Western Kenosha County Towns & Villages
Item set
- Title
- Type
Western Kenosha County Towns & Villages
Western Kenosha County
624B Hegeman Ledger Wilmot 1898-1910 b
The Ledger - 1898-1 910 includes some narratives referencing George, Higgins, Aunt Carrie, Rollie. It includes lists of items and services (and the names of those providing the labor) and relates to home as well as farm and farm activities. Believed to be his personal ledger. Believed to also include inventories of belonging. Shows purchases and income and wages. The pages are pre-numbered. The handwritten material is in pencil. Blank Pages have been removed. IT is not an easy read. -
325B Hegeman Register of Wilmot 1863-1867
This book is handwritten in pencil and ink by an unknown person but presumably a Hegeman or employee. As a note- one dollar (1913 conversion) to 2014 is apx $25). The pages were not prenumbered but have been hand numbered for clarity. Blank pages were not included in the numbering. Researchers should review each page for names that are occasionally entered in the ledger. There are entire pages for single names of the community. Including, Beimer, Silvernail (buried Wilmot Cemetery) , references to Burlington, Geneva, paying via services, Constable, Wheatland. There are many early entries in OLD GERMAN The book includes records of names, services, materials which has, as its primary entry, beer. It is presumed that this is a "running tab" Page 84 has been ripped and a section deliberately removed. IN this book are notations of Summons being recorded by Constable Hegeman. (pg 91) *because of these summons, Kruckman, another German writer is excluded as the Author of this book. -
325A Hegeman Register of Wilmot 1863-1867
This book is handwritten in pencil and ink by an unknown person but presumably a Hegeman or employee. As a note- one dollar (1913 conversion) to 2014 is apx $25). The pages were not prenumbered but have been hand numbered for clarity. Blank pages were not included in the numbering. Researchers should review each page for names that are occasionally entered in the ledger. There are entire pages for single names of the community. Including, Beimer, Silvernail (buried Wilmot Cemetery) , references to Burlington, Geneva, paying via services, Constable, Wheatland. There are many early entries in OLD GERMAN The book includes records of names, services, materials which has, as its primary entry, beer. It is presumed that this is a "running tab" Page 84 has been ripped and a section deliberately removed. IN this book are notations of Summons being recorded by Constable Hegeman. (pg 91) *because of these summons, Kruckman, another German writer is excluded as the Author of this book. -
324A Hegeman Register of Wilmot 1856-1859
This book is handwritten in pencil and ink by an unknown person but presumably a Hegeman or employee. As a note- one dollar (1913 conversion) to 2014 is apx $25). The pages were not prenumbered but have been hand numbered for clarity. Blank pages were not included in the numbering. Researchers should review each page for names that are occasionally entered in the ledger. There are entire pages for single names of the community. Including, Beimer, Silvernail (buried Wilmot Cemetery) , references to Burlington, Geneva, paying via services, Constable, Wheatland. There are many early entries in OLD GERMAN The book includes records of names, services, materials which has, as its primary entry, beer. It is presumed that this is a "running tab" Page 84 has been ripped and a section deliberately removed. IN this book are notations of Summons being recorded by Constable Hegeman. (pg 91) *because of these summons, Kruckman, another German writer is excluded as the Author of this book. -
015 Wilmot Bridging the Years 1837-1987
This book was copied so that it could easily be reproduced without damage and wear and tear on the original issue. -
626B Hegeman Ledger of Wilmot 1869-1913
Louis Hegeman is believed to be the author of this ledger. It includes pre-numbered pages (the blanks removed) and is written in fountain pen and pencil. He notates assessments, believed to be for real estate taxes and names of people who were assessed. He notates loans to people and one, is paid in Gold (Page 32) . He mixes town business, with home, with hotel and with farm. It is a hard book to review. There are several items pasted to the covers including a day pass for 109 1893 World's Columbian Exposition and newsclips on Nancy Hanks a Trotter. -
673 History Town of Wheatland 1976 WKCHS 53
A Bicentennial Program result that created the History of the Town of Wheatland with images (look for better scans of the images elsewhere). -
653 Abstract Wheatland Sec 8 Brandes Powers Lake Sportsman 66
Abstract of title for the West half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8 T1 R 19E and West half of the east half of NW quarter of Section 17 T1 NR19E in Town of Randall commonly referred to as Powers Lake Sportsman's Club of approximately 61 acres apx From the Norm Brandes Family Collection. -
268 Seeds of Wheatland 1976-1979 103
This is a collection of Seeds of Wheatland which is a student paper reflecting activities each quarter in the year. The first issue each year basically is published in October. This is a nice collective showing the growth of the students, their names, names of teachers and events that they participated in. It was a School-wide paper to show pride of place and student to the parents. It did include some political material and included material regarding the consolidation efforts. Wonderful history. FOR THIS COLLECTIVE, We chose to separate the booklets by the CALENDAR year, not the volumes. This does force the booklets to bridge different school years. Researchers should understand this. In 1956, the numbering reflected Volume 3 which indicates that SEEDS started at least in 1953-1954. -
264 Seeds of Wheatland 1969 85
This is a collection of Seeds of Wheatland which is a student paper reflecting activities each quarter in the year. The first issue each year basically is published in October. This is a nice collective showing the growth of the students, their names, names of teachers and events that they participated in. It was a School-wide paper to show pride of place and student to the parents. It did include some political material and included material regarding the consolidation efforts. Wonderful history. FOR THIS COLLECTIVE, We chose to separate the booklets by the CALENDAR year, not the volumes. This does force the booklets to bridge different school years. Researchers should understand this. In 1956, the numbering reflected Volume 3 which indicates that SEEDS started at least in 1953-1954. -
174 Wheatland St John Church Slades Early Map Randall Oakdale Abstract 134
Pages: 0-4 Miscellaneous clippings pertaining to Wheatland; 5-22 St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Slades Corners, WI, 150; Anniversary Booklet; 23-25 Undated but pre 1850 map of Wheatland township before being modified to reflect Burlington and Randall Townships; 26 1986 Wheatland and Randall township maps; 27-37 Oakdale School at Old Hwy 50 and County 0 which has been consolidated; 38- 133 Abstracts of title for the Oakdale School property which reflects names, dates and coverage . -
072 History of the Town of Wheatland 48 WKCHS
History and recollections and images of the Town of Wheatland. -
111 Summer Enchantment
The book itself has been scanned and copied to CD and is for sale by the Western Kenosha County Historical Society- WKCHS. Greg Saucerman and Arne Jensen. -
798 Twin Lakes Business Men's Association
Minutes and newsclips pertaining to the titled Association. At the end, a few pages pertaining to the Twin Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce. -
162 Village of Silver Lake 50 years 1926-1976
This is a copy of the book that is on the shelves at the Community Library. We are concerned both by the potential loss of the book for any of a variety of reasons and by the fact that it has a substantial amount of data that is not easily searched. By the process of the digital archive, we protect the book and allow for Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Thank you to A. Kenjar for the efforts to photocopy for the project. -
842 Salem Misc Legal Certificates Brown Bushing Cull Family FWB 65
Not including deaths and wills. Including Births, Marriages, School, Declaration of lntention (1912) Licenses and diplomas. Antioch Township High School; Bacon; Brown; Burdett; Bushing; Castle; Cull; DesPlaines View School; Feuerer; Fiegel; Fletcher; Fox River School; Grabinsky; Liberty Congregationalist Church; Liberty Corners; Lincoln Grade School; Lincoln Jr High School; Maple Ridge School; Oetting; Pike River School; Racine Kenosha Teachers College; Salem Center School; Salem Methodist Church; Smith; Union Free High School; Union Grove School; Victory School; Watson; Wilmot Grade School -
799 A little history Valentine 129
2010 -2014 comments to the Making Salem Better Google Groups as part of "a little history" segment that I created to hear/see what people thought of history comments and pictures. "A Little History" gave way to material first on the Making Salem Better Facebook Page (as a test for interest) and then the Facebook Page for the Western Kenosha County Historical Society. The result grew the Facebook Fans to over 700. All that material has since been converted to this searchable PDF and removed from the internet. The information recorded was done in as a causal conversation about the image/s and is meant only to give hints to the researcher to pursue as their personal interest grows. In this version, there may be additional images because it is much easier to insert an image in a WORD document than on Facebook or in Googlegroups. All of this is original creation by Linda Valentine unless there is citation. -
778 Salem Local History Various Clips WKCHS 94
Clippings, Images, news articles that were individually scanned and then combined into a single pdf. If they were originally in color they were definitely scanned in color. -
664 Abstract Salem Sec 27 Booth Patrick Mecklenburg Gekas FWB 23
Abstract of title for the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Town 1, Range 20 East and the West half of the East half of Southwest Quarter of Section 27 containing about 1 04 acres. Copies of official abstract beginning in 1840 thru 1 924 for the property commonly called the Patrick Farm, north side of Hwy C at JF. Some names included herein are: Brown, Underwood, Patrick, Booth, Langman, Chicago Wisconsin and Minnesota Railway Company, Taylor, Thayer Refrigerator Milk, Yaw, Terpening, Kendall, Curtiss, Parks, Emsley, Munson, Hoskins, Butrick, Webster, Fisher, Mickle, Letzter, Brook, Parker. From the FWB Fred Brown Family Collection. -
463B Local Salem Area History Various 73
Loose materials regarding Town of Salem, Elections, 2013, early sewer, miscellaneous. Silver Lake Rock Lake Maps Valmar. -
319A IOOF Minutes Salem Lodge 42 Wilmot 1862-1871 WKCHS 154
This book is handwritten in fountain ink. It records meeting dates and attendees, membership admission, sponsors, fees, initiations, names, notes regarding deaths and 'expellings".lt contains signatures when there were elections and reflects dates and issues normal to an organization. The minutes were not always written by the same individual. It reflects signatures of many of our older residents. The pages are pre-numbered. Researchers should review each page. The names included below are ONLY a sampling of names and the same person and children may be listed on different pages over time. Arnold; Bullen; Gardner; Mead; Vanderlock; Atton; Carpenter; Hapgood; Orvis; VanDusel; Barhyte; Colt; Haythorn; Owen; VoakPhillips; Bayhort; Cook; Hegeman; Pease; Wilber; Benedict; Cushman; Kruckman; Scherf; Woodworth; Billett; Diderance; Layton; Schnutt; Brimm; Faulkner; Marsh; Schreck; Brimm; Felt; McKinney; Shotliff. -
459 Various Western Kenosha Area flyers information WKCHS 172
Various flyers, brochures pertaining to western Kenosha area, including events, people, church and school information. -
796 Randall Twin Lakes Franzen Circus HS WKCHS 107
Miscellaneous including Twin Lakes, Franzen Circus, High School proposals. -
439 Fox River Valley Legend Summer 1976 WKCHS 42
The second of two publications pertaining to the history of the area. The first of the series is in booklet #440. The original booklets were printed in two color. Depending on the PDF size, the original pages may be in color. There will not be a paper booklet of this PDF. The original documents will be relocated to the WKCHS school house library.