The SPY 2006
of 1
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The SPY 2006
The Mary D. Bradford High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 2005 to 2006 school year.
Kenosha (Wis.)
Mary D. Bradford High School Yearbook Club
Kenosha (Wis.)
School yearbooks
133106706 bytes
MAllY D.
STUDENT MUGS............................................
I. I
•• I . I
•••• I. I
•• I
••• I
SPORTS ........................................................ 60
WORKING IN HEADQUARTERS ........................ 110
11 2
TEACHING WORLD SKILLS ...................................... 124
FANTASTIC FACES ................................................. 139
SUPERHEROES OF SONGS ...................................... 145
SAVING OUR COMMUNITY ...................
PRODUCERS .........................................................
MINI MAG .................................................. 166
SENIOR FINALE .............................
IND EX ...........................
•••••• I
••••••• I
18 6
3 0645 10537560
_....,...,,..,___ _ _ __ _ NIN0A A TIACK Unfo...t:unatelq, in
all rc:hoolr romatimer ocan" The
h""°" OT'8 thore ...I.a rattle conRidr in a
conrl,..ud:.ive 1nrleod of Jerl-rud:.ive •GH.J.
'TI8T'e hove been mc:anlj tim8' when I've
hea.,.d fight. going on, and I'm glad I haven't
om-1 becouS"e thelj are " wc:ute of time
and .houldn't happen," claim< rophomoT>&
LaShon Lee ar .he ,..,..,nact. a move from
The Mat...ix ..,,th heT> f,.ienJ, juniOT> Nakea
Marvel 11 s" was the them adapted for the 2005-2006
yearbook because of the growing popularity of comic
book and comic book television shows and movies.
Many of the classic superheroes have made their way
from paper to the "silver screen."
High school dramas, in many ways , have theme ·
similar to comic books becau e there are several trials
that both students and faculty mu t face. At times,
these challenge seem in urmountabl as though one
is taking on the world like a superhero mu t often do.
Anything can randomly happen in comics, and any
student can agree that their life at Bradford is just as
spontaneous. We are all superheroes!! -Charlie
ErdalL Editor-In-Chief
UNDERCOVER Hidden under a som
brero. iunior Manuel Ramirez disguises
IN THE SKY Sophomore Nick Lukassen
doesn t alienate anyone even though he
looks like an alien.
·1 HI· ST AR OF nlf, SHOW Scmor
\ anes a Hunter 1s a hit JUS! like the
Broad\\ay musical, Wicked \\a .
cyclops-like sophomore. Beau
Pryor. can read people's
min wi h hi hir
WHOA FRO Did senior
Kelly Manna forget to
comb her hair and brush
her rat teeth?
GROWING UP Freshman Anel Dunlap
sheds a few tears for those 1rrespons1ble
days of middle school.
Popping his collar
with a massive craving for
carrots is freshman Noel
eyes . senior Kate Turnock
wears a milk mustache.
P r I
MCl· STRI .\KS \ Lfl"'
he!\\ ecn 1~01 and
Fr.inkcn-Bmk" senior
Ch.irhc hd.tll
Tucker shares a drop-iaw laugh like
Donald Duck.
WILLY LOO\tPA This si\ foot four
inch um pa ·loompa. junior B~ an
George, has an aJJi.:ti1H110
MRS . SMITH Looking like one of
Amenca's 'bad' girls. Angelina Jolie.
1s iunior Leigh Fistler
Freshman Allyson Brunner
can REALLY cheer
IN THE SOCKET Sophomore Glenna
Holm 1s feeling the static electnc1ty
attracting everyone to her.
loses a bet
to his friend
Kenny James boasts his lady s kiss
while his earnng glistens.
the hero
played by
Banderas is
Tony Lequia.
E1111ly R!1llCI
Matt Aiken
Rachel jlnd er$on
Richard Ander son
Jcnrnk r .Ah.11la! Jtt
Rachael Bake ~
Paul Banta
C,1t/mui1 8111111/>rmin
Yvette Beben
('f..11rl1 8al11t11
:'..1luotor,, f31k1tt,1
Phillip Birch
Michael Brigg$
I: \'t111/01Jtl•11 81111 1110
yrbolt !JnM11
,{//f/.lff/(/fl 811011"
Sean Butterfield
"I laugh at the most
random things
throughout the day! It
makes everything easier
and more fun!"
-Elise Mero\\
"The key to surviving high
school is working hard and
looking forward to
attending college."
-Demario Hudson
·.fr<bn ('bn11
Richard er e
Francis Co ·ns
, lrolt(o1111
Jordan <looper
• t c ,.
Matt Cr ou
~lli son Dahl
~iL i)<>+1i
{iL>.<11111/m -I
~n ~"'
f\1/11/Jtrly ·D . .,, 1
~ustin I>elcore
Kaylee Dix
~m.y 'Sah eart
Christopher 'Slrod
C.~L-Cv '·"
Emily Erd<! m
Brmt Ersku-...·
fCristien a 'Sscobar
Brooke Ev s
-Jlr1mdn fr
Alex Fennell
GOT ;..JO\'IS?
"High school is
fun-that's \\ b) '' e joke
around in the hall \\'a). "
- Derrick Tuner and
Dan Rangle
Stephanie l'isher
'loun:n .for
Glenn Frazee
~· I , cf 1\'ho11tnrr f 'ri::;!t
l>an Gapen
vt,-,,. ,
> '{
lfoh<' Gilbert
-1111/ier ({1/h 1t•o11
Veronica Gloria
~ olancla Gloria
""'"'""/ ,,, /1QA;/,~OJJ
Kayla Goodenough
~amie GraboW'Ski
Rll!'l'•lk:o C-or o
Nathaniel Grim
!Jc•irrt c,11/fl(i
Cody Clluldcrson
Phil llaebig
"nfl• lf fl~i II
Aja. Hamilton
'l(ntelv1 71mt.11m
Lance llartung
"Graduation is coming
up quickly and we're
looking forward to it!"
icole I licks and
Michael Gerlach
.Josh J!auke
Jocob fi<'inng
-r.,,,.,.;...-- ri<M>
Jn111i/er .Jl'e1bn~ iah 1~
-f\ntbemlf .'}/ill
JoHanna Huck
DeMario J!udson
Ynrx11eri1u .Jli. 11t1
Ruby J!urtado
Jim Iorio
..Am.r :/Pr1VJ11
Matt .Jacob
John Jelks
IVy:stal klks
~lex ..1ohn$on
Tinm Jo11e'
ITiorgan Juga
~inanda .Juopperi
Brooke Jurvis
cim~)' i(mewr
Bieke ..
J, n \I "I'. I nul11
J, ,,I""· '"I \ 1,
I 1111111,,,
JlJ2.-t\t1 I
Ryan Kupfer
c..1111111 l\mo.l.'>~Jr.. :h
Heather La
Rolll"'"li L1.11lc..irct'"'
Paul Lan$do
Katie Larson
Marko Laza • v ie
7... '11"'1111 l:1b
Krystle Litz
Stephanie Lu k
if1111'.1ths 111ocko.'
l\dly . 1(11111/f/
V/\J<."<"V //\,. 1
Nicolas Martin
Heather Ma II e
Dave Matalas
,J'nm lfo•·
Bntfans n1"'-..,~ndrea Mer
Elise Merow
"One of my favorite
aspects of school is
our huge choir
-Sagar hah
"I have battled
cerebral palsey, but
I've never let it get
in my way!"
- Eric Merlin
\ t.. I.. II. I '" 11 ,, I ..~
II,"'· 111 I I , I.. ,, \\ , I I. II
Dant .. p., y
· Yn0· ·P1 .
"It would\e been nice to graduate
early. I could have college credits,
but what has driven me to stay is
knowing I won't regret this year's
experience ."
-Cheryl Tri mm el
lissa Richardson
l~t') ~111110
eghan Romano
Kyle Saffell
lurlUL'> :'i..1°"!'\hO
'oum1n\.\'1 1rr
Ryan Scheve
athan S heff
nthm11t "' .\- '11'1,/
' ric Sno gra$$
abriella SQrrentino
,.,,,"""''·i1tO t:S'/Ji{';,I
• '( £,.•
Christiane Stagg
Amanda St ling
ame$ Steven$
Emily Stipek
"Rachel and I are really good
friends, and we are excited to be
graduating together."
-Cassie McBride
"Benjamin 'l'enuta
~ -V-6{6' ~"'°""'
c.Ynmb Tbo1111t11
Whitney Tilsner
JUcholas Torca.-.o
('Dtrd Tn111111r/
Kate Turnock
"-uir >'"'{"' \i
.. t,
JTiichael Valen
.Janice Ve negas
"-uid.f" \i ~
Mike Vidas
Kevin Vrevich
'/(nl/1· }o 'JI ~'"'r
hv"' v<>1t~
Meribeth Wamb.,ldt
.Justin W hitehead
'Rgbd 'JI. 1.i~
Annika Wisse
flaron \Voesk
Megan w .,.,d
Noah Wood
Dione Young
;/'1n,1;,'6 " ' ,
~lee Ziesemer
.Josh ?.inner
l'-'''m 'irbd
~ JUNIOQ.b ~
Jun r Hope Christie's
superhero name would be
' H-Rock' and her enemy
wou d be OZ.'
Junior Erin Meyer's superhero name
would have to be ' Erinator' and she
would go up against Fat- Man.'
Samuel Adams
Yaneth Aguirre
Ste\ en Akerlund
Casandra Allen
SteH~n Allen
Joseph Ambro'' 1ak
Kylie Ande~en
Nicholas Andreoli
Karen Antony
Jun r Darrell King's
superhero name would be
Kookamunga Kracka Killa
and he would hunt
Crocodiles .
Gabrielle Apostoli
Ste\ en Applegate
Alesha Arcndl
Ashley Baguio
Aa' S)e' Ya Bald,,m
Abrianna Barca
Kc' in Barker
'ichola~ Barsuli
Ashle) Baxter
Alexander Beal
John Beard
Nataisja Beard
Lea Becker
superhero name would be
Blondie and her arch
nemis1s would be Katie
McAuliffe .
Tra' is Beckius
Da' id Bedolla
Maria Bedolla
Stephen Behling
J\iicholas Belding
Chnstopher Bella
Shallun Belle
Justm Belotu
Joshua Bieker
Da,id Bmouo
Kyle Birch
atalie Farfalla's
su rhero name would be
The Farfster and her
enemy would be midgets.
Amanda Blommel
Craig Bolyard
~ichola't Bov.en
J\iichola' Bo\\ hall
Ashley Brantley
Hannah Brems
Patrick Bnnkman
Candise Bullock
Zachary Bundies
Laura Buska
Joshua Callahan
Jessica Campbell
Mary Cannestra
Kyle Carpenter
If you were a
superhero, what
would your
name be, and
who would be
your arch
Junior Kyle Hoff's superher.o name
would be ' Fat Man' and he would go
against ' C-Man. '
I lcctor Cambeo
\1a}ra Ceja
Veronica Cerda
Sha" ntcll (. hamblce
Charhta Champagne
I lope(. hnst1e
Joshua (lark
Carolyn Collin;
Jennifer (ook
i\nthtin) Cc11Tao
i\ ... hie) Corrao
Stephanie CO\cllt
\1atthc\\ Cramer
Katdyn Creekmore
Ryan CrO!>lar
Sal\.ador Cruz
Veronica Cruz
Caulm Curtin
Brittany Daniels
Ra;hid Dar
Michael De Rose
Heman Delatorre
Ou!>tm Denny
Kell} !k l.m>
Chri-.topher De\ me
Ch1\aughnne ~\OC
Kathryn DcHoy
Marco Diaz
'lorhcno Diaz
Stcphanu: Dnon
Ste\ an OjurickO\ iL:
Andre\\ Donald:,
Loretta Donnelly
Ian Dreger
Antoinette Driver
Monique Dn\er
Nathan Dl)><lale
Christopher Eaton
Amber Edge
Jack Edquist
CrJig Ed\\ard!:i
Angela Eldndgc
~c\m Fllcmon
i\.rbtm Elli'
Ei1''1beth Emon
Sah ador Escobedo
Ja\1cr E\ane;eh~ta
Enc Fahrenkrug
CourtnC} Fabtad
thri ... una Fap~o
:\atahc Farfalla
R}nt: Fcdro
Alc\andcr Fclland
athan Ferda
arnh fcuker
DJnu!'I Ficken')(:ht.:r
L1!1gh £ i ...tlcr
t\..a) lc:1gh Foreman
Eli~bi:th Fo:,ter
\:atalie Franc1031
Jeff Fn.--deri...: k
Jo,h Fn.-dl!ri.d.
Kaitlin Freng
Chn ... tmc: Fri.t..-dn~h
\1di ......a Froh
Connnc: Gagnon
Carlton Gatnl!'
Sandra Gaitan
·\ndre'' Gallo
I .auren Ga,taldi
\lallh<" Ga,1ald1
Jenna liehnng
l\..11nhl!rh Cu~i .. Jer
.\ndn:'' ·Gdden
Bf) an Uc:orgc:
'-ihadac (i1h ...on
\ h(.:had Gill
Jc.N.:ph (11or
Danid GitLlaff
h:licia Ula.::. ..
Je.,..,e (iomez
~ JUN1012.b ~
Daniel e Sursa: "I would
like to be invisible"
want to fly!"
I homa' (ionl'31es
\1onica (io1c
Ra..:qud (ira,hcn
Ashlee Lindgren:"I'd like to be
able to get ali the money I
Shakccu' (jra\ cs
Jame.., Gregor)
Adam (jru..,..,
Ad1lcnc Guajardo
A..,hJq (iuc:rra
l\.aren Uut1l!rrez
A ... hlt:} G}J'CO
Joshua Hackbanh
'1ichoJa.., llafennan
M ichellc Hagennan
Rehe1.:ca Haley
Richanda Harris
Rachel I lathcock
Jenn} Hernandez
Christopher Herricks
Ash!" Htll
Dcnicilc llill
A"hlc} I linsha\\
Brianna Hirsch
\11chacl Hoag
Kyle !loll
Allen Home
,_..y Cicldcn: To
be obi"
to tie <>ho= wil:houl hand!>
waulcl be what I'd want
.\lcxandra Huffman
Donald Hurlbut
\1clania Ibarra
Lisa Ingram
Jessica Jacki
Mitchell Jacobson
Alfredo Jaime:,
~ata ... ha Januaf)
Jonathan Jara-Almonte
Braulio Jaramillo
Carole Ja..,,o
Jame ... Jcn
Adam Johm.on
Amanda Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Brian John..,on
Nadcja Johnson
Da,1d Jone)
Shar'prca' Jordan
Daniel Jorgenson
Ashlc) Jupp
Brittan) KalinoY.~ki
Jo-;;cph Karb
Ste\ en Ka\alauskas
vln ;J'w Ji1 Btiltlir111: '.J 1ro11/d /if:!
rbr ;xnrrr of e/11->firiry·
H annah 6rern&s· The
povver To move
.As hl<':y ITI<><:ozzi.~R<>odt ng
minds roouk:l IX' inl<'l"C'Slirig_·
~ JUN1012.6 ~
l.aurcn KelJa
Paul Kell>
Jc sica Kerr
Joseph Kilgore
\1allory Kimball
Sarah J..:lcmm
Bntuny Klug
trpul Knoll
\1Jl'.kcn1ic Koba
.\ manda Kober
( mtoria Kolen
Joshph J..:o,k1
\ndn.>a Kollen
·\dam Kram
\loll> Kram
Joshua Krc)
Am) l\.n:)c
l ind~) Kntner
( orissa Kruse
fonmfor Kumm
Rebecca Kunh
Kari La Pomt
Rai.:hcl Lachman
\fatthc\\ l.J\\ ler
Sha)na La\\..,on
·\licia l cbcr
\Jc:,andra Lefi
Samantha Leick
Ki:ll) Le1 ... m:r
BritWl) Lcumg
,\manda Lequia
Jenna Lichter
Jo-.hua l 1chtcr
,x,hlcc Lindgren
\kl\:cn11c Lindgren
Courtnc) Li ... iecki
Bennett Litton
John Li\ ingston
-\ndn.~\\ Lockhan
\ 'craned;. Lofton
Johnathon Londre
fkanna Lo\e
\\ J) nc LO\eJO)
Brandon Lo\\enbmc
\fo.:hacl Luciani
Phil1r LudlO\\
Eli'"' Lu'
Kn-.tal Mack
\lc\andcr \1acphe!"'>on
( ann me Marano
~arah MJrbk
(,u:-.ta\ o \tanina
.\manda \1.bsie
Al \1aua
Kallen \ta\cr
Katie Mc .~ulifTe
( harlcs \kCord
Brandon \k Donald
Peter \k Gram
\-.hie) \10.:ou1
O-.i.:ar \1edma
.\m} \tercadillo
.\ngel \1crcado
Heather \1cn.~uh
Erin \1c)cr
h.:ole \111.:hetu
«:;tai.:c) \11ghano
.\mber \hller
\l} ... sa \llrslxrger
Tn.."<ln \.titchell
Ro"-'n \loflin
Bra\ton Molinaro
l·m1h ~hmtemurro
\nc \h.lntcomen
l\:1m"-'rl) \1oraf~1k
1kolc \tudlc:r
\nd~\\ l\1urph)
Laquinta \lurra)
Tatum 'ehb
I\. i.:)
Whcai is your
Alp.~a Ncpper
Ste\ en :-..lie mi
Heidi :'\licscn
Brittan} Nikolai
MallhC\\ Nucbel
Christopher O'Bryant
Andn:s Ochoa
Jacob Ogden
Michael Olc\a
icolc Olson
Melissa Opsahl
Joshua Ostrum
srftlu~1in3 Hi3h
School Ill 30 io
-J'~cle LesKis
I w.-ni io 30 io
UW-M~clison tor
chi Icl
Micl cl~nce.
-Liz Fosier
Ericka Otto
John Q\\CO
Jacquelyn Paar
Danielle Packard
Amanda Padc
Audrey Palmen
Ashley Pasch
Gar!) Paskiewicz
Luccrito Patino
Carly Paul
Jessica Paul
Capri Pearson
Joseph Penrod
Ashley Pere1
Mario Peret
Andrea Perugini
Lindsay Pctem1an
Alexandra Peters
Melissa Peters
Oa\ 1d Peterson
Ke\ in Peterson
Raelyn Pierce
Marissa Pinnola
Tyler Piper
Kristi Posson
Jancal Po'' ell
Monique Prater
Melissa Prell
1he o nly sei pl~n
I Mve is io worK.
-J'osh Puhr
Attencl UW
PL.ttteville tor
Andrea Primmer
Megan Radovanm ic
Manuel Ramirez
Brandon Rangel
Annette Reget
Jacob Resch
Bianca Reyes
Jacqueline Reyes
Danielle R1cchio
\1artell Rice
Ashley Richter
Ryan Richter
Max\\ell Riley
Molly Ri\cra
-Felici~ G-l~ss
Kathleen Rober~
Kyle Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez
Meagan Rodriguez
Vanes!ta Rodriguu
Andrew Rosales
Danielle Rose
SIC\en Ross
Stacy Rou~h1a
Joseph Rozzon i
Ke\IO Rui7
'<ichola> Ruland
Brian Rul><:h
'\ad1a Rumbolt
\lf1chael Ru!'tso
Adam aari
Jennifer Scale
Andn.~" chamber..
Stephanie Schanke
Samamha Schlecht
(as..,andra Schlo:iser
Shannon Schraeder
Erm Schrandt
Christopher Schroeder
Sara Schroeder
Kristen Schulz
Jessica Sherman
Daniel Shikoff
Sarah Sil\ on
Chri!)tophcr loca
Andre\\ Smith
Jacob Smith
Kaitlyn Smith
Rachel Smith
Stephanie So\\ ma
Patrick Spiedel
Timoth) Stanchfield
Barbara Steen
Came Stella
Rachel Stcnholt
h!\ ens
Nora Storz
Da\ 1d Strohm
EhLilbeth Stuart
Leisa Sunier
Danielle Sursa
Shane 5,, ager
'.;)shcaki S~\anigan
nnastasia 5,, art1
Cassandra LOI
Ja:-0n Taleronik
~els1c Tastad
:\'icholi!!> Ta) lor
Las ha'' n Thoma...
Jelle!) Thorpe
Jonathan Tomon
amantha Trusk7
Tara Tucker
Jo-.cph Vaccaro
Rachel \'an Berg
( urrn, Vanchcna
[mil) Vander \'cldt:n
Richardo \·argas
Beatriz \'azquez
Stephani \'azquc.1
\manda Ventura
1·smeralda \'1llalolxh
Chrisl)n \ lllaruel
Erika \'ite
George \'IJ...
Da~ma Voelz
Jennifer Vogt
~klissa \'os!:i
Chclse) Walker
.-hhle) \\ ashington
(_ Jrl) \\Cr\\ IC
l'iflJO) \\em IC'
Sarah \\ halen
Tra\ is\\ 1bon
\ndre\\ \\ OJcicchO\\ icL
Stephanie\\ olf
Krista Wolfe
Ca"andra \\ otldle)
Charise \\right
Carolina Za;alcta
ll<lcna /bilut
i:rin Zimmerman
~-~ ~ •
Cameron Aceto
Brian Adamson
Reema Ahmad
Sean Albert
/achal) Albert
(;ma Alfano
Rachel Allan
Jasmine Allen
Joslyne Allen
Kerra Allen
Cornelio Alman1a
Ste, en Altrcuther
Mcrccdc!>i Ah arc1
Damelk Anderson
fanclle Andcr..on
Rachael Andc!"'ion
Stephanie Andcr..,on
kry:stina Andreoli
Shane Annstrong
con Ayers
Ka) la Bair
icholas Baker
Rachael Bald\\ m
Hannah Balk
I laley Bambrough
Jeremy Barker
\1aria Barnes
r ere:sna Barrera
Gilberto Bautista
Christopher Becker
Ka) la Becker
"licolc Belcher
Rj>n Bella
Lrik BeJ,ky
~1arlena Bennett
Randy Bezouc
Drcndcn Bi..,ciglia
Kelsie Blackford
Counnq lJlai-.dl!JI
\11chacl lllalt>ek
Zachar) Blauwr
Bcaurc:gard Bla.1a\ icr
I 1mothy Bla11c\\ "kc
Adam Blon'lk1
(.ore) Boixt:k
Ja:smme Bohanon
Lauren Bonanno
Darianna Booker
. .
Alicia Bro"n
Carl Bl)an
Chn:!>tmc Bucko But..'llO
R)an BufTamontc
Rachd BuJli..,
\1cgan Busse
Kandace Butt
~alm1 Cabana.!>
Manuel Caldc-ron
Jessica Campbell Caronu
Jc,..,ica Carpenter
Chm.tophcr Carpcntll"T
Alc\andcr Carr
Ancl Car-.on
Sha) la Carter
Abraham Castaneda
\1aris.cla Castaneda
Jo~elm Cer.antc
icollcttc Cha-.c.:
thcbca Chatman
\1ehmood Cheema
Jenna Chiappetta
Jake Chopp
\1atthC\\ Ch\\ala
Anthony Clark
Rachel Clark
Kad1e Cla)
f.mily Collin'
J..:.ene~ha Cornelius
Ca,!oiid) Co~ntino
Nicole Cremona
\.1aria CruL
Ra, en Cul\er
Jamie Cumming:-,
\1cgan Curti..,
Bl)an Dahl
Valerie Dahl
Par1.1di"-'! Dalton
I leather Danielson
Jamc:ia Darden
Charlie Da\ id .. on
Sc:cna Oa\h
Ion) Da)
Jantza Deleon
Landon Deaton
Jc..,,1ca Delato(TC
\1ark l:>cRo><
Ka) lc·Cera Diaz
Chcl .. ea DomingueL
Alc'\andra Do ..cmagcn
.\ndfC\\ OmJC\\ ki
Cf) ... tal
fa'-(10 Dudky
Kelh Dunn
Cha.i Ebert
Kan .....a Edarina1
l<hcph Eldndgc
'itc\ en En:..1,.lr
Melanie bull
Jlhcph b\ aid
Hra)r Ey'az
Sara Fabiano
Jame... Farero
~llc:hacl Fee ... t
Daniel Fel ... kl.'
'\atalic Fl!'nn· ·chr. e
BnttnC} Fergu ...on
L1rJ Ferraro
\ anc .....a Figueroa
\Jc,.,,nJra F1ilpdh
( hn"tllphcr I· le t.:h
J..r.icl Florcl
Chri..,tophcr Foman ...
Deon Franklin
\fanss.a Frank:..
llcidi Fntt
Regina Garcia
Seferino Garda
Brett Gardinier
Sarah Garnett
Daniel Ga..,parin
Rohen Gaulcr
Elia; Gcb
Danielle (jcname
Da' id Gerlach
Adrian Gibson
Sanitra Gibson
fou:Main, but
Wd:Ol'tlllOately It
dnt ork he
earched tbr others
but none seemed to
function Fmally
MmJu disco ered
one that she hadn't
tnedyet She
approached 1t and
knob turned,
Garrett Gilbertson
\iichola> Gill
Stac) Gilliland
Tre,or Gim anelli
Michelle Gocttge
Cri'.')tabel Gomc1
Felicia Gomc1
K) le Grammcntz:
\1atthe\\ Cirashen
Bianca Gn.."Co
C)nthia Green
Jo'.'>hua Grinin
Rcshcena Grillin
Cc..lurt.ney Guidr)
Kathryn Gulati
Karla Gut1crre1
Paul G'' innup
Maureen Hacbig
Frm Hale)
Kate Hamb)
Kristina Hanan
r-:mil> Hamng
Rachel I larrison
Vonc ... ha llanlicld
Tyler Hane}
~1ahmood I lav•,on
Lmd!.e) llcb1or
Ke\in Hedges
Deborah llcinv
Ro:-.1e Hemm
Julia Henrich..,
Kendra I lenslc)
;\reli Hemandet
Jessica Hcmande1
f\.11chelle Hernandez
Jasmmc Hoppe
A,hJcc I loml.-r
Ryan Hmciar
<;amantha Ida
Ta)lor ls<nbcrg
K)lc he
Porchae h)
Danielle Jack~on
';amucl Jacob
I )lcr Jake
,\man<la Jakrm1ak
Ros Janu
Daniel JellCI)
Da\ 1d Jen,cn
(.)amantha Jc\\Cll
\11chael John-.
Bnttan) John on
Danille John,on
Kendall John-.on
Curti-. Jone-.
Domm1que Jone
\tanhc\\ Jone..
orma Jone-.
\kh,-.a, Juopj)\.--ri
Robcn Kahl
J;.1cob "anelLkc
J(l hua Ka' alau ... k ...
\1ana Kehrer
Cha... 1d} Kellner
Christopher Ke ... -.enich
Joc... ph Kc-.... lcr
Omar Khaleel
Matthe\\ Kmg
te\cn Klop~tein
Prc... ton Knapp
Kri ... tophcr K.nut ...C"n
/achary l\.oba
I li1'1bcth l\.ri ll.a
A,hfe) Knsor
Vmccnt Krome
Katherine Kromm
facal) n Kni...c
Ja-.on l\..umm
f.Ji..,e Kupfer
Enn Kupfer
Kn,tma La Fe\ er
"lC\ C'O Libed.l
Thomas Lampada
Jan~ 1c Lang
1'.nstcn Llr...en
Callie Lar-.on
\ndrc\\ Llurcn11
\lcxander Lau\
Chd ...ea Ll\\ h-.s
a\ ka Lazare\ 1c
\ndre\\ Lee
Donbce Lee
La,ht'ln Lee
~•lh!l}n Lcma~
\ndrc'' Lemke
Anthon) Lequ1a
1'.) le Lindqui ... t
Daniel Lill
lachcry Liu
Holl) Li\ mg ... wn
\"ua) l.odh:m
Jake Loe'' en
\le Loi ...
\nna lo
Jc"1ca Lo\ ejo)
\1atthC\\ l UCCI
amantha Luck)
11.:hol3 ... Luka"C'"
Jerem) Lynch
Brittan) Macareno
\1atthe\\ \1accari
Raymond \1ack
John \1adrigrano
Chase \ 1ahan
Christopher Marshall
Jesus l\tart1
Janie \1artm
Alexandra \1aninelli
!\athan Man.melli
Lizbeth Manme1
\1ia\anessa \.fa17ion
Jessica \!1ason
Brittany Mattoon
Stella Mau
\1ichael Maxwell
Jon Mazur
Shelby "v1azurek
\\'illiam McCann
Derrcona McCoy
\1egan "v1cCullough
Emiley \.1cGinness
Rhiannon McGra''
Adriana \1ercadillo
Erin Meulbroek
Caitlin \1e)ers
Bruce \11helich
Karina \1iller
Juhe \1in~k1
Zachar) \1irsherger
Brandon \1llchell
Cassandra \1itchell
Sacoya Mnchell
Jared Morgan
Stephanie Morgan
Andre\\ \.1orris
Ryan ~1orris-Leung
Ye!<;enia \.1uno1
Jordan Murri
Heather Myres
Brittan) oon
Grace 'ordloh
Ashle) Norris
Gabriel unnery
Jacob Nygren
Cara Ocacio
Heath Odegaard
John Obon
Jame' Orth
Chmtopher Osborn
Amanda Oscman
K.atC O~trO\\..,kl
"1atthe" Os\\3lt
Marcu., 0\1.em~
Deirdre Packard
Stephanie Papcnfu
Andrea Patnck
Eric Pa)an
Amber Perez
Stephanie Perotto
Jennitcr Perri
Al)ssa Peter...on
Sand) Peterson
Alys~a Piccolo
·ick Pmnola
Sarah Poe
Dennis Polzin
Jordan Posie
Jonathan Pre... ton
Beau Pr)or
Heather Quist
Jenni li:r Raduechel
Laurel Ragahe
\1atthe" Ragahe
·atahe Ra\nikar
Tra\1S Reidenbach
fo:oteph Reimer
Je...s1ca Retzlaff
Christina Rhee
Lucie Rider
Jerazmo Ri\as
Kaue Ri,era
A lcxander Robef"-On
Brian Roble.. ki
Alejandro Rodnguez
Ale\is RodrigueL
Hugo Rodrigue1
'\ad1a Rodnguez
Leah Roh>
Rebt..'Cca Romano
Jacob Ronghoh
Jeremy Ro'3do
'\ata"ha Ro~ado
ZakeT) Ro>enthal
Erik Ro<kre>
.\nna Ro ...s
Valene Rossi
Gregor) Rm' lettc!
Ridge Rucker
Stephanie Ruffolo
\fatthe'' Run)on
.\mbcr abm
Cc>ar . algado
.\mbcr <ianderc;on
Bianca Santias:?:o
Ja.._-.on amiag~
..\le\1S. atte;
Lisa a\aglio
1chola Schenk
amuel chi!'"el
Chcl!i1e chmidt
Danielle. chmidt
ebon chneider
Patrick chneider
Brittan} Schraeder
Grego!) Schroeder
")le Schroeder
A'hle) ch\\ein~berg
Jev.. 1ca con
Jerry hield~
Zachar) hilling
Kl') ~t)1u1 ieken
.\aron Siler
cme 1m~
fa)mcc Smtth
l\.C)lln<l Smith
Myl<> Smith
Ryan Smith
Ste\ en no\\ den
Keith oderstonn
N3than Soem.
Mario Sorrentino
1'.athan Specht
Katelynn St. Clair
!'\ icholas r. John
. imonc Starke}
Jennifer Stebbins
Alberta Steen
Al) ""a Steinke
Jenna Stcngcrt
Cassandra Stenholt
Kebe) Stich
Alt.!\.andcr Stinefast
Christopher toebcr
Joshua Strangberg
Kai tnicbing
Lauren Sturycz
Midi.II. Zooc:hi
W olv.rine b.eoure
J h"' claw"
Douglas uokko
Jo.,hua S" enson
Whitney . '' isher
hanc 5,, 1t7er
11 um era Syed
\1al) Tate
Jose Tellc1
Katherine Thomas
Trea\Or Thomas
Amanda Tiberio
Dustin Tilsner
Erika Tobias
Rebeca Tobias
Amber Torre~
Amelia Torre
Mark Tons
Amy Tripp
Al}>. a Valenza
Daniel Vargas
Lakci..,ha Varnado
Adlay Vazqu«
Jacob Vemeue
~atdtc'' Vidas
Angelica Villalobos
Da' id Walkov. ... ki
Ten anous \\are
\1cgan Warner
J/111y Tlipp
because he
becn11se be
M1chcllc "amer
Ben1amm \\ arren
Trc\or \\arrcn
Jnhn \\ aters
Teagan Watkin
Adam Watnng
Scan \\ em fun er
Garrett \\cnsmg
Bnuan) We,tphal
Mallory Whllefoot
Tra\ mna \\: jJJiam!)
Troy \\ 1lhams
K)IC W11lkomm
\tanm Wint
Haile) Woe>te
Mal)Jordan Wolfe
Amber Woods
Daniel \\ orsham
\11chcllc Wnght
Cynthia Yarbrough
Sha" n Z..pencki
Amanda Zemke
Chel-....'3 Zmner
Je!'lsica Z1ao
Michelle Zooch1
Sara /ongolov.11..:1
Stephaine Zongolo'' icz
Jacob Zuchlsdorf
Michael /.urbano
-/. 1lero'1 ''Poin.t'' of 'tto 'Return
Melissa Juopperi
Corrina Barnrungratana
and Kelly Pearce
Stacy Gilliland
Stephaine Mor an
Who is :your f auorite superhero?
Olivia Hardy
\1arquette Achtcmci'-"T
Juan Acflsta
f1ffany ·\dams
.-\rn~I \del!\cn
Kell\ ·\dcbcn
.\..,hie) Akin"
Jah· ·\lhnght
Joaquin Aldana
~athaniel Alie ..
forJan Ah ar""Z
,\riel ,\mbro,mi
(ihlna Ambrt.l\\ 1ak
();.mniellc Ame ..
Cind) .\ndcr-.on
Jcs..,1ca Aragon
Jonathan Alkm!<i
Brittne) .\ugu ... une
Da\1d Ault
Andre\\ Au ... !oo~
Lynn1 ... e Baglc)
l\:ahala Baguio
Kalani Baguio
Brianna Baker
l.atncc Ball
Jacob Barden
Chri..,tine Bargcndcr
Jackson Barkc.."T
Ra) Charles Barker
l\:<li Bartley
J'homas Battcrsb)
ravlor Bauman
\1i~hael Behen
France,ca Bell
\ latthC\\ Bender
K<lly Binotto
Addyro'c Bla7.a\ 1er
Aaron Blonskt
Robert Bohon
Richard Bonnan
Kyli:c Brinkman
I ayJor Brinkm:tn
\11chael Br0<....:h
Jclissa Brooks
Ciara Bro",
Allyson Brunner
Britlncy Brza1n~k1
Sam Spar
Ninja Turtlell
Err1l)' Brzezm k
Anthony' uc
Andrea Cab\ld
Oa\ld C•ldc'""ood
-\mher Caler
Al)ssa t.:r1>one
r m1ly Cnrlim
Alell.llldria ( ..n
Oa\ld C irrubba
Enc larter
V1cton C as: 1 10
fa1'1an C;cr.,.ntcs
lgnac-o Cenantes
\ >< Champagne
H thcr t vi tiansefl
Ah sa lolboth
T1moth) Conner
R.:mon Cooper
Julio LOr(lna
[ nc Corrao
0' Idol nez
M1ciael Lrane
J eph Cra}mond
Stephanie Cronk
~tJna ( ruz
Charles L...nnmgham
Tread II Darden
\ 1t:3gan Da\ 1d
Kcnncth Da' 1dSc. n
Elizabeth Oa\I
Kathcrnc Dan
Dona Debartolo
Oh, er Ocbc
Jake Di.:.\. tLrc
\ll~h3el DcGroot
Rober:o Deleon
.110 cph l>cm1
llah Denn)
1 cah Dc~ettc
Sti..'"\cn Dirk~
Peter Djun('k0\1C
~1cphan1e Dollme)<r
\\ 11liam Don}
1chola llo;-au
l>e\ m I>orse)
\ h C) Do;,
l aurcn Dudlc\
Ariel Ounla~
\ 1
chacl [ "'ener
Ryan [ ckhardr
Bnarn I: ...tanna1
'•mantha Ed~u1 I
Brooke Ld"ards
Ho!.) Eggl<ton
Ka} ..l EK trom
E dndg
Janet E 1a~-,Ln
Jos ph fmon
K\ c E11on
K ~thry1 l:s<obar
fSQui\e Jr
\ 1c. or E ttl
Aziza Farhan
1/1 llo~ Fcdro
~tall I') Finnigan
Tcm t- rcacrn:k
Jc 1ca 1-ri:ng
Jordan frei
Bntla!l) Funk
Just), uallO\\•)
\n<l~ Gar1.. a
"\t:r~,10 uan.·1a
Mar• lcarl:md
Man Ganer
C11<' liarza
L1sa l..-:trza
Breanna C1as\. 1gnc
fr'J\ 1 Ga~ den
... ou ue1ger
Jasmin (u:nnan
Iryou coulcl
heave cany or
powers. which
one woulcl
you choose?
Brian kn,c n would like Supcnnan's
lh mg )'<l\\Cr '" w hilc he is fl ying he
could k>ok do" n on cn::ryonc.
l\.alcy (ii.:rou
Jc....,..,11,;3 (i1d\'.umh
Bnan (iikk·nslt:rn
l hn-.1oph'-·r
Karlee <umzalcs
K 1r::mpn.·ct ( rtJSa I
( ira)
Autumn ( rcco
\1oniquc (in..-cn
Jamclia (iritlin
Stcphanii: (irimi: ...
('oth Cimo
Ka) ;a (11) mko..,k1
liknn (1udcrlc\I
D1>nna Harper would li ke
Supennan's super speed so she could
makl.." it to class on time.
lnslm Hakn .. chcr
Brittany I lagnpian
Aly sa llan<>cn
Kell) Han.S\."Tl
}\.nstina I l:msen
I lliotte Harding
Alcxand1.·r llarJ)
Oli' J Hard)
Donna llarpct
l\.ri ... tina I lams
\' n..:cnt Hams
Justin Hauke
I Jura Ila'' kms
Sasha Ila" k1r.s
Robm Ha\\ cy
lachary Heck
Kiml:x-rl) lkmnnann
1)1 llon llcndni.:ks.on
l-nn Hendrickson
Janette I h:nnchs
I liseo I lemandel'
Jt.~Us l 11..'mandC?.
Juan I k"Il1andcz
\1Jchclll..' I km:rndcz
I>amd lkrr
\1attheY< I ftcl(S
lkshalon I' II
Ju'itin llin~ch
l 1ffany Otto would like
Supcnnan's flying power so she
could gel to her friends' houses
Amber ll1rtrc1tcr
John Jl1x-PL'dcn
\11chcllc llladilck
Enc Ho<ller
Recd Hon
JamC'S I ld""."
Joshua I lofTman
2.. ____
One fateful day within
the hallways of Bradford
High School , senior
Lyndsay Minton was
rushing to class.
Suddenly, the floor
started to rumble as her
fellow students were
hurrying to their classes .
dangerously huge
backpacks of the
stampeding freshmen
were whacking her left
and right! Lyndsay was
instantly overcome with
fear and did not know
how to protect herself!
She tried to walk
confidently to her class,
but she could not weave
her way through the
jungle of students. She
had no choice but to let
out a cry of distress,
hoping that somehow,
some way, her hero
would find her.
From miles away, super
hero freshman Taylor
Minton heard the helpless
cries of his beloved sister
Lyndsay, and knew that
he must go and save her.
ZING! With his super
laser vision he could see
exactly where she was.
ZOOM! He sped off to
save her before it was too
Just when all hope had
almost been lost. ..
SWOOSH! Super Taylor
swooped down, rescuing
his trembling sister and
then bringing her safely to
her class.
"My hero ... ." Lyndsay
,:\isha L)on!<.
Daniel Maccan
\ 1ichelle Mach
Rebecca \ 1acphcr--on
.\1mee \1adrigrano
Dougla,, \lacdkc
Ju~tin \1acgaard
Kimberl) .\1agmn
Cllrtny \1ahan
Jourdan \1alkmu-.
Ha' tee \tan.~~cakl."1 \1anna..,
Jame ... \ 1arkm
Ch1.:ar \1arqm!1
Samantha Mar... hman
Zachary \fartin
\1ariah \fartmc1
\1on11,;a \1artmc1
Ya . . mm \tanmC1
Gabriela \1artmi
Da\ id \1ason
Jai.:hn \1ata
Chr~...tma \taua-,
Je..,..,e \tatbon
\.1eliss.a ~1attson
Jaymee \lcCartnc)
John \kCla)
Karen \1cCJcndon
Kicara \1cClinton
Nicholas \1cCoy
Joshua \1cCray
Amanda \1cCutchcn
Chnsune \1cGram
Vincent \1cl\.ilhp
ba1ah \kl codon
i)arrcn \1cl cod
Courtn~) \k\1anama
Chri.., \1t..-an ...
Brandon \fccou1
Blair \1cckcr
;\nalicta \1t!lcndc1
Erik \tcndo1.a
i:li;abeth \1cngc
Lui~ \1crcadillo
Courtnc) \frrcicr
Rachelle \.1crhn
Matthe" Metallo
A'hley Mifflin
la}lor \1inton
\1on-.' M1tchc I
rov ~· 1 hell
Katie M hraro
( mclhus ~loore
J1 e 1onlles
~uts ~lo:-lles
Mt rr
1arcu Mor"O"
\11cha I ~1uir
hca Mull n
Jonathan Mun z
Urandon ~\:eman
llntuny clson
Ka) ynn elson
K" ~ c: 50n
B;;,d!C) Nerlmg
ath:in 1K la1
Rt:bccc J uo. ila
l i'a Oeltjmbruns
Laui Olha\a
Katnna <>Jsen
\farco Orne as
Frank Ortega
knn • Ott
TilTan) Otto
Ronald Palm,.,,
Zachary Palmer
M~ Pana.sC\\ll.L
I~ ler Panasc.:\\ 11.:1
Dorolh' Park,-r
\.ott Pattc>n
11.hola PaurJ
BnttnC) P'l\ lu.:a
bb) Pcko ~c
Unttan) P,.; rod
Chn ... topher Peralta
J.,,l..,e Perez
\anJra Pc"t'z
Jo ...hua Peoronc
\fa.\tm P'-'fY'ault
K)IC Peters
\arron P1.:tcrwn
\,hie) l'dty
Bobb' Pn,
KalhI)n Pn
Du Proud
Ju.., m Pro,ancc
( 00\ r...,or
.l\ng:11..:a Pul!nte
(. y11th1a Qudlo
\ndm' l)u1 z
Ru-. ... I' Ra thkc
Pron Ramacbn1
Hollv R.:irnchci.:-K
Ja.·ob Randell
Turra Ra1htT
'i a-. m RJ))'an
Arand n Re:iu
\sh le~ Re.: 'c ...
Oa\1d Re2c:t
Tomm1 R~1dcnbach
•ctl"Oh Remdl Remmgto;i.
J1..'"Tlmfrr Ri:ttmuclk-r
Alnandna R11. ti.:r
DOfT ,-, R1ds-'~Y
Jo,opti R
Fli oclh RO>
f:nka R1\ 3
\,y,,J Roxn . .
flmar Rot>crt,on Jr
'h·'Pham R"'..:..:u
1: izabct~ R <Ir gu.z
\lana RoJr gua
Da\1" Rogt:
knm fi.~r Romano
\Id nJra R1. rnanm1e
l Jgar R1. Ji.:s
\la" Rotlmdl
J\.lnah Rud1.."I..:.._
>thc.:r pc..·opk· .m.' c>nlr a
tracUof'."' ol \\haf 'hl· i'
.\l.trqrn' l reln
Dalton Ruffol\l
Jo ... hua Rm1
Brandon Rubch
\\ ,1dc Rurc
\ndrc" Sandb..-rg
\shle\ .mttcrson
l a1 1e \andmc
\111.:had Saub"
\ng:dl'"na Sa\aglio
\li..,sa Si.:allo
Con S1.:h1llcr
kn..:my Si.:hram
Kaetf\e Sdm de•
\utumn Si.:hu t
R\an Sdc ... k1
J~lm \1.:pan..,k1
Christopher Shccb
·\manda i.\hcrman
Brent S1cJjak
·\shley i.\k1:nJ1h:1
.\my Slanch1k
Cynthia s1c..,zyn~k.1
D""'""d Smith
Jacob Smilh
Kelsey Stnllh
K) h: '\,"'lrcnSC"'l
Sam Spatr
\11ch3el Spcr.:ht
J...clly Sp1cdd
lime> '>tanle>
Stephanie Starling
f\.nst\' Statcma
Kay!~ Stem
J. Patm..:k Stephens
Joshua Stc:\\art
\.lrs D 'i .m ' ~ oulc.1 go du\\ m htsmf)
< g<: . l a ' supuhuo me' :-iJdek.tcK •
\'\ nne 1'-llle"i
Jf sou mere a
mhich teacher
mould be sour
sidekick and
fames Stn:hlo\\
\manda Strohm
\fatthl~ Stuligro:; ...
Christa Sturycz
Sarah S\\agt.~
\lark Szot
Dan1t."llc Tab1h
11mothy I appa
Saul -re11e1
Lctic I clk:1
Gianna fcnuta
Lorena I csaluna
Ty c-r lbomc
()ushe!Ll 1 hl>rpe
Christian r1mx:o
Mathe~ I oma
,.\mb)r I ra\.·1s
'1colc I rocmcl
Amanda Tusslt.."T
Gregg Tv.igg
\1arcell l yler
Chri:-,tophcr \'acC"MO
El11.t<Jth Valladares
Kimberl} Vankammen
D•"tym Vaughn
Samantha Ventura
Di.:anna Villalobos
Juan Villalobos
Rachel Vine:-,
Kelley Vrc' ich
Rohm Wabalicki'-
\.1dis\3 Waldov.
Amhl.-r \\ alent v.
"1egan \Valcnto\\ ki
Michelle \\alkcr
Tra,·ion Walker
Isiah Walton
Jonalyn \\ amboldt
Branden Warren
Stephanie Wegner
Ausun \\crt.1
Abagail Wcm 1c
Samantha Whalen
'\,lark Whue
Jacob\\. illcm:-,
Alan Williams
Monique Williams
/achary \\.11lmg
Keenan Wojmcz
Stc,cn Wolke
Kyle York
Gabrielle Young
Justin Zadler
Jacob Zimmerman
Samantha Zucho\\ski
Celeste Lee
Kyle York
'erve.s tt up
in gym chi's.
Derek Zoia is
sets a good
example by
wishes Br<1dford
\\asn't so cold in the
advantage of
""·ork time.
Ashlq Petty' on her
on her math.
5~ ~, Yi:AI~~- ~
5 ~, ~ A?v-M Pv-wf:d
-;:::..~;::::::;!~ Russell Jackson
- .....-....._'f and sophomore
Nicole Belcher wait
around on the set
of 'A Raisen in the
Michael Maxwell
works safely with a
power tool on the
set of 'A Raisen in
the Sun.'
Sophomore Jeff Boozer
decides what to do with the
piece of molding he holds.
Andrew Drazewski tries to cut
through a piece of wood using
a table saw.
THE INVISIBLE MAN Bilbo Baggins, played by junior
Nathan Ferda, is 1nvis1ble while wearing the ring, and steals
the jail keys from the elf guards, played by Joe Kessler and
Kelsey Hoff Bilbo later receives a gold reward from Thorin ,
played by sophomore Joshua Swenson, for helping Thorin
slay the dragon.
RELAXIN' Sophomore Savka Lazarev1c, who
portrays the beautiful Elf Queen, and junior Ashley
Jupp, portraying Dwalin the Dwarf, both take a
break from rehearsal to hang out.
Feuker and sophomore Kelsey Hoff are part of the
elf troops. and juniors Brittany Klug and Crystil
Knoll are dwarves.
played by
Joshua Swenson.
helps his fellow
Dwarf played by
Kathryn Gulatz
into a barrel so
Gandalf, played
by sophomore
Steven Labedz.
holds the key to
the secret
passage into
Smaug the
dragon's cave.
Bilbo Baggins
and Thorin will
TIME? The large
group of dwarves
remains captured
in the elves'
dungeon until Bilbo
Baggins gets the
keys to free them .
EAT UP. HOBBIT! Bilbo Bagg1ns.
played by junior Nathan Ferda .
enioys a hearty meal at home.
'I was the Nubian princess. I was forced to be a slave for the
Egyptian princess. Even though we were foes. my character
empathized with Amneris's feelings of worry over her father's
health.' says sophomore Katherine Thomas.
COFFEE BREAK Kristen Ellis as Mrs. Johnson. and Mary Tate as
Lena Younger sit around the table drinking coffee and conversing.
while Sarah Poe as Ruth Younger listens in.
ANGER Walter Lee Younger Cplayed by
Damon Jones) grabs Ruth Younger's CSarah
Poe's) arm with anger in his eyes.
A Rai in in the un by Lorraine
Hansberry, i a tory of a black
family in the ouch trying to
cope with issues inside and
out ide of the family home. The
play was cho en for Bradford by
director Rob Vanderloop.
"I thought there was a need for
this play, to show the variety
and diversity here at Bradford,"
he aid.
ome may be wondering how
the cast was chosen, given all of
the talent at our school. The
answer to that is simple,
according to Rob: "I basically
CMary Tatel
Daniels) for
a smart
chose the play based on the
talents of the actors. I had a
good idea in my mind about
who J wanted for each particular
The show was performed on
February 23, 24 and 25, but the
cast and crew also had a chance
to perform at a competition in
0 hkosh, Wisconsin.
"The be t part of state
competition was attending all
the fun workshops and meeting
new people. It was a wonderful
experience." said Brittany
The awards won by Bradford
included critics choice,
outstanding ensemble acting,
olo acting (Sarah Po ), and
These awards weren't given to
just anyone; both the cast and
crew worked to create the show
from September to February,
often rehear ing until nine at
A Raisin in the un is a
doorway to the und rstanding
and acceptance of who people
are behind the color of their
-Lindsey Wieske
Mrs Younger share a dance in the livingroom
of their home
Mary Tate. playing
Lena Younger, sits on the couch conversing
and knitting .
.9l 2{aisin
A GREAT DEAL Jalen Johnson, CTravis
Younger) shows money to an
awestruck Lena and Ruth Younger
CMary Tate and Sarah Poe).
Lee Younger CDamon Jones) and
Bobo (Martell Rice) get to talking
TROUBLE Meldon Starkey (Joesph
Asagai) talks to Brittany Daniels
CBeneatha Younger), and Mary Tate
(Lena Younger) about family problems.
Tensions often run high
in the play as can be
seen by the excellent
acting of Brittany
AWARD WINNERS!! (top) Meldon Starkey. Rosie Hemm, Sarah Feuker, Carolyn Collins. Rob
Vanderloop. Emilie Wiersum, Kathryn Valenti, Josh Swenson, Erin Zimmerman, Olivia Dechiara
CbottomHyler Northern. Brittany Daniels. Jalen Johnson, Sarah Poe. Damon Jones. and Mary Tate.
AT WALMART Some of the cast and crew go
shopping for a few kitchen items for the play.
1-~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4
MURDER MOST FOUL Members of the chorus. line up on the
edge of the stage to sing passionately about the mysterious
occurences that are taking place in the area .
UDDEN THREATENING MOVEMENTS Junior Adam Krafft leans in with
iolent force toward Emma and her father. played by sophomore Krystina
ndreoli and senior Adam Cesch1n .
LIKE FATHER . LIKE SON Senior Kyle Saffel
stands over his dying father played by
freshman Blair Meeker
HUGS GALORE At 'Tea With Belle,' Belle, portrayed by
sophomore Megan Warner hugs two little princesses.
Bradford's rendition of Di ney's
"Beauty and the Beast" wa
definitely an extravaganza. The
set were painted with intricate
detail, and the co tumes
captured the audience's attention
by being true to the Disney
Sophomore Luis Herrera, the
Beast, had the most elaborate
(and warm) co tume:
"It was hot with all that fur on
and with the stage lights beating
down upon me; it was like a
sauna onstage."
The part of Belle was double
cast by Tremper' hannon
VanCaster and Bradford's
sophomore Megan Warner. This
outstanding ca t howed their
exemplary skill during the fir t
matinee when the song's sound
to "Be Our Guest" cut out,
causing the cast to improvise for
fifteen minutes (which was no
problem for the e professional
actor ).
After the one mishap with the
Orch-Extra music player all of
the kinks were worked out and
no more problems arose,
making a first-rank show.
"As I watched the play, I kept
thinking how similar to the
cartoon everything was," said
senior Veronica Gloria.
Senior Katherine Hill, junior
Molly Rivera, and director
Kristen Singer produced the
well-choreographed dance
numbers which went over
especially well with all of the
children attending the play at
various matinees during it run.
"It was an experience that
will stay with me for awhile,"
said ophomore Maureen
Haebig. -Chelsea Lawliss
APPRECIATION Belle teaches Beast how to read in the library. while
TRANSFORMATION Mrs. Pots played by sophomore Katherine Thomas
10;.;..r..;. M;. ;.o::.;.ll"'-'-R.;.;.iv;...;e;.;..ra;;..;;.
n ·.;;..
e._ ___, ____ greets her now-human son Chip while sophomore Lauren Sturcyz sings.
'Beauty &
'1fze 'Beast
GIGGLES While performing as a
townsperson , freshman Holly Ramcheck
laughs at the onstage antics .
GRACE Sophomores Emilie
Wiersum and Valerie Dahl, and
freshman Katie Escobar as
goddesses. await the arrival of
senior Kristiena Escobar, spends
sentimental time with her
husband before she dies.
Drysdal, as the chorus of the
play, gives the audience needed
Heracles. talks with one of the maids of the
- - - - - household, played by junior Carolyn Collins
GESTURE Sophomore Kevin Dusenberry points
his o inion out to ·unior Nathan Ferda.
J2L :Funny
J£appenetf. ..
CUTE COUPLE These two sing
about ' Pretty Little Picture.' which
1s a song about their ideal future
o eh r.
VANITY 'I'm Lovely' 1s the melody that
senior Elissa Richardson sings about her
hubby. Hero.
"\ Funn) Thing I lappene<l c)n The \\a) ro The Forum' '\\as a mu-..ical comed) about
(,reek-. Ii\ ing in Rome.
"It \\ ,1s stOI') that made -..cnse \\hen you '\\.itched it hut hard to l' plain because there
\\ l're so man) side stories that ran into one," -...1id senior Elissa Richardson.
Pseuclolus. pla) ed h) senior Adam Che chin, tried to buy freedom from his O\\ ner,
I lero; howl'\ er, I lero would on!) giH· hun freedom if he could com·ince Philia, ( Fliss.1
Richardson l a \\ oman ''ho Ii\ ed in the brothel, to marn Hero. l 'nfortunately, Philia
could not \\eel hc.Tau-.e hu 0\\ ner had arranged for her to he betrothed to
C.tptain \lill's C1loriosus.
To pre\ ent the marriage het\\ l'Cn the captain .md Phili.1, nuny ''omen dressed up .is
'irgins to u infuse the capt.tin as to which \\ om:in ''as truly Ph ilia. On top of that,
Froml'is, a strange man, cum· looking for hist\\ o children \\ho he lost to pir.itcs \\hen
thl') ''ere ) oung.
Hero and Philia \\ere destined to he togethC'r since Eromeis found out that the laptain
and Phili.1 \\ere sibling-..: therefore. the) c.mdd no longer be \\Cd. - Ch:irlie Erd.111
Singing in front of the Pompeii
Club on New York St are seniors
Katie Slezinski and Katherine Hill
losing her man, Junior Kim
Geisler sings 'Where Am I
Going?" in Times Square
FOR A MOMENT!! Seniors
Kathenne Hill and Ahmed
Kolacek share a special moment
WEDDING FAREWELL Tremper's Katherine
Bonney and senior Kate Slezinski sing along with
senior Scott Frost wishing Charity well in her
upcoming marriage.
NOT A FLINCH Even with Charity's furious
finger in his face, sophomore Mike Maxwell
doesn't move.
Bradford's Sweet Charity was originally adopted from the play " ights of
Cabiria," and was ba d on an original screenplay by F drico Fellini, Tullio
Pinelli, and Ennio Plaiano. It is a quirky, romantic, urban musical comedy about
an optimistic dancehall hostess named Charity who has a heart of gold.
"What I loved about weer Charity was how we had a small cast who had a
good time and we were able to bond together. I also liked the dancing and
everyone I danced with," said senior Katherine Hill.
Sweet Charity was r ally fun. Playing Charity as my first big lead was amazing.
I couldn't have asked for a more exciting role," said junior Kim Geisler.
The cast of the play was a very close-knit group who enjoyed each other
during the run of the play.
\Vhat I liked about Sweet Charity was the chemistry that the cast had and we
blended well together," said enior Adam Ceschin.
-Danielle chmidt
Bradford High School Theatre A
CHEESEI The cast and crew
pose for the last picture after
their final performance.
Nelson CDon Quixote) gives
sophomore Luis Herrera a puzzling
look at the mock trial.
STRIFE Junior Braxton Molinaro and
senior Elissa Richardson sing "I'm Only
Thinking of Him' while considering what
to do with her slightly mad uncle.
"Man of La Mancha" is the musical version of the classic tale of Don Quixote. Initially,
Cervantes, played by senior ick elson, and his loyal manservant were brought to
prison after being arrested by the panish Inquisition. The prisoners held a mock trial,
which found him guilty and took his possessions. With the aid of the prisoners,
Cervantes then became the character Don Qui..,xote and staged the elaborate story.
"I loved the distinctive role of Don Qui...xote, but it was a stretch for me," said senior
ick elson.
Backed by his faithful sidekick Sancho Panza, Don Qub::ote dueled windmills and
defended his perfect lady Dulcinea, who was actually a downtrodden -;vhore named
Aldonza , played by senior Kira Walters. The incredible message of this show truly
inspired the pri oners and the audience to forever dream and hope for -;vhat the heart
"Just to see the tears in the audience's eyes at the end, shmved me how much
emotion this sto1y brought about," said senior Kira Walters.
- Helena Zbilut
HAIL THE KING Senior Devon
GRACE After prancing around
while doing a ribbon dance (which
is an olympic event) senior Jake
Heiring leaps into the air
Jones soulfully and emotionally
performs an original piece of
poetry for the crowd.
Q & A Runner-up, senior Chris
Strangberg explains why his
infamous orange pants are his
favorite item of clothing.
Emcees and
organizers. Abby
Nordloh, Heather
Massie, and
Zwiefelhofer stay
good natured
through it all.
introduction, senior Markus Savaglio
waddles across the stage wearing
swim fins.
Because of all of the hard work, Mr. Bradford went off without a hitch. Senior class
organizers and emcees Heather Massie, Rebecca Zwiefelhofer and Abby ordloh
worked for months in advance to arrange the layout of the pagent, and select the
The talented contestants were seniors Jake Heiring, Devon Hopkins, Damon Jones,
Angel 1ercado, Chris Strangberg, larkus Savaglio and Josh Zinner.
The show began with an opening dance number, which was followed by an
introduction of each contestant. Then began the talent portion. The performances
varied from a classic song, to an eccentric ribbon dance. The pagaent concluded with
the formalwear and the question-and-answer segment.
The judges' final decision placed Chris Strangberg as runner-up and Devon Hopkins
as Mr. Bradford.
"I am extremely excited and proud that I won Mr. Bradford. ot too many guys can
say that they placed first in a pagaent," said senior Devon Hopkins.
-Kelly Manna
shows that
it's not only
girls who
can dance
wearing high
YEAH, BABY While waiting for
the results , seniors Josh Zinner
and Lauren Ford give a round of
applause for the emcees.
r.Bra!l ord
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 KODAK MOMENT The contestants
make funny faces while anxiously
waiting to find out the results
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! DRESSED IN WHITE The emcees
also known as seniors Louie
Perrine. Jordan Cooper. and Mike
Haberle shoe their 'tuff' sides.
Contestant senior Heather
Massie stands next to her father
before being asked a question.
,__-----1 SATISFACTION There is nothing
...-----1 but smiles on the stage as senior
Emily Stipek is crowded the new.
2006. Miss Bradford.
GITTIN' SILLY The dancing duo: teacher Mr.
Burger and senior Lauren Ford .
SHAKE ITI Showing the crowd
what she's got, senior Shannon
Perman hula-hoops showing the
audience that beauty and fun mix.
TIME TO SHINE Senior Elissa
Richardson decides to show just
how amazingly she can
manipulate her pipes.
Aaron Kuper, Jonathan Sepulveda. Paige Frey. Katie Gilbert.
Xin Yin . Heather Massie. Louis Perrine, Kelly Manna, Angelo
Jones. Rachel Anderson . Rebecca Zwiefelhofer, and Nick
Perrine make up the 2005 Homecoming Court. The votes
crown Xin Yin and Heather Massie as king and queen of the
royal court!
CENTER FIELD The dance team and sophomore Tiffany Jones: juniors
Kristin Ellis and Chadee Gibson: and senior Tiara Jones of Bradford's
Finest take over at halftime as they showcase different dance styles
SCREAM AND SHOUT A Cappella choir seniors Adam Ceschin. Elissa
Richardson. Josh Hackbarth and junior Alyssa Nepper reinact popular
musicals as the cheerleaders lead cheer to the stands full of football fans.
The Red Rockets prove their level of adoration
with red paint and loud cheers. Also showing their pride are spirit
week's 'senior citizens' seniors Jamie Grabowski and Kaylee Dix.
Melissa Prell and senior
Amie Ponivas take a quick
break from their dates to
WATER BREAK After boogeying the evening away freshmen Kristi
Lamasters, Lynnise Bagley, Kayleigh Drew. Lori Homes. and Dori Parker
ke a break and cool off.
attire. sophomores Mike Holden and Monte
Visor "dress to impress.'
Rachel Vines and Sara Redman dance
like there's no tomorrow!!
YOUNG LOVE Gazing into the
eyes of each other are
sophomores Tim Williams and
Chasidy Kellner.
KODAK MOMENT Taking a quick
break. sophomore Kerra Allen and junior
Sam Adams share a moment together
Onct: upon a time, on a cold
rainy mght, m,my Bradford
studt:nts \\ere on their wav to
~L.mna Shores. The 1Jd1es
dressed 111 beautiful gowns, .ind
the 1rn.:n \\ore their best attire
For \\'hat you ask? Bradford s
~ubdeb of course. 'Io he
admitted e\·e0•hody brought
thell' golden tickets. Rainbow
lollipops \\ere lx:stmn.'d on the
l.tdies upon entering
\\inter formal is when the girls
.1o.;k the guys instc,1d ot the
IT'S ELECTRIC Many of the Bradford
students join together in doing the Electric
traditional guys askmg the girls.
Key club members busily
worked all year planning out
e\ erythmg for tlus big rnght.
\\'inter Formal \\a o.; their only
fundraio.;er, and th.n's how they
mack their money for the yt:ar.
They used the money from the
dance for many c.ommunity
sen ice projects.
"\Ve send kids to district
con\'entions. financt: fundraisero.;,
and use the money for
sc holarsh1 ps," stated the .1dvisor
PARTY! Sophomores Marlena
Bennet, Alyssa Piccolo. Maria Barnes
don't let the evening go to waste
of the dub ..'\!rs. Sesser.
Dancing and drinking were big
is.-,ues at the dance this year.
"People stat1ed k·aving \\.'hen they
found out h<m intense the
chaperone"> were " 1.ommented
junior Alex Felland.
But to most, the night was a
chance to dress up. dance, .111d
spend a cold mght with friends.
"The best part of the dance wao.;
ha' ing .t good time hanging out
with my friends.'' said junior
Amanda Kober. !{ache! Stenholt
BOYS NIGHT Living it up bachelor style are
sophomores A. Lee. A. Merskie. S Shizzle.
and J. Chopp.
PROM ROYALTY: Junior Lauren Gastaldi, Nick Taylor, Carly Werwie, Andy Wojciechowicz,
Helena Zbilut, Martell Rice, Adam Kraft, Mallory Kimball, Steve Djuricko,·ic and Ericka Otto.
OH, WHAT A NIGHT Enjoying the
night are juniors Philip Ludlow and
Amber Edge.
Djurickovic goes for a QB sneak
after being rushed by the
Tremper Trojans .
Ir! ~~~lr..'t
Ac _c - •
= ==-=-= ==-===-=
With quick feet .
Junior Garry
Paskiewicz blazes
past South
Milwaukee for
Bradford 35 ..... Case 6
Bradford O....... Racine Park 34
Bradford 19 ..... Racine Horlick l 0
Bradford 6 ....... Burlington 34
Bradford 7 ....... Tremper l 7
Bradford 7 ....... Muskego 32
Bradford 48 ..... South Milwaukee 13
Bradford 26 ..... Franklin 28
Bradford 7 ....... 0ak Creek 42
Bradford 38 ..... Greenfield 22
Bradford 34 ..... Case 6
Bradford 41.. ... Park 13
Bradford 21 ..... Horlick 13
Bradford 35 ..... Burlington 12
Bradford 12 ..... Tremper 13
Bradford 35 ..... Muskego 21
Bradford 35 ..... South Mihvaukee 14
Bradford 43 ..... Franklin 8
Bradford 27 ..... 0ak Creek 8
The Red Devil' season began with a
triumphant defeat over Racine Ca e as a result of
the leader hip of junior quarterback teve
Djurickovic. The next week, the team truggled
to put points on the scoreboard against top
ranked Racine Park.
"I feel like we're better than the record hows,
and next year we will prove that," said Junior
Richard Linkow ki.
Throughout the ea on, many ob tacles were
overcome. After a devastating knee injury
plagued enior Angelo Jones, the younger
athletes had to tep up.
"I felt we played hard in every game. Our
eniors played well, the juniors stepped-up and
the sophomores filled in. We didn't reach our
goals, but the player certainly can be proud of
their preparation and effort," tated Coach
Through the leader hip of the ten graduating
seniors, the underclassmen have learned what it
takes to have a trong program.
"I'm going to mi s mo t Thursday night with
the guys, and of cour ·e the Friday night lights,"
said enior Louie Perrine.
-Rachel tenholt
(top) Coach Burger.
Patrick Brinkman. Josh
Strangherg. Zach
Daniels. Curtis
Vanchena. Matt Lawler.
Joe Stevens.
(middle) Zach Liu. Kris
Knutsen. Aleks Beal.
Peter Peralta. Jordan
Stocker. Michael Vidas.
Heriberto Tobias.
(bottom) David Johnson,
Jim Stevens. Francisco
Garcia. Dustin Denny.
Dennis Orellana, Jesus
BROTHERLY LOVE After capturing the
lead. senior Jesus Moreno celebrates a
goal with teammate junior Zach Daniels .
CHILLIN Players on the bench
watch anxiously as their
teammates finish out the game.
his height as an advantage.
junior exchange student
Jan Weynand heads the
ball off a corner kick.
Daniels controls possession. and
looks downfield for an open shot.
Boys' Var"iit} occer finished their 2005 -,eason
15-5-6. and set new records for scoring and
defense. ',enior Dennis Orellana set a career
scoring mark finishing his four years with 60
goals and 30 assists. Goalkeeper Francisco
Garcia also set a single sea <;On record for
shutout':i with 13 and allo\\·ed only 18 goals in 26
"This } ear's team \Yas the most succes..,ful in
my tenure at Bradford," proudly stated Coach
Bradford bowed out in the playoffs to state
runner-up 'Vluskego. but they finished
undefeated in non-conference and tournament
"This is the best defense I ha\·e ever played
with, and I'm looking forward to another great
season next year." said junior defender Zach
The defen'>e was pmYered by ~tan L~m ler.
Zach Daniels. Michael Yidas. and Kri'> Knutsen.
"I feel this year we created the most chemistry
as a team, and I'm going to treasure all the great
memories." said ,\like Vidas - Zach Liu
Moreno goes for a goal off a corner kick,
while teammate iun1or Zach Daniels hold the
-a.:;-..-t...--1 offender back.
• GET UP On his way to setting a
single season shut-out record of
13, senior goalkeeper Francisco
Garcia catches some air as he
GET PREPARED Before game
time, the team's all-time leading
scorer, senior forward Dennis
Orellana poses for a quick photo
GO GIRLSI Seniors K. Degener. B. Jurvis and S.
Perman run for Bradford for the last time .
FINISHING STRONG Freshman A. Travis and junior R
Grashen sprint side by side to get to the finishline .
STARTING STRONG Junior Hope Christie pulls
away from her competitors to get an early lead
ALMOST THERE Junior Tara Tucker pushes herself to
reach the finishline .
WITH THE END IN SIGHT Exhausted junior
Amanda Johnson gives it her all while persuing
After h~l\ ing an outstanding season, the
girls cross country team mac.le their first trip
to state.
"It '\\as a storybook season that '\\·e all
thoroughly enjoyed," said Coach Aslakson.
With the best record since 1996. Bradford
won an invitational for the first time since
1983. They also placed first in the Kenosha
County 1eet for the first time since 1998.
Throughout the season the girls managed
to place fourth or higher in every meet \Yith
a record of 98-16.
As the season progressed. the girls
improved their times. Practice paid off:
junior Hope Christi e and senior Kim
Degener broke the school record at
"State was an exciting experience for all
of us: it brought the team closer e,·en
though '\\·e were already like a family. I <1111
going to miss the girls I ran \Vith." said
senior ~hannon Perman.
With the season at an end, Coach
Aslakson and Coach Bornhuetter looked
forward to another great cross country
'iea<,on in 2006.
- asif Ahmed
FOCUSED Senior Megan Paul prepares
herself for the big meet at Parkside
. ...~..a..u.1111• long. hard race junior Crystil Knoll
finishes strong.
During the meet.
Freshman A mbyr
T rav1s conserves her
energy for later 1n th
(top) Rachel Bullis. Amanda Johnson. Hope Christie. Coach Bornhuetter. Coach slakson.
ntoinette Dri\ er. Monique Ori\ er, bby ordloh (third fO\\) Jenn) Cook. Lindsey Hebior.
Brooke Jun is. Kim Degener. Ambyr Tra\ is. Kri ten chulz. 111) Tripp ( ·econd rO\\) \1ontoya
Ga1den. Danielle Ricchio. hannon Perman. Racquel Gra ·hen. icole Cremona. Tara Tucker.
Valerie Rossi (first fO\\) Maria Kehrer and Cr1stil Knoll
CATCHING UP At the last leg of the race.
sophomore Nathan Specht pursues his opponent
LINED UP The boys JV team prepares for a race hEla
at Westosha HS for the Falcon Invite.
PRE-RACE TALK Before the race. sophomores Zach
M irsberger and Ben W arren check out the course.
RUN OUTS Sophomores Nathan Specht and Ben
W arren, warm-up for the race ahead of them
Bender gets used to the rigors of running.
The hoy's cross coumry team .<.howed
imp rm ement once again in 2005. On!} fiH~
letter '' inners returned this season. so the
team had an abundance of first-year runners.
E\·en though this \\'as a younger team , the
boy.<. prm ed to be strong. According to
Coach slakson , "This team \Yas as good as
last ) ear's team." This \\as quite a statement
considering the team consisted of only t\\ o
This year's MVP. Josh Poe. \\'as one of
t\YO seniors that ran on the team: in fact , he
ran the team's best time of 17:16, \\hich \\'as
;.1lmost a full minute improvement from the
beginning of the year. That time added to
the boy.<. best combined time at the \.'V'IAA
Sectional \\'here they took l<tth of 16.
!\lost of the impro\'ement came from the
off-season \\'hen the boys prepared and
trained hard for the upcoming .<.ea.<.on .
Omar Khaleel said, "A lot of our varsity
team consisted of sophomores, so we'll do
well next year-" Coach A.<.lakson agreed and
belie\'es that if the boys train extremely hard
like they did in the 2005 season. the team
\\·ill be e\ en better in 2006. -Josh Zinner
FOCUSED During the race. sophomore Scott
Jensen pushes himself until the end
gradually pulls away from his opponent.
(front) Michael
Zons. ic St. John.
Matt Grashen.
Jeremy Bauman
(middle) Matt
OS\\ alt, Ben
Warren. George
\'lk. r-.tatt Bender.
Craig Bolyard.
athan pecht.
cott Jensen (top)
Coach Bomhuetter.
Griep ntrog. Zach
Cam1ine l\1arano.
Coach Aslakson
DETERMINATION Junior Steve Ross gets ready
to hit the ball down on Tremper at a crosstown rival
WORKING TOGETHER Working side by side. senior
Mike Briggs and freshman Andrew Frazee block the
opponent's hit.
HIT IT HARD With all his strenght. senior Eric
Snodgrass spikes the ball down during a key play
SM ASH Captain and senior Glenn Frazee aims his kill
against the Red Devil's opponents .
his defensive form .
Since the boys' volleyball program started
four years ago, the team has had trouble
finding success. This season Coach Day
had high expectations for her ream \\- ith
five returning seniors on the starting
lineup. One of the first-time
accomplishments of the eason was
trouncing Tremper on their own turf.
"Beating Tremper was a great feeling and
lots of fun," expressed the captain senior
Glenn Frazee.
The following week , the ream showed off
their skills at the Arrowhead Invitational
Tournmenr. Bradford played close matches
against state ranked Arrowhead, Madison
West, and this year's state champion,
"I was really proud of the guys; we really
turned some heads that weekend," said
Coach Day, who is hoping the guys can
grow and get better in the coming years.
Glenn Frazee and Mike Briggs led the
offen ive line-up with their excellent hitting
throughout the season. enior Jon
cpulveda and sophomore Nathan Larsen,
co-MVP's, led the team with assists. The
guys also advanced to ectionals for the
second year in a row. -Eric Snodgras
REGROUP Head coach M arla Day takes a
time out to have a motivating discussion
with her team.
--------------------- --------
- ------ =---===-=--
-- ----------- - ---- --
ASSIST Sophomore Nathan Larsen sets the ball
high in the air for senior Mike Briggs
LAST GAME Six seniors are introduced
before their last home game at Bradford.
- - - - - - " " ' " " - - ! Nathan Larsen runs across court
s ve a ball
(back) Glenn
Frazee. Coach
Perkins. athan
Lar en. Coach
Da}, Eric
nodgra ·s
(middle) Mike
Brigg , te\e
Ro. s, ndre\\
Frazee, ick
Perrine, Brendan
Bi ciglia, Blair
Meeker (front)
Kris McDermott,
Rob Moffitt. Jon
HANG TI ME Wa1t1ng impatiently,
freshman Andrew Frazee prepares to
spike the ball at Tremper
GREAT PASS Knowing every good play starts with a
good pass. freshman Ariel Adelsen bumps the ball up
to the setter in perfect form.
TIME OUT The girls listen attentively to Coach Yackley
as they take a well-needed break during a time out.
PU MP IT UP Sophomore Amber Torres leaps into the
air to make the perfect attack.
UP. UP, AN D AWAY Focused on getting the kill ,
junior McKenzie Lindgren goes up to hit, while
freshman Dori Parker and senior Paige Frey cover.
The 2005 girls volleyball team started off
with the odds stacked against them. Who
would think this team could win since there
was only one girl returning with strong
varsity experience, two starting freshmen,
and one starting sophomore? Despite the e
challenges, the ladies proved that they
wouldn't go down without a fight.
"It was hard starting off with a whole new
team, but everyone played together so
well ," said freshman MVP Ariel Adel en.
While playing in a tournament at UW
Whitewater, the girls placed sixth out of
over twenty teams. They also continued on
to place second at the Mukwonago Invite
and to tie for second place at the Red Devil
"This group of girls was one of the most
hardworking and positive groups that I've
ever coached; they just never gave up. I
look forward to continued success from the
returning girls,'' said Coach Yackley.
The team ended up finishing 3-6 in the
conference, but this record has no
reflection on how much talent these girls
had and how hard they worked together
throughout the great ea on. -Ericka Otto
intense practice, junior defen sive specialist ,
Jenna Li chter, diligently works hard on
perfecting her skills for the next match.
"--------;;;:a----=:;....-l Dori Parker hustles to save a ball
going out of bound s during a game in
the Bradford Fieldhouse.
Lindgren doesn't hesitate to get on
the ground in order to save the ball
from hitting the floor.
ON YOUR TOES Preparing for the
upcoming play, freshman Ariel
Adelsen gets ready along with junior
McKenzie Lindgren and sophomore
Amber Torres.
total domination. junior middle
hitter. Nikki Mueller and freshman
setter, Dori Parker. work together
to make a perfect attack
GETTIN BIG Defending the
net, freshman Ariel Adelsen
and iunior Nikki Mueller jump
up to block the hit coming their
(top) Paige Frey,
Lindgren, Coach
Yackley, Erika
Donaubauer, . ikki
\,1ueller (middle)
Amber TotTe ·,Liz
Emon. Jenna
Lichter. Ariel
Adelsen. '.\farissa
Pinnola (front)
Dori Parker, rie
Ericka Otto
INTENSITY D etermined to win . senior Jen Pari se
reaches for a backhand 1n her singles match against
Oak Creek.
DETERMINATION Focused on shot placement
junior Abbie Barca hits a powerful forehand
cross cou rt to w in her the point.
COMPLETELY FOCUSED Awaiting her opponents
serve . junior Gabrielle Apostoli stand s ready to
return a crushing shot .
GIVING IT HER ALL Senior Rosa Barn es lunges
for a backhand vo lley in her match at # 1 Doubles
............-u..___.. Werwie returns a backhand with
Coach ~legan Vassos led the Bradford girls
to an 8-1 conference record and a 2nd place
finish in Sectionals. Sen ior Jen Parise and
freshman Abby Wern ie led the singles lineup
and came out \Vith \\inning records. \Xlerwie
qualified for State along \\ ith senior Rosa
Barnes and junior Audrey Palmen at 1
Doubles, and juniors Gabby Apostoli and
Abbie Barca at 2 Doubles. At State, Barnes
and Palmen defeated a seeded team first
round while Apostoli and Barca had a difficult
b ut close ma tch .
"It was great to make it to State for my
second year and each time \vith a senior. I'm
happy Rosa and I finis hed the season
together." commented Palmen.
Freshman Brittany Lampada, hole.ling the
most wins, played in the 4 singles spot while
sophomore Jenny Rac.luechel held the Varsity
3 singles spot. Juniors Erin chrandt and
Andrea Periguini played at 3 doubles. finishing
the season off strong.
"I worked hard every year I participated in
tennis, and I saw both the team's
improYement and my mYn," said senior
y,·ette Beben.
Follmving their coach's lead, the girls
close-knit friendships reflected the team's spirit
on and off the coun.
-Rosa Barnes
CIRCLIN' UP Some of the team put l----_:'.;;;ii;~..3;;i~~~~~~i;;;~~_.]~~~~-~::;;~~=..i~L---f~~~~:J------the1r heads together 1n order to
visualize a win at the state
-- ----------------- -- ------
Red Devils cheer on freshman
Brittany Lampada at subsectionals.
VICTORY Defeating Tremper at #2 Singles, freshman
Abby Werwie fights her way to a championship at
sectionals and a trip to State .
INTIMIDATION To win the point and put
fear 1n her opponent, senior Jen Parise
sends a backhand flying over the net.
RED HOT Coach Vassos sports a devil
wig as the girls and she pose for a
picture at Olive Garden after a
celebratory meal
- ---1 STATE BOUND The five girls who qualified for
Individual State and Coach Vassos pose for a
picture outside the Nielson Tennis Stadium in
(top) Coach Vas. o ·.
Abbie Barca. Jenn}
RaduechcL Christina
Rhee. Liz tuart
(middle) Audrey
Palmen, Brittan}
Lampada, ndrea
Perugini, Abby
\Vernie. Rosa Barnes
(bottom) Gabrielle
Apostoli. Erin
SERVE IT UP Preparing to ace her opponent. junior
Elizabeth Stuart bounces the ball before her serve
Gianna T enuta
Kate Bol'man
"The le<1m wo~ dose ro it made it. ro
"Go;ng to .Wt. J.,,.,ng m~ k.<t ~ea,.
8,...Jfo,J wo< ~ I ,.,II mitt
much ecm.,. to get to
State. •
"Golf wo< bett- becao<e we ,..,.. 0
d.,.... team ond we hod o lot of fun A
lot of °"" goal< got occompl;.h.J!"
the whole expe,..;encel•
VICTORY Senior Kate Borman. sophomore Jessica Retzlaff. junio
Carly Werw1e, freshman Gianna Tenuta and senior Sara May stand
with their State trophy after defeating Brookfield Central 660 to
FORE Hitting the ball far, senior
Sara May tees off to lead
Bradford in the right direction
toward a winning season.
FAMILY LOVE Senior Sara May and her dad stand
together during her last season as a Bradford golfer.
PA!I P~'ll iriN
DOWNTIME The 2005 golf team
relaxes while waiting to tee o ff at
the Case Invite
The Lady Red Devils Girls' Golf Team was on
fire this season. The team suprised everyone by
winning the 2005 \X'IAA Dt\ision I Golf tate
Tournament in high-class fashion. The Devils
came back after losing to Brookfield Central early
on in the season. In the end. the winning score
was the third best in the 3 1 years that the
tournament has been played.
Head Coach Carlotta Miller summed it up by
saying, "IL \\as a Cinderella -;eason, and when we
got to state the shoe fit'"
The Red De\ ils haven't \"\'On a state title since
1965, so they were long overdue for some good
luck. Ha\ ing broken this long lasting curse, the
girls became \Yell-known as state champions.
Along \\ ith a title under her belt, junior arly
Wern ie had a record-breaking season: she
captured t\\.O national championships this year.
Werwie was perhaps the best female junior golfer
recorded in Kenosha's history.
Werwie stated, "\Ve all feel special because no
team has won state since 1965. I believe that I
was so successful because of the support from
my parents. friends. and a very professional
swing coach."
-Jessica Campbell
thinks about what she can do to help her
teammates win State .
(top) Assistant Coach
Ellen Thompson, ara
1a:y. Kate Borman.
Kristin Jaskolski. Kelse)
, '' iatko. Kat) Gulati'.
Coach Carlotta \1iller
(bottom) ks~ica Retzlaff
\laris a Frank . Jessica
Carpenter. Carl) \\em ie,
Gianna Tenuta. Gene\ 1e\ e
LISTEN UP The team gathers around Coach
Curtiss to learn a new drill that will help them in the
upcoming game.
BEFORE-GAME RITUAL The team takes their
helmets off before the game 1n honor of the
National Anthem
PUCK IT! Sophomore Brian Adamson takes a
moment to read the play that is developing .
A TIENTIVE During a water break. sophomore
Brian Adamson and freshman Josh Stewart listen
closely to Coach Curt's advice .
DETERMINED! Senior Charlie Erdall
passes the puck up the ice to one of his
'------t teammates.
The season started under new leadership
with coach <\like Sosinski, hut a qua1ter of the
way into the season he resigned. A new
awakening came \\'hen Tremper's head
custodian, Curtiss Vergenz, assumed the head
coach position.
To start off his coaching career, he and the
team took first at the Baldwin tournament,
creating more confidence within himself and
several \veal)· parents.
"Without Coach Curtiss, we wouldn't have
had a team," said sophomore Brian Adamson .
"He was ve1y inexperienced, but he asked
questions from all different coaches to learn
and grow."
By the end of the season, the team faced a
rough time with a three-game losing streak;
but, with resilience, the team dominated their
last conference game over Waukesha, which
allowed them to move on to regionals. After
they conquered Menomonee Falls, they went
on to play the undefeated team, Cniversity
chool. This was only the second time in the
team's five year hist01y that they made it to
the finals.
"Even though \\·e played our best and lost to
University School, I am glad to have been a
part of the experience \\'ith the team,"
commented Coach urtiss. -. ·aralie Farfalla
----- ---- --------- --------- ---
shouts a bit of advice at the next
line to go out.
VICTORY The team huddles together and gives a
thunderous cheer after taking first at the Baldwin
BEI NG CHEESY Some of the girls in Ice Devils
stand together wh ile posing for the camera.
TEAM WORK Bradford junior Alyse Nelson and
ITA senior Brittany Maki together perform a 'shoot
the duck.'
GETTIN' READY Senior Heather Massie and
sophomore Danielle Schmidt put their skates on
before practice.
BALANCE Junior Kacy Nelsen demonstrates a
bower. which is a move where she gracefully dips
Danielle Schm idt pulls a scorpion while
' - - - - - - 1 skating during practice.
Many of th e skaters put th eir heads
together to come up with ideas for
future progra ms.
The Ice Devils was a group of girls that
skated during Kenosha Thunder Hockey
games, b ut did not consider themselves
"hockey cheerleaders," rather figure skaters
who entertain the crowd during periods. The
team was not able to skate many of the
hockey games, but when they did , it gave
them the much-de erved opportunity to show
off years of skating lessons and the
developme nt of skating techniqu es.
Many of the girls on the team used to
compete , so they know ho w serio us
ice-skating can be as a spo1t.
"Ice Devils is fun because a lot of us have
been skating for a long time, so it is nice to
be able to mi,x school and skating," said junio r
Alyse elsen.
A lot of the members of the team used to
kate together when they were younger, so
the girls had a chance to catch up and see
how skating techniques had progressed .
"Ice Devils is a great way to have fun.
kating is such a serious spo1t, and this is one
way we can express ourselves w ith our
skating ability and still enjoy each other," sa id
junior Kacy elson .
The girls will really miss gradu ating president
I leather Massie, who was a real friend to all
and an asset to the team . - Danielle Schmidt
llr!~I llr!CC
-- -------------
THESE SKATES ARE MADE FOR SKATIN' The girls get stopped by the camera
crew before going out on the ice to perform "These Boots W ere Made fo r W alking."
ETHER Junior Kacy Nelson
- - - - . WORKIN TOG B ky Nuorola while she
ushes freshman ec
performs a shoot the duck.
the ice,
Whil:~19.d1 ~~~yacross
raises her leg.
senior Heather Massie
SOME TALENT Freshman Becky
Nurola demonstrates a ' shoot shanovia '
(top) Katherine
Hill. Alyse
elsen. Kac}
el on (middle)
Erin Kupfer.
chm1dt. Kelly
Hanson. Rebecca
uroloa (bottom)
Elise Kupfer,
Heather 1ass1e.
Kat} Hagen (not
pictured) Chelsea
Zinner and
Chelse} Walker
TAKING A BREATH Coming up for air. sophomore
Michelle Goettge looks to the finish .
FOCUSED Junior Kathryn DeVroy swims with
power as she stays focused throughout the race .
DETERMINATION Freshman Jessica Freng takes
a quick breath of air while she pushes herself to the
GIVING HER ALL Sophomore Sara Barta takes a
deep breath before submerging .
DIVING IN Before her dive. freshman Francesa
Bell steps up and breathes carefully.
Though inexperienced, the girls S\\. im
team was composed of many strong, and
devoted athletes.
After countless hours of grueling practice,
the young team developed into a force to
be reckoned with. The time spent
practicing paid off for most improved
swimmer -;ophomor ara Barta and diver
freshman Francesca Bell. Two other great
swimmers were Alexis Juenson and
sophomore state qualifier Michelle Goettge.
Through thousands of strokes and with
a heart of gold, sophomore Goettge
proudly earned her well-deserved second
place finish at the state sectional, which
qualified her to compete for the state
championship . Goettg placed 22nd in the
one hundred yard backstroke.
Many of the freshmen stepped up to help
their team rise to victo1y. Freshmen Jessica
Jackson, Megan David, Jennifer Romano
and Sarah ' wager were great assets and
helped lead the girls ' team to finish 7th in
the conference \Vhich was one place
improvement from the previous year.
":V1ost of the Bradford swimmers should
return next year which is the b nefit of
ha\ing a young team," ·aid Coach
- Caitlin Kwasigroch
POWER Junior Daena Voelz takes strong
strokes as she glides through the water to
perfect her breastroke and take first.
OT AIR? Senior Ashley Tobin flies into the pool (just like
su erwomanl at a meet hosted b Bradford
one lap down. junior Emily
Montemurro takes a breath while
she concentrates on her form .
Greeno tries for a straight
dive while avoiding a splash .
Feldmeier and freshman Jacob Barden follow every
GOING DOWN Reaching a hand into the water,
ITA senior Jake Peterson lets his teammate know
that the race 1s almost over.
PREPARING MENTALLY Taking one last breath.
freshman Matt Bender 1s ready to go.
A CHEERFUL OUTCOME With a successful
pe1formance, freshman Patrick Stephens smiles
while getting out of the pool.
The 2005-2006 boys swim team had an up
and down season.
~· e nev r seemed to be able to place 1st
overall at meets. \Ve would take more 1st
place than any other team, but somehow lose
the meet," said a frustrated Coach Feldmeier.
The team qualified for the State Meet in five
different events \\'hen Patrick Beasley and
Andy Gelden won the 100 yard backstroke,
and 100 yard breaststroke respectively at the
rate ectionals in Racine . Both swimmers
also qualified in the 200 yard Individual
Medley. They then combined their talent with
Philip Ludlow and Alan Kelly to advance to
the tare Teet in the 200 Yard Medley and 200
Yard Freestyle relays.
At the tare Meet Andy Gelden placed <±th in
the 200 Yard Individual M dley while Patrick
Beasley placed 7th in the event. Gelden also
placed 5th in the 100 yard breaststroke while
Beasley placed 12th in the 100 yard
"The guy's on our team this year showed
nothing except a determined attitude," Philip
Ludlo" said after going to tare.
'\'ext year's team should be just as
competitive as this year's team since all of the
record setters on the team were
underclassmen who set eight records
throughout the season.
-Alesha rendt
Freshman David
Carrubba concentrates before he takes
=---=="""""" a dive off the board .
GLAD IT'S OVER After his time m
the water 1s finished, senior Nathan
A UTILE FAMILY TIME Taking a moment Junior Andy
Gelden smiles with his parents as they are recognized at
Parent Night
R,,y5 ~WiMMi~~=
A BIT DIFFER ENT Junior exchange student Andriy
Trukhachov learns something new from a teammate.
(front) Adam Childers.
\lichael Zurbano. (second
row) Tyler Piper. Ca10
Souza. Joseph Giorno. Ted
Baker. Ph1hp Lud\m. Alan
Kell). Andrev. Gelden.
Jake Peterson (third nm I
Jessica Freng (manager).
Kaitlin Freng (manager).
Cogil Ciloglu. Chns
Harper, \latt Bender. Zach
Palmer. Jan We)nand.
Andri) TrukhachO\. Fran;
Feldmeier Icoach), John
Ha11nell (coach), Daena
Voelz (manager), hmil)
\lontemurro (manager),
(hack) Jacob Barden. John
Stuligross, Daniel
Stuhgross. Joseph Kessler,
\"im:ent \kKillip.
l\latthrn Stuligross, Da\ id
Carruhha. Patrick
Stephens. Patrick Beasle).
While heading
down the court,
junior Steve
Djurickovic makes
a split-second
"This has been the best all around eason in
years for the ba'>ketball program, and I accredit
that to the boys being able to make it happen."
proudly stated Coach Perrine.
After the loss of returning senior athlete Kris
Reiterman to a hamstring injury early in the
season and enior Dione Young to an injury
midway through, the team had countless
adjustments to make to their \Vinning recipe.
Through help and the leadership of seniors Mike
Briggs. Jordan Jaehne-Llanas, Ben Tenuta.
Cortavia Weatheroy, Dione Young the team
proved that they could overcome any hindrance.
With an exceptional offense led by top scorers
junior teve Djurickovic, and seniors Ben Tenuta
and Dione Young the Red Devils finished \\.ith a
conference record of 10-6. The team then
continued into the playoffs where they beat
Westosha in a regional match-up. s a result of
the victory they were pitted against cross-town
rival, the Tremper Trojans for the next step in the
playoff circuit. The achievement of the program
doesn't end there: the Bradford freshmen team
went undefeated and the sophomore team
boasted a record of 14-6.
-Kelly Manna
£=c- -lt'tCJ
- - -----
BALL Junior
carefully dribbles
down the court for
a Jumper against
Racine Horlick
Bradford 58 ..... Case 48
Bradford 58 ....... Racine Park 28
Bradford 46 ..... Racine Horlick 28
Bradford 51 ....... Burlington 43
Bradford 55 ....... Tremper 43
Bradford 41.. ..... Muskego 49
Bradford 32 ..... South Mil. 53
Bradford 39 ..... Franklin 50
Bradford 43 ....... 0ak Creek 52
Bradford 49 ..... Cental 32
Bradford 44 ..... Case 21
Bradford 42 ..... Park 35
Bradford 48 ..... Horlick 21
Bradford 46 ..... Burlington 48
Bradford 46 ..... Tremper 39
Bradford 30 ..... Musk.ego 46
Bradford 33 ..... South Mil. 42
Bradford 52 ..... Frank.lin 56
Bradford 32 ..... 0ak Creek 57
Bradford 32 ..... Central 40
"I love the phrase get a drink and I hate the
phrase get on the line!" exclaimed junior Hannah
Brems after a hard practice.
The eason started \vell, but ended with less
wins than desired. Overcoming a few frustrating
games at the season's end, the girls finished with
hope for a better year to come, and were able to
keep their enthusiasm intact.
The highlight of the season came in December
with a win over Tremper (the cross-town rivals)
when the team \vas placed 1st in the conference.
With this victory behind them, they continuous!}
strived to do their best in practice and in games.
junior Charlita Champagne summed it all up by
saying, "We played hard and hustled harder."
Before every game. the girls did a soul train to
show their "groove thang." They also let the
good times roll singing "Shake that Laffy Taffy,"
on bus ride'>.
Coach Djurickovic had this to say at the end of
the season: "The way a team plays as a whole
determines its succe s, and the girls proved this
to be true!"
Games played, friendships made, and memories
that will never fade. -Emily Stipek
LAST MINUTE ADVICE The girls gather around
Coach Schani and Coach Trish for some tips
before they begin their rotation.
WARMING UP Tremper athletes Hannah Pierson.
Coach Nicole. Alyssa Watring. Michelle Kornder,
Alyssa McQuestion and Bradford athlete Samantha
Brinkman warm up before a meet.
SHOWING HER STUFF Performing in her best
event. senior Samantha Brinkman displays her skills
like a true state champion .
ADMIRATION Watching the more experienced
athletes perform are sophomores Cassie Stenholt
and Danielle Schmidt.
The girls' g} mnastics team \Vas a combined
high school Kenosha t am that practiced at
camps Gymnasium and hosted meets in
Bradford's Field I louse.
"This group of girls had a team camaraderie
and were determined to succeed no matter
how much work they had to do, " stated Coach
Trish ~· hen asked about her team's strengths.
For the third consecutive year the gymnasts
traveled to the state competition. But this year
was different: they had the duty of defending
their state championship title.
The top \'arsity athletes were senior
amantha Brinkman, Tremper students Alyssa
McQuestion, Hannah Pierson. Alyssa Watring,
and Michelle Kornder. As a result of a lateseason ankle injury suffered by Tremper
senior Alyssa Watring, freshman Jessica
Jackson was pulled up to fill in for the final
meet of the season.
The junior varsity team put many hours of
practice in also. The top athletes on that team
were junior Rachel tenholt, sophomore Heidi
Oechler, and Tremper freshman Brittany
"These have b en a few wonderful years
with an entertaining group of girls and I'm
going to miss them a lot," said senior
amantha Brinkman.
-Kelly Manna
Sophomore Savka Lazarevic and
Tremper Athlete Sheena Selin
anticipate the start of the junior
llfJI A llfJI 1£
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . iQUICK PICTURE Sophomore Savka Lazarev1c, Junior
Rachel Stenholt. sophomores Heidi Oechler and Cassie
Stenholt pose for a picture.
SMILE With her eye on
another state championship,
senior Samantha Brinkman
the judges watching, senior
Samantha Bnnkman
prepares for her round-off
back-handspring full.
FINAL MOVE Senior Samantha Brinkman finishes
off her award winning floor routine at a meet
hosted by Kenosha Gymnastics .
up before her meet. junior
Rachel Stenholt does a final
run through of her beam
8t•ad4'ord Wre..:;; I ling
Matalas prepares to shoot for a
------ ---- -- - ------
-------- ---- ------ ----------------=-==
-- ---- ----
=== - - - -
- --After last year''> le'>s than stellar season, the
Bradford wre.stling team had a rebuilding year.
They were successful in their efforts becau<;e in
February, Bradford sent eight wrestlers to \.X'l
ectionals and one wrestler to the tate
"In the beginning of the -;eason my goal \Vas
to \\in conference and go to team state." said
Coach Grm·er. the dedicated \Yrestling coach
who was awarded Teacher Of The Year by
At mid-season. Bradford lost 'iOme key
-;\restlers due to injury. but agaimt
over•vhelming odds, was able to have eight
sectional qualifiers and one state qualifier.
"My biggest accomplishment this year was
qualifying for the state tournament" said senior
Mike Miller who wrestled in the 160 lb-.. weight
The high point of the season occured \V hen
Bradford beat Tremper \Yith a high scoring
victory of 51-18.
~ext year the Bradford wrestling team is
expected to have another exceptional season
with 12 returning varsity wrestlers and a handful
of promising underclassmen.
- -a. if Ahmed
Bradford 31
Bradford 58
Bradford 30
Bradford 46
Bradford 51
Bradford 26
Bradford 12
Bradford 15
Case 33
Park 22
Burlington 33
Horlick 36
Tremper 18
Muskego 39
Franklin 46
Oark Creek 5 I
Beloit Invite
162 pts.(3rd)
Westosha Invite
154 pts.(3rd)
Bradford Invite
239 pts.(2nd)
SEC Conference
75 pts.(8th)
135 pts.(5th)
up their last mount to
finish off a perfect
performance at the
regional competiton
LAST GAME Senior Bethany Swisher sports football
player Lenear Cole's Jersey number during the
homecoming game.
Junior Lindsay Peterman
takes a picture with the
school mascot before the
big game
SETTING UP Preparing to warm
up a stunt are juniors Rachel
Stenholt, Mallory Kimball and
Hi i Ni
WISHING FOR THE BEST Hoping the football team will score, seniors
Nicole Hicks, Kelly Manna. and freshman Jessica Jackson anxiously watch.
Whoever thinks that cheerleading is not a
"real" sport and just an activity, can think again.
There is so much more to it than just cheering
the team on at every game.
"There is just as much committment and
physical activity involved, if not more, than all
other sports." said junior Lindsay Peterman.
This year's varsity cheerleadering ccam
managed to make their \\.ay to 1st place at
regionals and almost made it to 1st at state, even
after changing the routine a few times and
working for long hours each night to make it
just perfect. They were nothing but determined
to do their absolute best.
Though five ta lented cheerleaders would be
leaving for college, those remaining said that the
2006-2007 team would maintain the excellent
performance record set by their predece sor. .
"It is going to be really ·ad to see our five
seniors go: I have been with them on this team
since my freshman year at Bradford. \Xe
definately performed our routine this year for
our senior cheerleader and pulled out a
regional champs in two divisions," said junior
-Ale ha Arendt
Rachel tenholt.
Sprinting all the
way, sophomore
Rachael Baldwin
This year's members of Bradford's girls' track
team had a lot of potential, and many had the
chance to actually realize their potential. Coach
Aslakson was happy to see an increase in the
number of distance runners, \Vhile oach Hardy
introduced the art of hurdling to a couple of
ne\\ freshmen. Also, the girls returning were
looking to improve their times.
"I was happy to see the talent I had to work
\\,ith, and knew this year would make the team
proud of themsel'ves," said head coach Coach
s usual, the girls used the indoor eason to
prepare for the long outdoor season. Many of
them, including juniors Hope Christie and Toni
Dri\ er, went home with medals in their events.
Others like senior Abby -ordloh (team captain)
and -;ophomore Katie Kromm could not run
during the indoor eason but cheered their team
on from the infield.
"The meets during the indoor season gave me
the chance to realize what I needed to improve
on for the upcoming outdoor season,"
commented freshman Emily Ke-;sler.
\,'\!hen the anticipated outdoor season arrived.
the girls were more than ready to run. '.\lany of
them improved their times by several seconds
as the season went on, making the coaches
proud of their achievements.
Of course, track was not ju t about running
races, jumping into sand pits and throwing
heavy objects as far as pos ible. To many of the
members, the track team was about learning life
lessons and growing as a person. In the end.
e\ eryone agreed that they met a lot of friends
they ~vill always remember.
Bubbly sophomore '.\laria Kehrer o.;aid, "I had a
lot of fun at track meets ~vith all the cool people
I met on the team: running track is certainly a
lot of work but there is a lot of fun to be had,
too-" - Yvette Beben
STEADY PACE Senior Kim Degener and
Junior Hope Christie run the mile at Case
JUMPING HIGH Senior Mike Gnenpentrog concentrates
on not onl winnin . but not bum 1n a hurdle.
SOARING OVER THE BAR With perfect form. junior
Keith Crum executes his third um of the meet.
Through bullets of sweat and miles upon
miles of running, the boys· track and field
team proved that they could compete \Vith
the best! The athletes followed a strict
regime of practices six days a \veek and
worked out on the seventh day.
The team·s coaches. Mr. Aslakson. oach
Hardy, oach Van Lowenn, and Coach
\ anderhoff helped the athletes learn and
master not only the basic forms of running
but also more complicated strategies.
Sophomore 1att Vidas, said, "though I also
play soccer, track is probably the hardest
sport I've ever participated in but it "'a'.'. also
the most intense. "
Overall, the top scorers for the 2006 team
were junior Keith Crump, senior Bruce
1arshall, sophomore Troy Williams and
senior ~athan Jones.
The hard work paid off for eight male
athletes \vl10 qualified for sectionals, and of
that eight, si.'.. qualified to compete at the
state track meet: Connor Rude. Justin Belotti.
Keith Crump, Martell Rice. Troy Williams. and
Charlie Davidson.
"All the boys really stepped it up this
season. and I'm proud to say that I had a ton
or strong underclassmen as well as driven
senior athletes," stated head coach, Mr.
Aslakson. - Jenny Raduechel
Keith rump- I 17 .5-33
Bruce Mar hall- 84.5-1 9
Troy llliams- 66.5-24
Nathan Jones- 58 .5 -14
Martell Rice- 6 1-15
Connor Rud e- 42.5-21
Mike Gri p ntrog- 45.5-13
Justin B lotti- 34-13
Victor Bridgeman- 35-11
obin Wabalickis-31-11
Pat Spiedel- 24-12
Omar Khaleel- 20-13
Antonio Ga d n- 17 .5-14
Charlie David, on- 22-10
David Calderwood- J 9.5-6
Scott Jensen- 13-9
Michael Muir- 12-5
Matt Oswalt- 9-4
Glenn Frazee- 8-4
Nathan Specht- 7-7
Joseph Pierce- 5.5-4
Zach Koba- 5-3
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPEEDING BY Freshoutoftheb~cks , sophomore Troy
Williams gets off to a good start in the 400 meter relay.
GAME OVER After the g.11ne, as they shake hands with
th other t ,1111, fre hnwn Aly sn Roberts. se111ors
Sr1r11nnth 1 B1 grov and Steplwnie Luska. and Jurnors
A hley Jupp nd Tma Tucker celebiate with each other
GETTIN' THE OUT Junior Tara Tucker takes a ball '1
back at her to third base to get the last out of the nn
CONGRATULATIONS Aft r stnke-out, 1u111or Tara
Tuck r ,md Ire hman Alyssa Roberts give senior
Snnkmth,1 B1sgrov n high five.
BRINGING THE HEAT During the Bradford-Tremper
game senior Amanda Laboy pitches a hard riseball to f
the batter.
The Bradford softball te<-1111 began the season
on .1 negati\ e note. losing tw o \ .1rsit) statters
from last ) ear. There al so '' .isn 't a freshman
team in 2006, so the co,1ches brought up some
experienced freshme n to fi ll in these ' arsiry
positions. f \ en \\'ith a ll of the changes. the
gi rls became a close te,1m.
"This year our team \\ ,ts really good; we
\York \Ye ll together and h~l\ e great team
chemistr). \\ e kwe fun "hile playing softball
l ec.1use \\ e are all crazy. I " ill sure miss it
'' hen the -.eason ends." said senior '> tephanie
oach Ruffolo talked ,1bout the difference
heC\\ een thi. year's team and la.t year's team:
"Pin sicall). \Ye had much more po\\'er. The
returning pb) er: \\·orked hard in the
off-s ·ason on strength and ·kill building. and
" L' \ era! of the ne\Y player. on the roster "·ere
1utural power hitters_ \ lent.di). we had greater
ex pecuuon. of our:elYes this year. "hich lead
to 1ncre.1-.ed focu: day-to- lay in practice and
frt)m gamL' to game."
The girb I eat r.mked team-. dunng cheir
-.e.1 -.on .ind "ere r.mked number -.eed one for
their Regional .111d number one m the
't)nt'en:'n ·e. The softball team not on!) took
ir t 1n till' r ·onference. they aL o ' ' on their
ii\ 1 ion. -, .1nuntlu Bbgro,·e
== ===
=-=-- ------ ---== ~
-=-= =-
Freshman Courtney
Mercier runs hard after
killing the ball down the
right field line for a
home run against rival
team Tremper.
LETS GO Senior Stephanie Luska gets into junior
Tara Tuckers face after a throw to first.
(top) Coach Ruffolo.
Alyssa Roberts.
Emil} Stipek}. Sarah
Swager. Ashle) Jupp.
Coach Vassos
(middle) Anel
Adelsen. Courtney
.\1ercier. Mal) Jorden
Wolfe. Amber
Gilbertson. Amanda
Laboy (bottom J
Samantha Bisgrove.
Heidi Oechler. Tara
Tucker. Stephanie
Lu ska
Senior pitcher
Jordan JaehneLlanas delivers a
fastball right past
the Racine Horlick
Reiterman waits for his pitch in a
non-conference game vs.
state-ranked Watertown.
I 02 '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~---'-~~___:...:..._....:...:..:~~~~--1----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--
1095 off after
a Red Devils
Senior Mike
Haberle steps into
a pitch to drill into
the outfield
Bradford's baseball program looks to
engrave a ne\\ reputation \\ ith some highly
talented senior'> complimented \\ ith a strong
group of junior'>. After '>tarting the season at a
solid 3-0 the group looked to be on their \\ay
to success before consecutive loses to Tr mper
and Racine Park. Fortunately, they quickley
rebounded as they blev. out area-ranked
Milwaukee Hamilton -1.
"It was a great game," said senior Mike
Ilaberle. "We came out hitting the ball hard
and our pitchers dominated from the sta1t. 11
The team's key to success was their hitting.
Rallying from deficits in multiple games, the
team showed the conference that they could
really hit.
Falling to a record of 7-5 after tough loses to
Racine Park and Racine Horlick dampened
spirits. But, beating Burlington, _-ormal
Community (IL) and Racine Case and Park
boosted the de\ ils to 12-6. They finished the
<;eason upbeat.
The hitting \\as there all season. Kris
Reiterman and Mike Haberle led in most hit<;,
v.·hile Jordan jaehne Llanas and am chissel
held down the pitching. -Kris Reiterman
:.illii9ifi and digs 1n
for his
'--~~~~~~....:.:..~~>-=~~~~~~--! second
GO! Freshman Alissa Scalzo and Junior
Stephanie Wolf follow the direction of the ball.
GOAL!!I Freshman Brittney Pavlica scores a goal
against Tremper.
STEAL Sophomore Bianca
Santiago steals the ball from a
T rem er forward
- --------- - ------- ---------- --- - ---------- ------ - --=-- ------------- -----------
--- In a record breaking year, the Varsity Girls'
occer Team ended with a 9 and 0 record in
conference play.
These talented girls also finished their second
consecutive 20 win season. This team consisted
of many players that compete on various club
teams in the off season as well to improve.
Proving their talent, nine players received
awards at the end of the year for all-conference,
all division, and honorable mention.
Scoring 94 goals this season, this group beat
last year's high record of 75 goals. Also, four
players on the team ended with double figures
in goals and assists.
The highlight of the season wa beating their
rival Tremper twice during the season with the
score 3 to 1 both times. The last time the
Bradford team beat Tremper was May 20th,
SPEED Sophomore
Laurel Ragalie bums
a defender as she
heads to goal
Despite the incredible success of this year's
team, Coach Burger believes next year will be
even better.
"We look forward to even more success in the
future," Burger said.
- Helena Zbilut
Bradford 8 ....... Wilmot 0
Bradford 3 ....... Watcrford 0
Bradford 9 ....... Westosha 0
Bradford 4 ....... Racine Case 2
Bradford 2 ....... Grccndale 3
Bradford 2 ....... Racinc Park 0
Bradford I ....... Waukesha West 2
Bradford 3 ....... Trcmpcr 1
Bradford I ....... Green Bay D 2
Bradford 2 ....... Racine Horlick I
Bradford I ....... Charlotte Day 7
Bradford 6 ....... Charlotte Latin 3
Bradford 3 ....... Burlington 0
Bradford 3 ...... .Tremper 1
Bradford 3 ..... Muskego 0
Bradford 4 ..... GB Preble I
Bradford 6 ..... GB Southwest 2
Bradford 7 ..... S. Milwaukee 0
Bradford 5 ..... Franklin 0
Bradford I ..... Onalaska 3
Bradford 3..... Lacrosse Aquinas l
Bradford 3 ..... 0ak Creek 0
Bradford 4 ..... East Troy 0
Bradford 4 ..... New Berlin IKE I
WIAA Regionals
Bradford 5 ..... Badger 0
WIAA Sectionals
Bradford !.. .. .Tremper 5
REACH Junior Helena Zbilut
TIPS Coach Ron Lesiak instructs and advises
freshman Jake Reindl on his form and hitting
techniques .
WATCH IT Freshman Jake Willems anxiously
awaits and predicts the outcome of his tee- shot
Buffamonte and freshman Joey Lemke pose for
a shot as they move to the next hole.
BUNKER Senior Chris Strangberg chips his
way out of the sand hazard onto the green .
DRIVEN With intensity. senior Ben Tenuta scans the
fa irway after he tees off
Bradford Boys Golf was anticipated to be a
success, and they left few disappo inted . The
boys started the season o ff by beating over
thirty teams at Lake County Invitatio nal hosted
at Olde Highlander Golf Course. Scoring was
led by tea m captain Ben Tenuta who sho t a 77,
followed by Andy Wojceicho wicz with a 79,
Chris Strangberg with an 80 and Chad Ebert
finishing with an 81.
Conference play started off slow fo r the tea m.
The golfers took fo u1th place in the 10-team
mini meet held at Tuckaway Country Club.
The slump resided and "The boys stepped it
up at Meado wbrook CC with a score of 158
and at Kenosha CC with a score of 151 , which
in turn won us two first places," said Coach
Ron Lesjak.
In the most intense meet of the year,
Bradford encountered Tremper at the Kenosha
County Open where Bradford won the meet
only two strokes under Tremper.
"It was an exciting game with room for little
error; we shot a 324 and Tre mper sho t a 326,"
stated sopho more Chad Ebe rt.
Bradford finished the season with Ebe11
winning the SEC Conference "Best Player of the
Year Award. " Ben Te nuta was 5th in the
conference, Andy Wojciecho wicz was 6th and
Chris Strangberg w as 10th in the So uth
Divisio n.
"It was a great year and I am looking fo1ward
to the talent that our youth has to offer next
season ," sa id the coach. -Michael Vidas
CHILLIN ' While taking the day off.
freshman Sam Sheehan hits balls on
the range for practice.
EYEING IT UP Junior Jack Edquist eyes up
his long putt for birdie on the last hole
CONGRATS Coach Lesjak, sophomore Chad
Ebert. senior Chns Strangberg, senior Ben Tenuta
and iunior Andy Wo1c1echowicz pose as they win
the thirty-six team invite at Olde Highlander
Srad-t!ord Boys uol-{!
Lake County invite- l t
SEC mini meet at Tuckaway CC- 4th
Dual meet vs. Park- lst
SEC mini meet at Tuckaway CC- 3rd
Dual meet vs. Horlick- 2nd
SEC mini at Meadowbrook CC- I
Dual meet vs. Tremper- I st
Dual meet ' . Case- 1 t
SEC mini meet at Keno ha CC- l
Conference Champion hip at Evergreen- 2nd
DOUBLES POWER Two tough opponents. sophomore
Zachary Mirsberger and senior Jonathan Sepulveda
always work together for victory as the number two
doubles team for Bradford.
DIVING Reaching for a hovering drop shot.
sophomore Shane Armstrong extends his whole
body to get the ball in play after a quick sprint .
GLOBAL TALENT Caio Souza, a Brazilian foreign
exchange student with great athletic finesse, steps
backwards to reach an overhead shot.
German exchange student. smacks a tennis ball
back to his doubles partner. senior Aaron Kuper
The Bradford boy's tennis team maintained
a n e nthusiastic attitude throughout the 2006
tennis season. Challenging and exc iting,
tournaments started q uickly as the team
fi nali zed their roster with ranking ma tches to
choose the be~ t of the best.
For nearly all the boys, laid back practices
and ferocio us competitio n defined the tennis
season . Doubles and singles players practiced
together to improve both groups duri ng the
spring. Improved skills and fashionable sun
tans led to a confident, loyal team under the
d irection of oach Kevin Gutto rmse n. A
Conference record of 2 - 9 certainly did not
refl ect the close matches and ha rd work each
guy encou nte red over the year. A highlight of
the s port was a close loss (3-4) to Tremper.
This gratifying match saw victo ries fo r very
doubles tea m on varsity.
Ju nior varsity received a new coach and
tallied numerous victories with a younger
roster. Each player demonstrat d a wis h to
improve and ascend to the va rsity level. The
overall boy's tennis team saw a youthfu l boost
in new players, virtually ensuring a stro ng
ream for years to come.
Strong frie ndships and a passio n for the
sport crea ted a memorable year for the
Bradford boy's tennis team. - Aaro n Kuper
singles player. junior Brenden Bisciglia
blasts a forehand back to an opponent.
-------- -- -
CHASE EVERY SHOT An example of
pure determination. senior Marko
Lazarevic lunges for a deep ball.
LOOKING FOR WEAKNESS Attempting to find an
opportunistic spot. senior Jon Sepulveda scans his
potential targets across the court.
SLAPPED SILLY Junior Zachary .
Mirsberger. a dynamic ground stroke
player, demolishes a ball during an
important match for the Red Devils.
NEW KID ON THE TEAM Freshman Ronald Palmen
makes a big impact as a number two singles player
PQODUCb.12.b ~I
M'-NTO~ TA~ PAl2.T IN Al2.TFUL PR.0Jb.CT6.
From dance team to art class to auto
tech class, there were many clubs and
courses at Bradford that produced great
things and encourag d creativity.
Students who took pan in a1t and
writing courses were challenged to
express their personality and imagination
on paper and through painting and
sculptures. This year above-average
work:. of art were selected to be
presented in the Bradford an show, a
production that created great
appreciation for the art department.
~ - hether it was a career choice or a
favorite hobby, photography club
provided a friendly atmosphere for
students. Members of this club
expressed themselves through
photography and learned how to develop
their own pictures.
Deadlines, pictures, double-checking,
triple-checking, editing... It took a lot of
work to produce the memo1y-preserving
yearbook that students buy each year.
Being part of the yearbook staff was time
consuming, but those who were in it
knew that all of their work was worth it.
Just like the yearbook, the school
newspaper was something that students
and staff looked forward to reading. Full
of talented writers, the staff always
produced a newspaper with interesting
and informative stories.
All of these different classes and clubs,
including all sciences courses and
Infrared, produced knowledge,
entertainment, and art. Every
department's productions \>vere greatly
appreciated by the students and the staff
of Bradford.
-Valerie Dahl
Junior Adilene
Guajardo reads
the latest issue
of Bradford's
Sophomore Tyler
Harvey carries
one of his many
DEVELOPING FILM Sophomores Tom Lampada and
Stephanie Carmichael try to develop their film . by
shaking a canister filled with chemicals.
Mowry and Samantha Chatman try to see
their developed film .
group of Red Alert
students read their latest
REASSURANCE Recording her
interview, senior Rachel Vines
makes sure all of the
information 1s accurate.
thought, junior
Mike Olexa grinds
the fender on the
1950 Plymouth
Junior Kaitlyn
Strasser pulls a
head off a dual
Working on a
snowblower that
was donated by the
Kenosha Fire
Department is
senior Salvatore
Junior Nick Taylor,
head of the
drumline group.
shows everyone a
new rhythm .
FOCUSED Making sure he's on
beat. sophomore Zachary
Mirsberger stays focused.
WARM-UP Junior Andrew
Schambers warms up on the bass
drum before practice.
BEATING Sophomore 1 - - - - - - - - :7""'.:I
Andrew Lee plays the
bass drum during a
Friday practice.
basketball game, sophomore Jessica
Mason and freshman Samantha Edquist
erform their holiday routine.
Kayla Goodenough
goes over her lines for
the competition.
HARD During a
Jasmine Allen
completes the
design of a
t-sh1rts for
Giving Life to
The forensics team. kd by \lrs
Larson, met e\ er) \\ ednesday aftL'r
school to practice and hone their
-.peaking skills.
"I am Ye!)' proud of the team:
they did ,-el)· \\'di again this ye.1r."
said Mr-.. Larson
The president of thl' forensics
tL·am was Rita KruL'SL'r: 'ice
president. Kayla Goodenough:
sL'Cretary, Jasmine Allen: and
treasurer, Andy .\lurph).
The group had a lot going on
during the school )l.'ar. The)
participated in nuny competitions,
including the ~ourheast
conference, ~ubd1stricts, Districts,
.rnd St.1te (" ·hich took place .lt thL'
l ni\ ersity of .\ladison ). Kerra
Allen :111d Emily 1I.ming rl'CL'i\ ed
gold medal-.: Candise Bullock,
Kayla Go< Lknough and _la-.;muw
Allen recei\ ed -.;il\-er: dnd Ashley
Bill. Brpn l;eorge, and Kristen
.\!ills rL'CL'tn•d bronze.
''Thi-.; is 111) -.;econd )L':lr hL~ing in
rorensics and I realh t•njo) ed it.
Once ·ou st.111 you can't ,-;top-!
lo\ ed it!" said 1unior l~mdisL'
Bry.111 c;eorge also h.1d much to
say about being im·oh td '' ith this
speaking group: "ForL'nsic's aim is
to makl' one a hl'ttl'r :-p aker
You talk. and that's thl' L'"SL'tKe of
it: but ) ou also notice ) ourself
spe.1king morL' dear!) .mcl
concisely l'\ L"ryday. '\ our ahilit)
to communicalL' sk\ nKkl'ts
-C1itl1n h.' ' .1sign ich
~--- 1'
Posson. the specialty
manager. checks a
Gatorade out for a
Spunkmeyer manager Ang
Eldridge counts profits ma
after another busy day 1n
Where Bradford Shops
Finally-time for lunch. Many students
preferred going to the school store
rather than to the traditional lunchline.
That's because InfraRed offered its
customer snacks, beverages, and
food they crave. A new product thi
year was slushies, which went over
well because of the marketing
strategie used to sell them.
A record 26 junior · were
committed to running the school
store. Each one put in many hours of
work, not only during lunch times but
also before and after schocl, parent
conferences, and school event . Each
had a specific job title.
"lnfraRed is truly a great experience
for anyone who would like to interact
with the entire school on a daily basis.
WORKING HARD While staying on track.
assistant manager Melissa Peters works on
some inventory.
I recommend that anyone who wants
to meet new friends take retail. I love
it!" said general manager Mackenzie
Profits made by InfraRed were used
for renewing products in the store,
and The Muscular Dystrophy
Association was also given the
much-needed donations that they
receive every year.
"I will never forget all the
memories I made in InfraRed,
especially on Wacky Wednesdays and
the week of the Bradford/ Tremper
games," comment d assistant general
manager Carrie Stella.
Infrared has a new webpage at to satisfy
shopping needs.
-Zach Liu
(Front)Digital Images Manager-Amanda
Blommel, Assistant General Managcr-Mcli>..a
Peters, Director of Public Relations-Alicia
Leber, Sysco Manager-Counney Falstad,
Apparel Manager-Amber Miller, Ice Cream
Manager-Krista Wolfe, pecialty
Manager-Kristi Posson, Director of
Promotions-Tatum Nehls(Middle) pint
Manager-Ashley Corrao, Director of L \le,
ales-Stepham Vazquez, General
Manager-Mackenzie Koba, Assistant Gener::
Manager-Carrie tella, Candy Manger-Carlv
Werwie, Director of Fxtemal Sales-Candi>
Bullock, Slushie & Cappuccino Manager
Edge, Director of Visual Mdse-Lindsa)
Peterman, Director of I luman Resources· LI
Gastaldi, Director of Visual Mdse-Alyse
elsen(Back)Digital Images \<lanager- tcphant
Wolf, Balloon Manager-Alyssa Mtrsbcrgcr,
Little Debbie Manager-Cunis Vanchena, oos
punkmeyer Manager-Angela Eldridge,
Wendy's Manager-Dustin Denny, Sub"ay
Manager-Zach Daniels, Director of Inventor)
Mgr-Josh Bieker, Beverage Manager- han<
Andy Drazewski,
Teaching World Skills
Learning world skills is a very
important part of what Bradford is all
By taking gym and health students
learned how to be active, keep the body
in shape, and the way drugs and alcohol
affect a person.
To learn more about other cultures
and languages students could join a
foreign language club.
The business courses taught many key
pieces of information that would help in
the business-world.
OWLS helped new freshman learn the
tricks of the trade for high school. In
return, these older leaders learned how
to successfully communicat
informa tion.
Academic Quizbowl allowed members
to learn new information in a fun but
competitive way.
Model U was a club that students got
involved in to learn about the
governments of foreign countries. Each
person was a ploitical "representative" of
a country.
To become more active in politics,
students would join the Political Action
team led by Mr. eiman.
Project Lead Away taught students
about computer programming and
"I learned how to make conceptual
drawings in this class," sophomore Alex
Lois stated.
These clubs and classes all taught
world skills and showed Bradford
c;tudent'i that there is a world out there
beyond Kenosha's borders for all those
-Krystyna iekert
HELPING OUT Mr. Roders explain s
directions to a student is in need .
McG:r f.n
Martinelli helps new freshman learn more
about high school .
FACES OF ME Art is about
A St-roke of Mas-te-ry
Advanced Placement Art
AP ART Ctopl Rob Moffitt . Ben Tenuta . Ashley Richter, Ms. Rabey,
Jen Parise and Andrea Mercadillo Cbottoml Heriberto Tobias . Ryne
ro_. _K_e_
vi_n_B_a_rk_e_r_. _J e
_n_ie_ v_o.-g_t _ __, BUDDING PICCASO
NATIONAL PRIDE Displaying his
African American drawing 1s junior Kevin
'\rt Instructor ;\lr.s. R<tbey \\as once again an e. tremely proud teacher
because her ad\·anced placement a11 class demonstrated that they were not
just your :l\erage art class.
Every AP art student ''as required to submit 2 t high-quality pieces of
~ll1work: fiye of their best pieces \Votdd be sent to , ·ew Jersey to he
e\ aluated by a college board. The student then \\·ould receive a college
credit if the judges deemed the piece to be of high-caliber. Of the
t\venty-four portraits created, t\Yeh e had to be related to a specific theme.
while the other t\YelYe were to demonstrate the student's wide range of
Preparation was the ke) to success in AP ,\rt. C.Irs lbhey, the mstructor
advised the following: "I think students in the future need to manage their
time better. It takes longer than the} think to complete a project."
Likewise. junior Ashley Richter mirrored .\Irs. Rabey 's ac.h·ice: "I le.1rned a
lot this past year. '\P Art \Yas challenging. but a great experience. I \Yasn't
as prepared as I thought I "as."
Bradford students had an opportunity to \'ie\\ the AP art in a shcm held in
the library in the first ''eek of \fay. The \Yorks ranged rrom a group of
\\'orld \\'ar II ponraits by Jim ~isson '' hich showed the hardships .ind
patriotism of the \Yar. to expre..,sh·e self portraits by Jen Parise which ended
her Bradford career as an artist.
-'\asif Ahmed
Alma Aguilar
Robert Allen
Ralph ·\nmna
Julie Arneson
Mark Aslakson
Sandra Barry
Michael BartholomC\\.
Judith lfahop
Lani Bnx:k,,eJI
Mr Englund
f\.1m Bn.xlcrick
Science Teacher
Jeff Burger
Am} Burgher
Q. What
characteristic do you
think best descnbe
A Iaman
ppen-nunded person
and usually up for
anything omettmes
I let my kids make
dec1 10
during class
rm also an outgomg
but lmd back person "
Patricia R)tnar
\1ary Carbcn
Be,crly Carpenter
Amy Cermak
Chari°' Chatman
Glona Chatman
Marguerute Conrad
Lena Cooksey
Felicia Da' 1~
W1lltc Day,
Tom Devine
Joyce Dohnal
Patricia Dohnal
Josephine Draeger
Ernie Englund
Geraldme Fair
GIDDY UP! Mr. Marcinkus feeds the beautiful horse
_ .....;....;._....._....;.;'"""':=.,. George on his ranch in Texas. In real life. when he's
not at school , he 1s busy taking care of his horse.
the medieval gown she wears for the
National Honor Society fundraiser.
his new stethoscope while getting prepared
for yet another frog dissection.
though junior Nasif
• • • • l l lAhmed can't swim, he
acts like the lifeguard to
impress the ladies .
Sophomore Julie Minski
stays healthy by drinking
water and writing a paper
on consumption
G,ym and ~ealth
/\dive & Healthy lives
Students enioyed playing spo1ts in g) m to irnpron: their coordination
.tnd skills. They had the oppo11un1ty to learn nun) different spoI1s
includmg badminton, \olleyball, softball, <;occer, basketball, aquatics, and
much more. Gym alkm·ed students to mamtam a healthy litestyle, while
participating in fun •lcti\'ities
":Vly fan)rite sp<>It in g) rn class i-, basketball because not only is it
competiti\'e, but It's .tlso fun at the same time." said sophomore Joshua
In gym class students also had the opponunity to learn ne\V dance
mm e'> including the Cha-Cha and the Electric Slide.
"l like gym because there is dance on Thursdays!" S•lid junior . ico
I lardcastk .
.\Ir. Chatman. one of the gym and health teachers, talked about his 0\\ n
experience as a student .tncl teacher.
"Being in\'oh eel helped motivate me to study and to keep me tocused on
grades. Since being so acti\ c <IS .1 high '>Choo! '>tudent, teaching gvm .md
health had become e.1sier for me because I h.1d the c ·penence. Plus. I
enjoy sports and love \\·orking with kids," he s.1id.
CPR is one of the m.lt1) life-s~l\ ing acti\ 1ties that .'>tudents participated in
Although health 1s a mand.1tory class, it helps one learn morL' about ~
to eat, how to stay in '>ha pc, and to kncm more .1bout the body< and the
d.mgers of putting drugs mto the body>.
-Tina Spizzirri
Curtis Vanchena and senior
Ted Baker battle it out in an
intense football game.
1ichacla Fraley
Jane Frost
Jana (iasiork1c\.. ICJ'
Jerem) (icmig
Mttch Ghoca
Shawnelle Gross
Katie Gunderson
Kc\ m Guttormscn
Ron I laislcr
Tim l lanscn
Kelly !lardy
Todd Hay"ood
Jo:m I lcinl'en
Dori~ llcllcr
Dean J-len·at
Donald HofcnlZ3
Alan Jones
Gregory Kan elas
Karen Kempmcn
Janet KcnJz1crski
K iffany l\.1c\\ 1ct
Isaac Ki rkwood
Leah KrcuM!r
Candy l.aMacch1a
Carol Larsen
Connie Lauersdorf
Jennifer I.a\\ ler
Jean Lee
Christina L1Volsi
Thomas I .ockhan
Aaron Malc1c\\sk1
Sha\\n "1anata
Bradley !Vlann
Judy Maraccmi
Robert Marcinkus
Mann. the choir director, and Principle
Plank laugh while they answer the
question above: "Boxers or Briefs?'
Santiago 1s a superhero because he
juggles his teaching career with twins
at home: Mr Vanderloop is a man of
steel because he has taken on
Bradford 's Radio Show this year
Kelly acts as
one of the
village people
in the french
Ann Mc[)1..,nald
Belly Mentek
Judy Miller
~1an m \toddcr
Ron .\1oreno
Laura \1orrissette
Pamela Mosher
Marlene Mundell
Sharon Nehring
\farsha l\elson
Tina ~icmi
Partri;ia Notarianni
Barry O'Connel
Linda Pagonis
Dcni~c Palmer
Carol Pearson
Tan}a Perkins
Doreen Perri
Kalle Phillips
Stophcn Plank
icole PO\,ers
Denise Preuss
Kathy Rabey
John Ramey
Sesser participate in spirit
week by dressing up and
talking to each other on
the phone while acting
like teenagers
Mrs. Barry is raising
money for a fundraiser
along with all the other
social studies teachers ,
!N CHARGE Sophomores Taylor Isenberg.
Callie Larson. Danielle Gename , Sam
Jacob. and Jenny Raduechel present
products to their 'potential customers. '
CHEERING Juniors Katie McAuliffe. Jenna Gehring .
Ms . Schleicher, and Tara Tucker support our football
team at a home game.
TEAMWORK Sophomores Brenden
Bisciglia . Sam Jacob . Nicholas Pinnola,
and Chris Flesch show creativity while
building an egg protection harness
Not Your Ordinary Classes
The Bradford ~Iarketing Association is ,111 orga111zation aimed at preparing 's youth for tomorrcm 's business \\ orld . Two t lasses provided hy B'.\lA
are 0.!arketing and Sportainment: these are not your ordinar) classes The)
arc full of ama/ing e perit>nces that prepare students for the real \\ orld
Sophomore Sam Jacob said that marketing l lass "taught tc.unwork and h(m
to\\ ork \\ell \\ ith others. \\ e learned hem to creatt\ cl) c press our idtas "
To test communication skills, marketing students created mock companies
and product deYeloprnent teams to im ent a ne\\ markeuble product.
PO\\ erpoints were sho\\ n and students \\ere judged on their im entions and
presentation techniques
B'.\IA helped man) children affected by muscular dystrophy b) raising
mone). As ~1 result of B'.\l,\'s generosit\', the kids \\ere ,1ble to attend ,1
summer camp
"It \\as a fun \\'a) to be im·oh eel in school and at the same time be <!ble to
giYe back to the communit) ," s,1id sophomore Chelsea Zinner.
B'.\JA acti\ ity "~i:-. not just limited to school hours. Students from the
sportainment class \\ job it \\as to Ii\ en up sp011ing en·nts throughout
the year, could he seen at man) athlctit compl:litions . The) ralliL·d the
U'O\\ ds and created e. citmg half-time C\ t•nts .
In 200'>-2006 sportainment's blimp made its debut at one of the basketball
games. It dropped promotional coupons onto the crazed Bradford fan-,
"The blimp \\as a great .1ddition to the -.p01ta111mcnt team and the fans
k)\ed it" said ·unior ico Ilardc:istk.
-i\lilhad \ 1das
----1 BOMBS AWAY Bradford's Marketing 1---------------------.
class prepares to test their egg
harnesses by dropping the eggs
FLOATING Senior Megan Paul and juniors Nico
Hardcastle and John Owen load sportainment's new
blimp for the basketball game
Chri ... tianc Ravka
\f 1kc: Ra~rnakcr
Diana Rd1d1
<.ia1I R,x...:,,
lli(Hna ... R,\Jcr-.
Rua Ruder
Da" n ·aarin-..l
:\ 3\ IC \ JI\ aJ~l
kannc \ .in...:hi..."1':· Adi
1·11a.., " an 1a '"''
kan \ ...:hla1 ...
1cole "\kala
tc\C Sk uf'.k1
uc Smith
\ rt \ mur3\\3
D1a"'lC \ \,rcn,cn
Da\ d "\f'CJ. '
ln:raM "'lC
Ja._"""\" Stand1,h
Scott tcgcr
Jae 1e 'tc.:1n
k , .ca -IC\cO:-.
C. cl1•.-...1c ~ tut icz
\t damc Ta\hlr
Paul Ta) k"I~
WITCH 1 Geraldine
Sta man is captured
teaching her English
class while dressed
for Halloween as a
purple-haired witch .
Jo, ce Dohnal
demonstrates how
fie 1ble he 1s by
l1ft11 g her leg way
above her head.
dJnng lunch M~s DJLi':lC ov c does her 1mpersonat1on of a
"rock star" (don t qu you day JOb, coach)
students decide to act up so
Mr Roders shows them how
tough he can really be.
Roders 1s telling a couple
of talkative students to
get to work.
p,.,adice Peace ...
The Roders Way!
Roders loves to get to know the students at Bradford. His favorite thing
ahout Bradford is the block scheduling because he gets to meet 360 students
every year. He has been teaching next to .\lr. Aslakson for 31 years and ne:;..."t
to .\Ir. .\larcinkus for 18 years ( he said this has heen very helpful>. Ile also
said that all members of the social studies department have been \·cry
cooperative. After\\ orking at Bradford . .\Jr. Roders plans to get a m:w job
interviews junior Helena
that relates to helping people.
Zbilut and senior Emily
l\lr. Roders is so used to coming to \York everyday that one tune he \\ oke
Stipek. they practice
up. went to Bradford, and got all the way to the locked door heforc he
peace for the camera.
r---------------'l....!:::::.::::::::..:~.::..:.:::..:::::::..:..::~:..__J realized it \Vas Saturdav 1
With no disrespect to \Ir. Plank. i\lr. Mangi leaving\\ as a difficult time for
all staff and students and a sad moment for .\lr. Ro<lers.
During his years of working at Bradford . .\lr. Roders played a couple
pranks. The most memorable one was placing a stuffed owl into the office
of a co-worker. \Yho happened to he terrified of birds. He had it fl) down
into the teacher's face as he opened the door. .\Ir. Roders' most emharra sing
moment was waiting 25 years to become head basketball coach and then
\\hen he finally stepped into this position. his team only won one game in a
year and a half.
Mr. Roders buys food with his own money and sells it to the students to
raise money for :\1DA. He is one of the most loved teachers at Bradford.
Students love to be in his classes and take them just so they can have him as
their teacher. Mr. Roders is a great teacher an<l Bradford would not he the
same with out him.
-Samantha Bisgrovc
does not pay attention to the
sign behind him as he puts
senior Emily Stipek and junior
Helena Zbilut in a head lock.
Patricia Tews
\Ian Theusch
Rae Ellen Thomson
Cheryl Tielens
BarPara Tnnidad
Vincent Tucker
·\le' Tyler
Robcn Vanderloop
Juan Carlos Velez
Beth Ward
\1ehssa Westland
Annette Wetherbee
Liz \\'h11efoot
Richard Wienke
Emmett William!-.
Jeff Wirch
Gv.en Wonock
Kyle Yackley
Dennis Zander
Holly Zbilut
Who's That'
rather be hitting the waves on the
shores of sunny California .
movie-goer, Shawnelle dreams of
being Usher in the 2005 movie ' In
The Mix.'
and relaxes
aher a long day
at Bradford
High School.
retiring, Mr. Chatman would
like to end his coaching career
with a match against Mr.
Guttormsen at Wimbledon.
TEAMWORK Senior Rosa Barnes talks about their strategy
with Senior Sa ar Shah and Junior Adam Johnson.
Model UN
Iran with the trophy
"It's just a bunch of united people-people helping people. which is
beautiful stuff!" said ~like Vidas from the Belgium team, \Yhen asked what
~lode! l':\' meant to him.
This club ·was started at Bradford three years ago b~ ~lr. ·eiman. Senior"
Ahbie Barca and Rosa Barnes. original members, \Yen: invoh·ed in it until
they graduated .
\lode! l'nitecl • 'ations was an e\·ent held at l '\\'-\lilwaukee in .\larch. In
this program. groups \\ere formed and \\ere chosen to represent different
countries . The groups had to discuss issues that their countries faced and
"ays they could settle the problems that their countries had.
Iran \Yas one country from many of Bradford s groups that won the
competition. The te.1111 consisted of seniors Aaron Kuper, Rosa Barnes,
Sagar Shah. Paige Frey, and juniors Patrick Brinkman and dam Johnson.
"We didn't do a whole lot of preparation beforehand, but rather focused
on making a big impact at the conference." said Aaron Kuper a member of
the Iran team when asked \\·hat his teams' strateg) \\·as for going into the
"It was a great experience being on the team for all three ) ears since it
\\as started. People belie\·e that \\"l' are a bunch of geeks .md nerds. but
believe it or not we had some crazy and fun times up at conferenct.: 1" said
senior Rosa Barnes. -Emily Stipek
(top) Andri) TruchackO\. hane Swager. !\.1icheal Gurlock. Liz Stuart. lyssa \1irsberger. Dan
Finchencher. Frankie Collins. Aaron Kuper, Paige Fre). George Vlk, Adam John. on. (2nd)
Richard Henrich. Xin Yin. Abbie Barca. Helena Zbilut. shley Hunsha\\. Louie Perrine. PEter
l\1eGrain. Capri Pearson. Jenna Lichter. Rashid Dar. (3rd) Ka) Hartstern. Yvette Bellen. Gabb)
Apostlie. Erin chranut. Audre) Patman. agar Shah, Jonathon Jara-Almonte. "late heff.
Kevin Vrevich. Patrick Brinkman. (bottom) Jenn) McCray. Isa Frill. Mike Vidas. Rosa Barnes,
Marrisa Pinnola. Matt Zeller. ick. Perrine
Carbone and Allyson Brunner
ask a question. Junior Jenna
Chiappetta listens
u npleted ~mother ucce ...ful ) ear at
1 <..t' b1-.i<..t of up ..,ut • -.mu1 "ho" enc to fre hnun
111 Fri _'"
n the . L " "' U1L' \\ ~ 11.iye<l g.ime ... .lnd :icth nie
them . dim.Ht: d to B .. t
ear. the O\\L.:: helped out at the Bradford open
hool "h1le
t up .1 booth to an ' er
f )ugh ... chooL
ni r
- - - - - - - - - - , Katelyn and Katherine Hartstern
practice their presentation .
QCIZ BOWL TI AM (hack) Thomas Rodcrs. aron Kuper. Luke Kuper. Umer
Dar. Dan hc:kcnsc:hcr, Adam Krafft . 1sha Bali Pa. 't \Cite Behen. Emily Krueger.
'id. Perrine, I inda (ln:c11111 g ( lrnnl) Pl'll'r l\k(lra111 . R,1shid Dar. Jonathan
Jara-Almonl1:, M ichal'I V 1da,, Rns,1 Ha111l''· Ikanna I \lH'. MarJ..o Lvarevic
..----ii During the circuit lab
junior Jonathan
Jara·Almonte reads
erfects and works with the marble machine .
Fantastic Faces
MY COMIDA Sophomore Oscar Zepada an
hman Julio Corona are two of the many
ngual students at Bradford who enjoy the tacos
At Bradford, diversity flourished among
students and staff due to the many cultural
activies that took place during the school
There were a variety of clubs, classes,
and events that celebrated what each
unique group was all about. Diversity
Action started off the year in the fall, and
Mezcla Americana Assembly ended the
school year.
Bradford is ve1y different than many
schools because of its mixture of students
and how they are valued as individuals.
Interested students attended an
educational diver ity conference at
Parkside; the content of the conference
illustrated that there is more to diversity
than race and color.
One of the most popular events of the
year was the Black Histo1y Assembly with
its amazing dancers from Rhema Dance
Company. They performed an arrangment
of different dance styles from all different
time periods. The narrator of this assembly
talked about the hardships blacks have
endured throughout histo1y, and the
development of the Africian American
Bradford also participates in a Foreign
Exchange Program. Many students came
from all over the world to learn about
American lifestyle. Many of them were
involved in either ports or club and made
many accompli hments that helped out the
Bradford accommodated its diverse
students through the following programs:
.\lezcla, ESL, Bilingual, Hispanic Heritage,
Foreign Language, Bradford's Finest, and
the Black History A sembly. -Emily tipek
experience NATIONALISM Junior
Mehmood Cheema proud to
competition . be an Asian Ame can ctizen
The Black History A sembly was
one the best it has been in years.
More kids were involved and worked
much harder than e\ er before,
sparking the audience and filling
them with appreciation of
African-Americans, and all they have
accomplished over the years.
Senior Damon Jones described the
assembly by saying, "It was
awesome. Nothing compares to the
Black History Assembly. It had an
amplified feeling."
Senior Dione Young added, "It
went great. It's the best I've seen
sin e I've been h re at Bradford."
The assembly again featured
professional dancer from
Milwaukee's Rhema Dance
Company. These expressi\e artists
performed African-American dance
from past to present with
This ass ·rnbly is just one of the
many events to be remembered
here at Bradford.
-Helena Zbilut
BATILE CRY Since senior Sera
Hamby is part Native American . she
howls at the moon like a wolf
ALL HUGS With Slavic good looks. senior Nick Milicevic
receives a hug from friend. senior Heather Lampada
Freshman Yassin
Rayyan is proud of
his Palestinian
Jordan Jaehne-Llanas played
varsity basketball and America's
past-time sport, baseball. Through
sports he overcame social barriers
in high school by making several
friends both on and off the field.
On paper, Jordan was "different"
than others because of his
heritage, but felt that he was just
an ordinary guy.
"Of course I'm proud of who I am,
but my family and I don't really
celebrate both of my Hispanic and
Native American cultures."
African Americans were honored at
the Black History Assembly in
February, \vhile Hispani s showed
pride for their heritage in May. ome
of the less-known races included
Chinese. Japanese, Indian. 1\Jative
American, 'v1iddle Eastern.
Vietnamese, A ian.
"\'V'hy are African mericans and
Hispanics the only races that are
celebrated'" questioned junior asif
Ahmed. "I think that every race
should be represented at school
"The hinese e\\ Year is known
for big fire\vorks. so \•;hy doesn't
anyone at school celebrate it?" asked
sophomore Zach Liu.
Junior Dan hikoff, who is Jewish,
shared similar feelings: "Instead of
having a Black Histo1)· Assembly or
Hispanic Assembly, I think that there
shou ld be a Cultural Acceptance
Assembly that would showcase
various nationalities. The color of our
skin doesn't make us who we are-we
aren't a melting pot, we are a salad
- Charlie Erdall
HOT TAMALE With a gaggle of girls around him , freshman Noe
Peralta uses a stereotypical Asain voice to flirt with them
The ESL (English-as-a econd
Language) and Foreign Exchange
program is the best way for students
from around the world to experience
teenage life in the United States. Most
of them \Vanted to come to America
to sec if it was anything like the
Holly\\ ood movies that they \Vatch
hack at home.
"I came here to see what America
had to offer in their cultures," Dariya
')ome \\ ished to learn English and
others wanted to experience the
different cultures America has to
offer. ome wanted to taste the
different foods .
Most of the students came for
one year, so that they could learn the
English language, and experience the
different cultures. In addition, they
have the opportunity to play many of
the sports that our school offers,
because unfortunately, back home
they have no competitive sports in
the '>Chools. - Jenny Raduechel
SITIING Freshman Juan Villalobos . an
ESL student, sits in class with his fellow
Junior Caio
spend s a
year in the
U.S He is
active in
GET DOWN' Ccipt,iin Jazzy
Vaughn concentrates on the m
not on the adonng crowd
showing off for the camera 1s
a close group of dancers.
Ciffany Jones
Sophomore Tiffany Jones dreamed last
year of becoming a. Bradford's Finest
dancer. To that end, she practiced with
the girls year and joined the group in
"Everybody is friends on the team. We
kick it a.t the practice and have fun when
we are dancing together, "she said.
Tiffany's sister and best friend Tiara.
Jones is also pa.rt of the Bradford's Finest
dance group, and it has the girls
closer than ever.
"I hope when I graduate, the Bradford's
Finest is still around dancing for our
school, and keeping them on their feet
and entertained," Tiffany said.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN SYNC
The Bradford's Finest dance team is
an e peci.illy close-k111t group of
dancers. Though the dance group's
moves have been contrO\ er'iial at
ti.mes. they always consider
them eh·e.., professional.
'\\'e worked hard this year to
distinguish ourseh es from the other
dance teams that perfom1 for the
Bradford cro ·els." said senior Ja7smyn
The girls practiced very hard
throughout the year and ga\·e
performances at Bradford football
and basketball home games. They
also danced their hearts our for
various assemblies. especially for the
Black I Iistory ssembly.
Bradford's Finest has tried very hard
to change and imprm·e over time.
"\\ e used to do rap a lot. hut this
year \"\e started choosing more
altern~lti\·e music like the song, 'S\Yeet
Horne .\labarna," and punk-rock
music from the band Fall Out Bo}."
said Felicia Glass. - asif hmed
Sophomore Sanit~ Gibson , junior~~lus
Harmon. and junior Courtney Tyler stay in step with one
Super Heroes of Song
Donbee Lee
plays her
Bradford's outstanding music
department includes choir. band.
orchestra, madrigals, and musicals.
The incredible talent that continues
to come out of these program i
something an a\'erage school could
not produce.
Bradford's music department
continues to prove this talent at
every performance and competition.
The major music events of the year
for choir, band and orchestra
(be ides eve1y cone rt) are Choral
Fest, Band-0-Rama. and Orchestra
Fest. These e\'ents dra~ hundreds
of people supporting their local arts.
Many tudents from Bradford,
Tremper, and Indian Trail Academy
also are involved in Madrigals.
These students work hard to put
forth an amazing show at the annual
Madrigal Feaste.
Over 200 students from these
Kenosha chools also participate in
the outstanding theatre program
here at Bradford. Typically. a total
of nine musicals and plays debut in
the auditorium and black hox.
The students im oh ed in these
programs gain experiences that
shape their future. - Helena Zbilut
PERFORM Sophomore
Steven Snowden plays the
bass dunn a concert.
. ,-s;,., . •
1_ •1
CO CERT BAND: (top row) Julie Min ki, Maureen Haebig, Norby Diaz,
Zachary Shilling, Jo eph Ewald, Don Hurlbut, Chri Stoeber, Karina Miller,
Brenden Bisciglia. Alex Roberson (fifth row) Daniel Ficken cher, Nick
Gill, Kri topher Knutsen, Ridge Rucker, Callie Lar on, Umer Dar, Ja mine
Allen, Matt Ragalie, Holly Living ton, Sarah Poe (fourth row) Laurel
Ragalie, Courtney Blaisdell, Elizabeth Kriflca, Ryan Hrnciar, Cameron
Aceto, Jo h Swenson, Jane Doe, Caitlin Meyers, Rashid Dar, Erin
Zimmerman (third row) atasha Ro ado, Brittany Mattoon, Barb John on,
Lauren Bonanno, Gina Alfano, Vince Krome, Ryan Buffamonte, Erin
Quist, Grace ordloh (second row) Sam Jewell, Emily Collin , Humera
Syed, Kate 0 trow ki, Kate Hamby, Andrea Patrick, Brittany Bradford,
Je ica Carpenter (bottom row) Adam Saari, Mike Hoag, Andy Donald ,
Matt Vida , Matt Runyon, John Madrigrano, ick Pinnola.
FIRST YEAR PRO Mr. Paul Taylor shares his
passion for music while in his first year directing
Bradford band.
It i always a transition when a new
director takes over, but the ymphonic band
didn t mi a beat. The group performed in
two concerts thts year taking first in both
The band performed tn a competition at
Tremper High hool here they rece1 ed
the highe t core in the group conte t
On thetr annual band trip the tudents
ent to t Lout Tuer they placed first tn
competition and first o erall 10 performan e
and had a lot of fun tn the proce .
E n through the change of a band
director the bands kept up the pace and
played JU5t as strongl as tn prior years .
ion impro ed throughout the
E ery
2005 2006 eason and the band season
ended with a ery energetic performan e at
thetr pnng concert. -Valene Dahl
DYNAMICS The violinists
vigorously move their arms, but
their bow strokes remain in
RUSTIC Playing Tchaikovsky's
'Serenade.' freshman Abby
Pekoske adds a little vibrato to
her notes
MELODIOUS Freshman David
Mason and sophomore Todd
Bredin awe the crowd with
One night in Florida. Mr Tyler was staring up into the night sky while lounging by the
pool at the hotel. Little did he know what would come next. Lurking in the water were
creatures of unimaginable horror. Leech-like. they darted out of the water and
grabbed hold of him, only to drag him into the murky depths. After he emerged.
laughter echoed throughout the Florida streets as the new conductor underwent a
mild hazin from his students.
talented orchestra .
conducted by Mr. Tyler,
performs the ever
exciting Shostakovich .
THE TEMPO MAN Sophomore Steve
Snowden keeps the orchestra together
with his deep bass.
Celloists, senior
Kat Hartstern and
junior Capri
Pearson. play one
of Tchaikovsky's
symphonies .
bow gracefully
dancing across
the strings, senior
Thompson plays
VISITING MICKEY MOUSE Award-winning and fun-loving. Bradford's Tartini Chamber Orchestra
gathers 1n front of Cinderella's Castle at Disney's Magic Kingdom.
STANDING OVATION Choir director, Mr. Mann, proudly
pornts to his A Cappella Choir as the audience responds with a
standing ovation for their performance. Below, sophomore
Amber Tritt awaits her entry to the piece.
BREAK TIME During a break from singing in Concert
Choir, juniors Alicia Leber and Mallory Kimball catch up.
CO CERT CHOIR (top row) D. F1ckenscher D Jeffery, D Perry, M. Snuth, A. Lemke, J. Hauke, M. Ragabe. J. Ogden, J. Water.1, J. Santiago, A. Johnson, E. Bel ky, C. 0 born;
thtrd row A Tntt, R Baldwm B E an K M1Uer, M Rivera, E. Meulbroek, D DeWitt, K. Hetelle, A. Leff, E. Harring (second) C. Mitchell. E. Zimmerman, . Johnson, J. Mason
L Sturycz C Champagne A P1ccolo C. Schlosser, M. Whitefoot (bottom row) A. Leber, M. Kimball, A. Jak1nuak, C. Villaruel, K. Hoff. J. Stengert, J. Scale , B. Klug, F. Glas
TREBLE CHOIR: ttop row) K. Brinkman, S. Carter A. McCutchen. D. Booker. 1. Panascw1cz T. l·erraro, J. Smith, A. Ander on, A. Dosemagen. E. Haley, S. Mau, A.
Pekoskc, M. Prell. K. Olsen, D. Jones, A. Sanderson, K. Gerou; (third) D. Booker, E. Men 'C, A. Thoma . L Homes, C. Yarbrough, B. Lampada, K. Gonzales, D. Ame .
E. Tatro, . Hanson, J. Freng, D. Tabili, M. Waldow, A. Champagne, D. Gilmore. J. Krey (second ro\\) T. 1-cnberg, B. Augu tine, D. Debartolo. A. Ko ta , A. Hirtre1tcr.
A Skend1iel, E. Kupfer, K. Mack. A. Savagho, R. Ilic • P. Wa hington. R. Hemm, M. \\ alento\\ski, T. Reidenbach. J. Lang (bottom ro\\) K. E cobar, K. Anderson, K.
Ek tram, K. Butt . V. Jone . . Cremona, E. Harding, A. Scalzo. T. Hafenschcr, H. Rarncheck, E. Carlini, S. Fabiano. S. G11l1land, T. Watkin J. Scott
(lop) cott Frn,t. Brax1on Molinaro. Robert West. On!\\ Robert•,. can McMao,lcr. Michael Chase.
Jake mith. Aaron Kuper. Patrick chneider. Eric Pallin. (top-middle) am Hoganson. Luis Herrera.
Adam Ceschin. Tim Hassler. Tyler Mitchell. And) Murphy. Nick c1'on. Ale\ Koehne.
(bollllm-middlc) Elissa Richard on. Emily Lumle). Hcalhcr Bobeck. Elise RU",o,cll. Alexa Hujik.
Katherine Thomas. Rachel Smith. Kira Walters. Sarah Pallin. (bottom) Amanda Johnston. Lauren
Pc1er,on. hannon VanCao,tcr. Katie Slevynski. Kryo,tina Andreoli. Ao,hley Hassefort. Julie Moore.
Capri Pearson. Allison Dahl. Paige LaBargc.
Rachel Smith. a
junior. shows off her
voice for the audience
to enjoy.
Welcoming the
guests to the feast.
seniors Elissa
Richardson and
Adam Ceschin
smile broadly.
DOIN' A JIG Sophomore Katherine Thomas dances
to senior Nancy Meyer's music to celebrate the end
of the Madngal performance.
Ziesemer becomes
more and more
enthralled by the music
he is playing.
KISS KISS As happy guests exit the hall.
unior Molly Rivera kisses them goodbye.
FIESTA Enjoying the Spanish culture by
wearing sombreros are juniors Ericka
Otto and Carrie Stella who participate in
Spanish club events
With determination and dedication,
students spent countless hours during
and after school to help Bradford and
tudent Council ponsored two
blood drives, and Key Club p nt
time with enior citizens at local
nursing homes. LikewL e, . ational
Honor ociety memebers held a food
drive that involved the entire school,
while .A.D.D. took time to di cuss
the dangers of drugs and alcohol to
elementary students.
The most acknowledged heroic
group at Bradford was the Advanced
Marketing tudent who rai ed over
twenty thousand dollars for the
~1uscular Dy ·troph) As ociation.
which gave Bradford national
Becau ·e the foreign language clubs
did not ha,·e a large a number a.
participants in the other
organization . they redched out to
specific familie during the holiday
seasons and held numerou. parties
for students to experience foreign
culture .
Bradford is proud of those groups
that give of them elves to better our
community. - Charlie Erdall
BONJOUR Senior Sheila Runyon
dines with other French club members
at the French restaurant, Froggy's in
Highland Park, Illinois.
WORLDWIDE Under the supervision
of Mr Nieman , several students go to
UW·Milwaukee where they portray
leaders of various countries .
TRUTH Junior Alex Peters. a member
S.A D.D . preaches about the dangers
of cigarettes as she tells people to ' put
them out.
and proud ,
sophomore Jasmine
Allen wears her
'100% College
Material' pin at one
of the Positive
Bradford Women
Junior Jenny
Wang helps
Key Club out
with a nacho
sale as Ms .
dresses up as
a substitute
Student Council
HANGING IT UP Senior historian Richard
Anderson works on the bulletin and puts up
pictures of the student council and class officer
Givin' Back!
PLEASANT TIME Junior Melissa Peters
"Student Council is definitely one
of the best clubs at Bradford. We
are mvolved in almost eve1y activity
the student body is a part of," said
junior class president, Helena Zbilut,
who is proud of her involvement in
Student Council.
The student council has been \ ery
passionate in making this year one
of the best. They pu.t on two
remarkable blood dnves as well as a Becca Zwiefelhofer and junior President
fabulous homecoming dance and
Helena Zbilut make lans for rom.
parade. The Mr. Bradford pagaent
also was a big hit this year with its
great routines and music.
Senior Richard Anderson, the
historian of the club said, "student
council was fun and beneficial
because I have met people from all
grades that I didn't even know went
here. I'm going to miss sitting at the
'big' table."
enior class president, Becca
Zwiefelhofer summed up the year in
this way:
Eve1y year our student council
has grown stronger because of the
great leaders each class has had
voted in. We have accomplished so
much this past year, it is amazing!"
From assemblies, dances, and
special weekly events, to blood
drives and helping out the
community in many ways , , tuclent
Council bowed their great impact
on the school.
-Emily Stipek
.------Student Council sells window spaces
to students durin the lunches to raise mone for MDA.
GIVING BLOOD Bradford's police officer Oscar Villalobos
donated blood during the blood drive in November.
(top) Aaron Kuper, Stephanie Wolf, Molly Rivera, Peggy Ludlow, Michael Gerlach. Ben Warren, Omar Kahleel, Preston Knapp, Alex Felland, Steven Ross,
Matthew Lawler, Tyler Piper, (second) Rebecca Zwiefelhofer (Senior Class President), Amy Tripp, Karissa Eclarinal, Marissa Pinnola, Chelsea Lawhss, Rosa
Barnes. Stephanie /.ongolowicz. Ashlee Horner. Samuel Schissel, Emily Krueger, Jordan Pos1e (third) James Warner (Student Council President), Helena Zbilut
(Junior Class President), Lindsay Peterman, Candise Bullock, Vincent McKillip, Tiffany Otto. Emily Kessler, Abrianna Barca, Oliver Debe, J. Patrick Stephens.
Kristen Schulz, Richard Anderson (bottom) Kathleen Gilbert, Joshua Clark, Cindy Sles1ynsk1, Elissa Richardson, Jacob Barden, Maria Barnes (Sophomore
Class President), \llyson Brunner (Freshmen Class President), Heather Massie. Erin Kupfer, EricJ...a Otto, Jen111fer Stone, Emily Montemurro, Melissa Peters
n p) Aaron Kuper, Jacqueline Reyes, Jordan Posie, Patrick Brinkman, Helena Zbilut, Chris Devine, Maxwell Riley, Michael Gerlach, Timothy
LJnchfield, Manny Ramirez, Jason Hartfield, Alex Felland, Adam Johnson (second) Xin Yin, Kristin Schulz, Jenna Lichter, Katelyn Creekmore,
\,hley Baguio, Sarah Marble, Rachel Yan Berg, Samantha Edquist, Kaitlin Freng, Craig Bolyard, Michael Russo, (third) Jennifer Stone, Janeal
p0well, ?, Daniel Maccari , Brittany Klug, Heather Lampada, Sagar Shah. Heather Massie, Yuting Wang, Christa Sturycz, Whitney Tilsner, Alyse
. 'elsen, (bottom) Erin Schrandt, Chrislyn Villaruel, Heidi iesen , Katelyn Hartstern, Michelle Wright, Candise Bullock, Katherine Hartstern,
Lindsay Peterman, Emily Kessler, Emily Montemurro, Capri Pearson
The largest community service
organization at Bradford, Key Club
maintained their proud tradition of
reaching out to the residents of
Kenosha this year.
The Kiwanis Club of Kenosha
supported Bradford's Key Club
tremendou ly and offered many
unique service projects each month.
Bell ringing for alvation Army was
one uch project.
"I froze my fingers and my toes
Stone and Whitney
were numb, but it wa for a good
T1lsner sell teddy bears.
cause and many friendly face gladly
gave donations during the Christma
Johnson kindly helps senior citizens with
season," aid Alex Felland.
a bingo game.
The main fundraiser for Key Club
wa the Winter Formal. Volunteers
joined different decoration
committees and worked around a
"Willy Wonka" theme for the dance.
Key Club students also engaged
themselve in a variety of activities.
The club helped erve meals at The
Shalom Center, and provided games
at Brookside ursing Home.
Allowing kid to socialize while
cleaning our school, "Trash Pick-Up"
days solidified the bonds formed at
after-school meeting .
"Thi year had a dedicated core
roup of kids with exceptional
- - - - 'fundraising capabilities," said Kathy
Sesser, the Key Club advisor. "I was
extremely proud of Emily
Montemurro becau e she
represented Bradford as \Visconsin
District ecretary. -Aaron Kuper
Vanberg delivers sandwiches to
people in need.
Sargent at Arms, Adam Johnson
maintains order.
STAYIN' HAPPY vice president,
Dustin Tilsner always enjoys a
The Dynamic Key Qub
Reaching Out
performing a crowd
favorite. junior Mallory
Kimball intently listens
to the music.
After hours of hard work, the group
of talented and devoted young
women (under the direction of Ms.
Joyce Dohnel) not only learned but
perfected many technique known
only by killed and experienced
Dance ompany was made up of
dancers of all ages from the advanced
dance cla known as Dance III. All
of the athletes had b en active in the
dance program for many years and
this was a final culminating class
which made the girls feel like all of
the years of practice was worth it.
The tudent were technically trained
in ballet, modern, and jazz dance.
Many of the tudent continued
training outside of the classroom.
ome traveled to variou studios
around Kenosha, as well as the
well-known Milwaukee Ballet and
Giordano in Chicago.
Th main focus of the cla wa to
develop and master the
choreography, composition, and
repertoire for their yearly
performance, which was open to the
"Being in dance company was
different than just training at a studio;
over th years we've become killed
because of the helpful comments of
our teammates," said senior Janice
Venega .
-Kelly Manna
Junior Arie
reads a book at a
meeting while
wearing a pin
that shows she
is' 100% College
The community gained extra
help from the Bradford Positive
Women. They took food
donations from several cla es to
give to the halom Center.
The girl also gave their time to
tutor younger student at Bain
veral gue t speaker came for
discussions; one from UW-Parkside
talked about brea t cancer
ot only did these young women
contribute to Keno ha's
community, but they aided
Bradford by lending a hand to the
custodian · by cleaning the
common after lunch.
The Positive Bradford Women
w re not all about work. At the
Black History s embly, they
entenained the audience with a
unique rep routine, making an
intriguing beat.
"It "-'as o difficult to learn all the
hand and feet motions becau e it
took a lot of coordination," aid
enior Kaylee DLx.
Because these incredible women
gave o much of them elve to
everyone, they were truly
considered to be "Positive
Bradford Women." - Charli
Hensley shows off the many elaborate designs
of the gingerbread houses that were displayed
earlier this year in the library.
The language classes offered during
school hours weren't satisfactory
enough for these determined 26
students in the French and German
clubs. They wanted more cultural
interaction. With fi Id trips to
"manger a" authentic restaurants ,
"voir'' foreign filn1s, and "uhr" operas,
members gained experiences they
would not have otherwise had a
chance to discover in typical 90
minute class periods.
Aside from learning about European
cultures, each club was involved in
community service and other
fundraising activities.
"We were able to raise hundreds of
dollars to suppo11 a family during the
holiday times which was a great
accompli hment," said sophomore
1egan Warner.
The German club was also very
active, raising money through pizza
and candy ales.
In addition to these activities, each
club ventured out to an authentic
restaurant in order to t1y fas inating
foods of each culture.
"I liked eating frogsl" commented
senior French club m mber Charlie
Erdall after being asked what his
favorite foreign delicacy was.
By simply immersing themselves in
the many adventures of these cultural
worlds, each club member took with
them many unique and unforgettable
-Rosa Barnes
In 2006, the student-run panish
.___ _ _ __..__ _.......... club had a total of 16 members.
The club's advisors were 1 .
Mosher and Mrs. otorianni. The
president was junior Adam
Johnson; the vice president was
junior Jenna Lichter; and the
treasurer wa junior Paige Frye.
The club often went to Spanish
restaurants where they would
brush up on their Spanish
speaking skills. During holidays
the club helped families in need
by buying them food and gifts,
and they also provided much
needed money.
"It was great to help others, and
we had fun because, being
student run, we had a lot of
freedom," said senior Adam
The Italian club also had a busy
year in 2006. The group ho red
speakers, including local historian
Vincent Ruffolo, Dr. Christopher
Kleinhenz of UW-Madison, and
Professor Maria Giovanna ica
from UW-Parkside. Members
made pasta and sauce with Chef
Dan Bonanno of Mangia Trattoria.
Members also visited the Art
Institute of Chicago and the opera
"Aida." Finally, a fundraiser at the
Italian American Club helped
raise money for a trip to Italy.
In 2007 all of the foreign
language clubs plan to become
one international club. -Zach Liu
Lampada and junior Paige Frye
show their 'feminine side.•
Junior Alyssa Mirsberger and
------~ senior Paige Frye marvel over
spanish books.
Spanish and
Italian Qube
For those students who strive for
academic excellence, ational Honor
Society is the club to join.
In the 2005-2006 school year the
ational Honor So ·iety tried to be
more involved \\'ith the community.
President of I IS senior Matt Zeller,
and the rest of the club raised
'600.00 for a girl \vho battled a
kidney disease by hosting a Hilarious
.._.__._..------.-----.-' I Ialloween Bash which consisted of
teachers dressing up in crazy
costumes and teaching in them.
ew developments were that social
studie teacher Ms. Beth Ward
replaced Mrs. Carlson as H
ad,·i or; new positions were created
in the society (for example a
parliamentarian position was
instituted and filled by senior Kat
Hartstern); and the members decided
to add meetings to keep H
thriving. There was also a new point
system created which meant that a
scholarship would be available to
those members with a high enough
grade point averag .
"This year we changed a lot of
things about the club, which v. ill
make it more active," said senior
Yvette Beben.
A national conference in Orlando,
Florida may be in the works for
interested I IS student in
2006-200 . - Danielle chmidt
With an eye to the
future. Sophomore
Tony Clark is
admitted into NHS.
(top) Artemis Thompkins. clson Schneider, Joe Ambrowiak. David Jones (middle) Sam Adams. Chris Sheets. Shayla Carter, Kelsey Swiatko.
Sarah :Vlarvel. Caroline Glover (bottom) Trevor Giovanelli. Kendra Hensley. Candace Bullock. Loretta Donnelly. Lucie Rider. Tim MacKenzie,
tr~. L1 Volsi. Tony Leitner
If any student at Bradford were
interested in Japanese anime and
manga in 2006, they definitely should
have joined Bradford's Anime
"Otaku" club. Members could
socialize, watch their favorite shows,
and practice drawing manga and fun
Senior Tim
Mackenzie gets
'Outlaw Star'
ready for the club
to watch.
Anime club sold Japanese snacks
called "Pocky," which were a huge
succe .
Members attended a convention in
Rosemont, Illinois \vhere they
interacted \\'ith many other anime
"It is just a really fun, relaxed club.
It's fun to get together and talk about
the stuff you love," said Tim
Mackenzie. -Zach Liu
as senior Tim
makes another
sale to senior
Charlie Erdall.
shows her
Asian Animation
MDA-Raieing Money...
11 516
I$ •
Ifor Summer Camp
Junior Carrie
Stella smiles
Muscular Dystrophy is a disease
that affects the skeletal muscles in a
person's body. Most victims
eventually end up dependent upon
'' heelchairs and caregi,·ers. In some
cases. this serious disease is even
It is especially hard to see ill
children. Bradford's student body
and staff has always helped out in
several ways to ensure a happier life
for children with muscular
Iiracle minute was one of the
many great events Bradford hosted
to raise money. For just one minute,
th students and staff dug deep into
their pockets and produced enough
money to help a child go to summer
Marketing students came up \\. ith
another unique way of raising
money. Jail and Bail was an event
where a few Bradford teachers and
students were locked up for a shon
time during lunches. While
"incarcerated ," they to called
businesses for donations in order to
be released.
"All of the hard work we put in
paid off when we saw the big smiles
of those kids who would enjoy their
week at MDA summer camp-on us!"
said junior, Carrie Stella.
Bradford's success and involvement
was phenomenal. Overall, 21.516
was donated!
-Tina pizzirri
Warner. Alan
Minski and Jake
Heiring smile big
"'--""-----! for their win
CANEROUS ' I think that we
made a good impact on the
elementary students, ' says junior
president Alex Peters who is
dressed as the liver while her
friend . junior Lindsey Adelsen
talks about the harm alcohol has
This past year, Bradford students
\Yho made up tudents gainst
Destructive Decisions, better
known as S.A.D.D. came tog ther
to help the community and young
children in many beneficial way ·.
From drugs to gangs. the
members of .A.D.D. tried to make
others aware of the consequence'>
that await them if they panake in
unwise and or destructive
"A few member took a day to
visit local elementary schools to
talk about the risks of drinking and
driving," said '>upef\isor coun'>elor
Mrs. Fisher. "They played game'>
and had guest speakers to inform
the children in a more interesting
and easy \Vay for them to
"I joined .A.D.D. because I felt
that it \Yas the right thing to do,"
aid junior Alexandra Peters.
"Drugs and alcohol aren't
something to mess \\ith."
"\1} favorite project that "'·e did
this year was the skits and
speeches "'e performed for the
elementa1y schools," said junior
Lindsey delsen.
Illegal drug use and underage
drinking are dangerous habits to
fall into. and tho e in S.A.D.D.
make it their mission to inform
children of the perils of using
drugs and alcohol-pn."\·enrion is
the key. -Lindsey \\'ieske
points out the details of
what SAD D does to help
the children to be infonmed
people should quit smoking ,
junior Jason Hartfield breaks a
huge cigarette .
Adam Johnson gets a good laugh
during a fun discussion.
RI G! The bell sounds, all doors
close. There isn't a soul in the
hallways. Everyone has taken their
seats \'- ith hands folded nicely,
waiting for the teacher to start the
lesson. When a student has an
inquiry about the topic, the he or
she graciously raises a hand. After
the teacher has finished the lecture
and assigned the homework, the
students don't gossip with friends.
Instead, they diligently get a head
sta1t on their homework. The
annoucements start, and eve1yone
stops what they are doing to listen.
Eve1yone stands and recites the
"Pledge of Allegiance" with gusto.
The students rise from the seats to
make a single file line after the bell
OII O! In the bO\.vels of the
deep, dark basement lurks a
creature of unimaginable girth.
This beast has burrowed through
the depths of the ea1th with its
millions of legs and wants to wreak
ha,·oc in Bradford's pleasant
The stud nts who are walking
serenely on the right side of the
hallway going to their next class
are suddenly shaken. The ground
rolls under their feet. Screams of
terror echo in the halls. The
million-legged beast emerges
sending fear through eve1yone.
The tranquil school i now in dire
trouble as the mass of people
scream, "OH 0!"
PIECE enior Kristen Mills is rescued from one
of the monster's leeching leg . Senior Heather
Lampada wants a piece of this disgusting fiend,
so she dishes out her right-hook. To gain
control, sophomore Jaimie Lang does a springing
handstand to propel herself onto the top of the
beast. Meanwhile, in dreaded fear, junior
Whitney Elliot prays for someone to come
rescue her as powerful punches are thrO\,·n at
the beast from junior Josh Escobedo and
athan Drysdale.
A voice from the sky calls out to them: "Fight
a<> a team'" Just then, Jake swoops in, nailing
the beast with his fUty of fi ts while athan
swiftly claws at its hard exterior. The muscular
men hurl the heaviest objects that they can find.
The lower half of the animal's body is smashed,
preventing it from crawling in the halls. Heather
LL es her dance skills to kick the beast into
submission. Jaimie remembers back to the days
of chemist1y and uses the variou · chemicals to
burn the millipede to ashes.
Without the help of every hero in Bradford, the
beast never would ha\'e been conquered, and
the school never would have been restored to
PEACE. -Charlie Erdall
HEROES nknown to all,
Bradford has a plethora of unsung
heroes patrolling the hallways and
classrooms. Senior Jake Williams
hears the shrieks and flies into
action, while junior athan Ferda
jumps into action with cat-like
reflexes. With well-built muscles,
senior ori Lenius and junior Saul
unez are ready with mighty
muscles to take on the creature.
Likewise, while in the gym, juniors
Manny Ramirez and Zach Daniels
become the well-toned fighting
machines with seniors Ted Baker
and Matt Jacob. These Marvel "Ls"
men pummel the roaring, massive
beast, but it's a struggle. They
need more HEROES.
Bradford is a school full
of spirit. Past principal
Mr. Mangi said it best:
We are the greatest
school in the world!!
Rs is evident by the
pictures, fun and
friendship are all a part
of education.
It all started when Manny, Joey and Max
returned to school from Burger King. s
they got out or the car, they heard a noise
but thought nothing of it. Walking through
the parking lot, the three boy' happened to
glance at a car with its engine roaring.
Inside, they saw a young man hunched over
the steering wheel. The boys dashed to the
car, but realized the door!I were locked.
Joey, Manny and Max knew something
needed to be done. They called 91 1 but time
was running short. A decision was made to
break the window. Punches were hurled at
the glass, but failed to do any damage. The
boys then frantically kicked the window,
but again, not even a crack. Andrew
Rosalas saw the commotion as he drove up
and knew there was no time for small talk.
Manny Ramirez
J9oey Rozzoni
He grabbed his trailer hitch and with one
swift strike, the window shattered. Max
reached in<,ide to unlock the door. Once
unlocked, Max quickly removed the man's
foot from the gas pedal. Suddenly, the lights
of an ambulance flashed in the rcarview
mirror. A few days later, a police officer
lold the young men that if they had reached
the man any later, he would have died!
~ -=
= = =--= ==-~ ~
--- - - --
Senior Kaylee Dix took time
out of her busy schedule to
spend a week in
hurricane-ravaged New
Orleans. She cleaned out
many wet moldy homes with
her church group, and
collected food donations and
passed them out to the needy
survivors. These selfless
acts gained her the respect
of all who know her.
Mrs. Matalas
multi·tasks b ing a
mother and an
, outstanding
cauns lar. She i
truly ah ra
becaus she has
hcilped sa many
students reach
~ their potcintial
including her
kissable son
Attendance Assistants
l)amOn Jones: WOW! I just
iove my JOb as an attendance
Alex McCoy: Hey buddy ol' pal. The
craziest thing happened to me on
my way to school. A herd of
elephants stopped right in front of
Damon Jones: Oh my! A whole
me! So do you think for a couple
heard of elephants! I feel so bad.
bucks you could ... hook me up?
Study Hall
rclan .1aehne$-L1ana$ cuclclle• up to
''pillow" while he make• the mo1t
•tucly hall.
Of course I can help you out.
Damon Jones: Well I did my
good deed for the year...and I
made five dollars!
Senior Finale
Class of '06
YOU'LL Nb..Vb..R..
\Vb..' R..b.. fQ.b..b..! T AZIA
CATCi.J ~ b.. ALIVb..,
Li;.MAY AND i.Ji;.ATl-J!;.R
b..Fi<AIN ALMANZA. \VWo 16
~OOR!;. 6illP DO\VN Tl-Ji;.
ilNO\VN A6 A 6!;.NIOR
JOilLlT!;.12.. PR!;.T!;.ND6 TO
TO FR!;.i;.DoM! Twi;. nvo
c;-IRL6 \Vi;.Ri;. !;.C6TATIC TO
~R. PLAN!( \VAL!l6
e,i;_ Li;.AV1Nc;- Tl-Ji;. l-JALL6
L------~------- CA6UALLY e>Y.
L;"OT DANCb..? 6i;.N10R
BRi;.ANNA ~LAZl!;.\V61(!;.
uP! AFTi;.R 6CANN1Nc;-
61-JARLl 60Mi;. LAUc;-l-JLl
\Vl-JILi;. 61-Ji;. 6l-JO\V6 OFF
MOVLl TO l-J!;.R c;-ooD
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FRli;.ND ~ll<A \VALT!;.1<6.
PANCl-J!;.RI c;-1Vi;. U6 T\VO
Tl-JUMe>6 \VAY UP.
TA~IN' A ~R..b..A~
i.Jb..LLO? L1ND6!;.Y
6i;.N10R AYLlWA Cwi;.i;.MA
AND!;.R60N TAL!l6 ON Tl-Ji;_
TAilLl A e>Ri;.AI( FROM l-Ji;.R
Pl-JoNi;. DURINc;- c;-yM CLA66.
MU61C TO Ri;.AD A Vi;.Ry
6TUD!;.NT6 IN Tl-Ji;_ CLA66
INT!;.RLlTINc;- e.ooll; 61-J!;. 16
OF 06 AR!;. e>LlT ilNO\VN
AL\VAY6 Tl-Ji;. oNi;. TO e,i;_
FOR Tl-J!;.IR U6!;. OF Tl-Ji;.
Vi;.Ry FOCU6!;.D ON Wi;.R
C!;.LL Pl-JoNi;_
L.;.;..-~---..;..;.;.;;~--~-----1 6Cl-JOOL\VOR~
TW06!;. AR!;. T\VO \VORD6
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ARMY 61Nci;. Tl-Ji;. e.i;.c;-1NN1Nc;-
AcANci;. AND NATi;.
OF W1c;-w 6Cl-JOOL. Ri;.ci;.1Vrn
ARb. T\VO illD6 Tl-JAT
A .1>100.000 6Cl-JOLAR6l-JIP
FROM Tl-Ji;. R..OTC.
r )( 11 I AnJ. r~rn, Pil l11 r·I \n j(
un· Ji., I iJI
s~ov I)~<s - s~ov I)~<s - s~ov I)~<s - s~ov I)~ /\!s
r\( 11
Camera flashes , final hugs. and streams of
tears were what made June 3 a special day.
The c~1ss of 2006 met at Bradford for one last
time to graduate.
"\\'alking across the scage \Yas easily one of
th best experiences of 111} life." said Josh
Zinner "hose accumulation of four years of
hard \\·ork and busy schedules had finall)
paid off.
While the hear raged in the gymnasium,
eve1yone's eyes were on the commencemenc
speakers '\ate heff and J\latt Zeller.
Bradford's band and choir prO\ ided musical
arrangements during the ceremony. The choir
stayed "ith tradition by performing the
"ell-knmvn song, ·· A Bridge 0Yer Troubled
\'Q'arer." as well as "America the Beautiful."
\ aledictorian, Emil} Krueger, and
Salutatorian, Aaron Kuper, gave the final
speeches to their fe llow classmates. and once
aron shouted. "\Xe did it'" he took his cap off
and threw it skyward. The ocher r6
graduates followed his lead.
"I think it was great that \Ye thre\\ our hats
in the air!" exclaimed Yolanda Gloria. "I don't
kno\\· of any other class that had that
l\ot only were the caps in the air, but before
the graduates were ushered our. Chris Elrod's
brother lobbed a beach ball \vhich started to
bounce among the former students.
"As I \\·alkecl out of che hot gym into the
cool night air, I knew that it \\·as finally O\·er."
said a tearful Krystle Litz. - Charlie Erdall
Emily \>,·as the 2006 senior class\ aledictorian. She wa-.
very involved in orchestra. although no one in orchestra
really appreciated just how witty her wonderful jokes were.
Aaron was a classic rock fan. literature enthusiast. and
history buff. He enjoyed playing tennis and holding
office in hoth student government and Key Club. His
plans after high school included majoring in the fields
of medicine or business.
Yvette loved high school and her main goals were to do
well and have fun. She was the HS secretary and was
also troupe captain for the Madrigal Feast. She was also a
member of the award-winning chamber orchestra. played
tennis and ran track.
5~yvt Vov.r
Jasmyn was captain of Bradford's Finest. and part of
the Dance Team her sophomore year. She made honor
roll and was also a citi1en of the month. Jazsmyn was
on Stepping Stones, and Dance Company.
Michael was involved in numerous clubs and activities.
He was a part of the chamber orchestra. NHS. historian of
French Club, Student Council. DECA. TEAM. Key Club,
Drama. Thespian Society. Forensics, and Model U. .
Michael was also Bradford's mascot. Rowdy the red devil.
Eric was known for his hard work and his many years
on the honor roll. He participated in wheelchair
basketball, was a manager for the varsity girls
basketball team. and was a member of the Audio
Damon was proud of the person he became. He achieved
much in theatrical arts. His artistic spirit and connection
with God made his high school years better.
When Charlie was young, his father always told him he
would be a leader. while Charlie thought of himself as a
follower. He pnl\ed himself wrong when he entered high
school by becoming the captain of the varsity hockey team
and also the editor-in-chief or the yearbook.
Marko developed his business acumen throughout high
school. where he could always be found reading the
business sect10n in the librar). He was also involved in
Student Council. OWL. soccer. var-,ity tenni..,, science club.
and was captain of the championship dodgeball team.
Heather was captain of the Ice Devils. and paved the \l,ay
for ice skaters performing at hockey games. She ran track
and was also the captain of the Dance Team. This senior
cla..,s historian was one of the contestant-. in the :vtiss
Bradford pagent.
Katelyn was known for her hard work and detenrnnation.
She\\ as also a black belt in tac k\.'.on do. Katelyn was
al .... ays \.'.illing to do anything for her t\\in sister. Kat.
Jonathon \\as imol\'ed in many sports. and was abo in
cicnce club. He was on the sophomore and homecoming
court. Out of school, Jonathon enjoyed flying airplanes.
Ro..,a was a well-rounded tudent. he\\ as very mvolved
in clubs. communit) service. and H1rsity sport'>. he \\Us
the captain of the tennis team and was proud to continue
on to State.
James was a born leader. He \\as the CEO of DECA his
senior) ear. tmd also the president of student council. He
was very im·o]ved in man) extracurricular activities.
Rebecca loved high school. and high school loved her
back! She stayed involved with everything: from being a
class president to \ arsit) soccer captain. to ad producer
extraordinaire (in yearbook).
* Cayce Abraham ·on- Student Council. Choir,
.H ..
*April Adam on- Varsity oftball
*Emily Agner- Var ity Basketball. .H.S ..
ymphonic Band
*Carmen Aguirre- Volleyball, Softball
* Matthew Aiken- Honor Roll
*Efrain Almanza Jr.- Baseball
*Richard Ander on Jr.- Spanish Club, N.H.S.,
tudent Council (Historian)
* Lind ey Anderson- Marketing, Photography
*Rachael J. nder on- Photography, tage
Management, Drama, Soccer
* Rachel Ander on- Basketball, ymphonic
Band, Honor Roll
* Alexandra Andrianova- Dance,
Honor Society
*Jennifer Atana off- Marketing, DECA,
.H.S., Infra Red Manager, Soccer,
* ata ha Au mus- Honor Roll
* Michael Baker- Automotive
* Rachael Baker- Art
* Ted Football, Swimming, Golf,
occer, cience Club
* isha Baliga- Student Council (Secretary),
Ice Devils (Vice-President), panish Club
(Trea urer), Key Club, Drama
* Chad Bambrough- DECA, Student Council,
*Ro a Barne - Varsity Tenni (Captain),
tudent Council (Secretary), Model U. .,
A Cappella Choir, .H.S., Drama, Prom
Court, Quiz Bowl, Political Action Club,
* Yvette Beben- Tennis, Track, .H.S.
(Secretary), Chamber Orchestra, Key Club,
Student Council, Model U. ., Madrigal
Fencing (Captain), French Club, Drama,
Church Youth Mu ic Ensemble, Yearbook,
Quiz Bowl, Orche tra
* Charde Bednar- Honor Roll
* Maria Bedolla- Mezcla Americana, Honor
* Derrick Bennett- Basketball
* Sandy Sue Ben on- Tenni , Track, Key Club
F.B.L.A., French Club
* Amber Be ette- Band
* Amanda Bieker- Joumali m
* alvatore Bilotta- VICA, kills U.S.A .,
Var ity Tennis
* Phillip Birch- Chamber Orchestra
* Samantha Bi ·grove- oftball, Basketball ,
Volleyball, Yearbook, .H.S.
*Breanna Blaziewske- Choir
* Heather Bobeck- A Capella Choir, Drama
* Kaitlyn Borman- Honor Roll , Var ity
Golf, State Golf Championship Team,
* eth Boyer- Wre tling, Drama, Photography
* Michael Briggs- Varsity Ba ketball, Varsity
Volleyball, Honor Roll, Student Council
* amantha Brinkman- Var ity Gymnastics,
Varsity Cheerleading, DECA, Prom Comt
* Julya Briseno- Mezcla Americana
* ichole Brown- Choir, Soccer
* Anastasia Bruneo- Italian Club, Choir,
* Sean Butterfield- Track, Stagecraft,
Photography, Yearbook
*Irving Cabrales- Soccer
* Dawil a Calderon- Orche tra, Wrestling,
* Ashley Cappelen- A Capella Choir
* Alli on Carr- Dance, Photography
*Judy Ca tro- DECA
* Adam Ce chin- A Capella Choir (Vice
President), Mu ical Theater, Drama,
Student Council, Madrigals, Key Club
* Katherine Ce chin- Student Council,
Photography, Choir
* Aysha Cheema- Tenni , Spanish Club,
Key Club, .H.S.
* Sara Chopp- Dance, Choir
* Jonathon Clark- Stagecraft
* Elizabeth Clay- Academic Decathalon,
Diver ity Action Team
* Richard Cline- Stagecraft, Football
* Ro Cochran- Var ity Football, Var ity
Track, Var ity Swimming, Choir
* Franci Michael Collin - Model U. .,
Exchange Student to Germany
* ichole Connor- Choir, Choral Fe t, Dance
* Jordan Cooper- Football, Golf,
Yearbook, .H.S., Drama
* Robert Cronk- Jazz Band 1, Jazz Band 2,
.H ..
* Matthew Cross- Hockey Team, .H. .
* Michelle Rose Cruz- Photography Club,
cience Club, Bible Club
* Aaron Pierre Cuff- Track
* Angela Curtis- Dance Team, Choir
* Allison Dahl - A Cappella Choir, Musical
Theater, Bible Club, Yearbook, Softball,
. Volleybal I
* Ca sandra De La Rosa- Me7cla Americana
* Olivia Dechiara- Stage Management,
Photograph y
* Kimberly Degener- Cross Country
(Captain), .H.S ., oftball, Basketball
* Zack Devine- Model U. ., AP Art
* Kaylee Dix- Basketball, Cross Country,
Soccer, Prom Court, .H.S ., ewspaper
* Tomislav Djukic- Listen to Music
* Amy Eaheart- A Cappella Choir, Freshmen
Softball, Soccer
* Megan Ebener- Chamber Orchestra
* Emily Ebert- Chamber Orchestra
* Christopher Elrod- Golf, Holy Rosary Youth
* Charlie Erdall- Varsity Hockey (Captain),
J.V. Soccer (Captain), Yearbook
(Editor-In-Chief), French Club (President),
.H.S ., Junior Clas (Vice President),
Student Council, Political Action Club
* John Erganian- Drama
* Emily Erick on- Jazz Band 2, Girl Scout
* Brent Erskine- Art
* Kri tiena E cobar- Drama, Soccer, N.H.S.,
Boys Basketball Manager
* Maria Estrada- Guitar
* Brooke Evans- Choir, N .H.S ., Photography
* Henreda Eyvaz- F.B .L.A., Stude nt Council
* ick Feichtner- Wrestling, Drum
* Stephanie Fisher- Bible Club, Photography
* Erica Flores- Student Council , Soccer,
French Club, Di versity Action
* Lauren Ford- Band, Key Club, Gymna tics,
.H.S., Volleyball
* Glenn Frazee- Volleyball (Captain), Student
Council (Treasurer), A Capella
Choir, Madrigal , Track, .H.S.,
DECA, Math Team, Club Volleyball
* Paige Frey- Volleyball, Homecoming Court
Yvette Beben
Adam Ce6Chin
Charlie &dall
",tll the cool people and good times I've
"The close-knit comm1mity."
"Yearbook because I got to know
had in the past four years."
Isa Frill.- Chamber Orchestra. Madrigab
i-'encing ( aptain), K.U.S.D. Filming.
Madrigals Irish Fiddler, .H ... Orchestra
( ecretary), Photography (Co-President),
tudent Council, Printmaking Club, Polar
Plunge, Irish Fest
Shantrice Friale- Yearbook, Stepping
Stones, A Capella Choir, Positive
Bradford Women
Katelin Gallion- Dance, Choir, Bible Club
Eduardo Garcia- Photography, Something
Worth Fighting For
• Michael Gerlach- Chamber Orchestra,
Student Council, Diversity Action Team,
French Club (Historian), Model U. .,
Key Club, DECA, Infra Red
(Balloon Manager), Drama, F.B.L.A.,
Forensics, .H.S., Madrigals,
Stage Management, School Mascot, Shalom
Center (Tutor), Sailing Student Embassador,
G.S.A., Reporter (Bradford Radio Show)
• Heather Gilbert- Stagecraft, Stage
* Katie Gilbert- DECA (Officer), Infra Red,
Student Council (Vice President),
Homecoming Court
*Amber Gilbertson- Softball, .H.S.,
Basketball, Honor Roll
• Veronica Gloria- N.H.S., Spanish Club
(President), Marketing, Upward Bound
*Yolanda Gloria- .H.S. (Parliamentarian),
Spanish Club (Vice-Presdent)
*Samantha Gont charow- Choir, Honor
* Kayla Goodenough- Forensics, Diver ity
Action, Political Action Club,
Photography Club
* Brandon Hinkle- Music, French Club,
Marketing,Choir, Upward Bound
~ Santiago Gomez- Student of the Month
~ JoHanna Huck- Volleyball, F.B.L.A.,
DECA (Director of P.R.), Chior
Infra Red (Director of H.R.)
* Jamila Goundal- Attendance Aid, Student
of the Month
*Jamie Grabow ki- Band, Cro s Country,
Basketball, Volleyball
• Stephanie Green- Orche tra (Historian),
Chamber Orchestra, F.B.L.A .. J.V. Soccer
athaniel Grim- Football, Track, Band,
Auto-Tech (President), Honor Roll
* Desiree Guida- Soccer, Student Council,
.H.S., Honor Roll, 0.W.L., Key Club,
*Adrian Guzman- Auto-Tech, VICA
* Maria Guzman- occer, French Club
* Michael Haberle- Baseball, .H. ., Honor
Roll, Student of the Month
* Philip Haebig- Cross Country, Wre tling,
Track, Band, Fre hman Secretary, O.W.L.,
Honor Roll, Prom King
* Katy Hagen- Ice Devils, .H.S .. Honor
* Sara Hamby- Dance
*Aja Hamilton- Photography, Cross
Country, G.S.A., Track, Softball,
Wrestling, Basketball
* Rebecca Haney- Dance, Tennis, Honor
Roll, .H ... Key Club
* Troy Hardy- Soccer, Marketing
* Katelyn Hartstem- Key Club, Student
Council, .H.S. (Treasurer), Madrigals
Fencing (Captain), Model U. ., Soccer,
Tennis, Chamber Orchestra, Marketing,
Science Club, Orchestra
* Katherine Hartstern- Student Council,
.H.S .. (Historian), Madrigals ( trings),
Soccer,Tennis, Chamber Orche tra,
Science Club, Orchestra
* Lance Hartung- Orchestra, Bowling,
.H.S., Honor Roll, Chamber Orchestra
*Joshua Hauke- wim Team, Soccer
* Jacob Heiring- DECA, Marketing. Honor
Roll , Infra Red
*Jennifer Henrichs- Volleyball, Wre tling,
Track, Marketing, Lifeguarding
* Jennifer Heuser- Band, Black Watch,
Honor Roll
* icole Hicks- Key Club, .H.S .. Varsity
Cheerleading, CYC Cheerleading,
Chamber Orche tra (Treasurer), Yearbook.
Sailing, Student Emba ador
* Katherine Hill- Student Council, Ice Devils,
Choir, Drama, Honor Roll
*Devon Hopkins- Po itive Bradford Men,
Billboard for K. .S.D .. Mr. Bradford
«lbat's tbe first tbing tbat co
Isa Fritz
"Knowing that Bradford beats the
stereotype so I'm able to ha•·e more than
one type offriend. "
* Demario Hudson- Basketball, Intramurals,
.H ..
* Krista Hudson- Drama, A Capella Choir
* Vane sa Hunter- Choir, Volleyball, DECA
(Director of Promo and Social Event ),
Student Council
* Ruby Hurtado- Choir
* James Iorio- Wre tling, Golf, .H.S.
* Adrian Jackson- Air Force
* Matt Jacob-Band, Football. Symphonic
Orche tra, Golf, Choir, Jazz Band. Drama
* Jordan Jaehne-Llannas- Ba eball, Ba ketball
* Kenneth Jame - Track, Football
* John Jelks- Bristal Oaks Country Club
* Krystal Jelks- teppers, Voices of Color,
* Ro alyn Jelks- Po itive Bradford Women,
Bradford's Finest, Choir (at Second Bapti t)
* Alexander John on- Choir
* Amanda Johnson- Dance, Choir
*Angelo Jones- Football (Captain), .H .. ,
Homecoming Court, Yearbook
* Damon Jone - Positive Bradford Men
(Vice-President and Secretary)
B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S., Drama, Mr. Bradford
* athan Jones- Swimming, Track
* Robert Jone. - Ba eball
* Tiara Jones- Choir, Bradford' Finest.
Stepping Stone
* Morgan Juga- Soccer
* Brooke Jurvis- Basketball, Volleyball. Cro ·
Country. occer, Track, Student Council
* Joshua Karasti- Wrestiling. Weightlifting
* Kelle Kavalauska - Yearbook, Stage Craft
* Brandon Keller- Baseball, Stage Craft
* Je ica Kennedy- Track
* ichola Kern- Yearbook, Guitar
*Eric Knut en- Football, Wre tling, Band
* Dylan Kocin. ki- Ba eball. .H.S.
* Michael Kraning-Track
* Sara Kreye- Volleyball, Ba ketball, .H.S ..
Yearbook Photography. Key Club, Student
Council. Chamber Orchestra, Orche tra
* Emily Krueger- Student Council. Spanish
Club. Political Action Club, .H ... High
to mind wbm you tbinh of Bradford?
Kay Hattstern
" The fierce Bradford pride during the
Bradford/Tremper game.~!"
"The 'fami(v' offriends I hal't! made o•·er
the past four )'ears. "
chool Democrats, Orchestra (President).
Chamber Orchestra
*Felicia Krysta\ el- Stage management
* Aaron Kuper- Tennis, Student Council.
Key Club. O.W.L.. Yearbook. Model U.N ..
Madrigals. 1 .H ... Drama. A Capella Choir.
Quiz Bowl
*Ryan Kupfer- Hockey. tudent Council
*Caitlin Kwasigroch- occer. Infrared.
B.M.G .. DECA. Student Council. Yearbook
* manda Laboy- Cheerleading. Varsity
* Mark Lamacchia- Football
*Heather Lampada- oftball, Cross Country,
Key Club. .H. ., Spanish Club ( ecretary).
A Cappclla Choir
* Robert Landree- Karate Instructor. Draw
* Katie Larson- Softball, Dance
* tarko Lazarevic- Varsity Tennis. occer.
tudent Council. .H. .. Yearbook. cience
Olympiad. Quiz Bowl
* Victoria Lebron- Yearbook, Red Alert
*Anthony Leitner- Anime Club, O.W.L.
* Tazia Lemay- Photography. Print. Stage
* Brian Lequia- Stage Craft
* David Leto- Infra Red
* Kry tle Litz- Drama. A Cappella Choir.
Student Council
*Michelle Luebke- Choir. Wrestling. Stage
* Stephanie Luska- Softball. Basketball,
Powderpuff Football
*Timothy Mackenzie- Band. Anime Club,
* Kelly Manna- Cheerlcading (Captain).
Student Council (Class Vice-Pre ident),
Yearbook (Editor), Red Alert. Track
Homecoming Court. Sophomore Court,
*Melis a Martinelli- oftball, Student
* icolas Martinez- Track
* Heather Massie- Key Club, F.A.C.T.,
Student Council, O.W.L., Ice Devil , Dance
Team, Varsity Track, Homecoming Queen
* David Matalas- Cross Country, Track,
Wrestling. Dodgeball Champion, .II. .,
Golf. Volleyball
* Jeffrey Mathews- Baseball, Choir
* Sara May- Golf. .H.S., Choir
*Jennifer Mayo- Print Making Club
* Cassandra McBride- FedermeyerMarketing.
DEC , Key Club
* Alexandria McCoy- German Club
*Jennifer Mccray- .H.S., Model U.
Symphony Band
* Meli. a Meeker- A Capella Choir. DECA,
Infra Red, Drama
* Brittany Meer- Bradford's Finest
*Hector Mendoza- Band : Something Worth
Fighting For
"" Kathleen Meo-Martino- Student Council,
Key Club. Golf, Soccer
*Andrea Mercadillo- Photography. Print
Making Club
* Eric Merlin- Band, Wheelchair Basketball
* ancy Meyer- German Club, ymphony
* emanja Milicevic- Church Youth Group
* Michael Miller- Football, Track, Wrestling,
* Kristen Mills- Dance Team, .H ..
* Alan Minski- DECA, Swim Team, Student
Council, Yearbook, Key Club. .H.S.
* Lyndsay Minton- Choir
*William Moffitt- Wrestling, Weightlifting
* Heather Moore- Symphony Band
* Dora Morales- Dance
* Jesus Moreno- Soccer
*Melissa MrnTison- Swim Team
* icholas el on- Drama. A Capella Choir.
* Abigail ordloh- Cross Country. Track
* Abigail ordloh- Cross Country, Track
(Captain), Red Alert, .H.S.
* Rachael udi- occer, Dance Team,
Swim Team, Dive Team, Italian Club
* Je e O'Boyle- Audio Vi ual Club, Visual
* Brian O'Loughlin- Creative Writing, Art
* Barbara Olhava- Choir
* Dennis Orellana- Var ity Soccer (Captain),
Top corer In Bradford History
*Elizabeth Ostrowski - occer, Volleyball
*Jen nifer Otis- Tech Ed, Curling
*M ichael Pancheri- Varsity Wrestling,
* Jennifer Parise- Varsity Tennis (Captain).
Photography, AP Art
* Megan Paul- Track, Cross Country,
Marketing, portainment
* Jeffrey Paulick- Band: Lazarus
*Samantha Pawell- Volleyball
* Brianna Peet- Bradford's Finest, Dance
* Peterval Peralta- DECA, Soccer,
Basketball, Drama, Tenni s, Choir
* Amy Perez- Infra Red, DECA
* Shannon Perman- Cross Country (captain).
Track (captain), Student Council, O.W.L. ,
Red Ale1t
* Louis Pen-ine- Football, .H.S.,
Model U. ., Political Action Club
* icholas Perrine- Track, Volleyball, Student
Council, Model U. .
* Dante Perry- Volleyball , Choir, Varsity
Wrestling, Golf
* Frederick Phillip - Rappel Music
* Elijah Pickett- basketball
* Matthew Pierce- German Club, Key Club
* Samantha Pillizzi- Cheerleading, Choir
* Jo hua Poe- Track, Cross Country
* Jerome Prater- Basketball, Wrestling,
* Mary Price- Photography Club, A Capella
Choir, O.W.L.
* Timothy Puhr- Baseball, Band, Chess Club,
Student Council
*Randy Quilling- Swimming
* Ashly Ramchcck- Chamber Orchestra, A
Cappella Choir, Basketball, .H.S., Dance,
Dance Company
* atasha Ra,n1kar- Varsity Cheerleading
Powderpuff. .H.S.
* Amanda Reau- French
* Sara Rcddeman- Basketball, Choir
* Kristopher Reiterman- Basketball, Baseball,
Choir, Red Alert, Yearbook
* Elissa Richardson- Student Council,
Madrigals, Drama, .H.S., A Cappella
Choir, Prom Queen
*Qiana Riley- Bradford's Fine~t. Track,
* Mcghan Romano- Band, Swimming.
f rench Club
*Christopher Rouisha- DE A. Marketing
* Connor Rude- Football, Track
* Maria Ruffolo- Drama. Student Council,
Italian Club
Sheila Runyon- Volleyball, .H.
Key Club, French Club. O.W.L.,
tudent Council
· Kyle Saffell- A Cappella Choir, .H.S ..
Football, Bible Club, Adventure Club,
*Yolanda Saffold- Basketball. Tennis, .H.S.
• Gustavo Sanchez- Yearbook, Soccer
* Brandon Sanders- Meals on Wheels
Markus avaglio- Track, Key Club, .H.S ..
tagecraft, Orchestra
Courtney Scherer- Art Club
•Ryan cheve- Golf
* icholas Schroeder- Drama, Football
•Jonathan Sepulveda- Cheerleading, Tennis,
Volleyball, Science Team. .H.S ..
Homecoming Court. Sophomore Court.
Dodge ball
•Sagar hah- Key Club, .H ... Student
Council, Madrigals, A Cappella Choir,
Spanish Clu b, Model U. .. Political
Action Club, Drama
* ate Sheff- Model U. ., Chess Club,
Political Action Club, Bradford
Radio Show, Science Olympiad
*James isson- Baseball, Art
• Katie Sleszynski- A Cappella Choir,
Drama, Varsity Soccer
*Jacob Smith- Symphonic Band, Var ity
Swim Team, N.H.S.
*Eric Snodgra - Varsity Volleyball , Var ity
Ba ketball, Track, .H.S. , Yearbook
* Gabriella Sorrentino- Key Club, Drama
~Tina Spizzirri- Dance Team (Captain), Key
Club, Red Alert, Yearbook, Student Council,
*Crystal St. John- Key Club, Youth Group,
Teen De tiny, Religion Clas Teacher
* Christiane Stagg- Printmaking Club,
Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra
(Vice-President). Young Dems,
Political Action Club, Drama, .H.S.
* Amanda Starling- .H.S., Photography,
* Adam Steingberg- Football, Student
Council, Cross Country, Wrestling
* James Stevens- .H.S .. Baseball , Soccer
* Emily Stipek- Volleyball, Ba ketball,
Softball. .H.S., Mis Bradford,
Ycarbook.Red Alert.
Student Council, Powderpuff,
* Jennifer Stone- Key Club, Student
Council, .H.S., Spanish Club, S.A.D.D.,
* Christopher Strangberg- Golf
* Katie Sullivan- Choir
* Bethany Swisher- Cheerleading, Soccer
*Benjamin Tenuta- Var ity Golf. Varsity
* Kristen Thompson- .H.S., Chamber
Orchestra. Symphonic Orchestra
* Sarah Thomsen- Honor Roll
* Whitney Tilsner- Key Club, .H.S ..
S.A.D.D. Student Council. Spani h
Club, Drama
*Heriberto Tobia - Varsity Soccer, Art
* Ashley Tobin- Swimming, Marketing,
Stagecraft, Diving
* Cheryl Trimmel- Band Honor Roll
*Marlon Tucker- Basketball, Po itive
Bradford Men
* Katie Turnock- Swimming, Soccer
* Kathryn Valenti- Golf, Softball
* Heydi Valladares- Soccer
*Tiffany Vaughan- Stagecraft
* Jazmyn Vaughn- Dance Team, Bradford's
Finest, Yearbook
* Janice Venegas- A Cappella Choir, Dance
* Katelyn Verbick- Softball. Yearbook
* Michael Vidas- Soccer (Captain), Quiz
Bowl. Model U. .. J.V. Tenni , Marketing,
Student Council
* Rachel Vines- Choir
*Kevin Vrevich- N.H.S. (Vice President),
Chamber Orchestra, Model U. ., Political
Action Club, Key Club
*Felicia Waddell- Drama, Choir
* Kally Jo Wagner- Stage Management
* Kira Walter - Choir, Drama
* Meribeth Wamboldt- Swim Team, Key Club
* James Warner- DECA C.E.O., Student
Council (President), Football, Track,
Orchestra, F.A.C.T., Retail
* Cortavia Weatheroy- Basketball, Marketing,
* Jes ica Weber- Choir, Powderpuff Football
*Ju tin Whitehead- Basketball, Positive
Bradford Men
* Rachel Wi e- Track, Cro s Country
* Annika Wi se- Dance
* Aaron Woeste- Football
* oah Wood- Model
* Xin Yin- Key Club, Homecoming King,
Model U.N.
* Dione Young- Ba ketball (Captain),
Tutoring, Track, Prom Court, Po itive
Bradford Men
* David Zapata- Wre tling, Volleyball
* Matthew Zeller- N.H.S. (Pre ident), Political
Action Club.Model U. . (Teamleader),
Student Council
* Alec Zie emer- .H.S. , Chamber Orchestra,
Orche tra Boosters, Photography Club
*Joshua Zinner- Var ity Track, Infra Red
G.M., N.H.S. ,Yearbook
*Rebecca Zwiefelhofer- Soccer, Volleyball,
DECA, F.A.C.T., Forensics, Student
Council, Homecoming Court,
Marketing, N.H.S., Yearbook, Model U.N.
ABRAHAM 0 , , Cayce:
Presidential, Acad mic Exe Hence
AGNER, Emily: Bradford Guidance
Department cholarship 200,
Presidential, Academic Excellence
ALBERT, tacie: Presidential
Academic Excellence
A DERSO , Richard: Outstanding
Achievement on ACT Scores =>30
and or AT cores =>1320,
Presidential, cademic Excellence
DRIA OVA, Alexandra:
PresidentiaL Academic Exe Hence
AT . ' OFF, Jennifer: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
B KER, Rachael : Presidential
Academic Excellence
BALIGA, isha: Academic Skills
Challenge, Presidential Academic
BARNES, Rosa: Academic kills
Challenge, Marquette niversity
Ignatiu Academic Di tinction
cholarship 32,000,
Distinction Scholarship 32 ,000,
Marquette niversity Magis
cholarship for Leadership $4,000 ,
Presidential Academic Excellence
BEA CHEMI , Gabri lle: Bradford
pani h Club cholarship ,
Pre id ntial cademic Excellenc
BEBE , Yvette: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation Scholarship
wards- ocial tudies, Acad mic
kills Challenge, Marquette
niver ity Ignatius Academic
E 'Cell nee cholarship 36,000,
Milwaukee chool of Engineering
Acad mic cholarship 48,000 ,
Outstanding Achievement on ACT
cores =>30 and or SAT cores
=> 1320, Pre identiaL Academic
Excellence, Purdue University
Academic Succe s Award 14,100,
Wis . HEAB Academic Excellenc
BE 0 , andy: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
BIEKER, Amanda : 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation Scholarship
Awards-Italia, Bradford Italian
Language & Culture Award 50
BILOTTA, Salvatore: Bradford
English Dept Persona Grata
BI GROVE, amantha: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
BLISE, Damon: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
BORMAN, Kaitlyn: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
BRIGGS, Michael: Ohio Dominican
niversity Award 28,00, cholarship
America c Johnson Fund, Inc. ons
and Daughters cholarship 4,000
BRI ·KMAN, amantha :
Pre idential Academic Excellence
CESCHii , Adam: Chicago College
of Performing Arts Conservatory
Award 28,000, Presidential/
Academic Excellence, Roosevelt
niversity Performing Arte; Award
CHEEMA, Ayesha: Aurora Health
lumni ssoc. Class
Care 500, BH
of 1955 cholarship 1,000,
Bradford Perfect Attendance 4 years
50, Mary Lou Mahone Youth
cholars Award 1,000, National
Guard $20,000, Presidential/
Academic Excellence, Scott Lee
Engberg Memorial 1,500
CLAY, Elizab th: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
CU E, Richard: Pre idential/
Academic Excellence
RO K, Robert: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
DAHL, Allison: Jam s Jacob esser
'M morial Scholarship 100,
Presidential Academic Excellence
DA IEL, Katie: Outstanding
chievment on CT Scores =>30
and or SAT cores =>1320 ,
Presid ntial/ Academic Excellence,
The lara Abbott Foundation
cholar hip 3,000
DECHIARA, Olivia: Bradford
Guidance Department ' cholarship
DEGE ER, Kimberly: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship
wards-Physical Ed ., Kenosha
Athletic cholarship Foundation
Donna Wolf Steigerwaldt/Jockey
International 2006 Award 750,
Presidential. Acad mic Excellence,
University of Wisconsin Parkside
Athletic cholarship 25,000
DI , Kaylee: Community Impact
cholarship 600, EFK (Education
Majors) 6,000, Presidential/
Academic Excellence
ERDALL, Charlie: Bradford French
Club 100, Pr sidential/ Academic
Excell nee
ERICKSO , Emily: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
E COBAR, Kristiena: Carthage
College 2006 Kenosha Oaks
cholarships 94,600 , E.C. tyberg
Engin ering Company cholarship
1,500, PresidentiaL Academic
Exe llenc
EVA , Brooke: Presidential
Academic Excellence
FORD, Lauren: Presidential
Academic Excellence, United States
Marine Corp mp r Fidelis Award
FRAZEE, Glenn: Ball tat
University Presidental cholarship
32,000, BI IS lumni ssoc. James
Zaleski Scholarship 2,500, Marquette
niversity Ignatius Acad mic
Excellence Scholarship 36,000,
Milwaukee chool of Engineering
Scholarship 40,000, Milwaukee
School Of Engin ring Presidential
Scholarship $4,000, Outstanding
Achievment on ACT Score =>30
and or SAT core =>1320,
Presidential, Academic Excellence,
Purdue niversity Academic uccess
ward 1 t,100, C Johnson Fund,
Inc. Sons and Daughters Scholarship
FREY, Paige: Presidential,
Academic Excellence
FRITZ, I a: Carthag College
Academic Honor cholarship
32,000, Carthage ollege Endowed
Scholarship 4,000, Presid ntiaL
Academic Excellence
GERLACH, Michael: Bradford FBLA
100, Bradford French Club 100,
Presid ntial Acad mic Exe llence
GILBERT, Katie: Bradford tudent
Council 250, Bradford Marketing
Group cholar hip 1,000
GILBERT 0 I, Amber: Kohls
Excellence OMI EE, Michigan
Technological University ational
cholarship of Distinction 48,000,
Presidential. Academic Excellence
GLORIA, V ronica: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
GLORIA, Yolanda: Presidential/
Academic Excellence, Winifr d
Farley Memorial cholarship 500
GO T HAROW, amantha: 2006
Kiwani Foundation cholarship
Award -Family/Consumer Ed
GRABOW KI, Jamie: Pre identiaL
Academic Excellence
G IDA, D siree: Presidential
Academic Excellence
HABERLE, Micha l: Presid ntial/
Academic Excellence
HAGE , Katy: Presidential
Academic Excellence
HA EY, Rebecca: Bradf rel French
Club 50, Pre idential. Acad mic
Exe Hence
HART TE , Katelyn: T&T
foundation Scholarship 10,000,
Carthage College 2006 Kenosha Oaks
Scholarship 94,600, Carthag
Colleg Academic I Ionors
cholarship 32,000, arthag
College cholarship Finalist 1,000,
I I rb Kohl Educational Foundation,
Inc. 2006 Kohl Excellence Scholarship
1,000, Loyola niversity Trust
cholarship 20,000, Mayor's Youth
Commission 550, Presidential
Academic Excellence, Univer ity of
WI-Milwaukee College of Letters &
cience ew Direction cholarship
2,000, Wis. HEAB Academic
Excellence 9,000
HART TERN, Katherine: AT & T
Foundation cholarship 10,000,
Carthage College Academic Honors
cholarship 32,000, Carthage College
Endowed cholarship 4,000,
Carthage College cholarship Finalist
1 000 Herb Kohl Educational
Fo~nd~tion, Inc. 2006 Kohl
Excellence cholarship 1,000,
Marquette niversity Ignatiu
cademic Excellence cholarship
24,000, Mayor's Youth Commis ion
Award 500, Presidential/ Academic
Excellence, Rippion College
Presidential cholarship 48,000
HARTU G, Lance: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship
wards-Fr nch, 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship Awards-Math,
Outstanding Achievment on ACT
core =>30 and/or SAT cores
=> 1320, Presidential/ Academic
HA KE, Jo hua: Fleet Maintenance
Council of outhea tern Wiscon in
cholarship ward 1,000
HEI RICH, Troy: Presidential,
cademic Excellence, UAW Local 72
cholarship 500, Bradford Perfect
ttenclanc 3 Years
HE ER, Jennifer: Bradford Perf ct
Attendance 3 Years, Presidential/
Academic Excell nee
HICK , icole: Pre idential/
cademic Excell nee
HILL, Katherine: Bradford Dan e
P.E. 50, DuPage Figur kating lub
Joseph & Eleen rafine cholarship
1,000, KE
cholar hip 1,500,
Kenosha Junior Woman's Club
Scholarship 2,000, Marguett
niversity Ignatius Academic
Achi vment cholarship 24,000,
Marqu tte University Magis
Enhancement cholarship 4,000,
Pr id ntiaL Academic Excellence
HUD 0 , DeMario: Bradford
Perfect ttendan e 4 Years 50,
Pre idential cademic Excellenc
HU TER, anessa: Bradford
Marketing Group cholar hip 1,000,
Iowa tat
niv rsity Academic
Recognition ward 14,000,
Presidential/ cad mic E cell n 'e
JACOB, Mathew: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship
Awards-Band, Presidential/ Academic
JO E , Ang lo: ugustana College
Leadership in Cultural Diversity
cholar hip 12,000, Augustana
College Presidential cholarship
42,000, Bradford Encl Zone Club
500, Carthage ollege Endowed
cholarship "f,000, Carthage College
Presidential cholarship 28,000, Lake
Forest College College Presidential
cholarship 50,000, Lawrence
niversity Richard Warch Honor
cholarship 60,000, Many Lou
Mahone Youth cholars ward
1,000, Pre identiaL Academic
Excellence JO E , DamonAdam
Gundlach memorial 500, Bradford
Guidence Department cholarship
200, Bradford Practic Peace ward
250, Herman and Virginia Gundlach
cholar hip 1,000, K D Ahana
cholarship 400, Mary Lou Mahone
Youth holars ward 1,000 JO;.m ,
Tiara K D Ahana cholar hip 400,
Talladega Coll ge Dean , cholar hip
ward 25,000
KO I KI, Dylan: B loit Coll ge
Brannon cholarship 42,000, Beloit
College Dr. Ferwerda Tru tee
cholar hip 20,000, Beloit College
Grant (based on merit) 26,000,
Carthage College cademic Honor
cholarship 32,000, rathage ollege
Endowed cholarship 4,000,
PresidentiaL cademic Excellence
KREYE, arah: Pre id ntial
Academic Excell nee
KR EGER, Emily: 2006 Kiwanis
1u ical chivment R cognition
Award- ymphonic Orchestra,
cad mic kills Chall nge, Bradford
High chool al dictorian, :.\1odern
oodmen of merica Modern
Woodmen Frat rnal College
cholar hip 9,000, Outstanding
chievement on CT Scor s =>30
and or AT cores =>1320,
Presid ntial cademic Excellence, t.
Louis niver ity Deans' cholarship
44,000, ~ is. HE B caclemi
Exe llence 9,000
K PER, aron: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship
wards-English, cademic kilL
hall nge, Bradford IIigh chool
Salutatorian, Bradford Key Club 100,
Bradford Principal's Learder hip
Award 100, ational Merit
cholarship Finalist, 1 ational Merit
Scholarship ~ ortlnvestern University
8,000, utstanding Achievement on
ACT cores =>30 and or AT cores
=> 1320, Pre ·idential Academic
Excellence, nited tat s Marine Corp
, chola tic Excellence Award, is.
HEAB Academic E cellence 9,000
K PFER, Ryan: Outstanding
Achievement on CT Scores =>30
and or AT cor s =>1320,
Presid ntial/ Academic Excellence
LAMP D , I leather: Bradford Key
Club, Bradford Spanish Club
cholarship 100, Presid ntial/
Academic Excellence
LAR 0 , Katie: Bradford Dance
P.E. $50
LAZAREVIC, Marko: Academic Skills
Challenge, BHS Alumni Assoc. James
Zaleski cholarship 2,500,
Outstanding Achievement on ACT
Scores =>30 and/or AT, cores
=> 1320, Presidential Academic
L KA, Stephanie: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
MACKE ZIE, Tim: Carthage College
Academic Honors Scholarship
32,000, Carthage Endowed
Scholarship 1,000, Carthage ollege
Music cholarship 8,000, Manny
Mitka 3'± 1, Presidential, Academic
MA A, Kelly: t. orbert College
Rev. Dennis M. Burke ward 6,500,
't. orb rt College Van Dyke Award
MARTI ·ELLI, Melissa: Presid ntial/
Academic Excellence
MARTI EZ, Yesenia: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
MA SIE, Heather: Bradford Dance
P.E. 50
MATALA , David: Bradford
Wre tling upport Club Scholarship
500, Emily K. Lauer Memorial
cholarship 800
I 2
MAY, Sara: Carthage College
Endowed Scholarship 4,000,
Presidential, Academic Excellence
MCCOY, Alexandria: Bradford
Guidan e Department Scholarship
MCCRAY, Jennifer: Carthage
College Academic Honors
Scholarship 32,000 Carthage College
colarship Finalsit 1,000,
Presidential, Academic Excellence,
outhwest Baptist Cniversity Ingman
Distinguished cholars Award 24,000
Out ·randing Achivment on CT
cores =>30 and or SAT cores
=> 1320, Presidential/Academic
Excellence, niversity of WI-Eau
Claire Cohan tring Division
, cholarship 1,500, University of
WI-Parkside Music Department
cholarship 800, niversity of
WI-Stevens Point Central WI
Symphony Orchestra. Guild
Scholarship 1,000, niversity of
WI- tevens Point Music Department
Scholarship 2,000
MEO-MARTI EZ, Kathleen:
Bradford Spanish Club Scholar hip
100, Presidential, cademic
MERLI , Eric: Pre idential/
Academic Excellence
MILLS, Kristen: Bradford Dance P.E.
MI KI, Alan: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
EL 0 , icholas: 2006 Kiwanis
Mu ical Achievement Recognition
Awards-Chior, Presidential/ Academic
ORDLOH, Abigail: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
DI, Rachael: Bradford Dance P.E.
ORELLA A, Dennis: Herb Kohl
Educational Foundation Initiative
cholarship 1,000, Herman and
ergina Gundlach Scholarship 1,000
OSTROWSKI, Elizabeth: Carthage
Colleg Academic Honors
cholar hip 32,000, Carthage College
Endowed cholarship 1,000, Iowa
tate University ward for
Competitive Excellence (ACE)
20,000, Marquette University
Ignatius Academic Excellence
cholarship 36,000, Presidential/
Academic Excellence
PA LICK, Jeffrey: Pr sidential/
Academic Excellence
PERMAN, Shannon: Presidential
Academic Excellence
PERRI E, Louis: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
PERRI E, icholas: Academic kills
hallenge, Bradford panish lub
cholarship 100,
cholarship 100, Presidential
Academic Excellence, St. Louis
University Scholarship 32,000,
United Food & Commercial Workers
nion (UFCW) Local 1444
Racine. Keno ·ha Area Scholarship
500, niversity of WI-Madison
( ollege of Ag & Lif Science) Merit
cholar 1,500, niversity of
WI-Madison (College of Ag & Life
Science) Ruth & arl Miller Academic
Merit Award 1,500
PRATER, Monique: Bradford
Guidance Department cholarship
PRICE , Mary Elizab th: Bradford
Guidence Departm nt Scholarship
200, Brigham Young niversity
Award of Excellence 7 2, Burger
King cholarship 1,000, Presidential
cademic Excellence
RAMCIIE K, Ashly: Bradford Dance
P.E. 50, Presidential Academic
RAVNIKAR, atasha: Presidential
Academic Excellence
REA , Amanda: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation Scholarship
REITERMAN, Kristopher: ational
Junior College Athletic Association
cholarship 12,000
RICHARD 0 , Elissa: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship
Awards-Performing Arts, BH Alumni
Assoc. Richard Johnson 1emorial
Scholarship · 2,000, BHS Alumni
Assoc. Valiere Anderson Peters n
Memorial colarship 500, Drake
University Fin Arts Cholarship
Theater 16,000, Drake niversity
Presidential Scholar 34,000, Drake
niversity Trustee Scholarship <±,000,
Kenosha PTA Council- Metta Tremper
cholarship 500, utstanding
chievement on ACT cores =>30
and or AT => 1320, Presidential.
Academic Excellence, niversity of
Evansville Trustee Scholarship
89,480, niv rsity of
Minnesota-Twin ities Gopher State
cholarship 2,000, niversity of
Minnesota-Twin ities Study Abroad
cholarship 1,000, Wis. HEAB
Academic Excell nee 50
ROMA 0, Meghan: Bradford
French Club $50, Bradford Girls
Swimming 100
R FFOLO, Maria: Presidential/
Academic Excellence
RU 0 , Sheila: Bradford French
Club 50, Presidential, Academic
SAFFELL, Kyl : Presid ntial/
Academi Excellence, United Stated
Army ROTC Scholarship and Olivnet
. azarene University 100,000
A CHEZ, Gustavo: Herman and
Verginia Gundlach Scholarship 1,000
SA AGLIO, Markus: Presidential,
Academic Excellence, Unity Lodge
=367 F.&A.M.
EP LVEDA, Jonathan: Presidential
Academic Excell nee
SHAH, agar: Bradford Key Club,
Marquette niversity Ignatius
Academic Achievement Scholarship
24,000, Presidential/ Academic
Excellence, t. Louis niversity
Ignatian Scholarship 18,000,
l'niver ity of Minn sota Maroon
_ ational cholarship 30,000
SHEET , Michael: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation Scholarship
Awards-Technology Ed.
SHEFF, athan: Outstanding
Achievement on A T Scores =>30
and/or AT =>1320, Presidential/
Academic Excellence
I SIO , James: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation Scholarship
Awards-Visual Arts
MITH, Jacob: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation Scholarship
Awards-Band, Presidential, cademic
S ODGRA , Eric: BHS Alumni
Assoc. Agnes M. Sorenson
SCholarship 1,000, Kenosha PTA
Council- Metta Tremper Scholarship
SPECHT, Stephanie: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship
h.:rads-Busin ss
ST. JOH , Crystal: Bradford Dance
P.E. 50
STAGG, Christiane: 2006 Kiwanis
Musical Achivment R cognition
Awards- ymphonic Orcgestra,
ational Sch ol Orchestra Award
STARLI G, Amanda:
Presidential/Academic Excellence
STEVE. S, James: College Endowed
cholarship 1,000, Carthage College
Presidential Scholarship 7,000,
Presidential Academic Excellence
STIPEK, Emily: BHS Alumni Assoc.
Robert Bradshaw Memorial
Scholarship 1,050, Bradford Practice
Peace Award 250,
Presidential/Academic Excellence
TO E, Jennifer: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation Paul Jaeger Key Club
Scholarship Award 1,000, 2006
Kiwanis Foundation cholarship
Awards-Science, 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship
Awards- panish, BH Alumni ssoc.
Phil ander Memorial Scholarship
2,000, Bradford Key Club 250,
Bradford ' panish Club 100,
Marquette University Ignatius
Academic Excellence Scholarship
36,000, Outstanding Achivment on
ACT Scores =>30 and/or SAT cores
=>1320, Presidential Acad mic
TE T , Benjamin:
Presidential Academic Excellence,
United tares Marine Corp
Distinguished Athlete Award
THOMPSO , Kristen:
Presidential/Acad mic Exe Hence
TIL ER, Whitney: Bradford Key
Club 200, Bradford panish Club
cholarship 100,
Presid ntial Academic Excellence
TR KHACI IOV, Andriy: Bradford
Italian Language & Culture Award
T CKER, Marlon: Black College
Expo First Place Winner cholarship
VAUGH , Jazsmyn: Talladega
College Dean cholarship ward
VE EGA , Janice: Bradford Dance
P.E. 50
YID S, Michael: cademic kills
Challenge, arthage College Hay
cholarship 70,952,
Presidential cademic Excellence
VIRTO, Genaro: Herman and
Virginia Gundlach cholarship 1,000
VREVICH, Kevin: Bradford French
Club 50, utstanding Achivment on
ACT Scores =>30 and/ or SAT Scor s
=>1320, Presidential. cademic
W LTER , Kira: 2006 Kiwanis
Musical 'hievement Recognition
Awards- hior, Presidential Academic
E cellence
WAMBOLDT, Ieribeth:
Presidential Acad mic Excellence
W R ER JR., Jam s: 2006 Kiwanis
cholarship Awards-Marketing,
Bradford tudent ouncil 250,
Pre'>idential Academic Excellence
WEATHEROY, Cortavia: 2006
Kiwains Foundation Scholarship
Awards-Physical Ed
WHITEHE D, Justin: Bradford
Perfect Attendance 1 year, niversity
College of Bisiness Administration
cholarship 1,500, Marquette
University Ignatius Academic
Distinction cholarship 32,000,
Presidential/Academic Excellence
WISE, Rachel: Presidential.
cademic Excellence
YI , Xin: Bradford Key Club 100,
Marquette University Ignatius
Academic Excellence cholarship
36,000, Marquette niversity
Klingler Arts and Sciences cholar
Award 20 ,000, ational Merit
Scholarship Corporation A.B. Modine
cholarship 10,000, Outstanding
Achievement on ACT cores =>30
and or AT cores =>1320,
Presidential Academic Excellence,
Roben R. Mecormick chool of
Enginering and Applied cience of
orthwe tern University Ford Dean's
cholar, University of \X'I-Madison
Freshman cademic chievement
Award 1,000
G, Dione: 2006 Kiwanis
Foundation cholarship
Awards-School Leadership , Black
College Expo Finalist 100, Mary Lou
Mahone Youth cholars Award
ZELLER, Mathew: Outstanding
Achievement on ACT cores =>30
and or AT cores =>1320,
Presidential, Academic Excell nee
Pr sidential cademic Excellence
ER, Joshua:
Presidential Academic Excellence
Alumni As oc. George Limp rt
Memorial cholarship 2,000,
Bradford Guidence Department
cholarship 200, KAB Bradford
High chool cholarship 2, 500, KE
cholarship, Mary Lou Mahone Youth
cholars Award 1,000,
Presidential cad mic Excellence
Student Name Index
-A.._ _ .,.
Abrahamson, Cayce 4
Acance, Jeffery 171
Aceto, ameron 18
Achtemeier, Marquette 26
Acosta, Juan 26
Adam, Steinberg 10
Adams, Samuel 12, 39, S7, 62, 142,
Adam , Tiffany 26
Adamson, April 127, 173
Adamson, Brian 18, 78
Adelsen, Ariel 26, 72, 73, 100, 101
Adelsen, Kelly 26, 16S
Adel en, Lindsey 16S
Agner, Emily 4, S, 88, 146, 180
Aguila-Parker, Christopher 18
Aguilar, Alma 126
Aguirre, Yaneth 12
Ahem, Tom 32
Ahmad, Reema 18
Ahmed, Na if 12, 93, 127, 141
Aiken, Matthew 4
Akerlund, Steven 12
Akins, Ashley 26
Albert, Sean 18
Albert, Stacie 4, 208
Albert, Zachary 18
Albright, Jake 26
Aldana, Joaquin 26
Alfano, Gina 18
Allan, Rachel 18
Allen, Casandra 12
Allen, Jasmine 18, 140, lSS
Allen, Jo lyne 18, 89
Allen, Kerra 18, S7, 149
Allen, Robert 126
Allen, teven 12
Aile , Nathaniel 26
Almanza, Cornelio 18
Almanza, Efrain 171
Altreuther, Steven 18, 63, 87
Alvarez, Jordan 26
Alvarez, Mercedes 18
Ambro ini, Ariel 26
Ambrowiak, Gloria 26
Ambrowiak, Jo eph 12, 146, 163
Ames, Dannielle 26, lSl
Andersen, Kylie 12, lSO
Ander on, Amanda lSl
Anderson, Cindy 26
Ander on, Danielle 18
Anderson, Janelle 18
Anderson, Kyra lSl
Ander on, Lind ey 171
Anderson, Rachael 4, 18, 114, 172
Ander on, Rachel 4, S4, 146
Anderson, Richard 4, 116, 118, 1S6,
Anderson, Stephanie 18
Andreoli, Krystina 18, 34, 41, 44,
Andreoli, Nichola 12
Annina, Ralph 126
Anquiano, arai 113
Antony, Karen 12
Apo toli, Gabrielle 12, 74, 7S, 13S
Applegate, Steven 12, 117
Aragon, Je ica 26
Arendt, Ale ha 12, lSO
Armstrong, Shane 18, 108, 109
Arne on, Julie 116, 126
lakson, Mark 67, 126
Atanasoff, Jennifer 4
Atkins, Jonathan 26
Augu tine, Brittney 26, lSl
Ault, David 26
Ausloos, Andrew 26
Avila, Ivette 26
Avila, Lidia 12
Ayers, Scott 18, 87
Bagley, Lynnise 26
Baguio, Ashley 12, lSO
Baguio, Kahala 26
Baguio, Kalani 26
Bailey, Rachael 26
Bair, Kayla 18
Baker, Brianna 26
Baker, Michael 4, 117
Baker, Nicholas 18
Baker, Rachel 4, 113
Baker, Ted 4, SS, 8S, 127, 166
Baldwin, Aa'Sye'Ya 12, 14
Baldwin, Rachael 18, 96, 97, lSO
Baliga, Nisha 46, 137, 139, 146, 147,
Balk, Hannah 18, 4S
Ball, Latrice 26
Bambrough, Haley 18
Bamrungratana, Corinna 2S
Banta, Paul 4
Barca, Abrianna 12, 74, 7S, lOS,
Barden, Jacob 26
Bardwell, Trent 86
Bargender, Christine 26
Barker, Jack on 26
Barker, Jeremy 18
Barker, Kevin 12
Barker, Ray Charle 26
Barnes, Karra 2
Barnes, Maria 18, S7, 146
Barnes, Rosa 4, 4S, 60, 74, 7S, llS,
Barrera, Tere ita 18
Barry, Sandra 126
Barsuli, Nicholas 12
Bartholomew, Michael 62, 126
Bartley, Keli 26
Batter by, Thoma 26
Bauman, Taylor 26
Bautista, Gilberto 18
Baxter, Ashley 12
Beal, Alexander 12, 60, 64, 6S
Beard, John 12
Beard, Nataisja 12
Beauchemin, Gabielle 4
Beben, Michael 26
Beben, Yvette 4, 8, 7S, llS, 118,
137, 149,174,176
Becker, Chri topher 18
Becker, Kayla 18
Becker, Lea 12
Beckius, Travis 12, 16, 103
Bednar, Charde 4
Bedolla, David 12
Bedolla, Maria Adelaida 12
Behling, Stephen 12
Belcher, Nicole 18
Belding, icholas 12
Bell, Francesca 26
Bella, Chri topher 12, 62
Bella, Ryan 18
Belle, Shallun 12
Belotti, Justin 12, S9, 62, 63, llS
Belsky, Erik 18, lSO
Bender, Matthew 26, 68, 69
Bennett, Marlena 18, S7
Bezotte, Randy 18
Bieker, Jo hua 12, 122
Bilotta, alvatore 4, S, 117
Bingham, Tyler 2
Binotto, David 12
Binotto, Kelly 26
Birch, Kyle 12
Birch, Phillip 4
Birkholz, Paul 63
Bisciglia, Brenden 18, 71, 108, 109
Bisgrove, Samantha 4, SS, 100, 101,
110, llS
Bishop, Andrew 109
Bishop, Judith 126
Biunner, Ally on 136
Blackford, Kelsie 18
Blaisdell, Courtney 18
Blalock, Michael 18, 63
Blauser, Zachary 18
Blazavier, Addyrose 26
Blazavier, Beauregard 18, 63
Blaziewske, Breanna 4, lSO, 171,
Blaziew ke, Timothy 18
Blexu, Michael 117
Blise, Damon 4, 111, 169
Blommel, Amanda 12, 122
Blonski, aron 26
Blon ki, Adam 18
Bobeck, Corey 18
Bobeck, Heather 4, 41, 4S, 14S, lSO
Bohanon, Jasmine 18
bolma, Edward 143
Bolton, Robert 26
Bolyard, Craig 12, 68, 69, 137, 146
Boman, Kaitlyn 88
Bonanno, Lauren 18
Booker, Darianna 18, lSl
Booker, De iraee lSl
Boozer, Jeffrey 19, 36
Borman, Kaitlyn 61, 76, 77, 88, 89,
Borman, Richard 26
Boscia, Kayla 19
Bouse, Casey 26
Bowen, icholas 12
Bowhall, ichola 12
Bowman, Angelina 19
Boyer, Seth 4, 8, 170
Bradford, Brittany 19, 127
Brandt, Rebecca 33
Brantley, Ashley 12
Braschko, icbolas 117
Bredin, Todd 19, 149
Brems, Hannah 12, 14, 88, 127
Briggs, Michael 4, S, 70, 71, 86, 87,
Brinkman, Kylee 26, lSl
Brinkman, Patrick 12, 64, 13S
Brinkman, Samantha 4, 90, 91, 208
Brinkman, Taylor 26
Britt, Lakeidric 87
Brockwell, Lani 126
Broderick, Kim 126
Broescb, Michael 26
Brooks, Jelissa 26
Brown, Alicia 19
Brown, Ciara 26
Brown, icbole 4
Brown, Wesley lSO
Bruneo, Anastasia 4
Brunner, Allyson 3, 26, 28
Bryan, Carl 19
Brzezin ki, Brittney 26
Brzezinski, Emily 27
Bucko, Christine 19
Buckson, Anthony 27
Bueno, 0 car 19
Buffamonte, Ryan 3, 19
BuJlis, Raebel 19, 67
Bullock, Candise 12, 122, 163
Bundies, Zachary 12
Burger, Jeff S3, 126, 132
Burgher, Amy 126
Buska, Laura 12, 4S, ISO
Bu e, Megan 19
Butterfield, ean 4, 7, 115
Butts, Kandace 19, 37, lSl
Bytnar, Patricia 126
Cabanas, alini 19
Cadavid, Andrea 27
Calderon, Dawil a 4, 10
Calderon, Manuel 19
Calderwood, David 27
Calero, Amber 27
Callahan, Joshua 12
Campbell, Jessica 12, 19
Canne tra, Mary 12
Cappelen, A hley 4, lSO
Carbone, Alyssa 27, 136
Carlini, Emily 27, lSl
Carlsen, Mary 126
Caronti, Emily 19, 89
Carpenter, Beverly 126
Carpenter, Je ica 19
Carpenter, Kyle 12
Carpentier, Christopher 19
Carr, Alexander 19
Carr, Alexandria 27
Carr, Alli on S, 116
Carrasco, Hector 13, 86
Carrubba, David 27
Student Name Index
Carson, Ariel 19
Carter, Eric 27
Carter, hayla 19, 113, lSl, 163
Castaneda, Abraham 19
Castaneda, Mari ela 19
Castillo, ictoria 27
Ceja, Mayra 13
Cerda, Veronica 13
Cermak, Amy 126
Cerminara, Ju tin S
Cervandes, Joselin 19
Cervantes, Fabian 27
Cervantes, Ignacio 27
Ceschin, Adam S, S4, S6, lSO, 1S2,
Ce chin, Katherine S
Ceschine, Adam 34
Chamblee, Shawntell 13
Champagne, Ave 27, lSl
Champagne, Charlita 13, 88, 89, 97,
Chapman, Michael S
Chase, Nicollette 19
Chatman, Charles 126
Chatman, Chel ea 19, 113
Chatman, Gloria 126, 1S9
Chatman, Samantha 114
Cheema, Ayesha S, 171, 180
Cheema, Mehmood 19, 139
Cheschin, Adam 49
Chiappetta, Jenna 19, 136
Chopp, Jake 19, S7
Chopp, Sara 11
Christiansen, Heather 27, 149
Christie, Hope 12, 13, 66, 67, 97,
Chwala, Matthew 19, 62, 87
Clark, Anthony 19, 63, 162
Clark, Joshua 13, lSl
Clark, Rachel 19
Clay, Kadie 19
Cline, Richard S
Cochran, Ross 62, 169
Colboth, Alyssa 27
Cole, Leanor 94
Collins, Carolyn 13, 48
Collin , Emily 19
Collins, Franci S
Conforti, Lucy 89
Conner, Nicole S
Conner, Timothy 27
Conrad, Margueritte 126
Cook, Jennifer 13, 44, 67, lSO
Cooksey, Lena 126
Cooper, Jordan S, S3, 169, 208
Cooper, Ramone 27
Corao, Ashley 122
Cornelius, Kenesha 19
Corona, Julio 27, 139
Corrao, Anthony 13
Corrao, Ashley 13
Corrao, Eric 27
Cortez, OsuaJdo 27
Cosentino, Cassidy 19
Covelli, Stephanie 13
Cramer, Matthew 13
Crane, Michael 27
Craymond, Joseph 27
Creekmore, Katelyn 2, 13
Cremona, Nicole 19, 67, lSl
Cronk, Robert 5, 9
Cronk, Stephanie 27
Crosiar, Ryan 13
Cross, Matthew 2, S, 6, 208
Cruz, Maria 19, 27
Cruz, Michelle S
Cruz, Salvador 13
Cruz, Veronica 13
Cuff, Aaron 9
Culver, Raven 19
Cummings, Jamie 19, 127
Cunningham, Charle 27
Curtin, Caitlin 13
Curtis, Angela S, 170, 173
Curti , Megan 19
Cutrer, Dominique 62
-Dahl, Allison 5, 3S, llS, lSO, 172
Dahl, Bryan 19, 63
DahJ, Valerie 19, 22, 48, llS
DaJton, Paradise 19
Daniel, Katie S, 146
Daniels, Brittany 13, 42, 43, 150
Daniels, Zachary 14, 64, 6S, 122,
Danielson, Heather 19
Dar, Rashid 13, 62, 137
Dar, Umer 19, 63, 137
Darden, Jameia 19
Darden, Treadell 27
David, Meagan 27
Davidson, Charlie 19, 63, 87
Davidson, Kenneth 27
Davis, Elizabeth 27
Davis, Felicia 126
Davis, Katherine 27
Davis, Scena 19, 162
Day, Marla 32
Day, Tony 19
Days, Willie 126
De Leon, Jaritza 19
De Ro e, Michael 13
De Vroy, Kathryn 13
Deaton, Landon 19
Debartolo, Doria 27, lSl
Debe, Oliver 27, 48, 151
Dechiara, Olivia S
Defiore, Jake 27
Degener, Kimberly S, 66, 67
Degroot, Michael 27
Dehrer, Maria 96
Delatorre, Hernan 13
Delatorre, Jessica 19
Delcore, Austin S, 117
Deleon, Roberto 27
Demoe, Joseph 27
Denny, Dustin 13, 64, 86, 122
Denny, Noah 27
Derose, Mark 19
Deseife, Leah 27
Deskins, Kelly 13
Devine, Christopher 13, 146
Devine, Ian 63
Devoe, Chivaughnne 13
DeVroy, Kathryn 149
DeWitt, Dana 150
Diaz, Kayle-Cera 19
Diaz, Marco 13
Diaz, Norberto 13
Dieter, RandaJ 63
Dirks, Steven 27
Dix, Kaylee S, SS, 58, 88, 112, llS,
116, 1S9, 168
Dixon, Stephanie 13
Djukic, Tomislav 9
Djurickovic, Peter 26, 27, 63
Djurickovic, Rebecca 89, 126, 132
Djurickovic, Stevan 13, S9, 62, 63,
Dohnal, Joyce 126
Dolan, Patricia 126
Dollmeyer, Stephanie 27
Dominguez, Chelsea 19, lSO
Donalds, Andrew 13, 86
Donaubauer, Ericka 73
Donnell, Joyce 132
Donnelly, Loretta 13, 113, 163
Dony, William 27
Dorau, Nicholas 27
Dorsey, Devin 27
Do emagen, Alexandra 19, lSl
Doss, Ashley 27
Draeger, Josie 126
Drazewski, Andrew 19, 37
Dreger, Ian 13
Dresen, Crystal 19
Driver, Antoinette 13, 67, 88, 1S9
Driver, Monique 13, 67, 88, 139,
Drysdale, Nathan 13, 48, 62
Dudley, Jason 19
Dudley, Lauren 27
DunJap, Ariel 3, 27, 184
Dunn, Kelly 19
Dusenberry, Kevin 48
Eaheart, Amy S, 10, lSO
Eaton, Christopher 13
Ebener, Michael 27, 63
Ebert, Chad 19, 146
Eckhardt, Ryan 27
Eclarinal, Briann 27, lSl
EclarinaJ, Karissa 19
Edge, Amber 13, S9, 122
Edquist, Jack 13, 106, 107, llS, 169
Edquist, Samantha 27, 120
Edwards, Brooke 27
Edwards, Craig 13, 62
Eggleton, Holly 27
Ekstrom, Kayla 27, lSl
Eldridge, Angela 13, 122
Eldridge, Eugene 27
Eldridge, Joseph 19
Eliasson, Janet 27
Eilertson, Kevin 13, 62, 112, 117
Ellis, Kristin 13, 42, S4, 146
Elrod, Christopher S
Emon, Elizabeth 13, 73
Emon, Joseph 27
Emon, Kyle 27
Englund, Ernie 126
Ensor, Steven 19
Erdall, Charlie 3, S, 78, 79, 115,
163, 17S,176
Erganian, Johnathan 11
Erickson, Emily S, 8, 146
Erickson, John 62
Erskine, Brent S, 113, 2ll8
Escabedo, Joshua 166
Escobar, Kathryn 27, 48, lSl
Escobar, Kristiena S, 11, 48, lSO
Escobedo, Salvador 13
Esquivel, Jesse 27
Estill, Melanie 19
Estill, Victor 27
Evangeli ta, Javier 13
Evans, Brooke S, lSO
Ewald, Joseph 19, 87
Eyvaz, Henreda S, 141
Eyvaz, Hrayr 19
Fabiano, Sara 19, lSl
Fahrenkrug, Eric 13, 117
Fair, Gearldine 126
Falstad, Courtney 13, 122
Fapso, Christina 13, 113
Farero, Jame 19
Farfalla, Natalie 12, 13
Farhan, Aziza 27
Fedro, Dillon 27
Fedro, Ryne 13, 12S
Feest, Michael 19
Felland, Alexander 13
Felske, Daniel 19
Fenn-Schrake, Natalie 19
Fennell, Alexander S
Ferda, Nathan 13, 38, 39, 42, 48,
Fergus, Martha 128
Ferguson, Brittney 19
Ferraro, Tara 19, lSl
Feuker, Sarah 13, 38, lSO
Fickenscher, Dan 3S
Fickenscher, Daniel 13, 62, 137, 150
Figueroa, Vane sa 19
Filippelli, Alessandra 19
Finnigan, MaJlory 27
Fischer, Judithann 128
Fisher, Stephanie 6
Fistler, Leigh 3, 13
Flesch, Christopher 19
Florez, Israel 19
Ford, Lauren 6, 10, 11, S2, S3, 116,
146, 147
Foreman, Kayleigh 13
Fornaris, Christopher 19
Foster, Edward 93
Foster, Elisabeth 13, 16
Fraley, Michaela 128
Franciosi, Natalie 13
FrankJin, Deon 20, 62, 87
Student Name Index
Franks, Marissa 20, 113
Frazee, Andrew 27, 70, 71, lSl
Frazee, Glenn 6, 9, 70, 71, lSO, 181
Frazier, Patrick 118
Frederick, Jeff 13
Frederick, Josh 13
Frederick, Terry 27
Freng, Jessica 27, lSl
Freng, Kaitlin 13, lSO
Frey, Jordan 27
Frey, Paige s, 6, S4, 72, 73, 13S, 180
Friedrich, Christine 13
Fritz, Heidi 20, 113, 114, 149
Fritz, Isa 6, 113, 114, 149, lSS, 177
Frizzle, Shantrice 6
Froh, Melissa 13
Frost, Jane 128
Frtiz, Isa S
Funk, Brittany 27
Gagnon, Corinne 13
Gaines, Carlton 13, 116
Gaitan, Sandra 13
Gallion, Katelin 6
Gallo, Andrew 13, 62, 146
Galloway, Justyn 27
Gapen, Daniel 6
Garcia, Andrea 27, 32
Garcia, Francisco 64
Garcia, Regina 20
Garcia, Seferino 20
Garcia, Sergio 27
Gardinier, Brett 20
Garland, Mark 27
Garner, Mari 27
Garnett, Sarah 20
Garza, Curtis 27
Garza, Lisa 27, 141
Gascoigne, Breanna 27
Gasiorkiewicz, Jana 128
Gasparin, Daniel 20
Gastaldi, Lauren 12, 13, S9, 112,
122, lSO
Gastaldi, Matthew 13, 14S, lSO
Gauler, Robert 20, 116, 198
Gayden, Montoya 67, 1S9
Gayden, Travis 27
Geb, Elias 20
Gehring, Jenna 13, llS
Geiger, Scott 27, lSl
Geisler, Kimberly 13, 34, 49, SO, 97,
137, lSO
Gelden, Andrew 13, 14, 84
Gemig, Jeremy 128
Gename, Danielle 20, 123
George, Bryan 3, 13, 121
Gerlach, David 20
Gerlach, Michael 6, 39, 149, 160,
German, Ja min 27
Gerou, Kaley 28, lSl
Ghoca, Mitch 128
Gibson, Adrian 20
Gibson, Sanitra 20
Gibson, Shadae 13, S4
Gidcumb, Jessica 26, 28
Gilbert, Heather 6, 10, 36
Gilbert, Kathleen 6, S4, 164
Gilbertson, Amber 6, 100, 101
Gilbertson, Garrett 20
Gildenstern, Brian 28
Gill, Michael 13, lSl
Gill, Nichola 20, 138
Gilliland, Stacy 20, 2S, lSl
Gilmore, De'Jorra lSl
Gior, Joseph 13
Giovanelli, Trevor 20, 163
Gitzlaff, Daniel 13, 62
Glass, Felicia 13, 16, 144, lSO
Gloria, Veronica 6
Gloria, Yolanda 6
Glover, Caroline 163
Goettge, Michelle 20, 82
Gomez, Cristabel 20
Gomez, Felicia 20
Gomez, Jesse 13, 149
Gontscharow, Christopher 28
Gonzales, Karlee 28, 32
Gonzales, Thomas 14
Gonzalez, Karlee lSl
Goodenough, Kayla 6
Gordon, Cory 63
Go al, Kiranpreet 28
Goze, Monica 14
Grabowski, Jamie 6, SS, 14S, 146,
Grammentz, Kyle 20
Grashen, Matthew 20, 69
Grashen, Racquel 14, 67, 96
Graves, Shakeeus 14
Gray, Spencer 28
Greco, Angelica 6
Greco, Autumn 28
Greco, Bianca 20
Green, Cynthia 20
Green, Marquis 32
Green, Monique 28
Green, Stephanie 6, 148, 149
Greening, Linda 137
Gregory, James 14
Griffin, Jamelia 28
Griffin, Jo hua 20
Griffin, Resheena 20, 89
Grim, Nathaniel 6
Grimes, Stephanie 28
Grimmer, ate 171
Grno, Cody 28
Grosse, Shawnell 128, 134
Grover, Jerrill 93
Gruss, Adam 14, 62
Grymkoski, Kayla 28
Guajardo, Adilene 14
Guderley, Glenn 28
Guerra, Ashley 14
Guida, Desiree 6, 170
Guidry, Courtney 20
Gulatz, Kathryn 20, 39
Gunderson, Cody 6
Gunder on, Katie 128
Gutierrez, Karen 14
Gutierrez, Karla 20
Guttormsen, Karen 109
Guttormsen, Kevin 109, 128
Gwinnup, Paul 20
Gyzen, Ashley 14
---:: ==Haberle, Michael 6, 103
Hackbarth, Joshua 14, S4, 14S, lSO
Haebig, Maureen 20, 34, lSO
Haebig, Philip 6, S9, 170
Hafen cher, Tristin 28, lSl
Haferman, Nicholas 14, 62
Hagen, Katy 6, 81
Hagerman, Michelle 14
Hagopian, Brittany 28
Haisler, Ron 128
Haley, Erin 20, lSl
Haley, Rebecca 14
Hamby, Kate 20
Hamby, Sera 6, 142
Hamilton, Aja 6, 8, 114
Hammad, Nidal 63
Hanan, Kristina 20
Haney, Rebecca 6, 7, 120
Hansen, Alyssa 28
Hansen, Kelly 28, 81
Han en, Kristina 28
Hansen, Tim 128
Haper, Donna 28
Harberle, Michael S3
Hardca tie, Nico 62
Harding, Elliotte 28, lSl
Hardy, Alexander 28
Hardy, Kelly 128
Hardy, Olivia 26, 28, 89
Harper, Donna 28
Harring, Emily 20, lSO
Harri , Kristina 28
Harris, Richanda 2, 14
Harris, Vincent 28
Harri on, Rachel 20
Hartfield, Jason 16S
Hartfield, Vonesha 20
Hartstern, Katelyn 6, 137, 149, 17S,
177, 181
Hartstern, Katherine 6, 137, 149,
Hartung, Lance 6, 149, 182
Harvey, Tyler 20, 112, 146
Hassan, Mahmood 20
Hathcock, Rachel 14
Hauke, Joshua 7, 117
Hauke, Justin 28, lSO
Havican, Brennan 173, 184
Hawkin , Laura 28
Hawkin , Sasha 28
Hawley, Robin 28
Haywood, Todd 128
Hebior, Lindsey 20, 67
Heck, Zachary 28
Hedges, Kevin 20, 123
Heintz, Deborah 20
Heinzen, Joan 128
Heinzmann, Kimberly 28
Heiring, Jacob 7, S2, 116
Heller, Doris 128
Hemm, Rosie 20, lSl
Hendrickson, Dillon 28
Hendrickson, Erin 3, 28
Henrichs, Janette 28
Henrichs, Jennifer 7
Henrichs, Julia 20
Hensley, Kendra 20, 163
Hererra, Luis 49
Hernandez, Areli 20
Hernandez, Eliseo 28
Hernandez, Jenny 14
Hernandez, Je sica 20
Hernandez, Jesus 28
Hernandez, Juan 28
Hernandez, Michelle 20, 28
Herr, Daniel 28, lSl
Herrera, Lui 21, 34, 40, 46, 47, Sl,
Herricks, Chri topher 14
Hervat, Dean 128
Hetelle, Kimberly lSO
Heu er, Jennifer 7, 127, 146
Hicks, Jamie 21
Hicks, Matthew 28
Hicks, Nicole 6, 7, 94, llS, 149, 177
Hill, Ashley 14
Hill, Denielle 14
Hill, Deshalon 28
Hill, Katherine 7, 41, SO, 80, 81,
lSO, 1S8
Hinder, Michael 21
Hin haw, A hley 14, 34, 41, 13S,
Hirsch, Brianna 14
Hir ch, Justin 28
Hirtreiter, Amber 28, lSl
Hix-Peden, John 28
Hiadilek, Michelle 28
Hoag, Michael 14
Hodler, Eric 28
Hoferitza, Donald 128
Hoff, Kelsey 21, 38, lSO
Hoff, Kyle 12, 14
Hoff, Reed 28
Hoffman, James 28
Hoffman, Jo hua 28
Hoffman, Ket ey 141
Holden, Michael 87
Holm, Glenna 3, 21
Homes, Allen 14
Homes, Lori 29, lSl
Hopkin , Devon S2
Hoppe, Ja mine 21
Horner, Ashlee 21
Howe, Brittani 29
Hrnciar, Ryan 21
Huck, JoHanna 7
Hud en, DeMario 7
Huffman, lexandra 14, 149
Hughes, Amanda 29
Hujik, Alexa 41
Hunter, Marguerita 7
Hunter, Susie 29
Hunter, Vanessa 3, 7, 164, 208
Hurlbut, Donald 14, 62
Hurtado, Roxanne 29
Hurtado, Ruby 7
Student Name Index
Ibarra, Melania 14
Ida, amantha 21, 38
Ille , Rebecca 29, lSl
Ingram, J'uan 29, 32
Ingram, Lisa 14
Iorio, Cody 29
Iorio, Jame 7, 10
Irvin, Joshua 29
I enberg, Taylor 21, lSl
Ishmael, Peggy 128
I t anek, Kala 29
Iverson, Alexi 29
Iverson, Amy 7
Ive , Kyle 21
Ivy, Porchae 21
Jacki, Je ica 14
Jack on, Danielle 21
Jack on, Jessica 29, 91, 94
Jack on, Ru ell llS
Jacob Amy 128
Jacob, Anthony 29
Jacob, Matthew 7, SS, 110, 146, 166
Jacob, amuel 21, 63, 119, 146
Jacobson, Mitchell 14, 62
Jaehne-Llanas, Jordan 86, 102, 142,
Jaimes, lfredo 14
Jake, Tyler 21, 63
Jakimiak, Amanda 21, lSO
Jakubow ki, Sean 29
Jame , Damon 128, 169
Jame , Dominic 29
James, Kenneth 3, 7, 10, 111
Jame , Wayne 29, 32
Jantz, Ro 21, 63
January, Natasha 14
Jara-Almonte, Jonathan 14, 137,
Jaramillo, Braulio 14
Jaramillo, Mary Carmen 29
Ja kol ki, Kristin 29, 89, 96
Jas o, Carole 14
Jeffery, Daniel 21, 62, 103, lSO
Jelks, Jonh 7
Jelks, Kry tal 7, 8
Jen en, Brian 28, 29, lSl
Jensen, David 21, 137
Jensen, James 14
Jen en, cott 21, 68, 69
Jerdee, Ali on 29
Jewell, amantha 21, 89
Johns, Michael 21
John on, Adam 14, 13S, 146, 1S7,
John on, lexander 7, lSO
John on, Amanda 9, 14, 61, 66, 67,
Johnson, Barbara 14
John on, Brian 14
Johnson, Brittany 21
Johnson, Danille 21
John on, David 64
John on, Kendall 21
Johnson, adeja 3, 14, lSO
Johnson, atasha 29
Johnson, Rachel 29
Johnson, Rochelle 29
Johnston, Amanda 44
Johnston, A hley 29
Johnston, Jacob 29
Jon, ic St. 69
Jone , Alan 126, 128
Jone , Angelo S4, 62, 142, 183
Jone , Bryant 29
Jone , Curti 21, 149
Jone , Damon 42, 43, 169, 172, 174,
Jones, David 14, 146, 163
Jone , Dominique 21, lSl
Jones, Jes e 29
Jones, Matthew 21
Jones, Nathan 84, 98, 184
Jones, Norma 21
Jones, Robert 7
Jones, Tani ha 29
Jones, Tiara 7, S4, 14S, ISO
Jones, Tiffany S4
Jones, Virginia lSl
Jordan, Shar'Preas 14
Jorgenson, Daniel 14
Jorgenson, Natalie 29
Juga, Morgan 7
Julie, Kendra and 160
Juopperi, Amanda 7
Juopperi, David 29
Juopperi, Meli a 21, 2S, 36
Jupp, Ashley 14, 38, 100, 101, lSO,
Jupp, Michael 29
Jurvi , Brooke 7, 66, 67
Kahl, Robert 21
Kalinow ki, Brittany 14
Kanetzke, Jacob 21
Karl , Jo eph 14
Karls, Rick 29
Karvelas, Gregory 128
Kasper, Alexander 29
Kavalau kas, Jo hua 21
Kavalauska , Steven 14
Kehrer, Maria 21, 67
Kelleer, Brandon 7
Keller, Lauren lS
Keller, Nicholas 29
Kellner, Cha idy 21, 89
Kelly, Alan 29
Kelly, Paul lS
Kempinen, Karen 128
Kendzier ki, Janet 128
Kern, Nichola 7, 20
Kerr, Je ica lS
Kerr, Michelle 29
Kersten, Da ha 29
Kessenich, Christopher 21, lSl
Kessler, Emily 29, 112, 120
Ke ler, Jo eph 21
Kes ler, Julie 29
Khaleel, Omar 21, 69
Kienbaum, Aly a 29
Kiewiet, Kiffany 128
Kilgore, Joseph lS
Killip, Vincent Mc lSl
Kimball, Mallory 15, lSO, 1S8
King, Darrell 12, 86, 87
King, Mari a 29
King, Matthew 21
King, Megan 29
Kinzler, Jeffrey 29
Kirby, Juliu 33
Kirchner, Daniel 29
Kirkwood, ls ac 128
Klees, Mark 29
Klemm, arah lS
Klop tein, teven 21
Klotz, Catherine 29
Klug, Brittany lS, 38, 39, lSO
Knapp, Preston 21
Knecht, teve 128
Knoll, Crystil lS, 66, 67, 118
Knutsen, Eric 7, 62, 146
Knutsen, Kristopher 21, 64
Koba, Mackenzie lS, 122
Koba, Zachary 21, 62, 63
Kober, Amanda lS, SS
Kocinski, Dylan 7, 102
Kohnke, Andrew 28, 29
Kolen, Cintoria lS
Koski, Jo eph lS
Ko ta , Anna-Marie 29, lSl
Kotle ki, Alysa 29
Kotten, Andrea lS
Kotten, Brianna 29
Kotz, Maria 128
Koukal, Korey 29
Krachey, Adrienne 29
Krafft, Adam lS, 34, 40, S9, 137,
Kram, Molly lS
Kramer, Kri tina 29
Kraning, Michael 7
Krau , Du tin 29
Krawchuk, Robin 29
Kreb , Ryan 29
Kreuser, Leah 12
Krey, Joshua lS, 146
Kreye, Amy lS, 127
Kreye, Jennifer 29, lSl
Kreye, Sarah 7, 149
Krifka, Elizabeth 21
Krisor, A hley 21, 146
Kritner, Lind ay lS
Krome, Vincent 21
Kromm, Katherine 21
Krueger, Emily 7, 137, 149, 173,
Kruse, Corissa lS
Kru e, Jacalyn 21
Kru e, Kelly 29
Krystavel, Felicia 8
Kumm, Jason 21
Kumm, Jennifer lS
Kumm, Ryan 29
Kuper, aron 8, S4, 109, llS, 135,
137, lS0,173,174,178
Kuper, Luke 108, 109, 137
Kupfer, Elise 21, 81, lSl
Kupfer, Erin 21, 81
Kupfer, Ryan 8, 78
Kurth, Rebecca lS
Kuzmych, Vitaliy 29
Kwa igroch, Caitlin 8
La Fever, Kristina 21
La Macchia, Candy 128
La Point, Kari lS
Labedz, Steven 21, 39, 146
Laboy, Amanda 100, 101
Lachman, Rachel lS
Laken, Justin 29
Lalond, Matthew 29
LaMacchia, Mark 8
Lama ter , Kristi 29
Lampada, Brittany 29, 7S, 151
Lampada, Heather 8, 142, lSO, 166
Lampada, Thomas 21
Landree, Robert 8
Lang, Jaimie 21, lSl
Lang, Kelly 29
Lan down, Paul 8
Larsen, Carol 128, 130
Lar en, Kristen 21
Lar en, Loren 29
Lar en, athan 21, 70, 71, 146
Lar on, Came 21, 147
Lar on, Katie 8, 172
Lar on, ichola 63
Lauer dorf, Connie 128
Launderville, Carissa 29
Laurent, Logan 29
Laurenzi, Andrew 21
Laux, lexander 21
Lavarevic, Savka 24
Lawler, Jennifer 128
Lawler, Matthew lS, 64, 146
Lawler, icole 29
Lawli , Chelsea 21, SS, 149
Lawrence, Jonathon 29
Law on, Shayna lS, SS
Lazarevic, Marko 8, 108, 109, 137,
Lazarevic, Savka 21, 38, 39
Lead, Michelle 29
Leber, Alicia lS, S9, 122, lSO
Lebron, Victoria 8, 116, 172
Lechuga, Adela 29
Lee, Andrew 21, S7, 119
Lee, Celeste 33
Lee, Donbee 21, SS, 142, 14S, 148
Lee, Jean 128
Lee, La hon 2, 21, 184
Leff, Alexandra 15, lSO, 16S
Leick, amantha lS, 104
Leisner, Kelly lS
Leiting, Brittany lS
Leitner, Anthony 163
Student Name Index
Lemay, Katelyn 21
Lemay, Tazia 171
Lemke, Andrew 21, 123, lSO
Lemke, Joey 29
Lenfestey, Frank 21
Lequia, Amanda lS
Lequia, Anthony 3, 21
Lequia, Brian 172
Leskis, Jade 16
Leslie, Andrew 29
Leto, David S, S8
Lewer, Matthew 29
Lichter, Jenna lS, 72, 73
Lichter, Joshua lS
Lindgren, Ashlee 14, lS
Lindgren, McKenzie IS, 72, 73
Lindquist, Kyle 21
Linkowski, Richard 62
Linn, Eleanor 29
Lisiecki, Courtney lS
Litton, Bennett lS, 146
Litz, Daniel 18, 21, SS, 63, 113
Litz, Krystle 8, 11, lSO, 173
Liu, Zachary 21, 64
Livingston, Holly 21
Livingston, John lS
LiVol i, Christina 128, 134
Llanas, Dustin 63
Lockhart, Andrew lS
Lockhart, Thomas 128
Lodhari, Vijay 21
Loewen, Jake 21, 87
Lofton, Veraneek lS
Lois, Alex 21
Londre, Johnathon lS, 117
Londre, Thomas 29
Los, Anna 21
Loughead, France ca Bell 26
Love, Deanna lS, 137
Love, Terrance 29
Lovejoy, Jessica 21, 146
Lovejoy, Wayne lS
Lowenbine, Brandon lS, 62, 103
Lucas, Bradley 29
Lucci, Matthew 21, 63
Luciani, Michael lS
Lucky, Samantha 21
Ludlow, Peggy 29
Ludlow, Philip lS, 146
Luebke, Michelle 8, 11
Lukas en, icholas 3, 21, 87
Lundskow, Jacquelyn 29
Luska, Stephanie 8, 100, 101
Lux, Elissa 12, 15
Lynch, Jeremy 22, 36
Lyon , Aisha 30
--- -- ---
\1acareno, Brittany 22, 89
\faccari, Daniel 30
Maccari, Matthew 22, 146
Mach, Michelle 30
Mack, Kristal lS, lSl
Mack, Raymond 22
MacKenzie, Timothy 8, 146, 163
Macpher on, Alexander lS
Macpherson, Rebecca 30
Madrigrano, Aimee 30
Madrigrano, John 22, 24
Maedke, Douglas 30
Maegaard, Justin 30
Maginn, Kimberly 30
Mahan, Chase 22
Mahan, Cortny 30
Malczewski, Aaron 128
Malkmus, Jourdan 30
Manata, Shawn 120, 128
Mann, Bradley 128, lSO
Manna, Kelly 3, 8, S4, 94, llS, 116,
Maraccini, Judy 128
Marano, Carmine 14, lS, 69, 86
Marble, Sarah lS
Marcinkus, Robert 126, 128
Marescalco, Haylee 30
Marinas, Nataly 30
Markin, James 30
Marquez, 0 car 30
Mars, Robin 130
Mar hall, Bruce 99
Marshall, Christopher 18, 22
Marshman, Samantha 30
Marti, Jesus 22
Martin, Alex 127
Martin, Janie 22
Martin, Zachary 30, lSl
Martinelli, Alexandra 22
Martinelli, Melissa 8, 124, 136, 1S6
Martinelli, Nathan 22
Martinez, Gu tavo lS
Martinez, Lizbeth 22
Martinez, Mariah 30
Martinez, Monica 30
Martinez, Nicolas 8, 35
Martinez, Yasmin 30
Martini, Gabriela 30
Marvel, Sarah 163
Marzion, Miavanessa 22
Ma on, David 30
Ma on, Jessica 22, 120, lSO
Massie, Amanda lS, 37
Massie, Heather 8, 52, S3, S4, 81,
Mata, Jaclyn 30
Matalas, David 8, 92, 93, 168
Matalas, Janet 130, 168
Mathews, Jeffrey 4
Matias, Chri tina 30
Matoska, Anthony 116
Matta, Al 15
Mattoon, Brittany 22
Mattson, Jes e 30
Matt on, Melissa 30
Mau, Stella 22, lSl
Maxwell, Michael 22, 34, 36, 150
May, Sara 8, 76, 77, 1S4
Mayer, Kallen lS
Mayes, Nicole 130
Mayo, Jennifer 8, 114
Mazur, Jon 22
Mazurek, Shelby 22
McAuliffe, Katie lS
McBeth, Fred 130
Mcbeth, Mr. 32
McBride-Federmeyer, Cassandra
8, 10
McCann, William 22, 63
McCartney, Jaymee 30
McCiay, John 30
McCiendon, Karen 30
McClinton, Kieara 30
McCord, Charle lS
McCoy, Alex 170
McCoy, Alexandria 8, 169
McCoy, Derreona 22
McCoy, icholas 30, 63
McCray, Jennifer 8, 146, 16S, 208
McCray, Joshua 30
McCullough, Megan 22
Mccutchen, Amanda 30, lSl
McDermott, Kristopher 71
McDonald, Ann 130
McDonald, Brandon lS
McGinness, Emiley 22, 120
McGrain, Christine 30
McGrain, Peter lS, 116, 124, 137
McGraw, Rhiannon 22
McKann, Will 146
McKenzie, Timothy 163
McKillip, Vincent 30
McLendon, Isaiah 30
McLeod, Darren 30
McManama, Courtney 2, 30
Means, Christopher 30
Mecozzi, Ashley 14, lS, 37
Mecozzi, Brandon 30
Medina, Oscar lS, 117
Meeker, Blair 30, 4S, 71, lSl
Meeker, Melissa 8, lSO
Meer, Brittany 8
Melendez, Analicia 30
Mendoza, Erik 30
Menge, Elizabeth 30, lSl
Mentek, Elizabeth 130
Mercadillo, Adriana 22, llS
Mercadillo, Amy lS
Mercadillo, Andrea 8
Mercadillo, Lui 30
Mercado, Angel 15, S2, 144
Mercier, Courtney 26, 30, 100, 101
Meredith, Heather lS, 3S, 198
Merlin, Eric 8, 174
Merlin, Rachelle 30
Merow, Eli e 4, 8, S8
Mer kie, Andrew S7
Metallo, Matthew 30
Meulbroek, Erin 22, lSO
Meyer, Erin 12, 15, lSO
Meyer, ancy 8, 146
Meyers, Caitlin 22
Michetti, Nicole 15
Miffiin, hley 30
Migliano, Stacey lS
Mihelich, Bruce 22
Milicevic, Nemenja 142
Milisevic, Nemanja 8
Miller, Amber lS, 122
Miller, Judy 130
Miller, Karina 22, lSO
MiJler, Megan 113
MiJler, Michael 103
Miller, Micheal 92
Mills, Kri ten 9, 113, 114, 121, 1S8,
Minor, Ricky 9
Minski, Alan 9, 170
Minski, Julie 22, 127
Minton, Lyndsay 9, 30, lSO
Minton, Taylor 30
Mir berger, Alyssa lS, 122, lSO
Mirsberger, Zach 108, 109
Mirsberger, Zachary 22, 68, 69
Mirsburger, Zachary 146
Mitchell, Brandon 22
Mitchell, Cassandra 22, lSO
Mitchell, Montrel 31
Mitchell, Sacoya 22
Mitchell, Shantell 6
Mitchell, Treon lS
Mitchell, Troy 31
Mitchell, Tyler 44, Sl
Mitek, Alexander 9
Modder, Marvin 130
Moffit, Robert 71
Moffitt, Robert lS
Moffitt, William 9, 93
Molinaro, Braxton lS, 34, 40, 47,
Molinaro, Katie 31
Montemurro, Emily lS
Montgomery, Arie 14, lS, 73, 88,
89, 1S9
Moore, Chri topher 62
Moore, Cornellius 31
Moore, Heather 146, 171, 172
Morafcik, Kimberly lS
Morales, Jose 31
Morales, Luis 31
Moreno, Je u 64, 6S
Moreno, Ron 130
Morgan, Jared 22
Morgan, Stephanie 22, 25
Morri , Andrew 22
Morri , Jessica 31
Morris-Leung, Ryan 22
Morrison, Meli a 9
Morris ette, Laura 130
Morrissey, Frank 36
Morrow, Marcu 31
Mo ely, Ashley 120
Mosher, Pamela 130
Mowry, Caren 114
Mueller, Nikole lS, 73, lSO
Muir, Michael 31, 63
Mulligan, Shea 31
Mundell, Marlene 130
Munoz, Jonathan 31
Munoz, Ye enia 22
Murphy, Andrew lS, lSO
Murray, LaQuinta lS, 88
Murry, Jordan 22
Myre , Heather 22
Neemann, Brandon 31, lSl
ehl , Tatum lS, 3S, 111, 122
ehring, haron 130
Student Name Index
el en, Aly e lS, 80, 81, 122
elsen, Derek 112
Nelson, Brittany 31
Nelson, Kacy lS, 80, 81
Nel on, Kaylynn 31
Nelson, Kyle 31
el on, 1ar ha 130
el on, ichola 9, 41, Sl, lSO, 1S3
Nepper, Alys a 16, S4
erling, Bradley 31
iemi, teven 14, 16
Niemi, Tina 130
Nie en, Heidi 16
ikolai, Brittany 16
ikolai, Nathan 31
oon, Brittany 22
ordloh, Abigail 9, S2, 67, 116
ordloh, Grace 22, 61, 113
orris, Ashley 22
Northern, Tyler 43
otarianni, Patrizia 32, 130
Noto, Amy 22
Nudi, Rachael 9, 10, llS, 1S8
Nuebel, Matthew 16
Nunnery, Gabriel 22
uorala, Rebecca 31, 81, 120
ygren, Jacob 22
O'Boyle, Jesse 9
O'Bryant, Chri topher 16
O'Connell, Barry 130
Ocacio, Cara 22
Ochoa, Andre 16
Odegaard, Heath 22
Oechler, Heidi 24, 100, 101
Oeltjenbruns, Lisa 31
Ogden, Jacob 16, lSO
Olexa, Michael 16
Olhava, Barbara 8, 9
Olhava, Laura 31
Olsen, Katrina 31, lSl
Olson, John 23, 63
01 on, icole 16
Opsahl, Meli a 16
Orellana, Dennis 64, 6S
Ornelas, Marco 31
Ortega, Frank 31
Orth, James 23
Ortiz, Elysha 26
Ortiz, William 139
0 born, Christopher 23, 116, lSO
Oseman, Amanda 23
0 trowski, Kate 23
Ostrum, Joshua 16
Oswalt, Matthew 23, 60, 69, 99
Oti , Jennifer 9
Otto, Ericka 16, S9, 73, 1 lS, 1S4
Otto, Jennifer 31
Otto, Tiffany 28, 31
Owen, John 16, 109
Owens, Marcus 23, 113
Paar, Jacquelyn 16, 169
Packard, Danielle 16
Packard, Deirdre 23
Pade, Amanda 16, 114
Pagoni , Linda 130
Palmen, Audrey 16, 74, 7S, 13S
Palmen, Ronald 31, 109
Palmer, Denise 130
Palmer, Zachary 31, lSl
Panasewicz, Megan 31, lSl
Pana ewicz, Tyler 31
Pancheri, Michael 171
Papenfuss, Stephanie 23
Parise, Jennifer 9, 74, 7S, 12S, 172
Parker, Dorothy 31, 72, 73
Parks, Ryan 9
Pasch, Ashley 16
Pa kiewicz, Garry 16, 62, 63, 102,
Patillo, Nelson 86, 87
Patino, Lucerito 16
Patrick, Andrea 23
Patten, Scott 31
Paul, Carly 16
Paul, Jessica 16
Paul, Megan 9, 66, 67
Paulick, Jeffrey 9
Paura, Nichola 31
Pavlica, Brittney 31, 104
Pawell, Samantha 9
Payan, Eric 23
Pearce, Kelly 2S
Pearson, Capri 16, lSO
Pearson, Carol 130
Peet, Brianna 7
Pekoske, Abby 31, 148, lSl
Penrod, Brittany 31
Penrod, Joseph 16
Peralta, Christopher 31
Peralta, Noel 3, 28, 142
Peralta, Peterval 9, 34, 41, 64, 109,
111, 118, 14S, lSO, 178
Perez, Amber 23
Perez, Amy 9
Perez, Ashley 16
Perez, Jose 31
Perez, Mario 16
Perez, Sandra 31
Perkins, Tanya 130
Perman, Shannon 9, S3, 66, 67, 96,
Perone, Joshua 31
Perotto, Stephanie 23
Perrault, Maxim 31
Perri, Doreen 130
Perri, Jennifer 23
Perrine, Jena 31
Perrine, Louis 9, S3, S4, 62, 63, 111
Perrine, ichola 9, S4, 60, 70, 71,
137, 169
Perry, Dante 8, 9, 116, lSO
Perugini, Andrea 16
Peterman, Lindsay 16, 122, 198,
Peters, Alexandra 16, lSS, 16S
Peter , Kyle 31
Peters, Melissa 16, 122, 1S6
Petersen, Aarron 31
Peterson, Alyssa 23
Peterson, David 16
Peterson, Kevin 16
Peter on, andy 23
Petty, Ashley 31, 33
Phillips, Frederick 9
Phillip , Katie 120, 130
Piccolo, Aly sa 23, 24, S7, lSO
Pickett, Elijah 9, 170
Pierangeli, teven 7
Pierce, Joseph 62
Pierce, Matthew 9
Pierce, Raelyn 16
Pillizzi, Samantha 9, 170
Pinnola, Marissa 16, SS, 73, 13S
Pinnola, Nick 23
Piper, Tyler 16, 62, llS
Plank, Stephen 128, 130, 1S3
Poe, Joshua 9, 68, 69
Poe, Sarah 23, 34, 42, 120, 129
Polzin, Dennis 23
Poniva , Amy S6
Po ie, Jordan 23
Po on, Kristi 16, 111, 122
Powell, Janeal 16
Powers, Nicole 130
Prater, Monique 16, 139
Prell, Melissa 16, S6, lSl
Pre ton, Jonathan 23
Price, Bobby 31
Price, Kathryn 31
Price, Mary 9, lSO
Primmer, Andrea 16
Proud, Dustin 31
Provance, Ju tin 31
Pruess, Denise 130
Pryor, Beau 3, 23
Pryor, Cody 31
Puente, Angelica 31
Puhr, Joshua 16
Puhr, Tim 4
Puntillo, Michael 62
Quello, Cynthia 31
Quilling, Randy 9
Quiroz, Andrew 31
Quist, Heather 23
Rabey, Kathleen 113, 130
Radovanovic, Megan 16
Raduechel, Jennifer 23, 24
Raethke, Russell 31
Ragalie, Laurel 23, 88, lOS
Ragalie, Matthew 23, 34, 47, ISO
Ramadani, Pron 31
Ramcheck, Ashly S, 9, lSO
Ramcheck, Holly 31, 33, lSl
Ramey, John 130
Ramirez, Manuel 3, 16, 168
Randell, Jacob 31
Rangel, Brandon 16
Rangel, Daniel 6
Ratliff, Torra 31
Ratzka, Chri tiane 132
Ravnikar, Natalie 23, 146
Ravnikar, Nata ha S, 9, 9S
Raymaker, Mike 132
Rayyan, Yassin 31, 142
Reau, Amanda 9
Reau, Brandon 31
Reddemen, ara 9
Reeves, Ashley 31
Reget, Annette 16
Reget, David 31
Reidenbach, Tommi 31, lSl
Reidenbach, Travis 23
Reimer, Jo eph 23
Reindl, Jacob 31
Reiterman, Kri topher 9, 61, 86,
102, llO, US
Relich, Diana 132
Remington, Brittany 31
Resch, Jacob 16
Rettmueller, Jennifer 31
Retzlaff, Je ica 23, 76, 77, 89
Reyes, Bianca 16, 37
Reyes, Jacqueline 16
Rhee, Christina 20, 23, 2S
Ricchio, Danielle 16, 67
Rice, Martell 16, 43, S9, 133, 146,
Richardson, Eli a 10, 34, 49, Sl,
S3,S4,1SO, 1S2,1S3, 1S6,170
Richter, Alexandria 31
Richter, Ashley 16
Richter, Ryan 16
Rider, Lucie 23, 163
Ridgway, Darren 31, lSl
Riley, Joseph 31
Riley, Maxwell 16, 168
Riley, Qiana 10
Rios, Elizabeth 31
Rivas, Erika 31
Rivas, Jerazmo 23
Rivera, Katie 23
Rivera, Molly 16, 34, 40, 46, 55,
Roache, Chri topher 170
Robers, Kathleen 16
Roberson, Alexander 23
Roberson, arah 37
Roberts, Alyssa 26, 31, 100, 101
Robertson, Elmar 31
Robleski, Brian 23
Rocco, Gail 132
Rocco, Stephanie 31
Roders, Thoma 111, 124, 132, 133,
137, 162
Rodman, ara S7
Rodriguez, Alejandro 23
Rodriguez, Alexis 23
Rodriguez, Elizabeth 31
Rodriguez, Hugo 23
Rodriguez, Kyle 16
Student Name Index
Rodriguez, Luis 16
Rodriguez, Maria 31
Rodriguez, Meagan 16
Rodriguez, adia 23
Rodriguez, Salazar 63
Rodriguez, Vanessa 16
Rogers, David 31
Roh, Leah 23
Romano, Jennifer 31
Romano, Meghan 10, 82, 146, 208
Romano, Rebecca 23, 116, 146
Romanovic, Aleksandra 28, 31
Rongholt, Jacob 23
Rosa, Cassandra De La S
Rosado, Jeremy 23, 63
Rosado, Natasha 23
Rosales, Andrew 16
Rosales, Edgar 31
Rose, Danielle 16
Rose, Michael De lSO
Rosenthal, Zakery 23
Roskre , Erik 23
Ross, Anna 23
Ross, Steven 17, 70, 71, 109
Rossi, Valerie 23, 67
Rothwell, Mary 31
Roushia, Stacy 17
Rowlette, Gregory 23
Rozzoni, Joseph 17, 168
Rucker, Ridge 23
Rude, Connor 10, 62
Ruder, Rita 132
Rudock, avanah 31
Ruesch, Andrew 17
Ruffolo, Dalton 32
Ruffolo, John 101
Ruffolo, Maria 170
Ruffolo, Stephanie 23
Ruiz, Joshua 32
Ruiz, Kevin 17, 146
Ruland, Nicholas 17
Rulseh, Brandon 32
Rulseh, Brian 17
Rumbolt, Nadia 17
Runyon, Matthew 23
Runyon, Sheila 10, 1S4
Rupe, Wade 32
Ruskell, Jordan 26
Russo, Michael 17
Ryssemus, Tyler lSO
aari, Adam 17
Saarnio, Dawn 132
Sabin, Amber 23
Saffel, Kyle 44
affell, Kyle 10, 34, 44, 4S, 62, lSO,
171, 172, 180
Salgado, Cesar 23
alvado, Xavier 132
Samantha, Gontscharow 6
Sanchez, Gustavo 7
Sanchez-Bell, Jeanne 132, 143
Sandberg, Andrew 32
Sanderson, Amber 23, lSl
Sanderson, Ashley 32
Sandine, Callie 32
Santiago, Bianca 23, 104
Santiago, Elias 128, 132
Santiago, Jason 23, lSO
Satter, Alexis 23
Saulys, Michael 32
Savaglia, John lSl
Savaglio, Angelena 32, lSl
Savaglio, Lisa 23
Savaglio, Markus 10, S2, 149, 173
Scales, Jennifer 17, lSO
Scalzo, Alissa 32, 104, lOS, lSl
Schambers, Andrew 17, 119, 146
Schanke, Stephanie 17
Schenk, Nichola 23
Scherer, Courtney 10
Scheve, Ryan 10, 221
Schiller, Cory 32
Schissel, Samuel 23, 2S, S7, 61, 102,
103, 146
Schlais, Jean 132
Schlecht, Samantha 17
Schlosser, Cassandra 17, lSO
Schmidt, Chelsie 23
Schmidt, Danielle 23, 80, 81
Schneider, Nelson 23, 163
Schneider, Patrick 23, lSO
Schonscheck, Sarah 10
Schraeder, Brittany 23
Schraeder, Shannon 17
Schram, Jeremy 32
Schrandt, Erin 17, 7S, 1S7
Schroeder, Christopher 17
Schroeder, Gregory 23, 146
Schroeder, Jenny 23
Schroeder, Kaethe 32
Schroeder, Kyle 23, 63
Schroeder, icholas 10
Schroeder, Sara 17
Schulz, Kristen 17, 67
Schu ter, Autumn 32
Schwantes, Amanda 132
Schweinsberg, Ashley 23
Scott, Jessica 23, lSl
Sele ki, Ryan 32
Sens, Joseph 134
Sepanski, John 32
Sepulveda, Jonathan 10, S4, 70, 71,
9S,108,109, 137, 17S
Sesser, Kathy 130, 134
Shah, Sagar 8, 13S, lSO, lSS, 170,
Shatkins, Michael 10
Sheets, Christopher 32, 163
Sheet , Michael 117, 118
Sheff, Nathan 8, 10, lSS
Sherman, Amanda 32
Sherman, Je ica 17, 110
Shevelova, Dariya 143
Shields, Jerry 23
Shikoff, Daniel 17
Shilling, Zachary 23
Siedjak, Brent 32
Siekert, Krystyna 23
Siler, Aaron 23
Sims, Nettie 23
Sisson, James 12S
Sisson, Jim 173
Skala, Nicole 132
Skendziel, Ashley 32, lSl
Skurski, Steve 132
Slanchik, Amy 32, lSl
Sleszynski, Cynthia 32
Sleszynski, Katherine 10, lSO
Slivon, arah 17
Sloca, Christopher 17
Smith, Andrew 17
Smith, Densel 32
Smith, Ellie llS, 169
Smith, Jacob 10, 17, 32, 146, lSO
Smith, Jaymee 23
Smith, Jenny lSl
Smith, Kaitlyn 17
Smith, Kelsey 32, 81, 120
Smith, Keyona 23
Smith, Myles 23, 63, lSO
Smith, Rachel 17, lSO
Smith, Ryan 24
Smith, Sue 132
Smurawa, Art 132
snodgra s, Eric 10, 70, 71, llS
Snowden, Steven 24
Soderstrom, Keith 24, 63
Soens, athan 24
Sorensen, Diane 132
Sorensen, Kyle 32
Sorrentino, Gabriella S, 10
Sorrentino, Mario 24
Souza, Caio 108, 143
Sowma, Stephanie 17
Spair, am 26, 32
Speaks, David 132
Specht, Michael 32
Specht, Nathan 24, 68, 69, 99
Specht, Stephanie 10
Spect, Nathan 146
Spiedel, Kelly 32
Spiedel, Patrick 17, 92, 93
Spizzirri, Tina 10, 110, llS, 116,
St. Clair, Katelynn 24
St. John, Nicholas 24
St.John, Crystal 10
Stagg, Christiane 10, 113, 183
Stallman, Geraldine 132
Stanchfield, Timothy 17
Standish, Jason 132
Stanley, Harvey 32
Starkey, Meldon 42, 43, lSO
Starkey, Simone 24
Starling, Amanda 10, 170
Starling, Stephanie 32
Statema, Kristy 32
Stebbins, Jennifer 24
Steen, Alberta 24
Steen, Barbara 17
Steeve , Holly 24
Steger, cott 132
Stein, Jackie 132
Stein, Kayla 32
Steinberg, Adam 171, 198
Steinke, lyssa 24
Stella, Carrie 17, 122, 164
Stengert, Jenna 24, lSO, lSl
Stenholt, Ca sandra 24
Stenholt, Rachel 17, 91
Stephen , J. Patrick 32
Stevens, James 10, 64, 103
Stevens, Jessica 89, 132
tevens, Joseph 17, 64, 103
Stewart, Elizabeth 146, 147
Stewart, Joshua 32
Stich, Kelsey 24
Stinefast, Alexander 24
Stipek, Emily 10, S3, SS, 88, 100,
Stipek, Sherri 111, 132
Stobber, Christopher 24
Stocker, Jordon 64
Stone, Jennifer 10, 137, 1S7, 170,
Storz, Nora 17
Strangberg, Christopher 6, 10, 106
Strangberg, Jo hua 24, 64, 87
Strasser, Kaitlyn 117
Strehlow, James 32
Strohm, Amanda 32
Strohm, David 17
Struebing, Kai 24
Stuart, Elizabeth 17, 7S, 13S
Stuligross, Matthew 32, lSl
Sturicz, Cele te 132
Sturycz, Chri ta 32
Sturycz, Lauren 24, 2S, 127, lSO
Sullivan, Katie 10
Sunier, Leisa 17, lSO
Suokko, Douglas 24
Sursa, Danielle 14, 17, 37
Swager, Sarah 32, 83, 100, 101
Swager, Shane 17, 122
Swanigan, y heaki 17
Swartz, Anna ta ia 17, 49, lSO
Swatiko, Kelsey 146
Swenson, Joshua 24, 38, 39, 147
Swiatko, Ket ey 163
Swisher, Bethany 10, 94, 221
Swisher, Whitney 24
Switzer, Shane 24
Syed, Humera 24
Szot, Cas andra 17
Szot, Mark 32
Tabili, Danielle 32, lSl
Taleronik, Ja on 17
Tappa, Timothy 32
Tastad, Kelsie 17
Tate, Mary 24, 42, 43
Tatro, Erica lSl
Taylor, Melanie 132
Taylor, Nicholas 17, S9, 119, 147
Taylor, Paul 132, 146, 147
Teerink, Jeff 132
Tellez, Jo e 24
Tellez, Leticia 32
Tenuta, Benjamin 11, 86, 106, 107
Tenuta, Gianna 32, 76, 77
Tesaluna, Lorena 32
Tews, Patricia 134
Theu ch, Alan 134
Thoma , Ann lSl
Student Name Index
Thomas, Katherine 24, 3S, 40, 41,
Thoma , Kathryn 34
Thomas, Keniqua 89
Thomas, Kristen 149
Thomas, La hawn 17
Thoma , Treavor 24
Thompkin , Artemi 163
Thomp on, Kri ten 10, 11
Thom en, arah 11
Thomson, Ray 134
Thorne, Tyler 32
Thorpe, Jeffer 17
Thorpe, Quasheka 32
Tiberio, Amanda 24
Tielens, Cheryl 134
Tilsner, Dustin 24, 1S7
Til ner, Whitney 11, 1S7, 170
Tinoco, Christian 33
Tobia , Erika 24
Tobia , Heriberto 64, 117
Tobias, Rebeca 24
Toma zewski, Mathew 33
Tomon, Jonathan 17
Torca o, Nichola 11
Torre , Amber 24, 72, 73
Torre , Amelia 24
Totts, Mark 24
Trakhachor, Andriy 143
Travis, Ambyr 33, 67
Trimmel, Cheryl 10, 11, 146
Trinidad, Barbara 134
Tripp, Amy 24, 67
Tritt, Amber 24, lSO
Troemel, icole 33
Trukhachov, Andrew 68, 69
Trusky, Samantha 17, 113, 163
Tucker, Roy 134
Tucker, Tara 3, 17, 66, 67, 100, 101
Turner, Derrick 6
Turnock, Kate 3, 11
Tussler, Amanda 33
Twigg, Gregg 33
Tyler, Alex 134, 148
Tyler, Marcell 33
Vaccaro, Christopher 33
Vaccaro, Joseph 17
Valenti, Kathryn 11
Valenza, Alyssa 24
Valeri, Michael 11, 117
Valladare , Elizzath 33
Van Berg, Rachel 17
Vanchena, Curtis 17, 64, 65, 110,
Vander Velden, Emily 17
Vanderloop, Robert 128, 134, 162
Vankammen, Kimberly 33
Vargas, Daniel 24
Vargas, Ricardo 17
Varnado, Lakeisha 24
Vas o , Megan 101
Vaughn, Destyni 33
Vaughn, Jaz myn 11, 144, 174
Vazquez, Adlay 24
Vazquez, Beatriz 17
Vazquez, Stephani 122
Vazquez, Stephanie 17
Velez, Juan Carlo 134, 139
Venegas, Janice 6, 11, 1S8
Ventura, Amanda 17
Ventura, Samantha 33
Verbick, Katelyn 11
Vernezze, Jacob 24
Vidas, Matthew 24
Vida , Michael 11, 64, 6S, 111, llS,
Vidas, Tyler 33
Villalobos, Angelica 24
Villalobo , Deanna 33
Villalobos, Esmeralda 17
Villalobos, Juan 33
Villalobo , Oscar 1S6
Villaruel, Chrislyn 17, 136, lSO
Vines, Rachel 11, 33, S7, 116
Vite, Erika 17
Viveros, Jorge 64
Vlk, George 17, 69
Voelz, Daena 17, 82
Vogt, Jennifer 17, 12S
Voss, Melissa 17
Vrevich, Kelley 33
Vrevich, Kevin 11, 162
Wabalickis, Robin 33
Waddell, Felicia 8
Wagner, Kally Jo 11
Waldow, Melissa 33, lSl
Walentowski, Amber 33, 120
Walentowski, Megan 33, 120, 151
Walker, Chelsey 17, 1S8
Walker, Michelle 33
Walker, Travion 33
Walkow ki, David 24, 63
Wall , Jon 119
Walters, Kira 11, 34, 40, 41, 51,
lSO, 171
Walton, Isiah 33
Wamboldt, Jonalyn 33
Wamboldt, Meribeth 11
Wang, Jenny lSS
Ward, Beth 126, 134, 162
Ware, Charles 112
Ware, Tervarious 24
Warnecke, Michelle 150
Warner, James 11, 1S6, 172, 17S,
Warner, 1egan 22, 24, 34, 46, 47,
55, llS, 160
warner, michelle 2S
Warren, Benjamin 2S, 68, 69, 136
Warren, Branden 33
Warren, Trevor 2S, 146
Washington, Ashley 17
Water , John 2S, lSO
Watkins, Teagan 25, lSl
Watring, Adam 2S, 63
Weatheroy, Cortavia 86, llS, 141
Wegner, tephanie 33
Weinfurter, ean 2S
Wen ing, Garrett 2S
Wertz, Austin 33
Werwie, Abagail 33, 74, 7S
Werwie, arty 17, SS, S9, 76, 77,
Werwie, Tiffany 17
We tland, Melissa 134
Westphal, Brittany 2S
Wetherbee, Annette 134
Weynand, Jan 108, 109, 113, 143
Whalen, amantha 33
Whalen, Sarah 17
White, Mark 33
Whitefoot, Liz 134
Whitefoot, Mallory 2S, lSO
Whitehead, Justin 11
Wienke, Richard 134
Wier um, Emilie 22, 39, 48
Wieske, Lind ey 22, 2S
Willems, Jacob 33
William , Alan 33
Williams, Emmitt 134
Williams, Jake 92
William , Monique 33
Williams, akea 2
Williams, Travinna 2S
Williams, Troy 2S, 62
Willing, Zachary 33
Willkomm, Kyle 2S, 63
Wilson, Travis 17
Wint, Marvinn 2S, 63
Wirch, Jeff 134
Wise, Rachel 6, 11, 67
Wisse, Annika 11
Woeste, Aaron 11, 62
Woe te, Hailey 2S
Wojciechowicz, Andrew 17, S9
Wojnicz, Keenan 33
Wolf, tephanie 17, 104, 122, lSO,
Wolfe, Krista 17, 122
Wolfe, Mary Jordan 2S, 100, 101
Wolke, teven 33
Wood, Megan 11
Wood, oah 11
Woodley, Cassandra 17
Woods, Amber 2S
Woods, nique 32
Wor ham, Daniel 2S, 110, 146
Wortock, Gwen 134
Wright, Charise 17
Wright, Michelle 2S, 146
Yackley, Kyle 72, 134
Yarbrough, Cynthia 2S, lSl
Yin, Xin 8, 11, S4, 180
York, Kyle 33
Young, Darius 87
Young, Dione 11, 86, 87, 111, 140,
Young, Gabrielle 33
Zadler, Ju tin 33
Zander, Denni 134
Zapata, David 11
Zapencki, hawn 2S
Zavaleta, Carolina 17
Zbilut, Helena 17, S9, lOS, llS, 133,
13S, lSO, 1S6
Zbilut, Holly 134
Zeller, Matthew 11
Zemke, Amanda 2S
Zepeda, Oscar 139
Zepeda, Rocio 139
Zeqiri, Tefik 2
Zie emer, Alec 11, 1S3
Zimmerman, Erin 17, 150
Zimmerman, Jacob 33, 112
Zinner, Chet ea 2S
Zinner, Joshua 11, S2, llS, 169
Zirbel, Jessica 11
Zizzo, Jessica 2S
Zocchi, Michelle 24, 2S
Zoia, Derek 33, lSl
Zongolowicz, ara 2S
Zongolowicz, tephanie 2S, 89, 105
Zuchowski, amantha 33
Zuehlsdorf, Jacob 2S, 63, 87
Zurbano, Michael 2S
Zwiefelhofer, Rebecca 11, 52, 54,
104,11S,1S6, 17S
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Elizabeth A. Moore
71 0 - 75th treet #1
Keno ha, WI 53142
www.beaner .com
3515 · 75tli Street, (Jiwy. 50)
'l(!nosfta, 'WI 53142
'Tdtpliont: (262) 694-5858
Gourmet Cofft'e
tel: 262-925-9055
fax: 262-925-9056
,.. . ._ _ _ T£NtiTA91)
3203 52ND STREET
5531 - 6TH AVENUE KENOSHA, WI 53140
262-652- 7227
Thanks for
Your Support!
Let's Go Play!
(414) 553-9588
Wie e Heating & Air Conditioning
RLW Lim~ed
P.O. Box39
Somers. WI 53171
Au o
Car & True
cc ssori s
1 do
T1 t · heels Tires · Graphics/Pi tr1p1
R ote Start I eyless E try • Alar s · Seat Hea rs
Trailer H1tche
Runn1 g oards • Step Tube
To neou Cov r • Spray 0
dl1n r • Grou d Eff ec s
22nd Avenue
Dairy Queen
fellow, Acad •my of General D nti try
6121 7th Avenul' • Keno ha, WI 53143
(262) 654-6535 • Fa : (262) 654-3358
2707 22nd Avenue
Kenosha. 'NI 531 40
www.chiapp ttadd .com
Business: 262·652-6524
"Educating Tomorrow's Drivers"
Cla s Offered onthly
Certified Driving School
3811·22nd A~ nu
Keno ha, WI 53140
(262) 652-4811
In tructor I Owners
Nick Farfalla
Frank Cermlnara
WWW.keno haonlin .com/scds
Ph . 262- 694-1500
Fax 262- 694-6370
www .lemavautogroup .com
L. Wally Zbilut
V.P. , Asst. General Counsel
Branch Manager
Direct (262) 564-8462
4211 Green Bay Road Kenosha, WI 53144
Fax (262) 657-1708 itness: 262-654-8350 Tennis: 262-654-6020 Fax: 262-605-3421
5027 Green Bay Rd., Ste. 114
Kenosha, 'W'I 53144
(262) 657 .. 7823
6800 Washington Ave.
Racine, 'W'I 53406
(262) 321-3968
an indoor/outdoor facility
Pools, Tennis
Lessons, Leagues &
Fitness, Weight
Training, Aerobics,
Step Biking, Rock
Climbing, Pilates,
Tae-Bo, Yoga &
Juice Bar
Happy Hours Mon - Thurs
22()() ~herid R.d.
K. De>Sht7. WI 5j12lCJ
2G2-G52-7572± (tt7x.)
3pm- 6pm
801 3 - 12th Street - Somers. \\'I
(262) 859-2935
Tina Ludwin
(262) 694-6800
George B. Wedell, DD. ., .c. ORTHODONTICS
3910-85th Street • Kenosha, WI 53142 • www.wedellortho com
Open 7 Days
Southeastern Wisconsin's
Sports Professionals
. . . JUST SAY
3206 80th St.
Kenosha, WI
Open Mon .-Fri. 10 a.m.
7 p.m , Sal 10 a.m. to~ pm.,
Closed Sunda~ & Holidays
Mexican Entrees and
3701 Durand Ave.
Racine, WI 554-5100
Francesca DeRose, D.D.S.
Associate Director
Osmar Aguilar
William G. Aiello, D O.S
Of Southeastern Wisconsin
~len R. Welsh, 0.0.S
Keno ha Office
Al Downtown YMCA
720-59lh Place
Keno ha. WI 53140
Phone: 262.564.6887
3415 30th Avenu - Kenosha, Wscon . 53144 - Phone (262) 654 0267 www.youthforchrist. w
Open 7 da_ys a week
feed & Seed Station
Animal teeds, garden & pet supplies
7115 )8th Street (Washington Road)
Kenosha, Wisconsin 5)1++
Phone: (U2) 654-1100
Fa ·: U2) 656-19))
Mclernon Wireless
2601 - 75 h S ree • 'enosho.
mcternonwireless •
.me erno
i e
William H. Letsom P.T. Kerry Krehbiel
Kenosha Area Athletics
Sout ort Rehab
ssocia es, Inc.
42 11
Kenosha, WI 5 3142
7101 '> Jrd Street
oic.e 2621 694-~977
K.enosh.i YM
Fc1x •262) 694 ~648
Kevin Reiterman ..
.re n B.iy Rd.
!Kenosh.i Athletic Cl'nter
Kenoc;ha, WIS 3142
Keno<>hcl, WI 5~144
Voice <262l (105- J412
Vo. P (262) G'i J-82 50
I ,1
i '.
. Taking your game .
to the next level... /
818 93rct Street Pleasant Prairie, WI
262.948.0650 - - -
9262) 842 34 12
F-c1x (262) 605 nc;7q
262-654-077 4
$'s allahou/you I
adjoining massage rooms . facials . manicures & pedicures . body wraps . ear candling
spa packages . airbrush tanning . design cuts & style . perms & color
bridal & birthday packages
1744 22nd Avenue . Kenosha. 262-551 -9667
4437 - 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140-3929
.feo f. e~, PIU?Mdeld
-4 .SIC
1715 Taylor Avenue
Racine, Wisconsin 53403 USA
Tel: 262-634-5521
WI: 800-472-377 4
Fax: 262-634-4203
kozak or hod on •I C
1B ryon K~zak DOS MS LTD .
Commited to Qualit Service
--DAHL---Heating &Air Conaitioning
6509 77th Avenue
Kenosha. WI 53142
t 262.652.6756 ext 15
c 262.620.4469
Forced Air I Hot Water I Steam Specialists
24 Hour Setvice
- Insured -
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Ernie Dahl
(262) 656-0206
Facility Manager
AJoint Venture Between
Harvest States and Cargill
pat_ hicks@cargill .com
Calling all
ice cream lovers
Cold Stone Creamer offers the best in
smooth and creamy ice cream , made fresh
daily in every store. You can choose your favorite
mix-ins, including fresh baked brownies, fruits,
pie fillings, candies, cookies and nuts. Your
ice cream Creation™ is mixed on a cold
granite stone, then served in a fresh-baked
waffle cone or bowl.
If you are between the ages of
14 and 18 years old
Join your local FACT group today!
P esident
29 5 6Q 1h S reet enos a, I 53140-38 6
262-657-9490 FAX 262-657- 240
ud to support
Prestige Portrai
oM7 77thSt.
6 1
·~The Best Corporate & Leisure Travel Rates"
205 West Randolf #1440
Chicago, Illinois 60606
800-795-8371 x239
Dewey Warner
Vice President
Business Develpment
A ~ PARTNER• free parts locator service
AU I0 011VE, Inc.
Holly A. Forrest
Service Manager
...__~_.:;Kenosbii WI 53142
Phone • 262-8S1·7700
Used Auto Parts Sales & Service
Dougla Reich rt
Dennis Jantz
2500 Washington Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
(262) 658-1392 x 226
FAX (262) 658-3446
ercifte<l • Li t.:mcd Pr th ci t
rei hert & k I ey
pro chct1
027 1rc.: n Bay Ro. d, uic 1-0
Keno ha, Wi on in 5
c: _62.6'i A 00
r: 262.614. o
c 262.70 .2088
e: dougrdchcrtcp /1 aol. om
Scott Wieting
Su e
1 c
Margaret A. Regner, D.V.M.
4000 S. Pine Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53207
(414) 744-7944 •Fax: (414) 744-2774
10 15 51h tn:ct
Pl a ant Prairie, \ ·q 5315
Phon ·: (262) 694-3100
l a : (262) 694- 939
~~NIJ/ 11
ll () () )J
()NI~ Y
For faster service... Call Ahead!
Mon. - Sat. 1 lam-9pm
Closed Sunday
Member A so 1.1t1on ot
Orthodonti t~!ill
"' Clean Drywall
(262) 859-2288
906 • 39TH AVENUE
(262) 654-4070
20 Years Experience
Orthopaedi.cs, S.C.
Ors. James Shapiro, Rob Seipel, and Jon Main .
along with Dr. Hardik Vashi are proud to announce
the addition of two new orthopaedic surgeons to
their pratice to service the orthopaedic needs of
Kenosha and Racine counties, northern Illnois, and
surrounding community areas.
Joshua M. Gershtenson, MD
Michael Didinsky, DO
Hand & Orthopedic Surgery
Spine & Orthopedic Surgery
6308 8th Avenue Suite 505
Kenosha WI 53143
(262) 656-8297 (262) 656-8508 Fax
PHONE: 1-262-653-4090
Brian Kel ey, P , LP
( crtifled l ic n ed
Pro thcti t - ( rthoti t
2006 RATES (9 Holes)
JUNIORS (18 & under)
5027 ( 1r en 8 } Road. uite 120
eno ha, \X i on in 5 1
c: 262.65 I. 00
9-Holes with Pass $6.00
9-Holes w/o Pass $8.00
f: 262.654.4105
: 41 . 5. 5 I
e: briank J eye po a
" Exceptional Golf al lJ nhcalahlc Prices"
~o\\t\ tl\C
Sales Manager
654-0243 Ext. 106
Whatever it
Dr. Jeffery R. Thomas
2305 30th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Family Dental
Dr. William Aiello, DDS
3415 - 30th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53144 (262) 654-0267
takes~ lit£ID)\
Your Personal Florist
For All Occasions
www. kenoshafloral
3812 R osevelt Rd. Ken sha, WI 53142
Open Weekdays, Evenings & Saturday.
Union Member Discount!
202 Westgate Mal
Westgate Mal . . •• 608-277-9393
2612 E W~oo Ave.
Madson . • . • • . . . 608-249-5100
1401 S. 108th SI.
West Aas ••••••• 414-476-0200
~ . • • • . . 414-873-9090
8225 S. 27th SI.
Franldii ••..••.. 414-761 ·2269
6310 w Baiernomd Rd
Wauwatosa •••• 414-453-3926
4818 S. 76th SI
Greenllek! . . • • . • 414431-0385
1e quite Chicken
203 A Eait 5ll'lset
1837 Lafayette SI
,JaneMe . • • . . • 608-756-0728
l' F
N85 W16033 Appleton Ave.
Menomonee Fals ..• 262-251-1900
2158 W Ma!orl SI
Green Bay .
• • • 920-490-9860
Praiie Plaza. 5725 75th SI.
Menar<fs Plaza. 1510 Koeler Rd
Oshkolii..-.. 920-235-7789
351 N Casaloma Dr.
Appletoo •.••••• 920-749-1101
459 W Johnson SI
Food w Lac. • . . •• 920-922.5990
2229 s Memorial Pl.
(23rd al Kohler Memorial Dr)
Sheboo,gan .••.•••• 920-458-9301
3905 Douglas Ave.
(D:xiglas Ave. at 3 Mile Rd)
Racine • • • • • • . •• 262-639-5360
1260 N Port Washilgtoo Rd
262 ·546-0234
with Bacon
ClleC:k Us Out On 1be We b At www.wis<looslnvlsloc:om
Cf Yet ti uett~~g
CLetss o·-- 200(0 -
1010-56TH STREET
(262) 653-2600
FAX: (262) 653-2817
Phone: 262-697-6330
Kenosha, ~153142
~WlPI IM:t~
. ~()Vt (]410(
oia:f:iovt ov-~~ . •
Ofna)}. )j.l9Ur future sfltne 6ri3flt
fVe /eve )j.l9U
c/)k'W6e<U/cf ~a6
We are so proud of all your accom}Jlishmcns,
from the day you 'vere bo1"n you have given us
a lot ofjoy and excite1ncnt. \Ve kno'v you
'vill succeed in 'vhateve ,. you do.
. Lacrosse·'
J\101n 1 Dad, and your
favorite brother
timt<S He£Ctb
We are all proud of
your accomplishments
and we wish you a
very successful future. ,~...1._.,•.._
-LoveDad, Mom, Rhi
Grandma & Grandpa
Starr & Gwen
• •ll'fl"'."-
And we have been proud of you
ever since! (?
Good Luck
in Eau Claire
You were so proud of yourself
~aving graduated from preschool ...
We love you!
Mom, Dad, & Kyle
Life goes bkj so quLcR.Lkj avi.-c( we aye vi.-ow hue
to ceLebyate the acco~pLLsh~evi.-ts of kjDUY
chLLc(hooc( avi.-c( waLR. wLth kjDU as. kjDU evi.-teY
the vi.-ext phase of kjDUY LLfe.
"Be sfrovi.-g, caYLvi.-g, avi.-c( aLwakjs. s.takj frue to
kjDUYs.eLf. you have ~ac(e gooc( choLces. so fay
avi.-c( we aye s.uye that kjDU wLLL covi.-tLvi.-ue to
~aR.e gooc( choLces. Lvi.- the futuYe.
Life Ls vi.-ot aLwakjs. eas.kj DY fa LY, but at the evi.-c(
of each c(akj taR.e a ~o~evi.-t avi.-c( as.R. kjDUYs.eLf
Lf kjDU aye wLth the choLces foY the
c(akj. we kjDU wLLL be because kjDU aye
s.~art avi.-c( have a gooc( heart.
Live LLfe to the fuLLes.t. you have ~ac(e us
VeYkj prnuc(.
Covi.-gyatuLatLovi.-s. ovi.- kjDUY gyac(uatLovi.-.
Love, MOV\A, Ct 11\,ol Del ol
Rxan Scheve
Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Dad, Mom, Nathan, & Grandpa
tte~e ne) Y@V~l5 e)eC€JnJe) <Jfaqe.
We are so proud of you and all
you have accomplished!
You will do wonderful at
Mom, Dad, and Julie
. d are
, , ,,c.o·, ·.:.:·
e....o r. ""l\\s.60,
· \ "· .· vou
<)(\ .
6 ..
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o~e , .
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.·...... .
..... : :.-. :~ ·. :··,. =: :·'"·
. ·..
: .·.·.
··. '· : .
.. •
... "
to our # 1 Brad!
We're so yroud
ofyou, Xmi{y1
·-~". ."-~·-··
Our 'Beautifu(, unique rose,
·. . -~~
~s you exp(ore, remem6er to
see with your heart and Usten to the
{au8hter of the stars.
'Mom, Paya,
josh, 'MadeUne, &' jeremey, &'
fo our Jradford Red Uevil
Michael Vidas
Congratulations on all your
accompli hrnents and thank for
the exciting soccer game . We
are proud and happy for you!
Good Luck on your next step of the
journey. Alway keep that great
sense of humor.
flit\~~'4"· :'\'(\e,~.
. .a-·"' "'~'\
<J~\\, "'o'ff., 9t soe¥."
Nicholas Perrine
You have worked hard from the (1r t day of kindergarten
to the last day of high school. We arc very proud of all your
ach1evcmcnls. You have all our love and support as you
continue on your educational )Ourn . We know whatever
your future brings you will be
You have brought much joy and
happiness to our lives.
Congratulations on your
graduation and good luck at the
nhcrsi~ ofWisconsin-
We Love You,
Mom, Dad, & Jena
Louis A. Perrine
Anthony Perrine - Class of '03
Lil Louie Perrine - Class of '06
Assistant Manager
Lou Perrine's
Money Orders
Bill Payment
New Homes • Designer • Developer
(262) 553-9585
1440 - 40th Court
Kenosha, WI 53144
Main Office:
Tony Apostol! 5145 Sheridan Road
Owner Kenosha, WI 53140
Spanish Groceries
Ph. (262) 654-7828
Fax (262) 620-4283