The SPY 2007
of 1
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The SPY 2007
The Mary D. Bradford High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 2006 to 2007 school year.
Kenosha (Wis.)
Mary D. Bradford High School Yearbook Club
Kenosha (Wis.)
School yearbooks
137938171 bytes
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Mary D. Bradford High School
3 700 Washington Road
Kenosha, WI 53144
(262) 652-6200
Once upon a tune... -.·
0 e) C)
... in a town in the middle of nowhere, there was a high school by
the name of Mary D. Bradford. The school year had just begun
and the students were highly motivated to succeed: JUST
KIDDING!!!! No one could wait for the football games and the
dance of the year to arrive. And so our journey begins ...
We will travel through our year in the form of a book-a book
unlike any other book. One that follows the sequence of
rather than of categories. Twenty years from now you may very
well be able to recall exactly where you were at a certain
during your high school career. So prepare to step
back in time to revisit the 11. 11 school year.
9 Saturday
15 f riday
16 Saturday
13 S turday
Bradford started the autumn season off with a bang. To a Bradford tudent, Fall marked the
beginning of homework, cool weather and the long anticipated football season. Major
highlights included an awesome homecoming with a spirit week celebrating Nerd Day, Twin
Tue day, Wacky Wednesday, Decade Day and School Spirit Day. The "Dancing Through the
Decades" themed dance was a huge success. Bradford' varsity football team made hi tory this
year with a 9-2 record (one they haven't been able to achieve since 1932). The ever active
Bradford also held a community wide blood drive, and spon ored a food drive for the Shalom
Center. The drama department jumpstarted the beginning of an eventful year with a series of
ten minute plays which they performed in October. The 2006-2007 school year at Bradford: a
TIME to make new memories, friends, and discoveries.
-Chelsea Lawliss
th er Auf um noI Ev nfs
Crowns: Oct. 24. 26. 28. Nov. 3. 4
Ain't Mis:behavin'Oct. 25. 27. 28. Nov. 2. 4
Beehive.. the 60's: Mus:ical Nov. I 5- I 9
All My gons: Nov. 30 - De.c. 2. I 4- I 6
l-lal o een Oct. 30
Orche.s:tra Conce.rt De.c. 6
Band Conce.rt De.c. I 3
Choir/Acape.lla Conce.rt De.c. I 9/20
7 Thursday
5 Tu d y
6 Wedn day
Day f School
11 Monday
12 Tue day
19 Tu sday
20 Wedn sday
B II & Bash
24 Sunday
21 Thursday
Table of Contents
fa II Section
Sports ... 8-27
Clubs ... 2 -33: fud nf C uncil,
.M.G., kill LJ. . ., f OP iqn Exchanq
Productions ........ 34-37: eehi ,
II Mlj
00· 1 BALL ~t:l10t:S
'"Bradford -pUT5 forTt) \JalianT
Q.fforT in Tt) 8- 1 run
emor Kenn Eilertson got
ticketed by the police for
excessi\'e s eedin .
Jun10r Kyle chroeder forgot to
look where he was walking and
walked n ht mto a door.
GETII G FIRED UP The Red Devil get ready to take on the
Muskego Warrior at Art Keller Field. The team is wearing their
onhside jer ey , given to them exclusi,·ely for homecoming.
The 2006 Red Devils had seventeen starter
returning from the previous season. Because
of thi powerful start, momentum was strong
throughout conference play.
"We were not only talented, but more
importantly we played with discipline, heart,
and enthusiasm," said Coach Bartholemew,
who boasted that this team was the most
talented of his tenure. He later received a
"coach of the week" award from the Packers.
The team's goal for this season was to
PLAY AS A TEAM, and that they didsuccessfully! They were the first team in 4 7
years to go on a 7-0 winning streak. The Red
Devils were also named "Team of the Week"
by TMJ 4 on September 5, 2006.
"I think this year more then ever, the team
pulled together as a family; that's what drove
us. We worked for each other instead of
Junior Zachary Koba and
sophomore Michael Ebener listen to the
defensive coaches as they let everyone know
what's going on when they get on the field.
CY FOOTWORK Junior Kyle Schroeder keeps his
feet moving as he tay in front of the Muskego defender
o that the quarterback can get the throw off. With blocks
like these it is easy to see why the Red Devils won.
ourselves," said senior lineman
Fans were an important part of this season;
they showed a huge amount of team spirit.
For the first time the stands were packed:
families, residents of Kenosha, and player
from other teams (even those from the
" outhside") came together and supported the
Devils at both home and away games.
The team finished 8-1 and were second in
the WIAA Southeast Conference. The Red
Devils made it through the first round of
playoff games and were unfortunately eliminated during the second round, when
Marquette High School beat them 28-0.
Although the team ended the season early,
they still played with great confidence and
effort throughout the entire season, and
turned a lot of heads.
-Hannah Brems
'(IjftaVaeltw~ rff(tllrt ~ "
-DavidJ Sel#vtv&
Senior runningback Garry Paskiewicz's favorite
memory of the 2006 Red Devil football season was
beating the Oak Creek Knights 12-0 for their last
conference win. It was the first time the seniors
beat Oak Creek in four years. This game was the
sloppiest he had ever played because it was pouring
rain for nearly the entire time. At the end of the
game, Garry was freezing and full of mud.
OFFE SE Senior Nathan Drysdale and enior Kevin Eilertson get
ready to hit the field and score.
Senior Richard Linkowski at.: a
~tcD onald ' s #I Supcrs1zcd with
a Coca-Cola for lunch
Sophomore Peter Djurickovic
ate a ham andwhich with Oreo R
cookie . and drank a Gatorade.
Varsity Boys Football
(top row) D. Franklin, D. Young, M. Wint, K. Schroeder,
Dorau, C. Gordon, S. Djurickovic (fifth row) S. Altreuther,
M. Ebener, C. Davdson, M. Chwala, M. Puntillo, D. Jeffery, J.
Erickson, D. Hurlbut (fourth row) T. William , D. Fickensher,
I. Devine, M. Lucci, J. Belotti, A. Watring, J. Zuehlsdorf
(third row) N. Drysdale, E. Perez, A. Gallo, B. Blazavier, .
Hardca tie, S. Jacob, M. Smith, R. Dieter (second row) P.
Djurickovic, Coach S. Jacob, Coach M. Pelkowski, Coach P.
Birkholz, Coach M. Bartholomew, Coach S. Steger, Coach J.
Choi, Coach D. Arrington, K. Ellert on (bottom row)
Haferman, B. Lowenbine, G. Paskiewicz, D. Hernandez, A.
Gayden, J. Rosado, Z. Koba, C. Bella, A. Gruss, R. Linkowski
JV Football
(top row) M. Jupp. M. Merucci, C. Finley. J. Schanke. D.
James. T. Darden, K. Soren en, M. Tyler (fifth row) A.
Wertz, G. William . D. Proud, J. Bennett, J. Hernandez.
W. Jame . S. Dirk (fourth row) J. Zimmerman. A.
Kasper. S. Patten, R. Wabalickis. B. Upton, K. David on.
R. Hoff. A. Jacob (third row) R. Kumm, D. elson, T.
Gontscharow, M. Metallo. R. Raethke, J. Willems. B.
Jen en (second row) A. Do emagen, S. Jewell, Coach
Jacob, Coach P. Birkholz, Coach . teger, H. Woe te. J.
Hernandez (bottom row) V. 1 'aranjo, B. 1ecozzi. C.
Vaccaro, A. Gayden. B. Johan. on. R. Karl , S. Tellez,
SET, HIKE' Junior Deon Franklin
gets set, catches the ball, and amids
a defender to gain a couple of ex tra
yards. First, Deon catches the ball
and rum. 1t like this all game long
which he lps the team pu h past
Muskego. His athletisism and great
hands are part of the reason wh)
quarterback teve Djurickovic
continues to throw the ball toward
Deon throughout the winning
foo tball eason.
Sunday the 10th, 2006
JV OCCER (back row) R. Palmen, D.
Calderwood, B. Ben-Carew, K. Quijano,
A. Hardy , . Denny, M. Vazquez. K.
Freshman Courtne) Hodge;,
Peters (front row) T. Brinkman, A.Viveros,
\\ent shopping to buy spirit
A. Daniels. A. Coo , J. Hauke, S. Weyand,
_ _ _ _,,_e_ar_~_o_
th_e_ro_o_tb_a_ll,.g,_a_m_es_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,. A. Stinefast, G. Baker. T. Vidas
TOGETHER After a fierce warm-up prior to the big game, the
enior captain gather their teammates to pump them up and prepare
for the challenges they will need to overcome in this particular game.
mattLA WLER, zachDANIELS, curtisVANCHENA, and alek BEAL are no
strangers to soccer. As four year letter
winners, these guys helped Bradford to
achieve its most successful year in recent
history, compiling a 17-5-2 record en route to
a Division 1 Regional Championship. In all,
Bradford dressed fourteen seniors, whose
maturity and experience helped them
overcome adversity on and off the field. With
the future of coach Burger in que tion early
in the season, the seniors guided the team
through a tough mid-season let-down. Then
the team rebounded with five consecutive
win heading into the playoffs followed by a
Regional Championship win over Horlick,
avenging an earlier 2-3 loss.
Bradford then defeated Tremper 1-0 in
overtime with a tremendous goal by
FRESHME SOCCER (back row) S. Searcy,
A. Strangberg, A. Mendoza. S. Graziano. J.
Reye , J. Perez, V. Jaramillo. J. Leiting, D.
Ranti i, T. Wojciechowicz, V. Zeqiri, R. Sunier. J.
Gaudio, N. Tinker, M. Berea, R. Owens
DETERMI ED Senior Zach Daniels and junior Josh
Strangberg tep up the field after brilliantly stealing the
ball from the attacking forwards on the other team.
VANCHENA to advance to the Sectional
final where they fell to] anesville Craig.
These four outstanding senior captains have
accounted for 57 wins while amassing 67
goals in their careers. They have all been
named to the SEC All-Conference team on
numerous occasions, and they will all be
mis ed as Bradford look towards its new
young stars to guide the program next year.
Senior dustinDENNY summed up the
ea on by saying, "We came a long way from
the beginning of the sea on, and we really
developed a a team." DENNY was named
fir t team All-Conference and recognized as
the best goalie in the SEC conference.
"This is one of the best teams I have
coached in awhile. Overcoming obstacles
during the season, this team finished with
success," said coach Burger. -Steph Wolf
Wednerlay the 13th, 2006
JVltldJ. we fl1ltMt ~ - Mtkt" fJfd fl/J Mr
Mr atmt.~:.JF.14 tllf, fmfJO'lttkrllblft vatll/IJ!t !/ff.# - Maga Alf#dtrtJ
"I look forward to having colleges come see me
play," senior Aleks Beal said at the beginning of
the year. As the season progressed, he enjoyed
many other events of his final high school soccer
"We had some problems with coaching, but we
came together as a team and pulled through,"
said Beal about the overall season.
Beal concluded by saying, "I loved playing with
my best friends this year."
Sophomore Rob Bolton went on
many rides and enjoyed a fun.
tilled da) at Six Flags.
Freshman Jennifer Otto and
'>Ophomorc Deanna Villalobo'
v.ent to a birthday part) .
Varsity Soccer
(I st Row) Aleksandar Groavac,
Mike Koessl, Tim Stanchfield,
Kri Knutsen , Curtis Vanchena,
Du tin Denny, Chris Simmons,
Zach Daniel , Jo h trangberg,
Matt Lawler, Coach Jeff
Burger (2nd Row) Matt
uebel, Zach Liu, Cliff
Plaisted, Luis Rodriguez, Nick
Lukas en, Aleks Beal, David
Johnson, Wilson Valladare;,
Joe Stevens
Bradford vs.
S. Milwaukee
Bradford vs.
W: 2-0
Bradford vs
W: 3-0
I 0!28!06
I 012 1/06
Regional Semi
vs. Westosha
defender Chris Knutsen utilizes his upper
body strength to throw the ball far up the field
after winning possession by skillfully forcing
the forward to take a bad touch and dribble
out of bounds. What a play'
D SKILL Heading toward the
goal, senior Jimmy Ortiz sprints with every
ounce of his energy with the ball. His
opponent chases after him, attempting to
catch up. while fellow senior teammate Curti
Vanchena runs behind and cheers him on.
PEED DEMO ' First, senior
Curtis Vanchena look\ down the
field waiting patiently for the ball.
After the ball is sent, Curtis take' a
running leap to receive the ball and
advances down the field . The other
team just cannot keep up with the
remarkable quickness of this senior
player. When he reaches the penalt}
box, he winds up. shoots to the upper
90 of the goal, and scores'! Bradford
wins the game!!!
Sectional Final
W: 1-0 OT
W: 3-0
I Ot 12106
I 0/05/0b
W: 1-0 OT
Regional Final
vs. Horlick
W: 3-1
Sectional Semi
vs. Tran~
L: 1-3
Friday the 15th, 2006
2.CXJG Regional Champs!
pla)ed tenni' \\ llh her friend JI
the Kcno,ha Athkue Center.
Junior l\latt Q,\\ alt pra.:ttc:ed
running for ern. s countr) at
Petnt) ing Spring,.
FOCUS Swinging her driver with
intense concentration, sophomore Ashley
Reeves practices her drive on the range at
Maplecrest before her upcoming meet.
PRECI 10 Sophomore Kri tin
Jaskolski puts a good touch on a chip as
it roll to about four feet for a for sure par
during her meet against Tremper.
Case Invite
3rd Place
1 t Plac
County Meet
14th Place
1st Place
2nd Place
Troj:m. Invite
The girls golf team had another spectacular
season including wins at conference and at
regionals. The team also had some fresh new
varsity faces that started this year with
sophomore 1sl I _ RI TVI'S and sophomore
1 1'> 1 J \SI'OI KJ. They both had a great
year with the var ity team and helped
contribute to key victories throughout.
Senior <. 1rl \\I ~ \Vlf played near-perfect
golf this year to advance to State for her
fourth straight year.
"My past four years were better than I
could've ever expected. I had so much fun and
I'm going to mi being a part of Bradford
golf," aid \\ · r I \\ TT .
Although some may have doubted the
players' chances for another state appearance
Brovvn.'s Lake
* Won the Whitewater
Invite for fourth straight
* Won regional for third
straight year.
* Won conference for
second straight year.
without the talent of early\\! FR\VIr, they
might have been surprised to know that the
team still has four of their five strong starters
who are ready to compete next season.
Along with their obvious work-ethic, the girls
also found time to have fun on the course:
"I was ahead of gwnna·1 E U1 \ and I
wanted to get her attention, so I put my golf
club in the air and tarted waving it around
and dancing. By doing that, I was awarded the
title 'dancing star' at our golf banquet," said
junior Jt.;SSKaRETZL \! r .
Even though the girl came up hort of a
consecutive state win, they all shared equally
in the joy of practicing, playing, and excelling
a a team- and that is something everyone can
-] ohn Madrigrano
be proud of.
\¥ednffiday the 13th, 2006
Sophomore Anthony Jacob
rocked uut on his !!Uttar with his
friend after football practice.
Sophomore Bnttany Lampada
enJo)ed tennis practu:e out m th~
pounng rain late at night
MILE Sophomore Gianna Tenuta. junior Jes ica Retzlaff. enior Carly
Werwie. sophomore A hley Reeves, and sophomore Kristin Ja kol ki pose
for the camera after winning the SEC Regional and qualifying for Sectionals.
R egional
9 / 25/06
10/ /06
4th Place
4th Place
1st P lace
1 t Plac
Sectio nal
PUTT! G TO PERFECT!01 After a great approach shot. senior Carly\\ emie. focuses
on making a Yery difficult birdie putt during the EC Regional meet at Maplecrest Golf
Club. By shooting a 70. Carly won indiYidually and helped her team qualify to Sectionals.
ophomore Gianna
Tenuta follows through on one of her
man) spectacular -.hots. helping her team
rake first in Regionah at Maplecre t.
During ectionals. junior
Jessica Retzlaff scope. out both her
urroundings and the competition while
waiting to putt at Brightondale Linh.
for her team to come in from the
gorgeous autumn weather at the JV
outh-Eastern Conference tounrnament.
consecutive State appearance. senior
Carl) Werwie recei,es plenty of IO\ ing @ 3
support from her parents Tom and Liz.
Tuerlay the 19th, 2006
'Meet Me On the Court"
Junwr Cameron Aceto
dominated the BIJ1in· Challenge
at Buffalo \Vild Wing,.
he,l1111an Jonathan Loera r<!ad
an 1ntere,ting book about a man
\\ho make' rifle, tor a In mg.
Barca perform'> her nomial routine by
bouncing the tennis ball in preparation
for the next serve against her opponent.
Bradford v.
Bradford v.
0 /28/06
Bradford v.
W: 7-0
0 /22/06
Bradford v.
Fre hman Paige Pfarr
prove her varsity talent
by retummg a difficult
hot as a newcomer.
Bradford v.
L: 6-1
Sophomore Bnttany
Lampada et her tance
and racket while he
w111ts for the ervice.
Enn Schrandt drive the
ball over the net leavmg
her opponent with a
challenging return shot.
Andrea Perugm1 grasp
her racket and prepare
for a quick hot to throw
her opponent off guard.
The Bradford Girls' Tennis team was
expected to do well this year and they did not
disappoint. Led by head coach MeganVassos,
the varsity team finished with a season record
of 8-1.
season did not end there. Sophomore
abb\ WERWIE qualified for the state
tournament for singles' competition for the
second straight year. Seniors
audreyPALME and abnannaBARCA also
reached state as Bradford's #1 doubles team.
"It wa great to make it to State for the third
year, and it wa especially fun with my
partner abbieBARCA. We played really well
together all eason, " commented senior
PRECISE SHOT Senior Audrey Palmen
tosses the ball and waits for the exact
moment to make contact for a successful
service in a conference competition.
*finished in 3rd place at
the 6radford Invite.
* Znd in Red Devil Invite.
*Znd in conference tourney.
*#I Singles Abby Werwie
went to State along with
#I Doubles team Abbie
6arca and Audrey Palmen.
The varsity team had five experienced
seniors who returned and influenced the
younger players on the team. The young talent
looks to take over next year and work for
another successful season, but they will
definately miss their senior friends and
"It was a great season for all of us. The
eniors will truly be mis ed next year becau e
each one of them made an impact on our
game. They made our team a whole," said
junior jennyRADEUCHEL.
The team's success reflected their great
coaching and determined attitude for the
ea on. Each girl's devotion and drive made it
ea y for the team to form friendships and play
to their full potential.
-Jack Edquist
'7lttfr alJWlfft 4llff' amt fltalf1tJ1 ~ butpu lldlial!ft
!tavt ftf fltalf#& /km, p ttrddff. " - Antlf Warltlfl
Thursday the 21st, 2006
Senior Tom. )e toilet-papered
one or his good friend's house
because !l \\.ts his 18th birthda).
in hi-, soccer game and helped
hi-, team to a 'ictor).
JV TEAM: (1st row) Coach K. Guuormsen. J. Minski, M. Stojic, K. Kromm.
C. chmidt, J. Hendrich . Coach M. Vassos. (2nd row) H. Ill. J. Scales. M.
Popadic, A. Madrigrano, E. Carlini. C. McDemott, (3rd row). A. Haugh. K.
Heinzmann, L. Home , M. Barnes, K. Jozekak
Bradford v . S.
Milwa lkee
Red Devil
L: 7-0
Bradford v .
B radford v.
2nd P lac
UMBER 0 E SPOT Sophomore Abby Werwie, the number one ingle player, wind up
her racket for a powerful backhand return during a match at Carthage College. Werwie
ended up winning this match and went on to go to state later in the season. She still has two
years left to play and has high hopes of winning a state championship in the future.
Bradford v .
C>ak. creek
Senior Gabby Apostoli
throw her arms in the air with excitment
enior Abbie Barca
(left) and udrey Palrnen (right) happily
high-five each other after winning a
point at Carthage College.
Senior Audrey
Palmen calmly awaits her opponent
reaction after ea ily returning a serYe
during a match on a cool fall afternoon.
ITY ophomore Brittany
Lampada inten ly return a powerful
serve during a tournament ho;aed at
Bradford. Tremper. and Carthage.
Friday the 22th, 2006
o~s \JOLLl:~-"BALL
A ~oung t-c&a~ t-bat- bc&ld t-bc&ir
own in confc&rc&ncc&I
Sophomore Samantha E<lquist
tnpped while walking up the
stairs and eYer ·one sa\\ her.
Andrew Frazee gets himself ready
before the big match against the
Tremper Trojans by tretching out and
staying focused on the game.
AND THE HOME OF THE BRA VE Still in a good mood, the team
lines up while the National Anthem plays before the game again t the
We tosha Central Falcon . The boys went on to win one match.
Early in the season,
sophomore Michael Zurbano gets himself in
position to get ready the other team (Racine
Case) to serve the volleyball over the net.
Beginning the year with a whole new group
of players, the Bradford Red Devils boys
volleyball team stuck together after a long
and rough sea on. Since all of the seniors
from last season were gone, Mrs. Day had to
start fresh with all new players who hadn't
been playing together for very long. They
were a young team that had a lot of potential;
this showed as they held their own at
At practices, the boys worked almost
exclusively on the basics so that in 2007
they would be contenders at conference.
"They were good-spirited and a crazy team
to coach; sometimes those crazy guys could
be obnoxious-in a good way," said junior
varsity coach Tanya Perkins.
Junior nickPINNOLA kept the teams' spirits
up; he made the players laugh and put smiles
QUICK THINKING The key setter for the Red Devils,
junior athan Larsen quickly and expertly sets the ball up
for one of his teamates to hopefully spike it so they can
get a point for the hardworking Bradford team.
on their faces many times when the games
were tough.
Also, sophomore andrewFRAZEE was a
humorous character on the team. He wanted
the boys to wear spandex uniforms Uust for
The team's stand-out players, according to
Mrs. Day, were sophomore andrewFRAZEE,
junior nickPINNOLA, and junior
"I think the most valuable player on the
team was andrewFRAZEE, because he
brought the team together and he was just an
awesome player overall," said sophomore
outside hitter blairMEEKER.
"Even though it was a tough season," said
coach Day, "this young team is looking
forward to playing and improving their
record next year."
- atalie Farfalla
lllAmAlll lARSllll --~
Starting junior Nathan Larsen, who was the key
setter of the game, said that the best thing that
happened during the season was when they won
2-1 at the Bradford Invite against Waukesha
South and New Berlin .
. Nathan was captain this year and said that being
in that role puts the game in a different
perspective. Next season will be much better
Nathan believes.
Freshman Joseph Stella stretches
before a big game against Central.
Senior '.'.l<tx\\dl Rile) bought a
ne\\ puppy toda) and named it
. '·.i· .
WHAT A A VE tarting junior
Michael Zurbano assists Bradford
with a dig and adds another point
onto the scoreboard for the de vi ls.
(top row) Coach Day.
Steven Ross , Anthony
Matoska, Jo eph Stella.
Shane Armstrong.
Andrew Frazee, coach
Perkins (2nd row ) ick
Pinnola, Brett
Kac1marek. athan
Larsen. Jordan Frey.
Blair Meeker. Michael
SACR IFICE Key players junior
athan Larsen and fre hman Brett
Kaczmarek quickly dive to the
floor to try to keep the ball in pla)
during a close match against the
Tremper Trojans.
C HI LL T IME Junior Anthony
Matoska and sophomore Jordan
Fre} sit down to relax and talk
about tracagie they can use to
win the game against the Racine
Horlick Rebel .
BL., MP. SET . SPIKE Wnh much
concentrati on. sophomore Blair
Meeker bump!> pe rfec tly right into
the hand ., o f sophomore Andre\\
Fra1ee. Andre\\ then sets the ball
right tO\\ard JUn1or Anthon)
Matoksa \\ho 'Pike' the ball with
such force that the South
Milwau kee Roc kets fail to return it
to the might) Red Devils, adding
yet another po int onto the
scoreboard for Bradford .
Sen ior \kit' a Froh a\\ her exbo) friend for the fiN ti me since R
Janu ar) \\hen he left for Iraq .
Tuesday the 5th, 2006
Semor Bennett Litton 'kipped
Im third hour cla" to fini'h
editing .t homecoming 'ideo.
Plaljn' Hard and
Havin' a &JU
At ... occer practice. for ... ome
rea ... on. junior Chn S1111111on'
got mad at \latthc'' Lt\\ kr.
READY TO GO Focused on trying to
erve. j unior cena Dav is prepares to ace
the oppo ne nt with he r mea n j ump serve. "
I scored on that serve'" said Davis.
Bradford v.
Bradford v.
Bradford v.
L :3-2
8 /31/06
PREPAR G TO OA R. Ju nior Emi ly
Caronti gets ready to leap hi gh off of the
grou nd to attack a ba ll that was set by
their great sophomore setter Dori Parker.
Bradford v.
Carrie Stella gl\ e-.
coach K)le Yackle} a
high-fi,·e on sernor
night at Bradford.
enior Ericka Otto
prepares to dig a hard
ball sent to her by the
opposing Case Eagles.
Undeniably, the Bradford Girls Volleyball
team played with all heart during the entire
2006 eason. Finishing with a 3-6 record in
the Southea t Conference, the team battled
through every game with spirit and
determination. This year the girls had only
two returning varsity starters, junior
amberTORRES and ophomore
arielADELSE .
"I thought defense would be a strength for
us thi year," said senior erickaOTTO .
The girls did indeed have a great defensive
season. While playing in a tournament at
UW-Whitewater, the girls placed fifth out of
twenty-one teams. This was the biggest
tournament of the year and defense wa key.
At the tournament the year before, the girls
Bradford v.
L: 3-0
Freshman Brittan>
R1endl stands up to
cheer for her team.
HERE\\ EGO Junior
Lmdse) \\.' set-. the
ball for her teammate
who is \\ailing to spike
it back.
placed sixth out of twenty teams. Although
the conference record was not what was
expected, the girls play in tournaments
against tough teams showed what they were
capable of when they played with consistency
and willingnes .
"The senior leadership will be missed, but
we have a positive, enthu ia tic, hardworking
group that will be back. We lost some depth,
but the returning players are there to fill in
for the starter . The girls that return will have
learned from the experience and understand
the importance of teamwork," said coach
Overall, the girls played together as a team
and howed great intensity throughout the
entire 2006 ea on.
- Tara Tucker
Wednerlay !\le 27th, 2006
Sen or Curll' \'am:hen,1 helped
Jo,h Strangbcrg get up after he
dumsil) tnpped ma pothole.
VARSITY: (1st row) Nikki Mueller. Emily Caronti. Coach Yackley. Lindsey Wieske. Erika
Donaubauer (2nd Row) Scena Davis. Kristi Posson. Ariel Adelsen. Jenna Lichter. Marissa
Pinnola (3rd Row) Carrie Stella. Dori Parke r. Brittany Reindel. Amber Torres (front) Ericka Otto
Bradford v. S.
Bradford v.
L: 3-0
Bradford v. S.
L: 3-1
Bradford v.
enior co-captain Ericka Otto near!)
flies through the air to succe fully pass
the ball up to the setter by the net.
G IRL GOT HOPS en1or Mueller jumps up to tip a ball o\·er the net. as sophomore
Dori Parker (who i-, her 'Cller) watches in ama1111ent at what is going on. ikk.i. being the
tallest player on the team. 1' alway. up tipping a<, well as blocking the ball. he knows how
to u'e her height adrnntage in matches-shO\\ing she ha> got the hops over the other team!
FEELl G THE LOVE The varsity team lines up on the endline for the
singing of our National Anthem. eniors Ericka Donaubauer and Ericka Otto
hug before playing their last EC conference game together at Bradford.
Bradford v.
Junior :l.l1chael"\ell lell
over a '>tcp and nearly tlc\\ hke
uperman through a gla door.
IT UP Junior Amber Torres wait>
patient!) a she '' atche' her team pla)
the ball to ee if '>he will ha\e to do
something qui kl) and decisi,el).
Lichter waits in read) position to dig a
ball if it happen<, to come ,·olle) ing O\er
the net. nfonunatel). Franklin won.
Saturday the 30th, 2006
Run With Pt.lrJx'se
Junior Erin :-kulbroek \\Cnl to
Homcnnning and nouced that
·1\ e 2irb had on the ' ame dre '·
Senior Danie. Shi koff rented a
brand ne\\ 200 7 Conctte to
d r i\l~ to Homecoming.
Sophomore Matthew Bender feels the
wind blowing in his hair while running in
a meet held at South Milwaukee.
Bay View
Tremper Invite
3rd of 9
f 20
f 30
colors as a backdrop, freshman runner
Justin Armwong paces himself in the
last leg of a very exhausting race.
4 th
f 12
St. Catherine
Overall, thi was a very good year for boys
cro country. Although no one made it to
tate, the runner and the team improved as a
whole. The boys fini hed the season at
"I really enjoyed being on the cross country
team this year; we had a lot of fun and a lot of
friendship were made. I think this team
bonded and got along very well," said junior
scottJE TSE .
cott' be t time this season was 18:26,
which beats la t sea on when he had 19:01.
The 2006 season marked the 31 t year that
coach A lak on (Oz) led the boys cro s
country team. He felt that, although the guys
were great thi year, the 1 t year runner to
tand-out thi ea on were junior
Matthew Sender
John Stuligross
Matthew Vidas
Jeremy Bauman
Nathan Specht
Patrick Spiedel
Omar Khaleel
Matthew Grashen
Nicholas St. John
10th of 15
matthewVIDAS and sophomore
Junior runner wchary~lIRSBI RGf R ha
run for Bradford since he wa a fre hman.
His best time was 18:36 and he is a third year
letter winner.
"I enjoy running because it keeps me in
shape. Of all the seasons, this ha been my
favorite. Our team had a lot of potential, and I
look forward to next year," said Zack.
The cro s country banquet wa held on
ovember 10th, 2006 where the MVP award
was given to a very de erving
The team has a year to get ready for the next
sea on and will be training inten ely to
become better runner . - Karlee Gauchel
''Rtmlfff~j'tl4fdtr V - ~ rtm pr !k ftnl4lv 4ltt ti/tit
Tuerlay the 3rd, 2006
d4t /vJ4; rtlJi!kd IIftrdt' -A!dlttrr tinitlttfWn
Senior Fricku Otto cekbratcd
her 18th birthday by registering
to vote \\.ith ;\Ir., eiman.
Sophomore Mike ;\l uir enjoyed
paniupatmg in a basketball
game \\.hile in gym class.
I G THROUGH THE WOODS Junior athan pecht runs
alongside fellow junior Matthew Grashen in the Kenosha County meet. The
Red Devils placed fourth out of six teams in the annual event.
pt. 29
4 th of 6
County Meet
Oct. 5
Oct. 20
6th of 7
9th of 12
SEC Conference
I H Junior Omar
Khaleel races towards the fini'>h line in
the Kenosha County meet at the
Universny of Wisconsin-Parkside.
CATCH! G UP Junior Ben Warren hu-,tles to catch up to teammate junior Matt Vidas
before crossing the finish line at the WIAA ectional Meet at the niversity of Wisconsin
Parkside. The Red Devils placed 9th in the 12 team event. Wa1Ten and Vidas are among the
top runners of the team. both completing the 5000 meter course in under 18: I0.
SHORT OF BREATH Tired during the
grueling 5000 meter race. junior Zach
Mir-,berger continues to be a \ aluable
asset to the varsity cross country team.
Spiedel passe'> an opponent at the
Parkside course.
fiN year runner.
piedel made an impact this sea. on.
Thursday the 5th, 2006
Il1LS x-coo~n~
It-'5 ~udQ To Count- l1)Q l)Qo--plQ
~ou --Pa55 wbQn l1)Q~ Can ~Qar ~ou
Junmr .h1hn Fnck,1111 cul ht'
.tnn \I htk plJ~ mg fon1h.1ll .md
had 1,1 gd 'I 'lltchc: .
.lun1or R.1chel Built recei1 ed a
11.:11 pupp~ .1, a gift ffllm ha
tin) fnl·m.J for her tiinhd.1)
T l\. E OH \left to nght) enmr R.1cquel Gra,hen. freshman lit. on
\\ 1111er. .1u111or \l ana Kehrer. fre,hman Kalli chul1. 'ophmore
Amb~ r Tra1 i' .•1ml 'enior Hope Chri,ue hear the gunshot and go!
BATTLE IT OUT Fre hman Kalli Schulz in the
front and junior Maria Kehrer right behind her
are !>printing out the last half mile of the
Kenosha county meet. hoping to fini'>h on top.
0 10210l1
Milwaukee Bay
View lnvite
3rd of o
Muskego lnvite
0 1 I li/06
14th of 30
0 10S!06
6th of 22
SchulL pace them!>elve'> at the mtle and a half mark. \\hile
working side by side to encourage each other to run hard.
Thi' i'> their last meet of the season so they do their best.
The girl. cro· country team had an
out tanding ea on thi year with a core of
0-36 . The team wa led b) the head coach
~lark A. lak on and the a· i tant coach
Caroline Haebig. Onl) one Yar ity runner
made it to :tate. ·enior hop HRI TIL.
fini:hin~ with a time of 15:35.
"I'm ad that thi wa my la t year running
for Bradford. I hm·e o many memorie from
the pa t two year that I will never forget."
said HRJ Tir .
( nior ri t
· · · 7 had the econd
fa. te t tnm th1.· season of 15:50. he'' as on
the cro . coun tt) team all four ) ear· of high
·chool and took thi port \'Cf) eriou 1). he
improwd htr time from 'Ophmore) ear by
two minutes.
Thi. ha been a year with many ne\\ faces
including freshman l alli H LZ on nnsit).
4th of 12
1Oth of 15
"Thi wa my favorite year becau e I ran all
ummer hoping to get better and I did! Al o I
looked up to the enior runner becau e the)
were o dedicated and it in pired me to be like
them." aid junior lind f'\ HEBIOR .
The girl team record of 79:30 wa et at
U.\\~. Park ide in the \VIAA ectional meet.
~Text year they are excited to improve.
training during the pring and ummer by
holding weekl} running practice for tho e
who want to attend.
The team thi · year "a very clo e
throughout the 'ta ·on. They had a tradition
before the tart of each race to pray in a circle.
which encouraged them to nm hard and haw
"The runner, next year ha Ye a lot of
pot ntiaL e p cially the new nmner · that
joined." ·aid junior am TRIPP. -\al Ro· 1
AMY TRIPP - - - - - 1
This is junior Amy Tri pp's second year on cross
country. She is proud of her best time, which is
17:50. Amy's favorite part about running cross
country is the feeling of accomplishment she gets
when she finishes a race.
"I loved watching my time get lower and lower
throughout season. It proved to me that if I put my
mind to something, I can achieve it," Amy said.
PAI . ATTACK Reaching the end
of the race , sophomore Ambyr
Travis fights to make it to the finish .
Junior \lcx1 Rodrigue1 pa ed
her dm er' te't toda). hut
almo t got into a car accident.
'lecpmg at her fnend's house
when her car got egged.
(top row) Coach Aslakson, Rachel Bu ll is,
Kaitli n Leary, Lindsey Hebior, Coach
Haebig.(2 nd row) Amy Tripp, Kristen chulz,
Kelly Zimmerman, Kalli Sc hulz, Hope Christie,
Ambyr Travi (3rd row) Racquel Gra hen,
Maria Kehrer, Li nd ey Deau, Stephanie Martin.
Alli . on Winzer (4th row) Lind. ey Adel. en,
ophia Hai le r, Crystil Kno ll.
SEC Confererce
I Ot 17!0 Ci
6th of 10
3rd of6
10/2 1/00
10/ 14/0b
3rd of 10th
Milwaukee lnv\te
6th of 12
TEAMWORK Junior Mana
Kehrer. sophomore Amb)r Tra\is.
semor Kristen Schulz. ophomore
Kaitlin Leary. and freshman Kallie
chul1 prepare themselve. for the
obstacle ahead .
HI G H GOAL Fre. hman Kallie
chulz hustles through the woods .
By the look on her face . she 1-,
struggling. but \\ith her
teammates help and enthusia m.
he know . she can finish strong.
TO \\IN m1hng in her prerunnmg S\\eac-. emur Hope Chri tic
\\aih to hear the gunshot a she oet
read) to If) her h°Mdest to wm. ,{ he
hu..,tles to make it to the finish line, she
is overjoyed b) her accomplishment
and stamina. Her dream of\\ inning 1s
so clo..,e. she can taste it. 1-inalh. fter
a brutal battle. nu mh ·r 211 achi~' e
victor) . As fan look on. Hope
announces she couldn't h<l\ e done n
without e\·ef) one·,
Sunday the 8th, 2006
Junior \l ia \ lartion cheered on
Bradford during the football
\1 il"aukee
Fre,hman Caroline Farunng
Fl H 0 T OF WATER Despite the chilly, windy weather the girl
swim team hows spirit for their program and school by creating a
fantastic float to ride around on during the Homecoming parade.
Coach Franz Feldimier wa big on cheering.
He had hi girl doing the team cheer before
every meet and relay. Thi team-building
activity helped the girl bond.
"Thi year, we \\'ere clo e. I tarted with
thirty teammates and ended up with thirty
friends," aid junior 1 • ')S'T'RO\\ SKI.
The girl had fun together with odd rituals
that they carried out before every meet. One
uch ritual wa centered around a pink duck;
each wimmer had to ki it for good luck
before getting into the pool. Another ritual
wa having dinner and pending quality time
together before big champion hip meet .
"Of my four years, thi one has been the
be t. The girl exude wonderful qualitie :
dedication, teamwork, and warmth," said
• • ') .
enior emil) M ) 1.
A newcommer to var ity wimming,
KEEP! G PACE Freshman Danielle
VanBlarkom pushe her elf in the
freestyle stroke in a conference meet
against South Milwaukee. The Devils
prevailed over the rockets 128-57.
MAKING WA YES Senior Kaitlin Freng gives
a remarkable effort during her outing in the
freestyle heat. Bradford defeated South
Milwaukee at home for their fifth victory.
CATCHIN' A BREATH Sophomore Alexis Iver on has
to come up for air during the freestyle heat . Alexis's
performance helped lead the devils in an outstanding
showing in which her team was victorious over Horlick.
sophomore . lch nPITTS experiencd her fir t
year of diving. Since she had a gymna tics
background, her favorite dives were the twi t
dives. he often received fir tin dual meet ,
and attended conference and sectional with
the re t of her team.
Sophomore swimmer fr 11 escaBI'LI
LOLGHI A.D , who improved greatly since
her first year, enjoyed doing the back dive.
This was freshman var ity swimmer
mt hss.1 \1 \k. \ TO'S first year diving as well.
She competed at the var ity level, but only in
dual meets.
Junior 1chelleGOrT G. , senior
cl. en \ OEI , and fre hman t.i>"BI \ I EY
competed against each other to be Bradford'
mo t valuable wimmer. Eventually
I \'> I \ won with the highe t core of
t\vo hundred and ix point .
-Li a avaglio
Wednerlay the 11th, 2006
''EVtrf/f1 fta(J(JtltJt !If tl/ffiU'Uouu dflrfltff fff tt/tr tff
!ltfft lihlt tlttfi
Bernard "'ltaw
Junior Courtney Blaisdell has had many great
memories while at Bradford; however, her fondest
memory took place this year when the team won the
most meets m her three-year varsity swim team career.
They impro\'ed on the last few mediocre seasons by
defeating Case, Burlington, Horlick, Franklin, and Park
during the regular season. Another season highlight
was when the team gave their rival Tremper a run for
their money during a conference meet.
J 1.mior T,1) lor I en berg came to
chool on an mscn ice da) and
"as the onl) om: at ford.
(top row) Samantha Whalen, Emily Meulbroek, Brittany
Beyer, Krea Baker, Gallia Johnson, Alexis Iverson ,
Michelle Goettge, Kate Ostrowski, Jessica Freng. Luanne
Spence, Alyx Svatek, Coach Fran1 Feldmeier, Ashley
Tobin (row 2) Meg Beasley, Ellie llauerkarnp, Amanda
Jacobson, Sarah Swager, Amber Belcher, Sara Barta
(row 3) Danielle VanBlarcom, Francesca Bell. Jenny
Romano, Brooke Johnson, Paige Meurer, Morgan ax,
Jaclyn Pitts, Melissa Marano, Bobbie O'Toole-Beasley
(row 4) Courtney Blaisdell, Daena Voci/. Kathryn
DeVroy (row 5) Ashton Mynor, Peggy Ludlow (row 6)
Nicole Jax, Kaitlin Freng, Emily Montemurro
Jenn) Romano competes in the
endurance testing bunerfl) e\'ent
during a meet against outh
Milwaukee. Her wimming
propelled the lady devils to best
the Rockets. The final score wa<.
Freshman Amanda Jacobson
swims m the back stroke e\'ent.
he anchored a talented reb)
team throughout her debut -.eason
as a Yarsity swimmer.
SLOW MOTIO Senior Emil)
Montemurro prepares to di\'c mto
the pool during a practice in the
Bradford pool. he sits on the
block and awaits the signal to start.
Then she follows up with a series of
workout laps from one end of the
pool to the other. ow she is
concentrating on her front stroke.
After a swim in the pool. Emil)
climbs out and looks forward to the
end of a difficult practice.
Senior ~lari,sa Pinnol.l truck
the 1ackpot \\hen he found 10
before rnlleyball practice.
. clll1lr ,\'hie~ ~ k.:olli "ent to
ile1 riend\ hou'e hecau'~ he
\\.l' ha' mg n f,x,tball part~.
orberto Dia; '' ent .md
pl.1~ ed b<heball "ith 'ome
friend' and hit a home run.
RE DY. LETS GO While performmg at
the homecoming football game. the Red
De,ils wait patiently for the music to
start. A' the mu ic begin<, the
cheerleaders pump up the crowd for the
next half of the exciting football game.
J\' CH EE R (I st ro") Coach B. S" isher. A. Ekstrom. C. Bro" n. M. Marano. A.
Jacobson. T Anthonsen. K. Brinkman. E. Meulbroek. Coach T. "isher (2nd ro") TEAM BO DING Getting together for a quick
D. \ aughn. R. \1erhn .. · \\ halen. A. Carr. B. Orbe (3rd ro" l B. Beasle). A.
picture before ooino out to perform at the assembly I'VE GOT PIR!T While being front row center with all
the spirit she has. junior Jaimie Lang tries to involve the
Yatek. A. \\olan. D. Figueroa. \I. DeV1ctona. H. Ramcheck. R. Crane (-Ith row) .
. .
K. Kruse. Fuene. F. Bell Loughead. c. Jackson (Sth ro") R. Greb. E.Linn
Ill front of the student body IS sophomore Stephanie crowd during one of the many exciting a<,semblies that the
Wegner, junior Taylor Isenberg, sophomore Erin
Hendrickson, freshman Michelle Compher. and
sophomore Kaethe Schroeder.
A whole new year, and a whole new quad.
Starting out with eleven returning member
and five fre hmen, the team knew that it wa
going to be a rebuilding year.
"Coming in a a fre hman. I didn't know
what to expect, but after a few week I
realized that we had a lot of potential," aid
fre hman Brooke Johnson.
The hard work began in the middle of the
summer; tunt group were put together to
begin practicing for their performance. For
the fir t time with the new team, their kill
were put to the te t for the homecoming
a embly in eptember.
From then on, there were up and down
The team' main conflict wa trying to figure
out which guy were going to tay on the
squad. Finally, the team decided on two boy
to help their squad out for the ea on.
cheerleading team performs at throughout the year.
The day of the fir t Bradford, Tremper
ba ketball game, enior Lindsay Peterman,
juniors Jaimie Lang and Jamie Hick , and
fre hman Meli a 01 on competeted again t
four Tremper cheerleader in the breadpudding eating conte t, which took place at
Famous Dave .
"Those Tremper Cheerleader thought they
could beat u in the eating conte t, but they
were so wrong!! Bradford girls can eat!!"
stated junior Jaimie Lang.
After having a lot of fun with that, the girl
knew that it was time to buckle down and
tart practicing for their bigge t competion of
the year, tate, which took place in Green
Bay for the econd year. After many hour of
dedication (and mall argument ) the girl
walked away with a regional championship
and a ilver medal at tate. -Rachel tenholt
After four years of being a Bradford cheerleader,
senior Rachel Stenholt concludes that this year
was "the best ever" because of a second regional
"Everyone really worked hard together as a
team including the freshmen who all stepped it
up," says Stenholt about the other cheerleaders.
As the season comes to an end, Stenholts adds,
"I'll miss cheering at all the rivalry games and
competitions, but most of all, I'll miss the squad."
the cheerleading squad encourage
the crowd to cheer for Bradford.
Scrnor Brandon L1mcnhine hit
a h1rd in his ru h to chool after
w;iking up I •e.
Frc,hman Jeannette btrada and
'ophomorc \ltc1a Rangel had
plan tu go to the mo\ ic,.
Varsity Cheer
(row I) Coach B. Swisher.
Kerra Allen. Rachel
Hathcock. A'>hley Corrao.
Coach T. Swisher (row 2)
Jamie Hicks. Jaimie Lang.
atalie Rarnikar. Lindsay
Peterman. Al) ssa Peterson
(row 3) Taylor Isenberg.
Alicia Leber. Rachel
Stenholt. Mallory Kimball
JV Jam
GO. FIGHT. WI ! The cheerleaders add to
the excitement of the football team\ success
b} performing an exciting routine during the
game's half time. Devil fans get fired up as
member-, of the cheerleading team involve the
rest of the crowd in a loud. Bradford cheer.
FINI HI G TOUCH After an energetic
routine. the cheerleaders finish with a difficult
mount involving not one. but five girls lifted
into the air. It is clear the cheerleaders are a
success as the crowd applauds them loudly for
a job well done after their live!) performance.
fL YING HIGH While chccnno to
the ec,tatic crowd. ,cnior Alic1;~
Leber 1s lifted b\ her ba'e'. 'cnior
Rachel Stenholt.and freshman
Michelle Compher. lier ba'e' get
her to a second po,ition called a
liberty. Then. after Alicia hecome'
'>table. '>he at Ja,t hih her hcautiful
scale about '>ix feet abme the
ground. The crowd cheer' her on
and finally she i. rdea,cJ ba<.:k to
her base~; anm, .,afe and ">OumJI
211 1/0 7
112 110 1
112310 7
1/14/0 7
21210 1
1/26/0 7
112010 1
fnemh at the park.
to \\llrk at Si x Fl ag' and hie\\
'omethmg up at the park.
fudenf Council
followThe Leader
enior Lind. ay Peterman and junior Nicho las Pinnola check names
at the front tabl e for the bl ood drive . ick and Lindsay are onl y two of the many
volunteers who put m their time to help those in dire need of blood.
Every Wednesday morning when most students were still
in bed, many students gathered in study hall for a student
council meeting.
These student began their year planning the homecoming
dance, parade, and spirit week. Next, they moved on to the
annual food drive, where the second block classes who
collected the mo t food would be given a pizza party (the
winner was Mrs. Albright's discrete math class) .
After the food drive, they then hosted a blood drive which
involved not only the students and staff, but the rest of the
"The blood drive went really smoothly, and not a lot of
people got turned down like in the past," ta ted senior
Stephanie Wolf.
Almost 800 lives were saved due to the large number of
caring individuals willing to donate blood. -Rachel Stenholt
Friday the 20, 2006
Junior \Ira :0-lamon spent her
tla) w orkmg after school for a
catering company m Kenosha.
WORDS OF W I DOM Ju nior Amy
Tripp tutors fre.,hmen TCarra Hunter
and Jenna John'>On during advisory.
Zinner hands out registration papers
to a freshman in her advisory class.
Junior Heather Danielson
'.1.orked on a project for her
French class with ome friends.
SM ILE Junior Janelle Ander on
poses m her O.W.L shirt along 1de a
picture of Rowdy, the school mascot.
Leading the Way
C. Aceto, 0. Khalee l. A. Loi . R. Dar. P. Beasly. A. Barca, 0. Debe. H. Zbilut. K.
Andreoli, B. Eclarinal, D. Kersten, M. Hernandez, . Zongolowicz. J. Lang, J. Po ie, M.
Rhee, S. Edquist, A. Werwie, A. Romanovic, G. M arti ni, A. Slanchik, E. Ostalazo, L.
Bagley, K. Gosa!, A. chwei nsberg. A. Tri pp, C. Zi nner. . Troeme l, L. Homes, K.
Hein zmann . A. Travis, A. Johnson, C. Blalock, K. Thomas, M . Warner. M. Haebig, J.
Hoffman. A. Hughes. L. Gar ta, T. Ise nberg. E. Kupfer. B. Macareno. J. Barde n
The O.W.L. club helped
many fre hmen to tran i ion
moothly from middle chool
to high school.
From the very beginning of
the school year, these
uppercla men took nervou
ninth graders and turned
them into confident Bradford
tudent . Advisory wa the
time et a ide to mentor
tudent with games and
activitie .
"If a fre hman has any
que tion or concerns they
know they can come to an
O.W.L. and a k for help,"
aid junior Chelsea Zinner.
The O.W.L' , lead by Mrs.
Fi her, met once a week in
the morning . During the e
meetings, student hared any
truggle they may have with
their advi ory and al o
learned a new game or
activity to do tudents.
"It' fun becau e you get to
know kid in your advi ory
throughout the year." aid
junior Amy Tripp.
The O.W.L' always have
their work cut out for them,
but it i a job which help
many fre hmen find
happines and ucce at
Bradford. - avka Lazarevic.
Monday the 23rd, 2006
Jun10r Pre, tun Knapp found nut
th.the \\ould Ji gomg on a 1:nii c
\\uh h1' bc't lncnd 111 t\\O month,.
HOW HIGH ophomore Kell)
Binotto. Gianna Tenuta. Cindy
AndeNm. Kacthe chroeder. and
Kayla Stein wor~ together on a project.
Junior \ ,hk) Sdmcm berg
'tumhlcd upon .1 t\\ent) ,lollar
b1ll tnd.1) 111 the halh\ ·I)
TWI TER Sophomores Luanne
Spence. Aimee Madrigrano. and
Tiffany Otto play a game while
waitmg for results from competition.
coming up with ideas that will ensure
they win the clm,sroom challenge.
Business as
BA TIER UP ophomore T) ler Panasewic; convinces senior Ricardo
Vargas to buy a baseball bat during a class project. As a part of a selling unit,
everyone mu'>t bring a product to 'ell to a random per<,on. By doing thb they
learn to react to different scenarios and situations in the harsh retail world.
trange yelling and other
noises were often heard from
the marketing room. These
were the ounds of learning,
"marketing style. "
"I loved marketing because
we could be wild while we
learned," said junior Brenden
Bisciglia. "It wa n't like a
regular clas , we did a lot of
fun projects."
After completing the ba ic
marketing cla with a C or
better, intere ted students
could enroll in other cla es,
such as retail, sportainment,
or advanced marketing.
In classes such a these,
tudents planned their own
vacation to Wi con in Dells
a part of their grade; they
made an itinerary and set up
"Wisconsin Dells wa o
much fun," said junior
Humera Syed. "I feel our
team bonded more than we
ever have. We are a lot closer
These classes were not only
fun, but educational as well.
They provided tudents with
knowledge and expertise
u eful in obtaining and
advancing their bu iness
career .
- tephanie Perotto
TuOOay the 24th, 2006
he5hman 1'.:11,111 fl,1:~hk1ss tiedycd t-sh:n w 1th her be~t fnen<l
\. .1lerie
emor LaQumta t\ lurray won
her ba ketball game at the
Y1-.ICA \\uh her friend .
ophmores Katherine Oa\is. Aleksandra Rom;movic. Gabriela Manini. and
Abagail Werwie show off their paper tower. This i!, their first fun acti\ity in marketing class
where each group makes a tall tower'> out of selected material. Theirs wasn't quite the
tallest tower. but they had a lot of fun working on it together and getting to know each other.
ophomores Mark zot and Cind) SJe-,zyn-,ki -,ho\\ off
what the) made in marketing class for their mini group project. The) \Happed a bunch
of drinking straws with tape and placed their ra\\ egg in the middle for '>Uppon.
ophomores Kayla Gr) mkoski. Aimee
Madrigano. Kathryn Escobar. Kristin Jaskolski. Ashley Mifflin. Joshua Perone. Ricardo
Vargas. Amber Hinreiter. Emil) Kessler. Alissa cairn. Kale) Gerou. and Luanne pence.
ophomore Mal") Rothwell
is the e'ample for her class
during the introduction of
the marginal utilit) unit.
Wednerlay the 25th, 2006
Sophntnnrt' :\lichdlt' Kerr JU't
hought a '" t't't ninJa t·o,tume for
,t Hali<m t't'JI part)
Soph1mmre Jai.:oh Bankn
recel\ ed a ne" mp.3 player and
could not'' ait to tr) ll out.
Haisler. the Technical Education
teacher. check on the progress of his
skills class early in the morning.
SA DI G OVER Junior Matthew Jones puts
the finishing touches on the quarter panel of a
1950 Plymouth for his restoration project.
Skill!; for the Future
AUTO TECH GROUP (back row) Zach Alben, Randy Bezotte. Ste'e Klopstein.
Timothy Blaziewske. Steve Applegate. Leah Rohs (front) Zach Blauser. Chris
Carpentier. Ryan Crosiar. Bryan Dahl. Ross Jantz. John Londre, Annette Reget
While mo t of Bradford
High School's students were
fast asleep in their beds,
those enrolled in Mr.
Haisler's Automotive
Technology class were wide
awake and sharpening their
automotive skill . They were
"fueled" by the much
needed donut, which Mr.
Haisler frequently supplied.
"The technicians of
tomorrow will no longer be
grease monkeys. They will
need to under tand
electricity, electrical
components, and computers
in order to repair the vehicles
correctly the first time," said
Mr. Haisler.
Bradford 's automotive
classes underwent major
changes thi year. By the fall
of 2007, students enrolled in
these classes could earn
certifications in all eight
A.S.E. (Automotive Service
Excellence) area through
affiliation with Gateway
Technical College.
"Sometimes the part people
need isn't always available; in
fact, mo t of the time. So, our
job is to make the part that is
needed, " explains senior John
Londre. -James Hoffman III
Senior Sam Leick turned in her
Widget project to Mr
Camerota's calculu-, class.
Junior Josh Swen on ,m a
motorcycle catch on ltre and gut
inten ie\\ ed by the ne\\Spaper
COUC H POT ATOE Junior Martin Hartmann and 'ienior Andrei Coos take a break to play
three hours of Zelda wh il e veggin' out on the couch. These guys really love Bradford, but
don't like all the homework they get. Andrei\ favorite video game is FIFA and he really
enjoys hanging out wtth the guys and playing at sports and video games all weeke nd.
nExe ha nge
Every year Bradford welcomes foreign exchange tudent
into our hallways to integrate different culture into our
high chool experience. Thi year tudent got to know
tudents from Ru ia, Germany, Moldova and Romania.
Andrei Coos, the exchange tudent from Romania
expre ed hi love for occer:
"I love playing occer with Bradford team ; it remind
me of home when I get to play in a game with my
American friend ."
When a ked whether it wa a culture hock coming to
America, all of the foreign exchange tudent replied that
it wa fairly easy, but it \Vas a hock for them to ee how
American tudents dres ed (it' a hock for teacher , too).
It is a privilege that we get to welcome foreign tudent
into our mid t every year. -Chel ea Lawli
EXPRE SIYE FA E! Junior Tristin
Hafenscher put., plenty of c nthusia.,m into
her singing, a., did all of the cast of Beehive.
I'LL CRY IF I WANT TO ophomore
Elloitte Harding sings "It's M) Party" and
complains of e\erything going wrong.
handed out candy to the
tnck -or-treaters
The \er) colorful cast members of Beehhe strike their
last pose with great enthusiasm. It took hard work and
dedication to learn the songs and dance mons from the
sixties, but they pulled it off with fl)ing colors.
A SIMPLE SERENADE After being dragged up to stage by some of the cast
members, an individual from the audience is erenaded by junior Megan
Warner; she sings to him that her boyfriend is back in town. There was a lot
of ongoing interaction -..ith members of the audience throughout the play.
E T c
Sophomore Kylee Brinkman
Senior Kimberl) Gei.,ler
Sophomore Emily Brn!1in.,ki
;>.1ember of the ca .. t
Janice Joplin
:'>kmher or the Chorus
"Ifpu tlffn'fltavt time flf tiff II r~pu m!l4t
ltavt ~ flf tiff II fJ1/tr. " -AlttflljHtlftltt
Junior Aly"'a Piccolo sta)ed
home and \\atcheJ a mo\1e \\ith
"ime friend,.
For Halloween. semor Eli1abeth
Foster spent the da) \\or king
at her job.
HIGH E ERGY Sophmore Megan Walentowski keeps her energy up as she
dances the opening number of "Beehive." The actors in the sho"" required
long hours of rehear,,ing the choreography as well as all the catchy ongs.
A MOME TI TIME The girls hold a pose after interacting with the audience
during their performance of "The Name Game." Name of audience members
were added to lyric of songs making Beehive a most interesting musical.
GO! Senior Molly Rivera dances
to the 60's hit "Let's Rock " while
being backed up by the cast.
TAKING IT DOW A OTCH Junior Maureen Haebig sings Carol King's
popular 60's ballad "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. " She directs this
sad but heartfelt song to one lucky guy in the audience each night.
Junior Kayla Becker sings songs from
the British invasion scene of the 60s.
A TRIP I TIME "Beehive, the 60' Musical,"
performed by a cast of all females, shed some light on
the 1960's. The show had virtually no speaking lines,
but was instead narrated through popular songs of the
decade. The cast sang such medley a "One Fine Day"
and "My Boyfriend's Back" and were all well received
by the audience. Each member portrayed a different
figure from the beloved era, including Leslie Gore and
Janice Joplin. The costumes, a well, were identical to
tho e of the 60's. Junior Maureen Haebig and Megan
Warner both agreed and added, "the be t part of our
costumes were our go-go boot ! "
"Beehive" was unlike many shows at Bradford simply
because of its lighting. In a normal how, there may
only be fifty light cue in only a few colors. Yet for this
spectacular, there were well over 100 light cue , full of
color that tran formed each corner of the tage into a
whole new dimen ion and reality.
"Once we started running the show with lights, you
could just tell that the energy of the entire cast and crew
skyrocketed," said senior Helena Zbilut.
Audience members, particularly those who per onally
experienced the 1960' , walked away from the how
remarking on how well the it helped them remember
their pa t. Involving the audience in ongs also kept the
interest level of the play high-at any moment one could
find themself on the tage.
"During nearly every ong my mom would turn to me
\Vith a wide grin, quietly mouthing who each character
was before their names were even mentioned," tated
junior Chelsea Lawliss.
"Beehive, the 60' Musical" was colorful, fun, and
animated thank to the very hard work and dedication
of both the ca t and the crew.
- avka Lazarevic
FRIVALJTY Lydia Lubey, played by
Emilie Wiersum, cracks a smile while
preparing to take the stage for All My
Wednerlay the 1st, 2006
R Junior Tro)' \\Cnt to
'.:e Sa1\ Ill I\ ith .1 .:ouplc of hi
!r1end' from the football team.
Semor Luuren Ga t.1ldi got
together \I llh a coupk of her
fnend . for a girl\-onl) night.
played by Carolyn Collin,, sheds a tear
while visiting the Keller family home.
Joe Keller (Josh Swenson) is forced to face the fact that
a shipping error he made during WWII led to the
failure of many plane engines, and the death of 21 pilots.
After the truth of this comes out, he is guilt-ridden.
From left to right, Chri Keller ( athan Ferda), Ann
Deever (Carolyn Collins). Kate Keller (Ashley Jupp), and Joe Kell er (Jo h
Swen on) pose fo r a picture. Chris is the son of Joe and Kate, and An n is his
girlfriend who previously dated his brother in the war.
E T c
Junior :'vlal!hew Ragahe
Junior Savka La1arevic
George Deever
Sue Bayliss
Senior A'hle) Jupp
Junior Kevin Dw,enberr)
N E s
Kate Keller
hank Lubey
"Ha/I tftV ~ 14' fJtltt trf{Hff !lrflltd dt!~ ttr dtJ' Miit, !1tt
!ll1lt we ltavt r!IWd firm~ ~ trf{Hff !lr daVt" - Ult/I Rtrpdt
emor Just111 Belotll mi,sed
school and '' atched The ./0 rear
Old Virgin three limes.
emor Andrew Geldcn placed R
com talk 111 the hape of a
heart 111 his girlfnend\ ) ard.
SOMEBODY CALL A DOCTOR? Junior avka Latarevic. playing the role of
ue Bayliss, speaks with senior Martell Rice who io, playing the role of her
husband Dr. Baylis .. The Bayliss' are close friendo, with the Keller family .
. ·~.
·•. 9,, ......
- ....,....
• .•
PO I G FOR THE CAMERA Senior athan Ferda who plays Joe Keller's
son Chris in the Broadway play All My So11s contemplates the thought of
moving away from the re t of his famil) and leaving his girlfriend behind.
Ferda did an excellent job of acting with the raw emotion of his character .
played by senior Carol) n Collins
does not knO\\ what to do after
learning of her boy friend ' death.
Herschel Kruger, the former director of Bradford's
Theah·e Art Program before receiving the same job at
Carthage College, wanted to come back and do another
show that everyone would appreciate.
"I really enjoyed coming back to Bradford and doing
one more show with a great group of tudents. The play
was very challenging and all of the actors dug in to
create very truthful and moving characters," said
That i exactly what thi talented group of nine
character did in order to give the audience a reali tic
look at how life was during World War II.
All My Sons is a 1947 Broadway play written by
Arthur Miller. The play is ba ed on the true story of
Joe Keller, hi family, and hi friends. Keller knowingly
sold defective airplane part to the United tate army
during World War II. When all wa aid and done,
the parts \\'ere re ponsible for the death of 21 pilots.
Coincidentally, Joe's on Lany al o lo t hi life during
the war, but not becau e of damaged part . Larry
committed uicide becau e he could not live with what
his father had done. After Joe Keller heard thi , he
committed uicide as well. The play wa a dark tory,
but it captivated the audience with it reali m.
When asked what her favorite scene wa , enior
Ashley Jupp re ponded, "The la t cene, when Chri
Keller read the letter from his brother; it wa emotional
and our ca t worked well together to make it happen."
Viewing thi how helped member of the audience gain
an under tanding of how many people were affected by
the war, not ju t the brave fe\\· who erved our
remarkable country. It wa this en e of reali m that
helped everyone comprehend and appreciate what the
· teYe Djurickovic
director wa aiming for.
Senior Racquel Gra,hen \\a'
nen ous all da) becua'<: 'he had
basketball tr) ouh after school.
Senior Cliff Plai,ted finall) got
rid of hi' shagg) hair and g<l\e
himself a hu11-cut
DA CE TEAM (top) Samantha Edquist, Alyssa Bytnar. Jennifer Siedjak, M>. Ph ill ips, Kimberly
Sku ndberg. Holly Livingston. Kelsey mith (middle) Emily McGinness. Jessica Sherman, Ashley
Kenner. Amanda Anderson. Melanie Esti ll , Erin ordloh, Emi ly Kessler (bottom) Shinelle Gonzales,
Ashley H · . Chantal Pearson. 1egan Walentowski. Rebecca Nuorala (front) Amber Walent wski
hake Ya
GPove Thang
Dance Team
BIG CROWD-BIGGER MILE Juni or Holl y Li vi ngsto n and freshman Jenn ifer
Siedjak put o n a g iant smil e fo r the large Bradford crowd during a ho me foo tball game.
In order to join Bradford's dance team, one has to be
committed. Beginning in the summer and going all
the way to mid February, this year's team toughed it out
for nearly six months. Over this period of time they placed
first, third, and fourth in their competitions and had fun
with their friends in the process.
"We all liked to have fun but at the ame time we also
worked really hard when we needed to," said Samantha
Edquist when asked about the team.
Other than competitions, the team performed
during many football games, basketball games, and
"I am very proud that the girls worked hard, had fun ,
and forged friendships with one another. Thi year was
an overall sucess in my eyes," said M . Phillips, the
-Dustin Denny
dedicated coach of the dance team.
Tuerlay the 7th, 2006
Sophomore Junette Henrich' had
fun working with some friends
on a project first block.
D Junior Adlay Vazquez
gives the camera a big smile while
practicing her jazz hands with the rest
of her class.
ATIITUDE enior Chelsey Walker
works on one of her performance
routines for the spring production
wth a confident attitude.
Senoir Kc\'in Peterson had some
fun making all his friends crack
up during lunch.
Klemm work on a modem dance
piece. making sure she get into the
correct po. ition and then balance .
ance Company~
Dance. Fir~t .. Think Later
Y (top) H. Christianse n. J. Maso n. J. Sherman. E.
Brzezinski . B. Daniels. S. Klemm. A. Garcia. C. Walker. (teacher) Joyce
Dohnal (middle) E. McGinne s. A. Swartz. E. Kessler, A. Vazquez (bottom)
C. McGrain. L. Rider, M. Kimball. E. Fo. ter. A. trohm . M. Martinez.
The 2006-2007 dance
company, made up of mo tly
dance III tudent worked
hard all year to perform at
such events as the spring
show, college performances,
and they were even able to
do a how at Disney.
"I love dance. I ba ically
only dance every day that I
eat," said sophomore
Christina McGrain.
During their clas time the
tudent worked to perfect
their performance , tudied
the different varietie of
dance , and brought
originality to each piece they
The girl in dance company
were either asked to join
dance III by a teacher or did
an amazing job at audition
and were therefore signed up.
"Thi year group wa ju t
wonderful. I am o proud of
how dedicated they were to
dance and how well they
performed," aid teacher
] oyce Dohnal.
The girl did uch an
excellent job at the pring
show, that the audience wa
very impre ed with the
performance . ice job,
dancer ! -Taylor Bauman@
emor. ' atalie hlrfalla 'pent her
Thur, da} afternoon getting
pampered at a salon.
Junior Lisa Sa\ aglio attended a
Bre\\ er's game "here she caught
utoul hall!
ROC K YO R BODY enior Felicia Glas..,, junior Courtney Graves. fre..,hman Imani Burchfield,
and junior Lashon Lee ho'' off their moves at Bradford\ homecoming game which was held at
Carthage. The} are ju. tone of the many groups that performed in front of the cheering fans .
radford s fin est
A NewEra of Dance
BRADFORD' Fl E T (back) freshmen Darius Harmon . ibany Jackson, j unior Irina
Cerepova. sophomore Vincent Harris (front) freshman Imam Burchfie ld, sophomores
Jelissa Brook . and Casimir Jefferson, and fres hman Tyler Thorse n.
At fir t glance, Bradford's Fines appeare to e an average
high school dance team; but these Bradford dancers were o
much more.
"Bradford's Finest wa unique in the way they taught kid
the power of diversity and et a po itive example in
role modeling, for not just dancers, but for the entire student
body, " said group leader Ms.Maye .
To qualify to be a member of this group tudents had to
maintain a 2.5 grade point average and know how to move.
They danced to a variety of different music including reggae,
R&B, hip-hop, pop, country, and even some Latin!
At each and every performance, thi group never once
failed to fascinate their audience. As the chool year
progressed, Bradford' Fine t continued to grow in strength,
education, and integrity and all involved in the team are
ure to go on to be succesful adults. -Danielle Marocchi
the 11th, 2006
Working onstage . senior Joshua Maresca lco and sophomore J'uan Ingram help
light desi gner, John Doplin with the set.
careful mea urements of wood
needed for the stage set construction.
T imoth} Gontscharow re move nail
from a piece of wood. In doi ng this.
materi als are recycled over and over.
Behind the Qcenes;
Every year, over a hundred
student take stagecraft, a
cla where tudents build
tage et for Bradford's
theatre production .
This technical support cla
played a big role in the drama
department. In 2006-2007
student in tagecraft created
and constructed out tanding
et and turdy prop for
t\velve how .
Stagecraft teacher Jody
William taught her tudent
how to properly create a oneof-a-kind original set. he
also explained the difference
between regular and
temporary con truction.
Student enjoyed coming to
class knowing they were not
going to sit in a desk the whole
cla period-they would get to
use their hand .
"Stagecraft i mo tly hand on learning in tead of typical,
boring book work," explained
ophomore Cody Pryor.
Junior, Amber Perez wa
delighted to be part of
stagecraft: "I am proud of
myself. Together we put a lot
of hard work and effort into
the et ; eeing them in the
play made my time
worthwhile. - am Zuchow ki
Tueiday the 14th, 2006
READY? Seniors
Helena Zbilut and
Alex Felland emcee
Bradford art teachers
show off a bit of
their creativity
during Spirit Week
on Wacky Day.
Semor '\l ick .\ ndreoh helped
land,capc Hannah Brems\ fron t
) ard with 75 bags of lea,es.
Freshman Alyx SYatek captured
her neighbor's runawa) dog as it
made a da'h for the high\\ a).
nu r:!Jecale ...
FLAPPIN' Freshman Jennifer Siedjak,
Michelle Pinnola, Alyx Svatek, and
Melissa Marano '>how off their retro
dresses on the I 960's freshmen float.
ROY ALTY Semors Andy Gelden and
Molly RiYera celebrate their victories
as Homecoming king and queen \\ith
the traditional center stage slow dance.
'7ltm are Jttl/tr tltlffl1/t- lttJ'tv4' lie a ~ o!IV~
flJ'ff !!1tt1tf tlafJ1 oept Sflllir~ " -tJ~nmwe
JOB WELL DONE Junior linebackers
Daniel Jeffery and Michael Puntillo jog off
the field after making a big defensive stop
again. t Muskego duri ng a 28-20 victory.
WAC KY WED ES DA Y Seniors Molly Ri vera, Helena Zbi lut, and Ju niors Katheri ne
Thomas, Chelsea Lawliss, and Alyssa Piccolo go all out on Wacky Wed nesday, the
third of five days given a specific theme fo r Bradford'· Homecoming Spirit Week.
GOOF TROOP Senior Patrick Bea ley
shows off hi s nerdy side with a pair of
dorky glasses, a pocket protector, and his
shi rt buttoned all the way to the top.
WednOOay ~ 15th, 2006
Junior Mary Jordan Wolfe got
an A+ on her chemistry test' She
\\as very proud of herself.
Sophomore Eugene Eldridge
bo"' Jed a perfect .300 game at '>ix
o'clocl.. am in his pajamas!
GETTl'.IJ' \\"ILD Junior Bianca Greco sings along to the
current song a <; she heads towards the center of the
dance floor. ome of the music students danced to were
by Spice Girls, All-American Rejects, and Boyz 2 \len.~ ..--.~---· .. -
HOMECOMT G CO RT Steve Ros . . Stephanie Wolf. Garry Paskiewicz.
Hope Christie. Matt Lawler. Tara Tucker. Justin Belotti . . atalie Farfalla. And)
Gelden. and Molly Rivera pose pnor to being introduced as the 2006 Court.
G COURT STLDS Seniors Justin
Belotti. Garry Paskie\\ic1. And} Gelden. and :'\1att
Lawler wait anxiouslj to hear v. ho the winner' are.
The theme for Homecoming
2006 was "Dancing Through the
Decades." Spirit week kicked off
the festive events with erd
Day, Twin Day, Wacky Day,
Decades Day, and chool Spirit
The homecoming assembly was
held on School Spirit Day. Some
of the events that filled the
as embly were homecoming
court videos and fine performance by the cheerleaders, dance
team, and Bradford' finest.
Sportainment al o kept the
tudents entertained with their
hilarious eat-a-thon, the "Blazin'
GO! FIGHT' Wl '\1 1 The football team prepares to
bur,t through the spmt banner at the Homn;oming
Game which held at Carthage College.
Challenge" in which someone
from each class had to eat as
many wings from Buffalo Wild
Wings restaurant as he/she
could, in the least amount of
Later, the homecoming parade
featured floats built by each
class. For the econd year in a
row the class of 2007 won this
event. To top off the day,
Bradford's football team
defeated Muskego 2 -20.
Saturday night wa the
homecoming dance where
tudent danced the decade
-Danielle Marocchi
Bebk1. Jake LOC\\en. Dave \\ alkO\\ k.1. and Nick
'SY 'C in pired float.
enior' Carolyn
Collins and athan Ferda dre . s
up like a nerdy couple in order
to participate in pirit Week.
GLAM GALS Seniors Jennifer
Kumm. Cassandra Woodley.
and dilene Guajardo shO\\ off
their dresse at the dance.
Junior Angela Zichr made an
oodk of tips at her JOh. Her hard
work llnall) paid off
Junwr Julip Kuzmic decided to
sp.:nt time \\ ith her famil) h)
going out to dinn.:r \\ ith them.
LET'S SEE Both senior<, Carolyn Coll in'> and Peter McGrai n go over the layout for the R ed Alert
paper. The) also debate about the possible changes that can impro\'e Red Alert and its pizzau.
These aspiring journalist use layouts to organize the artic les. When Bradford's tudent pick up an
issue of Red Alert. it's as if they are readi ng an actual newspaper with intere. ting Bradford news.
Br aking News!
O UR FUTURE JOUR ALI T (top) Christopher Osborn , Antho ny Matoska, Daryl
Strai t, Marcus Owe n. (middle) Peter McGrain , Erin Cl ay. Melanie Estill . and Robert
Gauler (bottom) Emil y Co llin s, Mo ll y Ri vera , Carolyn Co llins. and Adilene Guajard
With a fresh, positive attitude, Bradford's Red Alert
introduced a new layout, design and advisor for the 20062007 school year. Journalism instructor Daryl Strait
talked about the experience he had in his rookie year:
"As a first year advisor, I was fortunate to have such a
fine group of ambitious journalists, who so fearles ly
seeked the story behind the tory."
Every other day, students met to discuss new topics that
could be published in Red Alert, and many more
controversial topics were written than in previous years.
"It's really neat to see how a paper evolves from ideas to
the finished product,"said editor Robert Gauler. "We
work hard-especially at deadline time-but we also try to
have fun and keep the atmo phere in room 133 upbeat and
bu y. We have had several 'pizza breaks' which help us
- amm Zuchowski
focus on the job at hand."
Junior :1.latt Runyon v.ent to get
111 oil chan!!ed and then v.ent to
get food ':it the ga' \tatmn.
C'MON! Senior Ash ley Hill uses
nonverbal communication to aid her in
her argument with senior Bryan George.
Junior \ lyles mllh w.:nt to a
a re,taurant v. ith hi farm I}
then did math homev. ork
Madi. on fot the tate tournament,
junior Chris Osborn takes time for
a picture and displays his humor.
HUMA ST ATUES While po ing
in front of a tatue junior Kerra Allen
rai es her fi t to the sky while junior
Emi ly Harring crosses her arms .
Norths;ide. Acts; it Out
FORE SICS TEA 1 (Left to Right) : John Devroy . Chm Osborn. Bryan
George. Kerra Allen, Brittany Daniels. Steve Kirby. Kristin Ellis, Je ica
Gidcumb. Ashley Hill , Cand i e Bullock, Jame Hoffman. Mr . Larsen.
Thi year the forensic club,
led by Mr . Lar en, aw ome
fre h new face on the team
with the arrival of freshman
John Devroy, senior Brittany
Daniel , ophomore] e sica
Gidcumb, and ophomore
James Hoffman.
I thought that thi year, our
team really came together to
take on and beat the much
larger team in conference,
said Mrs. Larsen.
The group met every
Thur day to practice
performing everything from
peechmaking to acting, to get
ready for their upcoming
competition .
During the cour e of the
year, the team traveled to
different chool throughout
southeastern Wisconsin and
made a final trip to Madison
for the annual tate competition where they were able
to bring home variou gold
and silver medal .
l was proud of the team thi
year. We howed a lot of
energy and poi e throughout
the season, aid enior
A hley Hill.
The team' year wa a great
one filled with ton of great
moment . -John Madrigrano
Tuecrlay the 21st , 2006
Senior ,\ndrea Perugim \\Orked
hard lO tim-.h her homemade
model of the human >houlder.
Senior \lartell Ri<:e totalled hi-.
'96 Buick at 'e'en am going
through a ) ellO\\ light
Freshman Jasmine Carr uses a
creative mind to draw out a
design for art class.
Sophmores Andrew
Frazee and Sara
wager start their
Friday with a bit of
humor while they
read and act out a
ative American
story. The students
in thi social studies
clas learn about the
spiri tual c ul ture of
Native American
storytell ing. Wi th
Andrew's acting
"talent," he is able to
fo llow Sara's
narrative and add
little humorous
touches of his own.
11 11 11 11
CHALLE G I G MI DS TO THI K Below, science teacher Mr. Teerin k
he lps guide his students through a sc ience lab. Students pay close attenti on o
that they have a good understanding of the assignment. Tee rink all ows those in
hi s class to work on a variety of ex periments to spark inte rest in learn ing.
We Care About the Future and
Our Place In It
YET! With focus. senior
Nico Hardcastle pays
attention in class like e\'er)
other hardworking student.
To make class fun. JUnior
Ra,·en Cul Yer enjoys making
his teacher and classmates
laugh by acung like Arnold.
~t class would you not want to fall asleep m
for even a minute?
says, "U.S.
because Ms.
Barry gets
upset very
easily if you
Katie Rivera
because it's
the best and I
love learning
about science
and what it
has to offer."
Ashley Harns
"algebra 2,
because Mr.
voice keeps
me awake
even if I am
really tired."
O\er tu hb aunt., hou e fu r a dtp
1n her heated"' imming pool.
TIME TO CLEAN After taking pictures
for their 78 art clas , seniors Antoinette
Driver and Brandon McDonald wash out a
dirty film tilter as one of their duties.
MEAS RI 'G UP Sophomore Amber
Hirtreiter and Kimberly HeinLmann u ea
special scale to record the weight of an
object in Mr. Devine's chemistry class.
h e hman C) nthia \t iller
he lped her mom prepare their
.nn ual T han k-,gi' ing dinner.
The start of a new school year on
September 5th, was exciting. Teachers got
ready for a new set of students, freshmen
finally discovered what high shool was like and seniors
made sure they acquired a lot of slacker classes.
Meanwhile, the sophomore and junior classes worked
hard to keep their grade-point averages up.
At Bradford, student had the opportunity to experience
a wide variety of classes. Some chose to bake a cake and
others decided to learn how to change the oil in their cars.
Some even made movies.
"My favorite classes were both culinary skills and stage
craft, " said sophomore Kalani Baguio. "Both let me di play
my hidden talents of cooking and art."
Junior Danielle Anderson aid,"I love the academic
here because they are o diverse and all the
teachers are different." -Rachel Van Berg
Junior Timothy
Blaziew ke tne h1
hardest to figure out
a math problem b)
re- reading the
chapter on
functions to bettter
under.,tand the
question during
Ms. imon's
advanced math.
analysis cla s.
Senior Chri topher
Sloca tries to hurry
through the local
newspaper finding
the latest current
e\'ents for Mr.
eiman' US
Go,·emmenc and
Politics class where
he is soon to take a
quiz on what
happened in the
world that day.
n It.rm&/,
~ l!avt ~ IIltPtt tldv'antm tmd 4tf 1141 In
/Utl/el/ed fl4t flw, 1114/Jlltltff 1141 wlllf o~ " -l(flMI Glbran
Freshman Erin
ordloh work-.
with her classmate
freshman Amanda
Begg1 to locate a
new vocabulary
word for the fun
sea\ enger hunt
game in \1r ..
Frale) \ ninth grade
Engli-,h cla-,,.
''WWU, a
¥/Hf W/4ffn, 141 a DIM
§fftlm Ht!fmtnl4J tmbark, !l!Jffn
a~jtf!lrMj: anti tlJ/ffr tl/trr
fd/g lttrur. "
-Jfllm 8ff4Wtlt
Thur d y
13 Tu sday
With winter we think of cold snowy nights, sledding, and snowball fights; but, Bradford started
off the 2007 year v;ith an even more memorable winter ea on. Winter 2006-2007 began with a
festive door decorating contest which brightened the hallways in December. In January, student
council organized the Battle of the Bands event which was a big hit. Also the theatrical
performance of Fiddler on the R oofbrought in big crowds. Around this time students attempted
to cram for second quarter finals. Then for a treat KISS FM DJed the 007 Casino Roya le themed
Winter Formal which ran smoothly at Marina Shores. The Boys' wim team finished a great
season with Patrick Beasley and Andrew Gelden along with the 400m relay team advancing to the
State Tournament. January had omething special to offer to tudent of all interests. Overall thi
winter ea on was a TIME of unforgettable events to recall for year to come. -Jack Edquist
17 Saturday
7 Wint r f rmal
~--------------------------------The theme for the 2007\Wlter formal was 007: Casino
Royale based on the hit movie with the one arrl only James
&mi 1v\artna Shores was the hot place to be on a cold
night, arrl the students were able to ''Walk it out'' arrl
'tha cha real smooth!' all night long with their frimis.
5 Frid y
6 S furday
11 Thur d y
12 Frid y
7 Sund y
8 M nday
fiddl er on the Roof
19 Frid y
22 M nd y
25 Thur day
I N n RI
''HtJre'f !Ir flt&, tr!d ft/J/Jlt fret
Wk~ !lttJtt mq;f4fo!ld
w~ !lttfu !ll(lfff4fottJw
Wk~ !ltuu mq;f4f
oear rt///tJt tltflW."
- W~ StJ!tffJ: E~ Jt11tt11Vj' 5//J,
Sunday the 26, 2006
a part) •It White\' :ner "nh
'omc of hi' close tnemk
the mo\ 1c theater with hi'
girlfriend ~tailor) Kimhall .
HUDDLE UP' 1! During a wild playoff game, the Bradford boys
huddle together listening intently to Coach Perrine. As the boys tune
out the rowdy crowd. the) focus on their next critical ball pos es ion.
Despite a painful ix-game losing streak, the
Bradford boy basketball team managed to
conclude their season with a Cinderella-story
finish by making Bradford history.
For the first time in eighteen years,
Bradford made it to ectionals by beating
] ane ville Parker and Kenosha Tremper.
Unfortunately, the boys lost a very close
game to Verona (la t year's state champs) in
the third playoff round by only seven point .
"It was a very clo e game and the boys played
hard. They really came together at the end of
the season," said Coach Perrine.
At the start of the new year, the boys won
four conference games in a row and they
won twelve of their even teen final games.
The hard-working and energetic captains of
the varsity team were seniors
stevenDJURICKOVIC and dustinDENNY.
JV BASKETBALL (back row) C.
Finley, M. Tyler, Coach teger.
I. Walton , A. Sellers (middle row)
M . Muir, . Weyland. L.
Singletary, E. Corrao, M. White,
S. Sheehan (front row) J. Atkins,
D. Smith. R. Hoff. C. Ware
THE PERFECT SHOT Freshman Paul Williams takes a
wide-open jump shot during a playoff game again t
Kenosha Tremper. The re ult of this game will determine
which Kenosha team andvances to the sectional playoffs.
"Our captains helped bring the team
together and contributed to our successful
season," said Coach Perrine.
steveDJURICKOVIC led the red devils in
scoring, with an average of 22 points per
game. He also had the honor and distinction
of receiving the Holy Rosary Athlete of the
Year award.
Although Steve was the main offensive
player on the team, both junior
deonFRA KLI and sophomore
justynGALLOW A Y were key contenders on
the red devil' offen ive. On the other hand,
the key defenders included Du tin, Deon,
senior andrewDO ALDS and
This basketball ea on was proof that
dedication, hard work, and perseverance
pays off in the long "shot." -Racquel Grashen
~ .. r~ /.llJ' !ff
Wltaf JVC !bJrt b.
mtl'~ btt!lllldt ~ JVtlt wer (!D'tM ~
Tuerlay the 28th,
P4' lhtfJtrrlllltV P4' /rQw JVC lravt 4¥-ed. •
-a 'film fl/le-Luo PflYVd tn, "SllV TrtJ!t·
"This year beating Tremper twice and making it
to sectionals were obviously our team's season
highlights; but for me, earning the Scholar Athlete
Award and Coach's Award were really important."
Andy is still debating whether or not he wants to
persue basketball in college: "It depends on what
division school I attend-University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, a division 1 school, or Milwaukee
School of Engineering, a division 3 school."
FL YIN' HIGH ophmore Justyn
Galloway soars over his Tremper
rival's head, shooting for the basket.
hc,hman Katie Young went
Chri'>tmas shopping \.\ ith her
famil) after basketball practice
Varsity Basketball
(back row) Dustin Denny,
Steve Djurickovic, Coach
Perrine, Darius Young. Coach
Smith, Dan Kinzler, Paul
Williams (row2) Justyn
Galloway, Andy
Wojciehowicz. Hector
Carrasco. Jacob Zuehlsdorf.
Carmine Marano. Deon
Franklin (front row) ick
Lukassen, Michael Holden ,
Andy Donalds.
CLASSIC OPPO E TS Junior Michael
Holden and a Temper player put aside their
crosstown rivalries on December 12. 2006
during one of the most important games of
the season. E\·en though Bradford suffered a
loss. sponsmanship continued to prevail.
FAST BREAK Junior Deon Franklin sprints
to the basket and scores two point.. adding
to the winning score for the Red Devils.
Deon continues to imprm·e in eYery aspect
of his game. proving his essential offensiYe
and tough defensive role on the team.
senior te\e Djuncko\lc nudges off
the defensi\'e player hy making a quick
pivot around 111111. After shaking off
his opponent he races down the court.
dribbling the ball. and cut-. hard to the
basket. As he jump-. O\er his
opponent's head. tcYe continues to the
basket to score a lay-up e\·en while he
i'> fouled. SteYe manages to rack up
another point b) making a successful
Junior Deanamarice Lopez
went to ba,kethall practice and
her cou,in\ to make cookies.
Wednerlay the 29th, 2007
""Bradford, ~oo Kno1,JJI
ophomore Anel Ambro mi
decorated the Chmtma'
tree '' llh her famil).
em or Andrei Cl'O' ''a at the
) working on hi. mu de' o he
can look good for the lauie .
COU T IT! Senior LaQuinta
Murray rai es her fist in victory as
she realize the foul wa counted
against Tremper, and she is awarded
two easy points in free throws.
JV BASKETBALL (back row) Coach Ka
1 Oldani, M.
Davi on , ~ . Hinkes, K. Young, K. Jasko! ki, B. Childer .
Coach Eric (second row) M. King, S. Man in, S. Barsuli. A.
Dix. M. Wamboldt, J. Fo ter (front row) E. Oniz, A. Brunner
Bradford's girls basketball started a new
tradition onjune 19, 2006 with a different
outlook on the season and a new coach to
lead the way to victory. Coach Hardy
worked with the girls throughout the
summer even before it wa announced that
he would be the varsity coach. He helped the
girls improve their skills and taught them
how to play as an actual team. Hardy's
famous words to the girls were, "real players
are made in the summer." Those gems of
inspiration kept the girls focused and
determined from the very start to even the
last few moments of the season.
The girl's varsity team began the season
with the be t start in school hi tory (7-0) and
went on to the SEC South Division (4-0).
Captains, seniors arieMO TGOMER Y and
amandaJOHNSO led the team to victory
PEP TALK Coach Hardy run through the nex t few pl ays
against Tremper as the team takes a breather. He encourages
the girl to step it up and take the game to the next level.
The girls are ready to take another win home for their fans.
with their strong belief in teamwork. When
times got rough and players started calling
plays on their own, sophomore oliviaHARDY
would remind them to "play as a team, not as
one." This helped the girls rely on one
another and create a team that coach Hardy
always dreamed of.
The girls went on to regionals where they
defeated Beloit in the first round. Ironically,
Beloit was the team that knocked the girls out
the previous year during the same round,
making the win more memorable. The team
went on, but lost to] anesville Craig.
After the the girls' amazing season, coach
Hardy expressed these sentiments: "Thanks
[seniors] for giving me the opportunity to
be a for ce for good in y our lives in a w ay
that will stay with y ou for as long as you
- Chrislyn Villaruel
Friday the 1st, 2006
flflllH4t ~ !kp!thl ltutiNdo/J bf: otlFdtfmt trf
trnlft otrall4t we !tf!km d4f; o~
-:]fil!V4.' Maflkw. BtvrM
:11A11tr.!Vllott1e warlf&i
Johnice Miller
The year turned out to be monumental for senior
Johnice Miller, who played for Bradford's varsity
team after playing for another team the previous
"It feels great to be able to say I was able to help
the team go undefeated in the beginning,"
exclaimed Johnice about their 7-0 starting record.
Not many people can say they were a part of
history, but Johnice will keep this memory forever.
COP! G ophomore Olivia
Hardy take. a second to find a path
through Tremper' tough defense.
Senior Katti) n Smtth took
ad\ antage of the 'nO\\ day and
"ent 'lcdding at the local park.
Var ity Ba ketball
( I st row) Maria Kehrer (2nd
row) Racquel Grashen. Arie
Montgomery. Olivia Hardy
(3rd row) Laquinta Murra}.
Keniqua Thomas. Johnice
Miller, Amanda Johnson.
Charlita Champagne, Carlyse
Fuhrer (4th row) Coach Grey.
Brittney Fergu. on, Maria
Lopez, Rachel Wenberg. Emily
Caronti , Michelle Maravilla.
Coach Hardy
Rachael Wenberg and enior Charlita
Champagne hone their kill during a quick
practice session before the Tremper game.
Both girls sho" their competitive side while
waiting for the ball to fall from the hoop.
RAISE THE ROOF Alway one to count on.
senior Charlita Champagne raise her arms in
victory after her hot from just in ide the three
point line. The basket was just one of many
that helped Bradford surpas their cro -town
rival. Tremper, in front of a packed hou e.
POW ERHO USE First, semo
Mon tgomer) dribbles the ball
the court. but unexpectedly an
opposing pla)er get- m her
Usi ng arnallng basketball tacti
fakes out the other team with
Fre,hman Tiphan) Pavhc.h went
kimg at Wilmont with -,ome o:
her friend' and faml).
<urday the 2nd, 2006
"Oxygen is overrated."
Sophomore Laura Hawkins had
a blast on her ''eekend hanging
out '' ith all of her friends.
Senior Justin Rasmussen ''as
excited about getting a ne\\
skateboard Jnd trying it out.
WI OED Sophomore Patrick tephen
stops at the side of the pool to take a
breather before going back to practicing.
Bradford v.
Bradford v.
Bradford v.
L: 78-107
W: 103-80
W: 104-82
W: 120-61
The Bradford boy's swim team enjoyed one
of their best sea ons in the winter of 20062007. The varsity team finished with a season
record of 7-2, and the JV team was not far
behind with a record of 6-4.
Y was crowned
state champion after winning the 200 yd. I.M.
and placing first at the state meet.
"I was proud to be part of uch an awesome
team. We couldn't have done better," said
Another champion was
who placed 2nd at the state meet. He also
became the first wimmer in the city of
Kenosha to break the minute barrier in all
four competitive swim strokes and was up for
All-American con ideration in the 200 I.M.
Vincent McKillip swims hi way to the
fini h, not stopping until he makes it.
Bradford v.
*finished with Ist place in
the Elkhorn·s Invite.
*finished 3rd in Bradford's
*Won five events at the
Conference Meet.
*Won four events at the
State Sectional.
L: 91-95
and 100 yds breaststroke.
, anarc ·
, and
all broke the 1 minute, 40
second school record.
Bradford's team broke eight school records
and wound up setting records in many pools
in their conference. ot once did the team
lo e in the 200 yd medley.
"The outstanding records the boys set will
not be broken for at least another generation,"
said coach Feldmeier.
Bradford' 10th place finish at the tate meet
was the best finish ever, and the boys were
deservedly very proud of themselves, of their
team, and of their coach. Great job this year,
wimmer .
-Taylor Bauman
'7ff !lvt /It 40'
4far/lmff if kavt41 !Ulk lllflt pr ~ t!dt. "
Monday the 4th, 2006
-E!!Ulft lJ~n
Freshman Stasha Vargas went
hoc shopping ull da) and spent
e\ery cent of her money.
Sophomore Janet l:lias-.on had
to call home for a change of
clothes ,1ftcr she pi lied paint.
TIME OUT emor Tyler Piper, senior ick Andreoli, freshman Paul B~
sophomore Matt Bender, and sophomore Vincent McKillip take a break from
practicing their swimming techniques to chill in the pool before a wim meet.
Bradford v. S.
W: 101-82
Bradford v.
Red I::>evil
W: 131-53
W: 120-66
3rd Pl c
Bradford v.
W: 119-51
Bradford v.
Oak creek
enior Andy Gelden
concentrate on breathing techniques
while he succesfully swims to the fini h.
enior Patrick Beasley works on his swimming stroke to prepare for the
state meet. During the swimming eason Patrick did an outstanding job in all the events he
participated in. He broke everal records and time barriers and even became the first state
champion for the men's team after he won the 2001ard individual medle1-congratulations!!
Matt Bender gets read) and into the
correct postition to di\"e mto the water.
swim. with a detem1ined face and i.
read) to make u all the way to the fim h.
Wednerlay the 6th, 2006
Senwr Ke\ in Bmker \\ ent to
the Yl\ICA to perfect his
basketball jumpshot.
went to a party with his friends.
HEADLOCK Senior Vince Depp pu ts hi s opponent in a grue ome
headlock on the way to a \'ictory agai n t his adversary. Although
Depp collected a victory. his team fe ll short-handed to the Trojans.
After losing key wrestlers daveMA TALAS,
williamMOFFIT, and mikeMILLER (they
graduated in 2006) , the Bradford wrestling
program knew they would have to step up to
accomplish their season goal. To win
regionals and be in the top six in conference
was the goal that coach J erril Grover and his
squad intended. ot only did they finish in a
respectable sixth place, five wrestlers finished
in the top five of their weight classes at
regionals. patSPIEDEL and andrewSMITH
placed second and made it to the next round.
Although they didn't qualify for Sectionals,
davidHOOD took third place, while
finished fourth.
The senior trio of vinceDEPP, patSPIEDEL,
and andrewSMITH set the tone for the
wrestling season. The three of them
K I G ME Junior Matthew Grashen pins a
fellow Bradford wrest ler under his arm
during one of the many practices during
the season. Pins like these are excellent
examp les of hO\v Bradford finished on top.
DETERMI ED Freshman Andrew Flesch prepares to
rever e the anack of hi opponent. By succe fu ll y
counter-attacking and receiving the point, Flesch captu res
a much- needed victory against the Tremper Trojans.
combined for a record of 105-21 in one of the
more challenging seasons in Bradford
wrestling. Despite seeing his career fall short
in Sectionals, patSPIEDEL capped off a
remarkble season. vinceDEPP and
andrewSMITH took their competition to the
next level when they qualified for state.
"I was very happy that Andy and Vince
qualified for state," said senior patSPIEDEL.
In the Bradford Invitational, davidHOOD,
viceDEPP, patSPIEDEL, and jakeZIMMERMAN all won individual titles to
lead the red devils to the team championship. The varsity team finished with an
even twelve and twelve record, while the JV
team finished eight and one.
"All the hard work we put in during the
season, paid off in the end," said freshman
- Andy Wojciechowicz
"TM wllbt Hit/ft,/~ /4' ~ t? !k fll1ft pu rf!ldzt pu're ltt!f
tit- ~ fffr ~ tfd' ju ttw ju (}f walk, tfll'it. " -Frmtk!m P. Jf»V4t
"Some memorable moments from this season
were making the state tournament and the feeling
from the crowd when I walked onto the mat."
Andrew said he was ecstatic when he found out
he was going to state. He also said he felt better
about his record this year {33-11) than last year
because he was healthy during the season. The
senior concluded by saying , "Don't kill yourself
with the weight loss thing because in time you'll
get to the weight you want to wrestle at. "
STEP UP! Junior Alex
Martin squares off with a
Tremper wrestler in the
heated battle between the
cross-town rivals. Tremper
ended up winning the
contest by two points but
Bradford didn't go down
without a fight. All the
wrestlers gave everything
they had throughout all of
the grueling matches.
SAY UNCLE! Junior Gary
Wensing attempts to get out of a
bear hug during practice.
Junior Jason Santiago hung out
with his friends at the mo\ ie
theater to watch Jackass 2.
varsity Wrestling (top row) s. Salemo, J. Armstrong, c. Bolyard, A. Martin, R. Wilde, S. Patten, E. Jorgensen
(2nd row) S. Marshman, N. Hernandez, S. Geiger, J. Hernandez, M. Merucci, Coach E. Foster, Coach J. Grover,
Coach R. Roy, J. Zimmerman, P. Spiedel, M. Ziegler, A. Allison, J. Hernandez, (3rd row) Y. Depp, C. Marshall, A.
Lockhart, S. Mulligan, M. Merucci, B. Jensen, A. Ulloa, C. Bridgeman, F. Seewald, A. Smith, M. Hernandez, (4th row) M.
Cramer, A. Khaleel , H. Jerez, G. Wensing, P. Ludlow, V. aranjo, C. Garbers, A. Flesch, M. Grashen, S. Tolfree,
K. Evans (5th row) J. Perone, R. Owens, C. Garbers, A. arvaez, D. Hood, A. Lentz
BODY SLAM Junior Chri topher Marshall
sends senior Andrew Smith to the ground
with a forcefully executed slam. With
competition in practice like thi s, it is easy to
see why many Bradford wre tiers went on to
have stellar winning seasons this year.
"BALL A D CHAI " Josh Perone
puts a Tremper Trojan wrestler into an
agonizing vice grip that helped Josh
win the match and helped the team out
in the long run and put a victory in the
bag against the Tremper Trojans.
TAKEDOW ! Senior Patrick
Spiedel man-handles a Tremper
wre tier to get him on the mat for
two points in a crucial match again\!
Tremper. Once Patrick gets th~
other wrestler on the mat. he pushes
him onto his stomach. flips him owr
onto his back and forces him into a
very painful arm bar. These two
points helped add another 'ictor)
onto hi . already magnificent record.
Junior Cornelio Alma1uajust
sat at home and relaxed with his
famtl) all day long.
Monday the 11th, 2006
''Raising the Par"
Junior Lindse) Heb1or went to
the mall with friends and then
ate at The Chee,ecakc Factor)
Junior And ) Dra1e\\ ,J,.i made
snO\\ ange1' '' ith hi ' grandma
and ate her fan111u' appk pi e.
stretches and prepares for her routine
while watching a fellow teammate
perform her act in a conference meet.
Kenosha v .
L 124.125-1 0.5
Kenosha v .
1st- 130.600
W: 128. 5-127.25
Central Invite
L 118.525-129.05
4 t h - 133.775
Senior Erin
Zimmerman receives
helpful advice from
her coach.
GRACE Junior a\ka
La1arevic leaps acros'
the balance beam
''' 1ftl} with grace.
Sa\ ka La1arc\ ic ''al ks
the beam one 'tep at a
ume 111 a meet at
Arrowhead High School.
Fre,hman !\1ehs-.a 01'on
work' to perfect her
routine so she can
participate on \arsit}.
The girls' gymnastics team was a combined
Kenosha team including both Bradford and
Tremper high school students.
It was a rebuilding year this past ea on.
The team had a lot of new faces with only
three returning seniors.
The team struggled at times trying to figure
out where each team member fit. eniors
rach, JS'I L HO.L,,, er:'1Zl ..1 JERMA , and
rri helleKOR TDER displayed their leadership
qualities and helped mold the team into one
unit with a goal of scoring better with each
"It was a fun season. There were some
young talented girls this year who really
helped out the team. I' m really going to mi sit
next year, " said senior u .1e!S'l E 1 1JOI ·r.
Lazarevic stands with great poi e as she
fini hes her act on the balance beam in
front of her teammates and coaches.
*Placed 3rd at the Kenosha
* Won the Janesville Craig
* Scored 13 8.Z 5 in Sectional.
* Tremper senior Michelle
Kornder went to state for
her floor routine.
Senior rachelSTE HOLT and freshman
brookejOHNSO led th e way at JV
Conference with Rachel placing 1st on
balance beam and Brooke placing 4th on floor
routine Freshmen svdneyPALERMO and
mthssaOL~O al o led the team with everal
out tanding performances all season.
"It was great getting to know all the new
girls on the team this year. Everyone worked
really hard throughout the whole season,"
commented junior !'.J\ kaLAZ. \Rf VIC.
The team was a cohesive unit by the end of
ea on, reaching their best team score at the
Sectional meet, coring a 138.25. They had a
overall good eason and are looking forward
to another successful season next year with o
much young talent.
-Jack Edquist
141/!ltatreatlft bdo'Hfft ftf fl4! ~ ~· tJl/tn k JVlttr /taJt
ltt!1ltmff d4t /taJt !lraf' -Balra4ar Grat!llm
Wednemy the 13th, 2006
Junior Rit\Cn Cul\ er went to the
mo\ 1c \\1th a cut.: young lall)
nnu 'umc other frienu,.
Sophomore Cordero Fine!) had
ba,ketball practice after 'coring
twent) pomh the night before.
HIGH-FL YER Senior Rachel tenholt leaps into the air with concentration
while performing on the balance beam during a local gymnastics meet. Thi
meet took place at Scamps Gymnastics in Kenosha and is also where the
combined Bradford and Tremper team often practiced during their eason.
Kenosha v.
L 131-137
Kenosha v.
7th- 137
L: 134- 139
7th- 131
PERFECTION Junior Savka Lazarevic
po es with perfection on the balance
beam while warming up for her tum to
perform for her famil) and friends.
CO CE TRATIO Senior Rachel tenholt extends her arms oul\\ard a' she leaps into the
air and kicks her legs out while attempting a jump on the balance beam. Rachel\ leader,hip
helped lead the way for her inexperienced teammate'> and she ''as a Yer) good role model
for the young team. he. as well as the few other seniors. ''ill be missed great!} ne't year.
relaxing'' ith a fe,, of her teammates
during a junior' arsit) meet at camps.
CHEESI G Junior Ca sie tenholt put>
on a mile for the camera at one of the
man) gymna tic meet that she
participated in during the teams ~eason.
Thursday the 14th, 2006
"Cold Thunder"
Ju nior Ian De' int: got
"j umped" for l\\o)a''
breaker' and a quarter.
Junior Ignacio \ kndef got
cha,ed b} a "scat) looking
dud.:" through the commons.
POWER PLAY ophomore Derek
el son gets focused as he comes off the
bench and looks to his next opponent.
L: 2-3
L: 4-7
W: 15-2
TRICK SHOT Junior Brian Adamson
crosses a defender on his way to a goal
by playing the puck off of his kate.
Green 13a.y
The Kenosha Thunder was expected to
truggle thi year with the lack of senior
leadership and experience. To the uprise of
many, the Thunder had a much better season
than expected and many new young tars
became leaders and playmakers for the year
to come.
"This year was a rebuilding year-we were
young, and a little inexperienced,"
said sophomore amSP AIR.
"We started out a little slow, but came
together in the end."
After demolishing Grafton in their first
match of the eason, the Thunder lost four of
their next five . ot to be easily di couraged,
the Thunder came together to win five of their
last ten games.
Whitefish 13a.y
•Smoked Grafton by a
score of 15-Z
*first Thunder team to
have a winning record
•Set various new team
*Team to beat for years to
L: 3-4
The varsity team will have many experienced
underclassmen to fill the hoes (or skates) of
the graduating players. These underclassmen
look to take over next year and work for
another ucce sful eason, but they will
definately mi s their senior friend and
teammate .
"It was a great season for all of u . The
eniors will truly be missed next year because
each one of them made an impact on our game.
They taught us a lot that we won't forget," said
junior devinDORSEY.
The team' success reflected their great
coaching and determined attitudes for the
sea on. Each young man's devotion and drive
made it easy for the team to form friend hip
and play to their full potential. -Ju tin Belotti
Friday the 15th, 2006
Junior R) an LC\\ is \\ ent home
after lunch and slept the rc't of
the day becau c he felt 'id,.
li\e mile run in order to keep in
shape for the track eason.
FACE OFF ophomore am pair gets his stick read) for action as the
referee prepares to drop the puck for a face-off against Kenosha Thunder's
opponent. Racine Horlick. pair is in charge of taking al mo t every face-off
that the team take pan in and also plays center for the Keno ha Thunder.
Bradford v.
Fox Cities
'Th.under v.
Runyon Invite
L: 7-1
3rd Pl c
Bradford v.
Bradford v.
PUSH OFF ophomore Devin Dorsey strategicall) use' the wall of the hockey rink to pw,h
himself pa.,t the Racine Horlick defender so that he can get to the puck and attempt to score
a goal. Dorsey ha., been a forward for the past two years and is de\·eloping greatly as a
player. He should be able to contribute great!) to the team in his junior and senior season'>.
. I.
~·1 I
HUSTLE Sophomore Matt Daw1ac races
ahead of the other team's defender with the
puck as he vigorously skate dO\\ n the ice
with the intent of coring a goal.
SPEED ophomore am pair swoop
around a defender and pushes the puck
down the ice in order to create a good
scoring opponunity for hi team.
and ophomore Matt Daw1ac ... rand 'ide
by ide a the) watch and wait for the
referee to begin the third period of play.
ophmore defender
Brian damsom wam on the far '>ide of th
rink \\ ith hi'> goalie a., they \\ ait for the
other team to attack the goal.
'Thunder chicks...
without the sticks"
Sophomore Ambt•r Bonacci
was excited to finally get
her stolen !pod back.
Freshman Brett Bernhardt
couldn't\\ ait to get out of chool
to hang out with his friends .
PIN-SA TIO Junior Erin Kupfer and
sophomore Rebecca uorala perform a
corkscrew and a fradianie at a performance during half time of a home game.
Ice Devils is a group of girls who perform
during half time at the Thunder hockey
games. They work hard on their routines,
practicing early in the morning and
performing at night.
In the summer the girls decided to raise
money by having several car washes at a local
restaurant. They made enough money by the
end of the summer to pay for their ice time,
costumes, and warm ups.
"I liked doing the car washe because they
were really fun, not like work at all, and they
gave me a chance to hang out with the rest of
the girls on Ice Devils more often," aid junior
Kelly Zimmerman.
Since the previous captain of the team
graduated in 2006, the girls wanted to do
something different; they decided that they
II would
be performing one long routine thi
Office Holders
President- Alyse Nelsen
Vice President-Kacy Nelson
Treasurer-Erin Kupfer
Secretary-Elise Kupfer
EXPERTISE Senior Alyse elsen shows
expertise as she grab her skate and
elegantly lifts her leg in the air while
gliding backward across the ice.
year in tead of two.
At the beginning of the school year, together
the girls picked, "Aint o Other Man" to be
their mu ic for the entire year's performances.
For their costumes, they chose black pants and
pink tank tops to match the music.
In the 2006-2007 skating season, the girl
accompli hed a lot. They succeeded in
perfection and syncronization in all their
skating techniques. But most importantly,
they accomplished friend hip.
The Ice Devils made the most of their eason
and had a great year skating with the guy .
Good job girls-hope you have the same ucce
next year!
-Taylor Bauman
~ !ovt
ftlt? Tkn dtr lt{}fdf(t1andtr ~ pr
~!tit tJt hf&ig fff, " -Btlfj(tntbt Fraltktm
Freshman Mia Salituro enjoyed
going sledding with her friends
and taking pictures of the snow.
Freshman Alyssa Bytnar was
excited about her family
moving to a ne1>. hou e.
CHEESE! After the Ice Devils last performance junior Elise Kupfer. senior
Alyse elsen, junior Kara Griffith, ophomore Rebecca uorala, junior
Kelly Zimmerman, junior Erin Kupfer, and sophomore Emily Kessler struck
their final pose and let the audience take the last pictures of their sea on.
CIRCLE IT With great concentration. the g irls in Ice Devi l perform to the audience a
traveling circle with footwork. Thi s kind of circle is very hard to do but with lots of hard
work and hours of practice the girl s successfull y pull it off in their routine. From the smile
on their faces, perfo rming to the audience is what it is all about fo r these talented girl .
WIND IT UP At a Thunder home game,
the girls wind up for their spins in a
straight line down the center of the ice.
HOUR GLASS The girl in Ice Devil
perform an hourglass to the audience
down the mjddle of the ice at half time .
At one of the
performance , a few of the girl in Ice
Devi ls demonstrate a two-spoke.
KICK IT Traveling down the ice. the
girls attempt a kick line succe sfully anb
in unison with smiles on their face .
enior Cl) 'ul Knoll made her
boytnend '' atch the nlt)\ 1e A
II ·a/k ro Remember'' ith her.
Se111or Luke Kupt:r made oldta,hioned Chri,tmas cookie'
\\Ith his mother.
LET T HEM HEAR WH AT WE H VE TO SA Y Members of the smart team. ju111or David Jensen,
senior Peter McGrain, senior Jonathan Jara-Almonte. fre,hman Vinnie LaRosa. and senior Jessica
herman give their oral presenation at Di,covery World in Milwaukee.
cience O lym piad/
Smart Tea m
Making Mod I f r Y ur f ufure
l!A\L I· . ''.'.'After a hard
,u1d stressful da) senior'
Anna Swartz and senior
Jessica Sherman decide to
cool down and take a swim
at a hotel near Li\\ Stout.
The girl;, just finished their
Science Olympiad
competition at Stout where
they receiYed medals for
thi:tr achieYement,.
BRl'.\IGI, G 'ENl.!RGY" TO
THE: ST AGE Junior Da' id
knsen holds up a model the
Smart Ti:am created. The
purpose of this model is to
-.h,m that f) rosine Kinase
causes chronic my elgenous
lcuk 1111a (t) pc of 'km
cann!r). The students
Ji:mon,trati:d their moJel to
the teachers at a faculty
mei:ting in April.
MAKING MODELS OF D A Dr. Robert De chenes tands alo ngside the membe r of
Bradford' Smart Team: (top row) j uni or David Jensen. enior Jessica Sherman, senior
Jonathan Jara-Al monte (bottom row) enior Peter McGrain , freshman Vinnie LaRosa
It was a great year for the Science Olympiad and Smart
team. Science Olympiad competed at the State Science
Olympiad Contest at UW-Stout.
"Although we had one of the smallest team entering the
contest, we managed to place in five of the activities they
had to offer," said the faculty member in charge of both
groups, Mrs. Lee.
Winners included senior Jessica Sherman, senior
Johnathon Jara-Almonte, junior David Jensen, freshman
Vinnie LaRosa and senior Adam Krafft.
The Smart Team wa a group that made blueprints of
models by using a computer program. They had a chance to
work with the Medical College of Wisconsin and MSOE to
build 3-D models of protein molecules.
"Both of the e group were educational and the member
were fun ," said freshman Vinnie LaRosa. -Racquel Gra hen
Jcs,ica Sherman and Jonathon Jara·
Almonte compete 111 the State Science
Olympiad Contest at \\-Stout.
Jonathon plan:tl 111 two of the acti\ ities
while Jc"ica placed in one acti\ it)
T\\ 0 \!ORE BR:\l'.\S OF THE TEA\1
Fre-.hman \'rnme l.aRo'a and junior
Da' 1d Jcn,en abo competed in the
Sc1.:111.:e 01) mpiad Conte't. Da,·id and
Vinnie both n:ceiYed a fifth place medal
for cri:ating a prot.:111 model.
Sunday the 24th, 2006
QUIZ BOWL TEAM (1st ro,q
Abrianna Barca, Gloria Ambrowiak.
(2nd row) Helena Zbilut, Andrew
Gallo, Bethany Stebbins (3rd row)
Mr. Roder..,, Andrew Ruesch, teven
Labed1, David Jensen
show a thumbs up and flashes a
;mile for the camera. Peter is so
happy after winning first place!!!
CHAJ\.1PIONS Seniors Ra hid Dar
and Peter McGrain hold up their
trophy triumphantly after beating out
Wilmot High chool b) 110 points.
uiz BowV
Academic De.cai:halon
Smart In All Area!;
QUIZ BOWL TEAM (1 trow) Deanna Lo\e. Jonathan Jara-Almonte.
Daniel Ficken cher. Luke Kuper (2nd row) Umer Dar. Mr. Roder . Adam
Krafft. Rashid Dar. Mrs. Greening. Peter ~1cGrain
Four out of five year i n't
Helena Zbilut.
bad ... Led by Mr. Roders and
Mr . Greening was al o in
Mrs. Greening, Bradford's one charge of Academic Deand only quiz bowl team ha
cathalon, which took place at
dominated in competition for Gateway in Racine on the
four year .
econd Tue day in r ovember.
There were two team of
Academic Decathalon
eight each-mainly junior and con i ted of even tudent
enior - in quiz bowl. The e
who were very dedicated and
high achieving tudents
wanted to excel academically
received a cholar hip if they
above and beyond their daily
won or even made it pa t the
tudie . The e tudents were
semi-final . This year they
te ted in math, ocial tudie ,
beat out Wilmot high school by Engli h, art, mu ic and cience.
an amazing 110 point ! !
Although they didn't make it to
"Quiz bowl wa fiercely
regional , the group philcompetitive, but that wa the
o ophically et their ight on
fun thing about it," aid enior next year. -Rachel tenholt
Monday the 25th, 2006
Sophomore !\ lan:us Barr \\ oke
up to Llisco\·er that he hat.I gotten
all the gi Its that he \\ antet.l.
Sophomon: kss1l.t Hagan spent
her Christmas looking over new
strategies for the Anime club.
?resit.lent senior Craig Bolyard, bulletin editor senior Daena Voelz ,
and treasurer senior Adam Johnson are "key" members of Key Club. All three of them went on to
receive scholarships from the Key Club for their multiple years of services and many hours of
dedication of both being officers of Key Club and to the devotion of serving the communtiy.
While at the Key Club
Convention in Green Bay,
enior Craig Bolyard and
freshman Margaret Bea ley
how their Division 1 spirit
by dre sing a character
from Alice and Wonderland.
Each division was given a
Disney movie to portray at
the opening ceremony of the
ey Club
S rving the Communit y
PITCH! ' A TE T Senior
Adam Johnson and 1umor
Virgmia Jone try hard to pitch
a tent while at the Lutherdale
Campmg Retreat Some of the
club members got to know
each other better by takmg a
weekend to pend time
campmg and ha mg a great
time attempting high-rope
course domg relay race • and
pendmg time around the
campfire making more
BRINGING IN AW ARE ESS Junior David Jensen, Mr . Sesser, and freshman Sean
Coyle help the student become more aware of the suicidal problems that exist in
Kenosha. Their club helped students become aware of the signs of uicide and
prevention techniques.
"This was one of Key Clubs best years. There are so many
memorable moments to look back on," said club advisor
Mrs. Sesser.
The Key Club kicked off the start of a great year with the
annual clean-up followed closely by the camping trip to
Lutherdale. Throughout the year the club volunteered its
time at Brookside ursing Home and also planned another
successful Winter Formal.
"This was my fir t year a a co-advisor to Key Club and I
had such a blast! One of my favorite moments was winning
the Best Spirit Award at convention and receiving super
cow," exclaimed Miss Phillip .
Key Club was involved with groups such a March of
Dimes, suicidal awarness, Relay for Life; they also helped
with Kiwanis Club book ales. -Ashley Baguio
Van Berg how off her displ of u
cell phones that were donated b the
tuden at Bradford The cell phon
were collected and di tnbuted at the
Women and Children Honwn c n r
WednOOay the 27th, 2006
Sophomore Anthon) Seller
played a hard game of ha.,ketball
durin, his \ acation.
SO COLORFUL Junior Mary Tate
talks proudly about her wonderful
bright hat and colorful long scarf at
Bradford's Black History assembly.
A THEM Sophomores Destyni
Vaughn and Allante Wallace sing the
ational Black Anthem in front of
entire school during the assembly.
Sophomore :\1att Ch\\ ala ate
an il:e cream sand\\ ich
at an area re.,taurant.
Senior Brittany Daniels
portrays famous singer Tina Turner
while singing one of Tina's songs
called "Proud Mary" at the assembly.
lack l-lis~ory
BRADFORDS FINEST This great dance team pose after their amazing
performance at the black history month as. embl). They did ome exciting
dance mO\·e and even had a guest dancer who made the crowd go wild. as
well as pulling people out of the crowd to dance to a wonderful oldie song.
"This year' a sembly was a
wonderful uccess. The
students did an amazing job
and put a lot of hard work
into it. The apparent effort
showed a the a embly went
on," aid Mr . Chatman who
wa in charge of the
a sembly.
The a embly wa dedicated
to famous black artists such
as Tina Turner, Ray Charles,
and] ames Brown. It was an
exciting and fun-filled
a sembly where the
participant could act,
portray famou people, and
teach other about them.
There were other acts like
Bradford's Finest and the
Voices of Color. Bradford's
Finest put on some amazing
dance performance ; they
made the crowd go wild with
their pecial gue t dancer.
They al o took people out of
the crowd to dance to the
wonderful mu ic.
The Voices of Color, who
always add musical variety to
the a semby, did some
wonderful inging and made
ome great peeche .
"Thi wa one of the be t
a emblie ," aid Mr.
Gro man. -Tara Tucker €])
During a rehearsal
dinner. senior Ashley
Jupp has fun playing
leapfrog with her
fellow jesters.
Friday the 29th, 2006
Patrick Steph n' did
R Soph11nll1re
lot of leeping: hO\\ C\ er. he
did ha\ e \\ 11nming pr<ll'ttce.
Rachel Smith
welcomes the
audience with a
song. and they. in
turn. applaud her
beautiful singing.
Sophomore \fatthe\\ Bender
'tarted oft the da) h) pa"ing ht.,
dri\t.~r's te.,t (no '\\Cal).
Wassail on a Cold Night
AU STR I "GS \\tnh tlawles' form
and concentration during the Madrigal
Feast. '>enior Deana Voelz expert!}
plays her violin for the hall to enjoy.
"Utefi/p u valtit !f'/Vi.
pu wt/! 11/fV.~
WASSA IL To start the night of music
and feasttng off right. se111or Daniel
Fickenscher sings the toast Wassail!"
while lifting his goblet to the rafters.
jfffll' tlmt. ()/I/JI
pu valtit jfffll' !lmt, pa wt/I ltl!fth /lll(/l.'11Wf Wl//J. It."
-M. Seott Pt?/Jk
S I G I G WITH JOY Junior Katherine
Thomas belts out a Christmas carol for the
audience. Everyone is impressed by how
strong and beautiful her singing voice is.
S HAKES PEA R! A SPOOF A hilarious spoof on some of Shakespeare's
most renowned plays is performed by senior Andrew Murphey (left).
ophomore Justin Hawke (right) and a very funny student from Tremper.
0 GUARD After teari ng off his helmet to
look his opponent in the eyes, senior Patrick
Frazier begins a flawless fe nci ng routi ne
which looks more dangerous than it really is.
Sunday the 31st, 2006
ophrnore Donna Harpe r\\ as
excited that her picture was
going to Ile put in to }Carbook'
Sophomore Kelle) Yrevich
impat ient!} "a1ted to find out if
she had been hired fo r a job.
JOKI'\G \RO L '\D Junior \latthe'' Ragalie goofs around
during the \ladri gal fea st at Tremper High School \\hile
th e food is sen ed to the waiting fans of the eHnt. T he
audience r eally enjoyed hi s silly act of the eHnin g.
o rivalry exists as the Bradford and Tremper students
po e for their group photo at Petrifying prings Park. Madrigals is a time when
everyone gets along and just has a good time singing. dancing. and acting.
Kimberl} Geisler brings out a beautiful high note
during the song. "The Twelve Days of Chri'>tmas."
Madrigals is more than eating
food that reminds us of ye olde
England. It is a magical
rennaissance evening of
festivities for every person there
to enjoy.
"Seeing everything come
together after three months of
practice made everyone realize
how much hard work pays off!"
aid junior Chris Osborne.
Talent abounded with singing,
dancing, tumbling acts, and o
much more. Student provided a
feast of entertainment and food
fit for a king!
The audience appreciated the
STREL POWER Junior Luis Herrera sing an
Engli'>h carol from the middle ages. ongs both
familiar and traditional were sung by the the troupe.
authenticity of the production.
Madrigal Feaste was not a
typical tage production. Quite
the contrary, the room wa
anything but the Tremper
cafeteria; it brought the audience
back to the middle ages.
"You couldn't miss a beat. It
took a lot of concentration and
focu -a wenche , we were
con tantly on the move doing
omething," aid ophomore Lori
At the end, the courtje ter rang
hi hat bells as a "thank you" to
Mr. Mann for another fantastic
-James Hoffman
MADRIGAL MIGHT Junior Christopher Osborn. a
a stately lord, srngs a peaceful song with the choru. of
other madrigal '>inger'> after the nine-course meal.
PIRIT Ores. ed
10 elegant clothing. junior
Krystina Andreoli sings out to
the crowd with other madrigal
singers as the night progre ses.
enior Capri Pearson give' a
splendid mu-.1cal toast to the
crowd a' she ings a medieval
tune. Cheers. e\·eryone !
CAPTAl OBVIOUS In this ten minute
play freshman Kyle imonz plays a
superhero who can identify the obvious.
Tuerlay the 2nd, 2007
Fre,hman Jazmin Herrera broke
up \\ah her boyfneml de,pne h1'
effon to keep them together.
Sen10r Tim tanchfield fled the
school cateteria in pusuit of a
Cou,in\ 'andwich.
tu~~o Piay$
!A. c!!Jit of 6ve1'.vtk119
AGGRAVATED enior Mary Claire
Cannestra (Elizabeth in the Ten Minute
Plays production) hows her anger.
1lrt ftt/ltrt 14' dt/!1tdlttHff Hlltlflt, Nff!ft»$ ff4fitt4, rdfk r/$ D'f 41-xlf
m/mlff4t tm Mttr, Jv/ra/IJvtJr k dfff4; JV!tuNtJr k 14: "
-C. S. ltW/4'
Semor l!rin \l e}er got lo t
\\ edne day e'enmg on her \\d)
to the Cheesecake f' actory.
Senior Jenn) Cook enjo)ed an
C\ cmng w1th her mother
drinking coffee at Starbuc.:k .
BREAK TIME Congregating around the patio table, junior Joshua Swenson
and seniors Carolyn Collins, athan Ferda and Ashley Jupp act out a scene
where they argue about daily family issues from the musical All My Sons.
ARGH ophomore Savka Lazarevic
stares off into the distance as if she
was in a dream-like trance.
I A Y O! Junior Steven Labedz plays a semi-superhero called "the big
man who say no" in one of the One Act Plays. Hi special powers as a semisuperhero includes the power to say "no" to anything he is asked to do .
flawle ly performs a cene of great
depre ion in Ain't Misbehal'in'.
Fantastic theatrical performances are acted out many
times during the school year in room 150. This year's
productions were An Evening of Ten Minute Plays,
Crowns, Ain't Misbehai·ing, All My Sons, and An
Ei·ening Of One Act Play . Since these plays are held in
the studio, they are much smaller than the productions
that take place in the auditorium. So why would
omeone prefer to be in a studio play?
Freshman Jo h Rach aid, "I chose to play a character
in a studio play becau e when you are in the black room
you are much clo er to the audience which create a
completely different feeling than in the auditorium,
where you tend to feel detached from the viewer . "
The very fir t play thi year, An Ei·eni11g of Ten Alinute
Plays wa a unique performance in the sen e that it did
not consist of ju tone plot; in tead, it was a
combination of everal plays that all la ted ten minutes.
"I was the stage manager for Ten Afin11te Play . I
enjoyed it becau e it wa a different form of theater-it
was fun and something ne\Y, aid enior arah Feuker.
The studio play that followed An Brening of Ten
}vfi1111te Play wa Croinz . In thi production a young
girl who travel to the outh to tay \\'ith her aunt
become teeped in tradtion founded by hat .
A light-hearted performance, Ai11 't Misbehai·in ',
center around Thoma "Fat " Waller and hi ri e to
fame in the 1930's. In contra t to thi , All ,\Jy ans
focused on a family during war.
An Evening of One Act PlaJJS wa a collection of hort
productions created by Han•ard and Yale graduate, Mr.
Durang. Hi play were performed at theater all aero
the nation. Regular production la t everal act each;
however, One Act Plays i unique in the en e that each
play last for only one act. -Daniel hikoff
MATCHMAKER Senior arah Feuker
plays the role of Yente who makes matches
for all of the young girls and boys in town.
Saturday the 6th, 2007
se\t: n mones at the mo \·ie
theater from noon until close.
Brinkman witnessed a customer
push carts into another shopper.
TRADITIO ! A. the play begins, each group represented in the
village describe their role in the society. Each daughter sings
about preparing to marry whoever "papa picks " while the fiddler
on the roof ymbolize tradition and plays along.
BALANCE Freshman Alex Barsuli, sophomore Blair Meeker, sophomore
Andrew Frazee, and junior John Waters attempt to balance long bottles on
top of their hats as part of a traditional wedding dance. The villager
viewing this are stunned at their ability to keep the bottles from falling.
AGREEME T 1 The rich Lazar Wolf.
played by 1unior Patrick Schneider. feels
depressed after his agreement is broken.
"Tlttft q !/tat~ r:ftalt§t41 ~ batfPUddila/lft
Sunday the 7th, 2007
lravt l!f r:ltalf#t !km pttr4t!ff. " -Andft Warlttfl
Senior Joshua Callahan v. ent to
a football part. to v. atch the big
game v. ith all of h" friemh.
TO LIFE' Sophomore Ol iver Debe, (the Ru ssian Fyed ka) sings at Mordcha's
inn. The other Ru ssians shown here. Freshmen Kyle Simonz and Mathew
Jones, also join in to celebrate a local vill ager's good fortune.
PAPA'S MAD AGAIN ! While Mama. en ior Ashley Jupp is scolded by her
hu sband, daughter freshman arah Ceschin and sophomore Lon Homes react.
(. ophomore Jusun Hauke) ; mg. to
TeYye's daughter Zeitel (j un ior Kerra
Allen ) after their marriage i> approved.
junior Maureen Haebig sing during the Sabbath prayer, asking fo r God to
help them through the hard times that they are likely to face in the future.
Fiddler on the Roofi et in the small Jewish shtetl
(town) of Anatevka in Tsarist Russia in 1905.
The story center around Tevye, Tremper junior
Michael Chase, the father of five daughter , who
attempts to maintain hi family and religious tradition
while the world and civilization around the shtetl
change rapidly. These change manifest them elve
chiefly in the trong-willed actions of Tevye' elde t
three daughter -each daughter's choice of husband
moves progressively further and further away from
e tablished village custom.
The show begin with a lone fiddler, enior Je e
Gomez, standing on a roof playing a tune, as Tevye tell
the audience about the customs of hi people and their
live in the village of Anatevka. He equates life in
Anatevka with being a "fiddler on a roof," trying to
scratch out a simple, plea ant tune without breaking
FI D ME A F D Portray ing the
daughter. Chava, senior Alyssa
epper sweeps the fl oor while
singing about findin g her own match.
his neck.
"How do we keep our balance?" he ask . "That I can
tell you in one word: Tradition!"
Each student actor worked hard and long to become
their character on the tage. They strove through long
hours of dance and mu ic rehearsals to create a how
they would be proud of.
"It wa a lot of work, but I had a great time hanging
out with all of the people," aid junior John Water ,
who played Motel the tailor in the how.
De pite the many hour the ca t spent on tage, they
enjoyed time off tage when the other ca t performed.
"I am very honored and grateful to have been there to
work with them through the process of creating Fiddler.
Together we brought people to our chool and continued the proud hi tory of mu ical theatre at Bradford:
Tradition! " said director Bob Allen.
- Helena Zbilut
THE RIGHT TECH IQ E Charles Guiteau
teaches Sara Jane Moore, played by senior
Julie Moore, how to shoot a gun.
Tuesday the 9th, 2007
Sophomore Jennifer Krc)e pent
the day working on her English
literar) tcm1s project.
Senior Rachel \'an Berg got a
ticket for not parking in a valid
parking '>pace at Bradford.
MY HEART ACHE Lynette Fromme,
played by senior Capri Pearson. sings of
compassion for her true love, Charlie.
f}l' s noi ufiat you t/i;u{
A SIMPLE TASK John Wilkes Booth, played by senior
Braxton Molinaro, sings of his history-making
assassination of former President Abraham Lincoln. He
then influences people to follow his lead and kill Presidents.
PULL T HE UTILE T RIGGER Seniors Braxton Mo li naro (John Wilkes
Booth), Adam Krafft (Leon Czo lgosz), and Junior Luis Herrera (Charle>
Guiteau) sing about the simplicity of being an assassin because all it takes
is for you to pull your little finger, hit the trigger, and the job is completed.
Junior Steven Labed1
Senior Andrew Murph)
Junior Luis Herrera
Junior Christopher Osborn
Giusppc Zangara
Sam Byck
Charles Guiteau
John Hinckley
Coming "Taming of the Shrew"
Friday- Feb 23, 2007
7:30 PM
Directed by "Holly Stanfield"
General Admission
No. 528
Sophomore Akxis lve"on went
shopping for a pair of tlip-tlups
to complete her colle1:tiun.
Junior Timothy Bla11ew-,ke be .. t
his all-tune high on the game
"Time Cmi-, Three.
WA T TO BUY A G N? Playing the proprietor. senior Joshua Hackbarth
tries his best to talk Leon CL0lgos1 (played by seniorAdam Krafft) into
buying a gun. Luckly. he is a good salesman and Leon ends up buying it.
ERRRRRRR! An Italian immigrant. Giuseppe Zangara (played by junior teven
Labedz) spouts his last words with anger and frustration before being
electrocuted for the attempted assassination of President Franklin D. Roo evelt.
TEST! G Before trying to kill
ixon. Sam Byck (senior Andrew
Murphy) records a drunken message.
READY. AIM. FIRE! With fellow assassin> looking over his houlder. Lee
Harvey Oswald (played by sophomore Joshua Rach) gets ready to shoot
President John F. Kennedy from a Dallas. Texas factory window in 1963.
As a sins is a musical that takes one through all of
the attempted as as inations of the U.S. President .
The play had a cast of eight a sas ins, a proprietor, a
balladeer, and five ensemble member .
Every a sassin got the chance to u e tarter pistols
under careful upervision. Using these dangerous
guns, gave the play an extra "pow."
"I liked the end of the play when the entire ca t
was out onstage pointing the guns at us," noted
junior Emily Collins. "I also liked how they u ed the
guns, which made a lot of noi e-it cared me o much
the first time they went off."
After each performance, the ca t would come out
onstage for a talkback with the audience. These
question-and-answer periods were lead by the U.S
government and politic teacher Mr. eiman. Here
the community could expre their opinion on the
SING! G AW A Y After finding out
he won't be the Ambassador to
France. Charles Guiteau (Luis
Herrera) tries to kill Garfield.
topic of assassination and other pre idential i ue .
The Bradford Theatre Art Program eldomly doe
talkbacks after performance , but Holly Stanfield, the
director, thought for thi play it wa nece ary.
"When Holly gave me the cript last chool year I
knew that is would be a great opportunity for me to
help out with the di cu sion," tated eiman.
"The best part about being in Assa. ins wa the
talkback. It wa fun to come out on tage and ju t
li ten to what the community had to ay about the
play. I learned a lot about the different a a in
throughout hi tory while doing thi ," aid junior
Chri topher 0 born, who played John Hinckley.
The ca t enjoyed re-enacting important part of the
United tate hi tory through comedic and
entertaining scenes, and the audience wa entertained
by the intere ting plot of the play. -Rachel Van Berg
Sunday the 14th, 2007
Semor Audre) Palmen 'p.:nt her
I 8th birthday \\ ith her ,i,ter \\ho
Sophonum: Vincent !\.1c Kilhp
had a lt!1Tible day hccau'e he
came bad. from college
Stephanie Carmichael works with a
film bag while loading her film. She
is using the bag to keep all light out.
Ryne Petersen relaxes while sitting at
the photograph raffle. The photos are
sold at the fundraiser for the club.
ORGA IZI G Senior Zach Bundies
carefully chooses the correct placement
for his photographs on a display. It
takes him a while to get it ju t right.
hoto Club
Capturing Memorie~
PHOTO CL 'B (bottom) Kelley revich. Stephanie Carmichael. (2nd row) Laura
Buska. Donna Harper. Tom Lampada, Ryne Petersen, Teagan Watkins, (3rd row)
Candace Reynolds. Amanda Pade. Brian Herricks. Ms. Pear'>on. Megan Miller.
athan Tinker, (4th row) Heidi Frit1, Tyler Har\·ey, Jason Taleronik. Zach Bundies
Photo club is more than ju t
taking picture . Its sole
purpose is to promote black
and white photography as a
fine art.
Involvement in the club took
time and effort from the
participants. During their
time as members, students
learned different techniques
that could be used with their
cameras and film .
The majority of the time
spent in photo club was pent
with the inexperienced
members learning from the
veteran .
"Passing on the knowledge
to the newer student gave me
the chance to realize how
experienced I wa ," said
senior Ryne Peterson.
Besides working on projects,
the club members also took
part in an annual show where
they displayed their original
and unique photos.
"The how gave us a great
chance to present the pieces
we had been working on, "
aid senior Zach Bundies.
For fundrai ing, the club put
on an art auction in which
photo went to the highest
bidder. Profits were pent on
new upplie . -Matt Lawler
Senior Traq \\ ti son \\as
skateboarding the entire da) all
O\er the city of Kenosha
\\ ent home to '' ork on hi-. truck.
SADD CL UB (back fO\\) Ketth Crump, Amanda Johnson, Krystal Beard. Adam John on.
Erick Pacheco (middle row) Quanashia Meyers. Jennifer tebbins. Lindse) Deau,
Stephanie Martin. Jessica Lovejoy (front fO\\) Michael Weber, 'ichola'> tolfe
\TIE·:'\ no
Pl !',\SL
enior .\dam Johnson
conducts the \\eek!) S \DD
meeting in Br,1dlord's
cafeteria. He has heen
imol\ed in St\DD for the
pa t thn:c )Cars and this )Car
he j, the prc,1dcnt ot the
dub. Then! haH~ been three
John,on sihlmg 111 SADD
0\ er the past four) ear :
Tara, Adam. and Am.111da.
Stud nt Aga inst
Destru tiv D c1s1ons
Stebbins and treshman
:-.1ichael \\ eher "atch other
members practice their SADD
skits for elemental") tudent .
Jennifer ha dedicated her
time to thh club tor ti\ o ) ear .
This i :-.tichael Weher' fir. r
)Car in the SADD
organin!lion. and as ~ou can
ce from th1 picture .the)
seem to cnjo) being a part of
uch a constrnct1\ e group.
SERIOUS Senior Amanda Johnson
rehear'e her kit in tront of the SADD
group hefore he performs at local
middle and clementan sc;hools. Thi is
Amanda's senior \Car.and is the first
)Car she ha heen. a member of SADD.
PRETIY POSE Junior Je"ica
Lovejo) .md freshman Kr) tal Beard
pose together for a picture. Jes ica has
been im oh ed for t\Hl ) cars and i the
\ice president of S \DD. This i
Kry,tal"s fir t year; ma) he she'' ill
become president next )Car.
The tudent in SADD worked to help other tudent
avoid making destructive deci ion in their live . The e
tudent participated in many activitie throughout the
During red ribbon week member at in the common and
passed out red ribbon , held raffle , and an wered que tion
about their club. Al o during alcohol awarene week
student had a booth in the common and held a raffle for
all tudent who igned a prom promi e; which was promi e
not to moke or drink on the night of prom.
"My older i ter convinced me to join ADD during my
ophomore year and I'm glad he did," aid Adam John on.
Ju ta Adam' older i ter Tara convinced him to join this
po itive organization, tho e involved in ADD trived to
influence other tudents not to make de tructive deci ions
in their live .
-Hannah Brem
Thursday the 18th, 2007
Junior :\lelanie faull pr.1ct1c.:ed
her enthu,ja,llc smile for dance
tc.1m competition,,
rre,hmen 1'..itrina Shope
hated to do it, but 'he broke
up with her bo} triend.
Mod IUN and
Political Action Club
PROUD OF POLITICS Senior David Jones and Allen Homes give a cheerful "thumb
up" to the Model UN imulation in Milwaukee. These future politicians must do
extensive research into the country they will be representing and speaking for.
to those students who wanted to get out of Bradford and
e what is going on in the community and al o throughout
the entire world.
"I like the Political Action Club because we get the
opportunity to listen to the political view of so many
politician ," aid junior Jenna Stengert.
Model U , a Carolyn Collins put it, "is an animated
group of individuals." Peter McGrain added, "It is
intellectual fun; we learn diplomacy and negotiation skills
and meet new people from around Wi consin who share
our political views."
Both clubs strived to make tudent aware that there is a
much bigger world out there to be governed intelligently by
the students with the power of politic . -Jason antiago
Friday the 19th, 2007
In tructional technologi't !\lr.
Ramey attended a meeting at the
ESC and got a parking ticket.
lr. Hay\\ood spent the
attemoon playing H ALO \\1th
h1 on at home.
Montgomery stands proudly next to
her artwork which won a blue ribbon- DEVOTION Senior Jennifer Vogt has an
we can clearly see why.
array of personal portraits. The two
hown are the one's she takes mo t pride
in becau. e they're of her closest friend ..
DEA TH Junior Zandra Hughes
stands next to her impressive display
of art. All of her picture revolve
around one specific theme: kulls.
Bradford'~ Mo~t
AP ART GROUP (Left) Seniors Adam Saari, Javier faangeli ta, Lui Rodriguez, Arie
Montgomery. Jennifer Vogt. A hie} Richter. junior Zandra Hughe .. enior Andre\\
Rue ch, Ryne Petersen. Melania Ibarra.junior Jordan Po ie. and senior Kaitlyn mith
(back), Loretta Donnelly. and Mary Claire Canne tra pose for their goof) group photo.
AP Art is a cour e that may
be taken when all other art
courses offered in the
curriculum are completed. It
is a course that i "very
challenging, takes lots of
out ide chool time, and you
really have to think about it,"
says Mrs. Rabey, the
The cla s consi t of drawing
at the AP level and 2dimen ional de ign. Mo t of
the artist involved continue
their work with art beyond
high school.
Each tudent in the class i
required to produce 24 piece
12 of which have to be
concentration piece and the
other 12 have to be what i
called "breadth." Concentration means that the work i
related in theme and breadth
mean to how kill in a wide
variety of media and art
proce e .
Some of the theme u ed thi
year were moke, the color
blue, flower , and Mexican
Once a year, AP Art hold an
art how in the library where
arti t get a chance to hO\v off
all the hard ·work they've
completed. -Danielle Marocchi
Saturday the 20th, 2007
Sophomore Rupert
errano and junior
Amber Sander.,on
.,avor a moment.
Fre.,hman Amanda
Hughe., and
sophomore Samantha
Whalen pose together during a break.
hc,hman D1' 111it) Encarnacion
practiced her dance for the
upco111111g black hi,tor) assemhl).
heshman Shanmta Harris went
10 the mall with her friends and
bought a ne\\ pair or shoes.
FRESH~1E LOVE Freshmen Alyssa
Bytnar. Emily Johnson . Ericha
Brugger, and Aimee Johnson celebrate
their !irst winter formal dance together!
Freshmen Mia Salituro anti Chantal
Pearson have a laugh while getting
their grooves on out on the dance floor'
'7lrt w p utlf/OY Ml4l1lt# 1411tDt wfl4fhl llhtt. ,,
-Btr!l'tWI Rllddd!
Stepping out of the crowd, junior Danielle
Jack on, senior A hley Guerra, and
sophomore Michelle Walker pose like
models in their gorgeous, new dresses.
SMILE FOR THE CAMERA Juniors Bryan Dahl and Brittany Johnson, senior
Joseph Pierce and sophomore Lisa Marchetti pose for a picture at Bradford's Winter
Formal. Attendees of the dance really love to ham it up for the camera.
TWO FOR ONE Sophomore Dill on
Petersen is one lucky guy; he's
surrounded by two gorgeous sophomore
gals, Alysa Kotleski and Doria Debartolo.
There isn't a brighter mile in the house!
Wednerlay the 21, 2007
Junior Jai:ob Rong ho It got
wha<.:ked m the '1d..: ol the
head b) a bag of .'\1 & \1 ,.
Junior Joh Sa) er\ fnends
ganged up on him bei:au'e
he made a corn) joke
WONDERFUL SMILES Senior 1\ico Hardcastle
and sophomore Marquette chtemeier smile for
the camera while the~ take a break from dancing
LUCKY GUYS Junior girl<, Minju Rhee. Amy Tripp. and Karis a Eclarinal take
a quick timeout to pose\\ uh their beau'>. juniors Jordan Pos1e (with h1.., nice
"grill "). Jake Chopp and Andrew Lee on the magical night of Winter Formal.
and enior Amanda Massie shO\\ us how "cute" they
really are in this picture taken at the dance.
Thi dance wa the event of the
year. Guy dressed to mirror
James Bond and the ladies, as
usual, dressed to impress.
Marina hores was the setting
for winter formal on January 27,
2007. De pite the cold weather,
girl still left their shoes in the
car and ran through the snow
barefoot. This frigid weather
also had little impact on the
moods of the student -spirits
were high.
Highlighting the dance was a
little bit of crowd surfing, some
hard core dance moves and a
killer D.J. who rocked the night
GOOD TIMES Sophomores Jacob Zimmerman.
Brinney Augustine, Meagan David, and Dominic
James will remember this wonderful night forever.
away with popular mu ic.
"Thi was one of the be t
winter formals that I've been to
during my years at Bradford,"
aid junior Jessica Carpenter.
"The only part of the dance I
didn't like wa all the glitter on
my clothes at the end of the
night," aid senior Jack Edqui t.
If glitter was the only complaint
at thi year's dance, then it wa
obviou ly a huge ucces .
Memories were made and
students had a great time while
dancing th e night away-] ames
Bond couldn't have had a better
-]a on Santiago
YO ' G LOVE ophomore'>
oah Denny and Katie E<.cobar
·hare an innocent hug a they
po e for the photographer.
beautifully dre ed enior
Brinany Daniels lets everyone
knO\\ hO\\ well he can dance.
Monday the 22nd, 2007
Junior KJtie Kromm hraYcd the
Montgomery and junior Joslyne
Allen take their turns at the podium
during the black history assembly.
ophomorc Kyle Peters was
surprised to find his locker fi lled
with confetti fo r his birthday.
I THE ZO E Sophomore De'Jorra
Gilmore puts her all into counting for
the upcoming step-and-clap combos
being used in the dance number.
FACES BEHi D POSITIVITY (top row) J. Darden, J. Mineu. C.
Blalock. C. Taylor. T. Cannon. J. Beard. S. Mitchell, C. Kollen, S.
Harris. V. Loften. D. Thomas, C. Champagne (third row) M.
Thomas, . Jones. E. Ostalaza. C. Bullock, B. Daniels, . Beard, A.
Dri ver. J. Allen. A. Champagne (second row) D. Encarnacion, 0.
Hardy, R. Grashen. C. Knoll, T. Jones. D. Gilmore (first row) K.
Lott, A. Montgomery, J. Wells. M. Driver, K. Thomas
erving You
Pos;itive Bradford
POSI G FOR THE PICT RE ome of the senior girls, (Back ro\\) .
John on, . Taylor, C. Champagne. M. Dri ver. A. Montgomery. A.Driver, L.
Murray (front row) R. Grashen, C. Knoll, get together for a quick photo and
show why they are the people others should look up to within the chool.
Throughout the year, a
group of ladies strived to be
good role models within the
school society. The students
loyal to Positive Bradford
Women tried to have a happy
outlook on life at all times.
A main goal of the women
was to give people things they
wouldn't normally receive in
their daily lives.
"Helping kids from Bain
elementary and getting to see
their faces when they got
presents for Christmas was
probably one of the most
satisfying things we did"
recalled senior Crystil Knoll.
ot only was a main part of
the school's annual black
history assembly organized
by the positive Bradford
Women, but they also ran a
clothing and food drive for a
teacher in the district who
lost everything in a fire.
Doing for others, being good
role models, and promoting a
positive attitude gives the
girls focus and self-worth .
"We get satisfaction from
knowing that we promote a
good attitude in the school
through our appearance and
actions" said senior Racquel
-Chari e Wright
What is
Our Future From Around the \-VOrld ~~~~t~~~r
Native Countr ?
"My backyard was the beach. I rode on a
camel and people owned show monkeys."
-Junior Humera Syed
"The mall is very different. It's much smaller
than here, but it's still a place to hangout."
-Junior Roberto Santana
Czec~ ReptAblic
"In the Czech Republic they have a lot of
historical buildings and cities such as
castles." -Senior George Vlk
"Here people ha\e a Sweet 16 but in Poland
our 18th birthday is a huge celebration! "
-Junior Anna Los
"During the Harve t Moon, families and
friends celebrate their earnings."
-Junior Donbee Lee
"We have huge celebrations for different
holidays like El Dia de lo Muertos"
-Junior \\ ilson Valladare
"Since it is predominately a Muslim countQ,
there is a call to prayer the time a day."
-Senior Rashid Dar
"We celebrate e\ery aint and name day
which is like another birthday."
Fre hman Deni e John on
"There are no curfews, so everyone can stay
out and party-even the kids."
-Senior Melanie Ibarra
<urday the 27th, 2007
Fre hman :\1ontre~u:h \lnchcll
me"ed around "ith ' ome of her
friend' dunng lunch time.
Semor Candi e Bulloc·k had a
great time ",hooting hoop, " at
the Y.\ICA '' ith her friend, .
FR E CH CLASS (back row) Freidrich Seewald, Austin Wert1, Bernard Ben-Carew (second
row) Derek Zoia. Vita liy Kuzymch , Andrew Kohnke. Sarah Swager, Rachel Clark, Michael
Beben (front row) Mrs. Taylor. Katherine Davis. Abby Pekoske. Oliver Debe, Sophia Hailer.
Kelley Vre' ich, Elisha Wheeler. Haley Bambrough. Sarah Garnett. Kahala Baguio
speakers from Italy share '' ith the
students hO\\ the Italian culture
differ from that of the United tate . .
and ophmores Michael Beben and
Vitaliy Ku7mych are French poser..
A Union of Foreign
Nation!; Working Together
ITALIAN CLASS (back row) Alex Lois, Jamie Hicks, David Binotto, Jordan Pauley,
Elizabeth Krifka, Rebecca Illes, Amber Bonacci, Tyler Thome (front row) athaniel Alles.
Jake Defiore. Autumn Greco. Alessandra Filippelli. Annastasia Swart1, Joshua Strangberg
GER.\1A CL B Andrew Fra1ee, Jourdan Malkmus, Peggy Ludlow. Vincent
Krome, Eric Carter. Michael Crane, Matthew Hoey, James Hoffman Ill
Monday the 29th, 2007
D<!tcmum:djumor Carl Bryan
annoum.:e<l h" future plans of
runnmg for the -.chool board.
ONE "COOL" GIRL ophomore Peggy LudlO\\ dre-,se-, 111 some authentic German
clothing to illustrate the fact that German) has relative I) the same climate a'>\\
She must have been extremely warm with that heavy coat on inside the building'
For the first time in chool hi tory, the German, French,
Spanish, and Italian club combined to form the
International club. This proved to be the perfect olution
for keeping our foreign language alive!
"It was different to have all of the club together at fir t,
but a the year went on, it came to be even more fun than
before!" said enior Anna wartz.
The International Club met after chool in room 20 on
Tuesdays. The members' objective wa to bring more
tudents into the foreign language cla e and club .
Another goal \Ya to make people aware of the other
language and culture around the ,,·orld.
Since it was a building year, each member worked to
create a platform for the future of the club.
"I'm looking forward to even more involvement from
everyone next year," aid junior Alex Loi . -Ericka Ott~
TuEfilay the 30th, 2007
Sophomore Tommi Reidenhach
telt 'illy be..:au e her ho) friend
pu hed her off of a bench.
Junior Rachel Allan ''a'
fru . trated \\hen she tripped in
the mu.Idle of the lunch room.
Charles McCord very carefully
demonstrate how to use
hydraulics in Pre-Auto etas .
0 SALE Junior
Brittany Johnson
shows all the good
merchandise. such as
sweaters and t-shirts
for sale at the school
store. She has been
working at InfraRed
since the beginning
of the year. Brittany
enjoys having thi
class because she
gets to meet a lot of
different people and
engage in acti vi tie
that many students at
Bradford high school
can't do.
CO CE TRA Tl G 0 THE CLAS WORK Junior orma Jones listens to
English teacher Mr. Modder's lecture. Reading from both her textbook and the
newspaper gives Jones perspective on writings from both present and past.
To live i110 1tartling it leave1 little
time for anything el1e.
-Cm1ly D1ck.in1on
rarhan Farhan I) pes an
assignment gi\'en to hun in
fl.lrs. Crittendon's
keyboarding class.
DOODLI .. G Junior
Sha) la Carter makes a
sketch in her gO\·ernment
and polit1cs class while Mr.
Skur,ki tells one of his bad
jokes to tht: roanm' class
~t vvould happen if your parents found out
that you received an F in all of your classes?
My parents
would encourage me to
do a lot better,
to make me a
better person,
and I would try
harder to reach
my goals in
school for both
them and me.
-Joe Aiello
My mom and dad
take turns
hitting me
over the
head with a
spoon until
my F's
went to A's.
-Rachael Baldwin
If I were to
ever get even
one F, Jet
alone all F's,
my parents
would pack
me up and
ship me off to
an Alaskan
military school
-Joshua Bach
Friday the 2nd, 2007
Gill the fish I \!rs . Sesser's) '>pent
the day S\\ imming around in hi
ne\\ly 1111pr0\ed "apanment."
Senior Sarah Shvon \\ent home
to find her\\ hite cat 'tuck in the
maple tree out 1de her hou e.
going to lunch, junior Autumn Mleko
tries to finish more chapters in the highly
talked about book eries "Left Behind. "
IZE IT UP Freshmen Rachel Greb
(looking in the microscope) and Erin
Montemurro get a better look at what plant
cells are during their biology labs.
One semester down, one to go. After
getting used to their first semester classes,
many students said good-bye to their teachers and hoped
to see old friends and make new ones in future classes.
"I loved the classes at Bradford because they were so
diverse and I met so many great people in the cla ses I
took," said ophomore Jennifer Kreye.
"Choosing Bradford was the best choice academically for
me and I can't think of a better school that I could have
gone to for a great education," said enior Jin Xiu Wang.
With the big decision of what classes to choose for the
following year, some students picked classes their friends
wanted, others chose ones that would "help" them into
college, and some had their counselor decide. After that
they got down to busine s and enjoyed the
rest of the school year . -Rachel Van Berg
Thi phrase is one
that junior Anna
Los hears more
than once daily
while in Mr.
eiman's clas .
he maintain her
focu during one
of his discus ions
on "hot topic " that
are affecting the
Jumping over
book and legs.
senior> Adilene
Johnathon lupik,
and Timothy
tanchfield race to
the chalkboard to
write their word
first during Mr.
Annina's Italian
I 0 l class. This i
their favorite game.
bt do'M lie fltlr4t ~~and~ O'f W
and wlrlt/t, mtr4fl1ftle fltmw lllVIJj: -C/vv/&Jt Q
During digital
electronics. a senior
trie to figure out
what went wrong
with h1 simulated
circuit because it
\\3Sn't working out
right. By fixing a
couple of number
and letter he got it
to work properly.
1 W dn d y
A. P. Art Show
10 Thursday
Tt!M CJtfff!JJ !imt otar~ lttf mtfffd t!ttn
be fllltWlltltt'd qtll{t anatltred !ltrtf"1h
Parent Teach er
15 Tuesday
16 Wednesday
Chamber Orchrestra
lnservice Day
13 W dn day
!k CJtf!VJe fff ittftVJ: -Mark TJVatn,
'Take !UM !If M!ibtJrtd4· b!Jfwlttn !k
!UM fffr tl(}/it)'n arrtveJJ 4ttf!J ~
Choir Concert
26 Saturday
andJD' tn. " - NtifJtrltrm Btrna!Jar!t
18 Monday
Memorial Day
The photogrJphy club's •One Night
Only• show feJtured n1Jny greJt
photogrJphs this yeJr. Junior Tyler
Hdrvey shows Jrt teJcher Mrs.
Heller his very Jrtistic photogrJph.
5 Satu rda y
6 Sund y
7 M nda y
12 Satu rda y
19 Saturday
10 Sunday
Prom at Marina Shores
14 Thursday
30 W dn day
2 1 Monday
11 Tue d y
Choir Concert
15 Friday
Table of Contents
Sea nal.. ...........92-93
Sp rt ..............94-109
Produdion ........ 114-115
Mu ic. •••••.•••••• 11 -127
Spring Trip ....... 12 -129
Senior S dion ...... .130-161
Undercla Mug .......162-191
f acuity Mug .........192-1 4
Staff Tribut .......... 19
lnde ....... .197- 04
d ..........205-240
pring Seasonal
fr Was a Long Time Coming...
that the warm weather would
never come. In March, there
was a chool-closing blizzard on
a Monday and Tuesday.
Although the snow was a
bummer, no one was sorry to
tay home for two days.
Be ide the usual spring event ·,
several safety drills were
executed due to a rash of
security threats. Bradford came
together and felt certain that
they would be safe in all
Bradford's drama department
(especially director Holly
Stanfield) certainly had a proud
moment thi Spring. A New
York production company
picked the modern rock opera
1vliss Saigon as the role model
In Spring sport , Chad Ebert was
phenomenal in golf, Tara Tucker
slammed the softball, T.]. Williams
ran faster than the wind, Zack
Mir berger lit up the tenni court,
Gary Paskiewicz threw a scorching
hot ba eball, and tephanie Wolf
cleared every ball that came near
the goal.
Ah, life was good during the
2006-2007 school year-we're going
to mi Mary D. more than we
realize ...
In closing, the year seemed to fly
by. The teary-eyed seniors said
their final goodbye to each other
and to their teacher .
This next generation of decisionmakers will never forget to ...
Sunday the 4th, 2007
'Three Up Three Ibwn"
Senior Da\ i<l Strohm '' cnt out to
eat \\1th l11s t .ind). '' orkc<l. an<l
hung out with hi' lnen<ls.
Junior Ian Keene 'al aroun<l all
<la) an<l '' atchc<l tek\ is ion '' ith
his famil) until he tell a,fecp.
FOCUSED FACE Ju nior Jake Loewen
digs into the ru bber and fi res a scorching
fas tball right past the batter and into the
catcher\ glove fo r another strikeout.
Matthew Lewer gets ready to slide into
home plate and give the red devi ls yet
another run added onto the scoreboard.
Bradford v.
B radford v.
L 3-5
B radford v.
B urlington
L 0-10
Bradfo rd v.
L 6-8
B radford v.
baseball team take a
timeout dunng the game
to regroup with
everyone at the mound.
MOUTH Junior Jake
Loewen has a meeting
wtth h1 catcher about
the pitches he throws.
Jumor Daniel Jeffery
catches a called third
strike for the third out
in the mning.
FE CES Juruor Joseph
Ewald gets ready for a
ball to be hit toward
htm at first base.
The Bradford boy's baseball team started out
going through some tough times during the
beginning of the season but decided to pick up
their play towards the end. With the loss of
key players from last year like] ordan] aheneLlanas and Mike Haberle it was easy to see
why they started off slowly.
"Although our team was younger than the
other in the conference, we still played like a
team that had been together for years," said
\ I
senior J >
Nevertheless the boys ended up playing very
well, which was quite an accomplishment for
the team. Even with a squad that had more
underclassmen playing then Bradford has
probably ever seen, the guys fought hard and
kept most game close throughout the season.
•started season Z-0
*finished season strong
after battling through
many injuries
*playing as a team
*snack time after games
•the coaching staff wasn't
involved in any fights
"The key to our success was the players
realizing they had to count on each other to do
a job in tead of thinking one per on could do
everything" said sophomore
Although it was serious most of the time on
the field, off the field was all about cracking
joke at each other. "The funnie t part of the
sea on for me was when the umpire
postponed our game because one set of lights
didn't turn on when it got dark - I guess you
had to be there," ta ted junior
matthL \
I\\ \
With plenty of family and friend cheering at
every game for their favorite player( ) it was
easy to see why the baseball team was so
ucces ful. - ]. Zuehl dorf
Monday the 5th, 2007
''Ktt!J ~ kttjJ !ltt ratlft adv~ andpa /taye -:.-/--:.~-.)
!imt. Vo-a rmtlltlt- prever !Jff!tlf#. -Rtrp A~!I
Senior Lauren Ga,tal<li drove
her twin brother :-.tau Ga>taldi to
work at :\larket Probe.
Senior Hannah Brem' went \\ 11h
Lauren Ga.,tal<l1 and the) went
'>hopping for the night.
JV TEAM (back row) C. Carpentier, . Paura, Coach Lugo, K. Sorensen,
D. Proud (middle row) J. Craymond, E. Carter, M. Toma zewski. T.
Panasewicz, S. Jakubowski, R. Kumm. Z. Willing (bottom row) J. Atkins.
S. Spair, M. Richer. D. Maccari
W :6-0
Bradford v.
W: 10-4
L 10-9
Bradford v.
Bradford v.
Mil I--Iarnilton.
Bradford v.
PLAY AT HOM E Senior Garry Pa kiewicz covers home o n a pa ed ball. Catcher Dan
Jeffre y is retrieving the ball to throw to Garry to try to keep Tremper' runner from coring
another run again t the Red Devils. Garry, the only returning var ity pitcher from last year,
has become a huge asset to this years team Jeffrey will be a great a et to next year' team.
L 13-3
Bradford v.
HIT AW A Y Senior Brandon Lowenbine
loads back to hit the oncoming pitch to
ad\ ance the runner.
WARMING P enior Joe Steven and
junior Joe Ewald take ground ball in the
infield before the game to warm up.
DIRECT CO TACT Sophomore Eric
Corrao take a cut at Tremper's starting
pitcher' pitch during a game.
look to coa h LaBuda for the 'ign
telling him which hn to make.
Thursday the 8th, 2007
1Rl.S Softball
'Meer Us On rhe Dirr"
Sophomore \ licheal Ebener
went to work and found twent}
dollar' on the tloor of his job.
Freshman Alyse \likolas
had ,oftball and fell on her face
'' hile trying to work on her abs.
focusing in on what she i going to have
to do at bat against W. Central, senior
Ashley Jupp waits for her turn to hit.
B radford v.
G UP Sophomore Courtney
Mercier gets ready to catch a smoking
fast ball from freshman Alyse Mikolas
who is on the mound against Park.
Bradford v.
W: 12-2
W: 10-1
W: 11-1
W: 14-1
Bradford v.
The Bradford girls' softball team had an
amazing year in 2006. They were expected to
be just as good if not better for the season of
With two returning seniors rnTUCKER
and <
vJGl , two juniors ffany I HE \RD
and r •idiOECHLEr , four sophomores
Vv GIP ,
J ti
IER, and ,
1R05 RT5, the
team was as awesome as last year when this
group of girls showed the competition how
tough they were.
"We started the season strong and I believed
we would be able to keep it up," said senior
The power of this season came primarily
from the hitting power of the team which had
Bradford v.
Bradford v.
best hitting team Bradford has ever seen.
II the"This
whole year we have been focusing on
a strong young team, replacing new
players with the ones we lost last year, and
*Place first in the central
*SEAT tremper I 'I to I.
*Three players hit
homeruns in same game.
*Won the Poynette invite.
*Slaughtered 50% of the
becoming a championship team. I believe
overall we came together and have one of the
best softball teams Bradford has ever seen,"
said head varsity coach
•1 I did an
Sophomore pitcher ll
amazing job on the mound, along with
, who threw a nohitter in her second varsity game starting on
the mound.
This season the girls expect to be making
another trip to sectionals, as well as receiving
another conference title for the third time in a
row since 2003. -Tara Tucker
~ "Wltat !ll1tt 141 t/?'' 'Ytr11 mean JttJW?'
Snturday the 10th, 2007
Vtrjt Berra
Senior Stephanie Covelh took a
can and rode through the Taco
Bell drive thru-late at night.
Senior :l-1atthew Gastald1 picked
his nose whi le watching a movie
and eating popcorn on a couch.
JV TEAM (!st row) Kristina Lewis, Samantha Jewell, Coach T. Hansen, Ariel
Maxcy, Stephanie Tucker (2nd row) Paige Bonanno, Jasmine Utterback, Brianna
Vela, Francesca Bell Loughead (3rd row) Danielle Schmidt, Elysha Ortiz
Bradford v.
0 4/21 /07
W :S-4
W: 11-1
Bradford v.
W : 12-0
Bradford v .
Bradford v .
W :2-1
HUDDLE UP The infield players on the girls varsity softball team huddle up around
sophomore pitcher Alyssa Roberts in their game against cros -town rival Tremper. This is
the second game played aga inst Tremper where Bradford walks away with the win.
Bradford v .
RJV ALRY Sophomore Aly a Robert
pitches the ball against Bradford's rival
Tremper. Even with a temperature of
cold 30 degrees, the team won the game.
READY Sophomore Sarah Swager
stands in right field fixing her jersey
while waiting for the next pitch to be
thrown by ophomore Aly sa Robert .
Courtney Mercier takes powerful practice
swings before tepping up to the plate
during the big Bradford/Tremper game.
Ariel Adelsen looks to coach Robert for
a ign to give to the pitcher ophomore
Aly a Robers to strike the batter out.
Tuerlay the 13th, 2007
y Senior Jenna Gehring ''a' in the
ho,pllal 'i'iting her ne'' bllrn
bah\ cousin''
Junior Lakcidm: Britt was
bapu1cd .111d "ent to
.\tcDonald' to <.:ckbratc.
PU H IT TO THE LIMIT enior Justin Belotti gives it
everything he ha while he sprints for the finish line.
FL YI G Time freezes as sophomore Wayne James glide<.,
through the air as if wings were attached to his back.
Last year Bradfords boys track team ended
their season with an 8th and 9th place finish
at the WIAA Division-I state meet for the
4x100 and 4x200 meter relays.
With the start of a new season coaches
Aslakson and Hardy knew they had an
abundance of talent, discipline, and mental
focus. The hours of hard work and training
inevitably paid off. Junior tro WILLIAMS
broke records in the 60, 220, and 440 yard
dashe for the indoor season. For the outdoor
season \VILLIAMS set records in the 200 and
400 meter dashes. He also participated in
breaking the 800 Sprint Medley Relay along
with sophomore robin\\i ABALICKIS,
sophomore wayneJ AMES, and senior
keitl CRU\1f .
"yeah, based on last year I knew we had a
lot of talent returning. We set our goals
high and knew we could achieve them," said
WILLIAMS when asked why the season was
so successful.
Seniors keithCRUMP, andyDONALDS, and
JeremyBAUMA , along with junior
omarKHALEEL were team captains.
leadership for the long distance runners,
while junior benWARREN, and senior
~ oshuaBIEKER al o tepped up their game.
CRUMP and senior martellRICE teamed with
WILLIAMS to bring out the best in the
"We are really happy \Vith the depth we had
this year," explained senior justin-BELOTTI,
"to have as many athletes as we have with
the amount of talent that they posse s; many
other athletes don't receive as much credit as
they deserve." -Zach Liu
"R~ WfJ' "~rI,,,, blifJ'm r~ fflund''
Wednerlay the 14th, 2007
"I plan to run track at a junior college first and
then at Marquette University. Some of my
highlights are going to state three years and
winning MVP of the team sophomore and junior
year. This year I hope to go to state in the 200 and
400 meter dash and in the high jump. The
greatest advice I received this year was from Mr.
Roders-that old man in room 203 really knows
what he is talking about."
Sophmore All)'On Brunner Y
Junior Dariu' Young bought a
rose for a -.pccial per on on
Vaknune' Da).
P CI ' IT leading off for the 3200
Meter Relay, junior Scott Jensen
looks poised at the end of the race.
and \IH.:hacl \lu1r v.ent out to
eat breakfa t together.
BOY TRACK TEAM (1 trow) J. Bauman, A.
Martin, . Keller. J. tuligross, V. aranjo, M. Grashen,
N. St. John (2nd row) . Zoener, T. Hur>t-Ortiz. A.
Barsuli, M. Vidas, Z. Koba, A. Gonzales, J. Haferman,
Jensen, C. Maegaard (3rd row) Coach Hardy, Coach
Wells, K. Davidson, . ickolai, D. Calderwood, A.
Khaleel, F. Lenfestey, .Hammad, R. Wabalickis, B.
Jensen , 0. Khaleel, Coach Vanderhof, Coach Aslockson
(4th row) B. Warren, M. Bender, A. Williams,J. Rivera,
A. Donalds, . Specht, J. Bieker, J. Belotti, D. Fedro,
C.Chamness M. Rice (back row) C. Gordon, K. Crump,
D. James, T. Williams. P. piedel, C. Venchena, C.
Simmons, T. Jake, E. Stone
enior Keith Crump and junior Troy Williams
compete in the I 00 meter dash side b) side.
With the pressure of running along ide their
teammates, the boy. work off each other and
run even harder together.
Before completing his la t jump.
ophomore Kenny Da' id on tudie
his trides so he can end the day with
a strong triple jump at the Count)
invite held at Carthage college.
As sophomore Robin Wabalickis
spnnts in \\ ith the baton, ,enior
Justin Belotti takeo, off running al
top speed ao, Robin hits h10, mark.
When Robin i' close enough to
Ju tin he yelb "STICK" and Justin
stretches his hand back for the
baton. Finall). Justin Belotti grabo,
the baton from Robin and takes off
toward the finish line and Bradford
wins the 400 meter rda).
... ;• , '. . ,.......... .
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•' -t•J~...•~ ' ·. -. - 1l ~. . 199'
•I ~ '
<urday the 17th, 2007
\VQ. lion l1)C2.5Q. 5t-rC2.Q.T5
y Junior tephanie Ruffolo got her
Senior runner Racquel Grashen takes off
Junior Karina Miller got a
at the start of the I 00 race. She is going up
hscense and recei,·ed a ne\\ car
pencil stuck in her flute dunng
against crosstown rival Tremper, and take
after school.
band cla".
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - second place in thi race at Carthage.
RU WITH ALL OF YO R MIGHT enior captain Hope Chri tie
runs the mile in Burlington. he i on the second time around the
track and has quite a few more to go but is still determined to win.
She finished the race in fir t place and beat her own personal record.
The girls track team began slowly, but
picked up the pace mid-season due in part to
the great coaching of Mrs. Bornhuetter. The
team practiced every day after school and
had meets one or two times during the week.
Practice consisted of workouts, stretches,
running, and bonding more as a team so they
could be successful during a race.
"I really enjoyed being on the track team
this year. We had a great group of girls and I
made a lot of close friends. I also had a lot of
memorable accomplishments that made the
season that much better," said junior
lindseyHEBIOR .
Both seniors aneMO::-JTGOMERY and
kris enSCHULZ made it to state individuallyhopeCHRI TIE would have gone to state but
wasn't feeling well during the race and o
lost by only a crushing ten seconds!
Champagne jump over the pole making sure
he doesn't hit it. This is her second time
jumping because of a mistake on her first go.
Fortunately, her econd try was a sucess.
With a confident look on her face,
sophomore Ambyr Travis receives the the baton from
senior Kristin Schulz during the relay. Ambyr i ready to
lead her team to victory no matter what it takes .
"I was very sick the day of ectionals and I
am proud that I was even able to finish the
race. Though I didn't qualify for state, I am
happy that my best friend Kristen did and I
got to be by her side. I couldn't have asked
for a better last year of track and I'm going to
miss everybody so much," said senior
Though many great runners graduated, the
underclassmen runners feel that they will be
able to pick up the slack. With excellent
coaching and the will to succeed, the girls
will be ready for next ea on.
"I am really sad that all of my friends will
be gone for the 07-08 season, but I am so
excited to be on track next year and really
show everybody what I am made of. It is
going to be a great year," said sophomore
ambyrTRA VIS. -Karlee Gauchel
l4t Mt HU'J1),'1Jtwo.~/ I{
pu k-ltl!W
r~ "
Monday the 26th, 2007
f&! !k 0tvn,
-Brian T~
1 - - - - - 1....
ACI l\llORDl0------1
"This season will be all about hard work and
improvement for me," junior Grace Nordloh said at
the beginning of the track season. Working with
her other teammates, they strived as a team for a
good season.
"I was excited for this season, because my
freshman sister was joining the team this year,"
said Nordloh.
Grace concluded by saying, "I look forward to
working hard and doing even better next season."
STRE GTH Senior Anoinette Driver
flies through the air to land in the
andpit at the Lake Michigan Invite.
Jun1or Je sica Carpenter fell
down the stairs today while
weanng her hot pink high heels.
Varsity Track
(I trow) Stephanie Fuerte. Cry til Knoll, Maria Kehrer,
A hley Maravilla, Antoinette Driver (2nd row) Jillian
Clausen, Amanda Johnson, Monique Driver, Katie
Walkowski, Alexandra Huffman, Elisha Wheeler. Emily
Meulbroek. Grace ordloh (3rd row) Kristen Shulz,
Maria Barnes, Coach Aslakson. Coach Malczewski,
Coach Bornhuetter. Coach Wells, Danielle VanBlarcom.
Amy Slanchik (4th row) Racquel Gra hen, Charlita
Champagne, Kaitlin Leary, Rachel Bullis, no name,
icole Jake, Deanamarice Lopez, Olivia Hardy (5th row)
Elizabeth Menge, Erin ordloh, Brittany Beyer, Jessica
Gidcumb, Rachael Baldwin, Hope Christie, Ambyr Travis
Erin ordloh jumps over the hurdle in front
of her. She is only in the air for a fev.
econds, but those moments mean
everything. Trying hard, she know he mu t
pu h herself in order to help her team win .
STAY 0 TASK Heading toward her
teammate, junior Maria Kehrer runs with all
her might to ensure her team will get the be t
score. As bystanders look on, they are amazed
at Maria's determination and might.
PEED DEMO ' First. 1un1or
Rachel Bullis waits patiently to hear
the shot of the gun to signal the start
of the race Then. \\hen she hears the
loud blast. she takes off with all of
her might. She knows she must
ignore the numbing pain and fatigue
and keep on runnmg. If she gives up.
her whole team will suffer the
consequences. he pushes herself
and continues to run so she can pas'
the baton to the teammate ahead.
Jun1or Humera Syed tripped over
broom today in lnfraRed and was
laughed at b) all the customer .
Wednerlay the 21, 2007
"Smack Thar Bill"
f-re,hman Justin Haferman fell
during a rough ba ketball game
and almost broke his wrist.
Junior Biam:.i 'ianuago decided
it\\ a' time for her to quit her job
at Buffalo Wild Wing.,.
t------------ -
POWER HIT ophomore Ron Palmen
brings his arm as fa r back as it can go in
order to give a hard swing, sending the
ball past the opponent at a great speed.
Bradford v.
Bradfo rd v.
Bradford v.
04/1 9 /07
L 3-4
04/03/ 0 7
L 1-6
L 2-5
Bradfo rd v.
With steveROSS, johnOWE , and
lukeKUPER returning as seniors for the 2007
season, the varsity boys tennis team surely did
not have trouble keeping a fun attitude on and
off the court.
"I ju t can't help but be funny, it make me,
my doubles partner, and all the other team
members play a better game since we aren't
stressing out from the pressure put on us,"
joked enior lukeKUPER.
Along with the returning enior , a number
of very hardworking, dedicated juniors also
returned. Singles player shaneARMSTRO G
and doubles partners zackMIRSHERGER and
brendenBISCIGLIA proved to be a valuable
part of the team, getting very close to wins
during highly competetive matches. These
sprints over to the other side of the court
in a matter of seconds after his opponent
tries to one-up him and fake him out.
*finished with a 5-5 record
in dual meets
*I st place in junior varsity
invite May 5th
*Ron Palmen and Luke
Kuper dominated the #Z
doubles spot
*Competative doubles
teams. most wins in season
04/2 4/07
Bradford v.
Burlingto n.
W : 4-3
more experienced team members helped to
show the younger players the ropes during the
practices which included both teams.
The varsity team also improved with their
playing, evident in their 5-5 record to end the
eason. This record was a great achievement
based on their 2-9 record from last year.
Due to many terrible weather conditions (it
was a terribly wet and cold spring season).
many of the matches were rescheduled,
throwing the players for a loop and adding
needless stress.
"I wa disappointed when a match got
changed, because I would talk myself up for
the game and it was a letdown when I didn 't
get to show off what skill I've learned," said
junior zackMIRSBERGER. -Charise Wright
'Ytru Mn'fdtalf#t !k (Jf/4( b!Jfpu Mn rtlht !k
!Jrt!4Mfbf' wtrrf'jilt# abtr!Jf!k futltre. " -tinitltfJWn
Fre,hman , yomi Garcia went to
the ho,pital for the third time
this week becau'>e she\\ as '>ick.
Senior Joshua Bicker started a
huge argument about religion
during '>ociolog} class.
JV TEA~! (1st ro\\) Kyle Peters, Ke' m Patel. Joseph Kessler. James Dalpaos. Michael
Weber (2nd row) Martin Locante. Paul Zorn, Andrei Coos, Collin Painter, Christopher
Peral!a. Bren McNeil. Ryan Buffamome (3rd row) Coach Guttormsen. '.\.1ichael Zons,
Michael Behen, Brian Gildenstem, Jusun Ei enberg. '.\.1ahmood Cheema
Bradford v.
L: 2-5
Bradford v.
Oak Creek
enior John Owen hits the tennb ball with ea'e as it slowly lobs
over onto his side of the court. Owen\ face shows great concentration as the ball speeds
directly toward his racket. Hi'> easy-gomg personality allows him to confuse the opponent
as he uses different strategies throughout the match. Owen really know' ho\\ to work it.
L: 7-0
W :S-2
Bradford v. S.
Bradford v.
L 4-3
CLOSE CALL Junior Martin Hartmann
crouches down and reaches wa} over a'
the tennis ball nearl} passes him. Martin
saves the point and wins the match.
Bradford v.
Oak creek
enior Luke Kuper and
sophomore Ronald Palmen exchange a
fe\\ encouraging words and a "JO\\
five" as they set up for the next match. ~
Tuerlay the 27th, 2007
emor Kallen :\layer pla}ed at a
hO\\ Tue,da} night and aw a
Freshman Bria Brown
'j,ited the onhodonl!st to get
rambO\\ mbber bands put on.
CELEBRATE Junior captain Laurel Ragalie, sophomore captain
Alissa Scalzo, and junior Stephanie Zongolowicz meet after a goal to
congratulate each other on their excellent work. The devil s praised
each other numerous time while whomping South Milwaukee 8-1.
Coach Burger and the girl soccer team had
another outstanding ea on in 2007. Senior
and am
junior captain laur IR G U , and
sophomore captain
led the
team to their third consecutive twenty-win
season, one of which was against cross-town
rival, Tremper. A number of the victorie
the devils accumulated were quality wins
against state-ranked teams.
Despite the outstanding team work, it was a
season full of individual accomplishments.
ended her high school career with
over t\vo hundred point . She accumulated
seventy eight varsity goals and 44 assists.
This was enough to conquer the previous
school record. However, junior
looked to be on track to
break the record in her senior year.
FRESHMA, (top) J. Schroeder, D. eil.
R. Shikoff. Coach Powers, S. Fonger, M.
Hupp, K. Kwasigroch (2nd row) N.
Milicevic. C. Koes I, M. Pinnola, M.
Poner, J. Troha (3rd row) C. Pearson, C.
Perez, . Hailer (bottom row) B. Burger
!OR VARSITY (lop) Coach Wolf, A. Pekoske,
K. Schulz, K. Zimmerman, K. Baguio, J. Herrera, A.
Romanovic, J. Malkmus (2nd row) G. Alfano, A.
Winzer, M. Achtemeier, D. DeBartolo, A. Kotleski, R.
Blomquest, J. Close (3rd row) E. Valladares, R.
McGraw, K. Gulatz, R. Merlin, G. Martini
ready for a shot in her goal keeping stance during warmups. The second tring keeper, fre hman Je sica Rice
looks on and waits for her turn to block a few shots.
Laurel's junior year came to an end with
seventy one goal under her belt. The senior
, managed to shatter the
school record for total number of saves and
shut-outs throughout her career.
credited her team's great
chemistry for their uccess this season: "We
were close friends off of the field and that
contributed to our stellar communication on
the field," said
. Teammate
added, "We were able to
establish ourselves as a solid team while we
were underclassman. This gave us more time
to play together at a competitive level. The
extra time allowed us to mesh into one team
instead of eleven players."
With many experienced players returning,
the team will remain a dominant force in the
conference and state next year. -Matt Lawler
Wednerlay the 28th, 2007
,f "' :
"We came together strong since the beginning of
the season by having a team sleep-over and
dinners throughout the year" senior captain
Stephanie Wolf said of her team.
She had fun being with the girls as much as
"I loved our team because we could have fun but
win at the same time. Im going to miss the bonds
we had with each other before , during, and after
the soccer season."
TRE GTH Freshman Alex Reget
get'> behind the ball and get a hold
of a big kick this season.
) '~ t
Br.xiford vs.
Green BaySW
Senior ~t ..llor) Kimball had
ballroom dance das' \\ ith
senior Dustin Denny.
ophomore Wayne Jame \\ent
to the Djuricko\ic's and got a
Varsity Soccer
(1st Ro" ) Alissa Scalzo. Melissa
Davidson. Alex Reget, Jena Perrine,
Bianca Santiago, Abbie Barca,
Loren Larsen, Stephanie Barsuli,
Anna Dix, Cassie Wolf, Stephanie
(2nd Row) Coach Perkins, Cali
Shultz, Jenna Schroeder, Sara
Zongolowicz, Julie Kessler,
Stephanie Wolf, Rachael Wenberg,
Sarah Fonger, Laurel Ragalie,
Samantha Leick, Jessica Retzlaff.
Brittney Pavlica, Coach Burger
51810 7
Br.xiford vs.
W: S-0
51510 7
511210 7
Br.rl"ord vs.
U:rosse Cent
Br.xiford vs
S. Milwaukee
W: S-1
511210 7
DOW THE MIDDLE Splitting two
defenders, s phomore Ali sa Scalzo
shows off her speed, giving it her all on
the way down the middle of the field,
leaving Muskego defenders in the dust on
her way to another Bradford goal.
LI E OF FIRE On her way up field.
ophomore Brittne) Pavlica glares at
oncoming defender to see who is in her line
of fire. he then looks for any open teammate
who will assist her to get past the opposition.
off of the bench. freshman Sarah "'
Fonger dribble' the ball up the field
past the defender' to an op.:n spot.
She gets set and winds up for a huge
lock. Staymg focw,ed as Burlmgton
defenders start to close in on her. she
makes big contact with the ball Whic h
soars thirty yards through the air.
takes a gigantic bounce right O\'er two
defenders, and squccks past the
Burlington goalie for the <,core.
511510 7
vs. fdSt Troy
W: 3-1
W: 2-0
511010 7
W: 6-0
511 710 7
vs. OJk Creek
W: 7-0
Wednerlay the 14th, 2007
"Congo River's Finest"
shopping and then went to the
beach '' ith her bo) friend Dylan.
Senior Alyse elsen went to
Grand GeneYa for four days and
won four DECA medals.
LI ING UP THE PUTT Senior Joshua
Hackbarth reads the green before
attempting a putt during the red devils
meet at Tuckaway Country Club.
SEC l OTeam
M eet
SEC lOTearn
Lake Country
1st Place
5th Place
perfect drive down the fairway, enior
Andrew Wojciechowicz uses his 5-iron
in attempt to reach the green in two.
8th Place
SEC l OTeam
Bradford Boy's Golf team had a lot to live up
to after going to the State Championships
during the 2006 season. After losing key
contributors in Ben Tenuta and Chris
Strangberg, Coach Lesjak relied on returning
players andrcwWOJCIE.CHOWICZ and
had I .BERT to lead the way.
Alongside Ebert and Wojciechowicz, seniors
jad EDQUIST, joshuaHACKBAR'I H, junior
johnMADRIGRA.i.. ro, and sophomores
richardBORMA and samuclSHEEHA all
battled for playing time on the varsity team.
The season started off slowly for the team as
they took 5th place in the first SEC ten-team
meet held at Tuckaway Country Club. But
they bounced back in the second SEC meet by
winning the event by a slim two strokes
*finished in Ist place at
the I0 team SEC Meet.
*finished in Ist place at
the Bradford 6est Sall.
*Won regular season
conference championship.
*Advanced to sectionals
for a third straight year.
Win. 155 - 162
at Maplecrest
3rd Place
over crosstown rival Tremper and conference
foe Racine Horlick.
"It was great to know that if one of our
players didn't play his best the rest of us
would have his back," said senior <md_y \VOJO.
The success didn't stop there as the team
continued their success by beating Tremper by
seven strokes at a duel meet at Maplecrest.
"We had a lot of fun throughout the year, but
when it mattered we focused and got the job
done," said junior johnMADRIGRANO.
The regular season ended with the SEC
Conference Championships at Evergreen CC.
The red devils won the conference
championship and ch,1dEBI'RT won the
medalist honors. They were on pace to return
to the WIAA State Finals. - Steve Djurickovic
Saturday the 17th, 2007
"I#Nd !/tat!ltt lrarrltr I wr/4 !ltt 11t{fre twit
I 4tt11t- !If ltave" - Tlttfmt/4tJe(/frdffn
Senior Andre Holland went to
Senior Man.:us Hudqm collected
his mone) from friend' and
prepared to bu) new Jordan .
Senior Jack Edquist attempts to knock a shot next to
the pin in a duel meet against Tremper High School. Jack succe sfully made a
sand save for par and led Bradford to a ix- hot victory over the Trojans.
4th Plac
Beloit Invite
9th Place
Best Ball
05/07/ 07
1st P lace
SEC lOTeam
1 t Pla
UMBER 0 E POT Junior Chad Eben launches a ver) difficult bunker shot during the
10 Team SEC Meet at Meadowbrook. By getti ng up and down. Chad recorded another par
on the scorecard and helped assist his team to an acceptable third place. While the Red
Devils collected more conference points, the) captured a lone first place in conference play.
enior Andy
Wojciechowicz lands his tee hot in the
fairway, with the help of hi teamate
Andy led Bradford to a first place finish.
Hackbarth rolls in a long and testy par
putt on one of the many confu ing green.
at Meadowbrook Country Club.
Junior John
Madrigrano perfects his flop shot while
trying to get up and down for par against
Tremper in a dual meet at Maplecre. t.
against Tremper. Junior Richard Borman
shows his adversity to his teammates by
putting right handed while golfing left.
LS.A. BOARD (top) C.Vargas,
A.Ochoa, .Cerecere , K.Hernandez
(bottom) R.Hernandez, G.Bautista.
ER After beating
all the students in Madden, taff
member Barry O'Connell smiles big.
Freshmen Torrence Ratliff and Travis
Lashlee took second and third place.
FI AL SCORE senior Jeremy
Kimbrough goes over to junior Mark
DeRose to make sure his basketball
team i till in the lead at half time.
ET'Q 90
Intramural Qport~
WINNING TEAM (back) Isiah Walton, Joseph Reimer (middle) Tervarious
Ware, J'uan Ingram, Marcell Tyler, Justyn Galloway (front) Keith Davi., Rico
Hernandez, Charles Ware, and Devin Dorsey. Game after game, this team
dominated the football field to win first place medal for flag football.
Intramurals was a huge
success this year with an
average of fifty students per
activity. This was the best
intramural turnout ever.
The Bradford Intramurals
Sports Association is a club
solely run by students with
six board members who meet
monthly to discuss future
sports for the association to
"I enjoy being on the board
because I like sitting on the
sidelines and watching all the
teams play one another," said
senior Nathan Cereceres.
Students were able to pick
from many different sports
such as football, basketball,
dodgeball-and there was even a
dance contest. Madden '07 or
BA Live video games were
also very popular for those not
into "physical" sports.
"My goal in high school was
to score against Mr. Knecht in
basketball," claimed senior
Manuel Ramirez. "I'm proud
to say that this goal was
successfully accomplished."
After every tournament all
the members on the winning
team received medals to
display with great pride and
joy. -Rachel Van Berg
Junior Andrew Mir~k) played
pool with hi' friends at Cla'>sic
Bi lliards then Y.atched a mo"ie.
Junior Tony Clark got ditched
b) hi' four friend, and so went
home to chill.
THE VARSITY T E AM (top) Coach Gename, Jeff Thorpe, Andrew Dra1ewski, Matt
Jones(bottom) Katelyn Lemay, Danielle Gename, Jake Verneue. Andrew Lemke
It w ii I 11 spa re 11 y o u
from boredom
The bowling team began the season slowly with a 0-2
record, but thanks to junior Drew Lemke's (a.k.a "Mr.
Clutch") terrific play, their ea on had a big turn around.
Then, with the momentum building, the team went on to
rattle off six straight win including a mo t impressive \vin
against cros -town rival Tremper.
"We owe it all to Mr. Clutch; without him it would've
been a tougher sea on" said junior] ake Vernezze
During practices, the team placed wager on the games;
lucky winner would be given french frie by the loser .
In their first tate appearance the team placed eighth \vith
ophomore Chri Vaccaro and junior Andrew Drazew ki
bowling a pair of 236 to lead the way for Bradford.
The bowler fini hed with an impre ive fourth place in
the di trict and all agreed that it wa a major improvement
from the la t ea on. - ] ohn Madrigrano
<urday the 10th, 2007
. ophonlllre l"a ,\l-n,hi had a
niugh night \\hen he di located
hi' ,boulder while he ,1cpt.
Fr<.!,hman Dan Krueger went to
a porh 'hO\\ 111 :-.tih«tuk<.!e
\\here hi' si,ter killed a fi,h'
A LARGE GROUP OF HIGH AC HI EVERS These elite students are part of the most pre&tigious
cl ub at Bradford. Each member has contributed something to their school and community. Led by
Ms. Ward. this group will be remembered for their great amount of dedication and hard work.
Sh wing th TRUE M aning of "Hon r
Junior Mary Tate a ks a
question during one of
the monthly NHS
meetings. The officer of
the club really encourage
the members to voice
their opinions freely.
Sophomore Tiffany Otto
shows her excitement as her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto,
pin on her official ational
Honors Society pin. This
pin is put on by the parents
to signify the importance of
being inducted into NHS.
A PRO D MOM E T ophomore Mall ory Finnigan shares a proud moment with principal Mrs. Schlais and teac her Mrs. Ward . Gettin g an HS pin is an un fo rgettable moment.
This year'
ational Honor Society was much different
than any of the previous years. The officers and advisors
really stressed the importance of the four pillars of HS. In
order to remain a member of the society, each student had
to demonstrate excellence in each category.
"The other officers and I had to come up with 'laws' that
our chapter would have to abide by. This gave HS
structure and purpose," said senior presidentjenna Lichter.
The induction of new members is always a highlight of the
year. This occur during an important proces ion in which
the inductee are given their official HS pins. There were
thirty new students who gained entrance into HS this
year based on their outstanding qualities as a student and as
a person.
"I know each new member will make a difference in the
coming years!" said enior VP Adam] ohnson. -Ericka Otto
Gu latz and Tyler Harvey show off
the community service project that
they completed over pring break.
Both were elected as future officer .
Adam Johnson leads the H meeting
since the president is out of town.
Adam talks to the other member
about events concerning the club.
Monday the 12th, 2007
Senior :\.lanny Ramirez ha<l fun
at hi tango class. where he
recel\ ed the best student a\\ ard.
Senior Charise Wright glances at the
2005-2006 yearbook while searching
for a little im piration for her page.
YEARBOOK A (bottom row) John Madrigrano.
A. WojchiechO\\ icz, J. Edquist. J. Zuehl<dorf
(2nd row) R. Gra,hen. C. Knoll. A Kober. L.
Gastaldi (3rd row) D. Denn). H. Brem. A.
Montgomery. D. chm1dt. R. Van Berg. S
Laiare\lc (4th row) J. Santiago. A. Felland, H
Zbilut. S. Wolf. ~1. Rhee. M. Warner. A. Baguio
Junior Jake Loe\, en hung out
\\ nh hi friends recalling the
rnfamou Hoolle Epho<le '
YEARBOOK B (bottom ro") E. Ono. C Lawli s
(2nd row}
Zuchowski. R.. ·uorala. L. Sa,aglio.
C Villaruel. '- Farfalla. J. Hoffman Ill Ord row) J.
Gehnng, V. Ro, i. K. Gauchel. z. Liu. R. Stenhoh.
T. Bauman (4th row) S. Perotto. L W1e,ke. C.
Wright. D Marocchi (5th Ro") D. Sh1koff, J
Belotti. S. DJunkovic ..\I. La" ler. C. Marano
Making Memories;
That Las;t a Life time
YEARBOOK PHOTOGRAPHY (bottom row) Chelsea Bran tetter. Tyler
Piper. Ryan Buffarnonte, tephanie chanke. Edward Rangel, Mr . mith
(2 nd row) Jacquelyn Paar, Robert Gauler. hawna Moore
Two thousand and seven
turned out to be another
innovative year for the
Bradford yearbook crew who
built their book around the
concept of time.
"I really liked last year'
book, but wanted to do
something completely
different. The editor played
around \vith the idea of
putting a book in
chronological order, and then
ran with it," aid Mr . mith,
the advi or.
Editor Ericka Otto added,
"It wa difficult to get
everything organized, but we
had the previou ummer to
do it, and we thought it
turned out great!"
From taking pictures, to
wearing their "highlighter"
yearbook hirt , to joking with
each other while laving over
page , yearbook wa more of a
ocial get-together than a cla s
(unle s, or cour e, omeone
didn't make their deadlinethen it wa like a
concentration camp).
"It wa fun, but we all knew
we had to get the page doneor face Mr . Smith' wrath,"
joked senior Du tin Denny.
It is afe to say the yearbook
team had the "time" of their
live . - fatt La\\'ler
LOOKI G ERIO S Freshman Jennifer
Bowen stares down a fellow cast member
during the opening night of the play.
pool uunng g) m cla's ~
Junior Kristopher Knuhen
had a Big Star
burger for lunch .
arr~ ng Io 1'ltr $
eram;ng of the d'hi·ew
Zimmerman does a great job playing
Grumio, an older man hobbling with a cane.
'/a/?,t !ihtt fir tkttbtJr~· b!I/ wkn !k flint ft!r adlt/n
arr/J/~ 411!/1 ~ andJO' tn:
<urday the 17th, 2007
-Na;;o-!ttrn Bo-M(Jar!t
Junior Jake Verneue \\ent to
one of his bi: t friend's parties
und then rented a mo\ 1c.
Junior RanJy Be1otte hung out
"Ith his girlfri.:nd and "ent and
got food at ~lcDonalds.
CAST PHOTO The illy photo op of the cast of Taming of the Shrei. how
off the all-girl cast of the Shakespearean play. Although most of the girls
played men, only a handful of the actresses actually played women's roles.
TEAS! G The character of Lucentio, played by freshman Lauren Cal met, look
longingly offstage as Tranio tea e him after he confessed hi love for Bianca.
The Shake pearean language didn't stop the actresse from making it a comedy.
INNOCE T With a shy look on her
face. junior Jennifer Bowen plays the
pan of a ervant for Bapti ta. the
father of Katherina and Bianca.
A cast of all girls came together to create one of
hakespeare's most notable plays, which i set during
the 1960' and it i mainly about women' roles in
society during that time.
With practices ranging everyday for a month with
three to six hours of practice per day, it was noticable
how much effort they put into the show to make it what
it was-great.
"Some of my favorite moments during the year were
seeing the girls before they were made-up to look like
men and after the play was over. It wa hilariou." said
junior Megan Warner.
An intere ting fact about the play i that the girl who
were done up to look like men had beard \Vhich were
made out of the same fake hair material that wig are
made from, and some were made from a make-up that
when applied, re embled a beard.
The play it elf is about the main character Katherine,
(played by junior Megan Warner) who i a wild and
outgoing person who i known by the town as a being
a shrew. When a man by the name of Petruchio
visits, he has a lot of interest in her and tries to lead
her away from her wild ways and "tame" her to fit the
bill of a "good housewife."
"Even though people think hake peare i hard
study and perform, it's really not difficult to memorize
your lines becau e no one knows what you're talking
about anyway, o there i really not a lot of tre to
get things right," aid enior Carolyn Collin .
The ca t of the play had many different view on
what the moral of the tory wa .
"The play i really up to interpretation; everyone had
different view on what the story's moral wa ," aid
John Madrigrano
fre hman Lauren Calmet-
LOVE I I THE AIR Sharing a lovely
moment together, Chris (Molinaro) and
Kim (Geisler) kis'> for one tor la!>t time.
ophomorl! Jo eph Rile) went to
pla) basketball \\ ith friend-, at
the local Bo) s and Girl-. Club.
After 'chool. sophomore Ya Ya
Jacob got her,l!lf a new pair of and a ne\\ shin.
~$$ 5~go1m
cftudent &/itio11
"WHY GOD \\'HY?" After arriving in Vietnam to fight in
the war, senior Braxton Molinaro's character Christopher
cott cannot under tand ""h) he's having uch romantic
feelings for a Vietname e girl in such a hort period of time.
' 0 0 0 Kim ('>enior Kimberly Geisler)
embraces her fiance (senior Scott Fro'>!) wh m
she was forced to kill to protect her son.
t/M M !tff; l/f8 ft&4; we ftavt fff tt!ff
ffllkr we /11/JM tt!ff. " -Jff4h Bt!lbtp
Friday the 23rd, 2007
Sophomore Stephanie Dollme}er
""ent to the mm ie theater to see
the mo\ ie .Vorb11
Sophomore, 'oel Peralta pent
h1 Frida} night at Guttorm ens
\\ ith some of his friends.
THE BEST DEAL AROU D John (sophomore Joshua Rach) does his best
to bargain with the stubborn engineer (junior Luis Herrera) on a much
cheaper price to "purchase" one of the many prostitutes for his best friend.
PURE SEDUCTION Gigi ( ophomore Tri ten Hafen cher) does a eductive
dance for the American oldiers at the Dreamland Strip Club. Her aucy
aigon" for the night.
performance for the eager oldiers gets her voted "Mi
Engineer (Herrera) tell the audience
of the great life he wi hes to pur~ue
when he finally move to America.
SPLASHI AROUND' Kim (senior Kim Geisler) and Christopher Scott
(senior Braxton Molinaro) spend time ki sing m the rice field of Vietnam.
They spend every possible moment together and soon fall in love.
and the other girl ing ong and
pray for protection before they
entertain the American oldier .
l\1iss Saigon was Bradford's second student edition
project with Music Theatre International and!theatrics.
"We have enjoyed the challenge of working on the
tudent edition of Mi
aigon. It ha been a privilege
to work with a music library that is so committed to
work for young artists," aid Director Holly Stanfield.
lVfiss Saigon revolves around Kim, who lo es her
parents and is forced to be a protitute in Vietnam. There
she meets an American solider named Chris; they fall in
love and plan to go back to America together to get
married. But when Saigon fall to the Viet Cong, Chris
has to retreat and return home, unaware that Kim is
pregnant with his son. He eventually marries another
woman. Years later, he returns to Vietnam to find Kim,
who i determined to make Chris take their on back to
America and achieve thi by commiting suicide.
Members of the cast agreed that one of the best thing
about Mi Saigon was the et.
"It [the set] was well thought out so that the audience
was able to ee every detail at a new angle because of
the lanted tage. There wa a rice field which actually
held water; thi helped make the play even more
reali tic for the audience," aid sophomore] oshua
The cast did a remarkable job portraying their
character . They were challenged with scenes in which
they were forced to put themselve in the war-torn live
of the Vietnamese who lo t everything and were
de perate to leave their country.
"The play forced u to realize that war i n'tju t about
the general picture of who win and who lo es; it'
more about the small detail like 1dzat you lo e," aid
enior Kimberly Gei ler.
-A hley Baguio
Wednerlay the 28th, 2007
Junior Zack Albert passed out on
the tloor J!ter \\ atching a brain
surger) ITIO\IC in ps)cholog)
')ophmore Ashley !\11ftlin got
he• 1cense toda). onl) gettmg a
total of four point off.
A IME CL B 1EMBER (back row)Trevor Giovanelli, Darrius Simmons, Dane Rohrer.
James Markin. Erik Roskres, David Jensen (middle row) Candise Bullock, Courtney Allen. Heather
Relke n. Olivia Ca>tillo. Ray Mack, Matthew Warnecke, Jessica Hagan (front row) Devin Kick.
Denise John on. Krb ten Dupuis, Brittany Jenrette. Lucie Rider, and Mrs. LiVobi.
CRAFr TIME Senior> Candise Bullock, Loretta Donnell y, and Sarah Marble are
maki ng anime creature after school. They are excited to see the outcome because they
wi ll be bri nging them along to their convention to show other fans their creation .
Bradford's anime otaku club has provided Bradford anime
fans with plenty of]apanese animation showings, tidbits of
Japanese culture, interesting projects, and fun events since
it creation in 2004.
The anime club ha steadily been gaining steam, and
thanks to leadership from president junior Lucie Rider and
club advisor Mrs. LiVolsi, anime has become a great club to
join for the many anime fans at Bradford.
This year the "animers" participated in many fun
activities that included elling Pocky, having parties,
playing video games, dressing up as anime characters, going
to anime conventions, and just hanging out. They realize
that many think they are crazy, but they don't care.
"The best part about anime is the people you meet because
they have such extreme and fun personalities that I can
relate to," aid Rider. -Valerie Rossi
Thursday the 29th, 2007
Sophornore Ely,ha Orti1
d1 ccted ..i fetal pig during
hurnan anatom) da''·
Mr. Karvelas carefully drill a design
onto a wooden block. They work
slowly so that it will turn out perfectly.
working on a car with junior Matthew
Jones. he is learning how to change
a spare tire "just in ca e."
Sophornore Eluabcth Ostalaza
took a te t 111 math after tud) ing
the night betore tor it.
practices safe workshop skill as he
drill carefully into a a wooden block
with a slow and steady hand.
I-lands-On Work Skills
Q ALITY TIME Aly sa Hansen and Dernn Larsen pend time together
away from the group as the) work on a blanket. The blanket program was
pon ored b) Jockey in \\hich every adopted per on was gi\·en a blanket.
Han en and Lar en put last minute touches by tying the edge of the blanket.
Another year for Mr.
Karvela and hi wonderful
students. Mr. Karvelas's
class taught the vocational
part of the Cognitively
Di abled- Severe Program.
Hi class focu ed on teaching
tudent , with pecial need ,
different \vork kill that ''Till
allow them to eventually find
fulfilling jobs in the
tudent practice variou
kill by completing wood
projects, participating in the
auto shop and by having jobs
both in the cla sroom and in
the building. ome student
found job in Infra Red
working with people in the
marketing bu iness. Mr.
Karvelas' tudent learned
how to work and
communicate with other
people in the chool. The e
tudent even help the
cu todial taff keep the
school clean. They
experienced a different life
out ide their own.
Mr. Karvelas watched the
change in the e tudent
every tep of the way and
quote "it' o rewarding to
work with my tudent one
on one." -Chri lyn Villaruel
TASTE? Senior Nathan
Drysdale seems to be
tasting the Leaning
Tower of Pisa.
Sunday the 1st, 2007
POW! 'Senior Dan
Fickenscher tests his
strength a he attempts
to knock over the tower
in Pisa, Italy.
Sophomore A'hk) Pett) 'pent
her 1.t) cre.1t111g a modern pencil
' enior Chri'l) n Yillaruel \\a'
read) to take on a girl for
me,,ing \\ llh her nO\\ e:-.- BF
Spreading music ...
around the world
__----...usic Trips
JlJMP ON! Junior' Curt1' Jones and
Ryan 'vtorris-Leung hop on senior Jesse
Gome1 while taking ad\·antage of their
pring break in Atlanta, Georgia.
DRl.JMM I ' ALONG Drummers Sam
Jacob. '\ick Taylor. Andy Schamber,,
Rashid Dar, Ridge Rucker, Lisa Garza.
and ' athan Ferda in Atlanta, Georgia.
"Mli4it ~ aJIK/f! frtrm !k dtJtil !k d!IJf trf
tVtJrfdaft ~"
C LIMBI 'TO TH E TO P Senior Martell
Rice hows off his rock cl imbi ng skills. He
was part of the Atlanta, Ga band group.
-&r!ltuld A11trbtlth
eniors athan Drysdale, Alyssa Mi rsberger, and Daniel
Fickenscher stand together fo r a picture on a balcony ove rl ooking the city o f Rome.
They were three of many members of choir who trave led to Italy over spring break.
Juniors Amber Ri vera and Mercedes
Ri vera sit dow n to rest after a long
day of sight seeing in Roma, Italy.
Wt1dnerlay the 4th, 2007
Jumor. "ick Lukassen enjoyed
the beautiful weather b) going
out to eat at Big Star
Sophomore 1cole Bell pent
her day by going to the movies
for her friend' birthday
F A \lIL Y \ ACA TIO'l/-A:-iD \IORE ! Choir director \Ir.
1\lann poses with his son during the choir's trip to Italy OHr
spring break. The two week trip allO\\ed the members of the
choir to experience the sights. sounds, and culture of Ital).
1ING IT ALL The Bradford Band shows off the "hardware" that they
earned after winning the competition in Atlanta, Georgia. This is the second
consecutive year in which the band came home from their trip with an award.
I GI G 0 T LO D Members of the Bradford
choir program sing to those who walk by. They sang
in different areas throughout the city of Florence.
This year's band, orchestra,
and choir programs traveled to
different places around the globe
for their annual music trips over
spring break.
The band program traveled to
Atlanta, Georgia to take part in
a very competitive competition.
"It was a prestigious
competition and we were just
glad to come home with the
trophy at the end of the day, "
aid senior Andrew Gallo .
Joining the band in Atlanta
was the orch estra program. Like
the band, the orchestra took part
in a competition with
front of the building where they won their
competition. Over fifty students went on the trip.
other orchestras from around
the country.
Even though the band and
orchestra both had enjoyable
trips, the most "exotic" one of
the season was probably the
choir trip to Italy.
"Ju t eeing the Leaning Tower
of Pisa and the re t of Italy's
history was an experience that I
will never forget,and I know I
will think back to it often, " said
enior ikki Mueller.
All in all, the annual music
trips were a success and will
only continue to get better in the
future. - teve Djurickovic
ensemble. \\ h1ch i a part of the orche. tra program.
play at the State Capital Building in Atlanta. Georgia.
eniors Je. ica herman and
Annastasia Swartz. and
sophomore Kylee Brinkman
travel through caves in Italy.
"LEA VE ME ALONE! Sophomore James Hoffman III is being
carried into a fountain by juniors
Curtis Jones and Ryan Morri. Leung (shoe . socks. and all!)
Sunday the 8th, 2007
Practice Mak P rf ct
Freshman Andrew Koski had a
nice da) bumming around the
hou. e la\ ing 'ideo games.
Sophomore Stephanie Rocrn
celebrated her one year
anni\ ersar. '' ith her bo\ friend.
"At!Jreafadtw~ltl41 rtqllirt tlntt. "
Mtlfjft A111t!tft1
\ \RSITY B.\ . ·n ctop f\\O) A Belcher. K.
Am1strong. T Hughes. L. Hesse, C
Bruzas. C. Eckardt, N. Donalds. T. Bakkala. A.
Skokut. J. Stearman. B. Larson. B. Sander,. J.
Hetelle. (5th row) N. Zoerner. C. Maegaard . .'vi.
\,1arano. J. Gaudio. M. Hernandez. S. Gross. :\1.
Hinkes. J. Pugel. C. Gy urina. R. Marble. C. :\loore,
E. Stone. R. Voss. A. Hayes. (4th row) M. Weber.
N. Stolfe, ,\ . Johnson. D. Bautista. M. Wamboldt.
K. Schulz. D Siel. J l.awliss \1urgo. Z. Swiatko. J.
V. ashington. N Schantek. C. M11ler (1rd row) R.
DePalma. S. Hessefort. T epper. J. Close. A.
\\ mzer. A. Eckman. K Hobbs. A. Kenner. R.
Smith. E. :\lontemurro (2nd row) M. Berea. R.
Crane. T. l::ngland. S Gonzales. A. s, atek. R.
Ra mussen, A. Tomuak .• '. L) ysk1. A. Stein. :\I.
Porter. R. Blomquest. (bottom row) C Pearson, R
Loots. J. Cakkron, 1 Diehl. \ 'Vlatteucci. S.
Patm:k. S. Ceschin J. B.iren,1. J BO\\ en.
CO CERT BA D (top row) T. Bakkala, A.
Ha) es, J. Allen, S. Dirks. C. Iorio. D. Hurlbut, Z.
Quezada, A. Le lie, A. Kohnke, D. James, J.
PrO\ance, K. Knutsl'n. J. Ruiz. (4th row) P.
Ste\ en . K. Kohnke, J. Stewart, C Painter, J.
Randdl, K. Jaskolski, K Baguio, S. We) and, D.
el on. D. Calderwood, T. Kuligo ki, C. Harper,
. '. Donald , K. Schulz. (3rd row J K. Hobb . T.
Bauman, J. Kre)e, E. Bel k), R. Hrnctar. A.
Ka per, C. Gmo. C. Aceto, L. Regalie, J. Romano.
K. Binotto. (2nd row) D. Maccari, J. ieto, \1.
Crane. M. Robert on, '. Stolfe, P. l udlow. T.
Jone . K. Hamb). K. 0 trow ki, . Peralta.
(bottom row J F. Loughead. R. Gorr, 1.
Achtemeier, E. Hendrick en, K. Peter , K. Baguio,
E. Qui t, K. elson, A. Hughes.
Sophomore Korey Koukal went
over to his friend's hou-,e
to pla) ba.,ketball.
Mr. Taylor did another good job this
year with his band classes. When
asked, his students said that by far,
the best time they had all year
occurred when they went to Atlanta
Georgia right after spring break.
"I thought our performance in
Georgia was one of the best I've ever
heard us do. We took first place in
the 'Mu ic in the Park' competition.
I'm not going to lie: when we got off
of that bu after a long night we were
dead. An hour later we had to play
in the park and it was amazing how
well we did, " said junior Jessica
Lovejoy after he got back from
Another great performance was at
Band-0-Rama. When Kenosha' bands
get together the sound is awesome and
the audience is always impressed.
"I was very excited about playing in a
flute quartet at solo ensemble this year. I
thought that the mu ic wa cool and we
sounded great," said junior Holly
As a tribute to all troops in Iraq, the
clo ing song for Band-0-Rama wa
"Star and Stripes." Many people, both
tudents and parents were touched by
the sentiment the patriotic song
exhibited. Once again, Band-0-Rama
was worth all of the time it took to make
it happen! -Rebecca uorala
Junior Amanda Ander on \\Cnt
Monday the 16th, 2007
ed~ Mlff fff k&/Jtltff Ntrfl{lttltff fmm
,,,,,,1,, ,'tltttt!' at ffnee''
e'\cited to kno'' that he\ going to
hang out "nh his girlfriend.
''tJ' • .•.',•.:a,'1. •.. ,' •'• . •, ',':
1 t ,'.,'
•' ~'
, t .t \' \
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\ ' i
-· - \, . .- 1 j
- , ,, I
~ \I' . / I •.
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!') ·'
' .'
CO CERT CHOIR (in no pecific order)
A. Ander on. B. Augustine. L. Bayer. K. Brinkman.
C. Brown, E. Brzezinski. A. Carlson. C.
Champagne, H. Chri uan en. . Cremona, D.
DeWildt, B. Eclarinal, K. Ekstrom. K. E cobar. J.
Freng. D. Gilmore. K. Gonzales. S. Gra). E. Haley,
E. Harding. R. Hemm, L. Home . R. John on, G.
Jone . A. Ko ta . B. Lampada. K. ~ack, A.
Maravilla, J. Mason. S. Mau, E. Menge, E.
Meulbroek C. Ocac10, M. Panase\\icz. S. Poe, H.
Rarncheck. A. Scalzo. J. Scott. A. Sherman. C.
Sle zynski, 0. Vaughn. M. Walentowski, M.
Walker. A. Wallace, T. Watkins. M. Whitefoot. J.
Aiello. S. Carl on C. Ell \\orth. A. Frazee. M. Gill,
R. Gorr, D. Herr, B. Jensen, A. Kelly. . Korth, A.
Mann, Z. Martin, V. McKillip. B. Meeker. J. Millu,
B. eemann. R. Owen , D. Reget. J. Reyes, M.
Snuth, M Stuhgro • D. Zoia
TREBLE CHOIR (m no -,pecific order) (A) S.
Aiello, M. Berg. P. Bonanno. E. Brngger. R. Bryan.K.
Bulh,, K. Butts, S. Ceschin. A. Champagne. '.1.1. Diehl
'.\.!. Dorse;.. B. Ed,,ards. D. Encarnacion. D. Figueroa.
L. Funk. K. Gerou. A. Hanson. C. Hedges. J. Herrera,
J. Hick-,, A. Hirtrciter. R. Illes. A. Jacoh,on. E.
Kohler. K. Lott. S. \lartin. E. :\teulbroek.
R. '.l.ltller. A. el,on. S. Paura. C. Pear on. L Pierce
A. Regel. C. Rosmann. A Sanderson, \I. Schliepp. A.
kend1iel. K. Skundberg. L. Torres, :\I. Waldow. D.
Weiland. A. Winier (B) C. Allan. K. Beard. K. Creed,
E. DaYis, A. A. Dia1. V. Figueroa. S. Flore,,
M. J-roh. A. Gulbransen. C. Hall. D. Jones, K
Jor)!enson. K. Kraus. J. Krey. M. Langston. C
\lcGrain. K. Mentek. A. '\elson. C. 0 trum. \I Pilger
M. Prell. S. Rib. F. Serpe. S. Seymour. R. Shikoff. H
o inski. E. Tatro. \ii. Tatro. A. Taylor. Q. Thorpe . .\!.
Trawick. B. Vela. A. Watkin . R. Wenberg
Tuerlay the 8th, 2007
Junior Lam1ra Ccnin got soaked
by the rain as she ran into the
school building.
Bradford choir may have had to
overcome some obstacles during the
school year, but as usual, they never
missed a beat. Choral Fest was
canceled due to bad weather and the
Christmas Concert had to be
postponed; however, choir finished
off beautifully with the success of the
Spring Concert.
Led by Brad Mann, choir as a whole
consists of four subgroups: A
Cappella, Concert, Treble, and Men's
choir. Everyone agreed that choir
taught them a lot.
"Mr. Mann has always had the
ability to choose songs that the choir
can not only enjoy, but keep
them challenged and focused as well,"
aid senior] osh Hackbarth a member of
A Capella choir for three years.
A Cappella and Concert choir also had
the chance to go to Italy during spring
break. In Italy, the students got the
chance to show their audience how
America sings. They performed at
cathedrals and were able to tour the
beautiful country. It was a tiring but fun
trip for all.
"We all had some fun times both inside
and outside the classroom with Mr.
Mann. Oh yeah, and we learned and
sang some amazing musical pieces-I can't
wait until next year," said junior
Maureen Haebig. -Savka Lazarevic
Freshman Dylan "Pop.r" Farnam
met a girl and got her numher
during his lunch hour.
Thursday the 10th, 2007
Freshman Er111 :S.:or<lloh \\as
reall) e:-.cited to tind out that she
recei\ed ,111 ,\+on an e am.
home toda) from \ 1mnesota \\here
she shopped at \lall of America.
~===============::;::========:::;:::=========:;:======---=-...:..::=:;:::==============:::;--- SY\lPHO;-.;I(' ORCHESTRA
(top) Ste\'c Snowden. Preston Knapp. Jesse
Gomez. Curtis Jone . Chari e \\'right.
Chelsea Ltl\\ hss. Todd Bredm, Da\ i<l
\!ason , Ali krdee (ro\\ J) Kathr)n DeVroy
Kcrr.1 Allen, ,\ly,sa Colhoth. Hannah Bruk.
Keb1c \leli...-a Vo", Dacna
Voelz. Emil) \lontemurro. Ak:-..andra
Huffman. Heidi Fritz. Wa)ne Lmejo) (rfl\\
2) James Hoffman. Alyss<1 Valenta, R)an
.\ lorris·Leun)!. Ben Warren. Kristi Po"on
\Ian Tate. Rhiannon \1cGr.m , Jackie
Kru,e . Brittan) Nikolai. Kelle) Vn:Yich.
Alyssa Nepper. Heather Christian en
(bottom) l\iathan Dr) sdale. J\lanssa Pinnola.
Donhee Lee. Erin Schrandt. Loren Larsen.
Callie Sand111c. Capn Pear...1rn. Kell) Lang.
,\hrianna Barca. Dan Kirdmer. Ahb)
Pekoske. Annette Ort it, Kala !st\ anek.
(top) Mathew Jones. Jame
Hoffman. Todd Bredin, Da\id
Mason. Ryan Mom -Leung.
Curtis Jones, Jesse Gomez
(mid) Melissa Vo s, Jackie
Kru e. Heidi Fritz. Kelley
Vrevich, Aly a epper.
Isabelle Beauchemin. Beth
Stebbin , Courtney Hall,
Aly a Colboth (low) Capri
Pearson, Bnttany ikolat.
Daena Voelz, Emily
Montemurro, Michael Jen en,
Michelle Pinnola, Donbee Lee.
Chelsea Lawliss, Abby
Peko ke, Mrs Tercek.
<urday the 12th, 2007
that it would be fun to tic sheets
The Bradford orchestra went
through another major makeover
this school year with the arrival of a
new conductor from Washington
middle school, M . Liz Tercek. By
bringing in new styles of teaching
and making sure all the ba ics of
music were covered, the orchestra
was able to play many different and
challenging styles of music.
"I'm very proud of the students,
because I know it was quite hard for
them to go through all these changes
of conductors and style of teaching.
I look forward to creating new
memories and traditions with this
orchestra," said Ms. Tercek.
Also, new to the list of activities this
year was the giving of proceeds from the
spring concert to a charity of the group'
choice. This year's charity, voted on by
the students, was the ALS Association.
"It was exciting to know that by giving
this money, we rai ed the amount of
re earch possible and hopefully ociety
will have a better knowledge of this
crippling disea e," said enior Daena
Orchestra took 1 t place in superior
rating while on the chamber trip to
Atlanta. They al o received all "ones,"
(the best possible) while competing at
Tremper. -Chari e Wright
Seni·)r Rand) Be1otte got hit on
by an old lad) v.hile \'acuuming
the floor at his job at Perkins.
Tuerlay the 14th, 2007
Senior Hope Christie left school
earl) for her track meet and
tinished fiN in the mile'
Junior Taylor benherg got asked
to prom b) a hoy in a dog
costume and she said ) es.
DRUM LINE (back row) Tremper teacher, Mr. Taylor (3rd row) Tremper student, Tremper student, junior
Ry an Hrnc1ar, Tremper '>tudent (2nd ro\~) Tremper student, sophomore Lisa Garza, junior am Jacob.
senior ick Taylor. Tremper student, sophomore Jacob Gaudio, Tremper student, Tremper student (I st
row) Tremper student, junior Andrew Lee, freshman Joshua Lawliss, Tremper student, Tremper student
l·OCUSED Junior Andre\\
Lee practice> part of his
solo during rehearsal in the
fieldhouse. Andrew has
been in the Kenosha Beat
for l wo ) ears.
"\ly farnrite part or
Drumline is making mw,ic
\\ ith all of my best friends."
On an inservice day when
most kids get their beauty
sleep. the beats are found
practicing at Bradford.
M rching to th
of Different Drum
DR ·:--.1\tER BOY Senior
1ck Taylor clO\\ ns around
and puts a huge smile on hi
face during rehearsal.
'These past years in drumline
han! been a blast. l hm e
made so many ne\\ friends
and I am \ ery >ad to be
lea\ ing them next year," s.tys
His fa\orite part ol this year
\\as all of the competitions
the) went to and hO\\ well
they did in them.
FOC S ED Nathan Ferda, ic k Tay lor, and Zach Mirsberger perform fo r the dance
team at a footba ll ga me at Carthage. T hi s wa-, the first year the drumlme perform ed at a
game becau'>e in in the past, o nly the cheerleade rs, band, dance teams, and cho ir
participated in the foo tball games.
Made up of eighteen percu sionists from the Keno ha area
high school , the Kenosha Beats was in its second year of
existence. 2006-2007 was the first chool year that they
participated in competition and entered in the
"Independent A" level. This means they had drummers
from different high schools and were entered into novice
level. They started rehearsal in ovember and met one
weekend a month.
The beats joined the Minnesota Percu sion Association
and participated in three competitions in the Minneapoli
and St. Cloud area. They had a very suces ful year and
finished in second place once and first place twice.
"We had a really great group of drummers this year and
accomplished a lot. Hopefully we can continue to play well
next year and participate in even more competition ,"said
director of the beats, Paul Taylor. -Karlee Gauchel
MAKIN' THE BEA TS The boys stand in
a line and practice one of their pieces for
"It\\ as hard learning a nC\\ piece. but it
wa \\orth it to see how well it came out
in competition." ssid junior Sam Jamb.
Jacob Gaudio pays attention to Mr.
Ta) !or's direction so he can get all of the
heats right. Drumline had practice on an
in sen ice da) in the fieldhouse 'o the)
could focus in peace and quiet.
Tuooay the 5th, 2006
Junior Briuan) Bradfonl got to
T A. for one of her fa\ orite
teacher-, '>econd block.
Fre,hrnan Randolph . ' oNrom
bought ome music v. hen he
came home from after -,chool
Katherine Davis
decks herself out in a
new outfit for the
first day back to
school from spring
break. Her ne\\
outfit includes a pink
crop top that is worn
over a white tank top
along with two long
pink necklace for a
wonderful accent to
the outfit.
"l lo\'e weanng
pink. It i my
fa\'orite color and 11
make me feel girlie
and happy. " ays
Katherine Da\'iS.
TRE DY HAIR ophomo re Kimbe rl y Hei nzmann struts her tu ff down the
hall s of Bradfo rd High with he r fas hionable messy hair bun and fa ncy clothes.
Fashion literally knew no bounds in
the hall of Bradford during the 20062007 school year. The late t
magazine and runways styles were
copied by trendy students.
"I loved looking in Cosmo Girl, so I
could ee what was in tyle and dress
like the be t," aid freshman Alyssa
Teen did some crazy things like
wearing flip-flops and shorts on the
colde t day of winter. They al o cut
their hair o that their long bangs hid
all but the chins on their faces.
Mo t of the trend-setters got their
idea from popular TV shows, but
other earched the Internet or just
walked around the mall until they found
something tylish enough to fit their
need or mv omeone wearing
something totally cool.
"I love walking around the malls
becau e I get ideas for my wardrobe and
get some exerci e," said enior] e ica
From layered hirts, to styli h cell
phone , to pants just about falling off, to
the ever-popular total black-clothes-and
-metal look, teen in 2007 ju t wanted to
be individual .
"My favorite look was guy in girl
pant -they weren't comfortable, but it
wa fun tealing them from my si ter's
clo et," aid Rob Gauler. -R. uorala
HOLY PA TS ophomore Kell y Han sen smiles at the camera
as she shows us the ho ly jean he ju t bought at the ma ll.
Pare nt j ust cannot understand hO\\ their kid can pend
money on jeans that are alread) worn out- ill) adu lt'> '
Saturday the 19th, 2007
Spring Trips:
Students Having the
TIMES of their Lives
· enior Canda.:e Re~ nolds -,1a~ ed
htime and '' atched mone
in stead of going to prom!
takes a picture in front of a piece of
art while on the Italian class trip to
the Chicago Art Museum.
Erik Bebk) picked up hi-,
tu edo for prom. earlier
than mo t others.
WOW Oliver Debe, Sarah Garnett,
Mrs. Taylor, Patrick Stephens, and
Ariel Carson take the millions of tairs
to the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.
Y! A group of the Italian club students stand
under a culpture outside of the Chicago Art Museum;
th y marveling at their distorted reflections.
GROL'P PHOTO The Italian class went to the Chicago
Cultural Center to look at different forms of Italian art.
This group experienced a train ride to Chicago and
walked through the city just to get to this museum.
VACATIO ! Bradford's French and
Italian clubs went away for spring
break. The French club went to
France, while the Italian club went to
Chicago. Tho e going to France got
the chance to actually have their
teaching of French come to life.
One of the tudent who attended
the trip to France commented on her
European jaunt:
"It was a breathtaking experience.
Each city in France had its own way
to in pire everyone on the trip;
therefore, it made each person
appreciate life and education much
more," said junior Christina Rhee.
The class visiting Chicago were
exposed to famous Italian art at the
Chicago Musuem.
"Bringing my students to see this art
was my way of teaching Italian inside
of the classroom as well as out. This
was my classes community involvement," said Italian teacher Mr.
Both of the trips were fun as well as
educational. This spring break will
not be forgotten . -A. Kober
F ESH 0'\ THE MARKET French teacher Madame Taylor
st rtcd rapp1 gin 2003. Finally in 2007 she was able to
relca-.e her f st cd, which is a combination of all French raps
she wrote and performed for her cl as es over the years.
BEAUTIFUL Paris's Eiffel
Tower around dusk viewed
from the Sacre Coeur.
Sunday the 20th, 2007
"Uh aJt !k waveJ- maM ttrwar" !k11e0otd 44trre dD' dtf
trttr mmtlll41 lvl4rtn ll1 !ktr end" - w~ Sltakt4/J&Vt
Bradford and Tremper
language group listens to
their tour-guide in a 2,000
year old Roman
Ampitheatre in imes,
Junior Valerie Dahl, and
sophomores Gloria
Ambrowiak, Sarah
Swager, and Oli ver Debe
enjoy the lovely view
with Madame T.
Freshman Alejandro Gonzales
recovered and relaxed his body
after a track meet on Saturday
Freshman Megan Schliepp
attended church and completed
two hours of homework.
Preston Knapp and
sophomores Gloria
Ambrowiak and Sarah
Swager wait for their flight.
THE EIFFEL TOWER Juniors Michelle
Warner, Jamie Cummings, Angelica
Villalobos, and sophomore Oliver Debe
pose with their teacher, '.\'ladame Taylor,
near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
Members of the group
have fun being young
while they swing
around Univer ity
Park in Geneva.
Juniors Zac Shilling,
Adam Watring and
sophomore Patrick
Stephens play cards
while waiting for
their flight to arrive.
Seniors Sarah Slivon
and Leigh Fi tier put
their mmd to the
test as they play a
game of Scrabble in
the 0 Hare airport.
Monday the 21st, 2006
HOW OFF Junior'
Dan Jeffrey and Alys'a
Piccolo strut their stuff
as they get read} to find
out who the winner' are.
Juniors Megan Warner
and Kyle Schroeder
laugh on the way to the
stage. trying not to let
eYerybody see how
nerYous they really are.
Jumor k"ic:a Reul a ff\\ on her
dub 'oc:c:er game b) 'c:oring the
\\ inmng goal
Junior .\mand.i Tihcno pht) ed
,oftball and hit a parked c:ar
Pr~ to l:2e\/tle..~k,e.r...
J/(,<fniy/,/ JfftUff"eraJe
PRETTY L Pl'-:K Junior Charlie
Da\id,on and his date senior Toni
and Queen. 'emor' l\1artell Rice and
DriYer decide to -,it thi-, dance out.
Helena Zbilut go to the stage to
'.\10 t guys wouldnt be caught dead
announce the winners of Prom . They
ing pink but Charlie flaunts it!
are sad to let the title go_..~b_u_t_it~'>~
'Lf#'f krf. .ffpu dtfn'f l!Jrrk artrtmd trnt¥ tn a
~ pu mf1Mm/4dt tt" -Alttflffft!UJ'!JJ'
enior Alexandra tojic and her "date"
1umor Julia Henri h walk into the Prom
excited and ready to dance the night awa}.
Jenn) HemandeL take a mmute from the dance to po e for the camera'>. They are
Yer) tired after dancing the whole night. but it\ a great way to spend their la-,t prom.
emors Carolyn
Collins and , athan Ferda cool off. drink
some water. and enJO) ea bothers company
after feeli ng dehydrated.
Monday the 28th, 2007
Junior Emily Caront1 ru hed a
friend to the ho,pital after he \\as
truck b) a soltball m the ankle
Jumor Kan, a[: llrmal 'ta)ed up
untill 1:30 in the morning v.orking
on her P Engli h pro1ect.
DA. CI. THE. 'IGHT AW A Y Junior' Rachel Bulli' and
Tro) William' celebrate their Yictof) of being crov. ned Prom
King and Queen during a traditional slov. dance. Both \\ere
\ef) '>Urprised at their win. but gracious!) accepted their title'>.
ALL SMILE Junior Ryan Hrnciar smiles at the
camera while dancing with junior icole Cremona.
There were many slow dances for couples to enjoy.
The theme for Prom 2007 was
"Midnight Masquerade." The
dance was held at Marina
Shores, which was decorated to
appear like an elegant masqerade
party. Juniors on the prom
decoration committee worked
weeks in advance to prepare for
the event, and students who
attended were handed an
eyemask as they entered as a
rememberance of the night.
The dance commenced at eight
o'clock and students wasted no
time in getting on the dance
floor. Water and soda were
supplied by chaperone for
BREAK TIME Senior Ricardo Vargas and junior
Jacalyn Kruse take a break and get ome water. With
the dance being four hours long. a break is necessar} .
those who got dehydrated or
who needed a break.
While everyone danced the
night away, the prom court wa
anxiou ly waiting for the
crowning of Prom King and
Queen 2007. Finally the time
came and all the candidates were
introduced. Then, the former
king and queen, eniors Helena
Zbilut and Martell Rice crowned
junior Rachel Bulli and Troy
William , the winners.
The re t of the night was filled
with laughing, dancing, and
inging, but it ended all too oon
for many. -Stephanie Perotta
GOODNIGHT KISSES Juniors Heather Qui t and
John Estep take time to kl during a slow dance. The
masquerade theme made the night's mood romantic.
HAKE IT Junior Luis Herrara
and hi date dance to a crowd
fayorite . Man) songs were
played including. Party Like a
Rock tar and "We Fly High. "
GLAMOROU Junior Arn>
Tripp and Lind e) Hebior po e for
the camera while they hO\\ off
their beautiful pink dresses .
enior Bennett
Litton is breezing
through the
question his teacher
asks him in hi> 12th
grade English class.
enior tud Luke
Kuper flashe his
pearly white as he
makes a cute gesture
towards the camera.
eniors. Rachel Hathcock and Patrick Frazer are looking a little
tired during D-lunch and they can't wait until the end of the school day o that
they can hang out and go down by the lake (where everyone cool hang out).
•• • ••• ••
GETTING READY FOR THEE D Senior William Ortiz dre es appropriately
for the very cold pring weather that everyone experienced and dealt with.
enior Cedrika Jack on goe
into InfraRed to listen to her favorite rap song.
DREAM WEA VER Si tting out ide of
InfraRed, enior Josh Lichter imagi nes all
of the things he i going to do after chool.
With no homework, it will be a great day!
Marco Diaz ponder what next
year wi ll be like in college.
ROCK EM' SOCK EM' ROBOTS Children's toys are always
enjo)able' Pretending to be the famous toy "Rock'em.
sock'em, robot's .. seniors Keith Crump and '\ico Hardcastle
'duke " it out in the fighting ring'!! Keith wins with the victory.
THUM BS UP ! Senior, Kyle Phillip i being goofy at the lunch table as
he tell s funny joke and tories to hi friends. He i quite the comedian
and everyo ne loves having him around. Ky le says, "I love going up to
people and just saying random thing , it's o funny what they say back."
HIGH ROLLERS Senior Mi ke Uttech
say. to his friend be ide him, senior Steve
Applegate: "Little peop le have friends
too'" as they laugh at their inside joke.
Monday the 28th, 2007
Sophomore Ashle) Johnston got
a home-made picture from her
best friend Samantha.
While on an ad\'enture , junior
Curtis Garza tried climbing a
tree. but in tead he fell.
A FATHER'S LO\'E With great pride, senior Kyle
Rodri~uez shows off his adorable three month old daughter.
" \\o,,, now I kno'' what responsibilit) is," mancls K)le.
K? With a mischievou look, enior
Shane wager plays with a child' toy dart-gun . imitating the notoriou Dirty
Harry. By year's end. seniors do all orts of cra.iy thing to pass the time.
!T 1 With a
witty smile.
Jan Dreger is
tickled pink
knowing that
he' going be
soon. To shO\\
his excitment.
he give two
thumbs up.
triking a po. e.
Maxine elson shares some
advice for Bradford's students:
"Let thing go- don't hold onto
omething that isn't worth
holding on to."
that the year is almost finished .
Bra\tOn Molinaro plan a life full
of success and happiness.
KICKIN BACK Elissa Lux and Philip
Ludlow smile for the camera .
.fn //,e cfpo11ufi1
CLOSI G PEECH With word. of wisdom, senior Molly Riviera gives a
heartfelt speech to the Class of 2007. She talked about and motivated the
class for the future. but also told them not to forget all about the good times
and memories at Bradford High School. Molly's speech was fantastic!
GUES WHO? After an entire year of wondering which Driver'' which, we
still don't knO\\ who is proudly displaying their Positive Bradford Women sash
so we will leave it up to you to decide which sister this is-good luck, girls.
FAMILY TIME Proud families and friends
of the graduating students gather in the
fieldhouse to watch graduates walk the stage.
POSE FOR THE CAMERA Adam Jone , David Jones. Terrica Johnson, and
Nick Johnson enjoy themselves v.hile in the spotlight. This was the la~t time
that the enior> were able to po e together before going their eperate way .
PATIE TLY WAITING Fellowclas mates,BrandonLowenbine, Wayne
Lovejoy, Johnathon Londre. and Andrew Lockhart get ready to cross the
stage. They pause and take a break from the intense heat and humidity.
CHEE Y GR! S Adam Krafft and Sam Leick stop to capture one last
moment as seniors before taking that final walk across the Bradford stage.
The moment is bittersweet for these two good friends.
Where did the year go? Many seniors (and teachers)
asked themselves and each other this questions many
times over the year. The answer was, that the year flew
by, and before anyone knew it, the incoming enior
had become the budding adult of the next generation.
As usual, the graduation ceremony wa two thing :
hot, and opened up with the song "Pomp and
Circum tance." Otherwi e, in many ways the ceremony
was very different than past graduations.
"I was kind of surprised at how many teary-eyed
student I saw. There wa a lot more crying than I have
een in all of the years I have been going to graduation,"
said teacher Mr. Haywood.
The enior cla also gave Bradford a beautiful gift: the
much-needed electronic marquee that administrator
have been trying to put on Bradford's lawn for year .
Principal Mrs. chlai wa extremely thankful for the
ATIO AL ANTHE:\1 Jesse Gomez lea,·es a lasting legacy as an incredible
nohnist at Bradford High chool. Hi' unique rendition of thi'> patriouc ong
was inspiring to all the other graduates and families in the audience.
generous gift.
There were also three students (of course, enior )
who gave moving speeches at the ceremony. Rashid
Dar' peech wa filled with witty allusion and a
entimental good-bye; Molly Rivera' peech wa ,
well, typical "Molly-ish" which mean it wa full of
energy and humorous (and thoroughly entertaining).
Finally, Emily Montemurro's speech began with an
anecdote about her sister pushing her into treet in a
wagon, and it ended with a tribute to the cla of 2007
and how much they will eventually accompli h. All of
the peeche moved the audience and made the
graduation something to remember.
"I'll alway remember this year and tho e who made
it pos ible for me to have a really good time during it.
College is ahead for mo tofus, but we will all look
back to the e good day ," aid enior atalie Farfalla.
Patrick Beasley
finished first in state
in the 200 meter
individual medley.
He plans to attend
the University of
Tennesee next year.
Helena Zbilut
was president of
Student Council
and an active
member of NHS.
Carly Werwie
was crowned the
state champion
in girl's golf twice
in her varsity
career. She
plans on golfing
for UW-Madison
next season.
Nathan Ferda
participated in
many theatrical
productions and
symphonic band.
Arie Montgomery
was a member of
Bradford Positive
Women, AP Art
and played girl's
varsit basketball.
Abbie Barca was
president of the KYDA,
an officer of NHS, a
member of student
council and a two year
starter on the varsity
girl's soccer team.
Jonathan JaraAlmonte finished
valedictorian in
the class. He was
a strong
contributor to
Quiz Bowl and
Deanna Love was
the salutatorian
of the class and a
team member of
the very sucessful
Quiz Bowl, and
was also in
lMTD) 15S~
Martell Rice was a
three year member
of the Symphonic
Band and a two
year member of the
Boy's Varsity Track
Melissa Peters was
a leader of the very
prestigious Deca
marketing program
at Bradford. She
plans on attending
Marquette next fall.
Kimberly Geisler
was an outstanding
contributor to
Bradford's theatre
arts program. She
will be attending
AMBROWIAK, Joseph : Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores => 1320,
Presidential/Academic Excellence
ANDERSEN, Kylie: Bradford Perfect
Attendance 1 year, Presidential/Academic
ANDREOLI , Nicholas: Bradford Italian
Club $50
BAGUIO, Ashley: Presidential/Academic
BARCA, Abrianna: Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores => 1320,
Presidential/ Academic Excellence ,
Bradford Practice Peace Award $250 ,
Bradford Student Council $500, BHS
Alumni Assoc. Valiere Anderson Petersen
Memorial Scholarship $500
BEARD , John: (Positive Bradford
Women) Coleman Chapel Youth Choir &
Dance Ministry $100
BEARD, Nataisja: 2007 Rotary
Covational Student Award, (Positive
Bradford Women) Coleman Chapel Youth
Choir & Dance Ministry $100
BEASLEY, Patrick: University of
Tennessee Swimming Athletic Scholarship
(undisclosed$), Presidential/Academic
BINOTTO, David: Presidential/Academic
BLOMMEL, Amanda :
Presidential/Academic Excellence
BOLYARD, Craig: 2007 All-State Scholar
Nominee, Kiwanis Music Award/Band ,
Outstanding Achievement on ACT Scores
=>30 and/or SAT Scores => 1320,
Presidential/Academic Excellence,
Bradford Key Club $125, Bradford
Wrestling Scholarship $500, 2007 Kohl
Excellence Scholarship $1,000, Kiwanis
Foundation of Metropolitan Kenosha
Award $1,000, Freshman Academic
Achievement Scholarship-College of
Engineering UW Madison $2 ,000,
Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce
Education Foundation $2500, BHS Alumni
Assoc. James Zaleski Scholarship $2,500 ,
Wisconsin Elks Association Award $4,000,
Daimler Chrysler Corporation Scholarship
$6,000, EFK Scholarship $6,000, Higher
Education Aids Board Academic
Excellence Award $9 ,000
BOWHALL, Nicholas:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
BREMS , Hannah: Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Bradford Spy $100
BUNDIES , Zachary:
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
BUSKA, Laura: Presidential/Academic
CANNESTRA, Mary Claire:
Presidential/Academic Excellence, Cream
City Calligraphers Scholarship Award
$200, The lllinios Institute of Art-Chicago
Summer Studio 101 Scholarship $1 ,000
CHRISTIE , Hope: University of WIParkside Athletic Scholarship
(undisclosed $), Outstanding Achievement
on ACT Scores =>30 and/or SAT Scores
=> 1320, Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Kenosha Athletic Scholarship
Foundation Glen McCulloch Scholarship
Award $750
CLARK, Joshua: 2007 Rotary Vocational
Student Award
COLLINS, Carolyn:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
COOK, Jennifer: Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Bradford Student Council
$500, Mary Lou Mahone Scholarship
$1000, Soka University of America Merit
Scholarship $40,000
CRAMER , Matthew:
Presidenial/Academic Excellence
CRUMP , Keith: Bradford English Dept.
Personna Grata
DANIELS , Brittany: Bradford Choir
Booster Scholarship $200
DAR , Rashid: Bradford Academic Skills
Challenge , Presidential/Academic
Excellence, University of WI-Madison
William Vilas Scholarship $400, Loyola
University Chicago Scholarship $30,000
DAR , Umer: Bradford Academic Skills
DEVINE, Christopher:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
Presidential/Academic Excellence , United
States Marine Corp. Distinguished Athlete
DONALDS , Andrew:
Presidential/Academic Excellence,
Carthage College Endowed Scholarship
$4,000 , Illinois Institute of Technology
University Scholarship $10,000, Carthage
College Springfield Scholarship $32,000,
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Scholarship $40,000, Illinois Institute of
Technology Henry T. Heald Scholarship
DONNELLY, Loretta:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
DRIVER , Antoinette:
Presidential/Academic Excellence ,
(Positive Bradford Women) Coleman
Chapel Youth Choir & Dance Ministry
$100, Positive Bradford Women $100,
MAARC Book Scholarship $250, KUSD
AHANA Award $350, Mary Lou Mahone
Scholarship $1 ,000, Marquette University
Urban Scholars Award $105 ,080
DRIVER , Monique:
Presidential/Academic Excellence ,
(Positive Bradford Women) Coleman
Chapel Youth Choir & Dance Ministry
$100, Positive Bradford Women $100,
Bradford Guidance Scholarship $200,
MAARC Book Scholarship $250, Omega
PSI PHI Fraternity, Inc., Rho Tau Chapter
National Essay Contest $250, KUSD
AHANA Award $350 , Class of 2006
Scholarship $400 , Prince Hall Masonic
Foundation Scholarship $1 ,000, Mary Lou
Mahone Scholarship $1 ,000 , Marquette
University Urban Scholars Award
EDGE , Amber: Presidential/Academic
EDQUIST, Jack: Presidential/Academic
EVANGELISTA, Javier: Herman and
Virginia Gundlack Scholarship $1 ,000
FELLAND , Alexander:
Presidential/ Academic Excellence ,
Bradford Key Club $100
FERDA, Nathan: Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores => 1320,
Presidential/ Academic Excellence ,
Marquette University Magis Enhancement
$4 ,000, Marquette University Ignatius
Academic Excellence Scholarship
$38 ,000
FEUKER , Sarah : Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Luther College Music Lesson
Scholarship $500, Luther College Weston
Noble Music Sholarship $2,500, Luther
College Olson Presidential Scholarship
FICKENSCHER , Daniel: Bradford
Academic Skills Challenge, Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores =>1320, Kiwanis Choir
FISTLER, Leigh: Presidential/Academic
FRENG, Kaitlin: Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Bradford Swimming $200
GALLO, Andrew: Presidential/Academic
GASTALDI, Lauren : Bradford Student
Council $500
GEISLER, Kimberly:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
GELDEN, Andrew: Bradford Boys Swim
Team $200, University of WI-Green Bay
Athletic Scholarship $24,912 , Wright State
University $41, 778
GOMEZ, Jesse: (Bradford) Outstanding
Orchestra Student Award
GRASHEN, Racquel: Bradford Guidance
Scholarship $200
GUAJARDO, Adilene: Herman and
Virginia Gundlach Scholarship $1,000
HOFF, Kyle: Adam Gundlach Memorial
Scholarship $500, Kenosha Metta
Tremper PTSO Scholarship $500
IBARRA, Melania: Bradford Italian Club
JARA-ALMONTE, Jonathan: College
Board National Hispanic Recognition
Scholar, United States Presidential
Scholars Program, Bradford Academic
Skills Challenge, Outstanding Acivement
on ACT Scores =>30 and/or SAT Scores
=> 1320, Presidential/ Academic
Excellence, Valedictorian, United States
Marine Corp. Scholastic Excellence
National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Recipient $2,500, 2007 All-State Scholar
Nominee & Recipient of Robert C. Byrd
S?holarship $6,000, Higher Education
Aids Board Academic Excellence Award
JENSEN, James: Bradford Perfect
Attendance 1 yr, Presidential/Academic
Presidential/Academic Excellence, James
Jacob Sesser Memorial Scholarship $100 ,
Bradford Practice Peace Award $250 ,
Bradford Key Club $300
JOHNSON , Amanda:
Presidential/Academic Excellence , Carroll
College Voorhees Scholarship $9 ,000 ,
Lake Forest College Prairie State
Scholarship $10,000, Carthage College
Springfield Scholarship $32 ,000
JOHNSON , Nadeja: Bradford Perfect
Attendance 1 year, Presidential/Academic
JONES, David : Presidential/Academ ic
Presidential/Academic Excellence, Scott
Lee Engberg Memorial $1 ,500
JUPP, Ashley: Presidential/Academic
Excellence, University of Evansville
Theatre Scholarship $50 ,000
KLEMM , Sarah : Presidential/Academic
KLUG , Brittany: Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Carthage College Founders
Scholarship $38,000, Jacksonville
University Academic Scholarship $48,000 ,
Carthage College Kenosha Oaks
Scholarship $100 ,000
KNOLL, Crystil : Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Bradford Guidance
Scholarship $200
KOBA, MacKenzie: BHS Alumni Assoc.
Bill & Barbara Serpe Scholarship $2 ,500
KOTTEN , Andrea:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
KRAFFT, Adam: Bradford Academic
Skills Challenge , Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Bradford Guidance
Scholarship $200, University of WIMadison Vilas Equity Scholarship $400,
Aurora Health Care $500
KUPER , Luke: Bradford Academic Skills
Challenge, Outstanding Achievement on
ACT Scores =>30 and/or SAT Scores
=> 1320, Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Bradford Italian Club $50
LACHMAN , Rachel:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
LAWLER, Matthew:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
Award $350
LEBER , Alicia: Presidential/Academic
LICHTER , Jenna: Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Higher Education Aids Board
Academic Excellence Award $9,000
LITTON, Bennett: Bradford Perfect
Attendance 1 year
LOVE, Deanna: Bradford Academic
Skills Challenge , Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores => 1320,
Excellence, Salutatorian, Bradford FBLA
Active Member $25, Bradford FBLA
Outstanding Senior 2006-2007 $50, Holy
Rosary Youth Group Scholarship $200,
Bradford FBLA Outstanding Member
2003-2007 $250, National Merit
Scholarship Finalist & Recipient $1,500 ,
Willamette University TW Collins National
Merit Scholarship $4,000, 2007 All-State
Scholar Nominee & Recipient of Robert C.
Byrd Scholarsh ip $6,000 , Higher
Education Aids Board Academ ic
Excellence Award $9,000 , Willamette
University Merit Finalist Scholarsh ip
LOWENBINE , Brandon : Carthage
College Kenosha Oaks Scholarship
$100 ,000
LUCIANI , Michael: 2007 Rotary
Vocational Student Award ,
Presidential/ Academ ic Excellence
MARANO, Carmine : Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores =>1320 ,
Presidential/Academic Excellence ,
Washington Middle School PTSO
Scholarship $500
MARBLE , Sarah : Presidential/Academ ic
Excellence , Andrea Wirch Memorial
Scholarship $1 ,000, E.C . Styberg
Engineering Company, Inc. $2,000 ,
Carthage College Endowed Scholarsh ip
$4,000 , Carthage College Founders
Scholarship $36 ,000
MAYER, Kallen : Presidential/Academ ic
MCGRAIN , Peter: Bradford Academ ic
Skills Challenge , Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores => 1320,
Presidential/Academ ic Excellence,
Universtiy of WI-Madison Vilas Equ ity
Scholarship $400, University of MissouriColumbia Hullie G Award in Journalism
$1 ,000, University of Missouri-Columbia
Herrick Scholarship in Journalism $2 ,000,
University of Missouri-Columbia Mark
Twain Scholarship $5 ,500, Northwestern
Scholarship $19,503, Drake University
Presidential Scholarship $48 ,000
MEYER, Erin: Presidential/Academ ic
Excellence, Kenosha Metta Tremper
PTSO Scolarship $500
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
MILLER, Johnice:
Presidential/Academic Excellence,
MAARC Scholarship $250, University of
WI-Madison Powers Knapp Award
$28,040, Cartha e Colle e Kenosha
Scholarship $100,000
Presidential/Academic Excellence
MOFFITT, Robert:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
MOLINARO, Braxton : Northy Carolina
School of the Arts Wiiiiam R. Kenan Jr.
Excellence Award $129,000
MONTEMURRO, Emily: (Bradford)
Outstanding Librarian to the Orchestra
Program, Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Bradford Key Club $150,
Bradford Swimming $200, Kiwanis
Foundation of Metropolitan Kenosha
Award $1,000, Viterno University
Academic Scholarship $32,000
MONTGOMERY, Arie: Positive Bradford
Women $100, Bradford Guidance
Scholarship $200, KUSD AHANA Award
$350, Mary Lou Mahone Scholarship
$1 ,000
NELSEN, Alyse: Presidential/Academic
NELSON, Kacy: Presidential/Academic
NEPPER, Alyssa: (Bradford) National
School Orchestra Association Award ,
Presidential/Academic Excellence
NIESEN, Heidi: Carroll College
Voorhees Scholarship $36,000
NIKOLAI, Brittany: (Bradford)
Outstanding Service to the Chamber
OTTO , Ericka: Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Bradford Spy $100, BHS
Alumni Assoc. Gilbert (Gibby) Schwartz
Memorial Scholarship $500, Higher
Education Aids Board Academic
Excellence Award $9,000
PALMEN, Audrey: University of Dayton
Scholarship Award $8,000
PARKER, Teri: 2007 Rotary Vocational
Student Award
Presidential/Academic Excellence
PEARSON , Capri:
Presidential/Academic Excellence,
Kiwanis Choir, Bradford Key Club $50,
KABA, Kenosha Area Business Alliance
Bradford HS Scholarship $2,500, BHS
Alumni Assoc. James Zaleski Scholarship
Presidential/Academic Excellence,
Bradford Italian Club $50
PETERS , Alexandra:
Presidential/ Academ ic Excellence
PETERS , Melissa:
Presidential/Academic Excellence ,
Wisconsin KECA State Competition
$12.50 , University of WI-Lacrosse
Counselor Choice Award $1 ,000 ,
Marquette University lgnatuis Distinction
Scholarship $30 ,000, Concordia
University Presidential Scholarship
Presidential/Academic Excellence
PINNOLA, Marissa: Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores => 1320,
Presidential/Academic Excellence , Class
of 2006 Scholarship $400 , BHS Alumni
Assoc. Class of 1956 Scholarship $1 ,000,
Arizona State University Dean's
Scholarship $38 ,000, Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University Scholar $56,000
PIPER, Tyler: Bradford Spy $100
POSSON , Kristi : Presidential/Academic
Excellence , University of Florida
Academic Scholarship $70,020
POWELL, Janeal: Presidential/Academic
RADOVANOVIC , Megan: 2007 Rotary
Vocational Student Award
RAJIC , Milijana: Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Bradford FBLA Active
Member $25
RICE, Martell: Herman and Virginia
Gundlach Scholarship $1 ,000, Marian
College Sr. Sheila Burns Grant $5,000
RICHTER , Ashley: Bradford Guidance
Scholarship $200, Winifred Farley
Memorial Scholarship $500
RIVERA, Molly: Presidential/Academic
Excellence, University of WI-Madison
Chancellor's Scholar $30 ,120
ROBERS, Kathleen:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
RODRIQUEZ, Luis: Unity Lodge #367
F.&A.M . $1 ,500
RODRIGUEZ, Vanessa: Herman and
Virginia Gundlach Scholarship $1 ,000
ROSS , Steven : University of St. Thomas
Academic Scholarship $8 ,000, University
of St. Thomas Award $12,480
SAARI , Adam: Perfect Attendance,
grade 9 &12, Presidential/Academic Ex.
SCALES, Jennifer: Educator's Credit
Union Scholarship $500
Presidential/Academic Excellence
SCHANKE , Stephanie:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
SCHLECHT, Samantha:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
Presidential/Academic Excellence ,
University of WI-Oshkosh Chancellor's
Academic Scholarship $1,000, Woman 's
Club of Kenosha $1,000, Kiwanis
Foundation of Metropolitan Kenosha
Award $1,000, BHS Alumni Assoc.
Scholarship $2,000 , University of WI-
Oshkosh Cheryl Mellethin Nursi ng
Scholarship $6 ,400
SCHROEDER , Christopher: 2007
Rotary Vocational Student Awa rd
SCHULZ, Kristen : Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Northern Michigan University
Cross-Counrty & Track Scholarsh ip
$2 ,568.75, Northern Michigan University
Scholars Award $8,000 , Northern
Michigan University National Academic
Award $13 ,200 , Northern Arizona
Un iversity President's Scholarship fo r
Non-Residents $22 ,000
SHERMAN , Jessica:
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
SLIVON , Sarah : Presidential/Academic
SLOCA, Christopher:
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
SMITH , Kaitlyn : Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Northland College Northland
Work Award $1 ,000, Northland College
Lake Superior Scholarship $10,650,
Carthage College Faculty Scholarsh ip
$20,000 , Viterbo University Academ ic
Scholarship $26 ,000, Carroll College
Charles Carroll Scholarship $32 ,000,
Saint Xavier University Scholarship Award
$36,000, Ohio Domincan University
Scholarship $44 ,000
SPIEDEL, Patrick:
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
STADING , Jessica: Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30 and/or
SAT Scores => 1320,
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
STELLA, Carrie: Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Marquette University Magis
Enhancement $4,000, Marquette
University Ignatius Academic
Achievement Scholarship $22 ,000
STOJIC, Alexandra: Bradford Italian
Club $50
STUART, Elizabeth:
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
SUNIER , Leisa: Presidential/Academic
Excellence, Bradford Choir Booster
Scholarship $200
SWAGER , Shane:
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
SWARTZ, Annastasia:
Presidential/Academic Excellence,
Bradford Italian Club $50
SWIATKO, Kelsey: Martin Luther King
community Service/ Humanitarian A~ard
Recipient, US House of Representatives
Certificate of Special Congressional
Recognition , US President's Volunteer
Service Award , Wisconsin Departmen~ of
Transportation Aviation Art A""'.ard.' United
States Marine Corp Semper F1del1s
Award , Community Impact Program
$700, State Honoree in the ~007
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
Program $1 ,000 , Carroll College
Leadership Scholarship $2 ,000 ,
Concordia University Music Talent
Scholarship $4,000 , Carroll College Music
Scholarship $12 ,000, Concordia
University Presidential Scholarship
$20 ,000, Carroll College Charles Carroll
Scholarship $32 ,000 , Marian College
KUSD Achievement Scholarship $40 ,000
SZOT, Cassandra:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
TASTAD , Kelsie : Presidential/Academic
TAYLOR , Nicholas: Kiwanis Music
Award/Band, Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Bradford Guidance
Scholarship $200 , Kenosha Community
Foundation Manny Mitka Scholarship
VACCARO , Joseph:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
VAN BERG , Rachel:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
VARGAS , Ricardo:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
VASQUEZ, Stephani:
Presidential/ Academic Excellence ,
Bradford Marketing Group Scholarship
VILLARUEL, Chrislyn : Bradford Perfect
Attendance, grade 11 & 12,
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
VLK, George : Presidential/Academic
VOELZ, Daena: (Bradford) Kiwanis
Award for Music, Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Bradford Key Club $100,
Bradford Swimming $200, Carthage ELCA
Grant $500, Carthage Tri-County Grant
$500, Carthage College Alumnni Award
$1 ,000 , Carthage College
Endowed Scholarship $1 ,000 , Carthage
College Kenosha Scholarship Final ist
$1 ,000, Carthage College Founders
Scholarsh ip $9 ,000
VOSS , Melissa: (Bradford) Kiwanis
Award for Music, Presidential/Academic
WANG , Jin Xiu : Presidential/Academ ic
WERWIE , Carly: Presidential/Academic
Excellence , Holy Rasoary Outstanding
Athlete Turco/DeSimone Scholarship
$1 ,000, University of WI-Mad ison Golf
Athletic Scholarship $69 , 120
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
WOLF, Stephanie: Bradford Student
Council $500, BHS Alumn i Asooc. Bill &
Barbara Serpe in Honor of Lorn Matelski
Scholarship $2,500
WRIGHT, Charise: Bradford Peteet
Attendance, grade 9 & 12,
Presidential/ Academic Excellence
ZBILUT, Helena: University of WIMilwaukee Division One Soccer
Scholarship (undisclosed $) ,
Presidential/Academic Excellence ,
National Senior Choral Award , Bradford
Principal's Leadership Award $100 ,
Bradford Student Council Advisor $250,
Emily K. Lauer Memorial Scholarshi~
$479 , BHS Alumni Assoc. Scholarship
$2 ,000
Presidential/ Academic Excellence ,
Washington Middle School PTSO
Scholarship $500, Un iversity of WIWhitewater Chancellor Scholar's Award
$4,000, Viterbo University Academic
Scholarship $8,000, Carroll College
Trustee Scholarship $40,000, Carthage
College Kenosha Oaks Scholarship
$100 ,000
Samuel Adams
Lindsey Adelsen
Steven Akerlund
Casandra Allen
Band , Drama,
Football , Photo Club
Cross Country,
Track, Orchestra
Choir, Cheerleading
Kylie Anderson
Nicholas Andreoli
Sarai Anguiano
Choir, Theatre
Baseball, Swimming
Ashley Applegate
Alesha Arendt
Gabrielle Apostoli
Soccer, Student Council ,
Tennis, Model UN
Alejandro Arista
Cheerleading , NHS ,
Choir, Theatre,
Ashley Baguio
Yearbook, A Cappella Choir,
Drama, Key Club, NHS
Abrianna Barca
Nicholas Barsuli
Soccer, Tennis , Class Vice President,
Political Action Club, Student Council ,
Orchestra, OWL, NHS, Model UN ,
Quiz Bowl, President KYDA
Baseball , Basketball
Ashley Baxter
Patrick Beasley
Swimming , OWL, NHS
Travis Beckius
David Bedolla
Infra Red
Maria Bedolla
Derek Behringer
David Binotto
Kyle Birch
Football Captain, Ameche Award
Winner, ''M r. Football', Track . Yearbook,
Yearbook Photography, Homecoming
Court, Freshmen Orientation
Football , NHS , Track
Cross Country
Amanda Blommel
Craig Bolyard
Jamie Bonacci
Nicholas Bowen
Bradford's Finest, DECA,
Infra Red
Wrestling Team Captain,
Cross Country Captain.
Key Club President. NHS, Band. Science
Olympiad. Math Team, German Club, Orchestra
Photo Club
Hannah Brems
Zachary Bundies
Laura Buska
Mary Claire Cannestra
Basketball , Softball,
NHS, Yearbook,
Photography Club, NHS
Choir, Volleyball
Nicholas Belding
Football , Baseball
0 D0
Kyle Carpenter
Irina Cerepova
Student Council ,
DECA, Bradford's Finest
Miguel Cervantes
Charlita Champagne
Basketball , Track
Hope Christie
Joshua Clark
Carolyn Collins
Jennifer Cook
Track, Cross Country
(record holder) , Model UN ,
Homecoming Court
Track, Theatre ,
Red Alert
Choir, Fact, MYC,
Student Council , OWL,
Theatre , Cross Country, DECA
Ashley Corrao
Matthew Cramer
Katelyn Creekmore
Keith Crump
Cheerleading , Choir,
Infra Red
Wrestling Captain
Track, SADD
Caitlin Curtin
Brittany Daniels
Zachary Daniels
Rashid Dar
Choir Theatre Arts, Academic
Decathlon , Positive Bradford Women ,
Bradford Steppers, Podcast Show,
Band, Voices of Color, Dance
Varsity Soccer Captain ,
Bradford Beautification Project,
Intramural Basketball , lnfraRed
NHS , Band ,
La Crosse
0 = O=o 0 =-===0 = O=o 0
Michael DeRose
Dustin Denny
Christopher Devine
Chivaughnne Devoe
Choir, Swimming, Drama
Basketball, Soccer, Bradford
Beautification Project
Wind Ensemble , Symphonic Band .
NHS , Key Club, Football
Dance, Choir, Drama, Cheerleading
Kathryn De Vroy
Dana Dewildt
Marco Diaz
Norberto Diaz
Swimming, Volleyball , Orchestra
Charles Dixon
Stevan Djurickovic
Raymond Dockter
Football, Basketball, Yearbook,
Holy Rosary Award (male)
Andrew Donalds
Basketball , Track, Band, Boy
Scouts, NHS , Dodgeball
Ian Dreger
Antoinette Driver
Monique Driver
Na than Drysdale
Baseball , Swimming
Basketball , Track, Student Council,
Positive Bradford Women , Cross
Basketball , Track, Student Council ,
Positive Bradford Women, Cross
Football , Drama, Model UN ,
Orchestra, Rugby
0 D0
0 D0
0 D0
Amber Edge
Jack Edquist
Kevin Ellertson
Kristin Ellis
NHS, Band. Deca,
Team Marketing,
Photography, Track
Golf, NHS.Yearbook
Football, Band
Forensics, Dance Team. Bradford's
Finest, FBLA. Audio Devils, Symphonic
Band Marketing-DECA. Drama,
Positive Bradford Women
Javier Evangelista
Courtney Falstad
Natalie Farfalla
Hatmi Farizi
Yearbook, Track,
Homecoming Court
Yearbook Photography
Alexander Felland
Alex Fennell
Key Club, Student Council,
Nathan Ferda
Sarah Feuker
Band, Theatre, NHS,
Thespian Society, Cheerleading,
Kenosha Beats , Drumline
Choir, Theatre,
Daniel Fickenscher
Leigh Fistler
Kayleigh Foreman
Elisabeth Foster
Key Club, Model UN, Football,
Track, Rugby, OWL, Theatre, Band,
Choir, Quiz Bowl, Madrigals
French Club, Volleyball,
Choir, NHS
eff Frederick
Kaitlin Freng
Political Action Club,
Model UN
Key Club, NHS, Swimming
Student Council, Choir
Melissa Froh
Corinne Gagnon
Andrew Gallo
Lauren Gastaldi
enna Gehring
Kimberly Geisler
Football , Key Club, Model UN,
Wrestling, Rugby,
Boy Scouts, Band
Volleyball, Softball, Student Council, A
Capella Choir, Prom Court, Yearbook,
Senior Class Historian, FACT, DECA
Yearbook, Student Council ,
Marketing, DECA, Choir, Diving ,
Class Historian, Miss Bradford
A Capella Choir, Bradford Theatre
Arts, OWL, Volleyball, Science
Club, NHS , Madrigals , DECA
~ ~
~ Jf'
Andrew Gelden
Racquel Grashen
Cross Country, Track,
Positive Bradford Women,
Basketball , Yearbook
Adam Gruss
Ashley Guerra
Ashley Gyzen
Track, Dance, Choir
B0 7
Nicholas Haferman
Rebecca Hailey
Football , Bowling
Keith Hernandez
Christopher Herricks
Michael Hoag
Nico Hardcastle
Akilus Harmon
Football , Marketing,
Bradford's Finest, Basketball
Ashley Hill
Brianna Hirsch
Allen Homes
Donald Hurlbut
Band , Football ,
Advanced Marketing
Jessica J acl<l
Mitchell Jacobson
Natasha January
Jonathan Jara-Almonte
Positive Bradford Women
Key Club , Science Olympiad ,
Quiz Bowl
0 D
Braulio Jaramillo
Adam Johnson
Amanda Johnson
SADD , NHS, Model UN ,
Key Club, Student Council ,
Cross Country, Basketball , Track,
Key Club, Positive Bradford
Women , OWL, SADD
Daniel Jorgenson
Barbara Johnson
Terrica Johnson
David Jones
Band, International Club
Anime Club, Photography,
Model UN
Ashley Jupp
Brittany Kalinowski
Softball, Theatre, Choir,
Student Council,
Madrigals, NHS
Sarah Klemm
Mallory Kimball
Kenosha Police Explorers
Cheerleading , Dance, Choir
Brittany Klug
Crystil Knoll
Mackenzie Koba
Choir, International Club,
NHS, Swimming,
Academic Decathalon, Theatre
Cross Country, Track, Positive
Bradford Women, Political Action
Club, Model UN , Yearbook
lnfraRed GM , Team Marketing ,
DECA, Student Council
Cintoria Kolen
Amanda Kober
Michael Koessl
Softball , Basketball ,
Yearbook, NHS , FBLA
Molly Kram
Joshua Krey
Baseball , Band
Todd LaMothe
Rachel Lachman
Rebecca Kurth
Adam Krafft
Bradford Theatre Arts,
Quiz Bowl , A Cappella Choir
Jennifer Kumm
Matthew Lawler
Yearbook, Student Council ,
Varsity Soccer Captain , Football ,
Homecoming Court, NHS
Shayna Lawson
Alicia Leber
Samantha Leick
Marketing , Forensics, Positive
Bradford Women , DECA, Track,
FBLA, Key Club, Drama
Cheerleading , Choir, lnfraRed ,
Brittany Leiting
Courtney Lisiecki
Amanda Lequia
Varsity Volleyball , NHS , Model UN ,
Political Action Club , Photo Club,
Spanish Club, Key Club
Bennett Litton
Andrew Lockhart
Band, Baseball
V eraneek Lofton
Michael Luciani
Philip Ludlow
Wayne Lovejoy
Brandon Lowenbine
Football, Baseball
Elissa Lux
Kristal Mack
Alexander Macpherson
Carmine Marano
Softball, Volleyball
Basketball, Yearbook, Cross
Country, NHS
Band, Sw1mm1ng, DECA,
Sarah Marble
Austin Marchant
NHS , Band, Anime
Club, Key Club
Amanda Massie
Kallen Mayer
Katie McAuliffe
Peter McGrain
Ashley Mecozzi
Heather Meredith
Swimming, Softball
Quiz Bowl , Model UN ,
NHS, Red Alert
Key Club, Choir
FBLA, Scamps Gymnastics
Erin Meyer
Stacey Migliano
Joh nice Miller
Alyssa Mirsberger
Choir, Soccer, Orchestra
Basketball , NHS
Choir, Drama, Model UN ,
Volleyball, Key Club, DECA,
lnfraRed , Spanish Club , NHS
Robert Moffitt
Braxton Molinaro
Emily Montemurro
Arie Montgomery
Volleyball, Tennis
Theatre, Madrigals, Choir,
Thespian Festival
Swimming , Chamber Orchestra,
Key Club, NHS
Basketball , Positive Bradford
Women , Yearbook, Art
Ashley Mosley
Nikole Mueller
Tatum Nehls
OWL, Orchestra
OWL, Academic Decathalon,
Volleyball, Tutor, Choir,
French Club
Track, Cross Country, lnfraRed
Alyse Nelsen
Kacy Nelson
Alyssa N epper
Steven Niemi
Ice Devils, DECA, lnfraRed, NHS,
Theatre, Key Club, OWL
Ice Devils, Student Council,
NHS , Orchestra
Brittany Nikolai
Matthew Nuebel
Christopher O'Bryant
Nicole Olson
Orchestra, OWL
Audrey Palmen
Teri Parker
Kimberly Morafcik
Ericka Otto
Varsity Volleyball Captain, SPY Yearbook
Editor-in-Chief, NHS , Student Council, Prom
Court, Sophomore Sweetheart Court, FACT,
Basketball, Softball
Football, Tennis, OWL, Student
Council , Volleyball, Steppers
Tennis, Theatre, Model UN,
Basketball Manager
= 0 D o =o=O =DO=o o =o O =DO=o 0
Garry Paskiewicz
Carly Paul
Football, Baseball ,
Homecoming Court
Jessica Paul
Capri Pearson
Choir, Madrigals, Orchestra,
NHS, Key Club, OWL,
Model UN , Theatre
Andrea Perugini
Lindsay Peterman
Tennis, Key Club, Italian Club
Cheerleading, Choir, Key Club, Student
Council Treasurer, DECA, lnfraRed,
Photography Club, Marketing, FACT
Ryne Petersen
Morgan Picolo
Alexandra Peters
Melissa Peters
DECA, Student Council, Orchestra,
OWL, NHS , lnfraRed ,
Spanish Club, Swimming
Raelyn Pierce
Marissa Pinnola
Volleyball , Student Council,
DECA, Orchestra, NHS
Tyler RAY Piper
Kristi Posson
J aneal Powell
Melissa Prell
Football, Tennis, Swimming,
Student Council, lntramurals,
Volleyball, NHS, DECA, lnfraRed,
Theatre, Orchestra, Choir,
French Club
NHS, Key Club
0 D0
rt. QtJ;
Milijana Rajic
Austin Reagles
Annette Reget
Bianca Reyes
Choir, Theater, Auto Club
Orchestra, OWL, Spanish Club
Ashley Richter
Candace Reynolds
Martell Rice
Theatre, Photo Club
Track, Theatre, Band , Prom King ,
Key Club
Maxwell Riley
Molly Rivera
Kathleen Robers
Timothy Rocco
Volleyball , Key Club, Deca,
Marketing , Golf
Student Council , Political Action Club,
KYDA , Spanish Club, OWL, Dance,
Choir, NHS, Theat~e . Class President,
Homecoming Queen
Vanessa Rodriguez
Danielle Rose
Steven Ross
Kevin Ruiz
Student Council , Key Club,
Hockey, Volleyball , Tennis,
Cheerleading, Band
Volleyball , Softball
=DO= o=o=
Brian Rulseh
Michael Russo
Jennifer Sc~es
Adam Saari
Tennis , Drama,
Jazz Band, NHS
Key Club, FBLA
Stephanie Schanke
Samantha Schlecht
Cassandra Scholosser
Erin Schrandt
Orchestra, Model UN
Yearbook, NHS , Choir
Christopher Schroeder
Kristen Schultz
Jessica Sherman
Cross Country, Track, Softball ,
Basketball , Student Council, OWL,
Key Club, Spanish Club, Orchestra
Dance Team Captain , Choir, NHS ,
SMART Team , Science Olympiad
Sarah Slivon
Christopher Sloca
Johnathon Slupik
Choir, French Club, NHS
Football , DECA
Yearbook, Student Council
Andrew Smith
Wrestling , Track
~ jf
Jessica Stading
Kaitlyn Smith
Rachel Smith
Patrick Spiedel
NHS , Academic Decathalon
Choir, Theatre, Madrigals
Wrestling , Track
Timothy Stanchfield
Carrie Stella
Rachel Stenholt
Joseph Stevens
Soccer, Hockey, Orchestra
lnfraRed GM , Advanced Marketing ,
Volleyball , DECA
Cheerleading, Gymnastics,
Yearbook, Student Council,
Soccer, Baseball , Basketball
David Strohm
Elizabeth Stuart
Leisa Sunier
Danielle Sursa
Symphnic Band, Model UN ,
Tennis, NHS Historian
Shane Swager
Annastasia Swartz
Kelsey Swiatko
Cassandra Szot
NHS, DECA, Model UN ,
Choir, Dance, Italian Club
President, Theatre
Band , Golf, Band Officer,
Anime Club, Band of Black Watch ,
Drum Major
Cheerleading, NHS
I 0
=0 ==-o===0 = =0 =
Jason Taleronik
O=o 0
Kelsie Tastad
=0 = O=o~
Nicholas Taylor
Shanika Taylor
Band , Student Council , Wind
Ensemble, Kenosha Beats,
Drum Corps
Tara Tucker
OWL. Softball , Yearbook
Joseph Vaccaro
Rachel Van Berg
Curtis V anchena
Key Club , Softball , Drama,
Soccer Captain , lnfraRed,
Advanced Marketing
Chase Vela
Amanda Ventura
Ricardo Vargas
Stephanie Vazquez
Soccer, Educators Credit
Union ,Marketing
lnfraRed, DECA, Marketing
Chrislyn Villaruel
Erika Vite
George Vlk
Daena Voelz
Yearbook, NHS, Key Club, OWL,
Spanish Club, Choir
Swimming , Key Club
Basketball , Italian Club
0 Do
0 D0
Jennifer Vogt
0 Do
Melissa Voss
Chelsey Walker
Student Council , Key Club,
Orchestra, NHS
Ice Devils
Jin Xiu Wang
Carly Werwie
Sarah Whalen
Golf, Basketball , DECA, NHS, Prom
Court, Holy Rosary Award (female) ,
Sophomore Sweetheart Court
Krista Wolfe
Erin Zimmerman
Gymnastics, NHS, Band, Choir,
Theatre, Thespian Group, Key Club
Cassandra Woodley
Andrew W ojciechowicz
Stephanie Wolf
Basketball, Soccer, Golf Captain ,
Student Council, Yearbook, NHS,
Prom Court
Soccer Captain, Cross Country,
FACT, Student Council , Choir,
lnfraRed, Homecoming Court
Charise Wright
Helena Zbilut
Yearbook, NHS, Spanish Club,
Model UN , Orchestra
Student Counc1 President. Junior Class
President, Soph. & Frosh. VP, Soccer Capta1r,
0 W l, Basketball. FACT, NHS. KYDA.
Sophomore Sweetheart Queen, Prom Queen
"Nffw iJ; !k ffnlft fil1tt !krt ~ Ma~ pur MW
Wff~ pur mtntt@t mtrao~ andpur rlafp!Jtlfl
Vffttr !1ft wtttltavt b~n ~nt&/ ftvtd and
tnv&Jltd and,,, pu wtttltavt tntt@ a dlfftrtlf()t, "
-Mark VtO!lrr Halt4tn
Ai..:cto, Cameron
Adam-.on. Brian
Ahmad. Reema
Albert. ean
Alb<rt Zachar\
Alf~no. Gm;
Allan. Rachel
Allen. Kerra
.\lien. h.~\en
Almanza. Cornelio
·\ltrcuther. te\ en
AndcJ'\on. Amanda
Ander.on. Danielle
,.\.nder,on. Janelle
.\nder-.on. Stephanie
Andreoli. Kn ... una
Arm..,trong. • hane
Baker. "iichola'
Baldv. m. Jorie-.e
Bald'' m. Rachael
Balk. Hannah
Bambrough. Hale)
Bamrungratana. Corinna
Bame\. \1aria
Barrera. Terc,1ta
Baut.... ta. Gilberto
Ba\a, Loui'a
Beal. Al)'e
Be..:kcr, Ka) la
Belcher. 'icole
Bella, R\an
Behk). Erik
Bennett . .\1arlena
Biscigha. Brenden
Blackford. KeJ,ie
Blaisdell. Courtne)
Blalock. \11chael
Blau\Cr, Zachari
Blaza\ ier. Bo
Blaziev. 'ke. Ti moth)
Blon,ki. Adam
Bogg,, R)an
Bohanon. Ja,mine
Bonanno, Lauren
Boozer. Jeffre)
Bol'\I, Rafael
Bradford. Brman}
Bredin, Todd
Brov.n. Ali ia
Bro""· Erica
Bl'\ an, Carl
Buffamo~te, R) an
BuJJi,, Rai..:hel
Bu,..,c, Megan
Butb. Kandace
Calderon. \ lanuel
Carl,on. Anna
C'1m1ichacl. tephanie
Caronu. Emil)
Carpenter. Je">">ica
Carpenuer. Ch
Car~n. And
Carter. Sha) la
Ca\taneda. Abraham
Ca\tancda. \1an~la
Cerda, Veronica
Cen. ante.... Jocelm
Cha.\C, :-;1collctte
Chatman. Chel'Ca
Chiappetta. Jenna
Chopp. Jake
Choumard. Ronald
Ch1<ala. \latt
Clark. Anthon)
Clark. Rachel
Clay. Erin
Clay. Kad1e
Collms. Emtl)
Confon1-Barrette. Lucy
Crain. !'iajee
Cremona. S 1cole
Crul. \1ana
Cueva\, Ed\\ard
Daniel n. Heather
Dar. t:me
Da\i"i. cena
Day. Ton)
Deaton, Landon
Delatorre. Heman
Delatorre. Jc ... .,ica
Dcro...c. \lark
De'me. Ian
Diaz. Ka) le-Cera
Dockter. Jacob
Dominguez. Chel"-Ca
Do1;.emagen. Aleundra
Drazew,k1 ...\ndrew
Dre\en. Cry1:1tal
Dudley. )a,on
Du!-ienbert'). Ke\in
Ebert. Chad
Farero. Jame'
Farhan. Farhan
Farhan. Jamel
Feest. .\tichael
Fehke. Daniel
Fergu,on. Britten)
F1hppelh. Ale"andra
Fle,ch. Christopher
Frank.Im. Deon
Frank'. \1ari"a
Frazier. Patm:k
Fntz. Heida
Froh, \1ehv.. a
Garcia. efenno
Garcia. Velden, R)an
Gardinier. Brett
Garneu, Sarah
Garza. Curu.
Gauche!. Karlee
Gauler. Rohen
Gename. Danielle
Gerlach. David
Gibson. Sanitra
Gilbertson. Garrett
Gill. ~1ichael
Gill. ichola>
G1lhland, taC}
Giovanelli, Trevor
Goeuge. Michelle
Gomes. Bo
Gomez. Cristabel
Gomez. Felicia
Gomez. Hugo
Gorden, Amber
Grammentz. K)le
GrJshen. ~1atthe\\
Greco. Bianca
Green. Cynthia
Gnffm. Joc;.hua
Griffin. Resheena
Gu1dr}. Courtne)
Gulatz. Kath'} n
Gutierrez, Karen
Gutierrez, Karla
G\\mnup. Paul
Haeb1g. Maureen
Hagen. Allison
Hale), Erin
Hamby, Kate
Hammad, N1dal
Hanan. Kristina
Hamng. Emily
Harri!-ion. Rachel
Hane). Tyler
Ha)eS, Br}an
Hebior. Lmdc;.e)
Hedges. Ke\in
Hemm, Rosie
Henrich .. Julia
Hensle). Kendra
Hernandez. Areli
Hernandez. Don
Hmciar. Ryan
Ida. Samantha
Isenberg. Taylor
hes. K)le
h:y. Porchac
Jack on. Danielle
Jacob-,. 1m
Jaime. \1a)ra
Jake. Tyler
Jalum1ak. Amanda
Jantz, Ro~
Jeffery. Daniel
Jen'\en. Da\ id
Jensen. Scott
Jev.ell. amamha
Johns. Michael
Johnson. Bnttam
John'<>n, DamlleJone..,, CurtL'
Jone.,, Dom1n1que
Jones. Matthe"
Jones. Norma Jean
Jones. Virginia
Juopperi. ~lehssa
Kahl. Robcn
Kanetzke. Jacot'I
Keene. Ian
Kehrer, Maria
Kellner, Chasid)
Ke" nach, Chri<•.topher
Ke-.sler. Ben1amm
Kc~sler. Jo-.eph
Khaleel. Omar
Klop:-.tem. te\·en
Knapp. Preston
Knutsen. Kristopher
Koba. Za<hal)
Knfka. Elizabeth
Kn'or, A hie)
Krome. \ mcent
Kromm. Kalhenne
Kru"-C. facal} n Jordan
Kumm. Ja..,on
Kupfer. Eh\<
Kupfer. Enn
Kuzmic. Julija
La Point. Kari
labedz, (C\CO
Lampada. Thoma'
Lang. Ja1m1e
La?"\en. Kri1iten
LaT'\en. :'\athan
Lal"on. Callie
Laurenll . .-\ndre''
Lau\, Ale\ander
La\\ Ii""· Chehca
Lazare' 1i.:. a\ ka
Lee. Andre\\
L<e. Donbec
L<c. Lashon
L<ma). Ka1el) n
Lemke, Andre"
Lcnfelile\. Frank
Lcquia ...\nthon)
Le"1". R)an
Lindqu1\l, K)le
L. 1t1. Daniel
Liu. Zachary
LI\ ing,ton, Holly
Lodhan. \'1ja)
loe\l.Cn. Jake
Loi.,, Ale:1<
lo1'. Anna
Lo,ejo). Je ... sica
Lucci. \1anhe"
Luck), amanlha
Luka,,en. :'\icholas
L) nch. Jercm)
\ 1acareno. Bnttan)
Maccari. \ 1atthew
\lack, Ra)mond
\l ahan. Cha . . e
\.1arocch1. Danielle
\far;hall. Chri 1opher
~1ani. Ambrett)
\1anm. Alex
\ 1aninelli, Alexandra
\1aninelh. 7'\alhan
\ 1anmez. Juan
\1artine1. Lizbeth
.\1arzion. \11a' ancc,,c,,a
\1a\on. Jes..,ica
\.1atoc,,ka. Anthony
Mattoon, Bnttany
Mau. 1ella
Ma.well. \1ichael
Mazur. Jon
~1cCanne). Justin
\lcCO) , Derrcona
~1cGmne\\. Emile)
\kGra\\. Rhiannon
\klnto . . h. Ja,mme
\ 1edina. Kanna
\1eulbrock. Erin
\.1eyer... Ca1thn
\l1hehch. Bruce
\ 111ler. Karma
Min,ki. Julie
M1r;berger. Zach3.I)
Junior Jake Chopp likes to buy Cooler
Ranch Doritos and a Pepsi.
Junior John Waters likes to get a bagel with
chee e from Infrared.
Junior Jake Loewen likes to
buy chip and a Gatorade.
Junior Eric Bel ky enjoys
getting Cheeto and Pepsi .
Junior Alex Roberson likes buying a Wild
Cherry Pepsi during hi s break.
Junior Chris Osbourne likes to buy Ohana
fruit punch and Papa Johns.
getting a strawberry slushie.
Junior Nicole Cremona likes
buying a Milky Way bar.
\ 11!"'.k), Andre"
\11tchell. Brandon
\1uchell. Cas 1mndra
\11tchell. Saco) a
Molinaro. Nicole
Morgan. Jared
Morgan. Stephanie
~1orri,-Leung. R)an
~1orriN:). Frank
\.1yre .... Heather
"ordloh. Grace
. "om,. A hie)
"oto. Am)
">gren. Jacob
Ocacio. Cara
Odegaard. Heath
Orth II. James
O,bom. Christopher
O\tro\\sk1. Kate
Q..,"'alt. \1auhe"
Otic-.. Andrey.
O" en . \1arcuc.
Q\\en . \1arcu
Panag1~ . Panag101a
Papenfu '· tephanic
Patnd.. Andrea
Pa}an. Enc
Perez. Amber
Perez.Alanis. ~1 aria
Perouo. Stephanie
Peterson. Aly sa
Peterson. Sandy
Phillip,. Archie
Piccolo. Ah i..c.a
Pmnola. '\ i~k
Poe. arah
Pohl«>n. ~ l argret
Po..,1e. Jordan
?rec.ton. Jonathan
Pr)or. Beau
Ptak. Lon
Puntillo. \1 u::hael
Qui,t. Heather
Raduechel. Jennifer
Raga he. Laurel
Raga lie. Mauhe"
Rasmu sen. Jusun
Ra' nikar. ~atalie
Reidenbach. Tru i..,
Reimer. Joseph
Reulaff. Jeo;;.o;;;1ca
Re\e-.. Ramiro
Rh~. Chn ttna
Richter. R\an
Rider. Lu~1e
Rivas. Jerazmo
Ri "era. Katie
Rober;.on. A l e ~ ander
Roble ... ki. Brian
Rodriguez. Alc,is
As Tacne Goes 8yd>ere U1tt V0t1 ee In Ten Veers?
Junior, Andrew Otis will be a police officer
fighting crime and keeping Kenosha afe.
Juniors, Mike Puntillo and John
Erickson will still be best friends, as
well as famous doctors.
Junior, Lindse) Hebior will be the a i tant
coa h of the Marquette basketball team .
L 'tit
Torre~. Amelia
Tons. Mark
Tntt. Amber
Tyra. Quincy
Ctterbacl. Ja ... mmc
Valenza. AJy,..,a
Varnado. Lakei,ha
Va1quu. Adlay
Vai.queL, Beatr11
Vemczzc, Jacob
Vidas. Matthew
V11lalobo , Angelica
Wakefield. Al)""
V..'allcer. Clani . . ha
Walko" k1. D.-id
\\'allace, Ta"ihtara
Ware, Tenariou'
Warnecke. \1 1chelle
\ Varner, Megan
\Varner, ~1 tchelle
Warren. Benjamm
Warren, Trevor
\\'atef'\, John
\\"atkm!il, Teagan
\\'atnng. Adam
Weinfurter. Sean
Wensmg. Garrett
Whucfool, \1all<>r)
\ \, Emilie
\\ 1e,ke. Lmd'C)
\\'1Jayawardhana. Chri uan
Wilham • Timoth)
Wilham .... Travmna
\Villiam ... Troy
Willlomm. Kyle
\\.'oeste, Hailey
Wolfe. Mary
Woodle), Chaslll)
\\·or\ham. Daniel
\\'right. Emc\t
Wrigh1. M1chclle
Yarbrough. C~nth1a
You ng. Oan u ~
Young. Quateriu"
Zepeda. Q,car
Z 1chr, Ange la
Z1g ner . .\11chael
Zimmerman. Kell)
Zinner. Chehea
gr t f r wa t df i me
mo r w
t dfim
-Ma nC
our regrets are. ..
I rqrd ncf h~ ing 'i chc I 'ii ri c usltJ mtJ
'cFl1c mt rl ljl r.
-1 ltjl'l td r
"I rr rdndl1in1 mrr1 imckt J "ill1
'ichccl1irli1r n.
l1ill111 J
I reg rel hLn1 lj
- \ al eri{
"\ 1tj ligge I r1o.:v I "'l' f:idin l
{Cmmunic'l li n mtJ fn .,l1m n n lj
-r lJ
111 \
lc rri.,
Ac:htemc1er. Marquette
Adam .. , Tiffany
Adel«:n. Anel
Aker, Brogan
Akin\, A hley
Al·A,h1, I -a
Albnght. Jake
Alvarez. Jordan
Ambrosini . Ariel
Ambro'h1ak. Gloria
Ander\on. Cindy
Applegate, Mykel
Aragon. Jes1.,1ca
Atkin1.o. Jonathan
Augusune, Bnttncy
Augu1.o1rnc. Leila
Bagley. Lynnl\e
Baguio. Kahala
Bagu10. Kalani
Baile). Rachael
Baker, Bnanna
Ban.Jen. Ja«:clb
Barker. Ray Charle'
Barnhill. 1chol.Banley. Keh
Batter;b)., Thomas
Bauman. Taylor
Beben. \1ichael
Bonacci. Amhcr
Borman, Ru.:hanJ
Bou...e. Ca...e)
Brandt. Rebecca
Brinkman. Kyle.!
Brinkman. Taylor
Bntt, Lakc1dric
Broo\..1.o. Jeli'-\3
Brook>. K)le
Brown. Ciara
Brunner. Ally ..on
Br1c1rn,ki. Emily
BucJ....,on. Anthony
Cada\.1d. Andrea
Caldcrv.ood. David
Carr. \lc,anJnil
Carrubba. David
Caner, Eric
ca . . taneda. Ju ho
Cerda. Ye-.cma
Ceri.antcs. Fabian
Cervantes. Ignacio
Chairez. Eric
Champagne. A\'c
Christiansen. Heather
Clav1JO. Ruben
Colbolh. Aly"a
Conner. Timothy
Corrao. Eric
Conez. Osvaldo
Crane. Michael, Chn. topher
Craymond, Jo-.eph
Cronl..:. tephanie
Cucunato. A.J
Culotta, Nicholas
Cunningham. Charles
Daniels. Adam
Darden. Treadell
David, Meagan
Davis, Katherine
Diaz. Louis
Dirks. Steven
DJurickovic, Peter
Dollmeyer. Stephanie
Dorsey, Dev111
Dudley, Lauren
Dunlap, Anel
Ebener. Michael
Eckhardt. Ryan
Eclarinal. Briann
Edquist, Samantha
Edwards, Brooke
Eggleton, Holly
Ekstrom, Kayla
Eldridge, Eugene
Eliasson, Janet
E.seobar, Kathryn
Esull. Victor
Fedro, Dillon
Finley, Cordero
Finnigan, Mallory
Frazee. Andrew
Freng, Jc sica
Frey. Jordan
Frye. Ellen
Funk, Bnttany
Gallegos. ohemi
Galloway. Justyn
Garcia, Andrea
Garland, Mark
Garza, Lisa
Gascoigne, Breanna
Gayden. Antonio
Geiger. Sc on
Gerou. Kaley .
Gidcumb. Jess~.:n
Gi ldenstem .. ~ rra
Gilmore. De JO
Gomez. \1ana Timotlt)
zale. Karlee
Gonzale . Shmelle
G<»al. K1ranprect
Goundal. Rah1la
Gray. Spencer
Greco. Autum_n
Green. Marquis
Griffin. Jameha
Grimes. Stephanie
Omo. Cody
Grymkoski. Kayla
Guajardo. Juan
Guderley. Glenn
Hafen'Cher. Trisun
Hansen . .\I)" a
Han<;en. Kell)
Han\.Cn. Krisuna
Hardy. Ale'.l(_ander
Hard). Oh\la
Haiper. Donna
Hauke. Ju un
Ha""kms. Laura
Ha\\ km~ . asha
Heck. Zacha~1mberly
Heinzmann, Dillon
Hendrick\on. Erin
chs Janette
. Eli eo
Hemanddeezz. Michelle
Heman .·
Herr Daniel
He!<it~r. Terence
Hill. Deshalon
H1~h. Jusu~ber
Hirtreller. A
H11-Peden. John
Hob'°"· Richard
Hoe\ . ~latthev.
Hott. Reed
Hoffman. Jame ...
Homes. Lon d
Hughe!\, Aman a
Hurtado. Ro~anne
Ille'. Rebecca
Ingram. J'uan
Iorio. Cody
ht\.anek. Kala
her<on. Alern
Jack-.on. An~~:
Jack-.on. An
Jacob. Anthon)
Jacob-.. Yah1e ...ha
Jake. '\1cole
Jal..ut~.)\\ ... k1. Scan
Jame .... 1A1mmh:
Jame .... \\a\ ne
Jomumlh.l, \far, C~cn
Ja ... ko1 ... l1. Kn
Jcn-.en. Bnan
Jerdee. Ali\on
fohn1,on. Rai.:hcl
John1,ton. A1,hle}
Jone .... Br)'ant
Jone .... Jamie
Jorgen ...on, '\atalte
Jupp. \11chael
Kar!.... Rid
Ka,pcr. Ale\ander
Keller. "\1i.:hola1,
Kell). Alan
Kerr. \1ichellc
Ke~ten. Da ... ha
Ke ...... ler. Emil)
Kc ..... ler. Julie
Kmg. \1an ......a
Kmzler. Jel Ire}
Kirchner. Daniel
Kl<e" \fark
Kohnke. Andre\\
KO\ta .... Anna·\1arie
Ko't)ukO\. Alexander
Kotle1,k1. Al)'a
Konen, Bnanna
Koukal. Kore)
Kmi.:he). Adnennc
Kram•. Du1,un
Kre)e. Jennifer
Krok. Robb)
Kru...,, Kell)
KuLm)i.:h. \·uah)
Laken. Ju ... un
Lampada. Bnuan)
Lang. Kell)
l..aJ".en. Loren
can . . .
La" !er. S"icole
La\\ rence. Jonathon
Lechuga. Adela
Lc\lie. Andre"
Lc\\cr, \fatthc"'
Lc\\i1,, Jerome
Linn. Eleanor
Londre. Thoma'
Lou. Fred
Ludlo". Pegg)
\1 ch. \lichclle
~1ai.:phe~on. Rebo.:ca
\1adrigrano. Aimee
\lacdkc. DougJa,
,\1aegaard. Ju,tm
\1aginn. K1mbcrl)
.\1ahan. Conn)
\1aldonado. Sal,ador
Cooling Off Period
\!all.mus. Jourdan
\1amilla. Michelle
Mare~alco. Haylee
Marin<ei. :-.:ataly
~1arquez. Oscar
\1arshman. Samantha
'l.1anm. Zachar.
\1arunez. \1ari;.i,
.\1anmez. Ya.,mm
\1anm1. Gabriela
\ta..,on. Da' ld
\1ati~. Chn~una
Matthews. Logan
Ma)elte. Mark
McCam. Alben
~1cClav. John
\1cCle~don. Karen
\1cCo). '-'ichola-.
\kCra\.. Joo;;;hua
\kCut~hen. Amanda
\kKillip. \'incent
\ tc \ tanama. Courtne\
\lean-.. Chn-.10pher .
\1ecozzi. Brandon
\leeler. Blair
\1enge. Elizabeth
\1ercadillo. Luis
\lerc1er. Counne)
.\terucc1. \11chael
\1etallo. Matthe\1r
\linett. Jasmi~e
\hnton. Ta\ lor
\htche11. T;,,,
\1orale . Jo~
\torale-.. Lui ..
\1uir. \hchael
'>1ulligan. Shea
Munoz. Jonalhan
\1)er.t. Quanmi.hia
:\"aranjo. \'iccor
.:\'ava. Adriana
~a\a. Daniela
'\eemann. Brandon
'\ehen. D<rek
S-el-.on. Ka\. h nn
'\ehon. K)ie .
.'\erling. Bradle)
'.'\'ilolai. ~athan
"\uorala. Rebecca
OJ...en. Katrina
Omz. El)'ha
Q,..,laza. Elizabeth
Ono. Tiffam
Painter. Colin
Palrnen. Ronald
Pana.'e" icz. ;\legan
Pan;hC\\ 11.:1, Tyler
Parker. DoroLhv
Paura, '11.:hola~...
Pavlica. Bnune)
Peko'ke. Abbi
Per.ilta. Chri,topher
Perez. Jo\e
Perez. Sandra
Perone. Jo..,hua
Perrault. \1axim
Perrmc, Jcmi
Pc1C1'. Kyle
Pell). A,hJey
Pnce iii, Leon
Proud. Du<itm
Provance. Ju,tin
Pr)or. Cod)
Quezada. Zachariah
Quiroz. Andrew
Rach. Jo<hua
Raclhkc. Ru"ell
Ramcheck. Holly
Randell. Jacob
Rangel. Alicia
Ra)yan. Ya~'in
Ree, es. Ashley
Reget. David
Reidenbach. Tommi
Reindl. Jacob
Remington. Briuan)
Retana. Fanny
Reumueller. Jennifer
Richter, Alexandria
Rohen,. Alyssa
Robertson. Elmar
Rocco, tephanie
Rodriguez. Antonio
Rodriguez. Elizabe1h
Roman, Marco
Roman. Ricky
Romano. Jennifer
Romanovic, Aleksandra
Rothwell. Mary
Rudock, avanah
Ruffolo. Dallon
Ruiz. Joshua
Rul<ieh, Brandon
Ruvalcaba, G1bran
Sanchet. Jo'c
Sandmon. A<hley
Sandine. Calhe
asaki. Aika
Sauly<. \1ichael
Scalzo. Alissa
Schiller. Cory
chram, Jeremy
Schroeder. Kaethe
Schuster, Autumn
Scott. Trina
ecwald. Freidrich
If Yoo CooH Go Back In Time to Hsten to Yoor favorite Kini Of M~c. t/Jhat
Decade wooli Yoo Go &ck To~•
"I would go back to the 90"s
because I foye the bO) bands. '
-Shinelle Gon;alas
"I \~ ould go back to the 60\
becau e hippie music is
a\\'C omc."
- I a) lor Bauman
'I would go back in time to the
80\ because there were good
beats to the mu'>tC.
Kala htvanek
"I \\OUld go back to the 80's
because I loYe the clothe., and the
music was great'
-Spencer Gray
"I would go to the 50\ for the sock
hops because \\hen you '>ee them
they look ltke fun ,"
-Loren Larsen
"! would go back to the
70s: it was wild, but had
loYe. "
· Megan Walentowski
"I would go back to the 90\
because the Backstreet Bo) s rock"
-Chnsune \kGram
"I would go back to the
20's becaw,e I like the
m'trumental music "
Amanda Sherman
"I would go back to the 70\
because I like the music."
-Kell\ Lang
I had the time of my Hfe when...
"I went to one of my good
friends birthday parties."
- Laura Hawkins
"I spent time in Iowa
with all my old
"l danced and had fun at
homecoming this year."
-Katherine Da\·is
"The first lime l got on Y.ater 'kii\ it
felt like l was flyi ng."
-Kell e) \'rev ich
' I \\ On my fi rst skating
"Hanging out with
my friends and
boyfriend watching
Selesk1. R)·an
Sellers. Anthony
Sepanski. John
Shennan, Amanda
Shingara. Zack
S1edJak. Brent
Simmons. Porshaed
Sims. Stephen
kendz1el. A<hley
Slanchik. my
Sleszynski. Cynthia
Smith. Gary
Smith, Jacob
Smith. Kelsey
Sorensen. Kyle
Spair, Sam
Specht, \lichael
Spence, Luanne
Sp1edel. Kelly
Starling. Stephanie
Stern, Kayla
Stephens. J Patrick
Stevens. Beth
Strehlow, James
Strohm. Amanda
Stueck. R)an
tuligross. \.1anhe¥.
Sturycz, Chnsta
Swager, Sarah
wain. Terrance
Szot. Mark
Tabor. Andrew
Tappa. Timothy
Taylor, Chabrcea
Tellez. Leticia
Tellez. Saul
Tenuta, Gianna
Thompkins. Artemis
Thome. Tyler
Thorpe. Quasheka
Travi .. Amb}r
Trocmel. ~icole
Turner. Samantha
Tut.;t.;ler. Amanda
Twigg, Gregg
Tyler, Marcell
Vaccaro. Chrii;;topher
Vafiadis. Annie
Valladarc,. Ehzzath
Vankammen. Kimberl}
\ a.squcz. Jennifer
Ventura. Samantha
Vidlt!>. Tyler
Villalba. Viccor
Villalob<». Deanna
Vrc,1ch. Kelley
\.Vabalick1s. Robin
Wakfield. Ruben
\Valdo¥. , \1e1i1;,sa
\\'alentO\\~k1 • ..\mber
\\alentO\\,Jr...1, \1cgan
\\ Iker, \1h..·helle
\\ Patnc1a
\\"allace. Allante
\Vallon. b1ah
Wamboldt. Jonal)n
\\'arc. Charle..,
\\'arren. Branden
Wegner, Stephanie
Wenz. Au,tin
\\'~rn 1e . .\bagail
Whalen. amantha
Whue. \lark
\\.illem,, Jacob
William ..... Alan
\\tiling. Zlchaf')
\\olan. Al)''a
\\'olke. Stc\cn
Wright. \.'ianc;a
Yeager. Lee
Zucho" ,k_1 . amantha
John Savaglia goes
to a movie with his
family e\ery month.
Brittney Pavlica eats
some kind of junk food
every hour.
Alex Hardy drives around
parking lots houri).
Alissa Scalzo juggles a
soccer ball dail).
Aco ta, Juno
Ai.:una. Rigoberto
Aiello. Ale'
Aiello, helb1
Akma, Zachar)
Akim•• Kri ... una
Akha:ir. Ana\
Allan, Counnei
Alli!-ion. Amber
Almaguer. Jo._c
Amie. Eulla
Andersen. Al)'"a
Anlhonsen. Ta) lor
Anzaldi. As.hlie
Araiza. John
Ari..,ta, Maria
Arm,trong. Bnanna
Ann\trong. :-O:athamel
Arroi o. Karla
Ash. Chri_ une
Alkins. Rick)
A\'ila. hette
A vi la. Martin
BaJraktan, Beyza
Bakkala. Tanner
Baldwm, Kaleb Kyle
Balk, Daniel
Barca. Peter
Barrera. Gilbert
Barrera. Raul
Barsuli. Alex
Barsuh, Stephanie
Bana. Paul
Banhul), Jacqueline
Bart.mer. Ali
Bass .. '1chola\
BauU\ta. Da\ id
Bea>ley . .\largaret
Beauchemin. J,abelle
Becerra. Aaron
Bedolla, !lfamn
Begg1. Amanda
Belcher, Amber
Bennett. Blake
Benson, Benjamin
Berea. Michael
Berg . .\lary
Berge. Gregory
Bernal. Omero
Bernhardt. Richard
Beyer, Bnttany
Bilotta, ~icolas
Bmgham. Tyler
Birkholz, Jeremy
Blomquest. Rebecca
Booker, Da Tara
Bowen. Jennifer
Boyd, \ 11chael
Bradford, Crosby
Pawell believes reading
long, boring books for
English class i what
makes time drag on
Freshman Vincent
LaRosa says doing the
dishes for hi mother is
what takes him hours
to do.
Brennan, Co11·
Brienen. Jessica
Bnnkmann, Scou
Brissette. Terrence
Bro" n. Brennen
Brown. Bria
Brugger, Encha
Bruneau. Knsta
Bruzas. Chri 1opher
Bryan. Rebekah
Bullis. Kathryn
Burchfield. lmant
Burkman-Powell. \1agnolia
Bus~. \1arcus
Bytnar. Alys a
Calderon. Jessica
CaJmet. Lauren
Cannon. Tamara
Castillo. Ohvia
Casile. K\le
Ce>ehm. Sarah
Chovan. Siephanie
Clark. Kase)
Clau~n. J111ian
Close. Jessica
Cole. Kelly
Coleman, Matthc\\
Collier-Campolo. Tyler
Compher. \11chelle
Conv.ell. Johnathan
Corte>. Alberto
Cox, Keegan
Coyle. Sean
Crane, Rachael
Creed, Kami
Dahlberg. Taylor
OalpaO!>. James
Daniels. ha) la
Da' ila. Cara
Da' i . Brandon
Deau, Lmdse)
Dechiara. Tyler
Defazio. A•hle)
Defiore. Dylan
Delane). Megan
Delong. Ally,on
Demicchi. Samantha
Democ. krem}
Dcmoc. fo,c:ph
Den.he. \fo.:hdlc
IX\ ictoria ..\1c~an
De' ro), JOOn
De) oung. D) Ian
D1aJ . .\Ima
Oti.:cllo. Anthon)
Diehl. \t.llisa
01 Hard. \ 1ad1 ...on
Dixon. Adam
D_1urdj1c, Jelcna
Donald .... '\ichoJa,
Dor-.e). l\1arica
Dn 'dale. arah
D~rui,. Kn,ten
D)er. \lark
Eckardt. Chn,tophcr
Eckman. Al"anJria
Edwarch. :'\1U..1ya
Eha,,on. k"e
Elh"orth. Cocll
Encarnacion. On 1rut~
En~land. T) l~r
E'-Cohedo. 031'\
E'cobedo. Emanu~I
fa.colxdo. tepharue
E_,trada. Jeannette
E'ereu. E\an
Fabiano. amantha
Fanning. Caroline
Farfalla. Jacoh
Farhan. Ali
Figueroa. Deanna
Fmle). Deangelo Andrt'"
Flnre .... Johnn)
Frederic . Chri'topher
Fl) e. ..\)e,andria
Galau. \fatthe"
Galbrauh. tcphen
Garbe"· Chad
Garcia. Carlo'
Garcia. Lui'
Gaudio. lat: 1b
Gauler. Rt ..a
I you were late to
class, what outrageous
excuse would you use?
Gerger, Anthony
Gifford. Brianna
Gighotu. John
Gilliland. Jenna
GIO\er, Ru,<ell
Godle" k1. \larcu
Gomc1 , Amanda
Gomez. LLi;clte
Gonzale • Ycscma
GoundaJ. \lal)am
Grabov. ,k._1, Chri'topher
Grant, Bryant
Graziano. Stc\cn
Greb. Rachel
Green. Enc
Gulatz. Carolin
Gulbran en. Amanda
Hacken, Kyle
Haferman. Ju lln
Hagen, Jordan
Haller. S phia
Hall, Counne)
Hampton. La \cnt
Hanne • \far
Hanson, Amanda
Han(.Qn, ·1cole
Harper. Chn topher
Harn. ha,anna
Ham\. ha,onta
Haf\e), pcncer
Ha)C . Ale'
Hedge\, Courtne)
Heffron. Ian
Ho"'ard. A<hie)
Ho\\.C, Brittan)
Hrycymal., Michael
Hughe. , Aaron
Hughe,, Tristan
Hunter, Tcarra
Hupp. \1eaghan
Huf'l-Ortll, T) !err
Ibarra-Pa) an, oma
lsennann. Stephame
Jackson, Chelsea
Jackson. Siban)
Jachon. Trevor
Jacobson. Amanda
Jaimes, Brenda
Jaranullo. Ana
Jararmllo. \ '1c1or
Jenrcue. Brittan\
Johnson. Aime~
Johnson, Brooke
Johm.on. Da,·id
Johnson, Denise
Johnson, Emil)
John;on. Erik
Johm.on. Jenna
Johnson, Robin
Jone , Bnttnec
Jone . Mathey.
Jones. cbasuan
Jone;, Tal.iah
Jones. Terc!i.a
Jozefial.. Kimberl)
Juoppcn, David
Kaczmarek. Breu
KahnO\\Sk.1, alhan
Ka\ma, Michael
Keesey. Taylor
Kelly. Cameron
Kelly. Jerem)
Kenner. :\1-hlc)
Kentcy-Couon. Tcr-Von
Kcs Jer, Carlie
Kessler. Christopher
Khaleel, Ali
Kick, Devin
Kmg. Tyler
Koe..,o;J, Chri unc
Kohler, arah
Korth. l\alhan
Kosk.J. Andre"
Konen, Katrina
Kraus, Katrina
K.reamalmycr. athaniel
Krcuser, Jame
Krueger. Daniel
Kuester. Melis a
Kuhn, Kot)
Kurnko. ki, Heather
Kwasigroch, Kendall
1 2 pm
1 2 pm - laron 1!.ob1n1on
1pm - Andrew /'\etteuc<I
2 pm - Nmlne Carr
J pm - Amber belcher
4 pm - /tuart I alerno
:i pm - f>roole Johnton
Opm - Tyler Wojclechowlcz
7 pm - /tephanle ruerte
8pm - l!.ob1n Johnton
9pm - /'\ichelle /pair
1Opm - l\lye Cattle
1 1pm - Jacob rarfalla
Lassiter. Eric
Lauderdale. Jessica
Lawliss-Murgo. Joshua
Leary, Kanlin
Lc1ung, Adam
Lc1ung. Jonathan
Lentz. Ashlee
Lcpouce, Mallory
Ltra, Alejandra
Llanas. Alexander
Lobdell, Tyler
Lobcrgcr. Heather
Locante, Maria
Locante, Mart.J.n
Londre, Amanda
Los. Kamila
Lott, Kiyanna
Lyyslo. ~isa
\1aceda, Gissel
~1ack. Jalisa
Maegaard, Cody
Mak.sen. Lauren
Mann. Aaron
farble, Ronald
Marlon. Andrew
.\1arlow, Torn
\1artm. Stephanie
Man.mez. Brenda
Masaka, Emiko
Mao;;o;;ie. Lauren
Matteucci. Andre"'
Maxcy. Anel
Mayfield, Michael
McCoy. M 1ckey
McGuire. Jcnme
~1c~eil, Brett
Mcdma. Alejandro
Mendoza. Andre""
\1entek, Kelsey
Meulbrock. Emily
Meurer. Paige
M1kolas. Alyse
M1kulslo. Ke, in
M1hce\·ic. Natasa
~11ller. Cynthia
~11ller, Rachael
Miller. te\en
:\11ller. Zachary
Mims. Roman
M1tchell, Montrcach
;\1le1nek, Keri
Montemurro. Erin
Moon. Reanna
\1oorc. Caleb
~1oore. Camelliu"i
Moore. Kile
\1orri . Jessica
~1ukka. Sarah
~hnor. Ashton
'.\an a~z. Armando
'eff. Kelsei
'chi. Leif
~el..:;on. Al) "iS3
'elson. Ashlc)
?\eh.on. Bnttan)
Nepper. Taha
Niccolai. Tre"or
Nigl. Ashle)
Nordloh. Enn
">or;irom. Randolph
OeltJenbruns. D1llon
Olson, Melissa
Orbe. Brianda
Orthmann. Nicholas
Ostrum. Cl) stal
Otto. Jennifer
Onu. Cody
0\\-en . Chy via
O"ens. Robert
Pacheco. Erick
Palermo. Sydney
Palmer. Akelia
Pari~. Frank
Parish. Cerenit)
Parsons. Amanda
Pate. Gregol')
Patel. Kevin
Pauno. Luis
Patnck. Samantha
Paul. Brandon
Paura. Sara
Pavlich. Tiphany
Pa\')O\'ich. Sean
Pa\\cll. Kenn
Pearmn. Chantal
Penza. Jonathan
Perez. Claudia
Perez. Joshua
Perez. Monica
Peters. Charles
Peterson. Sarah
Pfarr. Paige
Piehl. Gage
Pierce. Lauren
Pilger. ~1ercedes
Pmnola. Michelle
Pino. Joseph
Pitts. Jaclyn
PIO\·amch. April
Pociu . Tomas
Popad1c, i\lanja
Porter. ~1iranda
Powell. Scou
Preston. Leah
POSI G A hley Howard, Cura D vil.1,
and Morgan ax mile for the cam ra.
M tt chultl tlnd Amber
Belcher enjoy their hared lunch.
are Time.les:
BRACES BUDDll:S G.11111i111 Hem ,,
.ind 1di"a 01 n IHI\ c 1lver) smile
CUTIE • Brandon lhultz and kh a
David on eat a '"romantic'" c fe lun h
Price. Shehc.,\1a
Prill. Chri,topher
Pri nee. Sarah
Provance, Fallon
Pugel. Jonathan
Rado\an, Shane
Radulo\ 1c, Sara
Rangel. 1'athamel
Rantisi. David
Rasmu..,~n. Rebecca
Ratliff. La¥.rence
Reau. Brandon
Reau. Logan
RegeL Alex:an<lra
Reindl. Bnuany
Reye't, han
Reye>. Jeffrey
Reyes. l'iancy
Reynolds. Lou1~
Richer. \1atthe"'
Rieman. Amanda
Rife. Vane .. '3
Rio,. Ehuheth
Ri\Cr3. Ka\ la
Roben,, D;.i.ota
Rodriguez. Hector
Rodriguez. Je\uc.,
Roger.,. David
Rohrer. Dane
Roman. Elvira
Roop. Jev.. ica
Ro-,mann Ca\\andra
Rolhwell. Jacqueline
Ruffalo. Dylan
Rufranco..,. Yec.,1,.enia
Ru..,kell. Jordan
Ryspaye,a. Yuhya
Saamio. Tanner
SackeL Samuel
Salgado. Gael
Salituro. \11a
Sandel"\. Brent
Sandoval. Ce,ar
Sangbu<;ch. Wilham
Santana. Robeno
SargenL Tamicka
Sax. Morgan
Schaal. Keryana
Schantek, 'icolc
Scherer. KcJ..,ey
chlecht. Ste\cn
Schhepp. \1cgan
Schmidt. Cale
Schmidt. Collin
Schon;check. Holl)
Schroeder. Jenna
chroeder. T) ler
Schultz. \fanhe\\
Schulz. Brenden
What do you do when you have•••
Ta) lor nthonsen
lead Cheers and is
in the Bradford
theater progr.1m.
Stephanie Barsuli
doe perfect
hand.itand for the
) earbook camera.
arah DI). dale
Lo' e reading and
pla) ing 'idco gam
in her. pare time.
Richard 'unier
pla_ . occer and
hangs out ith all
of hi friend! .
. .. .
Schulz. Bnan
Searcy. amuel
epansk1. Jame\
erpe, France,ca
exton. Kri,1ofer
eymour. Shene
hields. Jammal
h1koff. Rachel
Shope, Katnna
huttleworth. A<hle)
1edjal. Jenmfcr
Siel. Dora
tmmon\, Oarrius
S1monz. K}k
mnen. Robert
kokut, Anthony
kundberg. Kimberly
Skweres. Brian
lomkowski, Bradle)
Smith. Jacob
Sm11h. Rochelle
mnh, Scott
Soch r. Robert
Sosm;k1, H1llaT)
Spair, 11chelle
pence, Rachel
St. Clair, Kaylee
Stearman. Jared
tebbins. Bethany
tein. Alexis
temberg. Ab1ga1l
Stella. Jo<eph
telmasiak, Beren1ka
lOJIC, Jasmina
Stolfe. ·1chola;
Stone. Eric
trangberg. AJe,ander
Lrchlow, Vincent
Sumer. Richard
Svatek. Al) \andra
S\\anigan, Mansa
wanz. Michael
wiatko. Zachary
Tate. Brent
Tay lor. A;hley
Taylor. Casey
Taylor, Terrell
Terrell. Taqueisha
Thomas. Diamond
Thomas. Jeremy
Thomas. Jeremy
Thomas. Taylor
Thorpe, Pelaura
Thorsen. Tyler
Tmker, Nathaniel
Tomczak. Anthony
Torre. Erika
Torre~. L)dia
Trawick., Monique
Trempl. Allison
~~.~ ~:> ltl ~~
Troha. Jade
Tucker. Stephanie
Tyler. Channell
lloa, Andre"
Unrein. Alex
Vanblarcom. Danielle
Van\l.inkle, Adam
Varga>. Cody
Varga" Sta;ha
Vanble, Anayeli
Vanabed1an. Nikki
Vazquez. Amz1
Vela. Brianna
Vo''· Ryan
Wabalick.Js. Holly
\\'alkowski. Katie
\\'ameckc. Matthew
Washington. Jazzmyne
Water,, JO!>eph
Webb. Rebecca
Weber, \lichael
\\'eger. ~ichol<t
Weiland, Danielle
Wenberg. Rachael
Wheeler. Eli,ha
Will1am!;. Ale:itander
W1lliams. Chelsey
Willing. Tyler
Vv'tl on. Miranda
Window, Cherita
\\ 1ni=k.J. Kelsey
Winzer. Alli. on
Wo1cicchow1cz. Tyler
Wolf. Cai;;i;;andra
\\.'omack, Ashlc)
\\.'ooch. Unique
Wnght. A. hley
W)nne. Rebecca
Zadlcr. Justin
Zcqiri, Vigan
10 ye A~ FROM NO\V?
''To live oo
the i.s1m! cl.
Maui. or
anywhere warm,
where there'& a
beach and DO
-Mrs. Aldna
-ro be home
"Liw in a
hoUla Cll tbe
belch and do
nothing bit
111.t alld Illlld
all Oay.•
-M& Jlalbl
"Olln a cxffee
sbcp and
drink cxffee
alld oook. read
bocD and
llp!lllai lots cl.
time with my
c:bildno and
-Mn. Ameaoo
"Live oo
Sanibella raland
in Fladda and
be a part time
a&stant o:JICh
for high achool
-coach Birt
Mc Beth,
~ fOR. A '41MLIT'\'\/~o I~ YOUR. FAVO~ ~TUD~ AND \\/'-IY?
Mr. Malczewsk1's favorite student is
junior Kai Struebing because he is always
positive and full of en erg}, and is al\\ ays
polite tO\\ ard others.
Mr Guttormsen's favorite student is
sophomore Brittney Pavlica because she
listens to him. follow-, his directions. and
said she would be on the tennis team.
Mr. Jacob's fa\Orite student.
coincidemally. is also hi son junior Sam
Jacob. He says Sam is \el) funny. and
works hard in school.
!\.1r. Webb's favorite student is senior
Carl} Wernic because he is ver} affable.
she nc\er gets in any trouble. and is aver)
\\ell-mannered '>tudcnt who gets things
done on time.
T~1N(i Tu~u(i'U Tu'- Y'-A~
J..Jo\V t.4ANY ~ IJAV'- llJ'-Y ~ ~IN~
\Ir. Roller ha-. bec.:n teaching for 36 )ear'!
He i' our "anc1en1" e..:onom1c-. teacher anJ
fatlicr-hgure al \lar) D BraJforJ.
\lr Skur,k1 had an an ''er after three
<la\ of thinking anJ 'a1J that he: ha
been teaching ince 2001 at Bradford.
has been
teaching \OCal
w..:h. at
\Ir . J\lbnght,
"'ho i a fnend
to all. ha lxen
Br,ulford t1>r
ten )ear .
aho <l1re.:h
.16 year . He 1ea..:h' ph) sic' and ecolog)
Good lu..:k 10 )OU J )llll finish teaching to
tart )OUr \\dl-Je cned retiremc:nt!
musical anJ
:'\Ir. • "c:1man (''ho 1 notoriou
'3) ing 'no to th e \\ho tI} to
interupt hi. da ,) h '!xc:n teaching at
Bradford tor a'' hllle eight )ear .
+-\nd in th
y ar
in y ur hf th t
Tribtrt'2 To ...
Dom nic Giannini mile' for his
senior yearbook p1ctun: \\a)
back in 1965 . Rumor has it that
he wa., j ust a' friend!) then a'
he is now.
Often 'een on hi' motorcycle
on the coldest da) of the
\\inter, Dominic j, the true
embodiment of the word'
tough and read) for an) th mg
that Bradford (and/or the
weather) can d1'h out."
Dominic Giannini. the
head custodian at
Bradford. is used to
hearing his name
associated with a plea
for help. He cheerfully
spends his day
cleaning, fixing. and
entertaining both the
staff and the students.
Although his knowhO\\, strength. and work
ethic are often taken for
granted around the
building, it is clear from
the affectionate banter
between "Dom" and ...
v.ell. ... everyone. that
he is a valued
ind1\ idual at Bradford.
Dominic smile big
with Alex A1tista. Kai Struebing. and Morgan Piccolo
over one of the lunches that they often share together.
TALKI TO THE BOSS!! Dominic Giannini ha. some giggle with
Principal Jean Schlais as they talk during a typical <;chool da). ~1s.
Schlais appreciates the fact that Dominic keeps the building running
smoothly. and Dominic appreciates Ms. Schlai-; for her sen e of humor.
LADDER UP!! Climbing to new heights.
Dominic checks the heating system on the
second floor. It is difficult to keep the
temperatures consistent throughout the
building-especially during a t\\O week. January
cold snap when pipes tend to freeze and burst.
Aceto. Cameron 29. I 20. 131. 162
Achtemeier. 1arquette 83. IM. I 20. 171
Acosta. Juan 180
Acuna. Rigoberto I 0
Adams. Samuel 142
dams. Ti ffan) 171
damson. Bnan 62. 63. 162
delsen. Anel I . 19. 97. 171. 17:!
Adelsen. Lindse) :!3. 142
Ahmad. Reema 162
Aiello. Alex I 0
Aiello, Joseph 8
Aiello, Shelbi 180. 189
Aker. Brogan 171
Akerlund, teven 142
Akina. Susan 191
kina. Zachary 180
Akin-,. Ashle) 171
Akin . Kristina 180
Al-Ashi, Issa I I 0. 171
Albert. Sean 162. 167
Albert. Zachary 116. 162
Albright, Anna Marie 191. 193
Albright. Jake 171
lchaar. Anas I 0
Alfano. Gina 104. 162
Allan. Courtney I 0
Allan. Rachel
. 162
Allen. Bob 191
Allen. Casandra 142
Allen. Courtney 116
Allen. Joslyne 54. 4. 120. 121, 131. 165
Allen. Kerra 45. 74. 75, 124. 162
Allen . teven 162
Alles. Nathaniel 86, 172
Allison. Amber 180
Almaguer. Jose I 0
Almanza. Cornelio -9, 162
Altreuther. teven 8. 9. 162. 164
Alvarez. Jordan 171
Ambrosini. Ariel 54. 171
Ambrowiak, Gloria 67, 120. 129, 171
Ambrowiak. Joseph 120
Amie. Eulla I 0
Ander en, Aly sa I 0
Andersen. Kylie 142
Anderson. Amanda 121, 162
Anderson, Cindy 30. 171
Anderson, Danielle 162
Ander on. Janelle 29, 162. 16
Ander on. Stephanie 162, 163
Andreoli. Krystina 29. 71, 76, 114. 162
Andreoli, icholas 42. 57. 142
Anguiano, Sarai 142
Annina. Ralph 191
Anthonsen, Taylor 26, 180, 187
Anzaldi, Ashlie 180
Apostoli, Gabrielle 7, 14. 15, 96. 142
Applegate. A hley 142
Applegate, Mykel 171, 173
Applegate, Steven 79. 132
Aragon. Je sica 171
Araiza, John I 0
Arendt, Alesha 142
Arista. Alejandro 142. 195
Arista, Maria 180
Armstrong.Brianna I 0
Arm trong, Ju tin 20, 21
Armstrong. athaniel 120. I 0
Arm trong, Shane 16, 17. 102, 103. 162
Arneson, Julie 191, 193
Arrington, Dave 9
Arroyo, Karla 180
sh. Christine I 0
A'laJ..-,on. Mark 21. 23. I0 I. 191
AtJ..m,. Jon 52 Jonathan 52. 95. 171
Atkim. RicJ..y I 0
Augu,tine, Brittney 7. 83. 171
Augustine, Leila 171. 174
Ault. Da\ id 173
Avila, Ivette 180
Avila. Martin I 0
Babel, John 191
Bach. Jo. hua 88
Bagley. Lynnise 29. 171
Baguio. Ashley 111, 122, 142
Baguio. Kahala 30. 34, 86, I04, 120, 171
Baguio. Kalani 120. 171
Bahera. Johnny I 4, 186
Bailey. Rachael 171
Bajraktari, Beyza 180
Baker. Brianna 171
Baker. icholas 162
Bakkala, Tanner 120. I 0
Baldwin. Joriese 162
Baldwin. Kaleb 180
Baldwin. Kyle 180
Baldwin, Rachael 8 . IOI, 162
Balk, Daniel 180
Balk. Hannah 124. 162
Bambrough. Haley 6. 162
Bamrungratana, Corinna 27. 162
Barca. Abrianna 14. 15. 28, 29, 67. 104, 105,
124. 136. 142
Barca, Peter 180
Barden, Jacob 29, 32, 171
Barker. Ray Charles 171
Barnes, Maria 15. 28. I 0 I, 162
Barnhill. icholas 171
Barr, Marcus 68
Barrera. Gilbert 180
Barrera. Raul 180
Barrera, Teresita 51, 162
Barry. Sandra 191
Barsuli , Alex 74, 180
Barsuli. icholas, 142, I 5
Barsuli. Stephanie 54. I05. 180. 185. 187
Barta, Paul 57. 124. 180
Bartholomew. Michael 9. 191
Barthuly, Jacqueline 72. 112, 113. 116. 180
Bartley, Keli 171
Bartmer, Ali 180
Bass. icholas 180
Battersby, Thomas 171
Bauman, Taylor 111, 120, 171. 176
Bautista. David 120, I 0
Bautista, Gilberto I08. 162
Baxter, Ashley 142
Bayer, Louisa 127. 162
Beal , Alexander 11. 225
Beal, Aly e 162
Beard. John 28, 84
Beard, Kry tal 79. 180
Beard, ataisja 84
Beasley, Margaret 25, 68, 180
Beasley, Patrick 29, 42, 57, 142
Beauchemin, Isabelle 124, 180
Beben, Michael 6. I03, 171
Becerra, Aaron 32. 180
Becker. Kayla 15, 35, 162, 169
Beckius, Travis 95, 143
Bedolla, David 117, 143
Bedolla, Maria 143
Bedolla, Martin 180
Beggi. Amanda 47. 87. 180. 188
Behling Stephen 31
Behringer. DereJ.. 143
Belcher. Amber 2, 25. 120. 180:184. 186
Belcher, icole 162. 170
Belding. icholas 143
Bell. icole I 19
Bell Loughead. Francesca 24, 25, 26, 97. 171
Bella. Christopher 9, 28
Bella. Ryan 162
Belle. Shallun 74
Belotti. Justin 4. 6 . . 9. 37. 43, 98. 99. 111.
142. 143
Belsky, Erik 43. 120, 128, 162, 166
Ben-Carew, Bernard 10. 86. 107, 120, 171
Bender, Matthew 20. 21. 56. 57, 70. 171
Bennett, Blake 180
Bennett. Jonathon 9, 171, 173
Bennett. Marlena 162
Benson, Benjamin I 0
Berea. Michael 10. 120, 180, 189
Berg. Mary 180
Berge. Gregory 180
Bernal, Omero I 0
Bernard. Sharon 191
Bernhardt. Richard 64, 180
Beyer. Brittany 7. 24, 25. IOI , 180, 189
Be1otte. Randy 113. 125
Bieker, Joshua 103
Bilotta, icolas 2, 3, I 16. I 0. 239
Bingham, Tyler I 0, 182
Binotto. David 86. 143
Binotto. Kelly , 30. 120. 171
Birch. Kyle 21, 142. 143
BirJ..holz, Jeremy 109. 180. 186
Birkholz, Paul 9, 191 , 192
Bisciglia, Brenden 102, 103, 162. 170
Bishop. Judith 191
Blackford. Kelsie 124, 162
Blaisdell. Courtney 25. 162
Blalock, Charrie 29. 84. 171
Blalock, Michael 162
Bland, Jamahl 171, 172
Blauser, Zachary 162
Blazavier, Addyrose 171
Blazavier. Beauregard 9, 162
Blaziewske. Timothy 47. 77. 162
Blommel , Amanda 143
Blomquest. Rebecca I 04, 120. 180
Slonski , Aaron 171
Slonski. Adam 162
Boggs. Ryan 162
Bohanon, Jasmine 162
Bolton. Robert 11, 171
Bolyard, Craig 21. 50, 68, 121. 143. 161
Bonacci, Amber 64, 86, 171, 177
Bonacci, Jamie 143
Bonanno. Lauren 162
Bonanno, Paige 97
Booker, Da Tara 124. 180
Boozer. Jeffery 162
Borman. Richard I 06, I 07. 171
Borst, Rafael 162
Bouse. Casey 171, 173
Bowen, Jennifer 112. 113. 120, 180
Bowen, Nicholas 143
Bowhall, icholas 28
Boyd. Michael 180
Bradford, Brittany 127, 162
Bradford. Crosby 87, 180
Brady.Cody I I
Brandt. Rebecca 171
Branstetter, Chelsea 111
Braun, Mark 181
Bredin, Todd 124, 162
Brems. Hannah 95, I 11. 143
Brennan. Cory 2. 3, 181. 239
Brienen. Jes'>ica 181
Brinkman. Kylee 2. 26, 34, I 19. 171. 238
Brinkman. Patric!.. 74. 161
Brinkman, Taylor I 0. 31. 171. 178
Brinkmann, Scott 181
Brissette. Terrence 181
Britt, Lakeidric 98, 171
Broderick. Kim 191
Brooks. JeliS'>a 40, 171. 178
Brooks. Kyle 171
Brown. Alicia 162
Brown. Brennen 181
Brown, Bria IM, 181
Brown, Ciara 26. 171
Brown. Erica 162
Brugger, Ericha 82. 181
Bruneau. Krista 181
Brunner. Allyson 54, 99, 171. 174
Bruzas. Christopher 120, 181
Bryan, Carl 87. 162, 171
Bryan, George 45
Bryan, Rebekah 181
Brzezinski , Emily 34, 39, 171
Buckson. Anthony 171
Buffamonte, Ryan 103 , 11 l , 162
Bullis. Kathryn 181
Bullis, Rachel 22. 23, I0 I, 131. 162, 166
Bullock. Candise 45, 69, 84. 86. 116, 160
Bundies, Zachary 78, 143
Burchfield, lmani 40. I I
Burger. Brooke IM
Burger. Jeff I05
Burgher, Amy 191
Burkman-Powell , Magnolia 181
Buska, Laura 78, 143
Busse, Marcus 181
Busse, Megan 162
Butts, Kandace 162
Bytnar. Alyssa 65, 82, 181
Bytnar. Patricia 191
Cadavid. Andrea 171
Calder, Rose 191
Calderon Jr., Manuel 162. 185
Calderon. Jessica 120. 181. 185. 186. 190
Calderwood. David I0. 120, 121 , 171
Caldwell. henitta 162
Callahan. Joshua 75
Calmet. Lauren 72, 112. 113. 116, I
Camerota, James 191. 192, 194
Cannestra, Mary Claire 81, 112, 113. 116.
143, 227
Cannon, Tamara 4, I
Carbone. Alyssa 171
Carlsen, Mary 191
Carlson, Anna 96, 97, 162. 163
Carlson, Steven 181
Carmichael. Stephanie 7 . 162
Caronti. Emily I . 19. 28, 131. 162. 185
Caronti. Peter21, 107, 181, 185, 188
Carpenter, Jessica 12, 13, IO I. 162
Carpenter, Kyle 144
Carpentier, Christopher 95, 163
Carr, Alexander 163
Carr. Alexandria 26, 171
Carr. Andrew I I
Carr. Jasmine 46. I I, I 4
Carrasco III. Hector 160
Carrillo, Carlos 181
Carrillo, Noreen 191
Covelli, Stephanie 97
Carroll, Kayla 181
Cox, Keegan 181
Carrubba, David 171
Coyle. Sean 68, 181
Carson. Ariel 128, 163
Crain, Najee 163. 169
Carter, Cassius 93
Cramer. Matthew 144
Carter, Eric 86, 95. 171 , 179
Crane, Michael 86, 120. 172
Carter, Shayla 88, 163
Crane, Rachael 26. 120, 181
Castaneda, Abraham 163
Crawford, Christopher 93. 172, 173
Castaneda, Julio 171
Craymond, Joseph 95. 172
Castaneda, Marisela 163
Creed, Kami 181
Castillo, Jose 181
Creekmore, Katelyn 144
Castillo, Olivia l 16. 181
Cremona, icole 131, 162. 163, l 66
Castillo. Victoria J 27, 178
Crittendon, Jacqueline 191
Castle, Kyle 181, 184
Cronk, Stephanie 172
Cenin, Lamira 123
Crump, Keith 79, 98, 99, 132, 144
Cerda. Veronica 163
Cruz. Maria 163
Cerda, Yesenia 171
Cucunato. A.J. 172
Cereceres, athan I 08
Cuevas, Edward 163
Cerepova, Irina 28, 33, 40, 87, 144
Culotta, icholas 171. 172
Cermak. Amy 191
Culver, Raven 46. 61, 163
Cervantes, Fabian 171
Cummings, Jamie 129. 163
Cervantes, Ignacio 171, 172
Cunningham, Charles 172
Cervantes. Jocelin 144, 163
Curtin, Caitlin 144
Cervantes, Miguel 144
Ceschin, Sarah 75. 120, 181
Curtis, Megan 163
Chairez, Eric 172
Champagne, Ave 84, 172
Champagne, Charlita 55, 84, 100, 101, 144
Chase. Sus an 19 l
Dahl , Bryan 82, 163
Chase, icollette 163
Dahl, Valerie 129, 163, 169
Chatman, Charles 31, 191, 192
Dahlberg. Taylor 181
Chatman. Chelsea 163
Dalpaos, James 57. 103. 181
Chatman, Gloria 191
Dalton, Paradise 163
Cheema, Mahmood 80, I 03, 191
Daniels, Adam I 0, 172
Cheema. Parveen l 91
Daniels, Brittany 5. 39, 45. 69, 72, 73. 83, 84.
Chiappetta, Jenna 163
112, 113. 144
Childers, Brianna 54
Daniels, Shayla 124. 181
Choi, John 9
Daniels, Zachary JO. 11 , 144. 225
Chopp, Jake 83, 163, 166
Danielson, Heather 29, 163
Chouinard, Ronald 163
Dar, Ra hid 29, 67. 85. 118, 136. 144
Chovan, tephanie 124, 181 , 186
Dar. Umer 67. 163
Christiansen. Heather 39. 124, 172, 176
Christie, Hope 22, 23, 43, I 00, I 0 J, 126. J44 Darden. Jameia 84
Darden, Treadell 9. 172
Chwala, Matthew 9, 69, 95, 162, 163
David. Meagan 7, 83. 172
Clark, Anthony 49, 109, 163
Davidson, Charlie 9, 130. 164
Clark, Cindy 191
Davidson, Kenneth 9, 98, 99
Clark, Joshua 144
Davidson. Melissa I 05, 186
Clark, Kasey 181
Davila, Cara 181
Clark, Rachel 86, 124, 163
Davis, Beth 173
Clausen, Jillian IOI. 181
Davis. Brandon 181
Clavijo, Ruben 172
Davis. Elizabeth 173
Clay, Erin 163, 167
Davis, Katherine 31, 86, 127. 172, 177
Clay, Kadie 163
Davis, Keith I 08
Clifford, Plaisted I I, 27
Davis. Kristin JOO
Close, Jessica I 04, 120, 181
Davis. Scena 18. 19, 163
Colboth, Alyssa 124, 172
Davison, Melissa 181. 186
Cole. Jamie 191
Day. Marla 16, 17. 191
Cole, Kelly 181
Day, Tony 163
Coleman, Matthew 181
Days, Willie 191
Collier-Campolo, Tyler 181
Co llins, Carolyn 3, 5, 36, 37, 43, 73, 124, 130, De Palma, Rachel 120. 181
Deaton, Landon 163
144, 161, 23
Deau. Lindsey 22. 23, 79, 181
Collins, Emily 163
Compher, Michelle 26, 27, 180, 181, 183, 188 DeBartolo. Doria 82, 86. I 0-k 172
Debe. Oliver 29, 48. 75. 86. 128, 129. 172
Conforti-Barrette, Lucy 163
Dechiara, Tyler 181
Conner, Timothy J72
Defazio. Ashley 12, 13, 181
Conrad, Marguerite 191
Defiore, Dylan 181
Conwell, Johnathan 18 1, 185
Defiore, Jake 86, 172
Cook, Jennifer 7, 28, 73, 144
Delaney. Andrew 172
Cooksey, Lena 191
Delaney. Megan 181
Coos, Andrei I 0. 33, I 03
Delatorre. Hernan 163
Corrao. Ashley 27, 144, 161
Delatorre, Jessica 163
Corrao. Eric 52, 95. 172
Delatorre, Ruby 51
Cortes, A Iberto 181
Delcarpio, Lesli 191
Cortez, Osvaldo 172
Delong, Allyson 181
Corvera, Maritza I 8 I
Demicchi, Samantha 181
Demoe. Jeremy 181
Demoe. Joseph 182
Denny. Dustin JO, 11. 111, 145. 225
Denny, oah 10, 172
Derose, Mark 163
DeRose, Michael 145
Derose, Michelle 182
Deseife. Leah 172
Devictoria, Megan 26. 182
Devila, Cara 186
Devine, Christopher 145
Devine, Ian 9, 62, 163
Devoe, Chivaughnne 145
Devroy, John 45, 57, 124, 182
Devroy, Kathryn 24. 25, 124. 145
Dewildt, Dana 145
Deyoung. Dylan 182
Diaz. Alina 182
Diaz, Kayle-Cera 163
Diaz. Louis 172
Diaz. Marco 132, 145
Diaz, Norberto 26. 145
Dicello, Anthony 180, 182
Diehl, Marisa 113, 120, 182
Dieter, Randal 9
Dillard, Madison I I. 182, 188
Dirks, Steven 9, 120. 172
Dix, Anna 54, 92, I 05, 182
Dixon, Adam 182
Dixon, Charles 145
Djurdjic, Jelena 182
Djurickovic. Rebecca 191
Djurickovic. Peter 9, 92. 94. 95, 172
Djurickovic. Stevan 9. 53. 54. l 11 , 145
Dobbs. Richard 191
Dockter, Jacob 163
Dockter, Raymond 145
Dohnal , Joyce 39. 191
Dolan. Patricia 191
Dollmeyer. Stephanie 115, 172
Dominguez. Chelsea 163
Donalds. Andrew 53. 145, 161
Donalds, icholas 120, 182
Donnelly. Loretta 8 J. 116
Donaubauer. Erika 18. 19
Dorau. icholas 9. 171. 172. 175
Dorsey. Devin 2. 50. 62. 63. 108. 172
Dorsey, Marica 182
Dosemagen, Alexandra 9. 163
Drazewski, Andrew 109, 130, 163
Dreger, Ian 57. 133. 145
Dresen, Crystal 163
Driver. Antoinette 47. 84, JOI , 130. 145
Driver, Monique 84. IOI. 134. 145
Drysdale. athan 8. 9. 118. 124. 125. 145
Drysdale. Sarah 182. 187
Dudley. Jason 163
Dudley. Lauren 172
Dunlap. Ariel 172, 174
Dupuis, Kristen I 16. 182
Dusenberry. Kevin 36. 163
Dyer. Mark 182
Ebener, Michael 9. 96. J72
Ebert, Chad 91, I 06, 107. 163
Eckardt, Christopher 120. 182
Eckhardt. Ryan 172
Eckman. Alexandria 120. 182
Eclarinal. Briann 29. 172
Eclarinal. Karissa 83. 131. 163. 16
Edge, Amber 146
Edquist,Jack50.107. lll.146
Edquist, Samantha 16, 29, 30. 38, 172
Edwards, Brooke 172
Edwards. ikkiya 124. 182, 188
Eggleton. Holly 172
Ekstrom, Andrea 26. 182
Ekstrom, Kayla l 72
Eldridge, Eugene 43, I 03, 109, 172
Eldridge, Jo. eph I 03, J 63
Eliasson, Janet 57, 172
Eliasson, Jesse 182
Eilertson. Kevin 8. 9. 146
Ellis. Daniel J 63. 166
Ellis, Kri stin 45. 146, 160
Ellsworth, Cody 182, l 88
Encarnacion. Divinity 82. 84, 182
England, Tyler 120, 182
Englund. Ernie 19 J
En or. Steven 163
Erickson, John 9. 22. 163. 167
Ericson. Stacy 191
Escobar, Kathryn 31. 35. 83. 172. l 79
Escobedo, Daisy 182
Escobedo, Emanuel 182
Escobedo. Stephanie 182
Estep. Jonathon 131. 163
E till. Melanie 80. 163
Estill, Victor 172
Estrada, Jeannette 27, 182. 182
Evangelista, Janeth 182
Evangelista, Javier 81, 146
Evans. Kalan 182
Everett, Evan l 2
Ewald. Jo eph 94. 95. 163
Eyvaz. Hrayr 163
Fabiano. Samantha 182
Fabiano. Sara 163
Fair. Geraldine 191
Falstad, Courtney 146
Fanning. Caroline 24. 182
Farero, James 163
Farfalla. Jacob I 07. 182. I 4
Farfalla. atalie 40, 43. 111. 146
Farhan. Ali 182
Farhan. Aziza 17 . 182
Farhan. Farhan 88. 163
Farhan. Jamel 16-1
Farizi. Hatmi 146
Farnam, Dylan 123. 182
Fedro, Dillion 82. 172. 174
Feest. Michael 95. 164
Felland. Alexander 42. I 11. 146
Felske. Daniel 164
Fenn. Tiffany 182
Fennell. Alex 146
Ferda. athan 3. 4. 36. 37. 43. 73. 11 . 126.
130, 146, 161. 238
Fergus. Martha 191
Ferguson. Brittney 164
Feuker, arah 74. 112. 113. 146
Fickenscher. Daniel 9. 67. 70. 71. 11 . 123.
Fiebrink, teYen 182
Figueroa. Deanna 26. 182
Filippelli. Alessandra 86. 16-1. 168
Finley. Cordero 9, 61. 172. 175
Finley. Deangelo I 2
Finnigan. Mallory 110. 172. 177
Fischer. Judithann 190. 191
Fi her. Gina 191
Fistler. Leigh 129. 146
Flesch. Andre\\ 182
Flesch. hri-,topher 164
Flores. Johnn) 182
Flore'>. tephanie 182
Fonger, arah I 04. I 05. 124. 182
Foreman. Ka) leigh 146
Fo-,ter. Elisabeth 35. 39. 146
Fo-,ter. Jamarrah 54
Fo. ter. Joe<,ph I 2
Fraley. Michaela 191
Frank. Adam 182
Franklin. Deon 9. 53. 54. 164
Franks. Mamsa 164
Franks. Mari\sa R) chelle 13, 164
Fra1ee. Andrew 16. 17. 46. 74. 86. I 72
Fra1ier. Patrick 70. 132. 164
Frederick. Christopher l 2
Frederick. Jeff 147
Freng. Jessica 123. I 72
Freng. Kaitlin 7. 24. 25. 123. 147
Fre). Jordan 16. 17. 172
Frit1. Heidi 78. 7. 124. 164
Froh. Meli\\a 17. 147. 164
Frost. Jane 191
Frost. Scou I 14
Frye. Alexandria I 2
Frye. Ellen 172
Fuerte. tephanie 26. I 0 I. I 2. l 4
Funk. Brittany I 72
Funk. Laura I 2
Gagnon. Corinne 147
Gaines. Cameron 163
Galati. Matthew 107. 182
Galbraith, Stephen 182
Gallaway. Justyn 173
Gallego.,. ohemi 172
Galligan. Patrick 191
Gallo. Andrew 9. 67. 147
GallO\~ay. Ju.,tyn 49. 51. 53. I 0 . I 72. 173
Garber-,. Chad 182
Garcia. Andrea 39. 172
Garcia. Carlos 182
Garcia. Federico 191
Garcia. Luis 182
Garcia. yomi erena I 03
Garcia. eferino 164
Garcia-Velden, Ryin 117. 164
Gardinier. Brett 164
Garland. Mark I 72
Garnett. Sarah 86. 127. 128. 164
Garringer. Terry 191
Garza. Curt!\ 133. 164
Garza. Li'>a 29. 11 . 126. 172
Gascoigne. Breanna I T2
Gasiorkiew1c1. Jana 190. 191
Gastaldi. Lauren 2 . 36. 95. 111 . 147. 161
Gastaldi, Matthew 97. 161
Gauche! , Karlee 23. 111. 164
Gaudio. Jacob 10. 120. 126. 182. 186
Gauler. Robert 11 I. 164
Gauler. R \a 182
Gayden. Antonio 9. 172
Geb. Elias 162
Gehring. Jenna 98. 111. 147
Ge1dner-Kirb}. tephen I 2
Geiger. cott 28. 173
Geisler. Kimberly 34. 71. 92. 114. 115. 147
Geiden. Andrew 6. 37. 42, 43, 56. 57. 147
Gemig, Jeremy 192
Gename. Danielle I09. 130. 164
George. Bryan 48
Gerger. Anthony 183
Gerlach. Da\1d 87. 91. 95. 164
Gerou. Kale) 31. 174
Ghoca. Mitch 192
Giannini. Dominic 195
Gib<,on. anitra 40. 164
Gidcumb. Je sica 45. I 0 I. 124. 173. 175
Gifford. Brianna 183
Gigliotti. John 183
Gilbertson. Garrett 164
Gildenstern. Brian I 03. 173
Gill, Branden 124
Gill, Michael 164
Gill. icholas 164
Gilliland. Jenna 124. 183
Gilliland. Stacy 128. 164. 170
Gilmore. De'Jorra 84. 173
Giornnelli. Trevor 116. 164
Glass, Felicia 40
Glover. Russell 183
Godlewski. Diane 192
Godlew<,ki. Marcus I 3
Goettge. Michelle 25. 164
Goine'>, Bo 164
Gomez. Amanda 183
Gomez. Cristabel 164
Gomez. Felicia 164
Gomez. Hugo 164
Gomez. Jes e 74. 118. 124. 125. 135. 147.
Gomez. Lisette 183
Gomez. Maria 173
Gontscharow. Timothy 9. 173
Gonzales. Alejandro 129
Gon1ales. Karlee 173
Gonzales. Shinelle 120. 173. 176
Gonzale . Yesenia I 3
Gorden. Amber 164
Gordon. Cory 9
Gosa!. Kiranpreet 29. 173
Goundal. Maryam I 3
Goundal. Rahila 173
Grabowski. Christopher 117. 183
Grammentz. Kyle 164. 168
Grant, Bryant 183
Grashen. Matt 20. 21. 58. 164, 165
Grashen. Racquel 6. 22, 23. 3 . 84. I 00. I 0 I,
111. 147
Gray. pencer 173. 176
Grave<,, Courtney 40
Gra1iano. Ste\en I0. 183
Greb, Rachel 26, 88. 89. 124, 183
Greco. Autumn 86. 173
Greco. Bianca 43. 164
Green. Cynthia 164
Green. Eric 183
Green. Kiara 183
Green. Marquis 173
Greening, Linda 67. 192
Gregory. James 147
Griffin. Jamelia 173
Griffin. Joshua 164
Griffin. Resheena 164
Grime .. Stephanie 173
Grno. Cody 120. 173
Groavac. Aleksandar 11 . 27
Gro'>s. Shawnelle 72. 73. 192
Gross. hayne 120. 183
Grover. Jerri! 192
Gruss. Adam 9. 147. 227
Grymkoski. Kayla 30. 31. 173
Guadarrama. Nicole 183
Guajardo, Adilene 43. 89
Guajardo, lsamar 183
Guajardo. Juan 173
Guderley. Glenn 173
Guerra. Ashley 82. 147
Guerra. Melanie Lynn 183
Guidry. Courtney 164
Gulatz. Carolyn 183
Gui au. Kathryn I 04. I I0. 164
Gulau. Lynie 189
Gulbransen. Amanda 183
Gutierre/. Karen 162. 164
Gutierre/. Karla 15. 164
Guttorm<,en. Ke\ in I 03. 192
Gwinnup. Paul 164
Gyurina. Cecilia 120
Gyzen. Ashley 147
Hackbarth. Jo'>hua 50. 77. 106. 107. 147
Hackett. Kyle 183
Haebig, Maureen 16. 35. 50. 51. 75. 164
Hafenscher. Tristin 34, 35. 114, 115. 173
Haferrnan. Ju'>tin I02. 183
Haferman. icholas 9. 148
Hagan. Je.,.,ica 68. I 16
Hagen. Allison 164
Hagen . Jordan 124. 183
Hailer. ophia 23, 29. 86. I 04. 183 , 188. 190
Haisler, Ron 32. 192
Haley. Erin 164
Haley. Rebecca 148
Hall . Courtney 124. I 3
Hamby. Kate 120. 164
Hammad. Nida! 48. 164
Hampton, La'vera 183
Hanan. Kri'>tina 164
Hanne'>. Mark 183
Hansen. Alyssa I 17. 173
Hansen. Christina 174
Hansen, Kelly 127. 173
Hansen, Kri'>tina 173
Hansen. Tim 192
Hanson. Amanda 183
Hanson . icole 183
Hardca<,tle. ico 6, 9. 46. 83. 132. 148
Harding. Elloitte 34. 35
Hardy, Alexander I0. 173. 178
Hardy. Kelly 192
Hardy. Olivia 55, 84. IOI. 173
Harmon. Akilu'> 40. 14
Harmon. Dariu., 40, 184, 187
Harper. Chri'>topher 57. 183
Harper. Donna 71. 78. 173
Harring. Emily 45, 164
Harris. Ashley 46
Harris. Shavanna 183
Harris. havonta 82. 84. 183
Harris. Vincent 40
Harrison. Rachel 164
Hartlieb. amantha 83
Hartmann. Manin 33. I 02. I03
Harvey. pencer 183
Harvey. Tyler 78. I IO. 164
Hathcock. Rachel 27. 132
Haugh. Audrie 15, 87
Hauke, Justin I 0, 70. 75, 123. 173
Hawkins. Laura 56. 173, 177
Hawkin'>. asha 173
Haye'>. Alex 120. 183
Hayes. Bryan 164
Haywood. Todd 81. 192
Hebior. Lindsey 23, 60. 131. 164. 167
Heck, Zachary 173
Hedges. Courtney I 0, 183
Hedges. Kevin 164
Heffron. Ian 183
Hein1en, Joan 192
Heinzmann. Kimberly 15, 29. 47. 127. 173
Heller. Doris 42. 192
Hemm, Ro,ie 113. 164
Hendrickson, Dillon 173
Hendrickson, Erin 26, 173
Henrich s, Janette 39. 173, 177
I !enrich'>. Julia 15, 130, 164. 169
Henry. Rachel 173
Hen.,ley. Kendra 78. 116. 164
Hernandez. Ana 183
Hernandez. Areli 164
Hernandez. Don Rico 9. 108. 122. 164
Hernandez, Eliseo 124. 173
Hernandez, Jennifer 9. 130. 160
Hernandez. Je ssica 165
Hernandez. Jesus 183
Hernandez. Juan 9. 178
Hernandez. Keith 108, 148
Hernandez. Michelle 29, 120. 124. 173
Hernandez, Mose s 183
Hernandez. icole 183
Hernandez. Vicente 192
Herr, Daniel 173
Herrera. Luis 71. 76. 77. 114. 115, 131. 165
Herrera. Luz Jazmin 72. 114. 116. 183. 186
Herrick'>, Brian 78. 183
Herricks. Christopher 148
Herrmann, Corey 183
Herron, Terrence 69
Hervat. Dean 192
Hesse. Lisa I 09. 120. 183. 189
Hessefort. Sara 120, 183. 186
He\ter. Terence 173
Hetelle. Joel 120. 183. 188
Hetelle. Kimberly 121. 165
Heuser. Andrew 57. 183. 190
Hewitt, Jonathon 183. 184
Hicks, Jamie 27. 86. 165
Hicks, Jenna 183
Hicks, Matthew 183
llill. Ashley 45, 148
Hill . Deshalon 173
Hill. lyanna 183
Hinder. Michael 68. 109. 130. 165
Hines. Keith 165
Hines. Marcus 183
Hinkes. Meredith 54. 120, 183
Hirsch, Brianna 148
Hir<,ch. Justin 173
Hirtreiter. Amber 31, 46, 173
Hix-Peden, John 173
Hoag, Michael 67. 148
Hobbs . Kaitlin 120, 183
Hobson. Richard 173
Hodler, Eric 183
Hoey. Matthew 6. 173
Hoferitza. undefined 192
Hoferitza. Donald 192. 193
Hoff, Kelsey 35. 165
lloff, Kyle 148
Hoff. Reed 9. 52. 173
Hoffman Ill, James Albert 29, 45, 86. 111.
119. 124. 125, 173
Holden. Michael 53, 54. 165. 166
Holland. Andre 107
Homes, Allen 80, 148
Homes. Lori 15, 29, 75, 173
Hopkins. Kayla 183
Hoppe. Jasmine 165
Horak. Steven I 3
Horner. Ashlee 162. 165
Hotchkiss, Kimberly 31, 183
Howard, Ashley 184, 186
Howe, Brittani 184
Hrnciar. Ryan 120, 131. 126. 162, 165
Hrycyniak. Michael 184
Hubbard , James 171
Hudson. Marcus 107, 160
Huffman. Alexandra I0 I. 124
Hughes, Aaron 184
Hughes, Amanda 29, 82, 173, 176
Hughes, Tristan 120, 181. 184, l 87
Hughes. Zandra 81
Hunter. T'Carra 29. 184
Hupp, Meaghan I 04, 184
Hurlbut, Donald 9. 120, 148
Hurst-Ortiz, Tylerr 184
Hurtado. Roxanne 173
Ibarra, Melania 81. 85
Ibarra-Payan, Sonia 184
Ida. Samantha 72. 116. 165
Ill. Holly 15
!Iles, Rebecca 86, 173
Ingram. J'uan I08, 172, 173
Iorio.Cody 107, 109.120, 173
Iorio, Cory 174
Isenberg, Taylor 25. 26, 27, 29, 126, 165
lsermann. Stephanie 184
Ishmael, Peggy 192
lstvanek. Kala 124. 173. I 76
Iverson, Alexis 7, 24. 25. 77. 173
Ives, Kyle 165
Ivy, Porchae 165
Jacki, Jessica 130, 148
Jackson. Andrew 173
Jackson. Cedrika 132
Jackson, Chelsea 26, 184
Jackson. Danielle 82. 162, 165
Jackson, Sibany 40. 184
Jackson, Tamashay 182
Jackson. Trevor 184
Jacob, Amy 191, 192
Jacob. Anthony 9, 13. 173
Jacob, Samuel 9. 118, 126. 165
Jacob, Steve 9. 192
Jacobs. Yahiesha I 14, 173
Jacobson, Amanda 26. 184
Jacobson, Mitchell 148
Jaime, Mayra 165
Jaimes. Brenda 184
Jake, Nicole LOI. 124. 171, 173
Jake. Tyler 165
Jakimiak, Amanda 24, 25, 165
Jakubowski. Sean 95, 174
James. Damon 192
James. Dominic 7. 9. 83, 120. 174
James. Wayne 9. 83, 98. I 03. 173, 174. 179
Jantz. Ross 32, 92. 165
January. Natasha 148, 161
Jara-Almonte. Jonathan 66, 67, 148
Jaramillo, Ana 184
Jaramillo, Braulio 149
Jaramillo, Mary Carmen 174
Jaramillo, Victor IO. 184
Jarma. Kowicz 192
Jaskolski, Kristin 12. 13. 30. 31. 54. 120. 174
Jefferson, Casimir 40
.Jeffery, Daniel 9, 42, 48. 94. 95, 130. 131.
165. 170
Jenrette. Brittany 116. 184
Jensen. Brian 9. 174
Jensen. David 66. 67, 68. I 16. 165
Jensen. James 124, 149
Jensen. Micheal 124
Jensen. Scott 21, 63. 99, 165
Jerdee. Alison 124. 174
Jewell, Samantha 9. 97. 165
Johns, Michael 165
Johnson, Adam 68, 79, 110. 149
Johnson . Aimee 82, 184
Johnson, Amanda 29. 55, 79, 84, I0 I. 120.
149, 161
Johnson, Barbara 149
Johnson, Brittany 61, 82. 88, 165
Johnson , Brooke 25. 184
Johnson , Danille 165
John on. David 11 , 27. 184
Johnson. Denise 85, 116, 184
Johnson. Emily 82. 184
Johnson. Erik 184
Johnson. Jenna 29, 184
Johnson, adeja 7, 84
Johnson, Nicholas 135
Johnson, Rachel 174
Johnson, Robin 184
Johnson . Terrica 135, 149
Johnston, Ashley 133. 174
Jones, Adam 135
Jones, Alan 192
Jones, Brittnee 184
Jones, Bryant 174
Jones. Curtis 118. I 19. 124. 165
Jones, David 80. 135. 149
Jones, Dominique 165
Jones. Jamie 174
Jones. Mathew 75, 124, 184
Jones, Matthew 32, I09. I 17 , 130. 165
Jones, Norma 84. 88. 165
Jones, Sebastian 184
Jones , Takiah 30. 84. 120. 184
Jones , Teresa 184
Jones. Virginia 68. 165
Jorgenson, Daniel 89. 149
Jorgenson , atalie 31. 174
Jozefiak. Kimberly l 5. 184
Juopperi. David 184
Juopperi. Melissa 165. 169
Jupp, Ashley 36, 49, 70, 73, 75, 96, 97. 149
Jupp, Michael 9. 174. 179
Kaczmarek. Brett 16. 17. 87. 184
Kahl. Robert 165
Kalinowski, Brittany 149
Kalinowski, athan 184
Kanetzke. Jacob 165
Karls. Rick 9. 174
Karvela , Gregory l 17. 192
Kasper. Alexander 9. 120. 174. 175
Kauffman. Donald 192
Kavina, Michael 184
Keene, Ian 94. I 65
Keesey. Taylor I 4
Kehrer. Maria 22. 23. l 0 l. 165
Keisling. Anthony 192
Keisling, Herr 86
Keller, Lauren 160
Keller. Nicholas 31. 174
Kellner, Chasidy 165
Kelly. Alan 57. 174
Kelly. Cameron 184
Kelly, Jeremy 184
Kelly. Wenoma 168
Kempinen. Karen 192
Kenner. Ashley 120. 184
Kentcy-Cotton. Ter-Von 184
Kerr. Jessica 149
Kerr. Michelle 32. 174
Kersten. Dasha 124. 174
Kes enich. Christopher 165
Kessler, Benjamin 165
Kessler, Carlie 184
Kessler, Christopher 184
Kessler. Emily 30, 31, 39, 65, 174
Kessler. Joseph 103, 165
Kessler. Julie I 05. 174
Khaleel , Ali 184. 190
Khaleel. Omar20, 21. 28, 29, 165
Kick, Devin 116. 184
Kiewiet, Kiffany 192, 193
Kimball, Mallory 26, 27, 39, 105, 149
Kimbrough , Jeremy 108
King. Marissa 174
King , Megan 54, 177
King. Tyler 184
Kinzler, Jeffrey 52. 174
Kirchner, Daniel 124, 174
Kirkwood , Issac 192
Klees, Mark 174
Klemm. Emily 181. 184. 188. 189
Klemm. Sarah 39. 149
Klopstein. Steven 163, 165
Klug. Brittany 91, 149
Knapp, Preston 30, 124, 125, 129, 162, 164.
Knecht. Steve 192
Knoll , Crystil 6. 23, 66. 84. 101. 111, 149
Knutsen. Kristopher I I. 112. 120, 165
Koba. Mackenzie 6, 149
Koba, Zachary 8, 9, 99, 165
Kober, Amanda 7, l l l, 150
Koessl, Christine l 04. 124. 184
Koessl. Michael 11. l 50
Kohler. Sarah 184
Kohnke. Andrew 86. 120, 174. 179
Kolen. Cintoria 84. 150
Korth , athan 184
Koski, Andrew 120. 184
Kostas. Anna-Marie 174
Kostyukov. Alexander 33. 174
Kot le ki, Alysa 82, I 04. 174
Konen. Brianna 174. 176
Kotten. Katrina 184
Koukal , Korey 121. 174
Krachey, Adrienne 174
Krafft. Adam 50. 67. 76. 77. 135, I 50
Kram. Molly I 50
Krane. Michael 86
Kraus, Dustin 174
Kraus, Katrina 184
Kreamalmyer, Nathaniel 184
Kreuser. Jame 184. 188
Krey, Joshua 150
Kreye. Amy I 50
Kreye. Jennifer 76, 7. 120, 174
Kri fka. Elizabeth 86. 165
Krisor, Ashley 165
Krok, Robby 174
Krome. Vincent 86. 165
Kromm. Katherine 15, 4. 165
Krueger. Daniel 87. I I 0. 184
Kruse. Jacalyn 124. 13 l. 165
Kruse. Kelly 31. 174
Kuester, Melissa I 4
Kuhn, Kory 184
Kumkoski. Heather 184
Kumkoski. Jordan 43. 165
Kumm. Jason 9, 165
Kumm. Jennifer 43. 150
Kumm. Ryan 9. 95
Kuper, Luke 66, 67. 102. 103. 132
Kupfer. Elise 29, 6-L 65. 162. 165
Kupfer. Erin 64. 65. 165
Kurth. Rebecca 150
Kuzmic. Julija 165
Kuzmych. Vitaliy 86. 174
Kwasigroch. Kendall 87. 104. 184
Kwon, Michael 185
La Fever. Katie 180
La Macchia. Candace 192
La Point, Kari 165
Labedz, Steven 29. 67. 73. 76, 77, 123. 165
Lachman. Rachel I 50
Laken. Justin 31. I 74
Lamasters. Kristi 185
Lamothe Todd 150
Lampada, Brittany 4. 13. 14. I 5. 174
Lampada, Thomas 78. 165
Lang, Jaimie 26. 27. 29. 166
Lang. Kelly 124. 174. 176
Larosa. Vincent 66. 180
Larsen. Devan 117
Lar en. Kristen 166
Lar en, Loren I05, 124, 174. 176
Larsen, Nathan 16. 17. 166
Larson, Brett 120. 185
Larson , Callie 166
La hlee, Travis I08. 185
Lassiter. Eric I S
Lauderdale. Jessica 185
Lauersdorf. Connie 192
Laundervi lie. Carissa 61. 174
Laurenzi , Andrew 166
Laux. Alexander 166
Lawler. Jennifer 192
Lawler. Matthew 4. l I. 43. 50. I l l. I 50. 160,
Lawler. Nicole l 71. 174
Lawliss. Chelsea 42. 83. 111. 124. 164, 166.
238. 243
Lawliss-Murgo. Joshua 120. 126. 181. 185
Lawrence. Jonathon 174
Lawson. Shayna 150
Lazare\ic, avka 36, 37. 60. 61. 73. 11I,166
Leary. Kaitlin 23. 101. 1 S
Leber. Alicia 27. l 50
Lechuga. Adela 174
Lee. Andrew 83. 126. 166
Lee.Donbee55.124.166. l69
Lee, Jean 192
Lee, La hon 40. 166
Leick, amantha 7. 33. 104. 105. 135. 150
Leiting. Adam 185
Leiting. Brittany 150
Leiting. Jonathan 10. 57. l 5
Lemay. Katelyn 109. 166
Lemke.Andrew 109.130. 166
Lenfestey. Frank 166
Lentz. Ashlee 7. 124. 185
Lepouce. Mallory 185
Lequia. Amanda 151
Lequia. Anthon) 2. 3. 166
Leslie. Andre" 120. 174
Lewer, Matthew 9-L 95. 174
Lewis. Jerome 174
Lewis. Kristina 97
Lewi . Ryan 63. 166
Li Volsi. Christina 116. 192
Lichter. Jenna 19. 1S l
Lichter. Josh 132. l S l
Lindquist. Kyle 166
Linkowski. Richard 9. 160
Linn. Eleanor 26. 17-L 177
Lira. Alejandra 185
Lisiecki. Courtne1 15 l
Litton. Bennett 18. I 32. 151
Litz. Daniel 166
Liu. Zachary I I. 50. I I I. 162. 166
Li\tng,ton. Holl) 3 . 166
Liana'. le\ander J8S
Lobdell. Tyler I S
Loberger. Heather I 8S
Locante. Maria 7. I 0. 18S
Locante. Manin 7. 103. 185
Locke. Christopher I S
Lockhart. Andre\\ 135. IS I
Lockhart. Tom I 92
Lodhan. ViJa) 166
Loera. Jonathon 14
Loewen. Jake 43. 94. 9S. 111. 166
Lofton. Veraneek 84, IS I
Lois, le.\ 29. 86. 9S. 166
Londre. manda I 8S
Londre. Johnathon 32. 135. IS I
Londre. Thomas 174
Lope1. Deanamarice S3. I 0 I
Lm. Anna 85. 9. 16S. 166
Lo,, Kamila 124. 18S
Lott. Fred 174
Lott. Kivanna 84. J8S
Love. D~anna 67. 137
Lo' ejo). Jes>ica 79. 166
Lo'eJO). \: ayne 124. 135. IS I
Lowenbine. Brandon 9. 27. 9S. 13S, ISi
Lucci. fatthe\\ 9. 16S . 166
Luc1a111. Micheal IS I
Luck). amantha 166
LudlO\\. Peggy 7. 25. S7, 6. 7. 120. 174
LudlO\\. Philip S6. S7. 134. 151
Lugo, Hansel 9S. 192
Luka.,-,en. icholas 11. 119. 162. 166. 168
Lux. lissa 134. 151
Lynch. Jeremy 166
Lyy>ki, isa 120. I 8S
Macareno. Brittany 2. 29. 166. 168. 238
Maccari. Daniel 9S. 120
Maccan. Matthew 166
Maceda. Gissel 185
Mach. Michelle 174
Mack. Jalisa I 5
fack. Kristal 151
Mack. Raymond I 16, 166
Macpherson. Alexander IS I
Macpherson. Rebecca 174
Madrigrano. Aimee IS. 30. 31. 172. 174
Madrigrano, John 4S, 48, 106. l07. l 11
Maedke. Douglas 174
Maegaard. Cody 120. I 8S
Maegaard. Justin 99. 174
Maginn. Kimberly 174
Mahan. Chase 166. 170
Mahan. Conny 174
Maksen. Lauren I 8S
Ma Jezewski. Aaron I 0 I. 192
Maldonado. alvador 174
Malkmu .. Jourdan 86, I04. I 7S
Mann. Aaron I 5
Mann. Bradley 119, 123. 192. 193
Marano. Carmine 91. 111. ISi. 18S
Marano. Melissa 2S. 26. 42. 120. 181. I 8S
Mara\1lla. Michelle IOI, 17S
Marble. Ronald 120. 1 4. 1 S
Marble. Sarah 116, I S2
Marchant. Austin 152
Marchetti. Lisa 82
Marcmkus. Robert 192
Marcscalco. Haylee 175
Marinas. ataly I 7S
Markin. Andrew I 5
Markin, James 116
MarlO\\. Toni I SS
Marocchi. Danielle 11 I. 166
Marquel. Oscar 175
Mar'>. Robin 192
far hall. Christopher 166
Mar'>hman. Samantha 124. I 7S
1arti. Ambretty 166
Martin. Alex 59. 98. 164. 166
Martin. hannane S4
Martin, Stephanie S. 7. 23. 79. I 8S
Martin. Zachary J7S
Martinelli. Alexandra 166
Martinelli. athan 166
Martinez. Brenda 18S
Martinez. Juan 166
Martinez. Lizbeth 166
Martinez. Mariah I 7S
Martinel. Monica 39. 174
Maninez. Yasmin 17S
Martini, Gabriela 29. 31. I 04. J7S
Marzion, Mia,anessa 24. 29. 166
Masaka. Emiko 124. I S
Ma. on. David 2. 124. I 7S. 239
Mason, Jes ica 39. 166
Mas<,1e, Amanda 83. IS2
Massie. Lauren I 8S
Matalas. Janet 192
Matias. Christina J7S
Matoska. Anthony 16. 17. 166
Matteucci. Andrew 120. I 4. I 8S. l86
Matthews. Logan I 7S
Mattoon. Brittany 166
Mau. tella 166
Maurer. teve 192
Maxcy, Ariel 97, I 8S
Maxwell. Michael 19. 166
Mayer. Kallen I04. I S2
Mayerak. Joshua 192
Mayes. icole 192
Mayette. Mark 172. 175
Mayfield. Michael 185
Ma/Ur, Jon 166
McAuliffe. Katie l6, IS2
McBeth. Fred 192
McCain. Albert IT
McCartney. Ju tin l66
McClay. John J7S
McClendon. Karen l 7S
Mc ord, Charles 88
Mc oy. Derreona 166
McCoy, Mickey J8S
McCoy. icholas 32, 171, 175
McCray. Johnathon I 7S
McCray. Joshua I 7S
McCutchen. Amanda I 7S
McDonald. Brandon 47
McGinness, Emiley 39. 166
McGrain. Christine 39. 176
McGrain. Peter 66. 67, 110. IS2, 161
1cGraw. Rhiannon I 04. 124. 166
McGuire. Jennie I S
Mclnto'>h. Jasmine 166
1cKillip, Vincent 28. S6. S7. 78. l 7S
McManama. Courtney I 7S
Mc eil, Brett 103. 18S
McWhorter. Lisa 192
Means. Christopher I 7S
Mecozzi. Ashley 26. IS2
Meconi. Brandon 9. I 7S
Medina. Alejandro 185
Medina, Karina 166
Meeker, Blair 16, 17. 49, 74, I 7S
Megan. Warner 123
Mendez. Ignacio 62
Mendoza. Andrew I 0. I 5
Menge. Elizabeth IOI. 175
Mentek. Betty 191. 192
Mentek. Kelsey J8S. 189
Mercadillo. Luis 175
Mercier. Courtney 96. 97. I 7S
Meredith. Hether I S2
Merlin. Rachelle 26. I 04. 124
Merucci. Michael 9. I 7S
Metallo. Matthew 9. I 7S
MetLler. Tracy 192
Meulbroek, Emily 24. 2S. I 0 I, l S
Meulbroek. Erin 20. 26. 162, 166
Meurer. Paige 2S. 87, I 8S
Meyer. Erin 28. 73. I S2
Meyer. Jennifer 193
Meyers. Caitlin 166
Michael . De Rose 123
Mifflin. A<,hley 31. 116. I 7S
Migliano. Stacey 1S2
Mihelich. Bruce 166
Mikolas. Alyse 7. 24. 96. 97. 18S. 186
Mikulski. Kevin I 8S
Milicevic. atasa 104. 124. 18S
Miller. Cynthia 47. 7. 96. 120. I S
Miller. Johnice SS. 152
Miller. Karina JOO. 166
Miller. Megan 78
Miller. Rachael I S
Miller. Steven 18S
Miller. Zachar) 18S
Mims. Roman I 4, I S
Minett, Jasmine 84. J7S
Minski. Julie IS , 166
Minton. Taylor 174. I 7S
Mirsberger, Alyssa 74. 118. I S2
Mirsberger. Zachary 21. I 02. I03. 126. 166
Mirsky. Andrew 109, 167
Mitchell. Brandon 167
Mitchell . Cassandra 163. 167
Mitchell. Montreach 86. I 8S
Mitchell. avyn 185
Mitchell. Sacoya 84. 167
Mitchell. Troy I 7S
Mitmoen. Victor 193
Mlejnek. Keri J8S
Mleko. Autumn 9
Modder. Man in 193
Moffitt. Robert I S2
Molinaro. Braxton 76, I 14. 11 S. 133, I S2
Molinaro. icole 167
Montemurro, Emily 2S. 2S. 120. 124. I 2S.
Montemurro. Erin 89. I 8S
Montgomery. Arie SS. 81, 84, 84. 111, JS2
Moon. Reanna I 8S
Moore, Caleb 120. I 8S
Moore, Carnellius 172. 186
Moore. Julie 76
Moore. Kyle 109. 186
Moore. Shawna I I I
Morafcik. Kimberly I S3
Morales. Jose I 7S
Morales. Luis J7S
Morgan, Jared 167
Morgan. Stephanie 167
Morris. Jessica 186
Morris. Marcel S2
Morris-Leung. Ryan 11 . 119, 124. 167. 169
Morrissette, Laura 193
Morrissey. Frank 167
Mosley. Ashley IS3
Mueller. ikolc 18. 19. I 06, I S3
Muir. Michael 21. 99, 172. 17S
Mukka. Sarah 186
Mulligan. hea J7S
Mundell. Marlene 193
Munoz, Johnathon I 7S
Murphy. Andrew 70. I 16
Murray. Laquinta 31. 84
Myers. Quanashia I 7S
Mynor. Ashton 2S. 186
Myres. Heather 167. 169
aranjo. Victor 9. I 7S
arvaez. Armando 186, 190
ava. Adriana J7S
ava. Daniela I 7S
eemann. Brandon I 7S
eff. Kelsey 186
Nehls. Leif 186
Nehls, Tatum IS3
ehring. Sharon 193
eiman. William 80. 193
el sen. Alyse 3S, 64. 6S. I 06. JS3. 186
elsen. Derek 9, 120. I 7S
elson. Alyse 106
elson. Alyssa 186
Nelson, Ashley 186
elson. Brittany 186
Nelson, Derek 62, 63
elson. Kacy 64. 6S. I S3
elson, Kaylynn 175. 176
elson, Kyle I 7S
elson, Manha SO. 193
elson, Maxine 133
Nepper. Alyssa 7S. 124, I S3
Nepper, Talia 3S. 120, 186
erling. Bradley I 7S
iccolai. Trevor I 6
'iemi, Steven 87. 91. JS3
iemi, Tina 193
iesen, David 87
igl. Ashley 186
ikolai, Brittany 124. I S3
ikolai. Nathan 9, 92, I 7S. 178
ordloh. Erin 47. IOI. 124. 186
ordloh. Grace IS. 100. IOI. 167
orris, A hley 167
orstrom. Randolph 127. 186
otarianni. Patrizia 191. 193
oto, Amy 167
uebel, Matthew I0. I I. IS. I S3
uorala. Rebecca 64. 6S, 111 . I 7S. 177
ye, Thomas IS
ygren, Jacob 167
O'Bryant, Christopher I S3
O'connell. Barry I 08. 193
O'connel. Lori 193
Ocacio. Cara 167
Ochoa. Andres I 0
Odegaard, Heath 167
Oechler. Heidi 96. 97. I 7S
Oeltjenbruns. Dillon 180. 186
Oeltjenbruns, Lisa I 7S, 177
Olhava, Laura I 7S
Olsen. Katrina J7S
Olson. Melissa 60. 61. 124. 186
Olson, icole JS3
Orbe, Brianda 26, 186
Orth 11, James 167
Robak, Katie 193
Robers. Kathleen 93. 155
Roberson. Alexander 28, 166. 167
Rabey, Kathy 42, 193
Roberts , Alyssa 97. 176
Rach, Joshua 88. I 14, 115. 176
Roberts , Dakota 187
Radovan, Shane 187
Robertson , Elmar 176
Raduechel, Jennifer 12, 15, 165, 167
Robertson, Michael 120, 171
Radulovic, Sara 182, 187
Robinson , Laura 184
Raethke. Russell 9. 176
Robleski. Brian 167
Ragalie, Laurel 104. 105. 167
Rocco, Stephanie 120. 176
Ragalie, Matthew 36, 71. 123. 167
Rocco. Timothy 155
Rajic, Melijana 155
Roders. Thomas 67. 193, 194
Ramano. Jenny 7
Rodriguez , Alexis 23. 167
Peters. Melissa 28, 134, 154
Ramcheck, Holly 26. 176
Rodriguez, Antonio 176
Petersen, Ryne 78, 81. 154
Ramey, John 81. 194
Rodriguez, Elizabeth 176
Peterson, Alyssa 27. 164, 167
Ramirez, Manuel 48. 50. 11 I
Rodriguez. Hector 187
Peterson, Kevin 39
Randell, Jacob 120. 176
Rodriguez, Hugo 168
Peterson. Sandy 167
Rangel. Alicia 27. 176
Rodriguez, Jesus 187
Peterson. Sarah 186
Rangel, Edward 111
Rodriguez. Kyle 133
Petty. Ashley 118, 173, 176
Rangel, Nathaniel 181, 187
Rodriguez. Luis I I. 81
Pfarr, Paige 14, 15, 186
Rantisi, David I 0, 187
Rodriguez. Vanessa 155
Phillips, Archie 167
Rasmussen , Justin 56, 167
Rogers, David 187
Phillips. Katie 193
Paar. Jacquelyn 111
Rasmussen , Rebecca 120, 185. 187
Rohrer, Dane 21, 116. 187
Phillips, Kyle 132
Pacheco, Erick 186
Rohs. Leah 16
Piccolo, Alyssa 4, 35, 42, 123, 130, 131, 167, Ratliff, Lawrence 117, 187
Pade, Amanda 78
Ratliff. Torra 178
Roman, Elvira 187
Pagonis, Linda 193
Roman . Marco 176
Picolo, Morgan 154
Painter, Colin 103, 120, 175
Ravnikar, Natalie 27. 167
Roman , Ricky 176
Piehl, Gage 186
Palermo. Sydney 61, 186
Raymaker, Mike 193
Romano. Jennifer 7, 25. 86, 120. 176
Pierce, Joseph 82
Palmen, Audrey 14, 15, 78. 153
Rayyan , Yassin 176
Romano, Rebecca 168
Pierce, Lauren 186
Pal men. Ronald 10, I 02. I03, 175
Romanovic . Aleksandra 29. 31, 46. I 04. 174,
Reagles. Austin 155
Pierce, Raelyn 154
Palmer. Akelia 186
Reau. Brandon 187
Pilger. Mercedes 186
Palmer, Denise 193
Reau, Logan 187
Rongholt. Jacob 83
Pinnola. Marissa 18, 19. 25. 28. 124. 154
Panagiotaras, Panagiota 167
Reck, Daryl 193
Roop. Jessica 187
Pinnola. Michelle 42, I 04, 124. 181, 186
Panasewicz. Megan 87. 175
Reeves. Ashley 12. 13, 176. 177
Rosaclo. Jeremy 168
Pinnola. ick 4, 16. 17. 28. 43. 50, 95. 164.
Panasewicz. Tyler 30, 95, 176
Reget. Alexandra 105, 187
Rosado. Jeremy 9. 168
Papenfuss, Stephanie 165, 167
Regel, Annette 155
Rose. Danielle 155
Pino. Joseph 87, 186
Parent, Dubinda 193
Reget, David 49. 175, 176
Roskres. Erik 116. 168
Piper, Tyler Ray 56. 57, 111. 154
Parise, Frank 186
Reidenbach, Tommi 88. 176
Rosmann , Cassandra 187
Pitts.Jaclyn 7, 25. 186. 187, 188
Parish. Cerenity 186
Reidenbach. Travis 167
Rosmann. Kevin 168
Plaisted. Clifford 11, 38
Parker. Dorothy 18, 19. 176
Reimer. Joseph I08. 167
Ross. Anna 168
Plovanich. April 186
Parker. Teri 153
Reindl. Brittany 18. 19. 187. 188
Ros. Steven 6. 16. 17. 43. 50. 120. 103. 155.
Pocius. Tomas 186
Parsons, Amanda 186
Reindl. Jacob 174. 176
Poe. Sarah 73, I 16. 167
Pascucci, Joe 193
Valerie 111. 168
Pohlson. Margret 167
Paskiewicz, Garry 6, 9, 43, 91, 94, 95, 154
Rothwell. Jackie 92
Relken. Heather 116
Popadic, Marija 186
Pate, Gregory 186. 187
Rothwell, Jacqueline 187
Remington, Brittany 176
Porter, Miranda I04, 120. 186
Patel, Kevin I03, 186
Retana. Fanny 176
Rothwell, Mary 31. 86. 176
Patino. Luis 186
Rettmueller, Jennifer I 05. 109. 176
Rucker. Ridge I 18. 168
Patrick. Andrea 167
Retzlaff. Jessica 12. 13. 28. 130. 167
Rudock. Savanah 171. 176
Patrick, Samantha 120, 186
Reyes. Bianca 155
Ruesch. Andrew 67. 74. 81. 133
Patten, Scott 9
Reyes. I van 187
Ruffalo, Dylan 185. 187
Pau I, Brandon 186
Reyes. Jacqueline 155
Ruffolo. Dalton 176
Powers, Nicole 193
Paul. Carly 154
Reye , Jeffrey I 0, 187
Ruffolo. Stephanie 100, 168
Paul, Jessica 154
Rufrancos. Yessenia 124, 187
Preston, Jonathan 167
Paura, icholas 92, 95, 172. 176
Reyes, Ramiro 167
Ruiz. Jo hua 120. 174. 175. 176
Preston, Leah 186
Paura. Sara 180. 186
Reyes. Renee 155
Ruiz. Kevin 155
Pavlica, Brittney 105. 176, 178
Reynolds. Candace 78. 128. 155
Ruland. icholas 168
Price Lil. Leon 40. 176
Pavlich, Tiphany 186
Reynolds. Louise 117. 187
Rul eh. Brandon 176
Pa\ lovich. Sean 186
Rhee. Christina/Minju 14. 15. 28. 29. 83. 111. Rulseh. Brian 156
Pawell, Kevin 180, 186
Runyon. Matthew 45. 167. 168
131. 167
Prince, Sarah 187
Payan, Eric 167
Rice. Martell 37, 46. 98, 118. 130. 155
Ruskell. Jordan 31. 187
Proud, Dustin 9. 95, 175. 176
Pearson. Capri 68. 71, 76. 120. 124, 125. 154,
Richer. Matthew 95. 183. 187
Russo, Micheal 156
Richter. Alexandria 176
Ruvalcaba. Gibran 176
Pearson, Caroll 78, 193
Richter. Ashley 81. 155
Ryan. aomi 193
Pryor. Beau 167
Pearson. Chantal 82. I04, 186
Richter. Ryan 167
Ryan. Paul 80
Pekoske, Abby 86. 104, 124. 125, 176
Rider. Lucie 39. I 16. 167
Ryspayeva. Yuli)a I 7
Pelkowski, Michael 9
Rieman. Amanda 187
Penza, Jonathan 186
Rife. Vanessa 182. 187
Puntillo. Michael 9. 42. 167
Peralta, Christopher I 03, 115, 176
Riley. Joel I 7
Saari. Adam 81. 156
Peralta, oel 31. 115, 174
Riley. Joseph 114. 172
Saarnio. Dawn 192. 193
PereL. Amber 167
Riley. Maxwell 17. 4 . 50. 155. 161
aarnio. Tanner I 7
Perez. Claudia I04, 124, 180. 186
Rios, Elizabeth 187
abin. Amber 16
Perez, Edgar 9
Rivas. Jerazmo 167
Sacket. Samuel 107. I 7
Quezada. Zachariah 120. 176
Perez. Jose I 76
Rivera. Katie 46. 167
Salerno. Stuart In. 184
Perez. Joshua I0. 186
Quiroz. Andrew 176
Rivera. Kayla 187. 189
Salgado. Gael I 7
Quist, Heather 131, 167
Perez, Lynn 193
Rivera. Molly 4. 6. 28. 34. 35. 42. 43. 113.
Salituro. Mia 65. 3. 187
Perez, Monica 186
134. 155.238. 243
Perez, Sandra 176
Orthmann. Nicholas 185, 186
Ortiz. Annette 124
Ortiz. Elysha 54, 97, 117, 175
Ortiz, William 132
O>born. Christopher 45, 71, 76, 166. 167
Ostalaza. Elitabeth 29, 117, 175
Ostrowski, Kate 24, 25, 167
Ostrum. Crystal 67, 186. 189
Oswalt. Matthew 12, 167
Otis. Andrew 167
Otto. Ericka 18. 19, 21. 111. 153, 161
Otto, Jennifer 11, 186
Otto. Tiffany 30. 49, I I0, 173, 175
Ovitt, Cody 186
Owen Ill, John 103. 153
Owens. Chyvia 186
Owens. Marcus 167
Owens. Robert 186
Owens. Robert Edward I0, 186
Perez-Alanis, Maria 167
Perkins. Tanya 17. I05. 193
Perone, Joshua 31, 176
Perotto, Stephanie I 11, 164, 167
Perrault, Maxim 176
Perri. Doreen 193
Perrine, Jena l 05, 176
Perugini, Andrea 14. 15, 46, 134. 154
Peterman, Lindsay 6. 27, 28. 134, 154
Peters. Alexandra 154
Peters. Charles 186
Peters. Kyle 10, 84, 103, 176
anchez. Jose 176
anchez-Bell. Jean 92. 193
ander.,. Brent 120. I 7
anderson. mber 2. 16
anderson. Ashle) 176
andine. Callie 12.t 176
andoval. Cesar 187
angbusch. William 187
antana. Robeno 5. 187
antiago. Bianca 102. 105. 16
antiago. Elias 193
antiago. Jason 59, 111. 168
argent. Tarnicka 187
asaki. Aika 176
aulys. Michael 175. 176. 178
avaglio. John 17
avaglio.Li a40. lll.16
a,. Morgan 25. 124. I 6. I 7. I
ayer. lo'>hua 3. 16
cales. Jennifer 15. 156
cale'>. Kay 193
calzo. Alis a 30. 31. I 04. I 05. 128. 176. 178
chaal. Keryana 187
chamber .. Andrew 11
chanke. Johnathon 9
chanke. tephanie 111. 156
chantek. icole 120. I 7
chenk. icholas 163, 16
cherer, Kelsey 187
chiller. Cor) 116. 176
Schlais. Jean 193. 195
chlai.,-Fuggette. Jean 194
chlecht. Samantha 34. 156
chlecht, teven 187
~chleicher. ue 193
chliepp, Megan 129. I 0, I 7
Schlosser, Cassandra 156
chrnidt. CaJe 187
chmidt, Chelsie 15, 167. 168
Schmidt. Collin 187
Schmidt. Danielle 61. 97. I I I. 16 . 170
chneider, elson 168
chneider. Patrick 74, 16
chonscheck, Holly 124. 187. I
chram. Jeremy 176
Schrandt. Erin 14, 15, 124. 125. 156
Schroeder. Christopher 156
chroeder. Gregory 16
chroeder. Jenna 104, JO-. 124. I 7
chroeder, Jenny 162, 16
chroeder. Kaethe 26. 27, 30. 171. 176
chroeder. Kyle . 9. 112, 130, 131
chr eder, Tyler I 7
chultz. Matthew 186, 187
chulz. Kri ten 2. 22, 23. I 00, I 0 I, 120. 156,
chulz. Brenden 20, 21, 95. I 6, I 7
chulz. Brian 186. I
chuster, Autumn 176, 177
Schwantes, Amanda 193
chweinsberg. Ashley 29, 30. 163. 168
Scott, Jessica 122. 168
Scott. Trina 176
earcy. Samuel 10, I 8
eewald. Freidrich 86. 129. 176
eleski, Ryan 9, 177
eller\. Anthony 52, 69. 177
ens, Joe 191, 193
epanski, James 188
epanski. John 177
erpe, Francesca 188
Serrano. Rupen 2
esser. Kathy 6 , 193
exton, Kristofer 18
eymour. Shenne 18
heehan, Samuel I 07
heman ke, Linda 193
herman. manda 127. 176. 177
hemian. Jes\ica 39. 66. 119. 123. 156
hields, Jammal I 5. 18
h1koff, Daniel 20. 111, 156
hikoff. Rachel I 04. 188
hilling, Zachary 129. 168. 169
himon. Brian 193
hingara, Zack 177
hope. Katrina 0. I I, 18
hultL, Brendon I 6
hultz. Brian 177, 186
huttleworth, A-.hley 188
iedjak, Brent 177
Siedjak. Jennifer 2 , 38. 42. 124, 188
iekert, Krystyna 168
iel. Dora 120. 18
immons. Christopher 11. I , 16
immons. Darrius 116, 18
Simmons, Porshaed 177
imon. Dee 193. 194
Simons. Tina 193
Simonz. Kyle 72, 116, I 8
ims. Stephen 177
im , Tatiana 174
ingletary. LaMonte 52
Sinnen. Robert I
kendziel, Ashley 177
kirski. te\·e 193
kokut, Anthony 120, 188
kundberg, Kimberly 120, 188
kur. ki. Brian I 07. 193
kweres. Brian I
Slanchik, Amy 28. 29. I 0 I. 177
leszynski. Cynthia 28. 31, 49, 177
livon. Sarah 9. 129. 156
loca, Christopher 47, 156
lomkowski, Bradley 188
Slupik, Johnathon 89, 156
mith, Andrew 59. 156
mith, Dense! 52
Smith, Eleanor I 11. 193. 194
mith, Gary 177
mtth. Jacob 177, I 8
mith, Kaitlyn 55. 81, 157
mith, Kelsey 38. 177
Smith, Myles 8. 9. 45. 107. 168
mi th, Rachel 70, 97. 157
mith, Rochelle 96. 109. 120. 188
Smith, Ryan 168
mith, con 188
murana. Art 194
nowden, teven 124, 168
ochor, Robert 188
Soens. athan 162. 166, 16
onnenberg. Jason 194
orensen. Diane 95. 194
orensen. Kyle 9, 177
orrentino, Mario I07, 163, 168
Sosinski, Hillary 188
owens, athan 166
Spair, Michelle 184, 188
Spair, Sam 62, 63, 95, 177
Speaks, David 194
Specht, Michael 177
pecht. athan 21, 168
pence. Luanne 7. 24, 25. 30. 31. 177
pence, Rachel 18
piedel, Kelly 177
Spiedel, Patrick 20. 21, 59. 157
t. Clair, Katelynn 16
St. Clair. Kaylee 18
t. John. ichola. 16
Stading, Jessica 157
Stallman. Geraldine 194
tanchfield, Timothy 11, 7, 89, 116, 157
tandish, Jason 194
Stanfield. Holly 193. 194
tanley, Rudy 194
Starke), Meldon 21. 72. 73
tarkey. Simone 168
tarling. tephanie 177
Stearman. Jared 120. 188
Stebbins, Bethany 67, 124, 188
Stebbins, Jennifer 79, 16
Steen, Barbara 168
teger. con 9. 52. 194
tein, Alexis 120, 187. 188
Stein, Jackie 9, 194
tein, Kayla 30. 177
Steinberg. Abigail 188
Stella.Carrie I .19.50.157, 161
Stella. Joseph 16. 17, 2 , I 07, I
telmasiak, Berenika I
tengert. Jenna 122. 168
Stenholt. Ca.,sandra 61. 165. 168
tenholt, Rachel 26, 27. 60, 61. 111, 157
tephens. Patrick 56. 57. 70. 128. 129. 177.
Stevens. Beth 176, 177
te\·en . Je. sica 194
Stevens. Joseph 11. 95. 157
Stevens, Pam 0
tich. Kelsey 87. 168
tinefast. Alexander I 0, 163. 168
tipek. Sherri 191, 192. 194
Stoeber. Christopher 168
Stojic. Alexandra 130, I 5
Stojic. Jasmina 15. 185. I 8
tolfe. icholas 47. 78. 120, 12 . 188
Stone. Eric 120. 188
Strait. Daryl 194
trangberg, Alexander I 0. 188
Strangberg, Joshua I0, I I, 86, 168
Strehlow. James 177
Strehlow, Vincent 188
Strohm. Amanda 39, 12 . 175. 177
trohm. David 94. 157
Struebing. Kai 168, 195
tuart. Elizabeth 157
tueck. Ryan 177
Stuligross, Matthew 56. 57. 177
turycz. Christa 177
Sturycz. Lauren 168
ulko. Adam 194
Sunier. Leisa 157
unier. Richard 10. 187. 188
uokko. Dougla'> I 07
ursa. Danielle 157
Svatek. Alyxandra 24. 25. 26, 42, 120, 185.
Swager. Sarah 7. 24, 25. 46. 6. 97, 129, 175.
Swager. Shane 133. 157
wain. Terrance 177
Swanigan, Marisa 188
Swartz. Annastasia 39. 66. 86, 119. 123. 157
Swartz. Michael 188
Swenson, Joshua 33. 36. 73, 168
Swiatko. Kelsey 12, 13. 157
Swiatko. Zachary 120. 126. 188
Swisher. Whitney 168
Syed. Humera 85. IOI. 16
Szot. Cassandra 157
Szot. Mark 31. 177
Tabor, Andre\~ 177
Taleronik, Jason 78. 158. 228
Tappa. Timothy 177
Tastad. Kelsie 158
Tate. Bruce 194
Tate, Brent 188
Tate. Mary 3. 69. I I 0. 124. 239
Taylor. A'>hley 188
Taylor, Ca-,ey 87. 188
Taylor. Chabreea 84. 177
Taylor, Melanie 86. 128. 129. 194
Taylor, icholas 118. 119. 126, 158
Taylor. Paul 126. 194
Taylor. hanika 4. 158
Taylor. Terrell 188
Teerink, Jeff 46, 194
Tellez, Leticia 177
Tellez, Saul 9. 177
Tenuta, Gianna 12. 13. 30. 177
Tercek. Liz 124. 194
Terrell, Taqueisha 188
Tews, Patricia 194
Theusch, Alan 194
Thomas. Diamond 84, 188
Thomas, Jeremy 188
Thomas. Katherine 29. 42, 70, 72, 73. 84.
164. 168, 238. 243
Thomas, Keniqua 84. 168
Thomas. Taylor 93. 188
Thompkins, Artemis 40, 177
Thorne, Tyler 6. 177
Thornton. Latice 168
Thorpe, Jeffery 2 , I08, I09
Thorpe, Pelaura 188
Thorpe. Quasheka 177
Thorsen, Tyler 40, 188
Tiberio, Amanda 130. 168
Tielens, Cheryl 194
Tilsner, Dustin 168
Tinker, Nathaniel I 0. 78, 124, 188
Tobias, Erika 168
Tobias, Rebeca 168
Tomaszewski, Mathew 95
Tomczak. Anthony 120, I
Torres, Amber 19, 168
Torres, Amelia 169
Torres, Erika 188
Torres, Lydia 188
Totts, Mark 169
Travis, Ambyr 22. 23, 29, 30. I 00. I 0 I. 177
Trawick, Monique 188
Trempt. Allison 18
Trinidad, Barbara 191. 194
Tripp. Amy 23, 29. 3, 131, 169
Tritt, Amber 123. 169
Troemel, icole 29. 171, 177
Troha, Jade 104, 189
Truong. Davin 50
Tucker, Vincent 194
Tucker. Stephanie 96. 97, I 2, I 5, 189
Tucker, Tara 43, 93, 97, 11 I. 158
Turner, Samantha 177
Tus. ler, Amanda 177
Twigg, Gregg 87, 177
Tyler, Channell 189
Tyler, Courtney 40
Tyler, Marcell 9. 52. I 08, 177
Tyra, Quincy 169
lloa. Andrew I 9
nrein. Alex 189
pton. Brandon 9
ttech. Mike 132
tterback. Jasmine 97, 169
Vaccaro, Christopher 9, 173, 177
Vaccaro, Joseph 158
Vafiadis, Annastasia 177
Valenta, Alyssa 124, 169
Valladares. Elizzath I 0-l, 177
Valladares, Wilson I I, 85
Van Berg, Rachel 68, 76, 111, 158
Vanblarcom, Danielle 24, 25, I 0 I, 189
Vanchena, Curtis 11, 19, 158, 225
Vankammen, Kimberly 7, 177
Vanwinkle, Adam 189
Vargas, Cody I 08, 189
Vargas, Gary 194
Vargas, Jordan Steven I 0, I 00
Vargas. Ricardo 30, 31, 131, 158
Vargas, Stasha 57, 189
Varible, Anayeli 189
Varnado, Lakeisha 165, 169
Vartabedian, Nikki 189
Vasquez, Jennifer 177
Vassos, Megan 15
Vaughn, Destyni 26, 72, 73
Vazquez, Adlay 39, 169
Vazquez, Am,li 189
Vazquez, Beatrit 169
Yatquez, Stephanie 158
Vela, Brianna 97, 189
Vela, Chase 158
Velez, Juan Carlos 194
Ventura, Amanda 158
Ventura, Samantha 177
Yernezze, Jacob 92, I 13, 169
Vidas, Matthew 20, 21, 169
Vidas, Tyler I 0, 177
Villalba, Victor 177
Villalobos, Angelica 129, 169
Villalobos, Deanna 11, 177
Villalobos, Oscar 192, 194
Yillaruel, Chrislyn 50, 111, 118, 158
Visor, Monterious 164
Vlk, George 85, 158
Vite, Ericka 158
Voelz, Daena 7, 24, 25, 68, 70, 124, 158
Vogt, Jennifer 81, 159
Yoss. Melissa 124, 125, 159
Yoss, Ryan 120, 189
Yrevich, Kelley 71, 78, 86, 124, 177
Wabalickis, Holly 124, 189
Wabalickis, Robin 9, 98, 99, 177
Wade, Beth 194
Wagner, Stephanie 26
Wakefield, Alyssia 169
Wakfield, Ruben 177
Waldow, Melissa 177
Walentowski, Amber 176, 177
Walentowski, Megan 35, 176, 178
Walker, Chelsey 39. 159
Walker. Clanisha 169
Walker, Michelle 82, 171, 178
Walker, Patricia 178
Walker, Rondell 125
Walkowski, David 43, 166, 168, 169
Walkowski, Katie 10 I, 189
Wallace, Allante 116, 178
Wallace, Tashiara 169
Wallen. Monica 194
Walton. Isiah 52, 108, 178
Wamboldt, Jonalyn 178
Wamboldt, Melanie M 54, 120
Wang, Jin Xiu 159
Ward , Beth 4, 92, 194
Ware, Charles 52, I08, 178
Ware, Tervarious 163, 169
Warnecke, Matthew I 16, 189
Warnecke, Michelle 74, 169
Warner, Megan 28, 29. 34. 83, 111. 112, 123,
130, 131 , 169
Warner, Michelle 129, 169
Warren. Benjamin 20. 21, 124. 169
Warren , Brnnden 178
Warren , Trevor 169
Washington, Jazzmyne 120, 189
Waters,John74, 107.166, 169
Waters , Joseph 188, 189
Watkins, Autumn 189
Watkins. Teagan 78. 169
Watring, Adam 9, 129, 169
Watson, Jessica J 89
Webb, Randy 192, 194
Webb. Rebecca 124, 189
Weber. Michael 79, 103, 120, 189
Weger, icholas 189
Wegner, Stephanie 26, 178
Weiland, Danielle 189
Weinfurter, Sean 169
Weirsum. Chris 189
Wells, Jodeci 84, 187
Wen berg, Rachael I 05, 189
Wensing, Garrett 165, 169
Wertz, Austin 9, 86. 178
Werwie, Abagail 14, 15, 29, 31, 178
Werwie,Carly 12, 13,50, 159
Westland, Melissa 194
Wetherbee, Annette 194
Whalen, Samantha 82, 178
Whalen, Sarah 26, 159
Wheeler, Elisha 86, I 0 I, 189
White, Mark 52, 178
Whitefoot, Liz 194
Whitefoot, Mallory 169
Wienke, Richard 194
Wiersum, Emilie 36, 37. 169
Wieske, Lindsey 18, 19, 111, 164. 169
Wijayawardhana, Christian 169
Willems. Jacob 9, 178
Williams, Alan 178
Williams, Alexander 189
Williams, Chelsey 189
William,, Gene 9
Williams, Jodie 194
Williams, Malcolm 172
Williams, Timothy 169
Williams, Travinna 169
Williams. Troy 8. 9, 36. 98. 99, 131, 165. 169
Willing. Tyler 189
Willing, Zachary 95, 178
Willkomm, Kyle 169
Wilson, Miranda 189
Wilson, Travi 79
Window, Cherita 189
Winiarski, Kelsey 189
Wint, Marvinn 9
Win1er, Allison 22, 23. I 04, 120, 189, 190
Wirch, Jeff 194
Woeste, Hailey 9, 169
Wojciechowicz, Andrew 106. 107. J 11. 159
Wojciechowicz, Tyler I 0, 184. 189
Wolan, Alyssa 26. 178
Wolf.Ca andra28,51.105, 189
Wolf. Stephanie 6, 28, 43. 50. 105, 111, 159
Wolfe, Krista I08. 159
Wolfe. Mary 43. 169
Wolke. Steven 95, 178
Womack, Ashley 188. 189
Woodley, Cassandra 43, 159
Woodley, Chastity 169
Woods. Amber 162, 169
Woods. Unique 189
Worsham, Daniel 120, 164, 169
Wortock, Gwen 194
Wright, Ashley 189
Wright, Carl 178
Wright, Charise I I I, 124, 159. 161
Wright. Ernest 169
Wright, Michelle 121, 163, 169
Wright, Vianca 178
Wynne, Rebecca 189
Yackley. Kyle 18, 19, 161. 194
Yarbrough, Cynthia 169
Yeager, Lee 178
York, Kyle 178
Young, Ashante 178
Young, Darius 9, 53 , 54, 99, 169
Young, Gabrielle 178
Young, Katie 54. 54, 190
Young, Quaterius 169
Zadler, Justin 189
Zander, Dennis 194
Zbilut, Helena 4, 28, 29, 42, 48. 50. 67, 75.
111, 130, 159. 161, 238. 243
Zbilut, Holly 191
Zepeda. Oscar 169
Zepeda, Rocio 178
Zeqiri , Vigan I0, 186. 189
Ziegler, Mitchell 124, 183, 189
Ziehr, Angela 169
Zigner, Micael 169
Zimmerman. Erin 60. 61, 112. 121. 159
Zimmerman, Jacob 9. 83. 178
Zimmerman. Kelly 23, 64. 65. 169
Zinner, Chelsea 29, 80. 169
Zoerner, icholas 120, 186. 189
Zizzo, Joshua 169
Zoia, Derek 178
Zongolowicz, Sara 28. 105. 169
Zongolowicz, Stephanie 28. I 05. 169
Zuchowski, Samantha 111. J 78
Zuehlsdorf, Jacob 8. 9. 11 I, 131. 169. 170
Zurbano. Michael 16. 17. I06, I 07
(414) 553-9588
Wieske Heating &Air Conditioning
RLW Limited
P.O. Box 39
Somers, WI 53171
r1'u!, Orifiina{
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Th Pizz
Phone : 262-658-8450
Address : 2135 31st Street
8301 - 75th Street
Kenosha, V\11 53142
Fax 262-697-3534
Attornn at Law
Tony Wheatley
General Manager
Jo eph F. Madrigrano Jr
Att rney at La
1108 Fifty Sixth Street
Kenosha, WI 53140
Phone: 262-657-2900
Fax: 262-657-2018
Flr.11 \.
4211 Green Bay Road Kenosha, WI 53144
Fitness: 262-654-8350 Tennis: 262-654-6020 Fax: 262-605-3421
an indoor/outdoor facility
Pools, Tennis
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Fitness, Weight
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Wb ~bLlbVb I~ QCAALIY\{
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Kenosha, WI 53140
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?L{;Ag; cALL f
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7803-60th Avenue
Kenosha.WI 53142
4217 Gr n y Road
Kenosha. WI 53144
1251075thStr t
Br' tot, WI 531 04
(262 57-9416
Dr. Jeffery R. Thomas
2305 30th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Dr. Dennis M. Connolly
Dr. Lori J. Kerber ~
:heHid, ea/1$ !fu, 'l.f<UUUt Peopk
(262) 658-3488
5552 DuRA o AvE.
RACINE, WI 53406
262-554- 488
Christopher Knapp
Patncia Knapp
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Our Specialty
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"Save time and money the Ruffolo way!"
4420 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, \t\1153140
General Contractor Inc.
New Homes • Designer • Developer
(262) 553-9585
1440 · 40th Court
Kenosha, WI 53144
Tony Apostoli
D.D.S.. M.S., .C.
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ti A
4721-7 nvenue
Kenosha, "W'l 53140
. ·•
Email: office
We 1t : www.crawfordortho com
I '"·· ~,
John R. Crawford, 0.0.S., M.S., S.C.
7851 Cooper Road
330 Main Street
Kenosha, WI 53142-4181
Twin Lakes, WI 53181
(262) 694·5272 • Fax: (262)694-3121 • (262) 877-3378
Southway Supply Co., Inc.
Ric a
RichL@ outhway
(262) 552-9680
Fax 859-3097
'Robert C. Salituro, 'D.'D.S.
'Wasliington Jleiglits 1Jentaf '13Ulg.
4707 'Washington 'R,patf
~noslia, 'WI 53144
'Iekplione: {262} 694-5858
TQe ,Artistry
~air )tudio
3925 60tq 5treet • ~eQosqa, Ufl 53144
Joy Ansari Managing Director
Health & Racquet Club Enterprise, LLC
4211 Green Bay Rd. Kenosha, WI 53144
Phone: 262-654 6020 Fax: 262-605 3421
• Tennis-Lessons. Leagues & Tournaments • Pools • Juice Bar & Pro Shop •
• Fitness- Weight Training, Cardlo, Aerobics, Spin Biking & Yoga/Pllates •
Case New Holland
Bradford High School
Superior Industrial Coating, Inc.
1715 Taylor Avenue
Racine, Wisconsin 53403
"where athletes come to play"
5718- 52nd Street
Manufacturers of:
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Ultra Lam Counter Tops
Euro Dezine Cabinetry
Kenosha, WI 53144
Kenosha 262-658-4114
1·800-657-0821, Ext. 3019
Fax: 262·658-1530
Dine in/carry out
262-652-IX)GS (36 7}
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5501 6th :venue
Your "on campus" financial resource.
39503 60 t Street • Burlington, WI 53105
TELEPHONE 262-537-4988
CALL TOLL FREE 800-642-7287
InkJet, Inc.
Go o L c
Service Manager
Cell: (262) 960-2048
Office: (262) 942-0391
Fax: (262) 948-1029
10819 67th Place
Kenosha, 'Nf 53142
B~ o~o~o
Anthony Buffamontc
SI CE 1927
. pectahzrn m d ntu r
nd part.I I
(262) 654 - 0785
191 N. Green Bay Rd
Waukegan, IL 60085
(84 7) 249-1094 Office
(262) 705-6892 Mobile
(262) 9.i2-9336 Home
Mexican Entrees and
3701 Durand Ave.
Racine, WI 554-5100
7803-60th Avenu
Keno ha, WI 53142
koza orthodont·cs
Bryon Kozak DDS MS LT. D .~
4217Gr n yRoad
Kenosha, WI 53144
125107SthStr t
Bnstol,Wl 53104
(262 57-9416
Animal Ho pital
P l t' a · a n t P r a i r i t'
Reh cca S. Wiley, DVM
Ru 11 B. Brewer, DVM
adine Lan()' ton, DVM
Brooke P. Lewi DVM
8989 -4Tll TR EFT, K~, \0 . H \, ~I 53142
PHO'lE: (262) 694-6515, F\ \: (262) 6 4-5046
'1lle'll take the 'bite'
out of seeing the dentist"'
Brian P. Danielewicz, D.D.S.
424 Lake Street Mtioch. IL 60002
(84 7) 838-9944
740 Florsheim Drive, Libertyville, IL 60048
(84 7) 816-3377
Emergency Line: (224) 629-7134
3706 30th :ve Keno ha, WI 53144
Come Play with Us!
Your source for
Swimwear 2926-75TH St KENOSHA 262-652-5434
r Tirabassi
Certified Public Accountants
To the Class of 2007
Brian J. Pelland CPA
8035 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143
262-652-7000 Fax 262-652-7100
A Limited Liability Company
sa, 53
·ce 262} 6 548
ax 262} 654· 2
\i hen 11 come~ lo Mc\lcan Ci rill -
:t) .. I lola .. to T'' o Locul i-:a, ontcs
3823·22n<l A
r<eno511a •Ph 658·2950i"&J< 657-1584
5836S.T5t Sr l<eno
69 ·29!>0lfax 697-7213
Everyday Lunch Buffet
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Featuring a large variety of delicious
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5531 - 6TH AVENUE KENOSHA, WI 53140
High School
We're proud to support Bradford High School and to
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1920 W. Layton /We.
MU...ukee .............. 414-325-UOO
1401 S. 108ch SL
(Hwy. 100 .. Greonflold)
Wat Alls................414-476-0200
7 528 w. e..lolQh St.
Mllwaukee ..............41~73-9090
8225 s. 27tll St.
Franlc.lln ................ ..414-761-2269
4818 s. 16th St.
Greerilold ............... 414-431-0385
12876 w. 8~ Rd.
Ebn c;.,_ .............. 262432-0052
Wa.atesho ...............262-524-1130
N85 Wi6033 Appleton /\ve.
Menomo.- Fallo .... 262-251-1900
3905 Oouglaa Aw.
(Douglos Aw. a1 3 M1lo Rd.)
Racbw .................... 262-639-5360
202 Westgate Mall
Walgate Mal ......... 608-277-9393
2612 E.
Madloon ..................608-249-5100
1837 WoyeUe St.
"6.-tlle ................608-7 56-0728
2158 w. Maton St.
0.-n Boy .............. 920-49().9860
Prairie Plua, 5725 75tll St.
KmlOlha ................. 262-694-5553
1260 N. Pon WMHngton Rd.
Gnihon ................... 262-546--0234
2229 S. Mernot1al Pl.
(23rd at Kohler Memorial Dr.)
Shobowan .............. 92~9301
Fem llhleT V.U.V
Monard'a Plaaa, 1510 Koeller Rd.
OtNwell ................. 920.235-7789
351 N. c-lomo Dr.
Apploton ................. 920.749-1101
459 W. .Jolwion St.
F<>nd w Lac: ........... 920.922-5990
J aneal Powell
You have worked so hard
for this special moment.
With your dedication, and ...__ ___ ___
desire to be successful,
you will realize all your dreams. You will go far
in life because you have always pushed yourself
to go above and beyond all that was asked of
you .
We are so proud of you!
Dad, Mom, and Brendan
Wonderful World of
Kid's Castle, Inc.
4211 Green 5ay Rd Suite 102
205 West Randolf #1440
Chicago, Illinois 60606
"\\ \\ .amtra\.com
800-795-8371 ·239
Dewey \Varner
Preschool-Childcare-Before and Mter School
Educationally based programs for
Vice President
Business Develpment
Ages 18 month to 12 years
Come 6ee the difference!
262-654-077 4
4437 - 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140-3929
3055 Phillips Avenue
PHONE: 262-633-7158
OuR 18TH
, Cl TH COD ...
7515 ll5Tff. AVE. k£NOSHA WI.
PH: 161-857-3455
Servftt$ '81ukfast. lUtteh attb Dftttter
DttakfastDall~ Mtt: hll.l am to 11:1.ll.lam
m New 5"
& S la
D r ! & D. 11 Duffct
R1V£R ROCK BAR Hal'l'\i HoMr pm to 6pm b ll~ .
Satut'bA\f ft SW1bA\f B~kfa•tBuffa f,')f
fribA\f ff•l1 f"'f - aTI-u-catt cat • 5-.\tut'b \f 'Pri~ 1Ub
• M0ttba'i & Webttesba'i All-V-utt Eat Pizza
Dail'i lUtteh & t>im1er Buffns
D~£T ROOMS from u to 1Jl.l
M.AffOGAWV ROOM - for Cisar GroMV1 ttb SmaU Partkf
GARD£N ROOM - lWhtanal Dttmen, SMwtn or Bmma1
fVORV ROOM - i.6'1'St BattqWdf a'1b Sp«V.1 Occa11iott1
Have A ~t Cocktail or Glass of Wttte ltt Our Lnmse
Wee~~ SoMP &Salab &r4-."5 Perl'~ nam to +pm
and PUB
&eenbay lll. l\e
7505 - 41st AVENUE
KENOSHA. WI 53142-4368
FR.\: KJ. ROl'iDO, , GR!. RES
Gl Each Otta is lndependently
(262) 697-2020 B I
(262) 697-2027 FAX
1-800-800-7929TOU FR.EE
(262) 9~5-3627 CELLULAR
Broker Associate
(414) 697-2020 BUSINESS
(4 14) 945-3626 CELLULAR
(414) 697-2027 FAX
Broker Owner
Owned And Ope•ated
ong~ t11 latio11
oo- Graduate
The Rossi Family
Ernie - Class of 2004
Nick- Class of 2005
3706 30th Ave Kenosha, WI 53144
Va erie - Class of 2008
llPtTS 'LU
1241 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, V\1153140
(262) 883-9494
Southeastern Wisconsin's
Sports Professionals
. . . JUST SAY
3206 80th St.
Kenosha, WI
Open Mon .-Fri. 10 a.m . to 7 p .m ., Sat. 10 a.m . to 4 pm.,
Closed Sundays & Holidays
QlAESTION: W~o is t~is~
We Are So Proud of You.
Love, Mom, Dad, and Joe
-=- ANSWER: Mar~ Claire Cavw1estra
Rossi Construction Co.
3055 Phillips Avenue
PHONE: 262-633-7158
World of
Kristi Posson
Ericka Otto
Carrie Stella
Good Luck In the Future I
Coach Yackley
The Girls Volleyball Program
You're all of these things and more! We are so proud, and can't wait to see what
your future holds!
Mom, Dad, Jeremy and Chubby
3203 52ND STREET
A Kenosha Tradition
Your AdventureNow that you've graduated,
Your adventure has begun.
Your schooling has prepared you,
For the race life has your run.
We praise you for your efforts,
And send good wishes, too,
For a future filled with happiness,
And your fondest dreams come true.
Jet Printer
:!:~~~= S E R V I C E S
!!!!!! "'!!!' I \ l 0 r 0 \ I ll
Ph: 847. 336. 8622
Fox: 847.336.8590
Web Address:
Where the Pros
Get their New &
Rebuilt Machines.
Mike Carbis
A ~
Congratulations to .You and
best ot luck in the l-uture.
We Love You,
~--~ Apparel &
ccessories, LLC
No Minimums!
• Embroidery
• Te m Uniforms
• Digital Ser n Printing
• Tr ditio al Ser n Pr"ntin
• Promo ional It m
A ~ PARTNER• free parts locator service
Patty Grashen
Sales A socrate
Cell· 262-496-9724
U d Auto Part Sale & S rvice
Dennis Jantz
2500 Wa ·hington Road
Keno ha, WI53140
(262) 658-1392 x 226
1- 00-554-4770
FAX (262) 65 -3446
Cm1~qratulatio11t1 !
Cla~1,1 of2007I I
ln\ie tment
Buyer Agent
, 21.
r@) .,ul. @
Classic Automotive Group
425 N. Greenbay Rd.
Waukegan, IL 60085
Sale Consultant
orth Green Bay Road. Waukegan. lllinoi 60085
P: 847-336-4300 F: 847-336-9372
Sales Consultant
425 Nonh Green Bay Road. W ukegan. llhno1s 600 5
P: 847-336-43
• 847 l 6-9372 C• 262-344-6092
Local Lodge
7800 - 60th Ave.
4913 - 75tfi Street
'lCenosfia, W'l 53142
262 -694-2011
'Fax: 262-694-8755
Kenosha, WI.
h Pistler
'lnteffitl_ent, mature ana
possessed a 8reat sense of.
humor, Lei8fi is wise 6eyona
fier years ana wi{{ sure{y
find fierself amon8 tfie
fier 8eneration.
Love a{ways,
~om&' §re8
--~. -- ~ r~ h~,"
"You are all #we
ever dreamed
~ou ' d be."
Love Morn, Dad, & Christian
Rachel Stenholt
You have been our
greatest wish come true.
We are proud of who you
are, what you have
accomplished and what
you will be in the future.
It's all waiting for you ...
We Love You
Mom, Dad, & Cassie
of 2007!
"Breakout, Breakout.. Our time has come
and we've got these big city dreams."
All Ti me Low (Lyrics)
May your years of hard work and determination reward you by realizing
your dreams ...
We love you - Dad, Mom and Maddie
Innovative Tube Cutting Tool
V.P. Engineering &Technology
759 Industrial Drive
Bensenville • IL 60106
ph: 630.274.2069
fax: 866.814.3247
cell: 630.561.4008
Brenda Didier
Artistic Director
Owner: Va& Jankovic
Sale6: Pedja Uro&evic
Annie Hackett
Artistic Director
3016 75th St., K nosha, WI 53142 • (262) 605-3951
812. • SOth Street
#{enofha, WI 5'31'10
Phone (2.62.) 6S'J. ·'3'362.
Fax (2.62.J 652. ·'1080
}% WflrJ~ can ex.pre~
h©W fr©uJ We are ~ 'j6t1.,
'J©ur aCC©'hz?~~kr12enf~
f!I Jrea'h?,~}©r fhe}uf ure•
.JJJ. ~~ ©ur ~©Ve
n©W f!I a~way~f
dj;>aJ, JJ1/.©'h?, f!I Jae©~
Yearbook 2006-2007 was funl
Can't: wait: till n xt: y ar when we run the
show I
Doug Swartz O.ncr/land.e.:"" D~socr
n41 10"0\ A.v£
t(£NO'i>~i>.. 'f.11 ?3•44
l'hom 2.V1.-9]1.-S1.IO
of a
Free Estimates
Attilio J . Cicchini
mfmlt flaviJ)!, It.
?7H Pwu 7w ~~~Su
4700 - 52nd Avenue
Kenosha. WI 53144
Phone (262) 654-1929
(262) 654-8002
e-mail :
4015 - 80th Street• Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142
(262)697-9616 •Fax (262) 697-9856
Luck at
Great Job, Amanda