Environmental Innovations Letter Re: Bi-Monthly Progress Update of the clean-up efforts at the Kip Nelson Services properties.
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Environmental Innovations Letter Re: Bi-Monthly Progress Update of the clean-up efforts at the Kip Nelson Services properties.
Letter to Lorraine C. Stoltzfus, on an bi-monthly progress update, of the clean-up efforts at the Kip Nelson properties, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
2002-11-01 00:00:00.0
Kip Nelson/ABC Services
Environmental Innovations, Inc (EI)
Paul D. Herbert
Administrative Record
Emergency response & Removal
Kip Nelson Properties
Environmental reporting
Environmental Innovations, Inc (EI)
City of Kenosha
Kenosha, Wisconsin
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.Consulting, Remediation and Industrial Services
14000 Leetsbir Road Sfurtevont. Wl 53177 262-886-4800, FAX 262-886-4^2
EPA Region s Records ctr.
November 1, 2002
Via FAX 608-266-2250
And USPS Mail
Lorraine C. Stoltzfus
Assistant Attorney General
State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice
123 West Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53707-7857
State vs. Merlin Nelson, Case No. 2000-CV-542
Bi-monthly report
Dear Ms. Stohrfus.
Per Paragraph l(d) of the stipulation. Environmental Innovations. Inc. (Et) is providing a
written bi-monthly progress update of the clean-up efforts at the Kip Nelson Services
properties. This report covers the period from September 16, 2002, through October 31,
The following is a breakdown for each of the properties:
6000 49th Street
A scrap dealer has removed approximately 75 percent of the scrap metal and vehicles
from this parcel. Approximately 200 to 400 scrap tires arc on this parcel and are being
consolidated for collection by a tire recycler. In addition a few waste oil drums still
remain on this parcel. These drums will be moved into a building on 5910 49th Strcci
until disposal can be scheduled.
6000 49th Street has been used as a staging area for waste oil and other materials until
they can be shipped off site for proper disposal, During the consolidation and staging of
waste oils rwo releases occurred on September, 24,2002. Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources was notified of the release. Soil samples were collected from both
locations. In addition a sample of the waste oil was collected and analyzed. The samples
were analyzed for total metals. The analytical results showed that the stained soil in one
location was apparently non-hazardous while the olher appears to be hazardous. The
analytical results of the waste oil were not indicative of a hazardous waste.
An interim corrective action is being prepared to abate the .soil that appears lu be
hazardous. The abatement will include excavating the soil from the immediate area and
containerizing the waste in lined, covered roll-off boxes unri) further analytical testing
can be completed. Upon receipt of the analytical results the soil wijj be disposed of as
either a hazardous waste or a special waste as appropriate,
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Fifteen drums of gasoline were removed from the site on October 28, 2002
5910 49th Street
A scrap dealer has removed several vehicles and other scrap steel from this property.
Numerous drums of waste oil were consolidated as a bulk shipment of 5,51 6 gallons of
waste oil that was removed for proper disposal and recycle on October 4, 2002. In
addition a bulk shipment of 5800 gallons of waste oil was removed on October 25, 2002
and another bulk shipment of 5800 gallons of waste oil was removed on October 28,
2002. Two shipments of scrap tires were removed on July 26, 2002 and September 26,
2002 which consisted of a total of 157 tires.
5800 49th Street
No significant clean-up progress has been made at this parcel. Installation and sampling
of three groundwater monitoring wells has been proposed by El and i.s awaiting client
5700 49th Street
Previous DNR samples collected from Tanks 8 and 14 indicated that the contents were
classified as a hazardous waste. The waste oil from Tank 1 4 was disposed of as a
hazardous waste and the remaining water from the tank was transferred to Tank 8.
Additional samples were collected and submitted tor analysis to confirm that Tank 8
contains a waste material that is classified as a hazardous waste The remaining material
in this tank will be disposed of as a hazardous waste. Including Tank 8 there are 10
aboveground tanks still on this property that contain a quantity of petrol cum/waier and
waste oil sludge.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration concerning this case, ff you have
any questions, please contact me at 262-886-4800.
Paul D. Herbert
Merlin Nelson. Ktp Kelson Sei^i ces
Attorney Arthur J. Morrissey, Jr.
Mike Ellenbecker, WDNR
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