The SPY 1931
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The SPY 1931
The Kenosha High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 1930 to 1931 school year.
Kenosha High School Yearbook Club
59826443 bytes
School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
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~~~~THE SPY 000~~"
Page ... 2
~~~THE SPY 000 ~ 3-1~ ~
K@ITIJ@~ Ih1 ©I
Page ... 3
et me live,0 -Mi.ghty Master,
Such a. life as mine should knoUl,
Testizw triumph and disoster,
Joy- -andnot too much of woe;
~--~ Let me run the gamut over,
Let me fi,9ht and love and lau9h,
And when I 'm benedth the cfover
Let this be my epitaph:
"Here lies one Ulho took his chances
In the busy world of men,
Battled luck and circumstances,
fought and fell <lnd foqght a.gain;
Won sometimes- -but did no crowin9,
Lost sometimes- -but did not,
Took his beatin.g- -but kept gains,
Never let his cournge f
He was f dl lib le and humcm,
There fore loved o.nd under stood
Both his fellow mdn o.nd woman,
Whether .good or- -not so good:
Kept his spirit undiminished,
Never'l11y down' on o. friend,
Played the game till it U1M finished,
Lived a sportsman to the end!"
This is a poem carried by Hr . U alon ey; it expre.<ses very ti.;ell
h i< philoso phy and attilllde l ouard li f P.
Page .. .4
tl::o tfJc mcmorp of ]'obn jg. !rJlaloncp,
m:cacbcr anb jfricnb,
b:lc bcbicatc tbis boolt.
Page ... 5
fm1l s the tree~ dnd
lBJ flowers of our
State leave with us
throuqhout the yedr
pl eds ant memories of
the Sprinqtime; so we,
the Students of~
Kenoshd Hiqh S choo 1,
led-Ve this book, the
Spy of 1931,o lasting
record of the activities
of our Youth
Page ...6
Page .. .'i
Page ...8
~~THE SPY c<oo.~¥~ ~
G. F. LOO\lIS, \. B., A. \1.
"uperi11te11de111 of Schools
Page ... 9
• TRE,lPER, .\. B., A. \1.
Page ... 10
FLOR• ,n, B1~ou.,
l ni,er-ity of Wi,<'on,in. Uathematics.
:\h RTLE B \..,(;,BERG,
.\. B., '.\1 . .\.
l niver-ity of w;,('Olhin, Tea<·her,' College. Columbia Lni,er,it). E11glish.
hrn Burn, B.P.E.
Springfield College. Physical Education.
C1.~RE'\CE B.nLEll,
Ph. B.
Lniver,ity of Chi<'ago. Uathematics.
A. B.
Oberlin College, Lni,en,ity of Chicago,
lniH•r,it) of Colorado, Lni\er,ity of
~outhern California. English.
BLn'-", B.A.,'.\LA.
:,1ate College of Wa,hington; Cniver,ity
of Madrid, !::ipain; Lniver,ity of Grenoble,
Franre. Gernum and French.
Rl'TH BROW:\, B. A., M.A.
Lni,er,ity of Akron.
Rn BL EGE. B. E. D.
B1,,1t,, A.B.
of Wi,conbin. English.
'tate Teacher,' College, White"ater. Bookkeeping, Commercial Latt', Assistant Athletics.
Page ... 11
G1.0RGI \" \
c \"Flt.LO. Ph. B.
E1.s1t Ct 'IRO, A. B.
Pratt lri-titute. L ni,er,it) of Chi1·ago. Art.
'IRGI" I \
c \RSO .... B. A.
Eo1T11 GE"E
:'talc Lnivt>r,it) of lo"a, RocJ...fonl College. fri,he·, Bu,ine'' College. Commer·
FLORE..,C:E C\-.\\El.L, B.
D \"IEL, A. B .• \. 1\1.
'-'hurtldT Collegl', Sdiool of Speed1 of
l\orth\\t,tcrn. Lni,er,it) of Chirngo. E11gfoh.
Hamlin Lniveroil), Lniver,ity of Chicago,
Columhia Lnin r,it). W<llhenwtic.<.
]. CL' OE C11 \PEL,
Lni,er,it) of '\ehra,J...a. Commercial.
D. [)\\JES, Ph.B.
Ripon College, Lnhtr,it) of Wi,
L nivl'r,ity of Minne,ota, \"oriate of Dr.
Smilq in .'peel'h Clinic Work at \ a"ar.
and l niveroit) of Minne,ota. Forensics.
B. s.
M\RG\RLT Dn~'lORr•.
Beloit College. Chemistry.
\. B.
Bt•loit Col lrge. E11glish.
M \RIE CHRl~LER, B..\.
::-tate Teaeher,' College,
Wisronsin. Hathematics.
Pag<>. .. 12
M \R\
Dom.Rn, \. B.
Iowa State Tea<'her-' Collrge. Chemistry.
Do1w 111 \ Fr.u." z. B. ~.
H \ST!'\(;;.,
\. B.
Oberlin Collegt•. lli.~tory.
La Cro"' ~dwol of Pln,i•·al Edu('ation.
Columbia l niHr,it). Ph;·sical Ed11cllliot1 .
c \R()l.)" HOL\11 . \ . B.. \. 1.
CoR \
r \BRIC:ll s . \. B.
l ni\(· r-it) of Itma. /Jiologv.
]Oii '\
Gt Tllllll.
K eno-ha ~ e nior High S•·hool. Office Clerk.
\ . B .. LL. B.
l niHr,it) of lndiana. Comm erl'ial.
\\IS ]Oll'\SO'\.
B. ~ -
Ft rri, [n,titutt', Gregg Sd10ol. \Ii .. higan
State '\ormal-College. Lni,er-it) of Wj,.
(' Commercial.
\ ' "~srE H \LL, B. L.
l niwr,it) of ~1irhigan. Spanish.
\l\TlllLD\ JI"'"~- "-
Ph. B.
l n i,er• it) of 'WiH·o1i-in. 11 istor).
\1 \t. ]O'\ES.
\. B .. 1\1.
Beloit College, Columbia l ni,er-it). History.
Page ... 13
J \:\1 ES kIRh.. A. B., \. M., Lill. 0.
Southern lllinoi' ::-tale '\orm a l l niver,it}.
Eurel...a Collt>ge, l niH•r,it) of lllinoi,.
b \BEL Lo\\, \. B., \. M.
J'lrnrtln'e'tern L nh er,it). II istory.
~ELLIE J\1\1,0 "E)
Milwauker '\ormal. Commercial.
Bradley [1i,titute, Cniver,ity of Wi,<'Oll·
,in, Stout li1'titute. Uanual Training.
C. Lio.Ro' 'I \SO..,, Ph. B.
Platteville ,' tale Tea('her,' College, Cnivu,ity of Wi,con,in. Physics.
A"" Kt ST\, B. ,.
l nivu-it) of Wi,(·011'in. flome Economics.
l\IIV'dE L\RSF, :\,
B. E.
McDo..,ou,11, B. ' .
l nivt r,ity of Wi,( 011'in. Sewing.
Milwaukee State Teacher,' College. Uusic.
\. B.
Central We,leyan College. E11glish.
Pag<>. .. 14
:\LM \
A. B.
Lniver,ity of Chicago. Lati11.
C11 \Ill.OJ r~. :\Ioo1n. \. B.
::-tall' l ni\er,it' of I(n"1.
M \I\\
c \R\L 0 \TE~, B. S., B. c. ~.
;\It RPll\, .'.\1. \.
nivcr,it) of Ohio, L ni,er,it) of Chirago.
Dnrn '\t:\\BERR1, i\. B.
La\HP•we College, Tt•ad1er-' Colll'ge, Columbia l niHr,ity. Physics.
Lnhcr,it' of Pill-burgh,
Kentu('I..). Commercial.
Rt .TH P\1.\IEll,
B. :,.
Lni,er,it) of .'.\linne-ota. Physical Education.
Laylon S«hool of Art. Ro,ar)
'\fount Mary College. ,Jrt.
M \RT!" R \F~H \L. B. A.
Con('ord ia College, '\' ortlrn e-tern l niver·
'it). Social 'cie11ce.
Page ... 15
011 ~- " Rooo, B. S., B. C. S.
Cleary College, ~li<"higan Stal!' J\ormal
College. l niver,ity of Michigan, l niver•ity of lllinoi,, Lni1pr,ity of Chicago.
General }loton.' Jn,titute of Te<"hnology.
l\z \LE\ TERR"\
1'.t•no,ha Senior lligh S<"hool. Office Clerk.
GLE'\ S\111'11,
A. B .. \. M.
Stanford l ni\ er,ity, De Palm l ni1cr-it).
l niver,ity of ln1liana. Social Science.
LEo' \ ScH t E~~LER, B. S.
Lniver,ity of lllinoi:o. Spa11ish and Fre11ch.
L \l R \ STEFFE'\, B. \.
A. B.
Lawrence College. Ger1111111.
::iLnrn, Ph. B.
Lniveroity of Chicago. Ubraria11.
Page ... 16
Carleton College,
Iowa. English.
OTTO Sn.FFE"~"-'
Stout Institute. Ma1111al Arts.
~Bifj TIIE SPYNe ~~~
IJ. 0. \ \L \~lo.I-.
Stout lmtitul!', \rmour Institute, Lnivt>rsity of Wis<'on•in. 1rchitectura[ Drau-ing.
ls rnLL \
\"DER\ onT,
A. B.
::,mith College. 'Hathematics.
A. B., A. 1'-1.
l nivcrsity of Illinoi,, Tea<'lwrs' College.
Columbia Lniveroit). English.
\IRGl'\I\ W1LSO'\,
Knox College. French.
PETEil \ ()LI),
B. S.
Bradley Pol) technical L niver,ity. Ua111wl
L. E. E'\GLE, A. B.
College of Emporia, Kan,a,; Springfield
\ .M.C. \. College. Coach.
C11\RLES W\Ln; R,
S.B., '.H. A.
Kalamazoo College,
t•ago. Physics.
l nin r-ity
Indiana ~late "rnrmal, l niHr,il) of lndi-
L__;:;;:'; :
l niHr,it)
B. \ .. :\1. A.
of Chfrago. lndmtrial Geog-
193 ': : ;·; ;
Page ... 17
~~~CiifJ TilE SPY 000 ~ ~ c-.
This ~cene is used through the courtesy of the
Wisconsin Conservation Commission
To be alone is a thing I love,
Azure kies- white clouds above,
Away from the sinful world of man,
To think out my problems as best I can.
To scan my future and past, alone,
To see the good r harm I've done.
gainst temptation keep up the , trife,
s I continue the highway of life.
Page ... 18
w. DE'.'>S'\10RE, 1 .\.
\11 H DOCll
Mid-Year ~lass of 19:11
George . ~ordstrom
\Jar) E. l\lurdoch
Ida Pacetti
~ e~le) .\.
\i iC'e-Pre~idPnt
Clas Play: '·The Tightwad""
Cla~;, 'lotto: '·Gra~p the Opportunit) ··
Cla:,s Color~: Blue and silver
Cla~s Flo\\ er:
\\ eet pea
Helen 'larie Grabner
'Tillie T. Dik.tich
Ernestine icolazzo
Bernadette Bohm
Page ... 19
~~~~THE SPY™.~~~-
A.'\'I A.-.nrn'>o-.
Mckinley Junior Higb School. Engli'h
Cour-e. A!'ti\ itie,: Lyceum League, Pep
Club, Secretary of i"auna Camp Fire,
German Club,
tudent Council, and
Play. Hobby: Making ,crap-book;..
Ambition: To be a good piani't.
'.\fcKinley Junior High chool. English
Cour.e. Activitie,: Lyceum League, Pep
Club, Vice-Pre>ident of
iwauna Camp
Fire, Blue Triangle I, French Club, and
Cla;.o Play. Hohbie,: Skating and dancing. Ambition: To tra\ el extenoively.
LEO'\A H~i..ER
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli•h
Course. Hobby: :'.\iotorcycle riding. Ambition: To be a private ;.ecretary.
Central Junior High • chool. Engl i;.h
Cour.e. ANivitie;.: Pep Club and Football Team. Hobby: Reading. Ambition:
To be an aviator.
Eo\\ARD H1ELEw1cz
C ntral Junior l!igb S<·hool. Cla"ical
Cour,e. Hobhie,: S" imming and read-
Page ... 20
Bi;n-.AOETTE Bo11M
Central Junior High School. Englbh
Coun.e. Hobby: Reading. Ambition: To
become a ;.o!'ial ;.eUlement worker at
Hull Hom.e.
" horty"
Central Junior High School. Englii,h
Coun.e. Hobbie;.: port;. and traveling.
Ambition: To grow tall and to become
a good nur,e.
R1c.11 ~Ro Bo-.-,o,
Central Junior High chool. Cia,,,ical
Cour.e. Activitie~: Beta Phi Kappa and
Pep Cluh. Hobby: Loafing. A.mbition:
To have a good time.
Bt LL<\\10RE
Wa,hington Junior High School. English Cour,e. \<'livitie;.: Pep Club. Hobby: Playing bm·eball. Ambition: To be-
<'ome a '-IUC'('e'.'o.'-1.
Central Junior High School. Cla,,ieal
Cour,e. Activities: Girls' Athletic Asso<'iation, Pep Club, and Trea;.urer of
Lyl'eum League. Hobbie>: Swimming
and Ttnni'. Ambition: To be an eflit•ient private ;.enetary.
DoROTln Cn\I'\t.
Central Junior High S<·hool. Engli,h
Cour,e. \('tivitie,: GirJ,' \thletic \,,o.
1·iation, Campfire Girl, and Pt>p Club.
Hobby: Reading. \mhition: To travel.
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli-h
Cour,e. \etiYitie,: Pep Club. Hobbie,:
Swimming and reading. \mhition: To
he a 'ucee" in the hu,ine" world.
Linl'oln Junior High School. EngJi,h
Cour,1>. A<•tivitit>': Sen<'lary of Beta
Phi l\.appa, Pep Club, Tenni, Club, and
Spani,h Club. Hobbie-: Golf, ,wimming, and tenni,_ \mhition: To he an
apronauti<-al engineer.
Jo11-. DH.ELLO
ED\\ \RO DLDZl'l~h.I
Central Junior High Sd1ool. Eng]i,h
Cour,e. \ctivitie,: Pep Club, Frend1
Club and Student Council. Hobin:
Photography . .\mhition: To he an ard~i
Ct.ntral Junior High School. Cla--ical
Cour-e. \l'tiv itie,: Pep Club and FrerH'h
Club. Ilohhie,: Golfing and '" 1mming.
\mhition: To he a doctor.
Wa,hington Junior High School. Cla"ical Cour,e. Activitie': Pep Club and
Light"eight Ba,letball Team. Hobby:
~porl~ .
.\.1nbition: ~-surre:-- .... '"'
Lincoln Junior High :-chool. Engli,h
Cour,t'. \<•tiv itie': L) <·eum League, Pep
Club, Spy Staff, and Choru,. Hohbieo:
Dancing, golf, 'wimming, and tenni,.
Amhition: To hecome famou,.
T. 011-.TI( II
Wa,hington Junior High School. Commen·ial Cour-e. Hobby: Tr) ing to oleep
in da"e'· \mbition: To be a court reporter.
Jo\'I Gu:Rt 'I
Central Junior High Sc-hool. Cla"ical
Cour.e. \ctivitie,: Pep Club. Hobb):
Reading. Ambition: To he a librarian.
ESTllER DIEL '\1 \ ......
Lincoln Junior High ' chool. Cla--ical
Cour,e. \mbition: To he a nur.e.
Page ... 21
~~~~THE SPY 000 -§!-£00 t<.- c--,
B. Gu.RL't
Central Junior High S<·hool. Engli,h
Cour>e. A<"tivitieo: Pep Club, "K" Club.
Dramatic Club, Band, Football Mana·
ger-1929, Claso Play, Adverti,ing Mana·
ger for Football and Babketball- 1930
and 1931, and Head Lsher. Hobby: Sailing. Ambition: To travel around the
M \HIE Gn \B'\ Ell
Linroln Junior High S<'hool. Cla"ical
Cour,e. \<'Livitic,: Blue Triangle 2.
Student Courwil, Thrift CourH'il. Latin
Club, Spani,h Club, Ly<'eum League, and
Pep Club. Hobbie': Hike, at night ,
partie,, and od100!. Ambition: To be a
Latin Profe,oor and go to South Ameriro to tearh all the little revolutioni,1'
the "Pax vobi,<·um".
Ro\ J. H\'\SE'\
Ml'Kinley Junior High Srhool. Cla"iral
Cour-e. A<'livitieo: Pep Club, French
Club. Beta Phi Kappa. Hobbies: Going
to movie,, ba,J-.etball and ba,eball
game,. and reading booko. Ambition:
To have a position in the bu,ine;,s
''oriel or to be a radio announrer.
" lew"
MrKinley Junior High Srhool. English
Cour. e. \<'Livities: Pep Club. Hobby:
Skiing. Ambition: To do newspaper
Wa,hington Junior High <'hool. Commeriral Couroe. Al'tivitie': Pep Club,
Page ... 22
Blue Triangle III,
iwauna Camp-Fire,
Pre,ident of Ly<·eum League. Student
Coun<"il. Hobbie,: Drawing and skating. l\mhition: To a<"hi<•ve fame a' an
Lin<'oln Junior High !:ichool. Clah'i<'al
Cour,e. Al'tivitil..,,: Pre,ident of Ly<"eum
League, Pqi Club. Student Counril.
Hobby: Dodging hou'e"ork. Ambition:
To he cultured.
Linroln Junior High !:i<"hool. Cla"iral
Cour't. -\<'tivitie,: Pep Club. llobby:
Writing letter•. Ambition: To be a 'e<'·
ond Floren<'e Nightingale.
Linroln Junior High S<'hool. Engli'h
Cour,e. Al'tivitic>: Pep Club, Ly<"eum
League. Hobby: Traveling. Ambition:
To be different.
Linroln Junior High
rhool. Engli'h
Couroe. A<"tivitie;,: Pei> C lub. Hobby:
port,. Ambition: To be an architcl't.
R1cH \RD
Lo11s KAD\HT
Lin<"oln Junior High Srhool. Engli•h
Coun.e. Al'tivitieo: Pep Club, "K" Club,
Track Team, Cla>s Play. Hobby: Draw·
ing. Ambition: To do oomething unu,ual.
] O \'\ KER1'.llOFF'
Ct•ntral Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h
Cour,e. :\1·ti' itie' : P e p Club. GirJ,'
\thletil' A"ol'iation , Choru,. Hobbie' :
'i" imming and diving. ·\ mbition: To IH'
a kindergart e n teal'her.
8Rt:'\ \ L\-.OI'\I
Central Junior High School. Enidi,h
Cour,e. \l'ti' itie,: Pep Club. Hobbie,:
Se"ing and Tr•n eling. Ambition: To be
R1100\ Ku. \l'\H.
" horty"
Lineoln Junior High ~whool. Cla,,i('al
Cour,e. :\1·tivitie,: Pep Club, Girb' :\th·
lt>til' A"ol'iation, Blue Triangle III.
Girl Re,rn t' . Hobin : Tenni,. \mbi·
tion: To travel.
Jow' W . L\,.,(,
South Oi, i'ion High Sl'hool. .'\1ilwau·
kee. Engli,h Cour,e. :\l'li' itie': Pep
Club. s" imming. Bu,ine,,, Manager of
Cla" Pia). Hobbie,: S"imming. ba,let·
hall. and fi,bing. :\mbition: To he a
me1·hani<"al engineer.
J \!'. E KR \TZ
Wa,hington Junior High Sd1ool. Eng·
(i,h Cour,e. \l'livitie': Pep Club, Stu·
dt nt Counl'il, L)1·eum League, Choru,.
Hobbie,: Daneing. ,jnging. and eating.
:\mbition: To be 'u1·1·e--ful a, a ,tenog·
Lincoln Junior High S1·hool. Eng\i,h
Cour,e. \eti, itie': Pep Club, Thrift
Council. Hobby: Driving a 1916 Buick
t•ar. \mbition: To he the de,igner and
builder of an \meril'an raring ear.
"Luck) trike"
Wa,hington Junior High St·hool. Eng·
(i,h Cour,e.
:\t•ti' itie,: Pep Club.
Choru,. Journali,m Club. Hobbv: Rid·
ing around in a
a,b ''ith oo;lle, of
girl-. \mbition: To get even "ith .. ome
of the tead11 r, that made me a ten
]OE Kl II \R
Lincoln Junior High
chool. EngJi,h
Cour,e. \l"ti,itie': Pep Club. Hobin:
Making , il'l automobile, "ork. \ml~i
tion: To be an arl'hitect.
Lincoln Junior High School. Englt,h
Cour,e. Al'tivitie< Pre,ident of Beta
Phi Kappa. Head L ,her. Choru,. Hob·
b): Piano playing. :\mbition: To he a
radio entertainer.
C. R1c11 \RD 1\1 \HLSTED
Central Junior High ~ chool. Eng\i,h
Cour,e. Al'th itie,: Football manager.
1929, !:"itudent Council, Pep Club. Spy
Bu,ine" \lanager. 1930. A"i,tant Bu-i·
ne" .'\Ianager. 1929 Cla" Play. Hobbie,:
~" imming. tenni,. and drh ing. \mbi·
ti on: To be a highly 'ucce"ful agricul·
turi,t and dairyman.
Page ... 23
~~~Ci'JTHE SPY 000 ~~-
F1.ou '\CE :\1 \RCELL
Central Junior High School. Engli,h
Couro . ANi"itie,: Pre,idenl of Blue
Triangle I, Girl Seoul-, Lyceum League,
~ tudenl Couneil, Thrift Counl'il, , "imming Club, Pep Club, and Cla" Pia).
Hobbit.>: Toe·dancing and "' jmming.
\mbition: To he a l .W.C.A. leader.
Washington Junior High School. Eng·
lioh Coufoe. Activies: Pep Club, Phonozzoler' 1925, Football 1926, 1927,
Trad, 1925, 1926, Basketball 1926. Hob·
by: Amateur acting. Ambition: To be
a lawyer.
1\1 \ZZEI
Central Junior High School. Engl ioh
Cour,e. Activitie,: Pep Club, Chorm.
Hobby: Having a good time, 'wimming,
and playing tennio. Ambition: To travel.
H. Mc ~EIL
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli,h
Cour,e. Activities: Pep Club, Beta Phi
Kappa. Hobbies: Traveling, thinking
about nothing. Ambition: To be a big
Central Junior High :-.chool. Cla"i<'al
Cour,e. Activitie': Hi.1., Student Council. Red Triangle, ''K" Club, Pep Club,
htnd1 Club. Hobin: l\thleti<·'· Ambition: To he a bank~r of note.
WH.Ll \\1 MILLE'\
Bun l\1ooorn
Lincoln Junior High School. Classical
Cour,e. 4<'tivitie': Student Council,
Blue Triangle I, Ly<·eum League, Pei>
Club and Kenew' Staff. Hobbie•: Reading rhyml' and fiction, and "riling ver'e
and letter,. Ambition: To find my ni<'he
in life', "a'L halls.
FR'""" l\1o "ff EM t RRO
"'W 0111y"
Central Junior High S<·hool. EngJi,h
Cour,e. \etivitie': Pep Club, "K"' Club,
~pani,h Club, Football Team. Hobby:
Football. Ambition: To be oucce"ful.
~1\R\ E. MtRDOCll
Central Junior High School. Cla"ical
Cour,e. ANivitie,: Blue Triangle I,
Prc>idPnt of Girl Re,erve, Pep Club,
French Club,
pani'h Club, Lyceum
League, Girh' Athleti<· A"o<·iation,
Trident Club, Student Couneil, Preoi·
d nt of Junior A Cla_, and ' ice·Presidcnt of Sophomore, Junior, and Senior
Ciao,,. Hobby: Learning. Ambition: To
he a priv·ate 'ecretary.
R1c11ARD MtTClllE
Central Junior High ::i<'hool. Cla>hi<·al
Cour,e. '\('tivities: '1i,ed Choru,, Hor'
Glee Club and Pep Club. llohhit»:
Pia) ing Lenn is, ba>ketball, and collect·
ing picture,. Amhition: To he an aeronautit'al engineer.
"'n A.
Lin<•oln Junior Il igh School. Engli,h
Cour:,e. A<'livities: Pep Club, Chorus,
and Glee Club. Hobby: Getting a kid,
out of life. Ambition: To make some
one else what I am not· a whiz in Math.
\1~1u;1 EnlH. 1'1cCOL\I
Lincoln Junior High SC"hool. Commer·
1 ial Cour,e. \l'ti' itie-: Girl,' \thletic
\_, 01·iation, Blue Triangle, Pep Cluh.
~tudcnt Cou1H'il, and Fren1·h Club. Hobby: Sport•. Ambition: To he a 1·ommer!'ial leal'her.
EARL \ . Pn.110,
Central Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h
Cour•L \Ni,itit>•: Pep Club, Honor
Student, and Student Council. Hobby:
Mu•i<'. \mhition: To go to :\frica.
E\111.\ PH L"~-"
B. R.\l'I\'\
~liLDRED R\S"\llSSE:\
C1;ntral Junior High School. Commer1·ial Cour•e. \eti' it it•,: Tre:i-urer of
:-ophomore CJa,,, Senelar) of Junior
and ::'enior Cla.... Honor Student.
Ly1·u1m Le.1i;ue, and Pep Club. Hobb):
Ba•ehall. :\mhition: To 1·oaeh athleti<·•
or lo tta1·h l'ommercial \\Ork.
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli,h
Cour-e. AC"tivitie.: Girl-" \thletic· \-,oC"iation. Senior Lif e-.a\ ing Corp•, :-" imming Club. Girl Re-ene, and Pep Club.
Hobby: S" imming. :\mbition: To ht> an
a' iatri'\..
.\. R \.,,ll ,.~E:\
Ctntral Junior High :-d1ool. Cla .. ical
Cour•e. :\C'ti\ itie•: Pep Club. Latin
Club. and Student Council. Hobin:
Playing d1e". :\mbition: To -ee 1i1e
\'\ \RRE:\
Centr.d Junior lligh !::-C"hool. Engli·h
Cour•e. \cth itie•: Pep Club. Glee Club.
and Choru•. Bobhy: Dancing. :\mbi-
Lineoln Junior High ::-d1ool. Engli•h
Cour .. e. ArtiYitie,: Pep Club, Life :-a,inii:, S"imming Club, Girl Re,ene, and
\,,01·ia1ion. Hobin :
.\rguing. Ambition: To he a peacef~I.
quiet •oul "ith a .mile for I'\ Cr) one.
Jo \ p \( ~:TTI
Ct:ntral Junior High :-d10ol. Cla .. ic·al
Cour,e. Activitie': Football. "K ., Club.
Pep Cluh, Cla" Pia). Pre,ident of
Sophomore and Junior Cla", Red
Triangle, and :\thletic, Editor for Sp)
1930. Hohby: Tandeming on the tall)hO.
:\mbition: To O\\n a •ailhoal "ith an
auxiliar) motor.
G1o.011c.E ST\'\LE\ '\oRO'>TRO'I
Central Junior High :-d1ool. EngJi,h
Colli•<'. \Nivitic••: Red Triangle, Pep
Cluh, :-tudenl CounC"il, \ i1·e-Pre,idenl of
Junior Cla", Pre•idenl of Senior Cla"·
and Trea•urer of Pep Cluh. Hobbie•:
imming, golf. daneini;, billiard·. \mhition: To he a mu,frian of note and to
•U< cet><l Herbie l\.a).
Linl'oln Junior High :-d1ool. Cla"il'al
Cour,e. :\C'th itie': Glee Club. Choru•,
Gt.rman Cluh. and Pep Cl uh. Hobbie':
R1oading and '" imming. \mhition: To
be a teacher.
l~ ;:~193
Page ... 25
Mc1'...inley Junior High S<·hool. Cla"ical
Cour,e. \rtivitie,: Choni-, Glee Club
\ ire-Pre,ident of Lyeeum
League, Pep Club, Student Council,
Kenews Staff, and Life-. aving. Hobby:
Dreaming. \mhition: To do 'omething
\\Orth-" hi le.
Mc1'.inley Junior High S<·hool. Engli,h
Cour,e. Aetivitie,: Pep Club. Hobbie':
Baseball, Ba,kethall, and Golf. Ambition: To he a druggi't.
M \TILD' Rooi,.,10' o
Wa,hington Junior High Sehool. Commereial Cour,e. Ani,-;tie,: Pep Cluh,
Lyecum League, Girb' Athletir A"oeiation, Student Counril, Tenni, Cluh.
Ambition: To operate a modern beauty
'hop. Hobbie,: Athletic, and clarwing.
' TA'\LE"r
Co'\R\D SEh.Ll'\Sh-1
AnTlll R Si-.,1-,11\-..U,
Wa,hington Junior High School. . rientifir Cour,e. \etivitip,: Swimming Tt>am,
Thrift Courwil, Trea,urn Senior A
Cla", Trea,urer Pep Club. \mhition:
To he a landseapp gardener. Hobbie':
:'wimming and ping pong.
GORDO" S11 \ \\
Lineoln Junior High Srhool. Engli,h
Cour,e. \etivitie,: Pep Club, Student
Council. Ambition: To he a transport
pilot. Hobby: Barn,torming.
' · SIL\ERBf, R(,
Wa,hington Junior High Sl'hool. Engli,h Cour,p. \<·thitie,: Studt>nl Council,
Editor of Kenew,, Journali,m Club,
Band, Orehe,tra, Pep Club. Ambition:
To tale Hear,t', plaee. Hobbie': Golf
an<I tenni,.
Wa,hington Junior High Srhool. Engli'h Cour,t'. Artivities: Golf Team 1928
and 1929, Pep Club. Ambition: To be a
skillful golf profe_,ional, and to "in
murh recognition. Hobby: Golf.
Joi,: C. SERPE
Central Junior IJigh School. Englioh
Cour,e. Activitie': Football Team,,
Ba,kl'lhall Team,, Pt>p Club, • "imming
Manager, '•}..._'' Club, Cheer leadrr. Ambition: To male a eollege team. Ilohhy:
Page ... 26
Wa,hington Junior lligh Sd10ol. Seientifir Cour,e. Arti\itie,: Pep Club. \mbition: To male money. Hobby: Skipping Srhool.
T. SoRf, ,SE'\
LirH•oln Junior High Sehool. English
Cour,t'. \et iv itie,: Glee Cl uh, \ Cappella Choir, Pep Club. Ambition: To be
a good mu,irian. Hohhie,: Reading and
~~~Bifj THE SPY 000 ~
LirH'oln Junior Hi1d1 S1·hool. Commer1·ial Cour,e. \.<'ti' itie': Girl,' Glee Club,
\ Cappclla Choir, Choru,. Hobbie,:
Motoring and reading.
Lin('oln Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h
Cour,e. Al'tivitie': Pep Club. Ambition:
To gt'! into aviation. Hobbie': Athlt•tic,.
HJ olt1111ie"
Central Junior High ~d1ool. Engfoh
Cour-e. \C'tiv it1t•,: Pep Club. \mbition:
To be a C'ivil engineer. Hobbie,: Ba,e·
hall and football.
\111u1 RE. Sn.\E~\'D
Central Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h
Cou"e. Act iv itie,: Camp Fire Girl-.
\mbition: To hitl'hhib.e from ~e" ) orb.
to London "ith the aid of •I bi1·yde.
Hobb): Writing letter,.
FH\"\fE!> S. STRH\
Wa,hington Junior High Sd10ol. !::lC'ientifir Cour-e. Artiviti6: On·be,lra, Pep
Club. l\mhition: To he a mu,frian.
Hohhy: hddling.
C€ntral Junior High Sd10ol. Englioh
Cour,e. Artivitie': Pep Club. \mbition:
To he a radio operator and broadca,ter.
Hobby: Sport,.
Central Junior High School. Clao,ical
Cour,e. Artivitit"': Pep Club. Band. \mbition: To be a 'el'ond William Randolph Hear>!.
1'. \THR't "\ !::it LLI\ \:\
Lincoln Junior High !:'id1ool. Commert'ial Cour,e.
A!'tivitie': Pep Club,
LyC'eum League, Chorm;. Ambition: To
he an aC'!'ountant. Hobby: Reading.
\ ICTOR \\ OL1'.0'1IR
C. T110,1P~O:"\
M1·1'.inley Junior High School. Engli,h
Coun;e. Al'tivitie,: Girlo' Athletie A"o·
ciation. Pep Club, Tennis Club. \mbi·
tion: To buome a phy,ical education
tearher. Hobby: Athleti1•,.
Central Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e.
\1·tivitie,: Pep Club,
Choru,. \mbition: To be a 'uc<'eo,ful
,tcnographer. Hobbie': Danl'ing and
Page ... 27
~-Z-l~ o~-~ -1~~~~~~~~"-D-1,k-·e-.-.~ ~f-R E0-E_R1_c~~F-. G-, ER-,1-_~ \_R_o~~~~~~ ~1
.. -F -r -i1_z_,"I
Wa,hington Junior High Sd100L English Course . .\l'Livitieo: Pep Club, "1'.."
Club, Tenni, Club, Golf Club. .\mbition: To he "hat r male m) ,elf. Hobbie;,,: Golf, '"' imming, Lenni,, and ,lating.
Wa,hington Junior II igh Sd1ool. Englbh Cour,e. i\Nivitie,: Pep Club. Hohhy: Playing "ith <'hemieak .\mbition:
To be a <'hemi•t.
Wa-hington Junior High , chool. Engli,h Cour,e. :\ctivitie,: Pep Club, Camp
Fire Girl,, A Cappella Choir, Girl,'
Glee Club, Journali,m Club, Girl,' Athleti<' "O<'iation. Ambition: To he happy. Hobby: Ever} thing.
Wa;hington Junior High S<'hool. Engli,h Cour,e. A<'livitie,: Pep Club, Bio·
logy Cluh. Ambition: To be an aviator.
Hobby: Baoehall.
Page ... 28
:-C ll I.I H
<; l ' · \ '\
C \1.1)\\ f.LL
Class of 10:11
Alex ~ cheer
Ed,\ in Labanowsky
Amelia Gulan
Robert Cald,\ell
\ ice-Prt>~idenl
Cla;.s Pla): " kiddinl!"
Cla-.s \ lotto: ·Onwar<I ! It lies beyond!"'
Class Colors: Pink and -,ilver
CJa .... Flowers: American Beauty ro1>e
Evehn \ hlenfeldt
\ larie i\nderson
\I an Fo"
Sophie Georgi
Kathnn Huxhold
Alex KraujaJi,
Esth er Levelius
Cath erin<> \ larks
Anna \lodorv
StanJt>, Pile~ki
lone Riple)
Rus;.ell Roseman
Edi th ~ chneider
J ack \\;e:;tman
Page ... 29
~~~~THE SPY~~~--~
\o\ '1;,
Wa,hington Junior Iligh Sd1ool. Englioh Course. A<'Livitie;,: Pep Club, '"!\:."
Club, Golf Club, Golf Team, and ~" imming .Manager. Ilohhie,:
imming and
golfing. Ambition: To he 'uc!'eo,ful.
w. \ D \"\1'>0'\
Francis Seminary, :\iilwaukee, Wio<'On,in. Cla,,i<'al Cour,e. Arti' it): Pep
Club. Hobbie,: Baseball, tennis, and
golf. .\mhition: "To he a friend Lo
\l\ttlE G. A" Of-ll'>O'\
Ctntral Junior High S!'hool. Commercial Cour,e. '\rtivities: President of
Bluf' Triangle Ill, Thrift Council, Pep
Club, and German Club. Hobbies:
Playing Lenni, and reading. Ambition:
To he<'ome a private se<'retary.
' t.
Central Junior High S!'hool. Engli,h
Course. A<'tivitie': Pep Club, Frend1
Club, and Gemrnn Club. Hohh): Reading. Ambition: To he a globe trotter.
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli,h
Cour>e. l\!'tivitieo: Pep Club, Blue
Triangle ITT, German Club, Girl S!'out
Troop I, and Junior Life Saving Corp,.
Hobby: Having a good time. \mhition:
To he a grade ,chool tea<'her.
Central Junior High S<'hool. English
Cour,e. \ctivities: \ i<'e-Presidf'nl of
Blue Triangle Ill, Pep Club, Treawrer
of Ly<'eum League, Student Coun!'il,
Girl Reoer'\e, and Girl,' \thletfr As-ociation. Hobbie,: Swimming and dan<'ing. Ambition: To he happy alway>.
Page ... 30
Hn hite·y"
Lincoln Junior High ~d1ool. Commerl'ial Cour,t'. \ct iv ities: Pep Club, Spanish Club, Blue Triangle 111, and Thrift
Counril. Hoh hie,: Danl'ing, tenni,, and
reading. \mhition: To become an lwiress when my last ni1·kel is gone.
;\P\'\ \'>f\HCZ
.McKinley Junior High Srhool. Engfoh
Course. l\!'ti'\itil',: Pep Club and Niwauna Club. Hobbie,: Skating, "' imming, and reading. Ambition: To he a
i,ocial worker.
w,1. \n<:HER
"/Jig Bill"
Lincoln Junior High Sl'hool. S<"ientifir
Course. \ctivil): Pep Club. Hobby:
Radio. \mhition: To lw an aulomohilera!'ing driver.
Washington Junior High Srhool. Commercial Cour,e. Artivitie': Pep Club,
Gennan Club, and Chorus. Ilohhy:
Baseball. \mhition: To be a C. P.A.
l\~111 f'
C1•nlral Junior High SdHH>I. Cla"i!'al
Cour,t•: \cLivitie': Seminar Club, Red
Trianglt•, Pep Club, Golf Club, Pre,id1•nt of II i-\, Golf Team, and "K" Club.
IIohhic': Golf, "'imming. and ,kiing.
Ambition: To be a great eye. ear. no,e,
and throat 'peeiali,L
R1c:11 \HO
Jot. B\m<..11
Cu1tral Junior High S!'hool. EngJi,h
Coun-e. \cLh itie': Pep Cl uh. Football,
Ba,kethall, Track, and "K" Club. Hobby: Sport'- Ambition: To become a
good datH'er.
"Bish Jr."
Ct.:ntral Junior High S1·hooL Cla"irnl
Cour,e. Aetivitie-= Hi-\, Red Trianp:le,
Pep Club, S minar Club, Student Council, Editor of "Spy", Ord1e•tra, and
Traek Team. Hobby: Keeping bu')·
Ambition: To be a ;.urc-e•'"Bit"
Central Junior High Sd1ool. Engfoh
Cour,e. Activities: Choru•. Bo,,· Glee
Club. and Ord1e,tra. Hohbv :" l\fo,ir.
:\mbition: To be a mu•i1·ia1," or a ma·
Lincoln Junior High SC'hool. Clas•ical
Cour,e. ANivitie': Blue Triangle I,
Thrift Council, Lyeeum League, Choru•,
Girl Scout Troop I, and Pep Club. Hobbies: Golf, hor,eba1·k-riding, and tenni-.
Ambition: To be a leehnfrian.
Ct·ntral Junior High Cour-e. Engli,h
Cour-c. Hobby: Reading. Ambition: To
JEn0'\11-. BE.\l PRE
Central Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. \ctivities: "imming Team,
Foothall Team, "K" Cluh. Pre,ident of
Pep Club, President of ·ophomore Cla'O,
Red Triangle. Beta Phi Kappa, Joumalj,m Club, and Stuclt>nt Council. Hohby:
Lonp: di,tan1•c '"imminp:. Ambition: To
he a profe--ional "'immer.
Li111'oln Junior Hip:h SC'hool. Commercial Cour,e. Artivitie': Pep Club and
German Club. Hobby: fre-,kating. Ambition: To be a nur,e.
Central Junior High S1·hool. Eng[i,h
Cour.e. Activitie-= Golf Club and Red
Triangle. Hobbie•:
kiing, hiking.
,wimming, and making an antholop:y.
Ambition: To be "orlcJ", greate•t tree
Hll:.'\E BORDE'\
Washington Junior High 'chooL Clas:,iral Cour,e. A<'livitie>: Choru,. Boy:,'
Glee Club, and Orche•tra. Hobby: Mu•ic. Ambition: To be a bu,ine'' man.
Page ...31
~~~8iQ THE SPY C'tte.~-:-h-- c-.
Bo' LE
Lincoln Junior High School. EngJi,h
Course. \ctivitie,: Pep Cl uh, Boy,'
Glee Cluh, \ Cappella Choir, Choru,,
and Orche,lra. Hohhy: Mu,ic. \mbition: To play a fiddle like Krei,ler.
H \RR) B1llGllT
Wa,bington Junior High School. Englioh Cour,e. Activ itie" Boy;,' Glee Club
and Beta Phi Kappa. Hobby: Hunting.
Ambition: To be an aviator.
"rf es"
Lincoln Junior High School. Scientific
Cour,e. \ctivitie,: Pep Cl uh, Tenni'
Team, and Pre,idenl of Tennis Cluh.
Hobby: Canoeing. Ambition: To he an
engineer or an a!'!'Ounlanl.
B. C \LO\\ ELL
Junior High School. Engli'b
Cour,e. Activitie-: Pep Club, Football,
Ba,l...etball, Traci..., \ice-President of "K"
Club, Student Council, and Treasurer
of enior Cla". Hobby: Sporh. Ambition: To attend Yale.
:\1. C \ "\ O
Central Junior High School. Cla"ical
Cour,e. Activitie-: Pep Cluh, f rerwh
Club, ocieta' Romana, and Trea,urer
of Girls' Athletic As-ociation. Hohhy:
Crime- '"killing time." .\mbition: To
get up enough ambition to have an ambition.
Page ... 32
s, L\ 1' GE"' f,\ n,, f, C11n1sTE..,SE'\
Li111•oln Junior High School. Engfoh
Cour,e. Activitie': \ ice-Pre,ident and
Serretary of Blue Triangle I II, Pep
Club, Trident Club, Junior Life Saving,
and Girl-' Athletic As,ociation. Ilohhic,: Dan<'ing, "' imming, 'n every thin' .
.\mbition: To 'lay out until nine o'do<'k
on Saturday night,.
Central Junior High School. Engli'h
Cour,e. \ctivity: Thrift Coulll•il. Hobby: Reading. \mhition: To he a machini,t.
Central Junior High S!'hool. Cla"irnl
Cour,e . .\ctivities: Pep Cl uh, Secretary
of Girl Rr,erve Club, Pre,idenl of Blue
Triangle ll, Girl Scout Troop II, St'nior
Life Saving, and Editor of "Spy". Hoh·
hy: , wimming. \mbition: To become a
p riv alt• ,eneta ry.
M. CR\[(,
Greenwood High S<·hool. En1di,h Cour-e.
Hohhy: Swimming. \mbition: To hceorne a nur . . e.
Ern l\'.hR' CRO'\E
" ally"
Lincoln Junior High S!'hool. Cla"ical
\Nivitie;,: Pep Cl uh and
Ly<·cum League. Hobbie-= Iee-,kating
and reading. Amhition: To be a lihrar·
~J-% ~8i';) TIIE SPY coo t<OO ~~
ED\\ \RD
J. CRO~'-'"
Ct:ntral Junior High Sd1ool. Eng[i,h
Cour,,e. Activitic-= Reil Triangle, French
Cluh, and Pt>p Cluh. Ilohhy: Slct>ping.
Ambition: To he a mallre" te ... ter.
M!'K.inle) Junior High S!'hool. Engli ... h
Cour ... e. A<'Livitie ... : Pep Club, L)reum
League, and Pre,idcnl of Girl-' \thletic
A,;,ociation. Hohhie ... : Ba ... kethall and
all '[>Ort .... .\mhition: To he a ph) ... ical
€duration in,Lru<·Lor.
Lincoln Junior High S<'hool. Cla"i<'al
Cour ... e. Acti' itie ... : Pep Club, Trident
Cluh, and Girl,,' Athlcti<· \,,_o<'iation.
Hobby: Drawing . .\mbition: To remain
... ingle.
BER"<ICE DtB\'\~;\\ICZ
Wa,hington Junior High Sd1ool. Engli ... h Couroe. Activity: Pep Club. Hobbie,: .\uending mo\ie ... , eating, and
having a good time. \mhition: To lr<I\ el
around the world.
FR\"<"- DlRZO
Lin<·oln Junior High !:'l<'hool. Engli ... h
Cour ... e. A<·Livitie': Orcheolra and A Cappella Choir. Hohh): ,fo,ic. \mbition:
To he a mu ... idan of high talent>.
.\0R1 \ '\ DEB Rt I'\
Wa,hington Junior High Sd10ol. Engli ... h Cour... e. .\l'Li\ it): Choru .... Hobby:
Woodworking. \mbition: To he a civil
J. Earntt \RD\
Lincoln Junior High S<"hool. Engli ... h
Cour ... e. Arti,itie ... : Pep Club am! Spani ... h Club. Hobbie ... : Golf, tenni,, ha ... eball, ba ... kethall, handball, and "' imming. Ambition: To be a big man and
to earn big money.
IhRt ~"-..\
Ri,Lon High School. Engli ... h Cour ... e.
.\<'livil): Pep Cluh. Hobhie ... : R<>ading
and liotening Lo the radio. Ambition:
To he a teacher.
Central Junior High S<"hool. Commer!'ial Cour ... e. l\ctivitie,: Choru ... and Glee
Cl uh. Hobbie': Dancing, havin11: a good
time, and expre,,,,ing m) 'en'e of humor
with a grin . .\mhition: To he a nur ... e.
Lincoln Junior High t•hool. Cla,,,it•al
Co_ur... e. \c~,ivitieo: r,ep, Club-..f!!; \, Red
and Spanioh Club. Hobby: Ba ... ketball.
\mbition: To be an engineer.
Page ...33
F~~~ IBE SPY 000_~.ti""- C',
HE Ls"
McKinley Junior High ' chool. Engfo.h
Cour .. e. Artiv·itie': Girl Re,ene, Blue
Triangle II, Pre,idenl of Lyceum
League, Pep Club, Frend1 Club, Girl-'
Athletic Association, and ecrelary of
ophomore Claoo. Hobbie': S" imming
and dancing. \mbition: To he happy.
MAR\ Fo"
Central Junior High School. Commercial Couroe. Activities: Pep Club,
Choru;., and German Club. Hobbies:
Dancing and tenni,. Ambition: To he a
private secretary.
)OE FRnT-1.L
Wai,hington Junior High chool. ommercial Cour .. e. Hobbie': Hunting and
mechanic<. Ambition: To become an
McKinley Junior High School. Commercial Cour .. e. Hobby: Dancing. Ambition: To become a nur-e.
Washington Junior High School. Eng]i,h Cour,e. A.<'livity: German Club.
Hobbies: Swimming and rowing. \mbition: To be a civil engineer.
Wa-hington Junior High Sehool. Clas,ical Cour .. e. Hobbie': Radio and photography. Ambition: To be a photographer.
A" 1' E FREOERl'-.!>E"
\frKinley Junior High chool. Engli,h
Cour .. e. Hobby: Reading. Ambition: To
be a librarian.
Ht.LE" FREORl(.h.!>E"
Central Junior High School. English
Cour .. e. \l'liv itie': Girl,' Glee Club and
Choru,. Hobbie': Dancing and ;,wimming. \mbition: To be a nur,e.
Oc:.oi:::-. FLETCHER
Central Junior High
chool. Engli'h
Cour,e. \ctivitie': Chorus and Pep
Cluh. Hobby: Going Lo automobile
<how• and driving e"p n,ive automobiles. Ambition: To he ooinething e"cil0
~""a"'c,.epbtr~a""c"'k.-dri-er or a pilot.
Page ... 3J.
Wa .. hington Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h Cour .. e. A.ctivitip,; Pep Club and
lit.ta Phi Kappa. Hobbie': ~:mimming,
football, and hor .. e-back riding. \mbition: To be a baclwlor.
" ' of"
Washington Junior High S1·hool. Com·
merl'ial Cour,e.
AN iv itie': Choru,,
Girl,' Glee Cl uh, \ Cappella Choir, and
German Club. Hohl1ie': Sleeping and
go"iping "ith teacher,. Ambition: To
he a teacher.
M \RTll \ GILE!>
Central Junior High School. Engli,h
Cour-e . .\cti' itie,: Girl,' Athleti!' A,,o.
1·iation and Pep Club. Hobbie,: Dan1'ing and "'imming. Ambition: To ha'e
my name blazed on Broa1h' ay 111 phwe
of Clara Bo"',.
Washington Junior High !:'lchool. Cla--ical Cour,e. Activitie,: German Cl uh,
Pep Club, and !:'locieta' Romana. llob·
hie': Dancing, skating, '" imming, out·
door games, ba,h.etball, and traveling.
\mbition: To he a teacher.
A'\l.ELO GJO\ \" l:.LLI
Central Junior High School. Cla"ical
Course. Hobby: Saying "Ifrllo" to a !'Cr·
tain someone "ith that certain 'ome·
thing in her ,mile. Ambition: To get in
conltH'l "ith a capitalist an(! try to soak
up some" ledge of IHI\\ he gets hi,
Washington Junior High S<·hool. Commercial Course. ANivity: Fre1wh Club.
Hobbie': Dan1·ing and ,h.ating. Am bi·
tion: To be a private 'e1·retary.
Central Junior High ~!'hool. Cla"i!'al
Course. Activ itie': Pep Club, Girl Re·
'erve, Trident Club, Girl,' \thleti!' h·
'ociation, Con,ul of Societth Romana,
and "Spy" Staff. Hobby: Listening to
Wayne King. Ambition: To be on time.
Rn \10'\D Gu"''
Central Junior High Sd1ool. English
Course. Activities: French Club and
Swimming Team. Hobby: !:'lports. Am·
hition: To be an ard1ited.
Central Junior High Sehool. Cla"ical
Cour-e. \eti,ities: Pep Club, Trea,urer
of Seminar Club, Band. Orehe,tra, and
Journali-m Club. Hobby: Going to
,chool. Ambition: To toot my way
through life.
l\h RO'\ T. GoLTR'r
Grant High Sd1ool, Portland, Oregon.
Cla"irnl Cour,e. \Ni' itie': Societas
Romana, Freneh Club, Beta Phi Kappa,
and Pep Club. Hobbie,: Golf, tennis,
and football. -\mhition: To get a rid1
and beautiful "ife in my old age.
H. Gosn '\St...t
"IT andy"
Wa,hington Junior High School. Com·
mercial Cour-e. \rtivitv: French Club.
Hobbies: S" imming a1Hi dancing. Ambition: To be a prirnte 'erretal').
Page ... 35
~~~BifJ IBE SPY 000.~ :'it:1.
Central Junior High <'hool. Commercial Couroe. \('ti' itie': Pep Club and
' panioh Club. Hobby: Golf. Ambition:
To be a teacher or a librarian.
Wa,hington Junior High School. Eng·
lish Cour.e. Hobbie": Baseball, foot·
ball, basketball, and golf. Ambition: To
be a bu•ine"'s man.
Wa,hington Junior High rhool. Com·
men~ ial Course. Activities: Pep Club
and Chorus. Hobby: Baseball. Ambition: To take 130 words a minute.
Central Junior High S1·hool. Classi<'al
Cour•e. A<'tivities: Senetary of tu dent
Council, French Club, President and
Vi<'e-President of Blue Triangle II,
Girl rout Troop I, Seminar Club, e<'·
retary of Pep Club, "Spy"' Staff, Se<'retary of Girls' Athleti<' Association, e<'·
retary of Junior and Senior Clas.,es, and
So<'ietas Romana. II ob hies: Outdoor
sports and working in chemi•try laboratory. Ambition: To be a •urgi<'al nurse
in a large hospital and everybody\
friend on the side.
G~; '\E\IE\E GLLA'\
Central Junior High School. Engli,h
Course. Activitie•: Pep Club, Girh'
Glee Club, Chorus, and Orche,,tra. Hobbies: Cooking, ;ewing, and dan<'ing.
Ambition: To be a good housewife.
Page ... 36
Lincoln Junior High Sd1ool. Engli•h
Course. Activities: Girls' A.thleti<' Association, Pep Club, and L}<'eum League.
Hobbies: Dancing, •kating, ancl swimming. Ambition: To travel.
L""" H\'\'\.\llS
Lincoln Junior High chool. Clas;,ical
Cour.e. A<'tivitie•: Hi-Y, Red Triangle
Club, and tudent Council.
.McKinley Junior High , ( hool. Engli"h
Cour,e. Hobin: Baseball. Ambition:
To beeome a big league baseball player.
Washington Junior High S<'hool. S<'ien·
tifi<' Cou"e. Al'livity: Beta Phi Kappa.
Hobbie": Waohing windows and danc·
ing. Ambition: To be a mathematician.
Central Junior lligh Sd1ool. English
Cour,e. Activitie•: Girls' Glee Club and
A Cappella Choir. Hobbies: Singing
and tra,eling. A.mbition: To be a conl'ert singer.
-%):-%_~&D 1HE SPY 000 ~"j--(. ~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,K-._R_J_O_R_1·- H-1-L ~~~~~~-'-"-~ .-.-lI-a-r1_·•IJ ~1
RtTll Il\lnt\'\
Ct ntral Junior lligh , d1ool. Engli,h
Cour'"· \Nivity: Girl , 1·oul Troop I.
Hobby: Aviation . Ambition: to 0 010.
Ruio1.r11 J. H\RT'IE1'.
" Rudy"
Wa•hington Junior High School. Eng·
li,h Cour,t>. i\1•tivitie,: P e p Cluh, Pre,i·
d1•nt of Beta Phi kappa, '". py'' Staff,
and Spani,h Club. Hohl!): Flying. Am·
hit ion : To hobo around the world and
tht•n bt>!'ome a journali,t.
HA!lTL ""
Ct..ntral Junior High Sd1ool. Commer·
l'ial Cour,e. :\ctiv itie,: Pep Club, Ger·
man Club. and Thrift Council. Hohl!\:
~port,. \mhition: To become a t each ~ r.
Wa,hington Junior High School. Eng·
li,h Course. \('ti\ itie,: Pep Club, Trea,.
urer of Blue Triangle 11, Girb' Athletie
A'-Ol'iation. French Club, and "Spy"
Staff. Ilohhi e,: Reading and ,wimming.
Ambition: To outdo Mi" Willian1' in
alge bra.
GE:-.EvH.H . H1GGI'\~
Lirwoln Junior High School. Claooical
Cour,e. Artivities: Pep Cluh, Girl Scout
Troop IT, Girl,' l\thleti1· \"ociation,
~pani,h Club, and Senior Life
Corp,. Hobbie• : Swimming and read·
ing. \mhition: To amount to 'ome·
Lincoln Junior High S1·hool. Engli,h
Cour,e. Al'Liv iti e ': Pep Club, German
Club, Choru,, and Girls' Glee Club.
Hobbie,: Swimming. ice 'kating, and
dan!'ing . \mhition: To have a million
dollar, Lo 'pe nd a' I ehoooe.
MrnIO'\ A. H1TZ1'.ER
Central Junior High Sd1ool. Cla--ical
Cour,e. :\cti\ itib: \ ice-Pre,idenl of
Blue Triangle II. French Club, '·Kenew," Staff, \ i1·e-Pre,ident of Girl Re·
' e rve, Choru,, and Pep Club. Hobby:
Cutting pirture, of Chicago 'ociely
"folk," out of the pape". :\mhition':
To he an Engli,h teacher and to he
friend, "ith everyone.
Lincoln Junior High School. Cla--ical
Cour,e . Acti' itieo: Pre,ident of Blue
Triangle III, Societa' Romana, French
Club, Pep Club, Student Couneil, and
Girl Sl'Out Troop III. Hobby: Doing
nothing. :\mhition : To go to college.
}\'\E HoLDER'\E~~
" Jrmev"
Lirwoln Junior High School. Cla,,icaf
Cour,e. :\rtivitie,: Pep Club, Lyceum
League, Choru,, Girl,' Glee Club, and
Student Council. Hobby: Athletic,.
Ambition: To he uoeful.
R\MO'\ \ HoL't
Wa,hinglon Junior High School. Cla--i·
cal Couroe. Activitieo: Joumali,m Club,
Secretary of Blue Triangle I. and Pep
Club. Hohhy: Dog,. :\mhition: To be
Page ... 37'
Central Junior High S('hool. Commer·
<'ial Coun,e. Activitieo: Pep Club and
Fr n<'h Club. Hobbie,: Reading an cl
"dmming. Ambition: To be a good
hou'e" ife.
"la)· R"
McKinle} J.ur~i~)C High School. E~~~li'?,
Coun,e. Art1v1lleo: Pep Club and
Staff. Hobbie': Pla}ing pool, bo"ling,
and dan<'ing. Ambition: To be a man.
Hl '-llOLD
Lin1·oln Junior High School. EngJi,h
Couroe. A<'livitie,: Blue Triangle III,
Pep Club, and ~tuclent Coun<'il. Hobby:
Li,tening in on "gab fe,h ~. Ambition:
To be a traveling <'Ornpanion.
Central Junior High Sd1ool. Commer·
cial Cour,e. A<'livitieo: Pep Club, Ger·
man Club, and Choru;.. Hobby: Having
fun and ;.till more fun. Amhition: To
be<'ome a great 'port-" oman.
RosETT \ JOH'\ SO'\
Ri_ TH Jou" o"
Lin<'oln Junior High Sl'hool. Cla--iral
Cour,e. A<'livitie,: Blue Triangle III,
Pre-iclent of Trident Club, Yi<"e-Presiclent of Girl Re,erve, Girh' Athleti<'
A,oo<'iation, Ly<•eum League, and Pep
Club. Hobb): S" imming. Ambition:
To \Hite legibly.
Central Junior High
<'hool. Englioh
Cour>e. Artivitie': Pep Club and Ger·
man Club. Ilohhy: S"imming and play·
ing golf. Ambition: To he an ele<'lri<'al
)Oii'\ K\PPlS
Central Junior High !:whoo!. Engli,h
Cour,e. Artivitie;,: Reel Triangle, Hi-),
"K"' Club. Spanish Club, Pep Club, and
Football Team. Hobby: Sports. \mbi·
tion: To go to Creighton.
CLE\1E:\T )ORGE'\SE"\'
K\l F\H'\
Central Junior lligh 'd1ool. S!'ientifi1·
Cour•e. A!'tivitie.,: Pep Club, Seminar
Club, Fr€n<"h Club. Se<"retarv of Beta
Phi 1'.appa, and T!'nni' Cluh: Hobbie,:
p,yd1ology and '(JOrl,. Ambition: To
di,<'o,-e r a ne" "a) of making artifi<'ial
Page ...38
\"n \ K~. LL
Wa,hington Junior High Sd1001. Commprfial Cour,p. \(•ti,itie-: Pep Club.
S;;rretary of Ly<'('Um League, \ i<·e-Pre,id1 nt of "\ hHiuna Cl uh, and Student
Coun<'il. Ilohhie,: ke-,kating, tobogganing, and (lan<'ing. Ambition: To beconH" a pri\ate :-.e(•retar)'.
H \ROLD h...OLOt.,BOR(;
Lin<·oln Junior High S<'hool. Engli,h
Cour,e. \('li,itie,: Pep Club, Beta Phi
Kappa. and B Football Team. Hobbie':
Playing b:i-ketball and "' imming. .\mhition: To he a big 'u('('eb,.
H \Zt.L hOLl
"Ao Ko"
DoROTH\ Lt.t. h...1'\G
Central Junior High ~whoo!. Engli,h
Course. \Nivitie': Pep Club, Thrift
Coun!'il, Niwauna Club, and Lyceum
League. Hobby: Riding in Bui(•!,.,, Amhition: To "ork in an offi('e.
W1LLl\\T h...JR\ll
l_:pntral Junior High !:l<'hool. EngJi,h
Cour,e. A(•tivitie,: "K'' Club, Football,
and Captain of !:'m imming Team. Hoh·
hy: Sporb. \mhition: To ht> a '" imming dire(•tor.
F1tEDt.111c:i... h...ot.LL,t.R
Ernngeli('al Lutheran ~ rif'den' High
S('hool. EngJi,h Cour,e. \('ti' ity: Pep
Club. Ilobhi(•': Ba,eball and ba,ketball.
Ambition: To he a pharmaei-t.
'\1rn1n1 h...ot.'t.~
Bay \ iew High !:l<'hool, l\1ilwaukee, Wi,('0t1'in. EngJi,h Cour,e. \(•ti' it): Pep
Cl uh. Hobbie': !:l" imming, ,l,.ating. and
dan<'ing. \mhition: To he the "orld',
Junior High S(·hool. Commer<'ial Cour,e. Acti' itie,: Girl Re,ene,
Ly<'eum League, Junior and Senior Life
Saving, Trident Club, Student Coun<'il,
Pep Club, and German Club. Hobbie,:
\>imming and tenni,. .\mhition: To
tead1 1lramati<·,.
'\I \RI'' h...oo~
Wa,hington Junior High ~<'hool. (om·
mer<'ial Cou"e. .\ctivitie,: Pep Club
and Spani,h Club . .\mbition: To he the
operator of a beauty parlor.
.. ' all~ .. ,
!:"in.LL\ h...ORP \(.H
Central Junior High !:ld1ool. Commerdal Cour,e . .\ctivitie': Pep Club, Girl,'
Athleti<' \"ociation, , pani,h Club, and
'·J....enew,'' !:"itaff. Hobbie,:
"' imming, and reading. Ambition: To
dmwe with the Prin<'e of Wale-.
H \RR\ 1'..R \FT
Wa,hington Junior High St•hool. Eng·
foh Cour,e. \rtivity: Pep Club. Hobby:
Ba,eball. \mbition: To become an out'tanding pitcher in the big league.
Page ... 39
A'\TllO"' KR\"ICL'>
Cwtral Junior High Sd10ol. Engli;,h
Couree. i\ctivitie,,: Beta Phi kappa,
Pep Club. B Football Team. and French
Club. Hobbieo:
wimming and radio
\\Ork. .\mbitio11: To be an electrical
Washington Junior High School. Classical Cour,,e. i\rtivit): Student Council.
Hobh): Cartooning. \mhition: To he
'ut•t·e"ful in whatever I do.
Central Junior High School. Engli:.h
Cour,e. Activitieo: Pep Cl uh, President
of Blue Triangle L L)ceum League,
Girl Re,erve, and Frend1 Club. Hobby:
Dancing. Ambition: To be happy and
to make other,, ,o.
lRI!> KLPl'l:.R~Cll~11DT
Washington Junior High chool. Com·
m rcial Cour.e. Acti .. ity: Pep Cluh.
Hobbie•: ' "imming and tenni,. Amhi·
tion: To ha"e blue eye•.
Central Junior High School. Commer·
cial Cour,,e. Acti,·ities: Pep Club, Spani'h Cluh, "Kene"'" Staff. and Girl,·
Athletic A•,ociation. Hobbies: ~wim
ming. tenni,, and reading tra .. el boob.
Ambition: To he a female Richard
to conquer.
Page ...40
Eo'"" IAB'-'O\\SF..\
Central Junior High Sd1001. Engli;,h
Cour,e. Acth itie,,: Pre,ident of Red
Triangle, 'i('e-Pre,ident of Hi-Y, President of Frend1 Club, Pep Cluh, "K"
Cl uh. Football Team. B Baoketbal I
T am, Vice-Pre>ident of Senior Clas>,
Student Council. and Bu,ine" Manager
of "Sp).,_ Hobby: Sport,. Ambition: To
he a out·re ,ful act·ountant.
.\,c;1, u"1:. L•~11<c:c111\
Central Junior High ~'H'hool. Commer·
rial Cour,,e. Arti" it): Pep Cl uh. Hobbies: Playing tennis and going to
movit''· \mbition: To bet·ome a ;,ophi,.
tirated tt:acher.
Lto\ o L \'I B
Waohington Junior High Sd1ool. Eng·
li,h Cour,e . .\cti,.ities: Beta Phi Kappa
and ~eminar Club. Hohhie': Radio
"ork and electricity. Ambition: To be
an electrical engineer.
McKinley Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. At·ti' itie,: Pep Club, Ser·
retary of 1\Tiwauna Club, Lyt·eum
League, and Spanish Club. Hobbie,,:
kc-skating and 'wimming. Ambition:
To he happ).
GLE .... -.
M('Kinlcy Junior High St·hool. Englioh
Cour,e. Hobby: Automobile,. Ambition: To graduate.
T 11 f.I. 't \ LA" DRl-.f.
:\frKinle) Junior High .'chool. Engli,h
Cour,e. Act iv itie,: Pep Cl uh, French
Club, Trea,urer of
i"auna Cluh.
Ly('eum League, and Blue Triangle IL
llobhi1.;,: DanC'ing an cl ire--kating. Am·
bit ion: To he happy.
Lirwoln Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h
Cour,e. Hobhy: Hiking. Ambition: To
be a good athlete.
Lnrn \(,II
"Pptp" or "'Hr. Pedah"
Linroln Junior High ' rhool. Seientifir
Cour,e. Artivity: Pep Club. Hobby:
Swimming. Ambition: To be an elel'lriral engineer.
GORDO'\ L1'\0L
Lirwoln Junior High Sehool. Seientifir
Cour,e. Act iv itie,: Orche,tra and "Sp)"
Staff. Hobbie,: Ba,eball, ba,ketball.
and tickling the ivorie' in a darwe
orc·ht:-tra. Ambition: To become an
" ,'\ick"
Pio '\ono High School, !:it. Fnrnci-..
Wi,cor1'in. Scientifi<· Cour,e. Hobbie':
Pla)ing ha,ketball and fi-.hing. \mbi·
tion: To be 'urce"ful.
Grno\ L ·\RSE'a,hington Junior High !:whoo!. Cla"i·
rnl Cour,e. i\.1•tivitie': French Club
and Pep Club. Hobby: Dancing. Am bi·
tion: To he happy.
··rr all)·"
l\fr1'..inley Junior High Sehool. Commer·
l'ial Cour,e. Aetivitie,: Cho rm. Boy,·
Glee Cluh. Pep Club. and German Club.
llohby: Dodging the girl-. Amhition:
To he an a1·1·ountant.
EsT1n.1t R. LEH.Lil s
Central Junior High School. Commer·
C'ial Cour,e. A1·th itie,: Pep Cluh. Span·
i-.h Club, ancl ''1'..ene"'" St.dT. Hobbie-:
!:'" imming and darwing. \mhition: To
Central Junior High School. Engli-.h
Cour,e. ANivitie,: Pep Cluh, German
Club, and Student Council. Hobbie':
Swimming and reading. Ambition: To
become a hair-dre--er.
Eoo l\httARI
Central Junior High Sd10ol. Engli-.h
Cour,e. Aetivitie': Pep Club, Ba,ket·
ball Team. Tra<·k Team, Student Conn·
cil, and \ · iee-Pre,ident of "K"' Club.
Hobbie,: Playing ba,ketball an cl indulg·
ing in all 'ort' of athletic-.. Ambition:
To be a 'ucre ...
Page .. .41
Do" \LD R. M \Ck\\
Joliet To" ri-hip High School. Engli,h
Cour,e. :\rtivitie,: Ban cl, "Sp)" Staff,
Orche,tra. ancl French Club. Ilohby:
Loafing. Ambition: To be a ;,uecesoful
Lous J. 1\1\R\CCl'II
"Herr Louie"
Wa,hington Junior High , rhool. Engli,h Couroe. Hobbie,: Sea-,routing and
radio "ork. :\mbition: To be(•o me a
bos'n";, mate on a sea-;,cout ,hip.
Euu.., ~1 \RIO'I
Central Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. :\('ti,itie,: Pt>p Club an cl
Spani-h Club. IIohbieo: s,,imming and
tenni-. Ambition: To be 'urre,,fuJ.
C\T11ERI'IE C11 \L\tER~ \bRh.~
Lincoln Junior High School. Commer·
rial Cour,,e. AC'tivitieo: Girls' Athletic
A"o('iation, French Club, Pep Club,
Student Couneil, !:-ec·retary of Thrift
Council, ' ire-Pre,ident of , eminar
Club, and '"!:'ipy" Staff. Hohhie,: Skating, rooking, and 'pending money. Ambition: To find the mio.• ing penny in
pa" hook '\o. B 302 t.
Central Junior High School. Cla"iral
Cour,e. ANivitie-: Choru' and So1·ieta'
Romana. Hobbie•: S"imming and reading. Ambition: To he a Latin teacher.
Page ...42
Pt.\RL 1\1>1.RTl'I
"Lrtcle Dudley"
Lincoln Junior High School. Classical
Cour,e. :\('ti,iti , : Pre,ident of Blue
Triangle 111, Pep Club, and Girl Scout
Troop l. Hobbit>•: Pla)ing tennis and
"dmming. Amhition: To he a 'lational
Girl S('out Director.
c \S1'TIR M \~LOWSh.I
Wa,hington Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. Ilohbie,: Ba,ehall, billiarch, an cl reading. Ambition: To be an
We,t Division High Sd10ol. Eng]i,h
Cour,e. :\ctivitie': Pep Club and Societa' Romana. Ilohhie': Golf and
"' imming. Ambition: To become a
~ \R'< D1ch.~O' McLnTOCh.
Ct:ntral Junior High School. Commer('ial Cour.e. :\1·thity: Pep Club. Ilobhie': Swimming, tenni,, and daneing.
Ambition: To be a 'tenographer an cl to
take dic·tation from a harubome young
Rt Tll G. ~1c:'JhIL
MC"Kinley Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. \cti' itieo: Pep Clu h
an cl Blue Triangle I. Hobhy: Spori-.
Ambition: To he a nur,p in a hm.pital
"here tlwre are goocl-looking young
IRE' E DOLORES J\.1u:ozz1
"1 ~al"
u} ou"
Wa,hinglon Junior High ~:)('hool. Commen•ial Cour,e. Acti' ity: Pep Club.
Hohby: Reading my,tery 'torie' at midnight. \mhition: To tab.e dictation from
th<' Prirwe of Wale,.
" Uiller"
Ccn1ral Junior High S<·hool. Cla"i<-al
Cour,e. A<"tivilie•: Prc,ident of Red
Triangle, Trea,urer of Hi-Y. Pep Cluh,
French Club, Tenni, Club. Hobby:
S" imming. Ambition: To be a foreign
Boon1 "!\11LLER
Wa,hington Junior High !:-l<"hool. Engli'h Cour-e. Activitie,: Girl S<·out Troop
II and Blue Triangle III. Hobby: Walb.inp: for exerci,e. .\mbi1ion: To be a
EMIL 1\1oLI'\ \RO
Central Junior High Sd10ol. Commercial Cour,e. Hobbie': Ba,ke1balL foothall, and ba•eball. .\mbi1ion: To 'tuch
hm .
Central Junior High Sd10ol. EngJi,h
Cour,e. Hobby: Collecting poelry. :\mhition: To be ,, malron in an orphan
ETHEL TERES\ "!\11' \R
Wa,hington Junior High !:->chool. Cla"i<·al Cour,e. Aeth i1y: Pep Club. Hoh·
hie': Being a Lomboy and reading m) ,_
tery '!Orie, "ith plenty of chiJI,. \mhi1ion: To he a teaeher and to 'a),
"Pay altention, children:'
B \HB \R \ l\l()l)()R)
Wa,hington Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e . .\cti,i1ie-= ::->errelan of
Blue Triangle III, Pe1i Cluh, Tiirift
Council, "Kene,.," !:-ltafT, Girl S<"out
Troop II. French Club. and Girl,· .\1hIt Li<' A"o<'iation. Hobh): -craphoob., \mbition · To te·1d1 <'ommerei ·tl
Wa,hinglon Junior High Sd1001. Cla"ical Cour,e. A('(i,i1ie,: Pep Club.
French Cluh, German Club. and LHeum
Llague. Hohbie,: ~" imming, da-ncing,
and drh ing. Amhilion: To be a big
bu,ine" "oman or lo marr) a millionaire.
\t_Gl ST
.. Auggie"
:\frkinle) Junior High Sd1001. Scientific
Cour,e. :\('tivilie': Pep Club and Bela
Phi Kappa. Hobby: Pee "\\ ee golf. Ambition: To he an army enp:ineer.
'·Uor ·e"
Central Junior High !:-ll'hool. Engli,h
Cour,e. \cti' itie,: Pep Club, Tri den I
Club, French Club. Girl ::-<·out Troop 11.
SLUdent Coundl, and Girb' :\thletic
_.\,,o('iation. Hobh): $" imming. \mbi-
1\1\nW'\ Monsi,;
I~ ~ ~H>J ,;=~ ".e.l,_l.,_, ,~ -il :*"'!di!'J=l
Page ... t3
1t RDOCll
Central Junior High School. Engli,;h
Cour-e. Hohhy: Trying to keep my
crate running. Am hit ion: To he an electrician.
CL \Rt.'\Ct.
Mt RPI!\
Lincoln Junior High chool. Commercial Couroe. :\ctivity: Pep Club. Hoh·
hies: Dancing and ,wimming. Ambition: To travel "ith Joe.
LoR11 \t'\t. O'Co" "on
Central Junior High Sd1001. Engli,h
Cour,e. :\etivitie': Journali,rn Club,
:'erninar Club, Pep Club, Junior Life
Saving, and , tudent Council. Hobby:
wimrning. Ambition: To 'tudy the
tead1er, of K.eno,ha High Sd10ol.
Mt RR\\
Central Junior High School. Commercial Couroe. Activity: Pep Club. Hobby:
Following athletic,,. Ambition: To he a
Lincoln Junior High School. Englioh
Couroe. Activitieo: Pep Club and Girl
cout Troop II. Hobby: Enjoying the
joy;, of procra,tination. Ambition: To
go away to 'chool and to learn the art
of cooking.
1. OoELBt.RG
McKinley Junior High School. Engli,h
Cour,t'. \Niv itie,: Choru,, Girl;;' Glt>c
Club, \ Cappella Choir, Student Coun·
cil, and "Spy" Staff. Hobbie': Reading
ancl owimming. :\mbition: To be a
nur'e and to tran•l.
::: \ '11 EL OoFLBERG
Central Junior High School. Commercial Couroe. Activity: Girl,'
Association. Hobby: Fi,hing-in more
way;; than one. \mhition: To eotablbh
a heauty parlor for men.
JE..,..,Y OoE~"-A
Lincoln Junior High School. Commercial Couroe. Activitie:,: Pep Club and
panioh Club. Hobby: Cultivating the
acquaintance,hip of nice boys. Am bition: To enter a nu roes' training ;;chool
Mu; OL O'\
Lincoln Junior High School. Commerrial Cour,t'. Hobby: Leaming the word>
to all the new 'ongo. Ambition: To have
a partnerohip in a beauty parlor with
~·:·=· ~193:~~
Page ...44
Lincoln Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. ANiv itie,: Pep Club, Journal iom Club, Band, and A Cappella
Choir. Hobby: Tenni,. :\mbition: To
be succe"ful in the hu,ine-s world.
'~~&JTHE SPYCi'ie ~tc"~
llu,o WILllt.L't 0Lso'
EDML 'D J. P.\B~RS1'c.\
R1tll.\RD R. OTT, JR.
McKinley Junior High School. Eng]i,h
Cour,e. :\(·tivity: Pep Club. Hobby:
Following oport a<·tivitie,.
To amount to something.
i\frKinley Junior High School. Engli,h
Cour,e. Hobby: :\thleti<"'· Ambition:
To be a 'ucces,.
Washington Junior High School. Eng·
[i,h Cour,e. A<"ti' ity: Pep Club. Hob·
bie,: Sailing and hoekey. Ambition: To
run the Chicago "Tribune."
Central Junior High S<"hool. !:'<·ientific
Cour,e. \<"tivitie,: Pre,ident of Forum
Club, Pre,iclent of Seminar Club, " ' py"
Staff, Bu,ine'' ~1anager of "Kene'""·
Beta Phi Kappa, Capt.ain of Debating
Team, Thrift Council, \ ice-President of
Journali,m Club, and !:lecretary of "'a·
Lional Forenoie League Chapter. Hob·
hie,; Swimming, writing, and philately.
Ambition: To di'('Over a five-letter
"ord. beginning "ith "m", meaning
Franllin Junior High School. Scientific
'\ «-ti' itieo: Pep Club and
Choruo. Hobbie.: Slating and ba,·
Wa,hington Junior High Sd1ool. Eng[j,h Cour,e. Acti' itie,: Band, Orche'tra, and
"imming Team. Hobbies:
Swimming, 'ailing, and dra" ing. Ambition: To he an ard1itect and a multimillionaire.
Central Junior High School. English
Cour,e. Activitie': Pre,ident of , ophomore and Junior Cla,,e,, \ i<"e-Pre,ident
of Pep Club, President of "K"' Club.
Traci... Team,, Ba,l...etball Team~. Captain of 1930 Football Team. and Chief
Councilor of Student Council. Hobby:
Athletic,. Ambition: To play in many
overtime ba,l...etball game,.
Centrnl Junior High Sd10ol. S(·ientific
Cour,e. Activities: Beta Phi Kappa and
Student Council. Ambition: To ha,·e a
good time.
Do'\O\ ' ' Pt.c1'c
Lincoln Junior High School. Cla"ical
Couroe. Activitie': Beta Phi Kappa,
Band, Choru,, and Pep Club. Hohbieo:
Roller skating, a' iation, and radio. Ambition: To be a race-track dri,·er.
Wa,hington Junior High Sd1001. Scientific Cour-e. A<"th itie': Pre,ident of
Beta Phi Kappa, Pep Club. Golf Team,
and OrehL,tra. Hobb': :\thletics. Ambition: To be a sucee-~ful engineer.
Page ... 15
Lincoln Junior High School. Engli,h
Cour,e. \ctivitie,: Pep Club, Seminar
Club, \i"auna Club, and Blue Triangle
III. Hobbieo: Dancing, "' imming, and
iC'e-,kating. Ambition: To be a nur,e.
' oPHIE\i-.
Wm,hington Junior High ' chool. Com:
mercial Couroe. \ctivitie,: Pep Club,
Girl Scout Troop JI, and Girb' Athleti<·
A"oriation. Hobbie': S" imming and
dancing. \mbition: To work in an oflke
or a bank.
J. P1u;~i-.1
Central Junior High !:-Jchool. Engli,h
Couroe. Activitie,: Track Team, B Basletball Team, Serretary-Trea,urer of
"K"' Club, Pep Club, and "Spy"' tafT.
Hobby: Making the honor roll. Ambition: To be a success in athletics.
Lincoln Junior High !:')('hool. English
Couroe. Artivitie,: Trident Club, Girls'
Athletic A,,oriation, Senior Life av·
ing, Pep Club, und t renrh Club. Hobby: "imming. Ambition: To travel.
Ctntral Junior High School. Eng]i,h
Coun.e. Activities: Pep Club, Baslel·
ball Team, and panish Club. Hobby:
Athletic,. Ambition: To suc('eed in
AoR1 DI PoLLOC""Ade"
McKinley Junior High School. English
Co""'· .\ ";,;,;,_, }oomofom Cloh.
Page .. .46
Seminar Club, and -\1hertising Mana·
ger of "Kenews:' Hobby: Drafting. Am·
bition: To be an ar('hitert.
C n 11rn1-... E \. Po" ELL
Central Junior High School. Englibh
Cour,e. Activitie': Pep Club, Girl Seoul
Troop I, Gennan Cluh, Blue Triangle
II, and ·'Spy., StafT. Hobbies: Swim·
ming and fool in' around. Ambition: To
become a world-famous atlorney, to he
happy, and to graduate from the ne-...t
Priedens Lutheran High Sd10ol. Eng·
lish Cour,e. \l"tiv ity: Beta Phi Kappa.
Hobby: Elertri1·ity. Ambition: To he an
electrical engineer.
OoE~~ \ R1c11 \RO~
Lincoln Junior High ~('hool. Commercial Course. Artivitie,: Girls' Athletic
-h so('iation, Spanish Club, Pep Club,
• erretary of Seminar Club, "Kene"s"
Staff, and '·Spy" 'tafT. Hobbit',: Sports,
reading, playing the piano, and dancing.
Ambition: To teach phri('al !'duration
or to be 1·onne1·ted with a 1.W.C.A.
l o ' E L \ t R \ R1PLE'
Lincoln Junior High School. Cla"i<-al
Cour,e. Artiv itie,: Pn•,ident of Seminar Club, \ iee-President of German
Club, \ ire-Pre,idenl of Girls' Athleti('
.\ssoriation, "Kene'" ., Sta IT, "Spy"
~tafT, Pep Cluh, Student Council, and
Sol'ietth Romana. Hobbie,: Making ('OI·
lection,, fiddling with Odys, and swim·
ming. \mhition: To learn to dive.
\LIO; Rt ..,SELL
Eo-..A R1sc11
Lincoln Junior High rhool. Commercial Cour,e. A('tivitie,: Pep Club and
Choru,. Hobbie': All outdoor 'port,,
e-periall) ire-,1..ating and golf. <\mbition: To be a good "tenographer.
Central Junior High
1·hool. Engli,h
Cour,e. Arth itie,: Pep Club and
Choru,. Ilohby: S" imming. \mbition:
To \\Ork in an offi('e.
Central Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h
Cour,e. Artivity: Pep Club. Hobbie':
Telling and li,tening Lo jol..e,. \mbition: To rereive a college edu('ation and
lo be a teacher of manual art'-
Jo..,EPII Rizzo
Lin1·oln Junior High Srhool. Commer('ial Conroe. \<-ti,itie': Genuan Cluh
:rnd Pep Club. Hobb): Dra\\ing cartoon,. \mbition': To be a 1·ommerrial
arti,t or an iJlu,trator.
Mrl:\.inlc1 Junior High Sd1ool. Engli,h
Cour,e. \t'li,itie': "Spy'' StafT and Student Council. Ambition: To be an elet'tri('a l engineer.
Rt SSELL Rost.\t \ '
Central Junior II igh S('hool. Engli,h
Cour,e. A('ti\ itie" Red Triangle, Semi·
nar Club. and ,'tudenl ComH'il. Hoh·
hie': Ba,l..eth.11l and motor·hoating. Ambition: To he a 'U('('e,,ful hu,ine"
Rt sso
Central Junior High Srhool. Engli>h
Cour,e. A1·tivitie': Pep Club and German Club. Hobbi e ': Sl..ating and taking
in the late'L mo\ib. Ambition: To be
an under,mdy Lo Paul Poiret.
C£ntral Junior High Srhool. Commerdal Cour,e. A1·th itie,: Thrift Coun('il,
Ge nuan Club, and Pep Club. Hobbie':
Rattling on the piano and reading. Ambition: To he a •Lenographer.
" al="
\ \' Su1set R\
Lin!'oln Junior High Srhool. Engli,h
Cour,e. \!'li\itie,: Red Triangle. Frenrh
Club. Hi-l, Seminar Club, and Pep
Club. Hobby: S"imming. Ambition: To
li:l\e enough money to tra,el.
Lt. RO\ Ro\\ BOTT0\1
I~61(0±~ 93
"Rey" or "Sandy"
M('Kinley Junior High Sd1001. Cla"i('al Conr,e. A<'ti\ itie': !:'ipanioh Club,
Gt:rman Club, and Pep Cluh. Hobbie':
Dancing, i<"e-,1..ating, •\\ imming. and
playing golf. \mbition: To be an EngJi,h or a German teacher.
Page .. .47
~~~Ci"J TIIE SPY 000 ~.:b.:-~
- -
Au:-. Sc11HR
McKinley Junior High ~rhool. Cla"iral
Cour,e. Artivitie-: Pre,,,iclent of German
Club, \ ire-Count'ilor of Studf'nt Coun·
<"il, Pep Club, and "Kenew,,," Staff. Hoh·
hies: Amateur movie, and aviation. Am·
hition: To uncler,tancl the Eimtein
Wa,hington Junior High Sd1001. Eng·
lioh Cour,e. .\<•tivities: German Cluh
and Pep Club. Hobbieo: Swimming and
reading. Ambition: To he a new,paper
E. ScH,llTT
Central Junior High <·hool. Commer·
rial Cour,e. \rtivitie,: Chorus, v ire·
Pre,ident of Blue Triangle III, Pep
Club, Lyceum League, and "li"auna
Club. Hobby: Learning how lo play
golf. Ambition: To be a tearher.
"Edie Pedie"
Linroln Junior High , rhool. Clas,iral
Cour,e. A<·ti•itie,: Seerelary of Blue
Triangle III, Preoident of German Cluh,
Student Council, Pep Club, Girls' Glee
Club, and '·Kenew;' Staff. Hohbie,: Iceskating and rollE't'ting pirture,, <\mbition: To be a kindergarten teacher.
or111A DoROTH)' Sc11RE1
McKinley Junior High rhool. Commerfial Couroe. <\rtivities: Vire-Pre,ident
Page ...48
\Htuna Club, Choru,, Student Count'il,
ancl Pep Club. Hobbie': Swimming ancl
ire-,h.ating. ;\mbition: To be a privatf'
Lint'oln Junior High S<"hool. Cla"irnl
Cour,e. ;\t'tivitie': German Club, ;\
Cappella Choir, and Girl-' Glee Club.
Ambition: To he a ,[enographer.
CL \R \ Sc11 ' ' \IGEll
Wa,hington Junior High ' rhool. Com·
merrial Cour,E'. A<"tivitie,: Pep Cl uh,
German Club, and Choru,, Hohhie':
Reading and ""imming. \mhition: To
be a private se<·retary.
CL \RE'\'CE S<.H\\ \H.t-11
" clndggs"
Washington Junior High School. Clasoi<·al Cour,e. A<"tivily: Sorietas Romana.
Hobbies: Col lerting hooks and no,,.
country running. Ambition: To he a
Central Junior High School. Engfoh
Course. Artivitie,: Pep Club and
Choru,. Hobbie,: \1usir and reading.
Ambition: To he a tea<"her.
Central Junior High S<"hool. Commer·
rial Cour,e. Activity: French Cluh.
Hobbies: Tennis and dancing. Ambi·
tion: To he a i,tenographer.
To'" . 11\B\RU"'
Wa,hington Junior High !:-id10ol. Engl i-h Cour,e. \cti' iti<•,: "K" Club. Beta
Phi 1'.appa. and Ba,kethall Team. Hohhit-: Bike.riding and ha,kt'lhall. \mhition: To he<·ome a great ,ix-day hike
Jo" !:-t'\h.O
.. Joe"
Lincoln Junior High S<·hool. Commer1•ial Cour-e. Ilohhip,: Reading an<I Ji_.
tening to the radio. \mbition: To have
EDll\RO C\RL !'-LOii"~"''
•· Lim"
Central Junior High School. Engli~h
Cour,e. Hobbie,: ~Ju,i<'. art. '" imming.
tenni,. an cl fl) ing. Ambition: To he a
de,,ign<.r for the future.
Et (,F.,IF S'\0111100"Lincoln Junior High ::i<'hool. Cla"i<·al
Cour,e . .\cti1 itieo: Pre,ident and !'-erretan of Girl Re-ent>, Pre,i<lt>nt of Blue
Triangle 11, ~enetar) of Forum Club.
Editor of "1'.enew,·', !:-ecretary of JournaJi,m Club, Girl Scout Troop II. Girh'
.\thlt:ti<· .\"o<•iation, Pep Club. Glee
Club, \ Cappella Choir, "Spy" ::itaff,
Trident Cluh. and Lift> Sa1ing. Hohhy:
Talking. Ambition: To be a journaJi,t.
PH L '-ORE,~f-'
Central Junior High ::i!'bool. Engli,h
Cour-e. Hohh): Pla)ing ba,ehall. Ambition: To become a -inger.
\OEU. ~I'\ h.011 !CZ
M!'Kinley Junior High ::i<'hool. Commer1•ial Cour,e . .\niv itit>,: Choru, and Pep
Cluh. Hobh): Rai,ing 1·ab. ,\mhition:
To O\\ n a rat-ho,pital.
Central Junior High ::ichool. Cla--irnl
Cour,r. .\1·ti1 itie,: Blue Triangle II.
Pep Club, Girl S<'out Troop II, and Student Coun!'il. Hohh): Ju,t living . .\mhition; To he a nur-eq ,(')100! "orker.
1\hRI\'\ STAllL
B1o.R'\IU. Sn"
Lincoln Junior High S<'hool. CJa_,i<'al
Cour-e. .\<'1i1 itie,: Blue Triangle III,
Pep Club, Girb' .\thleti<' .\"o<•iation,
Trid nt Club, Girl S<'out Troop IL and
Girl Re,ene. Hohh). Being happ).
\mhition: To he a 'U<'<'C"·
Nrc"- SOE"-~
Wa>hington Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e.
\<·ti1 itie': ::itudent
Counril and B Football Team. Hobbv:
\thleti<''· .\mhition: To he a 'ucce--f~I
hu"line!-1~ 1na11.
J \(.h. '\. STOOD\
Central Junior High S<'hool. Engli,h
Cour•e. Hohll\: Fi,hing . .\mbition: To
he a "riter. .
Page .. .49
Central Junior High Sl'hool. Englbh
Couroe. Artivitieo: Orcheotra, A Cappella Choir, and Chorus. Hobbies:
Drawing, music, biking, and reading.
Ambition: To be an engineer.
Central Junior High Sc11ool. Claooical
Couroe. Activitie': Girb' Athletic As,o·
ciat1on, Pep Club, Choru,, Spani'h
Club, and Student Council. Hobby:
Baoketball. mbition: To be a nurse.
Wa,hington Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. l\rtivity: Pep Club.
Hobby: Sailing. Ambition: To amount
to '-Omething.
"Tony 0
W:bhington Junior High S<'hool. Engli,h Cour .. e. Artivitie': Choru .. , Boy,'
Glee Club, and Orche,tra. Hobhie,:
Sport,, and reading. Ambition:
To find out \\hat ;.pace i ...
Central Junior High chool. Commercial Cour,e. Activitie,: Pep Cluh, Blue
Triangle III,
horu,, Orcbe,tra, Girh'
Glee Club, and German Club. Hobbie':
Reading and ice-sb.ating. l\mhition: To
be<'ome a teacher.
B. Losn E'\
Lincoln Junior High !:iehool. Commercial Cour,e. Activity: Choru,. Hobbie':
Reading and playing tenni,. Ambition:
To he a private 'e1·rt>tary and to travel
around the world.
:\frKinley Junior High Sd1001. Cla'hirnl
Course. Activitieo: Red Triangle and
Pep Club. Hohhy: Collecting junk in
the form of Hupp:,. Ambition: To b a
jeweler or an aeronauti<'al engineer.
McKinley Junior High School. English
Cour,e. \c·tiYitie': Blue Triangle II,
Pep Club, Girl,' \thletic
Trident Club, Lyceum League, and Girl
Scout Troop II. Hobby: Swimming. Am·
bition: To be happy ah•aY'·
"L ke 11" or "Cornstalk"
Wa .. hington Junior High School. Eng·
li·h Cour,e.
ctivity: French Club.
Hobby: Radio work and photography.
Ambition: To he a radio announcer.
Page ... 50
A'\TttO'<' \ IT~t s
a,hington Junior High School. Eng·
lish Cour,e. Activities: B Football Team
and Swimming Team. Ilohhy: Having
a good tim :>. \mhition: To he a '-U<'<'t'''·
E. W \LLI~
Lincoln Junior High S<·hool. Commercial Course. :\ctivitie,: German Club,
Pep Club, Girl,' Glee Cluh, A Cappella
Choir, Choru,, Girl,' \thletic \"ociation, and "Spy" Staff. Hobbie': Swimming, tenni,, and reading. :\mhition:
To he a private 'enetary and to tra\ el.
Ct ntral Junior High Sl'hool. S1·ientifil'
Cour,e. :\l'li\itieo: Band, Ord1e,tra,
Journali,m Club, Pep Club, Seminar
Cluh, and Tenni' Club. Hobbie,: Golf,
tenni,, and hi Ilia rd,, Ambition: To play
golf like Bobby Jone,.
Central Junior High Sd10ol. Eng]i,h
Cour,e. Act iv itie': Spani'h Clnh, Girl
Rt,erve, and Pep Club. Hobby: Tr)ing
to 't'P the he,t 'ide of life. :\mhition:
To have friend,.
MEL\\ W\RRl'\
Central Junior High ~1·hool. Commer·
cial Cour,e. \ctivitie-: L)ceum League,
Girl Scout Troop I, Blue Triangle II,
and Studl'nt Counl'il. Hobby: ::-;,dmming. Am hit ion: To be a teacher.
Linl'oln Junior High Sd1001. Cla"ical
Cour,c. \<·tivitie,: Tre:i-urer of Beta
Phi 1'.appa, German Cluh. Bank, Pep
Cluh, and "Spy" Staff. Hohhy: Laughing in the da,, room. :\mbition: To he-
}\CK WF;ST\I\'\
Central Junior High School. Scientific
Cour,e. :\ctivitie,: Pep Club, Student
Council, Spani'h Club, '"!:'ipy" ~taff, and
Orche,tra. Hobby: Reading. Ambition:
To go to college.
MrKinley Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. Hobbie,: !:'i"imming and
dri' ing. Ambition: To be a tead1er.
Wa,hington Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. \rtivitie,: Pep Club
and B Football Team. Hobby: Fi,hing.
i\mbition: To he an accountant.
Wa,hington Junior High School. Commen·ial Cour-e. \1·tiv itie': French Club,
Beta Phi 1'.appa, Pep Cluh, and B Football Team. Hobbie-: Reading booL
and playing ba,ketball, football, and
M\TT Wrn\E
i\1 \ t R1n WOLF
"U orrie Chet'alier"
l\'kKinley Junior High Sd1ool. Cla"ical
Cour-e. :\cth itie-: 'ice-Pre,ident of
Beta Phi l\.appa, Choru,, and Tra<·k
Team. Hobin: Golf. \mbition: To be a
Page ... 51
Wa,hington Junior High School. CJa,,ical Cour,e. Artivities: Journali;,m Club
and "Kene" ," Staff. Hobby: Reading.
Ambition: To be a 'uc<'e".
T. WoRDE:\
Lincoln Junior High S<·hool. Cla,,iral
Coun,e. Acti\ ities: Pep Club, Orcheolra,
Boyi;' Glee Club, A Cappella Choir,
Thrift Council, French Club, and "Spy"
taff. Hobbie': Swimming, Pee Wee
golf, and hiking. Ambition: To go Lo
college and Lo 'Ludy for a 0.0. degree.
lRE:\I; ZEilll:.:\
" ick"
Wa,hington Junior High chool. Cla"i·
ral Cour,e. Activities: Beta Phi kappa,
German Club, and So!'ietao Romana.
Hobby: Tenni,. Ambition: To play on
the Lnited Stale:, "'Davi' Cup Team".
WA:\DA l\hE Zt i-.owsi-.1
Wa;.hington Junior High !:whoo!. S!'ien·
tific Cour,e. A!'tivitie;.: Girh' Glee Club,
Choru,, Journali;.m Club, and Pep Club.
Hobbie': .'wimming, ice-,kating, and
making merry. Ambition: To be!'om e a
Central Junior High School. Engli,h
4<·tivity: S" imming Team.
Hobbie': Traveling and ,ell ing "pop".
Ambition: To oe<' the "orld and Lo 'ell
fll\'\h. J. z1o.,1AtTIS, J11.
Wa:,hington Junior High chool. Com·
mer!'ial Cour,e. Artivitie': Pep Club,
Choru,, and German Club. Ilobhie':
Skating and playing ball. Ambition: To
be a 'Lenographer.
:\1\n\ E. Zlo.'\HITIS
Central Junior High School. Commercial Cour,e. A!'Livitie;.: Pep Club and
Junior Life Saving. Hobby: Being hap·
py. Ambition: To have a great life.
Wa,hinglon Junior High School. Com·
mcrcial Cour-e. Activity: Pep Club.
Hobby: kating and tobogganing. Ambition: To he a nur;,e.
Waohington Junior High chool. Cla;.,i(0al Cour,e. Activitie;,: ~tudent Council,
Beta Phi Kappa, German Club, Sorietas Romana, and Tenni, Club. Hoh·
hie:,: Radio "ork and Lenni,. Amhition:
more "pop'".
C11 .\RLE!-. 1'...L ..~'l \!:'iE~1'.I
Central Junior High School. Engfoh
Cour,e. A!'Livitie': "K"' Club and Ba,.
ketball Team. Hobby: B:"ketball. Am·
hition: To he a <'Oa!'h.
~Oll'\lA'\ 1\1.\Dl'>O"
Crntral Junior High S<'hool. Eng[i,h
Cour,e. \('tivitie': Pep Club, Tra<•I-..
Team, Football Team, and "K"' Club.
Hobbie': Football, track., baseball, and
"'imming. \mhition: To be a major
league ba,eball player, a 'e!'ond Kiki
Linrnln Junior High S!'hool. Commer·
rial Cour;.e. A!'tivitie': Pep Cl uh and
Choru,. Hobby: Swimming. Ambition:
To be a librarian.
PagP ... 52
._ enior B Class
• Toel Han..,on
Lucille Toomev
Carl Thompt-0;1
arki.., .\pyan
\; ire-Pre<iident
\lhini, Jemella
\hord, Harriet
Bain, Dorothy
Bea,ter, \dt>I ine
Binder, Ruth
Bruno, Ro>e
Cenl'i, Man
Cholak, Ge~w,ie'e
Chri,te•»en, ?Har)
Clau,en, Ella
Clear), Bett)
Crow, Lu<'ille
D'Angelo, Ro·e
Draudt, La \ erne
Fe11'k!', \ ilet'n
Gau", Mildred
Gogetz, :\far)
Greenwald, l\Iarion
Haglund, Helen
Harl\>ig, Beulah
He11'e}, Florence
Higgin,, Irene
lloldt•rne--. Lorraine
Jacob;,on, Dorotln
Jen.en, Ann
Jochin1', Mary
John,on, Laura
1'.amienecki, Fran<·e,
Leute, \era
Locante, Ro,e
Mattioli, ~1ar)
Mrllrath, Ruth
1odrian, Ann
\lontemurro, Man
'\cu, babel
\ewberf"), Merle
Ovaza<'hurk, \nna
Pe.ter, Berni<'e
Pell r,, Gra<·e
Petra<·ri, 2\1afalda
Pow i,, Florence
Rhode, Margaret
Roherb, Hilda
Roeder, Marion
Ro,enhlum, \nita
Rudolph, Margart'!
Ruffalo, Marion
Srhantek, Irene
Schroeder, Jean
St>ntiere, Hil<la
!:->kilhe<·k, Helen
Smitio., Anna
!:'>prague, Jean
!:'>pitzer, Ebie
Spoor, l\fartha Lee
!::ungaila. Berni<'e
Taipoli. Toi\a
Toome\, Lu('ille
Tullv. borotln
l tt, ·Martha .
\aux, 1\1,tr) Lee
\ ingren. Ruth
Wallendorf, .\lire
Webb, \lire
Wells, Lucille
Wilcox. Eleanor
\ oung. Eother
Zimany. Della
Page ... 53
euior n
\nder,on. f lo' d
\p)an, ~arJ...i, ·
Beaumier. Robert
Bell. \lien
Bidingl' r, Fr.rnz
Bruch. Leonard
Bu,ch. Che,ter
B,l'herer. Ra' mond
Camo'e'. Jo;
Da,e. E-;..,, in
Goldman. Leonard
Gu,taf,on. Hilmer
Ha1hon. "\oel
Harrington. \rthur
Hautzinger. Bernard
Herrmann. 1'.enneth
Hertzberg. Harold
TloJ,inger. Donald
Horot'lll'na. \like
[a, ello. \nton
Jen,en. CharleJen,en. Rirhanl
1'.arabe1,o,. Peter
1'.an1e'. arlton
Par:w ... 5.J
1'.ielp,z. \ irtor
1'..ruze, Harn
\kl\.inle,. Ra,
\lolholt_- E(h• i;1
'lorin. \ugu,t
Odelberg. Gunnard
Ohlgart. Ho'"trd
Pre,ta, (;eorge
Putnn,J...i. Joe
::-d1e:1ffer, Le,ter
::-chroeder. 'eni1•e
::-entiere. Orla1ulo
::-hannon. \\alter
::-ilhert. la<'oh
:--oder,trom. Gilbert
::-oren,en. Ho'"ird
::-tella. Joe
:--1rautman. Leo
::-upitilo'. ;\like
Thomp,011. arl
Thomp,011. George
ei". Hane'
e'tphal. \ e.mon
l ule. Ja<'k
Junior .A. Class
Don Tulh
L on Regne~
Joe tefani
Richard Kiltz
\nder,011, OeLori,
.\nder-on, Lillian
\rnold, Margaret
.\ulozzi, Eh ira
Barra, There-a
Barrett, Bernice
Bear. Zelda
Blumner. Eleanor
Bokdan,li, Ida
Bo-e. \1arjorie
Bradle). Margaret
Bra1h. :\larion
Bran;lt, Corabelle
Brehm. Bernadine
Broclhau-. Lul'ille
Bruch, Berni< e
Buchman. Roma
Bufton. Ooroth,
Campone-cbi. Pia
Cbri-ten-en. Geraldine
Cbri,ten-en. Mabel
hri-ten-en. \ iola
Coleman. Bell'
Cook. :\Ian
Conrnell. E-ther
Correll. Jo, ce
Crandall. \ . irginia
'ripp-. Beatril'e
C) zab:. Blant·be
Dagon, \i,ian
oa,id-. \largaret
Oa,id-. :'.\hrtle
DiCello, c"alli
DobrzHka, .\li1·e
Don. ·Patril'ia
Eari. Lillian
Eil'binger, Con-lance
Erne-1, Ro-e
E,an-. Jane
Fitchett . .'.llarguerite
Fonl, Clara
Gage, Ruth
Gapano" icz. Gene' ieYe
Gira. Charlotte
Glea-on, Rad1el
Good-ell. Jean
Gould, Glendora
Grahin-b:i, Pauline
Grade. Helen
Griffith-. Aurora
c;,urina. Emma
H~gopian. \Iarguerite
Han-en. Ethel
Harri-. Doroth'
Hollo" a'. Edr;a
Holmgre.n. Gene' ie'e
Homung. Gene\ a
Hughe-. Helen
Hui,,en, Anna
Jning. 'irginia
Jacob-on, .\lice
Jen-en, \laq~aret
John-on. Yhia
Jo-epb,on, \ iolet
Kaglioti. LUI')
kappu-. I'a)
ka-alajti,. EJ,ie
Ka-ten. Ione
kerlhoff. Ruth
king-le). Jane
klem,tein. Henrietta
Kie' icli,, Con-lance
Klingbeil. Irene
1'.Jo-. Helene
K.oene,, Harriet
Kre--in, Edna
K.-inan. Irene
Kul'zen-li. \ erna
K.uzmich. :\lan
Lap-)'· Helen.
Lauer. Loui-e
Len1·ione. M,nhelle
Len lie" icz. \. aleria
Lippert. Margaret
Luehle. Pl1\ lliMathern-. Katherine
:'.\lartin. Gral'e
\lazzei, MaIJ
\1cGill, \larion
\Iichaeli,, .\n geline
:\1icbeb, E,1her
~'\1iller. E-ther
\Iiller, Florence
:!\foczule" -li, Lun
:\Iorro"a'· Bernice
\1urra'. ianet
\1urra~. Leone
'\alro:a,. Bemite
'\amejuna•, Johnna
'\aumoYitb. Anna
el-on. Beatrice
'\ ied!'rlorn. Eibel
'\ onlln e. Leona
'\ o" a1.-li, Fele1·ia
0-Connor. Eileen
O'Hare. Kathleen
Ole,. Gertrude
O"en. Doroth,
Pab-t . .'.lbrion.
Palle-en. Gertrude
Peter-on. Lu1·ille
Peter-on. \ ;, ian
Piehl. Ruth
Plou-. "hirle'
Pohar. \lildred
Porter. Doroth)
( Continuf'([ on Pa{!'-' 90 )
Pa e ... ;i;i
Junior A Class
Am '· Jooeph
Ander0>on, David
,\ngotti, John
Ballard, Lewis
Bartkus, John
Bartkuo, Felix
Bat" in ski, tan
Bear, Manford
Bernacchi, Otto
Bitzan, Monroe
Bode, Richard
Bo\\man, John
Ce•ario, Ottilio
Clark. Jack
Davidoon, Paul
Dielman, tacy
Edward,, John
Elfman, Will
Ertel, Elmer
Foulke, Edgar
Fox, William
Galle), Daniel
Gardiner, Gordon
Gergel, Franklin
Get,chman, Ernest
Girard, Arthur
Gordon, orvan
Greenwood, ydney
Griffitho, Jame"
Haines, John
Hall, Chesler
Hammond, Eugene
Page ... 56
Hastingo, Robert
Ha\\eb, Harold
Henderson, Boh
Horrnl, Joseph
Istvanetk, Joe
Jacoby, Gerald
Jen,en, Bernard
Jen;en, Ri!'hard
Johnson, Raymond
Jurik, Tony
Kamerad, Ravmond
KarabeLbO>, Frank
Kiltz, Richard
Kina,, Gustav
Kova!'hik, John
Koziol, Stanley
Kurzen;ki, Leo
Kuenkler, Gilbert
La;L, Roy
Latham, Bernard
Le,Ler, Ray
Lindgren, Arthur
Lindgren, Oscar
Madden, John
Magnanel lo, Li hero
Man;on. George
Marquissee, Roswell
~frCrarken, Will
McDowell, Gordon
McNeil, George
~lilkowski, Alex
.'.\fodder, Ca,per
Mommaert-, Ralph
Monik, Adam
Morris, J u'Lu'
'ielson, Robert
Oloon, Kenneth
O,ter, Loui'
Ozani<'k, Anton
Padula, Charle'
Papon, John
Parn1entier, John
Pas<'U<'C'i, Benjan1in
Patrizzi, Charle,
Perkin>, Carl, Jr.
Pfeiffer, John
Piehl, George
Plaushinis, Peter
Quandt, Le•lie
Raiman, E(h>ard
Reed, John
Regner, Leon
Rewimki, Leo
Rirhter, Gilbert
Riley, Francis
Roders, Oswald
Romano, Jame.
Rostker, In ing
Rm;so, James
San»oe, Robert
Sm,nan,ki,, Frank
Schnuekel, Carl
Schulte, Paul, Jr.
Seymour, Ech>ard
Sheldon, George
~hield•, Geoq!e
Skilliet·k, Gerald
Slater, Haney
Smith, George
Smith, Robert
Ste<', Anthony
tefani, Joseph
Stern, Stanley
Stone, Claire
~Lory, Charle,
Suriano, Domonic
~ulara, Svhe•Ler
Taylor, Wendell
Thomas, Raymond
Travanly, Harry
Tully, Donald
Turby, Wil on
l pham, Che•Ler
Lpson, Donald
l zuanis, Joe
Vitku. Frank
\ lachi;1a, Ste\e
Wade, Ralph
Walanowicz, i\lfor1'
Wellman, Ralph
Wepler, Ellwood
White, Robert
Y onkoski, Floyd
Young, Alex
Zens, John
Junior B Clas
Howard Han~i~
] ane " il..,on
Edward Kirar
Irvin~ Paradise
v ice-Pre~ident
Albini, Elsie
\nder,on, Pearl
hta, \ irginia
Barro""• Hilda
Bauman, Mildred
Beyer, Senta
Blad... Leona
Blover, Jo,ella
Bohle, 1ildred
Bohren, Dorothy
Bosnock, hina
Bruner, \ elma
Bu rhner, Hazel
Burkhardt, >\Ima
Campbell, \ eita
Ce,ario, Minnie
Chemi(·k, Angeline
Cli,h, Ruth
Damjanovic, Emil)
Dume~i(', Anna
Ei(hor, Berni('e
Eri!·k,on, \nne
Fato, Mary
Gaelle,, Helen
Genie ... Emih
Graff, Doroth,
Haigh, Helen.
Harhon, Ludlle
Han,is, Marion
Heinz, Madelaine
Herrmann, ;\1arion
Herzog, Emma
Hinz. E,ther
Hitd1lcr, Thora
Holan, Irene
Hornung. Helen
Hubert. \ ernella
Hughe;;, Martha .\nn
Jacob,on, ;\1artha
Jensen, Marian
Jociu,, Anna
K.elbcrger, Dorothy
Klafter, Bernice
l\.ollmann, Lorraint>
l\.reu .. er, Marie
K.reu,er, Gertrude
Kuchera, Loui'e
l\.uhta, Harrieu
Lama, Ida
Langen back, Al i!·e
Langer, Dolores
Lar,on, Marjorie
Lavendusky, Loui'e
Lencioni, Eva
Lazar, Stella
Lit\inofT. }far.
Lh ing,ton, Katherine
Loef, Barbara
Madi,on. \fargaret
Ma!hen. Ebie
Marks, Marian
Ma..-ie, Ethel
l\for,h, Ruby
Md\.inle\, Helen
;\1enzel. i\teha
'\Iigliano, Clara
'\1illager. Margarita
Mernrk, Margaret
Moerhke, Ruth
Mogem,en, Helga
Molinaro. \ irginia
Montera,tella, Elda
Morgan, Margaret
'\ealr, Bell\
'\ielso11, Jar;et
'\' i('<"olai, Mar.
Ohon, Glady,·
Perry, Fern
Peterson, Frieda
Quemby, '\1amie
Randall, Wanda
Riuinger. Lu(·ille
Rizzo, Ruth
Roulo, \ iolet
S:naglio. Je,,ie
Sdrnlien. Ruby
Schultz.. Bernice
Sentiere, Ro'e
Simo, Irene
Sinion, Bernice
Smith, Ma,ine
Spie ... \ ;, ian
Stella. Angeline
Stierle. Lucille
Stillo. Melba
S" an .. on. Ev eh n
S"artz. \ alerie
\ oight, Je"ie
\ olkert. Earlyne
Wlnte, '\for.
Williams, I-Jelen
Woino"'"'· Elvoes
l oung. Je~nie ·
Zero,ec, '\faf)
Zutauta,, Sophie
Page ... 57
Junior B Class
Anderoon, Harry
rent, Ralph
;\ugu;,tine, Eugene
Bagdova;,, Tony
Berre,, Clyde
Billingsley, Junita
Blasi, Frank
Borak, Fred
Bullamore, Eren
Cesari, Ted
Chajno,._ki, Daniel
Christen,en, Oscar
Clay, James
Cohn, Howard
Conradt, Paul
Coradini, Dominick
Coslrnn, Albert
Csavoy, Rudolph
Cudahy, George
Deom, John
Dwiarco, Frank
Dwyer, Edward
Ellison, Lee
Erick,on, Ernie
Erwin, Cheoler
Faroni, Joe
Galbraith, Franci,
Grotsky, 'forman
Haines, John
Hansi,, Howard
Hartwig, Che;,Ler
Page ... 58
H:rn es, Le Roy
Home, Harold
Horvat, George
Hultgren, Leonard
Janavicz, Telespar
Jensen, Arthur
Jeselun, Leo
Jones, Roy
Kangas, Oliver
Kazell, Joseph
Keating, James
Ketelhut, Clifford
Kirar, Edward
Kitzrow, John
Knapp, Edward
Knapp, Ht>rbert
1..neipper, Edwin
Kolar, Joseph
Kolinsky, Sidney
Koladrira, James
Kramer, Douglas
Kra;,ket, Allen
Kuhar, Rudolph
1'.urkeis, Paul
Kulesh, George
La Fayette, Floyd
Lamrick, Charles
Larsen, Ern;,t
Lam ell, Leslie
Layton, Ray
Le May, Paul
Limper!, George
Madsen, George
Mar>hall, Willard
Matazinoki, Alfred
Mauioli, Frank
Mecozzi, George
Mikkelsen, Gordon
Miller, Dwight
Moe, Robert
Morley, Albert
Morton, Hugh
Neu, Myron
Olinick, Kenneth
Palmer, Howard
Paradise, Irving
Patitucc•i, Samuel
Pehr,on, Gordon
Petersen, Kenneth
Phillips, Paul
Pius, Charles
Randall, Ed,rnrd
Rockwell, Willis
Roseman, Harold
Ruffalo, Bennie
Ruffalo, Charle;,
Ru"-O, William
Sd1euneman, \ rthur
Sd1mitz, Ellsworth
Schneider, Paul
Segil, Edward
Severance, Ru"ell
Shankland, Milford
' helton, '.'liorberl
Simo, Paul
Siker, Arthur
Sh., Donald
Skoromki, Stanley
Skuhra, Joseph
pitzer, Lawrence
Stoebig, Jack
, teward, Rob rt
Struss, Edward
Terwall, alter
Thom, Donald
Thomey, Herbert
Thompson, ~rank
Travis, Dtn e
Troke, Robert
Turk, John
Valenti, Frank
on Wald, Russell
Wavro, E<h•ar<l
Wocznicki, Edmuncl
Wojni!'z, Edward
Wojtak, Stanley
Woznicki, Chester
Yzdonowid1, \nthony
Zandi, John
Zongolowicz, Edmund
Zowacki, Leo
Sophomore .A Class
c\lla, \1ary
4.ndf'rson. '\aomi
A.ndf'n.on. Pf'arl
.\ndruk. Josf'phint
l\ .. h. Lillian
Balf'r, E . . ther
Balf'r, Frand!i
Barr, Franc-i.,
Dartf'r, Grau·
Baltifet, Ei.thtr
Bauman, \lildred Pearl
Bennt"lt, Alta
Dtrko,itz, Jf'antlle
Blankltv, Florf'll<'f'
Bohrf'n; Dorothy
Bokhuno-., Hf'lf'n
Roncll, Elainf'
Bonofi~lio, An~f'linf'
Boo~ltdl, Oorotht"a
Boutelle. Catht'nne
Bradley, Marion
Bnmf'll, Alice
Budunan, 8t'tty
Cappf'llrtti, Ol~a
L&)O, Hazel
Chamber.,, \ f'rna
Chant, lrt"ne
Cht:'rnacl, \far\'
Chri liamf'n, Httt)
Collin!., Belt) Jane
Conrad, S)l\ia
Conrad, Erna
<:rai11:. Adrlint"
<.rulhf'r--. \lildrrd
Cyzal, habelle
De Chiara, Carmella
Df'om, Elizabeth
l>t"\\f'), Dorothy
Oi ... chlt"1d, A.~ru•.,
OO\\(t\ille, Jrene
Jame" cheer
\like Gallo
Bettv Buchman
-Peter Dahl
Drath, Burdene
Drink" ine, LuC'ille
£11.i .. on, \ tra
F.n11;"trom. Dorothy
I airbank11t. Cecdia
l'iftr, Thtre ... ea
f j .. C'her, Dorothy
Fi ... C'her, Lorraine
Fonk. Inez
1- rteland. \1an· Janf'
} riedl, \1ar1t .
Fro.,t, Aime"
Gaffney. Jean
Gallo, Carmtlla
(;apauo"'in. Bertha
Gerde..,, Emily
Ciba"• \hr'\Gifford, Ali~t
Grade, Ila Gtan
Green"ald. \far)
Gritr:oriC'k, Anne
Grimm. Lu<'ille
Grinder, Oli·H
Gu1dotl1, Thtre.,ea
Gulan. Lorna
Guzu.,ka"• Ro..,e
Half'<'ki. Fran<'i"
Hallett. Dorothy
Han . . en, \ iqi:inia
HaubriC'k, \lar~aret
llf'ndriC'hon. Hilde~ardt
Htrrmann. \tildreJ
Hi~,:in ... , Uoroth)
Hoda ... ]t"anttlt"
Holan, lrf'nt
Holden, M ar,1;aret
Hoppe. l\.at hr) n
Hornintr:. \I aq~artt
Jfo .. 1. Htltn
Huber, \ iqonia
Huif!;inin. \taqi:arel
Ja<'k.,on, Ed}the
Jo<'iu.,, Anna
Jonts, Sarah
J ud1aJ ... t...i, Htrnice
J uJlnik, Helen
Jure'i<', Adt"lla
l\.ad"'it, lrtnt"
1'..ani.,, Eleanor
l\.arnt .• Dori
ht"cl..Jer. \tan
At)""'• \ tr~ir;ia
Klei..,t, Lillian
l\.lo ... , Harritt
Koo~, Gra('t
l\.oo .. , Jean
l\.oziol, Htltn
!\.raft, Hf'ltn
1'.rautlramt"r, Lu<'illt
1..,. Jt"nnt '" Irene
L11nJ1:tr, Oolore~ .. do"'nf". Jeanne
Lauko, \Jar)
Lt~ko"itz, Jtant"ltt
Lindtn, \ iola
Lindir;ren. Ida
I .obacz, Leona
J.ocl\\ood, Bf'th
\lajdt.... l...1,
\ta.,Jo" . . t...i, Ro t"
\fatht\\"• Btrnadette
\tatioli, Linda
\h'\-f"\\, Florence
\f('(artln. i\rltne
\l«·Gill •. \JarC'f'lla
\1eh ille, \hrion
\letallo, '\an<''
\1f"\f'r .. , hath~\n
\1itlkt, lrma,:~rde
\t ila ...
i\ nna
\t illo)', Lucille
\lolinaro, \ iqt:inia
\lorri .... \tildred
\1urph), Bf'tl)
\lurrin, \tan
:\"akro .... H~rrit"t
:\amur. Thf'lma
'\auta, Irene
:\ehl.,f'n, Loi~
:\el.,t"n, Janet
:\"t>u, \ iola
:\tuman, Elizabeth
'\t'\\ bun. '1ildrf'd
'\i~l...,en,. Gertrud!:°
O'Brif'n, Elizabelh
O'Har«-. Doroth,
Ott, Dorol h,
Otto. Lucill~
Pa .. alich, El~if'
Paura, Jda
Ptdle'. \1arion
Peleto\\ i..,, Bf'rlllCf'
Pf'r.,?<1011. Elltn
Peter-.on. Lurleen
PetriC'l1. Olga
Pf'hL.f', Ruth
Pff'ITerlt", Lillian
Pin(i:alore, \ iola
Pola ... k.i, \tadelinf'
Pollock, Lillian
PooC'h. Elizabf'lh
Pratur. \ ir(i:inia
Ra.,mu-..,en, Gra<'f'
Reid. ~arah
Rile'. Heltn
Uodtr ... Dorolll\
Hompe-.h, \ta~,
Rupp, Ada
R, on, Thelma
S~lerno, Elizabt"th
~a~ick1, JO.,f'J))llnt"
""chabo\\ .. t...i, £,el) n
~chla", Doroth)
"'chmill, Beatrice
'."ld1mitt, Henrietta
Sd1roettf'r, Ethel
SC'huler, Doroth,
"'idlUh:, 1:.,..tht"r ·
Sdt\\andt. \1abt"l
~o' ille, Helen
'."lt'ntierf', Ro ... f'
looit'rpt", Florencf'
"'itlbert, '-tarah"' 1<'z. Florencf'
Smith, Dori"
...,mith, lont"
...,mith, \Ja,ine
~Orf'n-.on. \1arf:&rf'l
Spie .. , \ i' ian
:0-pitzer, \lar~aret
~ltinbad1, Marion
"'itt"lla. ~n~f'line
"'ilinf'fa t. \ iola, :\or11.
...,turm, Anneliesf'
SuJli, an, hlf'en
"'i\\artz., \ altrie
"'i\\iharl, Jane
Thoma-., Alice
Thomp.,on, Ruth
Thom;.f'n. \ irj!;inia
Tru.,lo"' k1, Hatlit"
l nbehaun, \lar~art"l
\ f'rnezzi. \laq~:aret
\ oelz. Laurtlla
\an Wormer. \la)")"
~ alli,. \taria
~illiam ... , Etta
"\'\ii mot, \1ildrf'd
"\'\ irth, BealriC'e
) oung:, Jennie
ZemliC'h, \1ildrf'd
Zitntar .. l..i. Lillian
Page ... 59
Soplto1nore ·' Class
;\chen , Georfitt"
\dam ... on. <\rthur
\iello, Paul
\cerbi, Loui..,
\meche, Jame..,
\nder..,on , Albert
\ nder..,on , \'el
\ndrr ... on. Harry
\nder..,on, Jamt>.;
Arendt , Edward
\rent, Willard
\rndt , Harold
\rne .. on, Thoma ..
Au~u .. tinf'. Eujeent"
Baietto , l.a"r<"nrt, Fran('i..,
Barter, John
Barter, R1dl8rd
Bear. Ho"ard
Belmont, Earl
Btrklf')', William
Bf'rn:. Ed" ard
Btrr~. Frank
Billi;tfE:i, Georti;f'
Blank, Harry
Bla .. i, f ranl
Rlra~hka, :\id•.
Blt('l..t'r. Ra} mond
Bokrnutller. \1athe"
Bonnf'au, De" ame
Do ... t", .\lbtrt
Burbrid~r. Albt'rt
Camarata, C:harlt"..,
(:a ... t ) , Raymond
C:au2hn. J eromt'
Chamh~r .. , Df'lhnt
Champion, William
Chri .. tofff'r .. 011, Dt'ant
Citra('h. Joe
Colb)'. Warnn
Collin.. Hubt"rt
lmr. Rob<rt
~i~~~~1t; :~ 0~rf' ton
Dahl , Pf'tt'r
Oanhorn. ~a) ne
Dan..,field , Robt'rt
De Btqtt, Jo"'tJlh
Oe@:en, Jacl..
Oen<,more, Robert
Doem, John
DE' wt\ . ~ illiam
Dittz~ John
Doherl)' . Le..,l t' r
Ourdi(', Loui ..
Fannin~. Thoma..,
Ft"..,.,t'mltn. Clart"tl<'E'
Firmani, Pettr
FlockE'r, Ed"ard
Fo..,ter, Andrt"
Fulmer, RohE'rt
Gallo, \like
(;a..,,.,f'r, Earl
Germinaro, J ern
Could, Kf'nneth •
Gra.., .. tr, Willard
Grf'jl"Or). fharlt" ..
Grt\eno" . E'l"i11
Grot'ho" ..,Li, Geor{l.E'
Hain .. , 1·rank
Han..,rn ., \llan
Han .. f'n, \'\ illard
Han .. rn, "'illiam
Hartntll, CHil
Hartunfl., R~bert
Ht('l..rrt. fharle ..
Hf't>rman .. , Donald
Ht"nn , \1 f' rrill
Hf'rhrf'<"hhmeir. ~ altt"r
Hf'rmann, \ichola:!i
Ht)clf'n. Elmf'r
Ho~le, Willard
Holland , Jarl
Hom.., , Htnr}
HoridO\f'l7, "'altt"r
Hon at. Gf'or~t
HultJl,'.rtn. Lf'onard
Iorio, Jame·
Jano\i<"Z, Tf'la par
Ja ... k"i<"h, Ech,.ard
J C'n .. f'n, Rohf'rl
J ohn .. on, \rnold
John...on, Ray
Jo .. e1lh,'th
Kapranit', \ i('lOr
Karpf'n, Keith
J\.a..,tman, LtrO)'
Kantz, Thtoclorf'
1'.enn). Robert
Kif'lp..,z, \lberl
Klem('o, John
J\.nahtl, Gtrald
Kof'nt' .. , Ra, mon
Koos, Albf'~I
KrueJ!.er. William
Kru .. e. \1ilton
Kuzma, Ed"ard
1.anfiC, Danif'I
Lan~f'r. Harold
LanJl.'.pap, \ f'rnon
Lata"t"ir, Ed"ard
Lauir;lin . Rohrrl
LauLau.,J..u .., U 'a ltf'r
La". \\ illiam
Limo\ ..,L,. John
Lindi. Ru·hard
l.uhin .. J..1, Ca imt'r
Lult'" icz, \It'\
\lacnoriu.,, Adol11h
\1at>ti:;aard, Elmer
\fart.. . Lf'onard
\latala ... Clarf'n<'f>
\latf'ra, Ton)
\l('(;i, ern, Francf'"'
\k\ril. Donald
\1f"rozzi , Grorp;f'
\1f')t'r. flifford
\1idLf'. \orman
\1iller, FranL
\fillf'r, John
\li rhlf'r, Emory
\1odon. Torn
\1of', R.ohnt .
\1ot>ller, Hrnry
l\lonik, Ton~
~...._,..~~ ~
Page ... 60
\lortletn, \1f'h in
\lorri .. on, Robf'rl
1\lorri .. on. U illiam
\1orltmtn . ltirhard
.\lurphy, \r('hie
\ahalka, Jo.,f'ph
\el .. f'n, Ed"ard
\t"rling. ~ illiam
'\eu, \hron
\ i<'hols: L' nn
'\ ir<lerl..orn·, Eu~eue
\jJ,..,011 , \\ alford
\orth"a)', Lton
\010. Sam
Oldani , E\o
Oliml" , Bernard
Panlf'nf'r, 1·ranl
Pa..,(1uali, Jo.,f'ph
Prd1ura, John
Pot"rio. Sam
Popt", Thoma ..
RafiCon , Oanit"I
Ha1tn. Jot'
Randall, Ed"ard
Ra..,mu .... t"n, \el ..
Rirhard ... Landon
Hiordan , \ irlor
H11ttr, Hobf'rt
Rormer, Liebert
Ho:-.e, William
Ruffalo. Brnuir
R111Lo""J..i, John
Hvan, Jnr\'
sado""'-i. \111011)
SafrarhLi, 1.,.0
Sancljl"rf'n, Gilbrrt
Sa' a~f'. Flo' cl
!-!('hall , l.a"'·rtnt'e
S('htf'r, Jamt" ...
Sdtmitl, \la r tin
S<"homrntr, Roht"rl
St"bt'na, \nton\
:;t"~il, Ed"ard .
!)hf'art"r, Conrad
Shif'nhrood. Q ... "ar
Sit"(l;f"r. Karl
Skt"ndzirl. Pf'lt'r
Smarzt"n.,ki, Jrromr
Smith. Paul
Sodt"r .. trom. La \ f'rnf'
Sort'n .. f'n, Stan1t")
Sorf'll'l("fl, "altt'r
Spitur, Ra}mond
Stanley, '\'\.11Jiam
Stf'inmt"h:, Jamt".,
Str\\art, Roht>rt
Surtjl;aila, Ton}
SM-artz, Harr}
Szelip:a, \It''
Szt"li(l;a, Jo .. t'ph
Tf'mplf', William
Tf'nutJ , 1' ranl
Tu"all , \l; ahf'r
Trafford, William
Trollt"r, l\..t"111H· th
Turnt'r , Glr11
T, .. on, Roht"rt
\ .aifeluna .. , Stanlf',
\ aleo, Anlonv
\"an Lt"nit"' f'I;, ( :larf"n('f'
\an Patttn , Charif' ..
\ itla, Harn
\ oloi, Stt"pi1anie
Wallifl;, Frt"d
'\'t anl, Clf'\ ti and
Wa~inlf'\\ .. L..i, John
Wa..rud, Da' id
Wauo , E(h1.ard
\'\-t'&\f'r, \hron
\'te1111inf:, john
\\ irklund, llarn
"\'( 1.. nf'f.,k1, J. rank
'\\ j.,trand, Ho"ard
\'\ 1tkau .. l..a .. , \lichat"l
\"t"oz nid•.i, Edmund
) oun(I;, \rthur
\ ourt(I;, Carl
'\ oun~. Edward
Sophomore B Class
Bernard Apple
"Clrich Presta
Charlotte Thompson
J ac"k. pit1.:er
\ ice-Pre,ident
.\hrendt, Laura
.\ruler.en, Marie K.
.\nder,on. Marie
..\nder,on, l\ann
Ande"on, 'ivia;1
..\nthor1'en, Ruh'
Barne,, 'irgini,;
Baro<"<'O, Angeline
Billing,ley, Eunice
Binninger. Janel
Bu,honville, Lorraine
Cal<h,ell, G" end oh n
CarJ,on, Marguerite
Clark, Marv Loui,e
Czane,·ka, ·Stephania
De Cri,topher, Cannella
De Simone, Elvira
DiCello, !\ngeline
Domrnn, E' elyn
Oudzinoki, Lil)'
Elkerton, Elizabeth
Eng,trom, Dori'
Evam, Carol
Even, Bettv
E\cr", Do;i"
Finne), Geral<line
Franko, Florence
Frantz, Sarah
Gintzler, Emih
Glerum, Heier~
Gra, e,, .\udre\
Graziani, :\ rmeda
Grim,ha", IIer,d1el
Gumbet Eileen
Gumbinger, Genevie,e
Dietz, Doroth\
Hammar, Flo~erwe
Harper, Lorraine
Heal, Lurille
Holtlerne"• Marion
Horne. Ph) )Ji,
Houl<l, Lorraine
Hou,Lon, Elaine
Jaeoh,en. Romaine
John, Miriam
Kararh. Olga
1'.arawa\, \"enrn
1'.aufma·n. Marion
KeJp,oo. E<lella
1'.e"ler. France'
1'.iemer. Anna,ella, Marie
Leoni II i. :\1arie
Luehke. Evehn
1'.ov a<"hik. K:;Lherine
1'.ruegar, France'
Kunke, Eloi'e
Ma<"hanke, A.hee
l\1aitila,,o, M~r)
1\Iarkovitz, 1ildred
'\iau, Mar)
l\1imar, 1\1agdalene
'\ebon, Ruth
'\ewbauer, Alire
"lolan, Marjorie
O'Connell. Man
O,terberg, Evelyu
Pervnok\, Jeanette
Prir;<"ipe·. Elizabeth
Repka, 1\ellie
Rizzo, Angele
Ro,e, Thelma
Ro--ert, Loui'e
Ruffalo. 'erna
S<·hurr, 'iolet
Sro,ille. Claire
Siran, A. nna
Smith, Roherta
' teinmelz. Janfre
Stella, Camilla
Stella, Jennie
Stud1lik, 'irginia
Suhki,, Amelia
Suriano. Grare
Thoma,, Charlotte
Thoma,, Geral<line
Thomp,on, Harriet
Topel, Inez
'crnizzi, Gene,ie\e
'olpende,ta, Bern ire
Wade, Grare
Wanenko. 1\1an
Well'. Florence
W e.tphal, Eleanor
William,, DoroLl1)
Wolkomir. Dorolh\
l oung, Anna
Zongolowirz, 'ema
Page ... 61
Sophomore B Class
Aalto, Taioto
Adrian, Le,lie
Apple, Bernard
Arlo,ky, Charle,
Asta Frank
Bad~ra, Joe
Barocro, Aldo
Bartowicz, Alfred
Bauboni,, Enoch
Bella, Joe
Bennett, Clifford
Bi,riglia, Jooeph
Bonadio, Bennie
Braze, Benedi(•t
Broeoch, Jack
Bu,kirk, Hilbert
Cappelli, Peter
Cardinalli, i\clolpb
Ca .. tri, Jameo
Cechin, Dino
Chiapetti, Michael
Ciganovich, Joe
Clau .. en, Elmer
Conforti, Bennett
Conforti, Tony
Covelli, icl
Dorff, Peter
Falbo, Frank
Faraca, Gabriel
Fla,,ch, Leo
Franri .. , Jack
Gallo, Dominick
Germinaro, Joe
Giovanelli, Salvio
Page ... 62
Goroegner, Ed"in
Greb, Milton
Grosoo, Harry
Hagedorn, Donald
Dimeo, Carl
Hale<"ki, Edward
Hannan, Ralph
Hannahs, Robert
Hartkopf, Fred
Hartnell, Phillip
Hartung, Ri(·hard
Hendrick.en, Gerald
Herolt, George
Uolli,ter, John
Holm, Elh,ard
Holme,, Ba .. il
Homan, On ille
Horochena, John
Jacob, Steve
Jacob,en, Peter
Jochim,, Ed"ard
Johnson, Claude
Johnson, Irvin
Johnson, Willard
Jurca, \lbin
Kanio,,, Joe
Karabetoo .. , Charles
Karpowicz, Arthur
Kazell, George
Keller, Kenneth
King, George
Klema,ef;,ki, John
h..liebern,tein, Kenneth
Knabe!, Le"i"
Knapp, Harold
Kromberg, Henry
Kuzeoki, Mathew
Kuzma, Richard
Labanow, Mike
La--en, i\rthur
Lavendu,ky, Richard
Leonard, Robert
Le .. nik, Joe
Linden, Don
Lipovoky, E(h,ard
Luebke, Wayne
Ma--ari, Mario
1\frClellan, William
1\frh..inney, George
Merozzi, Albert
Modory, Loui,
1orri,,on, Tom
1orton, Edward
;\1urray, Morton
' iccolai, Albert
il'kel, Frank
.'.\iel.on, Akin
"luprienok, Walter
Ow .. irhek, \n(lrew
Otto, Roland
Papenek, Jacob
Paradi,e, Erne .. t
Pelligrino, Domini<'
Peter .. on, Earl
Piehl, Raymond
Pier .. on, Carl
Pin .. oneault, Mehin
Polovina, :'lick
Ponzio, Frank
Po" ell, Le" is
Pre,,ta, lril'
Pucci, Frank
Radykowoki, Tony
Richanhon, Lowell
Ritacrn, Joseph
Rohling, lngvaf
Ro>e, Jack
Rosenblum, Marvin
Rosko, John
Rueckheim, Walter
Ruffalo, Carlo
Ruffalo, Dominfrk
Sarafinis, Charle ..
Savaglio, Alfred
Schwartz, Harry
Sdn•eitzer, Jack
Sebetil', Matt
Shogath, John
Sigger, Anthony
Sokal, Andrew
Solimene, \ irtor
tanley, Roger
. 'taufTad1er, Morton
Stipanuk, Mike
Sturino, Serafino
Swar1'on, John
Thomp .. on, Evert
Torrey, Jame>
Turk, Martin
l rbanek, Frank
\an Ilazinga, John
\an Lone, \ ernon
(C.n<inu"I "' Pu,.. 90)
·-6\5:±~ ~193 ~~~~_,_,_,.-~~~
~~&J TIE SPY0ie.~ 3=-1.. ~
Spy Aunual Staff
Editor..,-in-Ch i<'f'
Cathl<><'n Corr, \lakolm Bishop
l\li-.s Dorothy
\dvert isinl! \I an ager
\ssi..,tant \lanag<' r"
Edwin Lahanowsky
Lillian Earl, arki ... .\pyan
Advisor Lo!'ss . Laff
\Ir. Charles H. \\alter
Art Director
\li!<s Gt>orgiana Canfield
\dministralion E(litors
\1111 Gaffney, \larian Stahl
CJ a..,;., Edi Lo rs
Floren<'<' \Iarcell, Ione Ripley
\ssistanl Editors
Cath!'rine \.larks, Bt>alrice \\ allis
( )de ... .,a Richards, \Ian· L\lurdoch
Ru~sell Ro ... eman
Bill Ham,en, Conrad hearer
Junior and ' ophomore Editor
\.,..,i;,Lant Editor"
\ctivitv Editor
·\s~i.,Lan t Editor
Amelia Gulan
Florence \\ hite
thletic Editor
\ssi ... Lanl Editors
tanlev Pileski
Edo \laccari, Alex Penman, Edward· eymour
Girls' Athletic Editor
\1ary Anna Thelet>n
\~ho\.\\ ho Editor
Richard Ashley
Literary E!li tor
Kathq n Huxhold
Snapshot Editor
Assistant Editor
Laura Herrinan
Edith chneider
Calendar Editors
.\dvisor to
chool Life
nov\ hook. George \\ anl, Dav id Goldstein
taff Typi;;L;;
\larion, Eugenie
\Iiss Daniel
Dorolhv· Tullv, \Iarie Anderson
nowhook.; La Y ~rne Zens
L\lmie Editor
Rose Ernst
Jack \\' e ... tman
Catherine Powell, Jerome \Iurray
Adve1-1ising 'taff \latt \\ erve, Harold Hawe;,. Betty Even. Dan Ragon,
Eugenie n°'\ hook., .\ugu;.t \lorin, Leonard Goldman. Louis
Blood, Conrad hearer, Dougla;, Kramer. Donald \leKay. Elbworth Eberhardy, and Catherine Pow ell.
~talf Photographer
taff Alex \ oung, Gordon Lindlt>, \Jargaret )em.en, Li;,etta Harff,
Jo;.eph \me"- Joyce Correll, \~all r hannon, Frank. \ .
.\nthonv \, Fred, Charles Adams, Richard Hughe..,,
Flo' d taF~n <'lie. Janel Kreiman, \ Iargarel .\rnold. James
Am-eche. Orl~ J en;.t>n, and \lar) Gogelz.
Page ... 63
~~~~TIE SPY000 ~ ~ ~
--- -
-- - -
Page ... 6J.
Page ... 65
~~~B(f;) IBE SPY 000.~
Kenosha, as a memb r of the Wisconsin High chool Forensic ARt-ociation,
debated the following question this year: "Resolved, That chain stores are detrimental to the best intere tf' of the American Public."
In addition to the regular League debateA, an earl) debate \\as arranged with
Roosevelt High of Chicago. Our negative team, debatin(!: at Chicago, lost the decision there while the affirmative team, debatin(!: at home, won.
Won- 100' 1
Won-100' 1
Won- 100' 1
Won 100' 1
Lost- 97',
Kenosha vs. Roosevelt, Chicago
Keno ha vs. \Iilwaukee Lincoln
Kenosha vs. West Allis
Kenosha vs. Deerfield
Keno, ha vs. Beaver Dam
]anuarv 16.
February 6.
February 13.
February 27.
March ll.
. EGATl\E T.EA\t
Kenosha vs. Roosevelt, Chicago
Kenm;ha vs. outh ~lilwau.kee
Kenosha vs. Waukesha
Kenof.lha vs. ~est Bend
Kenosha vs. l\-1ilwaukee \Vashington
Pcige ... 66
Lost- 99' 1
Won- 100' 1
Won-100' 1
~ on- 100' 1
Lost- 99',
January 16.
Februar:.· 6.
February 13.
Februarv 27.
\larch 12.
\ FFIR \1 \Tl\ E
ll\'\ll·L H\(;O'\. \llTlll H "11\.111.lllLD>\ \1. llOBEHT~.C,Pnn
~~·;: '";;~·=~ ---~
Page ... 61
The ~ational Forensic League
K e nosba C hapte r Xo. !107
John D. Davies
\liltou K. Ozaki
Hilda \ l. Roberts
John D. Davies
\lilton K. Ozaki
Hilda :\1. Roberts
Raymond Johnson
Howard Hansen
Eva Ragon
Degree of Excellence
D gree of Excellence
Degree of Excellence
Degree of Excellence
Degree of \lerit
Degree of \leri t
The .F.L. i a ational Honor ociety for high f<Chool debaters and orators.
Its purpose is to encourage students to take part in interscholastic foremic!'. It
endeavors constantly to advance the standards of excellence o that greater skill
will be developed among the participants, and finer relation xist in these com·
petitions. uccessful participation in forenfiics is rewarded by membership in the
national organization and by the privilege of wearing its distinctive key- alwa) s
the mark of an honor student.
Page ... 68
Tlte Forum Debating Club
• eco11d Pmester
\Iilton K. Ozaki
Helen Hughes
Eugenie nO\\ hook
Irving Rostker
Corre"ponding ecretary
Ellen Law'lon
1\Jphon"o \Valanovich
'ergeanl-al- .\rmA
Facultv Adviser
John D. Davies
Firs/ emester
Hilda \I. Roberto.
\Tilton K. Ozaki
Ellen Lawson
,\ilecn Femike
Paul PhilJips
John D. Davies
\CTI\tE ME1\1BER:-i
Milton K. Ozab.i
Hilda '\1. Roberb
Daniel Ragon
Arthur Siker
Helen Hugheo
Dorolh)' Harri,
lning Ro,Lker
Robert Corr
'lilton Elfman
Melba Lille
Marion Ruffalo
::\.1arion Herrmann
Donald Herrmann
Alphonso Walanov ich
Aileen Fen,ke
Paul Phillip,
Ellen Law,on
Eugenie Snowhook
Sarki,, Apyan
Helen Rilev
Llric Pre,ta
Cleveland Ward
Helen Galle,
Katherine l, rbick
George Grod1o"'ly
Frank Pucci
Lowell Rirhard,on
H01'0R ~R\ "\!EMBERS
Pauline Hernnann
Eva Ragon
The Forum Debating Club \\a organized four year" ago to further interest
in foren ics, to offer practice in parliamentary procedure, and to train its members in the proper expression of their ideas. Thi" year the Forum Club has done
a great deal toward fulfilling this aim by ;.ponsoring inter"ehola~Lic debates, cooperating with the -ational Forensic League Chapter, and having regular debates and e-xtempore ;;peaking contests within the club.
Page ... 69
tutleut Couneil
First emester
'1ario Pacetti
Alex , cheer
J anc "\XTilson
Chief Councilor
Second Semester
Bf'rnard Latham
La Verne Wegner
A rnel ia Gulan
Lu<'ille Ander,on
Lorraine O'Connor
Catherine Marks
Edo Macarri
CharleR Patrizzi
:\.melia Gulan
Margaret Lohman
Jane Holderne•'
\ rthur PalJe,on
Mario Pacetti
Ed\rnrd Crosoin
Lillie Odelberg
Beatrice Welh
Jack Yule
Ru .. ell Ro,eman
Jack We;tman
Ro"e D'Angelo
Fred Laakso
La\eme Wegner
Hilmer Gu;,tav,on
Bernard Latham
Marion Ruffalo
I\ n drew F o'ter
Jane wihart
Dorio Karneo
Lorna Gulan
Jane Wilson
Dorothy Harri'
Howard Hansi,
Marion Marb
lrving Paradioe
Leon Regner
Conrad Shearer
Leone Murry
Betty O'Brien
Grace Martin
Douglas Kramer
Jack Swietzer
V i<'tor Riordan
Gordon Gardiner
Llric Pre,ta
"1ike LabanO\>
Jame' Ca,tri
E'ther Corrn>ell
\1ilford Shankland
Roma Buchman
Ralph Mommaert'
Franci, MrGivern
Con,tance Klevicki,,
Betty Buchman
Charle" Story
Frank Pucci
ernon Langpap
Irving Wallace
Robert Elenderoon
James :\.meche
o-1·a r :;bienbrood
Bett} Even
\1ilclred Pobar
PNer Dahl
Lillian Pfefferle
:Wary Holden
John Harochena
The tudent Council i~ made up of one representative from each home room,
and one representative from each orµ:anization. A" the student governing hody,
the Coun<'il aims to keep order in the halls and to co-operate \dth the 1-ehool
officials in malters of ..,chool fliscipline.
Page ... 10
Eugenie Snow hook, .\lice Wallt•ndorf, Ella Clau,en, Ro,e D' \ngelo, Dan Ragon, Robert Beau·
mier, Joe Siherberg, Claire 'tone, Mabel Swift, Weoley Severance, Hedwig Rauer, Marion
Hitzker, Helen Haglund, Robert Hasting,, Jane wihart. William Morri,on, lrYing Ro,tker,
Paul Phillip,, Willi, Rockwell, .\drian Pollock, Loui, Streich. Harry Wolkomir, Stella Kor·
pat·h, Eva l\..uya\\a, Ione Ripley, Ode"a Ri1·harcJ,, Jennie Ode,ka, Edith Sehneider, l\1ary
Cool, Margaret Lippert, Betty ]\fodder, Mary .\nna Theleen, ·\lex Scheer, Franl Elliott, Janet
Murray, Irving Paradi,e, LaYeme orchtrom. Lorraine O'Connor, Dorothy Jacoh>on.
Faeulty Athi,or,
Mi" Charlotte A. Moody, Mr. D. P. l\fitchell
Executive Editor
.\lire Wallendorf
Eon0Rs-Fro11t Page, Mabel S" ift; Ed;torial Page, Margaret Lippert; Sports Page, Claire
Stone; Society Page, Mary Cook.
FE\TLRE WRITER~· ·Rose D' .\ngelo, Irene Higgin,, Janet Murray, Alex Scheer, Helen Haglund,
Marie Wendor, Miriam John, Irving W.illarc, Hilmer Gu,tav-on.
REPORTERS-Robert Beaumier, Franl Elliott, Mary Anna Theleen, Dan Ragon, Betty E'en,
Loui'e S"artz, George heldon.
Faeulty .\dvi,or
Mi,, 1oody
BL SI"I ESS ST \FF-Advert;si11g 1'1anager, Willi, Roel well; Assistant, Lorraine O'Connor:
Acco1mtm1t, Dorothy Jacob-en; Circ11latio11 tlanager, Harry Wolkomir; A.~sista11t, William
T"tPISTS l\1ary Fox. E,ther Lc,eliu,, .\nna Modory, '\farion 1'.oo,, Irene \fet•ozzi.
The Ke11ews .~tands for:
l..Better ocholar,hip.
2 .. Better oupport of all ,rhool arth itie,.
~;:':: "·;;'·=~
Page ... 71
~~~afJTHE SPY~-~ ti~
Journalism Club
First e1nester
Hilda Robert
Jerome Beaupre
lice \V allendorf
Irving Paradise
"\Iiss "\Ioody
Faculty Advisor
econd emester
Alice \V allendorf
Helen Hughes
Dorothv Harris
Ali~e Smith
)Iiss Moody
Robert Densmore
Rooe D'Angelo
David Goldstein
Dorothy Harris
Helen Hughes
Lorraine O'Connor
Dan Ragon
Marion Ruffalo
Hilda Roberts
Irving Rostker
Adrian Pollock
In ing Paradise
Alice ~ mith
Melba Stille
Alire Wallendorf
Harry Wolkomir
Helen Thomey
Wanda M. Zukowski
The purpose of the Journalism Club is to further journalism in the high
school. Last year the Kenews was founded through the efforts of the Journalism
Club. This year the club has co-operated in all journalistic enterprises in the
=i: j= . ::··''"_"~'~·-=oc~~
Page ... 72
~~ ~ /~
Lyeeum League
First Semester
Dorothy IloldernesR
Hedwig Rauer
Betty \fodder
Lola· Carlberg
Jane Kratz
\Iiss Palmer
V ice-Prebident
tudent Council
Facult:r .\dvisor
econd Pmester
Elsie Erickson
ophia chrei
.\nita Kenl
Lucille .\nder~on
Jane Holderness
\lis Palmer
Harriet Ahord
Lucille Ander-on
Ruth Binder
Dolores Bitzen
EIIa Clau,en
Sara Etta Crone
Harriet Curran
Ehie Eri<·l..,on
Mary Guriran
Dorothy Harris
Jane Holderness
Lorraine Holderne"
Helen Hugheo
Anita Keul
Dorothy King
Irene Klingbeil
Thelma Landree
Evel)'n Lambrecht
Dolore, Moriarity
Marion Morse
Hilda Robert'
'irginia rhmidt
Sophia chrei
France" ' hepherd
La Yeme Wegner
Alire Wallendorf
Beatri<·e Welh
Della Zimani
The Lyceum League wab founded in 1910 bv \ Ir;;. Charle Pope for the purpose of promoting interest in literature.
The meetings are held the third Friday of each month, and_ after each meeting, a Pot Luck 1;upper is erved.
The Club contributed to the tudent Loan Fund.
Page ... 73
The Girl llese1·ve
First emester
\-larv .\1urdock
Ruth Johnson
Cathleen Corr
Eugenie nowhook
Hazel Kolu
Mis Hastings
Student Council
Faculty .Advisor
• <>cond SenwsU>r
Eugenie Snowhook
Marion Hitzker
Bernice Lein
Melva Warren
Lucille Anderson
Miss Hastings
Lucille Ander,on
Cathleen Corr
Eloie Erickson
Ann Gaffney
Dorothy Harri>
Marion Hitzker
Helen Hughes
Ruth Johnoon
Rhoda Klemme
Hazel Kolu
Janet Kreiman
Margaret Lippert
fary Murdock
\~ irginia Raiman
Mildred Raomu>oen
Hilda Roberto
Eugenie no"hook
Bern ire ' tein
Melva Warren
LaVerne Wegner
In fulfilling their motto, '"To find and give the best;' the Girl Reberve had a
full year.
:\Inch charity work has taken up the time of the girls.
t Christma::, and
Thanksgiving, the usual ha kets were given to the poor. Besides this, the girls
brought and made clothes for the needy. They helped 1\liss Cooper with her
work of making mall children's clothes also.
To make the season more jolly for themselve and others, the girls sponsored
a Hard Time party with the Hi-\ on February 13. They gave a banquet for the
football teams the first semester, and one for the basketball and swimming teams
Page ... 74
First S<>m<>sler
Richard Ashlev
Edwin Labano~<;lv
\Ialcolm Bishop ·
Booth \Iilln
\\ illiam \lillen
Lester chaeffer
\Ir. J. C. Chapel
tudent Council
Correspondinl! ecretary
. Faculty \dvi;;or
Richard Abhlev
Ed~in Labanowsk~
Lvnn Hannah·s
Booth \liller
O;;car Lindgren
Lester chaeffer
\lr. J. C. Chapel
arki> .\pyan
Richard A>hlev
\1alrolm Bishop
Robert Caldwell
Frank Ell10L
Eugene Hammond
L\llll Ilannalh
\ .oe l Hari;,on
Edwin Lahano'"k)
0-rnr Lindgren
Booth .'\tiller
Lron Regner
Le>ter SC'haeffer
Jo,eph Stephani
Don Tulh
John Kappu>
William .'\lillen
The kenot-iha Hi-l \\at- ;;tarted in 1923 to ··create, maintain, and e:-.tencr
throul!hout the ;,chool and community high standards of Christian character.
The Hi-l Honor A,\ard is pre"ented al the clo"e of each semester to that
member of the graduating cla;;s ,\ho ha;, the grealebt height of four ;;quare development.
During the pa"t ~ear the Hi-l ha;; t-iponi:,ored the football program;;, operated
the footbaU ..,core board, and managed the second-hand book sale. An \lumni
Pag<> ... 75
Blue Triangle I
First emester
Virginia Crandall
Charlolle Gira
Jean Goodsell
Jean Kupfer
Genevieve Cholak
\largaret Rhode
Mis Jones
Cor. ecrelarv
Student Cou~cil
Faculty Advisor
Serond SemPster
\ iq~inia Crandall
Alice Gifford
Charlotte Gira
Josephine awicki
'1ary Louise Greenwald
'liss Jones
Betty Buchman
Roma Buchman
Genevieve Cholak
Betty Coleman
Virginia Crandall
Bell} Even
Genevieve Gapanowicz
Alire Gifford
Charlotte Gira
Jean Goodoell
Alice Brunell
Mary Loui,,e Greenwald
Jean Koos
Alice Langenback
Lucille Mallo}
Mary Murrin
Lillian Pfefferle
Jo,ephine awirki
Dorothy , rhlax
Beatrice Schmitt
France' Sheppard
The purpose of the Blue Triangle I is to further the !;pirit of kindne!is and
friendlines among high school girls. The three sides of the triangle Land for
moral, mental, and physical growth.
During the past year, Blue Triangle I aided in sponsoring a mixer for sophomore girl . At Thank giving a basket was sent to a needy family. The three Blue
Triangles gave a party at Christmas, and presented a number of small children
with toy and candy.
Plans are .b eing made for a \-!others' and Daughters' Ban<1uet, which is to be
held '1ay 12 in the large gymnasium.
The club has a membership for thirty girls with an average of eighty.
Page ... 76
Bin_. Triangle II
Fir.~l S<>mester
Florence Ilen~e'
Kathleen ffHa~<'
Dorothv J acob~on
Laura Herrmann
Lucille Peter~on
Geoq!;ia Lee Reed
'liss Wilson
\ ice-Pre~ident
Corresponding errelary
tu den l Council
Faculty Advisor
eco11d Seme~ter
'lan Cook
Katherine -l,rhick
Betty O'Brien
Lucille Peten.on
Lorna Gulan
E~ther Corm\ell
\Ii% \\ ilson
Mar) Cook
E'ther Cornwell
Amelia Gulan
Laura Herrmann
Doroth) Jacobbon
Lucille Peteroon
l\..athr)n rbicl...
Lorna Gulan
Bertha Gapanowicz
Mildred Hernnann
lnnagarde Mielke
::-arah Reid
Betty O'Brien
Doroth) Bufton
Betty Lockwood
Irene La Juene,,e
Katherine Li' ingston
Melva Menzel
Olive Grender
Roberta Smith
Dorothy Williams
F1orence Welb
Dorb l\..arne'
The Blue Triangle II, under the leadership of \lit<~ "\\ ilson, comist of
l\\enty-five memben, who try lo live up lo the purpose: '"To find and give the
best.·A v1other~- and Daughters' Banquet is held annually. This year plans are being made lo hold it in the new 1. \1. C.
Page ... 77
Dlnfl' Triangle III
First Semester
\larie Andenmn
Leone 1\lurrav
Dorothy Bair~
Ruth Hoefer
Edith chneider
Kathnn Huxhold
\I j,.,.., Banl!'berg
Corresponding ecretaq
tudent Council
Faculty \rh-isor
Second Semester
Virginia Keyes
Bernice Peletowskv
'larion \lelvill~
\della J urf'vic
\Iildred 'Torris
Leone 'lurray
\] iss Bangsherg
\1arie ;\nder,on
Doroth~ Bain
E,tlwr ·Bauige
1'.arhnn Bontelle
Dorothy De"ey
)1 ant'llf' Hodt1'
~largarel Holden
\della Jurevi<'
\ iqiinia l'-t'~ e'
:\Iarion \lt>hille
\nna '\1odor)
1il1lred Morri,
Leont' 1\1urnl\
Brrni('I' P1•l1·t~n"k\
llden Riley
Uernaclellt' Ta('ki
Blue Triangle ] II is a Girl Reserve junior organ iza ti on su pervi.,ed by \li,.;s
Bang,., berg.
\Ieetings are helfl bi-monthly and interesting club program;;; are presented.
In the fall of 1930, the club, togethn '~ith the other t\~O Blue Trianides,
~e:a ;:·~;:~.rm
Page ... 78
ThP Retl Trian~le
First 'e m ester
Robert Hastings
Leon Regner
Joe tefani
Bernard Latham
Robert Corr
'lr. \I it('hell
tudent Council
Faeulty .\dvisor
Second emester
Dan Ragon
.\ndre\\ Foster
"Victor Riordan
Jerrv Rvan
Francis 'IcGiv.ern
'Ir. \litchell
Thoma, Arne,on
Bernard Apple
Robert Corr
Andre" fo,ter
Franci' l\frGi-ern
Meh in l\1onteen
'irtor Riordan
Dan Rag:on
Jerry R)an
The Red Triangle Club offers membership to ho~ s of sophomore and junior
B classe~ . • tudcnts must kt>ep an avt>ragt> of eight~ in order to remain eligible.
During the fir;,t semester the Red Triangle Club pre~ented in an assembly
program \\ alker Perkins, '~ho talk1·d on · ·Byrd"~ E'-pedition to the Antarctic.""
Page ... 79
~~~~ TIIE SPY coo~-~- c;
Seminar Club
First emester
Milton Ozaki
lalcolm Bishop
Lois Peterson
Richard Ashlev
Lorraine O'Co~nor
Leroy Rowbottom
Miss ·Doherty
. Vice-President
. Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
tudent Council
Faculty \dvisor
, C'Cond
lorn· Ripley
Catherine !\larks
Ode,;sa Richar<ls
Davi<l Gol<htein
Lois PNerbon
Lorraine O'Connor
is~ Dohnt)
Richard J\,hley
Malcolm Bishop
Richard Bode
E<hrnrd Cro,sin
David Gold,tein
-orvan Gordon
\melia Gulan
Alfred Kaufman
Catherine 1arb
Lorraine O'Connor
Milton Ozab.i
Loi' Peter-on
\drian Pollo1·b.
Lloyd Lamb
Donald McKay
Ode"a Richard'
Ione Ripley
Lero\ Rowbollom
\an Sali,hury
Geoq~e Ward
The eminar Club is an organization who..,e purpo"e is to promote interest
and kno,dedge in chemistry. It,; memberi:;hip con~i ... tb of student.., '~ho art• studying, or who have studied, chemi:-try.
The club meets ever) other \\eek on W edne,.day~, fifth period, and on the
third Thursday evening of every month. _\n interesting al)(l educational ehemii:;try demonstration is presented for the members. An established tradition of the
club is the annual Seminar \ward, given to the student having the highebl
•ve<>~e in ohemi"'Y·
Page ... 80
iw-:~~&fJ 1HE SPY~~~
Beta Plti Kappa
First , emester
Rudolph Hartnek
'Iaurice ~ olf
\h ron Goltrv
\Iyron Goltry
\lr. C. H. Walter
tudent Council
Faculty Advisor
eco11d emester
lex Penman
\Iaurice Wolf
Alfred Kaufman
'latt Werve
Arthur Palle~en
'lr. C. H. Walter
Clarence Archer
Harry Bright
Carl Friedl
Leonard Goldman
M)ron Goltry
Hilmer Guotavoon
John Hains
Donald Hanoen
Rudolph Hartnek
Arthur Harrington
.\lfred Kaufman
Harold Koldenhurg
Anthony K.rancu,
Lloyd Lamb
Auguot Morin
Milton Ozaki
Arthur Pa!le,en
Alex Penman
Tony Shaharich
Matt Werve
John W ojciecho" ,J..i
l\faurire Wolf
Jo,eph Zeyen
"'irho]a, Zeyen
The Beta Phi Kappa, or the Bop' Physic,, Club, ha,, been in existence for
several yearb. In 1926 it was changed to the Radio Club and remained .. uch until
the fall of 1928, when the old name was reassumed.
promote interest in the .. tudy of phpic~, and to
Page ... 81
Girl Scout T1·001t I
PaLrol Leader
Patrol Leader
'h rlle Davids
Ruth Hoefer
'Iis:-; Bindn
Clara \hrencll
Dorothy Bain
Delores Bitzen
~iary Cook
Margaret Davids
Myrtle Davjds
Lilian Earl
Ruth Harman
Jean Good,ell
Ruth Hoefer
Genevieve Holmgren
Pearl Martin
Meha Menzel
Marion Morse
Maxine Roeder
Beatrice Wells
Lul'ille Wells
Erl}ne Wakaert
Troop I of I eno!-ha Iligh chool eonlaim l\\enl~ girl~, mo~t of \\hom are
:,coutt-- of long !-landing.
The member~ Lhi~ year have tried to aid in the Relief \\ ork for the unemployed.
The SCOUL!i of Troop I entertained the girli-; of l\.enosha High Sehool at a Valentine Bridge Parly at the h.cnosha \\ 011H111"s Cluh.
Girl Scout Troop II
Ruth Johrhon
Berniee Nakro;,a,
\I iC'e Kinsella
Dorothy Tully
\nn Gaffney
Page ...82
Cathlt>1'n Corr
h..athleen O'Hare
Marian Stahl
Eug1•nip Snowhook
I\ I} I'<' \ \ ehster
ia,,~ auna
The iawauna Club \~a~ oq.~anized in 'lay, 1928 . .\ided by the faculty advi8or, Miss Plank, and the µ;uardian, \lib" chrei, they have tried to combine the
hiµ;h ideals of knowledµ;e, beauty and ~ervice with the romances and love of the
true :\.merican. Ab member;, of the Nia\\ auna Camp-Fire. the girls
'· eek beaut\
Give service
Pursue kno,dedge
Be trustworthv
Hold on to he~lth
Glori[\ work
Be happy"
Faculty .\dvisor
Anita Keul
Wanda Zub.o"'b.i
Con,tance Kle,ieb.i,
Ruth 'ingren
Dorothy King
Thelma Landrce
'irginia ~chmitt
Elizabeth :-ch\.artz
Sophie St·hrei
E,eJyn Lambrecht
Grace :\pana'e" icz
Harriet \hon!
Page ... 83
Frenclt Club
Pre ident
Faculty Advisors
Robert Beaumier
'latrona Wanenko
'] iss \\ ilson, ..\li s chuessler
Any student taking second ~ear Fr nch, advanced French,
or first year French with a ninel} average is eligible for membership in the French Club.
The club aims lo encourage the of French. \t the
meetings the members of the cluh sing French songb, give recitations and stories, and present pla) s.
Visitors are welcome al all mef'lings.
Pag<> ... 84
6erman Club
Alex cheer
Ione Ripley
ophie Georgi
Clara chweiger
Faculty Advisor
Marie \nder,on
William A,both
Gilbert Flad
. ophie Georgi
Elizabeth Gille,
\urora Griffith,
Edna Hollo" ay
Mary Jorhim
Irene K_,inan
\lire Langenhaek
Margaret Lohman
Wallace Lo"ell
\era Leute
::\fargarita Millager
habel 1\eu
Lillian Petzh.e
Elizabeth Ru"o
La \ eme Roger,
lone Ripley
Annalie>e turm
\le'" Scheer
Bernice ' anftheil
Clara ch\\eiger
Jacoh , ilhert
Edith • chneider
Bernadette Tacki
Beatrice Walli,,
J o,eph Ze) en
irholt" Zeyen
Marjory Scherzberg
Marjory Hill
Ro,etta Johmon
Martin chmidt
Ruth Petzh.e
France, Willh.omm
Loui,e Lauer
Tae,ta Aalto
Barbara Loef
Dori, E ... eriLorraine Kollman
Violet Jo,eph,en
Viola ~eu
Emma G)rina
EL ie Pa,Iirh.
Floyd \nder,on
Lillian \,h
Harn Hart
Lurleen Peter,on
Che,ier W ozn i1•h.i
Fred Hartkopf
E,ther Battige
Enl)n Ahlefeldt
Agne,, Di,chleid
Matt Wene
Mary Alla
\ i'Vian Gename
Erna Conradt
Catherine Po"ell
vhia Conrad
Felicia R)harh.i
Alice Irene Kin,ella Irene Zeihen
::\1arjory Smile)
Pearl Bec ker
Any teacher or ~tudent of German in the Kenosha High chool is invited to
become a member of the German Club.
The aim of the Club is to acquaint the members '\ ith German literature, and
~m::n;:;e;;ua~ ~
Page ... 85
~~~8if'J THE SPY 000.~.:9;:L.~
Spani It Club
\largaret Lippert
Bob Hastings
Joe tefani
Lucille Toomey
tudent. Council
Catherine Boutelle
Ella Clau,en
Domonir Coradini
Paul Da' id,on
Ellbworth Eherharcly
Conbtanre Eirheger
Rose Ern't
Bob Henderoon
Joe Honat
Fay l\.appus
Maybelle Lencione
Jeanette Lei.kowicz
l\fargaret Lippert
Rose Marie Locante
Gordon farDo"ell
Mary Mazzie
Page ... 86
Leone Murra)
Bemi1·e '\iakro'a'
Ben Pa,ruri
Stanley PiJe,J..i
Mafalda Petrarri
Margaret Rhode
Jame' Romano
Bemire Sanfthiel
Hane) !:'later
Joe Stefani
Ludlle Toomey
Don Tully
Katherine Lrbick
La \ erne Wegner
Marion W)k
~~~8(f;) THE SPY 000 ~ ~
Soe ietas llomana
Cons uh
, tmlen L Council
Faculty Advii,or~
.\nn Galfne\, \larv Cool
\hron . Goltry
R~berl T\sO;l
Dan R~µ:on
Conrad hearer
\lib" Holah, \lis" \lerrick
George Ad1en
Elizabeth Gille,
\ irginia 1'.e)e' '.\forjorie \" olan o,1·ar Shienbrood
Bernard pple
Charlotte Gira
Jane King,le)
Betty O'Brien
Dorothy Srhlax
Jeannette Bt>rl..owitz '.\Iyron Goltry
Jean Koo'
Lul'ille Otto
Paul Simo
Loretta Cayo
Jean Good,ell
Alice Langenhacl.. .\nthony Ozanil'I.. Roberta Smith
\ iola Chri,ten,en Ed\' in Gor,egner
Marjorie Lar-en In ing Paradi,e Helen 'ta nl..ew id1
Mary Loui'e Clari.. Harry Gra"o
Margaret Lippert '.\larion Pedley Roger ' tanley
Mary Cool..
:-i1lnt•y Greerrn ood K. Living,ton
Lillian Pfefferle W f'ndall Ta) lor
I•lorcrH'e D1l\\ ,e
Iler-rhel Grim.haw Bell\ Lo1·k" ood Fran I.. Pucl'i
Jame, Torre'
Betty Ev~n
\melia Gulan
Ebi~ Mad,en
Dan Ragon
Glenn Turn~r
Cecelia Fairbank, Ruth Hoefer
1\1ildred '.\lar-h
\ ictor Riordon Robert T, ,on
\ndre" Fo,ter
'\1argaret Holden
B. Matthe"'
Ione Ripley
Jane WiJ,·on
\nn Gaffney
Gene' ie' e Holmgren '\larion Meh ille lrieda Ruppa
Dorothy William,
Jean Gaffney
'\largaret Hornung John Meriam
Helen , ro,ille Jo-eph Zeyen
l\1il..e Gallo
'i1•I.. Haro1·hena
\Ian Murrin
Conrad Shearer 'iehola, Zeyen
Gonion Ganlirwr
Helen Jupnil..
Katl~ryn '.\Iyer-
The ocieta' Romana, a Latin as:,,ociation, "a• orµ:anized in the la~t "eme~ter
of 1930-31 ln \]j,, Holah and ~li:;b \lerricl.
The puri>ose of the club j, Lo promote, through ih prol-(rams, a fuller appreciation of Roman life and literature, to gn-e an outlet to the dramatic in,tinct.
and at the o;ame time to strengthen correct Latin pronunciation .
.\t the month!) meetinµ;,, intere"ting program• <'onsi,tinµ: of Latin sonµ:,.
playb, recitations, and "torieb are pre::;ented.
On October 17, 1930, member;< of the Latin department, prei,f'nted, in the
High Sehool ho;ernbl), a !:-letch from Verµ:il',, ··Dido and \enf'as." Thi;1 performance was µ:iven in commemoration of Vergir~ 2000th birth<la) anniverbary,
which waR beinµ: celebrated in all countries throughout the world.
Page ...87
~~K "
First emester
'Iario Pacetti
Bob Caldwell
tanlev Pile ki
Edo \iaccari
Faculty Advisors
Charles Adams
!:larki Apyan
Richard A,hley
Jo,eph Bahi<'k
Otto Bernarrhi
f rederirJ... Borak
Robert Caldwell
James Dunn
frank Elliot
'eco11d SemestPr
Bob Caldwell
Edo ~1aeeari
Bud La th am
Student Council
Edo \Iaccari
Both em ~ters-,lr. L. E. En1de. \Ir. F. L. Bauer, \Ir. Buege.
oel Han;,on
Eclo Marrari
John Kappuo
Norman 1acJi,on
Edward Kirar
George Mamon
William Kirar
Jo,eph :\"a~oirhiJ...
Charle;, Klema'e'ki Mario Paretti
Elh>ard Knapp
John Parmentier
Edwin Lahano" sky
Stanley Pile,J...i
Bernard Latham
Leon Regner
Ray Le,ter
Leo RewinsJ...i
Emanuel Rizzo
Jerry Ryan
Ed"ard Seymour
Ton~ 'haharirk
HeriJert Thomcy
Bernard \an Wormer
Harry Wicklund
The ··K" Club is probably the youngef't club in the school. It was organized
last fall under the direction of 'Ir. Engle and ~ome of our leading athlete ... The
club was organized for the purpose of promoting and developing athletics in our
chool and to create a better understanding and feeling among the member~ of
the various athletic teams.
Th fact that it is the )Otrngest club in the school has not lessened the duh',,
participation in school activitief'. The club spon,.ored a dime <lance this bemester
to raise money to pay for football injuries that occurred last fall and for '~hich
the\'\. I. !\.A. doe" not provide compensation. Plans are being made to <'Ooperate with the Lyceum League in giving a big dance this spring. The club '\\ill
also be actively engaged in promoting the ~tate S\\ imming meet to he held in our
0'\\11 pool April 21.
Page ... 88
Pep Club
em<' l<'r
Joe erpe
\I ario Pacetti
Ida Paretti
\\ esle, everance
\1 iss Han.en
Faeult~ .\1h-isor
econd Semester
Jerome Beaupre
John Kappu
Amelia Gulan
arkis Ap~an
\lr. teffensen
Helen Skilbel'k
Marion Ruffalo
E,ther 1 oung
Della Zimam
Man Cbri,terhon
]ear{ Srhroeder
l\1argaret Rho1le
Marion Roeder
Hilda Robert'
Lurille \n1ler-on
Sara Etta Crone
Gra1·c \pari-pe" i1·z
Claren1·e Archer
\1alrolm Bi,hop
Jerome Bt•aupre
I rent• Bu-al'ha
Helen S" ihart
CHil Trihur
Beatril'e Walli,
Ja1·k Wc,tman
Mar} Zemaiti,
Clark Worden
George Wanl
Irene Zeihen
Bernadette Tacki
\1arion Stahl
Wanda Zuko'"ki
Ruth Johmon
Clement- Jorgcn,en
Bcrnil'c Jlolo\\il'z
Ramona Holm
\nita Keul
Rudolph Hartnek
Man l\frLintol'k
Gene' ieH' Higgin'
Laura Herrn1ann
Man Gurirnn
\melia Gulan
Frank Jakuti'
Harr) kraft
lone Riple)
Otlc"a Ri1·hard'
\an Sali,bur)
Bill Ro" bottom
Eugenic Sno"hook
Sophia :-:l'hrei
Catherine Po" ell
Elizabeth Sdrnartz
\ irginia S1·hmitt
Jrnnie Siegel
Bernice Sanfthiel
Marion '\/orri'
Wallal'e Lo"ell
Pearl Martin
Catherine 2\1arJ...,
E,ther Le,elui,
Ellen La'"on
lri, kupfcr-d1midt
Thelma Landree
\nna 2\Iodon
\ il'k Harol'h-cna
\lfred kaufman
Murr\ Chamber,
Hilm~r Gu,t:n 'on
Charle, Jen,en
Lorraine llolderr11?"
Ro'e Bruno
\ntone Ia,ello
l\.enneth Herrmann
Sarki, Ap)an
Helen Ragland
Jemella Albini
Leonard Bruch
'\I oel Hari-on
Beulah Hart" ig
\lil'e Wallendorf
Carlton Karne'
Ruth \ ingren
John Wojchiel'ho" ,ki
Ruth l\k\eil
lrene klingbeil
Jerome .'\!urn
l\larion Hitzker
Cathleen Corr
\mold Bo,le
Ooroth) King
Ruth '\ehl,en
Fred Koelner
Marjorie Scherzberg
Gilbert Otto
(Continued on Pa[..'<' 90)
Pag<> ... 89
~~~8"'.5THE SPY~-~~~
The Pep Club, organized in 1927, is an organization '"hose mC'mlH'r"hip con~i,.ti:; of studenlt- ,d10 are elassified a;; Senior \\,or B\.
The aim of the club ii; to create and extend ~ehool i:;pirit for the purpo'f' of
;,upporting athletics.
It presented indi,idual trophies to tlw mC'mlwr" of thC' ehampion;;hip t-wimming team of 1930, and trC'ated the memher;; of the 1930 football MJuad to a banquet given in the l. 1\I. C. A. dining room on the evening of December 11. The
club abo ;;pon::-ored a movie at the Keno~ha Theater on the eveninµ:~ of \larch 5
and 6, 1931.
,Junio.. A Class
(Co ntinued from Page 55)
Ra,muo,en, Elaine
Reed, Georgia Lee
Refreuna, Margaret
Remeiku,, Berni<'e
Riemer, Marie
Roeder, Ma'\.ine
Rostker, E,ther
Runals, Arline
Ruppa, Frieda
Schmill, Delore,
Sheppard, Franre,
Silverman, Helen
Simp,on, Mary
Sindair, Dorothy
Slater, Genevieve
Smiley, Marjorie
Soderberg, Elizabeth
Springer, Ro'e
Stamm, \ enrn
Stankewirh, Helen
Stanley, Myrtle
Stroih., fmelda
Stromqui,t, Helen
Sullivan, ~1ary
Summer,, Thelma
S"artz, E,ther
S"artz, Louioe
Theleen, ~fary :\nna
Trihur, :\uclrev
Turo" ,J,.i, Jcn;1ie
Lrban, Martha
urbirk, 1'.athryn
\ogler, Dorothy
Wanenko, Matrona
Webb, Pauline
Weli-ter, AlyC'e
Wcgrwr, Evelyne
Wegner, La Yerne
Wei", Lillian
Wei,,, \1ildred
Wendor, Marie
William,, Marjorie
Willh.omm, Fran{'e'
With.e, "cleline
W) I., \1arion
Ziezi,, Anna
So11bomo1·e B Class
( Co11ti11ued from Page 62)
Waer-on, Cheoter
Walker, Harry
Wallace, Irving
Walle-tad, Arthur
W eclell, Charle,
Wene. 11anin
Pag<> ... 90
Wilh.c, Thoma'
Williams, Emmell
Wi,chmann, Rirhard
Wojni('Z, Ben
Yzdonowid1, John
Zabrit,ki, Joe
Zahuh.ovee, Franl.
Zalubawoki, ' tanley
Zanie, Walter
Za1>U!'icn,l.i, Joe
Zoror1'ki, !::ltanley
Digit School Ore ltestra
I iolins
Tai,to Aalto
Gtorge A<·hen
l\1ary A. Ila
William Ben .. on
John BitHn
Hit>ne Bordt>n
S)lvia Conrad
Ro bat Den,more
Sophie Georgi
Pauline Grabin,ki
George Grot'how,ki
Madeline Heinz
Gerald Jat'Ob)
1'.enneth 1'..eller
Em or) Mi,chler
Ro,e Reading
Robert Ritter
.\ngelo Rizzo
'\fort in Sd1midt
John s" ,rn,on
.\rthur s\.artz
Bernadette Tad.. i
\nthon) Triden,ki
]a<'k We .. tman
Clark Worden
J' iolas
George Grorho\bki
Charle' Story
Rooe Emo!
Jean Schroeder
Joe .\me'
Makolm Bi .. hop
Edna Hollo\,ay
Adrian De Bruin
John Edward"
Joe Zapu,t'ien,ki
Margaret Arnold
Charle, Camarata
Harold Langer
Don Lindeen
William McClellan
Willi, Ro<'k\,ell
Richard :\1orten .. en
Leolie Quandt
Ton) Sadow,ki
Fran<'e' Sheppenl
Ame Eri<'k .. on
Lut'ille Stierle
Ed" in Gor .. egner
Gilbert Richier
Robert Wellman
Frank Zahoko\e<'
French Horns
Ali<'e l\.imella
Llo)d Lamb
Edmund Pahar .. ka
Willard Gra .... er
Ja<'k ~toebig
Edward Stru"
1'.atberine Li\ ing .. ton
Dorothy S<·hlax
Mi..- Minnie Lar .. on
The Kenosha High chool Orchestra ha,, achieved a great deal during the
past f e\~ year ...
It has given concerts thi;, year for not only the enior High chool a;;:;emblies,
but abo for the Central and \\a hington Junior High chool a;;semblies. It has
abo given concerto;; for the P. T . .\.,the tate convention of Federated :\lut-ic
Teachers Association, the tate Convention of the Catholic "\'\ oman 's Club, and
has pla) eel for all cla;;s playb and commencement exercises.
h::rnmoted to the enio' 0
There are h\ o orchestras, the ] unior and
enior. All ne" member;, are in-
O<ehe•;."t'r a~·~~<:?
U'S~~I~ iJ~ ~~m
Page ... 91
Capella (;J1oir
\liss Lar;;en
Bernice Klafter
William A;;botb
Eother Baker
Fran!'i;, Baker
Alvina Bo;,no!'k
Junita Billingoley
Arnold Boyle
Marion Brady
\ irginia Crandall
Adrian DeBruin
William Elfrnan
Arne Eri!'bon
Rooe Ern;;t
Ruth Gage
ophie Georgi
Donald Han,on
Lioella Harff
Anna Jo<'iuo
Doris Karne;,
\lire Kin;,ella
Bernice Klafter
Irene LaJeuneo'e
Arthur La;;,en
Maybelle Lendone
Adolph Ma<'noriu,
Mary Mazzei
Lillie Odelberg
Virginia Pratzer
Henry Moeller
Gerald Morget-on
Mary Murrin
Willi, Ro<·k"cll
FlorerH'e !'hulicn
Ru,ell Severan!'e
Joe Skuhra
Vivienne Spie,
Arthur S"artz
Valerie S"artz
Ruth \ ingren
Clark Worden
Mildred Wilmot
The A Capella Choir is composed of select studen ts who do chiefly unaccompanied sin11:in~. The Choir has sun~ for a few comme nceme n t exerci es a n d also
for the ~ oman 's Club.
Page ... 92
Girls · Glee Club
First Semester
\Iavhelle Len<' ion i
Eli~abeth oderherg
Ebba Strausgaard
Ruth \1cllrath
Katherine Livingbton
'li~s Larsen
econd emester
\la' belle Lencioni
Lillie O<lelberg
Bernadette Tacki
Ruth 1\lcllrath
Katherine Living1:>ton
\liss Lar~en
Katherine Li' ing,ton \iv ian !::I pie,
Marjorie Hill
Ehie , pitzer
Ruth Mrllrath
Margaret Holden
E•th~r Baler
E,tber !:-" artz
1arion Meh ille
Euniee Billing,Je)
Edna Hollo" a\
\ alerie Swartz
Anna Hui"en.
Angeline Michaeli'
Ida Boldamli
Bernadette Tacki
E,ther Mirheb
\nna Joriu,
~hina Bo,nod..
Martha Lrban
Fn1111·e, 1'.arniene1·li E,ther 1\1 ill er
"\1arion Brady
Ruth \ ingren
Man Murrin
\ irginia Crandall
Fay K.appu'
Stephanie \ oloi
Ann-;. '.\aumo\•ich
Con,tanre Eichinger Dori, 1'.ame,
},abel '\eu
Graee Wade
Ro,e Ermt
Beatri1•e Walli,
Felicia 1' o" aeli
\farie 1'.in•ella
Jane E\an'
Man Wanenlo
Oorothv Wolkomir
Helen Fredrfrl,011
1\1a rga rel 1\..itzro"
Lillie Odelberg
Bemire hlafter
Ruth Gage
Flore111·e Wier,um
\ irginia Pratzer
Harriet 1'.uhta
Sophie Georgi
FrarH'e' Willlomm
Marjorie Lar.en
Delori' Regh
Rachel Glea,on
Mildred Wilmot
Irene ' imo
Min belle Lenl'ioni
Gene,ie'e Gulan
Beatrice Worth
Genevieve Slater
Ma~ie Leonelli
Li,etta Harff
Ma-.ine Smith
Ida Lindgren
Madeline Heinz
The Girlb' Glee Club hab continued to give the small and large a\\ arck There
have been fift,.four small awards giYen since June, 1927.
The foJJo~v ing people fulfilled the requirement1:> for the laq!;e a\\ arch:
June '27- Jame;, Cowan; :F eb. ·29orman Greenwood; Feb. '30 Laverne
I~, :o::• ::-•:e:ime-l~l~a·-=-=~~
U'\S~~ J~ v.::J ~ ~
Page ... 93
llo~~s · Glee
\li ...... \linnie Lar,.,en
Tai-to \alto
Charle, .\rlo,k\
William .\,both
Frand, Baker
Juntia Billing,ley
Hiene Borden
.\mold Bovie
.\dolph c;rdinali
John E1h•anJ,
illiam Elfman
.\rne Erick-on
::-.te\e Jacob
Robert F-.enll\
Ra\ John-on ·
1'.e;1 J o-eph
Clifford F-.etelhut
LloHI Lamh
\ rtirn r La--e11
Henq :\Ioeller
Gerald \Iorgebon
-\ngelo Rizzo
To1n !:-ado" ,ki
Clai~e Scoville
Ru--ell Se\erance
Joe ::-.kuhra
Donald .:pence
John :::man-en
.\ntho1n Tridin-ki
Clark . orden
Joe Zapu-ciend-ki
John Zerh
Edmund Zon~olo" icz
The Bo~,.,· Glee Club no\\ hao; a member ... hip of thirt~-t\\O. The ... mall k>iz<.' f
tlw club i,., du<.' to the fact that ther<' j, a required qualification. Th<' or~anization
made ib fin-t public appearance at the eommencem 'nt e erci"e' of the February
1931 CJa,.,, .
Page ... 9.J
Digit Seltool Cltorus
Page ... 95
Digit Scltool lland
Drum Jlajor
Ro"' ell Marqui"et
olo Cornets
George Ward
David Gold,tein
First Comets
Milton Elfman
Richard lortenoon
econd Cornets
Lester rhea ff er
Roy La:.t
Third Comets
Leslie Quandt
Paul David,on
Robert Wellman
Justus Morri,
Walter Glerum
Jack Ro,e
Robert Placenti
Gilbert Richter
Donovan Pe<"k
Donald Hanson
French lloms
Edmund Pabar,ka
William Benson
Lloyd Lamb
Alire Irene Kimella
Wayne Davison
Leo Rewinski
Samuel Odelberg
E-Flat Bass
Robert Christensen
First Clarinets
Donald MacKay
Ca,per Madder
Charles Cammarata
Victor Wolkomir
Second Clarinets
Chester Enin
Willis Rockwell
Harold Langer
Margaret Arnold
Third Clarinets
Max Jupnik
Tom Pope
Edward Randall
Stanley Soren,on
Don Lindeen
Piccolo and Flute
Adrian De Bruin
C. Flute
Joe Zapusrieri-ki
Alto Clarinet
Antone lavello
Alto ' axophone.~
.\rne Erickson
Howard Cohn
Tenor Saxophone
Lucille Stierle
Baritone Saxophone
Edward Mit<·hell
Jack Stoebig
Joe Silverberg
Ru_,,ell von Wald
Edward Strus'
Harold Hertzberg
The High chool Band, under the direction of C. L. \Jason, has been organized since eptember, 1928. tarting with seven members, it has now reached ·lhe
stage where a fir t and second band are needed, the tota1 membership of thf' two
organizationb being eighty-four pieces. ow, where formerly new members were
added from the beginners' classes, they are ad<led from the second band.
This year the band played at all the home football and hal'ketball games, and
on )larch 26, 1931 they gave their second Annual pring Concert. Concerts .vere
also given for the grade pupils and at the '\lcKinley Junior High chool. The
band marched in the Memorial Day parade.
deserves the entire backing
Page ... 96
~~BitjTIIE SPY~~-~~
Captain \lario Paf'etti i" known a;; one of the
ouhtandinl! athll.'te" in the Bil! Eil!ht Conference. He ha::- not only an out:,tan<linl! athletic
r<'eonl, but Im., aho aver) hil!h Rchola::;tic ratinl!·
\lario l!radua te.., thi.., June after repre .. entinl!
h..eno:-ha in all of the three major sport:s- foothall, ha,.,kethall, and track. He i,,. one of the fe,\
athlete" \\ho hat-. earned ten K·,,.
Page ... 91
In the most ;;trenuouti football sea;;on that a1n Kenosha team ha;; ever
play eel, Kenosha High chool's 1930 Eleven made a;1 ~ miable record, fini;,hing
in a tie with \Iadison Ea,.t for econd plact> in the Big Eight Confert>nce. The
··Red Hurricane" mist-ed the coveted fir~l plaee only hy hf'ing tif'd in the )a;;t
fifty secondb of play in the game \\ith the \ladison Central Eleven.
The beginning of the season at immons' :F ield saw a smooth \\Orking com·
bination turn back \lilwaukee outh, a notabl) strong team. 7 to 0, in the first
non-conference game.
Then eame the start of the confnenef' \\ith \ladi;.on Ea;,,t as Keno;.ha's :firo;t
victim. The ;,core in thi;, game. 33 to 14, 1rave the h.eno;.ha team high hopes of
winning the conference championship. The outstanding featureA of the game
were Joe erpe's breath-taking S[HHLR down the field and hi~ aecumulation of
The following \\eek Kenosha \\ent to Beloit expecting a fairly easy game, but
a hard fighting team held u" to a 6 to 6 tif'.
In the next game, a penalty, with the ball on the one yard line and only a few
minutes to play, spelled di ... aster for the J enosha Team; and Raci11e Washington
stopped the "Red'' Eleven with a 12 Lo 9 ~core.
On October 18, victory again came to us. A light and inexperienced Janesville
team was trounced 70 to 0 by our revived Eleven. Tn thi" game our offense was
at its height, with Joe erpe and Re<l Pierce a" the leading ball-toter;..
The next week, a re::-t in the conf rence schedule enabled our team to turn
back a (>O\\erful Waukegan Eleven, 20 to 6. Apyan and Knapp were the unsung
heroes in this contest, for they both played a "bang-up'' game.
The resumption of the conference game:; at \Iadison result d in another
triumph for the "Reds" over the '\ladison \Vest team, who, when the storm hacl
pa sed over, were dazed by a clefeat of 75 to 0. Kenosha's outstanding scorers in
~-=;: ::·;~~'~'='~""'
Page ... 98
•nd \l,n,onW!lll::
. JbJ...,,av_;;
~~J--% ~SQ THE SPY CTle ~ tl:~
\n open date on
OH'mhPr 8 \Ht" filled "atisfactoril) b) a gamt' \\ith u
\lihHt11kPe TeC'h. keno«ha \\a" viC'torious, 19 to 0, but the onebi<lt'd !-C'Ort' \\as not signifi<'ant of tht' atmosphert' of the game a-. it was a hard
fouµ:ht c·onte~t. The outstanding Kenosha playn-. of the day were Pierce and
~napp) team from
On Novcmher 15, thf'rc eanw to l\.eno-.ha our old rival, Racine Horlick. The
spectators were e"\.pecting a thrillinµ: game, but Haw little more than a track meet.
The final seore was 52 to 0 in faYor .3 f Kenosha.
Befort' the last gamp \\ ith \ladi-.on Central, it looked a-. if Kenosha '\ould
l)(' tlw eonferetH'C ehamps. HO\H'Yf't". although the team -.houl<l be eongratulated
on play inµ: an e"eellent game. tilt' nnexpeet<><l hap1w1w,J. \ladison Central ti<'<l
Ke110-.ha 7 to 7.
\!though tlw 1930 tC'am did not ac·<·ompli-.h exactly '\hat they cle-.ired, die)
at lt•ast some record-. for team a1Hl indi,idual '~ork. The total "core e-.tahlishecl anotllC'r all-time mark. for th<' team obtainPd 252 point'- during the ,.;eason.
Two of the Keno., ha men made t'X<'eptional reC'ords durinµ: tilt' season. J or
Serpe, Kenosha's stod.y quarterbaC'k. did some wonderful hall toting, and ran
up a total of 91 point:- a~ his individual scorinµ: record. \Jario Pacetti. taekle.
fullback, and eaptain of the Kenosha Eleven, -.hould abo he commended, for, hr;.icle-. performing his own worJ.. well, he piloted the team most efficiently.
Appreeiation of the \\Ork done by the tt'am was -.ho,\n both by the -.chool
and by outsiders. Through the kin<lness of Ted Stanford, the Kenosha player"
were guest;, at the Kenosha Theatre during the entire football campaign. On
December 11, the "quad of t\\enty-two players, the l\\O ;.tudent managen,. FranJ..
Elliott and Eddie Seymour, and the coaches, Engle and Bauer, were guests at
the annual Pep Club dinner, at which~ alter Fi-.her of orthwe tern T.:niveroity
\\a" the 1'peaker.
-------- -
Page ... 99
\<\LD\\ I LL
PJl : RCI :
Tiie Tea1n
During the football season Coach L. E. Engle experimented with several combinations and discovered many satisfactory groups. Th faC'l that every player
on the squad of twenty-two '~as capable of filling more than one position was a
great advantage to the team.
}lario Pacetti- 'ilars was the very capable captain of this year's football
machine. He played well in either the tackle or the full back position, and even
called the signal,; occasionally.
Joe erpe Ais a quarterback Joe ranks m; one of the best ever turned out of
Kenosha High chool. He was an excellent open field runner, a good pas~er, and
v. as skilled in punting the ball outside the playing field near the one yard line.
Robert Caldwell Bob Caldwell was one of the he!-t halfback. Kenosha has
ever produced. He v,a a Rhifty runner and a hard tackler. He graduated this
year. one of the few athletes to win a letter in three sportlS.
Earl Pierce Red '~as the hoy \\ho could ;;mack the Jine and make it give.
Although he sustained an injury to his shoulder in the beginning of the year and
\\aS forced to protect it all season, his plunging and open field running [eatnred
IL;:n~~19J ~-Pag<' ... 100
II\ "\SO'\
'\ \\OIC.lll C I\.
\\I C l\:Ll'\D
Emanuel Rizzo--Rizz wa" a halfbaek on thi" vear's Red and Black machine.
His "mall "ize ma<le him good al shifting through. the line for gains. He could
tackle; it \\as one of hi;;, ··round the ankle" tackles that removed .:\bate from the
Beloit roster.
_ oel Han,.,on
·oel, eaptain-eleet of the 1931 team, wa" another regular halfback. Oppobing team~ never went ver} far through hi,., territory.
Joe avoiehick \fter playing regular al end the fir,.,t part of the "ea,.,on.
Duke wa;, ;,hifte<l to halfback. From the fine ,.,hO\\ ing he made thi,., "ea,.,on, much
can be expected of him next year.
Harr) \\ icklund Harr} i" only a sophomore. and. though he j,., not ver) big.
his ;,peed enabled him to earn hii:, Jetter in a very creditable wa).
George \lamon George was a<IYanee<l from the ··B" team late in the sea;;on.
He was a halfback, and, though rather small. he ma<le up for hi;, lacl of ,.,ize.
John Kapput- Johnn}, the eentcr on thi,., y<>ar",., team. was one of the n10st
eapable playert-. Often he \\ent through and broke 111• the oppooing team'., play1:>.
He even scored a touchdown in our "laughter of Horlicl.
Page ... 101
I\. \PPl !:>
HOili\ "-
Ed Bielewicz-Ed played a~ a substitute <:enter thit- year and ''as literally a
stone wall. He was able Lo open holes in the line large enough for the hack-. io
''altz through for good gains.
Fred Borak Fritz, as he is better known among his friend;.;, played his old
position of end. Although he played most of the season under the handicap of a
heavy crop of boils, he was always one of the first men down under the punt~.
He will he the most seasoned player hack next year.
Edwin Lahanowsky- Lahhy was one of a host of good ends this year. \\hen
in the game, he played steady ball. He was big an<l fast, and was first choice for
the right end position.
orman "\ladisonorm was a rich find; he was put on the team in the middle of the season and played right end. He was adept at pulling pa~!'es, apparently out of the air. A hard tackler, he was responsible for stopping many a ball
Herb Thomev-With Fritz Borak, Herb held down the 1 ft end most efficiently. He is big, anci few runnen, "ill get around him in the coming grid season.
Joe Babich- Joe is to be admired for his splendid fighting , pirit; when the
game was hard, he could be heard urging his mates to "drive in there." He is
big, powerful, and fast for a 200-pound tackle.
Page ... 102
Tll0\1 L\
\1 \l)h()'\
Otto Berna<'ehi Otto <'amc into the ranl-.s of the rel-(nlar" thi,, year, playing
ta<'kle. He i" larl-(e and fast; when he hit a man, the fellow btayecl hit.
arkis Apyan
arky pla) Nl hi~ first season a~ a regular this year as guard.
\lthough short, he has drive enough to smear plt>nty of plays and to toss some of
the larger boy" a~ide.
Edward Knapp Eddie 1\..napp played a:; a guard this year. Although handicapped by an injured leg during the latter part of the :,eason, he playt>d enough
to show hi~ ability to open hole~ in the line:; for the hach to go through.
J erre Ryan- ) erre came to Keno~ha High School from a Racine school and
got on the ~quad a~ guard during hi~ first year.
John Parmentier
fitted in ven well.
Johnny played as guard and tackle. Tall and hmky, he
i\lfred'~ :\1 is another of the rirh "uppl) of guard,; and tackles, and
one of the be~t on the team. \'\hen he wa:, in the game, he pla) eel his harde~t
and could ah\ ap he relied upon to open a hole for the backs to go prancing
I~,~-:~'&'. ~ ~ ""~ ~~-....
t\ T
Page ... 103
BFR'\A Clll
Kenosha's Football
Kenosha, 7; outh Division, 0
Kenosha, 33; \Iadison East, 14
Kenosha, 6; Beloit, 6
Kenosha, 9: Racine Wash inf!ton, 12
Kenosha, 70: Janesville, 0
Kenosha, 20; \Vaukegan, 6
Kenosha, 75; \Iadi~on ·w est, 0
Kenosha, 19: \lilwaukee Tc<'h, 0
Kenosha, 52: Racine Horlick. 0
Kenosha, 7; 1Jadison CPntral, 7
Page ... 104
The Kenosha High choo] Baslethall Team finished a brilliant season of
eompetition O) gaining a co-champiomhip with Beloit in the Big Eight Conference and a third place rating in the \lilwaukee Di,,trict Tournament. In their
quest for these honor~. they won fourteen games and lost hut three. The '"Red
Devih(' lo~l their first conference game to \1adi~on Ea~t, and then humbled in
turn all the other teams in the league. only to lo~e to Beloit in the final game
after a very thrilling battle. They entered the District Tournament a~ the favorites, hut a long-shooting'' auwato~a team defeated Kenosha in the first overtime game they have lost in three ! ear~. \lthough ~ome\\ hat discouraged b) this
sudden change of events, Keno,,ha proceeded to defeat Cudahy and Burlington,
two highly rated teams. Basketball folio\\ ers dt>elared Kenosha the best team in
the tournament, and Coach Engle'~ hoy~ were great favorite;, with the crowds.
In summing up the individual effort" of the members, \lario Pacetti\, guarding and clever ball-handling <ksene mention. Joe 'erpe",, dribhlinir proved to he
a big as;,et to the team. and To11y 'habarieh\ eye for the basket gained the quintet many needed point:,. Bob Cald,\ ell was one of the be,,t guards in the conference, and, as a pivot-man, Fritz Borah. '~as unbeatable. Charles l\Jemaseski and
Edo \laccari eould always be ealle<l upon, and the:. helped to ;,el up the fine
record for this year. All the other members of the squad played \\ell. and. as a
result. K.eno,,ha set up a record of \\ hich any ~chool in the country ma' \\ell he
Page ... 105
J \;ik \\ ICll
BOH \ !.
The Team
From a squad of eleven players, Coach L. E. Engle developed a number of fast-working combinations and produced a team that made a
plendid record.
Joe erpe was a very valuable player until his graduation in .January.
Hi abilitv to dribble, and his eve for the ba;;ket were sources of worrv
to Kenosl~a "s opponents. He couid al"o direct pla);; and '\as a ;,trong defensive player.
Fritz Borak operated at the pivot po ... ition. Ile u ... ed hi;; left hand very
effectively, and his famous one-handed push-up i:.hots collected many
\Iario Pacetti was hailed by sport.. critics as one of Lhl.' hest player
in the conference. Although large, \lario i;, a smooth and rapid player.
He played at both center and guard po5itiom.
Boh Caldwell played in all the ganws. He wa;; a devl.'r ball-handler
and a good shot. He was a deciding factor in many of the contests, for he
1\ as able to break up the passes and plays of the opposing team~.
Page ... 106
\10'\'111 \
'-II \B\HJ( . 11
Ton:r habarich '\a" a fa;..t-lra\elling fonrnrd. He had a ver) deceptive '·fake .. \\ hich helped him to obtain one of the highei:-t position;.. in
the individual ::-eoring <·olumn.
Charles Klema;..e,,ki tool- erpe"s place at guard after the latter"._
1-(raduation. He filled Joe"s pla<'e ver) effi<'ientl). He '\a" "peed). accurate on pa;..;..e;... and a good ;.hot.
Edo \laecari '\a;.. a fa;..t, "marl player ,\110 operated at a fon\anl po;..ition. His Jil-(htning break-, for the ba::-ket 1-(Uined many points for the
Jimm) Ru""o alternated al a 1-(Uard position. He \\aR pla<"ed on the
team earl) in the ;.ea;,on and <lid fine work.
Eddie J a-,J-'\ ieh earned a promotion from the ··B" team to the fir._t
squad b) his hard and -,tead) pla)ing. He \\a;, a rei:-erve guard and
played in i,everal games.
\lel \lonteen "a" another re-,erve guard who \\a;, promoted [rom the
"'B'" team late in the sea::-on. He was a good, dependable player and will
he in school for the ne:\.t t \\O ) ear;,.
Eugene Hammond, another graduate from the ·•B'" team. i;. a tall
player and \\ill probably be one of the best men next year.
Page ... 107
~~~&f::5THE SPYCtOO ~-~:::~
\I \CC .\ RI
K e nos ha's Bas k e tball
Kenosha, 15; :.\lad ison East, ] 9
Kenosha, 17; Racine \Va hington, 15
Kenosha, 37; \ladi~on West, 9
Kenosha, 24; Beloit, 18
Keno ha, 29; \ladison Central, 13
Kenosha, 35; Janesville, 20
Kenosha, 18; \1adison East, 14
Kenosha, 24; \ladison Central, 23
Kenosha, 15; Racine Washington, 6
Kenosha, 24; Waukegan, 21
Keno ha, 33; J aneRville, 9
Kenosha, 24; \1adison West, 22
Kenosha, 21; Beloit, 24
Kenosha, 22; Wauwatosa, 25
Kenosha, 26; West "\lilwaukee, 14
Kenosha, 33; Cudahy. 19
1' enosha, 30; Burlington, 13
Page ... 108
C .\LO\l: ELL
19:10 Trac k Tea1n
The 1930 Kenosha High Tra<"k Team participated in onl)' three major meets:
the Bay View Quadrangular, the Big Sevpn Conference, and the tale \]pet.
Kenosha\ first real teq of any <'On,e<1uerH'C' Look plaeC' at the one-fifth mile
track al Bay\ ie\\. The thin <'lads plact>d third among a field of four ~<'hook A
list of points follO\~s: \lario Pacetti, B: Ilarrv \\ icklund, 9: Joe a\\ieli. 3: Joe
Bahieh, 3: 'tanle)' Pileski. 3: GPorge \Janson, 2: 1\orman \Iadison. 2.
'\.t \la<lison. tlw ··Red Fliers·· s<·orehed the <"irnlers of Camp Randall ,o :mrwx
the Big Eight Conf'erenee \\ ith a to la I of 6-P~ markPr~. It is intere~ting to note
that KPnosha has \\On eaeh mc•el sincf' the inception of the <'arniYa1 in 1926.
Kenosha" s point earners "ere• \1 ario Pacetti, 15: JI arr~ \\ ieklund, 14: .loP
Sawicki, 8: George \Janson. 5: ' tanle} PileRki, 5: Gordon SchmPlling. 4: Bud
Latham, 3: Rohnt Cald,\ell. 3: orrnan \1 ad i,..on. 3: Lf'on Re\\ in~k ~. 21/2 : E<lo
\la<'<'ari. 1: Louis Ka1h\ it. 1.
Gaining speed and experiente, Kenosha "s thin <·lacb, composed mo~tly of
sophomores and junior._, obtained the third placp ranking in a field of :-ixteen
dass ,\ ;.ehools for the second su<'<'e"sivf' vear in the annual State \leet held at
Camp Randall, \ladit-on; it \ms by the ve~y small margin of one-half point ,hat
Kenosha was ouRted out of second place. Four of the eight entrantR were reE-ponsible for the ninetepn poinh a<'cumulatPd hy 1'.enosha. \lario Pacetti obtained eleven point" by finishing first in the javelin throw with a heave of 165
feet, sPcond in the di.,cu", and ;.econd in the "hotput. George \lanson secured
three point'- in the HO-yard dash. \\hile Joe Sawicli earned one point in the
i:.ame event. Harry \\ icklund garnered four points in the 100 and 220-y ard
Although it failed to gain the championship. the Keno.,ha Golf Team made
an impressive sho,~ing in the annual competition of the Big even Conference
and in minor meets \\ ith other .,,chools.
With a team constructed around Richard c\ . . hlcy, the captain. ,he niblick
wielders of Kenosha suffered defeat at the hamh of a Waukegan contingent. 11
to 1, in a match play tournament.
Early in the "eason the team participated in a dual match with the golfers
of Racine \\ ashinglon Park High chool, and were defeated. 246 Lo 263. in a
fourteen-hole. medal play match. A \\eek later they staged a comeback and defeated the°" ashington Park lPam. 356 to 359, in a return dual meet on ihe
triek, Kenosha Countn Club terrain.
I~ the Big even Co.nference golf competition. Kenosha placed fourth with a
total of 254 stroles. Richard dii,;played his mastery of the irons by getting ,.econd
low ;;core with a eount of 76.
At the talc \leet at Edgerton. Kenosha, the defending champion•. [ailed ·io
place with the leadert'; Dick, ho,\ever, was one of the outstanding golfers at "the
tournament: he Lied for medal '<'ore honors with a 79, and obtained the fourth
lo\\esl individual score.
The Kenosha team was composed of the follo\\ ing player:,: Diel _.\ -hley,
'\.lex Gemmel, Samuel Frank ... Peter Camponesch i. and Carl harfinski.
\ Ir. \\ ard, ,d10 has devoted urnch time Lo thP promotion of golf in Kenosha
High School, ~hould be commend eel for his work a~ the organizer and instructor
Page ... 109
~~~BlOTIIE SPYC"OO_~ ::b..~
~ ..
. . ~·
1930 ~\\ l\1\11'-G TE.\\1
S "~iJu1ni11g
Kenosha's wimminir Team, un<ler the coachinir of Mr. Enirle, finished the
1930 season by winning its t'econ<l consecutive stalt' titlt' '\ ith a tally of 35 points.
The Kenoshans who composed the title team were Captain Bill Kirar, E<ldie
Kirar, Kenneth Cady. Eugene )]oriarity, Leon Regner, Cedric Young, and Bernard Van ~ ormer.
A combination of E<ldie Kirar, Kenneth Cady, Eugent' \loriarty, and Leon
Regnn annexed the free style relav evt'nt, brt'aking their own record by threetenths of a second. The record breaking medley relay team was composed of
Van Wormer, Young, and Bill Kirar. They brole the old record by t'ight-tenths
of a ,,econd.
Capt. Bill Kirar, displayinir more than his usnal speed, set a new mark in
the 100-yard swim, and al1-o won first place in the lO-yard ~" im.
Bernard Van "\\: ormer, a consistent performer in the backstroke events, .rated
a third in the 100-yard backstroke, and also swam in the record breaking medley
relav team.
\luzzy 'loriaritY, who swam on both the relav teams, rated ;,econd in the 100vard hacbtrokc, a1;d third in the 100-vard free ·,.,,Jc evcnh.
. Eddie Kirar placed third in the -!0-yard free s.tyle S\\ im, and \\a!< a member
of the 160-' anl relav team.
Ken ;dy. \\ho had heen used in many '>peed) <•omhinatiom throughout the
vear, wa~ a member of the 160-yard relav iearn.
· Leon Regner, another spee<ly free styler, also helped to garner points in the
160-yard relay event.
Ced 1 oung, \\ho won many points during the season by his classy diving,
swam the breaststroke in the 120-vard medlev relav team.
Other members of the 1930 te~m, who he°lpe1l ·to win points in dual meets
during the year, hut who did not compel<' in the state meet, were Junior Kitz-
Page ... 110
1'1:11 S\\ 1\1 \11:\( ; TL\\I
row and Frank Zemaites, swimminp; the breaststroke: Joe Bubul and Ravmond
Glp111, "wim111inp; free style: \\ e-ley everanre sw imminp; the backstrok~: and
Georp;e Thompson as the diver.
Another mark of di;, tin ct ion \\as the creditable shO\\ inl! that the .eam made
in the ational lnten. rholastir \lcet. held at 'orth\\estern l niversit,. The relay team gained a fourth, and Ca pt. Bill Kirar obtained a second in th~ 100-y ard
free style: this put Kenosha in '-Cventh place.
In the invitational meet at\\ aukel!an. Kenosha plaeed third in a list Jf -e\en
1"choolb an<l proved her \\ orth hy rankinp; ahead of "'\e\\ Trier and \\ aukel!an.
at who;,e hands she had previous!) ..,uffered defeat.
The 1931 team. \\eakened by the lo•s of •ome of ih most experienred ,..,\ immeri:;, was defeated by _\mtin. \\est .\Jlis. and \laine TO\\n .. hip High.
On the other hand. Keno"ha wa" victorious O\er Janesville and t\\ice defeated
"- e;,t \lih\ aukee\ water-canf'rs.
Although swinuning hat-. been a major sport al kenosha High chool for only
three years, Coach Engle has produced three surcessive ;:..tale title champl:i.
TJui. Team
Bill Kirar is the captain and maim.tay of the Kenosha High chool wimminp; Tea111. The exceptionally fine time the free sty le rela) team ha .. ah\ay;,
made i" due to his v. ork as anrhor 111an. [n the 100-, anl C\en t. he hold-. the .•tate
record at :57.7. Another of his "tar events is the 50:,ard free stvle.
Eddie Kirar, a brother of Bill, promi~es to surirnl:is Bill\ }>erformances. .\t
preHcnt, with the exception of his brother, he i" tlw faste"t free ;,tyler in the .tatt>.
He Rwim;, the 50-\ar<l and has a berth on each of the rela, teams. In the medlt>\
relay he S\\illl" as anchor man and does much to make ui> any loss incurred h~
the previou" ;,wimmcr,.,.
Bernard \ an ~ ormer is the "tandbv in the back;,,troke. He has broken the
I~I;;;:·;: \; ;•o: :50-) a<d medle,_._,.~~~'O?.;.J , ,
Page ... 111
J...IH \H
ldH \H
\ \'\ \\011\lEll
llEG'\I· II
I'\ II\ 11-.J... \
l• l.OCJ...Ell
~ ~·· ~"'~""""
Ts: l!:1(-,).'\,IP.,-SO'\
Page ... 112
l ndn the able tutelage of \Ir. Clarence Bayler, 1'.eno~ha High ' chool\
Tennis Tt>am had a ver;. ~nccessful season. \\ ieldin!J: their racquet" 11ith >ictorious sweeps, the team was eapahlc of evenintr up a ~erie~ h~ securing two triumphs
over team~ that had defeated the ''Reds" .in 1929.
Keno,.ha 's first match of an) importance wa;, held at the Lincoln Park ·~ourt:-;
atrain~l \Vauketran. Bernie Brenaman defeated \~ auketran's most talente<l player
in the ~inglel', while Joe moJinl'k;., \\ esle;. Brinh.111an, and the \\ alano\1itz
brother,., Clark and Alfom-e, ;,ubdued their opponent:-; in the double~. Kenosha
\1011 the match 3 to 2.
Racine \"( ashintrton Parh. aho ,.uffcred defeat from the Keno~ha raequet
\1ielders hy a count of 3 to 1. Brenaman wa~ again in the limelitrht; he defeated
chuman, Racine's mo:.-t capable ~intrle~ pla~er, 6-1, 4-6, 8-6. \\' esley Brinckman
and Joe molinsh.y \1on their he~t double~ match of the "ca"on.
Bill"\( I.. \I\"\
Page ... 113
\0.\ \(;..
.... \l'l'l !:i
The team took part 111 the Big Seven ConfC'ren<'e <'Ompel1t1011 at 'ladi;..01I.
Bernie Brenaman of the ··Reels" worked hi" \\ ay into the finah for the singles
tenni;.. crown, but\\ a~ climinatC'cl b' Arnolcl of Beloit b, a ;..<'ore of 6-1 ancl 6-1.
'leairnhile, molimk, and Brinkn~an \\Cre d£'fratcd i1; the final round of the
doubles champiomhi1; match.
In the annual mcC'l hdcl for 1;tate pr<'p tenni.., player.., at \ladi;.on the follo\\ing \\eek, the Keno;.lrn player" made a goo1l ,,ho,\ing. Out of 129 ;,ingle •.' nlranh
and at the encl of l\\ o cla):; of stre1rnous <'Om petition, Bernie BrPnaman ·, \on
fourth place in the ... ingle,,,
The Kenosha double" combination, Brinkman and Schaeffer, ~\ere eliminated
in the third round of competition by the horewood team, \\ho continued I.heir
string of victorie" to\\ in the o;tate double• crO\\ n.
Considering the fact that Keno,,ha \\as the only Big even Conference i.,chool
to resiRt elimination in th<' fir,.;t roundF- of the tournament, ih rerord can he
\ie\\ed with pride'.
\lr. Bayler. after "uch a succet';-ful sea..,on, hopes to keep hi;.. team in the upper bracket" of the tennis game. Although Berni<' Brenaman and Joe molin..,ky
\\ill have graduated, a num her of veteran;.. \\ill be back for "crvi<'c ue-._t ea boll.
) Lu;
PagP ... 114
~~~8inTHE SPY~ ~-~11
I '\GU.
ll \l Ell
inre the fonninl! of the Bil! , i~ Conferenre in 1925, Keno~ha Hil!h rhool
team ... have maintainr!l a hil!h athlrtic reronl. De ... pite the fart that "e lack ct'Ttain eonvenience..,, ehampion,..hip team ... in football, ba ... h.ethall, track, and ,,wimminl! have rewarded efforts of Coaches Linuence Enl!le and Fred Bauer.
Coaeh Enl!le, \\ho directs all the athletic activitie ... , aided by Fred Bauer, had
a fe,\ member" from the 1929 football champion ... with '~hich to '-'on;;truct
a ne\\ team. Gatht'Tinl! his old and ne\\ material. Coach Enl!le produced a ,eam
that l!ained ... late reeol!nition and plaeed in a tie for second plaee (\\ith \ladiso11
East I in the Bil! Eil!ht Conferenee.
\\ ith t-everal veteran~ from tlw 1929-30 continl!ent and a nnmher of playefo
from Coach Bauer\ ··B-Squad"', Coaeh Enl!le formed a team that earned a •'O·
champion ... hip \\ ith Beloit in the Bil! Eil!ht ConferPn<'e, and retained their third
place ratinl! in the \lilwaukee Di,,trict Tournament.
\lthoul!h kt"no ... ha ha,.. only a ... mall cinder tra('k on \\hi ch lo praetice, Coach
Enl!le developed a l!roup of thinlie;; that s\\ept throul!h the Bil! Eil!ht Confert"nce for the fifth con,..ecutive ~Cabon, placf'd third in the Bay View Carnival. and
obtained a thinl in the Wiscon"in tatc Inter-scholastie Track \lcet.
Kenobha Hil!h
chool's Swimm in I! Team \\on their third consecutive tate
by \\ inninl! the tate \Icet which \\a;, held in the
:,.\~imminl! champion,..hip
I~·::;: 9J ~--- ~WslliY:.O
Page ... 115
Girls· i\.thletie ~~ssoeiation
First emester
Harriet Curran
Ione Ripley
Amelia Gulan
Loretta Cayo
Mildred Pobar
\1iss Ellenz and \fiss Palmer
Vice-Pre~iden t
Student Council
Facultv \dvisors
eco11d emesl<•r
Ellen Lawson
Lucille Pitts
Helen Host
Jane Wilson
'1.ildred Pohar
\1iss Ellenz and \1iss Palmer
Florence Blanlle'
Jo..,elta Blomf'r
Brrnadint Brehm
Belt) 8uC'hman
S)hia l:hri .. ten .. on
Beth Colman
Cat l~leen Corr
JO)('e Correll
Durolh) Crarne
Emi!) Oanjanorich
Doroth) Do. f')
Berni('f' Dorman
Patri(·ia Don
Elizabelh Ellrrton
Belt" E\ en
Dori·., £,er-.
Ann Caff1H")'
Helen Gaille ..
Rtrtha Ga1lano""iC'1'
\tartha Gile-.
Emily Gintzler
Ila Geane Gradf'
Amelia Gulan
\1ar) Curiun
FranC'e., Halr<'L1
\ 1qcinia Han ... en
Laura Herrman
\1ildred Herrman
Gene\iC\f' Hiii1tim
Irrnf' HiJt~in>i
Helen ffo .. t
\1aqr:arf'I Holdrn
f...athr) n Hoppe
\ ernetta Hubert
Romaine Ja<'ob .. on
Gaulle John .. on
Ruth John .. on
\ erna k.aro"' •)
Ali<'e Kin .. ella
Lillian Klt>i .. 1
Hrnrif'lla Klf'n .. lif'n
lrf'llf' Klinir:beil
Con .. lanC'e 1'..lf'' iC'kis
Lorrainf" Kollman
Hazt-1 1'.olu
tf'lla Karpa("h
Jean Koo ..
Harriet 1'..uhta
£,a hu)•~•
\1ar) Kuzmidt
.\lice Lan,r:enba('h
Irene LaJf'une .... e
Fllt"n La"'"'on
Stella l.azar
Brtt) LocL"'ood
1'..athr)n \tarli;,
\1arian \1arL.,
Grue \1artin
Ruth \1dlrath
Ann \1odrijan
\1arion \lone
Lois "\thlson
\1ary 'ic('o)ai
llf'tl) O'Brif'n
Fern Pnry
\' h ian Peter .. on
Lucille Pitt ..
Lorrainr O"Connor
\lildrf'd Pohar
\ ir·1tinia Pratzer
Ooroth) Rapp
'1ildrtd Ra .. mu .... en
Ode., .. a Ri('hard..,
lone Riple)
Jo .. ephinr Sa"'i('Li
Fran('f'' Shrppard
Beatri('e S('hmidt
Brrni<'e ~imon
\1ar) Simp .. on
Helf'n Skilbed..
Eu,r:rnir ~no"' hooL
\1ario11 Stahl
Berni('f" Sl<'in
Camilla Stf'lla
Jrnni<" Stf'lla
\1f'ha Stille
Hf'lf'n S"'iharl
Lorraine Thelen
1\fary Anna Tht-let-n
Alice Thoma ...
\ 1q~inia Thomp .. on
\1art ha Tii.hon
L>oroth)' Tull)
\larv \an ~ ormer
Earl, ne \ olkert
Bealri('e Walli..,
\1ar" ~ anenLo
\tar~ 'Wh)te
\1ildrt"d Wilmot
Jane ~ ilc,on
Adf'linf' ~ ilke
r\nna Ziuiz
[ .. tht"r Corn"' ell
Carmf'lla OeChri-.topher
Charlottt" Gira
l\f arjorie "\olan
Jtnnif' Sif'tr:f'l
Lort"lla Ca)O
Elizabtth "\e"' man
Harrit>t Curran
01,;a PetricL
The Girls' Athletic Association is an organization with the purpose of iostering an interest among the girls of Kenosha High chool in health habits and in
all form~ of physical a<'livitif's which rnakt> for better health and efficiency.
The membert-ihip is restricted to tho~f' girlb ~ho have acquired 100 points.
Each member must earn 100 points a senwster or forfeit her member hip to the
~h~=;, •~-.<led fo, 500 po;nt< an<l a "K" fo, 1000 po-i1-lt~s~.=~
~~931~~Page ... 116
~~~&OTIIE SPY™-~ ti"- c--,
Tit_. Trident Club
'\lildred Pobar
.\nn Gaffne\
Lorraine Thele;1
Bettv O'Brien
"\tis;; Ellenz, "\Ii~s Palmer
. ecretan
Student Council Repre~entative
Faculty .\dvi..,or..,
Flor n<'e Blankley
Bernadine Brehm
~' h ia Cbri,teri-on
s·~uv Colman
Cath.leen Corr
Berni<'!' Donnan
\nn GafTnev
'irginia Ha;i-en
Genevie' e Higgins
Helen Ho't
\ ernella Hubert
Gazelle Johnoon
Hazel Kolu
Bettv Lockwood
1\tarion Mor-e
Loi' \ebl,on
Beuv O'Brien
Mildred Pobar
\ iv ian Peter-on
Lucille Pith
Mildrf'd Ra,mu,,en
France' !:'lheppard
Bt:rnice Simon
Eugenie Snowhook
}1arian Stahl
Bernice Stein
Lorraine Thelen
l\lan Anna Theleen
Martha Ti,hon
G" en Caldwell
Cori-tan re h..Je, icki,
'.\1ary Simpson
Dorothy Tully
\1ary Whyte
.\lire h..iri-ella
The Trident Club is a ne\\ organization formed for the purpose of encouraging progre..,~ in ..,,\ imming among girls.
The memben, of this club hav ... proved their ability and have appeared ju
both bop· and girh • swimming meet:,.
Each "Pring the girls of the winuning Department have put on a pageant.
This year the Trident Club sponsorecl it. It '\as presented in play form in which
form. racing, diving, and titunt~ were ~hown. The characters in the play were co~
tumed in bright colon,.
Page ... 11-;
Pag,>. ..118
Cltampionsld11 Basketball Team
Adeline WitJ...e
Jo,ella Blomer
Loi, ehhon
Bemire RarnieJ...i-
\ iv ian Peter,on
Mar} Kuzrnid1
\lilclred Pohar
Joyre Correll
Jane WiJ,on
Thib year more girls camP out for ba~ketball than e\er before. In fact. i-o
man;r reported that beven teams v.ere organized, a1Hl a tournament wa:, arrang d.
The teams were divided o.o that all the sophomore;., junior.;;, and senior,, were
classed together, each team choosing a color to de,.,ignate it.
The Blue Junior Team came out victoriou"' al the cJo,,e of a o.erie;, of Q;ame,.
with a record of six win;, and no losses. As the Black enior Team had th~ i:;ame
record, it \\a:, necessary lo play off the tie to decide the championship. Thi,..
game proved to he the mo:;l exciting of the :,eries, nol only because it \\ ai, the
deciding game. but because all 1 he \\ ay through the ;;core was very close. It
ended with a score of 11-10 in favor of the Blue Junior,.., giving them ,he
l~i _;o:h~ ~ 16
Page ... 119
~~~~THE SPY™-~-~-z- c;
Sports ~tanagers for tit~ Years
of 1930 and 1931
Jane 'W ilson
\lildred Pobar
'Iary Ann Thel en
Vivian Peterson
Ruth 'lcJlrath
Betty Coleman
BASEBALL- In the spring of ever~ year, interc>st in baseball is evident among
the girls. Each year a tournament is held to determine the champion team. Last
year the Juniors were victorious.
TRACK- Another major sport which is very popular in the sprinl! if' traek; an
indoor track meet was held this year.
\h'\OR PORTS- \lost of the minor sport~, induding horse-back riding, ho,ding, roller skating, ice-skating, and hiking, are not given in the curriculum, but
the girls are very active in them outside of school.
THE COACHES- The Department of Phybical Eclu<'ation for girls in the Kenosha High chool has on it staff two directors, \Jiss Dorothy Ellenz and \liss
Ruth Palmer. TogNher, they conduct a program of activities out-of-doorR and
in the gymnasium and bwimming pool. Jt includes instruction in swimming and
in seasonal sports, such as golf, tennis, basketball, baseball, volleyball, occer,
track, and in field athletics.
Page ... 120
Fleeting shadows
Cro!'i' the meadow s ;
' un,.,hine dance::, b).
Hear it! Hark!
A meadow lark
erenading his ne\\ love.
From rain flurrie ...
0111~ llO\\ hurrie,.,,
Bustling. Through the i,k)
At the dawning
Comes the mourning
Of the "ad and plaintive dove.
There\, a rainbo'\
Lovely ro,,e-glo\\ ;
Raindrops round it throng.
Here"::, a 'ellow
~aucv feilo\\
Dandelion impudent!
BirdF< are huilding
e,.ts, and gilding
All the world \\ith song.
unri~e e arly
In i-kie:, pea~ly,
ha do\\" arched and bent.
- DoROTff\ Dn,n. I A
Page ... 121
3 One thou;.and four hundred and 8i'l) p<'ople lf'avc vacation da)" lwhind.
3 ~ e accept thirteen new teachers for hPtler or for wor$e.
19 Si~11?;ing. talk..., and refre:;hments help to make girls acquaintC'd at rre .. hman
26 Staff launche,, campaign for the 1931 '·Biggn. BPLter Kenew.,:·
1 l: pon the advice of '1 it',., Luln Greener. fre .. hie., decide lo "avC' pennic;. anti
go to college.
3 '"They al,,o 8ervp" tC'nni~ tournament IH'gin" al Lincoln Park.
9 Free admi8sion lo ''Grumpy."' Lucky enior \\;!
15 "Smiles" brings laughs to many, a:; thPy watch their fellow student;. rn the
musical c:xlravaga nza.
16 Lucille Pitt:. poses a;, manikin al Barden·.-.
17 Americans go Roman in SC'enes rrom .\rwa,.,.
18 T\\O thousand copie., of '·Victon \larC'h" are put on the market.
24 Keno Ko-ed;; transformed to Japanese flapper" by Dr. Flu de. Hi-) Treat.
30-31 Time out! Teachers' Convention.
5 Dead come to life. Girls' Swimming Club reorganized.
6 '"Kenews..., selects George ordstrom 's de,.,ign for name pla le.
11 '"Cheers for the living, LC'ars for the dC'ad."'
12 Stellar quarterback smashes individual records. Hurrah for Joe!
20 \Ir. Buege gives '·low down" on all the football players at ban<1uet given b)
Girl Reserve ....
26 Tennis Club gives dime dance- lots of love games.
5 ·when you find out who goes with what J unior-Scnior Prom.
6 College Club en lerlains the senior girls al a <ea.
9 '·O Beautiful High of Kenosha" boosted af' s"hool song for K. H.
10 ··way back when " \h.,. Bradford give;; hi,., Lory of old Civil \\- ar :Hag.
19 chool closes with pep for Christmas Holidayto. G. A. A. dance. \lerr) Chri;.;tmas! Happy -ew \ear!
9 Coach Enf!;le a\\-ard;., K\ to twenty-ninr proud nrnHlers of !iporh.
10 Courageous '·Ossy" leads cheers. "A-great big- locomotive!"
16 Seniors over-eat at last spread, before going out into the world to earn their
bread and huller.
19-23 It's all over hut the c,ra1~1ming ~.IHI the "rying.
21 Laughs and lean; at the ·T1µ;ht-wad.
"Good-h,o fomeo-!"
Page ... 122
f :al~ndar
10 Saxophone artists blow awa) our iroubles.
11 Hilda Robert" dected aH keen ··Keno's Ko-ed !..
12 TeaC'lwrH take their place behind footlight... in '·Pinocchio:·
12 We prefer Lincoln to \\ ashinglon ihis year.
13 Opti111i;;tie youn~ folkH attend "'Haril Tirne"' Danc·p" on Frida) the 1hirtet>nth.
17 We miss our <!inner;. to hear xylophone aee ....
20 01<1 fashionrd crooners c roon at Forum danc·e.
21 Shootin/.( an' ('\Pf) thin!-( in the pla) •·Two Crook;. and a La<ly:·
\I .\RCH
17 Badger C'oaeh addre%es prospeetive eolle/.(e athletes at luneheon 1-(iven by
Rotan Cluh.
17 Hop i!iven in honor of Saint Patrick by G . .\ . .\.
20 Our athlete" sho" the) C'an "'tep livel) some plaee else be.,ide"' on the field,
"K"' Club dance.
2-1 \ lr. Paddoek makes maiden ... pecch in Keno ... lia at Girl Resene banquet.
27 •·Jn the "prin/.( a )OUn/.( man·, fane) lightly turn"' to ·"Pring .aeation.
1 April Fool!
6 ··- do ordain and establi,.h thi ... Con..,titution of the l nited tate ... of \merica'".
Oratorical Conte"!.
10 pla,,h ! pla;;h ! Girb · an cl hoy,.· S\\ imming team .. are carnival-"truck.
24-25 Our M\ immers and public ,.peakers bring home the bacon in the ,.hape of
th rce loving cups, a placqul'. an cl a banner ... On. on. Keno-.ha !"'
\I .\ )'
l Romeo hang., a basket on Juliet".., door.
8 Lyceum and .. K .. Club i:;pring hop.
12 \lothers entertained by daughter~ at Blue Triangle banquet.
23-24 Po\\ ers Lake- G . .\. A. Cabin Party.
Jr E
3 Final finah l'or ;;enior;. hegin.
8 Last get together for teachen. and graduates banquet.
10 •· \rHI all thr mrn and \\Omen 111erl'l) player..... -.eniori:; put on da-.s pla\.
11 Girl Re;,crve follow;; traditional cm, tom of \lother ... · and Teacher< tea.
·The End of the Trail""
Page ... 123
Wl1o·s \Vllo in K e uos lta Digit S t•hool
A:-.OFRSO,, 'IARJE- Pre,.,iclenl of Blue Ill, fin,l "eme;,ler
APPLF, BER'\ .\RO Pre,,idenl of Sophomore B Cla,.,,,
ing p;olfer
Prc,.,idenl of Hi-\ Cl uh, fii·,.,t and second "emesler~; ouhla11d-
PreRiclenl of Freneh Cluh, fir..,t and o;;e<·o111l RemeRler"
BEALPRE, ]FRO,IE- Pre:-ident of Pep Cluh, first and Recond »emesler"
BISHOP, 'l u .cour Bu,.,inel',, editor of the • py. 1931
BoRA1'., FRED- Captain-elc<'l of Ba~kethall Team
BRl,CK,1.\'\, ~' ESLEY Prt>sident of Tenni,., Cluh, fir~l and Reco1Hl scn1e;,ter;,; outstanding: tennii, pla)er
CALD\\ELL, ROBERT PreRident of ''K" Club, i:-econd !:'emesler
Cook., \lARY --Presidenl of Blue Triang:le II. Recond "lemeio>ler; consul of Latin
CORR, CATHLEE'\ -Literar~ editor of !he • py. 1931
CRA O.\LL, \ IRGl'\J \ Pre,.,idenl of Blue Triang:le I, fir,.,l aiHl sr<·oncl l'emesler"
CL RR.\'\, H .\RRIET- Pre,.,iden l of Girh' -\th leti<' .\ssociation, fir·..,t ;,eme,,ter
DA,IDS, 'hRTLE- Patrol Leader of Girl Seoul"- Troop I
DEBRL I'I, -\oRl.\'\ Out~tanding band mcmher
ERICKSO'\, ELSIE-President of Lyceum Leag:ue, second serne>-ler
GAFF'\EY, -\ Y\ - Comml of Latin Club
GEORGI, OPHJE Out:-tanding member of \ Cappella Choir
GRAB'\ER, HELE'\ - Yaledictorian of 'lid-year Clas"
HA '1'10'<0, ELGE'\E- ~inner in Kenosha "lie\\ s Oratorical Contel't
HA'\SIS, HO\\ARO- Pre;,ident of Junior B Class
HA'\SO...,, 1'i"OEL- President of Senior B Class; captain-elect of Football Team
HART'\EK. RLOOLPH Prebiclent of Beta Phi Kappa, first l'emester
HASTl'\G . ROBERT- President of Red Trian1de, fir;-t semeRter
HE'\"FY, FLORE'\CE- Presid nt of Blue Triang:le 11, firt->l ... e111e,.,LPr
HLA \ ACEK. \lARY- Pret->ident of Niwauna Club, firRt semester
HOEFER, RLTH- Patrol leader of Girl cout;,, Troop I
HoLOER!\ES , DOROTil 1 President of Lyceum League, first seme;,ler
HosT, HELE'\ - Outstan<ling: diver
] 01n, o...,, G \ZELLE Ou tstanclinµ: bWi mmcr
J OH'\SO'\, RLTH- PreRident of Trident Club, firRt ,<emeRter
KEYE~,\ IRGl'\1A- President of Blue Trianµ;le III, Recond ;;eme~ter
Page ... 121
Patrol leader of Girl Scouts, Troop II
\C'<'Ompani~t for
Chief-councilor of Student Council
<'hool Choru
Pret-ident of Girl"' Athletic A~soeiation. ;;ecoud t-<>me..,ter
LE'\CtO•I. \lH BfLLE
LI'\O(,RE", OscAR
\ Cappella Choir and High
President of Girls· Glee Club
Cheer Lea1ler
LIPPERT, \lARGARFT· President of , pani~h Club, first and second semest<>rs
\ccompanist for Girls' Glee Club, first and second
Drum major of ban cl
\lonRIJA ,.,,, \ 'Y \
Ou Mand inµ: ba..,ebatl player
\luROOCH, \] AR'l
President of Girl Reserve Club, first semester
President of \]id-year Cla1:;"
OZAKI, \lILTO"\ PreAident of Forum Club. second semester; president of
eminar Club, first beme!iter: captain of the egative Debating Team
PACETTI, \lARIO-President of "K" Club, first semester; captain of Football
Team; honorary captain of Basketball Team
PENMA,.,, ALEX- President of Beta Phi Kappa, second semester
Outstanding tennis player
President of Trident Club, second semester
RAGO'\, DA:-.- President of Red Triangle, second ;;emester
RIPLEY, Io"E· President of Seminar Club, second semester; valedictorian
ROBERTS, HILDA- Pre ident of Forum Club, first semester; president of Journalism Club, first semester; captain of A flirmative Debating Team
SCHEER, ALE:\.-President of German Club, seeond 1:;emester; president of
ior A Class
CHEER, J A'lES- Prebident of ophomore A Clas!>
Cff,.,FIOFR, EDITH Prei;ident of German Club, first semester
OPHIE- President of Ii'' auna Club, second semester
Outstanding member of Boys' Glee Club
'\O\\ HOOK, ELGE'\IE- President of Girl Reserve Club, second seme ter
T1u:LH'\, \h.R'l -\'\'\.\
Out!itanding golfer
President of Junior A Class
the Ke11e1cs
Pret-ident of Journalibm Club, "econd ~ eme"ter; editor of
\VILSO'\, ]A'\E· Out"tanding ha::.letball player
l~L _;;':L~l=mh:o: ><hool o«he.trn-~....~
~ J~ VJJ ~-~"'_,..
Page ... 125
Page ... 126
1~ ~ SCH([~
~~&5±~ 93 ~~~
Page ... 127
HAMl"O ~ P
It \\a;, a <lifficult a~signment for an inexperienced person, hut it had to be
done. becau"e one cannot dictate his O\\ n terms \\hen working on a llC'\\ .,paper.
I was to see \Jar ... ! I shook every time l thought about it. But this wa;, no time
for shivering. l \\hi,,tled for my courage, and hurried away to find .,ome one \\ho
could direct me to my de,,tination.
'Iars wa,, unknown to me except for what I had read about its having <'anal,,.
Perhaps one of our bright seniors eou]cl alfonl to give some of hi.., kno,dedge to
a poor girl in di;,tre;,s. I "auntered over to a ho) who had a very high forehead.
udging him gently, I blurted out, '·Can you tell me how to get to \lars'?"
He smiled eondet-eendingly, ··Ought to ht> up a little farther, si.,ter."
Lp a little farther! ~ell, I had no airplane, and ;,o the be.,t I C'ould do 1rn..,
to ask my poor feet to carry me up Lo the third floor, where there might lw a
door onto the roof. Then ma) he some goddes.., \1011ld bestow a pair of' \\ing.., on
me. I \\alked ..,}o,d) up;,tain,,
Third floor. arnl [ an~~led up to another intc>lligent·looking heing and a..,ked.
·Ho\1 can I get to \la r..,?
'·"'ell. I don't Oh, there he it> now!" \\a" the repl).
:\Ian, h<'r<''! \catastrophe! I stared unbelievingly, hut coming to,1ard me I
course not! Thi;, terrible planet of Ill) imagination was none other than the good
~·=·=·~~;~,~--Page ... 128
~~2:%-~8ifj 1HE SPYC'\00 ~;:j; •
In a Story Book
In En1dish class we read a tale;
It is renowned o"e r hill and dale;
'Tis not so true, vet not a fake.
It' called the L~dy of the Lake.
It's interesting, romantic, too,
And if you want to know who "s who,
I'll tell you who the person arc
From Loch Katrine to lam-Var.
Young Ellen is a lady fair
\Vi th eyes of hlue and raven hair;
And \lalcolm is her love so true.
With hair so light and eyes so hlue.
""\Jany great dangers they do meet.
But in the en<l thev do defeat
All enemies, and live in peace,
For all their trouble;, then do cea,,I.'.
And Besides ... !
Real Life in One Act
The time ne. t eptt>rnher
The place- a country school
The persom, a 1931 Kenosha graduate. teacher; a class in art; 21 ambitious
Properties: The atmosphere, paper, paste, cardboard, cloth, tape, desks,
books, inore pa:;te. ruler ....
Teacher: °'~ Ii,,ten \\bile I tell you \\hich i:iide i~ the \Hong "ide to paste on.
The top side i,_ the right "ide. The bottom ide i:; the light 1Side, and that",, the
wrong ide; so don't pa~te on that '<ide, but put your paste on the dark ..ide. aml
then turn it up"ifle d°'~ n on the wrong bide 1 mean the right ,,ide \\ ith the
wrong side on the top "ide.
Voice 1. \Vhat?
Teacher: Turn the cloth to the \Hong side, and then turn the paper so that
the top side is on the left and becomes the left sideoice 2.
Teacher: \es. Tl;i" ,,idt' is tlw side to paste on. Be sure ! our pa"te is on the
wrong side, which is the right "ide. If you paste on the right side, that's the
wrong side, and the "ides of the cloth will be lop-sided; so don't paste on the
wrong side; pa-.,te on the \Hong i:-ide.
Voice 3. \\ hich i:-ide? The wrong side or the left bide, or did you ;;ay the
Teacher: I l:iaid the \\ rong side; don "t get the "rong iii de . .\nd het-ide,.,
Page ... 129
Page ... 130
~~--afj TIIE SPY 0tle ~~~
]ways my pal have y·ou heen,
A trusty friend indeed,
\'\hen there wa;;n't a thing to do,
ot even a book to read.
1 ou have Runshine in \Our heart.
There is wisdom in yo'ur speech;
You hring knowledge to my ears\\ hy, there's nothing you can't teach!
When a storm waR raging without,
Or the snow was falling fa , t,
~hen the folk~ had gone away,
To you my eyes I cast.
) ou can make me laugh or \\.eep,
Eveningb when the lights are lo\\.
ing a song, or play a tune~ hat a pal- my radio!
- \hKE
i1111amo11 and Spice
Once upon a time, into a land where human bodiei-; are fashioned, came an
order from the Almighty King for a little girl. • -ow as it happened <hat
particular day that there '"as neitlwr over-supply nor over-demand for little
girls, it was decided that she ;,hould be giYen a "en iceable body of no particular
beauty. ): ou o;ee, beautiful bodie" are made only during :,lack times, to increa"e
demand. o the ordinary instrument;; for hearing, "eeing, "melling, tasting, and
feeling were mi'-ed "ith the u~ual amounts of flesh and hone:, with a little extra
height for good measure, and the result '"a" very much the i;ame as ah\ a)'"·
Then thi" empty body was sent to another department to be given a soul.
Here a 1mpply of stubbornne~"- a pinch of laziness, quite a display of temper,
and too much seriousnes;; were mi ... ed '"ith quietneb;., thoughtfulnel:'s, loyalty,
friendline,..s, initiative, and very little originality. To these \\ere added a love for
beauty, a passion for collecting thing;;, and a good live intere"t in :-ports. Thus
the 1,;oul is made according to one knO\\ n formula, and individuality re;;ults from
the different amounh of the qualit\ u;;ed.
Then \\hen the Good King had approved every thing put into this little girl,
he hlesse1l her with the spark of life and ~ent her to kind loving parenh who
have done their best to help her deserve the crO\Hl of \\ omanhood.
lo"'E RIPLE):' III A
Page ... 131
Time: After the ball
Place: 1round the corner and und<>r a tree
He: Hello, Beautiful! :\- a- a-don't vou tcant lo take <L icalk?
, he: I'm so afraid of you, even thouf!;h you're a friend of a friend of a friend of
a friend of a very good friend of mine!
a lonesome lover.
he: No- \ ou ' re jusl a gigolo.
He: I'm hurl!- blue again!
he: Ii ain't 1w fault of mine. Where \\erf' you last ni~ht when 1 \~UR cryi11{{ myself to sleep?
He: fValkin' my baby back home.
he: \Yho wab ,,he?
He: u:eet Jenny Lee.
he: You - You're driving me crazy! Au Revoir, pleasant dreams.
He: . fr last I'm happy! CPL Goin' !
Time: \ears Later
Place: In a Little punish To1rn
, he: ls this the 1ml1z you srwed for me?
He: Jt"b yours and mine. trike up the band!
, he: I'm dancing tcith tf'ars in my •"yes.
He: Can't we be friends? Truly- I love you!
he: Kiss me agciin! Don't ever lenve me!
He: Happy days are here again- we're friends .·igain!
Page ... 132
~~~Bl'fJTHE SPY~~~
Country Mouse
and the
City ~louse
1 Fahl<>
FRnK Jn. . t 'TIS
The city mou,..e vi,,ih the countn· mouse, and it- taken to a barn dance ~·or a
good time."The <lane<'" are slO\\, an(l t>nd at nine o'clock. The cit' mouse i;;; dis·
"atisfit>d and leavt>,.. Lht> JH' I morning.
.\ fe\\ days later the <'Otrntry mouse i" radiophoned by the city mou;.e, and j,..
ai-h.NI to eome to tht> city for a vi, Ht> immediately hop into his Ford and
drivei- to the city.
Hne he i" treatc<l a" an\ eit\ mou~e \\ould treat him. First, he is taken to a
8peakeasy, and i,.. shown a goo<f time . .\ bomb i;.. heard, and the city moui:;e e:xplains that it is only a \\arning for the proprietor to leave town. The countr)
mouse is terrified and asks tlw eil) mouse to takt> him to ;;om<> otlwr place. The
city mom;e con;.ents, and they iro to a night club. After dining a \d1ile. ·lhe
familiar sound of a machine gun ring~ out, and a few gang,.ter~ hite the du:,,t.
The country mou"e is petrified \\ ith fear; he runs out the hack door, jump;, into
Old Faithful, and speed,, awa).
Dt>ar readt>r, tlw moral of thi,. ston j,.. this: ··The countn mouse i,.. much
happier drinking hi;. lemonade from a· tin cup under the old ~pple tree than hi::.
cit) cousin 'd10 drinh.,., sy ntlwtic cocktaih from a ;,ih-t>r goblet in a "peakea"Y·
<''-IJO"ed to the danger" of homhs, bullets. and other unearthly device,,."
Tr.-..-.s anti Flo,vers of the K.-.noslta
Senior Digit Seltool
Dan Linden, Bernard 1pple. Yiola Linden, Olive Grinder. Lillian Ash, and
) <lney Gr<>emcood.
FLO \\ ER'
Rose": D' .\ngelo, Loe ante. Ruffalo, Bruno, '\Iad,..en, Ernst, pringer, entiere, '\Ia,..lowski; William and incent.
Violets: churr, Rould, Schultz, ] oseph on, and O' eil.
Il~l,~_;·: =n
~ J~ ""~ ~~~~
t\ "l'
Page ... 133
~~~~ TIIE SPY 0le ~ii-
I•e n anti Ink Skt-te ltes
• She 1·arne into the hou'e with 'llOw-flakt•s
l"O\ ering
her hig fur 1•oat. The w incl had
hie)\' n her yt•l low hair into ringlet- around
her ruddy fa<'e. lildred Gau" wa' the pie·
turc of health and youth "ith her glowing
rt•d l'iH't k,, '(larlling 1•ye,, and fl t1' hing
"hi Le Leeth.
We Lale off our hat'
To Tom, Di<-l, ancl Harry
For thing, that oeem Lo thrill u,.
.\nd oft in the "hirl
Of gl::nnorom thing'
We 'eem lo think only
Of the vaunted hero
.\ncl bi, deed,
Entirely forgtlting tho'e heroe'
Who make our live' worthwhile:
Our friend,.
Lile a maidt•n from a 'Lon hook Lorraine
I lolderne" darH'ed with gra1:e and lightne".
The ,oft green of her go" n brought out the
unu,ual heauty of her dark eye,. Iler ,hin·
ing bltu·k hair, worn lcrn on the nape of Jwr
ne1·l, ga' e her an arr of cJi,LinC"Lion in that
gathering of lovely laclie,.
Rl Tit BI")l.II, HI B
Blaf'l hair
Dark 'kin
Broad ;,houlder'
Square chin
Quiel >mile
Eve' of hlue.
M'r. Buege,
Thi, i' you!
El GE"> IE S'\ 0\\ IIOOh., II I A
Cora Belle Brandt i' a dainty young LHly
of ,i,teen. She ha, a ,oft pleading look, an1l
her' oil'e almo't fade, a" av when 'he i' under a rwn ou, 'train. Her ,;nail feature' give
her an individual appearunl'e. Ilt•r clark hair
falh loo•ely in "ave,, \\ilh a few ringlets
about her bro'"·
He look, "hat he i' -a cultured gentleman. Hi' manner, incli<'ale bi, 'uperior
breeding and training. At fir>t glance his
look may 'eem severe, hut al a seeond, one
-ee' the kindly gleam in bi, eye,. He i, a
p "on Lo \\hom one would go for aclvire
and direetion: ~fr. Tremper.
STA'°'ILE"\: 'TE R'°'I,
Ill B
Her hair i, red, but not too red,
.\ sort of auburn shade,
Her eye' are blue, but not too blue,
They 'uit a mode;,t maid.
She i,n't tall, >he isn't ,hort,
She's dainty ao c·an he.
) ou'll know her by the way 'he walks.
Ann Gaffney-thi, i, 'he.
To the maiden bored ancl tired
Of all tho,e ohe ha, de,ired
With their merry jokes and grins"Per,onality that wins"
Let me 'late a simpl<' fa<'l
This boy ha, keen skill and Lael:
Pop Ward, Junior.
To the damoel of dark hair
Who desires oomeone fair
Eyes of hlueHonesl, true
I 'ugge't one look she take
.\t Tage- my fortune I will take
That ~he soon will realize
He\ Apollo in disguise.
Page ... 134
.\ man "ith eyes that t\\ inlle bright,
With <"h •t•rfulne" and fun,
\ man "ho•e eves reflect hi, heart,
A, few have ev~r done:
Mr. Ward.
To the girl who never falls
Within these wall,,
For a boy, I mean,
Over oi,Leen,
I offer cheerfully this advice:
Po,itively he\ a dear and nice,
We,ley B.
He often remind, me of Linl'oln as I sit
and watch him in da''· This olriking resemblance j, not only in his appearan<"e, but
al,o in hi, voil'e and al'lion,. Ile i' kind, and
rather ,[ow of speech, hut when he 'a}s
'omething, it is worth Ji,tening to. Ue is not
without wit and humor, and lw is very JW·
tient with all his pupik Like Lin<'oln, he is
tall. His fare i rather thin and shows lines
brought on h) anxiety. Ile i, a friend to all,
and in return everyone love' him. l write of
Jame. T. Kirk.
-Et GE'°'IIE 51'0\~llOOh., III A
~~~&'j'fHE SPY coo ~-te~
Who i' it
With 'turd} build and han(J,ome fa<•e,
Thal 'el(lom lo'e'
\ "'imming race '?
Who i' it
With e\C• of hone'l blue,
Who ,Lm, the waler
\, (j,h<» do'(
Who i, it
Who,c ,Lyle i' acknowledged "'0 neat,
Tlwre i• not a time,
When lw Jo,t» a meet?
Who i• it
That in "'imming goe' 'o far?
~OIH' other than Captain
Bill Kirar!
Tht> girl• all like hi, "avy hair,
But he doe,n't 'eem lo give a eare,
He ah•ay' at·ts a' if he', "eary,
But •Lill hi' talk i' alway' cheel").
In '(·hool he doe,n't work for fame,
John Bartku, i' thi, fello" \ name.
The hoy is •horL, blond, and chuhhy. He
is fond of 'ports. He formerly drove a
'pecdy m(Hlel T Forti. He appear. at large
gatlwring' and exhort' the 'tudenlo lo use
their lung,. For dete<·tiveo, I might add that
his nfrkname i, "O"Y·"
Do" uo ~f\cK n, III B
Fa,hioned 'o ,J10rl, fat, and round,
[ am built too dooe lo the ground.
Freekled and homely, rnn't you 'ee?
Beauty, Beauty, plea'e <'Ome lo me!
Fa,hioned 'o ,Jenderh,
't oung and 'o fair, ·
\ rO') complexion,
\nd light.bro\\ n hair
With laughing eye'
Thi, girl, I confe.-,
Goe• In the nanw
Of Jan~ Holdeme'"
LoRR\I'\E lloLDt.R'\ESs, III B
WP ha'e a young man in our ,rhool who
i' \Cl") quiet. hut rt»oun-eful. When he is
walking in the hall•. he ne,er ,LOP• lo talk
to arn one. If "e look al hi, fare "hen he i:,
walk(ng. \\C can 'ee that he i, ahHt)' thinking. Be<·au'e he i' quiet, '"! mu'l not think
he cannot talk and hold our allention. EYen
though he i, -.eriou' mo'l of the Lime, he
nc,er fail- to add a few worth of humor
here and there. Thi, per,on i' none other
than tall, ha1Hhome Alex ' cheer.
She i, ah,ay' one of the member, of any
foren,ic ('Onle'l. ( ,ually ,Jw "alb a"ay
with the prize or lir,l honor-. ~he exceb in
scholar-hip, and j, the lead!'r of many
group, al 'ehool.
When you look at a girl "ho i, of m<•dium
height, ,Jender, who ha, dark hair "orn in
a long hob, and a fare that i- plea,ant to
look al, plu, the above chara('l!'ri•tir,, you
will know that it i' Hilda Robert,.
"Have vou no corrugatiorh in ) our ('erebel1un1, ~. . ir~
Or are you ponderous in your retort?
That" a nuncupative le--on for today you
\ll thi, in one 'ho rt breath. Mi" \ andervorl.
Who keep, the building nice and wam1.
And '"eep, the floor, at night?
Who cleano the blackboard, every day,
And make, the windows bright '?
In •ummer who keepo up the lawn'?
In winter deans the snow?
In •hort, who help, to keep thing, right?
It\ the janitor,, you know.
-El GE'\IE s" 0\\ Hoo"", III A
'\'oel Han,on i' 'trong and rugge•I. He has
a light <'omplexion and blonde hair. He io a
true example of the •Lunly \ iking ra('e.
Noel ha, that ('ertain 'omething which
make, him popular "ith all "ho him.
He j, 'ery friendly, and greet- all of hi,
friend, with a smile. He j, a gifted athlete,
and j, rnptain of our next football eleven.
\ I<:TOll 1'.1t.LPf.Z, [JI B
.\ girl with a winning per,onality, a happy
laugh, twinkling blue eye-, and a no-e that
\Hinkle, up in a mo'l delightful manner
when ,he laugh,- i, a filling portrayal of
Dorothy 1'.ing.
~he remind' u' of the girl, from an old
Southern hoarding ,eJ1ool. ,o refined j,
Janel Kreiman in manner and .pee<·h. She i,
quiet. gentle. and una-.uming. yet "illy and
full of fun. That i, wll\ ''e all like her.
-Rl TH \ l'\GRE'\, III B
I have lo laugh when I think of de•<·rihing Antone. because, after all i, •aid and
done. he i, ju,l \ntone. He i, ju,l like eyer)
other happy, "hole,ome hoy in that he ha,
ambition•. i' a hit fu")• and lo\e• hi, mother, :ind i, loved by her not ju,l a trifle. He i,
inclined to be ju,l a bit of a tea•e and a bit
aggravating, but thi, i, all in fun, for al
heart he j, very kind. If you have not
gue.:>ed, he is \ntone Ia,·ello.
~ ~-;:l;~Jt ~'"' '"'""· l!l.iB. L.l. . . r. . F.t.Jc:.11
Page ... 135
Tlte ~~Pro~ram" l . ine
At the beginning of every semester there may be seen in our s<'hool a long
line of wailing people who want their programs changed. Every morning, noon,
night, and stray free period during the day i" spent in thi~ line to 'Tr. ~ ard'b
office. As faithfully a the '·forty-niners", these brave high school students fight
their way to the much-sought-after door.
Each person is bemoaning his tragi<' plight of not being in his heRt friend\;
study hall. If thi is not the sad complaint, there is a long tale of woe because
ettie J ohn , on is not on Rpeaking terms \\ ith <\nnie Jordan. and cruel fate has
thrown them both into the same Engli~h cla;;s.
Then there is one boy who is very hurt because !-ome mean person has purposely put him in Miss Green's history claes, when he knowR very well that l\1iRs
Green lrnR an unfair prejudice against him, merely heeauRe he did no home work
and refused to pay attention in class.
The ne t person has had three '·easy-credit" Ruhject~ lined up on his <'ard.
only to find that all of the classes ari> filled. He is almost frantic, looking for another subject that will require a minimum amount of work for a maximum
There is also the panic-stricken youth who is not carrying enough subjects to
allow him on the football team, the grief-,tricken young lad who finds that hi
most exacting teacher has come back again and that he haR been assigned to one
of her classe!', and the love-stricken couple who \~ant all their clat<ses together.
At the very end of the line are two or three forlorn-looking people who really
need their programs changed, and who, after weeks of hopeless waiting, finally
resign themselves to the fate of making the be t of a hopeless muddle of irregular classe .
Page ... 136
w \RRE'\, III A
~~~&JTHE SPY coo~~~
u'u~ly~=~~f ~:.:.~:~n:fi:~d<'h. •dozen win. ~
<lows, several doors, seventy insignificant and meek students, your best friendLorraine, and you the most important factor.
ou sit in the back of the room, and Lorraine sits in front of \Ou. AR soon as
you arrive in your study hall, you try to make as much noise a" i>osFible so that
the teacher will strain her \ocal chords in trying to make you understand that
talkinir is not allowed. Th io; fact, of <'Ourse, will not bother \OU. ) ou \\ill write a
note to Lorraine, telling her about what you consider "th~ nerve of bome people."" When Lorrain reads the note, she will start to p;iggle: and you. not being
otherwise enp;aged, will join her.
Your titterinp; will annoy ~ome of thobe btudiou~ individual~ \d10 occupy the
front seats. They will turn around and glare at you as if they would li:ke to throw
vou out of the window.
· Your ears wilJ probably hel!in to burn at this point. and !'O, to a'oid further
embarrai;sment, you will take out your hi;,tory and make a feeble attempt to
study your le;;son. After you have gazed at the conp;lomeration of words on the
paper before you for about thirty seconds, you \\ill ~hut the book with a hang
and i,,wear mildlv under \Our breath.
You will no~ he rea<iy for some genuine excitement. ome \\ay or other your
shorthand pencil \\iJJ iilip out of your hand and come to re1't under Don's desk.
)'our neighbors will crane their nec:kb in all direction · in a vain attempt to i-ee
what has happened. Don will eventually pick up your pencil: and while you
bashfully murmur your thanks, the clip will roll down the ail'le. Lorraine will
stick out her dainty foot and try to wheedle the clip back. But ala~ for bright
ideas! The clip will roll- not nearer, hut farther. The master-mind. however,
will triumph in the end, and the clip will once more adorn the top of your
shorthand pencil.
The remaininp; fifteen minutes you will spend in a deep and moody ;,ilence,
which will cause the reRl of the people to wonder whether or not you are still
\"\hen the bell rings. you will go to your history class. feeling remarkably
uninspired. - \JILLIE D1KTICH, III A
Page ... 137
Dr..l fONJIHt ~
Page ... 138
O" H.s V~v
•LovE Mv J>oc.
Page ... 139
~~~8ifJTHE SPYC-00~~~11
Pagl» .. 140
Page ... 141
Page ... 142
J.. "
M"' "'""'
L~~ ~ 93 ~~-K~-=---~J~
Page ... 143
Lonely Moon
0 loneh, mello\~ moon above,
What think you of us tonight?
Do you deem all of us interesting
Or blot" upon your sight?
You seem to he so thoughtful too,
A little 1;acl and cold;
I'd like to keep you company
If I could be so bold.
Per ha rs you wouldn .t like me, though;
We must seem rather foolish to you,
\lyself, I think you would!
~ e and our mortal f olh,
But you mwot be rather ionely up there Yet I might interrupt your thoughts,
Nor act just as I should.
And perhaps don't find it jolly.
I might not like you either, \loon,
Or care to go so far,
So I'll ju t sit upon th is heneh
And wonder what you are.
- ;\In:ro" l. OzAKI, HI A
Page ... 144
Spring uits Jor Young Men
Featurinl?: ne\\ and di,.,tingui;,hed model;,
for the ) oung men nC\\ "ha<le"
and fabrics
Prep Suits
\\ ith t\\O trouser;,
. 15.00, . 17.50, . 22.50
Iligh chool uits
\\ith two trousers
. 22.50, ... 27.50, .. 30.00
oung JIen's Suits
\\ ith t\\ o trousers
29.00, .. 36.50 .. 45.00
Isermann Bros., Kenosha, Wisconsin
Page ... 145
~~~Cii'JTHE SPY 000~ti:~1
meriean Bra
HE American Brass Compan) emhodies in Anaconda Copper
and Brass Products the highebt technical bkill in manufacture
"ith an accumulated kno,dedge and experience of more than a
centun .
.\ single organization 1" responsible for the \\hole proce"s of
mining, <-melting. and manufacturing, thereb) insuring the utmo<-t
in quality at every o;tage of production from mine to consumer.
uch i<- the meanini.: of the \naconda trademark a ") mbol of
quality control.
There is unfortunate]) no universal metal that is a cure for all
corrosion troubles. Wherever metal is used, such problems as
>-lrength, corro>-ion. ductility, abrasion and conductivit) are encountered, and while copper alloys in general can be used to meet
these requirements. maximum result>< can be obtained only by selectini.: the allo) be,..t suited for a specific purpose.
The .\merican Brass Company manufactures innumerable alloys in different temper;, to meet given condition'-, and offer:; a"si;,tance in solving individual problems through the services of a
Technical Department having as a hackp;rou1Hl more than a century's experience in studying the properties and uses of copper and
ih allovs.
Keno ha Braneh
Page ... 146
~~&JIBE SPY 000~;SK~1
Page ... 147
''Jahn & Oilier
6WE are America's largest school
annual designers and engravers
because we render satisfaction
on more than 400 books each
year. Intelligent co-operation,
highest quality workmanship
a11d on-time deliveries created
our reputation for dependability.
Photographers, Artists and Makers of
Fine Printing Plates for Black or Colors.
81 7 W. Washington Boulevard • Chicago
Telephone MONROE 7080
ru'Wedo not s11b-l~t .any'rlB:£.
~~ art or engrat!tnf{
PagP ... 148
~~~afjTIIE SPYC'OO.~ ~
ame careful ervice and
high quality fuel- whether it be
oft oal, Pocahontas, Hard Coal,
oke, Wood or Burner Oil.
Buy our Fuel on Approval
0. A. M c
633i Fourteenth Avenue .. Telephone ilil
Page ... 149
Keno ha
K e 11os l1a ~s Ne 1c-spape r
HE n t paid circulation of the K no ha
Evening ew exceed ele" en thou and
copie each day of publication, and thi i
more than the number of home in Kenosha.
dverti er in th Keno ha Evening ew
cover I eno ha and Keno ha County at a
co t much le s than thi co\ erage can be
made by any other method.
- lore cla ified adverti ement are carried
in the Kenosha E ening ew than in any
other ne\ paper in \Vi con in-except one.
The Kenosha ~ ews Pre s, th printing d partment of the Kenosha e"" Publi bing
Company, i known a Keno ha'
be t
printer and render a printing ervice unequalled in Keno ha.
Page ... 150
~~~~THE SPY 000~-3--L~1
which the Ken<H,ha
public places in thi~
79-year-old ational
Bank, the city's olde t
and largest, is prin1arily
confidence in the int grity and ability of
the n1en who direct it
affair ~ .
kenosha 's Oldest
and Largest
Page ... 151
F~~~TIIE SPYC-00.t&f.~~1
MA s;n;:ELD
l\,fanufacturers of
\\ ire- Wire Rope-Wire Specialties
~lt1cllJl111te Tit> Hod11
Streamline, Square and Round for \ircraft
Macu:hyte Stn•amlirw Tie R0<l a~s<·moled "ith
·Macwhyte Safe-Lock Terminals
Page ... 152
You'd rather ha' e a" imrnons" innerspring mattress than an) other kind.
Of course!
For Simmons craft has produced the
best there is in sleep equipment. <\nd
.'.'\ O\\ ••• at an amazing!) lo\\ price ... ) ou
can have comfort ... refreshing rest ...
healthful :,;leep.
The lumber King Uattress is built \\ith
inner coil of re ilien t \\ire, CO\ ered
"i th la) ers of oft uphol ter). It giHs
the sleeper even support and comfort.
cBedwom ~nitwu__:J
'[Built for Sleep}'
Pa/{e ... 153
years provide the teRt by which all good thin!!:R are jud:red.
Their ability to render continued l'lervice and 8atisfaction actually
proves their worth. This is especially true in the case of musical instrument of every character. Only the good can survive.
Whether it be a piano, a radio, or one of the smaller individual instruments-you may he entirely assured that, at Bidinger's, only the
\\Orth-while, time-proven musical instruments will he offered you. \our
complete sati faction and happines are positively as:;ured.
teinwav, Krakauer, Lvon & Healv, chiller, Wurlitzer, and Gulbransen Player;. Am pico and · Duo- \rt Reproducing Grands. ~ orld-iamou;,
pianos and make in styles and sizes for every home.
Radiola, Victor, and roRlev Radio~ and CombinationR. Gibson \Iandolins and Guitars. Bu e ~cher Band Imtruments and Ludwig Drums and
Banjos. Convenient Terms Arrang<>d!
Hidinger Music House
K <>noshci' s Lar g<'sl and Fin<> st '\ti usic , tore
Pag<> ... 154
; i/,y-Six<ht
"'"' ____,.
to a Million
Year by year
ash has gone strongly forward and
The goodwill its earliest models evoked has grown
and e"Lended iLself-as goodwill toward a good
producl has had a way of doing since the beginning ofindustrial history.
In your neighborhood and in the far distanl countrie oflheworld, LhenameNash,and Lheproducl,
haveri en sleadily in favor.
Each year the
ash has been a finer car.
Each year its improved goodness and greater "Value
have pushed Lhe frontiers of iLs friendship farLher
and farLher toward the uttermost boundarie of
the earth.
Today Lhe 1931 a h constitute the highest ~ash
achievement in molor car development .
.\broad and in this country, those insisting upon
the best that money can buy, through their preference for this car, are raising the roll call of ash
production-now well past the 900,000 figurenearer and nearer to the million mark.
Page ... 155
RDE 'S-privileged as
we have been, man
ou and the cla
, to
that have
gon b for -congratulate the
Cla s of June, 1931, upon the
achievem nt of it goal and wishes
for each of you des rving ucc
in uch future endea or a n1ay
be undertaken.
Page ... 156
Page ... 151
Ca h and Carry Paint Store
Wall Paper, Paints, W indo\ had<" ,
rti ts' Material. Fr<"<" Lt's ons in
Placque Painting. You a\e from
Fifteen to Thirtv Per Cent
2008 Shty-Third Street
Telephone 1032
LE 0
A R D P. C L
Page ... 158
Thruou t the centuries Rings and
n atrll<'s ha\e heen hountl up \\ith the
most saered nents and affeclionb and
lo) al ties of our li\es •Their beleclion
then i;. most important •The qualit)
of our Rings and II alches sustain the
hi~hesl traditions of the jt'\\eler's art.
Elgi11 Jl?lltt_•l1es
_Jlury l ...ou Di11T11onds
Ch t Huhhard e~ci Your Jeweler
705 Fifty-Eighth Street
. P. Mi ehler
708 flfl)-Se\enth Street
Kenosha,\\ isconsin
Office Phone 3811
Residence Phone 7207
Page ... 159
Today is Yours!
Toda) is ) our to plan deliberate!) and
\\isel} for )Our future. Let us co-operate 1dth
_you nozc. The officers and directors of thi,;
bank are ah, a} s "illing to eons ult with you.
Commercial E change Bank
l\.enosha, Wibronsin
atisfactory Dry Cleaning Service
for Over Ten Years
Wiswfisin (lniq1@
Racine .. Kenosha .. " aukegan
Page ... 160
hore's Largest and ~Most Popular Cleaners
~~~afjTIJE SPY 0tle ~-~~
Meet Me at Hurd's
DIAL 3171
Badger Fuel & Supply
The Home o,f Dustless Coal
611 i Fourleenlh henue
Telephone 3158
Page ... 161
~~~~THE SPY coo ~-=te.~
Y gcoduot" of the 1'eno-
sha High School are customers of
thi Bank and \\e find that those
\\ho have started saving aecoun Ls
\\hen the) began\\ ork have Conned
habiti:, of thrift ,d1ieh \\ill assist in
\n emplo) er can .i udge the future
of an emplo) ee b~ his ah iii L) Lo
sa' e parl of his earnings.
KE. 0 ' II\, "'I
express jo)', happincs ,
congratulation and
ho\\ Tha LY ou Care"
.. Kenosha
PagP ... 162
~%~ ~l¥j'TIIE SPY 000~~~11
A new Gruen Cartouche
14 kt. solid gold case, $50
Other desigm, $29.75 to $250
REG ER'S ... Diamonds-Watches ... 6th Ave. at 59th t .
. M. Rudherg
Fine Photographs
610 Fifty-Ninth St .... Phone 5631
Page ... 163
Kenosha Star Stores
Owned and operated by Kenosha people. Boost '"The
Better it)" b) boosting u , . There' a tar
Store in your neighborhood read)
to serve you at all times.
L """' to look )Our
h<'st for the dance or tlw date
with ) our favorite ho) friend,
seJ<'ct ) our hosier) '\ ith infinite
care. Ask 'our clealer to sho'\
) ou the lovel) .\llen-\. Dancing
Chiffons sheer, beau tifuL definite!) superior hose made in all
the shades popular this season.
The Allen-A Company, Kenosha, Wiscon in
Page ... 164
~~~~TIIE SPY coo ~:tl.~
Drug and ervice the Best
One of our four stores, all handling a complete
line of drugs and patent medicines, is alwa) s
hand) to give you the quickest and best of
service from a stock of the best qualit) drugs.
If It's from the Mayer Drug
Company, It's Good
STORES ht>mH' at Fifl) · i' Strt>el . . Thirteenth \Hnu!' at Fift)-Si,Lh lrt>N
' nenlh Avt>nut• at Fiftieth ' treel . T"t'nl)· eeond \venue al Fifl)- ixth Street
C. H. Lockwood Oil
"' peed Through Life icith Cities
en-ice Product •·
Page ... 165
~~~"&.fJ 1HE SPY coo.t&J ~
Compliments of
Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co.
··The Logical Place lo Purchase Appliances"
Busine s Phone
Quality Sheet Metal Work
<\nything in the line of sheet metal \\Ork is done with
the finest grade material a\ailable and \\itb a buperior
\\Orkmanship in our shop that guarantees the best job to
be had. We specialize in metal ceilingR, cornices, Hntilator , blo\\ piping, fire doors, and i;k. y lights.
5806 Seventh Avenue
Page ... 166
Dial 9813
The Grandview Grill
incerely thanks you Jor making it
one of the best and most popular
rendez-vous in the city.
AMERIC~S 7ah/e MILK ••••
Guernseq Co-Operative Milk Co.
Pagt> ... 167
~~~afJ THE SPY coo.~ :t!.
Arne on Foundry Company
Manufacturer of Electrically Made
Steel and Gray Iron Casting teel a ting -Gray Iron Ca ting
0. !\. t\R \E o-v, President
Industrial Loan Company
of J(enosha
6301 T" E~TY-FOLRTll ;\ \ E l E
t\ Pure I) local organization with Kenosha Professional and
Busine s \ten as officers and advi ers.
II ho Could Better Uinister to } our
Than THOSE \\ho are \Cr!->ed \\ith )OLir need!-> and difficulties
Than THOSE \\ho are henevolentl) interested '(
Page ... 168
~~~~TIIE SPY000 ~ ~~11
Ve'} e.,t Guecn<ey \fill
Blended llol"e;n \Ulk
Milk Producer '
A ociation
Telephone 8137
Kenoi;;ha, \'\ isromin
Thomas Han en & -.ons Co.
Aenoshu, IT iscon in
Page ... 169
Milk is the oldest pre s cription
in the world
Landg1•en's Dairy
Dealers in Pure Milk, ream and Butter
Se l ec t ed G u ernsey Milk
Telephone 5612
Keno ha, ·wi consin
Corner Fifty-Eighth
treet and Seventh _\venue
Kenosha, ·W isconsin
Page ... 170
Vanity Shoppe
hampooing, Permanent Wal"ing, \farcelling, Hair Dyeing.
Finger H al"ing, Face Uassage, Ladies· and
Children's Hair Cutting
Phone i721
608 Fifty-'' Hnth S treet, Keno!>ha, 'Yiscon!>in
l "'ITED
' T.\.TE
The Brown
ational Bank
urplus and [ ndil'ided Profits 230.000.00
Directors: C. C. .\lien, Chas. C. Bro\\ n, Lynn Hannah-..
Dr. J. F. llai:-ting.... Jos. Funck, .\.II. Lance:P. J. \1oohan,
C. ~. '\ash, .\.. \ 1. • eergaard, Chas. Pfennig." m. Thurn
Cha,.. C. Bro\\ n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pre ident
C. \\. ~a;,h
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ J ice-Pre~ide111
C. C. i\llen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . J ice-President
\\ m. Thurn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . J ice-President
Edmund Haubrich . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . . . Cashier
Page ... 171
Nerv York tock E.T-cha11ge
Chicago Stock Excl1a11ge
. National Bank Building .. Telephone 8171
The Vincent-McCall Company
Manufacturers of coil and steel tube bed
springs, folding and institutional steel
cots, couches, davenport and da-beds.
Long Distant>e Telephone
Kenosha 6J:J6
General Office and Sales Room-1108 American Furniture :\tart Buildin!!
Branch Warehouses at Chica~o, Baltimore and Oklahoma Cit)
Page ... 172
Cleaners and Dyer
Established 1905
In the selection of employees for our most responsible positions, Kenosha High School graduates have been favored
for h\-enty-five } ears.
Insures a positive circula Lion of clean '\ arn1 air a L the proper
humidity in '\inter and cool fresh air in the summer n1onlhs.
Gutters and
Down, pouts
Oil Burners
Oil tm es and
JJ e u-ill appreciate a11 opportunity lo serre you.
Slteet ~l e fal \\~ orks
6315 - 23rd henue
Phone 3131
Pa~e ... 173
~~~&jTIIE SPYCvOO ~-~ ~
E'RE "ill here lo give you m»cc and quality. It hao been
our aim for the past 20 years lo give people the best that
can be had for the n1oney. <\s far as we know, our customers
have been '\ell pleas<.'d. Our merchandise is bou~ht from th<'
1nosl reliable concerns in the country.
Our \lalted 1\1 ilk~ can't be beat.
Our Sodas and undaes are made with crushed fruit.
Our World's Fair Cho('ola tc Soda has made a big hit. Tr)
one at ) our earliest convenience.
Our Candies are always fresh, as they sell fast.
Our Cigars and Cigarelles will satisf) an) bmoker.
Est. 19ll
Phone 7732
2101 - 60th St.
Let Us Make Your Wash Day A Happy Day
WeSpecia/iu inlizmi/yJJfrs/Unt1
Telephone. 9214 and 8714
Page ... 174
Chas. T. Werner, Proprietor
F~&iU::£8i'fJ 1HE SPY C"*1 ~3-"'..~
.\utomotive Jobbers.
i\uto Cylinder Grinding.
Welding, \1achine Shop Work.
\V cl ding, Brazing and Cutting of .\11 \-Ietah;,
All IT ork Called Jor and Delfrered
4ll IT or/;: Guaranteed
I eno ha Clinic
Dial 6151
c. IL GEPIJ\RT. \J. D.
B. , P\LOl'\G llILL. \I. D.
J. F. II \STl'\Gs. \1. D.
TuEoooRE ' oh.O\\. \1. D.
C. G. R1cH \Ho.;. \T. D.
G ILHbHT J. :( II\\ \RTZ. \1. D.
Cll.\S. F. C.:LRJCll,
\1. D.
\. L. \1 \"\FIELD. \1. D.
723 Fifty-Eighth
Page ... 175
~~~&JTHE SPYC'OO ~*"-~1
Years of Dependable
DIAL 4131
Our tudy of the eye and its
need for better sight, places us
in a position to render a useful sen'ice to those u:ho require
eyesight attention.
E. 0.
E\\ M .\'\,OPT. D.
E. \\. ER'\ST, OPT. 0.
O•"Fr<:E llot..R-,:
8:30 \. \1. to 6:00 P. ~I.
Tu{"K .• Fri . and Sat.
Page ... 176
Kenosha Optical Co.
Kenosha "s Foremost Optometrists
Orpheum Building
Telephone 4411
~~~SifJTHE SPY0iie ~ ~~
Cros in
Funeral Home
Established 1913
Playing1119 Si,Lieth
Telephone 6414
~nes Blask
Candy Shop
Home 7i1.ade Candies
I~~ :
We specialize in parl)
candies, salted nut.;; - and
Lable fa"on,
Fir t ~ ational
Warner Bros.
vitaphone Production
and Anniversary
We can help )OU \\ilh ,,urrge:.Lions
for a gift of je\\ elry tha l is sure to
please- no ma LLer ho\\ larg-t' or
small. ""The Latest First."
Regner Building
Phone 78-11
Orpheum Building
Page ... 111
~~~8ifJTHE SPY coo.~~~
Kenosha Lumber
& Coal Company
Mill work
2514 Fift) - econd
Telephone 3111
f or...
The Academy
Kenosha's Biggest and
Best Recreation
Bo,,~uug and
Hc>el } ou '1fler School al
Page ... 178
11.\,"-I CO:\SI
509 Fij1y-Eigh1h
~4i<:2::±....~&fj THE SPY ~--rKOO 3-<~ ~
Compliments of
Franl Lu em
& Company....
.l111t1011 ,,,111
of all Kinds
6329 TM·nt\-~inth
.\' enue
Dial 2-1-121
Your Savings
Calling Uotlwr's Best
Pfennig Bonds
Will Earn
Per Cent
Remer' Laundry
Chas. H. Pfennig
II. E. HE\l ER
700 Fift) -Se, en th Stre<>l
Page ... 179
~~~~THE SPY<'."00 ~ ~ :~ ~
5716 Se1•enth 4 i·enue
kenosha, ff is.
Telephone 5632
For Quality
and Service
.)812 T,\enl~ -Third Awnue
Telephone 8614
panish Tavern Cafe
i\merican and panish Dishes- oda Fountain Sen,- ice
\lso Cater lo Pri"ate Parties and: Banquet~
Open Day and Night
Gustave Graham, Proprietor
Telephone 6032
~~~ 93 ~~K-~-..,.,.111:1~
Page ... 180
~~~~THE SPY 000~::te~1
~ Thos:."~;T:"~~livan
I Oage Thom en'
Dry Goods
6218 T~ E"'T'-SECO'\D \ \ E"loLE
Specialty Bras Co.
Corner T\\ enl) - econd ,\' enue
and Si\.t)-Thirrl Street
T<"iephone 2-:J611
Keno!->ha, \\ isconsin
Bra!>!-., Bronze, \lu111inu111 and
Casting!'>. Copper, '\ickel and Siher Plating
~ickcl Bronze
Keno ha County
Ab tract Co.
Prompt and 1ccurale Serrice Cit-en
on 111 1bstract;; to Land,• in
Kenosha County
PagP ... 181
7-8-9 Dale Block, Kenosha, Wis ... T<'l<'phone ~.523
"Class of 188T'
I Have You Had Your
Wisconsin Creameries
lee Cream Today?
Fane)' 'folds a Spcciall)'
2011 Si~t\-Third Street
Phone 6412
Wisconsin's Favorite Dish
Phone 9523
Charles E. Turnocli.
Typewriters, Adding Machines, General Electric
Refrigerators, Radios
. '. l\ational Bank Building, Keno!-.ha, \\iis.
Telephone 9413
Page ... 182
~~J:i!-~&J 1llE SPY~ ~3--1::~
Leadinf{ Florist
ot<> Our O\\n Flo\\er..,
and Potted Plant;. are gro\Hl in
our O\\ll greenhoust' and brought
down frt'sh every day .
.5913 Sixth fre11ue 1
Dial 31.51
T O CITIZE ' of Keno-.ha in
amounts from . 50.00 up for
an) worthy purpo.,e. Loan,., are
made for a period of one year or
le%, repay able in eaRy ini,,tallmenh on pay day .... Lo'H'"'t rate-..
Come in. we \\ill he pleased to
explain our plan.
Kenosha Citizens
Loan & Investment
518 Fifty -Si~th treet
Theatre Builriing
Food Center
Battle Creek
Health Foods
By Comparison Our Prices ~re
E. JI. Cardell, D. C.
'-e\er High. IL i;. Eatsy
to hop Here.
~eno:-.ha. \\ i:,,eonbin
Page ... 183
The better dressed man u:ill become
the better alaried man
The Per>ional Serl'ice Shop
613'1. T~t"nl)-Sf"<'Ond
Compliments of
i\~' f"nue
Frederick E. temm
District 1gent
Real E tatc Building
In urancc -
'e'\ England \1 ulual Life
Insuranee Company
General lnsurarwe
:;ec-r<'lar). Park Cit) Building and
Loan \~"><'iation
R. B. ~ HIT.\J\.ER C0 \1P.\'\).
·'°'' <;ten:a11 c II a,· of Crroti np. an f.. .":.. tate
925 Fifty- ' inlh Street
Telephone 6161
702 FifL) - SeHnlh Street
K E'\OSI! \
Tekphone 2-1611
Page ... 184
~~~~THE SPY~~ +I-~1
~ ''""";::··;:;;,.:·";;:~Avenue Ma~=::"·'"' ~
llighesl Quality Heats, Poultry and Fish
()) STERS I"l" SEA ' ff"
ff e f)p/ i tff
) our Patro11a[.,'<' is 1ppreciated
6509 FIFTH <\ \ E"l"LE
Aeno.~ ha \
Leading \!eat \larket
M ark et
Dealt•rs i 11
6136 T1H'O l) -. econd \ Hnue
•·R Cl1\E COKE""
Telephone 61-11
and Otlwr Qualit) Fu(>);,
Independent)) 01Hwd and op-
era trd, not affiliated \\ i th an)
DI \L 3178
out...ide chain organization
,diahoner. at all time.., gi1ing
'ou the utmost in meat, ic·i· at unu;,uall) LO\\ Cl T
R .\TE Prices, together \\ ith
;)111 SJIERID\\ RO\D
Prompt, Efficient, Courteous.
Per!;onal erl'ice \\ i th a 'mile.
Qualitv- Sen-ice
ASK HIM . . . . . .
1'.enosha is the home or lhe laqi:est
f.t:t<'lOI) in the counlr~ df'\-Olt•d to
thf' rnanufaf'lUrt" of auto mt"f'han-
ics hand tools. \sl.. )OUr rnet:'hanir
if h.- UMf"M ~nn11-0n and Blut>-Poinl
Mechanic Tools
TOOL , Ine.
Page ... 185
~~~"&JIBE SPY 000.~
an'L Solve Your
School Problems,
but The\ Start l ou
off Rigl{t!
Be proper!)' fitted \\ith
our '\.-Ra)' machine
AU TI ....
Wall Paper
Shoe "to ..e
Ways id e Garde n s
'"The Home of Quality Floit'ers''
Distinctfre Dress
\1od<>ratel)' Pric<>d
Alway fresh cut from our
O\Hl greenhou. e and garden. Pot P lants, Baskets,
Floral Design , and Perennial Plant . Heasonable
Price .
Printzess Coats
van Raalte Lnden\car
~ellv Don Dresse
6:! t Fi ft}- ix th Str<>Pl
Telephone .1521
Page ... 186
We Deliver
Dal<· Building
H. C. Schroetter
Quality Meats
Books, Stationery and
Office upplies
and l\.odak Finishin{!,
Grocerie ·, Fancy Fruits,
I e{!,etables,
Canned Goods and
Baked Goods
Graduation Books
and Gift
Telephone 7672
616 Fift)-Eighth Str<·et
Dial HUI
A Dependable
Deprndahle merchandi~e,
hone .. t priceR toe' er} bod)
and proper ;,en ice to the
entire communit\.
6519 Fifth Avenue
l\1ansfiehl"b at 635 Fift)-Eigth 'treet
that'b "'here the cro"'<l goes for theme
paper, t) ping pads, pencils, nott•Looks,
tc ... t-Lookb, greeting cards, ~tationer),
an<l "'hat not. Established t"'ent) -one
) ear. at a most cornenit•nt loeation,
"'e are ) ours for quick and courteous
Mica Furniture Co.
sooo Snt'nth ht'nue
Office Supply Company
Page ... 187
~~~8iJTHE SPYC*00~.~~11
"For 3 7 l ears II e If
Good Furniture in Kenosha"
Bode Bro . Co .
Compliments of
.) 12 .) Si hcnue
Hub Furniture
i-..ty-Third Street
S.S. Kresge Co.
10c--25c Store
25c-- 1.00 tore
•· iT here } ou Buy With Confidence"
5611 Seventh \venue
THE COVER on this book
1s the product of an orgamzanon
of specialists whose sole work 1s
the creation of unusual covers foe
School Annuals, Set Books, Histories.
c~.'.alogues, Sales Manuals and
other Commercial Publicanons
Phone 7823
Ah tract Co.
··Corers the Cowtt\·"
Ct>rlified Copies
Co ntinu ations
l'""'P' """ '"""" Sen;_,
Page ... 188
"The /louse of Quality
/\.enoslw's Leading hoe Store
Foot""'car for the Family
1f7 e Do ,, ot Dabb le in
Other Lines
nt>nlh .\venue .. 1'..t>nosha
Dial 6515
i-..Lh .\venue
H a rt Sch a ffn e r & Ma rx
I n Sterilized Bottles
Tim Trouser '·Prep"' uits
for High 'chool , tudents
S22.50 - 27.50
It had to be good
to get '"here it is
Harl SchafTnn & 1\1an. main lain a
corps of 'l) k ob,ervers "ho 'coul
lhe big uniq•"ilie' lo '<'<' "hal
lhe ('o)lt•g(' nwn "ear.
K no ha Coca Cola
Bottling Co.
Page ... 189
~~~&JTHE SPY 000 ~-~-~~I
Best Wishes
Tessler, Inc.
~I 0::
"To111 and Gerry"
~ (f)
21 Dair Blork
Telephone 9811
\f U'\ FLOOR
Keno ha' Cash
Department tore
Sheridan Road
Garage Co.
Packard and Hupmobile
Uotor Cars
Ahrnys first idth the latest.
Official headquarters for
Girl Scout equipment
ifrertou:n Tires
Exide & Delco Batteries
TELEPII0'1E 6181
\\ ISCO'\Sil\
Page ... 190
' ht>ri<lan Road at Fift)'-
inth St.
~~~""Bl?JTIIE SPY™~~~
J.u.;.~~r!, ~~
~ ~C~ P~c.rJ~ ~\'~- ~
~ ~~<wju .1Ju;J/1r(~ ~~ ~
ae~o.& !t:
dv?~~ ~;L. 1(.6,0~ ~
~ ~a huw
CZ~ ~/.J~.
{?owe.Pf,,,;~ ~
~~~93~-~ --~
Page ... 191
~~~-afj11£ SPY coo~~-=~
Index to :vertisers
Allen-A Co.
American Braos Co.
Andrae, Jack
Arne:,on, 0. A.
Auolin Shoe Store
Badger Fuel Supply Co.
Baldwin Coal Co.
Barden', Shoe Dept.
Barden·, Store
Eidinger l\.fooic Store
Bla,k, Agne,
Blo<·k Bro,.
Bode Broo.
Brown ational Bank
Bull, Ben
Cardell, E. M.
Clapp Studio
Commercial E"change Bank
Corrn•ell', Paint Store
Cro"in Funeral Home
Davie:,' Boot Shop
De Berge', Store
Errhl':, Book Store
Ernno' Sport Shop
Fir,l National Bank
Graham's Spanish Tavern
Grandvie" Grill
Greening', Clothing Store
Guern:,ey Co-operative :'.\filk Co.
Hari-en & Son'
He)man & Sons
Hidlay Oil Co.
Huh Meal Market
Hubbard, Che,ter
Hurd Drug Co.
Induotrial Loan Co.
hermann Bro,.
Jacobs, Peter & Co.
Jahn & Oilier Co.
Johnoon Clothing Co.
Kaelber Plumbing & Heating Co.
itizens' Loan
Kenosha County \b,trart Co.
Kenooha CI inic
Keno;,ha Coco-Cola
Kn10;,lia Evening New'
Keno,ha Laundry
K nosha Lumber Co.
Keno,ha Optical Co.
Keno,ha Star Store'
Keno,ha Theatre
Kresge's Lore,
Kuhec's Lore
Page ...192
Landgren', Dairy
Leonard, Cha,. \.
Lo<·kwood Oil Co.
Luxem, Frank & Co.
Marwhyte Mfg. Co.
Mam.field Offi<·e Supply Co.
Mayer Drug Co.
1\frNeil Coal Co.
Mil'a Furniturl.' Co.
Milk Producer,' \"'n.
Mischler, l'<. P.
Mollo), Da, id J.
~a'h Motor'
Ne"berry, Stanley
"iorri:, & K.enly
Ohertin, P.
Penny, J. C.
Petersen, Martin
Pfennig, Cha,. IL
Pir,d1, Peter & Son'
Plo,kee, Peter
Priddis Studio
Quick, <\.. F.
Regner, John 1\'L
Reliabl Laundry
Remer's Laundr)
Rudberg Studio
Rud), Fr.>d
Sdirotter's Market
Schuler', Baken
She1·idan Road (;arage Co.
Simmori- Co.
Snap-on Wrt:nl'h Co.
Specialty Bra" Co.
~temm, Fred
Sullivan, Thoma' '\.
Tes;,ler\, ln!'.
Thomsen, Oage
Turner, L. & So1iTun1o!'k ',
Lnion Dye
l,nited Fud Co.
L ptown Grot'cr,
L. S. ational Bank
\ anity Shoppe
vinrent McCall Co.
Wallig, John B.
Way>ide Gard •riWhitaker, R. B. Co.
Wi,ron,in Cn ameries
Wi,rori-in Ga, & Ele<·tric Co.
Wiscon,in Lnique Cleaner,
Ziegler Candy Co.