116 Abstract Community Park Salem Curtiss
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116 Abstract Community Park Salem Curtiss
Copies of official abstract beginning in 1839 to 1966 of Abstract of title for part of the Sections 21 and 22 in T1 R20 and part of the property commonly known as the former Curtiss Property and now part of Community Park of Salem. Some names included herein are Laura Ann Maltby, William Bullen, Charles Curtiss, Curtis, Seth Cooley, Abram Wolaver, Woolaver, Woolever, Jon B Jilson, Erastus Smith, Curtis, Hiram S Munson, William Munson Emily Munson, Mary C Munson, Harrison Robbins, Nelson Larue, John Wolf, Daniel C Burgess, George Chase, Isaac Brown, Elira Brown, I W Webster, Volney French, Mary Turnock formerly Mary Curtis, W N Curtiss, Walker M Curtiss, S Thorp, Edwin Munson, J M Brown, J S Thorp, J M Brown, Edwin Munson, Grace S Smith, Ann L Sheen, George W Taylor, Charles H Curtiss, Oline M Curtiss, Mark W Curtiss, Lyle W Curtiss, William S Foulke, Arch N Murdock, Soo Line Railroad, Frank A Pierce Company Aka Trevor Stock Yards, Wisconsin Central Railroad, Charles B Yeaw, Mrs P A Udell, Pardon Yaw, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railroad, Christine Kaiser, Fred R Schreck, Hattie Curtis, Katherine B Curtiss, Henry A Lubeno, Jos Funck, Mary K Sorensen, Eljal T Francis, Nathan Hawley, Samuel Francis Jr, Samuel Hale, Alonzo Campbell, G Gillett, Hiram S Munson, Benjamin Robbins, E C Robbins, E D Robbins, Hiram S unson, Goodwin Burret, S Y Brands, John Wolf, Nelson LaRue, Spencer Goodwin, Ira Peirce, James Cooley, Martha A Selleck, H H Tarbell, Julia Francis, Kenosha and Beloit Railroad, Oliver DeForest Grant, William Barton, Salmon Curtiss, James Turnock, H H Tarbell, A S Cole, Wooliver, Augustus Vanalstine, Van Alstine, Charles Frantz, Margaret A Watson, Orson H Watson, Pardon Yaw, L B Nichols, Harrison Robbins, Constantia Brown, Harrison Robins, Daniel B Benedict, Grace S Smith, Frank F Smith, Elvira Smith, Rachel Smith, Charles A Tarbell, Mary K Sorensen, Georgena C Curtiss, Asahel W Benham, Peter Fisher, E B Belden, Benj M DeDiemar, Joseph Funck, Clara B Curtiss, Rachel I Button, Center Lake Woods, Robert V Baker, Jeanette E Richmond Curtiss, Dorothy Schlenker, Gottfred J Nelson. From the Curtiss Family Collection.
116 Abstract Community Park Salem Curtiss.pdf
Linda Valentine Snippets
Real property
Deeds of trust
Map collections
Kenosha County, Wisconsin
Salem, Wisconsin
Salem Lakes, Wisconsin