The SPY 1974
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The SPY 1974
The Mary D. Bradford High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 1973 to 1974 school year.
Kenosha (Wis.)
Mary D. Bradford High School Yearbook Club
Kenosha (Wis.)
School yearbooks
127743983 bytes
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Student Life
Advertising &
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"We seek a renewal stirring of love for the earth;
We urge that what man is capable of doing to the earth is not
always what he ought to do;
And we plead that all people, here, now, .determi~e. that a. wide,
spacious untrammeled freedom shall remain as a l1v1~g test1monythat this generation, our own, had love for the next.
-David R. Bower, from Friends of the Earth
·... : ....··:·: :... :
. . . . . ..
.. .. ·.
...,, ...·
·..... :-:·.•·..:
Do not linger to gather
flowers to keep them,
But walk on. The flowers
will keep themselves
blooming all your way.
Do not linger to gather
flowers to keep them ,
But walk on. The flowers
will keep themselves
blooming all your way .
" Dawn to dawn a lifetime
People on their way
~ .•~
\:!:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:. ;,:t:::::t.~:k::~~
··:~1 ·1
"We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we
can find ourselves as creatures of excellence
and intelligence and skill. We can be free.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
" . . . you have the freedom to be yourself,
your true self, here and now; and
nothing can stand in your way."
- .. . - .
·.. .,......
.. ......... ::·-::::
. ·.:-:·. ·.. ·.... ·. ·.· .......
. ;\::::/.:~~/_::~-;~=·=:~~:. :'.~ --:.........................
. . ..... .
Come to witness springs
n of leaves decaying
Just as new life will
love will come at leisure.
without measure
Give in return a
onder~us yearn of a promise almost seen
Live hand-in-h nd and together we'll stand,
on the thresh d of dream!!"
Grame Edge
.· ...... .
-= .....
. ...
·.,..~ .
... •.
. . .
. .. ·...
..... . .. ' ......
...~~· ...
.·.. ·· ..i,.·. ....... .
·.. ·.
.. ..
.. .
.. ..
.. . . ....
. ...·....
.... .....
Bradford Faces 1n Candid Action
Noisy Boom-Boom Davis sounds off!
Terri on her way to journalism.
"My ear hurts, Coach. Ohhh!"
The look of agony and pain.
"Give 'em hell, Sticks!"
Happiness is smiling with joy . . .
A lunch hour smoke break . . .
"I wonder if it's really true? I wonder?"
22 Candids
Noon hour stroll at lunch
"Did you like my songs? I tried."
School Boa rd Meets Often to Consider City's Educational Needs
Bradford's Future Still 1n Doubt
A candid of a typical meeting-thinking, listening, jotting notes, taking minutes, etc.
Superintendent Huettner looks so serious. Others smile.
Mrs. Ball, president of school board.
Mr. Falduto, board member.
Mr. Ryshkus, board member.
Mr. Lepp, board member.
Mr. Gerlach, board member.
Mr. Rikli , board member.
24 School Board
B.H.S. Springs Into Action and, Once Again, Our
Principals Have a Very Busy Year
Mr. Bolyard
Mr. Fowler
Mr. Herlihy
Rather than force our children along the lines
of standardized sociability, fostering the illusion
that they are supposed to be a uniform product
of a human assembly line, we should be
teaching them . . . that life is adventure,
novelty and above all the discovery of self, that
all the springs of worthwhile action have come
from individual minds . . . and that each . . .
human being has qualities and capacities in
combination that are all his own.
-N. J. Berrill
Bradford's busiest little secretary, Mr. Bolyard.
An extra-special B.S. (Bradford Student) tribute to Mr. Fowler.
Principals 25
Bea Leaves; Personnel Changes in Front Office As;
Mrs. Biurman Heads Office Staff
Mrs. Josephine Bjurman
Mn. Marion Henisch
Mrs. Beatrice Bockeloh
Mr. Charles Chapman
Mrs. Claudia Conti
Miss Dorothy Horvat
Miss Mary Michels
Miss Mary Muto
Many changes occurred this year within
the office staff this year. Mrs. Bea Bockeloh
left us after 25 years of fine service. Bradford
High students as well as the staff will surely
miss her. She took a position as a secretary in
a neighboring school system. The faculty,
prior to the Winter Recess held an afterschool farewell honoring her at which time
she was presented with several gifts.
Transfers also took place. Miss Dorothy
Horvat was transferred at mid-semester to
serve in the library.
Mr. Charles Chapman and Mrs. Claudia
Conti were welcome additions to BHS's office
The office staff is always busy!
26 Office Staff
Bea Bockeloh takes time out of busy day tc
Nurse-AV Specialist Deserve Full Page, More Credit Because Those
Behind Scenes Do So Much
Mr. Schumacher, our audio visual man, times swim meet.
Mrs. Krueger, school nurse, always willing to help.
Turn on the lights, Mr. Schumacher.
Probably the most unappreciated people at Mary D. Bradford are the two that
do so much for the students and faculty at
Mrs. Carla Krueger, our school nurse is
always there when you need her. Mr.
Schumacher, our audio visual director does
an excellent job in his department. SPY
says thanks!
Mr. William Schumacher
Mrs. Carla Krueger
Nurse-Audio Visual 27
Willie Russo Prevents Spread of Annex Fire; B.H.S. Loses Good Worker As
Tony Rosko Retires on March 13
Mr. Robert Perry, Head Custodian
Mr. Tony Rosko watches investigation of fire.
Mr. Don Layton, main building worker.
Mr. Stan Falk, PR man .
28 Maintenance Crew
Once again, Spy would like to commend the entire
maintenance crew for the admirable job it does in keeping
Bradford in smooth running condition and perfect order. Though
their jobs are quite routine, this staff is constantly alert. If it
were not for the watchful eye of Mr. Willie Russo, who spotted
and reported a potentially dangerous fire, the Annex might not
be standing today. To this devoted group of people, Spy says
One of the monstrous pieces of equipment the crew maintains.
"It's easy to do ... " (Mr. Willie Russo)
Annex worker Mrs. Alice Zasada.
All-pro sweeper, Mr. Walt Willems.
Mr. George Manson
Maintenance Crew 29
Bradford Art Classes, Popular: All Sections Filled Up to Capacity As ...
Mr. Klopstein Joins Art Department
What nature is not at variance with art, nor
art with nature; they being both the servants of
his providence. Art is the perfection of nature.
Were the world now as it was the sixth day,
there were yet a chaos. Nature hath made one
world, and art another. In brief, all things are
artificial; for nature is the art of God.
Sir Thomas Browne
Mrs. Marie Lipke
Mr. David Klopstein
30 Art
"I distinctly told you to bring back a pizza!"
Skilled hands at work
"Gee, I always get stuck with the dirty work."
Miss Kronenwetter retires; Business Education Dept carries on with
Miss Campbell As Department Head
Mr. James Baldukas
Miss Lois Campbell
Mrs. Elsie Edmonds
Mrs. Frances Ferrell
Mr. Glynn looking happy as ever!
Our newest addition to the business department.
Mr. Patrick Glynn
The Business Education Dept. at Bradford has
a two-fold aim: 1) to give the approximately
150 students enrolled in Stenography, Clerical
Typing, Advanced Accounting, ahd Distributive
Education the skills and training necessary to
obtain a position and advance in it in the
business world or to continue their education in
business, and 2) to give other students electing
business subjects a knowledge of the business
world and an opportunity to develop those skills
which they undoubtedly will use in their personal lives.
SPY spies on Mrs. Campbell teaching.
Mrs. Ruth Gober
Mrs. Patricia Holy
Mr. Malcom Young
Business Ed. Dept. 31
Bradford Counselors Amply Fill Ever Increasing Need As
Mrs. Lawson Joins Busy Department
Miss Tenuta
Mr. Verwey
Miss Lawson taking it easy.
The Bradford Counseling Staff is ready, willing, and able to help all those who need
it-including teachers. Mrs. Lawson was added
to the department staff this year. She is a
graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. During the summer, she worked
with Affirmative Action.
Mr. Soronen
Mr. Fremming
Mr. Moebius
"Let's see now, Mr. Fowler, I can give you an appointment for June 10."
32 Teachers
Drivers' Education Keeps Busy with In, After, and Summer Classes As
Approx. 550 Students Receive Temps
Mr. Dennis Dolan, Dept. Chairman
"All right, who stole my drivers license!"
"Mr. Ostmon do you need any help carrying your
Mr. Frederic Radtke
"The brakes are located on the steering column."
It is a mistake to suppose that men
succeed through success; they much oftener
succeed through failure. By far the best experience of men is made up of their
remembered failures in dealing with others
in life.
"I hope it's safer walking on the sidewalk."
Mr. Gilbert Ostmon
Driver's Education 33
English Courses Cause Scheduling Headaches but Students Given
Variety for Individual Needs, Likes
Mrs. Anne Bergo
Mr. Gerald Bonini
Mrs. Anne Bradshaw
Mr. Richard Dahl, Dept. chairman
Mr. Thomas Fugette
Mrs. Mary Jean Hazelton
Mr. Charles Knickrehm
Miss Susan Lafave
Miss Marie Magada
Mr. Ronald Mlodzik
Mr. Lynn Schmidt
Mr. Ted Scropos
34 English Department
Mr. Ronald Story
Mr. Gory Shover
Mrs . Jeraldine Stallman
Mrs. Virginia Worthington
Bradford's women rutting theory into practice.
Ms . Ruth Welker
Ms . Migliono on strike against pictures.
The lead-man ' s head heading heated discussion .
Fugette getting doily directional help from Bea .
"The Chief is definitely nuts! "
English Deportment 35
Over Crowded Classrooms and Kitchens Handled by Two Teachers, but
Ho Ee Ends 1st Year of lndep. Study
Mrs. Louise Upright
Mrs. Carole McGough
" Would you like me to fix you someth ing to eat?"
We may live without poetry, music and an ;
We may live without conscience and live
w ithout heart;
We may live without friends ; we may live
without books;
But civilized man cannot live without cooks.
He may live without books,-what is
knowledge but grieving?
He may live without hope,-what is hope but
He may live without love,-what is passion
but pining?
But where is the man that can live without
Owin Meredith
" Chippetto, ore you gone again?"
" See what I learned in Home Ee?"
" Would you stop looking and let me eat already? "
36 Home Ee
" Wait, I wont to get in the picture, tool "
Mr. Ellingson Leaves Dept. at Semester Break ... Weinke Arrives
Hammering and Metaling Goes On
Mr. Jose Arrendondo
Mr. John Bakke
Mr. Jock Sourelo
Mr. John Hofmann
Mr. Robert Marcello
Mr. Edward Thomas, Dept. Chairman
Mr. Ronald Moreno
Mr. David Ellingson
Two new Industrial Art teachers were added
to this department during the 1973-74 school
Mr. Ronald Moreno was hired as the new
printing teacher. He replaced Mr. August Pepple. Mr. Weinke was the second addition; he
took over for Mr. David Ellingson when Ellingson
left Bradford at the semester break. Mr. Weinke
inherited all of Mr. Ellingson's electricity classes;
Ellingson headed for Wales, Wisconsin to
assume his new position as vocational coor·
Mr. Richard Weinke
Chaperones need chaperones!
SPY spies ........... on Mr. Bakke relaxing. Again?
"I wonder if Mr. Sabo remembers this scene?"
Industrial Arts 37
Trips to Mexico, Canada, and Germany Taken During '73-'74 School Year As
Language Dept. Travels the World
Mr. Ronald Christman . Spanish teacher .
Mrs. Reynaldo Mondragon . Spanish teacher.
Mrs. Michele Nielsen, German teacher.
" German student participates in student assembly."
"Speech is human nature itself, with none
of the artificiality of written language."
George Bernard Shaw
" England and America are two countries
separated by the same language."
A. N. Whitehead
Mr. Richard Sacco. French teacher.
38 Language Dept.
" Mrs. Neilsen with thoughts of trip to Germany."
Excellent Service Continues As Mrs. Horvat Joins Library Crew,
Replaces Departing Mrs. Weiss
A Place of Learn ing
Mrs . Elsie Zadkovich, Dept. Chairman
Give me the room whose every nook
Is dedicated to a book
. . . Such be the library; and take
This motto of a Latin make
To grace the door through which I pass:
Hie Hab itat Fel icitas? (Frank Sherman )
After thought about libraries: " The richest
minds need not large library." (Amos Alcott)
Mrs. Gladys Weiss
Mrs . Judith Miller
Special Education Department Applies T.L.C.,
Continues Helping Students Grow
Can it be maintained that a person of any
education can learn anything worth knowing
from a penny paper? It may be said that people
may learn what is said in Parliament. Well, will
that contribute to their Education?
Lord Robert Cecil
Mr. Robert Aceto, Dept. Chairman
" We have plenty of T. L. C."
Mrs . Verna Maassen
Library, Special Ed . 39
Math Dept. Continues Emphasis on Concept, Theory and Practice As
Math Team Takes 2nd in District
Mr. John Cibrario, Dept. Chairman
Ms. Joan Hackel
Mr. Stirling Hubbard
Mr. Henry McCarthy
Mr. Ronald Soulek
Mr. Oskar Strobel
Mr. Soulek chats with a concerned parent at open house.
SONNY-"Aw, pop, I don't wanter study arithmetic."
POP-"What! a son of mine grow up and not be able to figure up
baseball scores and batting averages? Never!"
Mr. Hubbard explains to some parents about his scholarly class.
40 Math Dept.
TEACHER-"Now, Johnny, suppose I should borrow $100 from your
father and should pay him $10 a month for ten months, how much
would I then owe?"
JOHNNY-"About $3 interest."
Bradford's Music Dept. Grows Larger and Gets Better As
Record Number ( 400) Students Enroll
Bradford 's own version of The Thinker, Mr. Schripsema .
Education should be as gradual as the moonrise, perceptible not in
progress but in result.
-Sir Walter Scott
This year, Bradford's Music Department was joined by Mr. David
Schripsema, our new orchestra director. All of Bradford's music directors and students are dedicated to carrying on a long tradition of quality music. So, as our headline states, Bradford's Music Department
grows larger and gets better, and it produces a year of great music for
If there's anything at all in body language . . .
" I knew I shouldn ' t have eaten that pan pina . . "
Mr . Sabo
Mr. Tweiten
Intra-Mural Prog ram Increases, More New Teachers Added As
Phy. Ed. Dept. Continues to Grow
" Isn ' t she a beauty?" (James Melcarek, intern and Resussive Ann ie )
Mrs. Trudy Ritacco
" Now you listen lo me! " ( Mrs. Judy Hammond)
Keeping students physically fit and teaching activities which could be used in future years were goals
stressed in Physical Education this year.
Activities ranged from swimming to volleyball to
modern dance. Individual sports were offered as well.
The Department is headed by Mr. Harry Stoebe.
Mr. Stoebe and Mr. Giordano
42 Physical Education Dept.
Mr. Manny Markham and his trusty whistle.
Mr. Robert Crist
Miss Gail Frary
Mr. lorry Bunkowske, "Now let's get it right this time guys! "
Mr. Kenneth Helwig
Mrs. Joy Bunkowske
"And now, heeeeres Harry?! (Mr. Stoebe)
"On your mark, get set, GO!" (Mr. Helwig)
Physical Education Dept. 43
Mrs. Womack Leaves Bradford; Chemistry Dept. Acquires New Teacher
Allis Joins Science Staff
Miss Charlotte Cyzak
Mr. Robert Darula
Mr. Richard Guenther
Mr. Gary Allis
Mr. Gregory Schuett
Mr. Winston voices his opinion on the strike.
But beyond the bright searchlights of science,
Out of sight of the windows of sense,
Old riddles still bid us defiance,
Old questions of Why and of Whence.
W. C. D. Whetham.
-----------------One science only will one genius fit,
So vast is art, so narrow human wit.
Yes, even teachers exercise. (Mr. Hoferitza and friends )
44 Science Dept.
Mr. Darula and Mr . Hoferitza take a break out of their " long " school day to discuss their problems.
Mr. Donald Hoferitza
Mr . Keith Winston
Mr. Ronald Karakash
Yes, Chemistry does take hard work and concentration!
Science and art belong to the
whole world, and before them
vanish the barriers of
Science when well digested is
nothing but good sense and
Mr. Guenther tries explaining Physics to anxious parents at Open House.
Science Dept. 45
Expanding Social Studies Department Gets New Books and
Develops New Course, Anthropology
Mr. Mervin Bianchetti
Mr. Dan Brooks
"Gee, I can't remember that far back!"
Mr. James Giordano
46 Social Studies
Mr. Raymond Campbell
" Did I hear you right?"
Miss Sue Hinz
Mr. Adolph Maassen
What constitutes history may be thus described:
It is the act of comprehending and understanding induced by the requirements of practical
life . . . every serious history, and every serious
philosophy, ought to be a history and a
philosophy "for the occasion", as Goethe said of
genuine poetry, though the occasion of poetry is
in the passions, that of history in the conduct of
life and in morality.
Benedetto Croce
Mr. Keith Mclean
Mr. Thomas Roders
Mr. Jack Holy
Mr. Richard Willard
Mr. Kenneth Merrill
Mr. Raymond Miles
Mr. George Manesis
Miss Jacqueline Yates
Social Studies Dept. 4 7
Teachers Caught 1n
Teacher and student gossip in French .
Turn the electricity off when I stick my hand in there!
Do you have any threes?
Teachers taking a coffee break on their vacation.
Twinkle, twinkle little star.
48 Candids
If we don ' t win I' m gonna hold my breath until I turn
Mlodzik collecting money for his weekly six pack.
Class of '74 Candids
"Look at all this food."(Tlna Denning, Jean Wawiorka, Doreen Rizzo)
"Whew, it's about time I got my Spy." (Rose
And now, a word from our sponsor! (Lyle Stine)
"Why is he doing this to me?" (Karen Gulbransen)
"What do you mean yesterday was clash dayl" (Gary
"Ah, ha, and you thought I couldn't dance!" (Karen Johnson, Joan Willems)
"Don't make me laugh, I just ate hot lunch!" (Sandy
"Beer in the water fountains?, forget itl"
(Darlene Jenkins, Beth Bockeloh) Candids 75
• • • More
Senior Candids • • •
They sure look like they're concentrating! (Bun Vahradian, Dan Maurer)
"Boy, I hope I don ' t blow my big solo!" (Jean Manarelli)
"Hey, don't get so close!" (Nita Bitter)
Stars of the MDBHS Band's field drill. (Val
Lagodich, Cliff Tomlin)
Three BHS football players or is it three .stooges? (G. Herrmann, J . Romanowski, P.
76 Candids
"I'll smile for you if you'll leave me alone." (Pat
"We better win this football game!" (J. Grueter, V. Machara, K. Johnson)
• • •
Senior Candids • • •
Deep in concentration: Will they win or won't they? (Larry Leiting)
"Gimme a big kiss!" (Dina Pierangeli, Jack Schlinsog)
"Oh, why don't you leave me alone!" (Reina Santiago)
Bob strolls through the park, thinking of Polly! (Bab Beasy)
"Gee, this school gets worse every day!" (J. Willoubhy, J. Stellato)
Iris Ball and Rochelle Anderson smile for BHS photographer.
Senior Candids 77
" Can't you see I' m busy?! " (Monica Savaglio)
WRKR sure beats Spanish tapes! (Karen Haubrich)
"These assemblies are so exciting I can hardly stay awake!" (Doug Ricker)
" Don't bother me on my munchy break." (Jim Pontillo)
78 Senior Candids
Look at those sexy legs!!! (Carol Carlson, Sheryl Hrupka, Val Lagodich)
"I'll never make it up these stairs." (LuAnn Dunham)
. I
Aceto, Michael
Aiello, Rachel
Aikens, Monica
Alfano, Eugene
Allen, Dale
Allen, Eleanor
Allen, Deborah
Altergott, Steven
Ambrose, Rustin
Andersen, Kathleen
Anderson, Lori
Andrews, Christopher
Angle, Mary
Auloni, Teresa
Baily, Loren
Bajinski, Petra
Baltes, Richard
Bane, Rosanne
Barnes, Kathy
Barosko, Mark
Barr, Bonnie
Barrett, James
Bartholomew, Patricia
Bartholomew, Robert
Bartram, Kim
Baxter, Clara
Belcher, Pam
Bell, Richard
Benhoff, Bruce
Bennett, Jim
80 Juniors
Bennett, The on ita
Bierbower, Debra
Bilotti, Joe
Bingham, Sharon
Birchell, Patricia
Bisciglia , Scott
Blaisdell, Rickey
Blasi, Gloria
Blazavier, Genevieve
Blazavier, Richard
Blevins, Alfonzo
Blise, Kathleen
Blise, Sharon
Bloxdorf, Pamela
Boero, Sarah
Bolyard, David
Boness, Kevin
Bonofiglio, Eugene
Borland, Karen
Bowen, Jeffrey
Brackney, James
Brandes, Jeffrey
Braze, Barbara
Breigenzer, Loretta
Brnak, Brian
Bruch, Russell
Bruenning , Joseph
Brunner, Judith
Bruns, Michael
Bullmore, Laurel
Juniors 81
Burby, Katheryn
Burke, Cynthia
Buswell, Irene
Caira, Vincent
Cameron, Robert
Canfield, Marla
Capelli, Paula
Carlson, Shirley
Carr, Meighan
Casey, Robert
Casteel, Betty
Casteel, Vielka
Centeno, George
Cesario, Rick
Chase, Russell
Chodoronek, Stephen
Chovan, Judy
Christman, Dale
Christman, Steven
Christopherson, Carol
Chromcik, James
Ciappetta, Lenore
Cochran, Michael
Coleman, Angela
Collins, Donna
Collins, Roberta
Cooper, Pamela
Corradini, Thomas
Cossette, Robert
Costabile, Gary
82 Juniors
Costello, Robert
Cox, Douglas
Crsepo, Juan
Cutler, Cynthia
Dahl, Robert
Daniels, Theresa
Danoski, Daniel
Daves, Rose
Davis, Richard
Delaney, Marilyn
Dening, Lawrence
Devine, Kathy
Dezek, Pamela
Diamante, Denise
DiCello, Susan
Dietrich, Thomas
Doherty, Barbara
Dolnik, Thomas
Dorr, Steven
Dosemagen, Lois
Dosemagen, Michelle
Doss, Michael
Dregar, Dwight
Duffy, Michael
Dummer, Terri
Duncan, James
Ekern, LaVonne
Eldred, Joan
Ellinger, Verna
Ellis, Kathleen
Juniors 83
Elsila, David
Epping, Scott
Esters, Michael
Estes, Kimberly
Falcon, David
Falduto, Paul
Famous, Dennis
Fanduni, Peter
Farfalla , Nick
Fargo, Tom
Ferraro, Paula
Fieramosca, John
Finley, John
Fischer, Julie
Fischer, Steve
Fisher, Joan
Fliess, Gayle
Fliess, Therese
Foster, Cynthia
Foster, Johnnie
Frederick, Brenda
Frederick, Nancy
Fredrick, Sherryl
Free, Ronald
Freehoff, Robert
Gajdos, Peter
Gapanowicz, Debra
Garcia, Rudy
Gascoigne, Brian
Gastaldi, Dominic
84 Juniors
Gastaldi, Mary
Gel iche, Michae l
Getschman, Mary
Giannola, Ca the rine
Giannola, Jackl ind
Giles, Bette
Giles, Ella
Glaeser, Julie
Gleason, Ka ren
Goergen , Ted
Gombar, James
Gomez, Howard
Gorman , Michael
Grasser, Carl
Gregory, Sarah
Griffin , Barbara
Grimes, Kirk
Grisham, Janet
Grno, Joy
Grueter, John
Gruss, John
Gulbransen, Gregg
Gunderson, Marianne
Guzman, Ruben
Halverson, Barbara
Hamilton, Brad
Hamilton, Cheryl
Hampshire, Kenneth
Hannaman, Marvin
Hansen, Linnea
Juniors 85
Hanson, Theresa
Harp, Mary
Hartig, Charles
Hartnell, Christine
Haubrich, Michael
Hayes, Larry
Head, Brian
Heidenbach, Julie
Heinisch, Thomas
Herolt, Linda
Herrmann , Virginia
Hesse, Gloria
Hicks, Ricky
Hillier, Julie
Hoaglund , Sharon
Hoeft, Marjean
Hofmann, Carol
Holman, Jule
Hoomes, Theresa
Horgen, Larry
Horvatin, Carol
Houghton, Mary
Howard, Patrick
Hradsky, Janine
Hubbard, Stirling
Huck, Michael
Hughes, Melinda
Huissen, Donna
Humphreys, James
Hunt, Jeffrey
86 Juniors
Hurst, Robert
Ingram, Glen
Iorio, John
lsmaili, Hamdi
Jacki, Jeffrey
Jackson, Jerome
Jahnke, Pat
Jake, Richard
Jakubowski, Michael
Jalensky, Dennis
Jantz, Dennis
Jantz, Diane
Jeffery, Chester
Jenkins, Barbara
Jensen, Roberta
Jensen, Thomas
Johnson , Beth
Johnson, Brenda
Jokic, Renata
Jones, Joyce
Juopperi , Lynette
Juskewicz , Mary Ann
Kamin, Richard
Kangas, Russell
Kennedy, Susan
Kiekhoefer, Verjoy
Kimberlin , Terry
King , Ken
Kirkpatrick, Sandra
Kirschling, Celeste
Juniors 87
Kitchens, Cheryl
Kittles, Jeff
Klapproth, Daniel
Klapproth , Gayle
Kloer, Nancy
Knutson , Kristina
Koser, Susan
Kramer, James
Kranski , Richard
Krome , Linda
Kruger, Paul
Kruse, Sam
Kumiszco, Konise
Kuta , Jacqueline
Ladousa, Renee
LaJeunesse, Richard
Lamacchia, Rocco
Lambrecht, Cheryl
Landree, Walton
Lane, Robert
Langerman, Charles
Larson, Cynthia
Larson, Michelle
LaSalle, Julie
Launderville, Janel
Lehrke, Perry
Leineweber, Gary
Lemiesz, Yolanda
Lento, Diana
Lerose, Joanne
88 Juniors
Lewis, David
Lindsey, Janice
Lindstrom, Debra
Ling, Donald
Lohner, Paul
Lois, Wayne
Lorberter, Michael
Lucas, Lynn
Lukowski, Barbara
Lunn, Alan
Macht, Susan
Macreno, Mario
Maier, Richard
Maier, Ronald
Malacara, Henry
Mandernack, Scott
Manna, Eugene
Manulik, Paul
Marchesini, Pamela
Margraf, Danny
Marifjeren, Robert
Marks, Terri
Marquart, Gwen
Marschner, Thomas
Martin, Deborah
Martin, Geraldine
Martin, Linda
Mason, Cathy
Mattson, Marcia
Maurer, Kenneth
Juniors 89
Maxcy, Debra
Maxwell, Lois
Mays, Paul
McBride, Deborah
McCollough, Mark
McGrath, Kathy
Medina, Richard
Mehring, Dean
Meineke, Evelyn
Meier, Barbara
Mercado, Elizabeth
Merfeld, Merrill
Mertz, Judy
Meyer, Karla
Mico, Julie
Miller, Randy
Miller, Robert
Misurelli, Lisa
Mitchell, Betty
Mitchell, Kenneth
Moczulewski, Edward
Moeller, JoAnn
Mohr, Danette
Moncatch, John
Moore, Gail
Mudrak, Pamela
Mulder, Anita
Munz, Anthony
Murphy, Michael
Murray, Ronda
90 Juniors
Naydihor, Paul
Negri, Ronald
Nelson, Carole
Nelson , Denise
Nelson, Eugene
Nelson , Mark
Neumiller, William
Nevoraski, Daniel
Nichols, Billy
Nikolai, Theresa
Nikolic, Donna
Nissen, Debra
Nutini, Kathleen
O'Connor, Jeffrey
Ogren, Jerry
Olbrys, Ben
Olbrys, Teresa
Olsen, Christine
Olsen, Patricia
Olson, Brian
Olson, Margaret
Olson, Rocky
O'Neal, Hudson
Oniszczuk, Helen
Orlakis, Brian
Ortiz, Blanca
Orton, Allan
Oster, Randy
Ostrowski, Jack
Myers, Joan
Juniors 91
Otto, Thomas
Palmen, Jane
Paone, Teresa
Paredes, SanJuanita
Parise, Arnold
Parker, Ronald
Parrish, Sue
Patterson, Pamela
Peckus, Marybeth
Perri, Moria
Perrine, Robert
Perroni, Robert
Peters, Carol
Petersen, Alan
Petersen , Carol
Peterson, Luanne
Petrick, Pamela
Phillip, Laura
Picazo, Gregory
Pickerign, Randy
Piehl, Kirk
Pierangeli, Cheryl
Pierce, Scott
Pilligor, Teri
Pitts, Claudia
Ponzio, Frederick
Poteet, Kevin
Potts, Edward
Prescott, Ricky
Prill, Linda
92 Juniors
Prostko, Jeffrey
Prostko, Karen
Przytula, Diane
Pulju, Lori
Puntillo, Robert
Putrow, Micheal
Quinn, James
Quinn, Jane
Radovanovic, Vera
Raduechel, Jeffery
Ralph , Tim
Rasmussen , James
Razaa , Sadika
Redlin , Kenneth
Reece, Vickie
Reeves, Judy
Reidenbach , Sandra
Reisenauer, Pamela
Renick, Carol
Renzoni, John
Richards, Frank
Richter, Marshall
Rieschl, Luann
Ritacco, Carol
Robles, David
Rock, Stefan
Roders, Bruce
Romano, Char)es
Romanowski, Kim
Ross, Jennifer
Juniors 93
Rossi, Cynthia
Rossiello, Michael
Rothamer, Debra
Rothwell , Karen
Ruffalo, Paulette
Ruffalo, Richard
Ruffolo, John
Russo, Debra
Ryszewski, Mary
Sadlon, Timothy
Sadowski, Cindy
Salas, Michael
Sanderson, Robert
Saulys, JoAnn
Scalzo, Faith
Schabowsky, JoAnn
Schaefer, David
Schenning, Gregory
Schroeder, Mark
Schroeder, Steven
Schuldt, James
Schwartz, Shari
Schweitzer, Mary
Scouaro, Elena
Secor, Diane
Seitz, Eugene
Seitz, Randy
Sellers, Sandra
Sessa, Richard
Shepherd, Tom
94 Juniors
Sherron, Hugh
Shields, Donna
Shipman, Robert
Sicilia, Joan
Sinnen, Margaret
Sironen, Polly
Skowronski, Randy
Smith, Gregory
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, Jeffery
Sorensen, Colleen
Sorenson, Michael
Soronen, Cindy
Spaulding, Sandra
Spiroff, Paul
Starr, Jeffrey
Starr, Paul
Statema, Ruth
Statler, Tony
Staves, Laurie
Steffensen, Paul
Stephenson, Johnny
Stettner, Robin
Stine, Lynn
Stojic, Vito
Stolarski, Sandra
Story, Nancy
Stratton, Charles
Strickland, Lynn
Juniors 95
Stringer, Cathy
Sucharda, Susan
Suokko, Gary
Swaney, Patricia
Sward, Leslie
Swartz, Sandra
Sytkowski, Jean
Szafranski, Lidia
Szymanski, Patricia
Tabbert, Marilyn
Talamonti, Jerry
Talbert, Brenda
Talbert, Susan
Tapley, Janice
Tarsitano, Nancy
Thomas, Carla
Thomas, Kimberly
Thompson, Deborah
Torres, Kenneth
Tracy, Don
Tracy, Guy
Trecroci, Daniel
Trecroci, Edward
Tribur, Cynthia
Trocheck, Elayne
Trocinski, Virgil
Truax, James
Trull, Kenneth
Tucker, Sandra
Tufor, Jane
96 Juniors
Ulicki, Walter
Ungemach, Robin
Valeo, Annette
Vanderhoof, Dawn
Vandommelen, Robert
Vanstrien, Panny
Vassar, Doreen
Vaughan, David
Veasey, Denise
Vena, Angie
Vitkus, Jim
Vogt, Debra
Vranak, Jane
Vrooman, Vickie
Vojovic, George
Waas, Perry
Wade, Jennie
Waite, Frank
Walker, David
Walker, Mitchell
Waller, Johnathan
Waller, Sam
Walther, Eric
Wamboldt, Bruce
Wamboldt, Phillip
Waswrick, Carla
Waielle, Karen
Webb, Cathy
Juniors 97
Webb, Patricia
Weber, Caroline
Wedeikes, Tina
Weidner, Jeannine
Welk, Karen
Welling, Laura
Wells, Regina
Wember, Kim
Wertz, Irene
Werwie, Jeffrey
Wheeler, Donald
White, Patricia
Wiersum , Beverly
Wilcox, Josephine
Willard, Steven
Willems, Earl
Willems, Lynne
Williams, Joanna
Wind, Peggy
Wischmann, Jeffrey
Witkauskis, Jerry
Witscheber, Paul
Witt, Robert
Wojnicz, Timothy
Woltersdorf, Lonnie
York, Brenda
Young, Elizabeth
Zak, Donald
Zak, Gary
98 Juniors
Zambo, Lawrence
Zanin, Ellen
Zemozonak, Leslie
Ziccarelli, Linda
Ziesemer, Norman
Ziesemer, Peggy
Zievers, Ann
Zirbel, Allan
Zirbel, Debra
Zoller, Thomas
Juniors Not Pictured
Juniors Not Pictured
Juniors Not Pictured
Juniors Not Pictured
Juniors Not Pictured
Zuehlsdorf, Terrence
Aiken, Blaine
Arnold, Leon
Auloni, Teresa
Bacianskas, Jeff
Balcom, Anthony
Bartholomew, Patricia
Beets, Pamela
Bennett, James
Boyle, Dennis
Brandl, Robert
Brehm, Peter
Brown, Jill
Brown, Winston
Carlie, James
Chapman, Pierre
Cicchini, Francis
Clark, Debbie
Clark, Lisa
Crucianelli, Richard
Daun, Christine
Davis, Brenda
DeBartolo, Frank
Degener, Thomas
DeRose, Lawrence
Dietrich, John
Doherty, Barbara
Donley, Carol
Earl, Ronald
Ellis, Roberta
Elsila, David
Engdahl, Philip
Englund, Sondra
Erdman, Lucy
Fanning, Richard
Flores, John
Franco, Michael
Fredrick, Nancy
Gehri, Kenneth
Germinaro, Michael
Glassman, Thomas
Glasson, Cathleen
Graziano, Mary
Griffin, Monte
Grno, John
Zuehlsdorf, Timothy
Zutell, Guy
Gunderson, David
Gutowski, Lawrence
Harmon, Floyd
Hiegert, Cindy
Hupson, Oneal
Jantz, Debbie
Johnson, Emily
Klimes, Valentine
Koderca, Daniel
Krienke, Herbert
Kuhnley, Leonard
Lafever, Debbie
Lain, Randy
Lain, Rita
Landeau, Renee
Lawrence, Marsha
Ledlow, Rickey
Lichwolt, Duane
Loberger, Robert
Lux, Victor
Lymore, Ester
Mays, Jennie
Maze, Michael
Menden, Timothy
Mercado, Elizabeth
Merfeld, Merrill
Millard, Mark
Miller, Cheryl
Miller, Robert
Monnier, Teri
Mueller, Scott
Mulder, Anita
Mullaly, Loretta
Musitief, Mike
Nev, George
Noel, John
Oberlin, Janelle
Olsen, David
Pallamolla, Richard
Paskiewicz, Mary
Pauloni, Michael
Pauloni, Robert
Picazo, Gregory
Pitsch, Paul
Plourde, Patricia
Powell, Linda
Prell, Sally
Przybylski, Mark
Puckett, Dennis
Quinn, Donald
Raabe, Debbie
Rangel, Martin
Rangel, Mary
Redlin, James
Reis, Robert
Reineke, Evelyn
Ricker, Douglas
Rieckenberg, Brian
Rosales, Guadalupe
Rossa, Roger
Sadowski, Pearl
Saknits, Martin
Savaglio, Mary
Schlitz, Jean
Schmidt, Mark
Schneider, Beth
Schneider, Steven
Schroeder, Robert
Scott, Keith
Seleski, Jon
Smith, David
Sorensen, Douglas
Stadler, Anthony
Travanty, William
Umfress, Brian
Ungemach, Robin
Vinci, Anthony
Villup, Scott
Waas, Benny
Wabalickis, Gary
Webb, Mark
Weddel, Michael
Whitrock, Kathryn
Whittemore, Martha
Wilson, Otis
Wolfe, John
Workman, Frederick
Zocchi, Barbara
Casual Glimpses of Juniors
Look ma, no cavities! (Cindy Larson)
Debbie Russo, Tom Corradini, and Sue Sucharda, have a few laughs at the Homecoming dance.
HMMM' that new student teacher sure is cute!
Jeff O'Connor typing his letter to Santa Claus.
What if I stopped the clock?
Laurie studies hard in History cla11.
100 Candids
Give us this day our daily win!
___ ·
Aceto, Christoper
Acosta, Maria
Aiello, John
Aikens, Yvonne
Allan , William
Allegretto, Mark
Allen, Sharon
. ...
I ,
• ~\ t
Altergott, Debra
Ambrosini, Charles
Anderson , Bonny
Anderson , Glen
Anderson , Kathy
Anglin , Donna
Annessi, Michael
Antuk, James
Armstrong, Todd
Arndt, Eugene
Auloni, Gina
Anolina, Philip
Bach, Karen
Bacus, Debra
Badgerow, Scott
Bailey, Jay
Bain, Margaret
Bain, Ralph
Baken, Mary Lou
Barsuli, Pam
Bashinsky, Linda
Batey, Melode
Baxter, Todd
Beam, James
Beaumier, Joseph
Bednar, Sue
Behm, Timothy
Behnke, Karen
Bell, Ruth
Bell, William
Benis, Dora
Bennett, Delores
Benson, Cheryl
Benvenuti, Louis
Bibo, Ronald
102 Sophomores
Biederman, Bradley
Bielew ic:r, Karl
Bierdz, Poul
Bindelli, Mory
Bingham , Greg
Binninger, Heidi
Bishop, Timothy
Blockmon, Tim
Blise, William
Boero, Julie
Bonorette, Gerold
Borths, Terry
Botz, Cindy
Brockett, Scott
Brandl, Beverly
Broun, Deonne
Brendemihl, Deborah
Brenson, Katherine
Broesch, Cheryl
Brown, Gory
Brown, Jomes
Brown, Michael
Brown, Sandro
Bruns, Richard
Bullmore, Michael
Burns, Cheryle
Burns, Gory
Bush, Marianne
Buskirk, Lorry
Cameron, Mory
Contrell, Richard
Cantwell, Marlo
Capelli, John
Carlino, Christine
Carbon, Jackeline
Corson, Donald
Ceschi, Joseph
Chambers, David
Champion, Jomes
Charette, Kevin
Chiapetto, Jomes
Choderonek, Linda
Sophomores 103
Ciotti, Robert
Clark, Randy
Clark, Richard
Cochran, Doug
Colby, Debra
Cooper, Janel
Cooper, Ricky
Cordiner, James
Corkins, Michael
Corradini, Michael
Cosentino, Bob
Cosentino, Tina
Cosentino, Robert
Crain, Wyble
Cutter, Robert
Cutts, Debra
Dalstrom, Sandra
Dangler, Darlene
Daniels, David
Danner, Thomas
Darrell, Debra
Datilo, Nickolas
Daum, Cheri
Davis, Lelia
Davison, Donald
DeBartolo, Susan
DeCesaro, Linda
Degener, Thomas
Degrand, Gerard
DeHarl, Deanna
Delaney, Christina
Demske, Nannette
Denio, James
Dew, Mechelle
Dorr, Daniel
Dosemagen, Keith
Dougherty, Belinda
Drath, David
Drigot, John
104 Sophomores
Duberstein, Jeffery
Dunasky, Jo Ann
Dunbar, Bruce
Duncan, Donna
Dunn, Lisabeth
Duvall, Ricky
Duvall, Rosemary
Dworak, David
Edmonds, Tony
Edquist, Ronald
Edwards, Holly
Edwards, Jack
Eldred, Kevin
Ellinger, Linda
Engelhardt, William
Erbentraut, Robert
Erskine, Deborah
Estano, Nancy
Esters, Monroe
Fanelli, Michael
Fanning, LeAnn
Faraco, Thomas
Fauver, Joseph
Feely, Dawn
Feest, Larry
Ferraro, James
Fifer, Barbara
Finley, Stephanie
Finely, Thomas
Fitchett, Mayo
Flake, Harold
Foll a k, Jeffrey
Foraker, Donald
Fortner, Joanne
Franco, Margie
Frazier, Daniel
Fredrick, Daniel
Frederick, James
Fredericks, James
Fredericksen, Jimmy
Freeman, Gina
Gabron, Ann
Sophomores 1OS
Gales, John
Gall, Theodor
Gallatin, Daniel
Gallo, Daniel
Gallo, Raymond
Gapko, William
Garcia, Ismael
Garcia, Jerry
Gardinier, Mark
Gastaldi, Edgar
Gauchel, Peter
Gehri, Debbra
Geliche, Cindy
Gentile, Annette
George, Cindy
Gervais, William
Gholston , Edvenndle
Gifford , Brian
Gilbert, Robert
Givens, Audrey
Givens, Judy
Gray, Vicki
Graziano, Gregory
Greeley, Jennifer
Griffiths, William
Grimes, Carmen
Guarascio, Nick
Gunderson, Diane
Guzdek, Christine
Guzman, John
Gyurina, Glen
Gyurina, John
Haber, Todd
Haebig, Kimberly
Halbrooks, David
106 Sophomores
Hall, Rebecca
Hampton, Larry
Hannes, Theresa
Hansen, Diane
Hansen, William
Hanser, Rhonda
Hanson, Cindy
Hanson , Gregory
Hart, Tina
Hartung, Terri
Haubrich, Beverly
Haubrich, Herbert
Hazelberg, David
Hebert, Lisa
Hebert, Michael
Heg, Susan
Hendersin, Pam
Henriksen, Tamra
Herr, Deni'e
Herrmann, Anna
Hickey, Julie
Higgins, Curtis
Hill, John
Hodges, Sharon
Hoey, Dennis
Hoey, Patrick
Holborn, Mike
HC1lden, Gregory
Hopkins, Mark
Holman, Kim
Hoppe, Kenneth
Housner, Deanna
Houston, Robin
Hubbard, Cynthia
Hubeler, Duane
Huber, Rickey
Hudson, Marie
Hunt, Sally
Hunt, Timothy
Hupp, Christine
Hupp, Gerry
Hysell, Debra
Sophomores 107
Ingham, James
Ingram , Lee
Iorio, James
Isenberg, Linda
Jackson , Pamela
Jacoby, Barbara
Jacyna , Timothy
Jagodinsky, Lyn
Jahnke, Richard
Jeffery, Debbie
Jelks, Ronald
Jenkins, Debra
Jenkins, Pamela
Jensen, Janet
Jensen, Jeanne
Jensen, Vicki
Johnson , Cindy
Johnson, Priscilla
Jones, Linda
Jones, Steve
Kamin, James
Kennedy, Linda
Kessler, Kathy
Kessler, Scott
Keul, Sharon
Kiffel, Kevin
King, Michael
Kinney, Kevin
Kintis, William
Kirchner, Jon
Kirschling, Albert
Kitzmann, Steven
Kolpstein, Thomas
Knight, Kevin
Knutsen, William
Koelzer, Wendy
Kohloff, Donald
Kopesky, Jane
Kordus, Bob
Kotz, Stephen
Kowal, Emilian
108 Sophomores
Kraemer, Robert
Kramer, Paula
Kraning, Michael
Kranski, Karolyn
Kreft , Lisa
Kreuser, Kurt
Krohn, Tammie
Krome, Michael
Kruger, John
Kudric, Milan
Kulbacki , Thomas
Kunath , Cindy
Kurklis, Jane
Kyano, Debra
Laba, William
lamb, Rosemary
lampada, Jane
landree, Kathy
landree, Martin
Larsen , Mark
Larsen, Thomas
Larson, Cathryn
Lasalle, Michael
Laubscher, Barbara
lavenduskey, David
lea, Jeffrey
lee, Scott
lequia, Michael
lewis, David
lewis, Marvin
lewis, Sandra
Lichter, Gretchen
Liu, Nina
Llanas, Madeline
Locante, Thomas
lohner, Cesar
lothes, Martin
Lowe, Stephen
Lucas, James
Ludwig, Laurie
lukaukas, Arvid
lukic, Vera
Sophomores 109
Lund, Debra
Lynch, Paula
Macareno, Amelia
Maletta, Mary
Mansfield, Michelle
Mantuano, Al
Marchese, Frank
Marken, John
Marschner, Don
Marshall, Joann
Martin, Sharon
Martin, Timothy
Martino, Annette
Martino, James
Martinson, Dan
Marx, Lisa
Mason, Veronica
Mayer, Elizabeth
Manarelli, Linda
McCarthy, David
McCoy, John
McDaniel, Duane
McGonegle, Kelly
McGrath, Kelly
Mclean, Diane
Meconi, Victoria
Meeker, Richard
Menarek, Cherri
Merfeld, Carol
Merritt, William
Mellen, Dan
Meyer, Tamara
Miceli, Mary
Miller, Pamela
Miller, Timothy
Minkey, James
Minski, Donald
Mleczko, Dennis
Mohr, Kim
Monson, Laura
Moore, James
Morgan, James
Morrone, William
Mortenson, Karen
Morton, Kent
Mueller, Paul
Munz, Richard
Murray, Michelle
Musselman, Kenneth
Myers, Pamela
Myres, Alan
Neave, Vincente
Nelson , Bernard
Nelson, Ricky
Nelson , Sally
Nelson, Steve
Neu , Anita
Neu, Debbie
Neu, Patty
Neustifter, Charles
Niemi, James
Niemi, Jean
Nierenberger, Peter
Noel, Joe
Norris, Daisy
Norris, Juanita
Norris, Linda
Norton, Patricia
Obenauf, Gloria
Ogle, Lisa
Ogren, Edward
Ogren, Terry
Oliak, Barbara
Olson, Carol
Olson, Carolyn
Omalley, Donald
Onosko, Julie
Ortiz, Dave
Orzechowski, John
Otto, Debra
Otto, Janet
Palmen, Steven
Paone, Terrance
Sophomores 111
Parise, Jack
Parise, James
Parker, Bill
Parrone, Maria Rosa
Pascucci , Jay
Pascucci, Peggy
Paskiewicz, Gary
Patterson, June
Pawlowicz, Vickie
Peckus, June
Pekoske, Michael
Pelt, Mike
Perone, Clay
Perotto, Steven
Perry, Paul
Peters, Carrie
Peterson, John
Petrick, Susan
Pfund, Gary
Piasecki, Barbara
Pierce, Mark
Prybylski, Patricia
Puder, Charles
Puder, Kevin
Radley, Debra
Raddatz, Cindy
Radtke, Douglas
Pillizzi, Lou
Prybylski, Cindy
112 Sophomores
Rannick, Caroline
Rasch, Jean
Rasmussen, Susan
Razaa, Qudsia
Reau, Paul
Reed, Debra
Reeves, Cheryl
Reeves, Jerry
Reidenbach, Mark
Reisenauer, Gary
Ricchio, Robert
Richards, Todd
Richardson , William
Rigby, Robin
Riley, Joanne
Riley, Robert
Ritacco , Glen
Roberts, Bruce
Roberts, James
Roberts, Patricia
Robinson , Amy
Rock, William
Rodgers, William
Rogers, Janice
Romanovic, Vera
Ross, Jeffrey
Rossiello, James
Roth, Marjorie
Rubadeau , Scott
Rudolf, Erin
Ruffalo, Lisa
Ruffin, Sonja
Ruffolo, Angelina
Ruiz, Dan
Russo, Michelle
Rutkowski, Thomas
Sadlon, Jill
Saldana, Joseph
Salerno, Leslie
Salituro, Louis
Sanders, Colleen
Sophomores 11 3
Sanderson, Robe rt
Santapoala, Jul ie
Santiago, Evalina
Santos, Sylvia
Scalzo, Richard
Schaite l, Sandra
Schantek, David
Scheckler, Donalyn
Scherer, Douglas
Schertz, Lawrence
Schierenberg, Donna
Schiesl, Greg
Schiller, Kathy
Schlafer., Patty
Schlecht, Mark
Schlesch, Jennifer
Schlichting, Debra
Schlinsog, Dale
Schlitz, Cindy
Schlosser, Linda
"Schmidt, Gregg
Schmidt, Nancy
Schmunck, Debbie
Schneider, Jane
Schneider, Mary
Scholey, Pamela
Schwer, Larry
Scoville, David
Shawaluk, Lorene
Shields, Brenda
Schroeder, Paula
Schultz, Robin
Schultz, Timothy
Schwaiger, Larry
Secky, Denise
114 Sophomores
Seliga, Joseph Jr.
Sepulveda, Michael
Servantez, Joyce
Shaffer, Michael
Siebeneich, Ku rt
Sile r, Randy
Sinnen, Mark
Skowronski, Donald
Slater, Anthony
Sluga, Kathleen
Sluga, Kim
Slugocki, Lori
Smart, Dianna
Smith, David
Smith, JoAnne
Smith Judy
Smith Kerri
Smith, Kerri
Smith, Michael
Smith, Pamela
Smith Sandra
Snyder, Karen
Sokal, Patricia
Soronen, Kimra
Soto, Robert
Spaulding, Jayne
Stacey, Doug
Staskus, Lori
Stich, John
Stolarski, Michael
Stoyer, Anita
Strassner, Dennis
Suehring, Jill
Swanson, Julie
Szymanski, Thomas
Tabili, Paul
Taras, Patricia
Tasovac, Cheyenne
Taylor, Deborah
Taylor, Paul
Techert, Kerry
Tennessen, Diane
Thomas, Darryl
Thomas, Gail
Thomka, John
Thompkins, Donald
Sophomores 11 S
Rosema ry
Thoney, Beth
Thornbe rg, Dan
Thrasher, Kenneth
Thuot, Ka thyAnn
Till igkeit, Sandi
Timme, Richard
Tobias, Anne
Tolstyga, Paul
Topolovec, Karen
Torkkola , Cheryl
Tracy, Linda
Travanty, Harold
Travanty, Tina
Truax, Leo
Truax, Lois
Truskowski, Susan
Tully, James
Tunks, Joseph
Turner, Steve
Turvaville, William
Tyler, Artis
Tyler, John
Tyunaitis, Mark
Tyunaitis, Susan
Underhill, Michael
Usa , John
Usa, Lynn
Vahradian, Ricky
Vasquez , Gene
Veltri, Francisca
Ventura, Alan
Verch , Rodger
Vite, Jennifer
Vranak, David
Walden , Roberta
Walls, Michael
Walter, Arthur
Wamboldt, Kenneth
Vite, Charles
116 Sophomores
Webb, Jodie
Weber, Patricia
Wegner, Charles
Weiss, Robert
Wells, Anthony
Wells, Rano
Wendling, Phillip
Werbie, Daniel
West, Cindy
Whittington, Beverly
Widmanich, Vicki
Wiersum, Steven
Wieske, Robert
Wilkey, Harry
Willems, John
Willems, Teresa
Willenbring, Myrna
Willie, Colette
Wilmot, Mary
Wilson, Drew
Wise, Bethany
Wold, Bryan
Wooden, Anthony
Woodward, Coral
Woodward, Daniel
Wren, James
Zahn, Alan
Zomba, Carol
Zapencki, Edward
Zapf, Christine
Zapp, Larry
Zivanov, Bozidar
At a formal dance, a sophomore discovered that he was standing on his latest
friend's train. He had the presence of mind
to remark: "Though I may not have the
power to draw an angel from the skies, I
have pinned one to the earth."
She excused him.
Zizich, Darinka
Zoerner, Jill
Zuehlsdorf, Colleen
Sophomores-Not Pictured-Sophomores
Abbott, Charles
Anderson, Alan
Apostoli, Anthony
Ar dt, Pau i--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Banera, Maria
Batey, Meludi
Beets, Patricia
Benson, Renee
Boclven, Patricia
Brackett, Sheryl
Brittich, Scott
Bruch, Mark
Chamben, Alexander
Childs, Ronnie
Clark, Edward
Clements, Mitch
Conley, Anthony
Cook, April
Crocker, Peggy
Defoe, Debra
1')emicchi, Gregory
!uc I no,
FMst, Diane
Raherty, Glenn
Franklin, Mike
Frazier, Douglas
Garcia, Doniel
Garcia, Sylvia
Gardinier, Mark
Gardner, Dewayne
Gardner, Linda
Genz, Gene
Gerou, Marsha
Gibson, Howard
Giles, Bette
118 Sophomores
Head, Dan
Horton, Chari s
Hudson, Jam s
Hughes, Ricky
Hultenius, James
Johnson, Leo
Jung, Lance
Kaae, Gwendolynn
Kerby, Garry
Klaush, Ronald
Kornkven, Kathryn
Labarre, Terry
Lindstrom, De ra
Lundskow, Debra
Martinex, Pet r
Mays, Sharon
Melander, Mark
Mentik, John
Merfeld, arol
Meyer, S wn
Miceli, Jo ph
Morrow{ Jeffrey
Munns, Richard
Murphy, Gail
Nelson, Debra
Newsam, Candance
Nichols, Kathy
Olivares, Armando
Oninczuk, Ina
Opsahl, Martin
Paredes, Ramon
Parker, Sheila
Pischke, Kim
Prescott, William
Rangel, Jessie
Rees, Randall
Reetx, Kenneth
Reiden~ach, Julie
Reindl, Deanna
Reach, Jackie
Richardson, Vicki
Rosero, Janet
Salerno, Michael
Sandberg, Dale
Schnieder, Patrick
Schroeder, Mary
Scott, Paul
Segliga, Joseph Jr.
Shinske, Carol
Shwaiko, Kristy
Sinkler, Donna
Slaney, Christine
Slater, Kenneth
Slater, Leroy
Smith, David
Smith, Randy
mit , Sandra
Soto, Miriam
Specht, Elaine
Sterba, Wilhelm
Stone, Peter
Sweet, Bonnie
Terpstra, Susan
Thiel, Blake
Truax, Bonnie
Vernezze, Steve
Waltemath, Leonard
White, Kelly
Zuhde, Deanna
Bradford Routine •••
Sophomores Caught 1n
" Two heads are better than one," says Kim .
The Three Musketeers.
"This school gets me sick! "
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall . . . .
Cheerleader Cindy George.
" I'm Tom Faraca. What's your name?"
"Yes, June, we are calling you!"
" Das Bier ist sehr gut! "
" Do I look innocent?"
"Lori Staskus enjoys beating Tremper.
Sophomore Candids
Candids • • • Candids ••• Candids • ••
"All you have to do is look at me."
"I bet you don't know what I'm doing!"
"I never would have thought . . "
"Students, I will rip this tree from the roots with my bare
Dueling Harmonicas. (Willie Sterba, Dave Dworak.)
"The coach said your form is wrong, Jim."
1 20 Sophomore Candids
"When buying underwear, it doesn't pay to be
"I'll get up in a minute Coach, I'm just thinking "
Winston Brown Elected As Defensive Back to All-Conference Team As
Red Devils Lose 20 Seniors
Bradford offensive line; on line: I. to r.: S. Schantek, J . Stellato, J . Romanowski.
Backfield: S. Carey, Randy Tennessen, P. lngrouille, W. Brown, and M. Clements.
Offense gets break while defense is in action .
" You're working real hard , Kirk Peihl."
Even the big men fall . . . with pain .
lngrouille and Schantek pause for a refreshing pause.
Head Coach Giordano and Assistant Coach Stoebe talk over
game plans prior lo Bradford-Tremper clash .
" Ah , come on, guys, get with it. One, two, three
A good arm on a good captain-lngrouille.
122 Football Varsity
The Red Devils show the Racine Rebels just how it's done.
Ors. Cibrario and Fugette assist Lyle who cringes in pain.
Bradford's Red Devils ended their football season with a 1-6-1
record. At the beginning of the season, Bradford's offensive unit concentrated on keeping the ball on the ground: durin_g the second half of
the season used an aerial attack quite often. Despite much bad
weather, the Devils, led by Pat lngrouille and runningback Russ
Tennessen, played commendable football. Credit should also be given
to Mitch Meyer, Steve Seleski, Joe Stellato, Nick Vanchena, and Gregg
Herrmann. At the season's end, Winston Brown was elected as defensive back to the South Shore All-Conference Team. Pat lngrouille and
Russ Tennessen, Mitch Meyer, and Kirk Grimes also received honorable
Twenty graduating seniors left the squad this year: Brown,
Carey, Clements, Estano, Gyurina, Herrmann, lngrouille, Meyer, Noel,
Quinn, Romanowski, Schantek, Seleski, Smolik, Stellato, Stine,
Szymanski, Bubba and Russ Tennessen, an Vanchena.
Bradford's SCOREBOARD for the season was as follows:
Bradford's starting defense lines up against Case.
Bradford's Red Devil 1973-74 Varsity Football Team. Row 1, I. tor.: M. Clements,
W. Brown, S. Schantek, G. Herrmann, N. Vanchena, J. Stellato, S. Seleski, M.
Meyer, J. Romanowski, P. lngrouille, Russ Tennessen. Row 2: D. Estono, J. Bilotti, K.
Piehl, P. Spiroff. M. Weddel, L. Stine, J. Noel, G. Gyurina, Randy Tennenen, B.
Madison East
Sanderson, S. Epping, F. Waite, P. Falduto. Row 3: Coach Stoebe, G. Smith, L.
Horgen, D. Quinn, K. Grimes, M. Chapman, J. Smolik, J. Truax, D. Wheeler, D. Cox,
R. Ambrose, B. Zivanov, S. Carey, M. Kintis, Coach Giordano. Top Row: P.
Szymanski, B. Puntillo, C. Jeffery, T. Venci, J. Redlin, M. Esters.
Varsity Football 123
Coaches Allis, Crist, Helwig, Fugette Guide Sophs to 14-0 Record
Sophomores Go Undefeated
Sophomore football team doing calisthenics during final practice week.
Members of the t,)am looking on while others play .
The Sophomore Red Team. Row 1, I. tor.: P. Gauche!, D. Kohloff, M. Brown, J . Rossiello, M. Larsen, T. Locante. Row
2: B. Weiss, G. Graziano, R. Vahradian, D. Lewis, T. Faraco, T. Larsen, M. Kraning . Row 3: J. Edwards, D.
Woodward, J . Gyurina , G. McCoy, H. Haubrick, T. Edmonds, G. Schmidt, T. Kavalauskas, S. Lowe, R. Jelks, B.
Knutsen .
The Sophomore Blue Team. Row 1, I. to r.: T. Behm, N. Guarascio, M. Flake, R. Scalzo, K. Eldred, M. Franklin, G.
Paskiewicz. Row 2: M. Stolarski, J. DeNio, B. Pozzo, P. Perry, M. Corradini, R. Poikenen, J. Tunks, M. Pekoske, M.
Pierce. Row 3: Coach Fugette, M. Tyunaitis, B. Hansen, P. Wendling , B. Griffiths, J. Fredericksen, M. Esters, M.
Bullmore, M. Reidenback, D. Lohner, Coach Christ.
124 Sophomore Football
The sophomore football teams were unstoppable, split up or as one team . When
split up, each playing five games , they went
undefeated to take the South Shore Cham pionship. When they played as one team ,
they beat both Janesville Craig and Tremper
The Black team was coached by Mr.
Fugette and Mr. Crist. Fugette is the head
coach of the sophs. The Black Team won on
hard-hitting offense and defense which outscored it sopponents 90 to 24. The offense
averaged 18 points a game.
The Red Team was coached by Mr. Helwig
and Mr. Allis . This team had it all going for
them. First they had a high-powered offense
which outscored its opponents between 20
and 30 points a game. Their attack totaled
up 154 points in just five games.
Black Team's defense, which had three
shutouts to its credit, allowed on the average
of less than five points to their opponents.
The Red Team, too , had a stingy
defense-allowing only 1 8 points in five
games. They scored two shutouts; the most a
team scored on them was six points.
Leading the Black Team on offense were
Rocky Scalzo, a fast cutting halfback, and a
powerful fullback, Mark Flake . Doing a good
job at quarterback was Bob Pozzo. On
defense, everyone did a fine job; jet, Bill Griffiths, Paul Perry, Jim DeNio, and Jim
Fredricksen should be cited as outstanding .
Leading the versatile Red offense was Ron
Jelks who did a lot of running and scoring.
He was greatly helped by Dan Woodward at
fullback and Mike Brown at quarterback.
Leading the Red Team defense were Dan
Woodward, Dave Lewis, and Greg Graziano.
Spy talked to some of the sophomore
coaches and they thought that if these
sophomores kept together and
eligible-despite what some people write
about in the Kenosha News-no one in our
conference will stop them in 1976. We hope
Cerci giving it all he has.
Cerci Mahone
John Finley
Barry Bennett
Danny scores two on fast break.
Varsity Basketball 127
Barry prepares for his " soft-touch" jump.
128 Varsity Basketball
Barry and Cerci receiving runner-up sectional
Golf Team Ends Season with Impressive Record; Vegel Leads Way with
New Coach, Site, & Young Swingers
1974 Golf Team. Row 1: C. Aceto, S. Schroeder, G. Paskiewicz. Row 2: W. Lois, B. Ciotti, J. Truax, B. Gifford, C.
Behm, J. Reeves. Row 3: P. Onosko, S. Hein, D. Vegel, A. Lukauskas.
Barry and Mark, two of the team 's best with Coach
Gdf cais id a~ closer than
2S feel-~
from edge ri ~11.
Golf cars 1101 allowed 011 lees I
Golf cars penn\tt doolq Oil qdl coort.
No lOOff \~n \)dSstn2n> \lt'f car
Petrifying Spring' • Country Club: Home of all golf team practices
and meets.
Dennis Vegel takes five.
Four rules the Golf Team lives by at the Club.
And he missed the cup by nine feet!
Rich LaJeuness shows how it' • done.
Bradford's Golf Team established itself as a
tough competitor and bettered last year's one
and eight record with four wins and five lo11es.
The golfers began their season by taking second
place in the Salem Invitational. A first-place
finish in the Tremper Invitational followed. The
' team placed fourth in the conference meet,
defeating Tremper. In WIAA Regional Competition, Bradford shared first place with Waterford,
losing the trophy in a sudden-death playoff.
Dennis Vegel lead the team scoring. Other top
scorers included Gary Paskiewicz, Mark
McCollough, Barry Bennett, Rich LaJeune11e,
and Phil Onosko. The team's new coach was Mr.
Rode rs.
Phil was attacked by the munchies.
Barry gets ready to putt.
Golf Team 129
Three Bradford Grapplers Wrestle Sectional Tournaments Team Has
Best Record ( 6-6-1) Since 1963
Kerry Czarnecki ( 6-10-1, 145 lb.), 2nd team , South Shore
Kim Mock ( 20-4, 138 lb.), 1st team , South Shore
John Chalekian ( 13-5 , 132 lb.), 2nd team , South
Shore Conference.
Regional Champ, Randy Oster (98 lb.) isn ' t afraid of Big Pete Szymanski.
Row 1: J . Humphreys, B. Packman, J. Brandes, R. Free, R. Oster, D. Robles, M. Gardenier,
R. Verch , D. Wilson . Row 2: H. lsmaili, R. LaMacchia, B. Vogt, J . Smolik, T. Apostoli, R.
Duvall, B. Allan, E. Nelson. Row 3: A. Gosselin, J . Chalekian, K. Czarnecki, K. Mock. Row
4: Coach Crist, J . Willoughby, J . Gombar, A. Venci, P. Szymanski, L. Stine, R. Vahradian,
D. Mehring , Coach Markham .
130 Wrestling
Row 1: J . Humphreys, B. Packman, J . Chalekian, T. Apostoli, R. Oster. Row 2: J.
Willoughby, P. Szymanski, K. Czarnecki, L. Stine, K. Mock, T. Venci, J. Gombar, B.
Packman .
Sophomore Varsity wrestler
Apostoli ( 13-8, 126 lbs) .
Senior Bob Packman, (7-11-2, 119 lbs.).
Lyle Stine ( 8-6-1 , 185 lbs.), one of
Bradford's strongest wrestlers.
" I' m ready anytime you are." (Tony Venci, 7-10-1 , 167 lbs. ).
Three medal winner Jim Humphreys.
First year wrestlettes bring spirit to the mat-mens' season.
Practice pie of the "Big Brain".
" Oh, hell , it hurts! "
"Ouch! You're hurting my arml" (Chalekian)
Toni Venci tries for pin.
" Would you hurry? I've been holding him for
20 seconds now! "
JV middleweight Rocco LaMacchia ( 138 lbs.).
Not since the split of Kenosha High have the
Red Devils had a better wrestling season. They
ended the year with a 6-6-1 record. These four
Bradford wrestlers were named to the all South
Shore Conference wrestling team for the 197374 year. Kim Mock with a record of 20-3 was
the only Kenosha wrestler to make the first
John Chalekian, Kerry Czarnecki, and Geno
Alfano were picked to the second team. John
Chalekian wrestled in the 132 lb. class finished
with a 13-4 record. Kerry Czarnecki in the 145
lb. class finished with a 5-10-1 record. Geno
Alfano ( 155 lb. class) finished 6-10.
"Would you let go of my head?"
Wrestling 131
Fredericksen, Rainey Set School Track Records-
1n iu rieS Hamper State Chances
Hurdler Bob Wei11
P. Turvaville, B. Tenne1sen, J . Aiello, R. Scalzo, M. Franklin, J. Ro11iello. Row 2: B. Nichols, D. Conti, L. Rainey, R. Tenne11en. Row 3:
L. Crain, L. Arnold, R. Kangas, J. Machina. Row 4: P. Howard, B. Richardson, T. Richardson, J. Frazier, J. Roberts, M. Millard, P.
lngrouille, J. Smolik. Row 5: C. Helwig, R. Jelks, B. Wei11, R. Fredericksen,M. Bullmore, B. Hurst, K. Czarnecki, G. Graziano, T.
Bishop, C. Jeffries, M. Pierce. Row 6: C. Chaptman, M. Haubrich, R. Crain, M. Hebert, T. Ralph , C. Allis, G. Flaherty, R. Bruno, C.
Senior Relay Team
Bradford1 short distance runners or sprinters.
132 Varsity Track
The " Weight" men.
Sophomore Relay team
Renzle Crain flies through the air.
Mr. Gary Allis, new track coach.
Mr. Helwig speaks with Mr. Jaskiewicz, Athletic Director for
the Unified School District.
Valuable trainer, Jeff Smolik.
Coach Helwig teaches art of handing off.
Long Distance Runners; 2 milers, milers and 880 runners.
Pole Vaulter, Kerry Czarnecki.
As our headline states, injuries hampered the
track team's chances of competing at the State
Track meet. Len Rainey was injured near the
end of the season which made it impossible for
the relay team to do well. Their time at the Sectionals was 3:27:5, good for 3rd place. The
team ended their season with a 3-2 dual meet
record. They also placed 5th in the Rebel Relays
out of a field of 1S teams. Two new records
were set this year by Ray Fredericksen. Ray was
clocked with a time of 9:48.6 for the two mile,
breaking the old record held by Dave Kulich of
10: 01. Ray has also set a new indoor record for
the mile run. Other impressive trackmen include
Ranzle Crain, Glen Ingram, Mike Hebert, Len
Rainey, and the members of the mile relay
Hurdlers along with their new coach, Mr. Chapman.
Vanity Track 133
Doubles Team Loses to Topseaters in Close Three-Set Match But .
Lewis & Carey Score 6 Pts at State
Row 1: J. Milka, K. Boness, L. Benvenuti, S. Carey, G. Charette, T. Locante, J. Martino. Row 2: C. Hofmann, M. Lewis,
J. Orzechowski, P. Lehrke, L. Horgan, W. Morrone, M. Walls.
Hofmann gingerly sets one over net for point.
Senior members of the Team.
Twinkle toes.
134 Tennis Team
" Better luck next time."
"I knew I could do it!"
"I came back, I came back, I came back to Bryl Cream."
Charette'• smash.
Although the season's tennis record of 2
dual competition looks rather mediocr
doesn't reflect our third place showing in
conference meet. Neither does it suggest
first place finish in doubles-Lewis
Carey-in conference play. In addition, it
little about Lewis and Carey taking secon
the sectionals, and winning their first two
in state competition (they beat Brookfield
and Janesville Craig), losing finally to a
seated team in a close three-set match.
Charette and Charles Hofmann scored 19 po
each for the season; Lewis racked up 31; Car
28. The team is coached by Mr. Stoebe.
Determined to better their last years
record, Bradford girls' swim team opened
their season early last fall. Many practices
and hard workouts produced outstanding
swimmers such as Pam Barsuli, 100 yard free
style and 200 yard individual medley, Kris
Olsen, 100 yard free style, and Leslie
Zemoz:onak, 100 yard breast stroke. The girls
competed in the South Shore Conference
meet held at Washington Park High, and the
WIAA swimming sectional held at Madison
Memorial in October.
Swimmers Conclude Season with 1-11 Record
But Sophomores Add Hope for Future
Sorry fellas , after this one, no more autograph1I
Thisyear'sswim team ended its Ha1on with a
record. Although " the winning way"
wasn ' t with our guys through the first ten
meets, on the last dual meet of the seca1on the
fish got it all together and whipped Muskego 47
to 30. Strongest swimmers for the Hason were:
B. Vahradian, D. Schantek, C. Emoth, P. Spiroff,
G. Zak, R. Peckus, and D. Zak. Sophomores contributed strongly to the team. Swim fans are
looking ahead to a more seasoned and stronger
team in the 74-75 year.
Row 1: C. Enroth (capt.), R. Peckus, B. Vahradian. Row 2 : " old man", B. Roden , P. Stone, M. Corkins, D.
Schantek. Row 3 : P. J . Auolina, J. Ross, P. Spiroff, C. Behm, D. Zak, M. Murphy, G. Zak, J. Ferrow.
I sure hope I don't land like this.
Did you ever notice the mouth of a carp?
Roland giving everyone a snow-job!
Assistant Coach, Mr. David Klopsteln.
Swimming 137
Girls' Gymnasts End Third Season of Competition with
Poor Record but Improved Quality
" I feel so uncomfortable! " (Kim Mohr)
Leslie walks upside down .
In Front: D. Cutts. Row 1: J . Weidner, S. Schwartz, M. Perri, K. Mohr, C.
Shinske, V. Meconi, Coach Hubert (from Bullen) . Row 2 : P. Schlafer, l.
Zemezonak, M. Hughes, J . Weidner, D. lento, D. Huissen, G. Aulozzi, J.
Chovan, J. Onosko.
"Your wish is our command ."
" It's the only way to fly." (J. Chovan)
" It's a bird, it's a plane. No, it's Schlafer."
138 Girls' Gymnastics
First Year Gymnasts: Front: G. Lichter. Row 2: D.
Schierenberg, P. Wind , D. Schierenberg. Row 3: M.
Mansfield, M. Schneider.
This year our girl gymnasts competed
against Racine Horlick, Park, and Case,
and Kenosha Tremper. The season's
scores-Horlick's 105 to Bradford's 97;
Park's 115.89 to our 74.04; Case's 119.55
to our 78.26; Tremper's 143.13 to Bradford's 89.88-do not tell the story of Bradford's improvement, a success story which
will be seen in future competition.
"I think this is called a miss."
Coach Bunkowske Shapes Gymnasts Into Remarkably Smooth Unit-
Tea m Expected to Break Thru Soon
" Concentration" by Steve Carey.
" Friends are what we will always
Row 1, I. to r.: B. Morrone, B. Riley, B. Wein, J. Fredrericksen , K. Puder, K. Kinny,
D. Scherer. Row 2: P. Howard, J . Truax, K. Boness, T. Corradini, H. Gomez, J .
Aiello. Row 3: S. Carey, D. Patton , F. Marchese, M. McCollough, J . Werwie. Row
4: D. Conti, Coach Bunkowske, J. Heiring.
Row 1, I. to r.: J . Truax, J . Frederick, K. Kinny, K. Puder. Row 2: B. Morrone, B.
Weiss, B. Riley, D. Scherer.
This year the Bradford boys' gymnastic team broke the school's
record of 97 points in one meet. 1973-74 was their third year of participating in this interscholastic sport. The Devils had six lettermen who
returned from the previous season. They were Dante Conte, John Heiring, Mike Rossiello, Danny Patton, Steve Carey, and Mark McCollough .
Row 1, I. to r.: D. Conti, P. Howard, D. Patton, K. Boness, J. Aiello. Row 2: S. Carey, J .
Heiring, J . Werwie, H. Gomez, M. McCollough, T. Corradini.
Dante says, " Let's go to Lenniesl"
He flies through the air with the greatest of ease . . .
"Hey, Coach, are my legs straight?"
Coach Bunkowske, John and Dante.
Boys Gymnastics 139
Overall Record, 7-7; Conference, 4-4: Power Hitting Displayed by
Youngest Devils' Team in Years
Row 1, I to r: D. Trecroci, M. Clements, D. Germain, J . Ostrowski, S. Schantek. Row 2: J . Kramer, L. Stine, K.
Wamboldt, M. Weddel, J. Heiring. Row 3: L. Denning, S. Chodoronek, B. Lane, P. Hubbard, K. Grimes, D.
Coach Cibrario and Catcher Mike Weddel.
The baseball team looked impre11ive this
year as they improved over last year's record.
Good power hitting was displayed by Lyle Stine,
Dan Margraf, Mark Clements, and Scott Epping.
Pitchers Bob Lane and Ken Wamboldt did an excellent job on the mound to produce a 7-7
John and Mitch taking it easy.
Bradford Red Devils milling around.
140 Varsity Baseball
"Paul, do you think you're privileged?"
"This is where we hide from the coach."
Seniormen. Row 1, I to r: M. Clements, D. Germain, J. Heiring, S. Schantek. Row
2: L. Stine, Coach Cibrario.
Team 's Power Lies in Battery's Performance as
Season Produces 7-5 Record
Row 1: B. Kintis, S. Garcia, N. Guarasio, J . Gales, H. Haubrich, M. Flake, G. Hansen ,
R. Verch, R. Bibo, G. Scmidt. Row 2: M. Lewis, M. Clements, J . Moore, S. Kessler, M.
Stolarski, S. Wojechowic:i:, D. Kohloff, J. Gyurina , B. Griffiths. Row 3: B. Pono , T.
Behm, B. Soto , M. Brown .
Two team members di1cu11 strategy for the big game.
Bill Griffith and Mitch Clements, buddies till the end.
The sophomore baseball team finished the
season with a 7-5 record. The leading hitters were
Bill Griffiths, catcher, and Bob Po:r:za, pitcher and
outfielder. Pitching duties were shared by Bob Pozz:a, Mike Brown, and Bob Soto. Doing an outstanding job defensively all year were Mitch Clements
and Jim Moore.
Bradford's Sophomore baseball team rests on the bench, "Come on, guys, it's not that badl "
The team celebrates after one of their many victories.
Sophomore Baseball 141
Matarrese, Bradford's Only Entry in State Competition but
Girls Season: A Winning Record
Hillier and Chovan talking about team effort.
This year the girls' track team placed 2nd in
the conference with M. Matarrese going to State
Sitting: D. Cook, V. Meconi, K. McGrath, J. Chovan. Row 1: T. Cosentino, P. Jack1on, M. MatarreH, S. Petrick, for her 880 yd. dash. Two other events comS. Prell. Row 2: Q . Razaa, K. McGonegle, R. Venci, M. Perri, V. Ma1on, C. Grime1, T. Ogren, M. Soto, C.
peted in Sectionals: 1) the 880-relay team of
Shimske. Row 3: D. Zirbel, C. Hubbard, P. Jenkin•, C. Meyer, J. Smith, M. Platt, J . Ra1ch, J . Ono1ke, J. Brunner.
Row 4: S. Ratliff, L. Stine, J. Lampada, S. Hoaglund, P. Kramer. Standing: M. Pecku1, J. Hillier, P. Ol1on, B. Matarrese, Razaa, Hillier, and Chovan, and 2)
the 220-dash by Hillier.
Track girl1 practice at Lake Front Stadium.
"That really hurhl"
142 Girl1' Track
Team warm• up before an exhau1tlng night at practice.
"Hi there, 1weetyl"
Mra. Ritacco and Ml11 Simon, glrl1 track coache1.
Student Council Sponsors Homecoming , Student Exchange Day, As
Council Represents Student Body
1. Bonnie Miller, Tina Cosentino, Kathy Dagenbach, David Robles, Len Valeo 2 . Jan
Winters, Julie Fischer, Elaine Bocven, Mike Gorman , Jolene Dummer 3 . Scott
Mandernack, Beth Bockeloh, Ruth Bell, Bonnie Barr, Pat Norton 4. Robert Vogt,
Laurie Hart, Sue Rasmussen, Dave Holbrooks, Brenda Johnson 5 . Barb Lea, Annette
Valeo, Gene Arndt, Theresa Hoomes, 6 . Tim Zuehlsdorf, Sally Nelson , Mark Pierce,
Terry Zuehlsdorf.
Student Council with Mr. Hoferitza as advisor,
was once again, the group representing Bradford
student government. They attempted to effect
meaningful and beneficial activities and changes
throughout the school year.
On October 12th and 13th they sponsored the
Homecoming Activities. The Homecoming dance
"Bradford Deviled Eagles", was sponsored by the
Student Council on October 13th. Music was
provided by 5-Way Street.
Another Student Council sponsored activity
was Student Exchange Day. Each Wednesday,
students from high schools in Kenosha visited
Bradford and vice-versa. This year Kemper Hall
was added to the high schools who participated
in the Student Exchange program. Another busy
and rewarding year for Student Council.
Student Council sponsored activities such as this, Student Exchange Day.
144 Student Council
Swingers Present 'Stars, Spotlights, and Song'; "Come of Age" with
Charisma, Wisdom, Lots of Practice
Jean Mauarelli
Row 1, I to r: Mary Bindelli, Gary Charette, Kevin Charette, Rochelle Anderson, Dave Smith, Paulette Ruffalo . Row 2: Tanya Hays,
Dwight Dreger, Janie Benvenuti, Mike Corkins, Tony Wells, Jan Martin . Row 3: Charlie Hofmann , Linda Ziccarelli, Roland Peckus, Debbie Martin, Don Tracy, Vera Lukic.
Adorned with new black and white costumes, the Bradford
Swingers began their 197 4 season. In addition to performing for
private parties, the Swingers presented their annual show, 'Stars,
Spotlights, and Song', on April 27. In a cabaret setting, they united
in song between solos and comedy. The M.C. for the show was Cindy Dalpoas. Special thanks go to Mr. Tweiten, director, and Mrs.
Pasciewicz, choreographer. Not pictured: Dave Dworak, Linda Martin, accompanist; Dan Woodward, and Lynn Strickland.
Pam Barsuli
Just a bunch of ' em sounding off!
Paul Brackney
Even Mr. Tweiten got into the act for this one!
Mary , Annie, and Peggy.
Bradford Swingers 145
Cheerleaders Follow Team Through Busy Season As .
Cheerleaders Acquire New Advisor
Row 1: J. Benvenuti. Row 2: N. Fredrick, J. Grno. Row 3: D. Tenuta, J . Hillier, J. Chovan, D. Faraca, F. Scalzo. Row 4 :
J. McCarthy, L. Ciappetta, M. Matarrese.
Come on guys, Let's Go! (J. Chovan)
This year's 1974 Varsity cheerleaders had a
very active schedule. The girls were split into
two squads for cheering at sporting events
throughout the year. The cheerleaders even
made it to the cross country meets this year
because they were allowed to accompany the
guys on the team bus. The cheerleaders practiced in the summer at Lakefront Stadium and
held car washes to earn money for their
sweaters. Mrs. Farrell is the cheerleaders new
A tense moment during our sectional competition .
We're going to WHIP you!!!!
148 Varsity Cheerleaders
Let's see you do a cheer up there.
I' m sorry I stepped on your foot . (0. Faraca)
"Did you see me do that?"
" I feel like I'm floating on air."
Couples rest during dances at the 1973-74 Prom.
A patch introduced by Mr. Helwig that few wear at Bradford.
Doin' the "Fonky Chicken" at a school dance.
"Doesn't the Sophomore Choir look sad?"-Tweiten bawled 'em out-again!
A rather unique view of St. James' steeple, a landmark around Bradford.
Candids 149
New Encouragement Helps Wrestlers Along As ..
Wrestlettes Cheer at Meets
Row 1: T. Willems, C. Rossi , S. Rosmann , J. Holman, L. Herolt, M. Hughes , D. Lento. Row 2: L. Ogle, L. Willems, L. Maxwell, L. Stine, K. Thomas, J . Martin, P. Ziesmer. Row 3: K. Anderson , S. Sucharda .
It's not as far as you think!
The Wrestlettes was a new addition to our
clubs in the 73-74 year. The girls cheered at all
wrestling meets. The advisors were Coaches
Christ and Markham . The Wrestlettes practiced
every Wednesday night at Grant School. The
girls made their own uniforms. They also sold
bumper-stickers, badges and pennants during
the school year to promote school spirit.
Wrestlettes in their unique formation .
He said he wants to wrestle you next.
150 Wrestlettes
Jule Homan and boyfriend.
Linda Herolt telling a story to friend.
Drill Team Performs for Basketball Games, School Activities As
Devilettes Entertain BHS Students
1. Veronica Mason 2. Betty Mitchell, Qudsia Rana 3 . Van Harmon, Delores Bennett
4. Neatha Bennett, Denise Nelson 5 . Glendora Cunningham, Carmen Grimes, Faye
Byrd, Pam Jackson.
The Bradford Devilettes, a drill
team , again entertained people
with their marching precision
throughout this year. They performed at basketball games and
other school-related activities.
Monthly meetings were held to
practice drills and discuss business
matters . The Devilettes also
appeared in the Annual Memorial
Day parade.
Uniforms consisted of black
pants and red blouses, Bradford's
We hope the Devilettes continue to perform for Bradford
students. We appreciate it!
The Devilettes in a familiar pose.
Sonja Ruffin and Captain Sadika Rana
Devilettes 151
Booster Club Sends Bus Loads to Beloit Sectionals As . ...
Fans Go Crazy (Good Support!)
Row 1: J . McCarthy, J . Benvenuti , J . Croxford, S. Ratliff, Mrs. Farrell, Super Devil.
Row 2: C. Guzdik, S. Collins, I. Buswell, K. Deirne, C. Olson, D. Schneider, L. John , R.
Metten, P. Bojinski, J. Willems. Row 3 : K. Dogenboch, J. Lompodo, E. Gorr, T. Lon-
nos, W. Wight, C. Sonders, R. Reed, A. Macoreno, B. Meyer, L. Maxwell, M. Maletta , L. Hansen, T. Zizich.
The purpose of Booster Club is to promote
school spirit. This club is open to all students and
meets normally twice a month. During the
1973-74 school year the following activities
were undertaken: 1) Sold antenna balls with
Bradford High School printed on them. 2) Participated in Homecoming by building a mascot,
the Super Devil, which was seen at many of the
home events. 3) Sponsored "Beat Tremper"
week. 4) Sent buses to both basketball and
football games. In addition, the club sent 7
buses to Salem for the basketball regionals and
8 buses to Beloit for the sectionals. 5) Furnished
transportation (free) to all cheerleaders to all
away football and basketball games. 6) Sponsored two bake sales. 7) Distributed printed
schedules for basketball and football season to
downtown merchants. 8) Sold popcorn at home
basketball and wrestling meets. 9) Made a felt
Bradford banner for the school. This was
presented to Mr. Fowler by Lois Maxwell.
Banner was later hanged in the boys' gym. 10)
Had a special sports announcer, Lois Maxwell,
on the school P.A. 11) Made and displayed
numerous posters boosting athletic events. 12)
Sponsored a Ten Most Wanted Men Contest in
which 10 senior guys were nominated. Penny
voting determined the winner. 13) Sponsored
the Ten Most Wanted Men Dance in May. The
advisor to this active organization is Mrs. Farrell.
" La, La, La, la."
152 Booster Club
" The Devil makes me do this!"
Honor Society Grows Numerically with 160 Members As .
31 Achieve Honorary Status
Row 1: F. Scalzp, J. Grno, J. Chocan, K. Andersen, M. Ryuewski , B. Johnson. Row
2: P. Wind , C. Peters, M. Gastaldi, L. Martin, J . Quinn, A. Zievers, R. Bane, C.
Renick. Row 3: M. Gorman , R. Ambrose, J. Prostko, T. Fliess, T. Zuehlsdorf, R.
Negri, B. Meier, C. Kirschling, L. Prill, J. Mico. Row 4: P. Kruger, M. Hoeft, T.
Dummer, L. Welling, L. Bullmore, P. White, A. Valeo, B. Barr, L. Zemezonak, P.
Ziesemer, L. Ziccarelli, 5. Sucharda, R. Ladousa, C. Stringer. Row 5: D. Robles, C.
Ritacco, J. Kuta, I. Buswell, J. Jones, J . Fischer, S. Mandernack, L. Horgan, T.
Corradini, K. Kuminco, K. Knutson , J . Brunner, K. McGrath, K. Nutini, C. Hofmann, T. Paone, J. Eldred, S. Macht, T. Hoomes, B. Wiersum.
Row 1: P. Bullmore (V. Pres.), C. Enroth (Pres.). Row 2: D. Maurer, J . McCarthy, B. Lea, D.
Pivovar, J. Mleczko. Row 3: G. DeBartolo, J. Kornkven, 5. Donnell, L. Goodare, I. Wojciechowicz, L. Wyllie, B. Harrison, L. Vittori. Row 4: J. Matteuci, B. Vahradian, R.
Skowronski, K. Haubrich, M. Jennell, L. Keck, L. Valeo, R. Volo. Row 5: C. Hoffman, G.
Charette, V. Lagodich, 5. Hrupka, N. Vaicelunas, T. Baxter, J . Rompesky, B. Vogt, J .
Romanowski, K. Czarnecki, N. Subotic, D. Topolevec, M. Kintis, J . Wiersum, G. Herrmann,
5. Schantek.
The President has to have a little fun too.
You're supposed to sing not laugh!
Honor Society's formal initiation was held in
October, to honor newly elected members. To
qualify for the club one must; have a B+ or A
honor roll average, make honor roll 3 out of 4
quarters, and be a junior or senior. The club
gives a scholarship to a deserving senior, this
year Francesca DeRose received the honor. Advisors are Mr. Scropos, Miss Hinz, and Miss
Mike Gorman
Laura Wyllie
Leonard Valeo
Gemma DeBartolo
Honor Society 153
Traditional Sub -Deb Formal, ' 'Twas the Night', Draws 150 Couples As . . .
Funky Norman Delights Dancers
Row 1, I. tor.: S. Hrupka, C. Larson, V. lagodich, D. Vogt, M. Houghton, J. Winters.
J . Kutz, T. Paone, D. Wegmann, J . Saulys, C. Carlson, J . Hackbarth, N. Vaicelunas.
Row 2: G. Martin, J. Mleczko, J . Glaeser, K. Kuminco, J . Eldred, J . Tapley, A.
Sub Deb is a service club. During the 1973-74
school year this club accomplished many things,
such as: 1) Nominated Jan Winters as
Homecoming Queen. 2) Built a float with the
help of Key Club. 3) Ushered for Open House. 4)
Informal Initiation, girl's dressed in 50' s
costumes. 5) Sub Deb Formal " ' Twas the
Night." 6) Formal Initiation on Feb. 4 at Carl's.
7) Nominated Sadie Hawkins Queen. 8) Cleanup day with Key Club. 9) May Day, Basket to
less unfortunate. 10) Teachers Tea on last day
of school. 11) Usher for Graduation Ceremony.
" My mommy took away my bottle. "
(Nancee Vaicelunus) Sadie Hawkin's Queen.
" What kind of magnetic charm does P. J . have?"
154 Clubs
"My mother never told me about Ultra-brite."
(Jan Winters) President
Key Club, Service Club for Bradford Guys Remains Active as Club
Provides Activities, Promotes Spirit
1. Bun Vahradian, Charily Enroth, Pres. 2 . Randy Skowronski, treas, ( Askum , on
lap ) Jim Truax, Kirk Grimes 3 . Jerry Matteucci, Rick Vahradian, Paul Lehrke, sec. 4.
Dan Maurer, Bob Vogt, Dave Topolovec, Rick Ritacco , Tom Richardson, Cliff Tomlin,
not pictured Chris Behm , Vice President.
Key Club is a service club serving
both school and community. The
club helps out with school activities,
provides leadership and promotes
school spirit. Any boy at Bradford
may join Key Club. Below is the float
built with Sub-Deb for Homecoming.
Key Club member Dan Maurer MC's " Roar of '74"
You mean Mugsy can actually write? (Jerry Matteucci)
Key Club 155
Busy Year for Hi-Style Highlighted by Crowning of
Miki Matarrese, Homecoming Queen
Row 1, I. to r.: B. Hubbard, F. Scalzo, J. Mertz, M. Perri, D. Jantz, G. De Bartolo. Row
2: K. Ellis, C. Pitts, L. Misurelli, T. Denning, M. Carr. Row 3: P. Dezek, S. Swartz, J .
Chovan, L. Lochanski, C. Peters. Row 4: B. Halverson, A. Niccolai (Pres.). S.
Bingham, J. Fischer, C. Brunet. Row 5 : B. Jenkins, K. Barnes, P. Sinnen, B. Bockeloh,
J . Fisher. Row 6: L. Goodare , D. Kramer (Bouncer). G. Klapproth, G. Herrmann, K.
Kovach (V.P.). Row 7: L. Greeley, D. Martin, M. Peckus, K. Olsen, J. Marlin . Side: M.
Matarrese, L. Strickland, R. Venci , T. Ancona, L. Keck, B. Braze, M. Jennell, J.
Palmen, E. Zanin, L. Zemezonak, R. Statema, L. Stine, L. Phillip, S. Blise, C. Tribur.
Teaming up with their brother club, Hi-Y, HiStyle produced another first place Homecoming
float. Their theme was "Burnt Eagles Are
In addition to sponsoring bake sales during
the year, Hi-Style conducted a Flower Sale and
the traditional Lollipop Sale. The club also held
two banquets: formal initiation and graduation.
Linda Ziccarelli makes beautiful music.
Hi-Style people come by the truckload!
156 Hi-Style Club
Hi-Style's own Miki Matarrese, Homecoming
Queen .
" All right, cut the picture taking! "
From 3rd Win in a Row-Homecoming Float-to April 19th Dance
Hi-Y Has Another Active Year
Row 1, I. to r.: M. Bullmore, J . Stellato, S. Epping, S. Schantek, J . Humphreys (kneeling) B. Bennett, R.
Scalzo, P. Szymanski, R. Tennessen. Row 2: M. Lewis, R. Fredericksen, T. Ralph, M. Hurst, G. Herrmann
( hanging). J . Romanowski, R. Tenneuen. Row 3 : P. Falduto, S. Wiersum , D. Conti, P. lngrouille.
They sure look better without their helmets on!
Two Hi-Y members enjoying the winter formal.
Joe spells Stallato N.A.M.A.T.H.
Most of the senior guys think Hi-Y is a real blast.
Due to the teachers' strike, Hi-Y had to cancel
their traditional " Kick Off Dance". (Some people
feel that teacher strikes seem to be more
traditional, though .) Nothing stood in their way for
the rest of the year.
Homecoming was an especially busy time for HiY. Along with their sister club, Hi-Style, they built
the winning float entitled "Case Eagles Are
Devilishous". (For the record, Hi-Y's float won first
place for the last three years.)
Over Christmas the guys had a banquet and
gave away food baskets that they had prepared.
On April 19th a dance was held to raise money for
their club scholarship that was given away at the
end of the school year. The band "McHenry" who gained popularity with Bradfordites during
the latter part of the school year - played for the
Bubba, the natural born exhibitionist!
Hi-Y Club 157
K-Teens Sponsors Sadie Hawkins, Buckwheats Barnyard Boogie;
Grows with Learning and
Bubba and Queen Candidate Anne enjoy the dance.
K-Teens, a service club at Bradford, is open to
interested senior and junior girls.
Once again, the members of K-Teens a11isted
with the ushering at Bradford's Annual Open
The highlight of its year, however, came in
April with the Sadie Hawkins Dance,
"Buckwheats Barnyard Boogie." The interior
decoration was done in "Early Barnyard Junk."
The girls also sponsored a Tootsie Roll Bank
sale in February.
Row 1, left to right: Linda Vittori ( corres. sec.), Cheryl Burrow (pres.), Jean Wawiorka (rec. sec.). Row 2:
Doreen Rino (v. pres.). Tina Denning, Terri Dummer. Row 3: Mary Rynewski, Sandy Collins. Row 4: Maryann
Platt, Irene Buswell. Row 5: Gerri Martin, Joyce Jones, Brenda Harrison.
Rolly, alias Marryin' Sam, and assistant Brenda at Sadie Hawkins.
158 K-Teens
Doreen puts the finishing touches on before the dance.
BHS Lettermen's Club Sponsors Candidates and All-Sports Banquet As
B-Club Remains Active
1. B. Vahradian, J . Willobhy, R. Fredricksen, J . Heiring, M. Travanty, S. Carey, K. Czarnecki, 8. Vogt, B. Tennessen 2. D.
Quinn, G. Herrmann, C. Enroth, N. Vanchena, J . Stellato, S. Seleski, l . Stine, R. Tennessen, P. lngrouille, J . Romanowski, D.
Conti, M. lewis, T. Richardson , J . Smolik 3. R. Crain, P. Shemansko, S. Schantek, 8. Bennett, S. Hein.
1. K. Mock, T. Venci 2. R. Kangas, P. Falduto, T. Ralph, B. Nichols, J. Truax, J . Humphreys, P.
Spiroff 3. G. Alfano, D. Wheeler, S. Epping, D. Cox, M. Rossiello, B. Hearst, M. McCollough 4. J.
Gombar, M. Weddel, C. Jeffery.
8-Club President, Lyle Stine.
Bradford's B-Club is an organization for all boys who
have lettered once during the school year. They raise money
by selling refreshments at basketball games, where they
also usher. They help to sponsor the All-Sports Banquet held
this year on June 4th . They also nominated candidates for
the various dances and activities held during the school
B-Club's president is Lyle Stine. Head advisor is Mr.
Verwey. Other coaches from each of the various sports also
help to advise the club.
B-Club 159
Students Experience French Canadian Lifestyle As ...
French Club Takes Tour to Canada
Row 1: Tammie Krohn, Mona Venci (Vice President). Jolene Dummer, Carol Ritacco,
Alan Petersen. Row 2: Ann Zievers, Anne Tobias, Annelle Valeo, Tina Pantovich,
Karen Gulbransen, Linda Jones. Row 3: Dorothy Pivovar (treas.), Susan De Barta lo ,
Cheryl Broesch, Patty White (sec.). Bonnie Barr, Lisabeth Dunn. Row 4: Marjean
Hoeft, Teresa Pettey (pres.), Barb Lea, Nancy Schmidt. Row S: Linda Ziccareli,
Stephen Kotz, Mike Gorman , Jeanne Kornkvex , Teresa Paone, Petra Bojinske. Row
6: Jon Kruger, Robert Riley, Sue Tyunaitis.
The highlight of the French Club's 1973-74 year was their spring
tour to French Canada. Some of their other activities were the Senior
French Club banquet and the French Club dinner during Christmas
vacation. At the end of the year, French Club sponsored a $50.00
scholarship for a Senior French Club member.
Linda Zicarelli singing till her hearts content.
160 French Club
Look al Patty smile!
Club Takes Trip to Mexico City and Acapulco April 13th-21st As ...
Club Sees Language in Action
Row 1: L. Thompson, B. Bockeloh (Pres.), A. Montemurro, L. Lochanski, M. Carr, L.
Truax, K. Schlaffer, 0. Salituro (Sec.). R. Santiago. Row 2 : Mrs. Mondragon (ad-
visor). J . McCarthy, 0 . Rinp ( V. Pres.). A. Lebron, T. Zuesldorf, B. Harrison, K.
Stringer, J . Sadlon , E. McCumber.
Spanish Club had a very active and productive year. Members of the club held three
bakesales throughout the year, held a secret admirers carnation sale and gave a Christmas
basket to a needy Spanish speaking family . On
Wednesday May 8th, students went to the 'La
Magarita' restaurant in Chicago. The advisor for
the club is Mrs. Mondragon .
Aw, come on girls, I want to be in the club too.
Adela Lebron at Sadie Hawkins.
Debbie Salituro
Lola Lochanski
Spanish Club 161
Along with Trips to Milwaukee and Local Businesses
D.E.C.A. Has Another Active Year
D.E.C.A. is a club whose purpose is to act as a service agency to seniors.
Among the years activities, the club took a trip to Milwaukee news station. Throughout the year they visited local businesses. Other than that, the
clubs activities were limited to meetings at which buying, pricing, selling,
and designing were studied.
Murphy Mingo
Peter Pan
Row 1, I to r: Barbara Fonfara, Pat Hudson , Janet Penrod, Joe Garcia, Pete
Bindelli. Row 2: Bob Mingo , Perry Bruneo, Ann Berry.
Club Donates $50 for Simmons Island Resource Center Because ...
Ecology Club Wants Results
Karen and Danny enjoying SubDeb.
" Lu Lu, looking lo the future."
162 Ecology Club
Among the activities for the year, the Ecology club held bake
sales and paper drives in order to raise the $50.00 they gave to
the Simmons Island Resource center for environmental
magazines. Row 1, I lo r: P. Naydihor, C. Parone, R. Negre. Row
2: N. Biller, K. Knutsen, K. Johnson, L. Kisser, K. Gulbransen, L.
Thompson .
Under Supervision of Teachers, Hall Monitors Maintain Quiet and
Assist Bradford's Daily Visitors
Hall Monitors volunteer their time to maintain the order and silence which is synonymous
to effectiveness at Bradford. Keeping students
quiet , checking passes, giving directions to
visitors , and keeping unauthorized visitors out is
also part of their job.
This year the monitors are under the supervision of Mr. Allis, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Mlodzik, Mr.
Moebius, and Mr. Roders.
Home is the place where, when you go there,
they have to take you in.
-Robert Frost
Row 1,bottom to top, left to right: Cheryl Burns, Leslie
Sward, Debbie Nelson. Row 2: Mark Millard, Jeff O' Connor,
Walter Haworth. Row 3: Tim Hunt, Don Skowronski, Alan
Petersen. Row 4 : Tom Larsen, Rudy Garcia, Steve Nelson.
Row 5: Renzle Crain.
Library Aides Keep on Shelving Books, Books, and More Books:
Bradford Library on the Grow!
Under the direction of Mrs. Zadkovich, Bradford's library aides cover books to assure long
use, shelve books and magazines, run errands
necessary to library efficiency, and find information for and assist students when the need
When you reread a classic, you do not see
more in the book than you did before; you see
more in you than you did before.
-Clifton Fadiman
Row 1, bottom to top, left to right: Sharon Blise, Karen
Snyder. Row 2: Julie Mico , Tina Denning, Cheryl Burrow.
Row 3: Debbie Salituro, Patricia Bartholomew, Lynn Lucas.
Row 4 : Sue Tyunaitis, Jan Grisham, Brenda Shields. Row 5:
Ranae Rasmussen, Kathy Tucholl, Colleen Zuehlsdorf.
Library Aides/Hall Monitors 163
As the Year Moved Along with Plays, Travelogues, Concerts, and Shows,
BHS Usherettes Were Kept on Their Toes
Valuable people deserve two pictures in any yearbook.
The Usherette Club is a service organization for Bradford High
School and the community of Kenosha. This year Mr. Mlodzik,
auditorium manager, supervised the work schedule for the club when
the school and community needed the auditorium for concerts, plays,
lectures, travelogues, etc. The club exists for service alone-members
sell and collect tickets, distribute programs, and co-ordinate their activities with the Stage Guild to ensure promptness and efficiency for
successful school and community performances. A monetary reimbursement is given to each member of both clubs for all activities which
are not school-related.
This year the club had only one work team which consisted of five
members. The auditorium was used approximately sixty times during
the school year; needless to say, the workers were quite busy. Miss Lola
Lochanski was this year's crew captain; Adela Lebron was the only
senior member. In addition, Mr. Mlodzik often used the energies of his
other daughter and son, Lisa and Tom, too.
Usherette captain Lola Lochanski with senior usherette Adela Lebron.
Sophomore usherettes Dianna Schierenberg and Carrie Peters.
164 Usherettes
The nucleus of the 1973-74 Usherette Club.
"Big" Willi Sterba Carries Out Threat to Kill Mr. Shaver, but
Drama Club Lives on and on!
"The joke's on you, Petra!"
Drama Club began the year with a sale of
bulletin boards. Randy Gunderson, who missed
the group picture, directed the fall Forensics
play, The Claw. In February, Senior Rose
Hopkins directed The Cat and the Canary, a
mystery-comedy. Plans are under way for three
one-act plays this spring.
A typical Drama Club scene-an every day occurrence. Row 1, left to right: Mr. Shaver. Row 2: Willi Sterba,
Dave Dworak. Row 3: Jan Martin, Perry Lehrke, Rose Hopkins, Sue Tyunaitis, Pat Olson, Alan Petersen . ( Not
pictured: Randy Gunderson .)
Joy Kiekhoefer Goes on to State Poetry Competition; Bradford
Forensics Highly Rated 1n State
In addition to participating in the spring and fall Forensics'
Competitions, the team joined the members of the Drama Club in
attending student-produced plays in Milwaukee and Racine. The
Forensics team has gained a reputation of being one of the
toughest groups of competitors in the state of Wisconsin.
Row 1, left to right: Perry Lehrke, Pat Olson, Lori Bose, Doreen Sturino, Joy Kiekhoefer,
Jan Martin, Carol Ritacca . Row 2: Sue Tyunaitis, Rose Hopkins, Petra Bajinski, Donna
Huissen, Mrs. Hazelton, advisor, Jule Holman.
Sue-just as innocent as the day she
was born.
"'But there is an evil spirit in this
Drama Club/ Forensics 165
~Eight Local Elementary Schools Act As Classrooms for Newly Formed Club, Y.T.Y., As
Thirty Students Diligently Teach Area Kids
Row 1: Mr. Franz Feldmier, adviser. Row 2: R. Garcia, L. Zapp, K. Night, T. Apusuli, R.
Bell, D. Smart. Row 3: S. Martin, M. Leans, T. Kimberlin, C. Mahone, F. Marchese, D.
Ortiz, R. Crane. Row 4: C. Zamba, C. Slaney, C. Shinske, C. Hupp, M. Soto, K.
Kreuser, K. Kenney. Row 5: J. Givens, G. Razaa , J. Boero, M. Baken, P. Roberts, R.
Jahnke, A. Walter.
Y.T.Y. are initials that stand for a
very important group of young people,
"Youth Tutoring Youth".
This government-funded project
which started in January of '74 has
already done more than most other student organizations. Forty-five people
were screened and of these thirty
remained to become members of the
The first in a long line of activities for
the group was to take a three-day trip
to Eagle River in January in preparation
for their personal tutoring assignments.
Because the program had a late
start, each member earned Y2 credit for
this year's efforts. In the future
students will receive a full credit.
Eight local elementary schools are
the "classrooms" in which YTY
members work. They must provide
their own transportation. Each member
has his own "child", a student whom
they tutor on a one-to-one-basis. They
help with such subjects as math,
history, spelling, and reading. In addition to this academic help, the members
get to know their student very well. In
this way they can help them socially,
too. YTY member Sharon Martin, for
example, took her "child" to stay at her
home for a weekend.
To put the finishing touch on the
year, YTY members took their personal
"friends" on a field trip on May 16 to
the Milwaukee zoo.
A lot of the success to this organization is due to its new adviser, Mr. Franz
Feldmier. A native of Central America
until June of '68 when he came to the
Kenosha area, Mr. Feldmier attended
Dominican college in Racine. This was
his first year at Bradford.
Youth In Action: A Small, Closely Knit Club-
Sti 11 Growing Strong
Top to Bottom: Laurie Goodare, Jolene Dummer, Lori Cossette, Ruth Bell, Donna
Smart, Miss Magada (advisor). (Not pictured: Darlene Jenkins)
Youth In Action, formerly Red Cross Club,is one of Bradford's
many small, hard-working service clubs. It is open to all interested
students: sophomores, juniors and seniors. This year, each of the
classes were well represented.
Because Y. I. A. is a closely-knit, family-type club, the members
did not feel it was necessary to elect officers this year. And
although Y. I. A. was not as active as it would have liked to be this
year, the members were ready, willing and able to help,
whenever needed.
" Uh, Ms. Hinz, I think there' s a spider on your . .
Y.l.A . members Pam Pierce and Lola Lochanski.
Y.l.A. Club 167
To Gain an Understanding of the Role of Today's Wo men,
Students Form Awareness Forum
Row 1: Jeanne Kornkever, Cyndy Larson, Gemma Debartollo. Row 2: Patty White,
Annette Valeo, Tina Denning, Toni Ancona . Row 3: Marjean Hoeft, Jan ine
Hradsky, Ms. Welker.
The Women 's Awareness Forum is an organization whose
members are concerned with the role of women in modern
American society. The Forum was organized by a small
group of students at the beginning of the year. The main
objectives of the group are to gain an understanding of the
role of today' s woman , to attempt to communicate this understanding to others, and to acquire a knowledge of the
history of the women's movement.
The Forum began with a series of consciousness raising
meetings. These were followed by activities which included
discussion of filmstrips and literature pertinent to the
women 's movement .
Future plans include engaging public speakers, communication through the Inferno, and continued support of
and participation in the struggle to widen the women 's
athletic program at Bradford.
" Every picture tells a story . . . "
168 Women's Awarenen Forum
" What are you looking at?"
14 Working Members Keep a Silent Minority Group Alive As ...
Art Club Increases Membership By 7
Olga Zizich; secretary
Irene Wojciechowicz ;
Sherly Perman, Newist
Marc Travanty, 3 year
Ron Statema (missed group shot)
" Yes, I use Geritol on a daily basis." (Ruth
Hisey; Vice-President)
Although Art Club is considered one of
Bradfords silent minority groups, it's activities
for the year spoke out for themselves. With
bakesales and regular, open work shop nights
(the two connecting art rooms were open for
members to work from 7-9:30 p.m.) the club
kept busy. This club accompanied the art
classes on a field trip to the Milwaukee art
center and to the Gimbles exhibit of "Wisconsin High School Art Work." Three Bradford
students won honors at this show. The Club
ended the year with an art show of their own,
at which members had the opportunity to sell
their work .
Mike Broesch, Art Club President.
'What did Reece do to Chris???"
Row 1, I tor: Chris Niernberger, Nita Bitter, Jodie Webb, Lorene Shawaluk, Teresa (Torez) Pettey, Cindy Tribur, Irene
Wojciechowicz, Olga Zizich. Row 2: Ruth Hisey, Sharon Garza (Chiquita, the club Bouncer), Marc Travanty, Debbie Cutts,
Mike Broesch .
Art Club 169
Guild's Opportunity: Working with Various Stage Equipment Bradford Is
Home of Numerous Stage Productions
Mr. Soronen, club advisor
Mr. Shaver, assistant advisor
Row 1, left to right: Gene Nelson , Randy Oster. Row 2: Arvid Lukauskas, Ken Musselman, Jeff O'Connor. Row
3 : Al Gosselin, Walter Haworth.
Mr. Soronen supervised the Stage Guild during the 19731974 school year. Mr. Shaver was his assistant. The guild
members are given the opportunity to work with the many
different kinds of equipment involved with stage productions.
Throughout the year, the guild operates the stage for school functions, such as assemblies and music programs, and communitysponsored activities, such as museum lectures and symphony
Stage Guild 's " MVP," Al Gosselin
170 Stage Guild
Stage Guild's Jeff and Walter with friend Mark.
"Mmmm good, mmmm good . . "
Electricity Club Loses Some Spark As Adviser Leaves at Semester
But Weinke Adds Charge to Group
Mr. Weinke watching over Electricity Club.
Bottom to Top: Mike Aceto, Jeff Smolik, Marvin Hannaman, Jeff O'Connot,
Bob Cameron, Dave Peters.
The big project of the Electricity Club was the construction
of a laser beam. The project was started by Mr. Ellingson at
the beginning of the year. Assisted by Mr. Weinke, Mike Aceto
took over the completion of the laser, after Mr. Ellingson left at
mid-year. With the help of the rest of the club members, Mike
hoped to have it completed by the end of the year.
Mr. Ellingson shows Electricity Club how to
wire .
Relaxing after a long, hard time at the club.
( Jeff O'Connor)
Electricity Club 171
Presenting Its Annual Show, "On With The Show, "
Trident Has Very Busy Year
Row 1, I to r: Pat Bodven, Linda Greeley, Jenny Ross, Margie Roth, Jenny Glidden,
Shari Schwartz, Marilyn Tabbert, Kim Thomas. Row 2: Cindy Burke, Joyce Jones,
Linda Olson, Carol Carlson, Jane Hackbarth, Pat Bullmore, Konise Kumiszco, Sue
Donnell. Row 3: Barb Piasecki, Barb Griffin, Sue Macht, Kris Olsen. Row 4: Terri
Pilligor, Val Lagodich, Donna Kramer, Nancee Vaicelunas, Jane Quinn. Row S: Sue
Rasmussen, Cindy Soronen.
Trident presented its Annual Water Show on April 4,5, and 6 at
eight o'clock in the Bradford Pool. M.C.'s for this year's show were Dan
Maurer and Buzz Vahradian. "On With The Show" featured the
twenty-seven Trident members swimming to the themes and songs
from recent movies, such as West Side Story, The Godfather, and Music
Val Lagodich treated the audiences to her State solo; there were,
of course, the traditional Sophomore, Junior and Senior numbers. Spicing up the show were also the many duets, trios, and special group
This year's advisors were Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. Bunkowske.
The girls would like to thank them for all their help in producing the
M.C.'s Dan Maurer and Bun Vahradian.
172 Trident Water Show
Bun's mom never told him about Ultra Brite.
Cindy Burke swimming to "Brian's Song.''
Just enjoying the water, scenery, feet , . . . FEET?
Trident President, Donna
Kramer .
Donna, sorry we couldn't inc I u de a picture of the
President's Solo, but Cilento's
photographer seemed to have
his camera eye focused
Charm and grace of the Junior Number.
Up periscope!
"Kindergarten nap time is so boring . . "
"All right, all right, we surrender."
"On With The Show"
One and ah two and ah three.
Pat Bullmore does her impersonation of Mrs. Hammond.
Bottoms up!
"Come on in, the.waters fine!
Trident Water Show 173
Staff Numbers Eight, But, Oh, What Work a Few Can Do with
Terri, Jan as Tireless Leaders
Around the horn, I to r: Terri Schmidt (Editor), Ruth Hisey, Jan Weber (Editor), Greg Bingham, Janice Martin, Judy
Reeves, Polly Sironen.
Judy Reeves, staff member
Greg Bingham, advertising
174 Spy Staff
Jan Martin, staff member
Nita Bitter, Business Manager
Editors-in-Chiefs: Jan Weber and Terri Schmidt
Polly Sironen, sports' editor
Mr. Mlodzik, Spy Adviser, gathers energy
for 7th Hour, Spy time.
Ruth Hisey, class editor
The task of producing a SPY planning, designing, reporting,
editing, etc. seems to get
larger each year. This year the
staff consisted of eight students,
although four other students not
attached to the permanent group
helped considerably with advertising and photography. These
others were Gene Arndt, P. J.
Auzolina, Mike Matusek, and
Corky Corkins. Special thanks
must go to Mr. Karrels, Spy art
adviser, and his art students not too many - who contributed
immeasurably. Credit must also
be given to Mr. Mlodzik, Spy adviser, and senior co-editors Terri
Schmidt and Jan Weber who
donated hours of summer
workshop time and free and
school time to finish this book. We
do, indeed, hope you like it.
News, Editorials, Features Fill Paper As Inferno Remains
Organ of Expression
1. T. Paone, S. Macht, J. Weber, B. Vohrodion, J. Benvenuti, J. Moteucci, J. Soulys,
A. Zievers, K. Kovach. 2. C. Tribur, R. Skowronski, N. Voicelunos, J . Rompesky, R.
Ritacco, M. Perri, M. Peckus. 3 . R. Venci, P. White, C. Renick. Standing : S. Schontek,
K. Czarnecki.
Inferno poses for a serious shot! (They just heard Inferno hos been sued for $1,000,000.)
Once again the Inferno proved to be the
organ of expression for student news,
editorials, and features. The staff consisted of
the journalism classes (I and II) which have
substantially increased in numbers in the last
three years. Mr. Mlod:iik, advisor, stresses
that although the numbers have increased
because of the course's popularity, he is more
interested in publishing a newspaper "of
quality writing with reporters being aware of
their journalistic responsibilities". He added
"that good writing is a result of hard work,
especially rewriting."
Inferno Editor, Kerry Czarnecki.
Chief Mlodzik hos so much fun with the Inferno staff.
Inferno 175
Bradford Band Sponsors Concerts, Dances, Performs in Contests As;
Band Receives Top Honors
1. J . Weber, C. Hoffman , M. Roth , G. Murphy, L. Bullmore, S. Hrupka, J. Weidner, C.
Torkkola, B. Miller, J . Hradsky. 2. L. Truax, T. Fliess, T. Prudom, L. Jones, J. Glaeser,
K. Prudom , M. Houghton, S. Villup, D. Secky, R. Valo, R. Oster, J. Brunner, J .
Dunasky, P. Bullmore. 3. D. Secor, M. Barosko, D. Primuth, L. Welling, T. Paone, T.
Cosentino, T. Paone, K. Boness, L. Denig, P. Schlaefer, V. Lagodich, R. Blaisdell, M.
McCollough, S. Plummer, T. Blackmon, P. Spiroff, B. Casey, J . Radeuchel. 4 . S.
Mandernack, J . Ross , G. Klapproth , A. Lukauskas, G. Graziano, D. Zak, C. Larsen, B.
Ricchio, R. Guzman, M. Mattson, J . Krueger, R. Ritacco , K. Grimes, D. Bolyard, R.
Skowronski, G. Picazo, L. Benvenuti, J . Dummer, P. Lehrke, B. Vogt, J. Mico, C.
Enroth , T. Richter, B. Weiss, J . Truax, C. Tomlin . S. B. Balcom, T. Bishop, T.
Zuehlsdorf, M. Pierce. Standing: J . Mateucci, R. Bell, R. Davis, D. Lewis, B. Vahradian , D. Maurer, J . McCarthy, C. Rannick, L. Collins, N. Vaicelunas, J. Grho, P.
Olsen, C. Zuehlsdorf, B. Lukowski, S. Talbert, J . Rompesky, M. Getschman, L.
Hebert, A. Sabo.
L. to R.: Caroline, Laurie, Nancee, Joy, Coleen, Barb, Pat, Jan, Mary, Lisa.
1. Val Lagodich, Patty Schlaefer. 2. Tina Cosentino, Kevin Boness, Terry Paone. 3.
Larry Denig, Traey Paone.
176 Symphonic Band
This year the band sponsored several activities as well as presenting two concerts. On January 26, Charles Schlueter was the guest
soloist for the Annual Winter Concert and on May 22, Dr. James
Neilson was the guest conductor for the Spring Concert. In addition, the
band sponsored a dance called "Here we go Again!", and later in the
year brought the famous rock-group CHASE to our auditorium. The
band had a busy summer. Included in their travel was Cheyenne,
Wyoming where they played for the Annual Cheyenne rodeo. As a
reward for their efforts and quality the band has been chosen to play
and march at half time at one of the Green Bay Packer games this upcoming fall.
1. Linda, Teri, Jenny. 2. Diane, Terese. 3. Laura, Lois,
Gail. 4 . Debbie, Scott, Mark. 5 . Arvid , Don, Greg .
1. Kathy, Gail, Janine. 2. Julie, Cheryl. 3. Sheryl, Margie. 4.
Jan ine , Bonnie. 5. Laurie, Carol. 6 . Jan .
1. Charlly, Julie. 2. Cliff, Todd, Jim . 3. Bob.
1. Mary, Randy, Denise. 2. Scott, Joanne, Ron . 3. Pat,
1. Rick , Ruben , Donny. 2. Cyndy, Marcia. 3. Bob, Greg, Louis. 4 .
Paul, John . 5 . Kirk, Randy, Dave.
1. Bob, Jeff. 2. Paul. 3. Tim, Steve. 4 . Mark, Rick .
1. Rick, Bun. 2. Jerry. 3. Dan, Dave. 4 . Richard.
1. Mark, Tim. 2. Tim, Bill.
Symphonic Band 177
Jazz Ensemble Performs and Travels Throughout State, One of Six
Chosen for Mideast Conference
The Bradford Jazz Ensemble (J .E.) had one of
the most exciting and eventful years in their
history. They performed for events from dances
to Jazz Conferences.
On February 12, they were the featured
guest artists in Omro, Wisconsin. Eau Claire was
their next stop on March 15, 16, and 17 where
they participated in a Jazz Festival. Probably
their highest honor was to be chosen as one of
six bands to participate in the Mideast
Instrumental Music Conference held in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on April 5, 6, and 7.
The J .E. supported their activities by selling
items from pizzas to lightbulbs.
1. R. Bell , D. Topolocec, J . Matteucci, B. Balcom, B. Casey, P. Spiroff, S. Plummer, R. Blaisdell. 2 . C. Tomlin, J .
Truax, T. Richter, C. Enroth , B. Weiss, T. Bishop. 3 . B. Ricchio, G. Pecazo, R. Skowronski, K. Grimes , J . Kruger .
J . E. performs for "Roar of 74"
Paul, Bob, Mork, Steve, Jeff, Rick. The Saxophones.
Jon , Dave, Randy, Bob, Kirk , Greg. The Trumpets.
Rick, Jerry, Bill, Larry, Dave. Percussion.
Tim, Todd, Jim, Bob, Cliff. Standing: Charily. The Trombones and Tuba .
178 Jazz Ensemble
During Summer Concert Combines w ith Symphonic Band to Form
Band Which Travels U.S.A.
Sandy Dalstrom, Dennis Mleczko, Shirley Carlson, Judy Smith, Lisa Marx, Sally
Nelson, Gail Thomas, Laurie Collins, Carol Carlson. 2. Roger Verch , Randy Seitz,
Don Zak, Doug Scherer, Terry Zuehlsdorf, Greg Bingham, Kerry Czarnecki. 3. Kirk
Piehl, John Fiermosca, Merrill Merfeld, Eugene Nelson, Julie Santapaulo, Bob Ciotti,
Gary Leinweber, Dale Christman, Rick Vahradian, Scott Kessler. 4. Sam Waller,
Mike Putrow, Mike Walls. Standing: Vicki Casteel, Bill Hansen, Leslie Sward, Alex
Sabo. Not Pictured : Carol Merfeld, Walter Hayworth, Chris Andrews.
The Mary D. Bradford concert band directed by
Mr. Alex Sabo, began their year with a Winter
Concert held on November 29, 1973. Combined
with the Symphonic band they performed at the
annual Band-0-Rama held at Carthage College.
They ended their year with a Spring Concert.
During the summer the concert band combines
with the Symphonic Band to form the Mary D.
Bradford Recreation Band. Throughout the summer
this band competes in contests throughout the
United States spreading the name of Mary D. Bradford High School, and the quality music which they
Bradford Band performs their award-winning field drill.
Conce rt Band 179
Orchestra Grows to 60 Members, Gains New Director, Travels As
Orchestra Shows Great Improvement
1. P. Manulik, B. Wiersum, P. Sytkowski, L. Stine, E. Young, D. Frazier, K. Kornkven ,
J . Greeley 2 . P. Kruger, P. Olson, L. Hansen, A. Tobias, B. Miller, C. Torkkola, C. Hofmann, S. Hrupka, J. Glaeser, K. Prudom 3 . P. Pierce, L. Bashinsky, J . Ferraro, P.
Lehrke, L. Jones, T. Fliess, T. Prudom, L. Truax, P. Bullmore, J. Dunasky 4. T. Paone,
K. Boness, L. Denig, P. Schlafer, V. Lagodich, R. Guzman, C. Larson, R. Skowronski,
J . Kruger, D. Bolyard, C. Tomlin, J . Truax, T. Richter, T. Zuehlsdorf S . C. Woodward ,
C. Rannick, G. Centeno, K. Knutson, E. Arndt 6 . J . Matteucci, R. Bell, D. Maurer, B.
The Mary D. Bradford High School Orchestra performs for their annual Winter Concert.
The MDBHS Orchestra under their new director Mr.
Schripsema has grown to 60 members. According to BHS
students, teachers, and parents the Orchestra has shown
great improvement.
The Orchestra's Annual Winter concert was held on
November 29. They also played for the choir concerts. Later
in the year they performed at the Orchestra Festival held at
Tremper and held their Spring Concert on May 2nd with
David Littrell as guest soloist.
On May 10th the Orchestra traveled to Chicago as
guests of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. An active year
for BHS's 73'-74' orchestra.
180 Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra, P. Kruger, P. Olson, P. Pierce, A. Tobias, P. Sytkowski, E. Young, D.
Frazier, J . Greeley, Kr . Knutson , G. Arndt, Mr. Schripsema.
A Cappella Choir Receives New Blazers, Dresses to Perform with
City's Symphony Orchestra on March 6
Row 1: S. Blise, S. Rosmann , J. Kornkven , J . Benvenuti, L. Phillip, K. Estes, P.
Ziesemer, I. Ball, E. Reineke, E. Bodven, R. Anderson . Row 2: L. Martin, B. Lea, D.
Martin , K. Doss, D. Kramer, S. Beam, L. Ziccarelli, S. Stotarski, J . Quinn, T. Hays.
Row 3: S. Carey, B. Brnak, P. Brackney, 0 . Hudson , D. Ogden, G. Charette. Row 4:
D. Dreger, H. Gomez, S. Hubbard , C. Johnson , C. Hofmann, R. Peckus, R.
Under the direction of Mr. Roger Tweiten A
Cappello choir participated in the following: 1)
Dec. 15 was the Christmas Concert. 2) Choral
Festival with all other Choir's in Kenosha. 3)
March 6, Brahm 's, with Kenosha Symphony
Orchestra and Tremper Choir. 4) Kiwanis
Awards were given. 5) Spring Concert. 6) The
Annual Choir Banquet. 7) June 6 they sang
with other choirs for Graduation.
Linda Martin (Pianist)
Great Lover of A Cappello.
" I heard that wrong note!!! "
A-Capella 111
Singers Kept Busy with Sixteen Yuletide Engagements As
Group Seasons with Experience, Age
Zic and Hof in song on the hoof
" Wake up, Debbie. It's time to sing ."
" Ok, Jeannine, break an arm now ."
" Just wait until I get you out of here."
" You can ' t win them all , Ruby!"
" Tanya, will you stop picking on me."
" Merry Christmas, Bradford! "
" Brr! It's cold in this place."
Bradford's Benny Goodman in action.
" love and joy come to you .
182 Bradford Singers
. . and to you your waissail too ."
The Bradford Singers were formed in 1966.
The group consists of sixteen students. Their
costumes are right out of Old England, the
Charles Dickens' era . The eight couples were
selected through auditions. The group is under
the direction of Mr. Roger Tweiten .
Members of the Singers for the 1973-74
season, who become the Bradford " Swingers"
after the Christmas season ends, were Tanya
Hays , Linda Ziccarelli, Debbie Martin, Jane
Benvenuti, Jean Mauarelli, Jeannine Weidner,
Rochelle Anderson, Lisa Hebert, Roland Peckus,
Gary Charette, David Smith, Don Tracy, Dan Ruffalo , Charles Hofmann, Dwight Dreger, and Tony
The Singers participated in sixteen Christmas
performances in the Kenosha-Milwaukee area .
The " Singers" were also kept actively engaged
both at home and away . The name " Singers"
and " Swingers " is indeed , synonymous to
" Quality Music".
Bradford's Ambitious Sophomore Choir Swells to Seventy Talented
Members; Result:
Spirituals, a Bunch of Show Stealers
Row 1: M. Dew, T. Ogren, J . Peckus, P. Jenkins, J. Otto, D. Erskine, T. Hartung, P.
Barsuli , N. Demske, B. Mayer, C. George , C. Woodward , J . Santapoalo, L. Hebert, T.
Meyer, M. Bindelli, K. Dagenbach, T. Krohn . Row 2: J . Glidden, R. Bell, S. Heg , P.
Bodven, C. Zuehlsdorf, D. Thuot, C. Larson, V. Lukic, M. Bain, D. Herr, J . Lumpoda,
T. Hart, K. Shwaiko, D. Carlino, C. Olson, C. Olson, S. Mays, J . Kopesky. Row 3: D.
Ortiz, K. Puder, W. Sterba, M. Corkins, T. Faraco, D. Dworak, M. Corradin i, D. Smith,
D. Gallo, J . Willems, L. Salituro, P. Anolina, K. Charette, E. Gastaldi. Row 4: A.
Ventura , J . Beam, B. Gifford , R. Nelson , R. Roberts, A. Walter, M. Hopkins, M. Laquia , L. Crain, T. Wells, K. Kiffel, J. Pascucci.
Sophomore choir had a very exciting year. They sang many
spirituals featuring soloists: Mary Bindelli, Kevin Puder, Mike
Corkins, Tony Wells, Lisa Hebert, Corey Woodward, Dave Dworak,
and June Peckus. Among the many things this choir did were: 1)
sang in Christmas concert. 2) Choral Festival, in which all choirs in
Kenosha participated. 3) Choral Contest, in which they received
a 2 rating in Class B. 4) Spring Concert. 5) Graduation ceremonies,
which ended their school year.
Bradford Girl's Choir Participates in the Spring Concert Singing
Selections from ''Sound of Music''
" This Choir really Swings! "
The choir made their first appearance at
the Christmas concert. Following the concert
the girls served cookies and punch. Later they
sang in the Choral Contest, in which they
received a 2 rating in Class B. On May 13
was the Spring Concert. They finished the
year singing for Graduation.
Row 1: B. Brandl, L. Carter, N. Tarsitano, C. Zapf, I. Wertz, V. Gray, J . Sicilia, C. Petersen, G. Obenaur. Row 2: T.
Hehriksen, M. Gunderson, L. Jagodinsky, C. Webb, A. Lopez, J . Palmen, S. Hunt, A. Herrmann, A. Gentile. Row 3:
S. Pelt, P. Lyn• K. Anderson, D. Benis, B. Heinishch, B. Jacoby, D. Bindelli, B. Bickeloh. Row 4: R. Beals, L.
Goodard, S. Tucker, R. Statema, R. Reed , C. Soronen, J . Sprutles, D. Nissen.
Girl's & Sophomore Choirs 183
Concert Choir Represents Bradford at Choral Contest in Class A
Receives a "1" Rating (Great!)
Row 1: D. Shields, R. Venci , D. DeHart, P. Ruffalo , L. Strickland, S. Tilligkeit, J .
Reeves, V. Herrmann, J . Dahlberg, B. Braze, K. McGrath, D. Cutts, C. Hartnell, J .
Cooper. Row 2: L. Zemexonak, M. Matarrese, V. Meconi, P. Van Strein, A. Zievers,
J . Weidner, R. Hopkins, J . Saulys, M. Harp, J . Martin, R. Landeau, K. Knutsen, K.
McGonelge, M. Baken. Row 3: R. Gallo, G. Schenning, J. Starr, M. Nelson, R.
Kangas, L. Horgen, H. lsmaili, R. Munz, P. Starr, C. Perone, A. Petersen. Row 4: N.
Ziesemer, D. Woodward, T. Otto, K. Maurer, D. Tracy, B. Benhoff, R. Parker, P.
Mays, M. Doss, J . Moncatch .
Concert Choir, conducted by Roger Tweiten,
consists of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Activities include a candy sale, to raise money for
the new choir costumes. The choir participated
in the Christmas concert, Choral Festival, District
Choral Contest, for which their selections received a "1" rating, and a Spring Concert. Concert
choir ended their active year with the singing
for the graduating class.
"I don' t think I feel good."
"Relax Men!"
1 84 Concert Choir
" If only it would come true."
"I heard that!"
1 86 Homecoming
Homecoming 187
Matarrese-Fredrickson, Reign Queen-King Over ' 73 Homecoming As
Devils Snatch 27-26 Win Over Case
Queen candidates Jane, Iris, Jan and Miki (I tor) warm up.
Preliminary King and Queen candidates elected by their respective clubs.
Unlike the year 1964 when Bradford had no
parade, no floats, no usual homecoming activities, Bradford students " put it together"
from October 8 to October 12 despite the 16day teacher strike and the short preparation
The cheerleaders sponsored a bonfire at
Alford's Park on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. On Friday our Red Devils hosted the Case Eagles and
won 27-26. At half time the floats and candidates were presented . Hi-Style's Miki
Matarrese and Ray Fredrickson won the King
and Queen Honors. Hi-Y and Hi-Style's float,
"Burnt Eagles are Deviliscious", took first place.
On Saturday the Student Council sponsored
the Homecoming dance entitled, "Bradford's
Deviled Eagles". Music for the dance was
provided by the "5-Way Street."
King, Queen and Court reigned over the Homecoming festivities.
Cheerleaders D. Tenuta, N. Fredrick, A. Faraco and D.
"Now get in there and do it rightl" (H.
Stoebe, G. Herrmann) .
Hi-Y and Hi-Style's excellent float won the contest.
Marion Gunderson cooperates on "Security Day."
Charly Enroth leads the band in Homecoming parade.
Debbie Tenuta cheers for 27-26 victory.
"Touchdown!" On the way to a victory over Case.
T. Corradini, D. Russo, L. Rainey, I. Ball pose for pie.
JoAnne Mleczko plays the "Devil."
Bradford's A-1 Colorguard leads the porade.
Homecoming 189
Choirs Sing "A Concert of Christmas Mus ic" -Livi ng Christmas Tree &
Singers, Brass, Organ All Chime in
A full house attends " A Concert Of Christmas Music".
Washington Jr. High 's choir director solos w ith A Capella.
A balcony shot of Bradford's girls' choir.
" Figaro, figaro , figaro . . ."
On Saturday, December 15, 1973, Marry D.
Bradford presented "A Concert Of Christmas
Music". Conducted by Mr. Roger Tweiten, the
evening featured the A Capella, Girls, Concert,
and Sophomore Choirs. In addition, the Concert
Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Schripsema, and
the Brass Choir, under the direction of Mr. Sabo,
assisted the voices in performing such numbers
as "Praise The Birth", "Glory To God" , and
"The Prophecy". Mr. Gary Shaver, Bradford
speech teacher, was the narrator for the evening.
Following tradition, the concert was concluded with the beautiful and emotional " Living
Christmas Tree". Once again hundreds of Bradford voices blended together to create a genuine
Christmas spirit.
Sophomore Choir caught by surprise on the down beai .
" Hey, Judy, the camera's this way."
190 Christmas Concert
" You nimble-brained ninnies, sing . Sing! "
Nostalgia Returns to Bradford's Stage on Feb. 15-16 1n
The Cat and the Canary
" I think my idea 's better."
If Poe had her for inspiration
"and in minutes I look fantastic!"
One of the new three-dimensional wall
The Bradford Drama Club presented "The Cat
and the Canary" on February 15 and 16 at 7:30
PM on the Bradford stage. The play, a mysterycomedy, had its setting in the 1920's. Annabelle
West inherits her late uncle's vast estate, so the
rest of the surviving relatives hatch a plot to
drive her mad-to force her to forfeit the loot.
Comedy and drama ensue.
The cast, in order of their appearance, was as
follows: Lorraine Bose, Petra Bajinski, Dave
Dworak, Jan Martin, Sue Tyunaitis, Willi Sterba,
Randy Gunderson, Joy Kiekhoefer, Pat Olson.
The play was directed by senior Rose Hopkins.
The late relatives of C. West gathered together for the family picture.
"Dave's not here."
"I gotta go to the can, man ."
I et ha I
"I think I hear my mother calling."
She used to hang around the corner drugstore.
School Play 191
~,, .
. ·::.~~-·
®®1µw 9 .·m1·=N . . . .
December 27 "T'was the Night"
T' was the moment before arrival and all thru the gym .
"D-1-A-N-E. Does that spell Debbie?"
Cold Carol Carlson . . .
Toni cuddles witli beau between dances.
Whad'ya do when the well runs dry?
''T'was The Night" was the name of this year's Sub-Deb
winter formal. The dance was held on December 27th in Bradford's gymnasiums from 8 P.M. until 11:30 P.M.
The setting of the "girl ask guy" affair was like an oldfashioned Christmas room, decorated in shades of blues whites
reds, and silvers.
194 Sub-Deb's Winter Formal
Behind the scenes the work goes on
The rest and recuperation area for the weary .
Music was provided in the large gym by the band "Funky
Norman", a university band from Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Refreshments were served in the smaller gym which held
tables for the couples to sit, sip, and relax. Approximately twohundred couples attended the gala event. Spy says, "Good work,
for Sub-Deb's Winter Formal •
" Funky Norman" provides the evening's music
" I think she likes my tie!"
" Bless me, Terri, for I have sinned."
" I dig this beat . . .. weeeoool "
Dreamtime for Kathy and . . . .
. . . swingtime for Rick and Sue . . .
. with Danny and Karen swaying.
Sub-Deb's Winter Formal 195
Sadie Hawkins Holds Contest for Naming of Annual Dance As ...
Buckwheats Barnyard Boogie Is Chosen
The 1974 Sadie Hawkins court.
CANDIDATES: Theresa Griffin and Dave
Ruth Hisey and Nick
Val Lagodich and Jim
Ann Niccolia and Randy
Doreen Rizzo and Larry
Ramona Venci and Mitch
Linda Vittori and Bill
196 Sadie Hawkins
Caught in the act!! !!
1974 Sadie Hawkins queen , Nancy Vaicelunas and
Paul Spiroff.
Dan Maurer and Judy Chovan.
The 1974 Sadie Hawkins Dance sponsored by
the K-Teens Service Club of MDBHS was named
"Buckwheat's Barnyard Boogie." Willi Sterbo
won a free ticket to the dance for his entry in the
contest for naming the dance. The dance was
held on March 29, from 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Entertainment was provided by the band
'McHenry". Tickets were $3.00 per couple in advance and $3.50 at the door. The Sadie
Hawkins queen was Sub-Deb's Nancy
Vaicelunas. The gym was decorated the setting
of barnyard merriment. Taffy-apples and
sucker concession stands were set up at the
New country corn flakes , they don ' t wilt when you pour on
This is how they do it back home.
C'mon and boogie with me. (K. Czarnecki)
Just think I' m next, Gee!
The band McHenry.
Sadie Hawkins 197
McHenry Played the Cornfield Music for Couples Who
Doe-See-Doed and Promanaded
" Why couldn ' t this be something else! "
" Sue, come back here, don ' t disappear again."
" Aren ' t they sweet? Let' s give them a hand."
" Hey, that's a no no ."
Pipper and Rick.
198 Sadie Hawkins
" What' s that? "
" Aren't we all the nicest couples?"
"Well I've got to cover something!"
" But will you love me tomorrow?"
" Can we stop smiling now?"
Father Roland takes off his robe.
"Oh, I think I've just gotten a knot in my hair!"
\\Here we are, come and get us."
" You know I' m really having fun ."
"I wonder if I'm rushing into this?"
Kim and Sweet Mary.
Sadie Hawkins 199
Producer and Co-Producers Work Hard to Present Show Three Nights As
Bradford Presents 'The Roar of 74'
The Jan Ensemble comes on with a ROAR!
Master of Ceremonies, Dan Maurer.
Bradford's 1973-74 Jan Ensemble.
Anybody for pork and beans?
Linda Zicarrelli singing, "The Way We Were."
202 Variety Show
Christine Hartnell singing, "Yesterday Once More."
And here's your new stairway to the Annex.
How dry I am . . . .
This year's 1973-74 Variety Show, "The Roar
Of 74," was held on March 21st thru the 23rd.
The show was presented by the Jazz Ensemble.
The master of ceremonies was Dan Maurer.
Producer was Sheryl Hrupka and co-producers
were Jan Weber and Diane Secor. Acts consisted
of walk-ons, girls' kickline, TV satires, and a
band skit. Soloists sang songs ranging from "Up
The Lazy River", "Yesterday Once More" to
"The Way We Were".
"Put your dukes up . . . and your pants!"
Paulette dances to Mike Gorman singing "Mr. Bojangles."
Mammy! (R. Blaisdell)
Yes, we have no bananas!
C'mon, Bun, the show isn't that bad.
Variety Show 203
204 Candids
Misers Pitched Their Pennies and Threw in Their Dollars for .
Most Wanted Man, Cary Ferraro
Ten Most Wanted Men: D. Maurer, B. Bennett, R. Peckus, D. Conti, C. Enroth, P. lngrouille, B. Tennessen, R.
Tennessen, J. Stellato, C. Ferraro.
Most wanted man, Cary Ferraro. Yeahllllll
Laurie getting into the music.
One picture can tell the whole story.
Ryan' s R-d provided the music.
" I think I sat on my horse too long."
"Nick, if you can't handle It, leave It alone."
On Friday May 17th, the Ten Most Wanted
Men dance was held. The dance was held in the
boys' gymnasium. Most wanted man was Cary
Ferraro. The voting for the candidates took place
prior to the dance. Money placed in designated
jars for candidates were used instead of ballots.
The guy with the most votes was then selected
'most wanted man.' The music for the dance
was provided by Ryan's Road.
Jean and Mike horsing around.
Ten Most Wanted Men 205
.. .
HERRMANN '.'.:.: . .:.:-.:
"Love Remembered . . . a Picture That Never Fades" As
Spy's Sweet Polly Chosen Prom Queen
The Jack Yorton orchestra playing at Prom.
Queen Polly Sironen and date Bob Beasy.
On May 3rd, 1974 Prom was held at the
Eagle's ballroom. Prom was titled, "Love
Remembered . . . a Picture That Never Fades."
Spy's candidate, Polly Sironen was selected
Prom Queen. The Jack Yorton orchestra played
at Prom. The couples attended a movie at the
Lake theatre, sponsored by the Kiwanis of
Kenosha. The entertainment at the Afterglow
was provided by the "Union!" A brunch was
served during the Afterglow consisting of hot
beef sandwiches, potato chips, pickles, and
Sandy and Mike signing in at the dance.
"Why do they have to punch a hole in that beautiful
Paul Gifford and his date walking through the
"Gee, I Hope I get to be a Prom queen someday."
Hey! These girls are spiking the punch.
Nancy Orff and Tony Lovetro.
208 Prom
Mike Matusek and date pose for a picture.
I told you I'd come anyway, dancing or no dancing!!!!
Couples leaving for the movie.
Smile, Renee, you're supposed to have a good time.
Couples pose for a picture taken In front of the
backdrops created by Bradford art students.
Bob and Terri and Ken and Laurie smile.
Prom 209
Eight Bradfordites Rank in Top 10 Percent of National Testing As
Forty-Two Maintain a 3.5 for 3 Years
Val Lagodich awarda from Klwani• for band, Sub Deb, and
John Galvich Memoria l.
Petra Bajinaki our exchange atudent from Germany.
We' re ao proud of you , Charlie and Gregg.
Our aweet principal Mr. Jamft Fowler.
MiH Tenuta who head• the ceremony and Unda Vlttori.
Linda Ziccarelli tinging, " KHp on Singing."
Al GoHelin received hit award for
Bradford Alumni.
Our Bradford Colorguard .
The 1973-74 Honors Assembly was held on May 24. To begin, the
colorguard presented colors, followed by a few introductory remarks by
Mr. Fowler. Among the many awards that were then distributed were
the Betty Crocker, DAR, VFW, art, Kiwanis, etc. Students ranking in the
top 10 percent of all the students taking the National Merit Scholarship
Qualifying Test were William Balcom, Mary Jo Capelli, Douglas Iverson, Jeanne Kornkven , Peter Szymanski, Dave Szymanski, David
Topolovec, Laura Wyllie, and Jonathan Machina. In addition, 42
students were recognized for maintaining a 3.5 or better average during their three years at Bradford. The music was provided by the
sophomore choir and the Swingers.
Bradford atudenh who received honora.
210 Honora AHembly
Commencement Exercises Held on June 6 at Carthage Fieldhouse as
Four Hundred Fifty-Six Receive Degrees
The clan 1peaker1 seated in row one . . . ready and nervous.
Over the sea of caps, a voice 1peak1 out.
Mr. Sabo conducts members of the music department.
" Put this in the yearbook, please. I'll be a testimonial."
Graduation dignitaries pause during the anthem.
Graduates receive diplomas from Board President, Mrs. Ball.
"Wow, there'• a lot of names again!"
Mr. Moonen always anl1t1 at our exercise1.
"Put it there, man; I really made ltl "
Mr. Herlihy ani1t1 senior with cap.
211 Graduation Exerci1e1
The 1973-74 graduating cla11.
Bea1y glancH down before
moving out.
"These ta11el1 are impo11ible."
" Now, my eyes are opened to the
"Ready. Column right. March."
"It'• all over. I have it now."
Dan pauset in his graduation addre11.
The prize i1 achieved.
Indeed, it'• an event worth capturing.
A fine graduation gift In Itself.
Yes, that'• what It looks like.
I better not make a mistake.
"Bruce, you're admirably handsome in
that robe. "
"I think your collar's too tight."
The Chief's last tribute to a fine lady and
editor. '
212 Graduation Exercises
Highest Quality Meats, Poultry and Fish
lour Patronage is Appreciated
We Deliver
() I JT l "°"C:T I VIE l'IE Ml "°" l ""'IE
S I X T l1 A.VIEl'olUIE
Dr. Holm's Vibratone
The Health Builder
& Body Rejuvenator
The machine designed and built to keep
young and old, overweight and lean, in normal physical condition. We make n1achines
Tables forLIBR A R Y
'T" T T
"Your South Side Florist"
"Custom Builders"
7306-52nd Ave. Kenosha
Phone 694-0050
Dry Cleaning at it's finest
Executive Shirt Service and
drapery clean in g
4700-?th Ave .
Furniture Co. Inc.
3715 Washington Rood
Kenosha, Wisconsin
4226 Sheridon Rood
Kenosha , Wisconsin 53140
General Contractors
Kenosho • 654-8608
Kenosha's Largest Jewelry Store
AppUance .. Furniture Mari Inc.
3813 R - l t Road
Corner 58th & 7th Ave .
1015 Sheridon Rd .
Kenosha, Wisc .
Best Wishes
58 l 6-6th. Ave. And In Pershing Plaza
Kenosha, Wisc.
2 Stores
Hallmark Cards, Magazines, Paperbacks
214 Advertising
Boot Soles &
Service, Inc.
443-50 St.
Best Wishes
to the Graduating Class
Compliments of
Alwin T. Hansen
Servicing Kenosha
Since 1880
Ambulance Service
6019 Seventh Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Member F.D.l.C.
Conveniently Located
in the center of town
3928 - 60TH STREET
Advertising 21 S
216 Advertising
Like It or Not Here You Are • • •
Hey you , clan is over!!
My wild Irish Rose . ( R. Hopkins)
Get a load of her! (J . Onosko)
All the little horn-ies.
Hi!! I' m a Jock. (L. Zemezonak)
Watch it, or I' ll blast you with my water gun .
Behold, the Annex!
Is the game that boring???
Who ' s Chris thinking about
Bradfords own Bobby Fisher.
Candids 217
Jewelers Since 1851
The Appliance Center
Wisconsin's Oldest JewelersKenosha's Oldest Business
618-55th Street Kenosha , Wis.
Phone 654-3559
5708 Sixth Avenue
Kenosha , Wisconsin 53140
Telephone 658-8833
Restaurant & Bar
5824-6th Ave.
8040-Sheridan Road
Kenosha Wisconsin 53140
Phone 654-9690 or 654-7500
Phone 652-4825
Barber Shop
Phone 654-5455
3033-60th St.
Kenosha, Wis.
PHONE 6!58-3!5!51
24 hour
James Pillizzi
6001-22nd Ave.
Kenosha, Wisc.
A Compl e lo floral Service & Decoralive Accessories
If Your Date Is Special
Restaurant &
Cocktail Bar
2227-60th St.
218 Advertising
Phone 657-9314
Kenosha's Largest Jewelers
School Rings and Watches
Advertising 219
WLIP/ AM/ 1050 • WLIP/ FM/ 95.1 • Phone 657-6162
Best Wishes
Juniors, Misses
Half Sizes
Success in Reaching
Your Goal
5614-6th Ave.
Womans Dresses And Coats
Sportswear And Intimate Apperal
Phone 654-0209
626-56th Street
Phone 654-2932
l Kenosho National
Bank Building
7th Ave . At 57th St.
Now That You Are 18
Follow the Crowd
Let's Drink
Walk-Up Windows
Daily 9:00-4:30
Friday 9:00--7:30
Saturday 9:00-12:00
Drive-In Windows
Daily 9:30--4:30
Friday 9:30--7:30
Soturday 9:00-12 :00
Please Call 658-4851
Member F.D.I.C.
220 Advertising
1800-22nd Avenue
At Pershing Blvd.
Walk-Up Windows
Daily 9:30--4:30
Friday 9:30--7:30
Saturday 9:00-12:00
Drive-In Windows
Daily 9:00-4 :30
Friday 9:00--7:30
Saturday 9:00-12:00
6325-14th Ave.
Kenosha, Wisc.
The Many Bradford Faces
"I've hea rd of Bradford Devils, but . . "
With open arms Gloria welcomes fans to Bradford.
Just another pretty face .
Bradford's Evil Knieval takes a daredevil leap
" I hear this stuff puts hair on your chest!"
" In by 12:00? Dick's only closes at 1 :001 "
" We know something you don ' t know!! "
" It's gonna be a long night." (YAWN !!)
Candids 221
Compliments Of
Guttormsen 46 Lanes
Great Gas
Good Goods
Bard en's
Kenosha's Foremost
Home of Nationally
Famous Fashions
Congratulations to
the Graduating Class
National Bank
of Kenosha
4 Convenient Locations
Downtown Kenosha
Pleasant Prairie
Phone 657 -6141
Member of F.D.l.C.
222 Advertising
~ki uuh ~pnrtn
5038 · 6th Ave.
Kenosha, Wisc. 53140
Gifts for alll occasions
701 -56th Street
Kenosha, Wis.
Phone 657-7612
Lorry A. Bernacchi R.Ph.
Men 's Clothing and Shoes
614-56th Street
Compliments Of
Sports Center
14th at 62nd Street
Sales Inc.
I 020 -
60th St.
Kenosha, Wisc.
Advertising 223
Best Wishes
Ladish Company
Tri-Clover Division
Kenosha, Wisconsin
224 Advertising
Click! We've Got You Again • • •
Hi, I' m Petro, the exchange student from Germany.
If the Devils don't win I will!
Jon Winters sitting pretty.
My friends give me all the security I need .
Guess what I hod for lunch? Chirp!
I just know there's a hair in it.
I don't think it's that funny .
Candids 2'..!5
Every Day There's More to See At
Phone 658-3271 - 658-3272
Nina's hu banquet fecilitiet for up to 400 .
FrH rooms for Luncheont , Dinnen, R•hHrt1I Dinner•, luffett.
C1ll (414) 658-4117
NIN a• S
Stec.Jc Rcund.· up
"everything for the home"
5000--7th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Thrift Drug Store
Kohl's Grocery
W. T. Grant Co.
Korf's Sixth Ave.
Fanny Former
One-Hour Martinizing
Pier I Imports
Kinney Shoe Store
Moiling's Shoe Store
So-Fro Fabrics
General Finance
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
3928-60TH STREET
75th Street and
Pershing Blvd.
Kenosha, wisconsin 53140
MEMBER F.0 .1.C.
Advertising 227
Let's start with a brief description of the Hero of your Success Story.
He or she can be a machine operator, a housewife, a store clerk, a
teacher, a clergyman, a union official, or engaged in any activity you
may select. To write a truly successful story, however, you must endow
the Hero with four essential characteristics.
The Hero of a Success Story has a willingness to learn . For the Hero
there is no final graduation-only a series of Commencements that bring
with them new lessons to be mastered.
The Hero of a Success Story has an unending desire to succeed in
whatever he undertakes. The phrase "just as good" is not in his vocabulary. "Better than" are his favorite words and the yardstick by which
he measures his work.
The Hero of a Success Story welcomes responsibility. For just as
exercise develops muscles, so responsibility develops the man or woman.
The degree of your Hero's success will be governed by the responsibility
he or she is willing to shoulder.
The Hero of a Success Story always gives more than he gets. He is
too busy with important things to measure accurately his own worth.
His greatest s·atisfaction comes from being of real service to his fellow
It is never too early nor too late to begin your Success Story. Writing
it will not be easy because success is never easily captured. But your
chances of authoring your own Success Story are greater in the United
States than they would be in any other country in the world .
Kenosha, Wis.
228 Advertising
No Matter How Hard People Try, They Cannot Escape From
" Take my picture, you big creep. I use Ultra-Brite."
Bradfordites seem to love candids. This year
the staff has made a double effort to insert
more candids in the SPY. We hope you like our
variety and photography. During the year the
staff clicked over 1000 candids to make these
pages possible.
How we wish it had been so.
" A good hau l from the locker room , wouldn ' t you say?"
A tense Bradford bench during the sectional championship game.
Big Frank clowns around during practice.
Hi-C, a bunch of screw-offs on camera day.
Candids 229
Quality - Know-Bow - Experience
4807-7th Ave.
Phones 658-4667 or
• Quality
• Know-How
• Experience
• Selection
• Service
• Fair Prices
Congrotulotions 1974
Best Wishes
to the Graduating class
2209-56 Street
Since 1922
Member F.D.l.C.
Conveniently Located
in the center of town
2222-63rd Street
230 Advertising
PHONE 654-2410
Plumbing & Heating Inc.
Camera & Photo Supplies, Inc.
5016-7 Ave.
Kenosha, Wisc.
4437-22nd Ave .
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Phone 654-0774
4900-7th Avenue
Greek Imports
Open Seven Doys a Week from
Good Luck
7:30 o .m. until 9:00 p .m.
5319 Sheridon Rood
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
Phone 654-2189
Of Kenosha
Fine Home Furnishings Since 1923
6209-22 Ave.
Phone 657-5133
· Dair1.1
Timber Ridge
Bar and Restaurant
Sports Center
14th at 62nd Street
* * * *
1-94 E. Frontage Rd.
Y2 Mi. No. of Hy. 50
Kenosha, Wis.
6220-67 Street
Advertising 231
2217-52nd Street
Venetian Room
"Finest Italian Cooking This
Side of Italy."
Class of 74'
7519 Twenty-Second Avenue • Telephone 652-1377
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
"Large Enough to Serve You • Small Enough to Know You"
4913 75th St.
728 58th St.
3600 52nd. St.
Kenosha Ph . 658 -4331
Founded 1896-62 Years in Kenosha
Manufacturers of
WIRE ROPE for all Equipment
SLINGS for Safe Handling
Advertising 232
Just Think of the Candids We'd Have Taken Had We Gone to State
" Look at those new sweats for tourn ie time!"
Hein leaps thru roof.
" You, you , you, you, you, you! "
Basketball ballet by Cerc i.
"You f" "Sorry ref."
When our fans finally arrived , everyone knew .
" Oh, please, Lord, let us win just one more."
"Settle down, we can still pull it out."
" Con on , Devils, I' m here!"
"I wonder what lies ahead?"
"18-4," he mused , "not too shaggy."
Candids 23l
Congratulations to the 1974 Class
Kenosha County
Phone 652-3352
3405 - 60th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
Clerk of Circuit Court
Phone: 657-5514
Compliments of
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Charlene Thomas
608 59th Street
Kenosho, Wisconsin
Chalk it up at the Pad. Pins, foosball, giant foosball, air
hockey, snooker, bumper pool.
5002-22nd Avenue,
7527-22nd Avenue
"Free City Prescription Delivery"
5523-6th Avenue
G's Tap
John R. DiCello Agency, inc.
Vlce-Pmident SeCTetary
3100-14th Avenue
(414) 654-2109
Tasty Home Cooking
Specializing in Hot Beef
• Noon Lunches
• Dinners Served
"Where You Buy With Confidence"
Bode Bros. Company
Fine Furniture Since 1894
5431 Sixth Ave.
234 Advertising
Kenosha, Wis.
• Family
(Friday and Saturday)
Parents, would you like a quality educational program in your home for
your children? Call 551-9740 for a professional sales representative to
Learning Programs
• Free Advance Reservations
5520-6th Ave .
Kenosha, Wis. 53140
Mike's Electronic Fix It Shop
Corner of 31st and 22nd Ave.
Phone 658-8598
You Bring It, We Fix It
Or Call
4329-19th Avenue
Van's Gas Service
Propane (Bottle Gas)
1612-22nd Ave.
Open 8-5:00 Daily
Office Showroom &
Filling Room
Hrupka's Quality Foods
5022-6th Ave.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
925-59th St.
Phone 654· 1501
Whitaker Building
9:30---5 P.M. Doily
Advertising 235
More Pictures for Your Viewing Pleasure
"What do you mean I'm boring?"
Between cla11e1 with 74 (count' em) 1tudent1I
Kim and Kerry all decked out for Prom.
Resting between numbers
236 Candid Pictures
Ellen doing what she does best.
Naughty Nick loves everyone.
Dave (Gwenda) Germain seen in uniform.
"Itch it a little higher."
Cuddley Cary
Candids ... Candids ... Candids . • •
" Aren 't we a bunch of good looking guys?"
" You 're under arrest! "
"Can't you tell I'm in love?"
Mr. Fowler.
Mr. Roden and Mr. Chapman taking it easy.
Patty lovetro.
"I'm going to bite your neck! "
"I bet you can't guess what we just did?"
Candids 237
Best Wishes
Hi-Style Seniors
Congratulations to the
1974 Seniors
At Mary D. Bradford
"May your dreams come true"
The names of the people
below, are those PATRONS
who helped support SPY
~20~- S7nd. Sheu
lJeliea~eSSOh 8 tie[UO'rS ~Wines
Cardinoli's Golden Krust
Mayer Sun Drug
Dave & Fran's A & W
Vogue Fabrics
238 Advertising
When Spy designed
the maintenance
crew page (see Page
28), we did not hove
a picture of
Milt Whyers
We're sorry Milt. We
hove now given you
a picture and page.
Bradford Has Many, Many Faces
" If you ' ve got it, flaunt it."
" I' ve got him in the palm of my hand . . "
" Right this way!"
" Howie makes my nose tingle!"
Some people just naturally ( ?) stand out in a crowd.
A break, a cigarette, a di1cu11ion: all between cla11e1.
Ruthie's dream world: Math.
" I think I' m a little taller, Rick . . "
" Let us help you down , Pat. "
Candids 239
Spy Respects Demands: "Candids!"
Marryin ' Sam, the mike is younl (Roland Peckus)
" I have such sexy feet .
"I know I felt a drop!"
240 Candids
"Just let me rest a while .
One of those snowy days . . .
"Gee, guys, I'm so happy!"
We May Have Long Lines, ·but We Have Great Food;
'Come and Get It!" ( M-M-M-M)
" We' ll be right with you."
" A la carte is my specialty." (lee Ruffolo)
Every day of the school year, the lunch room
ladies manage to feed the masses that rush to
324 and 325 for relief of growing hunger pains.
They do an admirable job, too. Loretta Goff is
not pictured.
Service with a smile (Mary Englund) .
"Would you like an egg in your beer?" (Rose Bordo)
Our milk lady, Wilma Mcfarland.
Hot lunch lady Dianne Simpson.
Candids 241
Cameron, Mary: 103
Cameron, Robert: 82
Campbell, Lois Miss: 31
Campbell, Raymond Mr.: 46
Canfield, Marla: 82
Cantrell, Richard: 103
Cantwell, Marla: 103
Capelli, Mary Jo: 52
Capelli, John: 103
Capelli, Paula: 82
Carbon, Jacka line: 103
Carey, Steve: 11,52, 122, 123, 139, 181, 134, 135
Carlino, Christine: 103, 119, 183
Carlson, Carol: 52,78, 172, 173, 179, 194, 154
Carlson, Shirley: 82, 179
Carr, Meighan: 82, 156, 161
Carson, Donald: 103
Cortie, James
Cortie, Terri: 52
Casey, Robert: 82, 176, 178
Casteel, Betty: 82
Casteel, Vielka: 82, 179
Centeno, George: 82, 180
Cesario, Rickey: 82, 198
Ceschin, Joseph: 103
Chalekian, John: 52, 130, 131
Chambers, Alexander
Chambers, David: 103
Champion, James: 103,229
Champman, Monty: 123
Chapman 0 Charles Mr.: 26,233,237,220, 132, 133
Chapman; Pierre
Charette, Gary: 52, 182, 145, 153, 181 , 134, 135
Charette, Kevin: 103, 135, 145, 183
Chase, Hope: 53
Chase, Russel: 82
Chase, Ruth: 53
Chatilovicz, Patricia 53,204
Chiapetto, James: 103
Childs, Ronnie
Chodoronek, Linda: 103
Chodoronek, Stephen: 82, 125,233, 140
Choske, Denise: 53
Chovan, Judy: 11 , 14,22, 156,176, 197, 138, 153,
146, 121 , 142
Christensen, Blaine: 53
Christiansen, Cheryl: 104
Christman, Dale: 82
Christman, Ronald Mr.: 38
Christman, Steven: 82, 179
Christopherson, Carol: 82
Chromcik, James: 82
Ciappetta, Lenore: 10,82, 148, 146
Cibrario, John Mr.: 40,48
Cicchini, Francis
Cincotta, Ruth: 53
Ciotti, Robert: 104, 179, 129
Clark, Debbie
Clark, Edward
Clark, Lisa
Clark, Randy: 104
Clark, Richard: 104
Clark, Ricky: 53
Clemens, Bruce: 53
Clements, Mark: 53, 122, 140
Clements, Mitch: 141
Cochran, Douglas: 104
Cochran, Michael: 82,208
Colby, Debra: 104
Colby, Steve
Coleman, Angela: 82
Collins, Donna: 82
Collins, Laurie: 53, 176, 179,209
Collins, Roberta: 82
Collins, Sandy: 152, 158
Conforti, Susan: 53
Conley, Anthony
Conti, Claudia Mrs.
Conti, Dante: 53,139,157,237, 132,205
Cook, Deborah: 53, 145
Cooper, Janet: 104, 124
Cooper, Pamela: 82
Cooper, Rickey: 104
Cooper, Susan: 53
Cordiner, James: 104
Corkins, Michael: 104, 145, 183
Cornils, Kathleen: 53
Corradini, Michael: 79, 104, 120, 124, 183
Corradini, Thomas: 7, 11, 15,82, 100, 139, 156,
Consentino, Bob: 104
Consentino, Tina: 104, 144, 176, 142, 144
Consentino, Robert: 104
Cossette, Lori: 53, 167
Cossette Robert: 82
Costabile, Gary: 82
Costello, Robert: 83
Coulman, Janet: 53
Cox, Douglas: 93, 123
Crain, Renzle: 49,53, 125, 126, 127, 128, 163, 132
Crain, Wyble: 104
Crain, L: 183, 132
Crespo, Juan: 83
Crist, Robert Mr.: 43, 124, 130
Crocker, Peggy
Croxford, Janine: 53, 152
Crucianelli, Richard:
Cullen, Patricia: 16,53.
Cunningham, Glendora: 104, 151
Cutler, Cynthia: 83
Cutter, Robert: 104
Cutts, Debra: 104, 169, 184, 198, 138
Curnes, Tina: 204
Cyzak, Chatlotte Miss: 44
Czarnecki, Kerry: 17,25,54,130, 131,175,179,
197, 153, 132, 133,236
Dagenbach, Kathleen: 104, 118, 144, 152, 183
Dahl, Conrad
Dahl, Richard Mr.: 34
Dahl, Robert: 83
Dahlberg, Jennifer: 54, 184
Dalstrom, Sandra: 104, 179
Dagenbach, Kathy: 152, 144
Dangler, Darlene: 104
Daniels, David: 104
Daniels, Theresa: 83
Danner, Thomas: 104
Danoski, Daniel: 83
Darrell, Debra: 104
Darula, Robert Mr.: 44,204
Datilo, Nickolas: 104
Daum, Cheri: 104
Daun, Christine: 54
Daves, Michael: 54
Daves, Rose: 83
Davis, Barbara: 21 ,54
Davis, Brenda
Davis, Danny: 54
Davis, Laverne
Davis, Lelia: 104
Davis, Richard: 22,83, 176
Davison, Donald: 104
Debartolo, Frank
Debatolo, Gemma: 54, 156, 168, 153
Debatolo, Susan: 104, 160
Decesaro, Charlene: 54
Decesaro, Linda: 104
Defoe, Debra
Degener, Thomas: 104
Degrand, Gerard: 104
Dehart, Deanna: 104, 184
Deirne, Kathryn: 152
Delaney, Christina: 104
Delaney, Marulyn: 83
Delconte, Josephine: 54
Deloach, Birl: 54
Democchi, Gregory
Demske, Nannette: 36, 104, 183
Denig , Lawrence: 83, 176, 180
Denio, James: 104, 124
Denning, L.: 140
Denning, Tina: 54,75, 156, 158, 163, 168
Derks, Kevin
Derose, Francesca: 54, 186
Derose, Lawrence
Devine, Kathryn: 83
Dew, Mechelle: 104, 183
Dezek, Pamela: 83, 122, 156
Dial, Jeffrey
Diamante, Denise: 83
Dicastri, Kevin: 54
Dicello, Susan: 83
Dickey, Jeff
Dietrich, John: 54
Dietrich, Thomas 83
Dimmer, Kathy: 54
Djuth, Kerry: 17
Dodson, Lorren: 54
Doerflinger, Jeannette
Doherty, Barbara: 83, 195, 154
Dolan, Dennis Mr.: 33,251
Dolnik, Lawrence: 54
Dolnik, Thomas: 83
Donahue, Dannie: 17,36
Donley, Carol
Connell, Susan: 54, 172, 173, 153
Dorr, Daniel: 104
Dorr, Steven: 83
Dosemagen, Keith: 104
Dosemagen, Lois: 83
Dosemagen, Michelle: 83
Doss, Kathy: 21 ,54, 181
Doss, Michael: 83, 127, 184
Dougherty, Belinda: 36, 104
Drath, David: 104
Dreger, Dwight: 79,83, 145, 182, 181
Drigot, John: 104
Duberstein, Jeffrey: 105
Duck, Donald Mr.: 256
Duffy, Michael: 83
Dummer, Jolene: 55, 144, 160, 167, 176
Dummer, Terri: 83, 158, 153
Dunasky, Cheryl 55
Dunasky, Joanne: 105, 176, 180
Dunbar, Bruce: 105
Duncan, Donna: 105
Duncan, James: 83
Dunham, Luann: 55,78
Dunn, Lisabeth: 105, 160
Duvall, Larry
Duvall, Ricky: 105, 130
Duvall, Rosemary: 105
Dvorak, Diane: 55
Dworak, David: 105, 140, 165, 183, 191
Earl, Ronald
Ebener, Michele: 55
Edmonds, Elsie Mrs.: 31
Edmonds, Tony: 105, 124
Edquist, Ronald: 105
Edwards, Holly: 105
Edwards, Jack: 105, 124
Ekern, Lavonne: 83
Eldred, Joan: 83, 153, 154
Eldred, Kevin: 105, 124
Ellinger, Linda 105
Ellinger, Verna: 83
Ellingson, David Mr.: 37,48
Ellis, Kathleen: 83, 156
Ellis, Roberta
Elsila, David: 84
Engdahl, Philip
Engelhardt, William: 105
Englund, Mary (Mrs.): 241
Englund, Sondra
Enroth, Carl: 55, 137, 153, 155, 176, 178, 186, 187,
195,202,203,233,201 ,205
Epping, Scott: 84, 123, 15 7
Erbentraut, Robert: 105
Erdman, Lucy
Erskine, Deborah: 105, 101 , 118, 183,204
Estano, David: 55, 123
Index 243
Milka, Michael: 62
Mleczko, Dennis: 110, 179
Mleczko, Joann: 62, 153, 154, 187,225
Mlodzik, Ronald Mr.: 34,48,174,175,217
Mock, Kim: 16,62, 130, 131, 197, 199
Moczulewski, Edward: 90
Modory, Mork: 62
Modrijon, Jomes: 62
Moebius, William Mr.: 32
Moeller, Joann: 90
Moeller. Therese: 48,62
Mohr. Do.nette: 90
Mohr, Kim: 110, 138
Moncotch, John: 90, 125, 184
Mondragon, Reynaldo Mrs.: 38, 161
Monnier. Teri: 62
Monson, Louro: 110
Montemurro, Angelino: 110, 161
Moore, Gail: 90
Moore, Jomes: 110, 141
Moreno, David Mr.: 37
Morgon, Douglas: 62
Morgon, Jomes: 111
Morrone, William: 111, 120, 134, 139
Morrow, Jeffrey
Mortenson, Koren: 36, 111
Morton, Kent: 111
Mudrok, Pamela: 90
Mueller. Kenneth
Mueller. Poul: 111
Mueller. Scott
Mulder. Anita: 90
Mullaly, Loretto: 62
Munns, Richard
Munz, Anthony: 90
Munz, Richard: 111, 184
Murphy, Doniel: 62
Murphy, Gail: 76
Murphy , Michael: 90
Murray, Michelle: 111
Murray, Rondo: 90
Musitief, Mike
Musselman, Kenneth: 111, 170
Musselman, Richard: 62
Myers, Joan: 91
Myers, Pamela: 111
Myres, Alon: 111
Noekrsz, Kathleen: 62
Noydihor. Poul: 91 , 162
Neave, Vincente: 111
Nedweski, Jomes
Negri, Ronald: 91 , 153, 162
Nelson, Bernard: 111
Nelson, Carole: 11 ,91
Nelson, Debro: 163
Nelson, Denise: 91 , 151
Nelson, Eugene: 91 , 129,130,170
Nelson, Lorry: 62,204
Nelson, Mork: 91 , 184
Nelson, Ricky: 111
Nelson, Russell: 62
Nelson, Solly: 111 , 144, 179,204,233
Nelson, Steve: 111 , 163
Nelson, Vicky: 62
Neu , Anita: 111
Neu , Debbie: 111
Neu , Potty: 111 ,251
Neumiller. William: 91
Neustifter, Charles: 111 , 119, 125, 132
Nev, George
Nevoroski, Doniel: 91
Niccoloi, Anne: 62, 156, 158, 196,233,238
Nichols, Billy: 25,91 , 125,132, 198
Nichols, Kathy
Nielsen, Michelle Mrs.: 38
Niemi, Jomes: 111
Nei mi, Jeon: 111
Nierenberger. Christine: 62, 169 ,217
Nierenberger, Peter: 111
Nieves, Yolando
Nikolai, Toereso: 91
Nikolic, Donna: 91
Nissen, Debro: 91
Noel, Joe: 111
Noel, John: 12, 123
Noel, Joseph
Norris, Daisy: 111
Norris, Juanita: 111
Norris, Lindo: 111
Norton, Patricio: 111 , 144
Nutini, Kathleen: 91, 153
Obenouf, Gloria: 111
Oberlin, Janette: 62
O'Connor. Jeffrey: 91, 100, 163, 170
Ogden , Donald: 62, 181
Ogle, Lisa: 111, 150
Ogren, Edward: 111
Ogren, Jerry: 91
Ogren, Kathy: 63, 192, 195
Ogren, Terry: 111,118,142
Olbrys, Ben: 91
Olbrys, Teresa: 91
Oleok, Carol: 16
Oliok, Barbaro: 111
Oliok, Carol: 63
Olivares, Armando
Olsen, David
Olsen, Kris: 91, 136, 156, 172, 173,239
Olsen, Patricio: 91, 180, 142
Olson, Brion: 91
Olson, Carol: 111
Olson, Carolyn: 11 , 152
Olson, Lindo: 63, 172
Olson, Margaret: 91
Olson, Patricio: 63, 165, 176, 191
Olson, Rocky: 91
Olson, Ronald
Olson, Ruth: 63
Omalley, Donald: 111
Oniszczuk, Helen: 91
Oniszczuk, Ina
Onosko, Julie: 111 ,138,217,142
Onosko, Philip: 63, 126, 129
Opsahl, Mortin
Orff, Nancy: 208
Orlokis, Brion: 91
Ortiz, Blanco: 91
Ortiz, Dove: 111
Orton, Allon: 91
Orton, Steven
Orzechowski, John: 111, 134, 135
Oster, Rondy: 91 , 130, 170, 176
Ostmon, Gilbert Mr.: 33,48
Ostrowski, Jock: 22,91, 140,233
Ostrowski, Mory: 63
Otto, Debro: 111
Otto, Janet: 111
Otto, Thomas: 92, 184
Pace, Sherry: 63
Pockmon, Robert: 63, 130, 131
Pode, Leann: 63, 136
Pollomollo, Richard
Polmen, Jone: 92, 156
Polmen, Steven: 111
Pontovich, Tino: 63, 160
Paone, Teresa: 92, 153, 154, 160, 176, 180
Paone, Terrance: 111 , 175, 176
Porcenko, Peter: 63
Paredes, Romon
Paredes, Sanjuanita: 92
Parise, Arnold: 92
Parise, Delores: 63
Parise, Jock: 112
Parise, Jomes: 112
Porker. Bill: 112
Porker. Leigh: 63
Porker. Ronald: 92, 184
Porker. Sheila
Parrish, Donna: 63
Parrish, Sue: 92
Porrone, Moria Roso: 112, 119
Poroni, Bob: 16
Pascucci, Joy: 112
Pascucci, Peggy: 112
Paskiewicz, Anne: 63
Paskiewicz, Gory: 112, 124, 129
Paskiewicz, Mory:
Potterson, June: 112
Potterson, Pamela: 92
Patton, Doniel: 63, 139
Potty, Koy: 63, 193
Pouloni, Michael: 204
Pouloni, Robert
Pawlowicz, Vickie: 112
Peck us , June: 101 , 112, 119
Peckus, Marybeth: 7, 11,22,79,92, 156, 175, 142
Peckus, Roland: 63,137, 145, 158,181 , 182,
197, 199,205
Pekoske, David
Pekoske, Michael: 25, 112, 124
Pelt, Mike: 112
Pelt, Sondra: 63
Penrod, Janet: 64, 162
Perman, Shirley: 64,241
Permann, Ronald: 127, 149,233
Perone, Cloy: 112, 162, 184
Perotto, Steven: 112
Perri, Moria: 92, 138, 156, 175, 142
Perrine, Robert: 92
Perroni, Robert: 92
Perry, Poul: 112, 124
Perry, Robert Mr.: 28
Peters, Carol: 92, 153, 156
Peters, Corrie: 112, 164
Peters, David: 64
Petersen, Alon: 92, 160, 163, 165, 184, 191
Petersen, Carol: 92
Petersen, John: 112
Peterson, Luanne: 92
Peterson, Malanie: 64
Petrick, Pamela: 92
Petrick, Susan: 112, 142
Pettey: 16,64, 160, 169
Pforr, Michael
Pflugrad, Amelio: 64
Pfund, Gory: 112
Phillip, Louro: 92, 156, 181
Piasecki, Barbaro: 112, 172, 142
Picazo, Gregory: 92, 176, 178
Pickerign, Rondy: 92
Piehl, Kirk: 92, 122, 123, 179
Pierongeli, Cheryl: 92
Pierongeli, Dino: 64,77, 193
Pierontoni, Lisa: 64
Pierce, Mork: 112, 124, 132, 144, 176
Pierce, Pamela: 64, 167, 180
Pierce, Scott: 92
Pilligor, Teri: 8,22,92, 172, 173, 195, 153
Pillizzi, Lou: 112
Pinkert, Ronald: 64
Pischke, Kim
Pisciotti, Judy: 112
Pisula, Deborah: 112
Pitsch, Poul
Pitts, Claudio: 92, 156
Pivovor. Dorothy: 64, 153, 160,238
Plott, Maryann: 112,158,142
Plourde, Beverly: 112
Plourde, Patricio
Plummer. Steven: 112, 176, 178
Poikonen, Russell: 112, 124
Poikonen, Shelley: 112
Pontillo, Jomes: 78, 199
Ponzio, Frederick: 92
Poteet, Kevin: 92
Potts, Edward: 92
Potts, Ted: 64
Powell, Lindo
Pozzo, Giovanna: 112, 199
Pozzo, Robert: 112, 124, 141
Index 247
Schneider, Mary: 114, 138
Schneider, Patrick
Schneider, Steven
Scholey, Pamela: 114
Schripsema, David Mr.: 48
Schroeder, Gary: 67,7S
Schroeder, Kenneth: 67
Schroeder, Mark: 94
Schroeder, Mary
Schroeder, Paula: 114
Schroeder, Steven: 94, 129
Schuett, Gregory Mr.: 44,204
Schuldt, James: 94
Schultz, Ramona: 67, 136
Schultz, Robin: 114
Schultz, Timothy: 114
Schumacher, William Mr.: 27
Schuster, Chris: 67
Schwaiger, Larry: Pl 4
Schwartz, Shari: 84, 138, 172
Schweinsberg, Ronald: 114
Schwietzer, Mary: 22, 94
Schwer, Larry: 114
Scott, Keith
Scott, Paul
Scoville, David: 114
Sconaro, Elena: 94
Scropos, Ted Mr.: 34
Secky, Denise: 114, 176
Secor, Diane: 94, 176
Seitz, Eugene: 94
Seitz, Randy: 94, 179
Seleski, Jon
Seleski, Stephen: 68
Seliga, Jr., Joseph: 114
Sellers, Sandra: 94
Sepanski, John: 68
Sepulveda, Michael: 114
Servantez, Joyce: 114
Sessa, David: 68
Sessa, Richard: 94
Sesser, Janel: 68
Sesser, Judith: 68
Shaffer, Michael: 114
Shaffer, Robert: 68
Shaver, Gary Mr. : 3S, 16S, 170,236
Shawaluk, Lorene: 114, 169
Shepherd, Tom: 94
Sherron, Hugh: 9S
Shields, Brenda: 114, 118, 163
Shields, Donna: 9S, 184
Shinske, Carol: 36, 138, 142
Shipman, Robert: 9S
Shwaiko, Kristy
Shwaiko, Todd: 68,209
Sicilia, Joan: 9S, 198
Siebeneich, Kurt: 11 S
Siler, Randy: 11 S
Simpson, Dianne Ms.: 241
Sinnen, Margaret: 7,22,9S, 1S6,239
Sinnen, Mark: 11 S
Sironen, Bonnie: 68
Sironen, Polly: 9S, 174,208,2S2
Skierka, William: 68
Skowronski, . Donald: 11S, 163
Skowronski, Randal: 9S, 144, 1S3,17S,17S, 176,
178, 180
Slaney, Christine
Slater, Anthony: 11 S
Slater, Nettie: 68
Sluga, Kathleen: 11 S
Sluga, Kim: 11 S
Slugocki, Lillian: 68
Slugocki, Lori: 11S, 118,20S
Smart, Dianna: 11S , 167
Smith, David
Smith, David: 11S, 118, 142, 14S, 182
Smith, David: 68
Smith, Debra: 68,204
Smith, Gregory: 9S
Smith, James: 9S
Smith, James: 9S
Smith, Jeffrey: 9S
Smith, Joanne: 11 S
Smith, Joseph: 68
Smith, Judy: 11S,179, 142
Smtih, Kathy: 193
Smith, Kerri: 11 S
Smith, Kevin: 68
Smith, Michael: 11 S
Smith, Pamela: 11 S
Smith, Patricia: 68
Smith, Randy
Smith, Ronald: 4,68
Smith, Sandra: 11 S
Smith, Sherrie
Smith, Vonnie: 68
Smolik, Jeffrey: 68, 122, 123, 130, 132, 133,2S2
Snyder, Karen: 11S,163
Sokal, Patricia: 11 S
Sorensen, Colleen: 9S
Sorensen, Douglas: 68
Sorenson, Michael: 9S
Soronen, Cindy: 9S, 172, 199
Soronen, Kirma: 11S , 118, 119
Soronen, William Mr.: 31, 170
Soto, Marina: 69, 142
Soto, Niriam
Soto, Robert: 11S,141
Soulek, Ronald Mr .: 40,229,233
Spaulding, Jayne: 11 S
Spaulding, Sandra: 9S
Specht, Elaine
Specht, Philip: 69, 181,241
Spiroff, Paul: 6,9S, 123, 176, 178, 196, 197
Stacey, Doug: 11 S
Stadler, Anthony
Staff, Donna: 69
Stallman, Geraldine Mrs. : 3S
Stanford, William: 69, 193
Stankiewicz, Sue: 69
Starr, Jeffrey: 9S, 184
Starr, Paul: 9S, 184
Staskus, Lori: 11 S,204
Statema, Ronald: 16,20,69
Statema, Ruth: 9S, 1S6
Statler, Tony: 9S
Staves, Laurie: 9S, 100, 119
Steffensen, Paul: 19,9S
Steig, Sharen
Stellato, Joseph: 22,69,77, 122, 1S7, 199,20S
Stephenson, Johnny: 9S
Sterba, Wilhelm: 38, 120,16S, 191
Stern, Howard: 69
Stettner, Robin: 9S
Stevens, Robert: 74
Stich, John: 11 S
Stine, Lyle: 22,69,7S, 123, 130, 131 , 140, 180, 199
Stine, Lynn: 9S, 1S0,1S6,180, 142
Stoebe, Harry Mr.: 42,43, 122, 134, 186
Stojic, Vito: 9S
Stolarski, Michael: 11S , 124, 141
Stolarski, Sandra: 9S , 181
Stone, Peter
Story, Nancy: 9S
Story, Ronald Mr.: 3S
Stoyer, Anita: 11 S
Stratton, Charles: 9S
Strickland, Lynn: 9S , 1S6, 181 , 184
Stringer, Cathy: 96, 1S3,161
Strobel, Oskar Mr.: 40
Strossner, Dennis: 11 S
Sturino, Diane: 69
Sturino, Doreen: 69, 16S
Subotic, Nikola: 69, 1SJ
Sucharda, Michael: 69
Sucharda, Susan: 11 , 96, 100, 1S0, 1S3, 19S
Suehring, Jill: 11 S
Summers, Debra: 69
Suokko, Gary: 96
Swaney, Patricia: 69,96
Swanson, Julie: 11 S
Swanson, Rex: 74
Swanson, Terry: 69
Sward, Leslie: 96, 163, 179
Swartz, Sandra: 96, 1S6
Sweet, Bonnie
Swiatko, Stephen: 69
Sytkowski, Jean: 96
Sytkowski, Patricia: 69, 180
Szafranski, Lidia: 96
Szymanski, Patricia: 96
Szymanski, Peter: 69, 122, 123, 130, 1 S7,233
Szymanski, Thomas: 11 S
Tabbert, Marilyn: 96, 172
Tabili, Paul: 11 S
Talamonti, Jerry: 96
Talbert, Brenda: 96
Talbert, Susan: 96, 168, 176
Tapley, Janice: 96, 1S4
Taras, Patricia: 11 S
Tarsitano, Nancy: 96
Tasovac, Cheyenne: 11 S
Taylor, Deborah: 1 lS
Taylor, Paul: 11 S
Techerl, Kerry: 11 S
Tennessen, Diane: 11S,122
Tennessen, Randall: 70, 123, 132, 1S7,1S8,187,
196, 199,233,20S,239
Tennessen, Russell: 6,70, 132, 1S7,186,2S4,20S
Tenuta, Deborah: 70, 146, 148, 186, 187, 192,22S,
Tenuta, Virginia Ms.: 32
Terpstra, Kathy: 70
Terpstra, Susan
Thomas, Carla: 96
Thomas, Darryl: 11 S
Thomas, Edward Mr.: 37
Thomas, Gail: 11S , 179
Thomas, Kimberly: 96, 1S0,172,236,239
Thomka, John: 11 S
Thompkins, Donald: 11 S
Thompson, Deborah: 96
Thompson, Lynn: 70, 161 , 162
Thompson, Rosemary: 116
Thoney, Beth: 116
Thornberg, Dan: 116
Thrasher, Kenneth: 116
Thuot, Kathyann: 116
Tilligkeit, Sandi: 116, 184
Timme, Richard: 116
Tobias, Anne: 116, 160, 180
Tolstyga, David: 70
Tolstyga, Paul: 116
Tomlin: 70,76, 1SS,176, 178, 180
Topolovec, David: 70, 1S3, 1SS,178,203
Topolovec, Karen: 116
Torkkola, Cheryl: 116, 176,180
Torres, Kenneth: 96
Tracy, Don: 96, 14S, 182, 184
Tracy, Guy: 96
Tracy, Jay: 70
Tracy, Linda: 116
Travanty, Harold: 116
Travanly, Marc: 17,70, 169
Travanty, Tina: 116
Travanly, William
Trecroci, Daniel: 96, 140
Trecroci, Mark: 70
Tribur, Cynthia: 96, 1S6,169, 17S
Trimble: Ruthie: 70
Trill, Linda: 74
Trocheck, Elayne: 96
Trocinski, Virgil: 96
Trococi, Dan: 22
Trottier, Richard: 70
Truax, Bonnie
Truax, James: 96, 123, 129, 139, 144, 1SS,1 76, 178,
180, 196
Truax, Leo: 116, 198
Truax, Lois: 116, 161 , 176, 180
Index 249
You Can't Hide from Us! (Never)
Winter days for Bradford bus riders.
. ya do the hokey pokey and you shake it all about."
" He said he loved me!"
Barry's golf clubs are among the
10 best dressed.
" You never told me you were Polish
before! "
A familiar sight to some.
"This is his 24th time around for classroom! "
" Look into my eye(s)!"
" 11 that golf ball for real?"
Rockin' on with McHenry.
" I'm a bird, I should fly! "
Lisa Misurelli dancin ' to the music.
Candids 251
"No Spy Assembly? Why Not?" "Too Much Work in Spy Room."
As Few Staffers Tackle Big Task
" All right, everyone, quit pushing!"
What a lovely couple.
Every picture tells a story.
SPY'S lifesaver Eugene Arndt.
"Come on, Bob, you can make it."
"Thanks, Jan & Terri. Good Work"
the Chief
Co-editor Jan Weber and . . . .
252 Candids
Co-editor Terri Schmidt.
When one is young and life is new,
Our dreams take on a glowing hue .
We look ahead, and in phantasy
Envision what we're going to be.
Our dreams unclouded, full and free,
Are not restrained by memory ...
With life ahead our sky is hung
With gold ... that is when we are young.
When gray streaks in among the black,
We have a way of looking back ..
Our dreams take on a softer glow,
As years roll back to long ago.
We walk the paths of yesteryears
With all their sweetness, joys and tears.
And so the dreams of youth, you see,
Some day will be but memory.
Gail Elder James
FAREWEii: ...
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