The SPY 1932
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The SPY 1932
The Kenosha High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 1931 to 1932 school year.
Kenosha High School Yearbook Club
48982018 bytes
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
Page ... 2
Page ... 3
EDIC-\TTO"\ - TO GEORGE\\ -\Sllll\GTO~ , TllE \1 \1\ ,
E\ ER BEFORE l, , \\ E II t\.LL GROW I~TO \1 \ llOOD
i\ D \V0\1 \J\illOOD v; ITH TllE HIGHEST I DE<\LS OF
Page ...4
3Jn ;§Memorp
... of. ..
;§Melba JLouise ~tiUe,
:l\augbter of Mr. anb Mrs. mmiam 0. ~tille,
jl)epartcb tbis life jf ebruarp 18, 1932 .
... anb ...
~apmonb ,fflucblinskp,
~on of ;i!llr. anb ~rs. JLeon ~ucbiinshp,
jl)eparteb tbis life jf(arcb 8, 1932.
"£lb, if we onlp brcamcb bow close tbcp stanb
Wbo were our fie.Sb anb bloob once, anb arc .still
£l part of us in spmpntbp anb wiH."
Page ... 5
T IKE the colonists o[ old, \\ho, upon
L going out into a land of opportunities, paused to set down in their
diaries and journals the record of their
adventures, so '"e, the students of
Kenosha f High School, leave in this
edition of the SPY, the journal of our
hazards of another ) ear.
Page ... 6
al ..
JllaHiNtS~rA~ 0 ..
\\ tlt~le;.tle$
ae~ool Li~l;-
Aid vEJ·tlsEr~
Page ...7
Pag<>. .. 8
(,. F. Loo\ll-., \. B., \. \l.
S11peri11tl'111l1'11l of . 'clwols
Page ... 9
• TnE\IPER , \.
Prin cipal
Pag<> ... 10
B., \. \1.
~'\IJRf. \\~
B \ " · ~Bf, RG
B\l t .R
Bl'\ '\IE
BL\' k.
BROii '\
Bl J,.(.t:
f~' Flf.LD
{ ll~PEL
Cl \!RO
ll \\IE~
Page ... 11
M \ST!'-(;S
Pcige ... 12
F \BRICll »
II\" Sl."
JOll ,S<n
J ()"ES
h LST\
L \RS~- "
\IC 00'\0l <.II
' l \SO'\
\ll RPll \
'E\\ BERR\
:\ORTll\\ n
"Clll LTZ
P \L\H. R
"H.FFE:\ " '
Page ... 13
\ ALA~~E
\\ ILLI \'I~
'IICll \ELI~
Page ... 14
\\ \L TER
\\ IL~O-..
"\1 \llTELLt,
\\ OLl ER
The Faeulty
(;u>n1.t, NtLSO'\ TRU!Pt, ll. A. B .. \. M.
:, W. \\ \RO.
\. B.
Assistant Prin-
En;!lish D P 11arhn (•nt
\ m1;J"-IA W1LsO..,, \. B .
man of French .
Knox College. Chair-
Lrn' \ Sein ESSttR. B. S.
UniHr,ily of Tlli·
noi ....
b\Bt,L M. \ \'\Ot, R\ORT, A. B., M. A.- Lni, e r• il) of fllinoi,, Columhia l niv e r,it y, Chairman of DPpartmP11t.
\ ' '•.TTE HALL . B. L. l niver-ity of Mi1·higan,
Chairman of :S111111i,h.
'\h RTLE B \ '\(;SBERG.
\ . B., M. A. - Lniver,ily
of Wi,1·on,in, Columhia l niHr-ity.
ORA BELi .•. Bl'\" n,. \. B.
l niHr-ity of Wi•·
Rt TH C. B1u.1sET11 . \ . B .• M. \ . LniH•r,il'
of Minne,ota, Columbia l niv e r,ity.
Eorr11 G• '\E Ih '1!L, A. B., M . A. -Shurtleff
CollegP. Sd10ol of Spee<'h of '\ortlrn-e,lern
l niver,ily, L nh e r,ily of Chirngo.
\1AR<.AHET D• '\S\TORf., \ . B. B t> loit College.
ELBERTA LLnlHU"-, A. B. Central W e,le1an
College, L niv e r,ily of Wi,ron,in, 1'fo~1h" e' Lern l niver.ity.
CARLE'IA J. M1 CHAELIS, A. B., M. S.-liniHr·
•ily of Wi,romin, Mil"aukee l\'ormal.
l ni,er,ity of Colorado, Lni, e r,ity of Chi<'ago, Lniver,ity of .Minne,ola.
C11'\RLOTTE .Mooo,, A. B.- State Lniyer,ity of
Io"a, Journalism.
:\hR' ELIHBETH :\h RPH' . A. B.. A. .M.( ni' er,ily of Chit·ago, Ohio We,Jeyan
l niveroily.
LAt RA Sn,FFE'\, A. B.-Carleton College, Stale
( niven.ily of Io"a.
Depart111e nt
:\lAR' Lot 1sE WILLIA'\ts, \. B. ·Smith College, Chairman of Department.
O'A A"<ORE\\S, A. B. ( ni,er,ilv of Wi•ron•in, Lni-er.ily of Colorad;1. Columbia
CLAREN<.:t; BA, LEH, Ph. B. LniHr,ity of Chi1•ago.
FLOHE'\CE C\S\\ELL, B. S. Hamlin\ ,
L niver,ily of Chi<'ago. Columbia L ni-er-i1;.
:\I \RIE C llRISU;R, A. B.- Slate Tea<' hero' College. O,hko•h; l n i' er,ily of Wi.comin.
Foreign l..anguage De1•artment
CAROU"I lIOL\11, A.B.. M.A. Lnher,itv of
Wi><·omin, Clwirma11 of Department.
CAROi.,' Hou11, \. B.. :\1. \ .
AL'\JA MERRith., A. B .. 1\1. A.Chfrago, Sy racu•e L ni' er,ily.
A. B.,
M. A.- Lniver>il)
l!nher,il) of llli-
noi ....
r10Rt '< •. B1ssu,.
\ . B. Ober lin Collegt•.
l ni,er-ily of Chi1·ago. l nhn,ily of Coloratio, l ni,er,ily of Soulht'm California.
~lathe111atieo s
Al..ron .
G~.R \1\ '\
LH R\ ScH t LTZ. A. B.
Chairman of German.<'e
Ji LI\'\\ BLA'\h., \. B.• M . A. State CollPgP
of \Va,hington . lniver,ity of 1\fadrid, Spain;
l nh er,ity of GrenohlP. Fran!'e.
lT\LI\ '\
R1 TH BRO\\'\ . \. B.. M. A. - l niver-it\
\l..ron . Chairmrm of Italian.
f'o1n1n e rt•e DPJ•art111ent
01H.:o. Rooo. B. S., B. C. S. Cleary College.
Mi1·higan Stale 'formal College, Lni,er,ily
of .Mif'hi~an, l niver,ity of Illinoi,, L niver·
,ity of Chi<'ago. General .Motor, Jn,litule of
Technology, Chairman of Department.
0""-" Rooo, B. S.. B. C. S.
\ IRGJ'\ I \ CARSO'-. A. B. · Lale
niver-itv of
[o"a· Rockford College, Iri,he\ Bu,fne,,
ELSIE Ct MRO, A. B.~ t:'niver.ity of
Jo11' Gt THRIE, A. B., L. L. B.-L niver-il) of
\\Is )011'\SO"-. B. !:-. Ferri' Jn,litule. Gregg
Sl'l1ool, Mi1'11igan Stale '.\ ormal College,
L n i\ er,ity of "- j,con•in.
'\n.LLH. .MALO'\E'
Milwaukee ~onnal.
Lois • ORTH\\ n
:!\ "lormal. Chair111a11 of Shorthand.
C \H\ I. 0.uEs, B. S., B. C. S.-Lniveroil) of
Pitt.hurg, l.niver-ity of Kenturky. Chair111an of Type1aiti1tj(.
RA' Bt EGE, B. Ed. Stale Teacher,' College.
Whitewater; A , sista11t i11 Athletics.
C0,1 \lERCI \L L \ \\
sity of Ch icago.
Ohio \Ve,]eyan, Lniver·
History DP1•art111ent
lsABEL LO \I , A. B.. .M. A.-. orth"e.1em
l ni,er,i ly, Clwirman of Department.
Page ... 15
Is.\BEL Low, A. B., M.A.
l\1.\TlllLD\ H .nsE:-., Ph. B. lniver,ity of Wi,.
con sin.
J \'\JES Kmi-., A. B., M.A., Liu. D.-Southern
Illinoi> Stale
ormal l niver:sity, Eureka
College, l niver,ity of 1llinois.
W. W. MARTELLE, I\. B.-State onnal College,
O,hkosh; La" rence College,
ortlrn e"tern
l niver,ity.
Hori:: H \STI..,CS, A. B.- Oberlin College.
En1 n '\1 \E Jo" Es, A. B., M. \. Beloit College, Columbia L nh er,ity.
C \RLE'\ ~ J. M1c11 \ELIS, A. B., M. S. L niver,ily of Wi,1·01i-in, lniver,ily of Chi<·ago,
Lni,er,il\ of Minne,ota, l ni,er,il\ of Colorado, '.\1ii,H1ukee
M \RTI' R \F;.11 \L, A. B., M. \.-Co nrnrdia
College, l\loorlwad, Minne,ota; "'lortlrne,tun l "nher,ily, \frPhail Sd1ool of Musi1·.
Soc1 \L Sen~" ct:s
'.\1\Rl1" R \Fs11 \L, A. B., \1. -\. Con<'ordia
College, Moorhead, Minnc,ota; "lortlH•C,l·
ern L ni\Cr,ily, l\.frPhail Sd1ool of Mu,i!'.
GLE'\ S'\11T11, \. B., M. I\. Stanford Lniver·
De Pam' l niver,ity, L nher,ity of
HO\\IA'\D P\Dooci-., A. B., M. A.- North"e'l·
ern l niver,ity.
Art De1•urtn1 e u t
GEORGI\"\ C \"FIELD, Ph. B. Prall Jn,tilute,
l ni,er,ily of Chirago, Chairman of Department.
Ft'\E A1ns
GEOR(.I \" \ c \" FIELll. Ph. B.
GERTRl OE Pu""'· \. B. Layton ~'H'hool of \rt.
Ro,:rry College, Mount Mary Collegt'.
Scie n ce D e purf UJe nt
C111R1 ES W \LTI.R, S. B., M. !\.- Kalamazoo
College, l n i'er-ity of Ch i<'ago, C/rnirn11111 of
C1n. >IISTR\
'.\11R1 Do in.Rn, \. B. loM1 State Tea('hcr;
College, Clwirmtm of Chemistry.
J. CL\ OE CH \PEL. B. S., M. I\. Beloit College,
Lniver,ity of Chirago.
CoR \ F \BRICll s, A. B.- L niver,ity of Io" a,
Clwirnum of Biology.
J. CL\ ot; C11 \PLL, B. S., M. \.
D \\ rn "lt.\\BEllR'r, A. B. La,.ren<·e College,
Columbia Lni\er,ity.
CH \RLES W \LTER, S. B., M. 1\.-1..alamazoo
College. Lniver,ity of Chirago.
S1 L\ t.STER W \RO, A. B. Indiana Stat!' Nomrnl,
L niven.ity of Indiana, L n iver,ity of Chit·ago.
Pag<> ... 16
Lt. Rov M \SOI', Ph. B.- Plaueville State
Teachers' College, l niver,ity of Wisron,in.
Publit> S 1u•uki n ~ D .:-1uart111ent
Jo11" D. 0\HES, Ph. B. Ripon College,
l niveroily of Wi,ronsin, l ni\er,ity of
\1inne,ola, A"oriate of Dr. Sinele} in
Speech Clinir Work at \a"ar College,
Clwirmw1 of Department . s i «> D .:-1turf111.-n f
1\11"'-IE L\R..,E"\,B.E. Mil"aukeeStateTea('ht•r,' College, Head of Orchestra, Clwirmrm
nf Department.
LE Ren M ,,.,o..,, Ph. B. Head of Hand.
Ph ~·s i (' al
E dn ('U tion
D t•1•a rf1ne 11t
E. E"GLE, \. B. College of Emporia.
Springfield ): . l\1. C. \. College, Chairman of
Ben..,, \1111.ET1cs
L. E. E"GLE, I\. B.
F1n.o B \ l rn, B. P. E. Springfield College.
GmLs' \n11.E11cs
DoROTll\ Ei.u. .._z, B. S. La Cro"e Sd10ol of
Phy,iral Edu!'ation, Columbia l ni,er,il).
Rt TII P\utt.R, B. S. l nivcr,it) of \Iinne,ola.
Don1es ti «> Art s D.:-purfn1P 11t
lien ..,t:llOLO \1lTS
TERES\ Mc Do'-OLGH , B. S. lni,cr,ity of
W i,ro1i-in, Chairma11 of Department.
Ho\1E Eco'\O\IICs
\"" KLST\, B. S. L nher,ily of ~ i,1•0 11,in.
:\lanuul .\.rts DPpurhnP ut
ll \RR\ J.i..JR'\, B. S. Bra<llev Jn,titult>. Lniwr'ity of Wi,eor>-in, Stout Lniver,il), Ohio
~late L niver,ity-.Ur111ual Traini11{{, Chairman of Department.
Ono Sn.Fn.'\..,E'\. \. B. Stout [n,tilulc
Uanual 1rt.1.
II. D. \ \L \>.h.E Stom fo,titulc, l niver,ity of
Wi,l'omin Architectural Drmtinf{.
PETLR \OLD, B. S.-Bradl1') Pol)ted111iral In'litule-U eclumical Dnm·i11g.
E. \. WoLn.n, B. S. l ni-er,ity of l\Ii('higan,
Stout Jn,litulc Pri11ti11g.
Donerrin SL\n.R, Ph. B. l nivcr-ity of Chi!'ago, Lnivcr,ity of Wi,romin Library
Sl'hool, l~ibrarian.
H110\ SE:>.Tlt.Rf Keno,ha !"enior lligh S<'hool,
Offic.- Stuff
\Z\U. \
J.i..eno,ha Senior High Sd10ol.
K •110,ha Senior High
~lid-Y t•ar
\P'li \ '\
Class of 1932
oel L. Hanson
Lucille K. Toome'
Carl R. Thonq>!'on
Sarki~ Apyan
\lotto- ·· "on e;.t vivere sed valere vita"'
Class ColorR- Peach and Green
Class Flower Tali~man Rose
Class Play., '"The Play Goers"'
"'The Green Chartreuse··
•· he Changed Her \Jind'"
Florence \larie Hemev
;\lice Hester W allendorf
Helen E. Haglund
Ella K. Clausen
Hilmer C. H. Gustavson
Page ... 17
Central Junior High Sd10ol. Cla"irnl Couroe. A1··
Ln II): Pep Club. Hobbie;.: Collel'ting cool,,ing
recipet-, piano playing, and dancing. Ambition: To
achie' e 'uc1·e" in the hu,ine" "orld.
H \RlllET \L\ORD
Linrnln Junior High School. Englit-h Cour,e. \rti, iLit': Blue Triangle III. Pt>p Club, Student Counl'il,
and Nia\\aUlw Club. Hobb): Bu)ing po'L hole,. <\mbition: To jump in a paral'hute.
!:'- \lll-..1~ i\r' \'
" arky"
Central Junior High School. Englioh Cour,e. Al'ti,itic,: Thrift Boo,ter,, Student Counl'il, Forum Cluh,
Red Triangle, Pep Cluh, '·I\_'' Cluh. Spy Staff. Fool·
hall Team, and Trea,urer of the Senior Cla". Hobin:
Com i111·ing the ladie,. \mbition: To become 1i1e
greatt''t rug merdrnnt in tht• middle "e,t.
Rn,10-.D B~c:o"
Delrlield ~ hield, High School, Highland Par!,,, Illinoi,. Engli,h Cour,e. Hobb): Fi,hing. \mhition:
To he a 'irtuo,o.
Do1wnn B \I"<
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli'h Cour,e. Acti,itie': Girl Scout Troop I. Girb' Athletic <\,,ociation,
!:-tudent Counl'il, Pep Cluh, and Pn•,idenl of Blue
Triangle lll. llohh): Camping. \mbition: To O\\ n a
]OH'\ ' . P. B\RTf,,l s
"l 011"
Wa-hington Junior High S1·hool. Engli,h Cour,e.
Acti,it): Spy Staff. Hobbie': Collel'Ling antique' and
dancing. Ambition: To become a chief draft,,man.
"Bob" or "Frenclzy"
Md~inley Junior High S1·hool. Engli,h Cour,e. \c:
Liv itie': K eneits Staff, py Staff, Pep Club, Student
Council. Thrift Boo,Ler., Hi-1 Club, Properly ~fan.
ager of Cla,,s Plap, and Pre,ident of French Club.
Hobby: Propagating optimi,m. Ambition: To be an
ALL\'\ ]. BELL
" tan Laurel"
Central Junior High chool. Engli,h Cour.e. Acti\i·
Lie,: PPp Club and Cla" Play. Hobby: Punching
hole, in cheese. Ambition: To mal,,e a round hole
,qua re.
Fn~'\Z Brn1'1.ER
"Oliver Hardy"
Central Junior High !:ichool. Cla"ical Cour,e. Al'ti' iLic': Pep Club, Gt'rman Club, Cla" Ph1y, and Frcnl'h
Club. Hobby: Snaping rm.t from nail,. Ambition:
To trisect an angle t-urre,•full).
Rt TH D. 81'\0FR
Central Junior High Sd10ol. EngJi,h Cour,e. A1·ti,itie,: !:itudenl Counl'il, Blue Triangle I, Lyccmn
League, and Cla" Play. Hobby: Writing letter,. Ambition: To I i\e in a Chicago 'uhurh.
Lot 1s h... BR\" 1n, JR.
McKinley Junior High !:iehool. Cla"ical Cour,e.
Artivitie': Choru,, Boy,' Glee Cluh, \ Cappella
Choir, Orc·he,Lra, German Club, Cla" Play, Pre>idPnl
of Pt>p Club and Pre,idenl of Wig and Rohl' Cluh.
Hobby: Watching other people \\Ori,,. Ambition: l\iot
to learn enough to kno" that l !,,no" nothing.
LH>" \RO B. Bnt c11
Wa,hington Junior High S1·hool. En~Ji,h Cour,e.
ANi,itie>: Pep Cluh and Cla" Pia}. Hohhie,: Ba,eball, ba,l,,etball, and danf'ing. \mhition: To he a
Pag<>. .. 18
RosE BR1 '\O
\frKinley Junior High Sfhool. Engli,h Cour,e. \cti' ity: Pep Club. Hohhy: Rt•ading.
\fil"aukce South Divi,ion High Sd10ol, Mil"aukee,
Wi,t·omin. Cla--it·al Cour,e. \t·tivitie': Pep Club,
Wig and Robe Club, and Cla,, Play Stage Manager.
Hobbie': Reading, learning Lo dan<'e, and monkeying
around . .\mhition: To be a 'Ut'!'C'> in the IJu,ine"
"orld. C. Bis< 11
Wa,hington Junior High Sfhool. Sfientifif Cour,e.
\t•Livily: Pep Cluh. Hohhy: .\thletif, . .\mhition: To
he an aeronaulit·al engineer.
Central Junior High St'hool. Eng[i,h Cour,e. At·ti,itie,: Pep Club, and Wig and Rohe Club. Hobby:
Reading. \mhition: To be a fontraftor.
\. c~ '\CI
Central Junior High St'hool. Engli,h Cour,e. At'tivity: Pep Club. Hobbies: Tenni' and reading. Ambition: To he succe,,ful.
\h Rll\\ C11~\IBERS
Wa,hington Junior High Sfhool. English Cour,e.
\ftivities: Pep Club an cl Choruo. Hobby: To oee ho"
fa,t I ean drive a t'ar. Ambition: To keep ;may from
Linfoln Junior High School. Engli,h Couroe . .\ctivi·
ties: Pep Club an cl German Club. Hobby: Riding in
a rumble 'eat. Ambition: To be a beauty dot·tor.
Li1woln Junior High Sd1ool. Commerrial Cour,t>.
Activitie;,: ' tudenl Count'il, Lyceum League, Ke11e1t·~
Staff, and Spani'h Cl uh. Hobby: Danring. Ambition:
To be a 'Ut't'e'' in the bu,ine'' w odd.
Lint'oln Junior High St'hool. Engli,h Cour,e . .\t·tiviLie,: Blue Triangle III, Life Sa,ing Corp•, Pep Club.
ancl Wig ancl Robe Club. Hobby: Bluffing . .\mbition:
To he a beauty ,periali,t.
CuHral Junior High t'hool. Engli,h Cour,e . .\rtiviLi6: Pep Club, Thrift Boo,Ler,, and Girl,' .\thletit•
\_,oriation. Hobby: Playing Lenni, . .\mbition: To be
a 'Lenographer.
\1r1'.inley Junior High Sd10ol. Engli,b Cour,e.
\t'Li,itie•: German Club and Pep Club. Hobbie,;
Ba,ketball, ba,eball, ancl hiking. Ambition: To en·
deavor Lo make life an afcompJi,hment.
ER\ I'\
Central Junior High St'hool. Engli,h Cour,e. ArLi\ itie,: Pep Cl uh, Wig and Rohe Club, and Girl
Seoul Troop I. Hobby: Dancing. .\mbition: To he
'urfe"ful in whatever I do.
Page ... 19
L\ \ ER'\E A. DRH OT
LirH'oln Junior High School. Engfo.h Cour,e. Hobby:
Strumming on my "uke." Ambition: To he some·
body·, 'tenog .
Central Junior High ,'d1ool. Cla"irnl Cour-e. \<··
tivity: Ciaos Pia). !lobby: \a\\ ning. \mbition: To
go around the "orld.
.\1LEE'\ FE'\Sh.E
MILDREll \. G \l SS
"l1 il"
Lincoln Junior High School. English Courst'. Activities: Student Counl'il, Blue Triangle I and Ill,
Wig and Rohe Club, Pep Club. and Art Club.
Hobb): Arguing "ith Merle '\"e\\ herr). Ambition:
To be a beauty >(lc<·iaJi,,t.
Washington Junior High School. Cla•,,i<•al Cour:;e.
Activitie": eminar Club and Da \ inci Club. Hobby:
Reading. \mbition: To be an art teadier.
l\1 \Rio-.. GREE'\\\ \Io
Wa,hington Junior High S!'hool. EngJi,,h Cou,,e.
Hobbies: Pla) ing tennis and chasing street rn" .
.\mbition: To be a journalist.
C.H. Gt ST\\SO'\
Lincoln Junior High School. English Course. Activities: Student Council, Pep Club, Cla" Play, Quill
and Snoll, President of the Beta Phi Kappa, and
Businl" Manager of Ke11e1cs. Hobbies: Weight lift·
ing, s"imming, and fishing. \mbition: To be an aero·
nautical engineer.
II11. '\1ER
HELE" EL\' H\GLl "\D
Lincoln Junior High School. Cla,,siral Cour,e.
tivitits: Quill and Scroll, Pep Club. \iaMruna Club,
Gennan Club, and ociety Editor of Kenews. Hobbie,,: Dancing and going to parties. Ambition: To he
a great nur,,e.
l\oEL L. I-l.\-.SO'\
McKinley Junior High ehool. Engli•h Coufbe. Ar·
tivities: '·K" Club, Hi-Y, Pep Club, Basketball "B"
Team, Pr sident of en ior Cla", Secretary of Sophomore Cla", and Captain of Football Team. Hobby:
ports. :\.mbition: To make my life one of suc('ess
and usefulneos.
ART Ill R H \RRI'\<;TO'\
Washington Junior High S<·hool. Engli;.h Cour,e.
Acti,ities: Pep Club and Beta Phi Kappa. Hobby:
Ire ,kating. Ambition: To he a success.
BEtL.\11 M. H\RntH.
"Boola! Boola!"
Central Junior High S<·hool. English Cour,e. Ac·
tivity: Pep Club. Hobbieo: Tennis and camping.
Ambition: To be('ome a ~uccessful nur,e.
Central Junior High Sd10ol. Cla.-ical Cour.e. \ctivitic": French Club, Student Council Spy Staff,
Cla" plays of '30 and '32, and President of Blue
Triangle IL Hobbies: Reading and making scrap
hooks. \mbition: To go through college.
Washington Junior High School. English Course.
Activitie,: Red Triangle and Pep Club. Hobby:
~"irnming. \mbition: To he a sune".
KE'\'\ETll HERR:\1.\1'"
Page ... 20
CPntral Junior High ~whoo!. Engli,h Cour-t•. \rtivi·
tip,: Student Council, Thrift Boosters, Pep Cl uh, '•J\.."
Club, Band, Clas- Play. Football Team Manager, antl
Tn•:i•urer of Sophomore and Junior Cla"I'•. Hobby:
TraH•ling in unkno\\n land,. Ambition: To he<"ome
thP "orld\ greate,t parotzpsy<'hologi'L
!Ju.... ~. G. TJu;t;r"s
Lin<"oln Junior High S<"hool. Commercial Cour,t>.
\('ti,ities: Girl;,' l\thleti(' l\ssoriation, Kenews Staff.
Spanish Club, Girl S1·out Troop [J, and Captain of
SPnior ffo,kethall Team. II ohhy: Swimming. \mhi·
tion: To gro" up.
Do" \Io fJoLsr.,GER
C1•nlral Junior High S1•hool. Engl i,h Course. \1·ti\ ities: Pep Cl uh and Stu1lent Counl'il. Hob hies: Travt•linp:, housekeeping, and mu•i<'. \mhition: To he a
...,U( ' ( ' f""i:-. in my work.
'\rcuOL\s llo1wc:rn.... \
Lin('oln Junior Hi:d1 .chool.<·al Cour-e. \('ti' itie-.: Pep Club and '-o<'iPta-. Romana. llobll\:
Doing -omething. :\mhition: To he sonwhody.
Lonn\'" E HoLoEn'I ESS
:i\frKinley Junior High S<"hool. Comnwrl'ial Cour-e."
\t·ti' itie-.: Blue Triangle I. German Club. (,irl Re•ene, Pep Club, and Ly1·eum League. Hobby: Ohing. Ambition: To he a sur<'e..,ful hu,ine" \\Oman.
Central Junior High Sd10ol. English Cour-e. -\Ni,itit>" Red Triangle, On·he,tra, Thrift Boo-.ter•, Pep
Uuh, Spanish Club, and \_,i-.tant DirP<'lor of Band.
Hohhi: Playing for high -.d100J dan<·e, likt• the
Prom. Ambition: To he the dirertor of one of the
leading danre orrhe,tra' in the <'ountr).
C11 \nas R. ]E'\SE'"(huck'"
Linl'oln Junior High S!'hool. En1dish Course. -\t•tivitie-: Pep Cl uh, panish Club, Wig and Rohe Club.
Thrift Boo-tpr,, p) Staff, and Beta Phi kappa. Hobbie,: ke ,kating. -.ailing. antl li-.hing. \mhition: To
he surre-.-ful.
L\l R\ ]Oll'\SO'"Pill!!"
Linl'oln Junior High Sd1ool. Engli-.h Cour-P. \ni\ itie-: Girl,' :\thletit: A"o!'iation, Spani-.h Club. Pep
Club, Girl Srout Troop II. Hobbies: Sleeping. eating, and tnn eling. -\mhition: To tra,el around the
FR\ '\CES 1\.. \ \1IE'I IECid
Lint'oln Junior High !:>rhool. Engl i-.h Course. \t··
ti' ities: Pep Cl uh, Choru-., Blue Triangle IL and
Girls' Glee Club. Hobb): Finger waving. -\mbition:
To ht>rome a beauty parlor operator or a ''blues,,
PE1 ER k\R \BlffSOS
Central Junior High chool. EngJi,h Course . .\!'tivitit:•: Beta Phi Kappa, .\ Capp !la Choir, Boy,' Glee
Cl uh, and Chorus. Hoh hie-.: Football and s\\ imming.
\mhition: To become a chemieal engineer.
C\111.To-.. 1\..\R'IES
Central Junior High • <'hool. :il'ientili<' Cour-e. l\etivities: French Club and Pep Club. Hohhie,: Orhing an cl tinkering "ith an automobile. Ambition: To
ht> a me<"hani1· or in >Orne \\ay Lo earn a living h:r
Lin<"oln Junior High :rhool. English Cour-e. Hobby:
Printing. \mhition: To he a sU<'<'e".
Page ... 21
IRE'\ E kLI1' GBf, IL
Lutheran lligh S<'hool. Engli,h Cour,l'. Acti,itie':
Girb' Athleti1· hool"iution, Lyceum League, Pep
Club, and kenelt's Staff. Ilohhie': Dancing and all
'port,. Am hit ion: To he ha pp) ahrn) •.
\Vm.hington Junior High School. Engli'h Cour,e.
\('ti' itie': Pep Club and Beta Phi kappa. Hoh In:
Handing topi<', in late. \mhition: To he a "ealti1)
F1U:.I) E. LAAh.SO
Central Junior High S<"hool. En1di,h Cour,l'. Arti' itie,: Student Council and Trad, Team. IJohhy: Running. Ambition: To be a •U<'<'e".
Central Junior High S<"hool. Engli;.h Cour,e. A<'ti,ities: Girl S<·out Troop l, , tudent Coun<"il, Pep Club,
Forum Club, and President of Girls' Athletic A''oriation. Hobby: Ha, ing fun. Ambition: To be good.
Central Junior High School. English Course. Activities: Pep Club, Spanish Club, Da \ inri Club, and
Dramatic Club. Hobbie;.: Reading, attending football
game,, and •eeing the late>t mo\ ieo. Ambition: To
have a dramatic career.
LORR\l'\E Lt"-DTh.E
Central Junior High School. Engfoh Conroe. A1·tivity: German Club. Hobbie>: Traveling and drawing. Ambition: To become an artiot.
:\hR"\ M \TTl()LI
Wa,hington Junior High ' chool. Cla"iral Cour.e.
Activities: Pep Club, Spanioh Club, and Student
Council. Hohhy: Reading. Ambition: To he a fa,hion
Rt TH MclLR n11
·' Uac"
McKinley Junior High School. Engli,h Cour;.e. Activitie>: Glee Club. Trark Manager, and Prl'oi<lent of
Girh' Athleti<' A'sociation. Hobbie>:
IL sports.
Ambition: To find out \\hat I \\ant to he.
£0,,1.., H. Mou101.T
Lincoln Junior High S<"hool. Engli;.h Conroe. Hobbies: Skating and swimming. Ambition: To fly.
Ao\M D. Mo"1"
Wa-hington Junior High Sd1001. Engli'h Cour.e.
Activities: French Club and Pep Club. Hobby: Athletics. Ambition: To be a chemist.
:\1ARY MO'\TE'\1l11110
Central Junior High d1ool. English Course. Activities: pani;,h Club and Pep Cl uh. Hobby: Any thing
pertaining to 'port •. Ambition: To become a nur.e.
Washington Junior High School. English Conroe.
Artivitie;,: Kenews • taff and Pep Club. Hohhie•:
Reading and ire ,kating. Ambition: To he u,eful.
Pagr>. .. 22
Central Junior High , ('hool. Commerl'ial Cour,e.
A('Livities: Chorus, Girls' Glee Cl uh, and German
Cl uh. Ilohhy: Reading. \mhition: To he a Lea('h!'r.
:\h.RLE NnvBERttY
Lirwoln Junior High Sf'hool. Engli,h Cour,e. Al'liviLies: Pep Cluh, Blue Tr-iangle Ill, and Thrift Boo-Ler,. Hobby: \rguing with ~ildrecl Gau-s. \mbition:
To he a dietitian.
GL"" \llO 0DELBER(,
Linroln Junior High S!·hool. Engli'h Cour,e. Artivi·
Lie,: Pep Cluh and Beta Phi Kappa. Hohhy: Philately. Ambition: To be a ,U('l'e".
Hov\ \RD 011LG\RT
Central Junior High S!'hool. Engli:oh Cour,e. Hohhy:
.\thletirs. Ambition: To become a sales manager.
Lincoln Junior High School. Engfoh Cour-e. Hobbies: Reading and danring. Ambition: To make
BER" 1cE 1\1. PESTER
Lin('oln Junior High S('hool. Engfoh Cour,e. Activities: Girlo' Athletic Ao:ooriation and Pep Club. Hohhy: ~kating. Ambition: To be happy.
Lincoln Junior High Sd10ol. Engli-h Cour,e. Artivities: Pep Club. Hobby: Daneing . .\mhition: To
he oomething.
Central Junior High Srhool. EngJi,h Course. Activipanish Club. Hobby:
Lie,: Thrift Booolers and
S\, imming. \mhition: To be a surgical nur,e.
Central Junior High School. Cla-sieal Course. \1·Li\ itie>: Blue Triangle 11, ~tudenl Council, Debating.
Clas, Play, President of Sophomore and Junior
Cla"es, Pre,idenl of Girl Reserve, Pre-idenl of
Forum Club, and President of Journali,m Club. Hobby: Racing the bell. Ambition: To be a dramatic
McKinley Junior High School. Commerrial Cour-e.
\1·tivil): Pep Club. Hobbies: S"imming and Tenni,.
\mbition: To be private secretary Lo the President.
Lincoln Junior High School. English Cour.e. Activities: Blue Triangle I, Student Council, Spanish Club.
and Pep Club. Hobby: Going places and doing
things. Ambition: To marry a millionaire.
'\l \BG \llET Rt DOLPH
Central Junior High S1·hool. Engli,h Couroe. .\('Li\ ities: Pep Club and Life Saving Corp •. Hobbie,:
S" imming an1l clan<"ing . .\mhition: To he happy.
Page ... 23
.!\hR10-., M. RLFF\LO
Central Junior Hi1d1 School. Commen•ial Cour,e.
\Ni' itie': Forum Club, Pep Club, Student Council,
\ Cappella Choir, and Journaliom Cluh. Ilohhic-:
S" imming and dancing. mhition: To he a private
'eereta r).
F. R' B \Cid
Central Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e. \('·
ti' itie': Pep Cluh, Thrift Boo,ter,, and German
Club. Hobb): Reading. Amhition: To get ahead.
Ft.LICI \ S ·ntsOE
Li1woln Junior High Sd1ool. Englioh CourHc'. \C'li\ i·
tie': Spani,h Club and Pep Cluh. Ilohby: Interior
dernrating. \mbition: To give everyone a nrn for
hi, mone).
l R1 " E Sc 11 \ "Tt. i-_
\\ a,hington Junior Iligh School. Engli,h Cour,e.
Hobby: HaYing a good time. \mhition: To be!'ome
HI~ es"
Lin<'oln Junior High Sd10ol. Claooical Cour,e. \<·ti,itie-= Ili-\ and Band. Hobby: Colle('ting bullcrflie,. Ambition: To be a famou' "hug hunter."
" ' oplz)·' ' ch rats"
1\kKinle) Junior High S('hool. Engli,h Cour-e. \('tivitie,: l\Iu,ic, '·K" Club, Ba•ketball, and Football.
Hobby: Pla) ing ba,eball. Ambition: To he a major
league ba,ehall player.
'E" let ,' tllROEOt.R
Oo\ s Scm ILLE
Lincoln Junior High School. English Cour,e. A<·tivitit:-: Pep Club and Orrh olra. Hobbie-= ke ,kating
and tobogganing. Ambition: To be a ~mere".
Central Junior High , rhool. Englioh Cour,e. \rtivitie-: Spanioh Club and Pep Club. Hobbie>: Reading,
tuning in on a certain dance orche tra, and playing
tcnnio. Ambition: To become an expert in library
0RLI-., 00 J.
Central Junior High ' rhool. Engli'h Cour,e. \('tivity: Pep Club. Hobby: Ba,eball. Ambition: To be
the man that I make myoelf.
]E'\"' IE ~I EGEL
Wa,hington Junior High School. Englioh Cour,e.
Activities: Girls' Athletic "''oriation, Pep Club. and
Choru,.. Hobbies: Dancing and having a good time.
Amhition: To be a ro,tume de,igner.
McKinley Junior High ~whoo!. Engli,h Cour,t'. \rtivitie': German Club and Choru,. Hohbic': Traveling and hor,eback riding. Ambition: To be a mining
McKinley Junior High chool. Classical Couroe. Activities: Girl,,' Athletic A"oriation, Blue Triangle I,
Pep Cluh, German Club, an1I French Club. Tlohhy:
Dancing. Amhition: To be a lrn,iness \\Oman.
Pcige ... 24
i'lhRJORIE S\111.~;,
Central Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e. A<'Liv itie-= Pep Club and German Club. Hobby: S"imming.
'\mhition: To hc(·onw a beauty operator.
A ... "" S'\1ITIS
Wa,hin11:ton Junior 11 i1d1 Sd100L Engli'h Cour,c.
'\('tivity: P ep Cluh. Hohh) : Da11('ing. \mbition: To
b e happy.
Hf[ ou:ie"
McKinley Junior High S(·hool. Engli,h Cour,e. Activitie-= P ep Club and Kenetcs Staff. Hobbie,: Driv·
ing Modt·I T Ford' and "' imming. \mbition: To
'ee th e world.
M \RTll" L~; \ SPOOR
"Spart ha 'I-lea"
Lincoln Junior High Sd1ool. Engli>h Cour,e. Ac·
ti,ity: Cla,, Play. Hobby: Playing jazz on the piano.
\mbition: To play over the radio.
" prean"
Lincoln Junior High Sd1001. Engli,h Cour,e. Hobby:
1'jone in particular. Ambition: To be happ), 'ucce"·
ful. and contented.
Lincoln Junior High School. EngJi,h Cour,e. Activitie': Pep Club and Choru,. Hohhie,: Dancing and
'port-. l\mhition: To be a nur,e.
Ih. ." \RIETT,\ STEICllE ...
Wa,hington Junior High School. Scientific Cour,e.
Activitie': Pep Club and swimming. Hobby: Radio.
!\mbition: To be an electrical engineer.
Lincoln Junior High School. Clas,;ical Cour,e. Acllv 1t1es: Girb' Athletic A"ociation and Pep Club.
Hobby: Golf. Ambition: To be a nuroe.
McKinley Junior High chool. Clas,ical Cour,e. Activity: Secretary and trea:;urer of Beta Phi Kappa.
Hobby: Amateur radio. .\mbition: To become an
electrical engineer.
McKinley Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e. Activitie:.: "K., Club, Student Council, Football Team,
and Secretary of Senior Cla,:;. Hobby: Tramping
around the \\Orld. \mbition: To become a commercial aviator.
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e. Activitie': Spani>h Club, Pep Club,
tudent Council,
Thrift Boo,te", and ' ice-Pre,ident of Senior Cla".
Hobby: Traveling. Ambition: To retire.
Central Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e. Activi·
ties: French Club, Trident Club, Girls' Athletic
.\,,ociation, and Life Saving Corp,. Hobby: Wrecking car-. Ambition: To learn to drhe.
Page ... 25
l RBI'\
Wa,hington Junior High Sd1ool. Srientifi<' Cour-e.
\!'ti1 itie,: Choru' and Nia"auna Club. Hobbies:
Pia) ing golf and tenni,. \mhition: To he<·ome a pri-
' ale ~eerelar).
1\1 IRTll ~ P. UTT
Lin<'oln Junior High S!'hool. Cla"i<'al Cour,e. !\('_th itieo: Girl,' Glee Club and Chorus. Ilobhv: Pra<'tiring on the piano three hours a cla). l\mhition: To
he a teacher of mu,i<·.
Sehool. Engfoh Cour,e.
\rtrvit1e,: K' Club, S1>imming Team, and Debating. Hobb): Painting. Ambition: To he<'ome an interior <le<'orator.
BEil'\ \RO\\'\ WOll\1ER
Wa:h!r~gton" l~nior High
Rt TH 't'\C.RE'\
Central Junior High S<'hool. Englioh Course. Aeti1 ities: Girl,' Glee Club, Choru,, \ Cap1lella Choir,
Pep Club, Thrift Boosters, Nia\\auna Club, and Girl
Scout Troop I. Hobb): Gelling Englioh theme' 0. K.
the first time handed in. Ambition: To do, to oay,
and to he 'omething "orth while.
Central Junior High S!'hool. Cla"ieal Course. Acti1 itic>: Girl Reoene. Quill and Scroll, L)ceum
League, Pep Club, tudent Council, Forum Club,
E"ecutive Editor of Ke11ews, President of Blue
Triangle II, and Pre,ident of Journalism Club. Hobby: Tr) ing to grow long hair. Ambition: To get thin.
Central Junior High Sc·hool. English Cour,e. l\ctivitie>: S1lanish Club, Da \ inci Club, and Chorus. Hobbies: Dancing, and laughing in the home room when
I shouldn't . .\mhition: To he successful.
H 1R1 n H. WEISS
"fr eiss"
Lincoln Junior High School. English Cour,e. Activities: Ba;,kethall Team, Football Team, Beta Phi
Kappa, Pep Cl uh, and fJY Staff. Hobby: Ba,ketball.
Ambition: To travel.
entral Junior High School. English Course. \<'livities: Girl,' Athletic A-sociation and Girl Seoul Troop
I. H obbieo: Talking and laughing. Ambition: To
learn to dive.
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli;'11 Couroe. Activiti!'s: Pep Club and Choru,. flohby: Writing po try.
\mbition: To beeome a great 1-riter or a librarian.
J \Ch. F. I l LE
LirH·oln Junior High Sd10ol. Scientific Course. \!'tivitif's: ""-"Club, S"imming Manager, Red Triangle,
and Seminar Club. Hobby: Almost anything. Ambition: To he an architect.
DELL 1 Z"11"'
McKinley Junior High School. English Course. Activitie': Blue Triangle I, Pep Club, Golf Club,
Thrift Boosters, Chorus, and Lyceum League. Hob·
by: l\meri<·an hi,tory. \mbition: To get a thousand
rContinued Oil Page 881
Page ... 26
l l LI. )
Ill Gii ES
lit.'\ DERbO'\
June Class of 1932
Donald Tully
George \lan~on
Helen Hu!!hes
Robert H ender,on
Cla~s Play: ··He Wanted 1 outh"'
Cla;,s \lollo: ··Be loyal to your ideals"'
Class Color;,: Delft Blue and Blue-bird Blue
Class Flower: Claudim Pernet Rose
\Iar) Cook, J aledictoria11
Franceo. hepparcl
\ iola Chri;,tensen
Gordon Gardiner
Charlolle Gira
Ruth KerJ...hoff
Helen Lapszy;,
Bernard Latham
'largaret Lippert
\!ildred Pobar
Charle;, tory
\Iatrona " anenJ...o
Page ... 27
Wm•hington Junior High Sehool. Englioh Cour,e .
.\rtivity: Orrhestra. Hobbies: Playing the piano
:me! clra" ing . .\mbition: To he a rommerrial artist.
c. \'\DER SE'\
Lineoln Junior High Srhool. Engli;,h Cour,e.
Hohhy: Golf, golf, and more golf! Ambition: To
he an ard1ite1•t.
FLO) 0
\frKinley Junior High Sd10ol. :rientifi<' Cour,e.
\('ti\itit•s: Chorus, Ke11e1cs StafT, and Thrift Booster'. Hobbies: Reading and "riling. l\mhition: To
li\e in the Weot.
LILI\'\ L.
Gf," t, IJ. \-..I.OTT!
Central Junior High Sehool. English Cour-e. \('ti\ it): Spanish Club. Hobbies: Sporb and traHl.
\mbition: To he surrt>-sful.
'.\hnc. \llET \1n OLD
Li1H'oln Junior High Sd1ool. Commerl"ial Couroe.
\rtivitit's: Spy StafT, Band, and Junior Orl"hPt-.tra.
Hobby: Se" ing. \mhition: To work under my
o'' n . . uper\ j..,ion.
Central Junior High S<"hool. Commer!'ial Course.
Hobby: Che\\ing my tongue. l\mhition: To lead
a happy life.
Lincoln Junior High
rhool. English Course.
Hobby: Sport-. Ambition: To he :,urressful.
l\1rKinlev Junior High S1"hool. Engli;,h Course .
.\rtivity:° Choru,. Hobbies: Reading and swimming. \mhition: To he a >-U<'<'ess in oome useful
brand1 of work.
Central Junior High . chool. Classi1•al Course .
.\Niv ities: Blue Triangle I an cl Pep Cluh. Hobbies: Golf and swimming. Ambition: To he a
M\-..FOHD C. Bu11
Lin<"oln Junior High Sehool. English Course. A!'tivities: Track Team, Ke11ews Staff, "K" Club, and
Orchestra. Hobby: \thletil"s. \mhition: To IH• on
the ne-..t Olympic Team.
Central Junior High School. Engli•h Course. Hobbies: Swimming ancl dan!'ing. Ambition: To he a
second .\nna Pavlowa.
Lin!'oln Junior High S!'hool. Commen·ial Cour,e.
A<"tivities: Football Team, "K" Club, Pep Club,
Student Council, and Spani'h Club. Hohhy: Working cro'' word puzzles. mbition: To be a !'oad1.
Page ... 28
MO'\HOt, F. BITH'\
Lin<"oln Junior High S!'hool. Eng]i,h Cour,e. \1··
tivitit•,: Beta Phi Kappa. Pt•p Club, and Clwer
lt ad er. II ob hie,: Radio, and engine'" Ambition:
To he an aeronauti1·al cnginepr.
Jo~f'IT\ Bto'\rn
Wa,hington Junior High . <"hoof. Commert·ial
Cour,e. A<"tivitie': Girh' Glee Club, Girl;,' Ath·
lt>ti!' A."o!'iation, and Choru,. Ilohhies: Playing
the piano, i1•e ,kating, and playing "500". Amhition: To he •u1·1·e"ful and happy in wlrntever I
<"hoo•e for my ambition.
RH H \HO 1\1. Booi:;
Lin<"oln Junior High ~whool. Cla,•i<'al Cour,I'.
A!'li\ itic,: Red Triangle. Pep Club, tu dent Coun!'il, Spani,h Club, Seminar Club, and Swimming
Trnm. Hobby: Playing golf. \mhition: To IH' a
ID\ Ht. LE'\ BOf\.D~'\Sf\.E
M<"Kinley Junior High S1·hool. EngJi,h Cour-1>.
A!'tivitie-= German Club, Girl,' Glee Club.
Choru,, and Junior Life Saving Corp•. Hohhie,:
Swimming, tenni,, and O('('a•ional day dreaming.
\mhition: To travel e"terhi,ely and to he •Ui'!'e"ful to thl' he•t of my ahility.
1\1 \RJORn. BosE
Wa•hington Junior High ."!'hoof. Cla"ical Cour-e.
!Tohhy: Making H'rap hook•. :\mhition: To he an
Fngl ;,Ji teacher.
]011' B0\1'1\'
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e. :\1·tivity: Pt'p Club. Hohhy: To i'atd1 •mall fi,h. u,.
ing whale, for bait. A.mhition: To become a great
aviator like William Thaw.
M ~RIO'\ BR \O\
Central Junior High S!'hool. Engli•h Cour-e. :\1·tivitie,: Blue Triangle I. !:lpani'h Club, Pep Club,
Choni-. Girl' Glee Club, and A Cappella Choir.
Hobbie,: Golf. tenni,, and '" imming. Ambition:
To he a nur,e.
l\fr1'-_inley Junior High !:i1·hool. EngJi,h Cour-e.
\cti,itie-: Student Council and Da 'inci Cluh.
Ilohhy: Having a good time. :\mhition: To Inn el
lo enry part of the world.
Lt ULLt. BROCf\.11 \ l S
Central Junior High Sd10ol. Engli,b Cour,e. \cti' itic,: !:itudent Count' ii. Girl Reoene. Thrift
Boo,ter,, and Pep Club. Hohhie-: Staying out of
,t'f10ol and •leeping. :\mhition: To he a nur,e.
Brn' 1n. Bnt t11
Wa•hington Junior High !:il'hool. Engli,b Cour,e.
Hohhie,: Dancing, "' imming, reading good
•!Orie•. and enjoying dumb animal,. \mhition:
To Ire a •u t't'e".
Ro,11 Bt c11\1 ll\
Lincoln Junior High S1·hool. EngJi,h Cour-e.
\!'ti,itit••: Blue Triangle I. Student Council. and
Thrift Boo,ter.. Hobbie,: Darwing. '" imming.
and day dreaming. \mhition: To he happy and lo
make other, happy.
Dono11n \\I~ Bt FTO'\
Lirlt'oln Junior High School. Commercial Cour-e.
\1·ti1 itib: Blue Triangle II. Girl Re,en e. Pep
Club, !:itudent Council, anti Junior and Senior Life
Sa1 ing Corp,. Hobbie,: !:iw imming anti hor,eha1·k
riding. \mbition: To ,ee the "orld.
Page ... 29
Pt\ C\\IPO'IEsr.111
\\ti-hinglon Junior High Sd1ool. Eng[i,h Cour,e.
\!'tiv ity: Pep Club. Ilobbie,: \ isiting and talk·
ing. Ambition: To beeome a movie aetre".
\\t1'hington Junior High Sd10ol. Eng[i,h Cour,e.
\(•ti' itie,: Spani,h Cluh, Pep Cluh, and Student
Council. Hobbie,: Having a good time and dan<'ing . .\rnbition: To be('ome a 'U('C'e"ful la"yer.
~1\BEL C11n1sn; 'ISE'\
Central Junior High S('hool. Eng[i,h Cour,c.
\rti' itie': Chorm, and Pep Club. Hobbie,: Sewing and traveling. Ambition: To he a private
"f i"
Linrnln Junior High Sd1001. Cla"i<·al Cour,e .
.\<·tiv ity: Sorie1a,, Romana. Hobbies: Reading and
'" imrning. \mhition: To heeorne short.
J \Ch. CLARI-.
Linroln Junior High S!'hool. S<·ientifi(' Cour,e.
\rti' itie,: Hi-l Club, Swimming Team, Pep Club,
Spanioh Club, and Pre:;idenl of Tennio Club. Hobbie,: s\\ imming and Lenni,. \mhition: To travel
around the "oriel.
EL1Z\BET11 C0Ln1~"
Our L;idy of the Elm,, Academy, Akron, Ohio:
Cla:;;,iral Course. l\rtivitie': Girls' l\thleti(' As'oriation, Trident Club, Pep Club, Spani,h Club,
and French Club. Hobbie': Oaneing and "' imming. Ambition: To be a harteriologi't.
":\1 \R' DoROTllE\ Coo1>..
Central Junior High School. Clas,iral Cour,e.
\rtivitie,: Student Council, Girl Reserve, Fren('h
Club, Life Saving Corp;,, Editor of the Kenews,
Editor of the Spy, Consul of Sodeta' Romana,
Pre,iclenl of Quill and Srroll, Secretary of Sophomore Cla", and Pre,ident of Blue Triangle IL
Hobbie': S"imming, iee ,kating, and playing golf.
\mbition: To live in a shark in the north wood,.
Central Junior High S!'hool. Commercial Cour,e.
\rtiv itie,: Blut> Triangle 11, Girls' \thl!'li(' \,.
,ofiation, and Student Council. Hobbie': Swimming, reading, and dancing. \mbition: To amount
to ~on1ethin~.
Jo,cio. ConnELL
Wa,hington Junior High S<·hool. Englioh Cour,e.
Artivitie': Girl,' Athletic A-,,ociation, Wig and
Robe Club, Choru,, Da \ inC'i Club, Junior and
Senior Life Saving Corps, and Spy Staff. Hobby:
Fi'ling my hair different. \mbition: To be<·ome a
fir,t rla" beauty rulturi,t and to own my ,hop.
Central Junior High Srhool. Commi>n·ial Cour,e.
Activitie': Pep Club, Wig and Rohe Club, and
Cboru,. Hobhieo: Tenni' and owimming. Ambition: To go to !'ollege.
Wa,hington Junior High ~rhool. Eng[i,h Cour,e .
.\ctivitie,: JoumaJi,m Club. Pep Club, French
Club, Wig and Rohe Cluh. Hohhieo: w imming
and dancing. Ambition: To be<'ome an attorney.
\ 1\1\' DA<.O'I
Lin!'oln Junior IJigh chool. Commerfial Cour,e:
.\ctivitie,: Pep Club and Wig and Rohe Club.
Hob hie,: Dancing and ire ,kating. Ambition: To
reform my pal, Pia.
Pagl' ... 30
IYA r-.<;ELO
CPntral Junior Tligh S"hool. Cla"i<·al Cour'<" A<··
tivitie,: Board of Control of tlw Ke11ei~s Staff.
Kenews Staff, Student Coun('il, Quill and Scroll,
Blue Triangle II, Journali'm Club. and Pep Club.
I lohhit'': Rt•ading and 'u1111111•r 'port,, \mbition:
Not to he •o ambitiou,,
M~H(,\RET M~R\ D\110~
C!'ntral Junior High ~whoo!. Ua--i<·al Cour-e.
Acti,itie': Pep Club. Blue Trian1de II. :"leminar
Club. and Girl Scout Troop I. Hohbie•: Oanring
and •kating. \mhition: To ht• a -u1·ce"ful nur-t'.
PH L Ov1rn'o'
Lincoln Junior High Sd1ool. Cla"ical Cour,e. A"·
ti,itit•,: Spani'h Club, Bo)'' Gipp Club, Band, and
Choru,. Uohhie,: Mu,i<· and pht)init: d1e1·,.
\mhition: To become a famou, mu'i"ian.
"I, 1co1.Fn \ l)I CELLO
CPntral Junior High :'<'hool. Commen·ial Cour-e.
l\<'li,itie': Pep Club and Spani•h Cluh. Hohb):
Se"ing. l\mhition: To he a teadwr.
Lincoln Junior High Sd1ool. Commercial Cour-e.
I~ohh): Set'ing mo' ie,, \mhition: To he a n1u ... i·
l\.frKinle) Junior High Sd1ool. Commercial
Cour,t'. ,\ctivitie': Girl,' i\.thlt'lic \"oeiation,
Pep Cluh, ~ rench Club, and Thrift Boo,ter,, Hobhie,: Swimming, tenni,, driving a ('ar, dancing,
and •leeping. Amhition: To ha1 e e1 er) thing I
Central Junior High St'hool. Sfientifi<· Cour-e.'
ANi1 itie': Girl St'out Troop I, Oa 'inci Club,
'py Staff, and Spani-h Club. Hobbie-: Hor-ebacl..
riding and all 'port-. \mhition: To -tud) •<·ienre.
LILLI 1 '\
Eon11 ER1t~'o
l rhana High chooL L rhana, 11 linoi,. Hobbie-:
Mu,i1· and journali,m. \mhition: To "rite -hort
'torie, and poetry.
Ro'E ER'\~T
Wa,hington Junior High S<'hool. Commercial
Cour-e. \<'t i1 itie,: On·he,tra, Girl,' Glee Club,
\ Cappella Choir, and Choru,. Hobbie-: ::.port,
and dancing. Ambition: To he a pri1ate ,erretar).
E1.1a.11 ERTU
Lin<"oln Junior High St' hoof. Engl i,h Cour-e. Hohh); Tra1 eling. l\mhition: To be an a1 iator.
J "• E1 "~
Li111·oln Junior High S<"hool. Engli-h Cour-e. Aetivitie-: Pep Club, Choru•, Girl,' Glee Club. and
">pani,h Cluh. Hohhie,: Golf and darll'ing. l\mbition: To he a ne"' reporter 1•ithcr in ~e" 1 orl..
or Chi<"ago.
F. Fo'I.
C1•11tral Junior High School. ConrnH r<"ial Cour-e."
\('ti\ it): Pep Cluh. llobh): Dri,ing Ford '.\lode!\ and T. Ambition: To be an a' iator.
W1LL1 " I
Page ... 31
Junior High School. Cla"ical Couroe.
\cthitieo: Student Council and Pep Club. Hobbie,: Tra,eling, ba,kethall, and Ji,te nin g to
Wa) ne King. \mhition: To 'ce the world.
GE'\f\IEH G\P\'\O\\ICZ
" ]i1111y"
Central Junior High ,'d1ool. Commer('ial Couroe."
\ctivity: Blue Triangle I. Hohbieo: Dan<·ing and
reading. \mhition: To get a position "ith the
lea't po"iblc "ork and a "hig~ ,alar).
GoRoo' P \L,H.R G \ROI'\ ER
" lwkesveare"
Ea,tern '\iazaren e Academ), Wollaston, Ma"adrn·
't'lb. Cla"ical Course. l\<·tivitie,: French Club,
~ocietas Romana , !\ Cappella Choir, Student
Council, Ke11eics Staff, Svy Staff, Wig and Robe
Club, and Pre, ident of the Thrift Booster'- Hobb): Finding out if Hamilton "a' an epistcmologi<'al duali,t. \mbition: To he a Doctor of l)i,inity.
FR\' J...LI"' GEllGEL
Lincoln Junior High S1·hool. English Couroe .
.\ctivity: Cheer leader. Hobbie': Reading good
" e, tem >:o tories, playing golf, and cha,ing gophers.
Ambition: To be a profesoional golf teaC'her and to
inYent a contraption to hold a fellow's ohirt tail, in.
ER' F.ST GETSCH '1 \ '
Washington Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h Couroe.
Activity: Pep Club. Hobbies: Shooting pool and
catching butterflie,. Ambition: To be O\\ ner of
the Mayer Drug Compan).
C11 \RLOTTE L. Gm\
"Charlie" "Einv"
Washington Junior High S<·hool. Claosi1·al Cour,e."
Activitieb: Girb' Athletic A>:obociation, Societab
Romana, Blue Triangle I, Chorm, and fJY Staff.
Hobbies: Bike riding, tenni,, owimming, and
dancing. Ambition: To be a physicb teacher like
:\fr. Walter.
Lnity Junior High Sd10ol, l nity, Wisconsin.
Eni;I i,h Cour,e. i\('tivity: French Club. llobhies:
Singing and dancing. Ambition: To become a
ci\·il engineer.
RA CII \EL GLE.\'>0'
Central Junior High S1·hool. English Cour,e. Activitieo: Pep Club, Seminar Club, Girb' Glee
Club, and Choru'- Hobbies: Dancing and •kating.
Ambition: To be a country school teacher and a
big butter·and-egg girl.
Lincoln Junior High School. English Cour,e. Hobbie,: Dancing and card playing. Ambition: To he
an electrical engineer.
" . ,,
Wa,hington Junior High S1·hool. Classical Conroe.
Activities: Blue Triangle I, Girl Scout Troop I,
F'rench Club, , ocietas Romana, Pep Cl uh, Girl
Re,erve, and ' tu dent Council. Hobhy: Star,.
Ambition: To be a Girl Re,erve secretar).
'.\fOR\ ~' GoRoo'
Central Junior High School. Clabbical Course.
Activitieo: Hi-\, French Club, German Club,
Ke11eus Staff, Swimming Team, and President of
eminar Club. Hobby: Sports. Ambition: To get
GLi,.-..oon\ Go1 Lo
Lincoln Junior High School. Scientifi(' Couroe.
Hobby: Horseback riding. Ambition: To he a
'urgical nur'e and to marry a mailman.
PagP ... 32
Ih.LE1' GR\llE
i\ntigo Junior High S1·hool, \ntigo, Wi"·ori-in.
Comm.-rcial Cour,1'. \l'livitv: Chorus. IIohhv:
Dancing. \mhition: To he a ·ladv of leisure.
s, D'\E) GREE' wooo
Ct>ntml Junior High Sd1ool. Cla--ical Cour-P.
\l'ti' ities: \ CappPlla Choir, Boy,' GleP Cl uh.
Journalism Cluh. :pani'h Cluh, and !-iocieta'
Romana. Ilohhy: \"i,ting the '\uhs." \mhition:
To ht> a good ('Omi(' impt>rsonator.
Ct>nlral Junior High S('hool. Eng]i,h Cour-e. \1··
tivitip,; Chorus, Band, and German Cluh. Hohhie': !'" imming and hor,t>ha('k riding. \mhition:
To he a kindergarten tea('ht>r.
Central Junior High "d10ol. S1·ientifi1· Cour-e.
\1·ti' ities: Band and Bt•ta Phi l\._appa. llohln:
\mateur radio. \mhition: To he1·ome a ra1fio
Ernv\HD Jos~.Pll Gt -.nrnso
!::it. I· ran!'i, Seminary, Milwaukee, Wi,cori-in.
Cla"i('al Cour,e. \('tivities: Keneus Staff, and
Tcnni, Cluh. Hobby: \1u,i('. \mbition: To he a
go1,d musil'ian, author, and athlete.
E'nl\ .\. J. G' LRI'\ \
"Archie"•·[ 11111111"
\frl\._inley Junior High S('hool. Commer('ial
Cour-e. \1·1i' itie,: Choru,, Girl,' Glee Cl uh. Hohhic,: Tenni,, and "riting per,onal letter,. \mhition: To be1·ome a su('re--ful ,1enographer.
Etr.1·.,~. Il\M\10'\0
St. Fran('is Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis1·on,in. English Cour,e. Art iv itie,: Debating, Ba,J..etball
Trnm, Seminar Cluh, Spani,h Club, '\ational
Forrn,i1· League, Pep Club, Forum Club, Student
CourH'il, and Pre,ident of Ili-1. Hobby: Sport,,
\mhition: To he a surt·e,s.
H\ZH H'R""'Ess
Commen·ial Cour,e. Ilohhie,: Golf, "' imming.
and darwing. Ambition: To he able to tall.. as fa-t
a, Edna Walla('e Hopper.
Lin('oln Junior Iligh S('hool. Engli,h Cour-e.
\rtivitie,: Blue Triangle I, Girls' \thletir h'oriation, Spani,h Cluh, Student Council, Pep
Cluh, Forum Club, Journalism Club, Thrift Boo+
er,, Ly 1·eum League, A.eneus taff, Sp)' !::itaff, and
President of Girl Resene. Hobby: Listening to
the radio. Ambition: To gel a job some day.
JI \Hin II \llT
"llurn llarn,..
M('Kinley Junior High Sd1ool. Com~er!'iat"
Cour-e. i\rtivities: Gemrnn Club, Beta Phi Kappa, Pep Club, and Wig and Rohe Club. Hobbie,:
Swimming, and \Hrndering around the hall, in
-ean·h of people doing damage to the -d1ool.
.\mbition: To he an a'iator.
RoBERT H \STI'\l;s
Central Junior High ::-d1ool. Cla--it·al Cour-e.
\ctivitie,: :::>tudent Coun!'il, Pep Club, Red Triangle, Football and Trat'I.. Team,, and Pre,ident
of Sophomore Cla". IIobhy: Sleeping.
LirH'oln Junior High ~rhool. Engli,h Cour,e. A1'tivitie,: ~pani'h Club, Tenni, Club, and Pep
Club. Hobbie,: Tenni,, traveling. and jt>
Page ... 33
Li1woln Junior High Sd10ol. CJa,,,iral Cou"e.
;\(·tivitie,: Red Triangle, Spani,h Club, Student
Coun!'il, Football Tt>am, Trea,urer of St>nior
Cla", and Manager of '32 Ba,b.etball Team. Hobbie': Tra,eling an cl 'port,. Ambition: To he a
RoBtRT R. Ht:,ou1so"
Central Junior High School. Engli:-h Couroe . .\cti, iti ,; Choru,, Girl,' Glee Club, Orche,tra, ancl
Gtrman Club. Hobby: Ilor,eback riding. Ambition: To he a foreign mi"'ionar).
Eo'\ \ Euz\BETll
Central Junior High :::'t·hool. Engli;,h Cour,e. i\c_ti\ itie,: Societa' Romana , Frt>•H'h Club, Pep Club,
Wig and Rohe Club, and Girl S<·out Troop l. Hohhie, : S" imming, dan!'ing, and hor,ehal'b.
riding. :\mhition: To travel.
R. llOR'\l '\(,
Lincoln Junior High S!'hool. Commercial Cour,e.
A<"tiv ity: Pep Club. Hohhi6: Reading fi1·tion and
tailing in da"e'. '\mhition: To he one of the
army of the unemployed.
Gt:'\E\ \
HELE'\ F. Ht G1n;s
Lincoln Junior High Sd1001. CJa,,,ical Cour,e . .\('ti\ itie,: Forum Club, Journali:,m Club, Lyce um
Lea gue, Pep Club, Student Council, Girl Re,ene,
Kenett"s Staff, Svy Staff, and Secretary of Senior
CJa,,,. Hob hie" ~wimming and ice ;,kating. Ambition: To get a good ' enetarial pooition .
Lincoln Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e.
-\ctivitie-: Choru' and Girl,' Glee Club. Hobll\:
Studying mu,il'. Ambition: To he a private 'e<';etar).
1\1. l~n \'\E"-
Wa,hington Junior High Sehool. Engfoh Cour-e."
:\cti,itie,: Tenni, Club and pani,h Club. Hobby: Reading boob. Ambition: To be an aviator.
A'' M. Jt:'\~E'
" horty"
Central Junior High School. Commercial Cour.e:
Hobbie,: Spori- an!I danl'ing. Ambition: To ht> a
trained nur,e.
" Buz:;"
Central Junior High S1·hool. Commen•ial Cour,e.
Hobby: Playing IHhkethall. Ambition: To he an
a' iator.
~i.\R(,\RET Jt, ..,.SE'\
Lincoln Junior High School. Englioh Cour,e. A<"tivitil'': Gnman Cluh and Da \ inci Club. Hoh In:
Drawing. i\mhition: To traH' I around the "ori'1I.
R1c11 \RD JF; '\SE'\
Central Junior High School. English Cour,e. Artiv itie,: Sel'ond Band, Choru•, and Pep Club.
Hobbie': \vimming and mechanic,. Ambition:
To "orb. in aviation.
:'\1 \R) JOCll 1\1~
Central Junior High School. Engli·h Cour•e. c\l'ti\ itie': Gt rm an Club and Choru,. Hobin: Reading. \mbition: To O\\n a beauty parlor. -
Page ... 34
Lin<'oln Junior High Sd1ool. En~li,Ji Cour,e. A1·1ivitip,; P1•p Cluh an1I BNa Phi kappa. Hohhie':
\111ateur radio, golf. Lt'nni,, and '"irnming. \rnhition: To he a radio operator.
S"·" \ \. JOll"ISO'\
Linrnln Junior Jli~h S1·hool. Cornrnl'r<"ial Cour-1'.
\1·ti' itie,: Blue Triangle 111, Pep Cluh. Da \ int'i
Cluh, '\ ia\>auna Cluh, and Thrift Boo-Ll'f,. Hohhie,: Dan<'in~, '" irnming, and ll'nni,. \rnhition:
To he a '01·ial '''<·relar) IO a \H'allh), 1•l1l<•rl)
'' onwn.
To"' J. Ji 111"
\frh..11111') Junior lfigh S<'hool. Enid i-h Cour-t•.
\1·1i, ity: Pep Cluh. II oh hit•,: Rl'a<ling, hiking.
'wimrnin~, and rolle<'lin~ 'lam1i- and <'Oin,. \mhiLion: To ,ohe the Engli,h ll'a<'her,.
Rn \10'\D k n1rn Ill
Central Junior High Sehool. En1di,h Cour-e. \<'tivitie,: Pep Cluh and Beta Phi kappa. Hohh):
\II kin1], of 'port-. \mhition: To ht><'Ome a ,u1·1·e--ful del'lri1·ian.
Fn H. h \PPL s
Central Junior High S<'hool. Engl i,h Cour-e. \<'Li' itie,: Blue Trianide I, Choru,, '-pani,h Club.
Cir[,' Glee Club, :\. Cappella Choir, Student Coun1·il, and Pep Cluh. Hohh): Riding in an alllomohile. \mhition: To get married.
Fn\"" k\R\BETsos
Central Junior High S1•hool. Engli,h Cour,e. <\ctivitie,: Football Team, "h" Cluh. Boys' Glee
Cluh, Choru,, Spy Staff, and Spani,h Cluh. Hohhy: S"immin!!. \mhition: To he a football 1·oach.
lcJ'\E k\STE"
Waukegan To,.ri-hip High S<"hool, Waukegan, lllinoi,. En~li·h Cour,e. \('ti\il): Pep Uuh. Hohh):
"" i111111ing. Amhition: To he a -tenographer.
\kh..inle) Junior High S<"hool. Cla-,i1·al lour,e.
\<'Li\ iti1·-: So<'ieL•h Romana, Pep Cluh, and Spani,h Cluh. Hohhie-: ~·mimming and daneing. \mhition: To he 'U!'<'e"ful.
RH: 11 \RD L. h1LTZ
Central Junior High S<'hool. Engli,h Cour,e. AcLivitie,: Pep Club, Trea,urer of 1he Junior Cla"·
and Pre-idenl of the Da \ inl'i Cl uh. Hohll\:
Rt ailing. \mhition: To tour the l nited Stale,. J \'\E hI'\GSLE\
.. Janie''
Lincoln Junior High Srhool. Cla,,fral Cour-e.
\1·ti' itie,: Choru,, Pep Cl uh, :o!'it·Ui- Romana.
and Senior Life Saving Corp,. llohh): ~" imming.
and gr<>\\ ing a "pug:' \mbition: To be happy.
'\1 \I((, \RET kITZRO\\
Cullral Junior High S<"hool. Cla"inil Cour,e. \cLi' itie,: ~tu dent Counril, Wig and Rohe Cluh.
Girl,' Glee Club, and Choru,. Hohhy: Dri' ing big
car,. \mhition: To he1·ome a •Ul'l'e" in the bu-int):-.~ '' orld.
M \II(; \Rt:T " . hLE£\l \ '\
Wa,hington Junior High Srhool. Engfoh Cour~."
\('[i' itic': Pep Cluh, Da \ int'i Cl uh, and Choru,.
Hohbie': Se" ing and tenni,. \mhition: To he a
doml'Lir ,!'ienre teacher.
Page ... 35
co . . ST\l'\CE KLE\l(h.JS
Wa,hington Junior Hi1d1 St'hool. Eng]i,h Courbe.
iawauna Club, Girls' Glee Club,
Chorus. Wig and Robe Club. Student Couneil,
Senior Life Sining Corp,, Girl,' Athleti<' i\"o<'iation, Trident Club, and Blue Triangle IL Hobb):
Eating chocolate eclair,. \mbition: To bel'ome a
'" imming i1i-tru1'tor.
Central Junior High School. Engli;.h Course. Acti\ itie,: Pep Cluh and Choru-. Ilohb): l,i,tening
to Eddie Cantor ancl to Ben Bernie. Ambition:
To tra\el and to Ji,e \\here the \\am1 "in11' blow.
H \ll\ n K" l ' TSO'>
M!"Kinley Junior High Sl'hool. English Couroe.
\('Ii\ ity: Span i'h Club. Hobby: Pia) ing ba,ehall.
Ambition: To be!'Ome a hti-inc" man.
H \RRIE1T 1'..oE:-. ES
Ba) 'ie" High School, \1ih•aukee, Wisconsin.
Engli,h Course. Hobbie': S" imming and golf.
Ambition: To he of :,en iee in the \\ orld.
]OH ... kO\ \CHih., Jn.
'\frKinley Junior High !:11'11001. English Course.
Hobby: Tinkering ''ith mel'hanical and eleetrieal
de' ire,. Ambition: To be a me chanical or electril'al engineer.
,·T \'\LE\ J\.OZIOL
Wa,hington Junior High School. Scientific Coun•e.
Aetiv ities: Pep Club, Tennis Club, Student Council, and Spani'h Club. Hobb): Taking part in all
-port,, especially baseball. \mbition: To get into
the medical prof e,,ion.
J. Kn \Sh.ET
Wa,hington Junior High School. English Cour-e.
·\ stivities: Sp)' Staff and Pep Club. Hoh by: Go·
ing through the first part of the st>mestcr without
"orking. Ambition: To head the Kraoket Donut
Hole Manufa('turing Concern.
En"~ KR~ss1"
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli,.h Course. r·
ti' itic;,: Pep Club, , orietas Romana, Girls' Glee
Club, and Chorus. Hobbie': Tenni,, mO\ie,, hik·
ing, and trying to ;,wim. Ambition: Making up my
mind to keep it made up, to he a surre"ful nur,e,
to travel, and maybe to \Hite a novel ,ome day.
Lincoln Junior High chool. Commercial Course.
Hohbieo: Basketball, owimming, tennis, and reading the sport sel'lion of ne'"paper,. Ambition: To
make the most of \\hat I am, and to i1nent a robot
to do my schoolwork.
fat."~- Ks1" \"
Washington Junior High :::l<'hool. Commercial
Cours . Activities: Pep Club, German Club, and
Choru,. Hobbies: Dancing and "'imming. Ambition: To do "omething worth while.
LEO kt CZE .... SKJ
Washington Junior High Sd10ol. Enidish Cour,e.
Hohhy: Reading Boob. Ambition: To he an air·
plane pilot.
'Ell'\\ K1CZE1'~h.1
Wa,hington Junior High !:ll'hool. Comm!'rC'ial
Cour,e. AC'tivitie': Junior and enior Life Saving
Corp,. Hohhy: \thletirs- none other. \mbition:
Tr)ing to look ,ober.
Page ... 36
Kt E'\i;:Lrn
Lirwoln Junior High School. CJa,,icaJ <..our•e.
\1·ti,itie,: Student Council and Pep Club. Hobb}: '\fonh.eyin' 'round. \mhition: To he an art·hitl't'l.
Lincoln Junior High School. Commerrial Cour-e.
\1·ti' itip,: Girl-' \thlni1· \"01·iation and J'pp
Club. Hobby: \thlP1i1·'· \mbition: To kno"
Jiu f.~ L\PSZ\s
Wa,hin!(ton Junior lligh Sd10ol. Cla"i1·al Cour-e.
\cti•itie-: Sorieta' Romana and Frend1 Cluh.
flohhy: To ,i,it lhinJ", \\ith Peggy. Ambition:
To ht'l'Ome a 'enfreahlt> per-on.
Central Junior I-li!(h School. Engli,h Cour-e. \cti,itit ': Red Trian!(lt>, Ba,k1•tball Team, Track
Ttam. Pre,ident of "1'."' Cluh, and Chief Councillor of Student Courwil. Jlohhy: Blind date-.
Amhition: To he a foreign diplomat.
Lor rsf LH l:.R
Cu11ral Junior Hiid1 School. Cla--ical Cour-e.
\cti' itie,: Choru,, PPp Cluh. Gennan Cl uh, and
Suninar Cl uh. Hohhy: Ori' ing a .\lode I A. Forti.
\mhition: To he a -u1·1·e,, at 'omething •OmeJ\.h1n 1'.1 Z\llfll
Rn'10'n I nTo'
Lincoln Junior High !'1·hool. Commerrial Cour-e.
\cti,itie-: (,her and Pep Club. Hohby: ,\fo,ic.
\mbition: To tranl al on(' and to live in •edu'ion minding nobody', bu,ine•' but my o"n.
Lincoln Junior Hi!(h S1·hool. EngJi,h Cour,e. \(-.
ti' it it-: Blue Triangle I, Choru,. \ <..appella
Choir, Spani,h Cluh. Pep Club, and Pre-ident of
Girl-' Glee Cl uh. Hobby: Riding around on Suntla~ morning. \mhition: To tra•el around the
\\URI\ G. Lni-tn\HZ
J\lt-1'.inley Junior High S1·hool. Commert•ial
Cvur,e. \cth itie': Choru,, Ae11eu:s Staff, Thrift
Boo,tcr,, and Spy Staff. Hohhy: Being the 1·hampion at '"500."' \mhit ion: To make a non-,top
fliitht from here to no"here.
R \\ \10,D J 1'1E~ LESTER
Central Junior Hi!!h School. EngJi,h Cour,e. \cti' itie,: '"1'." Cluh, Beta Phi 1'.appa, Spani,h Cl uh.
Pep Cluh, and }fonager of 1929 Football Team.
llobh~: Driving 1·ar-. Ambition: To be a 'urre--.
1\1 \R(; \RI T I IPPERT
Central Junior High School. Cla--ical Cour-e.
Al'livitie,: Quill and Scroll, Student Couneil, Blue
Triangle II, Girl Re,crve, Pep Cluh, Con-ul of
Soeieta' Romana. Pn·,ident of Spani,h Club, and
Ewrutin• Editor of the Ke11e1t·s. Hobby: Playing
golf. \mhition: To tra,el e'ten,iul~.
(;OHOO'\ 1\1 \tOO\\ ELL
"Gord) ..
Lincoln Junior High Sd1001. Engli,h Cour-e.
llohby: Playing rhe". \mhition: To he a ,('ienti•t
or 'omething -imilar.
Jo11'\ M \Don
Mckinley Junior High S.. hool. Engti,h Cour-e.
!lobby: Skipping ,1·hool tlw eighth period. \mhition: To take a 'U('<'e"ful po-tgraduate !'our,e.
Page ... 37
LIBERO '\1~C;'\ \'\t. LLI
Wa-.hington Junior High S<"hool. Commcn·ial
Cour,e. -\!'tiYit): :"pani>h Cl uh. Hobbie,,: Pia) ing
ha-.chall and ched.. e". Am hit ion: To he a nulio
and tele'i,ion e'\pert.
P. M~'\SO'\
Lin!'oln Junior High Sd1ool. Eng(i,h Cour,e. A<"·
ti' itie': Football Team, Trad, Team, "!\._" Cl uh,
and \ ice-Pre•ident of Senior Cla-.,_ Hobbie':
Sport-, •inging. and being the cla" ('(O\\ n. \mhition: To amount to -.omething h) the timt> l rea<"h
the age of t\\et1l)·three.
Wa,hington Junior Jli1d1 S<"hool. Engli:-h Cour .. e.
-\cti' itie,: Boy•' Glee Club and -\ Cappella Choir.
Hohb): Colle<'ting reli<·'· -\mbition: To he1·ome
famou' h) i1n enting a ma<"hine to do ,('(1001 "ork.
GR \Ct: L. 1\1 \RTI'\
Lincoln Junior High S<"hool. Commereial Cour-.e .
.\('ti,itic': Blue Triangle 1, Girl,' \thleti1· \,.
•Ol'iation, Student Coun!'il, Thrift Boo-.ter-, and
Junior Life Saving Corp•. Hohhie,,: S" imming
and golf. Ambition: To be a 'tenographer.
~lrKinle) Junior High School. Eng(i,h Cour,e.
-\<·ti\ itie,: \ Cap11ella Choir, Glee Cl uh, and
'ipani-.h Club. Hohb): Compo,ing 'ong•. .\mhition: To he a "blue' ,inger."'
'\I \RIO'\ '\1cG1LL
" Red"
Lin!'oln Junior High S<"hool. Engli,h Coun.e. Activity: Pep Club. Hobby: Dancing. Ambition: To
take a cou"e in beauty culture.
EsT11 ER M1c11 ELS
" miles"
Wa,hington Junior High School. Engli•h Coune .
.\rtivitie': Pep Cluh, Choru-., Girl•' Glee Cluh,
!:-pani,h Club. and Blue Triangle III. Hobh): Riding around to\\n \\ith Leone. \mbition: To 'ee
the world.
ALE'\\" DER T. MIL!..()\\ ~t..I
Lin!'oln Junior High School. English Cour,e.
A<"tivity: Band. Hobh): Hunting. Ambition: To
he a niminologi't.
"Flo", "Babe"
Crntral Junior High School. Commer<'ial Cour,e .
.\('tivitie,: Choru•, Pep Cluh, and Thrift Boo,t·
er,. Hobbie,: Smiling, and receiving letter, .
.\mbition: To have my o'"' beauty culture 'hop.
Lt c' E. Moczt tn'""I
Wa,hington Junior High S<"hool. Engli,,h Couroe.
Artiviti ,: Choru,, Girl' Glee Cluh,
Cl uh. and Pep Cl uh. Hohhie,: \ll •port' and
attending 1·on<'ert,. \mbition: To be a dre" de-igner in Pari-.
C \ '-P~. R \1oout.R
Lin<"oln Junior High Sd1ool. EngJi,h Cour,e. A<"·
tivity: Band. Hohl1y: Riding a hike. Ambition:
To play the overture ''Morning, ""oon, and Night
in \ ienna" without a mi,tak<'.
A"' "'.'.10IJRIJ \ '
""otrl' Dame Academy, Mih,aukee, Wi,ron,in.
Cla"i1·al Cour-.e. -\<"tivitie,: Choru' and Girl'
-\thleti<- \-.,ociation. Hohhie,: -\II outdoor 'port-..
-\mhition: To take after m) ideal and to hi' 'll<'·
1·e--fu I.
Page ... 38
R1 TH Lo11SE Mournh.t.
Lin<'oln Junior High S<'hool. Commer<'ial Cour,e.
A<'tivitie': Girls' Athleti<' \"oriation, Girl,' Glt>e
Cluh, and Pep Cluh. llohhit>': .wimmi11g and i('('·
,kating. Amhition: To learn to ('are for typing.
R \LPll Mo'r'1 \ERTS
HRu/us" "Br<>u.n E)·e.';"
M('Kinll'} Junior High S(·hool. E11gJi,h Cour,p.
\(•ti,itie-: Stu<lent Cou1H'il and Pep Cluh. Hohhy: Pla)ing a violin. \mbitio11: To he a 'U('l't'"·
ful hu,ine" man.
J l sn s MoRRI~
l\frKinlP) Junior Hip:h Sd1ool. Engli,h Cour,e.
A Ni' iti1 ': Band, P('J> Club, and Tenni, Tt>am.
Hobby: Fishing "ithout ('at<'hing any fi,h. Ambition: To he a mel'hani(·al engineer.
J.rn..,1 R. '\11 RRn
Central Junior H ip:h S1·hool. Engli,h Cour-e. \1 ..
ti\ itie,: Student Counl'il, Spani-h Club, Pep Cluh.
an(I Pre,idcnt of Blut> Trianp:le Jll. Hohhi1•,;
Traveling and reading. \mhition: To tnnel t'Hr)·
whert' and to be a p:oo(l·natured tea('her.
lh.H"' Ct. "I \h.ltOS\S
Washington Junior High School. Eng)i,h Cour-e.
\l'ti,itie,; Girl Re-enc, Girl S('out Troop II. and
Spani'h Cluh. Hobbit>,: Tenni, an(! (lanl'ing.
\mhition: To he ha pp) ah•a)' and to grow a little taller.
J 0 \ '- '\ \ r-. \\I EJl '\ \ S
Ct>ntral Junior High S('hool. Cla--ieal Cour-e.
\('tivity: So('ieta' Romana. Hobbie,: Rt>ading.
mti-i(', an(I "'imming. \mhition: To tra,el and to
he a tea('her of da•,i<'al suhje1·ts.
\'\'-\ "i\l\10\\ICH
Junior lligh S('hool. Comnit•rl'ial
Cour-e. :\.rti' itie,: Chorus and Girl,· Glee Club.
Hobbie,: Dancing and '" imming. \mhition: To
he(·omt' a 1·ommerl'ial tt'a('her or a ,tenographer.
C. '\ELSO'\
Li1woln Junior High S(·hool. EngJi,h Cour-e. \( ..
ti,itie': .pani,h Club, Girl Re,ene, \'rig and
Robe Club, and Pep Club. Hobbies: ~·m imming
and skating. \mbition: To have a good time.
L1.o"' '\onDB' 1.
Wa-hington Junior Ili1d1 School. Eng[i,h Cour,e.
\(·ti' itie,: Soriet<b Romana and Pep Cluh. Hohhil's: Tennis, rats, and Cord road,ter-. \mhition:
To O\\ n a modern beauty parlor and to travel until r,e filled Ill) heart'- de-ire.
B. '\011 \Ch.I
l\frKinl<y Junior High S(·hool. Engfoh Cour,e.
\rti\ ity: Girls' Glee Club. Hobb): Reading.
\mhition: To become a stH'('e--ful librarian.
Lin('oln Junior High Sd1ool. Commercial Cour-e.
\(•ti' ities: Girl,' \thleti(' \s,ofiation and Pep
Cluh. Hobbie,: Da1wing and tenni-. \mhition:
To he a private serretar).
EILEE'- O'CO'\'\Oll
L. O'H\Rt,
Central Junior High School. Commercial Cour-e.
\1•tivitib: Pep Cluh, Blue Triangle ll, Spanish
Club, Girl Re,erve, and Student Council. Hob·
hies: S" imming and dancing. Ambition: To he a
pri,ate secretan.
Page ... 39
kE' '\ETH
J. 0LSf"
Centrul Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e.
-~<·ti,it): Sp~n_i,h Club. H~~>hy: Wo, in the
hhr::ir). A.mh1tton: To he a mae,tro.
E. 0""'
Lincoln Junior High School. Commerrial Cour,e.
i\cti\ities: Pep Cluh. Ilohhie,: Dancing and golf.
Ambition: To he a nuroe and to travel.
\,r110"' R. OZ\'\IC"'
Lin('oln Junior High School. CJa,oical Cour,e."
\Nivily: So<·ietti- Romana. Ilohh): Tr) ing lo find
the eaoie>l \HI). \mhition: To get rieJ.. qufrk.
C11 \RLES A. P\Dl L\
l\frKinle) Junior High Sdrnol. Comnu•rrial
Cour,e. Arti' itie': Pep Cl uh. Student Council,
Seminar Cl uh, and Wig and Rohe Cl uh. llohhie':
Dan<"ing and fl) ing. Am hit ion: To hernmc an
aeronautical engineer.
GrnTttl DE P\LI.ESf.'\
Cu11ral Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e.
<\<·tivitie': ~pani'h Club and Pep Club. Uohhie,:
Ba,tball,, and hor,eha<·k riding. \mhition:
To he a prirnte 'errelar).
Jo11" F. P\Po'
Waohington Junior High ('hool. Claooiral Cour,e.
Artivitie,: S"imming Team and Pre>idenl of Beta
Phi 1'.appa. Hobb): S" imming. <\mbition: To he
a 'urre" in life.
}Oil'\ P\ll'110:,TIER, JR.
Li1H'oln Junior High
rhool. English Cour,e.
A<"livities: Football Team, "K" Club, and Pep
Cluh. Hobbie': S"imming, foothall, and "riling.
Ambition: To be a rivil engineer.
BE:'\J\~11'\ P. P\sct cc1
"Ben Pask"
MrKinley Junior High 'rhool. Englioh Cour,e.
\rtivities: pani,h Club and Pep Cl uh. Hoh hie,:
Playing a clarinet and ,a,ophone, cla1wing, draV>ing building plam, and playing ha!Skethall. Amhi·
tion: To operate a hig night duh.
Linroln Junior High rhool. Commerrial Cour,e.
A<"liV<ities: Choru' and Blue Triangle. Hobbie':
Swimming,, and danring. Ambition: To
maJ..e the mo'l of life.
\ n 1 \" E. PETER~O'
Lincoln Junior High rhool. EngJi,h Cour,e. \r·
tiV<itie': Fre1wh Club, Girl,' <\thleti<· A"o('iation,
Girl Seoul Troop II, enior Life Saving Corp,,
Girls' Ba,kethall Team, and Trident Cluh. Tlohhies: All 'PO rt' and dancing. Amhitiono: To he a
phy,iral education teacher, to 'ee the worl<l, and
to 'ee the Olympi<· Game,.
McKinley Junior High . chool. EngJi,h Cour-e.
A<·tivity: Wig and Robe Cl uh. Hobby: Traveling.
Ambition: To huild a ca~tle.
'.\11LOREO PoB\R
ashington Junior High Srhool. Engli'h Cour-e.
Activitie': Frenrh Club, Student Counril, Girl
S<·oul Troop II, Senior Life Saving Corp,, Girl,'
<\thletir ,\,,o<"iation, and Pre,idenl of Trident
Cluh. Tlohhy: Doing nothing. Ambition: To O\\n
a lavender Cord road,ter.
Pag<> .. .40
1\'kKinle} Junior High S<·hool. Comnwr<"ial
Cour,e. A<"tivity: Pep Cl uh. Hobb): Dan!'ing.
Ambition: To he happy and to have a good tinw.
Pn ..~STA
Central Junior High S<"hool. Cla"i<"al Cour,e.
Hobby: To keep mo' ing. Ambition: To lw 'omrthing.
J. I· RED P1uoo1s
Lin<"oln Junior II igh '.:'i<·hool. EngJi,h Cour-P.
llobhit>,: ~·mimming and nHHlt>l 'hip ln1ilding.
\mhition: To he an ele<"lri<·al enginen.
EL\l'\f. R\S\ll SSf.'\
I inrnln Junior High Sd1ool. Enidi-h Cour-1>.
Hobbie': Darwing and '"imming. \mhition: To
-ec the "orld.
LinC"oln Junior High SC'hool. Engli,h Cour-e. \<"ti' itie,: Student Coun<"il and Blut> Trianglt> IL
Hobbie>: Oan<"ing, '" imming. and fr<' -kating.
\mbition: To he a private >e<·retar).
Gt.oiu.1 \
Jo11-.. L. Rn.o
Lin<"oln Junior High ~'l('hool. Cla"i<"al Cour-1>.
Hobbie': :;" imming and -ea·-<'Outing. Ambition:
To IH' an ard1eologi't.
M\ll(,.\RH REFILL'\
Lirwoln Junior High SC"hool. Comm<'rC"ial Cour-r.
\C"ti' itie,: Pep Club and I· rcn<"h Club. llohh):
::iwimming. Ambition: To he a 'tenographer.
Central Junior High Sd10ol. Eng[i,h Cour-e.
\<"ti' itie,: Red Triangle, Hi-\ Club. ::itudent
Council, '·K'" Club, Pep Cl uh, . "imming Team.
an<I \ ice·Pre-idrnt of the Junior Ch1>'. Hobbie-:
S\\ imming and an) other -port . .\mbition: To he
a -u<·<·e,,fuJ optometri,t.
.. Bern"
Wa,hington Junior High School. Commer<"ial
Cour.e . .\cti' itv: Girl-' AthletiC' \'-OC'iation. Hobb): Reading t~tl\el boob. \mhition': To tra,rl
or to become a \\ell-kno\\n -tenographer.
Lro RE\\ 1' s1-.1
Junior High ::i<·hool. EngJi,h Cour-e.
Arti' itie,: Band, Orehe-tra, Bo\,' Glee Club. and
"!\._" Club. Hohh): Piano pla) fng. \mhition: To
hu·ome greater than Pa de re'' -k i.
hiedem Evangt>lirnl Lutheran High ::i<"hool. Engli'h Cour,e. Ani,itie,: Band and Orehe-tra. Hobb): Gt>tting up late in the morning. \mhition: To
he an ti\ iator.
Lineoln Junior High School. Commer<"ial Cour-e.
A<·ti' it): Pt>p Club. Hobb): let> ,b..ating. \mhition: To •ee the "orld.
Page ... 11
Central Junior High S(·hool. Commer('ial Cour,e.
\('ti\itieo: Tenni, Cluh. Spani,h Cluh, and Wig
and Rohe Club. Hobby: Hiking. Amhition: To he
:1 Jtn,) er.
1\1\'U'\E Rorn1-.n
Central Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e.
\(•ti' itie,: PC'p Club, BlnC' Triangle H, and Girl
Sfout Troop l. Ilobhy: Writing poetry. \mhition:
To June good general kno\\ ledge.
J \ \H.' Ro~1 \'di
l\frkinle) Junior High Sd1ool. Englioh Couroe:
\Ni,ity: Spani,h Club. Hobh): Reading detecti' e 'torieo. \mbition: To 'cc the "orld.
EsTllER RosTi...rn
\'\'a,hington Junior High S('hool. Englioh Cour,e.
Hohh): Remling all kind' of book,. Amhition:
To he a oufcc"ful 'e('retar) to a noted man.
ln' I '-G RosTKER
\'\'a-hington Junior High ::ichool. Engli,h Cour-e.
\ni' itie,: ke11e1c~ ,' tafT, Pre,ident of Forum
Club. and Pre,ident of Journali,m Club. Hobby:
Taking "at('he, apart. -\mbition: To attend
Ma"afhu,eth I 11'titute of Tedrnolog;.
W'a-hington Junior High School. Eng]i,h Cour-e:
Ilohhie': Tenni, and colle(·ting butterflie,. \mhition: To be!'ome a nu roe or an a\ iatri:1..
\nu-.1-. RL'\\LS
Vnn:o \ Rt PP\
'\\a,hington Junior High School. Cla"i('al Cour-e .
.\('tivitie,: So('ietao Romana and Fren('h Club.
llohhie,: Dancing, reading. and playing golf.
\mbition: To he a criminal la")er.
Jn1 RLsso
Central Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e.
\(th itic-: Ba,ketball Team and "1'." Club. I lohbie-: Ba,ketball and dan<'ing. \mbition: To he
·omeone important.
FR\'-K !'l\s:\ \l SKIS
'\\a,hington Junior High S('hool. Englioh Conroe .
.\(·ti' ity: Band. Hobby: Sport-. \mbition: To he
a -uC('C" in the lrn,ine-, "orld.
Crntral Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e.
\ctivitie,: Blue Triangl!' 11, Spanish Club, Pep
Cluh, and Girl Re,erve. Jlohhie,: Da1wing, "' im·
ming, and golf. \mbition: To travel.
J E \ '- • C II RO~:DER
Lin('oln Junior High ::-cbool. EngJi,h Cour,e. \eti,itie,: Orcbe,1ra, Blue Triangle III, Journalism
Club. and Pep Club. Hohhie,: Dancing, reading,
and trying to "rite poetry. -\mhition: To he an
arti . . t.
J. SE'\\tOl R
Linrnln Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e .
.\('ti' itieo: Spani,h Club, "K'' Club, Wig and
Rohe Club, Pep Club, and py Staff. Hohhie,:
S" imming anil golf. Ambition: To hecomc a 'uc('C"ful citizen and hu,ine" man.
ED\\ \RD
Page .. .42
Fn~ '\(I.~ S11t,PPAHO
Janewille High
d1ool, Janesville, Wi,1·011'in.
En1di'h Cour.. e. A1·ti,itie .. : Blue Triangle I, Tri·
1lt'nt Club, Girl,' Athleti1· l\...,ol'iation, ·PY ~taff,
Ly1·eum League, Student Count'il, Ord1e,tra.
f n nl'h Club, ~pani .. h Club, and Senior Life Sa,.
ing Corp ... Hobbie .. : Swimming, hor,eha!'k riding,
and tooting the rornet. Ambition: To liH• ahroad
for a yl'ar.
Ml'Kinll'y Junior Hi1d1 -,,·hool. Engli-h Cour-e .
.\1·ti' iti!'': Spani .. h Club. Spy Staff, Band, and
Thrift Boo,ter,. Jlohhic,: Traveling and ba-kethall. \mbition: To he a big 'U<'<'e .....
Wa,hington High Sl'hool , Milwaukee, Wi .. 1·01hin.
Engli,h Cour,e. .\l'tivity:
py Staff. Hobby:
\nnoying people. \mbition: To be my-elf under
all 1·irl'um-ta1H'6.
Jlf.LE'\f. StL\f,H,1\'\
M 11n 11. Srnr~o"
Wa .. hington Junior High Sd1001. Engli .. h Cour .. e.
i\l'ti,itie': Trident Club, Girl,' \thletil' <l,,...,o!'iation, Junior an1I Senior Life Saving Corp,, Wig
and Rohe Club, and Girl S!'out Troop 11. Hob·
bie,: s" imming, da rwing. and tenni... \mhition:
To take up a' iation .
C1-'\t.\J1-_\t. SL.\ThR
Central Junior High Sehool. Cla .... i1·a l Cour,e . .\!'ti' itie': Choru .. , and Girl,' Glee Club. Hobby:
R1 ading. Ambition: To he a literary !'riti1•.
II \K\f, , :::L\TER
Central Junior High S!'hool. CJa...,fral Cour,e . .\!'tivitie,: Pep Club and Spani,h Club. Hobby:
Li-tening to the r:ulio. \mhition: To ht• a .. u1·1·e ....
in e\t'rything I do.
" Barney"
I• ranklin Junior High S!'hool, Ra!'ine, Wi,!'orhin.
En1di .. h Cour,e. A1·tivity: Pep Cluh. Hobbie,:
l\rl'hery, painting, and dra" ing. Ambition: To be1·ome ar!'hery champion of the Lnited State ...
Ronr.RT S\1tr11
Linl'oln Junior High Sd10ol. Engli-h Cour-e . .\('·
tivitie .. : "K" Club and Tral'k Team. \mbition: To
he a mal'hine ,hop in,truetor.
GEORGf, .· ,11n1
Wa,hington Park High Sl'hool. Racine, WiH·orhin.
CJa,·i1·al Cour-e. Hohhie,: Tenni, and golf. \mhition: To he an engint>er or an a' iator.
Euz \Bf.TH ~oornernr,
Mckinley Junior High Srhool. Engli,h Cour-e.
\l'li,itie .. : '\ia"auna Club, Girl-' Glee Club,
Choru,, and Pep Cluh. llohhy: S" imming. \mbition: To be a nur,e.
Wa .. hington Junior High Sd1ool. EngJi,h Cour-e.
:\l'li,itie': Girl .. ' Glt>t> Cluh and Choru ... Hobb~:
Dan!'ing . .\mbition: To be1·ome great.
Ro'E SrR1-..1.ER
Li11<"ol11 Junior High Sd10ol. Comnlf'f!'ial Cour-e.
\1·ti' itie•: Spani .. h Cl uh anti Thrift Boo,ter,.
Hobby: Se"ing. \mhition : To be!'ome a dre .... de·
. . jgner.
Page .. A3
\ ER'\ \
ST \ \1'1
Lineoln Junior High Sl'hool. Engli,h Cour,P.
Hobh): Laughing. mhition: To tead1 in a rnral
l\hRTLE E. ST\'\LE\
St. Catherine\ High S<'hool, Ra<'ine, Wi,<·ori-in.
Commerrial Cour,e. Hobin: Dan ring. \.mhition:
To tra,el.
lfl.;1..E'\ B. ~T\'\ ... h\\J(JI
Wa,hington Junior High S<'hool. Cla,,i<'al Cour,e.
\.rtiYitie,: Frenrh Cl uh and Sorieta' Romana.
Hohhie': Reading I c"\l'ept tt''\h l. and flo" t'r,.
\mhition: To he 'omething that no ono> el,p i,.
JOSEPH ' n.F\'\I
Central Junior High Sl'hool. Cla--ieal Cour,e.
\<'ti, itie,: Rt•d Triangle, Spani,b Club, Football
Team, Pre,ident of Hi-) Club, an<l Senetan of
Junior Cla". Hobbie,: Being ha pp), and hor,ehad, ri<ling. \mhition: To lw able to take di<'ta·
ti on from Clwrle, Lee S" em.
CL \IR STO'\•.
Chippe\\a Fall, High S<'hool. Chippe"a ~all,,
Wi,<·ori-in. Engli,h Cour,e. \l'tivitie,: Ke11e1c~
Staff, Spy StafT, Pep Cluh, Student Coun<'il, and
Quill and Snoll. Hohhie': Printing and golf.
Ambition: To \\rite ,!Jort 'torit''·
:'.\kkinle) Junior High S<'bool. EngJi,h Cour,e.
\rti' itie,: Il i-l Club, Wig and Rohe Club,
Orrhe,tra, Student Coun<"il, and Bu,ine" Editor
of the py. Hohh): Being original. Ambition: To
tramp and travel.
hn:Lo\ STnOtK
Waohington Junior High Sd100L Cla"iral Cour,e.
-\rtfritie': Pep Club and So<·ieta' Romana. llohh): keeping the yard <'l<•an. \mhition: To ll<'<'on1e an organisl.
M \R\ L. St LLI\ \ '\
Lincoln Junior High S<'hool. Commercial Cour,e.
\.etiviti ': Pep Club, Choru,, and Ni<rnaurw Club.
Hoh hie,: Reading and "raring the hell."' Ambition: To he<'ome famou' through \\Uiting.
T1n.L \I\ M \RI\ St \l\lERS
Central Junior High S<'hool. Commercial Cour,e:
\.rth ity: Choru,. Hohh): Reading boob that "ill
inrrea'e my \O('ahulary. !\mhition: To he<'ome a
EsntER Io\
'' \RTZ
Central Junior High S<'hool. Commer<'ial Cour,e.
\cti,itie,: Girl,' Glee Cluh and Choru,. IJohhic,:
:'.\fo,ic, ire ,kating, and reading a good hook.
Ambition: To herome a librarian in 'ome "big''
Lot tSE "\RTZ
Central Junior High Sd1001. Engl i,h Cour,e.
\rtivitie,: Pep Club. Thrift Boo,ter,, and Stu<lenl
Counril. Hobbie,: Eating, reading, and ,1eepi11g.
\.mbition: To he a nu roe.
"1 E'\ n \LL T n LOR
.. fl uck"
Lincoln Junior High S<·hool. Cla,,ieal Cour,t'.
Artivitieo: Pep Club, Spy StafT, Societao Romana,
and French Club. Hohhy: Ire 'kating and almo'L
an) other 'port. Ambition: The 'ame old I ine
To enjoy life by being a ,,u<'<'e".
Page ... 44
Wa,hington Junior High S<'hool. Engli•h Cour-e .
.\<'tivity: Wig and Rohe Cluh. Hobby: Playing
('ard,. \mhition: To traHI.
lf~Hln Tn~l~''"n
Central Junior Ilii1h Sd10ol. EngJi,h Cour,e. \, ..
ti,itie': Pep Club and Spani•h Cluh. Hohhy:
Playing pino!'hle. \mhition: To he a haker.
Central Junior High Sd1ool. EngJi,h Cour•t>. \, ..
ti1 it it••: Pep Cl uh. lJ i-1, Red Triangle. Chit•f
CoutH'illor of Student Comwil, and Pre•ident of
Junior and Senior Cla"<''· Hohhit>•: S\\imming
an<I t!'nni•. \mhition: To ltt• :i- good a hn•yt>r a•
my father.
Jf V\IE Tt 11011sr...i
.. ]en"
Linl'Oln Junior lligh St·hool. Commt>rt'ial Cour•t'.
Hobbie•: Tenni,, golf, .111d <lan<'ing. \mhition: To
he<'ome a good tt·nni, play('r.
Do" \LJJ LJ>sO'\
Ct>ntral Junior High Sd10ol. Engli,h Cour-e.
\1·ti\ itie,: "tudt nt Coun<'il. Beta Phi happa. Pt>p
Club. and Thrift Boo-Ln•. llohhy: Taking the
radio apart. \mhition: To ht•(·ome great and to
h.. u 111n" CL \RH 1-. L 1rnH:i.:
" hie"
Wa.hington Junior High ~l('hool. Commen·ial
Cour•e. \('ti,itie-: I orum Club. Pep Cluh, Blue
Triangle []. Nitmauna Cluh. Seminar Cluh. and
Spani,h Club. Hobhy: Laughing. Ambition: To
he happy and to make otht>r• happy.
Jo1-. l Zl \"IS
.. Za=a"
Wa-hington Junior High Sd10ol. Engli.h Cour-e.
Hohhy: Play in~ ha,kt'lhall. \mhition: To he a
.. , '11["
Mckinley Junior High S<'hool. Engli,h Cour-e.
\t'ti,itie•: Beta Phi happa. and Wig and Robe
Club. Hobbie,: Ori\ ing and dra\\ ing. \mhition:
To become an archite1·t and an engineer.
FR\'\J... '\LE'>TE
Fn "'" J. \ ITJ...t s
Wa,hington Junior High School. Engli,h Cour.e.
\cti1 itie,: Pep Cl uh, ~PY Staff, Da 'ind Cl uh.
and Student Cou1wil. Hobbie,: Da111·ing. '"imming. hor.ehack riding. golf. pool. and ping-pong.
\mhition: To di,(•01 t'r a """ "orld and to do
a1' ay "ith pro•perity.
Donon" Lot 1..,E 'o<.LER
Ct ntral Junior High Sd1ool. Commen·ial Cour•t'.
llohhy: Oa1wing. \mhition: To he a teacher.
R \LPll W \OE
.. Rats"
\\a-hington Junior High School. En!di•h Cour-e.
llohhy: Ba-ehall.
\i "' IL"'°' ICZ
Lint"oln Junior High S!'hool. EngJi,h Cour,e. \<"
Li\itie.: Pep Club. Tenni, Club, Forum Club. and
~pani•h Cluh. Hohhie,: Tenni,, dancing, and
mu-it'. \mhition: To ht•t·onw a profr--ional dan<'t'
orcht>,tra leader.
Page .. .45
Jo11" W11.i...rn
Lineoln Junior High
Hobby: Eil'<·trieiL).
Wa-hington Junior High St'hool. Cla"i<'al Cour-e.
\rti' itie,: Choru-, Pep Club, Frend1 Club, !'io·
ciel•i- Romana, and Spy Staff. IIohhie': Dri' irq:,
dancing, and '"'imming. \mhition: To travel
•omepla<·e 'ome da).
l\1\TllO'\ \ \'\ \'\E'\i...O
P\l LI'\E h.\'\ WEBB
Lin<·oln Junior High Sd10ol. Engli-h Cour-e.
\ctivity: Pep Club. Hobh): Dodging hou'e"ork.
\mhition: To be happy ah'")'·
L\ \ ER'\E WE(,'\ER
Lint'oln Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e.
\ctivitit•,: Pep Cluh, Spani,h Cluh, Student
Council. JournaJi,m Club, Girl Re,ene, and
Pre,ident of Lyceum Lt>ague. Hobby: Doing
•om thing. \mhition: To ket'p on learning.
"f, ola"
:\lcKinle) Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,e.
iawauna Cluh, Girl,' Glee Cluh, anti
Chorm.. Ilohby: Dant'ing. Ambition: To he an
old maid partner in a <·andy 'hop "ith \leda
loung, and my <'ou•in Mildn•d.
w t. ISS
.. Hid"
Junior High ' d10ol. Engfoh Cour-e.
\etivitie,: GirJ,' Glee Cluh and 1\'ia'"1una Club.
Hobbie,: Dant'ing and '"imming. \mbition: To
be happ) alway,.
ROBERT Wt. LL\1 \'\
Friedu1' Ernngeliral Lutheran High School:
Engli,h Cour,e. \cti,itie,: Band and Orche,tra.
Hobbie,: s" imming and 1•lc1·trieit,. \mhition:
To play in a World ·~erie, game.
:\1\RIE WE'\ DOR
"fr endY"
:\11 Kinley Junior II igh S<'hool. Comnwrciai"
Cour,e. \('tivitie,: Choru,, Girb' Glee Club,
Th1·ift Boo,ter,, Frend1 Club, Keneu:s Staff, and
' py Staff. Ilohhy: Writing. \mhition: To ha'c
Wa,hington Junior High School. Engli,h Cour,t>.
Activitie,: Choru,, Girh' Glee Club, and German
Club. Hohhy: Skating. l\mhition: To he a teacher.
FR\ '\CES W11.1.i...0'1'1
\DELl'\E Wni...E
Lincoln Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e.
\ctivitie,: Girh' Athletic \,,ociation and Pep
Club. IIohhie,: Dancing and tt•nni,. \mbition: To
-ee the "orld.
C11E~TER Woz'\1ti...1
Central Junior High S<'hool. Engfoh Cour,c.
Activity: German Club. Hobby: Swimming.
\mhition: To he ahle to take dictation from
floy<I Gihho1i-.
~1 \RIO' W\ "~fcKinley
"fr ick"
!'ichool. Comnwr<'ial
Cour,e. \<·ti' ity: ~pani-,h Cluh. llohhy: Playing
a Hawaiian guitar. Ambition: To become a rattling-good 'crihhler of ,horthand note' and a
pu1H'her of type,Hiter key,.
Page .. .46
\u '\ l Ol '\G
'" 11"
J\frKinle:r Junior High ~'H'hool. Engli,h Cour,e.
\Nivitie': Da \ inei Cluh. Stu<lent Couru·il.
Joumali'm Cluh, !:'ipy Staff, Bo:r,' Gl1•1• Clulr. an1I
Thrift Boo,ter,. Ilohhy: \rt. \mlrition: To he a
portrait painter a la Raphael.
\U.11\ 'I 01 '\(;<,
Central Junior High Sl'hool. Engli·h Cour,e.
ANivitie': Blue Trianidf', Girl; Glee Cluh.
Choru,, and '\iiawauna Club. llohh): DarH'ing
and '" imming. \mhition: To he an old maid
partner in a rand:r ,hop "ith Lillian and Mildred
]Oii'\ z~... ~, Jn.
Wa,hington Junior High Sd10ol. Engli,h Cour,e.
\('tiviti1»: Choru' and Bo\,' Glee Cluh. llohhie':
Outdoor and indoor 'port··. <"amping, and ornithology. Ambition: To he a -u1·1·e".
'"" Zn.z1~
Wa,hington Junior High :·!('hoot. Engli-h Cour-e.
A<"tivitie,: Girl,' .\thletir \--oriation and Da
\ inci Club. Hobbie-: Dreaming and doing noth·
ing. t\mhition: To he a 'll<'<'e" in "hatner l do.
h H BLE \~tH...\
.. Blis.1"
Wa,hington Junior High Srhool. Engli-h Cour•e.
Al'tivitie,: Choru' an1I Bop' Glee Cluh. \mhi·
tion: To he<"ome an engineer.
E1><.\H Fo1 Lh.F.
Central Junior High S<'hool. Commen·ial Cour,e.
A1·tivitie': Beta Phi K.appa and Pep Club. Hob·
hie': Swimming, and wandering around the hall-.
Ambition: To he an a' iator.
Gm \LD J \COB\
Wa,hington Junior High S1·hool. Engli .. h Cour-e.
t\1·tivitie,: Choru' and Orl'he-tra. II ohh\: Reading fi<"tion boob while li,tening to tl;e radio.
Ambition: To become a great 'iolini•t or an
a\ iator.
DonoT11\ M. ~1 ... CL\IR
Wa .. hington Junior High !:'lehool. Engli,b Cour .. e .
.\ctivit\: Junior and Stnior Life "a' ing Corp•.
llohhi~-: Reading an1l all •porb. \mlrition: To
he a ~urce~ ....
ST\..,LE\ STER'-
Wa,hington Junior !Tigh !:'l<"hool. Cla, .. i"al Cour-e.
\('tivitie': Pep Club. Forum Club, and TenniCluh. Hobb): Pla:ring ha,ehall. .\mhition: To
Wa,hington Junior High Sd1ool. Engli-h Cour,e.'
A1·ti' itie,: Da \ in<"i Club. ke11ew1 ~tafT, Band,
and Choru,. Hobb): S"imming. Ambition: To
make the high 'd10ol . . wimming team.
E. ELLl<,O'o
Me-,mer High Sehool, Mih,aukee. W i•('Oll•in.
Engli,h Cour,e . .\c·ti' it\: So1·ieta' Romana. Hoh·
h): S" imming. .\mhition: To hHonw a jour·
J E\ ...... E 1'.L PFER
•• Colly"
Linrnln Junior High !:-d1ool. Engli-h Cour•t•.'
\rti,itic,: Blue Triangle l. Pep Cluh. and \ia·
\\auna Club. Hohl!\: Cha-ing tenni• hall, "Dot ..
Bufton -en e,. \miiition: To he<'Otlll' a eommer<"ial arti•t.
Page .. .47
B \RROll s
l\kkinley Junior High Sd100!. Commer('ial
Cour,e. Hohhy: Collecting pi1·ture' of movie 'tar,,
\mhition: To hl'<"ome an t"\fll'rt typi,t.
~f \HI; l ERITE H \GOPI \ '\
Central Junior II igh Sl'hool. Commercial Cour,1>.
Hohhy: R ading. Ambition: To he<"orne a hairdre--t'r.
RtT11 H. G "· ~-
Lirwoln Junior High Sd1ool. Cla"ical Cour,e.
A1·ti1itie,: Girb' Glee Club, Chorm, and \ Cappella Choir. Hohhy: Reading. l\mhition: To he a
home e1·onomiC', lt'a<"her.
Central Junior Jligh Sl'hool. Engli,h Cour,e.
"Biflo" "Sw11"
\fa,hington Junior High School. English Cour,e.
Arti1 ity: Choru,. Ilohhie,: Reading, "hen [ am
not playing in any of the 'flOrts. Ambition: To he
a big leaguer or an aviator.
, ' T\'\LD
Fn 1" ~ C.\ '\T\1 Jo.LL
Lincoln Junior High School. Cla"ical
Cour,e. Hobin: Golf. Ambition: To
l\'1!-1.inley Junior High School. English
Cour,e. Activitie': Spanish Club, Foot·
hall Team, '·}\_"' Club, Wig and Robe
Club, and Pep Club. Hobby: Football.
Ambition: To he an electrical engineer
and to be a pilot.
l't 1£1\ NS~I
Central Junior Il igh SC'hool. Engli'h
Cour,e. llobhy: Caddying. \mbition: To
hel'ome a professional golf player.
LinC'oln Junior High School. Engli,h
Cour-e. Activity: Pep Club. Hobbie,:
DanC'ing, walking, and ,kating. !\.mhition:
To have a nobby job an1I lot- of keen
Wa-hington Junior High Srhool. Engli,h
Cour-e. Hohhy: Reading. Ambition: To
be a ... urc·e:-. ....
Gt STllE KI"'"'
Mrkinley Junior High SC'hool. Commercial Cour,e. Hohhy: S1>imrning. Ambition: To Ill' a retired llll,ine" man.
Pag<> .. .18
LEO ~TRllTMI'\'\
MC'Kinley Junior High ~whoo!. Engli-h
Cour,e. Activitieo:
Baokcthall Team,
Golf Team, Spy Staff, and \ ice-Prr,ident
of !:lophomorc and Junior Cla"e'. Hobbie': Golf, rn imming, and arguing. Ambition: To buil1l anotlwr Empire State
M('kinley Junior High Sd1ool. Commerl'ial Cour,e. l\C'tivity: Spani,h Cluh. Hohhie,: S1>imming, hockey, and ba,ketball.
Am hit ion: To travel.
J L 1.I 1 111.IC 11
\Va,hington Junior High Sd1ool. Commerr·ial Cour,e. Hohhie,: Tenni, and golf.
\mhition: To IH'l'OllH' famou,,
"'euio.- B Class
Ho\\ar<I Hansis
Jane \~ ii son
Edward Kirar
Irvinp: Paradise
\ ice-Prei,,idenl
\lbini, EJ,ie
Beyer, ::ienla
Bo-not·b., \ h ina
Brandt, Corabel
Cherni<·k. \ngeline
Fredericb.,en, Johanna
GaeJe,, Helen
Galbraith, Rat>
Grabin,ki, Pauline
Heinz, \1adeline
H i[(·h ler. Thora
l fornung. Helt>n
Ilaa,e, E.elyn
Je1i-en, Marian
John,on, Gazelle
l\..Je,it'b.i,, Co11'tant·e
l\..uhta, Harriet
Langenbat'h, \lire
Lar,en, Marjorie
Laventlu•b.y, Lou i,e
Lazar, :itel La
Li' ing•ton, kathry n
Locf, Barbara
Lundberg, Mary \nn
l\Iatl-en, EL,ie
Marb.,, Marion
Menzel, Melva
Michaeli,, .\ngeline
!\filler, E,ther
Oh.en, Glady,
Perry, Fern
Peter,on, Frieda
Randall, Wanda
Rapp, Dorothy
Regh. Dolore,
Rizzo, Ruth
~a,aglio. Je,,.ie
:iimo, Irene
mith, Maxine
Spie•,' ivian
Stierle, Lucille
Swan-on, Evel)ll
(, p,on, Dorothy
Yolb.erl, Earlyn
Wier,um, Bealrit·e
Wier,um, Florence
Woinow,b.y, Eloye'
Young, Jennie
Zerovie, !\iary
Page ... 49
Senior B Class
Arlom.k), Fefo.
Bagdonas, Tony
Berardi, Alex
Blecker, Raymond
Borak, Fred
Clay, James
Cohn, Howard
Conradt, Paul
Corradini, Dominifl
Coshun, Albert
Csavoy, Rudolph
Cudahy, George
Dietman, tacey
Elfman, Milton
Elfman, William
Eriebon, Ame
Ervin, Chester
uriano, Domini<'
Thom, Donald
Goergen, Roberl
Gottfredsen, Edward
Grotsky, orman
Hansi>, Howard
HarLwig, Chester
Harves, LeRoy
Page ... 50
Horne, Harold
Jackson, Maurice
Jei,elun, Leo
Jone•, Roy
Keating, Jm.eph
Keulehut, Clifford
Kolar, Joseph
Kolinsky, Sidney
Thompson, Frank
Travio, Da"id
Turbey, Wilson
\on Wald, Rus,ell
Kirar, Edward
Kuhar, Rudolph
Lami<'h, Charles
Larsen, Emei,t
Lawell, Leslie
Lindgren, Oscar
\1an<'usi, Dominic
Marquissee, Roswell
Manhall, Willard
McKinley, Wray
\fr eil, George
'\avoichiek, Joe
Wojtak, Stanley
Wosnicki, Edward
Pompeian, Edward
"lei.on, Bob
ihson, Warren
Palmen, Howard
Paradise, Irving
Peter,on, Kenneth
Pfeiffer, John
Pinigis, Victor
Raiman, Ed
Rocb•ell, Willis
Roseman, Harold
Russell, Charles
Schneider, Paul
~chnuckle, Carl
Sdrnlte, Paul
Simo, Paul
Si'<, Donald, SLanley
Skuhra, Joe
Spitzer, Lawrence
Spen<'e, Donald
!'HIHos, Charles
,Junior A Clas
Pre ... i<lent
\ i<'t>-Pre..,ident
\Ila. \tan
Rakrr. F thtr
Bartn. Gr8fe
Berko\ itz. J eanrtte
Hatlt~e. E.11thrr
Bauman. \1ildrrd
Brc-Lrr. Purl
Bf'nnrlt. \Ila
Br\f'n ... Hilrla
Hlankln. FlorrnC'f'
Boltlr. \tildrrd
Rolrhuna'I. Hrlt1\
Bontll. Elaint'd. Dorothea
Boutrllf', Catherint
Brad Ir\. \taria11
Bru11t"ti, \lic-f'
But'hman, Brth
Burlhart, Luciilr
Cam11bell. \ rrta
Chari, lrtnt
Clarlr. Ella \tar
(:onradt. Erna
UH1rad. S) h ia
Craip:, \ch·line
Dan ano' i(', Fm1h
lh Chiara, Carm;lla
Dtom, Eliuheth
l)i..,dtlf'r, i\~nr ..
Do"""· Florf'll<'f'
Oumr-.i<", \nna
Eid..,or, Be-rnif'e
F11irhanko;, Cf'cf'lia
I i .. <'hn. Dorotln
Fonl.., lnrz
Frrf'land. \far) Jane
\Ielvin \lonteen
E<lward Ja~k\~ hi<'h
Emanuel Rizzo
Betty ffBrien
Fnrdl. \1arirl
Fro .. t, \Jrnr ..
Gaffn(·\, lun
Gapano~in.. Btrtha
Gifford • .\liC't
Godlt~ ... ki. Hattit
Cradf'. Ila Jun
Grtf'n~ald. \hn l.oni"f'
Grindtr, 011\t .
Haitt:h. Htlrn
Hallttl, Dorotln
Han .. on, \ iri;tmi-a
Hauhrirh, \laqr:artt
Herrmann. \tildrf'd
Ht>rrrnann, \tarion
Hitt:~in.,, Doroth)
Holarn. frtnf'
Holdf'n. '1 aqr;artt
Hornun~. \1 aqr,artt
Huhtrt. \ trnt>lta
Hutr;ht ... , \lartha .\nn
Jarl-on, E<.hthr
Jo<'iu•.. \nna
Julka .. lf', Btrm<'f'
J upniL, Htltn
Jun iC'. Della
1'.arnf'". Dori ...
hf'\ t"-. \ ircinia
l\.laftn, Ht>rni<'t"
1'.lo ... Harrirl
1'.ollman, Lorraine1'.oo .... Jean
La Jtunt.,.,f', lrf'nt
Lama, Ida
Lau ... Jo~nf', J.-0111f'
Lauko. \Ian
Lt ... l..o~ irz. j tant>llf'
Lindtn, \ iola
Limlj!:rtn. Ida
Lip put. hat hr~ n
Lod.. ~ood, Bf'll\
\1adi .. on, \1ar~a'rrl
\lajt .. Li, Dorotln
\fa . . 10~ -Li. Ho-t>
\ta .... it. F.thf'l
\1atlu~ ... lJunadtll•
\IC'Carlh), \rltnt
\I th illt>, \1arion
\lt)'tr ... Kathhn
\lit>ILt>. lrrnair;ardt>
\liJa .. 1u-., Auna
\lolinaro, \ iqr:inia
\lurph). Btll)
\lurrin, \1an
'arnur, Thrima
'ehl .. f'n, Loi.,
'eu, \ iola
'euman. Eliubtlh
'f'~herr'. \ 1ildrrd
'\ itl . . tn, ·G.-rtrudt
O'Britn. 8.-tt~
Olt). Gertrudt
Pa .. aliC'h,
Paurt. Ida
Pt>rllt). \larian
Pe-r,;;"'on. Ellt>n
Ptlrid1. Ol11a
l'rtzke. Ruth
PfefTerlt. Lillian
Piehl, Ruth
Pif'r), H~ adnl h
Pinicatorf', \ iola
Pratur, \ 1rp:i11ia
Ra ... mu·,.•f'll. Gra('t"
Heid, :"oarah
Hilt>'. Htlf'n
ltit1in~u. LuC'illt
Hodtr ... Ooroth)
Rupp, Ida
Salnno. Elizabtth
Sa~ id..i, Jo!ttphinf'
S<'hla,, Ooroth'.\'
S<'hmitl, BtalriC'f'
"'iC'hmitl, Htnrietta
SdlUltz. Berni<'e
Srhultz, [,,1her
s.. h~andt, Ruth
Sfo,illt. Htltn
Senlttr. Ro-.e
Sin1iter, \1arjorir
Sionlit~ in, flortrtC't"
Smith. Dori.,
Sorf', \1aq1:art"l
S11ilur, \lar,:artt
Steinb8C'h. '1arion
Sttlla, .\ngehnf'
Strum, \nntlit .. f'
~"artz, \'altrif'
s~1hart, Jant
Thoma ... .\liC'r
Tho mt). Hele-n
Thom1l,,on. Ruth
Thorn .. er1, \ ir~inia
\ oetz. Laurt'lta
~tb .. ttr,Al)C'"
~ h) le, 'far)
~ illiarn._, Etta
Wilmot. \1ildrt>d
~ irth. Btalri<'t
Zemaiti ... 'ellie
Page ... 51
,Junior A Class
Arerbi. Loui,
Amed1e. Jame,
Ander,on, Jame,,
Arndt, Harold
Arneson, Thomas
-h telt, Robert
Baker, Robert
Barter, Richard
Bear, Ho" ard
Billing,, George
Blea,hka. "li<·k
Bonneau, Dewaine
Cierach, Joe
Cleveland, Donald
Corr, Robert
Dahl, Peter
Damfield. Robert
De Berge. Joe
Degen, Jack
De Man·o, Frank
Demenriu,, Anthony
Dietz, John
Durdik. Louis
Fanning, Thomas
fo,ter, Andrew
Fulmer, Robert
Galbraith, Franri'>
Gallo, Mike
Goldman, David
Gould, Kenneth
Gra"er, Willard
Grevenow, E<h•in
Grorho,.,ki, George
Page ... 52
Gro~:--n1an, '°a than
Ila11'f.> n, Willard
Jian,en, William
Hartung, Robert
Herkert, Charles
Heide. Robert
I [eerman,, Donald
Henn, Merrill
Heyden, Elmer
Hogle. Willard
Hom,, Henry
Horidovetz, Walter
Horvat, George
Horvat, Joe
Hultgren, Leonard
Ja,k" hi ch. E<hrnrd
Jen,en, Robert
John,on, Ray
kazell, Jo;,eph
kieJp,z, Albert
Kitzrow, John
klemko, John
hneipper, E<h, in
kramer, Douglao
kulesh, George
Lang, Daniel
Langer, Harold
Lidberg, Georgl'
Lim pert, George
Lindeen, Don
Lindi, Richard
Lipo"ky, John
Lubi11'ki, Casimir
1\fodi•on. Jame
Maegaarcl. Elmer
Mathews, Lv le
Matazinski: !\ lfrecl
Mattioli, Frank
MC'Given, Fra1H'is
J\frl\eil, Donal cl
Mic·h, Hairy
~1erozzi, George
1\1ielke, l'lionnan
\1iller, !hight
1isch lcr, Emory
Monteen, Melvin
Morley, AllH'rt
Morte11'on. Gilbert
~1orrison, Robert
Mortemon. Ric·harcl
Murphy, ;\rrhie
l'lel,on, Edward
"lid10b, Lynn
Nil,,,on, Walford
1\lorthway, Leon
"oto, Sam
Pasc1uali, Joe
Peter,011, ~1ilton
Phillips, Paul
Pitts, Charle,
Polanski, Chestt'r
Ragon, Dan
Randal I, Edward
Riordan,\ ictor
Ritter, Robert
Rizzo, Emanuel
Ru-,o, William
Rutl1ko" ,kv. John
Rvan, Jerre.
s;framki, Leo
Sa, age, Lloyd
Schall, La,.rence
Sd1eer, James
Scheuneman, ;\rthur
' chmidt, Martin
Schmitz, Ellsworth
~chommer, Robert
Severance, Ru"ell
~hank Ian cl, Milford
Shi< nhroo1l, Q,rnr
Sit>gt'r, l\.arl
Smarzemki, Jerome
Socler,trom, La \ ernc'
:oren,en, Stanlev
Terwall, Walter·
Thomey, Herbert
Turner, Glen
T;son, Roher!
Vai<·elun<i-. StanJe,
\an Leeuwen,Clarenc·e
Wa,iulew,ki, John
Weaver, 1\1yron
Wt>lton, George
Wenning, John
Wheerler, James
White, Robert
Wi,nef;,ki. E<hHird
\ oung, Carl
Junior B Class
Bernard Apple
l lric Presta
Charlolle Thoma,
Jack chweitzer
, e<· re Lary
\hrendt, Laura
\nd!'r,on, aoma
\nthon,t•n, Ruin
·hh , Lillian
Barr, fra1H'e'
Billing,ley, Eunit'e
Binninger, Janel
Bonafiglio, Angeline
Cayo, Hazel
Chamber,,\ t•rna
ClarJ.... :\far) Lou
CvzaJ.... [,abel le
Simone, Euirt>
De" C\. Do rot In
Oudzfn,J...i, Lil).
DrinJ..." int•, Lucille
Elkerton, Elizabeth
EJJi,on, \era
Evan,, Carol
Evu1, BNt v
Ever-. Dor·;,
Fi,('her. Lorraine
[· ranJ...,, Florent'e
Guidotte, There-a
Glerum, Helen
Grave,, \udre)
Graziani, Armcda
GrigoricJ..., Ann
Hoda,, Jeanette
Uoldernt>", Marion
Hoppe, Kathryn
Horne, Pin lli,
I-la•h, Jlel~n
Hould, Lorraine
Hou,ton, Elaine
Huber,\ irginia
John, \Iiriam
1'..ath• it, Irene
K.anio,, Eleanor
1',rna<'h, Olga
&.auf man, '\Iarion
I\.e1·J...ler, Mar)
&.el pe,, Edell a
1'.iemer, \nna
1'..oo,, Gr,we
Ko' ad1iJ..., K.athr)n
&.rueger, france'
1'.unke, Elai,e
Leonelli, Marie
Lohacz, Leona
LuebJ...e, Ev el) n
Machanke. \liee
\fau, Man
:\Lnc", Fioren('e
\kGill. Marcella
1\Ietallo, '\ancy
\Iilloy, France,
Morri,, 1ildred
l\aJ...root1', Harriet
l\auta, Irene
Nel,on, Ruth
1'/e"bauer, Alire
O'Connell. :\fan
O'llare. Doroth~
Otto, Lucille ·
Pec)n•J...y, Jeanette
Peleto" ,J...i, Bernit·e
Pollo<'b.., Lillian
Pola,ki. Madeline
Poo<'h, Elizabeth
Reph.a, ellie
Rose, Thelma
S('habo" ,ky, E, el) n
Sdrnln, Dorotln
Silbert, alh
Siran. \nna·
Smith, Ione
Smith. Roberta
Stella, Jennie
StuchliJ..., \ irginia
~ul,l,.i,, \melia
Topel, Inez
l nbeham, Margaret
\ ernizzi, Genevie' e
\ an Wormer. ~1an
Wade, Grace
Wallig, 1\farie
WanenJ...o, Mary
Well,, Florence
Willian.-, Dorothv
l oung, \nna
Page .. .53
dunior B Class
Aaho, Taisto
\dam&on, Arthur
A1rllo, Paul
.\nderson, Albert
.\nderson, Harry
\pplt, Bernard
.\rf'nl, '\lillard
\rlo .. kty. Charlts
Badura, Joe
Baietto, La"' rence
Barocca, Aldo
Bartowicz, Alfrtd
Bauboni ... Enoch
Bella, Jo .. eph
Bf'rLley, ~illiam
Bla.,i, Frank
BoLmuellt'r, \hthe""'
Bonadio. Ben
Bo .. e, Albert
Ca .. ey, Raymond
Chiapt'lta, \1 ichael
Lhri .. toffer.,on, Oeant'
Clau.,t'n, Elmu
tonforti, Torn
Crut ht'r .. , Prt-.,ton
Curi, Frank
Danborn, 'Wa'"nf'
Ot"n .. mort-, R~bt'rl
Ot>"'f"'• '\l illiam
Dime~, Carl
Doherty, Le..ter
f'albo, Prank
l'la .. eh, Lro
Gor!ot(l;nt"r, Ed""'in
Grt"p;ory, Charlt"
Crimsha""'• Henchel
Cro'i!oo, Harry
Haim1, Frank
Half"<"ki, Ed""ard
Pag<>. .. 54
Ga.,.,t"r, Earl
Gf"rminaro, Jerry
k.arabehos, Charles
k.arpo"'icz, Arthur
k.a.,ltnan, Leroy
l\.autz, Theodore
k.azrll, Geor,r;t"'ma;,<'.,ki. John
1'..lit>benl!tein, Kenneth
Knable, Le""'i;;
1'.napp, Harold
l\.ornt".,, Raymond
1'.oprO\ ic, \ incent .. e, \1ihon
Kuzma, Ed""ard
1'.uzma, Richard
Han.,tn, Allan
HartLopf, Fred
Hartnell, Cyril
Herbreelt~meir, Walter
Herolt, Geor~e
Hnrmann, '\it'hola.,
Holland, Jack
HoJJi.,ter, Jack.
Holm, Ed"' ard
Holme!!, Ba!iil
Horochena, John
Iorio, Jamt's
Ja<"oh.,en, Petrr
Johmon, Arnold
Johnson, Jn in
Jo.,<'ph, Kenneth
Labanow, \fike;pap, \ernon
Late"'eicz, Ed""'ard
Law, William
L<'onard, Robert
LiflO\"k)', Ed""ard
l.uLau ... ka;;;,, Walt('r
\tan·.,. L.-onard
\Ja.., .. ari, Mario
\latala ... , Clartn('('
\hCl<'llan, "illiam
\1cGurgan, Tf'rrf"nce
\1cKinney, Gt'or~e
\1tt"ozzi, Alfrrd
\tiller, FranL
\tillf"r, John
\lonik, Anthon)
\1orri .. on, Tom
\1orri .. on. "illiam
'\tl.,on. Ho,d
·\('rlin,:, '\l1iliam
'\t'u, ~lyron
'\it"('O)ai, Albf'rl
'\iedt'rkorn, Eu~ent'
'\uprif'110L. "•hn
O"'uC'hf'k, Andrf"""'
l't>d1ura, John
Pf'ttr.,on, Earl
Pin .. onf'ault. '1f'h in
Porrio, Sam
Po"'rll, I."""'"
Pu·<,1a, llric
Pu('C'i, Franl
Railer, Jof'
Ha .. mu ... ..,f'n, :'\ti.,
RiC'hard .. on, Lo""rll
Riduard ... Landon
Roemrr, Liebert
Rohlin~, ln~"ar
Ho .. t", "illiam
Ho.,rnblum, Manin
RutC'khtirn, ~ alt.-r
Ruffalo, Dornini('L
~and,r;rtn, Gilbtrt
:o;arafini"i, Charlt>.,
Smith, Jamf"•
~('O\ illf", Clairf'
~ep:il. Ed"ard
~itdziaL. John
~oLal, Andre"'
loilanlt')', "i.lliam
~tanlf'~. Rop:er
~trinmt'lz, Janu~l!
~Lilbt"C'k, Grrold
~lotbip:, Jack
loiturmo, ~arafino
~unp:aila, Tony
S"'amon, John
='zdip:a. Jo.,eph
Tf"mple, William
Trnula. Fra11L
Torre'. Jamt
Traff~rd. '\\ illiam
Trottrr, Kt"nneth
Turk. John
\ .anHa:r:intr;a, John
\ anPattf'n, Charle.,
\ 1da, Harry
WallaC't', lninj[;
'\\ allt.,tad, \rthur
'\\ alliJ[, Frf"d
"a' ro, F.d"'ard
~ f"r\ r. \lanin
~ frLland, Harry
\\ ilkf', Thomas
\1; i"'C'hmann, Ri('hard
\1; i .. lrand, Howard
\\ ojnicz, Ben
' ounp:, Edward, Frank
Zaron .. Li, ~tanley
Johrhon, \raltf"r
Sopho1noi-e .A Clas s
\] axine Crandall
\laxine Crandall
Robert Heller
Robert Heller
V irc-Pre;;idcnt
\Ila, l\.at1f'
\hord, \\inilrf"ll
\ ndf'r-.on, El ta nor
\ndrf'l..u .. , .\nna
\ndrul. Sophif'
\rtnl. Filf'f'll
Barnf'-., \ 1r~111ia
Btaurnif'r, Helf"n
Bf'ckf'r, Ruth
B,.n .. on, Lilian
Bf'rmin~ham, Janf"
Bf'rto1t. Cathf'rinf"
B1drntr;tr, Kathryn
Bif'le"' in, Louisf'
Binnf'y, Eilt>f'll
Ritauta ... Ro-f'mao
Bla('kman, Dolorf'~
Blumner, Elfritda
Bohanan, Rouha
Bortkif'""U'z. Ali""
s.,('htrf'r, Edith
Bur,1;, \1dtlrtd
Burkf'f', J unf'
Burnttt. Elaine
Ru .. ho"' illf', Lorrainf
Cairn ... Ella \1ar
C:ald"'f'll. G""f'ndohn
C:ampbdl. La\ ona
C:amf'ron, E' eh n
Cantara, Jantl.
Cartn. Elunor
C:hampion. \lanon
Chf'mi.,, Ro""
Chri .. tiam;f'll. Bf'll\
ChuC"kan, \1artha .
Chet' tr, \taq· \nu
Clark, Grnt' ir' r
Clf'am , \tarttlla
Clf'Br), Janf'
Clf'\f'land. Fdith
Crandall. l\1a,1nt
Crump. Kathtrint
CiurliL. Htlt"n
Cook, Groqe:iana
l)a,in, FranC't ..
DtmtnC'lll"• \nn
Ooot .. on. Dori"'
Duba. Harritt
Ouhanf'~tiz. Lroua
Ouunk, \1arion
DobrzHk1, 1-:lunor
Oolli,·rr, hathr}ll
Oonal..,on, Lulu
Dorman, F.H•lyn
llownty, Wilm.l
Drath, Burdrnt
Orou@:f[f'. Ruth
Ek<1ui.,t. V ioltl
Ewin~. Elainf'
Falk, [.,thf"r
f'i.,cl1tr, \1arion
Fi 1h,.r, Bf"rni('f"
f· il?mauri<·,.~ \1an Janf"
Flad , \ ir1unia
Flatlr', \Ian Jaur
1·o nL.' FranC'~ ..
FonL, \1arion
I orlino, \ta"
Framt, :\nnt.
I rf'tman. Dorotln
Frir ... Htlf'n \tar~
Gror~i. Gf'rlrudr .
c;,.qr.rl , I.a\ rrnf'
Ginhltr , Emil)
Gould, Ehit \1at
Grahau .. kas, J uuttlt
GrC'fr;Or .. lf', \l)f'f'
Harklf', \ 1qonia
Hafr;opian, Elizab,.th
Hammar. Flortncf'
Han'lcht, \ iqi;inia
Hanto1on, Oorot h)
Hamon, Jran
Harmon, Francf'~
Haqu•r, Lorrainf'
Harrin~ton, \1ary
Hartl, Gtnf'llf'\f'
Hartntlt, Btrnadttlt
Har~ood, \ iqr:iuia
HauhriC'h, Lilah
Htal, Lu<'illf'
Hrrzoa. Barbara
Hr .... tlinL, \taqzarf't
H1<'L ... Dori ..
HicL ... Jo.,f'phme
Hi!it1tin ... Ermina
Hill, \hriarn
HoC"tor, \lier
Holdrrnt.,'I, \1aqtarf't
Homan, \larjorie
Ho~ard. Dorotln
Huff, Oorolln J~nt"'
Hujik, \tar~~rtl
Juob .. rn, \1ahrl
Jacoh.,en, Romaint
J anLu .. , Flort'n<'t
Jrn .. rn. i\rlrnf'
lnin,r;, \ i\ian
Jo .. tph, Ooroth)
h.altnko, Gtrlrudr
h.amif'nit"C"Li, Htlrn
h.Jrman, Ethrl
l\.atona. Htrlha
Kato' ic:h, Slf'lla
h.autz, l\orma
l\.dlf'r, Man
t>..limtk, Jo·:rphint
h.lotz. llunor
Kluf'ndtr, \larie
h.luka. \nna
l\.nut.,on. Hrlrn
l\.ohlrn .. ki. \tary
Kodtru . . L).. J o;;.tphi11("
f\.onitz , Erma
1'raai. Dori s
f\.rau .. t, El .. it
1'.r~u .. chtr. Doroth'
La \1iru'\, FloriC'f' I.ant, Rohnta
La Ro .. r. \ iola
La . . Li .. , lrtnt
La .. ki., , Jo~f'phinf'
Lazar, .\nna
l.azart>~1ch, Frauc-r ..
Le1lp, Rulh
Le . . lo"'iu. Jo..,f'phinr
Ltbon, Charlotte
Ltu<'k, Lorf'tta
Lind, \i\itn
Lindemann, Gract
Lip1>erl, Helen
\ladi .. on, Jrrnt
\1ad..,t'n, l\1ildrf'd
l\lanuptlla, \1aq.;arrl
\larkO\ilz, l\1ildred
\lar .. ch, Man
_l\tar..,h, \la) ·
\fathi .. , Anita
l\f atulr~ in, \drla1dt
\1aurer, Urlorr ..
\1C'Co"'an, Catherinf'
\tiller, Ooroth)
\tilltr. Htltn
\tiller, Ooroth)
\tiniltl. L)dia
\locL, \lar~artl
\lod.... \lartha
\lonultv. .. Li. \nir;rlint
\tonulev. ~Li. Flortn<'t
\1olholt, Edna
\1olinaro, \tar~ar<'I
\lorin, Ellrn
\lutldrr, Florrnct"
\1uqlh), \1a~
)lurra\, Hazel
"\eho..;, Elaine
'\el .. on, Jantl
'\t\'obrrr"· Clad, ..
:'\1rv.rrd~v.'iLi. Ali<'t
'\orlhv.a). Doroth)
'\o' ich, Edna
O'Oart, \lar~
O'Oonntll, \tan
01-sen, Annabrll.r
01.;en, Doroth)
Olsen. lont
O~tt"rbuq~. £, t>l~ n
Ott, Ida
Paczkov.11ki. \1an
Paton, )far)
Ptder... en, 5, h ia
Plou ... Elai1;t
Pohlman, \lin
Pov. tll, Barbara
Pophal, E thrr
Ro~fe;f'rtdorf, Hf'lf'n
Ra mu .... tn, Lara)'llf'
RalhLt. Oorotln
Rthi<"h . l\:athn ;,
RtJr;nf'r, Caroli,nf'
Rti~tr, Ldlif'
Rir:ir;~. Carol
Riordan , Elaint
Robf'rl. l.ida
Rordtr, Fran<'t.,
Ro f', \1aqr:art"t
Ruffalo,\ rrna
S4.'hrnidt. \ iolrt
Sd1ultf', Edna
S<"hullf', J ant
Sc-hulh, Joan
Sc:holtz. \ rrna
Sc:hutun, J unnrtlt
Sr"rnour, Htlf'n
Sl;adin .. Li, \1oniu
Shaw, Fay \1ant
Sund.,trom, Sip;nt
Lli<'k1. ('.arrir
Wafe;nt"'r, Jan,.
"alto ... Jo .. r11hrnf'
Waltrr ... :\nna
\'( a . . rick. Chn .. 1al
Srrpf', Flortt;C"t
Shilf'tn. E' rhn
Shimku ... \~1~r~
Simmon ... Gerrtnt
Sttlla, Camilla
::-ittium .. tz, Janict
Slan11:r. I .orna
Sulli,an, Kathlrf'n
Trllai .. ha. Haruta
Trllai .. ha. Ona
Thf'lf'n. \tarion
Thoma ... Grraldin~
Thornp .. on, l.llrn
Thomp~on, Harrieltr
Tobin, :'\athalir
Tra\ anh, Camilla
Trottirr: E .. thtr
Tully. \lar~artl
Tully, Ho.,rrnar)
"\"\ av.iorl..a. Soil hit
U ei'I.,, Glad' ..
\'( tltrr, \1ar·,
'\\; en,;tr. Cla~iC"t
"hitmirt, \ ir@:inia
"ikkrrlin~. Ruth
U illiams, l\.athnn
U ii mot, \1arjori.t
\'( j.,ntf..,Li, Hrlrn
\'( ojnicz, Mar)'
) onL, :\rlint
Zif'zi~. Sophia
Ziru:rn~. \1trry
Page ... 55
Sopbo1nor_. A t''lass
\<'hen. Robt>rl
\lhafontt. l.oui ..
\ndn~on. \rthur
\nder .. on, Henn
\ndn .. on. LeHo,
\rt>ndt. Ed"'ard.
\rendt. Eua:ent
\ntaramian, Charle ..
Ba~dona .... Prank
Ba!fdona ... \ elo
Bar('n((O, Joe
Barler, John
Bune, Fred
Bednaro"'in, Che .. ter
Reqr:. Alfred
Beqter. Manin
Berrif[., FunL
-\r~ra' e<:, ~alter
Bilotti, Franl
Bitzan. Harlan
Bode, Robut
no~ le, "illiam
Bradley, ClarenC'e
Brad le), Harold
Burr, Curti"i
Bull'her, Herbert
Cardinali, Adolph
Ca;;;.tri, James
Chambers, ErneH
Chri!Jtenson, Bill
Cigano"ich, Joe
Clare, Frank
Clark, Burton
Cooper, Robert
CrO<:!>tin, J ame!'t
Oe Barttlo, Frank
o,. Ber~e, Edmund
Oi,on, Dale
Dobbins, Garrtll
Domes, Haney
Donaldson, Ceoqi;e
Do'ienmagen, J ostph
Chrh.tian, Cec.-il
Conard, LaurenC'e
Dragonce"' icz, Harr)
O"' ver. Donald
Ed~ardo;, Ehed
F.f[.hol m, Burnttt
Elli .. on. '\'\ illiam
F:mr:tl, Robert
Fairfit'ld, Robert
Faetz, La"'rtn('e
Fi .. h, Ed"'ard
F'lifi=;el, Se)mour
Fox. Robert
Fox, William
Frantel. rrank
Fredri('k<:tn, Han.,
Furloni, Llr· .. es
Calim.,Ly, i.t>on
Pag<>. .. 56
Gallo. Domini<'L
Gallup. ~ t .. lt'~
(;a .. coi~nt•. \lfrt"cl
Ga-.faldi. Ed,:ar
Cerminaro, \I iLe
C;t'tC'hmann, Paul
GH)\ a11('1li. ~al' io
Got'lltr. Charle ..
Good"' in, Ralph
Gunclt"r .. on, Ho\\ard
lla~tdorn. Donald
Cape-Iii, Ptter
Hannah .. , Robert
Hannan, Ralph
Han!len, William
Hartunp:. Ric.-hard
Ht lier, Robert
H('ndrick .. on, CualJ
Ht"rrmann. FranC'i"Holm('-., Harold
Holmt" ... ff<'nr)
Haubric.-h, Herbert
Hol), JacL
Hunt. Earl
Holo\'oiC.-Z, ;\nthOn)
Hartnek, Paul
Huher, '1iC'hael
Innes. Willard
li.t"rmann. Donald
Juoh. Stt\ t
Jacob$en, Ru.,..,eJJ
Jensen. Albert
JoC'him .. , Ed"'ard
John .. on. Claudt
Jont,., La"'rtnC'f'
J1trnt, La"'rence
1'.anio!>t, Jo .. eph
1'.appu~. Harold
1'.arnel, Ra)
1'..a"'t man, Le .. ler
Kastman, S)dney
Kault>nburf:, Elmer
l\.tlleor, l\_tnnf"th
h..f"alinff, Patric.-L
l\.inff, Geor~e
l\.lono"'"Li, Stanlt')
k.luendtr, \ ic.-tor
1'.ohlman. Richard
h..oh!'I, Ctoqte
k.ollman, Thoma~
k.olo,.ki, Stanley
k.oul, ~ altf'r
l\.ramr-r, Paul
Kramtr, Ro)
l\.rampert, Herbert
Krt ..... t>l, Jot
1'..rt'~"in, Harle)
Kromhtrfe;, Hf'nry
1'.uleo!>th, Che..iu
l\.upft>r, John
K uu .. kt'. \1 at he"', Fr" in
Lt>, \icL'n, tarl
I .autchlin. Robert
1.a\f'lldu~L~. Hichard
l.a\\ .. 011, Flm('r
1.r-.uiL. Jot
l.ti .. ('herintz.. Albert
l.eouhkeo, Hobert
1.r-uhLr-, ~a' ne
1. ... , i-., Fl~o .
I inku.,, ~tanlf"'
Lip(H'rt, RiC'h~rd
l.on,c, William
\1arr .. , Homtr
\111f\., \'raltn
\ta, ('r, \orman
\1a~zi. Alfred
\1 a', Our"' ood
\IC'i>onald. Robtrt
\t(''\t"il, Robf'rt
\ten~o. Albert
\1 illt"r. \loi~
\1 oddn. \ndrt"'
\1 o hr, La"' rtnce
\tonahan. _K,.nneth
\torltn,.on, Robert
\lut>ller, Htnry
\1urphy, Donald
'\antellt, Wallac.-e
'\ickf"I, FranL
'\ordbyt", Emil
O'Connt"ll. Thoma ..
()' Da~. Donald
Ol~on, Emil
'\ ieh.en. Ah in
Papantk, Jacob
Pauh.on. AnLu
Ped It), Ra~ mond
Pttt'r .. tn, Carl
Piehl, La"'renl'e
P1trson, (:arl
Pt'trini, Joe
Pt-n-.tmf"ault. OJI, eor
Phillip, Paul
\1 oriarty, Lo"' tll
Polo' ina, '\iC'L, Frank
Potf'liuna • Anthorn
Rtf'd, La Rut
Ri<'hard .. , Diel
Hila<'u, Jo('
Rillf'r, Clinton
Rizzo, An~t'lo
Robillard. Anthon)
Hodn~. '\ick
Roman, HPrbt>rl, Alt>"
R(bt", John
Roulo, '\orman
Ruii:µ, Ed"'ard
Hu5 o, I- ranL
"'lampeo, Lrnt'~t
"'l('haefftr, llt>rbf'rl
'.'-><'hall. \nthnin
:-id1l('"'n L'. E~rl
:-'('hneoidf"r. I- r('df'ri<'L
"'l('hroedf'r, G1bh ..
"'lc-hulir-n, \latt
:"l<'h"'aifet'r. J.eoo
~drn artz, Harr)
St-\f"'\', Hf'nn
!'iht1r.fimk1, Hic-hard
Sit'dziak, Torn
Sife;!'-er, Charif'-.
Sikora, C:harlf''!'ii,,~ t"b~ter
~Lar(', Uart'll('('
Smith, R1C'hard
!°iO<'f'\'oLa, John
Sortn .. t-n. Rop;tr
~11d1uL, ~ a .. tl
~PifClian. John
~lanle). Elm~r
Starr, Da,id
Narr, L)'man
!;1a11dar: Lamar
~laufTac-her. \lerton
~tt"rn, Htrman
Sit'\ tn!ion, Edwin
Stipanuk. l\1ikt
Stoebi~. Rohf'rt
Strautman. C('or,:e
So<'twka. John
Ta~lianf'fti, Frnf' .. t
Thoma ... Ralph
Turk, l\hrfln
Turo'!lk). Ste' t
l rhaneL, Frank
\ anrltr \ ue. Htrhf'rl
\an Hazanp;a. Andrt"'
'\'( allig, Bunard
\ olpendt-.ta, Btnnie
Spilztr, Erhart
~Lt>ndzal, Pt>lf'r
Solimini. \ ictor
\\ t-dell, C:harlt"
\\tll-.. Walttr
U t'nrlrot h, Charlf'!oo
"rn(', Charif""
\t a .. rud. Oa\ld
"hitt, Eu~t'nt'
\\ ier .. um, Che .. ter
U ildn, c;,.,>r~f"
~illitun ... hnmtlt
William-.. Robnt
7ahrit .. Li, Jot
Zanio, John
/alubo"'"ki, Stanley
Zapan<'if'n~ki, Joh11
Zf'iht'n, HarnZirht"I, ~f' .. lf:y
Sotthomore B Class
\lills ali bury
Edith enn
George Virgil
Joyce Jan is Christensen
\bram,, Louise, F1orence
.\ugustine, Frances
Barocco, Adelle
Bar,i. Julia
Bielwicz, Berni1·e
Brantberg, Hilga
Bridenhagen, Mildred
BrooJ..., Lucille
Cady, Marjorie
Chamber,, Rub)
Chiapetta, Carmella
Chiapella, Elena
Chiapella, \ iola
Christensen, Jo) 1·e Jani,
Davicloon, Pearl
Danie,, t\dela
Demmore, Dorothy
Dohramki, Blanche
Dobnano'" \era
Dora~, Moni<'a
Duhaniewicz, Anna
Edwards, Marjorie
EnhofT, Florence
Fato, Elizabeth
filbin, Alberta
Firmani, \ ictoria
Gun1hinger., Cuine,ere
(;under,on, Dori,
Hegycra, Be"ie
Han•en, Eleanor
Henrick,en, Willo"
HerricJ..., Genevie' e
Hofbauer, Lorraine
Hoff, Leona
Ho,ier, Leona
Hui"en, Minnie
Jacoh,en, Eveh n
Ja1·olhen, Rull;
Jo1·iu,, Anell
John,on, Ella
Jonaiti,, Lucille
Junic, Lucille
kad" it, Francekedzier-J...i, Eugenia
kt»•ler, Ju,Line
kielpsz, Sophie
kitzrow, Janice
La Comhe, flore1H'e
La Cro"e, June
La Fa) t>llt', EHlyn
Lar,en, Marjorie
Ledger, E,ther
Lt>,zoze" -J...i, J o'ephine
LiedtJ...e, Bell\
Loper, Eleanor
Lo\\ ell, Lucille
Luquer, Ruth
Lu\ mes, Elsie
'\1a.d i,on, ;\ lfre
Marascalco, Jo,ephine Sa,aglio, Julia
• awyer, Dorothy
'.\far,chner, Alice
SchanteJ..., Helen
Martin, Cecilia
'chuetz, '.\1ary on
Martin, Mary
Sclrnartz, Ruth
'.\1atazin,J...i, Julia
Senn, Edith
i\fr~eil, Belly
Shaffer, Mary
Mey er, Marguerite
Shelton, Ruth
Migliano, Eleanor
SJ...ael, Helen
'.\tiller, Blanche
SJ...illbecJ..., Margery
'\amur, Helen
Smile\, Jeanne
"luprienok, Martha
Sodrn: Helen
O,trom, Dorothy
Sore1i-on, Edith
Padula, Isabelle
Sore1i-on, Ruth
Pagliaroni, Jennie
Spalding, Emily
Palfus, Lenora
Starr, Man Alice
Papanek, Pauline
Sterner, i\iargarel
Paradise, Marie
Stew a rt, G ra c·r
Piehl, Elinor
Suh I isJ... \,Harriet
Rauer, Isabel
Su<'harcia, Helen
Reffit, Jane
Swadish, Rtnnelle
Rizzo, Anna
Timme, Eliz.abeth
Roberts, DoroLl1)
Troke, Julia Mae
Roberts, Wilma
Robimon, Marguerite \ ingren. Glady,
\ iola, Josephine
Roseman, Helen
\ oloi, Elizabeth
Runab, Jean i\Iargaret
Ru"ell, Gertrude
WaJ...erhauser, Florenct
R' bacJ...i, Janel
Wey routh. Marjorie
::-~ndgren, Helen
:3argenl, Pauline
Page ... 57
01•lto1no1·e n (;lass
\ehen, FranciAhlstrom, Leonard
Allen, Raymon ti
Anderson, LeRoy
Andreoen, Walter
Ausen, Roland
Barrow,,, Le,,ter
Benikovsky, Calvin
Berardi, Victor
Beth, Fred
Bisriglia, Richard
Bohatkiewirz, John
Bonofiglio, Louis
Boy,en, Kenneth
Broski, hadore
Bruno, Jo,,eph
Burkee, Omar
Camosey, Raoul
Chamber,,, Gordon
Chamber., Kenneth
Chaput, Eugene
Colby, Richard
Conforti, Mario
Del Frate, Eugene
Donley, Thoma"
Dorece, Alex
Drath, Wilfred
Dubaniewicz, Anthony
Farley, Vincent
Fiori, John
Froot, Waltrr
Page ... 58
Gu idoui, Che.ter
Guuonn,en, Flo)d
Haa,,e, Calvin
Hale, David
Hanoon, Harold
Hansis, Charle,
Harper, Harold
Hartkopf, Carl
Horvat, Joe
lhlenfeldt, Stanley
Jenotis, Anthony
Johnson, Russell
John,,on, Trygve
Kaneian, William
Kedzier,ki, Chester
Ke>0ler, Ewald
Klema,,eski, Stanley
Klimasheski, Albert
Koehn, Edward
Kresoin, Harold
Kulbiski, Mauhew
Kuzmich, Steven
Laban, Leo
Laken, Thoma,
Lamacchi, Peter
Lapotka, John
Lar,,en, ClarerH'e
Leonetti, Peter
Lesnik, Stanley
Linden, igurd
Lubin, Echrnrd
1auoon, Arvo
Maxwell, Cheoler
Meltesen, Clarence
Millager, Harry
Moehrl..e, Wilbert
foeller, Fred
Mowrey, Albert
Mowrey, Walter
ehl,,en, Theodore
Nelsen, Robert
elson, Emil
ewberry, Stanley
Le May, Lawrence
Liehen, George
• orthway, Edgar
Osterberg, Weoley
Padavano, August
Patalocchi, Joe
Pelligrino, Tony
Peter>on, Cheoter
Pierangeli, Phillip
Pooch, Carl
Putagnoki, Edward
Rasmuosen, Warren
Reed, Dan
Regh, Robert
Renzulli, Ro land
Rizzo, Frank
Robillard, Albert
Rohling,\ ernon
Rotunda, lrlonlo
Ruffalo, Mil..e
Ryan, \'ernon
Ry,chkus, Alger
Sali,bury, Milb
Schmidt, Loui,,
Schmitz, Roger
Skurski, Joseph
Smith, Edward
tanl..ewieh, Edward
Stolfo, Leonard
Sturman, Samuel
Triclcnski, Edward
Tully, John
Tunney, Thoma,
\an Lone, Yernon
Van Lone, Willi,
Verkon, Tony
\'irgil, George
\oigt, Hans
Wankovich, lgnatz
Wiersum, Maynard
Wiesl..e, Donald
Willems, Clarence
W ojn icz, Cheoler
Wojni!'z, Walter
Woodbury, Myron
Yule, Walter
Zimmerman, Hane)
Spy Annual Staff
Edi tor1->-i11-Ch ief
\liss Doroth)
George hie]ds
Conrad hearer
\ dvertising \1 arrnger
\ssistant \lanag<'r
dviser to Business
\Iary Cook, Charles
\lr. Charles H. " alter
Art Dire<'tor
\liss Georgiana Canfiel1l
\1l111inistration Editor
Betty Even
' enior Class Editors
Assistant E<litori:.
Gordon Gardiner, Lillian Earl, Florence Remey
Robe Ernst, Valeria Lenkiewicz
Junior and Sophomore Editor
Assibtant Editor
Activity Editors .
Kenneth Gould
Florence Dowse
Don Heermans, }liriam John, Helen
Athletic Editor
Assistant E1litor
Bernard Latham
George ~1amon
Girls' Athletic- Editor
\lildred Pohar
Literary Editor
Assistant Edi tors
napshot Editors
taff Typist~
~lusic Editor
ubi:.eription \lanager
Assistant \lanagers
Jean Good;;ell
heppard, \latrona W anenko, Ro8e D' .\ngelo
Dorothy Harris, Helen Hughe~
Charlotte Gira, Robert Beaumier, Joanna
Katherine Livingston
Ho\\ ard Hansis
Helen Beaumier, James Clay, Ralph \lomm aerts
A1lvertising taff
\l artin chmidt, Robert Dansfield, Bett) O"Brien,
Wendall Taylor, Jane Cleary, Thomas Arneson, \lary O'Donnell, \largaret
Holden, Franeis Rile), Betty Even, Glen Turner, Curti Burr, George \ irgil
Art Staff
Paul Aiello, John Bowman, Don Cleveland, \largaret Jensen, Raymond Koenes, Eleanor Kanios, Floyd La Fayette, \ aleria Lenkiewicz, Raymond Layton, Edward \lanulik , Leon
orthwa~, John Papon,
Helen coville, \1ilford Shankland, \lerton Stauffacher, Frank Yitkus, John
\Venning, !\lex ) oung
Page ... 59
The Spy· Staff
Hcnsey Ga.rdi ner- Eo.rl
Page ... 60
The Spy Staff
Page ... 61
Executive Editor
Mary Cook
Eo1TORS-Fro11t Page, Margaret Lippert; Editorial Page, Ro>e 0' \ngelo; ' port Page, Dan
Ragon; Society Page, Helen Haglund; Co11y Editors, Alire Wallendorf, Claire Stone; Exchange Editor, Melba Stille; Art Editor, Conrad Shearer.
STAFF WRITERS-Marie Wendor, Gordon Gardiner, Mal) Anna Theleen, Irving Wallace, Manford Bear, Andrew Fo;,ter, Lillian Anderson , orvan Gordan.
REPORTERS-Herbert chaeffer, Don Heennan,, Miriam John, Dorothy Roder., Betty Even, Leo
Srhwaiger, Alire Smith, Hilda Roberts, Franri' MrGivern, Betty Buchman.
T\ PISTS- lrene Higgin" Irene KJingbeil, Ella Clau,en, Dorothy Harri:,, Eleanor Wilcox, Helen
Bl SI'\ ESS ST~FF-Business 'lf ww;::er, Hilmer Gu,lavoon; Circulation Wanagers, Jean Goolhell,
Floyd La Fayette; Advertising Mcmagers, Irene Higgin,, Edward Gunder,..on.
Faculty Adviser
Mi" Charlotte Moody
Executive Editor
Margaret Lippert
EDITORS- Front Page, Dorothy Rodf'r•, Dan Ragon; Editorial Page, Jean Goodsell; vort Page,
Claire Stone; ociety Page, Marie Wendor; Covy Editors, Betty Even, Mildred Pobar; Exchange Editor, Howard Bear; Art Editor, Floyd La Fayette.
:;TAFF WRITERS-Mary Cook, Gordon Gardiner, Don Heerman,, Ruth Lepp, Fran1·i, l\frGivern,
Joan Schutz, \ irginia Pratzer, Irving Wallace, Herbert Schaeffer, Clara Migliano, Rooe
D'Angelo, Mary Jane Fitzmaurice, Eleanor Kanios.
TYPISTS-Dorothy Harri,.., Helen Hughe,, Adrian Pollack, £,ther Cornwell, Margaret Refeuna.
B LSI'\ ESs ST \FF-Advertising Mcmager, Waif ord
ils,on: Advertising Stal], Betty Buehman,
Andrew Fo.ter; Circulation 'llanager, Dori, Karnes; Circulation Staff, Miriam John, George
Faculty Advioer
Mi,., Charlotte MoCJdy
The Kenews stands for:
!..Better orholarohip.
2.. Better ,upport of all ~ehool artivitic;,.
3.. Better under.Landing of ;,rhool life through unbiased reporting.
Page ... 62
Quill and Sc roll
First SemPster
Dan Ragon
Hilmer Gustavson
Ro;.e D'Angelo
Margaret Lippert
Miss Moody
Student Council Rep.
Faculty Adviser
Second Semester
'lary Cook
Dan Ragon
Rose D'Angelo
'Iargaret Lippert
).liss :Moody
Mabel Swift
Dan Ragon
Alire Wallendorf
Helen Haglund
Mary Cook
Margaret Lippert
Hilmer Gustavson
Ro'e D'Angelo
Jn the field of high school journalism people who have really accomplished
;;omethiug by talent plus hard work are rewarded by membership in the International Honorary ociety for High School Journalists, or the Quill and croll as
it is better known.
The Kenosha Chapter of the society wa founded on ~larch 4, 1931, with
1\fabel Swift, Alice W allendorf, and Dan Ragon a charter members and 'lib~
Charlotte Moody as adviser. Due to the size of the organization, regular meetings were not held until this school vear when five more were admitted to the
member hip.
With meetings taking the form of luncheons, the members met every month.
"hen the ational Convention was held, several of the members represented
this society and brought ba<'k i1nportant aids and Ruggestions for the work here.
In the Quill contests, since the organization of the local chapter, someone has
been able to place. A history of Kenosha is the latest project.
Having as it~ aim the desire to really ~tirnulate interest, upport, and participation in activities pertaining to journalism, the ~ociety hopes to be a worth\\hile organization to the school.
Page ... 63
Student Ua11ager
Members- Heller, Ameche, Riley (alternate), Gorsegner
Kenosha vs. Rarine Washington Park_
Kenosha vo. Maine Township
Kenooha "'· Mih• Wa,hington
*Keno,ha vo. Two River,
Kenosha "'· Hartford
*K.eno,ha v,. toughton
*K.eno,ha v,. Clintonville
Won 100%
Won- 100%
Lost- 99%
Won lOO o/c
Won- 100%
Won- 100%
Lo,t 99 %
__ ,_____
Derember 16
January 22
February 5
Februan 12
Februa~ 29
March il
Mardi 31
Mr. Glerum
Dr. Lamar'
Prof. l.:tzinger
Dr. Jame,
Mr. Peter,on
Prof. Weaver
Prof. Ewbanl..
Wembers- W allace, Horidovetz. Pucci (alternate I, Ragon
*Keno,ha v,. Racine Washington Park
*Kenooha Vo. Maine Towmhip
*Kenosha vs. Lincoln Milwaukee
Keno,,ha vs. Two Rivers
*Kenooha Vb. Milwaukee Wa;,hington
Kenooha vo. West Bend
*Kenosha \"~. Eau Claire
Won- 100%
Won l OO o/r
Won- lOO o/r
Won- 100%
Won 100%
Won - lOO o/c
Won lOO o/r
Mr. Myers
Mr. Peterson
Dr. Lamars
Mr. Peter,,on
Prof. Ewbank
Prof. tzinger
Prof. Borrher"
Derember 16
January 22
February 5
February 12
February 29
March 11
March 31
*Means team debated out of town.
Kenosha, as a member of the \Visconsin High chool Forensic League, debated the following question this year: '·Resolved, That the several states should
enact legislation providing for compulsory unemployment insurance:·
The debaters had one of their most successful seasons. In a<ldition to traveling
to \Tadison and there placing second in the state finals, they went to Ripon. \1 i~
consin and to ioux City, Iowa.
Page ... 64
Tl1e J) ..bat.. Tean1s
(,()R~~; (,'\ER,
nlfSllE, RILE\, MELLEll
'\EC \Tl\ F.
llOlllOO\ ETZ, Pl C< I, R \GO'\, \\\LL \CE
Page ... 65
X ational Forensic
ince its membership in the
ational Foren-
~ic League, Kenosha High School hab had twen-
tv-one members, of which twelve are active and
,;ine are honorary.
Three degrees of distinction, the highest
honor in the league, are held by two students
and the coach. Last year the chap ter took first
place in the tate contest in debating; first and
second places in orations and extemporaneous
speaking; econd place in humorous declamations; and third place in the national oratorical
Officers of the Kenosha organization include
John D. Davies, president; Helen Riley, secretary; and Hilda Roberts, treasurer. Other m em be;s are Fred Cross, Carl Ellison, Ethel Taubman, Jack "1yers, Eve Ragon, Howard Hansen,
Charles chmidt, \lilton Ozaki, Eugene Hammond, Daniel Ragon, Jam es Ameche, )1ary
Clark, Frank Pucci, Edwin Gorsegner, Eileen
Gumble, Irving\~ allace, "'alter Hori(lovetz, and
Robert Heller.
Page ... 66
Foru111 Debating Club
First 'eme.~ter
Irving Ro~tker
Dan Ragon
Hilda Robertb
Helen Riley
\larion He.rmann
econd emester
Irving Wallace
Edwin Goroegner
Lida Roberb
'larion Hermann
"Melba tille
• Died fehruary 18, 1932.
'\1EMBER!:Jame' Amed1e
Bernard Apple
Eleanor Carter
Jane Cleary
Milton Elfman
Belly Even
Edwin Gor,egner
Ho"ard Han'i'
Marion Hermann
Donald Heerman,
Walter Horidovelz
Dorothy Howard
Paul Kramer
Dan Ragon
Helen Riley
Lida Roberh
lrving Ro,tker
O>car Shienbrood
Stanley tern
Earlyn Volkert
Irving Wallace
Al Walano"i!'z
Pauline Herrmann
Eva Ragon
Milton Ozaki
Hilda Robert,
To C'onduct formal debates among its membero..
To familiarize them with current events.
To train them in the appropriate expression of their ideas.
To give them praC'lice in parliamentar~ la".
Page ... 67
Stude nt Counc il
First emester
Don Tullv
] oe avoi'chick
\lary Cook
Chief Councillor
\ -ice-Councillor
eco11d Semester
(hear Lind!!ren, Jr,
\largarel Lippert
Bell' O'Brien
Jame' .\med1e
Thomao l\rneoon
Bernard Apple
Helen Beaumier
Catherine Boutelle
Jameo Clay
11aq Cook
\ttilio Caesari
Erne'L Chambero
Peter Dahl
Wilfred Drath
Mary Frie»
Frank Falha
Milton Elfman
Judd Goldmann
Uo\•ard Gunder-on
Hattie Golde" ski
Gene Hammond
Miriam Hill
Ho,.ard Han'i'
Don Heermam
I\ rnold John,on
Pal Keating
Jean Koos
Stanley Koziol
'\orma Kautz
Le" is K.nahel
Betty Lock" ood
O,car Lindgren
Margaret Lippert
Ralph MommaertMae Marsh
Margaret Mock
Florence Muelder
Francis Maden
Bob Morrisson
Che,ter Ma,well
:Margaret Madison
Joe avoichic·k
George eihen
Betty O'Brien
Kathleen O'Hare
Mary Pazko,"ki
Kenneth Peter,on
Lillian Pfefferle
Elaine Plou'
Leon Regner
Ech•ard Rugg
Frank Rizzo
Emanuel Rizzo
Claire Stone
Dorothy ' chla"
Rusoell e,·erance
Loma tang
t ranee' Sheppard
George Thomp,on
Helen Shea\
Don Tully
Kenneth Trotter
Donald Up,on
Willis Van Lorn
John Wenning
Mary Wajiwicz
Frank \ itkus
Robert Vander \ ie
Florence Well'
Grace Wade
Floyd La Fayette
Ed"ard Ja,kwhi<'h
Eloi"e Wino"oky
Evelyn Jacoboon
Boh Heller
l lric Presta
Dorothy Rapp
Dan Ragon
The tudenl Council is made up of one representative from each home room
and one representative from each organization. As the student governing hody,
the Council aimA lo keep order in the halls and to co-operate with the ~<·hoof
officials in matters of chool discipline.
Page ... 68
Tltrift Boos te r s
First , <>mesl<>r
Gordon Gardiner
Robert Bode
Jeanne Lan~downe
Henrietta Klemstein
Lueille Brockhaus
\lr. Pa(ldock
tudent Councillor
Faculty Adviser
eco11d Semester
Gordon Gardiner
Dorothy Rapp
] eanne Lansdowne
Rose pringer
Dorothy Rapp
Robert Bode
\Ir. Paddock
Helen Lippert
Gertrude George
Dale Dixon
Robert Jenoen
Lucille Brockhau'
Rae Galbraith
Dorothy Rapp
Fred Hartkopf
Adella Kelp,eb
Yivian Irving
Martha Mock
Annabelle Oben
Lucile Jun ic
'aleria Lenkie\\ eicz
Eletta Chia petta
Jane wihart
Etta William'
Hazel Ca)O
Henrietta Klen>-tein
•Ra) '.\fochliri-ky
*Died March 8, 1932.
Rose Springer
Marv Jane ~ reelaiul
Virginia Barneo
Mill;; Safobury
Ione Smith
Louise \\artz
Webster Six
Thoma' Kollman
Lewis Powell
Bob Bode
Marcella McGill
Henry Holme'
Harold Harper
Dorothy • orth\\ay
Richard Colb)
Elizabeth \ oloi
Joe Kolar
Elizabeth Salerno
Eugene White
Irmagarde Mielke
The purpose of the Thrift Boosters is to further the idea of thrift among the
students and to help the cashiers in their banking.
Page ... 69
Tile Girl Re erve
First emester
Hilda Roberts
La Verne \V egner
Dorothy Harris
\largar~t Lippert
Helen Hughe
~Iiss Hastings
.. President
. . Secretary
. . . . . tudent Council Rep.
. Faculty Adviser
Second Semester
Dorothy Harris
Margaret Lippert
La Verne Wegner
Helen Hughes
Kathleen O'Hare
' liss Hastings
Mr,. Tremper
Mio> Ha>tingo
Lucille Brockham>
Dorothy Bufton
'.\forv Cool...
Jean· Good,ell
Dorothy Harris
Lorraine Holderness
Helen Hughes
Margaret Lippert
Betty Lockwood
Mary Ann Lundberg
BeatriC'e 'eJ,on
Mildred e" berry
Betty O'Brien
Kathleen O'Hare
Gertrude Oley
Grace Raomu,-.en
Hilda Roberts
Delores Schmitt
Mary Ann Theleen
>\lite Wallenclorf
La Verne Wegner
The Girl Reserve Club i composed of Junior A and Senior girls who '·find
and give the best:'
During the year the girls did charitable work by providing baskets for the
poor at Thanksgiving and at Christmas. They also made scrap books for children
in the hospitals.
The club sponsored a dime dance in _ ovember, a joint meeting with the Hi-l
in \ larch, and a \lay Ball on ' lay 6.
Page ... 70
The Hi-Y
F int emester
Eugene Hammond
Jot> tefani
Le~ter cheaffer
Sarkir. A.pyan
o~car Lindgren
Leon Regner
\Ir. Chapel
vice-Prebiden t
tudent Council Rep.
Corresponding Secretar)
Faculty .\clvisor
econd emester
Joe tefani
Eugene Hammond
Leon Regner
Charles torY
Oscar Lindgre;1
Howard Hansis
\Ir. Chapel
!:iarki, \pyan
Robert Beaumier
Jack Clark
Jame' Clav
Mike Gall~
"I orrnn l,ordon
Eugene Hammond
Howard Han~i'
~oel Han,on
Raymond John.on
George Lidherg
Oot'ar Lindgren
Francis MrGiYern
Leon Regner
Le,ter Sheaffer
Conrad Shearer
Charles tory
Don Tully
The Kenosha Hi-l Club was started in 1923 with th purpose .. to create,
maintain, and extend'' throughout the school and community high btandards of
Christian character.
The Hi-\ Award is pre;;ented at the close of each ;,eme;;ter to that member
of the graduating class "ho ha;; achieved the greate;,t height in four square
During the past year the Hi-\ Club has sponsored football program;;, brought
the "" \ Iodern Electricity" Lecture-Demonstration to Kenosha High chool. and
managed the second-hand hook sale. \lumni and Father;;' and ons· banquets
have been held.
Page ... 11
Blue Triangle I
First emester
.. . .. . President
Bettv Buchman
. Vice-PreRident
Lillian Pfefferle
. . Recording Secretary
Josephine awicki
.. Corresponding ecretary
\larv ·M urrin
. Treasurer
'larv Loui e Greenwald ..
. tudent Council
Alice Gifford
. Press Reporter
Dorothv chla.
Faculty l\dviser
'Ji s ] o.nes
eco11d Semester
Bettv Buchman
·Jean Koos
'l arv ~1 urrin
Alice Gifford
Charlotte Gira
Lillian Pfefferle
Dorothy chlax
\liss Jones
Betty Burhman
anry >\.nderson
N'aoma Anderson
Elaine Bonell
\lire Brunett
Betty Even
Genevieve Ga pa now il'z
\lice Gifford
Charlotte Gira
Mary Louise Greenwald
Mary Keller
Jean Koo'
Alire Langenba!'h
Mary Murrin
Lillian Pfefferle
Dorothy Srhlax
Jane Cleary
1\'liriam John
Evelyn La Fayette
The purpose of the Blue Triangle iR "to fiml and give the best:' The three
sides of the triangle stand for moral, mental, and physiral strength.
The maximum enrollment of the club is thirty girls with an aver.age above
80 in their school work.
Last semester, the Triangle aided in the mixer for the sophomore girk The
three Blue Triangles gave a party on Chribtmas and preRented to more than ~ev
enly-five children toys and refreshments. The Triangle also gave a Thanksgiving
and an Easter basket to a needy family.
The annual \1others' and Daughters' Banquet was held in l\lay.
Page ... 72
Blue Triangle II
First Pmesler
Betty O'Brien
Irm~garde :\iielke
Lorna Gulan
Kathrvn T;rbic
Kathe~ine Livingston
Dorothv Williams
\liss Wilson
econd pmestPr
Lida Roberts
. Vice-President
Esther Cornwell
Recording Secretary
Roberta Lane
\lildred Herrmann
Corresponding Secretary
Katherine Eidinger
tudent Council Representative
Elaine Pious
Faculty A<lviser
\fos "\V il~on
l\.atherine Eidinger
Ro,emar} Bitauta'
Georgiana Cool..
OJi,e Grinder
Lorna Gulan
\1ildred Herrmann
Bertha Gapanowirz
Uoris Karnes
Roberta Lane
lrma~anle Miell..e
Glady, ewberry
i\fory O'Donnell
Elaine Pious
Sarah Reed
Lida Robert'
Ethel Sehroetter
Roberta ' mith
Dorothy Williams
Esther Corm>ell
Blue Triangle II hab an enrollment of twenty-five members. l nder the leadership of \Iiss "Wihon, the club adviser, each year it follm\ s a definite program . .\
Thanksgiving ha~ket i;; .,ent to a need~ family, a \l othert\' and Daughter~- Banquet is held near \lotherb' Da), and the three Blue Triangles together give a
hristmas part) for a group of le~;; fortunate children.
Page ... 73
Blue Triangle III
First emester
Leone "'Vlurrav
i\della Jurvic
Janet Hoda
Dorothy Jo eph
Kathrvn Boutelle
Virgi1;ia Keyes
\ Bang berg
Recording ecretary
Corresponding ecretary
. Treasurer
tudent Council
. Faculty Adviser
econd emester
Jean Hanson
Arlene Jensen
Verna Chamben;
Leona Dubaniewicz
\lildred 1\Iorrib
Kathrvn Boutelle
)lis~ Bang berg
Janet Binninger
Kathryn Boutelle
June Burke
\ erna Chamber'
Leona Oubaniewirz
Marion Ouczak
Jean Hanson
Jeanette Rodas
Margaret Holden
Arlene Jensen
Dorothy Joseph
Adella Jurvic
Lucille )urvi<'
Eleanor Kanio,
Virginia Keye,
Ro;,e Maslow,,ki
Marion Melville
Blanche Miller
Mildred Morris
Leone Murray
Bernice Peletow'k'
Helen Riley
Florence Sionkiew irz
Margaret Sorenoen
Besides the meetingb and hike11, the outRtan!ling act1vll1e;, of the year were
contributing a Thanksgiving basket, entertaining a large group of poor children
at a Chribtmas party with the other Triangles. and sponsoring an •· .\pril Fool"
dim dance in the big gym.
Page ... 74
Red Triangle
First S<'m<'sler
Jerre Rvan
Francis ·,W cGivern
Victor Riordan
i\.ndrew Foster
Dan Ragon
\Ir. Paddock
• ('COlld
Frank Pucci
. President
Geoq1;e \"'{ ilder
Bernard Apple
Robert Heller
Student Council Representative Robert Cooper
\Ir. Paddock
. Adviser
Ho"artl Bear
George Gro('hO\\ ,ki
Van Ragon
Lewi> Po"ell
Bernard Apple
Frank Pucci
Robert Cooper
l\Iib.e Gallo
George Wilder
Robert Heller
\ irtor Riordan
Andre\\ Fo,ter
Franri, MrGi-ern
George \ ergil
Robert Corr
The Red Trianide i;, limited to fifteen members drawn from the sophomore
and junior B cla8~e~. Th is ) ear a new rule was made '\ hich allow~ the member-i
to stay in the club until the) graduate.
Each year the Red Triangle pre~ents an award to an outstanding
A . .\n annual ball i;, held in December.
Page ... 75
Seminar Club
First enwster
lrorvan Gordon
Eugene Hammond
Kathryn rbic
W avne Davi on
\Ieiva Menzel
. Pre ident
. Vice-President
. Secretary
. Treasurer
<>c<md emeslPr
\Vayne Davison
Leo Safranski
Jean Koos
Jean Koos
'1elva Menzel
Howard Bear
Victor Pinigis
Delori> Ancler:.on
Margaret Madison
Leo Safran>ki
Richard Mortenson
Jerre Ryan
Charle, Padula
Louise Lauer
Rachael Gleabon
Fred Wallig
John Kitzrow
Kathryn rbic
Mary Gogetz
Eugene Hammond
Melva Menzel
"irginia Keye,
Jean Gaffney
Jame' Steinmetz
Jean Koo,
Harriett Kio,
Margaret David,
Lillian Pfefferle
orvan Gordon
Richard Bode
Wayne Davi:.on
Taisto Aalto
Charle> Arlo,ky
Aldo Barocrn
The eminar Club is an organization composed of students who are stuclying
or who have studied chemistry. Its purpose is to promote interest and knowlt"dge
in the subject. 11eetings are held the first and third Wednesdays of every month
during the fifth period and on the fourth Thursday evening of each month. An
established tradition of the club is the annual eminar ward given lo the student having the highest average in chemi try.
Pnge ... 76
B e ta Plti Kappa
First 'emesler
Hilmer Gustavbon
\rthur Harrington
\like upitilov
\Ir. \\alter
ecretan -Treasurer
Faculty °Adviser
'econd emester
John F. Papon
James Griffith
Frank Val en te
\Ir. Walter
John Hains
Harvev Wei"
John EchH1nlo
Lloyd Lamb
Ray Le,ter
Rudolph Csavoy
Donald L p,on
Gunnard Odelherg
Monroe Eitzen
Ech,ard Woznirk.i
Stary Dielman
John F. Papon
James Griffith
Frank. 'alente
The Beta Phi Kappa club, compo~ed onl) of physics students, is an organization for the study of radio and electricity. During the course of the year, each
member prepare" and deliven an address on i,;ome subject involving physicb. Lecturers have addre~sed the members of the club on the subjectb of '"Liquid Air"
and "Free Wheeling.'"
The aim of the Beta Phi Kappa it- to promote a lwlter under~tanding of the
physical '\ orld about us.
Page ... 77
Frenc h Club
Irving Paraclise
Franz Eidinger
Frances Sheppard
Jean Goodsell
'liss Wilson, 'liss chuessler
Student Council Representative
Faculty Advisers
Miso Schuessler
orvan Gordon
Florence . ionkiewicz
Elso Levis
Wendall Taylor
Irving Paradioe
Gibbs Schroeder
Miss Wilson
Jean Goodoell
Mary Jane Flatley
Ruth Lepp
Irmagarde Mielke
Vivian Irving
Betty Even
Mildred Pobar
Caroline Regner
Roberta Smith
Dorothy William'
Mae Mar.h
Eother Pophal
Katie Alla
Helen Beaumier
The purpose of the French Club is to help in making the students proficient
in the practical use of the language. To thi end, only French is spoken during
the meetings. During the program much is learned concerning the customs and
ideals of the French people as well as the political and phy ical characteristics of
their country. Playlets are presented, French "ongs are sung, and reports on subjects pertaining to France are given.
Pag<> ... 78
Ge Club
Offici>rs for First and, eco11d emesters
Faculty Adviser
Annaliese Sturm
\lartin chmidt
Fred Hartkopf. Jr.
Harry Hart
\liss Laura 'chultz
Tai,to Aalto
Evel}n Ahlenfeldt
\fon Alla
Eile~n Arent
Lillian Ash
E,ther Battige
Pearl Beeker
Ruth Becker
Jda Bokdan,ki
Harold Bradle\
Erna Conrad .
Svhia Conrad
Eiizabeth Deom
Agne' Di,chleid
Wilfred Drath
\era EJJi,on
Robert Engel
Dori' Ever'
\ iq:inia Flad
'.\1ariel Friedl
\ i' ian Ge name
Gntrude Georgi
Emma Guirina
Harn Hart
Fred.Hartkopf, Jr.
Harold Holme'
Henry Holme'
Edna Hollo\\ay
l\.atherine Hoppe
Earl Hunt
Edvthe Jaek•on
!\I;;ry Jockin>Bem ice Ju1•kaJ,ke
\orma f\.autz
Fran!'e' f\.e--ler
Ali!'e Irene Kinsella
Eleanor Klatz
Lorraine Kollman
Erna Kanitz
EJ,ie krau'e
Irene 1'._,inan
E11"in Lange
.\lice Lagenbach
Loui'e Lauer
Loretta Leuck
Grace Lindeman
Katherine Lippert
katherine Lhing,tone
Barbara Loef
Walter Man.
Robert McDonald
Dorothy Miller
Liddia Mennikel
l\ngeline Moezule,.-ki
Florence Moezule" ,ki
Margaret Molinaro
Henry Meuller
Hazel Murrav
\ iola '\eu ·
~Ian O'Oar
Ehi~ Pa>alick
.\drian Pollock
\ irginia Pratzer
H~len Raggendorf
Herbert Roman
Martin Schmidt
\ iolet Schmitt
Fredrick Schneider
Jane Shulte
Evehn ~ hileen
Cha~le- Sigger
1arjory Smile}
.\nnelie'e Sturm
Jane \\agner
France' Willkomim
Irene Simo
The German Club aim~ to unite the members of the variou;, German classes
and to give the memben a ehance to u;,e the language. The club is compo;, d of
Kenosha High chool student' '\ho have studied or are ;,tudying German. At
every meeting the members are entertained with a program consi;,ting of German dialogue;,, poem,, ~horl pla) ;,, 1'lories, and musical numbers. :\t all the meetings the entire club 1'ing~ German 'ong,. Al the end of the year an open meeting
is held to which Lhe public i;, invited. "\ comedy is usually given at this time.
The program' are arranged by \l iss Laura chultz and \ Iii;;, Juliana Blanl.
Page ... 79
Spanis lt Club
OFFICER - 1931-1932
Faculty Advisers
Dominic Corradini
Donald Tully
Jean Koo.:,,
Jean Koos
\lrs. Hall, Yliss Schues8ler, \li~s Brown
Sophie Andruk
Thomas Arneoon
Howard Bear
Frank Blaoi
Catherine Boutelle
June Burkee
Burton Clark
Jark Clark
Jane Cleary
Betty Coleman
Roh rt Damfielcl
Paul Da' i'on
Frank Falbo
Mary Fortino
Helen Gael le,
Jean GafTnC'\
'\lfre GifTor.d
.\1ary Loui,e Greenwald
Eileen Gumbel
Robert Hannah,
George Horvat
Jo,f'ph htvanek
Della Jarvi'
'\rlt'ne Jf'n,en
.\iarion Kaufman
Jo,eph Kazell
Harriet Kio'
Helen Knui-on
Harvey Knubon
Jean ll._ooo
' tanley Koziol
Lee Magnanelli
Frank Mattioli
Robert Morten,on
Bernic·e Peleto" ·ki
Carl Peter,on
Jo,eph Petrini
Frank Puc·('i
Lowell Rirhanhon
Elaine Riordan
Walter Ruec·kheirw
l· ranC'e' Sheppard
Conrad Shearer
\Iarjory Singer
Dori, Smith
l .avt rne ::oder,trom
Roger tanley
Eugene Whitt'
Frank ZahukoHC'
It i,, the purpose of the Spanish Cluh to aicl its member~. throu1d1 its extracurricular activities, in becoming heller aC'quainted with the manner,, hahi1" of
life, and ideals of the panish speaking peoples.
Pcige ... 80
Soc ie tas Romana
Offic<.>rs· First and ecofld emesler
\laq~ari>t Lippert, Dorothy
Gordon Gardiner
Bernard Apple
Cecilia Fairbank,
\latrona Wanenko
Edwin Gorse~ner
Betty Even
"\Ii~s "\lerrick, \]is~· Holah
tudent Council Representative
Faculty Advisers
katie Alla
:\1ary Au,tin
Jeanette Berko" itz
katherine Eidinger
:\1ildred Bridenhagen
:\1arjorie Cady
La \: ona Campbell
Yiola Chri,ten,en
Genevieve Clari,.
Jane Cleary
Georgiana Cool,.
Mary Cool,.
Catherine Crump
Eleanor Dobryz!·l,.i
Florence Dow'e
\era EIJi,on
Betty Even
Cecilia Fairbanl,.,
Helen Mary Frie'
Gordon Gardiner
Jean Goo!1'ell
Olive Grinder
Jean Ha11'on
Don Heemrnr1'
]o,ephine Hrrl,.,
Margaret Holden
\lirl,. Horarhena
\ ivian Ining
Helen Jupnil,.
Mabel Ja!'Ob,en
Florence Janl,.u,
Man 'Inna JP11'en
Rutl; kerkhoff
.\nna Klul,.a
Helen K.nuhon
Edna "-.rc,:-in
Matthew Kuze,l,.e
Roberta Lane
'dirt> Langenb.iC'h
Viola Linden
Richard Lippert
Margaret Lippert
Ruth II. Lt•pp
Helen Lap,z),
EJ,ie Ma!hen
Mae Ma<bh
Ruin Mar-h
Be~adette Mathew'
Homer Marr,
Julia Mataziri-1,.i
Marian Melville
Margaret Moel,.
Ellen Morin
Robert Mr eil
Florence Muelder
Joanna amejuma,
Leona ordbye
lone Ohen
Anthony R. Ozanil,.
Mary Paczkow>ki
Pauline Papanek
Marian Pedley
Marie Per,on
Lillian Pfefferle
Elaine Plou,
Barbara Po" ell
Dorothy Schla-...
Martin , rhmidt
Gibb, Schroeder
Joan chutz
o,car Shienbrood
Roberta ~mith
Helen Stanl,.ew irh
Imelda Stroil,.
Baruta Tellai,ha
Ona Tellai,ha
Matrona Wanenko
Mary Web,ter
Eugene White
Jane WiJ,on
Dorothy William,
Mary Alire Starr
Betty O'Brien
Ruth Luquer
Ruth Rizzo
Julia Mae Trol,.e
Ed" in Gor,egner
Bernard .\pple
The purpose of the Latin Club is to promote a fuller appreciation of Roman
life and literature, an<l to provide diverbification and stimulation of intere~t in
Latin b) meam of actiYitie;. outside of the cla~sroom.
Page ...81
First emester
Bud Latham
• oel Hanson
arkis Apyan
Faculty Adviser
Vice-Pre ident
ecretary and Treasurer
eco11d Semester
Eddie Kirar
George '\fanson
Joe avoichick
\1r. Engle
Leon Regner
George fon,on
Joe \lavoiehiek
Bernard Latham
Fred Borak
Harry Wiekland
Ouo Bernaeehi
Jerry Ryan
Edward eymour
John Parmentier
"\1 oel Ham.on
Sarki, Apyan
Emanuel Rizzo
Jame' Ru>oo
Herbert Thomey, Jr.
:\'!anford Bear
Melvin Monteen
George "Doe" Thompson
Gilbert Sandgren
Edward Jaskwhieh
Raymond Ca>e)
Bob Smith
Edward Kirar
Rav Lester
Jolin Wenning
Marvin Wene
.'.\iatthew Bokmueller
Carl '"Dane"' Thompson
Harold Hertzberg
George Limpert
1'.enneth Jooeph
Paul Hartnek
F'loyd elson
Felix i\rlausky
William Cippolla
Frank Karbetsoo
Jo>eph Cieraeh
We, the members of "K"' Club, in order to better promote the recognition of
the "K"' as the official award of the Kenobha High chool for all inter-school or
equivalent athletic competition, and to command such respect for it from stn·
dents, faculty, and graduates as will make its winning a worthy objective, and its
wearing as honor, do hereby pledge ourselves lo further support of aJJ activities
and traditions of this school and lo strive to make it an \Ima \later of which a
'·K" club member may be proud.
Page ... 82
Pep Club
First emester
Louis Brandt
Richard Kiltz
Helen Hughes
Donald Tullv
Otto Bernacchi
\lr. Steffensen
tudent Council
Faculty Adviser
erond emesler
Richard Kiltz
Gene Hammond
\largaret Lippert
Gilbert Kuenkler
\larv A.nn Theleen
·\lr. teffen en
Senta Be)er
Florenre "1iller
Irene K,inan
Loui,e Lauer
Ra) Layton
Margaret Lippert
Mahel Chr i,terhon
Helen Hughe,
Oorothv Harri,
Willian; Fo,
Bett) Coleman
Rit·lrnnl Kiltz
Ra) Le,ter
Gilbert Kuenkler
:-tan le) Koziol
Otto Bernart·hi
Gene Hammond
Matrona Wanenko
Jame' Cla)
l\1ar) Ann Theleen
Gertrude Palle-en
Ruth Moerke
Ben Pa-rurri
Dorothv O" er"
l\lary .\nn Lundberg
Joe Kolar
Leo Je,ilin
Thora Hitrhler
Jane Wil.on
Elove• Winne.k,
Ma~rire Jarb..01~
Rus,ell Yan Wald
Constance Klevirki.
Earlyn \ olkert
!\fox Kazmer
Ralph Mommaerh
Don Thom
The Pep Club was oq~anized in 1927 with the aim of getting student support
of athleties and of extending school spirit.
At present the Pep Club i~ only open to seniors.
Page ... 83
Da Vinci Club
First emester
Conrad hearer
Richard Kiltz
'Ielba tille
\Iargaret Jen en
\Ti s Canfield
. Pre1>idenl
. Vice-President
. ecretarv
Faculty Adviser
Second Semester
Ric-hard Kiltz
Lillian Earl
'Iargaret Jensen
Eleanor Kanios
'\1iss Canfield
Corabelle Brandt
J oyre Correll
\ irginia Crandall
Emily Danjano\ ic
Dorothy De"ey
Carl Dimeo
Lillian Earl
Mary Gogetz
Leonard Hultgren
.\rlene Jen-en
'.\1argaret Jenoen
Leo Je>elun
vh·ia John,on
Rirharcl 1'.iltz
Margaret Kleeman
Eleanor Kanios
Flo)cl La Fayette
Eel Manulik
Dorothy Olson
Conrad ' hearer
Helen Scoville
lone ,' mith
George Sheldon
Merton taufTarher
Margret Sorrensen
Stanley Soren,en
Melba Lille
Franb. Yitkm
Pauline Wehh
!\lex l oung
l\nn Ziezi'
The Da v inci Club, under the direction of \1 iss Canfield and \liss Plank, \\as
organized in 1931 by the students of Keno~ha High chool who are inlere~Led in
It '~as named for Leonardo Da inci, arti L, architect, and engineer, who was
perhap~ the greatest genius the worl,J ha~ ever produced.
The purpose of the Da Vinci Club is lo promote art appre<'iation, Lo provide
further arl work not carried on in art cla1<~es. and Lo promote the artistie interests of the school.
The club spon~ored a dime danee, tlw proceeds of \vhich were use(l lo take
twenty members lo the Chieago Art Lnqitute and the Field \ l u..,eum. The
membership, though open lo past and present members of art elasscs, i~ necessarily restricted lo make it possible to carry ou l such program;;.
Pnge ... 84
Prep Club
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Student Council RepreRentative (elected)
Faculty Adviser: Martin Rafshal
Walter Horidovetz
Peter Dahl
Irving Paradi,e
Paul Kramer
Jame' Ameche
1ilton Elfman
Edwin Goroegner
In ing Wallace
The Prep Club was established to promote student interest in high school
life. l pon it organization last semester, it was decided to make it as different
from the other clubs as possible.
The club has been verv active in the short time of its existence, one of its
most successful projects being the staging of a rollicking assembly.
The Prep Club does not have permanent officers, but the members hold the
various offices in rotation for a term of six weeks, each member serving in every
The club is not bound to a definite object. It is interested in writing, athletics,
speaking, or assemblies, and is the only club of its kind in school.
Page ...85
First emesler
Constance Klevickis
'larv ullivan
Har~if't Alvord
Kathrvn L"rbick
'Iarga~et :Madison
\Ii ~ Plan1.
Student Council
Faculty Adviser
Second emesler
Constance Klevickis
)1ildred Bowman
Kathrvn Urbick
\lar-v ullivan
\largaret Madison
\fo~ Plank
\1ildrecl Bo"rnan
\ ema Chambers
Betty Christenson
\ irginia Harn oocl
Helen Hoot
~:hh ia Johnson
1\targaret Kitzrow
Con,tance Klevickio
Evelyn Swanson
Kathryn Urhic·k
Earlyne \ olkert
Milclrecl Wei"
Lillian Weios
Anna Young
Aleda Youngs
\ iola Linden
Margaret Madison
Melva Menzel
Lauraine Rassmussen
Melba Stille
l\1ary Sullivan
The ~iawauna Club was oqi;anized in \lay, 1928. With the help of \liss Gertrude Plank, the adviser, the girl have tried Lo combine the high ideals of
knowledge, beauty, and ervice. As members of the :Xiawauna Club, the girls try
to live up to the code:
'· eek beauty
Give senice
Pursue kno,dedge
Be trustworthy
Hold on to health
Glorify work
Be happy."
Page ... 86
Journalis n1 Club
First Semester
Irving Rostker
Hilda Roberts
Alice mith
!\lice W allendorf
Faculty Adviser
Vice-Presiclen t
tudent Council
erond Semester
Betty Even
Irving Wallace
Irving Rostker
Don Heerman~
\1iss Llewellyn
James Ame('he
Betty Even
Don Heennan'
Walter Horidovelz
Irving Rostker
Irving Wallace
The purpo"e of the Journalism Club is to further intere;,t
in journalism in this high school.
:\t prebent the members are writing social items for the
Kenosha Eve11i11g e1cs.
Page ...81
Wig and Robe Club
First P11u.>sler
Louis Brandt
Charles tory
Justin Gold;nan
Dewaine Bonneau
. President
Faeultv Advi;;er
\Ir. \'folfe
Second emesler
Dt'wainc Bonnf'au
Gordon P. Gardiner
\laq?;aret Kitzrow
\lr. ' ' olfc
Loui' Brandt
William Cippola
l\Iaq Simp,on
Helen Thomey
Marguerite FitC'hell
Ed"in Kniepper
De"aine Bonneau
Frand;, Riley
Charles Story
]mtin Goldman
Anthony OemenC'ius
Genevieve Holmgren
Paul Phillipo
Margaret Kitzrow
Conrad hearer
• Derea;.ed
Mardi 8, 1932.
Gonion P. Gardiner
\ ivian Dagon
Gral'e Ra,mu"en
Joyce Correll
Jo;,eph a\oid1icJ...
" Ray MuC'hlin,ki
Ra\ Last
Ke;rneth Troller
Emanuel Rizzo
Harry Groo;,o
Margaret Kleeman
Margaret Lipov,ky
Emily Gintzler
Clarence Van Leuven
Conslan<'e Klevicki;,
Joanne Fredrickson
The Wig and Robe Club was organized during the first semester hy a group
of commercial law tudents who \\t're desirous of gaining a wider knowledge of
commercial law and related subjects. The ;\.ssembly which the club put on
wa very entertaining and interesting to the high school tudents. This program
was quite a drawing card for ne\\ member for the club. With it the club was
formally introduced into the club life of Kenosha High chool.
~lid-Year Cla
s of lfJ:-12
[Continued from Pat,'<' 26]
Central Junior High :chool. Eng]i,h
Course. Activity: Blue Triangle I. Hobby:
Playing Tenni-.. Ambition: To be a busine~s woman.
ELE\ ... OR WtLCO'\
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli;,h
Couroe. Hobby: Golf. Ambition: To he
a nuri:,e.
MC'Kinley Junior High School. Engfoh
Couroe. Hobby: Model airplane building.
Ambition: To achieve a pooition in aviation.
Page ... 88
Wa,hington Junior High S<'hool. Engli,h
Cour;,e. Hobby: Sailing. Ambition: To
have my name spelled and pronounced
Central Junior High School. Commer!'ial
Conroe. A<'Livity: Girl SC'out Troop I.
Hobby: Gelling flat tireo for oomeone
ebe Lo fi~. Ambition: To travel.
Tl1e Oreltestra
I iolins:
Mary Alla
\lanford Bear
J...enneth Chambers
Syhia Conrad
Pauline Grabin>li
Floyd Guuorm,,on
Gerald Jacoby
Florence Janlu'
Mauhe" Kuze,ka
Sigurd Linden
Emory Mi,chler
Joe Petrini
\nthony Poteliunas
\ngelo Rizzo
Martin S<·hmidt
Gibbs Sc·hroeder
John \Hll1'0n
·\lhert Leidi-mering
Edward Guncler,on
I iola:
Taisto Aalto
George Grochow>ki
Charle, !:itory
E-1' fol axopho11e:
\ iNor Kluender
Rose Ern't
Lilah Hauhri('h
Jean Sc·hroeder
Le,(ie Quandt
Richard Morten-on
B-Flat axophone:
Lucille Stierle
• 1ri11g Bass:
Joe Ames
Edna Hollo\Hl)
French Horr1:
La Rue Reed
Herbert Roman
Walter Herbrect-meyer
Burton Clark
Joe Zapu,cie11'ki
Gilbert Richter
Che,ter Erwin
Harold Langer
Willis Rockwell
Erhard Spitzer
Jack Stoebig
Katherine Li' ing~ton
Dorothy chlax
Tony Triclenski
Milton Elfman
Wesley Gallup
Doroth' Williams
Robert .Riller
Madeline Heinz
l\rne Erick-on
Edwin Gorsegner
Robert Wellman
Frank Zabulo,·ec
Besides prei,.enting concerts, the orchestra has played for many activities thi
year. It accompanied the city-wide George W a hington Bi-Centennial Pageant
and in conjunction with the band, g;ave a \ lay concert in celebration of ational
\ Iu.,ic ~ eek.
Page ...89
..\ Cap1lella Cltoit·
Tai,to Aalto
Ruby "\nthon,en
Esther Baker
Frances Barr
Alvina Bo;.nok
Marion Brady
Genevieve Clark
Virginia Crandall
Elvid Edwards
William Elfman
.\me Erickson
Rooe Ernst
Che;.ter Erwin
Ruth Gage
Jla Gean Grade
Florence Hammar
Virginia Hansen
Dorothy Higgin'
Ennina Higgin,
Dorothy Howard
Dorothy Jane Huff
Romaine Jacohoon
Gerald Jarohy
t\nna Jocius
Fay Kappus
Dori' Karnf''
Jrene La J eu ne"e
Mayhelle Lencioni
Gerald Morget,on
Mary Mazzei
Robert Mc eil
Wilbert Moehrl-e
Mary Murrin
Frank ickel
Harold Peterson
\ irgin ia Pratzer
Willi' Rockwell
Russell Severance
Joe , kuhra
Donald Spenre
\ ivienne Spies
Amelia Sue,,kis
Mary Van Wormer
Maria Wallig
~1ildred Wilmot
Joe Zapuscier1'ki
Wesley Zirbel
The choir has had a very active year. It asioisted the band at the Gateway and
provided all the music for the Christmas Pageant. During the Christmas season
it broadcast carols over the Kenosha station.
Page ... 90
Girls· Glee Club
\hrendt, Laura
Barr, Frances
Bec·ker, Pearl
Billingsley, Eunice
Bloner. Jo,ella
Bu,honville, Lorraine
Crandall, Maxine
Crandall, \ irginia
Donnan, Evehn
Eichinger, Co;1,tarwe
Ern,t, Ro,e
E\ans, Jane
Gage, Ruth
Gleason, Rachel
Grade, Ila Gean
Gregoiecl.., Ann
G)urina, Emma
Hammar, Florerwe
Hamen, \ irginia
Higgim, Doroth)
!Iiggim, Ermina
Hollo"a), Edna
Ho\H1rd, Doroth~
Huff, Dorothy Jane
Hui"en, Anna
J:1<·obson, Romaine
Kappus, Fay
Karnes, Doris
l<.eller, Mary
11..itzro\\, Margaret
l\.Jafter, Bernice
Willkomm, Frances
Bokdanske, Ida
Bradv, Marion
Klev icl.i-, Constance
Kluka, \nn
Konitz.. Erna
Krause, E1'ie
Kuhta, Harriet
Lencione, Maybelle
Leonelli, Marie
Leubke, Evelyn
Michaeli;., Angeline
\1id1els, Esther
Miller, Dorothy
Miller, Esther
Morin, Ellen
O'Connell, Mary
Pratzer, \ irginia
Simo, Irene
Smith, Blanche
~mith, Maxine
Spies,\ iv ienne
Spitzer, Elsie
Stromquist, Helen
Su, \melia
Thomas, \life
Stephanie,\ iola
Wade, Gra<'e
Wagner, Jane
Wallig, Maria
Wanenl.o, Man
Wilmot, Mildr~d
Wier,um, Beatri<'e
Wie"um, Florerwe
Wirth, Beatrit'e
Bosnok, \h ina
4ccompanist-Katherine Li\ ingston
This vear there have been l:'ixty-si"X mcmben enrolled in the Girl". Glee Club.
These gi.rls gave their i,ervice~ a~ a""il:'tants at the concert at the Gateway. At
Commencement they l'ang a group of numheri;. The annual custom of presenting
cnrnrdb to graduate;, " !10 have been e;,pecially valuable to the mu;,ic department
\\as followed.
Page ... 91
Boys' Glee Club
Tai,to Aalto
Monroe Bitzan
Adolph Cardinali
Carl Dimeo
William Elfman
Arne Erickson
Che,ter Erwin
Gerald Jaeohy
Maurice Jackson
Ray Johnson
Lawrence Jones
Ri<•hard Kiltz
Mauhew Kuzeski
Accompwiist- Vivienne
Gerald Morgetson
Rohert McNeil
Robert eh.en
Wilbert Moehrb.e
Frank ickel
Harold Peter,on
Siebert Roemer
Rm.,ell Severance
Willi> Ro<·b.well
Donald Spence
Joe Zapu;,cien,ki
Wesley Zirbel
Harold Langer
The Boys' Glee Club is open to those students who are sufficiently interested
in music. The boys must qualify in order to join.
In Conce rt
On January 17, 18, and 19, in co-operation with the student body, the band
and orche;,tra presented a concert at the Gateway Theatre for the benefit of the
hand. The picture being shown was ''Delicious" starring Janet Gaynor and
Charles Farrell. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, the hand of fifty pieces,
assistefl by the Girls' Glee Club, gave a half-hour program. The feature number
was "'Horning, oon, and ~ight in Vienna"' by Von uppe. On Wednesday evening, with the A Cappella Choir assi~ting. the orche tra of forty pieces played
Schubert's first movement of " infionetta'' as their feature number. The total
profit was 388.75 toward the fund for the uniforms of the Kenosha High. chool
Page ... 92
Iligh School f'hor11s
The chorus is open lo all students who enjoy
ehoral ~inging. There are t~\o hundred and eventytwo members, and meeting~ are held once a week.
Page ... 93
Tlte Band
C. L. \la on
Roswell l\larqui~~ee
Jack toebig
Solo Cornets:
George Ward
Richard Morter1'on
Wesley Gallup
First Cornets:
Milton Elfman
Paul David,,on
Second Cornets:
Leoter Scheaffer
Le,Jie Quandt
Third Comets:
George Shield,
.\ngelo Rizzo
French Horns:
Edmund Pabar,ka
William Benoon
Herbert Roman
Walter Herbrechtm1eier
La Rue Reed
Robert Wellman
Ju,tu;, Morrio
Jack Rooe
Edwin Gor,,egner
Gilbert Richter
Roy Last
Irving Paradii,e
E-Flat Bass:
Frank Sm,nauokio
Leo Re,.imki
Tai,to Aalto
Edward Rugg
First Clarinets:
Ca,per ]\fodder
Lawrence fietz
Harold Langer
Willis Rockwell
econd Clari11ets:
Cheoter Er,.in
Erhard Spitzer
Margaret Arnold
Stanley Soren,on
Third Clarinets:
Edward Randall
Don Lindeen
Jame,; Griffith,
Raymond John,on
Joe Ritacca
John Bartee
Flute and Piccolo:
Joe Zapuscicmki
Burton Clark
A Ito Clarinet:
Antone Iavello
Bass Clarinet:
;\rne Erick-on
Mary \an Wormer
Alto ctxophone:
Howard Cohn
Victor Kluender
Tenor axopho11e:
Lucille Stierle
Baritone Saxophone:
Edward Mitchell
\lex Milkow,ky
Jack toe big
Rusoell Von Wald
orman Mielke
Herb rt Haubrich
Eugene White
Lawrence Spitzer
Drum Uajor:
Ro,well Marqui"ee
The band has proved itself, in service, this year, one of the most capable of
the musical organizations. It played at all athletic events as well as at pep meetings. Kenosha High pep songs and also those of th l!:uest high school were
playe<l, and letters of each school were inclndcd in the marching formatiom. A
trip was made to Racine for the Kenosha-Horlick game, the band executing
maneuvers between halve , which the Racine Times Call described as a "spectacular performance." Two c·oncerts, one for students and the other for the townpeople, were presented in celebration of \lusic \Veek. The usual final event was
the participation in the \Iernorial Day Parade.
PagP ... 91.
OEL HA • 0 \ captain of the Keno,.ha High
chool Football Team in 1931, represented
the ideal in both scholanhip and athletics. A
quiet, reserved boy in the classroom, he worked
diligently and achieved o.uccest' in scholastic
attainmentb. His cool, calm leader;;hip on the
football field and his excellent playing at all
time<; made him a prime favorite \\ith team
mate~ and ~pectators. 1\Jter two years of varsity
football, • -oel leave1; Keno;.ha High with regret,
hut also with a sent'e of duties well done.
Page ... 95
SEPTE\IBER 19- "\lilwaukee South Division came Lo Kenosha Lo surrender to a
powerful, impressive Kenosha team, 13-9. The Redmen looked very good in their
first grid Lest, showing much power, speed, and smoothness. They displayed some
neat football in spite of the exceedingly short training period prior to the game.
SEPTE\TBER 26--Another ~ilwaukee team, Boys· Technical High chool, was
the next victim of the Reos. The Milwaukee aggregation fought bravely, but a
superior, much improved Red machine mowed down resistance and '\Oil 20-0.
The Kenosha gridsters controlled the situation even more ea«ily than the score
OCTOBER 3-The highly-acclaimed Racine Washington Park team, traditional
foes of Kenosha, tro<le exultantly into town, confident of their abilitv to trim
the Reds. However, in a thrilling ·baule the valiant Redmen overcame ·a lead of
13-0 in the first quarter by staging a determined comeback. The Racine Park
warriors returned home, taking v. ith them the short end of a 25-13 score.
OCTOBER 10 Kenosha went Lo Macli!:'on Lo engage "\ladison East in combat in
a night game. In pite of the fact that it waE the first endeavor of the Redmen
under the spotlights, the boys turned in a creditable 13-7 victory to make it four
straight wins.
OCTOBER 17- Beloit administered the first rever~e of the season to the KenoAha gridmen. By scoring a touchdown in the early minutes of the game, Beloit
acquired a lead which they retained until the encl of the game. The Redb made
a poor showing. On several occasion" they were within easy seoring cliHLanee, onl~
to lose the ball. It was their first defeat and by far the most discouraging.
Kenosha went to \Vaukegan only Lo come out again on the Hhort
end of a 19-13 score. However, the Reds played good, hard football from the start
to the finish of the game. They lo, L, but so valiantly and determinedly did they
fight that no stigma of disgrace attended the defeat.
Page ... 96
OCTOBER 31 The Reds again wt'nl on Lhe Lrail, this time Lo J aneiwille where
the) staged a brilliant comeback by efTecLively scalping the Bluebird gridmen hy
a .,<•ore of 20-6. The i-;carleL-hucd griclmen showed a rclurn Lo their early season
form, and Lhroughoul Llw whole game, dominated an inferior Jane ville High
squad. However, victory was achieved at a high price, for in this game. Joe
'·Duke"' ·avoichick fractured his ankle and ended his career as full-back.
O\ E:\IBER 7 Racine Horlicl came to Kenosha to face a powerful Red maehine. The Redmen, wrathful over the loss of fighting '"Duke avoy"' in the
Janesville game, wreaked their vengeance on the Horliek lad~. \\ ith the hattleer). ··One for the 'Duke'," the Red~ dropped the Raeine invaders to the Lune of
24-6. The Kenoi'\ha gridmen played up to the earl) "eason form. and showed that
they still had the old drive.
" O\E.\IBioR 11 On Armistice Day, \ladison West journeyed to Keno;,ha. Befort' a crowd of 3.500 people, on a wel, sloppy field, a team of fighting, hard-hitting Reel" th<' old, original Hurricane <lemonRtratC'd to the home town folks
that the) kne\\ ho\\ to play football by measuring off the \ladison aggregation
hy 19-6. \\ onderful generalship, fine defensive and offensive work, plus Kirar·:i
long. »oaring punh eombined to make Lhe Red Devil almost invincible.
:'.\o\ E'lBER 14- Th Kenosha ~qua cl again travelled to \ladison to engage in
another night tilt, this time \\ ith 'Iadi,.on Central. The Reds <'ompletely ma"tererl Lhe inferior Ccntralite"> by a "<'Or<' of 26-0. The R<'d Devib, incidentalh.
"ucceeded in the almo;,t impossible ta:-k of winning three hard gamei:. in Ol~e
Wt'Pk \ time. After bringing to a close a brilliant, hard-fought, difficult 1'\ea"on
with but one eonfrr<'n<•e game loss, Lhc Reds bade adieu to aptain Han"on, \Janson, Apyan, Arlaubky, Cippolo, Bernacchi, Thompson, and Parmentier, ""brave
lad" and true:· who have played their last game with the Kenosha High chool
grid squad.
The Coaches
L. E.
F. L. B \ l ER, \SSIST \'IT CO \CH
Page ... 97
Page ... 98
Page ... 99
TltP Te a1n
OEL H~'\!'>O'\, ,turd) ,on of the
hard) '.'lon-emen, lived up to the reputation
of hi, ancestor>. Noel started a' a halfback,
but after a' oi<'biek broke hi, leg at Jane'' ille, he took O\ e1· the fullbaf•k po, it ion. \,
1•aptain, hi, f'OOI, calm pla)ing and good judgment \\ere e'iclent. A, a football pla)er, hi;.
fa,t, elusive running and resolute tackling
made him an out-landing pht)er on m:111y
oc1·:i-io1". \, a bo\, he wa' admired and
highl) regarded b) ·the whole ll'am, and the
-upport they gave him ;.ho"ecl their appreciation of him a, 1·aptain ancl leader.
l\ht\I'\ Mo ... n.El\, a ,1urcl)·legge~I, fa,t·
-tepping, running half, "ho nirne' the
: obriquet of "Handsome" gave the football
fan, mo;,t of their thrills In hi, "ell·ei..ecuted,
-pe<·tacular run' la;,t )ear. ~lei 'rn' one of the
outstanding running halfbaeh., in the Big
Eight Conferenl'e, and heeaube of thi;., he wa'
a marked man, and took terrific puni,bment
in many of the game,. Hi, return ne'\l year
i' one reason for Coa1·h Engle'i, smile.
Jo!'>t:PH '.\'~\OICllICh. wa;. the "Joe Sa,oldi"
of the Keno;,ha backfield until he fractured
hi, ankle in the Jane,,ille game. He i' a tall,
heavy hoy "ith a fine phy,ique and e'\rels a'
a hard-driving, hard-hitting, plunging fullba1·k.
When Duke wa' put out hy injurieb, the boy'
;,bowed their appreciation of bib spirit by
winning a game for him; Horlick fell to the
avengers-2i·6. Since Joe is a senior, Keno,ha
High hid:- adieu to a good player and a brave
HERBERT THO\lE\, a rangy, agile-fingered,
fleet-footed wingman alternated at encl this
year. £le played well whenever given the opportunit). With Fritz Borak on one end and
Herb on the other, a rare combination was
formed which won many a victory for Kt>no·ha.
:::>\Rh.IS Ar\ p,, the 'Lorky, light-weight hut
fiery·,pirited, \rmenian boy kept the whole
line pepped up and on their toes when he was
in at the pivot position. So out-landing wa'
::arky's playing that he graduated from the
urhung lineman dasb into the :-ung da". Hi,
indomitable courage and game fighting i'
clemonotratecl hy the faet that he played
through a game with a crarkt'd ann while
holding do'"' the difficult <·enter po,ition.
Keno,ha High bid,, arki;, goodbye, but ;.he
hopes that player,, with the same detennina·
tion, 'Pirit, and 1·ourage 1·an he found to take
his place.
H\RR\ Wien.LL '\D, a blurdy, diminutive
'<peed-ier played at running half this year. A
plwnomenal clash man in track, Wirkie 'howed
the same talent on the gridiron, for he "a' hy
far the fa,te'L man on the field in 311) of the
Pag(>. ..100
game' the Reel' pla~ ed hi-t )t'ar. °Wil'kit' i,
an alert defensive pla)er who 1·an blol'k and
tackle extreme!) "ell in ,pile of hi, ,ize.
Thu,, Kenosha ha, a speed mt'rl'hant "ho l'an
hold down tlw defensi, t' po-it ion next )ear.
Jost:PH C1rn \CH \vas the effervesl'ent quar·
terbark "ho alternated with Rizzo at 'ignall'alling po't. Cherrie,, a favoritt• with hoth
team an cl 'Pef·tator,, pla) eel 1'onsi,1entl) lwady
hall, and hi, genentl,hip wa' of tlw fir,t order.
He return' next year with his eheer) 'mile
and quirk-thinking football to aid in manag·
ing the Reel ma1·hi1JP.
E\1 \ ' l t;L Rizzo
a ,harp, 'ltH'f'alo voil'e
barking 'ignah-a flash of flying feet a
"rithing, dodging, elusi\e little figure rigging
off a trick) run that', Rizzo. Ile played "'kill.
ing" hall, and hi' pre,enl'e at the helm 't't'nwd
to make all the bop bear down an cl work
hard. Riz "ii I return again with hi, inimitable
grin and jaunty spirit lo run the po"erful
Red, and to 'teer their de-tinies to bigger
and heller things.
W1LLLH1 CtPPOLO, a powerful, well--t'l up,
and "ell-liked boy, pla)ed the pivot po•ition,
alttrnating \\ith
pyan and \rlausk). Although Chips did not have many opportunitie,
to play hel'au'e of the abundance of good f'enter,, he ohowed 'terling crualities a, a renter
"heneHr he played. Chip' i' among the
graduates "ho leave the Reel rank, with regret.
JERRE R' \ , a ;,miling, good natured, hut
hard.fighting son of Erin, played ron,istently
clever football at the tackle po,ition whenever
railed upon. Jerre will he bark nC'\l year and
will bring hi, two year, of ei..perienre plu, a
fighting Irish heart to enl'ourage the Reel line.
JOH'\ WE'\ '\I'\G, a olur<l), fa,1.,tepping l'rHl.
had the misfortune to injure hi, knee in tlw
1arly part of the seti-on. everthele", Johnny
,o impre"ecl both l'Oal'he, and team mate' by
hi, spePcl, l'le,erne.-, and dri\t> in tho,e early
game' that hi' wa,, unanimously roncefled a'
cll'slning of a letter. Johnny will return ne'\l
)ear to pro'e that hi, team mate' were justified in their judgment of him .
MATTHt:\\ Boh.\ILELLrn, a tall, tariturn. and
effil'iull end, showe1I hoth Waukegan and
1'.enosha 'up porter- how a good wingman
t'ec·utco his as,ignments by reeling off a
brilliant, speedy 55 yard run for a toul'hdown.
The ;,ilenl BLH·k will return next year to speak
in cl eel, with an eloquenl'e won(, could not
fLO'lD NELSON, a lad of Herculean propor·
tion' and power, was a tower of strength in
the I ine, wherl' he held do" n the ta1·kle a"ign·
ment. Ordinarily an ea'} going boy, Big
Moo't' c·hanged into a "rarin', tarin', rip,nort·
in' giant'' "hen arou"•d hy tlw t·nemy for!'e,.
The "Mighty Mom.t>" "ill return next yt•ar to
hol,tt•r the Red line and to frighten the pnemy
\\ith hi, bellowing war rry.
Jo11" P\1t\1E-.TIER, another quit•t, po"erful
hoy, 'upportccf the Rt>dmen in the ta!'l..le
po,ition. Well-liked both by roadie, and team
mate' for hi, 'teady, dett>rmined playing and
una'.'- ... un1in~ \\-H}"", h~ '"'-h a
real a ...... et to th~
Re<k Johnny hid, K1•1111>ha High farewell and
lea'e' a hig gap in the line whic·h it will tal..e
a n•al man to fill.
Erm \Kil J ''" \\ 11101 "a' a t•lever halfhac·I..
"110 C'ould ,hift hi' elu,ive form and evade
the PIH my ta!'kler, with almo't the 'anw fa.
!'ilit\ a' hi, iJlu,triou' brother, Churl... Eddie
"iii" return to a fa,t, brainy ha!'kfield, where
he will see murh more 'ervi!'e than he did la,t
. . ea..,on.
OTTO BEili\ \CCHI, a tall boy with a delightful gift of humor, either half-killed hi> oppo·
nenh with laughter or ,laughtered them "ith
!'old, preri'e delira!'y. When tlw Red line return' next year, it will mi" one of the hanJe,t
fighting tackle, that ever graced ito rank-.
Otto leave,, hut the memory of hi, fero!'iom,
tac-1..1 ing and rourageou' playing remairh a'
an e'\ample to im.pire the remaining linemen.
FR~"" K~R~BETSOS, a rhubhy, 'casoned grid'ter alternated at the guard po,ition. Franl..
played c·omi,tently good ball. Hi, determination and grit were 'o out-landing that he wa'
unan imou,Jy ,elerted a, deserving of a letter.
He leave' the line, however, a' he, Loo, i' a
Gwni;E Mc EIL, another hard-fighting lri,hman, alternated at wing po,ition. ;\hie did not
get a !'hanee really to sho" hi' ability until
late. in t.he 'ea~?";, hut hi, phenomenal p~'"
'nar111g 111 the B Team wa, 'o oubtand111g
that he wa' promoted to the fir,t team ranb
"here he arc1uittecl him,elf very well.
GEORGE M \"so", a curly-headed, fleet-£ ooted
grid,ter, 'erved a> re,erve halfhat·k. Lark of
\\eight kept him on the re,erve liot, hut thi,
larl.. he made up for in opeed and fighting
,pirit. At every opportunity George ''1" in
the game with 'trong fighting spirit. Iii, rurly
Jori.., will be mis.eel ne'\L year, for he i, one
of our departing senior,.
C\RL T110\1P,O'\, a tall, hu,l..y hoy, played
an aggreo,ive, alert game al guard last year.
A big lad and strong, Dane rould always be
dept ncled upon to ha'e a hole open for the
haeb whenever they t•alled for an opening.
Carl leaves the Red line relurtantly, and the
trnm will mi" hi, rugged, hard, playing.
\ f "ICE Sc.11ROEDER, a fti-t, plunging ful\hat•I..
aided Hanson whenever <·ailed upon. \ enice
was a hard-hitting hoy on defemi'e worl.. and
c·oulcl plow through the lint' like a miniature
hurrit'ane. Sin<"e \ tlni<'e i~ a ~enior, hi~ namp
also goes clown on the li,t of departing foot·
hall men who served Keno,ha so wholeheartedly and \\ell.
l'\LL II\llT"f,r..., a well-built boy wl10 devote' his lei,ure tinrt> to pugili,tie purouit,,
,howecl tht> hoy' that he earrie, the samt'
•taun!'h, fighting ,pirit into hi, foothall. He
kept the line pepped up with hi, lively drnt·
ter, and his terrifie drive and endurance were
the de,p~ir of the enemy linesmen who fac·ed
him last \Par. Paul will lw bat•I.. nt'>.l year
with his oid pepper.
Ff.LI' ;\nL \ l sr... \, a fa,t--tepping, hard-hit·
ting lad, held do\\ n the end po,ition in the
early part of the 'ea-on. However, when
\pyan fra!'tured his arm, Felix showed hi,
ver,atility hy over the renter po,ition
where he \Hts rel ie-ed by Cippolo and later
hy ;\pyan. ~elix completed hi, football career
last year and leave, the Reds minus a renter.
kr,;" "E'J 11 Jo,f,Pll, a stoeky, ,)ow-smiling
halfhacl.., turned in some wonderful deferi-ive
work at blocking half. Hi, hard tarl..ling and
fine \\ere feature' of every game in
whi<·h he played. \!though playing a po,ition
that carries hard, ro11'ibtent worl.. in the way
of clearing path, for other running bark>, he
,bowed the 'pertator, how elusive, fast, and
dever he wa' whenever given the ball. He "ill
be barl.. to ,hine even more brightly next year.
Eow~RD Krn \R, the good natured, hu,l..y,
un,poiled hut e'\tremely popular merman \\ho
arted a, the captain of the >wimming team.
played real football at the guard po,ition and
"'itrhed to the ha<·l..field to deliver healtln
taps to the pig,kin "henever nere"ary. Eddie
will be harl.. next year "ith hi, ,mooth punt·
ing and hi, determined 'tea<ly playing to aid
hoth the harl..field and the line.
FRED BoR \r..., the jaunty south pa" "ho ha,
heen delighting sport fans both in ha,l..ethall
and in hi!'yrle riding, will be hark next year
to pilot the destinieo of the Redmeri. Hi> ele' ation to the captaincy ,how, the esteem in
"hirh Fritz i' held by his team mate,. Fritz
will aid the Reels with hi, efficient pa" 1-naring
at end and will pep the boyo up "ith hi,
buoyant, likable per-onality.
M \ll\I" W ERH, he of hush. v frame and
fien·e bla<·k,, played ha.rd, aggreooive
hall at guard po,ition. If hi> features fright·
ened some of hi, rival,, hi, rarefree going
rea"ured and encouraged them. "Whatta
Man" could rertainly "talk it up," and he
'et the preredent by hi, own hard playing.
The Reds \\ill find \Ian harl.. ne'\l \Car \\lliting to C'\e!'Ule his a"ignmento ao .faithfully
as he did thio pa1-t seaoon.
Page ... 101
Basketball 1931-1932
The Red Devils under a new coachin1t regime vf Coach Fred Bauer had a
very successful season. The team finished in a tie for second place in the Big
Eight Conference which was won by Beloit. The team then went on to win the
district tournament at Racine Washington Park by defeating horewood in the
final . In the state tournament the Red Devils lost out to Beloit in the finals by
The season was opened with an impressive 33-12 victory over Janesville in
which elson led the scoring parade.
In a non-conference game horewood, of the \Iilwaukee suburban league~,
was defeated by 16-11.
Renewing conference activities the team suffered a 19-12 reversal at the hands
of Washington Park, which ~\as the first time Park had won over the Reds in
five year .
The following night the team defeated Racine Horlick with a score of 18-14
in an exciting battle.
The Red DevilR raised their conference standing by taking the nH'asure of the
\Iadison East team 26-18.
The five following games saw the Red Devils take to the road. Jn a non-conf erence game at Waukesha, the team was victorious 23-14. It then suffered the
second defeat of the ea on by 23-16 at the hands of Beloit. The following week
on successive nigh ts the team was victorious over Janesville 37-3 and \lad i~on
Ea t 15-13. In the last game of the trip, the team suffered its second reversal at
the hands of Racine Park with a score of 10-9.
In a non-conference game with \Vaukegan on the home floor the Red Devils
triumphed 21-17. In a return game a week later the ·waukegan team avenged
Page ... 102
this defeat by handinl-( us a 21-20 dPfeat. \leanwhile, the team waR virtoriou' a
Re<·orHl time over RaC'ine Horlirk by J0-11.
ln the final 1-(Hllle of the season the Red Devils ~ulfered a se<·ond defeat at the
hands of Beloit 26-25 in a 1-(ame that \\as loaded \~ith thrills.
TllP followinl-( we<•k al thP distril'l meet al Ral'inP "ashinl-(ton Par!., the team
played \~onderful ball and on three "U<'<'Pssive days \\as viC'torious over Pewaukee 37-11. OconomO\\OI' '.!6-19, and. hore\\OOd 31-8, \\inning the tournanIPnt arnl
tlw ril-(hl lo enter the state meet.
ln the first 1-(ame of the state tournament 1'..enosha \\On easily from Platteville
31-1'.!. The follo"inl-( nil-(ht the team came from behind to defeat uperior CPntraL one of th<' stronl-(est teams in the tournament by a s('ore of 17-16 in an overtime period. This was the most outstandinl-( 1-(arne of the tournament. Jn the semifinals Kenosha defeated\'\ ausau, another tournament favorite, 2-1-18.
The Red Devils met BPloit in the finals. Beloit had \\On Pa~ilv in her hraeket
of teams, ,~hilt• Keno,..ha had had a hard time 1-(ellin!-( throu!-(h the The
team lost 13-11 to Beloit: the state championship was lost to a less tired Beloit
tea111 by 2 points.
\luch credit ;;hould be 1-(i\Cn to \Ir. Bauer, former ··ff' team coach, for the
sueee;;sful team he has produced in his first year as head roach of the basketball
1931- KE 1 0SHA.
Madi,on Ea,t, 13
Jane,ville, 12
Janewille, 3
horewood. 11
Racine Par!.., 10
Waukegan, 17
Racine Horii<·!.., Ii
Ken <»ha, 15
K«no-ha, 33
1'..eno•ha, 37
Keno-ha, 16
Keno•ha, 9
f\.eno•ha. 21
1'..rno•ha, 40
Keno.ha, 12
l\.eno,ha, 26
l\.eno,ha, 23
l\.eno,ha, 16
Keno,ha, 18
l\.eno,ha, 20
1'..eno,Irn, 25
Racine Park, 19
Madi.on Ea,t, IS
Waul..e,ha, H
Beloit. 23
Racine Horlick, H
Waul..egan, 21
Beloit. 26
1'.eno-ha. 26, 11
:ihorewood. 8
1'.eno,ha, 31
Keno-ha. :l7
1.t·no,ha, 31
Keno•ha, 17
OconomO\\OC, 19
Platteville, 12 1..eno,ha, 24
:iuperior Central, 16 keno.ha, 11
Wau,au, 18
Beloit, 13
J \~h.\\ll!CH
Page ... 103
BOh. '1 l ELLEH
The Team
E'IA:\LEL Rizzo, a re erve forward, was a bmall, fa _L, bnt deliberale pla)er.
Rizzo did not see a great deal of acLion, but in Lhe time he played, he showed a
fine eye for the basket. He wiJJ be back a!!ain for a half semester next year.
GEORGE \le EIL was a reserve forward of the souLhpaw type. He was a fast,
scrappy little player with a !!Ood eye for the basket. He earned for himself the
title of a "ball ha\\ k," alway;. folJo,\ ing the hall. bie will aho have another half
semester of competition.
Eo\\ARD JA K\\HICH, a reserve guard and forward, was a cool, deliberate
player who, because of his height, was vny valuable. [n the games in which Eddie saw action, he showed a consistent e\ e for shots from out in the back court.
He will be back for a good season next year as a senior.
\IEL\11\' l\10'\ITEE'.'I was a cool-headed, hard-driving guard who was a strong
defensive player. He confined his offensive work to hots from ouL near the center of the floor. ~1el, a reserve guard durin!! the greater part of the season, played
bang-up ball at the regular guard position in the district and state LournamenL~.
He was the outstanding player of the district tournament. He will be hack for a
full season next year.
ELGENE HA ,1,10'\D, a regular forward, was one of Lhe most consisten L men on
the team. He was a cool, steady player with a dead eye from all parts of the floor.
An outstanding player fo·r Kenosha in the stat!' tournament, he is one of the hoy~
who will be grea tly missed next year.
PagP ... 104
FLOl o FLSO'\ \\a' one of the ma in cogs of the Red Devil•. "iebon. bee a use of
his height. controlled the Lip-off in practically all the games; he was an invaluable man as a fee<ler on the pivot line and a great asset in taking rebounds off
the backboards. He was cool-headed, with an eye for the basket both from long
and short di~Lance;,. He will bl.' bacl next year Lo he] p lead the boys to another
great season.
]A\lES R1.,sso wa~ a clever, fa~t little player ,,ith an inestimable ass l of drive
and fight. He had a fine eye for the basket from any part of the floor and could
pick the openings for fast breaks into the basket. He played regularly from the
start of the season hut wa~ edged out by \lonteen for the r gular guard position
in the tournaments. Jim i;, one of the pla) ers ,d10 \\ill be mib eel from the Red
line-up next year.
'\lATTHE\\ BOh..\ll ELLER, a tall, rang). ;,lO\\·JJJoving guard ''a!< the strongest
de"fense man on the team. His long arms stopped many a basket and interrupted
passes frequently. Buck had a good eye from the back court and a one-hand shot
with \\hich he hrole up several eJo,e games. Buel will be back for a full •emester
ne).t Year.
CAPTAI'\ FRFO BOR.\h.., a clever. eool. brainy ~outhpa\\ player \\as an in,aluable man to the Red Devils. His dribbling, shooting, ball-handling. and passing
\\ere outstanding features of the team. Fritz played his bebt game;, in the district
and ;,Late tournaments. His playing in the ;,late tournament rated him unanimou~
ehoice for all-state forn anl. Fri lz \\ill be hack next ) eai.
BER'\ARO '·B1.,o" LATHA\I, a "tellar Lrackman on the Red squad. di~play«"d
much of his vaunted speed on the basketball floor this year. \lthough handicapped by lack of size, Latham played exceptionally well at the guard position
\\ henever allowed the opportunity to prove his ability.
Page ... 105
As a climax lo a season in which they were undefealed in competll10n with
\V isconsin schools and triumphed over the leading Illinois team, Kenosha \\on
it!:i third consecutive state championship in the home pool by a margin of 18
points. Kenosha was first with 34 points followed by \lilwaukee Boys' Teeh, 16;
v; est \lilwauk ee, 13; \Iilwaukee v; ashing;ton, 12. Captain Bill Kirar was the
high individual scorer with 12 point:;.
The Kenosha team of 1932 was again undefeated in Wi~consin state competition, vanqui~hing all Badger prep teams thal dared to ::,chedule them. In meels
with Illinois schools Kenosha broke even in visiting and home meets with such
strong teams as \Vaukegan, Rockfor<l, and J\Tew Trier.
In the Waukegan Invitational \l eet open to all prep schools in thib section of
the country, Kenosha ranked fourth. In the \lilwaukee Teaehers' College \leet
the Reds won from an outstanding field of Wiseonbin compelition.
The big meet of the year was a dual one with Omaha Tech, of Omaha,
"ebraska, a team that had won the ehraska state title for eight consecutive
times and was undefeated in a perio<l of eight years. The Reds, afler an all 11ight
trip on the train, went down in def at, 39-36, after making a wonderful showin g;.
Page ... 106
J<1:!2 S\\1\1\11'\(; TIA\1
They lo~l h) onP point in tlwir quPsl of a fourth stale crO\\ n. The Yi Nor \\as
deeided in the lao.l event in \\hi ch keno,,ha \\as disqualified. the title iroinir lo
\\ eRt \lih\ aukee with 20 poinh. KPno~ha and horev\ood \\ere tied for i:-econd
place with 19 poinh each.
Captain Eddie kirar was the individual star of the meet\\ inninir both the 50
and 100 yard free i,;tyle raees and ~et a new state record in the 50 yard race.
Tlte Team
Captain Eddie Kirar. the most outstanding prep S\\ immer in the ~late, was
the mainstay of the Red team. Be;.ide;. his free stvle merits. Eddie \\a~ al~o a
capable bre~st stroker. Eddie, one of the best liked athletes in Kenosha High
chool, proved him,,elf a valuable leader. He \\ill return for a half a vear of
Leon Regner, a veteran of three years. was both a capable free :,.tyler and
haclstroker, garnerinir point~ in both <'vents for Kenosha. Regner. a senior. leaves
the team this year and hi~ place on the free style relay \\ill have to be filled.
Raymond "Bud"' Casey was another free styler of great merit. He \\a;; ,,econd
onlv to Kirar in the 50 yard race and a continual threat in the 100 vard event.
H<' -will return for another sea"on of competition next ) ear.
Gilbert Sandgren, a letter earner from Ia"l ) ear, proved himself valuable as a
member of the free !ityle relay and could aho be counted upon to pick up points
in the 100 yard free 1'l) le raee. He will aho return Lo bohter the Red ;-quad ne'\.l
Page .. .107
Kenneth Peterson \\as a eonsi, tent, dependable hack i:-troker and could he
counted upon to gain pointi:- in that event. He will return for another year of
:Mills ali bury, just out of junior high school, was a capable breast stroker
for his size and experience. A great deal can be expected of him in the next two
years of competition.
Benny Bonadio, a small but very capable diver, ranks with the be t ever produced in Kenosha High School. In the two yean; of competition that are ahead
of him, he should rank with the best in the state.
Chuck Bonson was another lightweight diver of merit. \Vith a little more
experienc , he should prove a capable diver, for he is btill in ninth grade.
] ack Clark was another member of our strong squad of capable free ~tyler"
and could be counted on to earn point~ C'Onsistently. He is a senior and "ill he
mis ed next vear.
Francib \lcGivern, a junior, so improved as thP ~eason progre~:sed that the
state meet found him swimming on the free style relay that captured second
place. \lcGivern will he hack for another year with the Reds.
Page ... 108
T.-ae k - 1931
The 1931 track season was less succt>s,ful than it
has been in past year~ due partly to the faet that the
team '~as not so '~ell balanced as in other year~ an<l
partly to tlw ineli1.dhilit} of Harry v; i<:klund. star
•printer. The season opened with a victor) o'er\\ aukegan, 81--11.
Pacetti \\as high point man for the Re<b with 15
points. In a triangular mt>et with Bay Yiew and \lil'HtUkee Lincoln, the Red Flier were nosed out of first
place b) half of a point. Pacetti and Latham led the
scorers with 10 points apiect>. In the Whitewater meet
the Kenosha traclmen \\ere fourth'\ ith 19 1 8 points.
Tht> comeptition wa;, stiff bt>eause of the large number of \lih\aukee schools entered. Pact'lti and
Latham scored Kenosha's points, Pacetti gaining 10
and Latham, 7. In a triangular meet with horewood
and \\est Division, the Reel Fliers completely collapsed and \\ere a poor third. Pacetti again capturt>d
10 point!--.
The Kenosha trackers won the Big Eight Conference crown for the sixth succt>ssive time b~ defeating
Racine Parl hy 2 poinh, 44--12. The point earner" for
l\.enosha were Pacetti, 10: 'lamon, 5: Latham, 8:
Caldwell, 6: 'lonteen, 3; Pile,,ki, 5: Bear, 1V2: mi th,
11,2 ; Braze, L
ln the "late meet K.eno,..ha rated eighth \\ith 8
points which were scort>d by Pacetti. Pacetti set a new
state record in the shot put. Later in the ational
High chool \Teet, Pacetti earned fifth in the shot put.
Page ... 109
The Bi~ Three of the
Kenosha .A lumni
AL S111PLE), '28
Co-captain of Ba,ketball Team
J \Sh.~ llICll, '29
!Votre Dame
Quarterback of Football Team
Quarterback of Football Team
Page ... 110
Lncl<>r the coaching of \Ir. \\ anl and the lea<ler;,hip of Captain Ai,;hley, the KenoRha golferR had a very Rucce~~f'ul -.t>ason. A
squad consibting of A!'hley, Penman, Frost, Hammond, and Harrington were twi<'e victorious over Racine Horlicb and Ra<'ine
Park. In matcheb with \\ aukegan and LaJ...e Fore-.t the tt>am
hroke even. l\shley, Penman, and FroRt <'OmpoRt>d our three-man
team in the Big Eight Conferenee \leet and in the state meet. In
the conferen<"e the Red team ranked fourth, with Park and Beloit t) ing for first. Dick \iihle~, the kenosha aee, \\as lo\\ me<lalist of the tournament.
In the state tournament the h..enosha team \\ai, si2'.th \\ith the
title going to Racine wa~hington Park. \Rhl(') \\a' ~econd low
medalist of the tournament, lo!'in!! out by one btroke for the individual title. Fro~t will be the onh one available for th is 'ear's
team a~ both A,hJev and Penman·,\ ere ~enior~.
The Kenosha racquet wielder~ under the coaching of \Ir.
Bayler had a fairly i,;uccessful year. \ bquad composed of Elliot,
Brinkman, chaeffer, Han!'is, and Jen~en met Horlich.. Park.
Waukegan, and Lake Fore;,t in home and home dual meeb. The
Red Netters broke even in these encounter' \\ith the exception
of the Lale Forest matche,,, which went to the lllinoi~ bchooJ.
The Red hope;, took a drop in both the Big Eight and ~late meets
\\hen the Redmen met some of the outbtanding team;, at the out:,et of the meets and were therefore eliminated earl) in the game.
The only returning member of the squad being HanRib, \Jr.
Bayler \\ill have a big job on hi" hand~ next year.
Page ... 111
The Coaches
RLTII PAL\TER-University of -\1innernta.
DOROTHY H. ELLE:\Z- La Crosse State Teachers' College
and Columbia tlniversity.
The coaches take chaq:~e of swimming, golf, tennis,
and of the senior and junior high school gym cla;;se~.
They ;;tarted the pobture training with the u~e of the
silhouetteograph. They have charge of the Trident Club
and are faculty advisers of the Girls' \thletic A~~oeia
tion, and they ~egulate the after-school activitieb such a;,
tennis, baseball, volleyball, golf, basketball, arHl track.
PagP ... 112
Girts• Athletic Assoc iation
Ruth \1cilrath
Jane "il on
,\ nn \loclrijan
Franceo; heppanl
\li~s Ellenz and \liss Palmer
\ ice-Prebidenl
ero11d . emester
Jane Wilson
\lildred Pobar
Vivian Petersen
\nn Zeizis
\liss Ellenz and \Iiss Palmer
Nanrv An<ler,on
Eunice Billing,ley
Jo,etta Bloner
Edith Bscherer
Ella Mae Cairrb
\ erna Cham hers
Bell} Coleman
Emil) Danjanovid1
Marion Fischer
Man Jane Fitzmauriee
Mariel Friedl
Helen :!\fory Frie,
flt>len Gaelles
Bertha Ga pa no" i<•z
La \ erne Gergel
Lorna Gulan
\ iqi;inia Han-en
Helen Ho,L
Eleanor 1'.anio'
.\li<·e l\.insella
Harriet l\.uhta
Ellen Ltrn ,on
Stella Lazar
Charlotte Letsom
Betty Lod,"ood
Al) re Machanke
Ruth !\fr Ilrath
Ann Modrijan
Elizabeth ~euman
Eileen O'Connor
El,ie Pa-.alieh
Mary Paton
\ iv ian Peter,en
Olga Petri<•k
Mildred Pobar
Elizaheth Pood1
"Virginia Pratzer
Dorothy Rapp
Frarwes !:iheppard
)fary Simpoon
Margaret Soren,en
Marion Thelen
.\lice Thomas
\ irginia Thomsen
Grace Wade
Mary WanenJ..o
Mildred Wilmot
Jane Wil,on
Adeline WitJ..e
:!\fary Wojnicz
Charlotte Gira
Dorothy Joseph
.\nn Zeizi,
.\liee Langenbaeh
Bettv O'Brien
Jane.I Tully
Mary Catherine O"Brien
)lary Catherine :\1urphy
Mildred Madsen
Caroline Regner
Florence BlanJ..le'
Elizabeth \ oloi .
:::ophie Wa" iorka
Mary O'Oar
The Girls' Athletic Ast-ociation i~ an oq!anization for girh" athletic,.
Yollevball, baseball, ba~letball, ancl track teams are formed even vear. and
minor ~p~rts are encouraged.
. .
A girl must earn al least 100 points a )ear for athletic' in order to remain in
the club . .\ pin is awarded for 500 points, a ··K'" for 1000 points, and a sweater
for 1500 po in to;.
Every spring the Girh" Athletic Association has a cabin party over the weelen(l al one of the small lakes.
Page ... 113
Trident Club
'lildred Pobar
\Iiss Ellenz, \liss Palmer
Florence Blankley
Betty Coleman
Ila Geane Grade
Alice Kimella
Betty Lockwood
Mary Catherine Murphy
Loio ehhon
Alice iewerdo,nki
Betl\ O'Brien
Mary O'Donnell
Mary Catherine O'Brien
\ ivian Peterson
Mildred Pobar
Virginia Pratzer
Dorothy Rapp
Caroline Regner
Frances Sheppard
Mary Simpoon
Martha Ti•hon
Janet Tully
Margaret Tully
Mary \an Wormer
Mildred Wilmot
\ irginia Hamen
Helen Ho,t
Dorothy Jooeph
The Trident Club was organized last year for girls interested in swimming
and diving, and is sponsored by the G. A. A.
The members participate in boys' swimming meets and give pageants of their
Page ... 114
choot Lif~
... The ...
School Life Section
Easy and Pleasant Guide lo the
1rt of Lauµhi11µ
dorn'd with Snapp - hots and
Cut Mad by th
lo 1d1ich is added
··The Record<:> of a Highe
choole Yeare ··
... and ...
"'Achice to Ye Scholares .,
Page ... 115
ee11ecordes of a Diglie
Seltoole Y eare ~,
On thi, da) e ,i,teen hundred ;.tudente' enter ye
Schoole of Learning to againe pur-ue Kno"ledgt>.
11 Ye Fre,l11m'11 allend fir,t meeting of Gree11hou'1'
15- Ye football teame toda)e 'tart- ye Sea,on in fine
mannere b) Defeating Milwaukee Southe.
·30 Oure \enerable Studenlc Council t>leeh Donald
Tull) Chief Councillor.
·T~l\C~~l$0 ·PICNIC:
\ e "orthie >choole Ma,tn' and \fi,trt»>e' fro I ii'
all Picni1"
3 Ye Highe Schoole Gym i' "'ene of Gaietie after
!'lo,e of rla>•e' "hen many allcnd dance Gh t'n hy
"K" Club.
8 Debater, hold )I' fir,t Meeteing.
13- A ne" Club enter,, oure ranl-o- \ e Prep Club.
5·6- \e ,,cholare> get de,ened \ acation a' Faeultie al·
tenlh Convention.
10 Ye Pep Club ;.pon,ore' Evening da1we.
11 Ye 'cholares enjoie a halfe·holidaye inn Honore of
ye Armi,ti<·e.
18- Sumptuou, banquell by ye Parente' and Tea!'her,.
20 \ e Wigg and Rohe Club mal-t>, ii- Debut inn
20- Manie couples all Red Triangle danl'e in Evening.
26.27- Ye worthie ,(')1olare, are di,mi,,ed to Enjoie
Thanbgi,ing nu·ation.
Ye evente of ye year one hundred and l\\enty
allend ye Juniore·Scniore Prom.
Ke11eu 1 delegate' allend ye . S. P. !\. Com t'ntion
all Chicago.
5 Ye Keno mermen downed by Oal- Parl-e.
8 \I' Hi.\ and Girl Re•ene Club' l'O·operate inn
Joint meeteing.
11 Ye Basketeers o' er<·ome Jane;.villite,.
19 Blue Triangle, entertaine Children royallye all
Christma' part).
22 Hi·Y Club host all alumni Banquett.
23- Art and Mu,i<· department' pre,ente ye 1 uletide
21 ) e Keno,ha Highe Schoole dismi"ed to greet St.
l\li!'holas in Worthie mannere.
'\ e hero, heroine, and villaine entertaine :,tudent1•s
-Prep Club i\•,emblie.
15-\e Blue Triangle I sponsors Ten Pence Dance.
Ye Seniores enjoie Final banquett wi th farultie.
Three playe, pre,ented hy Graduate,, -\notlwr da''
Leave' ye Ha ll , of Keno,ha Highe.
27-Luckie numbereo winn all Ke11e11·s As.emblie
PagP ... 116
of a llighe
St•hoolP Y•• •·
I!' wondere,
of Ele<'lri(·itie,
1 t> Fn•,hnwn gell :u·<1uainted all '"K" Cluh Mixer.
Cro"dp, 'ee W:i-hinglon Bi('entennial Pageant.
Birthdaye annivt>r,arie of the Father
Country l'elt•hrated throughout Cill}.
" When Lt>ap I t•are give' it T"enl)·nin.-."
of Oure
3 Q,<'ar Lindgrt>n newe Chief Coun<'illor of Studenle
governing Bodyt>.
le :,t'holare, againt> Froli(•
'pon,ored hy Oa 'irwi Club.
Oime Dan<"e-
"-eno,ha "inri- di,tri<'l Ba,kethallt> tournamente.
·~ainl Patri<"k honored
I e Hi-I and Girl Re,erve Club, gt>ll together all
Joint meelt>ing.
all G. ,\, \. Oance.
\pril Fool! f\ e11e1t·s editb , pe!'iale i"ue.
le Blue Trianglt' II[ entertaine' at Dim e Dance.
Keno Ba,kt•teer, runner,·up in ~late Tournamente.
8-le '.\fo,i<' A"O(' iation dehte, cro\HI al Ten Pence
'le runnpr, Plat't' 'e('onde in Ba) 'ie" Triangular
5 and 10 - '1other, gue,1' au )e Blue Triangle Banqueu,.
7 I e tra('k,ter' Gain Fifth in ~tale '.\icet.
I e Girl Re-en e give' l\Iay dant'e.
le ~eniore, prepare for L:i-L final,.
Jl '\E
It' la,t Geu-together-Seniore Ban quell.
\ e al'Lore, and a(·tre"e' Show their l'olor,
Wanted \ outh" da" playe.
10- .\ new Trail heginm.
·.SC~IOOL· 1'5·0UT7
Page ... 11-;
\\~ho ·s
Who in K e nos ha High Seliool
DE\\AI'\ BO'\'\E\L- President of\\ ig and Rohe, serond !'eme;,ter
Captain of Bao;kethall Team
LOLIS BR\'\DT- President of \Yig and Rohe, first semester
B:nn BL Cl1'1\"lo
Presidf'nt of Blm' Triangle [
]ACK CLARK- President of Tennis Club
}h.Rl Cooh.. President of Quill and Scroll, second ~emeii-ter, Literar~ Eclitor of
the py. Editor of the Keneit•s, fir8t semester, and Valedictorian of June Class
Pre:-ident of. pani"h Club
:uu:nE CRA'\DALL- President of
ophomore '\ ClM"
\V Al '\E DA\JSO'\ - President of eminar Club, ~econd Sf'llle"ter
RosE ER'\ST- President of Girls' Glee Club
BETTl E\ E'\- Pre;.ident of Journalism Club, second semester
GORDO'\' GARDl'\ER- President of Thrift Boosters
='IOR\A'\ GoRoo...,- Pre ident of
ED\\ 11\' GoRSEGl\iER
eminar Club, first semester
Captain of Affirmative Debating Team
H1L\1ER GcsTA\ O'\ - Pre8ident of Beta Phi Kappa, first semester
E GE'\E HA\1\10'\D
President of Hi-), fir8t seme"ter
]EA'\ HA"iSO'\"-President of Blue Triangle III, second semester
OEL HAl\SOl\- President of l\lid-1 car Cla;,s and Captain of Football Team
DOROTHY HARRI - Pre ident of Girl Reserve, second semester
FLORENCE HE:-. EY- Valedictorian of 1\-lid-Ycar Cla""
RICHARD KILTZ- President of Pep Club, "econcl semeo;ter, and President of Da
Vinci Club, "econd semester
ED\\ ARD KIRAR- President of Senior B ClaQs and Captain of
Co:-.STA!'.CE KLE\ICKJS- Pre;,ident of
wimming Team
iawauna Club
President of "K" Club
}lARJE LEO'\ELLI- Accompanist for Chorus
OSCAR Ll'\OGRE'\1- Chief Councilor of
tudent Council, ;.,erond seme~ter
}LARGARET LIPPERT-Consul of Latin Club, and Editor of Keneics, second semester
Page ... 118
Who·s Who in Kt"nos l1a High Sc hool
KHHERl"\F Ll\l'iGSTO'\f
l\ccompani~t for Girh' Glee Club
ROS\\ELL \IARQUSEE- Ban<l \Iajor
President G. A.!\., fint Remester
President of the Junior A Class
LFO'<E \it RRAl
President of Blue Trian1de 111, firl't semester
President of Blue Triangle II, first semester
President of Beta Phi Kappa, fir;;t seme;;ter
]R\ l'\G PARADISE- President of French Club.
Prei,,ident of Trident Clnh
FRA -..i;:. Pt.:cc1 - President of Red Triangle Club, 'econd »emebter
D\'\ RAGO'
Presirlent of Quill arHl
croll, first seme~ter
President of Girl Reserve, first semester
President of Blue Trian!-(le JI, second seme:,ter
la\ l'\G RosTh.ER
President of Fon1111 Club, first semebter, and President of Journalism Club, seeond semester
J ERRE R l A'\
President of Red Trian!-(le Club, first !'emester
AL1..,BLR1 - President of the
ophomore B Clas'
GILBERT SA '\'OGRE:-. - Preo;ident of the Junior B Class
Consul of Latin Club
President of Da \ inci Club, firo;t seme:,ter
\ I\1£'\ '\E
PIE - Accompanist for Bo~ s' Glee Cluh
alutatorian of June Class
President of Hi-Y', fin-t semeo;tt>r
TOR1-Business Editor of the Spy
• DO'\ TLLLl President of June Cla~s. and Chief Councilor of
first :,emester
]R\l'\G W .\LLACF.
President of Forum Club, second seme ter
tudent Council,
alutatorian of \lid-\ ear Class
President of G. \ . .\.,second semester
Page ... 119
Shadfl's of llfl'n Franklin
ln my \\ ide reading you know l am a wide reader, having read, in my lifetime, all of Grimm's Fniry
Tnlt>s, Burgess' Bedtime tories, and Carter',. 1dventur<>s- l have enumerated and catalogued virtuet-1
more or les" numerous, because various storie;; and
authors list the same or i:.imilar virtue;. under various
names. Temperance, for example, wai:- by some confined Lo eating and drinking, while others confined it
only to eating. Still others included every plea;.ure,
appetite, and inclination, and thereby eombined many
ideas in one word.
~ ishing Lo be different from my fello\\ author~,
Grimm, Burgess, and Carter, I shall individualize my;.elf and follow my worthy predecessor Frankl in\
method, and use, rather, more names'' ith fe" er idea,..
These names of v.i rtues as seleeted by Benjamin
Franllin with their precept,., also b) him, a1Hl my
additions are:
l...TE,TPER \
Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation; both
food and drink may be found in the fountain around
the corridor if one ·needs them.
2 ... 'ILE CE
peak not but what may benefit others or your elf.
Even though the Cnited tales 'lin l "ill not aecept it
for coinage purposes, silence i golden except when
you can't answer an oral question.
3 ... 0RDER
Let all thingii have their place'; ) our lessons
should be in your head and not on YOllr cuff; 'our
waslf• paper should be in the bollom. of your lo"c·ker
and not on th<' Lop.
4 ... RE OL TLO'I
Resolve to perform '~hat you ought; \\hat )OU
ought to perform, reiiolve. 1"1ake enough resolutions to
la l from one cw ear's day lo the other. The) 're
:\lake no needless expense; wast<' nothing. Write
on both sides of the theme paper. Beller yet, don't
write. A penny saved is a penny earned.
PngP ... 120
6 .. .1 Dl
Lo~e no time: eut off all unnecessary actions. Jn
throwinµ: Pra"l.'rs the "ec·ond wind-up is. superfluou~.
7... , I CERlT)
l"se no hurtful deceit: think innocent]y and just1): if you ('an·t. don"t think: it"ll giv<' )OU a headacll<'.
"- rong none h) doing injurie;.: ma)})(' he can \\hip
you after a]J.
9... \lODER cl TIO
Forebear resenting lllJUries so much: avoid extreme" eH•n \\hen 'ou"re in the " room.
10 ... CLEA Lll\ E
Tolerate no unc]eanliness in bo<IY, clothes, or
habitation. Remember: every normal. per,,on eats a
pecJ... of dirt in his lift>time. hut clon"t tr) to do it all
at once.
Be not di"turbed at trifle;., or at accidents. \lavhe
the tacJ... just \\ alked on your seat: all)\\ ay, an unrlisturbed min<l ean think of \\a)S to gf'l even.
I made a little booJ.. from tebt-paper which I got
free from the school, and I allotted a page for each
virtue. I ru1ed each page in red ink so that there '~ere
.. even eolumn .. , one for eaeh day in the \\eek. I mark.
b) a little blacJ.. spot, e\ery fauh l found upon examination to have been committed respecting the virtue
upon that day. I think that] bhaJI continue this practi<'e at "ome future date \\hen J have more tinw. l\t
the pre-ent time. the deprebsion maheb it a diffieult
task to get free paper: I mu;.,t keep in harmony \\ ith
virtue five.
Thib is \\ ritten "ith profound apologieb to Benjamin Frank]in for the use of his style, quotations. and
;-ayingb as they appear in his book ThP lutobiography
of Benjamin Franklin. JR\1-..c Ro!:-Tl\.FR, "32.
Page ... 1:! 1
Page ... 122
Page ... 1:!3
Page ... 124
ldfl'ntifyin~ ' "' e
Old Snaps hots
I. You ·(1 know Vlelva Menzel any plaee.
2. 'I <'~Rir, there'R Ri<'hard Lipp<'rt with his ~i~ter and the reRl of tlw neighborhood gang.
3. Do you know ~1 ary O"Donnell?
1. Betty \lc~eil look~ '"''el.
5. I recognize Sam Odelhurg. idney Greenwoo(l and Eddie Randall.
6. Th<' Bob Darn.field.
7. I'll h<'l Bob Hastings wa~ cult' in ~<'V<'nth grade.
8. Three guesReR! Virginia Crandall.
9. Lillie \liss Katherine LiYingston.
10. The illustrious Charle~ Ston.
11. Who"d ever think Frances i1eppanl eould chanl!e so?
12. Jeanne Kupfer ahrny-. could danl'e.
13. Ah, ye~, \lary \nn Theleen!
14. Jt 's ancy and her big brother.
15. We have with u-. the ~e'\ lwrn girl-., \Ierle and \1 ildred. and \ irginia
16. • ext lo Irving\\ allace is :'.'\oel Hanson, and on Gil Kuenkler's left i~ Evelyn
17. You mean you don't know Gordon Palmer Gardiner?
18. Nice dog, Rachel!
19. Jt looks like Riehard Jeni,en. It i~!
20. weet girl- Kathleen O"Hare!
21. Lools like Earl Hunt lo me.
22. Pat Dory in IH'r ~unday-go-meetin" dothe-..
23. Irene Ksinan ha-.n't ehanged a hit.
24. J have an idea that mu;;t he La \ erne \'Vegner.
25. Thi~ hoy\, ha;;hfulnes;; make;; me think it'~ Boh Ilendf'r.,on.
26. Charlotte Gira in the role of ballet dancer.
27. Wenclall Taylor in per-.on !
28. Don look:,, too innocent for word-.!
29. Herb is smiling again. or i,,. it still?
30. \\ ay back \\hen Ru th waR a lillle girl.
3l. \ly, hut Harry Joob eomfortable.
32. Good old J().J 0 the Tiger.
miling Liebert.
34. , mile pretty 110\\, E'elyn.
35. Reading from left to right. Dorothy, Helen. and La\ erne.
iet' -.cene, Dan!?
37. l knO\\ two of them-Gene Hammond and Don Tulh.
38. The Journalism Club.
39. \ li"" Dorothy Jo-.Pph.
40. Our friend, Helene ilverman.
41. It',. Jucldy Goldman.
42. JuRl Frances and lwr hor"ie.
43. \ laster Robert Heller.
Page ... 125
Adv ice to Y _. Scl1olars
\\'hen first thou doth enter ~· e school of learning, heed not vell(ler~ of elevator passes since passes are only at the book room sold.
Hesitate thou not to purehase seeond or seventh hand books if thev be Latin,
French, or other like types sinee thou mayest b) the various tramlatio~1" imerte<l
by predecessors chance upon the correct one.
Speak a" thine heart or mind doth dictate at all time" lo thine ;,ehool ma,.,ter~
and mi,,tresses if thou wouldst remain in ~chool five years.
Let not thy friend on the right know what thy friencl on the left is doing.
BC\\ art' lest thy jargon be<"{'lllf' eorrupl; uRe not the word '"nertz" more than
ten times \\hile conver~ing with th~ friend,,.
If it pleaseth thee to disperse a mob, pursue the ~tu<ly of chemistry where ga,.,
i" produced for bombs warranted to shock tho"e pretty kitties which clo have
baU(b of \\ hite on their fur.
Football star, make thv studiom friend familiar with thine hand as 'twill save
thee much labor in copyi1~g over themes.
eat thyself in the rear of the room if thou wouldst make brilliant ela;;;; recitation . Thrice and three times over hath it been proven that recitations from
rear of the room are a;; goocl as part~ from the text.
le bankers of one pence keep up the good habit since thereby ye may have
acquired the stun at graduation time to pay thine book lending fines.
): e sophomore;., let not a senior instruct thee a~ to thine conduct un]e;;s hf' he
larger of "tature than thy,,elf.- RosE D'..\'\GELO, '32.
To 1001. at \largaret Lippert\ card
You'd think "'Poor thing, she never rests.''
This blue-eved miss'i;; dav's not marrecl;
' he\ learn~cl how work ·and pla~
Can each be done the best way.
Irving Rostker's fiery pate
peaks distinctly of a hate
Of the non-committal •·ve;;."
Leastways that is our g~ess.
Fashioned ~o ovallv,
Chubby and coy, ·
Round as his name implies
Bernie Apple's the boy.
'·Too many Cooks will spoil the broth."
At tim s this mav be true;
But very well ou~ school could do
With many, \1ary, just like you.
Paw>. .. 126
Modt•rn Say in~s of Poor Rie ltard
Flunking k<'ep" a d<'ar sehool, hut a poor student will l<'arn in no oth<'r.
Ha pupil empties Hieb and Bates into hib hea!I. no lip:ht-fingered student ca11
take H.ich and Bates a''ay from him .
:\n honor roll re<'ord i;. ea"il} C'raeked and nev<'r '' ell-me1Hled.
He that C'omes late to school must trot down to Pop ~ anl and then he rnu"t
trot all day to eateh up with his work; '"hile C'arelcssness travels bO slmd} that
failinp: marks soon overtake him. Drive thy lesson". Let them not drive thee.
A little C'arele"snc"s may brec(l great misC'hief; for want of a pen, the test '"as
lost; for want of the te"t, the mark ''as lo°'t; for want of the mark, the cre!lit was
lo"t; for want of the credit, the diploma was lost.
He that builds his mind and C'haraC'ler is wiser than he that builds them<' and
He that thinks cheating will do everything may be suspected of doing everything by cheating.
If you would know the value of rarrying your own impplies, try to borrow
i;ome. He that p:oeR a-borrowing p:oes a-sorrowinp:.
Don't try to listen to~ ayne King and work out the Pythagorean theorem at
the same time.
People who lend you rnpplies have better memories than people )OU lend
them to.
A evenly stands on one leg, a ninety on two.
You can't tell what the hook is by its cover.
Large shoes look better than a large hat.
If a student could have all hib wii,,he-., he would be in hot water most of the
time.-E'.\GLISII 8 CLAS~ES.
This charming redhead's quite a treat
As fine a subject for rhyme and feet
\s we have had the chance to meet for "ome time.
\ irginia Crandalrb the maid petite in thio rh) me.
" ' ho is Hilda? Who is she
That Central Glories o'er her?
Her modest nature's potency
·• ells" this famed maid to you and me.
Full of speed,
Full of fire,
A great natatorEddie Kirar.
The classic contour of Hammond's face,
And lithesome step oeem Greece's trace.
The \ lidst of a frav for Gene is a feaot;
\ nd how he speak-R isn't Greek in the least.
Page ... 127
lam gaming a great deal of \\isdo111 in high school. The s~stern of stucl'.l°ing
through \\hich I ohtain m~ eclu<'ation is aver~ striet one indeed. I ahHt~s arrange
m~ uotehooh so that half the page l'an he devoted to pla'.I° ing '"Cat"'' ith Ill) self.
to making lopsided five-point i:-tars, to writing Ill) name, an cl to clra\\ ing girl<
hf'ad,,. In fact. l dnrn pietures of girls" heacls ver) \\ell. \t lea;.t several teaehers
thought so: the) i:;c nt me do,,n to sho\\ thf'111 to 'lr. Tremper at <'ertai11 times.
lt takes me only fifteen minutes to sharpen m~ pencil. I take pride in kno\\ing I have so me of the he-t :,; harpened peneils in school.
\n invcnton of lll\ edu('ation thus far:
IT' hat I Lear11ed as a , oplwmore B
1. Elevators \\Crcn"t built for the .. tudents.
2. ~ever eat garlic before cominl,!; to school.
3. ::\'ine hours of sleep are not neces;;ary.
cl. Girls <lo not lih.e a s lick-em porn pa dour.
What I Lear11ed as a , ophomore
1. Charlerna1,?;ne either clie<l or was horn or cl id sornethinl,!; to the Holy Roman
Empire in 800 B. C.
2. There ai-e a lot of things in the Encyclopedia.
3. One-half of the girls are not pretty.
4. Eight hours of leep are not necessar).
5. Girl like a spit curl and wavy hair.
Tr' ha/ I Learned as a Junior B
1. A Milky Way taste~ best about the seventh period.
2. even hours of sleep are not necessar).
3. There are not more then ten good looking girh in f'chool.
4. You can Jeep in class b) resting the head on the hancl as if shading the
· 5. ince taking German I haYe learned to .. nore.
6. ··You're as big as you feel!'"
.\lo;,t .\mericans believe that a high school eclucation il:i lirnitecl Lo adoring
''K's" and to <lancing after school. \Xlhat I have written thus far certainly should
prove otherwi,,,e.
aturally I can't he e),.pected to re11H'mher ever) thing I am taught. ru admit
1 had to look up that elate concerning Charlemagne. - lR\ l:\G \"\ ALLACE, ·3.i.
\lore than a bit.
~ot ju8t rumor.
Thrill for a week.
Yes, '·clever," "bright."
Wallace is the name all right.
Page .. .128
he's not too shv
To catch the eve
Of lads who sigh
For even a glance.
That ·'\lax'' should lead
Her class is indeed
' o matter of mere chance.
On B e ing Photographe d
\n agony <'ornparahlt> to tlw pain of having a tooth pullt>d or an arm amputatt>d is that of being photographed. With misgivings anrl mingled feelings of
<''<cil<>ment ancl urwertainty you enter the studio. ou pause before the mirror
to fix your erowning glory. Pats, pulls, ancl pmhes fail to give the satisfactory
elfeet, but you seat yourbelf before the camera with a resigned anxiety to have it
over '~ i th.
"FirHt we'll face the camera," announeeo the erueJ photographer.
) ou turn toward the instrument of torture and try to appear relaxed and
graeeful at the same time. ) our right shoulder sags, and in an attempt to
straighten your spinal column you thruHt out your chin in an entirely unmaidenlv attitude.
"That's right. ' ow look a little mor<> alive and interested.'"
)' ou pop out your eyeo in a hopele~s attempt to regi ter an '·ambitious-studen t-about-to-en ter-the-cruel-w i de-world" expression.
'·Good, now hold it!"
Jn the endeavor to hold it vour face freezes into an imitation of a darkv child
who went out to steal watermelons at midnight and saw something white coming
toward him.
Click! One down; three to go!
Jn the second chance you are reque~ted to !imile. lour upper lip lifts oneeigh th of an inch.
'· .\ little more," wheedles the executioner.
1'.ou do ··a little more," and when you are snapped you lool like the nightmare version of an ad for Pepsodent Tooth Paste.
''. ow we'll try a profile."
l' ou hopelessly turn your pug nose to the wall anrl think of John Barrymore.
The corners of your mouth turn rlown; your eyes turn up; and you look like the
speculator who has just heard that the bottom has dropped out of the market.
On the last attempt you determine with a "do or die" expression to try to
appear less like Densmore. But your though b \\ ander to the care-free hours
you spend\\ ithout your present care;. and '~orrie,., and as you long for the happy
out-of-doors you assume an attitude of abject woe and sorrO\\.
A few moment;. later, as you leave the otudio a changed peroon, you mumble
wearily, "Thank heavcm, l won't have to go through that again until mv
wedding."- \l1LDRED POB4.R, '32 .
.\ feminin~ murmur as he goes b~.
The girb all beem to softly 8igh.
'"Joe tefani, head of Hi-l :·
Page ... 1:!9
{Beinp: advice to the lower rlassmen from an older and
more experienced fellow-student)
.\- Ah, ays remember wherever you go
That you're Lo be the star of the show.
Be good when it's po~sible had, ~hen it's not.
This is advice for each high school Lot.
C- Cram for your finals don't !-Ludy ahead;
To ~Ludy\, bad policy - so l've heard said.
Don't learn your theorems; don't fret about rule~;
'lany "ho 've learned them are :;till kno\Hl a~ fools.
E- Ever Lardy, ever late,
That's the way to crash the gate.
F- Forget all dates I mean from books;
Just try to get by on your good looks.
G-Get what you 're after-don't let it get you;
If you try hard, you may pull through.
H-Have a great respect for teachersSome are really brilliant creatures.
I- Ignore what's told to you in book;
To doubt you'll pass-by hook or crook.
J - Jump at conclusions-don't stall in fright;
If you make a wrong µ;uess- why, that's all right.
K-Know what you must-but that's enough;
Don't bother with projects and that kind of stu[.
Learn what you want to, but don't study much;
An exre~s of knowledge will get you in DutC'h.
Page ... 130
AJ11habet Max irns
\lind your O\Hl business; mind others· too,
For that is the way suece!'s comes Lo you.
--1'ever do now what can he postponed;
\Jany as~ignmt'nl~ can IH' left all alone.
Open your hooks when in study hall
Pretend you're studying though you're not al all.
Phont' ) our friends for work you can't gel.
"h) do it yourself?" h) bother and fret?
Quit "Lruggling with Caesar, quit studying Gaul;
) ou·n pass on your .. rep" if you'll pass at all.
R- Ri;.e late in the morning; go late to bed;
Come late Lo school and ) ou 'II get ahead.
ing in the eorridors-\~histle and yell.
cream and s<'urry and dash pell-mell.
T- Think earl
think late then think once again
But don·t think Loo hard- it\ bad for the brain.
- lse good exeuse;. and alibis;
They are the things that make you wise.
\ - \ enerate your upperclassmen
Even though tlwy snub you often.
'' - "hat you laek in your head, make up in your heeb
\nd Lear through the halls'\ hen the ~ehool hell peab.
\.en<'0< the Grt'al had braim in his head.
But don·l lw like Xen.e:-. ·cau;.e Xen.e,, i,, dead.
) ou might have better spent this time,
Reading other line:, than mine.
Zeroe,., red mark s, failure:-. and tears
\~ ill result if ) ou follow these maxims, my dear:,.
Page ... 131
A Fac ulty Quiz
]. Several hip: noises plus a Emall town
2. An article plus a famou" actor
3. "\"\hose name sip:nifies a fresh fruit?
An-Drew;,. (John I
4. A boy plus an L
Dense-\ lore
Whose name is thick and then some?
\\hose name is a corridor?
"\"\hose name j;,. the middle of a cloup:hnut plu~ an e:-..elamation'?
A hard worker
Hole- \h !
A container plus a pasture
_\corn crib plus a joint of one's anatomy
A p:rain plus an S
Larp:e plus a vowel
\\i hose name sip:nifies emptine~s?
A popular auto havinp: floating power
Determination plus a male descendent
A texture plus the ohjeetive of "e
A point of a compa~s plm a method
To disfigure and to rel a Le
Fahrie-l b
orth-\\ ay
Page ... 132
]OJI'\/ ZE'\<,, ·32
Ou¥ Adverii ti's
THE following page are to
be found the names of the
busine s and professional men
whose cooperation has made it
possible for u to issue our annual
this year. The Spy Staff wishes
to thank these men for their
generous support.
AD ICE is cheap, and l!:ra<luate.,, a;, '~e kno" them, are not often of
J-l. a mood to Ji;,ten. But if it \\ere our privilege to adclress thi., y<'ar's
graduating c}a.,.,, we should point to this: one may graduate from
learning into earning, hut until one has learned to keep a portion of
"hat he ha;, earned, one ha,,n "t learned at all. And as a method of implant in I!: thi" homely hit of" i~dom \\f' would point to e'\.ample as the
;-tronl!:e;,t teachf'r- and by the same token, to a ne\\ "aving" account
"ith thi., banl a., one of the best l!:raduation gifts that might be made.
Page ... 133
Fire Engines
Page ... 134
Compliments of
Milk Producers' Association
Golden Guern ey Milk
Tip-Top Blended Milk
Certified Milk
itamin "D" 1ilk
cidophilu Milk
Crean1ed Cottage Ch e e
Coff e Cr an1
Whipping Crean1
Butt r (Our Own .Yake)
Page ... 135
Keno ha
Evening ew
K e 11osl1u !'s Ne1rspape r
HE net paid circulation of the Kenosha
Evening ew e ceed eleven thou and
copies each day of publication, and this is
more than the number of horn in eno ha.
dv rtiser in the Keno ha vemng ews
cover Kenosha and Keno ha County at a
co t much les than thi coverag can be
made by any other method.
More clas ified advertisement are carried
in the l no ha Evening ew than in any
other newspaper in Wiscon in-except one.
The Kenosha ews Pre s, the printing department of the Keno ha ew Publi hing
Company,is known a Kenosha's best printer
and rend rs a printing service unequalled in
Keno ha.
Page ... 136
For 16 year l\'ash succes has been built
on the ound, un hakable foundation
of greater value-giving.
But never in all its history has
been able to offer the buyer o much for
his money as it offer
in the pre ent
ash car .
We say to you in all ·incerity that fair
and intelligent comparison will bring
you to the unmi takable conclusion
that Nash offer
the best motor cars,
and thebe tmotorcarvalues, in its field.
8th .h ·enue and 59th
Page ... 137
Wire Rope
6 Strund8-7 \\"irt•s lo th~ Strund-1 llt"n1p Cort"
\\ ire Rope is a ron;,truction
of wires united to form a
6 ~truruJR-19 ~ irf'8 to the Strund-l llf"ml> Corf"
o-trong, compact line. The
"ires are formed into units
called " trand~" and the
trand;, are united to form
the rope. Various sizes of
\\ires and manv different
6 Strunds-37 'W in·s to the Strund-l llf'tnp Corr
methods are used to unite
the wires. Each method
gives the rope qualities which adapt it to certain clas;,es of work. Illmtrated are three general t) pes of \land1) te \\ire Rope.
\lacwhyte Wire Rope is used "herever ''ire rope is required; for general hoisting, haulage, elevators. huild ing and excavating equi pmt>n t,
quarries, mining, logging, "ell <hilling and ships rigging.
Macwhyte Tie Rods
Tie Rod", as the name implies, are used for
braces and ties on the ''ings and fuselagt> of
aircraft; the Round Dra,\n and ' quare Drawn
tie rods are used exclusively for internal purpo;,es and treamline tie rods for e::i.ternal
hra('ing "her<> they come direct!) in contact
'"ith the air. The, are manufactured In a cold
drawing and colcl rolling process that impart"
to the'" ire tlw required i'trength along with a
maxi mum of the very de;,irahle propert ie" of
toughness and ductilit).
Macwhyte Company
Tie Hods in th«' " 'inl(
Page ... 138
KENOS ll\ ,
ISCO '\ S I ~
S OU D managerial policies and long, Q
successful experience have provided
us with sufficient equipment. adequate
personnel, and ample resources to render
dependable service as artists and makers
of fine printing plates. That you will be
secure from chance, is our first promise.
817 We•I Washington Blvd., - Chicago, Illinois
In the foreground - Ft. Dearborn re-erected
in Grant Park on Chicago's lake front.
lllustrauon by Jahn & Oilier Art Studios.
Page ... 139
Quality Sheet Metal Work
.\nything in the line of :.heel mf"lal "ork is done "ith
the fine;,t grade material available and with a superior
\\orlmanship in our shop that guarantees the best job to
he had. \Ve ~pceialize in metal eeiling~. cornieet--. ventilators, blo" piping. fire doors, and skylights.
Dial 98U
eventh \venue
The Brown National Bani
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits . 230,000.00
Directors: C. C. ,\llen, Chas. C. Brown, L\nn Hannah ... ,
Dr. J. F. Hastings. Jos. Funck, A. H. Lance, ·P. J. \I ooh an,
C. W. -ai:-h, A. \1. eergaard, Chas. Pfennig, " 111. Thurn
Chas. C. Bro\\11
C. W. ~ash
C. C. Allen
\Vm. Thum
Edmund Haubrich
Page ... 140
V ic1?-Pr1?siclen t
T ice-PresidP1!l
T ice-President
Remember, Everybody Likes Good Candy
A D makeH an ideal gift. When you buy it for a
gift, you want the beRt when you want it for
your;;elf, you also want the best tasting and purest
cand) made in the countq' . '1 e alwayb aim to purchase the be;;t, to please all our customers. We alway;;
have a eomplete stock of Whitman's, Johnston\, and
Bunte's. Our Su1Hlaes and Sodas are made with real
pure crushed fruits. Our \lalted \Jilk, the famou:36,582, is still in hig demand.
:210 I Sixtieth ' t.
Adorable Hosiery ...
Jor every occasion
HETHER for street wear, party
or for Rports, you will find an
\lien- \ style that will be "just right.'
High , chool girls, ~orority plerlge:-.
and ~ocial debutanteb, all recognize
the heauty and quality J...nit into ever)
pair of _\llen-,\ hobiery.
,1lso Fine l 'nderieear .for Jfen and Boy.~
Even where the comfort and smart
appe.arance of Allen-\ shirts and
shorts underv. ear have led an inereabing number of men and boys to ask
for them specifically . .\nd they wear
longer, too.
Sold E1•e1y1ehere
KK OSI L\ , WI ' CO SI'.'.1
Page ... 141
Electrical Appliances
are invited to come and see our complete line ol'
plumbing and electrical equipment and fixture~. \Ve
carry the most complete ~tock of up-lo-the-minute fixtures
in outhern \~ isconf'in. \\ e will gladly give you a priee on
ne\\ or old work, no matter how small. Lighting Fixtures
Our pPcialty. \Ve also have a complete line of electrical
Josephson & Zimmerman Co.
6104 T1cp11ty-, eco11d 1n•111u>
Kenosha, IT'isco11sin
nits for Graduation
are being featured in our new complete clothing
department. The) embod) the lat('St thing in
universit) sty le . ote these new accessories ice
are featuring for summer icear:
• Linen lacks
e weaters
"ith 22-inch bottoms sleevclesg or
and side straps
\\ ith sleeve" in
all colors
• - port Oxfonh
Black and White
Tan and White
e, wim uits
rew athletic design
'\ll \\OOl
• Flannels
e eckwear
Gre\, ~hit and Tan
e\\ pastel shacle~
Bea~tifuJly tailored
Small figures
The Bell Clothing Dou e
Sixrh A,·enue at Fif(y -Sixth S rre et
Page ... 142
l(enosha Star Stores
Owned and operated h)' Kenosha people. Boost '"The
Bc>tter Cit)'" h)' boosting us. There's a tar
tore in )'our neighborhood read)'
to st>rve 'ou at all timt>s.
The Finer Things in Music
r IC \L in;;truments are judged, as are all fine
thin!!"• hy their beauty and by the amount of
;;atisfaction \\ hich theY render. l ou mav be a-,~ured
that anything you m~y purchase at Bi(linger·s will
give you Llw ultimate in beauty, durability, and longla;.ting sa ti;.f action.
630 56th
"Every/ hi 11g in lJ usir ''
Telephone 4932
Page ... 143
I enosha Clinic
Dial 6151
c. H. GEPHART, \ I. D.
J. F. HASTI~GS, \ 1. D.
c. G. RICII\RDS, \[. D.
Gu. BERT J. Sc1-1" ARTZ, \1. D.
B. PALD l '\G HILL, \ 1. D.
CH\~. F.
uucn, VI.
A. L. \l AYFIELD, \1 . D.
723 Fifty -Eighth Street
Complinu'11ls of
Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co.
"Th<> Logical PlarP to P u rrhasP 4ppliw1res"
Business Phone
Pag<> ... 144
Badger Fuel & upply
The Ho1ne of' Dustless Coal
6117 FourLrenth -\venue
Telephone 3158
\\ET\\ \Sii
PHONE 9214-8714
Page ... l..J5
Meet Me at Hurd's
DIAL 3171
Our stud) of the eye and its need
for better sight, places us in a position to render a useful service to
those who require eyesight attention
E. D. NE\\ l\1A '\,OPT. D.
Office Hours :
8:30 a.m. Lo 6:00 p .m.
Tu!'sday, Friday, Salurda)
Page ... l:J.6
Kenosha Optical Co.
Kenosha's Foremost Optometrists
Orpheum Building- Telephone 1111
Baldurin Coal Co.
Dial 4131
Satisfactory Dry Cleaning Service for
Over Ten Years
~K'\OSII \
hore's Largest and .lfosl Popular Cleaners
Page ... l 17
PORTRl\lT l\'\'"D C0\1MERCil\L PlTOTOGR\PllY
l\.ODi\I\. FINISlll
TELEPIIO''rn 5751
5826 Sixtli Ave1iue
v CRGJ [', DJ\ \tlO"t',DS
Regner' , l1ic.
Slxch _, ,·e nu ••
Glasses Fillnl
Pag<> ... 148
The Store That Commands
the Attention of Home Folks
R ~tore i, a reliable independently owned furniture 'tore and independent!~ operated, offerinµ: a fuJJ line of hPtter µ:rade furniture, but never
hiµ:h in price, and a per•onal $erviee that eo nun and'
thf' attention and patronaµ:e of hundreds of KPnosha·,
Visitors Always Welcome Ilere
5000 SeHnth .'h enu e - Corner Fiftieth Street
DIA'\J()_ D
'JB!IJJnrdle & ll/pn1lfeg_er C@.
V/(f;weflce1r.s M!JiJwiilw/k<Exe
Plankinton Building
135 ~·\!\'est ·wi sconsin Avenue.
Jfcrnufarlurers of
RI ·c ···CLUB PI~
Pa~<' ...l..J9
Phill up with Phillips /)
The Gasoline of
The Lindas Oil Co.
Station T\\cnt) -Third h cnu<'
and Roosevelt Road
Corner Fifty-Eighth lreet and erenth Ai·enue
Kenosha, H iscon in
Page ... 150
Congratulations ...
B '\RDE ·~ privile~ed a" we have been, many
times, to ~erve )OU and the <'lassC's that havC' ~one
ht'fore <· on~ratulates th<' Class of 1932 upon
thf' achif'vement of its ~oaJ and \~ishes for each
of you de.,C'rvin~ su<'<'('ss in such future C'ndeavors as ma~ he undertakf'n.
kenosha's Foremost
• An "Gnder- Grad Suit can
make any \ oyage a ucce .
If \OU want to find out how
ea ) the sailino- is, teer \our
course thi way.
• The new one are in-and
they 're Pips!
$24 .7 5.... 27 .50
T1co Trousers
Isermann Bros.
Page ... 151
Vanitp ~boppe
pecializing in All Branches of Beauty Culture
Frederic I ita- Tonic Permanents
Eugene Permanents
pecial tearn-Oil Permanents
608 Fift)-Ninth tree t
\lain Floor
Phone 7721-Private Booths
81L ]Oll'ISO'I
in Charge of our
J [air Cutting Departmen t
Landgren's Dairy
------DEALEHS I ' \ ' - - - - - -
Pasteurized Dairy Products
Thirty-One Y cars of Dairy Sen ice in I cnosha
Phone 5612
PagP ... 152
KPnosha, Ir is.
Jn the selection of employee-, for our
most responsible positions, Kenosha
High School gr a du a t<'s ha\ e h<'en
favored for l \\ cnt\. -seven 'ears.
1',) graduale" of Lhe h..enosha ] figh chool are 1·uslomt>r-. of Lhis Bank. and \\(' find Lhal
those\\ ho have slarled savings accounls \\hen Lhe) lwgan \\Ork. have
fornwd hahiL;.; of Lhrifl \\hich \\ill
a;.;,.,isl in making Lhem a success in
Llw \\Orld. \n ernplo)er can judge
Lhe fulur<> of an emplo)ee b) his
ahiliL) to "ave parl of his earnings.
United States Tational Dank
and Trust Company
K e nos ha, ''"i s c>onsin
Page ... 153
The Vincent-McCall Company
;\Janufacturers of coil and steel tube bed
springs, folding and in titutional steel
co l , couches, davenports and da-beds.
1.-ong IJista11re Tt>lep/1011(•
Ke11os/1a (;J:.J6
General Oflicc and Sales Room-1108 American Furniture '1art Building
Branch \Yarehouses at Chieago, Baltimore, Oklahoma City and Houston
Thomas Hansen & Sons Co.
Keno!iha, TT'isconsin
Pag<>. .. 151
Cong ratulations
In starting out on an!'\\ journey in li[e
you \\ill find that a good \\atrh is a useful and nerrRsary companion. Tell your
[olkb that \\e ha"e a nice srlection at
lo\\er prices and that it "ill make a fine
rem rm bran re for grad ua ti on.
Jeweler and Engraver
70.) Fifty-Eighth Street
h..enosha, \\ isconsin
The Borrowe r of a
Small Amount
of money-up to 300.00-is the
onr "ho can least afford to
pay a high rate. I t pays to "hop
around, and in bO doing will disroyer that our rate o[ 2% a month
is \ery much tlw IO\\t'"l in Kenosha or "icinit)· You \\ill sa\e
mone) by coming to u..,.
THE COVER on this book
ts the product of an orgamzatton
of specialists whose sole work is
the creation of unusual covers for
School Annuals, Set Books, Histories,
c,.~alogues. Sales Manuals and
other Commercial Publications
,a,, "''"th 'rt.kJtem Awnw
K enosha itizen ' Loan
& I nvestment Company
518 Fifty-Sixth Strrrt
Gate,\a) Theatre Building
Page ... 155
la)' the future }ears bring )Ou happiness and pro peril) and
the photographs we made for you be an unending
source of gratification
610 Fi ft) - rinth Strret
.5611 Seventh ·h e. -
h.rnosha, \\ i'-<'On,.in
Phonr 7823
Land Titles- Real E tate
Conve} ancing
marl Collegiate Frocks
Dress Sl1op
Kenosha's Exclusfre Ladies' Ready-to-Ir ear
Pcige ... 156
The Better
Some one to
Re m e mber
- ls. there a birthday or werlrlin!!
anniversary for you to remember?
someone al home to burprise?
someone in the sick room to
- Let Turner·.., Flower~ carry
your messa!!e.
Kenosha's Telegraph Florist
At All G r een Pump
The F. T. D. Shop
Phone 5171
Compliments of
A bun
Bla 1
Candy hop
Sheridan Road
Garage Co.
Home ~lade Candies
- \\, c specialize in part)
candic:-.. saltt'd nuts and
la h ie fa, or:-.
Packard and Hupmobile
U otor Cars
ifrertozrn Tires
Exide & Delco Batteries
TELEPH O:\'E 6181
Regner Building ..
Phone 78.Jl
Sheridan Road at Fift). \ in th 't.
Pagi>. .. 157
:I:ti~ ~ { ~0_l.l-P-2);
The World's Fin est
Watch es
The Latcst ' l ' le..,
For l\lcn and Women
l -p,\ an! From
Keno ha's Ca h
Department Stort>
Alway· first u·ith the latest.
Official headquarters for
Girl cout equipment
"The Latest Firs t "
. F. Q U I CK, J ewele r
Compliments of
A. E. Bounsall
t reet-Hig h way
P aving
AE:'\O ' ll \
\\ lSCO'\Sl
Telephone 2-3611
Kenosha County
Abstract Co.
5610 S<»cnlh A'cnuc
P romp l and Accu rate Serl'ice Ciuen
on A ll Abs l rac l s lo Lands i11
K enos h a Co 11 11 ty
PagP ... 158
Compliments of' Presta
Tf'lephone 2-1821
.')100 T\\f'nl\- f'<'ond hf'nur
for ...
Atht .. tle Supttlies
Text Books
Stutiont>ry u11d
635 Fift~ -Eighth
• Kresge Co~
Tiro Stores
Sc & 10c- 25c tore
5701 i'\.Lh AHnue
25c- 1.00 tore
5616 i'\.th ·h enue
Page ... 159
LeMieux Dr11g Store
llo11·,1rd R11tlio
Stiles and Sf•rr_•irf.'
Telephone 2-1911
:no1 Si"tirth Strrrt
\\ HI LE YOC \\ \IT
Shoe Shop
-\I\\ ays That ""Right \ on·"
Call_an<l Deliver
Phone 2-2221
517 FifL) - evenlh SLreel
l11sist U1101i
i11 B ottlt>N
It had to be good to get
u-here it is
K enosha Coca-Cola
Bottling Company
Riley Found1·y Company
B rass, Bro n ze a n d . 1luminum Cas t in gs
Bus hin gs a Sp ecia lty
Telephone 2-2323
Page ... 160
6209 T \\en ty-Eigh t h 1\\ en ue
Tel<'phone 1185
Pho11<' Ord<'rs Promptly Tak<•n Car<' of
Ben Bull ... Fifth A venue Market
fli!{he .-;/ Q11ali1y Ueals, l'oullry a11d Fish
Oyster.-; in Season
) our Patrona~t· is ppr<'<'iat<'d
We DeliH•r
) our Education is 'Vot Complete Lntil ) oci llai·e
6:>09 Fifth \H•nue
Kenosha,\\ is<'onsin
~ appus
\. FRA:\S\\ Al
Kenosha Pure Ice Co.
··Purer Than the 11 at er 1 ou Drink"
Qualit} and ' <'nice
Telephone 7187
Page ... 161
TREi\T -
'.Lra.JMrAi'lr~J lo ) our
Good Shoes
Can't Solve Your
chool Problem ',
But They Start You
off Right!
Proper!)' filled \vith
our X-Ray machine
i\ . D
n ealers i11
and other Quality Fuels
Shoe Store
DIAL :3178
Compliments of
5806 Sixth Av<'lwe
Pag<' ... 162
. 'en-ice
Fift)' Dollars or a Few Hundred • A
ervice for Everybody
24th h e nue
One Call Does it All
-"The Tou·er"
l(ubec Auto
for Graduates
7.)lh and Sheridan .. Phone 3617
Fitted Cases
l. S. Tires
\ational Bat leries
I I artmann 's ·w ardrobe
Battt>r) Charging
Bral-e Lining
\ ahe Grinding
Ignition Sen i<'e Q, erhauling
Road Sen i!'e
Tirt> Repairing
\ C'<'e"orie,
,\ll Kinds of Leather
Garb' Luggage Store
JI e Call for and /)e/icer } our Car
ixth frenue 4
612 FH'T'\··:\"l:'\"Tll STREET
PllO:'\'E 2-2 12:S
Page ... 163
Fami~,- Groups
Portrait II ork Our , pecialty
Sixth A venue Studio
II e Catch ) our
5 I 36
ix th frenue
Phone 831 I
Complimenls of
C. H. Lockwood Oil
1'.enosha, Ir isconsi 11
Book tore
Books, tationery
and Office Supplie
I odaks and Kodak
Finishing . . . . . .
Graduation Bool s
and Gifts . . . . . .
" T H AT ' S
0 I L ''
616 Fift}-Eighth
Office Phone 3811
t. .. Dial 84-tl
Rrsiclence Phone 7207
. P. MISCHLER ... Mortician
708 Fi ft~- , eventh Street
Page ... 164
Kenobha, Wisconsin
RD, JR .
•·(,L>\SS Ot 1887"
Ri\.l\CE A" D BO
nr"G SER\ I E
7-8-9 D \LE HLOCK , 1'.E OSll \, W JSCO"I'
TELEPllONE 1;}23
Ila-,;e You Ilad lour
Wisconsin Creameries
Ice Cream Today?
W ll·§ f40H~! ~llN:.
_4CIRl~MI IE.1~11 IE§ ~ .·
Catering to
PriYatc Partie~
in Ye Olde English
114[ IE 4[ IRIEA M l
IT isconsin 's Famrite Dish
Fann Holds a
is Our Specialty
6221 T,,enl) -Second \venue
612;} T,,enl) -SeHnth AHnue
Trlrphorw 910 I
Telrphonr 9523
411 IT ork Guaranteed
All JJ ark Called Jor and Delit•ered
Aul01notii•e Jobbers Auto (,~ylinder Grinding H elding, Hachine
hop Work- ff elding, Bra::;ing and Culling of all 1letals
81 .S Fifty- et•enth
Telephone 3136
Page ... 165
" ff e Trust
th e People"
The I lome of
Price and
5703 SIXTH A' E. UE
Cash & Carry
Specialty Bras Co.
Kenosha, \Viscon sin
R eal Money aved
on Paint , Wall
Paper , Window
Shades, etc.
You do nol pay for
bad accounts under our
Ca h &. Carry system
but save from
253 to 303
DeBerge's Paint
2001-08 63 rd , lree l .. Di a l 1032
Brass, Bronze, \lu1ninurn and
ickel Bronze Castings. Copper, ~ickel and Silver Plating
Better Gasoline for Less
Thompson's Gasoline Alley
Firestone Tires, Batteries, Accessories
Page ... 166
eve nth Avenue and Rooseve lt Road
Kenosha, Wisconsi n
.5716 Sei·enlh A i·enue
Kenosha, fl is.
Telephone .5632
Kenosha Lumber
& Coal Company
L'siablished 18.51
:2.) 11 Fift)-Second Street
Telephone :n 11
E"/ oun!'e, j, the quantity of 'o<la
in the u'ual gla". Our new Jumbo
Chocolate fre Cream !:-o<la. illu•trate<l,
give' you 14 oz. The be.t of ire c·ream.
Choc·olate of J. H. !:-. bran<l he•t "e can
buy. The worl<l\ biggc•t and be't 'oda,
-till 15r.
GEO.\\. l\'\OERSO'\
Secrelary 1111d Treasurer (Class of 1911 )
lloOSf'Vl'lt Drug Co.
~900 Hoo~evelt Roa<l
A Record
Phom· 8313
alue for High School
Fellows-2-Trouser Suits
Li"e wires Lhest• suits raC), s\\a~~er, just th~ wa)' high
'chool fellow~ want them
wear-resiEting fabrics - fine
tailoring. \ ou 'cl nrvrr '"'prct 'uch fine clotheb could he
onl) 818.50. Si1:cs 33 to 38 .
Greening's Clothes Shop
6:l01 T,,ent~ - ' eeond \, enue
P"ge ... 167
,~1-~iJ6jiiifi«, 'ff~-
4fff2r ~ :d11'tlf J1)
~~ fif.------4
a,;(~~4!. ~-f
:J'lf~Ad. ,-
Index to Adv~rtisers
\lien-<\ Co. . . . .
\ndr,.a. Jack .. . . . .
p \(~[
. ..•... I II
. . . . . Ul
l\.af"lbf"r Plumhinf.! and Hf"atinJt Co .... ....... . ....... . 167
l\.appu .. Balf'r~
.•.••.. 161
l\.rno ... ha (:1tiun .. ' l.oan (:o . I.):)
l\.f'no .. ha Clini<' • . . .
Ktno .. ha Counh \bstra<'I
Co. . . . . . • .
. l:l8
l\.('no .. ha F\f"llinft: '\f"" .••. 136
l\.f'nO ,h11. I .aundn
1'.f'n& .. ha Lumbf"r. and Coal
'\f'"berr) \h .. tra<'t Co •...•.. l.'i6
•..............•. . l:ii
Pf"dley •.,
Pf'n1H')''.,, In<' ............... 1.)0
Pir-<"h, Pf'lf'r and Son •••• 131
Prf' .. ta Studio... •. .. • ...• 1:)9
Priddi~ Studio ...........••. U8
Qui<'k, A. I· ...... ......... 158
Hf"jlnf"r, John 1\1 . ••
Htmt>r'., l.aundn- .. .•••.. .• 161
Rilf'} Foundr} (:o . . . . , , • 160
Roo"P' elt Dru!( Co •.•.• , ...• 167
Rudy, Frf'd
, •• 16'.;
Srhult>r., Bakf"ry .•..••. , ..•• 1:)9
Sheridan Road Garajlf' Co ..• 157
Sydllf') Studio . • • •• . . • .. •• l:i6
Si,th A\f'nuf" Studio
Spf'<'ialt)' Bra .. ., Co...
Thomp,.,on' .. Ga,.,olinf' Allt>r.166
Turnf'r, L. and Son .......... J:i7
l nio11 D"f' ~ ork.,
I :i:i
lnitf'd 1-:utl Co ...•..•.•... 162
L pt own GroC"f'r., • . • • . .•••. 1.)6
l. S. '\ational Bank., .. , , . , l;}J
\a nil)' Sho1•Pf" . .
• . . . . . . . 15:?
\ 11l<'enl l\1<'Call Co .....••.... I:)~
\"( allig, John n ............ Ito
~ at..on'..
. ........... 16;}
~ i.,<' Crumnif' •.•••• 16.l
con,,jn Ga .. and Elf'<"lri<'
. ................ lll
\'\ i"<'omin l niqut> Clt>ann~ &
l) ypr.;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l fj'
\u .. tin Shot> Slorf' ..•.•..••.• 162
lladf(n Futl Co. .
Raid" in Coal Co..
Barden Stort Co ...... ,,,, ... l~l
Barr Furniturt' Co ...•... , , .166
Btll Clothin~ Hou.,f'
B1di1111tr \1u .. i<' Store.
I 13
Bla .. k. \,:nf'.. .
• •. 157
Blo .. k Bro.. ..... . • . . •
Roun.,all, \. F. .
• •• l.')8
Rro\....1 '\alional Bank. •...• . I lO
Bull, Ben ...•.•......•..... 161
Runde and l pmf"ytr Co •• , ..• 119
Co<' a-Cola Bottlinjl: Co._...
Cohn' .. Shot Storf' ...•••••.•• 16::?
OeBerJo!:t'" Paint Store •....• 166
Ern .. t Book Store- ....•..... , .164
f-'in~t '\ational Bank ,, •.... ,, 133
Fro .. top ·1a11on •....••.•••••. 162
Garb'., Lu1t$t8p;f' Storf' ...••.. 163
Grt"rnin~·., Clot hf'" Shop ..... 167
Han .. t'n, Thoma" and Son~ .•. l:l1
Hauhrich Shor Shop .......•• 160
Huhhard, Cht"•lf"T ......... ,., l.).)
Hurd Dru(!: Co... . . . . . ...... 116
J .. ('rmann Bro".... . .
Jahn and Oiiier Co .... , .... 139
Jo .. ephson an<l Zimmf'rman
(:o ....................... 112
Pag<> ... 168
• ••• 167
k.f"no-ha 01lli<'al Co.... • , .• 116
1'.f"no .. ha Purf" l<'f" Co.
• ••. 161
Kf'no-ha Star Stores ..•.•.•.• 113
Kt)"tont Printinp: Co..
• • , 163
l\. rf'"F" Storf" .. ,.. , ... • , ••••• 1:)9
l\.uhec'., Orr .... Shop... • , •• l:i6
1-\. uhf'c .\nto Sf'nice .....•••. 163
. •. , •. l:l2
Lf" l\11"ill'\: Dru~ Co...
, .. 160
Ltonard, Charif'., \...
. .16:>
Linda" Oil Co........
• •• . l:>O
Lo<'l~ood Oil Co....
• , 164
\1ac~hytf' Co
.• 138
Man.,field Office Supply Co ..• l:i9
1\1 i<"a F'urnil urr Co..... . ... 119
l\filk Prorlu<'f'r .. ' J\,.,,.,'n..
. .13.)
'1i .. d1ltr, '\.I' .............. 161
\1olloy, Oa' id J ............. l:i.'i
Corporation .....••... 163
\1otor" Co. , .......•.. 13i
"i .