The SPY 1915
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The SPY 1915
The Kenosha High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 1914 to 1915 school year.
Kenosha High School Yearbook Club
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School yearbooks
Kenosha (Wis.)
Kenosha (Wis.)
We are showing an entire new line of Ladies· and Girrs
Suits, oats, Dresses, Wais s & urs
S. &
We Cordially Invite Yau to inspect
the Complete Line of Suits,
Overcoats, and Mackinaws we re
showing for Fall and Winter 19 I 4M l'
.. ... . . . . .. .. .BROS.
.. ... .. .. . ..
· ·;~1ii:·M~·· ~ _$ou.4Fit:: _.: .L.
---------~-a.~------THOMAS HANSEN & SONS
Up-to-Date Goods Only
De Berge's
Robinson's Book Store
Our Createat Desire is to Pleue You. We
try to carry the Goods you want and to erve
you promptly and courteously.
Your trade is appreciated at this store:
Dyers and CLeanera
Most Modern Underground Dry
Cleaning Plant in the Nort11west.
Main Office, Next to City Hall
Market: Square
Phoo.e 560
Both as to method s and n e w eq u ipment just inst alled,
w h ich together wi t h our long expuience justifies the asserti o n th a t w e give the be,..t
work and service possible. Domestic finish.
600 Elizabeth Street
Classified A d vertisements
Art Needle Work .............. De Berge's
.Jeweler . . . . . ........................ Regner
Banks ....................... First National
Merchants c• Savings
Book Stores....... . ............... Ernst's
Laundry ................. Kenosha Laundry
Lumber Co ........... Kenosha Lumber Co.
Candy Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Bu ff a lo
Manufacturers .... Chicago-Kenosha Hosiery Co.
Macomber & Whyte l{ope Co.
Simmons Mfg. Co.
Cloaks, Suits, and ?lfillinery .... Hey man's
Noveltie;, ................ Gem Novelty Co.
Clothiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. A mes
Bell Clothing He use
Nat'l Woolen Mills
Iserma11n Bro .
Schmitz & Laurer
Osteopath ................... Dr. Mc In tyre
Paint and Pictures . .............. Threinen
Photographers ....................... Brown
Department Stores ................ Borden's
Dry Goods ............. Thos. A. Sullivan
Dyeing and Cleaning ....... Prince & Sons
Electric Supplies....... .. . .. . . Schipper's
Physicians ..................... Dr. Stalker
Dr. \Vindesheim
Florists ............................ Turner's
Funeral Directors . . .............. Hansen's
Furnitur<!... . ................... Bode Bros.
Plumbers ................... Ed. J. ullivan
Josephson & Zimmerman
Groceries ..................... F. F. Joerndt
Perki n s Bros.
Shoe Stores ...................... .... Austin
Hub Sample Shoe Store
The Latest
Fall Styles
$2.50 and $2.85 for
1'\en, Women & Children
2nd Floor, Over Bell Clothing Store
"Boost" your own town by wearing
"Black Cat" Hosiery yourself, as well as
by talking about it to your friends.
Made to Wear Everywhere
Fit to Wear Anywhere
"Black Cat" Hosiery is an Ideal Gift
No Store Leads Without a
~'Black Cat
Hosiery Deparment
Patronize the "Black Cat'' Stores in Kenosha
Phone 688
Wm. J. Threinen
\Vall Paper, Painti. and \\-indow Shades
Picture Framing a Specialty
\Vindow Shades in all Sizes :'\fade to Order
51 N. Main St.
The Store of Honest Values
Invite your in~pection of
their Complete Line of
Young Men's Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothing.
$18.00 to $25.00
Phone 928
265 Main Street
254 :\fain St.
Phone 2428
September Shipments of New
"Good Things to 5at''
Arriving Daily
All Kinds of Home Made Candies
Ice Cream, Ices and Hot Drinks
All Year Round
Phone 60
300 Church St.
Classified Ads
From Behind the Counter
In Jocose Vim
A Football Comedy
Poet's Page
(October, tbe montl) of !lnbian gummer.
15 IJcre at la5t witlJ itg golben batJg.
ttl)e beab lcaurg fall witlJ noigc1e11g flutter,
lttb UJe worlb ig wrapt in mellow 1Ja1c.
~IJe ficlbg arc bare of tlJcir fruitful grain;
ttbr barng are ftlleb witlJ bounttJ rare;
trbe nut trce5 laben witlJ autumn fruit!l,
lttb tl)e gun !ll)ineg on a worlb mabe fair
~IJe ftowerg l)auc not oe5rrteb ug tJet,
l5ter!l, gentian anb golben rob brigl)t,
lnb ntatttJ otl)erg equalltJ fair
Q:ome in <October to glabben our !liglJt.
ttlJt breamtJ batJ!l cauge ug to wi!lb
trbat we miglJt fittb on cartlJ a place
ltJl)ere ©ctober batJ!l roll on anb on
jn 5UCIJ a l)auen of enblr55 grace.
Subscription Price: 50c the year; single copy /Oc.
Entered as seco n d class m atter O ct. 16, 1913, at t h e Post O ff ice at K e n osha, \ is ,
u nder t he ac t of Mar c h 3, 1879.
Vol. IV
No. 1
Editor -in-chief
J Irene Batden
l Isabelle King
Literary Editor
Local Editor
Alumni Editor
Athletic Editor
Poetry Editor
Georgia Gro\'er
Harriet Kupfer
Dean Buckmaster
Elmer Windsor
Raymond Winberg
INE8 8
General :Manager
Ed . Haubrich
Faculty Editor
Mr. Ilill
Miss Evans
Art Editors
E xchange Editors
Arthur 'mith
? Gertrude Morgan
_I Esther
l Florence Ne! on
Edna Zoller
-l Norine .Johnson
Photographic Editor
Arthur Priddi;.
Advertising Mgr;;.
I Xorman .Jen sen
l Clarence J oerndt
Mr~. Murphy
" teig-
~Iis,., Tuo m.J-
'l'hl' adn·rtisenwnt «01wlucled; "\\'alk
up a flight of stairs an<l saYe a <lollar."
Till' · · acl. '' s<'rn•cl its purpos<'. it c:aught
thl' l'_l'l' of a 1wrso11 eagpr for sut·h a bargain. ( ·011ld it lw possible? She• "·as going to the shoe storp nwntion<>cl to in1·pstigatl': s111·pJy. no harm would be donl'. For
"·hat did tht> shm•man 's tinw amount to!
So a ·l·1ll·dingl,1· slw hnnted up thC' plac:e
and aftp1· a litth• effort rPal'lwd the top
of thl• stairs. Slw heavl'd a sigh of relief, but shP forgot that she was tirpcl h.'·
tlH· thought that slw had alrC'ady savecl a
do I la I'.
Till• sign Oil the door rl'cl<l: . 'Shop l'arlol'S. \\'a!k In .'' Sill' al·t·<•ptPd tlw inYitation without lwsitation.
Three stl'pS
hroug-ht hl't' with i11 th<• shOl' apartment.
Slw stoppl'd abruptly. For lo. and hehold ! shl' fonml lwrsl'lf in a 1w1/ shOl'
stot'<'. >:o. it "·a. 11 't 01H' with oak or mahogan.' c·hairs and fixturps: or with plate
gla~-; (·asc·s a!l(l a largl' llHthog-a11y dc·sk
for tlw prnpril'tor. .:\o. it "·as a t,\·pi<·al
shol' stol'l'. - ancl sm·h a OJH' as mi'!l1t
hHYl' hl'Pll found in me<liaPnil times. Iii
P\'l'I',\' sl'lli'i!' of the \Yor<l-plain. Oh. how
hc•r lwal'! s11·pllec1 \\"ithin her! Surely in
this phu·e she clicl not ha1·e to pay fur tlw
luxury whi<·h most shor nwn <'n.ioyPd. IT· 1·
l'ilgl'l' <'.''<' 1rntNl also that tlH'r<' W<'r<' t11«,
1·00111s. onl' for men an<l OJH' for w·rnw1i.
For a l'l·ond tinll' shl' c·ongratula!Pd JwrsP!f upon finding this shoe storl'. . \t ],1st
slw ha<l found a shoeman 1rith a littl<'
l'orl'sight: for. slw figrn·pcl. his !'llrp11-;e
\\·as to a\·oi<l family quarrl'ls. TIPr <ltt.>11t iou "·as the11 rlnnn1 to thP c·arcls hanging
011 thl' 1rnll whic·h PxplainP<l all about the
<·arc• of th<• frl't. Sornp r<'<Hl: " \\'rar Dr.
::;drnll 's Areh ~up port." ··Dr. Sl'holl'
( 'orn Pach;. the best l'Orn <·ut'l'." Tlwse
werP also holll'st.
For she
thonght that not <HH' of tlH•sc· <·t11"<'s c:ould
he found iu a <lmg ston• ! . \ sig-n a hon'
t hp door <·aught h<'I' l',\"P. \\'h i<·h rl'ad:
"Thank you. ('all again." 'l'o the otlwr
idPas she had formed of tlw shol'llll'll, she
addPcl c:onrt es.'··
Jn the meantime the salesman \\'11s lmsy
11·ith a <·nstoml'r. hut upon making the
salP. lw tnrrH'd upon tlw prnspel'I in~ c:usto11w1· ancl grPl'tc>cl her with a <·ourl<'ons,
.. Ilow do?" "·hi<"11 intPrprdPcl 11wa11s,
··\\'hat 11·oul<l \'OU Ii ke to haYP ! ''
.. \\' l'll. I \l l ikl' t \pp a pair· of slHH's."
"Yps ma'alll. l'lc·asc' ha1·p a spat. \For
slw 11·as standing np all thC' tinw). ~011·,
ll'l llll' se<', \\'hat \\·ould .'·on like to
ha 1·<'-''
· · \\'c•l l I don't k11011· exal'l l.''. I WPar
a sizl' four.''
Tlw sah•suutn l1<1<l alrPad.1 notc•d that
fin· an<l orn• half 11·as rn•a1·l·1· hl'l' lit. hut
(•ontc·ntP<l hillli-iPlf h,'' adding ... y <'S. hut
a ratlwr wide OJH'." Ile also frlt in his
h01H'i'i that he "·as .. hrn·king up against
a tough c·ustonH•r." as he• c·xpn•sserl it.
Ilmn·1·('r. hl' pull<•<l out shews. 01H' after
anotlwr. of CY<'I'.'. stylP. shapP. and makt>;
l<rn'. high HIHl Jlll'dium hPl'ls; · · Spa11ish ''
lwl'ls. " Lon il'" lwl'ls. a rnl "K i<l 1H' 1 ' ' h P<' ls
11·idl' 1ri<lths. 11<11·1·0"· widths and medinm
\l'idthi'i: poinll'cl tips. high tips and ll'ithout tips: light soil's. lwa1",1' solPi'i. and
turn soil's; tan shoes. hhH·k shops and
ll'hite shoc·s; lac·e shoes. hntton sho<'i'i and
"st rap" sh<ws; <"loth top.,. srn•d<· tops and
yp)ypt tops;
long vamps an<l nwdinm
Y11111ps-Any rno1·p? YPs thP.' \\'l'I'<' mad<'
Page eYen
of pa!!'ll! l1·atlH'r. g-n11rnl'lal arHl kid. The
s\n•at stood 011 the bro"· of the lwlplPss
sa IPS11Hlll.
":;o." shP i'i<lid. "J. don't Sl'!' Hn,dhing
that suit..; me. That lw<'l is just what l
want hut I 1lon't lik<' th!' tips. 'J'his tip
is rig-ht. hut th!' Jwp] is a littll' too low.
?\ow. this shop is Hlrnost \\·hat I want. hut
1 dou 't likl' pail'nt lrnthl'I'. it 1·ra!'ks too
<'HS:''. ?\1rn. if that \\·as
\rp]J. I elon 't
think J "ant shop., an:·way. L<'! ml' sPe:
it\ 11ot \\·inter Yd anel it\ too \\·arm for
shol'S. T think i ']] tab• sonw low shot's:
pn111ps or oxfords.''
":\h'. this is a 1'111111' shew sion>.'' sh!•
e•x1·lni.11wd. ··~·oll ha\'l' ;i't a thing that I
Jikl'. '' ThP salPs!IHlll did not 1·ppJy. How
!'onlel lw ! \\'as lw to hurt the frl'ling-s
of a \\·oman ! Then she thought for a moment. IT ow was slw g-oi 11g to sa n• a 1lollar if she eli<ln 't Inn-!
Dieln 't the all.
plain!~· read. ''\Yalk 'np a flight of stair·s
and sH\'I' a rlollnr."
\\'ould th<'y g-i\'l'
h1·1· a dollar if shP tlid11 't hu.'· ! Tl11·11 slw
tnnH'd npon thP sal<•sman ag;1i11 a111l saiel.
· · l th i 11 k J '11 look OY<'t' so nw of t host'
kho1•s again. ?\Pxt 111011th is 0"1olH•t' and
tlrat 's too late for punip ..;." ~o t IH· sal1•sman stal'\1•d O\'l'l' again. "~iii 111"' n1l1·d
l'or a 1'1•w 111011H•11ts. lh<'ll. ":\o\\ this 0111•
is a lit!!<• tight. })011'! mu think'"' ld't
foot is :,;,.('µ:1•1· tha11 the 'right!" I!P. · .. :\o.
l think Your nght is s111al!P1' than 1lw
ll'ft.'' ~hl': "?\o\\·, Yon han•n't 1111d a
fit yd." Jfr: "Y1•s. i han• a fit-" ~hl':
hast ii)·. ":'\ow !lon't gl'! s11ia1·t. ·· ~he·
pi«kPd up a pair of shot's li.,tl1•"sl.'" twz1•d
at th Pm. frlt t IH·ni. and again pnt t hP111 oil.
Sh!' pil'k1•<l lip a11oth1·1· pair a11cl P.\.l'lainH'tl
"This is l'Xa"1ly th<' pair l \\·ant. \\'hy
clicl not ~·o n show nw th<'se• in tlH· first
phu·<' !" It was thP i!l<'nti<'al pair sh1· had
tri<'d 011 first. \\'ith a politl' '"!'hank :·on.
('all again'' 1lw W<'HI'." s;ilPsman tunwd
to tlw ll<'Xt l'llslnmcr.
l t \\·as t•arly iu Uw spri 11g of t lw year
that the good ship " l ~ullion '' sail('rl
from ?\ew York harhonr. 'l'IH• Hnllion
was bound for London. a1Hl I was ahoarel
as a special eorn•spoml!'nt from the
"lIPralrl" in hopps o [ g!'t ting some W<ll'
l noti<·!'!l inmwdiatPly that thP Bullion
was a most l'Xtraordinary ship. 1 'rill
tr." to clPi:;c·1·ihe hC'r as \\'<'l I as I t'l'InPmlwr
hl'r now. She \\'<!!-: a snrnll siz!'d ship of
ahont 7.l.000 'r. displae·<•rn!'nt. paint!>cl a
hright hla!·k ahon>. anrl a clnll. sparkling
sh<'ll pink lwlow th<' "·atPr lint'. Slw "·as
a low. ntkish-looking ('}'aft. haYing the
tall. slP11!lPr m~rnts so "ommo11 to the
, \ mPJ'i!'a11 .\lcrC'bant ::\ l ari111• o[ thl' 1 th
1·(•11t11ry. '!'he Bullion was !'apahk o.f terrifil- spPed, haYing lH'l'll known to go at
times as fast as six knots an h011r. This
wa.-; due to a set of t"·i11. dol!hlp S!'l'PW
pro1wllers with \Yhi1'11 she was Pqnipp<'cl.
Hlld 'dlil'h WPl'C d1·in•11 hy 1\\ o pO\\'('l'fnl
<'lPe·tril' motors. 'l'ht's1• 111oto1·s 1·01tlel clPYPlop HS high as 7 hol'sl' PO\\'l'I' api<'l'I'. Hild
<'ad1 was fitt!'d with a 1·arln1rpfo1· and an
ash pan.
Th(• For!'·(·astlc o.f tlH' Bullion was lo<·atPd in th<' St!'rn. Hll(l tlw qnartPr dt><·k
wa.s we•!] towHrd th!' 1·(•1J!PI'. This ]pf( thP
pal'! kno\\·11 as ··,\ mid-ships" up in the
forward part. Hn H1Ta11g('llll'll! said to
gin· tlH' ship h!'ttp1· poisl' anel halant·!>.
ThP hold of tlw Bullion w;\>. ahon· d\'d>:.
This Pliminah•d thP IH'!·Pssit ,. of lrnte·h<'i'i
a11<l }pf( th<' spa1·\' lwl!m,· tiw d<•1·k f1·pp:
to h!' fill!'([ " ·ith a solid ,·a1·1n1m. whi1·h
niad<' th1· ship rnon• hnoyant.
J la\'i11g dl's!'1·ih\'d thP ship. l "·ill 11ow
turn to th!' offi!'\'rs and <·n•"·· 'l'lw (·aptai11. a 'H'<lZl'llPel littl(• llwad'. who stood
about six foot th1'!'!' irwhPs in his sl0!·ki11g
f1•\•t. was H whitP-skinnPd ll!'g1·0.
first mat1• was H h;\1Hlson1p man. with a
rml!kd sh()(·k ol' r·pd h11i1'. a frl't·kl!•d fa<'<',
a lm·g!' aquilirH' nos!' with a hig wal't 011
its tip. rn11Tow squinty 1•,\'l's, a111l a honH'ly Jlat (•hPst . '[']!(• S('l'OlHl lllil t (' \\'HS a
homply tlat-!'IH'stP<l (·011sumpti 1·<' looking
runt. who. T afll'nnn·ds ]par·nP!l. he•ld thP
worl<l 's l'P1·nr·d in wPight-lil'ti11g, \HPstling. and Jong dist an<·(• s\\'imming-.
'l'hl' !'l's! of t lw l'l'l'W \\'('!'<' a rnot I<'~·
thrn11g \\ho look<'<l so llllll'h alikl' t hHt it
was difffrult to !listinguish h<'l \\'l'l'll th1•11i.
ThPre "·pre 110 h1-o of the sauw nationality. yd the• majority of tlH•m "·pn• ~"·1·(lt>s.
\\'pll, as 1 was sa:·ing, th<' ship . aili•d
Pag Eight
ont ol' tlw harbour of ~ew York with all
sails drnwing. and not a hrPath of ai1·
stirTing'. \\' e had not gone 1P11 miles.
lw\l"t'H'L'. \\· lwn \\·e met a German cruiser.
.\;.;the l'. ~-\\·as neutral and we \\·ere Hying tht' .American flag, we had nothing
1o i'Par. \\' e hailed the l'ruiser. and, up011 asking for news. were infor11wd that
tht' allies were beating baek the Germans.
The passengers. of which there were none.
\H'l'l' for the most part Germans. arnl were
n·1·y ;.;ad at hearing this news.
\\' l' JH'Ol'el•ded on our Yoyagl' to 11011don hut when Wt' got to the equator. our
passage \\'Hs hlol'ked hy largl' icehngs.
\\'t• ht•ated pails of \\·atl'r hy letting them
stand on <lt•l'k in the hot sun. and managed to melt the in• hy pourin()' the boiling
\\'iltl' l'
O\'\'r it.
~\s there \\·as a good
strnng hn•ezt' blowing. the ( 'aptain then
orden•d all the sails furled. an<l the motor :-;tarted. The motor threw out Yolnnws of <lt>nse hhll'k smokl'. hut the
hn'l'Zl' hlt•w it away so quidd~· that it
M'ttlt•d i11 donds all about the ship. Jn
this ll!HllLH'r we proceeded for three or
fonr mile'. until we reached the Straits
of ).lagellan. \\' e went thru the straits
a11<l out upon the Pat·ifie Otean. \\'h en
ahout half way al'ro;.;s we \\·ere OYertaken
h.' a mau in a rowboat. who told us that
Pn•silh•nt ).ll'Kinle~· had ju:t been killerl.
\\' e ;.;oon l'anie in ·i()'h t ot ome lieing
JH'aks. \\·hit·h we diseoYered formed tlw
lwad1 of a tropit•al island. At this time
Wl' Wt'l'l' met h.' a Hritish ship. The taptaiu of the Briti her haile11 us and ·ai<l.
··The _\merit'an
ha Ye ju ·t signed the
Emancipation Prodamation. and Englarnl an<l Ameriea are at war.''
With that he tin•d hroarl. i<le upon our
hoat. which. heing huilt of rottl'n. porou.
ironplate. wa-, ea.'ily piereed with hi~
ur hip hegan to ink and the
l'aptain ran forwanl and set the win'h·'"' 01wrator to work ·ernling out the
(' D. lt. l·all for help.
The men imme<liatelh- made a ru;.,h for
tlH• out> lifl'-hoat hut tl;e eaptain hal'king
up to it. 1lrew a ('nit·· Automatie in on11
Buzz 's Ma.sterpiece.
).Ly lwart leap. up "·hen I behold
_\ prl'tty rnai<len - but• 'n wa-. it when my life lwgan.
, I i-. lt llOW I'm a mall,
hand. and a tlint-lo<·k pistol in tlw othanrl shouted. "1 will shoot till' fin>t
rnan who tries to kct\'e this ship before
the wonw11 and childreu an• safrly rlisembarked.
~\s there were no wonH'll or <·hildren,
he had to shoot the whole hund1. Tlwn
he and l jumpPd into the life-boat and
ro\\·erl away. We stopp '<l when we were
about seven miles away and watc-hecl the
old ship sink. :::lhe sank slowly until not
an i11d1 of hrr loftil'st mast was visible
abo\'\' the surface. \Ve then rowed bac·k
on>r the spot wher' the Bullion ha<l last
been een and upon taking soundings.
found that there was only six feet of water there.
Bv that timl' I notieed that tlw hoat
whiZ.h I was rowing was lw<·orning hea\',\'
and llllWit•ldy. l'pon looking arouucl l
disco\'l're<l a small leak in one side of the
"Iley ('ap." l said, "\\'l''n• sinking."
" \\'hat dy'<' nwan. \\'(»rp sinkin" '!" he
askerl. l showed him the leak an<l the
" ·ater in the boat. ''Oh! that's easily
fixed." he said. and, drawing out his automati(' whieh he had left in his c-ahin
aboard the L3ullion. he pulled the trigger
and shot a hole in tlw bottom of tlw boat.
The \\'ater immediately ran out. an<l we
then rowed to land. \\' e reaehe<l the
shore of a small island. ( whieh we foun<l
was t·onneded \\·ith th<' mainland) in ten
rninnt<•s aftPr a row of about six milt>s.
\\- e lane.led and <·ookl'cl dinnn O\'(•r an
eledrie po<·ket stow whieh we di1ln 't
ha\'e, and then waite<l to see if we would
recei,·e aid thru our C. D. <t. Ilo·wever,
a. the \\·in'h". opt>rator harl neglt'Ctl'd to
gin th' Latitude and Longitude of .mr
po,.ition. no ship eame to our aid. In
about an hour. we spiPd a tran.·-Atlantic
_\eroplane and hailt>d it. The pilot stop1wd and pidn•d n.· up anrl took u. dear
hat'k to :\ew York. \\'hen we arriYed.
en~r.nme wa. surprised to see us. as they
;.,aid \H' ha<l only heen gone three hour .
Karl \\'i1ult'sheim. T>.
"o ·hall it he when I grow old
Or I'm a nut.
.\ml I shall lwpe my day to he
Bouml ead1 to ead1 hy l'harmiu!! company.
.. F!'!lo\\'s. I got it. Say, it's the S\\'\'11<'st thing out.
Yo11 hl't.
You say yon
" ·a nt so1ne nwn\'\ for those football snits
to pla: .\111hl'1-s't in; \\'<'II. here's :·our
\·lrn111·1'." This outh11rst. was dit'l'!'tl'd to a
g1·011p of l'!'llO\rn gat hl't'"'<l a1·01111d a boomi11g fin' pla<·P in a larg!' 1'00111 in th!' hons\'
of 1hl' speak1•r. llarold ,\'01'\\'0<Hl. ali;ts
"ll<t<·k." th<' qna1·t1•rha<·k for .Johnston's
\nls of 111i11iat111·p statlll'<' f'or a hoy ol' 18,
hut what hi' l;t<·k1•d in sizl' ht' nwd<• up in
Yitalit:·. II<' had a <·lrnnky. solid hody.
1'1Hli11g ahntptly in a \\"t' ll shnp<'d hPad
fop[H'd with H hht<·k ]lOlllJHl lldOI' hl'IO\I'
whid1 sp;trkll'd 1·oal hla('k 1•y1•s. ~O\\" as
lll' spokP hi' glan<·Pd <'<q.r<·rl:· ;tt t IH• 1Palll
s1·at1·<l in a s1·111i<·it'('ll' ;11·01111ll t Ill' fit'<'.
"\\'t>ll \\·hat is it." said 0111•.
.. \\'1• know yo11 'n• h1·ight. hut WI' ('i\11 't
see how yon '1·1• going to g1·t 11101H'Y 011t ol'
a lrn11«11 in this tm\'11 \\·hen• they'1·p so
tight t lll'i1· joints sqm•ak."
"Out \\·ith it." "Out \\'ith it." "('onw
on. \\·hat at'<' ,\"llll \\'H iting for." "Think
\\'(• 'n• d1•af 01' dPad. \\' hit·h !" "Gi1·1· llS
,\"Olll' \l'OlldPl'ful plan ... (';\Ill(' 1'1·0111 llH'lllhPl'S of tlw <"it·<·lP.
"\\'ell ii' Yon'1·p so ont't'\' ;1s 1o think [
<«111 't think ;1p a plan to 111°akr nl<ltH',\'. l '11
just drop it or Plsl' :·011'11 ha\·1• to pay me
a pPr<·t>ntagt• of tlw t'<'< '<'ipts."
Jnstantl:· thP boys' nrn111wr l'hangP<l.
'l'll<',\' gatlwn•d al'Ound I lac·k <l!Hl plrad<'<l.
..•\ ll(l W(' d i<lll 't mean Hnyt hi ng lhu·k.
honpst \\'(' di<ln 't. \\'l' \\'l'L'l' 0111,\- kidcling."
'·('onw 011 \\"1•'1l <ldmit Wl''1·p all honrlwads h11t tPll 11s your plan." ll;u·k 's
straight month sl1rn·ly h1·oadp11ecl i 11!0 a
smile tlwn hm·st 01wn sl1C1\\"i11g his whitl'
t1'eth in a i.tood 11atn1·pd laugh.
"\\'ell fellows. sit 1lo\\"ll and lw qnil't;
a g1•nins <«111 't think \\"IH'I'<' a lo1 of noi <'
is about hi111. )Jy plan is to hold a mass
mC'l'ting and-"
"That's 1'nongh. \\"l' don't \Yant any
mot'<'; yon 'r<' far enongh; sit dmYn.
,\·011'1·p thn1. Think \\'!''re c·raz.\· '? ('hokl'
him. so111pho1l.\·. fo1· ii' Ill' sa\·s an\· morl'
\n• 'I I ha \'l' a fnner;1 l silt'<'." "· \\' l' \<' had
11rnss llll'l'tings a11d mass nwl'lings fol' P\'l'l',\ thing ;1nd \\·hat lrnn· tlll'y <1n101111tc'cl
to! ::\othing." <«lllll' from <l C'l10r11s of
",\s if I didn't know that." said IlaC'k
clisdainfnll:· aft<'r he lrn1l strngglPll out of
1lw g1·asp ol' m1P of his assoc·iatPs who
"·as 11') ing to !'hokt• him. "Bnt wait 1111-
til I gl't thrn. <"<ln 't you;
" \\' Pll. 1·onti1111c' thl' agony tlll'n lla<·k."
".\"ow look Jwr<' frllows. ii' we• gPt a
mass nwl't ing and gl'l it 11p right it 'II
\\·ork; ot lwn1·isP it \\'<lll 't. (ld a 1·ro\\·d.
t lw \\·ho Ip s<'hool. a good lnt11<·h o!' S[H'Hk1•rs. a pil<-hl' I' of \\'ilil't'. thl'n \\·al!-h us gPt
tl1<• 11101H'\'." " Nun• that\ c•as1l\' -aid. hut
how ah01;t it hl'illf.5 dotH'." \\"H~ IJ<•a1·d.
· · Lisfrn. fPllO\rn :·on ha \'P n 't lwa1·d it
all; \ 'O ll all t't'llH'nilH'I' Silas ~!0111'. don'!
yon!. \\'ell. hl' 's going- to lw otH' ol' Olli'
s1wakc·1·s along with ( 'aptain llanrood.
( 'oa1·h \'ail. an<l :\l1·l IP11r,\-. th<' old grad.
Yon n·nwmher hi111 <lon 't Yon!''
· "Sonw prog1·11 Ill." "Y1;11 'II gc·t ;1 hig
nmnl if you g<'I tlw janitor of th<' hall.
and as far as motH'.Y gol's if lw happPns
1o IJ<l\'l' a c·c·nt hl' might thro\\' it at .\"<HL
to gPt rid of you.'' " I s111·c· ad111i1·p ,\·om·
Yon 'rp sonw plannPr. llac·k.
\Ylrnt clews old ·· Mo1H's'' Stoll<' know
nhont foothall !" "Ill' c·oulcln't tPll a
ha If hn!'k from a \\·hall' hac·k. '' ,\ 11 hp 's
good for is hooks." "SonH' !'lass to :·011,
Ila<"k. " TlH'S<' a111l many othPr C'XPt'Pssions PS!'HpPd from th<' s!'mic·in·lr.
"Xow just a rni1111tP till I <".;plain."
;;aid IIac·lc "Old ~ilas. lwc·ans<' of his
ig1101·an<'<' of football will <·rc•atc> a c·om<'d.\'.
and \\'lwn a f<.llcrn·'s goodnatnrP<l it ads
likl' oil in his po1·kethook. lw loosl'ns np.
lJO\\' lllll<'h did \'OU SH\' \'Oll \\·antc>d
.Jim?" .. r ('all gl't tlH' suits for ."i.).00. ,,
\\'HS thl' reply.
"\Yp']I gl't that l'HS~-.
::\ll'll<>nr.1· \\·ill clrH\\' tlw c·ro\nl. ,\"OU frlO\\'S ]mow thl' sc·hool is alway: anxious to
lwar him sprak on anything.''
So it
Farlanr \ hall \\·as engagP<l. being th<'
higgest in town. and word \\·as qnil'kl,\·
passed around th<' sc·hool that )!dlenry
was to s1wak Frida,\'. S<'pt. 10th at Farlanr's hall.
:\Jpauwhill' Ila<'k Yisited ~ilas ~to1w .•\t
Xorn·oorl 's kno!'k this <lroll incli\'idnal
glan!'<'d puzzlc>dl:· on'r his golcl rimnH•c1
s1wdal'1Ps and spoke' in a Ion~ drawn-nut
baritone. "('onw in." Ila1·k qnil'kl.\· 1•111Pre<l ancl lwlwl<l a iw1·nliar sigh t. ()Id
B01ws 8to1w sat clouhlC'd up in an nld
arm C'hair. his long thin legs <'nding -.:Hl
<lrnl)' in size to knittP<l slip1wrs . ·1• I, d
high upon the 1op of a i.tns plate• ~\'ii•'•"
Silas eookell his llH'als. .\~ Ila('].;: 1•nt1•1·1•d
Rilas' C,\"l'S slow].'· "·and1•n•d fr1i111 the
large. poll(ll'rnu,; Brit;11111i<·a whi1•h h1• \\ ·"
Page Ten
t'l•adillg, Hild Jll'l'ssing his poink<l \•hin
down upo!l his narrow l'hl'st hl' looked
o\·er his glassei; al Ila('];:,
"\Yell." he drawle<l. "haYe a ('hair."
.X orwoo1l looked around the room in
. <'arl'h of a l hair arnl prrd1ing him. elf on
a l hrPe leggPd foot rest that happened
to hl' near. he entered in upon his 1pwst:
'·I 'ye been a pretty good friend to you,
hann 't I. .'ilas ! "
.. Yt'S, sure you have Harold, why
what's <'Hting you! You don't look as if
your last IH·eath \\·as gone. what you want
to clo. ma kt' out Your will?"
'"Oh. nothing· like that Si." laughed
IhH·k. "I .inst walll<'d to ask you for a
·· ,\sk away. l 'm at your serYi1·r. '' aid
Silas. good na t un'<lly.
"\Yell." sai<l Ila<'k. "you \ ·e prohahly
heard that thl' football t<•am hol<ls a mai;.
mel'ti Ilg Friday. anll J want yon to
pl'ak. ''
··.:\I<'. mp sppak on foot hall. "·hat would
I SH,\'! '.
"Anything you please." pip<'11 Harold.
"Yon 'I] do it won't You?" "Sure You
will. ft 's for the S1·hoo l \'OU know. Cl;Hlcl
Silas ~at l'or fl \\'hil<' starillg- into Pmpt~·
1.,pa1·<': t lwn lw foldP1l his lPgs 111111<-r him.
straiQ'htPn<'d tlwm out. stoo1l up. ('losP<l
tlw Britanni1·a an11 \\·ith a hroacl grin
. ai<l. '''rh<',\''11 Slll'l' gd SOlll(' S}l('<'1·h.'
.:\I1·Il<'nr~· al'l'i\'Pd. Frida~ noon and Fri1la~ night thP hall "·as pal'kl'<l. .:\I"1l1·11ry'. s1w1'l'h was rPl'l'i\'C'll with applau. <'.
Ilarwo()(l 's '"'Hs :-hort. tPlling of tlH' nred
of snits for thP IParn. 'l'lwn Sila. sann.
tPr<•d <"hm1sil.\· upon thr . tagr. ancl "·lwn
he turned his fignre to face the audi1'n1·r
hr looked so qm•p1· that ripplrs of langht<'r wrrr hranl nntil thr frllmYs <·onl<l
('Ontain thPrns<>l \'PS 110 longer an<l sornPOlll'
shontP1l a Y<'ll fn1· B011ps ~ton1>. It was
rnrt with lwal'ty apprnYal. and "·hen the
~-ell hall 1lil'd nut Sila ... tan1ling errc·t.
rnacl<' th1·1'P stiff. awkwarrl ho"·s. Thi
was a ·ignal fo1· anotlH'r onthnrst of
langhtPr. Silas waitrd a rnomrnt thPn hegan;
· · Uentll'nH'n. it giYPs rnr grPat pleasnrr
to stand lH'forr >"ou this rYrning hut my
Rnh.iPd is fl ]H'l'Hliar 0111• to llH'. l•'oothall.
If it was rhrrkr1·s. rlorninors or fii1wh T
wonlcl hr qnalifiPcl to talk on it. f'm
thinking of starting n !'l1rc·krr <·lnh prrsrntlY. hut T aclmit T clnn 't know a footha ll ·from a watrrmrlon. XP'"'r pla>·r11
with mw nor nl'Y<'r <'XP<'<"i to. So whPn
:-\onrnorl asked rne to sppak lw sl'leeted
tlw wrong man. l saw 011\' and only one
ganw of football in my lifr and then l
stood nrar a fellow in a whit!' sw1'atn
with a gr 'en hat that look1•cl likl' a ehimll<'.' 1wrd1ed on top of his !wad. Ile kPpt
g-rahhing hold of my arm and pointing
until I tolil. him he'd lwtll't' stop or l 'd
muss up his appeara1we wlH'n all that I
<·oulcl 8<'<' was a hnn<'h of ft>llows in the
mi1lcllc of the field sitting on <'a<'h other
and wall-hing a thing that lookl'd like a
pumpkin see<l floating th ru t IH' air. l<'inal I~· the thing eame down and some fel.
low g-rahlll'd it. Ile snn' knl'w how to
run. darting hrrr and th1'l'l' like• a frightl'lll'd goph1'r looking for his hoh>. Tlwn
somp frllow grahlwd him hy thl' ]pgs and
lw frll down; that fr I low "onldn 't ha n'
IH'<'n a grntll'man at all. a g<•ntlPnrnn
woudn 't do s1wh a thing. ThPn th<'." all
hmwhl'd lip an<l a litt!P frll1n\· ,\·ith a tin
whistlr l'ame lwhn>en tlwm. I thoug-ht lw
lll'<'<l<'<l a spankini:r the wa~· hl· hos,il'1l and
S<lSS<'d thP o(lll'r frJlows. f final!\· ask<'d
thP j11111pi11g- ja"k in tlw \\hitP ~'i\\'('flll't'
"·ho he was an<l hr said hl' was thl' umpin•. Xo"" l '\'C' ]ward of Empi1"1'S hut
not nmpin's o I d<'l'idPd lw rnust haYl'
got tlw words mixP<l." llPl'I' SilHs hnd
to stop for hi' 1·onl1ln't hP hPa1"<l past th<'
front r<n\·.
Th1' "·ho]p audi1'111·p was
"KePp it up ~i. ,\Oil .I'(' 1loi11g
fin<>." "You'll makl' a football fan Yl't."
'·You\ P got tlw right idPil. kPl'Jl going."
l'HllH' from man~· frar-. !;1 i1wd f'a1•1•s.
'ms some minute<; hPforp tlw langhtl'r
dil'd <l1nnl. Thrn Silas l'Ollt i1111<'(l. "FillHll,\ th1' whistle hl1•w a111l tlw l'rmnl
pi1·kt><l the men up a11<1 marl·hPd off.
That's my foothall rxpPri1•1H'I' fpllows.
:'Iii-. .:\ll'Ill'nr>· and .:\fr. Iranrno<l say it's
a good gamr ancl that thPy llPl'd ~;'7,) to
1·011tin11<' thr gam<' in this s1·l10ol. \Yl'
11' [ g<'t up a
ouu:ht to support !111•111.
domino l'lnb they '11 support 1111'. I know.
~o if <'il"h OJW of You will follow Ill\' rxampl<' and giYe .'onwthing to kPl'j) th<'
ga1nP in tlw '-whoo] >·011r po1·kl'ts \\·ill hi' so
11nwh lightrr."
At this Silas r!'al·h1'1l
dmrn into his hagged .Jpan arnl pullr11
0111 a siln'r dollar. Soon thr air wa. full
of qna1·trri;. hah-rs. anrl 1lollar.. "\ft1•r
1111• silYl'l' "·as 1·arrfnlly f'Ollll1<'<1 tlwr<'
wns a gn•at ha111l.~lrnki11g s1·pnp hPhn•pn
tlw 11wmhrrs of tlw 1<'<1111 a111l Silas.
Silas's large hand lwld out 11111lPr tlw
s1rain. h1rn·ryrr. arnl IH' walkP11 gaily
hollll' to his Britanni1·a wit It Xonrnod.
TT R Fink. '1.i
Page Eleven
'J'his war, notwitlH;tand i ng the fad
that we ·haYe joint editors and several
rnPmhPrs on the staff who are m•w to this
wm·k, WP mean to put out a IH'tter SPY
than evPr lwfore. Our polit':v is not higgpr but lwttPr.
The quality is what
(·otrnts most in any magazine. \Ye• mean
to make tlw SPY mon' iutereKting. in('1'\'flsl' its ('ir<·ulation, enlarg<> its a<lvrrtis_
ing dl'partmrnt, aud, if possilllc, haw the
l'ditious out on time>. But there is 011e
\'Pl',\' large l'ador in thi8 work and that is
<·oiipC'ration. The Staff alon<' cannot put
0111 a 8lll'<'<'ssful SPY. It uc>Pd8 yonr help
in th<' wa~· of jokes an(l storiPs and it
also 1H'l'<l8 your suhs<·riptions. So let us
all work togetlwr this year in putting out
the lH'st SPY that the Iligh S(·lwol ha
l'\'l'r known.
With 8d1ool starting on tlw :nst of
.\ugusl, as it <lid this year, we C'ame back
to sl'l10ol with perhap a little feeling of
dis<·o11t<>nt. But let us get over that feeling and Jd. 118 hear the samr feeling of enthw;iaKm that eharacterized the sd1ool
last vrar. Lrt us haYe more e11thusiasm.
l n o;tr football games that will soon start
lt>t onr lo~· alty to our worthy s<1na<l he
sho\\'11. The ::-;py needs ~·our loyalty and
support as do all the other institutions of
our ::-;d1ool. The Kodak ('!uh n<'eds new
mc>mlwrs. the L~·rrum Leag1w wants nPw
i<h>as and the Athletic l'lnh all of us for
routl'rs. Let us all come b11l'k 011 the job
\\cith m•w idras an<l with itwrc>asell entlrnsiasm and loyalty.
)!any timPs last Year tlw itlPa of a
l{outl'r\ ( 'luh was<l about. hut not hi ng 111atl'rializNl. In a St'hool of our size
80me ·ueh C'luh is really np('essary. Let us
Ktart one this year.
.\nyonc> in High
8ehool •roul<l be eligiblP proYiding they
knew or W<'l'l' 'rilling to IParn the yells
and proYiding they pt·omise<l to attend
faithfully e•Hry game hpre in tcnn1 and
as many as possihl<> ont of tmrn. \\'e
(·oulcl haYc> nH'<'lings to IP<H'n thl' new
~·ellK hdore eaeh ganw. The onl,\· offiec>r
that would lw JH'(·Pssan· wonl<l lw tlw Yell
mastet'. If mu an• int;•t'<•stPd in this <:lub
talk it up a;1<1 lwfore an~· big game l'OllH»
off we will han• a 11H'Pti11g o[ all those
wiKhing to join.
There has Jong hPPn a 1lema11d for a
Short ( 'omnu•n·ial ( 'ou1·s<' in the High
d1ool. Pupils '\'110 left t lH' Pighth grade
arnl did not frp] able to attl>JHl tlw four
years of High N(·hool 'H't'P unprepared to
go into the lmsitwss world.
Conse<1ue11tly, the one-year ( 'ommereial
('nurse has lH'l'll PstahlislH'd \\'ith )lr. )!alone\' at its head. 'l'lw studies of whieh
tlw ~ourse is eomposPd arP: Commc'nial
..\rithmetit'. E11glish. N1wlli11g and Penmanship. Bookkeeping an<l Ntl'nography.
Having eompkte<l t hl'sl' st ndic>s. thr pupil is able to take a lrnsi1H'ss position.
This eourse is not desig1w<l to infringe
upon the n•gular fo111· year ( 'omnH't'<'ial
Course whid1 the s(·hool also offers. The
short eonr.·e gin•s only the absolute ne(·essiti<'s of <'OllllllPr(·ial \\·ork. whilP tlw
four-\·ear c·o1u·se off PJ's lllClllY other studies of general <l1Hl (·nltural · Yalm' whil'h
the pupil ma~· wish to take adrnnta~P of
along >rith the stridl~· (·omnwn·ial stndil'S. The >whoo! ought to lw <·011grntula1l'(l
upon lun·ing this 1ntH·h llPC'dl'd addition to
its eom·Kefi. an<l also upon haYing sn(·h a
(·ornpek11t man as 1lr . .\lalonp~· at its
Page Twelve
Tl1t• onll· t\\·o tlassPs whi(·h han• elC'dPd offil-(•r~ as n•t HJ'(' the Seniol' ancl Snb}-;(•nior. 'l'IH' ~·psults of t lw <' h'd ions are
as follows: Seniors. Ilo\Yard Fink Pre .,
I n'nP BardC'n. \'iee J>rPs., JsalH'lk King,
:-;('<'. and IlarriPi KupfPr. Treas. Elmer
\\'indsor. who has !wen the (']ass prc•si<lent
for till' past two ,\·pa1·s, prC's('lliPcl to tlw
l'lass as a mPmPnto. a lwaut ifnl pidure
whi(·h now adorns tlH' Sc'nior ..\siwmbly
Ho om.
Tlw Suh. ,Junior <'lass has also ekt'ted
thPir of'tic·!'rs for anotlH•t· half ~·pa1'. ThPy
arc• as follows: J>rPs. Eel. IJauhric·h. Yiee
J>rPs. \\'alkPr Perkins. T1·pas. & '<'<'. ( 'larell('<' ,Jcwrnclt.
ThP til'st football ganH>. alumni YS. K.
11. S .. was won h~ K. 11. S. "·ith a s(·ore
of G-0. This c·p1·tainly is an c•n!'onrnginO'
Huhy llill. who s1H•r1t thl' past .'·pa1· in
O!'rllHll1\· at Dres<LC'n l'ni\'PrsitY. is taking
c·omnwr;·ial work at K. II. S ..
Donald l<'rnst. a foot hall lwro, has joint IH• ranks of thP S('nior ('lass.
'I'll<' Iligh S<·hool .Har of l!ll-!-1.') opc•n<'d with thP l<ll'g'('St staff of tPa!·hc•rs P\'('r
lrno\\·n in tlw histo1·,· of th<' s!'hool. BPsidPs thP l'C'tnrn of tlw l'ormC'r tPa!·lwrs,
s!•,·p1·al rH'\\' ones IHl\'!' IH•c•n aclcll•d. .:\1 iss
Bristl'J' has \rnrk in II isto1·y and English.
)I iss llanrmonc1 has work in G('rllHln ancl
English. and :\liss Tin1111c'. \\·ho is tilling
th<· ,.a<·HJH'\' (·ans('d ll\· th<' rPsig11ation of
)I iss Bn a;l. has <'ha;·gp of ( '0111111C•n·ial
,\l'ithrn(.'ti" a1al English. BPsick this WC'
ha \'t' a 11<·w 01H'-\'<'<ll' c·onrs<' in ( 'omrn<'rl'ial wo1·k Pstahlis.hPd. This !'Olll'SP. \\·hi<"l1
is !'011<'1wt Pd IJy :\Ir. :\I almw.'" l'o1·n1C·1·i,\· a
nH•nilH•r ol' t IH' Bo111·d ol' l •~d11c-;1t ion. has
lH•c·ornP \ ' ('!'." popular and has not onl;· attrnc·frcl 11P\\' pupils hut sonH• of last year's
gradnatPs an• taking achantag<' of it.
l\liss Rlat('r. who }pft us last spring for
an rxtc>1HlPc1 trip in EuropP. (·ame bac·k to
us safrl~· - not. ho\\'P\'!'r without haYing
sntl'c•r<'<l some inc·on \'Pnic•JJC'P ht•eause of
th!' war- and we \\'('!'<' all cl<'lirrhted to
\\'C'l<'on1e lwr agam.
:\I iss Lyman is taking :\I iss :\pwman 's
plac·C' in ,\l1'. Tr('lllpc•r's oflic·('. :\ l iss Xewn1an ha1·ing left to take• a c·ou1·sp in Do111c•s1 i<· :--ic·iC'nc·e in Stout Institute• of ,\fp1rnmo11i<'. \\'is.
Thanks to the fnncl n1isc•cl hy t hC' SPnior
('lass Play and 111<' :\ l inst1·c'i Show, ,\ Jr.
'~'1·pn.1ppr's oftic·p has hPc'n c·o111pl<'l<'l;· rc1nrn1shc•cl ancl looks \'Pry c•lpgant. It is an
of'lic·c to he• proucl of with its 11pw] ,. dP<'oratC'd wnlls. new 1·11g and llP\\; library
Rhymes, Old in For m But Rather New
In Mea ning.
Ning a song of Iligh Sc·hool
.A building full of mks.
HeYen ancl lli1wh· frc•shnwn
Right from th<' gracle s<'hools,
And when llH'ir mouths \\'c•1·c• open
Oh. how thl'~' clid sing
Tlw~· ac·tuall)· madp :\liss ('amc•ron
FPC'I likP a c·o11quc•1·i1w Kirw.
" l~anner"
1'1 JC'." snng ··Star SpanglPcl
..c\11cl clicln't fail to i·isc•
Thc•ir song HC'w 0111 the: windows
.,\rnl lip into th<· skit> .
But whC'IJ t h<'y had finislH•d
0111• <'HI'S clicl Slll'<•]y 1·i11g Oh. l<'rPshnH'n sa\'P \'0111· Yoic·rs
Oh. ]<'1·c•shlll!'n how ;·ou sing.
Page Thirteen
Oh it's nice to lw a Senior
\\Then yon know yon 're at the lwa<l;
Oh it 'fl ni<·e to be a Senior
\\'hen it comes to Senior spreads.
Bn t then' eornes a t inw lwfore ns
\\'Jwn we know Wt' '11 surely grieve,
For it's sarl to ht' a Senior
\\'hen .' ou know it's time to leavE'.
Oh it's nit'e to he a 'pnior
\\Tlwn tlw Freshman stanrl in a"·e,
.And it's ni<·e to ht• a Senior
\\'ht•n the Seniors lay the law.
Yes. it's great to lw a S\>nior
·with your own _.\ s!'lembly room,
But it spoils our jo~· to think
That we shall hav\' to lean• it soon.
Throw ~·our hat in the ring
A\ nd tr.'· at sonwthing,
AtHl try it with all your might.
Ho with, l<'reshi\• <lears,
Om· ad vi<·e in your ears,
\\'e hopt> :rnu '11 ahirle hy the rule,
To kt>Pp a good name
A\rnl t•arn yonrspl\·es fame
Tlrnt will /rrsl in Kenosha Iligh 8d1001.
Ilt> bought a handsome touring ( 'ar.
'l'o ride in it was Jwavpn;
lk ran a<·t·oss a piPl'e of glass,
The hill \\·as Twenty-SeHn.
Oh, Freshies dear,
\\' e sadly fl'ar
'l'hat ju~t as we expected.
B~· ,Junior freak'1,
Tlwse first few weeks.
Yon \·e sorel~· heen ne()'leded.
To gnard eaeh step
.Arnl earn a "rt'P"
ls really what the~· 'r\' here for;
But .Junior girls
Are nought hut t•nrls
And the hoy's just pompadours.
Jt ha~ lwl'n . een
That tho' quite green
Yon '"e many a jolly stuclent.
Pray haYe your fun
\\'hrn work is clonr.
But in haYing it lw prudent.
.Just work ahearl
An<l <lon 't h rlt'ad
~lakl' something of your t'la. '.
Don't sleep. just clance
Around for a <"hall<'\'
To raisr yourself from the mass.
There are plent;\' of ways
1'o ma kt• good t lws<' <lay.
('an :·on play, sing. draw or write1
Ile took his neighbor out to ride,
'Twas grand to he alive;
The radiator sprang a leak.
Tlw hill was Twenty-Fin.
Ilf' started on a little tour
The very best of fun;
Ifr stopperl too <1nidc and stripped his
The bi ll was Eighty-Om•.
Ile took hi· wife clown town to shop,
To saYe tar· fare was great;
Ill:> pushed a str·ept <·ar off the traek,
The bill was :B~our-six-f'ight.
And !'IO he spent a pile of roin
Arnl then in anger t•ried.
"I '11 put a mortgage on m:· hom\'
_.\ ncl takr just onr 1110n' ricle. ''
Thomas A\ yton.
A Word to the Juniors.
•'Juniors spare that goat
'rolwh not a singh• hair
To see it t•ome to harm
ls mnrt' than wt• t•onltl ht'Ul'. ''
(Wt•'ll µ-Pl yon .''<'0.
Page Fourteen
- - - - - - - - -- - - - -
6 T (-) l CTlCS
thl' timt> of thP first game with the
~\lnmni thl' Iligh :-;<"hool tram <·on. islP<l of
Thri('llPn. Hoonl'Y & Ila111mo11d. Ends,
\\'ill Fink & \\'i llis . Unarcli-i. Berens &
Rlwnstrorn. Ta('kks. Uulbrauson. Cent\•r,
Reith. ~<"lnwll & \\'illiam-.. Half Ba<:k
arnl JI. !<'ink. Full Ba<·k. \'oltz. R\•edl'n,
::\li<·klema11. and .JpnM'll "'\'!'(' snhstitntPs.
ElnH'l' \\'indsot· ha:-. h('!'ll appointed football ma 11ag<'I'.
\\'ith a i'Pw W<'Pks rnor\' pra«ti\'<' "·e
are Slll'P to ban• a !\'am well worth represPnting oltl K IL S. arnl ;yith a little
help and e1H·ouragpme11ts from the stuclent hod~· Wt' shoul<l 'Yin the majority of
our ganH•s this season.
The tPam shut out the Alumni in the
first ganw of the sea-.on by the <h'tisive
S<"OJ'e of o-0.
'J'Jw llllexpeded \'Hille
"·Jwn th<• lligh ~khool kam <l<'frated
sn('h a i-itrnng l<•a1n. as tlw .\lnmni had
man~· former lligh S<"lrnol . tars. ill(·luding Kupfrt'. \\.hit(>. Thomas. ParkPr. K
BostPltPr. }l"Elwain and otlwrs in tht>ir
line up. Early in tlw first quarter Fink
nrnd<> a tou<"11 <lown by rapid re(·oYrn· of
an ~\l111nni Hub• punt ancl c·rnsst>d thP
goal li11P with <'a'><'.
This was t lw on!~ tmwh clmn1 made
throughout th<· !.('Hlll<'. hut half a dozpn
tinws th<> ~\lnmni 1·1·a"lwtl our om•-yanl
Jin<• onlY to hP lw!<l for llmYJJS Jiy the
lwroi" Pffo1·ts of tlw High S<·hool tPam.
~\t sw·h ti111Ps tlw PX1·i(Plllt'JJ( was lt'lls<'.
hut whilP t lw hall was in tlw rnic1r11P of
th<· 1iPld th<' h<·a'"' .\lllllllli t(•am ~<'<'lll<'d
to han• littll' cliftii-ult~ in goiug thrn our
lines. Fink with his lint> p!nng( s antl
Nd11wll "·ith his ('IHl run W!'rP thl'
g1·omHl ga in1•rs fol' t lw lligh S1·hool. whilP
th(• r<>maindPr of thl' !Pam play<'<l their
positions 'n>ll. Parkt>r. :Jld~hrni11. Thomas and E. BofliettPr W!'l'<' the grouncl gain('l'S for thp .Alumni. aml \Yhite. Yonk ancl
Tonpr show\•d np WPll for tlw Orads.
Pu111hling 011 hoth sid<>s was mul'11 in ind1•1H·p showing la<·k of sllfti<·iP11t pral'li<'('.
'l'hP ,\lnmni suhst itut(•cl quitP a frw llH'll
whil<' the lligh l::ll'hool macle no <'hanges
during th(• entire game. :\'itoll and .Jay
GlPrnm. two of our well known gra<lnafrs. offi1·iatPd at tlw gam<>. A fai1· siz<•d
tnrnP<l out
<·011si<ll'ri11g the
"P!'a<·<• Da~"' <·<•lrhratio11. hut 'n' <'XIH'"t
a lllll('h largt>r <·rowel JH•xt game.
'l'he lineup was as follows:
High '<·hool.
OJ le.
HoonPy, Ifnmmon<l E11tl O'Hare. ('la1·k.
Hlwnst 1·om
\ \'hite.
( 'rnt\'r
(~. H.
E. BostdtPr.
11. B.
II. B.
Thoma ..
Full Ba('k
1\m<:lHlowns ................... Fiuk (l)
~\t the timP of th!' fir1-.t game hut fi,·e
ganH•s hail h<'Pn s<"IH'dnlP(l. t"·o at home
and th1·pp out of t1l\n1. 'l'lwy are \\'auk<'gan (2). Ha"inP II igh Nl'11001. Lake l<'or<'st . \ ('a<l<>llly a11rl Washi11gton Iligh
~k hool. .Jl il wa nkee.
Page Fifteen
\\' e wish to a<·knowleclgl' and thank the
folhrn·ing journals. begging PX<'hanges to
kiudly rl'<'PiYP om· arlmil'ation anrl suggPstio11s in tlw same good spirit in whil'h
t lwy are giYen.
'l'hP Fot'!'St<'t'. Lal((• Fot'!'st ( 'ollc•ge,
Lake ForPst. 111.-Your . \11uual is fine.
:·om· <·uts Ht'<' spll'!l(lid. \\'(' '11 enjoy a
wepklY Yisit of' the NtP11to1· so plc•asc•
'· r·om;. again'''
The Tahoma. Ntadinm lligh N<·hool. Tac·oma. \\'ashi11gto11.-\\'e c·onsidl't' ··The
Tahoma" 0111· Ill's( <'x<·hang<'. Your .Anmial. clltho small for a sc·l10ol youe size•, is
so original. <·lpn•r ancl eYeu perfeC't. that
we clare not prnise otH' dPpa1·t11H'11t for frar
of slighting anotlwr. \\'e <'11\'Y :·on your
Athletic· aclnwtagPs. we> han• not so mauy
and that IPttc>r from ~la<liso11 ~ \Yell. it
tic·klc><l l1s to lPal'll that W<' an• not the onh· 01ws "·ho think the l ' niY<'rsitY of \Yis<:onsin .inst "ii." Yom· journal is more
than 'rel<·onw.
ThP ·waukl'gan High Nc·lwol. \\'aukt•g;1n. Ill.-\\\• enjo: Pel your .\nuual immPnsel:·. Your eartoonist is a wondPrW<' 're sorry that yon lost h<'t'. Don't yon
K. H . S .
.Xo l011ger do \\'l' grimal'e or turn in clisgust,
1\ t. wat er that's fisln- or full o[ rust.
For now "'e hoast
wl'll that cloth tlow
.A stream of C'rystal c·oolm•ss from the
depth· b•low.
Ahont a year ago. the Parl'nt 'l'eaeher ·'
Assoeiatiou of the Iligh '<·hool began to
agitatl' the s11hjrd of new drinking watPr for tlw High ,'l'110ol. TIH'I'<' was at.
that tinw a filtration plaut. hut it tlid not
s<'t'm to tilter the water pro1wrly, according to t<•sts maclr by the l'IH'mistry aml
hotany t·las:es. 'l'hl' Board of Edul'ation
think a few mot'(' originals "·onl<l impro,·e
your immhl'r ! 1\l'l' you still publishing
the Flashlight! If so. pl<•asp Pxehange.
The 'l'attll'r. • Torth
DiYision High
R<·hool. ::\lihrnukPe, \\'is.-Yon are one of
the goocl ex<·hanges wr han• 1·pc·Pin'tl thu ·
far. Your <·uts are exe('<•dingly l'l<•Yer. espl'c·ially th!' ('!'Hz~· quilt snap shot pagl'.
!,pt us see ~ · our paper n•gttlarl.'.
'l'h!' ~\ proplam•. East GrPen Ba~· High
8t·hool. Grc•pn Bav. \\'is. Your .\11nual is
"·ell arrangP!l ai;d (•ontains all the lk]Hll'(meuts. The stories at'<' nun1l'1·m1s and
good. but don't Yott think that whl'11 Yon
<leliherately t·op;· from anotlwr papl'r. '<es_
]Wl'iall~· ii' tlrnt paper is nu <·xc·lrnngP) you
should }lt least mark it snl'l1 an<l not /r!f to
]l<l"s it off as original.
The Law1·pntian. L<rn'l't'IH'<' ( 'ollegl'.
\\·is.-Yonr ( 'omml'tH'ement
. \ppleton.
nnmher is mo::;t inkrl'sting ! \\'p lnmfr(l
in ntin for ~liss Xorth \; pil'I 111·p and an•
still tr:·ing to imaginl' thP Yisag<' of :rn·h
a thorough p<H't(•ss. Hnt if yolll' pol'try is
goocl it is mil:· <'lJllal to ~- ou1· prnsl'. \Yhy,
detl'l'tin' story ""'" po. itiYel:·
thrilling. "('all again."
dl'<'i<led to tn- a 11ew s,,·stPrn of ell'drifil'ation to make the water pnt'l'. hut thi
did not proYl' to lw c•ntirl'l," su<·c·l'ssfnl. as
it kept goo<l jni1itors mopping up the
floors most of the tinw. lw<·anse it leaked
so ha<lly.
~o the Board of E<lntation ckt·idl'd that
the only "·a: to obtain good watPr "·a. to
sink a " ·ell. whi<·h tlw~- <lid this last summer. and as a re ult we haYP S\\'('c>t. fresh
i:-lpl'ing wal<'r to drink.
'l'ht• wa!Pr is
purnpe<l into thl' huildi11g h~ an automati(' pump. so till' janitol's hH\'t' 1w nwr<·
t l'Onhle c·on<·Pr11i11g thP wa!Pt'. \\'p 1111
ong-ht to fed n·ry gl'atpfol i11cl<•l'd that
W(' han• tlll' n•r:· llt',.,t watl'r obtainable.
\\'p 11otil'l' that quill' a frw of last
\l'ar\; (·lass ill'(' hal'k with us this ~l'at'.
Lida ( 'ro sh.\". Oma1· Kupfer. Esth<'r 'l'<t('ki,
and .Jlyrt IL• Pl·1·ki11s an' taking post-grnduat P wo1·k.
Keirneth Eastrna11, Earl Sl'i1rni1z .•\d<'Jaide IIomol\·a ancl Esther Ta<·ki of the
1·la. s of l!Jl~ will spl'nd tlw ~·l·a1· m KL'110 ha.
.\.llwrt Tanl·k of the (·lass of 1 !)();") has
lat Ply hePn ma ell' p1·psidP11t of t IH' sl·hool
hoard. Ill' is (·01l!H'(·(P<l with tlH' l~a<lgl't'
Brass .Jlfg. ( 'o.
(~uite a numlH'r of Kenosha High graduate>;; will a1frnd tlH' l'nin'rsit~· of \\'is<·onsin thi \'PH I'.
E<hnll'<l Xil·oll. 'l:l,
Ill'rlwrt ('m:tis. '1:3. l~l'll Bu<"k11rnsh•1·. '11.
Gl'orgl' lk1·kPt'. 'H. Byron Hill. '1:3. 1nge_
horg Rudd 'H a 1Hl ~\ ll'X Ols!'lH'fsk;·. '12,
Jrn \'l' enrolll•d for this (·oming year.
L<rnTt>lH·P Eastman. '1 :3. Eel. 011 Hartl~·.
'1 :3 Harn· \\'allis. '1 :3 and .Jlarion Ila Yens: '1:3. ~J'P hooked for Lawrt'llet' ('ollPge
this Year.
Fr;'d \\'estinP. '10. L1u·ile Harman. 'H.
a11d .Jame;; l~rady. '14. are holding <lown
positions with the 8i111mo11s .Jffg. <'o.
Gordon \'. lla!·kPt1. '1:3. will rl'tnrn to
Beloit ( 'olll'gl' this fall as a SophomorP.
.A numhp1· of IIigh S1·hool graduat<'s an·
fr<t<·hing now . .Jliss .Jlarie KPating. ·~rn.
ancl .Jliss Dornth.' Slntp1·. 'OG. Jrn,·p just
r<'turnPd from Em·o1w to take up thl'il'
fo1·nH'J' posit IClllS in the Colnmhm; ancl
lligh S<"hools. l'l'SJH'l·ti,·1•!;· . .Jiiss L,,·111m1
of th<' (·lass of lDO.'i <tlHl .Jlis: Emma l~ris
kr. '06. are also tl'<l<·hing in thP High
,'c·hool. .\m~· \\'i<·ld1a111 aml .\l111a Ila11Sl'll. '14 an• t<'<H·hi11g <·<mntry S!·hools of
th i-, c·ount~-.
.Jliss Pl•rsis D1'"'l'.'" 'l 0. has retnnw<l
and has for111Pd a danl·ing l'lass for 1hc
(·01ni11g wintp1· in Kl'nosha.
( 'arlotta ( 'oopPl\ '1 :3. will retnrn to DcPa uw l '11i\·p1·sit.'· this fall.
l'aul \\'indPshPirn. '12. is !!;oi11g to ('hi-
l'<l!!;o this !'all to tak<' 11p a l'Olll'Sl' i11 .Jle<·h anil·al p11gilll'l'1·i11g in .\rmou1· I 11.-.titnt<'.
.Jlr~. PP!'(] it a DP"'t'.' Pop<'. of t hP graduating !'lass of 1 !)(},). \\'ho taught h<'l'l' fol' a
frw ,\<'Hrs. is Ji,·ing in Enrnston. llli11oi-;.
l\alph Skin kl!'. '1 :!, is studying in thP
Kl'nosha ('oil Pg<' of ( 'omnH'l'l'<'.
BP11tll'y L. l~al'hour. '10, is l'OlllH'l'lt>tl
with th<' K<·11osha lfra11l'i1 of th(• .\mprit·a11 Brass ( 'o. \\'ill iam Bakp1·. '14. is also in tlw offil'l's of thP firm.
Lnln ( hristinsPn. '1-L and .:\Ian· Not'PllSl'll, '1-1-. HI'!' doing st!'1rngraphi<· \\'ork in
th!' offil·t•s of ('cl\·a1rnngh. Barns and ('a,·am1ngh and ol' .\. E. BtH·hmnst1•1'. l'PSpP!·iiwly.
J\:(•11Mth a11d l1·,·i11g :\lainland. '1:~ &
'14 an• L'mploypd at \Yinthrop Harbor,
( 'lal'<'lll'(' l'a1·kl'l'. '1-1-. has sho!·kl'd us hv
going into thl' insu1·a111·p hnsilll'ss.
l'PIJl'<'SP11ts thP :\at. lfrotlwrhood of lfailroad Employl'<'s.
Tht• s11ddP11 dPHth of thl' lilt!' 001'(]011
Bnnn1. '1-1-. <·a111p as a S<'H'rt' sho1·k to all.
lit> \\'as Jo,·pc] h.'· all who kn1•w him and
his loss is ft.It by e\'<'l',\'OIH'.
.Jlark Kindt. '14. is Pmplo.\·pc] hy thP
KPnosha (Jas and El!'dri<· ( 'o .. and Hussel
Ben Pd id ol' t lw S<lllH' <·lass is to hP fnt111d
with th1• Xation;tl ('1·P<lit ('o.
'l\n> of la. t ,l'l'Hl's (·lass. at IPast. will he
fon11<l in :\'ormal S<·hools this \'<'<ll'. Elsa ::\!'Ison \\'ill ht' in Ntont an·d :\Tatalie
:.\It-K!•nzip in :\I il\l'<lllkPP Xormal.
.\.li<·<' :\Id 'all of '1-1- \\'ill attrnd thP L'11iYe1·sit.'· of Jllinois ancl IIazpl :\lal·do11ald,
'J-1-. "·ill attP11<] tlw l'nin•rsit\ of ('olorn-
Le ter Sied chlag is taking up a Law
C\mrs!' at 11H' l'11in•1·sity of ('hil·ago.
\\rp arp looki11g fonrn1·cl toil lr'Pat next
month i11 a sto1·y 01· hn> aud somp n•1.:ollPd in11s of lifo in l~111·01w. :'II!•xi1·0 1111rl
\\'(•st l'oint from so111<• of th!' old<·r .\lurn11:.
The Simmons Manufacturing Company
l\1anufacturers of
Brass and Steel
Beds, Cribs, Cots,
Springs, etc.
for Less Money
Call or phone us for E stimate on New or Repair Worlc,
Gas and Electric Fixtures. All Worlc Guaranteed.
Josephson & Zimmerman
Phone 2302
National Woolen Mills
163 Main Street, Hastings Bldg.
Plumbing, Heating and
Electrical Contractors
455 Howland Ave .
Schroeder's Studio
When Times are Hard and Money
Scarce, Remember
It Pays to Trade at
is what our patrons
say about our work.
Thirty-nine years at
167 Wisconsin St.
165 Market St.
Page Eighteen
Take Heed.
Hon pst Surgeon.
J>l·rh11ps thl'se joke:; aJ'(' ol<l.
~\nd should he 011 t ht> shPll',
Hut ii' Yon (·an do i>PttP1'
~l'l;d in a fr"· Yonrsl'lf.
liowartl Fin k-111 dai-;i-; nwl'ting, prelimirntry to appoi11ti1w a tlower t:ommittee:
· · 1£ am· one get Ril·k we " ·a nt to ·how
WP appn:l·iate it."
_jfary lHHl a littlP lamp...\ jealous lamp 110 clouht
For when swl'et .:d a r)· 's IH•;rn c·am t' 1 n
This jPalons lamp \\'t•11t out.
-Ta horn a.
IIenry, ronjngating to go: ·'I go-er. a
- I rnc>an I am going - er-''
.:\1 iss Enrns. l'llt'Ourageingl)·: "Go on."
:\ow. 'd1y dicln't you Ilenry'?
0. G.-" I'm so sore that I tan 't stancl
or :-;it.''
L. F.- lf )·ou'rc>
you 're l)·ing.
Nt ndPnt : .. ~urgl'OJL " ·hat cl icl yon operat P 011 .:\11'. .:\Imrn for!"
N111'g(•o11: ·''!'hr<'<' h1111drC'<l llollars."
~tudPut: "Xo. l llH'an what clitl lw
lHl\'(' !''
Nm·gl'Oll: '' Thn•(• lnmclr('<l dollars.''
H. Enrns
( tra11:-;lati11g an or<ll'r for
GPrnuln ).
.. \\'aitPr. hring two
pan rakes.''
hrn in
Applied Astronomy.
.. llpr tl'l'th al'(' like stars,"
Gushl'd th(• lOY(' srnittPn Y<mtb
111 au outhuri-;t of joyouR ·dPlight
~\ ncl when th PY Wl'rt' married
Il<' found 'twa~ th<' truth;
LikP thl' star:-;. thl'y l'ame out <'Yery
·why tan 't a fish he> weighP<l on it's o"·n
l'a I PS.
-~\ proplane.
Jt is Pas.'· l'noug-h to lw plPasant,
. \ good jokp is likP a frep piano in the
ne\\·spa1wr ('Olltc>:st \\'(' ]){'V('l' get it.
\r!H•n nothing goes amiss.
But the man \\'Orth while.
ls t hl' man who <·an smill',
\\'Jw11 h(• n•acls a Imm \'PJ's!' like this.
BPware of a girl "·ho is a JWal·h !
Pc>a!'l1ci-; lun·e lwarts of stOJH'.
- .\eropla1H'.
::'lliss ::'llille1· (GP r111a11 ) "Halph what is
X lll'<'lll berg 110t<·d for ! ·'
R. EYani-;: ··For it.-; fortzPhnug. ''
There an• rnetc>rs IamhiC'. antl mc>tPrs
Tro!'liai(· and llll't(•rs of nrnsinll toll!'.
I~nt thP ml'!Pr that's rn·a1Pr. Jo;\\'<'l'IPI',
ro Ill pl Pt(' r.
I. to 11H·Pt her by moonlight. - alone.
::'lliss ::'llill!'1': " J 11 what 1wri0<l
Coetht> liYC' "
\\'. Pl'rki11s: " 111 \\'orms."
Last Year -
And Before.
B1·<'a1h(•s th('I'<' a hcl\ \\·ith soul so ckacl
That JJC'\'C'r to hirns Plf hath saicl
.. I ho1w l11)' 1eac·hPr \ :i(·k in lwll ! "
-~\ t>l'Op]anC' .
\\Ta 1<'1·. wa 1('I' !'\'('l'.' w h <'n'
. \JJd all our to11guPs did shrink
\\~ afrr, "·atl'l' P\'l'l')' \\'hC'r('
But nohodY woul<l clri11k.
( Xow, as Isahl'ill' i-;ays. "it's i-;ome dish")
.:\liss Enrns "\\'hat clews this line
m•·an !
~trid ~\g('. arnl sonr Sl'\'Prity
with thPir gra,·p s;nn-; in .l11mh(•1· lic."
~\ . HPcl!'Pll: "'J'IJpy al'C Sll<>l'ill"."
There's 011!' go1Hl thing al>oui the thir1y-tin•-<·l'nt lrnir-l·ut rat<'s. ]j
('Jll'Oll l'<lg('S llH'll 10
hP!'fllll(' ]><H'tS
and artists.
-rninoiR ~irrn.
First National Bank
Dr. George M. Mc lntyre
I I, 12, 13 Gros>eoor Bulldln Ji
Kenosha, Wis.
l'hunc Xo. '.!JO
Jlc,ur,,: 'J ,\
to 5 P. :\I.
Capital & Surplus
J·,,·cuing-s hy ,\ppointmcnt
G. Windesheim~ ~1. D.
Chas. Pfennig
C. C. Allen, R. F. Howe, Chas. T. Jeffery
A.H. Lance, Z. G. Simmons, Chas. Brown
Grosvenor Block
R •0111~ S. q an1.i to
Hcsiclencc HS
Telepho11cs: Office, liH
Kenosha, Wisconsin
011ice: Hoom,, i
and~ (;ro,..venor Block
'.! to 4 i,..;: ;o to !I I'. :\I.
Hours: 10 to 1~ .\. :\I.
You Always Get The Best in
Artistic Portraits by Photography
408 Park Ave·,
Brown's Studio
5e!u~~I !a?.~~ p~~!!ts5
:! 14' x 31 4 ::!..~. p4•r d1)Z.
\ .. e ... t pocket~ zt.. 21·c
( ltlter ,..jzes 111 pn p11rtion
Satisifaction Guaranteed
Our Fall and Winter Line of
Cloaks, Suits and Millinery
arriving daily. Every Gar
ment EXCLU~IVE. . . . . .
Each 9 in. x 2-1- in .
Each 7 in. x 21 in.
4 -
PENNANTS, Size 12 x 30
Any Leading Colleges of
Your Selection
:269 Main Street
Phone .2<106
265 Park Street
All of our he,,t quality in their p1·oper
color-.,, with culorecl e111hlc11is .
J-<:itlter as-.,01·tment for limited time sent
po>-tpaid for ,;o cents and fi\"c stamp.~ to
cu\·er ,,hipping- c ,,t-.;.
\Vrite ti» for price,; before placing" orders
for felt noveltic,., uf all kinc1,.,.
The Gem Novelty Co.
21 Bittner Street
Artistic Fixtures at Prices You Would Pay
For Ordinary Ones. We Want Your Business.
Let The
Do Your
Developind and Printing
Page Twenty
Baln- Stuart .............·hel Smith.
Tlw · GlPa!H'l'S ............. Tlw ~l'ninrs.
::\lot!H'r and ( 'hild ................ .
. . . . . . . . .Jlrs. .JI urphy and .Ja<·kson.
Dign it~· and l mp11dc>1H·<>. .......... .
. . . . .Jliss \Y<•ston & Dunham .Jlal'lin.
.A DistinguishPd .Jll'mhl'r of' thl' Ilnurnne
S<wiph· .............. .JI r. Tr<'mpt>r.
...\gt' of I ll! JO<'l'll<'l' ............ Ft'<'slrnwn .
.. \ Young Prin<'l' ·s .... Jlargl'1',\ Ba1·hour.
• Turse and ( 'hilcl ............ · · · · · ·
... ::\ l ixs • 'ti<'g an<l \\Tilliam Jlol'l'ow .
..:\Young Infant ........ P<'(l'r \\'alnl\'PIJ.
'l'hP Fair Haired ('hild ............ .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kath<•rinP PPrkim;.
Thc> Bov " ·it h a Hahhit .... \\'illiam Vink.
)Jona i',isa ................ lf Pl<'n Banlen
ThP Sl<'PJ>ing YPnns ..... (lporgia Grn,·<'r.
The Fakt• t>la~· ('l'S .............. na<"illl'.
Tlw Old Fiddkr ...... Karl \\'ind<•slwim.
::\ll'la11l'l10lia ......... Examination D<ly.
Portrait of Titian .... DPH 11 l~u<· kmast<'r.
Yiq~in of thl' Rod;:s ....... Gladys Ho<·k.
St<•am all(l •'P<'<'<l. .. . ...... · · · · · · · ·
Howard Fink aml IIc>nry Gullhranson
Goocl Uonsl'k<'<'p<'r ...... Flon'll<'l' Xdson.
Th<· ('IHH·olat<> Girl ...........\ li<·l' llal<•.
Bol]('mian Girl .......... lIPlen Peterson.
..:\nrntenr ::\ l nsitians ............... .
. . . . K<•nosha lligh Sl'l10ol On·lwstra
Th<' ThrP<' ..:\ gps of .J i au .. . ....... .
FrPd InglPy, Lonis H<•ith arnl IIowarcl Vink.
A Tragedy in Three Acts.
(Soft )Jnsi(').
Ad 1.
Bu II and T " ·o .J I a taclors
.. \ d ~Bull an<l OnP .Jl atadors
Art !3.
(( 'nrt ain).
-)Iil'ltigan Ga1·g.d<'.
Plea of the H istory Student.
0. \Yoody. Oh. 'Wilson~
Oh. h<·a1· us. I say~
Do11 't wa1· with J IPxi<·o
Don't do it. WP pl'ay ~
\ \' e \·<' skimll'cl th n1 1h l' war ·.
Thr11 1hPi1· pla11s and mys!Pry
Bnt if \011 adcl anoth<·r
\\~ ~ '11 sm·p fin11k in IIistory.
Plumbing, Heating, Lighting, Ventilating
and Vacuum Cleaning Systems •
T el eph o ne : 25 5
362 P a rk Ave.
of portraits eq ually priced for
Christmas at $5.00 the doi.en.
Make your selection early to assure you our best attention.
Sydney Studio
4 68 Market Stree t
Ph one 2 4 9 4
Groceries-flour- Salt
"The North Side Leader"
450 Milwaukee Ave.
Phone 316
Leading Outfitters
Young People.
Boys' School Clothes and
College Girls' Apparel.
For the best assortment of
e aro Headquarters
F II Hats, Cloth s and
Athletic Goods
for II - -
For Spring, Summer, Fall,
and Winter Sports
-·- go to
Glerum Book S ore
A. B.A.
2l3 Wisc::onsin St.
169 Main Street
Visit The
H. B.;:Robin•on, Pres., H. W. Jeffery, V.Pres.
N. A. Rowe, Ca bier, J. Funk, Aast. Cashier
N\erchants &
Savln~s Bank
ewelry Store
For all .New Watches. Clock•
Silver. Cut Glass. Dlamoods
Capital $100,000
John M. Regner
C. E. Remer, W.W. VJncent. Fred La.r~n
W. J. Birmingham, (). H. Gounermann
Mllthiaa Werve1 Christ Petenon, W.J. I!'rost
Corner So11t1- aod :Mata 8t.
High Grade Clothing
ffigh School Boys
-at the-
••Kenosha's Best Store..
Bell Clothing House
Dry Goods and
Epstein Bros., Props.
OUR MOTTO - Value Received Everytime
or Your Money Refunded.
Bode Bros. Co.
114-120 Main Street
Lest We Forget
Vest Pocket
The Kenosha
As small ns your note book and
tells the story better. Justthe thing
to make a record of School Events.
Headquart rs For
Reliable Lumber & MUI· Work
Tel. 293
1064 Grand Ave.
We al o carry in stock all
model1 of Brownies, Kodaks and
Primos at prices from SI to $60 '
Our developing and finishing
department is the best and most
up to date in town.
We also sell Books, Stationery
School Supplies and Sporting goods
Spaulding sweaters forBoysatGirls
C. H. Ernst & Co.
Macomber & Whyte Rope Co.
Manufacurers of
for Every Purpo e and Use
Factory, Kenosha
Office, Chica20
Early Christmas Shopping.
We suggest that you start your Christma& Shopping now - there are
many things that you can buy now and have th advantage of large
selections - it will also relieve the anxiety and hu ti that usually
makes a burden of later buying.
A proprlate Glfts t
S. &
II D p rt
We Cordially Invite You to inspeet
th Complete Line of Suits,
Qycrcoats, and Mackinaw• we are
abowina for Fall and Winter 1914~ 15
Vi1it Our
Phone 1161
Up-to-Date Goods Only
Kenosha Vulcanizing Co.
Tire Casings and Tubes Repaired
De Berge's
70 N · Main St.
Robinson's Book Store
Our Greatest Desire i1 to P~1e You. W c
try to cany the Goods you want and to serve
you promptly and courteously.
Your trJdc is appreciated tt this store:
Artistic Portraits by Photography
408 Park Ave..
Both as to methods and new equipment just installed,
which together with our long experience justifies the assertion that we give the be,t
work and service possible. Domestic finish.
600 Elizabeth Street
Classified Advertisements
Art Needle Work .............. De Berg-e's
Banks ........................ First Xational
~Ierchants ,'1, Savings
Book Stores....... . . . . . . . . . . ..... Ernst';,
Candy Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Bu fTalo
Cloaks, Suits, and :'IT ill inery .... Hey man's
Clothiers ............................. A mes
Bell Clothing- He.use
Iserma1111 Bros.
Schmitz & Lauer
Delicatessen Store ... . .............. King
tores ................ Barden "s
J>ry Goods ............. Thos. A. Sullivan
Electric Supplies ....... . ...... Schippei-'s
Florists.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Turner's
Funeral Directors . . . . . . . ....... Hansen'"
Rutledge c· Crossin
Gl'ocers ....................... F. F. Joerndt
Perkin;, Bros.
Hardware.... . . . . .................. En g-lish
.feweler .......................... Rt•;.:·11er
Lan11dry ................ Keno;,ha Lau11dry
Livery ......................... .. Ntlsnn
Lumber 'o ........... Kenosha Lumber Co.
Manufacturers .... Chicago-Kenosha Hosiery Co.
Macomber , Whyte Rope Co.
Simmons .\Ifg. Lo.
Novelties... . . . . . . .. . . .
Osteopath ................. . Dr. J\Ic In tyre
Paint and Picture .. .... ......... Threinen
Photographers ..... . .. ............... Drown
Physicians............ . ....... Dr. Stalker
Dr. "Windesheim
Plumbers .... ..... ..... . .... Ed. J. Sulli\·an
Josephson & Zimmerman
tores ......................... A•1,.,tin
Hub Sample Shoe ~tore
Vulcanizcn .... . . Kenosha Vulcanizing- Co.
The Latest
Fall Styles
$2.50 and $2.85 for
Men, Women & Children
2nd Floor, Over Bell Clothinfi Store
.Gem Novelty Co.
"Boost" your own town by wearing
"Black Cat" Hosiery yourself, as well as
by talking about it to your friends.
Made to Wear Everywhere
Fit to Wear Anywhere
"Black Cat" Hosiery is an Ideal Gift
No Store Leads Without a 4 'Black Cat" Hosiery Department
Patronize the "Black Cat'' Stores in Kenosha
Phone 688
The Store of Honest Values
J. Threinen
\Vall Paper, Paint!> and Window Shades
Picture Framing a Specialty
hades in all Sizes Made to Order
Invite your inspection of
their Complete Line of
Young Men's Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothing.
$18.00 to $25.00
51 N. Main St.
254 Main St.
Phone 2428
Phone 928
265 Main Street
Only a few more days
to Christmas.
We serve dainty LunchPs every day.
E>o your Shopping Barly
AT -
All Kinds of Home Made Candies
Ice Cream, Ices and Hot Drinks
All Year Round
Phone 60
300 Church St.
Classified Ads
A Football Parody
The Hero
Mr. Doolittle
Conscience Money
Proved Innocent
War News at a Glance
His Inheritance
Great V audcville Show
Poet's Page
Have you really come around
Oh, November?
We've been longing for the sound
Of November.
We've been longing so to shuffle
So to rustle and to shuffle
The dying leaves before us on the ground.
You' re preparing for the snow
Oh, November.
Every flower and leaf must go
By November.
Yes, each tree now shakes its head
As its foliage brown and red
Falls gently to the mother earth below.
You warn us of the close of fall,
Oh, November.
You prepare us for the call
Of December.
And you make us glad we're living
When you bring around Thanksgiving,
The time for thanks to Him who made us all.
Subscription Price: 50c the y ear; single copy !Oc.
Entered as second class matter Oct. 16.1913. at the Post Office at Kenosha, \\'is.,
under the act of Marc h 3, 1879.
Vol. IV
Literary Editor
Local Editor
Alumni Editor
Athletic Editor
Poetry E:ditor
General ::IIanager
j Irene Barden
I Isabt>lle King
Georgia Gro\·er
Harriet Kupfer
Dean Buckmaster
Elmer Windsor
Raymonrl \VinbergBU
Art Editors
Arthur Smith
I Gertrude ::lforga 11
Exchange I~ditors
I Esther Hevman
I Florence Nelson
Edna Zoller
i Norine ,) ohnson
Photographic E:dito1·
Arthur Priddis
Ed. Hauhrich
Faculty Editor
No. 2
.\d\·ertising ::IIgrs.
:Norman .Jen sen
iI Clarence
Mr. Hill
;\Iiss F~vans
Mrs. Murphy
;\Jiss 'tei 1.;:\Iiss Tuomy
Page Six
E R f\ RY
A "·arm sun shone down on the ~orth
Side Park where a munher of manly boys
'nre praeticing football. ome were practising tackling. ome "·ere falling on the
hall. while a few others were punting. .A
group of onlookers were uiSl'll8Sillg Renosha 's (•hanees of winning the championhip game from Kaei1w later on in the
~\. great ·urprise "·a caused hy the ap1wara1we of a W('ll bnilt ho,\· well known
in H<·l10ol hY all heearnw of a mistake he
ha cl rnach' the preYiouH 8 'a8otl. This hoy
happenl'd to he · · :-;kiuny'' !.Jeft who, in
the drnmpion ·hip crame "·ith Kac:ine, lost
the iwnnant for Renosha hec:au1-;e of a
fumhl<'. Kacine had se:orecl one touchclown and "·ere leading by the score of
six to nothing as " 'on" ,John. their half
bade miHsecl goal in the kick. In the last
quart<'!' Henosha rPaehed Kac:ine 's one
.rnrcl lint' by a seri('-' of long passe to
.. Hoon" ,Ji mmY, Renosha 's brilliant end.
Ilalf hal'k Ll'f°t lward his number ca1led
arn1 hl' knew tlw game depencle<l on him
ancl he<·auHe of the 1-;train and knseness
of tlw situation he fumhle<l the hall ou
the pla.\-, losing all ehance of scoring as
Ka«ine recoYerPd the hall ancl soon took
it out of dangerous territory.
From that time on he had few friends
a the hoYs of the school looked Clown on
him lwnn~se of his mishap. But he would
show them all yet that lw could play
thampiouship football, so thi. wa tht1
reason wllY he was out for the team again.
" ( 'rof>t. · di cl you know that ' kinny'
L<'ft waH out for t lH' tc>am again?" asked
Link. the eaptain.
· '1.Jdt ! Oh yes. he i tlw 1>lll' wh1> lo ·t
the champion hip game with Katine isn't
he?'' answered Cro t, the half back who
mm· held Left' position behind the hue.
· · I'Ye yet to know a more nervy pl ayer
than Left; a player who will c:ome out
for the team after what he has clone surely has come school spirit." "Ile tolcl me,"
<·ontinuecl Link, ''that he came out to
win back hi plaee and also hi lost popularity with the students.''
.:\Ieanwhilc the clays of pradiH, sped by
ancl R('1101-;ha hacl played a number of
crame with neighboring High 8<'hools and
sc:hools,, winnincr four bcrame
ancl 1osmg one. 'I lw outlook wa good
for Reno. ha to ·win tlw "Champ" for the
third tinw in five years. But alas, to"·ard the encl of the . ea on Re nosh a took
a slump and lo. t two ('Onsel'uti \'e game
one to r~ orest Lake an cl one to Cream ity.'
Heuosha was being pre. secl harcl bv Ka(·ine and th next ~atnrdav "·ould cle ·ide
just "·hid1 one "·ould win. the title .
X ow a IH'<'nliar state of affairs existe<l
in Ka(·in<>. lt s<'ems the players there
wl'rc older than the Renosha bcn-s some
of them heing qualifi •cl to Yoh' at 'th.(' lll'Xt
pre iclential elec:tion. Oc<·asionalh one
of their . h1rs would lose a birthday· nnwh
1o the embarassment of the Kacine and
Heno ha t am . So Renosha was handi(·appecl in this manner. but they meant to
win 8atnrclay' game if pradi~e hacl anything to do "·ith it.
Tlwrefore, ( 'oal'h Bertie• ordered ghost
hall pradi."<' heeau. e of RPnosha 's poor
sho"·ing. ( 'rost. running down a forward
pass. stumbled OY r a stone in the climnes
and clislo('atecl hi houlder from the ewre fal1. , o after all kiuuy Left would
gPt tlw «hanc·p to n ·dc•c•111 hillls<'ll' and his
sdwo I.
Satul'cl11.1· tu1·11!'d out to hi' an icll-al day
fo1· tlw e·ru«ia I gHllll'. •\ h1·as~ hand play<·d He nos ha 's s«hool song. ··On Hc•nosha."
\\'h ilP the • e·1·011·d 0 r loyal l'oot (']''> \\'('!'(' gi ,._
ing all th<' c•11c·on1·agc lll<'lll prn-:si!J]p to
1IJ<'ir IPillll. .:\lothPrs and filtlwl's stood 011
111<' -,idPli11<•s wishing suc·c·<'ss to tlwir boys.
~<'1 s<'<·I'Ptly hoping that th!'~ \\'011ld c·o111c>
out of tlw gallle 1111inju1'i'cf.
The first half was il lrnttlc· ro.rnl 11 ith th<'
adl'ilntagc> going to 1wit hPr sid<'. .\ f'tc·1·
a s<'H'l'<' <'itlling down from ( 'oac·h l~Prt ic'.
thP HPnosha tPillll \\'!'Ill into tlw g11111p again 11·ith n1orc• Yigot'. hut tlw Kac·inP t<>an1
had also hc•11<'fittPd from the rest hPIW<'<'ll
hall'<'S and tlw1· startPrl 11·ith a rnsh whic·h
finally eJl(lP1l l~p on R!'nosha 's thn·P-Yill'd
linc'. But Hc•rwsha. with a supreme dfort.
pu;;Jwcl thl'm ha<·k and stal'tpr] ro,. thc•ir
goal. It was a gradual gain hut finally
I'<'<tc·h<'cl the • Kac·inl' orn•-yanl line>.
' '1'hirrl do\1·11 Hiid cnrc• to go .
,Jp1·11n1. the l'<'f<'t'<'<'.
.. Sigllals _ t hir·h•<•n - t hil't.1 -six - t \\'<'llty
lht'<'l'-l'o11r-\'." <·allc>d S;1111111011<I. the • Hl'11oslrn c111a1·tl't'-h;1 c· k.
''Ski1111.1"' L<'ft k11<"1\· inn11<'diatl·l.' that
this signal c:al!c•d on him for a11 c>nd run.
This timl' hl' did not fmnhll' th<' hall hut
daslwd fonntl'(I. pt~shing hl'I'<' and dodging th<'l'<'. l'\';1<Ji11g his la-.,t oppoll<'l!t h,1
JlH'Hlls of a Sl'I <'l'<' ·tiff ;1ru1. fi11ally 1·1·0-.,si11g th!' line l'or tlw 011!,1· to11c·h d01n1.
Li Ilk t h<'JJ l'asil.1· ki<·ked goal. irnnwdiatl'!.1·
following \1·hi1'11 th<' tim<'r"s 11-histl<' 1·all<'d t i!lll' ll p.
.\<·ro;;s th<· fil'ld c·;J11rc• 111<• e·hl'l'l'inµ: of
thP H(•nosha root(•t·s led h.1· "Hu;;'' ( '011titH•nt and '' \Yi11d(•" ~he irn thn11dp1·i11l! out
"011<' - t\1·0 - tht l'<' · font· - fin• - ;;i...:" followl'cl by" lfah' Hah ! Ll'f'1." and thc•n Skinny
t·p;Jfizc«l hl' had <'Olll<' hac·k into his o\\'11 .
El111c•1· \\'i11dsll!". 'J.).
Jad• Br·adll',1· had jn:-.t gnHluafrd from
Yai<'. - just gntdnatc•d. ancl that's all
llc• 11·;1s 1·at hl'r' weak. and hP had tH'I <'''
dc111<• anythrng to stn•rndhc•11 himsc•lf. lk
!rad ll<'l.<'1' go11(• in fo1· athl<'lic·s. ;11Hl his
n•ports in all hi;; s11hj<"c·ts 11'<'1'<' ·'fair. "
\othi11g irllc>l'l';;lpd him; his fathPr triPd
'' ' <'l',1 thing-. git· ls. hooks. t 1·111 <'l. 11111sic·, hut
to 110 a1·ail. 'l'o lw 1·<·n· frank aud rnat tc·r of-faC"t. 11<· 11 as clo11°11l'i!.!hl laz1. and
had never done anything t<; overco~ne this
gn·at fault. It d0111im1t1'<i Iris 11·hole lifr.
\l'!Pr his gn1d1rntin11 his l'athPI'. 1111 alll
hitrous 111a11. took hi111 into the• l;rn· lnrsi
111• s \\'ith hi111spff'. a11d the• llilllll' 011 tll<'
dool' of tlw offi1·ps l>1•1·a111<' Hradlc>1' alHl
Hi·adl<'Y. This 11·as not a suc·c·pss. · .fae·k
1ook ll;l in!<'t'l'st in 1·0111·11·00111 1·asl's; itt
fa1·t. h(• 1'1'1'11 Wl'llt ilS fat• ilS to ilSSl'l'l !h;rt
111 · dislikc·d l;rn-.
l•'i11al11. hi, l'athl't'. fip.
1·0111i11g disc·om·ai.r<'d. 1·al l1•d hi111 i11to the
offi1·p aud stormill" a1wl'ilY up all(l dcrnT
Sil id : '' ~\11 my l'ff:ll'ts" h;{yp f)('('JJ of trn
;11·ail. You m;c absolute]~- no good. Yo1.
t11kc> 110 iutl'J'('SI i11 a11,l'!hing. Your's is
ahsol11tPl) a hopelc•ss <·ase ! Yon will JI!'\"
<'t' hP auy good. l "·ant no more of yon.
You are a hindram·e to ml'. anti. I air
<tsha nwrl to a<lmit yon ar<' 111~· • 011. Gd
out of my sight and stay' llc·n· is llH>ll·
(',I' l'llough to t ii kP yon out \\'<'st. 11 ny\\'hl't'<'. I d<in 't e·art'. Shift f'ol' yo111·spf1
fell' a whilr: 111;rk1• a 111a11 of' Yout". <'11'
1>011 't 11Titl' to 1111• 01· 1·0111c• 1war ,;rc. a"!'ain
1111til you hal'<'. Xo\1· go'"
Tlu·pc• \\'Pl'ks l;rtc>t' .Ja1·k ils1·1•11d<•<l thP
stc•ps ol' ii !i111itc•d <'XJll'Pss train arid 1'01111d
hinrspff in a t.' pit al \\'Pst<'l'lt :'1!011t1111a
to\\n. 'l'o his d1s11ti1\ he· found that hP
had lt•ss than the· dol la1·s IPft. ll<' ;rr·nn-;<'d hi111spff :-.nffi1·i<·11tly to 1·111·•;c• his f'athPt' 1·01rn1ll.1. ilnd t hPll sl't out to find \\·oi·k.
for hP \\'ils fo11d of <•at i11g i!lld hi' 1·011ld
1101 l'ilt wit hont 111on1',\" and 1·ould 110! ha\'1'
moll<'~- without \\'ot·king. TIP was di1°Pd<'d
to ii ranc·h aho11t <"ight mill's from tn\1·11.
Hild was tol<l ratht•r 1l11hiou.slv In· thP
sto1·1 kr<']l<'J' wlio lookpc] him o~· c·r· ;.riti1·all.1· that hP might hp ah]p to find mn·k
nut t h<'l'<' as tlH'\' \n•re \'en- hus' a11d
woul<l prohahly tak1· a11y01H; thl'y · 1·cml<l
Tlw 111'xt rnor11i11g he took thc> stag<' fc)
the· l'ilrH'h. anti. th!' manager pnt him 011
the payroll nut of l'harit~-. The ll<'Xt fe"·
wr<•k wrre the mo. t mi erahle hr eYrr
-.7w11t. ThP ridic:ulp whieh hr l'l'<'l'iYl'd from
tlw <·owhoys wa;; almo,:;t m1h<•arahl1' and
Page Eight
gnulually the id •a <lawned upon him that
iwrhaps h1• was nut e ·actly what he
should lw. anti he tiet1•rmi11ed manfully to
111ake somethiug of hirn · •lf. E\'ery spare
1!lome11l \rhich he eould teal from his
m1rk ht• spent iu pracliee. lle would ride
. 1•\·1·ral mile · from the raueh au<l pradiee
:-,\\·ift riding and throwing the lasso until
Ji1· IH'l'illlll' quit• au expert at it. lle <.:on1·l'aled his ability from the boy', however,
11wani11g some day to urpri ·e them lly
some difffrult <li play of skill.
One <lay a· he was riding thru the
brush of a mountain pas ·, he tame upon
a dearinµ; from whid1 the s1·enery of the
:-.mTounding mountain· wa · very striking.
l le drl'w rein and "too<l there gazing
about when ·u<l<lenly he wa · startled by
1he shriek of a woman. Ju t in front of
him a beautiful girl with a look of terrnr Oll her face U hen•<[ out of the bushl'
and ran :erPaining an·oss the el aring,
pnrsnPd I>:· a heavy, dark bearded man,
with a knifr dinthe<l het\\·ee11 his teeth
an<l an 1·,·il look in his eye. ,Ja1·k took
in the \\·hole 1:ene an<l <leC'icleLl upon his
<·otu·se of ad ion in a ·eeond. Ile could
dqwnd prl'I ty ·urely on hi· skill with the
lasso and lw would rop • the man, disarm
him, hind him au<l eHIT.)' him to the nearest town to the 1:>h •riff. The paper· would
IH' full of hiH heroic re ·cue and perhaps
hi ... father mi"ht recall hi bitter word·
11·ith regret. Then, too, tlll're might even
hP romance in it for himself, for the girl
1ras ,·ery beautiful.
In an in ... tant he luul mwoile<l hi· las~o. anti taking ac·1·urate 'aim, threw it. lL
Jip\\· over the villain's hea<l ancl tightenc<l
ni<·Ply about hi ne<.:k. JaC'k <lragge<l him
seHral fel't, saying, ··Oho, Hir, your pueposes aee dl'featcd ! ''
The girl turned a wrathful face towarcl
Jaek and he saw that it wa much paint1•<l. When ·he spoke the hoarsene of
lll'r voice made him hu<l<ler.
"lley, you big shrimp, ean 't you mi]J(l
you L' own bu inc ·s ~ You've spoiled the
hl·HL film we've ma<le this vear. The \Yar
1s bringing the price of fib~1s up, too!''
Georgia Grcwer '}:).
· · F1·llow 1111·mbers of the ·, \nt i 'dwol
,\s::;1wiatiou,' a presi1lent of thi league,
I hart· the honor of introdneing to you
tlw Ilonorable Jame· K Doolittl .
.. .:\lr. Doolittle. when a boy. rrnliz cl the
folly of tlw present rnl'lhod of obtaining
a11 l'dueation.
· · 111 my \Yorld-\\·ide Sl'ard1 for a new
method of obtaining it, 1 l11•anl of ::\Ir.
Doolittk :Jlr. Doolittle knew that our
.'to1w-,\~1· arn·e tors did 11ot go to sd10ol
a11<l '''<·1·e wis<'. and ckci<le<l to devote his
tinll' to study tlwsl' lwopk instead of cleYoting his time to making a perpetual motion machine.
'·::\Ir. Doolittle ha<l to go to ·chool ten
month out of the year the same a we
do. and re olYed to invent :ome way of
mixing knowledge together ancl pouring
it into our heads.
Ile knew that he
would l'a.rn a fortune if he did this, besicles t ht:> friendship of every boy of
sehool ag<'.
"ln his study of th e ance tors he <liscovere<l th •ir metho<l, which \Ya similar
to his exp dation . Thi method is a
seer •t to him. hut he will talk to you on
th1• ge1wral idea of it."
'· :Jlr. Doolittle.'
'' ThrL'l' <· lwers for J\Ir. Doolittle.''
.. Thn•e <·het'l" for \Yillie Burn "
'· ( 'heers for \Yillie Burn ''
"For \Y1lli1• Burn."
'' \\~illie Bnrns."
"Willie! \\~illie ! "
''Ye father I'm awakL•. '' said a sleepy
voice, "Gee it was all a dream."
That day, a little hoy clilln 't stu<ly very
much in . chool. and for rea:ons of his
own. went to becl very early. \Ve will
neYer learn ·whether or not he had a return of the dr ervecl clream.
Harold Curtis '16.
?ag-e • 'ine
··Ila\•' \ 011 hl'ard t 111• Ill'\\ s "' I tll'Hit'l'? ·'
• · J \ ,. l;1•ant 1111 tll'\\ at , I 1·1 ,ntsl'."
··\\'di. th".' 'yp di-.1·11\1·1·1·d -.11J111• ,·:ilnahh· 111i1w1·al 011 old ~h:1111h11 ·,., pr11pl'1·ty
riid1t Ill' t t11 that 11ld p1·op1·1·t~ 111' ·' 11111·s.
~harnhu '-, 1111 told 1111·: 111• sa,\
his fat hl'l'.11 h1· a m1lliouair1• 111 a 1·1111pl1• 11[
Jltollt h . 1·11 IH·t \'1111 'II Ill'. too.··
''\\'h\ \\ill I h;·! .. ii kl'tl ~··llltl'idPt'.
"\\'h~· do11't \Oil"'''" 1011 fool. that if
~harnl ·,;\ p1·11111·;·t.1 is fllli ol' 111i11p1·al that
'O\ll'S is too!
l-11 't \O!ll'S 1·ight !ll'XI to
i-;1iarnh11 's !"
"Why - why - so it be!
By (ieorge!
"ho'o 1•\11· tlw1q..d1t tlt11t that old goodJ'ul'-11othi11 ' t'o«k1 la11d · '11cl l'\'t'I' hP 11·01·tl1
a11ythi11g ! \\' h,;-. I'd a g·i1 I'll it il\\'il,I' to
a11.1·hod.1· \\'ho askl'd 1'111· it .n·stC't'da.1· wl'll
.. \\' .. JI. 1rlw11 <ll'I' yon g;oi11g- to stal't diggi11g- to st'l' it' tlH't'l' 's a11ything th1•1·e."
askt>d K1·1111s1• sharply.
··1 dn11110!''
·· \\'hy do11 't you st;1rt to 111111·1·1111 ! I'll
)11·lp ,1011. Yon hri11g .1 ·11 111· spadt• ;i1011g.
and JJ!C'd lllt' to-1110tT011· 111or11i11g 1•a1·l.1".
a11d w1• ·11 IH'gi11 right ii 11 ii.I.''
··_\JI ri1..d11.·• ag1·1·Pd ~-khnt'idPt' a11<l
th1·y pal'lt'tl.
~«1111 .. id1·1·
wal kt•(l joyfully tO\rnl'll
hom('. 111• ('(}uld hanll1· h1·li1•yp thili the
littl" pi 1·1·1• ol' 1n·1qwrt.;· whi1·h so111p 011e
hacl 11111 •i gl1•d him i11to ln1.1 i11g ,Yl'<ll's ag·o
"otild t'\'t•t' a111<1n11t to a11ythi11g. It 11as
011tsid1· 111' th(• «it.1 limits and Hs tht• popuIHtio11 of ~iln·l'fo11 i11«n·asl'd abont 11•11 a
~-l' HI'. thC'I'(' \\ilS ll<l ]>l'OS(Wd of his Sl'lii11g
it for r1·sid1·11«t' prop1·1·t .'. a 11<1 t lw ro1·ks
a11cl hill-. 011 it pt'l'Hlltl'd it1-; t'\'C't' IH'i11g
llwd 1'01· f;11·111i11g ptll'}Hlst's. so ~dlll<'idt>t'
had !!i1·C' 11 up tit<• tho1ud1t of !'\'<'!' gl'i t i11g
ii l'<'tlt 011! of it lo11g ago.
,\-, lw \\';tlk(•d alo11g. hi' IH'g"illl to pla11
]11)\\ ltt> \\'llliid 111-it' t "" lllllllt'I'.
It \\'Ollid
h11.1 a <'0111fort11hlt• h1111"C' for his 1rif'1• antl
hims<'ll'. and his ll'ifr «1111!d ha\·<' all !ht'
Ji11t'l'l1•s sh1 had alw;11s loll!!<'d fol'. 111
hi-, l'lat 1011 Sc·l111Pidc•1.' 11<'1 '('1' stop1wd to
think it strange that Krause, a man whom
11<· rli1l not know Y<'l'I \\'Pll. shonlcl off(•r to
l1dp hi111 so l'P<J<lih·. S"h11l'i(le1· 11-;1s a
simpl1· 11ld so11l: h(·· a hr a.\" thong-ht that
"' <'l'_\11111 111 th!' world w;1s good. ;rncl lw
Ill'\ <'I' -.uspC'd(•cl ' a11yo11C' ol' fo11l play.
liar! l1t• 11111 hPr11 s11·i11<l!t-cl so 11ia11y tinws.
ht' W<llild h11' t' h1•1•11 fn 11·',,· \\'Pi I otf
theRe lessons did not teaeh him cautioustll'ss; h1· 11·11s t hi' S11lllC' 1111s11sp ·<'li11g old
Thi· 111·\t 111111·1ti11g· 1'011J1d l\1·1111 ,, a11rl
~vh11t•iclPI' Jt,d11-,tl'io11,,}1· <liggi11!.!' 1111 11ld
Sl'h11t•id,.1·'s p1·opl'rty. ~\l't1 ·r 11 \\'t'l'k. th1•y
had s1111k ii h11IP 1il>n11t lil'1c>1·11 l\•pt d1·1·p.
l\1·;111s C' 11'11;1,1.- i11si . till!! 1111 cli!!t!'ill!.! 11 ilh
S"h11 P1 d1 ·r iii t h1 • ll'i11rlla,s. l\1·a11-.1 • llild
1•1·iclt'll<'t' of ii l'i ,• h \'t'ill of Ol't'. 1111! h1•
1·1·al'til,1· k<'pi Sd1111 ·i dt•1· 011! of th1• h11il'
11Pcl h<'g·a11 !11 pla11 how h1· l'o1ild !.!Pl it
il\lil.' 1'1·0111 Sc·h11c irlPt' I'< 1· '11111 <'II'.
~o that <'\l'lling·. 11. 1-.01·k 11;1s al)()ut to
(•1td. a11d Sl'hll<'icl<'t' !tad hoist1•d Krn11sC'
lip out of' t ht• holt'. l\rn11s<' sc1 id.
··~''·' S"h11t·icl1•1'. old 111a11. it's hal'd lt11·k
fot' .I (lll. h11t i h1 •t'( ' \ II<! lllill('l';ti cJ111111
tht•1·1· a11rl 111'\('t' ll'ill IH'. \\'!' 111i!!ll( as
111'11 ta"" 0111· I 1·ap:-.; ho111t> t!Cl\\'.
~·kl111t'icl<'t' \\·as ll'tTihl1· disappoi11t1•d
hut ht• s1il1111ittt'd to l\1·a;1s1·'s stat(•111t·11t.
llt'\'t'I' thi11k111g to go do11·11 111to !ht• holt'
a11d s<'t' fol' hi111s1•ll'. So t hP.1 !.doo111illy
1l'<llllpC'd off ho111<'. ~d111l'iclt'r 's aireast il'S
had 1i1kc•11 H han[ f'alJ Htl<l ht• dt't'i1d1•d lo
il'll his 11·i l\• of ihl' had 11('\\'S. . \-. thv\'
n•a1· hc·d his ho1111•. I\ 1·a 11s1• said.
"l '11 t<'ll yo11 11·hat. S1·h11t'idt>r. I 'JI hny
1hat prop<'t't.1· if you want to st'll it du•ap.
I ha 1 <' so111c• hors<'s. and I ha\(' hc•1•11 n·11ti11g a pil'->i 111·1' fol' t ht• last t h1·1•1• .Yt'Hrs l'o1·
t l1t•111 to gTHzt• i11. 'l'lw grnss is good 1111
that pla«t'. ;111d if I 1·011lcl gC'f a lot «l1<·ap
it 11·onld 1·1·all.1 ht' (·ht•HpPt' i11 th<' lo11g
1·1111 to 1>11.1 11 pl11<«' tha11 to kl'l'}l 011 Jlil>'ill!!
l'<'lli. \\'hat 'II you tnkt• for it?
.. \\'h.1
why. I du11110
I 'II lrn1·(' 111
ask lllY ll'ifr."
.\t this l\1·a11sl'·s f'H«t' 1'1011d1•d. h111 hi•
said ... \\'<'II. I 'II «Olllt' o\'t't' to .-.1·1· ,11111
about it this <'l'l'lling'."
",\ll rig-ht." sai1l R«hJ11•idt'1' 1111<1 so it
\\'HS sl'f1 IC'd.
!"«h11l'idt'1' diS<«l\ <'l'Pcl that hi-, wift. hacl
go11t' to JlC'lld 1111• 11i~ht at hi•r sisti·r·s.
who was 1 <'I'.' ill. a11d 'll ht• clid11 't ha\'t!
a 1·ha11<'l' to l'On . ult ht•r aho11t Hl'lling thl'
But "·hpn , pink 1·ame that
night. thr c·harn·e of getting ri1l nf \\"hat
st't'llll'cl to him to ht• \\'Ol'I hlt'ss propt'l'ty
\\ils 1nn t1•mpting. and hr sole! it for 11
ridi1·11lo11s pri1·c.
Ht> <lid not CYe11 stop
to think that ('''rn though thPt'!' was 110
Page Ten
111i1wral on hi. property, it woultl neverthl·lt•»s hP nllnahle becau 'e it adjoined
on which rniurral harl !wen
fo1111d. Ilis "·ifr. who \\·as llllll'h \\·iser
and shn·\\·dpr than lw \\'tllll<l haYe r1•aliz<'d this fat'!. lmt in lwr ahsPnt·e thr propel'!.' \\'els sold for a song.
.\I out two \\'Pl'lrn latPr. it "·as a11nouncl'd that Krnnst' had 1li l'O\'l'l'(•d leatl on the
prnpt>I'!." he harl hong-ht frnm Sl·hneider,
a11<l wonltl soon ht'l'Oine a \'Pry rid1 mau.
~oon aftpr the ttnru was llllH'h excited
wlwn it was noi1wrl ahout that afll'r nearl.' dJO!:ing Krause to dt>ath. Sl·luwider
had (·ornph'frly lost his minrl, ancl hacl
IH'l'll takt•11 1nn1~· to a sanitarium.
During th<' 1wxt yt'ar, ?\Ir. Krau ·e did
indePtl lwconw very rich.
Ile built a
heautiful Ill'W hou e, ancl hired many srrYH 11 ts to ket'p it up.
Ile aml his family
Pnjoy<'rl t'\'C'ry luxury. ancl as they had always hl'<'ll Yt'ry poor. the~ \\·ere very cleligh!<'tl and happy in tlll'i1· new w·paJth.
Tnw. )JI'. Krause rlirl at first fcc•l eY •ral
t \\·i11ges of <·011sr·iPIH'e wlwn he thought of
tlw "·a.' he (·lwatecl olcl ~eh1H'idrr. and
ht• rathvr dn•adc<l to meet ) ! rs. St'hneid<'r
<'I' go past lH•r horn<', hut wh<'n she <lied.
ht' thought that he would JW\'C'r see or
!war anything of tlw Sl'lrnPitlPrs again,
an<l l'Olll<l forgd all ahont them.
1n a "ho rt 1imc>. heing- t lw "·<·alt hie ·t and
moi-i! infiut>11tial man in 1lnnl. Krause wa
<'1<·<·1(·<1 :Jiayo1·. One <lay, as he at at
his dt>sk in th<• )layor's ofti<-e. the door
\\'<ls quiP1 I~· op<'1wd, an<l sollle one <"ame
in. Kraus<' lookPd arournl. startecl ha<'k
and gH\ l' a Joncl exclamation. '!'here•, hefo10l' him stood ~c·lrneic1P1'. I1 is shoulders
\\'(•1·1· hl·nt; his hair wa whit<> and his face
gaunt ancl thin - but hi eyes!
l\rnust• wantl'<l to get up ancl run from
tho l' P) <'· ! Tlwy harl the wild fierc<' look
of an insanP man. They stared at pink
all<l Wl'lll<'cl to fascinate him; - he could
110t tak<' his Pye from them. Finall)· ht•
managed to . ay. ''\Yrll, what do you
want!" in a dry hard tone.
"I want justi<·<>," said Sdrnci<ler
'·\\'hat clo you nwan?" asked Krause
1 l'Plllhling.
•·Oh. I'm not C'razy; th Py let me go
ha<·k th<'re; th<' clod or said I wa. well."
a 11swl'r<·c1 , \·hncitler sarra. tic-all)·.
Krausr grahhe<l his ehe<·k-hook and feY<·rishlY 111adc' him out a t·hrc·k for a lnmdrNl ~lollars. \Yhen dmeiclPr took it. an
cYil sill ilc sprratl oYcr his fat't', anrl he
t•ril'd out . hrilly, '' l '11 have the rest oon,
I 'LI lrnYc the rest ·oon," and tottPre<l out
thP rloor.
Krause wai-i 1-iO wt•ak aftl'r lw hacl g-one
that he l'onlrl not lift his hantl from the
desk, or 1110\'c in any 'n1y t'or a long ti me.
Those awful l'Y<'S se<•med to look at him
from even· co1:ner of the roolll. When he
got hack· a little self-assnrant·e. he put
011 hi
hat to go home. \\'hen he went
out, the first thing lw saw \\·as Spink
grinning at him from the sicle "·alk.
That e\·pning-, Krause's daughter eame
i 11 and said. "There's tlw awfullest looking man out in front of our house. He's
bcrn there for a long "·bile anrl he is muttc>ring and grinning so horribly! rjan 't
:·on make him go away?''
.. Oh, let him alone, my dear. let l1im
alone - he'll go along pretty soon,'
saicl Krause. for he knew who it was and
had no clc ire to go out anrl talk to him.
lie spent a sleepness night ancl dn•acled to goo out the front door the next morning. Ile wai half-tt>mpte<l to go out tllP
hat·k way, and sneak clown tlw alley, for
IH' felt that 'drneicler woulcl he tlwr~
.And ure enough, there he "·as grinning
at Krause when he wenl out.
thought that all the fine things "'hil'11
Kraus<' owned rightfull)· heloJJgl'tl to him,
all(l told him so many times. One' Sunday
morning wlwn Krause anrl his family
"·ere <lriYing- to l'lnm·h in hiµ-h style iu
1hPir beautiful <·ai·ringP. they r·amr <l11wn
a stl•ep hill n11ht>r fast. a11d .iu't as tl1<y
r<'a<'IH'd th<' bottom. a gTotl'i-i<JlH' fig-ure
s!t'ppe<l out from the hushes and t·allt'd
011t shrill"" l,ook out Kraus<' you'll break
~<"lrneirlP~' 's wagon ! ''
Fr<'qu<'ntly, Krans<' "·oultl hl'l'OlllC frnn1i<' an<l would writ<• ~<·lrneidPr another
r·Jw('},;: in an effort to krrp him away. and
~l' l uwiclPr "·ould always smile ancl say
·' ( 'ons<·ir!l(·e mo1wy ! Conscience mon-
Py ! "
~\. few months later. Kraus<' hec·ame
YPrY ill. About orn·r a "·eek he clemand<'<1 ·his C'he<'k-hook. and sent the butler
mn<"h to the latter's distaste with a check
clown to •'<·hneider. "·ho stoocl outsicle
"·atc-hing all day long. Krau se al o callt•d hi. Jaw)·er and chang-Pcl his will. refui-iing to tell his family " ·by lw wislwcl to
rlo so. or what hr had changr<l in the will.
Jn his tkli r ium Kraus<' l'alkrl ont many
1imeH fo1· tlwm to HaYe him from t ho. r
~ndul <·Yes. and his last worrls wrre "Oh
- thosP awful eyes!''
.\ eonpll' of days lat<'J'. as t h1• monrll1·rs
were leaving th' cemetery, a gaunt figure
stq>pl'd fro111 th1· 1·rowcl allel. walking nY<'I' 1n th1· gnt\'I'. hl'nt o\·1·1· it ndlPcl out
".Justi1·1'~" m11l 1hPn tott1·rl'd awa~.
Latl'I' whPll :\II'. Knt11s1· \ will "as
l'l'ad. to t h1• trn·at snqiris<' Hild l'hagTi11 of
hi:-; family. one-half of his gT1'a1 wPaith
W1lS ]l'ft to :-;«Jllll'icll't'.
Sl·h1ll'id1·r. h<rn·pye•r. nP\'1•1· ]j, Pd to 1·njoy his ll<'Wi>· trainPd \\l'1iith. Ill· -.,1•P111Pd
to ha,·1· a1·hil'\' l•d hi,., Jllll'(H» 1• whl·11 l\n111sl'
dil'cl. a11d soon aft1·rwanls hi' diPd. 111111·h
to th1• l'Piil'I' ol' the• l\1·a1i-.,1• l'a111il.\. who
""'l'l' ha11nl!·d 1111 lo111.r<'1' h11t "·ho 1·01ild
Jll'\'l'r q11ite fortr<'t his awl'ul 1·yp-.,,
lrPn1· Banl<'n 'J :>.
Tlw at101·111'>' fo1· t h1• cll'frns1• aros<'
slowly from his drnir Hild turnrd to tlw
twl'h e solc•mu rnen h1'!1incl thr l'ailillg.
''Orntll'ml'll of th<' jury.'' lw lwgan. ·· 1
Jiayp aln•ad> prl'sen!Pd proof suffie·il'll1 to
free tlw unfortnllatl' mau at 111,· sic!<'. ThP
frstimo11.'· of 0111· wit11e•ss1•s ~nrnl1l Ulldouhtc•clly he• enough to 1·011Yi111·e' tl11• most
skPptie·al. Ilowl'Ye•r. as a di max to 1he
1Pstimon>· l han• with us thl' greatPst dekdi\'I' .\11w1·ic-a has P\'1• 1· produ1·e•tl. alld
Jip will prc•sl'llt n ide•1wp whi1·h will prnYt'
IH'.nrncl lflll's1 ion that Ilarn•y .Jones is not
11w mm·dpn•1· of the lat<' Thomas Smith.
l>PtPdi\' e Emil ( 'lans1•n of K<'nosha will
110\\· 1akP thl' stand.
..\ largl'. hlae·k rnonstal'hl'el. hpayj],·
l1uilt lllHu 110\\· again ll101111tl'd tht> wit111·~s
stand. 1·a1Tyi11g a fade1l dPrhy. a pair of
glassPs. a pastplward hox. a f1·w thn·ads
of 1·lnt h <lllcl a dark staill1•d daggPI'. . \f1<'1' hl'illg duly sworn in and asked a f1·w
q11Pst iolls. h1• l><'g'Hll ill hl'<>ln•n English:
"ThP first i1Pm of prnof for this 1111j11-.,tly a1•1·11;,l'cl man i;, thi-., d1·1·l"-. It was
found In· tlw sidl' of thl' 111111·1.ll'rPd 111a11
hy poli1·«• ol'fi!'C'J's Hr1·idt and \e'who11-.,I'.
•\s It-st ifil'd to I» ot h1·1· wit 111 'Sl'"· .Jonp-.,
\\ as not ]pft handl·<l. llo\\'l'\'l'I'. it is 1•a-.,il.' Sl'l'll that 011 1hl' lPft h11lld -.,iele of thl'
front ol' till' hat hri111. it i-., \\'ol'll down a
l11t \\ hl'l'l' 1111· w1·ar1•1· was a<T11;,to111PJ 1o
grnsp it in p11tti11g i1 on or taking it off.
It stands to 1·rason that 110 one would
g-rasp a hat 011 tlw IPl't hand sid1• with th1·
right hanrl. all(l thus th1• hat 1·amwt heloug to }Ir ..)OJll'S.
.. Look at th1• 11'1tt!H•1· hat hands 011 the
insidPs of ~our hats. gP11th•n11•11. and no1i1·<· that thr hand is llarkP11ed by 1wrspiration on]y whPre th0 hare skin tou1'l11•s it
a1Hl not ·"·herr the hair tom·he it. In
th is hat t hi' ha1111 is darb•1w1l ho th in front
a d hl'hincl and therrfore th<' munlerer
J111tst haYe hc•pn hal<l h<'arl<·cl. Yon l'Hll
st'<' for yourself. gl·ntil·11H•11. that }It'.
.Jn111's i:-; not bald hPac!l·d i11 thl' ll'a-.t.
· • 'J'}J(' a1·1·11sl'd \\'O l' I' 11 g'l'l',\' s11it wh1·11
1·aptttrPcl a l'<·w 111in11t1•s aftl'r till' 1111miP1·
hy offic·l'rs :\l('( losk.'
and ;\p\\·hou-.,P.
lier<' an· ~;o1111· hiiH' thl'l'<llk torn 011t ol'
thl' suit ol' th<• 11111rdPJ'l'I' as h1· l'an lwt \\'l'l'll thl· 1·ost• h11shes and Ps1·a1wd. '!'hi'
thorns on tlw hnshl's l'11ltght tlwm. lll 'I'<'
th1•n is anothc·r fad whid1 would !Pad u ·
to IH'liPVl' in :\Ir ..)mil's' i11no<·1'111·1'."
· · Th1•Sl' g-lassl's are -.,aid to ha u· IH'l'll
dropp<•cl h.'· thP murcl<'r in his 1•s<·a1w. . \11
1•xp1•1·t 01·11list tl'Stl'd th1• <'.'rs of th1• a1·1·11s1'd at tlw jail thi 111orning and hi' will
p1'l'Sl'11tl.\ t1•stil',\ to tlll' l'ad that .Jo111·s
1·oulcl not po-.,sihl.\ \\'l'Hr th1•se• trlasl's.
" 111·1·(• in this pa-.,tPhoHl'll ho\ is a
sqllill'l' of 1•111'1h. d11g 11p j11st as it \\·a..,,
IH·sid1• thP hod.' ol' t hi' dP1·Pas1•d. .\ ..' 011
S<'l'. it holds thr imprint of 01111'0111· \
right hand. undou htl'd I.' t hi' Ill Ill'< l<'l'<'l's.
sinn· it i-., 11111!'h larg1•1· than that of tl11·
'11tl' :->ntith. \'oti1·p that all fi\1• ting1•1·s
111·p p1·1••;t•nt. \\·hill' :\} r .. Jo1w lo-.,t t h1· 111iddl1• ti11µyr of hi" l'l\dtt hand \\ hil1· w1>1·kin~
i11 11 i'al'!ory fi\'(• .''Pai·-., ago .
.. La t '·'" you <·an plainl,,· .,,.1. ,,,. tlw
dottPd hlo(l(l 011 th<' lrn1111l1• of thi-., datrgl'I'
1hat it was h<'lcl 1n th<' Jlllll'<l1'l'•'t' · }pft
hand. "\ . hPfot·I' . tat I'd. :\Ii'. .Jo1 11.., i-.
righ1 ha11dPd. .\ g1•11tl1•1111•11. <·0111par,.
'h1• fi llg'<'l' p1·i11t of tho"<' 011 1111• da !!"!!l'l'
\\·ith those tak1'11 of IlP11n· .Jo111 .. 11111• hour
ago i11 thr jail. 011P c·a11;111t hl'lp -.,p1•111!! a
trr<'at diffl•r1•111·1'. From tlw e fad .. !!1'111 IP1111·11 of the• jury. how l'an ~on lonht
tha1 1,1.H· a<·c·n ·prl If<'Ill'.'' .Jmw 1;, 111w<·1 11 t .
ThP final ap1w;tls Wl'l'1· macll', tl1l' j11d!!•'
:,;pokl' a fp"· word;, allll the jnr.'· i!Pd
out. 'isihl»
imprl's ul. whil1· .Jone ,
hrPathing a sigh of relil'f. ro.·e a1a1 we1 t
slowly nnt of the room.
DPa!l nul'kma. ter '1.).
Page Twelve
\ ~~~~
From the " ·ay thing look no"" a word
to th e urnler<'lassmen, who "·ill soon be
the kailers in High School, would not be
a mis ·. The main quality of an all around
good 11H•mbcr of a . chool i · lo.' alty; loyalt,\· to eY<'ry rlnh, e\'t'l'~· team . <'Yrry i11stitutim1. On th<' <lay of Olli' foot hall tlefrat
at thP hand;; of ~lilwauh·<' East DiYision.
an undt>n·las;;man. a girl. "a;; lwa nl to sa.'
wh<·n l<·aniing of tlw 011t<·ot1H' ol' thP ganH'.
··\\'ell. l 'm glad I clitln 't go!·' That }.!il'I
1·,·id1•u1ly 011 ly <·<ll'l's to s<'<' a football
g·ain<' "ht>n Olll' hoy;; " ·i11. EvPn if out·
hoy;; do 110t "·in on<' gain<' tit<• \\·l10k y<'at'.
wh<·n oJH' thinks oft h1· iPdiolls hour. and
th<' h:wcl work thPy pllt in faithfully at
prnl'l isl' t hP~ ' ;;urPI.' nPPd tlH· support of
PY<'''.' HH'lllh<'t' of High N<·hool. EspCl'ially do th<',\" m•<'d tlw snpport when they are
"np ;tµ:aiHst" a lwaYi<'r !Pam and the odils
<ll'P against us.
But the football tl'am is not alon<' in
nrgP11t rn•etl of support a n<l lo~· alty. \Ylwn
~ ·on ht>a1· a p<'rson grunting hr<'ause the
NPY is dull or uniutere ·ting. he loyal to
it. In tlw major·ity of <·ases the people
"·ho t1o thl' mrn-;t grumbling are the smalll'st <·m1trihnton; and ht><·arn;e the matrrial
that th<'" lrnn• lrnrnlecl ill has not been ac<·Pph·<l thl'." think THE RPY is a fogg-y
~Ian;< tinH'S . lams upon th<' JH'op!<• in sc·hool haYt> bern hamle<l in hnt
]rn\'<' not lweu priutl'<l for ti!<' simple r<>a.·on that onr pap<'r is ahoY<' nwan slams.
E, Pn if your "·ork has not hPt'll puhlislwcl
stand hy ~·our . !'hool papt•r an<l try to
writ<' hettrr arti<·les.
The> main ohjed of this eclitorial ha.
hl't>ll to impress 11pon the Frrsh men and
P.ophomorl' .. th• ,Junior. alHl 8enior. to
he. that lo~·alty in a IIigh School pupil
sig-nifies that he ean see things from t h e
prop<'r p<'r. pectiYe ancl that he honors the
institutions of his t·l1001.
The Lyecum L Pagnl' has ilN'n cstabli hl'<l for thrrP Yt>ar;; and has eudt>aYoure<l. to
have monthly meetings in '\Yhi<'h readings
or ilebatc were given and oeeasionally
th c League wa favored with mu ical sel <•et ions. The girls ha.Ye been holiling
1h<'ir t'<'l!,'lllar 11w<'lings this year and they
irt!l'tHl 10 clo rnor·1• titan t'Y<'r before. Due
to tlw fad that nw11.\ mernht>rs have ldt
sd1ool. llP\1· n1<·1nht•1·s will lw taken in
"ho, it is hopP<l. '\\·ill <·omp with new
ideas. The girls arc preparing to give a
prngra1n lwfore the Assembly and we all
a11·ait \l·itlt in1<·n•st "·!tat \l'l' Ht'<' snrP " ·ill
hP a pka-,ing- half hour. l~ut th<'t'<' i;; one
thing which the Lyceum League hwks a11cl
this is 11ot a f'ault of' its O\\'IJ. It hwks
<·ompet it ion. In a st•ltool of this izt>, with
an enrollment of OYer four hun<lred, it
Sl'Pms that tlwrr should he nwrt> l'lnbs of
this rnttur<' . I I' the hoYs would start a
dt>hating dnh. or tlw ho~-. and girl form
a tlramat ie kaguc it woulcl not only he
rxcellent l'Xpt·ri\•11ce for those concerned
hut woulil even yield great pleasure. If
one or two of the e dubs were formeil the
rnt>mh<>rs ('<mld <·ompete to sec which club
c·oulcl gi\ <' 1lw lwst program. "·hrthrr a
a small pla~· or a tl<>hatc>.
would like to have this talked up a.nil to
s<'<' it rc>sult in a meeting or meetings to
clrC'i<lt' upon . ome adion in the matter.
Tlwre is son• rt<•<>cl hen' a11<l Wl' \\·ould like
to . l'C it renwdird .
The Camera C'lub for this year has been
a little late in organizing hut hopes to
111akc up for it hy douhk dforts. This
)'l'ar wr want nH1n' aeti,·<' nwmhers an<l
wc> h ope to make i t a . lll'C'Pss in every
The chit•.l' ohjrds of t h t> ('luh will
hr to g<>t pidurrs for 'l'II E Nl'Y. to hett<>r
Page Thirteen
t '11· ph11togTaphi1· "·ork of th!' Stnilcnts,
and to aronsc sd10ol spirit. Last year the
l 'lnh g"H\'P a supp<'r and da1H'e whi1·h pl'OV"" to lw a gr!'at su<·1·1•ss. Thi• rnemh1•rs
;ilsn \YI:'!!( Oil s!'\'('l'HI hik!'s "·hi1·h l'('Slllll'<l
in IllHll.\ good pidurl's. The <:OJHlitious
und1·r ,,·hi1·h a sln<knt 1·a11 be<:omc a mernlw1· an· as follo\\·s: Ill' must haYP a l'am1·1·a of his O\\'JJ and must pl1•dg!' himself
to gin• <HH' pidrn·1• a month for dues. \Ve
\ntnt !'HI'.\ stud!'nt of the High Sehool
"·ho ha. a <·ainPra to c·o-opcrate an<l make
this (')uh a SlH'<'<'SS.
all of the 1wopl1• of IC II.
. '. havr !ward of or . re11 tlH' S\\·ratc'rs '"ith
t hi' large hhu·k l( ':-; upon them. They are
worn hv those ho\'s who won them in foothall or' haskethall. Few, h°'nvrr. realize what thesr K's really mean. Only the
hoYs who han' trained, struggled and
fo{1ght in order to rrpresrnt t lwir Sl' hool
worthily haYe any right to wear them. On-
l.'· the boys "·ho al'e thought honorable',
lo.ntl and upright enough to wear the
symbol of Kenosha High H('hool re<:<'ive
tlw111. Only the hoy "ho Im Ye worke<l
unsl'lfishly for the glm·~ and honor their
s1·lwol reeci\l' tlH'lll. an<l the honor atta!'lied to t lw ,,·caring of the 1\: is only
a ju:-;1 r1•war<l for thPir .·r1·\ i1·es. Lately,
ho\n•v1T. Jll<lllY of 011r studPnts. huth boys
a n<l girls. ha n~ hPen horrnwing the e
s\\·!'atcrs to "·car. ThcY must think nothing of the K upon thc;u or what that K
r<'Jll'Ps<'nts, Pl-><' thr:' snrely would not
do this. Tlll' K\ arp things whil'h th!' l><1YS
will trrnsure an<l kl'l'P all their Ji,·cs. ai;d
the:· Hre not to be lightly horrtrn·pd and
1·a1·l'll'ssly worn by :ome onr elsr. )fany
of tlw pupils. fnrtlwrmorc. haYc made
similar K's ancl "·car them m1 the sweatci·s. 1n doing so. t hPy are trying to steal
the honor 'vhil'l1 rightfully hl'longs to othl'l'S. and tlw~·
ar!' eheapening thP rral
rnPaning of' tlw K's. Ll't us hope the e
lwlittling ads ,,·ill he ili. rontinued in the
f11 t m·1'.
.\dmil'al \Yin<lsor. clri\'!•n from l'h~ :-;i1·s,
fo1·1·<'<l to l'l'tl'l'at to ::\lo1ler11 lfo,•ol'.1·. t 'nptain J;'rost haYing 1·m1q1wred • Tortlnn•stl'l'll made a hol<l 2'lar('h to Ke110-.ha IJi~h
~1'11001. Ile is iww "<liggi11g himscH in"
tD ( }1'0llldl'\.
l'riYate i~i1·hcllllan "·as hanisla·d frllm
E11glish l{e:rimc11t XumlH'r l<'m1r, hut ~H.:W
has het•n reaclmi t ted hy ( 'aptai!1 EYn us.
The fier('r hattlc hchn'l'll ,Junior<; n111l
~!'11inrs is again rr nrned and will continnr nntil RPniors <'OJH]uer the hooty. nn.iust h gai 1H•d hY .Juniors. Tlw latest re1·rnit.s from the ·oracle Nchool are now at
. ea in KP11osha IIigh 8c·l1001.
Tlw latrst pidni·ps from thr :1'at of war
are now ilecorating the quarters of comlllH1Hler-in-Chie£ Tremper. The public i
i1JYitecl to gaze upon them.
'l'h<' memher. of the Spy Staff are
hra 1·p]y rloing thc•ir duty in st'rking out
i11f'ormation. Tlwy are spying upon all
r1'1-dnwnts especially upon the '"English"
and '' Grrman" force whrre much news
is arnilahle.
( 'aptain nar<lPll of the J,yernm League
He! iPf ('orps has well trained hrr regiment
for thP final combat in Assembly Ilall. \ \re
find that om· forre are well equipped with
arnnnmitiou. 1wtwit hst1rnding the fact
that the suppl iP. of l1ieutPrnrnt Kanaar 's
rl'gimcnt i seant, thl're being one lrnapsat·k for every three or four men.
UP1wral Pricldis of the Camera ::\Iilitia
has not yd assPmhled his for1•es hut is rxp10d!'d to <lo . o hcfore the 'wathrr is too
1·old fol' a1·t ilJ1•r.\ pra1·m·e (shooting
::\lajor ( 'anwron has inYrstigated and
fonn<l that n11rny who haY!' joim'<l the
singing lines " ·ere "·ithout a I'm. . They
W!'l'<' giyrn the ehoi1·e to hu~· t hl'ir weapons or ll'an'. On this ae<'ouut manv have
<l1•spril'd and the ranks are great!;· thinnetl.
Thl' • eniors ha,·c (•11terrd the 191-:1:-1915
'rnr with full ddermination to "·in. Although their foree~ are mall they show
plrnt:1· of energ~· and pluck. Thrir' · is
not rasy against the tyranny of General
\\Tard. hut it. is cxpedcd that they will
win thrn . trategy anrl bluff.
From the offi<:ial reports o.f headquarters tho. e on the <'lead list arc:
1. l sabelle \Yell ..
:?. }< loreme \Yell·
:1. \Tiolet Hansman
4. Willard \Y elch.
Page Fourteen
) \ \ ---==:;:;;----
:Jiarjoril' _j\iJler has had to giYe up her
work as s<·lrnol pianist on aeeon11t of hl•ing at ~whoo! only half of the day. (krtnHll' ~l'lllll' has takpn lwr plal·l'.
Oil Ttwsday. ~<'plPmher 1.). the (Jirl 's
Lyl·Pum LPagtll' lwld tlwir first llll'Pling
of tlw .n'ar. !ht• purposl' of whil·h "·as to
Pleet lll'W offil'l'l's.
The following \\'(']'('
Pleded; PrPsidPnt. In•m• Bardpn; \'i<·P
J>rl'8i dent. IsalwllP King ; Sel·t·etar_,. and
Trrasnrp1·. Lillian l{ PidPnhaC'h.
::'diss !•'ink was <·1tlll'd away from sc·hool
last month 011 a<·c·mrnt of 'the death of
her fatlH'I'. :'II iss Lo\\'l' is taking h<'J' plac·P
clm·ing IH'I' ahst'll<'l'.
:'lliss Ho'\:<'lla !{ryan. one of lhl' fa1·nll.' '
lllPllllH'J'S oi" fast _\"!'ill'. llOW marriP<l. \' isill'd :·whoo] 011 l<'rida.1•. Od. 2.
111·. \\'a1·d 's assp111hl.' <"llH·k has hPgnn its
old habits agai11. 'l'r.\ not to Id it hothl'r us a-; inw·h thi-.; ,1<'a 1· as last. :\Ir. \\'a1·d.
:'\P\\' ]H'lll il sllill'IH'll!'l' ha1P ll!'C'll phl<·Ptl
i11 tlH' _\s~!'lllhl.I". ,\II thl' <·la Sl'. appr!'t·iall• thP111 l"l'I'.\" 11111c·h and l''i\Wt·iall.\· th<'
FrPsllllH'll. a-; thl'.\ gi\'(' th<· poor littl1• pl'Opl<' nior<· 1·ha11c·C' to app<'Hr lrns~ a11cl i111portant. a11cl also to hl· s<'f'll hy tlH· llJl[H'r
Tl1<• offic·c l's ol" th<• ~uh-Fn·shnl!'ll <"las.
an•: P1·p icl<•nt. .\rt h111· :\I il"!.i:Pl.-nn; \'i <·PPn•sid< n1. < '01111iP l{n•11mrnurn; ~<'<·n·tan·
anrl T1·<'as111·<·1'. <l<'org<' ( 'rawford.
IIowar<l );'ink is lwgi11ning to frl'l tlw
importa1wr of his position as PrPsidPnt of
tlw 8Pnior ( 'hvs. nm\' that Jw is g<'tting
large sizP<l PllY<'lopPs. rte .. thn1 thl' High
, <·hnol mail.
On Od. :~. our f'oothall tl'alll plil,\'l'd the
East Di1·isio11 lligh hoy8 from ~l il\\'a11hl'.
Our ho~·s \\·orkt•ll hard. hut Ea-,t l)i,·isio11
"·as .-trong-. ;111d wou hy a sl'Ol'l' of 'l.7 to
0. Tlw Ha<'llll' gaml' rl'snltl'cl hPt!l'J'. although W<' l'<'<·l·in•d till' Iittll' <'llll of a 1D
to () S('()t'('.
Thl' .J 1111iol's <·an l l'rtai11ly pl'idl• !11<·111sl'l \ 'l'S 011 tlH'it· rnl'thod of l'll'<·ting <·lass
It was the most <·01npl<'ll' al'offit·<'r·s.
fair that has 1><'<'11 lwlrl in solll<' t i111l'. It
was l'llll ilS ll('al'ly lik<· ii l'l'al ("illllpilig11
and PIP<·t io11 a possihl<'. 'l'hP <·l'Pdit ho\\·l'\'<'r is 11ot dtt<' so 111rn·h to th<• <·lass as
to th<' <"lass ad\'i-,ors. :\Ir. \\'al'd and :\li-.;s
T110111.'·· <'S}l<'<·iall.\- thl' lal<·r.
days lwfnr<· t ht• Pll'l·tion a 11on1i11ati11g
<·0111111i1tPl' of' ix \\·as appoi11tPd ha1i11gthl' JHl\\.l' I' of' sPIPdi11i.r as 111a11,1· <·a1Hlicla!Ps
for t IH• di ffp1·p11t offfrt>s as th<•\' \\'islll•cl.
. \ft<'I' a hrid h11t <'X<·iting c·a111l>aig-11. 1lll•
pjp('j io11 w;1s h<'ld 011 Oc·tolll'I' ~- ThP polls
O}H'llP<l at "::rn _\. _jf. a11d c·los<•d at 1 ::Hl
P. :\I.
Till' lrnllot box \\";ls a s1w<·i1il hox 111acl1'
h.'· ('hri_ a11cl thP ballots \\'t• J'<' t.1·1H·cl like
_\11sfrali1111 halloh.
TIH• polls \\"<'l'l' in
l{oorn .). 011t of tlw !d i11 th<• <"lass. !il
l"Ot('d . . \t 1::l!J1 IH• 1·otl'S \\'('!'(' t"CllllltPcl hy
11H• <·la. s il<h isors "·ith th<• h<'lp of' a <·0111111it tl'P of 10 f'rnm the (·lass. .\ 1 th<' <·la-.;s
11ll·l'!i11g aftt'I' s<·hool. thl' sw·<·<·~srnl 1·a1Hlida!<'s \\ <']'(' a1111ou11<·l'll JlHlll<'l.' :
1'1·psidP111. Louis Hl'ith; Yic· e l'rPsi<l<'11t. .\rthur
I'riddis: ~<'<·rPtill'.'' · Ede•] Ila11sP11; T1·pas11n·r. ( 'amilla English; Sl·rgparit 1tl--\l'll1s
\ 'ernou Hhl·11st 1·on1. 'l'he rdi1·i11g offi<·<'rn
ancl also th<• ll!'ll'ly ell'l°l<'d Olll'S tlwn g-an'
SfH'l'<·hes " ·hi<"11 showl'<l thP good will P'\isting a111011g thP l'lassuwn.
Page Fifteen
\\'h1·11 it rouH'S arnun<l Xovcmher,
.\nd Thanksgiving day is lligh,
WP thiuk of apples, turkey, squash,
~\rnl lots of goo<l-oltl pumpkin pie.
\\'1· think of gaily frstivc hoard
\\'ith hlnshing. lmwiou · fruit· o'erlaid,
We think of all the thincr to eat
That our clear mothers kindly made.
Hut lt•t m; then rrmember, too,
'Twas on that day long, long ago
Our Pilgrim fatlH'rs humbly knelt
'I'hcir plenteous gratitude to show.
For watchful care in time of need,
For safptv from th<' t•vil rlav.
Por pcac<' <~ml opportunity, ·
'Pheir grateful thanks to Goel c'lic'l say.
Tlwn let us. too, like them give thanks,
For hh•ssings that to us are sent:
For harvpst large and bomity rare
For iwaee and innermost (•ontent.
'l'hcrc arc three tead1ers in our school
\\''110 Jrnve heen here o long,
If they shoulcl kave
\\' t' all wonld grit>\'('
\\'ltil·h is adwrse to rule.
Tlte one in history doth hold sway
0 'er freshmen who are green;
Rhr is :\I iss Yulr
\\'ho is quill' <·rtwl
In I1atin (it's not half . o had)
The . econd rules supreme;
Her namr 's :\I iss \Y t>. ·ton.
~\nd . ht> 's lH·.·t <lll<'
'I'his Iligh ~('hool 's t>ver ha<!.
The third (oh! nwrcy >Yliat a groan
From Senior ovrrworked For Phvsfr 's no dream
Although it may s<•rm)
Is \Yard who ruh•s alonr.
T. K. 'J5.
Yon are our teacher in Iligh chool,
.\ncl in a whole ho. t of fin<> way ,
Y011 show us we'll benefit from yon.
] f W(' but impro\'e all ollr nays.
'ow take for example 1Iis · Rlater,
Ro fre. h anrl o bright amt o wect.
Dou't think that we're nnt ail familiar
With the fact that, your glac'l you're
:\liss Yul(• is a <11u•c·r <O'll[llJ!;ition,
Of san·asm, miles anrl frowns,
She does not appron' ~;n.l will n(•t extend
U<>nerosity to woulrl be do','.'llS.
.\rnl then thercth our <'OH"h .:\Ii ·ther Eli"rt
'ot to tlunile, it woul<l hP mortal thin
Thinth everyone lrnowth how the Stud<·nth
.Aclmirp hith iwrpetual Krin.
,.\wl now .:\Ir. llill has Ill'\\' glasses
They urely becomr him. it's true.
But how we'd all like him to tell ns,
The rea. on for having tlwm blue.
And then then•\ our tt>ad1er of Latin.
\\Tith her rlignifiP<l baffling smile,
Doe it . ignify that "I '11 report you."
Or nwrrly that ''yon'rp a nice chile.''
If we had as mu<'h time as we necclrn-As much as we have pace to fill\\T e 'd giYe the whole hunch a good wrifrup;
Por detail just a. k :\Ji.ter IIill.
E. II. '15.
A Capital Poem.
A sailor has no E Z time
When on the D P sails,
It's R D finds aloft to climb,
Exposed to I C gales;
And then in K C make a lip,
Or if he D Z grows,
A tumble from the I
In his last
D knows.
When overboard for A D cries,
With energy and vim;
And tho' of Iittl U C tries
A vain S A to swim,
But when no help he find is near,
E one to save,
He then in an X of fear
Must CK watery grave.
Old A J sailor seldom knows,
But if old A G gains,
H U of baccy cures his woe ,
And grog L A's his pain .
We NV no poor sailor's life,
In D D has no fun;
And feeling P. T for hi wife,
Our M T talk is done.
(Current Opinion.)
(-) T {-) l CTlCS
Lake Forest Game.
I\P1111sl1<1 II igh ~"1100] OJH'll<'cl its sPason
:t\\"<l.' f!'olll hnml' on ~at urda:'. Septemhl·1·
:l!ith. <llHl rnl't ddt at at tlH· hands of the
strong _\t·adc111,,· lt'<llll al Lakl' Fort>sl h.'·
a st·on• of 2:~ to ti. Th\' .\t·ad<•my fram
phH·<'<l till' hall O\'t•1· l'nl' two tonc·hclm,·ns
in till' first half ol' t hl' g-an1P. In the Sl'l'ond half of tllC' ga111l' tht',' put anoss a11oliH'r tont·hclo\\·11. a11cl tlll'n Kenosha slartl'<l to play as th<',\' -;lwuld, hnt it \Yas too
Frnm th1• iiPginning of the fourth
qu<Il'tl'l' Oil to tht• t•lld of thP game it \\'HS
all K1•11o~ha. ancl Fl'ost 1·1·ossPd Lak,• Fort st 's l:!oal for our· onl.' torn·hclmnJ. Fink
faili11g to ki\'k i.roal. Bergen an<l :\lyPr.
. tarn'tl for Lakt> l•'orPst while II. Fink.
::-;t·h11t>ll. Heith and <:nlhranson c1itl goo<l
work for Kt•nosha .
_\ big 1·rowd of l\Pnosha roott•rs at·1·on1pa11it><l tlH' tt>a111 h.' l'ail and auto aml tht•
lwnH' root1·1·s 111ad1• tht'lll~·wh·es known all
tllC' t inH'. ' l'ht• tPa111 11rnd1• a fow showing
i11 tlwir rn'\I' outfit wht'n tht>y ran out on
th1• fiPl<l dn•ss alikt'.
The Lineup.
Lakt' For1•st.
] I t>ro11
It E.
B. T.
B. <:.
'l'r ."
( loodno\I·
( 'm·othp1·s
,J. :\l t',\'C' I'S
(l Jto l ll' k
.) a llll'S
] ~l'l'!!t'll
ThrPi llt'll
\\'. Fink.
\Toltz. \Yillis .
L. <L
L. '!'.
L . E. lfoon<',Y , Ilan1mo11cl
<{ B.
L. l I. B.
I{ . 11. B.
y B.
II. Fink.
Iltl'l'nn. :\lt•,"t'J'S f2\. Frn t.
E ast Division Game.
Kist DiYi ion l fi!d1 ~1'11001 of :\[ihrallk1•t• "·as onr first h i!.dI sdwol oppo11P11t fol'
tlw [ll'P:wnt :st•as011 antl cll'frat1•cl Kl'nosha
lligh hl'fore a largp 1·1·owcl. 'l'hp hla(·k
and ornng<' 1l'al11 <>asil.' trimupht•d o\<'t'
tlH· lilal'l-: ancl <·al'dinal hv th1· . <·on· ol'
:l'- to 0. . \!.min it \\"its <1° nlsl' of hPing
gT1·at ly ont \\'t'iglwd h.' t ht· opposing- tP<1111.
a handi<·ap g<•n1·1·all.' 1111pos1•d upon K1·nosha.
\\"ithin fivp 111i1111tt•s East Division
had s1·ot·etl a torn·hdown hy nwa11s of a
hlol'kl'd punt. East Division sc·m·c•d !ht'ir
J'o11l' toll<·hclinn1s in the• fil'st thn•p qnartp1·s l:ut in tlw last q11;11·1Pr K1•1wsha hrn<·Pd tip ancl it lookl'd as ii' \\'!' would s1·01·1•
yPt. Once wr rea<·hc•cl East DiYisim1 ':
thr'I'<' yarcl Jinl' 0111.'· to lost' thP hall to
<~ttr opponents who hy llll'illls of pprfpc·t
fonnircl passPs got tht> hall out of dangt>r .
~l'hultz of .:\lihntuk1•<· S<'l'llll'<l to lw thr
\l·holt' team. st·ori11g two to1whdow11s. an<l
goals lwsid1•s 111aki1w
gHrns 1·ont1nw1ll.'. Thrl'i11c•11 's 1·akh !'or
n 1'01·t y .''<ll'<l Jonnu·d JHlss was Kenoslrn 's
l'Pat111·1• for th<' clav. l{t'ith, Hoorn•y HIH·nst 1·01n an cl Frost 1;JayPd PX<'Ppt iom;l·h- \\'Pl I
for t hl' \'Hrc1i11al ancl hla1·k.
.\ TIJH' c·ro\\·cl of root1·1·s t 11r11l'<l out fol'
thl' .ganH' i.ri,·ing- all th1· Pn1·onrag-PlllP11t
poss1hll' to 0111· 101·;tl t<'<llll. ~<·hool pirit
was nrn<·h in 1·vidP11<·t' a11cl the dwPrirl"
wm; 1·a1Tit>c1 ont \\'I'll.
The Lneup.
h E.
Filzg-1·1 ·alc1
:\I illl'r
L. 'I'.
L. U.
Willis. \ Toltz.
H. U.
\\T. Fink.
H. T.
H. E.
'l'h1·pi11P11. HP<l<'l'n.
liamornncl. Frost.
l'fit>l. ('aptain <t. B.
I1. II. B.
J<'rnst. Rt><l<'<'ll.
H. II. B.
P. B.
l<'.111 lc Ir .. <•ap t arn.
'1'01H"hdow11s ~c·hultz
(2) l'fi<'I. Giffortl.
\\'p l':·u·hange editors haYe lots of fun!
\\'hen all the ex<:hanges ha\'e been rearl
O\'<'l'. (·riticized and stackPcl away, our
poot· o\'Pr\\'orkl•d brains t'r<ln' for ret:reation and \\'\' ha\'<' it!
Last night \\'e (\\·ithout }H'l'mission)
hon o\\'etl East GrePn Bay lligh 's · · ~\ ero
plane" alHl soarecl np into the douds. It
"·as the first time \\·e had l'Yt'l' lwl'll in an
~\<'roplane and Oh, the wornll'r of it! Coole<l by Shehoygan \; '·Lake Brel'Ze'' we
ck ('ended a waY ancl took a hircl's eye
Yiew of the eai:th. 'l'lH' hPauty of the
f;(·c•1H' thrilll'll us! The sdting sun against
the trP<' tops made a blun o l' '' H.ed and
<ln'y" 11ear Ro<·kYill<>. :\'l'W ,Jersey, and~
''Blue O\\'l" from AttlPllorongh, 1\Iass.,
hooting Jonell~·. fomHl its shl'ill "Echo"
eoming from Onalaslrn, Wis.
\Ye skimm<'<l g<•ntly owr tlw Burlington "Hill Crest" hrrnthing a delightful
fragratH'l' from hosts of Spl'<lrfish '' ~\11 c
mo11es'' an<l '·Bel 1 Flow<'l'S.''
"Tige1· "' <·rePping around near Litt l<•
Ho('k and ~an Fnuu·ist'o <·ausPcl us to
quiddy rliYe for our ··Koda ks'' ho no wed
from !<~au ('lain• and .Jlilwaukl'<' Do\\·uer.
· · l nrlian,'' I sucl<lenl~· S<'l'l'anwrl rapt uronsl~·. and we hugg<•cl ea<'h ot hrr in
<klight. ~ure enough tlH•t't' \\·er' l ndian ·l 1Hlians of every tribe. ''Eniears" from
.Jianiton 's from
whilP in \\'axaluu·hie \l'<'l'<' ''E1·isophians"
a1Hl "::;amokins" in ::;;unokin, Pc•1111. ...:\
''Tol<>m'' in BeattlP. \\'ash ., and a ''\\Tig\1·a111'' in "Tnrth Yakima t'<lllSP<i nnother
di\'(• for the Kadok anll thrl'Ht<'rH'<l to al111ost upsPt us. But hcfon• we en•n laid
hands on them a '' ( 'onwt '' from ::\IilwaukN• \\'. Division whizzed by and nrarly
took our brrath awa~-. Evrn tbc " Dragon" from Grpenfirld, Ohio. rlidn 't fright<'ll 11s after that.
Just a little hit shakv
\\'(' lowprerl the ma eh i1w and followed
'·•'(·out'' from ::\Iu kogee. Okla., ancl later
a :'II<>ssrnger" from \\Til'hita. Kansa ..
::;,,·noping down WP almost lancle<l on some
'· ::;1 nllPnt. " from ('oyington, Ky .. and Okla horn a <'ity, pouneina oYer "T1og Book "
even teen
e<lited by Two Rivers and Xorthwestern
::\Iilitary ~\<·aclemy.
We were about to
question tlwm wlwn \Yithout warning the
ma<·hinc began to rise higher and higher
above tlw trPe tops, ahov(' the mountains
- highpr and higher, leaving the clourl
helow us. l tri<'d to speak. but I could not
hear my ·elf
then sudrlenly Bingo! ancl I knew 110 more.
· '...:\ fine <'X(•hangP eclitor yon are.'' C'ame
in sarl'astfr tones from my l'O-workPt'. after slamming lwr exC'hanges on tlw <lt>sk.
(Th:1t was tlw Bingo)
Di an te<lly:
'· Sl<'eping on your joh ! ''
"Sleeping nothing." I yawned, "In the
last twenty minntl'S I've been all oYcr the
'· \Yestern · IIemisplwrr ! ''
'' \Yhat doing!'' good-naturedly.
'· \\Thy, pying for the Spy," I laughed.
'·Of (•ourse Spying for the py. ''
With Our Critics :
)1un·m·y Bast DiYi ion High, ::\lilwauk<'e:
""\ ~PY from Keno ha is here in our
miclst, ancl is one of the hest to be een
on our list."
The Ex<·lrnng-e <'l'itie of The Pt•1mant
from :Elkhart, J ndiana, say. :
·'The new PY i a very \Yell halan<:ed
puhlitation. I alway enjoy realling their
PoPt 's Page."
The (•ditorial on manners which appearrd in TIIE PY last month cYidt'ntly appealed to the edi to1" of the .Anemone, publislwd by the 'late Normal School at
, pearfish, outh Dakota for they ay,
·'\\re wrre a<lmonished several times as
to our behavior, our manners and our
personalitil' , in our chapel talk :from 1\lr.
Lin<llwrg. and a. an arl<lition to what wr
ha Ye hacl the editorial on "l\Ianner "
from TIIE PY, Keno ha High chool,
may be enjoyed.'' Our editorial wa th n
quoted word for word.
omet, \V. D. II.
., l\Iilwaukee,
Page Eighteen
of our ~\ 1rnual : · · Your ('OlllllH'lH' l'nwnt m1mlw r is a fitting ('!Hl to your srn•cessful ,\"Par. Th e eo Ye r is llOYC'l and adds
both to th(' clurahiJit,\' of tlw \'Olllllll' <tllU
to its IH'auty. l 'niqu r d(•partmP11t IH•acling.., lwlp along too . "
From the Eash' r XumhPr' of Thl' Kodak .
Eau ('lain• II. N. WP gl<'an t hP follo\\·ing :
"Th<' .Januar·y n11mlwr is fine . .\11 of
the dqlartmPnts HI'(' int('n' sting and wPll
gott(•n up . You dPs!'I'\'(' g1·( •nt c·rPdit . ' '
As thP train finally di-.appean'cl in tlH•
clistclJH·(•, J;u·k . \ clams t 111·11('cl to Yi('\\' his
IH' w hollH'. Tlw sun had risen O\' ('l' tlw
.Arizona clesPrt and shon1• hotly 011 tlH'
half doz<'n hons(''> grotqwd around the
station . 111 thP YillagP thp1·1• werP s!'\' Pral
i:.tnntl'd . sic·kly-looking tn•Ps. hut as one•
glctrH·Pd off tcnntrd t IH· <ll'sert th!'!'(' was
nothing hut sand. sag!' and ('adus . .l:<'ar
to th!' \\' l' t c·ould hp 'W('ll th!' clim outline
of tlH' :-\ipna :\(•\·ada ) l on11tains.
.Jad~ \\·histlPd soft],\ to himsl'lf to k('l'P
up his <"ourage for t IH· outlook was not
promising. lie \\' (•nt O\'l'l' to tlH• c·('ntral
building 1\-hic·h hapJH'IH' <l to he a gPllPral
store. pcd-offfre and hotel all in Olll'. ll ere
he atTallgl'<l to stay. , \ he was u11pad.:i11g- his trunk h(' c·anH• upon hi . fathPr' ·
pi1•tur!' a11d th!' (' H'llts of the past WPek
C«llllP ha"k to him.
~\ftl'r his fathPr's
dPath. a \\'<'Pk ]>pforl' . .fac·k ha<l fou1Hl a
lettPr adclr"<•ssPd lo h1rn whi!'h said.
' ' )ly l>Par :-\011: You will be surprisl'd
whl'll I a111 !!,'Oil <' to fi111l that you IHI\'!' 11ot
lllll<'h lllOll<' _\'. }mt f hH\'l' cll'f Pl'lllilll'd that
if ~· 011 ha\(' \\·Paith it shall lw thru your
ow11 pfforts.
:\I any ·' ('ill's ag-n \\'hc·11 r \\'els in .\l'izoll<l. I found smnPthing- ,,·hi"h \\· ill p1·0\' P to
lH' h<'l1P1· than a g-old lllill(' if rightl.'· (h•Y<'lo1H' cl. I !'Hill<' hontl' <llld shol'tly af1Pr·,ninl I \\·a i11ju1·1·d o that to rl'111rn \\' :l
in1p11ssihl1'. Ill t1 .. 1d of' l'l'Y1·aling 111.' l"
(·l'l't I dPl'idc·d to lP<t \'1• it for· ~· 011. It \\ill
h .. found tift.''- ,., 1·n 111ilc·s frorn th1· l'ailroad station at ~a11s,·ill<' . •\ rizona . and
thir·t<'<'ll lllil<'s fro111 sih·.. r ('up :-\prin!!,· .. \ftPI' f <llll g'Oll!' !.('O O\lt ;111d filld it. 'J'hp
d1•\'<·loprn<'n1 will Ill' hanl \\' ol'k hut if
you art• t ht· ho.' I think you an' yn11 will
)lot fail.
FathPr. ''
ThP ;.m11111l'r was just at a l'losp whrn
,Ja!'k al'l'i\'!·d in thP 'illag1• an<l hl' d('!'icl rrl to wait for !'Ool \\' <'HthPr h!'fon• hrgin11i11i.r !1is sParl'h. \\"hilc• hP \\·as waiting hf' hP(':llllP \\'I'll :ll'!jllHilltPd with th ..
old po. t1nastc-r. who ill his Parly days had
1·omp to , \ rizo11a looking for g-old a11cl
who. althoug-h disappoi111('d. still })('lin·c•d
that tlw land around 1hP Yillagl' would
OJH' day hP ri1'!1.
l 11 a 1·onfidc•11tial rnood
lw said to .Ja1·k ... Ir \\'(' ('(Hild onh h;ne
watc·r· this dps(•r·t it would l'hangp t<; a g-a1·dP11. Th(' la11cl all al'Ouucl us is hPing irrig-;it Pd hut \\'l' a1·p s<•p;11·a1Pd from t h1•sp
l'l'gions hy ridg"('S. f f \\'(' !'OUJd only fincl
somP 11atuntl sonr<·l' of "·atPr!''
'l'hl'11 .Ja1·k dP(·id('d to tPll thr old rna11
sompt hing- of his S<'!'l'('t. and as hP h1·g-a11
the post111asl<'r's son <·anH' np all(] joinPd
tlH' g'l'Oll[l hut hP 1·011tirnwd his stor·y.
'' I fa\·(• yo u any idl'a \\' h!'n' thi . thing is!''
"·ayp<] toward tlw mcnrntains.
"Sm11PwlH'I'<' out th<'r<'." he said; "llctYP
.\on ('\' Pr heard of NilY1•r ('np Npring !"
":-\ilYPl' ('up! Y('s. hut thc·re's 11othinl!
o\'p1· t IH'r!'. that land has h('('ll PxplorPcl
hundrPcls of tinH's. ff that's \\'lH'l'P you
think you r ln•asnrl' is . yo11'd lwlfrl' pa"k
up and go hom!'.''
But .Ja1·k \\·as not clis1·om·ag1'<1 and dc'l'i<l(•d to start OJI his S!'ill'!'h OJI thP JiftPPllth of OdolH'I'. . \ f1•\\' w1.\·s hPfor·t• hP
'-tar1Pd thP postrnastl'r\ son disappc·a1·P1l.
.Ja"k \\·as rnt hl'r ala1·111Pd lint tl1<• old 11rn11
]'!'ilSSlll'l'd hirn. "It's Olli.\· Oil(' of' his <lll Jllla] spll'<' ." hP said; "\\'hpn his \\hisk.'·
is g-orw Jw'IJ turn up.'' Hut hl' did not
111rn up I Pf'o1·p .Ja"k tart Pd.
It took .J;l(·k !'our· da ,.s to !'l'O ·s the• d<'s1·1·t \\it h his t\\'o 111tt11<. and whl'n hP finally 1'!•;1..Jrpc] 1hl' 111011ntai11s and :-\ih-Pr
('up :-\pr·ings ht• d!'c ·id('d to stop a da.' to
.\ s h1• sat on t lw grnn11cl hr 1101 il'Pd t hP l'ootpri111s of a 111an and hor'st•
in thP lllud m·o11nd t hl' spr·i11g-. .lad~ did
not know of a11yn11!' PlsP who wa. · Ill 1 h~
!llountains hut hirnsp[f. 'l'hP JH>strnas11·r·s
son \\'ai-; not at hon1P. ( 'ould it hl' possible• that hP had <"Olli<' Ill Sl'Hl'(·h of th1'
S<'!' l'l't !
l ' pon l'losp P\.a111ination .Ja1·k
f'onnd that th1• ro!'k 1w;11· th1• spring had
hP('ll h r okc• 11 n•1·p11tly and h<' krH'\\' that if
tlH· othl'I' \\HS tlH•J'(' h1• \\'HS lnnki11~· l'or
(Continued on pag-e '.!0 . )
Page .1.T ineteen
Clas.s of 1900.
:Jlr. Roy Ilolden1ess is now at the head
of the Engli ·h clcpartment at the United
'tates )lilitary Academy at \V t Point,
• Tew York.
)lr. Fred Pt•ttit may be found with the
l'a c :Jlotor ('ar Co., of Racine, '\Vi consin.
?.Ir. Arthur Holderness ha been for the
last two or three month with the Uniteii
~tates troop alonrt the ::\lcxican boriier.
Class of 1901.
::\Ir. Robert \\'. Allen ha he n speniiing
the la t few weeks in Kenosha after going through ome thrilling experiences in
the \ \Tar .Zone of Europe.
Class of 1902.
:Jlr. ::\Iilton A. Kent has entered the automobile busines in Los Angele , Cal.
:Jlr. Berthoff B. Pettit is connected with
the l'a e Company of Racine, \Vi con in.
:Jlr. \Yalter Burke, 1\Ir. Gustav Theleen,
)!is:; :Jlarion Hale, ::\Ir. Lynn Hannah and
~Ir .•Jame Blair are at pre.·ent located in
Class of 1903.
)Ir. Richard Cavanaugh, 1\Ir. Reginald
}'an ancl ::\liss Flora Broderick are now
in }\pnosha.
:Jliss Flora Shields is teaching fourth
grade in th • Durkee S<·hool.
Class of 1904.
::\Ii s Clara Carter is al o t 'aching in
the Durkee 8ehool.
1\lr. Robert Nicoll is connected ·with the
firm of Gottfred on and Xit'oll.
Kenosha C'laim two more of the cla
of 1 !JO:I:. Th 'Y are Dexter Kent an ii ::\Ir•.
Isahelle Karn.ell Alber .
Class of 1905.
Thr :Jiiss('s Huth
frh ilk ancl. :Jlnry
Langan are teat·hing in the Kl'lHl. ha I nhlir f.;<'hoo]s.
)!is. Anna Gonnrrmnn, 1~ reel • lorsl',
Ji·.· Eclna R ith and l r . .\ llwrt Tn1H l
are also living in Keno ·ha.
Class of 1906.
)lis:; )label founp<'. :Jliss Winifrecl Carter and Mi. s .I! arlcy are teach rs in the
Kenosha Public chools.
Class of 1907.
:Jlis · Gertrude Allen ha. pent the last
few weeks in Keuo ha after pending
mo t of the year in :New York.
IJawrence Baldwin is connected with
the Georrte S. Balclwin & 'on <'oal Company.
:Jlessrs. Jay Glerum, Jo eph Bendt also
claim Keno ha a their home.
:\Ir. Claremc Head is with the Ifrad and
immons Printing Company.
:Jliss Charlotte Kent ha entrreii the
rniwr ity of \Yi consin thi · year.
Class of 1908.
Carl herson :fini hen hi Agricultural
( 'our:e at the Cniver:ity of \Yi con in la t
Jnne arnl i. now liYing at home.
Keno ha al. u hold . out of the cla of
190 . ::\Ir. Ralph Cooper. ::\Ii Franci
\\~ri. kopf. 'iclney :Jia<ldol'k. Yinl'ent Pennyfratlwr. and :Jli ·~ Ethel Blu h.
)lis. IIarri1>t Lewi i · in the office of
the "' immon :Jlanufacturing ompany.
Cla ss of 1909.
:Jlr. Lester F. Kent. )Ii-. Eliza! 1.. ~
\Yhitaker, :Jliss :Jladeline Dor-.t. "· :Jli
Inez \Yhite and :J[i-. Ruth Cnok are at
pn•-.1'11t n'-.i1ling in K n1"-h
Class of 1910.
~I "" ~hrrnn
t\ .11111 r ,\1'1' l h
Page Twenty
Class of 1911.
:JI iss Ill•l<·na 1Iam111ond has l'lia 1·g<' of
the Wl'stl'l'll hranl'h of tlw Uilbert M. Nimmons LihnlrY.
Jliss <Jrnp~·ieY<' Kl'lil',\ is at hu homp in
Pleasant Prairie. \ris.
.Jo]111 E. • To ,·;1<·k. ./osl'ph a1Hl Charlr»
Thorna. and ('yrill l\otz \\·ill s1wnd the
wi11tvr in Kenosha.
Clas.s of 1912.
Loni . • '<'lso n. Hi<·hard llard<·n. Holwrt
Lill<',\' and llarold To11pr will .·1w11d the
coming .'Par in Kl'nosha.
::.\Ii:-s :Jlary Pih·Jipr is tl'1u·hi11g in fh('
Kl'nosha J>nhli<· St'hools.
:Jfiss Oladys Trl'11a1·.' i-. atfrndi1w: t];p
::.\Iihrn uk<'l' . •or1nal ~<· hool.
Class of 1913.
In thP hig- • · fr<'e for all'' tight at t lw
l'niYPrsit.\· of \\.ifwo11si11 this year, JlPrhert ( 'urti" wa:-; n•11d<•rpd uneon eions liy
t hP blow of a polit•(' lll<lll \ hill_\. His IH'<lll
wa8 dPPply <·nt hut IH• was not Sl'ri011sly
i njm'Ptl.
Jn thP anmrnl tiag 1'l1sh at L;nYrPnl"e
( 'ollPg<>, wlw1·p th<• Nophomm·ps arp thp <l<•fr11clp1·s and th<· Fn·slrn1Pn f hP offr11dPrs.
La\\T<'Jlc·<• Ea. t lll<lll g-ot 1H·an•1· to t IH· po]p
tha11 any othPt' FrPshrna11. Tiil' ~opho
rnorPs lost through unfair pla.'-.
Lc ·st<'r <'rook is att<•JHling . C'hool in
Xt•w Yod• ('it v.
Halph 2\ll"E.lwain. E\rnld Ym1k. Flor<'ll<'<' l'Pnnyl'Pat hl'r and Et hPI \\·yrnan will
pPnd th i" yt>a r in KP1wsha.
Class of 1914.
EthPI l><'Booy will spPnd tlH• \\·i ntPr in
.JosPphi1H' B<•pe·lwr. 2\Ia.\· Plummer. ( 'a1·oline Ki1·!'!11w1· and Harold Pie·kpn will also lw i 11 KPnosha.
(']a1·pne·<• llp1·1·ma1i. 'l'itania Ilill. and
Eal'I Ilolt arp planning to spPnd !ht• wi11frr in thl' e·ountr.\»
HIS INH ERITA NCE (Continued from page 18.)
golcl. 1Iis Father's wor1ls t·ame hae·k to
him. · · Jwtter than a goltl mine.''
.Jae·k \\·aitl'd no lmig<•r. Tlw fad that
anothPr man was afll'r his Sl'<·n•t inspirP<l
him grPatly. an1l hP cl!'tPI'lllinpd to go
thirtc>P11 mill's from thP spt·i11g, hut in
whiC'!1 dirPdion ! Xorth. ::-:iouth, or \ \'est?
Ile brought one of tlw mule. and fore·P<l it
we ·hn1rd. · · Xern· do Your worst'' he saicl.
a. lw hit it. The n;ule clid not h1·sitatP
but tm·n<•d 1lne Xorth. ··~orth it is."
shoutP<l .Jatk a. lw follo\\·<'d with tht' oth('r rnu!t>.
1t wa. after clark whP11 he rPal'i1P<l what
he thong-ht was thirte•p11 milt•s. 'I'hP ·k~·
was o\ <'t'c·ast an1l a strong wind \Yas hlO\Ying. By thl' tinw hP hacl tied the mulPs
a lw~n· y storm \\·as raging. Ile• WP<lgPel
his way into a <"r<'Yi1·p in tlw mo1111tain
side hut as the' ~and fill hlPw at him he
1·rowc!Pd his way fa1·thP1' in.
1t S<'<'lllPd
that tht· fartlwr in h<· w1·nt flw largp1· the
c·reYic·p lwe·anw. ITc• cl1•<·ich•el to explore
it in thP 111or11ing and soon fp]] ash·c>p
clPspitP 1ht• SfOl'lll.
~\ftPr h1·Pakf'a.·t thP n<·xt morning .Ja<·k
took his Ple•e·tri<· flashlight and matl<' his
way to tlH' 1·n•Yic·p \\"h1•rp hP hacl s1w11t
the night. .\ frw f<·<'t from the place
wlwrc he hacl lain it lw1·a11w qnitP wicl<'
and hidi enough so that lw 1·011lcl \\·alk
upright. TlH• passag<'\\'il,\' slnpe·cl npwarcl
for about a qu;u·ter of a mile then c·onf i1nwcl straight into the hl'art of the mom1tain. .\s hP aclnuwPd hp heard a far
awa.\· roaring nois<'. \\'hpn lw first notiePd it lw thought tlw som11l wa: in his
<'ars hec:ausl' of the ll!HU·<·ustomecl dose1wss of !lw walls. hut as lw WP111 'lll it gTPW
in Yolnmp and finalh· took 011 tlw sound
of falling wa1<'t'. :-;t;ddl'nl,\- hP earnp llp011 \\·hat app<•an·1l to hc> a grPat watprfall.
On tlH' stone wall \\·as th!' 11ame · · .Johu ( ' .
• \ clam»."
~o this was hi,.; fatlwi"s grPat S<'tl'C'I.
,J;t<·k was disappointed aucl slow]~· mad<'
hi<; wa.\· had;:. Of \\·hat goocl was watl'r?
\\'atPr was e·lwap <'Yl'rywh<'r<'. Then he rc•llll'mlwrl'cl thP old ]H>stmaster's \\·orcls.
"If \\"<' l'onlcl only ha\'<' watc>r. this <lPse·i·t \\·ould 1·lia11gp to a gardP11."
\\'hl'n thi" <·anH• to him ht• ran down to
the• pa·. ag<'Wa.\· an<l finally out i11to tlw
oppu ai1-. He• thrl'\\' the sadrlle hag onto
the a st on islwcl mule and start Pel for home.
• \ t :-;j]\·pr <'up Nprings lw e·ame sud<lPn ly
11po11 tlH' post1nastPr'. son. ''I snppo;;p
.\ 1n1 ha\"<' ym1r sacl(ll<'hag full of nuggl'ts. ''
IH· e·allPd.
· · Xn. I \·e found something
hPt ll'r than gold." was the ans\\·er.
\ n1en thPy arriYecl in town ,Tark wPnt
st 1·aight to th<• postmastc>r and tolcl him
his tale. · · Wat<'r." gas1wel tlw ol1l rnau
(Concluded on page '.?4)
The Simmons Manufacturing Company
~.1anufacturers of
Brass and Steel
Beds, Cribs, Cots,
Springs, etc.
King's Delicatessen Store
When Times are Hard and Money
Scarce, Remember
It Pays to Trade at
Ph '> 1 ' H6
310 Main St.
Home made Whitt: and Brown Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Uoughnuts, Kuchen, Rolls,
and Candies fresh daily.
Us1ngers. \\ilwauke e Sausage, Boiled Ham and Bacon
Thirty-nine years at
165 Marke St.
Let u do your Printing and
it will always be done right.
Sheboygan Publishing Co.
Publishers and Progre sive Commercial Printer
820 Center Ave.
Dry Goods and
Phone 252
This book is a sample of our work.
Pag-e Twentv-two
Very Urgent.
Heard in a Kalamazoo School.
") ou nmst he' operat1•d 011 at OIH'l'.
" Is i l Yl'l',\ urgent ! "
"It is. my offi1·1• rent is O\'l'rcluc now."
..:\11 a11g](> is a t riangl<' \\·ith only two
01•omdl'y t1·a1·lws us him· to forgPt every! hing <•lse.
J>aralh'l lines HI'<' the same <listanl'e
apart all thl' way and (lo 11ot part unless
you hp rHl them.
Ilorsepo\\·l'r is something that all autornohilr <nnwrs lie ahont.
GraYitation is that whi1·h if there \\·as
not any, wc> shonl<l all rise np in the air.
. \ Ya1·m1m i.· a large' <'mpty spa<'<' where
t lw l'o Jl<' l i Yes.
. \lg<'hra is sonwthi11g that i · nsccl whl'n
~·ou don't know what yon are talking
1Ii s ::\Iillrr: · · Do1•s m1,,·011r know \\·hat
"Ilod1 der KaisPr" means!"
\YalJ;yr PPrkins: ''('hoke the Kais<.'r.''
IIcrc is au 1•ssa)· composcil hy a hoy of
nine 011 Crom\Yl'll : ··Cromwell wa a wicked man. alHl killP<l lots of mrn. Ill' ha<l
a no.<' of 1·op1wr hi'\\·. 11111kr \Yhieh dwelt
a trnly n•ligious soul.''
ElmPr . Windsor, rPacling from grammar
text as ~Ir. Tre111p1•r c>ntl•rs the room:'' Oo
ha1·k from "·hen<·<' yon <·a me!'' . \!Ill he
q11i1•ily lwat his retreat!
E<l. II. (in Pnhlie Rpcaking) Quoting
from th1• '·Pri111·1'ss'': "Ilome
hronght h1·r warrior rll'ael. She nor swoon.
rel llor uttPrecl 1·ry. . \11 her mai1ll'ns
wat<·hing said ·~he must wrcp. or she \\-ill
U!f ( <lil').' "
:'11 r'. \\rar<l 1n
hands plPasP. ''
\YHS looking!
Ph) si1·.·: "Do not hol<l
I wond1·r at \Yhnm lr1•
E1hrnnl .\. in .\m ri1·a11 History.
"Tlw PP1m farnil)· lrnd horrowrd the
English go\'Prn111Pnt a largp snm of mon·
cy. ,,
Tn Engli h +. l ·ahell<' King: "Yon l'annot u. e thr passiYe of tlw Yerb e:ook. · 1
am cooked."
Karl \\'irnl1•. hPilll: ". ro, but you ('an
SH)' ·I am t <'\\·1·11.' ''
"\\.rll major, I rn>ti1·<' tliat you're rimning for offfr<' again."
".To. sir, it's thr samr ol<l rnn. I got
startPrl ~·cars ago arnl I 1 <111 t ·top lll)'el.f. ''
ahou t.
'l'lw ~al i1· law is that YOH must take
eWJ',\ thing "·ith a grain of salt.
Tlw zo<lia1· i· \YhPn' all the animal of
th r h Pa n·us a l'l' k<'pt.
airl ::\liss E. to ::\Iarjory B.
" \Yhat is the 11•sso11 to-<laY?"
Raid :\Iarjory B. to ::\Iiss E.,
"I'm . nre I <·an not. aY."
A ml as for them~s
Ra id IlPnrY G. to :'II iss E.
"I fe•ar I i1aYPn't any."
Rai1l ::\li-s B. to Il<'nr~· G.
''7,eros )·on ha,·c rna.ny.''
La1in t<>al'IH·r to first pnpil. "Gin prin<'ipal ]l<ll'ls of tlH· wonl 11wa11i11g to uc('l'<'<l. ''
Pupil (to n0ighho1·) " \Yhat i. it?"
.. ~<>1·01111 pupil. "Dn l'lll'<l if I ]mow."
Pu pi!. · 'Darnifino, Dnrnifinare, DarnifinaYi. Darnifinatus.
'l'l•ae·lwr: "\Yhat ! You can't an wer
that que. ·ti on ! "
"\\'hy \\·hen G('orgp \Ya . hington was
ycn11· ag<' h!' \\'as a snn·eyor. ''
Pupil: "YP.. sir, nncl whrn he was Your
age hr was prr. irl1•11t of the u1;ited
, t airs."
Phy.·i1·s <'la .. aftrr a kt! , inging oftly: '· \Y P-1'<' want . ) -)-y-m-path)'.
First National Bank
Dr. George M. Mc Intyre
0 .\ 'rEOPATH
I I, 12:, 13 Grosvenor Bulldlnsi
Kenosha, Wis.
Phone l:\o. '.BO
Capital & Surplus
H our,,: 9 A 1I. to 5 P. :\1.
gvening-" by Appointment
G. Windesheim, M. D.
Chas. Pfennig
C. C. Allen, R. F. Howe, Chas. T. Jeffery
A.H. Lance, Z. G. Simmons, Chas. Brown
Grosvenor Block
H.voms :;, 'J and 10
Telephone;,: Office, 171-t
Re;,idence 418
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Gro~\·enor Block
Ollice: Ruom,, 7 and
l'Iour:,: lO to 12 A. :\I.
Leading Outfitters
7:.>o to !I I'. :\I.
Photos are cheap Where can you buy as many Xmas
presents for so little money as at
Young People.
Brown's Studio
Boys' Srhool Clothes and
College Girls' Apparel.
Livery and Garage
5ee!u~fu1!0?.~~ P~~~ts5
Each 9 in. x 24 in.
Telephone 56
Cloaks, Suits and Millinery
on all our latest model in Coats,
Suits, Waists. Dresses and Furs.
Each 7 in. x 21 in.
4 -
Taxicab, Hack and Baggage Line
PENNANTS, Size 12 x 30
Any Leading Colleges of
Your Selection
Phone 2<1 06
265 Park Street
All of our be:,t quality in their proper
colors, with colored emblems.
Either assortment for limited time sent
postpaid for 50 cent» and five stamps to
cover shipping costs.
Write us for prices before placing orders
for felt no\•elties of all kinds.
The Gem Novelty Co.
Artistic Fixtures at Prices You Would Pay
For Or inary Ones. We Want Your Business.
Zl Bittner Street
Page 'T'wenty-Four
His Inheritance
cone!. from pa~e .'.II.)
a, .Tac·k fi11i1·d1l'<l. 1111/r·r !
I '\'l' always
kllCnni it \Yonld c·om<'. fn1· yc·a 1·s ago I had
a d1·pa111 antl I a''" thP I-ind around h1·l'l'
<liYidc·d up into farms. .\nd !Im\· I will
liVl' to S<'<' m:' dn·arn <·11n1p t 1·11t·. ~I.' d< •sl'l't wi II h loom.''
~\rnl hloom it clicl'. .\ncl .fa ··k's fathPr
proYecl himsl'l f' to hnvP l:<'l' ll \\·iw in l1is
method of dPalin!! with his ·n11. Tlil'
.on\ l'fforts and final 'il·tor.' lll•loll!.! to
anothPr stm·~. !-\uffi<·l· it 111 sa.'. hl· Slll'Cl'eckd.
El"il' ( :ihhon ·1 !i.
Another Secret.
~hc• ... ~hp told nH• yon told hl't' that
, ec·ret I toltl Yo11 not 111 tPJI hPJ'. ·'
He, ··The J;H'<lll thin!.!! l told hl'r rn1t to
tell yon l tohl her.''
'he.'' I promis<'cl hc·1· T won I cl 110! tl'll
yon slw tol<l Ill<'. so clon't tc-11 hPr I told
"'Tillie'. ' Tillie•, rn11 dP allc·:· up and pitc·h
d0 cow OYl'r <le f<'ll<'l' sonie hay'.
He Had it On Us.
\Yhatc·' <'r trouble ~\dam na<t.
·o man c·onlcl rnakc· hilll or!'
B~· sa~ ing-. whPn h<' told a jokl'.
··Oh. J '\'l• heanl that 011P hd'o1·<'. ·'
Plumbing, Heating, Lighting, Ventilating
and Vacuum Cleaning Systems.
Telephone: 255
J62 Park Ave.
of portraits specially priced for
Christmas at , · 5.00 the dm.en.
Make your selection early to assure you our best attention.
Sydney Studio
468 Morket Street
Phon e 2494
Groceries-flour- Salt
.A littl!' girl wrntc this c·ompo ition 011
llH'll :
''::\fpn an• what wornPn lllill'I',,.. Th<•y
drink. s111ok!' and S\\'<'ill'. hut don't !!o to
l'hur<·h. J>prhaps if t hc•y \\'Ol'l' honnl't-;
th<·y \Y<mld. Till\\ at'<' 111m·c· logi<·al than
WOllH'n and lllOI'<' zoologi<·al.
Both lllell
ancl "'Olll<'ll spn111g- from rno11k<•ys. hut
th0 \\"Olll<'ll spn111g fai·tl1<·1· than the· 11H·11."
"The North Side Leader"
450 Milwaukee Ave.
"l~ol> <·an hosto11 \\11111[p1·f11lh !''
"Y<·s. he ns<'s his lwan."
Phone 3 16
Girls. your fa11lt. a1·p manyBo~·s ha \'l' on]~ hrn;
En-rything th<·~·
l'Y<'l',\'thing thl·~· cln.
::\Ir. \\Tard
in Phy'-i<· ) Huth what is
th<' normal prc·s. nre of the air > · '
Hnth E.; · · J.) in<"l1l's to a sq:rn1·p pountl.
We are Headquarters
forall - -
Special Value
Athletic Goods
For Spring, Summer, Fall,
and Winter Sports
A. B. AMt;S
169 Main Street
Glerum Book Store
2l3 Wisconsin St.
H. B.:Robi111on, Pres., H. W. Je.ffery,V.Pres.
N . .A.. Rowe, Caahier, J. Funk, Ant. Cilahler
N\erchants &
Savlnjs Bank
John English
Capital $100,000
O. JO, Remer, W.W. Vincent, Fred Laraon
W. J. Birm.inr:Jiam, O. H. Gonnermann
Mathia" Wcrvc, Cbriat Petcnon, W.1. Froat
Visit The
New Jewelry Stor
For all New Watche•. Clock•
Sliver, Cut Glasa. Diamonds
John M. Regner
Corner Soutll .Qn• JUala t.
Call or phone us for E.timatc on New or R~ Work,
Cu and Electric Fixtures. All Work Guaranteed.
Josephson & Zimmerman
High Grade Clothing
ffigh School Boys
-at the-
Bell C othing House
Epstein Bros., Props.
Schroeder's Studio
Phone 2302
Plumbing, Heaing and
Elecrical Contracors
is what our patrons
ay about our work.
455 Howland Ave.
67 Wisconsin 8t.
Lest We Forget
Vest Pocket
, The Kenosha
Headquartere Fol'
Rell•ble Lamber & MHl•Work
Tel. 293
1064 Grand Ave.
As small aa your note book and
tells the story better. Justthe thing
to make a record of School Events.
We also carry in stock all
modela of Brownies, Kodaks and
Primos at prices from SI to $60
Our developing ilnd finishing
department is the best and moat
up to date in town.
We also sell Books, Stationery
School Supplies and SportinR' good•
Spaulding 11weaters for Boys & Girl•
C. H. Ernst & Co.
Macomber & Whyte Rope .Co.
- Manufacturers of - -
for Every Purpose and Use
Factory, Kenosha
Office, Chicago
We suggest that you .tart your Christmas Shopping now - there arc
many things that you can buy now and have the advantage of large
selections - it will also relieve the anxiety and hu tie that usually
makes a burden of later buying.
Approprl te Gifts In all Departments.
Robinson's Book Store
0. Greatest Desire i. to ~ Yoo. We
tiy to c.any the Goods you watit and to serve
JOU prompdy and courteously.
Your trade is appreciated al thi1 'tore:
Visit Our
Up-to-Dttte Goods Only
Artistic Portraits by Photography
De Berge's
Majestic Theater
The highest in everything
but the price.
408 Park Ave..
Let us do your Prlntlns and
it wlll always be done right.
Sheboygan Publishing Co.
Publishers and Progressive Comaercial Printen
820 Center Ave.
FIVB CBNTS AL.WAYSYou Jinorite Plllyua
Kenosha. Wis.
Phone 252
Exl'.:ellent J\luaic
Best of Pictures.
Thia book is a sample of our work.
A Cordial Invitation
is extended to all to visit the most up~to~date Steam
Laundry in the city and see how our Superior Class
of Laundry work is done. All Press Machine Work
Classified Advertisements
Art Needle ' Vork ........ . ...... De Berge's
Hardware ........... . ........... . . En~lish
Banh ....................... Fir,.,t National
:\1erchants & Saving-s
Book Stores ............... . ......... Ernst's
H obi u son·s
.Jeweler . . . . . ...................... Regner
Ca ndy K itchen ................ . .... . Buffalo
Cloa ks, S u its, and ~[ illi n ery ... .. . H eyman's
C lo th iers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... A mes
Be ll C lo th i ng H c u ,,e
Ise rm a un Bros.
Sc hm it z & L auer
La u e r & D age nba c h
De p artment Ston•s . ............... Bard en 's
Gottl ieb',.;
D ry Goods ............. Thos .•\. S u llivan
Electr ic S u p p l ie;, . .. ...... . .... Sc h ippe r 's
Flo r ists.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Tu r n e r 's
Fun e ral D irecto r s ..... . .... . ..... H a n se n 's
Rutl ed ge & Ur ossi n
G 1·ocer s ..... .... ........ . . . . .. F. F . J oern dt
P e rkin s B ros .
Pfe nni g' -,
Laundry ................. Kenosha Laundry
Livery.......... . ........... ...... . Nelson
Lumber Co ...... . .... Kenosha Lumber Co.
Manufacturers ........ Simmon,., Mfl<f. Co.
Maco111ber •'- Whyte Rope Co.
Novelties ................ Gem Novelty Co .
0 teopath ............. . ..... D r . Mc In tyre
Pai n t and P ictures .. . ............ Tltreinen
P hotogr a p he r s ...... . ........... . .... B rown
Hinder m a n n
N ewell
'chroed er
Syd n ey
Phys ic ia n ·............ . . .... . . Dr. S tal k er
Dr. 'Vindes h e im
P lu m be r s ................... E d . J . S ulliv an
J o,,e pli-o n & 7,imme rman
S h oe Sto r es ................. . . ...... A ~1 tin
Hub a mpl e Sh oe St o r e
Theat ers . ......... . ............... Maje::. ti c
O r p h e um
Get your
at -
The Hub Sample Shoe P~rlors
See the Latest Styles.
2nd Floor, O v er Bell C lothina Store
THE Average Young Man
insists upon having Quality
but he wants Qualty at a Price.
This big store of ours is a success
because we give Satisfactory
Quality in a Suit or Overcoat
whether you pay $10 or $25
214-216 Market Square
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Phone 6
When Times are Hard and Money
Wm. J. Threinen
\\all Paper, Paints and "-indow
Special Prices on Picture Framing
for the Holiday .
Scarce, Remember
It Pays)o Trade at
Thirty-nine years at
51 N. Main St.
254 Main St.
Phone 24 0
165 Market St.
,A JHcrru <Christmas
,_\ 1!)aµµn an"h lJrosµcrous
~ c\tt l}car to ~11
All Kinds of Home Made Candies
Ice Cream, Ices and Hot Drinks
All Year Round
~inccrdu uours
Jrrkhtn ilron.
Classified Ads
Christmas Wind
Redemption of Ned Brewster
A Christmas Revery
Uncle John's Annual Visit
The Joke was on Her
Poet's Page
K. H. S. Songs and Yells
Oh, the blowing wind's refreshing
As it breathes life every where;
And it makes the whole world happy
When there's Christmas in the air!
It crowds us round the fire side,
It makes the live flames glare,
And brings to us the spirit
Of Christmas in the air.
It takes away the thoughts of self,
It leads our minds to those
Who lack necessities of life-Lack even food and clothes.
It breathes love for the unfortunate,
And makes our pasts seem bare,
It drives thru our souls the spirit
Of Christmas in the air.
Oh, you, whose thots have only been,
How you and yours shall fare,
Get out into the open where
There's Christmas in the air.
Let the fresh exhilarating wind
Cleanse your soul and mind,
And with Xmas spirit in your heart,
Begin to love mankind.
E. f/1'_1' 111an · ' 15
re:' ~=============================================================~- ,
Subscription Price: 50c the y ear; single copy JOc.
Entered as secon d class mauer Oct. 16.1913. at t he Post Office at Kenosha, \Vis.,
u nder t he act of March 3. 1879.
Vol. IV
No. 3
J Ir~ne Barden
I,iterary Editor
Local Editor
Alumni Editor
Athletic E ditor
Poetry Editor
Georgia GroVPr
Harriet Kupfer
Dean Buckmaster
Elmer Windsor
R aymond Winbe r g
General Manager
Arthur Smith
( Gertrude Morga 11
Exchange Editors _\ Esther Heyman
I Florence Nelson
Edna Zoller
I Norine John on
Photographic Editor
Arthur Priddis
,\rt Edi tors
? Isabelle King-
Eel. Haubrich
Faculty Editor
L iterature
L\Ir. Hill
Miss Evans
Ad\·ertising- Mgrs.
Norman .Jensen
iI Clarence
Mrs. Murphy
:\1 iss teig
Miss Tuomy
Page ix
L I T E R f\ RY
lt wa 1waring mid night on Christmas
l'W. Jn spite of the Yule tide eheer \Yhieh
Jillu1 thl· 1·pst of the houses. it "·as laeking
in th<' l!l'l'at Brl' wster mansion. In tlw
drawi111t rnom olrl :\Ir. Bn•wster and his
wif<· S<ll hd'or<' a blazing Jog hut altho
t h<':v h<l d sa I th us for sonH' hon rs not a
wol'll had IH'l'IJ spoken hy eitlwr. LTpstairs
:\l·<I. thl' hl'il' to th<' n1st ]frpwstl•r fortune
was t1·adil,\· 1><u·king a snit-ease. only stopping 11ow and then to l·ommlt a timl'-tahh•.
The 1·a11sl' of it all "·as thi . The spring
hefore :\l'<l ha<l rl'ttlrlll'd home afkr grnduating from Yale filll'<l with thP lll'siJ'l'
to go \\' l•st almll'. arnl <·an·e out a nll'l'l'L'
for him t•lf. llis fathl·r had ohjC'dPd to
this. sa:- ing a yt•Hr -.p 1• 11t quiPtl:-· at home
would not hurt him. :\ul had. after imt<·h
argnnwnt. half l'Ollst•11ll'd to this. seeretly
J'l'.·ol\'ini.r to makt• a hrl'ak for lihl'rty
wlH•n thl• proper time l aml'.
'!'hi. affair had rea<·hed it · c·risis at thl'
suppt•r-tahl1• parJipr in the C'\'Pning and
11ow l 'Pel was prPparing lo lea Ye his happy honw ancl Sl'Pk his fortu11e in the \Yl'st
11nwh against his fatl11·r 's \YishPs anrl hi .
rnothc·r· c•ntreatiPs.
Jle put the last arti,.le in tlw suit-<'HSl'.
<·losc•cl it anrl triPd to sm1p tlw lo<'k hut
found hl· hacl O\'<'r Pstimatecl its l'apac-i1y
<11Hl C'\'l'll thl· mH' h1111<frP<l and forty
pounds landing on il fai1Pl1 to dosr it.
.\ 11grily hl' jl'rkl'cl il op1•n, took out seYeral
dr<'SS shirts anrl with a Yil·ions kitk sen!
tlwm fl.ving u11<1Pr the hrcl. \Yith a last
look at till' C'ltwk 011 his clrPsS('r. he tur11Pd
out thr light and hangl'cl down the stairs.
lir was ahont to slip out through thr
front 1loor wlH·n a Yoi<·e whid1 was respP<·tc•<l thr full lPngth of \\'all tltreet a. k0
C'<l him to s(c'p into the drawing room for
a moment. With the air of a null·lyr being
led to the lion's den, he turned from the
door and l'lltl'J'l'<l t hl' adjoining room. His
mother ga\'C him <t final look of appeal
an(l then glan<·l'cl al hl•t' hushancl who
hastily dn•w out a (·hl'l'k hook a11cl ma<le
on! a dw<'k " ·hit·h " ·as largl' l'11011gh to
1nakl' an~ .)l'w s111ill' an<l ruh his hands.
After kissi"lg- hi<> rn ther half heartedly,
. · l'd t m·11pcl up I hl' fur c·ol la L' of his [,ondon mnd1• O\'<'l't·oat. sq uarC'<l his ja \\' in
I I'll<' Bn•wsll'r styll'. and wt•11t out into the
night j11st as 1hl' hl'lls i11 a 1wighhol'i11g
<·lrnrd1 tolCI. thl' •rnrld that anotlwr ( ' hrist111as EYP ha<l passC'd into histor~.
FiYl' men were gat lll'red a rnnrn1 a small
lahlc> in tlw hark roo111 of a ~1110011 in the
far \\'l'. l. .\ltho il 'ms ( hrislmas EYe
11011l• of 1lw111 Sl'l'llll'<l ha pp:-· lrnt sat looking :-.u11Plll.' al <'<tt·h olhl'I' "ith hll·ary
l<'oul' of (})(•111 "·l't'l' rongl1. hal'd1•tH'll
<·lrnnu·ll·rs. typil·al had llll'll of thl' grC'at
l'ortlrn·t•st hut th<· fifth mPlllhl•r of the
part~- was sonwwhat diffl'rPnt. To lwgin
" ·it h he was ) <ntngPr h)· prn hahly ten
.' <'ars than thP othPt' foul' an<l althn' hi.
fat·<' was nnshH\l'll 1111d ho1'l' thl' marks of
111a11y a clru11k(•11 1·nrousal hl' :-till 1·l'fai11P(1
soil)(' diara<·lc'l'ist i1·s whid1 1mu·kl'<l him as
l>Ping 011<' who had on<·r sc'l'll wPalth and
I 11 him we n'<·oµ:nizl'
Br<'"·stc•r lhC' one timr rnll'l' of a grpat
lwus<'. hut now a l'om111011 hnm.
1\i'll'l' )payi11g hOllH' Oil that llH'lllOrHhlC'
night he• had tak(•JI a tra111 whi('h had
1·arriC'c1 him to tlw Janel of hi~ <lrParns1
the romantic· west of the stor~·hooks. :B nlly too . oon he had founcl that knocking
Page even
around tlH• Wl'St was l'ar <lifl\•rl'nt from
liYing in a luxuriN1s house with a serYant
always at onl' 's Plb<.w.
'!'hr l'hl'l'k was soon gone and <'H'n thl'
monPy obtainl'd by" ho<' king" somp of his
tim• <·lothing faill'd to ket'p him long and
finding a job was far differPnt from his
<'Xpl'dation . Finali,\'. out or lllOlll'." and
without 11wans of gPtting mon'. bring too
proud to writ(• honw. hP had takr11 t lw
firi;t stPp t<nrnrd his downfall.
l 'rged 011 iuwal'(Jl.' hy au Plll[lt.' stomH<'h ancl ontwardl.\ hy s<'Yeral trnst.' ( ! 1
<·ronic>s lw had gorw into a saloon and
takl'n his first drink. That 11i1d1t Jw had
stood at a l'ross road .
On onp hand
stri>tl'lwcl a !Hl!TO\Y. rn<·ky road l<•ading up
hill whil<• on tlw ot lwr hand \\·as a 1011~.
smooth road IPading downhill. 11<' lrnd
<'hosen thl' lattpr and Oil<'<' on th<' ri\'ill li11P
he had bt'<'Jr 111rnblP to stop 1111til now ,,.<'
find him about to hl·<·onH' a m<•111l>1•1· of a
110torious gang of hacl 11H·11.
~Ha sign from thP r<'st tlw llla11 who ap1ieared to lw th<' l<'<ldl'l' dn·11· a papPl'.
soilrd from rnn<'h ti11grring and <·o,·<·r·l'd
witlr b<'<'r stains f'r-0111 tlw insidP of his
shirt and laid it hpfo1·p :\Pd " ·ho pi<·hd
it np with a hand whi<'h tn•rnhlPd from
many dissipations.
The paper was a
pledge of loyalty to th gang and Ned
had only to place his mark up< n it to
hP<'Olll(' a lifr llH'lllhPr.
~Pd drew out a stnh of a JH'll<"il fl'Om
his poC'ket ancl was about to makP tlw fatal mark wlwn ;;onw1hing within him told
him to \\'<li t a mi1111tP. Il<· ]lHllSPd with
tlw P<'ll('il in thP air. TIH'n lwga11 a might.'strnggh• lwtw<'Pn th<' good and thP P\'il
within him " · hi(•h thr<'af PllPd to h<· WOil
h.1· tlw <'Yil until so111pf hing happ<'nPd
whi<·h turrwd t hP t irlP i 11 1'11 \'o r of t hP goo<l.
l<ar a\\·ay in th<' <'<'lltl'l' of th<' town 1hP
hPJI in a little <·lrnn·h IH·gan to ring out
th<> hour of miclnight thP hour of ('hristmas En• and thP lwginning of ('J11·istmas
\'pd <'lOs('d his ('\'('S Hild his 111i11d \\'('llt
had, to arrnth<"r ( 'l;rist 111as En• fin• \'('Hi's
h<'forp wlwn hP had hc>ard 111wthp1· <·l;11rd1
hPll 1·i11g out th<' 'a1111' lll<'ssagP.
lip 01w1wd his('_\ <'s 11 ith a start. lookPd
With ii friµ:ht<'lll'd giill'(' a{ thl• fH<'PS of' fhl•
fom· rnffia ns. 1lw11 hl'011gh t his fo;1 dmYn
so h<•a,·il,\· upon 1h<' tahl<' as to <'illlS<' 11H·
otlwrs 1o jump as tho' th('_\' llad to1u·h1•d
an PlPdri<· wir<'.
\\'itho11t a 1rord \'P<l pushl'd h11<·k his
drnir. h11·11<'d 011 his IH <'l. puslwd OJH'll t h1•
door'. and thP11 th<• pit<·h,\ dark111•ss s\\all0
OWNl him up.
1\ll through tlw night hP \\·alli:Pd th<·
f>tr<>ets and wh<'ll morniug <·am<•, frarin).!
,·iolem·p from the four ch•s1H·nulo<'s. h<'
hopp<>d a passing frpight and sPttl<"d down
to slePp.
All tlll'<iugh that day and night h<' rnd<'.
1111t ii h1111gp1· 1ilo11p for<·< d hirn to gt'I off at
a lllPdinm siz(•d town. By s\\·P< ping n11t a
saloon hP Pill'll<'d a lurH·h and hy washing
tlH• \\·indows of anothl't'. hP <'ill'll<'d th<'
pril·<' of a sha\'P. :\ow fpp]ing n101· · lik<'
lh1· man that he \\'its in,!Pad of a <·0111mo11
hum. h(• sPt otf to fi1Hl a job. 'l'hP n111r11ing
hours clrngg<'d 011 lnrt no job pr('sPntPd itsp]f for <'l'<•1·,·011p 11·as lms,· and had 110
t imP to list('I; to har·cl hu·k· storiPs.
Fi11all.'· in dPsp<'l'H1ion h<> <'lllPr<'d th<•
offi<·(• of a largp manufa(·turing ('Oll<'Prn
; and pl1111ged into his story holding th<'
111a11ag<·r of thP plant to list<•11 to him hy
the shP<'I' for<·<• of his ar·rns. 'rhe 1nanagPr
b<>i11g a studPnt of human drnrnder in a
small \\'ii)' soon fon11d h1• was dPaling with
110 ordinary i>nrn and listt>rwrl in sill'll('l'
1111til tlw stor.'· was tinish<•d.
"You rn<>a 11 to kl I Ill<' you \\·01 tld rat he1· \\·o rk at a c·om111on joh rath<·r· than
go hac·k 1o .1 'o u1· fathp1· in your pn•spnt
('ondition ~" "YPs." "Will you prom is<'
fl('\'<'l' to totl<'h liq11 <> 1· !" "Yl's." "1'11<'11
go do,1·11 to :\Ir. :\lalH11H' in tlw hoil<•r· room
ancl l<'ll him to gin' you a job tiring 011('
<1f th<' hoiiPl'S. \\'p llPPcJ lll('Jl Jik<' \'Oll. ' '
'l'lw aftPrnoon of a hlPak De<·emh«·r da,·
was nt'111·i11g its <·los<'. ~\ young ma11 1·la;l
in a \\·arm O\'('l'<·oat and 1·anyi11g a -..11itn1-..p <'lltt'r'<'<l th!' Hailroad s1ation in a
Western town.
He was good looking
and stPpp<'d with an air of <·onfid('Il<'c'.
"Onp tic·kPt to :\ P\\' York. plt•ase."
"~l<'<'1wr 1 "
" YP .... ".\ny haggagP! ..
":\o." ...\11 right. >-ig-11 hPr<'." ThP young
man \\TOtP with a sk<tth· hand in larg1·
J'cJ111Hl ll'tt ('l's-":\ Pel Hr<,-wstPJ'."
}t \YilS illd<•Pd \'P<l lfr<' \\',t!'I'. l'l'tlll'llill!!
to \'p\1- York to SJH'IHI ('hristrnas with his
Jl<ll'<'llts. It \\'ils hi-.. n1<·atio11 from
his \\'ol'k at 1hP fadon in four \'Par,.
TIP had wor·ked har:cl and ha«I pro\ ed
to thl' 1111111agp1· that lw had not Ill sp <H:P<l
his <·ontidPIJ<·c• in gj,·i11g him a .ioh
l'rolllot ion h11d hPPll rnprd as i-. alwa.\..; th1•
('/h<' wh1•11 <'<liu·arin11 is <·omhi111•d \\'i1h dili!!illlc 1•. '\o\\ h1• had a po . . itioll of tr11 t Ill
t h1• ofti"1"
It "·a-. 111•ari11g lllidni!.d1t \dH·11 ti 1 \\. (•-.t<01·11 Fl.' 1 1· p11ll1•d i11to :\ l'\\ York \ •d hopJH'd off Hild 1·a11 t\1 th1 t. xi stand _ 11t•111·h.'. di-1·1·u:a1'!!11·-.-. nt' th1• ('l!(l'('ati1• -. of hp
Page Eight
('olon•d portt•r who smelt a tip to (·arry
his snitease. "DriYe me to tlw Brewster
estate on l{in'rside DriYe arnl be quidc
about it. ' ' ~Ir. an<l ~lrs. Brew ·ter sat before a large fire in the drawing room a
they had done for man~' suc:h l'hristrna .
En•s. Alt ho they . at in silen<:(' eal'h was
thinking of the ame topic:-their son Xed.
Ea('h Xmas Eve the~· had sat thus hopeful
at first that another Christma EY(' woulrl
fit1d X ed safe> in the hom;p hut now theY
had giHn up all hope .. for ten y('ar hac.l
passed without a word from him.
'l'he hands of the dock wt're together at
hn'IH whet1 a taxi stoppe<l in front of the
house and a young man full of pirit
boun(·hed out ctll(l ran up the long walk.
The (· lrnrc:h bell " 'as just lwginning to
ring out its nwssage of peace and goodwill
wlH'n the door of the drawing room burst
open at1d tlw loner lo t stoo<l before his
The ( 'hristma. cheer so long lacking
no\\· fill('d eYery corner of the Brew ·ter
house. X eel 13n•wster ha<l raught him elf
in the nick of time ancl had (']imed laboriously up the steep and roc1cy incline anrl
was now traYeling smoothly along the pro' 'erbial straight and narrow path to suc:eess.
Ilarolcl Green, '1.J.
(With apologies to Lamb and Dickens).
Gentle reader, if you are willing to be
patient for a few moments; if you take
pleasure in reading twice told tales; if you
are a lo Yer of gho -t-stories; if you wish
to retail some of the torie vou ha ye
read; if you are intere te<l in Chri turns
stories. bear with me while I expound to
you the happenings of a c:ertam Christma
EH, memorable in my life.
It \\'as a bri k, che~rle 's C'hristma E\·e.
As l wa seated before a oolowing fire by
the kitchen stoYe, I tarte<l to read the
J.U::>S. ·w hich my dear si ter :JI. l\l. (l\lajorie
:JI.) handecl to me. Ah! thi · wa incleed a
happy moment! Though I was not so
fortunate (or unfortunate) as to be locked
in the bonds of matrimony. still I had
great eon ·olation in my si ter. who bowed every pos ible tenderne
toward me.
.:\ly minrl had been failing rapidly and she
had sacrifieecl her life for mine. All our
early companions had been married happily.
~orman J. and 'igricl L. were
living pea('efully near the Great Lake
l\Iic:higan. and I am told neYer had experienced a quarrel. Ralph E. ancl Florern·p A. "·ere still a lovinoo to ea<·h
oth(•r a ever.
Thi· got on my nerves.
for she seemed to hint at me everytinw l passed her. that I was not fortunatP enough to ha Ye ··won her., . .A. if the
thought of this wasn't agonizing enouooh
without lwi1w reminded of it CYervtime I
passed her. But . uch are the trials of a
supprannuated bachelor! I was interrupte<l from my mediation on matrimony Jn· a
gentle pol~e in my side from my ~ister;
and hen' again is an instance of her
thought for me, for she coul<l see in my
e;ve that I was thinking of unpleasant
Thns I began to ramble thru the :JISS.
left me by my frienrl Clarence J. until one
attract(•d the attention of my eye , which
seemed strikingly ingular. A strange coincidence it was. for it was the story of a
( hristrna · Eve. This particular :JI8. was
entitled ·'A Christmas Carol.'' The ston
I..iawrence II. was seatecl behind his
rlingy desk. in his pri;-ate office, with
a big scowl upon his face. Ile was in the
wholesale business and long since hi partner \Yilliam V. had die<l. the direct
<"anse of his death being unpublished.
Tomorrow was to be Christrnas.-the
('ause of hi. gloom. Fift~· long \\'inter.
ha<l pas. eel since his high school days and
fift~' ( 'hristmas days had passed in which
his heart was fillerl with bitterness. What
,rn~ the e:ause of it?
·was it a broken
heart. ~obody knew.
Thr door to his office was ajar. This
he dicl to see that his derk Phil Ilarmcm,
would keep busy in the a1ljoining room.
Phil was smoking a cheap <'igar tn·ing to
keep warm. for his tight fish'<l employer
woulcln 't gi\'(' him enough ('<Jal to heat the
little stoYe "·hi('h stood nrar hv his chair.
Hi.· eyes wrn' fastened mor~ upon tlw
<·]o('k on the \\·all than upon his hooks,
for hr had hePn re('entlY marriNl to Cec:elia ~Ic:('JoskPy alHl was thinking it al-
most tillll' to go ha<'k to his 10Yi11g wife.
\foe he unto him should th e ('mployer find
this out, hut Phil was a beli<'Vl'r in tlw olcl
saying of 8olomon. '' lgnoran(·e is Bliss."
•\ t that mornent tlH• cloor opC'ned and
Ilarol<l ( '., thP nephew of the ohl man,
shontl'<l at the top of his Yoiee. ··~Jerry
( hristnws ! l'nk ! " The seowl 011 the old
man's fa('!' darkened hut lH• remPmhen•d
that a kinsman was talking to him, and
1·ontl'11t1 <l himself with saying "~IPl'l'J' me
· •~\h . !'ome on Un de, che1•r up. Christmas 1·011H•s hut onee a ~·e ar.''
· · ~\ n<l 1hat 's jusL exadly orn·1• too
11rnn,,·. '' gro\Yl!'d had< the old man in a
deep umlertone.
~Pl'ing all attempts to 1·l11•pr his nnde
\\'Cl'<' usl'less, hP soon l!'ft his prPs1•n('P,
though at first giYing him an inYi1ation
to dinner with him on ( 'hristmas. \rhi<'h
of 1·om·se he lrne\\· he \\·oul<l not ll<'1·ept.
•'ix o 'i·lo1·k soon arriYP<l and tlw o!!l man
rl'lndan!IY 1lisrniss1'cl his l'lPrk, au<l grnwlingly <'all P1l after him that he lH'l'd not
work the m•xt clay, hut that he ought to
work OYPrt inw the r<•st of t IH• wel'k to
makl' up for it. 1t is douhtfnl. lHrn'<'Yer,
if J'hil Jwai'<l this. for lw wHs 1H•a1·Jy halfway home.
After carefully locking all the
<loo rs aJl(l window ·. for fo;;r some burglar
mi.,ht roh 1hr furnitun>. L. IT. trac·l'd his
\\'l';l'\' waY honwwarcl. Ilis honw answ<'r<·<1 tl;l' dl'~c·ription of a "slu11·k" in <'\'<'!'~·
pm;sihle sP11sr. Bnt tlH•11, why slwulcl he
worn·! Ill' was afte1· soli1 ud<' an<l l'l'l'tairil~· lw l'ournl it hPr1>. lk opl'nl'd thl'
doo1,' HIJ(l 110 ! a1Hl lwhol<l ! \\'hat <lid lw
i·H'<'! lIE S,\\\T TIIE CillOS'l' (}!<' TIIS
FOJDlEI{ J>,\HT:\EH: William \r. \\'IH'n
tlw ghost s;rn· him. hr tnrnPd ar011Jl(l arnl
l!'<l the wa~· up 1o his room. .\Jl(l jnst
think of i1 ! ll!' sat clown upon 1hc• ol<l
<'lH'st. IJpn• 111• " ·a ih'<l for 1lw frightprn•<l
ol1l 111a11 to hr ratl'd and thus lw ht>gan to
" I ha YI' lH•en )·our S\Yorn partJwr an<l
fril'1Hl in lil'l'. an<l this last mission I want
to 1'11lfill. though [ }Hl\'l' hc<'ll <lPad 11H'S<'
FW\'<'ll Y!'ars. \Ye ha Ye hPrn the means of
lt•ading mau:· to the h1·oad road of clrstrudion hY tlw sale of om· impnre food.
an<l it 110\\: ism~· pnniRhnwnt 1o roYP oYrr
thr wnrl<l fcn·eyer wi1 hnnt a si ngll' honw
of rrst. Bnt Yon <'an aYoi<l 1hi. fat<• if
Yon adhr1·p to i1i"'lwr ancl nnwh rnor<' ]10\\'~rfnl spirits tha~ :·on <·ontrnl. 11 is thu.
a. a warning that T rornr to yon. Li trn:
Yon arc' prPsrntly to lw YI ·11<'<1 hy tln·e<'
pii·its. The :fisst will ronw tonight at
?age 'ine
t.wcln• o'l'l<wk, the seto1Hl. at Oil<' o'c·lo<·k.
and thl' thir!l. at two. Do as tlH',. hid. If
not , your fate is deeidecl- your ·fa tP will
be thP same as mi1H'." l'pon saying this
he walked to thP wimlow. whi<'h 01w11c>cl
with a <'l'PPking llOise, and thl' ghost disappear<'<l with a noise nn11·h r<'s\'mhling
the rattl<' of dwius.
That night a 1·<•rtain indiYidual \\' <ls
shaking with fc·ar. 'l'h<' "aid indiYidual
\\'l' llt to he<l without food an<l waited impaliP11tly for sleep. But h!' (·ould no more
go to sl<'ep than go to hc•a\'l' ll. . o <'.Y<'s
opPn lw wait1·<l for tlH' .. in<'\'itahlc• hour."
.i\ nd "c·ome it will fora' that." Th!' <' icH'k
Rtnu·k tweh-e an<l he. L. II. was just
thanking his lueky star that tlH' ghost had
llot c·o1ll(' wh!'n a rattling soun!l and the
opt'ning of tllC' window. indil·atl'd tlw m·rintl of a s11p<'rnat11ral hPillg. lll' quakl'd.
\\'ho wonl<l not ? lio\n'Yl'r lw gal h\'l'l'<l
eourag<· an<l cl<·nuuHl<'d. · · \Yho an• :·on ! ''
" [ am tlw gho:t of ( hristmas past."
·'Long past!" inquirPd the old man.
"Xo. yorn· past!" c·ame the answPr. "l
come for your benefit. Hise and follow
111(' ! ) )
Xo 1·arthly po\\'<' l' <·oul!l rPfns<' this <l<'mand. and thus th<' l\rn fl<'w thn1 tlH' ;:ii·,
)paving 1hl' c·it.' hPhind and passin!.!; many
brooks. n1Padmrs. woo<h and farms. .\t
liht 1lwy halt<'d I< for<' a large• farm 11C'ar
tlH' lakt'. lll'l'l' 'c ll'I' ml'n wpn• working
in tlw Ii ·Id. Thi'!'!' was ( lar1'11<·I' I' 1•rson
C'iwpping wo< d in tlH• \\·oo!l slwd. Th1·1·p
wa-; ~\ndre\\· Hl'd<'<'ll dri,·ing th(• lo\\·ing
lwrd home\\·ard. Yes. arnl tlwn· lw saw
hims<·lf freding the• c·hi1·k<·ns.
"Great Scott," xclaimed L. H. "I was
raised in this place." The spirit did not
ans\n•r. lint l<'<l him on. Bal·k to the l'i1y
tlwy \\'l'n1 and tnpp<'d as tlwy JH'Hrl'<l a
1lismal prison -I ikl' looking building.
"Ah, my dear old school house." sobbed
La\\T!'llc·!' II. Y l's. tlwre \\·as thc• !' 1f-sanw
S<·l100J hi' attPndt•(l. They <•nll'rl'<l. The
roo111s \\·<'n' all p\·ac·<·uafr<l for it \\'HS tht•
last Friday lwfon· ( hristmas Yac·at ion a111l
all \\'Pre ii; thl' main ass<'mhl\' room. "·hen•
thP gn•at prngram \\·as Iwid. .\pplans <'
aft1•r applansl' !'l!SlH'(l au<l tlwn tlw llilllll'
of L. II. as tlw m•xt spPak\·r rang thrn t ht•
cln,;k~· n'sc•mhl.'· hall.
Tlc' as(·t•ndc·cl th<'
platform and in a ringing tone gan' an
add1·<•-;s upon ( 'hri:-tmas spirit.
.\ trl'1111•ndon.., applaus.' and t·lwl'ring followl'cl
this d!'lin·ry.
"Ta kc• llll' awn,·. tHkt' llH' H\\'H\' , " c·ric•d
the old man pityf~lly, "I can't e~dure thi
an~· longc>J'. '' . \. hril'f truggle folln"·"d.
Page Ten
hnt of !'ourse it wa u elt» s fighting against a spirit and he soon found him elf
safely lodgl'd in hi· own room.
The departure of the first spirit was
only to bring 011 the ariYal of the seconcl.
Uc needed no introrluction hut immediat!'ly· began: ''I am the gho t of Christmas
present. Follow me."
He likewisl' followed this spirit. The
latter led him to th!.' horn!.' of Phil. his
t·l!'rk \\·ho was sitting with his loYing
"·ifr. Phil was saying; "l onl? wish my
1•111pioyvr wM1l1l 1•njoy hirnst'H 011 Xnrn .,.
I [p has so lllll\'h rnOJH' .Y an<l st ill does not
Pnjoy hi111s1•H. 1Iow1•wr. this is !"l'l'tainly·
011\' ni !·e (' hristmas. dear."
l1<1'\T\' IH'P 11. listl>1wd with tt>ars in his
!'Y t•s; Y !'S. lw was beginning to st'l' his
error! But the spirit led him on. They
passed many houses with wi1it'h he was
1wqnainted. Tlw1·p " ·as tlw lwantifnl home
of the \\·1•ll knmn1 \Yalker and Katherine
PPrkins " ·ho were liYing tog\'tlwr. prdering this to marril'tl life. But ht•n• ('hristmas
spi1·it also rulPd sUJH"\'11H'. Thi•)· passl'cl till'
l10us1•s of many poor and ri1·h aud eYer.,·whpn• ( hrist111as pirit rnh•d. Tlwn tlwy
" ii !l' to t IH• lwnH' of his 1wpht•\\. II ere tl11•
( hristmas pirit was t'\'rtarnly· rifr. Tlw
!'hri.·tmas tr\'\' was lit up in the front
1·00111; the ( hristrnas cli111w1· " ·as on tlu•
ta I: le. loaded with d1il'kt'n. t111·k".'. plnn1
pnddimr. applt•s. or1rnges. 1wa1·s ancl a
l1owl of pn111·h . Hlwa _\ .. tlw 1·0. y «hl'l'kl'd
ratlwr !wan \'t wifl' of thl' old man'·
nl'plww ""l~ t•atl'd l'l'sitll' lwr hn,.;haml.
lit• filll'<l th\' enps with wi111• an<l .·aid:
·· [,pt's <lrink to the hl'alth of my tkar oltl
111H'h'. Ah! l \\·ish lw \\·onl<l !"Ollll' and
han• dimwr with ns. Bur lw 's o 1wss1rnistit'. ~\ny·way. let n ha\'t' a nwrry·
( h1·i. tmas."
Tear. again 1«11ne to till' Py 1•s of tlw ol<l
111an for hP 110\\· rl'alizl'tl l'\ 1•ry thing. an<l
h1· <'<mid h11t'!Lh· !war to s\'1' "·hat hp ha!l
rnissl'd \\·lwn h~· did not en.f.>.' Xmas. Tlw
. pirit 1with1•1· l'ht•t•n•<l nor rl'hnkt•tl him
h11t led him h1wk to his honH'. where hl'
"as soon a quaintt•d "·ith tlw thiril spirit.
:\ gloomy spirit. rolw1l in hl<H·k 11ress
d1·1•w 1H'ar. Xo wonl "-as lHl<'l'<'<l hy him.
hnt hl' motionl'd for the old man to follow. Ilt' nrmissl'd that this \Ya. tlw
Xmas .·pirit of tl11• fnturl'. 'l'hl' spirit 11>d
him to tlw h11. ilwss st' ·tinn of the 1·ity.
wh1•r<' he ha!l formally do1H' a gn•at dl'al
of tra<ling. l n nm• «lll'll\'r at a group of
nH·n who w1•rt• dis<·n. sing the <h•ath of a
<'l'rtain mi ·t•rly man. and this eonv<'rsatiou betrayNl how littl' n•al loYe anybody
felt for him. Xext the spirit le<l him to a
d.ark. di:mal room wherl'in tleath seemed
to be lodged. Then the drl'ary ehun·h
yard was . hown and lastly hi tombstone .
This was too much. ''Spirit, take me a"·ay· from lwre." eriecl tlw old man with
tears in his <'yes. ··I no 1011ger will scorn
tlw poor. J will from now on enjoy a
nwrry C'hri ·tmas. Pll'ase take me a.way
from here." IloweYer. wlwn he got thrn
wailing no spirit was to h1• founcl, hut he
l'onnd himsPlf safely lodg!'d in his lwd
··I \\-ill <'hang<' my· nw<l!' of life.'· h1·
<·riPtl. as lw s<'ramhlP<l to his frpt. lt was
111m·ning- lw orw1wd llw window and a
sharp <'risp wind gret>tPd hi111. '· \Yhat
da.'- is this!" he shouted to a passing boy.
.. This! \Y hy th is is Christmas!"
· · \niat ! ( 'hristma. ! Whoop-pl'! I han•_
n 't mi setl it aftt>r all. 'I hose spirit: lrn,·1·
shown me 1•\·Pr.\'thing in onP .·ingk night.
.:'llPtTY Christmas! ~aY. 1Hl\". "·ill you run
on•r 'to t lw hntl'lwr 's. arHl. hu." 111~' a frw
tnrkl'.'·s! ~ \h. that's tlw Wit)." A'Ya.'·
ran tlw hoy anll soon n•tm·1wd with two
fat hinls. Tlw ol<l 111a11 l'llt him to
f>hils '. aftl'l' giYing him a good .. tip .. an<l
himsl'lf sta1'i<'<l with tlw other to his
lll'JllH'W 's.
It was Oil!' grand llll't'l'.'. ( 'hristnrns ! It
wa one day that made him feel young
Thl' m•xt day lw WPnt to his ofti,.1• again. hnt \\·ith an l'lltin•l.'· tlitfen·nt h1•art.
Phil t•a11w lat<' to work. and the t>mplo.'-<'l'
1ril'd to imitat1• his fornwr grntf Wens. hnt
soon lwtrayl'd his fl'l•li111-?s. lll' :how\'d
his <IJlPl'l'<'iat ion to tlw faithful work n•n·
dPt't'<l him h.' th<' «il't'k with a largp in<"l'l'Hse in ... alm·y. From that <lay mi lw
attenclt>d ( 'hureh on ~undays. from that
da.'· 011 IH' talk<•d with and lwl1wd thP
poor. and from that day· 011. h!' grl'et!'d
all the 1woplP ht•fon• and 011 tlw tw<'nty·fifth tlay· of ]}pn•mlwr "·ith a elw1·1·y
··merry· ( hrist mas.··
I "·okt> up with a jt•rk ··You poor tirt•<l
"on!." Ill.' si. tPr wa. saying as she gently·
shook llH' into 1·011seiou ·m•s . ··You hav<'
trnlie<l too 1111wh. · · _\ Yo1n1111• of · · Lamh ·s
··Es ay of Elia·· lay· 011 th1• <"hair at 111.'silll'. arnl in my· han<l l found Di<"kl'll ·
<'hri.·tma. · ( 'arol.
EYi1h•nt ly I ha<l h1·1·11
Ed. Ilauliril"h. '16.
Pag-e Elev n
•Jant>tle ( 'ol<' \\·as J,a,ing a house party
at her house the We.-'k before ('hristrnas.
J[pr fami!y had all ~om• to Europe alld
hPr 11rnrrH•d l'ii~tl't' ''as sta~ ing ,,·ith her.
<·hapl'roniug t 111' pm·ty. Th<>re wrre six
gi1·ls and six boys IJJ thl' 1rn1·ty.
1t \\·111-> ( hl'istrnas and th1· last night pf
the hon1->1• party . 'l'lte gul's!s "t'I'<' all to
l'<'turn to their· J'<•sp<·d iYl' honH's l'arly tlw
lll'Xt d<1y. Th<>~ had h<'<' ll togethPr a W<'<'k
1111cl. as al111ost all 1111·ans of a111w;P11u·11t
lrncl hPPll PxhaustP<l thPy \\·Pr<' sitting arcmlHl a hig tin· pl;i1·p trying to think of
something to do to pass thl' time awa.''.
,Jam'tte sndd1•nl~· h11d an inspirntiou and
<·r·ied out joyfnlJ,,-, ·· Oh Pl'ople ! J '11 tPll
You what ]pt 's do. 'l'h<'n' '.· a ypn· Ill\ stPrions room in t Iris hou <' that is alw1;' s
kt·pt loc·kP<l hut I know whc·1·e the kl'.' is.
and we'll go and l'''<llllin<' the room. I 'y('
JIP\'t'r l><·c>n in it. ~l.1 llll<"l<' .John. a soldiPr
"'ho fought in th< 1 ·i,·il \\'al'. is saicl to
Yisit it en·1·y ( 'hl'i<.;tnrns E\'e."
"Oh! t1,ll us <1h11til him first and th<·n
\\'<' 'Il Yi:it tlw s<"<'ll<' of his hmrnts lat Pt'.''
tll\•y all <·ri1•cl in <·IH·1·11s.
.fauette started. ·· l'1wle .John was a
not·tlwrn solcli<'I' and lw was in Jo,·e '"it h
a Y<'ry <'hanning so11th1•r11 fassi<' " ·ho Ji,·<·d
just next door. ~h1• lon•d hi111 too. lrnt
hPt' stl'rn fath<·1· w<is prc•jwli<'<' <l against
l '1H· lp he<·ansl' hl' had fong-ht for 1he nor! h<'l'n sid<>. and \\·onld not allo\\· .John to
<'OllH' to his h01111'. ~o l·n<'I<' .John would
go en•nings and sing a1Hl play 011 his
Yiolin undPr hl'r wi11clo\\-. Then she 'n>nl<l
thrnw him down a ··Bill<'! Dou'i:." But
alas! the FatlH'r was too w1s<' ancl . oon
<·<111ght 011 1o thl'i'il' an·ang<'llH'llls . . o thl'
sto1·y go<'s. .folrn 11n1dP his las! sc•re11adP
Oil<' ( 'hristmas E\'<', and soon aftprwards
his SW<'<•thl'art was takP11 Jal'. far <l\nt\.
.\11<1 it is said 1lrnt <'\'t'l'\ ('h1·istn1as EYe if
all is qnil't at 1\\'l'ln· «i'«lo1·k sharp lw
c·om<•s to thi. <'<'t'lain 1·oorn. puts mi his old
1111il'or111. takes his 'wlin and g-oes to thP
window of his lost s\11•etl11•aJ'( 's room. and
sings anil plays. '!'hat's all, lH'oph>. \Yak<'
11]> ! ! Let us go now an<l look at tlrl' room"
l [pr ml<lic•rH·l' hacl s111 as 1 I spl'll hound
\\'hil<• slw tol111h<• 1->tory. an1l 11ow th<'~ all
i·an ll]l th<' stair·s la11ghi11g HlHl talking.
Hut a sile11<·P frll ov<·r !lw111 wh1·11 .Janpf(p
fittl'd the> k<·~· in thr k<•y-holr. With a
q111•ak th<· d1Hi1· tlP\r op<·n and th<'~ fonnd
thpmseln•<.; i11 an old-fasllHnH·d IH'droonr.
titted np in <'<>lo11ial fash10u. 'l'IH·: 10111Hl
tnl' snit and Yio!in .Jarwttl' had 111Pn11111wd
rn her 1->lol'.'.
·· 1 ·11 lwt 'nu ·1·1• afraid. Di1·k \'a1·11t·L to
::-.i<'<'P in thi~ 1·00111 tonight.'' lt•awct 1i..tty
( 'nh·er. "'] 'yp IH'<'ll h1·a1·111g \\«i11d1·1·1'1il
o.toriPs of yon I' a1·hil'\'P1111•11h. :\o\\· pn1\"
1o llH' yon 'rp 1lw woncl<•1·f11l h1•1·0 yn11\1•
been paintP<l." Did;: \'a1·1H'Y "<h a hig.
lwalthy. athlPtic· looking fpJlo\\· who did11 't lwli<•Ye in ghosts or any snd1 i1011•w11s<'.
He also harl a mis1·hi<'\'Olls sidt'. aud lw \\'Hs
qnitk to s<'<' a 1'!1an<·e for sonH' fun in
Betty\ suggvst ion . so ]Jp pr<'tPnd<·d I 1i ll<'
afrai<l a11<l to hPsi1at<·. "Oh! Bdz I 1·1·alh·
don't ll<'I iP\'<' I dal'<': yon ask too 11111l'h.:'
··oh. you <'O\l'ill'd!" s1H•c•red B<'!t)· ancl
1->lw 111l'l1Pd . t·ornfnll,\ from 11rn1 to .la<·I;;:
.Ja 1·k and Di<'k \\'< 1·p rirnls fol' ll1·tt ,. \
affedious and mrtil now .J:u·k s<'<'111Pd.1o
he losing. so lw was quic·k to S('C hi: <"han<·P
and to takP it. · · Dicln 't l t<•ll You Bdt Y.
he' nothing hut a hig hluffp1:? IIP ·.., ;tfraid of his , hado\\· ! ·· lw c·onfid, cl to B<'tty .
Di('k h<·ar'<l hi111 irnd imn1rdlY hoil1•1l.
hnt th1• t hots of t lw fuss lH' was· going to
haY<' 111·lpP<l hi111 to <·ontain his 1·ising "olor and hP :-aid: ··~o nnr think I'm af'rnid.
do you .Ja 1·k ?"
"Xo I dm1 't think it. 1 kno\\· it.·· .Ja 1·k
<1 nswc>rPd sud cl enh.
"Ilow 11111<"11 will Yon hd l \\'on 't <lo
it 9 · ' ask<'d Di<·k.
'· IInh ! '' s1wrrecl .J a<' k. · · srn·h an Pas' hp!.
it's a shauw to takP thl' mmH''" IJ11°t I'll
hl't yon hn> dolhll's."
.. ~\ 11 right! lt 's a go!" agn•Pcl I>i<·k.
:ind the·~· shook lrn11d,;. \\'h<'n it \\'<ls S<'11lc>d th1·y 11djo11r11Pcl to tlw Ji,·ing rnom
again. l~P11y \\'<ls disHppoin(pcl in l>i1·k
and aYoi<lPd hi111. and s!a~·p d ('lost• to .Ja t·k .
\\·ho \\as quid;: to tak<• H<hm11ag1' of his
1·harn·<'. ll<• tol<l h1•1· "mHl<•rfnl :101·jp,., ol'
liis a<·hi<•\'<'lll<'llt and as.-ur!'<l hn th11t I >i1·k
was a hor11 1·ow<1rd and "·onlcl JH'\'< 1· ..,( i1·k
1he Hight 0111 in that J'Otllll.
\Ylwn tht• how· fm· lh<'m to rPtirP d1·1•\\'
rn•ar. 1h<•y all \\'<•nt tn th<•ir roonis ilnd
Di<·k \\1ilk<'d h1"<t\'<'IY into th<' hauntPcl
room. Ill' d1·<•ssl'd hi;nsPlf in tll<' unif'orrn
arnl waif Pel anxiou ... h f'm· th<• h11111· ol'
I \\'Ph'c'. 1101 that h1• "';" n 1'1·aid m· 111n011s
Page Twelve
Lut heeause he was anxious to play hi
joke and get en'n with Jal'!\: if possible.
Wlwn the dock stnwk twelw; Diek huftied out of th e room a tran ·formed Dick.
His faee was \\·hite11ed; he won• , ·' l 'nde
Joh11 's · · uniform and earriP<l "l 'nele
John's'' \·iolin lllHh'r hi . arm. lie \\·alked
nr~· hea Yi ly thru the hall in orcler to arouse the oceupants. hut this \\·as unnecessan·. hP«anse they were all awake, waiting for tlw least sound. all(l when tlw.\·
saw him start to descend the steps they all
follo\\"l'd him. frightt•rwd and trPmhling.
Ile went down tlw stPps. out the front
door. O\ n to the rn•xt houst•. and still the.\·
follo\H'(l him. a . if hypnutizp,[. Ile raised
tlw Yiolin as if to pla.\·. and then he tunwd
and looked at his followers who \Yere too
frightt'IH'<l to moYe. lw «allt•cl out in a low
mnffit'd n>iee. "Is ,J;H·k l>nHll<'y there?''
and that \\·as all he 1wrdl ll to sa~-. it had
its dt'sirl'd affrc-t. .Ja«k turllP<l an'l tit•ll
h;u·k to the housl'. Dil·k pulll•d off his cap
and stnocl still and laughed an<l laughecl.
\\'hen he finall~· got t·ontrol of himself
he said ... JaPk surelv is some rurnwr.
\\'omlt>r win· lw nt•\'t'~' tried out for the
tral"i;: at Ynil•." \\'hen thl' rPst of tlwm
. aw \Yho it really was tlrp~ · \\"t' n' a ]lrl'tt.\·
n·l it• \·1 d t·J'O\\'d and nrnl<l laugh frl•ely
with Diek on1· ,f<u·k 's fright.
'l'lwy found .Jac·k \\·ailing 011 thr stC'ps
for them. and on SPeing- \\·ho ('n<"le .John's
ghost was, he beeame sarl'astit' an<l said,
· · Spose you imagine you hin-e clone som 'thing \'l' ry deYer, you eertainly <lon 't
imaginl' you \\·o n your bet,-thc lwt was
that you should sleep in that room all
night. You'll 11evl'r get a eent of it from
"\Yhy hoy aliYe ! l \rnuldu 't take the
money. Jt was so easy, it was a shame to
take the money." pardon till' quotation.
·· h<•sidl's it \\·as worth twl'nty dollars to
Sl'l' you run," Dil'k ans\\ ered good 11atur<'dly.
".Jac·k Bradll'Y ! l should think yon
\\·o uld he so asharnerl y •1 u \l llC\'<'r opP11
~·our mouth again, a pretty kind of a lll'ro
~ ·o n arl' telling me all ahont your wo11dp1·ful ads of bnl\·ery. an<l llll'<lals ~-o u have
won. must ha \'l' been h•a tht•r OJH'S. and
thPn whpn ~·on thot \\'l' 1·pally W<'l'l' in
chmgl'r. ~ ·o n ran away ancl ll'i"t 111<• lo thl'
nwr<"y or a lll<'rt·iles. ghost. But thank
goodnl'ss thl' ghost pro\'Pd to he a whole
lot nil·er than the \\·ould-hl' hPro. ~o J
'spose I 'II lw \·e to foqrive ~ ·o u this tinw."
pouted Bl'tt:-.
It was a Yery happy B!'tt~-. \\·ho awoke
( hristmas 1nor11ing. ,Jal'k's girt o[° H <lOZ<'ll
.\111pri<·an lwauty ros< s was as nothing
c·ompa rPd to anotlll'r 's gift lwr npw
found admiratiou for Dil·k.
Ill•ll'n BardPn.
.Ja«k finislwd his klt\'r with a smile.
'fhis \\·a.~ l·ertainly lm·k. Ill'l'l' he had
expedPd to spend a solitary ( hristmas at
. (·hool. and now good old BPm1~· ha<l eonH'
to rc•s1·lll' and invitt>d him to s1w111l ( hristrnas at his home. B<•nn.\ hil<l h(•pn .Jcll·k 's
room-matt> for two ~·p ;u· , hut had gra<luatPd thP H'ar lwforc>. h•aving .Jac·k to fini-h his la~t vear at (·ollt>g<'. .)al·k 's farnil.\·
\\·as a' rn<HI". alHl hl' lu1<l frlt ratlwr bluP
a. ( 'hristmas apprmH·lwd. hut this lett<•r
<"hl·ert·d him up. The arrnngenH•nts \\"l'f'l'
all madt>. UP was to start till' <lay before
( hristrllH'>. and arri\'l'll ( hr·istmas P\'P ahout p](•\·1•n o 'c·lol·k. lknny PPrtaiul.\· was
a trump. .JaPk nns\\'!'l't'll tlw lettPr imnH''liatt>ly. promising to olwy the instructions in the let tl'r.
.\bout t\vo \VeC'ks latt>r. on Christma.
t'VI'. .);H·k (•lrnngl•d «ars for the la. t time
on his \Ya.\· to Yisit his frir1HI. Tlw train
was a miserable hnl-l'oal'l1 affair. " ·hil'h
ha«kerl into \Yilliamston. Benny's home.
It was hitter l'Ol<l. arnl the train was not
\n•ll-lH'ak<l. Thl' llingy gas lights tlil"i;:l'rPd fitfoll~· as thl' train bnm1wd and jogged along. .J<u·k 'lozt'd nntil about trn
o 'do« le \\"hl'n hP awokp to fintl thP <·oa«h
deserted except for a young lady back
of him. \\'hat heat tlwn· had hePn in tlw
•·lHU·h \VHS gone. and .Jaek \\·as numb "·ith
<"old. Ill• turne<l up his l'<,at <"Ollar. and
fril'(l to \\·ait patient!~- until lw shoultl
r<'H«h his dl'slinatiou.
~uddt>nly tlw train <"allll' to a stop with
a jPrk. ,\ft pr \\"1titi11g for it to . tart for
a half an hour .•Jac·k startPd alwad to find
out !lw !rnubll'. lIP mt't tlw hrakt•1na11
at till' door. aud tlll' latt<·r lwllowl'd out :
"Freight train stalled ahead.
We probabJ~- \\·ill hp h<'ld up for an hour or so. You
an'l the young la<l~· will ha\'(' to make
.nlul's<'l V<'s as warm as you ean and wait."
If th<' girl hadn't IH'cn there. ,Jae·k
would ha\"<' <'X JH'<'i-ised his fr<> Ii ngs proppJ"!y, hut aft<'r lt'arning that IH' 1·otild do
nothing to help. lw went had: to his scat.
and resigrH'<l himself to a long wait. Th\'
girl had . aid nothing. She ha<l not <'\"I'll
tnrrw<l so that .hH·k l'ould g<'t a good look
at her fa1·1•. ft grew <·oi<l1•1· and 1·oldl'r.
llt• had to stamp his f<'<'t and waY<' his
arms Hl'OUlld to kP<'P warm. . • If J ('\"(' I'
gd to HP1111;"s." h<' thought. •· f 'll 111'\'l't'
<'Olli<' hae·k this way, if I ha\t' to s1wnd
tll<' rl'st 0 f Ill\" ] if(' th('!'('. "
Suddenly. iw thought h<' h<·ar"l a halt'
stitl('(l soh from IH•himl him. hut lw did
not dar<' to look around fm· fPHr the ;'<nmg
lady woul<l think him rn<le· and thl'n llHl)hP h<' had just imagine<! it aftpr all. 1n
a f<'w mirmtl's h<' hcanl tlw sanH' 110isP
again, only a litti<' mor\' distin<·t this tin1<•.
··Gr<'at St·ott." thought ,fa<'k. "J won<lPr if shp's <·rying'!'' ~till h<' kPpt his
!wad straight alwad. atHl ad<'d as if nothing had happe•nt•d . 'l'lwn h<' hPard S<'Y<'ral n•al loud so hs. Hn d lw was fon·<•d to
look around. Th<' g-il'l in ha<·k of him wa:
sobbing hittPrly !
.Now, what would you <lo. if yon W<'l'l'
a ni!'e yom1g- man. and you hll'll<'d around
to S('<' str('h a pitiful sight? ('0111<1 )'Oil sit
thrr<' and ll't lwr <·!'\'? Of <·onr·s<• 11ot !
.\nd ,Ja<'k didn't.
'l'hc gir·l had hPr fa<·<' ln11·i<•d in hl'r
hands. arul ,Ja<·k c-onl<l not S<'<' "·hat sh<'
looked lik<'. ('X<'PJ>t that sornp \'<'l'.Y Jl''<'l ty
"urls that JH'<'IH'<l ont from he•ni>ath h<•r·
hat. In his most sympatlwtil' \Oit·<' .• )a(·k
<'nquired, ··ls thPn' anything- I (·an do for·
Rill' did not look up. hut shook ht•r !wad
.J;wk <ll•l'itlt•d ht' 'd tr,\· again. ~nrnmon
ing all his 11prn;, hP \'Olnntl'Pr<·el this idiot i<· quC'st ion.
'' . \1·t• ar·t• ;·on <'<>l<l ?" h<' a:kt·d i11a1wly.
•\11d equall;· idiotit'ally slH' ag-ain. iinok
h< 1· hPad rH'gat i\'(•!y ! But t'\'l'n \\"IH'l'<' hc>
sHt, .Ja<·k <·<mlcl hl'ar lwr tt><'lh 1·hafh,:· h<'t \\"<'l'll so hs.
.. \Vhy You Hl't' too!" lH' t>x:l'lainw<l.
'•.Just ; ~ni.nntl'." 111 a SP<·oml lw hacl his
Lig OY<'l'<'oat off. and wrappt'd Hl'otllld lwr
in spit<' of' lwr strnggl<' a1HI prntl'sts. <H
<'O\ll'S<'. sh<• hail to lift hPr fa(·(' tht•tt. 111Hl
lw saw th;1t. in spilt> of hl'r tt·<1rst<1inl'd
"hl'Pks and hhH• lips. slw \\ils <•xt1·pn1<'ly
prrtt,\·. 11<' at <lown lwsi1l(• IH·r·. an<l
st rang<• to sa;. <'\'I'll \\·it ho111 his <>V<'r<·nat.
Page Thirteen
he• forgot that it was t•old. '"J'his is lwastly luek, isn't it'!'' he rcmar·kl'<l sympathl'tirnlly.
"Yl's." repli<'d the girl. "But rPally you
mui-.t takt> your oYereoat ha<·k." ShP tri<'d
to strngglP out of it. hut ,Ja(·k rPad1ed
O\'l'l' and hnttorwd two of thP hig buttons.
and as lwr· hands ""<'!'(' insidt>. slw \1·as
po\1·l'l'l<·s to g('t it off. ThP tPar·s hPgan to
stPal down hrr l'IH'l'ks again. in spitP of'
h<'t' pffo1·ts to stop thPlll. .Ja"k \\'HS \'<'!',\"
nnwh ('ll!IHU'l'HS<'d. 11<' e·otildn 't think ol'
Oil<' thi11g to say.
Finally. sh<• .-aid: .. You mnst 1•x1·us<'
JlH•-hnt l'\'l' had thl' H\\·fnlPst tinw ! "
"llcl\·c you! 'l'pll Ill<' ahout it. Jlayll<'
1 'JJ lw ahlc to hP!p ;·011." sai<l .JaC'k eag<'rly.
The g-il'l h<·sitatPd as if sht' l'<'HlizPd that
he• was a <·ompl<'t<' ioitrangl'r to }wr. hut
th<'n shp thong-ht ol' his kindm•.·s ahour
th<• OY<'n·oat. and \\'<'lit 011.
"\\" 1'11. you Sl'I'. I
h<'<'ll Hhroa<l stud.1 ing for t l\'o .1·<'ars. and I <·a111e ha<"I;: to
Sjl('lld ( hristlllas \I ith n1y famil,\·. and
whl'n l got holll<' oh-;" slw hrnk<' down
"\\'hat h11pp<'11<'d !" ask<'d ,Ja1·k. <'ll<·ourag-i ll g-1 y.
"::\ [y motht'l' told lll<' that m;· hrother
lut<l im·it<•<l thp llliln whom I cletl'stl'd most
in all thl' world to S(H'rHl l 'hristmas witlr
hilll. I llH't this lllall Hhroad and oh. r
just <«111 't stand hint. It' h<' W<'n' to h<· at .
1lw hous<' l 'd IW\'(' to S<'<' him<'\'('!'\' da,·past ('XJH'l'i('Jl('('S \l"it h th<· idiot ll;Hd<· lll<'
think this impossihl<' and I d!'('id1·d J 'd
" ·ait until aftt•1· ( hr·istmas to go holll<' .o
l ~n<'ak1•d out to 'l><'n<l ( 'hristmas " ·itli
somp fri<'nds of mirH'. I <·onl<l11 't !war to
S<'<' that man again!"
· · Xo. of <·oursp 1101.
(Ion 't hlanw yon
a hit.., said ,Jat·k. To tell thP truth. if it
lt<t<l h!'<'ll his own sistPr. lw \\·onl<l prohahlY han• ('aJl<'d h<'r' a silh goose. ··no
~-cn;r fril'nds li\'P in Willi 11111-,ton ? Ill·
pr·H.\'Pd that BP11ny knP\1· till' friends .
··xo. no'.'' <'l'i<'d thP girl. ''That· •h1·
;rn·l'nl pal't of it. Th<'.' li\·p up in J)pxtPl'.
and whl'll 1 got tht•1·t•. I found that 1!11•Y
had gmw away 1o sJH'rHl ( hristm1h. o ·,
had to <'Olll<' right h11·k ag11in. Oh. i fr,•J
so humiliat1·d '. .\ i;d no"· 1ht• tr;tin ·,.,-,tallt><l. :rnd 1 '11 nl'\'<•1· gl't honw' . \nd 1 ·m -,.1
<·ol1l l "rn ;11·t na lh • frozt•n ''. '. This i-. tno
m111·h.'" ll< ·1· lip~ ll!'gan to qni\'l'l' <l'.!illll.
,Jnst th<'ll the tra'n !!il\'1• a lnr1·h 11nd
i-ilartc•d forward.
Page Fourtet-11
TIIE ~PY wishes to all its readers, the
merriest. happil•st Christma and the most
joyous .:\ ew YPar of tlwir live ..
Onc·P more the festi\'(' Yuletide l'Olll<"s
aronml and thl' eeh'bration of the hirthclay of the Prin«e of Pl'ael' is at hand. lt
wa · at this sc'ason many yt>ars ago that
tlw worl(l fin! learnl'd of the true pPa(·e
for whi«h the ::-Ion of God saerifiee<l Ilim elf. It "·as tlwre when the happy angc'l.-.
t hronging owr the little stable i11 B!'thh'hem. sang till' song·· Pea1·e on earth. goo<l" ·ill tcrn·anl. llH'n. ''
That spirit that has li,·e(l thrn all the
1-c·11tnries sirn·e ( hrist. hut has neYc'r a:
yd fully triumphed. is lost entirely in till'
horrors of tlw presl'nt "·ar. 'l'he contr1Hli ng forc·es havp set bad;: thl' <'ivi1iza1 ion in
· whi<'h \\'l' lrnve so prided onrsPln's HJl(l
11re ruthlesl'IY slaughl<'ring tiwir hrothc·1·s
in the YPry Sc'ason~ intendecl for the c·plebration of the birthday of the One who
first hrot to us the le~son of peaee.
Although the LTnited States is a neutral
nation ancl. clespite its reduc•ed exportation and importation. is hearing the strain
vc'rY wl'lL let u . renwmher tlw tlwnsan(ls
of im101·ent ancl unoffl'ncling people within thl' warring nations who must sure!~·
di<' of c·old and hunger if tl1ey are not
helppd an(l lwlped . 0011 . \Yhile the poor
ar<' alwavs "·ith us thev <;ec>rn to h<' with
ns in gr~atl'r evicknc·e· this year for we
han• not only our own c-itizen. in our own
«nuntry and C'ity hut we have those
\HC't<- lwd people \Yhosc• honws are <levastatl'<l and whose fathns aJHl husbands
ar<' lying dPacl on the hatt]pfipJcl.. Tht>r<' i.
rnu<·h for ns to do. Tht>1·e arc• manv to
,,·horn a gif1. no rnatt Pr h<rn· m<'~gr ,>.
"·oulcl he most henifi ·ial. Ld u. rc>mc>mher that "Ina. nnwh as ve do it unto the
lPal't of thPs<'. ve <lo it l{nto me."
If tlHT<' is anv on<' <laY m the Calendar
for bring happ~·, it is Chri. tmas. Being
happy meam; making or Jw1pi11g to make
others happy. .:\lay this he ,,·hat ('hristmas means to 1111 and ma.'· this nwan to
: ·on. dc'H r reaclc>1·s. tlH' g-r l' a tt>i-.t. hn ppie.t
Christmas :·on ha\'c' !'\·er known. your
happiness lwing mt>asured h.'· yOlll' intluen(•(' for good . hy your powc>1· for making otlwrs hHJlJl.'"
··Oh. J mmldn 't take that suhj1•1·tt hat tl';u·lwr ·has it i 11' for me!" Jlow
rnan,\· ti nws one heaes this at >whoo] ! OthPr favorite i-.a.vings Hn' · · 1 \·e got a fine
· i-.tand -i 11' \Yit h that t t at"l1er. or "l '\'<' uot
HI! 1nd11l stand-in with her!"
One or thl:'
tc>ac-lwrs in tlw Iligh l-)c.:hool rt>c.:ently rc>rnarkPcl , · ·r a111 ·ure that thc't'l' is not a
tt«1<·hpr to ht• l'oun<l a11vwhet'c' who 'has
it in' for an:· pupil. 1t i. ' positively riclic.:ulous for a11.nrne to sny suc-h a thing."
\\'lw11 you stop to think of it.- why
should an:· tl'Hl'hc>r han' a gnl(lg<' against
you! .\ tc'at·hPr c·cmlcl ha n• 110 possibk
ohjl'd in trPating OJH' pupil cliffe1'Pntl~·
than another. The1·e is no rpason whv she
~hould work ag-ainst an:· pupil, or: fail
any pupil i11 a suhjc•d just heeanse she
clot's not C'are Pspl'C'ialJ,,· for him. You arl'
rl'<·PiYing what you desl'r\'P. whetlwr you
gl't a poor or a good marlc .Any pnpil
who do0s his \\·ork honl'sth· an<l well pad1
day g<'ts ereclit from his teac·her without
prejudiC'e. It you put all the effort of
whi('h ~·on arc' C'apalile. on your work yon
an' hound to gl't a passing mark.
It is a clc>testahh' ha hit to .. slam" till'
teaC'lwrs. .A goo1l pupil lll'\'C'r kicks ahont
his lll<ll'ks or about tl1t• \YH,\' the it•a<-lwr.
treat him.
It rests with you students,
as to your ''stand-ins.'' ··Deliver the
good .. '' and tlwre will he no cause to lam
the tea<'her .
Page Fifteen
.Jlern· Christmas to every one. but a
nwrrie; OJH' to those who ,~·ork for and
snhserihe for the Sp.1-.
Tlw Fr<'shnH•n. Sophomores. mid Snhsm·<·t•<•de<l in getting up l'iass spirit enough to ell'd their
offin•rs. Tlw~· are as follows:
J'rp;:}11nen : Pres.-Ed "·anl ( 'onnery.
\'i<·e-Pres.-IIa1Tiet Farlt·~· .
~<·t-.-O<'rtrude H.eith.
'l'r<·ai-;.- ,Ja<'kson .Jlurphy.
~ophomon•s ha Ye at la, t
Sophonw 1·<•s. ( no 'YOlll pn 'i-; su ffrragc
ht'!'(' ).
Pn·"· \\'anl (~11inn .
\' iel'- PrPs. - llu he rt ( 'at'IH'_I".
~<'<·. - Earl Rand<'ll.
TrPas. ( 'yl'llS ( arroll.
Several enior boy have plearle<l guilty
to the charge helrl against them of bribing
little Freshmen boy· to d1ew gum in }lis ,
Yul!' 's asse111hly. ~\ ny one laying elaim
to 11w 1east grain of <le<·en<·y would he
<1ShH111l'(l to l'IH·ourage the lH'W<:OllH'rs to
go off 011 <lllY questiouahle pranks. such
as 1his. It is far from he1 Ilg' . mart and
should hl' s11pplant<>d h~ - tlH' proper kind
of. 111al'trwss 011 the part of all np1wrdas. Jlll'll.
Tlw Ly<·t'lllll Leagul' IH•l<l it i-; first prnnwPting Od . :lO. The progrn111 was
PX<'<'<'dingl,1· good. '!'hos<' who took part
" "<' I'<' Katlw1·i IH' P<•J'k ins. llPI <'II Harden.
<l<'l'll'lule ~<'lllH'. and Ill'lt•n l'Pt<'rson. The
L<•agttl' is making 1111u1.1· plans fort he )'<'ar
and we cx1wct to !war from it in many
ways <luring the t·ourse of the sd1ool year.
Pn•s. Jim Banl<'JL
\'it·P-Pres.- 1-<'rank \Yilliams.
~<'<-. & Tn•as.-.Jlargarl't Uamhk.
•\ t 01w of onr first mass meeting m
.\. sem hlY Hall the Yell rnastl'rs for the
footba1l Hn<l basket b"ctll ganH'S and for the
<lehatl':,, and other school affairs of the
year werP p]cdcrl as follows: Karl \ \Tin<le;hpim, Russell .Jiainland, Helen Barden
and I,illian Reidenl>ac·h.
.Jliss P<'ill'('('. 11 11H•111hl'I' of tlw K. II. N.
fa<·nlt~· of l!Jl~-1:3. taught lwr<' for a week
during th<' abs<'lH"l' of .Jli.·s Evans. It
Sl'l'lllP<l lik<• old ti111l's to IHlVl' .Jliss l'Pan·e
had' again .
.JI iss Fi 11 k return(•d to K. II. S. after an
ahsPnse of four "·eelrn on ~H·eount of the
clc•ath of her father.
'l'lw boys haYe grouped togetlwr and
lrn1·p fonrn d a Houtl'rs Uuh whi<'h has alr<·ad~· held seYeral rneetinirs.
Tht• girls
<ll'<' thinking- seriously of following the
ho>·s' example and or~aniz<' a similal'
duh. \Ye will <'ertainly expe< t ome of
tlw lwst clwering we haYe ever 1 ad.
'J'he first rhetori<·als. mHlPr the <lit'l'(•tion
of ).Jiss Kanarr. were held Oct. 2:~. The
program was on thl' war of today: on the
implements, ain·raft, build . et<-.. now !wing usl'd. The pL"ogram wa, good and the
speakers 'n•ll trainerl .
:JUss Yule's room ha. lately heC"ome the
s<•at of several feasts. Boxl'R of C'anrly
bought by the persons found ('}wwing
gu111. haYe been pa;;sl'<l arounrl to tlw persons IHH'ing a high aYt'ragt' in histor.1-.
Some pt•ople are ln<·ky.
Our hoys have played a 1rnrnher of good.
)·es. rral good football games. <ll'frating
\ \Taukrgan, Elkhorn, and Dct•rfiel<l. sue-
Page Sixteen
<'('ssivl'ly. Altho' the score with \Yankega11 was pretty good yet the LH'st Ht'Ot'<'
was that of the Elkhorn ganH', only ];30 11.
Tht> ( lass ~PY suh<·ription cont<>st lwhl
h)· tlw t·lassrs eaus<•rl great l':·eiternent
and somP Jitth• hurt')' for a while. hut tlH'
Seniors. as they exiw<'ted. earn<' out at thP
top of tlw list. ..:\'i a rC'ward for se<•uring
1he mm;t snhs<·riptions tlw elass receiv •cl
a V<'r,\· tin<' pi('tnr·e. Tlw stancling was as
• 'l'11io1·s-1:H.6 1 ,
I H's 121.1 1 1
11.). r,
l ll B 's-107.4 1 ,
~ophrs. - 9< .0' 1
I l B 's-!J:L3 1 1
Fr<•shn1<•11-77.2 1 1r
1 yr. Bus. & , 'p<'t·ial :tUV~
\\'e are publishing h<'l'<'\\·ith fo1· th<'
first time an origi 11al d 1·a ft of a sophornon• tlwnw. It will lw 1h<• poliC'y of the
SPY herpafh•r to n•spn·p spa<·<' in <'a<·h
issnP for <'r<'ditahle " ·ork sl'l<'C'tPcl from
)'Pgnla1· assignnH'11ts in the> Frc>shmPn and
Nophomon• English ('lasses. :nC'h "·ork to
h<' J>l'<'Sl'ntpc( " ·it hont rc>vision by tlH•
tl'a<·lwr. lt is hop<'<l that this pla11 will
< n<·ourag<' <·ontrihutions from the lowpr·
Tlw assignnwnt '"hi<'h C'allecl
fodh 1hP following poPm "·as for an imitation of \\'illiam W<'sll')' ~lartin' Apple
Blossoms, on 1 hP suh.i<·d of tlw woocls in
ITav P Y<•ll st'Pn thP woods in antnmn whPn
1 h<' IPHY<'S ar<· falling down?
Falling clown~
Th<• hl'ight-htH'<l wood. in autumn \\·lwn
the lea \·ps a1·p falling down?
IIrnr<l 1Jw l~ltwjay 's wordy tussl<'?
S<'<'rt 1hl' hi.·.\· gra)· sqninPl hustlP.
{;athl•ring nuts 'mong ll'<lH'S that I'll. tit•.
Falling clown 1
HaY<' You hrpathe<l thr ai1· of autnrnr1
wl;<'ll thr lraY<' arp falling clown?
Falling <lown?
\YlH•n 1 lw ripe· frost-hlastrll nut <·ome
fa II in g <lo "·n ?
\Yh<•11 th<' ha1·1· limhs <·riss-c·ross c·razy,
\\'h<'n th<' ail' is kind of l1<lz)·.
Tlw ka<·hers forgot that wP IH'Pderl. thP
rest the fifth, sixth, HIHl s<>venth of
on•mber whik thc•y enjoyed thcmselve in
:\lilwaukl'l'. 'rlwy gavr all of us mon•
wol'!;: to do dnring that tinw than we
would havp hail had wl' hl'<'ll ohlig<'<l to
at t<1 1Hl s<'11001.
\Yl' havP a npw addition to our s<'hool.
Dona Id 7-rugl er ha. C'ome to ns from Tiffin lligh 8C'hool. Tiffin, Ohio. \\'p]('onH'
Donald! \\'p hope that yon will like our
K. II. S .
ThP ( 'auwra ( 'lnh nwt • 'ov. 9. for thP
Jlllrposl' of n•o1·ga11izing. Th<• inten•st at
1hr JJH•ding appl'arpd to h<' grc>at. the
llH'lllhl'rs hei11g \'<'ry enthnsiasti<' about the
plans of th(' Club for tlw c·orning year.
'f'hl' offic·rrs PIPC'tecl wrrp: Pr<>s.. Zenas
Pil<·lwr; \'i<'<' J>n>. .. Arthur Pricldi .. anrl.
. '<·c·.-'f'r<'as .. lfa,\' lllOJHl \YinlH'rg.
\\' h<'n t ii(' dead l<•a \'PS <·orne so lazy,
l<'alling down!
li<n·p ) ' Oil walk<•cl among tlH' tree .. when
tht• l<•a\·c•s a1·p falling down?
Falling dcnnt !
\\'hpn t h<•y <·o\·1·r np t IH' ground anll are
<'\·pr· fctll ing 1lown !
\\'}]('n tlw hrooklPt 's gnshing sound,
~\nd th<· rust!ing lea\'<'S ar·onnd.
BIPnd into 0111• soothing sound,
Falling down!
1f yon ha,.<. not. t hPn yoll know 11ot. wlH'll
th<• i<•il\'('S Ht'<' falling down,
Falling clown.
Ilalf th(• splPndo1· of tlw . Pason wlwn the
l!'a\·ps <ln' falling 1lo\\·n,
\flt <·n rnstling IPa\·<•s fill all the hollo\\·
in 1 lw grn11nd.
\\'JH•n 1Ill' wind hlo\rn thrn the bran<· hr
\\·ith a sor·t of moauing sournl.
\\' h<'n tht• l<'H\'t•s from off the tre1·s are
falling dm1·11.
J<\iJ!iug d<nYll.
D<•1litatPcl to Willi<' Fink.
~\int afraid of roar·ing lious,
~\int afraid of hats,
.i\i11t afraid of <'iPphauts.
_,.\ int afn1id of' rnts.
~\int 11fraicl of' srrnl'iir1' dogs,
, \int a f'ntid of ;:quir·r·pJs.
. \ int afraid ol' tig<•r·s.
But 1 ani afraicl of gil'ls !
Dear T(•a!'l1er in assembly room
Doth stPrnl:· forhicl :p~'('l'h;
··This is a study hour.'' shl' saith ,
··\\'it h " ·ork for all and 1·a1· h. ''
"Yon must have . ih·111·(' \Ylwn you \York,
~o th is room must he still ;
I'll S('lld You to t lw offfr('
lf : ·on· 1·011n•rsl'- l \\'ill!"
Ancl .·o she sitteth clo\\'11. and all
.\re startl(•d soon to lwar
DPar TPa('lwr 's \'Oi('l' ('011\'('l'sincr long,
In a(·(·1·nts loud arHl ('l('ar.
.\rnl though thl' stn<lPnts stt·i,·e to "·ork
ller \'Oil'e disturbs them all.
So though tlwy smilP to lwar }]('r talk
Tlwii· stnd:·ing is small.
This T1'a1·her surelY JH'\' Pl' hl'ard
Of thm.;1• \\'ho fr~· to throw
8to1w8 at anothPr: whill' tlH'Y're in
(J]as: 1l\\'1'Jli11gs. do11't :m1.k110\\'?
List1•11 ,.P sttHll'nts "·ho \\'ish to hear
Of a f1;ot-hall il'am whi1·h knows no peer
Jt 's the foot hall team of K. Il. ~\Yhieh is some kam or I miss my gues .
Xo"· takP a look at tl11·m .·tarnling in line
Xo \\'OrHkr the 1·oa('h sa,,s. "I'm glac1
thl'ir rni111'."
Take a look at that husky taptain of ours,
l (·ould sit and "·atl'h him play for hours.
Look at that line - hr(•aking end \\'hen
lw 's il'arin ',
It's RoonP''. ·'Irish.'' nohh• son of Erin.
Lift your '1rnt to ~dmell. our po\\'er on
Ik \\·ill rip thrn anything saYr barbed
win• fP1ll'e.
Xext of tlw elrwn. is our half-baek Frost,
\\'ho will fight for a goal \\·haten•r the
Xnw hancl the laurl'l to our fast little
lrn1·kReith tt>ars thru the field as an open raec
Xow gaze at that line. a wall of terror
\Y11ieh fills all opponents with a feelincr
of horror.
,\1Hl don't forget Ilammoncl, the boy with
tlw hrains.
\Y'ho pilots the team thru many harci
Last. hut not ll•ast. eome · our worthy
\Yho has gi,·e11 us a team beyo11d all reproaeh.
\\'ho has plugged with the boys and giYen
tiwm Yim
'ro go into ganu•s and fight harc1 to \Yin.
Gin them all the glacl hand, tell them
tlwy are the best.
~\nd trust to the fellows to clo thP rest.
l fr('] mighty l'ertain, and you must eonfrss,
That till' team of teams is mat of K. II. .
R. \\Tinherg. 15.
·' \Yill you rome into m)· to:· shop~"
Sai<l GPorge Tn•m1wr to a friend,
l'Yl' som(' n•r:· high C'lass things thl're
Tlrnt 1·<ml(l 110 onP 's taste otfe1H1.
( 'hristrnas time drcnrn on a pate.
For gifts that are hoth strong and fair,
Yon 'll sParth i11 Ya in for an.'·
That "·ith min(' :·on <·a11 1·omJHll'l'.
l 1111\·e n1rions to:·s atHl many.
[ 11 111:· s1· hnol-shop on l 'ongn•ss ·treet.
l 'JJ ('xhihit tlwm in orcler.
~\ rnl I promise to spll l'lll'ap.
Fil'st of all, Jwrp's m:· tin soldiPr.
ln thl'ir pretty snit.· array1·<1.
)!rs. ::\[m·ph:· and ::\Iiss \Ypston,
Of 110 0111' arP the:· afraicl.
Xow yon sl'e m;· good Rteam engine,
1T I' is not l'd for his s1we<l.
Jip is lil'llrY Gnl bran son.
To a p<lth ~f fame he '11 leaci.
I ha,·1' Yarions brands of dolls. too,
But my kl'\\·piPs an• thl' l'Utl'st:
B(>th Gron•r and Dunham ::\lartin,
Tlwy are the Yer;· smallPst.
(-) T (-) l CT1C5
Ha1·i11l' Iligh ~·h·hool dl'fratl'd Ke110sha
High , '!"11001 in our ~\unnal game h~ the
st:ore of Hl to (). Thl' game wa-; not as
om•- ·i1kd as thl' s<·<>re indi<·ates hut hwk
fayorPd th<• BPllP ( ity players. 'I'lw g-ame
\\·as played on a <·lay fit>lcl "·hi<'h was
soak<•d h~· a <"011ti11nons rnin of a \\"<'l'k
\\·hi<·h slowl'd up the playing. lnjnrit>s 011
hoth teams wpakP1H•d tht• frams <·onsirl<•rahly hut strnng suhstitufrs k<'pt the game
going a fair!.\· rapid JHH·t'. It st•emecl like
Kenosha was playing Oil<' man. Joh m;on,
"·ho pla:'·ed a "·hi1·hyi11d game hoth on offense• and dPf Pnsc>. By . P<'<'tan1lar open
fi<•ld running Johnson maclt• two touel100"·11s, .·haking off tadde after ta<:kle lllL
t ii he hail plcrnt<•d tlw hall beyond tlu• la ·t
l11H>. Frost and l-khm•ll rna<l<• ma11y long
runs for K<·nosha. while Fink plnng-<·<l tlw
ll!H' hard.
Tlll'i<'IH'll at rig-ht <'Jl(l was
strong 011 tlw ddPns<' as WPll as Willis,
Jloon<'y and Hlwnstrnm.
KPnosha lost
many <'hanees hy hard ln<'k a:-; they \\·oul<l
m•ar Ha('inr's goal only to fumhll' and
lnse the hall and the <"!Hllll"<' to Sl'Ol'l'.
fn thv first quarter Frost inter<·Pptl'd a
forward pa:;; and aftl'r making a long rnn
was finallY downPd 011 R<H·i11<• TI\'<' Y<lr<l
lirn>. Wt: lost thp l'hant·(' to s1·0J'<' il\' a
fnmhlP. l n the st'l'OlHl quartPr .John.son
111a<ll' a long <'11<1 rnn for a tonl'hd1ny11.
During tlw n·main<ler of tlw qnartp1· tl1t•
Kt>nosha hoys ont pla:'·Pcl th1• Hat·in<' 1Pa111
nnt \\'Pl'<' nnahlP to s<·on•. 111 th<' thinl
quartPr KP110:ha astoni heel the H1H·i11e
warn antl spPdators hy a wonclerful ext11hitio11 of oprn football. • tarting ou our
ow11 t \Y<'nt y yard line with a serirs of perJt>dly <'X<'<·nt<•cl forwal'd pass<'s \\'l' <'arri<·d
th<> hall to Ha<'in(''s fin• yar<l linr wl1<•1·e
l•'i11l< \\'('Ill O\'('J' for K<'no•ha \; only toU<·lrdown.
1\ tml<'hdown h~· ,Johnson of Ha<·inP af-
f('r a l>rillim1t run < f forty ~·anls in the
tinal quarter gan' Ra1·i11e tlwi1· final <·otm1<'1'. In the last q11artp1· KPnosha ma<l<' a
final attempt but "·pre unsnc·<·es:fnl an<l
\\'l'l'(' unahle to s<·ore.
'l'hP teams lined up as follows:
Hoon<':''. Rt•<l<•t>n
11. E.
l~<'rPns. S<·h1wll
I;. F.
Willis. \'oltz
11. (l.
( '.
W. Fi11k
L. 0.
Hlwnst rorn
l1. F.
11. E.
(~. B.
Frost. Williams. Rt>Pclrn. L. II. B . .Johnson
R II. B.
<'01111011 ,.
V B.
''an \Yi.t>
Hef<'l'<'<'.Dr .• \ rrgt>ll of ~ l ihrnukP<' Xormal.
l'mpir<'-Ila11sp11 of ~larqnette.
'l'inwk<'<'lH'l'-llarrington of Kr11osha.
.Johnson.2; ( 'onnollY 1;
Fink 1.
Kenosha and Waukegan K. 28, W . 0.
Kenosha starh'<l its wi1111111g sfrt•ak 0l"L
1liHl its Yid im \\·as
W ankPgau Iligh
S<·hool. Th(' ga111p \ 1·a · play('<l 011 a :-;oakPd fiPld a1111 rain fell throughout tlw gamr.
'l'hl' <l1'1·isi\'C• s1·0 1·<· wa:-; 214 to 0. Starting
thl' g'illll<' \\'ith a HPl'i<•s of <·onsis(('llt li1w
plungp.-; and 1·11 ns Kt•nosha <'<ll'l'iPcl t ltP ha 11
to \Y11t1k<•ga11 's th1·<'<' yarcl lirn• onlv to los<'
it 011 <lo\\·n.-. \ \'auk<'g-an thP11 pu;1t<·cl out
of 1la11gpr hut K<•nosha stai·tpd a11ot lwl'
onward mai·!'l1 only to ag-ain h1· hrl<l foul'
<lmn1s on \Yank('gan 's fom· ~-ard lint·.
\ \'ankegan attt>mp1Pd to acln1n1 ·<' 1lw hall
hnt lo.'t it on a fnmhlP lwhi11cl tlH'ir own
goal posts. ~\ torn·hdown aftpr a long
nm iii thP first qual't1•r <'IHl<'<l th<• s<·oring
in th<' first half.
I·~t>rro~ha <'Hill<' hal'k strong- in 1l11· st•<·011d half and lll<Hl<• tlln•<• to1whdowns af
Page Nineteen
tl'r brilliant run by Frost, chnell and
' traight football wa usecl with
much effe ctiv en ess by the local el even.
For K eno ·ha, Rooney was a power on d efense.
Ile smashed interference and
tackled the runner. Schnell was K e110 ·ha 's particular star an cl he macle all of
Keno ha 's touchdowns by brilliant and
tlashing runs. .l<'rost, Ilammoncl and R eith
ancl others played consistent football
throughout the game. 0 'I<"'arrel and Funston starrcc l for Waukegan.
Th e lin eup follows:
h .E.
Beren~, Fink II.
L. T.
Willi-, Voltz, Bostitter
L. G.
<+ulbrau. on
W. .Bink
L. G.
Fun ton
Hlwnstrom, Hyan
h 'r.
Thri l'1H'n. HPetlen fr .E .
Frnst. Hammoncl lt. B .
~'rnst. Sch11('Jl
L. II. B.
0 '1''arn' l
R II. B.
:JkShau e
:-\(·h1wll, Fink
1''. B.
l{ l' fcre('- (Jl(' l'lllll of Kenosha.
l " 111 pire- lss1H·hso11 of \\' ankegan.
l l Pa cl !Jinesman- Ilarri ngton of Kenosha .
To1Ld1downs- Sehnell 4.
Tht• football tt' am of 1914 t•stablislH'd a
for Kt>1Hisha High
:-\(·hool •\'IH'n t lwv tlefrated th e Elkhorn
team h_,. th(' sl'or~· of 1:30 to 0. Had our
hoys t'xt>rted t IH'lllSt>l n•s a 1ittle morP they
might IHl\' P in(•J'PURl'd th(• S('Or<'. The totwhdowns WPI't' wt>ll clistrihukd among the
pla.n·rs as Pight on the tPam sc·ore<l at
ll'ast one tom·htlo\\·11. Toud1dow11s wer<'
rnade on the a \'t'rage of a touchdown every
t\\·o and onp half rninutPs. 'l'hey " .('re
made hy mpans of pt'rfret forward passt>s.
fai-it Pnd r1111s an<l smashing line plunge' .
Roont>y and 'J'hrienpn wt're strong on clPi'P111·(' in s rnas hing intt>rferenee aml BoRtdtPr a11cl Uulhranson also were strong on
t lw c[pf('IH'('. II. Fink an cl \ Villi showed
up strong in making hoks for line plunge
while• H lwnstrom. \\". l<'ink a]l(l BerPns
\\"Pl'(' strong on tlw offensive.
\Toliz and
HPdeen suhstitufrd in fim• shape. 'J'he
hac·kfiPld pla:"-·ecl a whirhvind game anrl
Ilamrnond. ilw pilot opened up all the
trit'k plays which lll'lped inerea,;p the
S(·ore. Heith made many Jong runs aronncl
t hP t>ncl and l''ro. t an cl , t'lnwll mack long
runs an<l smashing line plunges.
In the firHt qnarlPr Elkhorn kicked to
l\p11osha who a<l\'itlll't'd the hall down the
l'l'(·ord high :-;(·ore
field and within three minutes after tlw
kiekoff, :Fro ·t , cros ·eel the line for the
first touchdown. Fink kieked goal. Pink
kicked off beyoncl their goal posts and
when Elkhorn lost the ball on downs,
]<'ink pluugecl thru their lme for the second touc·hcl.own but he missecl goal in the
kick. 111 ro t scored the next two touchclowns for Kenosha. Ilammond missed
one• goal hut Fink kieked the othPr. Reith
(•los(•cl th<• sc·oring in the first quarter by
ski I'! i ng th(' en<l fo1· a touehdown and
Fink miss(' (l goal. St'ore first <1uarter 32
t () 0 .
::-5t'l111ell ope11ecl the SC'oring in the second
cgrnrter hy a line plunge; Fink missed
goal. '0011 aft ' t\ Tbrieneu caught a beaut ifnl forwarcl pass for a touclldown. Fink
kic·kt>cl goal. On the same play Thricnen
got anotht•r forward pass and crossl'd the
lirlC' Pasily; Hammond mis ·eel goal. Reith
ancl :-\1·h11dl :o,(•ort'd on end runs for two
lllOl'l' tall iPs. Fink misS('Cl on e goal but
]<'rnst k i1·kPcl tlH' sPt'OlHL Sc·ore tir·st half
(j..j. t 0 tl .
Fl'ost 111acl(' the• first S('OI'(' i11 tlH' third
quarlPL' and llammoJHl macle tlw goal.
Sd11H' I l Sl'on•d the IH'x t c·o tmt a ncl Frost
missPcl goal. Th(' tlect full -bac·k got the
IH'Xt tom·h(lown hut this time Ilnrnmourl
kid.:Pcl g-oal as lw clicl also on thP next
toud1do\\·11 whid1 Jw macle himsPlf. Frost
1•11d('d th(• s(·oring for K<'nosha in the
thil'rl quartl'r a1Hl ('aptain Fink ki1·k(•cl
goal. ~l·on· at PrHl of thinl <1ua1·t('1' !18
to tl.
,\ rt('J' 11 ln·i('f l'!'S( \\"(' Slcll'lPcl 0\ll' 'i('Ol'illg'
1nac·hill(' 1lg'Hi11 and "('huhh~·" lfrith got
Hl'Olllld l<~lkhorn 's ('lHl for a totl<'hclow11
and Ilalllmond ki(·kecl goal. Hammond
llHHL(' t hl' next tom·hclown an cl also tlw
11t'xt goal from touC'hcl own. Fink ki('kecl
heyoncl their posts. Elkhorn pla~· ing tlw
hall 011 tlwir twenty yarcl line. l~ostett(•r
thPn i11!Pt'('<'ptP1l an ~~lkhon1 forwal'cl pass
ancl 1·1·ossPd tlw line in safrty anrl ll ammoml macle goal. On a tri(•i{ play. JH'l'frd I~ - ('X('<'ntt•cl. l{oom•y rompP(l inva~·
with a not lwr s(·ort' hut Ilnrnmornl missed
goal this tinw. F1·0Ht. h~· making his sixth
t on!'hclown eudt•d th(' ·(·oring for t IH'
gaml'. thl' final S('OrP being 1:30 to tl.
The High ~,. hool tt>am left :-\a tnr<lay
rnm·ning part of tlH'lll in auto. and part
of thl'rn on the tri1i11. ~l'n'ral roott•rs. in(·lnlling alumni and stnrlents. witrws:ed
1h(' gnnw. To ('Omplt'tt' the da~· H>- a srn·('l' ssfnl and enjoying OlH'. a immhl'r of th1'
!<•am aJHl rooter>- nttendl'd a 1latH'l' a11tl a
Page Twenty
theatre party in Ra<·ine aml in all it was
a nwmorable day. The high sehool team
line<l up as follo"·s:
Left Eml-Roone:'-.
Lt'ft Taekle-II. Fink.
Left Guar<L-\Yilli '. Yoltz.
Center-Gulbranson. Hostetter.
Lt'ft ITalf-Bad;:-Frost.
Full B<H·k--. dnwll.
Right Guar<l-Rlwnstrom. \Y. Fink.
Hight Ta«kle-Bprens.
Right Ernl--Thril'nen.
(~uartt'r hat-k-Hammon<l
Hight Halfbaek-Reith.
Tom·hdowns: .F'rost 6. St·lrnell 4. Reith 3
Hammond~. 1'hrie11p11 2. Fink 1. Rooney 1,
Bostl'tter l .
K enosh a 32, D eer fiel d 0.
Tlw Kt' nosha High S!"!wol fram showed
it· real .·trength when it dl'feate<l the
strong l)pprfiPl<l Iligh S<·hool t\'am of
Highland Park. Tllinois. It wa. the brst
exhibition of football s<'<'ll h~· the Kenosha
fans in a long t imr arnl it is a ga11w to be
l't'lll<'mlwrPtl hy all. Jt was a elt•an eut
Yidor~- . al1hough our ho~· s W<'l'l' outweighe<l l ,. our Yi. it ors from 1)pprfit>ld.
K<;nosha won on st l'<l igh t foot hall, fier!'e
lint' plurn~Ps an<l dazzling P1Hl nms. Fro:t
an<l S<·lrnell " "<'Il l t hrn J)pc•rfil'l<l 's line as
if it werp likP papp1·. Thr good \nirk of
KPnosha' · Jin<' IH•lpt•d make this pos ihle
h~- opPni11g np Jan.{<' holPs for th!' ha<·kfiPlcl. Th<' Jill<' \\·a. Pqually strnng on <1<'f<' llk<' and wlwn DP<'rfi<'l<l OJH'<' rraehed
Kenosha' tlm·<' ) a1·d linl' thP line h01c1
likl' a sto11p 'mil. H<'ith was also stro11g
011 ofl'pnsp making good gains aronrnl the
e11d and HomH•y hPlp<•d acln111<·<' thP hall
hy tr·il'l.;:-pla~·s. HPl'<'lls. !<'ink a111l GulJ,ram;on shmn•<l up WPll in K<•1wsha ·~
" ·o rk alHl f{hp11strnrn. Yoltz a111l BnstPtkr
HI'<' also "orth:• of llll'1Jtio11. !'hr l\pno:ha
guanls. \\"illis 1111(1 \ \'.Fink 1-;howl•d np <'SJW<·iall)- strong and d<. <'!'\'<' llllt«h <·J'<'clit.
( 'ards. thP l)('('l'fiPlrl PlHl, S('('ll!('(l to h<' e\'('l')"WIWr(' at 011<·<'. pla)·i11g- his position in
ex<·PllPnt form. ::llc1ro11ev .. <·hnltz and Bilan also <lid goo<l work. for DeerfiPld.
In th<' first qnart<•r Kl·1wsha s«on•rl affrr t hreP mi11ut<•s of pl<l)'. Ray H ammond
sr·or<'<l the first ton<·h<lown with a line
plunge thru gnanl . .Afkr a srries of long
runs hv Frost and H<1 ith. fnll ha<'k ehnell
took tiie hall O\'!'r the line for the SC'c·ond
touC'h<lown. ]11 th<' se!'onc1 quarter De0rnPl<l ki<·ke<l to KPJHL ha who rapidly adYHJH·('fl tlw hal I <lmn1 t hl• fi<'ld towarcl
DrPrfic,lcl 's goal and Ila111mo11d S<·orPcl hi
sec·ond toueh<lown. This endeil the scoring for the first half. It stood 19 to 0 in
KP1rnsha 's favor. In the third quarter,
Deerfiel<l tarte<l a mareh for Keno ha 's
goal hut on rnarehing the thirrl yard lost
the ball on downs. K!'no ha the11 <·arrierl
the hall out of danger and later ehnell
made a touehdown for Kenosha. In the
final quarter Ji'rost marle the last touehclown hy a line plunge and the eor' ended
Kt>nosha 32. Deerfield 0.
ThP lint>ups follows:
Frost 1.
Hl'f Pree-GlPrum. Krnosha.
l 'mpirt>-.:\lorto11. DPerfit>kl.
Il<'a<l Linesman-Harrington of Kenosha.
'<"hmitz of Kenosha.
Thri<'ll<'ll. Rt>ch>en, \Yilliam , R E. Flagg
II. Fink. ('apt.
R. T.
~\ larnlge
R. G.
We her
J.J. T.
Roo1H'.'h E.
Uulhnrnson, Bost!'itl'l' ('.
W. Fink. \'oltz
L. G.
(~. I ~.
L. II. B. ::IT aroney, Burridge
H<'it h. Hl·<let>n
R. II. B.
F. B.
Bolan. ('apt.
( Ditt~· of a FrPsh111a11 ).
llP st·11t his son to <·ollPg<'
l~nt 1w11· ht> <'l'i<'s al1u·k,
lJp sJH'llt a t housancl clollars
~\ nd got a quart Pr ha<·k.
Na id 1h<' lwll'-ha<·k to 1IH' fnll-ha<'k
Yon go wa~· ha<'k and sit <lown,
But tlw 1'1tll-hal'k g-ot his ha<·k llp
~\11d hP k11o<·kP<l the lrnlf-iia<·k dmYn.
'' I 1H•a1· your hrotht>r is quitP an athl<'i-
i<· ~·oung guy.',
• 'Yl's. hP sings iii-st has0 011 tlw (·nll<'g<'
fonthall <·n•w."
E. .
'' ,\ 11<1 yon wonlcln 't hPgin a journey on
''T !'an't mHl!'rstand how You ran have
faith in srn·h a silly su1wrst ition."
"Xo supPrstition ahout it. Saturday's
m~- pay day.''
\\'IIY is low like ('lwmist1·~-?
"'l'hl' lowPr the gas. the higher the
A :Jlerry. :Jlerry Christmas eYerybo<ly !
The Mercury, E . Division H . S ., M ilwau kee, Wis.
Your dPpartments are most fully <lewloped-is thi due to your large taff?
:Jlr. 'l'ieman 's cartoons are trulv funnv.
The Totem, L incoln H . S., Seattle, Wash.
\\' e wPre immecliately attraeterl hy the
<·oYPr and JWl'uliar size of your paper.
Your material is fine-your joke, ex('eeclingly den't'. ·we're glad you mix your
ads. 80 man~· of the papers refuse to <lo
so. and sonw of them haYe even eriti(•isecl
m; severPly for it.
The Orange and Black, Glyn Academy,
Elgin, Ill.
Frankly, Mr. Orange and Black, we
don't like the cover of your IIallowe' n
number. Your material is Yery good but
i1ot well arranged. Don't you think appropriate cuts at the heacl of each clepartnwnt would emphasize them and thereby
greatly improYe your paper?
The Samokin H. S. Review, Samokin, Pa.
We like your paper. You have ever.rt hi ng a pap Pr nePcls but a " P oet's Page."
HurPly you mnst have some students poetiea l ly in('l inNl. One of the easiest way
to ti ncl them out is to have your Eng lish
tra('}H:'rs assign the elas e. a les. on on original poetr~· . It work wonderfully well.
.Just tr~· it.
The Clarion, Appleton H . S., Appleton,
Your paper i well written ancl ea<'h department fully deYeloperl. \Ye had a hard
time finding out who you are-. don't ~'OU
think a staff page woul<l greatly benefit
ontsiclers? In a whisper- (don't tell)we like your coach ! !
The Junto, Easton H. S., Easton, Pa.
\\' <:" n• reading "The Ring of 'tN•l" o
plNUH' don't forg('t us. Your cut·. tho'
f Pw. are good, in fad about till' he ·t we 'ye
P,ige Twent\··One
noticed among our exchanges for thi ·
month. \Yhy clon 't you elas ·ify your ads ?
Crimson and Gold, New Brighton, Pa.
You are an odd little paper anrl we like
you. Your athletic department is well
written and your literature department
equally interesting. You shoulcl have ome
The Minor, Mondovi H . S., Mondovi, Wis.
\\'hen you C'Ompare your paper with
~·our exchanges. just what do you think of
it? \Ye think it Yery dry and are sorry
to think so because it could, with a little
more effort on your part. be made extremely interesting. There are a great
many cleYer jokes in exchanges on your
list-they woul<l certainly brighten your
journal. Don't he afrairl to use other papers' ideas becau e that's what the exc:hange <lepartment is for. Try to make
~·our next number more intere ting for
The Pennant, Elkhart H . S., Elkhart, Ind.
Your paper is one of the largest we receive. vVe are g lad to see your editorial
page before the tab le of ('Ontents. If ot her papers would aclopt that plan it would
saYe us exchange editors much time.
The Crimson, Goshen H . S., Goshen, Ind.
What an interesting paper you are! \\-e
read every bit of "Tom Johnson. Freshman." an·d took it for granted that the
author is your literary editor.
The Criterion, Waupaca H . S., Waupaca,
Your paper i well arrange<l. IlaYing
taken the trouble to li t Your arherti. ers
" ·ouldn 't it be achisable t.o classify them'?
Your earnin1l must Jrnve lwen l:Xl'iting.
\\re shall look for its r('Sults in ~·our next
11 nm lwr.
In ad(litinn to the nhnn' "«' wish to
thank and acknowledgl' the tollowing for
tlwir papprs whid1 han' t'Ollll' to our desk
this month:
Tatth•r, ?\orth Division High Sdrnol.
:\Iilwaukee, \'{is.
8trntor. I.Jake Forest Colh•ge. Lake Fnrl'St, Illinois.
Carroll Ed10. Carnll <'ollPg<'. ·waukesha. \\'i.,.
\Vpekly ReYiew. Hamilton ll. 8 .. llamiL
ton, Ohio.
.'1·oop. BPhi<lPre II. 8 .. Illinois.
.'ai1l an1l Don<'. )fnskPgon. )liC'h.
Tahoma. Tac-oma. \Yashington.
Dragon. Grernfield II. ::-i.. GreP11fil'ld,
('onwt. \\'pst DiYision High. :\Iihntuk<'l',
<'rit<•r011. \\'anpa<·a 11. 8 .. \Ya11pa1·a,
.:\IPnomite. )Jenomonil' If. ~ .. )lP1wmo11ic>. \Yis.
Whirlwind. ,\Jhan.'· II. ~ ..•\lhan)·. On•go 11.
A111•nto1H'. Xormal :-;<·11001. ~ppa1·fish.
Uyd<' Park \Y<•ekly. ll)·dp Park TT. K,
( 'hi1·ago.
Of all th<' ('omnw11<·emr11t magazi1ws l'<'«ein•d this )·ear Wl' pi<·k THE ~PY. KP-
nosha. Wis .. for first plal'l'. \Ylwthrr \\"('
are pn•ju<licl'<l hy the l'O\"l'r and himling
or the great 1rnmher of c:lever cuts, \\'('
must admit that it is one of the best Y<'t
rP<'PiYPll. From thr opening pagp to lh<'
.. End of .'·p Spy'' (a 1·]pypr <·11t dPpi!'iing
1he hanging or ii spy), till' magazine i
("'(('(' 11 pn t.
TI rn TA'l'TLim. x DiY. II. N..
MilwaukPt', Wis .
TIIE SPY. KPnosha. \Yis., has so111r
l'raC'kl'rjal'k short storit's aJHl Pdtorials.
'rhe '·Poet's f>agp'' is l'rcclitable also, and
tlw athletil' department is wPll writtl'n.
TIIE TOTE~!. Li11c·oln II. K.
~Pattle. Wash.
\\'ol'(ls <-ctn Sl·ar1·Pl.'· <'XJlt'C'SS our appr·pl'iation of tlw ( 'omnwnceml'nt ~nmlwr of
'"TIIE, PY." 1'he photographs are simply fine and the ents arr wry well drawn.
Tlw arrangrnwnt of your matPrial is Y<'r.'·
goo cl.
'l'IIE .J l '~TO. Eastern. Pa.
1'ncler the (•apt ion of "A few good
011ps" The Fonun for OC'i. 21. lilt. Yc'rnon.
Ohio. has th<' fol lowing:
", \ n C'Xl'Plh•n t pap<'r. Yom' Port's Pa gP
is firw. Yon ha\"!' SO!lll' \'Pry appropriall•
1·uts. Your storiPs an' of the hest."
(Concluded from page 12)
·· >.'P\'Pr mind." <·onsolec! .J;wk. "w<''ll
soon hp tlwre no\\". and maylw )·ou '11 ht>
ahlP to <'\'Hd<• this man sonw \\·ay. ''
.\II thP rpst of thP way. hP tril'd to amnsp IJp1· "·ith stori<·s of his i-;l'hool. hut
thl' girl <·ould not kPl'p hrt· mind off hPr
t rnn hh>. ;tnd shp gaYP a sigh of rl'I i<'f ·wl1t•n
:it l<tst 1lw train pnll< d into Williamston.
l-'hP did not thi11k o!' (hp O\"('l'C'Oilt sJip had.
1111til .·h<· s1PppPd out Oil th1• platfo1·111.
··oh." shP !'l'i<·cl. '',nlll rnns1 lakP .'onr
o\·<·1·c"<><tt Jl!l\\'. ;tnrl thank )·011 so rnnc·h for
yot1l' kindnPss 1 "
'· \'o. k<'<'Jl it 011. '' IH•gg<'d -Ta<·k. ··I\<'
<'OllH' lu•rp 1o SJH'lld ('hr·ist11111s
\\'ilh a
friPtHI of min<>-1wr·haps ) ou kilo\\· hi111.
J 11· lllnst lw hPrl' SOlllPWIH'I'('. ]pt \IS SP<'
you hornP. lt 's too lat!' fo1· yo11 1o go
11lo11P. Oh. h<'l'<' h<' is no\\". good old l~Pll11.\ ! . '
l~Plltl.\' paid 110 ;It l<'11t io11 to hrn1. !nit
1·111111ing np to 1hP'I. iPz!'d lu·r a11d
c·l'iPd out, ")farion . \darns yon foolish
l'hilcl ! \\Tl' \·p hel'n worTiP<l to death ahont
you. You mns1 hP mixl'd. [ 'm sure' <lon 't
know .Ja1·k l~n·11111a11. II<"s IH'\'Pr h<•<•n
ahroad. Tnr11i11g. h!' saw ,)al'k.
"\\'hy' ,Ja<'k lfrPnnran.- \n•ll what arl'
)·on hn> <loing tog('( h<•r ! "
... \r·<· yon .J a1·k l~r1•uman •)" !'ril'd :\lario 11.
'' \\'lty ,\"l'S.
''£\11d ar·p .'·ou l'rn111 >.'ortlrn·ps(pr11 !''
"\\'hy thP11-tl11·n· 11mst lw hrn of yon.
hP«HllsP )·011 'n• not tlw onp l nwt ! "
·· P<·1·haps hP's from :\ol'!h\\·<'st .:\lilita1'.''
, \c·ad1•m)'. " said .Jac·k. smiling.
"Oh. 1 hl'liP\'<' lu• "·a.·! Can yon P\"<'r
foqrin· Ill!'. and .' ou 'll spPtHI ( 'hr·istnrns
with ns an.n,·ay. \\·011 '1 )'Oil~"
()f l'OllnW ,Jade \\'Ot1ld i'orgi\'P hl'I'. Hllil
of c·ow·s<' lw would s1w11d ( hr·istrnas \\·ith
hPr'. in l'a1·t. it t lll'tH'd ont that lw spPnt a
gr««tt 1lral mon• 1hm1 ('h1·i·tmas wi1h lwr.
I 1'L'IH' Bardl'11.
Pag-e Twenty-Three
Class of 1908.
C'harl<·s .J;u·kson i-.; now loc·atl'd in "'cw
Yol'k <'ity.
Class of 1909.
YPrml Kotz and Cora DonleY have le.ft
1o st ml:· i 11 HL Luke's Ilospit<{l of ( 'hieago. El mt·r· J>pclln· has t'llt l'rPcl hnsi tH'ss
with his fathl't' in. Krnosha. of 1910.
::'II is;.] lazt>l Dclan<l is liYini.r at hl'r ho111P
in thl' <·ouutl'y.
'!'he maniage of Fn•cl \\' l'Stine arnl ::\Ii. s
Dorothy Kimball, 'l:t took pla<'C' ~OY. H.
Tlw,\· at'l' now at home 011 ~larkl't :Street.
~lis1-; , \ my PPnnyfl'atlwr ii; tead1ing in
tlw Hac·irll' Puhlit· ~·khools.
<:Jpn Bal<·om is on<·e more in Kenosha.
Ill' is <·onue<·t<'<l with tlw Sim mom; ::\Ifi.r.
( 'o.
Clas of 1911.
::'lliss Hnhy ][ill i. now taking post graclnatt• wol'k in Kenosha Iligh.
BPn Bnel'111aster "·ill . pernl tlH' lafit
hal1 of his Christmas va<·ation on a trip
with the l 'niYPrsit,\· of \Yisl'onsiu Glee
('I uh.
::'l liss E\·c•lyu Longmore i. no"· at her
ho111<' in th<' l'<>nntrY.
~ l i's Hnth Garla;Hl is also at her home
::'II iss Gm<·<'. Rohinson is tc-al'lii ng in the
PIPasant Prairie S<·hools. of 1912.
Pa11l \\'indesheim spC'nt his ThanksgiYi11g Da,\' at home "·ith his folk..
.\l<'x. Ols1·hl'i':-;ln· has been at :\la<lisnn
this .''l'<ll'.
Elh\'<ll'll \'an Liere i:-; at his home in the
('Ollll t '"' . of 1913.
UPorge B\'(·k\·r and Ilerhcrt Curtis will
H[Wnd tlH' ( 'hl'istmas \'aeation from the
l '11in•1·sity at homP.
Tht' ::'l lissl'H :;,\ Ian· .Jmws ancl Pauline
~I <I.' \'l' arc Ii ,·ing a't tlwir honws in the
ThP ~ l issPs Lettie and Loui ·e ( 'nlembo
a I'<' Ii' i ng ill :JI i<·higau at prp.·ent.
Halph :SkinklP has 1·ontinm•1l his wol'k
i11 till• ( 'ollPge of ( 'om11wr1·\'.
B,\Ton Ilill ancl E<l\\·arcl • 'il'oll of the
l'ni' ('t'sity spPnt the ThanksgiYing r<'<'ess
at home.
<l<'orgl' Dr!'slwr and YiYi;rn an' living
at horll<' in thl' (·onntr.'-. of 1914.
Otto ll auhril'h i. employed hy the ~im
mo11s :\ lfg. l'o.
lt ·was the R<''" John Cotton "·ho aicl
that we should make the t:1arne u e of a
hook that a IH'e <lo<'S of a flower.
steals SW<'<'ts from it. hut <loes uot injure
it. Y Pt ho"· man,\· follow this a<lviee?
Book:-; a re oft<on eallecl the best friend a
JH'r1-;on may han'. hut how many treat a
hook with tlw sam<' respe<"t \\·hieh they
l'\'<·('in~ from or give to eYcn their poorC'st
Keno ha lligh
(·hool. for one of it·
size, ha a good library whieh ha· he<•n
giYcn hy C'itizPns and hy the SC'hnol hoard.
'l'lwsP hooks ha\'l' h<·Pn g1n'n soll'l.'· for
our ai<l ancl how do we return this \'Our!\•_
".' ! HPfrrenC'e hooks that are llSl'<l (·nnstautly in a class room ean at the IH·st
onh· la~t fonr Yrars hnt the nrn11'" hooks
wit hi11 om sdio~>l la ·t, a a rule. 0~1ly two.
(Concluded o n page .'8.)
Page T wen ty-Four
In a<'<'ordan«e with onr polic:y, ''A bigger and hettl'r SPY." we herewith present
to yon this spe<'ial Song and Yell SnpplcllH'nt for tlH' hprn•fit of tlws<' \\·ho are not
familiar with all the important '«hool
smigs and yells whi<·h this snpplrnH'nt
<'Ont a ins. E\'('l'.'" st utlt•nt in Kenosha High
Sdwol should k11ow <'''en one and tlwn
use tlH'm ! Show your s;·hool spirit and
intt'r<•st in the 'ariou · tt•ams playing for
thr honor of nrnr S<'hool ! It is our intrntion that thi. numher. or the supplemrnt itself he krpt for nference with the
t"omplimruts of THE PY.
(S chool Song-On Ken osha. )
On Kenosha, On Keno ha. plunge into the
Fight ~,·ith all ~-o ur might Kenosha
For honor. truth alJ(l right
On Kenosha. On Kenosha. fight on for her
Fight. s<·hool111at<•s. fig ht anrl we "·ill win
a munr.
We 're loyal to y ou- Kenosha High .
\\re '1·p loyal to you Keno. ha High
\Ye 'rp ahrnys for ~on Kcno<:ha lligh
\\'p 'II ha<·k ~on to stancl against tlw hrst
in th<' !<111<1
For \YI' know you \ ·r got the tan<l, Kenosha Iligh rah !-rah!
ko p1·p,.,s 011 alwacl Kenosha High
Thr<><' «IH'<'l's for tlH' fram of K<•nosha
Onr s<·lwol is our fa llH' protrdor
On . hoys for \\·e expe<'t a Yi<'iory from you
K<>nosha Iligh.
Song a nd Yell Supplement. (School Yells)
! . -Bene Vevo.
B<>1w \T<•,·o l ~t'lH' YiYo-Brne Y\'YO·Yi-YoYlllll
Boom get a rat trap bigger than a cat trap
Ilighhall !-7,i. -Boom-Bah
Krnosha High 8c:hool-Rah, Rah, Rah.
II. -1 - 2 - 3 - 4.
-l- 11--!-l:
\ \'ho ar<> W<' for-Kenosha!
III.- Olle Ollson.
Ollr Oil. on, Yon Yonson. Kenosha \Yis!'011sm.
Olle Ollson. Yon Y011s011. I enosha \Yis-
Oil<' Olbo11. Yon Yonsou. Kenosha \Vi -
<·on sin.
IV. -L ocomotive (Gradually
sp ee d) .
K-E .\1'-0- S -Il- A.
K - E - X-0-8-ll-A.
K-E- X-0-S-II- A.
KPnosha !
V. -Horse L a ug h .
A rift)·-riffty-riff raff
A thiffh--<'hiffh·-ehiff-<'haff
Let's gi~·e them thr horse laugh-Haw
VI. -Hig h Chair.
( OppOJwnt 's ) in a high chair
\Yho put 'em up therr
1'a-11 a-Zis-hoom-hah.
Kenosha Iligh Sc:hool-Rah-Rah-Rah
VII. -Nine Rahs for the tea m .
Jfah- Hah-Hah
Hah -Rah-Hah
The tPam-thc t<•am-thc team.
VIII. -Skyrocket.
%is-s-s-s-s-s-. -s-s-s-s-s ( Whistle'.)
Boom Bah
KP110 ha !
IX. -The Black a nd Red.
K If. S. Hah-Rah.
K. If. K Rah-Rah.
'J'lw hlaek hurrah
Tlw n•d hurrah
Roll Y-Ka r-Ri
llur~·ah for tlw team of Kenosha Iligh.
X.- Osky- wow- wow.
l-'kinnY-,,·ow-wo"·K<•nos.lia-\ YO\\'!
XI. -Let 's Go.
II it 'em Uar<l
Il it '<'lll Low
Lrt 'H (.fo !
XII. -That 's what they all say!
That's what thP)" all sa)' !
l-'ay ! ·w irnt !
(Conclud ed on page 28.)
The Simmons Manufacturing Company
~.1anufacturers of
Brass and Steel
Beds, Cribs, Cots,
Springs, etc.
V is it our s to re and see our
Chinchilla Overcoats for Young Men
We l!lve S. & H. Green Tradlne Stamps
The Store of Honest Values
Lauer & Dagenbach
Help you in your selection of a suitable
Xmas Gift for Father or Brother from
their HlGH GRADE UNE of
153 Milwaukee St.
Clothing & Gent's Furnishings
Phone 928
Plw / (l/jrap/11'r
265 ~ain Street
A Feature every day
Orpheum Theater
°Kenosha's Best Store ..
alway s for
Quantity, Quality and Varit:ty
Dry Goods and
Best Ventilated
Always 5c
What can you expect.
::lliss ('am pron (to girl· sini.!ing SoldiPrs'
( 'horu ). You <\I'<' just likl' thP other gil'ls
You hold 011 to that "lo\·<·t·" to long.
• To w !Pt hi111 g-o."
)liss :-iteig: "\\'alk('l'. takl' the fir. t
p1·ohl('lll. ·'
Walk<>1· P<'1·ki ns: · · 1 1·t•ally <l i<ln 't gd
that fal'."
Latin 'l\•;1<·lwr-" \\'hat rs th<' 111<·a11i11g
of' fa1·ilis ! ·'
P11 pi I · · Eas.L"
'l'<·<11·h<·r .. \niat do \\"(' hH\'l' 1l1·1·i\'Pd
from that in English!''
Pupil - " Tlw Fa<"trlty."
:Jliss :.Jillp1·:- f<'rn11l<"in Ilill lt'il!J.·latP
i11to Cfrrnian. "II<' holds th(' 1·hi1·kp11 in
his arms.'' ( <'lass IH11ghs).
':'II iss ;.1 ill Pr: • · Enl'_,. 1·lass I hn<l la11gh1·1l at that s1"11IP111·<". ! think it ahsolul('I)·
foolish to laugh at ;;iwh a 1·m11111011 thing."
'l'p;u·lH•1·-·· \\'hat is t!H' Lilwrt;'I· BPll !"
-Pupil-" Tlw lwll at tl11• l'ncl of tlw
"<'Y<'nth lH'l'iod."
Twinkk hYi11klP littlc> star
I had a l'id1· on an ('IP('I ri<" l'a1·
Tlw <'lP('ll'i<· 1·ar nm off the 1ra<'k
• Tow l " ·i h I hail lll)" 11i<·klc had;:.
\Ye nn· ahsoh11<•I.' 11l'nt1·al Hs rpga1·ds
to t lw 011t1·0 nw of th<' ". ;11·. !{ea lly it
.\l'tl'r )Ir. \\';ml l'h,·si<·s ('lass.
Li1'\T('ll('(' Tl.: .. llid ):Oil ('0rl'('(•j lll)' fifth
l'XJWl'iJl1Pllt >"
;.JI'. \\'ard: "Y<·s. Hostmr won :~ to 1. .,
. \11d )Ir. \\';11'<1 saYs that h<' admin's an
al•Sl'llt lllillcll'd lllilll ..
doNm 't makP a hit of diff1•n•111·1• to 11s who
h"ats thl' (lp1·111<rns.
Bo~ · -" I \\·ant to h11) s011w JH1JWI'."
])pa IPl'
.. \\'hit t k i n<l of p<l]H'r ! "
Bo~ · "\\'p[[. )·011 lrn<l h<'ttPr gi\·p
ti.' ]Hlfll'I'. J wa11t to makr. a kit<>."
.J<•ny "1 'n• got a hn1stl)· <"Old."
. Jimm) · · IIanl lnek. han jo\'<'. BP<'ll
going 0111 in tlw t·ol<l "·eatlwr " ·ithont
YO\ll' lllOIHWIP ! "
. Jerry -
"No, called on Johnny at his
<lJHlrtnwnts and thl' \\Tl'l1·!H•rl ;\p"·[on11dla111l dog ol' his 1wrsisti>cl 111 \\·agging his
hril an<l 1·1'<'<11 i11g a draft.
Yo11 <«Ill ;1h\·;1ys !Pl! a ~<"nior i>y his gait
ahont to\\·11.
Yon <«Ill Hhrnys t1•1l a .Junior h)· his sPrions 1'1·0\\·11.
You <·<111 al\rn)·s !Pll a FrPshman h)· his
tiPs and siwh.
Yon c-;111 ahn1)·. tPll a Rnpnomort• hnt
)·0 11 1·a11110t tt"ll him mnl'h.
lT<"nr_,. 0. was latP with hi.· hook rPport
as 11snal.
:.Iis1-; E\ ans: Yon must '"a11t anothPr
t\\·n hou1·s \\·ith lll<' afh'r Sl'llonl. Il<'nrY.
Tfpm·y U. (Looking- at lwr \\·ith ;;01~lf'nl
(',\'Ps) : J sure <lo.
Tt•a1·hpr: Ed\\'anl. who was DPlilah.
Echnird: l'<·lil11h \\'ils a \\'Olllilll who <·11t
hair off of ~olomon "·ith <1 S('issors whil'l1
"'ht•n his lwi1· "·as <·nt off lw wonlrl losP
his grpat stn•ngth .
.JanH'S H. "~il)'. J g-ot s11«h a low mark
in English <11H1 I \\"('111 to :.tiss En111s about
it too."
DPan B. "\\'hat did . h<• say!"
.Janl('s R. "\\'pfl . hP lookPd in hl'r hook
Hnd f'nnnrl so1111· mo1·p mistakPs aJHl raise<1
1hP di<·k<•ns.''
Miss Brister in Engli 'h:
hildr<'ll should IH· sp1•11 an<l not hl'ard."
::\li .. s . Iatp1·: - ''\Yho \\"fls DnPssa~"
Ha<·lwl Smith: "Tht> d<111ghl<·r of the
Empir<' of Ho111P."
Th<' l'clitor lost his ]Wll<·il,
'l'lw rnana'!<'I' lost. his ads.
Th<• jokt's didn't <·OJIH' iu.
The• scwiPt)' <·ditol' l'orgot to \\Tit<>.
Tlw <'X<"hangPs hadu 't <"OJ11P Y('t
'l'h<· athl<·li1· <'di1or had th~ tootha<·h<>.
First National Bank
265 Park Street
Kinosha, Wis.
Phone 2'106
Artistic Fixtures at Prices You Would Pay
For Ordinary Ones. We Want Your Business.
Capital & Surplus
Dr. Georde M. Mc lntyre
Chas. Pfennig
C. C. Allen, R. F. Howe, Chas. T. Jeffery
A.H. L'.lnce, Z. G. Simmons. Chas. Brown
We put this word right out
where all can see it. This one
word expresses the sentiment of the season. We offer
you good will without stint.
5Be~~~I r?.~~ P~~!!ts5
Each 9 in. x 24 in.
Each 7 in. x 21 in.
I I. 12. 13 Grosn•nor Bulldlnli
Phone Xo. '.!30
Hour:-:<) ,\ ~I. to 5 P. M.
gvening-s hv ,\ppointment
G. Windesheim, M. D.
Grosvenor Block
R;.wms S, 9 and 10
Telephones: Office. l~J.+
Re,.,iclence ti
Kenosha, Wisconsin
OOice: R ><>llh "'i rn I 'l (;ru-.venor Block
Jiuur,.,; lO tu U .\.:II.
2 tu~, 7:.)0 to !I I'. :II.
Photos are cheap Where can you buy as many Xmas
presents for so little money as at
Bro ~n's Studio
Livery and Garage
Taxicab, Hack and Baggage Line
Telephone 56
PENNANTS, Size 12 x•30 ~- 4
Any Leading Colleges of
Your Selection
Cloaks, Suits and Millinery
on all our latest models in Coats,
Suits, Waists. Dresses and Furs.
All of our best quality in their proper
colors, with colored emblems.
l!~ither assortment for limited time sent
postpaid for 50 cents and five stamps. to
cover shipping c os ts.
Write us for prices before placing orders
for felt novelties of all kinds.
The Gem Novelty Co.
Bittner Street
Page Twentv-Ei~ht
'onclt•ded from p~l-(e .!3.)
Their ha<·ks HJ'<' hrokeu. t IH•ir pa!,!<'s HI'<'
Sl·rihhlPd with 11011sPllst' and Jll<lll\ tinws
they an• <·arl'll'ssl) misp 1a,·Pd 11<'\'<:J. to IH'
found again.
You rna.'· argul' (a .., to w1· 'ti1 1g a hook)
that \OU havp lH'l'll told to 11otP ~<lllll' i111
porbi°11t stat\'11H·11t in yon1· hook. This i..,
\'('r\ trill'; htt t th is do<•s 11ot sPe111 s<·ri hhli1;g in a hook that <lot's not lwlong to
you. nor d<H'S it 11H•a11 s1·J'ihhli11g in a11y
sen.<'. whatrYc>r .
...\long- this samP li1w it rnight hP w<·ll
to l'l'llH'llllwr tlw hooks arnnJ}(l )·om· <ksk
are 11ot eommo11 proper!.' to he> takp11 ;1(
Your \\·him and will or \\' hl'll du<' to , ·0111·
;nYn ean•kss1H•ss, ~· on h;1 \'P 11ot pt·o,:idl•d
yourself with thPm. A tnw (·arpl'ntPr has
hi own tools an<l a tnw >.tndPnt has his
own books. \\·hil·h should lw <·011sid<•1·pd as
his . <H'r\'d JH'OfH'l't)'.
'I'hP misuse of a11<l ho1·1·0\\·i11g of hooks
n'fie<'t. <list·n•clit 011 )'Olll' t rnining at bo11w.
One of the first laws \\it hin a <·om1111rnity
of hnma11 h<'i11gs is th<' Iaw to rc>io;[wd t 111·
feelings of otlwrs. Ir you ha\"(' 110 l't'S fH'd
for hoolrn \'Olll'sPlf. at ]pa-.;t lw <·011sidl·1·atP
of tht> f<'l;lings of t hos<' \\·ho Ion• hook-.;
and 1·pally suffPr a positin physi<·al pain
at the <ll•molition of what. to th<•111, an.•
t hl' t l' ll l'St of fril'll<ls.
Plumbing , H eating , Lighting , Ventilating
a nd Vacuum Cleaning Systems .
362 Pa r k Ave.
Te l ep h o n e: 255
of portraits specially priced for
C hristmas at $ 5.00 the do1_en.
Make your selection early to assure you our best attention.
Sydney Studio
4 68 Morke t Strel' t
Phon e 2494
Xmas Groceries
K . H. S. Songs anci Yells .
(Concluded from pag-e 2~.}
That·., what! \\'hat\ what?
That's what they all say!
·what do tlwy all sa~· .'
"The North Side Leader"
XIII. -Niga-Nigar-Hoe potatoe.
450 Milwaukee Ave.
:\iga-:\ig-a-IIol' potatoP:\iga-:\iga-JTop potat<H' IIalf-J><t>.t alligatol'
\\'am ham-bu Ila- (:at t <l
( 'hi<·k --a wa da
KP nosha Il igh Sc·ho11l
Hah Hah-Hah.
s<"hool I \rnrk
And ll<'Y<'I' shirk
l n 'P<l to play
Bnt it <lon 't pay.
J playPd last ypar,
~\ ncl 11ow.
Oh. clear!
l 'm taking s11h.i<•d . <'Y<'Jl
To try to 1-(Pt to IH'HY<'ll.
Phone 316
Do ;your
It's the latca\ Redman Collar for
Young Men.
Chri tmas Shopping
N w In Sb'le -
lo Material
You're behind the times if you
do not wear one.
16' Main Street
B. B. Robinaon, Pru., H. W. Jeffery,V.Prca.
N. A Row 1 C'aahier, J. Funk, AHt. Cashier
Merchants &
Savings Bank
at: t:ho
Glerum Book Store
223 Wiaconsin St.
John English
Capital $100,000
C. E. Remer, W.W. Vmu•nt, Fred [,ar.. on
W. J. Bi mir'gllam, (' H Honnt'rmann
Mathia& Wervr., Christ Peteraou, W.J. Froat
Visit The
High Grade Clothing
New Jewelry Store
For all New Watches, Clocks
SUver, Cut Glass, Dlamonds
John M. Regner
Corner Soutb ood Malo St.
Call or phone us tor E.timate on Now or Repair Woll.
Cu and Ekctric: Futum. All Work C~l"l.DI~.
Josephson & Zimmerman
Phone 2302
Plumbing, Heating and
Electrical Contractors
455 Howland Ave.
High School Boys
--at the-
Bell Clothing House
Epstein Broa , Props.
Schroeder's Studio
is what our patrons
say about our work.
165-167 Wisconsin St.
S :.1F TL
P rt Slippers, Ptimp
Felt Comty. all Styl an C11.
I I rG. Let you P
M cc in
AUSTIN B OS. andlkMen
-s lipp r
Xmas Sh< pping Ea Y
at our store. Our tock of
Books, Writing Paper,
Fancy Goods, Sportin
Goods, Sweaters, Kodak ,
Photo Albums, Christma
Cards, B\>Oklets, Cal ndars, and Novelties is very
The Kenosha
Heedquartera For
Let Us Help You
eHable Lumber & MUl•Work
Ti J. .293
1064 Grand Ave.
C. H. Ernst & Co.
_Macomber & W · yte Rope Co.
Manufacturers of
for Every Purpose and Use
Factory, Kenosha
Office, Chica o
VI IT OllR . IfHltTi Elli'
Prices Reduced in all Departments
Right at this time you can save money on all kinds of Mer.
chandi e. Special Prices are in force in many Departments and the Savings are worth while. Make
our store a visit and see what you can save.
Main and Park Streets
Suits and Overcoats
Isermann Bros.
214-216 Market Square
Visit Our
Up-to-Date Goods Only
Artistic Portraits by Photo,graphy
De Berge's
Robinson's Book Store
408 Park Ave..
Kenosha, WI•.
Let u11 do your Printing and
~l!_always be done riebt.
Sheboygan Publishing Co.
Our Greatest Desire is to Please You. We
try to cany the Goods you want and to serve
you promptly and courteously.
Your trade is appreciated at this store:
Publisher• and Progressive Commercial Priaten
820 Center Ave.
Phone 252
Thia book i a sample of our wort.
A Cordial Invitation
is extended to all to visit the most up.-to.. date Steam
Laundry in the city and see how our Superior Class
of Laundry work is done. All Press Machine Work
Classified Advertisements
Art Needle \York ............... De Berge's
Hardware ........................... English
Banks ........................ First National
Merchants & Saving
Jeweler . . . . . ........................ Regner
tores ........ ................. Ernst's
Robin on's
Livery ............................. Ne! on
Cloaks, Suits, aud Millinery ...... Heyman 's
Lumber Co ........... Kenosha Lumber Co.
Clothiers ............................. Ames
Bell Clothing He.use
Isermann Bros.
Schmitz & Lauer
Manufacturers ......... Simmon
Department Stores ...... . ......... Barden's
Laundry ................. Kenosha Laundry
Mfg. Co.
Whyte Rope Co.
Osteopath ............ .... .. . Dr. Mc In tyre
Paint and Pictures ..... .......... Threinen
Photographers ....................... Brown
Dry Goods ..... .. .. . ..... Thos. A. Sullivan
Electric Supplies..... . . . . . . . . . Schipper's
Flori ts ........................... Turner's
Funeral Directors ........ ...... .. Hansen's
Rutledge & Crossin
Grocers ....................... F. F. Joerndt
Perkins Bros.
Plumbers ................... Ed. J. Sullivan
Josephson & Zimmerman
When you start out to buy a Watch, buy it from a
Reliable Jeweler, who has the Best Store and
Watch Factory Experience. That is what you
get at this store.
PHONE 1125
Dr. Windesheim
.. ...... Dr.
Retailers of all
Phone 2 406
265 Park Str•et
Artistic Fixtures at Prices You Would Pay
For Ordinary Ones. We Want Your Business.
Dr. George M. Mc lntyre
I I,
I 3 Gros v enor BulldlnR
Wisconsin and Church Streets
Pho n e No. 230
Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P . M .
Eve n in gs by Appoi n t m en t
Attention Students!
G. Windesheim, M. D.
Make the Work Easier
for the
Advertising Managers:
Patronize the Spy Advertisers
Grosvenor Block
R ooms 5, 9 and 10
Telephones: Office, 1714
R eside n ce 418
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Office: Roo ms 7 and 8 Grosve n or Block
Hours: 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 & 7:30 to 9 P . M.
Phone 688
Wm. J. Threinen
Wall Paper, Paints and Window Shades
Special Prices on Picture Framing
for the next 60 days.
Brown's Studio
Fine School Groups
210 South St.
51 N. Main St.
Livery and Garage
Taxicab, Hack and Baggage Line
to the Stud en ts of
K. H. S.
Telephone 56
January Clearance Sale
Big Cut Prices on our Entire Stock,
Bargains you cannot afford to miss.
269 Main Street
May this be the
Best Year Ever
Perkins Bros.
Classified Ads
The New Year
Who's Queer?
Circumstantial Evidence
A chime of the bell and the Old
Year's departed.
A chime of the bell and the New Year is here.
Oh! friends, do ye welcome it whole or
Are ye sorry to see the Old Year disappear?
What has this year, which has just passed
Us by, given to our country for today?
Do we remember its hours with a sigh?
Or has it been just thrown away?
When sadly we gaze across the wide sea
And try to imagine that horrible war
Is it strange we should wonder,
Just what we are living here for?
Oh! let not this New Year bring nothing but
Which this barbarous war must betray.
Let us but live and hope for the morrows,
And let them not, too, waste away.
Yes, let us be happy that we have our peace,
That our country is free from that cruel
And let us fervently hope that this year
Will be filled, not with war and destruction,
But with peace and creation.
c. /I.
Subscription Price: 50c the year; single copy /Oc.
E n tered as seco n d class m atter O ct. 16. 1913, a t the P ost Office at K enosha, Wis.,
un de r th e act of Ma r c h 3, 1879.
Vol. IV
No. 4
Literary Editor
Local Editor
Alumni Editor
Athletic E ditor
Poetry Editor
{ Ir"ne Bar den
I abelle King
Geo r gia Grover
H a rr iet Kupfer
Dean Buckma ter
Elmer Windso r
R aymon d 'Vinber g
Art Editors
I Gertrude Morgan
_I E sther
Exchange Editor
H eyman
I Florence Ne! on
Edna Zoller
Turine John on
Photographic Editor
Arthur Priddis
Adverti ' ing :Mgr
General Manager
Ed. Haubrich
Faculty Editor
Liter atu r e
Jo k es
Mr. Hill
Mi s Evans
Mrs. Murphy
I Norman .Jensen
-I ClarenceJoerndt
'.\1 i s Steig
s Tuomy
Page Six
L I T E R f\ RY
'l'h<'y hail hcen fri<•rnls for som e years
and had <·omc to know l'ach oth ' r (1uite
intimately. - slw. G('ral<line Brown. a girl
of sen' nteen ~umnH'rs. and lw. Thoma
Jordan. a boy of nineteen winter . Ile
"·as a hoy who might ('asily haYC' po ed
fo1· an adYcrtis('nH'nt for nwn 's dothing,
iwt only as n'gard('d his dothes which
W('rl' alwa)-.· up to the la:-;t minute in styh's. hut a:-; n'gardPd his iwrsonal look., for
yon know ilw mPn in tlw a<ls are alway:-;
parti<·ularly go()(l looking. :-;11('. "·ell. ·he
was ju;.t an ordinar.'· type. Therl' "·as
nothing partil'nlarl~ .· triking about her
arnl yet ·he "·a · not altogether ha<l lookmg.
Thomas an cl Gerald irn' harl kno"·n eaC'h
otlwr for som<' tim<' hut had 11eYer had a
n'al quarrel. But on the pati<·ular eYening "·hen my Htor) lwgin .. Thoma c·allNl
llp and askecl for 1wrmiHsion to C'all. and
haYing nothing to do ·lw allowed him the
During the c·ourse of the eYening a. the
lrnnds of the do<'k approatlw<l tlw hour
whi<·h announ(·ed the clawn of a ne"· <lay,
sh<>. to H\'ert his attention from lwr gown:-;,
suggl'sk<l :-;onw (•ar<l tri('ks. Then tlw llllUHnal oc·c·nred; tlwy c·anH' to a di. agrPPnwnt. 1t 'ms oYer a tri<'k. Gc>raldinP had
het him that the iwxt <·ar<l slw tur1wd up
would I><' tlw one lw had l'l1rnw11. whereas
Jw wagPrPd that it "·as not.
· • \\'l'll." Hhe Hai<l. stifling a yawn.
""·hat clo you bet."
"I'll lH't you a hox of <·an<l)' that that
(·a1·cl is not thr right orn' ."
"\'Pry well," and r<'aching in the pi]('
she turne<l up the right c·ar<l.
"But." said Tom, ' ·~· on said the next
on e you tur1wd oYer, not the one you pi1·ked up."
·'It doesn't make any rlifferenc:e. I turnc•d the right onp ov er.· You are just trying- to "'et out of paying the box of <'Hudy.''
"\\' ell. g<'!' whjz, " he said. "you're a
que('r girl to make a frllo"· wan't to pay
a het when he won."
"\\~Pl!. <JlH' ('r ! \\Tho': queer, I woncler !
I giwss if anyho<ly 's qul'er. you a1·P. Tom
,Jorclan. l won't Htan<l for people' insinuating that I "·ould c:lwat."
'·Oh. I wasn't insinuating an)ihing,
hut I \ ·e known ) ' OU to clo thP sanw thing
hdOJ'(' ~
· · \\'pll. iH that so, Tom Jordan'/
" ·onlcl like to know when l eYer refused
"Oh. rnt it out. Good hn•." ancl hastily grabbing his 1·oat Hn<l l;at lw ]pft and
. lanrnwd thl' cloor before Geraldine' finish<'d uttPring protPstH.
Thus. thr matter was <lropp<><l. tl10'
Oeralcline, who was rpall~· in the right,
was grPatl)· offc•ncl!'cl alHl marle no ovPrt ures of friPnclship. ancl he. who realized
hp was in the wrong, was somewhat aHharnpd ancl still too angry to try to regain lwr friPmlship.
, o Tom spent his l'Yenings elHrwlwrc
for some timl' and hPr attPntion was also
di,·ertecl into otlwr ehannels. Two wec•lrn
later-the same sec•ne - thr same parlorsamr dress-same st uch·-but not the
same girl! ·why this <;hange you ask?
(J(•ral<line was st ill as angry (by spells)
so . he thot as she ever was, but the pells
Page even
('<lllll' l<"ss frl'<Jll<'ll!ly Hild W<'I'<' lPss Yiole11t,
and infrrmitt<·ntly <·arn<' pl'rio<ls of regret
whP11 till' \\·ords '· qll<'<'l' ho?!" o<·<·asionall,\ <'s<·Hp<'cl from h<·1· lips follmwd h~· a
tilt of lwr head and a tilt in the a11gl1· of
h1·r 110s<'. This night she sat studying hut
with an <'Hr at!<•ntin• in the clirettion of
th<' door. She had a pn•mouition that t 111•
spPll \\·as about to h<' hrok<•1i. SuddP11ly
<t lou<l knotk \\·as lll'ard at the <loor. Sh<'
bounde<l <'Hg"<'rly out oft he ('hair a11<l pullOJH'n tlw <loor hoping it might he Tom
\\·ith a hnmhl<' antl <·ontrill' l!l'art. To
hPr amaz<·nwut a p;u·lrng-<' \ras ha11dP<l h1·r
hy a nH'l'<' mite of a ho.'. (l1·ralcli111• smil<•d to h<•J's<•lf and 11111!!l'l'<'<l "(~lH'<'l' Ho~·.''
li1 g-r<'at Pxtit1•mp11t arHl l'XpPdation sh<'
<·11! th<' strings and llll\\T<l[>!H'<l the pa<·kag<' wlwn lo! an<l hPhold ! tlwr·p was a
hox or .. Liggett';; ('ho<·olatPs." With Yision of <'l'<'amy <·andy she slow!;· r<'lllO\'l'cl
the 1·0Yer anrl then' on top \\·as a <·anl:
U1·patJy a ·tonished slw J'PlllOH'd tlw <·anl
ancl ther'e was eall(l~. Oh! yPs. but sul'h
l'Clllcl~·. P<'mwhee that had probahl~· hPl'n
macl<• in his gran<ll'a!lll'r's time>. fih<' was
al'raid to clrop a pi<•(•e l'or frar of thP injury it might clo in falling thrn thP ttoor
to tlll' jars of fruit an<l .i<•lly in the has<'-
11H·11t. Thi-; j,, what lw hail S<'llt lH'l' in
paynwnt for his d!'h(. hoping in this m1y
to g"l'! J'('VC!l g'l'.
(ll'raldirll' lwt \\'<'<'II 1lllg<'L' and la1q.d1h'l'
mm·nn11·<'d. '' l~ll<'l'l' ho~· ."
Two wePks lall'l' (JnaldinP had gi\'l•u up
all hope of l'l'('ll!H·iliation !wt W<'<'ll Tom
and h<•rsPlf and \Yas stal'tl<'<l Oil(' night hy
a kuo<·king- at t hP door·.
Sh<• walkPd :-;lo\\·ly aJl(l hPsita!i11gl.' to
tlw door and finally op<•111•d it. ,\ mpssPng<'r \\·ith anothl'l' pa<·kag"<· ! Nlw -.;natdu·cl
it from hi-; hand and \\·alkl'd ha1·k into
!hr room. Nlw th1·(·\\· th(• ho\ on tlH· tahll'
ancl glo\\'l'l'l'd at it. .. :'llo1·p J'(wk JH'nll(·hP<'." :-hl' thot. ,\t last solll<' i111H•r i111p11ls<' ]H'Olll]lt1·d hl'l' to opPn it and Oil
th<' top HS IH' l'o I'<' \\'ii 'i I h <' ('(IJ'd :
'l'IIO:'ll.\S .JOlW.\~.
But what a diff<·1·1·n<·<' ! ('rpam,· (•aud\·,
!'lHH·olate .·li<·ks. 1·0Y<'l'P<l nuts. ",11Hl ol1 !
<·mming- little tfolu·s ttllP<l \\·ith cHlrl -.;hape<l l'an<l;·.
"\\'hat q11P1·r thing-; ho~.. ar<'." she
llllll'lll llr<'( 1.
Thi' qll<'<'l' ho~· ho\\'l'\'Pl' \\'HS W<'l(·OJIH'<l
with a qnrpr littl;· smilP hy thP qn<'<'l' girl
as he ap1wnr<'<1 as a posth1ci<' to his happy
lsahll<> King-. 'J.).
"Well, \Yatmon." sai<l my friernl ~her
lot Ilmws. one l'\'P11ing as we sat in our
room rPading alHl smoking togethn.
''\\'hat clo Yon say 1o a short Yal·ation!"
·'That's irnt a had i<l<'a.'' I an. wpn•cl.
looking up from a rnag-azirw whid1 l was
l'P<Hling. "\Ylwrp do yon prnpos<' to go!"
.. \\'p]J." lH' a11s\rPrPd. "l 'd lik<' to go
so11H' phl<'<' 1Yhc•n• 1 (·0111(1 spend a qnil't
hrn wpeks or a month. and Hot lHlY<' to
\\'O l'I'\' <lllY ahou! h11si1H'ss. l am ahont "all
in" ;1ftp1: that last (·as<'. and I thi11k we
mad<• p110ngh out of that to ht• ahll' to afford a short rest. (lon 't Yon. Be icll' .. it'.·
lH'Pll four Year. sin<'<' l ·~-<' h1Hl a Yaeation.
a11<l the la~t one as 1011 know was not the
nwst rnjo~·able exp~'riPn<·e in the worl<l.''
"Yr.. T rrmemhrr. alright." I assm·ecl
him. " \\re ha<l a pr<'lty grnpsomc tinll' of
it that rt>ar. T1<'! 's hope for sonwthing
hP!t<•r this time>."
Jn tlw mran1imP Il01ws \\'<1. fishing around in his in. i<le 1•oat p<wkct. Ik soon
proclueed a kiter. ancl showl'd it to nw.
'·II ere': a ]p(( <'I' 1 g-ot from ol<l Tom
\\'1uTidc up in \\'is(·owin. Yon know
Tom a1Hl l \\'l'l'l' kids togl't Ill'!'. l h1ul
writtPn to him smndinw ,;go. ancl in my
lPtter J spokP about taking a short nu.,{tion this S\lllllll<'I'. Thi-; i, his ans\r<'L'.
and be wants ns to ('OllH' up if W<' <'1111 an<l
SJll'llCl a
\\'('!'ks \l'ith him. 'iO if YOU
think yon'd lik<' to tr·~· tlw .. simplt• ]jfp"
for a <·oup]p of ,,.('Pks. [ think l nlll arl'illlg'<' it.))
.. Snits llll' alright.·· I saill. '·\\'hen <lo
\\'C • tart?"
"To-morrow morning at .., :10 o 'dntk."
he answered. in his w..ual <1nid~ and <ll'<'isiw waY. ·' ('an ~-ou gl't r<'<Hly hy that
time?" ·
.. I ~llt'SS so ... 1 <1 l!s \\'('l'('tl.
.. ~\ !right. tlwn. ·' lw said, putting 011 hi'
<·oat. "l "·ant to nrn m·pr to !ht' Lahoraton·. to s1'(' ho\\· lh-t·\\· is "ominu: with
those hlo<Hl-eoqrns1·ll' <''Gllllinations. l '11
Page Eight
hp hal'k iu ahont an hour." and slippiug
wa,; ilown the stair . and out
mi thl' ,;trl'\'l s\\·inging alonO' in that milt•
t•ating stri<lt' of his.
~lwrlot Ilones wa. a tall, broad shonlill'red man of thirtY-:-;ix. he nad keen dark
l'~ t's. a!Hl a ratlwr· long. sharp no -e. Ile
wa:-; an t'X[H'rt l'ht•mi:-;t and kt't'n t·rimi110logist. and had. in fad l'rnm hi:-; youth. a
<Jlll'l'l' fat·ilit.'· for dt'ted ing n·iminals. Ill'
a1HI l hail md while in l'Ollege and a nmtual. lasting fri1'1Hbhip had :-;prung up.
For t hl' last l'ight or tl'll ,Yl'a1·:-;, [ hacl heen
pradi:-;ing nwdil'ine. aud Ilont•i-; had been
following hi. 1.:ho1-;en profession. that is.
t Ju• l«lrel'r of a prinlll' dPtt•diYe. For
about a month prl'\'ious to tlu' l'OnYersation just rel·orcle<l. Ilont's had been Yery
busily engagt>d in atkmpting to obtain a
nllnahh• diamornl tierra "·hit·h had been
sloll'n frnrn a millionair<' of onr a(•qnaintanl'l'. lIP had hel'n . ncl'l'ssfnl in the quest.
hnt the work had kl'pt him up at all hours
of tlw night. HJH1 lw hail at one time gonl'
for a iwrio<l of fift.'·-fiw hours without
sh'l'P or nonrishml'lll. The:<' l'Xt•essl's had
worn out his streng-th and Yitality, and he
had thPrefore p1·oposPcl the rest in the
(·ountry. I was 1wrfPl'tly willing an<l ahle
to ae(·ompan.'· him on tlw propo e1l trip,
as most of Ill.'' patients had left the cit.\·
for tlwi1· summer n':icll'nl·es. and my prat·ti1·l' was as a result. Yt'l'\' slack.
~\l'l·ordingly. 1 . !H'IHI. tlw pwning pa<'ki ng up such of my possPssions a. I thot
r \l nee<l. I also put an old Colt's -±.) army
l'l'\'OlYer whil'h I hacl in m~· posse. sions
for I knew that wlwn a person traYt'ls
"·ith Sherlot Ho1ws. lw tH'\'er know. wlll'n
lw '11 need a shooting iron.
llonC's rC'turned about ten o 'dock that
night. "\\Tell. Dlw. all pal'kl'd up?'' lw
· · YPs, I guC'ss 1 'm rPacly.'' I an• "'l're1l. ''How about ~·on?''
"0. I ean paek up what I nee<l in a
jiff,,·," he answered.
"\\rt,11. thPn, I gnl'!-'S W<' \1 lwtter turn
in." I remarked. a11<l lll'gan to prepare
for hell.
"Xot a hail shmt. that." lw an. were<l,
anll in a frw minutPs he wHs in he<l and
sound asleep. Tlw "sound" rder. to the
mort• or le.. <·orred imitation of huzzsaw in adion "·hi!'h he fnrnislw<l. almo.t
immC'diatl•l \'.
The next morning lw took what fe\\·
things hC' thot he woul<l 1wNl, and we went
<lmn1 town to get our breakfast. \Ye ate
at a small lmwh room arnl th<'n proceeded
to the ( 'hil·ago, :JI ihrankPe & 't. Paul ta011 hi,; hat. hl'
tion. where we were to get a train at 8 :10
for Saunders. a small Yillage in southern
\\'ist·onsin, near whit•h Tom \Yarrit-k liY<'d. Hones hail wired Tom thP night l><'fort'. asking him to med us at th<' station.
~\, "·e left Chieago hC'hind, and began
to skim along O\'Pr gn•en fit'lds and thru
dark wool ls, Ilo1H'S Pxt·lai11H'd: ·'Gee, hnt
this is great! . I \ ·p lwen working arouncl
that old soot-hole for a goo<l nrnn.'· yeari>,
and it certainly frt•ls good to get out in
th t' eoun try aga i11."
Th\' train pullt'd into Sann<krs a little
after ten o'doek. \Ye de 1.:endecl to the
platform and Hmws soon . pied his friC'llll.
Long Tom \\Tal'l'iek. . tancling hesi<k a
douhle-:eall'll tn'<'-spring. ··Long 'rom."
as his name signified wa tall and thin.
He stood about six feet six an<l S<'erned
at first sight to he not more than <'ight or
trn ir]('hes Will!'. Ile jH'OY(>(l howpver to
he a Yen· tine fellow a111l was ahrnYs
l'heerful. ·
"Hello. olcl hoy!" he exelaime<l upon
!'atc-hing sight of Hone. . ··how he yP.
\\rall. I'd a lrnowedge ye pf
J 'd a seen ye in .Australyn. B~· heck. it
looks goo<l ter sl'e y<>r face agin. \Yhy.
its bin about twl•nty .''<'ar SC'nce we'Ye S<'ed
<'<H·h other."
HonC's shook hands eorrlialh· with his
friC'ncl. and assured him that lw. Iron<' ..
,,·as in the best of health. Ile tlwn introdneed me to l1ong 'J'om. who was always
glad to ee anyhod~· what 1rns a frie111l ~lf
··shark's." as lw l'allPd Sherlot.
Wl' dimhecl into tlw wagon. Sherlot anll
Tom in the front seat, and I with our baggage in the rear. Long Tom gniderl the
horsps do1Yn the roarl to his house. whil'l1
was about thrpp qnartC'rs of a mile rast
of thP town. Shp1·lot and Tom h<'guilC'll
the time with remiuist•enl·e: of their liws
as boys. It dnPloped in the eour. C' of
t hpir <'lmYCrsa ti on that Hon('. and \Yar1·il·k lia<l hl'<'n 1wighhors whC'n boys, an1l
I hat some ."<'ars n l't<>r llones had gonl' to
( 'ollege to st ncl~· for his l'ar<'er Tom \\' arri c·k hall rnoYrcl to tlw Yi('inih· of .._aundt•i·s. and hacl lwc·ome quite '"~·II to do.
Wt' pnll<•<l up at Long Tom's plaee aftPr a ride of ahont ten minutes. The \Yarril·k house is not a Yt'r~· pretC'ntiou. rrsi<ll'JH·P. hut one of thrnw homey l'Olll1t t'\'
plal't's that giYc' ont an atmosph~rp of re~t
ancl l'Omfort. The hon. e was a . tory and
a half building with a long verancla C'Xtc•n<ling acros. its entire front. Behiml
th<' house w r hvo large rec1 barns, a
gooclsized corn erib. a granary and hen
?age Nine
howw. and a 1-;pring ho11s1•. whid1 l aft1't'" a1·cls found c·ontained a gasoline engitH'
fo1· [Hllnping watc·1·. Off to one side a
third l:arn \\·as j11st in th1 last stag1•s of'
1·0111pl!'tio11. ThPs<' ln1ildi11gs at Oil<'<' sug-g1•stl'd that t hi' O\\' ll<'l' was a prosp!'rnlls
fa1·11H'I'. as \\·as indP!'d tlH' 1·as1•.
\\'e dro\'l' into 1lw yanl a111l Tom pnlkcl
11p the tl•nm i>l'f'o1·1· th1· door. :\lrs. \\';11·ric·k. a n<'11t trim littll' \\·oman who had all
tlw apJ><'Hl'Hn1·1• of' a h11sy fa1·mpr's wif'1•.
111!'t us at till' dool'. \\'!'\\'<'rt' hoth int1·0duc·P1l to h1'r and thl'll to h1•1· son Fr1•cl. a
la1·g<' lwalthy looking ho,\' of fift<'l'll. F1·1•cl
took our g-rips a11d shm\·1·1l u-. upstairs to
th!' room \\'hid1 \\'!'\\'!'I'<' to 01·1·up,\.
110111'. a11d I SJH'nt sonH·t inl!' in 1·l!'a11ing
11p and in disposing- of' orn· thing-s. \\'1•
thl'n \\'t•nt do\\'ll 'sin i1·s and sJH'lll th!' l'<'lllaini11g- t illH' IJl'i'o1·1· di11111•1· in ron111ing
ahout till' farm va1·d. .\ l'tl•r dimwr whi1·h
\\'HS sl'l'\'<'<1 at t \\'1•l\·1· o 'do1·k. Ilones a111l
[ \\'!'llt <lO\\'ll tlH' lHll<' to tlH' road \\'ith
l•'rl'<l \\'arri1·k to gl't till' mail. .\s \\'<'
\\'Pl'<' standing 11<'<1 r th!' rond-si<lt• \\'Hit i ng
1'01· t IH' rnrnl 1·111Til'1'. a d1·1·1·<'pit old man
c·anw riding past 111 a rattll'lrnp of a \\'Hgon. 'l'hc driY<'I' \\'HS aho11t the qu1•1•1·ps(
l'!']ll'l's1•11tatin• of 1hl' htrn11u1 l'<ll'l' [ ha\'<'
<'Y<'r st'!'ll. Ik \ras H small. \\'l'Hg<'nP11 0111
l'l'PH(ll1'!'. \Yith <l shcwk of' 1[iJ't~· \\'hit!' hair.
and a mat!Pd h!'Hl'd \\·hi!'l1 <·O\'l'r<'d his
<'Ill in• fac·<'. Thi• only \'isihl1• things \\'!'!'<'
his <',n's. \\·hi1·h spal'kkd \\'ilh an almost
inh11111an glitll'r. ][p \\'Hs attin•d in a pai1·
of antiqrn' O\'!'l'alls. (\\'hi1·h ha<l it not
lwc>11 for tlw st~·I<'. might lrnvl' hl'l'll mi. tak<•n for G1•01·gp Washington's 1·ast-offs).
a <lusty spott!'d h1'0\l'll <·oat. and a11 old
slo1wh hat whi1·h \l'<l'i so dis1•olored 1hat
it \\'Hs almost impossihl!' to 1kl<·1·111i11!' its
original 1·olor. •\s this dl'1·1·ppit old !-WHl'<'c·rm\·. 1-;mw humping along th!' road in hi:
an!<>tlPluYian l'i1<1l'iot dra\\·11 ln· a ho1·s1'.
s1·arc·l'h l!'ss !'llt!'dl'ln\·inn. Frt:<l \\'arri1·k
look!'1l. at mr with a s1nilP 1rnd tap1wd his
lwa<l llH'aning-ly. "'l'h<'I'<' 1·011ws old .Jp1·1',\.
\Yhi1 <'Omli." hl' said. "Xohod~· honH' in
hi" loft."
T was irnmt>1liatPly int!'rt'st!'d in tlw
qlH'PI' oltl frllo\\', an<l askPd FrPr1 ahont
him. Frt>d told ns th11t no one lrn1'\\' ahont
JI' yon Jwar a good jok<'. kc•1'p it to yonrs!'I f.
Don't :·on 1lar1' hand it to !ht' jokt' editor,
~h<' <«Ill think np all th!' jokPs \\'!' lll'l'l1.
Jerry, C'Xl't>pt that lw was l'l'a!'kP1l.
found Put that till• old frllm\· had 0111~ ·
h!'l'll li\·ing in that wdion of tlw <·01111try
a 1·onph• of' 111011ths. :\o 011\' S<'<'lll<'d to
know who h!' \\as or \\'h1•n• h<' c·a111<• rl'olll
or anything 1•ls1• ahont him. l'X<·q>t that h<'
\\'C'llt h,\· th!' IH1111\' or .)!'t'l',\. \\'hitc·o111h,
that ht' always JHtid 1·ai-ih for !'\'l'I',\ thing
ltc• bought. and that h<' \\';ts slightly ac·c·1·11t 1·ic· <r in 11101·1· !'OllllllOll \l'Ol'!ls. was good
"sqnirt'l'l food."
\\'e s1H·11t aho11t a \\'<'<'k at \\'al'l'il'k\
far111. 01·1·np,\ i11g till' days h,\ ta kin!!: Ion!..(
ra111hl1·s th1·u th<' adjac·1·11t ;; oods. and th<'
<'\·,·11i11gs in l'<'adiug 01· stud.\'. llo1lt'-.. was
Lnsy stud.\ ing np on 1Ill' fi11g1•t'-J1l'int sy-..1c•m of id1•11tifin1tio11 \\'hic·h had just h<'<'ll
i11\·1·nt1·d and us11111ly SJH'11t an hour c•ac-!1
l'\'l'lling in 1·ps1•a1'<·h \rork ;ilong an adYa11c·1·d Ii11p or th\ llll'I hod.
Ou1• chi:· \l'hl'n W<' l'<'t n1·1wd from a long
rnml :]p thru tlw woods and fiplds. \\'<' \\'<'!'<'
hailPd ll\· F1·1·cl \\'arri<"k from th!' \\'oodshPd do<;!'.
"() :.\Jr. llo1H•s." he· <·all1·d. "'l'h1•1'!"s a
g'<'llti<'llHlll in t h1· hons!' 1o '-<'<' You. It\
Dc•a1·011 f>!'1tl1rok1'. and hl'' \'!'!'~' anxious
to s1•c> ~-011. lll''s h1·1·11 \\';1iti11g ,;bout half
mi hour."
r don't lrnO\\' J)p;)(•()JI PPmhrokl' r1·om
.\dam." said llotH's to Jill'." ,\nd I don't
!'HI'!' \\'lll'tllt'r lw\ I<'< 11 \\·11iti11g for half
and hour. 01· half a da \. hnt J '11 go in and
find out \\·hat h1· \\'H 11ts'. at ;\II\' rat<>. ( 'onH•
()Jl !)()('."
\\'(' 1•11tPrPd th!' ho11s1>. and \\'!'Ill into
th!' front parlo1'. l l<'l'<' \\'<'found a ratlwr
short. hl'a\·~· SP( lllilll or about llliddJ!' ag<'.
a\1·ai1ing 0111· Hl'l'irnl. :.\lrs. \\'arric·k i11t1·odnc·t>rl tlw Yisito1· as D!'<l<'On PP111hrnk<'.
and th<'ll ldt th<' 1·00111.
.. :.\Ii'. l lo111•s." "ii id t lw D!'at'on. I 1111d<'rsta11d YOll an• a dl'!Pc·t in>. "\\'ll\. I do a
littlt• ,·,·ork aloll!i· that line> oc·c·asionalh. ''
answc•1·pd nn l'ril'nd gnard1•dh-. .. \\'.lrnt
<'<111 I do for·~·on >"
"I lrnn· h1·!'11 rohlH•d!'' hi' l'x!'iainH•<1.
"Hohlwd of th1·c·r thousanc1 dollars. \\·hic·h
h!'longs to tlw !'111tl'<·h. and if r don't <li'i('0\'('l' thp monp~· T am a rnin!'d man.
(To hr c·ontinnl'<1).
Lin•s tht'l'l' a st11d1• \I ith smil so dc·ad
\\'ho IH'\'!'I' to hi111sc•lr hath ·aid
.\son his lwtl s1rt'i11lH'd 111orni11g's light
'· T hope the s(·l10ol hurned tlO\nJ last
Page Ten
Th1·1L out thP whok histon of 'I'lll<~ SPY.
if t hPre has IH•en any one s{1h,i('<°t that has
IH'<'ll m('J1tioned lllOJ'<' than any others,
in story, poem aml edilol'ial, it is the sub.ied of loyalty to ~·om s<·hool. The uhjed has heen written and rewritten from
«'Yer~· point of view and yet it seem. there
i1>; still m•ed of more attention ·when a eert ain <'lass. "·hi(·h has been lwre long
1·11011g-h to know hetter. d<•liherately refust•s to hny from a C'andy 8al(• giYen hy
t ln·t'(' ot IH•r el as. es fo1· the lw11efit of the
lt sho"·s that all the artides ou
loyalty and class spirit haYe heen in vaiu.
ft sePms that ther<' is no remedy for the
<"HSt'. hut thi has just been mentioned as
a warning to the ot!H•1· (·lasses to stiek h,,.
1 hP Thool first a ncl t lwn h~ your ('lass.
Loyalty to your Sl'hool nwa11s forgetting
th<' iwtt~· cliffrrenc('S hl't we<'11 (' 1asses an cl
standing np for th(• s<"hoof and its institution. as a "·hol<'.
]low man:· of ns pass with unseeiug
(•:·<'s the t1·pasurt>. of a1·t with whil"l1 om·
"·all. HI'(' aclorned '. Fm· a st·hool of it
-,it:t'. tlH• Kt>nosha High ~<"hool has many
})(•autifnl and notPd pidures. a1Hl some of
thPm HI'(' ('X('ellent and expPnsiYe prints.
If m1p of the pidures in our assPmhly hall
\\·Prr l'('lllOYe<l during t hi' night. 1 "·onclet·
how llHlll\' of us <·<mlcl tPfl th<• rn•xt morni11g thl' 1;amp of th(• pit·tHl'l' ! ,\re not a
ir1·pat many of thrm sirnpl;· dal'k .-pots on
thP wall to us?
llaYl' YOU eYl'l' not it·Pd thP hPautiful
pidurt•. :. The . '011g of tlw T1a1·k" on the
hat'·k wall of the ,\s~w111hly ! Oppositp it
is a110tlwr fine pidu1'(' of ~i1· Gallahad.
'l'"·o other exceptionahly fine eopies in
thi. room are "The Bridal Procession''
and .. The Grand Canal." The hall , too.
Im ,.e many good pictur<'.". There is a fine
pieture of Lintoln, on' of the l<'orum at
Home. onP of the ( 'olisrum and anothrr
\'t•ry famous pietures of a corner of \Vest111iuster Ahhl':'. In Miss Yule's rom, there
is a noterl picture of St. ~lark's Cathedral
in F lorenee and seYeral others of historical Yalue. Thl're is also a good copy of
"Going Home From \\Tork" which the
~eniors won in the re<·Pnt Spy <·ontest. Ju
the• lower hall. then' is a beautiful picture
of the Pilgrim-,. whi('h probably few of u
ha ,.e cyc•r noti(·ecl alt ho we pass it a <lozen
I imer-; a da\'.
Lately ti1e German dasses have clubberl
in together and bought everal goorl pictures for tht> German room, one of ··Die
.Jungfrau" alHl two fine prints of Goetlw
and Schiller. ff rnorr C'lasses did this WP
would soon in<'l'ease our numlwr of good
pidm·c•s. ~\ good pidure is an improYrment that "·ill last fon•,·cr, and for that
reason an exeellent gift for a school.
Xow let u-, "·ake up anrl see 'vhat adY1111tage we lHn-e in our S('hool. These are
all pidures that ('Y<'ryone should kno"·
and app1·p(·iatt·. Look arouJHl the ,\ssemh1.' Olll<' timt• and noti<·(' these pil'tnres
<llH l I <'H r11 to l'l'\·ognizl' t IH'lll. lt ,\·i II form
a n1luahf<' part of your ('<lu<'ation. Don't
Id th<•m ht• simply dark spotf> on the wall
to :·011. Tab· a<h·antag<' of this great oppol't1111ity 'd1ile it is offpred you. You
,\·ill not oftPn ee SlH'h a fine rolledion of
pid111'('S a.· tlw-,p whi\"11 we han' right here
in 0111· IIigh ~t·hool.
On<' of thP ohjeds of interest in om·
'-<·hool is thP Latin <'ha11t hook or IlYnrnal
\1·hi('h is in the larg<' glass C'ase in tiie AssPmbly Room. This hook was presented
to High School hy William T. Shephard,
a tudent of the High chool in the fifties.
{Concluded on page 19)
Page Eleven
To him who has not as yet subscribed
fol' the 8PY or has not pairl up his subs<'1·i pt ion, we say that one of the be ·t
ways of beginning the new year in the
l'ight spirit is to do that little thing, right
\'oycmber was certainly an exciting
111011t h for K. II. R. .Jlan.r things were
done anrl everal plans were made for the
<·oming months. A great deal of class
spil'it was shown by all of the classes.
On :X en-. 13, the Sc•n iors issued the following challenge to the diffrrent Classes.
\\" e. the member· of the ~enior Class.
knowing that we exc·pll the Sub-Senior
<'lass in cleelamation, do c·hallenge them
to a deC'lamatury C'OntPst to lw held 8 :00
o '<·lo<'k on the elen.>nth daY of December
in th<' war of our J.,ord 1 !ll-!; to he helcl
i11 tlw · assc•mhlv room of this KC'nosha
I I igh i)c·hool. 611<' mc•mhPr of eac·h dass
shall repn•sent C'ac·h hocly. that memher
lwi11g seh•«ted prC'Yious to the' twenty-sixth
of \'o\·cmher in the Year of our Lorrl 1914.
ht>forc• raC'11 separair l'lass and shall h<>
j11dg-Pcl h~· the two <'lass aclYisors and tlw
pu hi ic· speaking instrndor of our chool.
The l'C'presentative memlwr of each C'las;,
ma.' l'CC'ei,·e outsidP lwlp wh<>rever he or
shc• ckc>ms it brst. P1·oc·l'Pds !wing a minor
i1wi<lrnt in this contest. 1he•.'· shall go into
th<> offiC'e treasury and ti](' judge for the
dP<'lamation shall he St'kdc•cl hy tlw Pr<>si_
dPnt of our SC'hool.
HOWARD F!:\K, Pre ·ideut.
IRE~E BARDE:X. Yiee-Prc•s.
'l'he class s re pornled promptly, a<'!'Ppting it on good terms and practically
without question. .At a meeting of the
C'la s presi<l<'nt. it was decided that each
«lass would c·hoose the time of holdina its
tryout, the plac·e, judges, aud the person·
who shoulcl take part, and thereby concluct the tryout wholly in<lependeut of
an~· other C'lass.
Tlw tryouts were hrld aml repre entati \'e from each cl as was cho en to take
part in the conte, t. The ·e repre entatiYe ·
are' as follo"·s:
Howard Fink. 'enior.
~:ct. Haubrich, uh-Junior.
Edna Zoller, Junior.
Edna Gale, Suh-Sophomore .
•\rthur Heyman. Sophomore.
.\clrian Dornhush. Huh-Freshmen.
};orna Truax. Freshmen.
Omer Kupfer. Post Graduate.
The rontest "·as hel<l on tlw evening of
De<'. 17. with the following results:
I<,irst plact•-Ed. IIauhriC'h.
Becond PlaC'e-~\rt. IIennan.
Thircl Pla<'t>-Ilc)\rnnl Fink.
The dishes whic·h !Jan bl•1•u bought for
tlw sC'hool thrn the c·ontrihution of the
members of all the <'lasses. <'X<'ept Suh' ophornorC's. amounted to mud1 more than
"·as expedC'd as the giYing wa entir<>l~
n1luntan·. 'l'he list of artide: "·hil'h have
!wen pm:C'ha. Nl is as follcnn:
!l doz. 7 iuC'h <linner plates ......... · 7.20
rn doz. ,) inc·h pie platps ........... 11.70
!l doz. t·ups aucl sam·e1·s . . . . . . . . . . . . !J.!lO
Ii rloz. coffee pikhers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :L30
H doz. thin glasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •>. \)
fl doz. houilrou c·ups .............. 10.00
!I doz. sherlwt glassp. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20
Ii hai-kets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
H <'reamers and ugar hcnds ........ 1.60
The amounts rontrihuted by the class<>.
~l'nior ......................... $14.00
Sub-Junior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.05
Page Twelve
.Juniors Uil'b (uotil'l' the ··girls")
.'ophornon•s B. . ................. .
• 'opho11101·<'s ...................... 3.6.)
Fre. hmrn B. . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 18...J.O
Fre. hm\'11 ........................ 1:3.30
. \ft pr I n ·i 11g without Sll('('('SS ( alas) fur
fo11r days to rni'i<' a 1m1sta<·hc•. Ha~· llammoJl!I got disg11sted and also got a sha\'l'.
.\I i's Yule's Hom1111 Ilistory l'lass(•s held
dPhat<' on 'l't1l'sday. Del'. 2. TJw (jlll'st jqn \1·as: l{psol \"Pd. that .\ l<·xand<'l' was a
gT<•at<•1· warrio1· tl1<1n ll111111ihal.
,J ndg-<•s. :\I iss Ti11111w . .\I iss St Pig and .\!is.
llctllllllOJld. YOit•d lllla11imo11sh· in f'a\'Ot' o[°
th<' affi1·m11tiYP. 'l'h<· a l'firn1ai iYP \l'<ts tak<'11 In· Et lwl ( 'aya11H11gh .• \d1·ian Dorn hush
Hild ·Edna Gail; t hp ' 11<•gat in• h,r ( 'amilla
English .•\ n11a ( 'ook and \\"illiam 1'11rndl.
Total ........................ '.)0.tlO
Our IJo,·s 011 thl' footlrnll t<·am snrelv
madl' a 111;llt<' fol' th<•rnsd\'Ps a11cl 1111Hil' th~
whol<· .'i<·hool a11d l'\ l'll th<' <'it~· take ll(lti<·e of 1hl'lll ()]} 'l'ha11ksgi\' Jllg" art('l'IJ()()ll,
"·Jwn th<'" dl'fratl'cl thl' tPa111 from Uran<l
Ilawn. :Jii"higan h.'· thP Sl·orP of-!-! to 0.
The gamP "as attl'llll<•d h_,. th<' largei:;t
cr01nl lwfo 1·p "·hi<· h the t Pam ha cl eYer
playl'd. 'l'hP hundrl'ds who \\·itnC'. Sl'd the
gamt' dP<·larPd it to he 011<' of thl' he. t
<'Yer. altho it was 80lll<'"·hat 01w-Rided. BC'tween haln•s a KeYstotH' ('ome<lv "Tlw
::'llol'k Foot hall Uan;<'." \Ya'i ade<l ont hy
a 11nmlH•1· of the K. II. , '. ho~· s. 'l'hl' ganw
"·as Yl'r.'· amu i11g anrl the witty stunts of
th<' pla~ <'l'. 111adl' till' hurl<•sqtH' <·0111pll'tl'.
'l'hrC'l' of t lw ho~·s \\'110 frat lll't•<l Yl'r~·
promi1w11tly i11 the ad W<'l'l': 7'l'JHts Pil<·hl'l' who assnmPd tlw rolp of ('har]ip
Chapi11; f~a~· mond \\'inlH'rg that ol' Ford
• 'terling. and Ed. Abrm11ofsk,,·. that ol'
''tlw gil'! in <1u<•stio11." HP~icl<•s hPing a
grl•at athll'!i1· Yidor~· for our boys tlw
ga11w was a gt'<'at fi11a1H·ial . ll<'<·ess. so onr
hoys l'1lll h<' might~· prnnd of th<' glorious
"'HY ill whil'h thl' foot hall S('1l. Oil ('Jl<kd .
•\hont a \\'Pl'k h<•l'o1·p 1lw ga1ll<' tlw !--\p11i01·s had sonw larg<' g-olcl and hlal'k tags
prinkd. and <'Y<'r~· 11tt•mlw1· worP O!H' of
th<'St' tags. 'l'IH' tags rl'acl: · · 1 arn going to
tlw 'l'hanksgiYing ganw. .\rp ~·on?"
It \\·as p1·0111isl'd bl'forp tlw g'illlll' that
a pid111·p \\·011lcl h<' gin•11 to tlw dass "·hil'h
had th<• largl'. t proportional r<·pn•spntation at tlw gam1• all!l that this "lass \\·onld
hr l'allPd ··the most lon1l (·lass 111 K. II.
S." :\o mw seems t;i k110\\' anything
rnorl' ahont it all<l it S<'<'ms that 1hosl' in
l'hargP mrn;t han' forgotll'll all about it
lwfon• t hP ga11w l·anw off.
'l'h<' mrmhPJ's of thr <'amc>ra <'lnh Wl'nt
on tlwir fir t hikP :\o\'. 21. .\ll rPportP<1
a dancl~· tinH• aucl many goocl pidnr('. rl'• nit Pel.
'l'hr .Juniors ha Yr <lP"id<•d 11pon the clrsign 1'01· thPit· rings 1rnd pins ancl
now they in tlwir turn h<l\'t' tlw '· llC'atest
and hest looking pin. an~· !'la. ·s has <'Y<'r
hacl. ''
The l'111Hl,Y . alp lwhl h,,. the !--\(•11iors,
and Su h-!--\oplwmorps on th<·
\\'pd1H·sday hc•fore 'l'hank~gi,· iug fo1· the
l:l' IH'fit of tlw ~PY. \\'HS a grpat Stl('('('SS
and tlw prnfits \Yl'l'l' just ahont double
t hosl' ol' the . all' gi\'<'11 at tlw salll<' time
last ."<'ar. \\"ith about th<' saml' a111ou11t
frn111 t hP :-:all' lwfon• ( 'hristnrns nu·ation
thl' SPY will lll'<'l.1· h(• put in a flourishing
1·01Hlitio11. arnl h<•<·o11w largpr and hl'tter
than lwl'ore.
ThP SP11ior Hlwtol'i<·als han· hl'Pll hPld
Hl111ost J'<'g'nl111·I.'· 011 ('\"Pl'Y l<'ricla~· a f!Pl'110011. 'l'h<· SP11io1·s hH\'\' show11 how 1n1H·h
l'ntl tall'11t tlw.' ha\<' i11 tlwir l'lass. OnP
of thP lll;JJ'k\•d llllllllH'l'S \\';ls (hp orig·ina]
<·011wd~· ·· .\ly First \'isit to tlw ('ity." i11
\\·hil'11 \\"illiam \"oltz 111ac!P q11it<· a hit.
.\ i'<·w da~·~ h<•fo1·<· Tha11ksgi1·ing. tlH'
studP11ts Wl'n' ask<•d to join with oth<·r
sl'hools of tlw 1·ity i11 p1·0,·idi11g- Tha11ksgi,·i11g di111H'l's 1'01· poo1· familiPs. 'J'hl' afl'ai1· \\·as takP11 up \\'ith grrat spirit anll
tlw g"l'IH'l'<1·ity ol' most of th<' pl'rsons in
K. II. !--\. p11ahl<·d :JI!·. 'l'1'<'lll(Wr to sc•nd out
foul'l<'Pll <·ompld<· haskl'!s to thP poor.
ThPrt• \\"l'l'l' llHlll\" otlw1· thill"S o·in•n h('sid<'S whnt \H'I'<• i11 thPsP haskPt~. hut 011
a<·!'o1mt of tlw la(·k of' n11·iPtiPs th<•Y <·011lcl
not hl' fixPcl up in th<' S<lllH' wa~-.· ,\f(pr
'l'ha11ksgi,·i11g-. noll's of' thanks and Hpp1·p.
l'iatio11 \\'Pl'<' n•c·Pin·<l In· tlw !'lass<·s f'mm
thP fa111ili<'S \\'horn th<',\. hPl[lP<l.
Jn onl<T to haY<' solll<' l'l'lllind<•r of' this
'ilH'l'l''i'iful football sPaso11. thl' hoYs \\'<'l'l'
j)l'<'S<'llt(•d with K's 1'01· th<·i1· s\n•at;·1·s. Tlw
!--\11 hs and t lw RP'i<'rns l'<'<·<'i n·d sma II K's
\\'ilh tlw littl<· IPttp1·s s and H 011 th<'lll.
l'<'SpPl"i iYPI.'-. Th<' HPg11lars \\"l'n• g·i1·<'n
la1·gp K's and thP nw11agp1· anrl <·oac·h
Pal'h l'('('('in·cl OllC of thl' SHiii<' kind. hut
with tlw additional IPtf('t' ~I ancl thP lPttPI' (' 011 them.
eT (-) l CT l C5
Washington H. S. - Milwaukee. 13 to 13.
Kenosha High 'ehool ancl ·washington
High S('hool of l\Iilwaukee playecl an ('X<·iting tie game, rn to 13, on NoYl'lllbPr
the fourteenth.
The K<'no. ha bo~·s took till' lt>ad in the
1·arly part of the ganll' and "·ithin trn minutes after the kid{ off Chubbv Reith had
seored on an encl run hut :Jlih,:aukee ruled
he was out of bouncl . Therefore after
mmh dispute the ball "·as brought out
and Chubby again rrossecl the line and
Vink kidrnd goal. Seore. first quartl'r,
In the . eeond iwriod the playinO' wa '
P\·en and neither team was able to . eore.
The offen. iYe work of K. II. S. weakenecl
arnl :Jlilwaukee 's defence became tronger. he1we the ball n'mained near the eentt•r of the held.
Kenosha had no lndc in the thircl quart Pr and was handi('apped hy the loss of
RPith. our serapp~· half back. Aftl'I' fiY<'
minnt!'s of pla)·. Xash. the :Jlilwaukee
right e!1l1, interceptecl a forward pass for
a touehdown. A. eYery Keno ha man
"·a-, in the phl)". Xash had an easy time
in making the t01whdown.
Soon after
X ash lH'<'arne a hero sure in the l'Yl'S of
tlH' :JI ilwaukee fans when he . kirt<:d Kenosha's l'tHl for another ton<'hdo"·1L But
he foll clown wht>n he attt>mpted to kiek
the goal. Thu. the score was 13 to 7 in
fayor of the Yisitor at the end of the
thircl pt>riod.
The Kenosha team came haek strong
in tlw last quarter and it was all K<'nosha
hut our il'am was only ahle to s<·or<' OlH'
tou1·hclown. RPith rdurn('(l to the ha<'kfiPld in tlw final qnarkr ancl did his share
in a<lYaneing the hall be ides putting lots
of p<:'p into th<:' t<:'am. The Keno. ha harkfield got the hall to :Jlilwaukee's yard
line ancl then Fro t, by hard plugging,
storecl 1he tonehd1rn·n which tie<l the
It was <lisheartening for our bo~·s not
to come ont yfrtors after such a brilliant
winning strpak hnt a tie was better than
hPing lwatl>n . Th e team helieYed that if
Reith had !wen in the thircl quarter the
store would ha \'C been much diffrrent beeause of hi ·trength both on ilefenc and
The teams lined up as follows:
Keno ha.
1'. Niehols.
Pink. Rhenstrom R. G.
l.J. G.
P. Nichol .
R. T.
II. Fink
L. T. Harloff. Lonn. berg.
R. E.
Xa h.
L. E. Klump, Glutz.
Q. B.
Reith. Redeen
R. II. B.
I.J. II. B.
G. Kremers.
P. B.
:JI. Krrmer .
Touchdowns-Reith. J;'rost. Na h (2).
Goals from Touchdowns-Nash. Fink.
Referee-Ra<lthe .• outh DiYision.
Thanksgiving Day Game- Grand Haven.
Our football t<:'am complet<:'d tlH' season
b~· clcfeating the Grauel HaYen (:\lichigan) team in an interstate gam<:' b)· the
seore of -!-! to 0. The game was pla~·l'd on
X orth Siclc Fi<:'ld on a perfect ThanksgiYing Day. A erowd of nearly 1500 people
"·itnessed th<:' game. the largl'st <'rowd
that eY<:'r witMSSl'<l a High R<·l10ol game
in KPnosha . 'l'hr fi nr pla~·mg of t hp 1\:('nosha bo~·s plPasP<l the on lookers and tlH')'
left th<:' firl<l in high spirits. 'l'he game
was al o a finaneial ueee. s and all football debt "·ere met, be irl<:' enough wa.
left in the trea ury to start the basketball ea on in fine hape.
Page Fourteen
A feature of the game 'rn: the football
mock \'OllH~tly. This \'OlllPdy took pla t'<'
hd"·c\'JI th\• ha[yp:-; ctJl(l was an a111usi11g
:pcehH· I<'. The teams wen• \•om pos<'<l o [
high sd10ol students, hig an\l small, clrc:>s\'<l in comi\·al <"<>stmnPs. lt was a M·n·am
i't'l>m start to finish and the boYs iu it dc'<'rYC pn11sc for tlwi1· denr l'x'hihitiu11 of
origiualit.'. B<'i'ore \'Olllill" to th\• tielcl
tlw eom!'dJ kmns ga,·c a dl'monstrntiou
011 :.\larkl't Squarl' and a la1·g\' <rnwcl follo\\'\'!l tlwm on to th!' gam1'. EY1•1·,,t11111g
at the game was run i 11 a sJ stcmatic order
i11dudi11g tlw t i<"k1•t splling. th\' nshl'ring,
the kel'ping ha1·k of the 1·1·ow\l and the
rl'st'rYation of 'l'at" The Kenosha playt•rs "'\'rt• 1rnm IH'l'l'tl and programs in eardinal and hhll·k w1•re gin'n to the fans so
they mi"'ht tli:,;ti11guish the play<•r;;. The
goal posts also n•<•\•ivl'd SlH'C'ial att1•11tion
aud wpre ch·1·oraktl "·ith \·ardinal and
hla1·k antl hlue and gold, tlw Urand IlaYcu
eo !ors.
The ganw it p]f was all KPnosha from
th• tart "·ith tlw \'X<'l'ption of th!' sceol](l
quarter. K\'1losha opened up all her
spn'<Hl a1Hl . hift formation;;. all of whi\'h
working sph•rHlidly. Grand llawn S\'\'111e<l to he dazzl1•d hy thl'Sl' formations a111l
fake fol'\nlrcl pas 'l's. .:\1•\'\•rtlwlt'.'S the
game "·a~ not as Olll' sidP<l as tlw seore
indi1·ah•s hut ll!'lcl the attention of the
spedatur · thrnout.
Frost. ~klnwll, ITammornl arnl Heith
formn<l iwrfrd infrrfrre1H'e on offenee
aml 011 thP cll'f°<'JJS<' hroke the oppo ing
t<·ams intprfr1·1•n<'P \\·it h th\' sanw good rPsult. Fl'Ost playl'(l spel'ia1·ular football
at all time and \\';h alway.~ goo1l for a
fivl' or t\•11 ~ ar·<l gain. 8t•lnwll, our flpt•tfooted fullha(·k. got away for man~· long
encl runs aucl his lirw plunging was CX<"<'lknt. ITammond 11s1•cl his hc>a<l throughout tlw garnP. <'lmhhy Hl'ith. although
handi1·appecl h~· a \\'Pak anklt'. did goocl
work 011 <'n<l nms and cross hlH·ks. ( 'apTlH' parlor :ofa held the pair.
Ifoand. 'Ill'.
Bnt hark~ a st<'P upon the stair.
tai11 Fink \\·as a po\\'<'l' 011 both dl'frlll'L'
Clllll ofl'<'llSl' arHl \\'l'llt en <'r for the last
toll(·hdowu of the sPaso11 and of his high
H<"hool foot hall 1•;U'<'<''" Hooue~, anotlwt·
~l'11io1', was powt•rful on smashing intt'rfrn•11 .. 1• and also 1·ar1',\ ing the hall 011 fak1•
fnnntrds fo1· goocl ga i rm. <l nlhranson and
\\'hit\' also endecl thPir high S<·hool foothall t·ar1·er in a prais1•\\·ort h~ llHllrner. 'l'h •
n•st of' thl' linP pla,1 l'd 1hl'ir hl'st an1l rll'S<'l'Y<' as 1mwh <"rPdit as t hl' othPrs 011]\· it
was not in 1't1l'l1 a 110!i<·<·ahll' or HJW<·t;;t·ular· llHllllH'l'. 'l'he whole !Pam pla~·<'d as
<HIP and p1'<>Yl'\l to th!' high sl'lwol tudP11ts and to tlw ]Wnpl1• or KPnosha that
our high s1·l10ol lrn<l a rPal f'oothall t1•a111.
In t hP fi1·;;t quart t•1· t hP hall was mostly
in K1•nm;ha 's tt•rriton-. !{1· a s1'ri1•s of
hri IIi a 11 I runs hy m <•11li H'l's o i· th P ha<· ldiP 1tl
the hall apprnaC'lwcl Urancl Ilawn '.· goal
arnl ]<'rost Wl'nt a<·r·oss for the first toul'hd<nn1. The R\·ore G 0.
Ornn<l lJa\'l•n hr·ac·t•\l up 111 tlw . el'Oll<l
quarter and i'tarfrd a mard1 for onr goal.
IIC'l'l' 0111· boys held t hPm for clowns arHl
thl'n ~1·lrnPll, h~· a brilliant long rnn. rctnl'lll'd 1lw hall to Kl'nmd1a tt-rriton wh1•re
l{l'ith was shoYC'd a<·ross !'or tlw· S<'<'OJHl
tom·hdcnrn. Latl'r I>,,. a Sl'l'i<•s of hard line
plung-1•;; f-;dnwll <·ar'l'il'cl thl' hall a<·ross the
(~rancl llaYPll lint' again. S<·ore, 20-0.
K1'110. ha again paraclPd to Grancl IIaVPn 's goal and this tinw Ifammoncl made
tlw tom·hdown. LatPr 011 a fak\' 1'orwar<l
pa;;s HoonC'~· was ahlt• to sc·ore again for
UR. St·or\', 32-0.
In 1h1• last qu;u·tpr Gnrncl Ila ,·en mwd
tht' sanw fakp fonnu·d pa:s 011 whi1·h
Homwy llHHl<' a toiwhdown hut KP11o~ha
tnrnl'd thl' trit-k 011 tlwm and hrokl· up the
play. Fro t oon aft<'r made anotlwr
tou!'l1<lown hringillg' tlH' S(·Or\' to 3h 0.
'l'hc> final t01l<'hclow11 \\·as llHlll<' hy ( 'aptaiu
]<ink a11rl thl' game l'IHlPcl soon aftl'r \\·ith
KPnosha fort)· .four points in tlw ll'atl.
~\ grancl old man was Cham·cr
Teaehcr-CorrPd the following seut('JH'e:
.. Onr tPa1·hpr am in ight."
Freshie-" Onr frad1er am a sight."
~o the t«ad1Prs i'av;
But it\ a mighty good thing for ('hamer
That he's not aliYe to-clay.
.,\ wood-}W\'kPr Rat 011 a Fn•shman 's hl'a<l
~\nd start Pd in to drill;
Ill' horP<l away fo1· hal.f a 1lav
~\]](l finall y hrokC' his hill:
Ex .
BP it PV\'r RO honwly. tlwre iR no fa1·c
like your own.
Page Fifteen
Class of 1901.
:Jir. Robert Allen has returne<l to Europe to Yiew the war at dose range and
regain his lost belonging .
?llr. James Charles .Jr. i in Los Angelr
with an automohilr company. Ile made
a short visit to Kt•uosha last August.
Class of 1903.
:\Ir. Rrginalcl Farr has C"hangecl his rN;i<krn·o.' from his home on Eagle 'trt>et to
tht> home of his fatlwr and mot!H'r on
<'hi<·ago St.
Class of 1905.
nir. Albert Tan<"k visited school on Fri<hl)-. December 5. Ile is about the only
nwmher of the S<'hool Board who ha visited the IIigh School this year.
Class of 1907.
:Jliss GertrnclP .Allen has retnrne<l to
Xcw York City to sprncl the winter.
:Jliss Charlotte T1ouis Kent pent her
('hristmas va<·ation at home.
Class of 1910.
:JI iss Persis D<'W<'Y i!< now tea<· hi ng a
S<><·ond h'rm of darwing lessous.
Class of 1911.
:Jlr. Ben Bu<'kmastt>r 'rent on the ·wis<·onsin 1\Iusi<'al ('luh trip to ::lt. Loni· and
otlwr sontht'rn points.
Class of 1912.
:Jir. Paul \Yin<leshein spent the Chri -tma: Yacation at home.
:Jlr. Ed on Ilardv has returneil to Lawrence after spencli1;g his vacation at home.
Class of 1913.
lit>rhert Curtis, George Becker, Carlotta
Cooper. Lawrerwe Eastman, :Jlarion IIawns. Gordon Ila<"kett. IIarry ·w allis and
E<lwarcl Xitoll han rdurned to the various Colleges whit·h tlwy attrnd after short
va<"ations in K<•no ha.
Class of 1914.
Kenneth \Yhite h as returned to t•hool
and is now ading as assistant coach.
~\\' e were gfad to receiYe the poem by
Earl Sd1mitz. 1t <·ame in good season. a
alumni notes are s<:arce this time of the
Harold Pit·kt•n Yisitecl S('hool one day
last month.
Tngehorg J{rnlcl SJH'llt th<.' Vtl<•ation from
\Yis<·onsi 11 at home and 1\lice :\le( 'all wa
hornr from ('ham pa ign, 111.
Russell Bt•nl'<lid and ,Jame. Bracly
tarted last month in tlw onr yrar ComllH'n·ial <·onrsp at K<>nosha lligh.
The Post Graduates haYe now organized
a P. G. ('la in "·hich there are eiO'ht
memher .
Once more the . ll(rn· has <lrifted high
..t\ll(l so 1 :it and ponder;
1 think of things. that on<"e took place
.And as I think I wonder.
I worHl('r at the nights I sprnt
\ Yhen we ha<l "·on our game,
·w hen ba:k<'i-hall was at its hl•ight
_,\ ncl we had won great fame.
Distincth· I remember how
\Yr C'eiehrated. when
The fotke Gen<'nt team we beat
.And how " ·e adecl then.
Of course we hacl our b(111quef first
.And then we ma<le the round .
Thru now from Prof to Prof we went
"Cntil they siecefl the hound .
Our yelling woke the neighborhoods,
But we shoulcl gin a care;
Our team had "·01i. that was enough
.And we had noise to spare.
But let me not forgt•t the night
That Ifat·i ne met defeat.
\\'hen Keno's fiye proYCd for too trong
For that poor bunch to beat.
(Conc l ud ed on page 19.)
Page Sixteen
The Criterion, Waupaca High School.
\\'e thank )!is;; ~\ll<>n for her most kind
inquiry alHl assure hl'l' that "·e are enjoying the h\'St of health. \\' e also thank
hPr for lwr kind suggestion;; hut we pref\'!' to mix our adfi a;; do most of thP larger
and mor<> progn's;;i,·e papPr;;.
Your XoYl'mher l'dition i;; rnost intl'resting ancl ilH' <'OYPr unmrnally atirattin>.
Ila. your editorial <·ui \·ontradecl 1.he
small pox !
Said and Done, Muskegon, Mich.
Your ext:hange departirwnt is small in
proportion to the rest of the paper. \Ye
hope yon will <'nlarg<' it. Your liic>rary
dPpartnwnt is distiudl~, aho\·e the awrage.
Student, Oklahoma City H. S.
l'Xt:eedi1l"'ly dPYer.
You have
many original pO('ms thruoui your paper.
\\'hy not <'!>lll'I'! them for a P<wt' · Page?
'flw~· SPnt u: into h~·sterics.
The Messenger, Wichita, Kans.
\\~<'were <1nit<' Pnthnsed oyer the .. Can11on Song." It is t11Hlouhfrclly a bit of
real po!'try. Your S<·hool must he extrenwly loyal to .·1H·1·Pssfully support thi ·
journal ancl .rnur W<'Pidy. l 'Olll<' again.
The Oak, Oakland City H. S. Indiana.
Yon an' new to us, wekome ! Your pa_
tho small, has some good rnat<'rial.
Your <lepartnwnts arp Wt'il nuurngP<l t'X<'<'pt for tlH' Staff Pag<'. whid1 <H·<·ording
to one largl'r Pxchang<'s. should t·ome
fin;t if only for the c·on\'Pllil'll«e of the ontsidP read Pr'. ( 'onw again.
The Book Strap, Charleston H . S., Charleston, W. Va.
\\~Plc'Cllll<' ! You ar<' also new and <'XtrPmPly int<'rPsting c'Y<'n to an outsider.
Your ..\th l<'iic· DPpart nwnt is \\'Pll 'nitten.
It is eYidr11t that Ntanl<'Y dors not shirk
his ,joh. \\~<"ll look for you monthly.
The Booster, La Crosse.
\\'hat an iutPrPsting paper
118 l'<lY<'l' makt'S it conspitrnm;; among the
rest of on t· <'X!'ha ngPs. Your papl'r mrn;t
reprPsent a high spiri!P<l sc·hool.
The Scout, Muskogee, Okla.
\\'t' likPd tht• story "Opportm1ity" arnl
al;;o t hp mu;;i<· <·ut. Your PX!'hauge <l<'part 11w11t is "·p]] writ!t•n.
\\'p a<·k110\dt'dg1• "·ith thanks th!' following C'X<·hangPs la;;t month:
('a lifol'llia.
Tig<'r. ('al ifornia S<·hool of :Jiec·hanit:al
.Arts. Nan Frarwis<·o.
Sea l 'r<"i1i11. Pa<·ifi<- IT. S .. Pa<·ifit: GroYe.
II~·dp park \\'t•Pkly, Jlyck Park II. S.,
II ,.cl<' Park.
S<·oc;p. BPh·ich'r<' If. N.. Beh·iclPre.
Ntentor. Lake Fon'st College. Lake Forest.
Orange• and Blac·k. Elgin ~\<·aclemy. Elgin.
Railsplit!Pr, Lintoln TI. 8., T1incol11.
Log Boole Xorthwest<•rn :Jlil. arnl XaYal
~\ <·acl .. Ilighlall(l l'ark.
'l'e!'l1 Prq>. LarH' Terhni<«ll II. 8 .. ('hi<:ago.
Aeacl<'m? Xews, 1'lorgan Park ..\.<"ademy,
1Iorgan Park.
(~, QuirH':V II. S., (~nim~·.
Oak Oaklan<l ('it~· II. N.. Oakland City.
Crimson. Ooslwn II. N.. Goslwn .
Pennant, Elkhal't II. N.. Elkhart.
:JfessPngt•r. \\'i!'hita II. K. Wi<·hita.
Nompr;;et lclPa. Souwrs<•i II. S .. Somerset.
StudP11L ( 'o,·i11gto11 II. N.. ( 'oYington.
(~nill. lle11d<'rso11 II. S .. IIendPrson.
:JI ass al' h nsrtts.
.. \ n·hon. Du11111wr .. \ <·a1lp111v, South Ba~·fiel cl.
Or<tl'h>. :JI al<lPn IT. R. :Jlalc1en.
Saicl an<l Dorw ...\I uskc'gon IT. S., :JI uskegon.
)] i lllH'Sot a.
Ah La Ila Ra ... \lh Prt LPa TT. . . , ..\lh rrt
(Concluded on page 18.)
The Simmons Manufacturing Company
l\1anufacturers of
Brass and Steel
Beds, Cribs, Cots,
Springs, etc.
The Store of Honest Values
Kenosha, Wis.
Capital & Surplus
Solicit Your Patronage in
Clothing & Gent's Furnishings
Phone 928
First National Bank
265 Main Street
Chas. Pfennig
C. C. Allen, R. F. Howe, Chas. T. Jeffery
A. H. Lance, Z. G. Simmons, Chas. Brown
"Kenosha's Best Store"
The Spy
Dry Goods and
Pag-e Eio-hteen
(Concluded from page 16.)
:Jlorp ahout last Year\ ~\mmal. The
hnrlap l'O\'<'l' id1•a of. your last ~ !'ar\ ~\11 11nal irnp1·pss1' d ns \'<'''.'. mul'h arnl \\'<'think
it is \'l'I',\ IH' a1. \rt• thoroughly appt'<' <·iat!'1[ till' hook.
Kipikawi. Ha<·illt'. \\· is.
ThP Ornngp and Hla<·k. Elgin. 111. .. a~ s:
111 TIIE SPY 'on1· <'X<·hangt• and al11111ni
lwadings a1·e j;1st 1·ight. ( '011gratnlatio11s.
); ('\\" .J l'l'Sl',\".
l\:arux. Phillipsburg I!. S .. Phillipsburg.
X !'\\" York.
( 'larion. Hol'l!l' Stl'r I I. S .. lfo<·lw tPr.
Ora1·l1'. .Ja1nai<'a II. S .. .'\pw York ('ity.
Dragon. 01·pe11fip]d I I. S .. 01·p1•11fipld.
Forum. )lt. \'pr11011 fl. K. )It. \'erJl(lll .
\\'!'t'kly HP\' il'w. llamilto11 il. S., llamilton.
Sl'ont. :JI uskogee II. S .. .Jl uskogec.
Student. Oklahoma City II. S.
( '1·im . 011 Hamhler. Tonkcrn a IL S .. Tonka,,· a.
Onkrlr. IIill :Jiilitan· ~\1·a<lPmy. Portland.
Pc>n nsY l nrnia.
, 'hamokin II. 8. Hl',:i\'\\·. Shamokin.
•/unto. Easton II. S .. J'~<lsto11.
('rim. 011 and Golcl . .'\p"· B1·ighto11 IL K,
.'\ l'W Ifrighton.
:Jlirror. Punxsuta\\·111',Y II. "·· Punx. utawlll'y.
\''ps( \'irginia.
Bookstrap. ( harl<'. ton TI. S .. ( 'harkston.
South Dakota.
.,\ lll'mmw . .'\orman S<·hool. Sp1•artish.
Eri nphian. \\-axahill·hi<• II. . '.. \\' atahal'!1i I''
Dal1·,·ill1· LPa<lPr. J)al1•,·illl' II. S .. Dale,·ilk
\\'a sh ingto u.
Tntl'm. Li1wol11 II. . ' .. S<·attl<'.
)i<·n·urY. E. DiYision II. K. )[ihrnnkee.
( '1·itl'ri<;11. \\' aupa('a IL S .. \\' anpac-a.
( 'larion. ~\pp!l'ton II. S .. ~\ppll'ton.
('rim ·mi. Edgl'rton II. S .. Edgl'rton.
La\\TP11t ion. L1n\·1·<'J1<·1• ( 'ollq!<'. App]p(on.
Hipon ( 'oll1'gl' Days. Hipon ( 'olll'g'<'. Hipon.
Hound Tahl<'. BPliot ( 'olll'gl'. Heliot.
Kodak. KPlll[Wr Ilall. I\:pnoslrn.
( 'arroll E1·ho. C'arrnll ( 'olll'g'<'. \\'aukPsha.
:Jlaniton. )Ja11it0\rn1· II. R.. :Jla11itowo1'.
Tattl<'r. X. DiYisio11 IT. K. :'II ilwauk<'<'.
En ic·ar. Ha<· i 11<' I I. S .. Ha1·in<'.
:JI inor. :Jiondc)\·i IJ. S .. )l01Hl0Yi.
Boost Pr. La C'ross!' I J. N.. La C'rossP.
('omd. \\~. Di\'ision JI. N.. }lihrnukec.
• 'ormal ~\,ha1wP . .'\ormal Sd10ol, Oshlrnsh.
Lak<' Br<'<'Zt', Rh Pho.' gan II. N.,, 'Jwhoygan.
\\'e <'ll.ioy ~·ou1· Pol't's Pagp an'l your
sto1·il's 111·1· fiiw.
Stud(')](. ( '0Yi11gton II. .' .. ({y.
Your lit<•ratm·<' d!'partnll'nt is spl<'11<li!l.
The st or." · · Frnm BPhintl the ( 'onn!P1·' · i ·
a goo!l onl'.
Thi· Erisophian. \\'axaha1·hi1'. T ex.
Oh sa'" ll\· th<' waY. han• You rl'ad that
'· ,Jo1:os1,' \'i1;1" in th1', KPnosl;a SPY ! It' ·
O\'l'l' th<'l'l' 011 th<' table lll the H1•1Hling
Ho om .
H<Hister. La C'ross<'. \\Tis.
~\ \'!'!',\ 11i1·<' lit1l<' pap!'!'. 'i'<'ll us one
thi11g-do1's J\al'I \\'i11d1•shPi111 IHI\'!' f1•\'t'l'
with stH·h atta!'ks as "In .Jot•osp \'illl !''
Thi' Sc·out. :Jlm,J.;:og!'<'. Okla.
\\'It.'· not gi\ <' mor!' spac·p to ad il'l<'s
1·011<·<'J'11ing .1·ou1· whoo! <ld i\· iti1•s !
)[p1·c·u1·~-. E. Di\'.. :'II ihrnukPt'.
\rp tl111·n IH'<ll' diPd la11ghi11g at the
stm·,· "In .Jo<'n'i<' \'im." It made 1110r<'
tha1; 01w IH'rso11 in I'. 11. N. laugh and \\'!'
l'XIJ<'d th<' nanll' ol' \\'indPslH'im aJHl
'1'11·ai11 \\·ill ht• thought of' si11111lta1wo11sl.Y
i 11 fuhtrt• pa [lt'l's.
'!'ht' .;\li1Tot'. P11nxsuta\\·1wy. Pa.
Th!' Sp~ i. an <'Xtl'l'lll<'ly Pni<'rpri. ing
JHIJ><•r with its "l'ol't 's Pagt>. '' ~\II the
stori1•;. Hl'l' witty and 1·lt'\'!'l'. "Jn .)<l!'ose
\Tim" is 100 ri;lil'11lo11s fo1· \\·ords . It is
ahsoh1t1·l~ ah ·u1·d. It is to hl' lw1wtl that
tlw Spy c·onws 01'11'11 10 Yisit .Jam11ic·a II. S.
TIH' 01'iH·ll' .. Jamain1 11. S.. ~. Y. ('it~-.
Th<• , 'py is <'l'l'tai11l~· intt'J'Ps1ing this
month. Though a sill all papp1· yon han·
<'X<·Pli<·nt 1na!Prial. \\'p think 1h<' lit1•rnr~
<lq>artirn,nt is <'SIH'<·ially fint'. In pa1'1i1·n1Hr dops "Tn .Jo('()s<' \Tim" show ~l'l'<l1 rngpuuit.'· 011 th<· pad of thp author. Ilt•
must posst•ss a l'<•nrn 1·kahl1• Sl'llS<' of hrnnor.
\\T<' art> plt•asl'<l with thl' Pol'! 's J>ag-1>. It
add: rnul'l1 to your JlHP<'l'. Your nits an•
Yrry good.
Pe1111ant, Elkhart, I11<l.
EDITORIAL. (Co:icluled fr om page JO.)
)Ir. hcpherd wm; comludor of tours in
Europe, and foe thi. reason had the opportunity to pidc up, he1·e an<l there,
l'Urios of diffl•n•ni sorts. 'l'his hymnal he
got from a mornlstcry i u Italy. It was
userl long ago hy the mouh, who gatherc<l around it an<l ·ang the nymns written
in it. It was supporter[ h~· a pede tal,
aml two hoYs stood down hl•low it and
turned the i'arge pageH as the monks sig11alc•<l to tlwm. The pag<'S al'<' made of
wllum, and the I;atin words are cut out
upon them. The f;atin is of a later periorl
than C'lassi<·al I.Jatin so our <'i<·Pro and
Y<'rgil stnrlenh haYe not been able to
translate nnwh of it. Tlw <·ase in whi1·h
it is lH•pt was prpscnie<l h~· tlH' C'lass of
190-±. This is a relic surh as frw sC'hools
1·an <:laim. and a thing to he Ycry pronrl
l Jan' you CYl'r 11oti<-P<l in our old Kl'no;;ha II{gh a torn and tatll'r<'rl fiag in the
<·ase on the south side of the .i\.";;embly~
l n 1861 t lw Park C'it~- (as Krnosha was
thPn 1·a llP<l) Grays W<'l'P the first tom-
pany to tender their s<•ni<·es to the GoYernor of \Yis1·011sin in defpnse of the
("nion. ThP off<>r of tlwir sl'rYic·es wa ·
made in a<lYan<·c of Li1woln 's protlamation <·alling for 1.).000 nH'n, t hu. showing the loyalty of the nH'n and boys of
our tih-. 'l'lw tiag \ms made hY the women or' Kenosha. "·ho firmlv heiieYerl the
rnion m>11l<l not lw dissoh:e<l anrl therefore all thl' stars W<'re pla<·<'d in their
prorwr phl<'<'s. As the mPn in the regimp11t passe<l thru the eity on the afternoon of :\Ia~- 2, 1 61. tlH' fiag- was pre entcrl to Captai 11 )lcoY l'<lll hy .JI rs . .!<'. S. J;o,,·el 1. C'aptain )!<-\'pan worshippe<l the
fiag aJHl wlwn lw passPd awa.Y. his remains
\\'<•re c·oY<'l'<'<l with the fiag wlwn borne to
his final n•sting pla1·e at ,Jpffcrson BarraC'k \, )lissonri. ::\Irs. )fe\Tpan had been
a formC'r sc·hool tP<H'lwr in Keno ha and
it. was slw \\'ho pr<'S<'ntP<l the ftag to the
Cit~· of KPnosha. to whi<·h. she said. it
must he an ohjett of intl'rl' t. Later, it
was prcsPnted to KPnosha llig-h chool
anrl CY<'r~· pupil , houlrl thrill with prirlc
at the sight of this em hlPm of patriotism.
The Reflections of a Grad . (Concluded from page 1-.)
The <·Pll'hratinn then began
\\' hilc• waiting for the tPam;
Th<' snake rlmH'e-rhe<'l'S-in order were
\ Yhile no one aw Racine.
This other thing of wh id1 I spC'ak,
] s mcrt'ly hut a goat.
Ancl '15 C'lass will surely know
Of what I speak I hope.
)fy .. pa<·e is up . the erlitor
.\ JHl aft pr this at Plaza 1·amc
The "hanc p1 Pt" and all that.
Our ,Jay was tlwre and l<Jheri too
.Ancl thing. went off quite pat.
To '15 ('f;_,\ t; are t nH',
Xo doubt this poem of rninP will. ce
The censor'. pentil blue .
But I rlo take up too much pare,
'l'lw l'ditors will cry;
LPt nw rl'c·all one' Ppi. oclP
.Arnl I will '' hcnee me hie."
Still I haYe hopes. it may pass thrn
Fnrcn orccl to the pre. s,
Bnt if there's 1rnght that puzzle>. you.
Be .-ure tlH'~' \·e made tlH' llH' s.
l~arl l\I.
. 'H.
''Willie." saicl his mother. "don't you
think it cxtraYagant to put hoth butter
ancl jam on ,Yom' bread."
"Xo." said \ Yillie. "I think it etonomit·al; the sanH' h r eacl does for both.''
)Ji ·s BristC'r in American Jfo;tory-' · .\ c('()rc1i11g to Oil<' of the c•xarnmatio~ pap<'r.
the pre. ident wa. ele<'tC'd Jn- YOtP. I think
electrical. Ire would be Ye~'" rnueh hocked to hear this.
'fc•a<·her-" GiYe \\,..a hington 's last addre. s."
Pnpil-'· Jl 1a\'l'11.''
E x.
l\rr. \\rard Jamps R oonC'Y. I lwlirn• Yo n
arc la7-l'-"·
.J aH'<'s H.- ! 'm ,imp!,,· p!·a til'ing t•o11s1· n ·ation <'f c JJC'J' !,\'.
Page Twenty
Xorwegian J>iu e-:Jliss Stieg ( longing fo1·
class of 1913 ).
Oak (strong aml mighty ) Hil'hHl'<l S(·lrnl'll.
Poplar- Isabelle King.
EYergrc:·en - Preshnwn.
Peac:h (a<·<·onling to se,·eral 'enior boys)
:Jliss Brister.
Priddey Pt' ar-:Jlarion FredPric:ks an<l
:J1argaret P<' lllll'frather.
\\reeping \\'illow-SPniors aft<•r a Physic's Test.
Rubber-\\'illiam .:\lorrow.
Date-Rhea Alleman.
Lemon - Howard's Pord.
('and:·-tnft ( Yery sw<'l'i ) -<'amilla English.
Brown-<'Yed 8u. an-Susan Whitaker.
Hhamroc:.k-Jame RooneY.
Bachelor Bnttons-:Jlr. Kirn. ::\Ir. Hill. ::\fr.
Poppy-.Jlr. Ward.
Sweet \Yilliarn-\Yilliam Fink.
( 'auliftow<•r-The ,Jn niors.
'l'ulip (of the rosehtHl Yariety) :J1iss E\'ans.
Larkspur-:Jiiss Cameron.
:L\Iarygold (if she C'an )-IIelc•n Peterson.
Violet (wr,,· modest)-Ilarriet Kupfer.
Blue Gentian (thriws in the Shadow of
the hill)-L. Ei<·hleman.
:Jlorning-glory (always earl:v)-1''lore1we
Wild Ro.-e-.Jiarie Boyle.
( 'hry anthemum (. ic•c:. fluff:·, yc•llow one)
-Florenee ~el.·on.
Sunflower (tall an<l statl'ly)-Georgia
\\rater-lil~· (found nrar the lake)-:J l arger:v Barbour.
Sc:otc:h Thistle-:Jliss Yule.
Snap Drago11-:Jliss \\reston.
BC'C't (dea<l one)-Dean Bm·kmaster.
'l'nrnip (11os<')-Ilell'n Barrlen.
Pumpkins-Ward (~ninn.
('ahhag-e Ilead-\Yilliam Yoltz.
Bc'ans-Xorman Jt'llS<'n, \\'alkc•r Perkin ..
<'eler~· (brain foocl)-'rh<> fnl'nlt:v.
Squash - Whomever Ward Quinn lands on .
Tomatoes (smooth OJH•s)-7,p11as Pilc·her
and Ha~· \\rinhPrg .
• '<'wc·nmh<•r-Donal<l 7,p11gler.
Ll'!tn<'e (hig lwacl)-Ilowarcl Pink.
Carrots-)! iss Slatl•r and Omar Kupfer.
Th<>se ar(' rPmarkahl(• YariPtiPs. hec·anse
Frost (Donald) <lOl's uot kill them .
Plumbi n g , H ea ting , Lighti ng , Ven ti l ating
a nd Vacuum Cle a n i ng System s.
Te l ephone: 255
362 Park Ave.
Tag Your Friends
A new photo 2x 6 inches,
two sittings to choose fro m ,
complete with ribbons , for
hanging, at $1.50 per dozen.
Ask for " Tag" Photos.
Sydney Studio
4 68 Market Stree t
Phon e 2 4 9 4
that Sleigh Ride Party
450 Milwaukee Ave.
Phone 316
Odds and Ends Sale
Buy your
of Men's and Boy's Clothing
School Books & Supplies
It's a Money Saver.
at tho
A.. B.AMGS Glerum Book Store
169 Main Street
H.B. Robinaon, Prt.'~ .• H. W. Jeffery,V.Pres.
N. A. Rowe, Caahier, J. F•ink, Aast. c. ashier
N\erchants &.
Savln~s Bank
.223 Wisconsin St.
Capital $100,000
O. E. Remer, W.W. Vincent, Fred Laraon
W. J. Birmine-ham, 0. B Gonnermann
Mathiaa Werve, Christ Pcter11on, W.J. Froat
Visit The
High Grade Clothing
New Jewelry Store
For all New Watches, Clock•
Sliver, Cut Glass, Diamonds
High School Boys
-at the-
Bell Clothing House
John M. Regner
Corner Soatla an• Mala St.
Epatein Bros , Props.
Cati or phone m for Estimate on New or Repait WoB.
Gu and Electric F'txturcs. All Work Guaranteed.
Josephson & Zimmerman
Phono 2302
Plumbing, Heating and
Electrical Contractors
455 Howland Ave.
The Spy Photographer
Do Your -
Developing and Printing
ood Shoe
and d Rea onable. Pr·ce.
Try one of our New Military Lace Boots. They're It.
lie d
I 91 ;t
The Kenosha
A Greeting Mo: t Hearty
And Wirh .s Sincere
That Fortune may end You
Headquarters For
eUobJ Lumber & MHl•Work
Tel. 293
1064 Grand Av •
Macom er &
A Happy New Year
c. H. E nst & Co.
byte Rope Co.
Manufacturers of
for Every Purpose and Use
Factory, Kenosha
Office, Chica o
re he
f r you luspectlon.
Our shelves are filled with New Sprin Merchandis• and
every day sees more arrivin.i. The materials for spring
ar prettier than we have ever 1hown and th qualitie and
price - · well, we'll leave it to you and abide by your decision, for we know that nowhere else will you find such
an as ortment and at very reasonable prices. Compare them.
s. &
Malo and rark Str ets
Pleased to show you the new
styles in Spring and Summer
Suits and Overcoats.
Ready-to-wear ... $10.00 to $30.00
Made-to-measure .. $16.00 to $45.00
214-216 Market Square
Viait Our
Up-to-Date Goods Only
Artistic Portraits by Photography
De Berge~s
Robinson's Book Store
Our Gratcat Desire is to Plcue You. We
try to cany the Goods you want and to serve
you promptly and courteously.
Your trade u appreciated at this store.
408 Park Ave..
Kenosha. WAs.
Fancy and Staple
Tel· 1034
317 Ashland Ave.
If the contents of your bundle are not entirely satisfactory, return it with complaints and we will gladly do it over if it is our fault.
We are here to Stay and to PLEASE.
Classified A d vertisem en ts
Art Needle \Vork ............... De Derge's
Danks ........................ First National
Merchants & Savings
nook tores ....................... . . Ernst's
Robin on's
Cloaks, Suits, and .'.\Iillinery ...... Heyman's
Clothierl:> ............................. Ames
Dell Clothing He use
Isermaun Bros.
National Woolen Mills.
Schmitz & Lauer
College of Commerce
Confectioners ...... Buffalo Candy Kitchen
Rewnld Sweet Shop
Schmitt's Candy Store
Scotts Sweet Shop
Department Store . . .............. Barden's
Dry Goods . ... . ...... . .. Thos. A. Sullivan
Electric Supplies ............. . Schipper's
Florist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Turner's
Funeral Directors ................ Hansen'
Rutledge<' Cr ossin
Grocers ....................... F. F. Joerndt
Perkins Bros.
Turkel son
Hard ware ........................... English
Jeweler . . . . . ........................ Regner
Laundry ...•............. Kenosha Laundry
Li\•ery .............................. Nelso~
Lumber Co ........... Kenosha Lumber Co.
Manufacturers ......... Simmons Mfg. Co.
Macomber & Whyte Rope Co.
Osteopath ................... Dr. McIntyre
Paint and Pictures ............... Threinen
Photographers ....................... Brown
Art h ur Prid dis
Physicians............ . ....... Dr. tal ke r
Dr. ' Vindes h ei m
Plumbers .................. . E d . J . ullivan
Josephson & Zimmerman
Theatre ....................... Yi rgi n ia n
tore .... . . . . . . . . . . .......... Austin
Second to None.
219 Main St.
Phone 1454
Beautiful Enlargements
from your own films.
Also Amateur Finishing.
Retailers of all
Schroeder Studio
Wisconsin and Church Streets
165-167 Park Street
Phone 688
Wm. J. Threinen
\Vall Paper, Paint!> and Window Shades
Picture Framing a Specialty.
in its Season.
51 N. Main St.
PHONE 60-61.
Don't Forget
Ice Cream and
319 Main Street,
and get that Royal Easter Suit
308 Main Street.
F. F. Joerndt
Prices $16.00 and up for
all woolen Garments.
Phone J.27. Just south of Hospital.
W. H. Drake
Fresh-cut Flowers
for all occasions.
567 Chicago St.
Kenosha, Wis.
To the Freshmen
Page 4
Not as Easy as it Sounds
.. 7
The Black Knight
Circumstantial Evidence
Poet's Page
265 Park Str~e
Phone 2406
Artistic Fixtures at Prices You Would Pay
For Ordinary Ones. We Want Your Business.
Brown's Studio
Fine School Groups
210 South St.
New Arrival of Spring Suits,
Coats, Dresses and Skirts.
Dr. George M. Mc Intyre
11. I~. 13 Grosvenor Build In!!
Phone No. '.!30
Hours: 9 A ~I. to 5 P. M.
Evening-s by Appointment
G. Windesheim, M. D.
Grosvenor Block
Rooms 5, 9 and 10
Telephones: Office, 1714
Residence 41
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Office: Rooms 'i and 8 Grosvenor Block
269 Main Street
Hours: 10 to l'.! A. ~I.
'.!to 4 &. /:30 to !IP. M.
Spy Photographer
Developind and Printing
IDn tqr 1t1rr.aqman.
(Meter of "Scots Wha Ha Wi Wallace Bled."
Attention, freshman just arrived!
Attention, freshman new and shy!
Welcome to Keno High,
Welcome to this school.
Now's the time and now's the year
That you begin a new career.
See the upper classmen sere,
Working for the school.
If there's one whose mind doth roam,
Or be as light as ocean's foam,
ake your books and hie you home!
Hence! A way from here.
Who for this our K. H. S.
Some true loyalty does possess,
Be it great or be it less,
Remain at this High School!
Support our fine athletic teams
And our debaters all so keen.
Let our victories be your dreams;
Last, stand by your school.
Stl(rid f.arson·
Subscription Price: 50c the year; single copy /Oc.
Entered as second class matter Oct. 16, 1913, at the Post Office at Kenosha, \Vis .•
under the act of March 3, 1879.
Vol. IV
MARCH, 1915
No. 6
Literary Editor
Local Editor
Alumni Editor
Athletic Editor
Poetry Editor
j Irene Harden
Arthur Smith
Gertrude Morgan
I Esther Heyman
1Florence Nelson
Edna Zoller
I Norine Johnson
Photographic Editor
Arthur Priddis
I Isabelle King
Georgia Gro\"er
Harriet Kupfer
Dean Buckmaster
Elmer Windsor
Raymond Winberg
Art Editor,,
Exchange Editors
Clarence Joerndt and \\'m. Voltz.
Faculty Editor
Mr. Hill
~1iss Evans
Mrs. Murphy•
Miss Tuomy
Page Six
E R [\ RY
Grct('(' hnriPtl hPr hl'11<l in her pink _satin
sofa l)illow and sohlwd out her trouhlrs
to its feathery stuffings. 1\vo seconrls
later slH' eont~·ollecl hl';'S('lf anrl immecliately grabbed a hand mirror anrl gazed
at brr fratur<'s (•losely to see if her eyes
"·ere red or her nose shiny, for evn if she
were going to commit suieide she woulrl
like to look ni<'<' whih• she was rloing it.
She slowh ros(' from lwr window seat and
glaneed a:round hPr room noticing all thl•
little furnishings \Yhic·h she so dearly loYecl. She sighed <lePply. and again self
pitying tPars weilPtl in her eyes. '\Youl<1
she have anything like this pink room in
heaYPn? Or maybe, (and a sudden fear
C'lntl'hecl her heart) maybe suicides c·oulrl
not go to lwaven. • To, she would not
weaken! ~he "·ould rnn the ri. k of landing in Hades any day rather than go to
the prom with Roy fihelton and go ·he
woulrl haw to if hr askect her. Xo. of
roursP hl' harln 't askerl her Yet hut he
would lwfore the clay was ove1:. Jim had
told hrr so. anrl he knew that she dicln 't
han a hid yet (.Jim ha<l told him that)
and harcll~· any of th<' ho~·s "·ere giving
hicl: ~·rt :o there was no possible chance
of rpfnsing him. Oh. life eertainly was
rrnrl ! '\Yhv shoulcl HoY ask her anYhow
wlwn he kn'c·w shl' 1li1l11°'t like him? \Yell
therr was nothing to prewnt the inCYitahle. hnt to jump in the lake and that'
just what Grac·r clrt·icll'rl to <lo.
, lipping on lwr sporting <·oat she dashecl out of the room. YPs. ~nr must commit snit·ide that srC'ond for if she "·aited
fiyr minutes longPr she• would rrrtainh·
ehangP lwr miJHl. .\t tlH' foot of th'e
stairs .Jim lrnrn1wd into IH•r and almost
knoekl'tl l]('r on•r. Ile l'aughi ht'r by the
shoulclers arnl shook lwr playfully.
"::\ow what l'ha going to 110?"
".Jnmp in tlw lalH>."
"Xo clangPr." he (·lrn<·klrd and kt hrr
go with an affectionate pat whieh seut
the tPUl\' (already nrar tlw snrfat·e) rolling clown lwr C'heeks. Woulcl he miss
hc•r? Drar .Jim, how 11it·e ht' had alwaYs
been to her-not exasperating as
n uall.'· are.
::ilw 01w1H•d tlH· front cloor softl.), ran
light!~- down the stPps and out ac·ross 1he
street. ( 'utting thru an empty lot she
found herself on a lm1ff little side street.
'' '\Yhy Grac·e Yaudeli.11. l'an 't you speak
to a person-where are you going, come
on in to 8chroerler 's, I '11 tr rat.''
"IlaYen 't time, Cary, really-thanks
just the ame-honestly clear, I'm in an
awful hnrrv."
"For IIe.aven's sake Grace, what's up
anrl "·here ar<> ~·on going?"
Grat·c langlwcl, ··Oh I just got a shoek
that's a littlt• too mul'h for JJJ(' and I'm
going to jump in the lakr," alJ(l lwfon•
Car~· eonlcl think Gnu·e hacl cfo;appeal'ed.
FiYe minutes lakr found onr lwrnine
sitting on a lwam of tlw hreakwatt·r
swinging hl'r feet and gazing shivrringly
into thl' lak<>.
Jim ancl Car~· had both langh<'cl ancl
thot it a joke " ·hen slw sai<l shr\l jump
in. hut slw 'rl show tlwm show them that
he always meant what she saicl anrl'nrnldn 't 'th<'~· he surprisl'd.
Ctrac·r l'hn<'klrcl at th<' thot. Tt was too
had she tli<ln 't hring paper and pencil-
Page even
shl' did want to name her pallbearer•; hut then sh1• «onld trust .Jim for he knew
whid1 hoys she liked best-hut woulcl he
r1•mpmher that pink and white roses were
her faYorit1• flow1·rs.
Nhe \ms just piduri11g her ftlll<'ntl and
hoping that .Jim "·oul,lu 't forget to u ·e
hlaC'khor<lerl'<l ha11dkl•rd1iefs whl'n suddPnl~- som!'fhiug- \my 1low11 in the briny
dl'ep <·ought lH·r <'YP. IIorror:s, wa it a
shark- ancl little 1·hills sent her teeth
,-hatt!'ring arnl her han<ls trembling. Oh
dear. this was awful; shr hadn't thot of
sharh ~ Bnt then "·hat was the <liffereui;e,
she' <l pro hably be drowned before one
swallowl''l her anYhow, so :she wouldn't
have to ft.el it. B~1t then how 1·ould thcY
find her? Of 1·ourse they !'onl<ln 't fiu~l
her theu-a1Hl what was the fnn of being
1lt-a1l without h:wing a fnnrral 1
Ora<'e le:mc<l over and iwer1·d curiously
at the shark. \Yh~·. it was nothing but a
log; of cour e it was alright. • Tow she '<l
jnmp in immediately while the sharks
\It 1·1· awav.
Slipping off lwr eoat he stood in a last
gra1·cful position (as she thot) and quid;:h· threw her coat behind lwr on the 8ton~
,~·hrn suddenly, '· Ou!'h" Rai1l the stones
ancl Orare turned around jnst earelessly
Pnough to allow t hr supposrd .-tone to res<·nr h<•J' from a \nltPry d<>at h.
~\ nd wondPr of \rnn!lers thl' stone tnrn-
e<l out to be a St011<' after all, 11ot a hanl
grPy stone hut a Hardy Bill Stone who
had followed hL'r down the :si<lc street.
··\\'hat in the wide world'' he gaspe<l
(\\·hen he harl a1·qnired enough breath to
gasp) ··what you going to do'.''
Uraee lauglw<l (and also gasped),
'· \Yhy, jump in the lake of t:ourse. \\'hat
are you doin!! hl'rt· and how long haYe
you been sittin!! 011 that ·tone.'' rn·n·ou ·ly.
··Oh. I follo\\·1·tl you from Sdiroe,ler' ·
only you \\"Cllt l'iO fast that l couldn't keep
your pa1·e without attracting a lot of attention.''
··\Yell.'' \n•arih·. · · whar do You want
me for.''
'·Oh,'' he exdainH·d as 1·asnally as anyone \\·oulil., ··I just wanted to know if
you '<l go to tlw prom "·ith me. l know
it\ rather earh· hut l bran~ 111at that earl
Ho~· helton is· going to ask you so l thot
I'd try aud gl't ahead of him. \\Till you
Gra(•e 11od<ll'<l in al'guirset>11<·l' arnl gazrd tlreamily at the "·bite sails moYing
along the horizon.
Su<ldcnh·, "I Iar1h·, rlirl You Pnr try to
jump in tiie lakr?';
"X eyer." sai'l IIardY.
··\Yell don't. ht'<· a us~' realfr Jlar1h·. it's
not a easy as it sornHls." '
E. H., '15.
On the rnornincr of Oct. t\Yenty-eight,
1!l-.the world was startled by the news
th;it the .An·arlia, the largest ship of the
Uol<il'n Star line, had ma<le the trmrn-Atlant 1<· 'oyage from LiYerpool to. T<'W York
in a little O\'('l' four days. beating by far
all prnious re1·orrls. Sirnultaueonsly with
this m•ws <·anw the rt>pnrt that :.\Iarine Insllt'H11<·e rates harl hren raised to quite a
high rate hy Uoy1l 's, the largest in. uran<·t> eompany in the world.
'l'lw popnlac·e of the wnrhl eoulcl not
s1•1•m to fix am· relation hehn•1•n these t"·o
1•nnt. and the matter was oon dropped
as ntlwr nrw rnmallv i . But there \\·ere
som!' wl10 had had ~xperirnee in marine
lift.. shifty sailo r s an<l hip lmilrlers and
ow1wrs. who rPalize<l that the ~\. readia
ha!l 110t for<·P1l hPr Pnginr to s1wh a great
sp<'P!l for no 1·1·aso11. and that Lloyd's had
not ('Hlls<'d }Jarine rat!'s to rise without
some justititation. Jnqnirie b~· reporter·
at tlw Golden Star offfre. It was said that
tlw ship had ht•(•n nH·rely testi11!! her huge
~eYeral day. went hy and pPople hatl almost forgotten the affair wlwn, like a
bullet froln a !'!Par sky, <·amc the startlin!!
reas011R for the .\r1·arlia 's forc1•rl tlraught
to reach X ew York. It hacl h•akt>tl out
from the offi,·p of the company.
The ~\r<·a<lia. wlwn tranlling in }lid01·Pan. had n·<·<'in·d a mYsterions ratlionws agt> from a 1 un kno,~·n and un. een
ship. The mrssa!!·l' ran as follo"·::
Uolclen Ntnr Liner . \ rpa,lia: <'apt. Beaumont l'ommandin!!. Cpon arriYal at X.
York notif:· offit·iaJ,., 1o <l1'posit at thl' }futual Loan & 'J'rn,.,t <'o · . oftit"t>s. :-;;.i00.000
m· serious rt>sults will mark your rt'tnrn
Page Eight
Yoyage. ~\ny mi. tr 'atml'nt ho"·n our
agent collecting the um "·ill be a signal for us to promptly destroy all Golden
tar IJincrs.
Thi. "·as the tartling me. age which
almo:t erazc<l the eaptain of the Arl'a<lia
and whi<'h l'UU. Pll him to order the .\rea1lia 's turbine.· fon·c<l to thPir limit.
The offfrcrs of the l'Ompany met in
counril. \Yhat "·a· to be done1 They
coulcl not affonl to lo. r their ship. the
nPWPst and grandest on the .\tlantil· without sonu' effort !wing n1<Hle to save hrr.
•\(· ·ordingly the $300,000 were d('PO itetl at the bank designated and were
promptly withclrawn hy the agent who
could not be taken or harme1l without the
terrifying re ults namecl in the ra(liome.·sage.
The goyernment of all Atlantic seaboard countrie promptl~ cnt scout cruisers, submarines, etc·., to search for the
bold terrorizer of the high seas. But after week. of eareful eareh nothing had
been reyealed.
On ?\ oYember 2 . the Great \Y cstern
Liner •'Colossus" receiYed a similar message to that of the Arcadia. The only difference between the two messages wa in
the amount demandc<l. The amount requirecl now for the free and safe pa age
of hips of the Great \Ve tern Line was
one million <lollar. . This amount was
also pai<l to the mysterious jeopardizers
of the Atlantic highway.
Thi "·a a drearlful state of affair . The
tran -Atlantic Companies lost money.
People would not yenture to cross the
oeeau with . uch a dan~er lurking in the
paths of the liners. The navies of the
world united in searching for the my teriou. ship of terror. but the results were
nothing more than large expen e bill for
the upkeep of the navie .
In December the liner Orient reeeiYecl a
message demanding payment of one million rlollars under the ame conditions as
the other two companie. had rereiYerl.
The captain of the Orient believing the
me:sage only a srare. cli regardecl it. The
ship reachecl America afely and a week
later drpartcd for 'pain. The captain
. 1·<·retly admired his bravery in having
'·fooled'' his hlatkmailer ·.
·when the Ori!'nt wa. ahout two days
ont of port she met with a mysterious
looki11g tramp schooner, bearing the
name. "Black Knight" on her tern. 'rhe
hip "·a hailrd in the u ual manner but
no ans"·cr was receiYP1l. after "·hieh the
li111•r 1•tmtimt ·d on her wav.
The Orient hacl put aho1;t ten mile· betwet'n her an<l the tramp ship, when a sutlrlen hoe k "·a· felt at the 1Prn of the
\·cs. ·pJ. The bulk heads ha<l been broh•u
awa)· and the ship soon lwgan to fill with
watl'r. Jm·cstigation h)· the ercw showril
that the Yessel had hcru struck by a pel'Hliar torpedo. \Yithin an hour of the
ho(·k the large lim•r sunk.
\gain l'ffort. "·r1·e made tn loeate the
1kst royrrs of .At laiit il' <·orn111el'l'l'. The
gon•rnments sent repre!-il'Htat ivcs to a
grPat c·muwil held iu London "·here were
a.·:emhkd the heads of all of the large
:\Iarine Insuranee companiPs. They agreed
to offer a large rewarrl for information
leading to the capture of the "Uilty partit•s. But even while their council "·a in
ession new came of the <le truction of
anot her liner, a great freight hip houncl
for Germany, whosl' <'aptain hacl also disrrgar(le<l demand. rr1·Pived hy '\Yir •lcs .
In lwr C'alls for help the freight ship said
he had bt'('ll struck by a torpl'do. When
lwlp arriYed at the latitude mentioned in
the (•all for help, the ship harl snnl- with
all hands on boarcl.
Henewe<l rfforts were made by the navies.
Cru ier , <lrstroycrs, submarines
and torpedo boats were dispatche<l in all
dirertions. It was belieYed in naval cirdes to lw the •rnrk of a confisrated submarine equipped with the deadly torpedo
tube. Submarine of uavie rna1le a regular rlrag-net beneath the surface to locate
the destroyer hut no ·nhmarine '\YRS foun<l.
EYi<lC'ntly the cleath (ll'aling ship must he
ailing above the . urfare.
..\11 freight
ships were watche<l; thi wa possible owing to the few ships now daring to run.
In :JlarC'h, the
''Terrier.'' erni. ing about two lnmd~·ed
milrs off the eoast of Brazil, oh. erved a
hlac·k hip. flying no eolors and ailing
under a full head of canva towar<l the
mainlancl. The <le. troyer approa<'hed the
ship and •dwn within hailing <listance by
"·irele rkmancled the name of the . hip.
Rhe recci\'c>d the a11swr1·, "Bla<·k Knight.
hound for Hio de Jancrio, la<len with ivory from Cape Tmn1."
The commander of the I1iner '\Ya not
rParl~· to let the hip get away without
investigation so he demanded by the ra<l io-route that the :hip Yrer off from her
<·nurse and he prepared to show her clear_
anl'e paper .
?age Nine
'l'ht• m1·rl'ha11t ship did 11ot auswer aud
a1Tordingly he brought his ship about autl
pn·1ia1·pd to on·rtake the ''Blal'k Knight."
Thi· 111!'1·1·ha11t 111a11 did uot t'Yl'll st'l'lll to
11oti1·e till• al'1w11 of the Li11er till the
lattPr wa · withm fi\'e league, of her.
whell she irn·iftly lH•atl!'d into the wind
a11d dispat1·hPd t\\'o toqH'<loes at the <k. t 1·0) t•r with 1111P1Ti11g· a1·1·m·a1',)'. The result wa dreadful. The · · TP1Tier · · eould
11ot withsta!l(l the ;rn·fnl. hot·k of the twin
torp1·dol's and quil'k!y went to the liottorn.
'l'h1· 1wxt da.' ai'tl'r the sinking of the
Liner. t h1· "Hla1· k Knight" drew into the
harhor of Hio de .Janeiro. Iler <·rew <lis1111ha1·k1·d aud llotilied i1aYal authoritiLs
that tlH·y lut<l SL'!'ll the si11ki11g of the
··Terri Pr'' !mt that they had heen unable
to l't'Sl'llt' au,\· of till' crP\L Thi· \Yas tlH•
Jirst 111·\\·: 1·e1·Pi\'l'd r<·lating· to the dPstrll<'·
t io11 of till' "'1'1·ni1·1'." Tr11P. she IHlll not
h1•p11 1·pa1·hp1l h~ \\'i1·l'less 011 the da) hefm·<'. lmt this \\as thought to mean that
. IH• had saill'<l on a St><·ret PXpPdition of
h1·r o\\'ll 011 tlw t1·11<·k of so111P s11s1wd ship.
Xaval a11tl101·iti1·s \l'('l'l' at a loss. 'l'l11s
dt'\•adfnl dl'stroyer sel'llH'<l to strikt• like
a han<l in the cla1·k arnl the effed always
d 1·st 1·11!'f i \'!'.
Tiu "Blal'k K11ig-ht" ro11P at a11l'hor in
th1• ha1·hor for about a \\'<'Pk. :-ih!' had
t 11 k1·11 011 suppliPs a 11d a 1·a rgo. E \'t't'Y·
thi11g \\'ils in l'E'adirwss to sail. 'l'hl'rl' \\'<'re
a l'P\\' ol' tht' Brazilian 11atins still \rnrk111g- i11 th!' hold ol' thP \'l'ssl'I. \\·hen the
ltarhor offfrials <'<lllll' on to look at the
1·argo a11d gin• thP ship (·h•aran\'e.
.\s thl• harhor offit.ials \Hl'l' inspedrn!!
the 1·argo a lornl <·1·ash was hrnrcl in the
hold of the ship. Onl' of the 11atins had
let a heary fr<'i!!ht tnu·k starnl 011 au int'li11e fro11~ th<', (l<'<·k tu the hold. The
tnu·k h;Hl starll•<l rolli11g arHl 1·raslw1l into
th1· air l'olllpart11H·11ts.
The oftkial-. hnrri(·cl to the hold alJ(l
tht•n• tlwy sa\\· what had happe11ded. The
t nll'k m its d<•s1·ent ha<l not hrnk1·11 th1·
\rail of the air 1·ornp<1rtmeJ1ts hut hail
hrok1·11 a\\'a~- a false \\'all. Th<>y inHstigal\'d the oth1·r i<l<' of the wall an(l there
fo1111d thP m1•1·ha11is111 of the dl'stroyE'r.
Tlwr1· \\'<'l'e t \\·o 111o<ll'r!l torpedo t 11 h1·s a11d
a suppl,1· of sll'el torpedo j;H·kets. iwr<·ussiou eaps. l't1-. EYidently thP torpedoPs \\·ere made on hoard the Y<'sspJ. The
apparatm; \\'as 111sJH'1·tPd. '!'his was an
i11gP11ins i1l\'t'11t im1 hy whi!'!1 torpecloe
1·onld be dispat"herl at will from tlH· tnhe ·
with gTPat Ht:l'lll'ae,\. ThP torpt•does aftPI' l<'aYing th1· tnht's \\'!'!'<' 1·m1trollecl by
\\'irl'11•:s. H~· this rn1•a11.-, the torpedoes
1·011ld IH' dirt'l'!t <1 at tlw \\'eakPst part of
a ship. II1•rp \\'as the <'xplanation for the
d1·strndion of the ''Ori1·nt." the "Territ·r. ·· ancl 111a11,\· othL'l'S.
'!'ht' offil'ials hurri!'<l to the <1<'1·k hut
tht•re found that the 1·11tirp <'re"· had <lisappParP<l. Th" 101·ation of tht' dPstroyPr
\\·as rPportPd to thl' Jl<l\'al lwad" of' the
Wol'hl. and the UH\'i<'s \rhil'h had IH'<'ll
adi11g as patrol· on tlw st>a \\'l'I'\' t'Cllletl
in. ~trt'nno11 .,ffnrts WPre maclt' to <'aprurP the ('l'e\\' of tlw .. Bla1·k Knight'' hut
without an1il. Tlw~· !'s1·apP1l <·arrying
\\"it h th em St'Y<·ral Ill ill im1 dollars i 11 1·m·rl'n1·\" whid1 theY had sn1·t·ee<le<l in "etting. from Yariou~ stl'amship lim's.
R. \YmlH'rg.
{ 'ont111n<'<l from last month,.
'' YP., I sup po erl you were,'' I an werl'd. "tell Ill<' all about what you\·e been
doing-. J suppose you mix:ed up in that
rohh1•n (•ase?"
"Yo~i hl't I cli<l." he a11-·wererl, "that
has heell n\·1·upying my miud ever since
It OC!'llretl."
"\Y Pll, fire away." I L<'tnrnerl impatiently. '·I'm anx:ions to hear all ahout
· ' \\'pll. tht•n hrrt' goe .. " he . aid. a. he
. Pt tlP<l ha1·k in his 1·hair in l'Ompll'te l'Olllfort.
"The minute I got to the Deai·nt·.
lrnns1• a!l(l .·a\\" that polished. hhw-~tl'd
aft'. tht· i<lea of finger prints popp<'d intn
m:· head. PPrhap · yon notin•<l t!wt I
"·as Yery rart'fnl of that hustecl .·afe-door
and handled it as little as possihi<'
I t hot that if t hPrt' were any finger prints.
J wished to l'o11fnse them "·ith mine as
little as po.,sihk \Yht'n the Dt'al'ni1 took
~·on to the train. I saw rn:· l'hanc·(' to \\·ork
1111ohspned. I qnil'kly dusted O\'C'r 1h('
snrfa1·1' of tht• saft•-<loor arHl 1·opil'd the
tingl'r-priuh I fnnrnl on it. I had 1>arl'ly
Page Ten
t Illll' tu do this wiH'll the [)pa1·011 rdlll'll<'<l.
I tlH•l'('f<H'l' askt·d that I ht• allmi·t·<l to
tak(' tht• door hollll' with 11\l'. giY!ll!-! as an
l'Xl'llst' that I wishl•d to analyz(' tl1l' "kt•l
in ord('r to tin<l out what ki1Hl of all t'Xplosiv<' hall hl'l'll usl'll. l'hl' !)paco11 l'tlllst>ntl·d a1Hl lah•r took 11w and tht> door
bal'k to \\';1rril·k's. \\'p tlll'll got lrnsy l'Xami11in!!; ~lw JH'\'lllis1•s f01· s Hilt' marks
whil'h wo11ltl tl'll how thl· thief had <'nt\'rt><l \\'t' Wl·nt ontsidl· a11<l th<'rt' \\'\' fnurnl
a window "·h il· h hail lwt•n fo1·t·t•d nprn.
This w11Hl<rn· OJH'IH'd onto thl' garden. and
j11st helm\· tlw \\'iJHlow was a pic>!'e of
trarnph•1l gla:-;s. Tlwre W<'l'l' al.·o t\' o sds
of foot-prints. mw lt·ading from thr r0ad
to thl' ,\·i11<low. and thl' otlwr from th<'
window ha1·k to tlw road. I l'Xamin<"d t!ic
foot-prints <·ardnll,,·. all<l upon nwasm·111g
tlwrn found that tlH'y werr nJCHk b,\ a siz<'
siA sho<' or hoot. with lwavy hob-nailed
soil's. Bl'low till' window I also foun1l almost hi1ltle11 ll\· thP frrn an ol<l t\\·o-bladed
.Ja<·k-knifr. TlwsP things. tog<'thl'r with
tlw fing1•rprints of whid1 I sai1l no~hing
to J)pa1·on }>pm hrokt>. wPr<> all tlw PYidPIH'<' to lw fonll!l. So tlw Deaeo11 t.)()k
Jill' ha!'k to \Yaniek's in his marhine.
\\'lwn I arri \'<'<l I !'Xplaine<l to :'.\I rs. \\' arrie k wh:· :·on had kft so snrlden l:'. Shr
was \'t>r:· sorr,\. that yon had gorlf' and
S<'<'lll<'<l quit<' pl<·asPd. wh<'ll I told lwr tl1<lt
I was going to . tay anothPr wrl'k or two.
I 1·arri1'cl tlH' sa f P-cloor np to my room.
and !Pft it wlwr1• it would not be distnrhpcl. 1 tlwn rod\' over to tlw village on
that oi<l hi!'n·le of Fr!'rl ·s. The ne"·s qf
tlw rohhen· had sprPa<l all OY!'l' town. imd
it was tlH' sok topi1· of 1·01n·crsation.
I hranl anr arnat<'nr d!'t<>diYe saying
to a hand of admiring list1wrs: '.Just get
the guy who \\'l'ars hoh-naih'd hoots. anrl
Yon 'yp trot Your man.'
· l s111ih•1l ;1t this t:·1w of thi11g. and apIH'oa<·lwtl tlw group of boys.
':-\a:·. ho:s.' I said. holding out th<' ol<l
ja<·k knife for tll!'ir i11s1wl'lion. 'do you
kno\\ who t hi:-; lwloll!!S to~'
· :-;nn'.' awrn·<'rPd the jun·nilc !;lenth.
prompt!:-. ·That's ol1l .frrr:· \Yhit<-omh 's
lrnif<'. Whl'l'l' cl id :·on get hold of it~,
· 0. l jnst found it. and tlwt :·on might
know \\'ht'l'l' it 1·an1<' from.' J auswerr<l
1·ar<'l<'"sh'. and smmtl'r<'<l m1. .\hont half
and ho11;. latPI'. old .J1•1T:' \\'hih·onih clrnY<'
to tmn1 in his ol<l 1·amsha1·kl<· rig. Ile
lookf'<l "·oni1•d ;ll!d \\'<'lit ahont in an ahsPnt minclP<l fashion. I follmYf'cl him into till' hardwar<· ston>. aucl saw him pur<'has<' a .ia<·kk11il'<'. Ill' ll<'Xt wrnt into
tlH' g\'J11•1·al ston• and bought a suppl,\' of
I It' paid ('ash. as usual. and
dumping his p11r<·has1• into l11s wagon. h1•
1·attlPd 011! of tmni. l was :-;!anding in
front of the har1hnll'<' storl'. an1l upo!l
darn·i11g down I saw tl1t• frpsh-pot p1·ints
rna<l!' h:· ohl .Jt'l'I',\'. To Ill,\' snq>ris<' I 110tic·Pd tlrnP tlH' soil's of hi:-; hoots \\'1•r1· hoh·
11<:il1·11. I 11ll'll l'Hl'l'fulh llll'HSlll'<'d th<· di·
11wnsio11s of his foot J;rints aHd 1•nlt•1·ed
th<· lll<'a!'i\ll'<'llll'llt s ill Ill,\' Hot t•-hook.
_\ ho11t t \\'o days lat t'I' I ka1·011 l'\'111 hrokt•
1·a11H· to llll' with a 1·op,,· ot' an ol1l n1•wspapPr in his haud. Tlw JlilJlt'I' wHs dat<·d
ahont two months had;:. and the arti1·le
to whi\·h ill' rd'l'1T1·d llH' ga \'(' au a1·1·otrnt
of the L' 1·ap<' of \'ight 1·on,·ids from .Jolil't pri:-;011. Two of th1· prisoll<'rs. a1·1·ordi11g to thl• JHl]H'I'. W<'l'<' old lll<'Jl. One' of
tlH'S<' \\'HS s1·n·ing a lil'l' sent<•1Jl·1• for safr«raeking.
·\\'I'll.' said tlw DPa1·on. '"·lw11 I saw
that ahont tlw safr hn'ak1•r. l was gT\•aL
I:· surprisPd. .J nst ghlll<'l' o\'!'l' th is art ii· IP.' Ill' said. pointing out th1• arti1·ll' to
whi1·h he rl'fprrPd, ·and !'i<'t' what You think
of it.' L looked over tll<' "·hil'h
I](' point\'d out to Ill<'. H1Hl this is what 1
l'l'<l< l :
· \\'hite. th<' safr-hl1rn·1•1" who is sai\l to
ha\'!' gmw hy tlw namP of \\'hiting. wa. a
small. W<'HZOlll'd old man with whit<· haii·
111111 <lark. snapping <':'<'s. II<' is a 11ot\•1l
<·rirninal a11d had hl'<'ll a gang-l<•ad1·r in
<'hi1·ago. Ile had trnrsm·d a lift' of 1·1·i111l'
for yea1·s. and was tlw most not<><l !'riminal of his t,\']H'. Ilis most 1listi11gnishl'<l
mark is a tatoo-mark. This emblem is
stampt>d ju ·t ht>low tlw Plhow OJI the right
forr-arm, and <·onsists of all anchor, with
tlH' IPttPrs D. \\'. in small [H'int jnsl helow
the ttnk<'.'
Tlw arti1·ll' then went mi to tPII of tlw
ot]]('r · who had l's<·aJH'lL l'pou turning
th!' jl<lg'!'. f \\'HS startl('d <lt Sl'C'ill!!; th<'
rogrn· 's gHll<'r.'· pidlll't' of \\"hit<·. The
Illa ll in t hP pid lll'l' ('Ol'l'PS]>O!l<ls i II t'\'l'I':"'
dPtail to th\• ap1warnll<'t' of old .J,•rt',\"
\\'hit1·omh and th1•11 th1•r1• flaslw<l into 1m·
min1l what :·ouug FrPd \\'arri1·k h;1tl tol;l
11s ahont old .J<>rry-that 11<1 on<' k111·w his
past. and that h1· had 0111.'· l><'<'ll Ii Ying m
that S!'('t ion a 1'1•w months.
· \\'l'll. \\·hat do yo11 p1·oposl' to 110'!' I
askl'd th<> D1·a<·o11. who s<'<'lll<'d \'<'!',\' mnrh
. Do ~·on k11nw.' he HllS\\'l'l'<'<l ragl'rl:-. 'r
lH·ii1•\'P that ol1l .}l'1T: \\'hit<-omh is t h1•
sail!<' \\'hit<• \\'ho 1•s1·ap<•<l from .Joli<'!"
(To be continued.)
Jll'O\ 1sio11.s.
\\'Jwn a ('OmplirnPnt 1·011ws n111·allPd for
tlll<l from a 1·l<'ar sk,\· W<' always takl' it
so m1H'h mort> to !wart tl11•11 OJH' that is
forc•rd or 11111wtnrnl. So with onr Ext·hangc>s thruont tlw Y<'ar w1• han• hail
many fa, orahh• !'riti<-isrns with a frw 1111faYonthk OIH'S sc·attl'J'l'd thrn to kP<'jl us
from gettiug too puffc•d up. But this )Pal'
\\'<' IH\\'<' had a grl'Htl'r <·ompliment paicl
us by otlwr Ex<·hang1•s than thosl' that \\'t'
1·;111 print. \\'hc•n <'Y<'l',\ month wr l'<'l'<'iYC'
ti\'!' or Hix new s<'hool ]HlJH'rs asking to •'X('hangP with us WP f P!'I it a YPr~· gno<1
1·rit it· ism 011 tlw quali(\' of the Sp~.
But let u: r1'nwmlwr w<' an• askPrl tn
<'Xl'hange with tlwsr othPr s('hools heeausl'
of the quality of our magazi1H' alJ!l it
m1•ans a gr1•at dl'al for us. Tlwrl'forl'. we
must kPPJl thiH in YiC'w when writin~ for
tll!' Spy an<l r1o om· ypn· lwst tryiug to
improYP our work if poss1hlP all(l thus
P\'<'I' kPP[l np the 1HHll(' of the SPY.
\ \ 'p 11r1· sun• that not 0111~· thP Seniors hut
tl11 Nt'nim· B's who will soon follow 1lH'
~< 11iors. Hild the .Juniors who will follow.
all<l tlw F'cu·nlty as wt>ll. e-<1m·ioll.'f t/1os1•
wl111)111r1• f/11
r11i11r«. "·ill HQT<'P that a 1wrf1•1'! J.,. sa111• and '><'nsihl1• llllln\·ation wonld
I><• PXPmptim1-; for thl' S1•n1ors th<' last
fl<•nws!Pr of tlH'ir High N1·hool <'<ffl'Prs. Of
l'Olll'Sl' tho. l' \\·ith l'SJH'l'iHll,\· In\\· ;\\ l'l'Hg<'s
111i!.dll h<' allo\\·Pd tlw pri,·i!P[('<' of an <'.-.
alllination if it !llPant possihlP passi11!!,
lmt 1111• ll\'Pl'ag1' ~<·nim· <11H's not lll'l'<l th:,;.
'l'lll'l'l' ar1· Sl'\'PJ';JI \'l'I'." good J'(•aso11,.- in
fnvo1· of this sl'IH'lll<'. Jn 1hL' first pla1·1'.
Pag-e Elcveu
whl'Jt a stnd1•nt has \\·nrk1•d font· ,·,·;11·s
stradily Hl'q11iri11g 1·rPdits. and 1·0Jll~'" to
tlH• last lrnlf .'<'HI'. orH· 1·an n•st a-,s11n•d
that hl· 1-;111 pass th last half \\'ithout having to lw "tPs!<>d .. to Sl'l' if Ill' is "·111·t}l\·
of his diplonw. .\sk an.'· tl'Hl'h1·1· who lrn.s
wat1·h1 d t hi' [('l'O\\ th and dP\'<•lop1111·nt nl
tlw tndPnt fl'Olll his l'ntnt1H·1' to his d•·partun• from Ilirh .'1·hool. a111l .'on \Yill
l'l'<'l'i\·p thP >'Hllll' ans\\·1 r. Th1•n. too. d111·i11g tlw last s1•mpst<'I' tlw NPn10r ha-. 1•nough to \rorTy hi 11;-hanqnrts. pidnr'l'S.
Tlw f.;J>Y. tlw .\nuual. Dl'hati11g. ('Jass
Da.'·· ( 'Ja,.-s J>la.'·. and ( 'omnH·n<·PnH·nt D111.
without adding to tlws<' anxil'lil·s 1·xaminations ! Is it any \\·ondl'r tlrnt <'\l'l'.'
SPnior is worn to a frazzll' aftl•1· s111·1·1•ssfull.'· 1·ornpll'ting his exit from tlw ~l'hool'
It is tlH• last sernl's!Pr of high s1·l10ol life
for tlw Senior. IIt> has wm·ked farthfullv
for his 1·rPdits. Ile will soon IPH\"I' th'e
old sl'lwol and hP r1'alizes it only too \\ t•ll.
aml hP doPsn 't likr the idl'a. IIP ha.., stiwk
to work wplJ so far. and no\\". \1·h1·n tlw
Pn(] is drawing nt•ar. his just pl<'asur,.s.
tlH' dnP of 1•\·1·ry ~ •nior. apprmll·h. \\"h.'·
]pt thP approa1·h of·· 1·xams'' <ll't 1·111'! from
tlwir plPHslll'<'s \\·hi1·h will h1• ting-Pd \\·ith
hitt1•r an,\'\\il,\. at IPa\·ing tlw Sl'hool 111111
striking out in lift•.
EY<'I'.' ou1• a1·kno\\·l1·dg1•s tlw fad that
t1nrnnl the PIH] of tlH• s!'hool .''<'ill' th(• sturl1•nt ll1•1·01nPs nit IH·1· t ir1•d and npn·nus.
the tPal'!1Pr as \\'Pl!. :"\°n\\ that \\(' h<l\'t'
f<'n months of s1·l10ol and ll'ss \a1·ntill11.
t lw strain oft h<' add Pd wo1·k and 1·1",Jlllll'-,ihilit.'· onu:ht to ht• ll's,.,\'nt•1l h~· tlH· OllllJIJ..
-.ion of final <'xaminatinns. This wnnl<l !w
a rPlil'f to th1• tl'al'lll·1· as \\'I'll as 1hP p11pi!
111HI \\'011ld lw sanl'liont•d hy th<' Jlill'<'llt"
Hs wl'll as tlw <'hildr1•n.
Page Twelve
::-;uh-Fn· hm1•11 noti<•t : (;o !lown to
Hoo111 I. and sl't' what :'II 1·. \\'ard has for
yo11. soJlll't him~ that Ju• ho11!.dl1 t'Xlll'1•ssly
fn1· yon. Do11 't rniss it.
~km11y 1111' of lat< IH·<·nn1t• quite inter1. t<•d i11 English. arnl hl' 's doill!r fine work.
lsahd \\'pf]s. lllll' of last n•ar's strnlents
and now at t1·ndini.r ]\( nqi~r llall. Yisitl><l
. t•hool :\londaY. Feh "'th. an1l latPr 111·l'lan•<l 1t to hp. r1l11ws as i.ron!l as Kemper.
( lt·t at <'Xl'it1•111( 11t "·a-., t·ausetl h~ tht> T1.''<·P1111 Lt'<l!!Jl<' 's (•housing t hl' same 1·olors
"" t ht ~11h-~oplis
Ka,h ri11t• l'Prkins <·1111.H' to sd10ol all
doll1•d up in a 111•\\' red d1·1 ss. ~ume elas:.
\\-111. \·oltz is mil·<· n101·p a nH•mher of
the "'1•11io1· ( la.•s. Iii• "·as wPl!·cm1Nl ''"ith
OJH'll :ll'lllS,
ll1·1·l1t·1·t .MattlH•\r. P11tl'rPd K. 11. ~. at
th1• h1•i.rin11i11g of thP Ill'\\' Pllwster, as a
m1·111lwr of the ~Puic r Class.
Huth Epstl'in has also lH•1·011w a nll'mhl't' of the ( 'la-..s of 1!ll:i.
'l't·ad11•rs went to .\ladi 011 Pt>h. l~th.
a11tl "·1 had a Yal'atinn.
Till' ::-;1•11iors' plan ol' s<'lliug pop-1·cu·11
halls at the basket-hall game proYNl Y1·ry
lll'ard in (lPrmall trnnslations:
II ~dl\·11•1·-· · Tlll' ol<l rni er had a tahlel'lot h n;;pki11) in his button hole."
<i ~. 111H' .. Ile 1·ornfHll'<'<l 1lw man to a
!!:I'l'l ll .. rmY." (you \\'l'l'l' 110t thinking of
~nh Fr1·shiPs. ''"ere you Gertrude.)
E l'arlsm1-".'he .Patl'<l lwrsrlf helll'ath !ht• o\'crha11ging brook.·· Y<'s. yt'.,
go 011. l· ra11!Pin ( 'arlso11.
'l'hl• Par1•11t-T1•al'hers' . . \ssuc·iation has
clonatPd hn•l\'<' 1loz!'n lrni\'!·s arnl forks to
th<' :-1·hool. On Fch. 8th. tlH'y w·ere preSPlltl•tl to th<' <whool hy :\Ir·. ( anrnaugh.
:\I r·s. l • dson, a11d :\Irs. Th rem en. represc·11I i11g thl' asscll'iatio11.
Thi· S<'hool is
\'t•1·y t haukful for· t Ill' aho\ <' gift, and
hopPs tu han· 1111111y opportunities to use
Delli 'I forgPt to hoost that annual. and
llllg'hty harcl. too.
'l'hl' ~P11ior girls arc looking \'Pl'.'' spiffy
latl'I.'. 1luP to the arri\'al ol' thP 1ww mirror clo11atl'd h~- tlwm to tlw s1·hool.
:\liss Lowe joirn·cl our happy throng at
t hl' lll'ginning of 1he Ill'W sl'lll<'Ster and is
tc•<1<'hi11g 1·las;ws in Engli:·d1 arnl Ilistor~.
.:\[ iss Olga ~1 l'ig was a high Sl' hool Yi sit or 011 Fch . .ft h a111l :ith.
Fo11nrl -Smn1•onc> who l'llll lH'at IIowar<l
Fink at long-"·i11i/1•dnl'ss . •\pply-l'. Iluhhar·d.
'l'lw ~uh-Fr1•sh llll'll fa ih•1l to show t 11l'ir
i11di,·icl11alit~ h.' springing soml'thing Ill'\\'
;111d \\'holl~· <'X!'it i11g. Till' ~amp old tl'il·k-;
1111d 111istak1•s of g1·tti11g into ~C'n.or 1·l11ss
r·oorns. forgl't ti 11 g to go to l' lass <It th<'
right tinw ancl trying to find the nssl'mhly
011 th1· third fioor \\'ere clutifnll;\' performl'<l a111l r<'JWatl'cl h~· our wisl' little ones.
.\] i:-s Bristl'r: .JanH' . throw that gum into tht> haskd.
,J. Hoouey: (Yawning aud stl'Pkhing his
arms) Oh-h-h J 'm-so-tire<l. Hey, Fink,
takl' this up to tlw haskl't.
( :oo<l-hye, S1·nior privil<'g1·:.
I nri11 :Jlartinso11 has hPell Yery luc·ky
cl11ri11g hi. a~s<·rnhly JH't'iods in seeuriug a
s1'at JH'<ll' B.~9. hut B.2D 's 01·1·npant is alwan t•l. ewhrrP.
Too had, indeed, Irdt•1:d. Irwin.
On Wt>1lne ·1la.'" F1·h. :1. )Ir. Emil Trl'f7.g1·1'. "·c.rlcl 1·ha111pion tniist an1l Wllllll'l'
Cl f' t ht• . '].()()() silY!'l' troph,\ "·hil'll is l'Olllpl'f P<l for annuall~· in ~<'W York Cit,\·,
ga\'< s1·\·pral cll'monstrations on the l 11clPnYoo<l typP,Yritl'r for the Ul'!Jefit of the
1·on1nll'l'l'ial studPnt !-,.
By James Rooney, '15.
I love to sit in winter
Ann dream of summer time;
I love to dream in Summer
Of the winter days o fine.
It's funny how we it and dream
Of things so far away;For instance of our college term
And onr married life some clay.
'Tis strange that in mo t ra es
The dream do not eome trueThis end ten line. of poetry
So consicler that I'm thru.
Tribute to our Basket-ball Manager.
Oh he's the High School's darling
And we all ju t love him,
His military walk,
His hort and crispy talk.
Place him on the stand with none above
For he' the High chool 's darling
Ann we all just love him.
Oh he's the High School's player
And we all just love him,
Our athletic tar,
How proud of him we are,
\Ye put him at the head ·with none above
For he's the Iligh School's player
~\.Del we all ju t love him.
Oh he' the High School' fighter
And we all ju t love him,
He'll fight for the ball,
Then clash across the hall,
And slip it in the hasket right above him.
For he' our Iligh Sc•hool 's fighter
Ann we all ju t love him.
Page Thirteen
Yes. he' onr Iligh School'. darling
And we all just love him,
His . hort unrnlv curls
.Ju. t fa. c·inat <' the girls.
Oh. he' onr ideal, yep, with none above
hi Ill .
For he' our Iligh <'hool 's clarling
...:\.ncl we 11ll just love him.
In my touring l'an• we sit,
Thinking mother. clear, of you
~\nd our cozy little home so far away,
\Ye are . tamling in the roarl.
·with a tire that's gone and blowe<l,
And the engine' · acting in a funny way.
Cronk! Cronk! Cronk!
Our backs are breaking,
Cheer up, romrade .. if you can.
\Yhile the hatterics are gone,
\Ye will cronk a"·av till dawn
'Ti the fate of al;no t every Auto fan.
'Tho we yank upon the crank
'!'here is no ga · in the tank,
And the 'arburator <1uit long time ago,
o we cannot get up team
Ann we cannot hire a team,
~\nd its almost time to see the morning
Cronk ! Cronk ! ( 'ronk !
Our knee are ·baking;
Cheer up. comrade:. ju t the ame.
Though the benzine buggies balk
We can all get uut and walk
Back to town, nine mile , for that's all
in the aame.
-Walter :Moran.
Pag-c Fourtl:'en
eT (-) l CT 1C5
Oll Frida,, .Jan. ];), our hasket hall
tt·am playetl thl' . troug Elkhorn team at
Elkhnr11. Elkhorn onght reYenge after
thPir hitd football <let°Pat from Kenosha
hut \\'l'l'l' sad!_,. dis11ppoi11tPd a. th<'y met
tlefrat ll\ t lu s<·ore of 22 to 1 . In defrat iug l•:lkhon1 our team broke Elkhorn 's
won< krfnl string of Yid ories on tlwir
ltonll' 11001·. It \\'HS a l'los<>. hard fought
g;rnH' 1llld thl'l'\' \\<ts Ill!\'('!' a minute hut
"·lwn till' rP.~ult \\as in <loubt. Elkhorn
h·11<1 10 to !l at I hP PJH1 of the first half.
hut 1\:l'IHI. ha soon gai1H•1l the achantage
Hild \\'Oil OUt 22 lo l'i.
On t hP 111» ·t night K<·11osha won its
thinl <·011 l't·utin· Yidory hy dC'feating the
\\' r>st • \Iii. ka Ill 2~ to ](). It \\'els a rough
o·;un<· and 111<111\' fouls\\'<']'(' !'alll'd on hoth
tP;llns hut J\:p11;1sl:a hPl<l its own as usual.
'l'hl' gamt' was play<'d in a mall g~·m ancl
it wa. sonw tinw hdm·p our ho~·s could
mak(' the hask<'ts.
Ilmn'Yc>r. Kenosha
lead at the l'lld
1lw lil'st half 7 to 1 ~
arnl iut·n•asl'd I his to 2~ to 16 lwfore time
\Yas !'alle<l. ~\ prl'li111i11ary game was pla~·
Pcl hl'tm•en tlw girls' tl'ams of \Yest .\llis
ancl Kt•iwsha whi<'h rt>snlt<>cl in a vietory
for thc \\'est .\llis gil'ls hy---. Tlw
KPno,..ha girls \\'<'l'P unahle to makt> the
haskl'!s lint l'asil~· out pa.-. ed anll ont!!n<ll'tlt•ll tlw ~lihnrnkel' girl·. L. Ridenhat·h. H. Lillt·y. Ci . .:\!organ. D. Dot;\·. ancl
~- \\'hittakl•r r<'JH'<'se11t1·<1 K. II. S.
K 11. ~- haskPt hall rnl't its first clefrat
wlH'n tlwy playt•tl the strong • ·orthw<'stt'J'll .:\Iilitary an<l . TaYal 8t•hool at Highland Park. K<·nosha h11<l a 1·ripplec1 !Pam
allC1 <li<l uot play np to t hl'ir. tanclard and
• ·orth\n•stern 's star. (ioolh'. was all that
tlH' name applies. He ma1le 1:2 out of 17
points for • orthwest 1•r11 and with his long
read1 he hacl little trouble in putting in
the hask<'ts. \Ye had no man tall enough
to st'lp him a" Fink. onr l'<'!!lllar eenter.
was uuahl<' to play. KPrn>sha sought a
r1•tnrn game to he played at thl' < 'olir-;eum
hut \\"Cl'<' unable to make arrangements
to do so
Baskds -Thrt>incn (2): Goo1le (G);
Cohh (21: S!'luwll (1).
Fn•p 'l'hrmn;-Frost (3'; Cobb (1).
KPnosha lI1gh S<·l10ol had little 11ifHin \\·i1111rng thPir se1"01Hl houw game
from Ilarn1rd Sl'hool of ( 'hi1·ago. Jt "·as
all KC'no."ha from the start and aftPr a
goocl ]pail \\'HS ohtai11Nl en'Q' nwrnher of
the sqnacl got into th<' ganw. Tlw tl'Hlll
\\·ork was splPnclid ancl eY<'l'Y loc·al pl<1y1•r
pla,\·pcl goo<l h;L kdhall. Ba. kPts h_,. Frost.
\\'iucbor. and Reith «ame in qni1·k time
a 11cl t lw s<·oring was kept up h~· tlwm and
also \ \'ii Iis and Roo1wv thronghout tht>
ga1111'. KPnosha lrnd at the half timr by
2t-i to ;) aml i1wrcased tlll'ir S<'lll'l' to 4:5 to
!i IH'fon· the l'll<l of the ganw.
Fil'l<l Baskl'ts-Frost (12): \Yincl or
(;)): Hooncy (1); H<'ith (2): \\~illis (2 ,
llartig (1): Framis (2).
Free Baskrt. Xorthclurft fl).
The high sd10ol 's first. set·011<l and third
t1·a111s went to Ra<·i1w 011 .Tan. 2:3 and
playecl tltrt'P t<>arns from Raeine l'olleg1',
,\·inning two of the three games. In tlw
afternoon the miclgl't team nntpassed and
outplayed the Raeine flw. \Yinning by the
sc·ore of 12 to 10. '' .TmlgP" Ramlall and
,Jot' • clrnPll \\'l'l'C' tlw star ..
The '(•eornl kam \\'Cnt 1low11 to c1Pfrat
to their faster arnl hea ,·ier opponents. The
Page Fifteen
s<·m·p wa. l!J to s.
(fraiut>y. Ha1·inC''s
sp1·Pdy forwanl. wa.· the <·hiPf poiut gett<•r.
Th<· gauw h<·tw<'<'n th<' first tearns was
<'Xl'it ing and l'ast. and t!I<•rp was Jll'\'1•1· a
timP wlwn tlw r<' ·nit was not in doubt.
'J'JJ<• h<'a,·y Ha<·irw ( 'nllegp t<•am ohtai11Pcl
a !Pad in the first half. whi<·h tlwv II<·ld
mrtil th<' last l<·n mimll<'s of play.' wh<·11
hy somP l'1,•n·1· passing ancl haskl't shootiu~ hy Frost. \Yi11dsor and '· C'huhhy"
RPith. KPnosha gai1wd th!' !Pad aml lwl<l
it to th<' <'lid, winning 1.'i to 12. Thi• high
li<·hool fi\ e "·01·kl'<l lik<• a nial'him'. 'l'hPir
passi11g was JH'l'f°l'd and th!' work of' the
gnar<ls l'Xl'l'll<•11t. Windsor and H<•ith
pla~·<·d partirnlarl~· itoocl haskPthall.
(foals-Frost:~. \\'in<lsor :!, Fink 1, ('011ra<l 1, Trainer :~. ~tilPs l. Refer<><' -Dr.
l\Iare. Timck<'<'IH'r Finl<·y. Haeine 11 igh.
8<·01·1·r \Yhit<'. K<•110sha.
\\'p lost our Sl'<'O!Hl game out of seY<'n to
\\'ankl'gan iu tlwir gym. \Yankt•gan ha.
a strong tPam whi<·h drfrat<>d us h~· thr
S<·on· of 20 t~> H. Jt was a fast, rough
game an<l \Ya11krga11 was fm·<·<'<l to its
lilllit to hPat om· t<>am six points. \Yauk<·gan had a lead oJ J 1 to 4 at half time
hut Kenosha :showe<l up l>dter th<• 1>e1·ourl
half and cut clown '\Yankegan's lead by
a sp11rt towarrl till' rnrl of the game. During the last ten rninnks of play tlw rrsnlt wa. in <lonht hut whC'n the whistle
hlew ending the gamr. \\T aukegan was
leading hy 6 poiuti-1. J,ittle did \Yankegan
nalize what it had in store for thPltl the
foll1mi11g Fri<lay.
Jn a fast. exl'iting. har<l fought game
our t<·aiu took l'P\'t'llg<' for tlll'il' d<·frat hv
\Yauk<'!!illl t ht' p1·<·\·io11s \\'o•l'k h,\· dt•frati n g t h<·n1 at the ( 'ol isl' I till by l\n•l \'e
Tlw ( 'olist•11111 \\·as <·J'o\\'dt'd with C"ho'<'l'ing root1•rs. inl'lmlrng a sp<'l'i11l <«tr of
\\'ankc•gan fans. so th<' PX1·itP111<·11t \Ins
!Pnsl' t hroughont the ganH>. :-11'1100] spirit 'nts lllll<'h in <'Yid<'ll<'<' and ll<'\'<•r <liPcl
out CY<'n oftPr tlw ga111p \ras O\'<'r.
'I'hl' ga111!' startl'd fast and 1t "as ffre
min11tPs IH'fo1·p Pit lwr si<ll' s1·orPd. tlwn
Fi11k s1·or<'d a ti1,ld ha ·kPt hnt \\'ankl'gan
t•ag<'<l four frpp th1·ows. • '0011 afh·r. h<rn·_
<'''<'I'. K1•1wsha had a p111·t and fil'l1l goals
hy \Yindsor. Frost. and Fink pnt Kl'nnsha
in the l1·ad \\'hil'h it hPl<l throughout thr
l\<•110sha 's spll'JH!id l<•ant\\'Ol'k
brought much comment as all fi \'e nwn
worked Hs ont>.
Waukegan <·ame hal"k
stro11gt>r in tlw sp1·011d half hnt \H'l'P p1·p11
IH'al<'n th<' -1·1·01·d half. Thr tinal s1·m·p
stood :l..J. to ~~.
,\s a 1·nrtai11 rais!'r the sP1·01Hl team
fm·<·ed t lw La Ka!I a t1•am to the limit in
onl<•r to lwnt tlw s1·1·1nHls 1 fi to 1-l-. Tlw
s1•1·ornl 1<'11111 outplayt><l tlwir opponents
th<· first half but tlw La Kalhas l'ame
had~ strong in tht> s1·1·ornl half a11<l defrat<>cl the N1•1·01Hl, in thl' last fp,\. minnfrs of pla). , \JI thn•e Bostett!'rs playe<l
goMl hall.
Baskets-Frost (9); O'FarrPll (7);
Fink (-l-) ; Threi1wn (2) ; \\'indsor (1) ;
Funston (1); Powell (1).
Prt•c Throw.·-Fnnston 4, Fink 2.
Larlies an<l Gentlemen-you sec before
you that world famed ecnter of learning,
Tlw KC'no. ha Iligh R<'hool. lt is the imposi11g trueture diredly aheacl of you\Vithout a peer in rnagnifil'enee anrl ma"'nit11<1P. You will JH'l'l·Piw that it posse .. es thP <·haradl•risti<·s of hoth the Gothi<•
arnl Joni<' styles of anhitPcture-a triumph iu hoth exterior aud interior .finish
arnl <lPsign.
Ye:. this entra11<'<' is rathC'J' dai·k. hut
after three years of gropi11g (if one lives
that long) we ar<' 1warly sur<' of coming
within c·ontad \\·ith one of the kps-if
w1· st <'Jl hi~h enough.
~ ow turn your attPution to the s1·enery.
This large, iu1posing room h\'fore ~ ou is
that far fanwd _\s. Prnhh- hall-the seene
of more turmoil. sorrow ~trifr. and hlightPd ho1w" and ambitions than a11y room of
its siz<' in thl' nniYt'I' <'. ThP 1Pa1·lwrs in
this ill11str1011s institution lwYe hut one
unifrcl. u11<li\·i1h•d aim. ancl that is to part
th<' Ili gh Nl'l10ol Studt>11 ts and their
hrains whi<"11 tlwY sn<·<·1•1•d n•1·,· \\'Pll in
il<'<'Olllplishinit :in;·e most of th1."111 are rat her loo Pl~
1:01111ected-(rn<'alling of
!'nnrsr. the hrain ).
train your eye to the front of the
( 'oncluded on page 1. )
Page Sixteen
'fhcrc "·as a time. and 'bYa not so long
ago, "·he11 only the lari~e school , in corrc ·pondi11gly large c·1Le . could sueecs folly . upport a Iligh !'i!'hool paper. But
1hat tim<' has just pa. <'d a11cl 'ye finrl
E.·c·hang<'s on our tahle · from little town
. prmkl~d promi cuonsly among the Unitt•d ~tates. ,\ncl "·e are glad of it becau. e
Ill 'mr naturally 0£ curiou. rlisposition we
like to know what all our rlistant sister
selwols arc at•c•omplishing. Truly we are
crn·ouragC'cl when <lis!'0Ycri11g how many
rnore adYantagcs we haYe than some of
tltP smaller s<.:hools an<l often find oursrh't's so cn\'ious of larger school's adYa nt agt's that "'c diligently strive to ac<111irr the sa11w. So yon. ce we benefit by
lint h om' superior an cl inferior contemp111·ct ril's a J]( l for tl1<•sp
bcncfi<'icnts we
"·ish tn 1hank all of our many exchanges
nc·"· arnl olcl.
'I'he PY-For it size your book cannot be beat. Your Camera Club might
furnish more snapshots which always
how up wcll.-The Kodak, Eau Claire,
The Scroll, Washington High School,
\Ydeomc to our taldc'. \\'e inquired £or
~·on :u..w. ago. Your <•t)\'t'r is appropriate
arnl your <·nh clctidc•11ly <"leYerly anrl well
c1r:nnl. \\'hasarnatter. cloesn 't your basb•t hall team get a . him· in "Athletic ?"
The Wolf, Wolf High School, Texas.
,\11otlwr new one! \\'elromr ! You are
inkre. tmg hec·ause ~ ou are young. Don't
let tire "·olf ho"·l too loudly for Exchang<'. (for it rn•Yer rain· but what it pours).
\Y <' ha Ye ahout eighty. Come again!
The Spectator, High School, Waterloo,
-\Ye :-;hn11lcl haYc hung our \Yclcome
. ign out first, but we 're in for it nowWl' really clidn't know what a bunch of
JH'W olll'S we ha Ye. Your double cartoon
page shows much originality and your
jokci; arc O'Oocl
The SPY-The frankness of your exchange editors i really delightful. We
see so much of prai ·e but so few really
honest opinions.-The 'I'ahoma, 'l'acoma,
The SPY-Your are fortunate in being
able to haYe a poet' page. \\Te like your
paper throughout-The Crimson anrl
Golcl. ew Brighton, Pa.
The SPY-(Especially for Exchange
Editors) Re ·oh cd that we shall not fall
in loYe with any more pictures of good
looking roaches, as we clirl with the one
from .Appleton, \Yi .. -The 'larion, .\.pplcton, \Yis.
The .'PY-You need a few more cut
for your paper, which we con idcr very
good. You are trying to take our girl
from u (The ~Iu e). (We rlon't get the
drift). \Ye wckome ~·ou on our exchange
li t.-The Book trap, Charle ton, \Y.
The SPY-Your e.·change department
O'OOil. comment ·. - comment·
which may be of some real help to your
exchanges! K eep it up. "A 'hristmas
Hevery" i quite a story.-The Pennant,
Elkhart, Ind.
\Ye shall aeknowletlge the remainder
of our exchanges next month.
\\'m-hum-a-well. .......... \Yilliam ~tern·
I'm built for <'omfort ..... Ray IIammoJHl.
'Tis humor like the ea (Deep tuft') .....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\Talker Perkins
They <·all me mnt'ilage. bet'ause I've .·tuek
around. o long ......... Dan Toner.
Jes' plump' all. .......... Berul'z Lo\\·e.
Some miles, . ome Yoi<·t'. some size. sume
boy, ................. \Yard (~uinn.
Who? JI.le? .............. Earl Randall. 't I the kidder? ........ ··Gus'' \T oltz.
Is my nose shiny? ........... J e · ie Hill.
Gee, I'm leepy ........ Johnnie Behrens.
I think I'm il'k. Gue ·I'll go home .....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Allwrt \\' <' lls.
"Bing" is like a kero. ene lamp,
He isn't espeeially bright,
Ile 's often turn eel down. frequently
.And usually "'Oe · out at night.
Eel. (translating Latin)-. \.n<l I <leeided
that it wa, beautiful to <lie in arm ..
Rm; •1-It all depend· on who e arms
they are.
:JI is. Bri ter, in English-'\Yhat is declension?
Fre bmen-It is the affiiction of noun
and pronouns.
Floren<•e • Telson (a king question in
Physics)-'\Vbat i the nifference between
a joule and a watt?
K. Pnkins ,repeating the que tion)"\\That is the difference between a Jew
anrl Wop?
LiYes of 'enior all remind u \\' e hould try to <lo our best ;
And departin.g, leave behind us
Note-book. that will help the re t.
Teal'l1er in r,atin <'la" )-Give the
prineipal part · of skate.
Wise tnde - Ska to - . lipere - fallibumpus.
Little deed.· of kintlne ·s
To teacher now ann then
\\'ill rais<' your low]~- st arnl in is·
From zero up to ten.
Pal{e Seven teen
Hobbies of K. H. S. Faculty.
:Jli.: 11 ill Pr l'sing long worrls.
:\Ir. EhPrt-Talking before ~\.ssemhly.
)Ji ·s Kanarr-GiYing zeros.
:Jliss EYaus-GiYing long lPssons.
:Jliss Yu IP-( 'all i ng clown fr<>shi<'s .
)liss ~later-Gl'tting fnssecl.
:\Ii·,, Ilan1111nnd--Prel'isene. s.
:\Ii. T110111y Talking fast.
)Jr. II ill ~pying t hingi-;.
l\Ii s Fink Digression on s1•lf in C'las .
:\Ir. Kirn- .\imi11g npwarcl.
:\Ir. 1'r<>m1wr-\Yrit ing out pl'rrnits .
:\li~s ~l<'ig-DPIJHtPs.
i\Iis Brister and Timme \\'ait until we
know them.
:\Ir. '\\'ar<l-Raking np exc·nses.
A King was walking up a Ilill 1vhil'h
was <·<n <'reel with lfoc·ks. llt> saw a Crow
and pi<·kt·d a Lilly. and c•oming home he
'rn t'anght in a Hale storm. Ju the valley he met a Driwr "·ho took him to the
Barhours. Il<' tlH·n Ynwecl he "·ould not
take this walk on the :Jiorrow.
Fall into the sea from off the deck;
Fall from a teeple ancl break your neck;
Fall from the heaYens, "·hi<'h are above,
But neyer, oh neYer, fall in loYe.
For love i a humbug,
. .:\11 things ;how it,
Once I thought so,
• Tow I know it.
1\Ii Steig: Of what value to the brewer is carbon nioxide made by yeast?''
Andrew: "To make the corks pop."
Iler hair 1n1. long and gold~-,
Iler eye· "'Cl'l' azure bln<';
Iler hands 1rere soft arnl holdy;
-Buthe worp a tc-n sizP shoe.
Jimmy llayral'l~ "·as standing in front
of a rnodnn sky sl'l'aper. "Gee." he exrlairncd. "that\ 011e of those eo11ti11ued
tories l 've heard folks talk about. Ex.
Heard in Ph~- ic Labratory. "\\liat is
the percent of error when there isn't any?
Page Eighteen
({;oncluded frompag-f' 1 ~.
1·rn1111-Y1'.. that lo11g tahll' i · ratlH·r aml1hl' 11H•;'l'. The .Junior 1tirls likl' to Usl' it
as· a grallllstarnl and it':-. a partin1larly
idP:il spot for a friP1Hll~ ('hat.
llats off. \Ye lHllli'i!' hpfo1·p that aiwient
ti11H' h1111orl'c1 rPli1'. thl' ,\..,~p111h]~· dod;:~lr. \Yanl 's joy arul s11111l'!i1111·s mll's
"·h1•11 1( \ fast.
Y1•s. I krnrn· hl' looks it hnt hmll'stly
that 1s 110! the DukP of \\'1·llingt1111. It's
0111'· Fra111·is lia!•kt>tt \'l'S. that·.., his uatnr;tl \Yalk. \Yho ~ oh: that\ onl~- Dl'Hll
lirn!1•1·i11g to walk out \Yith :'.\Iargl'n· Bven· 1'lllnmon Ol'<'nrrn lll'l' this \Yaiting aron011<l sel' tlwre's 0111· :-;tar hnskrt hall
p!a.' <·1· < 'h uhh~· Ifrit h. wait i Ill! fm· lfrlen .
'\o. tho. r ~ om1gstprs an• 11ot llll'l'l'ly thild1·1·11 hronght h~- tlll' Sl·11iors to Yisit.
t ht•\"n· holll'· th· rl'al liY1' Freshml'Jl.
\\"J~at. YPs. it is a pity to sp11il thrir illw-i .. 11s h~ .·tarting tlll'lll Ill ·o Yonnrr.
l>on 't fail to noti<'l' thl'Sl' "onckrfnl
"·orks of art \Yhi!'h adorn thP \Htlls. lll'l'l'
w1• haYP "'Th!' Briclal l'roc·1•ssio11." FlorP!ll'l' . \r1 1<'.011\; fa\·01·it1'. (h'l·r thl'l'l' ~·ou
will ohs1'l'\'l' thl' far-fH!lll'<l ··Sir (falahac1''
z,~11a 'idPal. 111 thl' halls ~Oil will 11ofi1·1•
thP 1·eli1" of ln -golll' <la \'s of K. II. S.
truly <l rt>mark~hlr 1·xa1n°plP of the them':
of th ":-;m\'intl of tl1<• Fittest.''
Till' rP111aiHing points of intPre t. LadiPs arH1 (rPntlPlllPll, \\'!' will ohsl'rYe 011
0111· \\'H\ dcnn1. 'l'hl' l'l':h1111 l di<l11 't point
1ht•111 0°ut 011 the wa~ up was so that you
woulcl11 't rmharrass lh h)· asking to tak<'
th<' ll'Yator <lmn1 it is 011t of onll'r at
pn•sl'llt. Pl Pas!' Hilt ic·l' t ht• artist i1· \Yater
tastP tlw wafrr -rl'gnlar rn••·ta1'. i it 11ot. It i. not. \\~pJl for politl'm·s ·a kc \Ye \YOll 't 1·011t ra<lid ~·on. Hat hl'l' u11 nntillY l'loakrrn1111 ~ \\~Pll. think
hal'k 1111 )'Ol'l' Sl'hool clays a11<l ~Pe if )·ou
1·a11 't 1·;>1·all the <·loakrn0111 as an ;,lPnl
plac·t· to tak<' it 011t OJI somPmH· who h:1s
hor1•0\\'Pd a hook wit hont asking \Y~ll'll ~'t>ll
iwt•dt·cl it your. elf--or H<'<'idently on purp11st• k1111<·k1•<1 down ~·0111· wrap. and '"alk<'<l O\'l'l' tlll'lll.
<·,.111!' again. I1acli<•s arHl GP11tl•'nw11-gPt tlw
\\'t•'ll •'I tl 1111t in\'itation, \\'h<'11
Ill'\\' lli !!h :-;!'1100! hut until th1·11 we hard! .'·
ft.Pl .iust rfil'<l. Ji o\\'l'\'l' I'. \\'1• trn. t ~·on will
H!!l't't' with us in our ra rJ , · praisl' 11f this
Y•'ll<'l'ah!P i11stit11t iclll and IH·lp us i11
spr1•a1li11g an cl mai11tai11i11g t Ill' rrpntatin11
\Yhi1·h it has so far mam1g<'<l to maintain.
A f>OO %Investment
for YOU at the
1. The KNOWLEDGE gamed is worth the entire cost.
WOMEN as teachers is worth
the entire cost.
3. The course in SALESMANSHIP alone is worth the entire
learn the STENOTYPE, the
"Machine Way'' of shorthand, is
worth several times the entire cost.
5. The EMPLOYMENT SERVI CE, working day and night and
Sundays to place C. of C. students
in good positions, is worth MANY
TIMES the entire cost.
The future Captains of Industry
are NOT looking for vacations.
WE shall continue all SUMMER
Ask Today for Information.
The Simmons Manufacturing Company
l\1anufacturers of
I'rass and Steel
Beds, Cribs, Cots,
Springs, etc.
Advance Shov.·ing of
in Young Mens Clothing
and Haberdashery
The Store of Honest Values
Phone 928
265 Mam Street
First National Bank
Kenosha, Wis.
Capital & Surplus
Chas. Pfennig
C. C. Allen. R . F Howe, Chas. T. Jeffery
A.H. Lance, Z. G. "•mmons. Chas. Brown
New 1915 Spring Styles
Dry Goods and
,.., Twenty
and give one to your "Friend."
K 11. N. Tlwatrr Cor \\~rst & \Yisconsin.
:Jla11ag-1·1· :.\Ir. Tremper
J>ro1wrty :Jlan-}lr. Kirn.
StagP IIawl. - )Ir. IIill & :.\Ir. Ebert.
Ele1·t ri<·ia11-:\lr. \Yard.
For the very finest
Giggling Gillie . ~lariou Prcdcriek. . Emi!Y \'" ollmer anrl
Rewald's Sweet Shop
350 Market StrePt
Virginian Theatre
The Home of GoOd Vaudeville
Matinee daily at 2:30
Night Shows 7:30--9:00 - 1Oc--1 Sc
Walch our ads tor the big Show Coming.
:Jlargarct Pcnncfrathcr.
The~· giggle fur an hour at ab. olutely
:Jianag1'r-:Jiiss later.
Exact Imitations of ZuZu aud Ford
Elmer "Wind. or and Haymond Winberg.
You c·onl1ln 't tc>ll them from the real
eometlia11 ·.-.
:Jlanag<'r-:Jliss EYans.
Livery and Garage
Taxicab, Hack and Baggage Line
Olll• Al't 'J'rag<·1ly. "The 110 t Solr.."
IIero-\Yilliam Fink.
IIProine- -:'llargery Barbour.
\'illai11 William l\Iorrow-.
Din•dor-:Jliss Weston.
Telephone S6
National Woolen Mills
$16.50 Style
163 Main Street,
stablishcd 1S80
Kenosha, Wis.
Telephone 16
Thos. Hansen & Sons Co.
Funeral Directors
Private Funeral Chapel
Ambulance Service Day and Night
1. '·I loYe the LatliPs. "-Irvin :Jlartinson.
-> "Flow GP11tlY, Nweet .\£ton." -Ze11as J>ill'h<'r.
Two ::.\Iusi1·al SPket10rn; by two famous
.Jlartin and l1is trained wil<l
Come an<l watch this young giant uhrlne the siwage hPa. h.
} l'l'JH'h Quart<'t.
Piano Flore11ec Tl'lso11.
Yiolin James HooneY.
('nrnl't-Edwarcl . \l n:amo ln'.
Drnm-Hannontl ll anunorni.
Lradcr :Jiiss :\lilll'r.
Rcuownecl Sword ancl Flame
Howard Fmk arnl Ed. Haubrich.
'I'l1cy aceompli. h the irnpos. ·ilik
Come One - Come alt'.
Thi. i. your <'hall\'!' to sec the wollllPl'.'
of lh1 worl1l ! !
Young M n'
•n Youn• Me 's f'obrJ~s.
at t:h
10. $15, $17 a d $21.
Glerum Boo Store
0 .Hl'ICRS
H.B. Robinson, Pri- , H. W. Jeftery,V.Prl'
N. A, Rowr, Caahier, J. Funk, Aast. Ca.bier
JV\erchanfs &
Savings Ban
Capital $100,000
C. E. Remer, W W. Vine nt, Fr [,arson
W. J. Birmingham, C H. G nnermann
Mathiaa W~rve, C'hrist Pet rson, W. t. Frost
223 Wi consin t.
Educate Yourselves
The Most Up-to-date
South Side Sanitary Grocer
PHONE 1053
We deliver anywhere iu or around th city
lligh Gr de Clothing
Solid Silver Class Rings,
(Heavy.) Seven patterns
and styles to select from.
High School Boys
l{egners Jewelry Store.
325 Main Street
Call 01 phone ut for E•lilllllte on Now or R•pait Work,
Cu and Elcdnc Fixtutc<. All Work Cuaranted.
Josephson & Zimmerman
Phone 2802
Plumbing, Heating and
Electrical Contractors
455 Howland Ave.
-FOR -
-at the-
Bell Clothing House
Epstein Bros • Prop •
Wiscon in
Tag Your Friends
A new photo lx6 inches,
two sittings to choose from,
complete with ribbons for
hanging, at 1.50 per dozen.
Ask for "Tag" Photos.
Sydney Studio
468 Market Street
of Good Shoes and a Reasonable PPlce
Try one of o r New Military Lace Boots. Th y're It.
c. H. Ernst &. Co.
The Kenosha
The Ouallty tore 0
School Supplies
H adquarten For
Reita le Lam er
Tel. 29
1064 Grand Ave.
Sporting Goods
Macomber & Whyte Rope Co.
- -
Manufacturers of
for Every Purpose and Us
Factory, Kenosha
Off ice, ChicaKO
HALLET & DAVlS Player Pianos and Pianos; EDISON Diamond Point Phonographs, and COLUMBIA Graphonolas.
Our stock of these extraordinary musical intruments is very complete.
Pianos - $195 to $595
Players-$300 to $750
Edison Phonographs - $60 to $260
Columbia Graphonolas -$15 to $250
Cash or Easy Payments.
Call us up and we will gladly send you any of the above in
struments on 10 days free trial.
Maln and Park Streets
The Latest Styles
in Men's and Young nen's
Suits and Overcoats
are here.
Prices ranging from $10 to $30
Hats, Shirts, Hosiery and Ncckwear
Isermann Bros.
214-216 Market Square
Visit Our
Up-to-Date Goods Only
Artistic Portraits by Photography
De Berge's
408 Park Ave..
We carry a complete line of fine
in -
Bas b II oods
Robinson Book Store
Henosho. Wts.
California Canned Fruits
"Extra Quality"
Tel. 1034
317 Ashland Ave.
It gives the whole week a rosy hue by sending your
entire family wash to the most modern Laundry
in the city. Give us your work and we will scratch
the Blue Monday off your calendar.
343 .
Classified Ad vertisements
Art Needle Work .............. De Ilerge's
Banks ........................ First National
Merchants & Savings
Book Stores ........................ Ernst's
Cloaks, Suits, and ~Iillinery ...... Hey man's
Clothiers ............................. ,\mes
Bell Clothing Hcuse
Isermann Bros.
:Xational Woolen :\[ills.
Schmitz & Lauer
College of Commerce
Ctmfectioners . . ... Buffalo Candy Kitchen
Rewa ld Sweet Shop
chmitt's Candy tore
Scotts Sweet Shop
Department tores ................ Barden 's
Dry Goods ............. Th os. A. Sullivan
Gl'Ocers .................... F. F. Joernclt
Perkins Bro~.
Turke Ison
Hardware .. . ......... . ............ English
Jeweler .... . ......... . ... . ......... Regner
Laundry ................ Kenosha Laundry
Lumber Co ........... Kenosha Lumber Co.
Manufacture r s ........ Simmons Mfg. Co.
Macomber & \\'hyte Rope Co.
Osteopath ................... Dr. :\le In tyre
Paint and Pict u res .......... . .... Threinen
Photographers ....................... Brown
P hysic ia n s .......... .
Electric Supplies .............. Schipper's
Florists.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Turner'·
Drak e
Fu n e r al Directors
....... . Hansen's
Rutledge & Urossin
Publ ishe r s
Dr Stalker
Dr. 'W indesheim
....... Joseph~on & Zimmerman
... S h eboygan Publishing Co.
Theat r e ............... .. ...... \'irginiau
Shoe Store...... . . . . . . . . . ....... A u!:.tin
Photographs at
are al\J\./ays good
For th e ve ry fin e t
:f<> :r
Rewald's Sweet Shop
350 lUarket Sire •t
gets one dozen school photos,
in folders and sepia toned.
Others at $2.25 to $3.00 .
Retailers of all
Sydney Studio
468 ~larket Street
Wisconsin and Church Streets
Pboneo 2494
Perkins Bros.
Phone 688
Wm J. Threinen
Wall Paper, Paints and Window Shades
Picture Framing a Specialty.
51 N. Main St.
Seasonable Spring and
Summer Offerings in
Good Things to Eat
Don't Forget
Get that
A Royal Suit
Ice Cream and
308 Main Street.
319 Maio Street
is the key.
Phone J.27.
Just south of Hospital.
~(/) I F. F. Joerndt ..,r Fresh Cut Flowers
for all occasions.
Floral Establishment
567 Chicago St.
Kenosha, Wis.
Page 4
Circumstantial Evidence
Phone 2406
26S Park Str•et
11, 12, 13 Grosvenor Building
Artistic Fixtures at Prices You Would Pay
For Ordinary Ones. We Want Your Business.
Dr. George M. McIntyre
. 12
Brown's Studio
Fine School Groups
210 South St.
Poet's Page
New Arrival of Spring Suits,
Coats, Dresses and Skirts.
Phone No. 230
Hour,,: 9 A ~I. to 5 P. ;\!.
E\•ening by Appointment
G. Windesheim, M. D.
Grosvenor Block
Rooms - , 9 and 10
Telephone : Office, lil4
Re ·idence 41
Kenosha , Wisconsin
Office: Roo01 i and Gro venor Block
Hours: 10 to 12 A. )l. 2 to~ & ;:·1 to 9 P. ::\I .
269 Main Street
~ IE ~TI
Virginian Theatre
The Home of Good Vaudeville
Matinee daily at 2:30 - I Oc
Night Shows 7:30--9:00 - I Oc-- I 5c
Walch our ads for the b ig Show Com ing.
THE PY WHE .. ~ BUYL. ~ .
Fair April with your sun and showers,
With promises of buds and flowers,
Have you brot us spring to stay,
And can we store our furs away?
Or have you privileges to break
(Like women) the promises you make?
For surely April's sun and showers
Promise us both buds and flowers.
You've melted all the snow away:
Is it gone but for today?
Will to-morrow bring us snow?
Oh April, are you friend or foe!
We want Spring--we've been fooled long,
We want the fever--we want the song
Of nature to call to every ear
The joyful news that Spring is here!
Esther Heyman 'lS
Subscription Price: 50c the year; single copy /Oc.
Entered as second class matter Oct. 16, 1913, at the Post Office at Kenosha, \\' is.,
under the act of .'\lurch 3, 1 79.
Vol. IV
APRIL, 1915
Editor -in-chief
Literary Editor
Local Editor
Alumni Editor
Athletic Editor
Poetry Editor
j Irene Barden
I Isabelle King
Georgia Grover
Harriet Kupfer
Dean Buckmaster
Elmer Windsor
Raymond WinbergB U S I NESS
Art Editors
Arthur 8mith
l Gertrude :\lorgan
Exchang•e Editors
Photographic Editor
I Esther Heyman
i Florence Xelson
Edna Zoller
i •·urine ,Johnson
Arthur Priddis
Clarence Joernclt and ·wm. Yoltz.
f\ D V I S O RY
Faculty Editor
No. 7
.:\!is. EYans
l\t rs· Murphy
:11 is> teig
:\Ii s Tuomy
Page Six
Tlwy wert> partner. . For thirty years
8pt>e<l Pt•krs and :Shorty Johnson had.
prospe!'tt>d together; hacl fou"'ht together;
had gone 011 sprt'l'S together; and ha<l.
OIH'l' or t \Yi<·t'. (·onw Yer:v near dying toge Jwr. ThPy had always hared equally
1111.\ thing
"·hieh t>itlwr might posses .
·when tlwy nuHh' a i;;trikc the profits from
the (']aim \H'rl' diYidt•d equally between
tlwm. Por thirt~ years. they had live<l
with only <>nongh to kt>t>p them alive. Aml
How ~-now tlu•v had at last foun<l the
pay-<lirt. for wi1ieh tlw~- had so long
:·warehed in Yain. There lay vast store
of \\"Palth. before their very eye . They
ha<l fournl. far out on the Arizona desert,
au up-eropping of rich, gold-bearing
~horty and pee<l were exultant. They
W<'l'l' a. happy as d1ildren. Here, at la. t
was the trPa:ure. to Sl't·ure whid1 they
ha<l umomplainingly lind thru thirty
Y<•ars of privation.
That night. as the~- at before tlwir
fii<·kt>riug <·ampfire. \Yith thr el<.'ar tarry
sk~- overhNtd. and that va. t ernptine. s and
qniPt. known only to thr <le rrt night. surrounding tlwm on all .·ide . they picture<l
to themst•lw. the life of ease they would
Jin. Ifrrp \\'Cl'<' millions of dollar~ in golcl
waiting to he extra<'te<l from the rock in
whi<-h it was emhedcled. All that remained to be done wa. to return to civilization,
registn their rlaim, and then rome haC'k
anci. dig from the earth the vast treasure
thev had dis('overeci..
_,.\ftrr that ~-good-bye to the desert forever. good-hye to· the rough western life
to which they haci. so long been accustomed. The:v woulcl pay off all their debts,
ancl trawl l'ast. to th<· gr<•at l'ities of
whfrh the~ had hl'forL• only hl'ard vague
ThP~- \YOnld be millionaire .
·fJH'Y would livl' like gentlemC'n, and enjoy
to th full\'st Pxtent, the pleasures whieh
it wonlil lH' po .. ihll' for them to obtain
1\·it h tht>ir harcl earned ('ash.
\Yith these thoughts in mind peed and
::ihort~· rolll'd np in their blankets ancl
,, <'r<' <.;oon . onnd aslP<'p.
l'he hot ci.e ert . un heat m<'n•ile. sly
~!own, anci. the white sauds sent up shimnH'ri ng wav(• · of heat.
d11t there, on that arid plain two men,
SpPl'<l Pet<>r. a11d horty ,John ·on, . taggered painfully forwarrl. Ten miles to their
rear. lay their ponies. beside a poisonous
wat<'r-hoh>. T<'n milt•s ahead was the eit~·
1owards whi<·h th<·~ W<'l'l' making their
wa.'·· For hour. tlw~· had :tru,.,gled onwarcl over that traekle. s waste. and their
trail wa. mark<><l. h<'re and there. with the
hC'avi<'r of tlwir pos. P sion .. "·hirh they
ha<l rlisC'ard<'rl. in orcl<>r to he better able
to keep up the unequal fight.
In that terrific heat no human being
C'oulcl long C'nclure. Both men were in a
horrihle roncliticrn; skin dri<'ci. and crarkt·cl. eyes hloocl-shot. and tongues swollen
anrl protrurling hehn><'n par(•hed lip .
"'With a eat'kling sound. meant for an
oath. Short~, 8top1wcl. nnhnf'kled his belt. and cb·opp<'d it, with the
two heavy olts it rontained, on the san<l
at his feet; then staggrred onward.
He grasped Speed's arm. and with difficulty managerl to ga p: "Drink."
Thc>re was but one eanteen remaining
to the two, and thi eontaine<l hut half a
pint of stale wa1!>1·. Sp1'<'<l handPcl the
1-ctntP1•11 to •'horty. who graspl'd it fP\'1•r-
~\s he nns1•rpwpd thr <-ap. a1Hl
brought thP YPssel to his lips, thP1·e came
to him a tP1Tihl1• frrnptatio11. Ile wanted
to ~i\n1llow. 111 Oil<' gnlp, P\'ery drop of
watPr thPy had. But 110 ! Spl't'd was hipartner. Ile took one swallow. and then
ha!l(11'd tht' 1·antPl'11 O\'Pr to Spt't'<l. \Yho
grPl'clil~· drain<'<l thr la.·t <lrop. and thrt'w
thP n p]pss artic·lp from him
For Sp1'Pcl
and • 'lwrt.'' \\'Pl'\' pards. and. as thPy had
al-way.· shared PYP1·ything hPfore. now. in
"·hat app!'art•d to lw tlwir dying moment
tht',\ shar<'cl th1·1r last frw drops of water.
On and on thPy stagg<'rPd. up a slight
inc·line to a low ridge whic·h mark<'d the
limit of their Yisio11. Tlw~· rra<·h<'d the top.
\YIH'11 lo! th er!' hPforr tlwm. strPt<·hecl a
grPr11 frrtilP YHll<'~ and. 110 mm·p than half
Page Seven
a mi IP 11\\ a,\. a 1·00!, <'ll'ar. swiftly tlowingrin·r cnt its \my through the green field ..
On the farthPr hank of the rin'r was the
«1ty towarcls whi<-11 thl'y had h<·<'n toiling
so painfully. Short~· tm·npd slowly to
Sp1•1•d au<l extt'11dPd his hand:
· · Pard." he mnrmnn•cl. with diffi1·nlty.
'' Par11. we're saved.''
."p<1'<l\ hand treakPrl with litdltl'ninglikl' >.wifhws. to his hip: thr1·p mis a hea,.y r1•po1·t. an1l Shorty frll d\'ad with a .f,)
f'alilTP hulld in hi. brain. Spl'l'<l thrPw
a\\'ay till' smoking l'olt. and\\ 1th a wit·kt>d
gl('am in his hloo<1-shot <'Y<'S. turned towards the <'ih. With a l.!'rnan lw f<.11 fat·<'
forward on t'he hli.tPring sands. and lav
therl' !ifPless.
Tlll' miragl' hail YanislH'd.
Karl \\'iwlP. h<'im. '1:J.
( Co11tinul'cl from last month).
'That' possible.' I arlmitterl. 'But you
Jun·rn 't am e,·idell<'<' arrainst him.'
· Evidenc~ ! ' he answered, 'l think we
haYe con iderable eviclenee. Do you remember that old Jal'k-lrnife we found near
thl' ·window of my house? 'rhat knife
bl'longs to old .Jt>rry. ~\ nd do yon retn\•mb-er tlH' foot-prillts in the yard. 'rhey
1n•rp macle hv hob-naill'd hoots. Arnl Jer_
n· \Yhit<·oml; is the only man around this
r;art of the <'Olllll'ry wl;o wears hob nail
that I know of.'
·But that isn't enough rviclern·e to eon,·itt a man of robbery.' I ohjedl't1. 'How
arP yon goiug to get more~'
'\\'p might . \\'<'Hr ont a sPar<'h waJTant
on snspi«ion.' lw sugg1·>-tl'd. · [f lw has
~tolen th1· 11111JH') he \\·ill probably hide it
on the premises somewhl're.'
Tiu• DPac·on tlH'l'<'forP ha<1 a ·rar«h warrant s\\·orn ont against Ol<1 .frr1·:·. I was
\\ith the dPputil'. who \\"\'Ht to exen1te
tlw warrant. 1 ht•v SPar1•hPd till' house
thorough]~· and the;1 Wl'nt out in the >·ard
to s1•a1·1'11 tlw harn and wood-sh1•1l. \\'Jrpn
we \\"\'l'P out in t h1• ~·al'<!. J)pac·on l'1•111hrok<'
1wti1 ..•c1 the well platfo1·n1.
·That hoar<l looks as if it hacl br1'11
mo\'<'<l ref'<'l1tly.' hf' oh~1·n·l'd. pointing to
one of the hoards "hi1·h w<ls · · 1·ha1H·Pd''
aronrnl tlH• P<lgr. The hn> cl1•p11tie triecl
to movP thr hoard iJJ qnPstio11 aud fouud
that it \ms loos1'. They pried it np and
found a box nailed to the urnkrsicle of
the board. lu this box was a blue ·teel
box and a roll of eauYas. ·That's mv securitY box.' shontl'd tht' Dea<·on.
TIH•y lifted thl' hox out and al ·o the
«a11vas roll.
l'pon opening the box. the
lodr of whid1 had already heen foreecl
open. they found the mi. >.ing money and
papers. \ \'lll'n the <«lll Yas roll was open<'< l it wa.· found to (·011tain a 1·0111pletP array of burglar\; took all 11Pw, shiny.
blued-steel impleme11ts. The D1'aeon of
<-ourse wa. not allowl'd to handlP the
things. In fad ought not by l<rn· to haYe
ht l'n pr<'sl'nt at all.
W l'l l. to make a long st or:· short. Olcl
.Jt>ny "a. arrested and «harg1•d with the
rohh<'r~· of tlw Dl•a1·011 's goods. Ile was
giYe11 a prl'limmar~ h<'arrng. and 1•nh·r1•1l
a plPa of .. 11ot gnilt~·. '' II is 1rial \\'a. st't
for thl' 11t·xt W<'Pk. 01w rnght I \\'as OY<'r
at thP Dea1·on 's to talk things on•r. The
D<'<l«on had a grail' fin' hurni11g-. as it wa.
qnitl' <'old. \\'hl'11 tlH• DPa<·on had gone
do\\'JJ «1•llar 1o prn1·11rp sonw liquid refr1•sh11H'11ts I happ<'ll<'d to s('(' SOJll<' partil'ularly lmrn\'d Jl<IJH'l's whil'!1 lw had P\'i1
dPn11>· ns<'d in sta l'ting thP 1irt•. lying in
tht> grafr. O n<' was t hP l<'tte r -lwad of a
"'<'11-lrnown ('hi1·ago hrokc'ragp finn.
had an i11>-pirat ion antl took thP sc·rap of
Page Eight
papt'l' and foltll'<l it i11to 111~ note hook. I
had also uotit·Pd i11 the t•onrse of mv ul'ali11gs with the DPat:on that he hatl ~ 1mm1Jp1· of al'ti<'lL's ahont his plat:e whid1 had
hl'<'ll p1m·hasl'd from the ~Prr ·lnll'k- ( 'roft
rnail on!t•1· hollsl'. I also 111adl' a not<' of
this l'a<·t. I sl'11t !<'IPg1·<1111s to thesp two
firn1s and l'<'<'<'iYl'd tl11•ir rPplH•s long hefo1·p thl' !11111· of' thl' t1·iaL I also luHl amplP tin11· to t·o11t't•1· " ·ith a you11g la"".''l'r
hy thl' llalllt' of Iliu:s \\-ho ha<l nndPrtakt•lJ
.ft•JT> 's clPfrll<'t'.
t l1<"ks tht•11 turn<'d tht• dPll'llSl' O\'<'I' to
\rt•ll, l \\'Ollll<l that l'HSl' lljl prPtty
I opP111•d h~· g-1\ing a sho1·t
talk 011 1hl' fi11gpr print s,ultl'm, stating
I hat I cl id not inknd to prfl\ l' tlw truth of
hl' sys<'lll , a thing whi1·h had long silll'e
IH'<'ll sat is l'a<·t orih· d01H>, hut that I i 11tt·11d1·<l to nst' the. m<'!h<Hl foe thP <'asl' in
hand . I tht•11 had fing'l'I' prints taken of
f)pa1·011 Prmhroke . •f<'JT\ \\'hitc-mnh arnl
ti • t\\'o dt>pnti1•,.; who hac'l l'lll'<'lu·cl .Jt:rry' ·
i1011s1•. Thi. done. I pron•t••ll'cl with the
\rJ t'n .f1•rr.'"° <·asP ''""" <·allrcl in th1·
l'l gulai· 1·0111·t sl'ssi1111. thl' pn·l11lli11arit•s
\\'1•r1• q11i1·kl.'· 1·1111 thnt with. ThPl'l' was
littl1 • troHhlt• ahont piekin!.!' !ht• jury. autl
so th111gs \H•nt oft at a qt1i1·k rate.
The pro. P1·11ti11u: at to1·11c•y hronght out
all !11. l'\·idl'll<'t': first tl11· j;u·lrnifr "·hid1
was l'l'<·oi.n1iz1•d hy 111<111y to h1•!011g- to old
.ft'lT>'· Thl'll th<• tra<'ks n111<l<· l» hnhna il1•d hooh. t lll'n the fi.11d i 11g; ot' the . toll'n
good,; 011 .f <·rr·> 's f'arlll tog-Ptlwr with tlu·
kit of h11r!.d ar tools. and hl' l'lHlP<l up his arg11mp11t h.'· walking O\'l'l' to the defernlant
a· d rai . i11g th<' sl<'<'\'l' of hi. right arm.
thus <lisplayinµ- to till' anlCIZl'tl t·onrt a tatoo<•d Pmhl<'lll. <"onsist ing of an am·hor
"·it h tlw initials D. \\·. stam1H'd in small
plain kt tPrs. \\.lwn tlw prost'<'llting <1tt01·1H». 1'<'11<! to !ht> jnr.'· the aet·onnt of
tlrt• Ps<·ape of t lu• pri,.;onPr. from .Joliet.
a1ul thl' de:·w1·iptio11 of \\.hitt'. the safr
hlow<'r. PY<'ry Olll' was satisfiC'd that old
.frny an<l \\'hitP "l't't• one and the amt!
'l'IH' <"ast• look(•tl had for thl' dPfenclant
ior ilu• poor olcl frllnw <·oul<ln 't proYe an
:.ilihi. Thl' <l<'frll<li11g attorrn·y. hmn·,·rr.
a1·nst' with a t·onficlPnt ai1· ancl. aftt·r a frw
prt•l imi1ra 1»· rpm arks. askt•tl }) r :-;Jll'rlot
J[o1w d ('hic·agn to takl' thP <'hair
r<·pl,,· to h . qm·stim1,.;, l infornwcl the <"onrt
that I hacl <·ar<•fnlh· nwasm'P<l the footprints fonncl at th<: D1•a<·m1 \, h<HlSl'. anll
fonncl that 1hP\. hacl ht•t•n ma<11• ln' a . izf'
£5. H-las1 shcH'. · I a !so t Pst ifi<'<l that I had
lll<'Hsllrt'<I th1• <lPfrndant 's foot-print. on
:s1•\"Pra l 1H'a ssions. a ntl fou ncl his shoes t0
hP .·izP !Jl . ._ E last. AttornPY Ili<·ks re<JllPStPcl th<~ jur:· to notiet• thl'~P fad. a11d
ask<•tl thPm if thPy thot it possible• for
,)prr:· to ha\'<' worn thP shot•s whi<'h macle
th<' tn1<·ks at Dt>a1·m1 l'<·mhrokt• '. house.
Th<' 11Pxt \YitnPs "·as a little nef?ro hoy
'.Yho tPstifil'cl that he had . <'<'11 Deaeon
P1·mbroke pil·k up an old ja<'k-knife which
greatly r1's<>mhl<'cl .JrrrY' ''on ell', uncfay
befor1: d<> DNl<"nn'
uf~ wa. hu ·•~cl.,.
I fil'~t prodlH'<'<l thl' safr doo1·. whif'!1
was \'Pl',\' small. and JH'<'S<'Hting it to till'
jnry a.·k<'d thP111 if th<·~· thot a11 ' 'pxp1•rt
<'l'a•·lcrnan" would ha\'l' 11sPd t•nongh <'. "plosiYt> 011 a safe to blow thl' door dPar
orl' ~ I 1h1·11 . ho\\·erl the jury wh<'rt' I harl
d11 trcl thl' sa f<' 11\' l'r and di,.;playl'cl thP
111111H•ro11s fing-1 •1·-pri11ts 011 thl' polisht'<l
st<•t•I. By <·0111pari11g tht>S<' pri111., I show1 d t l1<•m t lrn t 1hl'rt' WPre 110 otlwr prints
hut those of DPal"on PPmhrokr on the safe
I lll'Xt 1mt the two dt•putit•s on the
'l'hl'Y tPstifiPd that on thr daY
th<» S<•anhe«I ,frrry's pla<'<'. Dea<'on Pt•u;hrokr had <lis<"on'rPcl thr hiding pla<"l' of
th<· ,.;tol<>n goods. hut had 11ot torn·hrd the
hox. or 1ool .
f tlwn proclt1<·Pd th<• hox, whif'!1 was
mac!<· of hh1P st1•rl. likt• th<· safr. and np011 dusting it ovPr shmn•tl 1rnmprous fing<'l'- prints on its polishl'cl side·.
W<'l'l' pron•n hy t·omparisnn to the . ampl1•s. to haYP ht'l'll l!Hlllr ln· Dt'H<'Oll Pl'mhrokl'. Thl'I'<' w<>re no ot.IH·r print.. <'X«1•pt thosP of till' cl<>pntiPs \\·ho had <·arri1•<l
thl' hox away.
Thl' 11Pxt artide hronght hPfore the
<"on rt wa,.; thl• kit of burglar'. tools. whi<·h
had ht't'll fonncl with tlw ·r<"nritY hox.
Thi>.·(' implrment. displa:·<'d on th~ir polislwd hi IH' snrfa<'<'S 111111wron
fingerprints. sonH· of the Dra<·on ·s .. omr mad<>
hy 01w of thl' cl<'ymtirs. but none of which
were made by Jerry Whitcomb!
r thrn proclll<"l'cl and read a ldtPr from
Thi' • c>c>rhn1·k. ('roft ('o .. giYing a r0mplPt<> list of c>nryt hing pnrt•lias<>cl thPre
h~· Dra<·on PPnhrnk1• "·ithin th<> hist four
rnonth.. Ont of tlw l011g list of purC'hasP'i.
'"" <'<ml<l Pasily pi•·k all the c·ont<>nts of
thP tool-kit.
By this timP. DPa<·on PPnhroke wa. prPtt.'· p11le arnl hak>·· T hacl one more trump
c·arcl to pla:· howPnr. Tf thi. worked as
I wishl'd it to. all would hP simple. I
?age Nine
hrot out a letter from Ta kP & Doyou Co.,
Brn·het-shop broken; in ( ' hi<·ago. To thi
ll't ter ,,·as pimwd rny 1Pl<•grnm asking for
a re<·oJ'Cl of all tra11sadio11s rnade with
Dea<'Oll l'Pnlirnk<•. ot Saunders, \\'is. The
rPport slww(•ll that thP DP<t<'Oll had in\ ested lH'a\·il\'. had lost. arnl had ou Oc:t.
}Uth (just h.rn days al'tPl' the robbery)
dqwsit(•cl :j;:~(Hlll.00 with them as a 111argu1. and l'nl'I hl'l' inn·st 1nP11t. Jt finishl'rl.
uy stati11g that thl'y had n·mitted. one
\\eek lat<'l', th< sum of ."/000.00 "·hi<'h
wa. what the D<•a<·o11' · i1n1·strne11t had
earnetl. minn. · hrok<'r's ft.l's.
·' l'1·rhap D1·cu·m1 Pl'nhrnkl' will tPll the
t'nnrt \dll'l'I' he got thl' .":3()()() ! '' l a kut.
\-ell. that \Yas too mu«h for onr fril'llfl,
the Dea1·on. ll1· brokl' down t·ompletely
and told thP \rholP plot. llow lw ha<l
nlhlw1l the elnll'<·h in onl<'l' to g1·t the
morn•y to margin o\'l'l' hi· i11YPstments
\Yith Takl' & DoYou. ancl hmY lw hacl sa1L
rlled the blam<' 'OJI .]l'l'l'\' \\'hit<:omh. attempting to haH t.lll' ol~l mm1 1·011Yided
on 1·ir«mm;ta11tial eYidl'11<·e. 11<' hlahl)l'd
like a l>ahY, all!l howlPcl about his former
good char~u::t 1•1-, au cl l)('ggt•tl to he kt off
hy paying ha<·k thr mon('y whid1 he had
triPd to S\Yindle the ehurl'l1 ont of.
clicln 't wait to sl'c how tlwy sPttlt•d the affair b11t !'alllP 1101111• tlw sa1nl' day. I nppo. e thr~· fin•cl the ])1•a(·on 011t of the
t·hnrl'.11. ancl l 11ntl1·rstancl that Old .Jprry
plans to hri11g- snit agaiust him. l supp( '<l' if lw clot's ht> \\·ill takr all the Dea1«n1 's ill-got1('11 gains 1nn1y from him. ancl
thl' Dc•n ·on will haY<' doll(' all that \York
arnl will han• lost hi l'<'pntatio11 for noth-
With this he rl'-lit hio.; pipl' whil'h he hacl
allm\' Pd to go out clnring hi>; story, and
,,·1·11( sl1>\dy o\·1T to the c·nr11Pr \\'hl'r<' his
Yiolin ease stoo<l. I rPalizl'd t lrnt I 111nst
a!'( quickly if I hopPd to god any information from llonP-;. tor l k1H'\\' l'ron1 past
expl'riP111·<' that 0111·e he stal't1·cl pla.' ing
one (1f his 1-ioft. swel't strains. h1· \\·011ld
hl' ohliYions to nil intcrrnption.
··But what ('\'l'l' put ~on 011 th<' right
tnu·l' in this affail' !" l askccl.
Hone· tm·nl'd to me, and "·ith a <Jlll'cr
look in his t'YI'. a ketl. ··Do yon nppose
that ~on 1·oulcl sl1·l'p \YhilP orneo11e clownstairs sPt off a ('hat'g'I' of · · 11itt·o" strong
1·rn>ngh to hl(m th(• J)00!{ <LE_\!{ OFF
·· \\'hy uo." I admittl'<I.
.. \\'c,11. neither <'nnld Dl'a<'oll P1•11brok('." he finish(•tl. · · .\11cl hPsicll's. "·hat
prof1·i'isio11al 1·ra··ksma11 would u. e a
ehar<TC hl'aYY eno1wh to l>lcrn· a door off,
inste~d of j{i t ope~?''
.. \\"ell. that's t1·111>," I arlmittrd. "I
\Yas stnpill llot to rl'alizr that. But," I
addl'([ lrnrrfrclJ)·. HS hc }'i 1•kecl Up hi beloYPd Yiolin a•~n in. "\\'h 1 is .Jerry \\'hitc·ornh if hP isn't Dan ·w hite!"
",Je1T\' \\'hit<-01111>, or to nse hi. rig-ht
nam('. D«rnald \\'hi(('. is a hl'in hrotlwr of
Dan \\'hite. tlw ps1·apP1l (·om id,'' aucl ·o
sa)·i11g he ~wiz1·tl his pl'! instr1111w11t and
in a lllOllll'llt thl' <til' \\'HS fiJ]pd \Yith the
wPd. 11wllo"· o.;( 1·;1i11s of IT01H• 's Yiolin.
Sir ( '011a11 .\I'! h111· \\'iJHlt•shl'im. 'l:l.
They daim that a Forcl \\·ill get 011e anywhere lXl·1·pt into o.;cl\'iPty.
German uperlat in·::. ( applie1l to Senior ).
.\m ffrissig.,ten-llarrid I\:npfrr.
Am srhonsten-\Yl' "·on 't say, the other girls rnii:d1t moh ns.
.\rn klt·inst1·11-ln·i11 )[artinson.
..:\m ht•stl'n Zernts Pilt-hrr.
Am histig1·n H;l,\'lllOlld \\"in<lhl'l'g.
.\m kurztPn-Bill :\Iorrow.
..:\111 fr(•urnlli(·h. kn
ha hell<' King.
ProYe thio.; gt>onwt1·.' pn>position !
··Thin go.; equal to the• ~Hille 1hing are
l'qnal to ('cU·h othl'l'. nncl t hprefol'P thillg
that arc like the sam<' thing like ead1
( 'orollarv-T\Yo frllows that like the
amr girl like ea<'h otlH•r."
Founcl in a thPllle 011 11H• .. Fairy
qm•t•n. '' ·'The ~·oung lrnight in or1l<·1· to
heeo111e holy hacl to fight \\·ith .. Satin."
~Iiss Be(·k
in Do1111•st j .. N('i{'Jl('l':
··Gl'rtrnclr \Yh\· do11't th1•\' wash the
sh<'<'P hPfol'P 'thP~: shl·ar thPrn .!''
GPrtrnclP ('. ''Be(·anse thPy'll !'atch
eoltl. ''
Jn Puhlie , pl'aking l\T. a tlc>rh~· hat wa.
found \nil ('0Jl(·t'all'd in thr hot air pipe
\Yhil'h :l\li:s Kanaar o.;aid must ht>long to a
Rns ian that attPrnl 11ight S(·hool.
Zrnas aYs- · · \\"p]]. I hl't he's rusin'
arouncl for ·his hat."
~Tis. Kanaar ~fy 1·la:s wa.
o fnll I
was able to do nothing ,yjth tlwm.
Page Ten
Tn\'<ll'cl I l•t' <11d nf t I ,. 1·111 ...,t ~ r th(· pnpils of K<•llosha Ili:.rh dP\·elop i11to amateur
salPs11w11. t·li1i111i11g th!'il' "·arl's in loud and
<·ompli11w11tar.'· to Ill's. 1'1•1·lrnps .'on ha Ye
noti1·<·d this (e1Hlt•1H·.''· Books a1·p sold at
grPat t'l'<indio11s. 11otwithsa11di11g thPir
grPat Yalt11'.
II' the pupil \\·01dtl oul:·
rpalizl' this YalnP a1Hl kl'PP thPse hook"
whi .. h th<'.' ha\'< 11sPd for a .''<' at' or 11wn•
and whi1·h arc prnhahly full of Yaluahlc
Ill t '"· lw\\· Bl\tC'h hdt<•r it would he.
i1101H'.'. <lllP \\·oulcl gl't from the hooks i.
small <·Oll![Hl r l'd to the aitl one might get
if one \\·0111<1 k!'t'p thl'm ancl r<•f,·r to tl11·m
from ti llH' to time.
lt Sl'r111s that after a Year of . hu],· of
an author thru a hook that there \\·onlcl
h<' >,omc Puti111ent «0111wdl•tl "·ith the
hook and om• \\·crnlcl hp loath to part "·ith
it for tlw . mall a111nn11t whid1 one n·<·PiY<>s. ThPrl'forP. althn thi. business-like
attitndl' 011 the part of the pnpil" is to lw
c·ommernlNl: ll't u think of thl' aitl r<'C'CiYPtl from our hook" ancl ]pt ns keep
~\. hont two year
ago '-!'' <•ral lli!!l1
::-;1·hnnl pupils attt•mptPcl to !!Pt permission
to haYL' 111nsi" to marl'!1 out h.' at noon,
and at foul' l'. :\I. Thi. rt'q1wst "·a. refuse<l. he< ·an. e it "·a..., foan•d that it would
shakt• onr 1111stahll' huiltling: too 1m11·h.
in«c that time 1h l' hniltling has hl'l'll rPiufor<·<'d. a1Hl the p lan is again hl'ing agitate<l 011 thl' plea that it woulu h<'lp to make
Olll' <ll'part lll'l' lllOl'l' Ol'UCrly.
\ \"e Ug'gl' t
that a clrumnwr hr found al. o. a everyone
likes to mar<'h, and our s<:hool wonlcl rnakP
a clignifi<·d allll pl1•asi11g l'Xit.
\\"I'll. at last "1• ·r·t• 011 t hl' ho111p ,,1 •Pt1·h.
It will not h<• Inn\! hdnt'<• \\'<' will h:t\'C
fi11i,,l1Pd for tlw .'<'ill'..\ '\I> it will ll'lt he
1011!! lwl'on· th\' hot \\'l'HthPt' t·nnH'.. Yon
...,lll'<'h· all l'l'llH'lllhl'r ho\\' harcl it is to
hw·ki" dn\\·11 to study whPn thP pcrspiratrn11 ·-. rolling <lo\\'ll ~ · nnr fa<'I'. and your
<'.' "" a1·p i1H·li111•d to \\·anclt•r. in pit1• of
.' nll!'sl'lf to till' wiflclow. :-;n Id· all !!Pt
to \\·ork. and gl'l in a frw goo1l "lic·ks"
\\·hill' tlw \\'l'atlwr is 1·olt1. Ll't 's g"t <'X<'lllpt frnm t'\'\'I'.'' !'X<lmin;1tion \\'P possibly
1·a11. HPmemlwr '. Exa111i11ations art• had
Pllllll!.dt in t·olcl \\'l'Htl11·r \\'ht•n yn11 ha,·e
<..01111• lifr and · ·go .. in .'·on. hut t ht'.' 'rp
\\'1 1'"<' in '-Hlllllll'r \\'ht·n you ·re sizzling
\\·jt It hPat '.
· · < )p; 11 our oppo1wnh...
\\"hat cl1)(' ·
that ,.,]oga11 of thn'<' \\·or<ls 111<'a11 to the
a'< n1111· pupil in K<•110,.,ha Iliu·h ~
1>111•. it mea11 «ll'anirn!· tht•m litPrally
1111d tiunrativPly~ That i-. what it hnnl<l
1111'1111. ('lean our nppom·nts nwa11s to
lH'at t hl'm fairly. sc111arPl~· an cl justl;>'. givi11!! t hl'lll th<·ir <·harn·l' lt llll'<lllS wht>11 we
!0-.1' to ]0,.,1• with goou sporhmanship. It
"·Jw11 our oppo1Jt•11t is ahont to
1h1·11w a foul i11 h;11·kt·t-liall that tl11• rontl'rs of I\:t>110-.ha ll igh - Jw11l<l IHl\'l' thP same
I '!' pc d for t hL'lll <h for our 1nvn team. T1Pt
thPtll 111<1kc tlw foul if 1111,,. ihlP. If 11nt,
it is all the hl'1!Pr for ll.. hut give 1hem a
(·hall«<' "·ithout tlH• hissin!? that has l11•1'n
iiot i1'(•ahle in p1·p ,·i111i.... l!amc~. Therefore
ld ns fairly. qnar<'l~-. ancl in a pnrtsma11lik1• \\'HY lo. e or c•I...,<· fairly and . quarPly
'· c-1< a 11 our oppn11Pnt -. "
~I iss Flon•rwe ·wl·ll from Kernpl'r Ilall
gaYe a hort lPdun· 011 the suffragp <1nestio11 011 ilw fo1· thP hl'nefit of those
"·ho ""('J'P then writing; uffl'agl' l'ssa: s
l•\·h. 1!lth was our <lay of clan;. \\'(' won
at haskPt hall ancl als;> at dl;lrnting. hoth
in Hiu·ine and Kl'nosha. .Jlis StPi!.! alHl
~liss Low. besicll's SP\'l'l'lll of th<' stucknt
hoc1y. ac·c·ompanie<l. on1· farnou · orator to
Ha1·irn'. wlwre the lattPr dicl some woncl<'rfnl work. Tlwy 1·anw ha<'k in CYl'll hdtPr
spiritR than tlwy had gOJH'. onl:· to l'!'«<'i\ e
mm·<· ha pm· Ill'\Yfl that th<· judg-Ps in KPll<>sha had g-in'll th<' dPl·ision to us by a
similar Yo10 2 to 1. Our ho~·fl and thPir
<·o;H·hl's . .\I iss St <'ig- a 11<1 .\Ir. \\Ta rel work('(l
har·cl. <\JI(] lwsidPs heing glad for the
. <·hool. "·c· an' 1-(la<l for them. glacl that
the»· an• W<'ll rl'\\·a rdl'cl for their many
h011rs of kdious work.
On ::\Iar<·h 10. tht> triangle c-ompos<'d of
Plymouth .•\ ppll'ton an<l K<•no ha drliatPcl
thl' st>111i-ti11al. 'l'hP n<'gatiY<' dt>hatt>d th<'
.\ppl<'ton aftinnatin· at Kl'no ha. and thP
affil'ma1in clc•hatt>cl the> l'lymoutlr ll<'ita1in· at J>ly111011t h. 'I'hP n!'gativr was l'<'h11·11Pd Yidorious 011 a cll'<·isinn of 2 to 1.
\\·hill' 1h<' affirmatin• lost unanirnon ly.
ChrRtPr aron. ed the Riston· C'la.·R and
pnllPrl off a huge joke. (W ~ w·on<ler if
he·. ·till latwhing).
Ed. IIanhri<·h. a promi1wnt mrmhrr of
the• .\IiclY<'ar , c•nior ('las .. anfl. alsn a hew
standing· out in rnany of 1h<' High ~c·hoc;l
adiYitiPs has hnd to wit hrlraw from s<'honl
on a<·emrnt of ill hPalth. \Ye'rc' mighty
.·orr~· to haYe yon go. Eel. and we expt•l't
to mi ~ ou orely.
Boost that annual an<l don't forget to
write up about 1hat funny joke that happened in rlass. \\.,.e h;we a kern srn. e of
lnunor a11cl \\·aut a u1111cl laugh .inst <l!::i "'<'11
Th<· .Juniol's -..ol<l pop-c·or11 halls at the
Hn1·i11p l Ii!dt :-;l'hool an<l K. II. :-;, ha kethall g,-111111'. \\'hat ol'iui11alit.\ so111e cla ·sl'.
•lo ;;how'.'.(!
Th<' S<'1·m1<l ~P.\- snhs<·ript10n c-ontc>st
'nh "·011 h.' th1· :Jlidy1•ar ~P11ior das .
~c>niors follo\\'l'<l thPm with a 1·los<' c>1·ond
\liss NtPig "·a unable to att1•I1cl .l'honl
for ;l f<.11· da.' s 1111 a<'1·nnnt of an atta1·k of
app<·11di1·it is.
Il1q\'l'\'l'I'. she "·a
1•1wngh to clon the n·cl hair hancl. whil'h
proh;1lil,\ '<'l' \"l'<l its p11rpo-e in <·apti\·ating
thc> Dodor.
Ze1ias h1•<·anw tlH• prnncl po se .. or of
hYo hoxps nf t"allll.'" onr from Isabelle,
arnl tlw othPr from .\Tis. Brister. after
st rnggl in g wry hra yp] y. a n<l not la n!!hing
nr u11l•1·i11g a \\·nnl (not <'Yl'n his lesson)
in IIistor~ ·.
HaymmHl ha alsn 1akrn a !!l'l'at illfrrPst
in E;1g-li. h. anfl. he i-. doing mu<·h lll'tfrr
than 'ki nu~·.
\\Tp want thP annual gnocl-so <lo yon.
\Ye 'rt> doing- th<' hPst we l'Hn-are you
<l.oi!lg the hest ynn l'a11? \Yt> 're doing
our . hai·r-~·nn clo ~·cmrs. al!(l the annual
c·an 't h< Ip hut h1· goncl.
Ray Lamb g·a, e a short talk hPforr the
a:,;. Prnhl~· on \\'in•lc• . Tclrg1·aph~-. \\'hi1·h
\\'<ls Y<'r~ iutPr1·-.ting. as \\'<'11 a.· Yl'r~· instn1<·t in'. Amon!! nthl't' thi11!..("s. " ·e l1•arnP<l that.'. 0. '-'· dors uot 111Pa11. as most of
11 thot: • ';np Onr ._onls !
Irene '"a. o lonesome for D<•an thnt
::\Ii Yule took pity on lwr and gaye him
a . eat lll'Hr hrr again. . Tow that'- what
'"e call prett~ a1'<·m11odati11g. :JI i s Yu\1>,
(Concluded on page 1 .)
Page Twelve
(Revised Version).
Once nu a hrigbt . nrnmer' morning. a
Youth :-.tood lwfore a small mirror.
Ill: wa a tall hawlsollll' frllmv with brown
hair. and eyl's of the same lnw.
Dillige1itly. aud "·ith l"lllltion, he tried tu
arrange his loud uel·k lil•,
Pattr<l hi toat illto pla«l'. arnl in hntton
hol<' pla<·rd 11 small fhml'r.
Then over hill an<l thrn dalP. he traYelletl
to visit his fair one.
After a long "·ea1·y jonrnl'." he l"llllle to the
home uf the maiden.
In the garage he 0011 found her, where
slw was adjusting a push-rod.
"Lizzv" he said. · · .J imnn- lo Yr von. a ntl
a k;·<l me to (·ome hl'rc. to tell ~·ou."
TJnoking at him with a smile she made ansVi-er, .. 1£ that big hoob loves me
Ile must have C'old feet. or he wouldn't
ha Ye t.ent you around here to tell me.
\Yh~- clon 't you love me yourself,
Hill.'·.' That woul<l lJl' more to my liking.·'
'· ~m·ely I lnvl' yon." he an. wered, " o
ll't us get married tomorrow."
'·That will lw Tilll'." sai<l thl' maiclPll. "'bnt
.Jimmy "·ill snn•ly hC' a11gr~-."
"\\'h.'· . lwuhl Wl' worr.'· ! ·' a. kPd Billy,
for Ill'~( w<•<'k a hoat loa1l of women
"· · (h l I'
from E1q.da11(l. nn<l .li111111.'' 1·a11
find i1ll1m1g thl•111 a Jin(• hl'lp1natl'."
.'11011 tlw t"·o .'·mmg 1woplc· p11l't<·1l. ancl
B'lly "'<'llt honH' to l'<' .Jimmy.
•Jirn1ll.'' at tir t hC'c-am<' angn·. hut soon
<;mil<'d. and put forth hi right haml.
'·I am a lrn·ki<'r man now·. than vou,
yon arl'. '' he saicl a they shook ha'ncls.
''That wa: a prl'tty dose eall. and I mu t
han· he<'n drunk whrn I ent you."
Karl \Yind(•. ·hPilll. '1.).
.J j 111 ha;., a \'l'rY Slll'l' arm. YOU Sl'C'
_\ml •Yl1r11. to \n>rk on the. proplw~y,
1 ll· mid <i<'oruia. ~liss Ynll• <lid a.Shonl<l haYe thl rnom to tlwmsd've one
.J ill!rniP 1mir111m'<'<l. · · Xot with my arm
til'd this "·ay.''
'' In Vocose Jim. ''
Hy the shorPs of · Jtc-hing Dnmrnv.'
ll~· the lak<·. vomposl·d o,f water.·
\\'hPre tlw sun g"<H's dmn1 at miset,
~\11cl the moon at eYen' risl' .
\\'here th<' forP.t. fr<'<' from fclll'C'
Headies to the watff' · ellges.
Thl'n' the hi~· thil'!. ·:-;oap ancl \\.;itrr'
J>wPll h<'ll<'ath the shPlt 'l'i11g palm trees.'
Th1•n• th!' Hin·r :-;1ian11011 rnsllC's
D1rn·n to turn thr old n·cl mill wheel.
< llH·e, npun a nmmer' evening,
Carne detel'tiYe lli;nn1tha.
<hi th<' trail of ·Soap and \Yater'
II<-. who sto!p ol<l ·xl ptun<>·s Daughter,'
< 'allll'
cldeC'tiYe Hiaw·atha.
Ill '. the on of t-hil'f P<'rnua .
:\ l111·11rn1·l'1l. 'XmY T surely haYe him,
Fol' lH' <'Hllll<>t wl'll l' (·a1;<' me''
ll1·1·w his g'lltl. an . J\"(']' .Johnson'
.\!so d1'l'\\' an ~\ 11toniat i«'
Tll<'ll h 1• w:ilk<'il np to thl• cloor-wa;< .
_\nd loudly '«llll·d for ·:-;nap ancl \Yater'
·:-;nap a11<l \\' atl'r.' un ns1wc-ting .
llolclly walkPd into his cl<·ath-trap.
:-;aid IIiinrntha . . .. 'ow r ha Yr thP<>.
·.'nap an<l \\~atc>r.' cur e of mankind,
T haYr tn1t·krd tlwe to thl' north polt-,
Foll1rn·Pcl t hPl' to '· TippPrHI'.'':"
(Cone! uclecl on page 1, )
Page Thirteen
eT(-) l CTlCS
1n !ht 111ost d1sht•arlL'lli11g uamC' so far
thi, st>ason the Krnosha Iligh 1l'aJll wt·nt
dmn1 to defeat at thL' hand. of~ _jJihninkl'<'. I 11 tlH• first pla1·1• onr hoys "'l'l't• too
<'011fid1·11t anc! the S<'<·mH! phll'<' "·e1·p i11
Jlllo1· spirits and 1·011dit ion. .\flt·r missinu
two trains aiHl hPing for1·l'd to "·alk a long
distarn·p m "'Pt W<>athn ""' ""'l'P fnrth<>r
hai1di1·appi>d hy pla~·i11g 011 an rnmsnall~·
;;lipp<'r.'' Hoor. :\Ir. Ehp1·t 's lntin \nts
stallP<l l'rnm Ma<lison to _jJihrnukl'C, l11•rn·e
he "·a. nnahll' to S!'lld his fram on the
Hoor "·ith its nsnal "pq1" and it \\'1\s
not nntil th1· S('<·nn<l half heforp hP m··
rind to urg·p 011 his 1Pam. Thr first half
rndl'd l..J- to 12 in KP110-.ha \ faym· hn1 Wt•
"«'!'<' n1111hh• to hold the lead dne to the
slip1wr~· tloo1·. TIH· g:amr enrl<'d in a tiL•
21 to 21. <'aptai11s Ht>ith and \Yarcl agrPt'tl
to play ti\'!• !'xtra minnfrs to p1·o(·laim th<'
wi1rn!'r. _\ftpr fom· minntrs of play. <'aptaiu \\'anl lllH(lP a long haskrt. and Kr
nosha fnilP<l to ti<• tlw S('()J'P after man\
hair-raising "ringers" anrl therrfore ~.
1\lihrnnkPP \rnn ont 2:~ to 21. .After the
g-allll' tlw ~. 'JiilwankPe team triNl to rnak<'
n h<·li< n· thPv lu1<l ·ome timr hut tht·Y
!iP<'lllt>rl to forgrt ahont our lwating thr1~1
:~n to . J- on our home floor.
111 a f11s1 and 1. <·1t111u ganl!' \\'aul· ha
Ili!.d1 ~ ·hool t1·a1t1 dl'fratrd the haskrthall
fi\"t' 1'1·11111 KP11osh11 h~- the s<·or1• of :!fl to
11 011 \\'m1kP-.lrn's Hoor. \\'aukP.1111 ha;-;
a fi11t· !t•a111 a11d play1·d <'X1·1•ll<·11t hall :rncl
lwd th<· acll·a11tm~P of playing 011 their
ho111!' floor. K1•11osha was unable to 10<·at 1• 11w \\'ankt>sha haskl't. while the
\ \'1111 k<·slrn tPa m 11 i<l some a<·<·u1·at e shooting a11d h!'11osha \\a. fnrthrr hamli1·appcd
hy pla.' 111u 011 a small tloor. NeYertheless
Kc•nm;ha play<'d a hard fought game hut
Io, 1 to a lwttt>r h•a 111.
\\'ank<•sha \\"H.· l<'a'ding at thl' P11<l of thP
first half h~· th!' s1·orp of 12 to
and in<'l'NtsP<l th rir lead to ~9 to 11 he fore time
\>as rallcrl.
The Lineup:
KE -osIL\-
The h•am. linerl up a follows:
. 'Jiihrn11kee.
Rrith .................... R. G. ITowt>.
Roo111'~' .................... L. G. B1·it'. e
Fink ......................... ('. Wilke
Fro. t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. 1',. Ron P
\\Ti11<lsor. Thri<'lll'll ......... L. F. Ward
Baskt>ts-Fro t (3). '\Yirnlsor. Thrienen.
Fink ('.?). \\Tard (4), Rouse (..J-). Wilke
Frl'e throws-Fink 3: \\Tard.
F1·ost . . . ............. :~
\\'i11<1snr .............. 1
Fink ................. 2
H1·ith ................ .
Honnp~· .............. .
• 'C'hlJ('ll . . . . . • . . . . • . . . .
Thri<'rn'u .............. 1
W_\l"KE. IL\FB
( '111'1-.toph ..•..•....... 9
• tc "'a rt . . ............. 3
Pir .................. .
l\Tars den ............. 2
:\Inrphy .............. .
( 'arsti11 ............. .
.\rmin .
. .... .
Burling-ton Ilig-h • chool team eame to
Kenosha after winning nine straight
g-anH's. hut met their "'\'Yaterloo at the oli-
Page Fourt~en
. 1 um by the . l.'Or1' of ~-.. to 12. It wa a
fast, tight gamP especially th• fir t half.
Tht• game started out with a rush "·hi1·h
"·as kt>pt up the eutire first half with nl'ither side having the advanta:rt>. _\t no
timl', 1lnri11g the first half did 1·itl11•r t1•am
lwn• the lead l v n1or1• than 011e hasket.
hut Kenosha ll'a~I at th1• half time h\ 22
to 10. Kenosha thl'n ehangl'd its styi1• of
play from fiYt' me11 running the tloor to a
. taJl(ling guard game whid1 hroke up Burlington'.· tl'alll work. whil'h was only ahle
to 1·age one basket to KP1wsha 's !->\'Ven during the se1·ond half. Ho01H'.' at tanding
gnar1l broke up Burlington'· team work
in great l->hap<'. The tl'am wa ·also strengthened hy the appeanuH·c of Schnell, our
rmrning cruartl. who wa!-l laid out at the
time of the Ral.'ine Colll'ge game.
The team lined up as follow
R. F.
ThrienC'n, \Yill(l. or L. F.
fonvton '
Heith. Willi ·
R. G.
H1·hnell. Rooney
L. G.
• 'ewburg
Fit>ld Baskets-Frost (li), Pink (2),
Reith (2), Lawton (2). Thri11 IH'll, ~dmell,
BellPr, \Vein, Wallis, :X<·whm',\.
Kenosha Defeats Racine High!
In the higg1•st arn1 lllost ex1·itiug game
of th1• yt>ar Keuosha lligh <'hool, 11Pft>ate<1 Ha1·iue Ilig-h N1·hool hy the sl.'ore of J.!
to 11. £\bout nine hundred Ra1·ine and
Kenosha 1m1ents ancl town:people witrn·ss1 <l th 1• galll e.
The high Sl.'hool crame starte11 with a
hurst of s1we<l. that wonhl s1'em impo. ·sible
for high sd1ool te;um; to stan1l hut whil'h
. t>t•i1wd to last throughout tlw game. Nome
of thl' best g11ar1li11g and passing for high
. 1·hool tl'Hllls wa st'1'll hy tlw roofrrs. Thi~
ex(·itPlllt'nt of this ganw \\'H'i inte11. t>, a.·
th1• ont<-ome was in doubt m1til thP whistle
hh•\L 1·;llli11g ti11ll'. Ha<·i1H' ·tartPr1 out with
n 1·u h and had 1·agP1l two tiPld ha..;kds
l1t>fol'l' KP11osha 1·1>1tld g-d startt·11. Ilowen•1· tht• KP11osha t1•an1 l'alll<' h<u·k st1·011g
and In· two hask •ts ll\ Fro. I a11tl \\'i111ln1'. a1;1id a th1111dl'r of. appla11.1'. th<'." ti1•d
th<· st:oJ'l'
Dnrinu: tht• rP111<1i11111•1· of the
half tlw hall wa · u:oing from ont• 1•1Hl of
th<' floor to th<' otlw1· until Fro t rnadP
n1111tlwr baskPt gi\'ing K1•nosha a lt>a<l of
I to -1- for the first lrnlf. If tht• first half
wa a thrillC'r tlH' <'Nlllc1 half wa. P\'f'll
m11r1' '>fl. Kt>11usha u:ot an ea1·]y l1•1Hl during tlw fir t part of thf' . <'Pon<l half until
the la t fi,·1' n1111ut1•s of play \\'h<'JJ Haein e
woke up au1l tl1·en•a. ·ed Kenosha's lead
to Olll' point and one 11im1te to pla~·. ..:\
haskl't for eitlH•r team "·ould "HI the
{!ame '. Xe1•1lk s to ay. when Frost ma<le
tlw last ha ket during the la ·t minute of
pla~· tht' trmr<l \Ven\ absolutely wild! Xe\1•r has th1•r1• hel'n quite so llllll'h l'Xl'Iit ·
ment as th1•1·e was in these last frw minutcs of play. The final seore was 14 to 11.
Thi• high school t1•am had har!l luc:k in
shooting baskets and missed many ehanee ·
to <'ore b~ poor basket shooting. Heith
and Fink W\'l'l' po\\·Prs on defense. It wa ·
disappointing to the team and. of course,
to Hoouey himself that he could not appear in uniform on the night of the game.
'l'hP K1•nosha standing guard star was injured in the last pral'tise before the game.
Hooney was al ·o one of the three members
of last year's team who were unable to
eompl'te a~ainst Ha1·ine last year beeelu e
of va1•t•inatio11.
Thl' K1•110sha high sehool team was louri
in thl'ir praise of the clean way the Ra<:ine team played and hoped this good
spirit will <:ontinue to exist between the
two teams. Bush I'll, Lun<1e anrl Johnson
playPd exl.'eptionally good ball for Raeine
anrl deserve \'redit for their good showing.
Frost, \Yindsor. Fink, Reith, S1·hnell and
Thrieneu represented old K. II. S.
111 thl' first game of th<' hig double head1•r till' H<H·iue IIorlil'lrn defratl'd the Park
.\. nnue ,jJ l'thodi. t ( 'lnm·h by 2;) to H.
Both teams playecl rxePllPnt hasketball
and Ilorli<'ks only lwat tlw lo\'al tram h:v
sn1wrior haskl't shooti11g. Hlw1istrom and
Downing starr1•d for the :\Iethodist
l'hur1"11 \\·hil1• ,Jandel and Smith were the
bright lights for tlw Ilorlil'ks. Ree<len,
\'an ( '011Y1·ring. Downing and Rhenstrom
r1•prl's<'nte<l the lot·al 1·lmr1'11 fram .
011 thP aft1•rnoo11 of th<' hig tlouhle
lH•ad1·1· the lfal'in1• h iµ;h s1•1·0111l team 1l1•fratt~d the Kt>110sha i<'am hy the '1.'0re of
2~ to 11. The KP1wsha .·e1·1rnds \Ye1·e nnahh• to <'~H!!' thl'ir 111<111\' shots while the
Ha1·inl' s<'1·011<l 's baskd ·shooting wa. ae('\ll'afr.
Th!' Ha1·i111' ·p<·o111ls hail a big
11•1111 at half tim<' whid1 K1•11osha 1·nt down
tlw s1•1·01J<l halt. 81·hlyp1·-(~ua11dt. \'olt z.
Bostt'lt1•r. H1•<11•t 11 an11 BPl'<'llS rqir!''i<:llft rl
K. II. N. i11 this ganw. ~\ loyal h1111d1 of
11i~.d1 Sl·l10ol studt•nt tnnlt'd out to witness
thi. gamP abo.
FrPd )Ior.-;e of Keno. ha reft>r<'1'rl the
!!a111e hPtw1•pJJ the Ha(·inP and Kenosha
St'l'Oll<l t1•a 111 S Cl 11cl ,J (1\• (j] !'I'll Ill l'l'frreed
the !!Hllll' lH•tw<'t'll thP J{a<'i1w Ilorli1·k.· and
(Concluded on page 18.)
Page Fifteen
--- ----
The Black and Red, Northwestern College,
W atertown, W is.
Your 1rnml)(>r is snrl'ly worthy of notice.
Your editorial alHl litl'rary department
arp mmsually i11teresti11g. A few more
C'Ut ancl joke would ''ginger up" your
'Ihe Signal, Sisterville, W . Va.
\\Tc•lcome to our table! Unlike the ahoYe
yon are full of joke's. "William ' GoverlH'SS" i a rathn lengthy tale. prPsumably
an amateur's first love . tory-' ''rres pathetiqne."
The E risophian, W axahachie H igh School,
Your pap<'r tho small, is full of good
material. \Ye wi. h we coul<l have been
the judges in the ·' hiseuit rontest. ''
Th e Bugle, Monroe High School.
Yon have an exten ive literary department. \\T ouldn 't your seYeral poem be
suffi('ient for a poet' page?
The Echo, Ona la ska H. S., La Cr osse.
You have ma uy clepartment but none
of them are well deYelopecl. \n1y not a
fpw torie. in your literary clepartment
and <'riti('i ·ms in your exchange Y
The Criter ion, W a upaca, Wis., sa ys:
Your. ToYemher edition is most interest_
ing and the ('OYer unusually attractive.
Has your editorial cut contraeted mall
The py, Keno ha-A few cut would
adcl to your interestina paper. The page
of '·Local '' in the '' PY,'' Keno. ha,
\Yis .. i. interesting even to out. icler .
Th~ , p~. Keno ha-Your large ex<'hange list is partil·ularly note worthy.
A goon joke department woulcl improve
an otherwi. e well eclitecl paper.
In addition to the above, March, we
acknowledge :
The Blaek and R ed-~orthwestern Colle...,e, W atertown, \ \is.
The Wigwam-_ Torth Yakima, W ash.
The ..Archon Drummer Academy, Byfield,
)Jass. (2).
The .\theneum-.\then High School, Ath<·ns, \\ri .
'I'h1• Hom1d Tahle-Beloit olle<Ye, Beloit,
TlH' Daily :\Ia·roon-l'niwr.ity of Chicago. Ill.
The _.\nemmJC•-State • Tormal School,
SpParfish. S. Dakota. (2).
Th<> Dalt•ville LPa<ler-Daleville, Yirainia.
The Koclak-Eau Claire, \\Ti ..
Tht> Xormal ,\1lYa11<'e-O. hko. h • Tormal,
Oshko.h. Wis. (2).
Th<• ( 'larion .Appleton, Wis. (2).
The ~kr1·ury-E. D. II. ., ~Iilwaukee,
Wi .. (2).
The Erisophian-\Vaxaharhie, Texas.
Th<' ('rim. on arnl Gold-. Jew Brighton,
The C'omet-\\T. D. II. 8 .. ::\lilwaukee, \.Vis.
The Spretator-\Vaterloo, Iowa.
Th<' 'I'ahoma-Taroma. \\ah.
The Eni('ar-Racine, Wis.
Th<> \Vorl<l-, t. Paul, 1\linn.
The LawrPntian-T1awrent'e ollege, Appleton, Wis. (2).
Tew Trier Echoe -Kenilworth, Ill. (2).
The Yim-St. Croix Falls, Wis.
The Rail .. plitter-Lineoln, Ill. (2).
aid ancl Done-),Iu. kegon, 1\Iich. (2).
The Seimitar-Lorain. Ohio.
The , tmlent-( 'ovington, Ky. (2).
The . ._ (•oop-Brlvi<kre, Ill.
Ripon ('ollege Day. -Ripon, \Yi consin.
Eng!'ne TJ igh , c·hool. rrw -Eugene. \Vis.
The aroll Echo-Caroll College, Waukesha. \Vi .
The Btw;vrian-Bucyrus.
The • hamokin Iligh . ._ ehool Reviewhamokin. P a. (2).
The Chronicle-Hartford, Conn. (2).
The Quill-Hender on, K entucky. (2).
The Book Str ay - har k ton, W. Va.
The Stentor-Lake For est , I ll.
The Somer. et Idea-Somer et, Ky.
The Lane Tech. Prep.-Chicago, Ill.
Page Sixteen
\YP ar1' p!Pa l'(l tn not1' that tlH' .\lnmni
of K1•11nsha 1hgh :u·e tloin!.!'. thiufl' · up at
Law n•111·1• <'ol leg·1 •
11.irry Wallis, of the c·la-. · of nineteen
thirtl'l'll has ht>t>n awarderl. a gold foothal I, l'or his "·ork la t fall on the Lawrence
Football ekVl'll
Lrrn rPn<·e Ea. tman who is of the same
Class has heeu made Editor-in-Chief of the
l'huol paper.
?lliss ?llarion JJayen. ·18 was ma<le a:i ta11t ulitor of the .ame paper.
E<lson Ilanly won a prize of fifty dollars for his work in elol'ntion. It will be
re111e111h1·n·<l that he won the !-itate Oratorial ( '011tl·st ior Kenosha High, in 1913.
~lauv of the Kl'11nsha lligh Alumni at
\Yi <·01;sin s1wnt the vacation between
seuw. ters at home. .Among tlwm "·ere
BP11 B111·kmastPr. '11, Herbert Cnrti: and
E1lward • 'il'oll. ·u.
:;\!is· .\lil'e :Jl1·<'all of the rlass of 1914
who is attemlin~ th· Univer. it:· of Illinoi ,
. pt>11t the mid-yt>ar Yal'a1ion at home.
.\ m11Hhl'r of Kenosha Iligh .Alumni
ha\'!' hamled to~t>ther awl formerl a haskl'thall team 1·alling thernsdYes the La
K:ilhas. Tln• lin1·np is as foll<nL :
Ri!!ht forward ........ T1•(l Bo tetter, '13.
Ll't't fo1·\\·anl ...... En1st Bosttetter, '13.
Ce1it1·r ................ Guy Clark. '13.
Right C:uar<l ......... Ewuld Yonk. '13.
Lf'ft <:uard .......... <>mer Knpfer. Tl.
.\ltl'l'll<ltl' ......................... .
<'\arl'Jll'I' l'ark1·r. '1-1. E<l. \'allaha11. l'.·. '13
)lanager .......... Rirhar<l BarJeu. '13.
Offi1·ial Ht>fen·e ......... "~allac·e Blair.
D11t• tn a mismider ·tanding a· to the
tirnP it was dtw, a poem from one of the
alwuui i rnit i11 time to go to pres'. It
will howeYer. with more, be printecl in a
latl r is. ne of the magazine.
Thi:ri• is uu l'L'aso11 \Yhatso '\'l r for auY
more del'Jl thot about tl1L Europt'Hll "·a;.
.\II the ct·0110mit a11<l sot·ial la\Ys, the
Jl.' seholngi1• a11d l'l'ligwns. ilw }!l'ographic,
atJJw phcri«. diahulit., suffra!.!'.etti<-. politic,
hy!!ellll' and eYerythiug-else-that-has-evcrhPen-thot-nf laws ha\'e bel'n applircl without any grt>at sUl'l't'ss. There is sl'arcely
anything else to blame unlt>ss we take the
<lrought of l "7' or the :Jfouroe Doctrine.
l •h 11k tlH· high pril·1• of hutter today i ·
1·a11 t><l In· the la1·k of hoth tho e 1·onm10Jitws. Bt~t a ft1•r· we ha\'<' takl'n enrything
iutu consi<ll'ra t ion-a ft 1•r WP ha \'l' waded
thni tlH· lists of hnl'l'ihlc atrocit il's, amid
the bur ting of homhs and the explo ion
uf miui>s, tlw hno111 of Hi foot 1·:11mon ,
( l do11 't k11ow \Yhat tlw lcltl"<t ont> is, I
think it'· a 467 imher) aud the· layer of
"·nnmll'<l-aftrr WP hnYe killl'<l all the
population ill Hus ·]a l'Yen tinw. aud then
rt· lUTCl'fr<l thl·m a11d <lont> it all on•r
11:.?:Hi n; a ft t•r ".L, ha \'1• sm1 k 1lw English
nay:· a flow JlHll"l' ti1llls and ra11sal'ke1l
Ln11<l1111 J'l'pPatPdly: aftPr "'" haYt' gott1·n
thrn 111aking; the C:1•rmans rl'tn·at until
t 111•:· 11<t\'t' hl'l'll C'has1•d aromHl the worlrl
so oftt 11 that thrv arl' tlizz\-Wl' nrn ·t
l'01wlncle that aftP1: all. thr JH.';t is rnightirr
than th1 .·\\'ord. fo1· lHtYt' not our papt•rs
:1l·•·omplislw1l all tht'Sl' majPstit· impossihilitit>s aml thesp phPnnmPna of magnifil't'nt gr:11Hlt>1tr that thP poo1· nnimngina1in'. -,illlplP human heing 1·onlll neYrr al'1:m11pli. h in a thonsa11<l Yt'ar~ !
I ha\'f•
.inst lPill'lll'd that thf' U~·l'lllalls ha\'(' anllPXP<l • ·o\'il ~<·otia to ( 'nlia aftPr ha Ying
drin11 all the :Jia!!:'l's intn tlw ('nspian
't <l
1·omp!Ptt>IY au11ihilatiu1r tlw
.;,,on th • ca T landl•r · with a ga:,... bomb
rillc-rl. "·ith fJimhnrgPr, I prr. nrnr), thry
finishP<1 np Ji:· tnruing E11dancl upside
down. The Engli h haYe nJ,o inYented a
(Concluded from page 20.)
Littl<' Bohhy lkatny w ent with hi . moth1·1· to Ill!,,. a pair of kni('].;:prhol'kers.
"\\'hen hl' had lookP<l at all th(' Yarieti1•c;
i11 the st on·. he was still dissatisfh, cl. '·I
"ant that pair in th<· "·ind1rn·. " he prot l'Stl'<l.
'' 'l'IH'St' a1·p .inst t•xad '·' l i k<• t IH's<'. " assnrl'd the l'IPrk. hut if )·on want that parti<·ular rrnir. I 'II gl't tlH' lll for )·on." They
ho1·p a sign whi<·h l'P<Hl. "TlH'S<' knidcPrho('b'rs 1·an11ot he heat."
:\liss StPig-~\re )O'l tr011hlPd " ·ith
SI ('Pp! ('SSIH'SS?
Frank \\'olfr-YPs. I lHl\'<'11 't . lt>pt thret'
hours in a week. The tlodors <"all it X eurit0. onine paralarintis.
}liss Stt•ig-I wonhl think he 1·ould l'all
it Ilarrid Kupfer.
You ston('S ! Yon hlo!'ks ! You wors<'
1ha n usplpss things! \\'h)· don't ) on hand
. ome eontrihntion in ?
I " ·onder " ·ho this EX ean he
His wit is full of Yim
For most of tlw jokes in thi 'ere paper
!-\(' emt•<l to he il!tll'd h)' him.
Girl-;' faults arc man\'.
Boys' fan ts are two;,
E\'l'rything they . ay.
And eYerythi11g they clo.
!-'ha mo kin II. , '. RcYiew.
Da<l ( from the hall)-"\Yhy, ::\Iarjoric,
how dim the light is in h0re!"
Fr<'(hl.v ( the fi.anl'e. not a <·ollPg<' gradnah' in Yain)-.. Yt>.·. . ir.
Profp ·.or
1Innst0rlH'rg had a th0or~· thHt brilliant
light lwnumhs the int0!10d. \Ye arc ex1wrimenti11g to find the ciPgree of illumination h~· ''"hi1·h the atfrntinn is kPpt Yi\'i<l
a11cl tlw lll<'lltal fnrn·t ions.''
Raid and Done.
1Iar~· had a littlP lamp.
'Twas full of kPros0110;
One <la) the lamp it <lid Pxplncle,
, i1wP then . hP '. not hem:ine.
E<l. .\ .. in .Anwr. Lit.-" .\11 thP pPople had different to11gues." How ·anitar~·.
Karl \Y.-"Ile a~r<'rd to jnmp from a
even teen
stP<'Jll<' fin• mil1·s from thr air."
lw i gh t.
, ome
. \I'! !nu· (fail · · .\ll tlw men md in
Fnnp1·a! Hall." < 'h <'<'rful time . .Arthur.
:'II iss E,·,111s "\\'hat is a han•m ('Jwst Pr ! , ,
( lwsi<'r - '' lt · a kind of hi rel."
··Oh. say <·a 11 yon S<'e?"
if' not l ny. tlw d;nrn' · Parl~· light at 12 <·rnt
a kilowat.
\\'m. Yoltz ( in Engli . h ) - Ile . onght to
softPn lw1· fa<·P. ( Oh. haYP a hPart ) .
:\Ii•. YnlP ( in History
Gl'rmany has
th<• lwst railway systl'n~ in th e Cnited
::\Iiss B. ( in Engli. h ) -"What is a
tahl<' ?''
.A lois T.-" ~\ tahlc is an article of furnitur<' u . etl for Pa ting."
:\Ii. s EYans-" What i: the meter in this
po Pm?''
G<>orge DorsPy-' ·It i. writ ten in doub-
let ·."
:\liss EYHns-" If there "·pre three linPs
wonhl it ht• drihkts?''
.\ han<lsome ~·om1g <lPah•r i Don.
DPalt•r in hParts. Ye . you're on!
: \Iah<'l 's hit so har<l
That sh0 ll'ft h<>r 0111 par<l.
To !'onrt the " .<' Pt fayor of Don.
AllH't't \\'pJls has an awful ('1\SI'
\Yhi<'h is JH'ng1·pss1ng· at a rapid paC'e;
Th<•)· 'n• togPthPr all thP tim<'.
Th .. y'H got it ha<l. I '11 hct a dime.
('h<' !Pr is a strnlinns hoY.
\\'ho !'Pads hi. IPssnns i Wi<·I';
Ifp works .·o hlanu'd nnwh.
,\ll(l hi lrarning is s1wh.
That Mi s Brister. ay , "My, he's nice!"
Dan Cupid was a marksman poor
D0spitP his ]nyp all<l kiss<"s;
For 1hongh h<' ahrnys hit th<> marl·
He' ahvay making :\Irs.
Pag-e Eighteen
(Concluded from page 11.)
alH1 w •hope that Irene a11il D!'an npprl' .. iatc your ki11il.11ess.
Four Bank Clerks
The Senior girl . or ra ill ' l' 01ll~· a frw
of thl'm. lo:-;t all th\ \t. !:ritY that hould
he theirs 011 Friday . .:\lan:h .>th .. "·hen
they ·hoekecl both J; rt·:-;hnH•11 and tea i· lwr
by ··not appearing a!-i tlwy S\'\'llll'<l. '· The
girls had a mighty good time of it. and
altho ~li!-is Low Haw fit to put thPir nam\'s
on her l>lal'k list, tlwy do 111 .t fePl at all
di heartened, but r<lilH'r PJH·ournged to go
on with their 'O-talle<l · fooli8h1w:-;s. ''
sent to the
oncluded from page 12.)
'In 1he hill ' of old Kt>11tu!'kY,'
• 'ow •The larnl of rny lH•:-;t girl,'
That' the plal'e 1 m•arly drilled you,
X early drilled you, · 'oap and \Yater.'
But my mouth "\Yas fillerl with ·,'pearmint,'
Arni I eoulil not gauge th<> di ·ta1Je1>.
K ow I ha-ve you. i11 my power.
' oap anil \Yater,' now l ha\'\' you.
Twent~· years haYe I 1rn1·su<'d ~·llll
An Wt'r now thi Yital qu\• tion.
\\'-hy did yon, hy all that s ho!;;,
Mix my "'asolinc with waler!"
" pare me!" houtl'cl 'Sonp an.l \\'at<>r'
"~1rnre nw!" son of '«hid P1•n•11a.'
".:\ e\'l'r." mU:nn'rPd Hiawatha
~\ s he aimed hi!-i automati<'.
"X ow you die, I "\"\T\'ak my Ycngeanee."
But the autornatie lwkhed not,
For along <·ame Ruth
..:\nd--to tell 1he truth
~h\' took his guns away.
\\'inhPrg anrl \rirHl<'. hl'im, '1.).
(Concluded from raKe 14.)
the Park ~\. Yenue team. J);l\·is. of .:\I ilwauk<'\' al!-io clicl . ome tine' offic-iating in
the hig Ra<'illl'-KPnosha gamP, arnl tlw
t\'ams wPl'l' !-ia ti!-ifi l'cl with t ll<' deeisions
relHlc red.
The s«hool spirit shown at this game
was c•x«ellcnt and the KPno ha teams w(•re
supported in a fine inanrwr. .Almost the
enti\'<' stud~mt borl y turnNl out to see Kenosha "Lid: Racine." 'l'hr nowd whieh
atternl ed the clouhlPheadPr in tlw PYening
was the lar~est trowel that <'Y<'r witnPs!-ied
a. high l'hool bash•t ball game in Keno. ha.
Fi rst National Bank
d uring the last seven months
from the
College of
Between 30 and 40 C . of C .
Students have gone directly
from the school to this Bank.
Five Young Men
of the
Merchants Bank
College of Commerce
Do YOU want a FINE
Office Position
tight at home?
Write or See us To-day.
No Summer Vacation.
The Simmons Manufacturing Company
Manufacturers of
ass and Steel
Beds, Cribs, Cots,
Advance Sho \\-ing of
in Young Mens Clothing
and Haberdashery
The Store of Honest Values
Phone 928
265 Main Street
Springs, etc.
I first National Bank
Kenosha, Wis.
Capital & Surplus
Chas . Pfennig
C. C. Allen, R . F. Howe, Chas. T. Jeffery
A. H. Lance, Z. G . Simmons, Chas. Brown
New 1915 Spring Styles
Dry Goods and
Page Twenty
(Concluded from page 16. )
mai-hine hY whid1 tlH'Y IHlYC turnr(l th1•
Hhi1H' ba(·i~ oYCr the ·Empire aml haYe
l'ompl\'tel~ clrnwneil Uermau.'· ont. There
i. u "t a single one of t h('lll ll'ft. ~\not her
rt>po1't sa~·s that tlw l<'n·111·h. in attPmpting
to en·atP the biggest ea1111on. have 1·ou·trndetl one of nL11 magnarnmons proportions that when it was fir··cl straight
up into th1• air. the rl'coil was so immen e,
so powerful, that the Pntirl' ('Olrntry of
Fra1H·e "·a. hlown «lean thrn the earth.
Therr i only a little Bur~u1Hly left. 'l'he
(' hinanwn an' fighting with them now ahout the r<·al Pstate rights. The report has
greatly unsetfo.><l me. for the Burgundy
\Ya. too strong. ancl I am afraid I cannot
. ettle it .inst iww-i. r.. the war. I think
I wi 11 rd ire then, if yon clon 't object and
Jpa \'e it for a while. It i a trifle confusing afkr all.
-::\lark Ki1Hl, '14.
Clarence Parker. '14. has accepted a position ••ith the Piper lil'icl iek Tohacco
Company, of LouisYilk. Kentn<-ky. and
and has mnvC'd to that t·itY. Ile was formerly selling in. urance aro{111Cl Keno ha ancl
other citie,.
Kenneth \n1ite. '14. \rho ha been taking a po t graduate conr. e in Kenosha
High. i. n°''' "·ith the _\mrriean Brass
l'ompa ny.
Home Made Candies and Ice Cream
Second to None.
219 Main St .
Phone 1454
Let us do your Printing and
it will always be done right.
Sheboygan Publishing Co.
Publishers and Progressive Commercial Printers
820 Center Ave.
Phone 252
This book is a sample of our work.
Better Clo1hes for Less Money
National Woelen Mills
First girl-'· ~(·lmman IIeink . ong th<'
Rosan· hy rNJlH'st."
SP<·oncl girl · · Hrqnrst ! I 11ewr heard
of him.·'
Ed aml )Jag t ngether \H'l'e oft in dose
comm n 11io11 seen.
Eel wa hut an l'llitor. )lag a \Yeekly
::\lagazin e.
)Ir. \\'anl: ::\Iiss BartlPn. why <litln 't
yon <·0111<' in to see ml' tonigh 1 !
IT. Hardt>11: Oh! I ha11 to go to <1rPssmakpr-;. I ']] <·ome in tonight.
::\Ir. \\'ai·cl: . ·o . I haYe to go to the tailor ..
, 'mall ho:-;·: ::\I other what' that?
::\IotlH'r: rrhat's a .Junior. son.
, mall boy: Did Goil make him 1
::\Iother: Y<' .. dear.
, mall hoy: 0 well. I . uppo.-e he like
to lrnYe a littl<' fun once in a while.
$16.50 Style
163 Main Street,
Established 1880
Keno ha, Wis.
Telephone 16
Thos. Hansen & Sons Co.
Funeral Directors
Private Funeral Chapel
Ambulance Service Day and Night
For Spr of! 1915
four gradl"-. of • fen's and Young
Men's Ready-to-Wear Suit , for
$10, $f5, $17 and $21.
nt the
169 M11h1 St.
Kcoosho. Wis.
H.B. Rohin11on, Pres., H. W. Jeffrry,\•.Pres.
N. A. Rowe, Cashier, J. Funk, Aast. Cul1ier
N\erchants &
Savln~s Bank
Capital $100 1 000
C. E. Remer, W. '\V. Vincent, Fred Lan•on
W. J. Birmingham, C. II Gonnn'llann
Mathia. Wrrvr, Christ Peterson, W.J. J!'rost
When buying
see what we have to show first.
Glerum Book Store
123 Wisconsin St.
Educate Yourselves
The Most Up-to-date
South Side Sanitary Grocer
PHONE 1053
We deliver anywhere io or around the city
High Grade Clothing
High School Boys
-at the-
John M. Regner
Jrwrltr Utt~ 1.Ettgrnurr
Corn r Main and South Streets
Call or pbone us for Estimate on New or Repair Work,
Cas and Electric Fixtwe$. All Work Guaranteed.
Josephson & Zimmerman
Phone 2302
Bell Clothing House
Epstein Bros , Props.
Beautiful Enlargements
from your own films.
Also Amateur Ffnishtnd.
Plumbing, Heating and
Electrical Contractors
455 Howlnnd Ave.
Schroeder Studio
165-167 Park Street
We can show~. ou.
Come in.
The Kenosha
c. H. Ernst & Co.
"The OuaUty Store,.
School Supplies
HeadquaTten For
Rell ble Lu her & MUI· °"''ork
Tel. 293
1064 Grand Ave.
Sporting Goods
Macomber &. Whyte Rope Co.~
Manufacturers of -
for Every Purpose and Use
Factory, Kenosha
Office, Chicago