Western Kenosha County Societies, Businesses, and Organizations
Item set
- Title
- Type
Western Kenosha County Societies, Businesses, and Organizations
Western Kenosha County
785 WKCHS Legal
This particular group of pages represents the DIGITAL ONLY this booklet, there is another booklet that contains earlier material pertaining to Trevor Social Club, the early Historical Society, etc. Represents 22 WORD and PDF docs from 6-2006 to 12-2014 for 155 pages. -
683 Local History Kenosha County Various color incl
A miscellaneous collective of many areas in Kenosha County. -Benson Band image with H H Swantz on the Tuba from Marge Martin. The photo is at the WKCHS. -Images of Twin Lakes, Salem, Paddock, Powers Lake, Wilmot, Cross Lake, Rock Lake, Camp Lake, Salvation Army. -Tax receipt from Salem. -Trevor Post office and Ms Dexter. -Salem mound image of the gravel pit by Breezy Hill. -Deeds for Stockwell and Brown. -Obits/articles of Drom, Patrick Darby of Wilmot, Dutton, Davis, Edmonds, and anniversaries. -Town of Salem Map -Town of Salem info notice for the Sunset Park and Marchuk Park. -Page from the Worlds Fair on the Totem Poles which were at Salvation Army. -Plank Road story by Diane Giles. -Salem Mound Cemetery reports. -In Color, Images from Woodworth and postcard to a Gerbercancelled at Hales Corners. -
468U Shorewood Improvement Association Misc 2003
Various old records of the Shoreview Improvement Association. This association is the incorporated body that administrates the common areas of the platted neighborhood. This is a rare situation in the Town of Salem in that the neighborhood created an incorporated entity to function as the administrator of a property that defines the lot owners as the divisional interest owners. The deed of the common property defines the ownership. The individual lot owner deeds do not define ownership. Almost all of the association property is in flood zone. There is also a 1ft strip on the eastern side of the subdivision, east of the 267th Avenue right of way. -
468S Shorewood Improvement Association Misc 2013
Various old records of the Shoreview Improvement Association. This association is the incorporated body that administrates the common areas of the platted neighborhood. This is a rare situation in the Town of Salem in that the neighborhood created an incorporated entity to function as the administrator of a property that defines the lot owners as the divisional interest owners. The deed of the common property defines the ownership. The individual lot owner deeds do not define ownership. Almost all of the association property is in flood zone. There is also a 1ft strip on the eastern side of the subdivision, east of the 267th Avenue right of way. -
468A Shorewood Improvement Association 1980 Misc
Various old records of the Shoreview Improvement Association. This association is the incorporated body that administrates the common areas of the platted neighborhood. This is a rare situation in the Town of Salem in that the neighborhood created an incorporated entity to function as the administrator of a property that defines the lot owners as the divisional interest owners. The deed of the common property defines the ownership. The individual lot owner deeds do not define ownership. Almost all of the association property is in flood zone. There is also a 1ft strip on the eastern side of the subdivision, east of the 267th Avenue right of way. -
467N WKCHS Materials 2012
Correspondence, Minutes, Projects, Flyers, Taxes, Agendas, Financials, Insurances, Newsletters of Western Kenosha County Historical Society. -
467K WKCHS materials 2009
Correspondence, Minutes, Projects, Flyers, Taxes, Agendas, Financials, Insurances, Newsletters of Western Kenosha County Historical Society. -
467JA WKCHS Materials 2008
Correspondence, Minutes, Projects, Flyers, Taxes, Agendas, Financials, Insurances, Newsletters of Western Kenosha County Historical Society. -
467iB WKCHS Materials 2007
Correspondence, Minutes, Projects, Flyers, Taxes, Agendas, Financials, Insurances, Newsletters of Western Kenosha County Historical Society. -
694 Salem Liberty Cemetery Assessment Book 1924-1938
Handwritten ledge of perpetual care costs for the Liberty Corners Cemetery Salem Wisconsin. There are a few notes to individuals. there are many early names of the community in this book with dates and married names, etc. -
095 Liberty Cemetery Association
Commonly referred to as Liberty Corners Cemetery 1884-1893 Record book transcription of the Liberty Cemetery Association (LCA), pgs 1-126 Miscellaneous correspondence, notes, deeds, sketches, maps, receipts thru information found thru 1996, pages 127-256. As time permits, images will be made of the monuments in this cemetery and placed on the archive. From the Liberty Cemetery Association and various contributors throughout the area. -
302 CCLRD Everchanging Timeline Q-X
Timeline of the Camp and Center Lake area with key dates and images of the time and place revolving around the creating of the Camp and Center Lake Rehabilitation District. This project consists of sections A thru P because of the size of the documents with images. Each section varies by size and page count due to images contained in each section. The District engaged Linda Valentine in 2005 for the compilation of the information and the District was to place the timeline on their website which never happened (as of 2013). There were no limits placed on Ms Valentine or on the use of the result and therefore the material is here for viewing. This document is in Black and White. Look elsewhere for color versions of the material. Booklet 300, 001-130, Section A-K; Booklet 301, 131-286, Section L-P; Booklet 302, 287- 419, Section Q-X. -
789 Salvation Army Archive Information
The majority of the material in this booklet is from the Salvation Army Archives. Refer to other Camp Lake/Center Lake booklets for other papers andinfo about the Camp. Also refer to local area newspapers. The camp was given some importance after the Hurricane Katrina where people were given the Camp as an alternative living place. -
751 - Evergrowing CCLRD Timeline Final Section F
These documents were turned back to the Community Library and thence were added to the Valentine Digital Collection for easy access. The initial intention of the information for was the benefit of the community and to document the efforts of those in the early days of the CCLRD. The original deliverable materials to CCLRD have been retained without modification except for this identifying page. -
752 Evergrowing CCLRD Timeline by Valentine Final g 1924
These documents were turned back to the Community Library and thence were added to the Valentine Digital Collection for easy access. The initial intention of the information for was the benefit of the community and to document the efforts of those in the early days of the CCLRD. The original deliverable materials to CCLRD have been retained without modification except for this identifying page. -
413 Schenning Insurance Loose Pages from booklets 402-412
These sheets could not be associated with a specific page within a specific book at review time. Rather than destroy the information, advertising, address, name and date info, it was decided to place these in a separate but reviewable document. -
096 Totems CCLRD Center Kelroy Yaws Gardens
Totems, CCLRD, Camp Lake General, CCLRD Names, Center Lake, Circus Kelroy of Yaws, Camp Lake Gardens 0-16, 171 Totems; 17 CCLRD Camp and Center Lake Rehabilitation District; 75-128 Camp Lake general information; 129 CCLRD Names in the District; 17 4 Center Lake; 180 Circus Performer and Promoter Ron Kelroy of Yaws; 190 Camp Lake Gardens -
049 Prairie Farmers Reliable Directory of Farmers and Breeders for Kenosha and Racine 1919
Page 33: Directory of the farmers of Kenosha counties, with valuable information about each farm as in acreage, children ownership, tenant, rural route, section, maiden name of wife, year that the person became resident in county, name of farm. Page 91 Racine Page 165: The book also includes the Kenosha Breeders directory giving full classified list of breeders of purebred livestock and poultry. Page 203 Racine Page 265 Directory of Automobile Owners giving list of automobile owners and make of automobile for Kenosha Page 281 Racine County Page 309 Directory of Tractor Owners, giving list of owners and make of tractor for Kenosha. Page 315 Racine County. Page 321 Directory of Silo Owners showing owners, location and type of silo for Kenosha Page 334 Racine County -
412D Schenning Policies by Month 1938-1939
4120-1938-1949 Register of Policies by month Schenning Insurance Ledger Part 4 of 4 412A 0-71 4128 71-141 412C 141-209 4120 209-283 -
421S1 Schenning Insurance Hanwritten Members 1950-1970
These pages are a mixture of typed and handwritten documents. They are in order by surname and booklets are split by the primary surname. There are other names mixed in each of the primary name, such as maiden names and children's names. Because of this, some researches will have to search each of the documents in the 421 series to be sure their family is not located in more than one booklet. Researchers should query on last names for the best results. Researchers need to realize that only those names types will produce results of a search. Please review the pages to see the style used for the form creation to adjust your query. There are no signatures on these pages. These pages are important because of what the member insured, their full names, their physical and mailing addresses, and city residences. Often cars are identified. Often, company names are noted. Some deaths are noted. -
421R3 Schenning Insurance Hanwritten Members 1950-1970
These pages are a mixture of typed and handwritten documents. They are in order by surname and booklets are split by the primary surname. There are other names mixed in each of the primary name, such as maiden names and children's names. Because of this, some researches will have to search each of the documents in the 421 series to be sure their family is not located in more than one booklet. Researchers should query on last names for the best results. Researchers need to realize that only those names types will produce results of a search. Please review the pages to see the style used for the form creation to adjust your query. There are no signatures on these pages. These pages are important because of what the member insured, their full names, their physical and mailing addresses, and city residences. Often cars are identified. Often, company names are noted. Some deaths are noted. -
018 - Wilmot Pit aka American Sand and Gravel aka Wertz Sand and Gravel and Trevor Yards Soo Line and Wisconsin Central
Collections from several individuals reflecting information about these two rail related areas. From the Hahn Family Collection; From the Storzel Family Collection; From the Meacham Family Collection; From the Lieder Family Collection. -
742 CCLRD Dredging Stufy 1994
Camp Center Lake Rehabilitation District (CCLRD) Dredging Feasibility Study 1/1994. Study by R A Smith for Dredging Camp and Center Lake 01 26 1994. -
313 CCLRD Final Implementation Report Eurasian 2000
Final Report for the Implementation of the MiddFoil Process of Eurasian Water milfoil Control to the Camp and Center Lakes, Nov 2000. THERE IS NO PAPER VERSION of THIS in BOOKLET form, because it was created via scan directly from the original and not replicated for PDF processing. The original from which this PDF was created will not be in the BOOKLET COLLECTION although it may, exist as itself on library shelves or in private collections. Map on page 6.