The SPY 1973
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The SPY 1973
The Mary D. Bradford High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 1972 to 1973 school year.
Kenosha (Wis.)
Mary D. Bradford High School Yearbook Club
Kenosha (Wis.)
School yearbooks
127591017 bytes
Schools have been forced to look outward . . .
to recognize the premieres and challenges, and not to
be an entity unto itself. They must meet the
challenges once again. We at Bradford are in the
midst of these pressures and challenges; we are
shaped and modeled by the changes brought on by
them - both the external and the internal ones.
All of the things that happen at Bradford due to
the challenges involve us - one way or the other whether we want them to or not. Either pulling us
together or pulling us apart we are a family of many
opinions, colors, and creeds.
Our lives are now shaping our schools because
we belong to a larger family . . . we are a family of
man; a mixed family, trying to better understand one
With this in mind, we salute our institution
because as a family of youth, teac:iers, administration, we are making it more responsive to the human
needs. We are meeting the challenges.
We, the Spy staff of 1973, dedicate this annual to an American Institution,
Bradford High school; and to its family - you, your friends, teachers and administrators. From the one room school house and hickory stick of yesterday to
the giant imposing structures of our modern metropolises, the institution lives
on in spite of public disenchantment that the schools are failing to do their jobs.
Once the hub of social life, the great melting pot, the instrument of social
progress where values and morals were delved out and acted upon, the school
was met with an abrupt force . . . the other institutions were taking up the learning processes. The tradition has been changed, school is no longer our only
place of learning: social progress, growth of mass media, outside awareness,
and the fact that education was not meeting the demands of a space-age
technological society have forced upon us a new perspective.
The Family Is One of Nature's
These candids were selected because we feel they reflect our book's theme:
The 1972 School year began with the annual SPY dance.
Chris Markin looks at her 1 971 - 1972 SPY
August registration day at Bradford
Students between classes
22-lntroduction- Candids
Barb Bieker has ID taken .
Mr. Sacco. Miss Farra!. and Miss Larson on strike.
Masterpieces. (G. Santayana)
people working and playing with education in the "Family", one institution among many.
A band member's typical route to
Rick Tenuta eats his normal size noon lunch
Renzle Crain . a hall monitor
" Up'.\'.
Bradford's way of decorating their halls
Up-side down man . Don Qu inn
Enthusiasm at a Bradford football game
Don Sebet1c. an Inferno photographer.
Nancy Tarsitano sings
Pamela Pierce and David Frick, violin duet
lntroduction - Cand ids- 23
The Family Is the Association Established by
Nature for the Supply of Man's Everyday Wants.
ft)re.- sm 1ng faces at the retresrrne'"lt Lt<::-ld
Our ~tud(:")t council pres dent. M .. .-y Ar drea
Jim Fraz1E>r 1n Dnver's Lducauon <..lass
Bradford Usherettes gaze at a downtown right sce'1e dunng a muset..rr lect..Jre
No o checks rderences n our l·brnry
l\/ltke L3oerc checks his metal's proiect
"Put the Panthers in Park, the Devils in Drive, and Get on
Bradford Homecoming Ends Fall Activities
D E C A ." s Pete Bruneo and Daisy Fenk. 1 972 - 73 Homec oming king and
Smile you're on Candid Camera
Jim Bennett and Peggy Sinnen . Brian Head and
Peggy Wind en1oy1ng the dance
28 - Homecoming
And awaaaay I go I
And this is the way I gol
the Road to Victory High." As .
The new Linus . Debbie Thompsen .
What a babel
Come on guys, let s go 1
The Geneva Convention rocks on
Bradford's 1 972 Homecoming
act1vit1es took place from October
23-28 The week began with Monday as Hat Day. Tuesday as
Nationality Day, Wednesday as
Security Day, Thursday as 1950's
Day; and Friday as School Color
Day On Thursday. October 26. the
cheerleaders sponsored a bonfire at
Alford Park which was well attended. On Friday. the 27 the Devils
hosted a game with the Park
Panthers and lost 22-1 9 At half
time the floats and candidates were
presented . D EC.A's Pete Bruneo
and Daisy Fonk won the king and
queen honors. Hi-Y and Hi-Style's
float. "Devils are Dynamite," took
first place. On Saturday the Junior
Class sponsored the dance. "Put
the Panthers in Park. the Devils in
Drive. and Get on the Road to Victory High" The dance was held in
the Bradford gymnasium The
entertainment was provided by The
Geneva Convention.
H1 - Y and H1 Style' s winning float
Marshmallows anyone'
The Inferno's excellent float which lost by an eyelash
Many Moods of Christmas" Tvvas the Theme as Choirs Sing
To Brighten Yuletide
Dress rehearsal before the " Big Night."
On December 16, 1 972 , the Mary D.
Bradford Choirs presented their annual
Christmas Concert. Featured were the Living Christmas Tree and the caroling Bradford Singers. A Cappella presented a series
of 'nine days for dancing' accompanied by
a flute. oboe, bassoon , drum, and dancers .
Girls' Choir sang carols with guitar accompaniment. Some of these were : "Carol of
the Pipers" , "O Nightingale" , and "Joseph ,
Dearest Joseph Mine". The Sophomore
Choir followed the Girls' Choir by singing
five other carols .
The Many Moods of Christmas was the
finale that all the choirs did at the end of the
concert. Orchestra accompanied the "Living Christmas Tree" which slowly
lighted up as the caroling Bradford
Singers sang the concluding carols.
Traditionally this has always been the
yuletide highlight, and again , it proved to be
just that.
And then .
32-Christmas Concert
. the real thing . Bradford ' s entire choral department.
The Mary D . Bradford Girls' Choir.
The Mary D . Bradford A Capella Choir.
Director relaxes at post-concert luncheon
Concert Ch r istmas- 33
UJirif ttr F1Jrrn~I
Christmas Spirit Is Carried on As .
Sub-Deb Presents, ''Mistletoe Magic''
Her perfume makes my head spin .
On December 28, 1972. SubDeb held their annual winter formal. "Mistletoe Magic", beginning
at 8 :00. The dance was held in
both the girls' and boys' gymnasium . The boys' gymnasium
served as the dance floor. The gym
was decorated with white
streamers and mistletoe suspended
from the ceiling . The entertainment
was provided by the "Bus Stop" .
The evening ended, for approximately two-hundred couples.
at 1 1 :30. The dance added a
sparkling touch to the winter holiday.
I do too know how to spell my name I (Val Lagodich)
Mike Hoeft and Cindy Dalpaos enjoy the dance.
Uh-huh. this feels better than a basketball .
Care to boogie?
Man , do I dig this music I
36-Sub Deb
T ina in the land of " Mistletoe Music".
Mike Quinn towering over his date.
Vince Ruffalo and Mary Beth Peckus view the dance
from a birdseye.
Diane Grano and Jamie Yule dancing the night
Duh. where'd he go?
Linda Briegenzer and Tim Nichols caught in the act.
Linda . don't look so sad .
Well . hi there I
Two hot numbers melting the ice.
The page ends and so does the night.
Sub Deb- 37
Under Drama Club Student Direction,
One Acts Are Successful.
My girdle is killing me!! (Randy Gunderson)
Edna Ward , Dawn Perrone. Bill Belongia, Betty Lura , and Steve Carey in a huddle backstage.
On November 12th and 1 3th ,
Bradford's drama club presented
three . one act plays for their winter
presentation . These plays were under the supervision of Mr. Gary
Shaver, and the plays were student
directed by Janine Hunter and Randy Gunderson . The plays. "Impromptu". "Occourance at Oak
Creek Bridge" , and "The Cloth
Drum". starred (alphabetically) Bill
Belongia , Steve Carey, Tina
Curnes. Randy Gunderson. Betty
Lura , Chris Michalski, Dawn
Perroni, Marge Valeri , and Edna F.
Ward .
Tina Curnes worries for her father.
Marge Valeri as the wicked princess (Good casting!)
38-Drama Plays
M C ., director Janine Hunter.
A lusty Chris Michalski, entices innocent Bill
Belongia. (What a clown!)
Betty Lura practices holding dishes at a rehearsal
We can't even talk in study hall! (D Trecroci)
• Ca
Cerc1 displays his greatest talent
I wonder if I can make 10 feet this time? (A . Krehbiel)
The Easter bunny forgot this egg
If you can't pick it with your finger. you ' ll have to
manage otherwise
Rita poses with her boyfriend before the track meet.
Betty just got through making her obscene
I'll help you. I'm a counselor (Mr. Froemming)
phone call
Cand ids - 39
K-Teens Pick "Barnyard Merriment" As Hawkins Theme
Sharon Chosen Daisy Mae
Sadie Hawkins Court : From left: L. Edmark. K. Stengert. P. Olsen. D . Barsuli , B . Whitney, S . Zablocki , E.
McAllister. and M . Laudonio.
Take me to the winners
Barnyard Queen. Sharon Zablacki and date.
Grandma and Grandpa Faraca .
The annual Sadie Hawkins dance. "Barnyard Merriment" . was sponsored by the
K-Teens Service Club on March 30 in Bradford's gym from 8 o'clock until 11 :30 p .m .
The dance was highlighted by the crowning of Sharon Zablocki as Daisy Mae. queen
of the Sadie Hawkins dance. Other attractions of the dance included balloon. candy
and refreshment booths . Perhaps the one booth attracting the most people was the
traditional Marryin' Sam booth . Steve Leff acted as Marryin' Sam who was busy
throughout the entire evening . His most frequent comment, after scanning the long line
that awaited his services, was. "Come on. fellas, give me a break!" Once again. advisers Mrs . Gober and Mrs. Edmunds should be commended for their leadership.
Felicia Bruch and date.
40-Sadle Hawkins
Four Suckers in one shot I
How long ' s this gonna last?
If the picture fits .
Marryin ' Sam alias Steve Leff.
Her mother never told her about Ultra Brite
Dance chaperones out on the farm .
Crowd Candid
Sadie Hawkins- 41
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t\\\\\l MY LOVE!
· MEIN "l\\
.Jazz Ensemble Presents '73 Variety Shovv, "Let Me Entertain You"
Over 20 Acts 1n
On April 6- 7 the Mary D Bradford Jazz
Ensemble presented their annual variety
show. "Let me Entertin You!" Highlights of
the show included the girl's kickline. kicking
to " Everything 's Coming up Roses ". Uncle
Punk1n' (Bill Belongia) and Farquart (Tony
Albano) were hilarious Other attractions of
the show were "Ed die. My Love". (Cheryl
Jankowski and Renee Romanowski) . a
selection from Cabaret, "Main Herr" (Anna
Locante). and ' Pencils for Sale'. (Dawn
Perron1 and Kitty Zanin· MC's for the show
were Bill Belongia and Dawn Perroni (first
half) and Nina Hunter and Marge Valeri (second half). The show ended with "Hey
Jude". the grand finale. which received a
standing ovation And iustly so
Senior girl's kickhne entertains us
Rose and Edna. "The Women I"
Sandy Cross sings "Hurting Each Other".
"I gotta go potty. Uncle Punkin." (B Belongia. T .
Albano) .
The cavemen do their hunting dance.
I don't see any ghosts. do you? (B. Belongia. D .
44-Varsity Show
"To sir. with love", from Debbie Marabelli.
"What do we got?" A-1
colorguard, that' s
Jazz Ensemble presents the variety show
what I
Cindy Dalpoas singing "Alfie"
"Point those toes girls!"
Our quacky MC's, Nina and Marge.
"I'm being followed by a moon shadow" (J.
J E 1n action.
"Liberace. Look out!" (T Dahl)
BHS's new chorus girl, Antoinette
Cheryl strolls down "Memory Lane"
Variety Shovv- 45
BHS's Lovelies Molested, Almost Slain by Spy's Villians-
Assembly Gets Laughs-
The Jazz Ensemble watches the assembly while in hysterics.
Diego displays his talent in "MacArthur Park."
"Corn, corn, corn!" This was the
response of the majority of
students who left the 3rd annual
Spy assembly on March 14, after
viewing Bill Belongia and Jim lsermann (villians) attack and tie fourteen lovely Sadie Hawkins' candidates to the B-Club railroad track.
The puffing train (Lou Covelli) was
dramatically stopped and
destroyed by the skit's hero. Randy
Oster. The skit was written and
narrated by Mr. Mlodzik, while the
sound effects were done by the
Spy staff and the Jazz Ensemble.
The assembly concluded with the
introduction of the Spy staff. with
the 'Kick-off' sales pitch to buy,
buy, buy yearbooks, and with
music by the Jazz Ensembles.
Put your arms down.
Belongia, R . Oster)
S ock it to mel {D. Barsuli, B . Belongia)
46- Spy Assembly
friends .
(B .
Karen Stengert and Jay DiCastri await their fate.
Lou puffs his way through to the tracks .
Mike Hoeft plays his solo.
3rd Annual Spy Assembly Sees Editor Get Creamed As .
Creates Desire to Buy.
I knew I'd end up eating my words someday .
(8 . Belongia)
The Spy staff cramped as usual. provide sound effects.
Choo Choo Charlie WAS an engineer. (L. Covelli,
Curses. foiled again I (J . lsermann. B . Belongia)
Hey. those shoes were made for walking.
R. Oster)
A free facial to our editor, compliments of the staff. (K. McAlister. P . Olsen)
Spy Aeeembly-47
Booster Club Sponsors
10 Most Wanted Men Dance"
Mike Hoeft Chosen #1
Ten Most Wanted Men (missing Rob Travanty) .
Baby Buckil
Crowd Candid .
Mike Hoeft was selected as the number one man at this year's 'Ten Most
Wanted Men Dance", held on May 25. He was chosen from Jim Yule, Tom Smith,
Chuck Weddel. Randy Krehbiel, Brett Mandernack, Peter Olson, Peter Barca, Tom
Aiello, Mike Hoeft, Rob Trovanty. The dance had a Hollywood theme and the Masters
of Ceremonies were Bill Belongia and Tom Rizzo . Music was provided by "Jon Blan" .
Booster Club, headed by Mrs. Ferrell, sponsored the dance which was again
48-Ten Most Wanted Men
Mrs. Ferrell. club adviser.
Bradford 's Most Wanted Man. Mike Hoeft. speaking .
Joel Colburn " getting it on! ".
And there were refreshments
M r Brooks. "The Bad Man"
Tom Aiello and escort
" I see you
Ten Most Wanted Men- 49
Queen: Diane Faraca
Debbie Schmauss
JuniorsSelect"Renaissance of Love"As Prom Theme for1973,
Diane Reigns As Queen
Prom Candidates
Debbie Beal
Bonnie S1ronen
Linda V ittori
Debbie Tenuta
Last year's Prom queen and date. Debbie Schmauss and Jim DiAngelo and
Diane Faraca . 1973 Prom queen .
The 1973 Prom court
Who isn 't enioying Prom? (Kathy Debruin. Kim
. .
While others attend royalty .
I forgot what time your mother" told you to be
I'm so tied I'm seeing double vision.
On May 4, 1973. at 8 00 p.m .. Bradford
students started to arrive at the Eagle's
Ballroom dressed 1n their best dress and displaying superlative class. to enjoy the 'big'
dance of the year. Prom When the doors of the
ballroom stopped swinging. 200 couples had
entered to participate in the "Renaissance of
Love", which lasted from 8 p.m. until 4 a.m. The
crowning of the Prom Queen. Diane Faraca.
took place at 1 0 o'clock. The other candidates
for this cherished title were Debbie Beals. Linda
Victoir. Bonnie Sironen. and Debbie Tenuta At
12 o'clock the Prom goers proceeded to the
Lake theatre to see the movie 1 776 After the
show everyone returned to the Ballroom for the
afterglow. a dance traditionally sponsored by
the Geneva Convention. Eddie Straight's
Bradford couples signing in at the dance.
Candy and friends rest their feet after a night of dancing.
Orchestra provided the music earlier. The evening ended with breakfast being served from 3
until 4. Spy would like to send a special thanks
to Mr. R. J. Karrels who, as usual. supervised
the Prom decorations and the gala event itself.
I didn't know he could sleep while standing.
A lively polka couple.
Vicki Grade in the flower wonderland.
The long line for our hungry couples.
One Hundred and Thirteenth GraduatingClass Numbers 518 As
Relatives Jam Carthage
Bradford held its final activity of the school year. the
1 13th commencement exercise at the Carthage College
fieldhouse on June 7 . 1973. Mr. James Fovvler. Bradford
principal , presided . The program consisted of the procession . pledge of allegiance. the Star-Spangled Banner. the Invocation . the vvelcome address (Mr. Fovvler). and music
provided by the orchestra and the combined choirs and
band . The commencement addresses vvere delivered by
Peter Olson and Connie Hansen . The presentation of
diplomas vvas done by Mr. Fovvler. Mr. Herbert Lepp. president. Board of Education . Mr. Otto F . Huettner. superintendent of schools . and by Rob Travanty. senior class presi-
and they line up outside of Carthage fieldhouse . . .
Some even used the reflecting glass for mirrors .
dent. The benediction vvas given by the Reverend John
Halma. This vvas follovved by the recessional.
The 1 973 class motto vvas . "I have promises to keep
and miles to go before I sleep." The class colors vvere the
spectrum ; the flovver, the daffodil. Class officers vvere Rob
Travanty, president ; Anna Czajka . vice-president; Karen
Roders. secretary, and Peter Barca. treasurer.
With this summary, Spy closes its year on the production of another yearbook . We. the staff. sincerely vvish that
its design and content vvill meet the expectations of all.
"We. too . have other promises to keep and miles to go
before vve sleep ."
. . " Ohh. I'm sooo nervous. Help mel" . .
. while others gave speeches . Connie
Hansen delivers hers .
"Words of Revolution " by Peter Reaid
but then the class of 1973 started to arrive .
. It looked like an empty house .
. yes . by the time the last one arrived -
51 8 graduates
. and they listened to the choirs sing for the last time
. and they greeted each speaker with warmth and spirit .
and some just couldn 't believe the diploma was signed
. . . and Mr. James Fowler presided .
which was followed by congratulations .
yes . we will never forget the front row and . . .
56 - Graduation
. while the two assistant principals gleamed
and Mr Lepp awarded diplomas
. . . and picture taking and posing. . . (Spy photographer-Don!) .
. the smiles and tears that followed A good ending. a good year.
Bradford Ends 1972 Season vvith
Muddy Win Over Tremper
Row 1: Rick Llanas. Keith Anthonsen. Mike Boero. Mark Montague.
Mark Nesgood . Rick Tenuta , Chuck Weddel. John Puntillo. Peter
Olsen . Eddie Dill. Gordon Grano. Tony Lovetro. Ed Wambolt. Row 2:
Mitch Meyer. Nick Vanchena . Bruce Krohn. Phil Sturycz. Louie Piehl.
Jim Yule. Pat lngourille. Dave Hapanowicz. Rob Travanty. Peter Barca . John Noel . Tony Roberts. Mr. Cibrario. Row 3: Coach Giordana.
lngourille gets chewed out by Coach Giordana.
Don Quinn. George Gordon. Rob Schaffer. Gregg Gyurina. David
Peters. Jeff Romanowski. Joe Stellato, Steve Pileski. Danny Davis,
Greg Hermann . Jon Wiersum. Russ Tennessen. John Heiring. Row
4: Jim Marquardt. Micky Jackson. Lyle Stine. Mark Kintis. Jeff
Smolik. David Estano. Dave Warnock. Jim Puder. Scott Schantek.
Winston Brown. Chris Jackson .
The 1972 football team ended the season with 36 record . It was the Red Devils' first season under head
coach Giordana. We did well in spite of the wet weather
this year. The 1 973 team will be minus eleven
graduating lettermen. but will be more than able to fill
the line with such players as Pat lngourille. Russ
Tennessen. Mitch Meyer. Nick Vanchena. Gary Baase.
Dan Davis, Bruce Krohn. Jeff Romanowski. and George
Gordon plus some of our 1973-4 juniors. Though we
sometimes need people to place kick or pass footballs.
we are never lacking in spirit and enthusiasm. Thanks
go to all our assistant coaches and you, Mr. Giordana .
First String Offense
Guys. this is a football . . .
Enthusiastic in spite of the rain
58-Varaity Football
Coaches Giordana and Stoebe
Perhaps the highlight of the season was our muddy 7-6 victory over crosstown riva ls. Tremper. evening
the nine-year old rivalry at 4-4-1. Tenuta's kick following a 1-yard dive by Hapanowicz gave Bradford a 7-0
1st quarter lead.
Who's got the ball?
Behind the lines
J im Yule carrying
Chief shows 'em howl
Senior Men, Row 1: M Montague. M Nesgood. C. Weddel . R . Travanty. R . Tenuta . J . Puntillo. T . Lovetro. P . Olsen.
E. Wamboldt. G . Grano Row 2: Coach Giordanao. M. Boero. K . Anthonsen . P Sturycz. L . Piehl. J Yule. E Dill. D
Hapanowicz. T. Roberts. P. Barca. C . Jackson. Coach Cibrario. Thanks. guys. it was a fine farewell performance !
Special thanks go to Mike Grissom. Dan Llanas. Don Sebetic, Jeff Nevoraski. and Mark
Ueklman. Bradford's football team managers. who do all but dress our team (even that
sometimes)! Our team within a team I
Now. Louie. what
do is . . .
Tony Lovetro
want you to
Travanty sidesteps tackler
Steve Carey
Should we let them in on it?
Now what?
Tenuta studies game
Vars it y Football - 59
.Junior Varsity Team
Quinn. Puntillo, and .Jackson
All I ask is a miracle!
Dead I
Park got lucky.
On your marks. get set .
These socks just don't stay up I
.Jim Puder
Eddie Dill
Refs point of view
60 - Football
What a shot I
Smolik and Gordon
Karakash and Soulek -
couple of ruffians
Fumble I
Jim Yule
Montague tapes the Golden Toe.
Don't give up yet. Coach I
Team limbers up before the game.
Our Sophomore teams didn't do as well this year
as they did last season, ending with our Bradford Black
squad in 6th position with a 3-5 record. The Bradford
Red squad finished the season with a 1-6-1 record in
9th position in the conference. Outstanding players
from both squads were: Kirk Grimes, Tony Venci, Jim
Truax, Jim Bennett, and Doug Slater on offense; and
Mike Cochran, Chester Jeffrey, Rusty Ambrose, and
Rob Sanderson on defense. These guys surely showed
some spirit that no records could ever show!
Did you see that?
There's a team in Chicago that
could use you I
tackled by a Trojan
Are you paying attention 7
Greg Herrman
Lovetro punts I
Travanty breaks loose I
Rob amidst the mud and mudders
Football- 61
F redericksen Paces Conference Finish As
B.H.S. Takes 3rd in S.S.C.
Coach Verwey
R o w 1: Ray Fredericksen . Renzle Crain . Jim Heiring. Coach Verwey Row 2: Mike Platt. Mark McCarthy, Leon Arnold . Leonard Rainey. Desi Soto, Mike Bruns, Jack Ostrowski Row 3: Mike Lewis . Tom Richardson . Joe Kuta . Barry
Bennett. Randy Tennessen , and John Beets Lookin ' good , guys 1
Avid spectators
The 1 972 Cross Country Team finished the
season on the upswing. boasting a third place finish in
the South Shore Conference (S .S.C .). Credit should go
to the following letter winners : Ray Fredericksen. Jim
Heiring. Renz le Crain. Mike Lewis. Desi Soto. John
Beets. Mike Platt. Randy Tennessen. Barry Bennett.
Mark McCarthy. and Joe Kuta. Letters and awards
were presented at the post-season banquet held at
Krok's . Ray Fredericksen was named Most Valuable
Runner for 1972 . According to Coach Verwey. "They're
a great group of guys to work with."
Hasta la vista 1
How come we gotta run and Coach is walking?
62 - Cross Country
A less-than-serious moment at practice
Kennedy Drive - our favorite run
To endure what 1s unendurable is true endurance.
-Japanese proverb
Anyone for a two-mile run?
B ubba-and-Beets
Fredericksen and Platt
A real natural 1
I saw her first 1
Only hundreths of a second after the start
Mike Lewis
I will natl
Must you?
What's so funny. Renzle?
"Sticks" through the gates
Endurance in motion
Cross Country- 63
Highlighting the Red Devils' Greatest Season Since 1964
Wins Conference
1 973 Basket ba ll team : Coach Verwey. Len Ra iney, Tony Lovetro. Sam
Perry, M ike Lewis. Mark McCarthy, Cerci Mahone, John Beets, Dave
Nelson, Steve Hein, Barry Bennett, Randy Krehbiel , Renzle Crain, Danny
Harmon, Tom A iello, Coach Roders . Managers.
The 1972- 73 Basketball team finished with a 164 seasonal record, the best since 1964. Although we
were picked by experts as possible contenders for state
title, we lost to Tremper. in our third encounter of the
season , in Regional play. Still. we easily won the South
Shore Conference Championship with a 7 - 1 conference
record . During the season we were ranked in the Top
Sixteen in the state. The Devils gave away only 58 .3
points per game. Our offense output averaged 66 .2 in
the overall season, and 68 .0 in conference play. Our
balanced scoring came from our All-South Conference
players : Randy Krehbiel ( 11 .0) , Barry Bennett ( 1 3 .9).
and Cerci Mahone ( 13 .9) . Dan Harmon averaged 10.9
points per game. Dave Nelson led the rebounding with
about 10 per game and Cerci Mahone averaged about
7 . Spy says Congratulations I
" Sticks"
Coaches Roders. Soulek and Verwey.
The Starting Five.
Bucky takes on Case for two
64-Varelty Basketball
Nelson controls tip-off.
with a 65-60 Victory Over Crosstown Rivals .
Senior Men : Row 1: .John. Randy, Tony. Row 2: Dave. Mark. T om. Sam .
Cerci demonstrates h is ski lls
Nelly shoots from the middle of the crowd .
Sam alias " Nate".
Harmon prepares for a lay-up.
Krehbiel puts in another twol
Varsity team : Row 1: Danny Harmon. Tony Lovetro. Cerci Mahone. Row 2: Tom Aiello. Steve Hein. Dave
Nelson . .John Beets. Barry Bennett. Randy Krehbiel.
Varsity Baaketball-65
Next t ime. Bucky. come in on cue ...
Steve Hein goes for a lay-up.
A Mahone-to-Nelson pass good for two .
66-.JV Basketball
Renzle Crain for two .
Krehbiel shoots under pressure.
Harmon leaps over guard to score.
1973 JV Basketball squad : In front: Danny Kaye Harmon. Coach Tom Roders. Sam Perry.
Phil Onosko. Mark McCarthy, Mike Lewis. Steve Hein, John Beets. Renzle Crain, Kim
Myers. Tom Aiello, Tony Lovetro. and Chris Jackson.
Cerc1 passes over opponent's head.
I think they got him I
The same old faces.
Randy and Nelly perform the traditional rites.
Nelly puts it up for two.
1973 Sophomore Basketball squad : Mitch Walker. Jack Ostrowski. Jeff Potts. Dan Koderca. Mark Webb. Chester Jeffreys. Dan Mavrer. John Finley. Bob Lane. Monty Chapman. Otis
Stick's jump shot -
2 pts.
Another heart-in-throat Harmon-Mahone pass.
Wilson. Steve Christman. Kirk Grimes. managers.
Sophomore Baeketball-67
Finishing 1-14-1, Bradford Will Lose 5 Swimmers;
Team Looks to Future
Coach Lundquist
Row 1: Tom Smith (co- captain). Dave Sebetic (co-captain) , Phil Sturycz. Peter Olsen . Mike Hoeft. Row 2: Bruce
Roders . Don Zak. Bob Pynaker. Buzz Vahradian . Cherly Enroth. Dan Maurer. Jeff Gott. Row 3: Chris Behm . Roland
Peckus. Dan Murphy, Don Ling. Paul Spiroff. Todd Richter. Joe Giorno. Gary Zak. Marty Saknits.
Though the 1 -1 4-1 record of the
1973 Swim team is not too impressive. we were impressed by
such outstanding swimmers as :
Mike Hoeft. 100 yd . freestyle; Tom
Smith, 50 yd . freestyle; Buzz
Vahradian. 1 00 yd . breaststroke;
and Dave Sebetic, 100 yd. back
stroke . Returning to lead next
year's team will be the 1974 Swim
team captain Buzz Vahradian,
Charily Enroth. Paul Spiroff. Nick
Walls. Bob Pynaker. Jim Heidi. Joe
Giorno. Roland Peckus, and Don
Zak . Spy says good-bye to seniors
Tom Smith. Phil Sturycz. Mike
Hoeft, Dave Sebetic. and Peter
Olsen .
Zak attempts 1 'h twist.
Senior Poliwogs
Going Down? (P. Sturycz)
C ' mon. guys. sm1lel
68-Vareity Swimming
No. Coach says you can ' t come out yet I
Tom Smith
Handiwork of the swim team 1
Sure. but 1t won't help you go any faster .
Sturycz in action .
Nick. I'm keeping you up here so' s I can
keep an eye on you
What a finish!
Before or after?
Charley' s giving us the eye I
and they're offl
Alright, fellas. who took my Nair?
A handstand on the water?
I'm afraid to let go of the edge 1
Great form gu 1
Barber, lone entry into wrestling sectionals; however,
5 Years
Team Best
A little disappointed . Coach
Crist felt the wrestling team
could have done better this
year. But the Spy Staff is quite
pleased and proud of a team
which sent three wrestlers.
Tom Oster, Rick Boylard. and
Bill Barber. to the Regionals at
Tremper on Feb. 9-1 0 . Of the
three. Bill Barber went on to
Sectionals after securing a
gold medal for the 1 32 lb.
class .
1 5-9-0
Rick Bolyard
1 5-8-1
Tom Oster
1 5-6-3
Bill Barber
Russ Ter.:--essen
Bill Nichols
Varsity, Row 1: Rick Bolyard, Kerry Czarnecki, Jeff Smolik, Kim Mock, Bobby Vogt, Tom Oster. Row
2: Kevin DiCa11tri, Desi Soto, Bob Peckman, John Chalekian, Brad Menarek, Ken Holmes. Row 3:
Coach Markham, Billy Barber, Rich Iverson, John Puntillo, Tom Lichter, Lyle Stine, John Henry, Ricky
Lindstrom, Ruse Tenne1111en, and Coach Crist.
Markham and
1 55 lb. Russ Tenessen pins opponent.
Ricky J. Hummer
Senior Men
Russ Tennessen against Grant.
1 1 9 lb. Tom Oster
70-Vareity Wrestling
Some ou t standing
vars ity prospects for
the 1973- 74 season
are jun i ors Kerry
Czarnecki. Lyle Stine.
Russ Tennessen , and
Chalek i an .
Sophomores Jim
B i ll
Nichols . and Geno
Alfano . Good Luck
next year. guys. we' re
sure you ' ll make a fine
He came out the winner but looks like a loser !
.JV's, Row 1: Keith Sherron. Bob Packman , Ken Holmes. Row 2: John
Moncatch. John Henry. Rick Iverson . Dan Ruffolo .
Randy Oster vs . Horlick
B . Nichols. J . Humphreys. R. Oster. B . Vogt.
Capta ins and Coaches
Sopha, Row 1 : M ike Sinnen. J im Humphreys, Jeff Brandes. Rocco
LaMacchia. B illy N ichols. Randy Oster, Dennis Boyle Row 2: Jim
Willoughby, Keith Sherron. Geno Alfano. Dean Mehring, John Ruffolo.
Eugene Nelson. Jim Fanduzzi. Row 3: J im Gumbar. John Moncatch. V ictor
Lux . Bob Puntillo. Anthony Venci . ' Lenny' Cesario . Jack Barber, Mike Gumbar.
Outstanding sophomores . Geno. Rick and Dean
Rick Bolyard, Bill Barber. varsity capta ins.
Quick rundown of the season
W r estling - 71
Tom Phillip, State Champion in 220, Highlights Season As
Tracksters Break Four Records
1 973 Track Team Row 1: D Quinn , T Oster, D Conti, D Morgan. B
Nichole. T Ralph. R Fredericksen. R Tennessen Row 2: T Richardson . J
Moncatch, G Leineweber, D Slater. B Barber, K Czarnecki. J Heiring , J
Scheirenburg. R . Tennessen. B . Hurst. C. Jeffrey. J . Finley, M. Hoeft, G
Greno. T Phillip (state champ). Row 4: M . Nesgood. M McCarthy, G
Ingram. P lngrouille.
Fraizer, D . Boyle, R . Kangas. Row 3: M . Boero. L. Raieny. R . Crain. M .
Under the effective guidance of Head Coach Helwig
and his capable assistants, Coaches Herbert and Bunkowski,
the track team compiled a 4-1 record in dual meets, placed
4th in the conference meet. defeated Tremper 98-28, broke
four school records, and had a STATE CHAMPION
RUNNER: Tom Phillip. Tom represented us at Madison and
took first place in the 220 yard dash with a time of 22.6 . (See
special on Tom Phillip, page 259). The mile relay team, consisting of Russ Tennessen, Mike Boero. Len Rainey, and G.
Ingram. set a new Bradford record at Madison, too - with a
time of 3:25.1. but they failed to place. Gordy Greno threw
the discus 1 48' 7" but he, too, failed to qualify. During the
season Mike Boero flew 39'2 Y2" to set a new triple jump
record. and Mike Hoeft cleared 6' 1 1/2" for a new high jump
record. Tom Phillip also tied the school record in the 440
with a time of 50.6 . Yes. it was a good year for Bradford in
sports . How many schools can boast of a state champion?
Not many.
Mile Relay Team and Alternate.
Senior men Tom Oster. Gordy Greno. Mike Boero, Bill Barber. Jim Heiring.
Tom Phtllop, Mark Nesgood. Mike Hoeft. Mark McCarthy
72-Varsity Track Team
Weightmen: Chester. Gordy. and Mark.
Russ Tennessen hands off to Len Rainey.
M ile Relay runner R andy Tennessen .
Track Coaches and Managers.
Distance men : the milers and 2-milers.
Senior weightmen Gordy and Mark
Hurdler Mike Boero.
Aren ' t you proud of them?
Varsity Track- 73
Bradford's Undefeated (8-0) Tennis Team Places 7th in State
CHAMPS! Best Season 1n
The 1973 Varsity Tennis Team : Row 1: Marc Travanty. Paul Gifford. Gary
Charette. Row 2: Coach Harry Stoebe. Steve Leff. Steve Biba. Steve
Carey. Cary Ferraro. Larry Horgen . Row 3: Rex Swanson. Mike Lewis.
Chuck Hoffman . Bill Bose. Randy Skowronski .
According to Coach Stoebe. "The season of tennis at
Bradford was the best ever." The team was undefeated in the
conference (8-0). were sectional champions. and placed 7th
in State, losing only to the second seeded singles and
doubles players in the state. The four Bradfordites were Bill
Bose (singles). Steve Leff (singles) , and Steve Carey-Mike
Lewis (doubles) . To Coach Stoebe and his excellent tennis
athletes. Spy extends our warmest congratulations and
thanks for a season which put Bradford "on the tennis map."
Marc Travanty in action.
Get over there and do as I say!
74-Varsity Tennis
Varsity : Row 1: Steve Carey. Marc Travanty. Steve Leff. Coach Stoebe.
Row 2 : Mike Lewis. Bill Bose. Chuck Hoffman .
The Bradford ballet by Steve, No. 1 man .
Steve Carey -
he'll be back!
"We' re better looking than the Varsity team ."
Mike Lewis and Bill Bose set for serve .
Our No . 1 man , Steve Leff -
almost state champ I
Take that , you dirty rat I
" Hey. Coach Harry, what's this?"
Varsity Tann is - 75
Devils End Season vvith 6-6 Record, Tie for 2nd in Conference
Two Hit for Over .400
Row 1, I to r: Larry Ralph, John Kurklis. Mark Uleman . Mark Clements.
Rob Travanty, Rick Tenuta . Row 2: Coach Cibrario, Peter Bruneo. Sam
Perry, Dan Llanas. Don McNeil , Craig Schnaare. Tony Lovetro. Row 3:
K im Myers. Randy Krehbiel , Dave Hapanovvicz. Jim Yule , Lyle Stine.
Darrell Kozel.
On May 18th. the '73 Red Devils ended
their baseball season with a 4-3 loss to
Tremper. ending the season with a 6-6 record good for a three way tie for second place in the
South Shore Conference. Nevertheless. the
season had to be classified as a disappointment
because of a senior dominated lineup with
enough talent to be first-place contenders,
because of three solid front-line pitchers. and
because of bad weather and postponements .
The bright spots of the year were the hitting of
Rick Tenuta and Pete Bruneo. Other highlights
were the strong infield play of Mark Clements.
Rob Travanty, and Sam Perry. along with the
sparkling outfield play of Roy Meyers and Jim
Yule .
Coach C gives batting tips .
Team concentrates on the action .
76-Varsity Baseball
Rick Tenuta practices catching ability.
Tenuta calls right pitch against Wilmot .
P. Bruneo (.400) -
Rick Tenuta (.414) .
Coach and team captains. R . Krehbiel and C.
Red Devil battery for '73 season
The "smashing seniors" (vvho
anonymous team member.)
The "Million-dollar infielders"
Roy and Hap look over the field
Craig Schnaare (3-2)
blevv the conference according to an
Chico. Tony. and Don. the best Joke-tellers on
the team I
Varsity Baseball-77
Gymnasts Gain Experience and Recognition in South Shore
Team Places Fourth
Varsity Gymnastics team: Rovv 1: Danny Patton. Dante Conti . .John Heiring. Mike Rossiello. Peter Barca. Mike Wilson. Rovv 2: Mike Martino. Greg
Matarrese. Brett Mandernack . .Joel Coburn. Mike Boero. Dave Pekoske,
Rolf Vanleeuwen. Tim Sadlon .
The season record, 3-6. does not say nearly enough
about the effort and performance put out by our Gymnastics
team. The year brought two important things for the team :
recognition , with a fourth place conference finish. and experience; the team was well-organized and can look
forward to the return of such experienced gymnasts as
Danny Patton, Dante Conti. Dave Pekoske, John Heiring,
and Mike Rossiello . Outstanding gymnasts include Mike
Martino, all-around; Rolf Vanleeuwen, side horse and
parallel bars; Peter Barca, rings; Mike Wilson, rings; Danny
Patton. floor exercise; John Heiring, long horse. The Most
Valuable Player Award went to senior gymnast Mike Martino, our all-around specialist. In its third year as a Bradford
sport, the 1973 team is much more experienced, confident,
and skilled . Coach Larry Bunkowske said, "Our showing
this year is just a sign of things yet to come."
A pause in practice.
78-Varsity Gymnastics
.Just hanging around I (Peter Barca)
Senior gymnasts · Rolf Van Leeuwen (front), Brett Mandernack. Peter Barca. Joel Coburn. Mike
Boero. Greg Matarese. and Mike Martino.
Coach Larry Bunkowske.
Mr. Bunkowske helps student.
Excellent form during warm-up .
A little tense. strung up before a meet I
Varsity Gymnastics- 79
No Girls Qualify for State Competition but Improvement Shovvn As;
Team Gains .500 Season
Rovv 1, I tor: S . Hoaglund . J. LaSalle. B
Davis. R . Ohm. C. Winzer. D . Nelson . J. Pilligor. Rovv 2: D . Tenuta . M .
Matarrese. G Klapproth . L Stine. M . Peckus. R . Statema. S . Raaza . D Rogers. F Scalzo. S Ratliff Rovv 3: Miss
Acterberg. D. Allds . R . Schultz. L . Pade. V . Machara . J . Martin . P . Sinnen. C . Meyer. P . Olson. F. Byrd. B . Mitchell . L .
Runner Miki Matarrese
Johnson. R. Santiago. Miss Ferrell.
Rovv 1, I tor: R. Santiago. S . Ratliff. L. Stine. B . Mitchell. M. Matarrese. R . Ohm. D . Nelson. Rovv 2: C. Meyer. R .
Schultz. D . Allds. L . Pade. R . Statema. P. Olson . L. Johnson FIELD EVENTS .
Come on Chris I (Chris Winzer)
Rovv 1, I to r: S Hoaglund . S . Raaza . D . Tenuta . Rovv
2: F . Byrd . M . Matarrese. B . Mitchell. R . Ohm
Runners .
BO-Girls' Track
Although the girls' track
team did not send any participants to state. the team
showed definite improvement. Their record (2-2) and
scores gave 'backers' thrills
and hopes for the future .
Perhaps the highlights of the
year were a 54-49 win over
Tremper and placing fourth in
the regionals (Held on May
7th) by chalking up 1 8 points.
Going to sectionals were Miki
Matarese and Pat Olsen;
however. the two girls failed
to qualify for state and. thus.
the girls' track season ended.
Rovv 1, I tor: F. Scalzo. M . Peckus. B . Davis. J . LaSalle.
J . Pilligor Rovv 2: G. Klapproth . C Winzer. J. Martin . M
Matarrese. P . Olson
More Experienced Team Expected for Next Year As
Fourteen Will Return
The '72 - '73 girls' gymnastics
team consisted of six seniors.
one junior. and 1 3 sophomores.
Although we had no all-around
gymnasts . Sue Ceschin and
Kathy Predney composed
routines - but this wasn 't done
until near the end of the season .
Letter winners for this year were
(stars denote winners*) : Sue
Ceschin*. Debbie Cody*, Leslie
Thompson*. Jeannine Weidner.
Polly Sironen. and Diana Lento.
Melinda Hughes received a
Outstanding gymnasts and
their events were : Sue Ceschin.
unevens ; Polly Sironen. beam :
Leslie Thompson . unevens:
Jeanine Weidner. floor exercise
and beam . Gymnastics coach.
Miss Gayle Frary, is looking
forward to the return of junior
Jan Rompesky and sophomores
Melinda Hughes. Diane Lento.
Sitting, I tor: Diana Lento. Melinda Hughes. Kneeling: Polly Sironen . .Joy Grno. Kathy Andersen, Maria Perri ,
Polly Sironen. Jeanine Weidner .
.Julie Scherer, Leslie Thompson , .Jan Rompesky, Debbie Shields, Sue Ceschin . Standing: Coach Gayle Frary.
Julie Hillier. and Judy Chovan .
Nancy Fredrick . .Judy Chovan . .Julie Hillier, Kathy Predny, ..Jeannine Weidner, Leslie Zemezonak, Debbie Cody,
Starting with a younger team.
Sheri Swartz.
Bradford should have a more experienced team for the next few
Seniors : Debbie Shields . .Julie Scherer, Kathy Predny,
Leslie Thompson , Debbie Cody. Sue Ceschin.
Row 1 : Debbie Shields, Diana Lento, Sue
Cesch1n , .Joy Grno. Row 2: .Jan Rompesky, Nancy
Fredrick. Leslie Thompson , Polly S1ronen Row 3:
.Judy Chovan. Kathy " Smiles" Predny, ..Jeannine
Weidner, .Julie Hillier, Leslie Zemezonak .
.Judy Chovan flies over the horse
How long do I have to stand up
The girls' gymnastics team demonstrates the Domino Theory
This 1s the only way I can get over .
Girls' Gymnastics-81
Team Competes Well Despite This Season's Record; So
Swimmers Look Ahead
The pool clan I
1972- 73 Swim Team . Row 1: Kris Olsen, Debbie Ventura. Cheryl Dynasky. Debbie Ericksen.
Nancy Vaicelunas. Konise Kumizco. Janet Gardenier. Kathy Stone. Row 2: Dave Sebet1c.
Mona Schultz. Jane Meurer. LeAnn Pade. Melanie Petersen. Val Lagodich. Carol Carlson. Sue
Macht. Frannie DeRose. Coach Trudy Farrell. Of all the teams at Bradford. Spy found this to be
the most difficult to assemble and capture on film . Isn't that right. girls? Well. we tried four
different times and. finally - we gotcha I
A serious moment with the team.
Despite the 0-6 record for this year. the 1973 girls' swim team
produced some fine swimmers. Duel meets were held against Racine Case,
Park. and Horlick, and Tremper. The conference meet was hosted by Bradford at Tremper. The season yielded the following letterwinners: Carol
Carlson. Debbie Erickson. Val Lagodich. Leann Pade. Kathy Stone. Dawn
Allds. Kris Olsen. Melanie Petersen, and Knoise Kumiszco. Outstanding
swimmers were Melanie Petersen. 50 yd. breaststroke; Kathy Stone and
Debbie Ventura. 50 yd. freestyle; and Val Lagodich. diving. "This year's team
has greatly improved as compared to last year:· swim coach Trudy Farrell
said. "If we can get the girls to join teams and practice over the summer
months, things should be pretty good for next season ."
I'm not going in there!
There' s something in the pool I
It's my old war injury!
(Kris Olsen)
82-Girta• Swimming
Debbie Ericksen
Division Page-83
Student Council Revives
Dry Dock", renamed
Reef" as,
Rec-Area Reopens
Student Council members Terry Hoomes and Mike Gorman attend Student Council meeting
Student Council was very active during the
1972- 73 school year. They sponsored student exchange days each Wednesday , and doughnut sales
every morning supplying many students with
breakfast. Elections were held both in the beginning
of the year and in the middle of the school year.
Representatives from Student Council were sent to a
Student Council Workshop which took place at
Green Lake . For the last and probably most important
project, the Bradford Student Council helped to
revive "Dry Dock" a place for students to relax and be
entertained . They held a contest and "Dry Dock" was
renamed "The Reef" .
Another project overtaken by the Student
Council was the writing of a Student Bill of Rights .
The Bill was rejected by the Student Council because
of a lack of interest. Officers for this year were; Mary
Andrea, President, Val Potts, Vice-President. Robert
Vogt, Treasurer, Darlene Jenkins. Secretary and
Kathy Dosemagen, Corresponding Secretary.
Student Council goofs around before formal picture is taken.
Two council members hard at work on reviving "Dry-dock" .
84- Student Council
Ptesident Mary Andrea presides over meeting .
Row 1, I. tor.: S Bltse. B Vogt (treasurer). K Dosemagen (corresponding secretary) , M . Andrea
(President). D Jenkins (Recording Secretary) . D Gretzinger (parliamentarian) . B Barr Row 2: p
Broesch. T
Dahl , B Miller. J Winters . C Dunasky. L . Hart. L. Vaaleo. S Johnson. D Stein. D.
Robles . Row 3: T Zuehlsdorf, T Hoomes. C . Dunasky, L. Hart. L. Valeo, S . Johnson, D Stein. D.
Robles. Row 3: T Zuehlsdorf. T Hoomes, C Ruffalo, A Czajka. B Johnson, P Sinnen. J Dial, S
Bradford Takes South Shore Conference As .
Cheerleaders Cheer Team On.
The Varsity Cheerleaders fo r
1972- 73 were divided into two
squads . They are the Black and Red
squads. However the two squads
cheered together for football . During the summer the girls prac ticed
along the Lade Front stadium ,
twice a week , two hours a day.
They made over three hundred
dollars on car washes, bake sales
and candle sales . This money was
used for new basketball un iforms .
that were needed . To help promote
school spirit pep rallies were also
held in the beginning of the year
Towards the end of the year they
sold Grooming K its , to leave money
for the next years cheerleaders .
Row 1: J . Pilligor (captain) . Row 2: M . Matarese. D . Beal. Row 3: D . Tenuta . D . Sheilds.
Bradford ' s got that power! (I. Ball)
Debbi~ and
D . Barsuli .
Ah what ya say Diane?
Back just a little b it girls.
Linda stop and pose for a pie.
Hey! Gimme a V for victory ! (D . Shields, M
BB-Varsity Cheerleaders
R e d Squad . Rovv 1: D Ste in . Rovv 2: D . Faraca. I Ball Rovv 3 : L . Follak. H. K lees . J
Ra indrops are fall ing on my head (Heide K lees)
Sophomore Chee rl eaders Spl it Into 2 - Squads of 6 to Handle
Heavy Cheering Schedule
The 1972-73 sophomore cheerleaders
held an active schedule this year. For football. the twelve girls split up into two
squads with six on each to cover the Red
and Black teams . During basketball
season . they all got together to cheer for
the sophomore team in new uniforms.
Although J.V. wrestling and gymnastic
meets were many times conflicting with
other activities. the girls did their best to
support these teams. also. In spring, track
and baseball found the squad split up again
to accommodate the two sports .
Rovv 1 : F Scalzo . Rovv 2 : T P illigor. L . Chiappeta . J .
W iedner Rovv 3 : J . Chovan . L Zemezonek . J . H illier.
V . Herrmann. K Anderson Rovv 4 : L. Herolt, D . Lento .
Sophomore cheerleaders do their thing
Rink a kink a dink. your feet stink (Linda Herolt)
Sophomore Cheerleaders- 89
Bradford's National Honor Society Continues to Grovv As,
76 Members Initiated
Senior Members ; Row 1, I. to r.: M Manulik, D Erickson. C . Hansen. M. Andrea. N . Becwar. J
Willems. D Grzegorczyk Row 2: S . Pellegrino. S. Capps. B . Schliesmann . D . Marabelli . C . Dalpaos.
M Valeri. Row 3: L . Thompson . L. White. M . Houte. T Lois , T . Blise. J . Monson . Row 4: D Freitag. B
Boness. H Klees. S . Kitzmann , J. Scott. B . Panlener. M . Hoeft. B lsermann. M . Martino Row 5: J
Zahn . R . Romanowski . J Paskiewicz. G Ferch. J . Ferraro. P . Olsen. P. Barca. S . Leff. S. Shemanske.
The Honor Society's purpose of
recognizing scholastic achievement
was begun on October 11. 1972
as 76 new members were initiated.
They included twenty seniors and
56 juniors. raising the total
membership to 1 1 7 . To be eligible
for the Honor Society. one must
maintain a 3 .5 grade average for
three consecutive grade quarters.
The Honor Society nominated a
king and queen for homecoming
and worked with the Spanish club
in building a float. Later in the year.
the club set up a book fair at the
Junior Class Carnival. offered a
scholarship to a graduating senior.
and picked officers for next year.
This years officers were: Mike
Hoeft. President; Mary Andrea.
Treasurer; Renee Romanowski,
Corresponding secretary; and Connie Hansen. Recording secretary.
"Aaah. my girdle is killing me! " (Steve Leff)
Junior Members : Row 1, I. tor.: W . Sahs, L . Vittori, J . Mleczko, D Hoaglund, J . Komkven .
Row 2: B Lea. K Gulbransen, K . Haubrick, N Vaicelunas, P. Bullmore. Row 3: L. Wyllie, 0
"Take my picture. I dare you" (Betty Schliesmann)
90-Honor Society
Ziz1ch . R Moeller. L . Keck. F DeRose Row 4 : S . Moffet. J . Robles . L. Valeo. G Charette. M
Kintis , M Capelli . Row 5: T Baxter. D Iverson. A. Gosselin. C Hofmann. G Hermann . T
Shwaiko Row 6: J. Leach.
Sub-Deb Ends Another Successful Vear, Highlighted by
Mistletoe-Magic'' Formal
Nancy Becwar works at Sub-Deb bake sale.
Sub-Deb and Key Club 's Homecoming Float.
Sub-Deb is one of the three girls service
organizations at Bradford that serves the school by
providing activities for the student body and the club
members itself. As in the years past, formal and informal
initiations were held early in the school year. During
homecoming the club worked with its brother club. Key
club on their float entitled, "Knock the Transmission out
of the Park."
On December 28 Sub-Deb held its annual winter
formal entitled, "Mistletoe Magic" Bake sales were held
throughout the year to replenish the club treasury . The
Row 1, I. tor.: R Chiapetta. K . Zanin . .J Willems . Row 2: .J Rompesky .
.J Hackbarth . .J Mleczko. L Olson . Row 3: D Greno. C Ruffolo. B Renzoni . K . Dosemagen Row 4: .J Crow. B Cantrell. D Prater. L . Dodson
Row 5: D Wegmann . N Vaicelunas . .J Kornkven . K Wade . Row 6: .J
Scherer. N Becwar. C Dunasky, C .Janowski . Row 7: C Dosemagen .
R . Romanowski . E Ward . S Douglass Row 8: D Summers. R Welke.
D . Primuth . .J . Weber.
year was ended with a teachers tea and a banquet which
honored the senior club members.
Other activities included basketball games, volleyball
games and swim activities with other clubs at Bradford.
The club advisor was Mrs . Upright. Elections were held
twice during the school year to determine the club officers.
Heat in Spy Room Fails to Kill Staff; Vear Ends vvith
Hurrah ! It's Done!''
Jan Weber. smiling Club Editor.
Row 1. I. to r.: P . Gerber. B Panlener. K. Roders. T .
Schmidt. J Weber. B . Rizzo Row 2 : K . DeBruin. J .
Hould. J . lsermann. J. Paskiewicz. J Garcia. Top
Row: A . Czajka .
Business Manager. Laurie Weber.
1 973 Section Editors
92-Spy Staff
1973 Spy
Editors . Janet
Bierdz and
Rosann Roders . fastest fingers
Midwest I
Our hard working staff pauses just long enough for a serious shot I
The people on this page, under the
supervision of Mr. Mlodzik, assembled this book. Only the memories of
the staff members themselves will
recall who were the "workers" and
who were the "loafers". Indeed, we
did have our work AND our fun. We
also did - and do - hope that the
fruits of our work would be appreciated by you, the reader. We
apologize for all "goofs" which the
book may contain; it was our original
intention to produce the best yearbook in Bradford's history. Special
thanks should go to Mr. Karrels. Spy's
art adviser. for his time and talent .
Without him, the book would be
much less than what it is .. . and we
hope it is. indeed. something.
Our Index Girl-Patty Gerber.
Inferno Remains Students' Organ of Written Expression and
.Journalism Adds Depth
Adviser ' s
Janet and Bruce decorate Inferno's float
Row1,1.tor.:SueShemanske. JanisZahn.ReneeRiordan Row 2: Jean Nolan . .. Rosann .. Roders . Joan Nolan
Row 3: Leonard Valeo . Kathy Peters, Chris We1denbenner.
Jay D1castri . Row 4: Keith Swartz. Rick Schiesl . Pat
Crumblis. Rod S1gmann. Tony Albano , Greg Matarrese
bie Schmauss. Pat McDonald Row 5: Dave Sturino.
Terry Maraccini. Janet Paskiewicz. Bill Barber
Row 5: Vince Chambers. Warren Dagenbach . Ron Stalker,
1, I. tor.: Pat Gerber. Debbie Tenuta . Mark
Pol1vina . Jerry Kotz Row 2: Tracy Weiss . Linda
Corrigan. Kathy McAllister. Jeff Miner, David Weidner.
Row 3: Misa Radovanovic . Bill Ellis. Pam Vengrin. Deb-
Rick Plovanic. Row 6: Don Gitzlaff. David Frick. Joe Carl1n1 .
Chief munches licorice to ease
Tom Licter. John Beets, Glenn Bllse.
Inferno, Bradford's official
high school newspaper. is
published twelve times during
the school year. Its' copy is
supplied primarily by the first and
second semester journalism
students . The teacher and adviser is Mr. Mlodzik .
The students at Bradford are
taught to be responsible for the
newspaper content which is
guided by their newspaper policy
and by their code of ethics. This.
however. does not imply that
Inferno is a lack-luster. noncommittal publication. On the
contrary. Inferno attempts to
convince. to excite. to entertain.
and to get results. To accomplish
these goals. Inferno takes
positive action in all directions:
They attempt to implement their
motto "When Truth Is In Your
Way, You Are On The Wrong
Road" in each printed piece of
In contrast to previous years.
the Inferno is now eight pages
per issue.
Row 1, I. to r.: Peggy Rasmussen . Bill Belongia. Sue
Scriver . Row 2: Greg Bloom. Brian Doherty, Linda
Breigenzer. Row 3: Mike Shipman. David Dresal. Don
McNeil . David Hornickel.
Inferno workers Joan and Kathy work
. as
Key Club's Year Highlighted vvith Corsages at
1st Mothers' N ig ht
Rovv 1 : Rick Bell. Chris B ehm. Ted Potts, Steve Carey. Rovv 2 : Walter Hayworth. Diego Centeno. Lee
Enmark. Dave Boylard. Rick Ritacca , Mike Hoeft Rovv 3 : Kirk Doerring , Roman Wojiech1wicz. Louie
Covelli Rovv 4 : Kim Myers. Bill Balcom . Randy Skronski, Charlie Enroth
94- Key Club
This year was really an active
year for Key Club . A few of their activities included a float in this year's
homecoming parade and a candidate sponsored for the 1 973
Homecoming Queen. The held a
basketball throw at the Junior
Class Carnival giving away albums
as prizes for the highest scorers of
the night.
Key Club honored all the
mothers of the Varsity basketball
players by introducing them at the
game and giving them corsages to
wear for the night.
Key Club also sponsored one of
the five finalists for the Sadie
Hawkins' Day Dance.
Key Club's advisor for this year
was Mr. Richard Gunther. a
Physics teacher here at Bradford.
The club's officers for the year
were Lee Edmark, Pres .. Louie
Covelli. V. Pres .. and Charley
Enroth. Treas.
Winning Float Tops Long List of Hi-Styles Activities As
Club Works Diligently
Someone's got to have a suggestion I
Hi-Style is one of the three girls service clubs at Bradford and is open to all junior and senior girls. For the second
year in a row . Hi-Style. along with their brother club . Hi-Y.
built a first place float for Homecoming . The theme was .
" Devils are Dynamite ."
Informal initiation took place on Halloween Day when
all new members were made to wear pajamas and carry
Row 1 : Pat Gerber. Jemma DeBartolo . Dena P1erangeli , Cheryl
Willoughby. Charlene DeCesaro, Debbie Anderson . Linda Keck. Wendy
Sahs, Kathy Ogren . Debbie Cafferty Row 2: Denise Rogers (President) ,
Kathy Kovak . D iane Sturino. Barb Hubbard . Darlene Jenkins. Lola
Lochanski . Debra Bouse. Linda James. Beth Bockeloh . Sandi Pelt Row 3 :
Kathy Peters
trick or treat bags .
The club also prepared a food basket for a needy family for Thanksgiving . held two bake sales. and continued the
tradition of the lollipop sale . They also participated in the
Junior Class Carnival by sponsoring a booth.
Hi-Style has two banquets during the year. one in the
late fall . and the other at the end of the school year.
Joan Nolan . Mire Lochanski , Mel Petersen, Jean Mazzarell1. Dawn Perroni
(Corresponding Secretary), Terry Lois (Bouncer) . Anne N1ccola1. Sandy
Cross. Jan Martin . Sharon Martin (treasurer) Row 4: Kathy Peters. Miki
Matareese. Sue Donnell. Donna Kramer. Lisa P1eranton1 . Merle Anderson .
Carol Oliak. Laura Goodare. Liz Diamante, Jay DiCastri (Vice-President) .
Russ Tennessen
Heiring, M Jackson . R Fredrickson. T.
Puntillo. R Vanleeuwen . Rovv 4: J Heiring , M
Rovv 1. I. tor.: R Tennessen . Rovv 2: J
Smith Rovv 3: M
Wilson . J
Lewis . B Bennet. D Slater Rovv 5: G Herrmann . P lngrouille, L . Stine. M
Mr. Glynn, adviser
Bradford Benefits from Club's Activities As
Hi-V Has Busy Vear
Hi-Y service club once again
proved to be one of the most active
clubs at Bradford as they started
out the year with their annual kick
off dance.
Some of their other contributions included: a booth at the
Junior Class carnival. a dance
presented during the middle of the
year. and. together with their sister
club. Hi-Style. they had the winning float in the homecoming
parade .
In talking to the club's president.
Spy was informed that Hi-Y's
members were pleased with their
accomplishments. The club's Key
officers for this year were: G. Herrmann. President; and M. Meyers.
Greg Herrmann
"Step right up to the wheel of fortune ··
K-Teens Sponsors Successful Sadie Hawkins Dance As
Tradition Continues
Front Row, left to right: Linda V ittori. Doreen Rizzo . Karen Haubrich.
Cheryl Burrow. Ten Prudom . Diane Jantz. Row 2: Debbie Barsuli (Recor-
Waller. Row 3: Mary Witt (Corresponding Secretary), Linda Fischer. Pam
Broesch. Linda Richter (President). Gisella Lilla (Historian)
ding Secretary). Carol Bashinsky, Laurie Colline. Vickie Zimmerle. Patty
Once again . K - Teens had a busy year. Entering a float in the Homecoming
Parade. bake sales. and donating Thanksgiving baskets to needy families were
some of their activities .
To spread Christmas cheer. the club also decorated the main hall with a
Christmas tree .
The highlight of the year was the annual Sadie Hawkins dance
"BARNYARD MERRIMENT" with Marryin' Sam attending .
To end the year they had a Senior Banquet during which they awarded a
scholarship to a graduating member.
Advisor. Mrs Gober. and friend
Christmas bulbs .
. bah humbug I
Mr. Vervvey Guides Athletes Through Another Vear As
B -Club l<eeps Growing
Peter Olsen. President
R ow 1, I. tor.: K . Swartz. R . Travanty. N Vanchena . R Tenuta . J
Llanas . G Matarrese. C Weddel . L . Piehl. M
Puntillo. D Gannaway. R Bolyard. D .
Sinnen . S Leff Row 2: J Yule . D Sebetic. T Smith . G Greno.
R Vanleeuwen . C Wendricks. P Olsen . T Roberts . T Phillips. J Heiring Row 3: D Hapanowicz. M Boero.
M Nesgood. D Nelson . M Hoeft. E Wambolt. J Beets
Mr. Verwey. Adviser
Row 1 , I. t o r.: M Harkness . J Humphreys. N . Vanchena . S Carey. K Czarnecki . M . Travanty. D Patton. M .
Wilson . Row 2: R Tennessen . D Warnock . C Enroth . R Fredrickson. D Soto H Vahrad1an Row 3: S
Selesk1 . M Lewis. R Crain. C Mahone. B Bennett. P lngrouille. G Herrmann . J Heide.
Al . you ' re so cute I
Bradford's B-Club is an organization for all boys who
have lettered at least once throughout the school year. This
year. the club raised money for the various athletics by selling
candy at the basketball games.
Because of this. the basketball team received new uniforms in the middle of the season .
B-Club ended their successful year with their traditional
all-sports banquet. The club's officers are as follows : Peter
Olsen. President; Anthony Louetro. Vice-President; and Randy
Krehbiel . Secretary.
98 - B - C lu b
"Ooh. this game's too much I"
Language Clubs Hold Sales, Sample Foods from Respective Lands As;
Language Becomes Real
French club advisor. Mr Richard Sacco
Row 1: Leslie Thompson. Terri Dummer. Barb Lea. Donna Staff. Tina Curnes. Mr. Sacco. Elayne Trocheck.
Ross Castana. Lydia Sqafranski . Row 2: Ruth Chiapette, Dave Brunet. Terry Olbrys . .Joy Grno. Patti White
Row 3: Lori Lukavvski , Felecia Bruch. Ann Zievers . .Jolene Dummer. Nancy Story, Barb Boness. Dorothy
Pivovar . .Jeanne Korkven . .Jack ..Johnson . Carol Ritacca . Row 4: Bonnie Barr. Renee Romanovvski , Mike
Gorman. Terry Maraccini. Debbie Shields.
Karen Knutson . Nita Bitter. Rita Welke.
Karen Wade .
This year Bradford's German
Club consisted of six members. The
club traveled to the White Oaks
Restaurant in Burlington for a German meal with added German atmosphere.
In March the club participated in
the Junior Class Carnival where
frankfurters were sold by members
of the club and interested members
of the German classes.
The German club (and members
of the classes) also attended a test
in Whitewater where students
were able to watch spoken German
put into action .
During the school year German
Club also sponsored a bake sale.
German club's student officers
were Keith Colby. President. Karen
Wade. Treasurer. and Rita Welke.
This years' German club advisor
was Miss Michele Larson.
This year Cercel Francaise was
very active. The French Club built a
float for homecoming and called it
"With A Little Black and Red
They sponsored the annual jail at
the Junior class Carnival also .
French club held a banquet for the
senior members of the club and it
proved to be a real success . Twenty
seniors were treated to a meal of
soupe a l'oignon . coq au vin quiche
lorraine. haricot vertes. and crepes
The French club also held
several bake sales during the year
to raise funds . Interested students
were able to visit the Renoir Exhibit
at the Chicago Art Institute this
Spring . Again this year the French
club gave its annual scholarship to
a senior. The officers this year were
Debbie Shields. Pres.. Barb Leo.
Sec .. Terry Maracinni, V. Pres .. and
Leslie Thompson. Treas .
Mark and his buddies trapped 1n the successful French Club
Spanish Club's School Vear Highlighted by Week Long
Easter Tour to Mexico
Row 1: Mrs. R. Mondragon. R. Santiago. D. Salituro. J . OConnor. M.
Lochanski. A Lebron . S Fandos. Row 2: L Lochanski . B . Bocheloh. C.
Stringer. P Falduto. R . Freehott. G . Lilla (Treasurer) . Row 3: L. Richter. M
Andrea . T. Noto. P . Paps , P. Schaller. D Mink. Row 4: M Jo Capelli . E .
Ward (President). D Perroni (Vice President). J . Paskiewicz
The Spanish Club has sponsored many fine activities again this
year. They include the building of a
Homecoming float and nomination
of Davvn Perroni for queen . They
held a number of bake sales and
taco sales. During Christmas they
donated a food basket to a needy
family. Their nomination for "D aisy
Mae" this year is Linda Richter.
Spanish Club members also enjoyed a svvimming pool party during the year.
Spanish Club has taken tvvo
significant trips this year. One to
the Matador Restaurant in
Milvvaukee and the other to Mexico
City and Acapulco during their
Easter Vacation.
Mrs. Mondragon supervises meeting .
1 DO-Spanish Club
Club member Dawn Perroni and friend
Buying, Selling, Pricing, Designing, Traveling, BHS's
D.E.C.A. Never Still
Row 1, I tor: S . Schlitz, L. Frederick. Row 2: T. Bobusch, H . Bane. D . Fenk.
M . Krome . W . Gilliam. C . Mehring. Row 3: P . Bruneo, W. Gatson .
D.E.C .A . is a service club for seniors . In class the
students studied buying, selling and pricing merchandise,
computed payrolls. made window displays and counter
displays, designed and constructed newspaper advertisements, studied proper use of credit and studied about
insurances. The students also did pen lettering and held
discussions on various topics involving marketing .
Out of class the students had more activities. They
work at jobs as part of the program . They participated in
many field trips also. They visited the Milwaukee Journal,
WTMJ and WTMJ-T.V .. American Motors, Nestles
Chocolate factory, Ocean Spray Cranberry Plant and the
Kenosha Credit Bureau .
The D .E.C .A . club also ran candidates for Homecoming King and Queen . Daisy Fonk and Peter Bruneo were
crowned Homecoming King and Queen .
D .E.C.A .' s own Peter Bruneo and Daisy Fenk. Homecoming king and queen .
Bradford Students Greet People at Auditorium Doors, As
Ushers-Usherettes Keep Busy
U s h e re tte capta in. D
museum lectu re
Row 1, left line, b. to t. : Mr M lodzik. club adviser. T.
Oster. J . N olan . D Raabe . G Gi lmore Row 2: J O ' Co nnor.
A Lebron . L . Hart. L Lochanski . A Gosselin. B Belong ia .
Raabe. pau ses d u ring
T e am B c lown s around ! D
M c Allister n ot 1n g roup sh o t .
Raabe . K
Ushers Club is a service club for Bradford High School and the community of Kenosha. This year. Mr. Mlodzik supervised the work schedule
of the club when the school and community needed the auditorium for
concerts . plays. lectures. travelogues. etc. The club was divided into two
teams to make the work load easier for the student volunteer members.
The club exists for service alone - members sell and collect tickers, distribute programs. and co-ordinate their activities with the Stage Guild to
ensure promptness and efficiency for successful school and community
performances in the auditorium . A monetary reimbursement is given to
each member of the Stage Guild and Usher Club for each activity (excluding school activities) during the school year.
Ecology Club, Bradford's Newest Organization; Student
Show Environmental Concern
The purpose of the Ecology
Club is to give its members an
opportunity to learn more about
our community's environmental
problems and to take an active
part in attacking them . At its
weekly meetings suitable projects are planned and worked on .
This year the members have
designed and displayed posters
with ecological themes. worked
to increase the use of the city's
Recycling Center. and conducted
a survey of the area's restaurants
and taverns to determine how
water bottles from these establishments may best be made
available for recycling . It also has
worked on plans for an Earth
Day observance at Bradford.
The club's advisor is Mr.
Charles Knickrehm.
Seated: N Bitter. (Pres .). Row 1: M
Lowe. P Naydihor
1 02-Ushers and Ecology Club
Daves. D Parise. K . Johnson. J . Dahlberg. L Sward . Row 2: R . Negri , B
BHS's .Jazz Ensemble's Reputation Grovvs Finer As.Group;
Plays for Educators
Row 1, I tor: Mike Mitka . Dave Lewis , Rick Bell, Dave Topolovec.
3: Diego Centeno. Lee Edmark, Randy Skowronski . Greg Stein, Jerry
Rick Sadlon . Mark McCullough Row 2: Rick Ritacca . Jeff
Radeuchel. Paul Spiroff. Dave Bolyard. Jim Truax. Tony Albano. Row
Mateucci , Jeff Kahl , Charly Enroth. Cliff Tomlin . Ed Potts, Todd
The Jazz ensemble
conducted by Mr. Alex
Sabo began their year
workshops or practices every Tuesday
and Thursday at Bradford. Their first concert
was held at Marquette
University on February
On March 28. JE
hosted the clinician
who they were to
work with the next
day ; Buddy Brisbois.
The concert. given at
Bradford played to a
crowd over 800. The
next day the ensemble
was the only high
school jazz ensemble
to give a clinic
demonstration at the
M us i c Ed u cat ors
National Convention
in Milwaukee.
played charts written
mainly by Count
Ferguson. Count Basie
Buddy Rich and Stan
Mike. Paul. Jeff. Woody and Mark. the Saxophone Section. (I tor)
Greg. Dave. Randy, Lee. Rick . the Trumpet Section (I to r)
Buddy Brisbois does his thing. and
Mike, Dave. Jerry, Bill the Rhythm Section. (I to r)
boy. can he do it 1 ! !
.Jazz Ensemble-103
Bradford's Avvard-Winning Symphony Band's Highlight
Band Takes All Firsts;
Row 1, I tor: R ick . R ick. D iego. Row 2:
Marc ia. C y ndy Row 3: Randy. Dave.
K irk . Row 4 : Lee. K im and Rex .
Row 1, I tor: S . Douglass. C. Hansen. C . Weidenbenner. J . Weber. J . Nolan. S . Hrupka . Row 2: J . Scott. T
Fliess. D . Primuth . V . Zimmerle. S . Mandernack. L. Covelli. J . Gleasar. M . Houghton. C . Claurer. Row 3: D .
Secor. M . Barosko. T . Prudom . S. Villup, B . Johnson . K . Boness. D. Cody. S . Moffett. K . Stengert. L. Thompson .
V. Lagodich . Row 4: J . DiCastri. L. R ichter. G . Klapproth , J . Ross. K . Grimes. R. Rittaca. M . Mattson. C . Larson.
L. Edmark. D . Bolyard . Row 5, standing: D . Lewis. M . Capelli . C . Wendricks . J . Matteucci. D. Maurer. H .
Vahraidian . J . Claurer. S . Talbert. K . Patty. N . Vaicelunas. L. Lukawski. B . Doherty. J . McCarthy.
Row 1, I to r: Ed Potts. Tim Zuehlsdorf.
Row 2: Bill Balcom and Tom Oster.
Row 1, I to r: Debbie Cody. Kevin Boness. Beth Johnson .
Row 2: Scott Moffett. Karen Stengert. Row 3: V . Lagodich. L.
Row 1, I to r: Julie. Tina . Row 2:Jim.
Louie. Cliff. Row 3: Todd. Jeff.
Thompson .
The Bradford Summer Recreation Band began their award winning summer
with the traditional trip to a camp where they perfected their music and learned their
prizewinning field drill . Camp was held at St. John's Military Academy in Delafield.
Wisconsin . As a result of their hard efforts here, the band was undefeated in all contests entered. They placed first at the Plainfield Music Festival. Cedarburg Music
Festival, Kenosha Music Roundup and received the Governors Trophy at the State
Fair. These were only a few of the awards received by this outstanding musical group.
Probably their highest honor was the invitation they received to appear at
Disneyworld 1n Florida . They traveled to Florida in July and appeared at Vero Beach
and Disneyworld.
The school year activities began with the Winter Concert. The band hosted the
Woodwind Quintet from UWM . The students greatly appreciated the clinics which
these five professionals gave. The band participated also in the traditional Band-0Rama and music contest where they again received a superior rating . The band then
finished off their productive year with a Spring Concert on May 19.
104-Symphony Band
Row 1, I to r: Dave. Mary. Buzz. Row 2:
Mike. Dan. Craig.
of Vear, a Week's Trip in July to Disneyvvorld in Florida
Wins Governor's Trophy • • •
Row 1, I to r: P . Rassmussen . K . Harp, J. Weidner. A. Hodal. L. Bullmore. Row 2: J . Nolan. A. Valo, F.
Workman. R. Oster. C . Dunasky, N. Horton . Row 3: T. Albano. M. Hoeft. M . McCollough, B . Casey, J .
Raduechel, R . Sadlon. D . Gretzinger. P . Bullmore. Row 4: D . Centeno. R . Skrowronski. G . Stein, R .
Kellman. K . Fonk. R . Alderson . L. Piehl, J . Kahl . T . Richter. J . Truax. C . Tomlin. J . Mico. T . Dahl. Row 5: B .
Lukawski, P. Olson, J . Grno, M . Getchmann, J . Rompesky, A. Sabo, Director.
Left: Mike Hoeft. T op to Bottom : Tony
Albano. R . Sadlon . J . Raduechel , M.
McCollough, B . Casey.
Le ft to R ight: Cheryl , Pat. Debbie, Nancy.
Row 1, I to r: Annette, Peggy, Connie. Row 2 :
Sheryl, Julie. Row 3 : Chris, Laurie, Janine.
Row 4 : Louie, Sharon. Row 5 : Jean, Cathy,
Row 1 : Connie, Pat, Mary. Row 2 : Randy, Fred , Ron ,
Row 1, I to r: Vicki. Teri. Row 2 : Debbie, Jay.
Linda . Row 3 : Diane, Terese, Jennie. Row 4 :
Janet, Gail. Debbie. Row 5 : Scott.
Symphony Band - 105
Concert Band Under Nevv Director, Mr. Sabo; Quality
High , As
Music a t
BHS Excel ls
The Mary D . Bradford
Concert band . directed by Mr
Alex Sabo began their year with
a Winter Concert on the 28th of
November. Their next performance was at Band-a- Rama on
February 24th and 25th . On
March 24th the concert band
performed at the District Group
contest at Tremper. Here the
band performed three numbers.
one march . one required piece.
and another prepared number.
Their last performance. a spring
concert. took place on May 8th .
It was another eventful year for
the Concert Band .
The Concert Band combines
with the Symphonic Band during the summer months forming
the Mary D . Bradford Summer
Recreation Band . They perform
at football games . basketball
games. and in various parades
during the year. Due to the increase of music students at
B radford. the Concert Band has
also increased considerably .
They are. as are all the musical
groups at Bradford . an exceptional group .
Row 1 , I. tor .: J Winters . B Miller. J
Hradsky. C . Hofmann . Row 2 : P . Spiroff. D Zak . J Brunner. R . Seitz. W
Haworth . P Lehrke . L . Denig Rovv 3 : K Piehl , E . Nelson . C Andrews . R Blaisdell . E . Ranedell . C . Enro th . T.
Zuehlsdorf. K Czarnecki Rovv 5 : M Putrow. A Sabo
Rovv 1, I. tor .: J Holzman. P Capelli . P VanStrien . C Carlson . Rovv 2 : L.
Welling , D . Tenuta . M Hoeft. G Zak . S Carlson . D Summers. S . Fredrick.
Rovv 3 : J
Dummer. R Guzman .
1 06- Concert Band
D Christman . G Pecazo, J Chromcik , G
Leineweber. B . Vogt , J Fieramosca . Rovv 4: T Paone. R . Bell. R D avis. V .
Casteel . R Pallamolla . S Waller.
Bradford's Orchestra Ends School Vear Playing at '73
Graduating Exercises As;
Mr. Blacl< Lights Musical Ways
Row 1, I. tor .: L . Olson. B Lura. P . Olson. P . Pierce. F. Dennee. P Lehrke. B . Young , 0 . Jenkins.
Row 2: D Fnck. P Kruger. J Clauxer. B Wiersum. L Stine. G Sharpe. L Hansen. D . Matic. D
Slater Row 3: J Nolan. V Zimmerle. D Primuth. C We1d enbenner. S Douglass. C Hansen. L
Covelli . J . Glaeser. C . Dunasky. D Gretzinger. Row 4 : S . Moffett. D Cody , L. Thompson. V
Lagodich . R . Skowronski . D Centeno Ill . C Tomlin . J Truax . T Oster Standing : M Mitka. Mr
Black. K Knutson . R Maier
The Orchestra conducted by Mr. William Black began its year with a Winter Concert on November 2 8 . 1 972 .
They then held a shirt sale to raise money for a concert trip to Madison. They traveled to various J unior High
schools to acquaint the students with the music programs at B radford . They also performed at the O rchestra
Festival on April 28 . Their Spring Concert was held along with the Concert Band on May 1. 1973 . They ended the
year with their traditional performance at the graduation ceremonies held at Carthage College .
Trident Presents Some Enchanted Evening" April 13-15 As
Club Shows Swim Sl<ills
Coming right up.
Holly doing a vvalk-over.
Val doing her thing .
Sue and Peggy.
Hats off to you !
This year's vvater shovv vvas presented on
April 1 3 . 14. and 1 5 at 8 o'clock in Bradford 's
pool. The 33 girls svvam to the music of Rogers
and Hammerstein . The M .C .' s for this year's
shovv vvere Peter Olsen and Tom Smith . For
three consecutive evenings the shovv drevv
capacity crovvds . Val Lagodich . vvho placed third
in the state. gave the crovvd a special treat by
performing her state solo. The advisor for Trident is Mrs . Hammond . vvho much to the
sadness of the group. vvill not be returning as
advisor for the group next year.
One M C of the evening , Peter.
1 OS-Trident
. --
- ..
~ - .... _....
Here I go. ready or not.
. ,_ ......
- --
left-Right: Linda Olson . Connie Hansen . Patty Bullmore. Nancy
Vaicelunas. Jane Hackbarth . Jeri P illigor. Janet Gardinier. Janet Williams .
Joan Piasecki , Nancy Frederick. Cindy Yandre. Diane Faraca. Sandy Cross.
Kris Olsen . Julie McCarthy. Holly Harmsen. Donna Kramer. Linda Griffin .
Val Lagodich . Peggy Rasmussen. Sue Donnell . Nancy Horton. Vicky
Roders. Barb Griffin. Sue Macht. Cindy Burke. Teri Pilligor. Debbie
Erickson. Connie Clauer. Fel icia Bruch
Trident members performing their skills .
Connie Hansen and Debbie Erickson.
M .C . Mr. Tom Smith
David Sebet1c clowning around
Here's a little push to get you started
Black Student Union Gives Effort, Time, to Shovv Role of
B lack Brothers, History
Sadika thinks .
Row 1: Sadika Razaa . Row 2, I tor: V . Reece, D . Nelson, T . Marks, K . Doss. T . Bennett,
R . Anderson , V . Johnson. Row 3: D . Beal, E. Harmon, F. Byrd , C . Frazier, W. Lymore, P.
Riley . Row 4: C . Jackson, D . Famous, J. Jackson. W . Gatson, M . Chapman. K. Chapman, M . Thompkins. D . Cunningham, T . Brown. Not Pictured : L. Johnson .
The Black Student Union was organized two
years ago at Bradford and has developed into one
of the most active clubs in the school. The purpose
of the Black Student Union is to give the student a
new concept of the Black Brothers and his role in
African and American History. It also tries to make
school a more pleasant place to come to .
The Black Student Union is a major branch of
the Kenosha Black Caucus which deals with the
economical , social, educational. and political situation of Blacks in Kenosha. Other activities which
the B .S .U . engages in are : Producing activities for
the Annual Black History Week. Candy sales and
dances in predominately Black areas, and attempting to bridge the communication gap between
teachers and Black students which include weekly
discussion sessions.
The club advisors were Jerry Grimes and
concerned Black parents. Meetings were held
weekly with very good results.
President Keith Chapman (left) presides over meeting.
11 0 - Bleck Student Unio n
Black Student Union goofs around .
Booster Club Promotes Spirit and Interest As they Deal In
Popcorn, Posters, Pop
Row 1: Diane Faraca. Tina Denning . Row 2 : Sharon Kitzmann .
Heidi Klees. Debbie Barsuli, Jeri Pilligor. Row 3: Mary Campagna.
Cheryl Willoughy. Diana Stein . Miki Materrese Row 4: Beth Hermann. Cindy Dalpaos, Betty Schliesmann . Row 5: Leanne Johnson . Wendy Wight , Debra Beal . Mary Yurgs . Row 6: Ann Zievers,
Lois Dosemagen (His .). Kathy Blise. Vicki Downie. Row 7: Mary
Getschman . Renee Romanowski (Pres). Lois Maxwell (Treas .).
Linnea Hansen Row 8: Debby Tenuta , Judy Schemenauer (Sec .).
· carol Dosemagen. Cheryl Jankowski (V Pres .). (Official rooster
booster sports announcer) . Row 9: Edna Ward . Robin Reed
Our "Panther Pancakes" Homecoming float? Papier mache up to our elbows? All
those crash panels made by Lois & Co. ? Popcorn. posters, megaphones and more popcorn?
Long bus trips? Blowing up 200 balloons? Santa Clause at our Christmas Cookie
Bake Sale? Green cupcakes at the St. Patrick's Day Bake Sale? Corsages for the basketball
players' mothers? Backwards Days during "Beat Cornfield High Week"? Homeroom poster
contests and records at half time of the Tremper game? King, queen, and Daisy Mae
nominees? Mrs . Ferrell persisting "Renee, do we have chaperones?" Changing the school
calendar on Monday mornings and running out of "i's" . The loud cheers that ended our
meetings? Daily Booster-Rooster Sports announcements? Pennies. tickets . decorations
and ballots for the Ten Most Wanted Men Dance? Remember being in Booster Club?
Booster Club-111
FutureTeachersClu bChanges Name to Student Action Club but
Jobs Remain Unchanged
Row 1: J Jones. M Carr. P . Capelli , D . Salituro. E Bodven (vice pres.). T
Dummer, Mr. Christman (advisor) . Row 2: D Monk, R Daves. L . Ruffalo.
S . Parrish . M . Andrea , T . Noto, L. Lochanski . Row 3: B Lowe. M . Wade. J .
Rei c h . D Summers. M Scarlato. J . Wade . R Hopkins
The Student Action Club, formerly the Future
Teachers of America. sponsored many activities this year.
The club attended the state F.T.A . convention on March 31,
1 973 at Cardinal Stritch College in Milwaukee. Student Action Club also held two bake sales which were both
successes. The club also held their annual Teacher' s Tea on
February 14 in front of the teacher's lounge. The club also
participated in the Homecoming activities and the Junior
Class Carnival. Overall. the club's year was quite exciting
according to the members.
This year's officers were; Debbie Mink, president;
Elaine Bodven. vice-president; JoAnn Mleo. secretary; Mike
Wade and Jennie Wade. Treasurers; and Terri Dummer.
historian .
Student-Directed Plays Head Off Busy Vear for Drama Club
Plans for 74 Underway
Look out for the bird . Randy Gunderson.
Row 1, I tor .: Tina Curnes. Jan Martin. Kitty Zanin , Janet Hudson. Nina Hunter.
(Pres.). Center. Bi ll Belongia. Row 3: Dawn Perroni . Rose Hopkins. Randy Gunderson. Edna Ward
A star is born. B ill Belongia
Drama Club's main purpose is to become involved in and gain an understanding of plays . The
group does many things together that the school
does not realize but there are a few they do see. One
example was the "3-one act plays" that they
presented . They were directed by Janine Hunter and
Randy Gundersen as an independent study project ;
their advisor was Mr. Gary Shaver. The cast of their
presentation included Randy Gunderson, Janine
Hunter. Betty Lura. Tina Curnes, Bill Belongia. Marge
Valeri. Dawn Perroni, Steve Carey, Chris Michalski .
The Drama Club also presented a spring play. The
club meets on every other Wednesday where they
discuss the many different kinds of plays.
See how young it makes my hands look.
Drama Club-113
Bradford's Fall Forensic Team Sets School Record at State-
Spring Team Gets 5-A's
The Forensics Club is a very active club at Bradford . Just to mention a few things that they did to
make Bradford known : In the fall they went to sub
district competition with the play THE LARK, they
received an A . Two weeks later, to district, another A.
So then on to sectional. a higher class of competition.
they pulled through with another A. Then they went
to State and received A B . Great job Brad . Forensics
Peter Olsen a man of all season' s.
Rovv 1: Paula Capell i, Mary Jo Capelli, Perry Lehrke. Standing: Peter Olsen . Rovv 2:
Lola Lochanski, Tina Curnes, Alan Petersen . Rovv 3: Rose Hopkins. Edna Ward. B ill
Belongia. Rovv 4: Nina Hunter. Randy Gunderson. Kity Zanin.
I can rehearse my speech anywhere. Rose Hopkins
114-Forenalca Club
Rest your head upon my shoulder. Pres. Nina Hunter
FBLA Sends Eight Delegates to State Convention As
Members Study Business
Future Business
Leaders of America is
a club open to any student who has had at
least one business
This year the club
traveled to Green
Lake. Wisconsin . to attend the State FB LA
convention . Governor
Patrick J. Lucy, who
proclaimed the week
of February 1 1 -1 7 as
National FBLA week.
was guest speaker at
the convention . In
order to cover expenses for the trip. the
members sold Tom
Watt kits. which contained miscellaneous
Row 1: Cheryl Jankowski . Mary Campagana. Kay Barnes.
Treasurer. Mira Lochanski . Sandy Capps Row 2: Mrs
Holy, Advisor. Betty Schliesmann. Vice President. Mary
Yurgz. Linda White. President. Noreen Novak . Secretary.
Rosa Canales
V.l.A. Gives $50 Scholarship to Deserving Student and
Brightens Easter
The YIA. formerly known as
the Red Cross Club . serves
Kenosha and the Red Cross
Chapter. Each year the club gives
out a $50 scholarship to a
worthy student. The money for
this scholarship is received
through membership drives. The
club also worked on some
friendship boxes to brighten the
Easter season for some children.
Although not very active this
year. the YIA hopes to become
more so in the future.
Row 1 : Lori Casette. Pam Pierce. Mary
Campagna. Theresa Noto. Mary Andrea .
Darlene Jenkins. Debbie Erickson. Presi-
dent Steve Bishop Row 2: Ms
Magada . Advisor . Cindy Dalpos .
Secretary , Betty Schilesmann . Vice
President . Laura Goodare . Cheryl
Jankowski. Renee Romanowski. Mary
Scarlato. Treasurer
FBLA & YIA-115
Library Aides Lift Workload of Librarians Thru Services, As,
Books l<eep Shuffling
Rovv 1: P Bartholomew. P Sironen . F Scalzo. L . Vittori . D Oberholter
Rovv 2: D Salituro. G Ratliff. K Nutim Rovv 3: K Zanin . M Andrea , J .
Dahlberg . Rovv 4: K Tucholl . T Noto. L . Maxwell . D . Linstroth . Rovv 5:
M S c a lato, J
L1ndstroth .
Quinn. C Soronen Rovv 6: J . Giannola, T Zuehlsdorf, D .
Mrs. Elsie Zadkovich (Chairman)
Library Aides is a service club
formed to help out the librarians
throughout the school year. Each aide
puts in many hours working in the
library. Their jobs consist of covering
books with protective covers. shelving books and magazines. running
necessary errands related to library efficiency, and finding information and
helping students whenever the need
arises. These aides get very little credit
for the fine job that they do. To these
aides the Spy staff says 'thanks';
perhaps, each of you know that a
library is but the soul's burial ground .
That. indeed. would be reward
I love vast libraries. yet there is a
doubt. If one be better with them or
without.Unless he use them wisely. and. indeed. Knows the high art of what and
how to read. (.J . G. Saxe)
Students use library wisely
116-Library Aides
Students Volunteer Time to Keep Bradford Halls Orderly and Disciplined
Five Advisors, Seven Monitors
Mr. W illiam Moebius
Mr. Thomas Roders
The teachers who supervise this
years Student Building Supervisors. are
Mr . William Moebius , Mr . David
Ellingson . Mr. Thomas Roders . Mr.
Malcom Young . and Mr . Henry
McCarthy. During lunch hours. Mr.
Young and Mr. McCarthy keep order in
the Annex halls.
These Student Building Supervisors
volunteer their time. study halls and
lunch hours. to maintain order in the
halls. They quiet students who are in the
halls, so those who are in classes will
not be disturbed . Passes are checked
and unauthorized visitors are kept out.
Directions are given to outsiders, and the
students act as hosts' and hostesses' to
visitors. By keeping order in the halls.
there are few thefts from lockers during
the lunch hours.
To these students the Spy staff says
" thanks" for a successful year.
Row 1 : G . Scarlato, M . Mico, G Villella , R . Crain . Row 2 : G S chro ed er. B . Y oung, M . M illard .
M r. David Ell ingson
Students Devote Time to Teach in Elementary Schools As
Nevv Club Attracts 30
Row 1, I tor.: Carol Ritacca, Pam Boyle, Terry Kimberlin , Debbie Jantz, Marina Soto. Row 2: Lavonne
Ekern, Ella G iles. Betty Casteel . Van Harmon, Terri Marks. Row 3: Janet Saundeville. Cercie Mahone,
Rudy Garcia, Rick Bridges, R ick Medina , Ricky H icks .
Thirty Bradford students devoted their time to tutor elementary students. They
went to schools during their study halls to help out the teachers . A trip to Eagle River
was taken by the students to attend a workshop which helped them prepare for the
course. Mrs. Migliano is the club's advisor.
Mrs. Migliano (advisor) protests happily.
Power Mechanics Club Scores Hit with Car Buffs As
Club Becomes Popular
Mark Clements works on machinery.
Row 1. I to r.: Greg Bloom. Scott Sorenson. Row 2: Mark Modory, Marty
Schierenberg, Dave Sebetic. Row 3: Ken Gehri, Richard Iverson.
The modern school is as superior to the little red
schoolhouse as the modern automobile is to the Model
T Ford. Today's teachers are far superior to those of the
so-called "Good old days."
Lawrence C . Derthick
118-Power Mechanics
Youth Tutoring Youth
Bradford's Nevvest Choir, Concert Choir, Is Born in 1973 and
Joins BHS's Choir Family
Row 1: Rochelle Anderson , Ramona Venci . Debbie Bouse, Tina Denning ,
Ruth Meeker, Daine Faraca . Holly Harmsen . Karen Wade, V icki Roders .
Vendy Shas. Row 2: Ruth C incotta , Jean Mazzarelli. Laurie Hart, Laticia
Whinery, Janie Meurer, Donna Kramer, Miki Matarrese. Anne Niccolai ,
Sherry Rosmann Row 3: Gary Charette, Dan Kasten , Donald Ogden , Dan
Ruffolo, Phil Specht. Tom Tully Row 4: Pau l Brackney, Dave Warnock ,
Charles Hofmann, Norman Blomquest, Robert Stevens
The dream of another exciting choir singing at Bradford became a reality. This was the
Concert Choirs' first year. Concert choir is a
mixed choir which must be made by audition;
it is a stepping stone to a A Cappella choir.
This years Concert choir consisted of thirty
juniors ; The officers of the choir were : President. Nick Subotic ; Vice President ; Gary
Charette ; Robe Chairman , Diane Faraca ; and
Treasurer, Ruth Meeker.
The choir' s year consisted of a first performance at the 1972 Christmas Choir concert
on December 1 6 . Following that was the
Choral Festival. In the Spring Music contest
in " class B" competition the choir received a
grade of 2. The last concert of the year was on
May 1 7 . The last time for the concert choir to
sing was at the 1 973 graduation exercises.
The outfits the new concert choir wore
during the year were a change of pace for a
mixed choir. They consisted of a Black A-Line
jumper and Red body suits for the girls. The
outfits were made and paid for by the girls.
The guys' attire were Red Blazers, Black
Sweaters. and Black Pants.
Thanks and appreciation go to Mr. Roger
Tweiten, choir director, for his help in creating
this choir.
Mr. Tweiten at his best.
Concert Choir-119
Bradford Singers Harmonize Way Through Yuletide Season:
Entertain l<enosha
Debbie Marabelli and Gerda Germinaro .
Anna Locante and Gary Cherette.
Sandy Cross and Tom Smith .
Sixteen singers are selected each
year to become a part of Bradford
Singers . Dressed as Charles Dickens'
era people, the Singers sing their way
through Yuletide seasons at many affairs. Before and after the Christmas
season . they are a part of the "Bradford Swingers", under the direction of
the choir director. Mr. Roger Twieten .
Row 1, I. tor.: Tanya Hayes, Gerda Germinaro, Cindy Dalpaos. Dave Sebetic, Terry Blise. Mike Gorman,
Chris Michalski . Row 2: Debbie Martin, Tom Smith , Debbie Marabelli, Gary Cherette, Anna Locante.
Steven Peterson, Linda Zicarell1, Roland Pechous.
Linda Zicarelli and Tom Smith
1 20-Bradford Singers
Terry Blise and Dave Sebetic.
The star of Christmas.
Chris Michalski and Mike Gorman
Girls' Choir Receives Excellent Rating In Class A As
Songs End'73 Vear.
Row 1 : Pat Chatilsvicz. Cheryl Willoughby, Debbie Wilson . Nancy Tars1tano , Janice Tapley. Diana Mayo. Debbie Shields . Row 2: Claudia Pitts,
Davis. Debbie Anderson . Anita
Lopez. Janet Sessen, Beth
Rockeloh , Lonnie Golsby, Mary Campagna. Kim Spitzer, Joan Sicilia . Row
3: Regina Wells . Joan Piasecki. Sandra Tucker. Nancy Story, Barbara
Heinisch , Laura Goodare, Karen Knutsen . Diane Bindelh Row 4: Cindy
Soronen, Edna Ward . Ruth Beals. Suby Beals. Merle Anderson Sandy
Stotarski . Linda Greeley. Debbie Nissen
The Girl's Choir was
quite active this year as it
won excellent rating in the
district contest held at
Tremper. The choir's activities included singing for
the Christmas concert. at
the choral festival. and
traveling to various schools
within the state where they
presented their talent. During the latter part of the
year, the girls choir participated in the Spring concert and sang for the
graduation class of 1 973 at
the ceremony.
Carol Frank and Linda Greeley
121-Girls Choir
Nevv Bradforites (Sophomores) Combine Musical Voice and Talent-Result?
First-Class 10th Grade Choir!
Rovv 1: Donna Shields. Sharon Blise. Paulette Ruffolo . Sandy Spaulding, Kathy McGrath. Laura
Phillip, Linda Martin. Brends Davis. Kim Estes. Eleanor Allen. Evelyn Reineke. Lynda Herolt. Mary
Gastaldi. Rovv 2: Pat Birchell . Leslie Zemezonak. Jane Quinn. Jeannine Weidner. Nancy Bosman.
Debbie Martin . Mary Harp. Linda Ziccarelli. Sandy Reidenbach. Renee Landeau. Jane Palmen. Barbara Braze. Ginny Herrmann . Rovv 3 : Alan Petersen. Greg Schenaring. Paul Starr. Dusan Matic.
The Sophomore Choir made their first appearance of the year by singing
at the Ch ristmas concert on December 20. Next they sang in the City Wide
Choral Festival on February 1 7 . Contest singing was held on March 24. On
Mark Nelson . Dwight Dreger. O'Neil Hudson . Mike Doss. Jim Duncan . Jeff Starr. Ken Hampshire.
Bruce Roders . Rovv 4 : Stirling Hubbard. Leon Kisielewski . Russell Kangas. Ron Parker. Tom Otto.
Don Tracy, Bruce Benhoff. Kan Maurer. Howard Goniez. Don Ling, Jola Moncatah. Norman
Ziesemer. Larry Horgen .
May 1 7. the choir held their spring concert . The choir finished the year at the
graduation ceremony on June 7 at Carthage College.
A Cappella Continues to Sing and Travel, Sing and Travel; Reviews Are Tops
A Cappella Considered #1 by Many
Row 1: Judy Crow. Jeri Pilligor. Melanie Poole, Tanya Hays. Cindy Dalpaos. Kris Winzer. Terry
B lise. Debbie Marabelli . Chris Michalski. Linda Follak. Anna LoCante. Row 2: Iris Ball . Janie
Benvenuti . Mary Jane Hansche. Sandy Cross. Barbara Boness. Kathy Doss. Barbara Lea. Sandy
Beam. Jean Frederking, April Woodward . Elaine Bodven. Row 3: David Sebetic. Jack Johnson . Joe
Pollock. Dave Pavley. Mike Borman. Don McNeil. Wade Christoffersen. Ro w 4 : Don Sebetic. Tom
Smith. Joe Ferraor. Mark Nesgood. Roland Peckus. Randy Vaccaro. Steve Petersen. Gerdo Ger-
In M id October of 1972 Bradford ' s A Cappella Choir participated in the
3rd annual Whitewater Choral Festival at the Whitewater campus . They also
participated in the traditional Christmas Concert, which featured the "Living
Christmas Tree" . Two other appearances included the annual city-wide choral
festival and the formal spring concert held in May.
To highlight the year, Bradford Choir was invited to take part in the
Ausburg Choir Festival in Minnesota from April 26-29 . The invitation was ex-
tended by Leland Sateren, director of the choir, who in early November
presented a concert at Bradford. This concert sponsored by Bradford and
Tremper A Cappella members.
At the end of the year, the choir sang specially-selected songs for graduation exercises and leads the school song for one last time, singing farewell to the
class of '73 . Good bye class!
Art Club: A Silent Minority Accomplishes Many Things As
Membership Increases
The Art Club, although it receives little publicity
during the year, has been quite active. To begin with , the
club has a meeting every two weeks. Each meeting consists of a business section from 7 o ' clock p .m . until 9
o'clock p .m . and from 9 o'clock until the meeting is over
they have a "studio" portion of the meeting during
which time students can work with the various art
materials. During the year Art Club went on two field
trips : 1) one trip to the Chicago Art Institute. and 2) one
to the Milwaukee Art Institute. In the spring, they also
had a raku party. Advisors are Mrs. Lipke and Mr.
Row 1: James lsermann (Pres.). Janie Hould. Janet Paskiewicz. David Kresal.
David Brunet. Cindy Tribur. Judy Schemenauer. Renee Romanowski, Carol
Dosemagen. Ruth Hisey (V. Pres.). Sharon Garza. Janice Gerber. Mike Grissom .
"I like the friendly atmosphere of the library."
"Ugh I Bubble gum on the floor."
"I don't mess around. HEYi"
124-Art Club
Mr. Shaver Guides Stage Guild Thru Another Year . . .
Stage Hands Necessary
Stage Guild Crew : Left to Right: Randy Oster. Jeff O ' Conner. Tom
Oster. Mark Modory, and Allen Gosselin.
T . Oster. Mr. Shaver (stage manager). B. Belongia relax before concert.
Mr. Shaver was in charge of the Stage Guild during the
1972-73 auditorium season . Mr. Soronen was his back-up
man . The purpose of the Guild is to gain experience in the
operation of all items connected with staging: lighting. sound.
curtains, etc. The club's responsibilities include the operation of
the stage not only for school performances but also for
community-sponsored activities. such as museum lectures and
symphony concerts. Throughout the school year the Bradford
auditorium is used about 70-80 times. Quite a busy place!
Because the auditorium is so active, one group that will
be a necessity for years to come is the Stage Guild . Although
the group picture on this page is quite small. it is. indeed. no true
reflection of the amount of work that these students do. Spy
congratulates them for the many long hours of stage WORK.
Chief stage hand, Tom. is also a key wrestler .
Stage Guild-126
B.H.S., Annually Entertained by Black-Girls' Drill, As
Devilettes March On!
Row 1, I. tor.: V Johnson . R Anderson . C Frazier Row 2: E Moore. V Harmon .
W . Lymore Standing: P R iley. Capt. Row 3: 0
pictured : 0 . Bennett. Q . Razaa .
Nelson . S Razaa . R Byrd Not
The Bradford Devilettes are a drill team. Their
purpose : to entertain people with their marching
precision. The girls hold semi-monthly meetings
where they discuss business matters and practice
their drills. As in the past years. they performed at
basketball games. at various school related activities
and in Kenosha's Memorial Day parade . The
Devilettes seem to improve with each year. We hope
they continue to do so.
The Devilettes Relax
1 26-Devilettes
The Devilettes in Action I
Tvvo Nevv Members Added to Board as Board Trys to
Solve Our Space Problems
Row 1, I tor: Eunice Boyer. Mrs . .Jackie F . Ball. Row 2: Carroll K Rikli . Herbert Lepp . .James Gerlach.
George Pinzger.
Mr. Otto F Huettner and Mr. Harold K . Yerkes .
Mrs. Betty Nelson. Mr. Herbert Lepp, and Mr Otto F. Huettner
Mrs Eunice Boyer and Mrs .Jackie Ball concentrate on the meeting
128-School Board
Dr Alvin .J Schumacher. Administrator of Personnel Services
Miss Evelyn Kronenvvetter Receives Spy Dedication at
Annual Honors Assembly
On Friday . May 25.
enthusiastically viewed the
annual Honors Assembly.
Thirty graduating seniors
received scholarships from
various schools and
organizations . Bits of entertainment were provided
throughout the program by
Bradford Swingers and the
Girls Chorus .
Among the several
scholarships awarded were
to : Peter Olson . U .S. Naval
Academy : Sue Shemanske.
Marquette University and
Yale University; Michael
Hoeft. Oberlin College and
Northwestern University ;
Mary Scarlato. Marquette
University and Jack Johnson . Milwaukee School of
Engineering .
Mr. Mlodzik. on behalf of
the Spy Staff. dedicated
this yearbook to Miss
who retired in June. after
teaching in the business
department here at Bradford for forty-six years .
What a tradition !
Honor Assembly -129
Principals Double for Each Other As Work Load Grovvs
Bradford Running A-Ok
Mr. Fowler
Mr. Bolyard
Mr. Herlihy
This is a story about Mr. Fowler and Mr. Bolyard interviewing a prospective teacher who was eager to join the
ranks of Bradford·s faculty. After fifteen minutes of questions
and answers, Mr. Fowler asked the applicant, " Have you any
references? "
The candidate quickly answered : " Sure, here's the
letter." It read : " To whom it may concern, John Jones worked for us one week and we' re satisfied ."
Needless to say, the job was filled by someone else.
Principals enjoy Christmas dinner.
1 30-Principals
Mr. Fowler takes time out of his busy day.
Anything Worth Doing Comes Through Work and
Office Staff Watches No Clock
Mr•. Beatrice Bockehoh, Office Quarterback
Mr. William Schumacher, audio visual coordinator
Ml•• Mery Michel•, Mr. Herlihy's Secretary
Mrs . .Josephine Bjurmen, our office registrar
Mrs. Carle Krueger, Bradford ' s School Nurse
Office Staff-1 31
Mrs . .Josephine Bjurman
Mr. Philip Bruno
Miss Dorothy Horvat
Mrs. Carla Krueger
Miss Mary Michels
Miss Mary Muto
Mr. William Schumacher
Mr. Ronnie Sllvermann
Mrs. Beatrice Bockehoh
I have succeeded in getting my
actual work down to thirty minutes
a day. That leaves me eighteen
hours for engineering.
Charles Steinmetz
Office Staff-132
" Yes. I'd be happy to listen to a line of bull."
" Don 't give me lip, just give me moneyl"
Fred Marchese Retires After 18 Years of Bradford Service but
Maintenance Work Stays
Commander-in-chief Robert Perry.
Walt Willems, all-around hanoyman .
Annex's guardian . Mr. Willie
Tony Rosko
Nightmen. Mr. Don Layton and
Mr. Miton Whyers
George Manson lowers flag after
Miss Valentine Dziatllk, worker.
school day is over.
Main Building
What a lovely way to sweep'
Jack- of-all- trades . Mr. Stan Falk.
Fred Marchese retires from Bradford I
Spy would like to extend
their annual thanks to the entire maintenance crew for the
fantastic job they do in keeping our school in its tip-top
shape. We would also like to
leave them this little note: If
you get up earlier in the morning. than your neighbor.
work harder and scheme
more. stick closely to your job
and stay up later planning
how to get ahead of him while
he is snoozing. not only will
you leave more money behind
when you die. BUT you will
leave a hell of a lot sooner.
Maintenance Crew-1 33
Mr.Dahl Heads Largest Department As English
Offers 30 Electives
Mrs. Welker , individualizing instruc-
Mr. Knick interprets lines from Shakespeare.
ti on
Mr. Richard Dahl, department chairman
""Gee. the Packers beat the Vikings
·· 1 didn't want a formal picture I"
··1 wonder if Emily was really that nutty. "'
The English teacher had a teen-age son who was
just becoming interested in the opposite sex. A nice, but
rather gawky girl of the same age had recently moved
next door and had tried to get acquainted . The teacher
noted that her son was not very enthusiastic about this.
"She's a good girl. Tom," the mother said, trying
to encourage him. "and she has everything a young lady
should have."
""You listen to me. buster."'
1 34-English Department
Mrs. Virginia Worthington
"I know. Mom," the lad agreed. "but she's like
those sentences you criticize in your classes. Everything
is there, but the construction is awkward ."
Bradford's English Department is, indeed, not
awkward . Offering courses ranging from Shakespeare
to War Hes Many Feces to Basic Composition to
World of the Mysterious . Bradford's English Department hopes that they have a course to suit every
student's needs.
Mrs. Anne Bergo
Mr. Gerald Bonini
Mrs. Anne Bredahew
Mr. Thomas Fugette
Mrs. Mary Jean Hazelton
Mr. Cherie• Knickrehm
Mias Susan Lefave
Mias Merle Megede
Mr. Ronald Mlodzlk
Mr. Lynn Schmidt
Mr. Ted Scropoa
Mr. Gery Shaver
Mr. Carl Spring
Mrs. Jeraldine Stallman
Mr. Ronald Story
Mrs. Ruth Welker
"A chair. a lonely camera in the speech
" You w i ll be happy in Forensics "
English Department ' s
greatest pest
room ."
English Department-135
Truman, .Johnson Die During School Vear.
Dept. Reflects, Moves on
"For history is more than the record of man 's conflict
vvith nature and himself. It is the knovvledge vvhich gives
dimension to the present, direction to the future. and
humility to the leaders of men. A nation. like a person. not
conscious of its ovvn past is adrift vvithout purpose or
protection against the contending forces of dissolution ."
Lyndon B . Johnson
Mr. Mervin Bianchetti
Mr . .James Giordana
Mr. George Manesis
Mr. Dan Brooks
Mr. Raymond Campbell
1 36-Social Studies
Miss Sue Hinz
Mr. Dan Brooks
Mr. Adolph Maassen
Mr. Keith Meleen
Mr. Kenneth Merrill
Mr. Raymond Campbell
Mr. Thomas Roders
Mr. Raymond Miles
Mr. Mervin Bianchetti
Mr. Richard Willard
Miss .Jacqueline Yates
Social Studies-137
Science Teaches Young Men to Think, to Recognize Ignorance_
Dept. Pushes to Excel
We just heard that an Ottawa man bet wrong on a
recent Canadian election . His opponent held him to his bet
- to eat his shirt. So the loser found himself up against an
apparently unpalatable predicament. However. he appears
to be of the same opinion as we : that chemistry can help
us do most anything . To find a safe. palatable way of
eating the shirt. the loser asked a chemist on the National
Council for advice.
He received the following recipe : "Take one cotton
shirt and burn it to a crisp in a very hot oven ; cover the
ashes . Then grill one large steak . Sprinkle shirt ashes on
steak and smother with onions . Eat shirt. steak and all'
(Chemical and Engineering News)
Mr. Richard Guenther, Physics
An eminent scientist discovered a serum which
brought inanimate objects to
life. He squirted some on an
equestrian statue. Sure
enough the rider slowly came
to life and guided the enlivened horse down from its
"Now that you have life,"
asked the scientist. "what will
you do first?"
"Well. I'm going to catch
me a pigeon and ride off with
it. When I come to a place
where nobody can identify the
bird. there's where I'll settle
down again."
Someone has suggested
that we humanize the scientist
and simonize the humanists.
Mr. Keith Winston, Dept. Chairman
138-Science Dept.
Mr. Gregory Schuett, Environmental Science
Miss Charlotte Cyzak, B iology
Mr. Robert Darula
Mr. Karakash playing a game of buckets.
Old age comes to trees, as to all living organisms. Each tree
has its life span . Gray birch is old at 40 . The sugar maple lives long,
occasionally to 500 years . Some oaks may live 1 500 years,
junipers 2000 years . A few of the giant Sequoas are believed to be
around 4000 years old .
Old trees are like old people - the infirmities of age are upon
them. They have difficulty with respiration (its rate in old plants is
much lower than in young plants). The annual shoots are not so
vigorous as they once were . Fewer wood cells are formed, annual
rings become narrower, and as the rate of growth decreases, dead
branches appear in increasing numbers.
In old trees the recuperative capacity is impaired. Wounds
do not heal so easily as before. The leaves become smaller ; their
moisture content decreases ; the tree finds it more and more difficult to provide water for its life functions; the inflow of food lags,
and life activities in general are slowed down or impaired .
But no tree has yet died of old age. Death usually is readily
traceable to such things as drought, insects, fungi, malnutrition.
destructive winds, or perhaps, a crushing burden of sleet.
Some of these causes are beyond human control. But the
lives of trees can usually be indefinitely prolonged by providing intelligent care. (The Davey Bulletin)
Mr. Richard Guenther, Physics
Mr. Donald Hofritza
Mr. Ronald Karakash
Mrs. Frances Womack
Science Dept.-139
Art Department Continues to Earn Blue Ribbons As
Teachers Demand Quality
The advanced Art 1 2A classes.
taught mainly by Mrs . Lipke and
Mr. Juopperi , worked with oil and
acrylic paintings, silkscreening , and
experimental techniques . The Art
1 2C classes worked with glaze formulation and large scale ceramic
structure . The Art 1 1 classes experimented with oil and acrylic
paintings. They also explored new
printing techniques. The 1 0 classes
worked on crayon batiks .
silkscreening , and water painting.
As Mr. Karrels was caught telling
an interested student , while
quoting Jean Cocteau. " When a
piece of art work appears ahead of
our time. it is not the art work, but
the time is behind."
Mr. Richard Karrels
Mrs . Marie Lipke
Skilled hands.
Mr. Philip .Juopperi
140-Art Department
Herbie the toad .
H.E. Dept. Adds Child Development Classes, As
Economists Increase Scope
Flavor so good. it's fit for a king I"
Mrs. Carole McGough
A young teacher. imbued with the
true spirit of her profession and aware
of an excellent opportunity to
emphasize citizenship through service
told the members of her class that we
are here in this world to help others.
The statement was well taken but one
bright girl piped up. "What are the
others here for?"
"Now remember to eat every bit on your plate!
Mr•. Loul•e Upright
" A Holiday Feast!"
Mrs. Carole McGough
Mrs. Louise Upright
Home Economics-141
Drivers' Ed. Program Always Popular with Eager Students, and
Safe Driving Is Theme
" You mean you still don't understand I"
Two cars . one from Safeway Driving School and one from
elsewhere, met on a Kenosha road just wide enough for one.
Car No. 1 . a scrawny frail little teenager. leaned out of the
Safeway window . "Turn out. you ," the teenager shouted . "If ya
don't, I'll do what I did to the last guy who wouldn't turn out for
A two-hundred pound , muscular driver in car No. 2, not
caring for trouble, pulled out. As the Safeway car rumbled by,
No. 2 yelled : "What'd ya do to that other guy?"
'Turned out for him " replied the teenager smiling at Mr.
Dolan who was rolling with laughter.
Mr. Dennis Dolan explains mechanics to class .
Mr. Dennie Dolan, Dept. Chairman
142-Drivere Ed.
Mr. Gilbert Oatman
Mr. Frederic Radtke
No Possession Can Surpass or Equal a Good Library As
Library Keeps Growing
Mrs . .Judith Miller
Mrs. Elsie Zadkovich, Dept. Chairman
Consider what you have in the
smallest chosen library. A company of
the wisest and wittiest men that could
be picked out of all civil countries. in a
thousand years. have set in best order
the results of their learning and wisdom.
The men themselves were hidden and
inaccessible, solitary, impatient of interruption, fenced by etiquette : by the
thought which they did not uncover to
their bosom friend is here written out in
transparent words to us. the strangers of
another age. (R . W . Emerson)
Mrs. Zadkovich pauses for chat with Mr. Moebius.
Mrs. Gladys Weiss
Special Ed. Dept. Makes One Idea Grovv Into Tvvo, But
Two Must Handle Task
He that has found a way to keep a
child's spirit easy, active, and free, and
yet at the same time to restrain him from
many things he has a mind to. and to
draw him to things that are uneasy to
him. has. in my opinion. got the true
secret of education . (J. Locke)
Special education aims to implant a
love of knowledge; an adherence to truth
because it is truth; a reverence for man
because he is a man: an enthusiasm for
liberty; a spirit of candor. of breadth, of
sympathy; and, above all. a supreme
regard for duty.
(H . L. Wayland.)
Mr. Robert Aceto, Dept. Chairman
Mrs. Verna Maassen
Library, Special Ed.-143
Four LanguageTeachersCarryFull Foreign Language Load
Mr. Ronald Christman, Span ish teacher.
Thrust into a strange world , a good teacher is the best
thing that can possibly happen.
A teacher is Courage with Kleenex in its pocket, Sympathy struggling with a problem , and Patience with papers to
grade. Teachers spend twelve hours a day searching for the
truth and the other twelve searching for error.
They are indispensable, invincible, and nearly inex-
Mrs . Reynaldo Mondragon, Spanish teacher.
144-Language Dept.
Miss Michelle Larson, German teacher.
haustible. A teacher really does not mind sniffles, squ irming!:
stomach aches, spills, sloth and sauciness. Neither does sh1
disintegrate before tears , trifles, fights, fut ility, excuse!:
parents who spout, boys who shout, and girls who pout.
Most of all, a teacher is somebody who likes somebod'
elses children - and still has enough strength left to go to th'
P.T.A. meeting . Thank heaven for teachers.
Mr. Richard Sacco, French teacher.
Mr . .John Cibrarlo
Ma . .Joan Hackle
Mr. Stirling Hubbard
Mr. Henry McCarthy
My uncle. helping a farmer prepare his tax return, examined his ledger. There were no debit or credit columns but
instead the entries read : "sold eggs $2.67", or "got feed,
$16.96" . Most of the items were easy to interpret. but one
reading simply saying horse $10 stumped my uncle. "Did
you buy the horse for $1 0 or sell him?" my uncle asked.
"Well", said the farmer. "its like this: I bought the horse
for ten dollars. He right away kicked down two stalls and that
cost $1 0 . Then I used him to pull a car out of a mud rut. and
got paid $10. Once I sold him for $1 0, but he caused such a
peck of trouble that I bought him back for $1 0. I used him to
take some kids for a ride and they gave me $1 0. Finally the
fool horse wandered in the road and a guy hit him and killed
him. He paid me $10. but I had to turn around and pay $10
to have the carcass hauled away . . And you know," said the
farmer. "I must of lost track somewhere. 'cause I can't figure
whether it owes me or I owe him ."
Mr. Ronald Soulek
Mr. Oakar Strobel
Ideas Adapted to Objects of Reality As Math Department
Offers Computer Courses
Mr. Strobel and Mr. McCarthy
Mr. Hubbard
Ms . .Joan Hackle
Math Dept. - 145
Business Education Helps All Bradfordites, and
Manages Ovvn Affairs, Too
Miss Lois Campbell
Mrs. Elsie Edmands
Mrs. Frances Ferrell
Mr. Patrick Glynn
Mrs. Ruth Gober
Mrs. Patricia Holy
Miss Evelyn Kronenwetter
Mr. Malcom Young
The first lesson taught in
Mrs. Holy's Business Ed .
Class is, "If a man runs out of
money. he's a materialist. If
he keeps it. he's a capitalist .
If he spends it, he ' s a
playboy. If he gets it without
working, he's a parasite. If he
gets it after a life of hard
labor. he's a fool who never
got nothing out of life."
philosophy on life. the
department also teaches typing . notehand. shorthand .
and bookkeeping to the
Bradford students.
Mrs. Holy
146-Business Ed. Dept.
Mrs Gober. Miss Kronenwetter. Mrs Krugerer
Dept. Acquires Nevv Band Director As:
BHS Echoes vvith Melody
Mr. Tweiten plays his invisible piano.
"My dog has fleas "
I don't think he can fix it. do you?
"There's only two ways to sum up music : either it's good or it's bad . If
it's good you don't mess about it; you just enjoy it." L. Armstrong
There is only one way to sum up Bradford High School's music department and that is, of course, good. With a year filled with concerts, contests,
and guest appearances and constant rehearsals, both directors and music
students are kept exceptionally busy to deliver the high quality of musical
performances for which they have been known throughout the years . This
year was no exception; thus as our headline states, the halls still do and will
continue to echo with melodious harmony.
Mr. Alex Sabo
Mr. Roger Tweiten
Mr. William Black directs.
Music Dept.-147
Early Bird" and Evening Classes Keep
Industrial Arts Busy
Mr. Edward Thomas, Dept.
Mr . .Josa Arrendando
"" Move it over just a little."'
Mr . .John Bakke
Mr . .John Hofmann
Mr. Robert Marcella
Mr . .Jack Saurela
''This time 1"11 watch you do it."'
148-lndustrial Arts
The bumptious student in the Bradford class in
woodworking was a master at one thing - telling other people
he could do it better. It soon became apparent that his talk was
a cover up for his bungling. He matched the wrong woods.
made mistakes in measurements and used the wrong tools in
wrong ways. Throughout. he chattered along, ignoring both the
helpful comments and frank criticisms of his classmates.
When he had almost completed his pride. a small chest of
drawers. he asked for advice. however. "I can't decide how to
finish it shellac or varnish," he said. "What do you guys
One of the men who had tried in vain to help him earlier
studied the botched chest from every angle. and then said,
"Why don't you just stucco it?"
Donald Syngg
Mr. August Pepple enjoying his breakfast.
Machines at rest.
Mr. David Ellingson, electricity.
" Hey what's going on here?"
Industrial Arts-149
Nixon Advocates Physical Fitness As:
Phy. Ed. Dept. Obliges
Mr. Helwig
Department Chairman. Mr. Stoebe
Mr. Bunkovvske adjusts parallel bars.
Mies Farrell looking studious.
Mr. Crist
1 50-Physicel Education Dept.
Bradford coaches supervise awards day.
Miss Hammond, looking happy as usual.
Miss Joy Achterberg
Don't let that whistle get stuck Mr. Markham!
A man was celebrating his
eightieth birthday and his fiftieth
wedding anniversary. The reporters
gathered around and congratulated
him, and asked, "can you tell us how you account for this?"
The man replied. "I never thought about it. I do know that when I got
married my wife and I had an agreement that any time we saw an argument
coming on, I would grab my hat and walk three times around the block.
You'd be surprised what fifty years of outdoor exercise will do for your
health .
"Point your toes you dummies."
The other end of the coaches table .
Miss Frary
Physical Education Oept.-151
Guidance Department Workload Increases As
Counselors Guide 1,950
To be fully educated is to be fully
challenged . To be challenged requires
the guidance and stimulation of competent counselors . They must be the
kind of people whose foremost interest is the well-being of young people . It is this quality that makes BHS
counselors a unique group within the
adult world of apathy and disinterest;
they are the people who "care" and
have given their lives over to making
ours worthwhile.
Mr. Marvin Fremming
Mr. William Moebius
Mr. Gerald Verwey
Mr. William Soronen
Mr. Michael Herbert
V.P Anna Czajka
Pres. Rob Travanty
Sec. Karen Roders
Treas. Peter Barca
A Fevv Senior Candids
Hey m an . what an excellent shot I
I ' m too tired to go to class .
Where'd everybody go ?
And for my next trick .
Hope it's not plugged in.
Senior girls await their turn for kickline tryouts .
Big Al and his twin bodyguards.
No. I won ' t smile.
When does the show start?
J81111 I I
Ade, Mery
Allde, Dawn
Allegretto, ..Jam••
Allen. Dale
Ancona , Antoinette
Andereon , Merle
Andereon, Rochelle
Andrewe, Donne
Arendt, Penny
Auloz.z.I, Mlcheel
Beeb, Victoria
Balcom , Wllllem
B•ll, lrl•
Banovez., Leonard
Baxter. Timothy
Be•m, Sandra
••••v. Robert
Beck, O•ll
Behm , Chrl•
Belongia, Biii
Benda • ..Jamee
Bennett, ••rrv
Bennett. Neth•
Benvenuti, .Jane
Berry, Ann
Blba, Steven
Blcker•t•ff, Dewn
Bll•kl, Btttn
Blndelll, Dl•ne
Blndelll. Peter
Btnnlnger. O•ry
Bitter. Nitti
Blaledell, Edwin
Blaledell, Ken
Blomquaet. Norm•n
Bockeloh, lleth
Boee, Wllllam
Bou••· Debra
Boyi ngton, Lind•
Boyle, Pem
Br•ckney, P•ul
Bredley, Shi rley
Brelgenzer. Linda
Brehm, Peter
Brewer, Brenda
Bridge•. Rlch•rd
Broeech. Mich•••
Brown, Alan
Brown, Jiii
Brown, Wlneton
Bruneo, Perry
Brunet, Cheryl
Brune, Su . . n
Bullmore, Pat
Burdick, Joy
Burrow, Cheryl
Byrd, Debra
Cefferty, Debbie
Calr•, Lui••
C•n•an, Sherry
Capelli, M•ry
Carey, Steve
Carleon. C•rol
C•rtle, Terri
Chaleklan, John
Charette. Gary
Chaee, Ruth
Ch•tllovlca, Pat
Choeke, Deni••
Chrleteneen, Blaine
Clncott• . Ruth
Clark. Ricky
Clemente, M•rk
Clevel•nd, P•ul•
Colby, Keith
Colline, L•urie
Conforti, Sue
Conti, D•nte
Cook. Debbie
Cooper, &ue•n
Cornlle, Kathleen
Coeeette, Lori
Covelli, Tin•
Creln, Renzi•
Croee • .Jerry
Croxford , .Jenine
Cullen, P•trlcl•
Cunnlngh•m, D•vld
Curn••· Tin•
Cz•rneckl , Kerry
D•hl. Conr•d
D•hlberg, .Jennifer
D•un. Chrletlne
D•vee, Mlcheel
D•vld, B•rb•r•
D•b•rtolo, Oemm•
Decee•ro. Cherlene
Delconte • .Joy•
DeLo•ch, Blrl
Denning, Tine
Derke, Kevin
DeRoee, Frenceec•
Dl•m•nte, Liz
Dlcaetrl, Kevin
Dicello, .Jeff
D i etri ch • .John
D j uth , Kerry
Dodaon . Lori
Dolnlk. L•rrv
Donnell, Sua•n
, Downi e. Vick i
Dummer • .Jolene
Dunaakl, Cheryl
Dunham , Luann
Dunn , Bryon
Earl. Roneld
Ebener, Michele
Ekern , Merk
Enroth, Carl
Feraca, Diane
Fardella. Franco
Finley, Debbie
Fonfara, Barbera
Foxle, Kyna
Frald • .Jeff
Frazier, .Jamee
Frazlne, Dolor••
Frederlckaen, Raymond
Frederklng, .Jeanie
Frenner, .John
Garcia, Arnold
Garcia, .Joe
Garcia, Leticia
Gardener, Wllll•
Garza , Sharon
Gaeaer • .Joan
Doaa, Ket h y
Downie, Debbie
G•tz,. 8ua•n
Gehri. Ken
Gerber,. J•n
Germeln. D•vld
Gerou,. Jim
Gifford,. Peul
Giimore .. Gulnde
Giorno. Joaeph
GI•••· How•rd
Gont•ch•row. Helen
Oood•re, Leur•
Gordon .. George
Goaaelln .. Al•n
Gott, Jeffrey
Gr•d•, Vickie
Greeley, Lind•
Greno. Dl•ne
Gretzinger, Debbie
Griffin, Ther•••
Oroaa, R•ndy
Orueter .. Jo•n
Oryczkowakl. Ann
Gulbr•naen. K•r•n
Ounderaon, R•ndy
Oyurln•, Gregg
Henaon,. Jerelyn
H•rdln,. Brend•
Herkneea .. Melvin
H•rmon .. D•nny
Hamilton. Candace
H•rmaen .. Holly
Harp,. C•therlne
Harrlaon .. Brend•
H•rt .. Lauri•
H•ubrlch. K•r•n
H•worth. W•lter
H•y• .. T•ny•
Helderedorf. Robert
Hein. Steve
Helnlech .. Berber•
H•lrlng • .John
Herrm•nn. Gregg
Hickey, .Jim
Hleey. Ruth
Ho•glund. Debor•h
Hofm•nn. Ch•rlee
Holm, Brian
Holm••· Ken
Holzmen • .Judy
Hopkin•. Roee
Hrupk•. Sheryl
Hubb•rd. B•rb•r•
Huck .. Cheri••
Huck,. Mlcheel
Hudaon. P•t
Huleeen. K•thy
Hunter. Alet•
lngr•m. Olen
lngroulll•, P•t
lvereon. Dougie•
.J•ckaon, Terry
.Jakubowekl. Michael
.Jentz. Dl•ne
.Jelke, Karen
.Jenkin•, D•rl•n•
.Jenklne, K•tl•
.Jennett, Mary
.Jeneen. Robin
.Johneon. Karen
.Johneon, Leenne
.Johneon . Ludd l e
.Johneon , Rick
.Johneon . Terry
.Jonee. Tom
.Juri k, Keren
.., ,
•• . . 1}Jl;
,;··~·· ~
. .,.
K•dlec . Debre
Kaeten. Denlel
Kavelauekae . Mery .Jo
Keye , Keren
Keck,. L i nde
Kerby, Denny
Klntle. Mark
Kipp , Cheryl
Kirby, Lee
Kirkman. Leon•rd
Kleeer, Lynette
Knuteen , Karen
Koelzer,. Oayle
Kornkven, .Jeanne
Koekl, Tim
Kovach. Kethy
Kramer. Donna
Krlfka ,. Kevin
Krohn. Bruce
Kurklle, .John
Kuzlk, Poo
Le Fever. Debbie
Lagodlch, Vel
Lain. Alta
Lareen, ~ohn
Lea, Barbera
Leach,. .Jeff
Lebron, Adele
L••m•n • .Je•nln•
Lehrke. P•ul
Lehto. K•thy
Leigh. Kevin
Lelpaig. Dl•ne
Leltlng. Uwrence
Lelttl. L•nc•
Lemke. Mlchael
Lewie. Mlch••I
Lichter, Michael
Llegekoe, George
Liiiey, Lee
Lochenakl, Lola
Lovetro, Patty
Lucky. Archie
Lumley, ••ndr•
Lura, Betty
Lymore, Eater
Mach•r•, V•l•rl•
Marabelll. Carol
Marchand, Oreg
Marlfjeren. "Obert
MerHjeren, Wllllem
Martin, Debbie
Martin • .Janie•
Martin, Mark
Martlneon, Mike
Matarr•••· Mloh•I•
Matteucci , .Jerry
Metueek. Mike
Maurer, Daniel
Mayer. Kerl
Maae, Micheal
Mazaerelll • .Jeen
McCerthy, Julie
McCl•ll•nd , Wanda
Menden. Thomae
Mccumber, Elvira
McDermld, Jiii
Meeker, Ruth
Mehring, Jane
Melander, John
M•tt•n. Roeemary
Meurer, .J•n•
Meyer, Mlchaal
Mayer, Su . . n
Miiiard, Mark
Miiiar, Bonnie
Miiier, Brigitte
Miiiar, Kim
Minge, Robert
Mltke, Mlcheel
Mleczko, .JoAnn
Mock, Kim
Modory, Mark
Modrlgan , .Jama•
Moeller, "-•••
Moffatt, Scott
Monnier, Tari
Morgan, Douglaa
Mulely, Lorette
Murphy, Danial
Murray, Patrick
Myara, .Joan
Naakraa, Kathleen
Nalaon, Larry
Nalaon, Ruaaall
Neleon, Vicky
Nlccol•I, Anne
Nlerenberger, Chrlatlne
Noel, .John
Noke•. Su . . n
Obert.In • .J•n•tt•
Ogden. Don•kt
Ogren, K•thY
OU•k, C•rol
Oleon, Lind•
Olaon. P•t
Ono•ko, Phlllp
Orff. N•ncy
Orlakue. Brian
Ort.on. St•v•n
Oatrowakl. Mary
Otto, Bruce
Pee•. Sherry
Peckm•n, Robert.
P•d•. Le9nn
Pantovlch, Tina
Pered••· 8enjuentta
~erl ...
Perker. Leigh
Parrleh, Donn•
Pewlowlcz, Rlcherd
Peckue. Rolend
Pekoeke, Devld
Pelt. Sendre
Penrod • .Jen
Patton, Daniel
Perez, .Jim
Perman. 8hlrley
Perm•nn. Aon•ld
Peter••n. Al•n
Peteraon. Melenl•
Petty, Ter•••
Pflugrad. Amelia
Plerangell, Dina
Plarantonl, LI••
Piere•. P•mel•
Pinkert. Aon
Placlottl, Bob
Plvovar, Dothy
Pontillo, .Jam••
Potta. Ted
Prater. Dabor•h
Prlmuth, Debr•
Propaom. P•trlck
Prudom, Teri
Prybylakl, C•rrla
Prybylekl, Oall
Prybylakl. P•trlcla
Puckett, Debra
Puder. Craig
Puder • .Jim
Pulera, Anthony
Pul•r•, ll•rbar•
Pulju, Terry
Putnam, .Judy
Pynaker, Robert
Quin, Donald
llaabe, Dabble
Rainey, Leonard
Ralph, L.,.ry
"••muaaen, Aanaa
Ratell•. Tony
Retllff, Seenn•
Rezz•. &•dike
Redlin . Lewrence
Re•d . Robin
Reev••· .John
Reich . Fr•ncle
Renzoni . B•rb•r•
Rlcchlo, Lynett•
Rlcherdaon , Tom
Alley. M•rlyn
Rlntemakl. Richard
Rltecce, Louie
Rltecce, Rick
Rizzo. Dore•n
Roberta. Randy
Roblneon. Tin•
Robl••· .J•m••
Rod•r•, Vicki
Rodriguez. Andrew
Rolf. Bettina
Romanowekl • .Jeff
Rommel, Dl•n•
Rompeeky, .Jan
Ropp, Larry
Roel•, Kathy
Roelnekl, Deborah
Roamann. Sherry
Roe••· Aon
Ruffolo. Daniel
Sedlon, Lynn
Sahe. Wendy
Salerno, Pete
Sellturo. Debra
Aotkowekl. Betty
Ruffolo. Clar•
Semmone, Scott
Schlerenberg, Mertln
Schneider, Beth
Sentlego, Rein•
S•rtor, Dl•n•
S•v•glfo, Monie•
Sc•rleto, Gregory
Schentek, Scott
&cheekier, Jody
Schller, Karen
Schmelfeldt, Keren
Schmidt, Berb
Schmidt, Terri
Schmunck, Dine. .
Schneider, Debre
Schnelder, J•mee
Schopp, Wllll•m
Schroeder, O•ry
Schroeder, Ken
Schultz, Remone
' -i,
~, Chrle
Seleakl, Stephen
Seeee, Devld
Seeeer, J•net
Slnnen, Ed
Slronen, Bonnie
Slugockl, Lllllen
Smith, D•vld
Smith, Debra
Sheffer, Robert
Short, Joyce
Smith, Joaeph
Smith, Kevin
Smith, Marl•
Smith, Mery
Smith, Pet
Smith. Ronald
Smollk, Jeffray
Soto, Deel
Soto, Marina
Specht, Phlllp
Splvek, Marita
Staff, Donna
Stanford, Wllllam
Stanklewlca, Sue
Stelg, Sharen
Stelneeffer, Richard
Stelleto, Joe
Stern, Howard
Steven•, Robert
Stewart, Namon
Stine. Lyle
Stroeener, Debbi•
Sturino, Diane
8turlno, Doreen
Subotlc, Nlkole
Sucharda, Michael
8ummere, Debbie
Swaney, Petty
Swanaon, Rax
Swarta, Rochell•
Swlatko, Steve
Sytkowekl, Pat
Saymanekl, Peter
Tebbert, Jim
Talbert, Branda
Taylor, Judy
Tenn••••n, Randall
Tenneeeen, Ruaaell
Tenuta, Debbie
Terpatra, Kathy
Thompeon, Alan
Thompeon, Lynn
Tomlin, Cliff
Topolovec, David
Tracy, Jay
Travanty, Mark
Travanty, Wllllam
Trecroci , Mark
Trimble, Ruth
Tritt, Linde
Trottier, Richard
Truax, Colleen
Tucholl, Kathleen
Tully, Tom
Uhllg, Janet
Vahradlan, Haig
Velcelunaa, Nancy
Valeo, Leonard
Vanchena, Nick
Vanderford, Pam
Vanderhoof, Dawn
Vanderhoof, Rick
VanDuyn, Richard
Vegel, Dennie
Ventura, Debra
Ventura, Wllllam
Vincent, Cynthia
Vite, Mlcheel
Vencl, Ramona
Vlttorl . Lind•
Vogt. Robert
Vrooman , Vicki•
Wacha, Ren••
Wade , Karen
Walderle , Tim
Walden . Elizabeth
Waller, Patty
Warnock . Dave
Waallevlch , Kathryn
Wawlorka, .Jean
Webb, Mark
Webb. Patrick
Webber. Pat
Weber , .Jan
Wegmann, Debra
Welk, Lind•
Welke, Rita
Wellman , Biii••
Wember, Sandra
Wendling , Gary
Whinery, Letlcle
Whitney. Lynn
Whitrock, Kathryn
Wichman, Edmond
Wight, Wendy
Wiiiem•, .Joan
Willoughby, Jim
Winter•, .Janet
Wojclechowlca, Irene
Wold . lone
Wolf, Deborah
Wood, Llaa
Woodatock , Steven
Wll•on, Mike
Wylie, Laure
Y•ncey, Kethy
Yendre, Cindy
York , M ike
Zeblockl, Bobbi
Zenln, Ellen
Zimmerle , Vickie
Zlzlch , Olg•
Allan, Kenneth
Anderson, Arron
Anderson, Debra
Anderson, .Joy
Anderson, Richard
Andreucci, Karen
Baese, Gary
Baker, Rae
Barnes, Gary
Beal, Debra
Bell, Debra
Bennett, .John
Bentkowski, Thomas
Bezotte, .Jeffery
Bock, .Jeffery
Bodven, Elaine
Bojniewicz, David
Bose, Lorraine
Brady, Perry
Briggs, Bardell
Burrow, Bruce
Butterbrodt, Nancy
Byrd, Larry
Casteel, .John
Christensen, Lawrence
Clark, Debbie
Clark, Tony
Clemens, Bruce
Cline, .John
Davis, Danny
Dawson, David
198- .Juniors
Zoerner, Bonnie
Dewester, Larry
Dicello, Pamela
Dimmer, Kathy
Donahue, Dannie
Donais, Timothy
Duberstein, Donald
Dvorak, Diana
Edwards, .Janice
Engdahl, Phillip
Erdman, Lucy
Estano, David
Fanning, Richard
Feest, Dean
Finley, Faye
Fortner, .James
Frazier, Leigh
Fredericksen, Gail
Geiger, Cynthia
German, Patricia
Golsby, Lonnie
Grammar, Catherine
Grebe, Ronald
Gunderson, David
Halverson, Kathleen
Hamilton, Cynthia
Hayward, Lorre
Heide, .James
Hiegert, Carolyn
Hillier, Heide
Holm, Donald
.Johnson, Susan
.Jung, Renee
Kloet, Vickie
Kozel, Darrell
Kramer, Gary
Lang, Dave
Llanas, Daniel
Loberger, Mary Lou
Lorenzen, Claudia
Mahone, Cerci
Marquardt, .James
Mason, Timothy
Mayo, Diana
Mielke, Susan
Mikus, .John
Moore, Harry
Musselman, Richard
Nudi, Mickey
Ogren, Steven
Olivares, Rosendo
Orlakis, Kevin
Parcenka, Peter
Peters, David
Peters, Gayle
Peters, Phillip
Petersen, Hans
Pickerign, Kathy
Razze, Dadika
Riley, Pamela
Rode, Robert
Rosales, Guadalupe
Ross, David
Rothwell , Douglas
Ruben, Nancy
Ruffalo, Larry
Rutkowski, Betty
Sadowski , Pearl
Scheremeta, Rosemary
Schneider, Steven
Schoepke, Fred
Sebena, Robert
Sepanski, .John
Schwaiko, Yoff
Siedjak, Pat
Slater, Nettie
Smith, Vonnie
Sorenson, Douglas
Strupp, .Jon
Thompkins, A,.thur
Tolstyga, David
Torres, Connie
Turner, .James
Walls, Nick
Wamboldt, Michael
Wiersum, .Jonathon
Wilson, Daniel
Wojciechowicz, Kathy
Zampanti, Richard
Zdanowicz, Philip
Zocchi, Barbara
Zuhde, Cheri
" Muscles Wilson"
This Looks Better with My Eyes Closed I
Paul Gifford
Dance To The Music.
Diane Faraca
What's So Funny?
Oh. Claire
Get It On
Junior Candids
.Junior Candids-199
Maybe I'll impress him with my eyes.
" I just love the library."
" I really can 't believe it."
' 'I'm not eating in the halls, I' m just drinking. "
Junior Candids
" S he expects me to do that!"
" It' s not what you think . Honest."
200- .Junior Cand ide
"Hey, where's my shoes."
V. P.
Michele Larsen
Peggy Ziesemer
Pat White
TREAS. Nancy Frederik
A ceto. M ichael
A iello. Rachel
Alfano. Eugene
Allen . Debbie
A llen. Eleano r
Altergott . Steven
Ambrose . Rustin
Andersen . Kathleen
Anderson . Lon
Andrews . Christopher
Antes. Dale
Arno ld. Leon
Asleson, Donald
Aulozz1 . Teresa
Avila . Mana
Bac1anskas. Jeff
Baily. Loren
Balcom. Anthony
Baltes. Rtchard
Bane, Rosanne
Barber Jack
Barnes. Kathleen
Barosko. Mark
~arr ,
Barrett. James
Bartholomew. Bob
Bartholomew, Patncia
Bartram, Kim
Baxter. Clare
Beets. Pamela
Belcher. Pamela
Bell, Richard
Benhoff, Bruce
Bennett. Jim
Bennett, Theon1te
Benson. David
Berry. Lorette
Bierbower. Debbie
Bilotti. Joe
Bingham. Sharon
Birchall. Patricia
81sc1glla , Scott
Blaisdell. Rick
Blasi, Glona
Blezav1er. Genevieve
Blazav1er. Richard
Blevins, Alfonzo
Bhse, Kathleen
202 - Sophomores
Blise. Sheron
Bloxdorf. Pamela
Boero. Sarah
Bolyard. David
Boness. Kevin
Bonof1gl10. Eugene
Borland, Karen
Bosman. Nancy
Bowen. Jeffrey
Boyle. Dennis
Brackney. J im
Brandes. Jeffrey
Brandl. Robert
Braze. Barbare
Breigenzer. Lorette
Brnek. Brian
Brown, Richard
Bruch. Russell
Bruenning. Joseph
Brunet, Catherine
Brunet. Virginia
Brunner. Judith
Bruns. Michael
Bullmore, Laurel
B urby, Kathryn
Burke. Cynthia
Burt. Dave
Buswell. Irene
Caire. Vincent
Cameron. Robert
Campbell. Beryl
Canfield. Marie
Capelli , Paule
Cappert. Eileen
Carlson , Shirley
Carr, Meighan
Cart1e. James
Casey. Robert
Casteel. Betty
Casteel. Vielke
Centeno. George
Cesena. Ricky
Ciepette, Lenore
Chtsm, Birg1s
Choderonek, Stephen
Chaven. Judy
Christman. Dale
Christman. Steven
Chnstopherson. Carol
Chromc1k. James
C1apetta. Lenore
Cicch1ni Frank
Cochran. Michael
Coleman. Angela
Collins. Donna
Collins. Robena
Collins. Sandra
Cooper Pamela
Corradini. Tom
Cossette, Bob
Costabile. Gary
Costello, Roben
Cox, Douglas
Crespo. Juan
Cruc1anelh, Richard
Cunningham , David
Cutler Cynthia
Dahl. Robert
Daniels. Theresa
Danoski. Darnel
Daves. Rose
Daves. Vickie
Davis. Brenda
Davis. Richard
Debartelo, Frank
Degener, Thomes
Delaney. Marilyn
Deloughary, Cheri
Deluca. Steven
Den19, Lawrence
Dennee. Earl
Devine. Kathryn
Dezek. Pamela
Dial. Jeffrey
Diamante, Denise
D1cello, Susan
Dietrich, Thomas
Doheny, Barbara
Dolnik. Thomas
Donley. Carol
Dorr. Steven
Dosemagen. Lois
Dosemagen. Michelle
Doss, Michael
Dreger, Dwight
Dubinsky, Lawrence
204 - Sophomores
Duffy. M ichael
Dummer. Tern
Dunc an, James
Eldred. Joan
Ellinger. Verna
El li s Kathleen
Elsi l a , David
Englund, Sondra
Epping, Scott
Esters. Michael
Falbo. Charles
Falduto. Paul
Famous. Dennis
Fanduzzi, Peter
Fanelli. Terri
Farfalla, Nick
Feast, Daniel
Feest, Donald
Ferraro. Paula
Fieramosca. John
Finley. John
Firmani, Karen
Fischer. Juhe
Fischer. Steve
Fisher. Joan
Fhess. Gayle
Fliess. Therese
Flores. John
Foster. Cynthia
Foster, Johnnie
Franco. Michael
Frazier. Karen
Fredenck. Brenda
Frederick, Nancy
Frederickson. Nancy
Fredrick. Sherry
Free, Ronald
Freehoff. Robert
Ga1dos. Peter
Gapanowicz. Debra
Gardner, Linda
Gascoigne. Brian
Gastaldi, Mary
Gastaldi, Dominic
Geiger, Cynthia
Geiger. Gad
Gehche. Michael
Sophomoree- 2015
Germinaro. M ichaet
Getchman. Mary
G1annola. Catherine
Giennole. Jecklind
Gilbert. Jeff
Giles. Ella
Giles. Kitty
Glaeser, Julie
Glassman. Tom
Goergen. Ted
Gamber, James
Gomez. Howard
Gorman, Michael
Grammentz, Charles
Grando, Isabel
Granger. Mike
Grasser, Carl
Gray. Jeff
Gray. Richard
Graziano. Mery
Griffin, Barbara
Gnffin. Monte
Grimes. Kirk
Grisham. Janet
Gmo. Joy
Grueter. John
Gruss. John
Gulbransen. Gregg
Gunderson. Marianne
Gutierrez, Ruby
Guzman, Ruben
Haley, Mike
Helverson, Barbare
Hamilton. Brad
Hampshire. Kenneth
Hannemin. Marvin
Hansen. Linnea
Hanson. Therese
Harmon. Evangeline
Harmon, Floyd
Harp, Mary
Harper, Debra
Hartnell. Chnstine
Haubrich. Karen
Haubrich. Richard
Heyes. Larry
Heed. Brien
Heinisch. Thomas
Herol t . Linda
Herrmann. Virginia
Hesse. G lona
Hiegert. C indy
Hillier Julie
Hiob. June
Hoaglund. Sharon
Hodal. Donald
Hoeft. MarJean
Hofmann, Carol
Holman. Jule
Hoomes. Theresa
Horgen, Larry
Houghton. Mary
Howard. Patrick
Hradsky, Janine
Hubbard. Stirling
Huck. M 1chael
Hudson. Oneal
Hughes. Melinda
Hu1ssen. Donna
Humphreys. James
Hunt. Jeffrey
Hurst. Robert
Hyneman, Denise
Iorio. John
Jacki. Jeffrey
Jahnke. Steven
Jake. Richard
Jakubowski. Michael
Jalensky, Dennis
Jantz. Debbie
Jantz. Dennis
Jeffery, Chester
Jenkins. Barbara
Jensen. Roberta
Jensen. Thomas
Johnson. Beth
Johnson. Brenda
Johnson. Emily
Johnson. Marilyn
Johnson. Valene
Johnson. Victor
Jakie. Renata
Jones. Joyce
Juoppen. Lynette
Juskew1cz. Maryann
Kamin. Richard
Kangas. Russ
Kennedy, Sue
Kiekhoefer. VerJOY
Kimberlin. Terry
King. Ken
Kirby. Lee
Kirkman . Leonard
Kirkpetnck, Sendra
K 1rschllng. Celeste
Kis1elewsk1 , Leon
Kitchens. Cheryl
Kittles. Jeff
K lapproth. Daniel
Klapproth. Gayle
K loet, Nancy
Knutson. Kristina
Koderca, Dan
Koser. Susan
Kramer. James
Kranski. Richard
Krome. Linda
Kruger, Paul
Kruse. Sam
Kuhnley, Leonard
Kum1szco. Konize
Kuta. Jacqueline
Ladousa. Renee
LaJeunesse. Richard
Lamacchia. Rocco
Landeau. Renee
Landree, Welton
Lane. Robert
Langerman, Charles
Larson. Cynthia
Larson. Michelle
Lasalle . .Julie
Laurenz1, David
Lawrence. Kathryn
Lehrke. Perry
Leineweber. Gary
Lem1esz, Yolande
Lento. Diana
Larose. Joanne
L'Estes. Kimberly
Lewis, David
Lindsey. Janice
Ling, Donald
208 - Sophomorea
Loberger, Bob
Lois, Wayne
Lorberter, Michael
Lucas. Lynn
Lukawski. Barbara
Lux. Victor
Macht. Susan
Macreno. Mario
Meier, Richard
Meier. Ronald
Mendernack. Scott
Menne. Eugene
Menuhk. Paul
Marches1ni. Pamela
Margraf. Danny
Marks. Terri
Marquardt. Linda
Marquart. Gwen
Marschner. Thomes
Martin. Debbie
Martin. Geraldine
Martin. Linda
Martinson. Neil
Mason. Cathy
Matich. Dusen
Mattson. Marcia
Mauger. Lorne
Maurer, Kenneth
Maxcy. Debra
Maxwell. Lois
Meyer. Kerl
Mays. Paul
McBride. Deborah
McCollough. Mark
McGrath. Kathy
Medina. Richard
Puntillo. Robert
Mehring Dean
Menden Timothy
Mentmk John
Merfeld. Merrill
Mertz Judy
M ess1 ng. B nan
Meter. Barbara
Meyer. Karle
Mico. Julie
Miller, Randy
Miller. Robert
Miller. Shelhe
M1surelli . Lisa
Muc helL Kenneth
Moczulewski , Edward
Modory, Debbie
M o eller, J o ann
Moncatch. John
Moore, Gai l
Morey. Mary
Morneau . Tim
Moses. Debra
Mudrak, Pamela
Mueller. Scott
Mulder. Anita
Munz. Anthony
Murphy, Michael
Murray, Ronda
Myers, Joan
Myers. Ron
Naydihor. Paul
Nedweski. James
Negn, Ronald
Nelson. Denice
Nelson. Eugene
Nelson, Mark
Nelson, Steven
Nelson. Terry
Neumiller, William
Nevoraski, Daniel
Nichols. Billy
Nikolai. Thresa
Nikolic. Donna
Nissen Debra
Noel. Dennis
Holman. Jule
Nuuni. Kathleen
O'Connor. Jeffrey
Ogren. Jerry
Otbrys. Ben
Olbrys. Thresa
Olivares. Hope
Olsen. Dave
Olsen, Kns
Olsen, Patnc1a
Olson, Bnan
Olson. Margaret
Olson. Rocky
O'Neil. Larry
21 0-Sophomoree
Onoszc uk . Helen
Oster Randy
Ostro wsk i. Jack
Otto. Robin
Otto. Thomas
Pallamo l la . R ichard
Palmen. Jane
Pao ne. Theresa
Pense. Arnold
Parker. Ronald
Parker. Shelia
Parnsh . Sue
·~-....• ' . !'"~
Paskiewicz. Mary
Patterson. Pamela
Pazera, N1kk1
Peckus. Marybeth
Perkins. Scott
Perri. Mana
ii~\~~ ,
Perroni. Robert
Peters. Carol
Petersen. Alan
Petersen. Carol
Peterson. Juanne
Peterson. Kim
Petnck. Pam
Phillip, Laura
Piasecki, Joan
Picazo. Gregory
Ptckut. Bonnie
Piehl. Kirk
P1erangeh . Cheryl
Pierce. Scott
Pilligor. Teri
Pisula. Steve
Puts. Claudia
Plourde. Pat
Ponzio. Fred
Poteet. Kevin
Potts. Edward
Powers Maureen
Prescott. Ricky
Pnll. Linda
Prostko. Jeffrey
Prostko. Karen
Przytula Diane
Puckett. Dennis
P u ckett. Patricia
PulJu. Lon
Sophomores- 211
Mehle1s, Lucy
Putrow. Mike
Quinn. Jane
Q uinn. Jim
R adley. Kenneth
R adovanov1c. Vera
Aad u aeche l, Jeff
Ra rney, Caro lyn
Ralph , T im
Ramsey, Jeff
Rangel. Martin
Ra n g el, Mary
Rasmussen . James
Redlin . J ames
Redlin , Kenneth
Reece, V ickie
Reeves . Judy
Reidenbach . Sandra
Reineke. Evelyn
Reisenauer, Pamela
Renick , Carol
Renzoni . J o hn
Ri c hter. Marshall
R1esc hl. Luann
Ritac ca . Carol
Robles. David
Rock . Stefan
Roders. Bru c e
Aoders. Steve
Roedema . Shelley
i ~
R ogowski , Cheryl
·. v,f '
Romano. Charles
Romanowski . Kim
. .
Rosales. Guadalupe
Ross. Jennifer
Rossi . Cynthia
Ross1ello. Michael
Rothamer. Debra
Rothwell . Karen
Ruffalo. Paulette
Ruffalo. Richard
Ruffolo. John
Rupp, Georgene
Russo, Debra
Ruzz1cone. Rodney
Ayszewski , Mary
Sadlon. Timothy
Sadloski. Pearl
21 2 - Sophomoree
Sadowski. Cindy
Saknits. Marty
Salas. Michael
Sanderson. Robert
Saulys, Joann
Savaglio. Mary
Savaglio. Teresa
Scalzo. Fa1th
Schabowsky. Joann
Schaefer. David
Schennmg . Greg
Schlitz. Dawn
Schroeder. Dave
Schroeder Mark
Schroeder, Steven
Schuldt. Jim
Schweitzer. Mary
Scozzaro. Elena
Secor Diane
Seitz. Eugene
Seitz, Randy
Seitz, Rosalie
Selesk1. Jon
Sellers. Sandra
Sepulveda. Dorothy
Sessa. Richard
Sharpe. Gail
Shepherd. Tom
Sherron. Keith
Shields. Donna
Shipman. Robert
Short. Elaine
Sicilia. Joan
Siler. Cindy
Sinnen. Margaret
S1ronen. Polly
Skowronski. Randal
Slater Doug
Smith. Brenda
Smith. Gregory
Smith, James
Smith. James
Smith, Sue
Sorensen. Colleen
Soronen. Cindy
Soule. Barbara
Spaulding. Sandra
Sophomores- 21 3
Spiroff, Paul
Spitzer Kim
Spivak Marita
Sterr Jeff
Sterr. Paul
Steteme. Jeff
Stetema, Ruth
Staves. Launa
Steffensen. Paul
Stettner. Robin
Stine. Lynn
StOJ•c. Vito
Stolarski, Sendra
Story. Nancy
Stratton, Charles
Stnnger. Cathy
Sucharda. Susan
Suokko. Gary
Sward. Leslie
Swartz. Sandra
Sytkowski. Jean
Szafranski. Lidia
Tabbert . Marilyn
Tabbert. Vicky
Talamonu , Jerry
Talbert. Brenda
Talbert. Susan
Tapley, Janice
Tersitano, Nancy
Therriault , Steven
Thiel. Robert
Thomes Carla
Thomas. K1mberty
Thompkins. Michael
Thompson . Debbie
Torres. Ken
Tracy. Don
Tracy. Guy
Trecroci . Daniel
Trecroci. Edward
Tribur. Cynthia
Trocheck. Elayne
214- Sophomoree
Trocinski. Virgil
Truax, James
Truax, Mike
Tucker. Sendra
Tutor. Jane
Ulicki. Walter
Ungemach. Robin
Valeo. Annette
Vandommelen. Robert
Vanhammer Cynthia
Vanstnen. Penny
Vassar Doreen
Vaughan, David
Veasey Denise
Venc1. Anthony
V1llallobos. Esther
V1llup, S cott
Vitkus. Jim
Vogt. Debra
Vranek . Jane
VUJOv1c . George
Waas . Benny
Waas. Perry
Wabahck1s. Gary
Wade. Jennie
Waite. Frank
Waldow. Karla
Walker, David
Walker. M+tch
Walter . .Johnathan
Waller. Samuel
Wamboldt. Bruce
Wamboldt. Phillip
Walther. Enc
Waswnck . Bruce
Waswnck. Carla
Wazelle. Karen
Webb. Cathy
Webb. Mark
Webb. Patnc1a
Weddel. Michael
Wede1kes. Tina
Weidner. Jeannine
Welk. Karen
Welling, Laura
Wells Regina
Wember, Kim
Wertz. Irene
Werw1e, Jeff
Westenberg. Jody
Wheeler Donald
White. Patnc1a
Whittemore. Martha
W1ersum. Beverly
Sophomoree- 21 5
Wiginton . Pam
Wilcox , Josephine
Wilks. Debbie
Willard, Steven
Willems Earl
Willems . Lynne
Wiiiiams, Joanna
Wilson. Debra
Wilson , Lisa
Wilson , Otis
Wind. Peggy
Wischmann , Jeffrey
W1tkauskis, Jerry
W1tscheber. Paul
WoJntcz. Timothy
Wolfe. John
Waltersdorf. Lonnie
Woods . Dan
Workman. Fred
York. Brenda
Yorton. Jeffrey
Young. Elizabeth
Zak. Donald
Zak. Gary
Zamba. Lawrence
Zanin. Ellen
Zemezonak. Leslie
Z1ccarelli. Linda
Ziesemer. Norman
Ziesemer. Peggy
Z1evers. Ann
Zirbel. Allan
Zirbel, Debra
Zoller. Thomas
Zuehlsdorf, Terrance
Zuehlsdorf ~ Timothy
Zutell, Guy
A llen, Da le
Andrews. Patrick
Bartow. M ichelle
Behl , Debra
Borland, John
Burns. James
Butterbrodt, James
Sophomores Not Pictured
Ca m pbell. Robert
Chapman. Pierre
Collar. David
Crawfor. Dean
DeRose. Lawrence
DiCe llo, Jeff
D ickey, Jeff
Dona hu e. R icky
Dvorak, Steven
Earl. Ronald
Ekern , Lavonne
Ellis, Roberta
Estes. K imberly
Famous. Arthur
Fisher. Frankl in
Garcia, Rudy
G ill iam , Donald
Glasson. Cat hleen
Gomez, David
Griffin , Robert
Grno, John
Sophomores Not Pictured
Guerrero. Jose
Gunderson. Jeff
Hamilton. Calvin
Hartig. Charles
Haubuch. Mike
Hawley. Tom
Heide. Patrick
Hernandez. Juanita
Hicks. Ricky
Horvatin. Carol
Hyneman. Douglas
Ingram, Glen
Jackson. Jerome
Jensen, Duyane
Kerby. Danny
Klimes. Valentine
Kosloske. Diane
Krienke. Herbert
Kunke, Mark
Kurklis, John
Lafever. Debbie
Lain. Randy
Lain, Rita
Langes. Pat
Launderville, Janet
Lawrence. Marsha
Leeman. Thomas
Lerose. Dale
Lichwolt. Duane
Lucchetta. Sevafino
Lunn. Alan
Lymore, Ester
Mason. Tyrone
Maze. Mike
Meier. Barbara
Mink. Dennis
Mitchell. Betty
Monnier. Teri
Naekrsz. Peter
Naekrsz. Walter
Namio, Joseph
Neu. George
Norris, Wayne
Orlakis. Brian
Orton, Allan
Paredes. San Juanita
Parsons. Michael
Pauloni. Robert
Perrine. Robert
Peterson. Alvin
Peterson. Luanne
Pickerign. Randy
Pitsch. Paul
Pulera, Anthony
Ralph, Tim
Razaa. Dadika
Ricker. Doug
Rickey. Bradley
Rieckenberg. Brian
Rinatmaki. Rick
Rivera. John
Rossa. Roger
Santiago. Edwin
Schlitz, Jean
Schmidt. Mark
Schuld, Anthony
Scott, Kieth
S hort, Joyce
Slater, Leroy
Smith. William
Sorenson. Michael
Spino. Terese
Spitzer. Kevin
Stalker. Ronald
Stephenson. Johnny
Stifter. Pat
Swaney, Pat
Swartz. Rochelle
Szarfranski, Olga
Szymanski, Pat
Tait. Joe
Taylor. Judy
Thompson. Alan
U mfress. Brian
Vanderhoff, Dawn
Vargas, Danny
Vaughn. Charles
Vellella, Jerome
Walther, Eric
Webber, Pat
Witt. Robert
. a fevv sophomore candids (just for fun)
"I could cry after failing that test."
Noon lunch. JUSt dessert.
"Mr. Tvveiten. my idol. sigh."
"And now for the bad nevvs . .
"I'll put away my purse. but not my teddy bear."
Sophomore simplicity and serenity.
Sophomorea- 21 7
The following pictures are all candids. We, the Spy
S taff added more candids to our book this year because
Tony and Lynn at Spy Dance.
Jane Kornkven ; Guitar accompanist.
John Henry, " Wouldn't you like to know what I got?"
Students get wool pulled over their eyes with elevator pass.
Just a chat at noon time .
Kerry Czarnecki ; A Bradford 8-man taking it easy.
218- Candide
"We know we' ll win first-prize. " (They lost)
Sylvestor says, " Ah . so" I
you, the reader, requested more candids. We h ope our
selection is to your liking.
Rick Arndt. " It's just gotta be a dirty book. "
Jeff Wischmann . "Take my picture. I'm beautiful."
Danny Koderca. " Look ma. no cavities."
The Bradford Choraldiers costumes.
A little louder girls. I can't hear you.
"Cut the picture taking, I'm hungry."
Dan Cesario and Don McNeil
The school's going to the birds .
Candids- 219
Cheerleader Debbie Barsuli
Roy says. " Service with a smile."
Please don 't give us detention, we won't skip
Our fearless leader " Sweetpea "
Terry Bl1se
Candids - 220
I think it's about time I shaved
No, it's not a dirty book.
Ok. so you 've proved you ' re a lover boy.
Winston Brown
I c an do it myself I
Cheer up, Jay
Mr. Music Man , K im Fenk.
Silhouette of Mr. Merrill.
"'Man, do my feet hurt!"
Debrusk1 hard at work
"' Oh, I'm so embarrassed ."'
Can we let go now?
All the comforts of home
.Janie Benvenuti
"' Hey, what's so funny?"'
"' I don 't want to sing by myself "
Smile Students You're on
One hamburger coming up.
M-1-C-K-E- Y M-0- U - S-E.
The Renegades of first floor.
" Well , would you t ake a look at that."
" Not too bad if I say so myself."
Anna Locante at Variety Show tryouts .
" What a dummy."
Bradford's Candid Camera!
" Graceful. aren't I ?"
Profile of Cheral Willoughby.
Yep, Sam is one of us too .
And then he said . . .
Heilmeman' s Steve Carey.
And whose feet are these?
Mr. 8 . caught in the act.
" If he bugs me one more ·time .
Mr. Manesis doing his homework.
"I thought my pants were in my locker."
" Ain't I cute?"
Sugar Beets. the human cannon ball.
"Hey, it's not your lunch break I"
"I always did like a little music during class."
"Hey. I got an A on my report ."
224- Candids
• 111.
• ii
• 11
,, '.' ·'···:~iJ-\?T ·. ·· ., '- .· ., ' . :-(~~1~\ ·.~: ....
Tell her goodbye
But you ' ll always know that you
are lying
And even if you could manage to
fool her,
You can never fool yourself.
And why, does it make you sad
To see how everything hangs by
Such thin and whimsical threads?
Because you are a dreamer,
With a tiny spark. hidden somewhere
Inside you which cannot die.
And in the midst of pain
And loneliness, of human warmth
and kindness .
Of goodness. of greatness.
Of heroism . and it speaks
To you of love ..
Ab ~· E.r c 1 _,4
Acct >. M• l'lob~rt
Ac. to. M d'lael .202
Achterberg Miss Joy 80 151
Ada!T'so~ Gena
Aae. IVlary 1 82
Ad or \Nanda 1&4
A1el.o. Rae. e: 202
A1el o. Tho~ _s 48,64.65.66
Altlt'1'10, Arthory 44.48.49 103 1 05.154,21 8.
A1dcrson. Rick 105
A fora, Eugene 71 202
A 3'1. Kenneth
A :ls Dawr 80182
A ds. l'"rari< 1 54
A yretto Dtiv ..:l 1 54
A egretto, James 182
.,, Dae
A en. Debbie 1 54
A E''l, Deborah 202
A.len . Eleanor 122 202
Allen, _,ack
Allen. La ,ra 1 54
Altergott Steven 202
Ambrose, Rustir 202
Ancomi. Artoinette 1 82
Anccma. Law•ence 1 54
Andersen. Kathleen 81 .202
AndE:rsor A<:•on
Ander'lul" Debb:
9 5 1 2 1 1 54
Andersor Debra
Anae~sor Jc~rey 1 54
Al"d~ son. Joy
Al"Oc·so,-,, K~thy 89
Af"dc•son. Lon 202
Al"dersrm , Mer_ 95.121 182
Ar Jerson. Richard
A'lderl'on . Ro<..helle 9. • 1 0 .1 19. 1 26 1 82
A'ldrea. l\/lary,90. 1 00.112.
115.1 16 • 29 .• 54,260
A'ldreucc Ka·en·
Andrews. Christophe•: 1 06,202
Andrews . Donna • 82
Andrews. Patr':::k
Angotti. Debra 7 1 54
Antes. Dale 202
Anthonsc'1. Kc:th 58.59 , 1 54
Antr m, Alton
Arendt Penny
Arndt. Alv1!" 1 54
Amdt, Ricky 14 15 154 219
Arl"old. Leon 62 63 ,202
Arrerdondo, Mr Jose 148
Baab. VicK1 1 82
Baase. Gary·
Babic, Ryan
Bae cnskas. Felix . 1 54
Bac1ansKas, Jc~ 202
Bad' am. Pau a • 54
Ba1loy, Darnel 1 54
Ba y Loren: 202
Ba1'1. Pa• 1 54
B:-iker. Ray
BaKke. 1\11• John 1 48"'. Antrony 202
Ba ::or!" Wilham 94 182
Bel. Iris· 86 87 89 123 182
Ba·tes. R ::hard 202
Bene. Horton : 101 155
Bane. Rosanne 202
Banovez, Leonard 182
Barber. .Jack 7 1,202
Barber, \N1 ham 9. 70. 72. 1 55,218
Barca. Peter 79 90.153
Barnes, Amel a 1 1 5.155
Barnes. Ge'Y
Barnes, Kathleen 202
B.irosko. Mark 104 202
E.larr Uanl" e; 85 99
Barrr;tt James 202
Deborah 97
1 11.155.220
Uartholomew. Bob 202
Bartrolomew Patnc a 116 202
Bartow, '\111chelle
Bartram K m 202
Ba&nil"sky Carol 97, 1 b5
Baxter Clara 202
Uaxter T1motry 90 182
Bea's. Debra 51 52.57,86.8 7 88 110
11 •. 226
Bests. Ruby 1 55
Beu's. Ruth 121. • 53
BealT' Sardra 123 182
BECasy Robe t 1 82
Bebo. Steven 1 55
BecK Gail • t>2
eec i<er. Betty 1 55
Bee-Ker Dtirlene 1 f.f.
Bee.we• "'Janey 90 91 12 1 129 1 5n.260
Beets John 62.6.:>.64,65,66 98 124
Beets. Pamela 202
Beh• Debra
Beh.,,.. Chns 68 94 182 262
Behnke. Roger 1 55
Belcher. Pc~ela 202
Bell Debra
Bell Richard
Bellmore. Michael 1 55
Belongia. B II 44.48.49, 1 • 4. 120, 1 24
Belongia. W.lliam 113
Benda. Ja'T'es 1 82
Benho~. Bruce 122,202
Bennett. Aletha 1 21
Bennett. Barry 64 65 66
67,96.98.182 263 262
Bennett. James 28.202
Bennett. Jor., 96
Bennett. Netha 182
Bennett. Theonita 110.202
Benson, David 202
Bentkowsk1. Thol"""as
Benvenuti. Jane 36.86.87 89 1 23
124.182 221
Bergo, Mrs Anne 135
Berry, Af"'l 1 82
Berry. Loretta 202
Beuter Harry
Bezotte Jeffery
B1anchett Mr Melvin 136. 1 37.223
B1ba. Steven 74.7 5 .1 82
Bickerstaff, Dawn 1 82
Bieker. Barbara 22 . 1 55
Bierbower. Debra 202
B1erdz. Janet 92 1 55
B1lott1 . Joe: 202
Bilski. Stan 1 82
Bilski. Stanley
Bindell1. Diane 12 1, 182
Bindelh. Peter 182
Bingham. Sharon 202
Binninger, Gareth 1 82
Birchall . Patncia 122.202
B1sciglia. Richard
Bisciglia. Scott 30.31.202
Bishop. Steven 11 5.1 55
Bitter, Nita 99 .102. 182
Biurman. Mrs. Josephine 131.132
Black. Mr. Wilham · 107 147
Blaisdell. Edwin 1 82
Blaisdell . Kenneth . 182
Blaisdell. Rickey : 108.202
Blasi. Gloria 202
Blazavier. Genevieve : 202
Blazavier Richard 202
Blevins. Alfonzo 202
Blise. Glenn 155
Blise, Kathleen 111 ,202
Blise. Sharon. 85.122,203
Bl se. Theresa 90.120, 129 1 23 1 56.
B omquest. Norman 1 1 9.1 82
Bloom, Gregory 118 156
Bloxdorf. Cor>'11e· 1 56
Bloxdorf. Pamela 203
Bobusch. Todd 101.1 56
Bock, Je~ery·
Bockehoh Mrs. Beat-.ce
Bockeloh Beth : 95 1 00 121.1 83
Bodven. Elaine 112 123
Boe-a 'vlrchael 24.58.59,72,73
78 79 98.156
BuE·o. Sarah· 203
BoJniewicz, David
Bolyard. David 94 103 104,203
Bolya•d M• Domild 130. 14 •
Bolyard. R1cliard 70.98, 1 56
Bonadio William 1 56
Bonakosi<e . ..ranet 156
Boness. Barbara 90 99 1 04 123, 1 56
Boness. Kevrn 203
Bon''ll. M• Gerald 135
Bonuf gho. f;ugef"e 203
Borlard John
Borland. Kare, 203
Borm!lr 1\1111<.e 123
Bose. ~o·ra1ne
Bose. Wilham 74 183
Bosman Nancy· 1 22 203
Bouse. Debra 95. 1 1 9. • 83
Bowe,,, Jeffrey 203
Boy '"lgton. L '."lda 1 83
Boy1n9tol" Linda
B •vie. Df""'lnlS 71 72 203
Boyle Pa.n 11 8 183
Bracl<r y, ... ames 20'3
BrncK'l~y Ps.JI 1 19. 1 83
E>rad f'y, Shir ~v • 83
Brady PE:'•ry
Bran:Jes Jeff•cy 7 1 ,20.:>
B•adsraw IVrs. Ann 1 '15
B•a'1dl Robect 203
B•aze Barba•a • 22.203
B cc "lm Peter 1 83
B•c'"lm. Peter
Bre;genzer. l 'lda 31, 183
E:lrc-genzer. Lorettci 203
Arewe• Brenda 1 83
Bndges. Richard • • 8, • 83
Briggs, Berd.:· 1 56
Briggs Berac.l
Brnak. Bn r 203
Brnak .... effroy 1 66
Bro ... sc h. 'v11chael 183
Broesc.n. Pdmela 85 .97 1 56
Brooks Mr Dc'1 49.136
Brown. A Bf" 1 83
B•own J1l . 183
B•owr. R chard 203
B•own ... ony. 110
B•own w ·,,ston 58.1 83 220
B•uc"•", F-elec1a . 40 99 109 156
Bruc'l, Russell. 203 Joseph 203
13runeo Perry 183
Bruneo. Peter 26 27 28.29. 76,
77.101 156
Bru'1et. Catherine 203
Bru'let Cheryl 183
Brunet. David . 99, 1 24 1 56
Brunet, Deborah 1 56
Brunet. Virgil" a 203
Brunner, ..,ud th 1 06.203
B~no. Mr P'11hp · 1 32
Bruns. 'v11chael 62.203 262
B•uns. S ... san 183
Bullmore Laurel 1 05 203
Bullmore Patnc. a 90. 105 109 1 83
B1.onkowske Mr 1 50
Burby. Kathryn 203
Burdick. Joy . 183
Burke Cindy 1 09
Burkee Robin : 141.156
Burns. Ja~es
Burrow Bruce.
Burrow. Cheryl 97 183
Burt, Dav.d 203
Buswell. l•ene 203
Butterbrodt James
Butterbrodt. Nancy
Byrd, Debra 1 83
Byrd, Faye 80, 1 10
Byrd. Larry. 1 56
Cafferty Debra 95. 183
Caira. Luisa 1 83
Caira, Vincent. 203
Camera!", Roben 203
Campagf"a Mary· 111 1 1 5 121,1 56.232
Campbe Bery' 203
Campbe! Lois ('v11ss).
Camph ' Raymond (l\llr) 136 1 37 146
Campbe. Robert 203
Canaan. S'1erry 1 83
Canales Rose 11 5. 1 56
Canfield, Mc•ia 203
Cantrell Barbara 9 •. 1 5 7
Capelli. Mary Jo 90. 100,104 114 1 83
Capelli. Pa.., la 106 1 1 2 1 1 4 203
Capozza, Dennis 1 57
Geppert E: lee,.. . 203
Capps Sardra 90 1 15 1 57
Carey Steve. 38 42 57 59. 74. 75,94.98.181
Carlin Joseph 26,27 157
Carlino. David • 57
Carlson. Carol 82. 106. 1 83
Carlson. Sh1r;ey 1 00.203
Carr. Meighan 112,203
Cartie. Je.,..,es 203
Cart1e. Tem 183
Casey. Robert 105 203
Casette Lon 1 1 5
Cassity. Raymond 157
Casteel, Betty 1 1 8,203
Casteel, ..rohn
Casteel, V1elka 1 00 203
Cdstona. Ro~s 99. • 57
Centeno. Diego· 46 94 103 105, 10 7
Centeno George 203
Cesario Dan el 15 /.2 • 9
Index -229
Cesano, Ricky 36, 71.2QJ
Ceschin, Susan 81, 157
Chalekian. John 70 1 83
Chambers. William 157
Chapman, Keith. 1 1 0 1 5 7
Chapman, Monty 11 0
Chapman Pierre 67
Gdry 74.75,90 119120.
129. 183
Chase. Russ I
Chase. Ruth 1 83
Chat1lov1cz. Patricia 1 21. 1 83
Chiapetta. Rutti 91.99
Chism. Barg s 203
Chodo·onek, Stephen 2C3
Choske. Denise. 183
Ct'>ovi;-"1 Judy 81.89,203
Cri ;t, (Mr) 70, • 50 • !51
Chnsterser U :> 'le 1 83
Christenser Davod
Cl'> astf"nsen Larry 1 57
Ch•istersen. Lawrence
Cr•ast, 1sen William 1.57
Christman. Da
Ch•1stma.,, Rone:: d (Mr): 112 144
Chr stmi::'l, Sharon 26.30 1 E. /
Chr,5t1 =:'l, Steven 67,203
Cr• stoffersor Gary 1 5 7
Ch stoffo·sen, Wade 123,157
Ch• stophersor Carol 204
Chr sphers~n. Gloria 1 57
Chromcak JalT'es 1 06.204
Ciapetta Leno·e 204
Cabrario, Jor'l ('\t1r) 58,59 76,77,145,
1 51
Cicchini, Frank·
Cic1laa Joa,, 30
C1os1elsK1 1Vl1chello 1 '37
C1!'cotta Rutt'> 11 9 1 84 2 1 9
Ciotti. Roger 1 57
Clark, Debbie
Clark. Ricky 184 227
Clark Tol'y
Clauer. Connie 104. 1 09. 1 58
Clauer. Julte 35 45 104.107 • 58
Clemens. Bruce
Clements. Mark 76.77 1 18 184
Cleveland. Paula: 184
Cline. John
Coburn. Joel 45.49 78 79.158
Cochran, Miehe: • 204
Cody, Deborah: 81 104.107. 158
Colby, Keith 99. 1 84
Colby, Steve:
Coleman. Angela 204
Collar. David
Coll ns Donna 204
Collins, Laurie: 97,184
Collins. Lynn 1 58,2 1 8
Collins. Roberta 204
Collins, Sandra : 204
Conforti, Susan: 1 84
Conti, Dante 72.78, 184
Cook. Deborah
Cooper. Pamela 204
Cooper. Susan 1 84
Corey. Randall
Cornell, John 1 58
Cornils, Kathleen 1 84
Corradini Thomas 204
Corrigan. Linda 37 1 58
Cosentino, Cynthia 1 58
Cossette. Lori 1 84
Cossette. Robert: 204
Costabile. Gary 204
Costello, James 1 58
Costello. Robert 204
Coulman. Janet.
Covelli. David 1 58
Covelli. Louis 46.4 7 .94, 1 04,
107, 158
Covelli, Tina 1 84
Cox. Douglas 204
Craan, Renzle 23.62,64,66,72,98,
117,120 1 84
Crawford. D
Crespo. Juan 204
Cronin. John • 58
Cross. Jerry
Cross. Sandra 9.44,95, 109 120. 123.
Croucher. Patricia 1 58
Crow, Judith 91, 123.158.227 .260
Crowe. Cheryll 1 58
Croxford. Janine: 1 84
Crucianel i. Richard 204
Crucianelli, Steven
Crumbliss. Patrick. 1 4 1 58
230- lndex
Cullen. Pa• 1a 1 81
Cunningh m [ v l 1 1 0 204
Cunningh m. D v :i 1 b8,200
Curnes. Capr _e 1 08
Curnes. Tina 38.99. 1 13.1 ~ 4, 1 84
Cutler Gv.,th1a 204
Cyzak C'iarl •t (M t.J• 1..>9
Czaika. A
i 8 85 92 1 >J, '18
Czarneck Kc ry 72 98 1 Ot>. • 84 '2 8
Czarneck Kim 70 59,, :24
Dagenbac'li Warren 1 59
Dahl. Col' aa 1 84
Dar'. Mr Richard 134
Dat-1. Tina >6 45 85. 1 05 121,1 59
Dahlberg . .Jeanre 1 59
Dah berg .JeN fer 1 02 1 1 6 1 84
Dah berg, IVlanlyn· 159
Dalpaos. Cyr th1a 10.90, 1 1 •. 1 1 51 20,
129,12,3 159
Dam. Br;a.,
Daniels. Sur.
52 1 59
Daniels, Tl'>eror.a 204
Danner La'lda 1 !:'9
Danoski, D.:m1el L01Darula. Mr R")bEJr' • 38
Daun. Christ
Daves, M1chdel 1 02 • 84
Daves. Rose 1 • L 204
Daves. Vick
David. Barbara 184
Davis. Brenda 122,124,204
Davis. Dariry. 58
Davis. Laverne 1 21 . 1 59
Davis. Richard 1 06.204
Dawson. David:
DeBartelo Frank
DeBartelo, Gemma 95. 184
K, thy 45 52 92. 121 1 59
Oecc.sal'C' Ct !lr
95 184
Degener -rromas 204
Delaney Barb
Delaney '\t1ar lyri 204
DelConte. v0r •ph1re 1 84
Deloacti Bir 184
Deluca. Rebecca 1 59
Del uc~ Steven 204
DeM1cch1 Gregory 159
Denig, Lawrence· 106 204
De'lnee, Earl 204
Dc..'"lnee, Frarik 1 07 1 59
Derning. r1na 111, 119,181,1 84
DerK5. Kevin 1 84
DeRose, Francesca 82,90, 1 84
DeRose. Lawrence·
Devine. Kathryn 204
Dewester. Larry
Dezek. Pamela 204
Dial. Jeffrey 85,204
Diamante. Denise 204
Diamante, Elizabeth 95. 1 84
DiCastri. Janise 46,95, 104.120,1 59
DiCastri, Kevin · 70.184
DiCello. Jeffrey 1 84
DiCello, Pamela
DiCc o. Susa;-i 204
Dickey, Jeff.
Dietrich. Joh'l 1 85
Dietrich. Thomas 204
Dill. Eddie 58,59,60, 1 59
Dimmer. Kathy
Dinges. Christine 1 59
Djuth. Kerry 1 85
Dodson. Lorreen 91.185
Doe·ring. Kirk 94. 1 59
Doherty, Barbara 45, 1 04,204
Doherty, Brian 1 59
Doherty, Janice.
Dolan. Mr Dennis 142
Dolnik, Lawrence 1 85
Dolnik, Thomas 204
Donahue, Dll"lnie
Donahue. Ricke·
Donais, f1rr'othy
Don'ey, Caro1 204
Donnell. Susar 14. 1595,109, 185
Dorr. James. 1 59 222
Dorr. Steven 204
Dosemag~"'l. Carol 91. ~ ~ ~, 1 24 1 59
Dosemagen. Lois 1 , 1 .204
Dosemage 1, Kathlec:"I 8485.9 1 , 1 60
Dosemager 'V'1chelle 204
Dosemager Steve 1 60
Doss, K<thy 1 10.123. 1 85
Doss. M .. t-...Jel • 22.204
Douglass Sharon 91, 104. 1 O 1. 1 60
Downie Debbie • 85
Downie. Debra 1 1 1
Downie. V1c.K• 185
f.- ~)\/\( Jht 1 22,2(,
r<t .., Donald .
LJ~b1r.,ky _dwrence> 204
D .. ffy. IV'1chae1 205
Dummer, Jolene 99, 106, 1 85
Dummer. Tern 1 1 2.205
> na v Cl" rvl 82.85,91 105. 185
J 'Tl
1:? 2
> nt alT'
1 60
D, nh1T
uAn . 185
> Vdll, L ry 1 85
Dvorai< Steven
i=arl. Ronald 1 85
=:boner. M1c'lefe · 185
E..dmand<;, Mrs Else 146
Edmar1< Lee 40.94 103,104, 1 60
Edwa-ds .Jan ce
E'dw..irds. Katt er ne 1 60
rhl r Douglas 1 60
~ kr • ., L JVC .ne 1 1 8
k ., M k
F ldred Jc>hl' 205
l 1111 JE!Y V "'la 205
t-l111":J' m Mr David 117 149
h () Vic' 1 60
h< K, thleen 205
Ellis. HobLrt!:I .
Elrod 1-.aur.e 1 60
E s11a .Jd ad .t05
Emenc:I<:, R t rd
E'lgdar Pt- lip
Englund. Sondra 205
Ekern. Mark 185
Epping. Scott 205
Enroth Carl: 68.69 ,94,98. 1 OJ
106. 185
Erbe'ltraut Betty· 1 60
E:reoT1c..'l. L ..icy
E..nckson. Deborah 82 9C 1 09 1 1 •
E..stano. Dav'd 58
E'stP•s M1chaP1 205 s, K1rr-oorly. 122
E'uc.a ano. f!•a n 1 60
falbo, 20b
i=alcol' David 205
f"dld..ito. Paul • 00,:.!05
Fcilk. Stan 133
Famous Arthur
Famo· s. Deni' s 1 1 0.205
F-andrea, Da1G • 60
Fandos, Sosedad 1 00
f'anduzz1, Peter. 71 205
Fanelli. Theresa 205
Fannong, Richard
Faraca. Alan 30.31. 1 60
Faraca. Diane. 51.52,86.89, 1 09 1 1 1
Fardella. Franco 1 85
Farafalla. Nick 205
Farrell. Miss Trudy 22,80.82. 150, 151
Feeney, Richard 160
Fe-est Dl'.'riiel 205
Feest. Dear
F-r.e<>t. Donala 205
Ferch Gerald 30.160
Ferraro. Cary 74. 75.185
Ferraro. Joseph 90. 123,160
Ferr;iro, Pau
Fer•aro, Paula. 205
F-errel Mrs Frances 146
F1eral"'"losca. John· 106 205
1"1.1ppel. Rosettu 1 60
F1lz. Ursu 9· 1 61
Finley Debra 1 85
Finley, Faye
Finley John 67.72.205
F1 ~a.,1. Karen 205
F1sc rie>r Harry· 16 •
Fischer Julie 205
Fischer Linda 97 1 61
F 1&cher Steve 205
F1$her. Franklil'
Fisher. Joan 205
Flaher<y, .... oan 1 61
Fle1s:;, Gay;) 205
Fhe$s, Therese. 104.205
Flores. Joh!' 205
Folldk, Linda 45,51,86.89 1 23 124
F-onfara. Barbara 1 85.233
Fonk, Daisy 26.28.29, 101 161
Fonk, Kim 105.221
Fortner. James·
Foster Cyr thia 205 21 l
Fost"'' Johnnie. 205
i:.ox1e Kvna 185
Fow Gr Mr James • 29. 1 3C 260
F-ra1d Jeffrey 1 85
Fra1d Nancy 1 61
F-ranco. M1c'1c::: 205
Frank. Caro: 12 1 1 61
Frary. M'S$ Gayle 81 .• 5 ~
f°rdz1er, C1md 1 10 1 2 1
Frazier James: 24, /2 1 85
Frazier. Karen 205
Frazier Leigh·
Fraz1ne Do1ores 185
Freder ck. Brenda: 205
Frederick. Lmda 101, 1 61,222
Freder•ck. Nancy 81.109.201 205
l'"redericksen. Gall 234
l=red:::r1cksen. Raymond. 62 72 96.98.
Frederk rig . ..,ean 123, 1 85
F reder1ckson. Nancy 205
Fr£tdrick. Sherryl· 106 205
F•ee. Barbara 1 61
Free Ronald 205
F reeroff Robert 100,205
Fr5,tag. Denise 90.1 61
Fremming. Mr Marvin 1 52
Frenner, John: 1 85
Frie.I(. David 23.107.161
Fugette, Mr. Thorr'as 135
Ga,dos. Peter· 205
Gu dos. Stephanie 1 61
Gannaway Den'11S 98
Gapanow1cz. Debra 205
Garcia. M1chae 161
Garcia. Arnold . 185
Garcia. Joseph 92. 185
Garcia. Leticia. 1 85
Garcia. Rudy 118
Gardinier. Janet : 82. 1 09 1 61
Gardner. Charles
Gardner. Linda . 205
Gardner. W'llie 185
Garland Jeff 161
Garza. Sharon 124.185
Gascoigne. Brian : 205
Gasser, Joan 1 85
Gastaldi. Dominic 205
Gastald1. Mary 122.205
Gaston. Wilfred. 101 1 1O.1 61
Gatz. Susan 1 86
Gatz, Susan
Gehr. '<enneth 1 1 8.1 86
Geiger Cynthia 205
Ge1gs• Cynthia
Geiger Gail 205
Gehche. Michael 205
Gentile. James 1 61
George. Dane:
George. Gary·
Gerber. Janice 124. 1 86
Gerber. Patricia 92.95.161
Gerlach. Thomas: 161
Gerrna n. David 1 86
German, Patricia
Germinaro. Gerdo 120, 129. 123, 1 61.260
Germinaro. Michael 206
Gerou, Jim: 186
Getschman. Mary 1 05 1 1 1 ,206
Giannola, Catherine 1 06
Giannola. Jacklind 1 1 6,206
Gifford. Paul. 74.186. 1 99
Gilbert. Jeffrey 206
Giles. Ella 11 8.206
Giles. Kitty 206
Gilliam. Donald
Gill am. Wanda 101, 1 62
Gills. Dale 1 62
Gilmore, Guinda 102,186
Giordana, James (Mr)
Giorno. Joseph 68 186
Gitzlaff. Donald 162
Givens. Walter
Glaeser. Julie: 104 106.1 07
Glass. Howard 186
Glassman. Thomas 106
Glasson. Cathleen
Glynn Patrick (Mr.) 96
Gober, Ruth (Mrs) 97, 146
Goergen. Ted. 206
Goldsby, Lonnie 1 2 1
Gombar James 71 206
Gombar Michael 71.1 62
Gomez. David
Gomez. Howard. 122.206
Gontscharow. Helen 186
Goodare. Laura: 95. 115. 121.186
Goodwin. Barbara 1 62
Gordon. George:
Gordon. George 58.60 186.200
Gorman Michael 85,99.120.206
Gosselin. Alan 90 102 1 25 1 86
Gott. Je~rey 68.1 86
Grade. Victor •..i 53 186
Gramme• Cather ne 1 62
Graf'T'"'-ritz. Charles· 206
Grando. Isabel 206
Granger M ~t>ael 206
Grasser Car 206
Gray. Jeff 206
Gray. R crard 206
Gray. T rn 1 62
Graziano. Mary· 206
Grebe. Rona'd
Greco. Silvana 1 62
Greeley. Linda 1 21.1 86
Greene. Gary 1 62
Gregorski David 1 62
Gregory James 1 62
Gre1'1er, David: 162
Greno. Diane 37.91,186
Greno. Gordon 58,,162
Gretzi.,ger. Debbie 30,85. 105,1 07
Griebel Victoria. 1 62
Griffin. Barbara 1 09.206
Griffin. Gayle 162
Griffin. Li'1da 109
Griffin. l\/lonte 206
Griffin, Robert
Griffin. Theresa 186
Grimes. Kirk 67. 1 04.206
Grisham Janet 206
Grissom. M1c'1ael. 75.124. 162
Grno. John
Grno. Joy 81 .99.105.206
Gross. Randy 186
Grueter Joan. 14,1 86
Gruetpr John 206
Gryczkowsk1, Ann : 1 86
Gryczkowsk1, Ann.
Grzegorczyk Diane 90.1 62
Guenther, R chard (Mr J 1 38.139
Guerrero. Jose:
Gulbransen. Gregg 206
Gulbranse. Karen 90, 186
Gunderson. Beverlee 1 62
Gunderson David
Gunderson Jeffery
Gunderson Kathleen: 1 62
Gunderson Marianne: 206
Gunderson. Randy 38.1 1 3.1 1 4.1 86
Gutierrez. Ruby 206
Guzman. Ruben 1 06.206
Gyurina. Gregg 58. 1 86
Hackbarth. Jane 91, 1 09 1 86
Hackel. Miss Joan 145
Hagelscher. Judith 1 62
Haley Michael 206
Hall. Mary 1 86.1 99
Halverson. Barbara 206
Halverson. Kathleen
Halverson. Ronald 1 63
Hamilton, Brad 206
Hamilton. Calvin
Hamilton. Candace 53 1 86
Hamilton. Cynthia 1 63
Hammond, Mrs Judith 1 51
Hampshire. Kenneth 122.206
Hansche. Mary.Jane 123.163
Hansen. Con'1ie 90. 104. 107.109.1 63
Hansen. Ga I 163
Hansen. Linnea 107.111.206
Hanson Jeralyn 1 86
Hanson Tlieresa 206
>-lapanow1cz David. 58 59
Hard n. Brenda 1 86
>-larkness. Melv'n 98.1 86
Harmon. Danny 227
Harmon. Evangal1ne.
Harmon. Floyd 206
t-larmsen. Holly 1 09. • • 9 1 86
Harp. Catherin 105. 1 86
1-iarp. Mary 1 22,206
Harper Debra 206
Harnsol" Brenda 1 86
Hart Laurie 85. 102 11 9 187
Hartig. Charles
Hartne1. Christine 206
Haubrich. Keren 206
Haubrich, Karen 90.97. ~ 81
Haubrich, M chael
Haubric'1. Richard 206
Haworth, Wdlter 94.106. 1 87
Hayes Larry 206
Hays. Tanya 120,1 23 1 87
Hayward Lorre.
Hazelton. Mrs Mary Jean. 135
~'ead. Br :in 28 1 20.206
1-<e1de James 98
Heide. Patric.I<
He1dersdorf Flobert
He1dersdorf Robert , 87
Hein Steven 64,65 66 187
t-leinesc'1, l\llrs Mar on 262
t-le1r .sch Barba a 1 2 •. 18 7
He1msch. Thomas 206
f-ieir ng James 62,63 72 96.
Heir;ng Jor'1 12.58. 18.96, 19 7
Helminger. ..;orn 1 63
Helwig. Mr 150.1 51
Henry John 70. 71. 163.2 18
Herbert, Mr l\/like 150.1 52,259
Herbert T1mot'ly
He1· hy, l\llr Den'1ts 30.31 1 30
HP.rmc'1n, E"' zabeth 111 .1 63
H~·nandez .... uanita
Horolt. L 1nda 1 4 1 5 89 1 22 207
Herrrna'1n, Gregg 58,90,96 98
Herrmann. Virg·n1a· 89 122,207
Hesse. Ct>aries 1 63
Hesse. Glor!a: 207
H ckey. James 187
H cks Fl1cky 118
H agcrt Cc;rolyn
H egG•t Cindy 207
H ier, He di
f-i 1er, .JUiie 8 1 .89,207
H '1Z. Miss Sue 136
H ob. June 207
H sey, Rutl-i 124187. 1 99
Hoaglu'1d. Deborah 90. • 87
Hoaglund. Sharon 20,207
Hodal. Annette 105.1 63
Hodal , Dona d 207
Hoeft. Mar1ean 207
Hoeft, M ct>ael 8.'>6.49.68 69 72
90.98. 105. 1 06.163
Hoey Michael 1 63
Hofentza. Donald ~ 39
Hofmann Carol 106.207
Hofmann. Charles 74.90.119. 1 87
Hofmann Mr Jot>r 148 149
Holden. Gary 141. 1 63
Holm, Brian 187
Holm. Donald
Holman, Ju o 207.210
Holmes. Kenneth 10. 71, 18 7,222
Holochwost Alan 1 63
Holy, Mr Jack
Holy. Mrs Patric.a 11 5.146
Holzman. Judy: 106 1 87
Hoomes. Theresa 84.85.207
Hopkins. Rose 44. 112,1 13. 1 14, 1 87
Horgen. Larry 7 5. 122,207
Horn1ckel. David 163
Horton. Nancy
Horvat. Miss Dorothy 132
Horvatin, Caro:
Houghton Mary 1 04.207
Hould. Jano 92.124. 1 63
Haute. Mary· 90. 1 63
Howard. PatricK 207.21 7
Hradsky, Janine 1 06.207
Hrupka. Sheryl 104 187.222
Hubbard. Barbara 95. 187
Hubbard. Mr Stirling 145
Hubbard Stirling 122 207
Hubeler. Kathryn 164
Huber. Robert 1 64
Huck. Charles 187
Huck. Michael 207
Huck. Michael · 187
Hudson. Janet 11 3.164
Hudson Oneal 1 22.207
Hudson. Patric13 187
Hughes. Mel.,da 81.207
Huissen. Don~a 207
Hu1ssen, Kath"een 1 87
Humphreys. Ja..-.E's 71.98.207
Hunt Jeffrey '207
Hunter. AIPta 1 87
Hunter ..,anme 5.38.42 43 44.45.113
114 164
Hurst. Robert· 72.207
Hy.,emc'1. Dense 207
Hy.,emc'1, Douglas.
lcrini Gl:iy 1 64
I ngl"o;,im Stevc'1
lnghafTI Steven 164
Ingram. Glen 181.12
lngrou1lle, Patr ck
lngwf!rsen, Joy· 104
Iorio. John 207
lserrT'ann. Jomes 26 42 4 7.92, • 24.164
lsermann W1ll;'l..,.., 90 1 64
lversori Douglas 90, 1 81
lversor l'licl-i rd 70. • 18
Jacki, Jeffrey 20 l
Jackson. Cl.,. stopher 58,59 60 66. 1 1 O.
164 200
Jackson, Jerol""e 1 1 0
..iat.kson 1'1/11ckey 58,96
Jackson, ~erry 1 87
..... ackson, ~erry
Jacobs Ju 1e 164
Jahnke Stever> 207 264
..,ake R1cra~d 267
Jakubowski, M1chi::G 207
Jakubowski. Miehe!:'· 187
Jalens1<y, Deni" s 207
James. Linda: 95 120, 1 64,227
.Jantz. Debb:"' 207 1 1 8
Jankowski. Cheryl 43.45,91 1 11.
Jantz Denr s 207
Jantz Diane 92.187
Jantz Steven 1 64
..... effery Crsster 67.72 207
Jelks, Karer: 187
Jenkins. Barbara 1 0,207
Jenkins, Da,lene 84,85.95.11 5 1 87
Jenkirs. Kathryr 1 87
Jennett Mary 30,31 .187
Jensen. Brian
Jensen. Cyntti s: 42 1 64 226
Jensen. Duya"le
Jensen, Roberta 207
Jensen. Robin 5 1 87
Jensen, ftiomas 207
Johnson Beth 1 04 207
Johnson Bobby 85
Johnson. Brenda 207
Johnson Emily 207
Johnson. Jae.I< 99.123, 1 64
Johnson, James:
Johnson. Jim 164
Jotinson, Karen 102,1 88
... oh'lson, Leanne 1 1 1 1 88
Joti"lson, Ludd~. 100 1 88
Jornaon, Marilyn
Joti'1son, 1 88
Jornson, Susa., 85
Jor"lson. Terry 1 88
Jornson. Valene 11 0.126,207
Johnson, Victor 207
Jotinston, Rfionda 1 64
Jokic, Renata 207
Jares. Joanne· 1 64
Jones. Joyce. 112 207
Jones. Susan 1 64
Jones ., 188
Jung, Renee ·
Juopper• Mr: 140
Juopper ~unette 207
Junk. Kare"!. 188
Juskewicz, Maryann 207
Juzenas. Steven: 1 65
Kadlac. Debra . 188
Kahl Jeffrey. 103.105.1 65
Kamin. Richard 208
Kangas. Russel. 122,208.72
Karakash. Rorald (Mr): 60. 139.1 50,
Karajankovich. Daniel: 1 65
Karrels. Richard (Mr). 140
Kaser Leonard
Kasten. Daniel 1 19. 188
Kaucic. Leda
Kavalauskas. Mary 1 88
Kaye. Karen 1 88
Keck. Linda 90.95.188
Kellmann, Rex 105.165
Kennedy. Susan: 208
Kerby, Danny 1 88
Kerby. Danny:
K1ekhoefe:r Verjoy 208
Kimberlin. Terry 1 1 8.208
King. Gerard 1 65
King. Ken· 208
Kintis. Mark 58.90, 1 88
Kipp, Cheryl 188
Kirby Lee 1 88
Kirby, Lee 208
Kirkman, Leonard 188
Kirkman. Leonard 208
Kirkpatrick. Sandra: 208
Kirschling. Celeste 208
K1s1elewsk1, Leon 1 22.208
Kisser, Lynette 188
Kitchens, Cheryl: 208
Kittles. Jeff. 208
Kitzmann. Sharon 90.111, 1 65
Klapprotr Dar ::· 208
Kl...iporot'1 Gdyle 80, 1 04.2C8
Klapproth Janet. 165
Klees. Claudia
Klees. t-ie1di 86,89,90, 11 1 1 6b
Kleml"" J m
Klemp. Gary 1 65
Klimes. Valent1r>
Kloet Nar1cy 208
Kloet V•ck1e
Klopstc ri. Kennetti: 1 65
Knic-krehrT' Charles (Mr) 134
KnJtser Karer 1 0 l 121. 1 88
Knutson. Kristina 1 3.99 208
Koderca. Daniel 61.208.219
Koelzer Gail 188.2 1 8
Kor'1kven. Jeanne 90 99 1 88,218
Koser, Susa'l 208
Koski. fil'Tlothy 1 88
Kosloske D :me
Kosloski. Don"la: 165
Kotz Jared 1 65
Kovach, Kathy 95. 1 88
Koz!.ll Darrell 76 77
Kramer, Don'1a. 14.95.109, 1 1 9 1 88 1 99
Kramer, Gary
Kramer, James: 208
Kranski, Richard 208
Krehbiel. Randy 9.64 61 16.l l. 1 65
Kresal. David 1 24. 165
Kneri1<e. Herbert
Knfka. Kevin 1 88
Krohn, Bruce 58.188
Krome. Linda 208
Krome. Mary. 101 165
Kronenwetter. Evelyn (Miss) 129
Kruegar, Carla (Mrs) 1 31
Kruger. Paul. 1 07,208
Krueger Terri 165
Krumm. Andrea:
Kruse. Sam 208
Kuhnley, Leonerd 208
Kul"!"'1szco. Konise 82 208
Kunesh, Sandra. 165
Kunke. Mark
Kurklls. John
Kurklis. John 76.77.188
Kuta. Jacqueline: 208
Kuta. Joseph 62.165.262
Kuz11<, Susan 1 88
Ladousa, Renee 208
LaFave, Miss Susan 135
LaFever. Debbie
LaFever. Debbie 188
Lagodich. Valentine 36.82, 104.
107109, 1 88
Lahti. Karen 1 65
Lain. Raridy.
Lan. Rita
Lain. Rita 1 88
Laieun1sse. R chard: 208.263,262
Lake, Harry.
Lamacchia. Rocco 71 .208
Landeau. Renee 122.208
Landree. Walton: 208
Landree. Dale 1 66
Landree. Mary 1 76
Lane, Robert 67.208
Lang. Dave
Lang, Debra: 124, 1 66
Langerman, Charles: 208
Langnes, Patricia:
Larson, Cynthia 1 04.208
Larson. David
Larsen. John: 1 88
Larson. Martin
Larson. Miss Michelle: 144.226
Larson. Michelle 201,208
LaSalle. Julie· 208
Laurderv1lle. Janet
Laurenz· Catherine 24.1 66
Laurenz• David 208
Lawrence Kathryn 208
Lawrence Marsha
Layton Mr Donald. 133
Lea Barbara
Leac.;h Jeffrey 90.188
Lebron. Adela 100.102, 1 88
Leclair. Paul.
Lee. William. 1 66
Leeman. Jean ne 1 89
Leeman. Thomas
Leff. Steven 41.42.74,75,85 90
Lehrke. Paul 107, 189
Lehrke. Perry 106,114.208
Lehto. Kathy 1 89
Le•;:iti Kev1r . 1 89
L ·neweber. Gary 72 106 208
LE=ps1g, D1.mrie 1 t>9
Lc t1rg L awrerce 1 89
Lc•ttle, L::"'lce • J. • 89
L '111esz Bogv;h 3 • 136
Lcrrnesz Yo:
Ja 208
L "lk . Guy
Lemke IV' 1c.had 1 89
Lc'ltir.:. Laura 1 66
Lente:. Diana U 1 • 1 24
Larosf', Dale
Le'ose Joar'le 208
l OWIS [)civ1d i 03. 104.208
Lewi" l'Jl1chaE'I 62.63,64.66 14
96 98 '89
Lewis Robert 1 66
L !C ...ter 1\11 ary
L1cnter, 1\11 chaol 6. 189
LI' 1-,ter ThO:'Y':.lS 70, 1 66
L1chwolt Duane
L ogakos Georgo 189
Liiey ~ee 1 89
L Ila. G1sc: a 97 100 166
L•ndsey Jar ce 208
L1nd::;•ro,...,, Ricky 70. 1 66
L ng, Donald 68.122.208
L nstrotr Debra 1 1 6, 166
L ndstroth, D c:rie.
L pke. 'Vlrs Mi::-1e> 140
L.pke Steven 1 66
Uc"las. Daniel 58.76,77,98 222
Loberger IV'ary ~ou.
Loberger Robe~ 209
Locarte Annette 43.44. 120 1 29 123
166 222 225
Locha'lsk1 Lola 95.100.102 112
1 14 1 89
Locharisk1 Mira 95. 1 00. 1 1 5. 1 66
Lois, Tf'ieresa 90 95 1 66
Lois Wayre 209
l opez Ar ta 1 2 1
Lorberter. M1c.'1aE'. 209
Lorenzen, Claud a 166
Lothes. Fred. 166
Lovelace. Steven
Lovetro. Antrony 45.58,59.61 64
65,76 77 166
1..ovetro. Patnc1a 6.1 89
LOWC Bill 102, 1 , 2
Lucas Lynr· 209
Lucchetta. Sevafino
~ucky, Archie 1 89
Ludwig Jeffrey
~udw1g, Steven 14.1 5
L ukawsk Barbara 1 04 106.208
~ukawsk, Lorraine 99. 1 66
Lurrley. Sandra 189
Lurn. Alar>:
Lura. Betty 18. 107 1 89
Lux Victor 11 209
Luzar. David
Lymore. E:ster "89
Lymore. Winnie 110, 126
IV'aassen, M
Ado.;:ih 1 J6
Maassen Mrs Verna 143
Mac.hara, Valene 80, 189
Macht, Susa!" 82 109 209
Macrerio, Maro 209
Madser S.,!:·ry· 167
Magada. M ss !\/lane 1 15.135
Mahore Cerc1 57.64,67,98 118
Mc.c:er Richard i 67
Maier, Richard 1 07.209
Maier Ror.a•d 209
Mahmanr Just" 34
Malsack Saridra: 161
Manes1s. Mr George 124 136
Meriderriack. Brett 78, 79. • 67
Mandernack Scott 104,209
Mc'lna, Ei...gene 209
Manson. Mr George 1 33
MC'lUill<, l'l/lary 90 1 29 1 67,260
Mc:riuh1< Paul 209
Mcrabell1, Carol 189
Mc abelh. Debra 4490,120. 1 29.123,
167 260
Maracc·rn -rerry 99. 1 67
Mcrc'"lo, Guy
Marcella. Mr. Robert 148
Marc.hand. Gregory 189,222
Marcra'ld. Duane 12, 1 67
Marchese. Mr l=red 133,229
Marcfies1r Pamela 209
Margraf. Danny 209
Marifjeren. Revert 1 89
Manfjeren. W1I arr 1 89
Markham, Mr 70 1 &1
2 16/
IV< rk1n C. ~
1182 r:,
!• L ..,d
t '1w ..., 2~ 8
'\ ~ 'lOr fhc
.:::; 2oc
'\II Jrt 'l, [) '1blf1 1 'L2 1 L9 13q
'\/, [ born..-( J ·~r,
n Ge c.. :lire 20'1
M •ttn. , nice & 6 > q• 1 1~. 1 8<1
M<•tir L1r C11
M -t1r> l\f rk 1 8!'1
l\l't rtir
M:-tnc l\/.1cli2·
Mn t1nson. l\f1cnc
Mcrtir ..,, ,r l'lleiil 209
'Vlc1• :·in C:.i t-y 20CJ
VltJ<.On f>t tnc - 183
Vld'lOr P uld 1 61
'VI l Gr .,.. mntt y
M l">C r
M t ...i-rr ,
Grru 52 S 1 78 1£' 98.
1 68 2t-2
t ... • .;e M -t>
3!'> 80 86 88 111
119 189
rvat1C 'J.,sc1n '07 "2'.<- ..!09
IV'<Jt+C'UC ~, Jerry 10~.104 • 89
!Vlat•t>cw , l\Jur y 121. 1 08
IV'ut••un l\f..._c3 1 04,209
V.u•u ,<I< Jl1c.h<JC'I 189
V:..iuger Lor _ 20<'l
'Vluuwr 01.lniel 61.68 1C1- 189
VII.Ju er Ker 1et'1 122,209
'Vlc1xcy 'Jeb.J 209
'\/laxwc:' ~cs 1 1 1. 1 1 f>.208
Mayer. Kurl • 89
M iyc... 01tir>e 1 2 1 • 1 68,219.223
Mays. Pc1u 209
M'lZC M1char· 189
Mt.zz;:: r
Jear> 42 98 1 1 9 1 89
M· All -ter, Kath'een 26 . ..: 7.40 45 4 7
92 102 .• 20. 1 68
M-Br o
:Jebo·c· 209
Mc ,...arthy. Julie 45. 1 04, 09. 1 90
Mr Carthy. M• Hen--y 1 45
l\l'c C.vrthy. Mc·K 62.64. 72 66 1 68
fVlc Clellc1r>Cl Wc'lda 1 90
IV'c Cc... .:>u9'1, '\/lark 105.209.263,262
l\f.c Cc· son. Kucri 1 68
IV'c Cpoy Katry 168
'\Ile Ci...,.. b r Elv1ru 1 90
'\lle,Oorm1d J1
'VkDc;, '1 d. Putnck 1 68
'\/le,OowG .:Jeb·a
'VlcGC' <:Jh, Mrs Caro!e 141
'Vlc.Gra•r Katl'y 14 15 122 209
'Vldec'l. M• i<c tli 13 l
Vle,Ne1I Oc'l~ :I 76 77.123. 1 68.219
Meo na. Richard • 1 8 209
Meeker. Rut'1 119 190
M !'> c:<> Lucy 209
nnc:; Ctmstine 101 1 68
M<> nnq Oean 7 • 209
Mr ~.nnc . Jar>e
Mc c• J'.3arbur
Mch.. rider ~ot>.1 190
8r< lley 70 1 68
IV'endcn ... •.omds I JO
l\/.c..,de>r> r ,..,,o•t>y 209
l\fent1 , John 209
l\f.erfo• i, Mr rrill 209
IV'mn '\/Ir Ker>'let'1 137 221
!Vler+z _ u~y 209
~E'!:: ..>ro ti Ar;Jehna 1 90
'\Iler _,ir 1. 209
V:e•er E:lurbara 209
'Vle•te>r> Rosell""' 1ry • 90
'Vieu er Jene 82.1 1 9, no
Vleyer. Jt.<11CE'
'\/feyer Karle 80.209
Meyer. Mic~ ael 58 190
Moyer Susa.., 1 90
M ~r >k• Chr st 1 38 120 129
M _r s f\/11!:.S Marv
3 11L
M co. J o.1l1e 1 05.209
1\1'1c.u, Mc k. 117 168
1\111elke. Sus;in· 190
Vlig.1ano !Vlrs. Jar>t:t • 1 8 13 7
Vlt i..s ..... ot .,
VI• es. Mr Raymond 13 7
M ard. Mark. 1 1 7 1 90
M ler. E:lo'lnie 85. 1 06 '90
M.iler. Br i:iette: 1 90
Miller, Mrs. Judith 1 43
Miller. Ken . 190
',/. rk
:V1 • "'lc..bert 20'"1
!Vl1 - •• r
l\/1r • Jr"'fr£y 168
IVl 1r1a. P.0t rt
IV' 1r , Oebor.:it 100 112.14 l 168
l\.ll1rk Denr _,
!Vl1surellt ._1st. 210
!Vlitc.hell Bmty 80
IV' 1te,hell Kenr tr 2 1 2
JV11t1«i.Mch3el 1 0 , 1 01. 1 uu
l\/.leczkc1 Jo -.n 90!)1 190
l\/.lodz1k '\II• nonald 1 OL. 1 ,9, i .15
220 216
l'v"ock "'•m 70.190
Moczulew">k l:;dward 2" 0
l\llodory Dehra 2 1 O
Modory. '\/lark 118, 125 190
Moo·1ir:n. _;.,...., s 1 90
l'v"oeb. s Mr W1I :::?~ 1 1 1 143 1 &2
Moeller. Cu•henn
Moeller, Joanr 2 1 0
Moeller, ..,..t>eres
90. 190
Moffett. 61 90 1 04 101. 1 90
Molder Junice 1 68
Morcat-:." John 12.1 1 • 1 ..:2.:l 1 O
Mordr._gon IV'rs Royraldo 144 160
Mor''IE'r Tc• 190
Morsor Jan '"le 90 1 68
Mor>tague Mark 58. 59 61. 1 68
Mooe E:: 126
Moore. Harry 37 1 69
Morey. Barbara
Morey '\/lary 210
Morgar Oougla< 12 190
Morneau ..,.. 'Tlothy 2 1 0
Morre. Gail 210
Moses. Debra 210
MudraK Pamela 210
Muel e· l(er'1eth
'\/fuel e• Scott 2 • 0
'Vli.'der Ar ta . 210
'VI ullaly t. oretta • 90 Anthory 210
'\/l~rphy. Daniel 68. 1 90
Murpt>y M1c'1ac· 210
Murnay. G•eg 1 69
Murray. Patnck 37 190
Murray. Ronda. 210
Musselman, R ct>ard
Muto. Miss Mery. 132
Mye•s. Joar 2 1 O
l\/.yers. 190
f\/lyers K.,.,., 52 66 76 77.94, 120.1 69
Myres. Ronr ~ 2 1 O
Naekrsz l<atl"-leer 190
'\laekrsz Petc>r
'\laekrsz Wa tF~r
Nal""to. Jo~~ph
Nayd hor Pc:JI 1 02 2 10
Nedweski, ..;amC'S 2 1 0
Negri. Ronald 1 02 2 10
Neises. Ter•c'1ce
l\ie1ses. ferry 1 69
l'llelson. Deborah 1 69
l\ielson. Dave 64 65.67,68 98 124
Nelson. Denis
80 110 126 210 222
Nelson. Eugene 35. 71. 1 06.2 • 0
Nelsor Larry 190
Nelsor Mark . 122 2 10
Nelson. Steve 2 1 0
Nc~son. Tc•ry 2 1 0
Ne-son. Russell 1 90
Nelson, V cky 1 90
Nesgood. Mc•k: 30.31.72 73 98.
58 59 123,1 69
l'llettie. S ater 1 9
t\ieumil'" W liam 210
Nevoraski. Daniel 2 1 0
Nevoraski, Jeff•ey 1 69
Nev. George.
N1ccolia. Anne 95.1'9.191
N1cho.s. B. y. 1172210
'\l.ererberger Christine 34. 1 91
'\I kola1 Theresa 21 0
N kolic, Do·ma 21 0
N1sr.en. 0£Jbra 12 • 21 O
Noc• Der.,1s 210
Noel. Joh!" 58 1 91
Nokes Susc'l 1 91
l\iorns. Wuy..,e
l'llolan Jean 104, 1 69
Nolan. Joan 95, 1 02.105 107 1 24
Noto. Peter
Noto T.,·-csa
100 112,115.116.169
f\ioc1ak '\low ~ 45 11 !) 169
t\iuo M ::key
Nutni Ka•t>c.en 1 1 62 1 0
Obc-ho tzr • Denv 1 16
')bc>rt1n Janette 1 91
Obert1r> Su<;an 169
Ocor>nor. .,etf•oy • 02 • 06. 1 ..: 5.210
Ogden. Donald . 119 191
Ogren. Jerry 210
Ogren K<lthy 9u, 191
Ohm. R ta 35.80 169
Olbrvs. Bc>n 210
Olt>rys, Theresu 99 2 1 0
Ol1uk Cc.·ol
Ol1v<.1res. Hope 2 • 0
Ohv res Rosendo
Oiak. Ciw>I 915. • 9'
0 ,en David : 210
Osen. Kn, 22 109210
0 ::en M
-.eJ 1 69
0 ;en Pote· 4C 41 61 58 59.68.69.
90 98 114 169
0 c:er Bnan 210
LJl!:.::m L nda 81 107 109 191
Ols.c>n M .. garet 210
Olson. F atr1c 3 BO.• 07, • 91 .200
Ols.:-in Rocky 21 O
Oneil Larry 2 1C
On· ,:zczuk Heier> 2 1 1
Or>osk0 Phi .p 66 191 262
Or" f\icncv 1 91
0 ...ik1'>.>
Qr ..Jku$, Br• Jr> 19
Ort"ln A e-.
Orton StevGn 1 9 1
P.itr c1a 1 4 1 5 1 69
Oster t-1a.,dy 46 4 7 71 105, 1 25.
Ostc Thomas 7 62 63 61211
Ost1'Y'lt:ri. M• G1 bc'""t 142
Ostrowsk Jack 62.63 67 211
Ostrowski. Marv 1 91
Otto. Bruce 1 91
Otto Rob . ., 2 1 1
OttC> Thomas 1 22.2 1 1
Pace. Sherry 1 91
Parett Ct-iristopher 170
Peckman Rober+ 10 1 91
Pade. Leant' 80 82 19
Pallcn- olla, Richard 1 00 211
Palrnas. Rochelle
Pulmen Jane 122 2 11
Panlenc• Beth 90 92 1 70
Par>tov1cl"- Tina 1 9 I
Paone T •esa 53 106 211
Pups Peggy 100 1 70
Parc.e.r:1<a Peter
Paredes Sanj ... amta
Paredes.. San,~a'l1ta 1 91
PareN Gero 1 70
Parese. Arnold 211
Pa se. Delores '02. 1 91
Pc· seuu Edwc'd
Pa•i<er Gay 1 70
Pc-t<cr Le1gl"- 1 9 1
f'a•ker Ronald • 22.2 • 1
P,·1<c· Sr:: s 2 1 1
Pc•neh. D'"">nr>o 1 91
Pi:•nch. Sue 112 211
Parsons Miehe:; .
Pask1ew1cz. Ar>r>B 1 8 •
Pask1ew1cz. David
Pask1ew1cz. Ja:iet· 9C 92 1 00 1 24.
Pas1< ~w1cz. Mary 2 • •
Patnzz1. 'Vlargaret 1 10
Patterson Pa!'Tie:a 2 • •
Patton. Da'l1el 15 78 98 191
Patty. Kay 37 104 1 91
Puu y. Dav'd 1 23.1 70
Pau ::m1 l\/.1chc..-•
Pau oni Robert
Paw1ow1cz. Richard 191
Pazera. J\.1kk1 211
Peckus. 'Vlarybeth 37 80 211
Peckus. ~oland 30 68 120 123 191
PeKoske David 7 8. 1 9 •
Pe;:lig• no, Susan 26 90 1 10
Pelt. Sa,-,dra 95 1 91
Penrod Janet • 91 200.~ 18
Pepple, A1..gust (I\/. r l 1 49
r>erez J ll 1 91
Perkins. Scc•t :?
Permun. Shirey 1 91
PermOnr' n'lnald 1 "l2
Pern 01une 1 10
Pern IV'c 1a 8 1 2 1 1
Jc...1-in 1 2 14 1 10
lndex - 233
Perrine. Robert 211
Perron1. Dawn : 38.44.95, 100, 113 . 141
Perroni Robert . 211
Perry. Robert (Mr.) 133
Perry Samuel : 64.66,76,77
Pestka, Joan 1 70
Peters. Carol : 211 2 1 7
Peters. David 58
Peters. Gayle :
Peters. Kathleen 95.170
Petersen. Alan : 114 122.192
Petersen . Hans· 170
Peterson, Alvin
Peterson. Luan'le
Peterson Melanie 82.95 192
Peterson. Steve: 120.123, 1 29.260
Pettey, Denise : 1 70
Pettey. Teresa 192
Petrick. Pa.,,e'a· 211
Pfarr. Michael
Pflugrad, Amelia. 1 92
Pharr Martha 1 70
Phillip. Laura 122.211
Phillip, Tom 72.73,98, 1 71 259
Piasecki, Joan: 109 121 211
Picazo. Gregory 211
Pickerign Kathy :
Pickerign, Keith
Pickerign Randy
Pickut. Bonnie 21 1
Piehl, Kirk: 1 06,211
Piehl. LOUIS 58.59 98.105, 171
Pier, Jeffrey: 1 71
Pierangeli. Cheryl 21 1
Pierangeli. Dina 6.95. 192
Pieral"'toni. Lisa 95.192,223
Pierce. Pamela 23. 107, 115,192
Pierce. Scott. 2 1 1
Pilligor. Jen:
Pill gor Ten : 89 109 211
Pinkert, Ronald 1 92
Piscott1, Robert : 1 92
Pisula. Steve 2 1 1
Pitsch. Paul;
Pitts. Claudia 121.21 1
P1vovar. Dorothy: 99, 1 92
Platt. Michael· 62,63.171
Plourde. Patricia 21 1.223
Plovanich. Richard: 1 71
Podberesk1, Nancy 52. 1 71
Pollock. Joseph 123,171
Polovina. Mark 1 7 1
Polovina, Patrick· 1 71
Pontillo. James: 1 2.1 92
Ponzio, Frederick. 211
Poole. Melanie 123.171
Poteet. Kevin 211
Potts, Edward 67 1 03 211
Potts. Ted 94, 1 92
Potts. Valerie : 84, 1 71
Prater. Deborah· 91. 1 92
Powers. Maureen 2 1 1
Predny, Kathryn. 81. 1 71
Prescott. Ricky 211
Pril Gary·
Pril Linda 2 1 1
Pnmuth. Debra 91. 104.107, 192
Probst, Patty
Propsom. Patrick 192
Prostko. Jeffery 2 1 1
Prostko, Karen 2 1 1
Prudom ....heresa 97 104. 192
Prybylski. Carrie 1 92
Prybylski. Gail 1 92
Psybylsk1 Kathleen 1 7 1
Prybylski. Patricia 1 92
Prybylski. Daniel
Przytula, Diane: 211
Puckett, Debra 1 92
Puckett, Dennis 2 11
Puckett. Patricia 121 ,21 1
Puder. Craig 1 92
Puder. James 58.60. 1 92
Pulera. Anthony
Pulera. Anthony· 1 92
Pulera. Barbare 1 92
Pulju. Lon: 211
PulJU. Terrance 1 92
Puntillo. John. 26.27,58.60.70,
96.98. 171
Puntillo, Robert 71 2 1 2
Putnam. Judith 1 92
Putrow. Michael 106,212
Pynaker, Gerald 1 71
Pynaker. Robert. 68, 1 92
Quandt. Karen 1 71
Quinn Donald 23 ,
Qu nn. James . 212
Quinn Jane 1 16.122.212
Quinri 1\/11chael 36 171
Raabe. Dawr : 1 02 1 71
l=laabe Debbie . 1 92
Radley Kenneth 2 1 2
Radovandvic. M sa 1 71
Radovandvic. Vera 21 2.231
Radtke. Frederick 1 42
Raduechel. Jeffery 1 03 105.21 2
Radulov1c. Boie : 1 72
Rainey Ca•olyn 212
Rainey ~eonard 62 6472 ,73,192
Ra·ney Steve
Ralph, Lawrence 76-77, 192
Ralph. T1fT' . 72 212
Ra1T>sey. Jeffrey 2 1 2
Randell . Edward 1 06.1 92
Rargel. Martin 212
Rangel. Mary· 21 2
Rasmussen. James 21 2
Rasmussen. Margaret 105, 109, 1 72
Rasmussen. Ranae 1 92
Rasmussen. Thomas: 1 72
Ratelis. Anton 1 92
Ratliff. Geanna 11 6.1 93
Razze. Sadika 80.110 126. 193
Redlin. James. 21 2
Redlin. Kenneth 2 1 2
Redlin, Lawrence 1 93
Redlin, Robert : 1 72
Reece. Vickie 2 1 2
Reece. Vickie : 11 0
Reed. Robin 111. 1 93
Reeves. John : 193
Reeves. Judith : 212
Reich. Jeff· 112, 1 93
Reidenbach. Sandra 122.212
Reineke. Gerald 1 72
Reinek1. Evelyn 1 22 ,21 2
Reisenauer, Pamela , 2 1 2
Renick. Carol: 21 2
Renzoni. Barbara 91 1 93
Renzonik. John 2 1 2
R1cchio. Lynetta 1 93
Richards. David 1 72
Richardson. Tom 62-62,72.193
Richie. Randy. 172
Richter, Linda. 97, 100, 1 72
Richter. Todd ; 68, 103-1 05.212
R ichtmyre. Edward 1 41 , 1 7 2
Ricker, Douglas .
Rickey, Bradley ·
Ricks. Lloyd: 1 72
Riechenberg. Brian
Rieckenberg. Valerie: 1 72
Rieschl. Joyce 1 72
Rieschl, Luann: 21 2
Riley. Marilyn 1 93
Riley, Pamela 1 10, 121.126,1 72
Rintamaki, Richard· 193
Riordan. Renee: 1 72
Ritacca. Carol 99. 1 18.21 2
Ritacca. James 1 72.222
Ritacca. Louis 1 93
R1tacca. Richard 94, 1 03.104,1 93
Rivera. John
Rizzo. Barbra: 5,92.1 72
Rizzo. Doreen 97 .193
Roberts. Anthony
Roberts, Randy 193
Robinson. Jeff 14,1 5
Robinson Tina. 193
Robles. David: 85.21 2
Robles. James· 90.193
Rocco. Sa<n.
Rock. Berndetta 172
Rock. Stefan: 212
Rode. Robert
Roders. Bruce 68.1 22.212
Roders, James
Roders. Karen
Roders. Steve 21 2
Roders, Mr Thomas: 64, 117 137
Roders. V'ctoria· 57,109 119,193
Rodriguez. Andrew 1 93
Roedema. Shelley; 2 1 2
Rogers. Denise 80,95, 1 72
Rogowski, Cheryl 2 1 2
Rolf. Bettina: 193
Romano. Charles 2 1 2
Romanowski, Jeff 58.193
Rorr1anowsk1. Keri 212
Romanowski Renee 43 11, 115,1 24
Rommel Diane 193
Rompesky Jan. 45 81 91 105,193
Ropp, Larry • 93
Rosales . Guadalupe 2 1 2
Rosa1es . Theresa
Rosey, Kath een 193
Ro~ nsK1 Deborah 1 93
Ros1nsk1 Robert
ROSKO. Mr Anthony 133
Rosniann. Sherry 119 1 93
Ross. Dav,d
Ross . Jennifer 104,21 2
Rossa. Roger
Rossa. Ronald 9 1 93
Rossi. Cynth a 21 2
Rossi. Diane·
Rossiello, Michael. 78.212
Rothamer. Debra 21 2
Rothwell. Douglas
Rothwell . Karen 212
Rozzoni. David
Ruben. Nancy
Ruehle. Pamela :
Ruffalo, Larry .
Ruffalo. Laurie 1 1 2
Ruffalo. Paulett 14-15.122 212
Ruffalo. Richard : 21 2
Ruffalo. Vincent 37
Ruffolo. Clare : 37,85.193 199
Ruffolo. Colette 91
Ruffolo. Daniel 71 . 119, 1 93
Ruffolo, John 71.212
Rupp. Georgene : 2 1 2
Russo. Debra 2 1 2
Russo. Robert
Russo . Willie Mr 1 33
Rotkowski. Betty: 1 93
Ruzzicone. Rodney 2 1 2
Ryszewski . Mary: 2 1 2
Sabo, Alex (Mr) 105.106, 147
Sacco. Richard (Mr) : 2230.31,99,144
Sadlon. Jay
Sadlon, Lynn 5 . 1 93
Sadlon , Richard 103.1 05
Sadlon, Timothy 78.212
Sadowski , Cindy 2 1 2
Sadowski , Pearl
Sahs, Wendy 90,95. 1 93,219
Saknits. Martin 68.21 3
Salas. Michael 213
Salerno, Mary
Salerno. Peter 37 , 193
Salituro. Debra : 100, 112, 116,193
Sammons. Scott 1 94
Sande~on , Robert 213
Santiago. Edwin :
Santiago. Reina 80, 100.1 94
Sartor. Diana 1 94
Sauceda. Yolanda
Saulys, Joann: 213
Saundevlfle, Janet 1 1 8
Saurela. Jack (Mr.) 148
Savaglio. Mary · 213
Savaglio. Monica· 1 94
Savaglio, Louis.
Savaglio. Teresa 213
Sayles. Donald
Scalzo. Faith : 80.89.11 6,21 3
Scarlato. Gregory 1 94
Scarlato, Mary : 112 11 5-117,129,260
Schabowsky. Joann 21 3
Schaffer. David: 213
Scatter, Rob 58, 1 99
Scalier, Pamela 1 00
Schantek. Scott 58. 1 94
Scheckler, Jody: 1 94
Schemenauer. Judith 11 1, 124
Schenning, Gregory 1 22,21 3
Scheremeta. Rosemary·
Scherer. Calvin
Scherer, Julieann: 81 ,91
Sch1erenberg. Martin 72. 118. 194
Schiesl. Richard
Schliesmann. Betty 90.111. 1 15.1 74
Schiller. Karen: 1 94
Schlinsog. Jack 1 94
Schlitz. Dawn: 21 3
Schlitz, Jean
Schlitz, Robin: 1 74
Schlitz. Sandra· 101, 174
Schmalfeldt, Karen. 194
Schmauss. Debra 51.52.1 74
Schmidt. Barbara· 194
Schmidt. Keith 174
Schmidt, Lynn (Mr.) 135
Schmidt Mark
Schmidt. Michael 174
Schmidt Terri 92.1 94
Schmurck, Denise 1 94
Schnaare. Craig 7 6. 7 7. 174
Schneider, Sett> 1 94
Schneider Debra 1 94
Schneider. James 1 94
Schneider..... eff•ey
Schneider. Steven .
Schoepke. Fred
Schopp. William 1 94
Schrake. Betty: 174.228
Schroeder, David 2 1 3
Schroeder, Gary: 1 1 7. 1 94
Schroeder Kenneth 9, 1 94
Sc'1roeder. Mark. 2 1 3
Sc.hroeder Steven 21 3
Schuett. Gregory (Mr.) 138
Schuld. Anthony
Schuldt. James 213
Schultz. Deborah. 174
Schultz. John 174
Schultz. Romona 80.82.194
Schumacher. Roberta· 174
Schumacher. William (Mr.) 1 31 1 32
Schuster. Chris 1 94
Schwartz Shari 21 3
Schweitzer. Mary 21 3
Scott. Janet 90.104.1 74
Scott. Keith
Scozzaro. Elena 21 3
Scriver. Sally 9, 174
Scriver, Susan 1 74
Scrapes. Mr. Ted 135
Sebena. Brian 1 74
Sebena. Robert
Sebetic. David: 68.82.89,98.109.118.
120.123.120 1 74,260
Sebetic. Donald. 23.121, 123
129.1 74.260
Sebetic. Judy 174
Secor, Diane 104.21 3
Seggario, John·
Seggiard. John ·
Seh1epal. Richard 174
Seitz. Eugene 2 1 3
Seitz. Randy 21 3
Seitz. Rosalie· 1 06 21 3
Sempowicz. Walter 174
Seleski. Jon 2 1 3
Seleski. Stephen 53.58,98. 1 94
Sellers. Sandra· 213
Sellers. Vickey
Sepanski. John
Sepulveda. Dorothy: 21 3
Sessa. David 1 94
Sesser. Janet. 121.1 94
Sesser. Judith: 1 94
Sessa. Richard 21 3
Shaffer. Robert: 1 94
Sharpe. Debra 5.175
Sharpe. Gail 107.213
Shas. Vendy 1 1 9
Shaver. Mr. 125, 1 35
Shemanske. Susan . 90.129.260
Shepherd. Tom: 213
Sherron. Hugh
Sherron. Keith: 70. 71 .21 3
Sr1elds. Deborah 81.86-88 99
Shields. Donna 122.213
Shipman Michael 175
Shipman Robert 21 3
Short. Elaine 21 3
Short. Joyce·
Short. Joyce· 1 94
Shwaiko, Todd 90.107
Sicilia. Joan. 121.21 3
Sicilia. Mary: 1 75
Sicilia. Tina: 1 75
Siedjak. Patricia:
Siedjak. John. 175.227
Sigman. Audrey: 175
Sigman. Rodney: 175
Siler, Cindy 21 3
Silvermann. Mr Ronnie 132
Sinnen. Edward 1 94
Sinnen. Margaret:
Sinnen. Michael: 71.98.1 7 5
Sironen. Bonnie 50.52.194
S1ronen. Polly 81.116,2 1 3
Skowronski. Randal. 74,75.94.103.
Slater. Douglas 72.96. 1 07 .2 1 3
Slater. LeRoy
Slater. Nettie:
Slugocki, Lillian. 194.227
Slye. Daryl
Smith. Brenda 21 3
Smith. David 1 94
Smith. Debra. 194
Smith. Gregory 213
Smitl· James 2 1 3
Smith. Joseph 1 94
Smith, Kevin 1 94
Smith. Margaret
Smith. l\llane 1 95
Smith. Mary 195
Smith. l\lleltssa 175
Smith. Patricia 195
Smith. Rona d 1 95
Smith. Susar 2 1 3
Smith, Thomas 68.69.96,98.
109 .• 20 .• 23. 1 75
Sm th. Vonl"e
Sm th. Wil 1am.
Smolik, Jeffrey 58.60,70.195
Sorensen Colleen · 213
Sorense:" Douglas
Sorenson. Michael
Sorenson Scott. 1 1 8, 1 7 5
Soronen. Cindy 11 6. 121,21 3
Soronen. Mr William 1 52
Soto. Deciderio 95
Soto. Marina 11 8.195
Soule, Barbara 21 3
Soulek. Mr. Ronald 60 145
Spauld ng, Paula : 175
Spauld '1g, Sandra 122.21 3
Specht. Ph lip 119.195
Spine. Teresa.
Spiroff. Paul 4
Spitzer, Kevin
Spitzer. Kim 127.214 217
Spivek. Marita: 2 1 4
Spivek. Marita. 1 95
Spring, Mr. Carl 134. 135
Staff. Donna 99.1 95
Stalker. Ronald.
Stallman. Mrs Jeraldine 135
Stanford. Wilham: 1 95
Stankiewicz. Sus 195
Starks. Lawrence. 1 75
Starr. Jeffrey 122.214
Starr. Paul 122,214.21 7
Statema. Ruth 214
Staves. Laurie 2 1 4
Steffensen. Paul 2 1 4
Ste1g, Sharon 195
Stein. Diana 85-87.89.11 1.175
Stein. Gregory: 76.77, 103.105.175
Steinseifer. Richard 195
Stellato, Joseph : 6,30,52,58.195
Stengert. Karen,1 7 5
Stepheson. Johnny:
Stern, Howard 195
Stettner. Cheryl 1 75
Stettner, Robin 53,2 14
Stevens. James 1 75
Stevens. Robert. 1 19.195
Stewart. Namon: 195
Stifter. Patricia
Stika. David 175
Stine. Lyle. 58.70,96, 107.195
Stine. Lynn 80,2 1 4
Stinefast. Wayne 1 76
Stoebe. Mr : 74,150-151
Stoj1c. Vito 21 4
Stolarski. Sandra: 121,214
Stone. Kathleen 82.176
Stoner. Wayne 176
Story. Nancy 99, 121.214
Story, Mr Ronald 135
Stoyer. Claudia 1 76
Stratton. Ctiarles 214
Stringer. Cathy 100,2 14
Strobel Mr Oskar· 145
Strossner. Debbie. 1 95
Strupp, Jon
Sturino. David 36.176
Sturino. Diane. 95.195
Sturino. Doreen 195.200
Sturycz. Phtlip· 58,68-69.176
Subotic. Nikola· 195
Sucharda. Michael 10.195
Sucharda. Susan: 36 2 14
Summers. Debra 91.1 06112.
Suokko. Gary· 2 14
Swaney. Patricia·
Swanson. Rex 74.75.195
Swanson. Terry. 195
Sward. Leslie 102.214
Swartz. Keith. 98, 1 76
Swartz. Rochelle
Swartz. Sandra 2 1 4
Swartz, Sherri 81
Sytkowsk1 Jean 214
Sytkowsk1 Patricia 195
Szafranski Lidia 2 1 4
Szarfransk Olga
Szymanski Patnc·s .
Szymanski Peter 2 14
Tabbert, James 1 76
fabbert. Jim 195
Tabber.. Marilyn 2 14
Tabbert. Vicky 2 1 4
Tabili. Nancy 195
Tait Josep!'>
Tala'T>ont1 Jerry 214
Talbert, Brenda 195
Tc:.bert. Brenda 2 • 4
Ta bert. E'arl 1 76
Ti: bert. Susar 104 214
Tankersley Janet 9.176,222
fapley Jan::e 121,214
Ta•s.tar>o. Nal"cy 23, 1 21.214
Taylor. Judy
Taylor. Judy 1 96
Tecrert Jeffrey.
Tennessen, Rende.I 62,63, 72.196
Tennessen. Russell 58.70,72,
Tenuta Deborah 51 52 57 80.
86.87,88. 1 06.1. 1.196
Tenuta. R1cnard 23 58.59.61.
76 77.98 176
Tenuta Miss Virginia Chairman 129
1 52 260
Terpstra. Kathy. 1 96
Tews. Dana 1 76
Therriault. Steven 214
The l=lobert. 214
Thomas. Carla 2 1 4
Thomas, Deobrati. 176
Thomas. Mr Edward Machine Dept.
Chairman 148
Thomas. Jill 1 76
Thomas. Kimberly 214
Thompk '1S. Arthur
Thompk '1S. Michael: 1 1 0.214
Th.ompk ns. William
Thompson. Alan
Thompson, Allan 1 96
Thompson. Deoborah 29.214
Thompson. Leslie 99,81.90. 101
Thompson. Lynn 1 96
Tielmann. Horst 176
Timme. Michael 1 76
Tobias. Paul: 35.1 76
Tolstyga. David
Tomlin. Clifford 103, 105, 107.
Tomon, Joyce 141.176
Topolovec David: 103 1 96
Torres. Connie
Torres, Gerald: 176
Torres. Kenneth 2 1 4
Tracy. Don 122.214, 1 29
Tracy. Guy 2 14
Tracy. Jay: 196
Travanty. Marc 12.98 196,74
Travanty, Robert 58,59.61,
Travanty, William 1 96
Trecroci Daniel 2 14
Trecroci Edward 2 1 4
Trecroci Mark 196
Tribur. Cynthia 1 24.214
Trimble. Ruthie • 96
Tritt Linda· 1 96
Trochec.k. Elayne 99.21 4
Trocinski. Virgil 214
Trottier Richard 1 96
Truax. Colleen 196
Trutt, Arthur
Trutt. Kenneth:
Tucholl. Gary 37, 121 124.177
Tucholl. Kathleen. 116,196
Tucker. Sandra 12 1,21 4
Tully. Thol'1'1as 119, 196
Turax. JarT'es 105 103.107,214
Turax. 'Vl1chael 214
Turner. James
Tutor. Jane 214
Tweiten. Mr Rogc·· 33 119.14 7
Upright. Mrs Louise. 141
Uelmen. Mark 76.77 177
Uhlig. Janet 1 96
Ulicki Walter 214
Umpress. Brian
Ungemach. Robin 21 5
Vaccaro. Randy 123.177
Vahrad1an, Haig 68,98. 104.1 96
Vaicelunas. !\Janey 45.82 90.91 1 04
109 196
Valeo. Arnette 2 1 5
Valeo. Leonard 85 90 1 96
lndex - 235
Valen . Ma"gcret 38 42 44 45.90, 1 77
Vala. Ronald 105. 196
Vc-nc '1ena. Kathryn 1 l l
v~,,c'1 'la. 'II ~kola
58 98.196
Vanderford Pamela 1 96
VcT'lderhoof Daw.,
Vc'lderhoof. Daw~
Va'luerhoof Rick 196
Vannammer Cyntr a 21 5
VarJuyr> R•~t>a·d 196
Vardomrre':ir Robert 2 1 5
V ..H' Leeuwen. Rolf 78 79 96.98. 1 71
Varstroar. Penny 1 06 2 1 5
Vargas. Da'1ny
Vassar. Doreen. 21 5
Vaughn, Ct>:Jr.~s
Vaughan. David 2 1 5
Veasey, Denise 2 1 5
Vegel, Denn.s 1 96.262
Venc1, ANhory 7 1 .21 5
Venci. Ramona : 119,181,196
Vengnn. Pamela 177
Ventu•a Debra 82 . 196
Ventura W ' lliam 196
VenNey Mr Gerald 64,98 1 50 1 52
Villallobos. Esther 21 5
Villella. Gayle : 24 1 1 7 177
Villella. Jerome
Villup, Scott . 1 04.215
Vincent. Cynth a 196
Vite. '\lhchael 1 96
Vitkus. J m 2 1 5
Vitton ~1nda 515290.97.'"6.197
Vogt. Debra 2 1 5
Vogt. Robert 70.84 85.106 1 97
Vranek Jane 21 5
Vrooman. Vickie 1 9 7
Vujov1c. George 21 5
Waas. Benny: 2 1 5
Waas. Bernard
Waas, Perry 2 1 5
Waba ckis. Gary 21 5
Wachs. Renee: 197
Wade, Jennie 1 1 2.2 1 5
Wade. Karen 91,99. 119.197
Wade. Michael 112.1 77
Waeckerle. T1mot'1y:
Waidene. Tim 1 97
Waite. Frank : 21 5
Walden. Elizabeth 197
Waldow, Karla: 21 5
Walker David 2 1 5
Walker Mitchell. 67 215
Wallen. Dave· 1 77
Wallen. David
Waller. He'en 1 77
Waller. ..,ohnathan 2 1 5
Waller. Patricia · 97.193
Waller. Samuel 1 06.21 5
Walls. N ck 68.69
Walther. Eric
Wamboldt. Bruce: 21 5
Wamboldt. Edward · 58 ,59,98. 1 77
Wamboldt John 1 77
Wamboldt, Michael
Wamboldt, Mike 177
Wamboldt Phillip 2 1 5
Ward. Edna 1 11, 11 3.
114.121 1 77
Warnock, David: 58.98. 1 19, 1 93
Wasilev1ch. Kathryn 1 97 200
Wasurick. Deborah 1 77
Waswrick, Bruce 21 5
Waswr ck. Carla 2 1 5
Wawierowsk1. Teddy 177
Wawiorka. Jean 1 87
Wazelle, Ka•en: 21 5
Webb Cat'1y 2 1 5
236- lndex
w .. ob. M
1< 6 1 2 1 5
Webb, Pcif'T'eld 7, 71
Webb, Patr ~1a 2 • 5
Webb. Patr -k 197
Webber • 97
We bbe . PdtnCICl
Webbe Va er.., • 17
Wober Launa 92. 1 18
Weber Jans 10.9 1 .92 . 1 04.197
Weddel Charles 30.31 5 9 98. 1 7 8
M :::hael 2 1 5
Wedd- Riche.. d
Wede11<es. T•na 21 5
Weg~ar.rin. Debra 91 197
We1denbe>nner Chr st1ne 104 107 1 78
We1d'1er David 1 7 8
We1dT'ler Jean·. ne 14 1 5 ,81,89,
1 05 1 22.21 5,21 7
Weirer Ct-ins 178
Weiss. Mrs Gladys 143
Weiss, Tracy 178
Welk. Ka•c,. 2 1 5
Welk Linda 197
Welke Rita 91.99.197
Welker Mrs Ruth 1 34 1 35
Welhrg. Laura 1 06.2 1 5
Wellman. B fire 1 97
Wells, Regina 12 1 .21 5
Wember, Kim 215
Wember. Sandra 1 91
Wendi '"lg, Gary 52 1 97
Wendr•cks C•a g 98.104.178
Wenman. James • 78
Werson. Richard 1 78
Wertz. Irene 2 15
Wertz. Michael
Werwie. Jeffrey 21 5
Westenberg, Jody 21 6
Wheeler. Donald 2 1 5
Whinery, Laticia· 119.197
White . Linda 90.115 , 1 78
White. Patricia: 20.99.21 5 217
Whitney, Lynn 197
Whitrock. Jean · 178
Whitrock. Kathryn 197
Whittemore. Martha 2 1 5
Whyers, Milton : 1 33
Wichman. Edmond 197
Wiegert Thomas : 178
W1ersum, Beverly 1 07 ,21 5
Wiersum. Jonathc'1 58
Wight. Wendy· • 11. 197
Wiginiton. Patti: 21 6
Wilcox, Josephine: 216
Wilks. Debbie· 216
Willard, Mr Richard: 137
Willard. Steven 2 1 6
Willems. Earl. 2 1 6
Willems, Janet 90,91, 109.1 78
Willems, Joan 1 97
Willems. Lynne 2 1 6
Willems Mr. Walt 1 33
Williams. Joanna 2 1 6
Willoughby, Cheryl 95. 111.121.1 78 ,
Willoug'1by. James 71, 1 97
Wilson Daniel
Wilson. Daniel: 1 78
W1ISOI"' Debra 121.21 6
Wilsol"' James: 1 78
Wilson Lisa. 216
Wilr,on Michael ·
Wilsol"' Otis 67,216
Wind, Peggy; 28 ,21 6
Winstor '\/Ir Keith 1 38
Winters. Janet: 85.106.197
Winzer. Kr stine 57,80.123.178
W.schmonn. Jeffrey 2 1 6 2 1 9
W. ,c'1mcnn. -rerry
W tk 1 krr-. Jerry 2 1 6
W t<;C het er. f Bl. 2 1 (;
W tt '111 ry 97. 7A
Wohlgc."< hr Gerl. d
Wor'. ~chc. w -z Irene 1 9 1
Wo·~ ec.huw z K
hv 1 99
Wo ::1eC'h0w ::z F omc,, 94 1 lb
Wo1nrcz Rrme>thy 21 6
We 'i, l'Jne 1 97
Wo j .JCf' • 19
W0lf Det Orrl'"• 1 <) 1
Wo fe Oran<.l 1 19
Wourl . l 'ld 1 9 7
Wcodstocr< C:..uv d 1 79
Woodsto<.t<. Debbie
Woodstoc' . Stev r I 9 7
Wolfe . .JOP'1 2 1 6
Welte sdorl' ~c '1re 21 6
Womack. Mrs F•a ces 139
Wr>0ds Dan 2 1 6
Woodstock. D ore 179
Woodward. Apr:I 123 1 79
Workman. Fredenck 105.2 1 6
Wortt- ngton. Mrs V1rg.-.1a 1 34
Wylie lau•a 80.121 198
Yarcey l(at'1ey • 98
Ycindrc C ndy 1 09.1 98
Yates '\lliss Jacc:.uc'me 137
York Brenda 216
York Colleen
York. Frcincis
York. '\1111<e • 98
Yortor. Jeffrey 21 6
Young. Elizabeth 107, 117 216
Young. Jar ce 1 79
Young, Malcom (Mr). 146
Yuenkle. Nancy 179
Yule. James 58.59 61 . 76.77.98. 179
Yurgs, Mary 11 1, 1 15. • 79
Zablocki. Bobbi 1 98
Zablocki. Stiaron 6.40.1 79
Zadkov1ch . Mrs . Elsie 1 16.143
Zasada. Allee (Mrs.)
Zahn. Janice · 90. 1 79
Zak. Cheryl 179
Zak. Donald : 68.69. 1 06,21 6
Zak , Gary : 68 100.2 1 6
Zamba. Lawrence · 2 16
Zampanti. Richard
Zanin. Catherine 44.91. 1 1 3 . 1 14. 1 79
Zan in. Ellen 21 6
Zanin. Karen: 37.198
Zapp. Leroy 179
Zasada. Alice 83
Zdanowicz. Philip
Zemezonak. Leslie 81.89 . 122.201,216
Z1ccarelli. Linda ; 120.122,21 6
Z1ehlis. Frank 1 79
Ziesmer. Norman 122,216,263
Ziesemer. Peggy. 201.21 6
Z1evers . Ann 99 . 111 .216
Zimmerle. Vickie 97.104.107 198
Zirbel. Allan 21 6
Z rbel, Debra . 216
Zivanov Olivera 1 79
Zizich. Olga : 90 181.1 98
Zocchi. Barbara
Zoerner Bonnie : 198
Zoller. Thomas 2 1 6
Zuerlsdorf Terrence 85.216
Zuehlsdorf. Timothy : 1 06.21 6
Zuhde. Cheri
Zuhlke. Laurie 1 79
Zutchell. Guy · 216
A new Gruen Cartouche
14 kt. solid gold case, $50
Other designs, $29.75 to $250
-·---. t l l }
~ ~
- _,,,....... ,,_
-- 1
:c w
.... ;;::)
- LI.I!'
I s=
Compliments Of
Everything for the Sportsmen
Guttormsen 46 Lanes
Hunting-Fishing- Skiing-Snowmobiling
2053-22 Ave .
Open Do ily 9-9
Phone 551 -8411
Saturday 9-5:30
Sunday 10-5
PHONE 552-8311
Home of the Famous
Steak Sandwich
PHONE ( 414 ) 551 - 9031
4226 Sheridan Road
2037-22nd Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin .53140
ltd' Jg n 9Jo J··~ 9JI Magnavox
626-56th St.
Dial 654-2932
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
Congratulations 1973
2209-56 Street
Since 1922
WLIP/AM/1050 • WLIP/ FM/95.l • Phone 657-6162
1015 Sheridan Rd.
Kenosha, Wisc.
Sheridan Road Beer Depot
For The Best In
4601 Sheridan Rd .
Wine, Beer, &
"Since 1945"
Van's Gas Service
L & M Meats
Propane (Bottled Gas)
Office Showroom and
Always Open
Filling Room
7 a.m.-11 p.m.
2601-75 St.
5010-60 St.
22nd Ave.
8-5 :00 Daily
oon Saturday
Best Wishes
Success in Reaching
Your Goal
Kenosha's Largest Jewelers
School Rings and Watches
Sheridan Rd.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Compliments Of
Sales Inc.
1020 -
60th St.
Kenosha, Wi c.
Founded 1896 * 61 Years in Kenosha
Manufacturers of
WIRE ROPE for all Equipment
SLINGS for Safe Handling
AND LoAN Assoc1Ar10N
Kenosha. Wisconsin
3 Convenient Locations
3928-60th St.
Best Wishes
West Side Office
7535 - Pershing Blvd.
Lake Geneva Office
410 Broad Street
Lake Geneva, Wis.
MEMBER of F.D.l.C.
Open Saturdays
9 :00 to Noon
"Where You Buy With Confidence"
Corner of 31st and 22nd Ave.
Phone 658-8598
Bode Bros. Company
.. uoca
Fine Furniture Since 1894
5431 Sixth Ave.
701-56th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wis.
Gatti Boat Sales
443-50th St.
ph. 657~7612
"Your South Side Florist"
Juniors, Misses
Half Sizes
Appliance & Farnlture Mari Inc.
3813 R - l t Ro.d
5614-6th Ave.
Womans Dresses And Coats
Sportswear And Intimate Apperal
Phone 652-4682
George Timm & Co., Inc.
Richard Campagna
Home of Adler Typewriters
George Timm & Co. , Corp.
Real Estate
7 l 6-58th. Street, Kenosha, Wisc.
Telephone 654-5371
Congratulations to
the Graduating Class
Bard en's
Kenosha's Foremost
Home of Nationally
Famous Fashions
National Bank
of Kenosha
4 Convenient Locations
Downtown Kenosha
Pleasant Prairie
Phone 657-6141
Member of F.D.l.C.
242 - Advertising
When Only the Best Will Do
When you're developing a young talent, the best is none too good. That's why Leblanc artist-grade
instruments are recommended for students. One of their distinguishing characteristics 1s LOVE; the
love of the Leblanc family, whose inborn musical genius and sense of the musically-correct has
guided them for generations in their demand for excellence. And it was their love of music that inspired them to establish the first acoustical research laboratory, where scientific principles were
applied to develop the most superb instruments, both
acoustically and mechanically, in the world today. It
wi 11 give the young player the confidence he needs to
fulfill his own dream of musical accomplishment.
G Leblanc Corporation, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141
Uncompromising Excellence Through Dedlc•tlon to Music.
Any student sounds
like Pete Fountain
sooner with a Leblanc
(Paris) 1611 , the Pete
Fountain Personal
Clarinet; 18/7 fork
Bb , articulated G#
and gold overlay
Model 417 extend-ed
range bass clarinet
fills out student
clarinet choirs for the
professional sound in
band and orchestra.
Key of s,, fork A,/ Eb,
low C.
The trumpet is the
personality of any
musical ensemble,
stude nt or
profess ional. Give
yours the big sound
of the Al Hirt Leblanc
707A, large bore. one
piece bell
construction , fast
action valves.
Snap-On Credit Union Services
The following is a list of services that Snap·on Credit Union offers to its members:
-· CD
< 01 .......
~ ::s
~ ~
-<:::; rt- ~ r,,
...., . ~ ~ CD
o ,,_.mCD
~ ..___~w
::S m
..... .
. ___
w <
..... . r,,
::s ..... .
~ ~
00 CD
00 ::s
Regular Savings Accounts (5% per annum)
Certificates of Deposit ($1,000 CD earns 5~% per annum)
Certificates of Deposit ($2,500 CD earns 6% per annum)
Christmas Club Savings (5% per annum)
Payroll Deductions
Travelers Checks (1% fee)
Money Orders ($.25 each)
Free Notary Public Service
Used Car Blue Book
New Car Cost Guide
Consumer Information
Save-by-Mai I
Life Savings Insurance (up to a $2,000 life insurance policy)
Loan Protection Insurance (up to a $10,000 life insurance policy)
Accident & Health Insurance (makes your payments when you're sick)
Family Membership
Mass Marketing Automobile Insurance
Persona I Loans
Automobile Loans
Home Improvement Loans
Vacation Loans
Bill Consolidation Loans
Line-of-Credit Loans
Budget Counseling
Mobile Home Loans
Semi-Annual Dividends (paid December 1 and June 1)
Lifetime Membership (once you join you may remain a member for life)
Evening Hours (we are open until 8 p.m. on Fridays)
Noon Hours (we do not close for lunch)
Other Services (ask for it - we will try to comply)
7533-22 Ave.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Phone 654-0471
Advertiaing - 246
II!',..,,.-•N PowerTransmission
Ii a l.
Eaton Corporation
Industrial Drives Division
Dynamatic Plant
3122 14th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
58 l 6-6th. Ave. And In Pershing Plaza
Kenosha, Wisc.
2 Stores
"everything for the home"
5000-7th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Hallmark Cards, Magazines, Paperbacks
Phone: 658-4616
1220 60th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin, 53140
7519 22nd Ave.
'"Largo Enough lo y..,_
Small Enough lo Know
Dave and Fran's A & W
Roosevelt Road and 30th Ave.
Phone: 658-2067
We feature
Quality f'roduct•
Harbert Auto Parts, Inc.
2011 - 63rd Street
Phone: 654-8623
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Let's start with a brief description of the Hero of your Success Story.
He or she can be a machine operator, a housewife, a store clerk, a
teacher, a clergyman, a union official, or engaged in any activity you
may select. To write a truly successful story, however, you must endow
the Hero with four essential characteristics.
The Hero of a Success Story has a willingness to learn. For the Hero
there is no final graduation-only a series of Commencements that bring
with them new lessons to be mastered.
The Hero of a Success Story has an unending desire to succeed in
whatever he undertakes. The phrase "just as good" is not in his vocabulary. "Better than" are his favorite words and the yardstick by which
he measures his work.
The Hero of a Success Story welcomes responsibility. For just as
exercise develops muscles, so responsibility develops the man or woman.
The degree of your Hero's success will be governed by the responsibility
he or she is willing to shoulder.
The Hero of a Success Story always gives more than he gets. He is
too busy with important things to measure accurately his own worth.
His greatest s·atisfaction comes from being of real service to his fellow
It is never too early nor too late to begin your Success Story. Writing
it will not be easy because success is never easily captured. But your
chances of authoring your own Success Story are g reater in the United
States than they would be in any other country in the world .
Kenos h a, Wis.
Adverti s i ng - 249
76th & Bluemound Road
8923 W. Brown Deer Road
6027 W. Vliet Street
3333 W. Lisbon Avenue
5800-6th A venue
Phone 658-2573
Capital Court Milwaukee
3625-Roosevelt Road
l 225-60th Street
Congratulations Graduating Class of 1973
Best Wishes from the
Student Council
Owned and Operated by
Harold DuBois
Phone 654-9294
Cor. 75th St. & 22nd Ave.
Kenosha, Wis.
Join the crowd
I Kenosha ational
Bank Building
75h Ave. At 57th . St.
Walk-Up Windows
Daily 9:00 - 4:30
Friday 9:00 - 7:30
Saturday 9:00 - 12:00
58th St. at 7th Ave.
Downtown Kenosha
Drive-In Windows
Daily 9:30 - 4:30
Friday 9:30 - 7:30
Saturday 9:00 - 12:00
l 800-22nd . Avenue
At Pershing Blvd.
Walk-Up Windows
Daily 9:30 - 4:30
Friday 9:30 - 7:30
Saturday 9:00 - 12:00
Best Wishes
to the Graduating class
Drive-In Windows
Daily 9:00 - 4:30
Friday 9:00 - 7:30
Saturday 9:00 - 12:00
Please Call 658-4851
Member F.D.I.C.
Breakfast- Lunch
5717 Sheridan Road
Across the Street from Bradford
Member F.D.l.C.
Conveniently Located
in the center of town
Phone 657-5133
6209-22 Ave .
Best Wishes
5919 Sheridan Rd .
Kenosha , Wisconsin 53140
l 021-60 Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Phone: 414-654-3514
Don Blazavier
4502 - 38th A venue
Phone 654-6794
Sports Center
14th at 62nd Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Dry Cleaning at it's finest
Executive Shirt Service
Rug, furniture and drapery cleaning
Of Kenosha
5403-52nd SL
Phone 652-3658
4700-7th Ave.
Excavating • ewer
Men's Clothing and Shoes
614-56th Street
22nd Ave. Kenosha Wisc.
Compliments of
"14 Fine Stores to Serve You Better"
• Ace Hardware
• Kays Styling
• Piggly Wiggly
• Florence's
Tots to Teens
• Serto Fine
• Wilsons
• King 's Den
Barber Shop
•Town ' N'
Country Liquors
• Hammond
Organ Studios
• Bill of Fare
• Union Drug
• Norge
• Werners
• Town ' N'
Country Cameras
551-8450 AFTER 6 P.M.
2604 Washington Road
Kenosha , Wisconsin
Kenosha • 654-8608
"Kenosha's Own Shopping Center"
Best Wishes
Ladish Company
Tri-Clover Division
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Advertis ing - 253
Oa"'ld Riedel , \1anJ.gcr
J- a h1on Shoc'!t r or
The Entire Family
T U . l:P' HON I • Sl • 751
Popcorn • Pop • Candy • Nuts
726-58 St.
"1845" to "1973"
128 Years of Real Estate Service
Member MLS
1605 Birch Rd.
Phone: 551-8121
5905 6th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
"Your American Motors Dealer"
Pete Ruffolo and Ray Zucca's
Highway 45
Union Grove, Wis.
Phone: 859-2777
2112-14-52 St.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Pizza • Seafood • Italian-American Food
Cocktails • Entertainment
Carryouts & Catering for Small Banquets
Air Conditioned
Best of Luck 73 Grads
Abstract Title - Title Insurance
5700 - Seventh Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
4601-7 Avenue
Nino'1 has banquet f. cilities for up to 400.
FrH rooms for Lunch1on1, Dinners, R1h11rul Dinners, Buffets.
Call (414) 658-4117
SWik Raund·up
Best Wishes for a
Successful Year
Kenosha, Wisconsin
''Toodles, Seniors!''
Howard Gitzlaff
Phone 657-9126
4502 22nd AVENUE
6105-22 AVENUE
Advertialng- 255
4433-22 Ave .
Phone: 654-8483
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Where Food ' n Friends Go Together
Delicious Italian Bombers
Open All Year Round
Sun.· Thurs. 11 :00-1 :00 A.M.
Fri.-Sat. 11 :00-2:30 A.M.
Styling Our Specialty
Frank Trecroci, Owner
5003-30 Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Jewelers Since 1851
Wisconsin's Oldest JewelersKenosha's Oldest Business
5708 Sixth Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
Telephone 658-8833
Green Bay
Plumbing & Heating Inc.
private investigators
5016-7 Ave.
Kenosha, Wisc.
"Even If Its None of Your
Business, We'll Find Out!"
3Zh~Ave. &52nd. Si.
c1e1icaiessen: cla1o/ aam.i:o lOp.m., Sat.&: Sun. aam. -to 8 p.m.
2227-60 St.
'Wines &li<{Uoz<.s: d.aily 8 a.~ t.o 9 p.:in., Sat. & Sun. 8 a.m:to 3}'.m.
Duca ti
Moto Guzzi
256 Advertising
l 403-52nd. St.
Ma Gal
Moel in ski
Congratulations Seniors
Sends its best wishes
to the following
SPY Staff Seniors
"our thanks for all your effort"
Studio & Candid Wedd ings
Commercial Photography
Passport Pictures
Photo Copies
PORTRAITS, children, seniors, adults
Phone: 694-5342 or 658-1905
Janet Bierdz
Anna Czajka
Kathy DeBruin
Patti Gerber
Jane Hould
Jim lsermann
Kathy McAllister
Beth Panlener
Jan Paskiewicz
Barb Rizzo
Karen Roders
Laurio Weber
Best wishes,
The Chief
Rock On
Happy Hour
Air Hockey-Pong-Fooseboll
Open Mon-Fri, 3 pm-2 om Sot-Sun 2-2
Cleon Cors
Bill Jepson Motors
we buy cars for
top dollar
1563-22 Ave.
Phone 552-8393
Advertieing-25 7
I More Than love You Mike
Seniors of Bradford's Band
lakeshore Tabernacle
Anita Beets
Holly's Auto Sales
Rudy's Automotive Co.
lakeshore Equipment Company
Villa Capri Pharmacy
Nolan Piano Studio
Racine Stamping Corp.
Burger Chief Family Restaurant
Tres' Chic Beauty Salon
Schneiders Food Shop
Flowers By Joseph
Compliments of Smith Printing
Bradford Wrestling Team
Dr. Minshall
Janis and Paul
Dr. V. J. Boyle
Neal's Electric Inc.
W. C. Kleinpell, M.D.
Heinzen's Popcorn Bus
Welcome Gov. Knowles
258- Adverti s ing
This Page Was Designed At The Last Minute For
It isn't often that a high school
track coach can say, " We have a
state champion." The faces of
Coaches Helwig, Herbert, and
Bunkowske displayed satisfaction
as Tom Phillip crossed the finish
line on June 2, 1973, in first position to win the state championship
in the 220 yard dash. Tom's time
was 22.6.
The Spy staff feels that any
Bradford athlete who accomplishes a first place in ST ATE
competition deserves special
praise and publicity. In consequence, we have designed this
page for you, Tom, because you
made Bradford number 1, which,
we feel, it should be. We
apologize for the number of pictures - there should be more but when someone is as speedy as
you, it's hard to focus on a streak
whizzing by. Congratulations,
Tom, and thanks.
" Going my way? "
" Do I have time for a song and dance?"
No. I don't make too many mistakes.
Oh No!!
That guy next to me is so cute .
Roland in '76.
Some sophomores are so nasty.
260 - Candid s
"Lay your head right on this block"
Dedication • • • Dedication
We wish to dedicate this year's yearbook to a
special friend and teacher. Our special teacher is a pleasant. understanding person who not only is skilled in the
art of presenting subject matter but one who just as
skillfully. by precept and example. leads students into
desirable habits and attitudes. We feel that our special
teacher is characterized with a personality filled with
sincerity and humility ; a personality that is capable of
assisting men and women to use their own powers to
the fullest degree . Above all . this teacher is a living exam-
pie of the motto : "Your education has been a failure no
matter how much it has done for your mind. if it has failed
to open your heart ."
Because she has demonstrated energy. efficiency.
understanding . patience . diplomacy. and decisiveness
with us as students. she HAS opened up our hearts thus.
from this year on . when people open our SPY. they will
see on our dedication page the name of a teacher that we
didn't - and won't - forget.
Evelyn F. l<rovvnenvvetter
E . Krownenwetter.
First year at
Second year at B radford .
Early 1 960' s .
Late 1 960 ' s .
Miss Campbell and Miss Krownenwetter view
Miss Evelyn Krownenwetter ... Today Even teachers relax sometimes I
Nurenberg .
The fi rst class at Bradford to use electric typewriters.
Dedication- 261
Though 1973 Golf Team Compiled Poor Record, (1-8),
Experienced Team to Return
1973 Golf team , Row 1: Dennis Vegel , Rich La..Jeunesse , Mark
McCullough, Greg Matarrese Row 2: .Joe Kuta , Chris Behm , Barry
Bennett, Steve Hein , Phil Onesko, Mike Bruns. Coach Karakash
The 1973 Golf Team finished the season with a
dual meet record of 1-8. Leaving are seniors Tom
Aiello. Greg Matarrese. and Joe Kuta . Returning for
the 1974 season will be juniors Barry Bennett, Phil
Onosko, and Dennis Vegel ; and sophomores Mark
McCullough. Norm Ziesmer, and Rich LaJeunesse .
The Red Devils finished fifth in the South Shore
Conference meet held at Brighton Dale. The 1973
Varsity averages were : Tom Aiello. 43 .5; Greg
Matarrese. 44 .0; Mark McCullough, 44.4; Dennis
Vegel , 45 .2; Phil Onosko, 45 .5 ; Joe Kuta , 45 .8 ;
Norm Ziesmer, 46 .2 : Barry Bennett, 46.4; and Rich
LaJeunesse, 4 7 .6.
McCullough checks the lie of the ball .
Bennett svvings as Coach looks on
262 - Varsity Golf
Shhh ! I'm going incognito!
Candids • • • Candids • • .Cand
Ha. ha. I get to pose for pictures vvhile you guys vvork out.
Settle dovvn ! We' ll let you out of study halls
Sometimes I use three bats.
I came to
Diana Lento poses before her gymnastics prac-
Sub- Deb from
outer space.
Don't jump, the Annex vvill fall before you do
You're diving the vvrong vvay. Val.
Watch it or I ' ll hit you vvith my purse (K Krifka)
Candids- 263
In Memoriam- Requiescant 1n
Death is not the enemy of life. but its friend. for it is the knowledge that our years are limited
which makes them so precious. It is the truth that time is but lent to us which makes us. at our
best. look upon our years as a trust handed into our temporary keeping. (Joshua Loth Liebman)
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