Western Kenosha County Family History & Genealogy
Item set
- Title
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Western Kenosha County Family History & Genealogy
Western Kenosha County
025 More Misc Meier Sorenson Schnurr Smith Schlax
Various clippings and documents from these contributors: J G Meier Family Collection 1-24; V Sorenson Family Collection 25 -33; J Schnurr Family Collection 34; J A Smith Family Collection 35-56; These pages removed and blended into another booklet. 57-96; L Schlax Family Collection 97-120. -
113 Trevor Corduan Family Information and Eldorado Towne Square
Material from Eldorado Scrapbook now known as Town Square (2007); Trevor Corduan Family information of Shoreview Lots 9, 10 and 11. From the Corduan Family Collection and Shoreview Improvement Association Records. -
846 Brown, Bushing, Cull Personal Property Taxes Brighton, Bristol, Kenosha City and Village of Salem Properties
Includes properties in Salem, Brighton and Kenosha City, Years 1867 thru 2005. The breakdown is by the tax bill groupings. In some cases they were inclusive of all holdings; other times, not. I have listed all the gropings, the acres if noted and the years of the bundle of taxes included in the group. -
388 Walker's Lake, Milton from Papers of Aaron Walker 1836
A handwritten poem of Tennyson King Arthur's position on Life to his Queen Guinevere by Helen Brown Bushing. "The Earthquake in the Abruzzi" from Scribner's Magazine- 1915. The Look of Paris from Scribner's Magazine May 1915. -
839 Iranna Farm Salem Arthur Brown Bushing Letters
lranna Farm Salem Kenosha County listings of cows and registrations, letters -Arthur Brown Bushing. -
320 Haythorn Cash Book Wilmot 1856-1860
This book is handwritten in fountain ink presumably by Mr John W Haythorn (buried in Wilmot Cemetery, center lane within the old tine trees) who was also the post master in 1859. There are some entries for a NEWSPAPER account at the end which lists names of residents. At the beginning, he drew lines between each transaction. What is striking are the high dollar amounts being entered in this book (where one dollar (1913 conversion) to 2014 is apx $25). It is difficult to understand just what is transpiring. One needs to assume he is only recording at the end of the day, the actual cash he has. How he arrived at that figure with sales, debits, credits is not very clear. The pages are un printed but have been hand numbered for clarity. Researchers should review each page for names that are occasionally entered in the ledger. The physical location of the store was the now demolished KRUCKMAN building where in 2014 is located the FOX RIVER SPIRITS. Over several years, Kruckman (as brothers), Sabin, Haythorn and Conrad had ownership of businesses at this location with Kruckman eventually running the store as his own. -
843 Henry Tyler Brown Diaries 1845-1852
There are two books and a section all with similar dates. I do not know why there is such duplication but they have both been retained. He describes the work to build the house on the north side of 103rd Street as well as trips he made to do work for others. Henry Tyler Brown was born in Plainfield Centre (Otsego County) NY. He married on 10 13, 1853 to Susan K Brown of Sauquoit Oneida County NY (this is a tad north of Bridgewater NY) who was born 03 06 1834. Plainfield and Sauquoit are about 15 miles apart. They had at least these children: Eliza S; Helen B; Harry I; Ira D. All the diaries were written on both sides of the page, in bound books with a fountain pen with a bladder. -
180 Siebert Income Tax Forms 1956-1960
Miscellaneous notes and correspondence from Gerald M Siebert Agency which dealt with real estate, insurance, Town of Salem Clerk, and operation of Sieberts Hotel and was an organist (likely Holy Name of Jesus and St Benedicts). He also worked at Burlington Mills. Because he was a businessman we are shown information about assets such as a Hammond Electric Organ, a Nash Auto, a Royal Typewriter, 1958 Ford Station Wagon, 1961 Rambler Sedan and delineated doctor and hospital and pharmaceutical items over the years. Various companies and bank names are noted. -
708 Curtiss Candy Farm Stud Service Programs Cary Illinois
Several of the animals at the lranna Stock Farm were descendents of the Curtis Candy Company Stud Service. These programs are often two color, with photographs of the animals along with their pedigrees. At least one Curtiss Candy Farm was located in Cary, Illinois. There could be, in these pages, pictures of the animals which have certificates in another SOS booklet. -
772 Oetting Family Charts
Miscellaneous materials pertaining to the Oetting Family in Trevor, Wisconsin. The Oetting family operated the Oetting Ice House which was located on the property that became Marchuks and then became part of the Town of Salem Park System. The rail line from the SOO main line followed 1 04th Street to the waters' edge where there was an ice house. The cars were backed up to the ice house. The locomotive did not lead the train. The Gettings operated ice houses in Antioch as well and moved their ice to Chicago. Charles Oetting lived on SA in the first house, a 'SEARS" house, onthe south side west of STH83 as well as on "railroad Street' in Trevor near to the Baethke Hotel and at the Ice Company on Camp Lake where they had a board house which became the Larwin Resort. Mr Larwin built the brick house and eventually sold to Marchuk. The 1960 Starved Rock Murders of two women included that of an Oetting related to this family. The Oetting on the USS THRESHER was related to this family. -
008 Hartnell, Verna Wicks Journal 1945-1947
A handwritten journal relating everyday happenings in Salem Township. From the Hartnell -Wheeler Family Collection. -
705 Brighton Student Papers Bushing Classes 1946-1949
Schoolwork of Arthur Bushing apx 1946 - 1949 and then 1969. Some papers include grades. These were kept only to have something "in his own hand." Arthur Bushing handwritten documents are rare. The pages are faint, penciled and often with Mimeograph masters. There are some test booklets that were found to be interesting in format. These were called Career Blue Books, had covers and lined stapled pages as in a booklet, on the inside. This provided for a question, and work pages, which appear to be used as part of the grade. -
005 Hartnell, Verna Wicks Journal 1941-1942
A handwritten journal relating everyday happenings in Salem Township. From the Hartnell -Wheeler Family Collection. -
004 Hartnell, Verna Wicks Journal 1939-1940
A handwritten journal relating everyday happenings in Salem Township. From the Hartnell -Wheeler Family Collection. -
644 Pastor Rudolph A John Edgewood Photo Album Silver Lake
A collection of poetry and photos by Rev John who lived on Silver Lake (1858-1938) at the property "Edgewood 1898-1918" (and surrounding properties) historically known as Pastor John's and in the area of the commonly known address of 2801 0 Silver Lake Road (aka Cty F) PIN 65-4-120-174-0100. -
027 LaMeer, Marjory Clippings - More
Miscellaneous clippings and saved articles pertaining to the Salem Township area. From the Marjory J LaMeer Family Collection. -
001 Miscellaneous Clippings
Page 1-3 Salem Band - Schultz family collection, 4 Greenwald Obit - Burnett family collection, 5-6 Sieberts Menu information- Sieberts Tavern, 7-15 Clippings from Center Lake Woods Property Owners Assn - CLWPOA, 16-19 WKHS regarding Turkey Farm, 20-25 WKHS Mark Farm compiled information, 26-37 WKHS miscellaneous images and information, 38-42 WKHS Badger Cork clippings, 43-63 Salem Methodist Church Book, 64-85 Miscellaneous Real Estate flyers and images, 86-96 Copies of Rock Lake information - Hahn family collection, 97-108 J Smith Farm information Central High School -Smith family, collection, 109-156 Scrapbook materials from the Breunning Family Collection, 157-230 Scrapbook materials from the Trevor Volunteer Fire Department, 231-237 Images of the Breunning family. -
830 Book of OGG Hart Bennett Zink 1956 Friends of Brown
The Book of OGG by Evan Alexis Hart and Elizabeth Hart Bennett, Irving Harlow Hart, Mary Hart Zink, 1956. Engaged in commercial art work in Milwaukee; and friend of Ken Brown, photographer aka Farmer Brown on Kenosha County Hwy 50. -
141 Patrick Family Scrapbook Clip
The Patrick Family farm place was at the north side of the JF and Highway C intersection in Trevor. The east lawn of their farm home stretched to the railroad tracks. The subdivision of most of the residential area of Trevor along the tracks was of part of the Patrick farm. The Bailey family was in the 'Downtown Salem' area, Depot agent, Post Master and prominent citizen. -
002 Hartnell, Verna Wicks Journal 1893-1894
A handwritten journal relating everyday happenings in Salem Township. From the Hartnell Wheeler Family Collection. -
017 Hartnell, Verna Wicks Guestbook 1909-1937
This is a book given to A G Hartnell by the F F Smith Family on the occasion of Arthur Hartnell's 37th birthday. It reflects the signatures, dates and comments of those who visited the Hartnell's at their home north of Salem and, after 1921, at Lilac Lodge on Lake Street in Salem Village during the noted period. Of importance is the signature of the visitors and their names as THEY THEMSELVES wrote it. The book contains names of individuals in and outside of Salem Township. The researcher should use this book in conjunction with the other Wicks-Hartneli journal/letters in the SNIPPETS collection. From the Hartnell - Wheeleer Family Collection. -
092 McDougall Wilmot Collection
Clippings, images, maps and general information about the hamlet of Wilmot as collected over 80 years. Many of the images are scanned under their own name and reside on the digital archive of Communty Library at Salem. From the McDougall Family Collection. -
455A Cull, Bushing Farm Log Books 1902-1907 FWB 28
This material is from the FWB collection. -
379 Bushing Oetting Halas Freudenberg Reitz Lasco DAR
1948 DAR BOOKLET of the Kenosha Chapter owned by Helen Bushing; Oetting Bushing Connection by George Bink Oetting 2001; Pencil Genealogy Chart of Arthur Brown Bushing; Dump of internet Tribal Pages for Oetting Bushing by Clare Hulama; Bushing charts by unknown author ( 1952); Marilyn Donald David (see also pages 36-41; Mitchel Bushing Album by Pam Mitchell; Bushing Charts, 1952 Correspondence, unknown author; Bushing charts by family group 1952, unknown author; Freudenberg family charts 1952, unknown author Freudenberg certificate commentaries. -
829 Busch, Bruchno, Radtke Family History
Marianna Busch, Johann Bruchno and Reinhardt Radtke compiled by Alvera Brooklan Dunn, sister to Doris Brookman Brown 2001.