Kip Nelson ABC Services- Request for Emergency Response Assistance
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Kip Nelson ABC Services- Request for Emergency Response Assistance
Letter to Bill Bolen, regarding of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), asking the EPA, of region 5, of help of evaluating and mitigating Kip Nelson's threat pose of waste materials at Kenosha County, Wisconsin.
2002-11-07 00:00:00.0
Kip Nelson/ABC Services
State of Wisconsin/ Department of Natural Resources
Amy S. Walden
Administrative Record
Emergency response & Removal
Waste materials
Kip Nelson ABC Services
Environmental reporting
State of Wisconsin/ Department of Natural Resources
City of Kenosha
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Scott McCallum, Governor
Darreli Bazzftl!, Secretary
101 S. Webster St,
Box 7921
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7921
Telephone 608-266.2621
FAX 608-267-3579
TTY 608-2674897
EPA Region 5 Records Ctr.
November 7, 2002
Bill Bolen
US EPA Region 5
77 West Jackson Blvd. SE-5J
Chicago, IL 60604
Subject; Kip Nelson ABC Services • Request for Emergency Response Assistance
Dear M
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources {WDNR) requests U.S. EPA Region 5 Emergency
Response Branch assistance to help evaluate and mitigate the threat posed by (lie Kip Nelson ABC
Services. This site includes 4 properties located at 6000,5910,6800, and 5700 49" ST, Kenosha,
Kenosha County, Wisconsin. This salvage yard contains tank storage and reoyuling, waste drum
storage, vehicle storage, tires, waste petroleum products storage, tank sludge, and used ink. Drums onsite are leaking or overflowing, tanks to De recycled containing sludges yr liquids are not Intact causing
leaking, and soil staining from spills is prevalent, Chlorinated compounds have been Identified from drums
and'in the soil as well as high levels of metals. I have included a RISE form with this request
The responsible party is under a stipulation from DOJ to remove the wastes from the site. Removal of the
waste is not proceeding in a timely fashion due to lack of funds from the responsible party. They had a
new spill at the 5010 property on September 23, 2002. WDNR and WDOJ met with the responsible party
on November 5,2002 for an update on the progress at the properties. The RP's consultant provided two
letters describing the activities that have occurred at the site In the last rnunlti, to shanna Laube, WDNR
and Lorraine Stoitzfus, WDOJ dated October 30,2002 and November 1,2002, respectively. Copies of
these letters have been faxed to Craig Thomas. Both Craly Thomas and Bill Simes have toured this 9tte
and have first hand knowledge of the situation,
WDNR requests assistance from EPA to mitigate the immediate threat posed by the on-going and
historical discharge of waste petroleum products, unknown wastes, tanK sludge, miscellaneous debris
and contaminated soils at this $Ke. Please contact me at (608) 267-5063, to set up an initial conference
; S, VMIden
Federal Removals Coordinator
Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment
cc: Shanna Laube/Jim Schmidt/Walt Ebersohl - SER
Quality Natural Resources Management
Through Excellent Customer service
Region 5 RISE Information Form
Date: 11/07/02
OSC/phone #:
State Contact/ Phone # : Shanna Laube, DNR, 9531 Rayne Rd, Suite 4, Sturtevant,
Wl 53177, 262-884-2341
Other Contacts: Amy Walden DNR Federal Removals Coordinator (608) 267-5063
Fax (608) 267-7646
Who reported site? WDNR
Site Name: ABC Service/Kip Nelson
Site Specific Spill ID#:
WDNR ID #; FID 230054000 BRRTS 02-30-235426, FID 230083920, BRRTS 02-30269822, FID 230051690, BRRTS 02-30-235784 & 04-30-050262, FID 230073800,
BRRTS 02-30-269833
Site Location (address/city/county/state): 6000, 5910, 5800 and 5700 49th ST,
Kenosha, Kenosha County, Wl (6000, 5910 and 5800 are contiguous with no defining
separation. Waste is spread across all three properties. 5700 site is separated from the
other 3 by a Bulk Fueling Facility)
Site Owner Name and Phone #: Merlin (Kip) Nelson, owner/operatcr
Attorney Arthur Morrissey, Jr. 282/637-7666
Suspected Resource Damage. Soil and groundwater
Operation Status: Inactive
Type of Operation and Wastes:
This salvage yard contains tank storage and recycling, waste drum storage, vehicle
storage, tires, waste petroleum products storage, tank sludge, and used ink. Chlorinated
compounds have been identified in drums and in the soil as well as high levels of
The responsible party is under a stipulation from DO J to remove the wastes from the
site. They had a nsw spill at the 5910 property on September 23, 2002. Removal of
the waste is not proceeding in a timely fashion due to lack of funds from the responsible
party. Currently his brother is supplying funding in an attempt to remove the wastes and
'have the consultant complete a site investigation. Due to the amount of drums, tanks
and debris located on the site there is little room for collecting samples or installing
monitoring wells, Plus there is real potential for any wells that may be installed to
become damaged and useless due to the waste removal activities on the site.
There are also some storage trailers and buildings on the site that the Department does
not know what may be stored within these structures.
Request for Assistance
WDNR is requesting U.S. EPA to conduct a removal assessment at this site to
determine whether EPA can take a response action to mitigate the immediate threat
posed by leaking and/or overflowing drums & tanks of waste petroleum products and
unknown materials, tank sludge, miscellaneous debrie and contaminated soils.
Note to QSC's:
Send copies of documents and fax PolReps to:
1) State Contact listed above and
2) Amy Walden, DNR Federal Removals Coordinator (608) 267-5063 Fax - (608) 267-7646
101 S.Webster Street RR/3
P.O. Box 7921
Madison, Wl 53707
Removal Site Assessment
Remediation Decision (TC, NiTC, NPL)
Date of Decision:
Prepared by:
Removal Action Decision: