, Teresa 211
Hollingsworth, John 105,121,140,161,
Hollister, Sandra
Holman, Mr. !19,245,255
Holmes, Kenneth 136,161
Holt, Mark 136,161
Holtman, Sally 161
Holton, James 211,234,255
Honey, Sco\t 211
Hooper, Mr. 79
Hopkins, Jeanne 110,126,135,211,258
Hopkins, Michael 211
Hopkins, Thom!'• 121,123,161,254
Hopkins, Thomas 123,161
Horn, Ebba 115,126,135,136,140,161,
Horn, Miss 67
Hornby, Deborah 211
Hornby, Robert 161
Hosmanek, Jane 66,122,139,140,211
Hosmanek, Joan 107 ,140,190
Hotson, Kimberly 212
Hou11h. Elli . 212
Houle, Bradley 162
Houghton, Mr$. 90
House, Mr. 99
Houston, Daniel 190
Houtsinger, Jean 190
Houtz, Mrs. 100
Hovey, Kermit 109,141,212
Howard, Orrick 36,190
Hubbard, Bruce 190
Hubbard, Marsha 126,138,190
Hubbard, Sue 212
Huck, Janice 190
Huckstep, Robert 161
Huetten, Mr. 73
Huff, Debra 117,162
Huff, James 162
Huff, Malcome 136
Hulce, Diane 113,212
Humphres, Lawrence 212
Humphrey, Julie 126,162,190
Hunt, Darlene 126,135,190
Hunt, Jocele 135,140,190
Hylinski, Constance 77,106,110,126,
laquinta, James 162
laquinta, Lawrence 105,190,247
/aquinta, Mr. 73,271
Ibsen, Randy 160,162
Ide, Margaret 162
lgnjatovic, Melanie 106,109,136,149,162
Imbregno, Charles 162
Ingraham, Robert 212
Ingram, Debbie 212
Inman, Debra 212
Irish, Mark 212,248
Ironside, Mary 110,122,212
Irving, Catherine 66,117
Irving, William 106,121,162,190,231
Isermann, Mark 162
!setts, Brian 123,190
lstvanek, Wlizabeth 190
Ives, Debra 100,106,110,136,149,162
Ivy, Johnny 121,183,190,237,247
lwanikiw, Anna 212
Jabs, Thomas 212
Jackson, Annie 117,126,135,138,142,
Jackson, Debra 212
Jackson, Douglas 123,135,190
Jackson, Eugene 212
Jackson, Faye 65,66,121,135,138,190,
Jackson, Fredrick 190,237
Jackson, Ira 212
Jacobs, Cheryl 212
Jacobs, Jeffrey . 138,162
Jacobsen, Mr. 95
Jacobson, Teresa 212
Jaeger, William 212
Jahnke, Alfred 212
Jalensky, William 142,162
Jamas, Pamela 212
Jasiunas, Thomas 212
Jass, Wayne 191
Jeffries, Brenda 65,135,212
Jenkins, Susan 191
Jensen, Allen '212
Jensen, Deborah 77 ,113,162
Jensen, Deborah 113,162
Jensen, Diane 126,212
Jensen, Jack 212
Jensen, Leonard
Jensen, Leslie 145,191
Jensen, Linda 105,126,212,256
Jensen, Margaret 106,116,141,162
Jensen, Marla 110,162
Jensen, Mr. 95
Jensen, Ronald 162
Jensen, Willia;;, 212
Jenson, Leo 162
Jenson, Lillian 117 ,162
Jeranek, Allen 162
Jessen, Rick 163
Jiardine, Dawn
Joanis, George 105,136,163
Johns, Kathleen 105,110,163
Johnson, Barbara 110,191
Johnson, Beth 125,191
Johnson, Brian 212,239
Johnson, Brian 253
Johnson, Carol· 163
Johnson, Cynthia 121,212
Johnson, David 121,142,163,231
Johnson, James 191,231,237,247
Johnson, John' 123,125,163
Johnson, Julie 163
Johnson, Karen 123,191
Johnson, Keitl;i 121,142,163,191,247
Johnson, Kenneth 243
Johnson, Linda. 77 ,126,142,191
Johnson, Linda 126,212
Johnson, Mary. 122,212
Johnson, Nancie. 191
Johnson, Rickey 212
Johnson, Scott· 72,99,106,113,123,191
Johnson, Steven 106,121,126,163,252,
Johnson, Susatl 106,109,163
Johnson, Terr)! 212
Johnson, Theodore 212
Johnson, Tho~as 212,229,234,251
Johnson, William 121,163,237 ,253
Johnston, Thomas 138,191
Johnstone, Denise 126,212
Jonas, Richard i63
Jones, Sandra 115,191
Jones, Sandra 115
Jones, Tom · 126
Jones, William 191
Jordan, Patricia
Jordan, William 163
Jorgensen, Barbara 212
Jorgensen, Karin 66,138,212
Jorgenson, Laurie 77 ,100,113,115,163
Jorgenson, ThomAs 136,191
Josephson, Gary · 123,191
June, Vicki 212
Jurkoska, Judith 106,191
Jurksaitis, Sitha. 191
Kaddatz, Susan 212
Kadonsky, Alan 163,245
Kadonsky, Gary 212,245
Kaeppeler, Jeffrey 123,191,247
Kaeppeler, Kenneth 122,212
Kaiser, Donald 16!!
Kalbfell, Jerry 212
Kelcie, Kathleen 164
Kelcie, Kevin 136,164
Kelcie, Vicki 212
Kaldenberg, Edward 212
Kalvonjian, Susan 106,126,191
Kanehl, Paul 191
Kanios, Michael 212
Kant, Werner 125
Keppers, Jane. 126,141,191
Keppers, William 212
Kaprelian, Laura 212
Karls, Janet . 191
Karls, William 212,234
Kasputis, Nancy 122,123,212
Katt, Gregory 191,241
Katt, Janet .110,142,191
Kauffman, Wendy 212
Kausalik, Lance 191
Kavalauskas, Deborah 191
Kavalauskas, Renee 212
Kavalauskas, Ricky 113,183,191
Kavanaugh, Anne 110,113,138,149,164
Kavanaugh, Ellen 110,138,191
Kazell, Marla 106,164
Kazell, Susan
Keating, Loren 213,248
Keefner, Jeanne 110,213
Kehl, Donald 191
Keitel, Debra 164
Keller, Kim 164
Keller, Wendy 191
Kelley, Debra 105,119,136,191
Kelley, Patricia, 164
Kellman, Terry, 145,164
Kelly, Armin. 130,241
Kelly, Laurel 191
Kelly, Pamela 119.136,183,191
KeMan, Kevin 213
Kemp, Billie ·191
Kenaga, Mary Rita 213
Kendall, Stephanie 213
Kennedy, Beth 105,113,122,213
Kent, Marilyn
Kerner, Carol 138,164
Kersting, Betty 191
Kessler, Judith 164
Kessler, Ruth 213
Kessro, Karen 164
Ketelhut, Janice 164
Kevek, Rae 122,213
Kewenig, Craig 113,213,234,241
Kewenig, Linda 164
Kiffe!, Diane 100,113,121,164
Kiffe!, Lori 106,136,183,191
King, James 133
King, Pamela 106,113,123,142,156,164
Kirsh, Randall 247
Kitzmiller, Mr. 95
Kivi, Laura 16,16A,16B,164
Kivi, Robert 213
Klappa, Tom 121,165,247
Klawitter, Terry 213
Klees, Alan 213
Klees, David 106,165
Klein, Janet 213
Klemens, Elaine 110,165
Klinkerfuss, Robert 191
Kloet, Donald 133,213,248
Kloet, Jeffery 191,234,243
Klopstein, Steven 213,234,250
Kloster, Jane 165
Klug, Mr. 82
Kluka, James 165
Knapp, David 191
Knapp, Delores
Knapp, Ramona 136,165
Knautz, Ronald 191
Knickrehm, Andrew 136,165
Knickrehm, David 191,194,255
Knight, Debra
Knorn, Gar~· 116,213,241
Knotts, Robert 165
Knudsen, Nancy 192
Knudson, Carol 106,113,145,165
Knutter, Charll!ll 213
Kober, Mark 144,165
Kobishop, Mr. ~4.63,65
Kobrow, Milissa 139,213
Koch, Randall ,142,165
Koehler, Sharon 67,100,101,138,165
Koesser, Kurt 213
Koessl, Brue.a 192
Kofroth, Jeffrey 115
Kolkmann, JeffrfO' 123,165
Kollman, Jacqueline 106,110,123,125,
Kollman, Laurie. 165
Kollman, Peter 1.65
Kolmos, Kurt 192,231
Kolstad, Barbara 122,203,213
Kondrad, Robert 165
Koos, Sara . 105,106,165
Kopp, Edgar ,213
Kopp, Ric~ 130,142,192
Korbel, Joseph 213,239
Koroscik, Debra 123,125,192
Kos, Debra 213
Kosloske, Clifford 192
Kosman, Ronald 213
Koster, Debra 117,142,213
Kostreva, Kalvin 105,106,126,135,138,
Kostreva, Gerald. 165,250
Kovacevich, Karen 213
Kral, Mr. 79
Kramer, David 122,213
Kranen, Mr. 54,63
Krause, Miss . 82
Krebs, James . 213,241,248
Kreuger, Mr.
Kreuscher, Carol 125,139,213
Kreuscher, Luann 113,126,166
Kreuser, Janet 27,183,192
Kreuser, Linda 138,192
Kreuser, Marcia
Kreuser, Marsha 213
Kreuser, Nancy 139,142,213
Kreuser, Terry. 192
Krinker, Randall 166
Krinker, Ronald 213
Krogh, David 192
Krohn, Debra 27,65,77,113,117,144,192
Kronholm, Jancie 123,213
Krueger, Edward 166
Krueger, Mr. 77
Krueger, Theodore 192
Krulatz, Ann 125,126,203,213,257
Krumm, Kurt 213
Krusa, Julie 115,213
Kruser, Jane.! 110
Kuba, Michael 106,166
Kuchcinski, Beverly 192
Kuczenski, Marta 144,166
Kuessow, Ann 113,138,192
Kunath, David 133,213,234,251
Kunzman, Joseph 213,234
Kupferschmidt, Miss
Kuryanowicz, David 213
Kuyawa, Mark 192,253
Kuzmich, Karl~ 192
Labanow, Mary 213
Labell, Kathleen 192
Labuy, Mark 133,213
Lachenschmidt, Laura 213
Lachman, Carol
Lacki Stephen 139,213
Ladd, Michael. ·166
Laduke, Patrick 214
Ladwig, Keith·
Ladwig, Scott 192
Lahti, Shirley 115,192
Laken, Lorraine 32,106,131,192
Lamphere, Vicki
Lampos, Tina 115,192
Lanctot, Ter~i 66,105,115,117,192
Landa, Georgianna 130,166
Landers, Gary 214
Landers, Joseph 121,166,241
Landre, James '214
Lane, Alan_ 142,192
Lane, David 16,16A,123,125,166
Lang, Jean 214
Lange, Tim 192,247
Langeland, Craig 192,241
Langeland, Michael 214,231
Langer, Dean 214,234
Lapas, Tina 66
Lapaint, Robert 214
Larsen, Diane 113,122,125,133
Larson, Carla 40,77,106,126,166
Larson, Daniel 122,214
Larson, David 214,251
Larson, Debra 77 ,100,110,126,166
Larson, Delor<!s 66,192
Larson, Diane 214
Larson, Gary 121,166,237,247
Larson, Laureen 105,139,214
Larson, Leslie 123,192
Lasco, Kimberly 214
Lasky, Carol 66,166,214
Lasky, Raynale
Laurhlin, Sullan 192
Launderville,'Christine 192
Laurent, David 192
Laurenzi, Linda 110,122,214
Laurin, David 139,214
Laurin, John 125,192
Lawler, Kathl~en 192
Lawler, Ki'!' 106,117,121,166,231
Lawler, Louise 117 ,130,142,166
Lawler, Mary 213
Lawler, Mr. 34,73
Lawler, Susan 192
Leanna, Jeffrey 214,248
Leccese, Arthur 109,214
Leccese, Richard 116,123,166
Lechner, Margaret 66,115,142,192
Lechner, Susan 142,214
Ledanski, Judity 121,192
Ledanski, Mary 166
Ledanski, Thom11s 192
Leech, Phyllis 66,192
Lehman, Jay .113,214,243,253
Lehman, John 121,142,166,253
Leibhan, Mich11el 166
Leibhan, Richard 214
Leigh, Michael 192
Leiting, James 214
Leiting, Vickie 138,192
Lemay, Brenda 214
Lemay, Keith 192
Lenzing, Deborah 192
Leslie, Alll\n 214
Lessman, Suzette 214
Lester, Lynda 166
Lettrich, Jane$ 105,125,192,257
Levonowich, Michael 136,142,166,230,
Levonowich, Robert 214,239
Leys, Donna 113,126,214
Liegakos, Kimber)y 110,214
Lienau, Debra, 166
Lienau, Lori, 115,166
Lighthizer, James 214
Liliestrom, Jill 138,214
Lindberg, Myr~n
Linderman, Michele 133,214
Lindquist, Klindt 123,215
Lindquist, Kurt 193,216
Lindstrom, Kurt
Littel, Charles 166
Littel, Mark 215,234,248
Littiken, Debra 138,193
Little, Paul 133,215
Littner, Edwaed
Livinll"Ston, Steven 215
Logan, Martha
Londo, Mike 193
London, Sheila 65,193
Lootans, Paulette 193
Loos, Keith 99,106,121,193,243
Louks, Jack 106,123,167
Loux, Jeffrey 125,139,215
Lowrance, Larry 167
Lubeck, Laura 215
Lubecke, Marsha 215
Lubinski, George
Lubniewski, Jeanne 117 ,167
Lubniewski, June 123,215
Lubniewski, Nancy 126,257
Ludlow, Beth 193
Ludlow, Laurel 167
Ludwig, Joseph 121,122,123,215,245
Luebke, Jon 215
Luebke, Peter 193
Lueck, Lor 215
Luedke, Miss 96,97
Luitze, Janet 167
Luitze, Vernon 215
Lulewicz, Sandra 167
Lundin, Mary 167
Lupi, Deborah 216
L-;;pin, Dorothy 215
Lupi, Eugene 167
Lyons, Jeffrey 167
Lyons, Shari. 215
Maas, Cynthia 193
Macak, Thomas 125
MacDonald, Gerald 106,130,167
MacDonald, Patrick 215
Mackay, Cheryl 66,193
Macki, Ray 231
Mackey, Beth 122,125,215
MacPherson, Scott 122,125,215
Maddox, Laurie· 215
Madison, Pamela 203,215,258
Madrigrano, Mimi 105,113,123,215
Maedke, Peggy 139,215
Majewski, Joseph 193
Maki, Raymond 121,133,167
Malkmus, John 98,99,106,116,121,167,
Malko, Gina 193
Malko, Steven 203,215,248
Malzahn, Gerald 215,248
Mancuso, Brenda 106,110,167
Mancuso, Elizabeth 106,110,135,193
Manlick, Constance 215
Manlick, Deborah 126,193,216
Mann, Nancy 110,113,167
Manning, Linda 106,131,140,167
Manson, Kenneth 193
Manthei, Alan 215
Mantuano, Anthony 123,125,142,167
Mantuano, Sandra 113,123,193
Marano, Mark 215,234
Marano, Peter 167
Marano, Susan 215
Marciniak, Anthony 133,215
Marcinkus, Steven
Mardonian, John 215
Markee, David 193
Marks, Diane 65,135,138,145,193
Marks, Ricky 193,237
Marschner, Joan 110,123,167
Martell, William 121,167,229,250
Martin, Barbara 215
Martin, Debra 215
Martin, Jim 125
Martin, Kristi 138,193
Martin, Richard 193
Martin, Susan 193
Martin, William 167
Martinek, Jeff 215,239,248
Martinelli, Angela 193
Martinelli, Domenick 215,234,241
Martinelli, Pasquale 167
Martinez, Ava 115,125,215
Mason, Pamela
Massa, Debra 122,215
Massie, Steven 193,245
Masters, Colleen 215
Masters, Richard 215
Mastronaroi, Lori 193
Mateja, Deborah 167
Mateja, Pamela 215
Matella, Linda i26
Mathews, Cynthia 106,113,145,167
Mathis, Michael 122,193
Matic, George 141,215
Mattioli, Louis 106,123,136,167
Mattner, Micha'el 121,193,231,241
Mattox, Marvin· 193
Mattox, Richard 168
Mattson, Douglas 215,241
Maurer, James 77,125,193
Maurer, Kathleen 215
Mawacke, Lee 215
Mazzei, James 66,193
McArthur, Samuel 193
McBride, Barbara 126,168
McBride, Kathy 193
McBride, Luann·
McBride, Vickie 126,215
McCarron, Kevin 193
McClenaghan, Michael
McClure, Deborah 215
McClurg, Blain"i 215
McConathy, Dellorah 126,142,215
McConnell, Sara· 145,183,193
McConnell, Shaun 121,142,168,243
McCormick, Colleen 215
McCormick, Kevin 168
McCormick, Stanley
McCrary, Robert 193,197
McCrorey, Bradley 109,193
McCrossen, Lonnie 215
McCulloch, Mr. 99
McDermott, Daniel 139,215
McDonald, Brenda 168
McDonald, Kevin 126,215,239
McDonald, Mark 125,168
McDonald, Sandra 138,142,193
McDonald, Sue 106,136,142
McDowell, Rosetta- 215
McFadden, Kathlee11 106,131,168
McGinley, Carol 215
McGough, Barbara 193
McGough, James 133,139,215,234
McGougan, Dianne 215,258
McKay, Mrs. 74. ·
McKee, Kimberly
McKenzie, Mrs. 74
McKeon, Shawn 115,193
McLean, Sherry .117 ,193
McManus, Richard 215
McMillen, Gregory 193
McNab, Mark 168
McNab, Scott 121,193,245
McPhaul, Davi<! 215
McPhaul, Jane 77,105,135,193
McQiestion, Patrick 193
Meidinger,.Kenneth 99,123,126,194
Meier, David 215,241,248
Meier, Miss•
Meirs, Steven 183,194,245
Meiers, Carol 117 ,215
Meimar, Theodore 168
Meirs, Norma 2"15
Meltesen, Cindy 115,141,191,194
Meltesen, Sherfy 66,100,101,106,119,
Meltzer, Daniel 27 ,72,105,106,183,194
Meltzer, Scott 40,168
Menden, Diane 138,215
Menden, Russell 194
Menges, Randall 168
Mengo, David 139,216
Mengo, Janice 106,138,168
Meo, Tina 216
Mercier, Connie 22,194
Mercier, Mark 116
Merideth, Connie 168
Merrick, David 216
Merritt, David 113,121,156,168,229,250
Merten, Cheryl 126,133,142,216
Merten, Lynn 142,194
Messina, Michael 216
Metallo, Linda 216,256
Metten, David 216
Metten, Linda 106,194
Metten, Mary 216
Meyer, Gary 216
Meyer, Jane 139,216
Meyer, Johnn 194
Meyer, Keith 216,248
Meyer, Mark 142
Meyer, Michael 116,126,216
Meyer, Pamela 168
Meyer, Robert 122,216,241
Meyer, Susan 216
Meyers, Monica 110,115,216
Michael, Randall 168
Michaelis, Glen 194
Michaelson, Charlene 123,138,194
Mickelson, J<lhn 216
Miholic, Davis! 194
Mikolas, Kevin 216,239,248
Milkent, Daniel 133,139,216,218,234
Miller, James 121,194,231,237
Miller, Lesley 110,115,216
Miller, Marsha 216
Miller, Mary · 123,194
Miller, Marx. 126,142,194
Miller, Paul 216
Miller, Sue.. 168
Millholland, Gilbert 131,168,243
Millholland, Raymond 123,216,243
Millhouse, Sheree 138,216
Milligan, Roey 136,194
Milliken, Jane 106,125,168
Milliken, Susan 138,183,194
Milosh, Marl' 168
Mink, Virginia 168,194
Minkowski, Gery 168
Misch, Richard 123,168
Misurelli, Catol 216
Misurelli, Santo 216
Mitchell Dian,. 216
Mlekush, J~n .•
Mockus, Michael 133,194
Moddes, Rodger 106,169
Modica, Thomas 216
Moehrke, Doh
Moeller, James 194
Moeller, Raymond 194
Moeller, Sandra 216
Moeri, Peter 133,216
Mogensen, Marlt 142,149,149
Mohalley, Jeremiah 194
Molgaard, Lois, 216
Molgaard, Rhoda 169
Molinaro, Debra 126,216,256
Molinaro, Marilyn 169
Molitor, Beatrix 43,126,138,194
Molitor, Bozidar 31,105,109,169
Molitor, Louis 106,126
Momper, Joanne 89,106,130,169
Mongreig, Constance 169
Monk, Mr. 83
Moore, Alan 216
Moore, Deborah 216
Moore, Eathen 216,239
Moore, Elizabeth 126,216
Moore, Steven 194
Moore, Timothy 216
Moreland, Debra 40,142,194
Morgan, Robert 169
Morris, Alan' 194
Morris, Patrick 169
Morris, Peggy 123,194
Morrison, Carol 113,123,216
Moses, Brenda 115,216
Mosher, Steven 115,125,216
Mueller, Dorethea 125,194
Mueller, Earnest 216
Muller, Bonnie 194,258
Muller, Geraldine 105,106,126,169
Murphy, Frank 169
Murphy, Joe 115
Murphy, Mrs. J. 75
Murphy, Mrs. V. 75
Murray, John
Musser, Mr. 65,79
Mutchler, Gary 194
Mutchler, Karen 169
Mutchler, Lynda 144,169
Myers, April 194
Myers, Janice 100,101,126,169
Myers, Jeffrey 125,216
Myhre Steven 194
Myrvold, Michael
Nall, Kai 131,169
Nation, Julie 194
Neal. Daniel 216
Nedweski, Joyace 216
Needham, Miss 81
Negri, Mrs. 75
Negri, Mr. 83
Nehls, Delthea
Nehr, Jeffrey 106,113,194
Neil, Thomas
Neitzel, Kathy 116,216
Neitzel, Larry 106,142,194
Nelsen, Marilyn 106,107 ,110
Nelson, Andrea 65,139,216
Nelson, Barbara 65,122,216
Nelson, Corrine 105,110,126,169
Nelson, Dale 216
Nelson, Darlene 40,126,170
Nelson, Douglas 216
Nelson, Jeffrey 216
Nelson, Lynn 113,122,126,216
Nelson, Michael 121,170
Nelson, Nancy 119,216
Nelson, Pamela 126,194
Nelson, Paul 121,170,231,237
Nelson, Rozanne 141,195
Nelson, Sherry 65,123,170
Nelson, Steven 195,253
Nelson, Thomas 195,231,237
Nelson, Timothy 113,121,195,241
Nelson, William 195
Nemeth, Richard 216
Nepper, Michael 195,216,243
Netzer, Becky 113,125,133,170
Netzer, Gail 170
Netzer, Raymond 216
Neu, Gregory 170
Neu, Michael
Neu, Teresa 122,126,216,257
Neumann, Pamela 217
Nevoraski, Cheryl 144,170
Newberry, Constance 138,195
Newman, Louise 123,195
Nichols, Lorri 195,217
Nichols, Pamela 217
Nickel, Ralph 170
Nicolazzi, John 217
Nicolazzi, Mr. 87
Nielsen, Gilbert 217
Nielsen, Jeffrey 217,234
Nielsen, Rick 170
Nieptupski, Mary 113,123,125,170
Nichsonger, Thomas 195
Noble, William 131
Noel, Karen 125,142,170
Noel. Michael 133,217
Noel, Richard 217
Noel. Terry 195
Nolen, James 125,217
Nolen, Larry 195,241
Nolen, Thomas 115,121,142,170,241
Nolting, Jane 138,217
Norcross, Barbara 123,195,257
Norcross, Robert 121.125,170,231,253
Norris, David 217
Norris, Jancie 217
Northard, Amy 110,121,126,203,217
Northard, Scott 66,105,195
Norton, Bradford 217,234
Nosal, Mr. 85,125,271
Noseck, Mrs 93
Novelen,Jetfrey 217
Nowell, John 21,105,106,113,121,149,
Nudi,Julia 171
Nussbaum, Barbara 195
Nyberg, Lisa 195
Nye, Mr. 79
Nyquist, Robin 139,217
Nyquist. Willie 170
Oberpriller, Susan 116,138,141,195,
Oberlin, Mr. 88,130
O'Connell, Margaret
O'Connor, Amy 115,217
O'Connor, Susan 195
Ogle, Robert 217 ,234
Ogren, Sandra 105,122,126,217
O'Hara, William 195
Ollila, Randy 123
Olsen, Charles 144,171
Olsen, David 139,217
Olson, Agnes 195
Olson, Cynthia 115,195
Olson, Fred 195
Olson, Marian 106,171
Olson, Pamela 77 ,110,113,126,171
Olson, Ronald
Olson, Ruth
Olson, Sandra 122,217
Olson, Starr 217
Olson.Steven 171
Olson, Susan 105,110,123,142,171
Olson, Warren 217
Olufs, Steven 121,195,243
O'neal, Daniel 142,217
Orlowski, Joseph 115,171
Orlowski, Judith 133,139,217
Ortiz, Aida 171
Ortiz, Betty 138,195
Ortiz, Emiliano
Ortiz, Laura 126,217
Oster, Robert 195
Ostlund, Clifford 195
Ott, James 106,109,125,195
Ott, Kevin 142,217,243,251
Ott Mary Kim 126,195
Owens, Marvin
Owens, Mary 115,138,171
Owens, Michael 217
Owens, Mrs. 220
Owsichek, Ellen 195
Paasch, Patricia 217
Pace, Richy 133,171
Pacetti, Linda 171
Packard, Karen 195
Paczowski, Daniel 195
Padlock, Alan 73,195,231
Padlock, David 217
Pagel, Thomas
Pagliaroni, Mark 171
Palik, Gordon 195
Palmer, Thomas 121,171,237,239,255
Pappas, Claudia 195
Pappas, Thomas 217
Parker, Barbara 195
Parker, Kathie
Parrish, John
Parrish, Thomas 171
Paschall, Christine 101,109,126,171
Pascucci, Cheryl
Paskiewicz, Carol 171
Pasquali, John 171
Pastorek, Fred 126,171,255
Pataska, Gregg 217
Pate, Lonnie 217
Patefield, Toni 171
Paterson, Scott 125,195
Patterson, Shirley 100,106,126,171
Patty, Gregg 133,142,217
Paul, Karen 115,195
Paupa, Lynda 171
Pawlik, Richard 217
Payson, Dennis 217
Payson, Timothy 217
Pearcy, Patrick 116,142,195
Pechura, Jeffrey 133,217
Pedersen, Bruce 54,80,149,164,171
Pedersen, James 141,195
Pedersen, Marcia 115,195
Pedraza, Ellen 113,217 ,224
Pellegrino, Gary 121,231
Pellegrino, Jean 110,207,218
Pellizzi, Thomas 171
Peltz, Timothy 171
Perez, Cynthia 105,218
Perri, Mr. 87
Perry, George 172
Person, Judy 218
Peterman, Thomas 218
Peters, Catherine
Peters, Joyce
Peters, Susan 218
Petersen, Catherine 36,100,116,195
Petersen, Cheryl 77 ,172
Petersen, David 195
Petersen, Martin 66,172
Petersen, Mary 105,126,203,218,257
Peterson, Kim 66,119,195,257
Peterson, Michael 139.218
Peterson, Thomas 195
Petit, Mark 218
Petrausky, Donald 218
Petravicius, Judith 172
Petravicius, Lora 218
Petrelli, Darlene 121,126,195,257
Petri, Curtis 144,172
Petri, Paul 218
Petrin, David 218
Petterson, Mr. 90
Pezdir, Peggy 142,218
Pfarr, Jeffrey 172
Pfeifer, Vicki 122,218
Pfeiffer, Beth 145,218
Pfeiffer, David 218,241
Pfeiffer, Jackie 126
Pfeiffer, Jeffery 172
Pfeiffer, Michael 136,172
Pflueger, Cheryl 77,106,121,136,149,
Pflueger, George 139,218,234
Phillips, Debra 126,142,195
Phillipson, Gay 105,113,136,172
Phillipson, Jodi 113,136,183,195
Pias, Andrew 109,218
Pias, James 131,195
Pies, Robert 142
Picken, Debra 138,218
Pickerign, Darrell 98,99,121,172,231
Pickerign, Kathy 218
Pickerigh, Keith 195
Piela, Kevin 218
Piela, Sherry 195
Pierce, Amelia 66,172
Pierce, Carol 195
Pierce, Kevin 195,250,251
Pierce, Richard 218
Pierce, Terry 218
Pieronek, Ronald 172
Peirson, Jamie 218
Piliski, Robert 133,195
Pillizzi, Gina 218
Pinzger, George
Pitsch, Robert 218
Pitts, Peggy 119,183,195
Platt, Miss 83
Pleet, Gary 218
Pleet, Maria 66,218
Plutchak, Dan 122,218,245
Plutchak, Larry 172
Pcius, Catherine 110,126,218
Pcius, William
Podella, Suzanne 110,123,195
Podskarbi, John 218
Poikonen, Mrs. 82,83
Poikonen, Todd 195
Poindexter, Charles 218
Polimeni, Joann 172
Pollard, James 123,195
Pollard, Mark 218,243,245
Pollock, Mary -138,218
Pollock, Rita 115,123,135,172
Poltrock, Allison 110,113,135,172
Popp, Aaron 2i8
Poppe, Kenneth 219
Porter, Launette 219
Posselt, dane 123:126,196,257
Post, Philip 122,196
Powell, Vaughn 219
Powers, Patricia 172
Pozza, Mr. 81,230,231
Pratzer, Heidi 123,125,196
Preston, Gary 219
Preston.Julie 172
Preston, Scott
Preston, Sharon 196
Primuth, Mr, 90
Principe, Jeff 219
Pritchard, Mary 138,219
Pritchard, William 196
Proko, Lynn 196
Proud, Ann 172
Proud, James 219
Proulz, Rebecca 125,219
Pruett, Kay 74,119,125,126,219,256,259
Pucci, James 172
Puidokas, Stanley 123,125,142,172
Putman, Karen 122,138,219
Putnam, Judith
Queen, Roger 98,99,196,231,241
Questard, Irene 196
Quick, Becky 136,196
Quick, Wendy 119,202,219
Racine, Jay 219
Raddatz, Denise 196
Raddatz, Janet
Raddatz, Sandra 77 .136,172
Radtke, Rozann 105,139,219
Rafter, Joi 139,219
Ralph, Darlene 196
Ramacci, Rita 125,142,183,196,258
Ramer, Judy 196
Rampart, Carla 110,172
Rampart, Cynthia 110,139,219
Randle, Edward 173
Rasch, Alan 196
Rasch, Linda 173
Rasico, Renee 121,196
Rasico, Tim 173
Rasmussen, Harry
Rasmussen, Ranae 219
Rath, William 219
Rathjen, Jeffrey 121,173,231,250
Redlin, Miss 101
Redmond, Susan 219
Reed, Heather 125,219
Reed, Kenneth 66,105,123,125,142,173
Reedy, Timothy 116,123,133,142,173
Reeves, John
Reeves, Robert 173
Rehfeldt, Laura 219
Reilly, Richard 219,234,241
Reilly, Robert 99,121,196,231
Reimer, Glen 136,173
Reindl. Bruce 173
Reinhard, Joyce 196
Rende, Linda 110,173
Renne, Debra 219
Renzoni, Gene 196
Repp, John 196
Resch, Diane 113,173
Reuter, Katheryn 125,136,173
Reuter, Kristine 34,86,106,125,136,173
Reuter, Sheryl 115
Revoy, Dan 196
Revoy, David 219
Rheaume, Patricia 122,126,219
Rheaume, Sandra 173
Ricciiardi, Lisa 196
Riccio, Lisa 139,219
Richards, Dale 219
Richards, Gwen 173
Richards, James 219
Richards, Kim 219
Richter, Sherry 196
Richter, Terry 106,131,173
Rickseker, Vicki 140,219
Rieschl, Michael 219,234
Riggle, Debra 105,123,126,219
Riley, Colleen 113,122,133,219
Riley, James 196
Riley, Michael 219
Ripp, Patti 66,126,196
Ritacca, Mr. 83,271
Rizzotto, Sharlene 17 4
Roach, Braden, 106,183
Roach, Marilyn 219
Robers, Donald 174
Robers, James 219,234
Robers, Marybeth 106,196
Robers, Stephen 121,174,231
Roberts, Deborah 105,196
Roberts, Keith
Roberts, Rita 125,126,196,258
Roberts, Robin 196
Roberts, Sandra 219
Robertson, Gayle 142,174
Robertson, Paul 121,174
Robillard, Therese 219
Robin, Tina 196
Robinson, Catherine 219
Robinson, Deborah 135,138,170,174
Robinson, Janis 101,106,136,174
Robinson, Mary 16,16A,16B,34,110,123,
Robinson, Terry
Robinson, Warren 219
Robison, Carolyn 196
Rocco, Debra 219
Rock, Daniel 17 4
Roell, Martin 219
Roemer.Janice 126,174
Rognstad, Brian 1
Rognstad, Bruce 174
Rohde, Richard 219
Rohrer, Lisa 123,133,219
Roiniotis, Thomas 125,219
Romano, Denise 32,106,113,121,125,196
Romano, Joseph 174
Romano, Mr. 75,213
Rondeau, Michelle 138,219
Roscioli, Robert 219
Rose, Katherine 196
Rose, Ralph 196
Rosen, Lynn
Roseth, Karen 119,196
Rosko, Jill 219
Roskres, Paul 174
Rothman, Cary 115,121,174,231,255
Rothrock, Mrs. 65,93
Rothrock, Richard 136,183,196
Rotunda, Diana 219
Rovik, Janet 139,219
Rovik, Jeffrey 219
Rovik, Julie 136,174
Rovik, Linda 196
Rovik, Nancy 105,174
Rowland, David
Rozinski, Marianne 174
Ruetten, Benjamin 196
Ruetten, Bryon 219
Ruetz. Debbie 219
Ruffalo, Thomas 196
Ruffalo, Toni 219
Ruffalo, Jomary 100,142,196
Rugg, Paul 123,125,174
Ruhle, David 17 4
Ruhle, Dennis 80,121,229,250
Ruhle, Mary 17 4
Ruleford, Jeffery 196
Runge, Linda 139,219
Rusecki, Brian 220
Russell, Larry
Russo, MaryMargaret 17 4
Rutchik, Gregory 220
Rutchik, Thomas 106,121,174,243
Ryshs, John 136,142,196
Safago, Joseph 220
Saftig, Robert 121,174,231
Salituro, Charles 106,107 ,140,174
Salituro, Joan 110,175
Salituro, Stuart
Sandberg, Karin 220
Sanders, Chester 125,220,245
Santiago, Daisy 220
Santiago, Edward 220,234,245,251
Santopoalo, Judith 140,175
Santopoalo, Terri 175
Sarauer, Daniel 220
Sarauer, Thomas 196
Sarin, Peter 175
Sattler, Richard
Savaglio, Ricky 121,141,175
Savaglio, Rosemary 126,136,175
Scenters, Deborah 175
Scenters, Delinda 196
Schaafsman, Jeanne 126,220
Schaeffer, Gregory 196,231,241
Scheel, Cynthia 126,220
Schaiger, Barbara 105
Schalk, Mark 139,142,220
Scharf, Kathryn 138,220
Scharneck, Kenneth 175
Schaumberg, Cynthia
Schaumberg, Gary 220
Schaumberg, Richard 175,241
Scheve, Terrence
Schiller, Carolyn 106,123,125,135,196
Schiller, Richard 65,220
Schindler, Elizabeth 43,106,107,141,
Schlecht, Susan 105,106,110,115,121,
Schlitz, Diane 220
Schlitz, Richard 196
Schmale, Mr. 90,231,232
Schmale, Todd 196,231,241,253
Schmelz, Petra 220
Schmidt, Faron 175
Schmidt, Jeffrey 130,175
Schmidt, Kathy 175
Schmidt, Kie 126,195
Schmidt, Linnea 175
Schmidt, Mr. 73,75,271
SchMidt, Pamela 220
Schmidt, Robert 196
Schmidt, Tom 175
Schmidt, Ursula 110,175
Schmidt, Vickie 175
Schmit, James
Schmit, Sally 138,196
Schmitt, David 123,125,138,196
Schmitz, Anthony 196
Schmoldt, Penny
Schnaare, Carol 197
Schnaufer, Gary
Schneeberger, Dale 220
Schneider, Cheryl 220
Schneider, Randolph
Schnuck, Barrett 220
Schoepke, Kristina 197
Scholey, Robert 76,113,136,197
Scholfield, Elizabeth 142,175
Schoor, Jeff 220
Schoor, Mark 220
Schouten, Lee 197
Schrandt, Donna 100
Schroeder, Gregory 220
Schubert, Barbara 109,126,204,220
Schubert, Marilyn 106,109,126,131,149,
Schuch, Gerald 175
Schuch, Mary 126,175
Schuck, Lori 121,139,220
Schuetz, Robert 123,125,197
Schuldt, Miss 75,95
Schultz, Jenny 105,113,123,126,220
Schultz, Patricia 197
Schultz, Rita 113,123,125,138
Schultz, Sandra 197
Schultz, Steven 175
Schumacher, Kieth
Scbumacher, Susan
Schuster, Lawrence 197
Schutz, Amy 220,222
Schweiger, Barbara 106,123,197
Schwartz, Stephen 136,197
Scott, Jeffrey 220
Scott, Linda
Scott, Patrick 175
Scott, Thomas 175
Scoville, Terry 175
Scuffham, Deborah 197
Scuglik, Thomas 136,197
Seavitte, Jane 27,66,126,142,197
Seavitte, Jean 135,197
Sebetic, Michael
Sebetic, Ronald 113,220,250
Sedloff, Bruce 220
Seeger, Nicholas 125,197
Selander, Ralph 140,197
Semrau, Mary Jane 197
Senart, Rodger 221
Sennholz, Darrell 176
Sennholz, Sharon 197
Serpe, Jay 123,197
Servais, Lynne 126,203,221
Serzant, Carla 116,197
Settano, Jeffrey 125,197
Servries, John 221
Sexton, Jeffrey 115,121,176,247
Sexton, Kevin 197
Sexton, Nancy- 145,197
Shaffer, Mark 106,197
Sharpe, Mark
Sheeter, Peter 131,176
Sheehan, Kathleen 125,221
Shelley, Thomas
Shilts, Mark 141,221
Shisler, Wayne 131,176
Shockley, Catherine 221
Shockley, Douglas 197
Shockley, Walter
Short, Mr. 79,253
Shuler, Jeffrey 197
Shulski, Jollfln 176
Shuttlesworth, Ted 197
Shuttlesworth, Timothy 221
Siebert, Connie •
Siegel, Debra 131,197
Siepler, James 106,130,176
Siepler, Mary 66,126,197
Sikora, Mr. 96
Sikora, Sally 221
Sikora, Steven 197
Siltala, Marlene 221
Simo, Gregory 142,197
Simonsen, Kimberly 126,172,176,257
Simpkins, Kim 122,203,221
Simpkins, Lucille 125,176
Simpson, Timbthy 106.133,197
Singer, David 121,197,241
Singer, Diane 221
Singer, James 107,133,140,141,176
Singh, William 197
Singleton, Barb 197
Sinkule, Kathryn 126,176
Sipsma, Gary 142,218,221,234,239,250
Sipsma, Jane 113,122,126,221,256,257
Sisson, Diane
Skender, Charles 221
Skrzypchak, Cheryl 221
Skurski, Daniel 221,234,243,248
Skurski, Marc "142,198,245
Slatter, Henry 221
Slavic, Mr. 67
Slobodianuk, Cathy 113,123,198
Slobodianuk, David 106,121,123,176,
Smallwood, Bonita ' 221,256
Smallwood, Denise 198
Smallwood, Rexanna. 116,198
Smith, Brenda 221
Smith, Dawn, 138,142,198
Smith, Dawn 198
Smith, Elizabeth 106,176
Smith, Gail 176
Smith, James 221
Smith, Jeffery· 86,136,198,253
Smith, John 221
Smith, Mary 126
Smith, Mr. '80,231,247
Smith, Peggy 106,113,141,176
Smith. Phillir 183,198,237,247
Smith, Randy,221,234
Smith, Richard S 123,176,221,234
Smiih, Richard Sr.
Smith, Ronnie 176
Smith, Susan 198
Smith, Teresa 86,105,126,198
Smith, Thomas 198
Sniatynski, Rae 94,133,176,177
Sniatynski, Susan 141,142,176
Snider, Dennis 198
Snyder, Mr. 81
Sobotowicz, Barbara 106,110,198
Socha, Charles 221
Sockness, Paul 221,234,241
Soens, Patricia 176
Soens, Willianr 126,133,221
Sokol, David 66.203,234,239
Solomon, Cindy 221
Sommer, Jeffrey 198
Sordahl, Fredrick 198
Sorensen, Allen 221
Sorensen, Dourlas 221
Sorensen, Julie 125,207,221
Sorensen, Kristi 123,198
Sorensen, Pamela 110,119,198
Sorensen, Susan 176
Sorenson, Kim 198
Sowders, Mr. 67
Speaker, Ann 105,106,107,121,138,141,
Speaker, Elizabeth 138,221,256
Speaker, James 138,221
Speaker, Thomaa 105,107,109,138,141,
Spehar, Cynthia 176
Spence, Kenneth 198
Spencer, Daniel 221
Spencer, Ezell
Spencer, Jan&
Spencer, Phyllis 198
Spieker, Barbara 21,115,198
Spiers, Sandra 139,221
Spiller, Bradley 176
Spitz, Brian 198
Spitzer, Robin 121,176,231
Spitek, Jane 224
Splitek, James 16,16A,80,l 77 ,245
Splitik, Karen 221
Springer, Bruce 177
Springer, Loretta 121,221
St. John, Michelle 198
St.Peter.Joan 110,177
St. Peter, John 105,177
Stafford, Ann 66,145,198
Stancato, Gary 139,221
Stancato, John 221
Stanford, Lanny 177
Stanton, Kathryn 117,177
Staples, Jeffery' 198
Staples, Thomas 221
Stapks, Gloria
Starks, Joyce 177
Staude, Paula 139,221
Stauder, Mar"ret
Stavlo, James 141,142,177
Stebbins, Debra 66,126,183,198
Stebbins, Gail 221
Stebbins, Larry
Stebbins, Tina 221
Steckbauer, Dawn 221
Steckbauer, Joyce .177
Steele, Jerry 133,221
Steele, Marie 142,198
Steele, Norma 100,145,177
Stehlik, Wasley, 221
Stein, Cheryl 198
Stein, Fred 221
Stein, Sandra 221
Steinke, Gregory 221
Steinmetz, Kevin 198
Stephens, Honor 123,138,198
Steponitis, David 66,198
Stetaon, Lorrie 198
Stevens, Rom '122,123,221,251
Stevens, Susan 66,110,221
Stewart, Crai11 15,98,99,121,126,142,
Stewart, John 126,198,247
Stichert, Dona1d 198
Sticher!, Dougtas 77 ,221
Stiles, Renee 198
Stipanuk, Dan 221
Stipanuk, Luann 101,106,177
Stoebe, Nancy 177
Stollings, Barbara 126,198
Strand, Dawn 177
Strand, Debra 106,130,131.198
Strand, Laurlf 66,221
Strangberg, Todd 198
Strange, John 121,177 ,231
Strehlow, Gail 106,177
Streck, Nancy 115,203,221
Strecker, Jon 98,99,105.121,178,231,
Strouf, Clinton 178
Strunk, Lunette 126,139,221
Stubbs, Don 221
Stubbs, Joseph 222
Stuckey. Diane 222
Stuckey, Robert 66,133,142,198
Studdard, Bobby 138,142,222
Studdard, Ronald 198
Studtmann, Charlotte 36,105,113,123,
Sturino, Christine 178
Sturino, Timothy 222
Stuyvesant, Mr. 90
Suksi, Mrs. 93
Sullivan, Jim 142,178
Sunday, James 121,198,241
Sundlie, Miss 75,92
Swanlind, Ava 178
Swanson, Darcy 198
Swanson, Gregory 198
Swanaon, Joann 144,178
Swanson, Ramona 222
Swart, Mr. 97
Swartz, Linda 198
Swartz, Richard 198
Swartz, Robert 178
Swartz, Susan 106,135,198
Swiatko, Renee 113,222
Szantor, Kevin 178
Szekely, Nancy 198
Szurovecz, Paul 222
Taffs, Jeanne 125,126,222
Taft, Gary 136,142,183,199
Tait, David 106,178
Tait, Gregory 222
Taleronik, Ronald 140,199
Talley, Kathleen 115,183,199
Taminger, Kathlttn 203,222
Tanking, Robert 222
Tappa, Guy
Tappa, Joseph
Tarsitano, Michele
Taylor, Darlene 222
Taylor, Elizabeth 178
Taylor, Janice 115,199
Taylor, Joyce 170,178
Taylor, Mary 222
Taylor, Ricky
Teegarden, Mr$>. 88
Teigen, Cynthia 199
Tel er, Patrica 199
Tennant, Thomas 222
Tenuta, Bradley 106,178
Tenuta, Daniel 199
Tenuat, David 16,16B,54,149,l 78
Tenuta, Fred• 36,106,115,121,149,178,
Tenuta, Lynn 125,135,222
Terrien, Daniel 178
Terrien, Mary. ·222
Terrill, Mrs. -91
Terry, Douglas 199
Teschler, Sheree 199
Tessin, Mary 199
Tetzlaff, Margarethe 139
Thiel, Mr. 75
Thiel, Robbin 66,138,183,199
Thiele, Karen 63,178
Thiem, Lois 222
Thiem, Stephen 178
Thomas, Aaron
Thomas, Alall' 178
Thomas, Arlen'!!
Thomas, B. Mr. 81
Thomas, David 199
Thomas, Debra 145,178
Thomas, Gail '141,222
Thomas, Jeffrey 178
Thomas, Michael 199
Thomas, PamelA 222
Thomas, R. Mr. 239
Thomas, William 199
Thompson, Allen
Thompson, Eddy
Thompson, Keith 199
Thompson, Paula 178
Thomsen, Craig 199,253
Thornberg, Laurie 139,222
Thrasher, Susan 178
Tiffany, Trina -106,113,131,199
Tillack, Mark .122,123,222
Tillman, CharleJ\e 15,107,141,178
Tillman, Marie 141,222
Timm, Jeannie 122,222
Timm, Steve 106,107,123,125,149,179
Timmerman, Paul 199
Timms, Clarence
Tinker, Don 133,199
Tinker, Joseph 179
Tizi, Killl. 66,222
Toigo, Mare 122,133,222,234
Tolefree, Cuttis 65,121,135,179,237,238
Tolefree, Regina.126,135,142,222
Tomlin, John 222
Toms, Jane 199
Torcaso, Steven 123,199
Torcivia, Barbara 66,199
Torkelson, Chris 142,199
Torkelson, Donald 179
Toth, Robert
Totts, Dan 222
Tranberg, Jerald 116,222
Trapp, Robert 106,109,123,125,179
Tredon, John. 106,125,131
Tredup, Cynthia 110,142,199
Tredup,Jeanne 110,179
Tredup, Jeffrey 222
Trotter, Mr. 83
Trottier, Clayton 138,222
Trottier, Clifford 142,222
Trottier, Penny 199
Trottier, Sylvia 179
Truax, Colleen 222
Tryban, Jean
Tullis, Linda 222
Turco, Patricia 179
Turner, Jacquelyn 135,140,222
Turner, Nadine 66,135,179
Turner, Paul 223
Turner, Raymqnd 199
Tutas, Edward 122,223,234,241
Tutas, Linda 105,106,149,179
Tutlewski, Phyllis 66,126,223
Tuttle, Melody
Tyson, Eileen 105,179
Tyson, Jamell 144,179
Ulrich, Mark 223
Urena, Mrs. · 77
Usinger, Debra 142,223
Usinger, Mark
Usinger, Michael 223
Uttech, Kimberly 66,199
Utterback, Glenn 199
Utterback, Paul 223
Vagnoni, John 126,133,223
Vanbeckum, Donald 199
Vanboven, Thomas 123,125,199
VanCaster, Thomas 113,122,199
Vanderford, Janet 199
Vanderford, Patty 199
Vanderpoel, Linda 121,139,223
Vanderpool, Robert 21
Vanderwall, Gretchen 179
VanDyke Cheryl 119,199,257
VanDyke, John 223,234,241,251
Vankammen, Gerrit 199
Vantubbergen, Larry 179,223
Vantubbergen, Linda 138
Varnell, Lawrence 135,199
Varnell, Marvin
Varnell, Patricia .135,223
Vaughn, Agnes 223
Vaughn, Timothy 223
Vaughn, William 223
Vaux, Dan
Vaux, Eileen· 123,179
Vaux, Julie,
Vedder, Jeanne 106,130,135,179
Vedder, Nancy 199
Vena, Catherine 121,199
Vena, Debra 223
Vena, Eugene 179
Vena, Mary 121,199
Ventura, Lori 223
Verbick, Barbara 115,179
Vergenz, Faye 126,199,256
Vernon, Michael 66,199
Vernon, Peter 141,199
Vescova, Sandra 199
Victorson, Roxie_ 113,199,241
Vidas, Paula 110,138,183,200
Vigneria, Shelia 126,223,258
Vikmyhr, Susan 125,223
Vincent, Lauren 66,110,138,142,183,200
Virgili, Mr. 99,100,241,248
Vlahovic, David 179
Vogel, Betsy 123,223
Vogelman, Jane\ 126,138,200
Vogler, Elizabeth 105,110,125,136,200
Vogt, Hans l 79
Voight, Bruce 200
Voight, Debra
Volpentesta, George 200
Von Neumann, Alex 223
Vandell, Luanne
Waddell, Miss 101
Wade, Marcia 126,179
Wade, Thomas 105,223,241
Waldo, Dorothy 226
Waldo, Tom 223
Walker, Barbara
Walker, David ·223
Walkowski, MrS: 74
Wallace, Beth 138,223
Wallace, Jeffrey 2!3
Wallig, Debra 123,179
Wallig, Gayle 1~5.179
Wallig, Marsha 179
Wallig, Mary 142,200
Wallis, Gary 200
Walters, Mark 223
Wamboldt, Debbie 223
Warmann, David
Warner, Carole 123,133,223
Warner, Karen 106,125,142,200
Warren, Judy 223
Warren, Mr.
Warrender, Camille 136,180
Wasurick, Linda 223
Wasurick, Susan 200
Waters, Jeffrey 180
Waterstradt, Curtis 142,180,200
Wates, Cindy 223
Wawierowdki, Teddy
Weber, Cheri 110,130,180
Weber, Kathy 66,110,126,223,256
Weber, Sharon 200,256
Weber, Shirley 223,256
Webster, Louis 115,131,141,200
Wegeman, Dennis 138,140,180
Wegizyn, Richard 223
Wegrzyn, Stanley 200
Weiner, Debra 115,126,223,258
Weise, Thomas 180,230,231,247
Weiss, Carol 110,136,149,164,180
Welch, John 105,123,125,180
Welch, Linda 122,123,223
Welch, Mark 200
Wells, Darla 223
Wells, Janice 200
Wells, Mark 223
Wells, Robert 125,223
Wember, Raridql 223
Wember, Rodney 223
Wenger, Stephen 200
Wermeling, Therese 110,135,200
Werner, Peggy 200
Werve, Amy 125,126
Werve, Marsha 126,223,256
Werue, Miss 75
Werwie, Diane 113,115,140,141,200
Westerman, Jan~t 138,140,200
Westland, David 180
Westland, Richard 200
Weston, Joseph 180
Westplate, Janice 106,125,180
Westplate, Mark ~00
West plate, Myron 223
Westplate, Wayne 123,136,200
Westwood, Maria 223
W.G.N. T.-T. V. 141
White, Beverly 139,~23
White, Daniel 223
White, Donovan' 200
White, Kathleen· 223
White, Kelly 133,200
White, Renee 223
Whitefoot, Jamt 113,116,145,200
Whitefoot, Robert 106,115,121,200,231,
Whitney, Philip
Whitt, Renee 122
Whitt, Steven 123,142,180,245
Wick, Susan 115,126,135,141,200,258,
Wickert, Charlene 223
Widmar, Toni 180
Wiemelt, Morna 200
Wiercinski, Davia 117,223,251
Wiersig, Jill 110,125,223
Wiersum, Roxane 110,115,200
Wierzbicki, Joan 223
Wieske, Bonnie 100,121,200
Wightman, Louie 180
Wightman, Susao 180
Wiginton, Rodney
Wilcox, Eleanor 106,109,180
Wilkinson, Keith 200
Wilkinson, Kevin 200
Wilks, Doris
Willems, Debra 200
Willems, Jay l80,255
Williams, Archie 200
Williams, Brian 133,223
Williams, Debr.a 138,142,200
Williams, Jane. 105,113,122,223
Williams, Michael 200
Williams, Rebecca 126,138,223
Williams, Thomas
Williams, Vaughn 224
Williamson, Sheree• 126,224
Willie, Elizabeth
Willie, James 224
Willis, Mark 224
Willkomm, Patricia 224,256
Willoughby, Charles 224
Wilson, Bobby -224,234
Wilson, Bruce 142,200
Wilson, Grace 100,101,126,180
Wilson, Maryanne 126,138,224,256
Wilson, Mr. 78,79
Wilson, Ronald' 224
Wimmer, Janine 115,116,121,200
Winans, Cindy 122,224
Wintermote, Mrs. 91
Wirch, Ricky 126,180,253
Witt, David 121,200
Witt, Ronnie 224
Wojcehowicz, Roxane 116,121,200
Wojciechowski, Sherry 224
Wolf, Gary 224
Wolfe, Debra
Wollert, Debrll 123,125,180
Wood, Thomas 224,248
Woodman, Eldred 224
Woodman, Loren 106,123,125,135,180
Woods, Glen 224
Woods, Ron 105
Woods, Terri 106,130,138,180
Woodworth, Julie 200
Woodworth, Susan 180
Wright, Barbara 224
Wright, Judy 180
Wurzer, Barbara 126,200
Wynstra, Janet 139,224
Wyosnick, Debra 105,126,138,224
Yde, Peter 224
Yoder, Joellen 224
Yore, Kathy 123,142,180
York, Lynda ~00
Yorton, Jacqueline 180
Young, Barbara 180
Young, Bradle)I 109,200
Young, Gary 224
Young, Jacalyn 224
Young, Luellen 203,224
Young, Roberta 126,138,180
Young, Rage{ 107,125,141,180
Young, Steven 200,250
Yszenga, Ki~ 180
Yurchak, Charles 224,255
Yurchak, George 200
Zaehring, Mrs. 77
Zaionc, Larry 224
Zaiic, Byrno
Zaiic, Rita
Zalubowski, James 125,180
Zamsky, Mary 142,224
Zanotti, Diana 130,180
Zanotti, Theresa 121,200
Zarletti, Anthony 116,139,224
Zarletti, Dominic
Zarletti, Linda 138,224
Zarletti, Maria 138,200
Zasada, Mark 77,139,224
Zebrowski, David 140,141,200
Zeitler, Philip 224
Zambrowski, Mary
Ziccarelli, John 180
Ziccarelli, Julie 224
Ziccarelli, KathTeen 180
Ziccarelli, Robert · 224
Zigner, Ralph 200,241,247
Zimany, Grant 200
Zimmer, Mark 180
Zimmerman, Mr. 83,251
Zirbel, Lester 106,121,126,130,180,247
Zorn, Edmund
Zorn, Jeffrey 224
Zoromskis, Daniel
Zoromskis, Stanley 200
Zuberbuehler, Debra
Zuberbuehler, Mark
Zuchowski, Raymond
Zuhlke, James 122,123,139,224
Zurarycz, Sandy 110
Zwarycz, Sandra
Senior Activities
ADAM, VALERIE, L .-Val-Lance-Honor Roll 2; Trojanettes 2,3; Tempest 1,2,3; Gymnastics .1; Track 2,3 .
AIELLO, THOMAS, J .-Micker-Lance-Advisory Board l ;
Boys Intramurals l ; Quill and Scroll 3; Tempest Publisher 3; Classic 3; Sports Editor 3; Homeroom Coordinating Council 3.
AL TOFF, VICKI , S .-Lance-AFS Big Sister Candidate 2;
Hi-Style 2; Vice-Pres. 1,2; Trojanettes 2,3; Language
Lab. Assist. 3.
ANCEVIC, SUSAN, K. -Lincoln -Sub-Deb 1,2 ..
ANDERSON , KATHLEEN, M .-Kathy-Friedens-Honor
Roll l ,2,3.
ANDERSON, KEITH, E. -Andy-Monitor 3.
ANDERSON, LUANN ,-Lance-Honor Roll 2;.Booster Glub
1,2,3 ; Sec. 3; G.A.A. 1,3; Student Council 1,2,3.
ANDREWS, NANCE, E.-Lance-Monitor 3; Student Couhcil 1,2,3; Trojanettes 1,2,3:
ANGELICI, SALLY, M .-Sal -Lance-Nurses Aide 1,2,3.
ANTES, IRENE, V .-Rene-Lance.
ATKINSON, SHEILA , A.-Lance.-Honar Roll 2,3; Swimming 3.
BACH, WILLIAM, R. -Lance-Athletic Award 3; Mathe·
ma tics 3; Football 3.
BAGNALL, LAURA, L.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; State
Music Contest Award 2; Marching Band 1,2,3; Pep
Band 1,2; G.A.A. 1,2; Orchestra 2,3; Sub-Deb 1,2,3;
Chambers Orchestra 3.
BAILEY, JOAN, E. -Krip-Glen Ellyn-Booster Club 3.
BAKER. RENEE, S .-Rene-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Schorarship, Calvin College
3; A Capella 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2; Soph. Mixed
Choir l ; Debate and Forensics 3; G.A.A. 2,3; Political
Science Club 3.
SAMMER. BENJAMIN, B. -Spiderman-Lance-Pool Aide
BANADINOVIC, JOSEPH, J .-Lincoln-All School Play 3.
BARBER. ROBERT, J .-Lincoln-Athletic Award l ; Boys
Intramurals 1,2; Baseball l ; Swimming 1.
BARNETT, DEBORAH, K.-Debbie-Lance-Monitor 2; Student Activities Board 2,3.
BARNETT, MARK. E .-Barny-Lincoln.
BARON, RICHARD, J .-Lance-Boys Intramurals 1,2,3;
Letterman's3; Monitor 2,3.
BARON . ROBERT, W.-Bob-Lance-Athletic Award 1,2,3;
Key Club 3; Monitor 2,3; Football 1,2,3 ; Intramurals
1,2; Weight Training 2.
BARTEL, ROBIN, J .-McKinely.
BARTON , LARS, J .-Lance-Wrestling 1.
BA TASSA DANIEL, J .-Lance-Athletic Award 1,2,3; Honor Roll 'i.2; Boys Intramurals 2,3; Letterman's 3;
Football 1,2,3; Swimming 2,3; Weight Training 1,2;
Wrestling 2; Gym Assist. 2.
BATERNICK. JAMES, P .-Jim-Lance-Photography Club
3; Quill and Scroll 2; Tempest 1,2; Classic 1,2.
BEASLEY. RICK. J. -Lincoln.
BECK. SUSAN , M .-Lincoln-Honor Roll 3.
BECKER, DA YID. J .-Lance-Advisory Board 2; Boys lntramurals 1,2,3; Distributive Ed. 3; Key Club l ; Monitor 2; Basketball l ; Swimming 1,2,3.
BECKER. KENT, C.-Lance-Boys Intramurals 3; SwimsEC!J!E11{ MAREN. J .-Chickie-Lincoln-Advisory Board
1: Pep Band 1,2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; French Club
1,2; G.A.A. 3; Tempest Salesman 3; Tremper Teen 1,2.
BECKER. MELANIE, J.-Lance-Graphic Arts Club 1,2,3;
Bowling2 ,3.
BECKER PATRICA , K. -Pat-Lincoln-Advisory Board 1,
2; Honor Roll 3; Booster Club 2; Classic 1,2,3; Editor
3; French Club 1,2,3; G.A.A. 2,3; Student Faculty Advisory Board 2; Quill and Scroll 2,3.
BEDFORD . JOANN,-Lincoln-Art Club 3; Soph . Mixed
Chorus l ; G.A.A. l ; Monitor 3; Tempest 2.
BEECHER , CAROL, A.-Harold-Lance.
BEHNIKE, SARAH, 0. -Sallie-Lincoln-Monitor 2,3; Sabras 3; Swimming 1,2,3.
BELLIVEAU, GAY, A.-Lincoln-Advisory Board 1,2;
Honor Roll 2; Marching Band 1,2,3; Color Guard 1,2,3;
French Club 2; Sub-Deb 1,2; Variety Show 1,2.
BERENSON . RICHARD. A.-Rich -Honor Roll 2,3; Nation al Honor Society 2,3; Quill and Scroll 3; Tempest 3;
Ecology Club 2.3.
BERGER MARTHA, R. -Marty-Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2;
AFS l; ' Aquettes l; Booster Club 1,3; Soph. Mixed
Chorus l; Monitor 2; Waltonian 3.
BERNER THOMAS, F.-Berine-Lincoln , Athletic Awards
1 3· Ho~or Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3;
" Who Knows" 3; National Merit Letter of Commendation 3; National Forensics League 1,2,3; Boys Intramurals 1 2,3; Trojan's Men's Chorus l ; Debate and
Forensics' 1,2,3; Letterman's 3; Waltonian 2,3; Editor
3; Math Club 2,3; Vice Pres . 3; Quill and ScroU 3;
Quorum 3; Science Club l; Tempest Salesman 2,3; Film
Society 3; Student Advisory Board 2,3; B~eball 1,2.
BETH, THOMAS, E .-Tom-Lincoln-Athletac Award 3;
Letterman's 2,3; Monitor 3; Baseball 1,2,3; Basketball
1,2; Football 1.2.3; Intramurals 3.
BETZ, JACK.-Lance.
BLAZOWICZ, DENISE, R. -Lance-German Club 2; Monitor 3; Sabras 3; Student Activities Board 2.
BLAZIEWSKE. THOMAS, A.-Tom-Lance-Athletic Award
2; Intramurals 2,3; Letterman's 2,3; Baseball 1,2,3;
Capt 3: Basketball I.
BLONER. NANCY , J .-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2; Booster
B8L'¢1RD ALAN, R .-Al-Lance-Honor Roll 2,3; Marching Band '1: lntramurals 2,3; Bible Club 3; Vice Pres. 3.
BONIFACE, LAURA , J. -Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2,3; Concert, Marching, Pep, and Symphonic band 1..2.3; Booster Club l ; Honor Society 2,3; Student Council 3; Tremper Teens 2,3; Vice Pres. 3.
BORST VIVIAN R. -Lance-Honor Roll 2; French Club 2;
G.A.A'. 1,2,3; N~w Voice Radio 2; Quill and Scroll 3;
Tempest 1,2,3; WGNT-TV 1,2; Technical Director 2;
Ecology 2; Intermedia Director 3; Film Society 3;
Track 1.
BOWEN, KATHLEEN, M .-Kath-Lance-Creative Arts
Group 3; G.A.A. 2; Library Aide 3; Ski Club 1,2 .
BRANDES, DALE, A.-Lance-lntramurals 1.
BRANDES, SUSAN, M .-Sue-Lincoln , Booster Club l ;
Student Council 1,2; Tremper Teens 3; Driver Ed.
JOHN, E.-McKinely-lntramurals 2,3.
BREWER. MARK, P.-Monitor 3.
BROTHEN, MICHAEL, L.-Spider-Lincoln .
BROWN, THOMAS, G.-Tom-Lance-Honor Roll 3; National Honor Society 3; Intramurals 2.
BROWN , BRUCE, A.-Amos-Lance.
BRUDNY, ROBERT, J .-Bob-Lincoln-Stage Band 3; lntramurals 1,2; Variety Show 3.
BUCKELEW, EARL, C.-Buck-McKinely-Audio-Visual
2,3; Baseball l ; Intramurals 1.
BULIK. JEFFREY, J.-Lance-Marching and Pep Band l ,
BUREN , RICHARD, E .-Rich-Lance-Monitor 3; Orchestra 1,2,3; Stage Guild 1.
BURDITT, MICHAEL, D.-Friedens-Stock Car Club 3.
BURKE, WILLIAM , J.-Bill-Lance-Orchestra 1,2.
BURMAN , DEBRA. K. -Debi -Lance-Honor Roll 1.2,3;
National Honor Society 2,3; Booster Club 2,3; Library
Aide 1,2; Waltonian 2,3; Co-Editor 3; Us hers 2,3;
Film Society 3.
BURNETT KATIE, -Lincoln -Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor s,',ciety 2,3; AFS Host Sister 3; Americans
Abroad Cand. 3; Who Knows Panel 3; AFS 2,3; Aquettes
1,2,3; Pres. 3; Forensics 3; Waltonian 2; Quill and
Scroll 3; Tempest 3; Co-Editor 3.
BYOM, DEBRA, J .-Debbie-Lance-Honor Roll 2; National Honor Society 2,3; Booster Club 2; French Club 2,3;
Pres . 3; Language Lab. Aide 2; Driver's Ed. Aide 3.
CANTWELL, JEFFERY, F .-Lincoln-Athletic Award l ;
Boys Intramurals 1,2,3; Monitor 3; Basketball 1.
CAPUTO GINA, M .-Lance-Class Officer Advisory
Honor Roll l,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3;
Booster Club 2; French Club 2,3.
CARDINALI. RAMONA, E.-Mona-Lance-Monitor 2,3;
Sabras3 .
CHENEY, BARBARA, E.-Barb-Lance-Monitor 2; Project
DEBORAH, A.-Debbie-McKinley-Sabras 2.
CHILDERS, MARY, A .-Ann-Lincoln-Advanced Guls
2; Trojanettes l ; Track 1.
DIBBLE, LEE ANN,-Lance-Dibs-G.A.A. 1.2.3; Mighty
Draeger Art Players l ; Student Faculty Board 1,2;
Info Day 2; Cheerleading 2.
DICKMAN . CLINTON , L.-Lance-Monitor 2; Stock Car
Club 2; Intramurals 3.
DIENER. TODD , G.-Lincoln-Intramurals 1.
DOERFLINGER. SHARON , L .-McKinely-Shar-Honor Roll
1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Film Society 3;
Political Science Club 3.
DOW, LYND 'L, K. -Lincoln -Distributive Ed. 3; G.A.A.
1,2; Trempers Teens 1.
DOWNEY, MARLENE, J.-St. Joes-Mooney-Audio Visual
DOWSE, BYRON , C.-Lance-Advisory Boar~ 2; Ho nor
Roll 2; Classic 2; Sports Editor 2; New Voice 2; Quall
and Scroll 2,3; Tempest 3; Co-Editor 3; Fencing Club
3; Cross Country 1,2,3; Track 1.
DRIGOT, DALE, R. -Lance-Advisory Board 3; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Intramurals 3; H .R. Coordinating Council
3; Wrestling 1.
DUERR, LUANN, C. -Lance-Lu .
DUNLAP, JEAN, V.-Milwaukee-Waltonian 3; National
Honor Society 2,3; G.A .A. 2; Ushers 3.
DUPONT, DEBBIE, J .-Lincoln .
DZIAN, SANDRA, L .- Lance-Sam-Advisory Board l ;
DAR Good Citizen Cand . 3; Honor Roll 2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; Homecoming Court 3; G.A .A. 1,2;
Monitor 2; Student Council 1,2,3; Cheerleading l ; Bat
Girl 1,2.
EBERT, HANS, W.-Friedens-AFS 2,3; All School Play
2 3· Intramurals 2,3; German Club 2,3; Monitor 2;
J~~ior Achievement 1,2,3; Tennis 2,3; Bowling 1,2,3.
ECKLOR. LAURA , A.-Lance Sydney.
ELMER. ANN, M .-Monore.
ENHOFF, JAMES, G.-Lincoln-Jim .
ENGLAND , MARY, D .·McKinely-Booster Club l; Advanced Girls Choir 2; Project Love 2; Red Cross l;
Servettes 3; Tremper Teens 3; Junior Achievement
1,2,3; Attendance Office Aide 3.
ENGLUND. MICHAEL. J .-Lance-Mike-Athletic 1,2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; Aquettes 3; Intramurals 3; Letterman's 3; Cross-Country 1,2,3; Swimming 1,2,3; Track
l ; Weight Training 1,2.
2 3
c~?oiJ6: c ARRIE, L.-Lance-G.A.A. l ; Monitor 3; Cheer-
leading2 .
CHURCHILL, WILLIAM, 0 .-Bill-Lincoln-Honor Roll 2;
Electronics Club 2.
CIBRARIO, SUSAN , M.-Sue-Lance-H~nor Roll 1,2,3;
National Honor Society 2,3; Scholarshp 3, Northwestern University· Who's Who in High School Dramatics
2; All School 'Play 1,2,3, leading roles, student di,rector; A Capella 2,3; Madrigals 1,2; Soph?more Ma.xed
Choir l ; Drampers 1,2; Student Council l ; Variety
Show .
CIOTTI , JUDITH, A.-Honor Roll 3; Distributive Ed. ;
Office Aid 2,3.
CLARK, GWEN E .-Advisory Board 1,3; Audio-Vis'!a.l l;
French Club 2,3; Monitor 3; Ecology Club 3; Pohtacal
Science Club 3.
CLINE, TONY, A.-Lincoln-Boys Intramurals 3. . .
COLLINS, KATHLEEN, J. -Kathy-Lincoln-AFS Bag Sister
l ; Class Officer 2; Advisory Board 1,2; H?nor Roll 1,
3; Homecoming Queen 3; G.A.A. 2; Bat girl l ; Cheerleading 2,3, Captain.
COOPER. WANDA, K. -Doc-Lance-Library Asst . 2·
Nurses Aide 2,3.
CORDS KATHY, D .-Baby-Lance-Athletic Award 3;
Hono~ Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3; Aquettes
2,3; Marching Band 1,2,3; Pep Ba,nd 1,2,3; French
Club 2; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Girls Gymnastics 1,2,3; Sub-Deb
cJ~d{;~c~U~~~'. 8.-Sue-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; AFS
l ; Booster Club l ; French Club 1,2,3; G.A.A.; Bowling
l ; Language Lab Aid 2.
COSTIGAN, JOHN , W.-Flash-Helmut Danteen .
COULTER. DENIA-Shorty-Lance-G.A .A. 2; Usher 2.
COVELLI , GERALDINE. S .-Peady-Lance-AFS 2; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Tremper Teens
COWEN, EARL, J .-Lance-Key Club l , Letterman's 1,2;
Cross Country l ; Swimming 1,2,3; Track 1.
CUDAHY. JAMES, J .-Jim-Lance.
CUMMINGS, GARRIE. L.-Boys Intramurals 1,2,3; French
Club 2,3; Student Council 1,2,3; Baseball 1,2,3; Wrestling 1.
·• CZARNOWSKI . LESLIE, A.-Czar-Lincoln -AFS 2; Monitor 3; Student Council 2,3; Tremper Teens 2,3; Treasurer 3; Trojanettes 2 .
DARRACOTT DEBORAH, A.-Lincoln-Dar-Advisory
Board 2,3; H'onor Roll 3; Spanish Club l ; Sub-Deb 3;
Trojanettes 2,3; Language Lab Aide 2,3.
CART, SANDRA, L.-Lance-Sandy-Honor Roll l ,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Scholarship, Depaul ; Marching Band 1,2,3; German Club 3; Orchestra 2,3.
DAVIS. ANDREW, D .·St. Joes-Andy-Honor Roll 1,2,3;
National Honor Society 3; Concert and Pep Band 1,2,3;
Math Club 3; Orchestra 2,3; Symphonic 3; Intramurals
Dl~is ANTHONY, L.-Lincoln-Tony-Athletic 3; March-
and ' Pep 1,2; Intramurals l ; Letterman's 3; Bl~ck
Culture Club 2,3; Football 1,2,3; Track 2; Wrestling
CATHY A.-Lance-Deso-Golden-Key Art
Award 3; Audio-Visu'al 3; G.A.A. 1,2,3; New Voice Radio 2; Red Cross l; Spanish Club l ; Tempest Salesman
FARRAR. KIM, E .-Zion-Benton.
FAULKENER. APRIL, P .-Lincoln, Orchestra 1.
FAY, ROBERT, W.-Lincoln-Bob-Honor Roll 3; Scholarship-Parkside 3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Orchestra l; Political Science Club 3.
FECKLER RICHARD, A .- Lance-Athletic 2,3; lntramurals 1,2,a; Letterman's 2,3 ; Monitor 2,3; Football 1,2,
3; Team MVP All State; Conference, All Country,
Track 1,2,3; Weight Training 1,2.
FEDUZKOWSKI, ELAINE, T .-Lincoln -Red Cross 1.
FELD, MARITA, J.-Lance-Moose-Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; German Club 2,3; Orchestra
1,2,3; Red Cross 1,2; Student Council 2; Bible Club 2,
3; Language Aide 3.
FINK RON, R.-Lance-Athletic 3; State Cros-Country
Cha'mpion 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Scholarship U. of Florida 3 ; Letterman's 2 ,3; Cross Country 1,2,3; Track 1,
J .-Lincoln-Art 1,2,3, Vice Pres. 3;
Project Love 2; Student Activity Board 3.
FITZGERALD, JUNE, V.-Lincoln-Athletic 1,2; Girls
Gymnastics 1,2.
GLAD, ELIZABETH, A .-Lincoln-Advisory Board 2;
Honor Roll 2,3; Soph. Mixed Choir l ; Monitor 3; SubDeb 1,2.
FORMELIA , STEPHEN, W.-McKinely-Track 1.
FREDERICKSEN, TIM, L .-Lincoln-Intramurals 2,3;
German Club 2; Letterman's 2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,
Center; Intramural Volleyball 2.
FROST. JOHN, J .-Lincoln-Athletic 3; Hon. Mention , All
Conference Football 3; Class Officer 2, Pres. 2.; Ad·
visory Board 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Prom King 2; Letterman 's 2,3; Sec. 3; Boy's
Kick Line Variety Show 3; Football 1,2,3, Capt. 3;
Swimming 1,2,3; Tennis 1,2,3.
FUMO JOE-Lance-Rico-Advisory Board 2; Honor Roll
1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3, Vice Pres. 3;_ lntramurals 1,2,3; Waltonian 3; Treasurer 3; Quill and
Scroll 3.
FURLIN, DAVID, J .-Lance-Dave.
GALLO, DINO, M .-Benit-Advisory Board 3; Honor Roll
3; lntramurals 3; Tennis 3.
GARY, DIANE, U .- Lincoln-Peppe~- Audio-Visual 2; Caduceus l · Classic 3; Black Advisory Board 3; Black
Culture Club 3; Student Council l ; Track 2,3.
GATELY, BILL, J .-Lincoln , Willy-Athletic 1,2,3; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Aquettes 3; Letterman's 2,3; Intramurals
1,2,3; Swimming 1,2,3; Tennis 1,2,3.
GEHRINC THOMAS, L .-Lance-Tom-Advisory Board 1,
2,3; Offic'er 3; Soph. Mixed Choir I; Monitor 2; Intra·
murals2 .
GENAME ROGER. L.-Lance-Athletic 1,2,3; 3 Letters
in Bask~tball, 3 Letters in Track, 3 in Football; ALL
CITY ATHLETE 1971 -1972; Trojan 's Men Chorus
1,2; Letterman 's 1,2,3; Orchestra 1,2; Basketball l ,
2,3; Football 1,2,3; Track 1,2,3.
GIGLIOTTI, NINO, J.-Lance-Intramurals 3; Monitor 3;
Cross Country 2,3; Track 1,2,3.
GIORDANA , JILL., D .-Lance-Homecoming Court 3;
G.A.A. 1,2; Student Council 1.2,3; Tremper Teens 1,2;
Cheerleading 1,2,3.
GIORDANO, JODI, J .-McKinely .
GITZLAFF, JOHN, W.-Lance-Audio-Visual 1,2.
GOETSCH, MICHAEL, T .-Lance-Distributive Ed. 3.
GOFF, KRISTINE, M.-Lincoln-Kris-A Capella Choir 3;
Advanced Girls Choir 2; Soph . Mixed Choir 1; Student
Council 2; Tremper Teens 2.
GONNERING, DAVID, L.-Lance-Dave-Audio-Visual 1,2;
Intramurals 1; Graphic Arts Club 1,2; Winterama 1;
Wrestling 1.
GONZALEZ, JUDY, A.-Caduceus 1; Library 1.
GORRA, PAMELA, J .-Washington-AFS 2; All School
Play 3; Aquettes 2,3; Advanced Girls 3; Classic 2;
G.A.A. 3; New Voicel ; Project Love 2; Red Cross 1;
Varsity Mixed 1,2; Aviation Club 3.
GORRA, PAMELA , S.-All School Play 3; Aquettes 2,3;
Advanced Girls Choir 3; Varsity Choir 1,2; G.A.A. 3;
New Voice l ; Project Love 2; Red Cross l ; Advisory
Board 1; Track 3; AFS Big ister 2.
GOSNELL, JUDITH , A.-Lance-Judy-Honor Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Booster Club 1,2,3; A Capella
Choir 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2; Madrigals l ; Soph.
Mixed Choir l ; G.A.A . 1,2; Student Council 3; Tremper
Teens 2,3; Track 1.
GOSSELIN, BOB. B.-Lance-All School Play 3; Intramurals 1.
GOTT, FRANK, B .-Lance-Football l ; Track 1,2; Weight
Training 1.
GRAHAM, CHRISTOPHER. J .-Lance-Chris-Audio-Visual
2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Weight Trainging 2.
GRANDOW, JODELL, M.-Bullen-Honor Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Bus. Ed . Aid 2,3; Office Manager
GRANGER, RICHARD, D.-Lincoln-Rich-lntramurals 1;
Outdoorsman 2; Student Council l ; Baseball l; Intramurals 1,3.
GRAY, GARY, D.-Lance-Stretch-Soph. Mixed Choir 1;
Trojan 's Men Chorus Choir 1; Distributive Ed . 3;
Graphic Arts Club 1,2,3.
GRAZIANI, JUDITH, A.-Lance-Judy-Honor Roll 3.
GRECO, LYNN, M.-Lincoln-Soph . Mixed Choir 1; G.A.A.
2,3; Monitor 3; Sub-Deb 3.
GREVENOW, JEAN, C.-Friedens-Honor Roll 1,2 ,3; National Honor Society 3.
GRIFFIN , PATRICK E.-Beckley W. Virginia-Intramurals 3.
GRIMES, PHYLISS, A.-Friedens-Audio-Visual 3; Project
GRIMMER, PAMELA, A. -Lance-Pam-Honor Roll 3;
G.A.A. 1,2; Spanish Club 1; Language aid 1,2.
GROENKE, PATRICIA, K.-Lincoln-Trish-AFS Big Sister
Cand. l ; Soph. Mixed Choir 1; Student Council 2,3.
GROSS. RAY, D.-Lincoln-Spade-Aquettes 2,3; lntramurals 3; Trojan's Men Chorus l ; Hi-Y 1,2; Letterman's
2,3; School Photographer 1,2,3; Basketball l ; Football
1,2,3; Track 1,2,3; Weight Training 2,3; Wrestling 2.
GUELZOW, JOHN, A.-Lance-Athletic 1,2,3; lntramurals 2; Letterman's 2,3.
GUTCHE, JAMES, R. -Lance-Jim-lntramurals 3.
HAGG, RANDALL, T .-Lincoln-Audio-Visual 2; Projectionists 2.
HAARBAUER, SCOTT, M.-Lance-Harby-lntramurals
1,2; Letterman's 2,3; Monitor 3; Baseball 1,2,3.
HACKER. JAMES, W.-Lance-Hack-Intramurals 1,2,3;
French Club 2,3; Letterman's 3; Baseball l ; Football
1,2,3; Weight Training2.
HAGBERG, JUDY, L.-Lincoln-Advisory Board 3; Honor
Roll 1,2; Booster Club l ; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Spanish Club l;
Language Aide 3.
HAGERTY, SUSAN, L .-Lance-Sue-G.A.A. 2; Attendance
HALL, DEBBIE, L.-St. Joes-Advanced Girls Choir 1;
Monitor 3; Language Aide 2.
HAMANN , CYNTHIA, L.-McKinely-Cindy-Caduceus 3;
Photography 3; Gymnastic 2.
HAMMELEV, JOHN, D.-Lance-Intramurals 3; Monitor
3; Football 1.
HAMMOND, BRUCE, L.-Lincoln-Advisory Board 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3; Marching, Pep,
Stage Band 1,2,3; Intramurals 2,3.
HAMMOND, JAMES, E .-Lincoln-Jim-Athletic 1,2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Monitor 1; Tempest Stringer 1,2; Bowling 1,2,3.
HAMMOND, RICHARD, V.-McKinely-Dick-Monitor 3.
HANNA, JAYNE, D.-Lincoln-Marching Band 1,2.
HANSEN , DARLENE, A.-Lance-Honor Roll 2; G.A.A. 3.
HANSEN. MELANIE, D.-Lincoln-A Capella Choir 2,3;
Choraliers 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2,3; Madrigals l ;
Soph. Mixed Choir l ; French Club 1,2,3; G.A.A . l ;
Mighty Draeger Art Players l ; Cheerleading 2.
HANSEN, ROBERT, C.-Lincoln-Harpo-Athletic 3; Gym.
Capt. 3; Class Officer 1,2,3; V. Pres. 2; Pres . 1,3;
Advisory Board 1,2,3; Marching, Pep, Stage 1,2,3;
Drum Sergeant 2,3; Intramurals 1,2; Choraliers 2;
Key Club 1,2; Letterman's 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Orchestra 2,3; Variety Show 1,2; All Star
Honors Band 1,2,3.
HANSON, DONALD, K.-St . Joes-Marching, Pep, Stage
1,2,3; Trojan's Men Chorus 1.
HANSON , NYLA, A.-Lance-Donny-Honor Roll 1,2,3;
National Honor Society 3; Booster Club 1,2; A Capella
Choir 2,3; Madrigals 1,2; Soph. Mixed Choir 1; French
Club 1,2,3; Student Council 3; Tremper Teens 2; TriCees 1.
HARRIS, GLEN, R. -Lance-Athletic l ; Key Club 1,2, V.
Pres. 2; Monitor 2,3; Cross Country 1; Track 1.
HARTNELL, FAITH, L.-Lance-Honor Roll 3; AudioVisual 3; G.A.A. 1,2.
HARTNELL, JANET, C.-Lincoln-Sub-Deb 1.2; Announcer WGN-TV 2.
HAUBRICH, DONALD, T.-Lincoln-Donn.
HA WIKINS, LAURA, A.-Lincoln -Sabras 2.
HA YES, BARBARA, D.-Lance-Diane-Sabras 3, Vice
Pres. 3; P .E . Aide 3.
HEBIOR. DEBORAH , J .-Lincoln-Advanced Girls Choir
2,3; Triple-Trio 3; Soph . Mixed Choir l ; Sub-Deb 1,2;
Office Aide3.
HELWIG, JANICE, E .-Lance-AFS Big Sister Cand. l ;
Honor Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Aquettes
2,3; Gymnastic 1; Trojanettes l.
HEMBY, MICHAEL, C.-St. Joes-lntramurals 1,2,3;
Track 3; Weight Training 1.
Calif.e-Intra murals 3; Letterman's 3; National Honor Society 2,3;
Football 1,2,3; Track 1,2; Weight Training 2.
HESS, TERRY, L. -Lance-Ter.
HEYDEN, RICH , A.-Lincoln-Athletic 1,2,3; Advisory
Board 2; lntramurals 2,3; Key Club 1,2,3; V. Pres. 2,
Pres. 3; Student Council 3; Cross Country 3; Weight
Training 1,2.
HILL, SUSAN, J .-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; Audio-Visual
3; Advanced Girls Choir 3; French Club 2; Red Cross 1.
HOBSON , DANIEL, F.-Hi-Y 2; Monitor 3; S.A.B. 3.
HOLMES. KENNETH, J .-Lance-Honor Roll l,2,3 ; lntramurals 1,2,3; A Capella Choir 1,2,3; Madrigals l ;
Trojan's Men Chorus Choir l.
HOLT, MARK,-Lance-A Capella Choir 2,3 ; Choraliers
2,3; Madrigals 1,2; Soph . Mixed Choir l ; Trojan 's Men
Chorus Choir 1; Debate and Forensics l ; New Voice l.
HOLTMAN, SALLY, J .-Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2.
HOPKINS, THOMAS, G.-Lance-Marching, Pep, Stage
HOPKINS, THOMAS, L.-Catonsville-Hoppy-Athletic 2,3;
lntramurals 1,2,3; Key Club 2,3; Swimming 1,2,3;
Soccer 1.
HORN. EBBA . H .-Gue-AFS 3; Aquettes 3; A Capella
Choir 3; G.A.A. 3; Sub-Deb 3; Tempest 3.
HORNBY , ROBERT, A.-Lance-Bob-Audio-Visual 2.
HUFF, JAMES, A.-Lance-Jim-Huff-lntramurals 2·
Weight Training I.
HYLINSKI , CONSTANCE, J .-Lincoln-Connie-Honor Roll
2,3; National Honor Society 3; Art 3. Treasurer 3;
Audio-Visual 2; Booster Club 1,2,3, Rec. Sec . 3; G.A.A.
2,3; Hi-Style l Monitor 2; Spanish Club 1; Sub-Deb 2,
3; V. Pres . 3.
IAQUINTA, JAMES, L.-McKinely-Jim .
IBSEN , RANDY, L.-Lance-lbby-Athletic l ; Advisory
Board 1,2; lntramurals 1,2,3; Graphic Arts Club 1,2;
Monitore,3; Football 1; Tra~k 2.
IGNJATOVIC, MELANIE,'M .-Lance-Athletic 2; Honor
Roll l ,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; A Capella Choir
1,2; Choraliers 2,3; Madrigals 1,2; Soph. Mixed Choir
l; Tremper Teens 2; Advisory Board 2,3 .
IRVING, WILLIAM. J .-Lance-Bill-Honor Roll 2,3; National Honor Society 3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 's
3; Football l ,2,3; Weight Training 1,2.
IVES, DEBRA . L. -Lincoln-AFS Big Sister cand . 2; Advisory Board 3; Honor Roll l,2 ,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Sec. 3; A Capella Choir 2,3; Soph . Mixed
Choir 1; French Club 2,3; Sec. 3; Sub-Deb 3.
JENSEN, DEBORAH , J .-Lance-Debbie-Booster Club 1;
G.A.A. 1,2; Ski 3; Spanish Club 1; Tremper Teens 2,
3; Rec. Sec . 3.
JENSEN, DEBORAH , K. -Lance-Del>bie-Honor Roll 1,2;
Booster Club 1; Ski 3; Tremper Teens 1,2,3.
JENSEN, MARLA, J .-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2; German
Club 2; G.A.A. 1,2; Servettes 1,2,3; Historian 1; Sec.
2; Track 1,2.
JENSEN , MARGARET, K. -Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2,3;
National Honor Society 2,3; Waltonian 3; Ushers 3.
JENSON. LILLIAN, E .-Project Love 3.
JERANEK, ALLEN ,-Lance-Mr. Al.
JOHNS . KATHY, A.-Lance-Booster Club 1,2; G.A.A. 2,
3; Girls Gymnastic 2; Monitor 3; Servettes 3; Ski 3;
Sub-Deb 3; Film Society 3.
JOHNSON, DA VID,-Lincoln-Smiley-Athletic 3; Letterman's 2,3; Monitor 3; Basketball 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3.
JOHNSON , JOHN, R. -Lance-Honor Roll 3; Marching,
Pep, Stage 1,2,3; Orchestra 2,3.
JOHNSON , KEITH , R .-Lincoln-Athletic 2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman's 2,3; Baseball 1,2,3; Football
JOHNSON, STEVEN, J.-Lincoln-Athletic 1,2,3; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; ScholarshipCollege U. of Wisc. Mad. ; Intramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 's 2,3; Basketball 1; Golf 1,2,3.
JOHNSON, SUSAN, A.-Lance-Sue-Advisory Board; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Debate and
Forensics 3; German Club 1,2,3; Rec. ec . 3; Math
Club 3; Mighty Drager Art Players 1.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM, E.-Lance-A .B. -Athletic 2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Letterman's 2,3; Student Council 1,2,3;
Alter, ; Basketball 1,2,3; Football 1; Golf 1,2,3.
JONAS. RICHARD. E .-Lincoln-Rick .
JORGENSEN, LAURIE. A.-Lance-Spanish Club 1; Trempers Teens 3; Gym Aide 3; Language Lab. Aide 3; H .R.
Coordinating Council 3.
KADONSKY . ALAN , M .-Lance-Athletic 2,3; Gymnastic
Club 1,2,3.
KAISER, DONALD. W.-Lance-Don-Football 1; Track 1;
Weight Training 1.
KALCIC, KATHY , C.-Lance-Kath-Marching Band 1,2;
French Club 3.
KALCIC , KEVIN , J .-Lance-Kal -National Honor Society
3; Intramurals 2,3; A Capella Choir 2,3; Choraliers
2,3; Madrigals 1,2; Soph . Mixed Choir 1; Trojan 's Men
Chorus 1.
KAVANAUGH, ANNE, F .-Lincoln-Annie-Kiwanis Award
for Music 3; Booster Club 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2,
3; Classic l ; French Club 2; Sub-Deb 3; Advisory
Board 3; Girls Triple Trio 2,3.
KAZELL, MARIA , !.-Lance-Marching, Pep 1,2,3; French
Club 1,2,3; National Honor Society 1,2,3; Trempers
Teens 3.
KEITEL, DEBRA, L.-Lincoln-Debbi.
KELLER, KIM . M .-Lance-Candy-Classic 2.
KELLMAN, TERRY, J .-Lincoln-Advisory Board l ; Honor Roll 3; Tremper K's 1; Treasurer 1; Office Aide 2,3.
KELLY, ARMIN, T .-Lance-Chooch-Honor Roll 1; Letter
3; Intramurals 2; Science Club 1,2; Football 1; Wrestling 1,2,3.
KERNER. CAROL-Friedens-Varsity Mixed Choir 3.
KESSLER. JUDY, K. -McKinely-German Club 2; Ecology
Club3 .
KEWENIG, LINDA. J .-Lance-Art 1; Booster Club 3.
KIFFEL, DIANE, M .-Lance-Kif-Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; G.A.A. 2; Tremper Teens 3;
Trojanettes 1,2,3.
KING, PAMELA, A.-Lance-Pam-Honor Roll 1,2,3; Marching, Pep 1,2,3; G.A .A. 2,3; Tremper Teens 3; Guidance
Office Aide 3.
KIRSCH, RANDY, A.-Lance-Advisory Board 1; Intramurals 1,2,3; Baseball 1,2,3; Football 1; Weight Training 1.
KLAPPA. TOM. R. -Lincoln-Intramurals 2,3; Letterman 's 3; Baseball l ,2,3.
KLEES . DAVID, A.-Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2,3; 4.0 Ave.
Soph. Yr.; National Honor Society 1,2,3.
KLUKA, JIM, M .-Lance-Monitor 3.
KNICKEHM, ANDY . F .-Lincoln-Honor Roll 2,3; Nation al Honor Society 3; A Capella Choir 2,3; Choraliers 2,
3; Madrigals 1,2; Soph. Mixed Choir 1; Trojan's Men
Chorus l ; Intramurals 2,3; Swimming 1
KNUDSON, CAROL, L.-Lance-Honor Roll 2,3; National
Honor Society 3: Booster Club 2; Tremper Teens 3.
KOBER, MARK. E.-Friedens-Markie-Distributive Ed. 3.
KOCH, RANDALL, L.-Lance-Cookie-German Club 2,3;
V. Pres.
KOEHLER.SHARON . L.-Lance-Varsity Mixed Choir 3;
German Club 2,3; G.A .A. 1; Student Council 3; Gym
Aide 3; Pool Aide 3.
KOLKMANN , JACQUELINE, L. -Lance-Jackie-Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Kiwanis 's Award
for Band 3; Audio-Visual 3; Marching 1,2,3; Pep 1,2;
G .A.A. 1,2,3; Orchestra 3; Sub-Deb 3.
KOLKMANN , JEFFREY. R. -McKinely-Honor Roll 2,3;
National Honor Society 3; Marching, Stage 1,2,3; Stock
Car Club 1; lntramurals 3.
KOLLMAN , LAURIE, A.-Lance-Pudge-Honor Roll 3.
KOLLMAN , PEPE. L.- Lincoln-lntramurals 1; Weight
Training 1.
KOOS, SARA, B. -Lincoln-Sar-Honor Roll 2,3; National
Honor Society 3; G.A.A . I ; Servettes I ; Student Council
3; Tremper Teens 3.
KOSTREVA, KALVIN, P .-Lincoln-Kelly -Athletic 1,2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Varsity Mixed Choir 3; Letterman's 3;
Track; Waltonian 3, Co Editor 3; Student Council 1,2,
3; Tempest Salesman 1,2; Bible Club 2,3; Basketball
1,2,3; Forward; Track 2,3; Soccer 1,2,3.
KREUSCHER. LUANN, L .-McKinely-Kreush-Advisory
Board 2; Booster Club 3; Treasurer 3; G.A.A. 2,3;
Library Aide 1.
KRUEGER. EDDIE, E .-Lincoln .
KUBA, MICHAEL, L .-Lance-Mike-Honor Roll 2,3; Intramurals 3.
KUCZENSKI, MARTA, A.-Lance-Distributive Ed. 3.
LADD, MICHAEL, L. -Lance-Intramurals 1,2.
LADWIG, KEITH -McKinely-Distributive Ed. 3.
LAKEN, LORRAINE, A.-Lance-Lorrie-Honor Roll 1,2;
National Honor Society 2; AFS Cand. 2; Aquettes 2;
Stage Guild 1; Tempest 1,2; WGNT-TV l ; Who Knows
Alternate 2; Student Council 2.
LANG , DAVID, G.-Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2,3; Scholarship College Northern Ill. U. 3; Marching, Pep, Stage
1,2,3; Orchestra 2,3; Intramurals 2.
LARSON, CARLA, R.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 3; All School Play 3; G.A.A. 2,3; HiStyle 1.
LARSON, DEBRA , L.-Lance-Debbie-Advisory Board 1;
Honor Roll 3; Sweetheart Couple Finalist 2; G.A.A. 2,
3; Math Club 2; Sabras 1; Servettes 2,3; V. Pres. 2;
Pres. 3; Spanish Club 3; Sub-Deb 3; Language Aide 3;
P.E. Aide3.
LARSON, GARY, W.-Lance-Letterman 's 3; Monitor 3;
Baseball 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3.
LAWLER. KIM, J .-Lance-Athletic 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,
2,3; National Honor Socieiy 3; lntramurals 3; Letterman's 3; Monitor 3; Football 1,2,3; Tennis 2; Weight
Training 1,2.
LAWLER. LOUISE, A.-Lance-Louie-Lake-Art 3; AudioVisual 3; G.A.A. 1,2; Badminton Manager; Project
Love 3; Baseball 2; Intramurals 1,2.
LEDANSKI, MARY. J .-Lance-Mar.
LEHMAN, JOHN, V.-Lance-Athletic 1,2,3; Honor Roll
3; Intramurals 2,3; Key Club 1,2; Letterman's 1,2,3;
Monitor 3 Co Capt . 3; Basketball 1,2; Football 1; Golf
LEIBHAN, MICHAEL, P .-Mike-McKinely-lntramurals
LESTER, LYNDA , H .-McKinely-Honor Roll 2,3 .
LEVONOWICH. MICHAEL, J .-Lance-Mike-Athletic 3;
Football All Conference, All Country; Honorable Mention All State; Intramural& 1,2,3; A Capella Choir 2,3;
Soph. Mixed Choir l ; Letterman's 2,3; Monitor 3;
Weight Training 2; Basketball 1; Football 1,2,3.
LOUKS, JACK, D.-Lincoln-Big Jack-Athletic 1,2; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3; Marching, Pep,
Stage 1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Orchestra 2,3; Basketball 1; Football 3.
LOWRANCE, LARRY, G.-Lare-Lincoln .
LUBINSKI. GEORGE, S.-Advisory Board 1.
LUBNIEWSKI, JEANNE-McKinely-Honor Roll l ; Project
Love 3; Servettes 2.
LUDLOW, LAURIE, A.-Lincoln-Nova-Monitor 3.
LULEWICZ , SANDRA, M .-Lance-Sandy-Classic 2.
LUPI, EUGENE, T .-Lincoln-Gene-Monitor 3.
LYONS, JEFFREY, C.-Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2; Intramurals l ,2,3.
MacDONALD, GERALD J .-Jerry-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,
3; Honor Society 3; Intraurals 3; Math Club 3.
MAKI, RAYMOND W.-Ray-Lincoln -Athletic Award 2,3;
Honor Roll 2; lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman 's 2,3;
Gum Aide 3; Football l ,2,3; Weight Training 1,2.
MALKMUS, JOHN P.-Malk-Lance-Athletic Award 1,2,3;
Honor Roll 2,3; Honor Society 3; Intramurals 1; Stage
Guild 1,2,3; Stock Car Club 3; Football 2; Swimming
MANCUSO, BRENDA M.-Lance-Honor Roll l ,2,3; Honor
Society 3; Servettes 2,3, Vice Pres. 3; Film Society 3;
Ushers 3.
MANN, NANCY J .-Iowa-Booster Club 2,3; G.A .A. 3;
Sub-Deb 1,2,3; Track 1.
MANNING, LINDA M .-Archie-Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Honor Society 3; Audio-Visual 2; Tempest 3; Ecology
2,3 .
MARANO, PETER N.-Elmo-Nevada .
MARCINKUS, STEVEN-Steve-Lincoln-Audio-Visual 1;
Chess Club 1,2,3; Key Club 1,2,3; Monitor 2,3; Outdoorsman 1,2; Project Love 3; Ski Club 1,2,3; CrossCountry 2; Football 3; Intramurals 1,2,3.
MARSCHNER, JOAN G.-Joanie-Lance-Honor Roll 2,3;
Pep and Marching Band 1,2; Marching Band 3; French
Club 1,2,3; G.A.A. 2; Sub-Deb 1,2,3, Treas. 3.
MARTELL, BILL A.-Lincoln-Athletic Award 2,3; Intramurals 3; Letterman's 2,3, Pres. 3; Basketball 1,2;
Cross-Country 2,3; Track 1,2,3.
MARTIN , WILLIAM L.-Lance-Intramurals 3; Swimming
MASON , PAMELA J.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; Camera
Club 2; Creative Arts Group 2; Project Love 2.
MATEJA, DEBORAH L.-Debbie-Chicago.
MATHEWS, CYNTHIA A .-Cindy-Lincoln-Honor Roll I ,
2,3; Honor Society 3; Booster Club 2; G.A.A. 2; Tremper Teens 3; Tri-Cees 1.
McBRIDE, BARBARA S .-Lincoln-G.A.A. 2,3.
McCONNELL, SHAUN C.-Lincoln-Letterman's 2,3; Monitor 2,3; Football 2; Swimming 1,2,3; Tennis 1.
McCORMICK, KEVIN S .-Lance-Intramurals 1,2,3; Football 1; Weight Training 1,2.
McDONALD, BRENDA S .-Sue-Lincoln-Honor Roll 3;
Honor Society 3; A Capella 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2;
Sophomore Mixed 1; Madrirals 2; Monitor 2; Guidance
Office Aide 2,3.
McDONALD, MARK A.-Mac-Lance-Orchestra 1,2,3 .
McFADDEN, KATHLEEN M .-Kathy-Lance-Badger Girls
Alternate 2; Elks Award 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Honor-'
Society 2,3; Aquettes 1,2; Booster Club 1,2; Political
Science Club 3; Tremper Teens 1,2; Ecology 2,3;
Pres. 3.
McNAB, MARK D.-McKenley-Monitor 2.
MEL TESEN, SHERRY A.-Lance-Class Officer 1, Treasurer I ; Advisory Board 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Honor
Society 2,3; French Club 1,2,3; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Gymnastics I ; Classic 1; Language Lab Aide 2,3; Gym
Aide 2,3; Student Activities Board 3; Cheerleading 1,
2,3, Captain 1,3.
MELTZER. SCOTT S. -Lincoln-Play 1,3; Intramurals 1,
2,3; Madrigals 1; Soph. Mixed I; Trojan Men's Chorus
l ; Forensics and Debate 2; Political Science Club 3;
Student Council 1,2 ,3.
MENGES, RANDALL J .-Randy-Lance-Chess Club 1;
Attendance Office Aide 2,3 .
MENGO, JANICE L.-McKinley-Honor Roll 2,3; Honor
Society 3; Varsity Mixed Choir 1,2,3.
MERIDETH , CONNIE C.-Charlie-Lance.
MERRITT, DAVID B .-Dave-Lance-Intramurals 2; Key
Club 1,2,3, Sec . 3; Letterman's 1,2,3; Monitor 2,3;
Cross-Country 1,2,3, Co-Captain 3; Track 1,2,3.
MEYER. PAMELA R.-Lance-Ushers 1.
MICHAEL, RANDY C.-Lincoln-Athletic Award 1,2,3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Stock Car Club 3;
Football 1,2; Track l ; Weight Training 1,2,3.
MILLHOLLAND, GILBERT L.-Gib-Lance-Athletic Award
3; lntramurals 2,3; Project Love l ; Political Science
Club 3; Swimming 1,2,3; Tennis 2.
MILLIKEN, JANE A .-Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2,3; Honor
Society 2,3; Play 2; Aquettes 1,2,3; Choraliers 3;
French Club 2; Orchestra 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2;
Ecology Club 2.
MISCH. RICHARD M .-Lincoln-Marching Band 1,2,3.
MODDES, ROGER A.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; Honor
Society 3.
MOGENSEN , MARK E .-Moge-Lance-Athletic Award I;
Advisory Board 3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Monitor 1,2,3,
Co-Capt. 3; Basketball 1; Weight Training 1,2.
MOLGAARD, RHODA, M .-Lincoln .
MOLINARO, MARILYN T. -Lincoln-Hi-Style l; Library
MOLITOR, BOZIDAR L .-Lou-Lincoln-Athletic Award I,
2,3; Badger Boys State Rep. 2; Elks Award 3; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Honor Society 2,3, Pres . 3; ScholarshipMarquette 3; Who Knows Panel 3; Intramurals 1,2,3;
Student Council 3; Tempest Salesman 2; Bleacher
Bums 1,2; Tennis 2; Wrestling l ; Bowling 1,2,3.
MOMPER, JOANNE M .-Jan-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Honor Society 2,3; Art Club 3.
MONGREIG, CONSTANCE A.-Connie-Kemper Hall-Advisory Board 1,2; Advanced Girls 2; French Club 1;
Guidance Office Aide 2.
MORGAN, ROBERT S .-Lance-Athletic Award I ; Intramurals 1,2,3; Football l ; Track 1; Wrestling 3; Bowling2 ,3.
MORRIS, PATRICK D .-Bono-Lance-Intramurals 1,2,3;
MULLER. GERALDINE C. -Gerri-Lance-Honor Roll 1,
2,3; Honor Society 2,3; Audio-Visual 1; Booster Club
1,2; French Club 2; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Project Love 2.
MUTCHLER, KAREN R. -Lincoln-Ecology Club 3.
MUTCHLER, LYNDA J .-Mutchie-Lance-Honor Roll 1,3;
Audio-Visual 1; Distributive Ed. 3; German Club 2;
Servettes 2.
MYERS, JANICE L .-Smokey-Lincoln-AFS 2; Booster
Club l; French Club 2; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Gymnastics 3;
News Bureau 1; New Voice 1,2; Tempest 1,2,3; CoChairman of Spring Festival 2; Track 1.
NALL, KAI, C .-Lincoln-Political Science Club 3; Coordinating Chairman 3; Ecology Club 2; Media Committee Chairman 3; Chairman for Students for McGovern 3; Student Faculty Advisory Board 2; Intramurals
NEHLS, DELTHEA , A. -St. Joes-Delly.
NELSON, CORRINE, A.-Lance-Corky-AFS Big Sister
Cand. 1,2; Class Officer 2, Rec . Sec. 2; Advisory Board
I; Booster Club 1,2,3; G.A .A. 3; Red Cross 1; Stock
Car Club 2,3; Rec. Sec. 3; Tri-Cees 1.
NELSON, DARLENE, M .-Lance-All School Play 3; G.A.A.
2,3; Hi-Style l; Bowling 2,3; V. Pres. 3.
NELSON, MICHAEL, A .-Lincoln-Half-lntramurals 3;
Athletic 1,2,3; Letterman 's 2,3; Football 1,2; Golf 3;
Track 1,2; Wrestling 1,2,3.
NELSON, PAUL, A.-Lance-Athletic 1,2,3; Letterman's
1,2,3; Student Council 2; Basketball 1,2,3; Football I,
2,3; Track 1,2.
NELSON, SHERRY, L.-Lance-Band Committee 2 Sec.
3 Pres; Marching Concert Band 1,2,3; Pep 1,2; French
Club 2; G.A .A. 2; Student Faculty Committee 2,3.
NETZER, BECKY, L. -Lance-Advisory Board I; Booster
Club 1,2,3; A Capella Choir 2,3; Madrigals 1,2; Soph.
Mixed Choir l; French Club 2; G.A.A. 1,2; Orchestra
1,2,3; Trempers Teens 3; Trojanettes 1,2.
NETZER, GAIL. M .-Lance-Advisory Board 2; Honor
Roll 1,3; Student Council 1,3; Tremper Teens 1,2.
NEVORASKI, CHERYL, L .-Lincoln-Distributive Ed. 3;
Sec. 3; G.A.A. 1; Servettes 1; Sec. 1.
NICKEL, RALPH, L .-Lance-Scholarship Milwaukee
School of Engineering 3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Stamp
Club 3; Baseball 1; Football 1,2; Weight Traingin 1,2.
NIETUPSKI , MARY, J .-Lance-Jo-AFS Cand. l; Marching
, Pep, Stage 1,2,3; Booster Club 1; French Club 2,3;
G.A.A. 1,2; Orchestra 3; Tremper Teens 2,3.
NOBLE, WILLIAM , L.-Washington-Bill-Ecoloby Club 3.
NOEL, KAREN, F .-Lincoln-Audio-Visual 2,3; Monitor
2; Orchestra l ,2,3.
NOLEN, THOMAS, H .-Lance-Key Club 3; Monitor 3;
Letterman 's 3; H.R. Coordinating Council 3; Wrestling
NORCROSS, ROBERT, D .-Lance-Athletic 1,2,3; Defensive Halfback; lntramurals Champions 2,3; Letterman's
2,3; Ushers 3; Basketball 1; Football 3; Golf 1,2,3;
Weight Training 1,2,3; Pres. 3.
NOWELL, JOHN, W. -St. Joos-Advisory Board 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2; National Honor Society 3; Mr. Tremper
Cand. 3; W ASC Officer 2; Wisc. Asso. of Student
Councils; Aquettes 3; Key Club 1,2,3; Pres. V. Pres.
Sec. Treas.; Letterman's 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3;
Pres. 3.
NUDI, JULIA , M.-Lance.
O 'CONNELL, MARGARET, M. -Lincoln-Maggie.
OLLILA, RANDY, D .-McKinely-Marching Band 1,2,3.
OLSEN , CHARLES. E.-Friedens-Chuck-Distributive Ed.
3, V. Pres. 3.
OLSON, MARIAN, J .-Lincoln-Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; G.A.A. 2.
OLSON, PAMELA, S .-Lance-Moe-Honor Roll 1,3; Booster Club 1,2,3, Pres. 3; G.A.A. 1,3; Hi-Style I; SubDeb 3.
OLSON, STEVEN, 0.-Lance-Wrestling 2.
OLSON, SUSAN. P.-Lance-Sue-AFS Big Sister Cand. l;
Badger Girls Final 2; Honor Roll 1,2; Marching, Pep
1,2,3; Booster Club 1,2; G.A.A. 1,2,3: Spanish Club l;
Student Council 1,2,3: Executive Board Chairman:
Sub-Deb 1.2.3; Co Producer or Variety Show 2: Producer 3.
ORLOWSKI, JOSEPH, G.-McKinely-Joe-Honor Roll 2,3;
Library Aide 2,3; Sub-Deb 3: Ecology Club 3: Treas.
3: H.R. Coordinating Council 3.
ORTIZ, AIDA, E.-Lincoln-Shorty-Soph. Mixed Choir 1:
Baseball 2: Track 3.
OWENS, MARY, A.-Lance-Advanced Girls Choir 2,3;
Varsity Mixed 1: Project Love 1,2.
PACE, RICKY, D.-McKinely-Honor Roll 1,2: Outstanding
Soph. & Jr. in Graphic Arts Club 1,2,3; Monitor 1,2,3;
Basketball 1: lntramurals 2,3.
PACETTI, LINDA, A.-Lincoln-Spanish Club 1: Student
Council 2: Track 1.
PAGLOAGRONI, MARK, J.-Lincoln-lntramurals 1,3;
Baseball l; Football l; Swimming 1.
PALMER, THOMAS, P.-Lincoln-Athletic 1,2,3: Booster
Club 1,2,3: Intramurals 1,2,3: Letterman's 1,2,3:
Monitor 2,3: Basketball 1,2,3: Cross-Country 3: Tennis 1,2.
PALTROCK. ALLISON, M.-St. Joes-Al-Advisory Board
l; Aquettes 2,3: Booster Club 1,2,3; French Club l;
G.A.A. 1,2,3; Monitor 1: Red Cross 1: Ski Club 2,3:
Sub-Deb 2,3, Pres. 3; Swimming 1,2.
PASCHALL, CHRISTINE, A.-AFS l; Booster Club l;
Soph. Mixed Choir l; Debate and Forensics 3; G.A.A. 3.
PASQUAL!, JOHN, L.-Lance-Advisory Board l; Basketball l, Manager.
PASTOREK. FRED, E.-Athletic 2,3: Honor Roll 1,3;
Intramurals 2,3: Tennis 2,3; Track 1.
PEDERSEN, BRUCE, R.-Lincoln-Class Officer 3, Pres.
3: Advisory Board 3: Intramurals 1,2,3: Monitor 1,2,3;
Outdoorsman 1,2; Student Council 2,3; M.C. of Variety
PELLEGRINO, GARY, J.-Lance-Intramurals l; Letterman's 2,3: Treas. 3: Football 1,2,3: Track 1,2,3; Weight
Training 1,2.
PETRI, CURTIS, A.-McKinely-Athletic 1,2,3: Advisory
Board l; Marching, Pep, Stage 1,2; Gymnastic Club 2,
National Honor Society 2,3: A Capella Choir 2,3 Section Leader Alto 3: Business Mayor 3; Choraliers 2,3;
Madrigals 1,2; Soph. Mixed Choir 1: Orchestra 1,2,3:
Sub-Deb 1,2,3.
RHEAUME, SANDRA. R.-Lance-Sandy-Booster Club l;
French Club 1,2: G.A.A. 1,2; Gymnastics l; Project
Love 2: Swimming 2: Track 1,2.
RICHARDS, GWEN, R.-McKinely-Servettes 2.
RICHARD, MATTON, H.-Honor Roll 3; Scholarship College 3 UCLA: All School Play 1,2,3: Intramurals 1,3;
Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3.
RICHER, TERRY. S.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; Scholarship College Madison 3; Intramurals 2,3: Political Science Club 3.
RIZZOTTO, SHARLENE, S.-Lincoln-Audio-Visual 2,3;
ROBERS, DON, A.-St. Joes.
ROBERS, STEPHEN, A.-Lance-Steve-Honor Roll 3; Intramurals 3; Letterman's 3; Football 2,3; Track 2
Shot Put; Weight Training 2.
ROBERTSON, GAYLE, D.-Lance-Distributive Ed. 3;
Gymnastics 1: Monitor 3.
ROBERTSON, PAUL, R.-Lance-Athletic 1,2: AudioVisual 1,2; Intramurals 1,2,3: Letterman's 2,3; Monitor 2,3; Baseball 1,2,3; Manager: Football 1 Manager:
Weight Training 2; Wrestling 1,2; Bowling 3.
ROBINSON, DEBORAH, J.-Lincoln-Deb-Aquettes 2,3;
Booster Club l; Advanced Girls Choir 2,3 Pres. 3:
Madrigals 3; Soph. Mixed Choir l; G.A.A. 1: Ski Club
2,3; Spanish Club l; Student Council 2: Sub-Deb 2,3
Chairman of Winter Formal 3: Swimming 2,3; Track 1.
ROBINSON, JANIS, A.-Lance-Honor Roll l,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; A Capella Choir 3: Advanced Girls
2: Madrigals 2; Soph. Mixed Choir 1: Tri-Cees 1.
ROBINSON, MARY, D.-Lance-Class Officer 1, Rec. Sec.
Advisory Board 1,2,3; Elks Award 3; Prom Court 2;
Homecoming Court 3; All School Play Understudy 1;
Marching 2,3; Pep l; A Capella 2,3; Choraliers 2,3;
Madrigals 1,2,3; Soph. Mixed 1: Sub-Deb 2,3: Intramurals 1.
ROCK. DANIEL, J.-McKinely-Intramurals 2,3: Language
Lab. Assist. 1,2; Basketball l; Cross-Country l;
ROEMER. JANICE, H.-Lance-Jan-Honor Roll l,2,3: Art
3: G.A.A. 2,3 Sec. Bowling 3: Hi-Style 1.2: National
Honor Society 3.
ROMANO, JOSEPH, F.-Lance-Joe-Key Club 1: Monitor
3: Swimming 1.
ROTHMAN, CARY, J.-Lance-Athletic 2,3: Honor Roll
1,2,3: Letterman's 3: Football 2,3; Swimming 2; Tennis 1,2,3 Pest Attitude Award.
ROVJK, JULIE, E.-Lincoln-National Honor Society 2,3;
A Capella Choir 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2; Soph.
Mixed Choir 1.
ROVIK. NANCY, S.-Lincoln-Marching Band 1,2: Student
Council 2,3 Treas. 3.
RUGG, PAUL, D.-Lincoln-Marching, Pep, Stage Band
1,2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Orchestra 3: Swimming 1.
RUHLE, DAVID, G.-Lance-Athletic 2,3; Intramurals 1,
2; Football 1: Track 1,2,3: Weight Training 1,2,3.
RUHLE, DENNIS, E.-Lance-Athletic 1,2,3: lntramurals
2; Letterman's 1,2,3: Cross-Country 2,3: Track 1,2,3.
RUHLE, MARY, A.-Lance.
RUTCHIK. THOMAS, S.-Lance-Tom-Athletic 2,3: Honor
Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3: Audio-Visual 2:
Letterman's 2,3: Math Club 3: Swimming 1,2,3.
SALITURO, JOAN, L.-Lance-Joanie-Booster Club 2,3;
3; Distributive Ed. 3; Monitor 2; Orchestra 2.
PETZ, TIMOTHY. J.-Lance-Jim.
PEARR. JEFFREY, D.-Lance-Classic 1,2: Graphic
Arts 2.
PFIFFER. MICHAEL, D.-Lance-Mike-Honor Roll 1:
Intramurals 1: A Capella 2,3: Choraliers 2: Soph.
Mixed Choir 1: Key Club 1,2,3.
PFLUEGER, CHERYL, D.-Lance-Advisory Board 3;
Elks Award 3; Honorable Mention Leadership Grant 3;
Honor Roll 1,2,3: National Honor Society 3: Booster
Club l; A Capella Choir 2,3: Soph. Mixed Choir l; Sec.
l; French Club 1,2,3: Ski Club 2: Tremper Teens 1,2:
Trojanettes 1,2,3: Co Capt. 2: Capt. 3: Family 1: Language Aide 3: Track 2,3.
PIAS, ROBERT. K.-Friedens-Monitor 3.
PICKERIGN, DARRELL, G.-Lincoln-Athletics 3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Letterman's 3: Football l,2,3; Weight
Training 1,2.
PIERCE, AMELIA. A.-Lincoln-Angie-Monitor 2; Student Activity Board 3.
PIERANEH. RON-Lance-Wrestling 1.
POCUS. BILL, J.-Lincoln-Posh-Intramurals 3.
POLIMENI, JOANN, C.-Lance-Monitor 3.
POLLOCK, RITA. A.-Lance-AFS Cand. 2,3; Treasurer
3; Marching 1,2,3; Pep 1,2: G.A.A. 1,2; Spanish Club
PRESTON, JULIE. R.-Lance-Booster Club 1,2: Advanced
Girls Choir 2: Soph. Mixed Choir l; French Club l;
G.A.A. 2; Ski Club l; Student Council 3 Rep.
PRESTON, SCOTT, C.-Lance-Swimming 1.
PROUD, ANN-Lance-Creative Arts Group 3.
PUCCI, JAMES, W.-Lance-Jamie.
PUIDOKAS, STANLEY, ¥.-Lincoln-Advisory Board l;
Marching, Pep 1,2,3: Intramurals 2,3; Soccer; Monitor
3; Orchestra 2,3: Student Council 2: Student Activity
Board 3.
RADDATZ, SANDRA. A.-Lance-Sandy-Honor Roll 2;
A Capella Choir 3; Advanced Girls Choir 2: Soph.
Mixed Choir l; German Club 2,3 Rec. Sec. 3: Language
RAMPART, CARLA, M.-Lance-Classic 1,2 Advertising
Manager 2; G.A.A. l; Sub-Deb 1,2,3: Tempest Salesman 1.
RANDLE, EDWARD, J.-Lincoln-Intramurals 1,2,3: Chess
1,2,3: Film Society 3; Soccer 1,2,3.
RASCH, LINDA, S.-Lance-Honor Roll 2,3.
RASICO, JIM, M.-Lance-Honor Roll l; Science Club l,
2,3 Pres. 3: Language Assist. 1,2,3.
RATHJEN, JEFFREY, N.-Lance-Athletic 3: Jntramurals 3; Trojan's Men Chorus l; Letterman's 3; Mon-
itor 3: Baseball 1: Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3: All
Conference 3: Track 3.
REED, KENNETH, 0.-Lincoln-Marching, Pep Band 1,2,
3: lntramurals 1,2,3; Monitor 3 Mod Squad: Orchestra
3; Champer Orch. 3: Servettes l; Student Council 1,2,
3: 1,2 Rep. 3 Alter: Student Activity Board 3: Tennis 2.
REEDY, TIMOTHY. E.-Lance-Tim-Aquettes 1,2,3; Stage
Crew Lighting Director; Audio-Visual 3: Marching,
Pep 1,2,3: Treas. 1,2,3; Camera Club 2: Graphic Arts
Club 2,3 V. Pres. 3; Projectionists 3: Stage Guild l,
2,3 Asst. Stage Manager 3.
REIMER. GLEN, A.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,3: A Capella
Choir 2.3: Madrigals 1,2; Soph. Mixed Choir l; Trojan's Men Chorus 1.
RENDE. LINDA, J.-Lance-Lynn-Booster Club 2; Tempest 3 Business Manager 3; Tri-Cees 1.
RESCH, DIANE, A.0-Lance-Elks Award 3: Booster Club
1,2: Spanish Club 1: Student Council 2: Tremper Teens
1,2,3: Ski Club 1,2.
REUTER. KRISTINE, D.-Lance-Kris-Honor Roll 2,3:
Monitor 3; Sub-Deb 3; Tri-Cees 1.
SALITURO. CHARLES, G.-Lance-Chuck-Honor Roll 1,
2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; New
Voice 2; Quill and Scroll 3; Tempest Salesman 3;
Tempest Editor 3; WGNT-TV Announcer 3.
SANTOPOALO, JUDITH, A.-Lance-Advisory Board 1,2;
Booster Club 1,2,3; G.A.A. 1,2; Ski Club 3; Student
Council 2 Alter; Tempest 1,2,3.
SARIN. PETER-Lance-Pete-Advisory Board 1 Alter;
Honor Roll 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,3; Basketball, Soccer
All Star Team; Key Club 1,2; Monitor 3; Student Council 1.3; Rep; Cross-Country 2; Track 1,2; Weight
Training 1.
SAVAGLIO, ENRICO-Lincoln-lntramurals 1.2,3; Graphic
Arts Club 2; Letterman's 2,3; Wrestling 1,2,3.
SCHARNECK, KENNETH, R.-Lance-Orchestra 1,2,3.
SCHAUMBERG, RICHARD, A.-Lance-Rick-lntramurals
1,2,3; Letterman's 2,3; Wrestling 1.2,3.
SCHMIDT, FARON. R.-Lance-Butch.
SCHMIDT. JEFFREY, A.-Lance-Jeff-Art 3.
SCHMIDT. URSULA, M.-Lance-German Club 2; Servettes 1,2,3.
SCHMIDT, VICKIE, L.-Lincoln-Vick-AFS Cand. 2; Soph.
Mixed Choir 1.
SCHOLFIELD, ELIZABETH, A.-Lance-Distributive Ed. 3.
SCHRANDT, DONNA. M.-Lance-Honor Roll 3; G.A.A.
2,3, Pres. 3; Monitor 2; Track 2,3.
CHUCH, MARY, T.-McKinely-Honor Roll 2; Booster
Club l; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Bowling Capt.; Tremper K's 1,2.
SCHULTZ, STEVE, C.-Lance-Art 3.
CHUBERT, MARILYN, D.-Advisory Board 3; Honor
Roll 1.2.3; National Honor Society 2,3; Betty Crocker
Award 3; Debate and Forensics 2,3; Drampers l;
G.A.A. 2,3; Political Science 3; Tempest Stringer 3;
Attendance Office Aide 2; Morning Announcement 3.
COTT, PAT. J.-St. Joes-lntramurals 3.
SENNHOLZ, DARRELL, B.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Football l; Weight Training 1,2.
SENTERS, DEB, D.-Lincoln-Honor Roll 2,3; All School
Play 2; Aquettes 3; G.A.A. 1,2; Student Council 2,3;
Ecology Club 2,3; Chairman 3; Political Science Club
3; Swimming 1,2; Track 2.
SEXTON, JEFFREY, A.-Lincoln-Jeff-Athletic 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman's 2,3; Student Council 2,
Alter; H.R. Coordinating 3; Baseball 1,2,3; Basketball 2.
SHEARER. PETER. D.-Lincoln-lntramurals 1,2,3; 2
First Place Soccer, Trout Fishing in America; Political Science 3; Student Council 3.
SHISLER. WAYNE, L.-Lance-lntramurals 1,2,3; Political Science Club, Co Chairman Students for McGovern
SHULSKI, JOANN, M.-St. Joes-Jo-Advisory Board l;
Track 1.
!EPLER, JAMES. E.-Lance-Jim-Athletic 1,2,3; Honor
Roll 2,3; Art 1,2,3; lntramurals 1,2,3; German Club 1.
SIMPKINS, LUCILLE, A.-Lance-G.A.A. 1,2,3; Orchestra
1,2,3; Swimming 1,2; Track 1.2,3.
SIMONSEN, KIM, A.-Lance-Kimmie-Advisory Board 1,
2; G.A.A. 1 Sport-Head; Girls Gymnastic 1 Team
Capt. 3; Ski Club 1,2; Gym 2,3.
SINGER. JAMES, P.-Lincoln-lntramurals 1,2,3; Camera
Club 3; Classic 3; Hi-Y 3; New Voice 1,2; Technician
2; Quill and Scroll 3; Tempest 3; Bleacher Bums 2;
Tennis 2; Weight Training 2.
SINKULE, KATHRYN, J.-Lincoln-Kathy.
STA VLO, JAMES, R.-Lance-Jim-Athletic l; Honor Roll
1,2; All School Play 3; Audio-Visual 1,2,3; German
Club 3 Historian; New Voice 3 Producer; Projectionists
1,2,3; TV 1,2,3; Producer-Director 3; lntramurals 1,
2,3; Swimming l; Weight Training 1,2,3.
SLOBODIANUK, DA YID, A.-Lincoln-Athletic 2,3; Advisory Board l; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor So-
ciety 3; Marching 1,2,3; Stage Band 3; lntramurals 1,
2,3; Letterman's 2,3; Football 2,3; Wrestling 1,2,3.
SMITH, ELIZABETH, A.-Lance-Liz-Honor Roll 2,3;
National Honor Society 3; Audio-Visual 2,3; G.A.A. l,
2; Waltonian l; Student Council Rep. l; Track 1.
SMITH, RICHARD. C.-Marching 1,2,3; Pep 1,2,3; Stage
SMITH, PEGGY, A.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor ociety 2,3; AFS l; Booster Club 1,3; Soph.
Mixed Choir l; Waltonian 3.
SNIATYNSKI, SUE. L.-Lincoln-Classic 1,2,3; Managing
Editor 2, Asst. Ed. 3; Quill and Scroll 2,3; Guidance
SORENSEN, SUE, P.-Lincoln.
SPEHAR. CYNTHIA, A.-Lance-Cindy -Honor Roll 2;
Soph. Mixed Choir l; French Club 1,2.
SPILLER. BRADELY, H.-Lance-Brad-Monitor 2.
SPITZER. ROB, D.-Lance-All School Play 3; Football
1,2,3; Weight Training 1,2,3.
SPRINGER. BRUCE, W.-Lance-Cisco.
SOENS, PATRICIA, A.-Lance-Pat-Honor Roll 3 2nd
Quarter; G.A.A. 2.
SPEAKER. THOMAS, J.-Lance-Tom-Badgers Boys 2
Assist. City Attorney; Soph. Mixed Choir l; Trojan's
Men Chorus l; Varsity Mixed Choir 2,3; News Bureau
3; New Voice 3 Music Director; Student Council 3 Rep.;
Tempest Columnist 2,3; Ecology Club 2 Pres. 2;
Mighty Draeger Art Players 1.
STANTON, KATHY, S.-Beaver Dam, Wisc.-Project
STECKBAUER. JOYCE. A.-St. Joes-Drivers Ed. Assist.
2; Track 1.
STEWART, CRAIG, J.-Lincoln-Athletic 3, All Country,
All Conference; Big Brute 3; lntramurals 1,2,3; Letterman's 2,3; Monitor 2,3; Baseball l; Football 1,2,3;
Golf Manager 3; Weight Training 1,2; Bowling 3.
STIPANUK. LUANN, K.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3; Na-
tional Honor Society 2,3; Booster Club l ; Soph . Mixed
Choir l ; Tremper Teens 2.
STOEBE, NANCY. L.-Lincoln-Nanc-French Club 2.
ST. PETER, JOAN. M.-Lincoln-Homecoming Cand. 3;
G.A.A. 3; Student Council 1,3; Sub-Deb 1,2,3; Bat
Girl 1.
ST. PETER. JOHN, L.-Lincoln-Honor Roll 3; lntramurals 2; Spanish Club l ; Student Council 2,3: Baseball I :
Basketball 1: Football 1,2; Weight Training 2.
STRANGE, JOHN, D.-Lincoln-Athletic 1,2,3; Booster
Club 2,3; Intramurals 2,3; Letterman's 3; Football 2,
3; Track 2,3; Weight Training 2,3 .
STREBLOW, GAIL. A.-Lance-Advisory Board 1,2; Elks
Award 2,3; Honor Roll 3; Student Council 1,2; Jogging
Club2 ,3.
STRECKER. JON, P .-Athletic 1,2,3; Capt. Wrestling;
Letterman's 1,2,3; Student Council 3 Rep.; Football 1,
2,3 Line Backer; Track 1,2,3; Wrestling 1,2,3 Capt.
Aquett4s 1,2,3; Marching 1,2,3; Pep 1,2; Booster Club
l ; Student Council 1,2,3; Tremper Teens 2,3 Corr.
Sec. 3.
SULLIVAN , JIM , D.-Lincoln-lntramurals 1,2,3 ; Key
Club 1,2; Monitor 2,3; Wrestling 1,2; P .E. Assist . 2,3.
SWANLIND, AVA. M.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3 ; AudioVisual 2,3; Monitor 2.
SWARTZ, ROBERT, J .-McKinely-Bob .
SZANTOR, KEVIN, C.-Lincoln-Honor Roll 3.
TAIT, DAVID, E. -Lance-Elks Award 3; Most Valuable
Student Award; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,3; Audio-Visual 1,2,3; French Club 3; German
Club 1,2,3; Historian , Treasurer , V. Pres. 3; Math
Club 2; Student Faculty Curriculum Board 2.
TAYLOR, ELIZABETH, E .-Lincoln , Gymnastics l; AFS
Big Sister Cand . l; G.A.A. 2; Project Love 3; InfoDay 2.
TAYLOR, JOYCE, E .-Lincoln.
TENUTA, BRAD, F.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2; National
Honor Society 1,2; lntramurals 2,3; Wrestling 1.
TENUTA , DA YID, L.-Lance-Class Officer 3, Treas. 3;
Advisory Board 1,2,3; Court 3; Trojan 3; Monitor 2,3.
TENUTA, FRED, T .-Lance-Athletic 3; Basketball Manager; Advisory Board 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; lntramurals 2,3; Basketball 2; Vol-
leyball 3; Letterman 's 3; Student Council 2 Alter;
Tempest Salesman 1,2,3; Tempest 3; Bleacher Bums
2; H.R. Coordinating Council 1,3; Basketball 3 Manager.
TERRIEN, DANIEL, A.-Lance-Dan-Wrestling 1.
THIELE, KAREN , J .-Lincoln-Tealeaf-Kenosha Youth
Assn. for Retarded Children 2,3, Sec. 3.
THIEM, STEPHEN, P .-Lance-Steve-lntramurals 2,3;
Tremper Stringer 3.
THOMAS, ALAN, G.-Lance-National Honor Society 2,3.
THOMAS, ARLENE, M.-Lincoln-Soph . Mixed Choir l;
G.A.A. l ; Student Council 1,2 Alter; Sub-Deb 1,2;
Track 1.
THOMAS, JEFFERY, M.-Lance-Veto-lntramurals 1,2,3.
THOMPSON , ALLEN, K.-Lincoln-Monitor 2 Capt.
THOMPSON , PAULA-Lance-AFS Big Sister Cand. 2:
Project Love 3.
TRAPP, ROBERT, S. -Lincoln-Advisory Board 2; Honor
Roll 3; National Honor Society 3.
VanTUBBERGEN, LARRY-Lincoln-lntramurals 1,2;
Golf 1.
VAUX, JULIE, A. -St. Joes.
VEDDER, JEANNE, S.-McKinely-Honor Roll 1,2,3;
Aquettes 2,3; Treasurer 3; G.A.A. l ; Monitor 2; Film
Society3 .
VERBICK, BARBARA, E .-Lance-Barbi-Honor Roll 3;
Marching 1,2; Booster Club 1,2; French Club 1,2; Ski
Club 1 2· Tremper Teens 2; CCTV 2; Mighty Draeger
Art Pl~y ers l; H.R. Coordinating Council 3.
VOGT, HANS, G.-McKinely-Lance-German Club 1,2 .
VOIGHT, DEBRA , A.-Lance-lggie.
WADE, MARCIA, M. -Lincoln-Marty-Advisory Board 2;
Booster Club 2; G.A.A. 2,3; Political Science Club 3;
lntramurals 2,3.
WALKER, BARBARA , K. -Lance-Barb-Honor Roll 3;
G.A.A. 2.
WALLIG, GAYLE, A.-Lance-Aquettes 3; German Club 2;
Enviromental Club 3; Project Concern 1.
WALLIG, MARSHA, E .-Lincoln-Colorguard 1,2,3; SubDeb 1.
WEBER, CHERYL, L.-Boise, Idaho-Cheri-Advisory
Board 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 2,
3; Art 1,2,3; Band l , Twirler l; Booster Club 1,2,3;
Choir Advanced Girls 2,3; Soph. Mixed l ; French Club
l ; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Graphic Arts Club 3; Spanish Club 3;
Sub-Deb3 .
WEGMANN, DENNIS, A.-Bradford-Denny-Audio-Visual
2,3; Choir Varsity Mixed 3; Soph. Mixed l ; German
Club l; Red Cross 2; Tempest Salesman 3; Football l ;
WEISS. CAROLE, J. -Lincoln-Advisory Board 2,3; Choir
1,2,3; A Capella 2,3; Choraliers 2,3; Madrigals 1,2;
Soph. Mixed l; Sub-Deb 2,3; Tempest Salesman 2,3;
Mighty Draeger Arts Players l ; Variety Show 1,2,3.
WEISE, THOMAS. J.-Lincoln-B.B.-Athletic 1,2,3; lntramurals 3; Letterman's 2,3; National Honor Society
2,3; Baseball 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3;
Capt. All State, All Conference; Intramurals 3; Basketball 1,2.
WELCH, JOHN, B.-Lincoln-Advisory Board 1,2,3; Scholarship, Carthage 3; Band 1,2,3; Marching, Pep, Stage
1.2,3; Intramurals 1,2,3; Orchestra 2,3; Student Coun-
cil 3.
WERVE, AMY M .-McKinely-Amos-G.A.A. 3; Orchestra
WESTPLATE, JANICE. E .-Lance-Advisory Board 1
Alter.; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3;
Orchestra 1,2,3: Bible Club 3.
WESTON , JOSEPH . J .-Lincoln-Joe-Honor Roll 3.
WHITT, STEVEN , J.-McKinely-Nit Wit-Band 1.2,3;
Marching 1,2,3; Pep, Stage 1,2; lntramurals 1,2; Letterman's 2,3; Monitor 3; Gymnastics 2,3; Swimming 1.
WIGHTMAN , LOUIE, L. -Lincoln-Band l , Marching 1.
WILCOX , ELEANOR. R.-Lance-Sunny-Honor Roll 1,2 ,3;
National Honor Society 2,3; Debate and Forensics 3;
Drampers l ; French Club 1,2,3.
WILLEMS, JAY , L .-Lincoln-Athletic 1,2,3; Letterman's
3; Monitor 2; Swimming 1,3; Tennis 2,3.
WILLIAMS , THOMAS, J.-Lincoln-Distributive Ed. 3;
Football 1.
WILSON , GRACE, A. -Lance-G.A.A. 3.
WIRCH, RICK. J .-Lance-lntramurals 1,2,3; Camera
Club 2,3; Madrigals l; Soph. Mixed l ; Classic 1,2;
Stock Car Club 3; Tempest 1,2; Golf 2,3; Weight Training 1.
WOLLERT, DEBBIE, S.-Lance-Band 1,2,3; Marching
Pep; French Club 1,2: G.A.A. 1,2; Orchestra 3: tudent
Council 1,2: Tri-Cees 1.
WOODS, TERRI , L.-Lance-Honor Roll 1,2,3: National
Honor Society 2,3; Art 2,3, Pres. 3; Audio-Visual 1,2;
Choir 1,2,3: Advanced Girls 2,3; Soph . Mixed l ; G.A .A.
2: Waltonian 2, Poetry Editor 2.
WOODWORTH , SUSAN , A. -Lincoln-Sue-Honor Roll 1,3.
WRIGHT, JUDY, L .-Lance-Office Aide 2,3.
YORE, KATHY, C.-Lincoln -Curly-Monitor 2,3; Fencing
2,3; Bowling; G.A.A. 2.
YORTON, JACQUl1:LINE, A.-McKinley-Jacki-Sabras 2,3.
YOUNG, BARBARA, E .-Lance-Advisory Board 2; Honor
Roll 1,2,3; Tempest Salesman 2; Bible Club 2.
YOUNG, ROGER, L.-McK.inley-Ramjet-Advisory Board
2; Executive Producer 3; AFS 3; Debate and Forensics
2; New Voice 2,3; Orchestra 1,2,3; Quill and Scroll 3;
Student Council 2,3; Bible Club 2; Mighty Draeger Art
Players l ; Morning Announcements 2.
YSZENGA, KIM, E .-Lance-Kimble-lntramurals 1,2,3;
Baseball l ; Weight Training 1,2; Boxing 1,2,3.
ZANOTTI. DIANA, L.-Lance-Di-Art 2,3; Booster Club
l ; G.A.A. 3.
ZARLETTI , DOMINIC, E .-Lance-Dom-Athletic l; In tramurals 1,2,3; Project Love 2; Baseball l ; Football 1.
ZIMMER. MARK, T. -lntramurals l; Monitor 1,2; Ski
Club l ; Swimming 1,2; Track 1.
ZIRBEL, LESTER, A.-Lance-Peanuts-Athletic Award
2,3; Letters in Baseball; Honor Roll 1,2,3; National
Honor Society 2,3; Scholarship, Carthage College 3;
lntramurals 1,2,3; German Club 2; Letterman's 3:
Math Club 3; Baseball 1,2,3; Wrestling 1.
ZUBERBUEHLER, DEBRA , L.-Lance-Debi-German
Club2 .
In Memoriam
Harvey Flake
Yet is not death the great adventure still,
And is all loss to set ship clean anew,
When heart is young and life an eagle
-James Elroy Flecker
Classic Staff Thanks
Those Who Helped
The Classic Staff thanks Mr. Bob Moorhead of Walsworth Publishing Company;
Capri and Cilento Studios for pictures;
the Kenosha News; Mr. DeHart and the
printing department; the advertisers; the
faculty; Mr. Kranen, Mr. Dreager, Mr.
Kobishop and the 1972 Tremper student
body and a special thanks to Mr. Gemmell,
Mr. Glynn, Miss Sundlie, Mrs. Hoeft, Ann,
Cathy, Tami, Cindy, and Pat for showing
up for the final deadline.
The 1972 Classic Staff
Editor: Pat Becker. Co-Editor: Betsy Schindler.
Managing Editor: Charlene Tillman. Layout Editor:
Pat Becker. Copy Editors: Betsy Schindler, Lorrie Laken. Subscription Manager: Jane Kappers.
Advertising Manager: Louis Webster. Art Editor:
Betsy Schindler. Student Life: Ann Speaker. Administration: Diane Gary. Knowledge: Cindy Meltesen. Participation: Charlene Tillman, Tami Benik. Classes: Michele Flatley. Sports: Tom Aiello,
Scott Hoda!. Night School: Sue Sniatynski. Photography: Ray Gross, Jim Singer, Ron Taleronik,
Dave Zebrowski. Staff: Jackie Grasser, Rozann
Nelson, Gail Thomas, Marie Tillman. Advisor:
Miss Mary Sundlie.
Marceline, Mo., U.S.A.
Marceline, Mo., U.S.A.