The SPY 1989
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The SPY 1989
The Mary D. Bradford High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 1988 to 1989 school year.
Kenosha (Wis.)
Mary D. Bradford High School Yearbook Club
Kenosha (Wis.)
School yearbooks
115980225 bytes
S~ ~tje,
?'Jt.uu ?'Jt.49 FINGER PAINTS - 114
/let:J, IN THE BLACK - 204
- 240
Bradford Students Were Always
We rhronged ro Alpine Volley and
Mecca ro hear George Michael and
INXS. We minc;;led wirh high sociery or
rhe Hord Rocl'l Cafe of Chicago and
joined our friends ro shoor pool or
We laughed or Roger Robbir ar.d
were horrified by Freddie l<.reuger in
Nighrmore on Elm Srreer IV as we
munched popcorn or.d sipped cherry
col'le or rhe UA Cinerr.o. We roared
wirh rhe bond or rhe Spirir Weel'l Concerr and boogied ro rhe bear or rhe
Tennis Club Dance Conresr berween
the !'lings and queens of Homecoming and Prom.
'People screaming in the stands,
Drodford, Drodford rules the fond," we
cheered for our Devils or the high
intensity football and bos/'{etboll
games. We hod no doubts obour
who we were or what we were
there to do.
Dining out, we ore mode-to-order
subs or Foldutos and frozen yogurt
by TCDY. As the blacktte occOSIOflS of
Homecoming, Sub Deb Ol1d Prom
roled aound, we filed rhe datQ
floors with on or of sophisticOl1of'l
we dd
parry, o
r's a. beouti.fu1 do. y for o carnage nde rhr.ough Cenrrol Pork for
juniors Katie Rosenbaum , Aimee Mourer ond Sue Bosch er
during rhe1r v1S1r ro New York Gry with ;'\-. 10 Club over
lnonksgiving break Lerer, rhey will see N
y's Thanksgiving
Doy Parade, among orher exoring orrrocnons
r rhe ever-popular DECA Halloween Dance.junior Beth
Perry 1s amused by ricker sellers in cosrume. seniors
Corrie Wegner, Kris Rosenbaum , Mike Horne and
Jamie Vollmer
(r.r15 Evo1..s
uniors Brooke Robbins and A.Ii DeWitt serve rhemselves
"'er fovar>'e safr dMl'IS or Ourger King during lunch Open
0nch hour tS a much appreaared break from rhe daily
rourine 5aysDeW•rr, "If lcavldn'rgaaur for lunch, l'dgacrazyl'
r "9 c 01 1ddh:sr ceremony or a remple 0 Milwaukee
or Toun Khomlasaben follows Mally Xaumphou
oi~dys 10 a proceSS1on clang a rable of fresh fru1r As parr
of 'he ceremony c food offering tS made ro rhe 'TIOnl~s. who
rhen bless ir rne food 1s subsequenrly served for everyone ro
oncenrroring on ach1e.ving rhe besr angle, senior Dusty
Nichols prepares his nexr shar 1n a game of pool or
Cagney's Sorurday n1ghrs or rhe reen bar are a popular
aurler for srudenrs, especially afrer final exams are done
Out on the 'Gown
Homecoming ................................................................................ 6
Weekends .................................................................................. 10
Summer Life ............................................................................... 16
Spring Play ................................................................................. 26
Prom ........................................................................................... 30
h1 e Juniors Amy Kirkpatrick
and Jenny Baltes busily rie
rhe bo loons nro small
bunches ro be used for decoror1ons for
·he upcoming dance, senior Cheri Fos.
ter discusses romorrow's Homecoming
plans wirh rhem
worfed by rhe underrol~1ng o f
decorar "lg rhe caterer .J Juniors
Sue Hockney and Linda
Kensler conr ue ro work lore 1nro r..,e
"g"' •o f1n~h rhe JOb rhey begot" six
hours ear er Even w rh rhe help of o
odder rhey soor found our 'hor decoror ng •he ce g wo1., d be -nuch more
difficu rhor 1hey 'XJC p onned • ro be
weel~ before rhe oauol day
of rhe parade, ,unior Krista
Maxey helps begin rhe long
and red1ous JOb of bu1ld1..,g rhe award
w11·,~ ng Junior class fioor The Juniors
mounred cn1cl~en w re and •hen spenr
many hours folded srreomers
1nro ro form a Sk1rr around rhe 'rum
Unusually worm Ocrober
winds whisrled rhrough rhe deserred sronds, scorrering paper
rem01ns of rhe game over An
derson Field.
Jusr earlier rhor day rhose
some sronds hod overflowed
wirh energy and rhe deafening
shours of fans cheering for rhe
Red Devils. The game was rhe
climocnc momenr of rhe wee/{
long preporanon for Homecom
The fesriviries began wirh 5pirir
Wee/{ The 5rudenr Council hosr
ed rhe rradirionol comperirion
berween sophomores, juniors,
and seniors. Held in rhe com
mans area during rhe lunch
hours, rhe conresrs piqued sru
denr enrhusiosm.
classes wor/{ing rogerher as
reams," commenred junior
Marcy Springhoff .
evenrs ranged from rhe rrodirionol earing of mysrery food ro
o unique form of musical choirs.
Again rhe class of '89 won rhe
5pirir Conresrs, showing rhey
could perform rhose bizarre ocrs
berrer rhon anyone else in school
Members of rhe courr were
honored or rhe Homecoming as
sembly rhe day before rhe
game 5elecred as /{ing and
queen were Deana Johnson
and Brian Cotton .
"/ didn 'r even /{now I was
nom1nored! " said courr member
Pete Lohberger .
Success did nor go ro rhe1r
heads, however.
away by Monday, " said courr
member Ron Losco, "and we'//
be rhe some as before. "
The funfilled wee/{ was puncruored by rhe 5pirir Concerr and
dance in rhe field house.
''Every one seemed ro be 1nreresred 1n rhe ocriviries or rhe
concerr and rhey enjoyed rhe
symphonic bond, " observed junior Aimee Alwardt.
The mood was one of exored
onnciporion as srudenrs loo/{ed
forward ro rhe DIG DAY
On o day rhor is cusromorily
cloudy and cold, Morher Norure
gave o pleosonr surprise. Sunny
sfoes and worm remperorures
mode ir perfecr weorher for a
parade (conr'd on page 9)
(conr'd from page 7)
said Caracciolo, ''bur rhis 1s
Homecoming game, ''especially
As rhe parade rolled our of Lin
since I'm here now. "
coin Par/~, srudenrs laughed and
"This is rhe besr use for rhe KeFor holfrime enrerroinmenr, o
cheered rheir way down rhe po
nosha News!" proclaimed senior molfe-shifr pep bond marched
rode roure As ;un1or Jim Spino Pam Duffin as she, roo,joined in
across rhe field. Alrhough ir consisrsaid, ''<The besr porr) was being rhe conferri rhrowing.
ed of only rwo people and o
and ifnowing
around friends .
The crowd erupred as senior
drum major, ir srill gor rhe orrenwe were going ro bear rhe sen- Brian Cotton scored Drodford's
rion of rhe crowd. Seniors Jon
iors wirh rhe junior floor!"
second rouchdown of rhe game
Viola and Mike Waite ployed
There was o rie for Desr Floor during rhe firsr half, sealing vicro
rheir rubo and rrombone as junior
Overall berween rhe Arr Club and ry.
Brian Parker become self-opjunior class floor. Again, rhe for''/ knew we were going ro
poinred drum major.
eign language clubs roolf Desr win," said sophomore Vicky Wil"You only go rhrough high
True/~ while rhe senior floor
liams, orrending her firsr-ever
school once, " said Porlfer, "and
snagged Desr Theme
you gorro hove fun when
wirh ''Corch rhe Wove."
you do ir!"
Red balloons rose inro
Wirh Drodford's vicrory or
rhe slfy or ificlf off, and
J5-7, srudenrs lefr rhe game
rhere seemed ro be
What will you remember most about
ro ger ready for rhe "Carnisomerhing in rhe air rhor
Homecoming '88?
val Cruise" dance.
assured vicrory.
''/loved doing rhe Ho/fey
Ar half-rime, garbage
"We wenr inro TG3Y in our dresses and
Po/fey," said senior Jodi
bogs full of shredded paeveryone srored or us weird."
Glitzky. "/ rhoughr ir was
per were rossed inro rhe
nice of rhe D.J. 's ro ger evjunior Holly Ashley
air. Ir roolf senior Tony
erybody involved. "
Carocciolo obouronhour
"The mosr memorable memory I hove is
''/ was somewhor dero shred rwo and o half
gonna hove ro be . . . my brol~en foor. I
pressed rhor rhe whole rhing
garbage bogs of compursrill managed ro hove a greor rime"
was over so quiclfly, " said
er paper where he
junior Susan Mclnryre
senior Mike Smith . "Dur or
rhe some nme I felr very
''/ could hove hod
"The Kinship program. I rhinl~ ir was a big
good /fnowing rhor I would
fourreen bogs if I would
hir wirh rhe l~ids ...
hove some greor memohove srorred yesrerdoy, "
ries!" by Linda Spe har
Junior Sean f\ yon
Go It's
and Milwoul~ee mode finding
exciremenr easier. Clubs
Medusa 's in Chicago
and Doiley 's in Milwoul~ee provided rhe change
of scenery rhor mode rhe
Where do you go on weekends?
driving rime worrh ir.
ff rhe club scene didn 'r
"Unforrunorely, I sroy in Kenosha and go
rhrill you, rhere were
ro McDonald's or rhe lol~e."
more unconvenrionol opsophomore Donna f\uss
rions. Srudenrs hod been
l~nown ro congregore in
"Usually Ijusr go our wirh friends for pizza
porl~ing /ors, blosr rheir
or somerhing, bur I'd rorher go compsrereos and dance on rhe
ospholr. And, weorher
sophomore A.J. Lucci
permirring, midnighr
swims in Silver Lol~e.
"I lil~e ro ger away from everyrhing and
Senior Michelle Fish
go hunnng and fishing."
hod new ideas for weel~
senior Gory Doerflinger
end enrerroinmenr.
"We go ro rhe Chica.. 1 usually go up ro f\ocine ro visir wirh
go oirporr and rry ro pie/~
friends or ro shop."
up srronge men from Insophomore Jamie f\eed
dio." by Linda Spehar
"There's norhing ro do in rhis
rown!" was rhe common comploinr of many
high school srudenrs. According ro junior Brian
Swistak, rhor was rhe
wrong orrirude.
"You con'r expecr rhe
fun ro jusr come ro you, "
said Swisrol~, who usually
wenr our of rown ro
dance clubs 1n search of
new enrerroinmenr.
Dur rhere was plenry
ro do righr here in rown.
So whor was rhe comploinr.
"You ger rired of doing rhe some rhings, seeing rhe some sighrs . . .
you need o change!" explained junior Stephanie
Whor ro do? Deing
considerably close ro Chicago
rnv1ng lore ro rhe rheorer, senior
ven 1n rhe binng cold, ourdoor sporrs
Pam Rusch tokes on the vosr open
ness of Kettle Morrooe and ~ys a day of
skiing This winter, Morher Norure disop-
nide rutd Jo
Srudenrs and alumni pocl~ed selmann besr described spirir as
sophomore Lupe Villalobos
rhe sronds, crowding over inro
''nor only supporring sporrs suggesred. ' 'All rhey do is inrrorhe aisles. The roar of rhe crowd evenrs, bur also academics, dra- duce people. "
1nrens1fied wirh each momenr
ma, music and orher clubs. "
Senior Jon Cruthers esrimored
"Drodford 's number oneMosr srudenrs agreed rhor
rhor obour five srudenrs come ro
ond rhor 's o focr, Joel~, '' song rhey were proud of rhe many
rhe swim meers regularly
senior Jim Oezotte . leading rhe successes of rhe srudenrs.
"The only rime people see us
crowd 1n cheers or rhe DrodfordEven rhough srudenrs claimed is or assemblies, and rhen people
Tremper bosl~erboll game.
rhey hod pride, ir was hard ro
ore only rhinl~ing obour gerring
The sp1rir of rhe srudenrs sl~y
see ir
our of rhere, ' ' Crurhers said.
roc/~ered as rhe losr seconds
''No one gers inro rhe assemIr's rrue spirirs needed ro be
wound down. Once again rhe blies. Srudenrs should yell and raised. Dur how? Srudenrs didn 'r
Devils emerged v1crorious over cheer insreod of jusr sirring
hove many ideas how ro do ir.
rhe1r crossrown rivals.
rhere, " said senior Jenni Olcott.
Prizes were offered ro sru" We always hove spirir or rhe
"We need more ocrion, "
denrs who wore rhe school colDrodford Tremper
ors ro o Drodfordgames ,'' said senior
Tremper bosl~erboll
Kathy Traughber, "bur
game. Mr. Mangi com
rhe resr of rhe year, forplimenred srudenrs on
ger irl "
What is school spirit?
rhe onnouncemenrs
"I rry ro go ro as many
mode ro cause rivalry be" The insoriable feeling of pride for one's
games as possible. They
rween sophomores, ju
ore so exoring, " sophoniors, and seniors.
senior Perer Ghera
more Oeth Grissom said.
These orremprs or rois·
Grissom orrended olmosr
ing spirirs worl~ed for o
" Supporring srudenrs and go_ing ro
every bosl~erboll game.
day or rwo, bur ofrer rhe
Some srudenrs were
game or ofrer spirir wee/~
senior 1:3renr Dorenbecher
proud and spirired in o
rhe level of spirir wenr
less noriceoble way.
down again.
"U f\AH f\AH"
"I'm proud nor only
Senior Sandy Gallo
senior Tammie Granger
because of our sporrs,
hod on orginol suggesbur also because our srurion. "They should pipe
"The feeling when you realize rhar being
denrs ore ocodemicolly
subliminal messages in
a srudenr here 1s somerh1ng ro be proud
rhe besr, " said senior Jarhe music ployed in rhe
of "
son Hassel
commons. " by Kelly
senior Sandy Gallo
Sophomore Dev RiesDahl
Aollitd TOVJfA
aughr up 1ri rhe mamenr, sophomore Vesna Socava surprises her
boyhend sophomore Bill Grea thouse wirh o sman 1~1ss ro show her affecr1on
emng nerself go. sophomore Heidi
Petersen dances w1rh friends roan oldie bur good1e Early in rhe evening,
Perersen hod no problem finding room on
rhe dance floor or rhe Manor House while
her dare senior Scott Lofton . rool~ rime our
priore for rhe serring, a mixrure
As rhe srudenrs wollfed up rhe many people's orrenrion beof fosr and slow songs. "
sreps leading ro rhe Manor cause of rhe voriery. Mosr sruA rrodirion of rhe winrer forHouse enrrance, formally denrs enjoyed rhe change.
mal, which odds somerhing ro
Junior Elsa Zukowski added,
dressed doormen greered rhem
rhis already special evening, was
with a smile, as/fed ro see rheir ''/ rhoughr rhe music was opprorhor rhe girl hod ro oslf
invirorion, and held rhe
rhe boy.
door for rhem. Upon en"/ was florrered rhor
rering rhe building, each
(senior) Sheri (Epping)
couple received a sillf
as/fed me ro be her dare
How did the night compare to what
rose adorned wirh glirrer.
ro rhe formal. Ir mode
Losr year, many peorhe nighr more special, "
ple complained rhor rhe
senior Mike Hart ex"Ir
Holiday Inn was roo small
would be. I rhoughr rhere would be
for rhe Winrer Formal, so
Wherher ir was a romore ro ir."
Key Club chose rhe Manmonric dare or a evening
junior Grion Porl~er
or House as rhe new sire.
wirh friends, rhe winrer
''Key Club rhoughr
formal was a magical ex"I didn'r expecr rhe dance floor robe so
rhar rhe Manor House
perience for all rhe coucrowded. Ir was roo small."
was perfecr. We felr_rhor
ples. by Wendy Nuzzo
junior Sean Maddox
ir /er everyone hong
around where rhey
wanred, '' said junior
Robin Monosa .
The music coughr
" I was hoping ir would be o fun nighr,
and ir sure rurned our ro be ."
junior f\obin Pfeiffer
Soolfing up rays or rhe beach,
Orodford and Tremper sruof the Shrew. The audiences
parrying wirh friends, and sirring
denrs joined rogerher ro molfe
worched rhe ploy or rhe Orodaround rhe house ... sounds lilfe
rhe Oond of rhe Oloc/f Worch and
ford oudirorium on Augusr 11, 12,
summer, righr? For some sru- Summer Sholfespeore successful.
and 1J.
denrs, yes. For orhers, rhough,
These groups gave reens a
Sophomore Willie Gorr, a
summer hod a differenr ring ro ir.
chance ro air rheir rolenrs.
member of rhe Summer SholfeMoney, all rhe more valuable
The cosr of Summer Sholfespeore cosr, sOJd, ''Ir was worrh
because ir was earned, helped speore performed rhe Taming
rhe many long hours lfnowing
some people ro save for
rhor rhe people in rhe ausomerhing special.
dience enjoyed rhemJunior Miche lle Stuselves."
de y said, "I bobysor all
The Oloclf Worch
summer so I could buy
marching bond rroveled
exrra clorhes for school."
What was unique this summer as
all over rhe Unired Srores.
Orher srudenrs jusr used
compared to last?
The musicians and colorrhe money as rhey
guard wenr ro Traverse
earned ir.
"I cou!dn'r get a good ran lil~e most of my
Ciry, Michigan for a noOy choice or by bod
friends because I wori~ed oil summer I'll
rionol comperirion and
luclf, some srudenrs orstill worl~ next summer, though"
also led a parade or Disrended summer school.
1unior Heidi Heinen
ney World in Florido.
The condensed summer
Senior Melissa Glinski,
program mode ir possible
"My besr friend, l<.orin Seponsi~1, and I
a member of rhe colorro earn a credir in less
wenr ro Cope Cod and found a cocl~
g uo rd, said,
rime, bur moifing rhe
rooch n fT'Y suitcase 111 never forger
worlfed hard bur didn 'r
grade required exrro
ger many firsr places. So
dedicorion .
Junior Lisa DeFozio
we felr lilfe we weren 'r
Some srudenrs leorned
rhor grear, bur we gor
rhe hard way. Junior Ph il
"We didn't do as well in Glod~ Worch as
raid by our insrrucrors
Wa ttles learned rhor "if
losr year"
rhor we were greor. "
you miss rhree days of
JUnior Nil~hie Flowers
There were so many
summer school, you're
rhings ro occupy rime
"This summer I sroyed 1n rown, bur lost
rhor one rhing was for
Learning new slfills and
summer I traveled a lor [)orh summers
sure: summers of "Mom,
improving on old ones
were equally fun
I'm bored" hod passed us
also added inreresr ro rhe
senior Torel~ Musoiref
hor, dry days.
by Wend y Nuzzo
lrhough ice skonng may nor sound
~ke rhe rypicol summer octiv1ry JU·
n1or Amy Lllkey, Kelly Lerson, and
Shelly Eide skore or rhe Kenosho Area ke
Areno In Augusr, rheir group, rhe Kenosho
Senior Ice Koders, won ftrsr place in Dallas,
Texos in a notional compention
1ving 1r rheir oil, Tremper groduore
Mike Picazo and senior Kevin Suro
make mogie wirh rhe1r horns. The
exoremenr of performing 1n rhe fteld show
comper1non rhe r.exr day could be heard in
rheir musK or rhe final dress rehearsal
n rhe performance of Shakespeare's
Taming of rhe Shrew, Kore Cgroduore
Tomi Sroslk) prepares for o long awaited
feasr Our Perruch10 (senior M ike Wolfe )
hos orher ideas, as his servonrs, juniors Holly
Ashley and Joel Rondeau anxiously lool~
any srudenrs worked or Tenure's
in rhe summer Here Junior Len
Montemurro srrotghrens up cons
on rhe she~ during one of hlS days or work.
nores during summer schOOI
US Hisrory, JUrnors Susan Mcintyre
and Katie Rosenbaum discuss on-
orher srudenr's oral reporr Junior Michelle
Houtz hsrens orrenr1vely 1n rhe background
me.r heme n Sor-er> Jvn.or Deth
c.r:c soohomore Eric Johnson
shoor o few hoops before ;ec. '"9
ro go ;o school Since ..r:ey hve fo1rly fer frorr:
rown ;riey ~end rore ;.me w rn eoch
orl-\er •hon rr:os; ororher end sister-;
)elf l<x;erJ
1scus>ing doub!es sr·oregy or rhe "·el,
rw ns "Of.!"' ~ores Kathy or:d Nicole Navin olcy rer>nis or me Keno-
sho ndoor f\ocqc:er (it;b where rr:or>y of
·r.e g·r1s renf'ls reorn r"Pe:-noers l<eep 'heir
SJ<ills ~horp du'>ng rhe off seoson
Drorhers and sisrers ore noro- hos broughr us closer rogerher in
"There's rimes rhor my sisrer
rious for fighring wirh each orh- rhor respecr. "
and I ger on each orher's
er, especially during rhe reenThose rhor hod classes rogerher nerves or home; rhen I con 'r
oge years. Going ro rhe some hod o differenr siruorion ro deal srond rhe idea of having ro see
school usually hos some effecr. wirh.
her firsr hour," said JUnior MarAsjuniorTabitho Cole
tha Villalobos.
pur ir, "Overall, I feel rhor
Morrho 's sisrer, sophoorrending rhe some
more Lupe added, "I
school as my brorher is
hove ro soy ir is fun havborh beneficial and nor
ing my sisrer in rhe some
If you hod the choice, would you rathbeneficial. "
class, even rhough I
er be the youngest or the oldest?
Some undersronding
/mow she doesn'r lilfe ir. I
come as o resulr of rhe
lilfe ir because I con prove
"I would rorher be rhe youngesr because
similar experiences. The
I con do berrer, even
I lil'e ro depend on orher people o lor "
elder of rhe siblings could
rhough I'm o sophomore
junior Alison Orban
ofren shore rheir experand she's o junior. "
"The oldesr because I don'r rh1nl' I would
ience wirh rhe younger.
Alrhough life wirhour
ger along wirh my younger brorher if he
Senior Bob Brooks
siblings somerimes soundwas older rhon I."
said, ·'Going ro rhe some
ed enricing, rhere was no
junior TonJO Sierer
school as my brorher hos
way ro ger rid of rhem,
mode me realize rhor I
shorr of murder. Life cer"I lil'e being the youngesr. I con see rhe
was once in his shoes.
roinly would hove never
misrol'e my older brorhers and sisrers
Since I'm older, somebeen rhe some wirhour
mol,e, so I don't mol'e rhe some mis
rimes ir gives me o feeling
rol,es. '
rhem. by Wendy Nuzzo
of being o role model Ir
sophomore Jeremiah Slorer
n ·"e co:-nrnons ora before rhe day be
gins s.srers sophomore Carrie and senior
Sue Dzlmiela cha! w1rh eoc'"> o:her a•
C :rr:e·s iOL <er
e:-nhers of -he Ir.ferro sraff ;ur> ors
Shannon and Chris Smith wori~
oyerher e,...rer, .gsro"•E-'S
cOfT"purer for
ro """"e
""'e upcoming di?Qd':f"'e
Jeff LDJ( i'
Joann GeO'YTlel
un'1g passing rime, sophomore Jen.
ny Kantola ond junior Adam
W nuck meer or rhe locl~er rhor rhey
shore 1n rhe commons. ro corch up on rhe
larer news Many couples shore a locl~er ro
give rhem more nme rogerher.
sea of srudenrs ~oods 1nro rhe
"10 Is during pos5>ng •1me Srudenrs
\Qsr·e and shove ro ger ro rne r
classes on nme, esaeoolly when rhey hove
ro orove rre 1nrersecr1on or rhe founro1ns
and wosnrooms. Of en olrernore roures
musr be used when a srudenr is 1n a hurry
srudenrs poss by sophof"lore
Chang Kim pays lime orrenr1on ro
rf-iem os he lool~ over some homewon~ from his losr closs Kim sirs wo1r1ng our
side his classroom for rhe reacher ro arrive
ono unlocl~ me door while senior Pam
Rusch tool~ on
''I'm glad we con go ro our
denrs rhor really hod ro use rhe
The bell rang and rhe sru
loclfers. I hove roo many boo/~
denrs sprang ro life They
ro carry orherwise, " said JUnior
Orher srudenrs hir rheir loclfers ro
raced inro rhe ho/lwoys for o
Tony Scarlato.
drop off old boolfs and p1clf up rhe
five m1nure breolf from rhe
Couples rhor hod spenr fifryones for rheir nexr class. Loclfers
monoromy of classes, rry1ng
five minures away from each
also were o meering place for
ger as much done as possi·
orher were reunired. Couples
friends ro corch up on rhe loresr
ble dunng passing rime
could be seen holding hands
Oorhrooms filled up and gossip.
and lfissing or every corJoclfers were raided.
ner and doorway.
"The problem wirh
Junior Geni Krebs
rhe borhrooms is rhor
"/r's ofroy if ir's o lirrle
once you go 1n rhere,
hug, bur rhey
How could passing time be imyou smell Ji/fe o ogo·
/er ir ger our of
rerre for rhe resr of rhe
The library should be rearranged so rhor
day," said Ami MagAs spring neared, Mr
srudenrs con cur rhrough rhere berween
gio. Maggio shored
Mongi could be heard rerhe opinion of many
minding srudenrs on rhe
Senior Damion Volenrine
imporronce of being
Sneolfing o few hirs
Ir should be longer ro give rime ro ger ro
puncruol ro class, even
before rerurning ro
wirh five minures, sruclass creored probJunior Jenny Ooss
denrs could be seen runlems: Groups of smo/<;They should hove places where we con
ning inro classrooms as
ers would fill one or
buy food dunng passing rime Lil~e hove
rhe bell rang. Time won
more srolls rhor were
people selling candy bars by \ochers
ogo1n. by Kelly Dahl
needed by rhe sruJunior Dove Fournier
S:eve Cmo
populor place ro hong our dur ng
rhe five m1nures of po5Slng nme
wos or rhe locl~ers Senior Russ
Kirschbaum wol"s for Junior Jamie Reimer
while she digs our her oooks for ner nexr
ol~1ng o momenr 1n from of rhe mirror
during po5Slng nme, Junior Nancy
Garcia carefully makes rhe 0ecessory
OOJUsrmenrs •n her coiffure before going on
ro her nexr class
cch year many srudenrs rol<e rhe
Armed Services Vocm1onoi Apr'rude
i3orrecy lASVAi)) ro help dererm ne }
whor career !"119N be besr 'or ;hem Sopl"io
more Mike Murphy par1enr'y wans wt--1le
Air For(e· Sgr Oryon Lee searches
for Murphy s resv'•s
-t' s o Do -2ctt-Do
S·e~ (1T10
heci<ng 1r·oot 1;.e POSS•b.1ir'es, se:11or.
Wendy Trudeau !Okes cdvonroge
of r~e •r:'~yrnono0 offered ro s'"u
de0·s oy '"e l•brory T ne brory of'ers a
":de vor:ery of ~1or<"'10!1or on vcrious oc
Drrrnng, brrrring.
Ah, rhe phone coll you
were wo1ring for. Ir musr be
Joe Srud or Donna Dimen
s1ons colling ro as/{ you our.
''Hi! This 15 Sergeonr
Uggh-nor again.I On rhe
line was rhe recru1rer ready
ro persuade you ro enlisr (for
rhe fourrh rime) While
many srudenrs mode ex
cuses ro ger off rhe phone,
such as ''Sorry, con 'r roll{
now, rhe house is on fire, "
some srudenrs decided rhor
;01n1ng rhe mllirory hod irs ad
"/ decided I'm nor ready
for college nghr ofrer high
school so I wenr ro rhe re
crUJring office w1rh my par
enrs supporr ' said senior
Joe Garnero.
Senior Melissa Kelley
agreed: ''College hos norhing ro offer me; rhe Air Force
For rhose who were unsure if rhe Armed Forces
really was a greor place ro
srorr, SSgr. Swann, U.S.
Army, said, ''/ suggesr srudenrs chec/{ our rhe milirory
by roll{1f1g ro us (recruirers). If
rhey don'r /i/{e ir, rhey don'r
hove ro join. "
For rhose nor inreresred in
Plans after graduation:
Of those college bound:
five a 'c/oc/{ revellle, college
was rhe /{ey ro rhe furure.
Wirh choices of schools ranging from rhe Kenosha College of Cosmerology ro Arizona Srore, a vosr mojoriry
of srudenrs chose ro furrher
rheir educorion.
"Wirh o college degree /'II
hove o berrer chance of
finding o good job, " commenred senior Jane Hartung .
Senior John Yanhoof
added, "Whor /{ind of job
con you expecr ro ger wirhour ir?"
Of course, rhe besr porr of
college for many srudenrs
was rhe chance ro ger
away from rhe family and
enjoy new freedoms.
''I'm really loo/{1ng forward ro gerring our of !<.
rown and gerring away
from my family. I wonr ro
see porr of rhe world for myself, bur I'm going ro miss all
my friends, "said senior Sara
Orher srudenrs preferred
ro go srroighr inro rhe wor/{
force or srorr o family. Re
gordless, ir was imporronr ro
mo/{e rhe righr choice.· ir's o
dog-ear-dog world our
rhere. by Kevin Sura
eying for college is a problem wnich
rnosr seniOrs shore Or:e source rhor
rnany srud('nrs rurn •o .s nr'onaa1c'c
Here counselor Ms. Reinhard qu1c!~ly goes
over a scholcrsr> p copl1cor100 w;rr, senior
Jan Russo
rusrro•ed one confused ob< "-'1 "e' co
reerchoices, sophomore Tina Hopkins
loo:~ up some •ntormorion o~ becorr
1ng on asrronaur •'1 o career reso1..irce work·
shop during her horrer~ In me bock·
ground other sophomores do S1m>lcr oro;ecrs
"e •:bra:-y du .g his , nc'":hour ser:or
Don Coolidge meers w1rh SSgr. Swann ;o
c1scuss wt-iO' rhe C'my ha: ro offer
war.rec :o check our 0:1 of my opr:ons be
fore I rnol~e my decision 00 pol ce rro•nir>.g, '
sc:d Cool:dge
r f\odrke explains rhe 1nrensely 1n·eresnng sysrem of highway num
ber•ng 1n yer onorher Dnveer Edu
cation film Ar- inf1n re number of films ore
used ro reach rhe 'undornenrols of oriv ng
ven rhough rhe1r faces don'r show ir
sophomores Sean Dolan and Will
Robinson ore JUSr bursnng wirh exciremenr or rhe prospecr of obro1ning rhe1r
remps. A remporory license allow "ew dnv
ers ro perfecr rhose newly acquired driving
''Now . . . which is rhe gos claimed amnesia when ir come ro
apprehensive obour re/ling rheir
pedal again?"
Driver Ed
own roles of woe, rhey would
Dad, sirring sriffly 1n rhe pas
Her "friend" senior Jane Hargladly poinr rhe finger of em
senger sear, rurns rhree shades tung was ready ro help)Og Jenny's borrossmenr or a friend
of green. He nervously braces memory.
"Nil~/~; hir a snowbonl~."
his hands ogoinsr rhe dash while
''Remember rhor one rime
laughed sophomore Becky
his foor pushes on imaginary
when you drove down rhe wrong Muller.
brol~e ro rhe floor
side of rhe srreer
"Nor really hard, rhought I
Junior Aaron Meldahl re
Alrhough some srudenrs were
was bocfong up and going prer
membered one of his firsr
ry slow," said sophodriving experiences.
more Nikki Martin, rry
"/ was or a four-way
ing ro defend herself
srop and I wosn'r sure
Oec/~y ser rhe record
who I hod ro yield rhe
Of all the traffic laws, which do you
righr of way ro. 5o I jusr
find yourself violating the most often?
"Yeah, righr
wenr. As I was rurning, a
could hear rhe snow
Nor sropp1ng or srop signs
big Moc rruc/~ olmosr
crunching on rhe bumpsenior Cindy Dummer
broadsided me.I Ir missed
I speed and don'r srop or srop signs. I
by obour on inch "
Goofs such as rhese
hove so many problems w1rh rroffic lows
Such roles of rerror
were expecred in Driver
junior Mil~e Conhorrowsl~i
were common. Every
Educorion Ir was rhe
I never speed
ever since I've hod a
one hod Driver Educorion
place ro ger all rhe sl'lly
speeding r1cl~er, rwo moving violorions,
horror srones, bur few
misrol~es our before you
rwo rroffic ncl~ers, and four sysrem failures
were anxious ro odmir 1r
h1r rhe open rood alone
1n six monrhs
Senior Jenny Writz
by Linda Spehar
junior Chns Ooorh
AoUVtd Tawvt
'\ember be1:-g rold 1n Driver Edu
c rlOJ" •o olwoys use your perking
1 Jke? We , r
wh t hoppet's
whe yw don'r Ms. Taylor's porl1ed car
unexpecredly unporl1ed 1rself and begon
ro: rg boc11word M5 Taylor 1nser, rerurned
ro rhe for ro find her car nudged up ogoinsr
a pole
ophomore David Dimmer expresses
his JOY wirh driver nu1or1on as •~io'
Tim Dewestor sophonnores Arlan
Owens and Sean Dolan beh -,d, lriuk
equol1y erv">i.. a_ ric
on you spot rhe keys) Sophomore
Shirley Cr-;iw and senior Teresa
Jensen poss the hand-eye coordinonon rest by corch1ng the car keys They
prepore themselves for o mosr rare exper
1ence on the rood w1rh Mr Dolan_
lnnore rolenr is whor mof{es a
Sri/I, many people felr rhor a cer
rhe drama club.
good ocror/ocrress. Those who rain rype of person is orrracred ro
Junior Wendy Bastrup disaore in drama ore of rhor special drama.
breed ro whom ocring comes
"Usually people who oren'r in
"We've gor jocl<.S and 'nornorurally. True or false-:>
sporrs and wonr ro excel/ in on ex- mal' people. I con soy rhor in
"/ don 'r believe rhor's rrue,"
rro-curriculor ocriviry besides
one respecr we ore all rhe
replied senior Connie Dinges. sporrs, "said senior Colleen Ruebsome because we ore all a porr
"I've never ocred before Sorry,
samen , a vereran of Dradford draof a ream: drama."
Wrong Number, bur I've ma producrions and presidenr of
"They rhin/{ you hove ro be
learned ir's nor all rolenr.
very weird ro perform on
You've gor ro pracrice a
sroge, " said sophomore
for and be commirred ro
Keith Gray
be good or ocring. "
''Performing in fronr of
Mr. Srurino, rhe drama
on audience helped me
How did you deal with stage fright?
insrrucror/ploy direcror,
roger nd of my shyness, "
I was worried rhor I m1ghr slip on rhe rocl~s
shored rhe some senri
said sophomore Laura
on rhe sroge, so I loot~ed where rhe rocl~s
"Whor mo/{es a good
"You meer a !or of
sophomore Tracy l'\ohloff
ocrorI ocrress is a person
new people, " said Gray.
who hos some rolenr, bur
''Drama is really a !or of
When I gar on sroge, I gar nervous I
rhey ore driven ro ro/{e
fun. " So, whor rype of
concenrrored on my 1nes ro calm myself
rhor rolenr and wor/{
person joins drama-:> As
hard ro become even
Gray said, ''Anybody
senior Vanessa Woods
berrer Ir ro/{es years ro
and everybody." by
develop rhe rolenr and
I didn'r rhinl~ gerring nervous was on op
Linda Spehar and
!ors of Jue/{ ro become
Wendy Nuzzo
successful. "
Junior Grenr Jones
AoLUttd To!AM
n nsoironcn ;a many, senior Angie
Rickmon nervo1..s1y worcnes as rhe
nurse srops rhe blood fiow from
f\icl<mar's arm. f\·ckmon was one of rhe
few srudenrs brave e000gh to worch me
onnnuolly rece•v:ng donorion.
pledges sophomore Koren Jackson
updores rhe Srudenr Counc11's rher
morneter, which was d15Ployed ir> the commons. Tl>e r!"lermornerer was used ·o show
how ciose ro rhe1r goal rhe Councn was n
recru•nng donors
Soro l,em'Joc'<.
r>e :"fcrnoL · biood resr
more Robbie Gauss were.hes ~ m•1d
inrerest O'. "e !S pr.r:<ec w'h a r.eed'e
so h:' blood con oe resred for ror co: ren:
one blood rype Many people 'eel th!S rs rhe
mosr podul po:: of r>-ie dono:;on process
s i'"e nurse 'ecords ri;s biood pressure and hear: rare, senior Chris
Dehaven worches rhe rherrr-.ornerer' d1g:rt. reodour These resrs oirhough
red rn,s, ore irnpcr·om for '"e l"eolrh of borh
rhe dOnor one rhe furure recio;enr Some
oeop:e con r oono1e, rhose who hove hod
hepor.r.s, for example
"I don'r believe I'm doing rh1s
As was rrodirton, Srudenr Counci,
I hare needles!" screamed sponsored rhe evenr. "The blood
senior Ann Whyte as she drive is one of our biggesr evenrs of
cringed in onriciporion of rhe rhe year You wouldn'r believe all
vomp1re-lilfe nurse finding a rhe worlf we pur 1nro 1rl" said soph
omore Tony Oon ini
Desp1re rhe srrenous efforrs ro
Despire some srudenrs fears,
recruir donors by gemng srudenrs
rhe annual blood drive co/leer
ed over 140 p1nrs, a new school our of classes and wirh door prizes,
record, during rhe one
" .
day evenr held in rhe
~:- fieldhouse
Unforrunorely, many
srudenrs who donore do
nor undersrond whor
happens ro rhe1r blood
"The blood 1s senr up ro
rhe Milwoulfee Dlood
Oonlf, where ir's resred,"
explained Donald Hoferitza "Then, if1r'snorused
righr away, rhe plasma is
seporored from rhe red
blood cells because rhe
plasma con be lfepr indefin1rely "
some srudenrs JUST could nor
bring rhemselves ro donore
''Oesides nor being 17 yer,
rhe rhoughr of blood molfes me
queasy," said junior Susan
Hockney Th1swosproboblyrhe
mosr common reason given for
nor gMng
Some, however, who wanred ro give couldn'r. "I'm
mod!" complained sen
ior Kris Rosenbaum "I
wonred ro give, bur rhe
nurse couldn'r find my
How do you imagine the blood you
vein. I really wonred ro
donated being put to use?
donore. "
Even rhough a small
of pain was inomounr
"I con picrure someone being in a bod
mosr srudenrs
occidenr and losing a lor of blood and
were glad rhey donored
having ro use mine for a rronsfusion."
Hopefully, wirh increasing
senior Paulo Moenssen
enrhus1osm, rhe record
breolfing donarions will
" People who ger 1n occidenrs, lihe some
conrinue as more sruone gers hir by a car or people who need
denrs deode ro 91ve rhe
blood rronsfusion."
gifrofHfe by Kev in Sura
sophomore Deonna Gosroldi
ore"' ru•r bee'-< nowt nit k5
J'-'' ex Elsa Zukowski as '1ie nv-se
beg n~ rt)( dona,. on pr-xess by
sre z ng .,.,., <Jreo 'rOf'l / ch rhe 00d IS
cbour re, t::e roken
ov1ng ro rhe beor provided by
Music on the Move.Junior Tony
Fani leods senior Jenny Mau
orour 1d rhe dance floor or rhe En~·s Club. rhe
rrod1nonol SJre of Prom Foni and Mou were
only one of rhe many couples crowding rhe
floor during rhe slow songs when romonce
was 1n rhe air
shored momenr odds ro rhe 1nri
mocy berweenJunior Jon Henning.
field and his dore Stacy Podhola
from f\oc1ne Horlicl~ as rhey dance rhe nighr
Chtt5 Evans
he bar proved ro be a popular place
for 'he hor couples ro cool down be
rween dances. Sophomore Chris Lyons weirs his rurn ro ger a dnnl~ for himself
and his dare Lyons uses rhe free dnnk
posses rhor couples received or rhe door
weiring rhe onnouncemenr of
queen and king, rhe Junior Prom
Courr, cons.sringof Susan Mcintyre
Deondoi Randolph , Lisa DeFazio Jenny
Baltes, Aimee Alwardt, Paul Scazzoro,
Oltt 0
Jim Grube Tony Miceli Mike Stuart and
Brion Parker (nor shown1. srond around
losr year's queen and king, sen10rs Jodi
Glitzki and Joe Possarelli
"You /~now how porenrs ore
The mood was rense as sruThe Ell~ 's Club once again
denrs prepared for rheir big
rhe dance. The junior
nighr or prom She wenr for one
ir in pinl~s and
losr ronning session and ro hove
grays, giving Prom on elegonr
her hair done Curls and bows State ma
rouch. Ir marched irs rheme
As soon as rhe picrures were fin
were placed in rheir rresses Ev
''Once Upon a Time ' '
ished, rhe couple wenr ro dinner
eryrhing hod ro be perfecr
"OJ on rhe Move " provided
Hob Nob, Volenryne 's, Corner
He wenr ro pie/~ up ruxedos
and corsages Shoving was House, and Trump's greered rhe music for rhe nighr Sers of rhree
done slowly, so rhor rhere srudenrs and added ro rhe nighr's slow songs 1nre1Jecred rhor fosr
dance music.
would be no 1~n1cl~. He ~..
The crowd quiered os
hoped his dare would nor
rhe big momenr arrived
norice rhe blemish on his ..
The queen, fong, and rhe
courr were announced
Finally rhe rwo come
What was the best part of Prom?
The couples srood onx
rogerher. He arrived 1n his
iously os juniors Jim
befreshly washed and
and Aimee Alwaxed car. A few even
cause rhis is our losr prom "
rhe honor
senior Duffy Sre1gmon
splurged on a limousine
'r even
His dare descended rhe
'' s01d
"I hod fun rhe whole n1ghr."
sroircose, her gown flow
senior Vic Mueller
ing behind her
''Everyone /ool~ed so
''/ was amazed or
and was in such high
"I enjoyed rhe dance bur I hod rhe mosr
how beounful she Qun1or
sp1nrs, " said Alwordr
fun going our ofrerwords w1rh friends.
Robin Monosa) /ool~ed
When rhe girl was
Friends really mode rhe occasion spe
when she come downdropped off, she spol~e of
sroirs, "said junior Jim Orrhe wonderful evening.
sophomore Kevin Seiberlich
The couple 1~1ssed good
Now, ir was p1crure
nighr and ended rhe1r
"I lil~ed dancing ro rhe music mosr of oil
rime' Fifreen minures or
mogico1 dare by Kelly
We really hod a good rime "
one house, rhen off ro
sophomore Chris Neu
rhe orher.
1-\elosrpromforseror Colleen Ruebsomen and groduore Dorr~ Thomas
proved ro oe rne besr and mosr ro·
mar• c The couple danced •rie nighr away
laughing and shoring secrers
et's Do
"I'd /il~e ro rhonl~ rhe Acode-
m y, 5reven Spielberg, and
George Lucas, " cried senior Joe
Grimes as he occepred his dumb
award for Closs Clown. Then he
ran from rhe sroge wirh rears of
joy 1n his eyes
5pinrs were high as seniors
come rogerher for on evening of
reminiscing and /oughrer 5rudenrs come ro rhe El/~'s Club wirh
rhe inrenrion of having a good
Senior class adviser, Mr Don
Orooks hod ocrive/y solicired seniors and promored ricl~er soles;
consequenly, a rorol of 240 sru
denrs and 20 oddirionol guesrs,
including Grandma Peg, purchased rhe $15 ricl~ers, which
provided each srudenr wirh a
buffer dinner and a nighr ro re
Orool~s said, ''E veryrh1ng wenr
• •
smoorhly The El/~'s worl~ers
served 260 people 1n 22 min
''The food was excellenr and
rhere was plenry of ir, " SOid sen
1or Fronk Bilotto
Oilorro was speo/~1ng of rhe
rwo large buffer rabies overflow
ing wirh food There were fresh
fruirs and hor meor rhor provided
a well-balanced meal and refreshmenrs for rhe fesriv1ries.
Afrer rhe dinner, rhe fun really
began. As rhe DJ's ser up, ries
were loosened and shoes were
slipped off The music srorred and
srudenrs poured onro rhe dance
floor A few root~ rhe1r fancy
foorworl~ our ro rhe balcony.
"The music was good for
dancing, a tor berrer rhon
Prom," so1dsen1or Scott Stratton
5rudenrs sor around roll~ing
and reminisong. They filled rhe
hall, rhe balcony, and rhe borhrooms.
"We hod a for of fun dancing
and ro/l~ing obour all rhe good
rimes we've hod over rhe losr
few years We've all changed so
much. "commenred senior Tracy Christman "fr was defirurely
a n1ghr for nosro/g10
The senior dumb awards
were spread rhroughour rhe
evening 5rudenrs cheered as
rhe1r friends received awards.
Afreroll, rhese were rhe highlighr
of rhe nighr.
As rhe evening ended and
srudenrs were leaving, rhe
words of senior Ed Hobel , while
occepring his award, were re
membered "We'll do ir again
nexr year"
Ar leosr some of us will by
Kelly Dahl and Kevin Suro
Se.Woll DUMb .AwOJLds
Class Hugger
Best Walk
Best Dressed
Mr. Macha/Ms. Femininity
Biggest Flirt
Jock/ Jockette
Best Smile
Most Likely to Serve Time
Most Likely to Trip at Graduation
Most Likely to Succeed
Mr./Ms . Airhead
Class Procrastinator
Class llrown-noser
Most Spirited
Romeo and Juliet
Einstein and Madame Curi
Class Clown
Mr./Ms. Attitude
Best Laugh
King/Queen of Gossip
Mr./Ms. " 10"
Most Likely to be a Bradford Teacher
Most Likely to be on Broadway
Biggest Couch Potato
Best Sneeze
Class Motto
Class Song
Class Flower
Class Colors
Marco Malacara and Jenni Harder
Oob Orooks and Amy Wasilewski
... Shown Delacy and Jodi Gross
Mike Sreworr and Oerh Adelsen
. Scarr Conley and Leanna KJSSee
... Onan Corron and Jodi Gltrzky
Don Wolrer ond Joann Gemmell
Ed Hobel. Hobel. Edward
M1l~e Morrone and Cindy Fairbanks
Scarr Arl~ns and Corne Wegner
Jim Thomey and Tnao Murphy
Mil~e Horne and Denise Grommerz
Joe Leonard and Michelle Owsichek
Joe Passarelli and Michelle Weyand
... Orion Ochronek and Mory Oeorry
Par Pelner and Soro Uecker
Joe Grimes and Toro Tower
Oill Nevoroski and Allyson Orond
Poul Kubicki and Connie Dinges
Jim OiShop and Joan Pocem
Jon Crurhers and Deana Johnson
Denise f\edfern
. Colleen f\uebsomen
Pere Lehberger
Tiffany Nelson
Make Things Happen
Wind Oeneorh My Wings
f\ed f\ose
f\ed and Olocl~
roud d her occomplishmen_ rs, senior
Toro Turco grooouslyocceprs on
award from oss1sronr principal Nola
P.otliff Turco received several owords, induo:ng tf"e Publisher's Cno1ce Award for her
aeo!lve wriring efforrs.
usr a few of •he many people from rr>e
comrnun;ry ro hand our awards, 55gr
Swann Sgr Wol!esrad CUS Army) and
Mory Orehm (McDonald 's Corporcr:o0)
spe·'!d sev e~o! rnornenrs gemng 'O know
each orher before 'he ceremony begins
Scro Gerntxx: <1
As is rrodirionol or rhe end of
each school year, rhe enrire
school congregored in rhe field
house for rhe Honors Convoco
rion ro recognize rhe oursrond
ing achievemenrs mode by srudenrs rhroughour rhe year
Mosr seniors, in rheir hors and
gowns for rhe firsr rime, sor on
display on rhe fieldhouse floor
while some 105 of rheir peers
(and o few underclassmen)
roof~ ro rhe sroge in order ro be
honored 1n a special way wirh
nearly one rhousond of rheir
peers loo!~ed on.
Afrer rhe owe-inspiring groduore process1onol, rhe Nononol
Anrhem, and on 1nrroducrion
from Mr Mong!, rhe program
began. For rhe nexr hour and o
half, dozens of awards were
passed our
''/ felr prerry odd being on
sroge wirh all rhose seniors, ''
said ;unior Heather Ramsby
"The program was nice, bur ir's
roo long. They should rry ro
shorren ir-ir gers boring ofrer o
Forrunore!y, nor all undergroduores felr rhor way "/ /JY~ed
rhe program. Ir mode me rh1n!~
obour rhe rh1ngs rhor will be
happening ro me when /'II be a
senior and groduoring, " sOJd
sophomore Winona Keels
And for rhose se!ecr seniors, ir
was a momenr robe cherished
"/ felr honored ro be up rhere, I
even hod my porenrs come ro
see me." said senior Carrie
Hinz "Oeing able ro wear my
gold cord for Honor 5ociery
showed rhor I hod really accomplished somerhing_ "
As rhe ceremony dragged
on for some and sped along for
orhers, a message was ex
pressed High school is more
rhon jusr bool~s and headaches.
For rhose who gar involved
1n exrrocurriculor clubs and oc
riviries, o few sacrificed hours
meonr many hours of pride and
joy and o feeling of accomplish
menr and se!fsonfocrion rhor 1s
guoronreed for life by Kevin
Aid Association for Lutherans Scholarship
Soro lJed<er
Western Publishing Scholarship
Deloll College Scholarship
Sue Dzm1elo
Al Molinaro Scholarships
Choir Boosters Scholarship
Amy Hernandez.
Cane 1-tnz
Louo. Pode
Aoton Sens
Cilento Studios Scholarships
Joe Pa>sor
JocqU Wode
Concordia College Scholorshlp
Elk·s Constitution Scholarship
Jome V<*ner
'.><ephon"' Hemongfeld
Kevn 54.xo
Festival of Music Scholorshlps
Bradford Alumni Anociatlon Scholarships
Catherine 6 Virginia Tenuta Scholorshlps
Frances McCammon Scholarship
Grant PTO Scholarship
Horatio Alger Scholarship
J.J. Wilkerson Debutonte 6 Esquire
Dove Goordono
Sue Oenrer
Clora Abbott Foundation
Kenosha Lodge
47 Scholarship
Kiwanis Foundation Scholarships
Clarence LoFove Memorial Scholarship
D.T. John Memorial Scholarships
John Golvlch Memorial Scholarship
Deorse l\edferr
Louise Upright Memorial Scholarships
Sc.on Arkins
Jooio Gerrmel
.Im Oohop
Lo" 1'1'dorey
PTA Council Scholarship
Roy Miies Memorial Scholarship
Theresa McDonough Memorial Scholarship
Winifred Farley Memorial Scholarshlp
Art Club Scholarships
Pere Lyons
KMH Faith Collins Scholarships
Kroc Youth Achievement Award
KUSD Athletic Scholarship
Tno Guodo
Jooio Genvne;
Oroi Corron
Business Dept. Scholarship
FDLA Scholorshlps
Nancy Dum
Nocole Wolsoo
Joo Crurhers
Sue Oenrer
Lon h'dorfey
l\ns l\osenbo<.m
Jeriny Wnrz
L6o """'
/Me Mooone
/Me Smrh
.lemy /loJ
Tnoo Cook
KeV<i Slxo
.lemy /loJ
Oerh Adelseo
Aoton Sens
Machinists Lodge
Amy Ambrose
Jooioo M>ceo
MSOE Scholorshlps
MW<.e Wore
Aaron Sens
Notional Society of Prof. Engineers
Saro Ued<er
Maud Mathews Scholarship
Sondra 5hoffer
French Club Scholarships
Presidential Scholarship
Ruth Downs Memorial Scholarships
Come Hnz
Key Club Scholorshlps
Jooioo M>cel
Jooio Gerrmel
Par Pelrier
Kevri 54.xa
Nancy Dunn
Saro lJed<er
Schubert Scholarship
.Im Oohop
Tri.County Scholarship
Pat Pe11er
Trinity College Academic Scholarship
Univ. of Northern Ill. Athletic Scholarship
Tara Turco
L6o """'
Onan Corron
Jooio Gemmel
Joo l\u=
UW Madison Life Sciences Scholarship
.lefome Cl.Ki
0-orl>e Jones
Soro Ued<er
UW Madison Chancelor Scholarship
Jemy Hernandez
Jason H=e<
Joe> Girzl<y
34 Scholarship
Marquette University Scholarships
.lemy /loJ
Tao Tl..J'co
Tno Gosey
Johnson Wax Scholarship
Tno Gude
Oroi Octvonek
Cndy Morley
Don Wolrer
y olanda Jod<soo
M.chelle OwSIChek
/Me Mooone
Jon Volo
G.&E. Frederick Memorial Scholarship
Grand Award Creative Writing
Hed Will<o<rm
Saro lJed<er
Don Wolrer
Bradford Scholarship
.Im Oohop
Shown Delacy
Dave Goordono
)<eph<Y>e Hennngfeld
Marketing Scholarship
Cor"e Wegier
Rainbow Connection Scholarship
Arn>eo Sr.1ey
Jooio Gemmel
Spanish Club Scholorshlps
STS Scholarshlps
Tno Gude
Porn l\uscti
Oed<y Womboldr
Student Council Scholarships
.Im Oohop
UW Oshkosh Honor Scholarship
lv\one Perez
Too Gosey
UW Parkside Scholarships
Oerh Ac:leOe<
Jemy Hernandez
Nancy Oum
Cherie Jones
Joel Glrzl<y
5he«i Pe<r<>r
AorOf' Sens
llro l\osenbo<.m
KeV<i Slxo
Sunrise Lodge
L6o """'
Scarr Arkl"'\:!
Technology Ed. Scholarship
l\.ch Selle<<
ver 60.000 cook:es were col:ecred
by HERO for vererons dun.,g the
w1nrer seoson. Here, senior Chan-
orC:' ng w:rn hor and gown ·.-. rhe
proce';Slonol 1n from of rhe em·re
school groduoring ;e":ors rece:ve
dra Dugger occeors rhe oioque, presenrec
a (Y)Oil'enr ot pride ofte:- years of hard \A'CY.k
by Ve•erons Serv:ce Off:cer Tom Lois. for
HERO's exrroord:'1ory efforrs
and ded1cor:o"
Aollild ToWVt
What would you do for a
Klondike Oar?
"I would
Gioncherri's fore
senior Mil~e Sreworr
"I mighr wall~ rhe halls wirh ponryhose
on my head"
senior Jeff George
"I don'r l~now
. maybe swim across
rhe Pacific Ocean wirh shorl~s for companionship "
senior Kim Granger
"Jump off rhe Empire Srore Guilding
inro o bucl~er of Jello ''
senior Joe Gornero
"Gelieve ir or nor, I would ear eggs,
only eggs, for one enrire weel~
senior Me11sso Kelley
"I wouldn'r mohe any mole superior
iry commenrs for five enr1re minures ...
senior Dove Minl~ey
Cnrts Evor.s
he 2 JO bell dears our rhe halls of
Drodford as srudenrs rush home ro
worch Oprah W•nfrey-rhe1r mo n
sovrce of informorion on cor>rroversio! rop1cs One 1one reacher rooms rhe deserred
Wirh rhe resr case from Mis''Did you see whor she's Wisconsin, received much publiciry
Guess who I sow rhroughour Wisconsin. There was a souri challenging rhe Roe vs.
Wade decision, rhe debore
him w1thl
Whor's going on debore on wherher o lirrnr should
over legal oborT/ons hod escoOur I heard be placed on rhe number of fish
Fndoy nighr'?
Indians roof{ our of rhe lo/{es,
lored. Ir was quesrioned wherh
rhor ..
er each srare should hove rhe
Wair a minurel Srudenrs where many rourisrs go ro fish.
Some srudenrs symporhized righr ro mo/{e rhe obomon dee!·
ra/l{ed obour more rhon jusr
THA Tl Mosr everyone hod on wirh rhe Indians. Sophomore Russ
sion for irself
Eichner said, "/ don'r rhin/{ we
"Jr should be your choice, "
op1nton on some poliricol or so
should rel/ rhe Indians how ro fish. I said sophomore Jon Bundy
ciol issue When a heored dis
"The people who ore og01nsr
cussion come up, each srudenr rh1n/{ rhey should be able ro spear
oborrion shouldn 'r ger ro decide
added his ideas, somerimes ro as many fish as rhey wonr We've
brol{en enough rreories wirh
for everyone else People
rhe surprise of his clossmores.
should decide for rhemselves
Some srudenrs hod on opin
Senior Bill Thomas added his
wherher rhey believe Ir (rhe fe
ion obour Dullen Junior High
Indirus) 1s a person or nor Thor's rhe
principal Mr Tony Bisciglia be
whole issue. "
ing app01nred superinrendenr ans should be guoronreed rheir
righrs, rhese righrs oren 'r procricol
Junior Jodie LaMothe held
of rhe J<,enosho Unified.
an opposing viewpoinr. ''/ rhin/{
A former Dullen srudenr, ju for rodoy's sociery The sryles of
no one hos rhe righr ro hove on
n1or Lora Hassel commenred, fishing hove changed. If Indians
aborrion. Ir's murder Even if I
''Mr Oisoglio was really srricr. I hunred in rhe manner rhor rheir
were roped, I would choose ro
rhlf1/{ he 'II be rough on some foreforhers did, rhere would be no
pur rhe baby up for odoprion.
sub.Jeers, bur easier on orhers. problem guoronreeing rhese
People usually don'r loo/{ or
He 'II use his JUdgmenr wisely, righrs. I also see rhor o big porr of
odoprion as on oprion. The only
and I rhin/{ he 'II do o goodjob in rhe problem is racism . There's
many b1gors 1n sooery rhor con'r
way I could possibly see having
rhe end"
deal w1rh onorher roce or differenr
on obomon is 1f rhe docror raid o
Junior Barb Singer didn'r op
woman she could die 1f she con
prove of rhe way rhe orher beliefs."
rinued rhe pregnancy
condidores for superinEven rhen, I would ro/{e
rendenr of were loo/{ed
rhe chance The baby
over JUST because rhey
deserves rhe opporruniry
didn'r live 1n Kenosha· "/
ro live"
believe rhor rhe condi·
Presidenriol polirics, rhe
dare doesn 'r hove ro
events and topics?
Sreolrh Oomber program,
necessarily be from J<,e
and olf slic/{s also coughr
nosho An oursider would
srudenrs orrenrion.
Newspaper, relevision . . some rimes I
bring new ideas and dif
Srudenrs or Orodford
worch rhe news.
ferenr experiences ro rhe
sophomore Michelle Polmen
cored obour much more
odminisrrorion. Schools
rhon one would expecr
bos1colly hove rhe some
Their opinions reflecred
I hove ro worch rhe news ro be prepared
problems all over rhe
rhe1r awareness of
for World Issues class
counrry, and Kenosha is
sophomore Jeannine Duesing
evenrs rhor surrounded
nor on exceprion"
by Wendy
The spearfishing conNuzzo and Linda Sperro vers y, o clash beOnce in a while I worch rhe news or read
rhe paper, and we discuss rhem in Soc
rween rhe Indian and rhe
orher members of rhe
ology class.
senior Scarr Gilberr
commun1ry 1n norrhern
.· ·~
n rhe whole I'd rorher be sl~ore
boord1ng Juniors Aaron Grice
and Mark Wells shore o lighr
heorred momenr by rheir locl~ers during
poSSJng nme.
1mng on o roble 1n rhe commons, JU·
niors Erika Eland and Dave Funderburk roll~ oporr from rhe aowo
ong1ng our in rhe commons. Juniors
Louie Cardinali , Jamie Reimer
and John Mura poss rhe rime before
guys rennrs and g rls soccer begins Mony
orhleres relaxed i0 rne commons before
procncrng herd
prowied across me. floor ;un1or Shantel Erickson
begins po•nr:ng r>er design to be displayed on rhe w1noows
of rhe school during rne Chr:srmos season.
s porr of on exdr1ng demonsrronon for rhe girls' swim
reom, Mr. Stoebe, races on skoreboord ogo1nsr sopho
more M indy Solberg dunng rhe foll i,porrs assembly
eorn1ng ro sove lives in heolrh class IS nor as easy as ir
seems Sophomore Cassie Keller procnces resusciror1ng a
dummy ro eorn her cemf1core for 1fe-sov1ng
13 rush With Greatness
Stress .............................................................................................. 44
Academic Decathlon ...................................................................... 50
What Ya Wanna Be ...................................................................... 54
Meet Mrs. Ratliff ............................................................................ 58
Teachers' Quirks ............................................................................. 62
Bob Aceto: S pecia l Educa tion
Joe Ma n gi :
Pr incipal, " By
providing our
students with
a qua lity educa tion, we ca n
help them prepa re fo r the
many stresses
of the future."
o la Ratliff:
A ss i s t a nt
Principal, " To
de al
w i th
stress, talk to
someone with
whom you feel
at ease, a good
Elvin Kranen:
A ssis t a nt
Principa l, " I
de a l
stress as best
as I ca n. I try
to laugh at situati ons even
th o ugh t he y
seem stressful
at the time."
Wirh rhe pressures of school,
homewor/{, jobs, and friends ,
rhere never seemed ro be enough
rime ro go around.
5rudenrs were always rushing ro
ger rhings done. They hod papers
ra do, resrs ro srudy for, jobs ra ger
ro, friends ro go our wirh, and so
much more.
''fr seems /i/{e I never ger
enough rime ro sleep. I ger up or
six, go ro school, rush ro wor/{, do
my housewor/{ and homewor/{,
rhen ger ro bed a for farer rhon I
should," said senior Debbie
Lehrke . These pressures, if ignored,
could become roo much ro handle.
Some srudenrs found inrel/igenr
ways of coping wirh srress. Junior
Aaron Meldah l said, "As soon as
a reacher re/ls us obour a resr or
paper, I rry ro srarr srudying for ir I
find rhor if I war/{ on ir a lirrle every
day or so, I don'r ger as frusrrored
as when I rry and do ir all in one
Thor may hove solved rhe problem of academic srress, bur rhere
was more ro ir rhon rhor
Almosr everyone, or some poinr
1n rhetr high school years, hod a
problem rhor nor only offecred
rhem or home, bur corned over
inro school and/or rhetr)Ob Ir could
be a family, friendship, personal,
boy/girl friend problem, or all of
rhe above.
Mosr srudenrs agreed rhar hov·
1ng a friend wirh whom one could
ro//{ over rhe frusrrorion was one
/{ey ro dealing wirh srress.
Sophomore Heather Bard said,
"A /or of my fnends rry ro prerend
rhe problem isn'r rhere unril ir gers
roo bod ro ignore. I always rry ro
ro//{ ro one of my friends ro see if
rhey con rh1n/{ of a solurion rhor I
"/ always feel berrer if I ral/{
abour ir. The problem doesn 'r
seem so big if someone under
sronds," concurred senior Jenny
Alrhough rhere were many differenr rypes of srress on rodoy's
srudenrs, rhey could mosr ofren
find a way ro cope by Staci Addams
A ll is :
Leroy Anderson:
T yp, Acct, Word
Pr oc, K ey brd ,
CPA, Jr. Class
Jose Arrendondo:
Voe. W e lding ,
Metals l , Power
Mech l
Ma rk As la kson:
P sy ch ., Tr a ck
Coach, Sr. Class
Advi sor
Mervin Biancbetti: Sociology,
A m er. S ocie t y,
U .S . Hist, MOAS
Adv., M UN Adv.
Ann e Bra ds haw:
Li nd a Br ei de nbach: Fam . Livin g, F ood s 2 ,
Clothing 2, CVE
I, Commun . 4
John Cibrario :
Adv. Basic, Math
Team, Baseball
Danny Brooks :
U.S. History, Sr.
Class Head Advisor
Vir ginia Brown:
Reading, Academic Decathlon,
Peer Tutor Advisor
Luis Cobo: Bilingual
Margaret Coughlin : Math, English
ometry, Calculus
Charles Chatman:
Health, Physical
Education, Tennis Coach
unng a srressful swim meer, sopho·
more Mindy Solberg comforrs senior Dave Mlnkey. Sporrs provided,
05 well 05 released, rens1on . Hoving your
besr girl around also lessened rhe srro1n
enior Mike Ables: "I don't find
school stressful at all. It doesn't bother
me when people stare.
They're probably just
jealous that I have the
guts to be myself. I'm
in a band called Inner
Violence, which can
cause problems sometimes. There
aren't a lot
of places
for us to
play, and
for a place
can be annoying. I
like to be
in ISS.
Obviously, I am
only one
who feels
that way
seems that I always have more
company than I
want. It's funny
how people make
up their minds
about me without
ever getting to
know me."
Jeff loomts
David Dolan: Speci a l Educ a ti o n,
Social Worker
De nni s Dolan :
Driver Education,
Technical Education
T rud y Fa rr e ll :
Hea lth, Physical
Educa tion , Track
C h o i r ,
" Working affects most students' schoolwork greatly.
Because they
have to work
late ,
don't have
time to study
or do homework. Why
hurry? High
school is only
three years;
they ' ll
working the
rest of their
Fra ry:
Health , Physical
Thomas Fugette:
- I._
Mary Ga mac he:
R ic h a rd
G u e nth e r :
Science. "Students with
jobs are tired.
Jobs have a
negative effeet on their
classwork ,
which in turn
affects their
future earning
Bruce Gilb ert :
Ja mes Giordana :
. .,.
,r• •
Tom Landenberger
pro his arms in "dough," junior Jeff
Hartnell mms pizza crusr or Muro's
Two of rhe four days he worked he
also closed. "I srudy when I ger home,
which is around 11:JO," soys Horrnell
opp1ng. Clairol producrs, junior Sue
Suter works or Shopko. "I averaged
obour f1freen hours a week. I did my
homework ofrer work
. somerimes I jusr
did ir rhe nexr day during school "
Patrick Glynn :
Adv . Acc., COBOL, Key boa rding, FBLA, CPA,
Bus. Ed.
Janet Golmant :
Clothing, Foods l
a nd 2, W eig ht
Co ntrol Adviso r
Mosr srudenrs srudied, bur some
srudenrs also worlfed. Compering
for a srudenr's rime, jobs and
schoolwor/{ lefr many srudenrs
dead rired.
"Somerimes I feel rired, " said
senior Leanna Kissee "When I
war/{ lore on Sorurdoy, my brorhers usually wof{e me up or 9:JO;
rhen I go ro war/{ again on Sunday
for 4 or 5 hours. "
Said senior Eric Page, "/ srudy or
9 o'cloc/{ when I ger in bed and
usually sroy up unril 12. Our I'm nor
rired. I'm happy. If srudenrs wonr
ro spend rhe money, rhey've gar
ro war/{. Oesides, rhe more experience you ger or war/{, rhe berrer
you con be in rhe furure. "
Li/{e Page, many srudenrs enjoyedjobs and school, and felr borh
were necessary
"My manager will always fer
me shorren my hours if I need
more rime for school, " said senior
Tracy Christman , "so I hove exrro
rime ro concenrrore on my srudies
Chrisrmon wor/{ed or Come/or
Music or Regency Moll for obour 25
ro JO hours per wee/{, and she
srudied for obour one ro rwo hours
per day. ''Srudying is more imporranr ro me because I feel my
grades will follow me rhroughour
Said senior Steve Fla sch , "/only
war/{ from /i/{e J rill 9, so rhor leaves
rime ro do schoolworf{ before and
afrer wor/{ing or McDonald's. I
war/{ for money for exrro rhings
/i/{e clorhes and a, ·-rhe essenriols."
However, nor everybody hod
ojob. Soidjunior Sandee Ramon ,
"My mom doesn'r wonr me ro
war/{ because she soys 1r inrerferes
w1rh school, bur I wonr ro war/{ so I
could buy my own clorhes and
Orher srudenrs nor only didn'r
worf{ bur d1dn 'r wanr ro eirher, nor
because of laziness bur because
rhey rhoughr school rhar imporranr ''School is my job, ''said junior
Paul Tomsheck
Well, everyone wosn'r born ro
juggle. by Mike Waite
enior Anna Curi: "I work one day
during the week and usually both Saturday and Sunday. So,
you figure like three
days a week that I
work at Paielli's.
When I work on
weekdays, I'm
scheduled from 4
until close (which
is 6:30 pm but we
stay till around 7
cleaning up and
stuff.) I work for
moolah! Minim um wage is
nothing, eh? But
school to me is
definitely more
important than a
job right now. No
doubt about it!!
You know I think
it's up to each person to decide if they
Jeff LOCXTl6
unior Susan Mcintyre: "I
liked American
Lit. with Mr.
Zander because he 's
such a nice
plus I really
because it
gave me the
to compete
and it was fun
too." Her sister, sophomore
Teri: "If I could
make up my own
class, it would be
called 'lmprov ,' and everyone would perform
plays, music, and
dancing. I really can't
say that I have a favorite
because I have several that I enjoy ed. Chemistry with Mr.
Winston was
great! Especially
labs! I love getting red lines
around my face!
Mr. Radtke's
Driver Ed. class
was terrific too!
Those simulator
films were so
helpful! So true
to life!"
Jeff Loomo
Verner Helenius:
Algebra-Geometry, Algebra 2,
C ha rl es H e ll er :
H e nC onni e
dricks: Office of
Student Management Secretary
S usan Hin z: US
History, Honor
Society, Track,
Donald Hofe r it za: Activities
Jone s:
H e le n
Comp. 11, Lit. I 0,
American Lit.,
Ronald Karakash:
Advanced Biology
. Clicl~ .
The ricl~ of rhe clocl~ olwoys grew
louder as rhe discussion in class
achieved high levels of boredom.
According ro on informal survey,
however, some classes held srudenr inreresr and even dared ro
enrerroin. Everybody hod or leosr
one class ro coll fun .
SOid senior Brian La rsen, "/ /il~e
Diology and Mr. Koral~osh 's resrs
because his resrs resr exocrly whor
was in rhe choprer and no more. "
Junior Brian Stratton 's fovorire
class was Phorography with Mr.
Johnson ''because Mr Johnson
was prerry cool and I learned o
lirrle obour phorography, " said
Srrarron. "Phorography was my
fovorire "
''Mr. Shover's Speech class was
my fovorire," SOid senior Kelly
Hansen . "He mode rhe class fun
and inreresring, plus we gor ro do o
lor of fun rhings lil~e lipsyncs."
Sa id senior Shawn Russ ,
''Speech roughr us how ro roll~ in
franr of on audience Ir was one of
my fovorires. I lil~ed Morl~ering wirh
McCauley and Graphic Communicorions w1rh Mr. Moreno. "
Senior Lisa Steele said, "I really
enjoyed Mr Schmidr 's Drinsh Wrir
ers course because of rhe deep
discussions we always hod in rhere
I enJoyed gerring inro all of rhe levels in o piece of lirerorure 1nsreod of
JUST sl~imming over rhe rop. "
The survey also revealed rhor, in
general, o fovorire class enroiled
rhe leosr omounr of wort~ possible
However, rhis was nor always
rhe case Responses for besr-li/~ed
classes come in anywhere from
Power Mechanics ro American Ur
erarure and everyrhing in berween.
Some even offered up suggesnons for new courses lil~e Russian
Hisrory, Sign Language, and Sfry
Diving Fovorire classes exisred
Honesr by Mike Waite
S usa n L a f a ve:
Composition 1O,
Literature 10,
American Litera-
Kru eger :
Louis Lesperance:
Domestic, Vocational, Comm.
R o n Lesjac k :
Home Maintenance. TMR
French, "My
favorite class
in college was
Jam es Kuffel :
Physical Science,
Environ m ental
Eric Johnson:
Art, "My favorite class to
teach is Photography. The
for creative
work are high,
and I can see
the progress."
01ng o Physics lob provided enjoymenr for all. l\eolly Determining the
remperorure of merols using o colorimeter, senior Michelle Weyand consults
junior Tonya Hook.
oods closs equols fun, or or leosr on
end ro hunger pongs. Seniors Ivana
Chlopetro , Morla Compos , and Ellzobeth Taylor seem to ogree.
Dorry Laabs
Is I
Linda Lia:Aide
Kathy Longri :
Chapter I Teacher
enior Dan Djordjevic: "When I
found out that I would represent the Malvinas
Islands & St. ChristopherNevis, I thought to myself, 'No way! How am I
going to represent a
country when I don't
even know where it is?'
Then I went to Parkside Library
and with a
little research
found out
that these
were the Falkland Islands.
With more research I found
out the form of
government, people, economy,
etc., etc. I'm glad
I went to the
MOAS because
I met a lot of
new and interesting people
and I got involved in politics. It was a
whole new
for me, and
it was a
Mary Lubeck :
Special Ed .
n a discuss.on abour rhe Orozilian posirion on a
Nicaraguan resolunan seel~1ng ro l~eep rhe
Unired Srares our of Nicaraguan affairs, senior
Mike Waite confers wirh rhe esreemed dele
gore from Marquerre High School.
George Manesis:
U.S. History
Manfred Markham : Ph y. Ed .,
A d a pt ive Ph y.
Ed., Wrestling
Fred McBet h :
Special Ed.
Whor rhe #$1 was rhe Model Orgo
nizorion of American Srores? "Was ir a
wor/{er 's union for American models,
/i/{e 1n magazines?" osfred senior Jod ie Gross Acruolly, tr was very similar
ro rhe Unired Norions, bur only involved counrries in Norrh, Sourh, and
Cenrrol America.
On November rhird and fourrh,
nine srudenrs wenr ro UW Porf{side ro
porricipore in rhe second annual
MOAS, where rhey become rhe delegores of Orozil and Sr Chrisropher-Nevis. In oddirion, on Morch 16 ond 17
rhey wenr ro rhe Model Unired Norions (MUN), where rhey become rhe
delegores from Thailand and rhe Oohomos.
Finding tnformonon from libraries,
porenrs, and rhe news, rhe srudenrs
prepared for rhe MOAS and rhe MUN
for many wee/{S ahead of rime. Junior
Holly Ashley said, "We held a for of
srudy sessions or Por/{side. Ir was hard
ro find recenr politico! informorion.
When we did find rhe informorion, ir
was hard ro rel! whor we would need
or whor would be rhe correcr side ro
ro/{e on on issue. "
The Academic Decorhlon was a lirrle more wel/ /{nown, bur few people
really /{new whor 1r was Srudenrs in
valved in rhe Academe Decorhlon
mer wirh advisors Lynn Schmidt and
Linda Needham every Thursday
ofrer school The club coached members in hisrory soence, morhemoncs,
and English They placed in rhe rop ren
1n a comperirion in Milwouf{ee.
Senior Pete Ghera said, "The resrs
were a for harder rhon we expecred.
There was a /or of moreriol ro srudy
for, and some of rhe members hod
only a few days in which ro srudy
Anyway, I'm glad I wenr Ir was a
good experience "
One member, Jim Bishop said,
''The Academic Decorh!on gave me
increased undersronding of rhe ropics
we wor/{ed w1rh Even 1f a person
doesn'r li/{e rhe idea of comperirion,
rhe Academic Decorhlon con give
rhem rhe beneflrs from rhe exrro
/{now/edge As I see ir, a person con 'r
go wrong 1n pining. " by Staci Addams and Mike Waite
Denno IJoe~cher
Academic Decathalan Team ' (f1an1) 5hommo l\oshod. Enca Sanchez (bock) Doman VOlennne . l.Jso S!eele. Jomes Oohop I
go1.nsr rhe d1vi·
Stan of rhe Polesnnion nonon
1nro rwo seporore srores
in Israel or rhe Model
Unired Nor1ons, juniors
Aa ro n Melda hl and
Joe l Ronde a u circulore
propaganda 1n favor of
unif1ec Israeli and Poles
nnion stores while JUn1or
Ho lly Ashley verifies
omendmenrs ro resolu·
Model Orgon lzarlon of American Stores Team : (front) Don Qprdjevik, Srocy Addams. Jomes 06hop
Aoro. Melda
( bock) .Joet r\ondeou, M..choel Wa11e .
Iophomore Joe Sturino: "It's
taken Coach Feldmeier five or six years to get
our swimming touchpads, and we still haven't
gotten them. We need the
touchpads to stay competitive with the other
schools because right now
we have
o u r
s t 0 p watches,
must have
at least
four kinds
that each
work a different
way. If you press the
wrong button on the
wrong watch, the
racer is disqualified
for not having the
appropriate time
or something. Ano th er thing that
sucks is selling this
candy stuff, or pizzas, or gummy dinosaurs. You don't
really get anything
out of it, just a nickel
out of a dollar or
something. Or maybe a dime, quarter,
or fifty cents."
Jeff Loomo
Ordering moreriols complicored
reochers' lives. To ger whor rhey
needed, some reochers used unor
rhodox merhods.
Arr reacher Eric Johnson used o
gronr and club fundroising ro ger his
new IDM compurers in only seven
years. Srored Johnson, "Ordering
from rhe warehouse is a hassle. If I
hove problems, I jusr soy rhe hech
wirh ir and use rhe club money
from fundroisers."
Roger Stasik , A V. Direcror,
also hod problems wirh ordering
equipmenr. Said Srosi/~, ''Each year
rhe AV TV media cenrer is ollocor
ed opproximorely $2,000 for nonprinr media, such as films, videos
and filmsrrips. This is equal ro $17. 50
per reacher, which isn'r o whole
Whorever roure rhe reacher
chose, gerring new equipmenr
root~ o long rime. ''For moinroining o deporrmenr of rhis mognirude, we find ourselves
shorr in all areas, especially new insrrumenrs
and equipmenr.
When we requisirion
somerhing, ir eirher gers cur or ir
rol~es or leosr 18 monrhs ro come
in," said David Schripsema , chairman of rhe music deporrmenr.
However, rhings rhor were received were oppreciored by Drodford srudenrs. Srored junior Krista
Maxey, "The pop machines ore o
plus. Everyone gers rhirsry."
Senior Dave Minkey said, "/
rhinl~ rhor school monies were
spenr well on compurers and compurer sofrwore. The compurerized
index in rhe library was o good
invesrmenr if rhey ever /er anybody use ir."
Junior Erica Sanchez odequorely summed up rhe problems of rhe
sysrem: "Personally, I believe we
oughr ro spend more money on
berrer moreriels for srudenrs. "
See rhe f/ow-chorr for rhe lowdown on rhe ordering process. by
Rachel Schripsema
Jeff McCauley:
DECA, MarketDistributive
C aro le
McGeougb :Consumer Ed, Family
Living, Child
Dev, Foods
pprecioring rhe opporruniry, senior
Mike Smith and sophomore Tanya Hansen work wirh Mr. Johnson's hard-won compurers. The compurers
bring arr inro rhe furure by simplifying planning and correcrion.
enior Eric Page ossisrs juniors Chad
Skemp and Renee Rosko in meenng
rhe demand for supplies such as
marches, goggles, Gunsen burners, acids,
and orher lerhol subsronces during Mr. Allis'
sixrh hour class. Supply meers demand.
How to Order Equipment
McLean :U. S .
H istory, W orld
ay rhor you reach a compurer course. One day
your one and only Apple
2E explodes Whar now? Simple, fill our a srondord order
form, which con be used for
onyrhing from poinr ro pencils
Then send rhe order form ro Mr
r Kronen checks rhe
order againsr rhe
school budger, and 1f
ir's okay, he sends ir ro rhe busi·
ness office or rhe Educononol
Supporr Cenrer Ar rhe busi~
cenrer rhey check over rhe or
der, and rhey also decde If 1r
should be filled using supplies
~~~ rhe warehouse or from a
ems EVOl'l5
f rhe order is senr ro rhe warehouse, ir con usually be filled
prerry fosr If ir's ordered
rhrough a corolog, 1r could rake
a while ro come 1n. Oorh rhe
coralog and rhe warehouse
send rhe supplies by rruck ro rhe
ESC office However, somerimes ordering supplies rakes a
long nme
rh~ wor~~~
ure our whkh ; : ;
rhe supplies should go
ro, and rhen pur rhem on a
rruck and send rhem on rheir
way From rhe docking area
rhe supplies ore disrribured ro
rhe classrooms
01101 Your shiny new.
Apple 2E hos arrived
\ / Wair-oh, gee
They senr you a Moclnrosh.
should you send ir
bock? Well, you'd surely hove
ro fill our onorher form and woir
onorher rhree monrhs. Oerrer
keep quier
enior Tabitha Cole: "During
high school I made my choice to be a lawyer. I
always wanted to go into law. I was influenced
by a friend at a conference who suggested that
I go into corporate law. I might
go into an internship with an
attorney soon, but right now
I'm not doing much. I work
at Kentucky Fried
Chicken, but I won't
be there too long. It's
just a job that's getting
me some spending money until I can make the
next move, maybe college. I would also like
to minor in psychology. I like studying behavior and stuff, and it's
a good start to go into law
since law deals with people.
I would like to live in an
industrial, corporate area,
probably a large city
where there is business
(not like Kenosha). Maybe Milwaukee or Chicago. Someplace where
there are opportunities to
progress professionally .I
like money. Everyone who
knows me knows that.
Hopefully, I'll have a BMW
and a Mercedes Benz. Right
now, I'm Vice President of
Rainbow Connection and
the Cultural Awareness
Jeff Loomo
eniors Jon Viola and Shawn Delacy
shore o lough during jozz reheorsol.
While Delacy planned re make travel
his main career, both prepared ro make
music porr of rhelr lives.
counng through the phonebook, senior Jacqui Wade orremprs ro find
sponsors for DECA, which prepored
srudenrs for busine55 careers
Judith Miller:
Libraria n
Ronald Mlodzi k : Sem a ntic s, C o mp .,
Short Fiction,
Key Club
Marvin Modder : C o mp .,
Am .
Lit .,
Once upon o school year,
someone osf'{ed you, ·'Whoddoyo
wanna do wirh yer life?" You may
hove replied, "/ dunno. " Or, possibly you said, ''/ wanna mof'{e money I" Or, you mighr hove announced, ''/ inrend ro major in 19rh
cenrury French fl.omonric Poerry
and minor in Early Florenrine Archirecrure."
Whorever your
response, you
needed ro prepare yourself
for some sorr of career.
''/wanna be o marine biologisr
or o rrumper player in Johnny Corson 's Jr. Dond, " said sophomore
Jason Ottum , "so I'm rolfing Physics now, I already hod Environmenro/ Diology, and nexr year I'm rolfing Honors Chemisrry and Music
Said senior Katrina Vigansky,
''/ jusr wanna be o beouricion 'cuz
ir's rhe only rhing I'm inreresred in. I
con hove any fond of hairdo I wonr
and dress rhe way I wonr. To prepare, I've cur o few people's hair,
bur mosrly I'm jusr rrying ro finish
high school. "
Junior Michelle McCurdy announced, "/ wonr ro be o Food
Service Manager for Morriorr Corpororion. So I jusr need o special
degree and rhen I con be rhe manager of rhe lfirchen in o hospirol
somewhere. "
''/ wanna be on e/ecrricol engineer, so I'll go ro college ro prepare
for ir. I jusr li!fe doing 1r, " said junior
Randy Langer .
Senior Jenny Writz hod orher
plans. ''/ wonr ro be o srewordess-o woirress in rhe slfy-becouse /love ro rrovel. In rhirry years
I see myself living in o house in rhe
counrry and mobye o penrhouse
oporrmenr in rhe ciry, and /'II hove
been mosr everywhere, Swirzerlond, Ausrrolio .. I really don'r
core obour money. Ir's nor rhor imporronr Nor rhor I wonr ro be poor.
I jusr wonr ro rrovel, so money
comes ofrer rhor. ''
Maybe your hopes and dreams
will come rrue, and maybe rhey
won'r Whorever rhe case, ir was
fun dreaming by Mike Waite
and Rachel Schripsema
uni or Young Hui Lee: "At
first, I wasn't sure what I wanted to be. Things
keep changing all the time. I thought of going
back to Korea and being a
teacher, like a professor.
Then, I thought that corporate law was an interesting option. My parents think it's a good
idea. I'm taking mareting now. I plan to
graduate early and
go to Parkside.
Hopefoily, if I
get accepted,
I'll go to
one semester
and finish my
there. If I'm
really good, maybe
I'll deal with international law and
make use of my bilingualism. I work
at Prange's now.
Maybe, if I don't go
very far, I'll stay
there the rest of
my life, but that
would be if all
else fails!"
Jeff Looms
enior Amy Hernandez: "The
majority of times that I've missed school have
not been because I was near death. Stress and
pressure from requirements and expectations wear me out, so
whenever I need to, I
take a day off. Anyway, when I stay
home I reorganize
and reevaluate
things in my life.
I read my Bible, spend time
with God in
think about
my priorities, and if I
need to, sleep. I
also catch up on
late homework. I
realize procrastination is my fa ult,
but as a Christian
now I am doing so
many other things
with my church and
people that my f ocus has changed. Everything else comes
after my faith, including my music. So I take
care of myself first, and
that means taking a day
off once in a while; otherwise, I find myself out of
touch with the things that
really matter and getting
caught up in the things of the
world, which in the ultimate sense, don't."
hysics day was fun for all. Juniors Sam
saitef dry 1n rhe sun ofrer Whire Worer l\om-
On rhis rrip, which was roken during Eosrer
poge. This escape from school was cleverly
break, 19 srudenrs (and a librarian) mode
disguised as a focr-find1ng mission
rhe greor escape, for 10 days or leosr
Perugini and Chad Aldrich , and sen
iors Pete Lohberger and Tarek Mu-
irring.orop. El Alcazar Cosrle in. Se.govio,
Spain, is junior Brian Plvovar "The
Spanish mp was a blosr," said Pivovor
Don M oerkhe:
Algebra I
eno : D river
Ed , Print ing
l ,2
Sp a n is h l ,2
and 3
eedham: Biology
Nielsen: German 1,2,4
Radtke: Dr iver Educa tion
John Ramey :
Journ a l is m ,
Inferno, Stage
Crew, Tenn is
Ann Reinhard:
Roegge: Police Liaison
edric Andrews: "Yeah. I missed
How long o doy losred depended on where you spenr ir. In
school, a day possibly equalled one
monsrrous, monoronous monrh;
bur our of school, a day probably
equalled one rhousond four hundred and forry minures of fosr,
fabulous, and frivolous fun.
" /hod so much fun in Sr. Louis, "
said senior Jane Hartung, "especially on rhe boor ride. They hove
greor molls down rhere, and a /or
of spirir. Maybe ir hos somerhing ro
do wirh rhe Spirir of Sr. Louis?! "
Lil~e many orher srudenrs, Horrung wenr on a few field rrips. Junior Jodie Lamothe, for insronce,
rode o bus ro Chico-
a few days for a band competition in St. Louis.
We left on Thursday, and during those 4 days I
didn't get much sleep, so when we came back
on Sunday I was so tired I took Monday off. I
just had to get my rest so I could cut straight
things at school. If I'm tired, I might as well be
gone from school anyway because I can't learn
anything while I'm asleep. Besides I
kind offelt like I deserved a break
after a rather strenuous weekend. Anyway, the
trip was great.
go wirh rhe French Club ro see Les
Miserables. "Ir was rhe besr opera
I've ever seen in my whole enrire
life," said Lomorhe. "Ir was well
worrh leaving school ." " Everybody needs a day off. I sroy home
ond sleep; worch Gilligan's Island,
Oprah, ond Jeopardy; and I ear
peonur burrer and cheese sandwiches," SOid senior Jake Salmi.
Mind you, nor every srudenr
wonred ro miss school. ''/r's srupid
ro miss school because you miss
roo much sruff," said senior Wendy Trudeau . "Li/~e in Calculus, if I
miss one day I'm gone for rhe
whole choprer. "
Said senior Cynthia Dummer,
"I don 'r miss school jusr ro miss
school. My classes ore roo hard,
and I jusr couldn 'r corch up."
Srudenrs also compered in for
away places /i/~e DECA Norionols in
Orlando, Florido. ''Norionols was
fun . Alrhough we didn'r bring
home a /or of rrophies, we hod a
good experience; and missing
school was greor except for Calculus," SOid senior Jamie Vollmer
Moral: Missing a day of school was
fun, bur if you hod Calculus fr was
prerry dumb. by Mike Waite
We had a
dance that was too
fun. I met a bunch
of new peole and
went up the Arch.
You could see
the whole city
from there and
the Mississippi stretched
out below. A
bonus was the ban
swept the competition, so all the hard
work paid off. Plus
we got to miss school
and have a blast at the
same time."
Jeff Locxrvs
Rita Ruder :
Al g ebr a l,
Basic Math
Jack Saarela:
Voe. A u to,
Power Mech.,
V! CA Adv.
L y n n
Sc hm id t :
English ,
" I'm happy to ee a
wom a n
admini s trator .
She, I feel ,
i very affective ."
G a r y
S ha ve r :
Speech ,
"I've enj o y e d
with her.
She's very
very caring, and a
nice addition to the
administration ."
D ee
Si -
m o n :
M a th ,
" ola has
m a de a
goo d a d ju s tment.
She's upbea t with
the kid s
though she
h as co ntrol."
Singer. Ooslferboll sror. Educoror.
There was more ro Nola Sta rling
Ratliff, Orodford's new vice principal, rhon mer rhe eye. Afrerjoining
Orodford's sroff in Ocrober, rolfing
over Elvin Kranen 's duries as disciplinarian, Rorliff roolf a few momenrs our of her busy schedule ro
rollf wirh rhe SPY. Here ore a few
SPY : Was ir a difficulr rronsirioncoming from on elemenrory
school ro a high school?
Ratliff: No, nor a difficulry. My
co-worlfers, Mr. Kronen and Mr.
Mongi mode ir a very easy rronsirion. They allowed me ro oslf quesrions, which helped me. Also, I
ifnew some of rhe srudenrs' lirrle
brorhers and sisrers. Oesides, ifids
ore ifids. If you show rhor you core
and respecr rhem, and you're consisrenr wirh rhem, rhey'll respond
oppropriorely mosr of rhe rime.
SPY: Whor was rhe mosr difficulr
ospecr of leaving?
Ratl iff: Mosrly leaving a place
rhor was secure. I hod been rhere
for six years and hod a for of
friends. Also, dealing wirh discipline
all day long is difficulr I become
orroched easily, so ir was difficulr
leaving Wilson (Elemenrory). However, I hove professional ospirorions. I wonr ro achieve, and rhis
was one way.
SPY: Whor ore rhese ospirorions?
Ra tliff: My major goof is ro hove
a posirive impocr on as many srudenrs as possible. I would lilfe ro
connnue worlfing in educorion and
be a principal or a junior high or
high school. Lorer, when I ger
older, I would lilfe a cenrrol office
pos1f/on bur srill conrinue ro hove on
mpocr on children.
SPY: Moving on ro your ourside
inreresrs, did you ever wonr ro
molfe singing your career?
Ratliff: I srill hoven'r ruled ir our.
Maybe one day I'll sing for rhe srudenr body I LOVE TO SING! by
Rachel Schripsema
oised for rhe shor, new Assisronr Principal olo Rorliff orremprs re bear
blindfolded boskerboll coproin Scorr
Arkins in a free rhrow shooring conresr dur
ing rhe winrer sporrs assembly Despire her
efforrs, l\orliff losr.
Alex Sabo :
Co n . Ba nd ,
Symph . Band ,
Music Theory
Todd .Jenewein
David Schripsema : Music
Survey ,
Oreb., Chamber Oreb.
Sch lach :
Spani sh III,
Ted Scropos:
Am .
Young Adult
Lit. , Creative
Writ ., Comp
Earth Science
Patty Soens:
n rhe Office of 5rudenr Monogemenr,
seniors Joe Leonard (poinring), John
Kendall , and sophomore Carrie Stanford
wair for a dose of discipline. 5rudenr Manogemenr usually provided hours of fun for
unior Deondai Randolph:
"To me, having a minority woman in an
administrative position is one of the best
things that could have happened to Bradford.
It shows that Bradford is
different from the rest, that
Bradford is truly an equal
opportunity employer, so
to speak. It's a school for
everyone. Mrs. Ratliff, I
shows our
black students that if
school, we can
achieve anything
we want in life. She
herself is living
proof of that statement. That's why I
really like having a
minority as an assistant principal.
I've only met Mrs.
Ratliff on friendly
terms. I've never been
in her office. She seems
nice to me. The only difference now I can say is
that Mrs. Ratliff can relate to some of the problems the black kids have
here a little better, and if
she can carry a big stick,
so much the better."
enior Wally Wiesztort: "I
think people fail because they
don't have enough confidence
in themselves. I've never
failed a class. I think it is
really important to do well
in school, and I try my
hard- est to do my best. I
have a job, and sometimes
I get so tired that I go
to class and fall
asleep. I don't
think failure is
should get
involved. I strive for
excellence and give
everything my best
effort. A lot of Bradford students just accept failure. It's pathetic. I think kids
have to stop being so
lazy and start taking
care of their business,
as Mr. Scropos says,
'The world doesn't
need any more fools; we
have enough already.'
There is always time to
goof off, but you need
your education first!"
Jeff LCXXTl6
Many reasons for failure exisred.
Srudenrs hod riring jobs, boring
classes, and orher prioriries. O/ome
fell on everyone. Srudenrs don 'r
core. Drugs molfe ir impossible ro
learn. This disrricr does nor provide
enough money. The porenrs
oren 'r involved. Were any of rhese
rhe causes?
To paraphrase a line from corroon orrisr Matt Goering 's boo/f
School ls Hell, "When srudenrs foil,
doesn 'r rhor mean rhe reacher
foiled?" Maybe ir did, bur reochers
were by no means rhe sole cause
of failure, and rhey probably were
nor even a primary cause as
reochers never hod rhe rorol conrrol and orrenrion of pupils rhor
rhey once enjoyed in one room
schoolhouses. The following srudenrs shored rheir rhoughrs on rhe
subjecr wirh SPY.
· 'Srudenrs foil because rhey
don 'r hove enough morivorion, "
said senior Yolanda Jackson . "/
rhinlf rhey should rry harder. ' '
Said sophomore Marc Rasmussen , ·'Ir's a /oclf of inreresr. I rhinlf
rhey should mo!fe classes shorrer
because ir's boring ro sir rhraugh a
50 minure /ecrure when rhey
could ger all rhe major poinrs across
in only JO minures. "
"They foil because rhey don'r
rry and rhey 're srupid. Their minds
ore closed, and rhey don'r believe
in rhemse!ves or rhe school sys·
rem, " soidjunior Sarah Schroeder.
Senior Cara Zietz said, "Sru
denrs foil because school is boring,
and rhe school sysrem doesn 'r corer ro rhe individual needs of rhe
srudenrs. The reochers rend ro
group srudenrs inro a 'whole' insreod of coring obour rhe individual
so rhe overage srudenr is usually
!efr our."
"/ rhinlf ir's cynicism, " said junior
Melissa Saucedo . "Srudenrs rhinlf,
'Oh well, I flunlfed rhor resr-well,
big dealt' Everyone rhinlfs rhey
hove a /or of rime bur rhey don'r.
The rime is now. "
Why did srudenrs fo1J? Probably
because ir was so easy. by Mike
fren blamed for everyrhing from
poor eyesighr ro early pregnancy,
relevision also rakes rhe rap for
poor marks. Senior Dawn Delfleld worch·
es o rerun of Cheers ond reads some comics, bur she warns, " Whenever I do homework in fronr of rhe TV, I rend ro make
srupid misrokes.'' Orher srudenrs could easily relore ro her dilemma wirh TV ond
he sondmon viSirs senior Roger Jurgens in class. Forigue-induced naps
were a popular sporr during sopho·
more homerooms, composirion classes, hisrory courses, psychology semesrers, sociology seminars, economic lecrures, and sporrs
assemblies. Nor ro soy rhese evenrs were
inherenrly dull; srudenrs were jusr rired .
Gerald Solberg : Alg e br a, Bas ic ,
M a th An a l. ,
William Soronen : Coun selor
Roger Stasik:
A.V. Director
Harry Stoebe:
He a lth,P .E.,Lifesaving
Oskar Strobel: Algebr a ,
Richard Taylor: Applied
Math, Algebra I, Football
JOOm Gemmel
Nick Sturino : English, Drama, "Kids
fail because of
jobs, apathy and
Chapter I,
"One reason is not
identifying the importance
of an education.
The second is low
self-esteem. We
help students cope
with mental and
Valerie Ta ylor: Science
Janice Terrill:
Patricia Teus:
Special Ed.
Ge rald
V erw ey:
Counselor, "Seniors don't
get organized."
enior Paige O'Connor: "Mr. Modder
is the first person that comes to my mind.
Something about the way he taught class really left an impact on me. I
learned a lot from him
and I really respect
him. Mr. Camero ta is
cool, too. He plays the
drums. They're both great
teachers. Give 'em both
raises! Mr. Johnson
has some pretty interesting hobbies!
Ha! Ha! We all
know what he does
on his free time!
Anyway, teachers don't have
control anymore. It's almost
to the
teachers seem to be giving up. It's true. You
could call your teacher
the worst name in the book
and only get a ref err al.
What the heck is a referral?
A dumb piece of paper that
says you swore. Big deal.
You can practically get away
with murder at this school. I
know I have."
1n worshipper Mr. Schmidt, who
I L- ;;'l:ved 1n re1ncornorion and 1n conRoberto Werzel Speool
Lisbe1hWhl1efoo1 Homes
f0< Todoy Con5l.rner Ed
Foods II
Richard Wienke Elecm·
ory. ElecrrOOIG, Compurer
Tech llasoc 1and2, Pascal
rrolling ombirion, said of Einsre1n, "He's
my hero and my dad " Senior Kris Rosenboum described Schmidr as, "Incredibly in
relhgenr and eccenrnc "
Keith 'Winston Chem6rry.
Advanced Chemsrry
Malcolm Young Key
boord"1g. Typtng Apploca
riOnS 1. Accounring, CPA
Richard Wiiiard World ~
Dennis Zander C~
roo 10. Amencon Urera
Jeff Loams
lo1ming rhor p1cl~1ng on l~1ds helpe.d
rhem remember rhe1r lessons, M r.
Brooks so1d, "Ir ofren worl~ed wirh
rhe 1~1ds who could relore ro ir. Usually on o
resr rhe l~1ds would wrire down rhe exocr
example we JOl~ed obour 1n doss. showing
rhor rhey did pay orrenrion."
JooM Gemm<"I
To srtmulore a few of your
memories obour some of your
classes, we've included some illumtnoring derails, and, ro help you
remember more obour your
reochers, we've corologued some
srronge, odd, bizzore, and quirl'1y
hobirs rhor mode each reacher
special, and ro some degree, more
1. Junior 13rent Jones hod many
reochers rhor he rhoughr were differenr. In porriculor Mr. Dolan was
a fovorire of his. Jones explained
rhor once, when a srudenr was
senr down ro rhe office during Driver Educorion class, jusr before he
come bocl-1, Dolan rurned our rhe
lighrs and locl'1ed rhe door'
2. ''I rhinl-1 Mr. Dioncherri is rorher
peculiar because he hos a dozen
ways ro cur you down for every
siruorion. His class hos rhe ormo
sphere of a circus and he is rhe
ringmosrer," said senior Scott Lofton .
J. 5oidjunior Peter 13ianco, "Mr.
Guenrher hos on inreresring way
of explaining rhings ro people who
ore nor paying orrenrion. He will
stmply hove rhe person explain rhe
concepr ro rhe class, or rhe lucl,,y
person may help demonsrrore
some elecrricol experimenr Ir's rhe
disopline merhod approved by rhe
Grear Ducl,,t "
5 Said junior Naheed Qureshi,
"Mr. McCauley was always enrerro1ning If he was irrirored wirh
someone or if rhey were sleeping,
Mr. MoCouley would rol'1e a drinl'1
our of his DYU cup and sp1r or
6 Hoiltngfromlowooy, Mr. Winston roughr chemtsrree ''Mr Win
sron was on expenence from mol'11ng people srond 1n rhe corner ro
erOS1ng rhe board ro purring gum
on rhetr nose Hts class 1s never bor
ing Somehow or orher he mol,,es
you undersrond whor he's rry1ng
ro reach you, " said sophomore
Camelo Schwalbe by Rachel
Schripsema , Stephanie Henningfeld, and Michael Waite
honged1n.robikinggeor. Mr. Manes ls
heads for home The snows of w1nrer held him bock o hrrle, bur he rode
his bike ro school ond bock olmosr everyday "He like pulled his bil~e our and kind of
leaped on rhe sear Then he starred pedal-
""'" ""''· "" ,,.. ~, _...
so1d senior Jason Hassel
(tors Evo s
n anxious 13rndlord er.owd cbeers wirh hones in rhe o;r
ro s:gnoi serior Brion Ervin s free •nrow or c bcY-;erooll
gcrne ogoinsr Cose High School which 13rodford defecr
ed 71 ro 65
IX'o;J pos6ing rime sophomores Brenda Quinn and Kei-
sha YOUf\9 visir w1lh ~ L1sa Smith and her brother
~Tommy Smith ro discu5s rheir weekend plans_
ISCUS5ing morrers of imporronce in rhe commons area.
seniof Anno Morie Curle emphasizes her poir!r ro senior
Jomi. Kosolojns
'G rue Colors
Seniors ............................................................................................ 66
Juniors ............................................................................................ 92
Sophomores .................................................................................. 104
=----- ra amson
"Why don't we have more school spirit at Bradford?"
Andrea Abrahamson DECA, F[lLA Rachel
Acerbi Tra1 :~.French Club, Drama Club. Inferno.
Deth Adelsen Sofrboll, Honor Soc1ery, SPY
o py ed:ror Cross CouNry, F[lLA
Sheri Allard
Amy Ambrose Tennis. Honors Soc1ery, Srudenr
Counci DECA SPY coediror 1n-ch1ef, Peer Turoring,
Acacem1c Decarhlon
Dannie Anderson
Carina Anderson Key Club, Ar Club, DECA, [lible
Ciub Volleytx-1
Kirsten Armes Spanish Club Swim Team, DECA,
Furure Teachers of Amencc
Scott Atkins [)-Club, [lasebc, [lasl~erbc Morh
Team, Hor.ors Soc1ery, Prom Cou'T, SPY Academic
Decor Ion
Ann Dader
Timothy Daldwln
Dlaine Dollard [losl~erbcl. [laseball, Cross Counrry
Tarshish Dardwell
Thomas Dastlan
Matthew Dauer
Ray Deals
Mary Deafly Soccer
Heidi Decker Gymnasrics, F-ench Club
Terrence Dell M1noriry Leadership, CPA. F[lLA
Susan Denter SPY phorogropher
Corey Dethke
Franco Dllotta Ter"''JS
Massimo Dlsceglla Focrbc , VICA
James Dishop Ill Chamber Orchesrra Go1f Srudenr Co
Peer Cou1
g AcadeCP1C Decorhalon, Mode! UN
Jori Dlshop F[lLA
"Because people don't care. They think it's stupid."
raccio o
Donna Boettcher Drama Club. SPY Phorogropher
Allyson Drond Swim Teem Mgr Ooosre' Club,
Fre'1C h Cl 1b Srude1 • Counol, Juniar Closs VP Prom
Cour- DECA
Timothy Dreckenfeld
David Brehm Soccer Golf
Jeffery Brinkmann SADD
Jody Drill
Robert Drooks Soccer, Golf, Spof'1sh Cluo. Traci~
Ken Drown
Stephanie Calaway DECA
Anthony Caracciolo
Go Bradtord !
lrhough mosr srudenrs or Orodford, lil~e
senior Sue Clements, rhoughr rhar
school spirir was "going ro games,
cheering on reams, and porriciporing in school
relored exrrocurriculor ocriviries," orhers hod differenr ideas onjusr whor spirir meonr. The exocr
definrion of spirir was enrirely up ro rhe srudenr
and derermined, ro a large exrenr,jusr how he
chose ro express ir.
For senior Jim Medina , spirir was rhe focr
rhar srudenrs were willing ro "dress up as devils
and sruff" or school funcrions such as foorboll
Senior Jason Hassel felr rhar rhe oddesr
show of spirir was "a group of guys wirh oneholf of rheir heads poinred red and rhe orher
Anorher senior, Michelle Stukel, rhoughr
school spirir wenr beyond rhe limir during Spirir
Weel~ of 1987-88. "The red and blocl~ souerl~rour in rhe souerl~rour-eoring conresr was roo
One con norurolly assume rhor ir was rhe
worl~ of peer pressure rhor pushed senior Tracy
Christman ro roiler paper a foorboll player's
house wirh red and bloch srreomers before a
game. She pleaded she was a vicrim of circumsronce in rhe incidenr of rhe "rood blocl~ on rhe
fronr lawn," however!
Ir was probably safe ro assume rhor srudenrs,
even when school spirir did ger our of conrrol,
really did nor mind rhe fun rhor was creared as
a resulr! by Tom Thorpe
Sue Oenrer
ends clopping ond teer sromping, ;uniors Jenny Daltes,
Amy Dohaczek, end Krista Maxey roor on rhe Devils in
o herd foughr bosJ~erboll game ogoinsr f\ocine Pork.
ar on
"Do you think that they (youth groups) are making
any progress in the kids' lives?"
Lisa Carlson
Pamela Carpenter French Oub
Colleen Casteel Trod~
Donald Cayo Swimming, 0-0ub, VICA, Track,
Camille Chiappetta Drama Club, Ooosrer
Club, Srudenr Council, Jun10r Class PreSidenr, DECA,
SeniOr Closs Vice-Presidenr, Inferno
Ivana Chiappetta SponiSh Club, DECA, French
Club. Drama Club
Mork Chovon Foorball
Tracy Christman Drama Club. DECA
Fronk Ciomorichello
Susan Clements Volleybal, French Club, PomPon Ooosrer Club
Deonna Collins SponiSh Club
Lynette Collins Spanish Club. FOLA, CO-OP
Charlotte Colvin
Scotty Conley Football, Swimming, OClub
Tracy Conley Volleyball, Sk s Olympics. Hmo.
Patricio Cook
Donald Coolid9e Footba . Track, DECA, Arr Club~
Hmo. Pled9ers
Brion Cotton Football, Oosl~erboll, Ooseball, Homecoming King 0-Club
Emily Covelli DECA. FOLA
Phillip Cox
Wiiiiam Cronin Golf Jazz Oond
Jonathon Cruthers Swimming, Studenr Council,
Honor Sociery
Anno Moria Curl DECA, HEr.O, Homecoming
Courr Drama Club
Jerome Curi
Kelly Dahl French Club, SPY, Ploys
"I think that they are good to have. They are a positive influence on
the kids involved!"
Church Fun
plash! Echoes of /oughrer ''Hey, quir shov
ing, " someone yelled Ir was a rypicol
yourh group pool parry.
Acriviries, which ore ways of orrrornng new
members for yourh groups, ore somerhing rhor
reens, who may nor belong ro a cerro1n church,
will go ro wirh a friend
Junior Aimee Schneider enjoyed orrending
her yourh group or Lo/~eshore Tabernacle be
cause, ''/ feel li/~e I'm able ro minisrer ro people
by e1rher roll~ing or praying wirh rhem. " Senior
Amy Hernandez, who hos been orrending rhe
yourh group or Firsr Assembly of God, sOJd, ''/
was orrending rhe church and found our rhe
reens mer weeMy. And I enjoy meering wirh
fellow Chrisrions my age "
Many people, who were members of a
yourh group or one church, may hove regularly
orrended a differenr church, bur srill were we!
come ro orrend rhe yourh group.
Some yourh groups offered incenrives for visirors. Ar Firsr Assembly visirors received frisbees
wirh rhe group's logo and were shown a slide
show wirh on explonorion of whor rhe group
was obour.
Ar Kenosha Dible Church rhe yourh group
combined wirh yourh groups from orher
churches ro sponsor large ocriviries.
Of her fovonre ocriviry, senior Tara Turco
srored, "Definirely rhe rerreors, ir gives us a
chance ro ger away from ourside disrrocrions
and grow closer ro God" by Laura Pride
en1ors Stoey Nesbitt ond Gail Ekern d1SCuss rhe up·
coming yourh rerreor , robe held or Green Lol1e, Wis·
conS1n , or Frsr Assembly of God's yourh group "Cross·
fire", while Junior Miehe lie Lecce direcrs her orrenrion ro
neorby friends
Christopher Dahlberg
Eva DeDortolo FOLA
Chris Dehaven
Shown Delacy Jazz Co bo, Jozz Ensernble Var<
ery how
Irene DeloRoso
Down Delfield Sw,,riming. Soccer Club. FOLA. 0
Cub DECA. Key Cub, Ooosrer Club
Robert Diel vlCA
Connie Dinges Sub Deb. Sof·ool AV, SrogeCrew
Gradford 5 1g1 •r•
Amelio Dixon
Gory Doerflinger
ona ue
"Do you think kinship really helps?"
Christine Donohue French Club. SADD. Dible
Drent Dorenbecker Go , Sroge Crew Cl-Club,
Oond, Chomber Orchesrro, Kenosho Symphony
Pamela Duffin
Jerry Dugan Closl~erbol, DECA
Michelle Dugger
Cynthia Dummer Closl~erboll, TenntS, Tennis Club.
Nancy Dunn
Cathleen Dupler
Susan Dzlmlela Sofrbo , Spanish Club, Tennis, Ten
C\iS Club Hr>C\Or Sooery
Gail Ekern DECA
Sheri Epping DECA
Cynthia Fairbanks
Candis Ferraton Drama Club, Veney Show
Michelle Fish Key Club, Cloosrer, Porn Pon, Cheer
leading. DECA. Trod~. Cl-Club, FOLA
Dina Flannery Srudenr Couno, Trod~
John Flannery FOLA
Steven Flesch Srude'1r Counol Swim Teom, Span·
;h Club, Cl Cluo
Jack Forman
Kenneth Forman
Tracey Forrest
Kristle Fortner
Cheri Foster Rainbow Connecrton. M1nonry Lead
ershp Counc Sofrbol, Srudenr Council, Drama
Trod~ Forensics and Debore
Dillie Fox Cheer:eodng. Ooosrer Club Sl~1-Club,
:.Vb-Deh ~ '•oo . TenntS, Cl-Club. DECA, Tennis Club
Todd Francis Foorbo Wresrl ng. 51~ -Club, Mer
T earn DECA Cl-Club
Fred Frei
"Sometimes. It all depends on what each person's problems
•===================._:Gemmell I -=====~•
Caring Brings Success
n order for srudenrs ro be successful, rhey
musr give boc/1 ro rheir communiry, and Kinship is a way ro do so, " srored DECA advisor
Jeff McCauley .
For rhe losr rwo years, DECA members hove
ro/1en our Kinship children rhree ro four rimes a
monrh ro differenr evenrs
Dosed or Sr Mary's Lurheron Church, Kinship
was headed by Diane Solberg . Each Kinship
child come from a single porenr home, bur in
some coses rhe child simply may hove hod
rrouble mofring friends.
During rhe summer a corn roosr !1ic/1ed off
rhe program. Senior Dillie Fox, head of rhe
Orodford Kinship program, organized a Home-
coming roilgore parry along wirh o /1inship floor
mainly for pub/iciry "We ore rrying ro promore
civic consciousness, " explained Fox
Roller s/1oring, swimming, and o Chrisrmos
parry rounded our rhe program.
Srudenrs gar involved for differenr reasons.
Junior Michele Kehrer said, "//ifre helping lirrle
!11ds and rhey're really fun ro be around."
DECA porrioponrs found Kinship ro be as
beneficial ro rhem as ir was ro rhe children.
Junior Susan Mcintyre said, "Wor/1ing wirh rhe
/irrle fods 1s a for of fun, bur somenmes ir con
leave you wirh o bod feeling because a for of
rhem ore lonely " by Nancy Gentz
he Kinship children wo1r porienrly 1n line while "Sonro"
consulrs wirhJunior Wendy Dastrup Each child received
a grab bog from Sonro filed wirh candy and rays and raid
Xinro whor rhey'd lil~e from rhe Norrh Pole for Chrisrmos.
or 01 is run ono games tor senior John Miceli and JUnior
Oorb S.nger, who ger sruck wirh washing rhe pors and
pons ofrer rhe Chnsrmos Kinship Oonquer 1n rhe kirchen or
Sr Mary's Lurheron Church. Ir was. no doubr, on educononol
Rustin Froeber SPY Loyour Eoror
Cassandra Furtney Spanish Club
Sandra Gallo Vorery Show Drama Club. Foren
David Garcia Foorbo , Wresrhng
Joe Garnero
Tara Gascoigne
Stacy Gasser
Marie Gates Sigers
Philip Gavin
Joann Gemmell Soprorrore Closs Secrerory SrL
Oe! '' C
'- Key C'vb STS. Sub Deb, Spon1sn Club,
S"""n Team Honor Socery SPY Phorogropher
DECA, M 0 A.S Peer Turonng
Junior Miss
enior Jodi Glirzky, decked our 1n her besr slumber porry
orrire, copnvores rhe oudience by whining o cure
poem, which won her rhe rirle of rhe Spirir of Junior
Miss Aword.
Jeffrey George Srudenr Council, Hero, Inferno
Kris Gerber
Peter Ghera
Oosebo!I, Honor Sooery,
French Cvb, STS. Acodem1c Decorhlon, Golf
Jock Gibbs Swimmir)(]. Wor Gamers. Arr·Club
Scott Gilbert
David Giordano Cross Counrry, Troe!~. Sroge
Crew Art Ciub. FOLA
Anjanette Glidden CPA, Creorive Wrir1ng Teom
Melissa Glinski O!ock Worch
Jodi Glirzky Volleybol, OoSkerbo
Sofrboll, Arr
Club f>.Club, Ooosrer Club. SPY, Tennis Club. Dromo
Club, Sl~i Club, Prom Queen, Vonery Slhow, Tennis
Tino Gosey Srudenr Counol, French Club, r-01nbow
Connecr1on AV Treasurer Minonry Srudenr Leod
ership, Juror Miss Conresronr Ooosrer Club, Porn
Pon Squod Sruoenr Turor
or rhe firsr rime ever, DECA sponsored rhe
Junior Miss Pogeonr, held on November
firsr, in rhe Orodford oudironum.
DECA advisor Jeff McCauley srored, "DECA
occepred rhe responsibiliry of serring up rhe Junior Miss Pogeonr for rhe learning experience. "
He added, ''Jr helps srudenrs ro experience
whor iris lil~e ro acquire rhe large responsibiliry of
serring up somerhing big "
Five Orodford girls who compered in rhe Ju
nior Miss Pogeonr were seniors Anna Maria
Curi , Jodi Glitzky , Tina Gosey , Yolondia Macik, and Jennifer Olson .
All hoped robe onorher repeor Orodford winner, /l'l~e 1988 groduore Gwen Heller, rhey
rried rheir very hordesr, bur rhe Junior M1:Ss
crown did nor go ro o Orodford g1d Ir wenr ro
Anna Fermin from Tremper.
The girls were judged on many differenr resrs
of rolenr Some were poise, a dance rourine,
and privore inrerviews wirh rhe judges.
Said Curi, "Ir was a greor experience rhor I
/~now I wiJI never forger for rhe resr of my /ifet"
The winner received up ro $2,500 in prizes
and scholarships, rhe mosr ever of all rhe Junior
Miss Pogeonrs held in Kenosha, in focr ir was
close ro rhe omounr given ro rhe finolisr in rhe
Junior Miss Pogeonr for Wisconsin.
When Olson signed up in rhe Pogeonr, she
hod no idea whor a worrhwhile experience she
was going ro hove. She said, ''/ was glad rhor I
could prove somerhing ro myself, even rhough I
did nor win!" by Louis Ferraro
Henningfe dd
-------------------------------------------------nning e
"How many winners have their been from Bradford?"
Denise Grammentz Ooosrer Club, Key Club,
French Club, DECA, Hmo
Kimberly Granger
Tammie Granger Swimming. Troe , 0-Club, Coproin-Sw1'T\ Team. DECA, Key Club, Honor Sociery
Daniela Greco French Club, Drama Club
Dennis Greenwaood
Renae Grill HEf\0-Seaerory
Dale Grlmal
Joseph Grimes Vonery Show, Spanish Club, Drama C:ub, Ploys, SPY, Forensics
Jodi Gross
Tina Guido Oosl~erboll, Track, V1cePresidenr Spanish Club, Cross Counrry Honor Sooery
Barbara Gulick Key Club
Edward Habel SADD, DECA, Pledger
Tommy Hale
Kelly Hansen SADD. Gym Aid, FOLA, CPASecre·
rory Oible Club
Peter Hansen
Jenni Harder
Michael Hart Jazz Oond
Jane Hartung
Jason Hassel AV Sroge Crew CPA Club. Ger
man C1ub. Wargamers, FOLA, Honor Soc1ery
Angela Hasselback Droma Club
Jennifer Haws Roger Hellen
Lane Henderson Foorbo Wresr 1 ~
Charlie Henley
Stephanie Henningfeld Honor Soc1ery, Soy, Orodford Singers. Sofrbol Tennis. Ten"1s Club, Spanish
"How should I know? I have no idea!"
"Do you think the career resource center is helpful?"
Scott Henningfleld
Antoinette Henry
Amy Hernandez SPY, Choir
Connecnon. Soccer
Cynthia Hernandez Fl3LA
Jennifer Hernandez Sroge Crew, French
Club. SADD Sophomore (1055 Secrerory, Inferno, Spanish Club
Marlana Hernandez Rainbow Connecnon, Arr
Club. Pledge, Sewing M1nonry Leadership
Elizabeth Herrera
Steven Hilliard
Vengl Hines Vors1ry Ooskerboll Copro1n
Carrie Hinz French Club. Furure Teochers of Amer
1co Honor Sooery Peer Turonng, Spanish Club
Ronnie Holly Fl3LA, DECA
Kara Hood
Steven Horak Swimming, HmO. FHA
Michael Horne Sw mming, Girl's Sw1mm1ng Mon
age', Golf DECA
Michelle Huff
Debbie Huser Vo eyboll, Sofrboll, Key Club. For
ensics. Drama Cluo. Vor.ery Show, Arr Club
Kerrie Ingham
Yolanda Jackson Drama Club, Vor.ery Show
Rainbow Connecnon Vice Pres.dent, M1nonry Srudenr Leadership Council Pres1denr, [)oosrer Club,
Rrnnbow Dnl Team Pompon, Homecoming Courr
Todd Jenewein Oosebol, Vonery Show, Inferno,
SPY Phorogropher
Teresa Jensen
Deana Johnson Arr Club, Oosl~erbo I, DECA, Home
comng Queen
Jacquelyn Johnson
Trina Johnston
Jennifer Johnston
Charles Jones Oosl~erboll, STS. Srudenr Council, Key
Club. Spanish Cluo. Frend' Cub
"Sure, because it helps you to pick out your career!"
~ielewsk· .
Tough Choice
rom sophomores researching in homeroom ro seniors researching for college,
rhe career cenrer in rhe library was definirely rhe place ro find informonon.
Counselor Jerry Yerwey commenred,
·'Educorion should be ried inro career rraining ro
a cerroin degree. "He added, "The career cenrer firs in because rhis 15 where srudenrs find a
career rhey wonr and con rolfe classes ro correspond wirh rhe1r career choice. "
The sophomore homerooms used rhe career
cenrer as porr of a program ro search for rheir
vocononol goals.
Some of rhe srudenrs did nor enjoy rhe program. Sophomore Betty Coulter said, "fr roo/f
up roo much of our srudying rime The counselor should hove rolfen us aside and rollfed ro us
obour career rro1ning. "
''fr was boring for people who ifnew whor
rype of career rhey wonred Ir's prerry much a
wosre of rime," said sophomore Willie Gorr.
Some srudenrs did en;oy ir They said rhey
learned more obour rhemse!ves and rheir inrer
Sophomore Jennifer Bernhardt said, ''/ rhinlf
rhe program in rhe career cenrer was good
because ir helped me find rhe rype ofjob rhor I
may enjoy based on rhe inreresrs I hove per
raining ro rhor ;ob I chose psych1orry "
Senior Wendy Trudeau SOid, "/ oppreciore
rhe career cenrer because rhere I con find and
research moreriols necessary in finding rhe oppropriore career." by Juli Covelli
ounselor Jerry Verwey converses wirh sophomores
Mel issa Mattiol i , Kur t Mattson , ond Aaron
McCra ry in rhe library's career resource cenrer dunng
o sophomore homeroom. Many seniors also mode use of
rhe cenrer ro research careers.
Traci Jumper Drama Club, DECA, CPA
Roger Jurgens HERO
Melinda Kangas HERO
Ronald Karakash Tennis, DECA
Jennifer Karaway Swimmng "OLA, DECA
Patricia Karaway
Christopher Kauzrich Foorboll, Wresrling Co·Cop·
Melissa Kelley Forensics, French Club. School Ploy,
Srudenr Couno Secrerory, Germon Club. Key Cub,
Drama Club Treasurer
Russell Kirschbaum Foorbol
Andrea Kisielewski
Ki see
- - - - - issee
ool~ies rhor were donored ro rhe [1,ed Cross Vererons
were carried down ro rhe sroroge room by seniors Ke rl
Sinclair ond Bridgette Krous Mr McCauley 's 2nd hour
class easily won aga1nsr " crummy " comperir1on
Cookie Drive
oolf1esl 60,000 of rhem! The coo/fie
monsrer's dream come rrue.'? No. Ir
was rhe annual Red Cross coo/fie
drive, held rhe second weelf of December
for rhe vererans of Sourheosrern Wisconsin .
When Oradford hod o Red Cross club o
few years boclf, members organized rhe
coo/fie drive and co/leered rhe coo/fies.
HERO (Home Economics Re/ored Occuponons) roolf over organizing rhe drive, lfeep1ng rraclf of rhe coo/fies, and delivering rhem
ro Red Cross.
Senior Roger Jurgens, rhe Public Re/anons Officer of HERO, said, " Ir felr good ro
give o lirrle Chrisrmos cheer ro our brave
vererans who gave so much rhor we may
be free "
Srudenrs bolfed o rorol of 5,000 dozen
coo/fies. Srudenr Council provided prizes for
rhe rap rhree 2nd hour classes. In 1sr place
was Mr McCauley 's class wirh 2,J5J dozen .
In second place was Senora Schloclf 's class
wirh J89, and in rh1rd place was Mr. Cibrar
io 's class wirh J25 75 dozen. Ms. Needham 's
and Mr. Oeclfer's classes borh hod 100% pornciponon.
Winners hod lirrle problem disposing of rhe
prize money Sophomore Kerri Kauzrich of
Ms. Needham 's class said, "We hod o par
ry. ,,
Joom Gemmel
Junior Lora Hassel bolfed J90 dozen
coo/fies oil by herself She was morivored by
McCauley 's in-class conresr berween rhe
guys and girls
Junior Marcy Springhoff said, "The girls
won and rhe guys hod ro serve us. Ir was
really funny because some wore aprons
and one wore o slfirr. "
Springhoff said she was able ro bolfe porr
of her 90 dozen coo/fies or rhe Kenosha
Unified School Oisrricr 's lfirchen, which her
friendJunior Heidi Zorn's forher was able ro
ger for rhem and o few orhers
The Red Cross Co/leered o grand rorol of
8500 dozen coo/fies If you figure rhe over
age coo/f1e was J" in diomerer, rhor means
rhor rhe coo/fies laid end ro end would
srrerch rhe Jengrh of 85 consecurive foorboll
fields' Whew' Thor 's o /or of coo/fies.I by
Nancy Gentz
Joom Gemmel
frer rece1v1ng rhe cool~1es , Mrs Whirefoor, HmO adv1·
sor, very carefuny piles rhem up She also l~epr rrocl~ of
how many dozens of cool~1es were donared
•~=====================================-=Leonardd -=====::::=~~•
"How many cookies did you bake for the Red Cross
Cookie Drive"?
Leanna Kissee [3oskerboll, Track, French Club, Vo~
leyboll, SADD
Kelly Knight DECA, Ooosrer Club
James Kolkmann
Kevin Koprovlc VICA
Gina Krack
Drldget Kraus
Leland Kreutz [3oseboll, FOLA
Mark Krlederman
Dennis Krohn
Paul Kubicki Foorboll, Ski Club, 0-Club
Tamara Kudryckl
Dorry Laabs Wresrl1ng, [3oseboll, Spy Phorogropher
Dertlna Labonaw French Club
Timothy Laland
Mark Lalonde
Phillip Lampada
Pamela Landry
Drenda Lang TenniS, Key Club. FOLA
Krisan Larson 51~ Club. DECA
Ronald Losco Cross Counrry, Wresrling, Track
Melissa Lawrence
Debra Lehrke Traci~ DECA. Key Club, Cross
Scott Leinenweber Tennis, Tennis Club,
French Club, OClub Ooosrer Club
Jeffrey Lentz
Joseph Leanard
"I personally didn't bake any cookies, but my class did great. I think
we came in the top five in the school."
Brian Lince
Amy Litkey Ooosrer Club. CPA
Scott Lofton
Peter Loh berger Ski Club, Soccer Copr , Wresr' ng
Anthoney Looney Swimming, French Club
Joseph Lueck
Peter Lyons Foorboll, Tennis, Ooosrer Club. Honor
Julius Mabry Track, Cross Counrry
Yolondia Mocik Track, SADD, French Club. Ooosrer Club. [>.Club, Cheerleoding, Oible Club
Ami Maggio DECA, French Club, Arr Club, Key
Feed Me!
.loom Gemmel
honng a laugh w1rh sophomore Eric Tindle as he supporrs
on FOLA fundroiser ore seniors Michelle Mann and Jason
Hassel In rhe background senior Aaron Sens devores his
rime ro scooping popcorn inro bogs for sole in rhe Commons
lrhough srudenrs or Orodford were
bombarded wirh fundroisers olmosr
consronrly, mosr were willing ro pay.
The common sole irems included pizza, flowers,
prerzels, bowling scores, bol<;e soles, and sophomore Becky McKenzie's fovorire, M&M's.
Though rhe items how/<;ed in rhe ho/ls may
hove varied, rhe basic purpose was rhe some:
ro raise money.
Srudenr Acriviries Direcror Don Hoferitza felr
rhor because of minimal funding by rhe school
disrricr, ' 'rhe coaches and advisors ore doing o
fonrosricjob!" He also poinred our rhor rhe clubs
hove ro sell in order ro survive.
Ir rool<; o /or of wor/<; ro send financial aid ro o
foreign counrry as Spanish Club did or ro simply
provide for rhe basics /i/<;e new uniforms for rhe
cheerleaders. Oesides, mosr srudenrs would
rorher buy Snicl<;ers bars rhon pay ro ploy as is
rhe case in California following Proposirion 1.J.
In one insronce, srudenrs were so supporrive
rhor sophomore Jason Schulz was able ro sell
one-half of a case of M&M 's by rhird period! Ear
'em up, yum!
True, somerimes rhe spirir of ''passing rhe
bucl<;'' landed srudenrs in rrouble wirh classroom
reochers, ro soy norhing of coviries, excess sugar, and bod complexions. A ''breoMosr of
champions, " cons1sring of a soda and o candy
bar, is nor exocrly whor nurririonisrs hove in
Lil<;e many orher srudenrs, however, sophomore Debbie Schlitz felr, rhor "1r"s worrh ir" ro
lug around rhor gigondo crore of edibles
rhroughour her academic career. In focr, for
mosr srudenrs ir wosn 'r on oprion. From baseball
ro Dible club, fundroisers were o necessary ev!I.
by Tom Thorpe
u er
"What is the importance of carting around cases of
candy for fundraising?"
Marco Malacara Track, Foorboll, Drama Club
Lori Maloney Tennis Team Mgr. Honor Soaery
VP SADD French Club, Key Club, Peer Turonng.
Furure Teachers of America
Teresa Manegre Sub Deb Club. Ooosrer Club, Ski
Club, Porn Pon Squad, Ooseboq Mgr
Michelle Mann FOLA Pres1denr, Spanish Club, CPA
Eric Maravilla Wresrling Capr
Mike Mathey
Cindy Matley FOLA, Creorive Wnr1ng Team
Jennifer Mau Ooosrer Club, Ski Club, Porn Pon
Squad Cheerleoding, SofrboO, Tennis. CPA, FOLA
Matthew Maurer
Shawn McCarran Foorboll
Kevin McClure
James Medina
Joseph Meltzen Cross Counrry, Track, Tennis Club
Kevin Metallo Soccer Capr.
John Miceli Key Club, Drama Club, DECA, CPA,
Josephine Miceli French Club, TenniS Club, Srudenr Couna , Honor Soc:ery Tennis Tearn Capr
Sheri Mich
Jeffery Michaud
David Mlnkey Swimming, FOLA, CPA, DECA
Christopher Moeller VICA
Paula Moennsen
Tina Moore P.ainbow
Michael Morrone Ooskerbo I, DECA, 0-Club, Ar
Becky Morzfeld Key Club, Dramo Club, HEP.O
Victor Muller Foorbo I
''The importance is so that good programs from sports to music
can have the support they need to keep operating."
•~==~ Murphy_
rp Y
"Do you prefer Burger King over other restaurants? Why or why not?"
Jeffery Murphy
Tricia Murphy Ooosrer Club, French Club.
Drama Club, STS. Key Club. DECA
Kelley Mu"on Sofrboll, Sroge Crew, Drama Club
Torek Musoitef VICA
Tiffany Nelson FOLA, Srudenr Council
Bradley Neu Foorboll, Tennis, Spanish Club
William Nevoraskl Cross Counrry, Wresrling, SPY
Dusty Nlchlols VICA
Brion Ochronek Foorboll, Morh Team
Robert Okray
Jennifer Olcott AV /Sroge Crew, FOLA
Jennifer Olson
Yvonne Ortiz
John Oscar
Michael Ostergoord Cross Counrry, DECA
Jose Otero VICA
Scott Otter VICA
Michelle Owslchek 0-0ub, French Club, Track,
Swimming, Ooosrer Club, Junior Closs Treasurer, Srudenr Counol, Key Club, DECA, Cross Counrry, CPA,
Senior Closs Treosurer
Phoebe Ozuna
Joan Pacetti [lciosrer Club, Spanish Club, Key Club,
Dennis Podek
Eric Page French Club
Joseph Passarelli
Ooskerboll, Ooseboll, Sophomore Vice-President, Srudenr Council, 0-Club. Junior
Closs Secrerory, DECA, Ooosrer Club, Prom King, Drama Club, Vonery Show, SPY, Senior Closs Presidenr
Spanish Club
Tino Pote
Patrick Peltier Morh Team, FOLA, CPA
"I hate Burger King! I can taste it for three days!"
Grandma Peg
ne of rhe mosr popular places hir by
Oradford Srudenrs during lunch was
Ourger King
Greering rhem doily was Grandma Peg ,
who hos been supervising rhe dining area for
rhe posr seven years. She is rhere ro ifeep rhe
srudenrs in line and rhe place clean.
She felr all of rhe Oradford srudenrs, posr and
presenr, hove "all been good. " She added,
"They ifnow if rhey ore bod I will quir my job
and be o bog lady "
Grandma Peg loves her job and commenred, ''A /or of odulrs do nor give lfids enough
credir. I feel each generarion of ifids hos ro be
rreored differenrly because rhey ore differenr. "
Grandma Peg, as well as her manager,
praised Oradford Srudenrs because rhey hove
never srorred o fighr or Ourger King.
Loved and admired by Oradford srudenrs,
Grandma Peg loolfs forward ro every Moy so
she con orrend Senior Oonquer. Even ofrer
groduoring, many srudenrs srill go ro rollf ro
Grandma Peg. She greers rhem with open arms
and molfes rhem feel or home.
In her eyes her job filled up rhe space lefr
voconr by rhe deorh of her husband. As is rrue
wirh many older people, she feels herjob is her
life, and mosr agree rhor ir was a job mode
especially for her.
She lefr a challenge ro all her ''grandchildren " "Each class since 198.J hos been promising ro find me a nice man and no one hos
yer." by Claudia Presta and Stephanie Henningfeld
s always, providing "service wirh a smile," Gurger
King Hosress, Grandma Peg helps seniors Dave
Giordano, Michelle Huff, and Gary Tritten fill up
rhe1r rroys, showing her love for Gradford srudenrs
ems Evans
Sheila Peltier Swimming, Traci~. Srudenr Council.
STS. Key Club, Spanish Club, Cross Counrry Peer
Turonng. Srudenr Council, Honor Sooery, Senior
Closs Secrerory
John Perez
Marie Perez Drama Club SADD, Foren5JC5, DECA
Janet Pharr Drama Club
llrian Phillips HERO
llrian Pinzger Jr.
Michelle Plvovar
Linda Pofahl
George Pribyl Worgomers, Wresrrng, CPA. DECA, Key
Laura Pride
''What would you first want to see if you went to New
York City?"
Tracy Ptak DECA. FOLA
Morla Passarelli DECA, Treasurer HERO
Miro Rodulovlc DECA, FOLA, COOP
Dione Rangel Pledger, FOLA
Shomlmo Rashid Presidenr-Germon Club, Ace
derr>ic Decorhlon
Stephanie Roymoker Voilyboll, Orodford Singers,
Inferno Crear . e Wnnng Tearn
John Rozdlk Ooskerboll
Denise Redfern Ooosrer Club, Key Club, Sofrboll,
DECA Specrre Peer ruroro:ig, Inferno, CO-OP
Doniel fl.hey Foorboll, 51~1 Club, We1ghr 11fr1ng
Angelo Rickmon
Freddie Rios
Kyle Roeder FJOrbol
Jennifer Roellng
Betty Rombolskl FOLA, DECA. Arr Club
Kristine Rosenbaum Key Club, Sponisl"> Club.
Orodford Singers, Srudenr Counc Drofrlo Club,
School Ploys. STS. Honor Sooery, DECA, FOLA, Sru
der>r Union. Forensics
Jeff Ross Ooseboll, Foorboll
Colleen Ruebsomen Drama Club. School Ploys,
Forer"cs, STS. FOLA, Vor-ery Show, French Club,
DECA. Srudenr Council, Crearive Wrir1ng Team
Frances Ruffolo
Pamela Rusch Orodford Sngers. STS, Voriery Show
Kristina Russ Cheerleader, Ooosrer Club, Key Club,
Spor>tsh Club. Tennis. Ter>nis Club, Peer Turor
Shawn Russ Wresri1ng. VICA, DECA
Jon Russo TerinJS, Manager Girls Ter>nis, Honor Soc1ery Soccer Key Club
David Saoskl: Swimming
Veronica Salerno Sol-bol Ooskerbo, FOLA
Jacob Salmi Swimm>ng
"I would go see the Statue of Liberty."
ocy's Doy Parade corches rhe eye of Orodford srudenrs as 1r posses rhrough downrown New York
Colorfully dressed bond players blonng on rhe1r insrru
menrs and ours1zed Roars hovering over rhe specrorors ogo1nsr
rhe famed Oig Apple backdrop vied for rhe orrenrion of passersby
New York
Nervously, rhe srudenrs boarded rhe
plane_ Filled wirh exciremenr, rhey could
barely srop rheir hands from shaking as rhey
pulled on rheir searbelrs. Afrer a rwo monrh
woir, rhey were acruolly going ro New York.
Dusy, busy, busy, was rhe besr rerm ro
describe whor was, as usual, going on in
New Yor!f Ciry over Thon/'{Sgiving Dreok_
Nick Sturino, head of rhe Drama program,
accompanied rhe 22 srudenrs going on rhe
excursion ro New Yorlf, on evenr rhor occurs
every orher year.
The group flew ro New Yorlf and sroyed
or rhe Milford Plaza Hore! for five days and
four nighrs. The rrip also included a free meal
or rhe Mamo Leone 's resrouronr in rhe horel.
The food rheir was so expensive rhar Joseph
Passarelli soid, "/wouldneverpoy$19.95for
a plore of spogherri rhor even I con mo/fe
The srudenrs sow many of rhe fabulous
rrodemorifs of New Yorlf Ciry. Excursions included rhe beauriful 5rorue of Liberry, fom·
ous Time Square, rhe 5ourh 5rreer 5eoporr,
and rhe massive Empire 5rore Dui/ding. The
rrip also allowed srudenrs ro see any rhree
ploys of rheir choice, rhe mosr popular being
Some of rhe reenoge rourisrs roolf carriage rides in Cenrrol Pork ''Ir was really
greor fun," remorlfed junior Katie Rosenbaum .
Many srudenrs soon found rhor wherever
rhey loo/fed, rhey found a differenr person
speolfing a differenr language. The many
imm1gronrs 1n New York spolfe Chinese,
French, Germon, Indian, and Spanish.
Sentor Melissa Kelly said, "The besr porr
was haggling wirh rhe people or rhe shops
on rhe many srreers in Chino Town." by
Louis Ferraro
eniors Melissa Kelly and William Thomas and sophomore Donna Kubick i were some of rhe Orodford srudenrs
rhor wenr on rhe ferryboor nde ro go inside and view rhe
5rorue of Uberry The rhree srudenrs rake in rhe mogn1ftcenr
panoramic view of rhe New York sl~yline while weiring 1n onrici·
por1on of gerr1ng ro rhe1r desnnor1on.
he 5rorue of Uberry her newly remodeled form erched
ogo1nsr rhe ~y. holds her rorch proudly olofr Mosr people
who ger o view rhe 5rorue of Liberry feel o grear deal of
love for rhe1r counrry The Srorue of Liberry reminds cirizens of
rhe promise rhor America holds forrh ro rhe world "Give me
your huddled mosses, yearning ro be free "
Ir may be hard ro believe, bur some srudenrs ocruolly gave up half of rheir lunch
hour once o week in order ro orrend secrionols for rhe music courses offered!
Giving up o half hour lunch once o weelf
may hove seemed insane ro some srudenrs,
bur srudenrs hod ro orrend secrionols in order
ro sorisfy class requiremenrs
As senior Jim Bishop sow ir, "Secrionols
ore on imporronr porr of being in o music
course, and olrhough rhe resu/rs of secrionols
ore visible ofrer rhe rime hos been spenr, I
don 'r lilfe giving up rhe rime"
Oishop 's opinion appeared ro hove been
shored by or /eosr some srudenrs. Orher
bond srudenrs, if onyrhing, seemed ro be
even more blunr Senior Shown Delacy
said, "I jusr d1dn'r lilfe rhemt"
Choir srudenrs seemed ro be rhe ones
who oppreciored rhe rime spenr in secrionols
rhe mosr. ''/Ifnew we needed rhem in order
ro srrengrhen our secrions, especially when
concerrs seemed ro be jusr around rhe corner, " soidseniorPom Rusch/Rusch.Pamela
When concerrs drew near, many music
srudenrs found rhemselves spending more
rime in secrionols and rehearsing. Senior Lisa
Steel , o member of rhe symphony orchesrro
commenred, ''/ lilfe worlfing in o small group
ro ger rhe music righr, bur I hare fighring with
everyone ro ger rhem ro work "
In rhe opinion of mosr music reochers, sec
rionols were o viral porr of molfing rhe enrire
group sound os one; secrionols also enabled
reochers ro worlf wirh rheir srudenrs one on
Alrhough sophomores were new ro rhe
rourine of secrionols, rhey appeared ro hove
rried ro molfe rhe besr of rhem. Sophomore
Beverly Rieselmon said, "Secrionols were
nor exocrly on enjoyable experience, bur
rhere was lirrle choice when ir come ro orrending rhem." by Louro Pride
ernor Jim Bishop ond junior Linda Kensler d1hgenrly leod
rhe resr of rhe flrsr violin secrion 1n leorning several of rhe
movemenrs from rhe opero Cormen.
n one of rheir infamous SA reheorsols jusr doys before rhe
annual winrer concerr, bond members procnce for rhe dis·
cerrnng ear of d1recror Alex Sabo
Khamrohn Khorrlosoben
"Why do you think students would volunteer part of
their lunch hour to attend sectionals?"
Roberto Sonftheil SI Ifs Olympics, Drama Club
Evette Sopp AV, Chamber Orchesrra, Creorive
Wnr1ng Team
Jacqulyn Schiller Cheerleader Ooosrer Club
Cher Schoettler Swimming , French Club
Theresa Schonscheck HlLA, CPA
Carolyn Schroeder SPY
Scott Schultz Foorboll
Corrie Schuster
Tim Sears
Micheal Seidel Sroge Crew
Richard Sellers, Jr. Track, VICA
Aaron Sens Tennis. HlLA, AV Sroge Crew, Honor
Soc1ery Compurer Team, Inferno
Sondra Shaffer French Club. HlLA, Honor Sooery
Tracy Shaughnessy CPA. Sponisn Club HlLA, CO
Annieo Shirley fl.a ribow Connecnon, Minof'fy Sru
derr .eodersh1p
Michelle Shoemaker
Kerl Sinclair
Jomes Skinner
Jonathon Skovronslo:I Ski Cluo, French Cub, Fenc
ing Club
Carol Lynn Sloter DECA
Stephen Slaughter HERO
Michael Smith Ar• Club, Ho(T1ecoming Courr
Sobrino Smith D1 irro Club. M no•1ry S•uden• Lead
ersho. ri.o >bow Dr Teem, Debs and Esqures
Gregg Snyder
Angela Sorenson Cheer1ead1ng, Ooosrer Club.
Sofrbol Pom·Por
"Probably because it's part of their grade and some people are
willing to spend extra time to work for excellence in music!"
--------- Sorensen
"What attracts you to Cagneys? What do you find
exciting about it?"
Kristen Sorenson Soccer VICA
Stacey Spitzer Key Club, AV /Sroge Crew,
Obie Club
Christopher Stanford
Jason Stotemo Wresrrng. Tennis, Cross Counrry
Lisa Steel Academic Decorholon, FOLA
Tino Steele Germon Club, FOLA
Buffy Steigman FOLA, CPA, COOP
Brion Steinmetz
Lynn Steinmetz
Michael Stenberg Oosl~erboll, Ooseboll, Golf
Michael Stewart Foorbo!I, Wresnng, DECA
Joseph Stich Golf
Steven S!lne
Kristina Stratton Ooosrer Club, Inferno, Key Club,
FOLA Tennis
Scott Stratton Golf DECA, SPY Phorogropher
Kevin Suro Srudenr Council, Key Club, SPY, Morh
TeofT' Spanish Club Honor Soc1ery, Traci~. STS
Elizabeth Taylor Ro nbow Connecrion
Michael Tellez CPA, FOLA, VICA
Claudio Tenuta Ooosrer Club, Drama Club. FOLA.
Sub Deb Spanish Club
Don Tenuta
William Thomas
Jomes Thomey Foorboll
Thomas Thorpe Spanish Club, SPY, Forensics
Scott Tobolsky
Michael Tostrud Track
''I like the music and the people there. I have been there a couple
of times."
Dances Die
onces hove been o sore subjecr or
Dradford. Porriciporion was nor as
clubs would hove Ii/fed rhem ro be
Several reasons for rhis were given by
Direcror of Srudenr Acrivires Donald Hoferitza : ''Up rill Chrisrmos rhe dances wenr prer
ry well as for as porriciporion goes. The Spy
Dismburion Dance hos always been very
popular along wirh rhe Junior Prom, Senior
Homecoming, and rhe Winrer Formal. I be
lieve rhor home parries and Cogneys hove
done much ro draw people away from rhe
school dances. If rhe clubs become more
creorive wirh rheir odverrising, rhey may or
rrocr more srudenrs For example, rhe DECA
Halloween Dance hos rhe incenrive of winning prizes for rhe besr cosrumes. "
Cagney's 1s o popular dance place rhor
allows reenogers on opporruniry ro lficlf up
rhetr heels and socialize wirhour rhe use of
alcohol Cagney's orrracred differenr age
groups, ranging from high school srudenrs ro
college srudenrs.
Some srudenrsjusr didn'r /ilfe eirher Cogneys or rhe school funcrions. Seniors Timothy Sears and Carmine Ziccarelli felr rhor
''school dances ore nor rhe rhing ro do. "Dur
rhey also remorlfed rhor Cogneys did nor su1r
rhem eirher. ''The music is roo loud and is nor
rhe !find I lilfe Also rhere ore roo many peo
pie, rhere is nor enough room ro dance. "
On rhe posirive side senior Amy Hernandez said, ''/ rhinlf rhe dances promore school
sp1nr and rhey give rhe srudenrs on olrerno
rive insreod of going ro parries." by Stephanie Henningfeld
r a ryp1col Friday nighr dance, sophomore Kerry Wright gers inro rhe groove 1n rhe Gradford
cofererio m1rocu1ously rronsformed inro a
dance hall. Unforrunorely, many dances were nor well
orrended by rhe srudenr body so rhor clubs only brol~e
even ofrer expenses
Jeff lOOO"llS
any of rhe dances losr populonry as many Gradford
srudenrs spenr rhe1r Fridoys or Cogneys. Here senior
Brion Cotton slowly moves ro rhe music on a crowded dance floor
"Do you think that students should be allowed to
have jobs when they're still in school?"
Tara Tower FDLA, Volieyboll, Oaskerboll, Sofr
boll, Soccer 0-Club
Debbie Tranberg DECA
Kathleen Traughber Oaskerboll, Sofrboll, Volreyboh Furure Teachers of Americo
Daniel Tritten
Wendy Trudeau French Club, Key Club, Honor
Sociery Peer Turoring
Tara Turco French Club, Drama Club, Stage Crew
Creorive Wrrnng Teorn, Future Teachers of Amer
rco AV
Sara Uecker
Jodi Uttech
Damian Valentine Worgomers, FDLA, Academic
Roberr Von Hozrngo Sroge Crew, VICA
John VanHoof DECA
Shirley Vaughan Drama Club, ForenS1cs, SADD,
French Cluo
Jason Ventura DECA
Jon Viola Football, Swimming. Jazz Ensemble, Jazz
Combo Varrery Show Pep Oond
Jamie Vollmer SPY, DECA, Key Club, Sub Deb,
French C: ;b, Cross CouNry, Soccer, FDLA
Jacqueline Wade Swrm Teem, 0-Ciub, Sub Deb,
Ooosrer Crub SPY DECA
Michael Waite Swrmmng, Jazz Oand, ForenS<cs,
Sroge Crew Vorrery Show, Drama Club, MOAS,
French Club Srudenr Council, SPY, STS, AV
Kimberly Waiden CPA Club, Sponw Club, FDLA
Michael Waldron Drama Club
Danny Walter Ski-Club, Foorboll, Traci~. DECA,
P.-orn Courr Honor Society, SPY
Becky Wamboldt DECA, Sofrboll, French Club, STS
Amy Waslulewskl Cheerleodrng, Ooosrer Club_
Sl~r Club, Drorrio Club, Homecoming Courr
Jamie Watkins Oaseboll, Foorbol
Carrie Wegner Key Club DECA, Soccer Oible Club
Lisa Wember
"Yes, unless they want to leach off their parents the rest of their
t====================- Wember rr:-======~
Exchange Job
hoever rhoughr rhe doy would
come when six Orodford foculry
members would spend a Sorur
day worfong behind rhe counrers or McDonold's?
In a fundrotser for rhe School Educorion
Foundorion of Kenosha, which helps pay for
speciol srudenr projecrs and programs ($.25
from every Dig Moc wenr ro rhe foundorion), Mr. Mangi, Mr. Kranen , Mr. Kara.
kash , Mr. Verwey , Mr. Mlodzik, and Mrs.
Stewart were all porrioponrs.
Mr. Kronen described ir as a ''very humbling and very 1nreresring experience. "Oorh
Mr Kronen and Mr. Mongi were impressed
w1rh how hard rhe lfids ocruolly worlfed.
Mr. Mongi said, ''I come away oppreciorive of rhe rime srudenrs spend worlfing or
fosr food resrouronrs, bur one rhing rhor wor
ries me is rhor some ore wor/9ng roo hard
and roo many hours. Thor is adversely affecring rheir school work Srudenrs need ro
be preparing for groduore school, rechnicol
school and college, nor worrying obour shorr
rerm objecrs such as clorhes and cars. "
Senior Pam Carpenter, who was employed or McDonald's said, "Worlfing wirh
rhe foculry was fun. Mr. Mlodzilf was ex
ored. He wonred ro learn everyrhing. They
all coughr on quic!f and we wonr rhem ro
come boc!f in rhe spring. "
Mr. Mongi and Mr. Kronen borh agreed
rhey would do ir again. by Nancy Gentz
emembenng rhor rhey ore kepr on o seven mnure
cycle, Mr. Mangl carefully bogs rhe French fries, which
hove ro be rhrown away if rhey oren'r used wirhin rhe
given rime
ren'r you a lirrle young for coffee?" exclaims Mr. Mlod·
zk "No, ir's for my grandpa'" replies rhe cusromer
roreful for rhe he.Ip, Mr. Kran en receives ossisronce
from a ponenr cusromer as rhey borh srruggle wirh o
srubborn cash reg1srer
''Why do you think seniors treat sophomores so
Michelle Weyand Goosrer Club, Cheerleod·
ng Drama Club. Prom Courr
Tracey Whirefoor DECA, Goosrer Club
Krlsrlne Whitney DECA. Inferno
Ann Whyre
Poul Wiecherr
Wally Wieszrorr
Julie Willems Swimming, Key Club, French Club.
Dromo Club, Srudenr Council
Down Williamson Spanish Club
Heidi Willkomm Srudenr Council, Sophomore
Closs Treasurer SADD SPY, Volleyboll, Softball, Key
Club. Honor Soaery FOLA
Tommy Winkelmann French Club
Vanessa Woods Srudenr Council, Forensics. Von·
ery Show Rainbow Connecnon
Roy Wooren Foorboll, Wresrling
Jennifer W rilz Cheerleod1ng, Sub Deb, Honor Soci·
ery Goosrer Club. Key Club, SPY FOLA
Zachary Young
Thomas Yurchak
Carmine Ziccorelli VICA, COOP
Michelle Zimmerman Germon Club
"It is because that was what was done to us
when we were sophomores! It's a tradition!"
'Oh whor a feeling
" rhinl'\S senior Sean Mitchell while
giving one hundred ond ren percenr in rhe game ogornr Mil·
woukee Sourh.
The Wonder Years
n rhe 'curring' edge senior Joe Skinner opplies honds-
' 'Every senior class is special . . rhis senior
class con be proud of irs orh/eres and exceeding
previous classes academically. Ir's o very giving
class: 60,000 coo/fies (in rhe coo/fie drive), rhe
Arif, rhe Soup Kirchen, Fundroisers, Peer-Turor
ingt" remorlfed Joseph Mangl, principal, obour
rhe groduoring class of 1989.
Dur whor mosr seniors recoil ore rhings lilfe
Mr. Zig Ziglar and his one-liner, ''I'll see Y0!. or
rhe ropf" rhor joined rhe differenr programs or
Drodford such as rhe Srudenr of rhe Monrh, Gold
Cords, and Words of rhe Doy.
The class hod irs rroged1es and rriumphs. Srudenrs held rogerher during rhe summer of 1986
when one of rheir clossmores, Clarence Ervin,
drowned in Lolfe Michigan.
The foorboll ream and rhe Girl's Cross Counrry
won rhe Dig 9 Conference 1n 1988. The wresrlers roolf firsr place in 1989. The Dond, Orchesrro, and Choir hove earned firsr places in such
on rechnology ro o pro;ecr 1n Woods Closs Woods olso
builr o rrophy cose for rhe norrh hall
presrigious ciries as Woshingron D.C, Dosron,
and Orlando. The SPY roolf on oll·Americon.
On o differenr nore, rhe class bid o farewell ro
former principal Lawrence Jones in 1987 and
opened irs arms ro currenr principal Joseph
Mongi. "The class of '89 hos been rhrough o for
while or Drodford. From rhe srorrup of final exams and increased groduorion requiremenrs ro
rhe rhree years of being undefeored in Spirir
comperirions, we hove really mode o differ
ence," said Srudenr Council Presidenr Kevin
Sura .
Senior class presidenr Joe Passarelli summed
ir up, ''We hove proved rhor we ore ''Posirively
Drodford. " Loolfing boclf or our sophomore
year we hove grown up and morured. The
people in Drodford ore greor and I om proud ro
be ossooored wirh rhem!" by Tom Thorpe
and Stephanie Hennlngfeld.
by Mom Khcxrlo5oben
r's oll 1n rhe wrisrl" rh1nks senior Charley Henley ro hrnse~
as he rakes a one hand shor for rwo p<lfnrs 1n a backyard
boskerboll game.
"Do you think that the way the junior float was built and its final
outcome would inspire you to work on the senior float?''
Amy Adams
Miguel Adams
Jeremy Adamson
Christina Adkins
Ismael Aguilar
Marcelo Aguilar
Dretr Aiello
Chad Aldrich
Jomes Aldridge
Richard Allen
Aimee Alwardt
David Ambrose
Shelly Andersen
William Aney
Peter Antoromlon
Lucy Aragon
Maxine Arlnto
Holly Ashley
Bruce Dodke
Jennifer Baltes
Jonathon Barco
Wayne Barribeau
Gregory Darth
Wendy Dastrup
Naomi Baumgarten
Stephen Beauchamp
Richard Becker
Randoll Beckman
Douglas Behringer
Wendy Bell
Julie Bentz
Jennifer Berg
Jeon-Cloud Berry
Peter Dionco
Derek Dilllngs
Kristin Dilski
Paulo Dloisdell
Christopher Dooth
Susan Doscher
John Dosco
Stephanie Dosco
Francine Dosmon
Eric Dovee
Matthew Drond
Julio Dreuhl
Robin Drown
Eric Druenning
Antonello Druno
Lisa Busch
Drendo Buskirk
Scott Caputo
Louis Cardinali
Nicholas Cardinali
Matrhew Corey
Orest Carnevale
Christine Carpenter
"I didn't see the junior float and was not involved but maybe next year. Now that I know
more about it, I will get involved."
Junior Float
esr over-al! floor-Junior class and Arr
Club. Jr 's a rie.1" announced junior Susan Mcintyre on rhe P.A. or Anderson Field
The juniors wenr wild, rhe hours of worlf
having paid off.
''While building rhe floor ir was cold, bur ir
was worrh ir because ir rurned our grear, "
said Jeonifer Berg .
The Floor Commirree mer or Jennifer
Seitz's house. Afrer srudenrs mode many
phone calls, a flor bed and nap/fins were
donored and chic/fen wire was boughr.
Juniors Kristine Komarec , Amy Baldwin, Susan Mcintyre, and Heidi Heinen
pie/fed up orher necessary moreriols while
Jennifer Baltes, Shannon Smith, and Sean
Ryan discussed rhe differenr rheme possibi/iries.
Afrer many pros and cons were considered, 'Tarch rhe Wildcars " emerged as rhe
popular fovorire
''Everyone wonred ro ride on rhe floor,
bur no one wonred ro pur in any rime or
efforr on worlfing on ir," said junior James
Organ . This sroremenr did nor ring rrue for
some of rhe dedicored worlfers who conrinued worlfing long afrer rhe "rhree ro five"
scheduled rime.
Junior Jennifer Baltes besr summed ir up
by saying, ''Our floor building srorred our
slowly wirh a !or of disogreemenr, bur we
came rogerher as rhe class of 1990 usually
does and produced a greor ourcome wirh a
!or of school spirir " by Jennifer Seitz
uniors. Jenny Berg , Brian Porker, Sean Ryon , Jim Organ , and Jeni Seltz srrur rhe1r
school sp1nr by screoming and cheering loudly for rhe Devils as rhey nde on rhe oword
winning Junior class floor
pray poinr1ng flames, juniors
Jim Spino and Sean Ryan
emblazon rhe " Torch rhe Wildcars" rheme for rhe doss Homecoming floor The rheme, which
was a losr minure decision, rurned
our ro be a w inner
Jeff Loomts
Tracey Casteel
Doniel Caya
Honey Cervantes
Steven Cima
Brian Clpov
Tabitha Cole
Fernando Colon
Michael Conhartowskl
Michelle Constant
Robert Coshun
Matthew Coss
Duane Coursey
Theresa Covill
Aaron Cox
Beth Culver
Christopher Curnes
Joshua Currey
Karie Daniel
Ryan Danielson
Cindi Daus
Carrie Davis
Kelly Davison
Angelo Deburgo
Lisa DeFazio
Helping Animals Survive
n rhe foll, srudenrs and foculry or Orodford
were inrroduced ro rhe ARK (Animal Rehobilirorion and Kinship). The Kenosha/ Racine
based non-profir orgonizorion ro/{es in abused
and abandoned dogs and cars.
ARK animals live in o number of carefully
chosen fosrer homes unr!I su1rob/e owners con
be found. The pers ore placed in rhe righr•home
because of rhe speciol core rhe pers receive
and rhe careful screening of rhe prospecrive
owners. ARK animals ore never caged, /{enneled, or desrroyed for Joe/{ of cash or space.
This rype of core gives rhem rhe special socio/
rroining which mo/{es rhem exrremely loving
pers. If o per needs ro be rerurned, rhe ARK
welcomes ir boc/{ wirh open arms.
The ARK is financed by donorions and fund
raisers. Also on odoprion fee of $25.00 is inclu-
eod _of rhe Af1.K and head librorion or Orodford, Judith
Miiier poses wirh rwo soon-re-be odopred Ari.K puppies,
Chensh ond Oonnie.
Jeffrey Deinhommer
Angelo Delgado
Joan Dersnoh
Todd Dedert
Timothy Dewester
Alison Dewill
Doniel Dieter
Mork Duda
ded. The money received by rhe ARK is used for
many differenr rhings. Some ore food, spaying,
neurering, and medico/ expenses. From December 5 ro December 9, a fund drive was
held or Orodford ro donore money ro rhe ARK
fund. Clubs and classes involved were Srudenr
Council, Key Club, French Club, Spanish Club,
DECA, Cheerleaders, Pam Pon Squad, Rainbow, Tom Roder's second hour Geography
Closs, and Micheline Hujik 's French classes.
More rhon $700 was raised by Oradford srudenrs and foculry
Judith Miller, rhe librarian or Orodford, was
rhe head of rhe ARK or Orodford. She srored, ' 'If
anyone hos never hod o per in rheir life, rhey
hove missed our on o greor opporruniry ro hove
o friend rhor will always give love and offecrion
ro whoever wonrs ir. " by Louis Ferraro
" Do you have any pets, if so, what are their names?"
Samuel Dummer
Stephanie Eastman
Ronald Eckert
Erika Eland
Susan Elsilo
Shantel Erickson
Davito Ervin
Troy Fabiano
Anthony Fonl
Jackie Farley
Sandro Farnam
Angelo Favors
Sergei Fedec
Louis Ferraro
Edward Ferroton
Robert Feuker
Carolyn Flosch
Nikkie Flowers
Orlon Foster
David Fournier
Valerie Frederick
Amy Frye
David Funderburk
Christine Gobron
Orion Gohort
Cormlllo Garcia
David Garcia
Melissa Garcia
Money Garcia
Richard Garcia
Craig Gascoigne
Lisa Gayheart
Nancy Gentz
Jennifer Gerlach
Poul Gibbs
Todd Gibson
Doniel Giles
Tommy Gitzlaff
Martha Gomez
Thor Gribble
Aaron Grice
Matthew Grimes
Lynn Grissom
Gene Guillaume
Sean Hockett
William Hadley
Jeana Hanson
Cindy Harrison
Lora Hassel
Kimberly Hougland
Amy Havlin
Nancy Hayword
Lisa Hebert
Anthony Hedges
"I have one dog and his name is Snow Wolf."
"Did you participate in Foreign Language Week?"
Christopher Hees
Kristine Hees
Heidi Heinen
Emily Heller
Fred Henley
Jonathan Hennlngfleld
Chastity Hernandez
Rosalinda Hernandez
Rene Hinkfuss
Marsha Hintsala
Christine Hix
Susan Hockney
Jeff Holmes
Deanna Holmgren
Lorie Hood
Tanya Hook
Michelle Houtz
Wendi Hubbard
Theresa Ianni
Rhonda Israel
Kellie Jakovec
Daniel Janklewlcz
Gary Jankovich
Tracy Jensen
Beth Johnson
Brian Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Joelethe Johnson
Brent Jones
Timothy Jones
Steven Kangas
Michelle Kehrer
John Kendall
Linda Kensler
Steven Kexel
Toun Khomlasaben
Khamtanh Khomlasaben
Craig Klelpinskl
David Kiesler
Joseph Kim
Amy Kirkpatrick
Jackie Klicko
Brenda Klofenstine
David Knuth
Jennifer Knutson
Kristen Kollman
Kristine Komarec
Orlan Kozel
Genl Krebs
Christopher Kreutz
Dawn Krueger
Brenda Kutz
Peter Lachapelle
Keith Lakvold
Jodie Lamothe
Tom Landenberger
"No, I didn't because I don't participate in a foreign language. I did once, but I failed."
P.ondy Longer
Brion Lorsen
Jeffery Laurent
Poul Leoch
Michelle Lecce
Eyvonne Leclair
Young Hui Lee
Tina Leffelman
Tamra Lenczewskl
Dawn Leonard
April Leppolo
Jim Lesko
Bobette Leslie
Jenny lesnlk
Eric Linton
Kelly Litz
osrers in foreign languages covered rhe
walls. The smell of crepes, ecloirs, and
creme puffs filled rhe air. The scene of on
exclusive French resruranr? No, ir was rhe onnu
of ce!ebrarion of foreign language wee/<; or
From rosring foreign food, ro wearing foreign
c!orhes and burrons, rhe foreign language deporrmenr wenr "all our" ro show anyone and
everyone rhey /<;new how ro hove fun and
learn or rhe some rime.
The srudenrs roof<; rheir spirir ro rhe limir as
French, Spanish, and Germon srudenrs compered ogoinsr each orher ro derermine who could
receive rhe mosr poinrs. Poinrs were earned by
drawing posrers promoring Foreign Language
Wee/<;, wearing burrons rhor feorured o forein
counrry, mof<;ing a foreign food ro shore wirh
rhe class, or wearing foreign clorhes.
· '/ broughr my six burrons for rhirry poinrs ro
/<;eep in rhe conresr ogoinsr rhe orher classes, "
said sophomore Darlene Free said
"Die(? I'll srorr romorrowl Too many forrune
coof<;ies," commenred sophomore, Shelley
"Foreign Language Wee/<; 1s good because ir
draws people's orrenrion ro foreign languages
and culrures," said junior Brooke Robbins
Foreign Language Wee/<; was o big success
even for rhose who didn'r ocrive!y porricipore.
They were able ro learn from rhe porrioponrs.
by Julie Covelli
iche. line Hu.jik and Charlie Jones show off rhe1r
French knowledge by wearing foreign sweorsh1rrs
during Foreign Language Week
''What is put into the preparation for solo and ensemble contest?"
Jeffrey Loomis
Louro Lovell
Tonya Lundquist
Sheila Lupi
Kelmend Lusho
Sean Maddox
Jodie Maedke
Michael Maki
Louro Molsock
Alberto Mores
Donna Morini
Kristie Mortin
Alexandro Martines
William Motrlse
Michael Mouldin
Aimee Mourer
Kristo Moxey
Cheryl Mays
Michelle McCurdy
Tracy McGregory
Susan Mcintyre
Heather McRae
Aaron Meldahl
Anthony Miceli
Beth Mielke
Jason Mielniczek
Joseph Miller
Vesko Minic
Orlon Mink
Donald Mink
Anthony Molinaro
Jason Molinaro
Robin Monoso
Lynn Monsees
Jennifer Montemurro
Leonardo Montemurro
Lokethio Montgomery
Roy Morin
Roger Morin
John Muro
Lisa Naef
Heather Noekrsz
Doniel Navin
Craig Noyes
Todd Ney
Donna Nimmo
Rolph Nudl
Wendy Nuzzo
Jennifer Ooss
Aleisha Orban
Alison Orban
Jomes Organ
Michael Orth
Chad Ovirt
Orion Porker
Dhormendro Pote.,.
! _ __
"A lot of hard work, practice, patience, and prayer!"
ophomore Mindy Solberg rokes rime our of her home·
room doss ro procrice her piece for Solo ond Ensemble 1n
rhe orchesrro room .
Students Enjoy Competing 5
rudenrs from all over rhe disrricr once
again come ro Mory D ro compere
for rorings in rhe disrricr-wide solo and
ensemble conresr.
A forge number of Drodford's music srudenrs porricipored in rhe evenr.
As usual, rhe judges displayed o greor
deal of selecriveness in rhe ossignmenr of
Junior Chris Gabron, who hod porricipored in previous conresrs, commenred, ·y
rhinl~ rhe conresr is srupid because some of
rhe judges couldn'r even read rhe music "
Many of rhe Drodford srudenrs who compered in rhe Closs A coregory received
rhe covered #1 raring needed ro progress
ro srore comperirion.
Senior Lisa Steel, who compered w irh
a Closs A piano solo, said of her judge, 'Y
rhinl~ he was very fair. He gave myself
and rhe orher srudenrs a for of consrrucrive criricism. " For many srudenrs, Solo and
Ensemble was rheir chance ro show rheir
fellow srudenrs whor rhey hod ''Usually,
srudenrs don'r ger rouse rheir special musical rolenrs in rheir classrooms. Solo and
Ensemble gives rhese rolenred srudenrs
rhe chance ro shine and show off, " said
senior Pam Rusch. by Laura Pride
nder rhe worchful eye of o very cnricol judge, sopho·
more Scott Schroede r ploys his snore drum solo ro com
pere for a high raring 1n rhe Solo and Ensemble canresr
Al phoras by Joann Gemne//
enior Tony Caracciolo runs his finger over rhe raring
sheers ro find our how his quorrer placed as junior Ken
Tougaw lool~ over his shoulder ro see rhe some for rhe
Staci Lei Paul
Mark Pearson
Fredrick Pena
Eugene Perkins
Elizabeth Perry
Nichole Perugini
Sam Perugini
Kristin Peterson
Kevin Peyatt
Robin Pfeiffer
Jacqueline Phillips
Bryan Pivovar
Kurr Plaisted. Jr
Amy Plew
Nichole Plowman
Kenneth Plurchak
"Do you think foreign languages should be required?"
Mary Poindexter
Claudia Presta
Michelle Prester!
Kimberly Pribyl
Jennifer Ptak
Eric Pynaker
Naheed Qureshi
Nenad Radulovic
Sandra Ramon
Oscar Romos
Heather Ramsby
Deondai Randolph
Katherine Reddick
Michael Reed
Nicole Reed
Jamie Reimer
Sam Reyes
Penny Reynolds
Louis Ricchio
Amy Rice
Renee Richllng
Mathew Riesselmann
David Riva
Brooke Robbins
Scott Robbins
Jody Rocco
David Roche
Joel Rondeau
Kathryn Rosenbaum
Randi Rosenberg
Renee Rosko
Andre Ross
Hope Ross
Rossello Rovella
Valerie Rushing
Douglas Ryon
Sean Ryan
Chad Salmela
Erica Sanchez
Michael Santiago
Freddie Sauceda
Shiela Sauceda
Melissa Saucedo
Anthony Scarlato
Nancy Schend
Christopher Schmaling
David Schmaling
Carrie Schmidt
Rachael Schmidt
Cynthia Schmunck
Aimee Schneider
Joseph Schoettler
Sarah Schroeder
Darla Schuster
John Scott
Paul Scozzaro
"Yes, Italian!"
Jennifer Seitz
Karin Seponski
Mike Serna
Joseph Serpe
Jon Shaffer
Trista Sicilo
Dorboro Singer
Chad Skemp
Tonja Slater
Christopher Smith
Joy Smith
Jeffrey Smith
Shannon Smith
Tommy Solomon
Orlon Sorensen
Erik Sorensen
Say What?
prechen sie Deursch? Porlez-vous Francois? Hobie Espanol? These ore rhe
quesrions colleges ore srorring ro osl'> on
rheir opplicorions for admission; as o resu/r,
many school sysrems ore beginning ro mol~e
foreign languages o groduorion requiremenr
in high school.
Sophomore John Organist said, "Language srudy should be required because ir
expands your range of /~now/edge and
helps you undersrond orher culrures. " Orgonisr was currenrly enrolled in Germon I.
In oddirion ro Germon, languages roughr
were French and Spanish.
Colleges require rhor srudenr hove or leosr
rwo years of o foreign language.
Such demands ore nor mer wirhour reword, rhough: colleges ore offering four rerroocrive credirs for each year of o foreign
language srudenrs hove rol'>en 1n high
school, which saves money as well as rime.
A number of colleges will occepr srudenrs
wirhour any foreign language bocl~ground if
rhey rol~e o language in college. The courses
move or o fosrer pace and ore more rigorous.
Expressing rhe reacher's poinr of view,
Germon insrrucror Fran Nielsen said, "Every
srudenr should be exposed ro or leosr one
year, rwo if you pion ro orrend college "
Sophomore April Gregory rhoughr rhor
"rol'>ing o foreign language is o good experience
Wherher a language course becomes o
requiremenr or nor, language srudy is on
informorive, helpful, and inreresring deporrure from rhe hum-drum school day, bur ir is
nor for everyone. by Tony Bonini and Nancy Gentz
enior Mike Stenberg anxiously.raises his hand hoping rhor
Mrs Huj1I~ wi give him rhe chance ro exerose his l~nowl·
edge of rhe French language L1l~e Mrs Hujll~ soys, "Porlez
Francois dons lo closse de lo Francois!"
.lefi Lourenr
Spalla to
"What do you think was the most significant thing the juniors
did this school year?''
Tina Spallata
Linda Spehar
Jim Spina
Jennifer Spitzer
Marcy Sprlnghoff
Michael Stanke
Eric Steele
Richard Steig
Jennifer Stein
Tammy Stewart
Darla Stallings
Lawrence Stone
Brian Stratton
Michael Stuart
Michelle Studey
Stephanie Suter
Susan Suter
Melissa Swanigan
Brian Swistak
Tammy Sylvester
Kimberly Talbert
Julie Tambarnina
Macklin Taylor
Suzanne Teschler
Darnell Thomas
Johnny Thomas
Richard Thompson
Lorelei Tiedke
Christopher Tolefree
Paul Tamsheck
Benito Torres
Kenneth Taugaw
Kevin Tritt
Shirley Tutor
Kara Vedum
Wendy Vescova
Martha Villalobos
Aimee Volanti
Jennifer Waswrlck
Philip Wattles
Mark Wells
John Wenberg
Karie Wermeling
Joseph Werwie Ill
Mark Weyrauck
Christine White
Brian Wieske
Raymond Wiggins
David Williams
Edward Wiiiiams
Michael Williams
Cassity Wills
Vivian Wilson
Adam Wnuck
James Woynilko
Jason Young
" It would probably be winning first prize for the best float at Homecoming."
Derico Zambrano
Tammy Ziegenhagen
Chad Zielinski
Laura Zierk
Chushan Zimmerman
Heidi Zorn
Elsa Zukowski
leep1ng on his suircose or 4 AM, junior Phil Wattles weirs
for o Greyhound 1n rhe bus sranon 1n Chicago on his way
home from rhe DECA Cenrrol f\eg1onol Conference
uring o Srudenr Coundl meering, junior Tan ya Hook
checks our and enjoys o piece of pizza, o con of soda
and o lirrle friendly conversor1on
on'r Worry, De Happy" expressed
rhe arrirude of many juniors, who
roof~ school rhe eosiesr because
rhey did nor hove ro worry: eirher abour rhe
sophomore pressures of odjusring ro high
school or abour life ofrer high school lil~e rhe
As a consequence of rheir complacency,
fewer jumors were lisred on rhe honor roll
rhon any orher class.
Our being happy somerimes meanr war/{.
Juniors were happy obour winning firsr place
in rhe annual Homecoming Floor Comperirion, bur or leosr a few of rhem also wor/{ed
hard and long. ''Finishing on rime roof~ a for
of war/{," said junior Jenni Seitz.
There was also one junior who achieved
somerhing no orher Orodford srudenr hod
ever accomplished. Junior Oscar Ramos
was named oursranding arhlere of rhe
monrh in rhe srore by USA Today. by Lou is
Jeff l00fr6
unng 1unch hour M r. Mangi asks sophomore Scott Nel-
son some 1mporronr quesrions while sophomores Jason
Ottom and Frank Russo look on ro see " Whar"s up,
ho? Whor? When? Where?
Why? and How? During rhe
school day of/ sorrs of differenr
quesrions were as/fed.
Dumb quesrions-everyone oslfed
rhem-surfoced frequenrly "Whor's up?"
on example of a dumb quesrion given by
sophomore Kerry W ri gh t, srorred irs shore
of conversorions each day.
"The slfy, of course," replied junior Jett
Planning for rhe furure was undoubredly
imporronr, bur ir was hard ro ifnow whor job
field you were going ro spend rhe resr of
your life in. ''The furure holds somerhing
rhor's unknown. If we lfnew whor we were
going ro do, ir jusr wouldn 'r be rhe furure, "
said sophomore Chris Neu .
Quesrions concerning school rules, such as
"Why ore you lore?" borheredjunior Laura
Zierk . "fr was always as/fed by reochers
when somerhing unforrunore happened
and you were a few seconds lore "
Even rhough some quesrions were dumb,
rhey were as ineviroble as snow in winrer.
Whor do you rhinlf? by Jeni Seitz
Andrew Abrahomsor.
Sean Adamczyk
Tiffany Ade
Alexander Aguliar
Dono Anderson
Deon Anderson
Deren Andre
Dono Andrews
Kevin Aney
Scott Asborh
Kimberly Ashby
Ryon Atkins
Thomas Dach
Jeff Dohrs
Down Dolley
Rodney Dokkolo
Ched Dollard
Heather Dord
Erica Deals
Aaron Deouchomp
Kelly Deguhn
Jennifer Bernhardt
Aglm Deshiri
Gerold Dillen Jr.
Karen Doero
Doniel Dogdanovic
Amy Dohaczek
Christopher Doharkiewicz
Anthony Donlni
Brian Donofigllo
Kenya Docker
Down Doothe
"How do you react when someone asks you a dumb
Lindo Bosco
Cory Drondolise
David Brantley
Don Broun
Tina Broun
Joseph Brooks
Charles Drown
Lucion Brown
Scott Drown
Eric Bruch
Erik Bryant
Kimberly Buettner
Jon Dundy
Duwoyne Burns
Mork Burruss
Steve Burson
Steven Busche
Tim Butterfield
Jomes Cairo
Guadalupe Compos
Brent Caputo
Katherine Carlberg
Kathleen Carlson
Kevin Carlson
Melonie Carpenrer
Crystal Celebre
John Chiappetta
Lori Childers
Michael Chovon
Lisa Cisewski
Timothy Cole
Martha Coolidge
Michelle Cooper
David Corey
Laurel Coss
Dawn Cottingham
Betty Coulter
Julie Covelli
Lorilei Covelli
Shirley Crowe
Amy Czarnowski
Steve Dahl
Shelly Dam
Ray Davis
Jody Davison
Heather Deau
Derek Decamp
Jodi Decker
Ernon Delarosa
Sylvia Delagarza
Aaron Deline
Jennifer Demicchi
Jennifer Deyoung
Cordell Dixon
Michelle Dixon
Sean Dolan
"I reply with a dumb answer!"
"On the first day of school could you find you way around the
halls easily enough?"
Stephan Doud
Jennifer Drake
Jeannine Duesing
Carrolyn Dzlmlela
Dawn Eckert
Robin Eckwrlght
Jennifer Edwards
Tanya Elsworth
Tricia Emerson
Jeanie Esparza
Nicole Espinosa
Christian Evans
Kim Fairbanks
Raul Fanelle
Michael Feely
Laura Feichtner
Melissa Ferraton
Thomas Flccadentl
Corina Fiske
Jamie Flaga
Patricia Fodor
Vittoria Fonte
Jonathan Foth
Suzanne Fowler
Daniel Froid
Julie Franco
Desaree Franklin
Russell Frederick
Darlene Free
Kimberly Freitag
lace Froeber
Tina Fuller
Jennifer Funk
Melanie Gapen
Jessica Garcia
Heather Gascoigne
David Gasser
Deanna Gastaldi
Chris Gates
Robert Gauss
William Gauss
Christopher Geary
Karin Gerber
Thomas Gerber
Sarah Gerlach
Dawn Gibney
Lisa Gibson
Marla Gifford
Christina Gilmore
Craig Gilmore
Tracy Glaman
Sara Glembocki
Brenda Goff
Angelita Gonzales
William Gorr
Jammie Granger
"Yeah, I'd been here before, but there was some mass confusion-it was so
m---:====================================:...;:lleidtman _____________
Keith Gray
William Greathouse
April Gregory
P.obert Griffin
Stephanie Griffin
Audrey Grimes
Elizabeth Grissom
David Gulick
Jennifer Gullo
Scott Hoag
Terry Hackbarth
Justin Hagerty
Shountio Hole
Tranace Hamilton
Tara Hanrahan
Tonya Hansen
Eric Hardy
Jason Hart
Jennifer Hassett
Heather Haubrich
Michael Haubrich
Brion Hawley
Jason Hedman
Robert Heidtman
First Day
The bell rang, ending rhe commorion The
halls were empry excepr for a few people:
sophomores. Their firsr day of high school,
rhey were losr. Some who mode ir ro rheir
firsr class on nme learned rhor rhey were in
rhe wrong room, much ro rhe omusemenr
of rhe juniors and seniors.
The firsr day or Orodford wosn'r easy.
Feelings ranged from nervousness, frighr,
and insecuriry ro confidence, exciremenr,
and curiosiry.
Sophomore Adam Pivovar commenred,
"/ felr secure and wosn'r nervous or all."
Sophomore April Gregory was a lirrle
rroubled by rhe rhoughr of high school, ''/
wosn'r scored, bur I was o lirrle uneasy and
didn 'r /{now really whor ro expecr "
Orher people hod similarly mixed feelings
obour rhe firsr day.
''The firsr half of rhe day 1r felr really differenr, bur orherwise ir was prerry normal, "
said sophomore Camelo Schwalbe
However many jibes sophomores suffered, ir didn'r really morrer because rhey
/{new rhor evenruolly rhey would be seniors
and hove rhe chance ro remorfr sorcosricolly,
"Sophomore, " whenever a greenhorn
renrh grader mode o socio/ blunder by
Ryan Atkins and Tom Thorpe
~-------------------onrrory ro popular opinion, sophomores ike Tracy Kraus
and Kathy C
. orison do evenruolly learn rhe new sysrem
or Gradford
"Why do sophomores get treated differently?"
Louro Hermon
Rochel Hernandez
Steven Hiii
Jomes Hllleshlem
Orendo Hinderliter
Poul Hoepner
Matthew Holochwost
Orlon Holmes
Tino Hopkins
Bryant Horvat
Keith Hughes
Marsha Huissen
Koren Hutchinson
Corey Irish
Thomas Jackson
Alex Jomestellez
Lynn Jecevlcus
Heather Jessen
Eric Johnson
Jamie Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Rebecca Johnson
Tommy Johnson
Tyrone Johnson
Joseph Jones
Eric Jugo
Jennifer Kantola
Kerri Kouzrich
Susanne Kazmierski
Winona Keels
Cassie Keller
Justin Keller
Down Keuffer
Edward Kexel
Jomes Kidwell
Orlon Kiester
John Kloth
Aaron Kohlhepp
Tracy Kohloff
P.oberr Komorec
Kristo Koretz
Greg Krammer
Tracy Krous
Tino Krueger
Donna Kubicki
Doniel Lahti
Gregory Lambert
Crystal Lamothe
Eric Longnes
Chasity Lapoint
Matthew Lorson
Sonya Lowler
Melynda Lawrence
Shone Leach
Toni Lemerond
Andrew Lemke
"Because upperclassmen are jealous of us!"
William Liggett
Pedro Longoria
Thomas Lovell
Kimberly Lubowskl
Albert Lucci
Luon Lusho
Michael Modorno
Steven Mancusi
Donielle Mortin
Nicoll" Mortin
Melissa Mottioll
Kun Mattson
Eric Mayne
Aaron McCrory
Teresa Mcintyre
Rebecca McKenzie
Peggy McRae
Derek Mehaffey
Lori Mersond
Christopher Messerlie
Gregory Messersmith
Louro Mioneckl
Enes Miceli
Koren Miiier
Lisa Miller
Felisso Mitchell
Jermaine Mitchell
Michael Molinaro
Tony Montemurro
Doniel Mortensen
Becky Muller
Michael Murphy
Bodacious Neophytes
In Lorin rhe word "sophomore" lirero/ly
means "wise fool, " bur sophomores did rheir
besr ro be wise and nor foolish
Mosr juniors and seniors, however, rhoughr
of sophomores as more foolish rhon wise be
cause, according ro rhe common misconcep
rion, sophomores were nor involved in any
school ocrivines. Our rhe class of '91 managed ro
prove rhose doubrers wrong by becoming in
valved in everyrhing from music ro sporrs ro
Sophomore Jeff Oahrs said, "The sopho
mores ore coming bock This sophomore class is
defin1rely rhe besr one ro come along in o long
"/ feel rhor sophomores ore involved in
school ocriviries JUST as much as rhe JUniors and
seniors," SOid sophomore Winona Keels . !<.eels
bocl~ed up her words by ploying in rhe Orodford
Orchesrro and serving as a member of Srudenr
Sophomore Scott As both commenred, ''/
rhinl~ rhere ore more sophomores in clubs and
ocriwies rhon juniors and seniors. We hove ro
pull our own weighr, so we won 'r be rhoughr of
as lowly 'renrh-groders. "' Asborh root~ rime our
from his schoolworl~ ro run on rhe rrocl~ ream.
Sophomores did rheir besr ro prove rhor rhey
were wise bur nor foolish.
Sophomore Orion Zapf summed ir up,
''Afrer all, rhe word sophomore does srond for
sensorionol human being!" by Darlene Alford
and Juli Covelli.
o.phomores Dov id Corey and Arion Owens prove ro
upperclassmen rhar sophomores do parnc1pare in ac·
nvmes as rhey performin "The Larrery "
" Do you know anyone who would make an " ass " of themselves?"
Michelle Nedweskl
Scott Nelson
Steven Nelson
Nicola Nero
Christopher Neu
Terry Nichols
Pamela Norris
Christoper Oldani
Jason Olson
Andrew Oniszczuk
John Organist
Daniel Oseman
Jason Ostman
Jerry Otto
Lori Otto
Jason Ottum
Rebecca Overley
Arlan Owens
Michelle Palmen
Jennifer Parrish
Johnny Passarelli
Tammy Pawlaczyk
Manuel Pazminto
Christoper Pearson
Cletus Penfold
Micheal Perotto
Heidi Peterson
Cary Pettey
Tully Pick
Michael Pidgeon
Alison Plnzger
Raffael Piro
John Pitts
Adam Pivovar
Veronica Plvovar
Joshua Plowman
Nevles Potts
Melody Price
Michelle Puntillo
Nick Quadraccla
Brenda Quinn
Vera Radulovic
Donald Raf
Susie Rangel
Marc Rasmussen
John Rasque
Nicole Reed
Todd Rhey
Steven Rickman
Beverly Rlesselmann
Anna Rios
Daniel Rivera
Sylvia Rivera
Jina Rizzo
Renee Robbins
Jenny Roberts
" I can think of a few ."
Asinine Tale
1.ghr under rhe boskerboll hoop, junior Barb Singer purs
Oradford up by rwa. Singer was one of many oursrand1ng players who scored more rhon one bosker ogainsr
rhe Tremper and Sr Joseph faculry
ehind" rhe scenes, senior Frank Bilotta gers his ass in
gear During rhe firsr game, Oilorra was lucky enough to
get the largest donkey on rhe court, which caused him a
great deal of trouble getting bock up once he was down
"My God! They really do ploy on
exclaimed junior Stephanie
Sponsored by Tremper 's junior class, o
ream of Drodford srudenrs, Sr Joe's srudenrs,
and o ream mode of foculry members from
each school were invired ro ploy.
Drodford gor rogerher seven srudenrs, bur
no foculry member was able ro join rhe fun
and exciremenr. The brave srudenrs were
seniors Jacqui Wade, Charlie Jones, Joe
Passarelli, Fronk Bilotta, and juniors Brion
Parker, Lenny Montemurro ondBarb Singer.
Drodford won rhe firsr game (4-2) ogoinsr
rhe foculry They losr rheir second game
ogoinsr Tremper (4-8). Porl~er's reason was
''we couldn 'r rel/ Tremper from rheir donl~eys!"
In l~eep1ng wirh rheir repurorion, rhe donl~eys sor down in rhe middle of rhe courr,
bucl~ed rhe players off, or jusr wouldn 'r
There were orher hazards as well: Monremurro said, ''I was sore when I gor up rhe
nexr day!" by Louis Ferraro, Nancy
Gentz, and Laura Pride .
Al phoros by Tom Landenberger
Ayanna Robertson
Cherie Robinson
Deanna Robinson
Fronk Rocco
Starlet Rondeau
Rashell Routheaux
Richard Routheaux
Frank Rovella
Jeni Rozanas
Benny Ruffolo
Donna Russ
Frank Russo
Kathleen Russo
Christopher Ryshkus
Diana Salerno
Cathy Samlela
Melissa Sammons
George Sandberg
Sara Sanders
Oscar Santos
David Sauceda
Erich Schafer
Deborah Schlitz
Heather Schneider
Scott Schroeder
Jason Schulz
Camelo Schwalbe
William Searles
Kevin Seiberlich
Robert Selmer
Erica Sempowicz
Laura Semrow
"How many girls are in the sophomore class?"
Ryon Shackelford
Jeremiah Sloter
Jomes Slowey
Janine Smothers
Vesno Socovo
Melinda Solberg
Fernando Soils
Tricia Spaulding
Chad Sprinkle
Kevin Stafford
Corrie Stanford
Jennifer Stotemo
Bridget Stecky
Michelle Steele
Jomes Steinhoff
John Stewart
Julie Stone
Jeremy Stoyer
Michael Straley
Joseph Sturino
Margaret Summers
Gino Syrelnl
Patricio Toborreffl
Barry Tegel
Kathryn Tenuta
Wayne Thompson
Nancy Thorpe
Eric Tindall
Natalie Tinker
Joy Torgerson
Poul Torres
Angelico Tovar
Michael Tumeo
Valerie Turco
Brenda Ulicki
Toro Uphill
Christopher Uren
Ozgur Uyger
Francisco Vosquez
Ricardo Vosquttz
Doffiny Vengrln
Lora Vescovo
Guadalupe VIiiaiobos
Scoff Villella
Travis Vines
Soro Vlochino
Deonna Vorhes
Christina Wade
Down Wainright
Stacey Wolllg
Keith Webb
Glendo Weddel
Julio Wells
Theresa W erve
Mork Werwie
Brock White
"Not enough!"
ophomore Jason Ostman gers rhe real feel for behind rhe
New Places, New Faces 5
wheel driving during a Driver's Educonon driving simulo
non Driver's Educorion orrendonce polioes were effecred
during rhe new school year, which may hove proh1bred some
srudenrs from raking rhis doss rhrough rhe school.
They srorr rhem young or Drodford! Sopho
mores held o Sophomore Sweerheorr Dance ro
commemorore Sr. Volenrine's Doy. Picl~ed ro
reign over rhe dance were sophomores Rob
Fontaine and Jodi Davidson .
The sophomores, along wirh Srudenr Council,
sponsored o compurer daring march-up. There
were mixed feelings obour rhe projecr. ''/ didn 'r
core for 1r much because I was marched up wirh
some people I !~new I d1dn'r hove onyrhing in
common wirh, " explained sophomore Melanie Gapen
The sophomore class was also rhe firsr class ro
hove rhe new Driver's Educorion enrollmenr
polioes. This policy enroiled having no unex
cused absences or illegal subsronce possession.
To sum up rhe year sophomore Laurel Coss
reflecred, ' 'I'll remember all rhe laughs
good nmes will sroy wirh me forever'" by Tom
Thorpe. Juli Covelli, and Jeni Se itz
rocr1c1ng rhe1r newly ocq. u1red .skills. of. surviv.ol, sophomores Brent Caputo, Mike Blalock , and Julie Stone
experience one of rhe finer rh1ngs 1n 1fe during Heolrh
doss. Srudenrs con receive on officio\ lifesaving cord from P.ed
Joam Gen-me!
Kris Willems
Suzanne Willems
V ickie Williams
Michelle Wilson
Kelly Wise
Jerald Wirt
Connie Wolfe
Kerry Wright
Fred Yanel
Mike York
Kisha Young
Nick Zahn
Lucas Zanin
Bryan Zapf
Kris Zapf
Stacey Zimmerm_a _n _ _ _~
"Music really has changed a lot. It used to be
that songs caused an uproar with some of the
little things. For example, with a song like
"Louie, Louie,'' when people couldn't understand the lyrics, they would think they were
saying bad things. Nowadays it's hard to believe some of the things that people are getting
away with. You know, cussin' and talkin'
about all kinds of things. A song like "I Want
Your Sex" by George Michael would probably
have been forced to go underground, so we
have warning labels now.- Arlen Owens
KNOW ...
"I like jazz because you can put
yourself into the music, you know,
express yourself. Since it has no set
rules, you can just flow with the
feeling. A lot of people, when they
think of jazz music, they think of a
fat, old, black guy playing the
trumpet or going 'skiddeldy-doba-dee'. Anyone can play jazz.
It's in you. - Shawn Delacy
SONNY and CHER's real name.s
;uJa!d~'I u!Z~Jf laz u!JA.Iaq:::>
pu-e ouog aJo:J~AJ~s
One of the most popular turnarounds in music was the massive return in popularity of jazz. Kenny G
dozz ed everyone with his smoor soxo
phone in " Songbird," which was a rap
selling record. Manhattan Transfer enrerroined wirh rheir harmonious sounds
and 1nreresnng videos. Perhaps rhe biggest surprise was rhor of jazz vocalist Bobby McFerrin , who wenr on rour, song or
rhe MTV video awards and wenr o to
win four grommys including besr mote
vocalist and besr record for his smash hir
" Don't Worry, Oe Happy." There were
mixed feelings obour rhe son , bur JUn1or
Rondy a
r pur ir besr when he said, "I
rhinl~ the song's OK, bur rhe rod srorions
P. oyed 1r WAY roo much so everyone
got sic!~ of 1r. They always do that."
Most people probably didn't know that many of the popular songs they were
listening to were remakes. For example, how many people knew that the
Bangle's song "Hazy Shade of Winter" for the movie "Less than Zero" was
originally done by Simon and Garfunkel? And how many people knew that
the Mindbenders first did Phil Collins' hit "Groovy Kind of Love." Others that
were a little more obvious were Tiffany's "I Saw (him) Standing Th re" (originally done by the Beatles) and Cheap Trick's "Don't Be Cruel" (of course, first
done by the King himself, Elvis Presley). Another way of "re-doing" oldies was
to remake the song with an artist from that time. Both the Fat Boys and Run
D.M.C. flew to the tops of the charts when they did this. The Fat Boys remade
the Animals' classic "Wipeout" (which had no words) with the Beach Boys and,
along with Chubby Checker, remade Chubby's hit "The Twist." Run D.M.C.
and Aerosmith combined to remake Aerosmith' s smash "Walk This Way" an
even bigger smash.
"I think it's a waste of talent," said senior Aaron Sens. "Why don't they just
come up with something original!?!"
ia mania mania mania mania
Many people avoided "Metal" music because of its notoriety. They saw it
as a harsh noise or as something that
promoted satanic worship.
Senior Victor Mueller had a different point of view. "I like the way it
sounds," he said. "It has a sweet sound
to it. Metal is not just a loud, banging
noise like everybody thinks; it's a
bunch of harmonious sounds put together to make good music."
Senior Mike Smith said of metal's
bad fame, "Metal is no worse than any
other kind of music."
What's YOUR Favorite .•.
Television Theme Song?
1. The Brady Bunch
4. The Jetsons
2. The Flintstones
S. The Jeffersons
3. Gilligan's Island
6. Others
Rap music has taken a big leap in popularity in 1989 partly due to the fact that
it has been accepted and played by many night clubs and radio stations throughout the U. S. and abroad. People "got down" with the likes of JJ Fadd, Salt-NPepa, Tone Loe, the Fat Boys, and the Two Live Crew.
The Fat Boys remade the old dance-hall craze "The Twist" with Chubby
Checker, sending it to the top of the charts for a spell. Run-DMC came out with a
new album and movie, both titled "Tougher than Leather."
Perhaps the biggest reason for rap's new-found popularity, though, is the rap
combination of D. J. Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. Their style caught on when
their hit song "Parents Just Don't Understand" was featured in the movie
Licensed to Drive. They made a video for the song and drove their popularity sky
high, keeping their record sales on the top ten charts for more than three straight
They also released "Nightmare on My Street" from their top-selling LP He 's
the DJ, I"m the Rapper and "Girls Ain't Nothin' But Trouble" from their first LP
Rockin' the House. They even have their own 900 number where you can call
them and see what they're up to.
JMG Warning: Any commercial use
or duplication of this product, under
section 69 .30764 under code
791354.69204 is punishable by death
or beheading. All right, just an appendage. OK, just your fingers or
something. Fine, we'll just pull out
your fingernails. OK,OK, there are no
laws against it. Copy all you want!
Copy the whole darned section if
you want, see if I care. Jeez, you
guys are rough!
-copy, design & layoutsdone by
Joe Grimes
-photos done by
the Bradford High
-background design
done by
Rustin Froeber
The game show, in spite of all of its criticisms and notoriety, was one of the most
watched types of shows. There were many kinds of games shows, ranging from the
most mentally challenging like Jeapordy! to the silliest like Double Dare or Fun House.
While few contestants were on the shows solely for the competition and acquisition of
knowledge (yeah, right!), most, if not all, were in it for the prizes. One could understand why, too. Who wouldn't want a chance to win a brand new car or a trip for two
around the world for just answering a few stupid questions, right? How many times
did you sit at home watching and thinking "Aw man, that guy is stupid! I could've
answered that one!"?
"I think that there are some
good things and some bad things
about T.V. The good things are
that there a lot of educational
things on and they can really help.
The bad things are that there are
many bad things on T.V. that
younger people are easily influenced by and are really susceptible
to." -Amy Hernandez
"Well now, I don't get to watch
too much T.V. during the day, but I
do have an opinion of it. I think that
the only cool stuff on is old movies
and re-runs. Re-runs of older shows
are way good! The best part of
daytime T. V. is that you can see
shows that no longer make "Prime
Time." -Bill Thomas
"Yeah." -Troy Booker
What's YOUR Favorite •••
Member of the Brady Bunch? {just the kids)
1. Bobby
4. Marsha
2. Cindy
S. Peter
3. Greg
6. Jan
116 TV
When at home for the day,
whether it was for a snow day
(in Kenosha? you must be kidding!), an illness, or skipping
(skipping? , nah!), one was
faced with the problem of what
to do. Many resorted to the old
standby - T. V. One could always count on the old Woody
Woodpecker cartoons (HA....
HA-HA-HA-HA!) or the Green
Acres re-runs. One could also
put their knowledge to the ultimate test by watching game
shows. While some chose to
catch up on all the scandals,
sex, violence, seductions, miracles, murders and maniacs on
the soaps, others chose to go
for the real thing on talk shows.
...... AND AGAI
Re-runs are a vital part in today's telev· ion programming.
Re-runs are a vital part in today's television programming.
A re-run is most commonly known as a sit-com (situational comedy) that has gone off the "prime-time" air
but continues to be shown through syndication. Reruns could also be movies, cartoons or other shows,
though. Re-runs during the day were geared mostly
for younger kids, with the Flintstones and Batman being some of the favorites. Shows like The Courtship of
Eddie's Father, which weren't very popular, were
watched mainly because there was nothing else on.
Shows like MASH, Star Trek and the Honeymooners,
w ich were good "first run," became "classics" once
in syndication.
How many licks does it take to get to the
center of a Tootsie Pop?
When was the last time you could remember getting up at the crack of dawn
(around five in the morning) to eat some
sugar-drenched cereal and sit in front of
the T.V. and wait for your favorite cartoons to come on? Maybe it was years
ago or maybe it was just last week. Anyway, although the basic format of the
morning has stayed the same, many of
the shows changed. Kids' shows were
more oriented toward teaching kids a lesson that they could use. New-comers Ed
Grimely and Ernest P. Warhol, along with
veteran entertainers Pee-Wee Herman
and Fat Albert, were the most obvious in
their "lessons," while other shows chose
a more subtle approach.
Could you name one of the biggest fights of the year? (No, it wasn't Tyson vs.
Spinks.) It was the battle between the talk show hosts! They fiercely competed
to gain viewers and opularity by either doing outrageous acts or making
them happen. Oprah went on a rash diet and lost about a thousand pounds
while Sally Jesse Raphael masqueraded as a prostitute, and Phil Donahue
dressed in drag. Perhaps the most publicized event that really started the ball
rolling on the criticism of these shows was when Geraldo Rivera's guests
started a riot on the air. Many people criticized Geraldo for planning the whole
thing in order to get people to watch the show. Another item was when Morton
Downey Jr. claimed that he was attacked by a group of skinheads in an airport.
Although it was never proven, many said that this was also a hoax.
"You can find just about anything on T.V. today. Especially
with cable now, people can turn on
the television and see whatever
they want. Sex, violence, fights,
love-it's all there. I personally like
the sex and violence part, but to
each his own. I do think that it's
good to have a choice, though, because then you can decide to watch
it or not." - Shane Leach
TV 117
One of the most widely read sections of the Kenosha
News was the Area News section. "W HY?" you ask. It
contained the comics, of course, which continued as a
significant cultural aspect of today's society. Comics
satirized today's popular topics ranging from the qualifications for the Vice-President Doonesbury to environmental protection in Bloom County (which, by the
wa y, "retired" early so that the a uthor, Berke
Breathed, could take it easy and just write a comic to
published on Sundays). O thers, like Fox Trot,
Crankshaft, Cathy and For Better Or Worse, were less
politically oriented and dealt more with typical prob lems that we all face. The most popular of these "typical" comics was Calvin and Hobbes. "I know that the
stuff is all in his imagination, but I can remember doing
stuff like that when I was a kid," said Senior Tina
Gosey "It's so real!"
"Books are cool because you can get lost
in them. They trans·
port you into another
world. Sometimes, you
can get caught up in a
book and you don't
pay attention to any·
thing else. · You get
lost in it. That's a good
How many books there are in a triloi
-Aaron Sens
"Without books,
there would be no
written history .
Without a written
history, we never
would have known
about the past .
Without knowledge
of the past, we probably would have
made the same mistakes. " -Heidi
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's .. .
Comic Books! Much easier to read than a paperback, able to be bought for less than a dollar, comics
were easily accessible and very collectable. Subjects
of the comics ranged from the silly to the supernatural, from the savage to the superhero. Fans of comic
books said that they have really progressed in their
"Stories are better now. There's not just a lot of
fighting and the good guy does'nt always win either, " said junior Brian Pivovar Sophomore Scott
Biaspi said, "I like to read comics, yeah, but that
isn't the only reason I buy them. I think they're a
good investment. Who knows, maybe years from
now I'll be a millionare from my comics."
"I think that the books that we
are required to read should at
least be a little more interesting.
Some of them are OK, but many
of them are either too hard too
read or too boring. Sometimes, I
have to read a page again and
again just to understand it. I'll be
reading it and then I'll go 'Wait a
minute, whatdidljustread?!?'" Pat Peltier
Although some found the practice enjoyable and exciting, most
felt that having to read certian
books for some classes was a
most unpleasant experience.
"They were stupid and boring," said Junior Melissa Swannigan."I don't see why we had to
read them."
Said Senior Tara Turco,
"Some are just harder to read
than others. It's not as good when
the teacher-- has to explain everything to you."
Senior Michelle Stukel said
"Everyone has different interests.
I think that if everyone got to
chose their own books, they
would do a lot better because it
was something that they liked."
What's YOUR Favorite • • •
Book {that is required reading in school)?
1. The Adventures of Huck Finn 4. The Crucible
2. To Kill a Mockingbird
S. The Scarlet letter
3. A Nun in the Closet
6. Aft¥ Indian story
_A EOOk Jl DJl~ ...
Once upon a time, it was a dark and spooky night; love was in the air.
If these sound familiar to you, then you've probably done some reading in your life.
Reading was often frowned upon because it was something you HAD to do for
school. People who read for enjoyment were usually called " bookworms" and ostracized because of their liking of books. The fact of the matter, though, was that many
people read books "just for fun ."
JuniorWendy Bastrop said, "I don't read all of the time, but I do like reading. I
personally enjoy Thomas Hardy and Douglass Adams. I enjoy reading, it relaxes me."
Some people read not only for enjoyment, but for sheer curiosity.
"I checked out a copy of The Satanic Verses because I wanted to see for myself why
there was such a big upheaval about it," said senior Paul Weichert.
"I really don't
pay much attention
to world stuff. I'm
more interested in
what's going on
here, to me, right
now. Sure, I hear
and see things about
what's going on, but
I don't have any use
for them anyway."
-Julius Mabry
010 YOU
KNOW ...
Canadian runner Ben Johnson
was disqualified from the Olympics?
"$500,000 ... no $1,000,000 to any man who brings him to
Boy, was this guy in a bind! All he did was write a simple little
book and he w~s suddenly being hunted. For what?!? Well,
Salman Rushdie wrote a book called The Satanic Verses which ,
through the use of fiction, not fact, was about the Islamic religion.
The Ayatollah Khomeni publically accused Rushdie of giving
away secrets of the faith and, basically, giving it a bad name. The
Ayahtolla then put a hefty price of $1,000,000 on Rushdie's
head if brought to him. Rushdie, of course, went into hiding. "If
Khomeni wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it," said
senior P ul Weic ert, "the book never would have sold."
In Japan, it was the year of the pig.
In America, it was also the year of the pig.
Scandals swept the nation with tremen ous force. W en major ones came
out of the woodwork, they had devastating effects.
Gary Hart-presidential candidate, family man. When word was out
he had had an affair with model Donna Rice, it ruined him. He was for ed to
drop out out of the race and was publically humiliated.
Oliver North-military leader, devoted follower. One of the most publicized stories of the year was of this man. He was tried and found guilty of
crimes which, in the public's eye, he was forced to commit.
Reverend Jim Bakker-minister, PTL owner. Was guilty of "having a
relationship" with Jessica Hahn. He had to give up the PTL and was forced to
go to his wife, Tammy Faye.(Can you understand why he cheated on her?)
He was a so pu lically ostracized by another minister, Jimmy Swaggart.
Jimmy Swaggart-"Tel-Evangelist", hypocrite. After coming down so
hard on Bakker for it, Swagg rt was found to be guilty of the same thing.
What does the future hold?
Who's YOUR (least) favorite • • •
world leader?
1. Moammar Khadaffi
S. Shah of Iran
2. Ayatollah Khomeni
6. Dan Quayle
3. Manuel Noriega
7. Fidel Castro
4. Ferdinand Marcos
8. Hu Flung Dung
Literally translated from Spanish, the word 'trampa' means
'cheat'. And in Panama, that word was used alot. The leader,
General Manuel Noriega, was accused of fixing the ballots in
favor of himself for election. He wanted to remain in power
until the year 2,000, when the Panama Canal goes into the
hand of the Panamanians. Until now, Noriega was a drug
trafficker and even though the majority of the Panamanians
wanted Noriega to leave, he hadn't yet gained the power or
support from other countries (Cuba, Niceragua, Libya, etc.)
Panamanian, junior Manuel Pazmino says, "In my opinion, I think that Noriega is going to remain in power for more
time. Already he has recieved miliary help from Fidel Castro,
Niceragua and Libya, but there's no other country that will
grant him a political asylum if he leaves power. I think the
whole thing stinks."
''I know that half of the stuff in these things isn't real, but I still think
they're fun to read. At least they have all of the gossip and stuff about
major people, though." -Michelle Stukel
Enquiring minds want to know ... Where do you get your news from?
For many, the answer was either the paper or the news on T.V ..
"I can rely on the newspaper pretty much," said senior Tim Baldwin."It's
something that I can depend on every day to keep me fresh on the new topics of
the day."
Sophomore Lloyd Green felt that the T.V. news was a good enough source
for him.
"On TV, you can actually see some of the stuff that is happening, not just hear
or read about it. Sometimes it's hard to try to imagine what something is like and
it's easier to just watch the news on TV and actually 'get a picture' of it."
Some people even admitted that the tabloids kept them informed.
Said senior Dusty Nichols, "Hey, if it's in the Enquirer, it's gotta be
"I like to be kept up to date on things
that are going on. That way, if somebody starts talking about this or that, I
can at least have some idea of what
they're talking about-I won't be completely lost." -Ryan Shackelford
"I really don't adhere to fads very
much. I think that
they are superficial
things that shape a
society. There certainly are other
ways of "being popular" than following a fad . You could
try doing something
a little more original." - Holly Ash-
What's YOUR Favorite • • •
FAD? {something popular that didn't last}
1. Cabbage Patch Kids
S. Water Worms
2. PEZ
6. Soc' R Boppers
3. Wacky Wall Walkers 7. Stretch Armstrong
was the first 'Ronald Mc-
4. friendship bracelets
8. Garfield stick-ons
Wear it, goes the old saying, and wear them people did in all kinds of shapes
(from hig tops to loafers), sizes (from baby to b oats), and styles (from flats to
The average person spends about one-third of their life on theiJ' feet whether
it be standing, walking, or running. Shoes were bought for one of two main
reasons: comfort and fashion.
"I don't spend too much time on shoes, but if I see a cool pair of shoes, I want
them", said junior Steve Cima. ''I'll look at them and decide if they are good
quality as well as good looking."
Senior Scott Lofton agreed. "I like British Knights because, number one,
they are fashionable and, number two, because they are comfortable."
122 FADS
Finally! We were finally able to wear shorts.
Yes, it was only for the first and last months of school and, yes,
they had to be knee length (or approaching knee length!), but
many really didn't mind. They thought it was well worth the wait.
" I like real crazy shorts," said senior Mike Stanke, "especially on girls!"
Denim shorts and cutoff sweat shorts were some of the most
popular. Biker shorts were popular, too, but they were forbidden .
"They're just not permissible," said Principal Joe Mangi.
"People are just trying to push the shorts thing to the limits.
Biker shorts and shorts that are not knee length just won't be
tolerated. If they keep on, the privilege of wearing shorts could
be revoked."
Hold on to your shorts, folks, or the school board may change
its policy.
" DOos" (derived from the word hairdos) were, for the most part, fashioned
after famous people that were socially
Brian "BOZ" Bosworth's hair was the
icon for many: sometimes shaved and
sometimes chevroned.
"I like his hair and I like the way he
changes it all of the time," said junior
Rob Feuker. "Whenever he thinks it
gets boring or old, he just gets it cut
Skaters had their own style, each one
being different and original.
Senior Tony Looney said, "I didn't
copy my hair after anyone in particular. I
just liked the style, so I got it cut that
way ."
" Watches nowadays are a lot different than what they used to be.
Before they used to be plain, boring faces with hands. Now you
have the SWATCH WATCHES with
colorful, neon faces, colorful, neon
hands, and colorful, neon designs
that fit your colorful, neon personality, and that makes a colorful,
neon statement." -Jodi Gross
"Almost all of us have taken
part in a fad whether we
want to admit it or not. I
think that some fads are
good, but most are not. Most
fads come from what others
see on television or at the
mov ies. At Bradford , it
seems that everyone has to be
part of a fad, for instance the
fluorescent biker shorts. -
Jane Hartung
"What Time Is It?" "Did you
have a certain hemisphere in
mind? "
" Er ... "
The time of the Armitron multi purpose, all-function , water/
hock-proof watch with compass
had gone (Good Riddance!). In
came plasticity (the swatch)!
" I got mine because I never
saw one like it before," said sophomore Keith Gray.
Senior Tammy Kudrycki
said, " I like to see flashy , colorful,
watches; but I also liked to see
nice leather or gold watches .
Some of them look more classy.' '
FADS 123
s Junior Lisa De Fazio srruggles ro conrrol sophomores.
Arlen Owens and David Corey (on rhe floor) sopho
mores Steven Busche Shane Leach ond Aaron
Malsch srond worching, ond senior Colleen P.eubseman kn1rs
nervously 1n rhe bockround in rhe spnng ploy "The Lorrery "
sing rhe1r l~nees ro poss a banana or Pernfy1ng Springs
Pork, seniors Corrie Wegner and Joe Passarelli-rhey
ripped my sh1rr-pornopore 1n rhe onnuol DECA p1011c
held 1n rhe fol'
or, chewy prerzels ore sold 1n rhe commons by HEf\O
dub members ro raise funds. Wo1ring ro receive rhe1r
rreors ore Juniors Rob Chosun and Jenny Gerlach as
senior Renae Grill serves rhem.
Q) ixing it Up
Creative Writing Team ................................................................. 134
Tennis, W argomers and Bible Clubs ............................................. 140
Key Club ...................................................................................... 144
Choir ............................................................................................. 152
DECA ............................................................................................ 158
Brings back the original look
Afrer a year-long absence, rhe
Inferno rerurned as a newspaper
For rhe mosr porr, srudenrs felr rhor
rerurning ro rhe newspaper sryle
insreod of rhe magazine formor
was definirely a good idea.
''I rhinl{ rhe srudenrs li/{e rhe
newspaper formor a for berrer.
Afrer all, rhe Inferno is a newspaper, nor a magazine, " said Inferno
sroff member Rachel Acerbi.
"There ore more ropics discussed in rhe newspaper in conrrosr ro rhe one ropic rhe magazine
deo!r wirh. Ir mol{es for berrer
reading, " said senior Mike Smith .
Junior Jim Lesko said rhor he
/il{ed rhe magazine sryle berrer be
couse ir loo/{ed li/{e rhere was
more 1n ir.
The small Inferno sroff, wirh
only nine members, hod ro wor/{
hard ro produce eighreen issues a
year Each sroffer received rhree
srory ossignmenrs for one issue of
rhe newspaper.
Wriring orricles and headlines,
rofring picrures, selling odverri e
menrs, drawing loyours, and e iring were all processes rhor needed
ro be accomplished before rhe paper could be senr ro be prinred
Afrer rhe produ ·an process
was completed, r. e paper was
senr ro rhe Kenosha Labor building
for prinring.
Finally, rhe Josr sre was paper
sruffing. Thi was eir. r done or o
sroff mem r's 1-iouse on rhe nighr
before diSrriburion or in rhe sec nd
hour Inferno class.
"Everyrhing wrirren for rhe Inferno gers in because rhe sroff is so
small," SOid advisor John Ramey .
''The sroff is recruired from rhe journalism classes and anyone who
hos on inreresr in wriring. Dy rhe
end of rhe year, rhe sroff is en
Inferno: (front) Kris 5rrorron, l\octiel Acerbi . (Ofnll~ 0-.ap-
perra (2nd) Srephanoe ~aymaker Alce Giberr (back) Jeff
oiling Folduro's Srud1os, senior Kris
Stratton sells on odverr1semenr dur·
1ng second hour Inferno. Advernsing
soles enabled rhe Inferno ro be self-supporr
1ng olrhough rhe poper is free ro rhe srudenrs
forged. Ar second semesrer we ger
re srudenrs ro join rhe sroff
Th y usually come from rhe Jour
no/ism I class."
Inferno sroff member Chris
Smith felr rhe mosr imporronr porr
of being on rhe sroff was finding
srory ideas rhor occurred wirhin rhe
school. "We ave ro make sure
rhor me s ory will ger o ren ion
fro rhe sr enrs. "
" The Inferno receives !heir sroY. topics fl-om rhe1r own ideas, orher ewspopers, boo/{5, reochers
ono studenrs, " said Acerbi.
The paper covered such ropics
as sexually rronsmirred diseases,
compurer viruses and conrocr
lenses Various clubs, such as Oro·
mo Club and rhe Creorive Wriring
Teom, were covered along wirh
such sporrs as wresrling, girls ' rennis
and boys ' bos/{erboll. Movie re
views, norionol news briefs, edirori-
ols and ficrion from rhe Creorive
Wriring Teom were also included in
mosr issues.
A regular porr of rhe newspaper
was a humorous ediroriol column
by senior Aaron Sens .· "My fovorire porr of being on Inferno is my
column I ger ro do whorever I
wonr wirh ir. Ir's greor. "
Sens' column hos been on such
ropics as por/{ing permirs, new
drug lows, pay increases for a job,
and holiday greerings.
''Aaron 's column is prerry fun ny. He /{nows whor he is roll{ing
obour," said senior Joe Lueck .
''/ /i/{e rhe srories obour orher sru
denrs. The sporrs ore really good,
roo, " said senior Rob Yan Hazinga
Quill and Scroll, a norionol )our
no/ism sociery. hos given rhe Inferno a firsr place or berrer raring since
1980 by Katie Rosenbaum
"I'm glad we wenr
boc/~ ro rhe newspa-
per sryle. Ir gives us a
berrer lorirude for
whor we con do " senior Aaron Sens
"My fovorire porr
of being on Inferno is
rhe 1nrerviewing I li/~e
finding our more
obour rhe people. "
-senior Alice Gilbert
"The Inferno hos
improved very nicely
We ore gemng rhe
paper ro be a berrer
producrion " -advisor John Ramey
Jeff Loomo
hile rev1ew1ng his orricle in rhe
November 18 issue of rhe Infer
no, Junior Chris Smith shows hlS
s.srer Shannon onorher feorure srory The
brorher·s.srer duo managed ro work rogerher on sroff, helpng each orher our
hecl~1ng our rhe November 4 issue of
rhe Inferno, senior Jon Viola looks
over an arricle on Mr Donke's im
pending move ro rhe ESC, where he will be
n charge of d1srncr compurer operonons
''Honor Sociery 1s
on award rhor srudenrs ger for l1eeping
rheir grades up. Any
one who really rries
could be o member "
' 'Oeing o peer ruror
mode me feel good
because I l1now rhor I
was helping someone
do berrer. " -junior
Jenny Gerlach
''Oeing 1n Honor Sooery gave me o good
feeling, l1nowing I was
among rhe academic
elire or Orodford " JUnlOr Brian Mink
___ ~
r(NT) L o~-"""~9er
enror Saro U
. ecker, Pre5'denr of Hone.r
Sooery, 1ghrs rhe condle of knowl-
edge, rhe ftrsr of five condles symbohz-
1ng ideol quolines of choracrer, or rhe induc non ceremony os Pnnc1pol Joe Mang\ observes rhe proceedings
Honor Soclery: (front) Corne Hinz. lJso 5reel, Wendy Tru
deou. Josephone Mee> Jemy Gerioch. Sora Uecker l\e
nee ""5ko. Slephcne Hemngfeld. TC>.X1 Khomlosoben.
Dem Adel>en (2 nd ) Sandro Shoffa Ov• Gobron. Holy
MVey. Tno G..odo. P""° Moen5sen. Shetlo Uo
Or<V>. ErrVy Heilef Jam Mvro, Lndo Kensler (3rd) Jon
Crurher•. Don Woire!l. Dove Mrl<ey. Aaon MeldoH
Louoe Ferrao. llr5 l\osenOO..m. Darb Songer Wendy
Nuzzo. Onan Mrl<. 1'M<.e 0-rh (bock ) Hetdr Whl<om'n. Sue
Dzmoeio. Lon tw;;or.ey. Jemy Wnrz. Jon l\usso. Mk
WC>le, Pot Pel!"" .loom GerTvnel .lo!on Hos..el. Jeff Lavr
Al phoros by Tom Londenberger
Bridging the gap
Who so1d rwo heads ore berrer
rhon one"? Ir musr hove been peer
ruroring advisor V irginia Brown
In Peer Turoring 's firsr full year or
Drodford, srudenrs helped orhers in
o wide voriery of subjecrs from
morh ro foreign language. Junior
Erica Sanchez, who rurored borh
English and Phys1es, said ruroring
was fun and rhar ir hod been a
challenge because ''some people
need more help rhon orhers. "
5ocnflcing half rheir lunch hour,
rurors and rheir "pupils " mer in
classrooms rhroughour rhe building. The relorionship proved ro be
muruolly beneficial.
The people who were rurors
gor sorisfocrion from rheir expe"'
ience of helping rheir clossmores
Junior Toun Khomlasaben said
she was sarisfied because ' 'some
srudenrs needed help understand
ing whor rhey hod read and rror\5'
ferring rhar !fnow!ed9e ro paper,
and I was able ro help. "
Junior Ali De Witt camrnenred,
"fr was greor ro ploy eocher for
''fr was on experience I'll never
forger Helping people ro improve
rhemse/ves is really selfsonsfying, "
said senior Heather Howard.
Sophomore Chad Sprinkle ,
who was helped by rhe peer ruror1ng pro9rpm, said, ''Sheila (Peltier)
lped m do my ossignmenrs.
5 e Showe me how ro do rhe
problems srep by srep. I hope rhe
peer turoring program will conrinue nexr year because I feel ir really
helped me, and ir can help orhersl"
Honor 5ooery 1nducred J8 new
members on Seprember 28. The
n1riored members qualified for enrrance inro rhis club by mo1nroining
or leosr a J.5 grade po1nr overage
on rhe 4 poinr scale or a J.4 on rhe
adjusred 6 poinr scale for or !eosr
rhree our of four quorrers in any
given year 5cholosric ochievemenr wosn 'r rhe only considerorion in being se!ecred ro be a
member; service, leadership, and
choracrer were also derermining
Junior Lora Hassel , a new
member of Honor Sociery, said, ''/
receive good grades rhrough my
own efforr, bur I rhin!f iris nice ro be
recognized and awarded by rhe
school for my efforrs. " by Michael
r rhe condusion of rhe inducr10n
ceremony, forher Gory Hinz celebrores w 1rh doughrer sent0r Corrie
Hinz and jun10r Heidi Zorn wirh some juice
ond doughnurs ourside of rhe oudirorium.
Since academically rolenred srudenrs conner lerrer 1n ocodemics. occepronce inro
Honor Soaery is 1mporronr as a conf1rmonon
of excellence
Peer Tu rorlng: ( fronr) Cane Hru. Tno Gosey , Ov6 Gi-
mo<e. Jenny Gerlach, Ence 5onchez ( 2nd) Jemy 5!oremo.
Soro Uecke< Jenny Monrem.xro. Amy Hernandez . .UO
Ore<t-1, Km Pnb;< (bock ) Emly Heller. Nancy Genrz . .ioo'Y1
Ge<rmel. Sheio p.,..,.. Joe .JoMson
Looking toward the future
Fundroising and field rrips. Field
mps and fundra1s1ng. No morrer
how VICA and HERO members
loo/1ed or ir, ir seemed rhor was all
rhey did.
"/ rhoughr we were always
having fundraisers ro ger money
for our field mps, ''said V/CA member senior Kevin Koprovic
"As o new club, we hod no
money so we were always having
fundra1sers, " said HERO advisor Lisa beth Whitefoot.
Vocorionol lndusrriol Clubs of
America (V/CA) raised money by
selling pizza, candy and Chrisrmos
Sonros. The money raised from rhe
soles was divided berween rhe
rhree Dradford choprers of VICA:
Auro Mechanics, Power Energy,
and DTec.
"We hod cash incenrives for rhe
rop sellers 1n our fundroisers. We
mode quire a bit of money " said
V/CA advisor Jack Saarela
The money V!CA toised was
used for various field rrips rh r
clubs roo/1.
"We wenr ro Snap-On Tools for
o rour and ro rhe power plonr. We
also wenr ro rhe Museu o So
ence and lndusrry_ ' said Koprovic
"We we r o Gorewoy once for
o speolfer on industrial j obs, '' said
VICA member senior Rob Van Hazinga .
HERO members pur a for of efforr inro rheir fundraising.
"fr was hard ro ger rhe money
raised, "SOid HERO member senior
VICA-Auto Mechanics: (front) Corey Oefhke Shown
l\uss. Tony l\em5ng. Moss Cl&egloa (2nd) Jock Saarela,
Marl< Weyrauch. Oob Young, Ke1nn Koprovoe, Jose 01ero
(bock) Don Tenuto. l\ich Sellers. CMs 5chmcr.g, Oob ()el
he mounds of cookies rhor were
broughr 1n by [)rodford srudenrs for
rhe onnuol cookie drive, sponsored
by HmO, seem endless ro sophomore Tasha Foster as she counrs rhe cool~ies.
VICA-Power Energy: (front) r\ob Tarner, be
corel Ctvo Ccmes (bock) Jock Saarela. PaU Torres, .Im
VICA.D-Tech, (fronr) Mike Tellez. Chrrs Moeller , Gregg
Snyder (2nd) Jock Saarela, l\oy Oeals, Kr• Sorensen. Cor
mo"' Ziccor (bock) Don Tenuto, l\ich ~. l\ob Von
Tracy Conley . HERO, Home Economics Relored Occuporions,
raised money by having bo/1e
soles during rhe lunch hours, a /1ring e ale in 'lie commons, a prerzel
sole, and o g osr-gram sole.
osr-groms were o
b. For whor we sold, rhey
were nor worrh our rime, '' Whirefoor said.
V/CA and mo were also ocrive in rhe co m muniry: V/CA
p onned ro donore money ro a
oriry 1n r communiry and also
ro donore garbage cons ro Dradford.
HER O 's lorgesr communiry efforr
was rhe annual coo/1ie drive In
early December, HERO osl1ed
Drodford srudenrs ro bo/1e as many
coo/1ies as possible for rhe vererans
of sourheosrern Wisconsin. Over
5,000 coo/1ies were broughr in.
''A for of people rhin/1 VICA is
/1ind of a srupid club ro ger inro
True, rhere ore some ospecrs rhor
should be changed, bur if rhe club
members porricipore enough, ir
con be a for of fun," said Von Hozingo.
"/feel rhor HERO is helping me
build my leadership obi/iries and
prepare for rhe furure. Ir is giving
me on educorionol experience,
plus a chance ro carry o for of responsibi/iry, " said HERO member
Chandra Dugger. by Nancy
Schend and Katie Rosenbaum
HERO, (front) Oed<y Malle'<!, ~enoe Gr•. Trr-o Jo1Yl5on,
Chardro Dugger (2nd) Charlene Cotvn Tracy Conley,
Melndo Kangas, f\ochej Page (bock) Terry Homes, Sre
phen lloughrer Jeff George, Mata Passarel
honging a nre may seem hKe a me·
niol JOb, bur 1r saves srudenrs hke sen
1or Moss Biscegl ia much nme and
money by doing ir himself VICA members
ore allowed and encouraged ro bring in
rhe1r cars ro replace 1rems from windshield
w ipers ro rodiorors
"Through VICA, I
have somewhar figured our whar I, wanr
ro ger inro. I enjoyed
rhe field rrips '' sophomore Pa u I
"Ir was hard gerring rhe money raised
for HERO. Sri/I, anybody can be in HERO,
bur few seem ro
lfnow rhar. "-senior
Tracy Conley
''Oeing in VICA is
helping me for furure
plans. I have a job
rhrough ir and rhe job
is mine afrer I finish
school. "-senior Kris
''I signed up for
A. V. ro learn obour
rhe video equipmenr
and I wonred ro learn
some responsibiliry. ''
-senior Jason Hassel
''I enjoy sroge crew
because ir gives me a
chance ro feel lil~e I'm
porriciporing, even if
I'm nor in a ploy." junior Linda Kensler
''/ lil~ed A. V. because I was always inreresred in learning
how ra run rhe equipmenr, a nice rh1ng ro
/~now jusr in case. " senior Troy Booker
now1ng rhor members of sroge crew
such as junior Joel Rondeau were
rhere ro make sure rhe curro1ns wenr
up, many performers felr more confidenr
going on rhe sroge Nor only did sroge crew
rake core of curro1ns, rhey also helped wirh
rhe lighrs and props for rhe various ocrivines
rhor rook place 1n rhe oudironum
Al p/Joros by Jell Lourenr
A.V. & Stage Crew Get Job Done
/r's o rough job, bur somebody's
gor ro do ir! When people rhin/<; of
ploys and concerrs, rhe performers
rhor ore seen ore rhose rhor receive all rhe oc/<;nowledgemenr
Who rhin/<;s of all rhe hard war/<;
done by rhe people rhor mo/<;e rhe
producrion possible? Somebody
hos ro wor/<; rhe lighring, run rhe
sound, and ser up rhe sroge ro
hove o show in rhe firsr place.
5roge crew never hos received
much credir for rheir hard war/<;, so
rhey hove ro ger rheir sorisfocrion
from successfully running a show
Hanging lighrs, creoring special
effecrs, building sers, and pro viding
rhe music were JUST a fe of rhe
elemenrs involved in sroge ere
Firsr of all, rhe crew hod ro ger on
idea of whor rhe ploy r or rhey
were ro be wor/<;1ng on w as obour.
They pur rheir cues in rhe ploy
boo/<; and wor/<;ed rhe cues from
Timing was very imporronr for
rhe crew. All cues hod ro be on
rime or sroge crew hod ro ro/<;e r'1e
Vice Presidenr of sroge crew,
senior Oill Thomas srored, "We
don'r ger much credir for our efforrs. If somerhing goes wrong we
ger blamed for ir, wirhour rhe peo
pie realizing how difficulr our job
Mr Srosi/<; was in charge of rhe
crew bur Mr.Romey was in
charge of some producrion, roo.
Sen/Or Toro Turea was rhe presidenr of sroge crew. Helping her as
sec erory was senior Jenny O/corr,
along wirh junior Lindo Kens/er, rhe
·re<:is er. Senior Kelly Murron was
in charge of membership
A very ocrive member of sroge
crew, Murron said, ''/ enjoy rhe
freedom sroge crew allows. Also, I
feel I hove some power over rhe
A big porr of sroge crew was
cleaning up ofrer rhe performance. The Drodford crew did
bond and orchesrro concerrs,
ploys, and rhe Kenosha Junior Miss
Nexr rime you see a perfor
monce, insreod of rhin/<;ing rhe ocrors were so rerrific, ro/<;e a loo/<; or
rhe hard worf<; rhe crew hod ro do
ro mo/<;e ir all possible. They were
prerry rerrific, roo. by Jodi Glitzky
A.V ., (fronr) Jemy Olcorr, Oev l\iessemom, Tony °""'1i.
Connoe ()nges. Jam, - . i Osmon. l\oger Srosi<
( 2nd) Onan Homes. lxlda llen5ief, Jean Oue>ng. Taro
Turco. Kely [)a-j, Vc>ene TlKCO. Trovis Vnes ( bock ) Joel
l\ondeoo. Scon Giberr. Joce Froeber 00 Thomas. l\usry
Froeber, Don
iief Jim lilleshoem
Stage Crew: (front) .Jemy Olcoo, Dev l\iessemom. (Cll'r
Clonges. - . i Osmon. l\oger 5ro1'1< (2nd) lxlda
Kemler .lean Oue>ng. Toro TlKCO. Jam Orgar& Vc>ene
Turco. TroVlS Vnes (bock) Joel l\ondeov, Joce Froeber, Clol
Thomas. l\usry Froeber Don Miler. Jim Hile'1>em
hile serring up a VCR for a sophomore homeroom class, senior
Kelly Murton worches rhe
screen while senior Bill Thomas odjusrs
some wires on rhe bock.
a en
An Expression of Ideas
Displaying creariviry was rhe
major goal of borh Arr Club and
rhe Crearive Wriring Teom.
On 5eprember 19rh and 20rh,
Haj ime Namiki (a woodblocl<;
prinrmol<;er), Hiroto Norikane (a
Japanese ercher), and Akira
Kanda (a To/<;yo Gallery owner)
come ro Drodford ro reach rwo
worl~hops on Japanese orrisrry.
Srudenrs in rhe advanced arr
classes received hands-on experience on how ro mol<;e orrwor/<; in
rhe ancienr Japanese rrodirion.
Senior Dave Saaski said, ''The
Japanese prinrmo/<;ers were very
n1ce. They dedicored rime and energy ro show us srudenrs rhe procedures and sreps rol<;en ro produce rheir beauriful prinrs. "
One of rhe mosr widely r og
nized projecrs of any club was r e
Arr Club 's Chrisn as window . The
The Crea rive Wriring Team
showed off rheir s/<;i/Js using a differenr medium, pen and paper.
Srudenrs compered in local, no
1onol, py 1rc, O()d privore comperir;ons throughour r.
year. Senior
Cindy Matley
' won firs place rhediildren's wnring coregor while senior'Colleen
Ruebsamen roolf a rhird in rhe esso y coregory or rhe UW
Junior Nathan Anderson said,
w: ireworer Wriring Fesrivol.
"The w· dows gar everyone inro
Morley also won a Grand
rhe Chrisrmos spirir and /er rhem A word of $500 or rhe UW Srevens
forger abour where rhey acruolly Poinr Wniing Worl<;shop. Four semiwere.
nar scholarships were awarded ro
A rt Club, (fronr) Com"' Wolfe. Lnda Oosco. Amy uri<ey,
Mi<e Morrone IM<e
mm. Derry l\ombolsl<i. (M)dy Momn.
( bock) Trocy FOLf<nef, Sica Addorns. Don Cooldge, Kun
Moroon. Mi<e Mu-phy. Deamo Jornson, Dove 6""dono,
Seen L"'"""'weber
1rh deep concenrranon and a
mischievous smile. senior Colleen Ruebsaman wrires a
rough drofr for onorher award winning
shorr srory Ruebsomen won many comperirions and received several honors while
she was involved w1rh rhe crearive wnring
unio.r Chris Booth and senior Scott Lofton lool~ over rhe shoulder of Hiroro
Nonl~one as he shows rhe srudenrs how
ro erch on rhe plares which were lorer used
ro produce beaunful Japanese prinrs Sru
denrs lorer med rhe process w1rh much enJOymenr
junior Penny Reynolds and seniors Tara Turco , Stephanie Raymaker and Colleen Ruebsomen
Reynolds, said she was inreresr
ed in pursuing a career in wriring
She said, "I've learned o greor deal
obour wniing from rhe class, bur
rhe comperirion is rhe funnesr porr
Now I'm worl<;ing on o ploy, which
is robe enrered inro a norionwide
Several wor/<;s produced by rhe
Crearive Wriring Teom appeared
in rhe Inferno and in Brod/it. by
Michael Orth
"We gor our 1deos from
rhe memories we hod from
our childhood The cloSS1c
Chnsrmos srones were whor
reolly srood our 1n our mind
when we were rhinking of
1deos." -junior Jason Mielniczek
"We JUSr concenrrored
on Chrisrmos ond rhings rhor
we would be oble ro rrons·
fer ro poper When we be·
gon ro worl~ on rhe proJecr,
our end producr was differenr rhen whor we ong1nolly
envisioned " -sophomore
Jenny Roberts
"Our group, consisr1ng of
Jason Mlelniczek , Scorr
Leinenweber, and myself
mode our rronsporency de·
p1cr1ng a fireplace wirh a kir
ren on rhe monrle " -sen·
10r Mork Chovan
Creorlve Wrlrlng Team: (front) Everre Sopp, Col
leen ~uebsamen. Tora Tl.l'ca bock Pemy ~eynalds.
(My Marley Chandra INgger
irh rope n hand junior
Duane Coursey pur up his
arrwark 1n rhe commons
area for rhe Chnsrmos Season. He, like
many orher srudenrs, designed and ere
ored his piece wirhour rhe help of orh·
I. I
he foreign language dubs pur rogerher a flrsr place floor for rhe Homecoming parade fl.1dlng on rop ore senior
Joann Gemmell , sophomore Jammie
Granger, and JUnior Lou ie Ferraro
Germon Club, (fronr) Dev l\oe<selmam_ lJso Sree!. Jom-n.e Granger, M.ct1elle OOmerma1, Sharrrno l'.ashod (2nd) Melsso
llellE'y ltt Warnes. Joe !lrooks. Tony Oon.-. (bock ) Tna Sreek>. Jason Hassel, Dan DprdjeV!C
ead1ng rhe way roword Anderson
Field for rhe foreign language srudenrs
ore JUnlOI' Toun Khomlosoben and
sophomores Erich Schafer and B.G. Horv a t They ore carrying signs d1sploy1ng sp1nr
and enrhusiosum in rhe Germon, French,
and Spanish rrodlnon. Junior Poul Tomsheck
and mulr• nguol senior Melissa Kelley , fol·
lowing close behind, honor rhe French flog
"The French cu1rure is very
unique I enJOY learning
rhe1r way of 1fe and rhe1r
language " Senior Allyson
"The Germon language 1s
so much liKe rhe English language, yer ,, is so d1fferenr;
rhor is why I like 1r Ir's differ
enr from rhe orher foreign
languages rhor ore of
fered" Junior Ph il Wattles
"Everyone in Spanish Club
likes ro jol~e around while
speol~1ng Spanish We learn
w1rhour really knowing we
ore " -Senior Kris Rosenbaum
Al phoros by Kham KhorrklsaberJ
Foreign language students travel abroad
How would you lilfe ro visir a
foreign counrry wirh your friends
and orher srudenrs'? Spanish Club
members hod rhe oppurrun1ry ro
v1sir many inreresring places in
Spain over Eosrer vocarion.
Vice Presidenr of rhe club, senior
Tino Guido srored, "The rrip was
on excellenr experience ro be in a
differenr cu/rure, complerely differenr rhon ours. "
The srudenrs found sighrseeing
around Madrid and Granado very
inreresring. Junior Deondoi Randolph said, "Wespenrsomeofour
rime viewing rhe exquisite carhedro/s I rhoughr rhe mosr foscinoring
sire was rhe ornore Royal Palace'"
''Relaxing on rhe beach of Cosro
def Sol was jusr one of many fun
rimes we experienced over in
Spain, " added rhe Treasurer of
Spanish Club senior Paulo Moenssen
Ooclf or school Spanish srudenrs
did much during Foreign Language club members conrribured much
Week Oes1des purring up posrers ro rhe foreign language deporrand molfing burrons, rhe many menr.
Their biggesr evenr was rhe
conresrs mode rhe weelf very spe
Homecoming parade. Club mem
bers worlfed wirh Spanish and
''Ir helped us ger away from rhe
monorony of every day class. French club ro build rhe firsr prize
w · ni [[uck A fonrosric Germon
While we srill learned, we h d a
good rime doing ir, ' s ored JUr/JOr • elr banner was mode by seniors
Lisa Steel, Shomimo Rashid, and
Emily Heller.
The Chicago Arr Museum was Tino Steel They, along wirb sophom ores Joe Brooks and Jammie
one place f, ench cliJb visired.
Granger , mode posrers and
There, o Fre0c(i Impressionism x
loy~d on importonr
rr in deco
hibir of Go guin was displ
"The brighr, vivid cO!Ors e used raring r e rrucT<
Dt.mng FoJ:e gn Language
ro bring our rhe reolrry fQ hi5 worTf
really caughr my eye, " commenr
Weelf, a food day filled wirh Ger
man speciolries and dancing roolf
ed club presidenr senior Trisha
place 1n rhe Deursch class. "We
French club also sow rhe Orood- song Germon songs and danced
woy ploy "Les Miserables. " Afrer unril we were all Germoned our. Ir
rhe ploy, club members ore or Chi- was a good rime, rhough, " srored
junior Stephanie Suter
cago's famous Hord Roclf Cafe.
In November rhe club sold ad
Alrhough nor as forge as rhe
Spanish and French clubs, Germon venr calendars, donoring some of
rhe money ro rhe Srudenr Council
Chrisrmos Fund.
Club members mode o special
efforr ro welcome four Wolfenburrel srudenrs who were or Orodford,
rolfing porr in rhe sevenrh annual
Kenosha Sisrer Ory Exchange.
"fr gave us o chance ro learn
from ocrual Germon srudenrs
obour rheir culrure, upbringing,
and educarionol differences, " srored junior Donna Kubicki.
All Germon srudenrs porricipared in rhe Norionol Germon Exam.
Seniors Lisa Steel and Carolyn
Schroeder excelled, scoring or rhe
86rh and 85rh percenrile respecTlve/y They were honored or on
awards ceremony 1n Milwoulfee.
Hoving a good rime while srill
learning is whor rhis year's foreign
language clubs were all obour by
Jodi Glitzky
French Club, (front) Sarah Giembod<i. Elsa ZU<ow>kl.
Ger. Krebs. Michele McCcxdy. Sue Clernem. Nacy
SpmcToolf. Loo Naef ll<on Por!<er Kr<.ro Moxey John
MU<O. TON Clruno. 0ocno Norrmo . .lemy Hernandez Lor'
Mdor'ey . Corne Hnz (2nd) Mich Loggerr. Melsso Keley,
.Jemy Closs. Penny f\eynold>. Orendo Hndler1orer ~
Tovor TOflO Slorer M<.heie KelYer .IUoe Wilems, .1emt
Harder Porn Carpenter Teri Mcintyre. He.a Henen. Joanna Miceli, Donoelo Greco. There.a Werve (3rd) Liz Pe<ry,J<
Jervvfer Oy05p. Torrmy Wri<elrnorvl . Wendy Trvdeou .
.Jemy Hosserr. T°'-" Khor-Nosoben. Michele Consront, Jen.
ny Konroo . Kely Dot> Amy llohoczek. Michele Pomen.
Jason Hort (4th) Coteen l\ueb!.omen. Noricy Gentz.
Y01X19 HU Lee. Sandro Shoffor. Vesno 'iocovo. Tracy Gia
mon. Mor1o Gtff0<d. Holy Ashley Scarr Nelson . Nicole No
""· No'leed Q.xesh, Am llv:>ggo (bock) Scarr Le<ienweber I-Me 51onke. MJ<.e 5erer"IO . .lervly l\ozonos . .lemy
Cldres \l.'endy llastrup. Dave r..vo. Joe Werw<e Torn
Lcrdecberger E11c Page , Page O'Comor. Chad Zielnski.
Chorl>e Jones. Pa.J TC>'1'1>heck. MJ<.e Cormrrow>kl. Peter
Span ish Club, (front) L0<0 Hassel. Com<e Wcite. Tno Gude. Po\Jo Moenssen. Down Ooley ll<ooke f\obbons. ll<endo KJofensit1e , IV• l\05e<lboum. 5heio Pelrer, Norosho Andffion . .IU>e
Cove< Sieve C=. Amee Schneider. J,ttony Soldano. Corne Hinz (2nd) l\osoO"ldo Hernandez. Korhy NoV1'1, Kone Tenuro. Doof>e Tonen. Kn5on Looon. 51evellosch, .loom Gerrmeil, Tno
l\w. Ce> Furrney . .Jemy Hernandez. Uo ll<eut>. Loo Wember TO<> ll<'-"". Deomo Col'ns(3rd) Anno l\IOS. DebboeSchlrz, EnesMicel. Koren ~rchnsoo Nay Andffion, 51ocy Nesbrr.
lhowo l\w. Soro Uecker Deond<> l\ondojph, Melsso Ke<ley. Doc·"\O Nmmo. Noricy Schend. Wendy Nuzzo. Etny He<ler 51ocy li<rmermon (bock) I-led Pere<>en Joel< Gibbs. I-Me
Modo<no. Ed Hober , Joe P=a<e<i. Jerry Doogan, Miche<le 511.A<el. Miche<le Huff, Kev<' Scro. Chore Jones . .Im M>edno. Joe Gmies. Oorb Songer Joan Der< >Oh. DOflene Alf0<d . Hleorher
Lead the way to school spirit
To some people, pep assemblies
were jusr o way ro ger our of rhe
classroom. To some, ir was jusr o
way ro sfop school. To Ooosrer Club
members, however, rhey were o
way ro raise school spirir.
"Jr's so hard roger people spirired or school, " said Ooosrer Club
member, senior Angie Sorenson .
"Everyone rhinl~ rhey're roo
cool ro yell and scream or assemblies. I rhin/{ rhor's srupid. We need
more spirir," said senior Deana
Johnson .
Ooosrer Club srruggled ro supporr rhe school by organizing
boosrer buses ro rrovel ro our-ofrown sparring evenrs.
''We hod ro cancel so many of
rhe boosrer buses because nor
enough people signed up r go
o lor f
Going on rhe buses con
fun, rhough," said jlJ(ljor Erika
Anorher problem Ooosrer ub
faced was member orre(ld6nce or
rheir weef{fy meerings. Ar e beginning of rhe school ye;or, rhere
were over JO members, bur cs r. e
year wenr on rhe number dwi ·
''Mosr of rhe people n Doos er
Club never come ro rhe rneenng .
All pom-pon and cheerleoding
squad members ore requ;red o
in Ooosrer Club, bur onyon con
join, roo. Ir's usually jusr rhe cheerleaders ond pom-ponners who
show up or rhe meerings, " so1d
Ooosrer Club co-advisor Roberta
"A for of people hove ofrer
I jobs or orher ocriviries and
don' borf'le wirh Ooosrer Club. Ir's
reo y fun, rh gh, " said club
em er Heidi Heinen
"We Woosrer Club) hove some
real/ good ideas bur we jusr hove
ro ger more organized ond ger
w or/{ing on rhem, "SOid co-advisor
Gary Shaver.
Ooosrer Club members also
dee ored rhe foorboll players'
houses 1r crepe paper, balloons,
and good-lucf{ signs rhe nighr before rhe Homecoming game.
''More people should go ro rhe
Doosrer Club, (fronr) Nancy Genrz. Noheed Guresh. Mu.y Ferroron, Young Hl.N Lee, Michele Kehrer, Debbe Xt>irz.
ow con you even rhinl~ Orodford
won'r win rhe gamer senior Sara
Uecker disgusringly osks her friend
Cindy Fairbanks Uecl~er and Foirbon:~
were rwo of rhe hundreds of supporrers or
rhe Homecoming gome where Orodford
sloughrered rhe opposirion, rhe Homilron
Wildcors, by a score of J5-7
Tere50 Monegre OouOo Tenure. Ten Mmryre, llrooke l\obbons, Amy Dohocze!<, JOO Glrzky ( 2nd) Morey 5pmghoff,
M.chelle Weyand. M.chelle Pomen, Elsa ZU<owski, Jodi Urrech. Jemy Moo, KeOoe Jokovec 5ve Doscher, Jone Horn.r.g.
Yolonda Mod<. 5ve Oemenr.. Nancy Scherd, He<> He<nen ( bock ) Scarr Letnenweber , M<xco Molocoro. Amee Alwordr,
Mv:,e Sorensen, Koroe f\osenboum, Jemy Wrnz. M•ke M<xronoe, Down Delfoeld, M.chelle foh. Lindo Spehar, Wendy Nuzzo.
Kaoe Wermelng
!}.Club, (fronr) llrendo Klofensi..,.,, Amy Hernandez, Coralyn Flosch. Mox..,., Ar.,ro, Jomoe Remer, 5ve Surer. -""" Se.rz,
Jodi Gl1zky Cher Schoerrler (2nd) Michele Kehrer, Corne Wegner, Nancy Scherd, ll<ioe Fox. foo Gude, Debbe Lehrke,
John Perez, JoM Dersnoh, Down Del'oeld ( 3rd) Sieve Cmo. llrenr Dorenbecker Sean Ryon, Jemy Oolres, Oob llrooks,
Scoo Letnenweber, Dove llrelYn, MJ<e S!anke, SheOO Pelt"1' Al DeWirr (bock ) Kerry Wnghr , Deana Johnson, Vf!'k> Mnt:..
Enc S!eeie, Tom Landenberger, Todd Jenewe<"I, Dove IWol\Jvo, Dovocl. L~ K<.see. Keirh Lokvold
games ond roar for rheir reams, "
said senior Tony Looney .
0-C/ub was onorher club wirh or
gonizorionol problems. To be able
ro join 0-C/ub, one needed ro earn
o major lerrer or school.
''We olwoys rry ro pur on o
dance second semesrer ond hove
regular meerings, bur rhey never
seem ro wor/{ our, "said 0-C/ub ad
visor Jerry Yerwey .
"5rudenrs ore independenr, "
said senior Amy Ambrose , "ir's
hard ro ger rhem oll rogerher. "
Sri/I, Ooosrer Club and 0 Club
overcome rheir obsrocles and morivored rhe srudenrs inro ocrion,
raising school spirir. by Katie Rosenbaum
ur energy
1r rod1ores," bel
lowed senior Amy Wasiulewsk l
during rhe sp1nr concerr The sp1rr
concerr rs on onnuol evenr on rhe n1ghr
before rhe Homecoming game The cheer
leaders led rhe crowd in fun-filled ocrivrr1es
such as on oucrron and a pre 1n rhe foce
conresr where Cooch Sroebe received o
foceful of whipped cream
Steve Clrno
rroll1ng rhrough rhe srreers of Kenosho,
sophomore cheerleoder Julie Stone
ond school mascor, senior Connie
Dinges show rheir sp1nr during rhe Homecoming porode Dinges wos chosen by
Ooosrer Club ro JOin rhem in ro1S1ng school
"We do so many rhings in
Ooosrer Club rhar ore fun
bur we JUST need ro ger
more people involved. Ir's o
spinr-rrnsing Jamboree" junior Heidi Heinen
"Ooosrer Club should encourage more people ro go
ro rhe games and rhe
meers Everyone should
give more supporr for rhe
orhleres" -senior Morco
"The games or meers
should be of equol imporronce ro everyone even 1f
we oren'r ploying rhe crossrown nvol" -Jun10r Ke/he
"Arhleres should do somerh1ng ro promore spornng
evenrs. OClub should rry ro
ger some acnv1nes going
-senior Dob Orooks
oll~1n.g w11h his friends junio.r Julie
Tambornino and senior Pete Lyons,
senior Paul Kubicki weors his Orodford lerrer JOcl~er proudly One could see
many srudenrs wearing lerrer Jacl~ers
around rhe school Srudenrs could purchose
o lerrer JOcl~er on which r ey place rhe1r
hard earned "[)"
Tenn is Club, (fronr) Wendy ~uo. Peggy Mcfloe, Jern.
fer l\ozonos. T"'' Mdnryre. Tommy Guzlotf. Konn Sepon51«.
Josep00e M.cel. Tno !Ms ( 2nd) Sue Dzmielo. Nancy
Schend. Korhy Novr1. Amy Arrtxose. Jeno Se.rz, Nd1eed
Qurest>. Theresa Werve. N1Cole Novr1, Cndy Durmef
(bock ) Franco ll<iorro . .ldYl Perez. Scarr Leinenweber,
Dcve l\ivo. Pere Lyons. Amee Mo.xer . Jemofer Oolres.
JOO Glrz!<y
oinng ro h1r rhe ice, sophomore
Missy Ferroton ponenrly wo1rs
for fellow sophomore Jeannine
Duesing ro lace-up The Kenosha Ice Arena
was ofren rhe meering spar of many Com
pus Life Members. Despire rhe spills and
chills, members found much enJoymenr
and fellowship pornciporing in such ocriv1nes
"Since I was new ro Orod·
ford. Oible club helped me
ger ro know orher people
berrer rhrough shoring and
coring as I've also grown
closer ro God junior Aimee Schneider
"Worgomers 1s a fun group
of people gerr1ng rogerher
ro re-enocr hisroricol borrles
or ro creore ficr1onol ones
We ore rhe srrongesr poClfisrs-we know whor war
con do Ir's also educonon·
al-I learned how ro spell
chaos in a hurryl" juniorJim
"Tennis club is for anyone
inreresred in rennis and hov·
1ng fun Ir's o greor way ro
be w1rh reommores. I rhinl~
ir is easier ro keep rhe
coaches on our bocks ro
procnce during rhe off-sea
son " senior Scott Leinen.
Dama Ooerrcher
Friendly Competition 1s the Key
Whor did rhe rennis, worgomers, and Dible clubs hove in
common? Give up? Come on! Ir's
really nor rhor hard. Each group
hod irs own reason for being, rhe
memberships were relorively
small, and mosr imporronr, rhe
members were rhere srricrly for
fun and enjoymenr.
Tennis club moved inro rhe high
er ran!~, becoming one of rhe
mosr ocrive orgonizorions 1n rhe
school. The club sponsored rwo
successful dances, a srudenr cornorion and candy cone sole, and a
reacher oppreciorion doy cornorion sole. Ar Chrisrmos, members
co/leered money for a needy family or Dradford.
The club earned enough money ro purchase new shirrs for rhe
rennis reams. Each member also
hod on opporruniry ro purchase
rennis jocl~ers for a slighrly reduced
The major purchase of rhe club
was a boll machine inrended ro
increase rhe obiliry of rhe mem
bers Ir was used 1n rhe field house
during rhe lunch hours and afrer
Two excursions were planned
and carried our rhrough rhe club.
Members orrended a renri1s1IJ.0Tcb
rhor feorured reen idol A0dre
Agassi. Mosr memoers were
rhrilled or rhe chonct> ro see Ago ·
in ocrion.
Senior Billie Fox commenred, "/
was so excired ro see him in per
son. Ir was also on unforge able
experience ro arch him ploy.
''/ was ocruolly wirhin reoc · g
disrance f him.I Karin (Sepanskl)
and I jumped rhe ro ger
picrures. We could ai osr ouch
him!'' srored;"(t,n or Naheed Qureshi enrhusias~ Uy.
The club dlso rrended rhe M ·
waul~ee Classic lnviroriono Ir djd
nor hove rhe same rhrillin eff, r
as rhe Agossi march, bur srud rs
had fun jusr rhe some! The group
srarred off rhe morning righ irh a
breoMasr sponsored by the club.
Afrer earing, members
de rheir
way ro Grand A venue.-Mall-only
ro find ir closed! Afrer rhe march, a
group of rired, bur conrenr rennis
players mode rheir way home.
Sophomores Sue Fowler and
Peggy McRae did nor porricipore
in eirher acriviry, bur rhey s JI found
enjoymenr in being in f e group. ''/
djd nor go ro rhe Ag
rch nor
rtre Classic, bur ~ ere were srill
ways roger inv ed. I helped wirh
rhe 1ower sole an I also played in
rhe indoor roornamenr, " commenred Fowler.
McRae added, "/did nor porricipore if.ii much, bur I rhinl~ ir was rhe
people from rhe ream rhor influenced
ro join. I con soy rhor ir
·n rouch wirh my reommores unmg rhe off-season. "
Dible Club underwenr some mo
JO changes. Ir was nor only renamed "C pus Life, " bur irs members beco e more involved rhon
ever before
''Co pus Life is a norionwide
group rhor we decided rojoin. We
roll~ obour iffer nr rhings rhor affecr our lives, an we con express
our feelings o
usrrarions wirho u r worrying, o our gerring
laughed or," s 10 J ior Aimee
Regular Gesdoy and 5arurdoy
meerings or Corrhoge College
broughr abour numerous ideas for
socials. lce-s!~oring, pizza parries,
bowling, and a hayride were ideas
rhor moreriolized inro ocruo/
''The whole ormosphere was
really laid bock We relax and real·
ly ger ro !~now each orher berrer, "
commenred Schneider.
Worgomers hod one of rhe
smollesr memberships of all rhe
clubs 1n rhe school. Once members
enrered rhe meerings, rheir friendships were forgorren. Assuming
rhe idenriries of choracrers in wororienred games, rhey rhen faced
each orher as foes.
There was on educarionol value
ro rhe club. "We ral~e more pride
in our counrry and we !~now whor
real war con do, " commenred junior Jim Lesko.
On rhe lighrer side, Lesko
quipped, ''Dungeons and Dragons
may be considered demon wor
ship by some, bur I learned ro spell
"chaos" in a hurry'" Wherher rhey
hir balls around a courr, promored
good feelings, or desrroyed rhe
world, rhese clubs hod fun doing
whor rhey did! by Nancy Schend
Dible Club, (fron t) Carro Andenon, Louro Pnde, Amy
Hernandez. TOf'jO Sierer ( 2nd) Toro TIXCO, Stoey Spizer,
Amee ScMe.der, Aryjy Onszczuk (bock) Ono Glossmon,
Jason Schurz, George Pnbyl Chari e Orown. Corne
Worgomers: (front) .Im Leske, Dornon Volenme. Ence
Sanchez. Km Prby1 (bock) Oen Seor'es. Jason Hassel, Onan
l.r<:e. MO!rhew Holochwosr Joel l\ondeou
oncenrrar1ng 1nrenr1y on her fore
hand, senior Joanna Miceli pre
pores ro slom bock a sweer shor ro
win rhe poinr Miceli was rhe coprrnn of rhe
girls ream and olso on acrive member 1n
he rennis club
Ovo Evans
ers tp
Student Council Lends a Hand
Srorring off on rhe righr foor, Srudenr Council underroo/{ rhe annual
ros/{ of organizing for Homecoming. From rhe assembly ro rhe parade ro rhe big dance, Srudenr
Council used all of irs energies ro
mo/{e ir rhe besr ever.
''/ rhoughr rhe Homecoming fesriviries were greor! The assembly
was really nice, bur rhe parade
leading ro rhe game was exceprionolly spiriredt I hod o /or of fun, "
commenred junior Jeni Seitz.
Alrhough iris rhe officio/ governmenr in rhe school, rhe Council
broughr a rosre of real governmenr ro Orodford. Defore rhe presidenriol elecrtons, members regisrered seniors for rhe vore, and
rhey also held a mac/{ presidenriol
Junior Amy Baldwin commenr
ed, "We hodn'r really planned on
elecrion; ir was more /il{e o spur-ofrhe-momenr rhing We found our
rhor mosr of rhe srudenrs vored
much /il{e rhefr porenrs. "
During rhe Thaoksgiving and
Chrisrmos holidays~ rudenr counoJ
co/leered l)lQney onO food. The
food was disrribured ro foeoL choriries. The money: w emr ro porch,(Jsing gifrs ond wos otsc? donored ro
Wnring lerrers from Sonro was
also a fun ros/{ rhor Srudenr Council
underrook Lerrers come pouring
in from Orownie rroops, elemen
rory schools, and individual families.
Council members gave in rheir
own way by using rheir creoriviry
and sense of humor Junior Kellie
Srudenr Council: (fronr) OviS GWnore, Tna FlAler, Kevin
S....o • .hrn llcshop. Mel65a Ke!ey. Onoi Paker Amy Ool
dwn. Tor,o Slorer. l\ob<1 Eckwnghr . .ue Tombornino.
Tmyo Hook ( 2nd) Koren Jackson. Tno Gosey Keloe Jokovec. Camile (hopperro. M>chel1e Ow5ichek. lJ5<J Defooo.
Susan Mdroyre. llvrdy Solberg. Scarr Nelson Tany llo<n
(3rd) Wnono Keets. Mel65a Mornoli. Therese Werve t>I
cole Mam. John Choopperro. Sheta Pemer Kns f"lo5en·
bo..m. Oortl Inger Jearnne Duesing . .lemy Hemondez.
Amy Ambrose (bock) Colleen l\uebsomen. FraN< O<lorro.
Ct-orlie Jone>. Hetdo Wolkoom. Wendy Oosm..p. Joe Passer
elo. Jon Cru!hers. John M<:el. Kr• Komorec, Jeff Loonio .
.lemy Oolres . .Jasen Young. Holy """"'Y
Sen ior Closs Officers : Shela ~tee- M.ichele Owsichek.
Como e Chopperro. Joe Possor~I
Junior Closs Officers: Mdnryre. Kns Komoroc. Jen.
ny Ooltes. LlSO DefazlO, Amy Ooidwn
Jakovec found greor sarisfocrion in
wriring rhe /errers: ''/ ocruolly felr
/i/{e Sonro Claus! Ir made me feel
good ro provide o lirrle Chrisrmos
cheer ro lirrle children. "
To promore more spirir, rhe
council also organized wee/{/y spirir
ocrtviries or conresrs. Commirree
member junior Young Hui Lee
commenred, ''The ourome was
nor oe.-good. We didn'r hove rhe
osr.pamclpanrs, and rhe evenrs
di nor asr
The onnuoi Big Nrne Srudenr
Council Convenrion was he or
Par/{ High School on Morch 1J_
CounoJ members were surprised
obour how minor our in-school
problems were compared ro orher
schools 1n our area. ''The biggesr
problem rhor we menrioned was
rhe over crowded hollwoyst"
commenred junior Barb Singer
''Orher schools gar inro problems
wirh weapons and orroc/{5 on srudenrs. Ir was really scary because
rhey were dead serious. "
In rhe spring, Srudenr Council
sponsored rhe annual blood drive
Various commirrees wenr rhrough
weefrs of prepororion. ''/was really
impressed wirh rhe number of srudenrs who donored rheir blood for
someone elset" commenred Lee
''Oeing 1n rhe Srudenr Council
was a big responsibiliry. Ir ro/{es o
/or of war/{ and exrro dedicorion,
bur rhe sorisfocrion and pride you
feel when everyrhing is done
more rhon mo/{es up for everyrhing!" summed up senior Jon
Cruthers by Nancy Schend
"Since I hove been on rhe
council, I've nor1ced rhor
we hove become more
srudenr onenred My fovorire ocrivines were decoror1ng for Proms and Home
comings " -senior Jon
"I feel as 1f I hove o moJOr
responsib1hry ro rhe srudenr
body rhrough rhe Srudenr
Council. If rhere ore any
changes rhor rhe srudenrs
wonr, I feel I musr represenr
and speak for rhem -junior
Young Hui Lee
"I feel 1r is on honor ro be a
porr of Srudenr Council I
rh1nk rhe council is effecrive,
bur more pep asseembl1es
could hove been arranged
I feel rhor rhe Homecoming
fesriv1nes were my fovorne
evenrs " -sophomore
John Chiappetta
hewing rhe1r school sp1nr wirh o fob.ulous f1rsr place floor, 01rhorns, porn
pons, and obove all, heolrhy lungs, JUnior class members make rhe1r way ro Anderson field on rhe morn' of Homecoming
nJoy1ng rhe new music sysrem 1n rhe
commons, juniors Kellie Jacovec,
Nancy Gentz, and Tonya Hook supporr HERO by gorging rhemselves on hor
prerzels. Jokovec and Hool~ are acnve
members of rhe council whose vores
broughr obour rhe odd1non of muS1c ro rhe
Sophomore Closs Officers: Jeannine Duesing. WIOQ('IQ
Keels. Ctvo Golmore. M>ndy Solberg. The<""' Werve
urnor Nancy Ge.ntz, a Key Club officer,
orrends rhe weekly meenngs regulorly
The members disrussed service prOJeCTS
and a year end pizza parry for rhemselves
"I like Key Club because 1r
gives me rhe opporrurnry ro
help orhers, for example
helping our or Oingo and
orher ocrivines 1n nursing
homes " junior Lisa DeFoZ10
"[)e1ng a co-Presidenr was a
chance ro meer members
from around rhe srore and
be porr of rhe lorgesr high
school club in rhe world " senior Kevin Suro
"Qecouse of Key Club I was
able ro meer many people
and work w1rh rhem. lleing
co-Presidenr hos been fun. I
found our how orhers feel.''
-;unior Ton)O Slorer
Sc..e Oen:er
Morvn Modder
he odviSor of Key C1ub, Ronald Mlodzlk helped rhe orgonizorion communicore wirh rhe Kiwanis Club. The rwo
clubs worked hand in hond on many occoS1ons ro provide a conng rouch for needy,
lonely people, which serves a duo! purpose
of heighrernng consciousness among young
people as well.
Domo Ooerrcher
Key Club Opens New Doors of Opportunity
Two words. Firsr word, rhree fer
rers Ir's used ro open doors. Sec
ond word, four lerrers. Ir's a suir in a
dee/{ of cords. Combined rhe rwo
words and ir's on orgontzorion wirh
on emphasis on service. Whor is ir?
Key Club, of course'
All year long, Key C!ubbers
were involved in rhe communiry.
In rhe summer rhey joined forces
wirh rhe Wesrern Kiwanis Club of
Kenosha, selling prerzels and corn
on rhe cob or rhe annual Cohor
omo. They also manned rhe miniorure golf course or rhe fishing
When rhe school year began,
rhe Club began wor/{ on t e1r
Homecoming floor. Afrer rh e
game rhe club embor/{ed on col
leering rurf{ey ro/{ens fro Piggly_
Wiggly and occepring food dona
rions from srudenrs Wir he irems
received, rhey pur rogerher
Thon/{sgiving food bos/{ers for rhe
needy of KenoSho.
Ar Chrisrmos rime rhe club mode
copped children from around rhe
ciry were invired ro rhe fll{S Club or
a Chrisrmos parry where rhe Orod
ford srudenrs helped disrribure gifrs
ro rhe youngsrers.
Key Clubs biggesr endeavor of
r,!fe year wo sponsoring rhe annual w1nrer formal on January 28rh. Ir
was held or
Manor House on
Kenosha's lo/{e .1de. The dance
was enrirled A Touch of Elegance'' and elegance abounded.
The Club chose ro hove rhe dance
or rhe Manor House because rhere
would be no rieed ro decorore:
rhe house was already beourifu/.
Ti ey also opred ro hove rhe dance
corered and ro hove a doorman
greeting rhe couples or rhe door ro
mo/{e rhe nighr exrro special A
good rime was hod by all who
orrended, rhon/{5 ro rhe hard wor/{
of Mr. Mlodzi/{ and rhe members of
Key Club.
Junior Karin Sepanski commenred, "We wor/{ hard or mo/{
ing Sub Deb a success every year
I'm glad I was porr of ir. "
Club members loo/"{ed forward
ro rhe spring srore convenrion bur
were unable ro orrend due ro ITS
locorion. Ir was held in Green Ooy
Ar rhe end of rhe year a bonquer was held for rhe srudenrs in
which a scholarship was awarded
and new officers were elecred
Afrerwords ir was boc/{ ro service
or rhe Cohoromo by Michael
Key Club, (fronr) l\00-> MorcN:J. Nmcy Genrz. TOflO
Slorer YCll.09 ~Lee Jemy Hader Teo Mdnryre, Ence
Elund. Amy Oahaczek, Kan Sepcrol., lJ5a DefOZIO,
Oroci<e l\abbns, HetCl Henen (2nd) IN:Jrcy Sprnghaff,
Tracy Jen>en. HetCl Zorn. ~ Ketver Michelle Presre<l
Susan Mdnryre, Naheed 0....esh 5hamon Sm.rh. Com
Dm>e<a. Michelle Foh. l\edfern (3rd) Lon Ml:liooey
Cndy Farbcrks. Oecky Mazfe<d . Jemy Olson. Tno l\uss.
Kae Wer~ . Jemy Ocires. Jane Wendy
Trudeau. Dawn Delfietd. Tomme Go-anger She<' Mrj)
(bock) Parnoo Cook. HetCl Wil<orrm. Sara Ueker, She;o
Pe<·•er Kns ~ . JoaM Gem-neil, Meis>a Ke< y.
Jemy Wnrz , Debby Lurl<ey, Cho-le Jones. Ke"" Suo. Jai
~usso . George Prbyl
r Sub Deb, junior Elsa Zukowsk i
and sophomore Eric Tindall shore
a happy momenr before rhey go
our onro rhe dance oor They were one of
rhe many couples who enJOyed rhe evening or rhe Manor House
Decade old Ra inbow reaches full spectrum
Rainbow Connecrion celebrared irs 10rh birrhdoy as o Dradford
High School club. To creore o rainbow of srudenrs (blod~s. hisponics,
and whires) ro join hos been o
long-rerm goal since rhe club's inceprion. Finally, Rainbow hos
reached rhe rainbow: rhe club lisred rwelve bloc/~, eighr hisponics,
and seven whires ocrively involved.
The club hod o busy year. Visiring nursing homes on Sundays
gave rhe srudenrs o feeling of selfsorisfocrion by helping our rhe communiry.
Club members viewed rwo
Droodwoy ploys, Children of o Lesser God and The Wedding Oond.
They also sow on exciring Milwou/1ee Duel~ bos/1erboll gome Ar rhe
Culrurol Awareness Leadership Council: (front)~
Swcngon. Cormia Gacia (2nd) N>cole Espoio5o. Annleo
sr.ley. Je!.slco GOloo. (3rd) Deondo l\ondoiph. Norosho
Andeoon. Shou"lno ftje De>oree Fronkrl. TOO.rho Cole
(bock) Jom Klorh. Angela Delgoda Joele1he Johnson.
Alfonso ~. Kenne!h l'.os.srnoi. Deloney Mod<nS
Rainbow Connection: (fronr) NicOle Espr"losa. Cormia
GOloo. Annleo sr.ley, Tno Gosey. Melsso Swcngon, Syl
vo Hernandez. Gorao (2nd) Melonoe Gopen, Do
WO Ervn. Deondo l\ondoiph. Yoklndo Jodwn. TOO.rho
COie. Angela Fovoo. De>oree Fronkrl (bock) ChcMy Ed
mond. Loohenen Terre4, Chen FOSier, Tno Flkr Lary
l\ollff, Deloney Mod<nS, Joelelhe Johnson
Oeburanrs and Esquires: (fronr) Cortr*l Gcr'oa. Deon·
doo l\ondoiph Tno Gosey No1osho Andeoon, Melsso
Swor ogon (2nd) Chen Fos1er Dowo Ervn. Angela Del
godo Y• krodo Jodwn (bock) Shormeen Hole. Lorry l\o1
bff, Delorl..-y Mod<nS. Joele1he Johnson, TOO.rho Cc
end of rhe year, Rainbow Connec
rion held o birrhdoy boll celebraring
rheir 10rh Dirrhdoy
Minoriry Leadership oc uired o
new name, becoming rhe C /rural
A woreness Leadership Councn.
Their members porricipored 1 college awareness
rl~h s. CALC
rra1ns members ro poma re i or
gonizorionol serring For insronce,
rhey wenr ro rhe UW Port ide
Chancellor A nuol, where rhey
demonsrrared Par/lo enrory Law
,'Dradford members were very
impressive," said adviser Delorse
Stewa rt.
Those involved n CALC also
rried ro exrend rheir leadership
obiliries ro orher organizorions.
''Deing in rhis organizorion hos
really opened my mind ro new
ideas and ways of rhin/1ing. Ir was
greor belonging ro o club rhor of
fers so much, '' srored presidenr
e 1or Tina Gosey
''f really eryoyed rhe morivonng
rrip ro Madison. Minoriries rhere
were srrivi g hard ro achieve sue
cess, which gave me o special feelIng n 1de, co menred junior
Deondai Randolph .
Cu/rural Awareness Leadership
Cou I t1epr up wirh Minoriry Leodership 's rradftio al ocriviries by parriopori09 in Homecoming, rhe Kenos a-Racine Career Fair, orgoniz
Ing rh
own Oisrncr Conference
ona g1v1ng Chrisrmos bos/1ers ro rhe
needy. Ar rhe end of rhe year,
CALC held on A words Doll.
A rh1rd club, roilored ro provide
young people w1rh cu/rural refine
menr, mode irs debur in 1988,
namely Deburonres and Esquires
The deburonre is o young lady
role model. The girls in rhe club
learned proper eriquerre and femi
nine leadership. The esquire was a
young man in King Arrhur's days
who, before he become a frnighr,
hod ro prove he was o genrlemon
The young men of rhe club
learned respecr and rhe proper or
rirudes o genrlemon should hove
All ocrive members or graduorion (if planning on orrending col
lege) received o five hundred dol
/or scholarship. The scholarships
were given our or rhe end of rhe
year Scholarship Doll. by Jodi
o-MC (wirh sophomore Desaree
concenrrores on preparing her opening speech for rhe D1srncr Srudenr Leader·
ship Conference or UW Porkside
xc1red for rhe upcoming evenr, CAL(
members board rhe bus ro rhe Disrncr
Srudenr Leadership Conference or UW
Porkside Srudenrs porncipore in orgon1zorionol serr1ngs or rh1s conference
"In Deburonres and Esquires
we ore able re meer some
of rhe mosr presr191ous pea
pie 1n rh1s area We also v1sir
some of rhe flnesr places."
senior Tabitha Cole
"CAL( 1s a club rhor makes
me feel special and close re
rhe people rhor ore 1n rhe
club. Ir IS olmosr as rhough
we ore a big family " -sophomore Kenneth Rossman
"P-01nbow Connecnon allows us ro hove fun whffe
srill learning We v1sired
ploces rhor w1 be benefic10I
for our college years junior Carmilla Garcia
:e 0'°"" ,_.,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,
s sophomore LokJSha Young re
ce1ves her CAL( folder from Mrs
Sreworr for rhe conference, sophomore Sarah Sanders, olong wirh orher expecronr club members, weirs 1n hne for hers
Pholos by Ovo EvG'\5
mer so many new people or rhe
meets or rhe other schools," soid sophomore Jenny Kantola Although Konrolo
liked rrovehng ro other schools for wrestling
meets, her biggest gripe was rhe fioors
"The floors or Cose were ice cold because
they were cemenr, and ir wosn'r fun robe
sirring on them." Fellow sophomore Robin
Eckwrlg ht and Konrolo managed ro survive
rhe floors and cheer rhe1r ream ro a vicro
nrenrly, sophomores Kathy Navin and
Keive Lymore worch the performance
of a hopeful member of rhe pom-pon
squad during rry-ours. Navin and Lymore
were both members of rhe pom-pon
Dorry Laabs
"My fovonre port of pompon was finally gerr1ng rhe
routine rogerher all ready
ro perform, and knowing
we were oll in it as a
ream " -senior Teresa
Ma neg re
"The wresrling cheerleaders gave us a lor of support during rhe meers by
gerring he fans going, for
example rhe meer ogo1nsr
Tremper" -senior Eric Maravilla
"My fovonre porr of pompon was rhe pep assemblies, especially jumping
rhrough rhe sp1rir hoop and
breol~ng he paper Thor
was a lot of fun." -senior
Jone Hartung
"My besr memory of wresrhng cheerleading was being able ro hove fun all rhe
nme. Wresrting is rhe best
sport ro cheer for because
rhe wrestlers were grear I
would do ir over ogoin any
day " junior Lora Hassel
Oorry Laabs
Inspire players a·nd liven up crowds
''This 1s P-0-M-5 coming ro you
live from Orodford High, " owolf
ened many srudenrs dunng rhe
morning onnouncemenrs. Pom
pon squads new advisor, Roberta
Wetzel , ofrenremindedrhesquod
members of rheir ofrer school proc
rices over rhe morning announce
men rs.
''/love pom-pon. I love ro dance
and worch rhe girls do so, '' said
"Mrs. Werzel is o real plus ro our
squad. Wirhour her, we wouldn'r
be able ro ger rhings rogerher
somenmes. She gives so much enrhusiosm, and is jusr lilfe one of rhe
girls, "soidseniorTeresa Manegre
Pom-pon procrice was every
Tuesday and Thursday unril 4.JO,
bur ir was nor on uncommon sighr
ro see rhe 16 member procriclng
on Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays. Procrice was as lore as 7:JO
or rimes.
My besr memory of pom -pon is
rhe pizza We'd sroy unril l: JO ro
procrice, bur we'd always hove
pizza, roo. Procrice was o for of fun,
bur we worlfed hard, roo, " said
senior Michelle Fish
Oes1des performing or foorboll
games, boys' boslferboll games,
and school assemblies, pom-pon
held car washes, fund raisers.
decorored rhe boys' foe/fer roo
before games, decorored rhe foo
boll players' houses before rhe
Homecoming game, mode crash
panels, and much more
"We were always busy If 1r
wosn'r procnce rhor we were hov
jng, ir was soles or spirir raisers, "
said junior Sue 13oscher.
"We hod o blosr decoronng rhe
foorboll players' houses or 2 in rhe
morning," exclaimed senior Sheri
Mich .
''Performing was excinng, and o
for of fun . Pom-pon is greor, " said
"ft was greor gerring ro lfnow all
of rhe people on rhe squad, "said
sopho ore Nicole Navin
"/ rhi If wresrling is on exoring
sporr ro cheer for I rollf ir up as
much as I con ro incoming cheer-
Wrestling Cheerleaders: (front) .Jerv-iy Kanrok> l'\obn
Eckwnghr (2nd) Tanya flaak (3rd) Michelle Weyand.
Lam Hassel (back ) DebC>e lchlorz
Pom-Pon: (front) Ketie .lokovec, Teresa Ma-tege. Keive
Lymare (2nd) Angela Sarensen. 5ue Ooscher. Jooe Ha
rung. Tna Gosey 5ue Clement> (back ) Yolanda Jackson.
l..nda Spehar Nicole Navn. Kane f\asenbaun, Amee Al
wadr. Michelle Fish, Jenny Wr<z. Shen Mich, Karhy Navin
leaders because I hod rwo fun-filled
years of ir," said senior Michelle
Wresrling cheerleaders procriced every Monday and some
Wednesdays from 2.45 unril 500
Procrice rime was spenr reaching
cheers ro rhe new members, re
v1ew1ng cheers, and molfing up
new cheers.
''If I could go boclf and srorr over
I'd do 1r ogo1n," Fish said.
Monegre agreed, ''I never really rhoughr obour missing ir, bur
now I con soy I'm going re. " by
Katie Rosenbaum
r was such a beounfu1 day on Home
coming," exclaimed senior Sher i
Mich The porn pon squad rode
rhroug rhe parade, giving our gourds of
goodies ro rhe children scorrered on rhe
sidewa ks. "I wenr ro row o gourd ro a
lirrle l~1d, and I acodenra ly hir him in rhe
heod w1rh 1r I felr so bod," said Teresa
Ma neg re
Cheers develop both while boosting pride
Dedicarion, desire, efferves
cence, and smiles were jusr a few
quo/iries rhe girls hod ro hove in
order ro mo/'{e rhe cheerleoding
squad. Alrhough many srudenrs
rhoughr of cheerleoding as on
easy ocriviry, cheerleading required much worfr and rolenr
Cheerleaders began procricing
in rhe summer rwice a wee/'{ roger
ready for rheir excinng seasons. Ar
procrices, rhe girls mode up new
cheers as well as perfecred rheir
old ones.
Oeing a member of rhe squad
meonr a large dose of discipline.
Jusr as in sporrs, cheerleaders were
nor allowed ro cheer on a game if
rhey missed a procnce. Also, girls
hod ro hove reacher recommendorions and moinroiri rhe some
academic requiremenrs mode of
vorsiry arhleres.
Foorbol/ and bos/'{erboll cheerleaders spenr much of rheir rime
mo/'{1ng posrers, decaroring /oc/'{er
rooms, and wor/'{ing on building
Orodford spinf. The morning before
Homecoming rhe cheerleaders
hod donurs for rhe foorbol/ players.
They also mode a crash panel for
rhe big game.
Varsity Basketball Cheerleaders: (front) YOU"'19 Hui lee
JV Basketball Cheerleaders: (front) Heorhef
(2nd) Elsa Zuckowskl. Wendy Nuzzo. Honey Genrz
(2nd) Terry Mdnryre. Amy llohoael<. MJCtie1Je Polmen.
(bock) Erika Eland, Robin Pfeiffer. Jennifer Dolres
.k>e Slone (bock) Parry Fode<. Meisso Morr'°"
Varsity Football Cheerleoders:(fronr) Tonya Hook.
Heorher "'°"1sby E15o Zu<Xow.i.. M<:heie Weyand (2nd)
Alison Orban. Nancy Genrz, Yolando Mod< (bock) Amy
Oos/'{erboll cheerleaders, always
full of spun/'{, whpped up rhe spirir
of rhe crowds during games.
''The highlighr of rhis season was
mosr definirely rhe OrodfordTremper game," said junior Heidi
Heinen, who added, ''Since I love
bosl'{erboll, cheering for games
mode cheerleoding exrro special. "
Ar spirir assemblies, held for foll,
w1nrer, and spnng sporrs, cheerleaders performed in fronr of rhe
whole srudenr body.
"Ir was greor /'{nowing I was our
rhere wirh my friends doing somerhing posirive for Orodford, " com-
menred junior Robin Pfeiffer
Members of borh cheerleoding
squads gor along well wirh each
orher, which conrnbured greorly ro
rhe girls' esprir de corps.
''We all become very close and
were able ro rel/ each orher everyrhing," srored junior Jennifer
Even rhough some srudenrs
/oo/~ed down on rhe cheerleaders,
rhe girls helped a grear deal in
building up school spirir or Orodfordf
by Jodi Glitzky
Choir achieves consistently high ratings
As usual, rhe choirs blew all com
peririon away or rheir numerous
conresrs rhroughour rhe year.
A Cappello Choir compered or
rhe Heriroge Music Fesrivo/ in Chico·
go, where rhe ourcome was norhing less rhon superior. The choir
was enrered in class AAA comperirion ogoinsr orher high schools and
colleges and received o Gold
A word, which was rhe h1ghesr
award in rhor division. A special
award, rhe Adjucorors A word,
was also given ro A Cappello since
rheir overage score was above 95
"The judges don 'r hove ro give
rhe Adjucorors A word. If o choir
gers on overage score of over 95,
rhen rhe judges vore ro see 1f rhe
choir is worrhy of rhe award, "said
choir direcror Kim Deal.
''/ frnew rhor we hod never
sung as well as we ad or rhe
judges 1n Chicago I elr lil~e oll of rhe
hard wort~ we hod pu forrh paid
off," said senior Stephanie Ra y.
Concerr Choir compered in class
D or Lorge GrotJp Co res a~
Tremper High School in April. They
received A rorings from off rhree of
rhe judges.
Treble Choir mirrored rhe success of Concerr Choir by also re
ceiving rhree A rorings or Lorge
Group Conresr
Choir also senr olmosr 20 sru-
denrs ro Srore Solo & Ensemble con
resr 1n Moy
In December, rhe choirs per
for; ed o winrer concerr, where
ey builr rhe rrodirionol live Chrisros rree. Drodford Singers, o modigol group, song Chrisrmos carols
or rhe concerr, also.
Singers performed or several
p ces ro ger everyone in rhe
C nsrmos spir:ir. The Novy Exchange, rhe Manor House, rhe Elfr 's
Club, and mo y schools were rhe
si es of rheir performances.
A spring concerr was also per
for, ed by rhe combined choirs in
cused on Lonn music for rhe concerr, "said senior Amy Hernandez.
Choir seemed ro be o worrhwhi/e experience for mosr of irs
members. ''Choir hos roughr me so
much I hove grown up so much
because choir hos pushd me forward. Every memory of cholf is
rhe besr memory, " said senior
Tony Carracciolo.
Roymol~er felr rhor choir greorly
offecred her life ''Music will always
be o big porr of my life because ir
reaches self-disopline The reword
is so fulfilling rhor ir's priceless." by
Katie Rosenbaum
"The music for rhe spnng con
cerr was very lighr-heorred. We fo-
Treble Chol" (fronr) Mlfvjy 5olberg LD<Xo FE<hrner Ten
yo Elsworrh. Oerry Cou"" llecky Overly, Meis.lo Momoi,
Laue 5em'ow Debboe Schl<rz (bock) Korn Q.rrgey Loo
Mlller Aprj Gregory. Pam Fodor !lodger 5red<y, Marsha
Huosen. (ryYo Celebre. Heather Goscoogne. 5ue Fowler
Concerr Chol" (lronr) OYo Donohue. Ale.she Orbon, .ue
5rone. Andee Kisoelewsi.. Koren Jackson, Dalene Free.
Tnoo 5pouidng. Loo Oorrerr. Corne Dovo. M<hele Ned·
wesl<J (bock) .lemy Edwards. Torrvny Powiocyzk. M
chele Cooper Andee Peacock. Km Ashby. He10 Perer
son. Theresa 5croncheck. Heorher .lesset1 Laue! Coss .
.lemy Olson. Km Pnbyl
A Cappello Choir, (lronr) ~ Shoemoi<er, 5rephonoe
Hervw1gfeld. Tonya Lu-dquol. (°""" !Xiges. Angelo 5or
ensen, Lyrvi llvx6ees. May Oeorry. Pam l\usch, Down
Wliomson. Kely Hanson, AtY>ea sr.tey, 5rephonoe l\oy
maker, Wendy Oel, G-10 Daus. Crdy ~( 2nd )
OYo fix. Laue Pnde, Corne Wegner Tnsho Coak. Kerne
5ndor Oerh Perry. Arro ClXl Pooge O'C°"""' Leoma
Kosee. Kro l\osentx>..m, 5ue Hod<ney, 5rephal>e Surer,
More Gores. Jodi Urrech (bock) Jody l\occo. Ke.rh Lok
void. Jason 5roremo. Jome Workns. Don ~9
Scan Lofron. Orenr Jones. Tony Corocoolo. Joe Moerzen, IJol
>eones. Doug !leMnge<. Ken Tougow, MJ<.e l\eed
Concert Choir: ( front) Scorr Netsoo, Jim Ogan, r\oy Kl.0-
OYo Osrergoord, Angelo Debugo.
(bock) 5reve l\ickmon, 0... Searles. 5reve Ousche. Gene
oschk. Jason Olson
Guloume, Ken l\OYTIOm. IMe Feeley, Scarr Helvw1gfoeld
CHOrP. 153
CPA disbands, FBLA is on the move
able ro increase rhe1r success. The
Ousiness orgonizorions borh
flopped and rhrived. CPA disband- club, from rhe fjrsr meering of rhe
ed while FOLA hod one of irs mosr year, focused on r e compe 1rion.
They began preparrng i medioresuccessful years.
CPA (o club for furure Cerrified ly Their early preparorion paid off.
Public Accounronrs) hod irs ups bur For rhe r ird year in o row, FOLA
e o verall regional compenmosrly downs. Ar rhe beginning of wo
enrs ro
rhe year, former club advisors Lesrore
roy Anderson and Malcolm
Senior Jamie Vollmer com Young co/led on orgonizorionol
meering. Several srudenrs orrend- menred, · 'FOLA Sr re cbmperiria
gave me o c nc o furrher de
ed To rhe advisors surprise ,
velop my skills In lmpro pru
rhough, rhose who showed up
Speo!fing, and we also hod o greor
were unwilling ro give rheir rime ro
rime ploying Schmuclf in rhe hallsupporr rhis club.
Mr. Anderson said, "We're hopway. "
In Green Ooy e studenrs exing ro srorr up again nexr year.
Srudenrs ore busy w1rh orher clubs perienced educorio in o differenr
and rhey hove jobs so rhey ore , lighr They learned hrough co
peririon and wor!fshops rhor were
unable ro find rime ro porricipore in
offered or rhe annual evenr. Ousi·
rhe ocriviries w e hove done in prior
ness leadership wos srressed by
years. We con'r do ir wirhour rhe
reochers and guesr speolfers alike.
srudenrs "
Comperirion wosn 'r rhe only
FOLA, on rhe orher hand, was
OLA Presidenr, senior Michelle Mann
donores JUST as much nme and efforr, 1f
nor more, Thon some of rhe mosr oc·
rive members. She helped rhis senior dnzen
scan her Oingo cord in search of rhe winning
154 F!lLA/CPA
hile manning rhe popcorn srand,
senior Aaron Sens fills a bog full
of popcorn for himself ro enJOY
Mony orher FOLAer's also helped in rhe
soles efforrs rhroughour rhe year ro raise
money for club acnviries
projecr rhor FOLA underrook Service was anorher D:JO)or goof of rhe
e l e d Meals on
cf b . Th ey
Wheels on Sorurdoys, and spenr
rime wirh rhe e!dely or loco! nursing omes ployftlg Di go several
rimes during r e yea .
7i i reen of ' e mosr ocrive srudenrs also orrended rhe Norrh-Cenrral NoTlonol Le.a dership conference in Springf/.e ld, Illinois . Club
Pres1denr Michelle Mann said rhor
rhe e;<perie ce was ''very helpful"
de elopmenr of leadership
club members joined
lr.i April
1n he effort ro oise money for
ARK (Animal Rehobilirorion Kinship)
by porriclporing ir.i eirher rhe Typeo hon or WoUf-o-rhon. Club members who chose o rype roolf five
mil] e rimed writings, being paid
for rhe number of words per minure or jusr o ser omounr If ryping
wosn 'r rheir srrong poinr, rhey
could wollf rhe 1. 5 mile course from
Orodford ro 52nd Srreer, where
rhey sropped and ore or rheir fa·
vorire fosr-food resrourounr for
lunch . They gor pledges from
friends and family in supporr of
Severo! club members wenr on
o field rrip along wirh rhe COOP
srudenrs ro Allsrore Insurance Company 1n Illinois. They learned hands
on from rhe people 1n rhe worlf
force obour business opporruniry
In June rhe club hod rheir annual
year end bonquer where rhey
honored rhe mosr ocrive srudenrs
in rhe orgonizonon They also gave
away o scholarship ro one of rheir
college bound seniors. by Michael
ffenng her rime, senior Brenda
Lang serves cookies ro one of rhe
senior cir1zens or a local nurS1ng
home ofrer on inrense game of [31ngo. mLA
wenr ro rhe nursing homes several rimes
during rhe year ro enrerro1n rhe elderly
"F[)LA is a wonderful experience. Ir hos roughr me a lor
obour rhe world of business
and my own communiry Ir
was fun being a member "
-sophomore Mike Modorno
" F[)LA hos been a greor experience for me. I learned
and compered in several
evenrs or borh regional and
srore comper1non. I also enjoyed beingwirh Mr
Glynn." -senior Jim Medino
" F[)LA is near, and Mr
Glynn morivored me ro
rake fourrh place in rhe Accounring comperirion or rhe
srore levedl 1n Green ooy "
-senior Par Peltier
Ton-> Londenberger
Al phoros by Joann GerrvneH
FDLA, (fronr) Pam Duffo. ~Covell, f\obn Men<Y..o. Joo
llcshop, Jenny Gerloch, Oerh Perry, Maxne Amro. Cloudoo
Tenure. Jenny Konroo Chro Wede. Srephonoe Easrmon.
Tracy Krouse. Tnoo Cook. Andrea Abrohom!on, Kely
Horuen (2nd) ~yon Douglas. Elzoberh Herrero. Sracy Gas
ser. Cncty Morley Lynerre Colr6, .ue Oenz. il<ooke ~ob
bins. Kro l\osenboun, Chro Wede. Jenny Droke. Dove
Mrl<.ey ~eriee ~O>ko.
f\ovelo. Mooho Hinrsolo
(:lrd ) Jason Hassel. Tm Oaldwn. Jenny Olson. Sandro Shot
for Tracy Shougtv>e5Sy, Km Wolden. Kerne hghom, v.,.
ronco Salerno, .Im Medina. Tara Tower, Dove Giordarlo,
.Im llcshop. Acron ~. Am Clodef Eyvonne LeOow
(bock) Jenny Wnrz. Mdiele foh. ll<endo Long. HetO Wlkomm. Eve DeOorroo. Lelond Kreurz. Joan Pocem. Jenny
Mo.J. Jenny Oores. Per Pelner, John f1omery 0 G Horvor.
Mk Madorno, Terrence Oel
" Through SPY. I've learned
rh1ngs rhor will benefir me
when I'm finished wirh
school and move on ro rhe
real world. I've mode a lor
of friends ond I've ·earned
much from rhem. " - junior
Dave Riva
"I always rry ro do my besr
and be perfecr I hl~e ro
draw and rearrange rhe
loyours for rhe people secnon. Ir conger a irrle chooric bur everyrh1ng evenruolly works our " -junior Jeni
"Oe1ng able ro soy rhor I
hove somerh1ng 1n rhe SPY
1s prerry cool. The boolHeolly gives [)rodford a name.
f\eohmg rh1s, I pur my full
efforr 1nro all of rhe sporrs
oss1gnmenrs rhor I re
ce1ve " -senior Dan Waller
ing up rhe new Coke machine locor
ed 1n rhe field house corridor, senrors
Joe Passarelli and Dan Wolfer shore
a rghr momenr The odd1non of rhe mo
chrne broughr more selecnon for srudenrs as
well as much needed rncome for rhe voro
cious SPY occounr
SPY, (front) Cloudo0 Pre>ro. 5heolo Lup, Lndo Spehar Jo
mie Voi'ner
Louie Ferraro. Carolyn Schroeder Nancy
Gentz. JOO Glorzky Srephon•e Henn<1gfeld, Oerh Adeben
( 2nd) Srocy Addams. Ko"e l\osenbocm, Scan Ark<lS,
Wendy Nuzzo_ Nancy Schend. Amee Mo.Jrer >..>e Co
Tom Tho<pe. Louro Prde. Amy Arrl:xa-,e ( bo ck) Joe
Grll'TIE'S, Don Wolter, Dove f\rvo. Enc Sreeie, Mike Orh.
~usry Froeber. Joe Possorel~. Kew-i Sua. KeUy Dahl. Heidi
Photographers : ( front) DorY'IO Ooencher Kham Khomlo
soben. Joom Ge<rmei Steve Cmo. 0.1 Nevoro9<J ( bock )
Ctvis Evon~. Todd Jenewe1n, Tom Landenberger Jeff Loo
SPY combines work, fun to be unique
Lore mghrs and doughnurs.
Worf{ and fun. This combinorion
proved rhor rhe SPY was nor on
ordinary club.
Firsr, rhe work Hours of diligenr
ofrer-school war/{ were necessary
for rhe mojoriry of SPY sroffers.
''When rhe supplemenr spreads
were due, we sroyed unril 10
P.M.," commenred senior co-Srudenr Life ediror Kelly Dahl.
"Wor/{1ng in business pur o for of
respons1biliry on my shoulders, "
srored junior Claudia Presta . "Oes1des managing business affairs, we
hod loyours and copy ro do. Ir
wosn'r as easy as 1r loo/{ed!"
The oddirion of o Co/{e machine
1n rhe fieldhouse added onorher
source of income-and worry-
for rhe SPY Senior Joe Passarelli
roof{ charge of filling ir and /{eeping
rroc/{ of rhe machine expenses.
Keeping peace wirh each orher
while /{eeping everyrh1ng 1n per
spec( e w
')ob wirhin irself. Senior Heidi Willkomm, managing
he job of m nng
"She was always ofrer me,
grinried pnlor Mike Orth ''/ was
always or /eosr rwo or rhree wee/{s
lore on my spreads!"
Seniors Amy Ambrose, Beth
Adelsen and Rusty Froeber,
along wirh Will/{omm, funcrioned
as boo/{ editors. Ade/sen deolr wirh
copy, Ambrose handled rheme,
and Fraeber loyour. The quorrer
reamed up ro reach rhe new sroff
ers and ro bring obour conrinuiry.
Hoping ro follow rrodirion, rhe
SPY sroffers worfred ro once again
achieve rhe All-American raring A
full color senior secr1on, o brand
new spring supplemenr onorher
s ccessful al c ool slide show~ and
4 aew /OM~ ro be 1nsrolled over
rhe su mer were changes rhor
promised connnued excelfence.
Now for rhe fun. Wirh deadlines
complered, sroffers were reword
ed w1rh o donur run. Upon rare
occasion, pizza would please polerres. Nor ro menrion rhe candy
bars Passarelli always seemed ro
be how/{1ng Fun and food
seemed synonymous.
The 6rh hour phorogrophy class
also fed on o dier of wor/{ and fun.
Wirh only 12 phorogrophers,
quoliry mode up for quonriry Srudenrs learned rhe basics during rhe
Nrsr few wee/{s of school Then
hours were spenr shooring, developing, and pnnring ro ger rhe besr
possible resulrs.
Phorogrophers faced some sacrifice. Evening ocriv1r1es, wee/fend
sparring evenrs, and hosrile reochers were all porr of rhe wor/{.
Our fun rhe phorogrophers hod
as well When rhey weren 'r in rhe
dor/{raom, rhey ployed Schmu/{ 1n
rhe Morgue or Wheel of Forrune
on rhe Apples.
There is no easy way ro sum up
o group /i/{e SPY. Maybe, all wor/{
and no ploy mof.{es Joe/{ o dull
boy::> by Nancy Schend
o find o mix of phoros for rhe spring
supplemenr seniors Amy Ambrose
ond Kevin Suro s1fr rhrough rhe doz-
ens of conrocr sheers filed 1n rhe SPY office
The 24 poge supplemenr wos 1nmored ro
provide srudenrs w1rh some ourogroph
spoce before rhe end of rhe school yeor
nrenr on f1rnsh1ng his sporrs secrion OSS19n·
menr, junior Eric Steele enrers rhe copy
for rhe Morch deodhne on on Apple lie In
odd1r1on ro rhe Apples, nexr yeor srudenrs
will be worl~1ng wlfh IOM's 1n o move ro
word desl<rop pubhsh1ng
DECA extends its tradition of excellence
''T-T T Todd
, " a rap undersrood only by
OECA members, could be heard
from rhose members who qualified for srare comperirions.
This was only one way OECA
parricipanrs expressed rheir enrhu
siosm Mr Jeff McCauley once
again led rhis aspiring group of sue
cess-hungry reenagers.
To /~icl~ off rhe year, OECA held
irs annual marl~ering picnic for all of
rhe marl~ering classes. Ir gave
members on opporruniry ro ger ro
/~now rhe1r fellow members.
The Zig Ziglar seminar held on
Ocrober 20 was one of rhe m0Jor
evenrs of rhe fall Senior John Miceli commenred ''Ir was meanr ro
morivare us ro oe rhe besr we
could be. His morro was l'U see you
or rhe rap!"
The co per1t1ve side of DECA
was also s~ ong Mini-compen;ions
were held or Whirewarer and
Dradford ro give new me bers a
boosr of confideace Disrricr comperirions were held or Greenfield
and Madison on January 7 and 21.
Our of Oisrricrs came rwenryrhree Srare Qualifiers. Six seniors
and sevenreen juniors wenr ro
DECA, (fro nt) Elsa Zlk>WSki. Y"'-"9 Hu lee. TCXJO 'iloler
M>chehe Presrr,; Hed Henen, Enco Sanchez. Jemofer
Monremxro. Knsro IW:Jxey. 5u<on Mdnryre. Amy OddWr1
(2nd) Sreph<ne Oosco, Amy Kfi<porrd<, Sheri Eppong, No
heed GM'eshl l\o5elo l\ovello. ~ochoel Acer!:>, Tony M>
e Sr<JN<e, Heorher McCroe. Goroo<:l<dl Lisa
Ousche . .Ue llenrz. Emiy Heller llab Songer. l\enee
l\osko, Meiloo Sooc:edo. Dove Mrl<ey , Don Mrl< . T05ho
Oel, KelllTl Hyorr (track) Chad Ziehnski. l\on Koroka>h.
Yvonne leCkl<e. Stoey Hal, IAf<e M<xrone, ~yon Douglas.
Joe Werwoe . .Im <>gon. et... Smrh. Cm Tolefree
orking or rhe K1nsh1p dinner is
hordly a rosl~ for Junior Tonja
Slater Sheondorhercommirree
members found a sense of pride ond hoppiness by helping underprivileged children in
rhe Kenosha area
a. ngroruloring her porrne. r, senior Jamie Vollmer beams proudly or sen·
1or John Miceli airer rol~1ng second 1n
rhe Choprer Public Relorions Team Evenr
The DECA Srore Career Developmenr Con·
ference was held 1n Oconomowoc on
Morch 2 4
158 DECA
Madison in hope of mal~ing ir ro rhe
Narionals did nor prove ro be as
much of a success as in orher
years. Two Dradford srudenrs, senior Carrie Wegner andjfJ ior Na.
heed Qureshi broog r bo e
honors fr
For rhe firs rt e In Dradfor'i::J his
rory, OECA sponsbred Horono Al
ger YourhOay. Senior Denise Redfern was chosen ro receive rhe
OECA also gave rheir rime for
communiry work Once again, rhe
group roo/~ full responsibiliry for rhe
Junior Miss Pogeonr. The club parricipared in rhe school-wide cool~ie
drive rhar wenr ro rhe vererans
locared across Wisconsin; in facr,
McCauley's marl~ering class easily
donared rhe mosr cool~ies.
l~inship was also a major parr of
OECA. Members gave free rime ro
"adopr " a few younger children
who could nor do many rhings due
ro financial reasons. Foorball
games, picnics, and orher special
evenrs were organized for rhe
/~ids. by Nancy Schend
"DECA helped me deode
l'f10ny rhings for college I
know rhor a morkenng mo
jor 1s whor I om going ro
srrive for "-senior Carrie
"DECA gave me a berrer
view on whor choices I
hove 1n life Anyone who
hos rhe will ro succeed will
succeed " -senior John
"My fovor1re porr of DECA
was compenng Ir was also
on experience ro meer
hundreds of people from
around rhe counrry " senior Dillie Fox
hrough her D.ECA rro1n1ng, senior Ami
Maggio was able roger OJOb or Joe
Andres She 1s expecred ro work rhe
cofe, file, and do rhe 1nvenrory 1n rhe shop
onremploring obour how she will be
able roger or her lobsrer dinner, junior Amy llaldwin shores a IK]hrheorred gnn. Toking nme off from gruelng
compennons enabled DECA members ro
enJOY rhe finer sides of 1fe Ooldw1n com
menred, "Norionols were greor! Once I was
able roger or rhe lobsrer ir was good, rool"
Jeff Loorrvs
DECA: (front) 0. e Fox. Camile Ch10pperra, Am• Maggio, Carol Sloter Amy Wosrlewski. Knsrne r\osenboum. John Miceh, Come Wegner , Oobby Orooks, Jamie Vollmer, Mike Horne. Det16e
f\edfern. Tracy Chnsrmon (2nd) Joe ~e·1. Ge<-. Krebs. Jenny Haner, MK:hele Ketver Don DJ<Xgevic. Jenny Oerg. Julie Tombom1no. Maxine Arma. Arny Adam>. Jenny \pile<, undo
Spehar Hecrer Navam Joe Kim (3rd) Came Dovo. Held• Zorn OavOO Presro. Amy l\.ce. MIChe<le Sludey Jarn>e l\emer.
Pru lcozzaro. Seari l\yan, Sieve Cma. Jeff Looms. Jeff 0...rer
Lora HaW. Sandy l\omo (bock) Mar<y lo<•nghoff. A DeW11r , Wendy Oefl Hea1her Nakerez Eric Sreeie Narhaf\ Ander>IJn,
Amee"""°'"'·.lm G-ube . OrlO' Sw"'1ok George Prb
DECA 159
hile. performing in Dromo Club's
producnon of The Morchmoker,
junior Li sa DeFazlo woves
owoy sophomore Heather Gasciogne,
her frnrhful servonr
"/ was 1n Dromo I and Mr
Srunno suggesred I rry our
for rhe Lorrery I om glad I
did since I mer mony new
poeple ond hod a lor of
fun. ' -sophomore Aaron
"I lil~e enrerro1n1ng people
by being in ploys. Drama
and Forensics helps me
communicore much ber
rer " -sophomore Keith
"Even 1f a person 1sn'r in rhe
ploys. ir is sn1I fun ro help 1n
rhe prepororions for rhem
Drama Club doesn'r only
mean ploys Ir 's a 1or
more" -senior Tricia Murphy
n rhe ploy Sorry. Wrong Number. Sergeonr
Duffy (senior Joe Grimes) rol~es a coll from on
old vvomon gurnor Erica Sanchez). who hos
overhead a murder plor
e Ul 1ng
Drama and Forensics show their colors
Ir was a rebuilding year for Oro
mo and Forensics. No, rhey dldn'r
build rhe Grear Woll of Chino or
even rhe Golden Gore Oridge, bur
rhey did rebuild rheir clubs.
Drama Club, headed by Nick
Sturino, needed more srudenrs n
valved since a large number of
members hod groduored rhe year
The firsr ploy Drama Club per
formed was The Lorrery, a oneocr
comperirion ploy Comperirion began locally, and ofrer passing on ro
rhe nexr level rhree rimes, The Lor
rery advanced ro srore comperi-
rion. Ar srore, rhe one-ocr ploy
won rhe All-5rore A word, which is
rhe highesr award possible
The LQrre.ryrhen combined wirh
rwo orher one-oc prays for ·'An
Evening of One-Acrs" Forryrwo
cosr and crew members r:ir:oc tee
rhree rimes a wee/~ for wo ours
each ro mol~e rhe producriO
''The one-ocrs were so mu
fun robe in We goofed around o
/or, bur we pur rogerher o good
producrion," said junior Sue
Afrer rhe one-ocr ploys 5rurino
decided ro rum rhings around o bir
by purnng on a full lengrh producrion. The ploy chosen, The Morch
mol~er, hod fifreen cosr members.
Oesides ploys, Drama Club was
nvo/ved in many orher rhings
One wash oding for rhe Dig Apple
over Thonl~g1 ing breol~, where
rhe y root~ in rjiree Oroodwoy
Forensics also spenr much of rhe
year reor9oniztn9 There were
well over J O m embers on rhe Forensics ream, many being f1rsr rime
members. There were 14 coregories rhor rhe srudenrs could chose ro
compere 1n.
The Forensics ream compered
or sub-disrricr and disrricr comperi
rion, where rhey conrinued rheir
yearly rrodinon of excellence
The losr level of compermon wos
rhe srore level Sue Oenter re
ceived rhe Cnrics' Choice A word,
which is for a perfecr score of 25.
Oenrer compered in sroryrelling
Drama Club and rhe Forensics
Teom did so well rebuilding rhis
year rhor maybe nexr year rhey
could rocMe rhe Grear Woll of Chino or rhe Golden Gore Oridge. by
Katie Rosenbaum
Drama: (front) Michefe Nedweskt, l.ts.o DefOZJO. Ai5on
Oban. Domolloem:hef TrooM<TrJ-iy(2nd )Cms Wade.
Louro Sen-vow Maro ~
Werv;jy Oasnup_ Kely
M1¥r0t1 (3rd) Sandy Go!o. Mel<oo Kefiey Coleen f\uebsa
men. Scarr Co<'ley (bock) Oren< Jor>es. Ke.Th Gray_ Joe
Sieve &no
Forensics: (front) Chr6 ~e. Tracy Kohlotf, Tno Pore
Mmelle Polmen Arny Mo:yo. CTYT'k Ci'ooperro. Arny
Wa.>ewsl<>, f\olph NuO (2nd) Dorn.r:rl Vo<ennne. Enco Sanchez. Tom Thorpe. Coleen f\uetY..omen. Werv;jy !lasrrup_
Dome lloerrchef. 5ue Oosche< Ka<' Seponsl« (3rd ) Dean
no Hcimgren. Heorhe< Noei<rY. Yoiondo Jackson Arny
Arra""" Tnao Ml¥rJ1y Keiey T"° Gooey Tracy
Cosree, Werv;jy Del (bock) Joe Grmes. f\oymond Wog
gns. Scarr Gt>e<r 5ue Oenrer Oren• lor>es. Ml<.e Horoe
Acron Maisch. Ke1rh Gray Toro Turco
5reve &no
unng rhe rryours for rhe one-0cr
ploys, JUn<or Lisa DeFazio shows
sophomore Arlan Owens where ro
beg•n reading from rhe scrip
St. Louis says, ''I Want Your Sax!''
Thor's exocrly whor Sr. Louis gar
w1rh senior Shawn Delacy or rhe
Norionol Music Compenrion. He received rhe ''Desr Soloisr in Jazz''
award, which he definirely deserved.
Delacy was nor rhe sole winner
or Sr. Louis. Orodford's jazz sax and
rhyrhm secrion was selecred as
besr overall, and rhe jazz ensemble received o superior raring.
They were also recognized as besr
in sighr reading
In oddirion ro rhe Sr. Louis Fesrivol of Music comperirion, rhe bonds
held o w1nrer concerr and o spring
concerr and performed or school
assemblies and rhe Oond-o-romo
Ar rhe spring jazz concerr, ~ e
elecrrifying flurisr and soxophon1sr
Denis DiBlasio mode o guesr op
In oddirion, o cloriner rrio, consis
ing of seniors Beth Adelsen , Cindy Fairbanks, and Sara Uecker,
was one of rhe evening 's high
lighrs. A composirion called ''0/ues
Essay, " performed by seniors
Mike Waite, Jon Viola, Cedric
Andrews, and Shawn Delacy,
also gar people's roes rapping
The George Monupello scholar
ship was given ro rrombone player
senior Mike Waite . Senior Shawn
Delacy received rhe John Phillip
Sousa scholarship for his oursrond
ing rolenr. Seniors Jon Viola and
Defocyolso won )oz scholarships.
·'Mr Sabo encourages us ro do
more rhon jusr ger by, " commenr
ed Delacy, ''bur ir definire!y pays
''fr is rorofly overwhelming
when over sixry musicians who
hove been worlfing exrremely
hard pur rogerher award winning
inspirorionol music, " srored Viola.
"The symphony bond hod
many new members wirh o greor
rrodirion ro uphold. They come
rhrough wirh flying colors, "said direcror Alex Sabo.
The rrumper secrion was very
young rhis year. ''Coming from junior high where we only per·
formed rhree or four pieces and
JUmp1ng ro ploying rwefve pieces
was o very difficulr swirch ro
molfe, " commenred sophomore
rrumper Jason Ottum .
Which molfes rhe magic in Sr
Louis even more amazing
"The bond hos been exciring,
fun, and challenging. The rhrill of
winning 1n Sr Louis wtll always remain wirh me, " commenred seniorCon n ie Dinges. by Jodi Glitzky
Sym phony Bo nd , (fro nr) Susan Suter Down Delf.eld.
v""""° Wood>. Ka..... Wermeing. Cynrt-.o FO<bonks.
Dem Adelsen. Soro Ued<er, Audrey Grmes. Camelo
Schwalbe (2nd) loorv1o M.cei. M<:hele Hourz. NO<kl Flow·
ers. Morey Spmghoff Tracy Chnsrmon. Denina Lobonow
Km Foortxrl<S. Jorrme Granger. Joce Froeber Down Car
r.-.ghom . Heber! . lXldo Pofahl, Colleen Cosreel (3rd)
Knson Lorson. Jone Honung. Water W""'on . Tmorhy Lor
son Com<> IX>ges. Matthew llrond. Wayne Oombeou.
Morhew ~ Shown Delacy. f\yon 5hod<elford
(4rh ) More f\osmussen , Joe >rurno. Marsha Honoolo. A'
mee Alwardt MJ<e Stuon. Ench Schafer, Jason Orrum.
f\icl>e Allen. Cednc Andrews. Pou Tomsheck. Ctvis Uren.
Don 0...rer Jer-nrrer Montemuro. f\ondy Longer (bock )
1'od< Zam. !loon Gahan . Sean Genock. Scan Schroeder
Jomes 5rerholf. Kevin Aney . Alex Sabo. Jon Voo. John
Dorry . .loei f\ondeou
Concert Bo nd: (fron r) Liso Naef, Heorher Noekr'Y, Srar
"' f\ondeou. JOO Ded<er. Marsha Huis.sen . Jo><>
John Dorry Stephen Slough•er Cory llrCYldolse (2nd ) f\ob-
en Semer. Serg.e Fec>c. Tlly Pock. John Dundy Charles
E<Mer Terry Hod<booh ( bock) Enc Tndol, John Hudson .
Ctv!Slopher DeHoven. Alex Sabo
Joz.z Bond, (fronr ) Jo Vdo. Shown Delacy Mon llrond.
Lorson .
>do Poloh f\yon 5hockeford (bock) M<ke
Hon , NO.Zahl , Jer-ny Mu°'teroorro. Joe5tur"°. Po..j Tom
shed<. Eroeh Schaffer M<ke Woore. Marsha Honrsolo. Cedrx:
Andrews . .loei f\ondeou
Joann Gemmel
162 BAND
olo1ng or rhe A_nnuol Jozz Fesr1vol held
or Tremper High School, senior Shawn
Delacy ploys his soprano sax while senior Jon V iola accompanies hm.
" MuSic is on imporronr parr
of life Ir reaches me discipline and allows me ro excel in life."-1\ichie Allen
"Mr Sabo works us hard ro
ger our full porennol our of
us We ore very dedicored
and worl~ hard ro morno1n
roMr Sobo'ssrondords"C1ndy Fo1rbonks
"Winning or S Louis hod ro
hove been rhe h1ghlighr of
rhe year W1rh oil rhe procnces and rhe comper1non I
felr sorr of "blown away"
by 1r all "-Shown Delacy
1e1gh fl.1de" 1s being ployed or rhe Orod
ford Audironum during rhe bond's w1nrer concerr In rhe Chnsrmos mood
wirh rhe1r Sonro Claus hors on ore sen10r Jon
V iola and JUnior J. C. llerryllerry, JeanClaude Ploying rhe rrombone w1rh JUnlOr
Joel Rondeau nexr ro him is Junior Dan
r rhe W1nrer Cancer or rhe [)rod
ford oudironum, sophomore Ryan
Shackelford blows on his bonrone
sox The piece being performed is "Von-
onon on a Korean Foll~ Song
Tom Landenberger
Tom La>Oenberger
BAND 163
resenflng a g1fr seniors Jim Oishop and
Lisa Sreel soy goodbye ro Mr Schripsemo or rhe1r final orchesrro concerr
or Orodford
ord or procrice for rhe upcoming
spring concerr ore Junior Melissa Saucedo and sophomore Mike Haubrich.
who ore resnng rhe1r v101ins ro mol~e sure
rhey ore 1n rune
"Orchesrro hos been a demanding program rhor hos
won a vonery of awards
because of ded1cored srudenrs and reochers. I've enjoyed being port of irl" senior Jim Bishop
"Orchesrro is exomg because 1r's differenr from
bond srudenrs ore berrer
oble ro express rhemselves
musically -junior Korie
Wermel ing
"I've hod some 1nreresnng
rimes w1rh rhe Orchesrro
Music 1sn'r rhe only rh1ng
you learn; you learn ro oppreoore orhers' rolenrs." senior Wally Wiesztort
Award winning Orchestra wins again
They couldn'r help bur rolfe firsr
place or Sr. Louis. The Drodford
Chamber Orchesrra scored rhe
comperirion inro nor even showing
up for rhe conresr, and of course
rhey roolf firsr in every coregory.
Orher schools rhor may hove
wonred ro compere learned rhe1r
lesson in Dosron rhe year before
The winning formula come from
a combinorion of greor rolenr and
dedicorion. The members of rhe
award winning Orchesrra, wirh
rheir perfecrionisr orrirudes, blend
ed o sound rhor would hove mode
Dach and Deerhoven happy "Ev
eryone worlfs well rogerher, and if
you don 'r, Schrips molfes you' So
we learn ro worlf wirh orhers, "
commenred senior Lauro Pride
Pracrice was rhe orher major
conrnburing focror ro rhe success of
rhe Orchesrra "We prarnce or
leosr forry-five minures a doy on
orchesrra and more for u com1 g
performances PersonoHy I pracnce
ploying some !find of music obo r
on hour every day," said sop o
more Rachel Schripsema .
The Orchesrra ployed for sever
of occasions rhroughour rhe year.
They ployed or rhe Winrer Concerr
before rhe enrire school The
Chamber Orchesrra also ployed for
several choriry funcrions mosrly for
!<.iwonis. They held rheir annual
Spring Concerr on Moy 18 for rhe
general public. The Orchesrra also
pfoyed or rhe year end Honors
Convocorion and or rhe Gradu
ori(){) c remon1es
Senior Nancy Dunn won rhe
orionol Orchesrra A word, which
w as vored on by rhe orher mem
bers of rhe Orchesrro for her hard
w orlf and dedicorion ro rhe group.
She was also rhe Presidenr of rhe
club/music group Nancy also re-
ceived o $500 scholarship from rhe
Universiry of WisconsinPorlfside for
her excellence and ochievemenr
in music.
The winning conrinued wirh sen
iors Jim Oishop ond lisa Steel gor
nering rhe Kiwon1s award for music
merir; borh srudenrs also received
scholarships from rhe Schuberr Club
for rheir musical rolenr
The Orchesrra 's winning ways
will hopefully conrinue in rhe furure, bur if rhe success declines, rhe
memories will remain of rhe oword
winning Orchesrro of 1989 by Michael Orth
Orchestra : ( fronr) Kim Wal!i. lorele T~. Dana Ander
son Mke Houbnch, CnO Daus. M""5o 5ou<edo. Sandro
l1omon M<'dy 'iobefg. He.a Zorn. l.rdo Kenslef , l\oche<
Schnpsemo . .lm Ooshop. Holy Ashley Lor Covet, Jason
YO<X>g. Amy Ooklwin, Je<Ty Sierer ( 2nd) A,.,., Wells. Oev
~ . V111oro Fonre. Chns Gcbon To-a Uphi, l\o
che Page, Wnono Kee<s Tro Sreeie Everre Sopp, Tiffany
1'e!son . .le<vly Wnrz. Tracey (OSleel, llrendo lAc!«. Meisso
Ferroron, l.l!ia Sr~ Nancy Dur.1. Perer Olanc.o. Aaron
Meldo'l ( 3rd) Audrey Gemes. Down Delfeld. Sue Surer
Kore Wermelng. V""""° Larsen. Cindy Foorbom. Soro
Ued<er Oerh Adei5ef' Tracy Chrormon Woty W"'5Zroo
Jone Hanung, Knson L~ . Trovl!I VN!S, Sreven Moncw.
llrenr Dorenbecker Jm Woynol<o. Dovod Schrpsemo
(bock) Sean Genock. Scarr Sdvoeder, r-.lck Zd'vl. Kevn
Aney IM<e Sluorr. !\,chord Allen, Jason Orn.xn. Er<h
Schafer M.J<e Wore Pou Tomsheck. -
l\ondeou. Jon
Dome Doerrchef
eceiving rhe Narional High School Or
chesrra Award senior Nancy Dunn
is cheered an by her fellow Orcesrra
members or rhe 5pnng Cancerr Pres1denr of
rhe Kiwanis Club, Dave Singer presenrs rhe
•rh his boss 1n hand or rhe Spring
senior Brent Doren-
becker concenrrares on rhe mu-
SIC sheer and ploys ro perfecr1on along wirh
rhe resr of rhe Orchesrra
oncenrronng on her balance, ;unior Morla Gifford corr
peres ogoinsr Milwoul~ee fl.1vers1de Tech 1n the firsr Mil
wou!~ee area conference gymnosrics meer Ir was o
c!eor sweep wrh Orodford earn '"'9 1sr 2no ono Jrd place 1n oil
~our evenrs
eocnng for r.he :op.J.urwv Troy Fabiano '' iger.rolls rfce
bv!I for •wo po1rrs 0901ns1 Harri': or Ely defecting Horr
ro.-, 77 tJJ. r.-,e Devils secured second 1n corference
'urure successes !eo rherri ro rne f:na:s or seC' rinoi a hear:
breoK;ng one 'Jwoy from srcre for rhe secol"ld 'rro19hr year
o mo, 'Ve 'Tieenng of manpower, sophomore David Sauceiia 1cores o near foll, while Jewel Abbor of Cose prepores ro
reverse rhe ocr1on 1n o wresrling march rhor Orodford won.
'Red Letter 'DaBs
Boys' Soccer ................................................................................................. 168
Cross Country ............................................................................................... 170
Boys' Basketball ........................................................................................... 180
Wrestling ...................................................................................................... 182
Girls' Soccer .................................................................................................. 198
Girls' Softball. ................................................................................................ 196
irh rhe use of hrs foncy foorwork,
Junior Troy Fabiano dazzles Mil·
wou1~ee Tech's defense os junior Jeff Laurent owoirs o poss [lrodford
prevoiled in rhe 4-0 romp
Jeff Looms
Men's Soccer: (front) Enc Sorenson, Donald l.J1o. Derek
berger, Dave fl..1va. Troy Fabiano, Vesko Mlf'V<, MIChoel
Mehoffey Dor y OogdonovlC. Tony Molinaro. M "ke
Mofhey. Oryaf" Plvovor. Oob Orooks. Jeff Louren1 Cooch
. Ke>m Meroo. Dave Clrehm (back ) Pere Loh
Mens' JV Soccer: (front) Ph
St. Catherine
South (forfeit)
Milwaukee Tech
Bay View
Horlick (forfeit)
Hor lick
New Berlin West
3 1
1 0
1 1
2 0
1 0
3 0
1 1
1 2
4 1
1 0
11 0
4 1
1 0
3 1
5 1
0 1
3 0
0 1
1. Troy Fabiano 9 Goals 12
2. Eric Sorenson 12 Goals 6
10. Peter Lohberger 4 Goals
7 Assists
17. Derek Mehaffey 5 Goals
1 Assist
18. Tony Molinaro 5 Goals 0
27. Jeff Laurent 2 Goals 3
35. Vesko Minic 1 Goal 4 Assists
42. Kris Sorenson 1 Goal 2
Warnes. Niork l"\Q5ml ~. Jc n Shaffer Khomrahn ~ Fronk fl.~. I"\~
E.n " ErK L""""- t>a. Sc• •r Daw>O<' Ke>rh Lakv Id (back) ErK Sleeie. Dan"" llelangoa. Tony Cc<1 Jason Harr. 'i!eve
Warrre.. Sean M<rc:heL, Jan ~- Dan"" DpdftvK Cary Clranda>5e Coach Maxey
"People around the conference
said we weren't going to win
very many games , five at the
most. But we knew who we
had as players and what we
could do. So we kept our
heads up all season. "
- Kevin Metallo
Team Captains - David
Brehm, Peter Lohberger, Kevin Metallo
V"ickin' Season
~ ~
Team Takes Regional Championship
e refused
ro lose,"
soid senior
Bob Brooks
When a reom
scored on us we always come
The Red Devils Ifie/fed off rheir
season by purring rhis orntude ro
wor/f ogo1nsr Horr/and Arrowhead
Arrowhead was heavily fo
vored ro win since rhey hod rolfen second or srore rhe previous
year However, rhis did nor srop
Orodford os rhey upser Horr/and
J 1. Going 1nro rhe game Orodford wos inrimidored. ''/ wos real
ly nervous, " explained junior
rh1rd ream oll conference selec
rion Jeff Laurent, ''knowing rhor
Arrowhead hod mode ir ro rhe
srore finals four years in a row
We ifnew rhey would be o pow
Arrowhead was deflnire/y o
powe~owe, bw ~eyjwr
couldn 'r conroin Orodford's ex
plosive offense as junior Troy Fabiano evened rhe scoreby drill·
1ng o gool 1n from rwenry yards
Junior Eric Sorenson scored
rhe go-ahead goal by weaving
his way rhrough rhree Arrowhead defenders ond rhen efforr
tessly booring rhe boll inro rhe ner
rhrough rhe arms of rhe Arrow
head goalie
Sconng on insurance goo/,
sophomore Derek Mehaffey
pur Orodford ahead J-1 ond
gave rhem rhe win
For rhe fJrsr rime ever, Orodford won rhe Por/fside lnvironono/ w1rh a 4 0-2 record. The
Red Devils were led by rhe1r
powerful defense Throughour
rhe rournomenr, rhe Red Devils
of/owed only rwo goals.
Second ream all-conference
piclf junior Vesko Minic ond Fabiano were named ro
rhe ol/-rournomenr ream. The
rwo were also named rhe
ream's MVP's.
Fierce compenr1on was char
ocrerisric of rhe season, mosr of
which was supplied by Orod
ford's crossrown rival Tremper In
rhree meerings Orodford hod
one win, o loss, ond a rie
The fourrh Tremper meenng
was rhe b1ggesr one of rhe season. This final clash would decide
who would go ro rhe Regional
Wirh1n rhe firsr rwenry seconds
rhe ourcome of rhe game wos
decided os Fabiano rhreoded o
poss rhrough rhree Tremper defenders and onro rhe foor of
OroolfS, who crossed rhe boll jusr
posr rhe Tro;on goalie ond inro
rhe ner. Dy rhe end of rhe firsr
half, Orodford hod builr up o J 0
The second half was all defense for rhe Devils as rhe fear
some foursome, mode up of
M1n1c, ;un1or Mike Stanke, rh1rd
ream al/conference piclf senior
David Brehm , and second
ream all-conference p1clf senior
Kevin Metallo, held rhe Tr0ons
scoreless ro move onro rhe Re
gionol Finals.
The Devils dominored New
Oerlin Eisenhower 5-0 in rhe Re
gionol Championships os Fabiano
showed why he wos unoni
mously chosen firsr ream oll-con
ference by sconng four goofs.
Senior Peter Lohberger pur
rhe 1ong on rhe colfe os he
scored rhe final Gradford goof of
rhe seosor> Sophomore Danny
Bogdanovic chollfed up his rervh
shurour of rhe season in rhe ners
The ream's dream of going
on ro rhe srore rournomenr wos
ended obruprly by Racine Horlick. The Rebels handed Orodford
rheir rh1rd loss of rhe season as
rhey won 10 1n a climocnc shoor
"We hove norhing ro be
ashamed of," so1d Orehm. "Everyone conrribured ond ployed
well. I (will) never forger rhis year
for os long as I live.I by David
omebody cover hrnl" yells senior cocoproin Kevin Metallo as he d1recrs
rhe Orodford defense ogo1f'1Sr Milwau-
kee Pulosl'li. The f\ed Devils won rhe game
5-1 despire rhe rain and wind
sing his awesome speed and leaping
obij1ry,Junior Eric Sorenson bears Enc
Kunrzolmen (] of Tremper ro rhe
boll. Orodford losr rhe heorrbreol~er 2 1 bur
gor revenge by elrm1noring Tremper 1n rhe
regional playoffs
t's Definitely Tradition . ..
Girls Crowned County Champs- again!
eer pounding ogoinsr
rhe rroil, rhe girls mode
rhe1r way up rhe final
hill on rhe Solem Cenrrol H5 Cross
Counrry Course Huffing and
puffing, rhey emerged from rhe
woods, enrenng rhe final leg of
rhe race
"Thor's ,ft" yelled Coach
Mark " Oz" Aslakson as rhey
come 1nro view 'You four sroy
rogerher, and we gar ;rt"
Wirh rhose final encouraging
words, rhe girls pie/fed up rhe
pace In less rhon half o mile, rhe
counw championship would be
rheirs for rhe rh1rd year 1n o row
''Heonng Oz yelling really
helped me, ' said senior co-cop
rain Michelle Owsichek . ''I was
jusr obour cJying, bur I ifnew ir
was near rhe end "
Dy o slim margin of rhree
places, rhe girls squeolfed posr
Solem Cenrral, 5659
"/ rhoughr we could win, '
said senior co-coproin Sheila Peltier ofrer finishing fifrh and molfing rhe All Counry ream ''I
loo/fed over Cenrrol's rimes be
fore rhe meer I was o lirrle ner
vous, bur llfnew we could do ir. "
The Counry Meer was prob
ably one of rhe besr performances of rhe cross counrry
ream as o whole Junior Toun
Khomlasaben and sophomore
Jim Kidwell borh won rheir
races or rhe JV level while senior
co-copro1n Ron Losco led rhe
varsity w1rh o second place finish.
' 'The besr porr of rhe season
was lisrening ro rhe Qudges read
off rhe) scores or Counry," said
sophomore Matt Larsen "Everybody ran so well ''
The season was one of conrrosrs. While rhe girls enjoyed rhe
second-besr record in rheir hisrory, rhe boys srruggled wirh o /ocif
of deprh, rhe siruonon worsening
when Losco injured his hip rhe
weelf ofrer Counry or pracrice
"We hod o loclf of exper
ienced runners, ' commenred
senior co-coproin Dave Giordano 'Wirhour o /or of rolenr
you con 'r expecr greor rh1ngs.
8-12 Tremper Invite 3-11
Rebel Invite 5-10
5-15 Pulaski Invite 2-14
Angel Invite
9-10 W.A. Hale Invite 7-10
County Meet
13-14 Crusader Invite 14-17
6-9 Conference Meet 2-9
LINGO-rh a wish of good lucl~. Junior
Tammy Sylvester and sophomore
Angie Gonzales hug or rhe srarring
line JUST before rhe Conference Meer begins
Sylvesrer wenr on ro place renrh
raced for rhe srarr, seniors Oeth Ade 1s en and Tina Guid o , j u ni o rs
Tammy Sylvester and Martha Villalobos, sophomore Angie Gonza les, senior
Sheila Peltier and JUnior Miche le Kehrer
srep our rogerher or rhe Rebel lnvire or UW
" After it was over, I was so
happy. The championship belonged to us! "
- Angie Gonzales
We could never really produce o
ream efforr "
"Inexperience was rhe main
problem. agreed sophomore
Paul Torres "Nexr year our orrirudes will be berrer, and I frnow
our rimes will be fosrer. "
The Dig 9 Conference Meer
was rhe nexr resr for rhe girls
They managed ro run o close
race ogornr Racine Cose, bur
rhey hod ro serrle for second, o
mere five places behind champion Cose
Placing on rhe A/I-Conference
Teom were Pelrier and Owsi
chelf, f1rsr ream and junior
Tammy Sylvester and senior
Beth Adelsen, second ream.
''/ rhoughr before rhe meer
rhor I would do prerry well, "s0td
Sylvesrer. ''Heonng everybody
cheering helped push me."
Despire rhe conrrosring re
cords, Aslolfson felr rhe season
wenr well. ·'From o personal
srond-poinr, rhis was o mosr en
joyoble season " by Beth Adel-
-LEADERS MVP: Sheila Peltier, Ron
Most Improved: Beth Adelsen, Chad Ovitt, Matt Larsen
Rookie of the Year: Angie
Gonzales, Travis Vines
Team Runner: Tammy Sylvester, Renaldo Mendoza
Coaches Award: Tina Guido,
Michelle Owsichek, Dave
xhousted. senior She il a Pe lti e r
mol~es her way "through rhe 5hoor''
or M1nool~o Pork ofter climbing up The
Hi and f1n15h1ng her race The Hill refers to on
extremely steep hill located neor rhe end of
rhe course People lined rhemselves along 1r
to worch the girls run. climb. or crawl rhe1r
way up
Kham Khamlo;oben
1th a final bursr of energy senior
Ron Losco l~icl~ roword rhe fin·
15h ;ne a rhe M1lwou1~ee Pulaski
Jnwononol Losco led rhe boys' reom ro f1frh
place desp1re rhe unusually worm remperorures
Cross Counrry: (front) Tarvny Sytvesrer A OeWr Mf.
che<> Ke1 e
Mon ho V
llerh AdPOe< (2nd) u
Cro>by T
Oorrer DeOboe
Lehrl~. Lrro t-i<mel. Miehe e Ow• :he
Angie Goru:oles
G1embr : • Tno Gv<Jo. Shetlo P<;ir~ Coach As1ok
son (Jrd)
K.dwel' Croog K.e<pinskl Srephon Doud. I\"'
alck Me dozo. PO\ T·>l"res
e lU'T'E'O Olone Oolaro.
M ~e Pernm (back) R~ Losco. Lucas ZO"W"I
e 5rucrr
Chad 0,,.1r'
5ro1erna Dave Giordano Di evoraski
TroVIS V >e Dove 6..xk Sr eve Dahl Morr Larsen
erurn1ng rhe bol wirh a powerful
forehand sophomore Theresa
Werve srrives for rhe Conference
Chomp1onsh1p 1n # 2 doubles She and her
porrner, senior Joanna Miceli , serried for
second ofter losing ro Michelle Lodoso and
Cindy Oroesche from Tremper
ollow1ng rhrough wirh a devosror1ng
forehand, JUnior Jenny Baltes smash·
es rhe boll bocl~ ro her opponenr dur
1ng rhe Conference meer on Seprember 29
Oolres and her porrner, senior Billie Fox,
placed fourrh overall.
Junior Varsity Tennis: ( front) Teri Mdnryre Jernfer r\o
'""'°' Tornmy Gr zJoff , Amy Hooc>nger ( 2nd) Ko1hy Novn,
Amy Ambr< ise. Tl()Q 1\1.&. Susan Fowler Michelle Rimkus.
Jorn"' Scl'>e<'<l (3rd ) Cooch Chuck Werve. (t)(ly Dl.<rmer,
N(hole No
Korie Moc.lfer Kathy Gre1rentxxh. Sue Mi
Cei<, Peggy Md'.oe, Amy iJolV'1
All phoros by Chr6 Evans
alent Takes T earn
To Top, )V's Conference Champs
rimes. "
In conference meers, rhe girls
found rhe going rougher rhon
rhey hod onricipored Despire
rhe efforrs of number rwo doubles players, senior Joanna Miceli and sophomore Theresa
Werve , who received a second
place medal, rhe squad only
managed a fifrh place finish 1n
rhe Dig 9 Conference.
"Joanna and I borh hod ser
goofs ro win firsr place, bur we
were snJi proud ro wo/11 away
w1rh second," said Werve
Senior #1 singles player, Jodi
Glitzky sroyed on rop unril rhe
end She advanced ro Secrionols,
where she was sropped only
rwo marches shorr of Srore 1n a
close march w1rh Gaby Silvers
from rhe Lol1e Geneva Dodgers,
ur ream w.os very
forrunore ro hove
players w1rh such
greor ·olenr, "commenred ;unior
Karin Sepanski Tolenr showed
rhroughour rhe season and in
rhe final record of eighr wins and
rhree losses.
Ar rhe firsr quad of rhe season,
rhe girls proved mar rhe ream
was full of rolenred players by
ro/11ng firsr over rhe orher rhree
reams.· Milwoul~ee King, Union
Grove, and Milwoul1ee Homilron.
''Our ream nor only !1new
how ro procrice hard, bur we
l1new how ro hove a for of fun ''
s01d ;unior Tammy Gitzlaff
"The rwo wenr hand 1n hand
Since we wor/1ed hard, we felr
good obour ourselves, and rhe
good feelings mode for good
"Since ir was my firsr year on
rhe ream, I never expecred ro
mol1e ir as for as I did Ir was o
season /'// never forger, " sOJd
Glirzl1y, who managed ro rol1e
Roofoe of rhe Year by co/leering
22 wins
The junior vorsiry ream produced 1rs firsr Conference Cham
p1ons 1n rhe hisrory of Orodford ''I
feel very proud of rhe JV's sue
cess," said sophomore Jennifer
The JV's recoro was on oursronding ren wrn and one loss.
The ;unior vors1ry also received
firsr place in all four quads.
"Tnis was one of rhe besr
years I've hod as a rennis coach
because of rhe posinve orrirude
of every player, · remorl1ed
Cooch Charles Chatman by
Aimee Maurer
Vorslry Tenn is: (front) Konn Seponski, JcxlrYlO Nuce11 .Jodi
GhrzJ<y le<' Seorz (2nd) Cooch Chorrnon Wendy
Noocy Schend. Thereso We<ve. TilO I\"" (3rd)'ius<Yl Dre
melo. Je<v-Jer
°"''"'· !lo!e fox. Amee Ma.ser l\obn
Bradford Quad
1st of 4
0 7
Devils Quad
2nd of 4
Bay View
1 6
Red Devils Quad
1st of 4
7 0
4 3
Kenosha County Quad 1st of 4
7 0
6 1
Big Nine Tournament 5th of 9
4th of 8
8th of 16
LINGO-'' The team did so well this
year because everyone coop-
erated and helped cheer the
other players on. "
- Joanna Miceli
MVP:Jodi Glitzky
Most lmproved:Wendy Nuzzo
Most Dedicated:Theresa
Most Spirited:Joanna Miceli
Best Leadership:Joanna Miceli
Best Sportsmanship:Robin
Rookie of the Year:Jodi
Miss Hustle:Karin Sepanski
Most Wins:Jodi Glitzky
Coaches Award :Theresa
Werve / Nancy Schend
Captains 1989-90:Aimee
Maurer / Theresa Werve
oncenrronng inrensely on a m.arch
berween [)rodford and Tremper,
Cooch Chormon lers our a sigh of
relief or rhe chong1ng score
r rhe Homilron meer, senior Joann
Gemmell slices rhrough rhe worer
ro pace rhe f\ed Devils wirh o firsr in
rhe 200 freesry le Gemmell was lorer
named rhe eom's MVP
(2 (2
ed Devil Swimmers Kick • • •
Their Way into the Recordbooks
he focr rhor we
achieved o 5-J
record mof{es us
one of rl-ie besr reams in rhe
school's h1srory The girls wor/{ed
os o un1r ond were very coocho
ble " sroredcooch Franz Feldmeier
Nor orily did rhe vors1ry swimme's do well, bur rhe ;unior vors1
ry reo(Y) also mode 1r in rhe record boo/~s wirh on unprec
edenreo 71 mor/{. The ream
wosreo no rime in reg1:Srering
rhe1r firsr vicrory In rhe second
meer of rhe season, me girls
rro0nced Wh1rno1 Freshman
Kristi Lemerond led rhe ream
wi'h ·wo firsr plo e finishes
"Confererice Relays ond Nico/er
were rhe n1ghlighrs of rhe seo
so0 Almosr everyone swam
rhe1' besr ro give us o greor perforrrionce oil around. ·' sOJd senior Jacqui Wade
For rhe second year 1n o row
rhe Red Devils placed rhird our of
nine reams or Conference Re
lays The reams for rhe 200
freesryle, 400 medley, diving,
JOO bocl~srrol~e. ond rhe JOO
burrerfly relays oil finished rh1rd.
A new rwisr wos added in rhe
Tremper duo/ meer despire rhe
loss. True, rhe meer wos ogoinsr
TrefYlper, bur anorher spinred
comperirion roo/{ place berween
rhe Orodford seniors ond rhe underclassmen 1n which rhe seniors
prevailed 5eniorCher Schoettler
spor/~ed Orodford or rhe Confer
ence Meer by olocing rhird in rhe
100 burrerfly "Tne focr rhor I wos
seeded e1ghrh and rooh rhird
mode rhe Conference Meer rhor
much berrer. " so1d 5choerrler
The girls also had some addinonol exciremenr rhrown inro
rhe1r season. Trodirion wos cor
rieo on os rhe annual shower
room flooding roof{ place "We
would bloc/{ off rhe shower en-
rrance w1rh rowels. This rime we
moved rhe rowels and acodenrol/y flooded rhe ream room,
roo Ir was grear fun," explained
sophomore Camelo Schwalbe
Team spirir and close fnendship berween rhe swimmers
ployed a ma;or role ro rhe
ream's success. "Thor wos rhe
besr parr of being on rhe ream
your reammores They
were always rhere ro push you
ro do your besr. Their supporr
wos very imporranr, "commenr
ed ;un1or Emily Heller
Team honors wenr ro senior
Joann Gemmell and freshman
Krisri Lemerond wirh mosr valuable swimmers award. Mosr improved awards wenr ro Kirsten
Johnson Dawn Miller, and Morie Whyte "I was sorr of surprised I gor MVP, bur I won'r
complain," srared Gemmell
" This year was really special "
by Dan Walter
Kham Khomlosoben
ye1ng her opponenrs, sophomore
Mindy Solberg prepares ro pounce
on rhe Homilron W1ldcors 1n rhe 500
treesryle A rerurn1ng lerrerwinner, Solberg
was one of rhe ream's srrongesr swimmers
81 91
109 62
69 103
85 83
96 76
87 82
58 113
106 59
Rocket Inv .
8th out of 8
Conf. Relays
3rd out of 9
Panther Relays 5th out of 9
Racine Inv .
9th out of 9
Conf. Meet
4th out of 9
10th out of 13
" The overall record and the
closeness of the team made this ,,
year the great year that it was.
- Brenda Klofenstine
Kristi Lemerond
MOS T IMPROVED SWIM MERS: Kirsten Johnson, Dawn
Miller , Marie Whyte
Girls' Swimming, (fronr) Mone Whyre . Down MIUer HeO Maddox. K>rsien Jomson. Angelo AJfredson, Tracy Schulrz .
Heidy IXnornJ"VIC (2nd) Kron Lemerond . Corne Dzmelo. Jeonifer Ha.ser, .ue Wells , Camelo Schwalbe. Au&ey Grrnes.
Amy Oohoczek. Melosa Sommons (3rd) 0..endo Klolensrne. Mindy Solberg, JcJa1 Dersnoh. Em1y Heier , Kerry Wrgv ,
Koren .lockson, Michelle 'ireeie (back) Cooch Feldmeier, .lernfer Korowoy , Cher Schoemer. Tomme G-onger, Krnen
Armes. Down Deltield, Jacqui Wade. JcJa1n Gemmel. Cooch T'-"'Slro
enior Che r Schoettle r dives 1nro rhe
Conference Meer before f n1sh1ng Jrd
1n rhe 100 burrerfly
5ue Oenrer
igorously fly. ing her way ro rhe end
of her evenr, senior Down De Ifie Id
mal~es a big splash wirh a personal
Footbol h (front) l\oger Moron, l\ichord Herugen, Jason
Mehczek. l\ichord llecker, l\yon ~.Sam Dem
mer, Vyrqe Washngron. Oresr Carnevale (2nd) Caach
Du-rmer, llily Corney, Gero Perl<ins. Jeff l\o!.s. Don l\hey.
Todd Francis. Kyle l\aedef, Gary Daertl1nger, Coach
5taebe (3rd ) Cooch Taylar, DaveFunderbu1<. Jason IW:lrn·
ara. l\ab Feuker, Darnel FraZJer, Ted Kerkman, Mark Chavan, l\ondy lleckman, Scarr l\abbtns, Traoner Michele Van.
O'a( bock) iloo' Canon, l\U<S ~.Onan Oclvanek,
Enc Oruennong. PoU Kubod<i. Cl<ad Neu, Jm Oezarre. Caach
honge in command. Renring heed
coach, Horry Sroebe, rolks srroregy
wirh his successor, Tom Roders.
Sroebe will srep down ofrer leading rhe Red
Devils ro a conference chomp1onsh1p and
secnonol runners up. Roders will become
rhe Heed Cooch ofrer serving Sroebe as rhe
defensive coordinoror
ootball Team Gets lll a Fix
For the Final Record's only Three and Six
onooff ro #J5 He oursrs
rhrough rhe line ord oreaks
o rocl<.e. mckes a qu1cl{ cur
ond Oreo/{' one, rwo, :nree more roe'{·
/es, rvrns on rhe gos ond ourroces rhe
secol'dory for en eiecrr fying roudloown.1
Howeve· we o1 l{now rhor rhere
would ror be on Aoo•r wmour c Cos
re o, ;usr 11<e rhere woulo nor oe a C
·roil' w1rhour rhe offensive line ocring os
A rypicol Do Jocl'.Son run rhor com
bines power ono bursrs of speed, righr?
We' yes. bur rhese rypes of runs were
rc'9ng place for me dvoron a.' ·he foll
"ghr he•e O' Drodford
OK, maybe ser>10r Orion Cotton ~
no· ou1re Do Jod'.Son-yer Sponng o
s1rn1lc• musculo'ure ro rhor of Jocl'.Son,
rhis 5'11", 215 pound running boc/{
plowed rnrough oefenses os 1f
·hey were o moss of Foamy shoving
Eve., rhougn he was oe1ng recrured
by sc'JOOls rho• ore ricn in foo•ooll rrodi
rion s.xh cs Wisconsin. M1ch1gon lowo.
or.d /\eoros'<o \ne evenruol!y chose ro
orrend Norrhe•n llli,.,;os), Corron did nor
le' rhese of' me.field dsr•ornons nom·
per his on. •ne-'ield ourpur Jusr osl<
hs /ocomorove
Tne expener. .ed o 1senior ne, con
s1srngof Paul Kubicki, honorable me•
•ion ol' Dig 9 p1Cl{S Orad Neu ond Orion
Ochranek firsr reom all-conference se1ecr1on Russ Kirschbaum and Jim Oezotte, creo•ed gop1ng ho1es for CorrOJ
ro sreorr rhrougn.
The honorable memQrl o <:ore p cl<
Crro1n ond 'remen were 'ghr on rrocl<
however me ream gor o b1r dero1:ed
Despi'e o losing record, rhe Red Devils were only our of ·each in 00e game
And rhor one gof"le happened ro be
ogoinsr •ne evenruol WIAA D vision I
srore champion:,, P.oone Perl<
'Even rhougn we hod a noea1ocre
season, we hod o much oe·rer ream
men our J 6 record showed," ex
ploi~ed Neu.
One weol{ness wos rhe ooss•ng
gome. Tne sporadic poss,ng game
fo :ed ro comple'f'enr rhe runn•ng of
Cor•on. Conseouenrly defenses could
m1r Corron's ourour by '!<eying" on
Fro"''' n High Sc ool
CQr"1p ng a roro/ of J05 yards '.1sh1ng
end rhree rouchoowns 1n o 28 21 win,
Cor·on earned we11 deserved (")e~rion
1n the USA Today's Sporrs Honor Roll
In oddirion, rhe f1rsr ream ol/.O g 9 se
lec;rol" ser o single season rushing ·ecord
'or Drodford (ond previously Kenosha)
Hgn School wrh 1,446 yores on 212
car~ es for on osrovl'd ng overage of 6 8
yards per carry
Tne pnf"lory rorger ~ 'ne passing
scheme, seriior Jeff Ross hauled 1n 7
co•ches 'or o rorol of 161 yards. Tnor
averaged 'O o supe'b 2J yards per
However, ·ne speedy Ross op
peo•eo ro be rhe only poss-corching
'Jn rhe beginning of me season we
srorred off good. ' nored Ochrone/{,
bur we mode srup1d m1Srokes in rhe
firsr gome ro allow Ho~1cl< ro win '
Tnrosh1ng Hom11ron J5-7 n rhe Home
comng Gorr.e wos arguably rhe mosr
memorable win of rhe seosor>
"Our win ogoinsr Homilron wos rhe
besr game all year " recol:ed senior
Todd Francis
f\eu exolo ~ed. "/' wos our 'irsr so/rd
win Tne defense wos rhe key by p·es
sunng rne1r o -confe•ence quor·e,bocli,
Kelly Z1elinsf<1, and forcng him 'O nurry
ono rhrow ood posses. '
Corron hod onorher rhree roucndown day bur orhers conrribu·ed JUST
cs mucn
Fronos onoJUnior Rob Fueker eocr
-' veo o rouchdown, wr 1e 1un10rs Ted
Kirkman o d OrestCarnevale seniors
Kirschbaum ono Oezorre, and sopho
mo•e Robbie Fontaine fed o snhgy
·we reo,,y come rogerher ogoinsr
F'O"'i1n, Hom11ron, and Doy View" ex
pressed Ocnronel<
Fi~sr rig s'rong w rh rhese vvins 1n
·he' lcsr rhree nome games. rhe Rea
Dev s gove ·ne rerir1ng Cooch Sroebe
'ond memones end rhe succeedi09
head coach Cooch Roders, SO(")erhing
ro 1001i 'orword ro by Scot! Atkins.
Layout by Dan Waiter.
ing and hJS.sporr, senior Brion Cotton.
escorrs senior Anno Cur l or rhe
Homecoming Assembly, where he tS
obour robe named Homecoming King. The
nexr day he hurdles over Homilron os he
becomes Grodford's single season rushing
omilron's defense hos a devil of a
rime rry1ng ro srop rhe offensive or
rock of Gradford os rhe Devils roll up
.35 poinrs in rhe1r Homecoming rruimph.
f\unning up rhe gur of rhe opposirion, senior
Todd Francis makes his conrribunon ro
Grodford's .367 rorol yards of offensive on
rhe day
5reve Ono
Hor lick
South Div.
Bay View
28 32
0 14
12 27
7 13
26 13
28 21
6 34
35 7
6 18
--LINGO-"! feel that the highlight of the
season had to be the rushing of
Brian Cotton. To break the Bradford single season rushing record, which has stood for 33
years, is extraordinary. ''
- Todd Francis
Rushing : Cotton(1446 yds .)
Rushing ave .: Cotton (6.8
yds./ carry)
Receiving: Ross(7 catches for
161 yds.)
Receiving ave .: Ross (18 .5
yds. / catch)
Scoring: Cotton (102 pts.)
Assisted tackles : Funderburk(53)
Unassisted tackles: Ross (24)
Total tackles: Ross (62)
First team all-conf. : Kirschbaum, Cotton
Second team all-conf .: Ross
Honorable Mention all-conf. :
Ochranek, Kirkman , Neu
Honorable Mention all-state:
Most valuable offensive back:
Most valuable defensive back :
Most valuable offensive lineman: Neu
Most valuable defensive lineman: Kirkman
T earn MVP: Cotton
Donna Ooerrcher
rnng1ng our rhe defense, senior Do.rnell Frazier (.34) and Junior David Funderburk
(87) rhunder a Tremper boll corner as he helplessly mes ro rurn rhe ploy upfield.
Grodford's defense was sohd, holding Tremper ro only fourreen poinrs
owering" over everyone during rhe
regional comperirion or Tremper, senior Tara Tower prepores ro smosh a
devosroring blow bock ro her unsuspecring
opponenrs. A leoding spiker on rhe reom,
Tower eorned MVP honors for her srerling
offensive ploy
s she brings her arms rogerher, junior Linda Kensler bumps rhe boll
on rerurn of serve ro her reommares senior Taro Tower and junior Korie
Wermellng Despire her efforrs rhe Devils
losr ro a superior Tremper reom
IJ<Xry Loobs
"Even though we did bad this
season, it was a lot of fun. The
losses weren't taken that
hard. Hopefully they'll do better next year. ''
Carthage Invite 6th out of 6
County Invite
6th out of 6
- Tara Tower.
Riverside Invite 5th out of 6
1 2
Riverside Quad 4th out of 4
2 1
Waukesha North Invite 8th MVP
Tara Tower
out of 8
Most Improved Stephanie Suter
1 2 Coaches Award Heidi Willkomm
Big 9 Invite
5th out of 8
All Conf. 2nd T earn Tara Tower
4th out of 4
evils' Hopes Deflated
Volleyball Team Falls Short too Often
~ ~~ he ream was mode
lJ. mosrly of Juniors,
wirh no experience ogoinsr rhe
comper1ng vorsiry reams, " said
JUnror Jamie Reimer.
Ur>forrunorely rhis loc/1 of ex
perience lefr rhe girls' volleyball
ream squad ried for losr place
In rhe ream's flrsr conference
march of rhe season, rhe girls
Josr all rhree games ro evenruol
Dig 9 chomps, Racine Horlic/1,
bur rhe lady Devils weren 'r eos1
ly beoren.
Sentor Tara Tower led rhe
defensive efforr wirh high rise
bloc/1ing,ondJun1or Oarb Singer
soeorheoded rhe spifong Sror
ed Singer, ''Ir was o rough loss,
bur I rhinl1 we were expecnng
ir.Hor/ic/1 was o good ream We
JUST weren'r ready for rhem "
The ream's besr rournomenr
was rhe Dig 9 !nvirorionol, which
was held or Drodford The girls
come up fifrh, beor1ng 5ourh,
Tremper, Doy View and Pu·
fos/1i, one gorrie each
The resr of rhe season was o
series of one game losses, ex
cepr for rherr one conference
Halfway through rhe season
rhe girls wenr 2 1 ogo1nsr Milwoul<:ee Doy View, wJfh win
ning scores of 15-6, 5-15and15
5 Teom leaders rhor day were
sentor Heidi Willkomm and;u-
eody ro oss1sr, j unior Sue Suter
owoirs onorher well -execured
bumpfromjun10r Karle Wermellng
as Cooch Sue Hinz observes from rhe
bleachers during some heavy oa10n in rhe
hord-foughr Tremper march
n1or Sue Suter
"We pulled rogerher and
ployed ro our porenriol, which
led ro rhe winning score I /<:new
we could do Jf, ir wasJUST o mar
rer of purrrng t inro ocrion,' said
junior Heidi Zorn
Overall, me ream ended up
ried for eighrh, wirh Milwoul1ee
5ourh, 1n rhe Dig 9
Remorl<:ed Surer, lool1ing
boc/1 on rhe year, "Our record
wosn'r very good, bur rh1s sea
son helped us Qun1ors) o !or
Hopefully, now rhor we hove o
season of ploying experience
behind us, we con hove on
awesome season nexr year "
by Eric Steele
0ary Loobs
Dorry Loobs
Varsity Volleyball, (front) Zorn, Kone Wermeing, Hetdi Wjlkomm (2nd) Doro 5r1ge<, 5ue Surer Janoe f\erner ,
5rephonie Surer (bock) Cooch 5ue Hinz, Toro Tower Ondger 5recky, Leorr.o Ko.see , Undo Kensler
orning her r1rle of Mosr Improved Play er, rwo sporr lerrer winner junror
Stephanie Su ter drnks o shor over
hile she fixes her orrennon on
her shor, sen10r Heidi W lllkom m
sers up rhe boll for o 1~11 or rhe
ner Junior Ka rie We rme ling looks on.
rhe owoinng TroJOns
n Big 9, Vengeance is Mine
Team Takes Regionals, Misses State
\\ n 11 hor 0 difference 0
~ year fYlO/{est Wirh o
coring above everyone, senior MVP
Vengl Hines sers ro roll in 2 of hJS 32 poinrs
in on 89-76 vicrory over Horhck This was
rhe firsr nme since 1979 rhor Grodford bear Horlick
srrong ream rerurn1ng from losr
year Drodford wenr our for re
venge in rhe Dig 9 and did so
·'We Oidn 'r oocl{ down frorri
anyone ' explomed senior
Scott Atkins "We jusr ployed
so11d bos/{erboi1 '
The hoop squad's hara war/{
and dererminonon paid off wirh
o 15 7 record, o 3rd place finish
1n rhe Dig 9, and o Regional
For some, Fndoy rhe 1Jrh is
on unlucf{y aoy This wosn 'r
rrue 1n rre Rea Dev 1s case, es
peC'oily for ;uf'l1or Johnny
Drodford was ploy ng or
Tremper, and srrong perfor
monces by ser11ors Brian Ervin
and Vengi Hines l{epr rhe
gorre close
Wirh seconds remo1n1ng and
rhe "pumpkin pushers" down
by J poinrs, Thomas swooshed
rainbow frorl 3-poinr fond,
sending rhe game inro overrifYle The Dev11s roof{ over and
ourscorea rhe Tro;ans by J
po1nrs ro ro/{e me win
The Tro;ans come !ool{fng for
revenge rwo more nmes dur
1n9 rhe season, our rhe Red
Devils were wo1ring for rherr
and senr rhem away wirh two
more losses.
The second of rhese losses
sent Drodford ·o rhe Regiono,
finals, where ·hey mer Cenrrol
1n rhe borrle for rhe crown. The
hoop squad was 'ea by rhe dy
nomic duo of Arl<ins and Hines.
The Devils rroilea Cenrro/ 1n ·he
final minures unnl Hines nailed
rwo free rhrows ro send rhe
game ro ove;rime Drooford
showed 1rs rrue colors and
edged Cenrro1 ro coprure rhe
·r/e for rhe secono year in o
As rhe ream neared rhe end
of rhe season, rheir game
seemed ro be gernng berrer
ona berrer Tre Devils proved
rhis when rhey dumped l<.err.e
Moraine in rhe Secrionol semifinals .
The Devils were now in rhe
Secr1onol Championship game
ogoinsr De/oil, one srep owoy
from Srare
Tne game wenr down ro rhe
wire, bur even wirh whor was
probably Hines' besr perfor
monce (34 po1nrs and 10 re
bounds), rhe Rea Devils losr rhe
heorrbreo/{er 1n rhe closing seconds.
Senior Donti Vaughn besr
summorizea rhe season. ''I fe1r
very good obour our success
and our effom. We ployed
good 1n some games and in
orhers we dian "r You coulon'r
really predicr our conference
oecouse every ream was
good. Ending our season in
Jonesville hurr by David Riva
Sue Oeriter
rying ro sink onorher bosker, senior Bria n
Ervin srrerches our over rhe Sourh defend·
er as senior Mike Morrone owo1rs below
Sue Oenrer
Bay View
Horii ck
Bay View
Hor lick
Kettle Morraine
Beloit Memorial
52 45
45 47
71 65
74 72
77 60
60 64
72 79
69 54
68 65
41 51
80 67
76 64
65 69
89 76
69 63
59 88
56 53
75 70
76 63
72 77
"I think (the Tremper games)
were the three biggest games
we played all season. Whenever there is a Tremper/Bradford game, school spirit
comes alive in the student
body. This really helps us as a
team . Beating Tremper is always the best!"
-junior Jim Grube .
Vengi Hines - 53 %
Scott Atkins - 52%
Scott Atkins - 36%
J ohnny Thomas - 36%
Scott Atkins - 84 %
Vengi Hines - 74 %
Johnny Thomas - 168
Vengi Hines - 167
Scott Atkins - 86
J ohnny Thomas - 60
erring rwo po.inrs rhe hord way, Junior.
Johnny Thomas finishes off a reverse
layup as senoor Vengl Hines looks on
or irl" soys senior Mike Morrone Wirh
help from Junior Troy Fabiano ond senior
Scott Atkins , rhe Orodford defense
helped rhe Red Devils dump Ooy View, 76-64
howing he hos skills orher rhon h1rr1ng 3poinrers and free-rhrows, senior MVP Scott
Xie Oenrer
Doskerboll , (front) Terry ll<anoley Jorn Perez. Doon
Atkins ploys nghr defense ogoinsr Ooy
Vougm, Efrem Cokley Seen Arl<rls (2nd) Wiiorn
Green, Chod Aldnch, Ke<• Picoted, Jr
Mon ll<and,
Chmrophe< Krue!z. Cednc Andrews (3rd) As!IStano
COO<.h Sreve Leland. Jm Grube . .iolvYly Thomas.
Troy Foblono, Cooch Verwey (bock) Chmrophe< Tolefree, MKhoel Morrone. ll<on Enm, Vef'9 Hnes
s if ir were jusr child's ploy, senio.r
Bill Nevoraskl uses rhe cradle
move ro bear one of his rhree pin
vicrims during rhe Conference Meer held or
Tremper Nevoroski was dominonr during
rhe meer wirh pins or rimes of :42, 101, and
erring his si.ghrs on rhe Srore rournomenr. senior Eric Maravilla worches
rhe dock wind down during his Conference Championship march ogoinsr Pork's
Mori~ Sommer Maravilla was one of five
Orodford conference champions.
Al phoros by Dorry Loobs
Hor lick
Bay View
54 8
72 3
49 9
Cedarburg T ourn.
Bradford Invite.
Catholic Memorial
Mukwonago Tourn.
South Div.
55 11
59 6
27 37
35 17
51 16
46 18
38 21
63 12
33 25
75 0
68 6
Brookfield Tourn.
Big 9 Conf.
"V-1-C-T-O-R-Y! Victory is our
battle-cry!- BRADFORD! "
- Bradfo rd Wre s tlin g
MVP: Nevoraski
Captains: Maravilla, Francis
Most Dedicated: Nevoraski
Most Improved : Bezotte
JV MVP: Danielson
JU Most Improved: Mauldin
JV Most Dedicated: D. Sauceda
Pins: Bezotte (21)
Wins: Nevoraski (35)
restlers Look Toward Prime Time
Win Conference, Regionals; Three to State
(0 onference, Regionals, rah,
~ rah, rah! Orodford, cham-
pions, sis, boom, bah!
The Red Devils pulled off o
double conference championship, so ro speo/1 Nor only did rhe
"mar rors" win rhe regular season championship wirh on unble
mished 80 record, bur rhey also
won rhe Conference Touma
menr by 27 Ji:;> poinrs. Individual
champions were seniors Bill Nevoraski ondco-capro1n Eric Maravilla JuniorsVyngie Washington
and Oscar Ramos, and sopho
more Rob Fontaine
As 1f rol1ing rhe conference rirle
was nor enough, rhe Red Devils
proceeded ro win rheir fifrh Regional Championship of rhe decode Repeonng rhe1r fear in rhe
Conference Tournomenr, Moro
villa and Nevoros/1i earned Re
gionol Championships. Our rhe
ream would hove rhe1r hands full
1n rhe Sroughron Sernonol, which
feorured rwo rime defending
srore champion Sroughron.
T!-iis was nor boo considering
rhor rhe Devils were rhoughr ro
be somewhor inexpenenced
and hod ro prove rhemselves
early on.
The bear wenr on for Nevor
osl1i and Maravilla as eocn dominored rhe1r respecrwe we1ghr
classes and won Secrionol C!-iomp1onships. ''I was rorolly prepared
for rhis meer, " srored a JUbilonr
Maravilla, refernng ro rhe focr
rhor he hodJUST missed qualifying
for srore rhe rwo previous years.
However, rhey would nor be
rhe only Oradford wresrlers ro
compere in rhe Un1versiry of Wis
consin Fieldhouse A rrio of Orod
ford srore comperirors was
formed when Oezorre roof, sec
ond place via rhe long, draining
wresrleboc/,, Maravilla, Oezorre,
and Nevoras/11 would rol1e rhe1r
27J, 276, and JJ-0 records up
ro rhe Mod Ciry_
In rhe previous rwo years Ne
voros/1i hod compered or Modi·
son, he finished fifrh and s1xrh 1n
rhe srore He sotd, ''I was real ex
cired abour quo/lfing for Srore, bur
I wonred ro do berrer rhon rhe
losr rwo years. Ir was fun because
I hod more Srore Tournomenr ex
perlence rhon any of rhe wresrlers 1n my we1ghr class. I l1new I
could mol1e IT ro rhe championship round'
Alrhough Maravilla losr his firsr
round march, Oezorre and Ne
voras/1i wenr on ro finish 4rh and
Jrd respecrively in rhe srore, end
1ng rhe season wirh 29 9 and J4 1
"The loss 1n rhe semLs ro Mi/1e
Muneir of Wouworoso Eosr was
espeoolly frusrroring because I
bear him a wee/, farer in rhe posr
season Sheboygan Norrh Touma·
menr, " reflecred Nevoros/11.
Nor only did rhe Red Devils
rhrive 1n posr season mar ocnon,
bur rhey excelled during rhe reg
u/or season as well wirh on 8·1
dual meer record and five rour
nomenr championships. One of
·he l1eys ro rhe1r success was me
quoliry pracrtce nme rhe wresrlers
hod. Cooch Mor/1hom commenr
ed, "The l1ids ore very compenrive during procrice We ore for
runore enough ro hove so many
ro/enred /1ids come our and wres
r/e In focr, some of our wresrlers'
roughesr marches ore in procrtce
during rhe wresrle-offs. "
Anorher elemenr of rhe proc
rices rhe nighr before o meer is
somewhar of a Oradford rradi
non Refered ro as "fireups, " a
series of fosr paced calisrherics
were performed ro end procnce
on on upbeor, high nore As Ne
voras/1i explained, ''(Fireups) real
ly hyped us up. "
As Mor/1hom menrioned, rhe
·eam was successful because of
ITS sheer compermveness ''/don 'r
rhin/1 we hove as much rolenr as
some reams 1n rhe posr, bur our
wresrlers come ro wresrle every
rime our They do nor wonr ro
lose, " Mor/1hom e/oborared.
And wresrle rhey did. The Red
Devils rool1 firsr our of 10 reams or
rhe highly regarded Cedarburg
Tournomenr. Individual cnompions were Nevorasl1i (he was also
named rhe mosr valuable wresrler of rhe rournomenr), Francis,
Woshingron, and Romos. Romos
dominored his comperirion by
p1nn1ng all rhree of his opponenrs
and was menrioned as Wiscon
sin 's orhlere of rhe wee/1 for his
occomplishmenrs 1n USA Today's
Sporrs Honor Roll.
If rhe Devils desrroyeo foes on
foreign mars. jusr imagine whor
rhey would do on rheir home
mars. Nice hosrs-:> Nor quire Orod
ford wol/1ed away wirh rhe Oradford lnviroT!onol nrle by crowning
five champions (Nevorosl1i, soph
omore Gavino Romero, Maravilla, Wosn1ngron, ono Romos) In
oddinon ro rhe previously mennoned championships, Orodford
also pocl1ered championships 1n
rhe Mus/1ego Team Tournomenr
and rhe OrooMeld Cenrrol Tour
nomenr, earning a srore ron/1ing
as high as eighrh
"We were on exce!lenr rour
nomenr ream because we were
in much berrer shape and I feel
we inrimidored reams by rhe
way we wormed up wirh our
cnonrs and rogerherness We
hod a menrol edge, '· srored Mor
a villa .
One final morivonon for rhis
ream may nave been rhe focr
rhor ofrer 14 years and five con
ference championships, Cooch
Mor/1hom was rennng ro pursue
his Mosrers Degree Lohberber
recalled, ' The seniors wonred ro
win real boo for Cooch since we
wresr/ed for him for rhree years.
We especially wanred ro win rhe
Conference Tournomenr for him
so we coulo ger rhe besr of
There was no doubnng rhis
powerhouse ream Nevoros/11
summed 1r up when he so1d,
'We were JUST a solid reo(Y') ' by
Scott Atkins.
Wrestling , (fronr) Enc Moravia, Govno l\omero. Chushon Znmermon, Jose Torres. Od Nevormi. (2nd) 0-esr Carnevale
Jeremy 51orer Dove 5oucedo, Poul rorres_ Oscar Romos. !lorry Laabs. Chong Km, Ryon Donoelson, Ched Oolord (3rd) Cooch
Morl<hom, Mike Mouldon, Lone Henderson. Todd Francs. 5reve Mmoe, FredOe 5oucedo. Shown Russ. Cooch Retl (bock) Tm
C.Uiom, Cln Rhyskus. Rob Fonroone . .Im Oezorre, Pere Lehberger, Toni Fm. Don Roe
ecretaries of Defense
But Streaky Offense Makes Going Tough
rhough rhe girls · bas
1,erboll ·eom ployeo
·fteir heorrs our, rhey
ran oc-oss some 'ough going
For roo many nmes dunng me
season. ·ney cou1dn 'r pur o
complere game ·ogerher
One area in which rl-ie Devils
fauna rhe going good was defense New recoros were mode
in rhe coregories of sreols and
defem1ve rebounds_
Though rriosr of ;he season
wos poofmorlfed wirh losses,
me girls dd nave rre1r momenrs
of vicrory_ The ream's firsr win
was ogo•nsr HofTlilion, J6J1
HoTJii on was our-reooundeo
25 ro 20 Orodford furrher con
firmed me1r superioriry by crush
tng rhe Wildcors farer in rhe season 604J
oncenrroring on o woy ro our-do
Shorelond's srrong defense, senior
Deana Joh nson looks for on open
reommore The girls losr rhe hord-foughr
march 31-44
o work around rhe defense, senior
Jodi Glitzk y dribbles her way ro Arhlere of rhe Yeor Glirzky finished rhe
game wirh 5 poinrs ond also led rhe reom in
blocked shors rhor day
Jeff Loomt5
n your face!" Thor's rhe kind of orrirude
rhor senior Ta ra Tower d1sp:ays as she
slams rhe boll away from on unprepored
Shorelond challenger Tewer ended rhe
yeor w1rh rhe reom's mosr sreols (103)
·'The Homilron games were
greor We got rogerher and
ployed li/{e a ream Ir defln1rely
showed 1n our scores, " said se0or Leanna Kissee
Anorher ream which rhe girls
repeated ogo1nsr was Sourh
The firs; game was 4J J8 and
rhe secono was JB 24 Orodford also shur-down Pulos/{1 wirh
o 5.J-49 v1crory
Our probably rheir mosr sign• f1co n r win was ogoinsr
Tremper "The Tremper games
ore always me besr oecouse
we rry harder to win, ono rhe
games ore much more inrense
We always war/{ hard, bur rhe
Tremper games olwcys mean
rhe mosr, " stored senior Deana
This proved correcr for rhe
girls_ The firsr rime rhe rwo
reams mer, Orodford Josr by
only rhree p01nrs.
The secorid confronrorion
was much more intense Oorlt
ream rroded rhe lead several
rimes ouring rhe game When ir
come down to rhe end, how
ever, Orooford was on rop 44·
J8. Tremper's shoor,ng per
cenroge was olmosr half of
Orodford's rhor day The Devils'
srors were also higher 1n rhe
areas of b!ocf,ed snors, sreols
and rurnovers_
Commenred senior Tara
Tower on rhe vicrory "We
were off 1n rhe firsr half and I
lfnew we hod ro ger our heads
1n rhe game I hod a for of fun,
and I lfnow me whole ream
dio, root" by Eric Steele
ising over rhe defense , senior
Leanna Kissee owoirs a poss from
reommore senior Jodi Glltzky
Vorslry Ooske1bo11 , (front) M<»<S>e Amro. Jodi Gl•zky (2nd) Joan Dffinoh. Tno Gudo. Toro Tower DeondOI
f\ondolph. CW"1dy Durrrner (bock ) Vid<l Wlo<ns. Leoma Kt.see. Deono Johnson. Cooch Dee Smon
Jeff Loomis
New Berlin West
Brookfield East
Bay View
Hor lick
Bay View
35 49
36 71
40 58
30 32
23 47
46 58
36 31
17 41
39 56
43 38
50 53
29 49
25 50
38 44
31 44
60 43
37 57
53 49
38 24
44 38
38 41
" Overall, it was a great year!
The whole team played well
in all of the games. It might
not have showed in the scores,
but we knew it.
Kathy Traughber
Kathy Traughber
Tara Tower
Kathy Traughber
Tara Tower
Jodi Glitzky
Field Goal % Leanna Kissee
Free Throw% Tina Guido
Blocked Shots Tara Tower
Rebounds Kathy Traughber
Tara Tower
JV Ooske1boll, (fron1) Torrmy Johnson. Ni<kl Mornn. AN:ye Gonzolas. Lup Vlolobos ( bock ) Kroro Korerz. DorlO
Anderson. Heodt Pererson. Amo f\ios
Bradford Invite
Racine Invite
Conf. Meet
25 50
108 64
86 86
59 113
84 88
"The year was quite a turn83 88
around from the previous three
111 60
years . Our depth , I think ,
pulled us through the season.
99 72
87 85
We would only take one or two
West Allis Hale
Hor lick
New Berlin West
Conf. Relays
Joom Gerrmell
iv1ng down. ro rouch rhe1r roes, senior
Steve Flesch srrerches w1rh reommores JUntor Nicki Cardinali ond
Ryan Atkins before a swim meer or rhe
[)rodford pool
lying. his way procrice, senior
Don Caya pushes hmse~ ro rhe lim1r
wh11e perfecnng his burrerfly srroke
Cayo was rhe number one burrerflyer for
rhe reom.
or ·wa111ng" onorher second , senior
Mike Waite humesrorouchrhewoll
ro ger a well deserved breorh of 01r
The phoro was roken during one of rhe
reom's grueltng ofrer school procr1ces using
on underworer comero
firsts and still win meets. "
-senior Scott Conley
Caya, Scott Conley, and Jon
MOST IMPROVED Ryan Atkins and Adam Pivovar
ard Sharks of Conference
Even Odds: Team Dealt a .500 Season
'IF\\ oes ream deprh ploy on
l..W imporronr porr of o swim
ream's success? Jusr os/1 o mem
ber of rhe boys' swim ream
F1n1sh1ng wirh o 4-4 1 record,
rhe Red Devils showeo rhor
deprh is rhe boc/1bone ro sue
cess, for 1r was rhe flrsr rime 1n
rhree yeors rhe ream hod o
winning season.
' We didn 'r really hove any
sror sw1mmes on rhe ream, bur
whor we did hove is o greor
number of good swimmers, "
remor/1edseniorDove Minkey
' Mosr reams roo/1 firsrs ogoinsr
us, bur we always gor rhe sec
onds, rh1rds, and fourrhs. '
The Racine Por/1 dual was o
greor rum-around meer for rhe
ream. They bear rhe Porvhers
for rhe firsr nMe in rhree years.
The ream occomph:Shed rhe
vJCTory by ro/1ing firsr in seven of
rhe eleven evenrs and coosnng
on ro on ever-so-sweer 99 72
vie ory
Seniors Jon Cruthers, Don
Cayo , and Mike Horne led rhe
way wirh 1ndiv1duo/ firsrs. Junior
Aaron Malsch was firsr in rhe
500 freesryle
"Jr was rhe firsr of our rwo
wins over Racine Porl1 1n one
wee11. We bear rhem farer or
rne Drooford lnvire The rivalry
goes boc/1 ro rhree years ago
when Drodford bear Por/1 ro
coprure rhe Dig 9 crown. To fi
nol/y bear rhem for rne firsr rime
since rhen was o big boosr for
rhe ream," explained Malsch.
The Devils also gave rhe1r
cross-rown rivals o real score or
rhe annual Drodford-Tremper
Desp1re ro/1ing all eleven sec
onds and nine of rhe rh1rds, rhe
ream losr by o mere four poinrs.
''The Drodford-Tremper
swim meer was rhe mosr exoring ('leer of rhe year because
of rhe focr ir wenr down ro rne
losr race ro decide rhe winner I
rhoughr we swam quire w ell,
unforrunorely, we couldn'r pull
1r off, " commenred Cayo.
Deprh again ployed o mo;or
role 1n o non-conference vicrory
ogoinsr New Der/in Wesr.
The opposing ream won
nine our of rhe eleven evenrs.
bur rhe Devil's deprh propelled
rhem ro on 87-85 win.
Drodford's only f1rsr come
from Cayo in rhe 100 burrerfly
and senior Mike Waite 1n rhe
100 boc/1srro/1e
Ar rne e1ghrreom Drooford
lnvirononol, rhe ream roof, or
impressive second place. The
Red Devils' besr finishes were o
pair of rh1rds. Scott Conley roo/1
rh1rd in rhe 100 breosrsrroNe and
swam on rhe rhird place 200
medley relay ream
"The Drodford lnv1re was
really special because we were
expecred ro rhird or fourrh or
besr, bur we surprised o for of
people end roo/1 second. In my
opinion, ir was our besr showing
of rhe season, 'said junior Bryon Pivovor
A new form of reloxonon
was added ro rhe ream. Ir was
o cord game co/led
''/ rhin/1 rhe game really
helped us ro relax, especially
during rhe diving porr of rhe
meer Dunng rhe resr of rhe
meer we mainly concenrrored
on me meer and our evenrs, "
soicJ Jon Crurhers
The improved record may
be o sign of rhings ro come The
junior vors1ry wenr on ro cha//'
up o 72 record
Wirh o lirrle hard wor/1, rhe
Drodford cord shorl1s will be o
ream ro rec/1on wirh by Don
hewl Am I glad rhor's over wirh
1sl Thor's whor junior Aa ron
Mo lsch rhoug ro ercomplenng
his leg 1n rhe 400 freesryle relay Malsch also
swam rhe 500 freesryle during rhe course
of rhe year
Doys' Swimming: (fronr) Ccxxh Tl.11"61Ta, Joe Sn.rino.
CM> Hees. Cooch Frooz Feldmeoef (2nd) T\Ay Pick. AA
drew Dr6za<J<. Dove Mrl<ey 5coo 0o"""1. Adam Plve>
var. l\yoo Arkr6. Oren Aelo. Nod< CaOnoL Drock
.loiY1 ~ (~rd) Oron Kresler Jeff Harrnel. Jan~
/Wke Mu-phey. Don Caya. Jake Sam • .lad< Gibbs. Sieve
Flesch, Dove Kresler (bock) .lace Fraeber. /Wke Horne.
Tom Landenberger 5coo Conley . Aaon Malsch. Oryoo
Plvovar. ~ Woire . Kun Marrs.on
1rh a leg up on rhe compenrion,
junior Ka rle Wermellng shows
grace and poise 1n her floor ex-
ercise during rhe Conference meer
sking herse~ which way is up, sophomore Kerry Wright demonsrrores her ho~-on ho~-off voulr in a
rriongulor meer on December 14 in rhe
Orodford Fieldhouse
Dorry loobs
Hersey Inv .
10th place
Riverside / Tech 95.21 20.15
93. 7 104.8
Nicolet Inv .
8th place
Milw. Madison
83.5 12.95
Marshall / King
88.8 87 .4
Milw. Hamilton
88.3 55 .9
Brookfield Central Inv . 9th
Milw. Vincent
80.1 0
Whitefish Bay Inv . 6th place
98.01 94.92
3rd place
5th place
"! was really happy with the
team because it was my last
year. I knew we could do it."
Heidi Becker
Kerry Wright
Most Improved
eceiving congrorulor1ons from
her reommores, sophomore
_ Kerry Wright is all smiles ofrer
successfully completing her rourine on
rhe uneven bars
heir Reach Exceeds Grasp
old1ng on righrly, sopho.more Jenny
Edwards "soils rhrough rhe air wirh
rhe greoresr of eose" 1n her rounne
on rhe uneven bors
As Girls Stretch for Top of Conf ere nee
~ umbling rhroug'"1 rhe
season, rhe gins ' gym
riosrics reorr1 reached for rhe
rop of rhe Dig 9 T'1e;r record of
e19'1r wins and one loss srood or
o resrorr:enr ro rre Devils' hard
worr1 ona aedicotion
The ream began rhe season
w rh o swinging srorr arid
sroyed w1;h 1rs conrinu1ng effort
ro mol1e ir one of rhe besr yeers
Mode up of only 10 gyrri
nosrs, of which JUST rhree were
rerurn;ng /e:rer winners, rhe
Ledy Devils mode up 1n quoliry
whor rhey Joc/1ed 1n quonriry
Wor/1ing rogerher oroved
·f-Je /1ey ro bearing MJwoul1ee
Mooison by 70 oo,nrs
In rhis meer junior Deno Lee
nod r'1e rop all-around overage
o{ 6. 7, junior Kim Haugland
was flrsr on bars w1rh o 7 0, end
senior Kone Wermel1ng won
firsr place on rhe voulr wirh 7. 9.
"00r ream was close be·
cause of our small numbe',
which helped ro mol1e for coo·
perorion and harmony Every
one roared for everyone else, "
said sophomore Melonie Gopen
In Confererce rhe girls
showed rnor rhey really could
wor/1 ·ogerher 5opho('fore
Kerry Wright rool1 fourrn place
or r'1e bolo'tce beam, uneve'I
oars, 00d also 1n rhe oil-around.
Wermeling receJVed fifrh
place on rhe vou1r Receiving o
s1:Xm p1oce 1r rer floor exercise
was senior Heidi Decker
Houglorio ea'0ed o s1xrh
place on rhe uneven bars
Overall, ;he ream received
rh1ro place, molf1ng rhe nord
worl11ng rumblers even more
Ar Regionals rhe ream found
rne compeT!rior ro be ·ougher
rhon expecred bur one gyrr
nosr mode ir rhrough. Wrighr
placed seve:irh on rhe balance
beam, whrch advanced her ro
'Only being o sophomore, I
was really happy rnor I did as
well as I did, " said Wn9nr.
A· secrlonols Wrighr showed
'1er sl1i// and poise on rne balance beam, where she ploceo
"Even mo..;gn everyone
dldr 'r mo!1e " •o secr,ono1s, rhe
ream sr..;rn rogerher ono hoo o
grear and successful year "said
Werrreling by Aimee Mourer
IJorry loobs
olonce is whor •r rakes on •he beam
OS Junior Ka rie We rme ling , a srudy
1n concenrronon, performs 1n rhe
fieldhouse ro receive high marks from rhe
Gymna51lcs ' (fronr) Deno Lee (2nd) Tdfany Whirled<. Kar.. Wermelng (3rd) Cooch Hownan. Melanoe Gopen, Tracy Koriolf. Jemy Edwarm. Cooch Tracy llole<-.darf (back) Km
Haugland. Kerry Wrg>r. Marla Gdfard. HeO OecXer
swing and a h1r, as senior Joe Passarelli smashes one deep 1nro righr
field Possorem was a major conmburor in hirr1ng and 1n rhe field, where he
ployed firsr base
eody ro rag Tremper's Jerry
Fuerher, senior John Perez leans
inro second base Perez and senior
Scoll Atkins ployed rhe plug in cenrer in
field, sropp1ng any and all who dared enrer
rhe1r rernrory
Tom Londenberger
Domo Ooe(((:her
Baseball, (fron1 ) IJlal<e Kime< Adam Wnud<. Pe1er
Cloonco. Joe Possor
Jom Pe<ez. ~ SI°""'. Slonke
Moehoe< (bock) G<>o Per<ro. Jom Cbror<>. Rob Cost>..w1.
l>N!y M6crtr.e. llione !lolord, !lr<>n C.>non. Scon A<l<nS,
.>U><'berg. Jeff
Jeff W6', !lr<>n Swoicl<
olleluJoh! Senior Scott Atkins slides
safely inro home ofrer onorher hard
day of won~ or S<mmon's Field The
home of rhe Kenosha Twins. a feeder club
for rhe M1nnesoro Twins, wosn'r very lucl~y
for rhe Red Devils rhe squad won only one
of rhe1r games rhere
Hor lick
2 4
13 16
11 0
0 2
7 0
10 0
10 0
2 6
5 7
14 3
8 1
2 0
3 4
" For the duration of the year
our pitching and defense was
solid, but towards the end of
the year we started coming up
with timely hits, and that's
what won the big games for
US .
devosroring pirch is senr home
by JUnior Brian Swistak In Orod·
ford's 4·J v1crory over Tremper,
Swisrok yielded seven hirs, walking only
rwo and srril~ng our Six.
Scott Atkins
Scott Atkins MVP
Joe Passarelli Captain
1st Team All Conference
Brian Swistak P
Jeff Ross CF
Joe Passarelli 1B2nd Team
All Conference
Brian Cotton C
Scott Atkins SS
egular Season Pia y Spotty
True Colors Shown at Tournament Time
hough obsroc!es /{eor
rhe ooseboll ream
from oeing o force ro
be rec/{oned wim during rhe
regular season. mere was on
olmosr comp/ere rurnoround or
rournomenr rime
'When If come to rourno
merir nme, we showed our
1/ors, ' remorl{ed senior
John Perez
The squad's ·ournorrienr
game ogo1nsr Tremper (ofrer
rwo regular season losses) was
pe'hops rheir mosr signtficonr
win Orodforo srorred on 'he
nghr 'oor wirh rwo runs in rhe
firsr inning Seniors Jett Ross ono
Scott Atkins scored v10 o left
fie1d srigle off rl-ie oar of senior
Brian Cotton
/', rne nexr five innings
Tremper scoreo hree nmes. In
rhe sevenrh, Arl11ns delivered o
rwo our •note ro cenrer ro dnve
in Ross ro ne rne 9ome
Senior Blaine Ballard drove
,n rhe gomew1nner 1n rhe 8rh
wren he lined o single ro cen
rer, sconng Corron
The r:exr srep was Soierri
Cerir-o! The /{ey ro rhe 2 0 v1c
rory was r'Je pitching of junior
Brian Swistak His sneofry fosr
boll ono deceiving curve were
effecrive weapons ogo1nsr Cen
rro/'s hard h1mng offense Orod
ford's runs were scored by Ar/{ins and senior Blake Kilmer
The heorr breo/{er come o
couple of hours farer rl-ior some
day The squad held o J 0 .'eod
over Pulos/{1 unril me sevenrh
inning. Early 1n rhe s1xrh 1r srorred
raining. Oy rhe end of ri-ie sev
enrh ir was o downpour Solem
/{noc/{ed 1n rhree shocl~ers ro rie
rhe gor,e Ir rhen roof{ rwo ex
rro innings ro end rne Devils'
seosor'. Wlfh o man on firsr and
second, o single to !efr brought
in the final run
Commennng on why me 2-J
loss was so devosronng, ;un1or
Rob Coshun said, "Tre weorh
er should hove been beter for
such on 1mporronr game We
hod c for o' seriiors who wonr
ed o go ro srote rheir losr
One of me more uo/Jfring
games come eorfier wlfh Swis
rot~ s no-hirer 1n o-ooford's 110
oemoi1rion of Mdwoul~ee Sovn.
Ref1ecring ori his game, Sw1s
rol{ remor/{ed, '/ senseo I was
901n9 ro do good, bur I though I
would hove been more excired
rhon I really was Ir really diori 'r
feet as 1f the game was much of
o cnollenge f'fYJ sril/ noopy
rhough, ro hove o no-hirrer "
Coshun was equally impor
ronr 1n p1rch1ng He pirched o
·nree nirrer 1n rne ream's 4-0
win ogo1nsr Pulosl{11n rhe season
opener. Coshun sr-uc!{ our eighr
and wol/{ed rwo in going rhe
d1sronce Pulos/{1 gor rwo of s
rnree hirs ro srorr rhe severrh
bur Coshun, who rhrew )us·
rwelve breo/{1(19 bolls in rhe
game, srruc/{ our rhe nexr rwo
borrers and 1nduceo o fly bo/I ro
er:d r
In rheir final meenng ogo1ns'
Pu1os1{1, Coshun netd rhem
scoreless unn! 1r srorred ro1n1ng
He was rhen replaced by soph
omo-e Cory Irish, wno finished
rhe gofY'e
Jn rhe end, Orooford nod o 9
7 con'erence recoro <118 over
o'/J ono finished rl-Jird in rhe 0.9
9 Conference by Eric Steele
opng ro ger bock before Ooyv1ew's
pircher launches o pick-off rhrow ro
f1rsr base, senior Jeff P.oss begins his
dive Despire rhe bod weorher Junior Jeremy Adamson baffled Ooyv1ew wh1e
rosSing o no-h1rrer
peculation Right On Line
Tennis Tearn Fifth in Big Nine
'le boys' renn1s ream
correcrly mode o predi c r 00 on where
rhey would fin1sr rhe year f,frh
place r rr.e Dig Nine Confer
ence Unconn y, fifrh rrey ftn
1shed carrying c record of 27
wins and 29 losses.
Deso1re rhe be'ow 500 over
age, rhe ream nod moriy sue
Non co0'erence rourno
rlenrs •.,vere very successful for
rhe ream Tf"e Devils f,n1sf'ed
rf"ird in rl-ie Jonesvil'e Quoorongulor and c respeuab:e f•frn in
rhe rougf" Trgon Jnv!Tirorionol.
One ·ou•nomenr was really
soeoot a firsr place snow1ng in
rre V1ncenr Quodrongu1or
'Th 5 is where we really
co'Tle rogerher ono ployed
well. Ir was qU1re o ;hrill ro see
me reo"l war:{ 'ogerher ono
p1oy as o u01r, ' cor-Jmenred ,u
n1or John Shaffer "fr 1e' us
lmow we were comperirive . .,
One OLC1 meer was virally
crueiol for rhe Red Devils ro pull
erv1ng onorher ace, senior Brad Neu
perfecrs his devosror1ng serve during
on ofrer-school procr1ce or rhe [lrod
ford courrs .
off a win-ogoinsr rhe Homilron
W11ocors-beccuse IT 1.vos
reeoeo 'O ger o good sronding
going inro me upcoming Con•erence Meer
"/ rh r>1~ rr.e ream as a who.'e
'{new rhor rhis was o big meer
We '~new rhor o win here
would giVe us a prerry dece:ir
seed or Cordererice." ex
plo'ned senior doubles p1oye'
13rad Neu
Indeed rhe win did nelo. The
reofTl p1c'{ed up on oddinonol 14
poin-s in rhe Conference Tournomenr. adding on ro rre1r season roro.I This pur rhe reofTl 1n o
very scrlSfying fifrh piece righr
where ·1-Jey were expecreo o
finish. Also, six of r!ie seven conso/orion championships were
won by 'he young Red Dev
Lorer n rhe sub-secrionol, rhe·es oroceedeo o 1{:10CI{ off
o doub 1es ream fro(Y) Tre(Y)per
ono c s·ng.'es player from Hor
kl~ Overol1
, rhe ream pio~eo
up four rrore poinrs or rhe
Vincent Quad.
Trojan Invite
Janesville Quad
Conf. Tourney
0 7
6 1
1 6
6 1
2 5
me er
'Personally rhe Conference
(Y)eer meonr o for ro me. We
jusr wonred ro finisn w!iere we
were supposed ro if nor o Prrle
nigher F!frn was whor we nod
predtcred or rhe beginning of
r!ie season, ono ftf•lf ir was.
Mos· mporronrly, we oil prerry
much hod o good rime, ' said
seriio• MVP Scott Leinenweber
Tre young ream shou d
(Y)eon greor success for rhe sec
and year coach John Ramey
Of me 28 ploye·s on rhe ·eom,
4 were freshmen, 7 sophomores and 12 were juniors Tne
·earn consisred of only 5 sen
' 'A1rhough four of rre sen ors
were 1 vorsiry players ono rheir
role0rs will be missed, me yourr.
a' rhe ream bodes well for
Drodford ·ennis 1n rhe coming
year srored Romey by Dan
LINGO-'' I think the year as a whole
was quite successful, considering the youth of the team.
We finished right where we
were supposed to. "
- Jan Russo
Scott Leinenweber
Best Leadership Brad Neu/
Scott L.
Mr . Hustle
Louis Ferraro
Most Spirited Jon Schaffer
Best Sportsmanship
Jan Russo
Most Improved
Most Dedicated Louis Ferraro
ye on rhe bol and forehond 1n ocr1on,
senior Scott Lelnenweber sponks rhe
boll down rhe 1ne dunng a meer
ogoinsr rhe f'\ebels of Horfick.
oking a break from rhe ocnon, junior
Ken Tougow and sophomore Scott
Nelson relox wh;le worchlng Their var·
SJry reammores compere or one of rhe
ream's home meers
Tom Landenberger
Dorry Laabs
JV Tennis, (fronr) [II Nevor°"". Jock Ml:xrooe, John
M.xo. LOU>e Corclnol ( 2nd) FraN< l\ovelo. Vesko Mrtl:.,
r.,,, EJCMer Jason Hon, Scarr Nelson, l\ob 'ielmer, Scarr
Dowson (bock) Cooch Mt:Net. Jason Oeck, CiYls Uren.
cm Evans. l\yon 5hod<elford. Scan 5poel<ef
Tennis: (front) Mor1'\ Tisdde. Louie Ferrao. Jorn 11.1..l!ro.
FraN< OOooo. Jon SI-offer (bock) Scarr Lenenweoer. Dove
11.vo. Clmd Neu, ll<yon Pivova Chad~. John l\omey
espire an injury, senior Michelle
Owsichek praaiceshordafrerschool
in rhe fieldhouse Her exrra-efforr
helped her reoch Secnonols
lying high, senior Leanna Kissee
deers rhe bar or rhe 01g 9 Conference
Tom LOfldenberger
5ue Derirer
Track: (front) Oerh Adelsen, Felisso Mirchell,
Lupe V1\lalobos, Mario Garcia, Donna
Nimmo, Amy Oohaczyl~. Tammy Sylvesrer,
Marrha Villalobos (2nd) Kone Wermeling,
Angela Gonzales, Je551ca Gonzales, Cooch
Farrell, Cooch Aslal~n. Coach Heinz, Jennifer Srorema, Michelle Owsichel~. Ali DeWirr
(:lrd) Chen Fosrer, Amy Oohaczel~. Audrey
Grimes, Michele Kehrer, Chosnry Edmond,
Sue Surer, Tasha Oordwell, Regina Crosby
(back) Michelle Fish, Debbie Lerhl~e. Sheila
Pelner Dome Galloway, Leonno Kissee,
Tino Guido, Crysrol LeMorh
,- n
earn Runs Uphill Race
... ...
Girls' Season Starts Strong, But ...
iris' rroc/f wenr
rhrough a season of
ups and downs. Un
forrunorely, "he end mer w1rh
on uphill borrle ro rhe finish li0e,
and because rhe girls hod pur so
much inro rheir meers early on,
rhey couldn 'r find rhe power ro
finish off rhe season on a srrong
Oeginn1ng wirh rhe Counry
Coea meer during rhe indoor
season, rhe Red Devils gave
1-unrs of whor was ro come lore
w1rh some excellenr rimes
They were ro finish wirh o
srrong second.
"fr gave us confidence, " ex
plained junior Karie Wermel-
ing " Ir also gave us o goal ro
shoor for
firsr place "
The gtrls began ro show rhe1r
rrue colors or rhe Dig 9 Indoor
Conference Meer, where They
roo!f four h. Wirh rhe indoor
season coming ro on end and
rhe ourdoor season ;usr gemng
underway, rhere were high ex
These hopes come rrue as
rhe ream roolf rhird or rhe
Counry Ourdoor or Wilmar and
ourrh or rhe Lady Trojan lnvire
Leading rhe Red Devils w1rh fosr
rimes rhroughour rhe season
were senior Michelle Owsichek in rne 800, junior Karie
Wermeling 10 rhe 100 merer
Record: 49 wins - 88 loses
hurdles, and jun1or Martha Villalobos 1(1 rhe 100 merer dash
'Our rimes were improv
explained JUn!Or Sue
Suter 'The nghr comb1nonons
of ·e/oy reams were formed,
which really helped us our ''
Going 1nro rhe conference
meer, rhe girls were /oofong
srronger rhon ever Wirh on
overall excellenr efforr, Orod
ford finis/-> second
Unforrunore!y for rhe girls,
rhough, rhey focea rough ·mes
rhe losr few sreps. Ar Regionals
rhey placed 7rh and or Secnon
ols ·ney finished 14rh by David
County Outdoor
3rd of 6
Lady Spartan Invite 12th of
Lady Trojan Invite 4th of 8
Nicolet Invite
10th of 14
Highlander Invite 16th of 18
West Allis Hale Invite 17th of
Big 9 Conference Outdoor
2nd of 9
WIAA Regionals
7th of 8
WIAA Sectionals 14th of 16
reponng for her boron hondoff from
jun10r Heather Ramsey , sophomore
Audrey Grimes rokes off for her leg
of rhe six 1ap relay 1n a JV meer
" We worked hard because
everyone was more serious
about the season. "
- junior Michele Kehrer
Michelle Owsichek
86 pts.
Debra Lehrke
65.13 pts.
Karie Wermeling 62 .63 pts.
Leanna Kissee
37 .5 pts.
Martha Villalobos 37 .13 pts.
33.5 pts.
Sheila Peltier
Amy Baldwin
33 .5 pts.
Cheri Foster
28 pts.
Crystal LaMothe 25.63 pts.
Tina Guido
25.5 pts.
.5ue Denrer
e.mng ready ro her opponenr,
sophomore Martha Vil lal o bos
p1cl~ up speed 1n her porr of rhe
relay The relay reams were a brighr spor 1n
season performances
irh exrreme concenrronoo, JU·
n1or Michelle Ke hrer, senior
Sheila Peltie r, and sophomore
Sa ra h Glembocki prepare rhemselves for
rhe grueling one·mile race
" Y ou're our of rherel" rhe umpire
soys as senior Jodi Glitzky and
junior Linda Kensler rag our Horhck. Despire rhe greor etforrs of rhe ream
Horlick defeored Orodford 10 7
Varsity Softball: (front) Heidi Zorn, Theresa Jensen, Shir
<>y Crow. Srephonoe Henningfekt (2nd) Jodo Gr05S, Comte
Oroges. Helen .lone5, Orooke l\obbons. JOO Glorzky (bock)
Cooch Ms Srefforo. Dome Monr>, Korhy Troughrer Lindo
Ken>ier Loro H=e<. Jer> Setfz
orrers upl Junior Jeni Seitz mes her.
besr ro smoc rhe boll our of rhe pork
JV Soflboll, (fronr) Pomoo O.Oz Je<in,fer G<k>, Jemofer
Moorecruro (2nd) Me16SO Momol Louo Fe<hrner, Parry
Fodor, Nancy Goroo (bock ) ArV'IJ l\ios. NocOle Novn,
Chuck Srolrr<>'>, Karhy Novn Kroro Korerz
oftball Sidelined Early
Season Shortstopped by Injuries
rom. rhe feelings
we all gor or rhe
beg1nn1ng of rhe
yeur 1 'houghr we were going
ro go all 'he way, " said junior
Lora Hassel
The sofroo1! ream gar off ro a
grands 1om srorr, winning rhe1r
firsr game ogo1nsr Sr Joe's Higlf
Sct>ool Tlfe reor;i worf{ed ro
9erher and '{epr in r1incJ ·hor
rhey were one ream ono everyone nod ro pomcipore and
dedicore rher1se!ves ro rhe
ream ro mo1{e ir war/<;. Ir was
mis reomwo'/{ rlfor enabled rhe
1ooy Dev:Js ro exrerid on r0e1r
eor,y season winning srreof{
Junior Brooke Robbins was
rhe :eod1ng oircher "Wheri rhe
ream would ger down, Droo/<;e
would hold srrong and pr ch o
sr'i/{e " said JUnior Heidi Zorn
Droo/<;e received Honorable
Menrlon All Conference
''Ar rife beginning of ;he seosor we ployed rogerher, bur
rheri we hod o few iryurles ono
our rogerherness see.--.,ed ro
foll," said senior Jodi Glitzky
Junia' Jeni Seitz ono Robbins oorh could nor p,oy for rwo
wee 1{5 due ro on/<.'e njunes
Tnese injuries seemed ro rhrow
rhe ream o curve f-om which
·he girls could rior rewoero•e.
Wirri rr>e srorr rhor rhe ream
hod, onorher downfall rnor
roof<; pioce was me ove:-conf
dence mar some players felr,
resulr1n9 iri rerrible disoppo1nr
menr when rhe ream wenr imo
o slide_ Tlfe ream sri// rried e ven
rhouglf ·hey were nor doing as
well as rhey were 1n 'he beginning of rne season
The vors1ry reorn was mode
up of six se01ors, six JUniors. ono
one sophomo-e Tne Junia's
hod ro pull JUS" as much weigh'
as rhe seruors because of 'he
even splir The juniors mainly did
rhe1r oorr or 1<;eeoing rhe ream's
enrhus1osm up wlfen ;r srorred
ro fol!
"/ rh1n/{ ·ho; ir was o greor
exper,ence be1n9 oo/e ro ploy
or vorsi;y level because ii con
re1p rne if'l ploy1n9 in +1e fu
life, " so.d "/"e 'ore sopno
more, carcher Shirley Crow
"The year we·,- we1/, au
really w1sn we could 1-iove he10
our mrough rhe wno/e sea·
son "sodjunior Linda Kensler
by Aimee Maurer
" We all thought that the
overall turnout for the season
was going to be better than it
was, but once we lost the togetherness , it went all downhill. "
Brooke Robbins
al phoros by Tom Landenberger
St. Joseph
Bay View
Hor lick
12 8
7 10
10 6
10 11
18 7
12 6
11 10
0 10
8 12
1 11
6 16
11 15
Brooke Robbins
Most Improved
Jeni Seitz,
Jody Prokes
Most Spirit Kathy Traughter
ne more borrer goes down os senior Orooke Robbins rhrows on-
orher srnke boll ro lead rhe ream ro
o vicrory over Cose
1rh her speed and ogiliry, freshman Soro Stanke breaks for a
move in on efforr ro sreol rhe
bol from her opponenr Soro was rhe only
freshman ro srorr in olmos every game
utting Best Foot Forward
Young Team Marches into Sectionals
1rh only one ye. or
of vorsiry exper
ience behind
"hem, rhe girls' soccer ream
was able ro advance oil rhe
way ro rhe secnonol finals,
where rhey losr J-4 in o hard
foughr march ogo1nsr Racine
"We ployed beourtfully and
we ore rior oshomeo. We hod
o !or of opporrunines All my girls
wonred ro win rh,s one so
rriuch, srored coach Tony Fabiano
Jusr m1nures 1nro rhe game
senior Jodi Uttech exploded
wirh o goo1 whicn senr rhe
crowd inro o frenzy The resr of
rhe gori'e was rhe some oil
Orodford offense, wirh rwo ex·
ceprions. Cose managed ro
breoh downf1eld rwice and
borh rimes place rwo near shors
1n rhe upper corner of rhe goof.
Finally, w1rh ;usr mtnures ro go 1n
regulorion, sophomore Nikki
Martin /ounchedoshoc/{error'e
rhe game
The firsr five m1nures of over
rme was bockond-forrh. Our
w1rh or>ly 142 remaining, Cose
connecred. Time was running
our for rl-ie girls, bur rhey come
up with rwo shors on goal The
firsr, or long range by senior
Tara Tower, fe!l shorr. The second rurned rhe game upside
down Urrech passed rhe boll up
rhe m1oole ro Morrin, who pur o
powerful hie/{ 1nro he cenrer of
rhe ner wirh 45 seconds lefr
Then rhe shoor-our.
Afrer rhe firsr five shors, rhe
score was sri/I ried. In rhe sud
den-oeom round, 1r rooh four
/{ic/{ers apiece unril Cose pulled
ahead wirh o shor 1n rhe nghr
corner of rhe goat
''/ was very suprised The
way we were ploying, I
rhoughr we wee sure ro win.
Cose is a rough ream We jusr
hod o few bod breof{S, ' com·
menreo Momn.
The earlier par· of rhe season
was full of ups and downs,
Orodford sromng with o J 2 win
over Sr Corhenne 's followed by
o score:ess rie w1rh Pork Then
come rwo close losses ro Hor/ic/{
and Cose.
oong for a loose boll, sophomore
Camelo Schwal be dorrs around a
logging midfielder, hoping ro weave
her way down field and score Camelo was
a mo;or conrriburor ro rhe midfield line-up
Ago1nsr Tremper rhe offense
wenr wild ond rhe defense gor
sringy for o 5-0 rour Tower and
Urrech scored rwo goofs each,
while Momn added one Mor
rtn, ;unior Maxine Arinta and
freshman Sara Stanke hod os
s1srs Orodford's defense, led by
;un1or Kim Haugland ondsoph·
omores Camelo Schwalbe
ono Lori Covelli , prevenred
rhe Tro;ons from pumng rogerh
er scoring rhreors rhe enrire
Along wirh rhis game ;unior
goo11e Oarb Singer cho/l{ed up
six shurours.
Loo/{ing boc/{ on her season,
Singer SOid, ''/ fe/r real pos1r1ve all
year. The defense was very
1-ielpful in rhose games Wins /i/{e
rhis hod o powerful effecr on
rhe ream's confidence "
The girl's enoed rhe1r season
wirh o record of 10 5 1 overall.
Wirh o smile on his face, Fabiano commenred, ''For only
rwo years of soccer, rhey hove
occomp/isheo o !or Tl-ie furure is
very promising " by Eric Steele
St. Catherine
Bay View
3 2
1 2
1 4
5 0
7 0
3 4
5 2
3 2
2 1
1 3
2 1
3 4
" I felt we had it, but no one
let us down. We played as a
team and I want to say thanks
to everyone for that."
Tara Tower
Jodi Uttech
Tara Tower
Kim Haugland
Leading Scorer Nikki Martin
All Conference
Barb Singer
G 1st Team
Tara Tower
F 1st Team
Nikki Martin
F 2nd T earn
Jodi Uttech F Hon. Mention
Kim Haugland
D Hon.
erring a leg up on rhe compennon,
senior Tera Tower purs a move on
a Cose defender Toro gave a noreworrhy efforr for her losr year on rhe ream
lacing a good foor on a punr is very
imporronr Junior Barb Singer used
rhor good foor and kepr rhe boll
away from rhe goal long enough ro record
8 shurours
Soccer: (front) Naomi 11.yon, l'\oc:hel Acerbi. Srephonte Su1er (holc:lng picr1Je of Oorb Singer) Sonya Lawlef. N
( 2nd ) M~ooe M<(urdy ~eg"'° Crosby Md>e>e Sree... Lo" Covelh (orolyn Flesch. Sora Sro e (Jrd) """'~emer
TherBE> lo
l...,,y Fabiano Jodi Urrech. Moxlf'e Arl'"\ro ( bock) Km Hougland. Tora Tower Correla Scwolbe
ryrng ro sroy on rhe1r feer, sophomore.
Nikki Morrin and a challenger from
Sourh borrle for conrrol of rhe boll
N11~1~1 was able ro frnish rhe season as one of
rhe ream's leading scorers
aking the Right Steps
Experience Leads To Successful Season
was a year of dedicorior
derE'(m1nanon, ano oesire
Ir was a year where old
faces shined rhrough and new
faces showed whar rhe future
was to bring.
Se01ors Ron Lasco, Julius
odng himself during his leg of rhe 2
mile relay, senior !lob Brooks helps
his reommares ro a 1sr place finish in
rhe1r hear or rhe f\ed Devil f\eloys
Track: (fronr) Mrnhew Lcnen. Fronosco Peoo. Tony M
NIChokl!. CaOlnal Anon Oweo!i. Jason 5rorz. Tro~
V 'l'<. l\enolOo Mendoza Ozgur Uyger, Mak DoVIS (2nd)
Coach Perrone. Wlilo'n Greer
l\on Lasko. Corvene
ThomP5Qn. Coach Aslok>on Troy llooke< Oron llonofigho,
Jo5on Stomero. Doug End<SOO (Ord) Seo-1 Ryon, Maco
McJocora. Joe<pt1 Mier Ov"opher Stafford. Dondd Cooodge Md'oei Stewert Da ~djev.c Jonorhon Dundy
(bock ) Chnsropher Neu, !lob Orooks Scan !\obbns. Dovd
6..ock DO"\ WO!er Chad Ovn Adam Plvavor
iving on exrro "umphf," sen10r Don
Wolter clears o hurdle •n his v1crory
of rhe 55 merer high hurdle relay
Mabry. and Dan Walter
turned in strong indoor performances. "It primed us for the
real part of the year-the out·
door season ... explained Walter of the indoor season.
The County Indoor proved
to be one of the team's strongest indoor meets. Therunners
worked and were rewarded
with a second place finish.
When it came time for outdoor track season. the sopho-
mores and juniors were ready
to support the veteran seniors
in a successful season. Sophomore Dave Gulick was a
prime example. Jumping his
way to first place at Regionals.
Gulick reached a plateau of
·'Anytime a sophomore can
score that many points is just
outstanding ... explained
Coach Aslakson
Although the young runners
had good performances. it was
the seniors that displayed the
leadership at Regionals, Sectionals. and eventually State.
The Red Devils qualified the
relay team of Mabry. sophomore Francisco Pena. sen-
ior Cortez Sherrod . and
William Green for the
WIAA State meet. Also qualifying for state was Losco in the
800. Proving himself in the
preliminary race, Lasco ran his
fastest time ever. taking fourth
in his heat and fifth in State
during the finals.
"My goal was sixth place. so
I did one better ... Losco said.
"It feels good because it means
you 're one of the top six in the
whole state.··
Running their way to a third
place finish at Regionals. a fifth
at Sectionals. and a 39th out of
88 at State. the Red Devil runners proved themselves worthy. by David Riva
Racine Case Quad3rd out of 4
County Indoor 2nd out of 6
Rebel Relay 7th out of 9Madison West Relays 26th out of
Big 9 Meet
7th out of 9
Eagle Invite
6th out of 9
Red Devil Relays 2nd out of
Ron Lasco
128 points
Julius Mabry
97 .25 points
Dan Walter
97 points
David Gulick
81 points
William Green
79 points
Brian Bonofiglio 42 .5 points
Joe Meitzun
39 points
Chad Ovitt
38 .75 points
Francisco Pena
37 points
County Outdoor
2nd of 6
Nicolet Invite
10th of 12
Trojan Invite
3rd of 6
Pius Invite
6th of 9
Monona Grove Invite 17th of
Big 9 Meet
5th of 9
WIAA Regionals
3rd of 8
WIAA Sectionals 5th of 16
WIAA State
39th of 88
" Everyone worked hard all
season. We finished right
about where we expected."
- junior Tony Miceli
Record 121-127
oaring ro new he1ghrs, seni.or Julius
Mabry exrends himself 1n m1d-01r
Mobry's besr Jump was on incredible
21 teer 3 1nchesl
1rh perseverance ond dererminonon. senior Ron Lasko gives
his oll during rhe mile reloy
al prot05 Oy 5ue Oenrer
emonsrroring htS- fiu1-d swing ond follow rhrough, senior Drent Dorenbecker rrocks htS 8-1ron opprooch ro
rhe 10rh green or Pernty1ng Springs Counry
ee ir upl Junior Holly Ashley worms
up as she onx1ously owoirs rhe beginning of her round or Moplecresr Counrry Club Walking away w1rh rhe MVP and
oll-counry honors, she demosrrored her golf
ing prowess
Chns Evans
Sue Oenrer
Girls' Golf, (fronr) Jemy Ger1och. DearY\O fiolmgren. f\ashel f\ourhe<>.Jx (bock) EnchSchaffer Kro Komorec. rloly Ashley ,
Cooch Orodshow
202 GOLF
South Div.
163 291
168 213
Custer / Madison
162 152
158 239
Bay View
166 163
Milw. Tech / Pulaski 174 178
Beloit Inv.
Janesville Inv.
188 185
160 256
Bradford best ball
171 179
Hor lick
160 165
311 260
350 208
311 223
294 239
LINGO - This has been a rugged season for golf .
-Coach Bradshaw
Boys' Golf, (fronr)Orenr Andre, CroogGlmore. Fred Yonel (2nd) Don Arr-res, Dove Knurh, l\o.; Fanelle, Orer Aoello. Orenr Clo<enbecker, Jorn Cl6tiop (bock ) Cooch Le"J(ll<, Joe5r1Ch, Tm Lor
son. Moke Holbrock. Deron Andre, Ench Schoffer, Nici< Ouodrncoo. Cooch Decker
irh hrs rrusry prrch1ng wedge,
senror Joe Stich chrps ooro rhe
renrh green or Pernfy1ng Sprrngs
Counry Porl~. "Joe was our mosr consisrenr
player for rhe durorion of rhe season," said
Mr Oecker
uys Two Strokes Short
Girls Find Few Diamonds in Rough
or rhe rwo Drodford
golf reams. ''exper
1ence" was rhe :{ey
word The guys' ream hoo
p!enry of ir while rhe gins hod
W1rh o senior mo possessing
vors1ry experience since rheir
fresnmen years, rhe guys were
100/{ing forward ro o solid, /nor
oursronding, season. Thor mo
consisreo of seniors Joe Stitch ,
Jim Bishop, and Brent Dorenbecker As rhe longh1nn9 Sr•ch
srored "We could hove fin
1sned in ihe rap rwo or rhree in
rhe conference, bur our bod
meers og01nsr Tremper and
Par/{ ruined nose hopes "
Losng ro Tremoer is always
hara ro swallow, espeoo/ly
when rhe ream didn r ploy up
ro par and snli only losr 16J-166.
''No orie really ployed well ex
cepr for Dren' " comme'l;ed
The Par/{ loss, 188 185, was
onorher day when no one snor
well Ironically, rhe Devils losr by
orily rhree srro/{es even >A,.1rh
such o high score "They (Par/{)
were roo overconfidenr, " srored Doreribec/{er
As menrioned before, exoer
:ence, or rhe 1oc/{ of 1r, is whor
hampered rhe girl' squad Since
girls ' golf hos only been or Drod
ford rhe losr rwo years, rf-iere
were few players who golfed
on o regular boss. QUtre smp'y,
rhe sporr nos nor yer coughr on
Cose in poinr, rhere was only
orie experienced golfer, ;unior
Holly Ashley, on rhe squad
Ir wcs very difficulr for rf-ie
ream ro compere ogoinsr orher
esroblished golfing schools w!Th
such o /cc/{ of ploying nme
However, rhe Red Devils rnode
greor smdes. Some girls cur as
r:ony CS forry srrof{eS off rrer
scores Tne guys' goo! was ro
reach srore. "We rhoughr we
hod c 9000 snor or going 'O
srcre of;er we compared our
regional scores wi h rhe orher
reg1oncls, · commenrea Sr·ch,
"01d we /{new we could cur
our scores by o few s.·ro/{es "
Unforrunore 1y rhe dnve ·o
srore was suddenly rhrown inro
per/{ when rhe ream received
word 1n ;he clubhouse rf-ior rne
losr Kerrie Moroire goi'er shor
78. Thcr ousred Drodford by o
me-e rwo srro/{es
Dorenbec/{er nored, "We
come obour rhe closesr ro going
ro srore ·non any orher Draa
'ord ream 'r> 18 years "
Alrhougn me girls mooe vos;
improvemenrs, b1rd1es were on
enoongered species. Noi w1nrlln9 any duo! meers, rf-iey hoo
ro forfer ~ ve rirres due ro c
shor•oge o' players. Even when
rhey snor rhe1r besr rouna of rhe
year, 294 Drod'ord could nor
ousr 501em Ce,..,ro, 2J9)
For rne 91rJs, i was o hu(Y)
bl1ng season rno'/{ea oy vosr im
provernenrs. The guys come o
few dimp 1es shor· of reo/J:Z1ng
rhe r dream "Every year, we
ore ge; closer and closer r<'
srore " observed Dishop
Indeed. rwo ,rro/{eS s very
close by Scott Atkins
Sue Oenrer
umps, bends, and undulorions. Junror
Kris Komare c lines up her purr on
Moplecresr's fourrh green rn on or
rempr ro read rhe breol~.
GOLF 203
•Ai POO'I')!> by :ef# LCQ'Tlls
rrend:ng .ro her duries as osS1sronr ro rhe public 1nlormor1on speciolisr, :.en1or Corrie Wegner learns •a use
orrworl~ 10 her loyour frv on odvernsemern or rhe Educor1onol Supporr Cenrer
ar.n1ng his credit and his pay, senior John Miceli stocks the
shelves of Woigreens with special va!enrines and candy
M1cei as well os other students. was porr of CO-OP, a
program where students earn cred:rs rawards rheir education
t'"1raugh employment
1rh arrennon ro dera , seniOr Michelle Owsichek
adjusts the pasirion of a manneovin_ d1solay or rhe
N::~e Focrory Our!er where she war'~ See odver•.sement page 225.
In the 'Black
Jockey International ................................................................ 211
Tri-Clover, Inc.
Snap-on ............ ....................................... , .. ...... ..... ............... ... 222
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Kenosha, WI 53141 USA
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Kenosha, WI 53142
3803 - 80th Street
Kenosha, WI 53142
Paul & Imra Ferraro
3828 - 14th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
General Dentistry
7505 - 38th Avenue
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2105 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
5016 - 7th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
6530 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
6213 - 10th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
7851 - 51st Avenue
6308 - 8th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
8020 Sheridan Road
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Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
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5022 - 6th Avenue
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Internal Medicine
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2424 - 63rd Street
Kenosha, WI 53140-4378
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Family Dentistry
3726 Washington Road
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1225 - 75th Street
Kenosha, WI 53140
Orthopedic Surgery
6308 - 8th A venue
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2105 - 22nd Avenue
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4709 Greenbay Road
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Easy Tan
A young man was walking along the beach one
day, and he heard a voice "pick up pebbles along
the way, and tomorrow you will be both happy
and sad." As he walked, he picked up a few
pebbles. The next day his pebbles had turned into
beautiful jewels, and he was happy he picked some
up and sad that he didn't pick up more. So it is
wich education - you will be happy that you have
some, sad char you didn't get more.
8024 22nd Ave.
Good Luck To You All!
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SINCE 1978
You Can Make a Difference
uldeas won}t keep. Something must be done
(Alfred North Whitehead)
about them.}}
Years ago,] oseph] ohnson, a young man from
Milwaukee, had a brilliant idea that his bosses
instantly rejected - as so many brilliant ideas
So, he and a co-worker began to turn his idea
into a reality. The two started a company that
would make and sell wrenches with interchangeable sockets that would "snap-on" to a
wrench handle. Early mechanics liked the new
wrenches, and the company grew.
Today, Snap-on Tools Corporation is a Fortune
500 company and is known around the world
for its quality products.
You, like young Joe, can make a difference.
Snap-on Tools Corporation applauds you the members of the 1989 Graduating Class and your ideas!
~'!/~ 1-/~/
Marion Gregory
Chairman of the Board, President, and
Chief Executive Officer
Jockey International hos
been porronizing rhe Orodford
SPY by rol<;ing our a full page
odverrisemenr since rhe 1940's.
The company sow "no reason"
ro disconrinue rheir supporr in
SPY '89.
hove o corpororion wirh such o
producrive hisrory conrriburing
ro irs publicorion Joc/<;ey gor 1rs
srorr in 1876 5 T Cooper and
Sons ser up business in Sr. Jo
seph, Michigan. They began
w1rh six hondoperored frnirring
"We hove greor confidence
in rhe yourh of Kenosha, " said
Producing heavy woolen
William Herrmann , rhe Vice
soc/<;s for wesrword-bound pioPresidenr of Adverrising or Jock
neers, Joc/<;ey sold rheirproducrs
ey, ''and we feel rhor wirh o
under rhe name ''Oloc/<; Car Ho
greor omounr
of supporr
Around rhe
rhey will conrum of rhe cen
rinue ro reprerury, Cooper &
senr l<.enosho
Sons added o
in a posirive
new underwear
line Ir was morAlso Joc/<;l<;ered under rhe
ey viewed
brand name
rhe porron "Whire Car." Dy
oge as per1910, · 'Whire
Car" was doing
so w ell monogeservice, SPY
menr sold rhe hoU NDERWEAR
being one of
siery inreresr in
rhe many
rh e company
rhey rol<;e on ocrive porr in.
The company become norionThey enjoyed showing rheir inolly recognized as on indusrry
volvemenr and felr ir was a
leader in men 's underwear or
worrh while invesrmenr They
rhe 1nrroducnon of rhe Kenosha
will conrinue ro odvem:Se in rhe
Klosed Krorch
SPY and rol<;e porr in orher com
In rhe early '60s, rhey ofmuniry projecrs.
fered fashion underwear In
''Jr is our way of showing our
1972, rhe company become
foirh and wishing rhem (KenoJoc/<;ey lnrernorionol. As rhe
sha 's yourh) well, " Herrmann
leader, Joc/<;ey sers rhe sryle
and design for rhe resr of rhe
The SPY was very proud ro
1ndusrry by Claudia Presta
Ornamental Wrought Iron Railings
Handcrafted Iron Railings, Gates,
Columns, Window Guards, Light Structural
- Decoration
- Security
Call For FREE Estimate and Design Suggestions
654-3535 Days
1319-61 st Street
Kenosha, WI
551-8603 Evenings
Standing Tall in Kenosha
Emergency 656-2202
Main Switchboard 656-2011
4314-39th Avenue
Locared on o 9J-ocre rracr in Pleosonr Prairie, Tri-Clover is one of
several successful local corporarions ro supporr SPY odverrising.
The main reason for Tri-Clover's supporr is ro encourage Dradford
srudenrs ro consider Tri-Clover as o porenriol furure employer '' We wonr
ro ger our name /{nown in high schools, so hopefully one day we will
hove Dradford graduores wor/{ing here," sOJd Sandy Pavlik, rhe Adverrising and Soles Promorion Manager. She furrher explained rhor Tri-Clover
wonred ro expand upon rheir recognirion in rhe communiry.
SPY was only one of rhe orgonizorions supporred by Tri-Clover. "We
supporr all (of Kenosha's) high school yeorboof{S, ploys, sparring evenrs
and rhe Unired Woy, ro name o few," Pov/ii{ srored.
Tri-Clover enjoys wor/{ing wirh srudenrs involved in odverris1ng. ''fr is
good rraining for everyone and gives srudenrs o preview for whor rhe
furure holds, " Pov/i/{ added.
Tri-Clover was founded in 1919 and is currenrly owned by Alfo-Lovol, o
mulri-norionol orgonizonon heodquorrered in Sweden. Serving rhe food
processing and relored indusrries wirh on ossorrmenr of monufocruring
hardware, rhe corporarion employs opproximorely 650 people in all
Best Wishes For
Your Future!
694-S I SO 7520 39th A venue
843-238 I Hwy. 50, 24804 75th Street
Jenny Motors
"Quality Used Cars"
Tri-Clover 1s o leading supplier of sroinless sreel producrs ro rhe dairy,
beverage, and general food monufocruring morl{ers olrhough opproximorely JO% of ourpur is used in non-food opplicarions.
Ongoing producr research and developmenr is o prioriry or Tri-Clover,
whose producrs ore represenred by nearly 200 specialized disrriburors
rhroughour rhe world.
This is one company rhor also prorecrs irs employees ' wor/{ env1ronmenr. The plonr is 100% non-combusrible and fully sprin/{/er prorecred. An
alarm sysrem monirors worer flow. There ore also closed circuir TV
monirors rhor worch all ocriviry around rhe plonr, which also oir-condirioned.
Tri-Clover hos o greor deal ro be proud of. One of rhe corporarion 's
biggesr occomplishmenrs is being rhe only rhree-rime winner (1977, 1984
and 1987) of rhe Food lndusrry Suppliers Associorion "A word for Excellence." This award commended Tri-Clover on rhe excellence of irs morl{er
supporr 1n rhe form of rraining, programs, producr 1nformorion and field
Whor is Tri-Clover 's l{ey ro success? A mixrure of dererminorion, goal
serring and posirive omrude. ''Self-confidence ro/{es everyone forrher, "
5819 - 52nd
said Pavlik
SPY is honored ro be ossooored wirh Tri-Clover and solures ir for irs
commirmenr ro quoliry in educarion. by Claudia Presta
SINCE 1966
HA I ~ ~·uo 0
6527 -39TH AV
"May you live
all the days of your life."
Jonathan Swift
· ....~ 1 ohnson
Best Wishes:
Eaton Corporation
Electric Drives Division
3122 14th Avenue
Kenosha , WI 53141
A loco/ monufocruring f/'rm, Leblanc hos been blowing 1rs horn in rhe SPY
for years.
The main reason for rheir nore-worrhy ads was ro show rheir supporr for
rhe communiry. "We (odverrise in SPY) because ir shows communiry supporr. We also li/{e ro supporr (high school) ocriviries. We believe in Kenosha,"
A Driving Force
said John Houter, rhe odverrising manager.
Leblanc also porronizes o wide voriery of orher orgonizorions in Kenosha.
the World
''The orgonizorions we supporr vary. The high school yeorboo/{S and rhe
Kenosha Symphony Orchresrro ore rhe ones rhor ore consisrenrly supporr- ~----------------------------!
ed, " srored Hourer.
Good Luck 89!
Leblanc's roars con be rroced boc/{ ro 1750, when wind insrrumenrs were
snJJ evolving inro rhe forms people would recognize rodoy. Ir was or rhis rime
in hisrory rhor Ers. D. Nobler was founded in Fronce.
In 1904, rhe ownership passed ro Georges Leblanc. Afrer World War/,
Georges and his son Leon organized G. Leblanc Cie. This company was on
experimenrol lobororory for ocousricol research and rhe developmenr of
new and more occurore monufocruring merhods. The company grew and
14th Ave
currenrly 1s managed by Leon Leblanc.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
The hisrory of Leblanc in America srorrs in rhe losr monrhs of World War II
Phone 654-8999
with a meering of Leon Leblanc and Vito Pascucci, who was born and
educored in Kenosha public schools. He loved rhe c/oriner and irs /{ey work
While srorioned in Europe during World War II, Pascucci learned monufocruring rechniques from rhe mosr respecred insrrumenr mo/{er or rhor rime, Leon
Afrer rhe war, Leblanc co-founded rhe G. Leblanc Corpororion in Kenosha. Ir was founded as a quoliry-conrrol srorion for rhe inspecrion and reassembly of musical insrrumenrs imporred from Fronce. Leblanc is now rhe
oldesr and lorgesr privorely held wind insrrumenr monufocrurer in America.
Leblanc hos hod numerous honors besrowed upon rhem. To name a few,
Pascucci was named ro rhe American Music Conference Holl of Fame in
1980. In 1982, he was awarded rhe Edwin Fron/{ Goldman Memonol Cirorion,
rhe highesr award of rhe American Dond-Mosrers Associorion.
Two recenr awards rhe corpororion received were rhe Mayor's Privore
Secror Recognirion A word and rhe Dusiness Deourificorion A word in January.
.. }'~~ ~
''Leblanc is proud ro coll Kenosha home We 've grown in rhis ciry and we
conrinue ro grow wirh rhis ciry, " said Leblanc senior vice pres1denr Leon
Pascucci upon occepring rhe Mayor 's Privore Secror Recognirion A word on
behalf of rhe company.
Ar Leblanc rhere is one greor single passion rhor reigns: music As rhey soy
or rhe corpororion, ' 'Dreorhe life inro your music rhrough world-class insrrumenrs from rhe world of Leblanc." by Claudio Presto
We Speialize in
''.=-~,\;\•-: -
with his own wings.''
-William Blake
~ fundrai$ing
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Today's experiences give wing to
tomorrow•s achievements.
RES. 358-0331
(414) 552 -9616
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Then ...
Sales & Services
Kenosha , WI 53140
6329 28th Avenue
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More than just a Deli!
Good Luck Class of '89!
2121-45th Street• Kenosha, WI 53140
1021-60th Street• 654-3514 •Kenosha
Racine: 552-9797 llllnols: 1-395-5222
Open Mon . ·Fri. 9-9. Saturday 9-5
of Kenosha
PHONE: 658-2331
Kenosha 's marvelous li ttle escape hatc h!
since 193 1
WISCONSIN 1-800-242-3666 ILLINOIS 1-800-458-5713
618 - 55th ST.
KENOSHA, WI 53141-0370
Best Wishes,
Red Devils
<Jleritage Bank ofKenosha
A Good Neighbor to Have
Main Office
3928 60th St.
South Office
8046 39th Avenue
Bristol Office
7700 - !20th Avenue in the
Factory Outlet Center
41 4-654-077 4
4437 - 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
;~e e~11
Open 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mon. thru Fri.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone 694-5757
7530 - 39th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142
AM Community Credit Union. ..
Working Hard
For Working
At AMCCU lfs you that makes the difference.
We're· run for YOU. We're owned by
YOU. And our sole reason for being here
ls to benefit YOU!
Our pride in service and perfonnance has
made AMCCU one of the most highly
rated and dependable credit unions In
21a AMccu
5 717 Sheridan Rd
Kenosha. WI 53140
(4 14) 652-4285
Hardee 's Fam ily Restauran t hos been o Orodford SPY supporrer for
many years, rolfing our half page odverrisemenrs in rhe yearbook
There were many reasons for Hardee 's conrinued supporr. ' 'We hove
Orodford srudenrs rhor worlf here and also because Orodford srudenrs
supporr our resrouronr, " said Susan Anderson , morlfering manager.
Hardee 's employees do nor mind worlfing w1/h young odulrs concerning business rronsocrions, such as odverrising. ''Ir is a good idea rhor people
in high school ger business exposure and experience, " Anderson srored.
Even rhough some of rhe business morrers ore rolfen core of over rhe
phone, rhor srill gives rhe srudenrs a learning experience. ' 'They learn
phone rechniques, and rhe experience rhey receive or rhe high school
level con only help, " added Anderson.
Also rhey enjoyed displaying rheir young odulr supporred ormosphere
in rhe resrouronr. This is ev1denr in rheir ad, which consisrs of o phorogroph
of Orodford srudenrs in fronr of rhe resrouronr ''fr gers rhe lfids involved
and allows rhem ro feel good, " Anderson said
Ir was for from a rare occurrence ro see Orodford srudenrs or Hardee 's
during rheir lunch hours and on w ee/fends. Oesides rhe good service,
rhere was good food.
Orhers enjoyed rhe friendly ormosphere ir conveyed. " The people
who worlf rhere ore really nice and ore always willing ro help," saidjunior
Jodi Maedke.
The employees felr rhor rhe friendly ormosphere was a musr ·'Our
number one job is ro serve rhe cusromer 's needs," srored Hordee 's
employee junior Julie Tambornino . by Claudia Presta
Family Practice Associates of Kenosha, S.C.
BUS. OFFICE 658-2706
--------------- -------------- -------- ----- -- -- -- -- --- -- ------------------ --- -- - ---------------------------- ----- - -- --- ------------------- --- ---
4500 13TH COURT
KENOSHA , WI 53141
IN WISCONSIN : (414) 654-5301
The Somers Co., Inc.
General Conbactor
lllO Skokie Valley Rd. Suite 17 Highland Park, II. 80035
(311) 433-11917
tcngralulaticns I
llass cf~~
ucu·ue established the
leunduUen. new build en il
Stella's Cassa Capri • Corner 22nd Ave. & Birch Rd. • Kenosha, WI 53140 • (414) 551-7171
Comp{ete 'Denta{ Care &
'Emergency Services
• I • • • • I • • •
Paradise family Dental
Steven R. Paradise D.D.S.
- - - Robert Feinman D.D.S.
5815 · 11th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140 (414) 657-5389
•I I I I I I 1 · 1 I
~ ~ ~ ~otf)) ~ fF7ff 34~~:~~V1
U)} ~
~ \Q) ffL Wisconsin
2906-14th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141
........ ~!!'~~'!!.'!
(414) 654-5381
Quality Instruments For Band & Orchestra
Phone 414 657-5031
5905 - 6th Avenue "A"
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
Take Good
Care of Yourself
Have an Ocean Spray!
The farmer's cooperative that brings you
a wide range of natural fruit 1uic:es, drinks and sauces
Dist. by Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.,
Lakeville-Middleboro, MA 02349
222 Snap-on
Product of USA
A SPY supporrer for o greor many yeors, Snop-On Tools/Snap-On
is one of rhe lorgesr companies in i<.enosho.
"We supporr rhe Orodford SPY because iris a communiry supporr
efforr, "said Birge Whitmore , rhe supervisor of public relorions or rhe
company. Whirmon also wenr on ro soy rhor rhey will conrinue ro
supporr rhe SPY
"We supporr all orher high schools as well as numerous orgonizorions in rhe area, " Whirmore srored
Snap-On Tools is rhe world's lorgesr monufocrurer and dismburor of
hand roots, elecrronic equipmenr, and root sroroge unirs for profession
al mechanics. They hove led rheir indusrry in producr quoliry, personal
service, and rimely innovorion. They hove answered rhe pressing
needs of rodoy's mechanics for superior quoliry and performance by
inrroducing new producrs.
Snap-On was founded in 1920 by Joe Johnson, Oil/ Seidemonn,
Sronron Palmer and Newron Torble. The lone direcrion rhey sow rhe
company advance ro was up. This is easily /{nown by following rhe
componoy's progression rhrough rhe years.
Dy 1929, Snap-on Wrench Company hod 26 soles branches and
nearly JOO salesmen. The 1970's sow a sreody, evenhanded expansion and refinemenr in every operorion Dy rhe decode 's end, rhe
company recorded ner soles of $J7J 6 million-a five-fold leap in ren
In 1988, for rhe firsr rime in rheir hisrory, soles exceeded rhe previous
year's level by $100 million Also earnings and divends rose ro record
levels, rerurn on shareholders' equiry reached 2J.5%, and ner earn
1ngs were 1J.J% of soles. These resulrs reflecr rheir obiliry ro cop1ro/ize
on opporruniries 1n rheir mor/{ers.
Through more rhon 80 soles branches worldwide, a nerwor/{ of
fosr- rurnoround repair cenrers, a responsive porrs disrriburion cenrer,
ren up-ro-dore monufocruring plonrs, and srrong rroining and supporr
for rheir employees and soles force, rhey hove achieved a level of
cusromer service unmorched in rheir indusrry
Quoliry, service, and 1nnovorion hove pur rhem on rop, and rhey
hove rhe mor/{ering experience, rechnologico/ /{now-how, and financial resources ro sroy rhere.
.. The diligence, dererminorion and sensiriv1ry ro rhe profess1onol
mechanic exh1bired by our founders in rhose early years survives in
rhe efforrs of 6,000 worldwide employees of Snap on. We ore facing
rhe balance of rhe 1980's wirh rhe some rigorous srondords of excellence and on unwavering commirmenr ro connnue our 65-yeor relorionship of rrusr w1rh our cusromers .
"said W.B. Rayburn , Chairman, Pres1denr and Chief Execurive Officer
by Claudio Presto
Congratulations, Graduates
Student Council
President: Kevin Sura
Vice-President: James Bishop Ill
Treasurer: Brian Parker
Secretary: Melissa Kelley
Advisor: Mr. Hoferitza
2909 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
3715 Washington Road
Kenosha, WI 53142
3809 - 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
1500 Washington Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
7531 - 39th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142
3637 - 30th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
5006 - 7th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
6527 - 39th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142
804 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
9909 Burlington Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
7426 - 40th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53142
824 Washington Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
4709 Green Bay Road
Kenosha, WI 53142
4715 Green Bay Road
Kenosha, WI 53142
1738 - 22nd Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
7610 Pershing Blvd.
Kenosha, WI 53142
6403 - 75th Street
Kenosha, WI 53142
2204 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
7544 Pershing Blvd.
Kenosha, WI 53142
3205 Washington Road
Kenosha, WI 53140
7400 North Oak Park Avenue
iles, IL 60648
2001 - Alford Drive
Kenosha, WI 53141
... <
,;. ,..,. < . .
. '(,.
7i ~ .... ~1:; ~"/..-"" ~.
Maurer Lawn and Garden Center
Alrhough ir 1s o re/orively new business, Nike Factory Store hos
been o porron of rhe yeorboo/{ virruolly since 1rs inceprion.
The Nifre Focrory Srore sells many Ni/{e producrs: foorweor, sporrs
wear, ond accessories. Decouse ir 1s o focrory srore, prices ore rhe besr
When o cusromer wall~ inro rhe srore, he or she moy be greered
by one of rhe many Drodford srudenrs who ore employed by rhe
srore. In focr, Ni/{e hos become one of rhe mosr popular srores for
srudenrs ro see/{ employmenr. True also, rhe srore happens ro be one
of rhe besr /{nown in rhe ciry-ond even rhe Midwesr.
The reason for rhe greor number of Drodford srudenrs worfong
rhere is simple: ''/ /i/{e wor/{ing rhere because you meer o for of
inreresring people ond rhe ones who wor/{ rhere ore fun ro be wirh, "
said one sorisfied Ni/{e employee, junior Kris Koma rec
Nifre received irs srorr in 1964, when irs rwo founders, Phil Knighr ond
Dill Dowermon, began selling shoes our of Knighr's bosemenr ond or
loco/ rroc/{ meers. The rwo mer while in college in 1957.
The rwo men come up wirh rhe name of Ni/{e by basing 1r on rhe
Gree/{ goddess of "vicrory. " The original name wos DRS. They re
ceived rheir porenr in 1971 for rheir famous "swish. " In 1971 , rhey
received rheir porenr for rhe Ni/{e Air
Ni/{e sponsors many famous orhleres such os rennis sror John McEnroe, Chicago Dull Michael Jordon, ond Olympian Joan Denoir. In 1985,
rhe Air Jordons come our, ond rhey ore currenrly one of rhe besr
selling producrs for Ni/{e
Nif{e recenrly moved ro o larger ond berrer locorion or 12225-71sr
Srreer They also changed rheir name from Ni/{e Focrory Our/er ro rhe
Ni/{e Focrory Srore. These changes reflecr rhe srore 's greor success ond
rapid growrh in Kenosha. The new locorion also allows rhe srore ro
berrer serve irs cusromers ond give rhem o much larger selecrion of
''The new locorion of rhe srore 1s greor, "said Ni/{e employee senior
Michelle Owsichek, "Ir really is o nice change ond I rhin/{ ir will help us
gain more cusromers. "
The Nifre Srore 1n Kenosha 1s currenrly rhe only one of irs frind 1n rhe
Midwesr However, rhere ore plans ro open new srores in Michigan,
Madison ond possibly Milwou/{ee in rhe near furure.
The srore is also very ocrive in rhe communiry. Ir holds frequenr renr
soles, which olwoys prove ro be o greor success. Also, rhey sponsor o
baseball ream ond differenr rypes of running races, many of which
involve Por/{s1de srudenrs. This year rhe srore srorred rheir own bos/{er
boll ream, which feorured srore employees. These ore only o handful
of rhe ocriviries rhor revolve around rhe srore. by Claudia Presta
1780 - 2nd Ave.
Good Luck Class of "89"!
(414) 694-6800
George B Wedell, DDS, SC. - - ORTHODONTICS
'------3910 - 85th Street • Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142
Jim Bezotte
Charlotte Colvin
Tracy Conley
Shirley Crowe
Chandra Dugger
Keith Furloni
Jeff George
Renae Grill
Terry Holmes
Steve Horak
Trina Johnson
Roger Jurgens
Melinda Kangas
Becky Marzfeld
Rachel Page
Mario Passarelli
Brian Phillips
Steve Slaughter
Patricia Cook
NIKE 225
'Ralph ]. 7e11uta
Open 7 days • 857-7333
Landmark Crossings• 12225-71st St., Kenosha (1-94 off Hwy. 50)
Buy direct from NIKE.
Save on athletic footwear, apparel and
accessories for the entire family.
227 NIKE
228 DECA
DECA 229
FREE WindSurfing Demos
Give n Daily At The Store
Bic • Mistral • Fanatic
Good luck
Class of "89"!
from Junior
90 DAY
RIGGING 41°4-652-5434
2926·75th St. (E. Hwy. 50)
You 're
the best
Our skilled rechnicions and rhe CAR -0-L!NER
repair sysrem ore rhe guoronree rhor
your car will be resrored precisely ro monufoaurer's
5021 30th Avenue
OPEN Tues. Thru Sun. From 4 PM
0 Regular Thin Crispy Pizza
O Extra Thick And Chewy
O Pan Or Deep Dish Pizza
0 Chicago Style Stuffed Fry Pan Pizza
0 Pizzas Made With Whole Wheat Crust (At Your Request)
0 Also We Make 'Um You Bake 'Um Fresh Pizzas
Plus A Complete Carry-Out Sandwich And Dinner Menu
10 Delivery Vehicles Equipped
With Heated Delivery Ovens
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Jim & Lyla Spata
"We Gil'e Our
Customers More
Than Just Pizza... "
Grab a baguette and a Perrier
and join Bradford's French Club!
We have bake sales, take field
trips, and do civic duties .. . and
all in a foreign language!
So parlez franca/1 and join
Gaad Luci-I
Class af ~ 89~
That is the bottom line.
A good job... the kJniJ of job you want.
That is what Gateway Technical
College is all about.
400 South Hwy H
Elkhorn, WI 53121-2020
Phone: 723-5390
Training people for jobs.
For themselves. For their families.
Gateway offers 63 different majors in the
fields of health, office occupations, marketing,
trade and industry, and public service. And
we've got the support programs such as
Student Services and Financial Aids.
Check Out Gateway ... We Mean Business
in the classes we teach ana in the students we graduate.
Enrollment in progress!
3520 - 30th Avenue
Kenosha. WI 53142-1690
Phone: 656-6900
1001 South Main Street
Racine, WI 53403-1582
Phone: 631-7300
Kenosha Bradford
Octagon Club
Octagon Club Officers
VP Socia l Activities - Eric Steele
President - Dave Riva
VP Civic Responsibility - Julie Bentz
VP Finance - Wendy Bastrup
not picturrd
VP Patriotic Development - Amy Baldwin
VP Leadership - Aimee Maurer
rrfie Octagon Y~if!Mi Cocfe
f Promise 'To:
. .:::=::t:il!!JJllllJIJllli:1:::::·=·=·=:::::t;;:;:,..
:::::~~~f)ftitJ~tf rt~J::::·:
a[[ fiving things
an~l~~!'. 'in tin ,;J: :~ce of {ije,
--:::::::::::·:·· :::::::::::::;::: ··:::::::::::::::· :;:;:::::::::::::=:..
'Work. to preserve our form ofgovef.~meriJ antf the Jreetfoms it guarantees.
f wi{{ varue intfepentfence of mintf antf tfevefop sefJ-k(ifl:Ju, setting highgoals in {ije antf tfetfication myself
to the service of others.
-AAbrahamson, Andrea 66, 155
Badke, Bruce 92
Bahrs, .Jeffery 104. 109
Bail!'y. Dawn 104. 137
Bakkala, Rodney 104
Baldwin, Amy 9:1, 142, 158. 159.
16.'i. 195, 246
Bentz, Julie 92, 155, 158
Berg, Jennifer 7, 92, 93, 159
Bernhardt, Jennifer 75, 104
Berry, Jean-Claud 92
Beshiri, Agim I 04
Bethke, Corey 66, 130
/kxhe1 Roe Acero.
Rochel , A daughrer • born Our
heorrs ore led w1rh pnde. so many
hopes ond dreams The doughrer
gows. and we m..rsr reohze she hos
her own hopes and dreams. her
own l..OqUE' way of looking or kfe
Taooy we w<Sh yru al rhe dreams
yrur heorr con hold, and offer yru
rhe help yru mghr need ro make
each dream come rrue love Mom
Abrahamson, Andrew 104
Acerbi, Rachel 13, 66, 126, 158, 199
Adamczyk, Sean 104
Adams, Amy 92, 159
Adams, Miguel 92
Adamson, Jeremy 92, 191
Addams, Stacy 134, 156, 247
Ade, Tiffany 104
Adelsen, Beth 33, 35, 37, 39, 66,
128, 156, 157, 162, 165, 170, 171 ,
194, 244, 245
Adkins, Christina 92
Aguilar, Alexander 104
Aguilar, Ismael 92
Aguilar, Marcelo 92
Aiello, Brett 92, 187, 203
Aldrich, Chad 92, 181
Aldridge, James 92
Alford , Darlene 137
Alfredson, Angela 175
Allard, Sheri 66
Allen, Richard 92, 162, 165
Alwardt, Aimee 7, 31, 92, 138, 149,
162, 235
Ambrose, Amy 35, 66, 140, 142, 156,
157, 161, 172, 244
Ambrose, David 92
Andersen, Shelly 92
Anderson, Bonnie 66
Anderson, Corina 66, 141
Anderson, Dana 104, 165, 185
Anderson, Dean 104
Anderson, Leroy 154
Anderson, Mary 137
Anderson, Natasha 137, 146, 152
Anderson, Nathan 134, 159
Anderson, Susan 219
Andre, Brent 203
Andre, Deron 104, 203
Andrews, Cedric 162, 181, 246
Andrews, Dana 104
Aney, Kevin 104, 165
Aney, William 92
Antararnian, Peter 92
Aragon, Lucy 92
Ares, Kevin 162
Arinta, Maxine 92, 138, 155, 159,
185, 198, 199
Armes, Daniel 203
Armes, Kirsten 66, 175
Asboth, Scott 104, 109
Ashby, Kimberly 104, 153
Ashley, Holly 9, 16, 92, 128, 137,
142, 165, 202, 203
Aslakson, Mark 171, 194, 200
Associates of Kenosha 219
Atkins, Ryan 104, 187
Atkins, Scott 33, 35, 66, 156, 180,
181, 190, 191, 245
Bach, Thomas 104
Bader, Ann 66, 155
Baldwin, Timothy 66, 155
Ballard. Blaine 66, 171, 190
Bezotte, James 6, 12, 176, 183
Bianco, Peter 92, 137, 165, 190
Bohatkrewic:z, Chri•tophcr 104
Bohm, Amy 172
Bollcndorf, Tracy 189
Bonini, Anthony 29, 101, 10•1, 13:1,
136, 142
Bonofiglio, Brian 104. 200. 201
Booker, Kenya 104
Booker, Troy 132, 200
Booth, Chriswpher 24, 92, 134
Boothe, Dawn 104
Boscher, 3, 92, 138, 149, 161
Bosco. John 92
Bosw, Linda 105, 134
Bosco, Stephanie 92, 158
Bosman, Francine 92
Bovee, Erir 92
Bradshaw. Ann 202
Brand, Allyson I 0, 33, 67, I as
Brand. Matthew 92, 162. 181
Brandalise. Cory 105, 162, 168
Brantley, David 105
Brantley, Terry 181
Braun, Dan 105
Braun, Tina 105
Breckenfeld, Timothy 6~
Brehm, Da"id 67, l :18, 169
!<wen Armes
Kirsten, Moy al rhe doY' of olJ rhe
years rhor God has sr• in srore be
filled w1rh every py and goce ro
~ yru more and more Moy hope
of heon ond peace of mnd besode
yO<J ever 11oy. and rhor rhe golden
wish we hove for you on you
Groduonon Doy Good W< God
Oles.s Love Mom. Dad. Mike, 6
Ballard, Ched 104. 183
Baltes, Jennifer 6, 31. 67, 92, 93,
Billen, Gerald 104
Billings, Derek 92
Breitenbach. Kathy 172
Breuhl, Julia 92, 128, 129, 137
Dovkt Oretvn
David. Moy you furl.Ke be all rhor
you wonr 11 ro be Excel io ~fe as you
did on rhe soccer field. and we know
rhor yoo wi go a long way in you
<fe Live each day so rhor yru w.i
neuher be ofrOld of romorrow nor
cMomed of yesrerdoy We ore al
very proud of yoo love Mom 6
Ja7, 138, 140, 142, 145. 150. 151,
155, 173, 248
Barca. ,Jonathan 92
Bard, Heather 104
Bardwell, Tarshish 66
Barret, Lisa 171
Barribeau, Wayne 92, 162
Barry, John 162
Barth, Gregory 92
Baaeball 190. 191
Ba•tian, Thomas 66
BaKtrup, Wendy 27, 71, 92, 137 ,
142, 161
Bauer, Matthew 66
Baumgarten, Naomi 92
Beals. Erica 104
Beal., Roy 66, 130
Beatty, Mary 33. 66, 152, 153
Beauchamp, Aaron 104
Beauchamp, Stephen 92
Beck, Jason 193
Becker, George 203
Becker, Heidi 66, 189
Becker, Richard 92, 176
Beckman, Randall 92, 1i6
Beguhn, Kelly 104
Behringer, Dougla.• 92, 153
Bell, Tasha 158
Bell, Terrence 66, 155
Bell. Wendy 92, 153, 159, 161
Belongia, Daniel 168
Senter, SU!<8n 3:i, 66, 161, 245
Bilotta, Franco 32, 66, 111, 140,
142, 193
Bilski, Kristin 11, 92
Bisceglia, Massimo 66, 130, 131
Bishop III, James 33, 35, 84, 142,
Brinkmann, Jeffery 67
Britt, .Jody 67
Brooks, Danny 32
Brook.•, Joseph 105, 1:16, 137
Brooks, Robert 19, 33, 37. 67, 138,
Bruno, Antonella 92, 137
Bryant, Erik 105
Buettner, Kimberly 105
Bundy, ,Jon 40, 105, 162, 200
Burger King 234
Burns, Duwayne 105
Burruss, Mark 105
Burson, Steve 105
Busch, Lisa 92, 158
Busche, Steven 105, 124, 152, 153
Buskirk, Brenda 92
Butler's Deli 214
Butterfield, Tim I 05
-cCairo Camera 221
Cairo, James 105
Calaway, Stephanie 67
Campos, Guadalupe 105
Caputo, Brent 105, 113
Caputo, Scott 92
Caracciolo, Anthony 9, 38, 67, 99,
Cardinali, Louis 41, 92, 193
Cardinali, Nicholas 92, 187, 200
Carey, Matthew 92
Carlborg, Katherine 105
Carlson, Kathleen 105, 107
Carlson, Kevin 105
Carlson, Lisa 68
Carnevale, Orest 92, 176, 183
Carney, William 176
Carpenter, Christine 92
Carpenter, Melanie 105
Carpenter, Pamela 68, 89, 137
Casa Capri 221
Casteel, Colleen 68, 162
Casteel, Tracey 93, 161, 165
Caya, Donald 11, 68, 93, 187
Celebre, Crystal 105, 153
Cervantes, ancy 93
Chatman, Charles 173
Chiappetta, Camille 68, 126, 142,
159, 161
Chiappetta, Ivana 68
Chiappetta, John 105, 142, 143
Childers, Lori 105
Chosun, Robert 125
Chovan, Mark 68, 135, 176
Chovan, Michael 105
Christman, Tracy 32, 38, 67, 68,
159, 162, 165
Ciama.richello, Frank 68
Cibrario, John 190
Cilento Studios 216
Cima, Steven 93, 137, 138, 156,
159, 245
Cipov, Brian 93
Cisewski, Lisa I 05
Clements, Susan 67, 68, 137, 138,
Ivana 0'110f)f)erro
qorulo1()1'1!.1 We ae very
proud A your occomphshmenrs
Good luck wirh you endeovoo If\
Ide And may al your wishes and
dr~ come rrue You deserve 11
a~ love Alwoys. Mom . Dad, Ser.
glo. Ida. Donny
155, 164, 165, 203
Bishop, Jori 66, 155
Blaisdell, Paula 92
Blalock, Michael 113
Boero, Karen 104
Boettcher, Donna 67, 156, 161, 245
Bogdanovic, Daniel 104, 169
Bohaczek, Amy 67, 104, 137, 138,
145, 150, 194
139, 159, 169, 200
Brown, Charles 105, 141
Brown, Ken 67
Brown. Lurian 105
Brown, Robin 92
Brown, Scott 101>
Brown, Virginia 129
Brurh. ~;ric I 05
Bruenning, Eric 92, 176
Cokley, Efrem 181
Cole, Tabitha 19, 93, 146, 147
Cole, Timothy 19, 105
Collins, Deanna 68, 137
Collins, Lynette 68, 155
Colon, ~·ernando 93
Colvin, Charlotte 68, 131
Conhartowski, Michael 24, 93, 137
Conley, Scotty 33, 68, 161, 187
Tracy Chrolmon
Ye<rerdoy o bur rodoy's
men10r)' and tomorrow is today's
Ler rodoy embrace rhe
pasr w1rh remembmnce and rhe fu
rve wirh longing AJ cu k'Jve and
~r oow and in you furl.Xe Go
for IJ'I Mom , Dad, & Rebecca
Conley, Tracy 68, 130, 131
Constant, Michelle 93, 137
Cook. Patricia 35, 68, 145, 153, l o5
Coolidge. Donald 23, 68, 134, 200
Coolidge, Martha 105
Cooper. Michelle I 05. 153
Corey, David 105, 109, 124
Coshun. Robert 9o, I 90, 191
Co.-, Laurel 105, 113. 153
CO!!s, Matthew 93
Cost Cutte" 222
Cottingham, Dawn 105, 162
Cotton. Brian 7, 9, 33. 35, 68, 87,
176, 177. 190, 191
Coulter, Betty 75. 105, I 53
Cour..y, Duane 93, 135
Co,..lli, Emily 68, 15fi
Covelli, .Julie 105, 137, 156, 245
Covelli, Lorilei 105, 165, 198, 199
Covill, Theresa 93
Cox, Aaron 93
Cox. Phillip 68
Cronin, William 68
Croshy, Hegins 171, 194, 199
Cr08s Country 171
Crowe, Shirley 2fi. 105, I 96, 197
Cruther., Jonathan I 2, 33, 35. 38,
68, 128, 142. 143, 187
Cruz, Mark 39
Culver, Beth 93
Curi, Anna Maria 9, 39, 64, 68, 72,
153, 177
Curi, .Jerome 35, 68
Curi, Tony 168
Curnes, Christopher 9:1, 130
Currey, Joshua 9;l
C1.arnowski, Amy 105
- DDahl, Kelly 21, 68, 13:1, 137. 156,
1.57, 245
Dahl, Steve 105. 17 I
Dahlberg, Christopher 38, 69
Darn. Shelly 105
Daniel, Katie 93
Danielson, Hyan 9:\, I 76. 18;1, 244
Daus, Cindi 93, 153, 165
Davidson, Jodi 113
Da\·is, Carrie 93. t5a, 159
Davis, Mark 200
Davis, Ray l 05
Davison. Jody lOfi
Davison. Kelly 93
Dawson, Scott 168, 187, 193
Deal. Kim 152
Deau. Heather IOfi. l.50, 151
DeBartolo, Eva 69, I !i5
Dehurgo, Angelo 93, 153
Decamp, Derek J05
Decker. Jodi lOo, 162
Dedert, '!'odd 94
DeFazio, Lisa 16, 26, 31, 93, 124,
142, 144, 145. 160, 161
Dehaven. Christopher 28. 69, 162
Deinhammer, .Jeffrey 94
Delacy, t-;hawn 3:1, ~5. 69. 04. 162,
163, 246
Delegar1.a, Sylvio 105
Delarosn, Ernan 105
DelaROKa. Irene 69
Dellield. Dawn 69. 138, 145, 162,
165, 175
Delgado, Angela 94, 146
Deline, Aaron 105
Demicchi, Jennifer 105
Dersnah, Joan 94, 137, 138, 175,
Dewester, Timothy 25, 94
DeWitt, Alison 4, 94, 129, 138, 159,
171 , 194
DeYoung, Jennifer 105
Diaz, Patricia 196
DiBlasio, Denis 162
Diel, Robert 69, 130
Dieter, Daniel 94, 162, 163
Dieter, Jeffrey 159
Dimitrijevic, Heidy 175
Dimmer, David 25
Dinges, Connie 13, 27, 33, 69, 133,
139, 152, 153, 162, 196
Dixon, Amelia 69
Dixon, Cordell 105
Dixon, Michelle 97, 105
Djordjevic, Danilo 136, 159, 168,
Doerflinger, Gary 10, 69, 176
Dolan, Sean 24, 25, 105
Donohue, Christine 70, 153
Dorenbecker, Brent 12, 70, 138,
165, 202, 203
Doud, Stephan 106, 171
Douglas, Ryan 155, 158
Drake, Jennifer 106, 155
Duda, Mark 94
Duesing, Jeannine 40, 106, 133,
140, 142, 143
Duffin, Pamela 9, 70, 155
Dugan, Jerry 70, 137
Dugger, Chandra 35, 130, 131, 135
Dugger, Michelle 70
Dummer, Cynthia 24, 37, 70, 140,
172, 185
Dummer, David 176
Dummer, Samuel 95, 176
Dunn, Nancy 35, 70, 165
Dupler, Cathleen 70
Dzimiela, Carolyn 19, 106, 145, 175
Dzimiela, Susan 19, 35, 70, 128,
140, 173
Esparza. Jeanie 106
E•pinosa, Nicole 106, 146
Evans, Christian 106, 156, I 93, 245
Franco, Julie 106
Franklin, Desaree 106, 146, 147
Fra7.ier. Darnell 13, 176, I 77
Frederick, Russell 106
Frederick. \'alerie 95
Frc... Darlene 97, 106, 153
Frei, Fred 70
Freitag, Kimberly 106
Froeber, Jace 106, 133, 162, 187
Froeher, Rustin 71, 133, 156, 157,
244, 2·i5
Frye. Amy 95
Fuller, Tina 106, 142, 146
Funderburk. David 41. 95, 176, 177
Funk, Jennifer 106
Furtney, Ca••andra 71, 137
- G
Jonathan Dove Crurhers
Jon. As you prep:Jre ro char new
parhwo~ of yoor own. let you
dreams soor We ore proud of you
and woh you rhe speed happness
of seeing you dreams come rrue
We love you. Mom & Dod
- F.
Fodor, Patricia 106, 150, 151, 153,
Fontaine, Robert 113, 183
Gahron, Christine 95, 99, I 28, 165
Gahart, Brian 95, 162
Gallaway, Dottie 194
~ ~\
Fabiano. Tony 168. I 98, 199
Fabiano, Troy 95. 166, 168, 169,
Fairbanks. Cynthia 33, 36, 70, 138,
145, 162, 165
Fairbanks. Kim 106, I 62
- E
Eastman, Stephanie 95, 155
Eckert, Dawn 106
Eckert, Ronald 95
Eckwright, Robin 106, 142, 148,
149, 151
Edmond, Chasity 146
Edwards, Jennifer 106, 153, 189
Eichner. Charles 40, 162, 193
Eichner, Russel 168
Ekern, Gail 33, 69, 70
Eland, Erika 12, 41, 95, 138, 145,
150, 151
Elsila, Susan 95
Elsworth, Tanya 106, I 53
Emerson, Tricia 106
Epping, Sheri 14, 70, 158
Erickson, Doug 200
Erickson, Shantel 42, 95
Ervin, Brian 64, 180, 181
Ervin, Davita 95. 146
Feely, Michael 106, 153
Feichtner, Laura 106, 196
Feldmeier, Franz 174, 187
Ferraro, Louis 95, 128, 136, 156,
193, 245
Ferraton, Candis 70
Ferraton, Edward 95
Ferraton, Melissa 106, 138, 140,
151, 165
Feuker, Robert 95, 176
Ficcadenti, Thomas 106
Fiechtner, Laura 153
First National Bank 215
Fish, Michelle 10, 16, 70, 138, 145,
149, 155, 194
Fiske, Corina 106
Flaga, Jamie 106
Flannery, Dina 70
Flannery, John 70, 155
Flasch, Carolyn 95, 138, 199
Flasch, Steven 70, 137, 187
Flowers by Joseph 2 l 7
Flowers, Nikkie 16, 95, 162
Kely Dahl
To our daughter. Kelly . Each day
each yea yCAJ gow more dear AJ
ways reme<nber we'I be rhere fOf
you We love you THIS MUCH John
& Mom
Fonte, Vittoria 106, 165
Forman, Jack 70
Forman, Kenneth 70
Forrest, Tracey 15, 70
Fortner, Kristie 70
Foster, Brian 95
Gallo, Sandra 12, 71, 161
Gapen, Melanie 106, 113, 146, 189
Garcia. Carmilla 9ii, 146, 147
Garcia, David 71, 95
Garcia. Jessica 106, 146, U7
Garcia. Meli'"" 9". 146, 158
P.usr1 A1 dew Froeber
Rusty . Par en rs usually rtwlk rhff chldfen ae '.opeCJOI We do becouse you
oret We re very proud of you crid
wt always be rhere for you 1f yrx.J
need us Happnessolwoys We love
you. Mom , Dad. Jace, Jodin. &
Family Practice 219
Fanelle, Raul 106, 203
Fani, Anthony 30, 9fi. 183
Farley, .Jackie 95
Farnam, Sandra 9.5
Farrell, Trudy 19·1
Faulkner, Tracy 134
Favo..,., Angela 95, 146
Fedec, Sergei 95, 162
Foster, Cheri 6, 70, 146, 194, 195
Foster. Tasha 130
Foth, Jonathan 106
· Fournier. Da,id 21, 95
Fowler, Suzanne 15, 106, 141, 153,
Fox, Billie 70. 71, 138, 141, 159, 173
Fraid, Daniel 106
Francis, Todd 70, 176, I 77, 183
Garcia, Nancy 21, 95, 196
Gartia, Richard 95
Gamero, Jo:-eph 22. 37. 71
Gasciogne, Heather 160
Ga.'icoigne. Craig 95
Gascoigne, Heather 106. 153
Ga:-coigne. Tara 71
Gasser. David 106
Ga$Ser, Stacy 71, 155
Castaldi, Deanna 29, 106
Gates, Chris 106
Gates, Marie 71, 153
Gateway Technical College 232
Gauss, Robert 28, 106
Gauss, William 106
Gavin, Philip 71
Gayheart-Barrett, Lisa 95, 153
Geary, Christopher 106
Gemmell, Joann 33, 35, 71, 128,
129, 136, 137, 145, 156, 174, 244,
Genack, Sean 162, 165
Gentz, Nancy 95, 101, 129, 137,
138, 143, 144, 145, 150, 156, 245
George, Jeffrey 37, 72, 126, 131
Gerber, Karin 106
Gerber, Kris 72
Gerber, Thomas 106
Gerlach, Jennifer 95, 125, 128, 129,
155, 202
Gerlach, arah 106
Ghera, Peter 12, 72
Gibbs, Jack 72, 137, 187
194, 195
Grime•, Joseph 32, 33, i3, 137.
l!\6, 161, 245
Grimes, Matthew 95
Grissom, Elizabeth 12. 107
Gri~om, Lynn 95
Gro88, Jodi 33, 38, 73. 196
Grube, .James 31, 159, 181
Guenther, Richard 247
Guido, Tina 6. 35, 73, 128, 13i,
138, 170, 171, 185, 194, 195
Guillaume. Gene 95, 153
Gulick, Barbara 73
Gulick, David 107, Iii, 200, 201
Gullo, .Jennifer 107, 196
Haugland, Kimberly 95, 189, 198,
Dear Jodi, Congrorular<>n> on oil
you occomplshmenrs The wOOd o
Y""' yoo wori< f0< 11 Goel bless ond
be Wll'h yoo Love always, Mom 6
Hausman, Coach 189
Hauler, John 214
Havlin, Amy 95
Hawley, Brian 107
Greenwood, Dennis 73
Gregory, April 101, 107, 153
Gribble, Thor 95
Grice, Aaron 41, 95
Griffin, Robert 15, 107
Griffin, tephanie 107
Grill, Renae 73, 125, 131
Grima!, Dale 73
Grimes, Audrey 107, 162, 165, 175,
Henry, Antoinette 74
Hensgen, Richard 176
Heritage Bank 217
Herman, Laura l 08
Hernandez. Amy 35, 37, C9, 74, 87,
129, 138, 141. 152, 153
Hernandez, Ch1U1tity 96
Hernandez. Cynthia 74
Hernandez, Jennifer 35, i4, 137.
Hernruldez, Mariana 74
your dreams Congrorularions on
your goduoro We love yoo w1rh
d OU" heorr Love Mom. Dad. (,
Haag, Scott 107
Habel, Edward 32, 33, 73, 137
Hackbarth. Terry l 07. 162
Hackett, Sean 95
Hadley, William 95
Hagerty, Justin 107
Heidinger, Amy 172
Halbrick, Michael 203
Hale, Sharmeen 146
Hale, Shauntia 107. 146
Hale, Tommy i3
Hall, Stacy 158
Hamilton, Tranace 107
Hanrahan, Tara 107
Hansen, Kelly 73. 153, 155
Hansen, Peter 73 •
HanRen, Tanya 107
Hanson, Jeana 95
Hardee's 219
Harder. .Jenni 33, 73, 137, 145
Hardy, Eric IOi
Harrison, Cindy 95
Hart, Jason 107, 137, 168, 193
Hart, Michael 14, 73, 162, 246
Harter, .Jennifer 159
Hartnell, Jeffery 187
Hartung, Jane 22. 24, 73, 138, 145,
148, \.19, 162, 165
Hru<.'!el, Jason 12, 35, 67, 73, i8,
128. 132. 136, 141, 155
Hassel, Lora 40, 76, 95, 129. 137.
148, 149, 159, 171, 196, 197
Hasselhack, Angela 73
Hassett, Jennifer 107, 137, 175
Haubrich, Heather 107
Haubrich. Michael 107. 164, 165
Hopkins, Tina 23, 108
Horak, Steven 74
Jod Girzky
TlflO Gosey
Tino, Ir's been o wonclerfU JOY ro
hove worched you gow up Yr.xx
ochtevemenrs hove been exrroord1·
nary Moy your furure hold every
hopponeiS and rhe fufilmenr of al
Gibbs, Paul 95
Gibney, Dawn 106
Gibson, Lisa 106
Gibson, Todd 95
Gifford, Marla 106, 137, 166, 189
Gilbert, Alice 126, 127
Gilbert, cott 40, 72, 133, 161
Giles, Daniel 95
Gilliam, Timothy 183
Gilmore, Christina 106, 129, 142,
143, 161
Gilmore, Craig 106, 203
Giordano, David 35, 72, 81, 134,
155, 170, 171, 246
Girl's Soccer 199
Gitzlaff, Tammy 95, 140, 172, 173
Claman, Tracy 106, 137, 151
Glassman, Dino 141
Glembocki, Sarah 106, 137, 171,
Glidden, Anjanette 39, 72
Glinski, Melissa 16, 72
Glitzky, Jodi 9, 31, 33, 35, 72, 138,
140, 156, 173, 184, 185, 196, 197,
GLN Fundraising 214
Goff, Brenda 106
Gomez, Martha 95
Gonzales, Angelita 106, 170, 171,
185, 194
Gonzales, Jessica 194
Gorr, William 16, 75, 106
Gosey, Tina 72, 129, 142, 146, 149,
Grammentz, Denise 33, 73
Grandma Peg 81
Granger, Jammie 106, 136, 137,
Granger, Kimberly 37, 73
Granger, Tammie 12, 73, 145, 175
Gray, Keith 27, 107, 160, 161
Greathouse, William 14, 107
Greco, Daniela 73, 137
Green, William 181, 200, 201
Henmngfield, Jonathan 30, 96
Henningfield, Scott i 4, 153
Haws, Jennifer 73
Hayward, Nancy 95
Hebert, Lisa 95, 162
Hedges, Anthony 95
Hedman, Jason 107
Hernandez, Rachel 108
Hernandez. Rosalinda 96, l 3i
Hernandez, Sylvia 146
Herrera, Elizabeth 74, 105
Herrmann, William 21J
Hill, Steven 108
Hill,.biem, James 108, 133
Hilliard, Steven 74
Hinderliter, Brenda 108, 137, 151
Hines, \'engi 74. 180. 181
Hinkfuss, Rene 96
Hintsala, Marsha 96, 155, 162
Hinz, Carrie 34, 35, 74, 128, 129,
Hinz, Susan 179, 194
Hix, Christine 96, 153
Horne, Michael 3, 33, 74, 159, 161,
Horvat, Bryant 108, 136, 155
Houtz, Michelle 17, 96, 162
Howard, Heather 129
Hubbard, Wendi 96
Hudson, John 162, 187
Huff, Michelle 74, 81, 137
Hughes, Keith 108
Huissen, Marsha 108, 153, 161, 162
Hujik, Micheline 94
Huser, Deborah 74
Hutchinson, Karen 108, 137
Hyatt, Kevin 158
- 1Ianni, Theresa 96, 199
Inferno 126
Ingham, Kerrie 74, 155
Irish, Corey 108, 191
Mike Horr
Mikey. We do nor always agree on
rhe ~ yoo soy 0< do, bur yoo
know we al love you ond we wrl
srond by yoo We w• olwoy< be
rhere when you need us We ore
proud of yoo. son (& bm
Dad. Mom. 6 Jason
Hees, Christopher 96, 187
Hees, Kristine 96
Heidtman, Robert 107
Heinen, Heidi 16, 93, 96, 137, 138,
139, 145, 150, 158, 248
Hellen, Roger 73
Heller, Emily 96, 128, 129, 137, 158,
Henderson, Lane 73, I 83
Henley, Charles 73, 91
Henley, Fred 96
Henningfeld, Stephanie 35, 73,
128, 152, 153, 156, 196, 245
MIChoei Hv.-re
MlchaeL Oesr of luck and ~cess in
yovr fu;ure We ore so proud of you
wherever yc11.J de We w ~pporr
ol rhe way love you, Mom .
Dad , & Dirk
Hockney, Susan 6, 29, 96, 153
Hoepner, Paul 108
Hoferitza, Donald 29. 78, 87
Holly, Ronnie 74
Holmes. Brian 108, 133
Holmes, -Jeff 96
Holmes, Terry l:ll
Holmgren, Deanna 96. 161, 202
Holochwost, Matthew 108, 141
Hood, Kara 74
Hood, Lorie 11, 96
Hook, Tanya 12, 96. 103, 142, 143,
149, 150
Israel, Rhonda 96
Jackson, Karen 28, 142, 153, 175
Jackson, Thomas 108
Jackson. Yolanda 9, 74, l4n, 149,
Jakovec, Kellie 96, 138, 139, 142,
143, 149
Jamestellez, Alex 108
Jankiewicz, Daniel 96
Jankovich, Gary 96
Jay·Bee Auto Body 230
Jecevicus, Lynn 108
Jenewein, Todd 74, 138, 156
Jensen, Teresa 25, 74, I 96
Jensen, Tracy 96, 145
Jessen, Heather 108, 152, 153
Jockey International 211
,Johnson, Beth 96
.Johnson, Brian 96
Johnson, Deana 7, 9, 33, 74, 134 ,
138, 184, 185
,John•on, Elizabeth 96
,John•on, Er it l 08
Johnson ..Jacquelyn 74
Johnson, .Jamie 108
Johnson, ,Joelethe 96, 129, 146
,Johrn<on, Kevin l 08
,Johnson, Kin;ten 17•1
,, Rebecca l 08
Johnson, Tammy 108, 185
Johnson, Trina 131
Johnson, Tyrone 108
Johnston, ,Jennifer 74
,Johnston, Trina 74
,fones, Brent 27, 96, 153, 161
.Jone•, Charles 35, 74, 97, 111, 137,
142, 145
Jones, Helen 196
Jones ..Joseph 108
Jones, Lawrence 91
Jones, Timothy 96
Jugs, Eric 108
.Jumper, Traci 75
.Junior Cla.- 230
Junior Miss 72
Jurgens, Roger 75, 76
-KKanda, Akira 134
Kerk man, Ted 176
Keuffer, Dawn 108
Kexel, Edward 108
Kexel, Steven 96
Khomlasaben, Kh a mtanh 96, 156,
Khom lasaben, Toun 4, 96, 128,
129, 136, 137' 170, 171
K idwell, James 108, 170, 171
K ielpi nski, Craig 96, 171
Kiesler, B rian 108, 187
K ies ler, David 96, l 87
K ilmer, Bla ke 190, 191
Ki m, Chang 20, 183
K im , Joseph 96, 159
Kirk man, Ted 177
K irkpatri ck, Amy 6, 96, 158
Kirschbaum, R usse ll 21, 75, 176,
Kisielews ki, And rea 33, 75, 153
Kissee, Leanna 33, 77, 138, 153,
179, 184, 185, 194, 195
Kli cko, Jackie 96
Klofenstine, Brenda 7, 96, 137, 138,
Kloth , John 108, l 46
Kn ight, KeUy 10, 77
Knut h , David 96, 203
Knutso n, Jen nife r 96
Kohlhepp, Aaron 108
Kohloff, T racy 27, 108, 161, 189
Kolkmann, James 77
Kollman , Kristen 96
Komarec, Kristine 93, 96, 142, 202,
203, 225
Landry, P ame la 77
Lang, Bre nd a 29, 77, 155
Kelly Krvghr
Kelly. We hove warehed you gow
from o baby ro o young lody
You hove been o bog deloghr ro ol ol
us rhese pasr 18 years We wish you
ol rhe success<e Corgorulo
rlOf'lSt Love M om, M imi. Do n. Ki m .
Kevi n. Kristophe r. Debbie. Orlon.
& Oreo
Derrtna . The years hove pasr so very
fosr on rhe rood of educonont You
never rhoughr 11 would ever end
And now 1r's groduonont As you go
our tnro •fe, one rhng you wil Md
Everyday you'I earn a lor 1f you
keep an open mind' May rhe Mrror
of Life reflecr fond memones' Lo ve
Mom. Dad & Mike P 5 Keep smmg
Karaway, Patricia 75
Kasalajtis, .Jamie 64
Kauuich , Christopher 75
Kauzrich. Kerri 76, 108
Kazmiers!(i, Susanne 108
Keels, V/inona 34, 108, 109. 142,
143, ld5
Kehrer, Michele 71, 96, 137. 138,
145, 159. 170. I 71, 194, 195
Keller. Ca"ie 43, 108
Keller, Justin 108
Kelley, l\1eli8'a 22, 37, 75, 83, 136,
Lange r, Randy 97, 162
La ngnes, Eric 108
La nguage Clubs 231
Lapoi nt, Chas ity 108
Larsen, Brian 97
Laabs, Barry 77, 183, 245
Lahanow, Bertina 77, 162
Lachapelle, Peter 96
Lahti, Daniel 108
Lakvold, Keith 96, 1:!8, 153, 168
LaLond, Steve 181
Lalond, Timothy 77
Lalonde, Mark 77
LaMacchia 217
LaMacchia, Eric 168
Dermo Lobonow
Kangas, Melinda 75, 131
Kanga.•. Steven 96
Kantola, ,Jennifer 20, 108, 137. 148,
149, 151, 155
Karakash, Ronald 75, 89, 158
Karaway, Jennifer 75, 175
Lovell, Thomas l 09
Luhowski Kimberly 109
Koma rec, Robe rt 108
Koos, Inc. 219
Koprovic, Kevin 77, 130
Koretz, K rista 108, 185, 196
Kozel, Brian 96
Krack, Gi na 77
K ra mm er, Greg 108
K ranen, Elvi n 89
Kra us, Bridget 76, 77
Kra us, T racy 107, 108, 155
Krebs, Ge ni 21, 96, 137, 159
Kreutz, Christophe r 96
Kreutz, Lela nd 77, 155
Kriederma n, Mark 77
Krohn , Denn is 77
K rueger, Dawn 96
Kruege r, T ina 108
Kruetz, Christopher 181
Larse n, Matthew 108, 170, 171, 200
Larsen, T imothy 162, 203
La rsen, Va nessa 165
La rson, Krisan 77, 137, 162, 165
Lasco, Ronald 7, 9, 77, 170, 171, 200
Lau rent, J effery 97, 104, 128, 168,
169, 245
Lawler, Sonya 108, 199
Lawrence, Melissa 77
Lawrence, Melynd a 108
Leach, P a ul 97
Leach, Shane 27, 108, 124
Leblanc, Leon 2 14
Leblanc 21 4
Lecce, Michelle 69, 97
Lecla ir, Eyvonne 97, 155
LeClaire, Yvo nne 158
Lee, Dena 189
Lee, Young Hui 97, 137, 138, 143,
145, 150, 158, 248
Leffelman, Ti na 97
Lehrke, Deb ra 77, 138, 145, 171,
194, 195
Le inenweber, Scott 77, 134, 135,
137, 138, 140, 192, 193
Lemerond, Kristi 174
Lemerond, Toni 108
Lemk e, Andrew 108
Mabry, Julius 78, 200
Macik. Yolondia 72, 78, 138, 150
MacWhyte 221
Maddox, Heidi 175
Maddox, Sean 14, 98
Madkins, Delancy 146
Madorna, Mich~el 109, 137 . 155
Maedke, Jodie 98, 219
Maggio, Ami 21, 78, 137, 159, 161
Maki, Michael 98
Malacara, Marco 14, 33, 79, 138,
139, 200
Maloney, Lori 35, 79. 128, 137, 145
~lalsack , Laura 8, 98
Malsch, Aaron 27, 124, 160, 161.
Orendo LOfl9
Brenda , You re as wtY'lef'
work and your dr~ w1I become
a reohry I love you . Mom
Lenczewski, Tamra 97
Lentz, Jeffrey 77
Leona rd , Da wn 97
Leona rd, Joseph 33, 77
Leppa la, April 97
Lesjak, Rona ld 203
Lesko, J ames 97, 126, 140, 14 1
Lesli e, Babet te 97
Les nik, Je nny 97
Ligge tt, Will iam 109, 137
Lilla, Donald 16
Lin ce, Brian 7 , 141
Amy L11key
Dear Am y. We couldn'r be prouder
of you W1rh oH rhe grief and py you
hove (}ve
, bur mo~f!y al rhe love.
we wonr to rhonk you Moy yo-.x I fe
be all you warn 1r ro be and more
Coogroru1Qr0151 We a know you
could de
Love . Mom. Dod. An ·
gel. & J.R.
Lin ton, Eric 97
Kubicki, Donna 83, 108, 137
Kubi cki , Pa ul 33, 77, 139, 176
Kudryc ki , T a ma ra 77
Kunaschk , Roy 153
Kutz, Brenda 96
shoorng for rhe sroo We ore~ VefY
prouc ol yov Keep up rhe gooc
Lenci's Deli 215
1J7, 142, Wi, 161
Kendall, .John 96
Kenosha News 214
Kmosha Police 219
Kensler, Linda 6, 84, 96, l 28. 132,
133, 16f>. 178, 179, 196, 197
Lucci, Albert 10. 109
Lueck, .Joseph 78, 126
Lundqui•t, Tonya 98, 153
Lupi, Sheila 98, 156
Lusha, Kelmend 98
Lwiha, Luan 109
L}more, Keive 148, 149
Lyons, Christopher 31
Lyon.•, Peter 35, 78, 139, 140
Lambert, Gregory 108
Lamothe. Crystal 108, 194, 195
LaMothe, .Jodie 40, 96
Lampadu, Phillip 77
Landenberger. Thomas 96. 137.
138. 156, 187, 24.5
Litkey, Amy 16, 78, 134
Litz, Kelly 97
Lofton, Scott 14, 33, 78, 134, 153
Lohberge r, Peter 7, 9, 33, 78, 169,
Longori a, P edro 109
Loomi s, J effrey 9 , 142, 156, 159,
Looney, An t hony 7 . 138
Lovell. Laura 98
Mancusi, Steven 109, 165
Manegre. Teresa 79, 138, 148, /.19
Mane Street 217
l\.langi, Joseph 12, 89, 91 , 104
Mangia 219
Mann, l\.fahelle 35, 78, 79, 154
Maravilla, Eric 79. 148, 182, 183
Mares. Alberto 98
Marini, Donna 98. 196
Markham, lllanny 18.1
Martin. Cindy 134
Martin, Danielle 109
Martin, Kristie 93
Martin, Nicole 24. 109. 142, 185,
198, 199
Martines, AJexendro 98
Mathey, Michael 79, 168
Matley, Cindy 35. 79. 134, 135, 155
Matrise. William %
Mattioli, Melissa 75, 109. \.12, 150.
153, 196
Mattson, Kurt 7.5, 109, 134. 187
Mau, ,Jennifer 30. 3o, 79, 138, 155
Nelson, Scott 104, 110, 137, 142,
152, 153, l 93
Nelson, ~iteven 110
Nelson, Tiffany 33, 80, 16.5
Nero, Nirola llO
Ne•bitt, Stary 33, 69, 137
N•u, Bradley 80, 176, l 77, 192, l 93
Neu, Christopher 31, l ().1, 110, 200
Nevoraski, William 33, 60, 156,
171, 183, 193, 245
Ney. Todd 98
Nichol•. Du.•ty 5. 80, 121
Nichols, Terry llO
Nielsen, Fran 101
Nielsen. Michelle 57
Nike Factory St.ore 225
Nimmo, Donna 98, 137
Norikane, Hiroto 134
Norris, Pamela llO
Northside Animal Hospital 221
Nudi, Ralph 98, 152, 161
Nuzzo, Wendy 98, 128, 137, 138,
l 40, 150, 151, 156, 173. 245
Enc lee Morovitb
Eric. M<Jy God be wirh you day and
rq,r We ore very proud of you and
YO<X WT\ES~ ream of 1'189 We'I
""'you Hove fun n college Ho' Hof
Hal We love you , Mom, Dad.
Jaime, Melinda, JR, & Luplfo
Kevn Merola
Kevin, O"I rhe rrock or or home
you're a wt"ll'lef The fun.Ke is yours
We w1'h you every happiness or
wherever yoo choose ro do Mom 6
Dod. Rob, Tim
O'Connor, Paige 137, l 53
Oass, .Jennifer 21, 98. 137
Ocean Spray 222
Mauldin, Michael 98, l83
Maurer, Aimee 3, 98, 140, 156, 159,
173, 245
Maurer, Katie 172
Maurer, Matthew 79
Maxey, Krista 6, 67, 98, 137, 158
Mayne, Eric l09
Mays, Cheryl 98
McCarron, Shawn 79
McCauley, Jeff 71, 72, 158
McClure, Kevin 79
McCrae, Heather 158
McCrary, Aaron 75, 109
McCurdy, Michelle 98, 137, 199
McFarlane, Andrew 190
McGregory, Tracy 98
Mcintyre, Susan 9, 17, 31, 71 , 93,
98, 142, 145, 158
Mcintyre, Theresa 109, 137, 138,
140, 145, 150, 151, 172
McKenzie, Re~cca 78, 109
McRae, Heather 98
McRae, Peggy 109, 140, 141, 172
Medina, James 67, 79, 137, 155
Mehaffey, Derek 109, 169
Mehleis, Frank 13
Meitzen, Joseph 79, 153, 201
Meldahl, Aaron 24, 98, 128, 165
Mendoza, Renaldo 170, 171, 200
Mersand, Lori 109
Messerlie, Christopher 109
Messer11mith, Gregory 109
Metallo, Kevin 79, 169
Mianecki, Laura 109
Miceli, Anthony 31 , 98, 200
Miceli, Enes 109, 137
Miceli, John 79, 142, 158, 159, 205
Miceli, Josephine 9, 35, 79, 128,
137, 140, 141, 162, 173
Miceli, Sue 172
Miceli, Tony 158
Mich, Sheri 79, 145, 149
Michaud, Jeffery 79
Michoe, Steve 183
Mielke, Beth 98
Mielniczek, Jason 98, 135, 176
Miller, Dawn 174
Miller, Donald 133
Miller, Joseph 98, 200
Miller, Judith 94
Miller, Karen 109
Miller, Lisa 109, 153
Minic, Vesko 98, 138, 169, 193
Mink, Brian 98, 128
Mink, Donald 98, 158
Minkey, David 37, 79, 128, 155,
158, 187
Mitchell, Felissa 109
Mitchell, Jermaine 109
Mitchell, Sean 90, 168
Mlodzik. Ronald 89, 144
l\lodder, Marvin 244
Moeller, Chtistopher 79, 130
Moenssen, Paula 29, 79, 128, 137
Molinaro, Anthony 98, 168
Molinaro, Jason 98, 176
Molinaro. Michael 109
Monosa, Robin 14, 31, 98, 145, 155
Monsees, Lynn 98, 152, 153
Jeff MJChovd
Jeff. You've mode 1rl Congrarulo
fl()(l51 Life w1rhour you would hove
been very borng and cheap We
know you'I succeed in ycxx roong
career Of wherever else yoo choose
ro do We love you . Mom & Dad
Montemurro, Jennifer 98, 129,
158, 162, 196
Montemurro, Leonardo 17, 98, 111
Montemurro, Tony 109
Montgomery, Lakethia 98
Moore, Tina 79
Moran, Roger 176
Morin, Roger 98, 176
Morrone, Jack 193
Morrone, Michael 33, 35. 79, l 34,
138, 158, 181
Morten.<1en, Daniel 109
Morzfeld, Becky 79, 131, 145
Muller, Becky 24, 109
Muller, Victor 31, 79
Mura, John 41, 98, 128, 137, 193
Murphy. Jeffery 80
Murphy, Michael 22, 109, 134, 187
Murphy, Tricia 33, 80, l:l7, 160, 161
Murton, Kelley 80, 133, 161
Musaitef. Tarek 16. 80
0. Nevcx05kl
Dill, Do you remember n ,.xwo< hgh
when you wresrled, rhey use ro col
you 'weasel"' n hgh school rhey
SOid you were cocky We knew you
were coofidenr in your~lf Hord
war\< and dedocoroo pod off Plocng
rtvee years in a row is oo accomplish
menr We ore ve<y proud of you
May you furure be as succeWU We
love you, Dad & Mom
-NKnsme 1105eflba<..m
Deor Kris, We hove never been
more proud of you rhon we ore nghr
now We know rhar wherever you
ser YOlX mnd ro. you wt succeed or
And wherever 11 IS. we'I be behnd
you 100% Good luck. Modome
Pres.denr Love always, Dad. Mom
& Kolle
Naef, Lisa 98, 137. 162
Naekrsz, Heather 98, 159, 161, 162
Namiki, Hajime 134
Navarro, Hector 3, 159
Na,·in, Daniel 98
Navin, Kathryn 18, 137, 140, 148,
Olson, Jennifer 15, 72, 60, 145, 153,
Oniszczuk , Andrew 110, 141, 187
Orba n, Aleisha 98, 152, 153
Orban, Alison 19, 98, 150, 151, 161
Organ, Jam es 31, 93, 98, 153, 158
Organist, J ohn JOI , 110, 133
Orth, Michael 98, 128, 156, 157,
Ortiz, Yvonne 3, 80
Oscar, J ohn 60
Ose man, Da ni el 110
Osman, Jason 133, 162
Ostergaard, Michael 60, 153
Ostman, Jason 110, 113
Otero, J ose 60, 130
Otter, Scott 80
Otto, Jerry 110
Otto, Lori 110
Ottum, J ason 55, 104, 110, 162, 165
Overley, Re ~cca 110, 153 Ovitt,
Chad 98, 170, 171, 200, 201
Owens, Arlan 25, 109, !10, 114, 124,
152, 161, 200
Owsichek, Michelle 33, 35, 80, 142,
170, 171, 194, 195, 205, 225
Ozuna, Phoebe 60
149, 172, 196
Navin, Nicole 18, 137, 140, 149, 172,
Nayes, Craig 98
Nedweski, Michelle 110, 153, 161
Needham, Linda 51, 57
Orhranck, Brian 33, 35, 80, 176, J77
Octagon Club 23:!
Okray, Robert 60
Olcott, .Jennifer 12, 80, 133
Oldani, Christoper l l 0
Olson. Jason 110, u;a
Pacetti, Joan 33, 80, 155
Pacetti's Music 222
Padek, Dennis 60
Page, Eric 47, 52, 80, 137
Page, Rachel 131, 165
Palmen, Michelle 40, 110, 137, 138,
150, 161
Paradise Dental 221
Parker, Brian 9, 14, 31 , 93, 98, 103,
111, 137, 142
Parrish, Jennifer 110
Pascucci, Leon 214
Pascucci, Vito 214
Passarelli, Johnny 110
Passarelli, Joseph 31, 33, 35, 60,
83, 91 , 111, 125, 137, 142, 156, 1.57,
159, 190, 191 , 244
Passarelli, Joseph 245
Passarelli, Mario 82, 131
Pate, Tina 80, 161
Patel, Dharmendra 98
Paul, Staci Lei 99
Pavlik, Sandy 212
Pawlacyzk, Tammy 110, 153
Pazmi:ito, Manuel l 10
Peacock, Andrea 1S3
Pearson, Christoper LlO
Pearson, Mark 99
Peltier, Patrick 33, :IS, 80, 119,
128, 155
Peltier, Sheila 32, 3S, 36, 81, 128,
129, 137, 138, 142, 145, 170, 171,
194, 19S
Pena, Franci•co 200. 201
Pena, Fredrick 99
Pride, Laura 35, 37, 81, 141, 152,
153, 156, 245
Prokes, Jody 197
Ptak, Jennifer 100
Ptak, Tracy 82
Puntillo, Michelle 110
Pynaker, Eric 100
Reinhard, Ann 23, S7
Remsing, Anthony 130
Reyes, Sam 100
Reynold•, Penny 100, 134, 135, 137
Rhey, Daniel 9, 82, l 76
Rhey, Todd 110
Rhyskus, Christoppher 183
Ricchio, Louis 100
Rice, Amy 100, 159
Richard Sellers, Jr 85
Richling, Renee 100
Coro/yn Schroeder
Carolyn, CoogrorulorlOt"'IS on your
many ochievemenrs in school os well
OS or home We ore very proud of
you You ore a superb srudenr or<J
wonderful doughrer, who never
gave us any rrouble Wish rhor yOtK
furure will be a pr~ous one Mroy
rhe La<d ble<s yoo n rhe l<e oheod
We love you, Mom & Dad
Penfold, Cletus 110
Pepsi 217
Perez, John 6, 81, 138, 140, 181, 190
QKnsren Jam Sorensen
Krisren. Your school years have
gone so fosr The fun is nor over.
a new parh of M Of'ld adventure
beg"""'9 Wherever you deode ro
do. you wlll hove our support We
love you and ore very proud of you
love, Dad & Mom
Perez, Marie 35, 81
Perkins, Eugene 99, 176, 190
Perona, Ric 200
Perolto, Michael 110, 171
Perry, Elizabeth 3, 99, 137, 15:1,
Perugini, Nichole 99
Perugini, Sam S6, 99
Peterson, Heidi 14, l!O, 1:!7, 153,
Peterson, Kristin 99
Pettey, Cary llO
Peyatt, Kevin 99
Pfeiffer, Robin JO, 14, 99, 150, 151,
173, 248
Pharr, Janet 81
Phillips, Brian 81
Phillips, Jacqueline 99
Picazo, Mike 16
Pick, Tully 110, 162, 187
Pidgeon, Michael 110
Pinzger, Alison 110, 151
Pinzger, Rrian 81
Piro, Raffael 110
Pitts. ,John 110
Pivovar, Adam 107, 110, 187, 200
Pivovar, Bryan S6, 99, 118, 168,
187, 193
Pivovar, Michelle 81
Pivovar, Veronica 110
Plaisted, ,Jr., Kurt 99, 181
Plew, Amy 99
Plowman, .Joshua 110
Plowman, Nichole 99
Plutchak, Kenneth 99
Pofahl, Linda 81, 162
Poindexter, Mary 100
Pompei, Alfonso 146
Potts, Nevi es 110
Presta, Claudia l 00, 1S6, 157, 159,
PreRterl, Michelle 100, 145, 158
Pribyl, George 81, 141, 145, lS9
Pribyl, Kimberly JOO, 129, 141, 1S3
Price. Melody l 1O
Quadraccia, ick l!O, 203
Quigley, Karin !S3
Quinn, Brenda 6S, l!O
Qureshi, Naheed 63, 100, 137, 138,
140, 141, !4S, !S8
- RRadtke, Frederich S7
Radulovic, Mira 82
Radulovic, Nenad 100
Radulovic, Vera l!O
Rae, Donald 183
Raf, Donald !lO
Ramey, John S7, 126, 127, 192, 193
Ramon , Sandra 4 7, 100, 159, 16S
Ramos , Oscar 100, 103, 183
Ramsby, Heather 34, 100, ISO, l Sl,
Randolph, Deondai 6, 31, 100, 137,
146, !BS
Rangel, Diane 82
Rangel, Susie !lO
Rash id, Shamima SI, 82, 136, 137
Rasmussen, Marc 13, 60, l 10, 162,
Rasque, John !lO
Ratliff, Larry 146
Rayburn , W.B. 222
Raymaker, Stephanie 82, 126, 134,
1S2, 1S3
Razdik, John 82
Reddick, Katherine 100
Redfern, Denise 33, 3S, 82, l4S,
lS8, 159
Reed, Michael 100, !S3
Reed, Nicole 10, 100, llO
Reimer, Jamie 21, 41, 100, 138, 1S9,
179, 199
Rickman, Angela 28, 82
Rickman, Steven llO, 153
Riesselmann, Beverly 12, 84, llO,
133, J36, 165
Riesselmann, Mathew 100, 162
Rimkus, Michelle 172
Rios, Anna 110, 137, 185, 196
Rios, Freddie 82
Riva, David 100, 137, 138. 140, 156,
168, 193, 245
Rivera, Daniel 110
Rivera, Sylvia I JO
Rizzo. Jina 110
Robbins, Brooke 4, 97, 100, 1:17,
138, 145, ISS, 196, 197
Robbins, Renee llO
Robbins, Scott 100, 176, 200
Roberts, Jennifer 13S
Roberts, Jenny 110
Robertson, Ayanna 111
Robinson, Cherie l ll
Robinson. Deanna lll
Robinson, William 24
Rocco. Frank 111
Rocco, Jody 100, 153
Roche, David 100
Roders, Thomas 94, 176
Roeder, Kvle 82, 176
Roegge, William S7
Roeling, Jennifer 82
Rombalski, Betty 82, 134
Romero, Gavino 183
Rondeau , Joel 16, Sl, 100, 132, 133,
141 , 162, 163, 165
Rondeau, Starlet 111, 162
Rosenbaum , Kathryn 3, 17, 83,
100, 138, 149, 1S6, 24S
Rosenbaum , Kristine 3, 29, 35, 37,
62, 82, 128, 136, 137, 142, 145, 152,
!S3, lSS, 159
Rosenberg, Randi 100
Rosko, Renee 52, 100, 128, !SS, !SB
Rosmann, Kenneth 153
Ross, Andre 100
Ross, Hope 100
Ross, Jeff 82, 176, 177, 190, 191
Rossman, Kenneth 146, 147
Routheaux, Rashell l ll , 202
Routheaux , Richard l ll
Rovella , Francesco 111, 193
Rovella, Rossella 100, !SS, !SB
Rozanas, Jennifer 15, 111, 137,
140, 172, 173
Ruder, Rita SB
Ruebsamen, Colleen 26, 27, 31, 33,
82, 124, 134, 13S, 137, 142, 161
Ruffolo, Benny ll l
Ruffolo, Frances 82
Rusch, Pamela ll, 20, 3S, 82, 84, 99,
1S2, !S3
Rushing, Valerie 100
Russ , Donna 10, l ll
Russ, Kristina 82, 137, 140, 14S,
172, 173
Russ, Shawn 82, 130, 137, 183
Russo, Frank 104 , l ll, 168
Russo, Jan 23, 3S, 82, 128, 14S, 168,
192, 193
Russo, Kathleen ll l
Ryan, Douglas 100
Ryan, Naomi 199
Ryan , Sean 7, 9, 93, 100, 138, 159,
Ryshkus, Christopher ll l
Saarela, Jack 58, 130
Saaski, David 82, 134
Sabo, Alex 58, 84, 162
Saldana, Tiffany 137
Salerno, Diana ll l
Salerno, Veronica 82 1 155
Salmela, Chad 100
Salmi, Jacob S7, 82, 187
Samlela, Cathy ll I
Sammons, Melissa 111, l 7S
Sanchez, Erica 26, SI, S2, 100, 129,
141, !SB, 161
Sandberg, George ll l
Sanders, Sara 111, 147
Sanftheil, Roberta BS
Santiago, Michael 100
Santos, Oscar 111
Sapp, Evette 85, 13S, 16S
Sauceda, David Ill, 167, 1
Sauceda, Freddie 100, 183
Sauceda, Melissa !SB
Sauceda, Shiela 100
Saucedo, Melissa 60, 100, 164, 16S
Scarlato, Anthony 21, 100
Schaffer, Erich 111, 136, 162, 165,
202, 203
Schend, .Jamie 172
Schend, Nancy 100, 137, 138, 140,
156, 17:!, 245
Schiller, .Jacqulyn 8S
Schlach, Charlotte 59
Schlitz, Deborah 78, 11 l. l :n, 138,
149, lS!, 153
Schmaling, Christopher 100, l;JO
Schmaling, David 100
Schmidkonz, Erran 8
Schmidt, Carrie 100
Schmidt, L)11n 51, 58, 62
Schmidt, Rachael 100
Schmunck, Cynthia 100, 153
Schneider, Aimee 69, 100, 137, 140,
Schneider, Heather 111, 137
Schoettler, Cher 85, 138, 174
Schoettler, .Joseph 100
Schonscheck, Theresa BS, 153
Schripsema, David 52, 59, 165
Schripsema, Rachel 165, 245
Schroeder, Carolyn 8S, 137, 156,
157, 245
Schroeder, Sarah 60, 100
Schroeder, Scott 99, Ill, 162, 165
Schuett, Gregory 59
Schultz, ,J ...on 78, 111, 141, 200
Schultz, Scott 85
Schultz, Tracy 17S
Schuster, Carrie 85
Schuster, Darla 100
Schwalbe, Camela 63, 107, 111, 162,
174, 198, 199
Scott, .John l 00
Scozzaro, Paul 31, 100, 159
Scropos, Ted 59
Searles, William Ill, 141, 152, 1S3
Sears, Timothy 85, 87
Seiberlich, Kevin 31, lll
Seidel, Micheal 85
Seitz, .Jennifer 7, 93, IOI, 103, !:JS,
140, 142, lS6, 173, 196, 197, 244,
Sellers, Richard :lS, BS, 130
Selmer, Robert 111, 162, 193
Sempowicz, Erica l ll
Semrow, Laura 27, lll, 1S3, 161
Sens, Aaron 33, :ls, 78, 8.';, ll 8, 126,
127' 154, 11;5
Sepanski,; Kann 16, 101, 140, 145,
161, 173
Sereno, Michael 137
Semo, Mike 101
Serpe, .J°'eph 101
Shackelford, Ryan 112, 121, 162,
163, 193
Shaffar, Sondra 3S, BS, 128, 137,
Shaffer, Jon 101, 168, 192, 193
Shaughnessy, Tracy 85, 155
Shaver, Gary 58, 138
Sherrod, Cortez 200
Shirley, Anniea 3S, 85, 146. l S3
Shoemaker, Michelle 85, !S3
Sicilia, Trista 101
Simon, Dee 58, 185
Sinclair, Keri 76, 85, 1S3
Singer, Barbara 16, 40, 101, 1 Jl,
128, 137. 142, 158, 179, 198, 199
Skemp, Chad 52, lOl
Skinner, Jame• 85, 91
Skovronski, Jonathan 85
Slater, Carol Lynn 85, 159
Slater, Jeremiah 19, 112. 165, 183
T<>a 5reeie
Tlno. The world con be yours We
ore 10 proud of you You con <et happen Of you can make
them happen Ir· s all in your hands
~ rime in each day ro learn, ro
k:luc.i'. and ro love You ore very
special ro us. We IOve you Thank
you fOf all rhe hoppne. you hove
given ~ al All our love, Dad.
Mom , Tricia , Tamera. Terry
Slater, Tonja 19, 101, 137, 141,
142, 144, 1<5, 158
Slaughter, Stephen 85, 131, 162
Slowey, James 112
Smith, Christopher 19, JOI, 126,
127, 158
Smith, James 130
Smith, Jay 101
mith, Jeffrey 101
Smith, Lisa 65
Smith, Michael 9, 35, 52, 85, 115,
126, 134
Smith, Sabrina 85
mith, hannon 19, 93, 101, 127,
Smith, Tommy 65
Smothers, Janine 112
Snap-on Tools 222
nyder, Gregg 85, 130
Socava, Vesna 14, 112, 137
Soccer, Girls' 198
Soccer, Men's 168
Soccer, Mens' JV 168
Soens, Patty 59
Solberg, Diane 71
Solberg, Gerald 60
Solberg, Melinda 43, 45, 99, 112,
142, 143, 153, 165, 174, 175
Solis, Fernando 112
Solomon, Tammy 101
Somers Co. Inc., 220
Steinmetz. Brian 86
Steinmetz, Lynn 86
Steuber~. Michael 86, IOI, 190
St<>wart, Delorse 61, 89, 146
Stewart, John ll 2
Stewart, Michael 33, 37, 86
Stewart, Tammy 102
Stich, .JO!leph 86, 203
Stine. Steven 86
Stoebe, Harry 60, 176
Stollings, Darla 102
Stone, Julie 112, 113, 139, 150, 151,
Stone, Lawrence 102
Stoyer, Jeremy 112
Straley, Michael 112
Stratton. Brian 102
Stratton, Kristina 86, 126
Ouffy Sreigmat'
Duffy , Here's ro you kid We knew
you cOLlld do 11 We ore very proud
of you nor <>Ny scholosrocolly bur olso
os o P"f"" Good ud< ord succ""' n
o! you do Do r look so SU"ilfoed
Love Mom C, Dad
Syreini, Gina 112
Teus, Patricia 61
5oro Ueci<er
Sora. You·re rhe be5r in everyrhiog
you rryr Good luck n Modoson
w1rh your obll1ies and dererminorion.
we know you do JVSf greor1 Love.
Mom. Ood. Louro & Melissa
Sorensen, Brian 101
Sorensen, Erik 101, 169
Sorenson, Angela 85, 138, 149, 153
Sorenson, Kristen 86, 130, 131
Soronen, William 60
Southport Rigging 230
Spallato, Tina 102
Spanish Club 6
Spaulding, Tricia 112, 153
Spehar, Linda 102, 138, 149, 156,
159, 245
Stratton, Scott 32, 86
Strobel, Oskar 60
Stuart, Michael 31. 102, 16.5, 171,
Student Council 223Studey,
Michelle 16, 102, 159
- T-
.Jom.e Vc>t"ner
Jamie. When you were a hrrle 9fl.
you were always lf"'I search ot "v1CroYou've hod many olong rhe
way and we're proud of you We
w&l you '>UC.C~ in whatever yoo
do Good l~I lots of Love, Mom.
Dad. & Jason
Spieker, Scott 193
Spino, Jim 102
Spino, Jimmie 7, 9, 93
Spitzer, Jennifer 102, 159
Spitzer, Stacey 86, 141
Springhoff, Marcy 7, 76, 102, 137,
138, 145, 159, 162
Sprinkle, Chad 112, 129
SPY upplement 235
Stafford, Christopher 200
Stafford, Kevin 112
tallman, Chuck 196
tanford, Carrie 59, 112
Stanford, Christopher 86
Stanke, Michael 102, 123, 137, 138,
158, 169, 190
Stanke, Sara 198, 199
Stanlock Buick 215
Starling-Ratliff, Nola 34, 44, 58
Stasik, Roger 52, 60, 133
Stasik, Tamara 16
Statema, Jason 31, 86, 153, 171,
Statema, Jennifer 112, 129, 194
Stecky, Bridget 112, 153, 179
Steel, Lisa 6, 35, 51, 84, 86, 99, 128,
136, 137, 164, 165
Steele, Eric 2, 102, 138, 157, 159,
168, 245
Steele, Michelle 112, 175, 199
Steele, Tina 6, 86, 136, 137, 165
Steig, Richard 102
Steigman, Buffy 31, 86
Stein, Jennifer 102
Steinhoff, James 112, 162
Stukel, Michelle 37. 67, l19, 121,
Sturino, Joseph 112, 162, 187
Tabarretti, Patricia 112
Talbert, Kimberly 102
Tambornino, Julie 102, 139, 142,
Thomas, Darnell 102
Thomas, Johnny 13. 102, 180, 181
Thomas, William 40, 83, 86, 1:13
Thomey, .James 33, 86
Thompson, Carvette 200
Thompson, Richard 102
Thompson, Wayne 112
Thorpe, Nancy 112
Thorpe, Thomas 86, 156, 161, 245
Tianen, Diane 137
Tiedke, Lorelei 102, 165
Tindall, Eric 78, 112, 145, 162
Tinker, Natalie 112
Tisdale, Mark 193
Tohalsky, Scott 86
Tolefree, Christopher 102, 158, 181
Tomsheck, Paul 47, 102, 136, 137,
162, 165
Torgerson, .Jay 112
Torres, Benito 102
Torres, Jose 183
Torres. Paul l12, laO, 131, 170, 171,
Tostrud. Michael 86
Tougaw, Kenneth 99, 102, 152,
153, l9:l
Tovar, Ang£:hca 112, 137
Amy Wosiuiew~
Dear Amy . We're proud of you and
all rhot you have occompltShed 1(1
your e<ghreer years Cheerleod•ng.
morkerng. Clt"ld forensio hove been
charleng•ng ord wonderful expe<
e1Ces We are p!'aud rhar you ae
our doughrer Good luck in cc>oege
You're ready for 1rl love Mom &
Sturino, Nick 61, 83. 161
Summers, Margaret 112
Sura, Kevin 16, 35, 86, 91, 137, 142,
144, 145, 156, 245
Suter, Stephanie 2, 10, 102, Ill,
1:17, 152, 15:1. 179, 199
Suter, Susan 47, 102, 138, 162, 165,
179, 194
Swanigan, Melissa 102, l19. 146
Swimming. Girl~' 175
Swistak, Brian 10. 102, 159, 190,
Sylvester, Tammy 102, 170, 17 l,
159, 219
Tanner, Robert 130
Taylor, Elizabeth 86
Taylor, Macklin 102
Taylor, Richard 60, 176
Taylor, Valerie 61
Tegel, Barry 112
Tellez, Michael 86, 130
Tenuta, Claudia 86, 138, 155
Tenuta, Dan 86, I 30
Tenuta, Kathryn I 12, 137
Terrell, Larshenelt 146
Terrill, Janice 61
Teschler, Suzanne 102
Turco, Tara 34, 35, 69, 88, 119, 133,
134, 135, 141, 161
Turco, Valerie 112, 133
Tutor, Shirley 102
Tower, Tara :13, 88, J.55, 178, 179,
184. 185. 198, 199
Track 194
Tranberg, Debbie 88
Traughber, Kathleen 12, 88.
185196, 197
Tri-Clover 212
Tritt, Kevin 102
Tritten, Daniel 118
Tritten, Gary 81
Trudeau, Wendy 22, 57, 71\, 88, 128,
137. 140
Tuinstra, Coach 187
Tumeo, Michael 112, 171
Uecker, Sara 22, 33, 35, 88, 128,
129, 137. 138, 145, 162, 165
Ulicki, Brenda 112, 165
Uphill, Tara 112, 165
Uren, Christopher 112, 162, 193
Uttech, Jodi 88, 138, 153, 198, 199
Uyger, Ozgur 112, 200
- vValentine, Damian 21, 51, 88, 141,
Van Hazinga, Robert 88, 126, 130,
Vanhoof, John 22, 88
Valeo's Pizza 231
Vasquez, Francisco 112
Vasquez, Ricardo 112
Vaughan, Shirley 88
Vaughn, Donti 180, 181
Vedum, Kara 102
Vengrin, Daffiny I 12
Ventura, Jason 88
Verwey, Gerald 61, 75, 89, 138, 181
Vescova, Lora 112
Vescova, Wendy 102
Vigansky, Katrina 55
Villalobos, Guadalupe 12, 19, 112,
185, 194
Villalobos, Martha 19, 102, 170,
171, 194, 195
Villella, Scott 112
Vines, Travis 112, 133, 165, 170,
171, 200
Viola, Jon 9, 35, 55, 88, 127, 162,
163, 165
Vlachina, Sara 112
Volanti, Aimee 102
Volleyball 179
Vollmer, Jamie 3, 35, 57, 88, 154,
156, 157, 158, 159, 245
Vondra, Michele 176
Vorhes, Deanna 112
- wWade, Christina 112, 155, 161
Wade, Jacqueline 35, 55, 88, 111,
174, I 75, 245
Wainright, Dawn 112
Waite, Michael 9, 16, 35, 50, 51, 88,
128, 165, 187, 245, 246
Walden, Kimberly 88, 155
Waldron, Michael 88
Wollig, Stacey 1 L2
Wallis, Kim 16.'i
Walter, Danny 33, %, 88, 128, 156,
200, 201, 245
Wamboldt, Becky 3.5, 88
Washington, Vyngie 12, 176, 183
Wa•iulewski, Amy 9, :J3, 88, 138,
159, 161, 150, 248
Waswrick, .Jennifer 102
Watkins, .Jamie 88, 153
194, 195
Werve, Theresa 112, 137, 140, 142,
143, 173
Werwie, Joseph 102, 137, 158
Werwie, Mark 11 2
Wetzel, Roberta 62, 138, 149
Weyand, Michelle 33, 90, 138, 149,
150, 151
Weyrauck, Mark 102, 130
White, Brock ll2, 187
White, Ch ristine 102
Willems, Suzanne ll :J
Williams, David 102
Williams, Edward 102
Williams, Michael 102
Williams, Vickie 9, 113, 185
Williamson, Uawn 90, 153
Willis, Jeff 190
Willkomm, Heidi 35, 90, 128, 142,
145, 155, 156, 157, 179, 244, 245
Wills, Ca"8ity l02
Wilson, Michelle 113
Writz, Jennifer 24, 35, 44, 55, 90,
128, 138, 145, 149, 155, 165
-YYanel, Fred 113, 203
York, Mike 113
Young, Jason 102, 142, 165
Young, Kisha 65, 113
Young, Lakisha 147
Young, Malcolm 62, 154
Young, Robert 130
Young, Zachary 90
Yurchak, Thomas 90
Trocey Wtwefoot
Trac, Corqarulorionsl You hove a.
ways hod our k:>ve and supporr and
you always will You ore very spe
ool Love Mom & Tim
- Z
Wattles, Philip 16, 102, !03, 136,
Wattles. Steve 168
Webb, Keith 112
Weddel, Glenda 112
Wegner, Carrie 3, 27, 33, 35, 88,
Whitefoot, Lisbeth 62, 130
Whitefoot, Tracey 90
Whitlock , Tiffany 189
Whitney, Kristine 90
Whyte, Ann 29, 90
Whyte, Marie 174
Wilson, Nicole 35
Wilson, Vivian 102
Winkelmann, Tammy 90, 137
Winston, Keith 62
Wisconsin Fuel and Heating 215
Wise, Kelly 113
Heidi, We wonr you ro know how
Pfoud we ore of your accomplGh
menrs. from learning how ro down
hill si<J or on eony age, ro
vooiry vol<>ybol, ro o SPY ed
ror 0.... wi5h l!i rhor yo..x dreams wt
come rrue and rhat you wt hove m
much happiness as you have
broucj'lr us by our clo.x)hrer
love Mom 6 Dad
J..l>e Wile<nS
Julie. Yo.., ore on rhe rhreshold of o
map occ~r n yovr ofe
f\lexr year you will have new chol
:enges and experiences a1 PorksH:le
We ore very proud of you and w1I
always be rhere for you We love
you. Mom , Dad. & Kris
125, 138, 141, 15:l, 158, 159, 204
Weichert, Paul 119, 120
Wells, Julia 112, 165, 175
Wells. ~lark 41, 102
,i i
\\'ember, Lisa 88, 1:17
Wenberg, John 102
Wermclin~. Karie 102, 138, 145,
162. 164. 165. 178, 179, 188, 189,
Wiechert, Paul 90
Wienke, Richard 62
Wieske, Brian 102
Wiesztort, Walter 90, 162, 164, 165
Witt, Jerald 113
\\"nuck, Adam 20, 102. 190
Wolfe, Connie 113, 134. 137
Woods, Vanessa 27, 90. 162
Jemtfer Wrirz
Dear Jennifer, We're so prc..>d
Keep y< 1r t'learl 9eflrle as you rrovel
rhrough fe
You have rhe
gence. PQ6e. and reooory ro make
o!I your dreams come rrve Love
Mom 6 Cassie
P S Ku~, & 1:ry~ro1 w miss you I pr4 vn
1se -
no eoches a. rhe rear bvmp
Wiggins, Raymond 27, 102, 161
Willard, Richard 62
Willems, Julie 90, 137
Willems, Kris I I 3
Wooten, Hay 90
Woynilko, .Jam°' 102, 165
\\'right. Kerry 87, 104, 113, 13b,
I 7fi. 188. 189
Zahn, Nicholas 113, 162, 165
Zambrano, Berica 103
Zander, Dennis 62
Zanin, Lucas 113, 171
Zapf, Bryan 109, ll3
Zapf, Kris 113
Ziccarelli, Carmine 87, 90, 130
Ziegenhagen, Tammy 103
Zielinski, Chad 103, 137, 158, 193
Zierk, Laura 103, 104
Zietz, Cara 60
Zimmerman, Chushan 103, 183
Zimmerman, Michelle 90, 136
Zimmerman, Stacey 113, 137
Zorn, Heidi 76, 103, 129, 145, 159,
165, 179, 196, 197
Zukowski, Elsa 14, 29, 103, 137,
138, 145, 150, 158, 248
Al ph0<05 by Marvn Modde<
ersonal advice is nor always welcome In a playful orgu·
menr, senior Joe Passarelli dares ro object ro senior
Heidi Willkomm 's op1n1on of which phoro rouse 1n his
iligenrly working on her f1nal layour, Junior Jenni Seitz
1eorns rhor hard worl~ and arrennon ro dera1 are a musr
'Deadlines, 'Deadlines
Staff Deals with the Pressure
Ir was on uphill climb from rhe beginning and
we /{new ir would be SOid senior Stephanie
Henningfeld, "This was rhe firsr year we worfred
wirh color 1n rhe senior secrion, which caused
some undersrondoble confusion, bur my secrion
was greor and we accomplished whor we ser
our ro."
The long hours spenr prinring phorogrophs,
drawing loyours, and wriring copy were expecred Said senior Mike Waite, "Wehodrocome1n
ofrer school and some Sorurdoy mornings, bur
rhor goes along wirh rhe job. "
Whor wosn'r expecred was rhe omounr of
fun. Delored b1rrhdoy parries, orhleric poerry from
rhe sporrs secrion, and Chrisrmos parries rhor
rurned inro pizza eonng mororhons were among
a few of rhe evenrs rhor added /eviry.
Also, of course, rhere were "doughnur days, "
celeborions usually demanded by sroffers upon
meering a deadline. Senior Jamie Vollmer said,
''Ir's unreal. People really ger excired 1f rhey don 'r
ger rhe1r doughnurs " This somerimes added ro
rhe confusion of deadline days and mode for
quire a scene.
Said junior Linda Spehar, "The firsr deadline
was rhe funn1esr rh1ng ro see Everyone was so
hyper, running around rrying ro ger everyrhing
done on rime and srill ger a doughnur "
Adding a supplemenr ro rhe boo/{ added ro
rhe srress, bur ir also added ro rhe hysrerics. Senior
Heidi Willkomm said, "The obsolure srrongesr
and funn1esr ideas come ofrer we hod spenr so
much nme 1n rhe SPY office we could nor rhin/{
seriously anymore Afrer obour rhe flfrh lore nighr
we were rrying ro figure our a rirle for rhe supple·
menr I said, 'Poinr rhe Cow Red!' and we all
laughed so hard. We olmosr used rhor rirle be·
cause ir seemed so hysrericol or rhe rime "
All rhings considered, page producrion wenr
fairly well, and ofrer all rhe wor/{ was done, rhere
was finally rime ro serrle down ''So, do you wonr
rhis page now, rhe copy is jusr obour enrered, rhe
final lo your is drown, and all I need is a bigger prinr
of rhis phorogroph. I could woir if you wonr, or
else I could
''Hey, jusr relax, and hove onorher dough·
nur" by Amy Ambrose
new compurer program makes copy fimng eooer.
bur help from on experienced ed1ror is ofren needed
Senior copy ed1ror Beth Adelsen oss1srs junior Claudia
Presta w1rh rhe ofren perplexing program
irh his. experr sense of oesrherics and balance. senior
Rusty Froeber fulfills his role as loyour ediror by
srudy1ng a loyour carefully
uring rhe Gradford Tremper bosl~erboll game rhe JOZZ
pep bond of Mike Waite Shawn Delacy , Cedric
Andrews and Mike Hart snrs rhe crowd, helping rhe
Devils ro pounce rhe TroJons for rhe rhird rime
ernng our on exhihronng shour as she breol~ rhe rope,
JUnlOf Amy Baldwin crosses rhe finish hne and wins rhe
4X800 relay or rhe co-ed conference meer held or
Dorry Laabs
Student did not leave without
As incoming srrongers filing inro rhor unfamiliar blue commons area ro regisrer, we rried ro
imagine mol'ling a home of rhis place.
In rime we managed ro blend wirh rhe
surroundings bur nor wirhour changing rhem
forever. From rhe rrophy case builr by rhe
consrrucrion classes ro rhe mural poinred by arr
club, we decl'!ed rhe hallways wirh our
ochievemenrs. Drama srudenrs rool'l firsr or
srore wirh rhe ploy, "The Lorrery. " Nor ro be
upsroged, choir won rhe gold medal or rhe
Heriroge Music Fesrivol in Chicago, while chamber orchesrro and bond won besr overall orchesrro and bond, respecrively, in Sr. Louis.
Three rimes rhe Red Devils rrompled rhe
Trgons in bosl'lerboll as rhey mode rheir way
ro becoming secrionol finolisrs. The baseball
ream also mode secrionol finolisrs, as did rhe
boys' and girls' soccer reams. The wresrling
ream become regional and conference champions, sending rhree ro srore.
These milesrones mode besr friends our of
rhose srrongers and on excirng meering place
our of rhor commons area. Finally, groduorion,
and orrenrion was rurned ro rhe class of 1989
as rhey added rhe necessary finish ro a highly
polished year. by Amy Ambrose