Western Kenosha County Cookbooks
Item set
- Title
- Type
Western Kenosha County Cookbooks
Western Kenosha County
139 Scholasltica and Employees of Southern Wisconsin 1945-1995 Cookbooks
Cook Books Pages 1-62 St Scholastica 1945-1995; Pages 63-183 Employees of Southern Wisconsin Center. Copies of various prepared cook books which have contributor names attached to the recipes. Note: These books include names of the submitters and reflect the recipes of this period of time. -
651 Peace Lutheran Wilmot 1866-1991 Cookbook
Peace Ev. Lutheran Church Wilmot, Wisconsin 125th Anniversary Cookbook 1866-1991Cookbook with recipes compiled by past and present members of the church. Names are included with the recipes. -
425B Silver Lake Rescue and Randall Cookbooks
Recipes from Randall undated. Copies of various prepared cookbooks which have contributor names attached to the recipes. 425A Page 1-89 Silver Lake Fire Department and Rescue Cookbook 1999. 425B Page 1-177 Recipes from Randall undated. Squad Auxiliary. -
663 Holy Name of Jesus Wilmot, Our Favorite Recipes
Cook book with recipes and the names of the submitters. -
046 Stoxen-Cook and Gardenaires Southeastern Kenosha Cookbooks
Cook Books 229 pages. Album of Unknown owner with preprinted poems and space for recipes.The Stoxen-Cook Cookbook Gardenaires Garden Club, Southeastern Kenosha County 1967-1977 1 -40; 41-156; 157-229. Copies of various prepared cook books which have contributor names attached to the recipes. Also includes a mini genealogy of the Stoxen Family and several family images with recipes and the family names of the contributors. -
129 Cooking with Swing and Twin Lakes Rescue Cookbooks
Twin Lakes Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad Auxiliary 1980 - pages 1-63 Central Swing, Inc Cooking with Swing- 1992- pages 64-154 Note: These books includes names of the submitters and reflect the recipes of this period of time. -
662 Seasoned with Love Cookbook - 1st Assembly of God Union Grove, Wisconsin
Cookbook with recipes and the names of the submitters. -
047 Salem Methodist Riverview Cookbook
Cook Books 202 pages. Centennial Cook Book 1879 to 1979 Salem United Methodist Church by Sunshine Circle Salem WI including names 1-103 Riverview Recipes School Auxiliary Silver Lake WI 1983 104-202. Copies of various prepared cook books which have contributor names attached to the recipes. -
825 Bristol Women's Auxilliary, Bristol Firemen's Association and Antioch Metodist 1981-1998 Cookbooks
1 . Cooking with Association 1981 and Bristol Women's 174 pages Auxiliary, Bristol Firemen's 2. Feeding the Flock Cookbook of the United Methodist Church Antioch IL. 1998 These two books are out of the Doris Brown collection.They reflect the names of the people who submitted the recipes. -
340 Original Recipes of Good Things to Eat Portage Park, Woman's Club 1921-1922
Original Recipes of Good Things to Eat Portage Park Woman's Club, 1921-1922. The original book used for this PDF was disassembled and scanned direct from the original printing. A There are names on many of the recipes who were early residents of the neighborhood. There are names and addresses for businesses.photo of the cover exists in the digital files. In some cases, the owner is noted. This book was scanned in black and white even if some pages were in color. The originals were returned to the document owner for archiving. -
045 Messiah Peace Evangelical Wilmot Cookbooks
Messiah Lutheran Church 1965-1980 1 - 89; Peace Ev Lutheran Church 90-163; Tried and True Wilmot Grade School Parents' Club 164-235; What's Cookin'? 236-312. Copies of various prepared cook books which have contributor names attached to the recipes. From the WKCHS. -
648 Bloomfield 1924 Cookbook
Recipes from ladies of the area of Bloomfield - Walworth and Kenosha with their names noted. There are names of Slades Corners women in this book. This book belonged to Mrs Paul E Sauer and is from the Sue Smith SMS collection and has writing in the margins. A copy of the original book was made, the original returned. -
048 Aquanut and Bristol Methodist Cookbooks
Double Triple Crown Aquanut Cookbook 1985 Aquanut Water Shows Twin Lakes WI from Husnick Collection including names and location of recipe contributor 1-97 Bristol United Methodist Church Bristol WI 1986 including names of contributors, 98-132 Roaring Favorites by Burlington Lioness, Burlington WI 1991 with names of contributors 133-198 Copies of various prepared cook books which have contributor names attached to the recipes. -
Snippets of Salem - 425A - Silver Lake Auxiliary Cookbook 1999
Silver Lake Fire Department and Rescue Squad Auxiliary Cookbook 1999. Copies of various prepared cookbooks which have contributor names attached to the recipes. 425A Page 1-89 Silver Lake Fire Department and Rescue Squad Auxiliary Cookbook 1999 425B Page 1-177. Recipes from Randall undated.