The SPY 1961
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The SPY 1961
The Mary D. Bradford High School Year Book, The SPY, for the 1960 to 1961 school year.
Kenosha (Wis.)
Mary D. Bradford High School Yearbook Club
Kenosha (Wis.)
School yearbooks
68823756 bytes
The Parade of
Mary D. Bradford High School
Through Time
The Spy for 1961
Mary D. Bradford High School
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Our yearbook for this year has been titled, THE PARADE OF MARY
really a very appropriate title, for a yearbook should be a record or
reminder of all the activities that you as an individual took part in,
helped in, or merely observed . We also felt that in a way we all
marched or paraded through th is year and through all the activities
that our school, our classmates, and we, ourselves ,offered . As you
look through our parade you will see it starts in the summer of the
year, continues on through the fall and winter activities, and ends
with the solemn march to "Pomp and Circumstance." We hope that
you have enjoyed your march, tiring though it might have been at
times, and that you will always remember this year and your
The Pa
de of
Mary D. Bradford High School
Through Time
Badger Girls' and Bays' State
Summer Formal
Exchange Students
Sophomore Night
Artist Alley
Student Council
Cover Designed by Kent Mueller
lnterclub Presidents Council
Cross Country
Ke news
Booster Club
Future Nurses
Wig 'n' Mask
Languages Clubs
Choral Groups
Sub Deb
Variety Show
Sadie Hawkins
Hi-Style's Style Show
Senior Banquet
Debate and Forensics
Trident's Water Show
Service Clubs
Honor Society
Senior Class Play
Jr. Red Cross
Gymnastics Club
Wrenthem Exchange
I ·.
I ,.
! /
Some Went to
June sixteenth found 319 students back at K.H.S. for
a six-week summer school course. Mr. Martin Rafshol
acted as principal, and fourteen teachers led the
studies. The classes composing the session were:
(1 ). American History - 5 classes
(2 . Ninth grade General Math - 1 class
(3 . Seventh and eighth grade academic courses
(4). English 3-4 - 2 classes
(5). English 5-6 - 2 classes
(6). English 7-8 - 1 class
(7). Typing l-2-2classes
It is significant to note that 39 seniors got diplomas
as a result of summer school courses completed.
Watch my trained ant walk my finger
What a beautiful day -
to be home!
Tune in tomorrow for another four hours
of American History
Keep your eyes on your own paper
Oh, why am I in here:
• •
Others Went to WORK
"I want my Maypo"
"You soy you've got a flat tire?"
"I'll take ten."
The BIG wrap-up.
''What do you mean the sun
isn't out, Mr. Bell?"
Upstairs maid
Hey, do you hove the time?
The Rest
Lazy livin'
"Who drained the pool?"
"Well, the jig's up."
"Messy, isn't it?"
"Uhl Wodjosoy?"
Haw big?
When the sea gives up its
dead ...
"Con anyone help me change the flat?"
"Let me at uml"
Here come the champs
Check those knees
"Where HAVE you been?"
Mr. Rafshol getting settled in his new counseling
In the good, old summertime
Unto thous, 0' Lamp of Learning
No boys??
Badger Girls'
and Boys' State
Buzz England, Dick Kline, Dwright Durand, Kenosha's representatives to Badger Boys' Sette.
Dwright Durand, Buzz England, Richard Kline
Just waiting for the train.
Last June, Buzz Englund, Dick Klein, and
Dwight Durand represented Mary D.
Bradford High School at Badger Boys'
State. While at Ripon, the boys participated in a course in government, heard
such distinguished speakers as Governor
Philleo Nash, and Attorney General
John Reynolds. They also had an opportunity to take part in a great variety of
At the same time, Diane Crook represented our school at the Badger Girls'
State, held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison Campus. The girls attended
classes about government, and they
heard many speakers. They also toured
the campus, participated in a variety
show, and an alumni tea was held in
their honor.
Sandro Kelsey,
and Dione Crook
We're ready.
Diane Crook,
our representative to Badger
Girls' State.
Midsummer Night's
"Red Shells Hit Island In Display Against Ike." While this headlined the
June seventeenth edition of the Kenosha News, something completely
different was in the minds of many young people that evening.
They were thinking about the fabulous night they would spend at the
Kenosha Country Club with their dotes. Dick Borrow would provide the
entertainment with his seven piece bond. The handsome guys with
charming dotes would dance to his soft, romantic music.
Couples would stroll around the rectangular aqua pool in full view of
the golden moon which shone brightly over this fine country club. While
some would be meandering through this cool, calm evening, others
would be enjoying punch, cookies, and small talk among themselves .
This was the annual summer formal entitled "In the Still of the Night."
In the Still of the Night
As couples found time quickly passing, they were wondering, perhaps,
what next year's formal would be like and what the headlines of that
paper would be.
"I'm fine, thank you."
Adriano on one of
nights in Kenosha
lost remaining
"Swim Anyone?"
"Hove o coke (if yo con get post the obstocles)"
Bug Juice
"Hey, you with the camero, beot ill"
World Travellers m Our Parade
Hector Tarasido, Exchangee under the A.F.S. School Program
from Argentina
"Walk together, talk together 0 ye pe pies of the earth, then and
only then shall ye have peace." It is t 1s motto which inspires many
foreign students and American student to participate in the American Field Service Exchange Program. his year Kenosha High is fortunate because we have two excha e students due to the money
that Student Council raised last year
Hector Tarasido, one of these stu ents, is from Buenos Aires, the
capital of Argentina in South Am
Starck is from the
capital of Finland, Helsinki.
Our first impressions were that t ese two were serious students, intent on schoolwork with an ane ding curiosity. Soon we found they
Birgitta Starck, Exchangee under the A.F.S. School Program from Finland
friends, and assuming Ameri n teenage traits: Hector learning to
like "dirty water" (i.e. coke ; Birgitta learning that the custom of
girls inviting boys to partie not so strange after all. Still they retained that unending curio ty which made them learn all they could
about us. All those who kn w them learned much from them, too.
Yes, K.H.S. is really fort ate in having two exchange students this
year. They will be misse very much, as they leave with their memories of America, and s they bring back new ideas to their native
countries. Birgitta's wa m friendliness, Hector's good sense of humor,
and the wonderful en usiasm of both will linger always in the h Is
of K.H.S.
abroad, Jean
summer in
rete, where she stayed with
John Papakaliatis fomily. Traving from there via Olympic Airlines, Jean spent the nex month at
Corfu with the Dr. Aristides Ventauras family. Swimming in the
Mediterranean and visiting the ancient ruins were enjoyed by her at
both of these places.
At the end of the trip, the thirty
five American students who had
lived in Greece spent five days in
the capital city, Athens.
Birgitta ond date, Butch Turbey, at an A.F.S. dance in Racine
Jean Munger, Exchangee under A.F.S. Summer Program ta
Hector shows Jessica, as he showed us all, haw ta
Cha<ha-cha South American style
Punchbowl talk
Scott Upright helps Birgitta with homework problems
Hector and Birgitta at an Honor Society meeting
I {
The Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Maurer, works closely
with the Board of Education in the efficient running of the
Kenosha Public Schools.
Dr. Cooley, Director of Secondary Education, is he lping to improve the educational program for pupils in grades
seven through twelve . He does this by
exam ining the educat ional needs and
administrating whatever is necessary.
Board Members: Miss Phyllis Krihoriam, Secretary - Administration
Building; Mr. Joseph Hamelink, President; Mr. Harold Mauer, Superintendent .
Board Members: Mr . George Pinzger, Mr. Leslie Schlaz, Mr. Mary
Zicarelli, Vice President.
Board Members: Mr. Robert Hastings, Mr. Julius Goldste in, Mr. W illiam Tyson .
The Marshals
of Our Parade
Under the guidance of Mr. Huettner, Kenosha High
School hos progressed to a new high in school
achievements. The new ideas of Mr. Huettner will certainly keep Kenosha at the lop of the schools with
the "high standards."
Student welfare is the main responsibility of our assistant principal,
Mr. Stocker. He does o tremendous job in choosing the best for our
stude nts and in keeping the school spirit olive and in action.
Our associate principal, Mr. Hooper, completed his undergraduate work
al Griffin College and received his Masters Degree from Northwestern
Mr. Hooper's primary concern is the school's curriculum. He is involved
in many of the school pro'eds and is especially interested in the Moth
and Science Deportments.
At the University of Michigan, the University of Wisconsin, and the
University of Minnesota , Mr. Hooper taught summer school courses. He
come to Kenosha from Wausau where he acted as assistant principal.
We wish to welcome Mr. Hooper lo Mory D. Bradford High School and
hope that he finds en joyment and success in his work here .
Martin Rafshol is one of the energetic men
an our high school stall. at only does he
act as advisor far advance sale tickets for
our school activities, but he also devotes
his time ta giving excellent advice ta students with social & personal problems.
This was Miss McDonough's
first year as a full-time counselor at Kenosha High, and praise
should be given to her far the
fine service she had administered to our student body. She
assisted many sophomores in
finding their place in this "big
Miss Virginia Tenuta helps all al us at
K.H.S. whenever we have prablerps. One
of her most important jabs is to help
college bound seniors find a school where
they will be happy and successful.
BACK ROW : Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Hartzell, Mr. Davey, Mr. Moebius, Mr. Owens. FRONT ROW : Mr. Rafshol,
Miss McDonough, Miss Tenuta, Miss Kronenwetter, Mr. Haynes.
BACK ROW: Mr. Whitaker. ROW 4: Miss Trowbridge,
Mr. Hubbard. ROW 3: Mr. Schumacher, Mr. Smith, Mr.
Huberty. ROW 2: Mrs. Sorenson, Miss Doherty, Mr. Hadler, Mr. Pasko . FRONT ROW: Mr. Schultz, Mr. Haynes.
STANDING: Mr. Colletti, Mr. Parnell, Miss Gaerz, Mr.
Nye, Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Schoeberle, Mr. Casner. SITIING:
Mr. Moebius, Mr. Brittelli, Mr. Hubbard, Miss Gauerki.
Science Department
Math Department
History Department
English Department
BACK ROW: Mr. Owens, Mr. Gebhart, Mr. Campbell,
Mr. Thompson . FRONT ROW: Mr. Martelle, Miss Yates,
Miss Duncan, Mr. Fitzpatrick.
BACK ROW: Mr. Hormes, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Isley, Mr.
Hensey, Miss Brown, Miss Breiseth. ROW 3: Mr. Knickrehm, Mr. Scrapes, Miss Mogado, Miss Steffen, Miss
Bacher, Miss Doniel. ROW 2: Miss Murphy, Miss
Comordo, Miss Jonas. FIRST ROW: Miss Moody, Miss
Macintyre, Miss Zeller.
STANDING: Mrs. Foust, Miss Blank, Mrs. Sayler, SEATED: Miss Meier, Miss Wilson.
Business Department
STANDING (LEFT TO RIGHD: Mrs. Karlson, Mr. Hartzell, Mr. Hillier, Mr. Schmale, Mr. Young, Mr. Stuyvesant, Miss Kronenwetter, Mr. Glaeser SEATED: Miss Campbell, Mrs. Gober.
Mr. Houghton, Mr. Olsen, Mr. Gaarder,
Mr. Froseth.
Miss Jonas, Mr. Davies.
Mr. Christy, Mr. Brown.
Miss Sokolik, Mrs. Tolley, Miss Kopp.
Home Economics Department
Industrial Arts Department
Mr. Link, Mr. Delono, Mr. Freeberg, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Carlson, Mr. Kriz, Mr. Smith, ond Mr. Reppert (At
the saw).
Girls' Physical
Boys' Physical
Left to Right: Miss Honser, Miss Vonderhoof.
Left to Right: Mr. Whitworth, Mr. Londwer, Mr. McCulloch, Mr. Mortin.
Mr. Schumacher
School Nurse
Miss Kupferschmidt
Miss Thanos, Miss Reed, Miss Chotilovicz.
Miss Muto, Mrs. Bockelolt, Miss Luzar, Miss Horvat, Miss Terry, Mrs. Lebeckis, Mrs. Delano, Miss Holmgren.
Office Staff
TOP ROW down: Dick Prestidge, Joseph
Dogon, Bob Gerou, Fronk Bonodio, Lucille Thompson, Robert Porry, Corl Eils,
Harold Ronnick FRONT ROW left: Stanley
Folk, Vidor Klobuchor, Fred Marchese.
...... __.
And the MDBHS parade marches on . . . Our roving reporter has "perked up" to the
familiar signs of autumn and to the confusion of the beginning of school.
Outside the great doors of MDBHS, he chats with old acquaintances and friends who
ore eagerly anticipating the excitement of new classes, new teachers, and new activities. Then, the doors are opened to admit old and new faces to this institute of learn ing.
With a sudden rush and a whirl, our reporter is swept into the everchonging activity of
He soon finds himself amidst the new way of campaigning for homecoming queen. The
votes ore counted; the results ore announced; and Miss Suzette Arnoldini is crowned
1960 Homecoming Queen of Mary D. Bradford High School.
Football leads as the most popular fall sport. Our roving reporter is often found at the
games cheering the team on.
And the parade continues ...
Back to School
Back to empty lockers,
to learning new combinations,
to starting new books,
ond to peanut butter ond jelly sandwiches.
Night of the Sophs
"This is your life, Sammy Sophomore!" This, the open ing introduction for Sophomore Night on September 28, 1960, started
a chain of events relating the activities of many sophomores.
For an aspiring student in his or her first year at Mary D. Bradford, the night was filled with a great number of ideas about
the activities that make up life at K.H .S. These ranged from
newspaper and Spy to school sports, musical groups, and clubs.
It really gave all sophomores who attended a true picture of
high school life here.
There were representarives from the cheerleaders, combo, and
madrigal singers doing their best in the program . The lovely
little paper dolls on stage that night were representing almost
every activity or group ever conceived in our high school.
When the closing line was given, "This concludes your life,
Sammy Sophomore," by the M .C., the auditorium was filled with
applause for the wonderful cast and faculty taking part.
"Hey, it's my buddy, Charlie Champion!"
The Balcony Scene
"Remember the time you got your finger caught in the dictionary?"
"Guess what happened to me on the way to the studio tonight!"
Pigskin Pack
The 1960 Kenosha High School football team
brought home a 6 win - 2 loss record and third
place which is highly commendable for any school.
Coach Chuck Jaskwhich said, "It was the most
spirted, ha.rd-working team I have coached." The
general consensus was that this year Kenosha was
just as good as any other year, but the other Big
Eight Teams were much more improved. Next year
is a rebuilding year because thirty boys of the first
three strings will have been graduated; however
Coach Schmale's sophomore team was undefeated
this year.
Individually, some members of the team were quite
successful. Tom Fugette, a crushing fullback, gained
808 yards to rank fourth in the school's record. He
was also put on the first team of the All-Big Eight.
Joe Cerne, a center and this year's captain, landed
a first team birth. Dennis Lento, who really deserved
a first team position, received second team honors
This is the first time a quarterback, gaining more
than a thousand yards, received second team honors.
Other second team choices were Jim Pierce, guard,
and Bob Copen, end. Receiving Honorable Mention
were Nels Page, Bob Schmidt, Dan Cibrario, and
Ron Karps. Armand Matarrese was elected unanimously for next year's captain.
This year, the team presented Coach Jaskwhich with
a movie screen for those "Tuesday Noon Matinees"
because of his outstanding coaching.
BACK ROW: Word Shampine, Dick Karmen, Dick Bucholz, Jock
Duller, Ed Feuker, Julian Ellefson, John Allen, Dick Piekos, Henry
Turko, Dick Kolkmann, Rudy Klemm, Cooch Mortin. ROW 3 :
Cooch Smith, Jim Wendt, Ron Ruffolo, Tom White, Tom Joskwhich, Tony DiCello, Dennis Lento, Mike Smith, Don Ketchum,
Armond Motorrese, Dave Schneider, Manager Dick Krok, Cooch
McCulloch. ROW 2 : Manager Ted Barnett, Cooch Whitworth,
Coach Jaskwhich, Jerry Mellone, Jock Benedict, Ken Bredek, Jon
Deignan, Ed Caroll, Bob Smith, Don Cibrorio, Jim Zaleski, Gerry
Leonard, Jerry Toppa, Buzz Englund, Cooch Higgens. FRONT
ROW: Ted Jensen, George Urquhart, Ron Korps, Bob Copen,
Bill Streeter, Bob Schmidt, Joe Cerne, Jim Pierce, Adam Cecchini, Nels Page, Dennis Hofflonder.
TACKLES - Dove Schneider, right
tackle; Adorn Cecchini, left tackle;
Jock Benedict, right tackle; Bill
Streeter, right tackle; Ed Dinges,
left tackle.
GUARDS a nd CENTERS - BACK ROW: Te d Je nsen, left gu a rd ; Dick Kolkman, righ t guard;
Tom Jaskwich, center; Dan Cibrario, center; Ron Ruffalo, left guard. FRONT ROW: Bob
Schmidt, right guard; Joe Cerne, center; Jim Pierce, left guard.
right halfback; Jerry
Leonard, fullback;
Bob Smith,
quarterback; Armand Moraresse,
quarterback; Don Ketchum, fullback; Tony DiCello, halfback.
FRONT ROW: Jim Wendt, halfback; Dennis Lento, quarterback;
Tom Fugette, fullback; Ron Korps,
halfback; Jerry Toppa, halfback.
ENDS - BACK ROW: Tom White, right end;
Jack Duller, right end; Jim Zaleski, left end.
FRONT ROW: Bob Copen, right end; Buzz
Englund, left end; George Urquhart, right
Watch that guy! ... Which one??
Yeo I
Pigskin Pink Devils
5 wins, 0 losses, 1 tie
"This was one of the finest sophomore teams in years at K.H.S." said Coach
Verne Schmale. ''The whole squad displayed good spirit and a fine attitude."
We agree with Mr. Schmale and why shouldn't we with such a terriff1c record? We can look forward to seeing a number of them out on the field
running for the Varsity next year, too. At the end of this season, Bill Covelli
and Ray Mowrey were elected co-captains by their teammates.
BACK ROW: Terry Groves, Ernie Yunker, lee Rasmussen, Jerry
Grode, Skip Sieger, John lubniewski, Chris Hansen, Mike Bollis,
Mike Serpe, Doug Christiansen, Bill Antoromion. ROW 2: Bill
McCrory, Gerry Rode, Poul Groves, Jock Murphy, Dove Grimes,
Tom Hofer, Jerry Odlond, Jim Morrison, Roy Maurey, Allen
K.H.S ... 13 vs. Hor lick . .....
K.H.S ... 26 vs. Beloit . ......
K.H.S ... 18 vs. Park . .......
K.H.S ... 33 vs. Horii ck . .....
K.H.S ... 39 vs. Janesville
K.H.S ... 13 vs. Park . .......
Rosenbaum, Rolph Cheplok. FRONT ROW: Neil Rizzotto, Dick
Euting, lorry Boss, Phil Krumpos, John Bohol, lee Englund, Gory
Klein, Art Scola. STANDING: Cooch Verne Schmale and Assistant Cooch Charles Hinterberg.
Looks like they've got me
Catch that man!
I'll shaw ya' haw
Jim Wendt says, "I
eat my wheal germ
before o 11 the big
Three to one ... with 16 on the run!
Dad's Night
K.H.S ..... 31
K.H.S ..... 32
K.H.S ..... 33
K.H.S ..... 0
Tilden Tech . . . . . . . . 13
Madison Central . ...
Beloit . ............
Madison East . ........ 21
K.H.S ..... 20
K.H.S ..... 26
K.H.S ..... 19
K.H.S ..... 19
vs .
Racine Park . .......
Janesville . . ........
Racine Horii ck
Madison West . .....
looks like we'll win
"Now ta dodge the next three."
"They can't do that!"
Homecoming Campaigning
Our noon-hours became a parade of singing, shouting,
skits, and clashing cymbals. Campaigning began! Posters were held high, and slogans for each candidate
were repeated time and again. Some students
watched; some participated, but all of us thought and
thought until flna ly Friday, the day of vofng, arrived.
A decision had to be made!
Suzette Arnoldini
and Her Court
Lindo Johnson, First Attendant
Gail Hansen, Second Attendant
Calm, Coal, and Collected
Which way ta the stadium?
That Happy Feeling
Hail to our homecoming queen!
We have made a choice supreme!
The votes have been counted,
The royal steps have been mounted
By Suzette!
The time which passed from the nomination of homecoming queen candidates to
the choice of "her royal highness" held
in store many gay events.
1961 Homecoming Royalty
Let's Dance
three weeks . . . The introduction of candidates
through an assembly and campaigning followed. The
sound of a booming drum, a screeching horn, and
someone's last shout of approval for their candidate
were still in the ears of K.H.S. students as they cast
their ballots to honor one of the ten girls nominated.
Suzette was our queen!
All around the K.H.S. halls were distributed small
slips of paper telling when, where, and for whom
campaign meetings would be held. These gettogethers were a great part of the festivities - people went home after such meetings with candidates'
slogans painted all over their sweatshirts and jackets.
(Turpentine is nice if you can loose the smell within
It's the Christmas season . YOU
are in the post office. You happen to glance above the heads
of the busy postal clerks. "And
what to your wondering eyes
doth appear," (no, not eight
tiny reindeer) but striking pictures depicting the holiday season . This is one of the annual
projects of Artist's Alley .
Other activities this year include: making decorations for
the Senior Banquet and making
posters for the Barber Shop
Diagonal down R. to L.: Dove Jensen, Kitsy Westphal, Barbaro Holt, Ruth Bair, Nancy Kemp. Diagonal down L. to R.: Norma McCrory, Eileen Juzonos, Judy Pischke , Ruth Moksen . Center: Barb
Christion and Koren Muir.
The officers leading the activities and projects are as follows:
President, Barb Christian; Vicepresident, Glen Bozon; Secretary, Judy Lange; Treasurer,
Karen Muir; and Historian, Judy
Mr. Whittaker, Ushers' advisor, and Ushers
Gory Bushman ushering at "The Curious Savage"
Two live angels po inting three others
Who helps you find a seat in
that dark, dark auditorium?
Who stands inside the doorway
braving the winter winds and
spring showers while handing
out programs? Why, the Ushers,
of course!
Besides ushering at all school
events, members usually have a
splash party and a picnic sometime during the year.
This year's
President Joe Casazza, VicePresident Bob Schwandt, Secretary Nancy Kemp, and Treasurer Nancy Holland.
BACK ROW: Don Fessenden, John Grimshaw, Gory Rysdam, Phil Whittaker, Paul Robillard, Tom
Renick. ROW 2: Joe Cassaza, Gary Bush;.,an, Carol Dysart, Jim Lombarg, Bob Hansen, Isobel Henderson, Nancy Holland, Georgia Meyer, Ken Lays, Carol Kromer. FRONT ROW: Arnie Gulbrandsen, Claire Koker, Nancy Kemp, Karen Guttarmsen.
Ushers Club
BACK ROW: Charles Saftig, Steve Pagliaron i, Paul Robillard. ROW 4: John Payne, Dennis
Riley, Wayne Johnson, Dick Crutcher. ROW 3: Terry Irons, Phil Herrmann, Bob McKeand, Bill
Lyons. ROW 2: Marie Reimer, Cheryl Tinnell, Bea Terwall. FRONT ROW: Ken Atkins, Thomas
Renick, Corrine Lutter, Pat Patterson, Mr. Schumacher, advisor.
"Nope, those Mickey Mouse cartoons
aren't scheduled for this week's movies."
"What's for the secon' feature?" is a
comment that these people often
hear for they are the members of
the Cinematic Club. This club is one
of the most useful as they not only
entertain, but also educate us. Besides being useful to the entire
school in this way they also enjoy
having a Halloween Party, and a
cupcake sale.
This year's officers were: President,
Thomas Renick; Secretary, Pat Patterson; and Treasurer, Ken Atkins.
Student Council
BACK ROW: Mike Epstein, Al Andreoli, Dave Starr, Ray Chapman, Buzz England, ROW 6: Scott Upright, Chuck Tuff, Steve
Vite, Ron Curio, ROW 5: Jim Mills, Paul Haubric, Charles Brandt,
Bill Whyte, Jim Zaleski, Joe Cerne, Wally Buhrie, Henry Turco,
Larry LaPoint, Carol Langenbach , Nancy Philipes, Joan Wiese,
Gerry Pascucci, Joyce Tarsitano, ROW 4: Kathy Tarsitano, Bab
Smith, Dennis Lento, Bruce Gerlach, Jerry Malone, Jeff Phill ips,
Tam Hafer, Gregg Keshline, ROW 3 : Ran Dumke, Bill Schmelling,
Jeff Williams, Armond Matarrese, Wilson Turbey, Fred Happe,
Betty Becker, Mary Moore, Marty Zemaitis, ROW 2: Kathy Buswell, Uldine Anderson, Sue Smith, Fran Depart, Elaine Sheye,
Jackie Sturm, Bonnie Kley, Greta Jenson, Barb Halt, Mary Philo,
Barbara Christensen, Barb Langermen, Penny Over, Bev Schafer,
FRONT ROW: Mr. Rafshal, Chris Molinaro, Dolores Hart, Betty
Brakeen, Kaye Peterson, Joann Pingatore, Wayne Graf, Nancy
Walton, Dick Ashley, Sue Hertzberg, Caroline Duby, Dolores
Bierzychudek, Leora Lindon, Avis Jensen, Marian Querns, Joyce
Bredek, Carol Kletzke, Dena Mattson, Gerry Harvey.
The student council is composed of a representative from
each homeroom. Its purpose is to solve problems concerning the whole student body. This year's schedule consisted
of an assembly to promote good grooming, a penny collection followed by a dance to raise money for the foreign
exchange students, and a sale of advance tickets for the
basketball games. The officers working under the direction
of Mr. Raysholare Dick Ashley, President; Wayne Graf,
Vice President; and Nancy Walton, Secretary.
Student Council in action
Many noon meetings.
lnterclub's Presidents Council is the club that was
organized last year to help school clubs with their
problems and to help solve school problems. Some
of these problems were revising some of the club
consflutions that were old and out of date. They
were also concerned with making some of the
clubs more efficient and active. Their activities
also include sponsoring a dance, "The Pre-Tourney Ball."
The Adviser of the club is Mr. Huettner. The officers ore President, Buzz England, Vice president,
Diane Crook, and Secretory, Kay Peterson.
Left to Right, Kothy McAleer, Bill Whyte, Joe Cosozzo, Poul Robillord, Steve
Vite, Normo McCrory, Corrine Lutter, Wilson Turbey, Borboro Christion,
Scott Upright, Nicky Evons, Dione Crook, Buzz Englund, Koy Peterson.
Homecoming Committee
BACK ROW: Joon Wovro, Koren Feldshou, Lucille Puntillo, Corol Wotson, Rosalyn Scolo
FRONT ROW, Woyne Grof, Roy Chopmon, Mike Serpe.
Cross Country
BACK ROW: Cooch Thompson, Tom Wolfe, Tom White, Jim Mills, Manager Charles Dunn, ROW 2: Bill Steinseifer, Bernard Beck, Captain Jim Roy, Bill Carroll, FRONT ROW: Harry Bordwell, Jim Warnock.
"Finest athletes in school ... they have to be." is the way
Coach Thompson sums up this year's Cross Country Team.
Although the team wasn't as victorious as it could have
been, the members have earned high praise for their individual efforts and for the desire to succeed. Of the five
lettermen Bill Carroll, Tom White, Jim Roy, Bill Steinseifer,
and Bernie Beck; three will return next year. This year's
team captain, Jim Roy, was also elected by the team as
Team Captain
The team gets a work-outll
The ((Men" of Our Parade
What would K.H.S. do without their red-jacketed lettermen to add
color to the school? These colorful and athletic K-Klub men led by
President Buzz Englund may be seen selling candy at basketball
games, giving the awards assembly, making the player's roster sign
for basketball, selling K.H.S. pennants, entertaining us at the Honey
Hop, or taking care of the new Booster sign. Other officers ore Jim
Wendt, vice-president; and Dave Schneider, secretory.
K-Klub in Action: Putting up
and ploying in the lntromurol Bosketboll games.
BACK ROW: Jim Zoleski, Dick Bosman, Adom Cecchine, Ron
Korps, Ken Unwin, Lonee Tobert, George Becker, Bill Streeter,
Joe Cerne, ROW 4: Tom Joskwhich, Don Cibrorio, Tom fugette,
Bob Copen, Dove Powell, Dick Kollimen, Ted Leinenweber, Bill
Steinseifer, John Sturino, Armond Mororrese, Dennis Hoffionder, Jim Joeschke, Nels Poge, ROW 3: Bob Schmidt, Dennis
Lento, John Shoffer, Jeff Williams, Al Erdmon, Ron Ruffolo, Tony
DiCello, Dick Ashley, Ken Bredek, Ed Dinges, George Urquhort,
Tom White, ROW 2: Don Ketchum, Jerry Toppa, Gory Hillerlond, Wally Davis, Bill Moyew, Ron Dumke, Jim Herbert, Neal
Griebling, Jock Duller, Jim Roy, Jim Pierce, FRONT ROW: Bob
Reed, Bill Schmelling, Bill Corroll, Dove Schneider, Buzz Englund, Jim Wendt, Mike Ptacek, John Medrono, Mike Smith.
Every school needs a newspaper to make known its activities and events, and Kenosha High has an extra
good newspaper staff to satisfy this purpose. The members of Kenews are required
to organize their articles and
stories in time for all Friday
deadlines. Kenews was published once a month this
school year.
were eight pages long, which
is an increase and improvement over past years' publi-
BACK ROW: Fronk Wells, Steve Vite, Peppy Crow, Chris Molinaro, Wilson Turbey, ROW 3: Clora
Coesorio, Marlene Vloch ino, Koy Peterson, Carole Wa ite, ROW 2: Scott Upright. Candy Oleson,
Rose Morie Pelligrino, Jeon Patrick, FRONT ROW: Eileen Juzenos, Martha Koper, Mory Ungemoch,
Carolyn Caldor!.
"No kiddin'?"
cations. Graduation, Christmas, and student creative
writing were the themes of
these longer issues. Last summer, the editors for this year
went to Chicago for the National Scholastic Press Association Convention. Here they
ideas which
served to better our paper
this year. The staff and their
advisor ended their year of
work together with a
quet and program at one of
our local restaurants.
BACK ROW: Lucille Turco, Noncy Betz, Koren Tooley, Jackie Odor, Dorothy Lindstrom, Mary Claire
Keul, Barbara Aune, Nancy Holland, ROW 4: Robert Cooley, James Ray, Nick Angotti, ROW 3:
Karen Johnson, Kathy Wienke, Barbara Bastian, Carol Jean Romano, ROW 2: Mary Moore, Barb
Christian, Roberta Weber, Jo Ann Valeo, FRONT ROW: Birgitta Starck, Barb Palmen, Barb Gapanowicz, Carol Dysart.
"This dog-gone thing."
Quill 'n'
Journalism touches the lives
of all, but it is more important to some K.H.S. students
than to others. These, the
ones who are interested in
writing, work toward membe~ship in the international
honor society for high school
journalists, Quill and Scroll.
STANDING: Diane Croak, Fronk Wells, Bob Cooley, Steve Vite, Butch Turbey, Chris
Molinaro, SITTING: Peppy Crow, Sue Hertzberg, Barbara Palmen, Kay Peterson, Marlene Vlachina , Jeon Munger, Carole Waite .
The members of this organ ization must show outstanding
journalistic achievement, and
they must be recommended
by all of their teachers.
"Curta ins up! Light the lights! We've got
nothing to hit but the heights!" Such would
be a theme song for the K.H.S.ers who work
in drama productions in order to collect
points enough to reach the height and
drama society, Thespians. When a student
a certain number of points awarded
him for time and energy spent in helping to
make a dramatic production a success, he is
invited to become a member of this club.
Jean Munger, Allan Watson, Eva Poole, Betty Brackeen, Scott Upright.
Hall Monitors
Sorry, not until 1:05.
Studying on duty!
BACK ROW: Kothy Wells, Grete Jensen, Dave Schneider, Dick Kolmann, ROW 6: Janet Leet, Angela Principe, Kathy McAleer, Leonne Cooper, Olivia Garza, ROW 5: Sue Hertzburg , Carol Kramer, Steve Vite,
Scott Upright, Wilson Turbey, Wayne Graf, Bill Whyte, ROW 4: Bill Lyons, Ken Atkins, Steven Pagliaroni,
Tom Renick, Poul Robillord, Mike Conklin, ROW 3: Kathy Thomey, Mary James, Karen Tooley, Marilyn
Copen, Diane Rose, Bonnie Law, ROW 2: Corrine Lutter, Pat Patterson, Sharan Fontaine, Sharon Haag,
Beatrice Terwall, Marie Reimer, Linda Grotsky, FRONT ROW: Mr. Moebius, Robert Cooley, Adam Cechini,
Judy Igo, Buzz Englund, Ted Barnett.
During the noon hour
at KHS, a phenomenon
takes place. At I 2: 15
all doors are locked,
and a crew of students
and stairs to the upper
floors. Their duty at
the doors is to let in
any of the faculty and
keep out students. At
the stairs, their objective is to regulate the
roaming in the halls
and check on who goes
upstairs. This stalwart
group, headed by Mr.
Moe bi us
Schmale, can be seen
every noon in the halls
of KHS .
BACK ROW: Judy Likes, Kathy Torsitono, Ann Pious, Harriet
Goines, Debbie Behnke, Cassie DeCello, Deno Madsen, Dolly
Savaglio, Sharon Smith, Goilo Ozaki, Aldino Bertelli, Sandi
Prell, Annette Feely ROW 3: Donna Stancato, Gerri Poscuchi,
Sue Von Horpen, Joan Wendorf, Virginia Miller, Virginia MocPhersen, Liz Hofkin, Kathy Urban, Andrea Moy, Kathy Moses,
Jeon Hortnek, Carole Gesbec~ ROW 2: Virginia Swanson, Ellen
Jornt, Joan Wavra, Janet Wiersom, Janice Hartnell, Ruth Baier,
Lyn Griebling, Candy Anderson, Sue Mortenson, Ruth Ann Covelli, Evelyn Holmes, Dione Coullard FRONT ROW: Jeon Hollenbeck, Virginia Veconi, Berkie Horris, Chris Jordon, Margie Wells,
Nancy Knutsen, Sue Cohen, Sharan Antonetti, Carol Jesperson,
Diano DeZoma, Carol Volpendesto.
Spirit Supporters 1n Our Parade
BACK ROW: Pat Cerasoni, Cheryl Chrisofferson, Coral Arendt,
Mory M 1gnino Anne Englund, Sharon Brand, Betty Ann Becker,
Janet Roos, Bonnie Peterson ROW 2: Lindo Montemurro, Lindo
Fonk, Coral Watson, Rose Morie Pellegrino, Darlene Deluca,
Clair Bailor, Carolyn Coldart, Morgret Doherty, Candy Finch,
Sue Wedell FRONT ROW: Candy Olesen, Jill Gray, Penny Over,
Ginny Sterny, Sandy Groenke, Alice loquinta, Barbaro Pedley,
Koren Johnson, Mary Ungemock.
Booster Club in Action?
Whom sholl we tolk next?
U roh roh Focultylll
BACK ROW: Jockie Odor, Nicky Evons, Sue Bogdonos, Dorothy
Lindstrom, Roseann Scolo, Cathy Torsitono, Kathy Thomey, Roxanne Johnson, Noncy Wolton, Joanne Pingotore, Kitsy Westphol, Jeon Munger, Betty Brockeen, Ruth Maxim, Koy Peterson
ROW 3: Morikoy Burmeister, Betty Huettner, Donna Parkinson,
Koren Ostlund, Lindo Grotsky, Fronk Volpendesto, Nancy Whyers, Hilda Pote, Lindo Sonville, Judy Igo, De De Rose, Marilyn
Copen, Koren Tooley, Leanne Cooper ROW 2: Butch Turbey,
The officers of Booster Club ore Buzz Englund. president; Tom Fugette, vice president; Condy Holm, Joyce
Bredek, and Bonnie Low, secretories of sophomore, junior, ond senior classes respectively; Jackie Bokmueller,
treasurer; Sue Hertzberg, corresponding secretory; and
Nick Angotti and Suzette Arnoldini, rolly leoders. The
Booster Club publicizes, with the use of posters, school
octivities; orgonizes the formotion of the booster section
ot othletic events; ond sponsors the cheerleoders. The
members also sell booster buttons, cup cokes, and various tickets to roise money in support of the cheerleoders. Its main purpose, noturolly, is to promote
school spirit, which makes it one of the most worthwhile of our clubs.
Koren Muir, Connie Cossidy, Peggy Androde, Judy Longe, Jonice Sigger, Koren Feldshou, Olivia Garza, Kathy Kohlmeier,
Jeanette Steinmetz, Camille Stoncoto, Marilyn Vlochino, Jan
Lutz, Veronica Szeligo, Lori Toshek FRONT ROW: Charlie Tuff,
Wayne Grof, Kent Mueller, Mike Ptacek, Jackie Bokmueller, Sue
Hertzberg, Suzette Arnoldini, Buzz Englund, Bonnie low, Joyce
Bredek, Candy Holm, George Becker, Mork Johnson.
BACK ROW: Judy Brian, Cheryl Wood, Lynn Karpowicz, Ann
England, Janet Holderness, Janet Shipton ROW 3: Sharon
Brand, Coralyn Dovey, Georgia Augord, Judy Hammelev, Koy
Anderson ROW 2: Leilani Fink, Cheryl Deschneau, Sharon Fish-
bock, Barbaro Zaleski, Delores Linstroth, Janet Houston FRONT
ROW: Roxanne Johnson, Rosemary Pellegrino, Kathy Kohlmeier,
Joy Anderson.
Future Nurses
The "Future Nurses and Allied Health
Careers Club" is a club that is helpful
in preparing young girls in the field
of nursing and other health careers.
During the year they participated in
visiting various medical institutes, seeing interesting movies, and listening
to speakers who are experts in their
fields. Under the direction of Miss
Kupferschmidt the officers; Rose Marie
Pellegrino, Joy Anderson, Roxanne
Johnson, and Kathy Kohlmeier have
done a wonderful job to stimulate an
interest in "Future Nurses and Allied
Health Careers."
And what's your excuse?
STANDING: Dennis Eidsor, John Moeller, Robert Cooley, Jomes Chorlton, Jim Lauzon, Don Storlie, Horry
Mofeuski, John Grimshaw, Dennis Drogoncewicz, Andrew Schwartz, Bob Caudill, Bill Bitter, Dick Crutcher,
Lorry Lemke, Dennis Riley, Poul Robillard, Mr. Link, Jim Lengacher SEATED: Wayne Johnson.
Grounded Grids
"Hey! you got your semi-non conductor hooked to your grounded grid" is
a statement that could be no further
from the truth when the Kenosha
Grounded Grids Club tackles the job.
This newly organized club
ready accomplished much
has altoward
their goal of learning about electricity. It has been easy for the club members to learn about electricity when
they study electrical history, and by
experience with work on "live" radios.
The officers this year are: Jamie
Charlton, President; Robert Cooley,
Vice president; Paul Robillard, Secretary;
and now I'll just plug it in ...
The Mid-Winter Concert
Most Important:
Lion'~ International Convention at Chicago
Color Guards preceding the Band down 52nd Street on the doy of the street's opening .
The 1961 Red Devil Band well represented K.H.S. at
many events this year. Under the direction of Ralph
Houghton and James Froseth, the band made a spectacular showing at the Minneapolis Aquatennial in
pearance at an out-of-town game. This year it was
at Madison West. In December, they presented their
annual mid-winter concert which proved to be a gay
and successful event.
June, 1960. As usual, they made their annual op-
The Band of Our Parade
They provided holf-time entertoinment ot the footboll gomes.
Barbara Christian,
Marilyn Milauc, Carol
Edwards, Norma McCrory, Gail Hansen,
Sandy Kellman, Kathy
Buswell, Jane Robinson, Beverly Nuemann.
FLUTES: Elaine Kirk,
Sandra Ponzio, Kristine Boardman, Lauren
Barker, William Yankus.
Bass, Ed Conlee,
James Buss, Frank
Petricek, James Haubrick, Ken Stein,
Jahn Stipanuk, Jahn
Haynor, Gary Johnson.
Cruthers, William Van
Caster, Romana Buss,
Jahn Warran, Jack
Brunati, Edward
Evans, Karen Thomas,
Terry McNeil.
Lempke, Carol Karps,
James Firchaw,
(Drum Major), Tam
Jay Anderson, Jay
Hawe, Lucille Turco,
Sue Rasemann.
TUBAS: Gary Perona,
Schlevensky, Douglas
Herolt, Martin Moskoph, Sandy Fanning,
Alga Allsapp, Martha
Ludwig, Jerry Mellone,
Gary Laba, Charles
Terry Smith, Chuck
Pomerening, Mike
Schnell, Judy Gentz,
Elliot Knettle, Pat Calvert, Dick Karman,
Carol Klitzke, Wesley
Androde, Kay Anderson, Philip Paulsen,
Sue Reimer, George
Bagdon, Sharon Griswoll, Joan Kerr.
Lane, Dennis Roseth,
Jack Benedict, Kenneth Wermeling,
Wayne Marton, Lowell
Margie Leppanen,
Fran Coakley, Jerry
Grade, Eric Johnson,
Dave Werve.
Sophomore Cla~
----...--·· ----
_ _ c,,
Sophomore class officers, Bill Covelli, Roy Mowery, Ellen Jorndt,
Donna Stancato.
Although the sophomores didn't collect the most money,
they sure collected the biggest amount of coins.
Lots of pep. Lots of energy. This is what the
sophomore class had. Some of the guys came
right into K.H.S. and began to lead our athletics.
Some of the girls came right in and stole the
senior boys - how about that? The school was
new for a while, but they really didn't miss the
correct room numbers for long. Their class held
a "sophomore dance" in the gym. But their true
pride and joy is "ye ol' Annex!" It creaked, it
squeaked, but it made for a good time and a
good place to study just the same. Yet, they must
leave this "Home" and saunter over to the Main
Building next year. Hope they remain good
William Aaron
Ronald Abrahamson
Lindo Adams
Pot Adams
Lorry Boos
Ruth Baier
Margaret Boin
Jimmy Boker
Koren Adel
Mory Agozzi
Lyle Albano
Nancy Alfredson
Geoffrey Baldauf
Michael Baltes
Sharon Bombrough
Judith Bord
Betty Alli
Olga Allsopp
Lorry Andersen
Nancy Andersen
Robert Borengo
Dionne Barnes
Wonda Borrell
Sherrie Borrows
Neto Andersen
Richard Anderson
Uldine Anderson
Wesley Androde
Lonee Bostrup
Mitch Botchko
So ndy Beauchamp
Charles Andre
Bill Antoromion
Delores Antes
Sharon Antonetti
Thomas Arndt
Michele Asboth
Poul Asta
Chormoyne Ausen
Bernard Beck
Donn Beck
Edward Becker
John Becker
Dolores Bierzychudek
Lois Blanchard
Nicholas Bleoshko
Arthur Bloxdorf
Deborah Behnke
Lindo Beine
Vivion Belotti
Jock Benedict
Kristin Boardman
Cheryl Bock
Eric Boettcher
Kathleen Boettcher
Robert Bentz
Gail Berenson
Cheryl Berg
Marilyn Bergeson
John Bohol
Richard Bohm
Bob Bonn
Eileen Bose
Michael Berry
Aldino Bertelle
Arthur Bessel
Barbaro Bierdz
Betty Bose
Sharon Bose
Erik Bothe
Lynne Botz
Kathy Bougneit
Mory Bouse
Keith Bouterse
Cheryl Boyle
Koren Brabant
Joseph Brockney
Tom Brend
Michael Brandolino
Judith Bredek
Noncy Brenomon
Morion Briggs
Charles Brown
Rito Brown
Robert Brown
Patricio Brownell
Williom Bruce
Jim Bruno
Rodney Bruno
Doniel Bryske
John Buchholz
Maryanne Carroll
Barbaro Cayo
Lorry Cerny
Kim Buchman
David Chorlton
Richord Bucholz
Donald Bu go lecki
David Bullomore
Rolph Cheplok
Kathy Chionelli
Paulette Childers
boug Christensen
Georgianne Christensen
Cynthia Christianson
Judi Chroninger
Koren Burlingham
Genell Clerk
Romona Buss
Kathleen Buswell
Alonzo Cobell
Jomes Clark
Dennis Clements
Fro nci ne Coo kley
David Cafferty
Craig Coester
Coral Coiro
John Caldor!
Sindi Colder
Suzanne Cohen
Donna Collins
John Callins
Geraldine Calkins
Eddie Conlee
Janet Campbell
Janice Campolo
Michael Compolo
Gilbert Constonli
Mory Costello
Dione Couillard
Gregory Conoon
Bill Covelli
Donny Cardinali
Kathleen Corey
David Carlson
Elio Covelli
Ruth Ann Covelli
Sara jane Covelli
Lindo Cowen
Carol Cozad
Lorry Cruthers
Ronald Curio
Jone Dohl
Rita Dahlberg
Sharon Davis
Terrance Davis
Terrence Davis
Barbaro Davison
Louis De Angelis
Wayne De Bus
Cothy De Lobio
Bonnie De Lap
Sheila De Marco
Fred Deming
Michael De Moe
Cheryl Domes
Reno Domes
Colleen Donley
Dione DeSeife
George Doremus
Richard Deter!
Cassondra Di Cello
Dionne Diletti
Glen Doud
Lindo Lu Duberstine
Mory Dugan
Janet Dykeman
Frances Dysort
Joel Eaves
Carol Edwards
Jeon Fabien
Shelby Eide
Joan Fabian
Marilyn Folduto
Gloria Faris
Sandy Elftmonn
Edword England
Lee Englund
Jomes Farley
Kathleen Engstrom
Jonis Farr
Annette Feely
Doris Feld
Dennis Eppers
Michael Epstein
Bo rboro Erdmon
Roger Ferch
Elaine Ervin
Goyl Fetzer
Edward Feuker
Dione Fink
Tommy Estes
Richord Euting
Donna Evans
Judie Fink
Elaine Fabien
Leilani Fink
Thomas Firmani
Bob Fleming
Betty Garza
J uanito Garza
Lais Fleming
Gene Gossittie
Sharan Folkers
Carole Geary
Ruthann Fargianni
Janice Fortmann
Walt Gedgoudcs
Diana Gennaccora
Frank Frontal
Bill Gerber
Sharan Frederick
Valerie Gerber
Danna Fredrickson
Abby Friddle
Herbert Gerau
Carol Gesbeck
Brian Gabriel
Haward Gesbeck
Harriet Gaines
Tam Giles
Dorathy Gamberini
San ia Garcia
Sandy Gillis
Mory Godlewski
Steve Garelik
Janice Garland
Jerry Grode
Fred Garnera
Joanne Garren
Barbara Gray
William Gray
Jae Graziano
Joyce Greathouse
Sharan Griswald
James Greenwald
Joanne Grochowski
Lynn Griebling
Adelphia Grass
David Grimes
Paul Graves
Milton Grimes
Terry Graves
Laura Gulbrandsen
Ken Guy
Bernard Haag
Dave Haarstick
Thomas Hackbarth
Sue Haebig
Tam Hafer
Liz Hafkin
Ronny Heidinger
Doug Hale
Janet Hale
Jean Hallenbeck
Elaine Hamiltan
Jim Hanks
Pat Hanlon
Bill Hansche
David Hansche
Jeff Hansche
Chris Hansen
Sharan Hansen
Dennis Harbach
Joyce Harp
Dale Harring
Berkie Harris
Jean Hartnek
Phyllis Hartnek
Janet Hartnell
Janice Hartnell
John Hartnell
Geraldine Harvey
James Haubrich
Al Havlin
Gretchen Hawley
John Hayner
Jerry Hedges
Ronald Hees
Marietta Heg
Bill Heibl
Chris Heide
Louise Heinzmann
Nancy Henkel
Robert Henkel
Tom Horn
Dennis Heral!
Carolyn Houghland
Mary Howard
Frances Huber
Kathy Huff
Allan Hughes
Jane Hupp
Jim Huxhold
Douglas Herolt
Melody Hess
Daniel Hines
Phil Huxhold
Frank Hives
Robert Irving
Robert Jackson
Robert Jacobs
Darrell Hoeft
Craig Hoff
Gary Hoff
John Hoffman
David Jacques
Patricia Janovicz
Gail Jecharek
John Jechorek
Ellis Holdren
Candy Holdsworth
Candy Holm
William Jelier
Evelyn Holmes
Kenneth Jennings
Audrey Jensen
Bettie Jensen
Susan Holmgren
Robert Homes
Bob Horne
Harold Jensen
Pat Jensen
Robert Jensen
Carol Jepson
William Jesperson
Clinton Johnson
Gory Johnson
Koren Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Lorry Jones
Christine Jordon
Ellen Jorn!
Marilyn Jozwiak
Bi ll June
Brigitte Jung
Wally Juzenos
Joann Kominski
Janet Kammerzell
Dennis Kanas
Evie Konocz
Jerry Kaplan
John Kori
Dick Kormann
Carol Korps
Brion Kastman
Kenneth Kastma n
Donald Keating
Jomes Kautzer
Pot Keating
Al Kovolouskos
Bruce Kellem
Sandy Keller
Dione Kenders
Joan Kerr
Richard Kessler
William Kexel
Keith Kollmonn
Bob Koos
Alon Koronkiewicz
Wayne Kibor
Paulo Kortum
Forest Killips
Ronald Kirkpatrick
Gregg Kishline
Dione Kozak
Gilbert Krohn
Richard Kroning
Donald Kissee
Phill ip Krumpos
Gory Klein
Nancy Klein
Thomes Klem
Jim Kruse
Ji m Kuhnley
Gory Kutzke
George Klemm
Mike Kwos
Mickey Klen
Bill Kmock
Elliott Knettle
Chet Kv.icinski
Thomas Lobo
Tom J. Lobo
Nancy Knutson
Jim LoCombe
Poul Knutson
Carolyn Kober
Lou ise Kober
Bruce Ladewig
Lavina Lafayette
Carol Langenbach
Jomes lonnoye
Lindo Lindley
Richard Lindner
Jeanne Lindstrom
Delores linstroth
lorry LoPoint
Ruthie Larsen
Mory Lorson
Victoria lost
Sophie lipnicki
Alice llanos
Robert Locicero
Susan Jo loduho
Tom Laurent
Sandro Laurin
Jomes Lauzon
Brion Lowell
Gory Loetz
John Lovell
Michael Lovren
John lubniewski
Eve Layton
Robert leach
Charles leMoy
Marilyn Lemke
Martha Ludwig
Robert Lueck
Peter Lui
Mory lenegor
Gory Leo
Robert Lepp
John Lesko
Dole lewis
Donna Lichtenberg
Vivion Lichter
Judy Likes
Mike Lumpp
Jon Lundgren
Lou Ann Lupi
Richard Lura
Susan Lutz
Carolyn Madsen
Francis Madsen
Sharon Madison
Horry Majewski
Poul Maki
Barbaro Mokouske
David Mancusi
David Monn
Barbaro Morch
Fred Marchese
Judy Morcinkus
Dennis Marotz
Sharon Morron
Cheryl Marshall
John Mortin
Patricio Maruco
Gregory Mason
Donold Mathson
Victor Malich
Jeon Mattox
Deno Mattson
Andrea Moy
Jomes Motzur
LeRoy Moyes
George McCorron
William McCrory
Ruth McCrory
Suzanne McCurdy
Kathleen McHenry
Robert McKeond
Gail McNeil
Virginia McPherson
Neil Meier
Charles Meldahl
Jerry Mellone
Judith Menge
John Mertz
Christina Mellen
Morie Millard
Wayne Morton
Mory Moses
Mortin Moskop!
Don Miller
Roy Mowrey
Darlene Miller
Virginia Miller
Thomas Millhouse
Jim Mueller
John Munson
Jock Murphy
Troy Murphy
Sharon Myer
Sandro Naegeli
Dionne Nonce
Bruce Mi nsho II
Donna Neaves
Carol Minski
Carol Mitchell
Louis Modory
Fronk Nedry
Bernie Nedweski
Bob Neitzel
Lorraine Moehrke
Linn Nelson
George Molinaro
Dionne Monteen
Mike Monticelli
Loren Nelson
Robert Nephew
Jeane Neu
Don Moore
Ann Newbauer
Ron Morgon
Doniel Morrill
Jomes Morrison
Doris Nichols
Patsy Nichols
Jerilynn Nielsen
Dorothy Morrill
Barry Noll
Robert Morrone
Bill Mortensen
Susan Mortensen
Doniel Norton
Francis Noto
Joan Novak
Monika Novokovic
Julie Ann Nye
Margaret Oakes
Jerry Od lond
Jerold Ogren
Deon O'Honlon
Thomas Ohlgort
Fritz Ohm
Ronald Olsen
Bob Olsmon
Deon Oquist
Jone O ' Reor
Kelly Oswalt
No ncy Overstreet
Jerry Owens
Jim Owsichek
Gaile Ozaki
Geraldine Pascucci
Frank Posquali
Merle PottP.rson
Joseph Povelo
Moryon Paczkowski
JoAnne Palmer
Jerry Porker
David Parmentier
Jeanne Pavlovich
Judie Pavlovich
Rosemary Powloczyk
Stanley Pawlowicz
Lee Pearlman
James Perez
Joseph Perez
Guy Perone
Ola Moe Pitts
Ruth Pivovor
Barbaro Plott
Ann Pious
Myron Pessin
Kathy Petersen
Sharon Petersen
Patricio Peterson
Charles Pomerening
Carolyn Poole
Frank Pontillo
Loretto Pontillo
Roberto Petrausky
Frank Petricek
Jeff Phillips
Nancy Phillips
G inger Porter
Jomes Prater
Sandi Prell
Geri Prokop
Rich a rd Piekos
Suzanne Pietkiewicz
Roland Piller
Patricio Pitsch
Mox Proia
Bernard Pucci
Jerry Pulera
Michael Putrynski
Donna Quiel
Ronold Radatz
Bryan Rohn
Robert Rasch
Lee Rasmussen
Sandra Redlin
Joyce Reeves
Marcia Reh
Tim Remus
Herman Renschin
Robert Reschke
Henry Richie
Roxanne Ricker
Susan Riemer
Dione Riley
Diane Ritchie
Marisa Riva
Neil Rizzotto
Donna Robertson
Gerry Rade
Susan Roemer
Allan Rosenbaum
Bob Rosero
Suzanne Rosemann
Gloria Rosman
Goil Ruberg
Daniel Rubjerg
Poul Rudin
Alan Ruffolo
Larry Rugg
Tom Rotunda
Michael Schlosser
Judith Schmidt
Marcia Schmidt
Jennie Schwanke
Larry Rover
Michael Rawe
Janice Rutkowski
John Rutkowski
Craig Schwartz
Nancy Schwartz
Joy Schwer
Roger Schuelke
Donald Sabby
Walter Sabby
Gary Sabal
Phy IIis Sadowksi
Dennis Schutz
John Schutz
Arthur Scola
Carol Scott
Gloria Saldana
Sam Salituro
Daris Sartor
Antoinette Sovoglio
William Scoville
Louella Scuffham
Schuyler Seager
Richard Seidemann
Poul Schafer
Sharon Schend
Elaine Scheye
Robert Schiess
Vincent Seliga
Mike Serpe
Jomes Sershon
Donald Shamlin
Susan Smith
Harold Snell
Bill Sonnenberg
Jock Sorensen
Robert Shampine
John Shannon
Rollie Shotkins
Donald Shepard
Mory Lou Sosbe
Shirley Spann
Bill Spence~
Loretto Spitzer
Lorry Shilts
Ed Siegal
Nano Simons
Joan Simonsen
John Spivek
Karen Stamm
Donna Stancato
Jimmy Stapleton
Dan Skeans
Carole Slofter
Jack Slowey
Bette Smith
Jim Steagall
Sally Steagall
Michele Steele
Kenneth Stein
Diano Smith
Geraldine Smith
Lindo Smith
Louis Smith
Don Storlie
Lindo Streich
Frank Struss
Charlotte Stulgaitis
Pot Smith
Roger Smith
Terry Smith
Sharon Smith
Pot Sullivan
Eileen Swan
Phyllis Swan
Lowell Swaney
Virginia Swanson
Lorry Szontor
Joyce Torsitano
Joe Tenuth
Jeff Tenwinkel
Jomes Tillman
Patricio Tinker
Koren Thomas
Gory Thompson
Janet Thompson
Tyrone Thompson
Wesley Thompson
Allon Thorpe
Ulrich Thrams
Mary Thrasher
Ernie Trecroci
Dennis Tredup
Diane Tribur
Sharon Truax
Susan Von Gunten
John Wagner
Lowell Wallace
Henry Turco
Sharar> Walker
Janise Tutlewski
Kathy Urban
Patricia Wamboldt
Paul Wamboldt
Carol Usinger
Kathy Uttech
Barbara Ward
Roy Warnock
Joanne Van Boven
Susan Van Harpen
Carl Van Harn
John Warren
Roger Van Harn
JaOll Wavra
Peggy Weber
Joan Weise
Jim Van Lane
Ronald Van Wie
Bessie Vaughn
Larry Weiss
Margie Wells
Shelia Vaughn
Scott Wells
Wayne Veale
Virginia Vecani
Mike Vignieri
Johanna Vines
Clarice Virgili
Frank Vita
Carole Volpentesta
Joan Wendorf
Micheal Valpendesta
David Werve
Barbara West
Rodger Whitefoot
Bab Whitmire
Jim Whyte
Connie Widmar
Edwin Wieck
Gail Wiemelt
Janet Wiersum
Joanne Wierzbicki
Mary Wilburn
Martha Wilkins
Terry Willamson
Janet Wilson
Kristina Winberg
Eleda Winther
Gary Wirch
Sandi Witscheber
Richard Wittenberg
Dennis Waif
Richard Wolfe
Robert Waller
Barbara Wood
ROW 1: Fronk Woynilko, Barbaro Yosulis, Gory Young, Ernie Yunker, Tom Zorletti, Martha
Zemaitis, Fronk Zuhde . ROW 2: Ruth Ann Yonkus, Ethel Young, Suzanne Youngerman, Luchyne
Zomponti, Donna Zellmer, Jeanette Zimmerman, Sandy Zuhde .
The parade continues at a rapid clip, for the days are
numbered now that the Christmas season is quickly approaching.
Basketball games take their spot on the Friday night
agenda . Wrestling and Swimming are also becoming popular with K.H.S. spectators.
Our roving reporter attends the choir, band, and orchestra
concerts and agrees with everyone that it just wouldn't
seem like Christmas without yuletide music and familiar
carols to add that extra sparkle to the forthcoming holidays.
The vacation finally arrives, and temporary jobs take the
place of books for a while . Another big job is underway in
the gym. Sub-Deb is decorating for its annual Christmas
formal. Silver snowflakes hanging from a ceiling of red
and white net suggest this year's title "Frills' n Frost."
Vacation ends too abruptly for many of us. There are no
more sleep-overs until ten or eleven in the morning and no
more keeping those late, late hours. It is back to the ol'
routine. But for some, a vacation begins aga in. February
introduces the Massachusetts exchange, as our students fly
East - By Jet!
Before the snow and ice begin to melt, the Senior Class
gives the roll icking play, "The Curious Savoge." Gradually
the days grow longer, and the parade enters the season of
new life and new activity. Spring is here!
Familiar Scenes
third floor drought
"Ugh Ugh -m-m, may I have your
Scene: K.H.S. Time: 12:30
One among many
"Where the Boys Are"
Oh, not ogoin
Exactly 34 minutes, 48.2 seconds to golll
Messy Lockerll
Unfamiliar Scenes
"Tell them I'm absent!"
Where the girls aren't (supposed ta be)lll
"There's some gum in here someplace."
"All the pansies hang out up here. Came up to visit us sometime."
"Who said this shower is slippery?"
Another broken eardrum
BACK ROW: Al Watson, Mork Schmerling, Jim Nolan, Ernie
Trecrci, Roy Chapmon, Nick Angotti, Wilson Turbey, Chuck Tuff,
David Monn, Tom Renick, Robert Hansen, Nels Page, Joe Lettrich,
Steve Vite. FOURTH ROW: Phyllis Kolk, Bonnie Lueck, Kathy
Berry, Claro Coker, Nancy Phillips, Ellen Jorndt, Gerry Pascucci,
Janet Dykeman, Sue Cohen, Judy Igo, Marilyn Copen, Kathi
Thomey, Jackie Odor. THIRD ROW: Pat Six, Carol Watson, Mary
Moore, Gloria Faris, Joanne Grokowski, Jeon Patrick, Kathy
Sanford. Sue Oleson, Kathy Uttech, Joan Levy, Ann Englund,
Linda Fonk. SECOND ROW: Koy Peterson, Ruth Moksen, Koren
Muir, Betty Huettner, Sandi Long, Claire Virgili, Carol Smith,
Georgia Augord, Elaine Brocegirdle, Arlene Tenuta Kevin
Baral, Marlene Sturman. FRONT ROW: Scott Upright, Betty
Brackeen, Diane Rose, Jill Gray, John Penman .
The Actors 1n Our Parade
Lights! Camera! Action! The opening scene for the
Wig and Mask play, I Remember Mama has begun!
The nightly rehearsals until midnight have finished,
This is one of the many things that the members
worked on. Other activities included working on
stage craft, putting plays on for various clubs in the
city, planning to see other plays on field trips, and
staging a one act skit for an assembly program.
make-up is in place, and last minute details are
being looked after. The story of this play is about a
Norwegian family, its problem of Mama, who
The competent officers this year were: President,
Scott Upright; Vice President, Betty Brackeen; Secretary, John Penman; Treasurer, Jill Gray.
wanted to stick to the way of the old country and
of the four children who wanted to conform to American ways. And the show was a success!
"But coffee will turn my complexion blockl"
I see a mousel
BACK ROW: Linda Adams, Dena Madson, Ann Kaye Miga, Jan
Hartnell, Candy Andersen, Alice Onosko, Carol Klitzke, Sandy
Groenke, Joyce Bredek, Peggy Weber, Kathy Urban, Kathy McHenry, Joan Kerr, Liz Hafkin. ROW 4: Mary Paczkowski, Candy
Finch, Marge Doherty, Berkie Harris, Barb Ward, Nancy Hansen,
Aldina Bertelli, Karen Tooley, Cheryl Tinnell, Linda Grotsky,
Carol Sorensen, Bea Terwall, Penny Gullo, Barb Bostian. ROW
3: Sue Mortenson, Mary Ann Carol, Mary Howard, Cynthia
Christianson, Chris Molinaro, Eva Jane Poole, Dorathy Lindstrom,
Darlene De Lucca, Carla Wells, Shelley Cohen, Karen Kirsten,
Marie Reimer, Margaret Wyss. ROW 2: Margie Leppanen,
Donna Stancato, Ann Pious, Gaile Ozaki, Judy Brian, Cassie
Sartor, Elaine Shay, Claudia Sheridan, Lucille Turco, Ginny
Sterny, Lynn Zander. FRONT ROW: Bernie VanWarmer, Bob
Schmidt, Mike Ptacek, Frank Wells, Dave Jacques.
"I'm so shy; my hat is one big wrinkle!"
"Oh, my toenaillll"
It's bow-starchin' time.
Illa Klava is the title of our Latin
Club. The members celebrate Virgils birthday, and for Latin week,
they put Latin sayings above the
doors of each classroom. Their
annual Latin banquet is their biggest event of the year. This club
helps the students to enjoy their
learning of Latin . The officers were:
Corrine Lutter president; Lilly
Covelli - Vice-president; Darlene
Davis corresponding secretary;
Bonnie Leuck - treasurer; Sandra
program chairman;
Margetson and Jean Coshun - social chairman.
BACK ROW: Pat Pettersen, Jahn Mead, Gary Rysdan, George Bagdon, Jerry Perone, Bill
Schmelling, Don Fessenden, Jim Carlson, John Allen, Jeff Williams, Corrine Lutter. FRONT
ROW : Bonnie Leuck, Shirley Vandenberg, Sharon Brand, Lucille Turco, Darlene Davis, Sandra
Morgetsan, Jean Coshun, Madelyn Pietkiewicz, Lilly Covelli.
French looks like funll
Words are the basis of science
Rest in Peace (in your study halll
Spanish Club discusses
coming club meeting.
Voici Le Cercle Francois. Nous
parlons francais. At the monthly
meetings of Le Cercle Francois,
the members not only spoke
French but also participated in
based on the effort to learn
about the culture of France. The
French Club, with Scott Upright,
president; Nicky Evans, vice
president; Peppy Crow, secretary; and Wayne Graf, treasurer, sponsored the sale of pencils as the club's school project.
At the end of the year, a French
tea was held at Miss Wilson's
home where the members spoke
their best French the entire
BACK ROW: Steve Vite, Sandi Long, Barb Christian, Jone Robinson, Althea Drew, Diane Smith, Sue
Wedell, Julie Nye, Joanne Grochowski, Lorraine Moehrke, Sue Cohen, Janet Koos, B. T. Adams.
ROW 4: Carol Watson, Sandy Lauran, Ken Larson, Charles Corson, Eileen Neu, Mory Camille
Moore, Joanne Pingotore, Dorothy Lindstrom, Dorothy Thomas, Koren Guttarmsen, Judy Igo, Koren
Muir. ROW 3: Margie Leppanen, Chris Molinaro, Donna Brus, Mory Philo, Janet Lutz, Jill Grey,
Sandy Kellman, Mary Claire Keul, Nansen Hansen, Donnette Pooch, Candy Olesen, Kathy Sanford,
Judy Gentz. ROW 2: Sharon Pugh, Janet Hole, Nancy Rockwood, Ann Pious, Gaile Ozaki, Mary
Howard, Margaret Wyss, Abbey Cohen, Rose Marie Pelligrino. FRONT ROW: Wayne Grof, Nicky
Evans, Peppy Crow, Scott Upright.
Habio usted Espanol? Do you
speak Spanish? This club was
started to help Spanish students
learn the language better and
learn something about the
country. Their activities include
Spanish skits, Spanish games
and songs. They helped make
the float for homecoming and
put on a cupcake sale to raise
money for club activities. The
officers of the club were:
Barb Holt
Nancy Davey
Vice President
Elizabeth Holt
Louise Sorenson
BACK ROW: Harold Snell, Bill Harff, Myron Pessin, Som Solituro, Tom Laba, Gory Puterbaugh, Gory
Lobo, Gene Brookhouse, Robert Wogner, Tom Fuhrer, Jerry Blair, Jomie Chorlton, Jill Helwig. ROW
3: Ann Parrott, Penny Over, Claudio Sheridon, Darlene Malsock, Sandy Zocho, Judy Fanning, Barbaro Aune, Linda Sanville, Rosemary Poredon, Sharon Loew, Georgia Augard, Alice Onosko. ROW
2: Alice Llanas, Joyce Watkins, Gloria Soldano, Annette Freely, Virginia Miller, Gail Boyle, Dione
Hubbard, Koren Seaberg, Cheryl Berg, Cindy Christianson, Kathy Petersen, Dionne Nancy, Cheryl
Christoflerson. FRONT ROW: Elizabeth Holt, Louise Sorenson, Hector Tarosido, Nancy Dovey, Barb
BACK ROW: Cooch De Lano, Julian Ellefson, Dick Apostali,
Mike Moran, Dennis Hofllander, Jeff Williams, John Shaffer,
Bill Schmelling, Jim Jaeschke, Joe Howe, Coach Martin. ROW
2: Chuck Behnke, John Hartnell, Ron Pierce, Dan Miller, Jerry
4 wins
6 losses
l tie
Rode, Jim Owsichek, Larry Weiss, Bob Lepp, Wayne Veale.
FRO NT ROW: Jerry Grade, Bill McCrory, Larry Lapoint, Jeff
Baldauff, Jim Wamboldt, Bruce Menshall, Roland Piller, John
Hayner, Wayne Morton.
Al Erdman
John Hartnell
Dennis Hoffiander
Jim Jaeschke
Mike Moran
Jerry Rode
Bill Schmelling
John Shaffer
Jeff Williams
Frank Reed
John Shaffer and Joe Howe were the only seniors on the team this
past year. With this in mind, and watching for improvement in the
younger swimmers, the team looks forward to an improved record
next year.
TIME ... to pull him outl
Lesson # 1 & #2 in belly-flopping
Bob Reed, State Chomp
This year's wrestling team, coached by Glen McCulloch,
had 9 wins, l loss, and 2 draws for an outstanding dual
meet record. The team record was 14 l matches won,
58 matches lost, and three matches were draws. The
Varsity Team captured the Big-Eight title and State Regional. At the State Sectionals, our team gathered in
2nd place, and at the State Meet, the team placed 8th.
Team Captain was Dan Cibrario.
This year's J.V.'s had an impressive record of 8 wins
and 3 losses under Coach Jerry Landwer.
Don't worry, cooch, it's your turn next!
Bob Reed was picked as Most Va luable Wrestler, who
also won a first place in the State. The Most Improved
Wrestler was Roy Warnock.
The outlook for next year is promising with the return of
seven letter winners, and the members of a strong J.V.
BACK ROW: Cooch McCulloch , Roger Schuelke, Rolph Cheplok, Tom Laurent, Poul Rudlin, Wes Androde, Kim Buchman,
Dick Piekos, Jerry Greco, Jerry Mellone, Joy Schwer, Terry
Williamson, Poul Goldstein, Cooch Jerry Londwer. ROW 2:
Manager Spencer Sorenson, Bernie Von Wormer, Jim Bruno,
David Bullomore, Bill Coshun, Lee Engund, Jim Harvey, Jim
Warnock, John Grey, Poul Groves, Jim Kissee. FRONT ROW:
Bob Reed, Roy Warnock, Mike Ptacek, Tom White, Dove
Schneider, Bob Schmidt, Don Cibrorio, Jim Wendt, Jerry
Host, Bill Carroll, John Rutkowski.
K. H. S. Choirs
This concert put on annually is the biggest event of the
year for the Mary D. Bradford High School's choral
groups. Everyone is invited, and everyone comes to start
their Christmas season off right.
The choirs, under the direction of Mr. Gaarder, did another wonderful job. These groups consist of sophomore
symphonic, sophomore mixed, senior mixed, senior girls,
and A Cappello.
The Christmas tree, which is composed of the A Cappello choir, is a tradition of the program and gives it a
tremendous finish.
A Cappella
l o Bo Dom Me ...
We'll put this robe here, ond ...
Bonnie Kley, Korol Nelson, Marilyn Copen, Pot Sturm, Gail
Book, Jackie Sturm, Janet Leet, Laurie Newberry, Joanne Fleischmann,
Colby, Sharon Glade. FRONT RO W: Sharon Rozzi, Joan Sincloir,
Ginny Sterny, Abrienne Cohen, Sherry Petersen, Janice Trebbin,
Nicki Evans, Sue Bogdonis, Mary Philo, Madelyn Piethiewicz,
Kitsy Westphal, Joann Genome, Rita Martino, Kothy Brugger,
Carlo Wells, Sue Perrine, Lanne Cooper, Lucille Puntillo.
BACK ROW: Leonard loquinto, Ken Hossler, Scott Upright, Ron
Pierce, lee Madsen, John Sturino, Ken Unwin, Bill Streeter, Gory
Rysdom, John Grimshaw, Woyne Miller, Mike Conklin, Mike
Conklin, Mike Sould, Jerry Blair, Jim Nolan, Dennis Wertz,
Henry Hortnek . ROW 3: Bill Schmelling, Dick Hooper, Jeff
Stonich, John Fandrliok, Dick Krok, Dave Jensen, Dave Starr,
Jesse Meier, Jim Long, Neal Griebling , Nick Angotti, Larry
Gennoccoro, Louis Oster, Rick Frost, Chuck Corson. ROW 2:
Bonnie Low, Sandra Cook, Carol Sorenson, Barb Langerman,
Senior Mixed Choir
BACK ROW: Carolyn Dovey, Joe Casazza, J im Krueger, Al
Meyer, David Kexel, Dennis Hoffionder, Steve Bello, Bill Madder, Spencer Sorensen, Ron Fechner, Rodney Ziehr, Kenneth
Worden, Gory Grissom, Bob Stika, Eddi Herolt, John Penman,
Bev Wade . ROW 3: Koren Tooley, Cheryl Deschneou, Bette Hill,
Elizabeth Olsen, Jeon Patrick, Nola Zoller, JoAnn Bjurmon,
Janet Koos, Helen Moedt, Jill Helwig, Judy Gregory, Kathleen
Thomey, Sharon Fontaine, Royonne Lost, Marlene Sturman,
Li ndo Greisen. ROW 2 : Gail Boyle, Gail Kiefer, Joan Wiersum,
Candy Finch, Mory Chiapetto, Jeon Kyncl, Sharon Fischbock,
Joyce Bredek, Viola Tailor, Barb Polmen, Sondra Spann, Darlene Dinges, Sandy Severson, Koren Kersting, Rhetta Quandt,
Nancy Wyers. FRONT ROW: Cassy Sortor, Juanita Ritacco,
Angie Poincipe, Virginia Kromer, Cheryl Christofferson, JoAnn
Morrisey, Sandy Wiersum, Bonnie Peterson, Kathy Torsitono,
Judy Hirchert, Sue Henkle, Donna Schworty.
Senior Girls' Choir
BACK ROW: Jackie Odor, Bonnie Leuck, Joanne Pingitore,
Peppy Crow, Joanne Valeo, Elaine Brocegirdle, Marcia Lopp,
Janet Holderness, Mory Irving, Sharon Hohn, Elizabeth Holt,
Pot Feick, Sandi Long, Dorothy Lindstrom, Dione Rose, Suzette
Arnoldini, Fron loquinto, Jeanne Hossler. ROW 3: Morikoy Burmeister, Donna Porkinsin, Sandro Brown, Joanne Venture, Donna
Mancusi, Kathy Wallo, Carolyn Coldort, Donette Pooch, Barbaro
Kinebrew, Margaret Jocko, Coral Smith, Rita Rinelli, Martha
Koper, Sharon Brand, Cheryl Tinnell, Nancy Walton, Dione
Weber. ROW 2: Carol Wolters, Joan Schaer, Claudio Sheridon,
Donna Brus, Eileen Juzenos, Rosemarie Pellegrino, Barb Pedley,
Lynn Roy Farris, Roxanne Johnson, Koren Rovik, Lindo Leonerd,
Helen Thomas, Louise Sorenson, Jackie Bokmueller, Claro
Cesario. FRONT ROW: Pot Dombroski, Koren Steddick, Pot
Peck, Nancy Dovey, Koren Feldshou, Viola Valdez, Sue Uright,
Angie Covelli, Bev Schafer, Koren Frederickson, Lindo Morion,
Helen Morion, Janel Houston, Olivio Garza.
Sophomore Symphonic Choir
ROW 2 : Linda Adams, Carol Minski, Mary Wilburn, Margaret
Weber, Jean Hallenbeck, Joan Wavra, Ellen Jornt, Nancy
Henkel, Nancy Klein, Frances Dysart, Gerry Pascucci, Paula
Kortum, Deborah Behnke, Diane Caivullard, Elizabeth Hafkin,
Daris Feld, Jean Lindstrom. FRO NT ROW: Geraldine Harvey,
Lynn Griebling, Mary Haward, Mazy Langley, Sharan Smith,
Cheryl Bayle, Joan Wendorf, Nancy Schwartz, Sandra Witscheber, Danna Neaves, Janet Thompson, Marian Briggs, Kristina Winberg, Mary Ann Carroll, Joan Simonsen. BACK ROW:
George Hix, Harold Snell, Anthony Constanti, Dovid Jocques,
Raymond Mowrey, Ulrick Thrams, Lee Rasmussen, Ernest Trecroci, Arthur Bloxdorf, Thomas Zarletti, David Mann, James
Kruse, Larry Szantar, Bill Gerber, Kenneth Jennings, Bill Covelli,
Bruce Minshall, Donald Shepard. ROW 3: Mike Volpendesta,
Charles Andred, George Doremus, Roger Schuelke, Bill Sonnenberg, Julie Nye, Abby Friddle, Pat Adams, Roberta Petrausky,
Joyce Harp, Carole Valpentesta, Christine Jordan, Frank Nedry,
Jay Schwer, Jahn Lundgren, Roy Warnack, Erik Bothe.
Senior Girls' Choir
BACK ROW: Cassie Di Cella, Coral Gesbeck, Danna Fredrickson,
Brigette Jung, Virginia Swanson, Judith Fink, Coralyn Houghland, Judith Marcinkus, Gloria Ferris, Joanne Grochowski, Kathleen, Uttech, Louise Kober, Berkie Herris, Janet Hartnee, Nancy
Overstreet, Sandra Prell. RO W 2: Gaila Ozaki, Susan Smith,
Suzanne Youngerman, Susan Lutz, Gail McNeil, Gail Berenson,
Ruth Ann Fargiani, Virginia McPhearsan, Susan Roemer, Joanne
Garren, Aldina Bertelle, Nancy Anderson, Melady Hess, Joan
Fabian, Bette Smith, Jean Fabian. FRO NT ROW: Juanita Garza,
Donna Fitchtenberg, Joanne Wierzbecki, Joyce Tarsitana, Gloria
Saldana, Elizabeth Garza, Dorathy Gamberini, Joanne Paemer,
Annette Feely, Donna Robertson, Danna Stancato, Judy Bredek,
Lais Fleming, Alice Flanas.
Holiday Sight
The annual decorating of the Chrismas tree
Santa and helper give out goodies
Resting at the height of the season's rush
The TRUE holiday
spirit I
Sub Deb Night
"How did that get up there?" This was
the question whispered by Kenosha High
students as they entered the gym of the
night of December 26, 1961. Gl"ttering
snowflakes were suspended from a ceiling of red and white nylon net. In the
center of the transformed gymnasium
stood a fifteen foot flocked Christmas
tree with shiny red bulbs. The sides were
decorated with a lternoting streamers of
red and white crepe paper.
The small gym was equally attractive.
While the tired dancers sat at the goilycolored tables, the melodies of Fredd
Monn could be heard. During this resting
period, students were served punch and
cookies by freshman girls. As the evening came to a close, everyone deported
with memories of an enchanting evening .
Frills ' N Frost
Some to sign
Tho! Junior Closs V.P. is at it
Some more in line
Some to dine
Still more to sign
An active Sub Deb Pr~ident
"Gee, it's almost
Club Advisor, Miss Luckos, does the
The lost few remaining
Before and ...
. .. After!
BACK ROW: Mr. Colletti, William Streeter, Al Andreoli, Bab
Smith, Lance Tobert, Jack Benedict, George Becker, Tom Wolfe,
Mr. Brittell i. FRONT ROW: Mike Serpe, Dennis Lento, Joe Laba,
Harry Bardwell, Dove Starr, Donny Hines, Ken Ludlow.
This year's K.H.S. Red Devil basketball team with
its new coach, Joe Brittelli, had a good season .
The overall record was 11 wins and 9 losses. The
team tied for third place in the Big Eight with
seven wins and seven losses.
The team elected Lance Tobert as most valuable
player, and Willie Streeter was captain . Lance
was elected to the All Big Eight second team,
and Willie was elected to the Big Eight honorable mention team.
There goes another bucket!
This year's
letter win-
ners were the following: seniors - George
Becker, Willie Streeter,
Tom Wolfe, and Lance
Tobert; juniors - Joe
"The Huddle"
Kenosha .. 50 *Granville HS . . . . . . . . 45
Kenosha .. 64 *Grayslake, Ill. HS .... 56
Beloit HS . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Kenosha .. 68
Madison West HS . . . . 57
Kenosha .. 64
Racine Horlick HS . . . . 44
Kenosha .. 49
Madison Central HS . . 50
Kenosha .. 58
Kenosha .. 64 *Brookfield HS . . . . . . . . 68
Madison Central HS . . 54
Kenosha . . 55
Madison East HS . . . . . 43
Kenosha .. 44
Kenosha .. 43
Racine Pork HS . . . . . . 45
Kenosha .. 72 *Nicolet HS .......... 53
Kenosha .. 51
Jonesville HS ........ 57
Kenosha .. 51
Beloit HS . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Kenosha .. 63
Madison West HS . . . . 72
Kenosha .. 57
Janesville HS . . . . . . . . 61
Kenosha .. 61
Racine Horlick HS .... 54
Kenosha .. 48
Madison East HS . . . . . 52
Kenosha .. 34
Racine Pork HS . . . . . . 66
(*Non-Conference Gomes)
Kenosha .. 59
Union Grove HS . . . . 48
Regiona l Tournament
Kenosha .. 39
Racine Park HS . . . . . . 52
Regional Tournament
Sophomore Basketball
BACK ROW: Jeff Phillips, Chris Hansen, Larry Boos, Dick
Bucholz, Dick Harmen, Art Scola, Dick Euting, Mike Epstein.
Bob Reschke, Gilbert Constanti, Cooch Whitworth, Jim
Morrison, Bill Covelli, Bob Olsman, Bernie Beck.
Under their new coach, Dick Whitworth, the
sophomore basketball team won seven games
and lost eleven. In non conference they had a
perfect mark of four wins and no losses, but in
conference play the Pink Devils had three wins
and eleven losses. The high scorer was Dick
Euting. Team captain was Bernie Beck.
For Every High School Has a Cheer
" ... Satisfied
I said satisfied
Real satisfied!
... And that's what we are with this year's cheerleaders. One
can always count on them to lead us in school spirit and to
boost our team's morale. This year's "short and sweet" sophomores are Kathy Boettcher, Dorothy Gamberini, Ginger McPherson, Sharon Smith, and Loretta Puntillo. The Varsity
cheerleaders include: Sandra Mohr, Marikay Burmeister,
Nancy Walton, Roxanne Johnson, Jenny Hampel, Alice laquinta, Jackie Bockmueller, and Gail Boyle.
Sharan Smith, Loretta
Puntillo, Dorathy Gamberini,
Boettcher, Ginger McPherson
Jackie Bokmueller, Alice laquinta, Gail Bayle, Jenny Hampel
Marikay Burmeister
Sandra Mahr
Nancy Walton
Roxanne Johnson
BACK ROW: Joonne Gorren, Betty Becker, Mory Friedl, Debbie
Behnke, Korol Nelson, Bonnie Peterson, Bonnie Kley, Kitsy W~t
phol, Nancy Henkel. ROW 3: Penny Over, Dione Crook, Geil
Book, Dione Hubbord, Margie Leppanen, Coro! Moore, Borb
Cayo, Helen Moedt, Norma McCrory, Kathy McAleer. ROW 2:
Eileen Swen, Leonne Cooper, Nancy Knutson, Cathy Powleski,
Merlene Vlochino, Koren Guttormsen, Joonne Wovro. FRONT
ROW: Noncy Dovey, Borb Pedley, Carol Halm, Avis Jensen .
K-Teen's biggest undertaking was Poor
People's Prom. The members also decorated the Christmas tree for the faculty,
and, for their own enjoyment, they held
a mother and daughter tea at Christmas
time. K-Teens helped present the Senior
Banquet and gave a scholarship at this
event. The following were the officers:
President -
Kay Peterson, Vice President
Peppy Crow, Secretary Joanne
Valeo, Treasurer - Rosaline Scola, Corresponding Secretary - Carole Waite,
Faculty advisor was Miss
FIRST ROW going down: Jeonette Steinmetz, Dorothy Thomes, Barb Bostoin,
Bonnie Peterson, Corel Romeno, Carla Wells. SECOND ROW going down: Barb
Gapanowicz, Abbey Cahen, Joy Anderson, Carol Watson, Jean Patrick. LAST ROW
going dawn: Mary Magnino, Candy Olesen, Pat Cerasani, Roberta Weber, Donna
Parkinson, Kay Peterson, Peppy Crow, Joanne Valeo, Rose Scola, Carole Waite.
Oaoooh Ill
BACK ROW: Carol Smith,· Terry Nickerson,
Judy Kunde, Mary Philo. ROW -4: Mary
Camille Moore, Kathy Sanford, Joan Wiersum,
Rose Pellegrino. ROW 3: Sue Olson, Pat
Cafferty, Ronnie Szeliga, Kathy Kohlmeier,
Crook's al it again.
Service Clubs
Kenosha's "Easter Parade," Hi-Style's annual style show, was
the biggest event presented by the girls' club, Hi-Style. Besides this, Hi-Style sponsored Dad's Night at one of our home
football games. They presented a faculty tea. Green carnations were sold to the students on St. Patrick's Day by Hi-Style
members. The officers were these: President - Diane Crook,
Vice President -
Lilly Covelli, Secretary -
Sandra Margetson,
Treasurer - Kathy Kohlmeier, Corresponding Secretary Veronica Szeliga, Bouncer - Pat Cafferty, Miss Elsie Reed was
their faculty advisor.
You don't soy?I ...
Sub Deb presented their annual Christmas formal, which is one of the
most talked about events of the year. After this excitement, they settled
down to selling cupcakes at noon in order to be able to give a scholarship at the end of the year. The girls in Sub Deb helped with the Senior
Banquet. This year's officers were the following: President - Kathy
McAleer, Vice President - Diane Rose, Secretary - Karen Ostlund,
Treasurer - Linda Sanville, Corresponding Secretary - Karen Douglas,
Reporter - Ann Kaye. The faculty advisor was Miss Barbara Luckas.
Sandro Morgetson, Candy Finch. ROW 2: Barb
Langerman, Marlene Vlachino, Dione Crook,
Lilly Covelli, Koren Guttormsen, Lynn Zander.
FRO NT ROW: Lindo Veale, Mory Friedl, Lindo
Johnson, Barbaro Boch, Miss Reed.
BACK ROW: Sandro Cook, Sharon Fontaine,
Dione Hubbard. ROW 7: Joanne Ventura, Shelley Chhn, Bev Wade, Avis Jensen. ROW 6: Bonnie
Kley, Kitty Wells. ROW 5: Gail Jensen, Jeon
Kynci. ROW -4: Sue Wedell, Birgitta Storck, Joanne Pingitore. ROW 3: Martha Koper, Betsy
Roth, Janet Koos. ROW 2: Janice Trebbin, Dione
Rose, Koren Douglas. FRO NT ROW: Kathy McAleer, Koren Ostlund, Lindo Sanville, Ann Kaye
Key Club
Get your peanuts right
now, right here! This was
the chant of the Key Club
boys as they helped the
their annual peanut sale.
Not only did they sell
peanuts, but they also
"porkies" at the annual
Lion's Club dinner. Football programs were sold
by Key Clvbbers. They
presented scholarships to
seniors at the end of the
school year.
Officers of the year 19606 l were: Bill Whyte President, Ray Chapman
- Vice President, Wayne
Secretary, Ron
Pierce - Treasurer.
BACK ROW: Lorry Pilseki, Julian Ellefson, Chip Behnke, Allen Erdman. ROW 4: Bob
Henkel, Tom Hofer, Rick Frost, Don Fessenden. THIRD ROW: Dennis Hofflonder, Bill
Schmelling, Jim Jaeschke, John Penman, Wayne Blockmon. ROW 2 : Wayne Morton,
Tom White, Wayne Grof. FRONT ROW: Ron Pierce, Roy Chapmon, Bill White, Mr.
10 orange, 12 chocolate and 24 white, please .
How mony did you soy you wonted!!
BACK ROW: Nick Angotti, Lee
chini, Bill Carroll. FIRST ROW:
Dave Schneider, Jim Pierce.
Hi-Y is a
long-standing K.H.S.
club, and the boys in it are busy!
You can find them during
the noon hours selling milk to
their fellow students for lunch.
At the basketball games, you
will always see a Hi-Y guy announcing scores and who makes
them. A dance is given by the
members during the year, also;
with the money earned, they act
as foster parents to a welfare
boy. To end the year, a Hi-Y
scholarship is given to a deserving senior. The following are
those who acted as Hi-Y officers: Buzz England - President,
Dave Schneider -
Vice Presi-
dent, Jim Pierce - Secretary,
Adam Cecchini Treasurer,
Pete Groves Corresponding
Honor Student Paraders
BACK ROW: Jim Carlson, Mark Blair, Joanne Bjurman, John
Penman, Terry lorns, Wilson Turbey, Gerold Perona, Tom Renick, Scott Upright, Janet Koos, Hector Tardsido, Steve Vite . ROW
3: Barb Pedley, Karen Sundquist, Mary Camille Moore, Janice
Trebbin, Ken Kastman, Darlene Davis, Sandro Margetson, Bonnie Leuck, Mary Claire Keul, Birgitta Starck, Dorothy
These kids won't let the food go to waste!
Thomas, Pat Feick. ROW 2: Sheryl LaFayette, Claudia Sheridan,
Kathy Kohlmeier, Pat Patterson, Lucille Turco, Grete Jenson
Bonnie Peterson, Joan Wiersum, Annette Gaeger, Kitty Well,
Claire Cesario. FRONT ROW : Joyce Smoler, Peppy Crow,
Wayne Gra f, Mary Philo, Carol Watson.
In February, members of the Honor Society are
busy organizing their biggest undertaking of the
year, the annual spelling contest, the Spelling
Bee, and the following dance, the Honey Hop.
Proceeds from the dance are used for a scholarship given to one of the graduating seniors. Other
activities of the club include a monthly program
meeting, publication of the Honor Roll, and sponsorship of the Honor Assembly, a courtesy to
graduating honor students.
Honor Society elected as its officers this year Wil son Turbey, President; James Otto, Vice-president;
Grete Jensen, Secretary; Wayne Graf, Treasurer;
and Dorothy Thomas, Corresponding Secretary.
Loch. This was the important word at Honor Society's annual Spelling Bee. It won the honor of first
place and twenty-five dollars for Larry Sommers.
Second place was taken by Mary Keul, and Ronald Kirkpatrick held third. One hundred and six
K.H.S. students paraded up on our auditorium
stage to spell in order to seek honors in this year's
contest which was held in mid-March. The Saturday night following the Bee found the King reigning over the annual dance, the Honey Hop,
planned and presented by his majesty's worker's,
Honor Society members. Entertainment was provided for his pleasure, and the entire crowd
danced until the bewitching hour came to end an
evening of gaiety.
Honor Society Activities
Spelling Bee winner and Honey Hop King Larry Sommers with his dote Birgitta Starck
"0.K. girls, all together now!"
"But, I only have two pesos!"
A royol dance far royalty!
The Curious
No ... I don't know what your line is.
The inside of a "nut house" was the scene of the
Senior class play, "The Curious Savage," by
John Patrick. It was a heart-warming story about
the adventures of a misunderstood mother who
was put in an insane asylum, The Cloisters.
As always, the play was a real success. Miss
Rosemary Jonas was director, and Miss Sandi
Long aided her as student director. Along with
them, there was a hardworking crew. All were
rewarded for their diligent work with a party
after the last performance.
Beats crawling . . . doesn't it?
Crew chiefs
Three more lessons ond I'll buy a tubal
Miss Jonas, director; Sandi Long, student director
Florence . . . . . . . . . . . Joanne Fleischmann
Ken Unwin
Mary Fay
Barb Palmen
Jeffrey .................. Cecil O'Neal
How much am I bid?
Mrs. Paddy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Calvert
Titus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Cooley
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al Watson
Lily Belle ................... Karen Muir
Mrs. Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandra Mohr
Miss Wilhelmina . . . . . . . . . . . Nicky Evans
Dr. Emmett ............. Jamie Charlton
Boy in Dream .............. Leslie Bailey
Not bad! Whot is it?
Jr. Red Cross
Wrapping their packages.
One person is a representative of the Junior Red
Cross in each home room. These people collect fees
for the membership campaign, and this money is
used for our school's National Red Cross membership, the National Children's Fund, and school activities. This year members collected sanitary, educational, and recreational articles in their "school
chest" to send to disaster areas. The officers were
Jim Mills - President; Carol Watson - Vice President;
Joan Wavro - Secretary; and Nancy Davey Treasurer.
How much moaey did you collect from your homeroom?
Sharon Loew, Georgia Augard, Alice Onosko. ROW 2: Elise
Llanas, Joyce Watkins, Gloria Saldana, Annette Feely, Virginia
Miller, Gail Boyle, Dione Hubbard, Cheryl Berg, Korrine Seaburg, Cyntheia Christianson, Kathy Peterson, Dionne Nonce,
Cheryl Christofferson. FRONT ROW: Elizabeth Holt, Louise
Sorenson, Hector Torasido, Nancy Dovey, Barbaro Holt.
BACK ROW: Harold Schnell, Bill Hariff, Tom Myron Pessin, Sam
Salituro, Tom Laba, Gary Puterbough, Gory Laba, Gene Brookhouse, Bob Wagner, Tom Fuhrer, Jerold Blair, Jamie Charlton,
Jill Helwig. ROW 3: Anna Parrott, Penny Over, Claudia Sheridan, Darlene Malsock, Sandra Zacho, Judy Dorfman, Sandra
Fanning, Barbara Aune, Linda Sanville, Rosemary Poreden,
Gymnastics Club
Someday Kenosha High
School will have the finest
gymnastic's team in the
state_ Why, you asked? It's
because Kenosha is starting now to promote interest in gymnastics and
tumbling. In the few short
weeks that this club has
seven boys have joined.
The boys seem to not only
be interested in active participation but also in developing their own bodies
and skills. Under the direction of Coach Landwer,
we are certain that this
idea will succeed.
Ted Jensen in a favorite position .
Bill Schmelling doing on outstonding feat.
One of their best group demonstrations.
Exchange with the Wrentham Warriors
BACK ROW: Bob Hansen, Bob Grosso, Jim Long, Jim Lengacher,
FRONT ROW: Janet Leet, Koren Ostlund, Carol Waite, Kathy
Scott Upright, Spencer Sorenson, Mork Schmerling, Marvin
Letvin, Steve Vite. ROW 2 : Marlene Vlochino, Abrienne Cohen,
Janice Trebbin, Rosie Pellegrino, Judy Dorfman, Norma McCrory,
Wayne Grof, Butch Turbey, Gil Henderson, John Kullman.
Kohlmeier, Eva Jone Poole, Penny Over, Mork Blair, Kathy
Torsitono, Roberto Weber, Ginny Sterny. Not pictured: Ed
"What 'd yo' soy? We missed our plane?" K.H.S.'ers
ore eager to leave for Mossochusettts.
This indoor stuff is for the birds!
Jolly George, Uncle Mike, and Auntie
Armond compares "ideors" with
two Massachusetts exchongees,
Solly Carlson and Sue Holl.
The Warriors and the Red Devils hold a "pow-WOW" al one of
their "Few" parties.
The end of o long, long doyl
WHAT? We con spend a week in
Mossochusetts? Fly out ond bock
with some of our fun friends from
school? Why not?I Thirty K.H.S.
juniors and seniors did spend seven
days in February attending King
Philip Regional High in Wrentham,
Massachusetts. In the towns of
Plainville, Norfolk, and Wrentham,
accommodated by this school, they
lived with their various student exchange partners. They made friends,
learned much from a younger educational system than their awn, and
"I'm sure glad I brought my teddy bear
along I"
Porting is such sweet (?) sorrowl
Bob Boker, Dick Olsen, Bob Konobo, Jock Cody, Pete Nelson,
Ken Funch, Dove Mulkoy, Norm Nispell, Joe Kradovil, Eddie
Lewick, Morty Mottuchi, Sue Hill, Claudio Willis, Donna Titus,
Doreen Buchord, Barb Winters, Merry True, Marilyn Wallace,
hod "much-o fun,'' as thev would
describe it. Boston, Moss. and Providence, R.I. were two of the many
cities which they visited. They went
to parties and drank "tonic" (pop,;
they went to classes and wore
"sneakers" (tennis shoes,. The group
of sixty hod a great time mocking
each other's accents. They also said
that the bus trips would long be
remembered! In April, the's
new friends spent a week in
Kenosha. This was one great week
for all of them (that's what they
tell us -., and the day of departure was a day of tears. It was on
effort well worth the time, work,
ond money put into it, to be surell
Geo. Atwood, John Fahlgren, Jeff Felix, Sue Hall, Andy Karr,
Mrs. Church, Janet Emerson, Bonita Jillson, Diane Delaney, Pat
Jost, Ann Dynan, Sally Carlson, Mr. Cosintino.
Our Junior Class
Nick Angotti, Jockie Bokmueller, Rose Morie Pellegrino, Wayne Blockmon - Class Officers.
In the middle, it's sometimes rough going, especially in
high school. You can take care of those sophs, but just
watch out for those seniors! To tell the truth, this year's
junior class was a pretty fair "all-round" group . They
planned and presented a very successful "April in Paris"
prom for the seniors and the school. Their officers were
always busy with new ideas and good projects. Many
of the classes fought off the smell of the chemistry lab
twice a week; this in itself an accomplishment! To them
is left the job of running the school in '62, and we
anticipate a successful year.
They didn't win but they sure mode a terrific effort that lost
Jerry Adams
George Bagdon
Ken Adamson
Clair Bailor
Jomes Adelsen
Pot Baker
Mory Aittomo
Kevin Barot
Dole Alleman
Horry Bardwell
Gale Allen
Donna Bareiko
John Allen
Denis Barengo
Alex Alrikas
Wyman Barnes
Roy Andersen
Poul Barry
Carlice Anderson
Dole Anderson
Barbaro Bastion
Ken Bastion
Joanne Anderson
Robert Balwinski
Joy Anderson
Albert Andreoli
Betty Becker
Richard Angelici
Dennis Becker
Nick Angotti
Jerry Becker
Jo Ann Anthony
John Antonetti
Merrilyn Arendt
Don Arnoldini
Charles Ashley
Georgia Augord
Barbaro Aune
Janice Boos
Rudy Becker
Dove Bobeck
Charles Behnke
Solly Beine
Don Bock
Tom Bahdonowicz
Jomes Benefiel
Jacqueline Bokmueller
Carolyn Berg
Gail Book
Jim Bergren
Connie Bosco
Mory Bernhardt
Dick Bosman
Tom Bertling
Gail Boyle
John Bilotti
Elaine Brocegirdle
Ed Bishop
Sharon Brand
Jo Ann Bjurmon
Joyce Bredek
Joyne Blockmon
Mike Brehm
Wayne Blockmon
Judy Brion
Jerold Blair
Robert Broesch
Earle Bleoshko
Gene Brookhouse
Darlene Bloxdorf
Tom Broughmon
11 7
Judith Brown
Jo Ann Bruenning
Jeff Brugger
Donna Brus
Gory Brush
Florence Bryant
Ann Burke
James Buss
Carolyn Caldart
Donna Callow
Brian Caney
Louise Capriotti
James Carlson
Robert Carney
Edward Carroll
William Carroll
Chuck Carson
Jean Carver
JoAnne Carver
Joesph Casozza
Aileen Cooper
Richard Coshun
Barbara Costello
Judy Covelli
Susan Cassity
Robert Ceilesh
Louie Celebre
Regina Celletti
Mary Crucianelli
Shirley Culver
John Czakowski
William Dabbs
Nancy Davey
Robert Daymo
Fred DeBettignies
Pot Cerosoni
Jon Deignan
Marlene Cerveny
Ray Champan
Mary Chiappetta
Sue De Jardine
Darlene Deluca
Cheryl Deschneau
June Christensen
Margaret Desotel!
Cheryl Christafferson
Carson Chroninger
Marvin Clark
Charles Dickinson
Edward Dinges
Richard Dishaw
John Clemons
Robert Dissmore
Jaes Clifford
James Coe
Abrienne Cohen
Morge Doherty
Judie Dorfman
Ila Dorn
Mike Dasemagen
Shelley Cahn
Jerry Cale
Edward Conley
Jerry Conley
Mory Dowd
Bob Droke
Phyllis Erdman
Donna Dumas
Eugene Erickson
Jacqueline Dunham
Dennis Euting
Edward Evans
Tom Dupons
Jomes Ehnow
Sandro Fanning
Mildred Ehnow
Lynn Roe Farris
Helen Eide
Ronald Fechner
Jill Feest
Dennis Eidsor
Mory Ann Eidsor
Julian Ellefson
Wayne Feichtner
Virginia England
Jomes Feivor
Poul Feivor
Candy Finch
Anne Englund
Allen Eppen
Sharon Fischbach
Allon Erdman
Robert Fishboch
Harold Flannery
Judith Fleming
Bill Flinkow
Annie Flynn
John Fondrliok
Lynda Fonk
Solly Franco
Dennis Fronk
Janet Fratrick
Pot Fonk
Sharon Fontaine
Koren Fredericksen
Donna Foreman
Judy Froid
Jerry Freemon
Mory Friedl
Robert Frisque
Rick Frost
Tom Fuhrer
Gene Fuller
Georgia Funk
Pot Fuqua
Christ Gopko
Gory Garcia
Georgia Gauss
Joann Genome
Judy Gentz
Tim Gerl
Dione Gerlach
Robert Germinaro
Jomes Gibas
Jomes Gibson
Morge Giombetti
Dennis Gitzlaff
Sharan Glade
Jame Glerum
Bill Glidden
Ron Glinski
Clement Godlewski
Dionne Graves
Jill Gray
Robert Gray
Connie Greco
Gerald Greco
Judith Gregory
John Grimshaw
Kelly Grissom
Sondra Groenke
Brian Gross
Penny Gullo
Carl Gustafson
LuAnn Gustaveson
Sharan Haag
Eric Hagerty
Robert Haggarty
Sharan Hahn
Richard Hamilton
George Halm
Jennifer Hampel
Judith Hammelev
Marga Hansche
Ken Hansen
Nancy Hansen
Randall Hansen
Linda Hanson
William Harff, Jr.
Bob Hinnen
Bob Hinrichs
Judy Hirchert
Jerry Hoeke
Dale Harring
Kenneth Harrop
Nancy Jo Hartnek
James Harvey
Denis Haffiander
Janet Holderness
Carol Holm
Jeanne Hossler
Wes Holman
Gary Haug
Larry Haug
Jill Helwig
Barbara Holt
Brenda Hood
Ben Hopper
Gilbert Henderson
Carolyn Hornby
Carias Hernandez
Barbara Herolt
Christine Herr
Dean Horne
Ralph Host
Janet Houston
Phillip Herrmann
Barbara Haute
Wayne Higgins
Bette Hill
Janice Hill
Heide Howard
Poul Johnson
Joy Howe
Wayne Johnson
Alice loquinto
Coro! Johnston
Leonard loquinto
Jerry Jones
Pot loquinto
Guy Jugo
Terry lorns
Koren Jung
Peggy Jocko
Eileen Juzenos
Louro Lee Jacobs
Dennis Koldenberg
Gerold Jacobsen
Sergi Kaminsky
Annette Jaeger
Lynn Koncion
Jim Jaeschke
Donna Kangas
Mory Jomes
Joel Konios
Tom Joskwhich
Kenneth Kastman
Bill Jensen
Allen Kautzer
David Jensen
Dole Keesee
David Jensen
Jeanne Jensen
Sharon Jensen
Jomes Jesperson
Corrie Jewell
Dennis Johnson
Eric Johnson
Sharon Kelley
Gaile Johnson
Lynn Kellman
Koren Johnson
Sandro Kellman
Olivio Kellum
Connie Kessler
Lorry Kessler
Don Ketchum
Mory Claire Keul
Dove Kexel
Gerold Kexel
Barbaro Kinebrew
Sandro King
Lester Kirchner
David Kivela
Carole Ann Kivi
Nancy Klemm
Rudy Klemm
Carol Klitzke
Judi Kober
Jacky Koblenski
Sandro Koker
Janet Koos
Martha Koper
Tom Kopesky
Marcia Lapp
Mory LoRase
Dennis Koronkiewicz
Kenneth Larsen
Joan Koski
Lowell Larsen
Shirley Koster
Janet Kovach
Rodger Larsen
Bruce Lorson
Patricio Kovach
Jim Lemke
Roger Krack
Joseph Lencioni
Ginger Kramer
James Kraus
Nancy Lenegar
Gerold Leonard
Mary Dretschmer
Linda Leanard
Joyce Kriafsky
Margaret Leppane
Dick Krok
Betty Krueger
Christine LeRose
Jerry Letourneau
James Krueger
Joseph Lettrich
Susan Kaye Krueger
Poul Levonawich
Darares Kwicinski
Jean Kyncl
Gory Laba
Joe Laba
Joseph Lackavich
Allen Ladwig
Joan Levy
Leora Lindow
Darlene Linstroth
Sharon Loew
Sharan Lambie
Thomas Lone
Jolene Langdon
Barbaro Langerman
Ken Ludlow
Charles Lutter
William Lyons
LeRoy Madsen
Ron Madsen
Mary Magnino
Clifford Maki
Sandro Maksen
Barbaro Malsch
Donna Mancusi
Diane Moronger
Ron Morcich
Clora Morescolco
Rondy Morescalca
Helen Morion
Linda Morion
Frank Morrelli
William Mars
David Mortin
Judy Morti n
William Modder
Dawn Moeller
Charles Molinaro
Kay Molinaro
Linda Montemurro
Carol Moore
Mory Camille Moore
Norma Moore
Michael Moran
Peggy Morin
Robert Muhlick
Paula Munson
Mory Murphy
Nancy Myer
Judith Myers
Bryan Naegeli
Eileen Neau
Joyce Nelson
Beverly Neumann
Merrillyn Nicholls
Edward Martinson
Gloria Moson
Armond Motorrese
Kathy Matera
Donna Nichols
Jim Nichols
Karen Nichols
Terry Nickerson
Sue Ann Mattner
Frank Mouser
Dave Moxey
Brion McDermot
Thomas McElvaney
Patricia McHenry
Pamela McKeighen
John Mead
Richard Nissen
James Nolan
Karen Norgaard
David Norton
Glen Meide
Jesse Meier
Earl Merritt
Jim Metallo
Sharon Norville
Joe Nosolik
Lydia Oaks
Lynn Obertin
Alfred Meyer
Bill Meyer
Barbara Mielke
Keith Milkowski
Candy Olesen
Al Olson
Elizabeth Olson
Michael Olson
Sally Miller
Wayne Miller
Sharon Minkus
Walter Moczulewski
Sue Olson
Alice Onosko
Louis Oster
Kathy Peterson
Richard Petrick
Charles Petrouske
Den Pfeiffer
Mary Philo
Linda Pies
Tom Piehl
"" Ronald Pierce
Madelyn Pietkiewicz
Larry Pileski
Joseph Piller
Joyce Pitts
Dorothy Place
Sandra Ponzio
Donette Pooch
Richard Powers
Judy Praninsky
Bruce Presla n
Richard Presley
Angela Principe
Chuck Principe
Terry Principe
Lynn Pulera
Gary Puterbaugh
Charles Ostergaard
Nancy Otte
Penny Over
Sue Overstreet
Gary Peckman
Rosemary Palmen
An no Parrott
Jean Patrick
Rhetta Quandt
James Quarders
Marion Querns
Patricia Questard
Tony Patterson
Benny Patty
Phil Paulsen
Dennis Pavlovich
Sue Quigley
Rita Ramaska
Warren Rasmussen
Karen Raymond
Peter Pawlowski
Pamela Payette
John Payne
Barbara Pedley
Frank Reed
Robert Reed
Leo Reindl
Reginald Reis
Rase Marie Pellegrino
John Penman
Gerald Perona
Rona Id Perri
Carol Resch
Gene Reum
Susan Richter
Sharon Riske
Jae Perry
Barbara Pessin
Peter Petersen
Bonnie Peterson
Joseph Ritocco
Juonito Ritacco
Timothy Robbins
Jone Robinson
Thomas Sonders
Kathy Sanford
Herb Sorouer
Robert Savaglio
Nancy Rockwood
Richard Roe
Carole Roemer
Undo Rogers
Joyce Sawicki
Joan Schaer
Robert Schaubert
William Scheve
Carol Jeon Romano
Rudolph Ropp
Poul Roppuld
Raymond Roseth
Ted Schiess
William Schmelling
Erwin Schmidt
Penny Schmitz
Robert Rosing
Judith Rosko
Elizebeth Roth
Sheron Rozzi
Edward Schmitz
Robert Schmitz
Pot Sch noo re
Sandro Rozzoni
Janet Ruebsomen
Koth leen Ru pp
Catherine Rusch
Patrick Ryon
Ira Gory Rysdom
Charles Softig
Richard Soldano
Bonnie Schneider
Lindo Schneider
LeRoy Schoch
Roy Schold
Robert Schrei
Don no Schwartz
Koren Seaberg
Sondra Seibel
Barbaro Serjern
Rita Sesso
Arlis Shamlin
Elbert Sheffield
Claudio Sheridor>
Janet Shipton
Sharon Siepler
Dovid Simons
Joan Sinclair
George Siver
Audie Skelton
Sandro Sloter
Ellen Slemensky
Carol Smith
Dione Smith
Loren Smith
Ginny Stemy
Dixie Stevens
Sandi Smolik
Diana Stewart
Jerry Smolinski
Fronk Stewart
Lorry Sommers
Louise Sorensen
Patricia Stewart
Robert Stika
Jomes Soule
John Stipanuk
Mike Soule
Gory Stoneman
Sandro Spann
Corl Spino
Marlene Stredwick
Barbaro Struss
Patricia Sturm
Jim Spino
Morthann Suchorda
Diano Spitzer
Robert Springer
Dove Storr
Koren Sundquist
Judy Swonningson
Keith Stouder
Carolyn Swiotko
Karen Steddick
Danna Sylvester
William Steinhoff
William Sternberg
Sonny Toft
LoDona Taylor
Viola Taylor
Arlene Tenuta
Gory Thibedeau
Janette Thomas
Janice Torrey
Gory Tidwell
Louis Totts
Russell Tolnai
Bill Tower
Janice Trebbin
Koren Tredup
Ronald Tredup
James Truax
Lucille Turco
Raymond Tutlewski
Mory Ungemoch
Charles Upham
Phyll is Usinger
Leonard Vaccarella
Jeanette Voitkevicius
Guynith Van Doolwyk
Shirley Vandenberg
Bruce Van Dyke
Bernie Von Wormer
Barbara Veale
Robert Yens
Joanne Ventura
Michele Venturini
Sol Victoria
Fred Villalobos
In Memoriam
''Yet not to thine eternal resting place
Shalt thou retire alone, nor couldst thou wish
Couch more magnificent. Thou shalt lie down
With patriarchs of the infant world - with kings,
The powerful of the earth - the wise, the good,
Fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past,
All in one mighty sepulcher."
William Cullen Bryant
John Harvill, a fine friend and classmate
Ron Viola
Beverly Wade
Dan Wade
Paulene Wagner
Kathleen Wienke
Joan Wiersum
Sandro Wiersum
Kenneth Wilbik
Robert Wagner
Carrol Wallen
Kathy Wallo
James Wamboldt
James Williams
Jeffrey Williams
Carol Winfield
Walter Winters
James Warnock
James Waterstradt
Carol Watson
Dianne Weber
Dennis Witt
Rich a rd Witt
Ronold Witt
Karen Wolf
Susan Wedell
Carol Weekly
Carla Wells
Tom Wells
Carol Wendt
Ken Wermeling
Carole West
Richard Westphal
Cheryl Wood
Kenneth Worden
Kurt Wruck
Patti White
Thomas White
Paul Whiteside
Harry Wiegert
Margaret Wyss
William Yankus
Roy Yarber
Sandi Zacho
Barbara Zaleski
Lynn Zander
Susan Zemaitis
Rodney Ziehr
Dan Zizzo
Nola Zoller
Joe Zoromskis
Barbara Zuhlke
Ralph Zuzinec
Jerry Zwickey
Don Fessenden
I love doing my homework on the steps
five minutes before the bell rings.
End of a Booster Club meeting
Juniors ond some seniors rock out!
As our parade progresses past the corner of Winter and Cold Streets, the sun peeks
out from its corner. It didn't warm things us too much this year, but we were glad to
see it anyway, for with it came prophecies of Prom, parties, and outdoor fun. This is
the season when the pace of all activities starts quickening. Sophomores thrill at moving
to the main building. Juniors hurry around making final plans for their big formal.
Seniors look forward as the last few weeks until graduation drain out of the hourglass.
The whole student body becomes "anxious" for the final tests and the end of the year.
Then the color guard draws in its flags, and the band lays its instruments down and
relaxes. The parade was a success and so was our year!
What's going on here?
Get your prom tickets here
Just resting
Guess whose they ore
Kenews in progress
Booster Club receiving tickets
Get this straight!
AT last, 12:00
The New Sound
The 1961 K.H.S . Swing Bond
Jon ploys "Harlem Noctourne"
"Mr. Sandman" brought the boys a dream
The traditional Variety Show Chorus Line
Beautiful music by Tom Ogelstrand
Of the Sixties
"You end I should get togetherl"
"It wos big end round end shinyl"
Hm-m-m that's what judo does for yo'
"I Love You"
Holiday for accordionists
Rite tells about "The Tender Trop"
K-Teen's ((Sadie Hawkin's"
BACK ROW: Nicky Evans, Eva Poole, Norma McCrory, Rosanne Johnson, JoAnn Pingotore, Rosemary
Parden, Dione Rose. ROW 2: Jeon Munger, Bonnie Leuck, Sh irley Vandenburg , Jackie Boucmeuller,
Ginny Sterny, Nancy Walton, Kitsy Westphal. FRONT ROW: Cheryle Tinnel, Dione Crook, Brigitta Stork,
Koren Guttormsen, Gail Hansen, Sandro Kellman .
"Brigitta Stark, I crown you Queen Daisy Mae!" These words
spread a happy smile over the face of our exchange student
from Finland. With first and second attendants, Gail Hanson
and Diane Crook, she reigned over K-Teens annual Sadie
Hewkin's Dance, alias Poor People's Prom . It has been given
many names, but whatever it is called, it stands for four
hours which are bound to be a riot ! At least the boys think
so for the girls invited them and pa id for tickets and any
other necessary little fees, such as food after the dance.
This dance was an almost complete switch-around ; the girls,
in many cases, picked up their date and even bought or
improvised corsages for them . No tell ing what these corsages
were made of, of course! Radishes, carrots, kleenex, daisies,
and parsley were seen everywhere!
Ahl The sombrero finishes the picture.
The queen and her court.
High Style's
a la Carte
"Fashions a la Carte" was the title of Hi-Style's
spring fashion show. Summer sport apparel was also
featured in the s...,ow this year. The models were
dressed in the best from our town clothing shops.
They donned a number of beautiful formals, and
one of the girls modeled a most elegant bridal
gown. Her maids were seen in beautiful pastel
dresses. Four handsome men were also seen modeling sports wear and formal dress attire. Singing
entertainment was provided, and the show proved
to be successful.
Tennis? Anyone?
Ah-lo-ho I
Elliot who?
Cc>choirmen of the style-show.
Kenosha High
Our high school orchestro giving its spring concert.
Did you attend the Christmas Concert, Mid-Winter
Concert, music contest, or Spring Concert? If not,
you missed some of the best musical entertainment
of the year.
a family night pot luck supper among their yearly
An exceedingly busy group of par~nts of the orchestra students from fourth grades to twelfth, the
Orchestra Boosters, have worked very hard helping
the members pay for their new light blue .tuxedoes
and dresses.
The MDBHS orchestra, having been competently
organized by Mr. Olson, and with Bruce Feldt as
president, Mary Camille Moore as vice-president,
Betty Huettner as secretary, and Mary Ann Bucholz
as treasurer, has had a bake sale, a card party, and
The orchestra of 1961 was truly an asset to MDBHS.
Mory Comille Moore, Eileen Neu, Jonet Hortnell, Mory Jones,
Sheryl LoFoyetle .
BACK ROW: Sue Rosemonn, Tom Lobo . FRONT ROW: Betty
Huettner, Connie Cossidy, Mory Ann Buckholz, Jim Szontor,
Jim Firchow.
School Orchestra
BACK ROW: Judy Dorfman, Koren Johnson, Dionne
Monteen, Marlene Cerveny, Sandy Mills, Carolyn
Hornby, Nonch Hensen, Carolyn Madson, Jeon
Mattox. FRONT ROW: Charlotte Campbell, Richard
Christianson, Lorraine Moehrke, Gail Berenson.
BACK ROW: Pete Gentile, John Stiponok, Jim Buss.
FRONT ROW: Lowell Schroeder, John Steddick, Edmund Jozwick, Francine Coakley, Eric Johnson, Sheryl
John Brunoti, Ramona Buss, Terry McNeil
Roy Parent, Isobel Henderson, Bruce Feldt
Girls' Athletic Association
BACK ROW: Andrea May, Maxine Thomas, Paulette Childers,
Gail Book, Judy Swanningson, Betty Huettner, Karen Landree,
Jan Holderness, Linda Beine, Linda Duberstine, Clara Coker,
Donette Pooch, Carol Karps, Carole Volpentesta, Marilyn Copen.
ROW 4: Judy Kunde, Delores Doutre, Arlene Tenuta, Carol
Swiatko, Guynith Van Daalwyk, Eileen Swan, Gloria Faris, Pat
Peterson, Diane Fink, Audrey Jensen, Laura Gulbrandsen, Nancy
Klein, Barb Holt, Bessie Vaughn, Abbey Friddly, Julie Nye,
Sharon Peterson, Kathy Uttech. ROW 3: Nancy Rockwood, Lydia
Oakes, Peggy Andrade, Jackie Willie, Pat Jensen, Margaret
Oakes, Ruth Ann Covelli, Fran Volpendesta, Kathy Kohlmeier,
Melody Conrad, Donna Neaves, Cheryl Bock, Carol Edwards,
Sue Van Harpen, Sharon Walker, Kristina Winberg. ROW 2:
Karen Steddick, Lavina La Fayette, Juanita Ritacco, Mary Bernhardt, Dorothy Place, Char Copen, Jo Anne Anthony, Liz
Matrise, Roberta Schwerchler, Marilyn Falduto, Rina Domes,
Delores Antes, Linda Hanson. FRONT ROW: Lucille Puntillo, Roberta Fox, Ginger Kramer, Kay Molinaro, Lauralee Jacobs, Nicki
Evans, Hilda Pate, Janette Thomas, Marlene Vlachina, Lynn
Karpowicz, Sue Perrine.
BACK ROW: Janet Prust, Gaile Johnson, Merrillyn Nicholls,
Sharon Brand, Pat Fugua, Nancy Kemp, Rosalie Beine, Karen
Guttormsen, Perry Nickerson, Koren Johnson, Nancy Betz. ROW
4: Claudia Andersen, Karen Morris, Margaret Pivovar, Gail
Allen, Coralyn Berg, Coral Coldart, Kathy Rupp, Georgia Augard, Sandra Loren, Mary Lou Jorgensen. ROW 3: Linda Fonk,
Elfrieda Ohm, Carole Pomerening, Rosemary Poreden, Phyllis
Swan, Rose Andreoli, Sandra Van Theil, Jill Gray, Veronica
Szellga, Lorene Tashek, Mary Catherine Moses. ROW 2: Louise
Sorensin, Marie Remer, Karen Frederickson, Penny Gullo, Joyce
Nelson, Jane Daul, Carol Houghland, Carol Wallea, Alberta
Gerlach, Jane Eyre, Carol Langenbach, Barb Yasulis, Roxanne
Ricker. FRONT ROW: Phyllis Usinger, Donna Schwartz, Adephia
Gross, Betty Keller, Judy Chovan, Nancy Anderson, Carol
Geary, Geraldine Harvy, Melody Hess, Coral Kramer, Judy
Covelli, Sally Miller.
G.A.A. is a long-standing organization at Kenosha High.
Among the many sports which
they play are volleyball,
bowling, and basketball. This
Their year ended with the annual awards banquet ..
Officers this past year were:
Mickey Evans,
Vice President N\arlene
Vlachina, Secretary - Ginger
Kramer, Treasurer - Lucille
VARSITY DEBATE TEAM: B. T. Adams, Leonard loquinto, Jamie
SOPHOMORE DEBATE TEAM: Tom Olghort, Dick Whittenburg,
Chorlton, Tom Renick, Mory Camille Moore, Joyce Smoler.
David Chorlton, Eugene Brookhouse, John Shannon, Poul Johnson, Jim Farley, Bob Henkel, Uldine Anderson, Liz Hofkin.
"The right to talk is the beginning of freedom, the necessity of listening is what makes
the right important." K.H.S. debaters this
year learned well the abilities of talking and
listening in the twelve tournaments they attended.
A new Kenosha first was our participation
in "Rebutal" a television debate tournament, making our school the first in Wisconsin to debate on television .
Varsity debaters won 50 out of 59 debates.
As a result, team captains Joyce Smoler and
Leonard laquinta will participate in the National Debate in Pittsburgh this June.
The Sophomore Team won 32 out of 46
Coach Davies commented that, "Next year
most of our Varsity debaters will be with
us and the Sophomore Team will be prepared for Varsity competition which suggests
another fruitful 196 l-'62 season."
Wisconsin: Wayne Blockmon, first
original oratory; Poul Haubrich,
first dramatic declamation; Mory
Camille Moore, third girls' extemporaneous speaking; Joyce Smoler,
fourth girls' extemporaneous speaking; Leonard loquinto, and Poul
Roppuld, quarterfinals boys' extemporaneous
Anderson, fourth original oratory;
Joan Sinclair, third non-original
oratory; Beverly Schaefer, third
dramatic declamation; John Shannon, fourth humorous declamation.
Notional Tournament in Pittsburgh:
Wayne Blockmon, original oratory;
Poul Haubrich, non-original oratory.
BACK ROW: Leonard laquinta, B. T. Adams, Jamie Charlton, Tom Renick, Paul
Haubrich, John Shannon. FRONT ROW: Bev Schaeffer, Uldine Anderson, Joyce
Smoler, Mary Camille Moore, Joan Sinclair.
Wayne Blackman, Chuck Lutter, and Jamie Charlton were Representatives at the Student Congress
held at St. Joseph's High School. B. T. Adams
and Tom Renick represented our school as Senators.
Mary Camille Moore and Leonard laquinta debated against Hyde
Park on WBBM-TV. Wilson Turbey described K.H.S. to the
television audience.
The debate members who participated in the final WBBM-TV
"It's a relief that this is over, this swimming
was really running me down," could be
heard in the girls' locker room, on the final
night of The King & I. Starting promptly
after the Christmas holidays, the Trident
members and advisers practiced constantly
during noon hours, after school, and at
night. The show really was a relief for those
hard workers.
President .. ............ Norma McCrory
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Odor
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diane Crook
Treasurer ................. Barb Pedley
Corres. Secretary . . . . . . . . . . Betty Becker
The Annual Trident Club Water Show
Welcome to the 1961 Trident Water Show
This year Trident Club advised by Miss Dolores
Hanser proudly and successfully transformed
The King & I into a graceful water ballet. The musical water show was divided into eight numbers
plus an overture and a finale. Spectators viewed
the show on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of April, and
each night was well worth the efforts.
You should see
How long do I hove to stay in this position?
Kind of choppy today hove white cops
we even
me off
the diving
Exhibits, experiments, displays. These are what many of our science students were working on for days, in order that they would be ready for
the K.H.S. science fair which is annually held in March in the school gym .
People from all over Kenosha visited the fair and decided it to be as excellent as ever. Certain students were awarded honors and prizes for
their efforts which had been judged by numerous Kenosha and Racine
teachers and professors. This science fair was certainly a worthwhile undertaking in a world in which science is now so important.
BACK ROW: Dione Crook, Bill Schmelling, Bill Harff, John Pe nman , Jill Helwig , Morry Baltes, Jo Ann Bjurmcn, Marlene Volchini, Janet Holderness, George Bogdon, Jerry Perona , Dove
Powell, John Shonn.o n . ROW 3: Jean Petrick, Morion Querns,
Shirlee Vandenberg, Penny Over, Sondra King, Judy Hommelev,
Uldine Anderson, Bernie Von Wormer, Poul Johnson . ROW 2:
Mike Ptacek, Janet Houston, Jean Kyncl, Lucille Turco, Jeon
Sinclair, Claudia Sheridan, Alice Onosko, Clair Bailor, Rosemarie Pellegrino, Barb Pedley, Jackie Bokmueller, Cheryl Deschneau, Joanne Ventura . FRONT ROW: Chuck Tuff, Abrienne
Cohen, Wilson Turbey, Ginny Sterny, Wayne Grof, Kathy Sanford .
Turf Diggers
BACK ROW: Bob Wagner, Jim Carlson, Jeff Phillips, Cooch Joe Brittelli, Chuck Ashley, Ken Wermling, Jim
Bergren. FRONT ROW: Jim Morrison, Dick Ashley, Toby Barbee, Barry Noll, Mike Lovren, Rick Frost.
The '61 Turf Diggers finished their season dual meets with a
record of 2 wins and 6 losses. They placed fourth in the Big
Eight championship. At Janesville Invitational they placed
Senior Dick Ashley, who was co-captain along with Toby Barbee, carded a 73 at the Big Eight meet which is the lowest
score ever carded by a K.H.S. golfer.
This year letters were awarded to Dick Ashley and Toby Barbee, seniors; Rick Frost, junior; Berry Noll and Jim Morrison,
The outlook for next year is very good with three lettermen
lettermen returning.
"Another 300 yorder"
"Oh, please let him sink ill"
Running Wild
Led by the fine sprinters and a pair
of fine pole vaulters, got off to a good
start. Two records were broken this
year, one by this years captain and
most valuable runner, Kenosha's own
Jim Wendt in the half mile in 157.7.
It was not an official record because
it was not in the state meet. Buzz England broke a record in low hurdles.
The record broken was 21.0 by a 20.5.
Those to watch in the future ore Tom
Jaskwhich, pole vault; Ron Fechner,
hurdles, next years captain; Al Erdman, high jump; Art Scola, the 880;
Lee England, discus; Tom White, shot
putt and discus.
"Up and over with ease"
"Gentlemen, start your engines!"
"And they're off!"
BACK ROW: Tom Jaskwhich, Art Scola, Ron Fletcher, Ken Unwin, Bob Copen, Denis Hofflonder, Tom White,
Jerry Leonard, Jim Roy, Phil Krumpos, Dick Bucholz, Lee Englund, Ron Kirkpatrick. ROW 2: Bob Gray
Horry Bordwell, Skip Sieger, Tom Geary, Lorry LoPoint, Perry Mellone, Neil Rizzotto, Joe Casazza, Jerry
Grade, Doug Herolt, Henry Turco, Dave Schneider. FRONT ROW: Al Erdman, John Rutkowski, Bill Caroll,
Dave Chacon, Poul Grooves, Jack Murphy, Mike Smith, Ed Caroll, Joe Perez, Paul Goldstein, Ernie Yunker.
Spy Staff
"We done did wrote some pretty better copy this here
year" is the praise that this year's staff was overheard giving itself after completing this year's SPY. When the staff
did "work," wonders did seem to pop from their brains.
(That's when they did work.)
Before you make any comments about this book of the
sta ff, READ it, EXAMINE it, STUDY the pictures, and then
be ready to PRAISE it and the group in the basement (that
went underground) to make this book the best yet.
Most of the "staffers" went out of their way to get out of
working . (A good example of that may be found on this
page in the way that IT was written. ) But, most of us wrote
copy as we saw it, and brother, believe me, this IS the way
I saw our staff.
You'll no doubt realize that this copy was written on the
last day of our deadline (as was much of the rest) before
graduation .
BACK ROW: Adviser, Mr. Young, Skip Hoffman, Kent Mueller.
ROW 2: B. T. Adams, Rick Frost, Charlie Ashley, Eric Hagerty,
Bill Lyons, Marie Kriz, Dorothy Thomas. FRONT ROW: Jeon
Munger, Kathy Wells, Virg inia Veconi, Lindo Sanville, Sue Hertzberg, Dione Barnes, Nancy Walton, Kathy Torsitono, Eva Jone
Poole, Dione Crook.
Spy Salesmen
BACK ROW: Gerald Perona, Glen Meide, Bernard Hoeg, Jim
De Labia, Mike Vignieri, John Steddick, Tom Sorensen, John
Collins, Charlie Ashley, Word Shampine, Jeskie Odor, Sally
Smith, Carol Jones, Bertha Barnes, Sandy Keller. ROW 2:
Carole Geary, Sue Brown, Candy Finch, Mary Chiapetto,
Joyce Bredek, Carol Smith, Sharon Myer, Shirly Carlson, Barb
Langerman, Karen Feldshau, Fran Volpendesta, Barb Pedley,
Betty Huettner, Ruth Maksen, Leanne Cooper, Janet Thompson, Cheryl Domes. FRONT ROW: Nanscy Alfredson, Shelley
Cohn, Sue Van Horpen, Gerry Keller, Dolores Bierzychudek,
Sharon Smith, Lucille Puntillo, Cherie Krohn, Kathy Wienke,
Eileen Juzenas, Kathy Wallo, Roxann Johnson, Ellen Jornt,
Joan Levy.
The Court Jesters
The tennis players ore always the first ones to get
a ton 'cause they're busy practicing as soon as
the sun shows. Evidently the practice was worthwhile as the record shows us. Our team come in
second in the Big Eight meet. Chuck Limpert took
the Big Eight singles championship for the first
time in K.H.S. history. Next year's team should
also be a good one because four sophomores and
a few of the juniors will be returning.
And, that will send that just a little way at least!
Hey, I did hit itl
Bab Henkel, George Doremus, Larry Pileski, Bab Olsman,
Chuck Limpert, Jim Mills.
Bernie Beck, Ted Leinenweber, Chuck Lutter,
BACK ROW: Tom Lone, manager, Jock Benedict, Bob Hinnen,
Lonee Tobert, Danny Hines, Dick Bosman, Joe Cerne, Cooch
chum, Ken Ludlow, Tom White, Don Cibrorio, Julian Ellefson,
manager. FRONT ROW: Jon Diegnon, Jim Truax, Ron Dumke,
Andy Smith. ROW TWO : Doug Kaplan, Bill Mayew, Don Ket-
Jae Labo, Bill Hansche.
Now, we're up.
Coach Andy Smith's Red Devil baseball team compiled a neat
record of seventeen wins and four loses for second place in
the Big Eight this year. One of the best games was a 2-0
victory over Beloit who won the title this year. Dick Bosman,
Joe Laba, and Lance Tobert were the home-run hitters; however, the whole team exhibited exceptional hitting power. Top
hitters were Bosman and Ken Ludlow. Tobert was also the
"star on the mound" backed up by Bosman and a promising
sophomore, Bill Hansche. In the state contest, the team did
very well, placing second in the sectionals.
Now, that's what we like ta seell
Our ROYAL COURT, Mr. Wayne Blackman, Miss Shelley Cohen, Mr. Ken
Hassler, Miss Rosemary Pell igrino, HER MAJESTY Bennie Peterson, HIS
HIGHNESS Nick Angotti, Miss Jackie Bcckmueller, and Mr. Ran Feckner.
Soy, you're only supposed to hove one pretty dotell
Though April showers may come your way, put on
your raincoat and wade to the Eagle's. Though the
weather was ridiculously wet, this dampened no
spirits on the night, April fourteenth. This was Prom
night! The biggest event of the year was a great
success, as usual. Pale pink and green decorations
covered the Eagles' ballroom, and the "Eiffel
Tower" shot to the ceiling in the midst of the dancers. At the hour of midnight, the entire group
walked over to the Kenosha Theatre to see a riproaring "Robin Hood" film.
Is it that bod?
Put your ")(" down rig ht there.
That's not just my shoe you ore
standing on, it is also MY TOEll
The long woy down.
The juniors spent o good mony hours on
the Eiffel Tower ond it looked just terrific.
As usuol it had to rein, so the going was very rough for
girls with long formals who did not went the bottom ell
muddy end dirty.
The orrivol of our ROYAL COURT.
At lest, somewhere comfortable to sit.
The Afterglow
After the film at the Kenosha Theatre, the Eagle's
was again the scene of the annual Afterglow sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Beef sandwiches and
punch were enjoyed by the couples as they watched
the floor show. A very clever ventriloquist and acrobats performed . The evening was climaxed by an
early-morn breakfast after which the "sleepy people" tripped down the steps to their separate cars
and made their ways to their homes. They had to
hurry to change their clothes and be on their way
to an all day picnic.
The line was long but it was well worth the long wait.
Now where did they go to?
Doing just what comes natu ro lly.
This is just net the time far building your own Eiffel Tower.
New is the time for all good men to relax and hove o good time .
''The Party's Over''
It sure isl
"for shame ."
My but the seniors are a clever
bunch. Their own "private"
dance had the cutest title of any
dance throughout the entire
Mon, is he tollll
school year and also was a
huge success. It was "private"
because only seniors and their
dates were allowed to attend . It
really was the last "FLING" for
the seniors together as a group.
It isn't every doy thot we get
this kind of service.
Somebody trying to beot Ken's time.
Doing just whot comes noturally.
Senior Banquet
The Seniors grub It up.
- I say, but those seniors can be clever when they
want to bel Senior Banquet ski?s were very funny;
they lived the classes entire three years all over
again, including activities, parties, and teachers!
Many of the '6 l class were awarded scholarships
and awards here, and most went home happy.
The food was .9ood, and even if the seniors were
sad about leaving many of their friends after
graduation, at least they had a full stomach with
whom to be sad.
Tom gives his finol ond most inspiring speech.
A senior couple enoct the romance of o post couple.
You weor the hot one ond ninety-nine hundreds inches above the
This senior class of Mary D. Bradford enjoyed an outdoor graduation at the Washington Bowl; this was something new for our
school, and most everyone agreed that it was very enjoyable. The
graduates marched to their seats to "Pomp and Circumstance," and
most. of them, while taking these steps, probably realized that they
were REALLY getting their diploma! Twelve years of education completed, and what would come next? Perhaps college, perhaps work,
but whatever it is, they each would have a diploma and a good
high school training with which to face the future.
Remember: hots ore to be 1 ond 99/100
inches obove the eyebrows.
Woshington Pork Bowl~ scene of the first outdoor Groduotion for K.H .S. seniors.
Is my collor on stroight?
1861 - 1961
Proud parents find their sects behind the Graduates.
Some proud g rods
Everyone present and accounted for
Do I wont to graduate or don't I?
The 1961 Graduates march in
to the sound of "Pomp and
Hail to thee, Kenosha High School,
Alma Mater, dear!
We, thy grateful sons and daughters,
Thy fair name revere.
Friend of learning, guide to manhood,
May thy name prevail.
Hail to thee, Kenosha High School
Alma Mater, hail!
Presentation of Colors
Birgitta Storck, exchange student from Finland receives her diploma.
Thomas Fugette, senior doss president (also president
of his sophomore and junior doss)
K.H.S. Choral Groups ond Don
America" with Samuel Jones directing.
Crimson and Ivory
White Rose
"We must implement
our words by deeds."
Hector Torosido, exchange student from
Argentina reecives his diploma Iron Joseph Hamelink, School Boord President.
Once seniors, now groduotes to
be together never again .
Harry S. Truman
Our Senior Class
LEFT TO RIGHT: Wayne Graf, Mike Pelligrino, Tom Fugette, and Diane Rase
Naturally the seniors won with the most money collected.
Oh to be a senior! What a year! The seniors found
time to lead numerous activities. Our successful
Student Council, headed by the uperclass members, directed our A.F.S. campaign and a variety
of assemblies. The seniors also found that they
really had to hit those American History and
English Lit books in order to make that final
graduation list. They enjoyed dances which were
held in their honor; their last Prom is forever
stamped into the minds of many of them as the
high point of their highschool career. The night of
the senior class play, The Curious Savage, found
the whole class just a little bit prouder for a job
well done. Perhaps the last month of school was
the most exciting for most seniors. Good-byes were
said to fellow club members of many organizations at spring banquets. They all "really had a
blast" at the senior dance, entitled "The Party's
Over." And yes, it was, for soon came graduation
in Washington Bowl. The graduates were together
for the last time in their caps and gowns. Even
though separated, K.H.S . hopes that each will
recall her with a smile fifty years from now.
ABATA, DOUGLAS R. - McKinley - "Doug." ADAMS, T. McKinley - "B" - French Club 2,3; Student Council Alternate 1,3;
Debate l ,2,3; forensics 2,3; Spy Staff 3; Senior Class Play Committee. ANDERSEN, BRYANT R. - Washington - "Andy" Work Experience 3, President.
ANDERSON, CLAUDIA J. - McKinley - "Gus" - G .A.A. 3;
future Nurses 3. ANDERSON, JOANNE M. - Lincoln. ANDERSON, KAYE. - McKinley - Band 1,2,3; future Nurses 3.
- McKinley - "Peggy" - S.C.A. Cashier l; Kenews Representative 1; Red Cross Representative 1; G .A.A. 2,3; Boaster Club 3;
Spy Salesman 1,3; Prom Committee 2. ANDREA, GLORIA J. Lincoln - " Pickle" - Student Council 1; Artist Alley 2; Ke news
Representative 2; Wark Experience 3, Secretary.
ANDREOLI, ROSALYN L. - McKinley - "Ros" - G.A.A. ARNOLDINI, SUZETTE M. - Lincoln - Red Cross Representative 1,
2,3; Student Council 2; Wig 'n Mask 1; G.A.A. 1,2; Prom Committee 2; Senior Symphonic 2; Senior Girls' Choir 3, President;
Homecoming Queen 3; Boaster Club 3; Senior Rally Leader.
ASHLEY, RICHARD W. - Lincoln - "Ash" - Wrestling 1;
Varsity Golf 1,2,3; K-Klub 1,2,3; Student Council 3, President;
Swimming 3; Homecoming Campaign Manager 3.
ATKINS, KENNETH T. - Eisenhower - "Ken" - N.H.A. 3; Projectionist 1,2,3; Cinematic 2,3, Treasurer 3. AUSEN, WILLIAM G.
- Washington. BACH, BARBARA J. - McKinley - French Club
2; Hi-Style 2,3; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Girls' Chorus 2;
Spy Salesman 2; Pram Committee 2.
BADTKE, JUDITH R. - friedens - "Judy." BAGDONAS, SUSAN
L. - Washington - Sophomore Symphonic Choir 1; S.C.A. 1;
Student Council 1,2; A Cappello Choir 2,3; Prom Committee 2;
Booster Club 3; Sophomore Night 3. BALTES, MARY T. - McKinley - "Pinky" - Kenews 2; Seminar 3; future Nurses 3.
BARBEE, TOBIAS Y. - Lincoln - "Tob" - Golf 1,2,3; Booster
Club 2,3; K-Klub 3. BARKER, LINDA. BARNES, GLADYS M. McKinley.
BARNETT, TED S. - Washington - "Barney" - Football 1,2,3,
Manager; Track 2; Baseball I; K-Klub 2,3; N.H.A. 2,3, Supervisor 3; Senior Class Play Committee. BASTRUP, ROBERT B. Lincoln - "Bob." BAUMGARTNER, JO ANN I. - Washington
- "Bourns" - Latin Club I; Future Teachers 1; S.C.A. Cashier
1; Sophomore Mixed Choir I; Wig n' Mask 2; Prom Committee
2; Senior Girls' Choir 2,3; Variety Shaw 3.
BECKER, GEORGE L. - Lincoln - "Beck's" - Vorsity Basketball
2,3; Crass Country 1,2,3; K-Klub 2,3. BECKER, JOYCE M. Lagan High School, La Crosse - "Lulu" - G.A.A. 2; Latin Club
1,2. BECKER, JUDITH - Washington - "Judy."
BEHNCKE, ROANNE J. - Park High School - Senminar 2.
BELLA, STEVEN J. - Washington - "Steve" - Sophomore Mixed
Choir I; Senior Mixed Chair 2, 3. BENNING, DARELL F. - McKinley - Work Experience 3.
BERRY, KATHLEEN I. - Lincoln - "Kathy" - Red Cross Representative 1; Seminar 2; Wig n' Mask 2,3; G.A.A. 2; Kenews 2;
Boaster Club 3; Artist's Alley 3; Wig n' Mask publicity and
tickets chairman 3; Science Foir 2. BERTA, ROBERT N. - Washington - "Berts" - Wrestling I. BETZ, NANCY J . - Lincoln G.A.A. 2,3; Kenews 3; Red Cross Representotive, Alternate 1.
BEZOTTE, REGINALD - Reggie." BIERDZ, DENNIS, P. - Friedens. BITTER, WILLIAM F. - Lincoln - "Bill" - Audio Visual I,
2,3; Cinematic 2; Grounded Grids 3.
BLAIR, MARK W. - Lincoln - Debote 1,2,3; Tennis 1,2,3; Swimming I; French Club 1,2; Massochusetts Exchange 3; Sophomore
Night 3; lnterclub Presidents' Council 2; Latin Club l; Kenews
1,2,3. BLANCHARD, BARBARA E. - Lincoln - "Barb" - Sophomore Girls' Choir l; Seminar 2. BLOCK, SHERRILL, E. - Lincoln
- "Beaver" - Bond 1,2.
BLOXDORF, JEROME J. - St. Joseph - "Jerry." BOEHNER,
BARBARA A. - McKinley. BORGER, HENRY W . - Friedens "Butch."
G. - Lincoln - French Club 2; Kenews 2; Booster Club 3; Golf
1. BOYLE, MURRAY R. - Washington.
BOYLE, TIM J. - Lincoln - Student Council "L; Work Experience
Club 3. BOZON, GLENN F. - Lincoln - "Bozo" - Artist's
Alley. BRACKEEN, BETTY J. - McKinley - Seminar 2; Thespian
2,3; Student Council 3; Wig 'n Mask 2,3, Vice President 3;
"Mouse Trap" 2, Crew Chairman; "I Remember Mammo" 3,
Crew Chairman; Booster Club 3.
BRAND, JOHN L. - Lincoln - "Jock." BRAUN, SANDRA M. McKinley - "Sandy" - Senior Mixed Choir 2; Senior G irls'
Choir 3. BREDEK, KENNETH A. - McKinley - "Ken" - Sophomore Football 1; Varsity Football 2,3; Sophomore Bosket boll 1;
K-Klub 2,3.
BRNAK, JOAN M . - Washington - "Joannie." BROUGHTON,
ELWIN - McKinley. BROWN, JERRY J. - Belmont High School.
BROWNELL, RONALD D. - Lincoln - "Ron." BRUFF, BILLY R. McKinley - "Bill." BRUGGER, KATHARINE C. - Washington "Kathy" - G.A .A. 1,2; Sophomore Mixed Choir l; A Cappello
Choir 2,3; Varsity Show 2,3.
BRUNATI , JOHN B. - Washington - "Jack" - Band 3; Orchestra 3; Variety Show Swing Bond 3. BUCHHOLZ, MARY ANN
- Menomonee Falls High School - Orchestra 2,3, treasurer 3.
BUCHMAN, KAREN A. - St. Joseph.
BUGALECKI , DENNIS A. Washington - " Bug" - Sen ior
Mixed Choir 2. BUHRIE, WALLY - Lakeview, Detroit - "Walt"
- Student Council 3. BULIK, RICHARD - Washington - "Rich"
- Wig n' Mask ploy 3; Ticket Salesman 3; Senior Class Play
BURMEISTER, MARIKAY - Washington - "More" - Sophomore
Closs Vice-president; Sophomore Mixed Cho ir, vice-president;
Future Teachers; Pep Club 1,2, treasurer, 3, president; Booster
Club 3; Prom Committee Cha irman 2; Homecoming Queen Candidate 3; Senior Closs Play Committee. CAFFERTY, PATRICIA A.
- McKinley - " Pot" - Student Council l; French Club 1,2, secretary 2; Prom Committee 2; Hi-Style 2,3, Bouncer 2,3; Parents
Night 2; Spy Salesman 2; FUN League 2. CALVERT, PATRICIA
M. - Lincoln - "Pot" - Band 1,2,3; Senior Closs Ploy.
Washington - "Chor" - Orchestra 1,2,3; Red Cross Representative 3; Future Teachers 2,3; Future Nurses 3; French Club 3. CAMPBELL, ROBERT D. - Lincoln
- "Doug" - Spanish Club 3. CAREY, JOHN M . - McKinley.
CARLSON, SHIRLEY - McKinley - "Lee" - Future Teachers l;
Spanish Club 1,2; Sophomore Girls' Chorus l; Senior Symphonic
Choir 2; Spy Salesman 2,3; Sen ior Class Play Committee. CARR,
ROBERT J . - McKinley - "Bob" - Bond 1,2. CASSITY, CONSTANCE K. - McKinley - "Connie" - G.A.A. 2,3; Red Cross
Representative 2; Bond 1,2; Orchestra 1,2,3; Boaster Club 3.
CASSITY, SHARON C. - Lincoln - "Terry." CASTEEL, DAVE R.
CAUDILL, ROBERT J. - Lincoln - Football 1; Grounded Grids 3;
Sophomore Symphonic Choir l; Senior Mixed Chair 2; Senior
Class Play Committee.
CECCHINI, ADAM L. - Lincoln - "Big Otis" - Varsity Football
2,3; Hi-Y 2,3; K-Klub 3; N.H .A. 2,3; Senior Class Play Committee. CERMINARA, JANET M. - St. Joseph . CERNE, JOSEPH Washington - Baseball 1.2,3; Basketball 1,2; Football 1,2,3,
Captain 3; K-Klub 1,2,3; Student Council 3.
CESARIO, CLARA M. - Washington - "Claire" - Sophomore
Symphonic Choir l; Sen ior Girls' Choir 2,3; Future Teachers 1,
2,3, Secretary 1, Vice President 2, President 3; Honor Society
3; Advanced Ticket Salesman 3; Kenews 2,3; Pram Committee 2.
CHACON, DAVID E. - Washington. CHARLTON, JAMES R. Lincoln - "Jamie" - Audio-Visual 1,2,3; Spanish Club 2,3;
Grounded Grids 3, Secretary; Spy Salesman 2; Red Crass Representative 2; Debate 1,2,3; Senior Class Play 3.
CHIANELLI, PHYLLIS R. - Washington - "Phyl." CHOVAN,
JUDITH A. - Washington - "Jessie" - G.A.A. 3. CHRISTENSEN, RICHARDT. - Lincoln - "Chris" - Orchestra 1,2,3; Senior
Class Play Committee 3.
CHRISTENSON, THOMAS J. - Washington . CHRISTIAN, BARBARA A. - Lincoln - " Barb" - Color Guard 2,3; Kenews 2,3;
Artist's Alley 1,2,,3 President 3; Spy Salesman 1; S.C.A. Cashier
1; lnterclub Presidents' Council 3; G.A.A. 1; Student Council 3;
French Club 2,3; Senior Class Play Committee; Variety Shaw
Committee 3, Chairman. CHRISTON, CAROLYN - Washington .
CHUBRILO, CAROLE J. - Washington - "Chubs" - G.A.A. 1;
Student Council 2; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Future Teachers l;
Booster Club 3; S.C.A. Cashier 1; Prom Committee 2; Wig n'
Mask 2; Latin Club l; Senior Class Play Committee. CIBRARIO,
DANIEL F. - Lincoln - "Sums" - Saphamore Baseball; Saphamare Wrestling; Varsity Wrestling 2,3, Captain 3; Varsity Football 1,2,3; K-Klub 2,3; Varsity Baseball 2,3. CLARK, BARBARA
A. - Lincoln - "Barb" - G.A.A. 1.
CLEEREMAN, BONNIE J. - Salem Central High School. CLIFF,
ALBERT E. COKER, CLARA N. - Fulton, Mississippi - "Clair"
- G.A.A. 1,2,3; Wig n' Mask 2,3; Ushers Club 3; "Mousetrap"
committee 2; "I Remember Mama" committee 3.
COLBY, CHRISTOPHER C. - Lincoln - "Chris" - Saphamore
Mixed Choir; A Cappello 2,3. COLONNO, JOAN M. - McKinley - "Ann" - Spy Salesman l; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Mixed Choir 2. CONKLIN, MICHAEL L. - Washington "Osgood" - Sophomore Mixed Choir; A Cappello 2,3; Wrestling
1; N.H.A. 2,3; S.C.A. Cashier 1; Variety Show 3.
CONRAD, MELODY C. - Washington - "Mel" - Latin Club 1;
Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Future Teachers 1,3; G.A.A. 3; Red
Cross Representative 3. COOK, SANDRA L. - McKinley "Sandy" - Sophomore Mixed Choir; A Cappello Choir 2,3; Sub
Deb 2,3; Ushers Club 2, Treasurer; Student Council Alternate 3.
COOLEY, ROBERT LOUIS, JR. - Lincoln - "Bob" - Science
Fair 1,2,3, First Place 1,2; Senior Class Play; Wig n' Mask Club
1,2,3; "Bernadine" Cost 1; "Mousetrap" Committee 2; "I Remember Mama" Cast 3; Kenews Staff 2,3; Kenews Salesman 2; Quill
and Scroll 2,3; Electronics Club 3; N.H.A. 2,3, Supervisor 3;
French Club 2; Red Cross 2.
COOPER, LEANNE E. - Lincoln - "Coops" - Wig n' Mask l;
Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior Girls' Chorus 2; A Cappello
Choir 3; Trident 2,3; Prom Committee 2; First Attendent to Queen
Daisy Mae 2; Sophomore Night 3; Awards Assembly 3; Madrigals 3; Booster Club 3; Spy Salesman 3; N.H.A. 2,3; Science
Fair 2, Fourth Place. COPEN, CHARLOTTE l. - Lincoln - "Char"
- G.A.A. 1,2,3; Swing Band Variety Show 2. COPEN, MARILYN
M. - McKinley - "Cape's" - French Club 1; Band 1,2; Seminar
2; Wig n' Mask 2,3; Prom Committee 2; G.A.A. 1,2,3; N.H.A.
3; Booster Club 3; Senior Class Ploy Committee Crew Chief.
COPEN, ROBERT - Washington - "Bob" - Student Council 1,2;
Varsity Football 1,2,3; Sophomore Basketball; Wrestling 2; Varsity Track 1,2,3; K-Klub 2,3; Hi-Style Style Show 2; Sophomore
Night 3; Variety Show 2,3; Senior Closs Play Committee Crew
Chief. COSHUN, JEAN M. - Washington - G.A.A. 1,2; Latin
Club 1,2; Sophomore Girls' Chorus. COVELLI, ADELINE M. Washington - "Lilly" - Honor Roll 3; Latin Club 1,2,3; Future
Teachers l; Hi-Style 2,3, Vice-president; Student Council 2;
Sophomore Mixed Choir 1, Librarian; Awards Assembly 3; S.C.A.
Cashier 1; Prom Committee 2.
COVELLI, ANGELINE S. - Washington - "Ange" - G.A.A. 1,
2; Spanish Club l; Sophomore Girls' Chorus I; Senior Girls'
Lincoln - "Bernie" Spanish Oub 2. CRANE, BARBARA A. - Washington - Latin
Club; Booster Club; Honor Roll I.
CROOK, DIANE K. - McKinley - "Crook" - Spy 2,3, Editor 3;
Hi-Style 2,3, President 3; Trident 2,3, Secretory 3; lnterclub
Presidents' Council 3, Vice President 3; Badger Girls' Stole Representotive 2; G.A.A. I; Wig 'n Mosk 3, Ploy 3; Student Council 1,3; Prom Committee 2; Sophomore Night 3; Pool AssistoM
2,3; Homecoming Floot Choirmon 3; Quill ond Scroll 2,3; Second Attendont to Queen Doisy Moe.
CROW, PRISCILLA A. - Washington - "Peppy" - French Club
2,3, Secretory 3; K-Teens 2,3, Vice President 3; Notionol Honor
Society 3, Secretory 3; Closs Secretory 1,2; Latin Club I, Secretory l; Senior Girls' Chorus 2,3, Vice President 3; Sophomore
Mixed Chorus I; Kenews 2,3, Society Editor 3; Homecoming
Candidate 3; D.A.R. Award 3; Quill and Scroll 3; Science Fair
2, Fourth Place. CRUTCHER, RICHARD E. - Lincoln - "Crutch"
- Audio Visual 1,2,3; Cinematic Club 1,2,3, President 2; Interclub Presidents' Council 2; Grounded Grids 3. CRUTHERS, CURTIS W. - Friedens - Bond 3; Variety Show 2,3.
PATRICK J. - Washington - Student Council 1,3; Kenews 2,3,
Sports Editor; Quill & Scroll 2,3; Kenews Solesmon 1,2,3; Spy
Salesman 2. DASE, JULIUS H. - Washington - "Herb."
DAVEY, CAROLYN L. - Lincoln - Wig 'n Mask I; Seminar 2:
Future Nurses 3. DAVIDSON, GAIL M. - McKinley. DAVIS, DARLENE A. - Lincoln - "Dor" - Honor Society 2,3; Latin Club
2,3, Corresponding Secretary 3; Future Teachers 2; Prom Committee 2.
DAVIS, WALTER K. - Lincoln - "Walt" - Wrestling 1,2; Track
1,2,3; Hi-Y 2. DEANGELIS, CAROL A. - Lincoln. DE ANGELIS,
ROSEMARIE - Lincoln.
DE LABIO, JAMES W . - McKinley - "Gobs" - Football 1;
Wrestling 2; Spy Salesman 3. DE LA MATTER, THEODORE E. Lincoln - "Ted." DE MOE, DAVE.
- Lincoln - "Tony" - K-Klub 1,2,3; Sophomore Football l;
Varsity Football 2,3; Track 1,2,3; Sophomore Basketball; Wig
'n Mask 3; Senior Class Ploy Stage Crew; Prom Committee 2;
Science Fair 2; Boaster Club 3; Variety Shaw 2,3; N.H.A. 3;
Advanced Football Ticket Salesman. DILLEY, GAIL A. - Laytonville High, California - "Gay" - G.A.A. l; Pep Club l.
J. - Washington - "Dinge" - Spy Salesman 2; Red Cross
Representative 3; Student Council 2; Homecom ing Candidate 3;
Sophomore Girls' Chorus l; Senior Mixed Chorus 2,3. DOMBRASKI, PATRICIA J. - St. Joseph - " Pat" - Senior Mixed
Chair 2; Senior Girls' Choir 3; Future Teachers l.
DONOVAN, CAROL J . - Lincoln - G.A.A. l. DOUGLAS,
KAREN H. - Lincoln - G.A.A. l; Sub-Deb 2,3, Corresponding
Secretary 3; Student Council 3; Red Cross Representative 3;
Prom Committee 2. DOUTRE, DELORES J. - Washington "Dee" - G.A.A. 2.
DRAGANCEWICZ, DENNIS J. - Lincoln - "Drag" - Seminar
2; Football 1,2; Grounded Grids 3, Treasurer. DRAGANCEWICZ,
JUNE M. - Lincoln - Red Cross Representative 1,2; Student
Council Alternate l; G.A.A. l; Spy Salesman l; Prom Committee 2; Senior Mixed Choir 2. DREW, ALTHEA L. - Lincoln
"Al" - Future Teachers l,2,3; Sophomore Symphonic Choir l;
Senior Girls' Choir 2; French Club 2,3; Mariner Scouts 3.
DULLER, JOHN N. - Lincoln - "Jack" - Football l,2,3; Wrestling l; Track l; Pram Committee 2; K-Klub 3. DUMKE, RONALD
- Lincoln - "Rocker" - Sophomore Basketball l; Cross Country
l,2; Baseball 1,2,3; K-Klub 2,3; Student Council 1,3. DURAND,
DWIGHT A. - Norris High - Badger Boys' State.
DYSART, CAROL L. - McKinley - "Crash" - Red Cross Representative 1; Ushers 1,2,3; Spy Salesman 2; Kenews 2,3; Kenews Representative 3. EAVES, BARBARA M. - Lincoln - "Barb"
- Sophomore Girls' Chorus 1; Senior Mixed Chorus 2,3. ELSEN,
RICHARD - St. Joseph - Science Fair.
EMERY, RONALD L. - Lincoln - "Ron" - Track. ENGELSON,
JIM - Washington. ENGLUND, BERNARD E. - McKinley "Buzz" - F.U.N. League 2, Hi-Y 1,2,3, Corresponding Secretary,
Vice-president 2, President 3; K-Klub 2,3, President 3; Booster
Club 3, President 3; lnterclub President's Council 2,3, President
3; KHS Representative to Police Youth Advisory Council 2,3,
President 3; Student Council 2,3; NHA Supervisor 3; Vicepresident of Junior Class; Pram Committee 2; Prom Court 2;
Sophomore Football; Varsity Football 2,3; TracK 1,2,3; Sophomore Basketball; Varsity Basketball 2; Advanced Ticket Salesman 3; Sophomore Night 3; Science Fair 2, Fourth Place; Gym
Instructor 3; Senior Class Play Committee.
P. - Lincoln - "Jim." ESTES, CARL L. - McKinley - "Coot."
EVANS, MARGARET E. - McKinley - "Peggy." EVANS, NICOLINA C. - Lincoln - "Nicky" - Sophomore Mixed Choir; Spy
Salesman 1; G.A.A. 1,2,3, G.A.A. Board 2,3, President 3; French
Club 2,3, Vice-president 2; Seminar 2, Secretary 2; A Cappello
Choir 2,3; Student Council 2,3; lnterclub Presidents Council 3;
Pram Committee 2; Booster Club 3; Senior Class Play 3; Sophomore Night 3. EYRE, JANE G. - Washington - "Red" - Future
Teachers 1; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Spanish Club l; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Mixed Chair 2,3.
FALK, IRENE. FEICK, PATRICIA L. - McKinley - "Pat" - Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Girls' Chorus 2,3; Honor Society 2,3.
FELDSHAU, KAREN E. - McKinley - "Karrie" - G.A.A. 1,2;
Wig n' Mask 1; Student Council 1; Homecoming Committee 2,3;
Sophomore Night 2,3; Seminar 2; Kenews Salesman 2; Spy
Salesman 2,3; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Girls' Chorus 2,3,
Librarian 2,3; Booster Club 3; Advance Ticket Sale; Science Fair
2; Senior Class Play Committee.
FELDT, BRUCE M. - Lincoln - "Joyce" - Swing Band 2,3; Orchestra 1,2,3; Science Fair 2,,3. FIRCHOW, JAMES A. - Washington - "Wong" - Band 1,2,3, Equipment Manager 2, Drum
Major 3; Orchestra 1,2,3; Swing Band 2,3; A Cappello Choir
1,2,3; Variety Show 2,3. FISCHBACH, PETE.
FITZPATRICK, MICHAEL T. Lincoln - "Mike" or "Fitz."
FLEISCHMANN, JOANNE T. - Woshington - "Jo" - Sophomore Symphonic Choir 1; Senior Girls' Chorus 2; A Coppello
Choir 3; Senior Class Ploy 3. FLEMING, MARY A. - Lincoln 'Jonnie."
FONK, LOIS J. - St. Joseph. FOTH, MARLA J. - Woshington
- "Mor" - G.A.A. 2. FOX, ROBERTA L. - Lincoln - "Bobbie"
- Wig 'n Mosk 1; G.A.A. 1,2,3.
FUGETTE, THOMAS - Lincoln - "Fuge" - Sophomore, Junior,
ond Senior Closs Pres.; Vorsity Footboll 1,2,3, Honorory Coptoin
3; Varsity Basketboll 1,2; Vorsity Trock 1,2,3; K-Klub 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3; lnterclub Presidents Council 1,2,3; Prom Committee, Heod Choirmon 2; Prom King 2; Sophomore Symphonic
Choir 1; A Coppella Choir 2,3, Vice-President 3, Sectionol
Trea surer 2; Awords Assembly Chairmen 3; Sophomore Night
1,3; Advanced Ticket Salesman 3; Wig ' n Mask 2; Cinematic 3.
- McKinley - " Borb" - Sophomore Symphonic 1; Student Council 1; K-Teens 2,3; N.H.A. 2; Wig 'n Mask 2; French Club 1,2;
Prom Committee 2; Kenews 2, 3.
GARZA, OLIVA - McKinley - "Livi" - Sophomore Girls' Choir 1;
Senior Girls' Choir 2, 3; Wig 'n Mask 2,3; Spy Solesman 1,2,3;
Coreer Doy Choirman 2; Student Council 2; Red Cross Representative 2; Booster Club 3. GATTI, DENNIS J . - Lincoln - "Denny"
- Swimming Teom; Science Foir. GAUSS, GEORGIA L. - Lincoln
- "Georgie" - Sophomore Girls' Choir 1.
L. - McKinley - "Torcoso" - Sophomore Symphonic Choir;
A Coppello Choir 2,3; Boys' Glee Club. GENTILE, PETER P. Washington - Band 1,2; Orchestro 2,3; Swing Bond 1,2; Homecoming Monoger 3.
GILLIAM, MARY E. - Solem Centrol - "Red." GIOVANELLI,
RICHARD S. - McKinley - "Ricky." GITZLAFF, WILLIAM C. McKinley - French Club.
GLINSKI, SHERYL K. - Friedens - "Sheri" - Bond 1,2; Orchestra 1,2,3; G.A.A. 1,2; Spanish Club l; Red Cross Representative 2; Variety Show Committee 1; Girl Scouts 2. GOFF, KAREN
- McKinley - S.C.A. 1. GORAY, JOHN.
GRAF, IRENE S. - Washington - "Sandy" - Pep Club 1,2,3;
Boaster Club 3. GRAF, WAYNE A. - Lincoln - Key Club 2,3,
Secretary 3; French Club 2,3, Treasurer 3; Honor Society 2,3,
Treasurer 3, President 3; Student Council 3, Vice-Pres.; Seminar
3; Booster Club 3; Wrestling Team 2; Prom Committee 2; Homecoming Committee 2,3; Massachusetts Exchange 3; Science Fair
1,3; Senior Class Treasurer. GREB, JUDITH A. - Washington "Judy" - Student Council 2.
GRECO, ALFRED J . - McKinley - "Alf" - Basketball 1; Cross
Country 2. GREENWALD, EUGENE A. - McKinley - "Gene"
- Baseball 1. GREGORY, GORDON H. - McKinley.
GREISEN, LINDA R. - McKinley - "Tiger" - Red Cross Representative. GRIEBLING, NEAL W. - Lincoln - A Cappello
Choir 2,3; Kenosha Tennis Team 1,2,3; Variety Show 3. GROBE,
JAMES L. - Lincoln.
GROSS, GERRY. GROSSO, ROBERT P. - St. Joseph - "Bob" Science Fair 2; Massachusetts Exchange 3. GROTSKY, LINDA McKinley - Booster Club 3; N.H.A. 3; Wig n Mask 3.
GROVE, REEVA M. - Lincoln - Red Cross Representative.
GROVES, PETER B. - Washington - Sophomore Basketball 1;
Football 1; Track 1; Hi-Y ~lub 1,2,3, Secretary 1, Corresponding Secretory 3. GRUBE, JUDITH A. - Washington - "Judy"
- Spy Salesman 2; Student Council Representative 1, Vice
GRULICH , ALBERTA M. - Friedens - "Birdie" - G.A.A. GULBRANDSEN, ARNE A. - Lincoln - "Arn" - Latin Club 2; Ushers
Club 2,3. GUTIORMSEN , KAREN L. - McKinley - Hi-Style 3,
Secretary 3; Trident 3; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Wig n' Mask 1,2; French
Club 2,3; Pram Committee 2; Ushers 2,3; Paci Assistant 2,3;
Seminar Club 2; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Symphonic
2; Science Fair 2; Variety Shaw Committee 3.
HAASE, BARBARA J . - McKinley - "Barb" - Sophomore Mixed
Choir; A Cappello Chair 2. HABEL, EBERHARD - McKinley
"Ebe." HAGOPIAN , MILTON F. - Washington - "Nubs."
HALVORSON, HOLLY - Lincoln - Spanish Club l; Nenews Salesman 2. HANNAH , BRUCE J . - Washington - " Beaver - I" Student Council 2; Red Cross 3. HANNES, JAMES A. - Lincoln "Jim."
HANSEN , GA IL E. - Lincoln - "Hans" - Spanish Club 1,2;
Student Council 2,3; Variety Show 2; Prom Committee 2; Color
Guard 1,2,3, Color Sergeant 2,3; Second Attendant to Homecoming Queen; Wig n' Mask Play, ("I Remember Mama"} 3;
First Attendant to Queen Daisy Mae 3. HANSEN, NETA DALE
- Lincoln - Senior Class Play Committee. HANSEN , ROBERT L.
- Washington - "Bob" - Ushers Club 2,3; Spanish Club 2;
Seminar 2; Wig n' Mask 2,3; Massachusetts Exchange 3;
"Mousetrap" 2; "I Remember Mamo" 3.
Lincoln - "Lin." HANSON , SANDRA.
Senn High Schaal, Chicago - "Pam."
HARTNEK, HENRY G . - Washington - "Hark" - Ushers Club
2,3; Variety Shaw 1,2; A Cappello Choir 3; Cinematic 2.
HARTNEK, LEE N. - Lincoln - Sophomore Football; Sophomore
Basketball; Sophomore Baseball; Cross Country; Student Council.
HASSLER, KENNETH A. - Lincoln - "Ken" - A Cappello Chair
3; Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior Mixed Chair 2; Bays' Chorus 2,3.
- Friedens - "Houbs I" - Boys' Chorus 1; Student Council 3;
Variety Show 1. HAUBRICH, TOM H. - Woshington - "Houbs
HAUPTMAN, CATHERINE M. - St. Joseph - "Kathy." HAY,
MICHAEL A. - Lincoln - ' 'Mike." HEAL, DENNIS D. - Lincoln.
HEBERT, JIM L. - Lincoln - "Herb's." HENDERSON, !SOBEL J.
- St. Joseph - Orchestra 1,2,3; Usher's Club 3; Red Cross
Representative 3. HENKEL, SUZANNE E. - Lincoln - "Sue" Prom Committee 2; Senior Mixed Choir 2,3; Future Teacher's
Club 3.
1,2. HERNANDEZ, JESSE - Woshington.
HEROLT, EDWARD F. - Woshington Swimming Team 1;
Sophomore Symphonic Choir 1; Senior Mixed Choir 2,3; Red
Lincoln Cross Representotive 1. HERTZBERG, MARY S. "Sue" - Sponish Club 1; G.A.A. 1; Spy Stoff 1,2,3, Subscription
Monoger 2, Business Monoger 3; Prom Committee 2; Booster
Club 3, Corresponding Secretory 3; Spy Solesmon 1,2,3,
Monoger 2; Student Council Alternate 3; Sophomore Night 3;
Quill and Scroll 3; N.H.A. HERVAT, JOHN C. - Washington
- "Floorbox."
HILBERG, VERA MAE M. - Lincoln - "Vero" - French Club
1,2. HILLARY, TIM D. - McKinley - " Herc." HOFFMAN, DAR·
RELL J. - McKinley - "Hoff."
HOFFMAN, JANICE MARIE - Lincoln - "Hoff" - S.C.A . Cashier
1; Wig n' Mosk 1; G.A.A. 1,2; Homeroom Representotive 3 .
HOFFMAN, JULES D. - McKinley - " Skip" - Student Council
1, Alternate 3; Hi-Style Show 2,3; Sophomore Mixed Choir;
Booster Club 2; Prom Committee 2; Homecoming Monoger3 ;
Spy 3 . HOLLAND, NANCY J . - Lincoln - "Non" - Sophomore
Mixed Choir; Senior Girls' Chorus 2; Ushers Club 2,3, Treosurer
3; Kenews 2,3, Circulation Manager 3.
HOLM, ROBERT l. - Wash ington - "Butch." HOLT, M. EL IZABETH - Lincoln - Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior Girls' Chorus
2,3; Illa Klovo 1; Spanish Club 2,3, Secretory 3. HOOPER,
RICHARD 8. - Wausau Senior High School - "Dick" - Ski Club
1, 2 (Wausau); Ski Team 1,2 (Wousolf); A Cappello Choir 3;
Choir 2 (Wausau ).
HOROCHENA, PATRICIA A. - Lincoln - "Pot." HORVAT, DIANNE C. - Lincoln. HOSCH, ROBERT J . - McKinley - "Bob."
HOWE, JOSEPH P. - McKinley - "Joe" - Bond 1,2,3; Swing
bond 2; Swimming Team 3 . HUBBARD, JERRY C. - Washington - "Hub." HUBER, JANE F. - St. Joseph - "Jonie" G.A .A. 2 .
HUETINER, BETIY J . - Central High School, Sheboygan 2,3; French Club 2; Seminar 2; Future Teachers 3, Vice-president
3; Bond 2; Orchestra 3, Secretory 3; Wig n' Mask 3; Sophomore Night 3; Science Fair 2; Booster Club 3; Spy Salesman 3;
Variety Show Committee 2; Variety Show 3; Senior Closs Ploy
Committee. HURULA, KATHRYN ANN - McKinley - "Kathy."
HUXHOLD, SANDRA J. - McKinley - " Huxie."
IAQUINTA, FRAN CES H. - McKinley - " Fron" - Wig n' Mask
2; Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior Girls 2,3; N .H.A . 2. IGO,
JUD ITH - Washington - " Jud i" - Illa Klova 1; Wig n' Mask
3, French Club 3; Student Council I; Booster Club 3; N.H.A. 3;
Prom Committee 2; Artist Alley I; G .A.A. 2; Red Cross Representative 3; Sen ior Closs Ploy Comm ittee; Variety Show Committee 3. IOV INE, LUCI A M. - Washington - " Lou" - Sophomore
Girls' Chorus; Sen ior G irls' Chorus 2,3; Spanish Club 1; Red
Cross Representat ive 3 .
IRVING, MARY R. - Lincoln - Spy Salesman 1; Future Teachers 1,2; Honor Society 2,3; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior
Mixed Choir 2; Senior Girls' Chorus 3; G.A.A. 1,2; Advance
Ticket Salesman 3; Senior Closs Ploy Committee. ISBELL, GERALD
- McKinley - "Jerry." ISHAM, CAROL J. - Lincoln High School,
Pork Foils, Wisconsin - G.A.A. 3; Chorus Lincoln 1.
NANCY R. - Lincoln - "Joke" - G.A.A. 1,2; Senior Mixed
Choir 2.
JACQUES, JOHN W. - Lincoln - Key Club 1,2; Football 1;
Student Council Alternate 3. JEFFRIES, MICHAEL G. - Washington - Sophomore Mixed Choir 2. JENSEN, GAIL J . - Washington - G.A.A. 1; Sub-Deb 2,3; Sophomore Girls' Chorus 1;
Senior Mixed Choir 2.
JENSEN, GRETE M. - Woshington - Honor Society 2,3; Secretory 3; Student Council Representotive 3; N.H.A. 3; Seminar 2.
JENSEN, JAMES J. - Washington - "Jim" - Projection Club
2,3. JENSEN, JERRY D. - McKinley.
JOHNSON, GERALD l. - Washington - "Jerry" - Red Cross
Representative 1,2. JOHNSON, KAREN K. - Lincoln - "Kor"
- G.A.A. 2,3. JOHNSON, LINDA L - McKinley - "Linn" S.C.A. Cashier 1; Ke news Salesman 1; French Club 1,2; HiStyle 2,3; G.A.A. 1; First Attendant to Homecoming Queen.
JOHNSON, MARK A. - Northwestern Prep - "Skinny" Booster Club 3. JOHNSON, MARTHA A. - "Morty." JOHNSON,
ROXANNE - Washington - "Rox" - Sophomore Girls' Chorus;
Illa Klave 1; Semi nor 2; Senior Mixed Chorus 2; Senior Girls'
Chorus 3; Spy Salesman 2,3; Future Nurses 3, Secretory; Booster
Club 3; Pep Club.
JOHNSON, SHERYL l. - Lincoln - "Sherri" - G.A.A. 1; Kenews Solesmon 2; Prom Committee 2; Red Cross Representative
1; Movie Projectionist 2,3. JOHNSON, W. DEVERE - Lincoln "De." JONES, NANCY A. - McKinley - "Jonesy."
JONES, NANCY l. - Lincoln - "Nobbs" - Kenews Solesmon;
G.A.A. 1; Girls' Chorus 1. JORGENSEN, MARY LOU - Washington - "Lou" - G.A.A. 1,2,3. JOZWIAK, EDMUND J.
McKinley - "Joz" - Bond 1,2; Orchestra 3; Swing Bond l;
Homecoming Monoger 3.
JUGA, SHARON LEE - Friedens - "Chickie" - G.A.A. 1.
KAISER, KAREN A. - Lincoln. KALINKA, KENNETH W . - McKinley - "Ken" - Seminar 1.
KARAWAY, JOHN M. - St. Joseph. KARPOWICZ, KAROL l. Lincoln - "Lynn" - Spy Solesmon 1,2; Seminar 2; Wig 'n Mosk
2; G.A.A. 2,3, Boord Member 3; Future Nurses. KARPS, RONALD G . - McKinley - "Sheb" - K-Klub 2,3; Varsity football
1,2,3; Varsity Bosketboll 1,2; Trock 1; Student Council 1,2;
Booster Club 3; Red Cross Representative 2.
KELLER, BETIY J . - M.c:Kinley - G.A.A. 1,2,3. KELLEY, EDMOND
l. - McKinley - "Kel." KELLEY, JERRY D. - Zion Benton Township - "Woyne" - Senior Mixed Choir; Swimming Teom.
KEMP, NANCY J . - McKinley - Bond 1,2,3, Secretory 3; G.A.A.
1,2,3; Usher's Club 2,3, Secretory 3; K Teens 2,3; Artist's Alley
2,3; French Club 2; Wig 'n Mosk 1; Prom Committee 2; Variety
Show 3; Variety Show Committee Choirmon 3. KERSTING,
KAREN P. - Lincoln - "Penny" - Senior Mixed Choir 2,3; Wig
'n Mosk 1,2,3; Spelling Bee 2, Third Ploce; Advanced Ticket
Lincoln - G.A.A. 2.
G.A.A. l; Wig n' Mosk l. KEWENIG, LARRY J.
KIEFER, GAIL M. - Washington - Seminar 2; Sophomore Girls'
Chorus; Senior Mixed Chorus 2,3. KIMBERLIN, SHARON J.
Washington - Seminar 2. KIME, PATRICIA L. - McKinley "Pot."
KIRK, ELAINE - McKinley - Bond 1,2,3. KISSEE, JERRY L. Washington. KLEIN, RICHARD R. - Solem Central - Baseball
l; Bodger Boys' Stole Treasurer and Delegate 2; Library Club l.
KLEY, BONNIE J . - Lincoln - A Cappello Choir 2,3; S.C.A. l;
G .A.A. 1; Sophomore Mixed Choir l; Sub-Deb 2,3; Wig n' Mask
1,2, Student Director of "Mousetrap" 2; Trident 2,3; Seminar 2,
Secretory; Pool Assistant 3; Variety Show 2,3; Student Council 3.
KLITGARD, BETH KAY Rhinelander Union High School.
KLIVICKY, JUDITH J . - Washington - "Judy" - G .A.A. 1,2,3;
French Club 1.
KLOBUCHAR, SHIRLEY M. - Lincoln - Student Council l; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Mixed Chorus 2. KNETILE, MARY L.
- Lincoln - "Mor" - Orchestra l; Wig n' Mask 1,2. KOHLMEIER, KATHI A. - McKinley - "Little One - Peanut" - Honor
Society 2,3; G .A.A. 1,3; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Mixed
Choir 2; Hi-Style 2,3, Treasurer 3; Seminar 2; Booster Club 3;
Mossochusells Excho nge 3; Prom Committee 2; Ke news Re pre.
sentotive 3.
KOLB, PHYLLIS E. - Lincoln - "Phyl" - Wig n' Mask. KOLKMANN, RICHARD J . - McKinley - "Dick" - Hi-Y 1,2,3; K-Klub
1,2,3; Football 1,2,3; Track 1,2. KOOS, THOMAS J. - Washington - "Tom" - Spy Salesman l; Projection Club 1,2,3.
M. - Lincoln - "Gerri." KRAMER, CAROL l. - McKinley G.A.A. 1; Wig 'n Mosk 1,2; Sophomore Girl:' Choir; Senior
Mixed Choir 2; Seminar 2; Sub-Deb 2,3; N.H.A. 2,3; Usher's
Club 2,3.
KRAUS, RICHARD J . - Washington - "Dick." KRAUS, WILLIAM
A. - Washington - "Bill." KREGER, EUGENE l . - McKinley -
KRIZ, M ARIE T. - Lincoln - Wig 'n Mask I; G .A.A. I; Red
C ross 1; Spy 2,3. KROHN, CHARIE l. - Lincoln - Spy Solesmon 3. KRUSE, PATRICIA A. - Lincoln - "Pot."
KUCHERA, JOHN - Washington - "Jock." KULLMAN, JOHN D.
- Lincoln - Sophomore Symphonic Choir I; Seminar 2; Mole
C ho rus I; Science Fair 2,3; Wrentham Exchange 3. KUNDE,
JUDITH A. - Washington - "Judi" - G.A.A. 1,2,3; Hi-Style
1,2,3; Booster Club 3; Sophomore G irls' Choir 1.
KUNZMAN , ANTHONY - Washington - "lucky." LADOUSA,
GARY A. - Washington - "louse" - Cross Country l; Sophomore Symphonic Choir. LAFAYETTE, SHERYL A. - Lincoln "Sheri" - Orchestra 1,2,3; Latin Club I; K'l!news 2,3; Honor
Society 2,3.
LAMANT IA, JOSEPH M. Washington "Joe." LAMB IE,
ARLAN C. - Friedens. LAN DREE, KAR EN l. - Washington Artist's Alley 1,2,3.
LANGE, JUDITH l. - McKinley - "Judy" - G.A.A.; Artist
Alley 2,3, Secretory 3; Booster Club 3. LARSEN, IRVING C. Washington - "Nop-Nappy." LARSON, DONALD W . - McKinley.
LAST, ROYANNE S. - Tuman High School, Guam, Marianna
Islands - Student Council 2; Cheerleader 1,2 'Tuman ,; Senior
Mixed Chorus 3. LAW, BONITA J . - McKinley - "Bonnie" Red Cross 2,3; Student Council 2; Booster Club 3, Secretory 3;
A Cappello Choir 2,3; N.H.A. 3. LAWLOR, JAMES S. - McKinley - "Jim."
LEET, JANET E. - Washington - Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior Girls' Chorus 2; A Cappello 3; Massachusetts Exchange 3;
Future Teachers 1; Red Cross Representative 2; N.H.A. 3; Spy
Cover l; Booster Club 2. LEINENWEBER, THEODORE l. - Lincoln
- Wrestling 1; Tennis 2,3; K-Klub 2,3. LEMKE, LARY P. - Friedens - Cinematic 2,3; Kenosha Grounded Grids 3.
LENEGAR, JOHN R. - Lincoln - Spy Salesman . LENGACHER,
JAMES R. - McKinley - "Jim" - Kenosha Grounded Grids; Spy
Salesman. LENTO, DENNIS - Washington - "Lentz" - Varsity
Football 1,2,3; Varsity Basketball 1,2,3; Varsity Tennis l; Varsity
Golf 2,3; K-Klub 2,3; Student Council 1,2,3; Prom Committee 2;
Pool Instructor 1,2,3; Red Cross Representative; Kenews 2; Basketball Captain 3.
LEONARD, JUDITH A. - Washington - "Judy" - Illa Klave 1;
Sophomore G irls' Chorus. LETVEN, MARVIN H. - Lincoln Bond l; Seminar 2. LEUCK, BONNIE B. - Friedens - Future
Teachers 1,2,3, Treasurer 3; Wig n' Mask 3; Honor Society 3;
Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior Girls' Chorus 3; Latin Club 1,2,3,
Treasurer 3; Senior Closs Ploy Committee; Sadie Howkins' Candidate.
LEYS, KENNETH P. - McKinley - "Mouse" - Ushers 1,2,3. LICHTENBERG, JUDITH A. - McKinley - "Judy" - G.A.A . 1,2;
Spanish Club 1,2; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Senior Mixed Chorus 2. LIMPERT, CHARLES G . - Lincoln - " Chas." - Tennis,
Varsity 1,2,3, Captain 3; Cross Country 1; Key Club 1,2; K-Klub
2,3; Honor Society 2; N.H .A. 2; Kiwanis Representative 2; Science Fa ir 2 .
LINDAL, CAROL L. - McKinley - "Lindy" - G.A.A. 1. LINDNER, MARY JO - McKinley - "Jo" - G.A.A. 1. LINDSTRAND,
SANDRA MAE - Lincoln - "Sondi" - Wig 'n Mosk 1; Sophomore Girls' Chorus 1; Senior Mixed Chorus 2,3.
LINDSTROM, DOROTHY M. - Lincoln - "Dolly" - Sophomore
Symphonic Choir 1; French Club 2,3; Senior Girls' Chorus 2,3;
Wig 'n Mosk 1,3; Prom Committee 2; Seminor 2; Red Cross l,
2,3; Kenews 2,3; Booster Club 3; Student Council Alternote 1.
LOEF, KATHLEEN C. - Friedens - "Kothy" - G.A.A. 1; Science Foir 2. LONG, JAMES A. - Lincoln - "Jim" - A Coppello Choir 2,3; Kenews 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2; Spy Solesma n 2; Red Cross Representotive 1; Voriety Show 1,2; S.C.A.
Coshier 1; Science Foir 2,3; Sophomore Symphonic Choir l;
Booster Club 3; Mole Chorus 1,2,3; Lotin Club l; Semi nor 2;
Wrenthom Exchonge 3; Advonced Ticket Salesmen 3.
LONG, SANDRA J. - Lincoln - "Sandi" - Sophomore Girl's
Choir 1; Senior Girl's Choir 2,3; Wig 'n Mosk 1,3; Jr. Red Cross
Representotive 1,3; Prom Committee 2; Brotherhood Play 2;
Sophomore Night 3; G.A.A. 2; French Club 2,3; Science Foir 2,
fourth piece; Wig 'n Mosk Play Crew 1,3; Seminor 2; Assistont
Homecoming Manoger. LOURIGAN, PATRICK M. - Lincoln "Pot." LUNDBERG, JAMES R. - McKinley - "Jim" - Usher's
Club 2,3.
LUTTER, CORRINE S. - McKinley - "Corky" - Future Teocher's Club 1,2; Latin Club 1,2,3, President 3; lnterclub President's
Council 3; S.C.A. Coshier 1; Cinemotic Club 2,3, President 3;
Red Cross Representotive 2,3; Student Council 3; N.H.A. 3;
Prom Committee 2; Homecoming Condidote 3. LUTZ, JANET M. Lincoln - "Jon" - Booster Club 3; Lotin Club l; Sophomore
Girls' Chorus l, Treosurer 1; Senior Mixed Chorus 2; French
Club 3; Seminar 2; Honor Society 2,3; Prom Committee 2; SenCloss Play Committee. LYKE, KAREN A. - St. Joseph - Artist's
Alley 1.
MADSEN, DIANE M. - McKinley - Future Teochers; French
Club; Spy Salesmen; Honor Society; Seminor Oub. Sophomore
Girls' Chorus. MAEGAARD, DAVID L. - Columbus Senior High "Dove." MAKOUSKE, JEAN D. - St. Joseph - "Jeonne" Kenews 2,3; Booster Club 3; Wig 'n Mask 3.
MAKSEN, RUTH A. - McKinley - "Ruthie" - Honor Society 2;
Artist's Alley 2,3; Wig 'n Mask 3; Booster Club 3; Science Foir
1; Prom Committee 2; Spy Solesman 3; Wig 'n Mosk Crew 3;
Sophomore Chemistry; French Club 2; Student Council Alternote
3. MALKO, PATRICIA D. - Lincoln - "Pot" - Student Council
2; Prom Committee 2; Booster Club 3. MANGAN, DAVE McKinley.
MARGETSON, SANDRA J . - Lincoln - "Sandy" - Sophomore
Girls' Choir 1; Latin Club 2,3; Seminar 2 ; Hi-Style 2,3, Secretary
3, Treasurer 3; Honor Society 3; Lab Assistant 3. MARION, JUDITH
L. - Lincoln - "Judie." MARKESE, JANICE M. - McKinley "Jan."
MAROTZ, LELAND M. - Lincoln. MARTEL, TERRANCE W. Washington - "Terry" - Swimming Team 1; S.C.A. 1. MARTELLE, JOSEPH R. - Lincoln - "Joe" - Spy Salesman 1; Latin
Club 1, Vice-Pres.; Wrestling 1; Honor Society 2,3; Junior Toastmasters 2; Homecoming Manager 3.
MARTINO, RITA M. - Washington - "Marty" - Senior Girls'
Choir 2; A Cappello Choir 3; Wig 'n Mask 2; G.A.A. 1; Prom
Committee 2; Spy Salesman; Variety Show 3. MATELSKI, RICHARD T. - Washington - "Rich." MATRISE, ELIZABETH M. McKinley - "Liz" - G.A.A. 3; Spy Salesman 1,2.
MATRISE, JOHN S. - McKinley. MATTSON, TYY D. - McKinley.
MATUSEVICIUS, ALEX V. - Washington - Sophomore Football;
MAYEW, BILL - Lincoln - K-Klub 2,3; Baseball 1,2,3. McALEER,
KATHY J. - Lincoln - "Mac" - Sophomore Symphonic Choir
1; Senior Girls' Chorus 2; A Cappello Choir 3; Tri-School Council 1,2,3; Student Council 1,2,3; Trident 2,3; Prom Committee 2;
Wig 'n Mask 2; I nterclub President's Council 3; Sub-Deb 2,3,
Secretary 2, President. McCLENDON, MO LLY L. - Lincoln.
McCRARY, NORMA B. - McKinley - " Norm" - Trident 1,2,3,
Treasurer 2, President 3; G.A.A. 1; Latin Club 1, Secretary l; Band
Color-guard 2,3; Artist's Alley 2,3; lntercl ub President's Council 3;
Variety Show 2; Trident Watershow 1,3; Wrentham Exchange 3;
Sophomore Night 3; Student Council 3; Honor Society Spelling
Bee 1; Assistant Homecoming Manager 3; Prom Committee 2;
Science Fair 3; Seminar 3; Pool Assistant 2,3; Trident Dad's
Night 1,2. McDERMOTT, THOMAS E. - Watterson High School,
Ohio - "Tom." McGILL, LINDA R. - Lincoln .
MELE, FRANK D. - Lincoln. MENGO, GERALD R. - McKinley "Jerry" - Student Council 3; Senior Closs Ploy Committee.
MERONEK, KATHLEEN M. - Lincoln - "Kathy" - G.A.A. 1,2.
MESSERSMITH, TERRY C. - Washington - "Mess." MEITEN,
CLAUDIA A. - McKinley. MEYER, GEORGIA A. - McKinley " George" - G .A.A. 1; Sophomore Mixed Choir; Red Cross Representative 2; Ushers Club 3; Spy Representative 3.
MIGA, ANN KAY - Washington - "Inky" - G .A.A. 1,2; SubDeb 2,3, Reporter 3; Wig n' Mask 3; Red Cross Representative 1.
G. - Spanish Club 1; Bond 1,2,3; Seminar 2; Spy Representative 2; Student Council 1; Prom Committee 2; Variety Show 2;
Variety Show Committee 3.
MILLARD, LOUISE C. - McKinley - "Louie." MILLS, JAMES H.
- Lincoln - "Jim" - Tennis 1,2,3; Cross Country 3; Illa Klave
1; Student Council 2,3; K-Klub 2,3; Red Cros~ Representative 2,
3, President 3. MILLS, SANDRA J. - Lincoln - "Sandy" - Orchestra 1,2,3.
MINK, ALAN R. - Lincoln - "Al." MINK, DAVID A. - Washington - "Dove" - Bond 1,2. MINSK!, JACK W. - Washington
- "Jackie Boy."
- Washington - "Mooch" - Sophomore Girls' Choir; Red Cross
Representative. MOEDT, HELEN - McKinley - "Hillie" - Trident 2,3; G.A.A. I; Senior Mixed Choir 2,3; Sophomore Girls'
Choir I.
MOGDEN, JAMES A. - Lincoln - "Jim" - Swimming. MOHR,
SANDRA A. - Washington - "Pudge" - Pep Club 1,2,3, Treasurer 3, President 3; Sophomore Girls' Chorus I; Lotin Club 3;
lnterclub President's Council 3; Kenews Solesmon 2; Advanced
Soles 3; Red Cross Alternate I; Prom Comm ittee 2; Homecoming Condidote 3; Science Fair 2; Senior Closs Ploy 3. MOLDENAUER, WAYNE H. - Lincoln - "Mo.''
MOLINARO, CHRISTY A. - Lincoln - "Chris" - Student Council 2,3; Red Cross 1,2; Seminar 2; French Club 3; Wig 'n Mosk
3; Kenews 2,3, Reporter 2, Exchange Ed itor 3; Qu ill ond Scroll
Society 3; Prom Committee 2; Homecoming Floot Committee 3.
MOLINARO, ELEANORE E. - McKinley - "Ellie" - French Club
1,2; G.A.A. l; Wig 'n Mosk 1. MOORE, BETTY L. - McKinley.
MOORE, SANDRA L. - Lincoln - "Sondie" - S.C.A. 1; Wig 'n
Mosk 2,3; Booster Club 3. MORGAN, JAMES - Lincoln " Curt" - Track 2. MORRILL, BONITA - Washington - "Bonnie"
- G .A.A. 1.
MORRIS, KAREN L. - McKinley - G.A.A. 3. MORRISSEY, JOANN P. - Lincoln - Choir 1,2,3; Student Council 1. MORTON,
JAMES J. - McKinley - "Jim."
- Student Council 2; Spy 3, Artist; Sophomore Baseba ll; Printing Forman 2,3. MUIR, KAREN E. - Rooseve lt, Fond du Loe Artist's Alley 1,3, Treasurer 3; French Cl u b 2,3; Seminar 2; Wig
'n Mask 3; Future Teacher's 3; Sophomore Night 3; G .A.A. 1,2;
Closs Ploy 3.
MUNGER, ELEANOR JEAN - Lincoln - "Jeannie" - Sophomore
Girls' Chorus; Spy Representative 1,2,3; French Club 2; Seminar
2, Corresponding Secretory 2; Prom Decorations Committee 2;
Wig n' Mask 2; Variety Show Committee 2; Quill and Scroll
2,3; Thespians 2,3; Sadie Howkins' Candidate 2,3; Sophomore
Night 3; Foll Awards Assembly 3; Homecoming Candidate 3;
Spy 2,3, Copy Editor 2, Assistant Editor 3; American Field Service Exchange Student to Greece 3. MUNNS, CAROL. MURPHY,
PATRICIA l. - Washington - "Pot."
MURRAY, COLLEEN A. - Crystal Loke High School, Crystal
Lake, Ill. - Orchestra 1,2,3; G.A.A.; Advance Soles Ticket Salesman. MUSBACH, ROGER W. - Friedens. NEHLS, SANDRA P. Friedens - "Sandy" - G.A.A. l; Red Cross Representative 2;
Seminar 2.
NELSON, KAROL J. - Lincoln - A Cappello Choir 2,3, Treasurer 2, Secretory 3; Sophomore Mixed Choir; Trident 1,2,3; Spy
Salesman 2; KHS Organist 1,2,3;; Variety Show 2,3; Prom Committee 2. NETHERLY, ELAINE - Lincoln - ''Wild-cott." NEU,
DONALD J . - Solem Central.
NEU, JIM, F. - Washington. NEWBERRY, LAURINDA A. Lincoln - "Lourie" - Sophomore Mixed Choir; A Cappello 2,3;
G.A.A. 3; Wig n' Mask 2; Seminar 2; Red Cross Representative
1; Pool Assistant 3; Science fair 2, Second Place; Madrigals 3;
Prom Committee 2. NICHOLS, VIRGIL L. - Lincoln - "Tiger."
NIEHAUS, ARTHUR E. - Lincoln - Projectionist 2,3. NIEHAUS,
AUDREY l. - Lincoln - G.A.A. 1. NIMMO, TERRY
NOLAN, JAMES P. - Lincoln - "Jim" - Wig n' Mask 1,2,3;
Seminar 2; Projectionist 3; Work Experience 3. NORTON,
LARRY A. NOVY, DOUGLAS R. - McKinley - "Buckwheat."
ODAR, JACQUELINE M. - Washington - "Jackie" - Trident
2,3; G.A.A. l; Sophomore Mixed Chorus l; Senior Girls' Chorus
l; Senior Girls' Chorus 2,3; Red Cross Representative 2; S.C.A.
Cashier l; Future Teacher's l; Seminar 2; Latin Club l; Prom
Committee 2, Chairman; Kenews 2,3; Boaster Club 3; Pool Assistant 3; Spy Salesman 3; Wig 'n Mask 3. OHM, BETTY L. Min. Home High School, Arkansas - Future Business Leaders of
America l; Future Homemakers of America l; Pep Club 1,2;
Music Club 1,2. OHM, ELFRIEDE A. - Friedens - "Freddi" G.A.A. 3.
OLSEN, JERRY T. - Washington. O ' NEAL, CECIL P. - Lincoln
- "Cec" - Sophomore Wrestling l; Varsity Wrestling 2; Wig
'n Mask l; N.H.A. 2; Variety Show 2,3; Hi-Style Style Show 2;
Boaster Club 3; Student Council Alter no la l; Closs Play 3; Intramural Wrestling 3. ORGELSTRAND, THOM F. - Lincoln "Orgy" - Artist's Alley 1,2,3.
OSTLUND, KAREN L. - McKinley - " Karen Louise" - G.A.A.
l; Spanish Club 1,2; Wig 'n Mask 2; Seminar 2; N.H.A. 3;
Booster Club 3; Usher's 3; Wrentham Exchange 3; Pool Assistant
3; Sub-Deb 2,3, Secretary 3; Prom Committee 2; Mouse Trap
Play Committee; Science Fair 1,2, Secon d Place 2; Variety Show
3. OTTO, JAMES E. - Lincoln - "Jim" - Honor Society 2,3.
PACETTI, BRIAN R. - Lincoln.
PACKMAN, GERALD S. - Lincoln - " Ernie ." PAGE, NELS Lincoln - "Smokey Bear" - Varsity Football 2,3; Sophomore
Football l; Track 1,2,3; Wig 'n Mask 3; Senior Class Ploy Committee 3; Variety Show 3. PAGLIARONI, STEPHEN - Lincoln Cinematic Club 3; Audio-Visual Club 3; N .H.A. 3.
PALMEN, BARBARA J. - McKinley - "Barb" - Student Council
1,2; Sophomore Girls' Chorus, President; Senior Mixed Choir 2,
3; Kenews 2,3; Kenews Representative 3; Wig 'n Mask 2; Senior
Class Ploy 3; Quill and Scroll 2,3. PANKA, VALERIE K. - McKinley - "Val" - Girl Scouts 1,2. PARENT, RAYMOND C. - Lincoln
- "Ray" - Swing Band 2,3; Orchestra 2,3; Variety Show 2,3.
PARISEA, MICHELLE H. - Lincoln - Wig 'n Mask l; Prom Committee 2; Spy Salesman l; Senior Closs Play Committee 3.
PARISEAU, SUZANNE - McKinley - "Suzy" - French Club l,
2; Red Cross Representative 2; Wig 'n Mask 1,2. PARKINSON,
DONNA M. - McKinley - G.A.A. l; Wig 'n Mask 1,2; Seminar
2; Usher's 3; Spanish Club 1,2; Sophomore Girls' Choir l; Senior G irls' Choir 2,3; Booster Club 3; K-Teens 2,3, Senior Closs
Ploy Committee 3.
PASTERSKI, HELEN M. - Lincoln. PATE, HILDA J . - McKinley "Spooks" - Booster Club 3; Red Cross Representotive 1,2,3;
Student Council 3; Senior Girl Scouts 1; Ke news Solesmon 1;
N.H.A. 3; Spy Solesmon 3; G.A.A. 2,3, Archery Coptoin 3; Prom
Committee 2; G.A.A. Boord 3; Voriety Show 3. PATTERSON,
PATRICIA J . - Lincoln - "Pot" - Red Cross Representotive 1,2,
3; Lotin Club 1,2,3; Honor Society 2,3; Cinemotic 2,3; AudioVisuol 2,3; N.H.A. 2,3.
PAULSEN, KAYE Y. - Lincoln - G.A.A. l; Sophomore Mixed
Choir; Color Guord 2,3; Bond Treosurer 3; Voriety Show Committee 2. PAVLOVICH, LEE E. - Lincoln. PAWLOSKI, CATHERINE
R. - St. Joseph - "Cothy" - G .A.A. 1,2,3; Trident 1,2,3; Red
Cross Representotive; Girl Scouts 1,2,3; Science Foir 2.
PECK, PATRICIA A. - Lincoln - "Pot" - Sophomore Mixed
Choir; Senior Mixed Choir 2; Senior Girls 3; Spy Solesmon 1;
Kenews Solesmon 2. PECNICK, ROBERT CHARLES - Woshington
- "Bob" - Footboll 1; Swimming 1. PEDERSEN, MARCIA L. Lincoln - Red Cross Representot ive 1; S.C.A. 1; Ke news 2,3;
Forensics 2,3; Artists Alley 1,2,3; Notional Thespian Society 2,
3; Wig n' Mask 2,3; Seminar 2; Sophomore Night 3; Kenews
Salesman 1; Senior Class Play Committee.
PELLEGRINO, MICHAEL J. - McKinley - "Mike" - Vicepresident of Senior Class; Boseball l; Football Manager l;
Homecoming Campaign Manager 3; Senior Class Play Committee. PERRAULT, RONALD J . - Lincoln - "Ron." PERRI, ROBERT l.
- Washington - "Perri."
PERRINE, SUSAN M. - McKinley - "Suz" - G.A.A. 1,2,3, Boord
2,3; Wig n' Mask 1; Future Teachers 1; Sophomore Mixed Choir
1; A Cappello Choir 2,3; Red Cross Representat ive 3. PERRY,
JEAN - Lincoln. PETERSEN, HAROLD N. - "Norm."
PETERSON, KAY E. - McKinley - "Pete" - Student Council 1,
2,3; Kenews 2,3, Advertising Manager 3; French Club l; K-Teens
2,3, President 3, Corresponding Secretory 2; Inter.Club Presidents
Council 3, Secretory 3; G.A .A. 1, Wig n' Mask Club 3; Quill
and Scroll 2,3; Prom Committee 2; Booster Club 3; Senior Ploy
Committee. PETERSON, SHIRLEY A. - Lincoln - "Sheri" - Red
Cross Representative 1,2,3; Advance Tic et Salesman 2,3; Sophomore Mixed Choir; A Cappello Choir 2,3; Wig n' Mask I; Latin
Club 1; French Club 2; Senior Closs Ploy Committee. PFEIFFER,
PETER J. - Solem Central - "Pete" - Bond 1,2.
PIERCE, JAMES A. - Washington - "Little Otis" - Swimming
Team l; Sophomore Football; Varsity Football 2,3; Prom Committee 2; FUN League 2; Hi-Y 2,3, Corresponding Secretory 2,
Secretory 3; K-Klub 2,3; Booster Club 3; Senior Closs Ploy Committee. PINGITORE, JOANNE C. - McKinley - "Pinkie" Sophomore Girls' Choir; Senior Girls' Choir 2,3; Wig n' Mask 2;
Seminar 2; Latin Club l; Student Council l,3; French Club 2,3;
Sub-Deb 3, Corresponding Secretory 3; Senior Closs Ploy Committee; NHA 3; Booster Club 3; Prom Committee Chairman 2;
Ticket Salesman 3. PIVOVAR, MARGARET C. - Washington "Morge" - G.A.A. 1,3.
POLANIN, GLORIA. POMERENING, CAROLE A. - McKinley G.A.A. 3; A Coppello Choir 3; Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior
Girls' Choir 2. POOLE, EVA J. - Lincoln - "Eva Jone" Sophomore Mixed Choir; S.C.A. Cashier l; Wig n' Mask 2,3;
"Mousetrap" 2, "I Remember Moma," Assistant Director 3;
French Club 2; Spy 2,3, Copy Editor 3; Honor Society 3; Massachusetts Exchonge 3; Thespians 2,3; Prom Committee 2; Variety
Show 3.
POREDEN, ROSEMARY - Lincoln - "Rosie" - Sophomore Girls'
Chorus; Senior Mixed Chorus 2; Spanish Club 2,3; G.A.A. 3.
PORTER, EDWARD J. - Washington - "Ed." PRANGE, ALLEN
E. - Lincoln - "Al."
PREISS, ALFRED - Lincoln - "Al." PROBST, RAYMOND G. Washington - "Roy" - Spy Salesman l,2; Track l; Ke news
Salesman l; Red Cross Representative l. PRUST, JANET M. Friedens - "Joy" - G.A.A. l ,2,3.
PTACEK, MICHAEL B. - Washington - "Mike" - Wrestling l,
2,3; K-Klub 2,3; Hi-Y 1,2; Seminar 3; Wig n' Mask 3, "I Remember Mamo" 3; Booster Club 3; Homecoming Manager 3. PUNTILLO, LUCILLE - Washington - "Lu" - Student Council 1;
Sophomore Mixed Choir; A Cappello Choir 2,3; G.A.A. l,2,3;
Future Teachers Club l; Wig n' Mask l; Homecoming Committee
2,3; Spy Salesman 3. REENER, FRIEDA M. - Lincoln.
REIMER, MARIE C. - Flower Tech., Chicago, Ill. - G.A.A. l,
2,3; future Teachers 2,3; Cinematic 3; N.H.A. 3; Wig n' Mask 3.
RENICK, THOMAS A. - Lincoln - "Tom" - Cinematic 2,3,
Vice-president 3; Wig n' Mask 2,3; Honor Society 2,3; Debate
l,2,3; Seminar 2; Ushers 3; "Mousetrap" 2. RICKER, BONNIE L.
- Solem Central - "Ricks"
G.A.A. l, Secretory l; Library
Club 1,2, Treasurer; Forensics l.
RILEY, DENNIS R. - Lincoln - Cinematic 2,3; Grounded Grids
3; Senior Closs Ploy Committee. RIMKUS, ANTHONY J . - McKinley - "Elvis." RIMKUS, JOSEPH E. - Washington - "Muscles."
RINNELLI, RITA MARIE - McKinley - "Ree" - Sophomore Girls'
Chorus; Senior Mixed Choir 2; Senior Girls' Chorus 3; French
Club 1; Wig n' Mask 2. RISKE, PATRICIA A. - Lincoln - "Pot."
RIZZO, VINCE - Washington - "Rizz."
ROBILLARD, PAUL GENE - Friedens - "Shorty" - Cinematic
2,3; Ushers 3; Grounded Grids 3, President 3; N.H.A. 2,3. ROCK,
GARY LEE - Washington - "Rock." ROCKWOOD, DONNA M.
- Lincoln - G.A.A. 1,2.
RODEN, WAYNE V. - McKinley - "Rod" - Bond 1. ROEDEL,
RAY P. - Washington - "Remmie" - Swimming 1. ROSE,
DIANE K. - McKinley - "Dee-Dee" - Sophomore Mixed Choir
1; French Club 1,2; Student Council 2; Senior Girls' Choir 2,3;
Junior Closs Treasurer 2; Wig 'n Mask 2,3, Treasurer 3; SubDeb 2,3, Vice-president 3, Reporter 3; Sadie Howkins Candidate
2,3; Prom Royalty 2; G.A.A. 2; Senior Closs Secretory; Sophomore Night 3; Seminar 2; S.C.A. Cashier 1; Spy Representative
3; Senior Closs Ploy Committee.
ROSETH, DENNIS R. - Lincoln - Bond 1,2,3; Student Council
2; Variety Show Swing Bond 3. ROVIK, KAREN M. - Lincoln Seminar 2; Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior Girls' Choir 2,3; Spy
Salesman 2. ROWLANDS, MARALYN L. - Lincoln - "Mickey"
- Red Cross Representative 1,2, President 2; Girls' Chorus 1;
Seminar 2; Student Council 1, Alternate; G.A .A. 1,2; lnterclub
Presidents Council 2; Sadie Howkins Candidate 2; Senior Closs
Ploy Committee.
ROY, JAMES W . - Llncoln - "Jim" - Cross Country, Varsity
1.2,3, Captain 3, Most Valuable Runner 2,3; Track Varsity 1,2,3;
Baseball l; K-Klub 1,2,3; Kenews 1,2,3. RUFFALO, CAROL J
Lincoln . RUFFALO, DONALD K. - Washington - " Don."
RUFFALO, RONALD C. - McKinley - "Beef" - Sophomore
Football; Vorsity 2,3; Sophomore Basketball; Sophomore Base.
ball; Varsity 2,3; K-Klub 2,3; Spanish Club 2,3; Spy Salesman 2.
RYSHKUS, CAROL A. - Red Bank, High School, Red Bank,
N. J. - Mixed Choir 1,2. SADOWSKI, JANICE M. - Washing·
ton - "Jan" - Girls' Chorus 1; Honor Society 2; Red Cross
Alternote 1.
SALITURE, ANGELA J. - McKinley - "Angie" - G.A.A. 1,2;
Spy Salesman 1. SANDERSON, RICHARD L. - Washington "Sandy" - Tumbling Chair. SANTONI, DONALD J. - Lincoln
- "Big 'D'."
SANVILLE. LINDA J . - Lincoln - "Lindy" - Sophomore Girls
Chorus; Student Council 1; Prom Committee 2; Seminar 2,
Treosurer 2; Science Fair, Second Place 2; Wig n' Mask 2,3;
Sub-Deb 2,3, Treasurer 3, Vice-president 3; Spanish Club 3;
Booster Club 3; Spy Staff 3; Variety Show Committee 3; Var·
iety Show 3. SARTOR, CASSANDRA L. - Washington - "Cassie" - Red Crass Representative 1; Booster Club 3; Sophomore
Mixed Choir; Senior Mixed Choir 2,3; Wig n' Mask 3. SCHAFER, BEVERLY B. - Wcshington - " Bev" - Student Council
1,3, Alternate 2; Future Teachers 1,2; Sophomore Mixed Choir;
Senior Girls Chorus 2,3; Prom Committee 2; Wig n' Mask 3;
Variety Show 3; Variety Show Committee 3.
SCHENK, VIRGINIA L. - Lincoln - " Ginny" - Band 1,2,3.
JAN A. - McKinley - Band 1,2,3; Swing Band and Variety
Show 1.2,3, Student Director 3; Band President 3.
SCHMERLING, MARK - Lincoln - Wig n' Mosk 3; Latin Club 1;
Spanish Club 2; Seminar 2; Massachusetts Exchange 3.
SCHMIDT, BETTY M. - Friedens - "Betsey." SCHMIDT, ELISSA
SCHMIDT, ROBERT - Lincoln - "Crunch" - Varsity Football
1,2,3; Varsity Wrestling 1,2,3; Wig n' Mask 3; Prom Committee
2 ; K-Klub 2,3; Baseball 1. SCHNEIDER, DAVID W. - Lincoln "Dave" - Hi-Y 1,2,3, Vice-president 3; K-Klub 2,3, Secretary 3;
Football 1,2,3; Wrestling 1,2,3; Track 1.2,3. SCHNEIDER, KAY
L. - Washington.
SCHNEIDER, PATRICIA A. - Centra l High - " Pat ." SCHNELL,
CAROLE J. - McKinley - Band 1,2,3; Honor Society 2,3; Senior
Class Play Committee; Variety Show 3, Co-Producer . SCHNELL,
JANET A. - Friedens.
SCHROEDER, LOWELL C. - Zion Central - Band ; Orchestra;
Swing Band; Variety Show Swing Band 3. SCHUMACHER,
MICHAEL V. - Washington - "Horn." SCHURR, JUDITH ANN
- Washington - "Judy."
SCHWALBE, HEIDEMARIE E. - Friedens - "Heidi" - French
Club. SCHWANDT, J. ROBERT - McKinley - Sophomore Mixed
Choir 1; A Cappena Choir 2; Boys' Chorus 1,2,3; Usher's Club
1,2,3. SCHWARTZ, SUSAN M. - Lincoln - "Sue" - Spy Salesman 1,3; Sophomore Girls' Chorus 1; Senior Mixed Chorus 2,
President 2; Variety Show 2,3; Kenews 3; Prom Committee 2;
Science Fair 2.
SCHWEICHLER, ROBERTA L. - Lincoln - "Bobbie" - G .A.A.
1,2,3. SCOLA, ROSALINE J. - Lincoln - "Rose" - Red Cross
Representative 1,2,3; Senior Girls' Choir 3; Sophomore Girls'
Choir l; Senior Mixed Choir 2; F.U .N. Committee 2; Homecoming Committee 2, Chairman 2; K-Teens 2,3, Treasurer 3;
Spy Staff 2. SCOLA, ROSEANN M. - Washington - "Ro" Student Council l; Wig n' Mask l; N.H .A. 3; Kenews l;
Kenews Salesman l; Booster Club 3; Future Teachers; Sophomore Girls' Choir; Senior Mixed Choir; Red Cross Representative l; Variety Show 3.
SCOPEL, CECILIA H. - Lincoln - "Scope" - G .A.A. 1; Future
Teachers' Club l; Future Nurses Club 1,3; Spy Salesman l ,2;
G irl Scouts 1,2,3; Senior Girls' Chorus 2,3; Sophomore Girls'
Chorus l ; Booster Club l; Prom Committee 2 . SCOTI, NANCY
J. - Lincoln . SELLERS, BARRY D. - Washington .
SERPE, GEORGE C. - Wash ington. SERPE, LOUANNE R. Linco ln "Lou ie ." SEVERSON, SANORA S. Friedens "Sandy" - Senior Mixed Choir 2,3; Senior Class Play Committee
McKinley. SHAFFER, JOHN E. - Wash ington - Swimm ing Teem 2,3, Copto in 3 ; Bosebo ll 3. SHAW,
JERRY G. - McKinley - Cinematic 2,3; Boys' Chorus; Spy Solesmon 2 .
SIEDJAK, THOMAS G. - Wash ington - " Tim." SIGGER, JANICE - S.C.A. Cash ier I; Booster Club 3; G.A.A. 3; French Club
I. SIVER, GEORGE R. - Lincoln .
SIX, PATRICIA A. - Washington High School, Milwaukee G.A.A. 2; Senior Mixed Choir 2; Wig n' Mosk 3; Senior life Saving 2; Pool Assistant 3; Nurse Assistant 3; Advance Soles 3,
President. SKINNER, ELVIS N. - Washington - Football I;
Wrestling 1; Boseboll I. SMITH, BOB - McKinley - "Howk" Student Council 1,2,3; Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3; Boseboll
1,2; Bosketboll Coptoin 3; Boy Scouts I; Red Cross Representative 2; Future Teachers 2,3; Booster Club 3; K-Klub 2,3.
Washington Honor Society 2.
SMITH, DELORES M. SMITH, MIKE J . - Lincoln - "Smitty" - Football 1,2,3; Trock
1,2,3; Wrestling I; K-Klub 2,3. SMOLER, JOYCE C. - Lincoln
- S.C.A . Cashier I; Lotin Club I; Debote 1,2,3; Seminar 2, Corresponding Secretory 2; Honor Society 2,3; Red Cross Alternative I; Science Foir 2, Honorable Mention; SopholJlore Night 3.
SORENSEN, CAROL L. - Lincoln - A Cappello Choir 2,3;
Sophomore Mixed Choir; Latin Club I; Wig n' Mask 3; Science
Foir 1,2, Honorable Mention 1, Fifth Place 2; Pool Assistant 2,3;
Senior life Saving 2; Girl Scouts 1,2. SORENSEN, THOMAS E. Lincoln - "Zork" - Spy Salesman 3; Red Crass 1; Sophomore
Mixed Choir. SORENSON, SPENCER C. Wash ington
"Spence" - Wrestling Manager 2,3; Senior Mixed Chorus 3;
Massachusetts Exchange 3; Boys' Chorus 3.
SPICERO, CONSTANCE L. - Lincoln - "Connie" - Artists Alley I; Student Council I; K-Teens 2,3; Red Cross Representative 3.
STANCATO, CAMILLE J. - Washington - "Carmelita" - Red
Crass 1,3; Booster Club 3; Wig n' Mask 1; Variety Show 2.
STANCATO, MICHAEL J . - Washington - Wrestling 1,2; Student Council 3.
STANCATO, THERESA M. - Washington - G.A.A. 2; N.H.A. 3.
STANICH, DOUGLAS K. - Lincoln - "Doug." STANICH, JEFFREY L. - McKinley - A Cappello Choir 3; Male Chorus 2,3;
Variety Show 3.
Svenska Samskola, Helsinki, Finland - Kenews 3; Honor Society
3; Sub-Deb 3; Queen Daisy Moe 3; Spy 3. STARR, CAROL L. Lincoln - Wig 'n Mask I.
STAUDER, PATRICIA M. - Lincoln - "Pat" - Wig n' Mask 1;
G.A.A.; Advanced Ticket Salesman 3. STEAGALL, LARRY E. Lincoln. STEDDICK, JOHN F. - McKinley - "Smiley" - Swimming Team 1; Band 1,2; Swing Band 2; Variety Show 2; Orchestra 3; Spy Salesman 3; Pool Assistant 3.
STEELE, CLINTON J. - Washington - "Moose" - Sophomore
Football. STEINMETZ, JEANETIE D. - Lincoln - "Steiny" G.A.A. I; Spy Salesmen 1,2; Variety Show 2; Booster Club 3;
K-Teens 2,3. STENSTROM, THOMAS E. - Washington - "Tom."
L. - Lincoln - "Johnny" - Sophomore Symphonic Choir, Secretary; A Cappello Choir 2,3, President 3; Sophomore Football 1;
Varsity Football 2,3; K-Klub 3; Sophomore Basketball; Track 1,2;
Variety Show 2,3; Sophomore Night 3; Prom Committee 2; Key
Club I; Mole Chorus 1,2,3; Boys' Quartet 2,3; Madrigal Singers
3. STURINO, SANTO J. - Washington.
STRUM, JACQUELINE J . - Friedens - "Jackie"- A Cappello
Choir 2,3, Treasurer 2; Sophomore Symphonic Choir; Variety
Show 2,3; Student Council 2,3; S.C.A. Cashier I; Spy Salesman
I; Sophomore Night 3. STURMAN, MARLENE 8. - McKinley "Merna" - Sophomore Girls' Choir; Senior Mixed Choir 2,3;
Wig 'n Mask 3; G.A.A. I. SULLIVAN, COLLEEN K. - Washington.
SUMMERS, DOROTHY E. - Washington. SUMMERS. PETER P. Honanejah High School - "Pete." SWANNINGSON, CAROLE J.
- McKinley - "Swanson."
SZANTOR, JAMES P. - Lincoln - "Jim" - Band 1,2, Vice-president 2; Orchestra 3; Swing Band 1,2; Variety Show 1,2.
SZELIGA, VERONICA J. - St. Joseph - Hi-Style 2,3, Corresponding Secretary 3; G.A.A. 2,3; Band 1,2; Honor Society 2,3,
Correspond ing Secretory 3; Pool Assistant 2,3; Booster Club 3;
Seminar 2; Science Fair; Second Place; Variety Show Committee
3. TABILI, PETER J. - St. George.
TAPPA, JERRY l. - Lincoln - Sophomore Football; Varsity
Football 2,3; Sophomore Baseball; Varsity Baseball 2; Track 2;
Seminar 3. TARASIDO, HECTOR A. - Belgrano Doy School Spanish Club 3; Red Cross Representative 3; Honor Society 3; Key
Club 3; Track 3. TARESKI, RONALD E. - McKinley - "Ron."
TARSITANO, KATHLEEN M. - Washington - " Tors" - Spy 2,3,
Business Manager 3; Student Council 1,3; Student Exchange 3;
Sophomore Girls' Choir; Senior Mixed Choir 2,3; Booster Club
3; Library Assistant 2. TARSITANO, RITA M. - Lincoln "Reel" - Spy Salesmen 3; Booster Club 3. TASHEK, LORENE
A. - Lincoln - "Lori" - Latin Club l ; Wig n' Mask 2; G .A.A.
2,3; Booster Club 3; Future Teachers Association 3.
TECHERT, LINDA G. - McKinley - "Techie." TENUTA, JEAN C.
- St. Joseph - Senior Mixed Choir; G.A.A. 2. TERWALL,
BEATRICE S. - McKinley - "Susie" - Laeti Latini l; Cinematic
Club 3; Wig n' Mask 3; N.H.A. 3; Future Teachers 3.
TERWALL, LARRY J. - Lincoln. THOM, JOANNE M. - Washington - "Joannie." THOMAS, DOROTHY E. - Lincoln - "Darth"
- Latin Club l; Sophomore Girls' Chorus; Red Cross Representative l; K-Teens 2,3; Senior Mixed Choir 2; Honor Society 2,3,
Correspond ing Secretary 3; Spy Salesman 3; French Club 2,3.
THOMAS, MAXINE It - McKinley - "Max" - G.A.A. 1,2,3.
THOMEY, KATHLEEN A. - Washington - "Kathie" - Latin Club
1; Wig n' Mask 2,3; G.A.A. 1; Seminar 2, Treasurer; future
Teachers' Club; N.H.A. 3; Senior Mixed Chorus 2,3; Senior Class
Play Committee. TINNELL, CHERYL L. - McKinley - "Cricket" Sophomore Girls' Chorus 1; Senior Mixed Choir 2; Senior Girls'
Choir 3; Debate 3; Wig n' Mask 3; Cinematics 3; Senior Class
Play Committee 3.
TINNEN, TOM N. - Lincoln - "Rabbit." TOOLEY, KAREN M. Washington - Future Teachers' 1,3; Latin Club 1; Spanish Club
2; Seminar 2; Wig 'n Mask 2,3; Prom Committee 2; G.A.A. 1,2;
Booster Club 3; Spy Salesman 1,2; Kenews 2,3; Sophomore Girls'
Choir; Senior Mixed Choir 3; S.C.A. Cashier 1; Science Fair 2;
N.H.A. 3. TROTIIER, RAYMOND J. - Lincoln - "Ray."
TUFF, CHARLES C. - McKinley - "Chuck" - Goll 2,3; Wrestling l; Student Council Alternate 3; Wig n' Mask 3; " I Remember Moma" Cost 3; Booster Club 3; Seminar Club 3.
TURBEY, WILSON J. - McKinley - "Butch" - Honor Society
2,3, Vice Pres. 2, President 3; Kenews 2,3, Reporter 2, Editor
3; Qu ill and Scroll 2,3; Wrenthem Exchange 3; Student Council 3; Booster Club 3; Seminar 3, President 3; Swimming Team
1,2; Wig n' Mask 3; " I Remember Mama" Cost 3; lnterclub
Presidents' Council 3; Homecoming Manager 3; Prom Comm ittee
2; Spelling Bee Committee 2. TURCO, DELIA L. - Washington "Lil" - G.A.A. I .
UNWIN, KENNETH J. - Lincoln - "Uns" - Track 1,2,3; Soph.
Football; Soph . Var . Basketball 2; Var. Show 2,3; Soph . Symphonic Choir, Pres.; A Cappello Choir 2,3; K-Klub 3; Cross
Country 2; Prom Comm. 2 . UPRIGHT, SCOTI W. - Lincoln "Scoshus" - W ig n' Mask 1,2,3, Pres. 3; French Club 2,3, Pres.
3; Wrentham Exchange 3; Rep. to Northwestern U.; NHSI, Highest Award in Drama, 2; Science Fair 2; A Cappello Choir 2,3;
Soph. Symphonic Choir I; Boys' Choir 1,2,3; Boys' Quar. 2;
Hon. Soc. 3; Thespian Soc. 2,3; Kenews Stoff 3; lnterclub Pres.
Coun. 3; Sudent Coun. 3; Var. Show 2,3; UURIGHT, SUZANNE
- McKinley - "Sue" - G.A.A. 1; Mariners I; Senior Girls'
Choir 2,3; Science Fair 2; Girl Scouts I.
USINGER, DORIS J. - McKinley - "Punky." VALDEZ, VIOLA M.
- Washington - "Vi" - Sophomore Mixed Choir; Senior Girls'
Choir 2,3. VALEO, JOANN - Washington - Latin Oub I; Future Teachers I; Kenews 2,3; K-Teens 2,3, Secretary 3; Honor
Society 3; Girls' Chorus 1,2,3; Red Cross 2; Science Fair 2; Prom
Queen 2; Sophmore Class Treasurer I; Homecoming Candidate 3; Prom Committee Chairman 2; Senior ·class Play Committee 3; Variety Show 3.
VAN CASTER, WILLIAM L. - Lincoln - "Bill' - Bond 1,2,3; Orchestra 1; Variety Show Co-producer 3. VAN DAALWYK, KAARIN
R. - Lincoln. VAN HORN, JEAN L. - Byron - "Jeanie."
VAN HORN, SHARON l. - Waukegan Township High School "Sherri." VAN THEIL, SANDRA S. - Washington - "Sandy" G.A.A. Bowling 2,3; Science Fair l. VEALE, JOAN l. - Lincoln.
VEALE, LINDA E. - McKinley - "Chops" - Sophomore Girls;
Senior Mixed Choir 2; Hi-Style 2,3. VIG NIERI, JUDITH A. - McKinley - "Judy'' - French Club 1; G.A.A. 2; Girl Scouts 2.
VITE, JOSEPH l. - Waynesville High School - A Cappello
Choir. VITE, STEVEN J. - Lincoln - "Steve" - Student Coun.
1,3; Wig n' Mask 1,2,3; Soph. Mixed Choir; Latin Club 1; Seminar
2, V. Pres. 2; French Club 2,3; Nat. Hon. Soc. 2,3, V. Pres. 3;
Kenews 2,3, News Ed. 3, Ed.-in<hief 3; Booster Club 3; N.H.A.
3; Quill and Scroll 2,3; S. Cl. Play 3; Male Chorus 1; Science
Fair 2; lnterclub Pres. Coun. 3; Career Doy Chair. 3; Var. Show
Comm. 3. VLACHINA, MARLENE M. - McKinley - "Bunny" Trident 3; G.A.A. 1,2,3, Sec. 2, V. Pres. 3; Kenews 2,3; Seminar
2,3; Science Fair 1,2,3; Hi-Style 2,3, Bouncer 3; Quill and Scroll
2,3; Pool Assist. 2,3.
VOLPENDESTA, FRANCES A. - Lincol n - "Fran" - Booster
Club 2,3; French Club 1,2,3; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Wig n' Mask 1,2,3;
Kenews Salesman 2; Soph. Girls' Choir; S. Mixed Choir 2,3;
Treas. 2; Science Fair 1; Spy Salesman 3; Future Nurses Club 2,3.
WAITE, CAROLE M. - McKinley - Wig n' Mask l; Science Fair
l; K-Teens 2,3, Corr. Sec. 3, Treas. 3; Spelling Bee 1,2; Spy
Salesman 2; Kenews 2,3, Bus. Manager 3; Quill and Scroll 3;
Massachusetts Exchange 3. WALTERS, CAROL B. - Lincoln Soph. Mixed Choir; Sen. Girls' Chorus 2,3; Hon. Soc. 2,3; Science
Fair 2.
- Lincoln - "Nance" - Red Cross Representative 2; Wig n'
Mask 2; Seminar 2; Student Council 3, Secretory 3; Spy 2,3; Pep
Club 3; Senior Girls' Chorus 3, Secretary 3; Booster Club 3;
Prom Committee 2; Assistant Homecoming Manager 3; G.A.A.
l; Variety Show 3; Sadie Hawkins Candidate 3. WATKINS,
SARAH J. - Washington
"Joyce" - Spanish Club 2,3;
G.A.A. 3; Future Teachers 3; Future Nurses 3.
WATSON, ALLEN W. - Lincoln - "Al" - Debate l; Wig n'
Mask 1,2,3; Not. Thespian Soc. 2,3; Sem inar 2,3, Pres. 2; Student Coun. 2; lnterclub Pras. Caun. 2; Track 1,2,3; S. Cl. Play;
Spanish Club 2. WEBER, ROBERTA A. - Lincoln - "Roach" Student Coun. l: Prom Comm. 2; S. Girls' Choir 2,3; Var. Show
2; Science Fair 2; Kenews 3; Massachusetts Exchange 3; KTeens 2,3. WELLS, FRANK L. - Lincoln - Wig n' Mask 1,2,3,
Seminar 2, V.-Pres. 2; Prom Comm. 2; Kenews 2,3, Feature Ed.
3; Not. Thespian Soc. Science Fair 2; S. Cl. Play Camm. Crew
Chief; Var. Show Comm. 3; Career Do y Chairman 3.
WELLS, KATHLEEN - Lincoln - "Kitty" - Sophomore Symphonic
Choir 1; Loetoe Latini 1; Red Cross Representotive 1; Spelling
Bee Finalist 1,2,3; Science Fair 2, Third Place; Prom Committee
2; Seminar 2; Spy Stoff 2,3, Editor of Senior Section 3; Kenews
Salesman 3; N.H.A. 2,3; Football Ticket Salesman, Third Place
3; Honor Society 3; Sub-Deb 2,3, Treasurer 3. WENDORF, NEIL
N . - WENDT, JAMES C. - McKinley - "Jim" - Football 1,
2,3; Wrestling 1,2,3; Track 1,2,3, Captain 3; K-Klub 1,2,3, VicePresident 3; Hi-Y 2,3, Treasurer 2; Honor Society 3.
WENDT, ROBERT A. - Lincoln - "Bob" - Sophomore Track 1;
Swimming 1; Hi-Y Club 2,3, Secretory 2. WENGER, CAROLYN R.
- Friedens - "Carol" - Sophomore Mixed Choir I; Senior Symphonic Choir 2. WERTZ, DENNIS l. - Washington - "Squirts"
- Sophomore Symphonic Choir I; Senior Symphonic Choir 2; A
Cappe llo Choir 3; Sophomore Football 1.
WESTPHAL, VERNEEN J. - Washington - "Kitsy" - Sophomore
Symphonic Choir I; A Cappello 2,3; Trident 2,3; Artist's Alley 3;
Red Cross Representative 2,3; Prom Committee 2; Variety Show
2; Student Council Alternate 1; Booster Club 3; Senior Closs Play
Comm ittee 3. WHITAKER, PHILIP A. - McKinley - "Phil" Honor Society; Usher's Club. WHITE, THOMAS W. - McKinley "Whitey" or " Black" - Cross Country 1,2,3; Wrestling 1,2,3;
Baseball 1,2,3; K-Klub 2,3; Key Club 1,2 .
WHITEFOOT, CAROL l. - McKinley - Spy Salesman 1,3. WHITING, LAVERNE - Northeastern High, Detro it - Future Teacher's
Association. WHYERS, NANCY l. - Washington - " Nonce" Student Council 1; Student Council Alternate 2,3; Sophomore
G irls' Choir l; Senior Mixed Choir 2,3, Secretory 3; Spanish
Club 1; Booster Club 3; Prom Committee 2; Pep Club 1,2; Variety Show 2; Science Fair 2.
WHYTE, WILLIAM R. - Washington - " Bill" - Key Club 2,3,
President 3; Sophomore Baseball 1; Varsity Baseball 2; Homecoming Committee 2,3; Student Council 3; lnterclub President's
Council 3; N.H.A. 3; Science Fair 1,2; Sophomore Symphonic
Choir I. WIERSUM, JOHN C. - McKinley· - Spanish Club.
WIERSUM, KAREN M. - Lincoln - Sophomore Girls' Choir; Senior Mixed Choir 3.
WILCOTT, SANDRA l. - McKinley - "Sandy." WILLIAMSON,
ROBERT T. - Lincoln - Spanish Club 1. WILLKOMM, JEANNE
V. - Washington - S.C.A. Cashier 1; Sophomore Symphonic
Choir 1.
WIRCH, ROBERT W. - Lincoln - "Bob" - Sophomore Boseboll
l; Varsity Baseball 2; Homecoming Campaign Manager 3; Spanish Club 2. WITT, MARILYN A. - Lincoln. WOHLWEND, MARY
R. - West Bend High School - Student Senate 1; G.A.A. 1; Penmanship 2; Pep Club 3; Glee Club 2 .
WOLFE, THOMAS TW - Washington - Cross Country 1,2; Varsity Basketball 1,3; Track 1; Booster Club 1. WOODWARD,
EUGENE T. - Lincoln - "Woody." WRIGHT, G. ALAN Lincoln.
WRIGHT, MICHAEL R. - "Mike." YUNKER, KATHLEEN T. Washington - "Kothy" - Honor Society 2. YURCHAK, STEVE T.
- McKinley.
ZALESKI, JIM Y. - Washington - "Zoles" - Sophomore Football; Sophomore Baseball; Varsity Football 2,3; K-Klub 3; Student
Council 2,3; Committee Choirmon of Prom Committee; Track 2;
Science foir 2. ZAVACKE, LEO G. Lincoln "Butch."
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Internal Medicine & Cardiology
6530-Sheridan Road
L. C. Williams, Jr., M .D.
Physician & Surgeon
Lewis Turner, M .D.
Physicians Surgeon
2604-Roosevelt Road
Richard A. Powell
General Surgery
6814-14th Avenue
Spalding B. Hill, M .D.
Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat
625-57th Street
David D. Ruehlman, M .D.
5825-6th Avenue
6334-Sth Avenue
C. E. Pechous
General Practicioner
625-57th Street
5700 23 Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
60th St. & 40th Ave.
4824 - Sheridan Rd.
2324 - 63rd St.
6415 - 28th Ave.
5708 - 7th Ave.
6824 - Sheridan Rd.
Phone Ol. 7-3175
49006 -
OL. 7-9701
Do Not
A Little Bit Less.
2215 -
80th Street
2929 -
75th Street
OL. 8-8191
5614 -
6 Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
720 -
59 Place
Kenosha, Wis.
6118-22nd AVENUE
3105 -
60th Street
6206 -
22nd Avenue
620 -
59th Street
m£nsweA/l.. o
Manufacturers of Concrete Block and Lite-Weight Insulation Block
Congratulations to 1961 Class
3813 Roosevelt Roa d
3504 60 St.
OL. 7-9833
O L. 7-3880
Downtown Kenosha
Business Sponsors
7509 -
Allendale Food Shop, Inc .
7th Avenue
Goodyear Service Store
5411 - Sheridan Rd .
Charles H. Pfenning
700 - 57th Street
Ben Franklin Store
6136 - 22nd Avenue
Greenings Clothes Shop
6304 - 22nd Avenue
Rudd Plumbing & Heating
3509 - 71 st Street
Benson Oil Company
6621 - 39th Avenue
Kenosha County Abstract Co.
5610 - 7th Avenue
Sego l's
5709 - 6th Avenue
Brunner's Serv ice
22nd Avenue & 60th Street
Kenosha Prescription Lab.
624 - 57th Street
Sentry Foods
6031 - 40th Avenue
Charm Beauty Salon
6B19 - 14th Avenue
La Mielle Decorating Co.
7409 - 26th Avenue
Swan Laundry
3002 - 75 Street
Cohn ' s Shoe Store
5703 - 6th Avenue
Leader Store
611 - 5Bth Street
Tom ' s Food Shop & Beer Depot
Crystals Men ' s Shop
6th A""nue
Lincoln Super Mart
6830 - 14th Avenue
F & P Food Stare
4604 - 47th Avenue
George Timm & Company
716 - 5Bth Street
Manny' s Music Shop
5905 - 6th Avenue
Wettengel Business Mach ines
5921 - 6th Avenue
Da iry Dream
7500 - Sheridan Rd .
My' s Restaurant & Bar
SOB - 57th Street
W . C. Barte l, 0 .0 .
3612 Roosevelt Road
Ga llo Pharmacy
Sheridan Rd.
Neh lsen Sport ing Goods
51B - 56th Street
5520 -
7505 -
6513 -
5th Avenue
AT 24th AVE. & 60th ST.
6208 -
22nd Ave .
01. 2-3751
"For people who want something better"
OL 7-7141
5419- 16th Ave.
2906 -
Roosevelt Rd .
Phone -
OL 2-1223
4623 75th STREET
Telephone OL 4-8606
4631 75th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Olympic 7-3175
6415 28 Ave.
Phone ME. 2-1634
1431 Howe St .
0Lympic •2-9433
4625 Seventy-Fifth Street
Olympic 8-1 624
4627 75th Street
Kenosha , W isconsin
Kenosha, W isconsin
5620 6th Avenue
OL. 7-9814
606 57th Street
OL. 7-7433
Kenosha, W i sconsin
2623 - Washington Road
OL. 2-2952
YARD OL. 4-6794
Kenosha, Wisconsin
OL. 7-7537
NUMBER OL. 7-5139
s. 1,1 Ulilh. ~~
5909 &TH AVE. A _ __
5901 6th Avenue
OL. 8-8400
. .. leaders in the design
and manufacture of a full line
of stainless steel
••• and a full line of
Tri-Clover Division of Ladish Co. has gained
an enviable reputation as the leading producer
of sparkling clean stainless steel fittings, valves,
pumps, tubing and specialties. These high quality Tri-Clover Division products are widely
used and preferred by leading companies in the
Dairy, Beverage, Food and allied industries
throughout the country .
OL...YMPIC 4-1!500
2213 - 63RC STREET
MEN'S WEAR 7523 -
22nd Avenue
4 ·1111 I~ !I ••• I ;..1
!I • ; ... I •
7514 -
Sheridan Road
2500 -
60th St.
Kenosha, Wisconsin
6320 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, Wisconsin
614-618 J 56th Street
OL. 75931
Let's start with a brief descri ption of the Hero of your Success Story.
He or she can be a machine operator, a housewife, a store clerk, a teacher, a
clergyman , a union official , or engaged in any activity you may select. To write
a truly successful story, however, you must endow the Hero with four essential
c:iaracteristics .
The Hero of a Success Story has a willingness to learn . For the Hero there is
no final graduation - only a series of Commencements that bring with them new
lessons to be mastered.
The Hero of a Success Story has an unending desire to succeed in whatever he
undertakes . The phrase " just as good" is not in his vocabulary. " Better than"
are his favorite words and the yardstick by which he measures his work .
The Hero of a Success Story welcomes responsibility. For just as exercise develops muscles, so responsibility develops the man or woman . The degree of your
Hero's success will be governed by the responsibility he or she is willing to
The Hero of a Success Story always gives more than he gets. He is too busy
with important things to measure accurately his own worth . His greatest satisfaction comes from being of real service to his fellow men .
It is never too early nor too late to begin your Success Story. Writing it will
not be easy because success is never easily captured. But your chances of authoring your own Success Story are greater in the United States than they would be
in any other country in the world .
Kenosha, Wis.
715 - 56th Street
5919 - 6th Avenue
2272 - Roosevelt Rood
711 - 57th Street
5518 - 6th Avenue
716 - 58th Street
3816 - 60th Street
925 - 58th Street
P.O . Box 829
622 - 59th Street
3215 60th Street
7506 22nd Avenue
8237 Sheridan Road
Kenosha, Wisconsin
OL. 8-1664
OL. 7-6593
DIAL OL. -22410
2224 -
63rd Street
710 -
58th St reet
6210 -
22nd Avenue
OL. -26919
Phone OL. 4-3591
1Jou Can
North.- East
7426 -
40th Avenue
S out h-Po rl
lumber \S A\wa:ys Bcsl
103 -
91 st Street
l<'<nosha., lJisconsin
6203 - 28~Avcnu£.
3601 Roosevelt Road
2907 -
63rd Street
7514 -
30th Avenue
6803 -
39th Avenue
PHONE OL. 4-3544
OL. 7-6166
6908 - 29th Avenue
OL. 4-8678
5935 - 7th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
4519 -
76th Street
3416 Roosevelt Road
702 -
3625 Roosevelt Road
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Mill Store
Open to Public
3215 -
60th Street
OL 7-7131
Kenosha Full Fashioned Mills Inc.
~-~--- 6204 22nd An. ~---~
4425 -
30th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin
5431 -
6th Avenue
Fine Food
Your Enjoyment
l 0401 Sheridan Road
6th Avenue corner of 56th Street
"Complete Home Furnishings"
2221 -
01. 21741
63 Street
7943 Sheridan Road
620 -
56 Street
624 -
56 Street
Dental Professional Sponsors
The Kenosha County Dental Society is
a component society of the Wisconsin
State Dental Society and of the American Dental Association .
Its purpose is to maintain the standards
of dentistry and lo increase profes·
sional knowledge.
George C. Gabe, D.D.S.
General Dentistry
625 - 57th Street
Edward P. Nicolai, D. D.S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery
625 - 57th Street
Thomas B. Lane, D.D.S.
General Dentistry
6124 Sheridan Road
Warren A. Johnson
General Dent istry
6820 - 14th Avenue
C. A. Mundt, D.D.S .
General Dentistry
2209 - 63rd Street
A. E. Pacetti
D. W. Baumgartner, D.D .S., M.S .
General Dentistry
6706 Sheridan Road
General Dentistry
3804 - 64th Street
Richard P. Jones, D.D .S.
General Dentistry
6402 Sheridan Road
Frank J. Caruso, D.D.S.
General Dentistry
3607 Roosevelt Road
' JEJf{Hi~ •••••
oLv••n . . ,a
Camera & Photo Supplies, Inc.
9~'~ ~awt Win4.i fP.t S~
2204 Roosevelt Rd. • OLympic 4-2410
Autographs . . .
Member F.D.l.C.
Established 1852
3219 -
60th Street
6716 -
22nd Avenue
Anthony Ruffolo -
Ron Ruffolo -
7549 Sheridan Road
"The Most Beautiful 18 Hole Minoture Golf Course in the Middle West"
AAA, Stephen Stein
Francis Vidas Agency
Maxwell's Camera Shop
Arthur Inc.
Frank's Bakery
Mayer Drug
Anthony's Used Furniture Store
Fred P. Rudy Company
McCoy' s Foods
Apyan Rug Company
Hartnell's Food Shop
Midwest Music Shop
Badger Press
Highland View Food Shop
Oage Thomsen's
Badger Rug and Furniture
lsetts Sport Shop
Oberlin's Flower Shop
Blanche's Park Side Restaurant
John's Watch Shop
Phil Wilk Auto Shop
Carl's Market
Johnston Hardware
Phillip's Gift Shoppe
Josephson & Thomey Company
Pofahl Linoleum & Paint Store
Courtesy Auto Salvage
Julius Hoffmann, Contractor
Ramsdell's Service
Covel Ii' s Delicatessen
Julius Urban, Tailor
Roosevelt Beauty Salon
Dickelman's Toy Shop
Kenosha Electric Motor Service
Salon De Coiffure
E. C. Binninger, Florist
Kenosha Nutritional Food Store
Sam Bianco Barber Shop
Kenosha Rambler Inc.
Stella's Market
Ernst Book Store
Kenosha Washer Service
Sunnyside Drug Store
Fashion Drapery Company
Kiddy Korner -
Flatley's Sausage Shop
Lake Crest Furniture
Superior Cleaners & Tailors
Forest Park Barber Shop
Larsen's Jewelry
The Better Glass Company
Sunnyside Florists
Tween Teen
OL. 4-9822
5713 Sheridan Road
Joel B. Grinder
643 -
3816 -
60th Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Autographs ...
58th Street
01 -76963